-'jiijriY iur '■>^ A-1^ tt ^ £c ''^OJIIVJJO'^' CD '^• V f — 1 1 *.~ "^/^Sl L T3. o U- ii .4>' ^ -5 i> .ui-^ i ^OFCAIIf > ,,^\\[ C3 5 ■^. av THE COINS AND TOKENS OF THE Possessions and Colonies OF THE BEITISH EMPIEE. BY JAMES ATKINS. LONDON : BERNARD QUARITCH, 16 PICCADILLY. 1889. LONDON: G. NORMAN AND SON, PRINTERS, HART STREET, COVENT nARDEV, cj 25bO A t 'lO c PREFACE. -$-H. The great and ever-increasing- interest wliicli is mauifusted in all that appertains to the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Empire, is a quite sufficient justification for the production, at this time, of a work devoted to a consideration of the Coins and Tokens which have, from time to time, been struck for, or been current in, these places. In addition to this, all who at any time may have acquired any such coins (and most persons who are collectors must have done so), as well as systematic seekers after them, have felt the want of some work of reference, to which to turn for guidance and direction. Yet, notwithstanding the importance of the subject, to the best of ray belief no attempt has, up to the present, been made to give as a whole, anything approaching a complete or comprehensive list of our Colonial Coins and Tokens. And so it has come to pass ; whilst every other branch of Numismatic lore has been written upon, over and over again, this large and important section of the coins of our own Empire has been almost entirely neglected. It is true that piecemeal attempts have been made to remedy this state of things. The Rev. H. Christmas, in articles contributed to the Numismatic Chronicle, has dealt with the copper coins of several of our Colonies and Dependencies. Boyne also, in his " Silver Tokens," notices a number of the silver pieces of this series ; Clay's pamphlet (now so difficult to obtain), gives a considerable amount of information concerning the early American and Manx Coins, and several other contributors to the Numis- matic press have touched on some portion of the ground IV PREFACE. which 1 am now endeavouring to cover entirely. Nor must I omit to mention Mr. C. Staiusfield^ whose book on the *' Australian Tokens " is so thorough and painstaking that I have no corrections to make in it, but only to supply notices of some ten or twelve pieces, unknown to the author at the time. American writers have contributed several works upon the coinage of their own country; amongst others it will not be invidious to mention Dr. Crosby's " Early American Coins/^ and Sandham's "Coins and Tokens of the Dominion of Canada." Then again we have in German the excellent catalogues of Neumann and Weyl, the former relating to copper coins only ; in addition to which, the cost of these works, and the fact of their being in a foreign tongue, prevent them being readily accessible to most collectors. Having personally experienced the inconvenience of being compelled to consult so many dijBFerent works, whilst endeavouring to make a collection of Colonial Coins, I determined, so far as I might be able, to remedy this deficiency by gathering into one volume the information scattered in so many forms and directions, supplementing with such additional knowledge as I have acquired during a collecting experience of thirty years. In preparing this list I would seek altogether to disarm criticism by disclaiming at once any pretension to finality or completeness. The vastness of the subject, embracing as it does the British possessions scattered over the habit- able world, together with the fact that no previous effort has ever been made in this direction, are quite sufficient grounds, if any such were requisite, for offering no apology for any incompleteness in this the first attempt to produce an entire view of the Coins and Tokens of our Colonial Empire. Whatever the sins of omission or commission may be, of the latter I trust there will be but few, as I have carefully abstained, with rare exceptions, from describing any coins but those I have myself seen. PREFACE. Should, however, any such errors be discovered, I should be most obliged for such corrections or additions as might make a future edition (should one ever be called for) more perfect than the first. Neither do I make any claim to literary style in the following pages, as this would be quite out of place in a work professing simply to give a plain, and, so far as may be, a reliable list of these pieces. The making of this book has been a labour of love to me for several years past, and until recently no thought of its ever being published had occurred to me ; but encouraged by the advice and assistance of many friends, I have at last brought it out. I do so in the hope that there may be some brother collectors to whom it will prove of assistance, and who may be spared by my research some of the difficulties and labours which I experienced during my early years as a collector. Amongst so many who have kindly rendered me aid in this endeavour, it would perhaps be invidious to mention any in particular, but I cannot refrain from returning my thanks to J. B. Caldecott, Esq., for many valuable suggestions, especially in the East India section; to W. Carew Hazlitt, Esq., and R. A. Hoblyn, Esq. ; to H. Montagu, Esq., for ready access to his unrivalled collection of proofs and patterns; and to J. G. Murdoch, Esq. I have also to thank Messrs. Lincoln & Son, Messrs. Spink & Sons, and Mr. F. E. Whelan, of London, and Messrs. R. Heaton & Sons, of The Mint, Birmingham, for the invariable kindness shown in giving me' any information in their power; and last, but not least, to the authorities at the British Museum and the Royal Mint, for much assistance during the course of my researches in the National Collec- tions at those places. In conclusion, I have only to add that a short historical notice is prefaced to each section ; that each division of the globe — Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Australasia — is VI PREFACE. treated separately ; and that an effort has been made, as far as possible, to. arrange the colonies and dependencies of each division, and also the coins and tokens issued by them, in chronological as well as in geographical order. It may not be altogether out of place here also to state that to the European section I have added, what I believe to be the only attempt in this country to give, a complete account of the coins struck during the reign of the four Georges and William IV. for their German possessions, and which, although they cannot be strictly classed as Colonial Coins, have yet too intimate a relationship to them to be left out of a work of this kind. JAMES ATKINS. Beomley, Kent, October, 1888. NOTE. The only abbreviations used in tliis work are— O : for obverse, and It : for reverse. In many cases the distinctive application of obverse, or reverse, are purely arbitrary, and simply intended to distiuguisli one side from the other. In the illustrations the obverse of the coin is usually found to the left, with the reverse to the right ; but I am sorry to say that the artist in drawing some of the illustrations was pleased to take a difierent view of the subject to myself, and so it has come to pass in a i'eyr instances that the O : and S : of the description does not agree with those of the illustration. This was not discovered until it was too late to correct it. I may also add that the illustrations will be found to immediately follow the description of the coin to which they refer. TABLE OF CONTENTS. — .^-i — PACE EUEOPE.— Comprising The Channel Islands. The Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Malta, The Ionian Islands, and Cyprus. And including the Anglo-Hanoverian coinage of Hanover with Brunswick Luneburg, East Friesland, and Brunswick Wolfenbuttel . . 3-128 ASIA. — Embracing the Presidencies of Bombay, Bengal, and Madras. The Indian Empire, Ceylon, Sumatra, Malacca, Pulu-Pcnang, and the Straits Settlements, together with Java, Hong-Kong, Labuan, Borneo, Sarawak, and Mauritius ..... 129-235 AFEICA. — Consisting of the Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, St. Helena, The Cape Colony, Griqua Town, and Natal 237-246 AMEEICA.— Comprising the Early American Coinages and Newfoundland. The Dominion of Canada, which includes New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward's Island, Magdalen Island, British Columbia, and Upper and Lower Canada. Together with the West Indies, British Honduras, and British Guiana . 249-331 A rSTKAL ASIA.— Embracing in Australia the provinces of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, and Western Australia. And including the islands of Van Dieman's Land, or Tasmania, and New Zealand 333-381 INDEX 383 COINS AND TOKENS OF THE BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN EUEOPE. The Channel Islands. Isle of Man. GiBKALTAE. Malta. Ionian Islands. Cyprus. And Including Hanovek with Bbunswick-Lunebeeg. East Fkiesland and Beunswick-Wolfenbuttel, K THE CHANNEL ISLANDS. These islands were captured by Rollo, and thus became an appanage of the Ducliy of Normandy, and afterwards united to the Crown of England by his descendant William the Conqueror. The inhabitants preferred to remain sub- jects of John at the period of the invasion of Normandy by Philip Augustus, and, while retaining the laws, customs, and (until lately) the language of their continental ancestors, have always remained firm in their allegiance to England. The only coins struck for these islands have been copper and bronze, which will first be described, and afterwards the tokens, both silver and copper. 1. 0: B: 2. 3. 0: R 4. GUERNSEY. Goiter Coins. Shield of arms, GUERNESEY above, and a laurel wreath below. 3 I DOUBLES 1 1831, in three lines, within a wreath of laurel. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1858. Shield as before, GUERNESEY under it, no wreath. 4 I DOUBLES 1 1830 | in three lines. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1858. 1 ^ 4 CHANNEL ISLANDS. 5. : As No. 3. R: Q I DOUBLES I 1858, iu three lines. G. : Similar to last. R: 1 I DOUBLE | 1830, iu three lines. There are bronzed and copper proofs of Nos. 1, 'S, and Q, of this series. Bronze Coins. Shield of arms, GUERNESEY above, and a laurel wreath below. 3 I DOUBLES I 1861, iu three lines, within a wreath of laurel. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1864. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1868. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1874. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. Shield as before, GUERNESEY under it, no wreath. 4 I DOUBLES I 1864, in three lines. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1868. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1874. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. Similar to No. 12. 2 I DOUBLES I 1868, iu three lines. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1874. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. Similar to No. 12. 1 I DOUBLE I 1868, in three lines. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. JERSEY. Copper Coins. 21. 0: Bust to left, the hair filleted. VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR:REGINA F:D: 1841. B : Shield of arms, STATES OF JERSEY, above, 1/13 OF A SHILLING, below. 22. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1844, 7. 0: R: 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 0: B 13. 14. 15. 16. R 17. 18. 19. B 20. JERSEY. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 33. B 0: B 34. B 35. 36. 37. B Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1851. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1858. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1861. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1865. There are proofs of Nos. 21, 24, 25, and 26. Bust as before, see No. 21, date 1841. Shield of arms as before, STATES OF JERSEY above, 1/26 OF A SHILLING below. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1844. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1851. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1858. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1861. Proofs occur of Nos. 27, 30, and 31. Similar to No. 21, excepting in size, date 1841. Shield as before . STATES OF JERSEY. above, 1/52 OF A SHILLING below. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1861. Proofs exist of both these pieces, the latter rarely occurs in any other condition. Bronze Coins. Coroneted bust to left, VICTORIA D.G. BRITANNIAR.REGINA F.D. 1866. Shield of arms, STATES OF JERSEY above, ONE THIRTEEKTH OF A SHILLING below. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1870. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1871. Similar to No. 34, excepting in size, date 1866. Shield as before, STATES OF JERSEY above, ONE TWENTY-SIXTH OF A SHILLING below. CHANNEL ISLANDS. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Similar to last^ excepting date, wliicli is 1870. Similar to last, excepting date, whicli is 1871. All these pieces are found as proofs. Coroneted bust to left, a seven-pointed star under, and a small h (for Heaton,) VICTORIA D . G . BRITANNIAR . REGINA F. D. A pointed shield of arms divides the date 18 — 77, STATES OF JERSEY above, ONE TWELFTH OF A SHILLING below. Similar to last, excepting in size and value, ONE TWENTY-FOURTH OF A SHILLING. Similar to last, excepting in size and value, ONE 48th of a SHILLING. These three also occur as proofs without the initial h. on obverse. Similar to No. 40, excepting date, which is 18-81. 44. R 45. B SiLVEK Tokens. Arms of Jersey within a double circle, BISHOP DE JERSEY & Co. ^ TOKEN OF FIVE SHILLINGS in three lines within a wreath, BANK OF GUERNESEY. 1809. Shield of arms, STATES OF JERSEY, 1813. THREE SHILLINGS TOKEN, in three lines, within a wreath. CHANNEL ISLANDS. 46. li 47. n 48. R ■10. R 50. R 51. R 52. R As last. EIGHTEEN PENCE TOKEN, in three linos, witliin a wreath. All these tokens arc found as proofs, No. 44 being exceedingly rare. Copper Tokens. All Fenny size. Laurcated bust of George III. JERSEY BANK TOKEN, 1812. ELIAS NEEL, JERSEY. A BANK OF ENGLAND NOTE FOR 240 TOKENS. Draped bust of George III. JERSEY BANK, 1813. Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia, ONE PENNY TOKEN. JERSEY. GUERNESEY AND ALDERNEY. ONE PENNY TOKEN. Prince of Wales' plume and motto. TO FACILITATE TRADE. 1813. As last. Bust of George III. in a thick wreath of oak. As last. ONE PENNY TOKEN. ^Yithin a wreath. As last. Druid's head. PURE COPPER PREFERABLE TO PAPER. PENNY TOKEN. ^ |e$«^* ISLE OF MAN. The Isle of Man was owned by the Earls of Derby from the year 1406 to 1735, who exercised all the rights of a sovereign even to the coining of money. The first issue of copper coins took place in 1709, and consisted of pennies and halfpennies. These coins are cast. There had been an issue of private tokens prior to this in 1668. In 1735 the island fell by inheritance to the Duke of Atholl who also exercised sovereign rights, and who in 1 758 issued pennies and halfpennies. His rights were in 1 765 purchased by the English Parliament for the sum of £70,000, and a further sum of £132,944 was given in January, 1829, for the purchase of his remaining interest in the revenues of the island. Copper pennies and halfpennies were issued in 1786, 1798 and 1813, and again, with the addition of farthings, in 1839. There are no silver coins, and in 1840 the separate issue for the island was stopped; since that time they have the ordinary coins such as are current in other parts of the kingdom. In addition to the seventeenth century token already mentioned, a considerable number of tokens, both silver and copper, were issued early in this present century. Coins op the Isle op Man. Penny. 1. 0: The Stanley crest, upon a cap of maintenance. ^ SANS ^ CHANGER ^ 1709. E: The triune. QVOCVNQYE ^ GESSERIS ^ STABIT ^ Kalfpenny. 2. Similar to last. Both these coins are cast. Penny. 3. : The Stanley crest, &c., as before. SANS . CHANGER. 1723. B: The triune. QVOCVNQVE . GESSERIS . STABIT :•: ISLE OP MAN. 9 4. Similar to last excepting date, which is 1724. Halfpenny. 5 Similar to No. 4. There are silver proofs of Nos. 3, 4 and 6, and these, as well as the copper pieces, are all very rare. Penny ? 6. : The Stanley crest, &c., as before. SANS . CHANGER . 1725. B: The triune. QUOCUNQUE . GESSERIS . STABIT :•: This piece is in silver and may be a pattern for a penny, but much more probably is a medal, as it is much larger than any of the pennies of this period. It is exceedingly rare. Clay in his work on the Manx coinage erroneously gave the date as 1705. This was due to the fact that the specimen described by him, had the date so low down, that the bottom part of the figure 2 cannot be seen. The specimen in the British Museum is in the same condition. 7. : Similar to No. 4, excepting that the eagle has a sprie- in its mouth, date 1732. .ID B: The triune dividing the mitials j QUOCUNQUE . lECERIS . STABIT. 8. Similar to last but with a diflference in the sprig. These also are patterns and very rare. >/f 9. 0: The Stanley crest. SANS. CHANGER. 1733. B : Triune dividing initials j Legend as before. This occurs in copper and in brass. There are also patterns in silver, and there are several minor variations of die. 10 Halfpenny. ISLE OF MAX. I D 10. Similar l,to last , . Also in silver, copper a / "2 and brass. Venny. ^ ^ 11. 0: 64.^. — the monogram of tlie Duke of Atlioll, a crown above, and tbe date below, 1758. B : The triune. QUOCUNQUE . JECERIS .STABIT. There are silver and bronzed proofs of this, and there are several slight variations of die, as also of No. 12. I£a/fj)en7ty. 12. Similar to No. 11_, excepting in size and value. Penny. 13. : Laureated bust to right . GEORGIVS III DEI GRATIA. 1786. R : The triune . QYOCVNQUE lECERIS . STABIT. JStE OF MATJ. 11 Halfpenny. 14. Penny. \y' 15. : n-. 16. Halfpenny . s/17. 18. Penny. y/ 19. : Halfpenny. Farthing. 21. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Proofs occur of Nos. 13 and 14 with both plain and milled edges. Laureated bust to right. GEORGIANS III. D : G . REX, 1 798. The triune QVOCVNQVE lECERIS STABIT. Similar to last excepting date, which is 1813. Similar to No. 15, excepting in size and value, n*^^ Ilalfpcnny similar to No. 16^ excepting in size and value. These are broad rim coins with the legends in incuse letters on the rim. There are bronzed proofs of Nos. 15-18; also gilt bronze of Nos. 15 and 16. Bust to left . VICTORIA DEI GRATIA 1839 The triune. QVOCVNQVE lECERIS STABIT Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. There are bronzed and copper proofs of the last three pieces. Patterns also occur of No. 19 dated 1841, and 1859; of No. 20 dated 1841, and 1800; and of No. 21, dated 18G0, and 1864. These, however, were never issued as coins. 23. B 24. R 25. R 12 ISLE or MAN. Silver Tokens. 22. 0: View of Peel Castle and harbour. PEEL CASTLE above, ISLE OF MAN below. R: PROMISE I TO PAY | THE BEARER | ON DEMAND I 5 SHILLINGS | BRITISH 1 1811, in seven lines. THE DOUGLAS BANK Co. ^ AT THEIR BANK, DOUG- LAS ^ in an outer circle. Similar to the last. Similar to the last, excepting that the fifth line of i^ : is 2s 6d. View of Peel Castle and harbour, no legend. DOUGLAS I BANK TOKEN | ONE SHIL- LING I BRITISH I 1811 in five lines. I have seen a small copper token as follows. As last. S . ASH . in centre of the field of the coin. Copper Tokens. 26. 0: View of Peel Castle and harbour, PEEL CASTLE above, ISLE OF MAN below. R : DOUGLAS | BANK TOKEN | ONE PENNY I 1811. in four lines. 27. Similar to preceding, excepting that the word BANK is omitted on the reverse. 28. Halfpenny similar to No. 26, excepting in size and value. 29. : Atlas supporting a globe, PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE DOUGLAS. R: The triune, MANKS TOKEN ONE PENNY. 1811. 30. Halfpenny similar, excepting in size and value. 31. 0: BANK I PENNY in two lines in centre within a circle, ISLE OF MAN • 1811 • R : The triune, QVOCVNQVE lECERIS STABIT. \/ 32. Halfpenny similar, excepting in size and value. ISLE OF MAN. 13 Penny. 33. 0: / Bust to right, GOD : SAVE : THE : KING 1830. (George III. ?) FOR ^—^ PUBLICK ACCOMODATION, displayed in three lines. This is struck in copper and brass, there is a variety in brass which has a square top to the figure 5. Halfpenny 34. 35. Similar excepting in size and value. : HALF | PENNY | TOKEN in three lines in the centre, PRO BONO PUBLICO 1831. n : The triune. QUOCUNQUE . lECERIS . STABIT, The legend on both sides is incuse on a broad v^ thick rim. This also occurs in copper and brass. To make our list as complete as possible we add a description of the only 1 7th Century token known to exist. 36. : HIS I PENNY | I ^ M in three lines within a circle. lOHN * MVRRAY * 1668. R : The triune, QVOCVNQVE . GESSERIS • STA- BIT *. GIBEALTAK. The ancient Calpe^ a town on a rock in South Spain, on which is placed a fortress considered impregnable. It was attacked by the British, and taken on July 24th, 1704. The Spaniards attempted to retake it in 1705, and again in 1727, but were repulsed with great loss on both occasions. Again in 1779 it was besieged by an immense force of French and Spaniards combined, and kept in a state of siege for upwards of three years, but the English garrison, under General Eliott, were successful in withstanding all their efforts, and the blockade ceased on February 5th, 1783. The only coins are copper, struck in 1842, and are for two, one, and half quarts respectively. The tokens are not numerous, and are of copper only. Coins. '^'^l. 0: Bust to left. VICTORIA D : G: BEITAN- NIAR : REGINA F : D : 1842. R: A castle with a key under it, GIBRALTAR above, TWO QUARTS below. \/ 2. ' ONE QUART. Similar, excepting in size and value. 3. HALF QUART. Similar. There are bronzed and copper proofs of each of these, and I have also seen a set dated 1861. These latter were never issued, but are only patterns. Tokens. 4. : View of Gibraltar, PAYABLE AT R. KEEL- INGS above, GIBRALTER below. R : Castle and key VALUE TWO QUARTS 1802. GIBRALTAK. 5. ONE QUART. Similar to lust, excepting ia size and value. ^6. 0: A lion holding, a key. PAYABLE AT ROBERT KEELING & SON'S. GIBRALTAR. B: A castle. VALUE TWO QUARTS above, 1810 below. 7. ONE QUARTO. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. 8. : Similar to No. C, excepting that there is no dot before or after Gibraltar. B : Similar to last, excepting that the figures of date are smaller. 9. ONE QUARTO. Similar to No. 8, excepting in size and value. 10. 0: Lion and key, PAYABLE AT RICHARD CATTONS GOLDSMITH. GIBRALTAR 1813. B : 2. QUARTOS within a wreath, a crown over. AGENTE PARA LA FABRICA DE DIA- MANTES PATENTES. DE DUDDELL. HOLBORN. LONDRES. n. 1 QUARTO. Similar, but without the legend on reverse. 12. 0: Lion and key. PAY^ABLE AT JAMES SPITTLE'S above, GIBRALTAR below. B : View of fortifications. VALUE TWO QUARTOS 1818. 13. : Same as last. B : Similar view, VALE DOS QUARTOS 1820. IG GIBRALTAR. 14. UN QUARTO. Similar to last^ excepting in size and value. There are Spanish Dollars with their various divisions found, which are countermarked on both sides with the floriated capitals <^3S in a circular indent. These are mentioned by Boyne in his work on Silver Tokens, and supposed by him to have been so marked for use in some of the Colonies. I have been informed, on pretty good authority, that they were used early in the present century for the payment of the troops at Gibraltar. I have, there- fore, taken this opportunity of mentioning them, although I do not positively assign them to this purpose. See also a note to a somewhat similar piece assigned to the West Indies. MALTA, The ancient Melita, was given to the Knights Hospitallers in 1530, and taken from them by the French in 1798. It surrendered to the British in 1800, and was confirmed in their possession by the treaty of Paris in 1814. Hading, in his ''Annals of the Coinage," says that the third of a farthing was ordered to be struck for this island on February 2Gth, 1827, and again on March 10th, 1835. It has also been struck in both copper and bronze during the reign of Victoria. Copper. 1. 0: Laureated bust to left. GEORGIUS IV DEI GRATIA. 1827. R : Britannia seated holding trident ; rose, shamrock, and thistle under, BRITANNIAR : REX FID : DEF : 2. 0: Bust to right, GULIELMUS IIII DEI GRATIA 1835. R : Same as last. There are bronzed and copper proofs of Nos. 1 and 2. 3. 0: Bust to left, the hair filleted. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA 1844. R: Britannia as before, BRITANNIAR : REG : FID : DEF : 2 18 MALTA. Beonze. 4. : Laureated bust to left, VICTORIA D.G. BRITT. REG. F.D. B: ONE THIRD I FARTHING I 1866 in three lines witliin an oak wreath, a crown over. 5. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1868. 6. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1876. 7. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1878. 8. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881. >/ 9. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1884. 10. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. IONIAN ISLANDS. TjrESE islands were taken under the protection of Great Britain in 1815, and remained so until 1864 when they were handed over to the kingdom of Greece. According to Ruding, a penny, halfpenny, and farthing were ordered to be struck for these islands on February 11th, 1819. And on August 23rd, 1834, a silver piece of 30 oboli, as well as a copper obolas, was ordered ; the latter being of the weigJit of 240 to the pound. Silver. 30 OhoU. 1. 0: QQvi\t\\mvLnoQkyfVGAih. lONIKON KPATOS above it, 1834 below. R : Britannia seated facing right, holding a trident. BRITANNIA. 2. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1849. 3. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1851. 4. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1852. 5. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1857. 6. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18G2. Proofs occur of all these coins. Copper. Penny {or 10 OhoU). c 7. : The winged lion of St. Mark. lONIKON KPATOS 1819. R : Britannia seated facing left, holding olive branch and trident. BRITANNIA. 2 * 20 IONIAN ISLANDS. Halfpenny {or 5 Oholi). 8. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Farthing {or 2i Oholi). ^9. 1^10. Oholus. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Similar excepting date, wliicli is 1820. There are bronzed and copper proofs of Nos. 7-10. ^/ 11. : Winged lion of St. Mark. lONOKON KPATOS . 1884. E: Britannia seated facing right holding trident. BEITANNIA. There is a bronze proof of this. 12. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1835. 13. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1848. 14. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1849. r 15. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1851. 16. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1853. 17. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1857. 18. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1862. There are copper proofs of Nos. 16, 17, and 18, and there are also " mules " or varieties made by combining the obverses of Nos. 7 and 8 with the obverses of the Irish penny of Geo. IV. and the Ceylon stiver of Geo. III. respectively. CYPRUS. This, the latest acquisition of England in the INEccHtcr- ranean, was ceded by the Sultan of Turkey for administrative purposes, under the Anglo-Turkish Convention of Juno 4th, 1878. The following bronze coins have been struck for use in the island : — Piastre. ]. R 2. 3. 4. G. 7. ITalf Piastre. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Coroueted bust to left. VICTORIA QUEEN, 1879. 1 within a circle of dots. CYPRUS ° ONE PIASTRE °. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881. Similar to last, excepting with initial n. for Heaton. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885, but without the h. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1886. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1887. Similar to No. 1 excepting in size and value, 1879. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881. Similar to last, excepting with initial ii. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885, but without the h. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1886. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1887. 22 CYPRUS. Quarter Piastre. 15. Similar to No. 1 excepting in size and value^ 1879. 16. Similar to last, excepting date, wMcli is 1880. 17. Similar to last, excepting date, wMcli is 1881. 18. Similar to last, excepting witli initial h. 19. Similar to last, excepting date, wliicli is 1885, but without the h. 20. Similar to last, exce^Dting date, which is 1886. 21. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1887. There are proof sets of 1879. THE ANGLO-HANOVEEIAN COINS. The electorate and kingdom of Hanover, together witli the dukedoms of Brunswick and Luneberg, became a portion of the British empire by the accession of George Lewis, Elector, in 1714, to the throne of England. From this time, therefore, to the death of William IV. in 1837, the coins of these States come within the scope of this work. The majority of these coins were struck at the mints at Clausthall or Zcllerfeld, the Hanover mint only commencing its operations in 1814. The coins of the Clausthall mint usually bear the bust or arms of the sovereign on obverse, and the running horse on reverse, but when the metal of which the coins were made was brought from the mines at Andreasberg, then the reverse bears St. Andrew with his cross. The Zellcrfeld coins usually bear a wild man holding a fir-tree, the symbol of Brunswick Luneberg. The wild man holds the tree in his right hand. (The coins of Brunswick Wolfenbuttel bear the same wild man holding the tree in his left hand.) The tree usually has branches on one side only, but the mint at Zellerfeld being closed in 1780, and its business transferred to Clausthal from that time to the opening of the Hanover mint in 1814, the fir-tree has branches on both sides. On the smaller silver and many of the copper coins, the royal cypher appears on obverse, and the value on reverse. On most of the coins the initials of the mint master appear ; it will be as well, therefore, to give a list of their names during the English connection. On some of the coins the initial C. only appears ; this denotes commission, and only occurs in those years in which there was a vacancy 24 ANGLO-HANOVEEIAN. ill the oflfice of mint master. The initial A. also occurs, and denotes administrator. Clausthal Mint. HEINRICH CHRISTIAN BONHOEST, 1702-1725. CHRISTIAN PHILIP SPANGANBERG, 1725-1751. JOHAN WILHELM SCHLEMN, 1753-1788. PHILIP LUDWIG MAGIUS, 1792-1800. GEORG FRIEDRICH MICHAELIS, 1802-1807. JOHAN WILHELM LUNDE, 1807-1819, Director. WILHELM AUGUST JULIUS ALBERT, 1821-1838, Administrator. Zellerpeld Mint. HEINRICH HORST, 1711-1719. ERNEST PETER HECHT, 1723-1731. JOHAN ALBRECHT BRAUNS, 1731-1739. JOHAN BENJA:MIN HECHT, 1739-1763. JOHAN ANTON PFEFFBR, 1763-1773. LUDWIG CHRISTIAN RUPERTT, 1773-1778. CHRISTOF ENGLEHARD SEIDENSTICKER, 1780- 1785. Hanover Mint. CHRISTIAN HEINRICH HAASE, 1814-1818. LUDWIG AUGUST BRUEL, 1818-1838. For the more convenient identification of the coins which follow, a table giving the shape of the various coats of arms, and shields, in outline, is here placed. For easy reference the arms, and shields, are numbered separately, and will be referred to in the description of the coins, by the numbers which are placed under them. There are minor variations in the shape of shields, which are impossible to specify, but these given will be found to embrace all the most striking diiferences. 25 ^ESt^i^»'ie *f'*^K^'*0 0*^'i.9.i *^2 roU4.Tar U^eom £ .^ 26 ANGLO-IIANOVERIAN. ^^ 3 4* Gold Coins. George I. 1714-27. Ducats or Gulden. 1. : Bust to right. GEOEGIUS . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. i2: Four shields crosswise, sceptres in saltire. H . c . B . at the sides of the Irish shield, BR . BT . LUN . DUX .S.R.I.A.T.& EL. 1715. 2. Similar to last, but with aue? hero, under bust. This is made from gold brought from the Hartz Mountains. GEORGE 1. 27 3. : Bust as before, n . c. li . under, GEORG . D . G . M . BRIT . F . & H . REX . F . D. R : Four sliielJs crosswise, two sceptres in saltire, a starin centre, BR . & LUN . D . S . R . I . A .T . &EL. 171G. 4. : Bust as before, u. uuclcr. GEORG . D . G . M . BRIT . F . & H . REX . F . D. jB : Four shields crosswise, aud sceptres in saltire, a star in centre, BR .&L.D.S.R.I.A.T & EL. 1717. 5. Similar to last, but with aur^ herc. under bust. G. Similar to last, but dated 1719. 7. Similar to No. 4, excepting date, which is 1721. 8. Similar to No. 4, excepting date, which is 1724. 9. : Four shields crosswise, a star in centre. GEORG. D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . H . REX . F . D. R : Wild man and tree, e . p . h . under. BRUN , & LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & EL . 172G. 10. Similar to No. 5, excepting date, which is 1727. Half Ducat. 11. 0: Bust to right, b. under, GEORG . D . G . M . B . F . & H . REX . F . D. jR : Running horse. BR . & . L . DVX . 5 . R . I . A . TH . & E. 1724. George XL 1727-60. Four Gulden. 12. : Bust to left. GEORG . II . D . G . M . B . F . 6 H . REX. Under the bust is F . D. B : nil GOLD 1 GULDEN j 8 THALER | N . D . FDS . I I . A . s . in six lines. BRUNS . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL . 1749. 13. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1750. 28 ANGLO-IIANOVERIAN. Ik : As No. 12, excepting the latter part of legend, wliich is F . ET . H . REX . F . D. U : As No. 12, excepting the latter part o£ legend, whicli is T . ET . EL . and date 1752. Five Thalcrs. 15. : Shield No. 8, crowned. GEORG . II . D . G . M . B . F . & H . REX . F . D. Fx.: eg. V* 1 THALER I & 1758 eft I ^ I. A. s ^ in four lines. BRUNS . ET LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 16. Similar to last, excepting the shield, which is No. 10. Two Gulden. 17. 0: Similar to No. 12. B : II GOLD | GULDEN [ 4 THALER | N . D . R . FUS. I s. I in five lines. BRUNS . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 1749. 18. : Shield No. 3. GEORG . II . D . G . M. BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. R : Similar in all respects to last. 19. Similar to No. 17, excepting date, which is 1751, and initials i . w . s. 20. Similar to last, but dated 1752. 21. Similar to last, but dated 1753. 22. Similar to No. 18, excepting date, which is 1754, and initials i . w . s. 23. : Shield No. 8. GEORG . II . D . G . M . B . F . ET . H . REX . F . D. B : Similar to No. 17, excepting date, which is 1754, and initials i . w . s. Ducats or Gulden, 24. : Four shields crosswise, two sceptres in saltire. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR . F . & H . REX . F . D . B . & L . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & EL. E: Running horse, AUEpHERC 1727 under, NEC ASPERA TERRENT. QEOKOE II. 29 25. : Shield No. 3, legend as last. B: Kunuing liorse, 1732 under, NEC ASPERA TERRENT. 2G. 0. Bust to left. GEORG . J.I . D . G . M . B . P . ET . H . REX . F . D. B : Shield No. 3. BR . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . T . ET EL . 1732. 27. Similar to No. 25, excepting date, which is 1737. 28. Similar to No. 25, excepting date, which is 1744, and EX . AUK . herchin in a curve under horse. 29. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1748. 30. : Bust to left, GEORG . II . D . G . M . B . F . ET . H . REX . F . D. B : 1 GOLD I GULDEN | 2 THAL : | N . D . R . FUS. 1 s. in five lines, BR . ET LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . Til . ET . EL. 1749. 31. Different bust, otherwise as last, but dated 1750. 32. Similar to No. 30, but dated 1751. 33. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 175G, and EX . AURO . herc | i . b . h. under horse. 34. : As No. 30. B: 1 I DUCAT I N . D . R . FUS . | i . a . s. in four lines, BR . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . EL. 1751. 35. : Running horse, legend as last. B : As last. 30. : As No. 23. B : As No. 30, excepting date, which is 1752. 37. Similar to No. 30, excepting date, which is 1753. 38. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1754. 39. Similar to No. 30, excepting date, which is 1754. 40. Similar to No. 36, excepting date, which is 1755. Half Gulden or Tkaler. 41. : Bust to left, s. under. Legend as No. 30. B : Shield as centre of Arms No. 1, crown divides date, 1730. BR . ET . L . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 30 ANGLO-HANOVEKIAN. 42. : As last. B: Shield No. 3, crowu divides date, 1737. BR . ET . L . DUX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . EL. 43. : Bust to loft, GEORG . II . D . G . M . B . F . ET . H . REX . P . D. B: ^GOLD I GULDEN ] I.THAL: | N.D.R.F. | " s . in five lines. BR . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R. I . A.T. ET .EL. 1749. 44.. : As last. B : i GOLD I GULDEN | I THALER [ N . D . R . F . I I . A . s . ill five lines, BRUN . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A. TH. ET. EL. 1750. 45. Similar to last, but legend on B : reads BR . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . T. ET . EL . 1750, and s. only, in place of initials i . A . s. 46. Similar to No. 44, excepting date, whicli is 1754. 47. Similar to No. 44, excepting date, wliicli is 1756. Half Thaler or Quarter Gulden. 48. : -p. 9^. in monogram crowned, s. under. B: Running horse, NEC ASPERA TERRENT. 1730. 49. : Bust to left. GEORG . II . D . G . M . B . F . ET . H . REX . P . D. B: ^^if. I GOLD G: | ^ THAL : | N.D.R.F. j s . in five lines. BR . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . T. ET. EL. 1754. 50. : Similar to last, but with s. under bust. B : As last, excepting date, 1757, and end of legend, which is T . & EL. These last coins are usually found as proofs. George III. 1760-1820. George d'or. 51. : Bust to right, c . under. GEORGIVS III . D . G . M . B . P . ET . H . REX . F . D . R : Shield of arms, crowned, BRVNS . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . EL . 1768. GEOEGE III. 31 52. : Bust to right, different to preceding GEORGIYS . Ill . DEI . GRATIA. R : Shield of arms, crown divides date, 17 — 83. M . B . F . ET . H . REX . F . D . B . ET . L . D . S . R . I . A . T . ET . E. Ten Thalers. 53. : Running horse, c . n . h . under. GEORGIU S III D . G . BRITANNIARUM REX Y .D^ R: ♦X* I THALER | 1814. [ in three lines. BRUNS . ET LUNEB . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH.ET ELECT J^ Five Thalers. 54. : Shield as centre of Arms No. 2, with garter depending from it ; legend as last. R: *V* I THALER | & 1813 A | t. w. in four lines. BRUNSVICENSIS ET LUNEBURG DUX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . E. 55. Similar to last, but dated 1814. 32 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 56. : Running horse^ ex auro | hercini^ in two lines under. GEORG . Ill . D . G . BRITAN- NIARUM.REX. F . D.^ R: ^V¥ I THALER | 1814 | c . in four lines, BRUNS . ET . LUNEB . DUX .S.R.I. A . Til . ET . ELECT. ^ 57. Similar to No. 54, but dated 1815. The initials t . w on Nos. 54, 55, and 57, are for Thomas Wyon. These coins are only met with as proofs and are most probably patterns. Two-and-a-Half Thalers. 58. : Running horse, c . h . h . under. GEORGIUS III . D . G. BRITANNIARUM REX . F . D. B: -^ 2| ♦^ I THALER | 1814. in three lines. BRUNS . ET . LUNEB . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . ELECT ^ | 59. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1815. Ducats or Gulden. GO. : Shield No. 3. GEORG . III. D. G. M. BR . F . ET . H . REX . F . D . B . & L . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & EL. B: Running horse, ex . auro . hero . | 1767 | I . A . p . in three lines under ; no legend. Gl. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1768. G2. Similar to No. 60, excepting date, which is 1774. 63. : Shield No. 1, otherwise as No. 60. B\ Similar to No. GO, excepting date, 1776, and initials, l . c . r. 64. : Shield No. 2, otherwise as last. B : Similar to last, excepting date, 1783, and initials, C . P . s. 65. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1789. CiCj. : As last. B: Running horse, fx . auro . herc . | 1791, in two lines under, no legend. GEORQE III. 33 G7. 68. G9. R 70. 71. 72. R Similar to No. 65, excepting date^ wliich is 1 795 and initials p . l . m. Similar to last, excepting date, whicli is 1797. Bust to right. GEORGIUS III . D . G . M . B . F . ET . H . REX . F . D. Shield No. 10. BRUNS . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . EL. 1798. Similar to No. 66, excepting date^ which is 1799. Similar to No. 66, excepting date, which is 1802, and initials g . p . M. Running horse, c. under. GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BRIT . REX . F . D . B . & L . DUX . S .R . I. A.TH .&EL.^ ^1^1 PISTOLE I 1803. In three lines. 73. Similar to No. 66, excepting date, which is 1804. 74. : Running horse. GEORG . Ill . D . G . BRIT . & HANNOV . REX . BR . & L . DUX. R: 11 DUCAT I 1805 1 c. in four lines. EXAURO HERCINIAE 75. Similar to last, excepting date, whicli is 1815. 76. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1818. 3 34 anglo- bang veeian. George IY. 1820—30. Ten Thalers. 77. : Bust to left. GEORGIUS IV . D . G . BRIT . & HANOV . HEX . F . D. B: X| THALER | 1821 | b. in four lines. BRUNSVICENSIS & LUNEBURGENSIS DUX 78. Similar to last, excepting date, which, is 1822. 79. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1823. 80. Similar to last, exceptiug date, which is 1824. 81. Similar to last, exceptiug date, which is 1825. 82. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1827. 83. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1828. 84. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1820. 85. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1830. Five Thalers. 86. : As last. B: V I THALER | 1821 | b. in four lines. Legend as before. 87. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1822. 88. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1823. 89. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1824. 90. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1825. 91. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1827. 92. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1828. 93. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1829. 94. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1830. Two-and-aSalf Thalers. 95. : As before. B: 2\\ THALER [ 1821 | b. in four linos, legend as before. 96. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1827. 97. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1830. WILLIAM" IV. 35 Ducat. 98. : Running horse, GEORG . R^ . D . G . BRIT . k HANOV . REX . BR . & L . DUX^ R: II DUCAT I 1821 | c in four lines, EX AURO HERCINI^. 09. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1824. 100. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1827. All these occur as proofs. William IV. 1830-37. Ten Thalers. 101. 0: Bust to right. GULIELMUS IV D . G.BRIT. ET HANOV . REX F . D . &c. R : Shield of arms in a garter, inscribed NEC ASPERA TERRENT. The date over, 1832, ZEHN THALER under. 102. 0: Bust to right; B. under. WILHELM IV KOENIG V . GR . BRIT . U . HANNOVER. n : Shield No. 12, ZEHN THALER under, date over 1833. 103. : Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1835. 101. Similar to last, but the date 1836 under the shield, and ZEHN THALER over. 105. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1837. Five Thalers. 106. : As No. 102. R: Shield No. 12. FUNF THALER over, date under, 1835. Troo-and-a-Half Thalers. 107. : Bust to right. GULIELM . IV . D . G . BRIT . & HANNOV . REX . F . D. R'. 2^ I THALER | 1832 | b. in four lines. BRVNSVICENSIS & LUNEBURGENSIS DUX.^ 108. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1833. 109. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1835. 110. Simihir to last, excepting date, which is 1836. 3 * 36 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. Ducat. 111. 0: Eunmng horse, WILHELM IV V.G.G. KONIG D . V . E . GROSSB . U . IRL^ B: As No. 98. 1 | DUCAT | 1831 | c in four lines, EX AURO HERCINI^. Silver Coins. George I. 1714—27. Thalers. 112. : Bustto right. GEORGIVS . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. Arms No. 2, supporters, &c. h . c . e . under. BRVNS . ET . LVN . DYX . S . R . I . A . THES . ET . EL . 1716. 113. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1717, and initials are under bust on : 114. : Bust as before, h . c . b . under it. GEORGIVS . D . G . MAG. BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F.D. B, : Four shields crosswise, a star in the centre. BR . ET . LVN . D . S . R . I . A . TH. ET . EL. 1717. 115. : Four shields crosswise, a star in the centre. GEORGIVS . D . G . MAG . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REX . FID . D. R : Wild man and tree, h. ^ h. under. BRVN . & LVN . DVX . S . R . I . AR . THES . & EL. 1717. 116. 0: Arms No. 2, supporters, &c. GEORGIUS . D . G . MAG . BRIT . FRANC . ET . HIB . REX . FID . D . R : As last. 117. : Four shields crosswise, a star in centre, GEORGIUS . D . G . MAG . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. 1717. B : Running horse, h . c . b . under, BRUN . ET . LUN.DUX.S.R.I.ARCHITHES.ET.EL. OEOKQE I. 37 118. 0: 72: 119. 0: B: Bust as No. 114. Arms No. 2, supporters, &c. BR UN . ET . LUN . DUX .S.R.I. ARCIIITH . ET . EL . 1718. Bust as No. 114. Arms No. 3, supporters, &c. BRUNS . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . THES . ET . EL . 1718. 120. : Arms No. 3, supporters, &c. GEORGIUS . D . G . MAG . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. 1718. E : St. Andrew and his cross, h . c . b . under. BRUNS . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . THES . ET . EL. Arms No. 2, supporters, &c. Legend and date as last. Running liorse, h . c . b . under it. BRUNS . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . THES . ET . ELECT . * Similar to No. 1 1 5, excepting date, wliich is 1718. Bust as No. 114. Arms No. 2, supporters, &c. BRYNS . ET . LYN . DYX . S . R . I . A . THES . ET . EL. 1719. Similar to No. 120, excepting date, wliich is 1719. Arms No. 2, supporters, &c. GEORGIUS . D . G . MAG . BRIT . FR. ET . HIB .REX. F.D. 1719. R : Running horse, h . c . b . under, BRYNS . ET . LYN . DYX . S . R . I . A . THES . ET . ELECT. ^ 126. Similar to No. 119, excepting date, which is 1720. 127. 0: Four shields as No. 115. jB : Wild man and tree, c . under. Legend as No. 115, date 1720. 121. 0: R: 122. 123. 0: B: 124. 125. 0: S8 128. 0: B 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. B 134. B ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. Arms No. 2, supporters, &c. GEOEGIUS . D . G . MAG . BRIT . FRANC . ET . HIB . REX . FID . D . Same as last. Similar to No. 121, excepting date, which is 1720. Similar to No. 121, excepting date, which is 1721. Similar to No. 120, excepting date, which is 1721. Similar to No. 127, excepting date, which is 1721. Bust as No. 114. Arms No. 1, supporters, &c. BRVNS . ET. LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TEES . ET . EL . 1722. Arms No. 1, supporters, &c. GEORGIUS . D . G . M. BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. 1722. St. Andrew, as No. 120. 135. 136. B 137. B 138. 139. 140. 141. B: Similar to No. 128, excepting date, which is 1722. Four shields as No. 117. As No. 127, date 1722. As last. As No. 125, date 1722. Similar to No. 128, excepting date, which is 1723, and E . P . H . under Wild man. Similar to No. 125, but legend is GEORGIVS . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. 1723. Similar to No. 133, excepting date, which is 1724. Arms, &c., similar to No. 134, excepting date, which is 1724. Running horse, as No. 121. GEOIICE I. 39 142. Similar to No. 115, but e . p . h . under Wild man, and date, 1724. 143. Similar to No. 128, but e . p . h . under Wild man, and date 1724. 144. Similar to No. 115, but e . p . h . under Wild man, and date 1725. 145. Similar to No. 128, but e . p . h . under Wild man, and date 1725. 146. : Bust as before, c . p . s . under, legend as No. 139. The date is on R : B : Arms No. 1, supporters, &c. BRVNS . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . THES . ET . EL. 1726. 147. : Arms No. 2, supporters, &c. GEORGIVS . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. 1726. jB : St. Andrew with his cross, c . p . s . under, legend as last. 148. : As last. R : Running horse, c . p . s . under, legend as before, date 1726. 149. Similar to No. 115, excepting date, which is 1726, and E . p . H . under Wikl man. 150. Similar to No. 128, but e . p . h . under Wild man, and date 1726. 151. Similar to No. 133, but c . p . s . under bust, and date 1727. 152. Similar to No. 148, excepting date, which is 1727. 153. Similar to No. 149, excepting date, which is 1727. 154. Similar to No. 150, excepting date, which is 1 727. Two-third Thahrs. 155. : Bust to right, ii . c . b . under. GEORGIUS . D . G . MAG . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F.D. R : Four shields cri^sswise, [D fe-in-si-lb in centre. BR . & LUN . D. S . R . I . A . Til . & EL. 1715. 40 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 156. 157. 158. 0: B 159. E Similar to last, excepting date, wliicli is 1716. Similar to last, but V''* in legend instead of U*^- Bust as before, h . c . b . under. GEORGIUS . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. Four shields crosswise, (f) pe-in-si-lb in the centre. BR . ET . LUN . D . S . R . I . A . TH.ET.EL. 1717. Four shields crosswise, (f ) fe-in-si-lb in centre. GEORGIUS . D . G . MAG . BR . FRA . & . HIB . REX . FID . D. Wild man and tree, . h ^ h . under. BRUN. & LUN . D . S . R. I . A . THES . & . EL. 1717. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. B Similar to No. 158, excepting date, which is 1718. Similar to No. 159, excepting date, which is 1718. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1719, and c . under Wild man. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1720. Similar to No. 158, excepting date, which is 1720. Similar to No. 158, excepting date, which is 1721. Similar to No. 162, excepting date, which is 1721. Similar to No. 158, excepting date, which is 1722. Four shields crosswise, (|) pe-in-si-lb in centre. GEORG . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D Running horse, h . c . b . under. BRUNS . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . THES . ET . EL. 1722. GEORGE I. 41 109. Similar to No. 1G2, excepting datc^ wliicli is 1722. 170. Similar to lastj excepting date, whicli is 1723, and E . r . H . under Wild man. 171. Similar to No. 158, excepting date, whicli is 1723. 172. Similar to No. 168, excepting date, which is 1723. 173. Similar to No. 158, excepting date, which is 1724. 174. Similar to No. 1 70, excepting date, which is 1 724, and 24 at the side of Wild man. 175. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1725. 176. Similar to No. 168, excepting date, which is 1725. 177. Similar to No. 174, excepting date, which is 1726. 178. Similar to No. 168, excepting date, which is 1726, and c . P . s . under horse. 179. Similar to No. 158, excepting date, which is 1727. 180. Similar to No. 1 74, excepting date, which is 1 72 7. 181. Similar to No. 178, but c . r . s . under horse, and date 1727. One-third Thalers. 182. : Bust to right, h . c . B . under. GEORGIUS . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F.D. B : Four shields crosswise (^) fe-in-si-lb in the centre. BR . ET . LUN . D . S . R . I . A.TH.ETEL. 1716. 183. Similar to last, but date 1717 and LVN on reverse. 184. : Bust to right, H . c . B . under. GEORG . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . H . REX .F.D. R : Four shields crosswise, (^) fe-in-si-lb in centre. BR. ET . L . DUX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . E . 1718. 185. : As reverse of last, GEORGIUS . D . G . MAG . BR . FRA . & HIB . REX .F.D. B : Wild man and tree, h ^ n under. BRUN . & LUN . D . S . R . I . A . TH . & . EL. 1 718. 42 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 186. 0: Asreverseof No. 184. GEORG . D . G .M . B FR . ET . H . REX . F . D. Ii : St. Andrew and cross, h . c . e . under. BR ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET EL. 1719. 187. B 188. 189 R 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. B Same as last. Running horse, h . c . b . under it. BRUNS . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 1720. Similar to No. 185, but c . under wild man, and THES . & EL . 1720 . on reverse. Bust to right, h . c . b. under. GEORG . D . G . M . BRIT . F . ET . H . REX . F . D. Four shields as before. BR . ET . L . DUX . S . R. I . A . TH . ET . EL. 1721. Similar to No. 186, excepting date, which is 1721. Similar to No. 186, excepting date, which is 1722. Similar to No. 189, but reverse legend is BR . ET . LUN . D . S . R . I . A . T . ET . E. 1722. ■ Similar to No. 188, excepting date, which is 1722. Four shields as before, GEORGIUS . D . G . MAG . BR . FR . & . HIB . REX . FID . D. Wild man holding tree, e . p . h . under, 12 in the field. BRUN . & LUN . D . S . R . I . AR . TH . & EL. 1723. GEORGE I. 43 195. Similar to No. 185, excepting date, which is 1723, and e . p . h . under wild man. 19G. Similar to No. 187, excepting date, which is 1723. 197. Similar to No. 189, excepting date, which is 1724. 198. Similar to No. 186, excepting date, which is 1724. 199. Similar to No. 189, excepting date, which is 1725. 200. Similar to No. 194, excepting date, which is 1725. 201. : Bust to right, c . p . s . under. GEORG . D . G . M . BRIT . F . ET . H . REX . F . D. B : Similar to No. 184. BR . ET . L . DUX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . E. 1720. 202. Similar to No. 194, excepting date, which is 1726. 203. Similar to No. 194, excepting date, which is 1727. Quarter Thaler. 204. : R Four shields crosswise, a star in centre. GEORG . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. Runnine- horse, ^ ^^^ ^ under. BRUN . ET . ° ' n . c .B LUN.DUX.S.R.I.A.TII.ET.EL. 1718. 44 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 205. : Bust to right, ^ ^^^ "^ under. GEORG . D . G . ^ 'H . C . B . M . BR . F . ET . H . REX . F . D. R: Four shields crosswise, a star in centre. B . ET . L . DVX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . E. 1726. One-sixth Thalers. 206. : Bust to right, ^ein ! silb . under. GEORG . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F.D. R : Four shields crosswise, (^) in centre. BR . ET . L . DUX . S . R . I . A . T . & EL. 1716. iSimilar to last, excepting date, which is 1717. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1718. Four shields crosswise, {\) fe-in-si-lb in centre. Legend as before. St. Andrew and cross, h . c . b . under. BR . ET . LVN .D.S.R.I.A.T.&.E. 1719. As last. Running horse^ h . c . B . under. BRUNS . ET . LYN . DVX . S . R . I . A. TH . ET . ELECT. 1719 ^ Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1 720. Four shields as before, GEORGIUS . D . G . MAG . BR . ERA . & HIB . REX . FID . D. R : Wild man and tree, fein silb uj^jer. BRUN . & . LUN . D . S . R . I . A . TH . & EL. 1720. 213. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1721. 214. Similar to No. 206, excepting date, which is 1722. 215 Similar to No. 210, excepting date, which is 1722. 208. 209. R 210. R 211. 212. GEORGE I. 45 21G. 0: As No. 209. R: Wild man and tree, q . under. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 1722. 217. Bust similar to No. 206, excepting date, which is 1723. 218. Similar to last, but legend on reverse is BR . & . L . DUX . S . R . I . A . T. ET . EL . 1723. 219. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1724. 220. Similar to No. 210, but legend on reverse ends TH.ET.EL. 1724^ 221. Similar to No. 209, excepting date, which is 1724. 222. Similar to No. 212, but ^ • p • s . ^^^ ^^.^^ ■" FEIN SILB : man, and dated 1725. 223. Similar to No. 206, but ^ ■ '^ ' ^ - under bust, ' FEIN SILB : ' and dated 1726. 224. Similar to No. 210, but c . p . s . under horse, and V? instead of U?, dated 1727. ^ One-eighth Thalers. 225. : Four shields crosswise, a star in centre, GEORG . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . H . REX . F . D. R : Running horse, ^ ^^^ "^ under, BR . ET . L . » ^ H . C . B . ' DUX . S . R . T . A . TH . ET . EL. 1718. 226. : Bust to right, h . c . b . under. GEORGIUS D . G . M . BRIT . F . ET . H . REX . F . D. R : Four shields crosswise, a star in centre. BR . ET . L . DVX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . EL. 1720. 227. : Bust to right, ^ • p • s . ^ GEORG . D . ° ' R d T G . M . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. B : As last, but LVN and date 1726. 46 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. Four Groschen 228. 0: 229. 230. R 231. B 232. Four shields crosswise, ^ in tlie centre. K GR . BRIT . UND C . F . LAND . M. * nil ^ I MAEIEN I GROS : | 1717 1 h . c . B. In five lines. Similar to last, excepting date, whicli is 1726. ■^ , iJ^ , in monogram, crowned. ^ nil ^ I MARIEN I GROSCH. | 1717 | H <> -M • 1 FEIN (§) SILB R : Runnniof horse. -,-, ^''^ .^ : i . r. . ir . ° 17 4.J arranged under. NEC ASPERA TERRENT. 58 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 358. Similar to No. 35i, excepting date, which is 1746. 359. Similar to No. 348, excepting date, which is 17—46. 360. Similar to No. 353, excepting date, which is 1746. 361. Similar to No. 348, excepting date, which is 17—47. 362. : Shield No. 4, crowned, n . d . ketches . p . (I) I'EiN . SiLB . in a curve under. GEORG . II.D.G.M.B.F.&H. REX . F . D . B . & L . DYX .S.R.I.A.T.& EL. B : Running horse, 1747. c . p . s . in two lines under. NEC ASPERA TERRENT. 363. Similar to No. 328, excepting date, which is 1748, and i . b . h . under horse. 364. Similar to No. 356, excepting date, which is 17—49. 365. Similar to No. 362, excepting date, which is * 1750 * 366. : XXIV I GUTE GROSCH : | n. d . eeiches . PUS . I I . w . s . in four lines in centre. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. 1750. R: Running horse, R . (§) T . under. NEC ASPERA TERRENT. 367. Similar to No. 362, excepting date, which is ^ 1751 ^ and initial . c. 368. Similar to No. 348, excepting date, which is 1752. 369. : Bust to left, i . w . s . under. GEORG . II . D.G.M.B.F.ET.H. REX . F . D. li : Shield No. 8, crowned, n . d . eeiches . f . (§) FEIN . siLBER : in a cui*ve under. BRVNS . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . EL. 1754. QEORaK II. 0\) 370. Similar to No. 362, excepting date, wliicli is 1754, and initials i . w . s. 371. Similar to No. 318, excepting date, wliicli is 17—54. 372. Similar to No. 328, excepting date, which is 1755, and i . b . j[ . under horse. 373. Similar to No. 362, excepting date, which is jf: 1755 * , and i . w . s . under horse. 374. : Shield No. 9, crown divides date, 17—57. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . ET. HIB . REX . F . D. B : Wild man and tree, i . b . h . under. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 375. : Shield No. 9, crowned. GEORG . II . D . G . M . B . F . & H . REX . F . D . B . & . L . DYX. S . R . I . A . T . & . E. •n 1-) • 1 i'EIN (%) SILB ^ „ ,, li : Running horse, -.« ^''' ^^ and i . B . ii . under. NEC ASPERA TERRENT. 376. Similar to No. 362, excepting date, which is 1757, and initials i . w . s. 377. Similar to No. 374, excepting date, which is 1758. 378. Similar to No. 374, excepting date, which is 1759. 379. : Shield No. 3, crowned, legend as No. 375. li: Running horse, 1759 under. NEC ASPERA TERRENT. 380. Similar to No. 362, excepting date, which is 1760, and initials i. w. s. 381. Similar to No. 371, excepting date, which is 1760. 382. Similar to No. 375, excepting date, which is 1760. GO Half Thalers. 383. R ANGLO- HANOVE RI AN . Bust to left, -^ ^^^ "^^ under. GEORG . II . ' C .F . S D . G . M . BR . F . ET . H . REX . F . D. Shield No. o, crown divides date . 1732 . BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . EL. 384. : XVI I GVTE | GROSCH : | n . d . eeiches . | Evs . I c . P . s . in six lines witliin an inner circle. GEORG . II . D . G . M . B . F . & . H . REX . F . D . B . & . L . DVX .S.R.I. A . T . «& . E. R: Running horse, R (4) T under. NEC ASPERA TERRENT 1739. 385. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1740. 386. : Bust to left, ^ (^ "^ under. GEORG . II . C • P • b D . G . M . BRIT . F . & . H . REX . F . D. R : XVI 1 GVTE GROSCH : | n . d . reiches . fvs . in three lines. BRVNS . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . THES . ET . EL . 1741. 387. Similar to No. 384, excepting date, which is 1 741, and initials c . p . s . on R; instead of on : 388. : As last. R : As last, but in five linos within a circle, and date 1742. 389. Similar to No. 384, excepting date, which is 1752, and c . instead of c . p . s. riKOROE T[. 01 300. : Bust to loft, R (^) T under. GEORG . II . D . G . M . IMUT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. n : XVI 1 GVTE I GROSCH : | n . d . keiches . | FYS . I I . w . s . iu six lines, legend as last, date 1756. One-third Thalevs. 391. 0: Bust to left, c . p . s . under. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BRIT . F . & . H . REX . F . D. R: Four shields crosswise, (j) pe-in-si-li! in the centre. BR . ET . L . DVX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . E. 1729. 392. : As last. U: Shield No. 3, crowned, fein . (^) silb . under. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TII . ET.EL. 1730. 393. 0: Shield No. 2, crown divides date 17—31. fein (1) SILB under. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. Z? : Wild mat! and tree, C . under. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 391. : Shield No. o, crowned, fein [\) silb under. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR . FR . cSc HIB . REX . F . D. It : St. Andrew, with his cross, C . ? . s . under. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . Til . ET.E. 1731. 395. Similar to last, but date 1732, and legend on : reads M . BRIT . FR . E T. HIB . REX . F . D. 396. Similar to No. 392, but with J^ Jf ^ "^ under bust, and date 1732. 397. : Shield No. 2, crowned, fein (?.) silb under. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR . F . & H . REX . F . D . BR . & L .DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . & EL. R : Running horse, ^ 1734 ^, and c . p . s . under. NEC ASPERA TERRENT. 62 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 398. Similar to No. 393, excepting date, whicli is 1734. 399. Similar to No. 393, excepting date, which is 1735. 400. Similar to No. 393, excepting date, which is 1736. 401 . Similar to No. 392, excepting date, which is 1 736. 402. : Shield No. 2, crown divides date 17 — 37. pein . (i) siLB . under. GEORG . II . D . G. M . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D . R : Wild man and tree, i . a . b . under, 12 in the field. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 403. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1740. 404. : Shield No. 3, crowned, n . d . reiches . p . (^) FEIN . SILB . under, in a curve. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . H . REX . F . D. 1740. i? : St. Andrew with his cross, c . p . s . under. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 405. Similar to No. 402, excepting date, which is 1 741, and initials i . b . h. 406. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1742. 407. Similar to No. 404, excepting date, which is 1742. 408. Similar to No. 404, excepting date, which is 1743. 409. Similar to No. 405, excepting date, which is 1744. 410. Similar to No. 405, excepting date, which is 1746. 411. Similar to No. 405, excepting date, which is 1747. 412. Similar to No. 404, excepting date, which is 1749. GEORGE II. 63 413. 414. 415. 41G. Similar to No. 405^ excepting date, which is 1750. Similar to No. 405, excepting date, which is 1751. Similar to No. 405, excepting date, which is 1752. Similar to No. 405, excepting date, which is 1754. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. Similar to No. 397, excepting date, which is ^1754^, and initials i . w . s. Similar to No. 404, excepting date, which is 1757, and initials i . w . s. Similar to No. 405, excepting date, which is 1757. Similar to No. 4U4, excepting date, which is 1758. Similar to No. 405, excepting date, which is 1700. Quarier Thalers. 422. 0: Bust to left ^ ^^^ ^^ under. GEORG . II. D . G . M . BlilT . F . & . H . REX . F . D. II : Four shields crosswise, a star in centre. }^R . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 1728. 423. 0: As last. H: Shield No. 3, crowned, date above, 1732. Legend as before. 04 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 424. : Bust to left, ^ ^^^ ^ under. GEORG . II . ' C . P . s . D . G . M . BRIT . F . ET . H . REX . F . D. J? : VIII I GVTE I GROSCH. | n . d . ekiches | pvs 1 ill five lines. BRVNS . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . T . & E . 1742. 425. 0: VIII I GVTE | GROSCH. | N.D.REICHS | FYS in five lines in centre. GEORG . II . I) . G . M . B . F . & H . REX . F . D . B . & L . DVX . S . R . I . A . T . & E. 1742. 7? : Running horse ^ ^^^ ^ under. NEC ASPERA ^ C . P.S . TERRENT. One-sixth Thalers. 42G. : Bust to left, c . p . s . under. GEORG . II . D.G.M.BR.F.&H. REX . F . D. R : Four shields crosswise (^) pe - in - si - lb in centre. BR.&L.DVX.S.R.I. A.T.&EL. 1727. 427. : Four shields crosswise (^) in the centre. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR . F & H . REX . F . D . B &L . D . S . R . I . A. T . &E^. R : Running horse, 1727 | c . p . s . | pein silb under. NEC ASPERA TERRENT. 428. : Four shields crosswise, (^) pe - in - si - lb in centre. GEORG . II . D . G . M. BR . F . & HIB . REX . F . D. J? : Running horse, c . p . s . and pein . silb . under. NEC ASPERA TERRENT. 1729. 420. : As last. R : St. Andrew with his cross, c . p . s . under. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . E. 1729. 4:30. : Bust to left, c . p . s . under. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR . F . & H . REX . F . D. 7?: Shield No. 3, crown divides date 17 — 30, pein (J) silb under. BR . ET . L . DVX . S . R . I . A . T . ET . E. QF.ORGE II. 65 431. : Shield No. 3, crowned fein (l) silh under. GEORG . II . D . G . M . B . F . & H . REX . F.D.B.&L.D.S.R.I.A.T.&. EL. B : Running horse, 1730, and c . p . s . under. NEC ASPERA TERRENT. 432. 0: Shield No. 2, crown divides date 17—30. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. B : Wild man and tree, e . p . H . under, 6 in the field. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 433. Similar to No. 429, excepting date, which, is 1730. 434. Similar to No. 429, excepting date, which is 1731, and legend BR . & LVN . and A . T. &E. 435. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1732. 436. Similar to No. 432, excepting date, which is 1732, and initials i . a . b. 437. Similar to No. 431, excepting date, which is 1732. 438. Similar to No. 432, excepting date, which is 1733, and initials i . a . b. 439. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1734. 440. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1735. 441. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1736. 442. : Similar to No. 430, excepting date, which is 1736, and the bust is different. C)C) ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 443. : Shield No. 3, crown divides date 17-37, fein (^) siLB under. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. 7?: Wild man and treO;, i . A . b . under, 6 in field. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 444. Similar to last, but date 17-38. 445. : As No. 430. B : Shield No. 5, crowned, n . d . reiches . f . (^) FEIN . SILB . in a curve under. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 1739. 446. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 1 7-39, and initials i . B . h. 447. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-40, and initials i . b . h. 448. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-41, and initials i . b . H. 449. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-42, and initials i . b . h. 450. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-43, and initials i . b . h. 451. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-44, and initials i . b . h. 452. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-45, and initials i . b . h. 453. Similar to No. 430, excepting date, which is 1 746. 454. : Shield No. 5, crown divides date 17-46. n . d . HEiCHES . F . (-^;) FEIN . SILB . in a curvo under. GEORG . II .D . G . M . BR . F . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. B : St. Andrew with his cross, c . ? . s . under. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 455. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-46, and initials i . b . h. (IKOllGE II. 67 456. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-48, and initials i . b . n. 457. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-49, and initials i . h . e. 458. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-50, and initials i . b . ii. 459. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-51, and initials i . B . h. 460. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-53, and initials i . b . ir. 461. Similar to No. 454, excepting date, which is 17-53, and initials i . w . s. 462. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-54, and initials i . b . h. 463. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-56, and initials i . b . h. 464. Similar to No. 454, excepting date, which is 17-56, and initials i . w . s . and legend on : reads M . B . P . ET . H and on E : BR . & LVN . and TH . & EL. 465. Similar to No. 454, but dated 17-57, and R: legend as last. 466. Similar to No. 454, but dated 17-59, legend as No. 463, but ends T . & EL. 467. Similar to No. 443, excepting date, which is 17-60, and initials i . b . h. Four Marien G^roschen. 468. 0: Shield as centre of arms No. 1. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR . FR . & H . REX . F . D. R: nil I MARIEN I GROS: | 1727 | c . p . s . in live lines. BR . ET LVN . DVX . S .R. I . A.TH .ET. EL^ 469. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1728. 470. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1730. 5 ^ 68 ANGLO-TIANOVERTAN. 471. 0: *IIII* I MARIEN | GROSCH: | pein silb : 1 E . p . H . in five lines. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. 1730. * R : Wild man and tree, 4 on field. BR . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 472. Similar to No. 468, excepting date, which is 1731, and legend HIB . REX . F . D and TJ^- instead of V^* 473. Similar to No. 471, excepting date, which is 1732, and initials i . a . b. 474. Similar to No. 468, excepting date, which is 1734, and legend on E: BRVNS . & LVN . DVX. S . R . I . A . TH . &EL^ 475. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1735. 476. Similar to last, excepting legend on : F . & H . REX. 477. Similar to No. 471, excepting date, which is 1735, and initials i . A . b. 478. Similar to No. 471, excepting date, which is 1736, and initials i . A . b. 479. Similar to No. 471, excepting date, which is 1737, and initials i . a . b. 480. Similar to No. 471, excepting date, which is 1738, and initials i . A . b. 481. : As No. 468, but legend, BRIT . F . ET . H. B: nil I MARIEN | GROS : 1 N . D . LEIPZ. | FYS I c . p . 8. 1738. 482. Similar to No. 471, excepting date, which is 1739, and initial c. 483. As last, but with initials i . b . h. 484. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1740. 485. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1741. 486. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1742. 487. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1743. 488. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1 744. 489. GEOKOK II. 60 Similar to last, excepting date, wliicb is I7i5. 490. : 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. One-twelfth 498. : R: 499. 500. R: 1. GEORG . II . & . H . REX . S . R . I . A. in four FYS. Shield as centre of arms No. D . G . M . BRIT . F F . D . B . & L . DUX TH . ET . EL.* nil 1 MARIEN I GROS : | C . P . S . lines. NACH DEM LEIPZIGER 1745. * Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1746. Similar to No. 471, excepting date, which is 1747, and initials i . a . b. Similar to No. 471, excepting date, which is 1749, and initials i . a . b. Similar to No. 471, excepting date, which is 1751, and initials i . a . b. Similar to No, 490, excepting date, which is 1752. Similar to No. 471, excepting date, which is 1756, and initials i . a . b. As last, but date 1760. Thaler. Running horse, c . i^ . s . under. 12 I EINEN I THAL : 1732 in four lines. K . GR . BRIT . UND C . F . B . L . LAND . MVNTZ.-^ Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1735. Hoi'se as before, 1738, and c . p . s . under. 12 I EINEN I THAL : | N . D . LEIPZ. | FVS . in five lines, legend as before except C . F . BR . L. 70 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN, )01. 502. 0: B: 503. 0: B: 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. B Similar to last^ excepting date, which is 1740. Horse as before, 1741, and c . p . s . under. 12 I EINEN 1 THAL: ] in three lines. NACH. DEM . LEIPZIGER . F. ^ Running horse, 1742, and c . p . s . under. 12 I EINEN 1 THAL : in three lines. NACH DEM LEIPZIGER FUS. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1743. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1744, and legend ends FVS ^ Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1747. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1748. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1749. Similar to last, excepting date, which iscg^ 1751<83 and initial c. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1752, and initial c. Running horse, 1760 under. 12 I EINEN 1 THAL : [ i . a . s . in four lines. NACH DEM REICHES FUS. * Itvo Marien Groschen. 512. 0: *II* I MARIEN | GROSCH : | fein silb. | E . P . H . in five lines. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR. FR . ET H . REX . F . D. 1730^ B : Wild man holding tree, 2 in the field. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. GEORGE ir. 71 513. : '^. ^. in monogram crowned c . p . s. it' : II I MARIEN I GROS : j 1 730. in four lines. G . R . BRIT . UND . C . F . BR . & LVN LAND MUNTZ. 514. : As last. E: II 1 MARIEN | GROS: 1730. in four lines NACH DEM LEIPZIGER FUS. 515. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1732, and initials i . a . b. 516. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1733. 517. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1734. 518. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1736. 519. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1737. 520. Similar to No. 513, excepting date, which is 1737. 521. Similar to No. 512, excepting date, which is 1 738, and initial i . a . b. 522. U: II I MARIEN | GROSCH | fein silb . I . B . H. in five lines. GEORG . II . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . H . REX . F . D . 1739. R : Wild man and tree, 2 in field. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 523. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1740. 524. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1741. 525. Similar to No. 514, excepting date, which is 1741. 526. Similar to No. 514, excepting date, which is 1741. 527. Similar to No. 514, excepting date, which is 1745. 528. Similar to No. 522, excepting date, which is 1745. 529. Similar to No. 514, excepting date, which is 1748. 530. Similar to No. 522, exceptiug date, which is 1748. 72 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 531 . Similar to No. 514, excepting date, which is 1749. 532. Similar to No. 522, excepting date, which is 1750. 533. Similar to No. 514, excepting date, which is 1751, and initial c. 534. Similar to No. 514, excepting date, which is 1752, and initial c. 535. : "^ . ^ . in monogram, crowned. B: II 1 MARIEN | GROS : c . p . s . in four lines. NACH DEM LEIPZIGER FYS. 1752. 636. Similar to No. 522, excepting date, which is 1753. 537. Similar to No. 514, excepting date, which is 1754, and initials i . w . s. 538. Similar to No. 522, excepting date, which is 1756 539. Similar to No. 522, excepting date, which is 1758. 540. Similar to No. 522, excepting date, which is 1759. 541. Similar to No. 514, excepting date, which is 1759, and initials i . w . s. 542. Similar to No. 522, excepting date, which is 1760. One Twenty -fourth Thaler. 543. : Running horse, 1732, and c . under. B'. 24 I EINEN I THAL : in three lines. NACH DEM LEIPZIGER PVS. 544. : Running horse, c . p . s . under. B: 24: \ EINEN I THAL: | 1733 in four lines. K . GR . BRIT . UND C . F . B . L . LANDMVNTZ* OEORQE II. 73 545. : "^ . ^ . in monogram, crowned, c . p . s . under. 11: 24 I EINEN I THAL: [ 1735 in four Hues. NACH DEM LEIPZIGER FYS. 546. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1745. 547. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 174G, and legend ends EVS^ One Groschen. 548. : "^ . ^ . in monogram, crowned, c . p . s . under. B: I I MARIEN GROS : 1730. in four lines, GR . BRIT . UND . C. F . BR . & LVN . LAND MVNTZ. 549. : As last. E: I I MARIEN \ GROS: | 1733. | in four lines. NACH DEM LEIPZIGER FYS. 650. Similar to No. 549, excepting date, which is 1739. 551. Similar to No. 548, excepting date, which is 1741, and initials i . b . H. 552. Similar to No. 549, but date follows legend on B: 1742. 553. Similar to last, but date follows legend 1744. 554. Similar to No. 549, but date follows legend 1745. 555. Similar to No. 247, excepting date, which is 1746. 556. Similar to No. 247, excepting date, which is 1753. 557. Similar to No. 542, excepting date, which is 1755, and initials i . w . s. 558. Similar to No. 548, excepting date, which is 1760. Six Pfennige. 559. : '^ . ^ . in monogram, crowned, c . p . s . under. B : Urb and cross inscribed VI. NACH DEM LEIPZ. FYS. 1733. 560. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1743. 74 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 561. Similar to last, excepting date, wliicli is 1751. 562. Similar to last, excepting date, wbicli is 1753. 563. Similar to No. 559, but without legend on reverse and date 1754. Four Pfennige. 564. : y- 'K- in monogram, crowned, c . p . s . under. B : nil I PFENN I 1732 in three lines. K . GR . BRIT . UND C . F . B . L . LANDM * Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1733. As before. nil I PFENN I 1739 in three lines. NACH . DEM . LEIPZ . FVS * y . ^ . in monogram, as before. nil 1 PFENN: I 1741 .in three lines, NACH. DEM. LEIPZ. F7S. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1743. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1744. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1756. Three Pfennige. 571. : '^ . ^ . in monogram, crowned, c . p . s . under. R : Orb and cross inscribed 3, divides date 17 — 32. 572. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 33. 573. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1743. 574. Similar to No. 571, excepting date, which is 1743, and legend NACH. DEM. LEIPZ. FUS. 566. 0: B: 567. 0: B: 568. 569. 570. bib. Similar to No. 574, excepting date, which is 1748. GEORGR II. /o 576. Similar to No. 574, excepting date, which is 1751. A synoptical table of the principal series of the silver coins of George II. will be placed here, similar to that of the preceding reign. With King's Bust. With the ' Wild Man. Thaleb, 2 3 1 3 1 6 Thalee. 2 3 1 3 1 6 1727. 1727. 1731. 1730. 1729. 1727. 1729. 1727. 1728. 1731. 1734. 1732. 1730. 1728. 1730. 1730. 1729. 1732. 1735. 1733. 1751. 1729. 1732. 1736. 1730. 1733. 1736. 1734. 1739. 1736. 1739. 1732. 1734. 1737. 1735. 1744. 1746. 1736. 1735. 1740. 1736. 1746. 1738. 1736. 1741. 1737. 1754. 1750. 1737. 1738. 1739. 1740. 1742. 1743. 1744. 1745. 1746. 1747. 1749. 1752. 1754. 1757. 1758. 1759. 1760. 1742. 1744. 1746. 1747. 1750. 1751. 1752. 1754. 1757. 1760. 1738. 1739. 1740. 1741. 1742. 1743. 1744. 1745. 1746. 1748. 1749. 1750. 1751. 1753. 1754. 1756. 1757. 1759. 1760. 76 anglo-hanoverian. With St. Andrew. 1 1 3 6 Thalek. o 1727. 1730. 1735. 1738. 1744. 1745. 1746. 1747. 1749. 1751. 1752. 1753. 1754. 1756. 1758. 1760. 1731. 1732. 1740. 1742. 1743. 1749. 1757. 1758. 1729. 1730. 1731. 1732. 1746. 1753. 1756. 1757. 1759. Thalee With the Eunning Hoese. 2 11 3 3 6 1729. 1728. 1730. 1730. MDCCXXX 1731. 1731. 1732. MDCCXXXI 1733. 1732. 1734. MDCCXXXII 1738. MDCCXXXTV 1739. MDCCXXXVI 1740. 1739. 1740. 1741. 1743. 1744. 1745. 1746. 1747. 1749. MDLIII 1756. 1757. 1758. 1759. 1760. WITH FEIN SILB ON O : ON E: 1727. 1730. 1733. 1736. 1737. 1740. 1744. 1745. 1748. 1743. 1755. 1744. 1757. 1746. 1759. 1747. 1760. 1750. 1751. 1754. 1755. 1757. 1759. 1760. 1734. 1727. 1754. 1729. 1730. 1732. A few dates will be found in this table which came to hand too late for insertion in the body of the work. Thalers. 577. R George III. 1760-1820. Shield No. 3, crown divides date, 17 — 61. GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . & . HIB . REX . F . D. St. Andrew with his cross, i . w . s . under. BR . & LUN . DUX .S.R.I.A.T.& ELECT. GEOROR TTT. 77 578. 0: Shield No. 2, crown aivitles date 17—62. GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . & . HIB . REX . F . D. R : St. Andrew with his cross . i . w . s . under, BR . & . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & EL. 579. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1763. 580. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1764, 581. 0: Shield No. 9, crown divides date 17—64. Legend as before. R : Wild man holding tree, i . a . p . under, BRTJN . & . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . THES . & . EL. 582. Similar to No. 578, excepting date, which is 17—65. 583. Similar to No. 578, excepting date, which is 17—66. 584. Similar to No. 578, excepting date, which is 17—67. 585. Similar to No. 578, excepting date, which is 17—68. 586. Similar to No. 578, excepting date, which is 17—69. 587. Similar to No. 578, excepting date, which is 17—70. 588. Similar to No. 578, excepting date, which is 17—71. 589. Similar to No. 578, excepting date, which is 17—72. 590. : Bust to right. GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BR . FR . & . HIB . REX . F . D. R : Shield No. 10 crowned, date over, 1773. I . w . s . under. BRUNS . & . LUN . DUX S . R . I . A . TH . & ELECT. 591. Similar to No. 578, excepting date, which is 1 7—73. 78 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN, 592. Similar to No. 590, excepting date, wliicli is 1774. 593. : Shield No. 9, crown divides date, 17—75. GEORG . Ill . D . G . MAG . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. R : Wild man holding tree, L . C . R . under. BRVN . & LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. Similar to last, excepting date, wliich is 17 — 76. As No. 690. Arms No. 4, supporters, &c. i . w . s . under. Legend as before, date 17 — 77. Similar to No. 590, excepting date, which is 1779. Similar to No. 590, excepting date, which is 1791, and initial c. Similar to No. 590, excepting date, which is 1792, and initials p . l . m. Similar to No. 590, excepting date, which is 1794, and initials p . l m. Similar to No. 590, excepting date, which is 1797, and initials p . L . M . Bust to right. GEORG . Ill . Y . G . G . KONIG . UND CHURFURST^. R: •fl*^ I THALER | HANNOVERISCH | CASSEN = GELD | ^^1801^ | ^C^in six lines. Two-third Thalers. 602 : Shield No. 3, crowned, n . d . reiches . p . (§) FEIN . siLBER in a curve under. GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BRIT . FR. &HIB. REX . r.D. R: 24 I MARIEN I GROSCH | 1761 | i.w.s. in five lines. BRUNS . & LUN . DUX . S . S.R.I .A. TH .& ELECTA. 594. 595. R 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. GEORGE in, 70 603. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17G2, and legend on R : ends TH . & . EL. 604. 0: Shield No. 10, crown divides date, 17—62. FEIN (§) siLB under. GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. R : Wild man holding tree . i . B . h . under, 24 in field. BR . ET . LVN . DVX .S.R.I. A . TH . ET . EL. 605. Similar to No. 602, excepting date, which is 1763. 606. Similar to No. 604, excepting date, which is 17 — 63, and initials i . a . p. 607. Similar to No. 602, excepting date, which is 1764. 608. Similar to No. 606, excepting date, which is 17—64. 609. Similar to No. 602, excepting date, which is 1765. 610. 0: Shield No. 9, crown divides date 17 — 65. fein (|) SILB under . GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET HIB . REX . F . D. R : Wild man holding tree i . A . p . under, 24 in field. BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . & ELECT. 611. Similar to last, but dated 17 — 67. 612. Similar to No. 602, excepting date, which is 17—67. 613. Similar to No. 602, excepting date, which is 1 768. 614. Similar to No. 610, excepting date, which is 17—68. 615. Similar to No. 602, excepting date, which is 1769. 616. Similar to No. 610, excepting date, which is 17—69. 617. Similar to No. 602, excepting date, which is 1770. 80 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. G18. Similar to No. 010, excepting date, whicli is 17—70. 619. Similar to No. 610, excepting date, whicli is 17—71. 620. Similar to No. 610, excepting date, which is 17—72. 621. 0: Bust to right, i . w . s . under , GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BR . FR . & HIB . REX . F . D. B : Shield No. 10, crown divides date 1 7 — 72. n . d . EEiCHES. F (I) FEIN. siLBER in a curve under. . BRUNS . & . LUN . DUX . S . R . I > A . TH . & ELECT. 622. : Shield No. 2 ci'owned, n . d . reiches . f (§) fein. SILBER in a curve under GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BR . FR . & . HIB . REX . F.D. B: 24 I MARIEN I GROSCH | 1772 | i.w.s. in five lines. BRUNS . & . LUN . DUX . S .R.I . A.TH . &. ELECT ^. 623. 624. 625. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 17—73. Similar to No. 622, excepting date, which is 1773. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 1774, and not divided by the crown but over it. GEORQE III. 81 G2G. Similarto No. G22, excepting date, which is 1774. 627. Similar to No. 610, excepting date, which is 1 7 — 74, and initials nnder wild man l . c . R . 628. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 17—75. 629. Similar to No. 622, excepting date, which is 1 775. 630. Similar to No. 627, excepting date, which is 17—75. 631. Similar to No. 621 excepting date, which is 17—76. 632. 0: Bust as No. 621. R : Arms No. 4 supporters, &c. n . d . r . f (§) p . siLB . under. BRUNS . & . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & ELECT . 1776. 633. Similar to No. 610, excepting date, which is 17 — 76, and initials L . c . R. under Wild man. 634. Similar to No. 622, excepting date, which is 1776. 635. Similar to No. 622, excepting date, which is 1777. 636. Similar to No. 627, excepting date, which is 17—77. 637. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 17-78. 638. Similar to No. 633, excepting date, which is 17—78. 639. : Shield No. 1 , otherwise as No. 622. II : Similar to No. 622, excepting date, which is 1778. 640. Similar to No. 622, excepting date, which is 17—79. 641. Similar to No. 633, excepting date, which is 17 — 79, and initial c. under Wild man. 642. Similar to No. 639, excepting date, which is 1780. 6 82 ANGLO-HANOVEUIAN. 643. Similai' to No, Gil, excepting date, wliicli is 1780j and initials under wild man, c . e . s . 644. Similar to No. 02 1, excepting date, which is 1781, and n . d . r . p . (§) f . silb under shield. 645. Similar to No. 632, excepting date, which is 1 78 1 . 646. Similar to No. 639, excepting date, which is 1781. 647. Similar to No. 643, excepting date, which is 17—81. 648. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 17—82. 649. Similar to No. 622, excepting date, which is 1782. 650. Similar to No. 643, excepting date, which is 1782. 651. Similar to No. 639, excepting date, which is 1783. 652. Similar to No. 643, excepting date, which is 1783. 653. Similar to No. 639, excepting date, which is 1784. 654. Similar to No. 643, excepting date, which is 1784. 655. Similar to No. 639, excepting date, which is 1785. 656. : Shield No. 1, crowned, date at sides of shield 17 — 85. FEIN (I) SILB . under, legend as before. E : Wild man and tree, c . under, BR . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 657. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 17—86. 658. Similar to No. 656, excepting date, which is 17— 8G. 659. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 1 7 — 87, and legend on : reads D . G . M. BRIT. GEORGE III. 83 GGO. Similar to No. G39, cxccptiu<^ date, whicli is 1787. GGl. Similar to No. Gi3, excepting date, which is 1787. 662. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 17—88. 6G3. 0: Shield No. 1, crowned, N . D. iiEiCHES . F . {2)rEiN. siLBEB . in a curve under. GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BlllT . FR . & . HIB . REX . F . D . B: 24 I MARIEN 1 GROSCH: | 1788 [ p.l.m. in five lines . BRUNS . & . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & ELECT. ^ 664. Similar to No. 643, excepting date, which is 1788. 665. Similar to No. 663, excepting date, which is 1789. QQQ. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 17—89. 667. Similar to No. 656, excepting date, w^hich is 17—89. 668. Similar to No. GG3, excepting date, which is 1790, and initial c. 669. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 17—90. 670. Similar to No, 621, excepting date, which is 17—91. 671. Similar to No. 663, excepting date, which is 1791, and initial c. 672. Similar to No. 6G3, excepting date, which is 1792, and initial c. 673. Similar to No. G6'o, excepting date, which is 1793, and initials p . l . m. 674. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1794. 675. Similar to last, excepting date, whicli is 1795. 676. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 17 — 95, and initials r . L . m . under bust. G * 84 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 677. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 17 — 96, and initials p . l . m . under bust. 678. Similar to No. 673, excepting date, which is 1796. 679. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 17 — 97, and initials p . l . m . 680. Similar to No, 673, excepting date, which is 1 797. 681. Similar to No. 673, excepting date, which is 1798. 682. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 17 — 99, and initials p . l . m . 683. Similar to No. 673, excepting date, which is 1799. 684. Similar to No. 663, excepting date, which is 1800, and initials, E. c. 685. Similar to No. 621, excepting date, which is 1800, and initials p . l . m. 686. As last, but with initial c. 687. Similar to No. 663, excepting date, which is 1 800, and initials P . L . M. 688. : Bust to right, GEORG . Ill . D . G . BRIT . REX . F . D . B . & L . DUX .S.R.I. A . TH . & EL . ^ R: "T in the centre, ^ c ^ under, 18 STUCK EINE MARK FEIN ^ 1801. 689. : Shield No. 7, crowned, c under, GEORGIUS . Ill . D . G . BRITANNIARUM . REX . F. D. 2 B: -^ in the centre, n . d . keiches . rus . pein . O siLBER . under in a curve, BRUNS . & LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & ELECTOR . 1801. ^ 690. Similar to last, but dated 1802, and initials G . p . M. 691. Similar to last, but dated 1803, and initials G . F . M. GEORGE IIT. 85 G93. 694. 692. 0: Shield No. 7 (not so pointed as last), g . f . m . under, legend as last. R : Similar to last, excepting date, wliich is 1804, and legend under numerals reads FUSS. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1805. : Shield No. 11, o . m . under, GEORGIUS . Ill . D . G . BRITANNIARUM . REX . F . D. R : Similar to No. 689, excepting date, which is 1805. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1806. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1807. : Shield No. 7, with garter depending from it, GEORGIUS III . D . G . BRITANNIARUM REX . F . D. R: -I in centre, BRUNSVICIENSIS ET LUNE- BERG DUX .S.R.I.A.T.ET E. 1813. 20 EINE MARK FEIN. I have only met with this coin in proof condition and I suspect it was a pattern. : Bust to right, c. under, legend as last. R : Centre as No. 689. BRUNS . & LUNEB . DUX S.R.I.A.TH.&. ELECT .1813.^ Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1814. ^ 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. Half Thahrs. 700. 0: Bust to right. GEORG . III. V. G . G . KONIG UND CHURFURST. ^ * ' THALER I HANNOYERISCH | CASSEN=GELD | ^1801^ \ JijiC^in six lines. R n- 2 T 86 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 701. 0: Eunuing liorse, xx eine f . mark under, GEORGIUS III D. G. BEITANNIARUM & ^ B: ^ 16 ^ 1 GUTE | GROSCHEN [ CONVEN- TION I MUNZE I FEIN siLBKR iu SIX lines in the centre. HANNOV . REX BRUNS . & LUNEBURG . DUX . 1820. One Third Thalers. 702. 0: Shield No. 6, crown divides date, 17 — 64. N . D . R . P . (^) F . siLB . in a curve under. GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . B . F . & , H . REX . F . D. It : St. Andrew with his cross, i . w . s . under, BR . & . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & . EL. 703. : Shield No. 3, crown divides date 17—64 . fein . (4) siLB . in a curve under, legend as before. B : Wild man holding tree, i . A . p . under, legend as last. 704. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 65. 705. Similar to No. 702, excepting date, which is 17—66. 706. Similar to No. 703, excepting date, which is 17—67. 707. 0: Shield No. 10,N . D. REICHES.P. (^) FEIN.SILBER in a curve under, legend as before. B : Running horse c§3 c cg^ under, legend as before, date follows legend 1767. 708. Similar to No. 703, excepting date, which is 17—68. 709. Similar to No. 703, excepting date, which is 17—70. 710. Similar to No. 703, excepting date, which is 17—72. 711. 0: Bust to right, I . w . s . under. GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . & HIB . REX . F.D. QRORGE iir. 87 R: Shield No. 10, crown divides date, 17 — 74, N . D . R . F (^) p . siLB ill a curve under, BR . & LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 712. Similar to No. 703, excepting date, Avliicli is 17 — 74, and initials l . c . r. under Wild man. 713. Similar to last, exceptinp: date, which is 1 7 — 75. 714. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 76. 715. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1 7 — 77. 716. 0: Bust to right,i . w . s . under. GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . & . HIB . REX . F .D. E : Arms No. 4, supporters, &c.; crown divides date 17 — 78. N.D.R.F. (^) P. SILB. under in a curve, BRUNS . & LUN . DUX .S.R.I. A . TH . & ELECT. 717. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 79. 718. : Shield No. 10, date over 1781. n . d . r . f . (i) P . SILB . in a curve under GEORG . Ill • D . G . M . BR . FR . & HIB . REX . F . D. J? : St. Andrew as No. 702. 719. 0: As No. 716. B. Shield No. 10, crown divides date 17 — 82, N.D.R.F. (J) p. SILB . in a curve under, legend as last. 720. Similar to No. 703, excepting date, which is 17 — 82, and initials c . e . s. under AVild man. 721. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 83. 722. Similar to No. 718, excepting date, which is 1783. 723. : Shield No. 2, crown divides date 17—84, legend as before. R: Wild man holding tree, c . e . s . under, 12 in field, BR . ET . LUN . DUX. S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 88 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 724. 725. 726. 111. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 0; R 733. 734. /oO. Similar to No. 718, excepting date, which is 1 784. Shield No. 1, date at sides of shield 17 — 85, FEIN . (5) siLB . under. GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D. Similar to No. 723. Similar to No. 711, excepting date, whicli is 17—85. Similar to No. 725, excepting date, which is 17 — 86, and initial c. under Wild man. Similar to No. 711, excepting date, which is 17—86. Similar to No. 725, excepting date, whicli is 17 — 87, and initial c. Similar to No. 725, excepting date, which is 17 — 88, and initial c. Similar to No. 725, excepting date, whicli is 17 — 89, and initial c. Bust to right, c . under, GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . & HIB . REX . F . D. Shield No. 1, crown divides date 17 — 89, n . d . e . F . (I) r . siLB . in a curve under. BRUNS . & . LUN . DUX .S.R.I.A.TH.& ELECT. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 90. Similar to last, excepting legend on R : which reads BR . & LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . &E. Similar to No. 732, excepting date, which is 17—91. GEORGE III. 89 736. Similar to No. 732, excepting date, which is 17—93. 737. Similar to No. 702, excepting date, which is 17 — 93, and n . d . eeiches . f . (^) fein . siLBER . in a curve under shield. 738. Similar to No. 732, excepting n . d . eeiches . p . (^) FEIN . SILBER is uuder shield, and date is 17—94. 739. : Bust to right, p . l . m . under, legend as 732. R : Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 95, 740. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 96. 741. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 97. 742. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 98. 743. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18 — 00, and c. under bust. 744. : Bust to right, g . f . m . under, GEOEGIUS . Ill . D . G . BRITANNIARUM . REX . F . D. II : Shield No. 7, crown divides date 18 — 03, n . d . EEICHES . F . (5) FEIN . siLBEE in a curvc Under, BRUNS . & LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & . ELECT. 745. Similar to last, but with much smaller bust, the date, which is 1804, follows the legend, and is not divided by the crown. 746. : Shield No. 7, n . d . eeiches . f . (^) fein . silbee . in a curve under, GEORGIUS . III. D . G . BR . REX . F . D . 1804. R : St. Andrew with his cross, G . f . m . under, BR . & . LUN . DUX .S.R.I.A.TH.&. ELECT. One-sixth Thalers. *14i1. : Shield No. 3, crown divides date 17 — 61, n . d . E . F . (J ) F . siLB under GEORG . III. D . G . M . B . F . & H . REX . F . D. R : St. Andrew and cross, i . w . s . under, BR . & LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & . EL. f- 90 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 748. Similar to last, excepting date, wliicli is 17 — 62. 749. : Sliield No. 2, crown divides date 17 — 62, pein. (^-) SiLB . under in a curve, legend as last. R : Wild man holding tree, i . b . h . under, 6 in the field, legend as last. 750. Similar to lastj excepting date, wliicli is 17 — 63. 751. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 64. 752. Similar to No. 747, excepting date, which is 17—64. 753. Similar to No. 749, excepting date, which is 17—67. 754. Similar to No. 749, excepting date, which is 17 — 68, and initials i . A . p. 755. Similar to No. 747, excepting date, which is 17—69. 756. Similar to No. 749, excepting date, which is 17 — 70, and initials i . A . p. 757. Similar to No. 747, excepting date, which is 17—71. 758. Similar to No. 749, excepting date, which is 17 — 72, and initials i . a . p. 759. Similar to No. 749, excepting date, which is 17 — 73, and initials l . c . R . under Wild man. 760. : Bust to right, i . w . s . under, GEORG . Ill . D.G.M.B.F.ET.H. EEX . F . D. R; Shield No. 10, crown divides date 17 — 73, N . D . R . P . (~) F . siLB . in a curve under, BR . & .LUN .DUX.S.R.I.A.TH.&. EL. 761. Similar to No, 759, excepting date, which is 17—74. 762. Similar to No. 760, excepting date, which is 17—76. 763. Similar to No. 759, excepting date, which is 17—76. GEORGE Iir. 91 704. Similar to No. 759, excepting date, which is 17—78. 765. : Bust to right, i . w . s . under, GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BHIT . FR . & . HIB . REX . F . D. R: Shield No. 10, crown divides date 17 — 78, N . D . K . r . (-i) F . siLB . in a curve under, BRUNS . & LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & . ELECT. 766. . Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1 7 — 70. 767. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 80. 768. : Shield No. 1, crown divides date, 17 — 80, legend as No. 765. R : St. Andrew and cross . i . w . s . under, BR . &LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & ELECT . 769. Similar to No. 749, excepting date, which is 17 — 80, and initials c . E . s . under Wild man. 770. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 81. 771 . Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 82, 772. Similar to No. 765, excepting date, which is 17—82. 773. Similar to No. 769, excepting date, which is 1783. 774. Similar to No. 769, excepting date, which is 17—84. 775. : Bust as No. 765. li : Shield No. 1, crown divides date, 17 — 84, N . D. K . F . (-^) F . SILB . uuder, and legend as B : of No. 765. 776. : Shield No. 1, crown divides date, 17 — 85, N . D . R . p . (I) F . SILB . in a curve, legend as : of No. 765. R : St. Andrew with his cross, i . w . s . under, BR . & LUN . DUX .S.R.I.A.Tn.&. ELECT. 777. Similar to No. 769, excepting date, which is 17—85. h- 17 92 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 778. vSimilar to No. 749, excepting date, whicli is 17 — 86, and initial c . under Wild man. 779. : Bust to right, i . w . s . under, GEORG . Til . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . ET HIB . REX . F . D. B : Shield No. 1 within a garter, crown over divides date 17 — 86, n.d.e.f. (4) f . silb . in a curve under, BRUNS . ET . liUN . DUX . 5 . R . I . A . TH . ET . ELECT. 780. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 17 — 87. 781. Similar to No. 778, excepting date, which is 17—88. 782. Similar to No. 779, excepting date, which is 17—89. 783. Similar to No. 778, excepting date, which is 17—89. 784. Similar to No. 776, excepting date, which is 17—89. 785. Similar to No. 776, excepting date, which is 17 — 90,and initial c . onl}', under St. Andrew. 786. 0: Shield No. 1, crowned, date at sides 17—91, N . D . R . F . (-|) F . SILB . Under, in a curve legend as No. 765. B: Wild man holding tree, c. under, 6 in field, BRUNS . & , LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A. TH . 6 . ELECT. 787. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1 7 — 92. 788. Similar to No. 779, excepting date, which is 1 7 — 92, and initial c. 789. Similar to No. 786, except date, which is 17 — 93, and initials p . l . m. 790. Similar to No. 779, excepting date, which is 1 7 — 94, and initials r . l . m, 791. Similar to No. 786, excepting date, which is 1 7 — 94, and initials p . l . m. 792. Similar to last, but dated 17—95. GEORGE III. 93 793. Similar to No. 779j excepting date, which is 17 — 95, and initials p . l . m. 794. Similar to No. 770, excepting date, which is 17 — 96, and n. d. r. f {\) f. silber under shield. 795. Similar to last, but dated 17—97. 796. Similar to No. 786, excepting date, which is 17—97, and initials p . l . m. 797. Similar to No. 779, excepting date, which is 17 — 98, and initials p . l . m . under bust, and N . D . reiches . p . FEIN . SILBER, in a curvo under shield. 798. Similar to No. 749, excepting date, which is 17 — 98, and initials p . l . m . and as last under shield. 799. Similar to last, but dated 17—99. 800. Similar to No. 797, excepting date, which is 17—99. 801. Similar to No. '79 7, excepting date, which is 18 — 00, and initial c. under bust. 802. 0: Shield No. 1, crown divides date 1800. N . D . R . F . (g) F . siLB . in a curve under, GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BRIT . FR . & HIB. . REX . F . D. II : Wild man holding tree, p . L . M . under, in the field. BRUNS . & LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . & ELECT. 803. : Bust to right, c. under, GEORGIUS . Ill . D . G . BRITANNIARUM . REX . F . D. R : Shield No. 3, crown divides date, 1 8 — 02, n . d. R . F . (^) F . SILBER Under, BRUNS . & LUN . DUX .'s . R . I . A . TH . & ELECT. 804. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18 — 03. 805. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18 — 04. 806. -Similar to No. 802, excepting date, which is 18—04. 94 ANGLO-HANOVEEIAN. 807. : Shield No. 7, crowned, n . d . e . p . (|-) f . siLB. ill a curve under, GEORGIUS . Ill . D . G . BR . REX . F . D . 1804. B : St. Andrew with his cross, G . p . m . under, BR . & LUN . DUX .S.R.I.A.TH.& ELECT. 808. 0: Bust to right,G.(l)M. under, GEORGIUS. III. D . G . BRITANNIARUM . REX. F . D. R : Arms in garter, crowned, n . d. e . f — f . silb . in a curve under, BRUNS . & LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH & ELECT . 1807. Four Marien Grosclien. 800. : ^ nil ^ I MARIEN | GROSCII : | fein SILB : 1 I . B . H in iive lines, GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D . 1762.^ B : Wild man holding tree, 4 in the field, BR . ET . LUN . DUX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL. 810. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1764, and initials I . A . P. 811. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1766. 812. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1767. 813. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1769. 814. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1770. 815. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1771. 816. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1774, and initials l . c . R. GEORGE III. 95 817. Similar to last, excepting date, whicli is 1775. 818. Similar to last, excepting date, whicli is 177G. 819. Similar to last, excepting date, whicli is 1777. 820. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1778. 821. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1779, and initial c. 822. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1780, and initials C . e . s. 823. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1781. 824. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1783. 825. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1784. 826. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1786, and F . siLBER . I c . in centre of : 827. 0: ^IIII^ I MARIEN | GROSCH : | f.silbkr. I 1787 1 C. in six lines, legend as before. R: As before. One-ttoelfth Thaler or 3 Grosehen. 828. 0: 12 I EINEN j THAL : | i . w . s . in four lines in centre, NACH DEM RETCHES FUS^ U : Running horse, with date under 1 760. 829. As last, but with initials i . a . s . and legend NACH DEM LEIPZIGER FUS * 830. Similar to No. 828, excepting date, which is 1761. 831. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1762. 832. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1 763. 833. As last, but initial^ c ^ 834. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1764. 835. Similar to last, excepting date, Avhich is 1765. 836. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1767. 837. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1768. 838. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1769, and initials i . w . s. 839. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1770. 96 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 8J-0. 841. 842. 843. 814. 845. 846. 847. 848. 8i9. 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. B Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1771. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1772. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1773. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1774. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1776. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1778. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1780. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1781. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1783. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1784. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1786. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1788. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1789. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1791, and initial c. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1792. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1793, and initials p . l . m . Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1795. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1796. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1798. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1799. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1800. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1801, and initials e.g. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1802, and initial c. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1803. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1804. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1805. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1806. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1807. 12 I EINEN I THALER | g . in four lines, NACH DEM REICHES FUSS ^ Running horse, with date under, 1814. GEORGE III. 97 8Gi). Similar to last, oxceptin^ date, which is 1815. 870. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1816. 871. : 5 1 MARTEN | GROSCHEN | 1816 in four lines, KON . HANNOVERSCHE CON- VENTION S-MUNZE. R : Running horse, c . H . H . under, 160 EINE FEINE MARK. 872. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1817. 873. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1818. 874. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1819, and initials L . b , under horse. 875. As last, bat initials under horse l . a . b . Two Marien Groschen, 876. : "^ . ^ . in monogram, crowned, i . w . s . under. i? : II I MARIEN I GROSCH | 1760 in four lines, NACH DEM LEIPZIGER FUS s$. 877. 0: ^11^ 1 MARIEN | GROSCH: | pein silb: | I . A . p . in five lines, GEORG . Ill . D . G . M . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REX . F . D . 1763 eg. R : Wild man holding tree, 2 in field, BR . ET . LVN . DVX . S . R . I . A . TH . ET . EL . 878. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1766. 879. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1768, 880. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1770. 881. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1773. 882. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1774, and initials L . c . R. 883. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1778. 7 98 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 884. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1779. 885. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1780, and initials c . E . s. 886. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1781. 887. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1782. 888. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1783. 889. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1785. One Twenty-fourth Thaler. 890. : Running horse, with the date under, 1760. B: 24 I EINEN I THAL : | i . a . s . in four lines, NACH DEM EEICHES FUS ^ 891. As last, but initials i . w . s . 892. Similar to No. 890, excepting date, which is 1761. 893. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1764. 894. : Running horse, with date under, 1814. B: 24 I EINEN | THALER | c in four lines, NACH DEM REICHES FUSS ^ 895. : '^. ^ . in monogram crowned, CON^^EN- TIONS— MtJNZB. B: 24 I EINEN I THALER j 1817 | h . in five . lines. 896. Similar to last, but dated 1818. Marien Groschen. 897. : y. ^ . in monogram crowned, i . w . s . under. B: II MARIEN | GROS j 1762 in four lines, NACH DEM REICHS FUS ^ 898. Similar to last, but date 1763 and legend ends FYS. GKORGE III. 99 899 : "^ . ^ . in monogram crowned, i . A . p . under. R: sg.\s^ \ MARIEN | GROS : | 1764 in four lines, K . GR . BRIT . und . C . F . BR . LVN . LAND . M b^ 900. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1765. 901. Similar to No. 898, excepting date, which is 1766. 902. Similar to No. 898, excepting date, which is 1768. 903. Similar to No. 897, excepting date, which is 1769. .904. Similar to No. 897, excepting date, which is 1770. 905. Similar to No. 899, excepting date, which is 1770. 906. Similar to No. 899, excepting date, which is 1771. 907. Similar to No. 897, excepting date, which is 1775. 908. Similar to No. 899, excepting date, which is 1777. 909. Similar to No. 898, excepting date, which is 1778. 910. Similar to No. 897, excepting date, which is 1781. 911. Similar to No. 897, excepting date, which is 1784. 912. Similar to No. 897, excepting date, which is 1785. 913. Similar to No. 897, excepting date, which is 1790, and initial c. 914. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1701. 915. Similar to No. 897, excepting date, which is 1798, and initials p . L . m. 916. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1797. 917. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1799. 7 * 100 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN, 918. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1802, and legends ends FUSS. 919. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1803, and initials G . p . m. 920. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1804. 921. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1814. 922. 0: -^ . ^ . in monogram crowned, CONVEN- TIONS-MUNZE. B: 1 I MAEIEN | GROS . | 1816 . | h . in five lines, 923. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1817. 924. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1818. Six Pfennige. 925. : -^ . ^-^ . in monogram crowned, i . w . s , under. B: Orb and cross inscribed (YI), NACH DEM REICHS FUS 1763. 926. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1764, Four Ffennige. 927. : -^ . ^ . in monogram crowned, i . w . s . under, B : nil I PFENN I 1761 in three lines, NACH DEM LEIPZIGERFUSj^ As last. nil I PFENN I 1762 in three lines, NACH DEM REICHS FUS ^ As before, i . a . p , under monogram, nil I PFEN , I 1763, in three lines, K . GR . BR . UND C . F , BR . LVN . LANDM , ^ Similar to No. 928, excepting date, which is 1763. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1764. 928. B 929. B 930. 931. GEORGK III. 101 932. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1765. 933. Similar to No. 929, excepting date, which is 1765. 934. Similar to No. 929, excepting date, which is 1766. 935. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1770. 936. Similar to last, excepting date, Avhich is 1772. 937. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1775, and initials l . c . k. 938. Similar to No. 928, excepting date, which is 1776. 939. Similar to No. 929, excepting date, which is .1779, and initial c. 940. Similar to No. 928, excepting date, which is 1780. 941. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1784. 942. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1785. 943. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1787. 944. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1791, and initial c. 945. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1702. 946. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1793, and initial p . L . M. 947. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1797. 948. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1799. 949. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18U2, initial c and legend ends FUSS. 950. : -^ . 7j . in monogram crowned, g . f . m . under. R : nil I PFEN : I 1804 in three lines, NACH DEMKFICHS FUSSigi 951. Similar to No. 948, but dated 1814. 952. Similar to last, but dated 1815, and initial h. 102 ANGLO-H ANOVE RIAN . 9^0 00. R 954. 955. •^ . i^ . in monogram crowned, CONTENT- MtJNZE. nil I PFENN . I 1816 I H . in four lines. Similar to last, but dated 1817. Similar to last, but dated 1818. A synopsis of the principal silver coins of George III. With the King's Bust. With the Wild Man. Thaleb 2 • 3 1 3 1 6 Thalee 2 3 1 3 1 6 1773. 1772. 1774. 1773. 1764. 1762. 1764. 1762. 1774. 1773. 1778. 1776. 1765. 1763. 1765. 1763. 1776. 1774. 1779. 1778. 1775. 1764. 1767. 1764. 1777. 1775. 1782. 1779. 1776. 1765. 1768. 1767. 1778. 1776. 1785. 1780. 1767. 1770. 1768. 1779. 1778. 1786. 1782. 1768. 1772. 1769. 1780. 1781. 1789. 1784. 1769. 1774. 1770. 1786. 1782. 1790. 1786. 1770. 1775. 1772. 1791. 1786. 1791. 1787. 1771. 1776. 1773. 1792. 1787. 1793. 1789. 1772. 1777. 1774. 1797. 1788. 1794. 1792. 1774. 1782. 1775. 1801. 1789. 1795. 1794. 1775. 1783. 1776. 1790. 1796. 1795. 1776. 1784. 1778. 1791. 1797. 1796. 1777. 1785. 1780. 1795. 1798. 1797. 1778. 1786. 1781. 1796. 1800. 1798. 1779. 1787. 1782. 1797. 1803. 1799. 1780. 1788. 1783. 1799. 1804. 1800. 1781. 1789. 1784. 1800. 1802. 1782. 1785. 1801. 1803. 1783. 1786. 1802. 1804. 1784. 1788. 1813. 1807. 1785. 1789. 1814. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1804. GEORGE IV. 103 With St. Andbew. Thkbe ABE NO LAEGB PIECES OF Geohge III. WITH THE Thaleb. 1 3 1764. 1 6 1761. EUNNING HOBSE 1761. With 1762. 1766. 1762. LAEGE fbaction. 1763. 1779. 1764. XXIV GBOSCHEN. 2 1764. 1781. 1768. 3 1765. 1783. 1769. 1761. 1782. 1801. 1766. 1784. 1771. 1762. 1783. 1802. 1767. 1790. 1780. 1763. 1784. 1803. 1768. 1793. 1782. 1764. 1785. 1804. 1769. 1804. 1785. 1765. 1787. 1805. 1770. 1786. 1767. 1788. 1806. 1771. 1789. 1768. 1789. 1807. 1772. 1790. 1769. 1790. 1813. 1773. 1804. 1770. 1772. 1773. 1774. 1775. 1776. 1777. 1778. 1779. 1780. 1781. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. {Pattern.) A few dates will be found here which came to hand too late to be included in the body of the work. George IV. 1820-30. Two-third Thalers. 956. : Bust to left, c. under, GEORGIUS IV . D . G . BRITANN & HANNOV . REX . F . D . 2 li: -o^ 1^ centre n . d . leipziger fusse feines silber . in a curve under. BRUNSVICENCIS & LUNEBERGENSIS DUX . 1822. 957. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1823. 958. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1824. 959. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1825. 960. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1826. 104 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 9G1. 0: Bust to left, smaller than before. GEORG IV . D . G . BRIT . & HANNOV . REX F . D . BR . & LUN . DUX. jB : T- ^^ *^® centre witli b . under. 18 STUCK EINE MARK FEINE . 1826. 962. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1827. 963. Similar to No. 955, excepting date, which is 1827, and with c under bust. 964. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1828. 965. Similar to No. 961, excepting date, which is 1828. 966. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1829. 967. Similar to No. 956 excepting date, which is 1829. Half-Thaler. 968. : Running horse xx . eine . f . 1 mark . in two straight lines under, GEORGIUS IV. D . G . BRITAN . & . HANNOV . REX ^ B: ^ l6 ^ i GUTE I GROSCHEN | CON- VENTIONS 1 MUNZE in five Hues, and in a curve under fein silbee. BRUNS- VICENSIS . & . LUNEBURGENSIS . DUX . 1820 ^ 969. : Similar to last. B: ^ 16 * 1 GUTE I GROSCHEN | CONV. MUNZE I EEiN . siLBER . in five lines, BRUNSVICENSIS . & . LUNEBURGEN- SIS . DUX . 1820^ 970. : Running horse xx . e . P . mark . in a curve under, GEORGIUS . IV . D . G . BRITAN . ET . HANNOV . REX. B: 16 I CUTE I GROSCHEN in three lines, CONV . MUNZE . PEiN siLB . in a curve under, BRUNSVICENSIS ET LUNEBURGEN- SIS DUX . 1821. GEOIiGE IV. 105 971. 972. 0: R 973. 974. 975. 976. 977. 978. 979. 980. As last, but legend 131UTANN . ET HANNOV EEX. As last. 16 I GUTE 1 GKOSCHEN 1 1822. in four lines, FEiNES silber in a curve under, BRUNS- VICENSIS ET LUNEBURGENSIS DUX. (Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1823. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1824. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1825. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1820. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1827. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1828. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1829. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1830. One-sixth Thaler. 981. : 6 1 EINEN I THALER | 1821. in four lines. KON . HANNOV . CONVENT-MUNZE. B : Running horse, n . under, 80 EINE FEINE MARK. Three Gruschen. 982. 0: 3 1 MARIEN | GROSCHEN | 1820. in four lines. KON . HANNOVERSCHE . CON- VENTIONS-MUNZE. B : Running horse l . b . under. 160 EINE FEINE jMARK. 98o. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1821. 106 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 984. : 12 I EINEN [ THALER | 1822. iu four lines. KON . HANNOV . CONVENT-MUNZE. B : As 982. 985. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1823. 986. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1824. One Twenty-fourth Thalers. 987. 0: "^ . ^ . ill monogram, crowned iv. under, CONVENTIONS-MUNZE. B: 24 I EINEN | THALER | 1826 | b . in five lines. 988. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1827. 989. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1828. Four Pfennige. 990. 0: '^ . ^ . in monogram, crowned iv. under, CONVENT MUNZE. B : IIII I PFENN . I 1822 ] b . in four lines. 991. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1824. 992. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1826. 993. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1828. 994. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1830. WILLIAM IV. 1830-37. Thalers. 995. 0: Bust to right, b. under, WILHELM IV KOENIG V . GR . BRIT . U. HANNOVER. B: Shield No. 12, date under 18—34. EIN THALER XIV EINE F . M. 996. 0: Bust to right, a . under, WILHELM IV KOENIG V . GR . BRIT . U . HANNOVER . B: 1 I THALER | 1834, in three lines XIV EINE FEINE MARK FEINES SILBER. 007. WILLIAM IV. - 107 Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1835. 998. 0: As No. 996. R: Shield No. 12, EIN THALER XIV EINE F . M. FEINES 1835 SILBER. 999. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1836. 1000. Similar to No. W6, excepting date, which is 1836. 1001. Similar to 998, excepting date, which is 1837. Two-third Thaler. 1002. : Arms within a garter, crowned. WILHEL^M IV . V . G . G . KONIG V . GROSS BRIT . IRL . u . HANNOVER . R: ~m the centre. NACH DEM LEIPZIGER FUSSE above, FEINES 1832 SILBER below. 1003. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1833. 1004. : Bust to right. A small w on the neck, WILHELM IV . V . G . G . KOENIG . v . GR . BRIT . IRL . u . HANNOV. R : As No. 1002, but with a small a under the frac- tion in the centre. EalfThalers. 1005. : Running horse, WILHELM IV . v . G . G . KONIG . D . V . R . GROSS BR . c . IRL .^ R: 16 I GUTE I GROSCHEN | 1830 [ feines SILBER in five lines, KONIG V . HANNOV . HERZOG . Z . BRAUN . U . LUNE. 108 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 1006. 0: Similar to last, but with xx . E . F . mark in a curve under horse. B: 16 I GUTE | GROSCHEN | 1830 infourlines, PEiNES siLBER in a curve under KONIG V. HANNOVER . HERZOG Z . BRAUNS . U . LUNEB. There is a variety of this, with dotted rim, and from different dies. 1007. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1831. 1008. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1832, and initial a. under date. 1009. Similar to No. 1006, excepting date, which is 1833, and legend on R : ends LUNE- BURG. 1010. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1834. One-sixth Thaler. 1011. : Bust to right, WILHELM IV . KOENIG V . GR . BRIT . U . HANNOVER ^> B: Shield No. 12, VI . EINEN THALER LXXXIV . EINE F . M . 1834. 1012. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1835. 1013. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1836. One-twelfth Thaler. N/1014. 0: Similar to last, but with a small B. under bust. B: 12 1 EINEN I THALER | 1834 in four lines, CLXVIII EINE FEINE MARK justirt. 1015. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1835. 1016. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1836. 1017. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1837. One-twenty-fourth Thaler. 1018. : Horse on a shield crowned, KON . HANNOV . SCHEIDE-MUNZE. B: 24 1 EINEN \ THALER | 1834 | b .in five lines. GEORGE I. 100 1010. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1835. 1020. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 183G. 1021. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1837. Nos. 1010 and 1020 have as initials both a . and B. Four Pfennige. 1022. : Horse on a shield crowned, KON . HANNOV . SCHEIDE-M. R: 4 1 PFENN. I 1834 | b . in four lines. 1023. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1835. 1024. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1836. 1025. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1837. Copper Coins. GEORGE I. 1714-27. 102G. : ^ . iC , 'if^ , in monogram crowned. (For George Lewis Hex.) B,: <%^\h<%> I PFENNING | SCHEIDE | MUNTZ I 1713 in five lines, cga under date. 1027. Similar to last, hut stars instead of quatrefoils by the 1^, and nothing under date. 1028. Similar to last, but with a star under date. 1020. Similar to No. 102(3, excepting date, which is 1721. 1030. Similar to No. 102G, excepting date, which is 1722. 1031. 0: -^ . ^ . crowned. R: *lc8= I PFENNING | SCHEIDE | MUNTZ 1717 in five lines. Sunder date. 1032. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1710. 1033. Stars instead of quatrefoils, date 1722. 1034. Similar to No. 1033, but with a rosette under date. no 1035. 1036. ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. •C . ^ . crowned, h . c B: *1# 1 PFENNING I 1723. In 5 lines. : Wild man and tree, e R: ♦!♦ I PFENNING I 1 724. In 5 lines. . B . under. SCHEIDE I MUNTZ A rosette under date. . p , H . under. SCHEIDE I MUNTZ 1037. 1038. 1039. 1040. 1041. Similar to No. 1036, excepting date, which is 1725. : St. Andrew and cross. B: * 1 :f: I PFENNING I SCHEIDE | MUNTZ | 1725. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1726. Similar to last, excepting roses in place of stars. Similar to No. 1036, excepting date, which is 1726. GEORGE II. 1727-60. 1042. 0: '^ . ^ . crowned, c . under. B: U \ PFENNING | SCHEIDE | MUNTZ | 1750. In five lines. 1043. Similar to No. 1042, but V instead of tf in MUNTZ. In describing the Pfenninges, as there are a large number of varieties, I shall divide them into three parts or types, giving the royal cypher first, then those bearing St. Andrew, and afterwards those with wild man. GEOROR II. Ill 1044. : -^ , ^ , crowned, c . p . s . under. A': * 1 * I PFENNING | SCHEIDE | MUNTZ I 1729. In 5 lines. 1045. Similar to last, but no initials on obverse under the monogram, rosettes instead of quatrefoils on reverse. 1782. 1046. Similar to last, no initials, on obverse, stars of six rays, quatrefoils on reverse. 1733. 1047. Similar to No. 1044, quatrefoils by side of numeral. 1 73 I . 1048. Similar to last, stars of six rays by side of numeral. 1734, 1049. Similar to last, stars of six rays, 1736. 1050. Similar to last, but no initials on obverse, stars of six rays. 1 739. 1051. Similar to last, but no initials on obverse, a rose under date. 1740. 1052. Similar to last, initial s . only, stars of six rays. 1741. 1053. Similar to last, initial s . only, stars of six rays. 1742. 1054. Similar to last, initial s . only, roses. 1743. 1055. Similar to last, c . p . s . on obverse, stars on six rays. 1744. 1056. Similar to last, quatrefoils. 1745. 1057. Similar to last, c . p . s . on obverse, quatre- foils. 1745. 1058. Similar to last, stars of six rays. 1745. 1059. Similar to last, quatrefoils. 1746. 1060. Similar to last, stars. 1717. 112 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 1061. Similar to last^ quatrefoils^ a rosette under date. 1748. 1062. Similar to last, quatrefoils. 1749. 1063. Similar to last, quatrefoils. 1750. 1064. Similar to last, s . on obverse, stars. 1752. 1065. Similar to last, i . w . s . on obverse, rosettes. 1753. 1066. Similar to last, qnatrefoils. 1753. 1067. Similar to last, s . on obvei-se. 1754. 1068. ' Similar to last, but with quatrefoils on eacli side I . w . s . as well as at the sides of numeral on reverse. 1754. 1069. Similar to No. 1067, quatrefoils. 1755. 1070. Similar to last, numeral on reverse, quatre- foils. 1756. 1071. Similar to last, i . w . s . on reverse, rosettes. 1757. 1072. Similar to last, i . w . s . on reverse. 1758. 1073. Similar to last, i . w . s . on reverse. 1759. 1074. : St. Andrew bearing his cross. R: cg^lcg. I PFENNING | SCHEIDE | MUNTZ I 1729. In 5 lines. 1075. Similar to last, but rosettes in place of quatre- foils. 1732. 1076. Similar to last, but rosettes in place of stars. 1734. 1077. Similar to last, but rosettes in place of stars. 1739. 1078. : Wild man and tree, with branches on both sides, E . p . H . under, i? : * 1 * I PFENNING 1 SCHEIDE | MUNTZ ) 1730 in 5 lines. 1079. Similar to last, but initials i . a . b . and quatre- foils on sides of numeral. 1732. 1080. Similar to last, but initials i . a . b . and quatre- foils on sides of numeral. 1737. GEORGE III. 113 1081. Similar to last, but initials i . b. h . and quatre- foils on sides of numeral. 1741. 1082. Similar to last, but initials i . b . h . and quatre- foils on sides of numeral. 1742. 1083. Similar to last, but initials i . b . h . and quatro- foils on sides of numeral. 1743. 1084. Similar to last, but initials i . b . h . and quatrc- foils on sides of numeral. 1 745. 1085. Similar to last, but initials i . b . h . and quatre- foils on sides of numeral. 1747. 108G. Similar to last, but initials i . b . h . and quatre- foils on sides of numeral. 1749. 1087. Similar to last, but initials i . b . h . and quatre- foils on sides of numeral. 1752. 1088. Similar to last, but initials i . b . h . and quatre- foils on sides of numeral. 1754. 1089. Similar to last, but initials i . b . h . and quatre- foils on sides of numeral. 1755. 1090. Similar to No. 1081, excepting date, whicli is 1756. 1091. Similar to No. 1081, excepting date, -which is 1758. 1092. Similar to No. 1081, excepting date, and a rose under date. 1759. 1093. Similar to No. 1081, excepting date, and a rose under date. 1700. George III. 1760-1820. Four Pfenninges, 1094. : St. Andrew with his cross, c . under. E: 4 I PFENNING | SCHEIDE | MUNTZ 1 1792, in five lines. 1095. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1794, and initials r . L . M. 8 114 1096. ANGLO-HAXOVERIAN, 1097. 1098. '. -^ . ?^ . crowned, p . l . m under. i2: 4 I PFENNING | SCHEIDE | MUNTZ 1 794, in five lines. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1795. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 179G. Two Pfenninges. 1099. Similar to No. 1096, excepting in size and value. Date 1794. 1100. Similar to No. 1096, excepting in size and value. Date 1796. 1101. Similar to No. 1096, excepting in size and value. Date 1797. 1102. Similar to No. 1096, excepting in size and value. Date 1798. 1 103. Similar to No. 1096, excepting in size and value. Date 1799. 1104. Similar to No. 1096, excepting in size and value. Date 1800. 11 05. vSimilar to No. 1096, excepting in size and value. Initial c. only. Date 1801. 1106. Similar to No. 1096, excepting in size and value. Initials G . f . m. Date 1802. 1107. Similar to No. 1096, excepting in size and value. Date 1803. 1108. Similar to No. 1096, excepting in size and value. Date 1804. 1 109. Similar to No. 1096, excepting in size and value. Date 1807. GKOROK FII. 11.5 1110. 0: -^ . ^ . crowned. The date under. 1817. R : A five-leaved rose on each side^ numeral on Rev. 1111. Similar to last, excepting- date, which is 1818. One and a half Pfenninges. 1112. : -^ . ^T^ . crowned . c . under. B: 1\ \ PFENNING | SCHEIDE | MUNTZ | 1792. 1113. Similar to last, but p . l . m . under cypher. In the arrangements of the Pfenninges a similar division will be made to those in the previous reign. 1114. C > : '^ . V • crowned, i . w . s . under. h ': 1 PFENNING SCHEIDE MUNTZ. 1761 1115. Similar to last, but 1 PFENN : and date 1762 IIIG. Similar to No. 1115. Date 1763. 1117. Similar to No. 1115. Date 1764. 1118. Similar to No. 1115. Date 1765. • 1119. Similar to No. 1115. Date 1767. 1120. Similar to No. 1115. Date 1768. 1121. Similar to No. 1115. Date 1769. 1122. Similar to No. 1115. Date 1770. 1123. Similar to No. 1115. Date 1771. 1124. Similar to No. 1115. Date 1772. 1125. Similar to No. 1115. Date 1773. 1126. Similar to No. 1115. Date 1774. 1127. I . w . s . over the crown, not under. 1775. 1128. I . w . s . over the crown, not under. 1776. 1129. I . w . s . over the crown, not under. 1777. 1130. I . w . s . over the crown, not under. 1778. 1131. 1 . w . s . over the crown, not under. 1779. 1132. With I . w . 8 . over Date 1780. crown, not under ■ cypher. 1133. With I . w . s . over Date 1781. crown, not undoT • cypher. 8 ■jf 115 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 1134. With I . w . s . over crown, not under cypher. Date 1782. 1135. With I . w . s . over crown, not under cypher. Date 1783. 1136. With I . w . s . over crown, not under cypher. Date 1784. 1137. With I . w . s . over crown, not under cypher. Date 1785. 1138. With I . w . s . over crown, not under cypher. Date 1786. 1139. With I , w . s . over crown, not under cypher. Date 1787. 1140. With I . w . s . over crown, not under cypher. Date 1788. 1141. With I . w . s . over crown, not under cypher. Date 1789. 1142. With I . w . s . over crown, not under cypher. Date 1790. 1143. With c . under cypher, nothing above. Date 1790. 1144. With c . under cypher, nothing above. Date 1791. 1145. With c . under cypher, nothing above. Date 1792. 1146. With p . L . M . under cypher, nothing above. Date 1793. 1147. With p . L . M . under cypher, nothing above. Date 1794. 1148. With p . L . M . under cypher, nothing above. Date 1795. 1149. With p . L . M . under cypher, nothing above. Date 1796. 1150. With p . L . M . under cypher, nothing above. Date 1797. 1151. With p . L . M . under cypher, nothing above. Date 1798. GEUKGE ill. 117 1152. 1153. 1154. 1155. 1156. 1157. 1158. 1159. 1160. 1161. 1162. 1163. 1164. 1165. 1166. 1167. 1168. 1169. 1170. 1171. With p . L . M . under cypher, nothing above. Date 1799. With p . L . M . under cypher, nothing above. Date 1800. With c . only under cypher, nothing above. Date 1801. With c . only under cypher, nothing above. Date 1802. With c . only under cypher, nothing above. Date 1803. With c . only under cypher. Date 1804. With c . only under cypher. Date 1806. With c . only under cypher. Date 1814. B: Initial c 1817. Initial c 1818. Initial C 1819. Initial C on rev. on rev. on rev. on rev. Date on ob. under cypher. Date on ob. under cypher. Date on ob. under cypher. Date on ob. under cypher. 1820. St. Andrew bearing his cross, i . w . s . under 1 I PFENN: I SCHEIDE ] MUNTZ | 1780. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1781. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1782. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1783. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1784-. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1785. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1786. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1787. 118 1172. 1173. 1174. 1175. 0: B 1176. 1177. 1178. 1179. 1180. 1181. 1182. 1183. 1184. 1185. 1186. 1187. 1188. 1189. 1190. 1191. 1192. 1193. 1194. 1195. ANULO-HAJS'O V KRIAN . Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1788. Similar to last, initials p . L . m . 1793. Similar to last, but dated 1794. Wild man and tree, i . b . h . under. ^1^ \ PFENNING 1 SCHEIDE \ MUNTZ I 1762, in five lines. Similar to last, but i . a . i 1763. Similar to last, but i . a . p 1764. Similar to last, but i . A . p 1765. Similar to last, but i . a . p 1766. a . P . under wild man, and date, on obv. and date on obv. and date on obv. and date on obv. and date With I 1768. With I 1769. With I 1770. With L 1774. With L 1775. With L 1776. With L With h With c With c C . R R C . R under wild man, and date, under wild man, and date, under wild man, and date, under wild man, and date, under wild man, and date. c . R . under wild man, and date, 1777. B.C. under wild man, and date, 1778. K . s . under -wild man, and date, 178U. E . s . under wild man, and date, 1781. With c . E . s . under wild man, and date, 1 783. With c . E . s . under wild man, and date, 1 784. With c . E . s . under wild man, and date, 1785. With c . under wild man, and date, 1788. With p . L . M . under wild man, and date, 1792. With p . L . M . under wild man, and date, 1794. GKOUOK IV. 110 1196. With I' . L . M . under wild man, and date, 1795. 1197. With r . L . .M . under wild man, and date, 1790. 1198. With G . F . M . under wild man, and date, 1804. George IV. 1820-30. Four Pfenninges- 1199. 0: -^ . ^ . crowned, 1827 under. ii: 4 I I'FENNING I 8CHEIDE \ MUNTZ | c. in five lines. Two Pfenninaes. 1200. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Roses on rev., 1821. 1201. Similar to last. No roses, 1822, 1202. Similar to last. No roses, 1823, 1203. Similar to last. No roses. 1824. 1204. Similar to last. No roses. 1826, 1205. Similar to last. No roses. 1827, 1200. Similar to last. No roses. 1828. 1207. Similar to last. No roses, 1829. 1208. Similar to last. No roses. 1830. 1209. Similar to last. No roses_, 1830. Pfenninges. 1210. 0: •^ . ^ . crowned c. under. R: ^ 1 ^ PFENNING 1 SCHEIDE 1821. 1211. Similar, but date 1822. 1212. Similar, but date 1823. 1213. Similar, but date 1824, 1214. Similar, but date 1825. 1215. Similar, but date 1826. 1216. Similar, but date 1827. 1217. Similar, but date 1828, 1218. Similar, but date 1829, 1219. Similar, but date 1830. MUNTZ 120 ANGLO-HANOVERIAN. 1220. With B on B: aud date ou 0: under cypher, 182G. 1221. Similar to last excepting date, which is 1828. 1222. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1829. 1223. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1830. . William IV. 1830-37. Four Pfenninges. 1224. : W . <^ . ill double cypher crowned, 1831 . under. R: 41 PFENNING | SCHEIDE | MUNTZ 1 c. In 5 lines. Ttoo Pfenninges, 1225. Similar to last, excepting in size and value, 1831. 122G. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1833. 1227. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1834. 1228. Similar, but having iv. under cypher and date on rev. 1834. 1229. : Shield with running horse on it, crowned. KON : HANNOV. SCHEIDE . MUNZE. II: 2 1 PFENNING | 1835 | a. In four lines. 1230. Similar, but date 1836. 1231. Similar, but date 1837. Pfenninges. 1232. Similar to No. 1224, excepting in size and value, 1831. 1233. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1832. 1234. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1833. WILLIAM IV. 121 1235. Similar to last, but with initial b., 1833. 1236. Similar to last, but with initial A., 1833. 1237. Similar to last, but with initial A., 1834. 1238. Similar to No. 1228, excepting in size and value, with IV . under cypher, 1834. 1239. Similar to No. 1229, excepting in size and value. Initial a . on rev., 1835. 1240. Similar to last. Initial A . on rev., 1836. 1241. Similar to last. Initial a . on rev., 1837. 1242. Similar to last. Initial b . on rev., 1835. 1243. Similar to last. Initial b . on rev., 1836. 1244. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1837. 1245. : Running horse not on a shield. WILHELM . HERZOG ZU . BR . U . LUEN . B: ^\^ I PFENNING | SCHEIDE | MUNZE 1 1830. In five lines. 1246. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1832. 1247. Similar to last, excepting date,' which is 1834. I am indebted to an article in the Num. Oh. vol. i. N. S., by the Rev. Henry Christmas, for several dates and varieties of these copper coins. •SSf! EAST FRIESLAND. The ancient Frisia, formerly governed by its own Counts. On the death of Prince Charles Edward in 1744, it became subject to the King of Prussia. It was annexed to Holland in 1806, and to the French Empire in 1810.. In 1815 it was annexed to Hanover, and so its coins for a short time come within the scope of this work. Two Stivers. 1. : ^ . \ . crowned, iv under. R: 2 1 STUBER I osT | FRIESISCH | 1823 1 B . in six lines. Stiver. 2. : '^ ■ H. ' crowned, iv . under. B: 11 STUBER I GST | FRIESISCH 1 1823 | B . in six lines. Half- Stiver. 3. : '^ . ^ . crowned, iv . under. li: \\ STUBER I OST 1 FRIESISCH | 1823 ( in five lines. Quarter Stiver. 4. : -^ . ^ . IV , crowned. R: 1 1 STUBER I osT | FRIESISCH 1 1823 | 4 under. 5. Similar to last, excepting with a 5 under date. 6. : As last. R: I \ STUBER 1 ost | FRIESISCH | 1824 in five lines. 7. As last, but dated 1825. BBUNS^WICK-^WOLFENBUTTEL. The Duchy of Bruuswick was in 1409 divided into two branches ; that of Brunswick-Luneburg (from which came George I. of England) and Brunswick- Wolfenbuttel. 'I'his latter had for its Duke William Frederick, who, com- manding the avant-garde at Waterloo under Wellington, was there killed on June IGth, 1815, and who was succeeded by his eldest son, Charles Frederick William. He, being a minor, was placed under the guardianship of George, as Prince Regent, and also as George 1\'. until 1823, when the young Duke assumed the government. Under these circumstances it has been thought advisable to include the coins of this State between 1815 and 1823. Although they can scarcely be classed as belonging to the series of English dependencies, still, being found with the name and title of the sovereign upon them they might otherwise somewhat puzzle the inexperienced collector. Gold Coins. Ten Thalers 1. 0: Crowned shield of arms. GEORGIVS D . G . PRINC . REGENS R: ^ X ^ 1 THALER I -MHiy-J- j f . k . | ^ in five lines. TVTOR . NOM . CAROLI DVCIS BRVNS ET L YN ^ 2. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1818. 3. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1819. Five Thalers, 4. : As before. R: ^V^ I THALER | -MSie-J- | f. k. | -f | in five lines. TVTOR . NOM . CAROLI DVCIS BR . KT LVN ^ 124 BRtmSWlCK-WOLFENJJUTTEL. 5. Similar to last^ excepting date, wliicli is 1817. 6. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1818. 7. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1819, 8. 0: Crowned shield as before. GEOKG . IV . D . G . REX . BEITANN. B: ^V^ 1 THALER | ♦M822-f | C . v . C . | ^ in five lines, legend as No. 4. 9. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1823. Two-and-a-HaJf Thalers. 10. : As before. R- ^2g^ i THALER I 4•1816♦^ | f . r . | *^ in five lines, legend as No. 4, but ending ET LV * 11. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1818, and legend ends LVN'^ 12. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1819. 13. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1822, and initials C . v . C. Silver Coins. Twenty-four Groschen. 14. : Crowned Shield of Arms. GEORGIVS D . G . PRINC . REGENS. B: ^24^ 1 MARIEN | GROSCH. | eg. 1816^8= \ P . R. I PEiNES siLBER | In six lines, the lower one curved. TUTOR . NOM . CAROLl DVCIS BRUNS . ET LVN ^ 15. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1817. 16. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1818. 17. 0: Crowned shield as before. GEORGIVS IV . D . G . REX BRITANNIAR. B : Similar to No. 14, excepting date, which is 1820, and initials under m . c . GEORGE IV. 125 18. 19. 20. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1821. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1822. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1823. One.TweJffh Thaler. 21. : Running horse. GEORG . D . G . P . R . TVT . N . CAROLI . D . BR . ET L . * R: ^12 ^ I EINEN I THALER | >M816-f | P . R . in five lines. CLX EINE FEINE MARK CONVENT M . * 22. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1817. 2:3. : Horse as before. GEORG . IV . D . G . R . TVT . N . CAROLI . D . BR . ET . L ^ R : As before, but initials in fifth line of legend M . c . and date 1820. 24. Similar to last, but initials C . v. C . and date 1821. 25. Similar to last, date 1822. 26. Similar to last, date 1823. One Twenty-fourth Thalers. 27. R 28. Running horse. GEORG . IV . D . G . R . T . N . CAROLI . D . BR . ET . L. ^ 24 ^ I EINEN I THALER | •^ 1820 •^ I M . c . in five lines. BRAUNSCH . LUNEB . LAND MUNZE^ Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1821, and initials C . v . C. 1 2(1 BRUNSWICK-WOLFRNBUTTEL. 20. Similar to last, excepting date, wliich is 1823, and initials C . v . C. Mai'ien Groschen. 30. : Running horse, p . R. under. GEORGr . T . N . CAROLI D . BR . * B: ^l¥ 1 MARIE N I GROSCH. | ^ 1819^ | Ji- in five lines. DIV EINE FEINE MARK CONVENT . M . * Six Pfennlfies. 31. : Running horse, p . li . under. GEORG . T . N . CAROLI D . BR . ET . L . ^ R: •^VI^ I PFENN: I 4f 1816.* [ -^ in four lines. DCLXXII EINE FEINE MARK CONV . M . * 32. Similar to last, but dated 1819, and legend on : ends D . BR . * 33. : Running horse. GEORG . IV . D . G . T . IV . CAR . D . BR . ET . L . * R : As before, but =i< 1 823 * | C . v . C. Four Pfenniges. 34. : As No. 31. R: >MIII-^ I PFENN I * 1820 * | -fin four lines. MVIII E . F . MARK CONV . M . * 35. : As No. 33. R : As last, but dated 1823. Copper Coins. Thoo Pfenniges. 36. : Running horse. GEORG IV . D . G . R . TUT . N . CAROLI D . BR . ET L . * R : 'MR I PFENNING | SCHEIDE | MVNZE | •J* 1820 ^ I M . c . in six lines. 37. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1823, and initials C . v . C, GEORQR TV. 127 Pfennige. 38. : Running horse, p . r . under. GEORG . T . IV. CAROLI D . im . ET J. . * R'. -M -f I PFENNING ] SCHEIDE | MVNZE \ 181G. 39. Similar to last, but legend on : reads GEORG . P . R . T . N . CAROLI D . BR . ET . L . * 40. Similar to No. 38, excepting date, which is 1817. 41. Similar to No. 38, excepting date, which is 1818. 42. As last, but legend on : ends D . BR . * 43. Similar to No. 38, excepting date, which is 1819. 44. As No. 42, dated 1819. 45. Similar to No. 38, excepting date, which is 1820. 40. Running horse. GEORG . IV . D . G . R . T . IV . CAROLI D . BR . ET L . * R: -M^ I PFENNING | SCHEIDE | MVNZE j 1820 I M . C . in six lines. 47. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1822, and initials C . v. C. 48. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1823. COINS AND TOKENS OF THE BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN ASIA, INCLUDING Bombay, Bengal, Madeas, The Indian Empire, Ceylon, SUMATEA, Malacca, Penang, Straits Settlements, Java, Hong Kong. Labuan, Borneo, Sarawak, AND Mauritius. 9 INDIA. The first commercial intercourse of the Englisli with India was a private adventure of three ships, which were fitted out in 1591. The information brought home gave rise to another voyage, and ultimately to the establishment of a company, whose first charter was granted by Queen Elizabeth in IGOO. Other companies were chartered in 1698 and in 1702, until in 1708 the New East India Company was established. This continued to increase in power and size till 1858, when the Government of India was transferred to the Crown, under a Council of State, when the Company^s political power ceased, and the Queen was proclaimed on November 1st, 1858, as Queen of Great Britain and the Colonies. This title was altered in 1877 to Empress of India. Of the coins of the native princes of India it is not in our province to speak, although they are intimately connected with those of the company. In fact, in some instances such as the " Sural " rupee for Bombay, the " Sicca " (current) for Bengal, and the "A^'cot" for Madras, the coins of the latter were exact copies of the former. It will be necessary to mention, however, for the better understanding of what has to follow, that there were until a very recent period (even if not at present) two distinct monetary systems prevailing in India, the Hindu and the Mussulman, and although the former has become extinct throughout the greater part of Hindustan, by the pre- dominance of the Mussulman power, it is still found in the coins in use in several petty states of Southern India. The unit of the Hindu system is of gold, and is called " Hwi " or " Hoon/' which word in the old Carnatic tongue signifies gold. The name of this coin amongst INDIA. lol Europeans is " Pagoda" a Portuguese appellation derived from a pyramidical temple, which forms the device on one side of it. The Hindu name for it is " Varaha" The Hun or Pagoda was subdivided into Fanams, or, more properly, Panam ^ •TT Faluce or Falous, and Cash or Kas ^'^ thus — 20 Cash = 1 Faluce. ^ ' 80 Cash = 4 Faluce = 1 Fanam 3360 Cash = 168 Faluce = 42 Fanams = 1 Pagoda. The unit of the Mussulman system is the silver Rupee^ there being nominally 16 Rupees to the gold Mohur; but as the weight and quality of the latter varied from time to time, we find practically that from 14 to 16 Rupees was the value of a Mohur. The Rupee is subdivided into Annas (which is a money of account only) and Pysas, or Pice, and Pie, thus — 3 Pie = 1 Pysa (or Quarter Anna) 12 Pie = 4 Pysa = 1 Anna 192 Pie ^64 Pysa = 16 Annas ^= 1 Rupee The coins of the Hindu system — viz. Pagodas and Fanams — seem to have been confined to the Madras presi- dency, whilst on the other hand the coins of Bombay and Bengal were Rupees, Annas, and Pice. The earliest coins for the East Indies were either struck at our own mint by our monarchs, or coined by their authority. Of the former kind were the " Portcullis " pieces of Elizabeth struck in 1600-1. During the reign of Charles II. the company began by authority from the Crown to strike coins for their factory at Bombay, all of which bore either the name, or some reference to, the sovereign. The first money coined in the East Indies was at Bombay in the year 1671, when the Com't of Directors gave instruc- tions to their servants to establish a mint, and a few years later this measure was sanctioned by the Crown. A clause in the chai'ter granted 26 Charles II., dated October 5th, 1677, empowered the company " to stamp money at Bombay, which money should be current wherever the company's 9 * 132 INDIA. privilege of trading in tlie East extended, to be called Eupees, Pice, and Badgrooks, to bear any seal or impression as the company shall think proper, so that such money shall not be called, or bear any impression of, any money such as was usually current in the Realm of England/^ The first record of a regular mint at Bombay is about the year 1738, and the coins struck then were of like character to those of the native Surat mint; but about 1790 machinery like that in use at the royal mint in London was introduced, and the Rupees thenceforward were carefully stamped, and bore the entire legend. Other improvements were made in 1800, in 1823, and again in 1832. The copper coins for Bombay were from an early period fabricated in England, many being struck at the Soho works by Messrs. Boulton and Watt. Since the construc- tion of the new mint at Bombay in the year 1832 they have been struck there, bearing the company's arms on one side, and a pair of scales with the word Adel Jjec. 27. Similar, excepting in size and value. 140 INDIA. Quarter Rupee. 28. Rupee 29. Similar, excepting in size and value. Similar to No. 23, but with a smooth edge and dotted rim; this was coined at the Bombay mint from 1825 to 1835. The figures of the year of reign are better formed than on No. 23. Half Rupee. 30. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Rupee, 31. Similar, excepting in size and value. In these three latter pieces the mint-mark is a fleur de lis. Pice. 32. 33. R Cash. 34. R Pice. 35. R Copper Coins. Similar to No. 14 iR, and most probably from the same dies. MOET I BOMBAY | ANGLIC 1 REGIM | A= D= 9. in five lines within a beaded circle. HON : SOC : ANG : IND : ORI : Shield of arms within a beaded circle, A : DEO : PAX : & INCREMENTYM : (1669 ?) An orb and cross inscribed 78 (1678 ?) Rudely formed Native characters. The company^s bale-mark, a heart-shaped shield with a 4 over it, having in its four compartments V. E. I. C. for United East India Company. A lion rampant (1714 ?) BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. 141 36. 37. 0: R ■ss. 39. R: 0: B The company's bale-mark as before. A balance with Jaxi {Adel = justice) between the scales. The company's bale-mark, but with a crown instead of 4 above the heart-shaped shield. A balance with ^Aj^ between the scales. A crown, with two stars on either side of the cross at top. . . SPIC . I REGIS B . I SENAT . . AN | NGLIC in four lines. A crown, with G . R . at sides of cross at top, and BOMB under. AUSPICIO I REGIS ET | SENATUS | AN- GLIC in four lines. Salf Pice 40. Similar, but showing less of the legend. Although a smalier coin, the dies from which it was struck appear, in some instances, to have been larger than the preceding. There are varieties of pice and half pice differing both in shape and size of crown, and also in form and position of letters of legend. Double Pice. 41. : A crown with G-R and BOMB as before. R: AUSPICIO I REGIS ET 1 SENATUS | AN- GLIiE I 1728, in five lines. 42. 43. 44. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1730. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1733. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1737. 142 INDIA. Pice. 45. : A crown witli G-E and BOMB as before. R : The company's bale-mark. SalfPice. 46. Similar. Pice. 47. : A crown with G-R and BOMB as before, with the date under 1773. R : The company's bale-mark. 48. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1783. 49. : The company's bale-mark. R: The date only 1729. 50. Similar to preceding, dated 1731. 51. Similar to preceding, dated 1734. 52. Similar to preceding, dated 1739. 53. Similar to preceding, dated 1742. 54. Similar to preceding, dated -1743. 55. Similar to preceding, dated 1752. 56. Similar to preceding, dated 1802. Half Pice. h*l. Similar, date 1741. 58. Similar, date 1759. , 59. Similar, date 1802. 60. Similar, date 1803. Quarter Pice. 61. Similar. At present I have been unable to discover any dates. There are possibly other dates of the yice and half pice than those given. Pice. 62. 0: The bale-mark as before. R'. I I PICE 1 BOMB I 1773 in four lines. There are several varieties, differing in size and form of letters. 63. Similar to preceding, but dated 1777. BOMBAY PRLSrUKNCY. 143 Half Pice. 04. : The bale-mark as before. Double Pice, or 20 Cash. 65. : The company's bale-mark, 1791 under it. R : A balance, with Adel ( = Justice) between the scales. Fifteen Cash. QQ. Similar, excepting in size and value. 67. Similar to last, excepting that the line of bale- mark is a thick single line, whereas all the others are fine double lines. 68. There is another variety, evidently a pattern, with much smaller scales. Ten Cash. 69. Similar to No. 65, excepting in size and value. Five Cash. 70. Similar to No. 65, excepting in size and value. Twenty Cash. 71. Similar to No. 65, excepting date, which is 1794. Fifteen Cash. 72. Similar to No. QQ, excepting date, which is 1794, Ten Cash. 73. Similar to No. 69, excepting date, which is 1794. Five Cash. 74. Similar to No. 70, excepting date, which is 1794. There are gilt and bronzed proof sets of each date. Pice. 75. : The company's bale-mark, 1791 under. R : A balance, with A(Jel ( ^^-justice) between the scales. • ^ 144 INDIA. Half Pice. 76. Similar, excepting in size and value. These two pieces are hexagonal, not round coins. They are evidently patterns, and occur only as proofs, never having been issued. Four Pice. 77. : The company's bale-mark, with the date under 18-02. i? : A balance, with ^'Adel" and a 4 between the scales. 78. Similar to preceding, but dated 18-04. 79. Similar to preceding, but dated 18-09. Double Pice. 80. Similar to preceding, a 2 over " Adel" date 18-02. 81. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-03. 82. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-04. 83. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-08. 84. vSimilar to last, excepting date, which is 18-09. 85. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-12. 86. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-13. 87. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-16. 88. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-25. 89. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-26. 90. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-27. 91. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-29. Pice. 92. Similar, excepting size and value, date 1802. '' Aclel" only between scales. 93. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-03. 94. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-04. 95. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-08. 96. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-10. 97. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-13. 98. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-15. 99. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-16. 100. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-18. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. 145 101. Similar to last, excepting 102. Similar to last, excepting 103. Similar to last, excepting 104. 105. Similar to last, excepting Similar to last, excepting 106. Similar to last, excepting 107. Similar to last, excepting Half Pice. 108. Similar, dated 18-02. 109. Similar, dated 18-03. 110. Similar, dated 18-05. 111. Similar, dated 18-08. 112. Similar, dated 18-16. 113. Similar, dated 18-18. 114. Similar, dated 18-21. 115. Similar, dated 18-25. 116. Similar, dated 18-27. 117. Similar, dated 18-29. Quarter Pice. 118. Similar, dated 18-21. 119. Similar, dated 18-25. date, which is 18-19. date, which is 18-21. date, which is 18-25. date, which is 18-26. date, which is 18-27. date, which is 18-28. date, which is 18-29. Double Pice. 120. : R: These pieces from No. 77 to 119 are thick ill-shaped coins, and of very rude workman- ship. It is quite possible that there are other dates than those given. The company's arms, supporters, &c. EAST INDIA COMPANY, 1804. A balance with " Adel" between the scales and the Hegira date under in « (= 1219.) 10 11-6 INDIA. Pice. 121. Ealf Pice. 122. Pice. 123. 0: B: 124. Half Pice. 125. 126. Half Anna. 127. 0: Similar, excepting in size and value. Similar, excepting in size and valae. There are gilt, bronzed, and copper proofs of this set. The company's bale-mark, with the date 18-20 under. A balance with ^j »^t {^= paissa or pice) between the scales, tvz^ under. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 18-21. Similar, dated 18-20. Similar, dated 18-21. These four pieces are evidently of Native workmanship, and the characters on the jB : under the balance are intended doubtless for the date in Persian and English figures mixed. The company's arms, supporters, &c. EAST INDIA COMPANY, 1834. A balance with " Adel" between the scales, HALF ANNA above i rf s (=1249) below. 128. 129. Similar to preceding, but the legend on B-. is in smaller letters half anna. Similar to preceding, but the letters smaller still HALF ANNA BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. 147 Quarlcr Annas. v^l30. : The company's arms, supporters, &c. EAST INDIA COMPANY, 1830. B : The balance, &c., as before, quarter anna in medium size letters t rf i (= 124G) under. 131. Similar to last, date on : 1832, on R : i rf i (= 124G), legend on R : in small letters. 132. Similar to last, date on 0: 1832, on R: i rfv (= 1247), legend in medium size letters. 133. Similar to last, date on 0: 1833, on R: irf^ (= 1249), legend in large size letters. 134. Similar to last, date on 0: 1833, on R: irr=i (= 1249), legend in small letters. One Pie or One-Twelfth Anna. 135. 0: The company's arms, supporters, &c., the date under, 1831. R : The balance as before, pie over in small letters, I rf 1 {= 1246) under. 13G. Similar to last, date on 0: 1833, on R: i rfA {■= 1248), legend on R: in small letters pie. 137. Similar to last, but legend on i2 : in larger letters pie. Lead Coins. Tteo Cash. 138. 0: Shield of arms between two wreaths, similar to No. 11, M. R: 2 fibove fS- (1G75 ?) See Neumann, No. 19801. This piece is exceedingly rare. Douhle Pice. 139. : A crown, G-R above, BOMB under. R'. AUSPICIO I REGIS ET | SENATUS | ANGLI-^ in four lines, with an ornament above and below. 10 * 148 INDIA. SIN AT OS Pice. 140. Double Pice. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. Pice. 148. 149. 150. 151. Sal/Pice. 152. 0: 0: Quarter Pice. 153. Similar, excepting in size and value. There are several varieties of these two pieces differing in size, shape, and arrange- ment of letters, &c. Similar to No. 139, but with date in place of bottom ornament 1717. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1732. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1741. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1742. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1748. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1761. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1771. Similar, excepting in size and value, dated 1717. Similar, excepting in size and value, dated 1741. Similar, excepting in size and value, dated 1743. Similar, excepting in size and value, dated 1771. There may be dates other than those given. The company's bale-mark, i J PICE in two lines. Similar excepting in size and value. BENGAL PRESIDENCY. The only gold coins are the old and new standard 19th sun or " Sicca " Mohurs or " gold Rupees " as they are sometimes called, they are similar to the silver Rupees, and most probably from the same dies. The old standard have oblique milled edges, and weigh 190 grs. The new standard have an upright milled edge, and weigh 204 grs., but being of a lower degree of fineness, are worth no more than the old ; that is 16 sicca Rupees. Of the silver Rupees there are many varieties. The earliest are very rude coins struck in the Dacca, Moorshedabad, and Patna mints, they show a part only of the legend and are diflScult to distinguish with precision from the native issues, these were struck from 1757 to 1773. An improvement was effected in the latter year, and one date only appears on all struck afterwards — viz. the 19th sun ; these are called " Sicca," that is " current " Rupees, as they were declared to be the only ones to be allowed to pass. In 1 792 improvements were introduced in the mint at Calcutta, and the legend is now, for the first time, found entire, and an oblique milling is introduced; this in 1818 gave way to the straight milling which was in use until 1832, from which time to 1835 the edges are plain. Coins for the western provinces were struck at the mint of Furruckabad from 1803 to 1819 with oblique milled edge, from 1819 to 1832 with a straight milling, and from the latter year to 1835 the edge is plain. The Furruckabad coins, however, were struck fi'om 1825 to 1835 at Benares and Sagur, and not at the former mint which was abolished in 1825. J 50 INDIA. The coins struck at Sagur prior to 1825 have the name of the place on them in small Roman capitals. The Benares coins from 1013 to 1819 have an oblique milled edge, those from 1795 to 1812 have the same rude character as the other early issues. From 1819 Furruckabad coins were struck at the Benares mint until 1830, in whicli year the mint was abolished. Gold Coins. Old standard Mohur. The following is the legend in Persian and its translation : — 1.0: jt^ i,::,->i!bjj Jj iL^ tdlj^ iS\^ a.A^-^^j^ ^^ W Defender of the Mohammedan faith. Reflection of Divine excellence, the Emperor Shah Aulum has struck this coin to be current throughout the seven climes. Struck at Moorshedabad in the year 19 of his fortunate reign. This has an oblique milled edge and weighs 180 grains, and its half and quarter in proportion. Half Mohur. 2. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Mohur. 3. Similar, excepting in size and value. BENGAL PKKSIDENCY. 151 Neto Standard Mohur. 4. Similar to No. 1, but witli an upright milled edge and weighing 204 grains. The half and quarter in proportion. Half Mvhur. 5. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Mohur. 6. Similar, excepting in size and value. Silver Coins. Patna. 7. Rupee of the Patna mint. Contains a small portion of the above legend, see No. 1, but may be known by its mint-mark, a variety of the Tirsool or trident. Kalf Rupee. 8. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Quarter Hujyec. 9. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Moorshedahad. 10. The Moorshedabad Rupee is similar to No. 7, and may be distinguished from it by its mint- mark, a sun. This was struck with several years of the Hegira date, from 1757 to 1773. Salf Rupee. 11. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Rupee. 12. Similar, excepting in size and value. There are also pieces of two and one Annas, which are very scarce. . These pieces were also struck at the Dacca mint, but so far as I know, without any distin- guishing mark by which they can be identified. Rupee. 13. Similar to No. 10, but being the 19th sun only, this was adopted by the company as the standard {Sicca) rupee in 1773, and continued to be coined in this rude fashion until 1792. The mint-mark is a variety of the Phool, or star. {See ilhiKfratio)i to No. 21.) 152 INDIA. Half Rupee. 14. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Rupee. 15. Similar, excepting in size and value. Two Annas. 16. Similar, excepting in size and value. One Anna. 17. Similar, excepting in size and value. These smaller pieces of the Moorshedabad mint with the date of the 19th sun are exceedingly rare. Rupee. 18. The Sicca Eupee of 1792-1818 has the entire legend and an oblique milled edge, and bears on its obverse the date t r • r (1202). 19. Similar to last, but a wide toothing round the rim. Salf Rupee. 20. Similar to No. 16, excepting in size and value, and no date on obverse. Quarter Rupee. 21. Similar but with the legend abbreviated and date on obverse tr«f (1204). Rupee. 22. Nos. 18, 20, and 21, form a proof set without the rings of dots which appeared afterwards on the current coin. There is also a proof set with oblique milling, but the milling slants in the opposite direction. As above struck for ordinary currency. BENGAL PRESIDENCY. 153 BalfBtipee. 23. As last, excepting in size and value. Quarter Rupee, 24. Similar. Rupee. 25. The Sicca Rupee of 1818-1832 has an upright milled edge; it is otherwise similar to No. 18, excepting that it has no date on obverse. Half Rupee. 26. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Rupee. 27. Similar, has the legend abbreviated and date as No. 21. Rupee. 28. The Sicca Rupee of 1832-1835 is just similar in all respects to No. 25, excepting that it has a plain edge and a beaded rim. Half Rupee. 29. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Rupee. 30. Legend and date as No. 21. This set also occurs as proofs. Rupee. Benares. 31. The Benares Rupee of 1795-1812 is a rudely formed coin, it bears part of the legend of the Moorshedabad coins and may be distinguished from them by its mint-mark, a Rooec, or fish. Half Rupee. 32. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Rupee. 33. Similar, excepting in size and value. Ttco Annas. 34. Similar, excepting in size and value. The Benares Rupee of 1813-1819 has an obliquely milled edge and has the following legend in Persian. The mint-marks are a fish, and a kind of flower, or knot, and it is dated irr^ (=1229). [See illustration.) 154 INDIA, 35. : Same as No. 1. Struck at Benares in the 49tli year of his fortunate reign. Half Rupee. 36. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Rupee. 37. Similar but with the legend abbreviated. There are proof sets of Nos. 35, 36, and 37. 'Furruckahad. The Furruckabad Rupee may be known from its bearing the 45th sun (fc). It was struck from 1803 to 1819, with an obliquely milled edge, and has the following legend in Persian : — 38. : Same as No. 1. i?: yjj^J^ Lll^i/^--^ (jwjis- 1^' ^'■'^ -^t^ '^J^ Struck at Furruckabad in the year 45 of his prosperous reign. Salf Rupee. 39. Similar, excepting in size and value. BENGAL rKKSIDENCY. JOO Quarter Rupee. 40. Similar, but the legend is abbreviated, and it bears date t r^f (= 1204). Rupees with upright milled edges were struck at Furruckabad from 1810 to 1824, at the Benares mint from 1819 to 1830, and at the Sagur mint from 1825 to 1832. There is no means of assigning any special pieces to any particular mint. Rupee. 41. Similar in all respects to No. 38, but with an upright milled edge. Half Rupee. 42. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Quarter Rupee. 43. Similar, but with legend abbreviated and bear- ing date ir.f = (1204). Rupee. 44. Similar to No. 38 in all respects, but with a plain edge. This was coined at the mints at Calcutta and Sagur from 1832 to 1835. 45. Same as last, excepting a small crescent to the left on the top line of reverse. This is most likely a mint-mark to distin- guish between the two mints, but I am not confident as to its being so. Salf Rtq:)ee. 46. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Quarter Rupee. 47. Similar, but having the crescent on the obverse, the legend on both sides is abbreviated as before, and it is dated same as No. 43. These are found as proofs. The two following rupees I suspect to be patterns, as I have only seen one of each; they are in the cabinet of H. Montagu, Esq. 156 INDIA. 48. : Similar to the Sicca Eupee, but dated 1 1 Ia (1198) and having a small star as mint-mark. This is the mark of the Moorshedabad mint. B: Similar to the "Sicca/' but with the n (26th) year instead of the 19th. The edge is inscribed UNITED * EAST* INDIA* COMPANY* 1784* 49. : Shield of arms within a circle AUSPICIO . EEGIS . ET . SENATUS . ANGLIC* B : CALCUTTA | EUPBE | ^ ^ ,^^ in three lines within a wreath of palm. Four Annas or Quarter Rupee. 50. : The value in Persian ^ S within a garter, inscribed FOUE . ANNAS' B : The value in Telugi within a ribbon with forked ends, which is inscribed with the value in Tamuli ; there is a five -pointed star between the forks. Two Annas. 51. : The value in Persian within a circle, inscribed in script character c^(D6 aKK<^^- B : The value in Telugi in a circle, the value in Tamuli round outside circle. These two are doubtless patterns, and judg- ing from their similarity in type to the Five and Two Fanams pieces coined at Madras in the year 181 1, they were most likely fabricated about that same time. The latter I beheve to be unique. It is in the cabinet of J. G. Murdoch, Esq. Copper Coins. Two Annas. 52. : Patna | Poll | Two Ann! | 1774. in four lines. B : The value in Persian ^\j^^j ^c^^^j fir' BENGAL PRESIDENCY. 157 One Anna . 53. Half uinna. 54. 0: Similar, excepting in size and value. Persian characters j ^U iLl tMc il> = The Emperor Shah Aulum 1195 (= 1780). R : Persian Characters year of his reign. cr rr ,U = In the 22nd Qziarter Anna. 55. Pie. 56. Half Anna. 57. 0: B Similar, excepting in size and value. Similar, excepting in size and value. These pieces vary much in size and weight, and there are possibly four denominations instead of three. Persian chai^acters, jLliib JU ill rv ^^^A^^ = In the 37th year of the Emperor Shah Aulum. The value {One Pai Sicca) in Bengalee, Persian, and Nagree characters lii^ «ff^ f^^ -cb Oo ^G 11^ "tlT^ ^^T in three lines. Quarter Amia. 58. Pie. 59. Similar, excepting in size and value. Similar, excepting in size and value. These three pieces were struck by Messrs. Boulton and Watt, at their Soho Works, Birmingham, in 1782. They are struck in collar, and there are bronzed proofs of each, they weigh at the rate of 52 grs. to the fysa or Quarter Anna. 158 INDIA. Half Anna. 60. As No. 57, but not struck in collar. Quarter Anna. 61. Similar to last, except in size and value. One Pie. 62. Similar. These were coined at Calcutta from tlie year 1795 to 1817, witli several reductions in weight from time to time, beginning at the rate of 180 grs. to the pysa or quarter anna in 1795, which was reduced to 135 grs. from 1796 to 1809, when it was again reduced to 101 grs., at which it remained. The Half Anna and Pie are in similar proportion. Half Anna. 63. Similar to last, but coarser work and with a trident as mint-mark. Quarter Anna. 64. Similar, excepting in size and value. One Fie. 65. Similar, excepting in size and value. These pieces struck at the Benares mint were intended at first for circulation in the province of Benares only and were distin- guished with a trident or tirsool, the symbol of Siva. They were made current through the Bengal provinces at par with the Calcutta and Furruckabad injsa in 1817. Half Anna. Q,Q. Persian characters as before, but date of year fc (45). Quarter Anna, 67. Similar, excepting in size and value. One Pie. 68. Similar, excepting in size and value. These are the coins of the Furruckabad mint, BENGAL rRESIDENCY. 159 One Pie. 69. 0: The company's arms, supporters, etc. : ONE PIE above, 1809 below. The value (" One Pal Sicca ") in Nagree, Persian, and Bengalee. {See illustration.) Half Pie. 70. Similar, excepting iu size and value. These are only met with as proofs, iu gold,, silver, and copper, and were patterns for a coinage which was never issued. Quarter Pice. 71. : C . G . (? For Calcutta Government) 1813. B: PI i CE Four Pie. 72. : The company's arms, supporters, &c. 1824. R : Persian characters ^{j U^ irf • -wj =''Four Pai 1240.^' ^ above, within a palm wreath. 73. Similar to preceding excepting the date on : which is 1825. Two Pie. 74. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. One Pie 75. Similar to last, excepting iu size and value. 160 INDIA. One Pie. 76. Half Anna. 0: R: Pie. 78. 0: Similar, excepting date which is 1833. There are several slight variations in the dies of these pieces. The value in English and Bengalee HALF | ANNA I ^^' ^-rf in three lines. The same in Persian j\ Ju^ and Nagree "^^^^T '^•TT ONE PIE in two lines, the same under in Bengalee J(^ ^w The same in Persian ^[j t-jO^ and Nagree ^^ xnt" These were coined at the Calcutta mint in 1831. Half Anna. 79. 0: B: 4 80. 81. The company's arms, supporters, &c. 1833. HALF ANNA in two lines within a wreath ^Ij^^ {Two Fed) over, EAST INDIA COMPANY. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1835. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1845. There are bronzed proofs of Nos. 77-81, and a silver proof of No. 80, RENGAL PRESIDENCY, IGl Quarter Anna. v/ 82. : The company's arms, supporters, &c. 1835. R : ONE QUARTER ANNA in three lines, within a wreath ^Ij t_jC; {one Pat) above, EAST INDIA COMPANY. This also occurs as a bronze proof. There are scvei'al variations in the dies of this piece, principally on the reverse where considerable differences will be observed in the size of letters and shape of wreath. 8:1. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1857. '^ 8 L Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1858. There are slight varieties in the dies of the two latter pieces, and both occur as proofs. Onp-Tioclflh Anna. \/85. : The company's arms, supporters, &c. 1835. R: Y^2 I ANNA in two lines ^j\) ^_J^ [one-third Fed) under, the whole within a wreath ; EAST INDIA COMPANY. '^ 80. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1848. Half Pice. 87. : The company's arms, supporters, &c. 1853. B: II PICE in two lines, within a wreath; EAST INDIA COMPANY. Tokens. Copper. 88, : Bust of Queen to left, with coronet, neck bare, VICTORIA QUEEN, i? : A round hole in the centre, ONE above, RUPEE below, surrounded with a wreath of palm. ANDAMAN TOKEN 1801. This token was most probably struck for use at the convict establishment, on Andaman Island, n 162 Brass. 89. 0: B INDIA. A large round hole in centre, within a circle. GRAIN TOKEN | one eupee ' FAMINE -^ 1874 ^ For the use of relief fund during the famine in Bengal in 1874. <0 £f<^ MADEAS PRESIDENCY. Both the monetary systems of India appear to have been in use in this presidency at the same time, and we find Mohurs and Pagodas in gold, and Rupees, half and quarter Pagodas and Fanams in silver, being struck apparently at the same place and passing side by side. According to the catalogue of the Fonrobert collection, a quarter Eeal was sent out from England as early as the reign of James I. for this place ; and again in Charles II.'s time double and single Fanams were issued, although by some these pieces are assigned to Bombay, but this I think exceedingly improbable. The first Rupees were copies of the rude native work of the " Arcot " mint and were struck most probably from 1758 (which agrees with the Mahomedan date tivr (1172) upon the coins) to 1811, from which year, to 1818, double as well as single rupees were struck with an oblique milled edge which, after that year, was altered to an indented cord milling which continued until 1835, these all have, as a distinguishing mark, the ''Pudane" Lotus (or trefoil). During the years 1823-5 "Arcot" rupees with their halves and quarters were struck at the Calcutta mint for the Dacca and Cuttack districts, having an upright milled edo-e, and bearing a rose as mint-mark. Half and quarter pagodas together with pieces of five, two, and one fanams were coined from Spanish dollars in 1811. Gold Coins. S/ar Pagoda. 1.0: The god Swami. R : A five-pointed star within a triple row of dots. This weiglis 52 grains, 11 * 16i INDIA. Double Pagoda. 2. : A Pagoda, with nine stars on eacli side, within a garter, with a square buckle, inscribed with the value, in English and Persian, TWO PAGODAS. R : The god Swami, within a triple row of dots. The value in Tamuli, and Telugi, on a ribbon with forked ends, a star between the forks. 3. Similar to preceding, but with an oval buckle on obverse. These double pagodas weigh 90 grains. Paffoda. 4. : A Pagoda, with five stars on each side, within a garter as before, with square buckle. R : The god Swami as before, within a single row of dots. 5. Similar to last, but with oval buckle on obverse. Mohur. 6. : The company's arms, supporters, &c. ENGLISH EAST INDIA COMPANY. R : Persian characters = "One Mohur of the Honour- able English Company." {See illustration to No. 7.) Half Mohur. 7. 0: The company's crest, &c. ENGLISH EAST INDIA COMPANY. R : Persian characters = '' Half Mohur of the Honour- able English Company." MADFAS I'KESIDENCY. 16b One-third Mohur. 8. : The company's shield and crest, legend as before. R : Persian characters =■- '' Five Rupees of the Honour- able English Company." One-quarter Mohur. 9. Similar to No. 7, excepting in size and value. Mohurs with their halves and quarters were also struck from dies similar to the Arcot rupee, of which the following is the Persian legend and its translation : — Mohur. 10. : ^Jlc CS.KS'* ^^s\\ Jjj£ t^jli ilijb uJ^.L-* ^ " The lucky coin of the noble Monarch Azeezudeen Muhammed Aulumgeer.^' (He was the father of Shah Aulum.) R : ijj^y)^ <^:^:.A.^ U^y^ '^ ^^^ (-l^^y ^-y'^ " Struck at Arcot in the Gth year of his propitious reign." Ha?/ Mohur. 11. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Mohur. 12. Similar, excepting in size and value. These mohurs weigh 180 grains and their legal value is fifteen rupees, the half and quarter in due proportion. Silver Coins. Double Fanam. 13. : Two Cs interlinked. R : The god Swami. 106 INDIA. Fanam. 14. Similar, excepting in size and value. There are a number of slight variations in these pieces in the size and shape of the god, and in having or not having pellets on the reverse between the Cs. Three Fanams. 15. : An orb and cross inscribed ^e^ within a beaded circle. R : Indian characters within a beaded circle, (^ee illustration.) The date of this is assigned to about the year 1720. Its weight is 50 grains and that of the two following in proportion. Double Fanam. 16. Fanam. 17. Rupee. 18. Similar to last excepting in size and value. Similar, excepting in size and value. The old " Arcot " Rupee is a very rudely made and ill-shaped coin. It may be recognized at once by its mint-mark, a lotus flower {see illustration), and has a portion of the legend as on No. 10. The company issued this piece first about the year 1758, and it most probably continued in circulation until tho year 1811. MADRAS I'lIESIDENCy. 1(57 Half Rupee. 1 9. Similar to preceding, excepting in size and value. Quarter Rupee. 20. Similar to preceding, excepting in size and value. Two Annas 21. One Anna. 22. Similar to preceding, excepting in size and value. Similar to preceding, excepting in size and value. In the year 1811 a coinage took place of pieces of half and quarter pagodas, together with five, two and one fanams as follows : — Half Pagodas. 23. : A Pagoda, with nine stars on each side, within a garter, inscribed in English and Persian HALF . PAGODA . .^_j^^ ^,y& ^.; R : The god Swami, in a three-fold border of dots, the whole surrounded by a forked-end ribbon inscribed with the value in Tamuli and Telugi, a star between the forks. A Pagoda with twelve stars on each side, within a forked-end ribbon, inscribed in English and Persian as before. The god Swami, within a five-fold border of dots, legrend as before but no ribbon. These were struck from Spanish dollars, and traces of the former impression may be seen on some pieces. 25. Similar to last, but with fifteen stars on each side of Pagoda. 24. B: 168 INDIA. Quarter Pagoda. 26. : A Pagoda with nine stars on eacli side within n garter with oval buckle, inscribed in English and Persian QUARTER . PAGODA ^^^\j R : The god Swami, within a two-fold border of dots, surrounded by a forked-end ribbon as on No. 23. 27. Similar to last, excepting the buckle, which is square at one end. 28. : A Pagoda as before, surrounded by forked- end ribbon inscribed in English and Persian as No. 26. R : The god Swami, within a three-fold border of dots, the legend not on ribbon. 29. Similar to last, but with thirteen stars on each side of pagoda, and four-fold border of dots round the god. Five Fanams, 30. : The value in Persian ^ '^j within a garter with square buckle, inscribed FIVE FANAMS. R : The value in Telugi within a forked-end ribbon, inscribed with the va]ue in Tamuli. A five- pointed star between forks of ribbon. 31. Similar to last, but the buckle is square at one end, and round at the other. 32. Similar, but with an oval buckle showing a cross tongue. 33. Similar, but oval buckle has no cross tongue, and there is a dot between FJVE . FANAMS. MADRAS PRESIDENCY, 109 34, Similar, but oval bucklo is formed of small beads, 35. Similar, there is no buckle, but a cross band in its place. 3G. : The value in Persian within a circle. FIVE . FAN AM S ••■ outside circle. B : The value in Telugi within a circle, and in Tamuli outside circle. Duuhle FaiKim. 37. : The value in Persian Jj .^ within a garter with square buckle, inscribed DOUBLE FANAM. B: The value in Telugi within a forked-end ribbon inscribed with the value in Tamuli. A five- pointed star between the forks. 38. Similar to last, but the buckle is obloug and smaller, 39. Similar, square buckle with no tongue, but with a dot in the centre. 40. Similar, but with a round buckle. 41. Similar, buckle round at one end and square at the other. 42. Similar, there is no buckle but a cross fold of the garter in its place. 43. : The value in Persian within an inner circle. DOUBLE . FANAM •:• within an outer circle. B : The value in Telugi in the centre, the same in Tamuli above and below. There are no circles but a dot, and •:• divide the upper and under portions of the Tamul legend. 44. : Similar to last, but the letters of legend are coarser and there is neither outer circle nor dots. B : The value in Telugi in the centre, the same in Tamuli above and below. There is the trace of a line (not a circle) around the Telugu legend, there are no dots. This is a thick coarse coin, as is also No. 43, and I suspect they were struck prior to the other pieces of this deuomiuatiou. 170 INDIA. Fanam. 45. : The value in Persian Jj within a garter with a round buckle, inscribed FANAM. it! : The value in Telugi within a forked-end ribbon, inscribed with the same in Tamuli, a star between forks. 46. Similar to last, but the buckle square at one end and round at the other. 47. Similar, but with the buckle square. 48. Similar, but a round buckle formed of beads. There are many other minor variations both of shape of buckle, position of dots, &c. in this series. I have only mentioned the most prominent. 49. : A five-pointed star in centre, FANAM above, and two small branches crossed below. R : A five-pointed star in centre, within a circle, the value in Telugi and Tamuli outside circle. 50. Similar to last, but no branches under star on the obverse. These have the appearance of being of earlier work also. There is a Fanam Token classed by some with this series, but which was struck for Ceylon. About this same time (1811) a coinage of double and single Eupees with their divisions also took place, which continued until 1822, of the '^ Arcot" type with an oblique milled edge. There are many slight variations in the shape of the lotus flower mint-mark. MADRAS PRESIDENCY. 171 Double Supce. 51. Similar to No. 10, but bearing tbo date of the year r (2) on the reverse. This is most likely an error on the part of the die sinker or engraver, as all the other coins of this series havo the year i (6). 52. Rupee. 53. Similar to last, but with the date of the 6th year correct. These pieces being struck over Spanish dollars usually show traces of the former impression. Similar to No. 10, bearing date on obverse tivr (= 1182). Half Rupee. 54. Similar to last, except in size and value. Quarter Rupee. 55. Similar, but the legend is abbreviated. Two Annas 56. One Anna. 57. Similar, the legend still more abbreviated. Similar. Nos. 53-57 have a plain circle around the outer rim. During the years 1823-5 " Arcot" rupees with their divisions were struck at the Calcutta mint for Madras, having an upright milled edge and bearing a rose mint-mark in place of the lotus flower, and havo a dotted rim. Rupee. 58. Half Rupee. 59. Similar, excepting in size and value. Legend as No. 10. 172 INDIA. Quarter Rupee. 60. Similar, but the legend is abbreviated. Two Annas. 61. Similar, but the legend is still more abbreviated and oblique milled edge. One Anna. 62. 63. Similar to last. All these occur as proofs. From 1825 to 1835 "Arcots " were coined at Madras, with an indented cord milling and a beaded rim, with a lotus flower mint-mark. Eupee with legend as No 10 and above charac- teristics. A pattern of this occurs with an upright milled edge. Half Rupee. 64. As last, excepting in size and value. Quarter Rupee. 65. Similar, but with legend abbreviated. These also occur as proofs. Copper Coins. Dudu or Faluce. 66. : An orb and cross inscribed "^e*^ within a beaded circle. R : Native characters as on No. 15 /R This may possibly be from the same dies as No. 15. It was quite usual in the early days of the East India Company to use the same dies for two diflfereut metals. MADRAS PRKSTDENCY. 173 Faluce = 20 Cash. 07. : Orb and cross inscribed ^b^ within a border of rays. R : The date 1693 with a wavy lino above and below, within a beaded circle. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1695. Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which Snnilar to last, excepting date, which Similar to last, excepting date, which s 1702. s 1703. s 1705. s 1706. s 1709. s 1716. s 1720. s 1722. s 1726. s 1741. s 1744. s 1748. s 1750. s 1752. s 1755. s 1756. s 1761. s 1765. s 1768. s 1769. s 1774. s 1777. s 1780. s 1784. s 1787. s 1790. s 1800. s 1801. s 1806. 174 INDIA. Half Faluce. 98. Similar to preceding, excepting in size and value, date 1702. 99. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1705. 100. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1720. 101. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1742. 102. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1755. 103. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1758. 104. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1784. 105. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1782. 106. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1786. 107. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1802. 108. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1804. There are most likely other dates than these in both sizes. Douhle Faluce = 40 Cash. 109. : The value in Persian and English ^1^ JJj: ^ XL CASH with two lines between, dividing the legends, thus : jR : The value in Telugi and Tamuli. 110. Similar, but legends on obverse divided by 000000 C03 000000 111. Similar, but legends on obverse divided by 000 000 Faluce = 20 Cash. 112. : The value in Persian, and English XX . CASH divided by<([([(I((^D])})])> Jf? : The value in Telugi and Tamuli. 113. Similar to last, but legends on obverse divided by < 000 ^ ^ ]) 000 > v/ 114. Similar to last, but legends on obverse divided by 115. Similar to last, but legends on obverse divided by <, OOOO iS^ OOOO 5> MADRAS PRESIDENCY. 1 75 HalfFaluce or 10 Cash. 116. The value in Persian, and English X . CASH divided by — This is larger than the varieties which follow, and has the double line on both sides. 1 1 7. Similar to last, but legends on obverse divided by < 000 ^ 000 > *^118. Similar to last, but legends on obverse divided by OOOoOoOOO 119. Similar to last, but legends on obverse divided by oooQooo Quarter Faluce or 5 Cash. 120. Similar, legends on obverse divided by ooooOoooo Two-and-a-Jialf Cash. 121. 2^ CASH and value in Persian above, nothing dividing the two. Cash. 122. : A cross within a circle, with e^i in the angles. R: The date in Persian numerals in- (1210) within a square. 123. Similar to last, excepting date, which is irtt (1211=1796). 124. Similar to last, excepting date, which is irir (1212=1797). In the following series an attempt has evidently been made to assimilate the Mohammedan with the Hindu monetary systems, as the 48th part of a Rupee is just equal to the Faluce or piece of 20 Cash. They were struck for the Circars, a large district on the Coast of the Bay of Bengal to the north of the Carnatic country, and thus in a measure connecting Madras with Bengal, 176 INDIA. One-Forty -eighth Bupee. 125. : The company's bale-mark. On a broad rim incuse, the legend UNITED EAST INDIA COMPANY 1794. It : The company's arms, supporters, etc. : 48 to ONE EUPEE under, the legend incuse upon a broad rim AUSPICIO REGIS ET SENA- TUS ANGLIC. The edge is inscribed in incuse characters ENGLISH . UNITED . EAST . INDIA . COMPANY. 126. B 127. 128. 129. 130. R As last. The company's crest only in centre, otherwise as last. Similar to No. 125, excepting date, which is 1797. Q^ Rupee similar to No. 125, excepting in size and value. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1797. An elephant, 48 to one rupee under. BY WISDOM & FORCE incused on a broad rim. As No. 125. I suspect this is a mule, as the obverse is found joined with the reverse of No. 64 in the Ceylon series, where it seems much more appropriate. All these pieces, from No. 125 onward =5, occur as proofs in copper, bronzed, and gilt, MADRAS PRESIDENCY. 177 Faluce. ■^ 131. : The company's arms, supporters, etc. : EAST INDIA COMPANY 1803. R : The value in Persian and English, XX . CASH. \/ 132. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1808. Half Faluce. 133. X . CASH piece similar, date 1803. \/134. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1808. Quarter Faluce, ^135. V . CASH piece similar, date 1803. 13G. Similar to last, except date, which is 1808. Cash. w^l37. : The company's crest only, under it the date 1803. R : The value in Persian and English, I . CASH. These pieces, Nos. 131-137, occur as proofs in silver, bronzed, and gilt. They were made in England by Messrs, Boulton and Watt, and it is said that No. 137 is the smallest coin ever struck in collar. Double Faluce, or Forty Cash. 138. : Persian legend = " Double Faluce of the Honourable Company. In the year of Christ 1807." Althousrh the date is the Christian era, the numerals used are the Arabic R : The value in Telugi and Tamuli. Faluce. 139. 0: Persian legend = "This is a little Fanam or Faluce of the Honourable Company. In the year of Christ 1807." R : The value in Telugi and Tamuli. Half Faluce. 140. Similar to No. 138, excepting in size and value. 12 178 INDIA. Double Faluce or Forty Cash. 141. Similar to No. 138 excepting date, wbicli is lA.A (1808). Faluce. 142. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Half Faluce. 143. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Duh. 144. : Persian legend, =^ " In the year of Christ 1808. Faluce of the Honourable Company." B, : The value in Telugi, in three lines. Under 1 DUB Salf Bub. 145. Similar to last, but i DUB. NOTE. It must be understood that the dates of the various coinages, for the three presidencies given here, are only to be considered as being approximately correct. Those wishing to study the subject deeper, will find a mass of conflicting evidence, in the Transactions of the Asiatic Society, in Prinsep's Tables, Kelly^s Cambist, Marsden, Ruding, &c. &c. 4 X f INDIA (GENERAL.). Under this title will naturally come those early pieces which cannot with certainty be assigned to either of the presidencies, and then the coins issued from 1834 and onwards to circulate through the whole country. Silver. Crown or Piece of EigJd Reals or Ryals. 1. 0: The English shield crowned; E - R, also crowned, at sides of shield; 0: ELIZABETH D : G : ANG : ERA : ET . HIB REGINA. R: A portcullis crowned, 0: POSVI . DEVAI . ADIVTOREM . MEVM. 2. Half-crown or piece of 4 Reals, similar excepting HIBER : on obverse. 3. Shilling or piece of 2 Reals, similar to last. 4. Sixpence or Real, similar to last. Legend on : ends : REGIN. or REGI. Copper. 5. : In Persian characters [see illustration) — " Sicca of the Company 1793." within a broad, thick rim incused, ENGLISH EAST INDIA COMPANY. R : Exactly the same as the obverse. The edge is inscribed ENGLISH UNITED EAST INDIA COMPANY * 12 * 180 INDIA (general). This also occurs with plain edge. 0. : The crest of the company, under it 48 to one EUPEii, the latter upon a label. AUSPICIO REGIS ET SENATUS ANGLI^E incused upon a thick rim. [See illustration on 'page 176.) R : As last. 7. : The company's bale-mark 1794. See Bombay, No. 65. R : Native legend and date as before, but with no broad rim or English legend. Nos. 5, 6 and 7 all occur as proofs in copper and bronze, and are doubtless patterns. Gold Coins of India. Two Mohurs. 8. : Bust to right, WILLIAM IIII KING 1835. R: Lion and palm-tree, TWO MOHURS ^J ^ beneath. EAST INDIA COMPANY. Mohur. 9. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. There are proofs of these two coins in silver and copper. 10. 11. R 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Ten Rupees. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Five Rupees. 30. 31. 32. INDIA (gEXERAL). 181 Bust to left, VICTORIA QUEEN 1841. As the preceding. Bust to left crowned, and the shoulders robed, VICTORIA QUEEN. ONE I MOHUR I INDIA | 1862, in four lines within a handsome scroll border. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1870. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1871. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1872. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1873. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1874. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1875. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1877, and EMPRESS instead of QUEEN. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1879. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1884. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. Proofs exist of Nos. 11, 12, 17 and 18, with milled edges, and of Nos. 11 and 12 with plain edges. Similar to No. 11 except in size and value, date as before, 18G2. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1870. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1872. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1875. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1879, and EMPRESS instead of QUEEN. Similar to No. 1 1 excepting in size and value, date 1862. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1870. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1872. 182 33. INDIA (general). Similar to last, excepting date^ which is 1873. There are proofs of Nos. 25, 26, 30, 31, and 32 with plain edges, and of Nos. 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, and 33 with a milled edge. Rupees. 34. R 35. R m. 37. R 38. R 39. R 40. Silver Coins. Bust to right, GULIELMUS IIII D . G . BRITT . ET IND . REX. A wavy line surrounds legend. ONE I RUPEE in two lines, with a lotus flower above and the date 1834 below, the whole within a wreath of palm, EAST INDIA COMPANY, and the value in Bengalee, Persian, and Nagree characters around out- side of wreath. A wavy line surrounds legend. Bust as before, GULIELMUS IIII D : G : BRITANNIAR : REX F : D : As preceding. Similar in all respects to last, but a thicker and smaller coin. Bust as before, WILLIAM ITIL KING. As before, a wavy line surrounds legend on both sides. As last, a wavy line on obverse only. A Lion and Palm-tree, BRITISH INDIA. As the reverse of the preceding. As the reverse of No. 34. Similar to No. 37, excepting date, which is 1835. The value on reverse in Persian only, and there is no wavy line around outside legend on either side. These are evidently patterns for a coinage which was afterwards brought out as fol- lows: — 41 0: R 42. 43. INDIA (oENERAL). ]'-^'} Bust to right, WILLIAM IIII, KING. The initials r . s on truncation of neck. 'I'he value in English and Persian, ONE | RUPEE I ,^. v_->lc B> : A rose, shamrock and thistle issue from three sides of square, a lion under. Nickel Token. 135. : A round hole in centre, W. SMITH . HONG- KONG. E : A round hole in centre, VALUE . II . CENTS. The following are patterns only, never having been issued, and arc very rare. hong kong. 227 Patterns. One Tael. 136. : Coroneted bast of Queen, to left . VICTORIA QUEEN. R\ Chinese characters li^>^j^ ^"^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ centre and the word TRIAL above the dot, 986 under. ONE . TAEL . HONG-KONG * 1867 * 187. : Arms in garter crowned 982 and 366 under ^ONE TAEL SHANGHAI hong 1867 kong. R : • The Chinese dragon within a garter, Chinese characters |^;^Jt round outside garter. Tioo Mace. 138. : A crown within a beaded circle, TWO MACE . SHANGHAI * 1867 * R: An eight-pointed star in a beaded circle, sur- rounded by Chinese characters. IS * SARA^VAK (NORTH BORNEO). Sarawak in North Borneo was founded by Sir Jas. Brooke, who was appointed Eajah in 1841^ and through his instru- mentality the Island of Labuan or Sultana and the adjacent dependencies became incorporated with the British Empire, and were formally taken possession of in the presence of the Bornean chiefs, December 2nd, 1846. Previously to this, so long ago as 1804, the East Indian Company had struck small coins (Kapangs) for Labuan similar to those struck for Sumatra. A company trading to Borneo had a charter granted to them as the North Borneo Company, and cents and half cents were coined for them by Messrs. Heaton and Sons in 1882 and following years. y Sarawak. Cent, 1. 0: Bust to left. J BROOKE RAJAH. R : ONE CENT in a wreath. SARAWAK over it. Date under 1863. Sa7f Cent. 2. Similar to No. 1, excepting in size and value. Quarter Cent. 3. Similar to No. 1, excepting in size and value. Cent. \/ 4. 0: Bust to left. C BROOKE RAJAH. B : Similar to Rev : of No. 1. Date 1870. 5. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1879. 6. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880. 7. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882. 8. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1884. SARAWAK (NORTH BOEKEO). 229 FalfCent. Similar to No. 4, excepting in size and value, date 1870. Quarter Cent. 10. Similar to No. 4, excepting in size and value, date 1870. There are proofs of Nos. 1-3, also 5 and 9. t-r.4 §4^ WV^ ^a> T=g ^4>» LABUAN OB ISLAND OF SULTANA. 1. B 2. R 3. 4. 5. B Arms, supporters, &c., of the East India Company. ISLAND OF SULTANA 1804. Malay characters p i^Ai cuL t r t « " One Kapang 1219." As last. The rev: of a Kapang of Molucca (Celebes) having a 16-rayed star in centre and legend in Malayan characters round = " Land of Buggi, One Kapang." 1250. Shield with two unicorns as supporters, a castle for crest between two flags. ISLAND OF SULTANA 1835. Malay characters, ='' Malay Island, 1411." See note to No. 3 Malacca. Similar to preceding, but with a single flag in place of crest. Similar to last, but the flag hangs in a different direction, and there is no legend on obverse. BRITISH NORTH BORNEO COMPANY. 1. 0: Arms, supporters, &c., PERGO ET PERAGO on a ribbon, date under 1 882, a small H above date. 2. 3. B: ONE CENT 4. 0: 5. within a wreatli BRITISH NORTH BORNEO Co. ^^^ yL> Similar to last, excepting date, whicb is 1884. Similar to last, excepting date, whicli is 1886. Ornamental shield of arms, date under 1885, a small H above date (for Heaton). HALF CENT 9 J within a wreath, BRITISH NORTH BORNEO Co. i^--. ^; Similar to last, excepting date which is 1886. All these pieces may be met with in proof condition. -^^1 MAURITIUS. Mauritius, or the Isle of France, was discovered by the Portuguese in 1505. It was taken by the Dutch in 1598 and was named by them after Prince Maurice. It afterwards came into the possession of the French^ who held it till 1810^ when it was taken by the English and has since been retained by them. Ruding informs us that on April 24 00 ^ ^ ^ C- O ^ ^ ^O ^ ^ © 32 ^ .Pt_(p"H-HI— II— II— (1— It-H o ^ tsi . • • •:• ■•■••'• ■•■• \^ " 'J^ • vy-^ '-'-^ ly^ iju ^-' ^-' '^-^ ^-^ ^-' — -^ ^ ^— ^ , KAi;i,Y AMERICAN. 253 o o o o o o o Q Q G Q Q Q p a o be uJ 'A !zi t^; ;^ . u Ph P- >>>t>t>t>!> !> 1> ^-^ awrdwwwMw W W HHHHHHHE-j Eh H • > W w H H < <1 m (73 < <1 ^ ^ c4 CO CO CO 254 EARLY AMERICAN. Oak-tree Series. : An oak-tree in a circle of dots . MASATHV- SETS . IN . R: Value and date in a circle of dots. NEW ENGLAND . AN . DOM . The date of all with the exception of the twopence is 1652, the latter is 1662. The varieties will best be distinguished by the number of beads forming inner circle, and by dififerences of legend and punctuation. EARLY AMKRICAN. 2^- 00 a. u a Xti 03 in o o^ a. o o -(-3 ■§ o in o o o o 2 t3 o o o o o o — -^ ^ ^ rt -^ rt fl (^ f^ r=H I— 1 r=^ h- 1 CZ2 00 00 00 ci O '-O o t» r-H 'M !>. O lO o o o d PI o o a o d p o o o o -•3 o o a o o be " a a •r-l a o QQ o 1-1 I— » M a a cs o o O Q J ■— 1-^ \^ 1^^, J2 C O O C3 i-H -rj3 t>l CO ^* 22 ^ lO o o t^ o '* o o a =« rP -t-5 o o 125 Ou M I— ( o q Q Ha ^^ o n 1^ --d =3 ^ " a ^ ;- o q o GO o o o o o CO o 00 M > n O bC h-1 o Iz; iz; :z; ^ a :z5 ;^ -z; i> CO CO CO CO CO CO ■* «!Z5 02 OJ 72 02 HE- H H as r,"^ a 020: 55 cc > H r-^ ^ rH <1<1 <1 <1 OQOQ OQ CC 3S <1 <1 ci r-( c > Wa w r~' ^ ::_, << ^ cooQ l/2 <1<1 <) ;^^ :^ CO '^ lO T?'"^ ^ 256 EARLY AMERICAN. a> ^1 ^1 a © o © a PI o o 03 g © o © id o o g - r-t © a • I— I © © r^ s g s o , 1 .— 1 Id Id © g o © © ^ la • I-H bo be 3 g © © 1^ r-t CO CO CO CO o • o o -* ^ CO CO CO CO Ol to 'TS m O a, CZ2 d o he o o P I o o 6 PI o o O 0 CO o 12; H w P P P P <1 <1 © M id c3 g xn CO PI © ! &X) rH P CO PPP Ph^IP PPP PPP 1^5 tz;^ g s •rH © 1^ © bo u P O O CO CO © o la o p <1 p p p © bo p CO CM w CO M M o tz; m m Eh H ■73 P P cc M be t> t> 1-^ W P H H <1 <1 cc O] <1 -^ "^ 1 1^ O CO H P m > P »o CCa2 HH PP WW J/2CC! (M CO tJ< lO ijO ^ 52; P < 10 EARLY AMERICAN. 257 BA.LTIMOIIE, OR MARYLAND. The next in order are the coins struck in England for Loi'd Baltimore in 1660, and consist of shillings, sixpences, and groats in silver, and a penny in copper, only one speci- men of which latter coin is known to exist ; this was sold at the sale of Rev. J. Martin for the large sum of £75, and went to America. Shilling. 56. 0: Sixpence. 57. Groat. 58. Penny. 59. 0: Bust to L. CyECILlVS : DNS : TERRiE- MARIiE& CT^ A shield crowned between X-II. CRESCITE : ET : MVLTIPLICAMINl . Similar to last, except in size and value, V — I. Similar to last, except in size and value, I— V. Bust to L. CyECILIVS : Dns : TERRiE- MARI^ & C . -f Two flags issuing from a ducal crown. DE- NARIVM : TERRiE-MARI^ -^ A proof of the sixpence exists struck in copper. Tin Piece for the Plantations. The next piece which falls under our observation is a very curious one in an economical point of view. It recognizes a Spanish currency as generally prevalent in the American plantations, and offers the means of small change in the terms of the Spanish mint. 17 258 60. R EARLY AMERICAN. Figure of James II. on horseback. JACOBUS . II . D . a . MAG . BRI . FRAN . ET . HIB . REX. Four shields crosswise crowned. The shields, which are joined with chains, bear the arms of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland. Legend in four quadrants VAL . 24 . PART . REAL . HISPAN . There is no date to this coin, but being during the reign of James II. it must have been issued between 1685 and 1688. New York Token. The token next to be considered is one about which nothing can be said but what is founded entirely upon conjecture. By some it has been thought to be of Dutch origin, but there is little room for such an opinion, as the legend is English, such as it is. Again, it is very diflScult to assign a date to it, but it was most likely struck late in the 17th century, say between 1667, when New York was confirmed to England by the Peace of Breda, and 1710, after which date the name was rarely spelt with an B. It is found in brass and lead. 61. : An eagle displayed, s^ NEW . YORKE . IN . AMERICA ^^ jB : A group of five palm-trees, Venus on the right- hand side, and Cupid with his bow in his hand, running, on the left-hand side. KARLY AMERICAN. 259 The ''St. Patrick" or ''Mark Newby" Coppers. Upon the lOth of November, 1681, there arrived in New Jersey a party of Irish emigrants, Mark Newby and his family being among thcin. He brought with him a quantity of the pieces known as St. Patrick's halfpence, which, in consequence of the scarcity of small change there, were in the ensuing May made current in that State under certain conditions expressed in the act by which they were authorized. This act is found in the " Grants, Concessions and Original Constitutions of the Province of New Jersey," under date of May 8th, 1682. 62. 0: David playing the harp. FLORBAT J;t EEX. B : S. Patrick surrounded by the people. ECCE . GREX. There are several varieties of this piece, but as they belong rather to the Irish series than the Colonial it is not thought necessary to further describe them. Carolina and New England Halfpennies. We have next the two pieces with the above title which were issued in 1694, These appear to have been private speculations, and to have had no very extensive currency. They are both extremely rare and command high prices. They arc of English manufacture, and the obverse is not only similar to, but absolutely from, the same die as the " London " halfpenny ; but whereas the London halfpenny weighs from 210 to 240 grains, the heaviest of these do not exceed 160 grains. 17 * 260 EARLY AMERICAN. Carolina Halfpenny. 63. : An elephant to the left. R'. GOD I PRESERVE | CAROLINA AND j THE LORDS | PROPRIETORS | 1694. In six lines. 64. 0; R: New England Halfpenny. An elephant to the left. GOD I PRESERVE | NEW 1694. In five lines. ENGLAND 1 ROSA AMERICANA SERIES. We now come to the consideration of these interesting but unfortunate coins. Struck in brass or bronze, beautiful as works of art, and presenting a remarkably fine portrait of the king (George I.), and infinitely superior to any other coins in circulation as regards intrinsic value, they were yet exceedingly unpopular, and, practically speaking, were never in any quantity circulated in America. It is usual to deno- minate these as the penny, halfpenny, and farthing ; but they were, in fact, twopenny pieces, pennies, and halfpennies. Of this coinage there are several types, as follows ; — EAKLY AMERICAN. 261 Twopenny Pieces. 65. : Bust to riglit, GEOKGIVS . D : G : M : B : FR • ET . H : REX : E: II crowned .1717 over . MAG : BRIT . ERA . ET . HIRER . REX. 66. : Bust to right, GEORGIUS . D : G : ILAG : BRI : ERA : ET . HIB : REX. R: A full-blown rose. ROSA AMERICANA. UTILE DULCE. 67. Similar to last, but with UTILE DULCI on i. label. 68. 69. R 70. R Similar to last, but with date 1722 following- legend on reverse. As No. 66. A full-blown rose crowned . ROSA . AMERI- CANA . 1 723. UTILE . DULCI . on label. Bust to left, GEORGIUS . II . D . G . REX. Rose branch bearing seven leaves, rose and bud. ROSA AMERICANA 1 733 . UTILE . DULCI. on label. 262 EARLY AMERICAN. 71. B 72. B 73. B 74. 75. 76. B Pennies. Bust to riglit. GEOEGIUS : D : G : M : BRI : FEA : ET . HIB : EEX. I crowned . DAT . PACEM . BT . NOUAS . PEEBET . ET . AUGET . OPES. As last. I crowned, within a wreath . BEUN : ET . LUN : DUX : SA : EOM : MI : (IM?) AEC=THE : ET . PE : ELECT. Bust to right, GEOEGIUS . DEI . GEATIA . EEX. A full-blown rose. EOS A . AMEEICANA . UTILE. DULCI. 1722 s^ As last, but EOSA . AMEEICANA ^ UTILE . DULCI. 1722 ^ . As No. 73 but no rose after date. As No. 73. Eose crowned. EOSA . AMEEICANA . 1723. On a label UTILE . DULCI. There is a variety of this piece having the A? spread out very wide. 77. : As No. 73. Eose crowned. EOSA AMEEI 1724. UTILE DULCI. This is given on the authority of the Eev. H. Christmas. I have not seen it. EARLY AMERICAN. 2G3 Halfpennies. Bust to right, GEORGIUS REX. ~ crowned. DAT . PACEM . ET . AUGET . OPES. Bust to right, GEORGIUS . D : G : REX. Rose. ROSA . AMERI : UTILE : DULCI . 1722. Bust to right, GEORGIUS : DEI . GRATIA . REX. Rose. ROSA . AMERI : UTILE . DULCE . 1 722. As No. 73. Rose. ROSA . AMERICANA . UTILE . DULCE .1722 ^ As No. 73. Rose. ROSA . AMERICANA * UTILE DULCE. 1723 J^ As No. 73. Rose crowned. ROSA . AlIERICANA . 1723. Upon a label under UTILE . DULCE. The following piece is described, not because I consider it as strictly belonging to this series, but because it bears a considerable resemblance to the twopence of 1733, and might be confounded with it. 84. : Bust to right, GEORGIUS . DEI . GRATIA . REX. A rose bush, bearing one full-blown rose, two buds closed, and two partly open. ROSA : SINE : SPINA. It is about the penny size of this series. 78. B 70. R 80. R 81. R 82. 0: R 83. 0: R R The Gkanby or Hiqlet Tokens. These pieces are said to have been struck by a blacksmith named John Higley, of Granby, in the State of Connecticut. 264 EARLY AMERICAN. The autliorities appear to have taken no notice of his issues of coin, which seem to have continued for about three years — from 1737 to 1739 — specimens being extant bearing these dates, though I have not seen or heard of any dated 1738. The following is a description of the principal varieties, the different sides being mixed or " muled " to make more : — 85. : A deer standing facing left. ^° THE .VALVE . OF . THREE . PENCE. B, : Three banners, each crowned. •«? CONNEC- TICVT . 1737. 86. 0: As last. ^ VALVE . ME . AS . YOU . PLEASE, i}- III with a crescent under it beneath the deer. E: As last, rs- . I . AM . GOOD . COPPER . :;::• :;: ^::i: 1737. 87. : As before, but a crescent on field above deer. ^ VALUE . ME . AS . YOU . PLEASE . ^ B : A broad axe. ^^ J . CUT . MY . WAY . THROUGH. 88. As No. 87, but the date 1739 follows legend on B: They are all extremely rare. The Pitt Penny. The history of this piece is better known than most American tokens. The Stamp Act was passed March 22nd, 1765, and repealed, principally by the agency of Mr. Pitt, March 18th, 1766. This coin, or rather medalet, was struck to commemorate this event by Mr. Smithers, of Phila- delphia, from the designs of Colonel Revere, of Boston. Although doubtless originally intended for this purpose only, it soon became, in consequence of the dearth of small change, converted into currency. 89. 0: B: EARLY AMERICAN. 265 Bust of Pitt to left. THE RESTORER OF TRADE AND COMMERCE . 17G6. NO. STAMPS. y, Three-masted ship. / THANKS TO THE FRIENDS OF LIBERTY AND TRADE. Virginia Halfpenny. There is much doubt whether the coin now to be described was ever really an authorized issue, for although bearing the bust, arms, and title of the king, there is no record concerning it, and most likely it was a private speculation. 90. : Bust to right, GEORGIUS . HI . REX. B: Shield of arms crowned, the crown divides date 17-73 VIRGINIA. 91. A variety has no dot after GEORGIUS, and there are several other minor difterences. A few specimens are struck on thicker and larger pieces of metal, and are sometimes called, without good reason, pennies. They are extremely rare. A silver proof exists dated 1774, and, on the authority of the Rev. H. Christmas, I believe, a bronze proof of the same date, but these too are exceedingly rai'e. This exhausts the list of the pre-revolutiouary coins and tokens of the American colonies, which, in 177G, declared themselves " free, sovereign, and independent," which inde- pendence was recognized by the mother-country in 1783. COINS AND TOKENS OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Newfoundland^ an island situate on the N.E. side of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, was discovered by Sebastian Cabot in 1497, who called it Prima Vista. It was formally taken possession of for the English by Sir Humphrey Gilbert in 1583, and the fisheries which were soon after commenced became of so much importance that in the year 1625 more than 150 ships were employed in them, from the Devonshire ports alone. The sovereignty of England was recognized in 1713, and in 1832 Newfoundland obtained the privilege of a colonial legislature, and at the present time it is the only North American colony which returns its indepen- dence, all the others being merged in the Dominion of Canada. Although politically and commercially of much less importance than the latter colony, from the numismatic point of view Newfoundland claims precedence, as being the only place to issue gold coins, which precedence it also deserves by the order of seniority. Gold Coins. 1. 0: Laureated bust to left. VICTORIA D : G : REG : NEWFOUNDLAND. B: 2 I DOLLARS I 1 865 in three lines within a beaded circle. TWO HUNDRED CENTS above, ONE HUNDRED PENCE below. This is a pattern, the form ultimately adopted being very similar, the only difference being in the shape and size of the letters of the NEWFOUNDLAND. 207 value in the centre oi R: A pattern also exists in copper, the : of which is similar to No. 1, and the B : TWO 1 DOLLARS 1 1864 in three lines within a wreath of maple, similar to that used for the 10 cents of Canada, and surmounted by a crown. This is in the cabinet of H. Montagu, Esq., and I believe unique. 2. Similar to No. 1, but 2 | DOLLARS ] 1865 in Roman capitals. 3. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1870. 4. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1872. 5. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1873. 0. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1874. 7. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1876. 8. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880. 9. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881. 10. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882, and there is a small h under the date. 11. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885, but without the h. There are proofs of each date. Silver Coins. FiftT/ Cents. 12. 0: Laureated bust to left, VICTORIA DEI GRATIA REGINA NEWFOUNDLAND. B: 50 I CENTS | 1870 in three lines, within an ornamental border. 13. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1872, and with a small H under bust. 14. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1873, but without the h. 15. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1876, with the H. 268 NEWFOUNDLAND. 16. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880, without the h. 17. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881. 18. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882. 19. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. There are proofs of Nos. 12 and 16, with milled edges. Twenty Cents. 20. b : Bust as before, VICTORIA D : G : REG : NEW- FOUNDLAND. R: 20 I CENTS | 1865 in three lines within an ornamental border. 21. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1870. 22. V Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1872, and with a small h under bust. 23. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1873, but without the h. 24. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1874. 25. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1876, with the H. 26. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880, without the h. 27. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881. 28. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882. 29. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. Proofs occur of No. 20 with plain and milled edge, also of No. 26 with milled edge. Ten Cents. 30. Similar excepting in size and value, dated 1865. 31. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1870. 32. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1872, and with a small H under bust. 33. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1873, but without the h. 34. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1874. 35. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1876, with the H. NEWFOUNDLAND. 2G9 36. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880, without the h. 37. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881. 38. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882. 39. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. There are milled edge proofs of Nos. 30, 36, and 39. Five Cents. 40. Similar excepting in size and value, dated 1865. 41. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1870. 42. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1872, and small H under bust. 43. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1873, but without the h. 44. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1874. 45. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1876. with the H. 46. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880, without the h. 47. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881. 48. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882. 49. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. Proofs of No. 40 with both plain and milled edges, and also with milled edges of Nos. 46 and 49. There are patterns of the 20 and 5 cent pieces, the : of which is similar to that of this series, and the R : resembles that of New Brunswick, which are dated 1864. These are proofs in copper. The 10 cent piece is most likely in existence, but I have not yet seen it. Beonze Coins. 50. : Laureated bust to loft. VICTORIA D : G : REG : R : The date, 1864, with a crown above it, within a beaded circle, surrounded with a wreath. ONE CENT above, NEWFOUNDLAND below. 51. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1865. 270 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. NEWFOUNDLAND. Similar to last, excepting date, whicli is 1872, and a small h under tlie tie of the wreath on 0: Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1873, but without the h. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1876, with the H. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880, without the h. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885, There is a pattern cent dated 1864, which differs from No. 50 in the legend on : which is VICTORIA QUEEN. Tokens. Halfpenny size. 57. • : Shield of arms, supporters, &c. of the Rutherford family. B : A fleece suspended, R & I . S . RUTHERFORD St JOHN^S* NEWFOUNDLAND* 58. Similar to the preceding, but with date on : below the shield, 1841. 59. : As No. 57. B, A fleece as before. RUTHERFORD BRO^ HARBOUR GRACE NEWFOUNDLAND. 60. Similar to preceding, but with date on : below the shield, 1846. There is a variety of this token slightly differing in position of letters, &c. NKWFOUNDLAND. 271 61. 0: RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT . AND | FREE I TRADE tlio latter portion in three lines in the centre. R: Tbe date, I860, in the centre within a circle, FISHERY RIGHTS FOR NEWFOUND- LAND. Fai'thing she. 62. 0: PETER I McAUSLANE | ST JOHN^S | ©^^_^ I NEWFOUNDLAND in five Hnes. R : SELLS I ALL SORTS \ OF SUOP& | STORE GOODS in five lines. COINS AND TOKENS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. Under this head we shall include all the coins and tokens struck in or for the British possessions in North America which have since been incorporated under this title. The principal part of the currency until quite recently consisted of tokens^ many of which were issued by banks or private individuals, while some were designed and executed in England, as a matter of speculation, and were sold in bulk to the merchants during the seasons of scarcity of change. Others again are the work of native artists, the number of the latter, however, being very small. There are but few silver coins to describe and no gold. The first of the Colonies to be mentioned under this heading being : — NOVA SCOTIA. Nova Scotia was discovered by Cabot in 1475, visited by Verrazzani and by him named Acadia in 1524; settled in 1622 by the Scotch, under William Alexander, in the reign of James I. of England, from whom it received the name of Nova Scotia. Since its first settlement it has more than once changed proprietors, and was not confirmed to England till the peace of Utrecht in 1713. There are no silver and but a very few bronze coins, but there are several copper tokens. 1.0: A ship in full sail, NOVA SCOTIA AND NEW BRUNSWICK SUCCESS. R : Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia, HALFPENNY TOKEN. NOVA SCOTIA. 273 2. 0: R: 3. 0: R: 4. 0: R: 5. 0: R: A full-rigged ship, PAYABLE AT THE STORE OF J. BROWN. A thistle with four leaves, NEMO ME IMPUNE LACESSIT. ROBERT PURVIS | CHEAP ] FAMILY | STORE I ° WALLACE ° displayed in five lines. ENCOURAGE | COUNTRY | IMPORTERS in three straight lines. ONE I FARTHING in two lines in the centre, PAYABLE AT W. L. WHITE\S HALIFAX HOUSE HALIFAX. CHEAP I DRY GOODS | STORE in three lines. W. L. WHITE'S HALIFAX HOUSE HALIFAX. A steamboat. HALIFAX STEAMBOAT COMPANY * FERRY TOKEN in two lines. This is in brass, farthing size, and is very scarce. Halfpenny size. 6. 0: Military bust to left. BROKE HALIFAX NOVA SCOTIA. R : Britannia seated holding a trident and palm branch. BRITANNIA 1814. There are two varieties of this token which diflfer in the position of the trident. 18 274 NOVA SCOTIA. 9. R 0. B 1.0: A large bust of George III. HALF PENNY TOKEN 1814. R : A three-masted ship under sail, PAYABLE BY CARRITT & ALPORT HALIFAX. 8. : A smaller bust of Greorge III. within a circle. HALFPENNY TOKEN . 1814. R : View of a house. PAYABLE BY HOSTER^ MAN & ETTER . HALIFAX. A yariety shows a slight difference in house on R : v/'Larger bust than last, without the circle. HALFPENNY TOKEN 1815. As last. Although bearing a larger bust this token is rather smaller than the last. As last. A ship in full sail. PAYABLE BY JOHN ALEX? BARRY . HALIFAX. 11. Small bust on : otherwise same as last. There are three varieties of this token, differing in the arrangement of ship's sails. Large bust and legend as No. 9. A ship in full sail, HALIFAX. An Indian with bow and arrow, a dog by his side. STARR & SHANNON HALIFAX . 1815. R : A three-masted ship under sail. HALF- PENNY TOKEN NOVA SCOTIA. There are three varieties of this, which differ in the position of bow and arrow. 14. Similar to last but the legend on : is COMMERCIAL CHANGE . 1815. 15. : A cask, inscribed, spikes nails &c. within a circle. HALFPENNY TOKEN 1815. R : PAYABLE | BY | MILES W. | WHITE | HALIFAX I N . S . in six lines within a circle. IMPORTER OF IRONMONGERY HARDWARES &c. 12. R 13. NOVA SCOTIA. 275 16. : A. cask marked nails & spikes between a scythe blade and sickle, two spades crossed above. PAYABLE AT W. A. & S. BLACK'S . HALIFAX . N . S. R : View of a house. WHOLESALE & RETAIL HAEDWARE STORE 1810* 17. Similar to last excepting that the legend on : is HALIFAX NOVA SCOTIA. Penny size. 18. Oy A laureated bust to left, PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. R: A thistle with two leaves, ONE PENNY TOKEN 1823. The bust on this piece is most probably intended for George IV. 19. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1824. 20. : A similar bust to last. R : Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1832. Although from the date on this coin the bust should be that of William IV., it is evidently intended to be that of George IV., as it faces to the left, as the preceding, all busts of William IV. facing to the right. 21r' : Bust of Queen, facing left, legend as before. 7? : Similar to last, but dated 1840. 22. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1843. There are two varieties of this token, which differ slightly in the bust, although they are of equally inferior workmanship. Halfpenny size. 23. Similar to No. 18, excepting in size and value, dated 1823. 24. Similar to No. 18, excepting in size and value, dated 1824. 25. Similar to No. 18, excepting in size and value, dated 1832. 18 * 276 NOVA SCOTIA. 26. Similar to No. 21, excepting in size and value, dated 1840. 27. Similar to No. 21, excepting in size and value, dated 1843. There are varieties of Nos. 18 and 23 which differ in the shape of thistle leaves on B : Penny. 28. : Coronetted bust to left. VICTORIA D : G : BEITANNIAR : REG : F : D : 1856. R: A branch of mayflower. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA ONE PENNY TOKEN. 29. HALFPENNY TOKEN similar excepting in size and value. There are bronzed proofs of these two pieces which are very rarely met, and there are five varieties differing in various minor points. Cent. 30. : •. Laureated bust to left, VICTORIA D : G : BRITT : REG : F : D : It : A crown in the centre with the date 1861 under it, within a beaded circle, surrounded by a wreath of roses and mayflower. ONE CENT NOVA SCOTIA. 31. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1862. 32. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1864. The obverse die appears to be the same as that of the English halfpenny. Half Cent. 33. Similar excepting in size and value, dated 1861. 34. Similar excepting in size and value, dated 1862. 35. Similar excepting in size and value, dated 1864. A very curious and perhaps unique trial piece or pattern is in the cabinet of H. Montagu, Esq., the : of which is similar in all respects to No. 30, the R : having a crown within a thick wreath of roses and rose leaves, with 186 under the wreath, the last figure of the date not being NOVA SCOTIA. 277 filled in. The legend which extends round on the outside of the wreath is, NOVA SCOTIA ONE CENT. There is also a pattern cent and half cent, dated 1861, with the bust and letters of legend smaller than on those afterwards issued. NEW' BRUNSWICK New Beunswick was takeu from Nova Scotia and elevated to tlie dignity o£ a separate colony in the year 1785. It became incorporated in tlie Dominion of Canada by an act passed March 29tlij 1867. Its interest from a numismatic point of view is small, as there are but few silver and bronze coins, and the tokens are fewer still. Silver Coins. Twenty Cents, 1. 0: Laureated bust to left, VICTOEIA D : G : REG : . NEW BRUNSWICK . B: 20 I CENTS I 1862 in three lines within a wreath of maple leaves. A crown above. 2. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1864. Ten Cents. 3. Similar to No. 1, excepting in size and value, dated 1862. 4. • Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1864. Five Cents. 5. Similar to No. 1, excepting in size and value, dated 1862. 6. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1864. All these occur as proofs. There is also a 20 cent of 1871, a 10 cent of 1870, and a 5 cent piece of 1875, but these are made by " muliny " the t) : die with the B : dies of Canada for those dates. NEW BRUNSWICK. 279 liEONZE Coins. Cents. 7. : '^Laureated bust to left. VICTORIA D : G : BRITT : REG : F : D : R : The date, 18G1, crowned within a beaded circle, surrounded by a wreath of roses and may- flowers, ONE CENT NEW BRUNSWICK. The obverse die of this piece appears to be identical with that of the English halfpenny. 8. v/ Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1864. Half Cents. 9. Similar to No. 7, excepting in size and value, dated 1861. 10. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1864. I have not seen No. 10, but give it upon the authority of Sandham. Copper Tokens. 11. : HALF I PENNY | TOKEN in three lines in the centre, ST JOHNS NEW BRUNS- WICK* R : A frigate sailing, FOR PUBLIC ACCOMMO- DATION. 12. : E. M9 DERMOTT | IMPORTER | OR ENG- LISH I FRENCH & GERMAN | FANCY GOODS I KING ST | ST JOHNS N . B in seven lines. R : Ornamented shield of arms, with crest and ribbon. DEPOSITORY OF ARTS. 13. 0:/ Coronetted bust to left. VICTORIA DEI / GRATIA REGINA . 1843. jB y .V frigate, NEW BRUNSWICK . ONE PENNTT TOKEN. 280 14. 15. 0: 16. NEW BRDNSWICK. HALFPENNY TOKEN similar excepting in size and value. There are bronzed and copper proofs of tliese two pieces^ wliicli are exceedingly rare. Filleted bust to left, legend as before, date 1854. A frigate as before, NEW BRUNSWICK . ONE PENNY CURRENCY. HALFPENNY CURRENCY simUar, excepting in size and value. These two latter pieces occur both with and without w . w incused on the neck. PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND. This island was taken from the French by the British in the year 1757, and united with Cape Breton as a colony in 1763, but separated again in 17G8. In 1800 it received its present title from Prince Edward, Duke of Kent. Its inhabitants are almost exclusively engaged in agriculture, considerable attention, however, being given to the fisheries. Allusions to these two points are found on most of the few tokens belonging to this colony, which finally became a province of the Dominion of Canada in 1873. There are but few tokens, and but one coin, and tlicy are all halfpenny size, or cents. A steamship going to the left, HALFPENNY TOKEN. FISHERIES 1 AND | AGRICULTURE in three lines. A plough. SPEED THE PLOUGH. A split codfish. SUCCESS TO THE FISH- ERIES. There are several varieties of this token, diflTeriug chiefly in the plough on : A whoatsheaf and sickle. PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND HALFPENNY 1840. A plough. COMMERCE & TRADE* 1. B 2. B 8. B 282 PRINCE Edward's island. 4. : ONE I CENT | 1855 in three lines. R: FISHERIES 1 AND | AGRICULTURE in three lines. v/ 5. 0: PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 1855. E: SELF 1 GOVERNMENT \ AND | FREE ] TRADE displayed in five lines. 6. : PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND 1855. E : As last. 7. Similar to No. 5, excepting in date, which is 1857. / 8. : Coroneted bust to left, VICTORIA QUEEN &1871& R : Two trees within a beaded circle, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND "ONE CENT" Under the trees and within the circle is paeva sub iNGENTi in minute letters. This occurs also as a bronze proof. — ^^^^^fe^z^.ifi^^^^^ MAGDALEN ISLAND. The Magdalen Islands are a small group near the centre of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and about equi-distant from Cape Breton and Prince Edward Island. They contain about 2000 inhabitants, who are chiefly supported by the pro- ductive cod, herring and seal fisheries of the neighbouring waters. There is but one token, and that bears direct reference to the prevalent industry. 1.0: A seal, within a circle, MAGDALEN ISLAND TOKEN cg^lSlScg^ R : A split codfish, also within a circle. SUCCESS TO THE FISHERY . ONE PENNY. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Until the year 1858 British Columbia formed a portion of the Hudson^s Bay Territory; but in that year large discoveries of gold were made which, attracting a vast immigration of gold-diggers, rendered it necessary for the British Government to take measures for the maintenance of order, and the country was erected into a colony. In 1866 Vancouver's Island was united to it, and in 1871 it became incorporated with the Dominion of Canada. There are no coins of this colony with the exception of the two following pieces, and they can scarcely be more than patterns, as I have only seen one of each, which is in the National Collection at the British Museum, having been presented by F. Seymour, Esq., Governor of British Columbia in 1864. 1. 0: A Crown. GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. R: 20 I DOLLARS | 1862 | m three lines within a wreath of oak leaves and acorns. 2. 10 DOLLARS, similar, excepting in size and value. CANADA. Canada was discovered by Jolm and Sebastian Cabot, on June 24th, 1497. In 1524 a French settlement was formed, and called New France, and in 1535 a Breton mariner named Jacques Cartier ascended the St. Lawrence as far as the present site of Montreal; and Quebec was founded about 1608. A raid upon these settlements was made by the English in 1629, but the French regained possession in 1632, which they held until 1759, when Canada was con- quered by the English, and their acquisition was confirmed to them by the Treaty of Paris in 1763. During this period coins of silver and copper were struck by the French king, Louis XIV., for his American dominions, but these pieces, interesting as they be to the Canadian collector, do not come within the scope of the present work. Since its incorporation with the other colonies of North America, in the year 1867, the whole have been termed "The Dominion of Canada,'^ and silver and bronze coins are now issued for the entire district. These, although later in chrono- logical order, will first be described, and afterwards, the somewhat numerous series of copper tokens, and at the end of these will be placed a number of pence and halfpence, all of which were most probably struck in England, and which would more correctly be described as Non-Local Tokens of the nineteenth century, and which are usually so described, but which are included here as they were used very freely as small change in Canada for many years, and are claimed by Canadian collectors as their own. 286 CANADA. Silver Coins. 50 Ceyits or Half Dollar. 1. 0: Coroneted bust to left, VICTORIA DEI GRATIA REGINA CANADA. The initials L . c . w . are formed in minute characters upon the truncation of the neck. E: 50 I CENTS I 1870 in three lines within a wreath of maple, a crown above. 2. M Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1871. 3. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1872, and with a small h under the tie of wreath on R : 4. Similar to last, but without the initial h. 5. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1873. 6. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1874. 7. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1875, with H . as before. 8. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880, with H . as before. 9. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881, with H . as before. 10. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882, with H . as before. 11. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1884, but without the h. 12. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885, but without the h. 13. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1886, but without the h. 14. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1887, but without the h. Proofs occur of the following dates — 1870, both plain and milled edge ; 1872, Avithout n . ; 1874 and 1885. CANADA. 287 25 Cents or Quarter Dollar. 15. : Bust and legend as before. B: 25 I CENTS | 1870 in three lines within a wreath of maple, a crown above. 16. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1871. 17. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1872, and with a small h under the wreath on R : 18. Similar to last, but without the h. 19. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1873. 20. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1874. 21. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1875, and H as before. 22. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880, and H as before. 23. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881, and H as before. 24. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882, and H as before. 25. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1884, but without the h. 26. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885, but without the n. 27. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1886, but without the h. 28. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1887, but without the h. Proofs occur of 1870 with plain edge, also of 1872 without h, and possibly others. 20 Cents. 29. 0: Laureated. bust to left. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA REGINA CANADA. R: 20 I CENTS I 1858 in three lines, within a wreath of maple, a crown above. This coin was only struck in this year, proofs occur with both plain and milled edge. 288 CANADA. 10 Ceyits. 30. : Similar to preceding excepting in size. B: 10 I CENTS I 1858 in three lines within a wreatli of maple surmounted by a crown. 31. Similar to last, excepting date, whicb. is 1870. 32. Similar to last, excepting date, whicb is 1871. 33. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1872, and with a small h as before. 34. Similar to last, but without the h. 35. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1873. 36. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1874. 37. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1875, and H as before. 38. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880, and H as before. 39. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881, and H as before. 40. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882, and H as before. 41. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1884, but without the h. 42. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885, but without the h. 43. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 188G, but without the h. 44. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1887, but without the h. Nos. 30, 33, 37, and 41 to 44 occur as proofs. 5 Cents. 45. : As before. R: 5 1 CENTS 1 1858 in three lines within a maple wreath, surmounted by a crown. 46. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1870. 47. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1871. 48. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1872, and with a small h as before. CANADA. 2Sn 49. Similar to last, hut without the H. 50. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1873. 51. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1874. 52. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1875, aud H as before. 53. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880, 54. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1881. 55. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882. 56. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1884. but without the h. 57. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. 58. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1886. 59. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1887. There are proofs with both plain and milled edge of 1870 and 1875, with plain edge of 1858 and 1885. . y Bronze Coins. 60. : Laureated bust to left, within abeaded circle, VIC- TORIA DEI GRATIA REGINA CANADA. R: ONE I CENT | 1858 in three lines, within a beaded circle, and border of maple leaves. This is a pattern, and very scarce, the type issued being as follows : — 61. 0: Coroneted bust to left, within a beaded circle, legend as before. R : ONE I CENT | 1858 iu three lines within a beaded circle and scroll border. A variety has been made by combining the 0: of No. 60 with theR: of No. 61, but this partakes rather of the nature of a mule. 62. V As last, excepting date, which is 1859. 63. As last, excepting date, which is 1876, and with a small h on i^: under the date. 64. v^ As last, excepting date, which is 1881. 65. ^ As last, excepting date, which is 1882. 19 290 CANADA. GQ. ' As last^ excepting date, which is 1884, but without the h, 67. As last, excepting date, which is 1885. 68. >-' As last, excepting date, which is 1880. 69. As last, excepting date, which is 1887. Tokens. 70. *0 : Female figure seated, her hand resting upon a harp. NORTH AMERICAN TOKEN 1781. R : A two-masted ship under sail. COMMERCE. 71. E 72. R A river god, with trident and urn. FERTILI- TATEM DIVITIAS QUE CIRCUMFERE- MUS 1794. COPPER I COMPANY | OF UPPER | CANADA in four lines within a circle. ONE HALFPENNY. A female presenting children to a bishop. BRITISH SETTLEMENTS KENTUCKY 1796. Same as last. Nos. 71 and 72 both occur as proofs, the latter usually in silver. CANADA. 291 73. 0: Coarsely executed bust to left. YEXATOR CANADIN SIS. B: Female figure seated (?) RENUNTER * VISCAPE 1811. 74. Legend on 0: VEXATOR CANADIENSIS otherwise similar to preceding. 75. : Bust as before. VEXATOR CANADIENSIS 1811. B: Female figure as before RBNUNILLUS VISCAPE. There are at least two other varieties of thiSj differing in spelling and punctuation, they are all of excessively rude workmanship. 70. : CANADA | HALF | PENNY | TOKEN dis- played in four lines. B : Three-masted ship under sail. FOR PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. 77. : T. S. BROWN & C? | IMPORTERS | OF | HARDWARE | UPPER TOWN | QUEBEC displayed in four lines. An anvil with two spades crossed above it, between a vice and scythe-blade. UN CENTIM PAYABLE | CHEZ | II. GAGNON & C^.? j RUE LA COURONNE | S ROCH QUEBEC in six lines. A beaver. MAISON JACQUES CARTIER ST ROCH I QUEBEC. LYMBURNER & BROTHER J GOLD | AND SILVER PLATERS | 6(33 | CRAIG STREET I MONTREAL displayed in seven lines. B: LYMBURNER & FRERE ] D'OREURS ET ARGENTEURS \ 063 | RUE CRAIG \ MONTREAL displayed in five lines. The number is in the centre, I'adiated, on both sides. 19 * B 78. '0 B 79. 292 80. B 81. B: CANADA. FRANCIS MULLINS & SON [IMPORTERS I OFISHIP CHANDLERYI&c. [MONTREAL in six lines. A ship in full sail. COMMERCE TOKEN. R. W. OWEN I MONTREAL \ ROPERY in three lines within a cable border. A ship under sail. 82. 0: J. SHAW & C? I IMPORTERS | OF | HARDWARES 1 UPPER TOWN | QUE- BEC in six lines. B : A kettle^ knife and fork, vice, saw, spade and scythe-blade. 83. 0: Bust to left. R. SHARPLEY . JEWELLER & WATCHMAKER NOTRE DAME ST MONT- REAL. B: IMPORTER | OF 1 SILVERWARE [ ca.€>C3Si^ | ■^A^IESbSSS^^ I IBIEOSSr^mi^ I CABINET- WARE I GLASS-WARE | &c &c &c : displayed in nine lines. This piece is struck in brass and is rather small for halfpenny size. 84 : SIR ISAAC [ BROCK BART j THE HERO OF 1 UPPER CANADA | WHO FELL AT THE 1 GLORIOUS BATTLE OF [ QUEENS- TOWN HEIGHTS 1 ON THE 13™ OCT^ | 1812 displayed in nine lines. B: A ship in full sail, SUCCESS TO THE COM- MERCE OF UPPR & LOW^} CANADA. CANADA. 293 85. R 86. R 87. R 88. R 89. R 90. R 91. R 92. R 93. 94. 0; R The date 1816 in the centre, with a radiation above and below it. SUCCESS TO COM- MERCE & PEACE TO THE WORLD. As last. As last. Two angels holding a wreath over an urn placed on a pedestal; which is inscribed fell | 001? 18 I 1812 in three lines. SIR ISAAC BROCK THE HERO OF UPP CANxVDA. There are two slight variations of this token, and one reading BROOK. Laureated bust to left, within a circle. HALF PENNY TOKEN 1816. A ship in full sail. MONTREAL. Laureated bust to right. TOKEN 1820. A beaver. NORTH WEST COMPANY. A sloop under sail. HALFPENNY TOKEN UPPER CANADA. An Indian with bow and arrow, a dog by his side. COMMERCIAL CHANGE 1815. As last. An anvil, with two spades crossed above it. COMMERCIAL CHANGE 1820. As before. A cask inscribed upper Canada. COMMERCIAL CHANGE 1821. As before. A plough. TO FACILITATE TRADE ^ 1823. As last, but dated 1833. A variety has the bowsprit of sloop pro- jecting over the final A in Canada, and occurs with both plain and milled edges. As before. An anvil with two spades crossed over it, between a vice and scythe-blade. COMMERCIAL CHANGE 1833. 294 CANADA. Twopence. 95. : Figure of Justice standing, holding balance and sword. LESLIE & SONS TOEONTO & DUNDASS 1822. R : A plough, TOKEN above, 2^ currency below. PROSPERITY TO CANADA . LA PRU- DENCE ET LA CANDEUR. Halfpenny. 96. : Figure of Justice as before. LESLIE & SONS YORK KINGSTON & DUNDAS. R : A plough, TOKEN above, halfpenny below, legend as before. There are several varieties of this token, differing chiefly in shape of plough. 97. 0: CANADA. 1830. R : HALF I PENNY in two lines. 98. Similar to last excepting date, which is 1841. 99. : Laureated bust to left, similar to that on No. 25, Nova Scotia. PROVINCE OF UPPER CANADA. R : Figure of Britannia seated, holding trident and palm branch. HALFPENNY TOKEN 1832. 100. 0: A cask between UN — SOU, BREWERS above, distillers &c &c &c below, within a circle. TH? & W^ MOLSON * MON- TREAL * R: A still within a circle. CASH PAID FOR ALL SORTS OF GRAIN * 1837 * About the year 1837 the following pieces were issued, which are usually spoken of as the " Tin Sou Series." They are without date, and bear a general resemblance to each other ; the majority of them have a bouquet on : with the legend TRADE AND AGRICULTURE. Those easiest to identify will be described first, the remainder being placed in a table, for the conception of which, I am CANADA. 295 indebted to a little work published by Jos. Le Roux of Montreal. 101. 0: A bouquet. AGRICULTURE & COM- MERGE 3^ BAS-CANADA ^ B : An eagle holding a shield, surrounded with thirteen stars. T. DUSEAMAN BUTGHER xf. BELLEVILLE 3^ 102. : A bouquet. TRADE & AGRICULTURE ^ LOWER CANADA ^ B : -I PENNY within a wreath. BANK TOKEN MONTREAL. 103. : A bouquet. TRADE AND AGRICULTURE LOWER CANADA. B : UN I SOUS within a wreath in two Hues. BANK TOKEN MONTREAL. 104. Similar to last, but legend on jB : is BANK OF MONTREAL TOKEN. 105. Similar to last, but UN | SOU within wreath on B : 106. : Two maple leaves crossed. COMMERCE * BAS-CANADA * B : UN I sou in two lines within a wreath. J? ROY MONTREAL. 107. 0: A bouquet. AGRICULTURE & COM- MERCE ^ BAS-CANADA ^ jB : UN 1 SOU in two lines, within a wreath formed of five maple leaves, a five-pointed star on one side, and small head wearing the cap of liberty on the other. BANQUE DU PEUPLE . MONTREAL. 296 CANADA. 108. 0: A bouquet. AGEICULTUEE & COMMERCE BAS CANADA. B : UN I sou in two lines, within a thick wreath of maple leaves. BANQUE DU PEUPLE . MONTREAL . The remainder of this series all have as legend on : AGRICULTURE & COMMERCE BAS-CANADA, and on B : TOKEN MONTREAL. They must therefore be distinguished by the composition of bouquet on : and in some instances by the number of leaves forming the wreath on B : This will be done best by the arrangement of the following table : — • CANADA. 207 H 00 O O E- P Of o P4 CD « CO § d 1 n3 -M O 03 f^ p^ Ph •13 S P5 O O ^3 'Is > • © > 02 c3 a a s CC W r— < cn o ^o 2 o o o T-H ^ T— I »— 1 r— 1 (M lO E^ 00 , fl CO CO 1—1 «+-! C4_| ^*-l o o o o o T-H o o CQ rd ^ .a CQ c3 CQ OS ^ CQ e3 o o -t3 -t-i -1^ Q ^ c3 Co 03 (D c3 OJ O O O %t U ^ a a u a r^ y^ r^ ^ c3 o ?3 o.o o S <^ o .. o , o ,p c* -t3 CQ 03 (D ^ • 1— < -+3 •N O) •N CQ w m 0> O! > 00 > efi c3 T— 1 o3 (U *^*H 00 ':f^ T-\ T-H T-\ ew ew ? Cm rd^ rd -l-i -l-> -1-^ crt rt r1 a fi:i 9 ^^c!- JO sopB[a; JO SpB8H •SOA'BO{ •SOABO^ •SaATJO] asoy; •S3[0OJ -raBqg •SpB3X{ •spng; •saso^ o CM i0C0iCC^liCCi^i0»0T-ii.0'^O'^C0C0Tf*Ci-^C0 COCCO(MC-* CO ci O --H cm" Co" '^ lO o i>-' qo o o Q,_|r-Hl— (^-HT-^r- > O .2 ^ Id • O C3 O -4-3 -^3 o • o^ 1 1 o o • o • o o O © H > © O &I ^ o o © O n3 o -1-3 %^ rJ-! '^ bo rS o \a riS be O f^ CO o S rO o • c. s bp -2 a 09 •pH "3 • o e fee □3 be i 4^ O 02 O X! ce fl rt © be K pi '7^ 03 © ce 9 © c2 -S i S3 m OS > CO > o o cr! m c3 11 03 O m © of 18 Ic leaves, snuill 1 of 18 le ^ ^ ^ g rS ^ CK © 00 rj* -^ T? Tf O 00 -"^ CO ^ -^ O ^ '^ CO !> lOOxO i.0':0'"0i>'t^t^t>' iT^t^ t^ t>.i>.i>.t>- d(M(M (M ONE . PENNY eg. CANADA. nOI 170. ^ Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1852. 171. i/>5irnilar to last, excepting date, which is 1854. A variety of this has no cross to bottom stroke of figure 4 in date. 172. • Similar to preceding, but dated 1857. Halfpenny size. 173. ^--^irailar to No. 169, excepting in size and value. 174. Similar to No. 170, excepting in size and value. 175. ; Similar to No. 171, excepting in size and value. 17G. »^ Similar to No. 172, excepting in size and value. ■ Bronzed proofs also occur of these pieces. 177. 0: Bust of Queen to left, laureated. DOMINION OF CANADA TROVINCE OF QUEBEC. B : USE I DEVINS' \ VEGETABLE | WORM | PASTILES I JULY 1ST | 1867 in five lines, within a beaded circle. DEVINS & BOL- TON * DRUGGISTS MONTREAL. The : of this token, or advertising ticket, bears a close resemblance to the cent No. 60, and the issue of it was in consequence forbidden by the colonial authorities. MISCELLANEOUS AND DOUBTFUL. Under this head we shall include a few railway and toll checks and tickets, wkicli although scarcely coming under the head of coins or tokens, are yet usually sought after and prized by Canadian collectors, and also a number of what are probably English nineteenth century non-local tokens, for the same reason. These latter were doubtless, in the absence of small change, imported and used in con- siderable quantities in Canada, and therefore have acquired in some measure '^a local habitation,^' if not a name, as Canadian tokens. 178. 0: A steamboat. LAWSON 1821. R : FOUR PENCE TOKEN . BON POUR HUIT SOLS. This piece is of lead, and was a ferry ticket between Quebec and Point Levi. 179. 0: A locomotive engine. MONTREAL «fe LA- CHINE RAILROAD COMPANY. R: A beaver, by a trunk of a tree. THIRD CLASS. This railway, when first opened, was largely used by the Indians and their squaws, together with the navvies working upon the line. The ordinary cardboard ticket not being sufficiently strong for this class of customers, this metal ticket was introduced and used instead. A hole in the centre of the ticket was used by the conductors to string them upon a piece of wire. Somewhat similar tickets were used upon some of our earliest English linos. MISCELLANEOUS AND DOUBTFUL. 303 R 181. R 182. R 18:3. R 180. : DE L'ISLE | DE MONTREAL | A REPBN- TIGUY 1 ON I LACHESNAYE displayed in five lines. PERSONNE above, and a wreath below. As last. CHEVAL in the centre, with a scroll above and below. As last. CALfiCHP] in the centre, with a floral ornament above and below. As last. CHARRETTE in the centre, with two sprigs of laurel above and below. 184. 0: DE REPENTIGUY | A | L'ISLE DE [ MONTREAL | . . * . . | ON LACHES- NAYE . displayed in six lines. PERSONNE, as before. As last. CHEVAL, as before. As last. CALfiCHE, as before. As last. CHARRETTE, as before. These were toll checks for the bridge known as the Porteous Bridge, which was erected in 1808, to connect the island of Repentiguy wiih that of Montreal. 189. : EVENING GLOBE . GOOD FOR ONE COPY. R : Same as : This is of brass, with a hole in the centre. 85. R 8G. R 87. R 88. R NoN-LocAL Tokens, Penny Size. 190. : Bust of George III. ONE PENNY TOKEN 1811. R : Britannia seated. COMMERCE. 304 191. B 192. 193. 194. 195. B 196. B 197. CANADA. Laureated bust of George III. within a thick wreath of oak. Female seated holding scales and cornucopia. ONE PENNY TOKEN 1812. As last, but the wreath on : is divided at bottom to insert date 1812. As last, but without date on B : Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1813. Bust of George III. BON POUR DEUX SOUS. Female seated as in No. 191. ONE PENNY TOKEN 1813. As No. 191. Britannia seated. COMMERCE 1814. A Druid's head. PURE COPPER PREFER- ABLE TO PAPER. B : Female seated holding olive branch and caduceus. TRADE & NAVIGATION 1813. 198. 0: ONE I PENNY | TOKEN in three lines within a circle. PURE COPPER PREFER- ABLE TO PAPER. As last. ONE I PENNY I TOKEN in three lines within a thick wreath of oak. A ship under sail. ONE PENNY TOKEN 1813. ONE I PENNY in two lines within a wreath of laurel. A ship under sail. A ship under sail. ONE PENNY TOKEN 1814. B : ^X in monogram, within a wreath of oak leaves and acorns, B 199. B 200. B 201. MISCELLANEOUS AND DOUBTFUL. 305 202. : ONE | PENNY | TOKEN in three lines within a thick wreath of oak. R : A phasnix within a floral wreath. This piece has been struck over either No. 199 or 200, a portion of the first impression still showing. 203. : ONE I PENNY | TOKEN in three lines within a wreath of oak and laurel. B : Figure of Justice standing on a pedestal, within a wreath of laurel and palm. 204. : Laureated bust to left, a laurel wreath under. FIELD MARSHAL WELLINGTON. R : Britannia seated. ONE PENNY TOKEN 1813. 205. Similar to last, but without the date. 206. Similar to No. 204, but with a laurel wreath in place of date on R : 207. 0: Bust to left, not laureated . VIMIERA . TALAVERA . BADAJOZ . SALA- MANCA . VITTORIA. R : As No. 204. 208. 0: Bust as last. VIMERA . TALAVERA . BUSACO . BADAJOZ . SALAMANCA ^ R : A Cossack on horseback. COSSACK PENNY TOKEN. 209. : Laureated bust to left, different to No. 204. WELLINGTON & VICTORY 1814. R : Female seated, holding palm branch and spear, a shield with a harp inscribed upon it by aside (evidently a colourable imitation of Britannia). EDWPBEWLEY 181G. 210. : A bust somewhat similar to last. WELLING- TON & ERIN GO BRAGH. R : A harp crowned EDWp STEPHENS 1816. 211. 0: A slightly different bust. WELLINGTON above, ERIN GO BRAGH below. R : Similar to last. 20 306 CANADA. Halfpenny Size. 212 : Laureated bust of George III. within a wreath of oak leaves and acorns. R : Female seated on bale, holding scales and cornucopia. HALFPENNY TOKEN 1812. There are several varieties of this token, and it is found in both copper and brass. Bust as before, but without the wreath. SUCCESS TO TRADE . 1812. Figure of Britannia seated, holding palm branch and trident. COMMERCE. Under the figure in exergue is eules the main. Bust as before. GENUINE BRITISH COPPER 1815. Britannia seated, holding a trident. HALF- PENNY. Small bust of George III. to right, laureated. HALFPENNY TOKEN 1815. Ship under sail. SUCCESS TO NAVIGATION & TRADE ^ Bust of George III. slightly difiFerent to last. HALFPENNY TOKEN 1814. A ship under sail. FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF TRADE. Bust as before. GREAT BRITAIN. Female seated, holding a branch of olive and of palm. COMMERCE 1814. Bust as before, no legend. Britannia seated, holding a trident. GENUINE BRITISH COPPER. 219. Similar to last, but date on B: 1820 and no legend. 220. : Laureated and armoured bust to left. R: A harp, 1820. 213. R 214. R 215. R 216. R 217. R 218. R MISCELLANEOUS AND DOUBTFUL. 307 221. Similar to last, but without date. These two pieces are made of brass, and the latter is of very inferior workmanship. Bust in military dress to right, a wreath of laurel under. • VICTORIA NOBIS EST. Female figure seated resembling Britannia holding olive branch and wand. HALF- PENNY TOKEN. Female seated holding olive branch and cadu- cous. TRADE & NAVIGATION 1812. HALF I PENNY | TOKEN in three lines within a circle. PURE COPPER PREFER- ABLE TO PAPER. A ship under sail. TRADE & NAVIGATION 1813. As last. Similar to No. 223, excepting date, which is 1813. Ship in full sail. FOR GENERAL ACCOM- MODATION. As last. Ship as before, but no legend. Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia. HALFPENNY TOKEN 1815. Female seated resting upon a harp (Hibernia ?) ONE HALFPENNY TOKEN 1820. Ship under sail. TRADE AND NAVIGA- TION. Ship under sail to right. SHIPS COLONIES & COMMERCE 1815. ONE I HALFPENNY | TOKEN in three lines. As last. FOR I PUBLICK I ACCOMMODATION in three lines. 20 * 222. 0: R: 223. 0: R: 224. 0: R: 225. 226. 0: R: 227. 0: R: 228. 0: R: 229. 0: R: 230. 0: R: 308 CANADA. 231. 0: Ship under sail. HALFPENNY TOKEN 1814. B: ^ X in monogram, Avitliin a wreatli of oak leaves and acorns. 23"2. : Ship under sail, no legend. B: SHIPS I COLONIES | & \ COMMERCE in four lines. There are several varieties of this token, differing in size and form of letters, arrange- ment of sails, &c. As last. Female seated on bale, looking to left, holding scales and cornucopia. As last. Female as before. HALFPENNY TOKEN 1812. As last. The date only, in the centre of the field 1858. Many other varieties are made by joining this obverse with other obverses or reverses together, and so manufacturing mules. The same remarks will apply to several other pieces of this series. 236. : A man ploughing with two oxen. SPEED THE PLOUGH HALFPENNY TOKEN. B : A man threshing grain. NO LABOUR NO BREAD. 237. : A man standing holdiag a shillelagh and a sprig of shamrock within a wreath. B : PURE COPPER PREFERABLE TO PAPER in five lines. 238. : A spread eagle, its tail dividing the date 18 — 13. HALFPENNY TOKEN. B : Britannia seated, holding oliye branch and trident, within a wreath. 239. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1814. 233. B 234. B 235. B MISCELLANEOUS AND DOUBTFUL. 309 240. Similar to last, but the eagle is higher on the coin, leaving room under it for the date, which is 1815. The B : also is finer work. 241. : A ship under sail to right. {8ee No. 229.) R: WELLINGTON I WATERLOO I 1815 in 3 lines. 242. : Laureated bust of Wellington to left within a wreath, no legend. B : Female seated holding scales and wand. TRADE & COMMERCE 1811. 243. 0: Laureated bust to right (? Wellington). 1820. B: As No. 241. This again_, as well as the one preceding, is often muled with other obverses and reverses. 244. : Laureated bust to right, MARQUIS WEL- LINGTON 1813. B: Female seated resembling Britannia, holding olive branch and wand. COMMERCE. 245. : Laureated bust to left. THE ILLUSTRIOUS WELLINGTON. B : A harp crowned. WATERLOO HALFPENNY 1816. 246. : Bust similar to last, with a bow and two ends to the ribbon tying laurel. WELLINGTON HALFPENNY TOKEN. B: Britannia seated, holding olive branch and trident, the date 1814 under, a sprig of oak on either side. 247. Similar to last but no bow and only one end to ribbon forming tie. 248. : Bust as before, two sprigs of laurel under it. FIELD MARSHALL WELLINGTON. B: Britannia seated, holding trident and olive branch, two sprigs of laurel under. HALF- PENNY TOKEN. 310 CANADA. 249. Similar to last, but witli date 1813 under Britannia, in place of sprigs of laurel. 250. : Bust as before. HISPANIAM ET LVSITA- NIAM RESTITVIT WELLINGTON. B: CUIDAD ] EODPJGO | Jan. 19. 1812 | BADAJOZ 1 April 2.1812 ] SALAMANCA I July 22. 1812 | &c. &c. &c. in eight lines . within a circle. VIMIERA Aug. 21. 1808. TALAVERA july 28. 1809. ALMEIDA MAY 5. 1811 eg. 251. 0: As last. B: CUIDAD I RODRIGO ] Jan. 19. 1812. ] BADAJOZ I April 2. 1812. ] SALA- MANCA I July22.1812. | MADRID j Aug. 12. 1812. in nine lines, the last one being curved, otherwise as last. 252. 0: As last. B: SALAMANCA | july 22. 1812. | MADRID 1 AUG. 12. 1812. I ST SEBASTIAN 1 sept. 8. 1813. I PAMPLUNO [ oct. 31. 1813. in eight lines, the last one being curved, sur- rounding this within a circle is CUIDAD RODRIGO JAN. 19. 1812. BAJADOZ april 21. 1812. The legend outside circle as before. 253. : Naked bust of Wellington. FIELD MARSHAL WELLINGTON. B : A harp crowned. HIBERNIA 1805. 254. : Bust as last. WELLINGTON 1815. B: Somewhat similar bust. BLUCHER. Farthing Stze. 255. : Ship under sail within a circle. FARTHING TOKEN 1812. B: ^ X in monogram within a wreath of oak leaves and acorns. MISCELLANEOUS AND DOUBTFUL. 311 256. : ONE FARTHING in two lines within a circle. PURE COPPER PREFERABLE TO PAPER. B : Female seated on bale holding olive branch and caduceus. TRADE & NAVIGATION 1813. 257. 0: Ship under sail. COMMERCE. B: The date 1828 in centre, above it ONE FARTHING— below, TOKEN. COINS AND TOKENS OF THE WEST INDIES. The West India Islands belonging to Great Britain, of wliich Jamaica is tlie largest and most important, have an area of nearly 14,000 square miles and a population of 1,250,000. In the early part of the present century slavery existed in all the islands. Fostered by highly protective duties, they reached a very flourishing condition, and large fortunes were made. This condition was completely artificial ; and when slavery was abolished, and the protective duties repealed, an entire collapse took place, and many hitherto wealthy persons were ruined. Up to that time these islands had been regarded as the choicest possessions of the British crown, and a grand outlet for commerce. Since then they have received less attention in every way than they deserve, but are now again resuming their proper position, and it may be hoped that they will once more become prosperous. With the exception of an attempt in 1822 by striking a quantity of the pieces of Half, Quarter, Eighth and Six- teenth of a Dollar, no provision for the currency of these islands has been made by the mother-country, although later, silver threepences, and threehalfpences, have been issued, and also a special issue of nickel coins for Jamaica. Considerable use has been made of the Spanish dollars, and a number of varieties of cut and countermarked coins will be found in this series. There are also a few tokens issued by private traders. The series, although small, contains pieces of great variety and interest, containing as it does some of the very earliest and rarest of our colonial coins, viz., those of the Somer Islands. WEST INDIES. 313 ANTIGUA. 1. : A palm-tree dividing the date 18 — 36 and H — C, ANTIGUA under. B: ONE I FARTHING [ Stg (= sterling?) in three lines within a wreath. BAHAMA. 2. : Bust to right, GEORGIUS III . D . G . REX . 180G. This is similar to the English half- penny. B: A ship in full sail, BAHAMA . expulsis PIRATIS RESTITUTA COMMEKCIA. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1807. Fenny size 4. 0: 5. BARBADOES. Negro bust crowned, and a plume of three ostrich feathers, I SERVE . j . milton . p . on neck. B : A pine apple, BARBADOES PENNY . 1788. This occurs as proof both copper and bronze. Similar to preceding, but with m. only on trun- cation of neck. 314 WEST INDIES. 6. Similar, but with the plume of feathers larger. 7. Similar, but with the pine apple larger. 8. Similar, but with the date more expanded. All these are found as proofs. 9. : King seated in a marine car, BAEBADOBS PENXY 1792. B : Similar to : of No. 5, but with a larger plume of feathers. 10. Similar to last, but with a dot between BAR- BADOES . and PENNY. 11. Similar to No. 9, but the king's crown comes between the N's of PENNY. Halfpenny. 12. 13. 0: R: Farthing. 14. Similar to No. 9 excepting in size and value. Nos. 9 and 12 are found as proofs in silver, bronze and copper. Halfpenny Token. A bale, marked M. T. MOSES TOLANTO. A cask, FREEDOM WITHOUT SLAVERY. Similar, excepting in size and value. WEST INDIES. 31; Shilling. 15. 0: BERMUDAS OR SOMER ISLANDS. Brass or '* Hoa '' Money. A hog with XII above it within a beaded circle. SOMMER i^ ISLANDS ^ An antique ship with sails set and flags flying. Sixpence. 16. Similar, excepting in size and value. Threepence. 17. Similar, but without legend on : Twopence, 18. Similar to last. Copper Penny. 19. : Laureated bust to right, GEORGIUS III . D . G . REX. R'. A ship in full sail, BERMUDA above, 1793 below. This occurs as a proof in gold (which is, I believe, unique), also in silver and bronze. 316 WEST INDIES. JAMAICA. Nickel. Penny, 20. : Coroneted bust to left, within a beaded circle. VICTORIA QUEEN c83 1869 eg. R : Shield of arms, crest, a crocodile, beneath it a ribbon with motto, all within a beaded circle. JAMAICA c§3 ONE PENNY <%> 21. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1870. 22. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1871. 23. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1880. 24. Similar to last, exceptiog date, which is 1882. 25. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1884. 26. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. No 20 occurs as a proof both in copper and nickel, and all the pennies have l. c. wyon under bust. Halfpenny. 27. Similar to No. 20 excepting in size and value, date 1869. 28. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1870. v' 29. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1871. 30. vSimilar to last, excepting date, which is 1880. 31. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882, and a small h under bust. 32. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1884, but without the h. 23. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. No. 27 also occurs as a proof both in copper and nickel. WEST INDIES. 317 Farthing. 34. Similar to No. 20 excepting in size and value, date 1880. 35. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1882, and a small h under bust. 36. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1884, but without the h. 37. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1885. There are proof sets of 1880 and 1884 in nickel of penny, halfpenny, and farthing. Copper Tokens. Halfpenny. 38. 0: Coach and horses. M. HOWARD FERRY- GRASS. R: Man holding horse. KINGSTON JAMAICA. Fartli.inff. 39. 0: THOMAS LUNDIE & CO KINGSTON . 1844. B, : A steam-boat . EARL OF ELGIN JAMAICA. 40. 0: THOMAS LUNDAY& CO IRONMONGERS. WATER STREET 1844. B, : As last. Penny. 41. 0: (I'l) I JAMAICA | CURRENCY | BY in four lines in the centre. PAYABLE IN KINGS- TON above, and WILLIAM SMITH below incused on a broad rim. B, : Arms of Jamaica and supporters. INDUS UTERQUE SERVIAT UNL Salfj^enny. 42. : PAYABLE . | IN | KINGSTON | BY | WIL- LIAM SMITH, displayed in five lines. B: JAMAICA in centre, ONE HALFPENNY. above, and CURRENCY, below. This also has a broad rim, and part of the legend on each side is incused upon the rim. 318 WEST INDIES. 43. : Bust to left BRITISH COLONIES. B: Female seated on bale, TO FACILITATE TRADE. This last token is generally placed amongst tlie Jamaica tokens, although I do not know upon what authority. Sand- ham, in his '' Canadian Coins,'^ classes it as '' douUful." My own opinion is that it is an English-made nineteenth century token for general circulation. ST. KITTS, OR ST. CHRISTOPHER. 44. A double sous of Louis XVI. for Cayenne coun- termarked S . K . ST. LUCIA. 45. Part of a Spanish dollar countermarked S . Lucie. 46. Part of a Spanish dollar countermarked S and L interlinked. 47. Part of a Spanish dollar countermarked in three places, with S and L as before. ST. NEVIS. 48. A thin piece of silver stamped with nevis. Q (for sixpence) . 49. A Cayenne sous of Louis XV. countermarked NEVIS. WEST INDIES. ST. VINCENT. 319 50. Part of a Sp uiisli dollai- countermarked in three places, with S and V interlinked. TOBAGO. 51. A double sous of Cayenne countermarked J_ 52. A double sous of Cayenne countermarked T B. 53. A double sous of Cayenne countermarked T B 54. A double sous of Cayenne countermarked TB 55. A double sous of Cayenne countermarked [tab ago. TORTOLA. 56. Part of a Spanish dollar countermarked Tortola. Apropos of this piece there is a striking instance of the ingenuity of man where the making of money is concerned. This was supposed to be a quarter of a dollar, and circulated for Is 3(7, but the makers of it got to be so clever as to make five quarters out of a dollar. Hence arose a great deal of suspicion and dislike of these pieces, the result being a great depreciation of their value. TRINIDAD. 57. 0: HALF ST AMPEE . REDEEMABLE AT H. E . RAPSEYS. R : Rose, shamrock and thistle. BAKERY & GROCERY 9 FREDRICK ST PORT /^^ SPAIN. 320 WEST INDIES. 58. : ONE | FARTHING | TOKEN in three lines, witli an ornament above and below. B: REDEEMABLE BY J . . D'ADE & CO. TRINIDAD. Ruding says that by a proclamation of the Governor of Trinidad made June 19th, 1811, a piece of silver was ordered to be struck from the centre of each Spanish dollar, the dollar so cut to circulate at the rate or value of nine shillings (currency), and the piece so cut out to pass current for one shilling. Now the question arises, were these pieces triform or heart-shaped ? If so, that will satisfactorily account for Spanish money cut in this shape. Boyne, in his " Silver Tokens," mentions these, but although he thought they might be intended for colonial use, he knew nothing of them. Another unexplained curiosity is a Spanish dollar of Ferdinand VII., dated 1811, which is countermarked '6 ^ surmounted by a crown. This may have been intended for use in the West India Islands at this time as so many expedients were tried to procure currency, or it may possibly have been used for Gibraltar. See a note to a somewhat similar piece for that place. There is also a triangular portion of the Spanish dollar met with which is countermarked W . R . and halfpence with a similar countermark occur. These are usually assigned to the West Indies, and doubtless correctly so. They are as follows : — 59. Triangular portion of Spanish dollar counter- marked with W R surmounted with crown in sunk lines. 60. An Irish halfpenny of George II. counter- marked with W . R surmounted with a crown in raised lines upon an oblong indent with a serrated edge. In addition to the foregoing, there was ordered to be coined for the West India Islands on the 29th April, 1822, WKST INDIES. 321 pieces of half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth of a dollar, similar to those struck for the Mauritius, and an attempt was made about the same time to establish an uniform coinage for the British colonies on the decimal system, and coins, 50 and 100 to the dollar, were struck but never circulated ; and again three-pemiy and three-half pennij pieces were ordered to be issued for the West Indies on September 12th, 1834, which pieces are continued to the present time. Silver. Ealf Dollar. 61. 0: Ornamental shield of arms, GEORGIUS IV D : G : BRITANNIARUM. R: An anchor with a crown above it, between II-II COLONIAR : BRITAN : MONET : 1822. Quarter Dollar. C2. Similar, but with IV-IV at the sides of shield. One-eighth Dollar. 63. Similar, but with YIII- VIII at the sides of shield One-sixteenth Dollar. 64. Similar, but with X VI-XVI at the sides of shield. Copper. Two Cents. 65. : Laureated bust to left, GEOR : IV : D : G : BRI : REX. R : g^Q I DOLLAR in two lines within a wreath of . oak leaves, COLONIAL 1823. 21 322 WERT INDIES. One Cent. %Q. : Similar to preceding but having jJq DOLLAR. These pieces are patterns and only found as proofs. An illustration of No. 6Q appears upon the title-page. TJireefenny Piece. 67. : Bust to right, GULIELMUS IIII D : G : BRI- TANNIAR : REX F : D : R'. {j crowned, dividing date 18 — 34 within a wreath of oak leaves. 68. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1835. 69. ' Similar to last^ excepting date, which is 1836. 70. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1837. Three-halfpenny Piece. 71. 0: As before. R: 1 -g- with a crown above and the date 1834 below, the whole within a wreath of oak leaves. 72. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1835. 73. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1836. 74. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1837. TJireepenny Piece. 75. Bust to left, VICTORIA : D : G : BRITAN- NIAR.REGINA F:D: R: O crowned, dividing date 18 — 38 within an oak wreath. These occur of every date since that year to the present. Three-halfpenny Piece. 76. : As before. R: \~n crowned, date under 1838 within an oak wreath. WEST INDIES. 323 77. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1839. 78. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1840. 79. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1841, 80. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1842. 81. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1843. 82. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1860. 83. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1862. In addition to the pierced and countermarked Spanish Dollars previously mentioned for the various Islands, the following are considered by some collectors as belonging to this series : — DOMINICA. 84. A Spanish Dollar, from which a circular piece with a crenated edge has been cut. 85. The circular portion cut from the foregoing, stamped with a §), radiated. There are fifteen crenations. These pieces have by some been hitherto assigned to Demerara, but upon insufficient data, the probability being that the pierced Dollar described at Nos. 1 and 2 of British Guiana {ichich see) was the one in use in that Colony, and thus rendering it exceedingly unlikely that another, and that so differently stamped, should be in use for the same place. GUADALOUPE. 86. A Spanish Dollar, from which a quadrangular piece with a crenated edge has been cut, countermarked G with a small crown over it, on both sides. 87. The piece cut out is stamped with a a radiated. There are twelve crenations. 88. A triangular portion of a Spanish Dollar (? quarter) with G stamped on the angle with a punch ; also countermarked a s in a square indent, and with a 2 in a circular indent. Cut portions of Dollars also 21 =»= 324 WEST INDIES. occur somewhat similar, countermarked witli a 3, a 4 and a 6, sometimes with a small crown above the figure, aud sometimes without. This island was colonized by the French, in whose possession it has mostly been, but was taken from them by the British in 1779, 1794, and 1810, and again in 1815. It has been supposed that the above pieces were made and used by the English during their time of holding the island in the two latter years. TOBAGO. 89. A Spanish Dollar with a hexagonal piece cut from the centre. 90. The piece cut from the foregoing is countermarked with a T The similarity of this countermark to that used for No. 51 of this series, gives some foundation for the opinion that these pieces were made for use in Tobago. TRINIDAD. I have already hazarded a suggestion that the heart- shaped pieces cut from Dollars, and their divisions, may possibly have been made for this island. In addition to these there is another cut Dollar, thought by some to be the one referred to by Ending. (/See note foUou'ing No. 58 of this series.) It is as follows : — 91. A Spanish Dollar, from which a circular piece, with fourteen crenations, has been cut. 92. The piece cut from this Dollar is countermarked with a ^radiated. CENTRAL AMERICA. BRITISH HONDURAS. British Honduras was taken possession of by English settlers from Jamaica soon after a treaty with Spain in 1G67. They were often disturbed by the Spaniards until 1783, since which time we have had comparatively peaceable possession. The only coin specially issued for Honduras is the following Cent : : Bust to left crowned VICTORIA QUEEN. B: 1 in a dotted circle. BRITISH HONDURAS above. ONE CENT 1885 below. & BRITISH GUIANA. (United Colony op Demerary and Essequibo.) This colony is a section of the northern coast of South America^ and includes the settlements of Demerara, Esse- quibo, and Berbice. It was taken from the Dutch in 1796, but restored to them at the Peace of Amiens, in March, 1802. It again surrendered to the British in September, 1803, and finally became an English colony in 1814. Rudiug, in his Annals, states that a Committee of Privy Council for Trade, for the colonies of Demerara and Esse- quibo, on May 12th, 1809, recommended a silver coinage of tokens to the amount of £10,000. The monetary system at this period was similar to the old Dutch currency : 16 duits or pfennigs = 1 stiver, which was equal to about two-thirds of an English penny. 23 stivers = 1 guilder; this being equal to Is l^d English. In 1839 the old monetary system was abolished, and dollars and cents introduced after the American model, the 3 guilder piece being made to pass for a dollar. No coins were issued after the change in the system, and English, Spanish, Mexican, South American and United States coins are all now legal tenders at authorized rates. The only issue of copper was in 1813, when pieces of stivers and half-stivers were struck. There is, however, a copper token for one stiver struck in 1838, which is gene- rally considered to have been made for this colony, although I have not been able to find out anything authentic to justify such an assumption. It has been placed here, as it seems as likely to belong to this series as any other. There is a cut Spanish dollar also, which was most likely in use BKITISa GUIANA. 327 during tlio English possession, and as this was the first in order of time, wo shall give it priority in description. Silver. 1. A Spanish Dollar, with a circular hole with crenated edge cut in the centre, the upper E 75* D part of the coin countermarked q . within a beaded circle (for 3 Guilders). This is illustrated from a piece in the cabinet of J. B. Caldecott, Esq. 2. The circular piece with crenated edge cut from the preceding is countermarked p-ps within a beaded circle (for 3 Bits). Three Guilders. 3. : Laureated and armoured bust to right, GEOR- GIVS III DEI GRATIA. R : ^ within an oak wreath, a crown above, and the date, 1809 below, COLOXIES OF ESSE- QUEBO & DEMARARY TOKEN. Tioo Guilders. 4. Similar, excepting in size and value. One Guilder. 5. Similar, excepting in size and value. 328 BRITISH GUIANA. Half Guilder. 6. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Guilder. 7. Similar, excepting in size and value. The dies for these pieces were engraved by Mr. Pingo. They have milled edges, and are rarely met with in fine condition. Three Guilders. 8. : Buso as before, GEORGIUS III D : G : BRI- TANIARUM REX. B : Q within an oak wreath, a crown above and the date, 1816 below, UNITED COLONY OF DEMERARY & ESSEQUIBO. Two Guilders. 9. Similar, excepting in size and value. One Guilder. 10. Similar, excepting in size and value. Half Guilder, 11. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Guilder. 12. Similar, excepting in size and value. The dies for these coins were executed by Mr. Wyon. A small t. w is under the bust on the three larger pieces, and w. only on the two smaller. Nos. 8-12 occur as proofs. BRITISH GUIANA, 329 William TV. Three Guilders. 13. : Bust to right. GULIELMUS IV D : G : BRI- TANNIAR . REX F : D : R : ^ -within an oak wreath, a crown above, the date 1832 below, UNITED COLONY OF DEME- RARY & ESSEQUIBO. Two Guilders. 14. Similar, excepting in size and value. One Guilder. 15. Similar, excepting in size and value. Salf Guilder. 10. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Gnilder. 1 7. Similar, excepting in size and value. Eighth Guilder. 18. Similar, excepting in size and value. One Guilder. 19. Similar to No. 15, excepting date, which is 1833. Half Guilder. 20. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Quarter Guilder. 21. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Eighth Guilder. 22. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. One Guilder. 23. Similar to No. 15, excepting date, which is 1835. 330 BRITISH GUIANA. Half Guilder. 24. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. Quarter Guilder. 25. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. 'Eighth Guilder. 26. Similar to last, excepting in size and value. One Guilder. 27. : Bust as before, legend also as before. R : ONE GrUILDER within a wreath, a crown above, and the date, 1836 below. BRITISH GUIANA. Half Guilder. 28. Similar, excepting in size and value. Quarter Guilder. 29. Similar, excepting in size and value. Eighth Guilder. 30. One Stiver. 31. 0: > R: Similar, excepting in size and value. The dies were all engraved by Mr. Wyon, and the larger pieces have w. w. upon the truncation of the neck. There are proofs of Nos. 23-26 with both milled and plain edges, and plain edge proofs of Nos. 27-30. Copper. Laureated bust to right, GEORGIUS III . D : G : REX. ONE 1 STIVER in two lines within a wreath, a crown above, the date 1813 below. COLONIES OF ESSEQUEBO & DEMERARY TOKEN . BRITISH GUIANA. 331 Half Stiver. '32. Similar to preceding, excepting in size and value. There are proofs of tliese two tokens in gilt, bronze, and copper. Tlie stiver has w. on the shoulder, and the half-stiver t. w. for Thomas Wyon. A token for one stiver, apparently used for circulation in this colony, is the last of the series. 33. 0: A female seated, holding cadeceus and palm branch, TRADE & NAVIGATION 1838. R: ONE 1 STIVER in two lines within an inner circle, PURE COPPER PREFERABLE TO PAPER. COINS AND TOKENS OF THE BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN AUSTHALASIA, COMPETSING New South Wales. ViCTOEIA. Queensland. South Austealia Western Australia. Tasmania or Van Die- man's Land, AND New Zealand. COINS AND TOKENS OF AUSTRALIA. . Op coins, strictly so called, our Antipodean Colonies have none. It is true that at Melbourne and Sydney there are mints employed, but as the only coins struck are the sovereign and half-sovereign for general circulation, which are similar to our own, with the exception of a minute initial letter as mint-mark, they can scarcely be styled Colonial coins. At the same time as they differ in this respect it was necessary to mention, although not to describe them. Gold coins were struck at the Sydney mint from 1855 to 1870 from dies sent out from the Eoyal Mint, London, which in 1867 were declared to be current coin of the realm. There are a very few gold tokens to describe, and also a , few in silver, the majority of the tokens consisting of copper pence and halfpence. In describing the latter they will be arranged alphabetically in their respective provinces, placing the provinces in their chronological order. Gold. 1. : A crown within an inner circle, 1852 under. GOVEENMENT ASSAY OFFICE * ADELAIDE H: B : VALUE | ONE | POUND in three lines within a circle. WEIGHT 5 DWT : 15 GRS : « 22 CARATS * There is a variety of this which differs in several minor respects. AUSTRALIA. 335 2. 0: A kangaroo, 1853 under. PORT PHILIP AUSTRALIA incuse on a broad rim. R : ^ inscribed two ounces in the centre. PURE AUSTRALIAN GOLD. TWO OUNCES incuse as before. One Ounce. 3. 1 inscribed one ounce. Similar except size and value. mg in 4. -g Similar. Half ounce 4. Quarter ounce. 5. — Similar, These pieces only occur as proofs, and in all probability were never put in circulation. Sovereign. 6. : Bust to left, filleted, VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR : REGINA F : D : 1855. R : AUSTRALIA surmounted by a crown, within an olive wreath. SYDNEY MINT above, ONE SOVEREIGN below. Half Sovereign. 7. Similar excepting in size and value. Sovereign. 8. Similar to No. G excepting date, which is 1856. Half Sovereign. 9. Similar to No. 7 excepting date, which is 1856. There are patterns of this design dated 1853, but no issue took place until 1855. Proofs occur of all these pieces. I Sovereigns. 10. : Bust to left, laureatcd. VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR : REG : F : D : 1857. R : As No. 6. 11. Similar to No. 10 excepting date, which is 1858. 336 AUSTRALIA. 12. Similar to No. 10 excepting date^ whicli is 1859. 13. Similar to No. 10 excepting date, which is I860. 14. Similar to No. 10 excepting date, whicli is 1861. 15. Similar to No. 10 excepting date, which is 1862. 16. Similar to No. 10 excepting date, which is 1863. 17. Similar to No. 10 excepting date, which is 1864. 18. Similar to No. 10 excepting date, which is 1865. 19. Similar to No. 10 excepting date, which is 1866. 20. Similar to No. 10 excepting date, which is 1867. 21. Similar to No. 10 excepting date, which is 1868. 22. Similar to No. 10 excepting date, which is 1869. 23. Similar to No. 10 excepting date, which is 1870. Half Sovereigns. 24. Similar to No. 10 excepting in size and value, HALF SOVEEEIGN. 25. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1858. 26. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1859. 27. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1860. 28. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1861. 29. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1863. 30. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1865. 31. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1867. 32. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1869. There are proofs of Nos. 10, 13, 15, 18, 20, 23, 24, 27, 30 and 31, and possibly of other dates. There was no issue of half-sovereigns in 1862, 1864, 1866, 1868 and 1870, but there are patterns (or proofs) of 1862 and 1866. From the year 1871 sovereigns and half-sovereigns were coined at the mints in Sydney and Melbourne and still continue. These are identical with those struck in England, with the exception that a minute s. for Sydney, and m. for Melbourne distinguishes them, and forms a kind of mint-mark. AUSTRALIA. 337 Silver. English silver coins have always been the authorized currency in the Australian colonies^ although from a dearth of supply other expedients have been resorted to, many of the traders of New South Wales having issued notes for sums of sixpence and upwards. In the year 1813 an endeavour was made to meet the great need of a silver currency by cutting the Spanish dollar to make two pieces, of five shillings and of fifteenpence respectively. These are as follows : — 33. : FIVE SHILLINGS and two sprigs of laurel, countermarked upon a Spanish dollar from which a circular portion has been cut in the centre. R : NEW SOUTH WALES 1813. Countermarked as before. 34. : A crown in the centre NEW SOUTH WALES 1813. R : FIFTEEN | PENCE in two lines in the centre. This is made of the piece cut from the centre of No. 33. Shillings. 35. : ONE 1 SHILLING | TOKEN in three lines in the centre. SAWMILLS above, MACINTOSH AND DEGRAVES below. R : A kangaroo. TASMANIA 1823. This is a very rare piece, and is most probably a pattern. It seldom occurs except in proof condition. 2-2 338 AUSTRALIA. 36. Sixpence. 37. Threepence. 38. 0: R: 39. 0: 40. R: 41. 0: 42. 0; R Coroneted bust to left. VICTOEIA above, AUSTRALIA below incused upon a broad engine-turned rim. 1 in the centre. ONE SHILLING. This also is incuse, as before. Q Similar to last excepting in size and value. These are patterns only, not having been issued, and are exceedingly rare. They occur only as proofs, in gold, silver, and copper. A kangaroo to left and an emu to right, a palm- tree between them. HOGARTH ERICHSEN & CO JEWELLERS SYDNEY. ^ dividing the date, 18 — 58, within a wreath of oak. An emu to left and a kangaroo to right, with a gum-plant between them. HOGARTH ERICHSEN & C9 SYDNEY. As last. Similar to No. 38, but legend reads PAYABLE AT HOGARTH ERICHSEN & C? SYDNEY. An emu to left, and a kangaroo to right, with a gum-plant between them. REMEMBRANCE OF AUSTRALIA. 5 within an olive wreath. HOGARTH & ERICHSEN SYDNEY 1860. Australian arms, rising sun as crest, supporters kangaroo and emu. SYDNEY NEW SOUTH WALES . 1854. ^ surmounted by rising sun SILVER TOKEN . J . G . T. There is a silver piece about sixpenny size which can scarcely be classed as a token, but which I wish to mention here ; it is as follows : — NEW SOUTH WALES. 339 : Spade and anchor crowned^ S . U . at the sides. SOUTH AUSTRALIA'S PRIDE. B : Two hands clasped, SAILORS & BROTHERS. Copper Tokens. These pieces, which constitute the majority of the Australasian currency, are for the most part very uninterest- ing, having little artistic merit, and, of course, no antiquity to recommend them. They usually have little but the name and address, or business advertisement, together with a Coat of Arms, or some emblem of the trade of their various issues. Some few, however, are very fine examples of die-sinking and stamping, and one or two of Sydney are quaint specimens of Colonial workmanship. As before stated, the arrange- ment will be in pi'ovinces, first the pence and then the halfpence of each province, arranging the towns alpha- betically, and placing the names of the issues in like order. NEW SOUTH WALES. BatJuirst. Fenny size. 43. : COLLINS I & CO in two lines in a circle. CHEAP CLOTHING BAZAAR : BATHURST : R : A kangaroo and emu, t stokes Melbourne under. NEW SOUTH WALES . 18G4. Goulhurn. 44. : A golden fleece in a beaded circle. DA VIES, ALEXANDER & C? . GOULBURN. R : Australian arms in circle. AUSTRALIAN STORES GOULBURN . ESTABLISHED 1837. Jamheroo. 45. 0: Rose, shamrock and thistle. WILLIAM ALLEN . JAMBEROO. GENERAL STORES. R: Australian arms. ADVANCE AUSTRALIA above, 1855 beneath. 22 * 340 AUSTRALIA. Mo7'peth. 4i5. : JAMES CAMPBELL above, gkneral stores in centre. . MORPETH . beneath. B : Female standing holding scales and cornucopia, a ship in the distance. AUSTRALIA. Sydney. 47. 0: BATTLE I & I WEIGHT, in three lines in inner circle. 81 & 83 SOUTH HEAD ROAD SYDNEY DRAPERS &o. Female standing holding scales and cornucopia. ONE 1 PEN NY in two lines in centre. FLAVELLE BROS & C9 SYDNEY & BRISBANE. Kangaroo and em. w. j. taylor London in exergue. ONE 1 PENNY in two lines FLAYELLE BROS. & CO. above OPTICIANS & JEWELLERS | • SYDNEY & BRISBANE . below. As last. HANKS I AND I COMPy. in three lines in centre. AUSTRALIAN TEA MART. above, SYDNEY. beneath. B: Australian arms PEACE & PLENTY above, 1857. beneath. B: 48. 0: B: 49. 0: B: 50. 0: 51. 0: HANKS I AND 1 LLOYD in three lines in centre, AUSTRALIAN TEA MART above . SYDNEY . beneath. NKW SOUTH WALES. 341 R: TO COMMEMORATE THE OPENING OP THE SYDNEY RAILWAY 26th septk. 1855. ThesG two tokens are muled to form varieties, and there are slight differences in the dies. The token illustrated being one of the mules having the : of No. 51, with the R : of No. 50. 52. 0: ESTABLISHED | 1820 | IREDALE & CO 1 SYDNEY, in four lines — within a circle. IRON MERCHANTS AND GENERAL IRONMONGERS. R : Britannia seated holding olive branch and trident, a ship in the distance BRITANNIA. 53. : Same as No. 52. R : Female standing holding scales and cornucopia, water and ship in distance . AUSTRALIA . There are several varieties of this token differing in the formation of the letters. 54. : J. M. LEICH | TOBACCONIST | 524 GEORGE STREET | SYDNEY . in four lines. R : Britannia seated similar to No. 52. 55. : J. MACGREGOR | 320 | GEORGE STREET ] Sydney in four lines. THE CITY TEA WARE- HOUSE * * * jB: Australian arms, established 1855 in centre. THE SULTANS STEAM COFFEE WORKS :{: SYDNEY * 56. : METCALFE | & \ LLOYD ] 478 GEORGE St | SYDNEY in centre. SHIPPING AND FAMILY GROCERS. R: WINE I AND 1 SPIRIT I MERCHANTS = PDR- VEYOKS OP THE CONCENTRATED FAMILY COFFEE 1863. 57. 0: B. PALMER | PITT & KING St | SYDNEY = WHOLESALE WINE & SPIRIT DEPOT. R : A bird holding an olive branch in its mouth. LIVERPOOL ARMS. 342 AUSTRALIA. 58. 0: SMITH, PEATE & Co | GROCERS | TEA DEALERS I & I WINE MERCHANTS | 258 & 260 I GEORGE St | SYDNEY. R : Female holding scales and cornucopia, water and ship in distance ESTABLISHED 1836. 59. : A view of stores, 424 over door. Another building behind, on which is tea | stores | STEAM I COFFEE | MILLS in five lines. ESTAB- LISHED I 1835 I SYDNEY below. j. c. t. in small characters (for J. C. Thornthwaite) . R : Britannia seated holding trident. BRITANNIA 1852. 60. Similar to last except that the arrangement of words vary thus tea | stores | steam | coffee MILLS in four lines and established 1835 ] SYDNEY is in two lines. 61. Similar to No. 59 excepting date, which is 1853. 02. : DIE SINKER AND MEDALLIST in centre with rose, shamrock, and thistle interspersed J. C. THORNTHWAITE. — BOURKE STREET SURRY HILLS. E: Australian arms. ADVANCE AUSTRALIA 1854. 63. : A. TOOGOOD | MERCHANT I PITT & KING ST. | SYDNEY in four lines. R : Female seated holding scales and cornucopia. AUSTRALIA 1855. 64. : WEIGHT | and | JOHNSON | DRAPERS | & 1 OUTFITTERS in six hues in centre. LIVERPOOL & LONDON HOUSE, above. PITT STREET SYDNEY, beneath. R : Female standing holding scales and cornucopia, water and ship in distance. 65. : Bust to left. WHITTY & BROWN MAKERS above. SYDNEY beneath. R : Female standing as last. NEW SOUTH WALES. NEW SOUTH WALES. 343 66. : A ram. . PEACE AND PLENTY . SYDNEY . N. S.W. B : As No. 65. 67. 0: ONE I PENNY iu two Hues in au inner circle. ADVANCE AUSTRALIA '^ <%^ ^ B : As No. 65. Wagga Wagga. 68. 0: LOVE & ROBERTS STOREKEEPERS in centre. WAGGA WAGGA above. NEW SOUTH WALES beneath. B : A plough . T. STOKES MELBOURNE Under it. THE COMMERCIAL PASTORAL & FARMING INTERESTS : 1865. Wollon'gong. 69. 0: W. F. & D. L. LLOYD | DRAPERS GROCERS I WINE | & SPIRIT | MER- CHANTS ! WOLLONGONG in six lines. B: Australian arms. COLONIAL PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE (1859). Morj^cth. "Halfpenny size. 70. 0: JAMES CAMPBELL GENERAL STORES MORPETH. B : Female standing holding scales and cornucopia, a ship in the distauce AUSTRALIA. Sijdncij. 71. HANKS AND COMPy. Similar to No. 50. 72. HANKS AND LLOYD. Similar to No. 51. These two, like the pennies, are muled to make varieties. 73. J. MACGREGOR. Similar to No. 55. 74. METCALFE & LLOYD. Similar to No. 56. 75. SMITH PEATE & CO. Similar to No. 58. 344 AUSTRALIA. 76. TEA STORES. Similar to No. 59. 77. : F. C. THORNTHWAITE. Similar to No. 62. B : Australian arms. SYDNEY . NEW SOUTH WALES 1854. 78. : WEIGHT & JOHNSON | DRAPERS i &c | LIVERPOOL I & I LONDON HOUSE | 249 & 251 PITT ST | SYDNEY displayed in eight lines. B : As No. 64. WooloJigong. 79. W. F. & D. L. LLOYD. Similar to No. 69. VICTORIA. Ballarat. Penny size. 80. : Tobacco plant in flower tobacco under J. R. GRUNDY . MERCHANT, BALLAARAT . 1861. B: Australian arms. INDUSTRIA ET FIDES OMNIA VINCENT over. VICTORIA beneath. 81. 0: A sprig of tobacco. J. R. GRUNDY MERCHANT BALLARAT. 1861. B : Female standing holding scales and cornucopia. Legend as last in raised letters on a broad rim. 82. : DAVID JONES | IMPORTER | BALLAARAT | estab : 1853 in four lines in centre . criterion drapery ESTABLISHMENT * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL * B: View of the house. CRITERION HOUSE STURT ST. BALLAARAT 1862 DAVID JONES PROPRIETOR. VICTORIA. 845 83. : SOUTHWARD [ & ] SUMPTON | BALL AR AT in four lines in inner circle WHOLESALE GROCERS * WINE & SPIRIT MER- CHANTS * R : Australian arms, advance ballarat on scroll. SOUTHWARD & SUMPTON BALLARAT. 84. 0: J. TAYLOR | RED HOUSE | corner of | DANNA & RAGLAN | STREETS | BALLARAT in six lines in centre. BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKER FAMILY GROCER. Australian arms VICTORIA 1862 above. T. STOKES MAKER 100 COLLINS ST. EAST MELBOURNE beneath. As last. A wheatsheaf ADVANCE AUSTRALIA 1862. As last. A branch of vine with grapes and leaves. VIC- TORIA 1862 IN VINO VERITAS, t. STORES MAKER MEL. W. R. WATSON & CO. WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS TOWN HALL HOTEL ARMSTRONG ST. BALLARAT. R : As No. 86. Similar to No. 87 except that the vine branch on Rev : is different and the letters of maker's name are larger. For the several varieties of this Rev ; see under T. Stokes^ Melbourne. R 85. R 86. R: 87. 88. 346 ■ AUSTRALIA. Bendigo. 89. • : HODGSON BEOs. | sailors | gully | & | CALIFORNIA | GULLY | BENDIGO withiii a circle. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GEOCERS & PRODUCE MERCHANTS : B : An emU; sun^s rays at back . advance victoria on scroll . VICTORIA 1862 . above, t. stokes MAKER 100 COLLINS S^ EAST MELBOURNE . beneath. Gastlemaine. 90. 0: T. BUTTERWORTH & CO. 1 FOREST STREET . CASTLEMAINE. B: WINE I & 1 SPIRIT | MERCHANTS in centre. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS & DRAPERS ^ 91. Similar to last excepting that the letters on Obv : are bolder. 92. : As 90. B : Female seated holding scales and cornucopia . 1859. 93. 0: R. CALDER | BARKER ST. | CASTLE- MAINE in three lines in centre . WINE SPIRIT & GENERAL PROVISION MERCHANT : 1862 : B : Australian arms, &c., as 84. 94. : W. FROOMES ( MARKET SQr. | CASTLE- MAINE in three lines in centre. FAMILY DRAPER CLOTHIER & OUTFITTER : R : As No. 84. 95. 0: MURRAY | AND | CHRISTIE [ CASTLE- MAINE in four lines. B: GROCERS | IRONMONGERS | CHINA & GLASS I WARE | MERCHANTS in five lines. The B : of this token is found muled with B : of No. 84. VICTORIA. 347 96. : G.RYLAND 1 DRAPER | and | CLOTHIER 1 MARKET SQ«E | CASTLE MAINE in six Hues. B : Similar to No. 84. Eagle Hawh. 97. 0: R. GRIEVE EAGLE HAWK in a circle. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER : R : Similar to No. 84. 98. 0: J. W. & G. WILLIAMS | GROCERS | IRON- MONGERS I & I DRAPERS I EAGLE HAWK in six Hues. R: GOLD OFFICE | WINE. SPIRIT \ & 1 COLONIAL I PRODUCE | MERCHANTS EAGLE HAWK in seven lines. Geelong. 99. : R.PARKER IRONMONGER in two linos in centre, MOORABOOL STREET GEELONG R : Female standing holding scales and cornucopia a ship in the distance. AUSTRALIA. 100. Similar to last except there are two dots after initial R : PARKER and a dot after the word IRONMONGER. 101. Similar to No. 99 excepting that tails of the R'S in the name are turned up. There are several other slight varieties of this token. Melbourne. 102. : Female seated holding scales and cornucopia MELBOURNE VICTORIA 1858. R : Australian ainns. PEACE & PLENTY. 348 AUSTRALIA. 103. : * JOHN ANDREW & Co. ^f: IMPORTERS AND GENERAL DRAPERS * in outer circle. 11 LONSDALE STREET WEST * MELBOURNE * within. In the centre a lion with a small crown on his head^ and paw resting on a shield. R : Female seated holding scales and cornucopia MELBOURNE VICTORIA 1860. A similar design to the centre of this token is found on Nos. 109, 118-121, and 146. 104. 0: Jno. ANDREW & CO ] DRAPERS &cintwo lines in the centre. ^11 LONSDALE S? WEST MELBOURNE. R : Kangaroo and emu, VICTORIA 1862. 105. 0: I. BOOTH ] * DRAPER H: \ OUTFITTER &c | MELBOURNE | VICTORIA iu five lines. R : Britannia seated with olive branch and trident BRITANNIA. 106. : A. DAVIDSON | 112 | COLLINS S^ EAST I CORNER 1 OF I RUSSELL ST | MELBOURNE in seven lines within a circle. GROCER WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT : R : As No. 86. 107. : As last. R : As 88. 108. 0: EDWP DE'CARLE & Co . AUCTIONEERS &c MELBOURNE. R : Female seated holding scales and sword. TASMANIA ^ ANNO 1855 ^ 100. 0: E. DE CARLE & Co. AUCTIONEERS & LAND AGENTS in outer circle. QUEENS ROYAL ARCADE OFFICE d^ within. In the centre a design as No. 103. R: Female seated, MELBOURNE VICTORIA 1855. VICTORIA. 319 HI. R R 110. 0: E. DE CARLE & Co. GROCERS & SPIRIT MERCHANTS . MELBOURNE & PLENTY VICTORIA. As No. 105. S. DEEBLE I DRAPER in two lines within a circle LONDON HOUSE BOURKE S^ : MELBOURNE : Australian arms VICTORIA . 18G2 . above, T. STOKES MAKER 100 COLLINS ST. EAST MEL- BOURNE beneath in two curved lines. As last. Similar to last but with advance Australia on scroll under arms. As last. An emu with sunrise behind. VICTORIA . 1862 . Maker's name as before. As last. Wheatsheaf ADVANCE AUSTRALIA. EVANS I & I FOSTER | 78 i BOURKE St. I EAST in six lines, BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS : MELBOURNE : As 113. A '' FLAGSTAFF." FENWICK BROTHERS IM- PORTERS & CLOTHIERS 225 KING St. R : Bust of Queen Victoria, 225 KING STREET MELBOURNE . VICTORIA. : As last. R : Similar to last but the bust is smaller and within an inner circle. 112. R 113. R 114. R 115. R IIG. 350 118. 119. 120. 122. 123. B 121. R 0: R R lU. R 125. R 126. 127. R AUSTRALIA. HIDE & DE CARLE . GROCERS & WINE MERCHANTS in outer circle. ELIZABETH STREET . MELBOURNE . within. In the centre a design similar to No. 103. Female seated. MELBOURNE . VICTORIA . 1857. Similar to last except date^, which is 1858. Similar to 119 except that the letters and figures on R : are larger, and that there is no dot after the word VICTORIA There are many minor varieties of this token. A. G. HODGSON ^ OUTFITTER AND TAILOR ^ in outer circle. 13 LONSDALE STREET WEST ^ MELBOURNE <^ within. In the centre a design similar to No. 103. As No. 118, but dated 1860. A. G. HODGSON i OUTFITTER | &c. = 13 LONS- DALE St. west MELBOURNE. Kangaroo and emu facing. VICTORIA 1862. J. HOSIE I a thistle with two leaves | -10 & 12- I BOURKE ST | EAST in five lines within a circle. THE SCOTCH PIE SHOP : MELBOURNE : Australian arms. VICTORIA 1862. As last. Similar to last except that there is a rose, two thistles, and shamrock between shield of arms and scroll. As 122. Emu and sunrise, VICTORIA 1862. Similar to last but with rose, shamrock and thistle under emu. As 122. Vine branch, j. stokes maker within a circle. IN VINO VERITAS : VICTORIA . 1862 : VICTORIA. 351 128. : ROBERT HYDE & CO. MELBOURNE | GENERAL I MARINE I STORE | SHIPPERS OF 1 RAGS GLASS | METALS | &c. R : Australian arms, PEACE & PLENTY 1857. 129. Similar to last except date, which is 1861. 130. 0: S & S LAZARUS | WHOLESALE | AND RETAIL I FANCY REPOSITORY | 29, 30, 31, GO, 70 & 71 I QUEENS [ ARCADE | MELBOURNE in eight lines. R: IMPORTERS | of | BIRMINGHAM | and | SHEFFIELD | WARE | STATIONERY &c in seven lines. 131. 0: LEVY BROTHERS . ARCADE, MELBOURNE. = IMPORTERS I OF | FANCY | GOODS. R : Female seated holding scales and cornucopia. AUSTRALIA 1855. 132. : J. McFARLANE | WHOLESALE AND RETAIL | GROCER in the centre. CORNER OF ELIZABETH & LONSDALE S^s- MELBOURNE. R : Female standing, to the right a lion, to left a lamb. PEACE and PLENTY. 1 33. : A " buggy." MILLER BROTHERS C<£>ACJSI JSW323L2II>3SIiSS MELBOURNE. R: Australian arms, VICTORIA . 1862, maker's name under as No. 111. 134. : As last. R : Emu and sunrise, VICTORIA . 1862. 135. : As last. R : Vine branch, IN VINO VERITAS : 136. Similar to last excepting that the vine leaves on R : are different. 137. 0: MILLER & DISMOOR | DRAPERS | haber- DASHEKs &c I COLLINS . ST I MELBOURNE. R: ONE I PENNY | TOKEN | in three lines SMITH & KEMP BiRM" Under in minute letters. 352 AUSTRALIA. 138. : MOUBEAY LUSH ] & Co | DEAPERS | MELBOURNE in four lines. B : Female standing holding scales and cornucopia, ships in distance AUSTRALIA. 1.39. : : GEORGE NICHOLS : opposite CORNER to POST OFFICE within a circle. BOOK- SELLER & STATIONER . MELBOURNE. B : Australian arms . VICTORIA . 1862 . Maker^s name under. 140. : HUGH PECK 67 little collins street east RENTS & DEBTS COLLECTED PROCESS SERVED LEVIES FOR RENT ESTABLISHED 1853 MELBOURNE Arranged about the coin. B : HUGH PECK 67 little collins street east ESTATE AGENT & MONEY LENDER HOTEL BROKER & VALUATOR ESTABLISHED 1853 MELBOURNE Arranged about the coin. As E : of last. Australian arms, VICTORIA . 1862 Maker's name under as No. 111. GEO. PETTY 157 ELIZABETH S^ SMITH- FIELD Co MELBOURNE. Figure of Justice holding scales and wand. VICTORIA. ROBINSON BRO« & CO 41 FLINDERS St WEST within a circle. VICTORIA COPPER WORKS : MELBOURNE : B : Emu and sunrise. VICTORIA . 1862 Maker's name and address under. 144. Similar to last except with rose, shamrock, and thistle under emu on B : 145. : Similar to last. B : Vine branch VICTORIA 1862. 141. B 142. B 143. VICTORIA. 353 146. : G & W. H. ROCKE . ENGLISH FURNI- TURE IMPORTERS in outer circle. 18 LONSDALE STREET EAST . MELBOURNE within. The design in centre similar to No. 103. B : Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia. MELBOURNE VICTORIA 1859. 147. : ANNAND SMITH & Co FAMILY GROCERS . MELBOURNE. R : Britannia seated, holding olive branch and trident. BRITANNIA. 148. Similar to last except the olive branch has 11 leaves instead of 14 and there is a minute H & s at back of shield. (For Hcaton & Sons.) 149. : THOMAS STOKES MAKER 100 COLLINS ST . EAST * MELBOURNE * R : Australian arms. VICTORIA . 1862. Maker's name and address under. 150. Similar to last but with a rose, shamrock, and two thistle leaves between scroll and shield and maker's name is also smaller. 151. 0: ' As 147. R : Emu and sunrise. VICTORIA . 1862. Maker's name as before. 152. : T. STOKES | DIE | SINKER | SEAL EN- GRAVER 1 LETTER CUTTER | CHECK & TOKEN I MAKER | MELBOURNE in eight lines. R : As last. 153. : T. STOKES | 100 I COLLINS ST I EAST I MELBOURNE in centre. LETTER CUTTER BUTTON CHECK & TOKEN MAKER in outer circle. R : Vine branch VICTORIA 1862. Maker's name and address under. 23 155. B 156. R 354 AUSTRALIA. 154. : Centre as last, LETTEE CUTTER SEAL EN- GRAVER TOKEN MAKER in outer circle. R : Vine branch with eleven large and four small leaves and two bunches of grapes VICTORIA 1862 : IN VINO VERITAS : Similar to last except that there are dots after CUTTER— ENGRAVER & MAKER. Vine branch with nine large and four small leaves, two bunches of grapes and tendril. T. STOKES MAKER MEL. under. As 154. Emu and sunrise VICTORIA 1862 rose, sham- rock and thistle under emu. 157. : T. STOKES | 100 | COLLINS ST | EAST in four lines within a circle. BUTTON CHECK & TOKEN MAKER MELBOURNE. R : Emu and sunrise VICTORIA 1862. 158. : T. STOKES | 100 | COLLINS ST | EAST | MELBOURNE in five lines within a circle. MILITARY ORNAMENT BUTTON & TOKEN MAKER : R : A wheatsheaf ADVANCE AUSTRALIA 1862. 159. : As last. R : As 155. 160. : A wheatsheaf ADVANCE AUSTRALIA 1862. R : Vine branch with eleven large and five small leaves, two bunches of grapes and one tendril. 161. Similar to last, but with eleven large and three small leaves. 162. Similar to last, but with nine large and five small leaves, a bunch of grapes beneath the fifth and ninth leaf. 163. Similar to last, a bunch of grapes beneath the sixth and ninth leaf. 164. : Australian arms, VICTORIA . 1862 t. stokes MAKER 100 COLLINS STREET MELBOURNE. VICTORIA. 355 B : "Vine branch with eleven large leaves and five small. Grapes beneath seventh and ninth leaf. 165. Similar but with ten large and four small leaves. Grapes beneath seventh and tenth leaf. 166. Similar but with ten large and four small leaves. Grapes beneath fifth and eighth leaf. It would be difficult to say whether or not some of these are mules, most likely the dies from which they were struck were used as i2 : dies for other pieces. 167. 0: T.WARBUETON | 11 [ LITTLE | BOURKE ST. I WEST in five hnes within a circle. IRON & ZINC SPOUTING WORKS : MELBOURNE : B : Australian arms . VICTORIA . 1862. Maker's name and address as before. As last. As No. 153. As last. As No. 155. As last. As No. 157. As last. As No. 158. Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia. WARNOCK BRO? MELBOURNE & MALDON. B : Australian arms PEACE & PLENTY 1861. 173. Similar to last, except that there is no & on : and date on B : \a 1863. Port Albert. 174. : PORT I ALBERT | & | SALE | in four lines within a circle. GIPPSLAND : HARD- WARE COMPANY : B: Australian arms. VICTORIA . 1862 Maker's name &c. as before. 23 * 168. B 169. B 170. B 171. B 172. 356 AUSTRALIA. 175. : As last. B: A plough TRADE & Maker's name &c. as last. AGRICULTURE Richmond. 176. 0: BARROWCLOUGH 100 BRIDGE ROAD within a circle. BOOKSELLER & STATIONER ♦ RICHMOND ^ B: Australian arms VICTORIA 1862. Rose, shamrockj and thistle under shield. Maker's name &c. as No. 174. 177. 0: R. B. RIDLER | 187 | BRIDGE | ROAD \ RICHMOND in five lines within a circle. WHOLESALE & RETAIL BUTCHER : B: As No. 174 178. 0: As last. B : Emu and sunrise, VICTORIA .1862. 179. 0: As last. B : Wheatsheaf, ADVANCE AUSTRALIA . 1862. 8 ale (see also Port Albert). 180. 0: JAs. DAVEY | & Co. | GIPPS LAND | STORE I FOSTER St. | SALE = WHOLE- SALE & RETAIL DRAPERS GROCERS & IMPORTERS : B: As 174. 181. 0- J. D. LEESON : WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER : FANCY MUSEUM SALE. B : As last. Sandhurst. 182. 0: STEAD BROTHERS I FRUITEKERS I GROCERS I & SEEDSMEN | PALL MALL | SANDHURST. B- As No. 174. 183. : As last. B'. Vine branch, VICTORIA 1862 : IN VINO VERITAS : VICTORIA. 357 Sandridge. 184. 0: W. C. COOK I BAY ST. | SANDRIDGE ODDFELLOWS STORE within a circle. SUGAR COMPANIES TREACLE DE- LIVERED ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. B: As No. 174. South Yarra. 185. 0: THOs. H. COPE | GENERAL | DRAPER within a circle. GARDENERS CREEK ROAD : SOUTH YARRA : R: As 174. Warrnamhuol. 186. 0: WILLIAM BATEMAN JUN^? & C9 WARRNAMBOOL . around within a circle. VICTORIA in the centre. IMPORTERS AND GENERAL MERCHANTS . 1855 . in outer circle. B : Female standing, holding scales and cornucopia. A ship in the distance. AUSTRALIA. 187. : W. W. JAMESON | & Co | STOREKEEPERS = LIEBIG STREET WARRNAMBOOL. B : As last excepting that the date, 1862, is beneath the figure. Williamstown. 188. : MASON I & I CULLEY in three lines in an inner circle. GENERAL STORES . WIL- LIAMSTOWN. B : Figure of Britannia holding scales and trident. VICTORIA Mt'lhourne. Ilalfpcnn)/ size. 189. : A kangaroo, MELBOURNE. Maker's name under, w. J. taylor medalist to the que at EXHIBITION 1851. jR : Britannia seated, holding olive branch and wand. AUSTRALIA. 858 AUSTRALIA. 190. : ADAMSON, WATTS, MCKECHNIE & Coc8^ WHOLESALE & RETAIL WAREHOUSEMEN B: 11 COLLINS St. EAST* MELBOURNE* MAY 1st 1855. 191. : JOHN ANDREW & Co. IMPORTERS AND GENERAL DRAPERS . in outer circle 11 LONSDALE STREET WEST . MEL- BOURNE . in inner circle. In the centre a lion with his paw resting on a shield. R : Female seated holding scales and cornucopia, a ship in the distance. MELBOURNE VICTORIA 1860. 192. 0: Jno. ANDREW & Co. 1 DRAPERS &c. = 11 LONSDALE ST WEST MELBOURNE. B : Kangaroo and emu, VICTORIA 1862. Maker's name and address under kangaroo. COARD LONDON. 193. 0: CROMBIE CLAPPERTON & FINLAY — 41 WEST LONSDALE STREET o^o B : A kangaroo, MELBOURNE. Maker's name and address under as : of No. 189. 194. : HIDE & DE CARLE . GROCERS & WINE MERCHANTS in outer circle ELIZABETH STREET 1 MELBOURNE . within. In the centre a design similar to that of No. 191. B : Female seated holding scales and cornucopia MELBOURNE . VICTORIA . 1857. 195. Similar to last, except date, which is 1858. 196. : A. G. HODGSON <%^ OUTFITTER AND TAILOR cg^in outer circle 13 LONSDALE STREET WEST ego MELBOURNE cg^ within. In the centre a design similar to No. 191. B: As 191. 197. 0: A. G. HODGSON | OUTFITTER | &c in three lines. 13 LONSDALE ST WEST MELBOURNE. B : Kangaroo and emu, VICTORIA 1862. Maker's name and address under coard London. VICTORIA. 359 198. : THE ORIGINAL* SCOTCH PIE SHOP* R : 12 BOURKE ST EAST in three lines. This token is halfpenny size, but a specimen in the author's cabinet is countermarkcd 1* 199. 0: ROBERT HYDE & Co. MELBOURNE GENERAL MARINE STORE shippers op bags glass METALS &C. B : Australian arms, PEACE & PLENTY 1857. 200. Similar to last, except date, which is 1861. 201. : JAMES NOKES GROCER MELBOURNE. R : IN COMMEMORATION OF THE LANDING OFcg^ — SIR CHARLES HOTHAM 22d JUNE 1854. 202. : As last. R : Britannia seated holding palm branch and wand. AUSTRALIA. 203. : T. STOKES [ DIE | SINKER | SEAL EN- GRAVER I LETTER CUTTER | CHECK & TOKEN I MAKER | MELBOURNE in eio-ht lines, R: MILITARY ORNAMENT AND BUTTON MAKER in outer circle, t. stokes : lOO collins st. east MELBOUENE within. ELECTRO | PLATING | AND I GILDING in four lines in the centre. 204. 0: T. W. THOMAS & Co. GROCERS : c8= MELBOURNE cg^ R : As 201. 205. : THRALE & CROSS . FAMILY GROCER & EGG POWDER STORE HOWARD St. NORTH MELBOURNE. R : Kangaroo, MELBOURNE. Maker's name and address under as : of No. 189. 206. 0: As last. R : Britannia seated, holding palm branch and wand. AUSTRALIA. J60 AUSTRALIA. South Yarra. 207. 0: FISHER | DRAPER | MARLBOROUGH | HOUSE GARDINERS CREEK ROAD in five Hues. B: Kangaroo and emu, AUSTRALIA 1857. Fenny size. 208. 0: B: QUEENSLAND. MERRY & BUSH . MERCHANTS & GENERAL IMPORTERS . QUEENSLAND . 1863. Australian arms. PEACE & PLENTY. Brisbane. 209. 0: andE: alike. BROOKES IRONMONGERS BRIS- BANE. 210. Similar to last^ except that the words " iron- mongers'' and '' Brisbane ^^ are ornamental instead of plain. 211. 0: W. & B. BROOKES ] IRONMONGERS | BRIS- BANE, in three lines. B: Australian arms. QUEENSLAND 1863. 212. 0: J. W. BUXTON STATIONERY STORES. B: LADIES WAREHOUSE BRISBANE : QUEENSLAND : 213. 0: ONE I PENNY in two lines in centre. LAR- COMBE & COMPY -^ BRISBANE. ^ B: LARCOMBE & COMPY FURNISHING DRAPERS TAILORS &c. * ^ • 214. : As last. B : As No. 216. This is most probably a mule. 215. : J. SAWYER | WHOLESALE | & RETAIL | TOBACCONIST | BRISBANE in five lines. B: Australian arms. QUEENSLAND 1864. QUEENSLAND. 3G1 216. 0: ONE 1 PEN NY in two lines in centre. STEWART & HEMMANT ^ DRAPEES ^ B: An emu. CRITERION . BRISBANE & ROCKHAMPTON . Maker's name and address under w. J. taylor London. 217. 0: STEWART & HEMMANT CRITERION BRISBANE. B: DRAPERS in centre. WHOLESALE above, RETAIL beneath. Ipsivich. 218. : T. H. JONES | & C^ | IPSWICH | QUEENS- LAND I AUSTRALIA in five lines within a circle. IRONMONGERS & GENERAL IMPORTERS ^ B : Female standing, holding scales and cornucopia. A ship in the distance AUSTRALIA. 219. : JOHN PETTIGREW | & C^- | IPSWICH in three lines in the centre. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GENERAL MERCHANTS. B: Australian arms. QUEENSLAND 1865. This token is of bronze, and rather smaller than the usual penuy size. BocliJiamjyton. 220. 0: BELL | & \ GARDNER in three lines in centre. IRONMONGERS^;! ROCKHAMPTON J?: B : PENNY I TOKEN surrounded bv a wreath of flowers. The rising sun above. 362 AUSTRALIA. 221. : QUEENSLAND STORES ROOKHAMPTON D. T. MULLIGAN. R : As No. 219 excepting date, which is 1863. Toowoomha. 222. : T. F. MERRY & Co. GENERAL MERCHANTS TOOWOOMBA. R'. Australian arms. PEACE & PLENTY. Ipswich. Halfpenny size. 223. Similar to No. 219 excepting in size and value. This token and the penny which it resembles is of bronze and of the same size and weight as the English bronze coinage. RocTihampton. 224. Similar to No. 221 excepting in size and value. Toowoomha. 225. Similar to No. 222 excepting in size and value. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Adelaide. Penny size. 226. 0: CROCKER ] & | HAMILTON ] ADELAIDE | PORT ADELAIDE in five lines. R : CROCKER I & I HAMILTON in three lines in centre. DRAPERS CLOTHIERS &c. 227. 0: HARROLD BROTHERS ] WHOLESALE | & | RETAIL I IRONMONGERS | HINDLEY St. I ADELAIDE in seven lines. R : Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia. A ship in the distance. AUSTRALIA 1858. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 363 RUNDLE 228. 0: JOHN HOWELL | BOOKSELLER St. I ADELAIDE in four lines. R : A bird (the liver) holding an olive branch in its mouth LIVERPOOL CHEAP BOOK DEPOT. 229. 0: B: 230. 0: B: 23L 0: R: 232. 0: B: 233. 0: R JOHN HOWELL | BOOKSELLER | HINDLEY St. 1 . ADELAIDE . iu four lines. As last. JOHN MARTIN | aROCER | AND | TEA DEALER I 29 | RUNDLE STREET | ADELAIDE iu seven lines. Female standing, holding scales and cornucopia. AUSTRALIA. MARTIN & SACK IRONMONGERS . ADELAIDE . As last. WILLIAM MORGAN | WHOLESALE ] & | RETAIL I GROCER | uindley stkeet | ADELAIDE in seven lines. Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia. A ship in the distance. AUSTRALIA 1858. ALFRED TAYLOR | DRAPER 1 and | CLOTHIER I ADELAIDE | 31 RUNDLE STREET in six lines. As 230. 364 Salfpenny size. 234. : WESTERN AUSTRALIA. CROCKER AND HAMILTON . 1857 . DRAPERS I SILKMERCERS | AND | CLOTHIERS. View of shop regent house over door, tailors on left window drapers on right. ADELAIDE, PORT ADELAIDE. AND BURRABURRA. Penny size. 235.' 0: B: 236. : B: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Freemanile. ALFRED DAYIES PAWNBROKER HIGH ST- FREEMANTLE. A swan swimming WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1865. Australian arms JOHN HENDERSON PAWNBROKER. View of shop one penny token under. PACK- ENHAM STREET FREEMANTLE W.A. Penny size. 237. : B: TASMANIA (OR VAN DIEMAN^S LAND). Gamjphell Town. JOSEPH BRICKHILL . DRAPER | AND | GENERAL IMPORTER. CAMPBELL TOWN. ONE PENNY TOKEN . ADVANCE TASMANIA 1856 . COMMERCIAL HOUSE. Deloraine. 238. 0; B SAMUEL HENRY DELORAINE EMPORIUM. Kangaroo and emu. TASMANIA 1857. TASMANIA (or VAN DIEMAN's LAND). 365 Hobart Town. 239. : LEWIS ABRAHAMS [ DRAPER | LIYER- POOL STREET | HOBART TOWN. B: As last, except date, 1855. 240. : J. G. FLEMING . GROCER & TEA DEALER. An ornamental wreath in centre within a beaded circle. R : A sugar-loaf with the letter F upon it, in centre within a beaded circle. SUGAR LOAF . HOBART TOWN 1874. 241. 0: I. FRIEDMAN PAWNBROKER ARGYLE STREET. R : Female seated holding scales and cornucopia. A ship in the distance . TASMANIA 1857. 242. : . H I HEDBERG in two lines in the centre, OIL & COLOR STORES ^ ARGYLE ST HOBART TON<» R : ONE I PENNY in two lines in centre. . H . HEDBERG <%> SWEDISH HOUSE HOBART TON ^ 243. : As last. R: Female seated. MELBOURNE VICTORIA 1860. 244. 0: As i^ : of No. 242. R : Britannia seated, holding olive branch and wand. AUSTRALIA. These two are undoubtedly midcs. 245. : R. HENRY. | WHOLESALE | AND RETAIL [ IRONMONGER | 94 LIVERPOOL ST | HOBART TOWN, in five lines. R : Three saws and agricultural implements. ONE PENNY TOKEN . PAYABLE ON DEMAND AT R. HENRY'S. 246. 0: A saw and sickle in centre. G. BUTTON IRONMONGER . HOBART TOWN. R : A kangaroo and emu. 366 TASMANIA (or VAN DIEMAN^S LAND). 247. : WILLIAM ANDREW JARVEY | PAWN- BROKER 1 AND GENERAL | CLOTHIER I HOBART TOWN in five lines. R : Three balls suspended by chains from a stafi". ONE PENNT TOKEN PAYABLE AT W. A. JARVEY'S . MURRAY STREET. 248. Similar to last, except that the three balls are smaller, and are suspended by rods, not chains, from an ornamental bracket. 249. 0: A bouquet. H. LIPSCOMBE . MURRAY STREET . HOBART TOWN . ^ SEEDSMAN & SALESMAN ^ R : ONE PENNY | TOKEN in two lines in centre. SHIPPING SUPPLIED WITH ALL KINDS OF COLONIAL PRODUCE * 250. 0: H.J. MARSH & BROTHER | IRONMONGERS 1 MURRY AND I COLLINS ST- | HOBART TOWN in five lines. R : A scythe head and two knives within a circle, a spade and fork crossed under, one shilling ICE 12 PENNY TOKENS . PAYABLE AT H. J. MAESH & BEOTHEE. The scythe and knives are in an inner circle. 25 L 0: Similar to last, excepting name of street is spelt MURRAY, and shape of letters is different. R : Similar tools to last, but no inner circle. 252. Similar to No. 251 excepting that the tools are differently arranged. 253. 0: R. ANDREW MATHER . FAMILY DRAPER &c. HOBART TOWN. R : Female standing, holding scales and cornucopia. A ship in the distance . TAS:MANIA. 254. 0: JOSEPH MOIR | WHOLESALE ] and | RETAIL | IRONMONGERY | ESTABLISHMENT | 1850 | HOBART TOWN in eight lines. R: ONE I PENNY TOKEN | PAYABLE | ON DEMAND I HERE in five lines in centre. ECONOMY HOUSE MURRY STREET. 255. 0: R: 256. 0: B: 257. 0: R 258. 0: R: TASMANIA (or VAN DIEMAN's LAND). 367 A. NICHOLAS I 30 | Liverpool S^. in three lines in centre. LIVERPOOL TEA WAREHOUSE * HOBARTON * Thearms of Liverpool, with supporters, crest, &c. ALFRF.D NICHOLAS | LIVERPOOL | TEA WAREHOUSE | LIVERPOOL S^. | HOBART TOWN in five lines. Britimnia seated, holding palm branch and trident . BRITANNIA. R. S. WATERHOUSE | DRAPERY | ESTABLISH^IENT ] HOBART TOWN | ONE PENNY I TOKEN \ MANCHESTER HOUSE in seven lines. A baby in a '^jumper.'' BABY LINEN — WAREHOUSE — FOR READY MONEY — THE SPIRIT OF TRADE. W. D. WOOD I WINE I & I SPIRIT | MERCHANT in five lines in centre. MONT- PELIER RETREAT HOBART TOWN. A view of the Montpelier Retreat Inn. HOBART TOWN 1855. 259. 0: ONE PENNY TOKEN | PAYABLE | ON DEMAND I HERE | MONTPELIER RETREAT | INN I HOBART TOWN | W. D. WOOD in seven lines. R : View of the inn having flagstaff and two trees at back MONTPELIER RETREAT INN W. D. WOOD. 368 TA.SMANIA (or VAN DIEMAn's LAND). Launceston. 260. 0: E. F. DEASE ONE PENNY in centre. = WHOLESALE & EETAIL DE APERY WAREHOUSE ^ BRISBANE ST ^ B: A golden fleece. SIC YOS NON VOBIS YELLERA FERTIS OYES ^ I place this token on the authority of Stainsfeld. It is placed at Hobart Town by Neumann and Weyl. Newtown. 261. : Yiew of toll-house and gate in centre. NEW TOWN TOLLGATE ♦ R. JOSEPHS * B : Female seated holding scales and cornucopia. A ship in the distance, YAN DIEMANS LAND 1855. Westbury. 262. : THOMAS WHITE and SON . WESTBURY . B : Kangaroo and emu. TASMANIA 1855. 263. Similar to last, except date, which is 1857. Hohart Town. Halfpenny size. 264. 0: LEWIS ABRAHAMS DRAPER LIYER- POOL STREET HOBART TOWN. B : As No. 262. 265. 0: I. FRIEDMAN PAWNBROKER ARGYLE STREET. B : Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia. A ship in the distance. TASMANIA 1857. 266. : 0. H. HEDBERG in two lines in the centre, OIL & COLOR STORES . ARGYLE S? HOBART TON. B : HALF 1 PENNY in two lines in the centre. 0. H. HEDBERG . SWEDISH HOUSE HOBART TON. TASMANIA. 369 2G7. B 2G8. R 269. 0: B: 270. 0: B: 271. 0: B: 272. 0: B 273. B: 274. : B: Aa B : of last. As No. 260. As kst. LIPMAN LEVY IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF BOOTS & SHOES WELLINGTON . NEW ZEALAND These two are evidently mules. A saw and sickle in centre. G. HUTTON IRONMONGER HOBART TOWN. A kangaroo and emu. H. J. MARSH & BROTHER . IRONMONGERS HOBART TOWN. A steamship in centre. HALFPENNY TOKEN to FACILITATE TRADE. See a Very similar token for Cape of Good Hope. ALFRED NICHOLAS | LIVERPOOL | TEA WAREHOUSE | LIVERPOOL ST I HOBART TOWN in five lines. Britannia seated holding palm bush and trident BRITANNIA. R. S. WATERHOUSE | DRAPERY | ESTABLISHMENT | HALFPENNY | TOKEN I MANCHESTER HOUSE in six lines. A baby in ^'jumper.'' BABY LINEN — WAREHOUSE — FOR READY MONEY — THE SPIRIT OF TRADE. ONE HALFPENNY TOKEN | PAYABLE | ON DEMAND HERE I MONTPELIER RETREAT | INN | HOBART TOWN I W. D. WOOD. View of the inn. MONTPELIER RETREAT INN W. D. WOOD. Launceston. E. F. DEASE HALFPENNY WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRAPERY WAREHOUSE BRISBANE S? A golden lieece SIC VOS NON VOBIS VELLERA FERTIS OVES. See No. 260. 2-1 370 NEW ZEALAND. New Town. 275. : View of toll-hoase and gate in centre. NEW TOWN TOLL GATE * E . JOSEPHS * R : Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia. A ship in the distance. VAN DIEMANS LAND 1855. Westhury. 276. 0: THOMAS WHITE and SON . WESTBUEY. R : Kangaroo and emu. TASMANIA 1855. NEW ZEALAND. Penny size. 211, : ALLIANCE TEA COMPANY | OPPOSITE [ BANK OF I NEW ZEALAND | EOBEET THOMPSON I MANAGEE | 1866. R: ITALIAN ] WAEEHOUSE | FANCY | GOODS in four lines in the centre. TEAS COFFEES FEUITS & SPICES . 1866. 278. 0: Bust of Maori chief. ADVANCE NEW ZEALAND. R : Native standing by palm-tree holding shield and spear, mountains behind. NEW ZEALAND. 279. : Head of queen laureated. Eose, shamrock and thistle under. VICTOEIA QUEEN OF GEEAT BEITAIN. R : Britannia seated, holding shield and trident. NEW ZEALAND 1879. The : and i^ : of No. 278 are used as R : to two tokens of Christchurch. See Nos. 307 and 308. NEW ZEALAND. 371 AucJdancl. 280. R: H.ASHTON | IMPORTER | OF | HABER- DASHERY I & I TAILORS I TRIM- MINGS I QUEEN ST AUCKLAND in eight lines. B : Female standing, holding scales and cornucopia. A ship in the distance. NEW ZEALAND 1862. 281. Similar to last except date, which is 1863. 282. : Head of Queen laureated in a beaded circle, VICTORIA . BORN MAY 24 1819. B: AUCKLAND LICENSED VICTUALLERS ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED IN NEW ZEALAND APRIL 4 1871. 283. : CHARLES C. BARLEY WHOLESALE GROCER AUCKLAND NEW ZEALAND. B : Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN 1858. 284. 0: ARCHIBALD CLARK DRAPER shortland street R : Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia, A ship in the distance. NEW ZEALAND 1857. 285. 0: Bust full faced. SAMUEL COOMBES MANUFACTURING CLOTHIER QUEEN ST AUCKLAND. R: TAILOR, OUTFITTER | QUEEN STREET] AUCKLAND ] S. COOMBES | ALBERT STREET I GRAHAM-TOWN | GENTLEMEN'S MERCER in seven lines. 286. 0: IS. FORSAITH . WHOLESALE & RETAIL RETAIL DRAPER . MANCHESTER HOUSE . AUCKLAND. The latter within a circle. J^: Similar to 284 excepting date, which is 1858. 24 * 372 NEW ZEALAND. 287. : B. GITTOS | LEATHER ] MERCHANT ] IM- PORTER OF I BOOTS & SHOES | &c. &c. in six lines. B: WHOLESALE & RETAIL | LEATHER | & I GRINDERY I STORES [ WYNDHAM STREET I AUCKLAND | N.Z. | 1864 in nine lines. 288. : R. G RATTEN THAMES HOTEL AUCKLAND. B: A Maori in a canoe, 1872 beneath, witbin a wreath of branches of tree fern. This piece is smailer than the usual penny size. 289. : HOLLAND & BUTLER * 28 & 30 VIC- TORIA ST- AUCKLAND * in outer circle. OIL COLOR & GLASS MERCHANTS on a painter's palette in centre, stokes & maetin above the palette, Melbourne beneath. B : IMPORTERS | OF | PAPERHANGINCS | GILT MOULDINGS | GLASS SHADES I & I PAINTERS MATERIALS in seven lines. 290. 0: MORRIS MARKS | PAWNBROKER | and | SALESMAN | CORNER OF QUEEN St. | WELLESLEY ST | AUCKLAND in seven lines. B : Three balls within a circle. This again is smaller than the usual penny size. 291. 0: A palm-tree in centre. MORRIN & Co. QUEEN STREET AUCKLAND GROCERS, WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. B : Female standing, holding scales and cornu- copia. Behind a Maori and gold digger joining hands. ADVANCE AUCKLAND. NEW ZEALAND. 373 292. : S. HAG UE SMITH MERCHANT AUCKLAND WHOLESALE & RETAIL IRONMON- GER. R: Bust of Prince Consort. PRINCE ALBERT born AUGT 26 1819 DIED DEC? 14 1861. 293. 0: M. SOMERVILLE | WHOLESALE | FAMILY GROCER I CITY MART ] AUCKLAND in five lines. R : A bouquet of rose, shamrock and thistle. NEW ZEALAND. 1857. A similar design appears on the i2 : of a token of William Hodgins, Banker, Clogh- jordan, with the word IRELAND over, and dated 1858. This, although very similar to the Australasian tokens, is Irish. 294. 0: Head of Queen filleted. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA 1874. R: UNITED SERVICE | HOTEL in two linos in centre within a circle. CORNER OF QUEEN & WELLESLEY STREETS . AUCKLAND . N.Z. 295. Similar to last except that the words UNITED SERVICE arc in a curved fine instead of straight. 296. : EDWARD WATERS QUEEN ST. AUCK- LAND WHOLESALE & RETAIL CON- FECTIONER. R : Bust of Maori ONE PENNY TOKEN, stokes & MARTIN MELBODRNE bencatll bust. 374 NEW ZEALAND. 297. : MASON STRUTHERS & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERS STOKE & MARTIN MEL- BOURNE. R : Similar to last, but not from the same die and with maker's name omitted. This token has been placed here from the similarity of the reverses, but I have not been able to ascertain for what New Zealand town it was struck. Ghristchurch. 298. : J. CARO ] & CO. 1 HIGH ST. in three lines within a circle. GENERAL IRONMON- GERS : GHRISTCHURCH : R: A man ploughing. TRADE AND AGRICULTURE STOKES MELB at foot. 299. : 8.CLARKS0N ] BUILDER | & | IMPORTER | CASHEL STREET ] CHRIST | CHURCH NEW ZEALAND in eight lines. R: Female seated holding scales and cornucopia. Ship in distance NEW ZEALAND 1875. 300. Similar to last, but with two branches crossed in place of words BUILDER &. 301. 0: A stove in centre. T. W. GOURLAY & Co. IMPORTERS or AND KITCHENERS CHRIST- CHURCH. R: A saw in centre. ECONOMY HOUSE HIGH STREET BUILDERS AND FURNISHING IRON- MONGERY. 302. 0: ONE PENNY between two lines in centre. HENRY J. HALL ^ CHRISTCHURCH COFFEE MILLS ^ R: H. J. HALL in centre between two lines. FAMILY GROCER ^ WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT i;^ NEW ZEALAND. 375 303. : H. J. HALL in centre between two lines. CilKLSTCnURCn eg. COFFEE MILLS <^ R : As last. 304. : As last excepting that there are no lines or crosses. R: H. J. HALL in centre. FAMILY GROCER : WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT : 305. 0: As No. 302. R : Kangaroo and emu. This is evidently a mule. 300. 0: HOBDAY & JOBBERNS DRAPERS WATERLOOHOUSE^CHRISTCHURCH" R : Arms of the province of Canterbury, ad- vance CANTEKBURT on a scroll under shield. 307. : A lyre, two trumpets, &c. within a wreath, radiated, a Cupid above, christchurch 1881 below. MiLNER & Thompson's canterbury MUSIC DEPOT & PIANOFORTE WAREHOUSE. R: Bust of Maori chief. ADVANCE NEW ZEALAND. 308. 0: SOLE AGENTS | FOR | JOHN BRINS- MEAD 1 & SONS I PIANOS in five lines in centre. Legend round as last. R : Maori standing, holding shield, landscape with mountains in distance. NEW ZEALAND. The 0: and i? : of Nos. 307 and 308 have been " muled " and thus three other varieties have been made, all of which appear alike to have been in circulation. 300. 0: W. PETERSEN : HIGH ST. CHRIST- CHURCH : in outer circle. WATCH- MAKER AND . JEWELLER . in centre. R : A cup, timepiece, and watch in centre. EVERYTHING SOLD GUARANTEED ALL REPAIRS WELL EXECUTED. 376 NEW ZEALAND. 310. 0: WILLIAM PRATT DIRECT IMPORTER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF LINEN DRAPERY AND CLOTHINa. B: ESTABLISHED 1854 ill centre. DUNSTABLE HOUSE CASHED STREET CHRISTCHURCH N.Z. 311. 0: EDWARD REECE | wholesale | and retail | BUILDERS I AND FURNISHING | IRONMONGER | BIRMINGHAM | AND SHKFPIELD | WAREHOUSE | CHRISTCHURCH | CANTERBURY | N.Z. in twelve lines. R : A man shearing a slieep^ and a wheatslieaf and sicMe. ADVANCE CANTERBURY NEW ZEALAND. 312. 0: A wheatsheaf, UNION BAKERY company above it, CHRISTCHURCH beneath. R : WHOLESALE | and | RETAIL ] BAKERS | CONFECTIONERS | and [ GROCERS dis- ' played in seven lines. Dunedin. 313. 0: DAY & MIEVILLE | MERCHANTS \ DUNEDIN I OTAaO in four lines. R : Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia, a ship in the distance. NEW ZEALAND 1857 314. : Royal arms within the garter crowned. " ^. R : Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia. VIVANT REaiNA 1862. This is rather smaller than usual penny size. , 315. 0: JONES & WILLIAMSON | WHOLESALE | & \ RETAIL I GROCERS ] WINE, SPIRIT, | & PROVISION I MERCHANTS | DUNE- DIN in nine lines. B : Similar to No. 313 excepting date, whicli is 1858. NEW ZEALAND. 377 310. 0: PERKINS & CO. 5D>mA3F2Bmi^ DUNEDIN. R : Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia, a ship in the distance. DUNEDIN NEW ZEALAND. This again is a small size penny. 317. 0: A. S.WILSON | DUNEDIN | OTAGO | MEDICAL HALL in four lines. B : As No. 313. GraJtamsfown. 318. 0: ©Eorgc fHc(5anI, COPPERSMITH tinsmith plumber AND GASFITTER ©laljamstoijjn in the centre within a circle .N.E.W....Z.E.A. •L . A . N . D . . . . extending all round, 18—7^ at the sides. R : Engine house and shaft, advance Thames GOLDFiELDS uudcr, in an inner circle. Invercargill. 319. 0: S. BEAVEN IRONMONGER & MERCHANT INVERCARGILL N.Z. B: Australian Arms PEACE & PLENTY 18G3. Nelson. 320. 0: J. M. MERRINGTON & Co. | WHOLESALE | & I RETAIL I DRAPERS | & | OUTFIT- TERS I NELSON in eight lines. R : Female standing, holding scales and cornu- copia. ADVANCE NEW ZEALAND. Neu! Plymouth. 321. 0: JOHN GILMOUR NEW PLYMOUTH NEW ZEALAND . jB : A New Zealand landscape. 378 NEW ZEALAND. Taranaki. 322. : BROWN AND DUTHIE WHOLESALE & RETAIL IRONMONGERS BROUGHAM STREET. B : View of Mount Egmont, TARANAKI 1866. Timaru. 323. 0: CLARKSON AND TURNBULL . 1865 . GENERAL | IMPORTERS | DRAPERS | CLOTHIERS | &c. the latter in five lines within a beaded circle. R : View of harbour, a steamship and lighthouse. NEW ZEALAND above, timaru below. Wanganui. 324. : JTo mWrn^lLTE'^ <& COo SHIPPING | SUPPLIED WANGANUI I NEW ZEALAND in centre, with- in a circle. CONFECTIONERS, BAKERS, & GROCERS • ESTABLISHED 1853 in outer circle. B : Female seated holding anchor, by her side a beehive and cornucopia, two wheatsheafs and a bale in the background, a ship on the sea in the distance. Wellington. 325. : D. ANDERSON^S GENERAL STORES . WELLINGTON. R : Female standing, holding scales and cornucopia, a ship in the distance. 326. 0: KIRCALDIE& STAINS GENERAL DRAPERS AND OUTFITTERS . WELLINGTON. B : Shield of Arms, Crest, and Motto (fortissima VERITAS) KIRKCALDIE & STAINS . WELLINGTON . This is another small sized penny. NEW ZEALAND. 379 327. : LIPMAN LEYY IMPORTER AND MANU- FACTURER OF BOOTS & SHOES . AVEL- LINGTON . NEW ZEALAND. R : LEATHER | & GRINDERY | op all | DE- SCRIPTION I THE TRADE | SUPPLIED in six lines in the centre. ONE PENNY TOKEN . PAYABLE AT L. LEVY's LAMBTON QUAY . around the token. 328. 0: As last. m R : Draped and laureated bust of Wellington WELLINGTON & ERIN GO BRAGH. 329. : As last. R : Britannia seated, holding olive branch and wand. AUSTRALIA. These two tokens are suspiciously like mules, and are always in fine condition. 330. : JAMES WALLACE GROCER &c. . WEL- LINGTON . R : Female sitting, holding scales and cornucopia, a ship in the distance 1859. AiicMand. Salfpenny size. 3oL 0: H. ASHTON | IMPORTER | OF | HABEK- DASUERY ( & I TAILORS | TRIMMINGS QUEEN ST AUCKLAND in eight lines. R : Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia, a ship in the distance. NEW ZEALAND 1858. 332. Similar to last excepting date, wliich is 1859. 333. : T. S. FORSAITH . WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRAPER . MANCHESTER | HOUSE [, AUCKLAND . The latter within a circle. B: As No. 331. 380 NEW ZEALAND. 334. B 335. B 336. B 337. Christchurch. HALF I PENNY between two lines in centre. HENRY J. HALL . CHRISTCHURCH COFFEE MILLS . H. J. HALL between two lines in centre. FAMILY GROCER . WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT . As last. LIPI^IAN LEVY. See No. 327. As E : of 334. A golden fleece. See No. 260. These two are evidently mules. EDWARD REECE. Similar to No. 311, excepting in size and valae. Wanganui. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. B 343. "SFo IEW3S5LmX & o Similar to No. 324, excepting in size and value. Wellington. D. ANDERSON. Similar to No. 325, excepting in size and value. KIRKCALDIE & STAINS. Similar to No. 326; excepting in size and value. LIPMAN LEVY. Similar to No. 327, except- ing that HALFPENNY is substituted for ONE PENNY on reverse. A saddle and stirrup in centre. J. W. MEARS SADLER . LAMBTON QUAY WELLING- TON . ONE HALFPENNY TOKEN . PAYABLE AT J. W. MEARS COLLAR AND HAR- NESS MAKER . NEW ZEALAND. JAMES WALLACE. Similar to No. 330 except in size and value. new zealand. 381 Miscellaneous. Penny size. 344. : ONE PENNY in two lines within an inner circle. ADVANCE AUSTRALIA ^ <^ '^ R : Kangaroo and emu. Maker's name and address under, w. J. taylor London. 345. : Australian Arms. PEACE & PliENTY 1859. R : Female seated, holding scales and cornucopia, ship in distance, 1859 beneath. These are most likely mules, as each of the sides have been used for other tokens. 346. 0: THE AUSTRALIAN 1 TOKENS | MANUFACTURED BY I To 3F03P3S <& C^o I (COIN & PRESS MAKERS | ST. PAUL'S SQR. | BIRMINGHAM,) | ARE VERY PROFITaTle I TO EXPORT in nine lines. R : Britannia seated, holding olive branch and trident, ship in distance. BRITANNIA. This token, in more senses than one, " speaks for itself. '^ 347. : Head of Professor Holloway, j. moore incused on the neck. PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY LONDON. R : Hygeia seated. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT 1857. 348. Similar to last, excepting date, which is 1858. Halfpenny size. 349. Similar to No. 347, except in size and value. 350. Similar to No. 348, except in size and value. These four pieces were used in the Austra- lian Colonies as small change. There is a specimen of No. 347 in the Author's cabinet countermarked as follows — THOMAS agent GEELONG. 351. 0: Head of Queen filleted, VICTORIA 5?? OCTOBER 1857. R : View of Church, 1851 beneath. INDEX. ^^■^ The legends upon the various pieces will be found in the index printed in Italics. A. Abrahams, L. Token of Hobart Town AcTcey Trade, see Gold Coast . Adamson and Co. Token of Melbourne Adelaide copper tokens gold token Adel (= Justice), see Bombay Advance Auckland, see New Zealand Advance Australia, see Australia Advance Nexo Zealand, see New Zealand Africa Agriculture and Commerce, see Canada Alderney, Token of ... Allen, W. Token of Jamberoo Alliance Tea Company token of New Zealand Alwar Eupee America America, Central .... American, Early .... Andaman Island, Eupee token Anderson, 1"). Token of Wellington Andrew, J. Token of Melbourne . Andreasberg mine, silver of Anglo-Hanoverian .... Anna (a money of account), see India Anna, Half, Quarter, etc. see Bengal Bombay Annand Smith and Co. Token of Melbourne Antigua Arcot Eupee, see Madras PAGE. 368 239 358 362 334 141 et seq. 372 339 et seq. 370 237 295 7 339 370 190 249 325 250 161 378, 380 348, 358 23 23 131 157 146 353 313 166 384 INDEX. Argyle St. Hobart Town Asli, S. Token of Isle of Man Asliton, H. Token of Auckland Asia Athole, Duke of, see Isle of Man Auckland .... Auckland Licensed Victuallers' Association token Auspicio Regis et Senatus Angliae, see Bombay Australasia Azeezudeen Muliammed Aulumgeer, see Madras PAGE. 368 12 371, 379 129 10 371, 379 371 141 334 165 B. Bahama Ballarat Baltimore Bandarmassin ..... Bank of Montreal, see Canada . Banque du Peuple, see Canada . Barbadoes Barley, C. Token of Auckland Barrowclougli. Token of Eiclimoud Barry, J. A. Token of Halifax Bateman, W. Token of Warrnambool Bathurst Battle and Weight. Token of Sydney Beaven, S. Token of Invercargil . Bell and Gardiner. Token of Eockhamptou Benares Mint, see Bengal Bendigo Bengal . . Bermuda Bishop de Jersey and Co. Token of Jersey Black, W. A. and S. Token of Halifax Bomhaiensis Moneta, see Bombay Bombay Bon pour deux Sous, see Canada Bon pour huit Sols, see Canada Booth, I. Token of Melbourne Borneo Brickhill, J. Token of Campbell Town 313 344 257 216 299 299 313 371 356 274 357 339 340 377 361 153 346 149 315 6 275 138 135 304 302 348 228 364 INDEX. 385 Brisbane .... Brisbane St. Lannceston British Colonies, see Jamaica Britisli Columbia Guiana . Honduras North Borneo British Settlements in Kentucky, see Canada Brock, Sir I. The hero of Upper Canada, see Broke. Halifax token .... Brooke, C. Eajaii of Sarawak Brooke, J. Brookes. Token of Brisbane . Brown and Duthie. Token of Taranaki . Brown, J. Token of Nova Scotia . Brown, T. S. Token of Quebec Brunswick-Luneburg, see Anglo-Hanoverian Brunswick-Wolf enbuttel Burra-Burra, see Adelaide Butterworth, T. Token of Castlemaine Buxton, J. W. Token of Brisbane Canada PAGE. 360 368 318 284 326 325 231 290 292 273 228 228 360 378 273 291 23 123 364 346 360 C. Calder, E. Token of Castlemaine . Campbell, J. Token of Morpeth Campbell Town .... Canada Dominion of Caro, J. Token of Christchurch Cape of Good Hope Carolina Carritt and Alport. Token of Halifax Cash, see Hong Kong Madras .... Castlemaine ..... Catton, E. Token of Gibraltar Central Amei'ica .... Cents, see Borneo .... 346 340-3 364 285 272 374 244 259 274 225 174 346 15 325 228 25 38(3 INDEX. Cents, see British Honduras • Canada • Ceylon Hong Eong Mauritius New Brunswick Newfoundland Nova Scotia Prince Edward's Island Prince of Wales' Island Sarawak . Sierra Leone • Straits Settlements . Third of, see India . Ceylon ..... Channel Islands Christchurch .... City Bank, see Canada Clark, A. Token of Auckland Clarkson and Turnbull. Token of Timaru Ciarkson, S. Token of Christchurch Clausthall Mint, masters of Cloughjordan Coffee PicTcers' Chit, see Ceylon Collins and Co. Token of Bathurst Coloniar : Britan : Monet : see Mauritius see West Indies Columbia, British ..... Commercial Change, see Canada Concordia Salus, see Canada . Connecticut, see Granby Tokens Conventions Munze, see Anglo-Hanoverian Cook, W. C. Token of Sandridge . Coombes, S. Token of Auckland . Copang, see Kapang .... Cope. T. H. Token of South Yarra Copper Company of Upper Canada, see Canada Crcscite et Multiplicamini, see Early American Crocker and Hamilton. Token of Adelaide . Crombie and Co. Token of Melbourne . Cyprus PAGE. 325 289 199 223 235 279 269 276 281 206 228 241 211 191 192 3 374, 380 299 371 378 374 24 373 199 339 232 321 284 293 299 263 100 357 371 201, 230 357 290 257 362, 364 358 21 INDEX. D. T), see West Indies Dacca Mint, see Bengal .... D'Ade & Co., Token of Trinidad Dai pacem et auget opes, see Early American Uavey, J. Token of Sale Davidson, A. Token of Melbourne Davies, Alexander and Co. Token of Goulbur Davies, A. Token of Freemantle . Day and Mieville. Token of Dunedin . D'Ade and Co. Token of Trinidad Dease, E. F. Token of Launceston Do Carle and Co. Token of Dunedin Melbourne Deeble, S. Token of Melbourne . Deloraine ...... Demerara Dcnarium Terrce 3fari(S, see Early American Derby, Earl of, see Isle of Man Deux Sous, see Canada .... Devines and Bolton. Token of Montreal Doit, see Java Dollar, see British Columbia — Hong Kong . Newfoundland Sierra Leone countermarked, see Australia British Guiana Gibraltar cut, see West Indies fractions of, see Mauritius . — West Indies Eix, see Ceylon Dominica ...... Dominion of Canada .... Doubles, s6e Guernsey .... Douglas Bank. Isle of Man . Du has Canada, Province of, see Canada . Dub, and lialf do. : see Madras Ducat, see Anglo-IIanoverian . Dundas, Toronto n 387 PAGE. 323 151 320 2fi3 356 348 339 364 37G 320 3G8, 3G9 376 348 349 364 326 257 8 299 301 215 284 217 266 240 337 327 16 318, et seq. 232 321 193 323 272 3 12 299 178 26, cl seq. 294 388 INDEX. Duddell. Token of Gibraltar Dudu, see Madras ..... Dunedin ....... Durban Club token, see Natal Duseman, T. Butcher Belleville, see Canada PAGE. 15 172 376 246 295 E E & D, see Britisb Guiana Eagle Hawk ... Early American Coins East Friesland Ecce G-rex, see Early American Eighteenpence Token, see Jersey Essequibo .... Evans and Foster. Token of Melbourne Fjvening Glohe, good for one copy, see Canada Ex auro Sereinice, see Anglo-Hanoverian Expulsis piratis restltuia commercia, see West Indies 327 347 250 122 259 7 326 349 303 33 313 F. Faluce or Faloos, see Madras 173 Famine Rupee Token, see Bengal ...... 162 Fanam, see Madras 163, et seq. Fanam Token, see Ceylon ....... 193 Fartbing, Third of, see Malta 17 Half, see Ceylon 198 Eeiii Silber, see Anglo-Hanoverian ..... 39, et seq. Fenwick Bros. Token of Melbourne ..... 349 EertiUtatem Divatasque Circumferemus, see Canada . . 290 Fifteenpence, see Australia ....... 337 Five Shillings, see Australia 337 Channel Islands 6 Isle of Man 12 Fisher. Token of Gardiner's Creek, South Yarra . . . 360 Fisheries and Agriculture, see Prince Edward's Island . . 281 Flavelle and Co. Token of Sydney ..... 340 Fleming, J. G. Token of Hobart Town .... 365 Floreat Bex, see Early American 259 INDEX. 389 For Puhlic Accommodation, see New Brunswick • Isle of Man . Forsaith, T. S. Token of Auckland Fourpenco Token, see Canada . Fort Marlbro, Sumatra .... Freedom without Slavery, see Barbadoes Freemantle ... ... Free Trade to Africa, see Gold Coast Friedman, I. Token of Hobart Town . Friesland, East Fromes, W. Token of Castlemaine Fu)if{=Jlve) Thalers, see Anglo-Hanoverian Furruckabad Mint, see Bengal PAGE. 279 13 371, 379 302 200 314 364 238 365 122 346 35 154 G. G., see West Indies Gagnon, H. Token of Quebec Gardiner's Creek Eoad, South Yarra Geelong Genuine British Copper, see Canada Gilmour, J. Token of New Plymouth Gipp's Land Hardware Co. Token Gibraltar Gittos, B. Token of Auckland God. Preserve Carolina, Sfc, see Early America God Preserve Neto England, see Early America Gold Coast Goulburn Gourlay, T. Token of Christchurch Gouv : de Mato'ice et Dep : see Mauritius G.B., see Anglo-Hanoverian Bombay ■ Gibraltar . , West Indies Graham's Town Grain Token, see Bengal Granby Tokens, sec Early American Grattan, E. Token of Auckland Grieve, E. Token of Eagle Hawk , Gri'][ua Town 291 357, 360 317 306 377 355, 356 14 372 260 260 238 339 374 234 30, et seq. 141 16 320 377 162 263 372 347 245 26 390 INDEX. Groschen, see Anglo-Hanoverian Grundy, J. E,. Token of Ballarat Guadaloupe .... Guernsey .... Guilder, see Britisli Guiana Gulden, see Anglo-Hanoverian PAGE. 46, et seq. . 344 . 323 3 328 . 26, et seq. H, Half- Ann a, ^ee India Crown Token of Isle of Man Dollar, see Mauritius (?) ■ see Sumatra . ^ee West Indies Dub, see Madras rartking, see Ceylon Guilder, see British Guiana — — Gulden, see Anglo-Hanoverian Ounce of Gold, see Australia Thaler, see Anglo-Hanoverian Half Penny Token, Upper Canada Hall, H. J. Token of Christchurcli Halifax, Nova Scotia Hanks and Co. Token of Sydney Hanover, see Anglo-Hanoverian Harbour Grace, Newfoundland Hare, Alexander (Doits of), see Java Harrold Bros. Token of Adelaide Hedburg, O. H. Token of Hobart Town Henderson, J. Token of Freemantle Henry, E. Token of Hobart Town Henry, S. Token of Deloraine Hide and De Carle. Token of Melbourne Higley Tokens Hindustan, see India .... Hobart Town Hobday and Jobberns. Token of Christcliurch Hodgson, A. G. Token of Melbourne Hodgson Bros. Token of Bendigo . Hogarth and Erichson. Silver Tokens of Sydney Hog Money, see Bermuda .... 374, 146, et seq. 12 232 200 321 178 198 328 29 335 30, et seq. 293 375, 380 273 340, 343 23 270 216 362 365, 368 364 365 364 350, 358 263 130 365, 368 375 350, 358 346 338 315 INDEX. 391 Holland and Butler. Token of Auckland Holloway, Professor. Token of Australia Honduras, British Hong Kong Hon. Soc. Ang.-Ind. On.., see Bombay Hosie, J. Token of Melbourne Hosterman and Etter. Token of Nova Scotia Howard, M. Token of Jamaica Hun or Hoon, see India .... Hurley, J. Token of TVanganni Hutton, G. Token of Hobart Town Hyde, E. Token of Melbourne PAGE. 372 381 325 217 137 350 274 317 130 378, 380 365 351, 359 I. I cut my way through, see Early American Indian Empire Indus uterque serviat uni, see Jamaica Indusiria et fides omnia vincent, seeBallarat InvercargiU .... Jn vino Veritas, see Melbourne Ionian Islands loviKov KpuTOs, see Ionian Islands Ipswicb Iredale and Co. Token of Sydney Irwin, J. W. Token of Cape Town I serve, see Bermudas Isle of Man 264 130 316 344 377 350 et seq. 19 19 361, 362 341 244 314 8 J. Token of "Wamanibool Token of Hobart Town Jamaica Jamberoo Jamieson, "W. Jarvey, W. A. Java Jersey Jones and Williamson. Token of Dunedin Jones, D. Token of Ballarat 316 339 357 366 213 4 376 344 26 392 INDEX. Jones, T. H. Josephs, E. Token of Ipswich. Token of New Town PAGE. 361 368, 370 Xapang or Copang, see Labuan Sumatra Kas, see Cash ...... Keeling, E.. Token of Gibraltar Kingston, Canada ..... Jamaica ..... Kircaldie and Stains. Token of Wellington 230 201 174, 225 15 294 317 378, 380 L. Land Muniz, see Anglo-Hanoverian Labuan Lambton Quay, see Wellington, IS'.Z. La prudence et la caiideur, see Canada Laird. Token of West Coast of Africa . Larcombe and Co. Token of Bri-sbane . Launceston ...... Lawson. Token of Canada Lazarus, S. and S. Token of Melbourne Leeson, J. D. Token of Sale . Leigh, J. M. Token of Sydney- Leslie and Sons. Token of Toronto Levy Bros. Token of Melbourne . Levy, Lipman. Token of Wellington Lymburner. Token of Montreal Lipscombe, H. Token of Hobart Town Lloyd, W. Token of Woolongong . Love and Eoberts. Token of Wagga Wagga Lunday, T. Token of Jamaica Lundie, T. Token of Jamaica Luneburg, see Anglo-Hanoverian 369, 69, et seq. 230 379 294 239 360 368, 369 302 351 356 341 294 351 379, 380 291 366 343, 344 343 317 317 23 M. Mace, Two, see Hong Kong McAuslane, P. Token of St. John's, Newfoundland 227 271 INDKX. 393 McCaul, G. Token of Graham's Town . McDermott, E. Token of Xew Brunswick McFarlane, J. Token of Melbourne Macgretfor, J. Token of Sydney Macintosh and Desgraves. Token of Tasmania Madras Magdalen Island Malacca . Malta Maldon, see Melbourne Marien Grosclien, see Anglo-Hanoverian Mark Newby Coppers .... Marks, M. Token of Auckland Marsh and Bros. Token of Hobart Town Marsh and Son. Token of Cape of Good Hope Martin and Sach. Token of Adelaide Martin, John. Token of Adelaide . Maryland Mason and Culley. Token of Williamstown Mason and Struthers. Token . Massachusetts Mather, E. Token of Hobart Town Mauritius Mcars, J. W. Token of Wellington Melbourne. Copper Tokens of Melbourne Mint Sovereigns Merrington, J. Token of Nelson . Merry and Bush. Token of Queensland Merry, T. Token of Toowomba Metcalfe and Lloyd. Token of Sydney . Mil, see Hong Kong .... Miller and Dismoor. Token of Melbourne Miller Brothers. Token of Melbourne . Milner and Thompson. Token of Christchurch Miscellaneous. Australian Canadian Indian . Mohur, see Indian . ]\[oir, J. Token of Hobart Town Molson, T. and "W. Token of Montreal . Mon : Bomhay Anglic Regims, see Bombay PAGE. 377 279 351 311, 313 337 163 283 208 17 355 48, et seq. 259 372 366, 369 2U 363 363 257 357 374 250 366 232 380 347, 357 336 377 360 362 341, 343 226 351 351 375 381 302 190 et seq. 366 294 137 130, 394 INDEX. Moneta Bomhaiensis, see Bombay Montpelier Retreat Inn, see Hobart Town Montreal and La Chine Eailway Checks Montreal and Repentiguy toll checks Montreal, Bank of . Montreal Eopery Moorshedabad Mint, see Bengal Morgan, W. Token of Adelaide Morpeth Morrin and Co. Token of Auckland Moubray, Lush and Co. Token of Melbourne Mulligan, D. T. Token of Eockhampton Mullins, F. Token of Montreal Murray and Christie. Token of Castlemaine Murray, J. Token of the Isle of Man PAGE. 137 367, 369 302 303 299 292 151 363 340, 343 372 352 362 292 346 13 ]sr. Nach dem Leipziger fus, see Anglo-Hanoverian Nach dem Reiches fus, see Anglo-Hanoverian Natal Nee aspera ierrent, see Anglo-Hanoverian Neel, E. Token of Jersey Nelson .... Nemo me impune lacessit, see Nova Scotia New Brunswick New England . Halfpenny Newfoundland . New Plymouth New South Wales. Copper Tokens Fifteenpence • Five Shillings . New Town New York. Token .... New Zealand ..... Nicholas, A. Token of Hobart Town Nichols, G. Token of Melbourne . Nokes, J. Token of Melbourne No Labour, no Breads seo Canada . 69, et seq. 70, etseq. 246 28, et seq. 7 377 273 278 250 260 266 377 339 337 337 368, 370 258 370 367, 369 352 359 308 INDEX. 395 North American ToTcen, see Canada . North West Company, see Canada . Nova Scotia and New Brunsioick Success Wova Scotia PAGK. 290 293 272 272 O. Oak Tree Coins, see Early American Obolus, see Ionian Is. Ounce of Gold, see Australia . Owen, E. W. Token of Montreal . 251 19 335 292 Pagoda, see Madras .... Paisa, see Pice .... Palmer, B. Token of Sydney Parker, R. Token of Geelong Parva sub ingenti, see Prince Edward's Island Patna Mint, see Bengal . Patna Post, see Bengal . Patrick, St., halfpence Pax Deo, see Bombay Peace and Plenty, see Melbourne . Peck, H. Token of Melbourne Penang Perkins and Co. Token of Duncdin Petersen, W. Token of Christcburck Pettigrew, J. and Co. Token of Ipswich Petty, G. Token of Melbourne Pfenninge, see Anglo-Hanoverian . Piastre, see Cyprus .... Pice, see Bombay .... Pie, see Bombay .... Piece of Eight, see India . Pilo Fernando. Token of Colombo Pine tree Coins, see Early American Pistole, see Anglo-Hanoverian . Pitt Penny, see Early American Plantation, Tin piece for . 163 140 341 317 282 151 156 259 137 317,357 352 205 377 375 3(11, 3G2 352 48, et seq. 21 140 147 179 199 251 33 264 257 396 INDEX. Pope, T. and Co. Token for Australia Port Albert .... Portcullis Coins, see India Port of Spain, Trinidad . Port Pkilip, Gold Tokens of . Pour 50 (25) Sous, see Mauritius Pratt, W. Token of Christcliurcli Pi'ince Edward's Island . Prince of Wales' Island . Province du Canada, see Canada Provmce dw has Canada, see Canada Pulu Penang .... . . Pure copper pyeferahle to paper, see Canada • ■ ' see British Guiana Purvis, E. Token of Nova Scotia Pysa, see Pice .... Q. Quart, o, OS, see Gibraltar Quebec Banh ...... Quebec Tokens Queensland Quocunque Gesseris Stahit, see Isle of Man Quocunque Jeceris Stahit, see Isle of Man E. Eapsey, H. E. Token of Trinidad . Recu au : Pur : du Tres : see Mauritius Pectc au Tresor, see Mauritius . Eeece, E. Token of Cbristchurch . Penunillus Viscape, see Canada Eepentiguy and Montreal toll checks Pesponsihle Government and Free Trade, E. H., see Canada .... Eichmond Eidler, E. B. Token of Eichmond Eie Dollar, see Ceylon Eobison Bros. Token of Melbourne Eoche, G. Token of Melbourne see Newfoundland 304, INDEX. 397 Eockhampton Rosa Amencana, see Early American E.oy, J. Token of Montreal . Running-horse of Hanover Eupee, see India generally Java .... ■ Penang .... Double, see Madras Token, see Bengal Euthcrford Bros. Token of Newfoundland Eyal or Eeal, see India .... see Early American . Eyland, G. Token of Castlemaine . PAOE. 361, 362 206 295 27, et seq. 130, et seq. 214 205 171 161 270 179 258 347 S. St. Andrew, see Anglo-Hanoverian St. Helena St. John's, New Brunswick Newfoundland St. Kitts. West Indies St. Lucia. West Indies St. Nevis. West Indies St. Patrick Coppers St. Eoch, Quebec St. Sebastian Mills, Ceylon St. Vincent, West Indies Sale .... Sandhurst Sandridge Sans Changer, see Isle of Man Sarawak Sawyer, J. Token of Brisbane Scheide Muntz, see Anglo-Hanoverian Scotch Pie Shop Tokens of Melbourne S. D. T. Token of St. Helena Self Government and Free Trade, sec Prince Shah Aulum or Alem, see India Shanghai, see Hong Kong Edward's 23 242 279 270 318 318 318 259 291 199 319 356 356 357 8 228 360 108, et seq. 350, 359 243 sland 282 132 227 398 INDEX. Sharpley, E. Token of Montreal Slia-n-, J. Token of Quebec . Shillings, Five, see Australia . , . Isle of Man Jersey Fractions of, see Jersey One, see Australia . Isle of Man . Three, see Jersey Shijjs, Colonies, Commerce, see Canada Sicca E,upee, see Bengal .... Sic vos non vohis vellera fertis oves, see Launceston Sierra Leone Smith, A. and Co. Token of Melbourne Smith, E. Token of Hong Kong . Smithfield Co. Token of Melbourne Smith, Peate and Co. Token of Sydney . Smith, S. H. Token of Auckland . Smith, W. Token of Jamaica Solomon Dickson and Turner. Token of St. Helena Somerville, M. Token of Auckland Somers Islands, see Bermudas . Sookoo, Two, see Sumatra Sous, Deux, see Canada .... Sous, Two, see West Indies Sou, Un, see Canada . • . . South Australia, copper tokens of . Southward and Sumpton. Token of Ballarat South Yarra Spanish Dollars, see Australia. British Guiana Gibraltar . Madras . • West Indies . Speed the Plough, see Prince Edward's Island Spero Imliola, see Gold Coast . Spittle, J. Token of Gibraltar Stampec, Half, see Trinidad Stanley crest, see Isle of Man . Starr and Shannon. Token of Halifax . Stead Bros. Token of Sandhurst 342, PAGE. 292 292 337 12 6 4 337 12 6 308 152 368, 369 240 353 220 352 343 373 317 243 373 315 200 299 319 294 362 345 357, 360 337 327 16 171 'Z\S, et seq. 281 239 15 319 274 356 INDEX. 399 Stewart and Hcmmant. Token of Brisbane Stiver, see British Guiana Ceylon Java .... Stokes, T. Tokens of Melbourne Straits Settlcment.s . Stiiber, see East Friesland Success to Navigation and Trade, see Canada Success to the Fisheries, see Prince Edward's Island . see Magdalen Island . Success to the Commerce of Upper and Lower Canada Sultana, Island of, see Labuan . Surabaga, see Java . Surat Eupee, see Bombay Sumatra Summer Islands, see Bermudas Sydney Copper Tokens . Sydney Gold Coins . Sydney Silver Tokens PAGE. 361 330 197 214 353, 359 209 122 306 281 283 292 230 213 135 200 . 315 340, 343 335 338 T. see West Indies .... Tael, see Hong Kong Takoe, see Gold Coast Taranaki Tasmania Copper Tokens Tasmania Silver Token . Taylor, A. Token of Adelaide . Taylor, J. Token of Ballarat . Taylor, W. J. Tokens for Australia • . . . 357, Tea Stores Token of Sydney 342, Telliehery, see India .... Thaler, see Anglo-Hanoverian 36, e^ Thanks to the Friends of Liberty and Trade, see Early America The Restorer of Trade and Commerce, see Early America Third of a Cent, sec India Farthing, see Malta Thomas and Co. Token of Melbourne 324 227 239 378 364 337 363 345 381 344 191 seq. 265 205 191 17 359 400 INDEX. Thompson, E. Token of New Zealand Thorntliwaitc, J. C. Token of Sydney ■ Silver ditto . Thrale and Cross, Token of Melbourne Threelialfpenny-pieces, see Ceylon . ■ West Indies Threepenny-pieces, see West Indies Threepenny Tokens, see Australia . Three Shilling Token, see Jersey Timaru Tobago To Facilitate Trade, see Canada — — Jamaica — Jersey Tolanto, M. Token of Barbadoes . Toogood, A. Token of Sydney Toowoomba Toronto . Tortola Trade and Agriculture, see Canada Trade and Navigation, see British Guiana — ■ — — Canada Trinidad Two Quartos, see Gibraltar PAGE. 370 342, 344 338 359 194 322 322 338 6 378 319 293 318 7 314 342 362 294 319 294 331 304 319 14 U. Union Bakery, token of Christchurch United Colonies of Demerary and Essequiho United Service Hotel. Token of Auckland Tin Sou, see Canada ..... Utile Dulci, see Early American 376 327 373 294 261 Val. 24. Part. Real. Hispan., see Early American Vale dos quartos, see Gibraltar 258 15 INDEX. 401 Value me as you please, see Early American . Van Dieman's Land or Tasmania . . . . V. E. I. C. (LTnited East India Company), see India Vexator Canadieiisis, see Canada Victoria, Copper tokens of Victoria nobis est, see Canada . Victoria, see Hong Kong . Virginia Halfpenny . Von feinem Silber, see Anglo-Hanoverian PAGE. 264 364 140 291 344 307 217 265 46 W. Wagga Wagga Wallace, J. Token of WeUingtou Wallace, Nova Scotia .... Wanganui Warburton, T. Token of Melbourne Warnock Bros. Token of Melbourne Warrnambool Waterhouse, R. S. Token of Hobart Town Waters, E. Token of Auckland Watson, W. E. Token of Ballarat . W. B. and Co., see Ceylon Weight and Johnson. Token of Sydney . Wellington Wellington and Erin go Bragh, see Australia see Canada and Victory, see Canada. Field Marshal, see Canada Marquis, see Canada The Illustrious, see Canada and Waterloo, see Canada Wcstbury West Coast of Africa, see Gold Coast Western Australia .... West Indies White, T. Token of Westbury White, W. L. Token of Nova Scotia . Whitty and Brown. Token of Sydney . Whyte and Co. Token of Cape of Good Hope 343 379, 380 273 378, 380 355 355 357 307, 369 373 345 199 342, 344 378, 380 379 305 305 305, 309 309 309 309 368, -370 238 364 312 368, 370 273, 274 342 244 402 INDEX. "Wildmaii of Brunswick-Luneberg . Williams, J. Token of Eagle Hawk Williamstown Wilson, A. S. Token of Dunedin . Woolongong Wood, W. D. Token of Hobart Town W. E., see West Indies . ] PAGE. 23 , , 347 , . 357 , 377 343, 344 • 367, 369 320 z. Zehn (= ten) Thaler, see Anglo-Hanoverian Zellerfeld, Mint Masters of . . . 35 24 5^e» t O. NORMAN AND SON, PRINTERS, HART STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. NUMISMATIC WOEKS on sale hy BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 Piccadilly, LONDON. -*X38C>>*i- HAWKINS' SILVER COINS OF ENGLAND, third edition, revised and eularged by R. Ll. Kenyon, Esq., tlxick 8vo., 508 pp. and 55 plates containing figures of about 520 Coins, hy F. W. Fairholt and F. J. Lees, Boxlurghe, gilt top, £1. 16* 1887 " A third edition having been called for, the text has been carefully revised, and the coins found and published during the last ten years have been described in their in-oper places. Several additions have been made to the hsts of the mints before the Conquest, and some additions and alterations have been made throughout the work. But the most important alteration has been in the reign of Edward III, where it is sho^^•n that all of the coins hitherto attributed to him were struck subsequently to 1351, and that those struck before, during, and after the Treaty of Bretigny, may be distinguished by the titles inscribed on them ; in accord- ance with the arrangement adopted by the editor in his book on English Gold Coins. This will clear the way for a more satis- factory arrangement than has hitherto been possible of the coins which have been attributed to Edward I and II, but some of which must now be given to the first half of Edward Ill's reign ; but such a redistribution can only be made after careful examination of a very large number of these coins, and for such examination the editor has lately had neither time nor opportunity." — Preface to the Third Edition. The Companion to Hawkins' Silver Coins of England: KENYON'S HISTORY OF THE GOLD COINAGE OF ENGLAND, by R. Ll. KENYON, Editor of the third edition of Haichins' Silver Coins of England, 1 vol. demy 8vo., (uniform %oith the worh of HaivJcins), 24 plates, engraved hy F. J. Lees, Member of the Ntcmisinatic Society, Eoxburghe, gilt top, 245 1883 This work contains a complete account of the English current gold coins, from the earliest Saxon times to the present reign, with •200 illustrations, and includes a description of gold coins attributed to the tirst half of the seventh century. It is hoped that the light which an examination of the gold coins throws upon the proper appropriation of the silver, as for instance in the reigns of Henry V and VI and of Edward V, together with the information about the history of the coinage which this volume contains, may make it acceptable to collectors, even though then- cabinets may not contain a great number of gold coins. MONTAGU'S COPPER COINAGE OF ENGLAND : Tlie Copper, Tin and Bronze Coinage and Patterns for Coins of England, from the Reign of Elizabeth, to that of Her present Majesty, royal 8vo. numerous ivoodcuts of Groats, Pennies, Half -pennies and Farthings, Eoxbimjlw, gilt top, 10s Qd 1^85 The standard work on the Copper Coinage of this Country. AKERMAN'S COINS OF THE ROMANS relating to Britain, described and illustrated, second edition, greatly enlarged, 8vo. 7 plates and many woodcuts, cloth, lOs Qd 1844 The object of this httlc work is to bring under one view the coins of the Eonians which relate to the province of Britain. It is hoped that it will not only find favour with the antiquary and the numismatist, but will also interest all who are curious in the early history of our island ; some of the principal events in which, during a long period of the Roman occupation, are recorded on the corns of the conquerors. * * BERNARD QUAEITCH is the Agent of the NUMISMATIC SOCIETY OF LONDON, and supplies recent and back numbers of tlieir CHKONICLE. ,^ A>^^ •.'^• ''' ■% ^1 6 •2 -n rr <: .v^ ^. ^Advaaii-^^^"^ >fc v^'^ .^ .V ^V\t■L'NIVERS•/A ^vbclOSANCElfj^ ^,>Nt-l '^i^iaDNv-sov^'^" "^AaaAiNo-i^v- ^0' = ( : > %. v' ^MIBRARY^^^ >- .-..^F iva-jo^" 4^-' r^ c r KwrcxT^ . ^ 5i\f ■ ■•: - v inr-Avr.Firr. .'^s . .v\T- t/' c '^ ^V^I' xi r^ 4 -5 '''♦'(ilOJIlVJJO^' .)fCALIfO% -r c -n\. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY I I nil mill III II! II ill III II Ml! Illi Mini §^^' AA 000 662 920 8 '^?^ ■-> <^< 6 .iaj,\if 'n.-- %y 5' «? X ^ ScOft ^c :ir daiii^"^ ^ J Jk '■^/^"iiiMiS. /V t » ri r\ 1 r.\ / «, 4s ^\^[r." 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