POEMS ^VERSES CAROL NORTON UII ! \ I mil POEMS AND VERSES BY CAROL NORTON AUTHOR OF "WOMAN S CAUSE" AND "THE NEW WORLD." YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE You FREE. JESUS. PUBLISHERS DANA ESTES AND COMPANY BOSTON :\ Copyright, 1901, by CAROL NORTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO CHARLES CARROLL NORTON AND MARY WADSWORTH NORTON MY FATHER AND MOTHER WHO HAVE ENTERED THE IMMORTAL LIFE THIS VOLUME IS FAITHFULLY AND LOVINGLY DEDICATED SJ191878 TABLE OF CONTENTS A Song of Life 1-2 Peace 3 Down Through the Ages 4-5 Out of the False Into the True 6-7 The Radiant Cross 8 Truth s Dwelling-Place 9 The Eternal Hope 10-11 Ascension 12 The Eternal God 13 M A Prayer 15 Answered Prayer 16 Real Glory 17 Friendship 18 Love s Nobility 19 Security 20 Fear Not, Trust, and Be Undismayed 21 Be Fearless 22 On the Heights 23 Evening Communion 24 One Love 25 Hearts that Are Pure 26 I Wait Thy Time 27 Sing Ye a Glad Song 28 The Might of Right 29 There Remaineth a Sabbath Rest 30-31 The End is Light 32-33 iv MOTIF MOTIF Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream ! For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem. Life is real ! Life is earnest ! And the grave is not its goal ; Dust thou art, to dust returnest Was not spoken of the soul. HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. THERE is but one word to be spoken to-day, and that word is Life Eternal Life ; Life sur viving all changes ; Life persisting through all that seems to overwhelm it ; Life victorious over death; Life that makes real death impossible to our thoughts ! Not Resurrection, but Life, is the word spoken to the soul, and from the soul. Life unbroken, continuous, uninterrupted not waiting for some distant resurrection day and an awakening at some trumpet s sound, but life going on, passing un changed to new conditions ; the life that begins here with the first spiritual thought, spiritual feel ing, and spiritual experience ; that inner life of thought, and feeling, and experience of things that do not belong to the body and are not concerned in its life ; the inner, invisible, spiritual life of ideas and principles, and lofty reverences and enduring affections for that which is invisible and enduring in man ; those secret, unprovable convictions and assurances of the soul the truths which shine by their own light and are revealed to us in the high est and deepest moments and experiences. The word that I bring you to-day, then, is this, that the soul knows nothing of death cannot conceive of it. That to all doubts and questions of the understanding it returns only the affirmations of its experience and inmost sense of immortality. SAMUEL LONGFELLOW. XI A SONG OF LIFE O WAKING earth, thy story tell ! O bear to men thy song of joy ! Let thy full life be death s sure knell ; Give trust and peace without alloy. To all who sit within the gloom, To all who linger by the tomb, Shed thou upon them Life s full bloom Shout immortality ! O singing birds, thy message bear ! O sing to all thy story sweet ! Let thy glad flights, from regions fair, Be harbingers of Love s swift feet. To all who, silent, suffer wrong, To all who know ho Easter dawn, Sing thou to them of endless morn Chant immortality ! O shining stars, shed glory bright ! O send to earth a fuller praise ! Let thy infinitude of light Be as the notes that seraphs raise. To hearts that bend beneath life s cross, To hopes that suffer daily loss, Shed thy pure rays, that know no dross Chant immortality ! O earth that blooms, and birds that sing, O stars that shine when all is dark ! In type and symbol thou dost bring The Life Divine and bid us hark That we may catch the chant sublime, And, rising, pass the bounds of time : So shall we win the goal divine, Our immortality ! PEACE Great Peace have they which love Thy Law : and nothing shall offend them. PSALM 119:165. PEACE is the song of evening birds ; Peace is the rhythm of lowing herds ; The sylvan dell of hope made bright ; The altar-fire of Heaven s light. Peace is the joy of deepest thought ; The soul of Life, by ages sought ; The tranquil of the heart s repose ; The fragrance of the opening rose. Peace is the fruit of conquered sin ; The Spirit s flame that burns within ; The reign of Love within the mind ; The joy that comes of sense resigned. Peace is the rest for which we long ; The vesper-hymn of Love s pure song ; The rest that comes when day is done ; The gloaming of the setting sun. Peace is the calm of stillest night ; The stream of life in noiseless flight ; The stream that ever Godward runs, Tracing its course o er suns and suns. Peace is the calm of holy thought ; The song of Christ by angels brought ; The grand Amen by Spirit said ; The crown of Christ upon the head. 3 DOWN THROUGH THE AGES DOWN through the ages shone a Light, In ever-widening ray ; A Light first dazzling to the sight As sun at noon of day To eyes long dimmed by night. The Prophets felt, but could not see, At once its glorious mystery ; But slowly upward rose their thought Till Truth, with heavenly beauty fraught. Burst full upon their view. This Light for all men came to earth, For long had darkness reigned ; It ushered in, through virgin birth, The Truth, by Prophets named The Christ, Im-man-u-el. To human sense, as babe it came, Cradled in manger low ; Yet meant to earth to be the name By which all men should know Their heavenly heritage. O Christ, through Thee we see the Light, And rise in recognition Of its pure rays, in which shine bright The glory and fruition Of all that leads to Good. Thus our eternal Gospel Shall open Heaven s door ; We will sing the hallelujahs Bethlehem Shepherds sung of yore. Peace on earth, good-will to man. Glory ! Glory in the highest ! Know that Christ, the Truth, is here, And shall reign forevermore. OUT OF THE FALSE INTO THE TRUE OUT of the discord of evil Into the peace of God s love ; Out of the false and the seeming Into true joy from above. Out of all earth-fogs and sorrows Into the light of Love s face ; Out of all sickness and yearning Into true health, strength and grace. Out from all malice and hatred Into affection God-crowned ; Out from the world with its glitter Into the bliss newly found. Out of the shadow of matter Into the radiant Mind ; Out from the promptings of error Into the rest pure hearts find. Out from the senses blind thraldom Into the light of God s Day ; Out of mortality s selfhood Into the one perfect Way. Thus, mounting daily, we conquer All that would stand in our way : Learn the great lesson of meekness, And enter the eternal day. Know that the Father is waiting, Ready to welcome His own ; Hear the glad voices of angels, Reap the good seed we have sown. Thus living as taught by the Master, We enter our heaven on earth ; And our lives bear the fruit of the Spirit That hallowed our loved Saviour s birth. THE RADIANT CROSS /^SOMETIMES gleams upon our path, V-/ Through clouds of sense, Love s aftermath ; And then we see, through earth-clouds dense, The glory of Omnipotence. There sometimes breaks upon our sight, Through tears of grief, The heavenly light ; Tis then from care we gain relief, And find the Spirit s golden sheaf. And sometimes gleams through seeming loss, Through shadows dim, A pure-white cross. And as we look we think of Him Whose life was Love s perennial hymn. And shall complaint our lips proclaim, When we recall His life s pure aim? How from the depths of error s thrall He taught the Way, with love won all ? Oh ! never can we reach Love s Heaven Till every thought To God is given. And then we know what power wrought The deeds of Christ, and Heaven brought. 3 TRUTH S DWELLING-PLACE NOT amidst the din of life Doth the heart its Saviour know Not to those of earthly strife Comes the Spirit s after-glow. Not to men to error wed Come the riches of His love ; Not to minds by dogma led Falls the Freedom from above. But to him who conquers sin Comes the fruit of righteousness ; And the pure do Heaven win, With its joy and blessedness. In the silence deep of thought Lives the substance of all prayer ; And no hope can come to naught If our pure trust leave it there. Deep within the Holy Place Dwells the White Christ evermore ; And the beauty of His face I would seek, and then adore. THE ETERNAL HOPE THERE lives within the heart of man An inward monitor and guide Which ever rules ; and, as a fan, Removes the things of sense that hide From man the eternal day. There lives within the thought of man An inborn trust that time and sense Can never shake, or hope to span ; Through it encircling earth-clouds dense Are lost, and light flows in. There lives within the soul of man A hope eternal as the hills, Which ever has, since time began, Been voicing that the Father wills That all men come to Him. There lives within the will of man A Fountain deep of purest Love ; A Spring whose flowing ne er began, For strong it flows, from Love above, To man, whose Life it is. 10 Ye ask the nature of this Guide ? The import of this Trust and Peace ? And what the truths this Hope decide ? Or if, in time, this Love shall cease ? This Fountain stop its flow ? The nature of this Guide thy God. This restful Trust and Peace His Love. The Truth of Hope Christ s word, thy rod. This Spring Immortal Life above. The Eternal Hope is thine. XI ASCENSION ONE by one, pure thoughts and holy Lift us out of self and sin ; One by one, bright gleams of glory Show the goal we all would win. One by one, our trusts are strengthened, As our lives to God we give ; One by one, our days are lengthened, As in Love we move and live. One by one, our aims grow purer As our deeds reflect our God ; One by one, our songs are clearer As we rise above the clod. One by one, the years move onward To the time of Prophets told ; One by one, their words float homeward, Singing of one Lord, one fold. Then, within Love s everpresence, We shall live arrayed in white ; Know in full that great Effulgence Which men call The Infinite ; Know the mysteries of His Kingdom, Hear the chants of Spirit sung ; Be at one with that great Wisdom From which all creation sprung. 12 THE ETERNAL GOD OTHOU who art all in Unity, May we Thy creatures be ; Like Thee, one in diversity, Yet one as born of Thee. From Thee the whole creation springs ; Of Thee, and in Thy Mind, it lives. All things are thoughts, in substance Mind, Their nature, like Thine own, divine, Their Being immortality. Thou art from time the only God To all that moves the Over-Soul. Greater than person, Thou art all As Mind Divine, all space embracing. In Thy great plan no discord entereth, No darkness holdeth sway. Thou art the one Paternity ; Yea, more, as Love s eternal Self, Thou art the Mother, tender, pure. Thou art the Everlasting Right ; The Eternal Day, that knows no night ; The Good, that giveth only Light ; The Truth, which is the only Might ; The Purity, that knows no dross ; The Soul, that never knoweth loss ; The Unseen Fount, that ever springs Within the heart of men, and things, To keep them sweet and pure. Thou art of all the Principle : As Mind, no matter knowing ; As Love, no discord sowing ; As Perfect God, no evil seeth. And from Thy might all terror fleeth, All sin doth fade from view. Thou dost, in truth, make all things new, For Thou art All in All, Our Father everlasting. By Thee are all things ruled ; By Thee are all thoughts schooled ; From Thee comes only good. And in Thy blessed Motherhood The weary sons of earth shall rest, And find the peace that man loves best : That rest which Love alone can give, And, giving, makes Her children live To walk in pastures green. id. A PRAYER OH, make me childlike, make me glad As the joyous brooklet, never sad. Oh, let my feet love s errands run, From early morn till setting sun. Oh, make me trusting, guileless, pure, And let my path be straight and sure. Then, as a little child in heart, Will come to me Life s better part. ANSWERED PRAYER I AM weary, Father, weary, And I come to Thee for rest ; For the way is long and dreary, Fraught with fear and bitter test. I am longing, Father, longing, For the peace of Thy dear love ; And I wait the joyous dawning Of the glory from above. I am nestling, Father, nestling, Safe within Thy loving care. As a little child I m clinging, And Thy love heals my despair. I am singing, Father, singing, For Thou my prayer hast heard ; And my joyous song is ringing Like the free notes of a bird. I am thankful, Father, thankful, For Thy Mother-love divine ; And my heart is ever grateful For its harmony sublime. 16 REAL GLORY LOVE knows no cross The glory of a spotless life Outshines the darkness of Gethsemane ; And o er life s cross-crested hills, As with ancient Calvary, Shines the sunset glory of a life well lived, Which, while telling that the twilight cometh, Speaks also, in finer tone, Of the New Day coming, Robed in glory all its own. No night is there, no portal But the door of Life, Whose arch and keystone, Strong and firm, are fashioned As the gates of brass Of Purity and Love. FRIENDSHIP SWEET friendship, joy of hearts made white, Pure prelude of the Life divine, Thy sacred hallways we would tread ; And in thy Temple Pure of Love Would dwell in that security Which trust and faith alone can give, And, giving, make the life we live At once divine and sanctified. 18 LOVE S NOBILITY LOVE measures not by standards human, But gives Her best to Spirit s freemen ; She shares Her glory with the pure in heart, And, to all lives in captivity, She leads a manly angel, or a woman pure, Into that inner court of Purity Possessed in sacred isolation by all truly noble ; And, as a Guardian Angel tender, there leaves the visitant and visited To learn the grandeur and soul-peace of love reciprocated. SECURITY IN the land of Fond Hope, Where wishes are stars, Where trust has full scope, And longing its Mars Tis there I would dwell, Secure from all fear, For Love says all s well And Day- dawn is near. 20 FEAR NOT, TRUST, AND BE UNDISMAYED EACH lite has its silent sorrow ; All grief its bright to-morrow ; Each home its unseen, heavy cross ; Each heart itr. plenty, after loss ; Each day its promise rich. Then rise, mv heart, to levels high ! Though days seem dark, thy God is nigh His brooding love is over all, And, held by Him, I cannot fall. Then to the winds I cast my fears, And, looking to the eternal years, I leave the dreamland of the past, And, rising heavenward, sure and fast, To heights of sinlessness attain, And thus mv Paradise regain. 21 BE FEARLESS IVE to the winds thy fears ; VjRise in thy conscious strength ; The mountain heights of Love are thine There thou can st hear the Song divine, The Song that to thy heart brings peace, And from all fear the mind s release. The Courage Song whose measures bind The ills we fear, which never come, And leads us to the portal bright Where, safe within the eternal Light, We dwell in sweet repose. 22 ON THE HEIGHTS ON heights of thought the soul doth scan The glories of The Eternal s plan ; And inspiration, deep and pure, Springs forth to make all joy secure. On heights of Love the soul doth find That all in Life begets its kind ; That every heart can chant a song, And, chanting always, joy prolong. EVENING COMMUNION WHEN day is done, And the setting sun Its glory sheds o er all, Tis then my heart, From sense apart, Doth on Thy Spirit call. And Thou its call doth hear, For Love is ever near. In song of bird, In woodland s peace, In silence deep, and sweet release, In nature s whole I see Thy face ; In ocean s calm Thy love I trace, In all things see Thy hand. ONE LOVE BUT one love is ; All else is false ; One universal Nature rules This and all worlds, As one vast universe. But one real passion is ; All else is naught ; One instinct governs man, And rules all life in purity, Through Love s eternal plan. But one real freedom is; Born of the all-knowing soul, No license doth it know. A law unto itself, It governs man In righteousness and peace ; It brings to slaves release ; It gives the passion of One Soul ; Reveals perfection as man s goal, And maketh one, in Truth and Love, Creation s one great host. HEARTS THAT ARE PURE O HEARTS that are pure, To thy attuned ear The first faint tones Of the celestial music Come on angel wing, To tell thee of the peace to be ; To thy childlike self, The glory of the Lamb Reveals the bridal of the chaste To the all-caring God, Whose nature, full apart From time and sense, Encircles thee and thine In eternal Love divine, And gives to each idea Life and Heaven, now, and here. 26 I WAIT THY TIME I WAIT Thy time ; My will is Thine, To mould and make Thine own ; I calm my human discontent, Reclaim the idle moments spent In vain attempts to make my own The cherished thing that Love has showc Awaits my life in future time, If I but blend my will with Thine. SING YE A GLAD SONG (CHRISTMAS ANTHEM) A3JSE and sing, ye lovers of the Truth, For once again we join in praise To Him who knows no end of days ; To Love s encircling Motherhood ; The God for whom the Prophets stood ; The Giver of all good. The lowly Christ-child humbly born, Upon that distant Christmas morn, Anew within our hearts doth live, And bids us to the Father give Our lives, as He gave His. Sing loud, ye hosts of earth, This gladsome Christmas-time, For Christ is here; His message bear To homes and hearts that need His peace ; Go bid the anxious thought to cease ; Go heal the sick, and free the bound, Till sounds of joy from all lips sound : Thus ye shall make His Christmas-tide Forever in your hearts abide, The anthem of your soul. 28 THE MIGHT OF RIGHT OH, why are ye fearful, ye men of brave heart? Know ye not that Right wins if ye do but your part? Tis cowards that falter when all is but won, While the true man moves onward and hears the "well done." <f Oh, why are ye restless, ye men of high aim ? Know ye not that Truth s Might is ever the same ? And why have ye doubts of the future of life, When ye witness how Love brings the death of all strife? Take courage, look upward, the pure shall prevail; Know deeds born of Good no wrong can assail. The Ethics of Christ shall at last rule the world, And o er every nation Love s flag be unfurled. For Right is still Might, and God is still Love ; And over earth s discords His voice sounds above In tones that will comfort, and heal, and renew, The hearts that have yearned, like fields, for the dew. Then shout the glad song of Triumph and Peace ; The long night is ended, its errors now cease. The Soul-light of Mercy, and Justice, and Right, Shall free all the nations that walk in this Light. 29 THERE REMAINETH A SABBATH REST IT is when human discords cease, That longing hearts find sweet release ; Tis then with soaring-upward wing They mount, and with Love s angels sing The Song of Soul, the Lamb s glad Song, The Symphony that conquers wrong, And heralds Christ s great reign Of peace on earth to man. It is when earthly shadows flee, That hungering hearts their Saviour see ; Tis then they find the vision bright, And through Truth s portal see the Light ; They leave the dreamland of the past, Where mists of sense fall thick and fast, And rise to higher things That mark the perfect man. It is when Good rules everywhere, That men know God s all-loving care ; Tis then the maddening rush is stilled, And homes and hearts with peace are filled ; Then comes the day of Brotherhood, And Love s encircling Motherhood, Which makes as one all men In one great family. 30 And is this Sabbath very nigh ? This time of rest for which men sigh ? And can we hope in love to dwell While wars and wrongs their stories tell ? Can God be now our sure defence ? And can we trust His providence To loose the chains of sin, And free earth s struggling sons? This Sabbath, with its blessedness, Is here to all who onward press Above the things of time and sense, And see in Mind s omnipotence The balm for every ill of life, The Might that conquers earthly strife, And ushers in the Spirit s calm, That heals and quickens all. THE END IS LIGHT THERE are clouds that hide earth s landscape That shut from sight the sun ; The dull gray mists of human wrong That hide the Eternal One. They rise from out the valleys, They climb the mountains steep, They make earth s wanderers lose their way, Make pitfalls for their feet. There are questions in Life s problem Which all must some day solve ; Deep Truths that must be mastered By courage and resolve. They unfold not to finite sense, Nor erring human will, But ever to the pure in heart They come, and make all still. There are currents in Life s ocean, Whose courses heavenward run ; Sure guides if we but follow them, And by them dangers shun. No sound their onward movement makes, Deep stillness is their way ; They flow from earth to heaven above ; ^heir end Eternal Day. 32 There are battles fought in silence, That outward sense knows not ; Great conflicts with old systems That Truth shall bring to naught. No clash of arms nor trumpet sounds The progress of this war, For thought the only weapon is, Love s peace the only Law. Some day all clouds shall vanish, All battles will be won ; The questions of our lives be solved, All currents Godward run. We then shall know as we are known, For all shall perfect be, Within the Heavenly City, Beside Life s tideless sea. Within this Holy City No wrong can enter in ; The ransomed are its people, And this the song they sing : Hosanna in the highest, Glad praises to our King ; Life s ever victor over death, And Love doth Victory bring. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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