;iTY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^x ORDINANCES r > r OF THE O U ^■"^t City of Des Moines PASSED DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1909 JUKI 7 1912 6*. JQ KEGISTER AKD LBADER COMPANY, DES MOINES .. .• .• .. •'•*.. *••' as A3 INDEX Ordinance No. Page Appropriation's — Relative to Finances ISrg 10 Relative to Finances 1580 235 Civil Service — Relative to Commissioners 1518 9 Relative to Rules and Regulations 1531 41 F^i>ectric Light — Relative to Rates 1522 27 Relative to Rates 1566 194 Relatives to Fire Limits 1573 212 Garbage — V Relative to Collection and Removal 1539 84 ) Relative to Engle Crematory Co 1540 88 Relative to Engle Crematory Co 1575 218 Grades — Tenth St 1523 28 Alley between Fourth and Fifth, Park and Center 1525 32 Twelfth St., Center to University Ave 1534 77 I . Fifth St., West 1535 79 y Fremont St., Sixth to Thirteenth 1536 80 ) Fremont St., Sixth to Thirteenth 1551 110 Park Ave., Ninth to Oakdale 1537 81 Ingersoll Ave., Twenty-ninth to Thirty-sixth 1538 82 Eighth St., College to Lincoln 1543 96 Prospect Blvd., Sixth to Ninth 1544 97 Lincoln St., Eighth to Ninth 1545 99 Thirty-first St., Grand to State 1549 104 Center St., First to Park Lane 1552 111 E. Ninth St., Elm to Tiffin 1555 116 Twenty-seventh St., School to Franklin 1556 119 Thirty-fifth St., Grand to University 1557 122 West Twenty-fourth, Woodland to north line of Jewish Cemetery 1558 124 Thirty-third St., Forest to Clark 1559 125 Terrace Road and Allen Place, from Grand to Forest Drive 1567 197 Seventeenth St., Grand to University Ave 1568 203 High St., Amending Sec. 3 1569 205 Sixteenth St., D. M. Union right of way to Mandamin Ave 1570 206 Park Lane (Forty-second St.) 1576 220 Third St., Elm to Madison, H. P 1579 232 Lunch Wagons or Stands — Relative to Limits 1526 33 Relative to Limits 1529 38 ^ICoSI. INDEX Ordinance No. Pagre License — Relative to Fortune Tellers 1542 94 Relative to Transient Merchants 1550 108 LiBRxVRY — Relative to Library Trustees 1520 21 Street Lights — Relative to Construction and Maintenance 1527 34 Officebs — Relative to Election and Qualification 1516 Relative to Election and Qualification 15161^ Relative to Election and Qualification 1517 Relative to Powers and Duties 1533 Opera Houses — Relative to Smoking 1547 101 Plumding — Relative to Streets 1563 169 Relative to Buildings 1564 174 Railroads — Relative to Gates at Crossings 1574 31 Relative to track across Cherry St 1577 223 Relative to Names of Streets 1574 214 Taxes — Relative to Amounts Levied 1548 102 Relative to Locust St. Bridge 1561 166 Vacating Ordinances — Alley in rear of Lot 8, Blk. 25, Ft. Des Moines 1530 39 Relative to Vacating Part of Fifth St 1562 168 Relative to Vacating Part of Fifth St 1571 209 Viaduct — West Seventh St. 1565 187 West Seventh St 1572 210 West Seventh St 1578 225 Water — Relative to Rates 1521 24 Relative to Rates 1532 60 Miscellaneous — • Relative to the Piling of Lumber, etc 1528 36 Relative to Stock Yards 1541 92 Relative to Fortune Tellers 1542 94 Relative to Halls, Restaurants, etc 1546 100 Relative to Smoking in Opera Houses 1547 101 Relative to Transient Merchants 1550 108 Relative to Street Signs 1553 114 Relative to Meetings 1554 115 Relative to Names 1560 126 Relative to Excavations 1563 169 Relative to Plumbing 1564 174 CITY OF DES MOINES. 3 ORDIXAXCE Xo. 1516. An Okdinance to provide for the election and qnalification of certain city officers and assistants, and to iix their salaries and define their powers and prescribe their duties. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — There shall be elected by the Council a Corpora- tion Counsel, who shall, before entering ujwn the performance of his duties, file with the City Clerk his official oath, together with a bond in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, to be api)roved by the Council. He shall receive a salary of four thousand dollars ($4,000) per year, payable in equal monthly installments. He shall l)e the legal advisor of the Council, and shall, when requested, or whenever in his opinion it is necessary, advise the Council and the officers of the city upon all legal questions relative to the business of the city, or matters in which the city is interested, which advice shall, whenever practicable, be given in writing. He shall draw all contracts to which the city is a party. He shall prepare such ordinances as the Council may direct, and shall examine and report in writing to the Council upon ordinances ])rior to their final passage by the Council. It shall also be his duty to prosecute and defend all suits to which the city is a party in the federal courts, or in the e<]uity courts of the state, except ordinary appeals from Board of Keview, and all other suits involving contracts, franchises, and special assessments. Sec. 2. — There shall be elected by the Council a City Solicitor, who shall, before entering upon the performance of his duties, file with the City Clerk his official oath, together with a bond in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, to be appi'oved by tho Council. He shall receive a salary of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) per year, payable in equal monthly install- ments. He shall have and exercise all the powers and perforni all the duties provided or prescribed by law, or the ordinances of the city. It shall also be his duty to prosecute or defend all suits to which the city is a party in all courts of the city or state, except those confided to the Corporation Counsel, to prosecute all suits for the violation of any city ordinance, and all criminal prosecution before the Police Court. He shall, when requested, or whenever in his opinion it is necessary, advise the Council and officers of the city upon all legal questions relative to the business of the city, which advice shall, whenever practicable. 4 ORDINANCES. be in writing. He shall keep an office at the City Hall, or at such other place as the Council may provide, and shall perform such other duties as the Council shall by ordinance or resolution di- rect. Sec. 3. — There shall be elected by the Council an Assistant Solicitor, who shall, before entering upon the performance of his duties, file with the City Clerk his official oath. He shall receive a salary of one thousand three hundred and fiftv dollars ($1,350) per year, payable in equal monthly installments. He shall, under the direction of the City Solicitor, prosecute all cases in the Police Court, shall render such assistance as may be necessary to the Marshal, health officers, and other city officers in the preparation of information in cases in the Police Court. He shall investigate all cases in which claims are or may be made against the city, and report the facts to the proper officer. He shall render to the Corporation Counsel and City Solicitor such assistance as they may require, and perform such other duties as the Council may direct. Sec. 4. — The Corporation Counsel and City Solicitor shall each keep, as a part of the records of his office, a docket of all cases under his charge wherein the city is a party, and shall enter therein a history of all proceedings had in such cases. He shall deliver said docket, together with all books, papers and docu- ments in his possession belonging to the city or pertaining to its business, to his successor in office. He shall keep and preserve as a part of the records of his office copies of all printed ab- stracts, briefs and arguments in all cases in which the city is a party or is interested, and cause the same, from time to time, to be bound in permanent form, at the expense of the city, and shall transmit the same to his successor in office. Sec. 5. — All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. G. — This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed April 6, 1908. Approved April 6, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Pooemax, City Clerk. Published in Des Moines Daily News, April 7, 1908. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an CITY OF DES MOINES. ordinance, No. 151C, passed by the City Council of said city at a meetino- held April 6, 1908, approved by the Mayor April 6, 1908, duly recorded and published in Des Moines Daily News, April 7, ioOS. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. 6 ORDINANCES. ORDIXAXCE No. 1517. An Okdinance to provide for the seleetiou ami nualitication of certain city ottieors and assistants, and to fix their salaries and define their powers and prescribe their duties. Be It Ordained by fhe City Coinicil af the City of Des Moines: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. Section 1. — There shall be elect(xl bv the City Council a Major's Secretarv. who shall, before enterinp; upon the perform- ance of the duties of his otfice, file with the City Clerk his offi- cial oath. lie shall receive such salary as the Council shall tix in the appro]>riation ordinance, payable in equal monthly install- ments. He shall perform such duties as the Mayor iiiav rtx]uire, or the Council shall by ordinance or resolution prescribe or di- rect. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Sec. 2. — There shall be elected by the Council an .Vssistant City Physician, who shall, before entering u]xm the performance of the duties of his otHce, file with the City Clerk his official oath. He shall receive such salary as the Council shall fix in the appropriation ordinance, payable in «\Ui\\ monthly installments. He shall inspect all articles otfered for sale as human food, and shall assist the City Physician in the ]>erformance of his duties, and in his absence or inability, shall }>erform his duties. He shall perform such other duties and render such other services as the Su]x^rintendent of the Department of Public Safety may require, or the Council shall by ordinance or resolution pre- scribe or direct. Sec. 3. — There shall bo elected by the Council the followiuix officers and assistants in the Department of Public Safety: A Secretary, two Captains of Police, thnx' Desk Seruvants, two Patrol Sergeants, a Chief Detective, a Humane Officer, a Jailer, three Park Policemen: each of said officers and assistants shall receive such salary as the Council shall fix in the appropriation ordinance, to be paid in equal monthly installments. Each of caid officers and a'^sistants shall, before entering u]>on the ]>er- formance of his office, file with the City Clerk his official oath. Each of said officers shall }>erform such duties and render such cervices as the Superintendent of the Department of Public Safety or Marshal may require, or the Council shall by ordi- nance or resolution prescribe or direct. CITY OF DES MOINES. 7 Sec. 4. — There shall be elected by the Council such number of Health Officers as the Council shall by resolution direct, each of whom shall, before entering upon the performance of his du- ties, file with the Citv Clerk his official oath. Each of said officers shall receive such salary as the Council shall fix in the appropriation ordinance, to be paid each month. Said officers shall perform such duties and render such sen-ices as the local Board of Health, the Superintendent of the Department of Pub- lic Safety, the City Physician, or Assistant City Physician, may require, or the Council shall by ordinance or resolution prescribe or direct. DEPARTMENT OF STBEETS AND PUBLIC IMPBOVEMENTS. Sec. 5. — There shall be elected by the Council an Assistant Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements, who shall, before entering upon the perfonnance of his duties, file with the City Clerk his official oath, together with a bond in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, to be approved by the Council. He shall receive such salary as the Council shall fix in the appropria- tion ordinance, payable in equal monthly installments. He shall be the assistant and agent of the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements, and shall |)erform such other duties as the Council or Superintendent of Streets and Public Improve- ments may direct or require. Sec. 6. — There shall be elected by the Coimcil the following officers and assistants in the Department of Streets and Public Improvements, viz: A Chief Clerk, an Assessment Clerk, a Stenographer, a Storekeeper, a Light Inspector; each of said officers and assistants shall receive such salary as the Coimcil shall fix in the appropriation ordinance, to be paid in equal monthly installments. Each of said officers or assistants shall, before entering upon the performance of his duties, file with the City Clerk his official oath. Each of said officers and assist- ants shall perfonn such duties and render such sen-ices as the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements, the Assist- ant Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements, or the Civil Engineer may require, or the Council shall by ordinance or resolution prescribe or direct. DEPARTMEXT OF PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY. Sec. 7. — There shall be elected by the Council the following officers and assistants in the Department of Parks and Public Property, viz. : A Secretary, a Park Foreman ; each of said offi- 8 OKDINANCES. - \ cers and assistants shall receive such salary as the Council shall fix in the appropriation ordinajice, to be paid in equal monthly installments. Each of said officers or assistants shall, before entering upon the perfoi-mance of his duties, file with the City Clerk his official oath. Each of said officers and assistants shall perform such duties and render such services as the Superintend- ent of Parks and Public Property may require, or the Council shall by ordinance or resolution pescribe or direct. Sec. 8. — Any officer or assistant whose election is provided for in this ordinance, shall, whenever necessaiy, or when directed by the Council, render assistance and service in any department of the city government other than that in which he is elected or per- fonns duties, and render services other than those originally assigned to him. Any such officer may be removed or discharged at any time upon vote of a majority of the Council. Sec. 9. — All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. — This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed April G, 1908. Approved April 6, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. Published in Daily Tribune, April 7, 1908. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Bes Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance, No. 1517, passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held April C, 1908, approved by the Mayor April 6, 1908, duly recorded and published in Daily Tribune, April 7, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES 9 ORDINAiSrCE No. 1518. An Ordinance appointing Civil Service Commissioners, and determining the length of their respective tenns of office, and providing a clerk for said Commission. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That C. E. Campbell, Henry Riegelman and C. N. O. Lier he and they are appointed Civil Service Commis- sioners, and their resj^ective terms of office are hereby deter- mind as follows: C. E. Campbell for the term ending on first Monday in April", A. D. 1910 ; Henry Riegelman for the term ending on first Mon- day in April, A. D. 1912 ; and C. N. O. Leir for the terra ending on first Monday in April, A. D. 1914. Sec. 2. — That the Mayor's Secretary be and he is designated and appointed Clerk of the Civil Service Commission, but he shall receive no additional compensation for his services as such clerk. Sec. 3. — This ordinance being urgent and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public ]Teace, health and safety, shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed April 9, 1908. Signed April 9, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held April 9, 1908, signed by the Mayor April 9, 1908, duly recorded and published as provided by law in Daily Tribune, April 23, 1908. Geo. F. Poobman, Citv Clerk. 10 ordina:n'Ces. ORDIIv^ANCE -No. 1519. An Ordinance in relation to finances and making appropria- tions for the various expenditnres of the city g-ovemment for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1908, and ending March 31, 1909. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: ESTIMATE OF AMOUNTS AVAILABLE IN THE SEVERAL FUNDS. Section 1. — That it is herehy estimated that there will be available in the several fnnds for the expenditures of the fiscal year, April 1, 1908, to ]\Iarch 31, 1909, from balances on hand, from the 1907 tax levy, and from other sources of income, the following amounts, viz. : General fund, 10 mill levy $108,124.15 General fund, county mulct tax 32,775.00 General fund, cigarette tax 2,595.45 General fund, dog tax 1,812.9G General fund, sidewalk tax 46.65 General fund! office receipts 124,121.89 $329,470.10 Judgment fund 11,768.69 Sewer fund, levy 33,624.83 Sewer fund, balance on hand 2,000.00 35,624.83 Graayment of City Hall site bonds and interest thereon 7,355.04 CITY HALL FUND. Sec. 23. — That the whole of said fund is hereby appropriated for the payment of the cost of con- structing a new City Hall, and other matters prop- erly chargeable to said fund 23,398.99 Sec. 24. — That the Auditor is hereby ordered and directed to open and place upon his books accounts in confonnity with the appropriations herein made. Sec. 25. — That the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be urgent and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed April 20, 1908. Signed April 20, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, George F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an aO ORDIKAI\"CES. ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held April 20, 1908, signed by the Mayor April 20, 1908, duly recorded, and published in the Daily Tribune, April 21, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES. 21 ORDINANCE No. 1520. Ax Obdijstance to assign the City Library to the appropriate department and determine the powers and duties of the Li- brary Trustees, and provide for the government of the library. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the City Library be and it is assigned to the Department of Public Affairs, and that said library shall be governed and managed by the Library Trustees under the super- vision of the Superintendent of the Department of Public xif- fairs. All accounts and rcords to be kept, and all re^wrts to be made by said trustees or others in relation to said library or the management thereof shall be under the supervision and direction of the Superintendent of the Department of Accoimts and Finances. The gTounds belonging to the City Library, and the fountain and public grounds between the library grounds and Des ]\Ioines river shall be under the care and supervision of the Superintendent of the Department of Parks and Public Prop- ertv. See. 2.»— That the Library Trustees shall constitute a board for the government and management of the City Library, in- cluding any and all branches thereof now or hereafter author- ized or created, and as such shall have and exercise the follow- ing powers : To meet and organize by the election of one of their number as president of the board, and by the election of a secretar^^ and such other officers as the board may deem neces- sary; to have charge, control and supervision of t]^e Public Li- brary, its appurtenances and fixtures, and rooms containing the same, directing and controlling all the affairs of such library; to employ a Librarian, such assistants and employes as may be necessary for the proper management of said library, and subject to the approval of the City Council, fix their compensation ; but, prior to such employment, the compensation of such Librarian, assistants aud employes shall be fixed for the term of employ- ment by a majority of the members of said board voting in favor thereof; to remove such Librarian, assistants or employes by a vote of two-thirds of such board, for misdemeanor, incompetency or inattention to the duties of such emplojTuent ; to select and make pur- chases of books, pamphlets, magazines, periodicals, papers, maps, jounials, furniture, fixtures, stationery and supplies for such library; to authorize the use of such library by non-resi- 22 ORDINANCES. dents of the citj, and to fix charges therefor ; to make and adopt, amend, modify, or repeal, by laws, rules and regulations not inconsistent with law and the ordinances of the city, for the care, use, government and management of such library and the busi- ness of said board, fixing and enforcing penalties for the viola- tion thereof. Sec. 3. — That said Board of Library Trustees shall keep a record of its proceedings and an account of all its transactions, which record and account shall be kept in such form and manner as shall be directed by the Superintendent of the Department of Accounts and Finances, and shall be at all times open to his in- spection. Said board shall audit and certify to the City Council all bills, accounts and pay rolls for allowance, and all payments of such bills, accounts, pay rolls and other expenditures shall be by warrants drawn by the Auditor ufwn the Treasurer, upon order of the City Council. Said board shall, on or before the first day of August each year, submit to the Council a stateafent of the needs of the library and an estimate of the amount of money necessaiy to provide for the care and maintenance of the library, and for the care, improvement, completion or repair of the library building and the library grounds. Said board shall make all contracts needful for the completion, repair and main- tenance of the librarv building, but all such contracts must be submitted to and approved and authorized by the Council, and be signed by the Mayor. The board may apply to the City En- gineer and have prepared by him, or under his supervision, plans and specifications for the improvement, completion or repair of the library building. The board shall snpendse and superintend all work in the iin]>rovement, completicm, decoration and repair of the library building, ihc a])])urtenances thereto, and the furni- ture, fixtures and a{)puratus therein, and may, on application, receive assistance therein from other officers and departments of the city. Sec. 4. — The Librarian, assistants and employes in the City Librarv shall be employed and be subject to discharge in accord- ance with the rules and regulations relating to the civil service, but the Librarian, assistants and employes now in service shall he continued in their present positions without further apiwint- ment or examination until removed for cause or othcu^wise in accordance with the rules and regulations relating to the civil service. CITY OF DES MOINES. 23 Sec. 5. — It shall be the duty of the Board of Library Trustees to enforce the provisions of all laws and ordinances and all rules and regulations of the Board of Health, and to report to the proper officer or tribunal any breach thereof whenever necessary to enforce such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, or se- cure obedience thereto. Sec. 6. — This ordinance shall take eifect and be enforced on and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed April 22, 1908. Sig-ned April 22, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. PooRMAisr, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held April 22, 1908, signed by the Mayor April 22, 1908, duly recorded and published as provided by law in Daily News, April 2.3, 1908. Geo. F. PooRMAivr, City Clerk. 24 OEDINANCES. ORDIXAXCE Xo. 1521. An Ordinance to amend Section 2 of Ordinance No. 792, passed August 17, 1896 (Section 1109, Revised Ordinances of 1900), and to regulate and fix the rates, prices and charges for services rendered and water furnished for fire protection and other public uses and purpose, furnished to the City of Des Moines and its inhabitants. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That Section 2, of Ordinance Xo. 792, passed Augiist 17, 1896, being Section 1109 of Revised Ordinances of 1900, be and it is hereby repealed and the following enacted in place thereof : Sec. 1109. — That every jDerson, firm or corporation furnish- ing to the City of Des Moines and its inhabitants water for fire protection and other public uses and purposes, and for other services in connection therewith, including the making of the reports herein provided for, shall be entitled to receive for such services rendered and all water furnished for fire protection and other public uses and purpose as hereinafter defined and enumer- ated an annual rental or rate of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00) for each mile of main pipe laid and in o^^eration, in- cluding hydrant connections, and not including more than one line of pipe on the same street, and not including any main pipe or hydrant connections less than six inches in diameter laid since August 17, 1896 such rental to be paid in semiannual install- ments, on the first Monday in Januarv and Julv in each vcar ; provided, that no such installment shall be due or bo allowed or paid until three months after the annual report herein provided for shall be filed with the City Clerk. If, by reason of any con- tract heretofore made^ said jierson, firm or corporation is entitled to exemption from any city taxes, the amount of such taxes shall bo deducted from such rental. The above rates and rental shall be in full compensation for making the annual reports herein- after provided for and for all services rendered and water fur- nished, as follows : For fire protection, including the furnishing and setting and keeping in repair of not less than ten double nozzle fa'c hydrant* for each mile of mains; for all water used by the Fire Depart- ment in extingTiishing fires and in practice ; for all M^ater neces- sary and not exceeding the rate of one hundred thousand gallons daily for each ten thousand in population and fraction of ten CITY OF DES MOINES. 25 thousand in population in the city, used by the officers of the city for cleansing, washing, flushing, sprinkling or draining streets, alleys, public grounds, pavements, sidewalks, gutters and sewers ; for all water used in or for the city hall, fire and police stations, and other public buildings, city library, public libraries, public hospitals and asylums, public schools, public drinking fountains, public parks and cemeteries, except for lakes therein : and for all water used for public watering troughs not exceeding one trough to each five miles of main pipe. Every such person, firm or corporation shall, on or before the first ]\Ionday in April each year, file with the City Clerk a report proj3erly itemized and verified under oath by the president, sec- retary, manager or principal accountant, showing as to the water works operated by such person, firm or corporation, the follow- ing: The number of miles of main pipe and the number of miles of each size of main pipe; the number of fire hydrants owned by such person, firm or corporation, and the number owned bv the citv and connected with such svstem: the number of miles of pipe in hydrant connections, and the number of miles of each size of pipe therein ; the number and size of stand pipes and reservoirs ; the number of pumping engines, and the style and capacity of each; the actual cost and actual value of said system of water works, entire and separately ; the actual cost and actual value of the pipe lines and distributing system, of the stand pipes and reservoirs, of each pumping engine, of the boil- ers, of the other machinery, of the pumping station, of the wells and collecting galleries and conduits, of other parts of said sys- tem ; the capacity of the jmniping plant and the number of gal- lons of water pumped each month since the last report; the num- ber of consumers or private connections each year since the last report ; the number of consumers taking water by meter ; the amount of water used, and the aggregate revenue therefrom each year since the last report ; the number of consumers taking with- out meters and the aggTegate revenue therefrom each year since the last report ; the amount paid by or received from the city each year since the last report; the amount of revenue received and the source from which received, from other sources, each year since the last report ; the total revenues from all sources each year since last report; the amount expended each year since last report in constructing, improving and extending said water works; the amount ex]'>ended each year since last re- port for expense of operating said water works, showing sep- 26 OEDIE'ANCES. aratelv the ti mount expended for taxes, for salaries and clerical service-s, for legal expenses, including attorneys' fees, for coal, for labor, for repairs, for other expenses; the amount of bonds outstanding when issued, and for what the rate of interest, and the amount paid for interest each year since last report; the amount of any other indebtedness, f(n' what incurred, how se- cured, and the rate of interest thereon. The making of said re- ports is a material part of the service to be rendered, for which said annual rate or rental is to be paid. The first report after this ordinance takes effect shall be filed on or before the first dpy of June, 1908. The Council may, upon sufficient showing of necessity therefor, extend the time for filing any report not more than two months. But no installment of said rate or rental shall be due or be allowed or paid until thirty days after such annual report is filed with the City Clerk, nor nnless and until the reports so filed shall, with reports previously filed, contain and give the information reqnired from the first installation of said wat«r works to the time of filing said report. Sec. 2. — This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its ]>assagc and publication as provided by law. Passed April 22, 1908. Signed April 22, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. PooKxMAN, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said City at a meeting held April 22, 1908, signed'by the Mayor April *22, 1908, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, in Daily Tribime, April 23, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES. 27 0RDINA:N^CE No. 1522. An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 1223, passed July 6, 1903, and being an ordinance to fix the price of electric liglit in the City of Des Moines. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1.— That Ordinance No. 1223, passed July 6, 1903, be and the same is amended so as to read as follows : Sec. 1249. — That any person, firm or corporation that shall hereafter furnish electric lights for use of the City of Des Moines shall be entitled to charge and receive for such lights the following prices therefor, and no more, to-wit : For each incandescent light of sixteen candle power, per hour, three-fourths of one cent ; For each incandescent light of thirty-two candle power, per hour, one and one-fourth cents ; For each arc light of not less than two thousand candle power, moonlight schedule, per month, five dollars and forty-one cents ; For each arc light of not less than two thousand candle power, all night schedule, per month, six dollars and twenty-five cents. Sec. 2. — That said ordinance. No. 1223, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 3. — This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed April 29, 1908. Signed April 29, 1908. A. J. Mathis^ Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held April 29, 1908, signed by the Mayor April 29, 1908, duly recorded, and published in Daily Tribune, May 1, 1908. Geo. F. Pookman, City Clerk. 28 ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE No. 1523. An Ordinance establishing the grade of Tenth street. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the grade of Tenth street be and the same is hereby established above datum plane as follows, to-wit: Sec. 2. — Elevations at Feet. Market street 22.93 Vine street 28.63 Cherry street 35.50 Mulberry street 38.00 Sec. 3. — Elevations at Walnut street 39.40 Locust street 40.80 Grand avenue 42.00 132 feet north of Grand avenue 44.50 High street 52.00 297 feet north of High street 61.00 Pleasant street 79.50 Pleasant street, .s(juth line Lot 3 78.90 100 feet north of north line <»f Pleasant street 88,90 3 20 feet north of north line of Pleasant street, P. C. V. C.90.74 140 feet north of north line of Pleasant street 92.27 160 feet north of north line of Pleasant street 93.50 180 feet north of north line of Pleasant street 94.50 200 feet noi-th of north line of Pleasant street 95.00 220 feet sorth of north line of Pleasant street 95.29 240 feet north of north line of Pleasant street 95.27 260 feet north of north line of Pleasant street 94.92 280 feet north of north line of Pleasant street 94.20 300 feet north of north line of Pleasant street, P. T. V. C.93.2S Scott street, southwest comer 87.57 Scott street, southeast corner 86.57 Scott street, north line 80.25 300 feet south of Center street 68.00 Sec. 4. — Elevations at Center street 66.00 120 feet north of north line of Center street 70.00 165 feet south of Crocker street 89.00 Crocker street, south line 93.00 CITY OF DES MOIXES. 29 Crocker street, north line 94.32 165 feet south of School street 127.00 School street 137.50 Day street 142.90 Grove street 144.50 Charles street 147.25 Enos avenne 151.50 Sec. 5. — Elevations at Xorth cor})oration line 149.00 University avenue, north line 149.00 ]\rarv avenue, center 146.70 Clark street 137.00 Sec. 6. — Elevations at Colle2:e avenue 116.00 Washington street, sotith curb 102.50 Washington street, northeast corner curb 102.50 Washington street, northwest comer curb 102.50 Jefferson street, southeast comer curb 98.25 Jefferson street, southwest comer curb 98.70 Jefferson street, northeast corner curb 98.00 Jefferson street, northwest comer curb 98.45 Franklin street, southeast comer curb 86.00 Franklin street, southwest comer curb 86.00 Franklin street, northeast corner curb 85.80 Franklin street, northwest comer curb 85.80 Lincoln street, south line curb 82.35 Lincoln street, north line curb 82.10 275 feet north of center of Lincoln street, curb 79.00 Devil's Stairway, southeast comer 52,00 Devil's Stairway, southwest corner 51.00 Sec. 7. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed May 1, 1908. Sig-ned May 1, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Poormax, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby cei'tify that the above and foregoing is a true copy o\ an 30 ORDINANCES. oi'diuance, No. 1.523, passed bv the City Council of said city at a meeting held May 1, 1908, signed by the Mayor May 1, 1908, duly recorded, and published May 22, 1908, as provided by law. Geo. F. Poobman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES. 31 ORDIXAXCE Xo. 1524. An Ordixaxce to require railroad corporations and persons operating railroads to erect, construct, maintain and operate suitable gates upon the public streets at railway crossings. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That every railroad corporation or other persons, firm or corporation operating a railroad within the City of Des Moines shall erect, construct, maintain and operate suitable gates upon the public streets at all railway crossings where said rail- road crosses any public street, avenue or highway in the city, upon which said railroad corporation or other person, firm or corporation operating such railroad does not maintain, at its own expense, one electric arc light of 2,000 candle power from one hour after sunset to sunrisg, or does not maintain, at its own expense, at places where connection with electric wires cannot be made, two gas or vapor lights, of forty-five candle power. Sec. 2. — That nothing herein shall be construed to relieve said railroad corporation or other person, firm or corporation operat- ing a railroad from any duty or obligation heretofore imposed or in force to maintain gates or lights at railroad crossings. Sec. 3. — That any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance or running any railroad train over any railway crossing not provided with gates or lights as herein- before provided, shall he guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than ten dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, and the cost of prosecution. Sec. 4. — This ordinance is declared to be urgent and necessary for the immediate preser^^ation of the public peace, health and safety, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed May 7, 1908. Signed May 7, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mavor. Attest: Geo. F. Pookman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance, No. 1524, passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held May 7, 1908, signed by the Mayor May 7, 1908, duly recorded, and published May 22, 1908, as provided by law. Geo. F. Pookman, City Clerk. 32 ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE No. 1525. An Ordinance establishing the grade of alley between Foiii*th and Fifth streets from Park street to Center street. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1 . — That the grade of the alley between Fourth street and Fifth street from Park street to Center street be and tJie same is hereby established above datum plane as follows, to-wit: Sec. 2. — Elevations at Feet. Park street, center 80.00 168 feet north of center of Park street 82.40 Sec. 3. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed May 19, 1908. Signed May 19, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held May 19, 1908, signed by the Mayor May 19, 1908, duly recorded, and published June 3d, as provided by law. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES. 33 ORDIIS^ANCE N^o. 1526. An Ordinance prohibitinis: the standing and maintaining of lunch wagons or stands, for the sale of fruit or eatables, or any other substances, commodities or articles of merchandise, and the erecting or maintaining of shoe shining parlors upon certain streets, alleys and sidewalks, and fixing the location of such streets and alleys, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration to keep, maintain, stand or operate any lunch wagon or stand, for the sale of fruit or eatables, or any other substance, commodities, or articles of merchandise, or any shoe shining parlors, on any street, sidewalk or alley within that section of the city bounded on the east by the east line of West Fourth street, and on the west by the west line of West l^inth street, and on the south by the north line of Mulberry street and the south line of Court avenue, and on the north bv the north line of West Grand avenue. Sec. 2. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed May 25, 1908. Sig-ned May 25, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mavor. Attest: Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held May 25, ^908," signed by the Mayor May 25, 1908, and duly recorded and published, as provided by law, June 20, 1908. Geo. F. Pookman, City Clerk. 34 ORDIN-ANCES. ORDINANCE No. 1527. Ax Okdixance to authorize and regulate the constmction and maintenance of street lights upon the streets of the City of Des Moines. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That consent and permission is gTauted to the owners and occnpants of property fronting on any street in the City of Des Moines to construct and maintain npon and along the street in front of their property, street lights and the neces- sary poles, posts and fixtures therefor, upon complying with the following rules and regulations, viz. : 1. That the jx)les, posts and fixtures must be furnished, main- tained and kept in good order, and said lights maintained and kept in good order and regularly lighted by the o^vners and per- sons erecting the same, all without expense to the city ; 2. That said poles, posts and fixtures shall be of a uniform, ornamental and artistic design, and so erected and maintained that they shall neither obstruct nor disfigure the street, and shall not be dangerous to persons or animals on the street; 3. That the poles, pasts and fixtures shall be kept in good order and repair, clean and well painted, and free from all bills, advertisements or signs, except that the name of the street may apjx?ar thereon ; 4. That, as near as practicable, said lights and the poles, posts and fixtures thei'efor on any street, shall be of uniform style, height and distance a])ai*t; 5. That the design, ]>laee and method of erection, hours of lighting, and other rules and regulations governing said street lights shall lie such as are prescribed or approved by the Super- intendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improve- ments. (j. That such lights, and the poles, posts and fixtures therefor shall not be erected or installed until a permit therefor is issued by the Su]ierintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements. Sec. 2. — That whenevei* the o^^^lers or occupants of real prop- erty on one or both sides of a street extending across the entire front of one or more blocks shall ajiply for permission to erect and maiutain such street lights, aud shall agree in writing to erect the same of the approved style and design, and to maintain CITY OF DES MOINES. 35 and light the same, and otherwise comply with this ordinance, and the rules and regulations approved and prescribed, the Su- perintendent of the Department of Streets and Pnblic Improve^ ments shall, without charge, issue a pennit therefor. Sec. 3. — That all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsis- tent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. — That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed May 26, 1908. Signed May 26, 1908. •A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Poorma^-, Citv Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorraan, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held May 26, 1908, signed by the Mayor May 26, 1908, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, June 20, 1908. Geo. F. PooRMA^', City Clerk. 36 ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE No. 1528. An Ordinance prohibiting the piling or depositing of any kind of wood, lumbei' or timber within one hnndred yards of a dwelling house within certain limits of the City of Des Moines, and prescribing penalties for the violation thereof. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the i>iling or depositing of any kind of wood, lumber or timber within one hundred (100) yards of a dwelling house in that portion of the City of Des Moines de- scribed in Section 2 hereof is hereby prohibited. Sec. 2. — That portion of the city referred to in Section 1 hereof, in which the piling or depositing of any kind of wood, lumber or timber is prohibited, shall be that portion of the City of Des Moines lying outside of the following described limits in West Des Moines, to- wit : Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Twelfth etreet produced and the Raccoon river, thence north along the said center line of said Twelfth street produced and the center line of Twelfth street to Center street, thence east on Center street to the Des ^Moines river, thence southerly along the Des Moines river to the west line of Lee To^vnship, thence southerly along the west line of Lee Township to the southern limits of the City of Des Moines, thence westerly along the southern limits of the City of Des Moines to Bloomfield Road, thence northerly along the Ijloomfield Road to the Raccoon river, thence south- easterly along the Raccoon river to place of beginning. And all that part of the City of Des Moines lying outside of the following described limits in East Des Moines, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of Des Moines street with the Des Moines river, thence east along Des Moines street to Twen- tieth street, thence south along Twentieth street and Twentieth street produced to the Des Moines river, thence northerly along the Des Moines river to place of beginning. Sec. 3. — No person, firm or corporation shall keep, pile or deposit any kind of wood, lumber or timber upon any lot or lots in that portion of the city in which the piling or depositing of any kind of wood, lumber or timber is prohibited in Sections 1 and 2 hereof; provided, however, that nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed as prohibiting the deposit for a reasonable length of time of any kind of wood, lumber or timber CITY OF DES MOINES. 37 to be used in tlie repair, alteration or construction of any im- provement or of any building' upon any sucb lot or property. Sec. -Jr.— Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than $10.00 or more than $100.00, and each day upon which said wood of any kind, lumber or timber, is kept or maintained ujdou such lot or lots or property, except as provided in Section 3 hereof, shall constitute a distinct and separate of- fense. Sec. 5. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. — This ordinance being deemed urgent for the immedi- ate ]u-eservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publica- tion as provided by law. Passed June 1, 1908. Signed June 1, 1908. A. .J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Pookman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held June 1, 1908, signed by the Mayor June 1, 1908, duly re- corded and published, as provided by law, June 20, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. 210661. 38 ORDINANCES. ORDINAXCE No. 1529. An Ordinance prohibiting the standing and maintaining of Innch wagons or stands for the sale of frnit or eatables, or any other snbstance, commodities or articles of merchandise, and the erecting and maintaining of shoe shining parlors npon certain streets and alleys, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be It Ordained hij the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — It shall be nnlawfnl for any person, firm or cor- poration to keep, maintain, stand or operate any Innch wagon or stand for the sale of fruit or eatables, or any other substances, commodities or articles of merchandise, or any shoe shining par- lors, on any street, sidewalk or alley within that section of the city bounded on the east bv the east line of West Fourth street, and on the west by the west line of West Ninth street, and on the south by the south line of Cherry street and the south line of Court avenue, and on the north by the north line of West Grand avenue. Sec. 2. — All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. See. 3. — This ordinance, being deemed urgent for the imme- diate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and ])ul)li- cation as provided by law. Passed June 3, 1908. Signed Juno 3, 1908. A. J. Matiiis, Mayor. Att^t : Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poormaji, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a time copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held June 3, 1908,' signed by the Mayor Jnne 3, 1908, duly re- corded and published, as provided by law, June 20, 1908. Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES. 39 0RDI:N^ANCE No. 1530. An Ordinance vacating, on conditions, the alley in the rear of Lot 8, Block 25, Town of Foi-t Des Moines, described as fol- lows: Commence on the south lino of the first east and west alley north of Vine street, in Block 25, Town of Fort Des Moines, thence sonth on the west line of Lot 8, sixty-six feet, thence west sixteen and one-half feet, thence north sixty-six feet, thence east sixteen and one-half feet to the place of begin- ning; and granting to Davidson Bros. Company, of Des Moines, Iowa, for a ]>eriod of eight years, the use of the alley so vacated. Be It Ordained hij the City Council of Uie Ciiij of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the alley in the rear of Lot 8, Block 25, To^vn of Fort Des Moines, now included in and forming a part of the Citv of Des Moines, described as follows: Commence on the south line of the first east and west alley north of Vine street, in Block 25, Town of Fort Des Moines, thence sonth on the west line of Lot 8, sixty-six feet, thence west sixteen and one-half feet, thence north sixty-six feet, thence east sixteen and one-half feet to the place of beginning, be and the same is hereby vacated, for the period of eight years, only npon the conditions hereinafter following and expressed: That the said Davidson Bros. Company are hereby given and gTanted the use of so much of said alley hereby vacated, for a period of eight years, from and after the taking eifect of this or- dinance. The said Davidson Bros. Company shall pay to the City of Des Moines therefor the sum of $150.00 j^r annum, payable semiannually, $75.00 on the first day of July, 1908, $75.00 on the first day of January, 1909, and $75.00 on the first day of Januaiy and July of each year during the continuance of this ordinance, and shall pay all taxes and charges that may be here- after levied or assessed against said alley so vacated, municipal or otherwise ; and at the expiration of said eight years, to re- move all buildings and obstructions therein, if any, and to re- store the same to the city free from all obstructions of any kind or character whatsoever. The City of Des Moines reserves the right at any time to enter upon the premises so vacated for the purpose of constructing paving, sewer or other public improve ments therein. At the expiration of eight years, as aforesaid, said alley so vacated shall become a public alley of said city. 40 ORDINANCES. Sec. 2. — This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force only after its publication and written acceptance of Davidson Bros. Company of the conditions thereof filed in the City Clerk's oflSco within thirty days of its publication, together with a waiver of the property owners contiguous thereto, consenting to such vacation ; and upon the failure of the said Davidson Bros. Company so to file such acceptance and waivers as aforesaid within the said thirty days, or upon its failure to pay the sums of money at the times mentioned in Section 1 hereof, then and in that event, the above vacation and grant shall not become op- erative to vest any rights or privileges whatever. Sec. 3. — All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Passed June 11, 1908. Sig-ned June 11, 1908. A. J. Mathis, MavoT* Attest: Geo. F. Poormatq^, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held Juno 11, 1908, signed by the Mayor June 11, 1908, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, June 20, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, Citv Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES. 41 ORDmAXCE N'o. 1531. An Ordinance to prescribe rules and regulations governing the Civil Ser\'ice of the City of Des Moines. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: DWISIOX I— PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS. Section 1. — The Commission. — That there shall be elected by the Council a Civil Service Commission of three members, who shall have the powers and perform the duties provided by law and this ordinance. Said Commission is assigned to the Depart- ment of Public Affairs, and the Mayor, as Superintendent of said Department, shall have general supervision and oversight over said Commission. The Mayor's Secretary shall be the Clerk of the Civil Service Commission, and as such shall attend its meetings and keep a record of its proceedings, and shall keep all rosters and other records required to be kept by or for the Commission. Sec. 2. — Supplies — Accounts. — The Civil Service Commis- sion shall be furnished with such books, printing, stationery and supplies as shall be necessary; requisitions therefor shall be made by the Chairman and Clerk to the Superintendent of the Department of .Vccounts and Finances, bv whom they will be allowed or presented to the Council for proper action. All bills and accounts for expenses of the Commission must be certified by the Chairman aud Clerk and filed with the Superintendent of the Departineiit of Accounts and Finances, or such officer or clerk in his department as he may designate. Sec. ''j. — Eules Governing Civil Service. — That the Civil Service of the City of Des Moines shall, so far as may be pro- vided in Section 14, of Chapter 48, Acts of Thirty-second Gen- eral Assembly, be governed by the rules and regulations herein- after set forth, except as otherwise provided by law or ordinance. It shall be the duty of the Civil Service Commission to see that the provisions of the statutes and ordinances, relating to the Municipal Civil Service are observed and enforced according to the spirit and true intent thereof, and to report to the Mayor or Council any breach thereof. Sec. 4, — Assistance hy Officers and Employes. — The Civil Sen'ice Commission may employ any of the officers or employes of the city to make or assist in any examinations required to be made, whenever it can be done without detriment to the public 42 ORDIJsrA:N'CES. service, and it shall be the duty of all officers and employes in the Municipal Civil Service to render to the Civil Service Commis- sion snch assistance as they may J)e able or be requested to ren- der. No such officer or employe shall receive any additional compensation for any such assistance or service. DIVISION II— CLASSIFICATION. Sec. 5. — Classes of Service. — All offices and places of employ- ment under the municipal government of the City of Des Moinea are divided into three classes, to-wit : The Exempt Class, The Competitive Class, The Non-Competitive Class. DIVISION III— THE EXEMPT CLASS. Sec. 6. — Positions Included. — The Exempt class shall include the City Clerk, Corporation Counsel, Solicitor and Assistant So- licitor, Assessor, Treasurer, Auditor, Civil Engiueer, City Phy- sician and Assistant Citv Phvsican, Marshal, Market Master, Street Commissioner, three Library Trustees, City Librarian, Police Judge, Clerk of Police Court, Mayor's Secretary, and the assistant suix^rintendents in the Departments of Streets and Public Improvements and Parks and Public Property, election officials, and commissioners of any kind, and any officer or assist- ant who is by law or ordinance required to be elected or ap- pointed by the Council. Sec. 7. — Appointments — IIoio Made. — Appointments to posi- tions in the Exem])t class shall be made by the Council, and may be without examination, but the City Clerk shall certify such appointments to the Civil Service Commission, stating (1) the title of the position tilled, (2) name and residence of the ap- pointee, (3) his previous appointments and period of service, if any, in the public employ. Such certificates shall bo placed on file in the office of the Civil Service Commission, and the name of the apiKiintee entered \\]un\ the Koster of Public Service, heref inafter provided for. DIVISION TV— THE COMPETITIVE CLASS. Sec. .S. — Old Employes. — Existing employes heretofore ap- pointed or emjvloyed, after comiK'titive examination, or for long service, under the provisions of C*ha]>ter 01, Acts of the Twenty- ninth General Assembly, and subseijuent amendments thereto, or under the by-laws adopted by Library Trustees, shall be in- cluded in the Competitive class. CITY OF DES MOINES. 43 RULE I— DIVISIONS AND GRADES. Sec. 9. — Divisions. — The Competitive class shall include all por^itioTis not herein specifically inclnded in the Exempt or Non- Competitive classes, and shall be siibdivided as follows: (1) Police service. (2) Fire service, (3) Street Cleaning service, (4) Constrnction and Repair service, (5) Inspection sei*vice, (C>) Civil Engineering service, (7) Parks and Pnblic Property service, (8) Library service, (D) Clerical service, (10) Assess- ino; service. Sec. 10. — Grades. — The foregt>ing divisions may be subdivid- ed into grades, according to character of employment and com- pensation, as may be determined by the Civil Service Commis- sion in consnltation with the snperintendents in charge of the \'arions divisions of the service. An einploye may be required to render service in more than one department, .division or gTade. Sec. 11. — Merit System. — All ai)pointments to and promo- tions in the subordinate administrative service of the city em- braced Avithin the ConijX'titive class shall be made solely accord- ing to fitness, which shall be ascertained by open competitive examination and merit and fidelity in service. Appointments shall be made to or employment given in positions in the Com- petitive class (not filled through promotion, transfer, reduction or reinstatement) by selection in the manner hereinafter pro- vided, from among those persons marked highest on the most nearly appropriate eligible list resulting from open competitive examination. exce])t as otherwise herein provided. EULE II— APPLICATIONS. Sec.l2. — Applicants. — Every a])plicant must l>e of good moral character, of temperate habits, and physically able to per- form the duties of the position applied for, not less than twenty years of age at the date of examination, and a citizen of the Uni- ted States and a resident of the City of Des Moines, for not less than one year next preceding the examination, and be able to read and vTite the English language. Sec. 13. — Blanlcs. — Applications for examination for posi- tions in the Competitive class shall be upon blanks to be pre- pared and furnished by the Commission, made in the handwrit- ing of the applicant, and subscribed and sworn to by him. Sec. 14. — (Certificates of Character. — All applications shall give as reference the names of three reputable citizens, and shall 44 ORDIN"ANCES. be accompanied by certificates of recommendation from one or more reputable citizens, as the Commission may require, stating (1) that they have personally known the applicant for more than one year, (2) that the ap])licant is of good moral character, not of dissipated or dissolute habits, or addicted to the intem- perate use of intoxicating liquors, or the frequent or habitual use of drugs, (3) Avhether he has ever been convicted of a felony, (4) that he is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the City of FJes Moines, for at least one year next ])receding the •datei of application, (5) that he is worthy and qualified to fill the position for which application is made, (G) that they have read over the statements made by the applicant in his applica- tion and believe them to be true, (7) that upon request they will give any further facts concerning the applicant which they may know, for the information of the Commission. Xo such certifi- cates shall be acce})ted from any member of the City Council, nor from any official in the public service of the city, county, state or Fnited States, nor from any person whose character or business, in the juclgment of the Commission, would disqualify him as a fit voucher. Sec. 15. — Special Certificates. — "Where an ajiplication made is for a position requiring skilled service, or technical knowledge, a certificate, from some competent person or persons in the same trade or occupation, or other evidence of the ap])licant's ability to do the special or technical kind of work in which he desires to' be employed, and the length of his experience therein, may be required by the Commission. Sec. IG. — Defective AppUcaiions. — Xo a])plication shall be accepted from any person who has failed to fill out ])roperly and fully an application form, or to furnish the required certificates of reference, or which, either in the a])]>licati<)n itself or the ac- companying recommendations, or otherwise, shall disclose, or at- teujpt to disclose, jxjlitical services rendered or offered, or the political o])inions or affiliations of the applicant. An applica- tion, when once accepted and filed by the Commission, shall not be retunied, for any reason, to the apjdicant. Sec. 17. — War VctcA-an-ff. — Any applicant claiuiing rights of preference as a veteran shall file with his a])]>lication prossible attainment. Sec. 27. — Final A verage. — Tn making up the general avera,e:e of any njq^licaut upon the different rxau)iuatious made, the a]> CITY OF DES MOINES. 47 propriate weight and im]X)rtaiK'e of each subject upon which examination has been given, shall be as follows: 1. Police Service — Spelling 1 Penmanship 1 Arithmetic 1 Duties (> Knowledge of the city 1 10 2. Fire Service — Spelling 1 Penmanship 1 Arithmetic 1 Duties 6 Knowdedge of city 1 10 3. Foreman of Street Cleaning Service — Spelling 1 Pe>nmanship 1 Arithmetic 1 Duties 6 Knowledge of streets 1 10 4. Construction and Repair Service — Spelling 1 Penmanship 1 Arithmetic 1 Knowledge required for the position to be filled . . 5 Experience tending to qualify for the position. . . 2 10 5. Inspection Service — Penmanship 1 Spelling 1 Arithmetic 2 48 OKDIXAISrCES. Knowledge required for the position to be filled. . 4 Experience tending to qualify for the position ... 2 6. Civil Enginering Service — Penmanship 1 Spelling 1 Drafting 1 Mathematics 2 Technical knowledge required for position to be filled .^ 4 Experience tending to qualify for the position. . . 1 10 7. Parks and Public Property Service — Spelling 1 Penmanship 1 Arithmetic 1 Duties 5 Exj)erience tending to qualify for the position ... 2 10 8. Library Service — Penmanshi]> 2 Spelling 2 Arithmetic 1 Literature 2 Knowledge required for the position to be filled. . 3 10 9. Clerical Service — Penmanship 2 Spelling 2 Arithmetic 3 Letter Avriting 1 Experience tending to qualify for the position. . . 2 10 CITY OF DES MOIXES. 49 10. Assessing Service — Penmanship 2 Spelling 2 Arithmetic 4 Experience tending to qualify for the position. . . 2 10 Sec. 28. — Percentage. — Every candidate who receives a gen- eral average marking of not less than 70 per cent, and a marking of not less than 20 per cent in any single subject (or not less than 75 per cent in any technical subject when the examination is for a position of a scientific, professional or technical nature), shall be eligible for certification and appointment. Sec. 29. — Announcing Results. — As soon as practicable after an examination is completed, the clerk of the Commission shall notify each candidate successful in passing such examination of his comparative standing on the eligible list. He shall likewise notify any candidate who has failed or whose application has been rejected. After examination, candidates shall, at any time during office hours of the Commission, be privileged to person- ally inspect their examination papers. Sec. 30. — Altering Markings. — Xo examination paper, nor any record or stat-ement rated as a part of an examination, shall be subject to alteration, correction or re-rating after the marks of the examiner have been registered, as required in Section 26, except that the Commission, at any time within a year from the date of the examination, may correct any manifest error or mis- take of marking or rating appearing in such paper or record, and the nature of such correction shall be set forth in its minutes. EULE V— ELIGIBLE LIST. Sec. 31. — How Made. — The clerk of the Commission shall keep a list of the names of persons eligible for service in each division of the Competitive class, and as often as examinations are completed, shall enter the names of the persons passing, in the order of their average rating, on the proper list of eligibles; provided, that the names of veterans, entitled to preference un- der the law, so passing the examinations, shall be entered in the order of average rating at the head of such Ijst. When two or more eligibles on a list have the same average rating, preference in certification shall be determined by the order in which their applications were filed, or, if the examination be for promotion, 50 ORDIXA^'CES. by the order of their original appointment in the division of the service in which the promotion occurs. Sec. 32. — Expiration of List. — Names remaining upon the eligible list for more than two years without appointment shall be dropped therefrom, without prejudice to new examination. The eligible list shall be at all times open to public inspection. KULE YT— EEQUISITION AND CERTIFICATION. See. 33. — Filling Yacancies. — Whenever vacancies are to be filled in any position in the Competitive class, the superintend- ent of the department in which such vacancy occurs shall notify the Commission of the title of the positions, the duties to be per- formed, and the compensation to be paid. The Commission shall thereupon certify to the Council, from the eligible lists most nearly appropriate to such positions, of those having the highest standing, five times the number of persons necessary to fill the vacancies. The relative rating of each candidate shall be stated in the certification, and, where it exists, his right to preference as a veteran, and, if the appointing officer requests, the applica- tion and examination papers of each candidate shall be submitted for his inspection. Certification shall be made without reference to sex, unless sex is specified in the requisitions, or one sex is clearly required for the duties to be performed. Sec. 34. — Probation. — Appointments made from the lists of persons certified by the Commission may be for a probationary period of three months, and if the conduct or capacity of the per- son appointed on probation be unsatisfactory to the appointing officer, the probationer shall be notified in writing that he is not to be retained. Otherwise, retention in the service beyond the probationary term of three months shall be deemed a permanent appointment, and thereafter the appointee shall not be removed from his position except in the manner provided by law. Sec. 35. — Incompetent Probationer's. — If any probationer shall, upon fair trial, be found incompetent or disqualified for the duties of the position he is filling, the appointing officer shall certify the same in wo-iting to the Commission, and upon ap- proval by the Commission, such probationer shall be dropped from the service. A probationer separated from the service, for any reason other than fault or delinquency, shall be restored to the eligible list with his former relative standing. Sec. 36. — Temporary Employment. — Should the work for which a probationer has been certified prove temporary, and he CITY OF DES MOIXES. 51 be laid off without fault or delinquency on his part, before his time of probation is completed, his name shall be restored to its proper position upon the eligible list, and the term he has served shall be credited to him on his probationary period. Sec. 37. — Declining Appointment. — The name of any person certified as eligible for a probationary appointment, who shall decline such appointment, shall be stricken from the eligible list unless such declination be made (1) for temporary inability, physical or otherwise, the evidences of which must be acceptable to and approved by the Commission and set forth in its minutes; (2) insufficiency of compensation offered where candidate has stated the minimum compensation acceptable in his application ; (3) where the appointment is to be for a temporary service only. In such event, candidate for appointment shall not lose his posi- tion upon the eligible list by reason of declining appointment. liULE YII— SUSPENSIONS, REINSTATEMENTS, LEAVES OF ABSENCE. See. 38. — Suspension List. — Whenever, from lack of work or of 'funds, or other cause, it becomes necessary to reduce the num- ber of employes of the Competitive class in any department, or whenever any permanent position is abolished or made unneces- sary, the persons holding such positions shall be deemed sus- pended without pay. Kotice of such suspension shall be given by the appointing officer to the Civil Service Commission, and the names of persons so suspended shall be placed on a suspension list, and the names on the suspension list shall take priority over names on the eligible list in filling subsequent vacancies in the position or positions for which they are eligible. The foregoing provisions shall not apply to any person who resigns his position, or who is suspended or removed for any reason other than those specified in this section. A person suspended who declines to accept a reinstatement, exept for the reasons specified in Section m7. shall be deemed separated from the service. Sec. 39. — Leave of Absence. — Leave of absence without pay may be granted by an appointing officer for not to exceed thirty days, or, in case of sickness, not to exceed six months, and the City Council may, upon proper showing, by resolution, extend such leave of absence, at its discretion. Absence without leave for a period of seven consecutive days, unless it can be subse- quently showTi that such absence was unavoidable and without fault, shall be construed as a resignation. 52. ORDKs^A^CES. Sec. 40.- — Limit of Suspension. — Karnes placed upon the sus- pension list shall be dropped therefrom at the expiration of one year, if parties are not sooner reinstated in the service as herein provided ; but the Commission mav extend the period during which reinstatement may be made, at its discretion, where the person seeking reinstatement resigned his position in order to serve in the army or navy of the United States, in time of war, and has received an honorable discharge therefrom. RULE VIII— TRANSFERS. Sec. 41. — Temporary Transfers. — Temporary transfers from one position to another in the same grade of service, and within the same department, may be made by the superintendent of the department without notice to the Commission. Sec. 42. — Permanent Transfe7-s. — Transfers without exami- nation, of persons from one position to another in the same grade and division of service, within the same department, may be made by the superintendent of the department by giving notice, in writing, of the same to the Commission. Transfers without examination, from a position in one department to a similar po- sition in another department, may be made upon filing with the Commission the consent, in writing, of the superintendent of the department from which the transfer is desired and the request therefor of the superintendent of the department to which such transfer is to be made. The Commission shall thereupon ap- prove the same, provided that such transfer is within the same grade of the service. RULE IX— PROMOTIONS. Sec. 43. — Promotion Preferred in Filling Vacancies. — Va- cancies in positions above the lowest grade in any division of the Competitive service, that are not filled by original appointment, transfer, reinstatement or reduction, shall be filled by promotion based on ascertained merit and seniority of service, and shall be made upon voluntary competitive examination. In certifying names from the eligible list for appointment, preference shall be given to successful applicants for promotion over other eligibles, according to seniority of service. Sec. 44.^ — Method of Promotion. — Applicants for promotion shall file with the clerk of the Commission a written application, stating the grade in which they are employed and the promotion for which they desire to stand examination, and shall be sub- CITY OF DES M0I:N^ES. 53 jected to the same examination as is given to original applicants for employment in the same position or grade, and where appli- cants for promotion successfully pass the promotion examination they shall be given preference on the eligible list over new applicants that have passed successful examinations. Sec. 45. — Time of Service. — No person shall be examined for promotion from one position to another, or from one grade to another in the Competitive service, until he has served at least three months in the grade to which first appointed, and no person shall bo examined for the promotion to rank of Sergeant in the Police service until he shall have served at least six months, nor for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant in the Fire service until he shall have served at least six months as a member of the de- partment, and the time of such service immediately preceding the examination shall have been as a pipe man or truck man. Sec. 46. — Credit for Service. — In all examinations for pro- motion, the length of previous service and the efficiency of the applicant shall be given full weight, and credit to be given for efficiency shall depend upon the manner in which the records showing the same have been kept in the officio in which the appli- cant has served. KULE X— REMOVALS. Sec. 47. — When Made. — No officer or employe who, after having served a term of probation, shall be appointed to a posi- tion in the Competitive class of the Civil Service, shall be re- moved or discharged except for cause, upon written charges, and after opportunity to be heard in his own defense. Insubordina- tion or disrespect towards a superior, such as would be subversive of discipline, any disobedience, neglect or ignoring of orders, loitering or loafing while on duty, or neglect of duty, shall be groimds for removal from the service, and the Chief of the Police, Chief of the Fire Department, or any superintendent or foreman in charge of municipal work may peremptorily suspend or discharge any subordinate then under his direction, for any of these causes. Such suspension or discharge shall be reported, with the reasons therefor, to the superintendent of the depart- ment within twenty-four hours, by the person making the same. Superintendent of the department shall thereupon make such investigation of the matter as he deems advisable, and thereupon affirm or revoke such discharge or suspension by endorsing an order to that effect, in writing, upon the report of the suspension 54 ORDIXAXCES. or discharge filed with him ; or, in case such suspension or dis- charge is made bv the superintendent of the department himself, by an order of suspension or discharge, in writing, setting out the reasons therefor, such order of suspension or discharge, with the endorsement of the superintendent of the department theron, shall be forthwith filed with the Citv Clerk, and a copy of the same given the Commission. Sec. 48. — Appeal. — Any employe suspended or discharged, or the office or department from which he is discharged or suspend- ed, may, within five days of such suspension or discharge, appeal therefrom bv filing with the Citv Clerk a w^ritten demand for trial upon the charges made as the ground for suspension or dis- charge. When demand for trial is made, the Council shall there- upon fix the date for the hearing. Such hearing shall be public and conducted in such manner as the Council may at the time determine, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 14, of Chapter 48, of the Acts of the Thirty-second General Assem- bly. If the act of the official making the suspension or discharge be not upheld by the Council after hearing on appeal, the em- ploye so suspended or discharged shall be reinstated into service without prejudice, but if the act of discharge or suspension be sustained, such suspension or discharoe shall be made permanent, and the person so suspended or discharged shall be ineligible to hold a position in the city employ within one year. Upon rein- statement after trial, the person reinstated may be transferred to another department or force, if deemed advisable. Sec. 49. — Removal on Charges. — Charges in writing may be filed with the City Clerk against anyone holding an office or em- ployment under Civil Service, for misconduct or failure or neg- lect to perform his duties, or for disregard or disobedience of orders by any person. Whereupon the City Coimcil shall, at its discretion, investigate such charges, or cause the same to be in- vestigated, and, if such charges are established, may suspend or remove the delinquent from the service. Notice in writing, personally served upon the accused, and opportunity to be heard, shall be given in such cases. Pending such investigation of charges made, the appointing officer or head of the department may temporarily suspend the accused for a reasonable period, not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 50. — Tpstimony, How Tahen. — Whenever it is necessary to take testimony to be used on the trial of any appeal, or upon CITY OF DES MOIXES. 55 any investigation of charges filed, it may be given in the form of affidavits, or the Council may direct that such testimony shall be taken in writing in the manner provided for taking testimony to be used in a court of record, or the Council may appoint a referee to take and report the testimony or his findings of fact and conclusions, and if requested by the Civil Service Commis- sion, shall appoint such referee to report findings of fact and con- clusions. Reasonable notice of the time and place of taking testi- mony shall be given to the City Solicitor, to the Chairman of Civil Service Commission, to the appellant or person under charges, and to the officer appealed from, or person preferring charges. Where the testimonv is o-iven in the form of affidavit, the affiant may be required to appear for cross-examination. The City Solicitor shall appear for the Civil Service Commission at all hearings or trials when requested by the Commission. When the trial or investigation is completed, all such testimony, and all evidence and findings shall be filed with the Commission, and be preserved as a part of its records. Sec. 51. — Political Activity Prohibited. — Any officer or em- ploye in the classified Civil Service of the City of Des Moines, who, by solicitation or otherwise, exerts his influence, directly or indirectly, to induce other officers or employes of the city to adopt his political views or to favor any particular person or can- didate for office, or who shall in any manner contribute money or other thing of value to any person for election purposes, shall be removed from his office or position by the ]iroper authorities. (See Section 2T27-a 35, Supplement to the Code of Iowa, 1907.) Participation of employes in the classified Civil Service in par- tisan politics, except to vote, is contrary to the spirit of the stat- ute, and subversive of the best interests of the Civil Service, and such participation is hereby prohibited. RULE XI— EXISTING RULES AND EMPLOYES. See. 52. — Bvles Applicable. — The special regulations for the Police and Fire Departments, known as the "Manual of Des Moines Police Department'' and the "Manual of Des Moines Fire Department," and the special regulations for the Free Pub- lic Library, known as "By-Laws for the Government of the Des Moines Public Library," shall be and remain in full force and effect except as the same may be hereafter revised or amended, or so far as they are consistent with the statutes or with the ordi- nances of the city. All existing employes in the Police Depart- ment and Fire Department, or in the Free Public Library, ap- 56 ORDINANCES. pointed or employed therein, in accordance with said special regulations prior to the passage of this ordinance, and all other appointive officers and employes in the municipal Civil Service, appointed or employed prior to June 12, 1908, shall continue in the sen-ice in their respective places or employments without further examination or appointment, unless otherwise provided in the appointment or agreement for employment, but in all other respects to be subject to the rules and regulations in this ordinance set forth. DIYISIOX V— INSPECTION OF PAYROLLS. Sec. 53.- — Payrolls Inspected hy Commission or Clerk Thereof. — All payrolls, before the same are filed with the City Council for approval and alloAvance, shall be subject to inspec- tion by the Civil Service Commission or the clerk thereof, who shall ascertain therefrom whether the persons whose names are enrolled thereon are duly employed under the provisions of the Civil Service. The Commission, by resolution, may authorize its clerk to attach such certificate to the payrolls, after compari- son with the roster of public service. DIVISION Yl— GENERAL PROVISIONS. Sec. 54. — Sinecures. — No person shall be appointed to or em- ployed in any position in the municipal Civil Service under any title or desig-nation not appropriate to the duties he is regularly to perfoiTu, nor shall any position or employment be continued or maintained, the duties of which have become mostly unneces- sary or nominal. Sec. 55. — Irregular Appointments Invalid. — No persons shall be appointed, promoted, or employed in the municipal Civil Service, nor any change made in the official status of any such officer or employe except in accordance with these rules, and any appointment, promotion, employment or change of status made contrary to the provision of these shall be invalid. Sec. 56. — Position Forfeited hy Violation of Pules. — Any vi- olation or evasion of the provisions of Section 14, of Chapter 48, of the Acts of the Thirty-second General Assembly of the State of Iowa, or of this ordinance, by any person employed in the municipal Civil Service, or any connivance at or contribution to such a violation, shall be sufficient cause for removal and dis- charge of such person. CITY OF DES MOINES. 57 See. 57. — Bides of Procedure. — ^The Civil Service Commis- sion shall have power to mal^e such rules and regulations for the conduct of the business of the Commission as shall be deemed advisable, not inconsistent with law and the provisions of this ordinance, to be approved bv the City Council. Such rules, when adopted by the Commission and approved by the City Council, shall be posted in the office of the Commission, in the office of the City Clerk, and printed in the pamphlet with Coun- cil proceedings and ordinances. Sec. 58. — Blariks and Forms. — The Civil Service Commission shall determine the forms and prepare all blanks for use by the Commission. All blanks shall be kept in the office of the Com- mission, and supplied to parties entitled thereto by the clerk. Sec. 59. — Investigations. — The Civil Service Commission shall have power to make investigation in any department of the municipal service as to the observance or non-observance of the law relating to Civil Service, and the provisions of this ordi- nance. In making such examination, it shall have access to all records, books and papers of the department in which the inves- tigation is made, and power to examine the employes. If, upon being duly summoned for such examination, any officer or em- ploye shall refuse to appear, or to answer questions that may be put to him upon examination, the same shall be certified by the Commission to the City Council, who may suspend or remove such officer or employe by resolution adopted by a majority vote. T'pon completion of any such investigation, the Civil Service Commission shall certify the results thereof to the City Council, with such recommendations or charges as it may deem advisable. DWISION VII— XON -COMPETITIVE CLASS. Sec. 60. — ^yhat Positions Included.— 'Positions in the ^on- Competitive class shall be those of a temporary or exceptional character, which it is not practicable to fill through competitive examination, and laborers whose occupation requires no special fitness or skill. Sec. 61. — Existing Appointments. — All persons appointed after June 12, 1908, to positions properly falling within the Competitive class, which appointments were made necessary by the inaugin-ation of the new plan of municipal government, and which, from lack of the organization of the Civil Service Commission, were necessarily without examination, shall be en- titled to retain their places in preference to other applicants; 58 ORDI^TANCES. provided, that after the organization of the Civil Service Com- mission, they shall submit to examination by the Commission under the rules herein prescribed, and be successful in passing the same with markings that would entitle them to be placed upon the eligible list. Upon successfully passing such examina- tion, they shall be transferred from the ISTon-Competitive to the Competitive service, but in case of failure to pass the required examination, they shall be dismissed from the service. Sec. 62. — Emergency Appointments. — At any time, to pre- vent the stoppage of public business or to meet extraordinary exigencies, the superintendent of the department, or Council, may make a temporary appointment outside of the eligible list, and without examination; provided, however, that in no case shall such temporary employment continue for more than sixty days. Such temporary employment shall not be made when the emergencv can be met by appointment from the regular eligible list. Sec. 63. — Appointment of Experts. — x\ppointment for expert or consulting service, when deemed necessary in carrying on work of any department, may, when authorized by the City Coiuicil, be made by the superintendent of the department, or Council, without examination. Sec. 64. — Must Be Registered. — Emergency appointments, or expert or consulting appointments, must be entered upon the ros- ter of public service by the clerk of the Commission, with a statement of the purpose for which they are employed, the date of employment, and the name and residence of the appointee. DIVISION VIII— EOSTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE. Sec. 65. — List — IIoiv Made. — All appointments in the Ex- empt and Competitive classes of the public service shall be certi- fied to the clerk of the Civil Service Commission by the appoint- ing authority or as otherwise herein provided, stating (1) the title of the position filled, (2) the character of the duties to be performed, (o) the name and residence of the appointee, (4) his previous appointments and period of service, if any, in the pub- lic employ. Upon receipt of such certificates, the clerk of the Civil Service Commission shall enter the name and information certified to on a list of officers and employes of the municipal service of the city of Des Moines, which shall be termed the Koster of Municipal Service, or Civil List, and shall at all times be open for the inspection and information of the public. CITY OF DES MOIXES. 59 Sec. 66. — Urgency — When in Effect. — This ordinauce is declared to be urgent and necessarv for the immediate preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as pro- vided by law. Passed June 13, 1908. Signed June 13, 1908. A. J. Matiiis, [Mayor. Attest: Geo. F, Pooeman, Citv Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held June 13, 1908, signed by the Mayor June 13, 1908, duly recorded and published as provided by law, June 20, 1908. Geo. F. Pookmax, Citv Clerk. 60 ORDi:^AKCES. ORDI^'ANCE Xo. 1532. An Ordinance to amend Ordinance ISTo. 792, passed August 17, 1896, as amended by Ordinance No. 1521, passed April 28, 1908, and to regulate and fix water rates and the prices and charges for water furnished, and for the use of water meters furnished to the Citv of Des Moines and its inhabit- ants. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That Ordinance 'No. 792, passed August 17, 1896, entitled, "An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 746, passed December 9, 1895, and to regulate and fix water rates and the prices and charges for water furnished, and for the use of water meters furnished to the City of Des Moines and its inhabitants," being Sections 1108 to 1115, both inclusive, of Revised Ordinances of 1900, and Ordinance No, 1521, passed April 28, 1908, entitled, "An ordinance to amend Section 2 of Ordinance No. 792, passed August 17, 1896 (Section 1109, Re- vised Ordinances of 1900), and to regulate and fix the rates, prices and charges for services rendered and water furnished for fire proteetion and other public uses and purposes, furnished to the City of Des Moines and its inhabitants," be and they are hereby repealed, and the following enacted in place and lieu thereof : Sec, 2. — That every person, firm or corporation operating a water works in the City of Des Moines, or furnishing to said city or its inhabitants water for fire protection, domestic uses, manu- facturing purposes ajid other uses and purposes, shall, on or be- fore the first Mondav in June each vear, furnish and file with the City Clerk a detailed statement of the cost of constructing and operating said water works, and of the receipts therefrom for the preceding year, which statement shall be verified under oath by the president, secretary, manager, or principal account- ant, which statement shall be so itemized as to show as to the water works operated by such person, firm or corporation, the following: The description of each parcel of real estate used in construct- ing and operating said water works, and the actual cost, and actual value, of each parcel thereof; The number of miles of main pipe, and the number of miles of each size of main i)ipe; CITY OF DES MOmES. 61 The number of fire hydrants owned by snch person, firm or corporation, and the number o\vned by the city and connected with such svstem: The number of miles of pipe in hydrant connections, and the number of miles of each size of pipe therein ; The number and size of standpipes and resei'\'oirs ; The number of pumping engines, and the style and capacity of each; The actual cost, and actual value, of said system of water works entire, and the actual cost, and actual value, for each sep- arately, of the pipe lines and distributing system, of the stand- pipes and reservoirs, of each pumping engine, of the boilers, of the other machinery, of the pumping station, of the wells and collecting galleries and conduits, and of the other parts of said svstem : The capacity of the pumping plant, and the number of gal- lons of water pumped each month since last report; The number of consumers or private connections each yea/ since the last report ; The number of consumers taking water by meter, the aggre- gate amount of water used, and the aggregate revenue therefrom each year since last report ; The number of consumers taking water without meter, and the aggregate revenue therefrom each year since last report ; The amoimt paid by or received from the city each year since last report; The amount of revenue received from other sources each year since last report, and the source from which received ; The total revenue from all sources each year since last report ; The amount expended each year since last report in construct- ing, improving, and extending said water works ; The amount expended each year since last report for expense of operating said water works, showing separately the amount expended for taxes, for salaries, and clerical services, for legal expenses, including attorneys' fees, for coal, for labor, for re- pairs, for other expenses ; The amount of bonds outstanding, for what purposes issued, when issued, the rate of interest on each issue or series, and the amount paid for interest each year since last report ; 62 OKDIXANCES. The amount of aiiv other indebtedness, for what incurred, how secured, and the rate of interest thereon ; And any other information necessary with other reports there- tofore filed to show the material, mechanical and financial his- tory and condition of said water works from the installation of said water works to the date of said report. Sec, 1108. — That every person, firm or corporation furnish- ing to the City of Des Moines or its inhabitants, water for fire protection, domestic use and manufacturing purposes, and other uses and purposes, shall be entitled to charge and receive there- for, and for the use of water meters, the rates and prices herein- after fixed, and no more. Sec. 1109. — That every person, firm or corporation furnish- ing to the City of Des Moines and its inhabitants, water for fire protection and other public uses and purposes, and for other services in connection therewith, including the making of the re- ports provided for in Section 2 of this ordinance, shall be en- titled to receive for such services rendered and all water fur- nished for fire protection, and other public uses and purposes, as hereinafter defined and enumerated, an annual rental or rate of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00) for each mile of main pipe laid and in operation, not including hydrant connections, and not including more than one line of pipe on the same street, and not including any pipe less than six inches in diameter laid since August 17, 1896 ; Such rental to be paid in semiannual installments, on the first Monday in January and July in each year ; Provided, that no such installment shall be due or be allowed or paid until thirty days after the annual report provided for in Section 2 of this ordinance shall be filed with the City Clerk. If, by reason of any contract heretofore made, said person, firm or corporation is entitled to exemption from city taxes, the amoimt of such taxes shall be deducted from such rental. The above rates and rental shall be in full compensation for making the annual reports provided for in Section 2 of this or- dinance, and for all services rendered and water furnished, as follows : For fire protection, including the furnishing and setting and keeping in repair of not less than ten double-nozzle fire hydrants for each mile of mains; CITY OF DES MOINES. 63 For all water used b}' the Fire Department in extinguishing fires and in practice; For all water necessary and not exceeding the rate of one hun- dred thousand gallons daily for each ten thousand in population and fraction of ten thousand in population in the city, used by the officers of the city for cleansing, washing, flushing, sprink- ling or draining streets, alleys, public grounds, pavements, side- walks, gutters and sewers ; For all water used in or for the City Hall, fire and police sta- tions, and other public buildings. City Library, 'public libraries, public hospitals and asylums, public schools, public drinking fountains, public parks and cemeteries, except for lakes therein ; And for all water used for public watering troughs not exceed- ing one trough to each five miles of main pipe. The making of the annual report provided for in Section 2 of this ordinance is a material part of the service to be rendered, for which said annual rate or rental is to be paid, and no install- ment of said rate or rental shall be due or be allowed or paid un- til thirty days after said annual report is filed with the City Clerk, nor unless and until the report so filed shall, with previous reports, give the information required, from the time of first in- stallation of said water works to the time of filing said report. Sec. 1110. — Every such person, firm or corporation shall be entitled to charge and receive for water furnished for domestic uses, manufacturing purposes and other uses and purposes, where such water is furnished without meter, the following rates, which shall be in full for water furnished and for turning on and turnin.o; off water : ASSESSMENT KATES. Banks, one faucet $ 6.00 Bakeries, daily average barrels of flour used, per barrel. .' 3.00 Barber shop, one chair 3.00 Barber shop, each additional chair 2.00 Baths (per tub), in barber shop or public bath house. . . . 10.00 Baths, hotel, per tub 6.00 Baths, private, one tub 3.00 Baths, private, each additional tub 2.00 Blacksmith shop, one fire 3.00 Blacksmith shop, each additional fire 1.50 Butcher shop or provision store 10.00 Boarding-houses, per room 1,00 64 ORDIXAXCES. Drug stores $8.00 to 12.00 Hotels, per room 1.00 Offices 3.00 Printing offices, not including engine, ten hands or less. . 10.00 Printing offices, each additional hand 2.5 PhotofijaDh galleries 15.00 Residences, occupied bv one family, six rooms or less, three faucets or less 4.00 Residences, each additional room up to nine rooms 75 Residences, each additional room over nine rooms 50 Each additional faucet above three, not including water faucets or faucets for fixtures otherwise rated 1.00 Each extra family in residence 4.00 In rating a residence, rooms in the cellar shall not be counted unless used as living or sleeping rooms, or containing a faucet ; rooms containing less than fifty sq^uare feet floor measure shall not be counted unless used for sleeping rooms ; halls, other than reception halls, shall not be counted, and alcoves shall not be counted. Flats, apartment houses, tenement houses, etc., shall be rated as residences ; each suite, or set of rooms, or apartments occu- pied separately, being rated as one residence. Schools, boarding, each room $ 1.00 Stables, where only horses or other animals are kept. . . . Stables, private, one horse or other animal, including car- riage washing 2.00 Stables, each additional animal 1.00 Stables, dray and team horses, each horse 1.00 Stables, livery, boarding and sale, including carriage washing, per horse 1.00 Soda fountain glass washer $10.00 to 20.00 Stores, grocery, or not otherwise enumerated, 22 feet front or less 6.00 Steam boilers, per horse power, twelve hours per day. . . 1.50 Steam boilers, per horse power, twenty-four hours per day 3.00 Work shops, ten persons or under employed 5.00 Work shops, each additional person 25 Urinal, private, with water closet 3.00 Urinal, public 5.00 Water closet, private, with urinal 3.00 Water closet, private, each additional water closet and urinal 2.00 CITY OF DES MOIXES. 65 Water closet, shop, hotel, restaurant, etc., each 5.00 Warehouses 6.00 Where any consumer shall habitually furnish water from the fixtures on his premises to other consumers, or shall use water for purposes for which his premises are not rated, he shall pay for such extra use at the rate of $4 per year and not less than the regular rate herein fixed for the use made of such water, but this shall not be construed as authorizing such use by the con- sumer. Rates for other uses to be in proportion to the above, accord- ing; to the water used. Rates for fixtures not enumerated to be proportionate to the foregoing rates. Minimum rates for premises supplied, per half year. . . .$ 2.00 Per year 4.00 The above rates shall be payable in advance, between the first and fifteenth days of April and October in each year, one-half of the above yearly rates being payable each half year. HOSE. Sprinkling streets, vards, etc., four hours per day, 50- foot front "^ $ 5.00 Sprinkling streets, yards, etc., each additional foot 10 Sprinkling streets, yards, etc., corner lots, one-half width side street, per foot 10 The above rates are for use on ordinary yard or lawn hose, provided with the usual nozzle; said rates shall be payable in advance, between the first and fifteenth days of April in each year, and the use of hose for the summer months shall entitle such person, firm or corporation to collect for the full year. Filling cisterns, tanks, etc., at the option of the company, $3 for one hundred barrels or fraction thereof, payable in advance. BUILDING PURPOSES. Brick, wall measure, \yez thousand $ .10 Stone, per perch 05 Plaster, per 100 yards 20 Water for building purposes, where brick, stone or plastering are not charged for, at the following rates : Ordinary frame dwelling $ 2.00 Large frame dwelling 3.00 66 ORDINANCES. Ordinary brick dwelling 5.00 Other building and uses, each barrel of lime or cement. . .0.5 No charge less than $1. The above rates for building purposes shall be payable in ad- vance, and v^here such payments or deposits are made for water not used, seventy-five per cent of the excess shall be returned on demand to the consumer. Sec. 1111. — Every such person, firm or corporation shall be entitled to charge and receive, for water furnished for domestic uses, manufacturing purposes or other uses or purposes, where such water is furnished or measured by meter, the following rates, which shall be in full for water furnished, for rent or use of meter, and for turning on and turning off water : METER RATES. When the daily average consumption of water is five thousand gallons or less, twenty cents per thousand gallons ; When the daily average consumption of water is over five thousand gallons, ten cents per thousand gallons. When water is taken by meter, the rates shall be payable monthly, on or before the fifteenth day of the month succeeding that for which the water is furnished. The minimum charge for water furnished through a meter shall be seventy-five cents per quarter year, payable in advance, between the first and fifteenth days of January, Api'il, July and October in each year. Such person, firm or corporation shall have the right to collect such minimum charge in advance from every consumer, but the amount so collected shall bo credited one-third each month on bills for water consumed during the quarter if the amount consumed shall be in excess of what the minimum charge will pay for at the regular rates. The rental of meters shall be twenty-five cents each quarter year, for each five-eighth inch or less size meter, and one dollar per quarter year for each larger sized meter. Said rental to be payable in advance, between the first and fifteenth days of Jan- uary, April, July and October in each year. In determining the daily average consumption and minimum water rates, when a number of residences, as defined in Section 1110, are connected with one sen^ice pipe, each residence shall be rated as one consumer. CITY OF DES MOINES 67 The daily average consiimtion shall be the daily average for the month determined by the meter record taken at the end of the month. Every such person, firm or corporation shall have the right to furnish water, and consumers to take water, at meter rates, and when meters are required either by such person, firm or corpora- tion, or by consumers, they shall be furnished by such person, firm or corporation without charge except the meter rates and rental aforesaid. Whenever the meter of any consumer shall be read by a rep- resentative of the Water Company, for the purpose of determin- ing the amount of water used since the last reading of said meter, a copy of the result as found shall be left at the residence of said consumer. In all cases such meters shall be subject to the supervision, inspection and condemnation of the Superintendent of the De- partment of Streets and Public Improvements, or other officer or agent designated by said Superintendent or the Council ; and when condemned shall be removed and a correct meter substi- tuted at the cost of the person, firm or corporation operating such water works, and in case of failure to substitute a correct meter \vithin ten davs after notice of such condemnation, the rate for the premises supplied shall be no more than the mini- mum rates as herein fixed until such correct meter is furnished. When any consumer shall, in writing, apply for a meter at the office of such person, firm or corporation, with whose pipes his premises are connected and ready for or offered to be put in readiness for the placing or setting of such meter, and shall tender the meter rate and rental as hereinbefore fixed, it shall be the duty of such person, firm or corporation to furnish and set such meter within ten days thereafter, and in case of failure to do so, such person, firm or corporation shall not be entitled to collect for water furnished for such premises, more than the minimum meter rate as herein fixed, until such meter is fur- nished ; provided, that such person, firm or coi-poration shall not be required to furnish or set a meter unless a reasonable provi- sion is made by the consumer to protect the meter from injury by breaking or freezing, and provided that, in case of a dispute between the parties as to where the meter shall be placed, the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Im- 68 ORDIXAISTCES. provements, or other officer or agent designated bv said Superin- tendent or the Council, shall decide. Where a meter is injured through fault or neglect of consumer or persons in his family or employ, the consumer shall pay for the repair thereof, and until the cost of such repair is paid, such consumer shall not be entitled to the return of such meter, or a new meter, and in case of a dispute, the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements, or other officer or agent designated by said Superintendent or the Council, shall decide. Should either party be dissatisfied with any decision made by the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements, or other officer or agent designated by said Su- perintendent or the Council, in respect to any matter provided for in this section, said party may appeal to the Council, by which said matter shall be heard upon written complaint, re- sponse and affidavits filed with the City Clerk. Sec. 1112. — It shall be the duty of every consumer to attend at the office of such person, firm or corporation from whose works his premises are supplied, and pay his bill at the time when the same is payable, as hereinbefore provided; each con- sumer shall be entitled, on demand, to an itemized statement of his account or bill showing the different items rated and the amount charged for each^ if any consumer shall fail to pay his bill when the same is payable, there shall be added thereto ten per cent of the amount thereof, and interest from the first day of the month in which the same is payable at the rate of six per cent per annum. Where consumer shall neglect or refuse to pay his bill for water furnished, within the time herein fixed, such person, firm or corporation, after two days' notice in writing informing the consumer of the amount of his bill and of intention to turn off the water, may turn off the water from such premises, and shall not be required to turn on water for such consumer either at such premises or at others to which he may remove, until such bill is paid, but where the owner or tenant shall change, the new owner or tenant shall not be required to pay any bill of the former owner or tenant to entitle him to have the water turaed on. Turning off the water shall not prevent the collection of said bill by other means. CITY OF DES MOIXES 69 Sec. 1113. — Xo person other than an authorized agent of such person, firm or corporation shall turn on water to any premises from which the same shall be turned off by such person, firm or corporation, and in any case where water is turned on without authority and with the knowledge of the consumer, which knowl- edge will be presumed unless the contrary is shown, such person, firm or corporation shall be entitled to charge and receive for the water so used the sum of ten dollars, in addition to the regu- lar rate in this ordinance fixed. The agent of such person, firm or corporation, duly authorized and provided with a badge or other evidence of authority, may at all proper times enter upon the premises of any consumer for the purpose of reading the meter, inspecting the pipes and plumbing, and preventing the unnecessarv waste or unauthorized use of water. Sec. 1114. — That the rates, rentals, rules and regulations in this ordinance provided shall apply to and govern all service rendered and water furnished, or water meters furnished or used from and after the time when this ordinance takes effect, the repeal of former ordinances shall not affect or change the rates, rentals, or charges for services rendered, water furnished or water meters furnished prior to said time. For all services ren- dered, water furnished, and water metere furnished prior to the time when this ordinance takes effect, the person, firm or cor- poration rendering such service, or furnishing such water or such meters shall be entitled to charge and receive therefor the rates and rentals fixd in the ordinances in force at the time, sub- ject to all the rules, regulations and conditions in said ordinances prescribed. Sec. 1115. — This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication, provided, that noth- ing herein shall be construed to abridge the power of the City Council to further regulate or fix water rates and charges for the use of water meters. Passed July 1, 1908. Signed July 1, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Poormak-, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of an ordinance 70 ORDINANCES. passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held July 1, 1908, signed by the Mayor July 1, 1908, duly recorded and published as provided by law, August 29, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOIXES. 71 OEDIXAXCE Xo. 1533. Ax Okdinance to distribute the executive and administrative powers, authority and duties into and among the several de- partments, and determine the powers and duties to be per- fomied, and assign them to the appropriate departments and officers. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the executive and administrative powers, authority and duties in the city are distributed into and among the several departments and the powers and duties to be per- formed are determined and assigiied to the appropriate depart- ments and officers, all as hereinafter set forth. THE COUNCIL. Sec. 2. — The Council has and shall exercise all legislative powers, functions and duties conferred upon the city or its offi- cers. It shall make all orders for the doing of work, or the mak- ing or construction of any improvement, bridge or building. It shall levy all taxes, apportion and appropriate all funds, and audit and allow all bills, accounts, payrolls and claims, and order payment thereof. It shall make all assessments for the cost of street improvements, sidewalks, sewers and other work, improve- ment or repairs which may be specially assessed. It shall make or authorize the making of all contracts, and no contract shall bind or be obligatory upon the city unless either made by ordi- nance or resolution adopted by the Council, or reduced to wi*it- iug and approved by the Council, or expressly authorized by on dinance or resolution adopted by the Council. All contracts and all ordinances and resolutions making contracts or author- izing the making of contracts shall be drawn by the Corporation Counsel or City Solicitor, or approved by such officer, before the same is made or passed. All superintendents of departments and officers are the agents of the Council only, and all their acts shall be subject to review and to approval or revocation by the Council. Every superintendent or officer shall, from time to time, as required by law or ordinance, or when requested by the Council, or whenever he shall deem necessary for the good of the public service, report to the Council in writing respecting the business of his department or office or matters connected therewith. The Council may, by ordinance or resolution, assign to a su- perintendent, officer or employe, duties in respect to the business 72 ORDIXAXCES. of any other department, office or employment, and such service shall be rendered without additional compensation. DEPAETMEXT OF PUBLIC .\FFAIES. Sec. 3. — The Mayor shall have and exercise all the powers and perform all the duties provided or prescribed by law or the ordinances of the city, not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. The Mayor shall be Superintendent of the Depart- ment of Public Affairs, and as such shall have general super- vision and oversight over all departments and offices in the city; he shall be the chief executive officer and representative of the city, shall sign all contracts on behalf of the city, and shall have charge of and cause to be prepared and published all statements and reports required by law or ordinance or by resolution of the Council. The Mayor shall be chairman of the local Board of Health ; shall possess all of the powers and perform all of the duties pertaining to the local Board of Health, as is now or may hereafter be required by the laws of the state and the ordinances of the city. All notices of quarantine and release must bear his signature. The Corporation Counsel, City Solicitor, and Assistant City Solicitor, City Stenographer, and other officers and employes in the Legal Department, the Police Court, the Police Judge, and Clerk of Police Court, the City Library and Library Building, and Library Trustees, and other officers and employes in the Library; the Civil Service Connnission, and all other officers or functionaries not by law or ordinance distributed or assigned to some other department, are distributed and assigned to the Department of Public Affairs. DEPAKTMENT OF ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES. Sec. 4. — The Superintendent of the Department of Accounts and Finances shall have charge of and supervision over all ac- counts and records of the city, and all officers, boards or depart- ments requircnj to keep or make accounts, records or reports. He shall inspect or cause to be inspected all records or accounts required to be kept in any of the offices or departments of the city, and shall cause proper accounts and records to be kept and proper reports to be made. He shall audit or cause to be audited at frequent intervals the accounts of every officer or employe who does or may receive or disburse money. He shall have charge of the purchase, care and distribution of all supplies and other articles not otherwise provided by law. He shall have CITY OF DES MOIXES. 73 charge and supervision over all printing by or for the city unless otherwise provided by law. He shall examine or cause to be examined, and report to the Council, upon all bills, accounts, payrolls and claims before they are acted upon or allowed, unless otherwise provided by law. The Assessor, Auditor, Treasurer, License Collector, City Clerk and Market Master, and their respective offices or de- partments, and all employes therein, and all bookkeepers and accountants are distributed and assigned to the Department of Accounts and Finances, and shall be under the supervision and direction of the Superintendent thereof. The Superintendent of the Department of Accounts and Fi- nances shall procure from all persons and corporations operating public service utilities in the city such reports as they are by law or ordinance or otherwise required to make to the city, or any of its officers, and ])rocure copies of such reports as are made to the state or any public office or department, and shall collect, or cause to be collected, all license fees, franchise taxes, rentals or other moneys which may be due or become due to the city. He shall report to the City Council any failure to make reports or to pay moneys due to the city, with such recommendations in relation thereto as he may deem proper. He shall, whenever the city has authority so to do, cause to be examined the accounts and records of any person or coi*poration operating a public service utility in the city, and shall report to the Council any refusal to permit such examination, with such recommendations in relation thereto as he may deem proper. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Sec. T). — The ^Marshal, Chief of Police and Police Depart- ment, and all psT OF STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Sec. G. — The Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements shall superintend and take charge of all public work, the cleaning of streets and public places, the entire erection, making and reconstruction of all street improve' ments, sidewalks, sewers, bridges, viaducts, and public build- ings and other improvements, and of the repair thereof, where not otherwise assigned. He shall approve the estimates of the City Engineer which may be made from time to time, of the cost of such work, as the same progresses, and accept any building erected, work done or improvement made when completed ac- cording to contract, and perform such other duties as may be provided or required by ordinance or resolution. He shall have control, management and direction of the lighting of streets and alleys, of public grounds and buildings not otherwise assigned, and of all lamps, lights, lighting materials and persons charged with the care thereof. He shall have charge of enforcing the ])rovisions of law or ordinance-s relating to billboards. He shall have control and supervision over all public dumping grounds and duuips. He shall have supervision over all public service uiilities and all persons or corporations rendering service in the city under any franchise, contract or grant made or granted, by the; city or state, and shall report to the Council or other proper officer any failure of said ]>erson or corporation to render service, or to observe the requirements or conditions of the franchise, contract or grant under which such public service utility is op- erated. CITY OF DES MOINES. 75 The Civil Engineer and Engineer's Department, and em- ployes therein ; Street Commissioner, inspectors and all other officers and employes employed in connection with the work of said department are distributed and assigned to the Department of Streets and Public Improvements, and shall be under the su- pervision and direction of the Superintendent thereof. DEPAETMENT OF PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPEETY. Sec. 7. — The Superintendent of Parks and Public Property shall have charge of and supervision over Greenwood Park, Waveland Park, Grand View Park, Union Park and Birdland, South Park, Good Park, City Bath House and Park, Bates Park, Tloyt Sherman Place, Xash Park, the Library grounds. River Front Park, and park at Raccoon Forks ; of so much of Des Moines and Raccoon rivers and their banks as belong to the city or are under its control, and of all other public parks and pleasure grounds in the city, and of all officers and employes, including park policemen, employed in or about said parks and pleasure grounds, and of all property belonging to said parks and pleasure grounds, or kept or used in connection therewith. He shall have charge of and supervision over the City Hall and janitor thereof, and the park or grounds adjoining said City Hall. He shall have charge of and supervision over Woodland Cemetery, Glendale Cemetery, Laurel Hill Cemeter}-, and all other public cemeteries in the city, and of the sextons and other employes in the cemeteries, and of all ])roperty belonging to or used or kept in connection with the public cemeteries. He shall have charge of and supervision over Tracy Home property, the abander month, per family, including use of can in which to deposit slops and garbage t30 House slops shall include ordinary house refuse of all kinds, except dirt and ashes. Tin cans, newspapers and waste matter of a similar character shall be deposited in a separate receptacle, but shall be removed without additional charge. And reasonable compensation for any other service required under this ordinance or any other ordinance or amendments thereto. Sec. 10. — All persons, firms or corporations engaged in col- lecting, removing, reducing, desiccating, utilizing, or cremating garbage, offal, night soil, manure, or other refuse matter, in the city shall, for such purpose, ])rovide themselves with wagons with bodies sufficiently tight to prevent the contents escaping therefrom, and when unloaded each of said wagons shall be thoroughly disinfected to the satisfaction of the IJoard of Health of the city, and the same shall be loaded and conveyed so that none of the material shall fall to the ground, run out or spill therefrom. CITY OF DES MOIXES 87 Sec. 11. — Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than five dollars ($5.00) or more than fifty dollars ($50.00). Sec. 12. — This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed August 4, 1908. Signed August 4, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said City at a meeting held x\ugust 4, 1908, signed by the Mayor Aug-ust 4, 1908, duly recorded and published as provided by law August 19, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. 88 oedixaxces. ordina:n"ce Xo. 1540. An Obdixance granting the Engle Crematory Company, its successors and assigns, the right to erect and maintain cre- matories, reduction, rendering and desiccating works and uti- lization plants ; and to collect dead animals, garbage and waste matter, and to dispose of the same in such crematories and plants. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That consent, permission and authority is hereby given and granted to the Engle Crematory Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, to erect, maintain and operate within the city of Des Moines, crematories, reduction, rendering and desic- cating works and titilization plants, and to collect and remove all dead animals, night soil, garbage, offal, and other animal, vegetable and refuse matter ; and to dispose of the same in such crematories, reduction, rendering and desiccating works and uti- lization plants, for the time and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated. Sec. 2. — The rights and privileges herein granted shall extend for the period of fifteen years from and after the passage of this ordinance; provided, that nothing herein shall be held to grant an exclusive right or privilege, nor in any manner to prevent the city of Des Moines from granting, during the term of this ordi- nance, similar rights and privileges to other persons, firms or corporations. Sec. 3. — The said Engle Crematory Company, its successors and assigns, shall erect, maintain and operate such cermatories, rendering and desiccating works and utilization plants in a sci- entific and sanitary manner, and in strict compliance with all the ordinances of the city of Des JMoines now or hereafter in force relating to the erection, operation and maintenance of such plants or Avorks. Sec. 4. — The said Engle Crematory Company, its successors and assigns, shall, in the collection, removal and disposal of night soil, garbage, offal and other refuse matter, comply with all the ordinances of the city of Des Moines now or hereafter in force relating thereto, and such collection, removal and disposal shall be carried on in a scientific and sanitary manner, which shall be approved by the Board of Health. Sec. 5. — The said Engle Crematory Company, its successors CITY OF DES MOmES. 89 and assigns, shall not charge any person, firm or corporation, for collecting, removing and disposing of dead animals, garbage, night soil, offal or any other refuse matter to exceed the fol- lowing rates, to-wit : Horses and cattle, each carcass $2.00 Horses and cattle, skinned or burned, each carcass 4.50 Hogs and calves, each carcass 50 Dogs, fowls and cats, each carcass 15 Rotten eggs, per barrel of 4 cubic feet 40 Garbage, night soil and cesspool contents, per cubic foot. . .10 House slops and garbage, per month, per family 50 House slops and garbage, per month, per family, including use of can in which to deposit slops and garbage 60 For disposing of garbage delivered at the works, per ton. . 1.50 For any amoimt less than one ton delivered at the works, the charge shall be proportionate with a minimum charge not to exceed 25 For collecting, removing and disposing of any matter, other than above mentioned, the charge shall be a reasonable charge, which mav be fixed bv the city of Des Moines from time to time bv ordinance. %j The right is reserved to the city of Des ^loines to prescribe other reasonable rates for the services above mentioned at any time the city of Des Moines may deem proper ; provided, that no change shall be made in said rates or charges until after the expiration of three years from the date of the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 6.^ — The city of Des Moines reserves the right to purchase the crematories and other plants and equipment of the said Engle Crematory Company, its successors or assigns, including all the rights under patents held by the Engle Crematory Com- pany, its successors or assigns, for the construction and opera- tion of crematories, and for the Engle fuel process, at the end of any year during the life of this ordinance, or at the expira- tion of the rights herein, granted, by giving to the Engle Cre- matory Company, its successors or assigTis, two months' notice in writing of the intention of the city so to do. If the election to purchase said crematories and other plants and equipment is exercised by the city within five years from the date of the passage of this ordinance, the price to be paid therefor shall be as follows: At the end of the first year, the cost thereof plus ten per cent ; at the end of the second year, the 90 ORDIjSTANCES. cost thereof plus eight per cent ; at the end of the third vear, the cost thereof pins six per cent ; at the end of the fonrth year, the cost thereof plus four per cent ; at the end of the fifth year, the cost thereof plus two per cent. If the election to purchase said crematories and other plants and equipment is exercised by the city, after five years from the date of the passage of this ordinance, the price to be paid there- for shall be the reasonable value thereof at the time of the serv- ice of the notice above prescribed ; provided, that the amount to be paid shall in no event exceed the cost of said crematories and other plants and equipments and additions and improvements thereto, less four per cent thereof for each year the same has been in operation after the five-year period ; and in fixing the value of said crematories and other plants and equipment, no ac- count shall be taken of any enhanced value given thereto by reason of the location thereof. Should the city elect to purchase said plant and equipment, and continue the use of the Engle patents, it shall pay to the then owner of the patents above referred to, for the use thereof, one cent for each inhabitant of the city, payable annually in ad- vance, during the life of said patents, the population of the city to be ascertained by the last state or national census. Sec. 7. — The right is reserved to the city of Des Moines to at any time examine the books, accounts, vouchers and papers of the Engle Crematory Company, for the purpose of ascertaining the cost of the crematories, reduction, rendering and desiccating works and utilization plants, erected under the grant herein made, or to enable the city of Des Moines to fix reasonable rates for the services provided for in Section 5 hereof. Sec. 8. — In consideration of the rights and privileges herein granted, the Engle Crematory Company, its successors and as- signs, shall collect, remove and dispose of all refuse matter ac- cumulating at the City Hall and Police Station, and also all manure and refuse of all kinds accumulated at the various fire stations throughout the city, and other stables maintained by the city of Des Moines, without charge. This service to be in lieu of any permit-s and license fee required by other ordinances of the city of Des Moines. Sec. 9. — Within thirty days from the publication of this ordi- nance, said Engle Crematory Company shall file with the City Clerk a written acceptance of the grants hereinbefore made, CITY OF DES MOIXES. 91 with the condition, regulations and limitations above expressed, signed by the president and secretary of said company, and when so accepted, this ordinance shall operate as a contract between the city and said company, and should said company fail to file such acceptance within thirty days, or fail to begin the work of erecting the plant within thirty days after the acceptance of this ordinance, then the above grant shall not operate to vest any rights, privileges or franchise whatever in said company. Sec. 10. — This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed August 1, 1908. Sig-ned August 1, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held August 4, 1908, signed by the Mayor August 4, 1908, duly recorded and published as provided by law August 19, 1908. Geo. F. Pooeman^, City Clerk. 92 ORDIXAXCES. ORDIXAXCE Xo. 1541. Ax ORm:xANCE prohibiting the location of stock yards or places where cattle, sheep, hogs or other animals are collected or kept for slaughter or shipment, or bought or sold for the purpose of slaughter or shipment, within certain limits of the citv of Des AToines, and prescribing penalties for the violation thereof. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the erection, establishment or maintenance of any stock yard or place where cattle, sheep, hogs or other ani- mals are collected or kept for slaughter or shipment, or bought or sold for the purpose of slaughter or shipment in that portion of the citv of Des Moines described in Section 2 hereof is hereby prohibited. Sec. 2. — That portion of the city referred to in Section 1 here- of, in which the erection, establishment or maintenance of any stock yard or place where cattle, sheep, hogs or other animals are collected or kept for slaughter or shipment or bought or sold for the purpose of slaughter or shipment, is prohibited, shall be that portion of the city of Des Moines lying within the following described territory within the limits of said citv, to-wit: Beginning at the point of intersection of the channel of the Raccoon river with the west city limits, thence eastward along the channel of said Raccoon river to intersetion with the center line of Wabash street produced, thence eastward along the cen- ter line of Wabash street produced to the point of inter^AA^CE No. 1542. An Okdixaxce to define, regulate and license fortune tellers, palmists and clairvoyants, and to provide a penalty for the vio- lation thereof. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — The words "fortune tellers," "palmists," and ^'clairvoyants" shall, for the purpose of this ordinance, be con- strued to mean and include the practicing or professing to prac- tice the business or art of astrology, palmistry, life reading, for- tune telling, clairvoyancy, crystal gazing, hypnotism, mesmer- ism, mediumship, prophecy, magic, or necromancy. Sec. 2. — That no person, firm or corporation shall engage in, carry on, practice or profess to practice the business or art of fortune telling, palmistry, clairvoyancy, astrology, life reading, crystal gazing, h\q3notism, mesmerism, mediumship, prophecy, magic, or necromancy, or the giving of exhibitions or the using of any device for the purpose of telling fortimes or practicing the several other occupations defined herein, without first paying for and procuring the license provided for in this ordinance ; nor shall any person, firm or corporation carry on said business in any manner contrary to the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 3. — Every person, firm or corporation engaged in and conducting, or practicing and attempting to practice, fortune telling, palmistry, or clairvoyancy as herein defined, shall pay each year to the City Treasurer a license fee in the sum of $25. Sec. 4, — All licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall be numbered by the Treasurer in the order in which they are issued ; shall state where the business is to be carried on, the kind of business, and a stub or duplicate shall be kept by the Treasurer. Sec. 5. — Any person, firm or corporation engaged in and con- ducting the business of fortune telling, palmistry, clairvoyancy, or any of the other occupations enumerated and defined in Sec- tion 1 of this ordinance, who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $100, and in default of the pa\Tnent of such fine, shall be com- mitted in the city jail not less than two nor more than twenty days. CITY OF DES MOTIVES 95 Sec. 6. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. — This ordinance is declared to be urgent and necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed August 14, 1908. Signed August 14, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held August 14, 1908, signed by the Mayor, August 14, 1908, duly recorded and published in the Daily Capital, August 14, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. 96 ORDIN^AN^CES. ORDIXATS'CE 1^0. 1543. An Okdinance re-establishing the grade of Eighth street, from College avenue to Lincoln street. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the grade of Eighth street, from College avenue to Lincoln street, be and the same is re-established above datum plane as follows, to-wit : Elevations at Feet. College avenue, lot line, southwest corner 95.50 College avenue, lot line, southeast corner 95.50 College avenue, lot line, northwest corner 95.50 College avenue, lot line, northeast corner 95.50 Washington street, south line curb 91.00 Washington street, north line curb 91.00 Jefferson street, south line curb 94.00 Jefferson street, north line curb 94.00 Franklin street, south line curb 91.60 Franklin street, north line curb 91.60 113 feet north of north line of Franklin, P. C. V. C 88.20 163 feet north of north line of Franklin 86.61 213 feet north of north line of Franklin 84.85 263 feet north of north line of Franklin 82.91 313 feet north of north line of Franklin, P. T. V. C 80.80 Intersection of east curb with south curb Prospect Blvd.. .71.33 Intersection of west curb with south curb Prospect Blvd. . . 71.61 Sec. 2. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, as required by law. Passed August 17, 1908. Sig-ned August 17, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Atteist : Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held August 17, 1908, signed by the Mayor August 17, 1908, duly recorded and published, as provided bv law, August 22, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOIXES 97 ORDIXA^^CE Xo. 1544. An Oedinaxce re-establishing- the grade of Prospect Boulevard, from Sixth avenue to Ninth street. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1.— That the grade of Prospect Boulevard, from Sixth avenue to Xinth street, he and the same is re-established above datum plane as follows, to-wit : Elevations at Feet. Sec. 2. — South and west curb line — 24 feet west of west line of Sixth avenue, south of Prospect Boulevard, P. T. L. curve, 45 foot radius 72.55 225 feet west of last named point, P. C. L. curve, 27.5 foot radius 77.59 Seventh street, east curb, 200 feet north of north line of Franklin avenue, P. T. L. curve, 27.5 foot radius 80.00 Seventh street, west curb, 200 feet north of north line of Franklin avenue 80.00 022 feet north of north line of Franklin avenue 73.81 482 feet north of north line of Franklin avenue, P. C. L. cun^e, 47 foot radius 69.00 P. T. L. curve, 47 foot radius G9.50 Eighth street, southeast curb, 259 feet west of last named point 71.33 Lincoln street, intersection with north curb, 318.53 feet east of east line of Il^inth street 71.27 P. T. L. curve, 17.5 foot radius, 55.33 feet from last named point 71.64 P. C. L. curve, 37 foot radius, 273.7 feet from last named point " 73.63 N'inth street, east curb, P. T. L. cun^e, 37 foot radius. . . .76.06 Sec. 3. — North and east curb line — 13 feet west of west line of Sixth avenue, north of Prospect Boulevard 70.78 187 feet west of last named point, P. C. R. curve, 65 foot radius 75.89 P. T. R. curve, 65 foot radius 72.95 482 feet north of north line of Franklin avenue, P. C. L. curve, 73 foot radius 69.00 P. T. L. curve, 73 foot radius 69.50 98 okdina:ntces. p. C. R. curve, 268 foot radius, 116.5 feet west of last named point 70.16 P. T. R. curve, 268 foot radius 70.98 P. C. R. curve, 57.8 foot radius, 344.2 feet from last named point 72.92 P. T. R. curve, 57.8 foot radius, on east curb line of Ninth street 72.19 Sec. 4. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed August 17, 1908. Signed Augiist 17, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held August 17, 1908, signed by the Mayor August 17, 1908, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, August 22, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. o CITY OF DES MOIXES 99 ORDII^A^^CE Xo. 1545. An Ordinance establishing the grade of Lincoln street, from Eighth street to iSTinth street. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the grade of Lincoln street, from Eighth street to ]^inth street, be and the same is hereby established above datum plane as follows, to-wit : Elevations at Feet. South curb line — Eighth street, southwest curb corner 71.61 Ninth street, southeast curb comer, 301 feet west of south- west curb of Eighth street 81.40 North curb line — Intersection with south curb of Prospect Boulevard, 318.53 feet east of east line of Xinth street 71.27 P. T. R. curve, 17.5 foot radius, 263.20 feet east of east line of Ninth street 71.69 P. C. R. curve, 37 foot radius, 19 feet east of east line of Ninth street 79.15 Ninth street, east curb, P. T. R. curve, 37 foot radius. . . .79.22 Sec. 2. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. — This ordinance shall be in full force and eifect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed August 17, 1908. Signed August 17, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Poorman^ City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held August 17, 1908, signed by the Mayor August 17, 1908, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, August 22, 1908. Ceo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. 100 ORDIXAXCES. ORDIXAXCE Xo. 1546. Ax Oedixaxce to prohibit and punish discrimination against patrons of hotels, restaurants, eating-houses, ice cream par- lors, and barber shops. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That it shall be unlawful for the proprietor, keep- er, servant or employe of any hotel, restaurant, eating-house, ice cream parlor, or barber shop, within the city of Des Moines, serving the public generally, to ask for, demand, charge, receive or collect for any food or lodging furnished or for services ren- dered to any patron, customer, or guest, a greater amount as compensation or in consideration of the same than is at the same time charged, collected or received from any other person or persons for like services rendered, or for food and lodging fur- nished. Sec. 2. — Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any agent, servant or employe of any person, firm or corporation found guilty of a violation thereof, shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $100, and shall stand committed in the city jail until such fine and costs are paid, not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 3. — This ordinance, being deemed urgent and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed August 21, 1908. Signed August 21, 1008. A. J. Mathis, Mavor. Attest: Geo. F. Pookmax, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held August 21, 1908, signed by the Mayor August 21, 1908, duly recorded, and published in Daily Capital August 21, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES 101 ORDIXAXCE No. 1547. An Ordixaxce to prohibit smoking of tobacco in opera houses or moving picture show ro 156.31 Fifteenth street, southeast curb 156.82 Sixteenth street 161.00 Seventeenth street 173.50 Eighteenth street, southeast corner 165.75 Eighteenth street, southwest comer 165.25 Eighteenth street, northeast corner 166.75 Eighteenth street, northwest corner 166.25 I*^iueteenth street, west line 163.00 Twentieth street, east line 147.00 Twentieth street, northwest corner 147.00 Twentieth street, lot line, southwest corner 146.00 Twentieth street (G street), center 143.20 Twentj-first street, center 138.40 Sec. 5. — Elevations at Twenty-fourth street 130.00 Twenty-fifth street 118.00 Twenty-sixth street, north line 122.00 Twenty-eighth street 152.00 Sec. 6. — Elevations at Thirty-third street, center 143.00 Thirty-fifth street, southeast curb corner 154.00 Thirty-fifth street, southwest curb corner 154.00 Thirty-fifth street, northeast curb comer 154,00 Thirty-fifth street, northwest curb corner 154.00 Fortieth street, center 184.00 Forty-first street, center 171.06 Park Lane, south line 196.00 Park Lane, north line 196.00 Sec. 7. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CITY OF DES MOINES. 113 Sec. 8. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed October 19, 1908. Signed October 19, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mavor. Attest: Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held October 19, 1908, signed by the Mayor October 19, 1908, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, October 26, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. 114 ORDIXAXCES. ORDIXAXCE Xo. 1553. Ax Oedixaxce in relation to the erection of street signs, street lights, hitching posts, sign posts and other obstrnctions in the streets of the City of Des Moines, providing penalties for vio- lation thereof, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — It shall be nnlawfnl for any person, firm or cor- poration to construct, erect, maintain or continue to maintain along, in or upon anv street or sidewalk, any street sign, street light, hitching post, sigTi post, or other obstruction ; provided, that nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to apply to electric, ga5 or other lights, or to illuminated or other sigTis con- structed of wood, metal or glass, or a combination thereof, and securely attached to a building, when such light or sign does not extend outward from the building and into the street more than three (3) feet, and when said light or sign is suspended at a height at least twelve (12) feet above the sidewalk. Sec. 2. — Every person, firm or coq^oration violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than one dollar ($1.00), nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and every day of the maintenance of a street light or street sign contrary to the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a distinct and separate offense. Sec. 3. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed October 23, 1908. Signed October 23, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Poouman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an •ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held October 23, 1908, signed by the Mayor October 23, 1908, duly recorded and published as provided by law October 29^ 1908. Geo. F. Pooemax, City Clerk. CITY OF DES M0I:N"ES. 115 ORDIXAXCE Xo. 1554. An Ordinance governing meetings on the streets of the City of Des Moines, requiring a permit therefor, and imposing a pen- alty for violations thereof. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — It shall be unlawful for any association, company, society, order, exhibition or aggregation of persons to hold any meeting or meetings on the streets of the City of Des Moines, without first having obtained from the City Marshal a permit therefor. Sec. 2. — If the City Marshal, upon presentation of an appli- cation for a permit to hold a meeting or meetings upon the streets of the city, shall be satisfied that such meeting or meet- ings will not interfere with the travel or good order of the city, he may issue such permit, which shall be without charge. Sec. 3. — Any person taking part in any meeting being held contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, on any street of the City of Des Moines, shall be deemed guilty of a violation hereof, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than one dollar ($1.00), nor more than one hundred dol- Inars ($100.00), and shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 4. — All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed jSTovember 2, 1908. Signed :N'ovember 2, 1908. A. J. Matiiis, Mavor. Attest: Geo. F. Pooeman, Citv Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held iSTovember 2, 1908, signed by the Mayor Xovember 2, 1908, duly recorded and published as provided by law, November 9, i908. Geo. E. Pookman, City Clerk. 116 OEDINAN"CES. ORDIXAXCE Xo. 1555. An Okdixance re-establishing- the grade of East ISTiath street, from Elm street to Tifnn street. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the grade of East Xinth street, from Elm street to Tiffin street, be and the same is hereby re-established above datum plane as follows, to-wit: Sec. 2. — Elevations at Eeet. Elm street 25.00 Vine street 31.00 Court avenue 41.50 Walnut street, center 72.00 Locust street 83.00 Grand avenue 93.50 Sec. 3. — Elevations at Alley between Grand avenue and Des Moines street. . . . 88.40 Des Moines street 85.00 Lyon street 82.00 Maple street 84.00 Walker street 88.00 Buchanan street 93.00 Fremont street 97.00 Filmore street 103.00 South line of Section 35 103.50 Sec. 4. — Elevations at Hubbell avenue, southeast corner 101.00 Hubbell avenue, southwest comer 101.00 ITubbell avenue, northeast comer 100.70 LIubbell avenue, northwest corner 100.70 100 feet north of north line of Hubbell avenue . 100.00 250 feet north of north line of Ilubboll avenue 95.40 700 feet north of north line of Hubbell avenue 76.00 Polk avenue, southeast corner 72.00 Polk avenue, southwest corner 72.00 Polk avenue, northeast corner 71.70 Polk avenue, northwest corner 71.50 257 feet north of north lino of Polk avenue 69.70 440 feet north of north line of Polk avenue 63.70 550 feet north of north line of Polk avenue 62.60 CITY OF DES MOINES. 117 800 feet north of north line of Polk avenne, curb 65.80 Washington avenne, southeast corner, curb elevation.. . . 67.80 Washington avenue, southwest corner, curb elevation. . . 67.80 Washington avenue, northeast corner, curb elevation. . . 67.80 Washington avenue, northwest corner, curb elevation. . . 67.80 Sec. 5. — Elevations at 8314 feet north of north line of Washington avenue, "^ P P V P 68 48 1081/2 feet north of north line of Washington avenue. . . 68.64 I33I/2 feet north of north line of Washington avenue. . . 68.73 1581/4 feet north of north line of Washington avenue. . . 68.75 1831/^ feet north of north line of Washington avenue. . . 68.69 2081/2 feet north of north line of Washington avenue. . . 68.57 2331/^ feet north of north line of Washington avenue. . . 68.36 2581/2 fe^t north of north line of Washington avenue. . . 68.09 2831/0 feet north of north line of Washington avenue. . . 67.75 308% feet north of north line of Washington avenue. . . 67.34 333I/2 feet north of north line of Washington avenue. . . 66.84 3581/2 feet north of north line of Washington avenue. . . 66.27 383^) feet north of north line of Washington avenue, ^ P. T. V. C 65.63 Jefferson avenue, center 59.00 200 feet north of center of Jefferson avenue, P. C. V. C. 52.73 225 feet north of center of Jefferson avenue 51.98 250 feet north of center of Jefferson avenue 51.30 275 feet north of center of Jefferson avenue 50.67 300 feet north of center of Jefferson avenue 50.07 325 feet north of center of Jefferson avenue 49.56 350 feet north of center of Jefferson avenue 49.10 375 feet north of cente^' of Jefferson avenue 48.70 400 feet north of center of Jefferson avenue, P. T. V. C. 48.36 Thompson avenue, south line 37.00 Thompson avenue, north line 37.00 75 feet north of north line of Thompson avenue 39.00 Guthrie avenue 62.50 Sec. 6. — Elevations at 300 feet north of Guthrie avenue 71.00 Q6Q feet north of Guthrie avenue 72.40 Arthur avenue, west 64.25 Arthur avenue, east 64.00 Morton avenue, east line 70.00 118 ORDIXAXCES. Grand View street, center, and east line of iSTinth street. 81.00 Boyd street, center, and east line of Xinth street 82.46 Sec. 7. — Elevations at Hull avenue, northwest corner lot line 84.00 Hull avenue, southwest corner lot line 84.00 Hull avenue, northeast corner lot line 84.00 Hull avenue, southeast corner lot line 84.00 Tiffin street, center 90.90 Sec. 8. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed IN'ovember 4, 1908. Signed November 4, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mavor. Attest: Geo. F. Pooeman, Citv Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held November 4, 1908, simied bv the Mavor Xovember 4, 1908, ' ^ »^ I t 7 7 dulv recorded and published as provided bv law, Xovember 9, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOIIN-ES. 119 ORDIXAXCE Xo. 1556. Ax Oedixaxce re-establishing- the grade of Twenty-seventh street, from School street to Franklin street. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Seenter avenue, north line 186.50 Forest avenue, south line, east curb 169.60 Forest avenue, south line, west curb 169.00 Forest avenue, south curb, east curb 169.60 Forest avenue, south curb, west curb 169.00 Forest avenue, north curb, east curb 169.30 Forest avenue, north curb, west curb 168.70 Forest avenue, north line, east curb 169.30 Forest avenue, north line, west curb 168.70 150 feet south of south line of Clark street (east) 159.75 120 oedi:n^ances. Sec. 4, — Elevations at South line of Clark street (east) 154.70 North line of Clark street (east) 153.00 350 feet north of north line of Clark street (east) 370 feet north of north line of Clark street (east) 139.07 390 feet north of north line of Clark street (east) 138.49 410 feet north of north line of Clark street (east) 138.00 430 feet north of north line of Clark street (east) 137.62 450 feet north of north line of Clark street (east) 137.36 470 feet north of north line of Clark street (east) 137.20 490 feet north of north line of Clark street (east) 137.16 510 feet north of north line of Clark street (east) 137.22 530 feet north of north line of Clark street (east) 137.38 550 feet north of north line of Clark street (east) State street, center 141.30 Sec. 5. — Elevations at 400 feet north of center of State street, P. C. V. C 152.26 420 feet north of center of State street 152.74 440 feet north of center of State street 153.08 460 feet north of center of State street 153.28 480 feet north of center of State street 153.34 500 feet north of center of State street (center of Wash- ington) 153.25 520 feet north of center of State street 153.03 540 feet north of center of State street 152.66 560 feet north of center of State street 152.16 580 feet north of center of State street 151.51 600 feet north of center of State street, P. T. Y. C 150.73 Franklin street, south line 120.50 Sec. 6. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed j^ovember 6, 1908. Signed :N'ovember 6, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES. 121 I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held JSTovember 6, 1908, signed by the Mayor ^^Tovember 6, 1908, dnly recorded and published as provided by law, ^N'ovember 17, 1908. Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. 122 ORDIXAIs^CES. ORDINA^TCE ^0. 1557. An Ordinance re-establishing the grade of Thirty-fifth street, from Grand avenue to University avenue. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the grade of Thirty-fifth street, from Grand avenue to University avenne, be and the same is hereby re-estab- lishd above datum plane as follows, to-wit: Sec. 2. — Elevations at Feet. Grand avenue, northeast and northwest corners 170.60 Ingersoll avenue, southeast and southwest corners 136.75 Ingersoll avenue, northeast and northwest comers 136.75 130 feet north of north line of Ingersoll avenue 131.82 155 feet north of north line of Ingersoll avenue 131.12 *te^ ISO feet north of north line of Ingersoll avenue 130.72 205 feet north of north line of Ingersoll avenue 130.71 230 feet north of north line of Ingersoll avenue 131.06 Woodland avenue, south line 139.00 Woodland avenue, north line 130.00 Pleasant street, south line 152.60 Pleasant street, north line 152.60 357 feet north of center of Pleasant street 159.03 382 feet north of center of Pleasant street 159.38 407 feet north of center of Pleasant street 159.44 432 feet north of center of Pleasant street 159.18 457 feet north of center of Pleasant street 158.64 Sec. 3. — Elevations at Center street, south line 154.00 Center street, north line 154.00 Rollins avenue, south line 152.00 Rollins avenue, north line 152.00 Crocker street, south line 164.00 Crocker street, north line 165.00 Lyons street, south line 176.20 Lyons street, north line 177.00 School street, south line 184,00 School street, north line 1 84.00 King-man Boulevard, southeast corner 188.40 Kingman Boulevard, southwest corner 189.00 Kingman Boulevard, northeast corner 188.40 CITY OF DES MOINES. 123 Kingman Boulevard, northwest corner 189.00 Cottage Grove avenue, south line 190.50 Cottage Grove avenue, south curb 190.50 Cottage Grove avenue, north curb 190.50 Cottage Grove avenue, north line 190,50 University avenue, south line 183.50 University avenue, south curb 183.50 Sec. 4. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed N'ovember 9, 1908. Signed November 9, 1908. A. J. Matiiis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Pookman, Citv Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the abo^•e and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held November 9, 1908, signed by the Mayor November 9, 1908, duly recorded and published as provided by law Novem- ber 25, 1908. Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. 124 ordixa:n^ces. ordii^ance 1^0. 1558. An Ordinance establishing the east line of West Twenty-fourth street, from the north line of Woodland avenue to the north line of the Jewish Cemetery. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the east line of West Twenty-fourth street, from the north line of Woodland avenue to the north line of the Jewish Cemetery, be and the same is hereby established twenty- seven (27) feet east of the center line of said West Twenty- fourth street. Sec. 2. — All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed :N'ovember 13, 1008. Signed November 13, 1908. A. J. MathiSj Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. T, Geo. P. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held ]!^ovember 13, 1908, signed by the Mayor November 13, 1908, duly recorded and published as provided by law, l^ovem- ber 25,^1908. Geo. p. Poorman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOIXES. 125 0EDI:N'A]^CE Xo. 1559. An Ordinance establishing the grade of Thirty-third street, from Forest avenue to Clark street. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the grade of Thirty-third street, from For- est avenue to Clark street, be and the same is herebv established above datum plane as follows, to-wit: Elevations at — Feet. North line of Forest avenue 184.50 300 feet north of the north line of Forest avenue 172.00 .325 feet north of the north line of For&st avenue 171.11 350 feet north of the north line of Forest avenue 170.29 375 feet north of the north line of Forest avenue 169.63 400 feet north of the north line of Forest avenue 169.10 South line of Clark street 165.50 Sec. 2. — All ordinanc&s or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. — This ordinance shall be in full force from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed :N'ovember 30, 1908. Signed :N'ovember 30, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Pooeman, Citv Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Des Moines at a meeting held ISTovember 30, 1908, signed by the Mayor [N'ovember 30, 1908, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, December 16, 1908. Geo. F. Poorman, Citv Clerk. 126 OKDINAKCES. ORDK^AInCE Xo. 1560. An Ordinance changing the names of certain streets, and nam- ing other streets in the City of Des Moines. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the names of streets be changed and named as hereinafter set forth in the following sections : Sec. 2.— "A" street, northwest one-quarter, Section 31-79-23, Eas- ton Place, to Thompson avenue Sec. 3.— "A" street, between West Third street and Fourth street, south of School street, to. Third Street Place Sec. 4. — "A" street, between West Third street and Fourth street, south of Elm street, to Third Street Placo Sec. 5. — '*B" street, between West Fourth street and Fifth street, north of School street, to Fourth Street Place Sec. 6. — "B" street, northwest one-quarter. Section 31-79-23, Eas- ton Place, to Jefferson avenue Sec. 7. — Belle street, Cunningham's Subdivision, to Tama avenue Sec. 8. — Boulevard avenue. Section 11-78-24, to Muscatine avenue Sec. 9.— Ceoiter Boulevard, Brown's Woods, to Tonawanda Drive Sec. 10.— "C" street, between East Sixteenth street and Seventeenth street, from Dean avenue to Vine street, to Sixteenth Street Court Sec. 11.— "C" street, first street west of East Fourteenth street, from Fremont street north on line produced north to city- limits, to York street CITY OF DES MOINES. 127 Sec. 12.— *'C" street, Harger's Addition, to Fifth Street Place Sec.. 13.— South JSTinth street, south of Raccoon River to intersection of Clifton avenue, and Clifton avenue southward to city limits, to South jSTinth street Sec. 14. — Clinton avenue, Hyde Park, to Mahaska avenue Sec. 15. — Cooper street. South Park, to Monona avenue Sec. 16.— English street, Chesterfield, and Russell street in Manu- facturers' Addition, to Onawa avenue Sec. 17.— English street., first street east of East Fourteenth, Ash- brook Place, to Idaho street Sec. 18. — Euclid avenue, Washington Heights, to Cherokee avenue Sec. 19. — Forest avenue, west of Penn. avenue, north line of Slinin- ger's Addition, to Xeola avenue Sec. 20.— Garfeld street, west of East Sixth street, first north of Hayes street, to Algona avenue Sec. 21.— Garfield street, first north of Madison, Highland Park, second street south of north city limits, to . Shawnee avenue Sec. 22.— Grant avenue, street east and west on north city limits, to Aurora avenue Sec. 23.— Greenwood Place, Polk & Hubbell's Park, to Twenty-seventh street Sec. 24.— ''H" street, between TVest Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets, south of School street, to . Twenty-third Street Place 128 ORDIXAXCES. Sec. 25. — Harrison street, between East Twentv-fourth and Twentv- fifth streets, south of Xorth avenue, to Twenty-fourth Street Court Sec. 26.— Harrison avenue, Cunningham's Subdivision, to East Thirty-fifth street Sec. 27.— Hawthorne street, Eorest Glen Addition, to Ash avenue Sec. 28.— Astor avenue, first west of East Sixteenth street, south from Dean avenue to Vine street, and "F" street from Rac- coon to Maury street, to Astor street Sec. 29.— Lincoln street. Prospect Park, to Lincoln avenue Sec. 30.— Lincoln street, first street east of East Twenty-eighth street, south of Dean avenue. Kinsman avenue and Victoria street, 1-78-24, to Twenty-eighth Street Court Sec. 31.— Cottage street, first street south of L'niversity avenue, be- tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth street; Lincoln street, Oliver & Mann's Addition ; street along north line of Vandercook's Addition, and Lincoln street south of Fickle's Addition, to Ascension street Sec. 32.— Lincoln street, north line of Willoughby Place; Sheridan street. Grand View Addition ; Saylor avenue, north line of Twining's Addition ; Mills street, southeast one-quarter Section 27-79-21, to Sheridan avenue Sec. 33.— Logan avenue, Clifton Heights, east of Courtland avenue, and Courtland avenue east of Hillside avenue, to. . . . Hillside avenue Sec. 31. — Lyons street, Lyons Park, to Tola street CITY OF DES MOIXES. 129 Sec. 35.— "M" street, Fickle's Addition, to Ohio street Sec. 36.— "M" street, Sunnyside Addition, to. . . .Twentieth Street Court Sec. 37.— "L" street, Fickle's Addition, to Maine street Sec. 38.— Meek street, first north of Scott avenue, east of Dean's Lake, to Raccoon street Sec. 39.— Morton street, Grand View Addition, to Morton avenue Sec. 40.— Morton street, first east of East Twenty-fifth street, south of ISTorth avenue, to Twenty-fifth Street Court Sec. 41.— Neiman avenue, Section 7-78-24, to John L^iide Eoad Sec. 42.— Nineteenth street. City Place Addition, to. . . .Eighteenth street Sec. 43.— I^orth Boulevard, Old Orchard Beach, to. . . .Holcomb avenue Sec. 44.— j^orth street, old corporation line. East City, to. .Xorth avenue Sec. 45. — Park Lane, south from "West Grand avenue, to Fortv-second street Sec. 46. — Pelton avenue, first street north of East Washington, from ]Srinth to Twelfth, to Osceola avenue See. 47.— Pennsylvania avenue, from south line of Union Park to northeast corner Twining's Addition, to Saylor Eoad Sec. 48.— Pleasant street, north line of Talmadge Subdivision, and streets in line therewith, to Davis avenue 130 ORDINA]N^CES. Sec. 49.— Porter street, second street south of Douglas avenue, Sec- tion 26-78-24, to Ovid avenue Sec. 50. — Prospect avenue, Hoffman Addition to Grant Park ; Hart- ley street. Hartley Addition, to. .East Twenty-ninth street Bliss avenue, south from Hoffman Addition, to Southeast Twenty-ninth street Sec. 51. — Prescott Drive, South Park, to . Courtland Drive Sec. 52.— Riverside Drive, Union Park, to Birdland Drive Sec. 53. — Rollins avenue, City View Addition, to Creston avenue Sec. 54. — Scott street, first north of Pleasant street, from Ninth street west two blocks, to Chestnut street Sec. 55. — Scott Heights, between East Eleventh and Twelfth streets, to Vine street Sec. 56. — Short street, Section 15-78-24, to. Southeast Eighth Street Court Sec. 57.— Summit street, Hyde Park, to East Thirty-third street Sec. 58. — Belmont street, Morrison's Addition, to East Twenty-sixth street Wabash avenue, Eshbaugh & West's Addition, to Southeast Twenty-sixth street Sec. 59.— Wabash street, Mimufacturers' Addition, to. . .Santiago avenue Sec. 60.— Washington avenue, AVilHams' Third Addition; Xorth Washington, south line of Elmwood Place ; jSTorth Washington, Inglewold Addition; Washington street, Prospect Park, south of Jefferson street, Sixth to Thir- CITY OF DES MOINES. 131 teenth ; \Vashingtoii street, north line of Rollins' Third and Fourth Additions, to Washington avenue Sec. 61. — South Washington, through O. P. Lot 39, Sections 33-34- 79-24, from Thirteenth street to Twentieth street, to. . Mondamin avenue Sec. 62.— Williams street. Sections 23-26-78-24, dividing line between Des Moines and Lee Townships, to. . .^N^orth Union street Sec. 63.— Kansas City avenue. Section 36-79-24, to Fillmore street Sec. 64.— Maury street, Sections 10 and 11-78-24; Russell street, Chesterfield ; Hampton street, ]\ianufacturers' Addi- tion, to Maurv street Sec. 65. — Franklin avenue, southwest one-quarter Section 11-78-24; South Sixth street, South Des ]\Ioines, and streets in line therewith east to Franklin avenue, to. Granger avenue Sec. 66. — "K" street, first street west of West First street, north of School street, to First Street Place Sec. 67. — Williams street, north of Des ]\Ioines River, in Old Orchard Beach, Section 26-78-24; Edwards street, Twining's Addition ; Charles street, east line of Englewood Addi- tion, to Oxford street Sec. 68. — Streets. iSTorth and south streets south from East Vine street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, and south in line therewith to Hartford avenue, South Des Moines, to Southeast Fourteenth Street Court Sec. 69. — Mitchell avenue, from west line of Section 11-78-24 east and continuation to south city limits, to. .Hartford avenue Sec. 70. — Dean avenue, from East Fourteenth street east to city lim- its, to Brooks street 132 OEDIXAXCES. Sec. 71.— Street. Xorth and south street in Blocks 1, 2 and G, Sec- ond Plat, Clifton Heights Addition, to Southeast Second Street Court Sec. 72.— Courtland street, first plat Clifton Heights, to.Courtland Drive Sec. 73. — Howe street, Clifton Heights, to Olinda avenue Sec. 74.— Capital street. Capital Addition, Section 3-79-24; Court- land street, E. B. Hunt's Subdivision; Gould street, . Eshbaugh <^' "West's Addition; Street north line of Lincoln Park Addition, to East Elm street Sec. 75.— Duck avenue. Jack's Plat ; Wabash avenue, Chesterfield ; English street. Manufacturers' Addition, to. .Shaw street Sec. 76. — Anderson street, Chesterfield & Larrison Place; Sandford street, Manufacturers' Addition, to Railroad avenue Sec. 77.— Howard street, Gray's Subdivision; Hampton street, Stan- ley's Addition, Chesterfield and Larrison Place; An- derson street, Manufacturers' Addition, to. . . .Vale street Sec. 78.— Sandford street, Chesterfield ; jSTewcomer street. Manufac- turers' Addition, to Harriett street Sec. 79.— Smith street, Lakeside Addition and Eshbaugh & West's Addition; Syndicate avenue, south line of Huffman Addition to Grant Park, to East Market street Sec. 80.— Meek avenue, Lakeside and Eshbaugh & West's Addition, also Lincoln Park Addition, to Raccoon street Sec. 81.— Murray avenue, Zoological Gardens Addition, to. Yemon a,venue Sec. 82.— Hiatt street, Cunningham's Subdivision, to. . .East Vine street CITY OF DES MOINES. 133 Sec. 83.— Hewitt street, first street south of East Walnnt street from Seventeenth street east to railway, to Logan avenue Sec. 84. — Claypool avenue, northeast one-quarter, Section 2-78-24, and northwest one-quarter, Section 1-78-24, first street north of Lvon street, from C. G. W. Railway to East Twenty-sixth street, to Maple street Sec. 85. — Maple street, second street north of Lyon street, from Clay- pool avenue east to Twenty-second street, to . Ankeny avenue Sec. 86.— Street^ first south of Xorth avenue. Eighteenth to Twenty- second street, to Walker street Sec. 87. — Street, Market Addition, Section 2-78-24, to Allen street Sec. 88.— Street, west line of Section 2-78-24, from Market street to river, to Southeast Fourteenth street Sec. 89.— Street, west line of Section 11-78-24, from Vine street south to citv limits, to Southeast Fourteenth street Sec. 90.— '"D"' street, east linei of Franklin Square; "D" street, first street west of East Fifteenth, from Court avenue to Vine street, to Fourteenth Street Court "D" street, Reese's Subdivision; "D" street, Gray's Sub- division, from Railroad avenue to Scott avenue; Ben- nett street, Bennett Place, to Southeast Fourteenth Street Court Sec. 9L— South Fifteenth street. South Riverside Park, to Southeast Fourteenth Street Court Sec. 92.— South Sixteenth street. South Riverside Park Addition, to Southeast Fifteenth street 134 ORDINANCES. Sec. 93.— "E" street, between Eifteenth and Sixteenth street, north of Buchanan, to Fifteenth Street Court "E'' street, south of Vine street, first east of Fifteenth street, south of Maury, to. Southeast Fifteenth Street Court Sec. 94. — South Seventeenth street, South Riverside Park Addition, to Southeast Fifteenth Street Court Sec. 95.— South Eighteenth street, east line of South Riverside Park Addition, to Southeast Sixteenth street Sec. 96.— "G" street, first street east of East Sixteenth street, from Dean to Vine street, to Sixteenth Street Court "G'' street, first street east of East Sixteenth, from Vine street south, to Southeast Sixteenth Street Court Sec. 97.— South iSTineteenth street. South Rivereide Park Addition, to Southeast Sixteenth Street Court Sec. 98.— South Twentieth street. South Riverside Park Addition, to Southeast Seventeenth street Sec. 99.— South Twenty-first street. South Riverside Park Addition, to Southeast Seventeenth Street Court Sec. 100.— South Twenty-second street. South Riverside Park Addi- tion, and streets in line therewith south to city lim- its, to Southeast Eighteenth street Sec. 101.— South Twenty-fourth street, South Riverside Park Addi- tion, to Southeast Nineteenth street Sec. 102.— Iowa street. Charter Oak Addition, to Southeast Eighteenth Street Court • CITY OF DES MOINES. J35 Sec. 103.— "L" street, betweeoi East Nineteenth and Twentieth, from Walnut to Dean, to Nineteenth Street Court Howe sti-eet, first west of East Twentieth street. Raccoon to Maurv street, to Southeast Nineteenth Street Court Sec. 104.— East Twentieth street, Easton Boulevard to North avenue, to Twentieth Street Court Sec. 105. — "M" street, Yant's Addition of out lots ; "N" street, west line of FairlawTi Addition, to. . . .East Twenty-first street Sec. 106.— Street, west line of Jack's Plat, from Scott avenue to Shaw street, to Southeast Twenty-first Street Court Sec. 107.— Gilbert street, Jack's Plat, to. . .Southeast Twenty-second street Sec. 108.— Street, first east of Twenty-second street, south of North avenue, to Twentv-second Street Court Sleeper street, Jack's Plat, to Southeast Twenty-second Street Court Sec. 109.— Carroll street, first east of Twenty-third street. North ave- nue to Maple street., to Twenty-third Street Court Cohen street. Jack's Plat, to Southeast Twenty-third Street Court Sec. 110.— Ankeny street, east line of Grant Park Addition, from Dean avenue north, to East Twentv-fourth street Sec. 111.— Street between Blocks 7 and 8, York's Choice, to Twenty-fourth Street Court Street. North and south street, first east of west line of Lakeside Addition, from Market street south, and street along east line of Jack's Plat to C, B. & Q. street, to Southeast Twentv-fourth Street Court 136 OEDIISTAlSrCES. Sec. 112.— Andrews avenue, from Market street south, in Lakeside Addition; Lake avenue, Chesterfield and J. G. Stan- ley's Addition, to Southeast Twenty-fifth street Sec. 113.— Street between Blocks 9 and 10, York's Choice, to Twenty-fifth Street Court Eshbaugh avenue, Lakeside Addition, Chesterfield Addi- tion and J. G. Stanley's Addition, from Market street to C, B. & Q. street, to Southeast Twenty-fifth Street Court Sec. 114.— Wabash avenue, Eshbaugh &; West's Addition and Larrison Place, to Southeast Twenty-sixth street Sec. 115. — Ashland street, Morrison's Addition, first east of Twenty- sixth, to Twenty-sixth Street Court Kock Island avenue, Eshbaugh & West's Addition and Lar- rison Place, to Southeast Twenty-sixth Street Court Sec. lie— Hoxie avenue, Eshbaugh & West's Addition and Larrison Place, to Southeast Twenty-seventh street Sec. iir.— Grafton street, Mon-ison's Addition, to Twenty-seventh Street Court Sec. 118.— Royce street, east line of Morrison's Addition, to East Twenty-eighth street Street in line with Royce street, in Eshbaugh & West's Addition and Larrison Place, to Southeast Twenty-eighth street Sec. 119.— Street, first west of Thirtieth street, from Dean avenue to Smith street, to Twentv-ninth Sti-eet Court Stree-t, first west of Thirtieth street, from Smith street to Gould street, to Southeast Twenty-ninth Street Court CITY OF DES MOIXES 137 See. 120.— Street ill line north, and south with west line of Fair Grounds, from north line of O. P. Lot 3, southwest one-qnarter, Section 6-78-23, south to city limits, to Southeast Thirtieth street Sec. 121.— Elbert street. Cotton Mill Addition, from Dean avenue north, to Thirtieth Street Court Sec. 122.— Dexter street. Cotton Mill -Vddition, from Dean avenue north, to East Thirtv-first street Austin street. Manufacturers' Addition, and streets in line therewith south of Scott avenue, to Southeast Thirty-first street Sec. 123.— Fountain avenue, Hyde Park, from ISTorth avenue north; Cotton street. Redhead Addition, to East Thirty-second street Kneal street, east line of Manufacturers' Addition, to. . . . Southeast Thirtv-second street Sec. 124.— Summit street, from Xorth avenue north to city limits, to East Thirty-third street Sec. 125.— Allison street, fourth street east of East Thirtieth, from Dean avenue north in center of Section 6, to East Thirty-fourth street Sec. 126.— Barlow street, Cunningham's Subdivision, to Thirty-fourth Street Court Sec. 127. — Street. Xorth and south street, east line of Laurel Hill Cemeteiw, and streets in line therewith, to East Thirtv-eighth street Sec. 128.— East Linden street, from Xorth avenue to Easton Boule- vard, Section 3-79-23, Fairview Addition, to East Twenty-eighth street 138 OEDINAXCES. Sec. 129.— Ashfard street, from North avenue to Easton Boulevard, Section 31-79-23, Fairview Addition, to East Twenty-seventh street Sec. 130.— Wicks street, Haskell &: Ballard's Addition, from Xorth avenue to Easton Boulevard, to. . .East Twentv-first street Sec. 131.— Haskell street, first street east of Ure street, from Easton Boulevard north ; State street, from. Easton Boulevard north, to East Twenty-second street Sec. 132.— Wilbur street, Easton Place; Wilbur street, Allen Place, to East Twenty-fourth street Sec. 133.— Montgomery street, Easton Place and Allen Place, to. . . . East Twenty-third street Sec. 134.— South jMonroe street. South Des Moines, also street east line of Section 16-78-24 southward to city limits, to South Union street Sec. 135. — Clay street, South Des Moines, to Southeast First street Sec. 136.— Harrison street, South Des Moines, to . . Southeast Second street Sec. 137.— Garfield street. South Des Moines, to ... . Southeast Third street Sec. 138.— Johnson street, South Des Moines, to. . .Southeast Fourth street Sec. 139.— Dunham street. South Des Moines, from river south to city limits, including Lincoln street, along the west line of Sevastojwl, to Southeast Fifth street Sec. 140. — South Main street. South City, south from river to Indian- ola Road, to Southeast Sixth street CITY OF DES MOINES 139 See. 141.— Center street, Beckwith's Subdivision, to Southeast Seventh street Sec. 142.— Connors street, South City; Jefferson street, Sevastopol, to Southeast Eighth street Sec. 143.— Street, Oak Heights Addition, Section 15-78-24, to Southeast Ninth street Sec. 144.— Street north and south in O. P. 13-14 and 18, Talmadge's Subdivision, and south to Indianola Road, to Southeast Eighth Street Court Sec. 145.— South First street. South City, to Van Buren avenue Sec. 146.— South Second street, South Citv, to Monroe avenue Sec. 147.— South Third street, South City, to Clay avenue Sec. 148.— South Fourth street. South City, to Livingston avenue Sec. 149.— South Fifth street. South City, to Jackson avenue Sec. 150.— South Sixth street, South City, to Granger avenue Sec. 151.— South Seventh street. South City, to Dunham avenue Sec. 152.— South Eighth street. South City, also Simonton street, to Edison avenue Sec. 153.— Curve street, South City, to Columbus avenue Sec. 154.— Franklin street, south of Sevastopol, to Laeona avenue 140 OKDINA^CES. Sec. 155. — Street, O. P., 13-14-18, Talmadge's Addition, to. .Anita avenue Sec. 156. — Street through center line of Section 15-78-24, east and west to city limits, to Section avenue Sec. 157. — Street. First street east of Glendale Cemetery, from Uni- versity avenue north, to Forty-eighth street Sec. 158.— Street, south city limits, east and west, to South avenue Sec. 159. — Madison street, South City, to Southwest First street Sec. 160.— Jefferson street, South Side, Van's Addition, to Southwest Second street Sec. 161.— Bloomfield avenue, Clifton Heights, to. . .Southwest First street Sec. 162.— First street. Brown's Woods, to Brown's Drive Sec. 163.— Second street, Brown's Woods, to Center Drive Sec. 164. — Third street, Brown's Woods, to Woods Drive Sec. 165. — Fourth street. Brown's Woods, to Marsh Drive Sec. 166. — ]\raple street, Raaz Addition, to Raaz avenue Sec. 167. — Walnut street, Slocum Addition, to Linwood avenue Sec. 168. — Street, west city limits, north and south, to. . . . Sixty-third street* Sec. 169.— Street, east city limits, north and south, to East Forty-second street CITY OF DES MOIXES 141 Sec. 170.— Linn street, north line of Block 14, East Fort Des Moines, to Longfellow avenue Sec. 171.— Cooper street, Shepberdson Addition, to West Twenty-first street Sec. 172. — Clarinda street, Shepherdson Addition, to Twentieth Street Place Sec. 173.— Gordon avenne, first street west of ^Yest Thirteenth street, from Forest avenue to Carpenter avenue, to Thirteenth Street Place Sec. 174.— Elbert Lane, Campbell Place Addition, to Fortieth Street Place Sec. 175.— Pennsylvania avenue, Wright's Grove Addition, to ISTortheast Seventh street Sec. 176.— Fourteenth Place, section line between Sections 4 and 5-78- 24, to Fourteenth Street Place Sec. 177. — All streets extending southward from the follow- ing described line are hereby named southeast streets, in the numeral order in which they may appear ; said line beginning at the intersection of East Vine street with the Des Moines River, thence east along the center of East Vine street to East Twentieth street, thence eastward on a line parallel with and distant 1,020 lineal feet therefrom the center lines of Sections 1 and 2, Towmship 78, Range 24, and Sections 5 and 6, Town- ship 78, Range 23, to east city limits. Sec. 178. — All streets extending southward from the following- described line are hereby named southwest streets, in the nu- meral order in which they appear ; said line beginning at the in- tersection of the center line of West Vine street with the Des Moines River, thence westward along said center line to West Twelfth street, thence westerly along the north line of right-of- way of the C, R. I. & P. Railroad, to center of intersection of 142 ORDIJS'ANCES. Twenty-eighth street and Terrace Road, thence north along the center line of Twenty-eighth street to a line produced east from the center of Gilmore street, thence west to the west line of Block 6, AVest End Addition, thence south to Bois Boulevard, tience westerly along the center of Bois Boulevard to Thirty- seventh street, thence northwesterly to Second street, Brown's Woods, thence westerly along the center line of Center Drive west to city limits. See. 179. — All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith^ are hereby repealed. Sec. 180. — This ordinance being deemed urgent for the im- mediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publi- cation as provided by law. Passed December 4, 1908. Signed December 4, 1908. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Des Moines at a meeting held December 4, 1908, signed by the Mayor December 4, 1908, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, December U, 1908. Geo. F. Poormats-, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES 143 00 o o 05 < CM o to o ;?; ■< O o 2; M W « >> > ^ '^ "^ o o o OQ o •4-1 C Ph a o O 02 to _r rt ■— M r- ^ *-• Si /^l — 03 o s t£ o O o =1 o o CO a o O o o rH "^ O It to ^ a o E-i -tf -e —3 o) <1> o ^ «3 H n O CO tk , •4-3 4^ B 4) Eh OD »-< -M o tc -t-3 ce CO W < ^ s o > ,2 "S 9 ~ O S £ ° t, ^. >H ^ o H •4-1 O > to «H O -*-> -t-3 >i o o *- W 00 «(H =4-1 o o o o C2 CO Q ^ a a -*J -4-J o '-' 03 CO IC •- * "^ cr: li Qi to « I Eh OQ o to o re ft o t4-l C3 O (c to E^ rt re 3 Wo ■.n re c c •^^ JC •4J 03 re «*-4 O re o '4H O O re «4-| C ■— • - o >^ fif CO xz QJ fd -*-^ re s OS o « •4-9 3 o cc >-i 03 5 5H o P4 T re tf •- 3 Q E-I cc o c o m o a o -*^ to re CO «4-l S re o a o PC H to 03 01 & "^ " o cq pq 3 o OQ re 6 c o ID i2 ee C3 t^ rH '^ CO O t. 2 o -k^ dj -'-' «H ^ 03 rt t- S £ •H 5 5 -« ^ cc P^ :::s O 1=1 c3 Eh Pn re ^ C -'-' -4-" C to -3 re! f3 o Eh K CC 3 o -S o Q t|H 3 O ^ g O r > 03 _0 CC :^ o 3 o 03 ^ «4-4 =4H to O S CO ^ o =4-t -4-> C o re 03 o 2 •rH re •b ^ rr; o -£ *- -i 03 cCi re o a, ^ ,2 -4^ 'Tl 60 CO «4-l o o CO 03 03 re 03 .^ CO •::: o -3 c i^j 3 3 03 O O CO CO 00 03 tH rH o o c o C3 03 CO CO 03 03 >-i •^— .+J 03 05 03 to 3 O « 3 O > re s o > re ^3 3 TS O ^ 03 03 > C _ 03 r— * 3 o 03 03 ^ ;3 K « PQ pq PQ 144 OHDIXAXCES. 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"T! i» iJQ CO J ^ ^ 000 m m w _ ^ ft m •4^ 00 M « ^-^ > ^ « 02 w o Ph c a" o ID o CO o3 o o CO OQ P 'i^ 'C S W P Q o "^ '3 T! eS a a M ns a ^ "S £ t t « S E o O S 1^ 000 ■ s fc. 3 O O) o • — o OQ 72 CO P^ CO 03 -4^ o rt -ii: o o cS C O O •- O o 3 > CQ CO « C es P « - o CO o in cS CO ^ -4-i G> ■*^ CO o PI > CO m nog-' ci "^ ;^ -ij ,a rQ >< fcjo -a ••-; •— m CO H H '^ -i O -4-3 o CO CO M r^ -1-3 -U PI K CO O f- S-, « Pm E^ CO fl> -^- -^- -*rJ S S § S -S W K H o m n3 to ai 03 J3 ,a ^ Oj rC (D > .4-3 -4^ ^ 03 n H CO CO c3 t ^ l«H ^ -, r^ fe o c CO et-l O -a -4J 3 o n a •^ o o p^ ■-3 CO CO ■4- 02 CO 02 P^ 00 HWHWH HWKW CO -1-3 , -4^ -4-^ a> a> a> C6 o S^^ m o a ^ o o & -4-3 p 3 O o o (^ W rj} p ,a P o o a> « m t^ a a -M p o O) +j .fc (D '3 ■s U) 03 o w =4-1 o 0) Q o a a a S o -4-» pa O o CO O rt M o «4H a Fh =4-1 o o > OJ OJ a ~ -(-T • • M >H M • a a a . O o o • ; '^ O a : ' -t-3 ■i^ -4J • (D OJ CD • • a> OJ 0) • • Vi !h U • , -4J -4-) -4-3 o c3 a o m o o a a p =4^ a o >*J -^ •jj .— . -4-J '■^l f^ §^ cs 0) « W .2 ^ =-4 > 5 o a -4-J ~ O X o -J <1> fcH (1 j: =H a o -£ ^"^^ o £ a = O) a; 03 a -4-3 a a C o a; c o CO ra 2 a a; CO -a =0 a 0^ a o Ph ^ Ph f^ gco gco CO -4J jq CO a QJ 03 -a (U -4-> •4-3 J3 '3 o CO -4-J -a 03 -M 03 a OI 03 Xi ca -b TJ ri O 03 03 a 03 a a a a a a 03 a 03 a 03 .a 13 m =4H O a o 03 c 03 a o IB =« -4-3 03 o a ,a T ^ « tk 03 - -a ^ pq O y; =4H O 03 o a c3 o3 03 a 03 03 -4J 3 o o =4H b i s s o s Ph c !- 03 !=J -H CC' «} a -*J C3 ,a -4-3 03 03 & cc f- -^J a -4-3 c3 fT o ■4-3 r 'T. ^. 03 P3 -u ^"- 03 ,a (D -^-^ 03 f3 a a C cS ,a -4J %4 a o 00 s O a o a . o . 3 o -«^ -^^ ^ -4^ -4-:> 02 o . O 03 03 ■4^ -4-^ o c ^ 03 03 U -t3 C3 ;-4 -4-J -4-3 03 O -4J 03 . 03 . -4-3 03 03 CO 05 CO CO U -4-3 -4J -4-3 CO 00 -t3 00 J ^ tn r^ .a ^ oc 03 -^3 -4-^ d -*-J -4-> -4J c3 " o3 rg a a a. C3 a a 0. -4-3 IS 03 03 03 ,a a; 03 03 Q r^ a 03 03 -4J =4-1 03 03 -4-3 O) 03 Oj -4- 03 03 -4-3 =w =M lB -4^ a o -4-3 a o a o 02 -^-4 o -4-> o o m Fn ^ *^ &4 -H jil s s CO ^ O =H o a a O 00 03 -4-> Is r-i rn a o a ^ C3 .(_) >» 3 "tn =4-1 -4J O O m i; EC c3 ^ F^ pj fij ;l4 03 03 03 F^ 03 03 03 03 ^ ti -4-3 -t3 CO 03 03 ■^ a CO a o ^^ - 03 -4J CO 03 03 03 ►L ►L ►!. ra ^1 S-i o o Fn fe o o ns fe< ph fe 158 OEDINANCES. K § < Z « -i-> W o 1^ »i •*^ P4 m 0) o ^ Ph _(-l ^ t^ OQ o O « o CO w Q -♦J , o T) O o 3 >-i ^ g a o o O OD O > p ert a •4-3 11 a > O o iS ^ a ^ r! ^ fcfl a: DO ;Sg o o o ffi 03 ■ 3 O u c3 O Ci c -a X c o cT 2 o "5 GQ C CO S -a x: c o CO CO '^ 1^ (U o ® "s ^ rs s '3 ^ o w S CO i^ X jg J ^ •n ti -" "ti -^ 0? c a 3 s a i!;' J3 o o o O •-■ o CO a) CO CO Ph o a o o R o > ti to • • o fl) 3 <;■> <1) o o; > •«-» -4-» 03 t> n1 CO CD c« ca ■«j •«-> rD n t> » f^ hJ ,3 •+^ =M «3 -4-J O >> 3 r3 ff) H ;-i o o -f^ 4-^ Ph in « S >-, ^^ S-4 s-< =<-l ^ ^" H a s o ri &^ o o -1 1 ,a o CO w «H =4-1 O c J3 -4-3 -*-3 ry, 3 rt o CJ 03 -1^ -M fl) 0) C) 0) tH t-, -4-J -*-J CO 03 -«J -4-> ro on b (H P^ Ph o o CS ^ a ,a o •4^ -*-3 3 O) o rt CO W a c «j a 3 1-5 > t- ri o a >^. ^ •-3 rt ^ ^ ^ ^ a, -4^ CO 3 O O }-> CO CO 00 ^ i> rt rt 3 3 o o m »H J4 <1) e3 O) h- •-S 0) 3 3 t> o o & a g i-l o « >-:: 1-1 ^J CITY OF DES MOmES. 159 ■k^ -t^ -*-3 J3 -M -^ 03 a ■& .S •i-i o o 0) ;i< K ij !2i 05 ^ -4^ m a . o , c 05 3 n o > -4-9 o H o > -4-3 05 Eh 03 -4-3 05 -4J 05 -4-3 bJO c -4^ 05 05 -t-3 05 05 •4-3 05 > c3 S3 -4J 00 -4-J 03 05 -4^ CO r: ^ ci3 cc 'o 02 S cS o n o ^ -4J '""] -r IH > ^ O &i -4J ^ ^ 05 ^ a 05 05 o >> ■§ ^ ^ o ^ s 00 13 -4J 05 CI, -4^ 3 CO CO S 5 P^ ^ P3 CO CO S fq 05 05 -4^ a 05 > 05 CO .a -4-3 a 05 05 DQ JT -a n W o ".^ Ch O 1^ O CO c3 05 oT o /* ^ I-I a '""' ^ :5 05 CO -IS ? ^ :■< c _ CO f^ o o m to C3 05 05 ^ I « 05 Qj S S £ <= ^ 5 o o o 5 5^ o § .S 03 CO cj -tJ -4J ^ 05 05 05 O «(_. -4-i> -4^ *^ flO CO a 05 K d a o o 03 a 05 tS .3 «3 ^ 05 ft =4-1 O o 05 a « ^"^ -tJ O 05 O 2 fe p4 05 ^ O o • ? IS 05 to CO Ph ^ a o c3 =4H o ; • ;' ■ .2 " Vs • a • • 05 ■ fe ; fC k- ■ ■ '. c ; -^j • ^ • -^-3 > • a • C . . -*-» ;^ • .= 05 '. ; ^ : bJD . 05 ; ; «+H ; r-^ ri^ CO . 05 . tjC . "2 : . ^ rt . • ^^ ft : : : «w ! '• '*^ '. c ^ ; -4-- a ;-■ CO • K ! i -4-3 j; "2 _ g _4h a Ph Ph IZ CO fO S CO 05 ca o -4-3 CO 05 -a -4-= 05 05 ■*^ CO CO CO 05 O -4-3 CO CO ■73 a r. - ° - O 3 05 O CO CO 00 00 « a a o > a c -4^ a C5 '^ a c^ a o ce ^. 03 CO -4-3 05 05 05 05 a a 05 -4-3 t» 05 ca 05 05 > 05 O =4-1 05 be a a c c K -3 ..q )J 05 b4 03 ^ to 03 to P 05 ^ ■t; CO 05 05 05 05 a a 05 t> 05 o3 05 05 a a a a 05 05 c3 c^ c! c^ c€ >^ fcH tH tes i^ V-l ,r^ p^ ,^ ^ ^ ^ a a a 03 03 o 5 « 05 a a c8 cS 05 03 o a a a 05 > 05 .9 -4^ c3 u CO 05 a a a ^ c *;^ Ph «W CM ^ -t^ -4-» tc Q^ '^ 03 «♦- '^ O -t3 CO ,a 03 -S a 05 O -4-> -»-3 a o 03 -4-3 en 05 S re a a a 05 > 03 a -4-3 -4^ 05 2 -4^ tc 05 C -4^ 05 05 U -4J CO a V^ -4-3 a 05 05 05 M -4-3 CO -4-3 fH ;i4 t2 w ^ H ^ CO d 03 § Q o H o o 03 -*^ Pi -t^ £ «« h5 54H o a C3 a 05 03 05 05 05 >; CO Oj 05 -S 05 CO -4-3 O c3 w oT a a o 03 o o a "T! CO O 00 CO o CO {JQ IH a o O 03 03 05 05 g 05 05 r CO 05 > CS 05 05 >-. >-i r^ ^ rr. ff^ ,^ cS -a ,a ^- -4J -^3 g .2 .5 ^ ;z ;?: -4J CO PI 05 05 A 05 -^^ 05 o .9 ^ 05 aj f-i t^ -" -M CO 03 -a ^ -f3 -fj a a 05 05 03 a a 05 > 03 -43 X\ 05 05 a a ^ ^ ^ leo ORDrXAXCES. < 5 _; — ^ > -i S ^ 5 £ t ^:t •^ • jt J. at a = ; — jr ~ ^ f ^ c < 3: — ^ a: ^ 5 = it - — i C = £ X i ^ = 3 -? - — X > sS — 3c i -§ T T -= t ^ Jt ^ X X - X ^ :r r: < — jc ~ - — at jc — >• > • ^ ^ — :7 > ^ ^ ~ a> ^ — ~ — — — & c. w -«^ c« — z. ^ ^ ^ >- >• *> — ':s ^ E >■ > > ^ >« - "ff ^ B * > = = = = :; Zi ^ ~ t£ _ n — — E = ~ ^ "^ = ■£ "5 s. "? g ^ l: •^ •*.• XXX X -T X X CITY or DES MOIXES. 161 a > St 2 — =, — a = >._ z r X ;r .Z z >-- =^ ^ S. ~ - -^ "x -= "« e'x'x^z— = -^ IXXX 1=' _ —■ — ^ ^"X^^ XXT^^ = z E ":: z XXX -■^ X X ^ ::! X ~ -^ _i z z • - = = X z X X I •= X ;5 ^ r ^ X _=r S-ri:^3:xx^x^-r^£3^_ J^_5_r>5^ "z'z ~~~~-~-^~Ec--E — EExV i.^>5"XjeKX>tX«eai:>>X>ir XXXXX XXXXXXX X XXXX X • = > = * = "= X c- > — s z ^ z 162 OEDIN'A¥CES. o rH *-< (U in o ^ d o > n r-l t) 3 o 4-s rt M a-3 CO S a CO (= a o 1 -■ ja o •4-1 CO -*-» -*-3 in H M rt o cS -t ^ i «3 ro W :S ^ ^ Poo O ..- •« Qj -*J -4-J -t P P ~ 0/ o = i: Es ^ E- c- o a> o © CO P f^ t3 : 3 o o ffi .p P o O M (-1 . r-T P _ Vr-H S '^ m P ^ ° P '^ H .2 -^ p -1-3 m o o c o tin o c o o PQ ;i^ Iz; f£: P^ P^ ?; o P c o s o R d) & H C CO o o p o o o p o to 02 ci a; -P c CO o o CO r— . E o g rt ci c! O .1^ (B QJ 09 C» ;-! g o — 1 '^ -*J lIj fcir le-l TO 02 O «2 W P ^ O f==< P o C CO p s p o o p o o -fe- p p « H ^ to H CO f-l rt o ^ p o IB P o > o o P o p o o CO P CO ■ o o P rP P "S fH P p CO c3 -♦-> W t>- =n p c c; is CO H CM f^ S P^ :.2 g - « 1 •^ C TO fi^ O fJ » 8 tc CO CO CO cr p o « to «3 «C P .4J O - a> *^ Si t CO p p Eh P P O CO m S-l -M -»j tn o d CD G3 ,Q p p o t) o to p C4 54-t o -4J c3 -*-3 o CD P iM P o -♦-3 o 02 P P P P o o eh O R ^ P cS R =+-1 «p p is ,P p -s ^ p J tk o is ■' H «4-l O P O PLH 1^ R o p ^§ -t^ tn (T. pH P r-l P P OJ fa ^ 03 ^ Ol rP Cti fd P:^ PQ H H R - o o a o O) O cd O) *-r 02 r- Ci — as o o CD -1-3 P TJ O ^ O .rH o) ,ja en -4^ ■*-' "^ -M OJ j I>1 >>>%>->>% >% R v Eh fl P (B c b is Eh H il o o o IIH =H "W >. (k >^ -4J -4-> -4J R R P (B a> CD ^§ Hi ^ s g rt -t-» P ■= HI s a o H P cS S -^ O C) P ^ ri> a> P P a; > ^ p s I =^ o oa ■5 « P H P ,P 2 ■« M p p o 02 '^ r 1 c3 o o CD Ph P o O p o O W 02 P o P P in o cS «M CD P P o o a o aj (V) -4-3 -t^ w CO CP «P CU p o to O) 03 o AS V3 a & o p o C3 .S p o cS tiD P h5 C^ p p CD ^ s o g - o o o — t Ci — p 'S r-T c o -P o 4-3 "t; ^ p o p •r-l tM~i 2 2 2 ^ m 2 r= «P o o «P a ^ ^ •♦^ 4-3 t> -4-3 n.^ ^ aj to S M 2 CO S^ M IT) ti ^ ^ P 9 S » t; g (^ «-i •+-3 -*-> r;r m tn U2 -P -P -P -w -u -iJ -t^ ^ tH '^H tH J2 ;p «:; cp OJ -t^ -*j -«-j ^ R P P g O rt o £ £ -S » CQ CO -P 43 .ja 02 O P o o -4-» to rt o 43 43 43 .-J rt -r- •.-' :o CD ^ to CO p CD o rt to o P o -^^ CD P -t-3 , o CD -»-^ o tD ID Vl (H a> -^ '©' CO tn CD p i» ^ rt p P CD p CD CI o p P H^ K ^ o p o 2 o 43 o rt 43 P 43 >> P CD .9 oi p o O k, >-. K t^ t> K: p CD Eh Eh E^ CD P P P CJ CD Cl; P S ^ is &H H ^ Eh O CO CD CD 43 be CD P P CD t* rt P P 'MH £ 43 -" ^ -- 43 43 CJO S •? be l>> •? -s >» ? P "^ CO tA CD CD ■D Oh _ ^ P 5 M -" -" to =2 P £ rt o •-! H O ^in tn tn p rt c3 o H H O CD CD O) -*-a 02 ^ 43 43 -+-3 -*^ -4-» 43 43 43 _bc _bD _bJO 'cD '3 'id K (k ^ 02 p CO P 52 P P P CD $? CD o3 CD Ol CD t; CD 'rz (D & & fe H H Eh Eh EH 164 ORDINANCES. w s < ^ « C3 2 w a -*J c s ^ O) ^1 « e4 -4^ a a; o d s on 'd rj OJ 00 -M w o 1 S3 id 13 e > o 4-> W > P P s w C^ ^ o O S o 3 o o I— I Eh 00 ft -a 'S g o « s > » o ;-! m ■*-" ■; a; •^ Ci_| -t-d o to ^-( o o o o o s O o O ■tJ © -(J o a> >H ^«^ -=3 -, IH O o tc PI 3 O c ^ S o -tj .S -1-' ^ 'I ^ o -*^ -Mm j3 2 =^ *^ r'? H O ^f, ^ o ^ (-. fe ►* CI !A o o O C3 03 j:) POO " o P^ P^ 00 CB +5 on 0) -U -« -U J3 <» tn O c3 c3 CO H H 03 ^ J J J3 S 03 a o .4^ -^-f -*-'-*— ^ -*-» ■*-* a a 03 03 oca 03 03 O fe -J 5; H H H r-i « 03 a . 3 4^ CD (33 33 ;h -(-^ 03 03 -4^ -4J 0) 03 -*-3 03 03 a 03 > 03 -♦J 03 03 (-1 o 03 -1-s 03 03 a 03 > CS Fh Vi tH ai -4-» -t^ • ■*-3 03 a -4-3 03 CO a o a a a 00 a o 03 03 a O 05 03 s ci to a 03 03 a -4J o a o 5 a • rH Fi a a D o a 03 -1^ a 7^ 03 c3 o -4J ,a ^4 -4^ a a o o O CO C3 OO M ra ^ -4^ -4^ 0) 03 .a ^ 03 CO 03 nd r:3 -a a a a a a a o o o U, S-i !-i O O C5 & — I o ^O OO 03 > c2 rf =H V< ^H O O O 03 03 CO r3 '^ "^ a a a a a a o o o ^ »> tl O O O M a cs S Ph Fh CH ''-I '^-i O O O 03 -4J 03 a o 03 CO 03 l-T-( TS r3 TS 1^ a a a _ ^ :3 :i a a o o u ;-< fi u ^ O O C5 03 S-l J-4 t-l '3 '3 '3 ^ fe 1^ Ph ° =i-l =H «(-H O O O C3 a -4-J-4-»-4-*-l-J-t^-t-^-4->-4-3 aaaa^gaa coMa5co?:^a:coooPJ r- CQ o ''^ 03 ci3 03 -a a o CO Ol ci pq -M 03 03 03 -a a o CO ci Pn ci cq 03 ^ (-1 fH 03 03 a o o 03 03 03 U a o 53 03 03 S • ai 2 -^^ ci o OO r-T O 03 P^ -M 4^ 03 ^03 03 .4J 03 h 03 f^ ;S 03 -u 00 t4 oi .a ^ a o 4^ .4-3 .4.JI .(-^ .4.3 .4-3 .4-3 .4-3 -4.^ •+•» '2 la '.a '-3 la la 13 la la la 03 -4-3 03 03 CO U -t^ 03 00 s .2 03 O ^^ p— 1 a ><-H o t^ hrH t^ f^ 03 _a r-H B* 13 M a & o .4-* ^ +J & o OO o ^ >^ 4.^ a 03 ci 03 C2 -a ^^— ' 03 rl _c -J-"" ^ bJO a • rH pq m -4J i^H 03 O 03 t-i .4-3 4-3 03 aj o ^ O CO -4-3 03 03 -4-3 CO -4-3 03 03 !-• -IJ aj a a o o •3 'a t) P CITY OF DES MOINES. 165 -M in ^ 9. »- O) -*j •i^ (u -«^ 4 * o -*^ ^ m _JH CO o (« Ol _bO a •° fl £ OQ (1 "S o to oward ampto K w a C3 3 -us -4-s -< a c o > a o ■wl Vi./ Vi^ — O c3 c; rt oj o CO to t« PQ ^ o o t. ■4-' lO CI S3 -M •t^ o fl 1* Q •4-J 1 £ aj be M -♦-:) rt CO CO IS fl O a -4^ ce o o o ^ -1-a +J -*-3 i!: &C be fc£ O "^ .9 .5 e -- c« o "p3 '^ ^ i 's CO CO to p t-> : ^ n ^ t— 13 -(J >^ o o -M -i-H fl a ,a -*-» o -4-> > H a o "^ c; c r-f o o -*-* 5 "ti .a a IS o -4^ O a -1^ ^H © QJ o & 5tl '-S H •A = H s w P3 cT s p a E c <^ c c p ■^ aT ^ <*-< C a -4^ CO aT Si c" c r~, W fct a) o o -»-> S- o ^ to 93 b r^ 6 ^ o o O «-i o ►-J 'i-: c tn " ^ C4-4 '-4- o o ^ r- -*-i S c c -*— ^ '^ o 09 c r— 3 p 00 o r^ -«-> -;-3 c CO o CO to O c O .4-3 ^ O •4-s -*J O > •i t> ;„ s~ r^ o c P- .f-^ -^ — o c :. "£ X K ^ ;' ?-l -».- 'Si ^ rr^ GTj 00 -*-3 CO -1-3 a. c o !« CO K ^ u c; t. o o 09 »:> fe fe t- C2i ID > a o fcJO bX) n a 5 S -^^ — r: o p br iJD n c *i — — d) ^43 ^ ^ ^ CO CO »; M .— >c fe fe ►?: fe; o U o c o t-, a c .1^ w rr. ^t-J c *^ i= • ^ ^-« -^-^ o >» p -4-> J:; 'S K c o o s 166 ORDmAKCES. ORDmA^CE :N'o. 1561. An Oedixaxce setting aside from the Bridge Eund, available ]\Iaj 1, 1909, the sum of nineteen thousand, nine hundred eight and 20-100 dollars ($19,908.20), and levying a special tax for the years 1909, 1910 and 1911, for the purpose of creating a fund from which to pay bridge certificates issued to pay a part of the cost of construction of the bridge across the Des Moines River at its intersection with Locust street, Des Moines, Iowa ; said certificates being issued in anticipa- tion of the collection of said tax, and appropriating the pro- ceeds of said tax for that purpose. Whereas, The Citv Council of the Citv of Des Moines, on the fourth day of September, 1908, levied a tax of three mills on the dollar upon all the taxable property of the City of Des Moines, for the Bridge Fund of said city, and which said tax will be available on or about the first day of May, 1909; Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That for the purpose of performing the terms of the contract between the City of Des Moines and the Marsh Bridge Company, and making the necessary provisions for pay- ing the balance of the contract price for the construction of the bridge across the Des Moines River at its intersection with Lo- cust street, in Des Moines, Iowa, there be and is hereby levied against and upon all property subject to taxation within the City of Des Moines, in addition to all other taxes heretofore levied, a si^ecial tax of one and two-tenths mills on the dollar for the years 1909, 1910 and 1911, in accordance with the terms of Chapter 86, Acts of the Thirty-second General Assembly, en- titled, "An act authorizing cities of the first class to levy taxes for the purpose of paying for building and reconstruction of bridges, and for the issuance of bonds or certifi-cates against such levies (additional to Section Seven Hundred Eiftv-eischt (758) of the Code)." Sec. 2. — That the proceeds of said tax are hereby appropri- ated and set aside for the purpose of paying said bridge certifi- cates issued by the City of Des Moines in anticipation of the col- lection of said tax, and that the proceeds of said tax shall be used in payment of the principal and interest of said certificates. See. 3. — The Citv Council of the City of Des Moines, on the fourth day of September, 1908, having levied a tax of three mills CITY OF DES MOINES. 107 on the dollar upon all property subject to taxation within the City of Des Moines, for the pui*pose of creating a Bridge Fund, and that said fund will he available on or about May 1, 1909, there is hereby set aside and appropriated from said Bridge Fund, so available, the sum of nineteen thousand, nine hundred eight and 20-100 dollars ($19,-1)08.20), to be used in payment of the principal and interest of such certificates maturing May 1, 1909. Sec. 4. — This ordinance, being deemed urgent for the imme- diate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publica- tion as provided by law. Passed January 13, 1909. Signed January 13, 1909. A. J. ^[athis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Poorman, Citv Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held January 13, 1909, sig-ned by the Mayor January 13, 1909, duly recorded and published in the Register and Leader, Janu- ary 14, 1909. Geo. F. PooKMAiq-, City Clerk. 168 OEDINAXCES. OKDINANCE No. 1562. An Ordinance to vacate the west fifty (50) feet of the east one hundred twenty-three and four-tenths feet, except the south seven feet, of Lot Nine (9), of the Official Plat of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section Four (4), ToT^Tiship Seventy-eight (78), Range Twenty-four (24), west of the fifth P. M., and to cede to S. A. Robertson all right, title and interest of the City of Des Moines in and to said tract. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the said City of Des Moines hereby vacates the following strip of ground, to-wit: The west fifty (50) feet of the east one hundred twenty-three and four-tenths (123.4) feet, except the south seven (7) feet of Lot Nine (9), of the Official Plat of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section Four (4), TowTiship Seventy- eight (78), Range Twenty-four (24), west of the fifth P. M., ail in the City of Des Moines ; the west line of said tract coinciding with the east line of Fifth street as laid out north of University avenue, and all right, title and interest of said City of Des Moines in and to the strip of ground last described is hereby ceded to S. A. Robertson. Sec. 2. — That the Mayor of the said City of Des Moines is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the said S. A. Robertson a deed conveying all right, title and interest of the said city to the above described property. Sec. 3. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed January 15, 1909. Signed Jamiary 15, 1909. A. J. Matiiis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held January 15, 1909, signed by the Mayor eTanuary 15, 1909, duly recorded and published, as provided bv law, January 22,'l909. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOIXES. 169 OEDIKAXCE Xo. 1563. Ax Ordinance to prescribe rules and regulations for making ex- cavations in streets, avenues, highways, alleys and public places, and for digging into, cutting into, or removing side- walks, curbs, crossings or pavements, for the purpose of mak- ing gas, water, sewer, steam heating pipe or underground elec- tric connections, or for the laying of tracks, setting of poles, laying of mains, pipes or conduits; to provide for enforcing such rules and regulations, and to prescribe penalties for a violation thereof. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That no person, firm or corporation shall dig into, excavate in, or in any manner break up any street, avenue, high- way, alley or public place of the City of Des Moines, or dig up, cut into or remove any public sidewalk, curb, crossing or pave- ment, for the purpose of making any gas, water, sewer, steam heating pipe, or undergTound electric connections, or for the lay- ing of tracks, setting of poles, laying of mains, pipes or con- duits, without first obtaining a permit from the Department of Streets and Public Improvements, as hereinafter provided ; pro- vided, that nothing herein shall be construed to apply to the lay- ing of tracks by persons, firms or corporations authorized by franchise or ordinance to lay the same in the streets of the City of Des Moines, where the excavations for such tracks or repairs thereto do not exceed eighteen inches in depth. Sec. 2. — Before any permit shall be issued, an application shall be made to the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements, stating the place, extent and purpose of the contemplated work, the time when same is pro- posd to be done, for whom and in connection with what prop- erty, in what street, alley or public ground the excavation is to be made and its location thereon, to what street main the con- nection is to be made, the name of the person, firm or corporation undertaking the same, and the name of the plumber, mechanic or foreman who will perform or oversee the work. In case said application is for the purpose of making an excavation in an unpaved street not ordered by the City Council of the City of Des Moines to be paved, such application shall also contain a stipulation that the applicant will properly fill any excavation or trench in the manner hereinafter provided, and restore the 170 ORDIJN^ANCES. street, highway, avenue or alley to its proper condition, and that in case the ajDplieant fails or neglects to properly fill such excava- tion or trench and restore the street, highway, avenue or alley to its proper condition, that said applicant will pay the cost in- curred by the City of Des Moines in so doing. If the applica- tion is for the purpose of making an excavation or trench in a paved street, or in any street ordered by the City Council of the City of Des Moines to be paved, the applicant shall also, at the time of filing the application herein provided for, if required by the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvments, deposit with the City Treasurer a certified check, payable to the order of the City Treasurer, or sum in cash, in an amount to be named by said Superintendent, sufiicient to cover the expense of refilling the excavation in such street and restor- ing the pavement or sidewalk by said Superintendent of the De- partment of Streets and Public Improvements, as hereinafter provided. All expense of refilling such excavation or trencli and restoring the pavement and sidewalk to be paid out of such sum or the proceeds of such check, the balance thereof remaining un- expended after the completion of the work of refilling said ex- cavation or trench and restoring pavement or sidewalks, together with an itemized statement of the cost thereof, showing the ma- terial and the amount thereof used in refilling such excavation and replacing any pavement, the names of the workmen em- ployed thereon, the amount of time put in by each, and the rate paid for the same, to be returned to the applicant depositing the sam.e. In event the amount deposited with the Treasurer as herein provided shall not be sufficient to pay the cost of refilling the excavation and restoring the pavement or sidewalk, then the person, firm or corporation to whom the permit was issued shall deposit with the City Treasurer an amount sufficient to cover the deficiency within two days after receipt of the statement above mentioned. Sec. 3. — When an application made in accordance with Sec- tion 2 hereof shall be approved and the certified check or cash provided for therein shall be deposited with the City Treasurer, the Superintendent of the Department of Streets' and Public Improvements shall issue to the applicant a permit in duplicate for the particular work specified in said application, and shall keep a stub or duplicate corresponding to such permit on file; said permit and stub shall be regularly numbered in the order issued, and shall contain the name of the person, firm or cor- CITY OF DES MOIisTES. 171 poration to whom the same is issued, the location of the prem- ises, and the purpose of any excavation, and the time at which said work under such permit shall be commenced and completed, and said permit shall not take effect until the time stated there- in, nor shall any work be done under the same until such time. One copy of the permit shall be kept upon the work and ex- hibited to any police officer, inspector or agent of the Superin- tendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements asking for the same. ISTo permit shall be issued to any person who is not duly licensed as provided by the ordinances of the City of Des Moines ; provided, that persons, iirms or corpora- tions holding or operating under franchises authorizing the making of excavations in the streets, highways, avenues or alleys of the City of Des Moines shall be entitled to permits for the prosecution of necessary work under such franchises, upon proper application to the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements therefor, without procuring the license above specified. Sec. 4. — Before the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements delivers the permit herein specified, the applicant shall deposit with the City Treasurer a fee therefor as follows, unless by ordinance the permit is to be issued without a fee: Where the excavation is to be made in a paved street, or a street ordered to be paved by the City Council, and the back filling of same is to be done by the applicant, $3.00. Where the excavation is to be made in an un]>aved street not ordered to be paved, $1.00. In all cases where the back filling is to be done by the city, no charge shall be made for such permit. Sec. 5. — The work of refilling any opening, trench or excava- tion in any paved street, highway, avenue or alley, replacing the pavement and restoring the same to proper condition, and refill- ing any opening or excavation in any unpaved street, highway, avenue or alley ordered by the City Council of the City of Des Moines to be paved, shall be done by the Department of Streets and Public Improvements, the expense of refilling such opening, trench or excavation and replacing and restoring the paving to be paid as provided in Section 2 hereof. Provided, that the Su- perintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improve- ments may, iu his discretion, permit, in writing, any person, 172 OKDINANCES. firm or corporation authorized to make excavations in the streets, to refill such excavations and restore the street, pavement, side- walk or curb, under such rules and regulations as he may pre- scribe. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of the De- partment of Streets and Public Improvements, upon being noti- fied that any digging or excavation has been completed, to cause the same to be refilled without delay, and the paving to be re- placed and the street restored as fully as possible to its former condition. Sec. G. — Whenever any opening, trench or excavation is made in an unpaved street not ordered by the City Council of the City of Des Moines to be paved, the person, firm or corporation mak- ing such opening, trench or excavation shall refill the same with earth, thoroughly settled by flushing or tamping, under the in- spection and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of the De- partment of Streets and Public Improvements, and shall restore the street as fully as possible to its former condition befor<.' such excavation was made. All sewer connections shall be left ex- posed and the excavation for the same unfilled until inspected by the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements or his inspector or agent, and it shall be the duty of any person making any excavation for such connections to notify the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements at the time such connection is completed and the excavation ready to be refilled, in order that the same may be properly inspected before the work of refilling is com- menced. 'No person, firm or corporation shall tunnel under the surface of any street, highway, avenue or alley in the City of Des Moines, for the purpose of making any gas, sewer, water, steam heating pipe or underground electric connection without special permission from the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements. Sec. 7, — It shall be the duty of the person, firm or corpora- tion mal<:ing any excavation or trench which is to be refilled by the Department of Streets and Public Improvements to at once notify the Superintendent of said Department in writing of the completion thereof, and said person, firm or corporation shall maintain the railings, barricades and signal lights required by Section 8 hereof until the trench or excavation has been taken over by the said Department for back filling, which will be with- in twenty-four hours after receipt of the notice herein provided. CITY OF DES MOINES. 173 Sec. 8. — All excavations or trenches in streets, highways, ave- nues or alleys shall be so guarded by proper railings or barri- cades and signal lights as to prevent injury to persons or prop- erty. Sec. 9. — The Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements may refuse to issue the permit herein provided for to any former permit holder who has intentionally violated the provisions of the ordinances of the City ol Des Moines relating to excavations in streets, highways, avenues or alleys, or failed to conform to the requirements of any permit or permits granted to him or it, or violated the orders or instruc- tions of the Superintendent of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements. Sec. 10. — Any person who shall install any plumbing, drain, gas, water, steam heating pipe, underground electric or sewer connections, or make any opening, excavation or trench in any street, highway, avenue or alley in the City of Des Moines, without procuring the permit herein provided for, or shall in any manner violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than $1.00 nor more than $100.00, or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days. Sec. 11.— That Ordinances :N'os. 1000, 1311, 1315, 1477, 1501, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 12. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed January 16, 1909. Signed January 16, 1909. A. J. Mathis; Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held January 16, 1909, signed by the Mayor January 16, 1909, dulv recorded and published, as provided by law, January 22,' 1909. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. 174 ORDTNAIirCES. ORDINANCE No. 1564. An Ordinance to prescribe rules and regulations for the con- struction, reconstruction, alteration and repair of plumbing and house drainage systems in buildings or connecting build- ings with sewers, water mains and gas pipes in the City of Des Moines, and the issuance of permits therefor ; to provide for the inspection of such plumbing and house di*ainage sys- tems, and for the enforcing of such rules and regulations, and to prescribe penalties for a violation thereof. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That no person, firm or corporation shall begin work on the construction, reconstruction, alteration or repair of any plum.bing or house drainage system in any building in the City of Des Moines (except as provided in Section 3 of this ordi- nance), without first obtaining a permit for the same from the Department of Public Safety of said City of Des Moines ; and said permit must at all times during the doing of such work, and until the completion thereof, be posted in some accessible place in the building wherein such work is being done. Sec. 2. — Any person, firm or corporation desiring such permit must file with the Superintendent of the Department of Public Safety of said city, an application in writing for such permit, stating therein the street and house number, with the owner's name, the name of the plumbing contractor, and that such work is to be done in accordance with the ordinances of said City of Des Moines, and the rules and regulations of the local and state boards of health. PERMITS NOT REQUIRED. Sec. 3. — Permits will not be required for the removal of stop- page in soil or waste pipes, or for replacing broken fixtures, pro- vided such fixtures conform to the regulations contained in this ordinance, nor for replacing tanks or faucets or repairing leaks in waste pipes or the repair or construction of water supply pipes or tanks. PERMITS ISSUED. Sec. 4. — Upon approval of the application provided for in Section 2 hereof, the Superintendent of the Department of Pub- lic Safety shall issue a permit in duplicate to the person, firm or corporation applying therefor, stating the name of the owner of CITY OF DES MOIXES. 175 the property, the name of the plumbing contractor, the street and honse number, and specifically the work authorized to be done thereunder, which perm-it shall be issued without charge. ALL WORK SLTERVISED. Sec. 5. — "When a permit has been issued for plumbing work, the doing of such plumbing shall be under the supervision of the Plumbing Inspector at all times until its completion, and such Plumbing Inspector may revoke said permit at any time when such work is not being done in accordance with this ordinance ; and ifc will be unlawful for any person to pi'oceed further with said work without the written consent of the Superintendent of the Department of Public Safety. Sec. 6. — ^When a permit has been given to do plumbing work, such work must be started within thirty (30) days from date of the peiTuit, and such work must be carried on and completed within six months after commencement of the work, otherwise such permit will become void and a new permit must be ob- tained. Sec. 7. — "When a permit has been issued for plumbing w^ork in no case shall additional w^ork be put in or additional fixtures set, without the approval of the Plumbing Inspector, and a new per- mit must be taken out for all such additional work or fixtures. Sec. 8. — When the roughing-in work has been completed, and before any such work has been covered or in any way concealed from view or connected to the sewer, or any fixtures set, the said work must be subjected to a test, as hereinafter specified. W'^hen work has been tested and proved perfectly tight, the Plumbing Inspector shall be notified that such work is ready for inspection, and all work shall be left open and convenient for in- spection two (2) full working days after such notification, unless such inspection is sooner made. Sec. 9.- — The Plumbing Inspector shall inspect work within two (2) working days after having been notified that such work is ready for inspection. TEST. Sec. 10. — All plumbing work shall be subjected to either of the following tests, at the discretion of the plumber, subject to the approval of the Plumbing Inspector : By plugging all open- ings and filling with water to the highest point, or by a pressure 176 ORDIiS'ANCES. of air of not less than fifteen (15) pounds to the square inch; such test to be made in the presence of the Plumbing Inspector, and it shall include all soil, waste and vent pipes, brass ferrules and soldering nipples in connection with the same, to the fin- ished line or face of the floors or sidewalks. Sec. 11. — At the time of the acceptance of any "roughing-in" work, the Plumbing Inspector shall stick, paste or tie upon the soil or waste pipe, in the basement, if there is any basement, and if none, on the plumbing in some conspicuous place, a notice in printing or writing, stating the date of acceptance of such work, the name of such inspector and his title, also the name of the plumbing firm or person or corporation having such contract. All such notices must be of uniform size and make, and shall be furnished by the City of Des Moines. FINAL INSPECT lOX. Sec. 12. — When the work covered by the permit is completed, the Plumbing Inspector must be notified that the work is ready for the final inspection, and the Plumbing Inspector may, at his discretion, require a final test of either smoke or peppermint, and no plumbing work shall be used until this inspection has been made and a certificate of final approval has been attached to such plumbing work. Such certificate shall be in the form required for acceptance of "roughing-in" work. Sec. 13. — All soil, waste and ventilation pipes, when placed in any building or construction, shall be cast iron, lead, brass or wrought iron pipe galvanized. ISTo chimney, brick, or sheet metal pipe shall be used for any part of the plumbing or plumb- ing ventilation. Tapping holes in soil or waste pipes will not be allowed, and when necessary to disconnect pipes for the removal of stoppage, clean-outs must be inserted as hereinafter provided. Sec. 14. — All wrought iron pipes shall be of standard weight, well galvanized, butt or lap weld, and all fittings for such pipes below the water line of fixtures shall be drainage fittings; fit- tings above the water line of fixtures may be galvanized fittings. Sec. 15. — All cast iron soil and waste pipes must be dipped in coal tar pitch while hot, so as to form a good, hard, uniform coating. All cast iron pipes must be sound and free from holes or cracks (cracked hubs, pipes or fittings will not be accepted), and all soil pipes must be of the grade known in commerce as extra heavy. The following weights per lineal foot will be ac- cepted as complying with this ordinance : CITY OF DES MOIXES. 177 2 inch, 5.5 pounds per lineal foot. 3 inch, 9.5 pounds per lineal foot. 4 inch, 13 pounds per lineal foot. 5 inch, 17 puonds per lineal foot. 6 inch, 20 pounds per lineal foot. 7 inch, 27 pounds per lineal foot. 8 inch, 33.5 pounds per lineal foot. 10 inch, 45 pounds per lineal foot. 12 inch, 54 pounds per lineal foot. All fittings used in connection with such pipes must corre- spond in weight and quality. JOINTS— HOW MADE. Sec. IC. — Joints in cast iron pipe shall be made with oakum, well tamped, and pure lead, well calked, and no paint, varnish, putty or cement of any kind will be allowed. All joints in wrought iron galvanized pipe shall be screw joints. Joints in lead pipes must in all cases be wiped, and all wiped joints must be made in a workmanlike manner. Joints between lead and iron pi^^es must be made by means of cast brass soldering nipples, or extra heavy brass or combination calking ferrules the full size of iron pipe. CHANGE IN DIRECTION OF PIPES. Sec. 17. — All lead pipe and traps shall be drawn, and as direct as possible; changes in direction of horizontal pipes shall be made with Y branches, or degree bends. Offsets shall be made with forty-five degTee bends, or similar fittings. No one-quarter bends shall be used unless unavoidable, and shall be specially set forth in permit. All branches for waste must be made with Y branch or sanitary T fitting. No straight T branch will be permitted. QUALITY AND WEIGHT OF LEAD PIPE. Sec. 18. — All lead pipe ferrules and traps shall be drawn, and of not less than the following weights per lineal foot : 114 inch, 3 pounds. 1% inch, 4 pounds. 2 inch, 5 pounds. 3 inch, 6 pounds, 3 ounces. 4 inch, 8 pounds. All bends and offsets in lead pipes must be made so as to leave full sized openings, and care must be taken not to mate- 178 ORDIATANOES. rially weaken any portion of the pipe in bending or working, and all lead pipes, when placed in position, must be properly supported to prevent sagging. TERMINATION OF PIPES AT EOOF. Sec. 19. — All main soil or waste pipes shall be carried full size to a height at least ten inches above the main roof, except in case of roofs used for drying purposes ; in all such cases they shall extend seven feet above the roofs, and be suitably braced. When within twenty-five feet of any opening in the same or in adjoining building, such main soil or waste pipe shall be carried up imdiminished in size two feet above such opening, unless such pipe is provided with running trap and fresh air inlet. There shall be no cowell, ventilators or return bends put on the end of pipes above roof. Sec. 20. — All side branches of soil or waste pipes extending fifteen feet or more from main line must extend through roof, or revent into main soil pipe. SIZE OF SOIL PIPE. Sec. 21. — When fifteen or more water closets discharge into a line of soil pipe, said soil pipe shall not be less than six inches in diameter; in all cases, the soil pipe receiving the discharge from a water closet shall not be less than four (4) inches in diameter. SIZE OF WASTE PIPES. Sec. 22. — Waste pipes receiving the discharge from eight fix- tures shall not be less than three inches in diameter; those re- ceiving the discharge of from three to seven fixtures shall not bo less than two inches in diameter, and those receiving the dis- charge from less than three fixtures shall not be less than one and one-half inches in diameter, except in case of wash basins or pantry sinks. Two wash basins or pantry sinks may be con- nected to a one and one-fourth inch waste pipe ; three wash basins may be connected to a one and one-half inch waste pipe ; and not more than ten wash basins may be connected into a two- inch waste pipe, and the main vertical waste pipe must be in- creased one size in diameter for every twenty additional basins iron pipe shall be used for waste pipe, unless it be well gal- vanized. CITY OF DES MOIXES. 179 VENT PIPES. Sec. 23. — In all cases where no continuous vent is used, every trap shall be ventilated not more than four inches from the water line by a special air pipe (except traps in water closet bowls set within fifteen feet of main stock, floor traps for floor drains, rain leader traps, four by eight drum traps, the waste of which does not exceed five feet in length from trap to its con- nection with a continuance or revent, and four by eight drum traps the waste of which empties into an open fij^ture, trapped basin or floor drain, where such waste pipes have free air pass- age between the end of such waste pipe and the fixture or basin receiving such waste) . All vent pipes shall be either galvanized wrought iron pipe, cast iron, brass or lead pipe. All cast iron pipe must be coated with coal tar pitch as specified in Section 16 of this ordinance, and free from all defects. ISTo vent pipe shall be laid with a grade of less than one-fourth of an inch to the running foot. Vent pipes, before connecting with other vent pipes, must be carried up one foot above the highest water line of fixtures, so that the vent pipe cannot act as a waste pipe. l!To rubber couplings shall be used to connect vent pipes, nor shall soldering unions, slip joints in concealed work, or joints made with soldering iron, be used to connect waste or vent pipes, ^o iron pipe will be allowed below the water line or any plumbing fixture, but such vent must be lead pipe from trap to above water line of fixture vented. Sec. 24. — The size of vent pipes shall not be less than that of the traps they serve, except as provided in this section. A two inch pipe, not to exceed twenty-five feet in length, may be used to ventilate the traps of an ordinary set of house fixtures, to- wit: One wash basin, one bath tub, one sink and one set of wash tubs, and, in case of flats arranged one above the other, the vertical vent pipe must be increased one-half inch in diameter for every succeeding set of fixtures, until it becomes as large as the main soil pipe. In hotels, factories and other buildings where groups of slop sinks are used, not more than three slop sink traps may be ventilated into a two inch pipe, and the ver- tical vent pipe must be increased one^half inch for every six succeeding slop sinks or fraction thereof (or their equivalent of other fixtures, as stated in Section 21 of this ordinance), until it becomes as large as the main soil pipe. In case of bath tubs, sinks, wash trays, and wash basins, the vent pipes from traps 180 ORDINANCES. may be combined as stated in Section 23, to-wit, one foot above water line, and in the following proportion : Three two inch traps vented into two inch pipe not to exceed thirtj-five feet long. Two one and one-half inch traps vented into one and one-half inch pipe not to exceed thirty-five feet long. Six one and one-half inch traps vented into two inch pipe not to exceed thirty-five feet long. Two one and one-fourth inch traps vented into one and one- fourth inch pipe not to exceed thirty-five feet long. Three one and one-fourth inch traps vented into one and one- half inch pipe not to exceed thirty-five feet long. And not more than ten one and one-fourth inch traps may be ventilated into two two inch pipes. Water closets more than fifteen feet from main stock shall be vented into a pipe not less than two inches in diameter. FIXTUEES— HOW TRAPPED. Sec. 25. — Every sink, basin, bath, water closet, urinal, and each set of wash tubs or other fixtures shall be separately and effectively trapped. The trap shall be set as near as practicable to the fixture it serves. No fixture shall be set unless supplied with sufficient water to properly flush it. Grease traps inside of building shall be made of lead, cast iron or brass, having an air-tight screw cover of at least four inches in diameter, and the discharge from any fixture must not pass though more than one trap, except that such discharge from one or more separate trapped fixtures may pass through running trap, if any, in main soil pipe. YARD, CELLAR AXD AREA DRAIN. Sec. 26. — All yard, cellar, area and basement drains shall be at least two inches in diameter. When cellar, basement or area drains are connected to sewer, they must be properly trapped, with deep seal trap placed l^eneath. GREASE TRAPS. Sec. 2Y. — In all cases where a building is used as an hotel, tenement, boarding house or restaurant, the owner or occupant shall provide a properly constructed grease trap, through which all slops of a greasy nature shall pass, and the Plumbing In- spector shall have authority, and he is hereby authorized to di- CITY OF DES MOIXES. 181 rect and compel any person, firm or corporation to provide and use a grease trap as aforesaid, when, in his judgment, the same is necessary. SIZE OF TEAPS AND WASTE PIPES. Sec. 28. — Traps and branch waste pipes shall be not less than the following sizes : For one basin or pantry sink, one and one-fourth inches. For slop sink, two inches. For kitchen sink, one and one-half inches. For bath tub, one and one-half inch waste pipe, with four by eight inch drum, trap to have four inch clean-out screw above floor or a one and one-half inch brass trap may be used, if set above floor and ventilated. For urinals, one and one-half inches. For laundry tubs, one and one-half inches. For water closets, four inches. EEFEIGEEATOR WASTE PIPES. Sec. 29. — In no case shall the waste pipe from a refrigerator or other receptacle where food is kept be connected direct to sewer, soil or waste pipe. It may discharge over basement drain, open sink, or be carried outside of building. WATER CLOSETS. Sec. 30. — Every water closet shall be supplied with water from a separate tank or cistern, except closets in outhouses, and shall be so arranged as to deliver at least four gallons of water at each flushing, and shall have a flush pipe of not less than one and one-quarter inches in diameter. Cistern valves shall be fitted and adjusted so as to prevent waste of water. WATER CLOSETS PROHIBITED. Sec. 31.- — Pan or plug closets, and dry closets in inhabited buildings, or any closet having any mechanism in connection with the bowl forming a mechanical seal, are prohibited. Water closets must never be placed in an unventilated room, but must be open to the outer air by means of a window or air shaft, and in no case shall air duct which serves water closets open into living or sleeping room. Water closets having traps set beneath the floor will only be permitted in outhouses. 182 ORDIXAXCES. WATER CLOSET FLANGES. Sec. 32. — All eartlienware and iron water closets having traps above floor, using lead connections to soil pipe, shall have a cast brass floor flange not less than one-eighth of an inch thick, sold- ered to lead and bolted to trap of closet, the joint being made air tight with rnbber gasket. WATER CLOSET CASING PROHIBITED. Sec. 33. — Enclosing water closets, both tubs or sinks, with wooden casing will not be permitted. WATER CLOSET ACCOMMODATIONS. Sec. 34. — Every factory, workshop or other place where per- sons are employed, must be provided with suitable closet accom- modations for either sex. Theaters, public halls, and railway and street railway depots must be provided with closets for the convenience of their patrons, the number of such closets to be such as may be prescribed by the Board of Health. URINALS. Sec. 35. — When urinals are placed in any public building, the floors, sides and partitions must be covered with either marble, slate, extra heavy glass or heavy sheet lead (not less than four pounds to the square foot), with tightly soldered seams, or cast iron enameled. Floor drains shall have combination of back water valve trap of at least two inches in diameter. Traps to be supplied with waiter drip, and no galvanized sheet iron or other sheet metal through urinal will be permitted in any building, public or private. LOCAL VENTILATION. Sec. 36. — Water closets, unless they are properly locally ven- tilated, shall never be placed in unventilated room or compart- ment. An exterior window, that can be opened, will be consid- ered sufficient. CESSPOOLS. Sec. 37. — ^^Vaste from fixtures in houses situated on unsew- ered streets shall be connected to cesspools, and such cesspools shall not be located within twenty-five feet of any inhabited building or public sidewalk. When any dwelling, building or construction becomes within one hundred and fifty feet of any accessible sewer, cesspools shall be cleaned out and filled with clean earth and connections made to sewer; and no catch basin will be allowed inside or under any building. CITY OF DES MOIITES. 183 HOUSE DEAIXS. Sec. 38. — All sewer pipes in yards shall be of the best quality of vitrified earthenware pipe, with properly cemented joints, and the same shall not be laid nearer than two and one-half feet to any exterior wall (except for rain leader connections, which may be permitted to be brought to outer edge of wall), nor less than one and one-half feet below the surface of the gTound ; nor will they be allowed in bad or made ground. In all such cases sewers shall be of extra heavy cast iron. All soil or waste pipes within the building shall be supported by substantial piers or properly secured to wall or suspended to floor timbers by strong iron hangers. In no case shall stone or vitrified earthenware sewers be laid under or in any building or buildings, and any such sew- ers now laid that may become defective or dangerous to public health shall be removed and replaced with extra heavy cast iron. All sewer, soil and waste pipes shall have not less than one-, eighth inch fall or grade to each lineal foot. CLEAN-OUTS. Sec. 39. — There shall be clean-outs put in the sewer at each end of each horizontal line, and at the foot of each vertical line of soil or waste pipe, and at the place where the sewer enters exterior basement wall. All clean-outs shall be closed by brass covers, and shall be kept accessible when sewers are laid beneath the floor. Manholes must be constructed to give access to clean- outs or clean-outs be brought to the surface of the floor by an extension of pipe with Y branch and one-eighth bend. RAINWATEE LEADEES. Sec. 40. — Rainwater leaders shall never be used as soil or waste or vent pipes, nor shall soil or waste or vent pipes be used as rainwater leaders. When the rainwater leader is within the building or in the air or light shaft within the outside wall of the building, it shall be of extra heavy cast iron or galvanized wrought iron pipe, and all joints screwed together or properly calked with oakum and lead ; and in every case where rainwater leaders open within fifteen (15) feet of any window, door or light shaft, they shall be trapped. Outside sheet metal rain- water leaders, when connected to sewer, must be trapped before connecting to sewer. SPECIAL PERMITS. Sec. 41. — Where special fixtures, sewer or ventilation con- structions are required, for which there is no provision in this 184 ORDIN^AXCES. ordinance, the Plumbing Inspector may, npon examination, rec- ommend in writing to the Superintendent of the Department of Public Safety such rules and regulations as in his judgment the conditions may demand ; upon the approval of such recommenda- tions by the Superintendent of the Department of Public Safety, the Plumbing Inspector may issue a permit for such work. POWER OF INSPECTOR TO STOP WORK. Sec. 42. — All plumbing work in progress of construction, al- teration or repair shall be under the supervision of the Inspector of Plumbing, who is hereby empowered to stop such work when the same is being done contrary to the provisions of this ordi- nance. INSPECTOR SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO INSPECT ALL BUILDINGS. Sec. 43. — The Plumbing Inspector and all assistant inspect- ors shall have access to all buildings for the purpose of examin- ing and carrying into effect all ordinances relating to health and sanitation. HIGH PRESSURE EXHAUST OR BLOW-OFF PIPE. Sec. 44. — Xo high pressure steam exhaust or blow-off pipe shall be connected with any private drain or sewer which is con- nected with any public drain or sewer. Such pipes shall dis- charge into a tank or condenser or properly constructed cesspool with iron cover, approved by the Plumbing Inspector. Sec. 45. — For making connections with sewer for condensed water, a sanitary T shall be provided, if within any building. MUST NOTIFY INSPECTOR. Sec. 46. — That any person, firm or corporation doing plumb- ing in the City of Des Moines shall, when work has been pre- pared for inspection, as provided in Section 8 and Section 12 of this ordinance, notify the Plumbing Inspector, by notices pro- vided for that purpose, that inspection is required, giving loca- tion of premises and time that work will be ready for inspection, and if, upon inspection, the Plumbing Inspector finds the work not in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, he shall notify the plumber doing the work and also the owner of the premises, by posting written notice upon the premises, and such posted notice shall be all the notice required to be given of the defects in the work found upon such inspection. CITY OF DES M0I:N'ES. 185 PAYMENT OF FEES. Sec. 47. — There shall be charged for the inspection of plumb- ing work done under this ordinance, $1.00 for the first plumb- ing fixture or opening left in the work for such fixtures to be attached thereto, and 50 cents for each fixture or opening there- after up to and including six fixtures or openings, and there- after 25 cents for each and every additional fixture or opening (except plumbing work which has been ordered remodeled or reconstructed, by notice signed by the Plumbing Inspector) ; provided, that where the inspection fees have been paid for open- ings left in any plumbing work, no additional fee shall be charged when the fixtures are set, but a new permit must be se- cured as provided in Section 7 hereof. But if, b}^ reason of non- compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, or any of them, or through the use of defective material, a subsequent inspection becomes necessary, the person, firm or corporation doing the plumbing within said premises first inspected, shall notify the Plumbing Inspector in writing that another inspection is re- quired, according to the provisions in Setion 46 hereof, and for such inspection a charge of two dollars ($2.00) shall be made. 1^0 permit shall be issued to any plumber who is delinquent in the payment of any such charges. All such fees shall be paid to the City Treasurer, who shall issue his receipt therefor, and such receipt must be presented to the Plumbing Inspector before any permits are issued to the person, firm or corporation apply- ing therefor. All work being done under one contract and ready for inspec- tion at the same time shall be taken as one job for the purpose of basing the charge for inspection. WORD "FIXTURE" DEFINED. Sec. 48. — The word "fixture," as used in this ordinance, shall be constmed to include water closets, urinals, bath tubs, kitchen and pantry sinks, and sinks for other purposes, laundry tubs, lavatory and wash basins, and shower baths when not placed over bath tubs. Sec. 49. — In the reconstruction, alteration or repair of plumb- ing or house drainage systems any and all old plumbing fixtures that are not removed from the wall or position may be connected with new trap, waste and soil, without the payment of fees re- quired by Section 47 of this ordinance. 186 OEDIXA]SrCES. PENALTY FOR VIOLATIOX. Soc. 50, — That any person, firm or corporation guilty of vio- lating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon con- viction thereof, be fined in any sum, not exceeding one hundred (100) dollars, or be imprisoned in the city jail not to exceed thirty (30) days. Each day of the continuance of such viola- tion shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. Sec. 51. — Supply pipes connecting the house with the water main in the street shall be of extra heavy lead pipe from the main to the lot line, except that by special permission of the City Council, galvanized or cast iron pipe may be used. Sec. 52. — That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed ; provided, that such repeal shall not in any way affect any act heretofore committed in vio- lation of such ordinance so repealed, or any proceedings now pending thereunder, but all such offenses heretofore committed against the provisions of such ordinances, or any of them, may be prosecuted and punished the same as if said ordinances were in full force and effect. Sec. 53. — This ordinance shall, take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed January 16, 1909. Signed January 16, 1909. A. J. Mathis, Mayor, Attest : Geo. F. Poormax, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting- held January 16, 1909, signed by the Mayor January 16, 1909, duly recorded and published, as provided bv law, January 22, "^1909. Geo. F, PooRMAisr, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOIXES. 187 ORDUsTAXCE Xo. 1565. An Oedinance declaring the necessitv for the construction and niainteinance of a viaduct and approaches thereto, over and across the tracks of certain railway and railroad companies hereinafter named, along and upon Seventh street. West Des Moines, Iowa, and providing for the construction, mainte- nance and use of such viaduct and its approaches. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That for the safety and protection of the public, it is deemed and hereby declared necessary to construct and maintain a viaduct and approaches thereto, on West Seventh street, in the City of Des Moines, Iowa, and over and across the railway tracks crossing said street owned and operated by the following named companies, to-wit : The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company ; the Des Moines and Fort Dodge Railway Company (leased to the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad Company) ; the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rail- road Company, and the Des Moines Union Railway Company; the intention being to require the construction of a viaduct and approaches over all of the tracks of all railways or railroads crossing said Seventh street, between the south line of Mulberry street and a point about four hundred feet south of the south line of Elm street, in West Des ]\Ioines, Iowa. Sec. 2. — The width, height, strength and the material and manner of construction of the proposed viaduct and the ap- proaches thereto, the public necessity for which is by this ordi- nance declared, is hereby required to be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City Council of the City of Des Moines. Sec. 3. — The term "city," hereinafter used, shall be held to apply to the City of Des Moines, Iowa, and the term "steam rail- ways," hereinafter used, shall be held to apply and cover all of the railroads and railways whose tracks are to be crossed by the viaduct herein provided for, and the word "viaduct," hereinafter used, to be held to include the viaduct and its approaches. Sec. 4. — The terms and conditions upon which said viaduct is to be built are as follows : First. — The steam railways accepting the terms of this ordi- nanc-e agree, at their sole cost and expense, to build a viaduct on 188 0RDIN'A:N'CES. West Seventh street, in a workmaulike manner, and hereafter maintain their proportion of the same in accordance with the statutes and laws of the State of Iowa, the north approach of which shall commence at the south line of Mulberry street, from which line the apj^roach shall rise at a uniform grade so as to pass over the present first north track of the Des Moines Union Railway Company with a clearance of not less than twenty-two (22) feet; thence the viaduct proper shall extend south over all the tracks of the said steam railways with a clearance over said tracks of not less than that above specified, to and over the south track of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Com- pany, and from thence shall descend on a uniform grade so as to meet the present level of Seventh street at a place about four hundred (400) feet south of the south line of Elm street. The length of the viaduct proper shall be about ten hundred and ten (1,010) feet, and the total length of both approaches shall not exceed eight hundred (800) feet. The viaduct shall be built of sufficient strength and width to carry all street traffic and also two street car tracks loaded with interurban cars of the weight now in common use by interurban railway companies, and shall be of such width and kind as shall be approved by the city; pro- vided, that the city shall not require a structure of such kind which will interfere vrith the use of existing tracks of the said steam railway companies across said Seventh street. It is contemplated that the viaduct shall cost, approximately, $185,000.00. Shtmld plans and specifications be adopted and approved by the city which shall increase the said cost beyond the amount above stated, then the said steam railways are to pay their respective proportions of said increased cost in the same manner as hereinbefore stated and according to the same divi- sion as hereinafter specified. It is understood that insofar as practicable, said viaduct shall be built on such plans as to permit the said steam railways to build additional tracks across Seventh street underneath the same. Second. — The city shall furnish the ground upon which to locate said viaduct, and shall pass any ordinances and do all other acts or things which are necessary to authorize the use of Seventh street as herein provided, and the doing of the matters and things set forth in this ordinance. The said city shall take nece-ssary steps to appraise, assess and determine the damages, if any, which may be caused to the property of third persons abut- CITY OF DES MvOIXES. 189 ting that portion of the street npon which the viadnct is bnilt by reason of the construction of the viaduct, and hold the steam railways free and harmless from such damage, if anv. Third, — The proportion of the cost of the viaduct to be borne bv each of the steam railways shall be as follows : : The Chicago, Eock Island and Pacific Railway Company, 31.6 ner cent; The Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad Company, 21.1 per cent ; The Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company, 24.5 per cent; and The Des Moines Union Raihvay Company, 22.8 per cent. Each of the said steam railways shall be liable and responsible severally only for its said proportion of said cost, and not jointl,y. If either of said steam railways shall neglect or refuse to pay its agreed proportion of the cost of said construction, the said city shall have the right to pay such proportion as such steam railway so in default has neglected or refused to pay, and recover the amount so expended from said steam railway so in default, or to ]nirsue any other remedy afforded by the laws of the State of Iowa. Fourth. — In consideration of the agreements herein contained on the part of the steam railways, all that portion of Seventh street lying between the south line of Cherry street and the south line of Elm street, wherever said street crosses the tracks now or hereafter constructed of the said steam railways, from and after the completion of said viaduct, shall be discontinued and closed against public travel by pedestrians, vehicles and other convey- ances. The legal title to said portion of said Seventh street so discontinued and closed against public travel as aforesaid, sub- ject to the rights herein granted to said steam railways, shall remain fixed and vested in the City of Des Moines. Fifth. — The work upon said viaduct shall be commenced by the said steam railways within thirty (30) days from and after notice in writing shall have been given by the said city to the said steam railway companies, and shall thereafter be prosecuted to completion with reasonable diligence. It is understood, however, that work shall not be ordered com- menced until provisions shall have been made by the said city for appraising, assessing and determining the damage, if any, which 190 ORDINANCES. may be caused to tho property of third persons by reason of the consti-uetion of the viaduct, and the doing of such other acts which mav be necessary to furnish and authorize the use of Sev- enth street for the construction and maintenance of said viaduct as herein provided. Sixth. — In consideration of the agreements herein contained on the part of the steam railways, parties hereto, said city under- takes on its part to the extent that it may lawfully exercise the power and without limiting its right to the exclusive control of the viaduct, and to charge full compensation for the use and maintenance thereof, to require any street or interurban railway company or companies, before using said viaduct, to pay said steam railways an amount equal to the actual increased cost of the original construction of such viaduct made necessary by so constructing the same as to be of sufficient strength and width to carry such additional burden ; provided always, that nothing in this ordinance contained shall be in any way construed to mean that the said citv waives or surrenders anv riohts it now has or that may hereafter be conferred upon it relative to the abso- lute control of said viaduct, or of the compensation that may be required to be paid to said city for its use and maintenance; nor shall the fact that any street or interurban railway company or companies operates or operate any track, tracks or cars upon said viaduct without paying to said steam railways the full amount of or any part of the increased cost of original construc- tion as aforesaid, render the city liable in damag'es therefor, or form the basis for any cause of action against the city; nor shall the said city be liable to said steam railways for any part of the cost of the construction of said viaduct under any circumstances or conditions whatsoever. Seventh. — Within ninety days after the completion of the said viaduct, it shall be the duty of the said steam railways to file with the City Council of the said city a detailed sworn re- port and statement, showing the actual cost of the viaduct, show- ing, separately, the claimed extra cost made necessary by so con- structing the same as to be of sufficient width and strength to cany the increased burden upon such structure as aforesaid, which report and statement shall remain in the office of the City Clerk of the said city. In the event the street or interurban rail- way company or companies desiring to use said viaduct shall not bo satisfied with the amount shown in said report as to such- in- CITY OF DES MOINES. 191 creased cost of such viaduct, but are willing to pay the steam railways, their successors or assigns, said increased cost of con- struction aforesaid, then the said street railway or intenirban railway company or companies, and the said steam railways act- ing jointly, shall each appoint one appraiser or arbitrator, which appraisers or arbitrators shall iix or determine as nearly as may be the actual amount of the increased cost of construction of the viaduct as aforesaid. In the event that two appraisers or arbi- trators so appointed by said parties shall fail to agree, then the said two appraisers shall appoint a third, and the finding of the amount by the majority of said appraisers so appointed shall fix the said increased cost of construction, which shall be accepted as final. The cost of such appraisement shall be paid upon such terms and in such manner as may be agreed upon between the said steam railways and the street or interurban railway com- pany or companies hereinbefore referred to, and in no event shall the said city be obligated to pay any part of such expense. Eighth.— The said steam railways consent that the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of Iowa shall, in accord- ance with this ordinance, declare and determine such viaduct to be necessary for the public safety and convenience, and that this ordinance and the plans provided for herein shall be submitted to the Board of Railroad Commissioners, and said plans and this ordinance may be formally approved by said Board of Railroad Commissioners entering such order of record, to the end that all legal formalities attending the ordering of the constniction of said viaduct shall be substantiallj^ observed. And all objections heretofore urged by the said steam railways before the Board of Railroad Commissioners of Iowa against the construction of said viaduct under this or former ordinances, are, by the acceptance of this ordinance, hereby withdrawn and dismissed, and in con- sideration of the agreements contained in this ordinance, all ob- jections heretofore urged by the said steam railways before the Board of Railroad Commissioners of Iowa against the construc- tion of said viaduct under such ordinance are, by the acceptance of this ordinance, withdraT\Ti and dismissed. Ninth. — In consideration of the agreements herein made by said city, and in order to facilitate the construction of said via- duct, the said steam railways jointly and severally agree to, and by these presents do hereby waive any and all claims for dam- ages of whatsoever kind or character to any property owned by 192 ORDIXAXCES. them abutting or adjacent to that j^ortion of the street upon which the said viaduct is built. Tenth. — It is further agreed that the cost of maintenance of such viaduct legally chargeable against the said steam railways shall be borne severally by them in the following proportions : The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Eailway Company, 31.6 per cent; the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad Company, 21.1 per cent; the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company, 24.5 per cent, and the Des Moines Union Railroad Company, 22.8 per cent. This proportion of the cost of main- tenance, however, may be changed between the said steam rail- ways, or their successors or assigns hereto, from time to time, as shall be agreed upon between the said parties, dej^ending upon any change in the ownership of property or tracks crossing said Seventh street under said viaduct. If any of said steam railways shall neglect or refuse to pay its agreed proportion of the cost of said maintenance, the said city shall have the right to pay such proportion which such said steam railway so in default has neglected or refused to pay, and recover the amount so expended therefor from said steam railway so in default. Eleventh. — All provisions of this ordinance, whether it be so expressly stated or not, shall inure to the benefit of and bind the several railway and railroad companies signing this agreement and their successors, lessees or assigns, except as herein expressly provided. Sec. 5. — Ordinance Xo. 1111, passed by the City Council of the City of Des Moines, Iowa, on the 25th day of March, 1901, is hereby repealed. Sec. 6, — This ordinance shall not be of any force or effect un- less written acceptance thereof has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, Iowa, which viritten acceptance must be so filed within fourteen (14) days after the passage of this ordinance, and when said written acceptance is so filed by the said steam railway companies referred to therein, the same shall then and thereafter constitute a contract between the said City of Des Moines and the steam railways hereinbefore described. Sec. 7. — This ordinance is dix^med urgent and necessary for the public health and safety, and shall take effect and be in force CITY OF DES MOIISTES. 193 from and after its passage and acceptance and publication as provided by law. Passed January 16^ 1909. Signed January 16, 1909. A. J. MathiSj Mayor, Attest : Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. 1, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held January 16, 1909, signed by the Mayor January 16, 1909, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, January 22, 1909. Geo. F. Pookman, City Clerk. 194 OKDINAI^'CES. ORDINANCE No. 1566. An Ordinance to fix and regulate the prices and charges of electric light and electric power in the City of Des Moines. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — Private Bates. — That every person, firm or cor- poration that now is furnishing or that may hereafter furnish electric light or electric power to the inhabitants of the City of Des Moines shall be entitled to charge and receive therefor the following prices, and no more, to-wit : Light and power installation up to one horse power ; on meter basis : For the first two kilowatt hours per month for each (fifty watt) sixteen candle power equivalent capacity of installa- tion, twelve (12) cents per kilowatt hour. For all consumption or use per month, in excess of above amount, six (6) cents per kilowatt hour. Power installations of one horse power or over; on meter basis: For average use of capacity of installation seven hours or more per day, three (3) cents per kilowatt hour. For average use of capacity of installation three hours per day and under seven hours per day, four (4) cents per kilowatt hour. For average use of capacity of installation under three hours per day, five (5) cents per kilowatt hour. The monthly guaranty or minimum charge required for light- ing or power shall not be more than one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) j^er electrical horse power, based upon the horse power equivalent of the installation, except that a guarantee or minimum of one dollar ($1.00) per month may be required from each customer. Sec. 2. — Public Pates. — Any person, firm or corporation that now is furnishing or that may hereafter furnish electric light for use of the City of Des Moines for illuminating streets, alleys and public grounds, shall be entitled to charge and receive for such light the following prices therefor, and no more, to-wit: For each arc lamp of illuminating power equivalent to the present standard six and six-tenths (6.6) ampere altomatr ing current enclosed arc lamps at present in use, burning CITY OF DES MOINES 195 not less than four thousand (4,000) hours per year, sixtv- five dollars ($65.00) per year per lamp, payable in equal monthly installments. Eor each thirty-two candle power incandescent lamp, burning not less than four thousand (4,000) hours per year, seven- teen dollars and four cents ($17.04) per year per lamp, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 3. — Any person, finn or corporation which is now in the possession of the streets and alleys of the City of Des Moines, for the pur|X)se of furnishing electric light or power to the city and its inhabitants, may continue to do so, provided they comply as to the prices contained in this ordinance; but this ordinanc^i shall not be construed to in any manner extend the rights of any . such person, firm or corporation beyond or additional to what they now possess, so far as their rights to occupy the streets and alleys of the City of Des ]\[oines is concerned, and nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to prejudice the right of the City of Des Moines to make such further additional regu- lations as to prices of electric light and power as it may deem necessary to fully protect its citizens. Sec. 4. — In the event that any person, firm or corporation now occupying the streets and alleys of the City of Des Moines, for the furnishing of electric light and power te the city and its in- habitants, shall refuse to furnish light or power at the prices herein prescribed, the city reserves the right to declare a for- feiture of all rights and privileges possessed or herein granted and exercised by such person, firm or corporation, and to compel said person, firm or corporation to vacate the streets and alleys of said city within a reasonable time after the passage of a reso- lution directing the same. Sec. 5. — All ordinances and parts of ordinances establishing rates for light and power inconsistent herewith are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 6. — This ordinance being deemed urgent and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed February 1, 1900. Signed February 1, 1909. A. J. Math IS, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Poorman, Citv Clerk. 196 OKDINANCES. I, Geo. r. Poorraan, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held February 1, 1909, signed by the Mayor February 1, 1909, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, February 9, 1909. Geo. F. Pookman, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOI^^ES. 197 OKDIXAXCE Xo. 1567. An OKDiNAisrcE re-establisliing the grade of Terrace Road and Allen Place, from Grand avenue to Forest Drive. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the grade of Terrace Eoad and Allen Place, from Grand avenue to Forest Drive, be and the same is hereby re-established above datum plane as follows, to-wit : West and north sides of Terrace Eoad and east side of Allen Place. Sec. 2. — Elevations at — Feet. 175.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, P.C.V.C. 131.16 181.25 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.35 187.50 feet south of south liue of Grand avenue 131.55 193.75 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.70 200.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.80 ine of Grand avenue 131.91 ine of Grand avenue 131.95 ine of Grand avenue 131.96 206.25 feet south of south 1 212.50 feet south of south 1 218.75 feet south of south 1 225.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.97. 231.25 feet south of south 1 237.50 feet south of south 1 250.00 feet south of south 1 256.25 feet south of south 1 262.50 feet south of south 1 268.75 feet south of south 1 275.00 feet south of south 1 ne of Grand avenue 131.88 ue of Grand avenue 131.77 243.75 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.68 ne of Grand avenue. .131.44 ne of Grand avenue 131.25 ue of Grand avenue 131.01 ne of Grand avenue 130.79 ne of Grand avenue, P.T.V.C. 130.40 369.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, P.C.V.C. 125.19 375.28 feet south of south liue of Grand avenue 124.89 381.56 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 124.59 387.84 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 124.30 394.12 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 123.99 400.40 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 123.76 406.68 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 123.50 412.93 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 123.27 419.21 feet south of south liue of Grand. avenue 123.02 425.49 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 122.86 198 ORDIXAXCES. 431.77 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 122.69 438.05 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 122.51 444.33 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 122.33 450.61 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 122.16 456.89 fe-et south of south line of Grand avenue 122.02 463.17 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 121.96 469.45 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 121.89 475.73 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 121.85 482.01 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 121.77 488.29 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 121.71 494.57 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 121.68 500.85 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 121.71 507.13 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 121.77 513.41 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 121.85 519.69 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 121.89 525.97 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 121.99 532.25 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 121.97 538.53 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 122.09 544.81 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 122.19 651.09 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 122.38 557.37 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 122,52 563.65 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 122.68 569.93 feet south of south line of Grand avenue. 122.82 576.21 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 122.98 582.49 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 123.17 588.77 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, end of vertical curve 123.40 616.70 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, end of old curb 124.62 Sec. 3. — Elevations at — 800.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, P.C.V.C. 131.98 812.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 132.49 825.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 133.03 837.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 133.59 850.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, juction of Allen Place 134.18 862.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 134.79 875.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 135.43 887.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 136.09 900.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 136.77 912.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 137.44 CITY OF DES MOIH^S 199 925.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 138.22 937.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 138.98 950.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 139.77 962.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 140.58 975.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 141.41 987.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 142.27 1000.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, P.T.V.C. 143.20 1100.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, P.C.Y.C. 150.40 1112.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 151.26 1125.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 152.04 1137.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 152.74 1150.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 153.35 1162.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 153.89 1175.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 154.34 1187.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 154.71 1200.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, P.T.V.C. 155.00 1300.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, P.C.V.C. 157.00 1312.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 157.23 1325.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 157.43 1337.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 157.58 1350.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 157.71 1362.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 157.79 1375.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 157.84 1387.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 157.85 1400.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, P.T.V.C. 157.82 1460.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, south line of Forest Drive, on curb 157.60 Sec. 4. — The radius at the intersection of Terrace Road and Allen Place, also the west line of Allen Place. Elevations at — Feet. 11.30 feet west of the P. T. of the twentv-two foot radius at the intersection of Terrace Road and Allen Place 136.36 P. T. of twenty-two foot radius on Terrace Road 137.70 1016.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, P. C. of twenty-two foot radius on Allen Place. . . .144.39 200 ORDIXAXCES. 1100.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, west side of Allen Place 150.40 1200.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, west side of Allen Place 155.00 1300.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, west side of Allen Plac« 157.00 1400.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, west side of Allen Place 157.82 1460.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, south line of Forest Drive, on curb 157.60 Sec. 5. — Elevations at east and south side of Terrace Road — 175.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, P.C.V.C. 131.16 181.25 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.35 187.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.55 193.75 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.70 200.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.80 206.25 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.91 212.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.95 218.75 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.96 225.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.97 231.25 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.88 237.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.77 243.75 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.68 250.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.44 256.25 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.25 262.50 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 131.01 268.75 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 130.79 275.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, P.T.V.C. 130.40 369.00 feet south of south line of Grand avenue, P.C.V.C. 125.19 375.28 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 124.89 381.56 feet south of sovith line of Grand avenue 124.59 387.84 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 124.30 394.12 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 123.99 Sec. 6. — Elevations at — 400.40 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 123.76 406.68 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 123.50 412.93 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 123.27 419.21 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 123.02 CITY OF DES MOINES. 201 425.49 431.77 438.05 444.33 450.61 456.89 463.17 469.45 475.73 482.01 488.29 494.57 500.85 507.13 513.41 519.69 525.97 532.25 538.53 544.81 551.09 557.37 563.65 569.93 576.21 582.49 588.77 feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south feet south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south 616.70 feet south of south end of old curb 908.00 feet south of south 920. 933. 945. 958. 970. 983. 995. 1008. 1020. 1033. 50 feet 00 feet 50 feet 00 feet 50 feet 00 feet 50 feet 00 feet 50 feet 00 feet south south south south south south south south south south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south of south ine of Grand avenue 122.86 ine of Grand avenue 122.69 ine of Grand avenue 122.51 ine of Grand avenue 122.33 ine of Grand avenue 122.16 ine of Gran davenue 122.02 ine of Grand avenue 121.96 ine of Grand avenue 121.89 ine of Grand avenue 121.85 ine of Grand avenue 121.77 ine of Grand avenue 121.71 ine of Grand avenue 121.68 ine of Grand avenue 121.71 ine of Grand avenue 121.77 ine of Grand avenue 121.85 ine of Grand avenue 121.89 ine of Grand avenue 121.99 ine of Grand avenue 121.97 ine of Grand avenue 122.09 ine of Grand avenue 122.19 ine of Grand avenue 122.38 ine of Grand avenue 122.52 ine of Grand avenue 122.68 ine of Grand avenue 122.82 ine of Grand avenue 122.98 ine of Grand avenue 123.17 ine of Grand avenue, P.T.V.C. 123.40 ine of Grand avenue, 124.84 ine of Grand avenue, P.C.V.C. 136.32 ine of Grand avenue 136.77 ine of Grand avenue 137.08 ine of Grand avenue 137.28 ine of Grand avenue 137.34 ine of Grand avenue 137.29 ine of Grand avenue 137.10 ine of Grand avenue 136.80 ine of Grand avenue 136.35 ine of Grand avenue 135.80 ine of Grand avenue 135.10 204 ORDINANCES. Sec. 5, — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed February 1, 1909. Signed February 1, 1909. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. I, George F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held February 1, 1909, signed by the Mayor February 1, 1909, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, February 9, 1909. Geo. F. Poormax, Citv Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES. 205 ORDII^ANCE No. 1569. An Ordinance amending Section Three (3) of Ordinance ISTo. 1421, entitled, ''An ordinance establishing the grade of High street.-' Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That Section 3, of Ordinance Iso. 1421, approved January 10, 1907, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit: Sec. 3. — Elevations at — Feet. 250 feet west of Fourteenth street 67.00 Fifteenth street 70.50 Sixteenth street 75.50 Seventeenth street 77.50 896 feet west of northwest corner of Seventeenth street. .74.36 Nineteenth street, southeast comer 67.50 Nineteenth street, northeast corner 72.00 Nineteenth street, northwest corner 72.00 Nineteenth street, southwest corner 69.00 260 feet west of Nineteenth street 78.00 Twentj-first street, east line 81.23 Twentj-first street, west line 81.23 Sec. 2. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required bv law. Passed February 1, 1909, Signed February 1, 1909. A. J. ]Mathis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held February 1, 1909, signed by the Mayor February 1, 1909, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, February 9, 1909. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. 204 OEDINAl^'CES. Sec. 5. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and pnblication as reqnired by law. Passed February 1, 1909. Signed February 1, 1909. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. I, George F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held February 1, 1909, signed by the Mayor February 1, 1909, duly recorded and published, as provided bv lavr, February 9, 1909. Geo. F. Poormax, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES. 205 ORDI^-ANCE No. 1569. AjST Oedina^^ce amending Section Three (3) of Ordinance ISTo. 1421, entitled, ''An ordinance establishing the grade of High street." Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That Section 3, of Ordinance No. 1421, approved January 10, 1907, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit: Sec. 3. — Elevations at — Feet. 250 feet west of Fourteenth street 67.00 Fifteenth street 70.50 Sixteenth street 75.50 Seventeenth street 77.50 396 feet west of northwest corner of Seventeenth street. .74.36 Nineteenth street, southeast corner 67.50 Nineteenth street, northeast corner 72.00 Nineteenth street, northwest corner 72.00 Nineteenth street, southwest corner 69.00 260 feet west of Nineteenth street 78.00 Twenty-first street, east line 81.23 Twenty-first street, west line 81.23 Sec. 2. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed February 1, 1909. Signed Februaiy 1, 1909. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held February 1, 1909, signed by the Mayor February 1, 1909, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, February 9, 1909. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. 206 OKDINANCES. ORDIXAXCE :N'o. 1570. Ax Oedixance re-establishing the gi'ade of Sixteenth street, from north line of Des Moines Union right-of-waj to Mon- damin avenue. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the grade of Sixteenth street, from the north line of the Des Moines Union Railway right-of-wav to Mon- damin avenue, be and the same is hereby re-established above datum plane as follows, to-wit : Sec. 2. — Elevations at — Feet. !N^orth line right-of-wav Des Moines Union Railwav. . . . 23.00 Walnut street, south line 24.00 Walnut street, north line 25.50 142 feet south of the south line of Locust street 34.00 Locust street, south line 46.50 Locust street, north line 46.50 170 feet north of Locust street 48.80 Grand avenue 45.10 Linden street, south curb, opposite center of Sixteenth street 70.47 Linden street, northeast corner 71.12 Linden street, northwest corner 71.12 High street 75.50 Sec. 3. — Elevations at — Woodland avenue, southeast corner 92.00 Woodland avenue, southwest comer 93.20 Woodland avenue, north curb, to conform with present curb. 200 feet north of north line of Woodland avenue, -L . \^ , V . V. I'di Ji.OO 250 feet north of north line of Woodland avenue 129.00 300 feet north of north line of Woodland avenue 134.36 350 feet north of north line of Woodland avenue, P. T. V. C 138.40 500 feet north of north line of Woodland avenue 147.00 Pleasant street, southeast corner curb 148.90 Pleasant street, southwest corner curb 150.64 Pleasant street, northeast curb corner 147.00 Pleasant street, northwest curb comer 152.00 CITY OF DES MOINES. 207 Sec. 4. — Elevations at — 120 feet north of north line of Pleasant street 155.00 Center street 161.00 Alley north of Center street 166.00 Crocker street 154.00 340 feet north of Crocker street 142.00 School street 138.00 250 feet north of center of School street 122.80 365 feet north of center of School street 120.50 400 feet north of center of School street 121.00 500 feet north of center of School street 124.50 700 feet north of center of School street 139.50 South line of Official Plat 'No. 1 142.50 Sec. 5. — Elevations at — Carpenter avenue, northwest comer 149.75 Carpenter avenue, southwest comer 149.75 Carpenter avenue, northeast comer 149.50 Carpent^er avenue, southeast comer 149.50 Forest avenue, northeast corner 143.65 Forest avenue, southwest comer 143.55 Forest avenue, southeast comer 143.65 Forest avenue, northwest comer 143.55 Harrison avenue, south curb 136.30 Harrison avenue, north curb 136.30 Clark street, southeast comer 133.00 Clark street, southwest comer 133.00 Clark street, northeast comer 133.00 Clark street, northwest comer 133.00 Mondamin avenue 131.00 Sec. 6. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed February 1, 1909. Signed February 1, 1909. A. J. ]\Iathis^ Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Pooemain', Citv Clerk. 208 0KDI^^A:N'CES. T, Geo. F. Poorman, Citv Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held February 1, 1909, signed by the Mayor February 1, 1909, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, February 9, 1909. Geo. F. Pookmax, City Clerk. CITY OF DES MOINES 209 ORDINAlSrCE No. 1571. An Ordinance to vacate the east seventv-three and four-tenths (73.4) feet, except the south seven (7) feet of Lot Number Nine (9) of the Official Plat of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 4, Township 78, Range 24, west of the fifth p. m., and to cede to S. A. Robertson all right, title and interest of the City of Des Moines in and to said tract, and to repeal Ordinance No. 1562, passed Januaiy 15, 1909. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the said City of Des Moines hereby vacates the following strip of ground, to-wit: The east seventy-three and four-tenths (73.4) feet, except the south seven (7) feet of Lot Number Nine (9) of the Official Plat of the northwest quar- ter of the northeast quarter of Section 4, Township 78, Range 24, west of the fifth p. m., all in the City of Des Moines; the west line of said tract coinciding with the east line of Fifth street as laid out north of L'niversity avenue ; and all right, title and interest of the said City of Des Moines in and to the strip of ground last described is hereby ceded to S. A. Robertson. That the Mayor of the said City of Des Moines is hereby authorized and directed tQ execute and deliver to the said S. A. Robertson a deed conveying all the right, title and interest of the said city to the above described property. Sec. 2. — Ordinance No. 1562, passed January 15, 1909, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. — This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed February 3, 1909. Signed, February 3, 1909. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held February 3, 1909, sig-ned by the Mayor February 3, 1909, duly recorded and published, as provided by law^ Febniary 22, 1909. Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. 210 ORDIXAXCES. ORDIXAXCE :N'o. 15Y2. Ax Ordinaxce declaring the necessity for the construction and maintenance of a viaduct and approaches thereto over and across the tracks of certain railway and railroad companies herein named, along and upon Seventh street, West Des Moines, Iowa, and providing for the plans therefor and the submission of the same to the Board of Railroad Commission- ers of Iowa, and fixing the time and place for considering ob- jections to the construction of such viaduct and its approach- es, and providing for notice to the railway and railroad com- panies owning or operating the track or tracks over and across which it is proposed to construct such viaduct and approaches thereto. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That for the safety and protection of the public, it is deemed and hereby declared necessary to construct and maintain a viaduct and approaches thereto on West Seventh street, in the City of Des Moines, Iowa, and over and across the railway tracks crossing said street o^vned and operated by the following named companies, to-wit : The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company ; the Des Moines and Fort Dodge Railroad Company (leased to the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad Company) ; the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rail- road Company, and the Des Moines Union Railway Company; the intention being to require the construction of a viaduct and approaches over all of the tracks of all railways or railroads crossing said Seventh street between the south line of Mulberry street and a jKiint about four hundred feet south of the south line of Elm street, in West Des Moines, Iowa. Sec. 2. — The width, height, strength and the material and manner of constiniction of the proposed viaduct and the ap- proaches thereto, the public necessity for which is by this ordi- nance declared, is hereby required to be in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the Civil Engineer and approved bv the Citv Council of Des Moines. Sec. 3. — The City Council will meet in the Council Chamber in the City Hall, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the 15th day of March, A. D. 1909, for the puiix>se of approving plans and specifications for said viaduct and its approaches, and consider- ing and determining the proportion of the viaduct and the ap- CITY OF DES MOINES 211 proaebes thereto to be constructed bv the railroad and railway companies named in Section One (1) hereof, or the cost to be borne by each, and to hear any objections that may be urged by said railroad and railway companies to the construction of said viaduct and its approaches, as well as to said plans and specifica- tions. The City Solicitor is hereby directed to cause written notice of such hearing to be given to said railroad or railway companies at least twenty days prior thereto. Sec. 4. — The City Clerk is hereby directed to forthwith trans- mit a certified copy of this ordinance to the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of Iowa, who are respectfully re- quested to view officially the site of said proposed viaduct, and, after examination, to detennine whether the proposed viaduct is necessary for the public safety and convenience, and to fix a time when the plans and specifications therefor may be submitted to said board for its approval. Sec. 5. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here^ with are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. — This ordinance is deemed urgent and necessary for the public health and safety, and shall take effect and be in force on and after its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed February 15, 1909. Signed February 15, 1909. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held February 15, 1909, signed by the Mayor February 15, 1909, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, February 26, 1909. Geo. F. Pooeman, City Clerk. 212 ORDI^^A^CES. ORDIXxVXCE m. 1573. Ai Okdixance to amend Section 2 of Ordinance ^o, 1435, passed A])ril 15, 1907, entitled, "An ordinance to declare and establish tire limits, and to define certain nuisances, and to provide for the abatement thereof, and for the removal of any buildings or any additions to any buildings made of com- bustible material, within certain limits, providing penalties for a violation of the provisions hereof, and to repeal ordi- nances :N'o. 410, passed April 27, 1888; ^^o. 423, passet: "^lay 14, 1888, and N'o. 1248, passed December 7, 1903." Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That Section 2 of Ordinance ^o. 1435, passed April 18, 1907, entitled, "An ordinance to declare and establish fire limits, and to define certain nuisances, and to provide for the abatement thereof, and for the removal of any buildings^ or any additions to any buildings made of combustible material, within certain limits, providing penalties for a violation of the provisions hereof, and to repeal ordinances isTo. 419, passed April 27, 1888; Xo. 423, passed May 14, 1888, and No. 1248, passed December 7, 1903,'' be and the same is hereby amended 80 as to read as follows: "gep^ 9. — That for the purpose of this ordinance, the follow- ing limits shall be known and are hereby established as the fire limits of the City of Des Moines, and shall include all that part and portion of said city west of the Des Moines River, lying within the limits and boundaries defined and described as fol- lows, to-wit: "Commencing on the bank of the Des Moines River at the center of Elm street, thence west along the center of Elm street to the center of Ninth street, thence north along the center of Ninth street to the center of Vine street, thence west along the center line of Vine street to the alley west of Eleventh street, thence northerly along the center of the right-of-way of the Chi- cago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway, to its intersection with the center line of Fifteenth street, produced south, thence north- erly along the said line to the southerly terminus of Fifteenth street, thence northerly along the center line of Fifteenth street to Pleasant street, thence easterly along the center line of said Pleasant street to the center line of Ninth street, thence north alono- the center line of Ninth street to the center of Center CITY OF DES MOINES. 213 street, thence east along the center of Center street to the right bank of the Des Moines River, thence sontherly along said right bank of the Des Moines River to the place of beginning; and, ''All that portion of the City of Des Moines east of the Des Moines River, lying within the following boundaries, and de- fined and described as follows, to-wit: "^Commencing at a point where the alley between Grand ave- nue and Des Moines street, produced west, would intersect the left bank of the De-s Moines River, running thence easterly along the center of the alley between Des Moines street and Grand avenue to the center of J^inth street, thence southerly along the center line of JSTinth street to the center of the alley betw^een Court avenue and Walnut street, thence westerly along the center line of the alley between Court avenue and Walnut street to the west line of the north and south alley in Block G, Griffith's Addition, thence westerly along the east and west cen- ter line of Blocks G, F, C and B of Griffith's Addition to the feenter of Sixth street, thence southerly along the center of Sixth street to Elm street, thence westerly along the center of Elm street to the left bank of the Des Moines River, thence northerly along the left bank of said river to the place of beginning." Sec. 2. — All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. — This ordinance l>eing deemed urgent and necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publica- tion as provided by law. Passed March 3, 1909. Signed March 3, 1909. A. J. Matiiis, Mayor. Attest : Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting- held March 3, 1909, signed by the Mayor March 3, 1909, pub- lished in The Register and Leader March 8, 1909, duly record- ed and published, as provided by law, March 27, 1909. Geo. F. PooRMA2ir, City Clerk. 214 ORDNANCES. OEDIN^AXCE ^To. 1574. Ax Oedixajntce changing the names of certain streets and nam- ins; other streets in the Citv of Des Moines. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — Street, east and west street, first street south of Shawnee avenue, from Fifth to Seventh street, in Col- lege Park Addition, Section 22-79-24, to Viola avenue Sec. 2. — Street, east and west street, south line of San- dahl Addition, from Eighth street to North Union street, Section 26-79-24, to "Wisconsin avenue Sec. 3. — Baltimore avenue, Tremont Place, Section 27- 79-24, to Beckwith avenue Sec. 4. — Cora street, east and west street between Blocks I and 2, Krjsher s Second Addition, Section 26-79-24, to Henderson avenue Sec. 5. — Ora street, east and west street between Blocks 9 and 10, Krysher's Second Addition, Section 26-79-24, to Richmond aveinue Sec. 6. — Street, east and west street, north line of Blocks II and 12, Krysher's Second Addition, Section 26-79-24, to ISTevada avenue Sec. 7. — Cummins street, north and south street, east line of Mechanics' Addition, from Hull avenue, Section 25- 79-24, to East Sixteenth street Sec. 8. — Street, north and south street, east line Van ISTest Addition, from Hull avenue south. Section 25-79-24. to Sampson street See. 9.— Street, east and west street, northeast one-quar- ter. Section 32-79-24, north line of Lot 1, to. . .Franldin avenue Sec. 10. — Street, east and west street, west from Twenty- seventh street, north line of !N^orth ITnivorsity Park, Section 33-79-24, to Allison avenue Sec. 11.— l^eiman avenue, T^oi-wood Park Addition, Sec- tion 33-79-24, to Lincoln avenue Sec. 12. — Clarkson street, Xomvood Park Addition, also north line of N"orth LTniversitv Park, Section 33-79-24, to Allison avenue CITY OF DES MOINES. 215 Sec. lo. — Street, norfch and south street, first west of Twenty-fourth, from Franklin avenue south in Kirkwood Glen Addition, Section 33-79-24, to Twenty-fifth street' Sec. 14. — Street, southeast and northwest street, west line of Lot 49, Kirkwood Glen Addition, Section 33-79-24, to Twenty-fourth Street Plaoe Sec. 15.- — Street, east and west street, south line of Lots 12 and 37. Kirkwood Glen Addition, Section 33-79-24, to Washington avenue Sec. 16. — Street, east and west street, south line of Smith's Fifth Addition, Section 33-79-24, to.Mondamin avenue Sec. 17. — Zeline avenue, south line of Block 1, Shepherd- son Addition, Section 33-79-24, to Mondamin avenue Sec. 18. — Street, east and west street, Curtiss Bluff Park Addition, Section 33-79-24, to Mankato avenue Sec. 19. — Street, north and south street, Godfrey Park Addition, from Clark to College, Section 33-79-24, to Sixteenth Street Place Sec. 20. — Street, east and west street, south line of Park View Addition, Section 35-79-24, to Alpha avenue Sec. 21. — Street, north and south street, between Blocks 31 and 32, northeast one-quarter, Section 36-79-24, to. . . . Twentieth Street Court Sec. 22. — Street, north and south street, Subdivision Lot A, of T. E. Brown's Official Plat, Section 36-79-24, to Twentieth Street Court Sec. 23. — Street, east and west street, south line of Lot 60, Eastwick Addition to Capital Park, Section 36-79-24, to Como avenue Sec. 24. — Street, east and west street, north line of Lots 70 to 74 (inclusive), Eastwick Addition to Capital Park, Section 36-79-24, to Avoca avenue Sec. 25. — Street, north and south street, fcetween Blocks 27 and 28, C. S. Verse's Addition to Easton Place, Section 31-79-23, to East Twenty-first street Sec. 26. — Street^ on the norti and south center line of Section 31-79-23, to East Twentv-fifth street Sec. 27. — Street, east and west street, south line Blocks 5, 6, 7 and 8, Fairview Addition, Section 31-79-23, to. . . State street 216 ordi:m'a:n^ces. Sec. 28. — Cottage street, south line of i^orthwestem Heights Addition, from Fourteenth to Fifteenth street, Sec- tion 5-78-24, to Ascension street Sec. 29. — Street, east and west street, south line of An- derson's Cottage Addition, Section 5-78-24, to. . .Olive avenue Sec. 30. — Cottage Grove Court, east and west street, Stewart & Beckington's Addition, Section 5-78-24; also Mills street, in Kuhn's Addition, from jSTineteenth to Twen- tieth, to Olive avenue Sec. 31. — Street, east and west street, Wetmore's Addi- tion, Section 5-78-24, to Chester avenue Sec. 32. — Street, first north and south street west of Xine- teenth street, and in Kuhn's Addition, and in Lvner's Plat, Section 5-78-24, to Nineteenth Street Place Sec. 33. — Street, east and west street, in rear of Metho- dist Hospital, to Callanan Drive Sec. 34. — Street, north and south street, east line of State Square, Section 3-78-24, to Thirteenth Street Court Sec. 35. — Street, north and south street, between Thir- teenth and Fourteenth, east line of Clark's Subdivision, A.P. and H.R^plat of W.A. Scott's Addition, Block 5, Sec- tion 3-78-24, to Thirteenth Street Court Sec. 36. — Street, north and south street, east line of Block 8, A. P. and H. Ee-plat of Scott's Addition, Section 3-78-24, to Thirteenth Sti-eet Court Sec. 37. — Street, north and south street, east line of Lots 32 to 42 (inclusive) of southeast one-quarter, southeast one- quarter. Official Plat Lot 0, Section 3-78-24, to Southeast Thirteenth Street Court Sec. 38. — Street, east and west street, fii-st street north of Tohn Lvnd Eoad, in Brown's Woods Addition, Section 7- 78-24, to Binns avenue Sec. 39. — Kaccoon street, east and west street, first street south of Elm street, from west Fifth street west, Section 9-78-24, to Tuttle street Sec. 40. — Charles street, east and west street, from Xinth street to Tenth street, Callanan Addition, Section 4-78-24, to Laurel street CITY OF DES MOIXES. 217 Sec. 41. — Lafayette Place, east and west street, from Tenth street to Eleventh street, Rawson & Andrews' Addi- tion, Section 4-78-24, to .• Laurel street S^3. 42. — Street, east and west street, in Russell & Hax- lan's Addition, from Eighth street to Xinth street, to. . . . Laurel street Passed Mai-ch 5, 1909. Signed March 5, 1909. A. J. Mathis, Mavor. Attest : Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held March f), 1909, signed by the Mayor March 5, 1909, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, March 27, 1909. Geo. F. PooRMAi:^, City Clerk. 218 ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE No. 1575. As Ordinaisice to amend Sections 5 and 8 of Ordinance No. 1540, passed August 4, 1908, entitled, '*An ordinance grant- ing the Engle Crematory Company, its successors and assigns, the right to erect and maintain crematories, reduction, ren- dering and desiccating works and utilization plants ; and to collect dead animals, garbage and waste matter, and to dis- pose of the same in such crematories and plants." Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That Sections 5 and 8 of Ordinance No. 1540, passed August 4, 1908, entitled, '*An ordinance granting the Engle Crematory Company, its successors and assigns, the right to erect and maintain crematories, reduction, rendering and des- iccating works and utilization plants ; and to collect dead ani- mals, garbage and waste matter, and to dispose of the same in sucb crematories and plants/' be and the same are hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 5. — The said Engle Crematory Company, its successors and assigns, shall not charge any person, firm or corporation, for collecting, removing and disposing of dead animals, garbage, night soil, offal, or any other refuse matter, to exceed the follow- ing rates, to-wit : "Horses and cattle, each carcass $2.00 "Horses and cattle, skiimed or burned, each carcass. . 4.50 "Hogs and calves, each carcass 50 "Dogs, fowls and cats, each carcass 15 "Rotten eggs, per barrel of four cubic feet 40 "Garbage, night soil and cesspool contents, per cubic foot ^ 10 "House slops and garbage, per month, |)er family. . . .50 "House slops and garbage, per month, i3er family, in- cluding use of can in which to deposit slops and garbage , 60 "For disposing of garbage, offal and night soil, deliv- ered at the works, per load 50 "For collecting, removing and disposing of any matter, other than above mentioned, the charge shall be a reasonable charge, which may be fixed by the City of Des Moines from time to time by ordinance. CITY OF DES MOINES. 219 ''The right is resented to the City of Des Moines to prescribe other reasonable rates for the services above mentioned, at any time the City of Des Moines may deem proper; provided, that no ehano-e shall be made in said rates or char2:e3 until after the expiration of three years from the date" of the passage of this ordinance." "See. 8. — In consideration of the rights and privileges herein granted, the Engle Crematory Company, its successors and as- signs, shall collect, remove and dispose of all refuse matter ac- cumulating at the City Hall and Police Station, and also all manure and refuse of all kinds accumulated at the various fire stations throughout the city, and other stables maintained by the City of Des Moines, and to receive for such services the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) per month, and any permits and licenses required by other ordinances of the City of Des Moines without any other fee or charge therefor." Sec. 2. — All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. — This ordinance being deemed urgent and necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publi- cation as provided by law. Passed March 5, 1900. Signed March 5, 1000. A. J. Mathis, Mayor. Attest: Geo. F. PooiarAx, City Clerk. I, Geo. F. Poorman, City Clerk of the City of Des Moines, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of said city at a meeting held March .5, 1000, signed by the Mayor March 5, 1009, duly recorded and published, as provided by law, March 27, 1900. Geo. F. Poorman, Citv Clerk. 220 ORDINANCES. OEDINAXCE Xo. 1576. An Okdinance establishing the grade of Park Lane and Forty- second street, from 800 feet south of quarter section line on west side of Section 7, to University avenue. Be It Ordained hy the City Council of the City of Des Moines: Section 1. — That the grade of Park Lane, from 800 feet south of quarter section line on west side of Section 7, to I'niversity avenue, be and the same is hereby established above datum plane as follows, to- wit: Sec. 2. — Elevations at Feet. 800 feet south of quarter section line 130.00 260 feet south of quarter section line 159.50 160 feet south of quarter section line 160.00 Quarter section line on west side of Section 7 155.00 1950 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 137.00 Center of Center Drive 171.66 800 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 194.00 600 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 196.25 400 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 195.00 200 feet south of south line of Grand avenue 189,28 Sec. 3.— Grand avenue, north line 183.00 Grand avenue, northeast curb corner 182.34 Grand avenue, northwest curb comer 183.49 Grand avenue, southwest curb comer 182.58 Grand avenue, southeast curb comer 181.55 442 feet north of north line of Grand avenue 196.01 Ingersoll avenue, southeast and northeast comers 197.7$ Ingersoll avenue, southwest and northwest corners 197.75 Woodland avenue, south line 195.50 W(X>dland avenue, north line 195,00 350 feet north of north line of Woodland avenue, X • vy • \' • Kj • ••• ••••• • J.«70*|0 375 feet north of north line of Woodland avenue 196.82 400 feet north of north line of Woodland avenue 196.79 425 feet north of north line of Woodland avenue 196.65 450 feet north of north line of Woo pass over the present first north track of the Des Moines Union Railway Company Avith a clearance of not less than twenty-two (22) feet; thence the viaduct proper shall extend south over all the tracks of the said steam railways with a clearance over said tracks of not less than that above specified, to and over the south track of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Com- pany, and from thence shall descend on a uniform grade so as to meet the preselit level of Seventh street at a place about four hundred (400) feet south of the south line of Elm street. The length of the viaduct proj^er shall be about ten hundred and ten (1010) feet, and the total length of botJi approaches shall not exceed eight hundred (800) feet. The viaduct shall be built of sufiicient strength and width to carry all street traffic and also two street car tracks loaded with interurban cars of the weight now in common use by interurban railway companies, and shall be of such width and kind as shall be approved by the city ; pro- vided, that the city shall not re<}uire a structure of such kind which will interfere with the use of existing tracks of the said steam railway companies across said Seventh street. It is contemplated that the viaduct shall cost approximately $185,000. Should plans and specifications be adopted and ap- proved by the city, which shall increase the said cost beyond the amount above stated, then the said steam railways are to pay their respective proportions of said increased cost in the same manner as hereinbefore stated, and according to the same division as hereinafter specified. It is understood that insofar as prac- ticable, said viaduct shall be built on such plans as to permit the said steam railways to build additional tracks across Seventh street underneath the same. Second. — The city shall furnish the ground upon which to locate said viaduct, and shall pass any ordinances and do all other acts or things which are necessary to authorize the use of Seventh street as herein provided and the doing of the matters and things set forth in this ordinance. The said city shall take necessary steps to appraise, assess and determine the damages, if any, which may be caused to the property of third persons abutting that portion of the street upon which the viaduct is CITY OF DES MOINES. 227 built, by reason of tlie construction of the viaduct, and hold the steam railways free and harmless from such damage, if any. Third. — The proporion of the cost of the viaduct to be bomo by each of the steam railways shall be as follows : The Chicago, Kock Island and Pacific Railway Company, 31.6 per cent. The Des Moines and Fort Dodge Railway Company, 21.1 per cent. The Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company, 24.5 per cent. The Des Moines Union Railway Company, 22.8 per cent. Each of the said steam railways shall be liable and responsible severally only for its said proportion of said cost, and not joint- ly. If either of said steam railways shall neglect or refuse to pay its agreed proportion of the cost of said construction, the said city shall have the right to pay such proportion as such steam railway so in default has neglected or refused to pay, and recover the amount so expended from said steam railway so in default, or to pursue any other remedy afforded by the laws of the State of Iowa. Fourth. — In consideration of the agreements herein contained on the part of the steam railways, all that portion of Seventh street Ivino- between the south line of Cherrv street and the south line of Elm street, wherever said street crosses the tracks now or hereafter constructed of the said steam railways, from and after the completion of said viaduct, shall be discontinued and closed against public travel by i>edestrians, vehicles and other convey- ances. The legal title to said portion of said Seventh street so discontinued and closed against public travel as aforesaid, sub- ject to the rights herein granted to said steam railways, shall re- main fixed and vested in the City of Des Moines. Fifth. — The work upon said viaduct shall be commenced by the said steam railways within thirty (30) days from and after notice in writing shall have been given by the said city to the said steam railway companies, and shall thereafter be prosecuted to completion with reasonable diligence. It is understood, however, that work shall not be ordered com- menced until provisions shall have been made by the said city for appraising, assessing and determining the damage, if any, which may be caused to the property of third persons by reason 228 ORDINANCES. of the construction of the viaduct, and the doing of such other acts which may be necessary to furnish and authorize the use of Seventh street for the construction and maintenance of said via- duct as herein provided. SixfJi. — In consideration of the agreements herein contained on the part of the steam railways, parties hereto, said city under- takes on its part to the extent that it may lawfully exercise the power, and without limiting its right to the exclusive control of the viaduct and to charge full compensation for the use and main- tenance thereof, to require any street or iuterurban railway com- pany or companies, before using said viaduct, to pay said steam railways an amount equal to the actual increased cost of the original construction of such viaduct made necessary by so con- structing the same as to be of sufficient strength and width to carry such additional burden ; provided, always, that nothing in this ordinance contained shall be in any way construed to mean that the said city waives or surrenders any rights it now has or that may hereafter be conferred upon it relative to the absolute control of said viaduct, or of the compensation that may be re- quired to be paid to said city for its use and maintenance ; nor shall the fact that any street or interurban railway company or companies operates or operate any track, tracks or cars upon said viaduct without paying to said steam railways the full amount of or any part of the increased cost of original construc- tion as aforesaid, render the city liable in damages therefor, or form the basis for any cause of action against the city ; nor shall the said city be liable to said steam railways for any part of the cost of the construction of said viaduct under any circumstances or conditions whatsoever. Seventh. — ^Mthin ninety days after the completion of the said viaduct, it shall be the dutv of the said steam railwavs to file with the City Council of the said city a detailed sworn re- j)ort and statement, showing the actual cost of the viaduct, show- ing s(;parately the claimed extra cost made necessary by so con- structing the same as to be of sufficient width and strength to carry the increased burden upon such structure as aforesaid, which report and statement shall remain in the office of the City Clerk of the said city. In the event the street or interurban rail- way company or companies desiring to use said viaduct shall not be satisfied with the amount shown in said report as to such increased cKBINDERS, PAPER RULERS BLANK BOOK BUILDERS e 'Phone A 4644 LIBRARY