THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS GIFT OF PROFESSOR H.B. WALKER PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS DUFF and EWELL BLAKISTON'S SCIENCE SERIES PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS BY A. WILMER DUFF PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN THE WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND ARTHUR W. EWELL PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN THE WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED WITH 78 ILLUSTRATIONS PHILADELPHIA P. BLAKISTON'S SON & CO 1012 WALNUT STREET 1910 LIBRARY (JNfVFRSITY nr rmtr/\nutn COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY P. BLAKISTON'S SON & Co. Printed by The Maple Press York, Pa. PREFACE. Our intention in writing this book was not to give an account of physical laboratory methods in general, but to describe a limited number of carefully chosen exercises such as we have found in our experience to be suitable for the laboratory work of students who have had a fair course in General College Physics. The descriptions of the exercises will usually fit apparatus and conditions of considerable diversity, but many practical details have been included where experience has shown that they are necessary. Other instructors who may adopt the book will probably find some of the exercises unsuited to their classes, but the list is sufficiently extensive to afford a considerable variety of selection. The descriptions of apparatus are intended to be read by the student with the apparatus before him. Hence elaborate illustrations have been thought unnecessary. For an ex- tended account of certain special topics, such as the theory of the balance and the construction of galvanometers, references to other works have been given. Usually several text-books and special treatises have been referred to at the beginning of the account of an experi- ment. It is assumed that each student will have one of the text-books and that some of the special works will be found in the reference room of the laboratory. While the reference is generally to the latest edition (at the present date, 1910), those who have different editions will have no difficulty in finding the passages referred to. Each instructor who uses v VI PREFACE the book will exercise his discretion as to what preliminary reading will be required and will issue the necessary instruc- tions to his class. We are indebted to Dr. Albert W. Hull for assistance in reading the page proof. Many of the tables have been taken from Ewell's Physical Chemistry. CONTENTS. PAGE GENERAL INTRODUCTION i i. Purpose of Course. 2. General Directions. 3. Reports. 4. Errors. 5. Errors of Observation. 6. Possible Error of a Calculated Result. 7. General Method for the Possible Error of a Result. 8. Some General Notes on Errors. 9. Probable Error of a Mean. 10. Limits to Calculations, n. Notation of Large and Small quantities. 12. Plotting of Curves. MECHANICS 13 13. The Use of a Vernier. 14. Vernier Caliper. 15. Microm- eter Caliper. 16. Micrometer Microscope. 17. Com- parator. 1 8. Spherometer. 19. Dividing Engine. 20. Cathetometer. 21. Barometer. 22. The Balance. 23. Ad- justment of Telescope and Scale. 24. Time Determination. I. To Make and Calibrate a Scale. II. Errors of Weights. III. Volume, Mass, and Density of a Regular Solid. IV. Mohr-Westphal Specific Gravity Balance. V. Density by the Volumenometer. VI. Density of Gases. VII. Acceleration of Gravity by Pendulum. VIII. Coefficient of Friction. IX. Hooke's Law and Young's Modulus. X. Rigidity (or Shear Modulus). XL Viscosity. XII. Surface Tension. HEAT 63 25. Radiation Correction in Calorimetry. 26. The Beck- mann Thermometer. XIII. Thermometer Testing. XIV. Temperature Coefficient of Expansion. vii VI11 CONTENTS. PAGE XV. Coefficient of Apparent Expansion of a Liquid. XVI. Coefficient of Increase of Pressure of Air. XVII. Pressure of Saturated Water Vapor. XVIII. Hygrometry. XIX. Specific Heat by Method of Mixture. XX. Ratio of Specific Heats of Gases. XXI. Latent Heat of Fusion. XXII. Latent Heat of Vaporization. XXIII. Latent Heat of Vaporization. Continuous-flow method. XXIV. Thermal Conductivity. XXV. The Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. XXVI. The Melting-point of an Alloy. XXVII. Heat Value of a Solid. XXVIII. Heat Value of a Gas or Liquid. XXIX. Pyrometry. SOUND 119 XXX. The Velocity of Sound. XXXI. The Velocity of Sound by Kundt's Method. LIGHT 124 27. Monochromatic Light. 28. Rule of Signs for Spherical Mirrors and Lenses. XXXII. Photometry. XXXIII. Spectrometer Measurements. XXXIV. Radius of Curvature. XXXV. Focal Length of a Lens. XXXVI. Lens Combinations. XXXVII. Magnifying Power of a Telescope. XXXVIII. Resolving Power of Optical Instruments. XXXIX. Wave-length of Light by Diffraction Grating. XL. Interferometer. XLI. Rotation of Plane of Polarization. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM 153 29. Resistance Boxes. 30. Forms of Wheatstone's Bridge. 31. Galvanometers. 32. Correction for Damping of a Bal- listic Galvanometer. 33. Galvanometer Shunts. 34. Standard Cells. 35. Device for Getting a Small E. M. F. 36. Double Commutator. 37. Relations between Electrical Units . CONTENTS. IX XLII. Horizontal Component of the Earth's Magnetic Field. XLIII. Magnetic Inclination or Dip. XLIV. Measurement of Resistance by Wheatstone's Bridge. XLV. Galvanometer Resistance by Shunt Method. XLVI. Galvanometer Resistance by Thomson's Method XLVII. Measurement of High Resistance (i). XLVIII. Measurement of High Resistance (2). XLIX. Measurement of Low Resistance (i). L. Measurement of Low Resistance (2). LI. Measurement of Low Resistance (3). LI I. Comparison of Resistances by the Carey-Foster Method. LIII. Battery Resistance by Mance's Method. LIV. Temperature Coefficient of Resistance. LV. Specific Resistance of an Electrolyte. LVI. Comparison of E. M. F.'s by High Resistance Method. LVII. Comparison of E. M. F.'s and Measurement of Battery Resistance by Condenser Method. LVIII. Calibration of Voltmeter. LIX. Calibration of Ammeter. LX. Comparison of Capacities of Condensers. LXI. Absolute Determination of Capacity. LXII. Coefficients of Self-induction and of Mutual Induc- tion. LXIII. Strength of a Magnetic Field by a Bismuth Spiral. LXIV. Study of a Ballistic Galvanometer. LXV. Magnetic Permeability. LXVI. Magnetic Hysteresis, j VXTTT / (a) Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. \ (b) Horizontal Intensity of Earth's Magnetism. LXVIII. Thermoelectric Currents. LXIX. Elementary Study of Resistance, Self-induction, and Capacity. LXX. Self-induction, Mutual Induction, and Capacity, Alternating Currents. LXXI. Dielectric Constant of Liquids. LXXII. Electric Waves on Wires. TABLES I. Four-Place Logarithms. 2 35 CONTENTS. II. Trigmometrical Functions. III. Reduction to Infinitely Small Arc. IV. Barometer Corrections. V. Density and Specific Volume of Water. VI. Density of Gases. VII. Density, Specific Heat, and Coefficient of Expansion of Metals. VIII. Density, Specific Heat, and Coefficient of Expansion of Miscellaneous Substances. XL Elastic Moduli. X. Surface Tension. XI. Coefficient of Viscosity. XII. Specific Heats of Gases. XIII. Vapor Pressure of Water. XIV. Boiling-point of Water. XV. Wet and Dry Bulb Hygrometer. XVI. Vapor Pressure of Mercury. XVII. Melting-points of Metals. XVIII. Wave-lengths of Light. XIX. Refractive Indices. XX. Specific Rotatory Power. XXL Photometric Table. XXII. Specific Resistance and Temperature Coefficient of Metals. XXIII. Specific Resistance and Temperature Coefficient of Solutions. XXIV. Dielectric Constants. INDEXT 255 PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS. INTRODUCTION. 1. Purpose of Course. Intelligent work requires a clear perception of the end in view. It is important, therefore, to remember that the purpose of a course in Laboratory Physics is not only the attainment, by personal experimentation, of a more definite knowledge of the facts and principles of physics and an acquaintance with the use of measuring instruments and methods, but also the acquisition of a scientific habit of accuracy and carefulness in observing and examining phe- nomena and drawing conclusions therefrom. 2. General Directions. Much time in the laboratory will be wasted unless some preparation be made before coming to the laboratory. The purpose and general method of the measurement to be made should be examined with the aid of the text-book and some of the references preceding the directions. This may usually be done in a few minutes at home, whereas it might require an hour or more in a laboratory where a number of people are moving around. The readings made in the laboratory should always be recorded in a firmly bound book reserved for this purpose only, and never on loose slips of paper or in a book that may become dog-eared and untidy. When, for convenience or of necessity, two work together at an experiment, each should keep his own notes of the measurements made, and, i 2 INTRODUCTION. whenever possible, each should make a separate set of read- ings for himself, and these should be as independent as possible. No operation should be performed or measurement made unless the purpose and meaning of it are understood ; otherwise it may be made imperfectly or some essential part of it may be overlooked. 3. Reports. An essential part of the work is a written report on each experiment completed. This should be handed in within a week after the work is finished. In preparing the report the writer has to make clear to himself the purpose and bearing of each part of the work and examine critically the value and accuracy of the final result. This exercise is as valuable as the experimental work itself. The report should be as brief as possible, consistently with giving the following information : The purpose of the experiment (including the definition of the leading terms, such as coefficient of friction, mechani- cal equivalent of heat, etc.) ; A brief statement of the method used ; A statement (tabulated if possible) of the observations and readings made : An outline of the calculation of the final result (omit- ting the details of the numerical work) ; A criticism of the reliability of the result ; Brief answers to the questions appended to the directions. 4. Errors. A perfectly accurate experimental result is impossible; but some estimate can usually be formed as to the magni- tude of the possible error and this is frequently of the greatest value. An experimental result of unknown reli- ability is often of very little value. Hence an estimate of ERRORS OF OBSERVATION. 3 the accuracy of a measurement is very desirable in an account of the work. Inaccuracy may arise from several different causes (i) errors of observation, due to the inherent limitations of the observer's powers of observing and judging; (2) instrumental errors, arising from imperfections in the work of the instrument maker in constructing and subdividing the scale used by the observer; (3) mistakes, such as the mistaking of an 8 for a 3 on a scale; (4) systematic errors due to faultiness in the general method employed. Instrumental errors may be decreased by using more accurate instruments or by calibrating the scales of the instru- ments used, that is, ascertaining and allowing for the errors in their graduation. This is frequently a difficult operation and unsuited for an elementary course. We shall, therefore, usually assume that the accuracy of the instruments is such that the instrumental errors are less than the errors of observation. Mistakes in reading can be eliminated by care and repeti- tion. Systematic errors are apt to arise when some indirect method of arriving at a result is adopted, a direct method being difficult or impossible. For example, the length of a wave of light cannot be measured directly and a method depending on diffraction or interference is usually employed (Exp. XXXIX). A careful study of the method used will often enable us to eliminate such errors by improving the details of the method, or, where this cannot be done, some estimate of the uneliminated errors can often be formed. 5. Errors of Observation. Different methods of estimating the magnitude of errors of observation may be employed, the choice depending on the nature of the measurements. In many cases the quantity can be measured several times and the mean taken, it being probably more accurate than a single observation. In other cases circumstances do not permit repetition and a 4 INTRODUCTION. single observation must suffice. In either case the observer can, from the circumstances of the case, say with a high de- gree of probability that the error cannot be greater than a certain magnitude. This we shall call the "possible error" of the measurement. It does not strictly mean the greatest possible error, since a greater error might be theoretically possible but very improbable. (a) When Only a Single Observation is Made. For example, a liquid, the temperature of which is varying slowly, is kept well stirred and the temperature is observed by means of a thermometer graduated to degrees. The temperatur at a certain time is noted as being between 36 and 37 and the observer, estimating to o . i of a division, records the tem- perature as 36.3; but he does not trust his estimate closer than o . i ; that is, he considers that the real temperature may be as high as 36 . 4 or as low as 36 . 2. He therefore states the temperature as 36.3 with a possible error of 0.1, or 36.3o.i. The actual error may, of course, be less than o. i; the latter is only a reasonable estimate of the limit of error of observation. (b) When Several Different Observations of a Quantity are Made. The mean of a number of observations of a quantity is more trustworthy than a single reading, for observations that are too large are likely to counterbalance others that are too small. Greater confidence can be placed in the mean when the separate readings differ but little from the mean than when they differ greatly. The average of the differences between the mean and the separate readings is called the mean deviation. It can be shown (as indicated in 9) that when ten observations are made, the probability that the actual error is greater than the mean deviation is very small, about i in 100, while if 15 observations are made it is reduced to i in 1000. Even if only 5 observations are made (which is rather too small a number) the probability is only i in 15. Hence, when a quantity is measured several times, the average deviation may be taken as a measure of the possible error. POSSIBLE ERROR OF A CALCULATED RESULT. 5 6. Possible Error of a Calculated Result. A piece of laboratory work usually calls for the measure- ment of several different quantities and the calculation of a result by some formula. Knowing the possible errors of the separate quantities we can deduce the possible error of the result, but the method will vary with the nature of the arithmetical operations. (a) Possible Error of a Sum or Difference. The possible error of a sum or difference is the sum of the possible errors of the separate quantities, for each possible error may be either positive or negative. Example. A bulb containing air (Exp. VI) weighs 2o.i425g. 0.0002 g. and after the air has been pumped out it weighs 20.0105 g. o.ooo2g. Hence the weight of the air is o . 1 3 2 o g. o . 0004 g. Since it is sometimes erroneously assumed that a derived result must be accurate to as high a percentage as the measurements from which it is deduced, it should be noticed in the above that, while the separate weights are found to 0.001%, the weight of the air is only ascertained to 0.3%. (b) Possible Error of a Power. If a measured quantity x is in doubt by p per cent (p being small), the nth power of x is in doubt by up per cent. For x\ i- IOO/ I \ IOO squares and higher powers of p/ioo being neglected. Example of (a) and (b). T = 3. 506 .005 and/ = 2.018 -003. (Exp. VII). What is the possible error of T 2 t 2 ? T 2 = 12. 2 9 and since T may be in error by 1/7 %, T 2 maybe in error by 2/7 % or .04. Hence T 2 = 12 . 29 .04. Similarly 2 = 4.07 .01. Hence T 2 t 2 = 8. 22 .05. (c) Possible Error of a Product or Quotient. The percent- age by which a product or quotient is in doubt is the sum of 6 INTRODUCTION. the percentages by which the separate quantities are in doubt. For if the quantities be / P \ / <1 \ x( i ) and y{ i I V ioo/ \ ioo/ their product is x ( I JL\J 1 A\^ xy L P^} \ IOO/ \ IOO/ \ IOO/ and their quotient is p/ioo and q/ioo being assumed small. It is evident that a similar statement applies to any number of products and quotients. Example of (b) and (c) . The diameter of a sphere (Exp. Ill) is measured by a vernier caliper and found to be i . 586 cm., but the vernier only reads to 1/50 mm.; so the possible error is .002 cm. or 1/8 of i%. The sphere is weighed in a balance such that i mg. added to one pan does not cause an observable change of the pointer, while 2 mg. does, and the weight is, therefore, 16.344 g. with a possible error of .002 g. or 1/80 %. The calculated value of the density is 7 . 827 ; but the volume may be in error by 3/8% and the mass by 1/80%. Hence the density may be in error by 3 / 8 + 1 / 80 % , or practi- cally 3/8%. Hence the proper statement of the density is 7 . 83 with a possible error of .03 or 7 . 83 . 03. 7. General Method for the Possible Error of a Result. The above rules for sums, differences, powers, products, and quotients will usually suffice for finding the possible error of a result calculated from the measurements of several quantities. But when several of these operations are combined, or when the formula for calculation contains GENERAL METHOD FOR THE POSSIBLE ERROR. 7 one of the quantities more than once, the effects of the several errors may be difficult to trace by these means. The following general method is always applicable. It may be carried out by simple arithmetic, but is simplified by an elementary use of the calculus. To find to what extent the possible error in one of the quantities affects the result, we may calculate the result assuming all the quantities to be quite accurate and then repeat the calculation after changing one of the quantities by its possible error. The difference in the result will be the effect sought. If we do the same for each of the other quantities, the final possible error of the result will be the sum (without regard to sign) of the parts due to the separate quantities. This, however, is equivalent to differentiating the whole expression, first with regard to one quantity, then with regard to a second and so on and finally adding the partial differentials. It will be seen from the following examples that the process is much simplified by taking the logarithm of the whole formula before differentiating. (i) Time of Vibration of a Pendulum (Exp. VII). If in time T a pendulum makes n fewer vibrations than the pendulum of a clock that beats seconds and if t is the time of a single vibration, T t = T-n Taking logarithms, log t = log T-log(T-n) Hence by differentiating, &_sr sr t T T-n This means that if T be changed by a small quantity, ST the consequent change, Bt, in t is given by the formula. If 8 INTRODUCTION. the possible error of T be 2 seconds, by putting 8T = 2 the value of $t will be the possible error of t. If T be 862 seconds and n be 17, & 17X2 This indicates one of the advantages of taking logarithms. It gives us at once the ratio of $t to t, or (multiplied by 100) the percentage by which t is in doubt. (2) Specific Heat by the Method of Mixture (Exp. XIX). Let r = 95 be the initial temperature of the specimen, 2 = 25 that of the water, and let t = 45 be the final tempera- ture of the mixture, and let the possible error of each ther- mometer reading be o. 2. The formula for calculation is ^ M(T-t) We shall consider how far the possible errors in the ther- mometer readings affect x, leaving the consideration of the other terms (the errors of which are likely to be much smaller) to the reader. log x=log(m+m l s) +log(tt ) logM log(T-t) Proceeding as in (i) above, we find the effects of the possible errors of T, t , and / respectively as follows : $x SjT o. 2 = 0.4% T t 50 & 0.2 /-/ 20 = 1 .O 70 Total = 2. 8% This example will show a second advantage in the method of taking logarithms. It separates the various terms and so simplifies the process. OF A MEAN. 9 8. Some General Notes on Errors. The statement of a possible error should contain only one significant figure. (A zero that serves only to fix the decimal point, such as the zeros in 0.0026, is not a significant figure). Thus in the last example in 6, 3/8% of 7.83 is 0.0293, which shows that the second decimal place in 7.83 is in doubt by 3. Hence it would be superfluous to add figures to show that the third and fourth decimal places are also in doubt. Measurements sometimes seem so accurate that one is tempted so say that "the possible error is practically zero and need not be considered." This is never literally true. One factor may be so accurately determined, compared with other factors, that the effect of its possible error on the result might seem to be negligible ; but only a calculation can show this and the calculation will frequently show the opposite. An illustration occurs in the first example of 6, considered in connection with the other measurements required to determine the density of air in Exp. III. The consideration of possible errors is of great importance in deciding what care need be expended in determining the various factors in a complex measurement and what are the best conditions for obtaining an accurate result. This applies more especially to advanced and difficult measure- ments, but illustrations will occur in this book. (Exp. XIX.) But, as one of the purposes of this course is to teach the most exact use of the measuring instruments, measurements should usually be made as accurately as the instruments will permit. 9. "Probable Error" of a Mean. There is another method of indicating the reliability of measurements which possesses some advantages over the one that we have explained, though it is not so generally applicable. When a large number of observations of a quantity have been made, we can, by means of formulas 10 INTRODUCTION. deduced from the mathematical Theory of Probability, cal- culate the probability that the mean is not in error by more than a given amount. When a coin is tossed up it is an even chance whether it will come down a head or a tail; the chance or probability of its being a head is, therefore, i in 2 or 1/2. Now the "probable error" of the mean of a num- ber of readings is defined as a magnitude such that it is an even chance whether the error is greater or whether it is less than this magnitude. In other words, the probabil- ity of the error exceeding the "probable error" is 1/2. One formula for calculating the "probable error" is the following : average deviation #=0.84^ A/number of observations This method is useful as a method of indicating the reli- ability of measurements when each of all the quantities that occur in the experiment can be measured several times. For when each mean and its "probable error" has been found we can calculate the "probable error" of the final result. For further details we shall refer the reader to other works (e. g., Merriman's "Least Squares"). We shall not have frequent occasion to refer to " probable errors," since in most cases some of the quantities that have to be determined cannot be measured more than once. In justification of the use of the mean deviation as a measure of the possible error, we may note that by the above formula for e, when 10 observations have been made, the mean deviation equals 3 . 6 - 2 g-> o.ooi g., o.ooi g., it is customary to use a rider of o . 01 g., which can be placed on the beam at various distances from the center. The beam is for this pur- pose graduated into 10 divisions, which may be still further subdivided. Thus the o.oio g. rider placed at the division 4 of the beam is equivalent to o . 004 g. placed on the pan. THE BALANCE. 23 The zero-point of the balance is the position on the scale behind the pointer at which, the pans being empty, the pointer would ultimately come to rest; it must not be con- fused with the zero of the scale. As much time would be wasted in always waiting for the pointer to come to rest, the zero of the balance is best obtained from the swings of the pointer. For this purpose, readings of the successive "turning-points" are made as follows three successive turning-points on the right and the two intermediate ones on the left, or vice versa; e. g., Turning points. L. R. -1-3 + 2-1 I.I -f 2. O I .O Mean, 1.13 +2.05 -1.13 Zero-point = +0.92^-2 = +0.46. By taking an odd number of successive turning-points on one side and the intermediate even number on the other side and then averaging each set, we eliminate the effect of the gf adual decrease of amplitude of the swing. The resting-point of the balance with any loads on the pans is the point at which the pointer would ultimately come to rest, and is found in the same way as the zero-point. If the resting-point should happen to be the same as the zero-point, the weight of the body on one pan is immediately found by the ~ weights on the other pan and the posi- tion of the rider. Usually, however, this will not be so. With the rider at a suitable division, find the resting-point on one side of the zero-point, and then, after .altering the rider one place, find the resting-point on the other side of the zero. By interpolation the change of the position of the rider necessary to make the resting-point coincide with the zero-point is deduced. For example, the 24 MECHANICS. zero is +o . 46 ; with the rider at 4 the resting-point is +0.51; with the rider at 5 the resting-point is + o . 10. By changing the rider from 4 to 5, o.ooi g. was added. To bring the resting-point to the zero we should have added 0.05-;- (0.510.10) of o.ooi g. or o.oooi g. approximately. Hence the weight of the body is the weight on the pan plus 0.0041 g. The arms of the balance may be unequal. If this be so, the weight obtained above will not be the true weight. To eliminate this error the body must be changed to the other pan and another weighing made. If / be the length of the left arm and r that of the right and if u be the counterbal- ancing weight when the body is in the left pan and v when it is in the right, while w is the true weight of the body then, lw=ru, lv=rw (The geometric mean of two very nearly equal quantities is nearly equal to their arithmetic mean.) The ratio of the arms of the balance may also be calculated, since The buoyancy of the air on the weights and on the body must be allowed for in accurate work. To the apparent weight of the body must be added a correction equal to the weight of the air displaced by the body and from the apparent weight must be subtracted the weight of the air displaced by the weights. In each case the weight of the air displaced can be calculated if its volume and density are known. This correction in any case is very small. A small per- centage error in the correction will not appreciably affect the calculated true weight. Hence approximate values of the volumes of the body and weights may be used. In finding the volume of the weights the density of brass weights may be taken as 8.4. The density of air at o and 760 mm. may be taken as .0013, and its density at the temperature of the laboratory and the pressure indicated ADJUSTMENT OF TELESCOPE AND SCALE. 25 by the barometer may be calculated by the laws of gases. Hence the temperature and barometric pressure should be obtained. 23. Adjustment of Telescope and Scale. To adjust a telescope and scale, determine approximately the location of the normal to the mirror, either by finding the image of one eye or the image of an incandescent lamp held near the eye. Move the stand supporting the telescope and scale until the center of the scale is about in line with the normal. Look along the outside of the telescope at the mirror and move the scale up and down, or, if this is not possible, raise or lower the stand until you see the reflection of the scale in the mirror. It may be a help to illuminate the scale with an incandescent lamp. Look through the telescope pointed at the mirror, and change the focus until the scale is seen distinctly. Remember that the more distant the object, the more the eye-piece must 'be pushed in, and that the image of the scale is at about twice the distance of the mirror. 24. Time Signals. A convenient source of time signals for a laboratory is a chronometer which either opens or closes a circuit containing batteries, sounders, etc., every second with an omission at the end of each minute. The individual second intervals indicated by a chro- nometer, so arranged, are likely to be somewhat inaccurate, and therefore, when an accurate interval of one second is required, a second's pendulum should be used with a plat- inum point making contact with a drop of mercury, and thus, if desired, closing an electric circuit. Since it is difficult to set the mercury drop exactly in the center of the path, alternate seconds are likely to be too long. Therefore, if possible, a two seconds' interval should be employed, alternate contacts being disregarded. If these contacts cause confusion, a pendulum omitting alternate contacts may be used (see Ames and Bliss, p. 486). I. TO MAKE AND CALIBRATE A SCALE. To illustrate the use of the dividing engine (described on page 17) a short scale is to be engraved in millimeters on a strip of nickel-plated steel and then calibrated by compari- son with the average millimeter of a standard scale. Arrange the cogs of the dividing gear so that each fifth mm. division shall be longer than the intermediate divisions and each tenth division still longer. Test this adjustment on a rough test strip. Next clamp the strip to be divided on the platform of the engine so that it is parallel to the screw; this can be tested by observing the edge of the strip in the microscope as the platform is advanced by the screw. Care should be taken to clamp the pillar that sup- ports the divider so that the point of the divider moves perpendicular to the length of the scale. A scale of 2 or 3 cms. should then be marked out on the steel strip and the temperature of the platform ascertained by a thermometer. This scale is next to be calibrated. The exact pitch of the screw is first obtained in terms of the mm. of the standard. For this purpose a considerable length, e. g., a decimeter, of the standard should be measured on the engine. This should be done for three different parts of the screw. The agreement of the three determinations will afford some indication of the uniformity of the screw. The scale should then be measured mm. by mm. For the first reading the circular scale of the screw may be set to zero when the cross-hairs coincide with the zero division of the scale to be measured, and thereafter the screw should be turned always in the same direction and only arrested for a reading of the circular scale and vernier (the total number of turns being also noted) when the microscope shows that the middle of a division has come to coincide with the intersection of 26 ERRORS OF WEIGHTS. 27 the cross-hairs. As this coincidence approaches, the handle should be turned slowly, and if turned too far the reading at that point must be omitted altogether. The handle should also be turned slowly when contact with the detent approaches so that the screw may not be arrested with a jerk. As a check on the work, the whole length of the scale should be measured. In calculating the true length of the divisions, allowance must be made for the temperature of the standard which may be taken as the temperature of the platform of the engine. The standard is correct at the temperature marked. From its coefficient of expansion calculate the length of its mm. at the temperature of observation and then deduce the pitch of the screw at the same temperature. Then from the readings made, calculate the length of each millimeter of the scale and, by addition, draw up a table showing the true distance of each division from the zero division. Questions. 1 . Enumerate the possible sources of error in the use of the divid- ing engine for the manufacture of scales. 2. At what temperature would the whole length of your scale be an exact number of centimeters? (Table VII.) II. ERRORS OF WEIGHTS. Kohlrausch, 12; Watson's Practical Physics, 27. Weights by good makers are usually so accurate that errors in them may for most purposes be neglected. But when less perfect weights are to be used or when weighings are to be made with the highest possible degree of accuracy, the errors in the weights must be carefully ascertained. We shall suppose that a 100 g. box of weights is to be tested, and that a reliable 100 g. weight is supplied as a standard, and that an accurate 10 mg. rider is supplied for making the weighings. The weights of the box will be denoted by 100', 50', 20', 20", 10', and so on, and the 28 MECHANICS. sum 5' + 2' + 2" + 1' by 10". To find the six unknown quan- tities, 100', 50', 20', 20", io r , 10", we must make six weigh- ings and obtain six relations between these quantities. Such a set of weighings are indicated in the following table. Each should be performed by the method of double-weigh- ing described on page 24. 10' =10" +a 20' =10' + 10" +b 20" =20' +c 50' =20' +20" +10' +d ioc/ =50' + 20' +20" + 10' +e 100 = 100' +/ To solve these equations, substitute the value of 10' given by the first in the second; then substitute the value of 20' given by the second in the third, and so on to the last, when the value of 10" in terms of the standard 100 and a, b, c, d, e, f will be obtained. The calculation of the other quantities will then present no difficulty. To standardize the box completely the same process must be applied to 10', 5', 2', 2" ', i', i", and similarly to the smaller weights. III. VOLUME, MASS, AND DENSITY OF A REGULAR SOLID. The mass of the specimen (a sphere or cylinder) is found by weighing on a sensitive balance (see p. 21). To eliminate the inequality of the arms of the balance, the body should be weighed in both pans (p. 24). The zero-point and resting- points of the balance should be found by the method of vibrations and the various precautions in the use of the balance must be carefully observed. Allowance should be made for air buoyancy (p. 24) and corrections should be applied to the weights, if the weights have been corrected in the preceding experiment, or if a table of corrections is supplied. MOHR-WESTPHAL SPECIFIC GRAVITY BALANCE. 29 The dimensions of the specimen are measured by a micrometer caliper (p. 14) or a vernier caliper (p. 14). If the body is spherical, ten measurements of the diameter should be made and the average taken; if it is cylindrical ten measurements of the diameter and ten of the length should be made. From the mass and the volume, the density (or mass per c.c.) is deduced. The ratio of the arms of the balance should also be derived from the results of the double weighing (p. 24). The possible error of the density determination should be calculated as illustrated on p. 6. Questions. 1. If the object aimed at were merely the density of the body, which of the above measurements should be improved in precision and to what extent would it need to be improved? 2. If the above improvement were not possible, how much of the refinement of measurement of the other quantity might be dis- carded ? IV. MOHR-WESTPHAL SPECIFIC GRAVITY BALANCE. Kohlrausch, p. 45; Stewart and Gee, I, 92, III. This is a convenient form of hydrostatic balance for rinding the density of a liquid by determining the buoyancy of the liquid on a float hung from an arm of the balance and immersed in the liquid. Instead of weights riders are used, the arm of the balance from which the float hangs being graduated into ten divisions. The float is made of such a size that when hanging in air from the graduated arm of the balance (which is less massive than the other arm) it will just produce equilibrium. Four riders of differ- ent mass are employed, each one being ten times as heavy as the next smaller. The largest rider is of such a size that if the float hanging from the balance be immersed in water at 15 C. the addition of the rider to the hook at the 30 MECHANICS. end of the beam will restore equilibrium. Hence it counter- balances the buoyancy of the water on the float. Thus it is evident that if the water be replaced by a liquid of unknown density at the same temperature (so that the volume of the float is the same) and if the largest rider under the circum- stances produces equilibrium when placed at the sixth division, then for equal volumes, this liquid can weigh only six-tenths as much as water, or its density is 0.6. A second rider, one-tenth as heavy as the first, would evidently FIG. 7. enable us to carry the process one decimal place farther, etc. For liquids of a density exceeding unity, another rider equal to the largest must be hung from the end of the beam, and still a third may be necessary for liquids of den- sity above 2. From the above it will be seen that (i) the balance must be adjusted by the leveling screw on the base until the end .of the beam is opposite the stud in the framework when the float is suspended in the air; (2) the beaker must always be filled to the same level, that level being such that when the liquid is water at 15 C. the balance is in equilibrium with the largest rider hanging above the float, and (3) the liquid tested must be at 15 C. MOHR-WESTPHAL SPECIFIC GRAVITY BALANCE. 31 As an exercise in the use of this balance, find what shrink- age of volume there is in the solution of some salt (e. g., common salt, ammonium chloride or copper sulphate) in water and find how the shrinkage varies with the con- centration. Solutions may be made up by weighing out very carefully on a sensitive balance (see p. 21), 0.5 gm., i gm., 4 gm., 10 gm., etc., of the salt and dissolving each in a deciliter of water. When the density of a solution has been found, the percentage contraction is calculated from the sum of the volumes of the constituents before mixture and the volume of the solution after mixture; the volume in each case equals the mass divided by the density. The densities of various salts are given in Table VII. The densities found and the percentages of contraction should be represented by curves with percentages of salt as abscissae. If any determination of density be largely in error it will be shown by the curve. If time permit, determine the density at 1 5 of equivalent solutions* of several salts having the same base, e. g., NaCl; 1/2 Na 2 SO 4 ; NaNO 3 ; etc., and compare with the densi- ties of similar solutions with a different base, e. g., NH 4 C1; 1/2 (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 , NH 4 NO 3 , etc. The difference in density between corresponding salts should be approximately constant (Valson's Law of Moduli). Find similarly the difference in densities contributed by the acid radicals, e. g., NaN0 3 and NaCl; NH 4 N0 3 and NH 4 C1, etc. Questions. 1 . What sources of error may there be in a determination of density by this method ? 2. How might the accuracy of the riders be tested? 3 . How might the accuracy of graduation of the beam be tested ? 4. What effect has capillarity? 5. Explain the Law of Moduli. f * The chemical equivalent of a substance is the atomic or molecular weight divided by the valency. Two solutions are equivalent if the number of grams of each dissolved in one liter (or that proportion) is the same fraction of the respective chemical equivalent. t Phy. Chem., Ewell, p. 159. 3 2 MECHANICS. V. DENSITY BY VOLUMENOMETER. Gray's Treatise on Physics, I, 426. When the density of such substances as gunpowder, sugar, starch, etc., is to be determined, neither the method of immersion in a liquid nor that of the direct measure- ment of mass and volume can be employed. The method then usually employed is that of the volumenometer. This is a method of immersion in air instead of immersion in water, with an application of Boyle's Law instead of Archimedes' principle. The volume of the body is found by placing it in a glass vessel and noting how much the pressure in the vessel changes when the air is allowed to expand. A gas-washing bottle of about 150 c.c. capa- city, A, into which the body is to be introduced, is connected, by heavy pressure tubing, with an open, U-shaped, mercury manometer (see Fig. 8). The bottle, A, is closed by the stopper 6, which should be lubricated with rubber grease,* and forced into A to a definite mark. DE is raised until the mercury in the burette BC is at a division B which is carefully observed. The pressure, P, in A is carefully determined from the difference in mercury levels and the barometer. By the use of a rear mirror, parallax may be avoided and a small square will assist in reading a scale between the two arms of the manometer. The accuracy of the readings may be increased by using a cathetometer (p. 19). Lower DE until the mer- cury is at a division K and again determine the pressure, p. Let the volume between B and K be v. Let V be the volume of A, and connecting tubing, to B. By Boyle's Law: FIG. 8. * Equal parts pure rubber gum, vaseline, and paraffin. The two latter are melted together and the rubber is cut into small pieces and dissolved in the heated liquid, DENSITY OF AIR. 33 Make at least six determinations of P and p, bringing the mercury each time to the same points B and K which should be as far apart as is convenient. Calculate V from the mean values. Now introduce a carefully weighed amount of the assigned powder into the bottle, A (which may be disconnected at e), and insert the stopper, b, to its former depth. Again determine the pressures, P' and p r when the mercury level is at B and K respectively. Repeat as before. If x is the unknown volume of the powder, the previous equation becomes from which x may be calculated. From the volume and mass of the powder its density is determined. If time permit, determine the density also with a specific gravity flask (pyknometer) . Weighings should be made of (i) bottle empty; (2) bottle filled with a liquid of known density which is inert toward the body, and (3) with a known mass of the body in it, the rest of the bottle being filled with the liquid. An equation for density can be worked out. The possible error in the determination of the density is found by methods explained on pages 3,8. Questions. 1. What sources of error remain uneliminated? 2. With a view to greater accuracy what suggestions would you make as to the most suitable magnitudes for x and v? VI. DENSITY OF AIR. The density of air at atmospheric pressure, or its mass per cubic centimeter, might be obtained by weighing a flask containing air at atmospheric pressure and then re-weigh- ing it after all the air has been removed by an air-pump. The difference of weight, together with the volume of the flask, would give the density of the air. In practice the 3 34 MECHANICS. procedure has to be modified, because it is impossible to completely exhaust the flask of air. The modification con- sists in finding the pressure of the air remaining in the flask and taking account of it. Let D be the required density at the room temperature and pressure, P. Let d be the density of the remaining air when the pressure has been reduced to p. Let the weight of the flask when filled with air be W and let w represent its weight when exhausted to the pressure p. W-w = V(D-d) By Boyle's Law D _P D-d_P-p ~d = ~p " ~D~ P Therefore 'P-p V P-p A convenient form of flask is a round-bottom flask from which part of the neck has been cut off and which is closed by a rubber stopper containing a glass tube with a glass stop-cock. The rubber stopper will hold tighter if lubricated with rubber grease * before insertion. If the flask, as found, is dry, it will be better to postpone finding its volume until the end of the experiment, as the operation requires it to be filled with water. Moreover, of the two weighings for finding the mass of air removed, it is better to make the one with the flask partly exhausted first, for the weighing with the air admitted can be made immediately after, without handling the flask or removing it from the balance, a point of some importance where the difference of weight to be measured is so small. To save delay in weighing the flask after it has been exhausted, the zero reading of the fine balance used should be obtained before the flask is exhausted. For the method of accurate weighing, by oscillations, see page 23. *See note, p. 32. DENSITY OF AIR. 35 A Bunsen's aspirator or a Geryk pump is satisfactory for exhausting the flask. The flask should be connected to the aspirator or pump, through a bottle for catching any water or mercury. An open-tube manometer connected to the tube that joins the aspirator or pump and flask will give the pressure. There should be a stop-cock or a rubber pinch-cock in the connection between the manometer and the pump or aspirator. When a sufficiently high exhaustion has been secured this cock should be closed for several minutes to ascertain if there is any leakage. If not, both ends of the manometer should be read and the stop-cock of the flask closed. Before removal of the flask, the other cock should be opened that the. rest of the apparatus may fill with air. If by any chance a small quantity of water should pass into the manometer, allowance should be made for it, the density of mercury being taken as 13.6. The flask is then weighed as quickly as possible on a fine balance, the method of vibration being used. It may be necessary to hang the flask by a fine wire to the hook which carries the pan. This weighing is repeated with the stop-cock open, but with the flask otherwise undisturbed. The atmospheric pressure is obtained from a reading of the barometer (see p. 21). The volume of the flask may be obtained by filling it with distilled water and weighing it on an open balance. To get the flask just filled to the stop-cock, the stopper (removed for filling the flask) should be thrust in with the stop-cock open, the stop-cock should then be closed, and any water above the stop-cock should be removed. Of course, the stop-cock should be replaced at its original depth, which should be marked. The density of water at different temperatures will be found in Table V. When the experiment is completed, place the open flask inverted on a frame to dry, so that it may be ready for the next person who uses it. The density of dry air may be found in the same way, 36 MECHANICS. the flask being several times exhausted and refilled through a drying-tube. Similarly the density of any other gas, e. g., carbon dioxide, may be found by filling the flask from a generator. The gas must be admitted to the exhausted flask very slowly and the exhaustion and filling must be repeated to insure the (almost) complete removal of the air. In reporting, deduce from your measurement of the density of air or gas, its density at o C. and 760 mm. by using Boyle's and Charles' Laws. Find also the possible error of the measurement of density (p. 5). Questions. 1 . Would the first results be affected by the presence of water in the flask? Explain. 2 . Should the flask weigh more filled with dry air or filled with moist air, both at atmospheric pressure? Why? VII. ACCELERATION OF GRAVITY BY PENDULUM. Text-book of Physics (Duff}, 117; Watson's Physics, 112114; Watson's Practical Physics, 46-49; Ames' General Physics, pp. 74, 91, 135; Crew's Physics, 85, 86. The acceleration of gravity, g, is most readily obtained from the length and time of vibration of a pendulum. The time of vibration of an ideal simple pendulum, i. e., a heavy particle vibrating at the end of a massless cord would be ,- T / being the length of the pendulum. If the bob is a ball so large that the mass of the suspending wire is negligible, the above formula will apply provided the radius of the ball is negligible compared with the length of the pendulum. If these assumptions may not be made, the pendulum must be regarded as a physical pendulum and its moment of ACCELERATION OF GRAVITY BY PENDULUM. 37 inertia about the suspension considered. Under these circumstances the formula t = Mgh must be used, where / is the moment of inertia of the entire pendulum about the knife-edge, M is the total mass and h is the distance from the knife-edge to the center of gravity of the whole. If the mass of the suspension is negligible it is only necessary to consider the moment of inertia of the ball about the knife-edge. It is easily shown that the latter formula then reduces to the formula for the simple pendulum, provided the length of the pendulum is taken as the distance from the knife-edge to the center of the ball plus 2r 2 / $1 where r is the radius of the ball. Hence to find g there are three quantities, t, I, and r, to be measured. A convenient form of pendulum consists of a spherical bob into which screws a nipple through which a fine wire is passed and secured. To the upper end of the wire is soldered a stirrup of brass which rests on a knife-edge of steel. A short platinum wire should be soldered to the lower side of the bob. For accurately measuring the length of the pendulum a cathetometer (see p. 19), which should be carefully adjusted, may be used. (If necessary, the measurement of length may be postponed until the time has been observed). The horizontal cross-hair of the cathetometer is first focused on the knife-edge, the fine screw being used for the final adjustment of the telescope, and the scale and vernier are then read. The telescope is then lowered and set on either the top or bottom of the bob, whichever is the more definite. These readings should be repeated several times, beginning each time with the knife-edge. If the adjustments are imperfect, the telescope should at least be made exactly level before each reading. The diameter of the bob may be 38 MECHANICS. measured by means of a micrometer or a vernier caliper (see p. 14). For fixing the vertical position of the pendulum, two vertical pointers may be so placed that, when the pendulum is at rest, the pendulum suspension and two pointers are in one plane. The eye of the observer should always be kept in this plane in using the first two methods. The pen- dulum is set vibrating in an arc of 3 or 4 cms. Several attempts may be necessary to get the pendulum vibrating exactly perpendicular to the knife-edge with the bob free from rotation. The time of vibration is most readily obtained with precision when the pendulum is very nearly a second's pendulum, i.e., when the period of a complete vibration is very nearly two seconds. For the determination of the period several methods are available. The first and roughest method given below will serve for adjusting the pendulum to the required length. (A) In the first method for determining the period, time is found by the relay (p. 25) and the number of vibrations in three minutes is counted, fractions of a vibra- tion being roughly estimated. This is repeated several times. Or a stop-watch or stop-clock may be used, but it should be rated by comparison with a chronometer or standard clock. The stop-watch is started as the pendulum crosses the plane of observation and "one" is counted the next time the pendulum crosses the plane in the same direction. The watch is stopped on the 5oth vibration; and the whole repeated five times. The mean time divided by 50 will give a fair value for the period. (B) A second and much more accurate method of obtain- ing the time of vibration is the method of coincidences. This consists in finding the rate at which the pendulum gains or loses as compared with a standard clock or chronometer. It is applicable only when the periods of pendulum and clock or chronometer are nearly the same or when one is nearly an exact multiple of the other. The method receives its ACCELERATION OF GRAVITY BY PENDULUM. 39 name from the fact that what is observed is the "coincidence interval" or the interval between the moment when a passage of the pendulum through the vertical coincides with some signal from the clock to the next time when such a coincidence occurs. In a coincidence interval, the pendulum must gain or lose one vibration as compared with the chronometer or other time standard. If n such coincidence intervals occur in T sec., the number of vibrations of the pendulum during this time is (Tri). Hence if / is the time of one vibration, Tn and the period of a complete vibration is 27 Tn A convenient form of signal is given by the chronometer and relay described on page 25. It is advisable to have the coincidence interval something between 30 seconds and 3 minutes, and, if necessary, the length of the pendulum should be changed for the purpose. After the coincidence interval has been roughly deter- mined by a few observations, the following modification of the method will give it much more accurately. Calling the time of the first coincidence zero seconds, observe the sec- ond on which the next coincidence occurs and then the next, until four have been observed. Then, after allowing a considerable number of coincidences to pass unnoted, but keeping note of the time, observe the number of the seconds, counted from the original coincidence, upon which four more successive coincidences occur. From the first set of coincidences, three estimates of the coincidence interval will be obtained and three others from the second set, the mean of all giving an approximate esti- mate. Then let the time of the first coincidence of the first set be subtracted from the time of the first of the second 40 MECHANICS. set, also the time of the second coincidence of the first set from that of the second of the second set, etc. These dif- ferences give four estimates of the time, T; of some unknown integral number, n, of coincidence intervals. If the mean of these four estimates be divided by the mean time of a single coincidence interval as already found, the quotient will be n plus or minus a small fraction. This fraction is due to inaccuracy in the estimates of the coincidence intervals and should be dropped. The period / of the pendulum may now be calculated. The plus sign in the denominator is used if the pendulum is the faster. The following aid to the observation of coincidences is suggested. Keeping the eye constantly in the proper plane for observation, make a dot on a piece of paper at each click of the- relay. When there appears to be coincidence, pro- long the dot into a stroke. To avoid recording every click, a cross may be used instead of a dot for marking a minute, and the clicks may be passed unrecorded until the next minute, or coincidence. There may be several successive clicks during which there appear to be coincidences, in which case several successive strokes should be made and the mean taken. From these dots, strokes, and crosses, the times of coincidence may be deduced. Or, a dial indicating seconds may be employed, the second when there first appears to be a coincidence being observed and the second when there first appears to be no coincidence. Since the clock cannot be observed immediately, the ticks are counted until the clock is observed and then subtracted ; minutes must be noted and recorded if they are not recorded on the clock. (Q A third method consists in modifying the second method so that coincidences of two sounds are observed. The pendulum is made to actuate a sounder or telephone each time it passes through the vertical and a coincidence is observed when the sounder and relay strike together. A block of wood with a narrow trough filled full of mercury is placed in a mercury tray and is adjusted beneath the pendulum so that the platinum wire on the under side of the COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION. 41 bob just touches the mercury when the pendulum is at rest, and crosses the narrow trough at right angles when the pendulum is in motion,. A wire soldered to the knife-edge is connected in series with several batteries, a sounder or telephone, and the mercury trough. The final adjustment of the mercury trough is made with the leveling screws of the mercury tray. Care should be taken not to spill the mercury. From the possible errors in the measurements of / and t deduce the possible errors in the value found for g (see p. 7). Questions. 1. Does the friction of the knife-edges and of the air increase or decrease the value of g? 2. Why should coincidence be observed exactly, for the plane containing the position of rest? 3. What would be the result of increasing the arc of vibration to 10 cm.? (Table III.) 4. Why should the top reading of the cathetometer always precede the bottom reading? 5. Design, if possible, a scheme of electrical connections such that the sounder will only operate when there is a coincidence. VIII. COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION. Text-book of Physics (Duff), 126130; Watson's Physics, 96-100; Ames 1 General Physics, p. 118; Crew's Physics, 117; DanielVs Physics, pp. 176-184. The coefficient of friction of two surfaces is the ratio of the force of friction opposing the incipient or actual relative motion to the force pressing the two surfaces to- gether. The force requisite to start the motion is greater than that required to sustain the motion, i. e., the "coeffi- cient of static friction" is greater than that of "kinetic fric- tion." Moreover, the coefficient of kinetic friction is not quite constant, but varies somewhat with the speed. (A) The coefficient of static friction of one surface on another may be found by means of a block of the former resting on a slide of the latter. One end of the slide is gently 42 MECHANICS. elevated by a screw until the block just fails to stand sta- tionary on the slide. The tangent of the angle which the slide then makes with the horizontal equals the coefficient of static friction (see references). The tangent may be measured by some simple method, using meter-stick, plumb- line and level or square. Several entirely independent adjustments for this angle and measurements of the tan- gent should be made, the adjusting screw being each time turned some distance down so that the influence of the pre- vious setting may be avoided. The friction may vary some- what from point to point, and if so, different points should be chosen for the separate trials. The accuracy of the determination of the tangent should be calculated to see whether the possible errors will account for the variations of the coefficient. Such, however, will probably not be found to be the case. (B) The coefficient of kinetic friction may be determined by the same apparatus if we can find the acceleration with which the block moves down the slide when the latter is tilted beyond the angle of repose. For, if the acceleration of the block is a and its mass m and the angle of inclination of the slide i, then the component of gravity down the slide is mg sin i and the pressure on the slide is mg cos i. Hence, if JJL is the coefficient of friction, by Newton's second law, m a m g sin i t a m g cos i a and, = tan ^ ;. g cos i This process will give the mean coefficient of friction for the range of speeds through which the block passes, but for the low speeds in question the coefficient does not vary much. The acceleration, a, is found by a method frequently employed in physical measurements. A tuning-fork (fre- quency of 50 or less) is fastened in a clamp attached to a support above the slide. A stylus of spring brass with a steel needle point is attached to one prong and just behind this stylus is a second stationary stylus which is attached to COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION. 43 the support. A long and narrow glass plate is covered with the washing compound called "Bon Ami" by transferring, with a wet cloth, a little of the paste from the cake to the glass, and then spreading it out in a thin layer. The block is then raised to the top of the slide and secured by a trigger. The support that carries the fork is raised and lowered and the fork is adjusted in the clamp until each stylus touches the coated glass, making with it an angle of about 45, the stylus on the fork being exactly in front of the other stylus. The frame-work is then lifted until neither stylus touches the glass. The fork is set in vibration by drawing the prongs together with the fingers and releasing them, or by with- drawing a wooden wedge, and is then adjusted until its stylus vibrates an equal amount on each side of the other (stationary) stylus. The frame-work is then lowered until the styli touch the glass and the block is immediately re- leased by the trigger. A wave line should be obtained with a straight line ex- actly in the center, the amplitude of the wave line on each side of the straight line being several millimeters. Since in any measurement the effect of inaccuracies at the ends is less important the greater the quantity measured, we meas- ure the distance passed over during several vibrations of the fork. This distance divided by the time in which it was traversed, i. e., by the period of the fork multiplied by the number of vibrations, gives the average velocity of the block during this time. If T be the period of the fork and x the distance passed over in n complete vibrations of the fork, the average velocity is oc/nT. Similarly we find the average velocity for the next n complete vibrations. The average acceleration will be the difference between these average velocities divided by their separation in time or nT; for since each velocity is the average we may con- sider it as belonging to the middle of the time for which it is the average. From several successive groups of n vibrations several values of the acceleration are obtained and the mean taken. 44 MECHANICS. It remains to determine the period of the fork. Two methods will be described, (a) The fork is clamped be- side a small electro-magnet connected through a battery with a pendulum which closes the. circuit every second (see p. 25). To the armature of the electro-magnet a stylus is also attached. A plate of glass covered with " Bon Ami" is clamped on a movable block so that each stylus rests upon it. The electro-magnet and fork may have any relative position which may be convenient, but the styli should not be far apart. The fork is set vibrating and the block with the glass is drawn along, the fork making a wave line and the other stylus a straight line broken (or notched) every second. With a square, lines are drawn at right angles to the glass through the beginnings of alternate second sig- nals and the number of complete vibrations, estimated to tenths, is counted between the lines. (6) This is known as a stroboscopic method and depends upon the persistence of vision. The fork is watched through holes in a disk revolving at a con- stant speed. The holes are equally spaced in concentric circles, the number per circle increasing with the radius. The speed of the disk is varied until the fork appears stationary when viewed through FIG. 9. the holes of a particular circle. If there are m holes in the circle, and if the disk revolves n times per second, the frequency of the fork is obviously mn. By varying the speed and using other holes, additional determinations may be made. The speed of the disk is obtained by determining, with a counter, the number of revolutions in a given time. (C) Another method of finding the coefficient of kinetic friction is to make the slide horizontal and find the force required to keep the block in uniform motion after it has been started. For this purpose a braided cord is attached to one end of the block, passed over a pulley at the end of COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION. 45 the slide, and attached to a scale pan, to which weights are added. In this case the weight of the pan and weights must not be taken as the force acting on the block, for some force is required to overcome the friction of the pulley. The amount required must be found by a separate experi- ment. Two pans are attached to the ends of the cord hanging over the pulley and sufficient equal weights are placed on the pans to make the pressure on the pulley the same as in the main experiment where the parts of the cord were at right angles. The additional weight on one scale pan requisite to keep the whole in constant motion when started is the force needed to overcome the friction of the pulley, and is, therefore, the correction required. With this apparatus we may also test whether the coeffi- cient of friction varies when weights are added to the block. The correction for friction of the pulley does not need to be re-determined experimentally, but may be calculated from the former determination, on the assumption that the friction of the pulley is proportional to the pressure on it. The possible error in the results of the first and last methods is easily determined. The most, accurate way of finding the possible error in method (B) is by means of formulae deduced by the differential calculus (see p. 6), but a much simpler and a sufficiently accurate method is the following: Note that an overestimate of i will increase the value of fj. and the same will be the effect of an under- estimate of a. Hence the coefficient should be recalculated with tan i and cos i increased and a decreased by their possible errors and the change found in the, coefficient may be taken as the final possible error. The possible error of a may be taken as its mean deviation and the possible errors of tan i and cos i may be deduced from the measurements from which they were obtained. Questions. 1 . In the second method, why is it desirable that the straight line be exactly in the middle of the wave line? 2. In the third method, what error would be introduced if the cord from the block was not exactly horizontal ? 46 MECHANICS. IX. HOOKE'S LAW AND YOUNG'S MODULUS. Text-book of Physics (Duff), 168, 171, 173; Watson's Physics, 172, 173; Ames 1 General: Physics, pp. 144, 145, 153, 154; Crew's Physics, 126-129. H coke's Law states that, for small strains, stress and strain are proportional. Young's Modulus, E, is the con- stant ratio of stress to strain for a stretching strain, the stress being taken as the force per unit cross section and the strain as the stretch per unit of length, or, if F is the whole force, A the area of cross section, Lthe whole length, and / the increment of length, (A) The quantity most difficult to measure is /, the small increase of length. If a wire be supported at one end and force applied to the other end, there is danger that the support may yield slightly, and a slight amount of yielding will cause a proportionally large error in the estimate of the small increase in length. The peculiarity of the first method described below is the means adopted to eliminate the yield of the support. The increase of the length of the wire under experiment is found by comparison with another wire under constant stretch attached to the same support as the former wire. One wire 6 carries a scale and the other a vernier opposite the scale. If there be any doubt which is vernier (see p. 13) and which is scale, comparison should be made with an ordinary steel scale. The screws FIG. 10. by means of which the wires are clamped to scale and vernier should be adjusted until scale and vernier tend to lie in one plane. A light rubber band may then be slipped over scale and vernier to keep them together. The stretch may be produced by means of lead weights. The value of these weights should be determined by a HOOKE'S LAW AND YOUNG'S MODULUS. 47 platform balance. To produce a suitable stretch it may be advisable to add two or more weights at a time. We shall suppose that two are added, but the description can readily be modified to suit any number. The greatest weight should not be more than half that required to break the wire. (A copper wire o.oi sq. cm. section will break at 40 kgs. ; brass, 60 kgs. ; iron, 60 kgs.) Suppose, then, two weights are added at a time and each stretch observed. When the maximum number has been added the weights should be removed in the same order, readings being again taken as they are removed. The whole series of observa- tions should be repeated at least three times. Such readings should always be arranged in tables having in a line or column all the readings for a particular pair of weights. The length of the wire may be measured by means of a long beam compass and the diameter should be measured at least a dozen times at different places and in different directions by means of a micrometer caliper (see p. 14). Before calculating, the dimensions should be expressed in centimeters and the weights in dynes. First find the mean value of / for each pair of weights when added and when removed and then the value of F -=- / for each of these values of / and the respective F's. Find the mean value of F + l and the greatest percentage deviation from the mean. This will give the percentage deviation from Hooke's Law since F-r-l should be a constant, A and L being practically con- stant. The final value of Young's Modulus should be stated in the notation explained on page n. The possible errors of the different quantities measured may be taken as the mean deviation in each case. The per- centage error of the final value of E will be, as is readily seen from the formula, the sum of the percentage errors of F, L, I, and twice the percentage error of the radius (see p. 6). (B) Young's Modulus may also be found by means of the flexure of a bar. For, in bending (within limits) one side of a bar is stretched and the other compressed (nega- tively stretched) , and so Young's Modulus is the only constant 4 8 MECHANICS. that need be considered. The amount of bending might be deduced from the sag of the center or end of the bar, but a much more delicate method is the following optical one: A bar of rectangular cross section is laid on two knife- edges and at each end is attached an approximately vertical mirror in mountings that admit of considerable adjustment. A vertical scale, nearly in line with the bar, is reflected from the farther mirror into the nearer and thence into a telescope also nearly in line with the bar. When a weight is attached to the center of the bar, the bar is bent and another part of the scale is reflected into the telescope. This arrangement serves to determine the angle of bending. For suppose the difference of the scale-readings on the horizontal cross-hairs of the telescope be D cms. (Fig. n) and let the distance between the two mirrors be p and the distance of the scale from the farther mirror q, then, if the change of inclination of each mirror be i, D "f Q n * _ Lctll l> For a consideration of figure 11 will show that d l = p tan zi; But since i is a small angle tan 22 = 2 tan i and tan ., = q tan 42. ^ = 4 tan i. tan FIG. ii. From tan i, the weight R in dynes applied at the center, the length of the bar between the knife edges, /, the breadth, b, and the thickness, a, Young's Modulus, E, is obtained, by the equation a s b tan i HOOKE'S LAW AND YOUNG'S MODULUS. 49 PROOF. Let the y axis coincide with the radius from the center of curvature of the bar to the center of the bar, and let the x axis be the tangent to the central axis at this point. Designate distances from the elas- tic central axis, LOM (Fig. 12), along other radii by z. The elastic central axis remains unchanged in length. The curvature at any point P on LOM is the rate of change of the directions of the tangent. The angle the tangent line at P makes with the #-axis is a small one and may be taken as dy/dx (which is really the tangent of that angle) . The rate of change of the direction of the curve at the point x, y, is therefore d 2 y/dx' 2 , which therefore equals the curvature. But the curvature also equals i/r, r being the radius of curvature. Hence Now consider two strips of the beam distant z from LOM. By the bending these strips are changed in length in the proportion z/r or 2 d 2 y/dx 2 . (For, consider figure 13; the proportional change of length is G'H'-GH GH FIG. 12. FIG. 13. By definition of Young's Modulus, if a force F applied to a rod of cross section A and length L produce an extension /, EAl F = L ' where E is Young's Modulus. The stress in a strip of width b and thickness dz is obtained by putting bdz for A and z d 2 y/dx 2 for l-i-L, which gives Hence the moment about P of the restoring force in the strips z is 50 MECHANICS. The moment about P of the stress in the whole cross section is the integral with reference to z of the above expression for values of z from o to \a or For equilibrium this must equal the moment of %R about P or d 2 y^ 6R n dy 6R \lx x 2 ' dx Ea 3 b( 2 2 j At a point of support Hence by substitution Rl 2 4 a 3 6 tan i' (By integrating again, the value of y at a point of support or the deflection of the beam is obtained. This is left as an exercise for the student.) The adjustment of the apparatus is most readily made as follows. Place the telescope and scale nearly in the line of the mirrors and, glancing above the telescope, set the farther mirror so that the nearer mirror is seen by reflection and then the latter so that the scale is seen. Then adjust the eye-piece of the telescope so that the cross-hairs are as distinct as possible and finally focus the telescope until the scale is seen. The bar must not be strained beyond the limits of elasticity. For adjustment of the telescope and scale, see p. 25. Equal weights, perhaps 100 grams at a time, should be added, but this process should be stopped when it is found -that the scale-reading no longer changes in the same proportion as the weights. Determine carefully by several readings, with and without this maximum weight attached, the change of scale-reading. The width and thickness of the bar may be measured by a micrometer caliper (see p. 14), a number of readings of each at different points being made. In calculating, use this weight for R and the average of the changes of deflection for D and take the mean deviation RIGIDITY. 51 as the measure of the possible error of D, a, and b. The percentage possible error of tan i is deduced from the possible errors of D and 2p+4q. The possible error in the latter term is twice the possible error in p plus four times that in q. (C) A simple optical method may also be employed for finding the extension of a wire. In this method, one side of a small bench carrying a vertical mirror is supported by the end of the wire and the other by a fixed bracket. The deflection of the mirror when weights are added to the wire is read by a scale and telescope. The details of the method may readily be worked out by anyone who has followed the preceding methods. (D) (Searle's Method.) The extension may also be deter- mined from the change of position of a level supported by the two wires. The lowering of the stretched wire is com- pensated by a micrometer screw which therefore reads the extension. For details, see Watson's Practical Physics, 45. Questions. 1. How closely is it worth while to measure the length of the wire in the first method ? 2. Which of the first two methods is the more accurate and what is the chief weakness of the other ? 3. In the second method why is nothing said as to the distance of the mirrors beyond the knife-edges? Might they be placed inside? 4. Reduce your results to tons and inches. X. THE RIGIDITY (OR SHEAR -MODULUS). Text-book of Physics (Duff}, 119, 170; Watson's Physics, 171, 174, 175; Ames' General Physics, pp. 151153; Crew's Physics, 131, 132; Duff's Mechanics, 117, 130, 131. The rigidity of any material is the resistance it offers to change of shape without change of volume. It is meas- ured by the ratio of the shearing stress to the shear pro- duced. In the twisting of a wire or rod, within moderate limits, there is no change of volume. Hence this affords a means of finding the rigidity of the material. The con- stant or modulus of torsion of a particular wire is the couple 52 MECHANICS. required to twist one end of unit length of the wire through unit angle, the other end being kept fixed. If it be denoted by r and if the length of the wire be L the couple required to twist the wire through unit angle is r/L. If now to the wire be attached a mass of moment of inertia, /, and the wire and the mass be set into torsional vibrations, the time of a semi-vibration is, by the principles of Simple Harmonic Motion (see references) , If t, L and / be found r can be deduced. From the modulus of torsion of the particular wire the rigidity n of the material of which the wire consists can be deduced ; for 2T Proof. Suppose unit length of the wire to be twisted through unit angle. The vibrations are due to the restoring couple at the lower end pro- duced by the twist. Let the cross section of the end be divided into concentric rings and let the radius of one ring be x and its width dx; its area is z-xxdx. Relatively to the fixed end it is displaced through unit angle. Hence the linear displacement (supposed small) of the ring whose radius is x is x times unit angle or simply x. This is by definition the shear and hence the shearing stress is nx. This is the restoring force per unit area of the cross section. Hence the restoring force of the ring whose radius is x is 2xnx 2 dx. The effect of this force in producing rotation depends on its moment about the axis or 2nnx*dx. The moment of the restoring force of the whole end section is the sum of expressions like 2xnx 3 dx for values of x between o and r or ^nnr*. This is by definition the modulus of torsion, r and gives us the above equation. It should be noticed that it is not a constant for the material of the wire, but depends on the dimensions of the particular wire. The length, L, may be measured by means of a long beam compass which is afterward compared with a fixed brass scale. The radius, R, may be measured by a microm- eter caliper (see p. 14), measurements being made at a great many different places and the mean taken. The moment of inertia, /, of the wire and attached mass RIGIDITY. 53 might be roughly obtained by calculation, but it is better to apply an experimental method that is used in other cases. This consists in adding to the vibrating mass, of unknown moment of inertia, another mass of such regular form that its moment of inertia can be accurately calculated, and finding the times of vibration before (t) and after (T) adding this mass. If the original moment of inertia be / and the added moment of inertia i: whence One of the simplest forms of added inertia is that of a solid cylinder of circular cross section vibrating about an axis through the center of the axis of the cylinder and at right angles to it. The vibrating mass may then be in the form of a hollow cylinder in which the solid cylinder may be placed. If / be the length and r the radius of the solid cylinder of mass m: /I 2 r*\ =m ( +- . \ia 47 The quantities / and r can be obtained with sufficient pre- cision by measurement with a steel scale divided to mm.'s, and m may be found by a platform balance. In the above formula for i, it is assumed that the axis of rotation is per- pendicular to the axis of the cylinder. That this may be so the carrier must be carefully leveled. This may be done by supporting close under it a rod that is carefully leveled by a spirit-level and comparing the carrier as it swings with the leveled rod. The end of the vibrating mass should be provided with an index, such as a vertical needle. A stationary vertical wire is placed in front of this index when the latter is in the position of rest. The body is set 54 MECHANICS. vibrating through an angle of between 60 and 90, all pendulum vibrations being carefully suppressed. The time of vibration may be found by much more accurate methods than simply timing a certain number of vibrations. The most common methods for accurately timing vibrations are the "method of coincidences" and the "method of passages." The former is especially useful for finding the time of vibration of a pendulum whose half period is approx- imately one second (Exp. VII). The method of passages will be found suitable for the present experiment. It con- sists in noting as accurately as possible the time of every nth passage of the vibrating system through its mean posi- tion or position of rest. The value to be chosen for n is a matter of convenience when two observers work together, one counting the seconds and the other noting the passages, or when a single observer has a chronometer in front of him. But a single observer noting time by a clock circuit and sounder should choose for n an odd number such that n semi- vibrations occupy a little more than a minute. (It is supposed that there is a minute signal, such as the omission of a tick; see page 25.) The passages are observed as follows: After a minute signal, the seconds are counted until a passage occurs, for example, from left to right. The second and fraction of a second of this passage is recorded. The succeeding passages in each direction are counted until the minute signal, after which the seconds are again counted until the passage occurs from right to left, for which the second and fraction of a second is recorded. Obviously, if n has been properly chosen, the passage just recorded is the nth. The succeeding passages are counted until the next minute ignal, after which the second and fraction of a second of the 2wth vibration (from left to right) is recorded. The following suggestion may aid in counting the seconds and estimating fractions of a second. The observer should keep counting seconds (not necessarily out loud) along with the clock; when the number of the second is of two or RIGIDITY. 55 more syllables, the accent should be thrown on one syllable whose sound should coincide with the tick; thus, eleven, thirteen, fourteen, etc., twenty-one, twenty-to?, etc. The passage will usually occur somewhere between two ticks. To estimate at what point of time between the two seconds the passage takes place, the indications of the eye may be used to reinforce those of the ear. Suppose A (in Fig. 14) to be the mean position of the index on the vibrating body, then if B and C be its positions at the fifth and sixth ticks, respectively, and if BA be six- '* > tenths of the distance BC, it is evident < tf'Vv' that the true time of passage is 5.6 seconds. With practice the eye can become very expert in making such judgments, and, for the purpose of attaining such skill, the method should be used from the beginning, although at first not much reliance can be placed on the judgment. For simplicity of description we shall suppose that n is 5, but the proper substitutions must be made if n has any other value. When the approximate time of 5 vibrations has been obtained by observing a few passages, all of the passages need not thereafter be observed in order to ascertain when 'each fifth passage is due, for this can readily be foreseen by adding to the time of the last observed passage the known approximate time of 5 vibrations. Further assistance is obtained by recording the time of the o, loth, 2oth, etc., in a second column, the first column being headed "left to right" and the second "right to left." In this way such a record as the following is obtained: M. S. l/U JX. M. S. JX. LU M. S. M. S (0) . . . . (SO) ...- ($)'- (55).. (10) (60) (15) (65) (20) (70) (25) (75) (30) (80) (35) (85) (40) (90) (45) (95) 56 MECHANICS. from which the time of vibration is calculated thus : M. s. M. s. (50)- (o) .... (55)- (5) .... (60) (10) (65) (15) (70) (20) (75) (25) (80) (30) (85) (35) (90) (40) (95) (45) Mean of 50 vibrations . ... Final mean of 50 vibrations = . . . .possible error. . . . Final mean of one vibration = . . . . possible error .... To find the possible error in the value found for n, first eliminate r and i from the equation given above and express n in terms of the quantities observed L, /, T, t R, m. (r 2 / 4 is so small compared with I 2 / 12 that the effect of the possible error in the former may be neglected.) T and t come in only in the form (T 2 t 2 ) and the possible error in this may be found by methods stated on page 5. Questions. 1. To increase the accuracy of the result, which quantity would have to be measured more closely ? 2. What sources of error are there other than those referred to in the text? XL VISCOSITY. Text-book of Physics (Duff), 196-198; Watson's Physics, 161; Ames' General Physics, pp. 139, 168. A solid has rigidity; that is, it offers a continued resist- ance to forces tending to change its shape. A liquid has no rigidity and offers no continued resistance to forces tend- ing to change its shape; that is, the smallest force if given time will produce an unlimited change in the shape of the liquid. But the rate at which a liquid changes its shape under a given force is not the same for all liquids. Some liquids change very slowly and are called viscous liquids, others change rapidly and are called mobile liquids. The VISCOSITY. 57 action of both can be stated in terms of a property called viscosity. The viscosity of a fluid may be defined as the ratio of the shearing stress in the fluid to the rate of shear. From this general definition a simpler definition can be readily deduced. A shear consists essentially in the sliding of layer over layer and the shearing is the force per unit area re- quired to produce the shear. Hence we have the following equivalent definition: "The coefficient of viscosity is the tangential force per unit of area of either of two horizontal planes at unit distance apart, one of which is fixed while the other moves with unit velocity, the space between the two being filled with the liquid." (Maxwell.) (A) The flow of liquid through a capillary tube is essen- tially of the nature of sliding of layer over layer. The cylindrical layer in immediate contact with the tube remains fixed or at least has no motion parallel to the axis of the tube, and the immediately adjacent layer slides over it, the next layer slides over the second, and so on up to the center of the tube. (In a tube of greater than capillary bore this is not so, for there are eddies in the motion. This distinc- tion is in fact the best definition of the term capillary.) Thus, if we measure the force causing flow through the tube and the rate of flow, we shall be in a position to deduce the coefficient of viscosity of the fluid. In fact, if M be the mass of liquid of density d that flows in time t, through a vertical tube of length / and radius of bore r, and if h be the vertical distance from the level of the liquid in the reser- voir above the tube to the lower end of the tube, the coeffi- cient of viscosit is Proof. Suppose all the liquid in a capillary tube of length / and radius r to be solidified except a tubular layer of mean radius x and thickness dx. If there be a difference of pressure p (per unit of area) between the two ends, the solid will attain a steady velocity such that the 58 MECHANICS. viscous i ends. I ity that viscous resistance just equals the whole difference of pressure on its ends. Hence it follows from the definition of the coefficient of viscos- } xdx pxx Hence, v = r , 2/73 If q be the volume of the core that flows out per second, . . 2/7} Suppose now another layer liquefied. There will follow a further flow represented by the same expression but with a different value for x. Let the process be continued until the whole is liquid, then the whole flow per second, Q, will be the sum of all the values of q for values of x between o and r. Hence If the tube be vertical and the flow be due to gravity only, instead of p we must put gdh. If M be the mass of density d that flows out in time t, In the above it was tacitly assumed that the liquid adheres to the tube without any slip. If there were any slip the outflow would be increased by it and the above expression would not hold. Poiseuille and others verified the above formula in all cases, thus showing that no slip occurs. (A more formal proof of the above equation is given in Tait's "Properties of Matter," 317). A piece of capillary tubing should be chosen whose bore is as nearly as possible circular in section. This can be tested by examining the ends under a micrometer micro- scope (see p. 15). If the section is found to be nearly cir- cular the principal diameters of the bore should be measured. This should, however, only be regarded as a preliminary measurement, serving as a test of the circularity of the bore and a check on the following more satisfactory method. The mean radius of the bore can be best determined by weighing the amount of mercury that fills a measured length of the tube. For this purpose the tube should be first cleaned by attaching it to the end of a rubber tube, at the other end of which is a hollow rubber ball, and thus drawing through it and forcing out a number of times (i) chromic acid; (2) distilled water; (3) alcohol, and finally drying it by sucking air through it. Then draw into the tube VISCOSITY. 59 T a column of clean mercury and measure its length as accu- rately as possible by a comparator (see p. 15). The mass of the mercury should next be ascertained by weighing it with great care in a sensitive balance (for full directions see pp. 21-24). The mercury should not be dropped directly on the scale pan, but into a watch-glass or paper box placed on the scale pan. From these measurements and the density of mercury at the temperature of observation (see Table VII) the diameter of the bore is obtained. It may be noted that since it is r 4 that is used in the formula for viscosity and r 2 that is obtained directly from the mercury measurements of the bore the value of r need not be deduced. The length of the tube may be measured by the' comparator as already described. The tube is then attached vertically by a rubber connection to a funnel and the mass of water that flows through the tube in a given time found by weighing a beaker (i) empty and (2) containing the water that has passed. The time is obtained by ob- serving a clock ticking seconds or a chronometer. It is evident that the greater the whole time the less the per-, centage error in time due to errors in observing the time of starting and stopping, and so, too, the greater the whole mass the less the percentage error in weight. Hence the time and the mass should be sufficiently great to make the percentage errors in them less than those in / and r 4 . To prevent evaporation from the beaker it should be covered by a sheet of paper pierced by a hole through which the tube passes. While the liquid is flowing the temperature of the water in the funnel should be noted. The value of h is the mean of its values at the beginning and end of the flow. These values are best obtained by a cathetometer (p. 19). For this purpose a very simple form FIG. 15. 60 MECHANICS. of instrument may be used. A vertical scale is placed near the apparatus for viscosity and the cathetometer (a telescope that may be leveled, movable along a vertical column that .may be made truly vertical) placed so that its telescope (leveled to horizontality) may be turned, so that the inter- section of its cross-hairs coincides alternately with the image of the water surface and that of the scale. This gives the level of the surface of the liquid on the vertical scale. The level of the lower end of the vertical tube is obtained in the same way, whence h is obtained. The viscosity of alcohol may be measured by the same means, particular care being taken to prevent evaporation. The possible error of the result is readily calculated from the possible errors of the separate measurements. The possible error of r is not needed, but that of r 4 should be deduced directly from the determination of r 2 . Questions. i. Could the radius be found satisfactorily by measurements with a micrometer microscope? Explain. -2. What mass of this liquid would flow through a tube i mm. in diameter and i meter long, under a constant head of 2 meters ? 3. Two square flat plates of 20 cm. edge are separated by i mm. of this liquid. What force would be required to move one with a velocity of 30 cm. per second, the other being at rest? XII. SURFACE TENSION. Text-book of Physics (Duff), 206214; Watson's Physics, 155160; Ames' General Physics, pp. 182-190; Crew's Physics, 149-160; Poynting and Thomson, Properties of Matter, Chap. XIV. The height to which liquid rises or is depressed in a capillary tube depends on the surface tension of the liquid, the angle of capillarity, and the radius of the tube. From measurements of the height, h, and radius, r, the surface tension is deduced if the angle of capillarity is known, for (see references) rdgh T = 2 cos a SURFACE TENSION. 6 1 d being the density of the liquid and g the acceleration of gravity. In the case of perfectly pure distilled water the angle of capillarity a or the angle at which the surface of the liquid meets the glass, is zero and so cos a= i. It is important that the capillary tube be quite clean. The cleaning should be performed with chromic acid and distilled water. The height of the water in the tube can be measured in two ways. One method is to place a scale etched on mirror glass behind the tube. The mean level of the meniscus-shaped surface of the liquid in the tube and the ordinary plane surface of the liquid in the vessel should be read. A preferable method is to measure the distance between the two surfaces with a cathetometer (see p. 19). To make certain that the inner surface of the tube is wet by the water and that the angle of capillarity is zero, the tube should be thrust deeper into the liquid and then withdrawn before the levels of the surfaces are read. This should be repeated and the height read several times, different parts of the scale being used, but the part of the tube in which the liquid rises remaining the same. If the motion of the liquid in the tube is sluggish or uncertain, the tube should be more carefully cleaned. Finally, the point to which the liquid rises in the tube should be marked on the tube by a sharp file. The tube should then be carefully broken at the point marked and its diameter should be carefully measured by means of a micrometer microscope (see p. 15). If the section of the bore is not circular, the greatest and least diameters should be carefully measured and the mean taken, but if they differ very much the result will not be satisfactory. The whole should be repeated with as many tubes of different sizes as time will permit. The temperature at which the work is performed should be stated. If time permit, determine also the surface tension of an assigned solution. 62 MECHANICS. Make an estimate of the possible error for the results obtained by one of the tubes. (Apparatus for determining the surface tension at different temperatures is described in Findlay's Practical Physical Chemistry, p. 78; and E well's Physical Chemistry, p. 117.) Questions. 1. Are the errors of measurement sufficient to explain the dif- ferences between results with different tubes? 2. What other sources of error may there be? 3. How could the surface tension of mercury be obtained in an analogous way? 4. How high would this liquid rise in a tube o. i mm. in diameter? HEAT. 25. Radiation Correction in Calorimetry. Watson's Practical Physics, 82; Ostwald's Phys. Chem. Meas., p. 124-127; Poynting and Thomson, Heat, Chap. XVI. A body which is above the temperature of surrounding bodies falls in temperature at a rate that is proportional to the excess of its temperature above that of its surround- ings. This is Newton's Law of Cooling* If the mean excess of the body's temperature in any time be known and also its rate of loss of temperature at some particular ex- FIG. 16. cess, its mean rate of loss of temperature is readily deduced, and this multiplied by the time for which the mean is taken will give the whole loss of temperature. Consider the case of the heating of a vessel containing water by the passage of steam into the water. If a curve (Fig. T 6 from o upwards) showing the rise of temperature of 63 64 HEAT. the water be drawn and the same continued after the water has reached its highest temperature, the latter, or straight line part of the curve, will give the rate of loss of temperature at the highest temperature attained. Let us denote this rate by r (degrees per minute) . If the excess of temperature when the temperature is highest is t and if the mean excess during the whole time of rise of temperature is i' then the mean rate of cooling was by Newton's Law rt f \t and this multiplied by the whole time of rise of temperature, T (min- utes), gives the whole loss of temperature. Hence the final (highest) temperature must be corrected by addition of rTt'/.t. If the curve of rffee of temperature is a straight line, t' is half of t and the correction is rT/2. When the curve is not approximately a straight line the whole time T must be divided into a number of intervals (each perhaps of 30 sec.) and t f must be obtained by averaging the excesses in these intervals. When the calorimeter is cooled below the temperature of the room (e. g., by adding ice to the water) the calor- imeter gains temperature by radiation from the surround- ings; but the above method will still apply except that we shall have to do with rates of warming instead of rates of cooling and the correction of the final temperature will be subtractive. If the calorimeter starts below the temperature of the room and is heated above it, the correction must be made in two parts as above. In this case we must find the initial rate of warming (before the hot body is placed in the calor- imeter) and also the final rate of cooling (after the highest temperature was attained). The correction will also be in two parts when the calorimeter starts above the room tem- perature and ends below it. If the main rise of temperature is closely represented by a straight line, it is easily shown* that the correction amounts to the algebraic average of the initial and final rates multi- plied by the whole time that the calorimeter is heating or * Ewell's Physical Chemistry, p. 84. THE BECKMANN THERMOMETER. 65 cooling. In fact, if the water is T l minutes below the temperature of the room and T 2 minutes above the room temperature, the radiation correction is (T 2 r 2 T 1 r 1 )/2 and this differs from (T i +T 2 )(r 1 +r 2 )/2 by (T l r 2 T 2 r l )/ 2, which is zero, since under these circumstances the rate is propor- tional to the time that the water is above or below the room temperature. This fact is particularly useful in cases where the surrounding temperature is indefinite (Exp. XXVII, for example) . In every calorimetry experiment where the temperature changes, this radiation correction must be applied, and there- fore the initial and final rates of change of temperature must be determined. The rate may usually be found with sufficient accuracy by reading the temperature every minute for five minutes. In very accurate work, more careful methods must be applied. 26. The Beckmann Thermometer. Watson's Practical Physics, 102; Findlay, Practical Physical Chem- istry, pp. 114117; Ostwald, Phys, Chem. Meas., pp. 119120. The Beckmann thermometer is used for determining changes in temperature. The bulb is large and the stem is small so that a small change of temperature is shown by a large change in reading. The amount of mercury may be varied, and the temperature corresponding to a particular reading will vary with the amount of mercury in the bulb and stem. There is a reservoir at the end of the stem into which surplus mercury may be driven by warming the bulb. A gentle jar will detach the mercury in this reservoir when sufficient has been expelled. If one desires to study high temperature changes, the bulb is warmed until the thread of mercury extends to the reservoir, when the mercury in the reservoir is joined to it. The bulb is then allowed to cool until sufficient mercury has been drawn over, when the thread is detached from the mercury in the reservoir by a gentle jar. Several trials are often necessary before the 5 66 HEAT. proper amount of mercury is secured. In an improved type of Beckmann thermometer, two reservoirs are provided, and the first has a scale which tells the amount of mercury required in that reservoir for different ranges of temperature. Beckmann thermometers are delicate and expensive and must be handled with the greatest care. XIII. THERMOMETER TESTING. Watson's Practical Physics, 59-69; Edser, Heat, pp. 23-36; Text- book of Physics (Duff), pp. 189, 190; Watson* s Physics, 177- 182; Ames' General Physics, pp. 220-224; Crew's General Physics, 249-252. The readings of a thermometer gradually change for a long time after the thermometer has been filled. The cause of this is the gradual recovery of the bulb from the effect of the very great heating to which the glass was subjected when the thermometer was made. The shrinkage is rapid at first and slower afterward, but may continue for years. Hence the necessity for re-determining, from time to time, the so-called "fixed points" of a thermometer, namely, the reading in melting ice, and that in steam at standard, pres- sure. When the thermometer is first graduated it is usually done by determining the fixed points and dividing the distance between them into 100 equal parts laid off on the stem. This assumes that the bore is uniform or that, by calibration of the bore, the variations of the bore are deter- mined and allowed for in a table of corrections to be applied to the readings of the thermometer in order to obtain the true temperature. Usually the variations of the bore are too small to have any appreciable effect except in cases where extreme accuracy is aimed at. Nevertheless, every thermometer needs to be carefully examined in this regard. Let us suppose that on the scale laid off on the stem the true readings in ice and steam have been obtained and for the moment let us suppose that the bore is quite uniform. To see how to make corrections for other points on the scale we must consider the elementary definition of temperature. Temperature on the mercury scale is defined by the expansion of mercury (relatively to glass). Let f ]00 be 68 HEAT. the volume of a mass of mercury at the temperature of steam under a pressure of 76 cm. and let V Q be its volume at the temperature of melting ice. The degree is defined as the rise of temperature that would produce an expansion of (^ 100 ^o)/ IOO > an d T above zero is, therefore, the rise of temperature that will produce an expansion of T(v 1Q<) v ) / 1 oo. Hence if at T the volume of the mercury be v, v v f IOO .'. T ' = 100. This definition depends only on the expansion of mercury and the expansion of the particular glass used and is other- wise independent of the size and shape of the thermometer. Now regard the thermometer tube under test as simply a graduated cylinder of constant cross section containing mercury. Let the height of the mercury as read on the scale when the thermometer is in melting ice be a; when it is a steam at 76 cm. let it be b, and when it is at the temperature T, let it be t. Then v v ta Hence J. \V \MJ , b a where T is the true temperature when the reading of the thermometer is t. By this equation values of T for values of t for every five degrees should be calculated. Having thus drawn up a table of true temperatures we subtract the scale-reading from the true temperature and thus get a correction (positive or negative), which added to the scale- reading gives the true temperature. This is on the assumption that the bore is sensibly uni- form. The only quite satisfactory method of testing this THERMOMETER TESTING. 69 is to calibrate the bore by measuring the length of a short thread of mercury at different positions in the tube. This process requires considerable time and the following will usually suffice: Two thermometers for which tables of true readings have been drawn up as above, are compared at regular intervals (say every five degrees) between zero and 100 by being used simultaneously to measure the tem- perature of a body. If, after corrections, the readings of the thermometers are not sensibly different, this shows that the bores of both must be practically uniform. If they do differ appreciably, then the bore of one or both must be variable. If they be compared with a third thermometer, the one with the variable bore will be detected and it must be then calibrated. Testing Zero-point. A calorimeter consisting of a small copper vessel inside of a larger is suitable for holding the ice. Both vessels should be washed in ordinary tap water. The space between the two vessels should be filled with cracked ice, and the inner vessel filled with cracked ice and then distilled water poured in until the vessel is filled to the brim. The thermometer having been washed clean, is inserted in the inner vessel, just sufficient of the stem being exposed to admit of the zero being observed. When the reading has fallen to i the reading should be observed every minute until it is stationary for five minutes. This stationary temperature, read to o . i degree, is the true zero point, or a in the above equation. Sources of Error. (1) Impurity in the ice or water. (2) The presence of water above o near the bulb of the thermometer. Testing Boiling-point. The form of boiler used for this test consists of a vessel for boiling water surmounted by a tube up which the steam passes, this tube being enclosed in another down which the steam passes to an exit tube and a pressure gauge (see Fig. 17). Half fill the lower part of the vessel with water. Push the thermometer to be tested HEAT. ] through a cork in the top until the boiling-point is only a degree or two above the cork, but take care that the bulb of the thermometer does not reach down to the water. Apply heat, adjusting it carefully as boiling begins, so that the pressure inside, as indicated by the pressure gauge, shall not materially ex- ceed atmospheric pressure. Some excess is, of course neces- sary, if there is to be a free flow of steam. What excess is permissible may be deduced from the consideration that a rise of pressure of i cm. (of mercury column) corresponds to a rise of boiling-point of 0.373 (see Table XIII). If water is used in the pressure gauge, a pressure of i cm. of water column would cor- respond to only 0.03 rise of steam temperature. If the ther- mometer be graduated to degrees only, an error of 0.03 in finding the boiling-point is negligible. Read the barometer and reduce the height to zero degrees (p. 21). To the boiling-point thus found a correction must be ap- plied, for the difference between the atmospheric pressure at the time and that of a standard atmosphere (76 cm. of mercury). Find from Table XIV the true temperature of the steam at this pressure, and the difference between the boiling-point observed on the thermometer and this tem- perature. Since this temperature is always within a few degrees of 100, the thermometer will have practically the same error at 100. Therefore b in the above equation may be taken as 100 plus or minus the difference between the observed boiling-point and the true boiling temperature. FIG. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION. 71 Comparison of Two Thermometers. The most satisfac- tory method is to immerse the thermometers in steam above water boiling under a pressure that can be regulated. A simple means that is sufficient if the thermometers are of the same length and graduated to degrees only, is to use the thermometers simultaneously to find the temperature of a block of good conducting material (copper or brass) im- mersed in a vessel of water the temperature of which can be gradnally raised by a burner. The thermometers should be thrust in holes close together in the block and before each reading the burner should be removed and the water well stirred for a minute so that the temperature of the block shall become uniform. Questions. 1. Which should be determined first, boiling-point or freezing- point, and why? 2 . How much error might there be in determining the boiling-point if only the bulb were immersed in the steam? 3. Why is there no need to take account of barometric pressure in finding the zero-point? XIV. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION. Edser, Heat, pp. 39-61; Text-book of Physics (Duff}, pp. 194-197; Watson's Physics, 184, 185; Ames' General Physics, pp. 229 233; Crew's General Physics, 263-265. For measuring the thermal expansion of a body, choice may usually be made from a variety of methods. The par- ticular method chosen will depend on the form of the speci- men. The expansion of a metal rod may be measured by means of a spherometer or by means of two reading micro- scopes focused on definite marks near the ends of the speci- men. The expansion of a wire is best measured by an opti- cal lever method. The expansion of a solid of irregular form can be found by a hydrostatic method, namely, by weighing it in a liquid at different temperatures, it being supposed that the density of the liquid at different tempera- tures is known. HEAT. (A) Expansion of a Metal Rod.- The rod is supported at the lower end on a firm point and is heated by being en- closed in a tube through which steam is passed from a boiler. A spherometer (see p. 16) is so supported that the end of the screw can be brought down on the flat end of the rod. The spherometer is supported in the hole, slot, and plane method, so that its position is definite and not liable to be dis- turbed by thermal expansion of the sup- porting surface. The rod is first measured by means of an ordinary meter scale divided to mms. It is then accurately placed in position in the heating tube, the end of the rod projecting through corks. Through the cork at the upper end should also pass a glass tube for the entry of the steam, while a similar tube at the lower end serves to drain off the water. At least six readings of the spherometer scales should be made at the room tempera- ture. Then pass steam into the jacket about the rod. Every few minutes read the temperature of the interior as given by two thermometers at different heights and read the spherometer. When the temperature has become constant, make at least six read- ings of the spherometer and several readings of the thermometer. Always estimate tenths of the smallest division. From the differ- ence in spherometer readings, the length, and the change in temperature, calculate the coefficient of expansion. (B) Expansion of a Wire. For this an optical lever method is most suitable. A mechanical lever or system of levers is sometimes employed for magnifying small mo- tions. A ray of light reflected from a mirror that is tilted by the expansion serves' the purpose of a long index arm much better, inasmuch as it has no weight itself and may FIG. 18. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION. 73 be taken as long as we wish. The wire is hung vertically, the lower end being solidly clamped, and the upper end carrying a sleeve on which rests one leg of a small three- legged bench, on which a mirror is mounted. The other two legs rest on a fixed bracket. The wire is enclosed by a tube through which a current of steam is passed from a boiler and into which two thermometers are thrust to read the temperature. A drainage tube at the lower end allows the escape of water. The wire is prolonged above the mir- ror and is attached to a spring by which the wire is kept stretched. The image in the mirror of a vertical scale is _ __ _____ ---- T observed by a reading telescope r"~~ ---- - ------ (see p. 25 for adjustments), ^fr-lL^ and the change of reading, d, on the horizontal cross-hairs of the telescope, produced by the expansion is noted. Let the length of the wire between the clamp and the support of the bench be /, and let the length of the bench between the point of the movable leg and the line of the other legs be a. Let the distance of the scale from the mirror be L, and the change of temperatures be (t 2 /J . Then, remembering that a ray of light reflected from a mirror turns through twice the angle that the mirror turns through, it is easily seen from the figure that the expansion is ad/2L and the coefficient of expansion is ad The most difficult quantity to determine with a high degree of precision is a. It may be measured by means of a mi- crometer microscope or a dividing engine (see p. 17). A simpler and more accurate method is to place the optical lever so that the movable leg is on the (vertical) screw of a micrometer caliper (p. 14), while the other legs are on a fixed support and then focus the telescope and scale on the mirror. When the screw is turned the movable leg 74 HEAT. is raised a known amount. From this, the distance between the mirror and the scale, and the scale-readings, a is deduced. This calibration may be avoided by placing two legs of the mirror bench upon the collar attached to the wire and resting the third leg directly upon the micrometer screw. The extension may also be measured by Searle's combina- tion of level and micrometer screw (see end of Exp. IX). XV. COEFFICIENT OF APPARENT EXPANSION OF A LIQUID. Edser, Heat, pp. 64-71; Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 198-201; Watson's Physics, pp. 211-213; -Awes' General Physics, pp. 233- 235; Crew's General Physics, 266, 267. The object of this experiment is to determine the coeffi- cient of apparent expansion of some salt solution with refer- ence to glass. A vessel holds M grams of liquid at t and m grams at a higher temperature, t'. Let V be the volume of the vessel at the lower temperature. Since we are considering the apparent expansion, i. e., the expansion with reference to the vessel, we may consider V to be also the volume of the vessel at the higher temperature. The volume of i gram at t is therefore V/M and at *', V/m. The increase in volume is m M \ Mm The coefficient of apparent expansion, e, is this apparent expansion divided by the original volume V/M and the range of temperature (t f t) or . M-m m(t'-t)' A glass bulb with a re-curved capillary stem is used. To fill the bulb with a liquid, warm it with the hand or by playing a flame about some distance beneath it. Remove it from the source of heat and plunge the end of the stem into the liquid. As the air in the bulb cools liquid will be drawn in. COEFFICIENT OF APPARENT EXPANSION OF A LIQUID. 75 To expel liquid, warm the bulb gently, keeping it so turned that the stem is filled with the liquid ; when the liquid ceases to come out, invert it so that the stem is highest, and allow it to partially cool. Repeat until all the liquid is expelled. Clean the bulb by drawing in a little distilled water, or, if the interior be foul, first use chromic acid. Finally rinse the interior with alcohol. Remove the alcohol and dry the interior, if necessary playing a flame about some distance beneath. To determine the density of the (cold) salt solution, thoroughly cleanse a tall measuring glass and a suitable hydrometer (variable immersion). Pour enough of the salt solution into the measuring glass to float the hydrometer, read the density, and pour the solution back into the bottle. Weigh the bulb very carefully on a sensitive balance (see pp. 21-25). Support the bulb in a clamp stand, clasping the stem between half corks. Fill a small beaker with the salt solution and support it so that the end of the stem dips into the solution. Warm the bulb, playing a Bunsen flame beneath. Never allow the flame for an instant to remain stationary beneath the bulb, and until the bulb contains con- siderable warm liquid, do not allow the flame to touch the bulb, and then only where there is liquid. Alternately warm the bulb and allow it to cool a little until the bulb is filled. When it is partly full 1 it may be best to gently boil the liquid in the bulb. When the bulb is almost full the liquid can be made to expand to fill the entire stem. Then allow it to cool completely while it draws over liquid from the beaker. When the bulb is cooled to the temperature of the room, support it in a copper vessel in which water is kept at a constant temperature, a few degrees warmer than the room. When the temperature has been kept constant for five minutes (by the addition of small amounts of hot or cold water, if necessary) and has been frequently stirred, read the temperature (as always estimating tenths). Remove any liquid adhering to the end of the stem, remove the bulb from the bath, dry the exterior, and weigh. Handle the 76 HEAT. bulb carefully with a cloth about it so that no liquid may be expelled. Weigh a small, clean, dry beaker. Support the bulb again in the copper bath with the beaker beneath the end of the stem, to catch any liquid expelled. Heat the water in the bath to boiling. When the temperature has been constant for live minutes, read the temperature, catch on the side of the small beaker any liquid adhering to the end of the stem, remove the bulb from the bath, dry the exterior, and weigh. Weigh the small beaker with the liquid contained. Carefully remove the liquid from the bulb and stem as described above. The difference between the two weights of the bulb when filled with liquid gives the weight M m of liquid expelled. The difference between the weight of the flask dry and after being in the second bath gives the final weight of liquid in the bulb. The expelled liquid is saved simply as a check and is not used at all if the above difference be slightly greater. 1 A specific-gravity bottle may be substituted for the bulb, but is not as satisfactory. Questions. 1. Why is double weighing unnecessary? 2. Why is M m determined more accurately from the difference of the two weighings than from the weight of the liquid expelled. 3. How might the coefficient of expansion of a solid, attainable only in the form of small lumps, be found by an extension of this method ? 4. How might the absolute expansion of a liquid be found by the above apparatus? XVI. COEFFICIENT OF INCREASE OF PRESSURE OF AIR. Edser, Heat, pp. 106 in; Poynting and Thomson, Heat, pp. 45-49; Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 188, 203-205; Watson's Pracr tical Physics, 78, 79; Watson's Physics, 195198; Ames' General Physics, p. 240; Crew's General Physics, 269. If the volume of a mass of gas remains constant while its temperature is raised, its pressure increases according to the law COEFFICIENT OF INCREASE OF PRESSURE OF AIR. 77 in which P is the pressure at o C., P the pressure at the temperature t, and a is a constant called the coefficient of increase of pressure. If the pressure were kept constant and the volume allowed to increase, the law of increase of volume would be similar, and it is found that the constant a is practically the same in both cases. It is, however, difficult to keep the volume exactly con- stant, for the containing vessel will expand when heated (the volume of the vessel would also increase because of the increase of pressure to which it is subjected, but this may be neglected since it is extremely small). If p is the ob- served pressure at temperature / and P the observed pres- sure at o /> = P (i+a'*), where a' is the coefficient of apparent increase of pressure (seeExp. XV). To correct for the expansion of the vessel, we must suppose the final volume of the gas compressed in the pro- portion in which the capacity of the vessel expanded. The law of expansion of the vessel is V = V Q (l +b t), where b is the coefficient of cubical expansion of the vessel. To get the pressure P that would keep the volume of the gas absolutely constant, we must multiply p by (i +6 t), .'. P=P (i+a'/)(i+6/) And so the true coefficient of increase of pressure a is ob- tained from the apparent coefficient of increase of pres- sure a', by adding the coefficient of cubical expansion of the vessel, or, a = a f + b. The air (or gas) is enclosed in a bulb to which is con- nected a mercury manometer. The pressure indicated by the manometer is obtained from readings of the mercury levels on a scale between the two columns, or, preferably, with a cathetometer (p. 19). HEAT. If the true increase of pressure of dry air is desired the air must first be carefully dried. To fill the bulb with dry air it may be connected through a drying tube (containing chloride of calcium) with an air-pump and the bulb several times exhausted and refilled with air sucked through the drying tube. (If the bulb be already filled with dry air the process will be unnecessary.) The bulb is then connected to the manometer. The bulb is first immersed in a bath of ice and water as nearly as possible at o, and the movable column of the manometer is adjusted until the mercury in the other column is at a definite point, as high as possible without entering the contraction where connection is made with the bulb. The temperature and pres- sure are read as carefully as possible, at least six times, when both have become quite steady, the manometer being read- justed before each reading. The bath of ice and water is now replaced by one of water at about 10 and the movable column is readjusted until the mercury in the stationary column is at the former point, that the volume of the gas may remain constant. The temperature and pressure are read when they have become steady. The water is then heated to about 20 and the observations are repeated. Readings are thus made at intervals of about i o until the water boils. The pressure and temperature when the water is boiling should be read at least six times, the mercury level in the stationary column being adjusted to the constant point before each reading. It is at the initial temperature (near o) and the final temperature (near 100) that the most reliable observations are obtained, and it is upon these that the most reliable estimate of the coefficient of expansion is founded. (The readings at intermediate temperatures are made in order to test the law of expansion.) If the two arms of the manometer are of different radii, there will be a con- FlG. 20. COEFFICIENT OF INCREASE OF PRESSURE OF AIR. 79 stant difference of level due to capillarity. This should be read when the bulb is disconnected and allowance should be made for it at other times. Read the barometer (p. 21) and the temperature of the barometer and of the mercury in the manometer. Tabulate from your observations (a) the temperatures; (b) the differences in level of the mercury columns; (c) these differences reduced to zero degrees; (d) the pressures as calculated from (c) and the barometer heights (reduced to zero degrees). The test of the law of expansion is made by plotting the curve of pressure and temperature, the former as ordi- nates, the latter as abscissas. This should be nearly a straight line. The averages for the first point (o) and the last (about 100) are to be taken as fixing the straight line. The divergence of intermediate points from the straight line, while not sufficient to invalidate the conclusion that the in- crease of pressure is linear, will illustrate the difficulty of keeping the temperature at intermediate points constant for a sufficient length of time for the air in the bulb to come wholly to the temperature of the water. Calculate from these two average pressures and tem- peratures, the coefficient of apparent increase of pressure (a') , and, obtaining the coefficient of cubical expansion of the glass (6) from Table VIII, find the true coefficient of increase of pressure (a) . (Remember that the coefficient of cubical expansion is three times the coefficient of linear expansion.) If time permit, increase the range of temperature by observations below o in a freezing mixture and above 100 in heated oil. Questions. 1 . Why must (a) the air be dry ? (b) a capillary connect the bulb and the manometer ? 2. What would be the percentage error if the expansion of the bulb was neglected? 8o HEAT. XVII. PRESSURE OF SATURATED WATER VAPOR. Poynting and Thomson, Heat, Chap. X; Edser, Heat, pp. 220-228; Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 226-230; Watson's Physics, 216-218; Ames' General Physics, pp. 264-269; Crew' s General Physics, 279-281. The object of this experiment is to find the pressure of saturated water vapor at different temperatures. By pres- sure of saturated water vapor at a given temperature, or, as it is often called, maximum pressure of water vapor, or, equilibrium pressure, is denoted the pressure of the vapor above water in a closed vessel at the given temperature after a steady state has been reached. A liquid continues to give off vapor from the surface, or, "evaporate," as long as the pressure of the vapor above the liquid is less than the saturated vapor pressure, independent of the total atmospheric pressure above the liquid. After the pressure of the vapor reaches the saturated vapor pressure for that tempera- ture, the total quantity of vapor in the atmos- phere above the liquid remains constant, since for any vapor given off from the surface an equal quantity is condensed. There are two chief methods of finding the saturated vapor pressure, the static method and the kinetic method. (A) In the static method some water (or other liquid) is introduced into the space at the top of a barometric column which is surrounded by a bath, the temperature of which can be varied. The pressure of the vapor is found by measuring with a cathetometer (p. 19) the height of the mercury column and subtracting this from the barometric reading, each being reduced to zero (p. 21). By varying the temperature of the bath, the vapor pressure at various temperatures is obtained. (B) In the kinetic method the quantity measured is the FIG. 21. PRESSURE OF SATURATED WATER VAPOR. 8l temperature of the steam above water boiling under different measured pressures. When a liquid boils, bubbles of vapor are formed throughout the interior of the liquid. In forming these bubbles, the vapor overcomes the pressure of the atmosphere above the liquid, therefore the pressure of the vapor must equal the atmospheric pressure, and obviously the vapor in the bubbles is saturated. Hence, in measuring the atmospheric pressure above a liquid boiling at a known temperature, we find the saturated vapor pressure of the liquid at this temperature, and this is Regnault's method, which method is followed in this experiment. FIG. 22. In Regnault's apparatus the total pressure above the surface of the liquid can be kept very constant. As the liquid is heated, the vapor is condensed in a Liebig con- denser, and as the pressure of vapor distributed through several conducting vessels is the vapor pressure correspond- ing to the vessel at lowest temperature, the pressure exerted by the vapor cannot exceed the maximum pressure corre- sponding to the temperature of the tap water, and is there- fore very small. As the temperature of the boiler changes, the temperature of the air in the boiler varies, but a large air reservoir surrounded by water is connected between the condenser and the manometer and air-pump or aspirator, which makes the volume of the air in the boiler small com- 6 82 HEAT. pared with the total volume of air in the system, and thus the increase of pressure due to the heating of the air in the boiler is small. The boiler should be about two-thirds full of water. Fill with water the small tube running down into the boiler (which tube is closed at the bottom), and insert in this tube through a cork one of the thermometers tested by the observer. Draw out any water which may be in the air reservoir by means of the stopper underneath. Fill the surrounding vessel with water. (Rubber stoppers should be lubricated with rubber grease (note p. 32) before inser- tion.) Exhaust the air from the system to the highest vacuum attainable by means of a Geryk pump or aspirator. Close all the cocks through which connection is made to the aspirator and let the system stand a few minutes to see if there is any leakage. If not, start a gentle stream of water through the condenser, and place a Bunsen flame under the boiler. Read the barometer and its temperature (see p. 21). When the temperature as registered by the thermometer in the boiler becomes very steady, read it, and at once record the two extremities of the mercury column of the manometer. Let in a little air by first opening and then closing a cock near the air-pump, and then opening and closing a cock nearer the apparatus. Increase the pressure at first by about 15 mm., gradually increasing the steps and when near atmospheric pressure change the pressure by about 1 2 cm. The reason for the difference in pressure in the steps is that it is better to have the steps represent about equal changes of temperature, for instance, about 5. From the corrected barometer reading and the differences- in height of the mercury columns, calculate the pressures. Tabulate pressures and temperatures and also plot them, making temperatures abscissas and pressures ordinates. Ramsay and Young's method for measuring the vapor pressure of a small quantity of liquid is described in Wat- son's Practical Physics, 94. HYGROMETRY. 83 Questions. 1. State precisely what two quantities you have observed in the second method and what relation they bear to the pressure and temp- erature of saturated vapor. 2. What condition determines whether a liquid will boil or evapo- rate at a given temperature? 3. What was the actual vapor pressure above the boiling liquid? (Table XIII.) 4. What determines (a) the lowest temperature, (b) the highest temperature for which this apparatus is applicable? XVIII. HYGROMETRY. Poynting and Thomson, Heat, pp. 209-215; Davis, Elementary Me- teorology, Chap. VIII; Robson, Heat, 7375; Watson's Prac- tical Physics, 9597; Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 239242; Watson's Physics, 220, 221; Ames 1 General Physics, pp. 265- 268. Three methods will be used for studying the hygrometric state of the atmosphere. The first method (A) determines the dew-point, the second (B) determines, indirectly, the actual vapor pressure, and the third (C) determines the relative humidity. (A) Regnanlt's Hygrometer. A thin silvered-glass test- tube is half-filled with ether. The test-tube is tightly closed by a cork through which passes a sensitive ther- mometer which gives the temperature of the ether. Two glass tubes also pass through the cork, one extending to the bottom, the other ending below the cork. An aspirator gently draws air from the shorter tube. The ether is evaporated by the air bubbles and the entire vessel cools. The silvered surface and the thermometer are watched through a telescope and the temperature is read the moment moisture appears on the metal. The air current is stopped and the temperature of disappearance of the moisture is observed. This is repeated several times and the mean is taken as the dew-point. The detection of moisture is facilitated by observing at the same time a similar piece of silvered glass which covers a part of the test-tube, but which is insulated from it. The temperature of the air 84 HEAT. should also be carefully determined, preferably with a ther- mometer in a similar apparatus where there is no evapora - tion. An arrangement of two small mirrors at right angles so placed as to reflect light from the two tubes into the telescope will facilitate the comparison. (B) Wet and Dry Bulb Hygrometer. Two thermometers are mounted a few inches apart. About the bulb of one is wrapped muslin cloth to which is attached a muslin wick dipping in water. The other is bare. The temperatures of both are read when they have become steady. The temperature of the first thermometer will be lower than that of the bare thermometer, on account of the evaporation of the water. From the difference of temperature of the two thermometers and the temperature of the bare thermometer the actual vapor pressure may be determined with the aid of empirical tables (see Table XV). For more accurate apparatus, see references. (C) Chemical Hygrometer. Fill three ordinary balance drying vessels with pumice. Saturate two with strong sulphuric acid and the third with distilled water. Weigh very carefully the two which have the acid and then connect them to an aspirator, with the water absorption vessel between them. After a gentle stream of air has passed through for a considerable time, disconnect and weigh the sulphuric acid vessels. The ratio of the gains in weight will obviously be the relative humidity. Observe also the temperature of the air. If not directly determined, calculate from your observa- tion, by each of the three methods, the dew-point, the actual vapor pressure, the relative humidity, and the amount of moisture in the atmosphere per cubic meter. Tabulate your results. Table XIII gives the vapor pressures of water at different temperatures. SPECIFIC HEAT BY THE METHOD OF MIXTURE. 85 XIX. SPECIFIC HEAT BY THE METHOD OF MIXTURE. Edser, Heat, pp. 122-136; Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 208211; Watson's Physics, 200-201; Watson's Practical Physics, 82- 84; Ames' General Physics, pp. 250-252; Crew's General Physics, 252. The specfic heat of a substance is the number of calories required to raise the temperature of one gram of the substance one degree centigrade, or the number of calories given up by one gram in cooling one degree centigrade. In the method of mixture a known mass (M) of the sub- stance, heated to a known temperature (T), is immersed in a known mass of liquid (m) of known specific heat (for water = i), at a known temperature (/ ), and the unknown mean specific heat (x) of the substance is deduced from these data and the temperature (t) to which the mixture rises. Water is the liquid employed unless there would be a chemical reaction on immersion. The liquid must be contained in a vessel which is also heated by the immersion of the hot body. The heating of the vessel is equivalent to the heating of a certain addi- tional quantity of water. This equivalent quantity of water (e) is called the water equivalent of the vessel. It is practi- cally equal to the mass of the vessel (mj multiplied by the specific heat (5) of the material of the vessel. Theoretically it may be obtained by noting the temperature of the vessel and pouring into it a known mass of water at a known temperature and noting the final temperature. This is an inverted form of the method of mixture applied to finding the specific heat of the vessel. But as we shall presently see, it is the method of mixture applied under very unfavor- able conditions and will not usually give a very satisfactory result. Another method will be recommended below. The equation for finding the specific heat is obtained by equating the heat given up by the hot body to that taken up by the water and containing vessel. Hence Mx(T-t)=(m+e)(t-t ). (i) 86 HEAT. Sources of Error. (1) Loss of heat while the hot body is being transferred to the water. (2) Loss of heat by radiation, conduction, or evapora- tion while the mixture is assuming a uniform temperature. (3) Errors in ascertaining the true temperature includ- ing errors in the thermometers. Choice of Best Conditions. As the accuracy of this de- termination depends largely on the selection of suitable conditions, we shall consider how these may be chosen so that unavoidable errors in the separate measurements may affect the result as little as possible. By taking the logarithms of both sides of (i) and dif- ferentiating partially, we obtain (see pp. 7, 8.) (2) (3) (4) f&cl _8M [~S*~| Jm_ |~8*1 Be [He \M~~W [Hc\m~ m +e [x\e~m+e (5) (6) " (7) M * T [H * ry (T-w [x\T = T-t' UJ'o *-* ' Up (T-t)(t-t Y The left-hand side of (2) stands for "the ratio that the possible error (8#) in x, due to the possible error (8M) in M, bears to x," and so for the other equations. M and m can be measured with great precision; hence (2) and (3) are negligible. From (4) it is seen that the water equivalent of the calorimeter must be found with some care. From (5) and (6) it is seen that* the ranges T t and t t Q should be as great as possible (see, how- ever, "sources of error" above). This is also consistent with the indications of (7), for although (T t ) enters the numerator, the product of T t and t t Q is in the denominator. Moreover, it is seen from (5), (6), and (7) that if equal errors are made in observing T, t, and t , the effect of the error in / may equal the sum of the effects of the errors in T and t . Hence the necessity of determining t with special care. But, allowing an unavoidable error in SPECIFIC HEAT BY THE METHOD OF MIXTURE. 87 t, how can its effect be made as small as possible by prop- erly choosing the quantities, M, m, t , Tf Let us suppose T / is taken as great as possible under the circumstances. How can (T t)X (* * ) be made as great as possible? The sum of T t and / 1 is T t Q , a fixed quantity. Hence their product is, by algebra, a maximum when they are equal or t is midway between T and t Q . But it is seen from (i) that this also requires MX and m + e to be equal. Hence we see that for the best results, T and t should be as far apart as possible and the heat capacity of the specimens should be as nearly as possible equal to the heat capacity of the water and the vessel that contains it. The logical procedure, then, would be to roughly de- termine x by the method of mixture, using any convenient values of M and m, and with this rough value for x, calcu- late what ratio of M to m would best satisfy the above con- dition. Moreover, it is seen from (4) above that m should be as large as is consistent with other conditions. Then we should proceed to arrange a new experiment to be per- formed under the more favorable conditions for precision. We now see why it is not easy to determine the water equivalent of the vessel directly. Its heat capacity is small compared with that of the water that would fill it, and so the change of the temperature of the water would be small and difficult to determine accurately. If a much smaller quantity of water were used, a large part of the surface of the vessel would be left uncovered, and its temperature could not be determined. Hence it is better to determine the specific heat of the material of the vessel, using the ordi- nary method of mixture and a mass of the same material as the vessel. Then multiplying the mass of the vessel by its specific heat, we have its water equivalent. It is desirable that the body should have such a form that it and the water in which it is immersed should rapidly come to a common temperature. Filings, shot, thin strips, wire or small pieces would best satisfy this condition. Larger solid masses are more rapidly (and therefore with 88 HEAT. less loss of temperature) transferred from the heater to the water, and to give the water ready access to them they may be perforated with holes, through which, by moving the mass up and down in the water, the water may be made to circulate. The following directions apply primarily to this latter form, but may be readily adapted to the other forms. Two forms of heater will be here described, (i) The steam heater. A copper tube large enough to admit the specimen is enclosed, except at the ends, by an outer copper vessel which is to act as a steam jacket to the inner vessel. Steam from a simple form of boiler is admitted to the jacket through a tube near the top of the jacket and escapes through an outlet near the bottom. If the body to be heated is a solid mass, it is suspended in the heater by a long string that passes through a cork that closes the upper end of the heater. (If the specimen is in the form of shot or clippings they are placed in a dipper that fits into the heater.) A thermometer passed through the cork or cover of the dipper is pushed down until it comes into contact with the body tested. The lower end of the heater is also closed with a cork. Such a steam heater ultimately brings the specimen to a very steady temperature, but it has the disadvantage of heating very gradually. If the boiler which supplies steam to the jacket has a closed tube extending from the top into the interior of the boiler, of slightly larger diameter than the specimen or dipper, either of the latter may be placed therein and rapidly heated to about the steam temperature, when they are transferred to the steam heater. (2) The Electric Heater. A metallic tube is heated by a strong current of electricity passing through a coil of wire of high resistance that surrounds the tube. The current can be varied by changing a variable resistance in circuit with the heating coil. With an alternating current the resistance may be an inductive resistance or choking coil consisting of wire surrounding a soft-iron wire core. A low resistance allowing a high current is used until the tern- SPECIFIC HEAT BY THE METHOD OF MIXTURE. 89 perature rises to the desired point (perhaps near 100) and then the current is reduced to the strength that will keep the temperature constant, as indicated by a thermometer hung in the heater. The body is introduced into the heater exactly as in the case of the steam heater. The proper method of varying the resistance can only be learned by some practice. The two thermometers used should be those for which tables of corrections have been obtained earlier. The calorimeter may be prepared while the specimen is being heated. It consists of a smaller copper or aluminum can highly polished on the outside and enclosed in a larger one brightly polished on the inside, but well insulated from it by corks or cotton-wool. A wooden cover fits over both vessels and has holes for thermometer and stirrer and an opening giving access to the interior vessel. A convenient form has a trap-door which slides open in two halves, exposing the entire inner vessel. A screen with sliding or, preferably, double swinging doors, should separate the calorimeter from the boiler, heater, etc. The "water equivalent" of the receiving vessel means the water equivalent of the inner vessel together with the stirrer, if one be used. It is advisable that the stirrer should also be of copper or aluminum. (A stirrer is, how- ever, not necessary when the specimen is in the form of one large block) . At certain times, in the manipulation of this experiment the co-operation of two persons is desirable, and, for economy of time, two determinations should be made simultaneously, two heaters, two specimens, and two calorimeters being used. One specimen should peferably be of the same material as the calorimeter, so that the water equivalent may be determined. The body whose specific heat is to be determined is weighed to o . i gm. and placed in the heater along with a thermometer. The inner vessel of the calorimeter (including the stirrer) is weighed to o.i gm. Water near the tern- 90 HEAT. perature of the room is poured into it until it is judged that when the hot body is immersed it will be completely covered and the water will rise to within a couple of centimeters of the top of the vessel. The vessel and water are then weighed to o . i gm. The inner vessel is now replaced in the outer and the cover adjusted and closed. When the temperature of the specimen has remained constant for ten minutes, it may be assumed that the hot body is throughout at the temperature of the heater. The next steps require two persons, and as it is important that it should be carried out promptly and neatly, it should be carefully considered before being performed. One person constantly stirs the water in the calorimeter and reads the temperature, to tenths of a degree, every minute for five minutes. He then opens the cover and slides the calorimeter beneath the heater. The other observer has meanwhile made a careful final observation of the temperature of the heater and removed the lower stopper. As soon as the calorimeter is in position, he lowers the hot body, without splash, into the water. The calorimeter must then be immediately removed and the cover closed. One observer should then keep the mixture stirred by moving the body up and down with the aid of the string and note the temperature at as short equal intervals as possible (perhaps every 15 sees.) while the other records the readings. After the highest temperature has been reached, the readings are continued every minute for at least five minutes. Simple and obvious modifications of the above procedure are required if the specimen is in the form of shot or clippings. After rough calculations of water equivalents and specific heats, the observers should exchange duties and repeat the whole, using masses that most nearly accord with the conditions laid down in the considerations stated above. Before calculating final results, make corrections of the temperatures, T, t, t , according to the tables of corrections already obtained for the thermometers used. RATIO OF SPECIFIC HEATS OF GASES. 91 Plot all the temperature observations of the final deter- mination, and correct for radiation according to the direc- tions given on pages 63, 64. The possible error of the result should be calculated as explained on pages 7, 8.) Questions. 1. How might the present method be adapted to find the specific heat of a liquid? 2. Considering evaporation, loss of heat when transferring the hot body, and any other sources of error that may occur to you, is your result more probably too high or too low ? XX. RATIO OF SPECIFIC HEATS OF GASES. (Clement and Desormes* Method.) Edser, Heat, pp. 3 1 7-3 2 5 ; Text-book of Physics (Duff) , pp. 211-212, 267, 268; Watson's Physics, 259-260; Watson's Practical Physics, 105; Ames' General Physics, pp. 252-256. The gas is compressed into a vessel until the pressure has a value which we will designate by p v The vessel is then opened for an instant, and the gas rushes out until the pressure inside falls to the atmospheric pressure, p Q . This expansion may be made so sudden that it is practically adiabatic and the temperature of the gas will therefore fall. After the vessel has been closed for a few minutes, the gas will have warmed to the room temperature, /, and the pressure, p 2 , will be above that of the atmosphere. Consider one gram of the gas. During the adiabatic expansion, its volume changed from v l to v 2 , according to the adiabatic equation for pressure and volume (see references) W Po Since the initial and final temperatures are the same, and since the volume remains v 2 while the gas is warming and the pressure is rising from p to p 2 , by Boyle's Law 92 HEAT.. Hence f, the ratio of specific heats, is given by the equation A large carboy is mounted in a wooden case and may be surrounded with cotton batting. The neck is closed with a rubber stopper through which passes a T-tube connected on one side with a compression pump (e. g., a bicycle pump), FIG. 23. and on the other side with^a manometer containing castor oil.* A large glass tube, which may be closed by a rubber stopper, also passes through this large stopper. A little sulphuric acid in the bottom of the carboy keeps the air dry. A very fine copper wire and a very fine constantin wire * The density of castor oil is about .97, but it should properly be deter- mined (Exp. VIII). RATIO OF SPECIFIC HEATS OF GASES. 93 pass tightly through minute holes in the stopper and meet at the center of the carboy, in a minute drop of solder. The air in the carboy is compressed until the difference in pressure is about 40 cm. of oil (=Pi po). The tube connect- ing with the pump is closed, and, after waiting about 15 minutes to allow the air inside to regain its initial tempera- ture (as shown by the pressure becoming constant), the ends of the oil column are carefully read. The carboy is now carefully surrounded with cotton batting, which may have been removed to facilitate cooling. The air inside is momen- tarily allowed to return to atmospheric pressure by removing, for about one second, the rubber stopper from the glass tube. After waiting until the air inside has assumed the room temperature (shown by the pressure becoming constant), the final pressure p 2 is determined. The cotton-wool had better be removed during this stage. Connect the wires to a calibrated galvanometer (Exp. LVIII), apply the initial compression p lt and observe the reading of the galvanometer when it has become steady. Remove the stopper as before (for not over one second) , re- place the stopper, and observe the galvanometer reading. The proper reading to record is the fairly steady deflection which is attained immediately after the stopper is removed. There are liable to be rapid fluctuations which should be disregarded, and of course the temperature does not long remain steady, owing to heating or cooling from the outside. Record as before the final pressure p 2 . Repeat several times, starting with the same initial pressure p v Record the temperature of the room, t, and p , the height of the baro- meter (p. 21). Calculate y, the ratio of specific heats by the above equation . Calculate the change of temperature from the mean of the galvanometer deflections and the constants of the thermo- couple and galvanometer. Compare the result with T l T where T l is + 273 and r o is calculated from the adiabatic equation for temperature and pressure (see references). 94 HEAT. Unless exceedingly fine wire is employed (preferably No. 40, B. & S.), the heat capacity of the wire is relatively so great that the thermocouple will not show the full change of temperature. Draw a curve with volumes as abscissae, and pressures as ordinates, which will represent the changes in this experiment. (Let specific volumes, i. e., volumes of one gram, be abscissae. Calculate from Table VI and the laws of gases the specific volumes corresponding to the room temperature and p , p lt and p 2 , and draw the corresponding isothermal. Draw the horizontal line correspond- ing to p . Draw a vertical through the point corresponding to p ? on the above isothermal. The intersection of these two straight lines will evidently be p , v 2 ). Questions. 1. Do you see any objection to an initial exhaustion of the gas in place of the compression? 2 . What are the advantages and disadvantages of a large opening ? Short time of opening? Castor oil manometer? 3. How would an aneroid manometer be preferable in this experi- ment to a liquid manometer? XXI. LATENT HEAT OF FUSION. Edser, Heat, pp. 145-149; Text-book of Physics (Duff), p. 225; Watson's Physics, 211; Watson's Practical Physics, 88; Ames' General Physics, pp. 260, 261; Crew's General Physics, 286. The latent heat of fusion of a substance is the number of calories required to melt one gram of the substance. The most common method of measuring it is a method of mixture similar to that used in finding the specific heat of a solid. A known mass of the solid at its melting-point is placed in a known mass of the liquid at a known temperature, and the temperature of the liquid observed after the solid has com- pletely melted. Allowance must be made for the water equivalent of the calorimeter and correction must be made LATENT HEAT OF FUSION. 95 for the effect of radiation to or from the calorimeter while melting is taking place. The error due to radiation may be made small by having the liquid initially as much above the temperature of its surroundings as finally it falls below. Thus loss and gain by radiation will approximately balance. Nevertheless, since the calorimeter will probably not be the same length of time above the temperature of the sur- roundings as below, there will be a residual error for which correction must be made. The calorimeter consists as usual of an inner can polished on the outside to diminish radiation, and enclosed in an outer can polished on the inside. The space between the two cans may be filled by cotton-wool to prevent air currents, and still further prevent communication of heat. The inner can is weighed, first empty and then half-filled with warm water about 1 5 above the room temperature. It is then placed in the outer can as described above and covered by a wooden cover having holes for thermometer and stirrer and a hinged cover giving access to the inner vessel. The temperature is carefully noted each minute until it has fallen to about 10 above the room temperature. In the meantime, ice is broken to pieces of about a cubic centimeter in volume. These pieces are carefully dried in filter paper. A careful observation of the temperature of the water in the calorimeter having been made and the time noted, a piece of ice is dropped in without splashing and kept under water by a piece of wire gauze attached to the stirrer. The temperature is noted every half-minute as the ice melts, the water meantime being kept stirred. The rate at which ice is dropped in is regulated simply by the rate at which it can be dried and the temperature and time noted. The process is continued until the temperature has fallen to about 10 below the room temperature. Then the addition of ice is discontinued and the temperature of the water further noted every minute for four or five minutes. Finally, the weight of the inner can and its contents is obtained in order that the mass of the ice may be deduced. 96 HEAT. After the proper weight of ice has been ascertained, the experiment should be repeated with a single piece of approxi- mately this weight. As there are considerable sources of error that cannot be eliminated, the whole determination should be repeated as often as time will permit. All the temperature observations should be plotted against the time and the radiation correction determined as described on pages 63 and 64. In reporting, consider the possible error of your result so far as it depends on the possible error of your weighings and observations of tem- perature. State also any other sources of error that may have affected your result. Questions. 1 . What advantages are there in the use of one large lump over an equal mass of small ones? 2. Why must the water in the inner vessel be pure? 3. Is it preferable to have the air about the calorimeter moist or dry? Explain. XXII. LATENT HEAT OF VAPORIZATION. Ames' General Physics, p. 269; Watson's General Physics, 214; Crew's Physics, 287; Watson, Practical Physics, 89-91; Edser, Heat, pp. 150-9; Text-book of Physics (Duff), p. 231. The latent heat of vaporization of a substance is the number of calories required to change one gram of the substance from liquid to vapor. The usual method of measuring it is a method of mixture. A known mass of vapor, at a known temperature, is discharged into a known mass of liquid, at a known initial temperature, and the final tem- perature is noted. The same precautions are necessary as in finding the latent heat of fusion. The arrangement of the calorimeter is also the same. To minimize radiation the water should be initially as much below room tempera- ture as it finally rises above, say 15. The initial rate of warming should also be obtained, and also the final rate of cooling. LATENT HEAT OF VAPORIZATION. 97 Several different forms of boiler have been devised for the purposes of this determination. Two will be briefly described. In Berthelot's boiler the delivery tube passes out through the bottom of the boiler, which is heated by a ring burner that surrounds the tube. Thus the tube is so far as possible jacketed by the boiling water. The usual form of this boiler is somewhat fragile, but a good substitute may be made from a round-bottomed boiling flask the neck of which has been shortened (Fig. 24). FIG. 24. FIG. 25. In the electrically heated boiler the heating of the water is produced by a coil of wire that is immersed in the water and is heated by a current of electricity. The current must be kept regulated by a rheostat, so that boiling proceeds at a moderate rate. The chief difficulty is in delivering the steam dry. Con- densation is apt to take place in the delivery tube. This can be reduced by inserting a trap in the delivery tube be- tween the boiler and the calorimeter. The trap should, from time to time, be cautiously heated by a Bunsen burner to prevent condensation, but in general, it is better to dis- pense with the trap and make the exposed part of the 7 98 HEAT. delivery tube as short as possible and carefully cover it with cotton-wool. If the delivery tube simply passed to a sufficient depth beneath the water, the steam would be delivered at greater than atmospheric pressure, as the pressure of a certain depth of water would have to be overcome. Hence it is better to let the delivery tube pass into a condensing-box im- mersed in the water. The latter must also be open to the atmosphere by another tube. To prevent any escape of steam by this tube it may be closed by a little cotton-wool. The amount of steam that has been condensed is obtained by weighing the condensing-box (well dried) before it is placed in the calorimeter, and again with the contained water at the end of the experiment. The temperature of the steam is deduced from the barometric pressure. A pressure gauge attached to the boiler affords a means of estimating how far the pressure differs from atmospheric pressure. For the best results, certain precautions must be ob- served. The delivery tube must not be connected to the coridensing-box until steam has begun to pass freely, and as dry as possible, from the tube. Connection should not be attempted until the temperature of the water has been carefully ascertained and care has been taken that every- thing is ready for making a deft and prompt connection. After the temperature of the well stirred water in the inner calorimeter has been read every minute for five minutes, the connection is made. The temperature is read every half- minute, the water meantime being kept well stirred by a stirrer (which should be of the same material as the calor- imeter and condenser in order to simplify the calculation of the water equivalent). The flame of the ring-burner must be regulated so that the steam does not pass too rapidly. This may be gauged by the rate of the rise of the temperature of the calorimeter, which should not exceed 4 or 5 per minute. In finding the subsequent rate of cooling, the boiler should be disconnected from the condenser and the tube leading to the condenser should be closed by plugs of LATENT HEAT OF VAPORIZATION. 99 cotton-wool to prevent evaporation; but in subsequently weighing the condenser the wool should not be included. The whole determination should be repeated as many times as possible. A formula for the calculation of the latent heat may be readily worked out. Account must be taken of the water equivalent of calorimeter, condenser, and stirrer. The correction for radiation is made by the method stated on pages 63, 64. The possible error of the result, so far as it depends on the readings made, should be calculated, and other possible sources of error should be mentioned. Questions. 1 . State the advantages and disadvantages of a rapid flow of steam 2. Explain why the latent heat should vary with the atmospheric pressure. 3. Must the boiling water be pure? Explain. XXIII. LATENT HEAT OF VAPORIZATION. Continuous -flow Method. Ames' General Physics, p. 269; Watson s Physics, 214; Crew 1 s General Physics, 287; Watson, Practical Physics, 89-91; Edser, Heat, pp. 150-9; Text-book of Physics (Duff}, p. 231. The apparatus for this method may be readily constructed from a Liebig's condenser. Water enters at D and leaves at C through T-tubes connected to the condenser by short rubber tubes. Superheated steam enters at A through a T-tube and the condensed water drops into a covered beaker E. The steam is superheated as it flows through a glass tube FE. This is first covered with asbestos over which a heating coil of wire* is wrapped, the coil being covered by a second layer of asbestos. AB and FE are mounted on a wooden frame and A B is thickly covered with cotton- wool to prevent radiation. Thermometers 7\, T 3 , T 2 , T 4 , * "Nichrome" wire (supplied by the Driver-Harris Co., New York) is very suitable. IOO HEAT. give the respective temperatures of the superheated steam, the outflowing water, the inflowing water, and the water of condensation. The supply of water may come from the water mains, if this is sufficiently constant in temperature. FIG. 26. It is, however, much better to have a supply of from 5 to lo gallons in an elevated tank and keep the flow constant by an overflow regulator as indicated in figure 29 (Exp. XXVIII). The boiler to supply the steam should be large enough to allow of a flow for two hours without refilling (one to two LATENT HEAT OF VAPORIZATION. IOI liters will suffice). The current in the superheating coil should be regulated by a rheostat so that the superheated steam is at about 105. Some time should be spent in test- ing adjustments to obtain a suitable current and a rate of flow of water that will give a rise of temperature of about 20. The tank should be connected with the water service so that it can be readily filled. The water as it comes from the mains will probably be below room temperature and this is an advantage, since with a suitable rate of flow of the steam the water that drops into E will differ but little from room temperature and will suffer little loss of heat by radiation. This will require a proper regulation of the burner that heats the boiler. The burner should be sur- rounded by a shield of sheet-iron or asbestos to prevent fluctuations caused by air-currents. The thermometers 7\, T 2 , and T 3 should be read once a minute (e. g., T 2 20 sec. after T l and T 3 20 sec. after T 2 ) . From the mean of each of these readings, the temperature of E, the mass of water that flows out at C, and the mass of the water that drops into E, the latent heat can be calculated. The specific heat of the superheated steam may be taken as 0.5. A formula can be readily constructed to express the fact that the heat given up by the steam and condensed water equals the heat carried off by the current of water. Questions. 1 . Why does not the water equivalent of the condenser need to be considered ? 2. How could you find the amount of error due to conduction of heat from the superheater to the water in the condenser? 3. How could you find the amount of error due to radiation from the condenser? 4. What other sources of possible error are there in this method? IO2 HEAT. XXIV. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY. Edser, Heat, pp. 416-430; Watson, Practical Physics, 106, 107; Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 216-220; Watson's Physics, 236238; Ames' General Physics, p. 288; Crew's General Physics, 254, 256. The thermal conductivity of a substance is the amount of heat transmitted per second per unit of area through a plate of the substance of unit thickness, the temperature of the two sides differing by i and the flow having become steady. If K be the thermal conductivity, and if a plate of thick-ness / and area A be kept with one side at a tem- perature t, and the other at a lower temperature, t', the number of calories that will flow through the plate in time 7, after the flow has become steady, will be KA(t-t')T I whence K can be derived if the other quantities are observed or measured. Thermal conductivity is in general difficult to measure satisfactorily. The following very simple method cannot be relied on to closer than a few per cent., but it only re- quires a small portion of the time that the more accurate methods call for. A rod or wire of the substance to be tested is inserted at one end into a heavy block of metal, which is heated to a constant high temperature in a bath, through the bottom of which the rod passes. At its lower end the rod is screwed into a heavy block of brass or copper of mass M and specific heat s, which is initially at a very low temperature. Heat is thus conducted by the rod from the bath to the lower block. If the latter neither lost FIG. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY. 103 nor gained heat by convection or radiation, and if there were no losses from the sides of the rod, we could calculate the conductivity of the rod from its dimensions and the mass, specific heat, and rise of temperature of the lower block. The loss of heat from the surface of the rod is almost wholly prevented by enclosing it by a glass tube, which does not come into direct contact with the rod, and wrapping the glass tube with cotton wool and paper. To allow for radiation or convection to or from the lower block the experiment is modified as follows: The block is enclosed in a vessel surrounded by a water-jacket, through which water at a constant temperature, t', circulates. Now, the rate at which the lower block receives heat through the rod, when the former is at the temperature t f , is the mean of the rates at which it receives heat when it is n degrees below t', and when it is n degrees above t' '. For let R, R lt and R 2 represent the rates of conduction of heat (flow of heat in one second) to the lower block at temperatures t', t' n, and t f +n, the upper end being at temperature /. Then KA(t-t') R I KA[t-(t'-n)] I KA[t-(t'+7i)] whence Again, when the lower block is at the same temperature as the jacket, it neither receives heat from nor gives heat to the jacket. And when it is n degrees below it gains heat as rapidly as it loses heat when it is n degrees above. Thus by taking the mean rate as above, the effects of radia- tion to or from the block are eliminated. In fact, adding a to R lt to allow for the gain by radiation, and subtracting 104 HEAT. a from R 2 , to allow for loss by radiation, would leave unchanged. The same would hold true for any other pair of temper- atures equidistant from the temperature of the jacket. If the rates of rise at two temperatures equidistant from the temperature of the jacket be r t and r 2 , by what has been said the rate at the temperature of the jacket would be i( r i+ r 2)- Hence, the rate at which the body must be gaining heat is Ms^(r 1 +r 2 ). Hence, by the definition of thermal conductivity, or, A(t-t') The lower block should be cooled initially to about 12 below the temperature of the water that circulates through the jacket by being placed in a bath of ice and water (or snow). When taken out, it must be carefully dried. The jacket may be kept at a constant temperature by water passing and repassing through it between two large vessels, which are alternately raised and lowered about every five or ten minutes. The temperature of the water should be frequently read by a thermometer (which may conveniently pass through a large cork that floats on the surface of the water). If the temperature of the water should show a tendency to rise or fall, a small quantity of cooler or warmer water, respectively, may be added. If the vessels be large and the temperature of the room does not vary widely, there should be no difficulty in keeping the water constant to within . 2 for a sufficient length of time. The hot bath is in the form of a trough, which is heated at one end, while the conducting rod passes into the tank at the other end. To prevent direct radiation from the burner to the rod, thick screens of wood and asbestos are interposed. The temperature of the lower block should be read at least THE MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT OF HEAT. 105 every minute by means of a thermometer passing through the cork or fiber cover and inserted into a hole in the block, the unoccupied space in the hole being filled with mercury. The readings of temperature will, from various causes, be slightly irregular. They should therefore be plotted in a curve, and the irregularities eliminated by taking the more correct values from the curve. The temperature of the upper block should be read frequently by a thermometer thrust into it. Small quantities of boiling water should be added frequently to the bath to compensate for evaporation. To gain some idea of the amount of reliance to be placed on the result, the mean rate of rise for each pair of degrees equidistant from the temperature of the jacket should be obtained, and the final mean of all taken in calculating. It is, however, to be noted that the temperatures nearest the jacket temperature should give the best results, since there the radiation is a minimum, and therefore any defect in the method of correcting for radiation a minimum. (For comparing the conductivities of poorly conducting substances Lees and Chorlton's apparatus is quite satis- factory. Directions for its construction and manipulation are given in Robson's Heat, page 135.) XXV. THE MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT OF HEAT. Griffith, Thermal Measurement of Energy, Chap. Ill; Edser, Heat, Chap. XII; Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 259-262; Watson's Physics, 250-251; Ames 1 General Physics, pp. 203-205; Crew's General Physics, 289; Rowland, Physical Papers, pp. 343-476. The mechanical equivalent of heat is the number of units of mechanical energy that, completely turned into heat, will produce one unit of heat, or, in the c. g. s. system, the number of ergs in a calorie. The apparatus here described is a copy of that used in the University of Cambridge, England, and the following description and introduction is partly taken from that issued to students in that university. io6 HEAT. In this apparatus mechanical energy is expended in working against friction, thus producing heat, which is measured by the rise in temperature of a known mass of water. A vertical spindle carries at its upper end a brass cup. Into an ebonite ring concentric with the cup there fits tightly one of a pair of hollow truncated cones. The second cone fits into the first, and is provided with a pair of steel pins which correspond to two holes in a grooved wooden FIG. 28. disk, which prevents the inner from revolving when the spindle and the outer cone revolve. A cast-iron ring, resting on the disk and fixed by two pins, serves to give a suitable pressure between the cones. A brass wheel is fixed to the spindle, and, by a string passing round this wheel and also round a hand-wheel, motion is imparted to the spindle. A pair of guide pulleys prevents the string from running off the wheel. Above the wheel is a screw cut upon the spindle. This screw actuates a cog-wheel of 100 teeth, which makes one revolution for every 100 revo- lutions of the spindle. THE MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT OF HEAT. 107 To the base of the apparatus one end of a bent steel rod is attached; the rod can be fixed in any position by a nut beneath the base. The other end of the rod carries a cradle, in which runs a small guide pulley on the same level with the disk. The cradle turns freely about a vertical axis. A fine string is fastened to the disk and passes along the groove in its edge; it then passes over the pulley and is fastened to a mass of 200 or 300 grams. On turning the hand- wheel it is easy to regulate the speed so that the friction between the cones just causes the mass to be supported at a nearly constant level. To prevent the string from running off the guide pulley, a stiff wire with an eye is fixed to the cradle and the string is passed through this eye. It also passes through an eye fixed to the steel rod, to prevent the weight from being wound up over the pulley. The rubbing surfaces of the cones must be carefully cleaned and then four or five drops of oil must be put be- tween them; the bearings of the spindle and guide pulley should also be oiled. The cones are then weighed together with the stirrer. The inner cone is then filled to about i cm. from its edge with water 2 or 3 below the temperature of the room and the system is again weighed. The cones are then placed in position in the machine and a thermometer is hung from a support so that it passes through the central aperture in the disk and almost touches the bottom of the inner cone. One observer, X, takes his place at the hand-wheel, and the other, Y, at the friction machine. By working the machine the water is now warmed up until its temperature is nearly equal to that of the room. The index of the counting wheel is read and the temperature of the water is carefully observed every minute for five minutes. Immediately after the last reading, X turns the wheel fast enough to raise the mass until the string is tangential to the edge of the disk. If the string be not tangential the moment of its tension about the axis of revolution is seriously diminished. Y stirs the water and notes the temperature at each passage 108 HEAT. of the zero of the counting-wheel past the index; each passage of the zero after the first corresponds to 100 revolu- tions of the spindle. Y gives a signal at each passage of the zero and X notes the time by aid of a watch. After Y has recorded the temperature upon a sheet of paper previously ruled for the purpose, he also records the time observed by X. After about 1000 revolutions the motion is stopped and the readings of the index of the counting wheel and of the thermometer are recorded. Observations of the temper- ature are continued every minute for five minutes, the stirring of the water being continued. The temperature observations are plotted against the time, and the radiation correction is determined as explained on pages 63 and 64. The heat produced is readily cal- culated from the mass of water, the water equivalent of the cones and stirrer, and the corrected rise of temperature. From the initial and final readings of the counting wheel and the number of complete revolutions the exact number (n) of revolutions made by the spindle is deduced. The work done is calculated as follows: When the spindle has made n turns the work spent in overcoming the friction between the cones is the same as would have been spent if the outer cone had been fixed and the inner one had been made to revolve by the descent of the mass of M grams. In the latter case M would have fallen through innr cm. where r is the radius of the groove of the wooden disk, which must be measured. Hence the total work spent against friction and turned into heat is 2nnrMg ergs. In the report, estimate the possible error of the result as far as it depends upon the errors of observations and measurements. Questions. 1 . What amount of error is due to neglect of the work spent against friction of the bearing of the outer cone ? 2. Why must the wheel be turned faster as the experiment pro- ceeds? 3. What effect on the result has the variation of the viscosity of the oil? THE MELTING-POINT OF AN ALLOY. IOQ XXVI. THE MELTING-POINT OF AN ALLOY. Robson, Heat, pp. 77-79; Findlay, Phase Rule, pp. 220-223; Ewell, Physical Chemistry, pp. 271-272. If an alloy is melted and is allowed to cool while its tem- perature is continuously observed, and a curve be then drawn with times as abscissae and temperature as ordinates, it will be found that at certain points the curvature abruptly changes, the fall of temperature being decreased or even ceasing. At the moment corresponding to such a point, the alloy is radiating heat to the room, and the fact that its temperature does not fall as rapidly indicates that heat is being produced internally by some change of state of the material. Such a point is therefore a solidifying-point of some constituent of the alloy or of the eutectic alloy. The assigned* metals are carefully weighed and melted in an iron cup. A copper-constantinf thermocouple is plunged into the liquid metal and kept there until the entire mass is solid. A porcelain tube should cover one wire for some distance from the junction. The terminals are connected to a calibrated galvanometer through a resistance such that the maximum deflection will keep on the scale. The galvan- ometer is read every half-minute and the time of each read- ing is noted. When the readings are commenced, the metal should be considerably above the melting-point and the readings should be continued for some time after the metal is apparently solid. For calibration of the galvanometer, see Exp. LVIII. Plot the galvanometer deflections against the time. De- termine the electromotive force corresponding to the galvan- ometer deflections where the curvature changed, and from the constants of the thermocouple, or a chart giving the * Tin and lead are suitable metals. The changes of curvature are more distinct if the former is in excess. The eutectic of tin and lead is composed f 37% lead, 63% tin, and melts at 182.5 (Rosenhain and Tucker, Roy. Soc. Phil. Trans., 1908, A. 209, p. 89). f "Advance" Wire, Driver-Harris Co., Harrison, N. J. 1 10 HEAT. temperature for different electromotive forces, determine the temperature of these points. Tabulate the observed temperatures of these transition points and your opinion of what they represent. Questions. 1. Explain why the second transition point is represented by a horizontal portion of the cooling curve while the first transition point is merely represented by a change of curvature. 2. Will the temperature of the first point vary with the initial concentration ? 3. Will the temperature of the second transition point vary with the initial concentration ? XXVII. HEAT VALUE OF A SOLID. Ferry and Jones, pp. 237-242. (A) HEMPEL BOMB CALORIMETER (Constant-volume Calorimeter) A pellet of the fuel to be tested is formed in a press, a cotton cord being imbedded with a loose end. After being pared down to about i gm. and brushed, it is carefully weighed. It is then suspended in a Hempel combustion bomb, and the thread is wrapped around a platinum wire connecting the platinum supports of the basket. The ter- minals attached to these supports are connected with several Edison or storage cells sufficient to just bring the wire to a brilliant incandescence (as ascertained by a preliminary trial) . The bomb is charged with oxygen under at least fifteen atmospheres' pressure, either from a charged cylinder or produced by a retort. Bomb and pressure gauge should be immersed in water while the oxygen is being supplied. As- certain that the bomb valve is open and that all connections are screwed tight. Open the cylinder valve (if a cylinder is used) until the pressure becomes high, and then close. Lift the bomb out of the water, loosen one of the connections, and allow the mixture of air and oxygen to escape; then HEAT VALUE OF A SOLID. Ill tighten, replace in water, open the cylinder valve again until the pressure becomes high (at least fifteen atmospheres); close both the cylinder valve and that of the bomb, and finally disconnect and dry the bomb. (If the oxygen is produced in a retort, partly fill the latter with a five to one mixture of potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide, connect to the bomb and pressure gauge, and heat the upper part slowly with a Bunsen burner.) Attach the electrical terminals, place the bomb in the special vessel containing about a liter of water, adjust the Beckmann thermometer to read about i (see p. 65), stir the water continually, and read its temperature every half- minute for five minutes, estimating to tenths of the smallest graduation. Close the electric switch; after a few seconds open it and read the temperature of the continually stirred water for ten minutes. Let H be the heat value of the fuel and m the mass of the specimen, M the mass of the water, e the water equivalent of the bomb, t l the initial temperature, and t 2 the final tem- perature (corrected for radiation, see p. 63.) Then eWi-tJ cal. pergm. wi The best method in practice to determine e is to repeat the determination, using 'salicylic acid as fuel, and assum- ing its heat value to be 5300 calories per gram. (B) ROSENHAIN'S CALORIMETER (Constant-pressure Calorimeter) Phil. Mag., VI, 4, p. 451. Instead of burning the fuel in a fixed volume of highly compressed oxygen, the oxygen is supplied continuously at only slightly above atmospheric pressure. The coal is pulverized and a sample is compressed, in a special screw press, into a pellet weighing about one gram. This is placed on a porcelain dish which rests on the bottom 112 HEAT. of the inside chamber. The ignition wire should be about 3 cm. of No. 30 platinum wire and the external terminals should be connected to storage-battery terminals through a key and a resistance such that the wire will glow^brightly. A gasometer is charged with oxygen from a cylinder or gen- erated from "oxone" and water. The action of the dif- ferent valves having been studied, the apparatus should be assembled, the upper side valve (see Fig. 29) being closed and the ball valve lowered. Connect with the oxygen supply through a wash-bottle, turn on a very gentle stream of oxygen, and pour into the outer vessel a measured volume of water, at the room tempera- ture, so that the combustion chamber is just covered. If a Beckmann thermometer (see p. 65) is used, adjust to read between o and i in this water. The bulb should be sup- "~\CT_-Jj/ ported on a level with the center of the combustion chamber. Read the tempera- ture every half-minute for five minutes, then increase the oxygen current, and care- fully read the temperature and the time, close the key and ignite the pellet with the hot platinum wire, and immediately remove the wire. During such operations it is best to hold the inner vessel steady by grasping the oxygen inlet tube. Keep the water pressure in the gasometer constant, and as combustion proceeds increase the flow of oxygen. If pos- sible, read the thermometer every half-minute. When combustion has ceased, move the hot wire about to igni-te any unconsumed particles. Keep the wire hot as short a time as possible and remove it immediately from any combustion, otherwise it is liable to be melted. Finally, turn off the oxygen supply, open the upper valve, and raise the ball valve, allowing the water to enter the inner chamber. Then force out the water by closing both valves and turning on the oxygen. Record the highest FIG. 29. HEAT VALUE OF A GAS OR LIQUID. 113 temperature and the time and the temperature every half-minute for five minutes. For radiation correction, see p. 63, and for formulae, see (A) preceding. To determine e, assemble the apparatus, including the Beckmann thermometer, and pour in 1000 c.c. of water. Determine very carefully the temperature with a 0.1 thermometer and then add 500 c.c. of water at about 50, the temperature of which has also been very carefully deter- mined. Determine also very carefully the final steady temperature and from these data determine e. For anthracite coal add sugar in the proportion 3:1. (Heat of combustion of sugar = 3 900 calories per gram.) Questions. 1. Calculate the heat value of (a) one kilo of this substance, (b) one short ton in B. T. U. per lb., (c) the mechanical energy equivalent to the latter. 2. What error would be caused by (a) an error of 20 in the water equivalent? (b) allowing a current of 5 amperes to flow through a platinum wire of 2 ohms' resistance for 5 seconds? (c) Neglecting the radiation correction ? XXVIII. HEAT VALUE OF A GAS OR LIQUID. Ferry and Jones, pp. 243-246. The heat value will be determined with Junker's cal- orimeter. (A) A measured volume (v liters) of gas under an ob- served pressure, p, is burned in the calorimeter, and the rise of temperature, from tj to t 2 , of a mass of M gr. of water, is determined. The flow of water and gas is so regu- lated that the burned gas leaves the calorimeter at approxi- mately the temperature of the entering gas, and there should be a difference of at least 6 in the temperature of the in- and outflowing water. Also, the flow of water must be sufficient to furnish a constant small overflow at the supply reservoir (see Fig. 30). The burner should be lighted out- side the calorimeter. When the temperatures indicatedjDn the various thermometers have become constant, note the gasometer reading, and immediately collect in graduates the 8 HEAT. heated overflowing water, and also the water condensed by the combustion of the gas. Let the mass of the latter be m gr., and its temperature /'. Note the temperatures of the inflowing and outflowing water every 15 sec. until two or three liters have passed through. Then immediately note the gaso- meter reading and remove the graduates. Assuming that condensation of the gas occurs at 100, the heat liberated is m [536+100 2']. If H represents the heat value of the gas in gram-calories per liter and v the volume, reduced to o, and 760 mm., M(t 2 -t 1 )-m(6 3 6-t f ) FIG. 30. (B) To determine the heat value of a liquid fuel, the gas burner is replaced by a suitable lamp which is attached to one arm of a balance. The rate at which the liquid is consumed is determined from the weights in the pan, on the other side, at different times. It is best to make the weight in the pan slightly deficient and note the exact time when the balance pointer passes zero, as the liquid is consumed. Practically complete combustion is obtained with a "Primus" burner, supplied from a reservoir where the liquid is under considerable pressure. With very volatile liquids, the opening of the burner must be large and the pre-heating tubes must be in the cooler part of the flame. Express your results in (a) calories per liter (b) B. T. U. per gallon or cubic foot. Questions. 1. Is the heat value of a gas, in calories per gram, definite? Per liter? 2. What difference would there be in the result if all the water vapor escaped without condensing? 3. Why is no radiation correction necessary? PYROMETRY. 115 XXIX. PYROMETRY. Edser, Heat, pp. 339411; Bulletin, Bureau of Standards, I, 2, pp. 189-255; Watson, Practical Physics, 208-210; Le Chatelier, High Temperature Measurements, Chaps. Ill, VI, IX. This exercise is a study of three of the methods used in the measurement of very high temperatures. A hollow black body is to be heated electrically and the temperature of its interior is to be determined by means of a calibrated thermocouple. A platinum resistance ther- mometer is to be calibrated, and also an incandescent lamp is to be calibrated for use as an optical pyrometer. Electric Furnace. The electric furnace (see Fig. 31) consists of a thin porcelain cylinder about 15 cm. long and FIG. 31. 10 cm. in diameter upon which is wound about 5 m. of No. 22 " Nichrome" wire,* if a 220-volt supply is to be used. Whatever the voltage, the winding must be such as to consume about half a kilowatt. The ends of the cylinder are closed by porcelain caps with proper apertures and the whole is surrounded by many layers of asbestos. Heating and cooling must be very gradual so that the thermocouple and platinum thermometer may acquire the temperature of the furnace. The highest temperature should not exceed 1000. *$ee note bottom of page 99, Il6 HEAT. Thermocouple. A platinum and platinum +10% rhodium thermocouple should be connected to a galvanometer through a key and such a resistance as will keep the deflection on the scale at the highest temperature. The galvanometer with resistance should be calibrated as a voltmeter (Exp. LVIII). The chart or table accompanying the couple gives the temperature of the hot junction when the electromotive force is known. (The cool junction should be in ice and water.) Platinum Resistance Thermometer. The platinum resist- ance thermometer consists of a coil of fine platinum wire (for example, 50 cm. of No. 30) wound on a porcelain frame and surrounded by a glazed porcelain tube. The coil constitutes one arm of a Wheatstone's bridge. A pair of dummy leads are connected to an adjoining arm (see figure) and compensate for the heating of the lead wires. A suitable switch connects the galvanometer to either the bridge or the thermocouple. Optical Pyrometer. The optical pyrometer consists essentially of a lens and a miniature incandescent lamp. The lens focuses the interior of the enclosed furnace (an ideal black body) on the filament of the lamp. The current through the filament is adjusted until the tip of the filament is invisible against the image of the furnace. When this is true, both must be emitting similar light, and therefore they must be at approximately the same temperature. A small eye-piece aids in observing the tip of the filament. The incandescent lamp filament is to be calibrated; i.e., the current necessary to heat the tip of the filament to different temperatures is to be determined. The temperature of the filament is determined by finding the temperature of the furnace, by the thermocouple, when the two have the same temperature. (The incandescent lamp circuit contains an ammeter for measuring the current, which is omitted from Fig. 31.) Observations. While the furnace is slowly heating, and also while it is slowly cooling, observe at frequent intervals, PYROMETRY. 117 (A) the galvanometer deflection with the thermocouple, and the resistance in the galvanometer circuit; (B) the resistance of the platinum thermometer; (C) the current through the filament. The three observations should be made in succession and the times of each recorded. (D) Calibrate the galvanometer as described in Exp. LVIII, if the constant is not furnished. (E) If time permits, use the optical thermometer to determine the temperature of various distant, brightly heated bodies; e. g., melted silver, iron, or copper. An image of the hot body is formed upon the tip of the filament, and the current through the latter is adjusted until the two are indistinguishable. The tem- perature corresponding to this current is obtained from the calibration (see (e) below). Report, (a) Tabulate readings, (b) Plot the three sets of readings against the time, (c) Make a second plot with resistance as abscissae and, for ordinates, the platinum temperatures, as given by Callender's equation, RIRQ pi IOO - . where R is the extrapolated resistance at o and R 1 is the resistance at 100. Transfer to this plot also the readings of the true temperature, /, and determine the mean value of Callender's difference constant, 8, by applying at several points the equation For pure platinum 8 is 1.50. The platinum resistance thermometer is the most accurate, convenient method of measuring temperature below 1000. (d) Construct a curve which gives the temperature of the tip of the incandescent lamp filament plotted against the current, (e) Finally, determine by the latter curve the temperatures of any bodies tested with the optical pyrometer and record the results. (For a discussion of the error in Ilg HEAT. assuming for different bodies that the radiation is similar to that from a black body, see the above reference to the Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards and Haber, "Thermo- dynamics of Gas Reactions" pp. 281-291.) Questions. 1. Would you expect the platinum resistance thermometer to attain a slightly higher or a slightly lower temperature than the thermocouple? Explain. 2. Is any correction required for the absorption of the lenses in such an optical pyrometer? Explain. SOUND. /^s\ XXX. THE VELOCITY OF SOUND. Ttxt-book of Physics, (Duff), pp. 319, 320, 334-337; Watson's Physics, 287, 288, 309; Ames' General Physics, pp. 337, 363; Crew's General Physics, 213; Poynting and Thomson, Sound, Chap. VII- The velocity of sound in a medium can be found if the wave-length, L, in the medium of a note of frequency n can be determined; for v = n L. If the medium be contained in a tube, one end of which is closed, the closed end must be a node and the open end a loop. Hence the length of the tube must be an odd number of quarter wave- lengths. Such a tube will reso- nate to a fork, if the wave-length of a natural vibration of the pipe be the same as the wave-length to which the fork gives rise. Thus, if the length of pipe that resonates to a fork of known pitch be measured, we have the means of finding the velocity of sound. A long glass tube is mounted on a stand. Water is introduced from the bottom, where is at- tached a rubber tube provided with a pinch-cock and connected to a glass bottle. By raising and lowering the bottle, water may be brought to any height in the tube. The additional connec- tions represented in figure 32, permit raising or lowering the water level by opening pinch-cocks. When A is opened 119 FIG. 32. 120 SOUND. the tube fills and the tube empties upon opening D. C and B are pinch-cocks which regulate the rate of flow. The vessels are so large, compared with the capacity of the tube that only rarely is it necessary to transfer water from the lower to the upper vessel. If a tuning-fork be vibrated above the tube, resonance will first take place when the air column is approximately one- quarter wave-length of the fork, next when three-quarter wave-lengths, etc. In reality, the first loop is not exactly at the open end of the pipe, but a short distance beyond the open end. The distance between two nodes is accurately half a wave-length, and it is from this distance that the wave-length is best determined. The tuning-fork may be sounded by gently striking the end of the fork against the knee or a block of soft wood. The fork should be held above the end of the tube, so that the plane of the prongs includes the axis of the tube. Each node should be located very carefully, at least four times, each location being tested both with the water rising and with the water falling, and the distance of each position from the open end noted. The mean is taken as the true distance. The whole should then be repeated with a fork of different pitch. Observe the temperature and barometric pressure, and measure the diameter of the tube. With a little practice one can often locate nodes corresponding to the higher modes of vibration of the fork. This should be tried and, from their wave-lengths and the velocity of sound as already determined, the pitch of these higher sounds can be calculated. The pitch of the forks used may be determined by com- parison with a standard fork by the method of beats. The standard is mounted on a resonance box and is set in vibra- tion by pulling the prongs together with the fingers and then releasing them. The fork of unknown pitch is sounded in the usual way, and the end of the shank is set upon the resonance box of the standard. If the two forks are of nearly the same pitch, beats will be heard. With a stop- THE VELOCITY OF SOUND. 121 watch the time of ten, fifteen, or twenty beats, as may be convenient, is several times determined. Dividing by the time, we have the number of beats per second, and this is the difference of pitch of the two forks. To determine which fork is the higher, add a little wax to one prong of the fork used in the experiment. Since this increases the inertia of the fork, it decreases its pitch. If originally the two forks have very nearly the same pitch, so that there is only a fraction of a beat per second, very small amounts of wax should be added. A large piece of wax might change the pitch of the fork from above that of the standard to below. (Time may often be saved by comparing the fork with the standard during the necessary delays of the work described below.) The velocity of sound in carbon dioxide may be deter- mined in a similar manner. The water surface is first lowered to the bottom of the tube and the tube is filled with the gas from a generator through a small tube lowered just to the water surface (not below) . The generator consists of a tube filled with marble, surrounded by dilute hydrochloric acid. In filling the generator with marble, use only whole pieces, carefully excluding any dust or pieces small enough to drop through into the outer vessel. If the gas is not evolved in sufficient quantity, add hydrochloric acid to the outer vessel. When the air in the tube has been entirely displaced by the gas, a lighted match introduced into the top of the tube will be extinguished. The delivery tube is now withdrawn from the resonance tube, while the gas still flows out to fill the volume occupied by the delivery tube. The water surface is now slowly raised and the nodes located for one of the forks. Observations can only be made with the water rising, for, when the water surface is lowered, air enters the tube. Hence each node can be located but once. The tube is again filled and the nodes redetermined with the same fork. From the distance between the nodes and the pitch of the fork the velocity of sound is determined. 1.2 SOUND. For each gas, find the correction for the open end; that is, the displacement of the loop beyond the end of the tube. Use the mean position of the highest node and one-fourth of the mean wave-length. Find what fraction this displace- ment is of the radius of the tube. Calculate, from the mean values of the velocities, the velocity of sound in each gas at o C. (see references). Find also the ratio of the specific heats from the velocity at o C., the standard barometric pressure (both in absolute units) and the density as given in Table VI. Questions. 1. Explain why (a) readings are made with both rising and falling water (b) the plane of the prongs of the fork must contain the axis of the tube. 2. What is the influence of atmospheric moisture upon the velocity of sound? XXXI. VELOCITY OF SOUND BY KUNDT'S METHOD. Text-book of Physics (Duff), p. 338; Watson's Physics, 317; Ames' General Physics, p. 364; Crew's General Physics, 215; Poynting and Thomson, Sound, pp. 115-117; Watson's Practical Physics, 113- A glass tube, A G, about a meter long and about 3 cm. internal diameter is closed at one end by a tight-fitting piston, C, and at the other end by a cork through which passes a glass tube having at one end a loosely fitting card- board disk, D (Fig. 33). The glass tube should be about a meter long. A little dry powdered cork is sprinkled in the tube, the stopper at G is loosened, and a current of air, dried by passage through several drying tubes, is slowly forced through the hollow rod of the piston, C. The stopper at G is then replaced and the glass tube, F, is held at the center and stroked longitudinally with a damp cloth. The piston, C, is adjusted until the powder collects in the sharp- est attainable ridges. These ridges will appear where the pressure changes are least; that is, at the loops. Measure carefully the distance between two extreme ridges and VELOCITY OF SOUND BY KUNDT's METHOD. 123 divide by the number of segments into which the tube is divided. This distance (between two loops) is a half wave- length of the waves in the tube. Disturb the powder and make a new adjustment of the piston, C, and a new measure- ment of the half wave-length. Make a third repetition of the adjustments and readings. 7^1 1 1 c r~ j A C D FIG. 33. 6 Fill the tube with another dried gas, for example, carbon dioxide, illuminating gas, hydrogen, oxygen, or hydrogen sulphide, and determine the half wave-length. If n is the constant pitch of the note emitted by the glass tube and / is the wave-length in the gas v i l i v=nl .'. =~i. ^2 k Since the velocity changes at the same rate with change of temperature in all gases (see references), the velocity of sound or compressional waves at zero degrees in any other gas than air can be calculated from the ratio of the wave- lengths at a common temperature, and the velocity in air at zero degrees (33,200 cm. per second). From the velocity of sound at zero degrees in the gases other than air and the standard atmospheric pressure cal- culate the ratio of specific heats, 7- (see references). Table VI gives the densities of the more common gases and vapors at zero degrees and a pressure of 76 cm. of mercury = 1013200 dynes per square centimeter. Questions. 1. Calculate (a) the velocity of compressional waves in glass, (b) the elasticity E. (Notice that each end of the glass rod must be a loop, and the center a node. The density of glass can be obtained from Table VIII.) 2. Why must the glass rod be set in longitudinal vibration? 3. Why does the powder collect at the loops? LIGHT. 27. Monochromatic Light. The simplest and most useful monochromatic light is the sodium flame. Sodium may be introduced into a Bunsen flame by surrounding the tube of the burner with a tightly fitting cylinder of asbestos which has been saturated with a strong solution of common salt and formed into cylindrical shape by wrapping around the burner while still damp. As the top of the cylinder is exhausted, it should be torn off and the rest of the tube pushed up into the lower part of the flame. A piece of hard-glass tubing held in the flame will also give a good sodium light. Elements giving red, green, blue, and violet light will be found in Table XVIII. Salts of these elements (e. g., KN0 3 , SrCl 2 , CaCl 2 , LiCl) may be introduced into the outer edge of a bunsen flame, either in a thin platinum spoon, on copper gauze, or by a piece of wood charcoal which has absorbed a solution. If a very intense light is not required, a vacuum tube is a very satisfactory source (Table XVIII). Intense light of one general color may be obtained by filtering sun light or the light from an arc light through colored glass or gelatine. The solutions given in the accompanying table give much purer monochromatic light. Light Filters (Landolt).* Color Thickness of layer (mm.) Aqueous solution of j Grams per IOO C.C. Average wave-length (Angstrom units) Red.. 20 20 , Crystal violet 560 Potassium chromate .005 10. 6560 Green 2O 20 ; Copper chloride Potassium chromate 60. 10. 5330 Blue.. 20 2O l Crystal violet 1 Copper sulphate .005 15- 4480 * Mann, Manual of Advanced Optics, p. 185. 124 SPHERICAL MIRRORS AND LENSES. 125 28. Rule of Signs for Spherical Mirrors and Lenses. Mirrors. Consider the side upon which the incident light falls as the positive side of the mirror. If the object, the image, or the principal focus is on this side, their respective distances, (u, v, f=rj 2) will be positive; if on the other side, negative. Therefore, the focal length (and hence radius) is positive for concave mirrors and negative for convex. The object distance, u, will obviously, in most cases, be positive. The formula for all spherical mirrors is : I I I 2 U V f Y if the signs of the numerical quantities which are substituted for u, v, f, and r are determined by the above rule. Lenses. Let all the distances, u, v, f, r lt r 2 be positive for the double convex lens, when the object is outside the principal focus; that is, in the most common case. The formula for all lenses is then U V f As an illustration of the application of this rule, consider the signs of these distances when an image of a real object is formed by a double concave lens. The distance, u, of the object is obviously measured on the same side as it would be in the standard case of the double convex lens and is, therefore, positive. The distances / and v are, however measured on the same side of the lens as the object, or opposite to the standard case with the double convex lens, and are, therefore, negative. r lt the radius of the front face, is on the same side as the object, while in the case of the double convex lens this radius is on the other side, therefore r lt and similarly r 2 , is negative for a double concave lens. XXXII. PHOTOMETRY. Text-book of Physics (Duff), p. 353; Watson's Physics, 361-364; Ames' General Physics, pp. 437, 442; Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 382-387; Edser, Light, pp. 9-20; Stine's Photometrical Measurements; Palaz' Photometry. The intensity of illumination of a surface by a source of light of small area varies inversely as the square of the distance. Hence it follows that, if two lights produce equal intensities of illumination at a point, P, their illuminating powers, or the intensities of illumination they can produce at unit distances, are directly as the squares of their distances from P. This is the basis of all practical methods of com- paring illuminating powers. As a means of testing when two different sources of light produce equal illumination at a point, various so-called screens have been used. The one that has been most extensively employed is Bunsen's grease-spot screen. It is based on the fact that a grease-spot on paper is invisible when the paper is equally illuminated on both sides, since viewed from one side as much light is gained by transmission from the farther side as is lost by transmission to the farther side. Another screen more perfect in some respects is that of Lummer and Brodhun. A white opaque disk (see figure 34) is illuminated on opposite sides by the two sources of light. An arrangement of mirrors and lenses enables one eye to view both sides at once. Two plane mirrors reflect rays from the two sides into a double glass prism. This consists of two separate right-angled prisms, the largest face of one being partly beveled away and the two being cemented to- gether by Canada balsam, which has the same optical density as the glass, and therefore reflects no light. The central rays from the left pass through the double prism to the tele-. 126 PHOTOMETRY. 127 scope while the marginal rays are totally reflected by the beveled edge. The marginal rays from the right are totally reflected and reach the telescope, but the central rays pass through. Thus the eye sees a circular portion of the left side of the opaque disk and a surrounding rim of the right side. To eliminate error from lack of symmetry, the lamps compared should be interchanged in the course of the readings or the screen should be rotated 180. The lights to be compared are mounted at opposite ends of a graduated bar 3 meters long, which, with a parallel bar and suitable sup- ports, constitutes the photometer bench. The screen is mounted on a carriage movable along the bench. Many light standards have been employed. A candle of certain care- FlG fully specified dimensions was long employed, and the illuminating power of such a candle is still regarded as the unit and called "one candle-power," but, for practical purposes in testing, some other standard is usually employed. The best such standard is a lamp, with a wick of specified form and dimensions, burning amyl acetate with a flame of specified height. (See references.) Its relation to the "candle-power" is i c. p. = 1.14 amyl acetate units. For most purposes an incandescent lamp that has been standardized is the most useful standard, especially in the study of incandescent lamps; but it must not be used any great length of time without being re-stand- ardized, since its illuminating power changes with prolonged use. The chief difficulty in comparing two different forms of light is due to the fact that a difference of quality of the two lights renders perfectly equal and similar illumination of the two sides of the screen impossible. This difficulty is still more marked in the study of arc-lights (for mechan- 128 LIGHT. ical arrangements see Stine, p. 236), for which it is best to use as an intermediate unit a very powerful incandescent lamp. The latter may be standardized by comparison with an ordinary incandescent lamp, which again is compared with an amyl acetate standard. Before connecting a lamp to a circuit, ascertain that the voltage is not excessive for that particular lamp. (A) Carefully standardize an incandescent lamp, for use as a working standard, by comparison with either an amyl acetate lamp or a standardized incandescent lamp. If the latter is used, the lamps should be in parallel, that the voltage may be the same, and a variable resistance should also be in the circuit, by varying which the voltage across the lamps is maintained at the value prescribed for the standard. See that the filament of the standard is in the marked azimuth and note the position of the filament for which the other lamp is standardized. In each case several settings of the screen should be rapidly made, and then the screen reversed and several more made. The calculations may be facilitated by Table XXL (B) The law of inverse squares should be tested by com- paring two somewhat different incandescent lamps (i) when 3 m. apart, (2) when 2.5m. apart, (3) when 2 m. apart on the photometer bench. The ratio of their illuminating powers, as deduced in the three cases, should be a constant. (C) The horizontal distribution of candle-power about an incandescent lamp should be studied. This incandes- cent lamp should be connected in parallel with the working standard and the voltage maintained at the value for which the latter was standardized. The lamp should be mounted on the revolving lamp-holder of the photometer, care being taken to have the center of the filament at the same height as the center of the screen. The lamp is first turned to the standard position, i. e., the position in which the plane of the shanks of the filament is at right angles to the photom- eter bench, and a marked face of the lamp is toward the screen. The candle-power of the lamp is to be found in PHOTOMETRY. 1 29 this position and at positions 30 apart as the lamp is ro- tated through 360. Two careful readings should be made at each angle and the c. p. deduced from the mean. The mean of all these values of the c. p. gives the mean horizon- tal candle-power, A curve should be plotted, giving the distribution of c. p. in polar co-ordinates. The mean hori- zontal candle-power is more easily determined by continu- ously rotating the lamp about a vertical axis by means of a small motor. (D) Efficiency of an Incandescent Lamp. Keeping the potential of the working standard at the proper point (or calibrating and using a lamp which may be connected to the lighting circuit if the potential of that is constant), apply various potentials to the lamp used in (C) at intervals be- tween about 25% below the normal voltage to 25% above. For each potential, determine the candle-power and current. Calculate the watts consumed and the watts per candle- power. In the report, plot in three curves, with volts as abscissae, (a) current, (b) candle-power, (c) watts per candle-power. The scales of the three curves should be shown on the vertical axis. (E) Mean Spherical Candle-power. With the lamp in the standard position of (C), find the c. p. at intervals of 30 in a vertical circle by rotating the lamp about a horizontal axis. After this, start again from the standard position and first turn the lamp through 45 in azimuth (or around a vertical axis), and then, as before, find the c. p. at intervals of 30 in the vertical circle of 45 azimuth, and so for the vertical circles of 90 and 135 azimuth. As before, plot the curves of distribution in polar co-ordinates. To find the mean spherical candle-power omit any repetitions and take the mean of the readings in the following positions : 1 . At tip i 2. At 60, 120, 240, 300 on the vertical circles of o and 90 azimuth 8 3. At 30, 150, 210, 330 on the vertical circles of o, 45, 90, 135 azimuth 16 4. 12 equidistant positions on horizontal circle 12 5. At base (o) i Total, 38 These directions are chosen because they are nearly uniformly distributed in space. 9 130 LIGHT. (F) If time permit, study the differences of quality of light given by different sources; e. g., compare an oil lamp and an incandescent lamp using interposed colored glasses: (i) a pair of red glasses, (2) of yellow glasses, (3) of blue glasses. Calculate the relative illuminating powers in each case. The possible error may be deduced as usual from the mean deviation of the readings in a set. Questions. 1. Explain the deviation of the current-voltage curve from a straight line. 2. What is the advantage in increasing the voltage applied to an incandescent lamp? Disadvantage? XXXIII. SPECTROMETER MEASUREMENTS. Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 387, 436, 437, 440; Watson's Phys- ics, pp. 468, 469, 493; Antes' General Physics, pp. 459, 460, 505, 506; Crew's General Physics, p. 510; Edser's Light, pp. 86-91. A spectrometer consists of a framework supporting a telescope and a collimator, both movable about a vertical axis, and a platform movable about the same axis. The platform is for supporting a prism or grating. The colli- mator is a tube containing an adjustable slit at one end and a lens at the other end. The purpose of the collimator is to render light coming from the slit parallel after it leaves the lens. (Only when the light that falls on a prism is par- allel light, that is, light with plane wave front, does it seem when emerging from the prism to come from a clearly de- fined source. When it is not parallel, there is spherical aberration.) Hence the slit of the collimator should be in the principal focus of the lens. The telescope is for the purpose of viewing the light that comes from the collimator, either directly or after the light has been refracted or reflected. Hence, since the light that comes from the colli- mator is supposed to be parallel, that is, as if it came from a very distant source, it follows that if the telescope is to SPECTROMETER MEASUREMENTS. 131 receive the light and form a distinct image of the slit, the telescope must be focused as for a very distant object (theo- retically an infinitely distant one) . The first adjustment is to focus the telescope. First focus the eye-piece of the telescope on the cross-hairs and then focus the whole telescope on a distant object out of doors. The telescope will now be in focus for parallel rays. Turn the telescope to view the image of the slit formed by the collimator and adjust the slit until its image is seen most distinctly. That the instrument should be in complete adjustment, it is necessary that the telescope, collimator, and platform should rotate about the same axis, and that the optical axes of the telescope and the collimator should be perpendicular to this axis of rotation. For fine work spectrometers are made with all these parts separately adjustable, but simpler instruments have the telescope and collimator put into per- manent adjustment by the instrument maker. In any case the telescope and collimator should not be adjusted for level without the advice of an instructor. Adjustment of Prism. The refracting edge of the prism must be made parallel to the axis of the instrument. Place the prism on the platform with one of the faces perpendicular to the line joining two of the leveling screws. Turn the collimator slit horizontal and place the telescope so as to receive the image of the slit reflected from this face of the prism. Adjust these two leveling screws until the image of the stationary edge of the slit coincides with the horizontal cross-hair. Then observe the image reflected from the other face and adjust the third leveling screw until the edge of this image is on the horizontal cross-hair. A little con- sideration will show that, when these two adjustments have been made, both faces, and therefore the refracting edge, are parallel to the axis. Restore the collimator slit to the vertical position. Measurement of the Angle of a Prism. Method (A). The prism should be so placed that the faces are about equally 132 LIGHT. inclined to the collimator. To secure good illumination, the edge of the prism should be near the axis of the instrument. The telescope is turned to view the image of the slit in the two faces alternately, and the scale and vernier read when the slit and cross-hair coincide, the slit being narrowed until barely visible. If the scale is provided with two verniers, to eliminate error from eccentricity, always read them both. Half of the angle between the two positions of the telescope gives the angle, A, of the prism, as may be readily seen by drawing a diagram. The readings on each side should be repeated three times. Method (B). The following method, which is some- times easier than the preceding, may be used if the platform that carries the prism can be rotated and the rotation read by a scale. Turn one face of the prism so as to reflect the image of the slit into the telescope. Adjust the telescope until the vertical cross-hair coincides with the slit and then read the platform scale. Now rotate the platform until the other face of the prism reflects the slit and again read the platform scale. The difference of the readings is 1 80 A, as may readily be seen by drawing a figure. The observation should be repeated at least three times. We are now in a position to make a final measurement for finding the index of refraction of the glass of the prism for any particular light of the spectrum, for instance, sodium light (see p. 124). The only additional measure- ment necessary is the deviation produced by the prism when it is in such a position that it gives a minimum deviation to the light refracted through it. Minimum Deviation. The position of minimum devia- tion is such that the image of the slit seen in the telescope moves in the same direction (that of increasing deviation) no matter which way the platform carrying the prism is turned. There are, of course, two positions in which the deviation can be obtained, one with the refracting edge turned toward the right of the observer, and the other with it toward the left. The deviation in each case is the angle SPECTROMETER MEASUREMENTS. 133 between the corresponding position of the telescope and its position when looking directly into the collimator, the prism being removed. But it is not necessary to remove the prism, for it is easily seen that the minimum deviation must also be equal to half of the angle between the two positions of the telescope when observing the minimum deviation. FIG. 35. These two positions should be observed three times success- ively, and the mean value for the minimum deviation, D, taken. From A and D the index of refraction may be cal- culated by the formula sin If time permit, determine the index of refraction for as many other wave-lengths (colors) as possible (see p. 124). The possible error of the determination of the refractive index can be calculated by means of formulae deduced by the calculus, as explained on pp. 7, 8. A simple, but less accurate method is to recalculate n with A and D, increased by their mean deviations and to consider the difference between this value and the original value as the possible error. It is probable that in this experiment there are other sources of error that exceed mere error in reading the scale; e. g., (i) The faces of the prism may not be true planes, (2) the divided circle may not be uniform, (3) the center of the circular scale may not coincide with the cen- ter of the instrument, (4) the various adjustments may not be perfect, (5) there may be difficulty in fixing the position 134 LIGHT. of minimum deviation. These errors might be eliminated by repeating all the adjustments and observations many times and using different parts of the divided scale. There is no other way of allowing for them. Questions. 1. Give both physical and mathematical definitions of the refract- ive index. 2. Why is monochromatic light used? 3. Why is the minimum deviation chosen? XXXIV. MEASUREMENT OF RADIUS OF CURVATURE. Glasebrook and Shaw, Practical Physics, pp. 339-343; Edser, Light, pp. 116-121; Koklrausch, pp. 174-176. The radius of curvature of a surface may be determined from the size or position of the image which the spherical surface, regarded as a mirror, forms of a definite object. Method (A) below is especially applicable to the measure- ment of the radius of curvature of convex surfaces, and method (B) to concave surfaces. (A) Two bright objects (see Fig. 36) are placed on a line at right angles to the axis of the spherical surface, the intersection of the line and the axis being at a considerable distance A, from the surface, and each object being at a distance L/ 2 from the axis. If the apparent distance be- tween the images of the two objects be /, the radius of curva- ture of the surface is ~ the + sign being used for a concave surface and the sign for a convex. Proof. (For convex mirror.) Let telescope. The telescope and the lens are adjusted until, on looking through the telescope toward the lens, the illumi- nated slits are seen reflected from the near surface of the lens. Distinguish these im- ages from the images produced by the rear surface of the lens by the change of focus necessary to make one pair of images most distinct, and then to make the other pair most distinct, or, by observing the two images of a light held just outside one of the slits. Remember that the telescope inverts. A paper scale is pinned over the lens so that the upper edge is just below the center of the lens. The telescope is focused upon the scale, and rotated until the vertical cross-hair bisects one of the images from the near surf ace 'of the lens, and the scale read where crossed by the cross-hair. (Esti- 136 LIGHT. mate tenths of millimeters as always.) A similar reading is made for the other image. The difference between the two readings gives the apparent distance, /, between the images. At least six independent determinations of this distance should be made. Measure the distance, L, between the slits, the distance, A, from the lens surface to the line joining the slits and substitute in the formula. From the two radii of curvature and the focal length, if known, calculate the refractive index, n, of the glass of the lens by means of the formula (B) As a concave mirror we may use one of the surfaces of a concave lens, mounted in a lens-holder. To reduce reflection from the other surface, the latter may be covered by moist filter paper. The radius is determined from u, the distance of the object, v, the distance of the image and the formula 112 -+-=-, (seep. 125). u v r In locating the image, use is made of the fact that if the eye is a considerable distance off, a real image can be seen in space as well as a virtual image, and a wire, needle, or pointer is moved about until there is no parallax between it and the image; i. e., until, when the eye is moved about, there is no relative motion of the two. A vertical wire illuminated by a lamp, behind which is a sheet of white paper, is a convenient object, and a second mounted wire is moved about until it coincides with the image of the first (see (B) Exp. XXXV). The image should be found for at least the following three typical positions of the object. For each position make several settings and from the means determine u and v, and from them determine r. (i) Let the object be at a considerable distance from the mirror. FOCAL LENGTH OF LENS. 137 (2) Let the object be at the center of curvature of the mirror. In this position the image and the object coincide. (3) Let the object be within the principal focus. For this position the wire locating the image must be on the other side of the lens. This wire is moved about until the pro- longation above the lens of the image of the first wire coincides with what is seen of the second wire above the lens. In the report, sketch the relative positions of mirror, image, and object, and state whether ' the image was magnified or diminished, erect or inverted. (C) If time permit, check your results with a spherometer (see p. 16). The spherometer should be read alternately on a plane surface and on the lens. Let a = difference in the two readings (see Fig. 37) and r = radius of the circle of the legs. Then the radius of curvature of the lens is as may be easily shown. Questions. 1. For what lenses would the first method of determining the radius of curvature be preferable, and when would the spherometer be preferable ? 2. What objection is there to determining the radius of curvature of the farther face of a convex lens, considering it a concave surface? 3. What advantages has the method used in (B) for locating real images over the use of a screen ? 4. How could you directly determine with a screen the center of curvature of a concave mirror? XXXV. FOCAL LENGTH OF A LENS. Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 392-398; Watson's Physics, pp. 471- 479; Ames' General Physics, pp. 470483; Crew's General Physics, pp. 466-469; Edser, Light, pp. 110-116; Glazebrook and Shaw, Practical Physics, pp. 343-352. The focal length of a lens is the distance from the optical center of the lens to the focus for rays of light from an 138 LIGHT. infinite distance; i. e., for plane waves. If / is the focal length, u the distance of the object from the lens, and v that of the image, then, with the convention respecting signs given on page 125, for all lenses iii v u f (A) Real Image. (li Exp. XXXIV has preceded, use the same lenses.) An "object," the lens, and a screen for receiving the image of the object, are mounted so that they can be moved along a graduated scale. A convenient form for the object is a wire cross or gauze, mounted in a black wooden support, and illuminated from behind by an incandescent lamp. The lens is clamped in a wooden frame movable along the scale. This should grasp the lens on the sides, leaving the top and bottom clear. The distance from the center of the lens to some point on the support must be determined once for all and applied as a correction to the readings. With object and screen in fixed positions that are recorded, the lens is adjusted until the image on the screen is as distinct as possible and its position is then recorded. This should be done several times, and the mean taken for the position of the lens. Keeping object and screen fixed and moving the lens about, , another image will be found, for which similar observations should be made. Calculate / from the averages of all the values of u and v. The object and screen should then be shifted and the observations repeated. From the two sets of observations a mean value of / is deduced. Study of Spherical Aberration. Determine / for the central part of the lens by covering, with a pasteboard screen, all but a central disk of about one-third the diameter of the lens. Similarly determine / for the edge of the lens, using a diaphragm covering all but the edge. Study of Chromatic Aberration. Using the entire lens, FOCAL LENGTH OF LENS. 139 determine / for red light by placing red glass before the lens or object, and similarly for blue or green light. In the report, tabulate, for comparison, the different mean values of /. (B) Virtual Image. In the preceding a real image was observed, but the focal length may also be found from observations of a virtual image. The following directions apply to a divergent lens. A vertical dark line on a white background serves as object. The image (between the lens and the object) is located with a short vertical wire, which is moved back and forth until a position is found where the image of the dark line seen through the lens (a in Fig. 38) appears at the same distance as the portion of the wire seen just below or above the lens (b in Fig. 38). This is secured when there is no relative motion of the image and this wire as the eye is moved horizontally, i. e., the wire appears as the prolongation of the. image of the dark line or remains equidistant from such a prolongation, v will be the distance from the center of the lens to this wire which locates the image. Using a longer wire as the object and the dark line to locate the image, this method may be applied to the virtual image of a convergent lens. Estimate the possible error of a typical measurement of /. . Since practically all the error is in the location of the lens, the distance between the object and the screen may be considered free from error. If this distance is desig- nated by w , the formula becomes , u wu j from which a formula may easily be derived for the possible error in / in terms of the possible error in u. The latter may be taken as the mean deviation from the mean in the location of the lens (see p. 4). If Exp. XXXIV has preceded, determine the refract- ive index of the glass from the focal length and the radii of curvature. 140 LIGHT. Questions. 1. What is the minimum distance between object and screen to secure a real image? The maximum distance between object and lens to secure a virtual image? 2. What advantage is there in covering with a diaphragm all but the central portion of a lens? What disadvantage? 3. What is the cause of chromatic aberration? 4. What sort of a lens would show large spherical aberration? Large chromatic aberration? XXXVI. LENS COMBINATIONS. Edser, Light, Chaps. VI, VII, X; Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 358- 367; Drude's Optics, pp. 44-46, 66-72; Hastings' Light, Appendix A. Antes' General Physics, pp. 488, 493, 494. (A) Determination of Principal Foci. Calculation from Focal Lengths and Separation. Let two lenses of focal lengths, /!, and/ 2 , be separated a distance d. An object at a distance u from the first lens forms an image at a distance v deter- mined by the equation v ^ u uf l ' This image acts as an object for the second lens at a distance d v. Hence the distance of the final image from the optical center of the second lens is given by the equation i i i i u ~fi v' /a d ~ v / 2 du-dfi-ufi If u is infinite, v r is the distance, V, of the principal focus from the optical center of the second lens, Experimental Location. Determine experimentally the position of this principal focus by finding the position in which an object must be placed for clear vision when it is viewed through the combination with a telescope focused for a very distant object. Compare with the calculated position. Determine similarly the other principal focus. LENS COMBINATIONS. 141 (B) Determination of Focal Length. To determine the focal length, the position of the "principal points" must be known, as well as the principal foci. With thin lenses, the principal points practically coincide at the so-called "optical center." In thick lenses or lens combinations they may be considerably separated. The focal length is the distance from either principal focus to the nearer principal point. The equations for locating the image, iii -+-=7, it v f and for finding the linear magnification, 7' M = - u are applicable in all cases, if u and v are measured from the principal points. Since it is difficult to locate the principal points, a method is often employed for determining the focal length which eliminates their position. Suppose that the linear mag- nification is M lt when the distance of the object from the principal plane is u lt and M 2 when the object is moved until its distance is u. If the focal length is small, the magnification should be determined with a micrometer microscope. A carefully graduated scale is a convenient object and the size of the image of one or more divisions is measured for two positions of the object a known distance apart. (Principle of Abbe's Focometer.) Thus determine the focal length of the combination used in (A). Determine also the focal length of both the objective and the eye-piece of a telescope, using the same 142 LIGHT. one as employed in Exp. XXXVII, if that has pre- ceded, and calculate the magnifying power for great distances. In the report, draw careful figures of the lens combina- tions, representing the principal foci and principal points as calculated from the final mean results. (C) If the principal points of a convergent system are close together, i. e., if the lens or lenses may be said to have an optical center, we may use the following approximate method: If w is the distance between object and image, and x that between the two positions of the lens for real images, u=(wx)/2, v=(wx)/2. Substituting these values in the formula we get Zf 2 X 2 4W If time permit, try this method for the combination of lenses. Describe a lens combination which (i) magnifies without distortion; (2) magnifies without chromatic aberration; (3) inverts without magnifying. (See references.) XXXVII. MAGNIFYING POWER OF A TELESCOPE. Glazebrook and Shaw, pp. 358363; Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 367, 368. The magnifying power of a telescope is the ratio of the angle subtended at the eye by the image as seen through the telescope to the angle subtended by the object viewed directly. (If Exps. XXXVI and XXXVIII have already been performed, use the telescope employed in those experiments.) (A) Direct Method. A minute mirror is attached to the telescope by wax so as to make an angle of about 45 with the axis and partly cover the aperture of the eye-piece. The telescope is focused upon a scale. A second scale is mounted parallel to the first and near the eye-piece, in such a MAGNIFYING POWER OF A TELESCOPE. 143 position that the observer's eye sees, side by side, the image of the scale viewed though the telescope and the image of the other scale reflected in the small mirror. From the ratio of the images of one or more scale divisions, and their distances, the angles are calculated, and from their ratio the magnifying power is deduced. Find the magnifying power for at least six distances, making several observations for each. Also determine the angular field of view of the telescope by determining for each distance, r, the total distance on the scale, n, visible in the telescope. The angular field of view, in degrees, will be The magnifying power defined above is very approximately equal to (i) the ratio of the magnitude of the image to the magnitude of the object when the two are in the same plane, and, for great distances, is equal to (2) the ratio of the focal length of the objective to the focal length of the eye-piece. .* ~~---K)* ---'' f> FIG. 39. The eye-piece is of such short focus that the angle subtended by its image is practically the same as if the image were at infinity. For convenience we will consider the virtual image P' Q' (see Fig. 39) produced by the eye-piece to be at the same distance as the object Since the telescope usually views objects at distances great com- pared with its own length, the angle subtended by the object viewed directly is practically P a Q = p a q, and that subtended by the image is P' b Q f = p b q. The ratio of these two angles, which may be taken as the ratio of the tangents, since the angles are small, = a c -r- c b = the ratio of the focal length of the objective to the focal length of the eye-piece; and also, since the length of the telescope is short compared with the distance of the object, this ratio = P' Q' + P Q, or the ratio of the magnitude of the image to the magnitude of the object. 144 LIGHT. (B) The first approximate statement of the magnifying power furnishes another method for determining the mag- nifying power for different distances of the object. The telescope is directed toward a horizontal scale. The scale is viewed through the telescope with one eye and is also observed with the other eye by looking along the outside of the telescope. The eye-piece is moved in or out until the image appears at the same distance as the scale as viewed outside the telescope with the other eye, i. e., until there is no parallax between the scale and its image (no relative motion of the two as the eye is moved about). It may require some practice to secure this. Determine the number of divisions on the scale which, as viewed directly, are covered by the image of one or two large divisions as viewed through the telescope. If it is difficult to read the division on the scale viewed directly, two black strips may be moved along the scale until they include the image of one or more divisions as seen through the telescope, and the distance between these strips read off. Repeat the measurements of (A). (C) The second method of defining the magnifying power of a telescope is useful in determining the magnifying power 'for very distant objects. Focus the telescope on some very distant object. Without changing the focus, remove the object glass and substitute for it a diaphragm with a rec- tangular opening. The ratio of the focal length of the objective to the focal length of the eye-piece is the ratio of a linear dimension of the aperture of the diaphragm, L, to the corresponding dimension, /, of the image of this aperture produced by the eye-piece. Since the telescope was focused for parallel rays, the distance, u, of the object, L, from the eye-piece is numerically very nearly the sum of the focal lengths, P+f (Fig. 40). .'.the distance of the image, /, formed by the eye-piece, is determined by i = _-i i -f+(F+f) F v (F+fVf- /(F+/) /(F+/)' Hence, RESOLVING POWER OF OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 145 To measure /, a micrometer microscope (see p. 15) may be used, the microscope being in line with the axis of the telescope and focused upon the real image in space. L may FIG. 40. be measured with vernier calipers, or the same micrometer microscope may be placed opposite the other end of the telescope and L measured in the same way as /. Questions. 1. Explain why the magnifying power should vary as you have found it to do with the distance of the object. 2. Which is preferable to gain magnifying power by increasing the focal length of the objective, or by decreasing the focal length of the eye-piece? Why? XXXVIII. RESOLVING POWER OF OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 421, 422; Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 335338; Antes' General Physics, pp. 483487; Mann, Advanced Optics, pp. 11-18; Drude's Optics, pp. 235-236; Hast- ings' Light, pp. 7072. The magnification obtained with an optical instrument depends upon the focal lengths of its lenses, as has been seen in the case of the telescope. The ability to distinguish details of the image, i. e., the "resolving power," depends on the diameter of the aperture through which light enters the instrument. If d is the distance between two details of an object at a distance D from an aperture whose width parallel to these details is a, they may be distinguished if d I D>a 10 146 LIGHT. where / is the wave-length of the light employed. If the aperture is circular, the equation is d I where a is the diameter of the aperture. (A) Resolving Power of Telescope. Metal gauze answers as a very satisfactory object for studying the resolving power, as it gives a great amount of uniform detail. Since this detail consists of rectangular lines, and the aperture of the object glass is circular, the determination of the maxi- mum distance at which the lines are discernible will be more definite, if the aperture is made rectangular by placing a slit in front of the object glass. Determine carefully by several settings, the maximum distance, D, at which the lines of the gauze, parallel to the slit, are perceived. The gauze should be illuminated from behind by monochromatic light (p. 124). Measure carefully the distance, d, between the centers of the adjacent wires of the gauze, and the width of the slit, a. Compare d/D with //a; / may be obtained from Table XVIII. Repeat with other slits and other gauzes. (B) Resolving Power of Eye. With Porter's apparatus the resolving power of the eye may be determined for various apertures. Four different gauzes, 37 .6, 27, 20, and 14, meshes to the cm., respectively, may be viewed through four different apertures of diameters i.oo mm., 0.65 mm., 0.53 mm., and 0.35 mm., respectively. The resolving power is de- temined by finding the distance, D, from a slit of diameter a to a gauze, of which the distance between the centers of two adjacent wires is d, when the wires are separately dis- cernible. From the mean position of several settings of a particular gauze for a particular aperture, d/D should be calculated and compared with 1.2 I /a. If ordinary light is used, / may be taken as 0.00006 cm. Use each aperture and gauze in succession. WAVE-LENGTH OF LIGHT BY DIFFRACTION GRATING. 147 Questions. (1) Upon what does the illumination of the image of an optical rnstrument depend? (2) When the diameter of the pupil of the eye is 4 mm., how far away may two points be distinguished which are o. 2 mm. apart? XXXIX. WAVE-LENGTH OF LIGHT BY DIFFRACTION GRATING. Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 423, 437; Watson's Physics, pp. 529-532; Ames' General Physics, pp. 530-537; Crew's General Physics, pp. 488491; Edser, Light, pp. 448-458; Wood, Physical Optics, pp. 168-180. A diffraction grating consists of a great many lines ruled parallel and equidistant on a plane (or concave) surface. If the surface be that of glass, the grating is a transmission grating; if of metal, a reflection grating. If a transmission grating be placed perpendicular to homogeneous parallel light from a collimator (see Exp. XXXIII) and with the lines parallel to the slit, a series of spectra will be formed on either side of the beam of light transmitted without deviation. If n be the number or order of a particular spectrum counting from the center, 6 the deviation or angle that the rays forming the spectrum make with the original direction of the light, a the grating space or average distance between the centers of adjacent lines, and / the wave-length of the light I a sin 6. n The deviation 6 may be observed by placing the grating on a spectrometer (see Exp. XXXIII where the ad- justments of the spectrometer are described). The position of the telescope when in line with the collimator is read. The grating is adjusted parallel to the axis of rotation of telescope and collimator as one face of a prism is adjusted. For convenience in adjusting, the plane of the grating should be perpendicular to the line of two of the leveling-screws. This enables us to adjust the lines of the grating parallel 148 LIGHT. to the slit by means of one leveling-screw without altering the plane of the grating. The lines are parallel to the slit when the spectrum of some homogeneous light, e. g., from a sodium flame (p. 124), is as distinct as possible. When the plane of the grating is perpendicular to the incident light, the deviations (on opposite sides) of the two spectra of the same order should be equal. This adjustment is also secured when that part of the beam which is reflected back to the collimator appears co-axial with its object glass. Determine first the wave-length of sodium light. For a final measure- ment of the deviation of any spectrum the mean of at least three measure- ments on each side should be taken. The deviations of all the spectra clearly visible should be obtained. If the grating space be not too small it may be obtained by measurements on a dividing engine (p. 17), or with a micrometer microscope (p. 15). In determining the grating space with the dividing engine, secure the best possible illumination of the lines. Set the cross-hair of the micro- scope on a line and read the position of the divided head (circular scale). Watching the lines through the micro- scope, turn the screw, always in the same direction, until, for example, the tenth line is under the cross-hair, and read the circular scale. Then turn the screw until the tenth line from this is under the cross-hair, read the scale, and so on. Take ten such groups in different parts of the grating. Find the average grating space from the mean. When the grating space is very small, the wave-length of some well- known spectrum (e. g., sodium) is assumed in order that the grating space may be derived by reversing the process of finding the wave-length. If time permit, determine the wave-length of as many other lights (colors) as possible (see p. 124). FIG. 41. INTERFEROMETER. 149 Questions. 1. What do you observe as regards the width of spectra of different orders? What would this indicate as regards the disper- sion if mixed light or light from an incandescent solid were used ? 2. What is a normal spectrum and wherein does a prismatic spectrum differ from a diffraction spectrum? (See references.) XL. INTERFEROMETER. Text-book of Physics (Duff), p. 438; Watson's Physics, p. 540; Mann, Advanced Optics, Chap. V; Wood, Optics, Chap. VIII; Michelson, Light Waves and Their Uses. The interferometer is an instrument for determining the number of wave-lengths of a monochromatic light con- tained in a given distance. For a description of the inter- ferometer and the adjustments, see the references. The interferometer will be used to determine the wave- length of sodium light, assuming a knowledge of the true pitch of the screw. This will | i illustrate the more practical and common, but also more difficult, utilization of the in- terferometer in determining a length, assuming a knowledge of the wave-length of the light employed. The light 5 (see figure) had best be monochromatic, FlG 42 e. g., a sodium flame. Initially, place the mirror D at approximately the same distance from the rear face of A as the distance from this surface to C. Adjust C until its image coincides with either of the images from D. (There will be two images owing to reflection from the two faces of A.) A slight adjustment will now give the fringes (alternate light and dark bands, preferably arcs of circles) . The observer must look at A in a direction parallel to AD. Move the mirror D by means of the worm, and count 150 LIGHT. the number of fringes which pass over the field of view. A needle in front of A may help as an index. From the number of turns and fractional turns of the screw and the value of the pitch of the screw, find the distance D has moved and from this and the number of fringes which have passed, calculate the wave-length. Notice that the length of the path of the light changes by twice the displacement of the mirror D. XLI. ROTATION OF PLANE OF POLARIZATION. Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 476-479; Watson's Physics, pp. 580- 582; Ames' General Physics, pp. 563-565; Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 370377; Edser, Light, pp. 503509; Wood, Optics, Chap. XIV; Ewell, Physical Chemistry, pp. 217-223. Plane polarized light is obtained by passing light through a Nicol prism. If the light be then allowed to fall on a second Nicol prism that can be rotated, there will be two positions of this second prism in a complete rotation in which no light will pass through. If an optically active substance, such as a solution of cane sugar, be then intro- duced between the two Nicols, it will rotate the plane of polarization of the light which falls on the second prism, and then, to quench the light, the second prism must be rotated through an equal angle. Thus the rotation pro- duced by the sugar is measured. Monochromatic light must be used and a sodium flame is most convenient (see p. 124). The light rays must be made parallel before they fall on the polarizing prism, other- wise rays in different directions would pass through different thicknesses of the sugar and would consequently be rotated by different amounts. Parallel light may be obtained by putting the source at the principal focus of a convex lens through which the light has to pass before falling on the polarizing Nicol. The light must also be parallel to the axis of the Nicol. ROTATION OF PLANE OF POLARIZATION. 151 The empty tube intended to contain the sugar solution is first placed in position between the prisms and the position of the analyzing Nicol noted, on the circular scale, when the light is quenched. This setting will be facilitated by using a screen to cover all but a small central part of the prism. It may be found that the Nicol can be rotated through an appreciable angle without the light reappearing. The best that can be done is to take the middle of this space as the position of extinction. The observation should be repeated a number of times and the mean taken. The analyzing Nicol should then be rotated through 180 and the zero reading in that position also noted. Sugar solutions of different strengths (which should be carefully made up and recorded) are then introduced in succession into the tube and the rotations they produce observed. The zero readings should be frequently repeated. The length of the tube should also be obtained, so that the rotation per decimeter may be deduced. With the results obtained, a curve should be plotted, rotations per decimeter being ordinates and concentrations abscissae. FIG 43- The apparatus here described is simple but very imperfect in its action. The sensitiveness is greatly increased by introducing between the polarizer and the specimen a so- called biquartz, two parallel, abutting, plates of quartz, one with left rotatory power and the other with right. A source of white light must be employed, for example, a frosted incandescent bulb, and the analyzer is set for equality of color in the two halves. There are two common colors, but the darker is preferable. Fig. 44 explains the color changes. R and L are the two halves of the bicjuartz, viewed from the analyzer. The two halves are of such a thickness (3.75 mm.) that the plane of polarization of yellow 152 LIGHT. light is rotated through 90. Owing to the rotatory dispersion the other colors will be rotated different amounts as shown by the letters R (red) and B (blue). If the analyzer is set to transmit light vibrations parallel to those which left the polarizer, the yellow light will be omitted and each half of the biquartz will appear of a purplish color ("tint of passage"). If the analyzer is displaced slightly clockwise, more of the red component on the right will be trans- mitted and less of the blue, and therefore this half will appear red and the other half will appear blue. If a dextrorotatory specimen is placed between the biquartz and the analyzer, the directions of vibration of the different colors will be rotated to the positions indicated by the dotted lines and the analyzer must be rotated to a new position (/') , perpendicular to the emerging yellow vibration, in order to have the two halves the same color. With the help of the biquartz the analyzer can be set within about a tenth of a degree. The effective thickness of the biquartz will not be correct (90 degrees rotation of sodium light), FIG. 44. unless it is perpendicular to the axis of the Nicol prisms. This may be secured by using sodium light and analyzer set for extinc- tion, and then placing the biquartz in such a position that there is still extinction when the analyzer is rotated 90. Repeat all the measurements with white light and the biquartz and plot the results on the same sheet with the preceding. QUESTIONS. 1. How can the rotation be partially explained ? (See references.) 2. What is the chemical characteristic of substances that are optically active in solution ? 3. Wherein does the rotation produced by a solution differ from that produced by a magnetic field? 4. What would be the effect of using white light in the first part of the experiment? ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 29. Resistance -boxes. A resistance-box consists of a number of resistance coils joined so that each one bridges the gap between two of a series of brass blocks placed in line on the cover of the box within which the coils are suspended. For each gap a plug or connector is also provided, and when the plug is inserted into the gap the resistance at the gap is " cut out " or practi- cally reduced to zero. The coils are wound so as to be free from self-induction. The successive resistances are arranged in the same order, and are of the same relative magnitudes as the successive weights in a box of weights. By removing the proper plugs any combination of resistances can be obtained from the smallest to the sum of all. Before begin- ning work, it is advisable to clean the plugs with fine emery- cloth so that they may make good contacts, and thereafter care should be taken not to soil them with the fingers. One important precaution in regard to the use of the resistance-box should be observed. If any of the plugs are in loosely, there will be some resistance at the contact. Hence, the plug should be screwed in firmly, but not vio- lently. When any* one plug has been withdrawn, the others should be tested before proceeding, for the removal of one may loosen the contact of the others. This precaution is especially important in making a final determination. 30. Forms of Wheatstone's Bridge. The practical measurement of a resistance consists in comparing it with a known or standard resistance. Wheat- stone's Bridge is an arrangement of conductors for facilitat- ing this comparison, and consists essentially of six branches 153 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. which may be represented by the sides and diagonals of a parallelogram (see Fig. 45). The unknown resistance, R, and the known resistance, 5, form two adjacent sides. The other two sides are formed by two conductors of resist- ance P and Q, which, however, do not need to be known separately, provided their ratio be known. One of the- diagonals contains a battery and the other a galvanom- eter. If the ratio of P to Q is adjusted until no current flows through the galvanom- eter, R:S::P:Q. (See refer- ences under Exp. XLIV.) Two forms of the Wheat- stone " Bridge arrangement are in common use. One is called the Wire (or meter) Bridge; the other, which uses /r FIG. 45. is called a Bridge Box. a box of adjusted resistances, In the wire bridge the "ratio arms" (whose resistances are P and Q) are the two parts of a uniform wire i meter long, and the ratio of P to Q is that of the lengths of the corresponding parts of the wire. The known resistance, 5, may be that of a standard coil or one of the known resistances of a resistance-box. The Bridge Box, or "Post-office Bridge," consists of a resistance-box with three series of resistances in line, forming three arms of the Wheatstone Bridge, the unknown resist- ance forming the fourth arm. The "ratio arms" consist of resistances of i, 10, 100, 1000 (all of which are not always necessary), so that the calculation of the ratio is very simple. Keys for closing the battery and galvanometer branches are also usually mounted on the box. GALVANOMETERS. 155 31. Galvanometers. Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 559-563; Hadley's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 273-284; Watson's Practical Physics, 170-174; Ames and Bliss, Appendix iii. There are two chief types of reflecting galvanometers. In both the principle at basis is that if a magnet be placed in the plane of a coil of insulated wire, on passing a current through the coil both magnet and coil become subject to forces that tend to set them at right angles to each other. In the Thomson type the coil is fixed and the magnet suspended within the coil is free to turn, while in the d'Arsonval type the magnet, of a horseshoe form, is fixed, and the coil, suspended between the poles of the magnet, is free to turn. The sensitiveness of the Thomson galvanometer is greatly increased in two ways: first, two magnetic needles, forming an astatic pair, are attached to the same axis of rotation, second, an external control magnet is used to weaken the restraint of the earth's magnetic force or even to overcome" the earth's field and produce a suitable field of its own. The chief difficulty in greatly increasing the sensitiveness by means of the control magnet is that slight variations of the whole magnetic field, due to outside currents or move- ments of magnetic materials in or near the laboratory, disturb the needle. On the d'Arsonval galvanometer variations of the external magnetic field have practically no effect, since its own magnetic field is very strong. On the other hand, the torsion of the fine suspending wire through which the current has to pass changes somewhat with the temperature, so that the zero reading of the galvanometer is subject to some change. The sensitiveness can be increased by in- creasing the strength of the magnet, but there is a limit to this, since small traces of iron are always present in the wire and insulation of the coil, and this, acted on by the magnetic field, exercises a magnetic control that is pro- portional to the square of the strength of the field. When 156 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. an extremely sensitive galvanometer for very accurate work is required, the Thomson type must be used. A ballistic galvanometer is a reflection galvanometer of either type, so made that its period of swing is very long, so that it starts into motion only very slowly. If this con- dition be fulfilled, and if it be subject to only very slight damping of its motion, the galvanometer may be used for comparing quantities of electricity suddenly discharged through the coils of the galvanometer, for, practically speaking, all the electricity will have passed before the swinging system has appreciably moved from this position of rest. In these circumstances it can be shown that the quantity of electricity is proportional to the sine of half the angle of the first swing, or (since the angle is very small) practically to the deflection as read on the scale. Two methods of reading the deflection of a galvanometer are in common use. In one, called the English or objective method, a beam of light reflected from the mirror of the galvanometer falls on a scale, forming a spot of light which moves as the needle or coil is deflected. In the other, called the German or subjective method, the image of a scale formed by the mirror of the galvanometer is read by a telescope with a cross-hair. Devices for Bringing a Galvanometer to Rest. For bringing to rest the needle of a ballistic Thomson galvanometer a coil is mounted on the outside of the galvanometer in front of the lower needle. The terminals of the coil are brought to a reversing switch by which the current from a cell can be sent through the coil in either direction. By suitably choosing the direction and duration of the current, the needles and mirror may be brought to rest. (A current in this coil affects the needle in the same manner as would a current in one of the regular galvanometer coils, but it is much more convenient to use a separate coil like this, which is readily accessible and which does not interfere with the other connections.) The suspended system of either type of galvanometer GALVANOMETER SHUNTS. 157 may also be brought to rest by short-circuiting the galvan- ometer by a simple key directly connected to the terminals. For, by Lenz's Law, the currents induced are such as to bring the moving coil or needle to rest. If the resistance of the coils is high, this method is slow, and the following more rapid method may be used. A coil in which a small bar magnet can be moved is placed in series with the short- circuiting key. By suitably moving the magnet in and out, currents are induced which will quickly bring the suspended system to rest. 32. Correction for Damping of a Ballistic Galvanometer- Kohlrausch's Physical Measurements, 51; Stewart and Gee's Practical Physics, II, pp. 364369. In considering the throw proportional to the charge passing through the coils of a ballistic galvanometer, we assume that the galvanometer is free from damping; i. e., that the suspended system, needles, mirror, etc., experiences no resistance to turning. Since this is never realized, a correction must be applied to the throw. The correction is not of importance where we compare throws, since the correction cancels out, but in much work with ballistic galvanometers this correction is very important. Set the needle vibrating and record n + i successive turn- ing-points. From these we obtain by successive subtrac- tion n successive full vibrations of the needle from one side to the other. Call the first full vibration a l and the last a n . Then the correction by which each throw should be multiplied is (i -M/ 2 ) where ^^loga 1 -logq M n i \ 33. Galvanometer Shunts. If a galvanometer of resistance G is shunted by a shunt of resistance 5 and if C is the whole current and C l the current through the galvanometer ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. C G+S' Galvanometers are frequently supplied with shunt-boxes in which the ratio of 5: G are 1/9, 1/99, 1/999, so "that the values of 5 :(G +S) are i/io, i/ioo, i/iooo. Such a shunt-box cannot easily be used with any galvanom- eter except that for which it was designed. Universal shunt-boxes are now made which can be used with any galvanometer. Such a box consists of a series of high, resistances con- nected as indicated in the figure. AB is a coil, of resistance S, connected to the galvanometer, of resistance G. Let the current through the galvanometer be C lt and let the whole current be C. Then as above c,= cs VVvNA/VV\AAAA/V j? FIG. 46. Now let the battery circuit be connected to A and P, where the resistance of AP is S/n. Denoting the current through the galvanometer by C/, and the whole current by C and making the proper changes in the above equation, Cy_ Sin _i 5 ~C ~S/n + (S-S/n)+G ~n S+G' i CS nS+G Hence when a current is connected to A and P, the galvan- ometer deflection is i/n as great as when the same current is connected to A and B, or the sensitiveness is i/n as great. By subdividing AB, the values of 3, 10, 100, etc., are given to n. Shunting a Ballistic Galvanometer. The formulas stated above were deduced from Ohm's Law for steady direct currents. It can, however, be shown that shunts like the STANDARD CELLS. 159 above may be used in the same way with ballistic galvan- ometers through which charges of electricity are passed. To prove this, all we need to do is to show that charges, like steady direct currents, divide in a parallel arc into parts inversely as the ohmic resistances. Consider any one of several branches in a parallel arc. Let the part of the charge that passes through it be q, and let the magnitude of the instantaneous current through it, at time t after the begin- ning of the discharge, be *\. The induced e. m. f. at that moment is L^dijdt where L t is the self -inductance of the branch. Suppose the discharge is caused by connecting an e. m. f. to the parallel arc for a short time and then dis- connecting it, and let the whole time of rise and fall of the brief current be T. Then E C T L C -! dt-\ di v R ijo R ijo ET Hence the charges through the various branches are in- versely as their ohmic resistances. If the above proof be carefully examined, it will be seen that it simply means that the total quantity due to the induced e. m. f . is zero, since the induced current in the first half of the process is op- posite to that in the second half. 34. Standard Cells. Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 584-585; Watson's Physics, pp. 806- 807; Watson's Practical Physics, 202-203; Bureau of Standards Bulletin, Nos. 67, 70, 71; Henderson's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 176-182. Ewell, Physical Chemistry, pp. 334-336. The standard Daniell cell consists of an amalgamated zinc rod dipping into a porous cup containing a solution of l6o ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. sulphate of zinc, which, in turn, stands in a glass vessel containing a copper sulphate solution and a copper plate. To amalgamate the zinc rod, thoroughly clean it with sand- paper, dip it in dilute sulphuric acid, and rub over it a few drops of mercury with a cloth. The porous cup should be thoroughly cleaned inside and out. The copper plate should be cleaned bright with sand-paper. The porous cup is half- filled from a stock bottle with a solution of zinc sulphate (44. 7 g. of crystals of c. p. zinc sulphate dissolved in 100 c.c. of distilled water). The zinc rod is introduced and the porous cup is placed in the glass vessel, which is filled, not quite up to the level of the zinc sulphate in the porous cup, with copper sulphate solution (39.4 g. of c. p. copper sulphate dissolved in 100 c.c. of distilled water). The copper plate is also placed in the outer vessel. After being set up, the cell should be short-circuited for 15 minutes and then allowed to stand on an open circuit for 5 minutes. The cell should not remain set up more than a few hours. When it is no longer needed, pour the copper sulphate solu- tion back into the stock bottle and the zinc sulphate solution back into its bottle, unless the zinc has turned black, in which case throw the zinc sulphate away. The e. m. f. of the Daniell cell, prepared as above, is i . 105 international volts, correct to o . 2 per cent. The Clark cell, which differs from the above in the fact that the copper is replaced by mercury and the copper sul- phate by mercurous sulphate, is a more constant standard than the Daniell cell, but it needs to be treated with much greater care, since the passage of a very small current through it will alter the e. m. f. Hence it can be used only for null methods and kept in circuit for the briefest time possible. At temperature / its e. m. f. in volts is i.433-.ooi2(/-i5). In the cadmium cell the zinc and zinc sulphate of the above are replaced by cadmium and cadmium sulphate. Its e. m. f. is 1.019 . 00004(2 17). DOUBLE COMMUTATOR. 35. Device for Getting a Small E. M. F. In many experiments it is desirable to use an e. m. f- much smaller than that of a single cell. To get such an e. m. f., a box of very high resistance may be placed in series with a constant cell and any desired fraction of the whole e. m. f. may be obtained by tapping off from various FIG. 47- points; e. g., at the ends of a resistance r out of the total re- sistance R of the box (Fig. 47). The e. m. f. thus obtained may be found from Ohm's Law, but it must be noticed that the resistance between the terminals of r is the resist- ance of a parallel arc. If, however, the resistance of the branch circuit be proportionally very large and that of the cell proportionally very small, both may be omitted in the calculation. 36. Double Commutator. It is sometimes desirable to be able to reverse two parts of a network repeatedly and at the same rate. For this pur- pose a double commutator is con- venient. It consists of two two-part commutators mounted on a common shaft; e. g., on opposite ends of the shaft of a small motor. If, for ex- ample, the battery used with a Wheat- stone's Bridge be connected through one commutator while the galvanom eter is connected through the other, ii FIG. 48. 1 62 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. an alternating current will act in the arms of the bridge, while a direct current (or a succession of unidirectional pulses) will pass through the galvanometer. 37. Relation Between Electrical Units. (E.S. = Electrostatic; E.M. = Electromagnetic.) Ampere =io- 1 C.G.S.-E.M. units of current. Coulomb =io- 1 C.G.S.-E.M. units of quantity. Volt =io 8 C.G.S.-E.M. units of electromotive force. Ohm = io 9 C.G.S.-E.M. units of resistance. Farad =io- 9 C.G.S.-E.M. units of capacity. Microfarad = io- 15 C.G.S.-E.M. units of capacity. Henry =io 9 C.G.S.-E.M. units of inductance. Volt =xio- 2 C.G.S.-E.S. units of electromotive force. Coulomb =3X10" C.G.S.-E.S. units of quantity. Microfarad = 9 Xio 5 C.G.S.-E.S. units of capacity. XLII. HORIZONTAL COMPONENT OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD. Ames 1 General Physics, pp. 609613; Watson's Physics, pp. 602-607; Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 498-500; Crew' s General Physics , pp. 319-323; Hartley's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 92-98; Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 403-414; Kohlrausch's Physical Measurements, pp. 240-247; Stewart and Gee's Practical Physics, pp. 284-309- In this experiment the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field, at a point in the laboratory, is de- duced from the period of vibration of a bar-magnet and the deflection of a magnetic needle produced by this same bar- magnet when placed at known distances E and W (mag- netically) of the needle. The dimensions and mass of the magnet must also be obtained in order that its moment of inertia may be calculated. If the period of vibration of the magnet be T in the place in which we wish to determine the horizontal com- ponent H, its magnetic moment be M, and its moment of inertia /, then d) \M# For, when the magnet is deflected through a small angle 6, the restoring couple is MH sind = MH6. Hence if the angular accelera- tion at that moment is a -MH6=Ia and Since M, H, and 7 are constant, the motion is simple harmonic and T is given by (i). If a magnetic needle at a distance d, E or W of this same bar-magnet, in line with it and the point where H is to be 164 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. determined, be deflected through an angle

\ (->) = L- l H 2(d 2 -d, 2 ) Equation (2) is deduced from the expression for the force F pro- duced by a magnet of magnetic moment M at a distance d in the direction of the axis of the magnet. For, if m is the strength of either pole of the magnet and 2 1 its magnetic length, the resultant force due to the two poles is By expanding the'denominator we may also write this : F = *4 in which K is approximately a constant. (If the length of the needle were also taken account of, this expression would remain unchanged , except that the value of the constant K would be different) . If, un- der the force F and the component H of the earth's magnetic field, a magnetic needle makes an angle with the magnetic meridian, F = H tan 0. Hence, M / K\ d* tan d> If, now, the distance be changed to d lt and the deflection becomes t another equation similar to the above will be obtained and the elimination of K will give equation (2) above. From equations (i) and (2) both H and M may be obtained when the other quantities have been measured. (A) To determine the period of vibration, remove all movable iron (knives, keys, etc., included) to several meters from the vicinity of the entire experiment. Suspend the deflecting magnet, by means of a stirrup attached to a single strand of silk thread, in a box which has glass ends and sides and is surmounted by a glass tube through which the suspension passes. Level until the thread hangs in the axis of the tube. The magnet should be adjusted until it is horizontal as tested by comparison with a leveled rod attached to the outside of the box. Attach pointers to the opposite glass sides of the box (or adjust those provided) so that they are in line with the magnet at rest. Set the magnet vibrating through an angle not exceeding 10. HORIZONTAL COMPONENT OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD. 165 Check any pendulum vibrations by judiciously pressing on the top of the glass tube. Then determine the period by the method of passages as in Exp. X. (see p. 54). The magnet should be vibrated as near as is convenient to the place where the needle is deflected in the second part, i. e., where we wish to determine H. (B) The instrument used in the deflection part of the experiment is called a magnetometer. It consists of a box with glass sides in which is suspended a mirror attached to either a small magnetic needle with a damping vane or a small bell magnet vibrating in a copper sphere. The sphere is placed at the center of a graduated bar upon which can be placed the deflecting magnet. Level until the suspending fiber is at the center of the bottom of the suspension-tube. If the needle or the damping vane does not swing free, a little additional leveling will be necessary. A specially mounted large compass needle is used to adjust the magnetometer bar perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. By means of it a rod is placed in the direction of the magnetic meridian, and then, by means of a square, the magnetometer bar is made perpendicular to the rod. Place a telescope and scale about one meter from the mag- netometer. See that the scale is perpendicular to the telescope. Adjust until the scale reflected from the mirror is clearly seen in the telescope (for directions for this adjust- ment see p. 25). Place the magnet whose period of vibration has been de- termined on a small wood slide near one end of the magnet- ometer bar. Note the scale-reading on the magnetometer bar corresponding to the end of the magnet nearer the needle. When the needle comes to rest, record the scale- reading against the vertical cross-hair of the telescope. Remove the magnet several meters and read the zero. Replace the magnet at the same distance from the needle, but reversed, and again read the scale division correspond- ing to the vertical cross-hair. Make two similar readings with the magnet at an equal distance on the other side of 1 66 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. the needle. Read the zero before or after each reading and always estimate tenths of millimeters. Make four similar readings with the magnet at about two-thirds the distance on each side of the needle. If the zero is somewhat unsteady, the following method will be found better. Omit zero readings and obtain the four deflection readings as rapidly as possible. Repeat this twice so that twelve readings in all are obtained. Take half the difference of each two successive readings as one value of the deflection. The final result will be the mean of all values so found. The extent to which they agree will indicate the reliability of the mean. Measure the distance from the center of the scale beneath the telescope to the center of the suspension-tube of the magnetometer (i. e., the distance to the mirror). From this distance and the mean scale-reading for that distance, tan 2$ is obtained (for it must be remembered that a re- flected ray of light is turned through twice the angle that the reflecting mirror is turned through). Since = 2 tan (/> very nearly. The distances from the needle to the near end of the magnet plus half the length of the magnet give d and d^. At the close of the experiment, measure the length of the magnet with vernier calipers, and the diameter with micrometer calipers, and also weigh it. If / be the length, r the radius, and m the mass, the moment of inertia is : In reporting, state the possible errors of the measure- ments of r, /, d, d lt tan <, tan fa. Questions. i . How could the true length of the deflecting magnet be obtained ? 2. H having been obtained at one point in the room or building, what would be the easiest way of finding its value at any other point ? 3. What are the other "elements" of the earth's magnetism? 4. If you have done Exp. XLIII, calculate the total force and the vertical component. MAGNETIC INCLINATION OR DIP. 167 XLIII. MAGNETIC INCLINATION OR DIP. Ames' General Physics, pp. 618619; Watson's Physics, pp. 605-607; Text-book of Physics (Duff), p. 506; Crew's General Physics, p. 312; Hartley's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 99102; Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 4 1 5-4 1 7 ; Stewart and Gee's Practical Physics, II, pp. 275-284. (A) The dip, or inclination of the earth's magnetic lines of force to the horizontal, is found by means of a dipping needle or magnetic needle suspended on a horizontal axis which passes as nearly as possible through the center of gravity of the needle, with a vertical graduated circle for reading the angle of inclination. Such an apparatus is called a dip-circle, and includes a level and leveling screws for making the circle vertical, knife-edges for bearing the axis of the needle, a horizontal graduated circle for fixing the azimuth of the vertical circle, and an arrestment, with Y-shaped supports, for raising and lowering the needle and placing it so that its axis of rotation passes as nearly as possible through the center of the vertical circle. The zero-line of the vertical circle must first be made vertical. This adjustment is made by means of the level- ing screws and level just as a cathetometer is leveled (see p. 19). The circle must then be turned into the plane of the magnetic meridian. To attain this, advantage is taken of the fact that if the plane in which the needle is free to rotate be at right angles to the magnetic meridian, the needle must stand vertically; for in that position the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic force is par- allel to the axis of rotation of the needle, and hence has no moment about that axis. The circle is, therefore, turned approximately east and west and then adjusted until the needle is vertical. This adjustment should be repeated several times, and each position should be carefully read with the assistance of a vernier if one is provided. A rota- tion of the circle through 90 from the mean position, as indicated by the horizontal circle, should then bring the plane of the circle to coincidence with the plane of the 1 68 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. magnetic meridian. By raising and lowering the arrest- ment, the needle is then placed on the knife-edges in the proper position for indicating the dip. A single reading of the needle in this position would give a very imperfect value of the dip. Errors arise from various causes: (i) the axis may not roll freely on the knife-edges, owing to dust or friction. To remove any dust the axis and knife-edges should be brushed with a camel's-hair brush. The setting by means of the arrest- ment and the readings should be made at least twice, and both sets of readings recorded. (2) The axis of rotation of the needle may not be exactly at the center of the divided circle. This error may be eliminated by reading the posi- tion of both ends of the needle, one reading being from this cause as much too great as the other is too small. (3) The line of zeros on the vertical scale may not be truly vertical, and this would cause errors in the same direction in the readings of the ends of the needle. These errors may be eliminated by turning the vertical circle through 180 about a vertical axis and repeating the readings, for in these read- ings the quadrants on the other side of the zero line are used. (4) The axis of rotation may not pass exactly through the center of gravity of the needle. So far as the fault lies in the fact that the axis of rotation is to one side of the axis of figure of the needle, the error may be eliminated by reversing the needle in its bearings and repeating the readings; for in one position gravity will make the readings as much too great as in the other case it makes them too small. But gravity will also cause an error if the axis of rotation be in the axis of figure, but not at the center of the latter. The error will not be eliminated by reversing the needle on its bearings, but it will be if the magnetism of the needle is reversed and all of the preceding readings repeated; for then the other end of the needle will be lower and the error will be in the opposite direction. The re- versal of the magnetism should be done under the direction of the instructor, the method of double touch being used. MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE. 169 In recording these various positions and readings, the side of the circle on which the scale is engraved may be called the face of the instrument, and similarly one side of the needle may be fixed upon as its face. Thus two readings of each end of the needle are to be made in each of the fol- lowing positions: (1) Face of instrument E, face of needle E; (2) Face of instrument W, face of needle W; (3) Face of instrument W, face of needle E; (4) Face of instrument E, face of needle W. The magnetism of the needle having been reversed, readings are to be again taken in the above positions. The final result is taken as the mean of these 32 readings. (B) Another method of determining the dip is by means of an earth inductor in series with a ballistic galvanometer (p. 156). The earth inductor is first placed with the plane of its coils vertical and perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. It is then rotated through 180 and the throw d^ noted. Several readings should be made. The plane of the coils is then placed horizontally and the throw d 2 on rotation through 180 noted. The ratio of d, to d l is the tangent of the dip. Questions. 1. What other sources of error may there be in measurement by the dip-circle? 2. Would you be justified in making a calculation of "probable error" from the various readings with the dip-circle? 3. If you have performed Exp. XLII, calculate the total force and the vertical component. XLIV. MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE BY WHEAT- STONE'S BRIDGE. Ames' General Physics, pp. 725-727; Watson's Physics, pp. 685-687; Text-book of Physics (Duff), p. 572; Hadley's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 306-310; Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 432- 437; Kohlrausch's Physical Measurements, p. 303. The practical measurement of a resistance consists in comparing it with a known or standard resistance. For 170 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. resistances of medium magnitude, Wheatstone's Bridge is usually used (p. 153). In joining the known and unknown resistances to the bridge, connectors should be used whose resistance is negli- gible; that is, less than the unavoidable error that may occur in determining the unknown resistance. In con- necting the battery and galvanometer, no such precaution is necessary, for their resistances do not enter into the calcu- lation. The galvanometer may be connected to either pair of opposite corners; but, where the greatest sensitiveness is required, if the galvanometer has a higher resistance than the battery, it should be in the branch that connects the junction of the highest two of the four resistances P, Q, R, S to the junction of the lowest two; while, if the battery has the greatest resistance, it should occupy that position. Two spring keys should be included in the con- nections, one in the battery arm and the other in the gal- vanometer arm. When testing for a balance, the battery key should be pressed first, then the galvanometer key. If taken in the reverse order, there might be a small deflec- tion due to the self-induction of the various parts. These keys should be pressed for a moment only. Except for a final determination, it is not necessary to wait until the gal- vanometer has quite come to rest, for a lack of balance will be indicated by a sudden disturbance of the swing when the galvanometer key is pressed. The pressure of the gal- vanometer key should be brief, sufficient merely to indicate the direction of the initial movement. In practice, it is best to use a box-resistance as nearly as possible equal to the unknown resistance. This comes to the same thing as saying that the box-resistance should be varied until a balance is attained when the parts of the meter wire are nearly equal. The reason for this preference is that the sensitiveness is then a maximum, or a slight lack of balance is most easily detected by the deflection of the galvanometer. The exact ratio of P to Q for a balance should be very carefully ascertained. At least six settings GALVANOMETER RESISTANCE BY SHUNT METHOD. 171 should be made ; and to secure independence of the settings, the eye should be kept on the galvanometer-scale and the reading of the bridge not examined until the setting has been decided on. The mean of these six is then taken. R and 5 should then be interchanged and six more settings made. This interchange will serve to eliminate the effect of lack of symmetry of the two sides of the wire bridge and its connections. The structure of the galvanometer to be used, its coils, magnets, and connections, should be carefully examined and care taken that it is thoroughly understood (p. 155). Three unknown resistances should be measured sep- arately and then all in parallel. From the separate resist- ances the resistance of the conductors in parallel should be calculated and compared with the measurement of the same. The resistance of a wire should then be measured and its length and mean diameter obtained. From these data, the specific resistance of the material of the wire should be deduced. The temperature at which the resist- ance is measured should also be noted, and from the tem- perature coefficient of the material (Table XXII) the specific resistance at o C. calculated. The possible errors of the measurements, and hence the extent to which the calculations should be carried, may be deduced from the mean deviation in each set of readings. Questions. 1 . Does the battery need to be a constant one ? 2. What objections are there to allowing the battery circuit to remain closed? 3. Why is it difficult by this method to measure very large or very small resistances ? XLV. GALVANOMETER RESISTANCE BY SHUNT METHOD. Kohlrausch's Physical Measurements, p. 325. If a galvanometer of resistance G connected in series with a battery of resistance B and e. m. f. E and a box resistance R gives a deflection d and if C be the current 172 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. C = R+B+G = Kd where K is a constant for the galvanometer. If now the galvanometer be shunted by a resistance S and the deflection be then d f and the current through the galvanometer C', E S /-*/ R+B + GS X G+S = Kd'. G + S Hence (R+B) (G+S)+GS_d S (R+B+G) = ~d r> and from this G is readily deduced provided B is known. Usually a battery of such low resistance can be used that B is negligible compared with R and may be omitted; otherwise A ^ B must be obtained as in Exp. LI II. The galvanometer should be connected through a commutator and several read- ings on both sides should be made. If the e. m. f. of the cell supplied is too great, a suitable fraction of it should be employed (p. 161). As a check, the determination of G should be repeated, a different value for 5 being used. If the galvanometer is very sensitive, its resistance must be found from two readings with shunts. A suita- ble formula is readily worked out. If R should be very great compared with the other resistances, the formula may be simplified. This will usually be the case if the galvanometer is very sensitive or of low resistance. The quantities added to R in the first two equations may then be neglected and we get G+S d GALVONOMETER RESISTANCE BY THOMSON'S METHOD. 173 XLVI. GALVANOMETER RESISTANCE BY THOMSON'S METHOD. Hadley's Electricity and Magnetism, p. 321; Kohlrausch's Physica Measurements, p. 328; Stewart and Gee's Practical Physics, II, p. 140-142. The resistance of the coils of a galvanometer may be found by means of Wheatstone's Bridge as the resistance of any ordinary conductor is found. This would require the use of a second galvanometer. The second galvanometer, for detecting when the bridge is balanced, is frequently un- necessary. The condition for a balance is that, when the branch in which the galvanom- eter is usually placed is closed by a key, no current shall flow through it. If a current did flow through it, a change would take place in the cur- rents in the other arms. Now the presence of a galvanom- eter in one of these other arms enables us to test whether any change in the distribution of the currents takes place on the key's being pressed. Hence, in Thomson's method for galvanometer resistance the galvanometer is placed in the "unknown" arm and a spring key, K, is placed in the branch in which, in the ordinary arrangement of Wheat- stone's Bridge, a galvanometer is found. A diagram to illustrate the connections is given in figure 50. From the above it will be seen that in this method a bal- ance is obtained when the deflection of the galvanometer does not change on the key, K, being pressed. Two practical difficulties are met with. The first is that the deflection of the galvanometer before the key is pressed may be so large that it cannot be read. When the galvanometer is of FIG. 50. 174 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. the Thomson type (p. 155), this difficulty may be overcome by turning the control magnet until the deflection can be read (the zero position of the galvanometer could, of course, not then be read on the scale, but that is not necessary). In the d'Arsonval type of galvanometer there is no such way of overcoming this difficulty, and so this method is not so easily applied to such a galvanometer. The second difficulty is that if the battery be a variable one, the gal- vanometer will not give a steady deflection. Hence, a constant battery of the Daniell or Gravity type should be used (p. 159). It may also be necessary to decrease the current through the bridge and galvanometer by putting considerable resistance in series with the battery, or a fraction of the e. m. f. of the cell may be used (p. 161). In the experiment it is better to use a bridge-box instead of a wire bridge, for the condition for sensitiveness, that the arms should be as nearly equal as possible, still holds, and the resistance of a wire bridge is usually very small compared with that of the galvanometer. Beginners some- times find difficulty in deciding on the proper connections. The best way is to consider what the connections would be in the ordinary use of Wheatstone's Bridge, and then con- sider the modifications introduced in the present method. If possible, ratio arms of 1000 to 1000, 100 to 1000, and 10 to 1000 should be used in succession to obtain successive approximations. The last should give the resistance to two places of decimals (if one ohm is the least box-resistance), but the decreasing sensitiveness may prevent the latter ratios from giving more accurate results than the first. If the galvanometer has more than one coil, the resist- ance of each should be measured separately and then the resistance of all in series. This will afford a check on the work. Question. i. Describe carefully the swinging system, coils, control magnet, and connections of the galvanometer used. MEASUREMENT OF HIGH RESISTANCES. 175 XLVII. MEASUREMENT OF HIGH RESISTANCES (i). Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 460-461; Henderson's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 66-72. The method of Wheatstone's Bridge is not suitable for measuring very high resistances. One method is to con- nect the unknown resistance X, a battery of negligible re- sistance and e. m. f. E, and a sensitive galvanometer of resistance G in series. If the current be C, E C = - , giving a deflection d. X -\-G Now replace X by a known resistance, R, and shunt the galvanometer by such a resistance, 5, that the deflection is readable. By considering the total current and the part C' of the total current that passes through the galvanometer, we readily find that W S" C' --- , giving a deflection d' , GS G+S + Hence, R(G+S)+GS _d S(X+G) = J" and from this X is readily deduced. G may be found as in Exp. XLV or XLVI; but if (G+S)/S is known and G is small compared with X and R, the resistance of the galvan- ometer need not be determined. Many galvanometers are provided with shunt boxes, for which S/(G+S) is o.i, o.oi, or o.ooi. The galvanometer should be connected through a com- mutator, and several readings on both sides should be made to obtain a reliable mean. As a check, repeat the measurements with a different value for R and a different value for S. 7 6 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. XLVIII. MEASUREMENT OF HIGH RESISTANCES (2). Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 537-538; Watson's Physics, pp. 656-657; Ames' General Physics, pp. 658-659; Henderson's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 71-75; Hadley's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 202-210; Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 569- 57 1 - A very high resistance, such as the insulation resistance of a cable or the resistance of cloth, paper, wood, etc., may be measured by finding the rate at which the electricity in a charged condenser leaks through the conductor. An electrometer is used to find the change of potential of the condenser and from this the rate of loss of its charge is deduced. The Dolezalek form of Kelvin's quadrant electrom- FIG. 51. eter is suitable. Its needle is kept charged to a high poten- tial by being connected to one pole of a battery of small cells, the other pole being grounded. To find the insulation resistance of a cable the whole of the cable except the ends is immersed in a tank of salt water which is connected to the earth. One of the ends is carefully paraffined to prevent surface leakage and the core of the other end is connected to the insulated pair of quadrants. If the cable is sheathed with metal, immersion is not neces- sary. Other materials, such as those mentioned, are pressed between sheets of tinfoil, one sheet being connected to the earthed quadrants and the other to the insulated quadrants. MEASUREMENT OF HIGH RESISTANCES. 177 L e t V\ = potential given the condenser on closing the key K. The charge Q in the condenser and cable = C V^ where C is their joint capacity. Upon opening K the charge flows through a resistance R for a time, t, ^ t being the insul- ation resistance of the cable, the condenser, and the elec- trometer and keys in parallel. Since the current at the time / equals V/R^ by Ohm's law, and also equals the rate of decrease of Q or of CV = -c dv - R, dt dV _dt 'T".s; Integrating between the limits t = o when V=V 1 and / = t when V=V 2 we get R t ^-434* C lg e ~ C 1~ * where d l and d 2 are the initial and final deflections of the electrometer from the zero position. The zero should be determined both before V l is found and after V 2 is found. As it is very apt to vary slightly, more reliable results can be attained by continuing to read V at intervals (e. g., every half -minute) until it has fallen to about one-half of its original value. From a curve drawn to represent V and /, two reliable points may be chosen to give values for V l and V 2 to be used in the calculation. A subdivided condenser is desirable in order that a capacity giving a sufficiently rapid fall of potential may be chosen. The total insulation resistance, R 2) of the other parts in parallel with the cable are found by disconnecting the cable and making a second set of observations as above. 12 178 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The insulation resistance, R, of the cable is then deducible for The capacity, C lt of the cable can be compared with that of the condenser, C 2 , by the method of "divided charge." First charge the condenser and observe its potential by the electrometer and let the deflection be d r Then connect in the cable and let d 2 be the new deflection. Since the total charge Q remains unchanged, and, since the deflections are proportional to the potentials, C=C l 2 Questions. 1. Why should one pole of the battery that charges the needle be grounded ? 2. Why must keys of specially high insulation be used in this method ? 3. Calculate the capacity of the cable in electrostatic units from rough measurements of its dimensions and reduce to microfarads (see p. 162). XLIX. MEASUREMENT OF LOW RESISTANCES (i). Very low resistances cannot be measured by the Wheatstone Bridge method, because the unknown resistances of the connections are not small compared with the resistance to be measured. The simplest method for low resistances is a "fall of potential " method. A current is passed through the resistance, the current is measured by an ammeter and the difference of potential is measured by a voltmeter; then the resistance is known from Ohm's Law. For very low resistances the fall of potential will be very small and an instrument much more sensitive than any commercial volt- meter must be used. Instead of a voltmeter a sensitive gal- vanometer of high resistance, or a low resistance galvan- ometer in series with a high resistance, is used and the MEASUREMENT OF LOW RESISTANCES. 179 value of a scale division of the galvanometer regarded as a voltmeter is found by a separate experiment. Let the resistance to be measured be x, and let the differ- ence of potential at its ends when current C passes through it be e. Then e x= c C, which should be large, may be measured by an ammeter. To find e we must know the constant, K, of the galvanometer considered as a voltmeter; that is, the number of volts per unit deflection. If the deflection is D e=K.D To find K apply to the galvanometer a small fraction of the e. m. f., E, of a Daniell'scell (p. 159). , E For this purpose connect the cell in series with a very high resistance box and a box of moderate resistances and join the galvanometer to the ends of one of the small resistances, r, choosing r so that the deflection, d, will not be very different from D. Then if the re- sistance of the galvanometer be great compared with r (see p. 161) and if the total resistance in series with FIG. 52. the battery be R, the e. m. f. acting on the galvanometer is Er/R. Hence As a check on the work redetermine K using a different value of r. From the above equations x is found. In the first part of the experiment place a commutator in the main circuit so that C may be reversed and the effect of thermo-electric forces at the contacts eliminated, and connect the galvanometer through a second commutator so that lack of symmetry in its deflection may be eliminated. i8o ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Thus D will be the mean of four readings. Exactly simi- lar precautions should be observed in the second part. Close the currents only for the shortest possible times necessary to make the readings, otherwise heating may occur and resistances (especially the unknown x) may change. The determination should be repeated several times with different values of C. If the work has been reliable, D should be proportional to C. Note also the temperature of the specimen and calculate its resistivity from its resistance and dimensions. Questions. 1. If r had not been negligible compared with the galvanometer resistance how would this have appeared in the course of the work? 2. Find the equation that must replace the above if the resist- ance of the battery is not negligible compared with R and if r is not negligible compared with the galvanometer resistance. L. MEASUREMENT OF LOW RESISTANCES (2). Henderson's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 5758; Stewart and Gee's Practical Physics, II, pp. 177-181. When a standard low resistance (o.oi or o.ooi ohm) is available, a conductor of low resistance x may be connected in series with it and a battery, and a very sensitive voltmeter, or a high-resistance galvanom- eter, serving as a voltmeter, may be used to compare the falls of potential in x and the standard. The resistances will be proportional to the falls of potential. Connection with the battery should be made through a com- mutator to reverse thermal effects at the connections, and the galvanometer should be connected through a second commutator to eliminate asym- MEASUREMENT OF LOW RESISTANCES. 181 metry of the galvanometer readings. Thus each final read- ing will be the mean of four separate readings. The currents should be closed for the shortest times sufficient for the readings, to avoid heating. Note the temperature of the specimen. Questions. 1. What are the comparative advantages and disadvantages of this and the preceding method ? 2. Why is a high-resistance galvanometer to be preferred? 3. Will poor contact have as much effect as in a measurement of low resistance by Wheatstone's Bridge? Why? LI. MEASUREMENT OF LOW RESISTANCES BY THE THOMSON DOUBLE BRIDGE. Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 465-469; Stewart and Gee, II, pp. 182-187. In Thomson's Double Bridge the errors of the contacts in the use of Wheatstone's Bridge are avoided. Its princi- ple is, in fact, that of the fall of potential method (Exp. L) the direct comparison of the falls of potential being replaced by a null method. This method is applicable to extremely low resistances as well as to medium resistances. In the diagram x is the resistance to be measured and r a standard known resistance; a may be made 10 or 100; " and b may be made 100, 1,000, 10,000. Similarly, a' may be made 10 or 100 and b f 100, 1,000, 10,000. Now it can FIG. 54. be shown that if there is no current in the galvanometer, and if the ratios a/ b and a'/b' are equal, x a a' ~r = b = l)'' hence a value of r (which is variable) and values of a, b, a' b', are sought which give no current in the galvanometer, and from these x is calculated. l82 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The form of Double Bridge made by Hartmann and Braun is very satisfactory. The correspondence of parts to parts of the diagram is readily traced. The ratio of a to b can be varied from 100 to 100 to 10 to 10,000; moreover, a and b may be interchanged and so the ratio reversed. Similar re- marks apply to a' and b'. Thus values of x/r varying from 10/10000 to 10000/10 may be measured. The variable r may be varied from o . 044 down to o, but can hardly be read with an accuracy of i% below o.ooi. Hence values of x between o.ooi/ 1000 or o.oooooi and 0.044X1000 or 44, may be measured by the bridge. Care must be taken not to injure the standardized bar by scraping the contact maker along it. The contact maker must be raised for each movement. Do not allow the sharp jaws of the clamps to come down on the bar too suddenly, for they might cut into the bar somewhat. Test as many as possible of the following materials: (i) Brass. (2) Iron. (3) Copper. (4) Zinc. (5) Lead. (6) Carbon. (7) Rail Bond, and calculate the Specific Resistance of each. Proof of Formula. Regard Thomson's Double Bridge as a modified Wheatstone's Bridge, the modification consisting in the paralleling of parts of the arms AB and BC as indicated. Let G and D be points at the same potential as indicated by the galvanometer. E B F is the heavy conductor joining the unknown and the standard. Let B be a point in it at the same potential as G. We may suppose B and G permanently connected. Let the resistance of p and a' in parallel be m, and that of q and b' be n. Then, by the Wheatstone Bridge formula : FIG. 55. a _x + m b~ r + n' COMPARISON OF RESISTANCES. 183 Now if we show that it will follow that a = x_ b 7' To show this, note that a _ a' _ p a' + p b'+q' Now = a'p ^b^q m p a Hence x a Questions. 1. Considering this as a modified fall of potential method, why should a, b, a', b', be of very large and E B F of very small resistance? 2. Does the battery current need to be steady? Why? 3. Could an alternating current be used in any circumstances? LII. COMPARISON OF RESISTANCES BY THE CAREY- FOSTER METHOD. Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 442-446; Schuster and Lees' Practical Physics, pp. 307-309; Henderson's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 5357; Stewart and Gee's Practical Physics, II, pp. 158170. To find very accurately the difference between two very nearly equal resistances R and 5, connect them and two other nearly equal resistances, P and Q, as indicated in the diagram, where ab is a very uniform wire, which we shall suppose to have a resistance of more than i ohm. Let the resistance of unit length of the wire ab be p. Let the dis- tance ad be x lt when a balance has been obtained in the usual way. Then exchange R and 5, and again obtain a balance. Denote the new value of ad by x 2 . Since P and Q 1 84 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. have not been changed and the total resistance R, S, and ab was not changed, it is clear that R -i-x 1 p = S +x^p, or R S= (x 2 xjp. To find the value of p, replace R by a standard i-ohm coil, and 5 by a heavy connector of neg- FlG. ligible resistance, and proceed as above; then p(x 2 x l ) = i. The exchange of R and 5 is made by means of a special key designed so that the resistance of the connections will remain the same (see Fig. 57). FIG. 57 . To compare a box of unknown errors with a standardized box, the difference between each resistance of the former and a corresponding resistance of the latter is found by the above method. BATTERY RESISTANCE BY MANGE'S METHOD. 185 To calibrate two boxes, put one in place of R and replace 5 by a standard i-ohm coil and so find exactly the value of each i-ohm unit in the box. Then replace the standard by the other box, in position S, and compare the i-ohm units of the second box with those of the first box. Then compare a 2-ohm unit in one box with two i-ohms in the other, and so on. Special care must be taken to avoid confusion in making the calculations, and for this purpose the box resistances may be denoted by I lf I 2 , II lt II 2 , etc., for one box, and I\, I' 2 , II' 2 , etc., for the other. Questions. 1. State the formula for Wheatstone's Bridge before and after R and 5" are interchanged and therefrom deduce the above formula. 2. Do P and Q need to be exactly equal, and why? LIII. BATTERY RESISTANCE BY MANGE'S METHOD. Hartley's Electricity and Magnetism, p. 322 ; Watson's Practical Physics, p. 475; Schuster and Lee's Practical Physics, pp. 303-306. The resistance of a battery may be determined by plac- ing it in the "unknown arm" .R of a Wheatstone's Bridge (p- I 53)- I n "this case there will be a current through the galvanometer when the bridge battery is not con- nected. But if P, Q and 5 be adjusted until there is no change in the deflection when the key of the bridge battery is pressed, the points to which the galvanometer is connected will be at the same potential so far as the effect of the bridge battery is con- cerned. Since, when the FIG. 58. adjustments are right, the bridge battery sends no current through the galvanometer, this battery may be removed and the key alone will serve to test the adjustment of P, Q, and S. 1 86 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. If the deflection of the galvanometer is too great to be readable, the control magnet (in the case of a Kelvin gal- vanometer) may be used to bring the needle back, or the galvanometer may be shunted or a resistance put in series with it. Most cells vary slightly in resistance and e. m. f. when on closed circuit; hence, the keys should not be pressed longer than is necessary. In Lodge's modification of Mance's Method a condenser is placed in series with the galvanometer. There will then be no continuous current through the galvanometer; but, if the adjustments of P, Q, and 5 are not right, on pressing the key by which the adjustment is tested the galvanometer will be momentarily deflected. Questions. 1. Why is there a slow movement of the galvanometer needle when the keys are kept pressed ? 2. Should the condenser be of large or small capacity? Would a Ley den jar do? LIV. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF RESISTANCE. Text-book of Physics (Duff), p. 564-566; Ames' General Physics, pp. 731-732; Watson's Physics, pp. 681-682; Hadley's Electricity and Magnetism, p. 294; Henderson's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 95-101. The resistance of most solids increases as the tempera- ture rises; carbon is one of the exceptions, for its resistance decreases. For moderate ranges of temperature the resist- ance is approximately a linear function of the temperature or, if ^ be the resistance at o and R that at t, R=R Q (i+at) The constant a is called the temperature coefficient of the ma- terial. It may be defined as the change per ohm, referred to the resistance at o, per degree change of temperature. The change of resistance can be most conveniently studied by the box form of Wheatstone's Bridge (p. 154). (A) For finding the temperature coefficient of a wire such as copper, a length sufficient to give several ohms resistance TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF RESISTANCE. 187 should be used. The determination of the temperature coefficient does not require that the dimensions of the specimen should be known, but the specific resistance of the specimen might as well be determined at the same time. Hence the length and mean diameter of the wire should be carefully measured. The wire should then be soldered to heavier lead wires and immersed in a bath of oil, and its resistance determined at intervals of about 10 as the tem- perature is raised. The thermometer should be placed inside the coil so as to be as nearly as possible at the temperature of the latter. It will be an improvement if the coil and thermometer are in a test-tube that is immersed in the bath, the opening of the tube being closed with cotton-wool. To keep the temperature constant, while measuring the resistance, would be difficult. The following method will be found to give much better results: Having measured the resistance at the temperature of the room, adjust the known resistance of the bridge so that there would be a balance if the resistance of the wire were increased 4 or 5 per cent. The galvanometer will be deflected. Now heat the wire very slowly and the galvanometer reading will begin to drift toward zero. When it just reaches zero, read the thermometer and continue the process step by step. The various resistances and temperatures should then be plotted in a curve that should be approximately a straight line. If exactly a straight line is obtained, the temperature coefficient should be calculated from two reliable and widely separated points on the curve. Let R and R' be the resist- ances at t and t', respectively. Substituting these values in the above equation we shall get two equations from which R can be eliminated. If the plotted readings give a distinct curve, the resistance must be expressed as a quadratic function of the temperature. R=RQ(I + at + bt 2 ) From three points on the curve three equations may be written down and from these a and b may be calculated. 1 88 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. (B) For finding the temperature coefficient of carbon an incandescent lamp may be used. As it would be diffi- cult to determine accurately the temperature of the filament in the exhausted bulb by the preceding method, water may be used for the bath and two careful determinations of the resistance made, the first being while the water is at about the temperature of the room, and the other when the water is boiling. In each case the final determination of the resistance should not be made until the temperature of the filament has become constant, as is indicated by its resist- ance becoming quite constant. The leads, where they are immersed in the water, should be carefully insulated with tape. LV. SPECIFIC RESISTANCE OF AN ELECTROLYTE. Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 475-486; Henderson's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 8084; EwelVs Physical Chemistry, pp. 54-57; Kohlrausch's Physical Measurements, pp. 316-321. The object of this experiment is to determine the specific resistance of an electrolyte for instance, solutions of copper sulphate of different concentrations. The box form of Wheatstone's Bridge is most suitable for the purpose (p. 1 54). A steady current from a battery and a galvanometer to determine when there is a balance, as ordinarily used with Wheatstone's Bridge, cannot satisfactorily be used in meas- uring the resistance of an electrolyte, for a steady current produces in a short time polarization at the electrodes. This polarization leads to too high an estimate of the resist- ance of the electrolyte, for when no current flows through the galvanometer, the three other arms of the bridge are balancing the potential difference necessary to overcome the true resistance of the electrolyte plus the potential difference required for overcoming the polarization potential difference at the electrodes. This difficulty is obviated by using the rapidly alternating current from the secondary of an induction coil instead of a steady current from a battery. SPECIFIC RESISTANCE OF AN ELECTROLYTE. 189 The time that the current continues in one direction is so short that no appreciable accumulation can form at the electrodes to produce an opposing difference of potential. An ordinary galvanometer would not be affected by an alternating current, but a telephone which is a very delicate detector of an alternating current may be substituted. In the simplest form of apparatus a vertical glass tube of known cross section, which may be found by calipers (p. 14), holds the electrolyte. The elec- trodes are connected to wires that pass through the stoppers; the upper electrode can be raised or lowered as desired. The resistances corresponding to two different distances of separation of the electrodes should be determined. From the difference we get the re- sistance of a column whose length is the difference in the two lengths and thus eliminate uncertainty as to remaining polarization at the electrodes and the exact ends of each column. Two tubes should be available for the work. In one measurement should be made of the resistance of samples of several solutions of different concentrations, the samples being obtained from stock bottles. The other tube is for the purpose of determining the temperature coefficient of a solution. It is placed in a steam heater such as is used in Exp. XIX (p. 88). As the heating to a steady temperature will require considerable time, the tube should be prepared at the beginning of the work. The resistance of the electro- lyte in it having been determined at room temperature, the heating may be allowed to proceed while the measure- ments with the other tube are made. A tube of small cross section may also be used. If its 1 90 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. ends pass through stoppers into much larger tubes that contain the electrolyte and electrodes, the resistance measured will be virtually that of the electrolyte in the small tube. The diameter of the tube may be found as in Exp. XI (p. 58). Substituting a different length of the same tubing and taking differences we may as before eliminate residual polarization effects. In measuring resistances it will probably be desirable to use equal resistances, e. g., 100 ohms, in the ratio arms of the bridge. It may be impossible to obtain a balance for which there is no sound, for even though there were a balance for steady current, there would not in general be a balance for varying currents such as are used in this experi- ment, owing to the inductive electromotive forces of capacity and self-induction in the resistance coils. When there is uncertainty as to whether a small resistance should be added or cut out, the ear is often assisted by adding and cutting out a larger resistance about which there is no doubt. On comparing the change of tone on a variation of this latter resistance with the variation of tone with the uncertain resistance, one can often decide whether the small resistance should be added or not. With a little practice one should determine resistances within i per cent. Calculate the specific resistance of each solution at each temperature and tabulate the results. Find also the temperature coefficient of the solution which was heated and calculate its specific resistance at o. Questions. 1 . Why should we expect the resistance to decrease with increased temperature ? 2. What is supposed to be the nature of electric conduction in an electrolyte? 3. Are the specific resistances inversely proportional to the con- centrations ? Why ? COMPARISON OF E. M. F/S BY HIGH-RESISTANCE METHOD. 191 LVI. COMPARISON OF E. M. F.'S BY HIGH-RESISTANCE METHOD. Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 430-431; Stewart and Gee's Practical Physics, II, pp. 101-102. The readiest method of comparing the electromotive forces of cells is by means of a galvanometer of sufficiently high resistance. If the deflections are (by the use of added resistances) kept small the deflections of the galvanometer will be closely proportional to the currents that pass through it or i = k.d where k is a constant. Two methods may be employed for comparing two cells. In the first, called the "equal resistance" method, the total resistance R is kept constant (the resistance of the cells being supposed negligi- ble). Hence, by Ohm's Law, the e. m. f.'s are proportional to the currents, that is, to the deflections, or In the other or "equal deflection " method, such resistances are used in the circuit that the cells cause equal deflections of the galvanometer. Hence by Ohm's Law, since the currents are equal, the electromotive forces must be proportional to the resistances, or EjJZi E 2 R, Both methods should be employed to find the e. m. f.'s of several cells by comparing them with that of a standard Daniell cell (p. 159). Directions for the adjustment of the telescope and scale are given on p. 25. (A) Equal Resistance Method. Make R such that the standard Daniell cell gives a deflection of about 10 cm. on a scale about i m. from the mirror. Make a reading of the zero; i. e., when no current passes through the galvanometer. Send the current through the galvanometer and read the division now on the cross-hair. In this way make at least six readings on one side and, reversing, make six on the I Q2 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. other. Read the zero often, as it is liable to change. In reading, use, if necessary, the method of vibration (see p. 23). If the vibrations are irregular on account of trolley currents or other disturbances, estimate the position of equi- librium from the vibrations without actually making read- ings. With some galvanometers the damping is so great that the system comes to rest instead of vibrating about the position of equilibrium. In this case the true reading can be made at once. Always, if possible, estimate tenths of the smallest divisions. When you have thus found the mean deflection for the standard, find similarly the deflec- tion for as many different types of cells as time allows. With the other cells, three readings on a side will be suffi- cient. The internal resistance of the different batteries varies, but the differences are negligible compared with the total resistance of the circuit. Express in volts your final values of the e. m. f.'s of the cells tested. (B) Equal Deflection Method. With a resistance which gives a deflection of about 10 cm., make at least six careful readings of the deflection on each side given by the standard Daniell cell. Replace the standard by one of the cells to be tested and vary the resistance of the circuit until the deflection is the same as you found it on this side for the standard. Similarly find the resistance which will make the deflection on the other side the same as that given by the standard on that side. We can neglect, in comparison with the resistances in the boxes, the resistance of the bat- tery and connecting wires, but not the resistance of the gal- vanometer. Take the mean of the two resistances deter- mined above, plus the resistance of the galvanometer, as the resistance required to give the same deflection as the stand- ard cell gave through the box-resistance used with it, plus the galvanometer resistance. The resistance of the galvan- ometer, G, must be determined as in Exp. XLV (last paragraph) . In determining the possible error of your results, estimate the possible error of resistances from the least change in COMPARISON OF E. M. F.'S BY CONDENSER METHOD. 193 resistance which will have an appreciable effect, and the possible error of deflections from the mean deviation from the mean in your readings. Questions. 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the type of galvanometer used in this experiment compared with other types used in the laboratory? 2 . Which of the two methods do you consider the better ? Why ? 3. How could this method be used for finding the internal resist- ance of a cell? 4. Are the deflections of a galvanometer strictly proportional to the currents? Why? LVII. COMPARISON OF E. M. F.'S AND MEASUREMENT OF BATTERY RESISTANCE BY CONDENSER METHOD. Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 530-534, 562; Watson's Physics, pp. 634; Watson's Practical Physics, p. 526; Henderson's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 185-187. When a condenser of capacity C is connected to a battery of e. m. f. E it receives a charge Q = CE. If it be then con- nected to a ballistic galvanometer, the throw, d, will be proportional to Q, or Q = K . d, where K is a constant. We shall apply this to (A) compare e. m. f. 's and (B) measure the resistance of cells. We shall describe these separately, but in practice they may be combined. (A) Suppose the condenser is first charged by a battery of e. m. f., E v and the deflec- tion when connected to the ballistic galva- , nometer is a u and suppose that when this same condenser has been charged by a battery of e. m. f., E 2 , the deflection is d 2 ; then Kd,; Q 2 =CE 2 =Kd 2 E d d FIG. 60. 194 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Use a key with an upper and a lower contact. The condenser should be connected to the battery when the key is down and to the galvanometer when the key is up. Be very careful never to connect the battery directly to the galvanometer. When a discharge is sent through a ballistic galvanometer, the needle swings over to one side and then swings back. Observe the reading of the scale on the verti- cal cross-hair of the telescope when the needle stops and turns back. Always in such work estimate tenths of the smallest division. Before each throw bring the needle as nearly as possible to rest. The zero is likely to change; | AUS P \\ | F | EIN FIG. 61. therefore, before each throw, record the zero, and, after each throw, record both the turning-point and the difference between this turning-point and the zero; i. e., the amount of the throw. Always charge the condenser for approximately the same length of time, for instance, five seconds. With a standard Daniell cell (p. 159), record six throws on one side. Reverse the battery connections and record six throws on the other side. Let the mean of these be d r Replace the Daniell cell by one of another type and find as before the mean throw d 2 . If E 2 is the e. m. f. of the latter cell Measure in this way the e. m. f. of as many cells of different type as possible. (B) This method of finding the resistance of a cell depends on the fact that when the poles of a cell of resistance B are COMPARISON OF E. M. F.'s BY CONDENSER METHOD. 195 joined by a conductor of resistance r, the difference of potential of the poles depends on the ratio of r to B. Let the current be i. Then the difference of potential of the poles is ri by Ohm's Law applied to the part r of the circuit. If in this condition the poles be joined to a condenser of capacity C it will receive a charge Cri and if this when discharged through a condenser causes a throw d f Cri=K-d' Now if E be the e. m. f. of the cell, E=(B +r)i by Ohm's Law applied to the whole circuit. Hence, if the condenser be charged by the cell when it is not short-circuited as above, the charge C E also equals Ci(B +r) and if the deflection when the condenser is discharged is d, Dividing one equation by the other and solving for B, d-d' B = r ~^- .. The connections are the same as when comparing e. m. f.'s with the addition of a circuit containing a resistance and a very low resistance key (e. g., a mercury key), con- necting the poles of the cell. The battery should be short- circuited just before the charging key is depressed, and the short-circuiting key should be released immediately after the other, otherwise the battery will run down. Choose such a short-circuiting resistance that the galvanometer throw is reduced to about half the value which it has without the short-circuit. Do not use the plug-box resistances for this work, on account of the danger of burning them out, but use open wound resistances of large wire.. Find the internal resistance of cells of several different types. In estimating the possible error of your results, estimate the possible error of your mean readings from the mean deviation from the mean in the individual readings. Additional exercises (to be performed if time permit.) (C) Study the effect of length of time of charge by means 196 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. of the throws obtained with the condenser charged for different lengths of time with the same battery. (D) Study the leakage of the condenser by comparing the throws when the condenser has been successively charged with the same e. m. f., and has remained charged for different intervals of time. (E) Study the electric absorption of the condenser by charging for several minutes, discharging and reading the throw and immediately insulating; after one minute, again discharge and insulate. Continue discharging for several minutes, the condenser being insulated during the minute intervals. Questions. 1. What are the peculiarities and requirements of a good ballistic galvanometer ? 2. What is the construction of a condenser and what do absorption and leakage mean? 3. How could you find the resistance of the galvanometer used, em- ploying a condenser and a known resistance ? LVIII. CALIBRATION OF A VOLTMETER. Ames 1 General Physics, pp. 674-675; Text-book of Physics (Duff), PP- 57~57 1; Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 493-498; Hender- son's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 200-208; Hadley's Electricity and Magnetism, p. 320. A voltmeter may be calibrated by balancing a part of the e. m. f. applied to the terminals of the voltmeter against the e. m. f. of one or more standard cells. To do this a very high resistance circuit, consisting of -a high resistance- box in series with an ordinary resistance-box, is placed in parallel with the voltmeter. The fall of potential in part of the low resistance-box is measured by a side-circuit con- sisting of the standard cell, a sensitive galvanometer and a key, the standard cell being so turned that it tends to send a current through the galvanometer in the opposite direction to the fall of potential in the box. Let e be the e. m. f. of the cell, E the potential difference at the terminals of the voltmeter, r 1 the resistance across CALIBRATION OF A VOLTMETER. 197 which the galvanometer circuit is connected, and r^ the remaining resistance in the high-resistance circuit. When r l is adjusted so that there is no deflection when the key is pressed A special fuse-wire for very low currents should be placed immediately adjacent to the battery to prevent the possi- bility of injury to the resistance-boxes. The main circuit should be closed through a spring-key only a sufficient length of time to enable the voltmeter or the galvanometer to be read. A high resistance should be placed in series with the standard cell to prevent any considerable current passing through it. In first performing this experiment it is well to use a simple and inexpensive f6rm of standard cell, and the Daniell cell (p. 159) will be suitable. For later and more accurate work, either the Clark or the Weston cell should be used. By vary- ing the number of cells in the main circuit or using different resistances in the main circuit, different voltages at the terminals of the voltmeter may be obtained. The above method will not apply if the voltmeter is to be tested at voltages less than the e. m. f. of the standard cell. In this case, an inversion of the connections may be used. Instead of balancing a variable part of the voltage against the e. m. f. of the cell a variable part of the e. m. f. of the cell is balanced against the voltage. A little con- sideration will indicate the necessary change of connection. Instead of the above temporary arrangement of circuits, a Potentiometer, which consists essentially of the several 198 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. circuits with the necessary resistances and keys in perma- nent connection, may be used. With its aid the work may be performed more rapidly and more accurately. Its parts and connections should be carefully traced out with the assistance of a large diagram (which may be attached to the wall near the instrument) and additional explanation will be supplied by the instructor. A calibration curve, consisting of true volts plotted against scale readings, should be drawn. Questions. 1. Prove the above formula by applying Kirchoff's laws. 2. Draw a diagram showing the connections when a millivoltmeter has to be calibrated. 3 . Draw a diagram to show how the above method could be adapted to compare the e. m. f.'s of cells. LIX. CALIBRATION OF AMMETER. Hadley's Electricity and Magnetism, p. 325; Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 516517; Henderson's Electricity and Magnetism, p. 205. A method somewhat similar to that used for the volt- meter may be employed. The current from a storage battery that passes through the ammeter passes also through a conductor of large current capacity and of measured resistance and a switch. The potential difference at the ends of this conductor is found by a shunt circuit, consisting of a high resistance-box in series with a box containing low resistances. In parallel with the latter is a circuit containing a Daniell cell, a sensitive galvanometer and a key. A special very fine fuse-wire should be used in series with the two boxes, and its resistance should be known and taken account of in calculating the current. The large conductor should be immersed in oil and its temperature kept as nearly as possible at the temperature at which its resistance is determined. To prevent heating, the main current should be closed for short intervals only. CALIBRATION OF AMMETER. 199 The galvanometer should be protected by a shunt during the first adjustments. Notice first in which direction the galvanometer moves when the key in its circuit is depressed. The deflection should be reversed or reduced when in addition the switch is closed. If this is found not to be so, the connection of either the Daniell cell or the storage batteries should be reversed. The resistance in the box nearest the galvanometer and, if necessary, in the other box also, should be varied until there is no deflection if the galvanometer key is de- pressed when the switch is closed. When the adjustment has been obtained as closely as possible, the fall of potential between the points of the high-resistance circuit to which the standard cell circuit is attached equals the e. m. f. of the cell (p. 159). From this and the resistances of the boxes the fall of potential between the ends of the large conductor is found and then from the resistance of the large conductor the current through it and the ammeter is calculated. The total resistance in the two boxes must be kept high. A preliminary calculation will show about how large the resistance of large capacity should be. A number of currents distributed over the range of the ammeter should be used and from the results a calibration curve should be drawn. In the above we have assumed that the voltage applied to the conductor exceeds that of the cell. If the reverse is the case, the arrangement must be inverted; i. e., part of the e. m. f. of the cell must be balanced against the voltage applied to the conductor. This method must be applied when the current is less than the quotient of the e. m. f. of the cell and the resistance of the conductor. 200 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Instead of the arrangements of circuits above, the Po- tentiometer referred to in Exp. LVIII may be used to measure the fall of potential in the conductor of large cur- rent capacity. Questions. 1. Why must the resistance in the shunt circuit be large? 2. Storage batteries giving an e. m. f. of 50 volts are available for calibrating an ammeter whose range is from 5 to 25 amperes and whose resistance is 0.2 ohms, (a) What is the least possible value for the resistance of large capacity? (b) What is the greatest value? LX. COMPARISON OF CAPACITIES OF CONDENSERS. Henderson 1 s 's Practical Hadley's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 331334; Henderson's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 235241; Watson' j Physics, pp. 530-535. Two or more condensers are to be compared by three methods. (A) First Method. Each condenser is charged in turn by the same battery and then discharged through a ballistic galvanometer. Let the capacities of the two condensers be C\ and C 2 . The charges which they receive when connected to a battery of e. m. f. E, are Q 1 =C 1 E, and Q 2 .=C 2 E. Let the throws of the galvanometer when the condensers are discharged through it be d l and d 2 , respectively. Then (Exp. LVII). The connections are the same as in Exp. LVII, with the addition of one or more keys to charge alter- nately two or more condensers. If either deflection be too small, additional cells should be added. Storage cells may be used if connections are made through special very fine fuse-wires to protect the resistances. If either deflection be too large the galvanometer should be shunted by a known resistance, S. Let G be the resistance of the galvan- ometer determined as in Exp. XLV (last paragraph), d' the throw obtained with the galvanometer shunted, d the throw which COMPARISON OF CAPACITIES OF CONDENSERS. 201 would have been obtained without the shunt, q r the quantity of electricity passing through the galvanometer, q" the quantity passing through the shunt. Then 9"_5 q' S for charges of electricity, like steady direct currents, divide inversely as the resistances (p. 158). Hence Since _* q' d" (B) Bridge Method. The two condensers to be com- pared, C\ and C 2 , form two arms of a Wheatstone's Bridge, two high non-inductive resistances, R 1 and R 2 (see figure), preferably several thousand ohms, forming the other two arms. These two resistances are ad- justed until on closing the battery circuit at a the galvanometer is not dis- turbed. Then during both r~^ charge and discharge the farther poles of the con- denser (A and B) must remain at the same potential as well as the nearer poles (joined at D). Hence the charges Q^ and Q 2 in the con- densers must have the ratio, Q t : Q 2 ' : C\ : C 2 . But the quanti- ties which have flowed into the condensers will be inversely proportional to the resistances through which the charges have flowed, that is, Q^\ Q 2 : : R 2 : R^ Hence FIG. 65. C 2 R,' The battery key has an upper and lower contact; the upper contact (b), against which the lever ordinarily rests, 2O2 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. short-circuits the battery terminals of the bridge, thus keep- ing the condenser uncharged. The sensitiveness may be increased by increasing the number of cells in the battery, and also by using a double commutator (see p. 1 6 1 j . Instead of a galvanometer a telephone may be used in this method, the battery being replaced by a small induction coil. (C) Thomson's Method of Mixtures. The connections are as shown in the figure. K l is a Pohl's commutator, K 2 an ordinary single contact switch. When the swinging arm of the commutator is in the position aa', the two con- densers are charged, C l to the difference of potential at the extremities of R lf C 2 to the difference of potential at the extremities of R 2 . The swinging arm of the commutator is now placed in the position b'b' and the two charges are allowed to mix. If they are exactly equal, being of opposite sign, the galvanometer will not be affected when K 2 is depressed. R l and R 2 (which are large resistances, pref- erably several thousand ohms), are adjusted until this is secured. The charges being equal, C 1 V l = C 2 V 2 , and since ABSOLUTE MEASUREMENT OF CAPACITY. 203 Questions. 1. What is the composite capacity of three microfarad condensers in parallel? In series? 2. Which of these three methods do you consider best? 3. State briefly in words (without formulae) why charges divide like steady currents; i. e., inversely as the ohmic resistances. 4. Why cannot series resistance be used in (A) to reduce the sensitiveness of the galvanometer. LXI. ABSOLUTE MEASUREMENT OF CAPACITY. The magnitude of a capacity can also be found without the use of a known capacity with which to compare it. This can be done in different ways. The following is one of the simplest. Let Q be the charge received by the condenser of unknown capacity C when connected to a cell of known e. m. f., E. Then To find Q discharge the condenser through a ballistic galvan- ometer the constant of which has been found by the method of Exp. LXIV. If the constant be K and the deflection D t Q = KD. LXII. COEFFICIENTS OF SELF-INDUCTION AND OF MUTUAL INDUCTION. Text-book of Physics (Duff), pp. 609-611; Ames' General Physics, PP- 743-745; Watson's Practical Physics, pp. 543-548; Parr's Practical Electrical Testing, p. 207; Hadley's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 417-422. The coefficient of self-induction of a circuit is the number of magnetic lines of force which link with the current when the circuit is traversed by unit current. Owing to the difficulty of calculating this important quantity from the dimensions of the circuit, experimental methods of deter- mination have much value. 204 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. (A) Probably the best method (using direct currents) is Anderson's Modification of Maxwell's Method. The connections are shown in the figure. The coil of self-in- duction L and resistance Q is made one arm of a Wheat- stone's Bridge (preferably Post-office Box form). Ob- tain a balance for steady currents by proper variation of 5, so that when K l is closed and then K 2 , the galvanometer is not dis- turbed. For delicacy of adjustment it is well to either have a resistance which can be varied continuously form a part of 5, or make the ratio arms P and R such that 5" is large. Vary r, the resistance in the battery circuit, and if necessary, vary the capacity of the condenser C until there is a balance for transient currents; i. e., until the galvanometer is not disturbed FIG. 67. when K 2 is depressed and K l depressed afterward. Then if C is the capacity of the condenser. For at time t\et x = current in branch AB, y = current in AD = cur- rent in D E, = current in BE .'. current in r = y + z. q = charge in condenser, e = potential difference of its poles = Rz + r (y + z) . Since there is a balance for transient currents we may equate the e. m. f. in AD to that in AB. Hence The current in the branch containing the condenser is (x z) ; but it can also be expressed as dq r de dJ mC di Hence Now since there is a balance for steady currents RQ = PS and since Rz = Sy, it readily follows that = Qy + C[r COEFFICIENTS OF INDUCTION. If the resistances are expressed in ohms and the capac- ity in farads, the results will be in henries. Measure the self-induction of a coil whose length is great compared with its diameter and compare the result with that calculated. To calculate the coefficient of self- induction it is necessary to know the number of lines of force passing through the coil. This number multiplied by the number of turns will give the number which link with the current; i. e., the self-induction. If A be the area of the cross section of a solenoid of practically infinite length, with n Q turns per cm. of length, the number of lines is 4xn A for unit current. The number of turns in a length d is n Q d; hence the coefficient of self-induction of this length is 47iAn Q 2 d in C. G. S. units. Reduce to henries by dividing by io 9 (p. 162). ' To secure greater sensitive- ness in making the balance FlG for transient currents, replace the battery by the secondary of a small induction coil and the galvanometer by a telephone, or use a double commu- tator (see p. 161). (B) Comparison of Two Coefficients of Self-induction. The two coils of self-induction L lf L 2 , and resistances R v R 2 , are placed in two arms of a Wheatstone's Bridge, a variable resistance, r, being included in one arm. By vary- ing r, and, if possible, by varying one of the self-inductances, if not, by varying r, P, and Q, find a balance for both steady and transient currents. Then for steady currents 206 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. and for transient currents P where - i /Co) 2 We can test the above formula by calculation, after measuring i, E, R, C, and L. An inductance with a magnetic core has a variable value of L, the magnitude of which depends on the strength of the current. Hence, for this experiment, an inductance consisting of a very large coil containing no iron is used. (A) Measurement of C. If, in the general formula, L be zero, C can be deduced from the values of i, E, and R, assuming that 2 L 2 and E c = ~^ 234 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Evidently the potentials across the parts of the system may be greater than the total e. m. f. which is the resultant obtained by geometrical (i. e.,' vector) addition of the parts. This constitutes resonance. It is complete when Substituting for w its value 2x/T, we get T = 2n'\/LC. This, then, is the period of the applied e. m. f. when resonance results. It is also, therefore, the period of the free natural vibrations of the system. The approximate formula for the capacity of a plate condenser is given in Exp. LXII, a more exact one in Kohlrausch, p. 379. Questions. 1. Assuming the velocity of the waves to be that of light, calculate the frequency of the oscillations for one value of ^. 2. From this and the approximate formula for C calculate L. 3. If a sufficient amount of liquid were available, how could its dielectric constant be found by immersing the wire AD in it? 4. What would be observed if AD were contained in a vacuum tube? TABLES 236 TABLES. TABLE I. Logarithms of Numbers from i to 1000. No. o i 2 3 4 567 8 9 10 oooo 0043 0086 0128 0170 0212 0253 0294 0334 0374 ii 0414 4 C 3 0492 Q53 1 0569 0607 0645 0682 0719 0755 12 0792 0828 0864 0899 0934 0969 1004 1038 1072 1 106 13 "39 "73 I2O6 1239 1271 J 33 J 335 1367 *399 143 14 1461 1492 1523 *553 1584 1614 1644 1673 !73 1732 IS 1761 1790 1818 1847 .1875 1903 I93 1 1959 1987 2014 16 2041 2068 2095 2122 2148 2175 2201 2227 2253 2279 17 2304 233 2355 2380 2405 2430 2455 2480 2504 2529 18 2553 2577 2601 262 5 2648 2672 2695 2718 2742 2765 19 2788 2810 2833 2856 2878 2900 2923 2945 2967 2989 20 3010 3032 354 3075 3096 3118 3139 3160 3181 3201 21 3222 3243 3263 3284 3304 3324 3345 3365 3385 3404 22 3424 3444 3464 3483 3502 3522 3541 356o 3579 3598 23 3617 3636 3 6 55 3674 3692 37" 3729 3747 3766 3784 24 3802 3820 3838 3856 3874 3892 3909 3927 3945 3962 25 3979 3997 4014 4031 4048 4065 4082 4099 4116 4133 26 4150 4166 4183 4200 4216 4232 4249 4265 4281 4298 27 43*4 4330 4346 4362 4378 4393 4409 4425 4440 44 5 6 28 4472 4487 4502 4518 4533 4548 4564 4579 4594 4609 29 4624 4639 4654 4669 4683 4698 47 J 3 4728 4742 4757 30 477 1 4786 4800 4814 4829 4843 4857 4871 4886 4900 31 4914 4928 4942 4955 4969 4983 4997 5011 5024 5038 32 505 1 5065 5079 5092 5io5 5"9 5132 5M5 5159 5172 33 5i85 5198 5211 5224 5237 5250 5263 5276 5289 5302 34 5315 5328 5340 5353 5366 5378 539i 5403 54i6 5428 35 544i 5453 5465 5478 549 5502 55*5 5527 5539 555 1 36 55 6 3 5575 5587 5599 5611 5623 5635 5 6 47 5658 5670 37 5682 5694 575 5717 5729 574 5752 5763 5775 5786 38 5798 5809 5821 5832 5843 5855 5866 5877 5888 5899 39 59 11 5922 5933 5944 5955 5966 5977 5988 5999 6010 40 6021 6031 6042 6053 6064 6075 6085 6096 6107 6117 4i 6128 6138 6149 6160 6170 6180 6191 6201 6212 6222 42 6232 6243 6253 6263 6274 6284 6294 6304 6314 6325 43 6335 6345 6355 6365 6375 6385 6395 6405 6415 6425 44 6435 6444 6454 6464 6474 6484 6493 6503 6513 6522 45 6532 6542 6551 6561 657i 6580 6590 6599 6609 6618 46 6628 6637 6646 6656 6665 6675 6684 6693 6702 6712 47 6721 6730 6 739 6749 6758 6767 6776 6785 6794 6803 48 6812 6821 6830 6839 6848 6857 6866 6875 6884 6893 49 6902 691 1 6920 6928 6937 6946 6955 6964 6972 6981 50 6990 6998 7007 7016 7024 733 7042 7050 759 7067 51 7076 7084 793 7101 7110 7118 7126 7135 7 J 43 7152 52 7160 7168 7177 7185 7 J 93 7202 7210 7218 7226 7 2 35 53 7 2 43 7251 7259 7267 7275 7284 7292 7300 7308 73 J 6 54 7324 7332 7340 7348 7356 7364 ', 7372 7380 7388 7396 No. I 5 TABLES. 237 TABLE I. Continued. Logarithms of Numbers from i to 1000. No. 1 1 * \ 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9 55 7404 7412 7419 7427 7435 7443 745i 7459 7466 7474 56 7482 7490 7497 7505 75*3 7520 7528 7536 7543 755 1 57 7559 7566 7574 7582 7589 7597 7604 7612 7619 7627 58 7^34 7642 7649 7657 7664 7672 7679 7686 7694 7701 59 7709 7716 7723 7731 7738 7745 7752 7760 7767 7774 60 7782 7789 7796 7803 7810 7818 7825 7832 7839 ! 7846 61 7853 7860 7868 7875 7882 7889 7896 7903 7910 ! 7917 62 7924 793 1 7938 7945 7952 7959 7966 7973 7980 7987 63 7993 8000 8007 8014 8021 8028 8035 8041 8048 8055 64 8062 8069 8075 8082 8089 8096 8102 8109 8116 8122 65 8129 8136 8142 8149 8156 8162 8169 8176 8182 8189 66 8195 8202 8209 8215 8222 8228 8235 8241 8248 8254 67 8261 8267 8274 8280 8287 8293 8299 8306 8312 8319 68 8325 8331 8338 8344 8351 8357 8363 8370 8376 8382 69 8388 8395 8401 8407 8414 8420 8426 8432 8439 | 8445 70 8451 8457 8463 8470 8476 8482 8488 8494 8500 ! 8506 7i 8513 8519 8525 8531 8537 8543 8549 8555 8561 ; 8567 72 8573 8579 8585 859i 8597 8603 8609 8615 8621 8627 73 1 8633 8639 8645 8651 8657 8663 8669 8675 8681 ; 8686 74 8692 8698 8704 8710 8716 8722 8727 8733 8739 8745 75 875i 8756 8762 8768 8774 8779 8785 8791 8797 8802 76 j 8808 8814 8820 8825 8831 8837 8842 8848 8854 8859 77 8865 8871 8876 8882 8887 8893 8899 8904 8910 8915 78 8921 8927 8932 8938 8943 8949 8954 8960 8965 8971 79 8976 8982 8987 8993 8998 9004 9009 9oi5 9020 9025 80 9031 9036 9042 9047 9053 9058 9063 9069 9074 9079 81 9085 9090 9096 9101 9106 9112 9117 i 9122 9128 9*33 82 9138 9M3 9149 9154 9159 9165 9170 9175 9180 9186 f 3 9191 9196 9201 9206 9212 9217 9222 i 9227 9232 9238 84 9243 9248 9253 9258 9263 9269 9274 9279 9284 9289 85 9294 9299 934 9309 9315 9320 9325 9330 9335 9340 86 9345 935 9355 9360 93 6 5 9370 9375 I 938o 9385 9390 87 9395 9400 9405 9410 9415 9420 9425 i 943 9435 9440 88 9445 9450 9455 9460 9465 9469 i 9474 9479 9484 9489 89 9494 9499 9504 9509 95 J 3 9518 ! 9523 9528 9533 9538 90 9542 9547 9552 9557 9562 9566 957i 9576 9581 9586 9i 959 9595 9600 9605 i 9609 9614 9619 9624 9628 9633 92 9638 9643 ! 9647 9652 9657 9661 9666 9671 1 9675 9680 93 9685 9689 i 9694 9699 9703 9708 ! 9713 9717 9722 9727 94 973i 9736 974i 9745 975 9754 9759 9763 9768 9773 95 9777 9782 9786 9791 9795 9800 9805 9809 9814 9818 96 9823 9827 9832 9836 9841 9845 9850 9854 9859 9863 97 9868 9872 9877 9881 9886 9890 9894 9899 9903 9908 98 9912 9917 9921 9926 9930 9934 9939 9943 9948 9952 99 9956 9961 9965 9969 9974 997 s 9983 9987 9991 9996 No. o z 2 3 4 I 5 6 7 8 9 238 TABLES. TABLE II. Natural Sines and Cosines. Sine Cosine 4, o.oooo 90 I.OOOO I 0.0175 175 89 0.9998 02 2 0.0349 1 74 88 0.9994 04 3 0.0523 174 87 0.9986 08 4 0.0698 175 86 0.9976 10 5 0.0872 174 85 0.9962 14 6 0.1045 84 0.9945 7 0.1219 174 83 0.9925 20 8 0.1392 173 82 0.9903 22 9 0.1564 172 81 0.9877 26 10 0.1736 172 80 0.9848 29 ii 0.1908 172 79 0.9816 32 12 0.2079 171 78 0.9781 35 13 0.2250 171 77 0.9744 37 14 0.2419 169 76 0.9703 15 0.2588 169 75 0.9659 44 16 0.2756 1 68 74 0.9613 46 J 7 0.2924 168 73 0.9563 50 18 0.3090 166 7 2 0.9511 52 19 0.3256 166 7 1 0.9455 56 20 0.3420 164 70 0-9397 58 21 0.3584 164 69 0.9336 61 22 0.3746 162 68 0.9272 64 2 3 0.3907 161 67 0.9205 67 24 0.4067 1 60 66 -9 I 35 70 25 0.4226 159 65 0.9063 72 26 0.4384 158 64 0.8988 75 27 0.4540 156 63 0.8910 78 28 0.4695 155 62 0.8829 81 29 0.4848 153 61 0.8746 83 30 0.5000 I 5 2 60 0.8660 86 3 1 0.5150 I 5 59 0.8572 88 32 0.5299 149 58 0.8480 92 33 0.5446 147 57 0.8387 93 34 0.5592 146 56 0.8290 97 35 0-5736 144 55 0.8192 98 36 0.5878 142 54 0.8090 102 37 0.6018 140 53 0.7986 104 38 0.6157 139 52 0.7880 106 39 0.6293 136 0.7771 109 40 0.6428 X 35 5 0.7660 in 41 9-6561 J 33 49 0-7547 XI 3 42 0.6691 130 48 Q-743 1 116 43 0.6820 129 47 0.7314 117 44 0.6947 127 46 0-7*93 121 45 0.7071 124 45 * 0.7071 122 Ctfsine Sine TABLES. 239 TABLE III. For Reduction of Time of Oscillation to an Infinitely Small Arc. 4 4 64 4 If t = observed time and T = true reduced time T-t-kt. a fc a k a & o.ooooo 7 o .00023 14 O.OOOQ3 i ooo 8 030 J 5 107 2 002 9 39 16 122 3 004 10 048 J 7 138 4 008 1 1 058 18 154 5 012 12 069 *9 172 6 Oi; !3 080 20 I9O 7 023 14 093 TABLE IV. Reduction of Barometer Readings to o. (The corrections below are in mm. and are to be subtracted. The uncorrected height is in cm.) Temp. Brass Scale Glass Scale 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 74 75 76 77 78 15 r -75 1.77 1.81 1.83 1.86 1.88 1.91 1.92 1.94 1.97 2.0O 2. 02 1 6 1.87 1.89 1.93 1.96 1.98 2.01 2.03 2.05 2.17 2.07 2. 2O 2.10 2.1 3 2.16 2 29 i7 1.98 2.01 2.05 2.08 2.IO 2.13 2.16 2.23 2.26 18 2.IO 2-13 2.17 2. 2O 2.23 2.26 2.29 2.30 2-43 2-33 2.36 2-39 2-43 2.56 "9 2.22 2.25 2.29 2.32 2-35 2.38 2.41 2.46 2-49 2.53 20 2 -33 2.37 2.41 2-44 2.47 2-5 1 2-54 2.56 -59 2.62 2.66 2.69 2 I 2-45 2.48 2.53 2.56 2.69 2.6O 2.63 2.76 2.67 2.68 2.81 2.72 2. 7 6 2.89 3.02 3.15 3.28 2.79 2.8 3 2.96 22 2-57 2.60 2.65 2.72 2.79 2.8 5 2.92 2 3 2.68 2.72 2-77 2.81 2.8 4 2 88 2.92 2.94 2.98 3- 11 3.23 3.06 3- J 9 3- J o 3-23 3-36 24 2.80 2.84 2.89 2.93 3.05 2.97 3-9 3.01 3-!3 3-05 3-J7 3.06 3- J 9 i 25 2.92 2.96 3.01 3-32 240 TABLES. TABLE V. Density and Volume of One Gram of Water at Different Temperatures. Temp. Density Vol. of i. gr. Temp. Density Vol. of i . gr. 0.999878 I.OOOI22 J 21 0.998065 .001939 i Q-999933 .000067 22 0.997849 .0021 56 2 0.999972 .000028 2 3 0.997623 .002383 3 0.999993 .000007 24 0.997386 .002621 4 I.OOOOOO .000000 25 0.997140 .002868 5 0.999992 .000008 30 0-99577 .00425 6 0.999969 .000031 35 0.99417 .00586 7 Q-999933 .000067 40 0.99236 .00770 8 0.999882 .000118 45 0-99035 .00974 9 0.999819 .000181 50 0.98817 .01197 10 0-999739 .000261 55 0.98584 .01436 1 1 o 999650 .000350 60 0-98334 .01694 12 0.999544 .000456 65 0.98071 .01967 *3 0.999430 .000570 7 0.97789 .02261 U 0.999297 .000703 75 0-97493 .02570 i5 0.999154 .000847 80 0.97190 .02891 16 0.999004 .000997 85 0.96876 -03225 17 0.998839 .001162 90 0.96549 03574 18 0.998663 .001339 95 0.96208 .03941 19 0.998475 .001527 IOO 0.95856 04323 20 0.998272 .001731 TABLE VI. Density of Gases (o, 76 cm.). 1 Hydrogen 00008987 Oxygen 0014290 Nitrogen .0012507 Air 0012928 Chlorine 003167 Carbon monoxide 0012504 Carbon dioxide 0019768 Ethane 001341 Ethylene 001252 Steam (at 100) 00060315 Largely from Guye, J. Ch, Phys., 1907, p. 203. TABLES. 2AI TABLE VII. Density (o), Specific Heat (o), and Coefficient of Linear Expansion Element Density Specific Heat Coef. of Lin. Exp. Multiplied by io 6 \luminum 2 60 2 2 231 Antimony 6.62 O4Q ^ j. x Bismuth 9.8 .OT, I Cadmium 8.61 O ? ? -2Q.7 Carbon, diamond Carbon, graphite Carbon gas carbon 3-52 2.25 i .00 .10 15 3 r.?8 7.8 5 A Cobalt 8.8 . I 06 124 Copper Copper sulphate (crys ) 8.92 S-S8 .094 16.8 Gold IQ.3 .032 M-4 Iron 7.8 . I I I 2.1 Lead n.^6 O2 O 202 Magnesium . 1.74. Mercury I "? . ^06 QT.T.T. 181 (cub. exp ) Nickel .IO8 12.8 Phosphorus yellow . 1.83 .20 Phosphorus, red 2.IQ I 7 Phosphorus, metallic. 2.^4 Platinum 214. O 3 3 90 Potassium chloride I 08 Silver I O ^ 3 .0 ^6 I Q. 2 Sodium chloride 2.1 C Sodium sulphate. . . . 2.6 t? Tin 7.3 .0 ^6 22.3 Zinc 7-2 OQ4 20. 2 Zinc sulphate (anhy ) 3 A Q 4V 16 242 TABLES. TABLE VIII. Density, Specific Heat, and Coefficient of Expansion of Miscellaneous Substances (o). Substance Density Specific heat Coef. of Lin. Exp. (Xio 6 ) Castor oil .060 Glass, green Glass crown 2.6 2 . 7 .19 . 19 8.9 8.8 Glass crystal 2 . 18 7 . 7 Glass flint 3. I ^ 3 O . 10 7 3 Hard rubber Marble Paraffin I-I5 2-75 .89 7-7 11.7 Quartz, crystal II .... Quartz, crystal - 1 - Quartz fused 2-653 2-653 2 2O .19 7.2 13.2 54 Alcohol (ethyl) Benzol .81 .800 54 .^8 i .048 1 I.I76 1 Carbon bisulphide. . . . Chloroform 1.293 I *\3 .24 2 3 I.I4 1 i n 1 Ether (ethyl) Glycerine 74 i 26 S3 . s8 i-Si 1 TABLE IX. Average Value of Elastic Moduli. Shear Modulus. Coefficient of cubical expansion Xio 3 . Young's Modulus. Brass V7Xio u 10. 4X10" Iron 7.7X10" I9-6XI0 11 Steel 8.2X10" 22 Xio 11 TABLES. 243 TABLE X. Surface Tension T (15), Temperature Coefficient of Surface Tension c', and Angle of Contact a. T c' Ethyl ether 10 . i j 1 6 Ethyl alcohol 2 ^ 087 Benzol 31 13 Water 7 6 '5 small Mercury 527 --38 i35 TABLE XL Coefficient of Viscosity (20). * Water oioo Mercury o 1 59 Acetic acid 0122 Methyl alcohol 00591 Ethyl alcohol .0119 Ethyl ether 00234 Benzol 00649 1 "\Vinkelmann, 1908, I, 2, p. 1397. 244 TABLES. TABLE XII. Specific Heats of Gases.' Temp. s v Argon... 20 .1205 Helium 20 1.25 Mercury 27 5~3 56 .0246 Hydrogen o-2oo 3.406 Nitrogen -3o-20o .244 Oxygen o-2oo .217 Air o-2oo .2375 Chlorine i9-343 - 1 J 5 Iodine 2oo--377 -0336 Bromine 85-228 .0555 Water i 3 o -25o .480 Hydrogen sulphide... io-2oo .245 Carbon dioxide i 1 00 .217 Ammonia j 2o-2io .512 Chloroform ! 28-n8 .144 Ethyl alcohol i io-22o .453 Ether 7o-225 .480 Benzol n6-2i8 .375 1.66 1.64 1.66 1.396 1.405 1.40 1-405 1.32 1.29 1.29 1.287 1.28 1.28 1.14 1.07 1.187 1 Jiiptner, Phys. Chem. I, pp. 71-73- TABLES. 245 TABLE XIII. Pressure of Saturated Water Vapor (Regnault). (mm.) Temp. Pressure Temp. Pressure | Ice Water 29 29.782 30 3I-548 10 1.999 2.078 31 33-405 3 2 35 359 8 2-379 2.456 33 37-4io 34 39 565 6 2.821 2.890 35 41.827 40 54.906 4 3-334 3-387 45 7J-39 1 50 91.982 2 3-925 3-955 55 117.479 60 148.791 65 186.945 O 4.600 70 233-093 + I 4.940 75 288.517 2 5-302 80 354-643 3 5.687 85 433-41 4 6.097 90 525-45 5 6-534 9 1 545-78 6 6.998 92 566.76 7 7.492 93 588.41 8 8.017 94 610.74 9 8-574 95 633-78 10 9.165 96 657-54 ii 9.792 97 682.03 12 10.457 98 707.26 13 11.062 98-5 720.15 14 11.906 99-o 733-91 15 12.699 99-5 746.50 16 !3- 6 35 IOO.O 760.00 17 14.421 100.5 773-7 1 18 15-357 IOI.O 787-63 19 16.346 IO2.O 816.17 20 i7-39i IO4.O 875.69 21 18.495 105 906.41 22 19.659 no 1075.4 23 20.888 I2O i49!-3 24 22.184 I 3 2030.3 25 23-550 X 5 358i-2 26 24.998 1 7S 6717 27 26.505 200 1 1690 28 28.101 225 19097 246 TABLES. TABLE XIV. Boiling Point of Water, t, at Barometric Pressure, p,(ui m.) . p> t. P> t. P- t. 740 99.26 750 99-63 760 100.00 41 .29 5i .67 61 .04 42 33 52 .70 62 .07 43 37 53 74 63 .1 1 44 .41 54 .78 64 15 45 .44 55 .82 65 .18 46 .48 56 85 66 .22 47 52 57 .89 67 .26 48 56 58 93 68 .29 49 59 59 .96 69 33 75 99-63 760 100.00 770 100.36 TABLES. 247 TABLE XV. Wet and Dry Bulb Hygrometer. (Actual vapor pressures (mm.) for different temperatures of dry thermometer and various differences of temperature between the two thermometers. The first vertical column gives the temperature of the dry-bulb thermometer. The first horizontal line gives the difference between the two thermometers. Since the difference is zero if the air is satu- rated, the second vertical column gives the saturated vapor pressure for the corresponding temperatures in the first column.) tc. o I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I o 4.6 3-7 2-9 2.1 J -3 i 4-9 4.0 3-2 2.4 1.6 0.8 2 5-3 4-4 3-4 2.7 1.9 I.O 3 5-7 4-7 3-7 2.8 2.2 1 '3 4 6.1 5- 1 4.1 3-2 2-4 1.6 0.8 5 6-5 5-5 4-5 3-5 2.6 1.8 I.O 6 7.0 5-9 4-9 3-9 2. 9 2.0 i.i 7 7-5 6.4 5-3 4-3 3-3 2-3 1.4 0.4 8 8.0 6.9 5-8 4-7 3-7 2.7 *-7 0.8 9 8.6 7-4 6-3 S- 2 4.1 3- 1 2.1 i.i O.2 10 9.2 8.0 6.8 5-7 4.6 3-5 2-5 i-5 o-5 ii 9.8 8.6 7-4 6.2 5- 1 4.0 2.9 1.9 0.9 12 10.5 9.2 8.0 6.8 5-6 4-5 3-4 2-3 i-3 *3 II. 2 9.8 8.6 7-3 6.2 5-o 3-9 2.8 i-7 14 II.9 10.6 9.2 8.0 6.7 56 4-4 3-3 2.2 i.i 15 12.7 n-3 9-9 8.6 7-4 6.1 S-o 3-8 2.7 1.6 o-5 16 J 3-5 12. 1 10.7 9-3 8.0 6.8 5-5 4-3 3-2 2.1 I.O I 7 14.4 13.0 n-5 IO.I 8-7 7-4 6.2 4-9 3-7 2.6 !-5 0.4 18 i5-4 I 3 .8 12.3 10.9 9-5 8.1 6.8 5-5 4-3 3- 1 2.O 0.9 19 16.4 14.7 13-2 11.7 10.3 8.9 7-5 6.2 4-9 3-7 2-5 1.4 20 17.4 15-7 14-1 12.6 ii. i 9-7 8-3 6.9 5-6 4-3 3-i 1.9 21 18.5 16.8 i5-i 13-5 12. 10.5 9.0 7-6 6.3 5- 3-7 2-5 22 19.7 17.9 16.2 14.5 I2. 9 11.4 9-9 8. 4 | 7.0 5-7 4-4 3-i 2 3 20.9 19.0 J 7-3 15-6 13-9 12.3 10.8 9-2 7-8 6.4 5- 1 3-8 24 22.2 20.3 18.4 16.6 14.9 13-3 11.7 IO.I 8-7 7-2 5-8 4-5 25 23.6 21.6 19.7 17.8 16.0 14-3 12.7. II. I 9-5 8.0 6.6 5-2 26 25.0 22.9 21. 19.0 17.2 i5-4 J 3-7 12. 1 10.5 8.9 7-4 6.0 27 26.5 24.9 22.3 20.3 18.4 16.6 14.8 I3- 1 11.4 9.8 8-3 6.8 28 28.1 25-9 23-7 21.7 19.7 17.6 16.0 14.2 12.5 10.8 9-2 : 7-7 29 29.8 27-5 25-3 23.1 21. 1 19.1 17.2 15-3 13.6 11.9 IO.2 8.6 3 3 1.6 29.2 26.9 24.6 22.5 20-5 18.5 16.6 14.7 13.0 I 1.2 9.6 248 TABLES. TABLE XVI. Vapor Pressure of Mercury (mm.). Temp. Pres. Temp. Pres. o O.O2 170 8.091 + 20 O.O4 1 80 I I.OOO 40 O.o8 190 14.84 60 0.16 200 19.90 80 o-35 210 26.35 IOO 0.746 22O 34 7 no 1.073 230 45-35 I2O *-534 240 58.82 I 3 2-175 250 75-75 140 3-059 260 96.73 ISO 4.266 270 123.01 I 60 5.900 280 I55-I7 TABLE XVII. Melting Point of Metals. (Holborn and Day and Waidner and Burgess. 1 ) Tin . . 232 Cadmium 321 Lead Zinc Antimony Aluminum Silver Gold Copper .... 327 419 63 1 657 961 1063 1084 Platinum 1 770 Rev., 1909, p. 467; Compt. Rend., 1909, cxlviii, p. 1177. TABLES. 249 TABLE XVIII. Wave Lengths in Angstrom Units (io- 8 cm.). Line Element Wave Length Color C H a . . .. Hydrogen. 6 ^63 o ?4 Red Dr Sodium c8o6 i ? ^ Yellow D, Sodium 5890 182 Yellow F H^ Hydrogen 4861. s. n VJbVJlllClilll/ U< ( 3 oo-w) 2 ' n I 2 3 A 50 0.0400 O.42O 0.0440 0.0460 0.0482 60 .0625 -6 5 I .0678 .0706 735 70 .0926 .0961 .0997 1034 . 1072 80 .1322 .1368 .1414 .1643 .1512 90 1837 .1896 !957 .2018 . 2082 IOO 25OO .2576 2653 2734 .2815 I IO 335 2 3449 3549 3652 3756 I2O 4445 457 .4698 .4829 .4964 130 .5848 . 6009 6i73 6343 .6516 I4O .7656 .7864 .8078 .8296 .8521 J 5 i .0000 i .027 1-055 1.083 1.113 1 60 1.306 1.342 1-379 i .416 !-454 170 i . 700 i-757 i. 806 1.856 1.907 1 80 2.250 2-313 2-379 2.446 2.516 190 2.983 3.070 3 .160 3-253 3-35 200 4.000 4.122 4-285 4-380 4.516 210 5-444 5.621 5-803 5-994 6.192 220 7-563 7.826 8.100 8.387 8.687 230 10.80 I I .21 11.64 12.09 I2 -57 240 16.00 16.68 17.41 18.17 18.98 250 25.00 n 5 6 7 8 9 5 0.0504 0.0527 0.0550 0.0574 0.0599 60 .0765 .0796 .0827 .0859 .0892 70 .mi .1151 . 1 193 1235 .1278 80 i5 6 3 .1615 .1668 !7 2 3 .1779 90 .2148 .2215 .2283 2354 .2428 IOO .2899 .2985 3074 .3164 3256 no .3864 3974 .4088 .4204 4323 120 .5012 5244 5389 5538 .5691 I 3 .6694 .6877 .7064 7257 7454 140 .8752 .8988 .9231 .9481 9737 I 5 1-143 1.174 i .205 1-238 1.272 1 60 1.494 i-535 i-577 i .620 i .664 170 i .960 2 .OI4 2 .071 2.129 2.188 180 2.588 2.662 2-739 2.817 2.889 190 3-449 3-552 3-658 3.768 3.882 200 4.656 4.803 4-954 5.111 5-275 2IO 6.398 6.122 6-835 7.068 7.310 22O 9.000 9-327 9.670 10.03 10.40 2 3 13.07 13.60 14-15 14.74 15-35 24O 19.84 20.75 21.72 22.75 23.84 2 5 2 5 2 TABLES. TABLE XXII. Specific Resistance at o C. and Temperature Coefficient. Specific Resistance Temperature Coefficient Bismuth Copper ( Copper ( German Iron. . . (hard) 132.6X10- i .590X10- 1.622X10- 20.24X10- 10.43X10- 19.85X10- 94.07 X io- 8.957X10- 1.521X10- 1.652X10- 9.565X10- 0.0054 0.0043 annealed) hard drawn) silver (4Cu + 2 Ni + i Zn) 0.00027 0.007 0.0039 0.00089 0.0034 0.00377 Lead (pi Mercury Platinun Silver (a Silver (h Tin ressed) i nnealed) ard drawn) 0.004 TABLE XXIII. Specific Resistance and Temperature Coefficient of Solutions (18).* Sp. Res. ! Temp. Coef. Sp. Res. Temp. Coef. wHCl 3-3 2 i o 0165 nNaCl I -7 A f O O2 2 6 o.inHCl o.oinHCl 28.5 271. o.mNaCl.... o.oiwNaCl . . 108.1 974. wHNO 3 . o.iwHN0 3 ... o.oiwHNO 3 . . n iH 2 SO 4 3-23 28.6 272. c o ^ 0.163 o . o 1 64 1 wKCl .. o.inKCl o.oiwKCl . . . nAgNO 3 10.18 89.5 817. 14. . 7 c 0.0217 o . 02 1 6 o.iniH 2 SO 4 .. o.oiw$H 2 SO 4 . wC 2 H 4 O 2 44-4 325- 758 1 o. in AgNO 3 .. . o.oiwAgNO 3 . w^Pb(NO 3 ) 2 105-7 922 . 21. 8 o.mC 2 H 4 O 2 .. o.oiwC 2 H 4 O 2 . 2170. 6990. o.miPb(N0 3 ) 2 o.omiPb(NO 3 ) 2 129.4 967. nNaOH . o.iwNaOH .. o.oiwNaOH. 6-25 54-7 500. 0.019 w^ZnSO 4 o.iZnSO 4 .. o.omiZnSO 4 37-6 217. 1362. 0.02 5 wNH 4 OH .. o.mNH 4 OH . o.oiNH 4 OH 1125. 33- 10420. niCuSO 4 . o.iw JCuSO 4 .. o.oiw ^CuSO 4 . 38.8 223. 1385- 0.0225 * A normal solution (designated by the subscript w), contains in one liter a number of grams equal to the chemical equivalent (atomic or molecular weight divided by the valency). A solution with the subscript o. in has one-tenth this concentration, etc. For exmaple, o. iwHCl has 3 .65 grs. of HC1 (gas) in one trile of solution, or that proportion. TABLES. 253 TABLE XXIV. Dielectric Constants. I II Hydrocyanic acid Water . . .... 96 80 Ether . . 4(T Xylol Benzol 2.26 2 2 Methyl alcohol Ethyl alcohol Ammonia (liquid) Acetone Sulphur dioxide Pyridene :::: % .... 22 .... 17 14 .... 12 Toluol 2 2 Petroleum 2.O7 INDEX, Aberration, 138 Absorption, electric, 196 Acceleration of gravity, 36 Air, density of, 33 thermometer, 76 Alloys, melting-point, 109 Alternating current measurements, 225, 227 Ammeter, calibration of, 198 Anderson's method (self induction), 204 Angle of prism, 131 Angular field of view, 143 Apparent expansion of gas, 76 of liquid, 74 Arc of vibration, correction, 239 Balance, 21-25 correction for air buoyancy, 24 method of oscillations, 22-24 ratio of arms, 24 Ballistic galvanometer, 156, 208 Barometer, 21 table of corrections, 239 Battery, electromotive force, 191, 193 resistance, 185, 195 Beckman thermometer, 65 Biquartz, 151 Bismuth spiral, 207 Boiling-point of water (table), 246 Bridge, Wheatstone's, 153 Bunsen photometer, 126 Cadmium cell, 160 Calibrating coil, 209, 212 Calibration of ammeter, 198 of galvanometer, 179 of resistances, 183 of scale, 26 of thermometer, 67 of voltmeter, 196 Callender's equation (platinum ther- mometer), 117 Calorimeter, for gases, 113 for liquids, 114 for solids, no, in simple, 89 Candle-power, measurement of, 1 26 Capacity, absolute measurement, 203 divided charge method, 178 measurement (alternating cur- rents), 225, 227 Capacities, comparison of, 200, 228, 230 different types, 194, 229 Carey Foster bridge, 183 Cathetometer, 19 Chemical hygrometer, 84 Chromatic aberration, 138 Clark cell, 160 Clement and Desermes' method (specific heat of gases), 91 Coefficient of apparent expension, 74, 76 of expansion, 71, 241, 242 of friction, 41-45 of increase of pressure, 76 of mutual induction, 206 of self induction, 203 of viscosity, 56, 243 Coincidence method, 38 Commutator, double, 161 Comparator, 15 Condenser, see capacity. Conductivity, thermal, 102 of electrolyte, 188 Copper voltameter, 220 Curves, plotting of, 1 1 Daniell cell, 159 Demagnetization of iron, 213 Density, of gases, 33, 240 of liquids, 29 of powders, 32 of solids, 28, 241, 242 of water, 240 255 256 INDEX. Dew-point, 83 Dielectric constant, 228, 230 (table), 253 Diffraction grating, 147 Dip circle, 167 Dividing engine, ry Dolezalek electrometer, 176 Double bridge, 178 Double commutator, 161 Drude's apparatus (electric waves), 230 Earth inductor, 169 Elastic constants, 242 Electric absorption, 196 Electrical resonance, 232 units, 162 waves, 230 Electrolytes, resistance of, 188 Electrometer, quadrant, 176 Electromotive force, device for small, 161 measurement of, 191, 193 of various cells, 160 Equivalent, chemical, 31 Errors, 2-10 of weights, 27 Expansion, apparent, 74, 76 coefficient of, 71, 241, 242 Eutectic alloy, 109 Focal length of lenses, 137, 140 of mirrors, 134 Frequency of tuning fork, 44, 1 20 Friction, coefficient of kinetic, 42 coefficient of static, 41 "G," determination of, 36 Galvanometer, bringing to rest, 156 calibration of, 179, 208 damping, 157 different types, 155 resistance of, 171, 173 shunt, 157 study of ballistic, 158, 208 tangent, 222 Gas, coefficient of increase of pressure, 76 density of, 240 Grating, diffraction, 147 Heat, conductivity for, 102 Heat value of gas, 113 of liquid, 114 of solid, no Hempel calorimeter, no Hooke's law, 46 Horizontal component of earth's field, 163, 219 Hygrometry, 83 Hypsometer, 70 Hysteresis, 214 Incandescent lamp, study of, 128 Inclination, magnetic, 167 Index of refraction, measurement of, 132 table of, 250 Inertia, measurement of moment of, 5 2 Insulation resistance, 176 Interferometer, 149 Iron, permeability of, 210 Junker calorimeter, 113 Kundt's method (velocity of sound)' 122 Latent heat of fusion, 94 of vaporization, 96, 99 Lenses, combinations, 140 focal length, 137 rule of signs, 125 Light, filters, 124 monochromatic, 124 Logarithmic decrement, 157 tables, 236 Low resistance, measurement of, 178- 183 Lummer-Brodhun photometer, 126, 127 Magnetic field, measurement of, 207 of earth, dip, 167 of earth, horizontal component, 163, 219 hysteresis, 214 permeability, 210 Magnetometer, 165 Magnification, 141 Magnifying power of telescope, 142 Mance's method (battery resistance), 185 Mechanical equivalent of heat, elec- trical method, 219 by friction, 105 Melting-point of alloy, 109 of metals (table), 248 INDEX. 257 Mercury, vapor pressure of (table), 248 Michelson's interferometer, 149 Micrometer caliper, 14 microscope, 15 Minimum deviation, 132 Mirror and scale, adjustment of, 25 Mirrors, spherical, measurement of focal length, 134 rule of signs, 125 Moduli, law of, 31 Mohr-Westphal balance, 29 Moment of inertia, 52 Monochromatic light, 124 Mutual induction, 206, 227 Optical lever, 48, 73 pyrometer, 116 Passages, method of, 54 Pendulum, correction for arc (table), 239 physical, 37 simple, 36 Permeability, 210 Photometric table, 251 Photometry, 126 Pirani's method (mutual induction), 200 Pitch of tuning fork, 44, 120 Planimeter, 218 Platinum thermometer, 116 Pohl commutator, 202, 216 Polarization, rotation of plane of, 150 Possible error, 4-9 Post-office box bridge, 154 Potentiometer, 197 Pressure, coefficient of increase of, 76 of mercury vapor, 248 of water vapor (measurement), 80 (table), 245 Primus burner, 114 Prism, angle of, 131 minimum deviation, 132 Probable error, 9 Pyknometer, 33 Pyrometry, 115 Quadrant electrometer, 176 Radiation correction, 63 pyrometer, 116 Radius of curvature of mirror, 134 Ratio of specific heats, measurement of, 91, 122, 123 table, 244 Refractive index, measurement of, 132 of lenses, 136 table, 250 Regnault's apparatus, hygrometry, 83 vapor pressure, 81 Reports, 2 Resistance, boxes, 153 electrolytic, 188 high, 175-178 low, 178-183 measurement of, 169 of ballistic galvanometer, 208 of battery, 185, 195 of galvanometer, 171, 173 temperature coefficient of, 186 Resistances, comparison of, 183 Resolving power, of eye, 146 of telescope, 145 Rigidity of metals, 51 Rosenhain calorimeter, in Rotation of plane of polarization, measurement of, 150 table, 250 Rubber grease, 34 Saccharimetry, 150 Scale, calibration of, 26 construction of, 26 Self induction, alternating current method, 225, 227 Anderson's method, 204 inductions, comparison of, 205 Shunts, galvanometer, 157, 171 Shear modulus, 51 Signs (mirrors and lenses), 125 Slide wire bridge, 154 Sound velocity of, 119, 122 Specific gravity bottle, 33 heat, of gases, 91 (table), 244 of metals, 85 (table), 241 of miscellaneous substances (table), 241, 242 inductive capacity, see dielectric constant, resistance of electrolytes, 188, 252 of metals, 171, 252 rotatory power (table), 250 Spectrometer, 130 Spherical aberration, 138 Spherometer, 16 258 INDEX. Standard cells, 159. Stroboscopic disk, 44 Surface tension, measurement of, 60 table, 243 Tangent galvanometer, 222 Telescope, adjustment of, 25 magnifying power of, 142 resolving power of, 145 Temperature coefficient of expansion, 7*> 74 of expansion (tables), 240-242 of resistance, 186 (table), 252 Thermal conductivity, 102 Thermocouple, 91, 116, 223 Thermometer, air, 76 Beckman, 65 calibration of, 67-7 1 fixed points, 69 platinum, 116 Thomson's double bridge, 181 method (galvanometer resistance), method of mixtures, 202 Time of vibration, method of coin- cidences, 38 method of passages, 54 reduction to infinitely small arc, 239 signals, 25 Torsion, modulus of, 51 Trigonometrical functions (table), 238 Tuning fork, pitch of, 44, 1 20 Units, electrical, 162 Vacuum, reduction of weighing to, 24 Valson's law of moduli, 31 Vapor pressure of mercury (table), 248 of water (measurement), 80 (table), 245 Velocity of sound, Kundt's method, 122 resonance method, 119 Vernier, 13 caliper, 14 Virtual image, 136, 139 Viscosity, measurement of coefficient of, 56 table, 243 Voltameter, copper, 220 Voltmeter, calibration, 196 Volumenometer, 32 Water, boiling-point (table), 246 density (table), 240 equivalent, 89 vapor pressure, 80, 245 Wave length, of electric waves, 230 of light waves (measurement), 147 (table), 249 of sound waves, 119, 122 Weighing, by oscillations, 22 double, 24 reduction to vacuum, 24 Weight thermometer, 76 Weights, calibration of, 27 Weston (cadmium) cell, 160 Wet and dry bulb hygrometer, 84, 247 Wheatstone's bridge, 153, 169 Young's modulus, by bending, 47 by stretching, 46 table, 242 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book Slip-Series 458 167U18 Duff, A.W. 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