$B 1ft 744 GIFT OF Elisabeth Whitney Putnaii Soothing tF)e:m in Kpming tjxm i Opening wide: tlje ing into life:, . bride ^trcet C.C. Printed by ( Mijfcr at A'vremt/crj (Bavaria ) Ncco York: C2 c ">3 O LICCLC Cown OF little: town of E)el[)kF)e:m) gtill \ve: e:e: tB^^ lie:; clee:p an $iknt ^tap^ go 412416 Yet i n3. in \vepe in t^ 2 ^ame eountpy, gf^ , keeping watei) ovep t5 e: ' p B!3. .mg Proclaim if)e fjolg Bi io Kin, peace to men on at[)epecl all aBove, moplal$ ^leep t^e: angds keep \vate5 o| \vondeping love, Unto ^ou is BOPH t^^ ^Y, ' lri o| Bavlcl -How gikntlg, 5o\v TFi grft is give:n, God to j^ o eap ma^? ap Wig coming, in tf?ig \voplcl of gin, me:ek gofclg -will JHi m n, -waterin, Fait^ Bp^ "wide: t^e: TF) dapk nig^t \Vake:^; eome:^ onee: mope:, O Bless OUP drocl, ^e people, an3. make: Kis ppaise to Be eapcl. cgiia of to tig \ve: otit O&P $in and entep in; n We pe:at sdacl tidin? tell; eome: to tig, aBide \vit5 Emmanuel, Crse Voice OF o)e CF^RISC G)ILD. eold viy Bupclen of eap, But at it an cl ?;oul jtall o| mu^ie on z ap, ong of t^e Hngel^ fcrd of t$e |all gentk anl ; f" J^ ,*> t is coming, old eaptij, it ig coming to-ni5t, On iF)e feet o| t^e: fall gently and Kncl i$e voice of t^e: tell^ out \vit5 mankind ape tF) ive:t5 no\v like: wool, n tF>e: a d ar *d i$z lonely, tjje: welched and poop, Tjjat voice: of tF>e: (2pjgi re-let ^FJall fall; nd to evep^ Blind -wande;pe:p open^ t^ doop a 5p "W^ie^ B^ clape:cl not to clpe:am of f welcome: |OP all, j^eet of i$z ^UmBl^t ma^7 walk in tf? t^e: f e:et of t^e polie^t 5 ave: t p d, tpe: mapve:! to moptal^ pe:ve:ale:d, $z ^ilve:p^ tpumpet^ of (Zfyvlgiraztz 5 aVe ^ peakd, mankind ape: i$e e^ildpen of God, anc ancl ar.3. ni , an3. eo!3. an3. Once IS CfjRISCMAS SciLL. cr i}e: Client kie:3 ape: jWl oj pee:eJ5, FOP -w^o 5 a ^5 eap ^ ^ B^^P; to moon.i^ calling to t^ ^tap^ t^e:ip aepe:cL minion te:ae5 0| Fait^j and laove, and Fe:ap, at onee: tl? gk it? ^ilenee: Broke:, ange:!^ moptal lanuae: once: is CF)pistmas rfillj ates t[)poug5 "vvfjiej? We: came, wild and mupmfcu?ing pill, d and all t^at el^e: t^ wick \vopld voeal \vit5 Wi^ name:, \ve: not listen v?$i\z i$&% latest C^pistmas mopn> n live:s in tpiBute: Bping To t^e gpe:at song -w^ie^ greets t^e Kin; eome:s "wfxn C5 pl 'st is Bopn, can giill TFJe aplit Cfjpigtmag mopn.- n z eo ld BOPH, n clouded ^till in noonday It f ap Knge:!^ j^aip and b/3 g '55. o e * "I 2 nevep fading plendotip! nevep Client ong ! Still keep t[)e gpeen eaptj} tendep, keep tF) eaptp ,stpong; Of deed^ t^at eome tFie unfold? I M J\o tpumpet 3 wind 13: tell?; t^e In m^ie of it^ own, ill keep ifje gpeen, eapijj ill keep t5 pe: ^ eai?i[) came' clown, and pknciicl> n otip- comn Till v?, too, onee: tpocl ClimB ^ Will of Blessing, cJ find on o f drbi, - - . to-niggt! in land? of i$z j ? ip-tpe:e: and pine:, in land? o| tB and vine, ?okmn and lie: and to-nig5t! ef)ilcipen ape [Jopeftil and gav, \v[)epe old men ape: patient and gp -w^epe peace, like a dove in it? g o'ep Bpave men in i$z iBiek o| t Evep^?\v[)epe, evep^-w^epe, C^pi^ttna^ to-nig^t' FOP tjj>e C5 p i^t-e5il3- ^"Bo eome^ i^ i^e Mastep oj^ all, No palace too great ancl no cottage too ^mall, \ QJ Qj T^e angel^ -w^o \veleome Him ing ^fpom i$z B^igB^, "In tfx Citv o| David a King in Hi mig^t." , evet^\v.3epe, .f pen lei evepy Fieapt keep itg I j t-> A. oj' t^e: midnight eompa ii$ pound a ^tpane: lop, and 5 2ap a ?v\?e:et Look! .i^ aflame: mopning, p.e:joiee: at tpe: to-ni5t! He kacUrtf) me CAROL. omB, tbU gjjalt not IpolcL -Him longe:pj De:atF) ig ^tpon, Btit Fait5 t[)e patient Till t) mopning gfy&ll 0| ) tF>e Bt , eold and dead- East on ase:p and down ottp live^ oBe:dient Walk, deap G^gpijst, wit!? foot^tep^ Till t^o^e: apden live;^ $$&}] Be: Faip wiif dutie:^ done JOP ottp on wink? is past, tlje: pain is ovep and gone, ncl \vFjen Popping Kgt from mountain^, Bloomy out to O nee: aan on Da I know tjjat m^ Recle:e:me:i? CASCC R ^ ocL [5 at 5 $znk Hi$ angelg To t[? e: e:ap a gan, Bpi pngn To t$e $on$ of me:n, at on Peace:, goodwill on n c[pe:acL|tt iF)e: |ait[)ful at Hi He: jsgall give: His angels eljapge ove:p tee, t ifje:e: m all t nd n '/I- ief, and pain, and eap .Hi m Yd tge Ig tf) ame in ligBt and D tc l T.J' E 7 i P ' .'11 id Jrliss ratbepg will. TEe: fiowepg appeap on / J JL JL e:apt5; 1^ ^ me f ^ o| Bip3.3 i? come:, A. ncl tjx tomB like: t[?e: >nee e: W ocit Into it j v le:lping at W Hll Wi^ faithful 'a .6!p3. , o is a man tjjat \van3.epet5 plaee. * Zemins' tbe:m in Opening wile: 1 ling into T^ine: ange:!^ Unto lag, we: ppa^, Iae;ave: ' tig not to wanle:? Kll alone: o'tip . t[>e:m gnapcL ancl gttiie e:^oe:'e:p we: Be:, Till otip J ? OP all me: 12. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $t.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. FEB 13 1935 J W 6 J94T 28Martyfl W IN STACKS MAR 1 4 1959 OCT 3 1977 8 kfcv/ 7* I LD 21-100m-8,'34 YE 01574 i I 6