A DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH SYNONYMES SYNONYMOUS OR PARALLEL EXPRESSIONS DESIGNED AS A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO APTNESS AND VARIETY OF PHRASEOLOGY BY RICHARD SOULE The exertion of clothing a thought in a completely new set of words increases both clearness of thought and mastery over words. It is the test of a solid thought that it will bear a change of clothing. J. E. SEELEY. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ^S- - - _-^- : . ....,. BOSTON LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY 1871 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by RICHARD SOULE, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington CAMBRIDGE: PRESS OF JOHN WILSON AND SON. I /[BRA h V UNIVKKSJTY OF | S7 . CALIFORNIA. J- ; PBEFACE. THE main design of this Dictionary is to provide a ready means of assistance when one is at a loss for a word or an expression that best suits a particular turn of thought or mood of the mind, or that may obviate an ungraceful repetition. Even practised and skilful writers are sometimes embarrassed in the endeavor to make a sentence more clear, simple, terse, or rhythmical, by the substitution of one form of diction for another. It is presumed that they, as well as novices in com position, will find the present work useful in overcoming diffi culties of this sort. As to the method of using it : Whenever a doubt arises in regard to the fitness of any word, and a better one is not readily suggested, let the writer turn to this word in its alphabetical place. Under it will be found the words and phrases, or some clew to the words and phrases, which, in any connection, have the same meaning as itself, or a meaning very nearly the same. That one of them, which comes nearest to expressing the exact shade of thought in the writer s mind, will be likely to arrest the atten tion and determine the choice. In most cases, all the -words that belong to any group will be found in that group. But in some instances, as when the same word falls into two or more groups that are near to each other, or when there are so many synonymes for a word that a repetition of every one of them under each in its alphabetical place would seem to be too formal and prolix, the inquirer is referred to some prominent word among them for a view of the whole. Under the word Blockhead, for example, reference is EXPLANATORY TABLE. a. stands for . Adjective. ad Adverb. Alg Algebra. Anat Anatomy. Arch Architecture. Arith Arithmetic. Astral Astrology. Astron Astronomy. Bot Botany. Chem Chemistry. Com Commerce. conj Conjunction. Heel Ecclesiastical. Eng England, or English. Ent Entomology. Fort Fortification. Fr French. Geol Geology. Geom Geometry. Gram Grammar. Gr Greek. Her Heraldry. Icli Ichthyology. wterj Interjection. It. stands for . . . . Italian. L Latin. Math Mathematics. Med Medicine. Meteor Meteorology. Mil Military. Min Mineralogy. Mythol Mythology. Mus Music. Naut Nautical. n Noun. Ornith Ornithology. pi Plural. prep Preposition. Rhet Bhetoric. Sculp Sculpture. sing Singular. Sp Spanish. Surg Surgery. Theol Theology. U. S United States. v. a Verb Active. v. n Verb Neuter. Zdol Zoology. E^" SMALL CAPITALS, in the printing of a word or a phrase, indicate a refer ence to that word in its alphabetical place, where additional synonymes, or some information in regard to it, may be found. Eglp^ When a word has more than one signification, the separate groups of synonymes, corresponding to the several meanings, are designated by figures. SYNONYMES. CALIFORNIA Aback, ad. Backwards, rearwards, re- Abaft, prep. (Naut.) Behind, back of, in the rear of. Abaft, ad. (Naut.) Aft, behind, astern, rearward, back, in the rear. Abalienate, v. a. (Law.) Alienate, transfer, convey, demise, make over, deliver over. Abalienation, n. (Law.) Alienation, transfer, demise, conveyance. Abandon, v. a. 1. Leave, relinquish, quit, forsake, desert, evacuate, drop, abjure, forswear, give over, cast off, retire from, withdraw from. 3. Surrender, cede, yield, resign, forego, renounce, waive, vacate, ABDI CATE, deliver up, give up, part with, let go, lay down. Abandoned, a. 1. Relinquished, de serted, forsaken, cast away, rejected, discarded, given up, given over, cast off. 3. Depraved, corrupted, corrupt, profligate, vicious, sinful, wicked, dis solute, reprobate, graceless, shameless, unprincipled, lost, obdurate, hardened, impenitent, incorrigible, irreclaimable, demoralized, lost to shame, dead to honor. Abandonment, n. I. Abandoning, re- linquishment, desertion, dereliction. 3. Renunciation, surrender, cession, resignation, abnegation, abjuration, re jection, ABDICATION. Abarticulation, n. (Med.) Diarthrosis. Abase, v. a. 1. Depress, lower, reduce, drop, sink, stoop, cast down, let down, let fall. 3. Degrade, humble, disgrace, dis honor, humiliate, debase, bring low, take down. Abasement, n. 1. Depression, detru- sion, reduction, lowering, fall, deteriora tion, degradation, debasement, degen eracy, vitiation, perversion, deprava tion. 3. Abjectness, abjection, vileness, baseness, contemptibleness, despicable- ness. 3. Humiliation, condescension, sub mission, submissiveness, resignation, humility, meekness, humbleness, lowli ness, self-abasement. Abash, v. a. Shame, mortify, confuse, confound, disconcert, discompose, DIS COUNTENANCE, humiliate, humble, snub, put to shame, make ashamed, put down, put out of countenance, take down, send away with a flea in one s ear. Abashment, n. Confusion, shame, mortification, embarrassment. Abate, v. a. 1. Lessen, diminish, de crease, reduce, lower, relax, slacken. 3. Remit, allow, bate, rebate, deduct. 3. Moderate, assuage, mitigate, soothe, soften, qualify, alleviate, mol lify, allay, appease, pacify, compose, tranquillize, temper, attemper, quiet, quell, calm, dull, blunt. 4. (Law.) Remove, suppress, ter minate, put an end to. Abate, v. n. I. Decrease, diminish, lessen, subside, wane, ebb, intermit, slacken. 3. (Law.) Be defeated, frustrated, or overthrown. Abatement, n. 1. Diminution, de crease, lessening, mitigation, assuage ment, decrement, extenuation, remis sion. 3. Subsidence, wane, ebb. 3. Discount, allowance, rebate, de duction, reduction, drawback. Abbey, n. Monastery, convent, cloister, priory, nunnery. Abbreviate, v. a. Shorten (by cutting off), curtail, reduce, contract, retrench, ABRIDGE, condense, compress, epito mize, cut short, cut down. Abbreviation, n. Shortening (by cutting off), curtailment, contraction, ABRIDG MENT, reduction, condensation, com pression. Abdicate, v. a. Resign (an office or dig nity), surrender (a right), cede, forego, renounce, relinquish, abandon, quit, vacate, give up, part with, lay down, renounce all claim to. Abdicate, v. n. Resign, relinquish office (especially that of a king), vacate the throne. Abdication, n. Abdicating, resignation, surrender, renunciation, abandonment. Abdomen, n. Belly, paunch. Abdominal, a. Ventral. Abdominous, a. Large-bellied, great- bellied, big-bellied, pot-bellied, tun- bellied. Abduce, v. a. (Anat.) "Withdraw, draw away, pull back. ABDUCT ABODE Abduct, v. a. Kidnap, carry off, run away with, run off with. Abduction, n. 1. Withdrawing, with drawal, withdrawment, drawing away. 3. Kidnapping. Aberdevine, n. Siskin (Carduelis spi- nus), Aberrance, n. Deviation, departure. Aberrant, a. 1. Deviating, wandering, rambling, diverging, divergent, devious, erratic, out of the way. 3. Irregular, abnormal, unnatural, unusual, singular, peculiar, anomalous, unconformable, exceptional, strange, anomalistic, eccentric, monstrous, pre ternatural. Aberration, n. 1. Deviation, diver gence, wandering, rambling, departure. 3. Irregularity, eccentricity, singu larity, peculiarity, strangeness, uncon formity, anomaly, abnormity, mon strosity. 3. Illusion, delusion, hallucination, monomania, self-deception. Abet, v. a. 1. Aid, assist, help, support, succor, second, sustain, uphold, back, co-operate with, take part with, give support to. 3. Favor, encourage, sanction, coun tenance, advocate, connive at. 3. (Law.) Instigate (to commit a crime), stimulate, incite, foment. Abettor, n. 1. Assistant, helper, aider, coadjutor, co-operator, ally, auxiliary. 2. Advocate, adviser, promoter, in stigator. 3. Confederate, accomplice, accesso ry, PARTICEPS CllIMINIS, SOCIUS CRIM- INIS. Abeyance, n. 1. (Law.) Expectation, prospect, expectancy, waiting, anticipa tion, calculation, contemplation. 2. Suspense, reservation, intermis sion, remission, dormancy, quiescence. Abhor, v. a. Hate, abominate, detest, loathe, nauseate, shrink from, recoil from, shudder at, view with horror. Abhorrence, n. Abomination, horror, detestation, hatred, loathing, disgust, antipathy, aversion. Abhorrent, a. 1. Hating, detesting, . abominating, loathing. 3. Odious, offensive, shocking, repug nant, hateful, loathsome. Abide, v. n. 1. Stay, sojourn, tarry, lodge, rest, keep, take up one s quar ters, .pitch one s tent. 3. Dwell, reside, live, inhabit, settle, plant one s self, get a footing, get a foothold. 3. Remain, continue, persist, perse vere, SUBSIST, go on, keep on, be stead fast, be constant. 4. Endure, bear. Abide, v. a. 1. Await, attend, wait for, be in readiness for, be in store for. 3. Endure, tolerate, bear, brook, suf fer, bear with, put up with. Abide by. Act up to, conform to, per sist in. Abiding, a. Permanent, lasting, dura ble, constant, continuing, stable. Ability, n. 1. Power (to execute any thing), ableness, force, potency, might, efficiency, efficacy, strength, energy, skill, skilfulness, dexterity, address, cleverness, ingenuity, talent, aptitude, aptness, knack, expertness, facility, quickness, readiness. 3. Qualification, competency, suffi ciency. 3. CAPACITY, capability, capable- ness, faculty, gift, parts, genius, endow ment, calibre, forte, turn. Abject, a. Base, vile, mean, low, des picable, contemptible, beggarly, paltry, dirty, squalid, grovelling, pitiful, igno ble, degraded, worthless, poor, servile, slavish, menial, sneaking, sordid, shabby, scurvy, miserable, wretched, low-minded, base-minded, earth-born, earth-bred. Abjection, n. 1. [Rare.} Humbling, humiliation. 3. Abasement, ABJECTNESS. Abjectness, n. Meanness, servility, vileness, baseness, abasement, abjec tion, contemptibleness. Abjuration, 1. Renunciation (upon oath), relinquishinent, rejection, aban donment, abnegation. 3. Recantation, retraction, revoca tion, repeal, reversal, recall. Abjure, v. a. 1. Renounce (upon oath), relinquish, forego, reject, forswear, abandon, ABNEGATE, give up, cast off. 3. Retract, revoke, recant, recall, withdraw, disavow, take back. Able, a. 1. Clever, accomplished, tal ented, adroit, ingenious, expert, dex terous, apt, quick, skilful, efficient, proficient, good, versed, practical, AU FAIT. 3. Qualified, fitted, competent. 3. Capable, gifted, powerful, strong, mighty, highly endowed. 4. Masterly, effective, telling. Ableness, n. ABILITY. Ablution, n. Washing (especially of the body, as a religious rite), lavation, batliing, wash. Abnegate, v. a. [Rare.] Deny, reject, renounce, abjure. Abnegation, n. Denial, renunciation, rejection, abandonment, abjuration, surrender. Abnormal, a. Irregular, anomalous, anomalistic, unusual, unnatural, sin gular, peculiar, unconformable, excep tional, heteroclite, aberrant, eccentric, erratic, strange, monstrous, preternat ural. Abnormity, n. Irregularity, uncon formity, anomaly, peculiarity, singu larity, monstrosity. Aboard, ad. On board, in the ship, m the vessel. Abode, n. 1. Habitation, dwelling, lodg ing, domicile, home, house, seat, place, quarters, head-quarters, place of resi dence. 3. [Rare.] Continuance (in a place), stay, residence. ABOLISH ABSCOND Abolish, v. a. 1. Abrogate, annul, dis annul, repeal, rescind, revoke, cancel, nullify, quash, vacate, invalidate, set aside, make void. 3. Destroy, overthrow, subvert, oblit erate, extirpate, eradicate, annihilate, extinguish, suppress, DISESTABLISH, do away, put an end to. Abolition, n. 1. Abrogation, annulment, annulling, nullification, rescinding, re vocation, cancelling, repeal, rescission. 2. Destruction, overthrow, subver sion, obliteration, extirpation, eradica tion, annihilation, extinction, extin guishment, suppression, DISESTAB LISHMENT. Abominable, a. 1. Hateful, odious, detestable, horrid, horrible, execrable, nefarious, damnable, cursed, accursed, hellish. 3. Loathsome, offensive, obnoxious, foul, nauseous, nauseating, disgusting, sickening, repulsive, revolting, shock ing. 3. Vile, wretched, sorry, scurvy, shabby, bad. Abominate, v. a. Abhor, detest, exe crate, hate, loathe, nauseate, shrink from, recoil from, shudder at, view with horror. Abomination, n. 1. Abhorrence, de testation, execration, hatred, loathing, disgust, antipathy. 3. Contamination, pollution, defile ment, taint, uncleanness, impurity, foulness. 3. Nuisance, annoyance, plague, in fliction, torment, curse, great evil, hateful thing. Aboriginal, a. Primitive, primeval, primordial, pristine, primary, prime, original, first, native, indigenous, au tochthonal. Abortion, n. 1. Miscarriage. 3. Failure, disappointment, want of success, vain effort or attempt. Abortive, a. 1. Miscarrying, failing, untimely, immature. 3. Unavailing, vain, fruitless, use less, bootless, ineffectual, ineffective, inoperative, unsuccessful, profitless, fu tile, unprofitable, idle, nugatory, in vain, of no account. Abound, v. n. 1. Teem, swarm, super- abound, swell, flow, increase, multiply, be in great plenty, be numerous, be very prevalent. 3. Exuberate, luxuriate, revel, wan ton, be well furnished, be well supplied. About, prep. 1. Around, round, encir cling, surrounding. 3. Near, near to, not far from. 3. Concerning, touching, respecting, relating to, relative to, with respect to, with reference to, in regard to, witn regard to. 4. Through, over. About, ad. 1. Around, here and there. 3. Nearly, near, approximately, not far from. 3. Ready, in a state of readiness, on the point. Above, prep. 1. Higher than. 3. Over, exceeding, more than, great er than. 3. Beyond, superior to. 4. Too high for, too proud for. Above, ad. 1. Overhead, aloft, on high. in a high place. 3. Before, in a former part. 3. Of a higher rank or order. Above all. Chiefly, in the first place, before all other considerations. Above-board, ad. Openly, candidly, ingenuously, frankly, sincerely, fairly, in open sight, without artifice, without without pen equivocation, without guile, disguise. Abrade, v. a. SCRAPE, wear away, wear off, rub oft . Abrasion, n. Friction, attrition, rub bing, disintegration, CONFRICATIOX, wearing away, wearing oft , rubbing off. Abreast, ad. 1. Alongside, side by side. 3. Against, off, on a line with, oppo site to. Abi-idge, v. a. 1. Shorten (by compres sion ), epitomize, condense, compress, make an abstract of. 3. Diminish, reduce, contract, cur tail, lessen, ABBREVIATE, retrench, cut down. 3. Deprive, dispossess, divest. Abridger, n. Epitouiizer, writer of an epitome. Abridgment, n. 1. Shortening (by compression), contraction, diminution, reduction, ABBREVIATION, curtail ment, retrenchment. 2. Compendium, compend, epitome, summary, abstract, digest, synopsis, syllabus, breviary, brief, conspectus, outline, sum and substance. 3. Deprivation, dispossession. Abroach, ad. 1. Broached, tapped, on tap. 3. A-going. Abroad, ad. 1. Widely, at large. 3. Forth, out of the house, out of doors, in the open air. 3. Extensively, before the public. 4. Without (as opposed to ivithin). Abrogate, v. a. Annul, disannul, re peal, revoke, rescind, cancel, abolish, nullify, quash, vacate, invalidate, over rule, set aside, do away, make void. Abrogation, n. Repeal, rescission, re scinding, abolition, annulment, annul ling, revocation. Abrupt, a. 1. Broken, cragged, craggy, rough, rugged. 3. Steep, precipitous. 3. Sudden, unexpected, unantici pated, precipitate, hasty, unseasonable, ill-timed, unlocked for. 4. Short, blunt, unceremonious, curt. 5. Inelegant (as style), stiff, cramped, harsh, disconnected, unconnected. Abscess, n. Sore, ulcer, fester, impost- hume, pustule, gathering, boil. Abscond, v. n. 1. Withdraw, flee, fly, decamp, escape, elope, retreat, bolt. ABSENCE ABUSE make off, steal away, slink a.way, slip away, run away, run off, sneak off, pack off, effect one s escape. 3. Hide, secrete one s self. Absence, n. 1. Non-attendance, non- appearance. 3. Inattention, abstraction, preoccu pation, distraction, revery, musing, brown study, absence of mind. 3. Want, deficiency, lack, default. 4. Privation, negation. Absent, a. 1. Away, gone, not present. 3. Abstracted, preoccupied, inatten tive, dreaming, musing, lost, napping, absent-minded, in a brown study. Absent-minded, a. Abstracted, AB SENT. Absent one s self, Be not present, stay away. Absolute, a. 1. Independent, unre stricted, unqualified, unlimited, uncon ditional, unconditioned, complete, per fect. 3. Despotic, arbitrary, tyrannical, tyrannous, imperious, imperative, au thoritative, autocratic, dictatorial, irre sponsible. 3. Positive, actual, real, veritable, determinate, decided, genuine, cate gorical, unequivocal, certain. Absolutely, ad. 1. Completely, un conditionally, without limit. 3. Truly, actually, positively, indeed, really, in fact, in reality, in truth. Absoluteness, n. 1. Despotism* ABSO LUTISM. 3. Positiveness, reality, actuality. Absolution, n. Acquittal, remission, discharge, release, liberation, deliver ance, clearance, forgiveness, pardon, INDULGENCE, JUSTIFICATION. Absolutism, n. Absoluteness, arbitra riness, despotism, tyranny, autocracy. Absolutory, a. Clearing, acquitting, releasing, pardoning, forgiving, absol- vatory. Absolvatory, a. ABSOLUTORY. Absolve, v. a. Acquit, clear, release, liberate, free, discharge, loose, deliver, exculpate, exonerate, excuse, forgive, pardon, JUSTIFY, set free. Absorb, v. a. 1. Imbibe, take in, take up. suck in, suck up, drink in. 3. Consume, exhaust, degtroy, en gorge, devour, engulf, swallow up. 3. Engross, engage, immerse, occupy, arrest, fix, rivet. Absorbent, a. Absorbing, imbibing. Absorption, n. 1. Absorbing. 3. Engrossment, occupation, engage ment, immersion. Abstain, v. n. Refrain, forbear, desist, deny one s self, hold or keep one s self back, stay one s hand, keep one s self from indulgence. Abstemious, a. Abstinent (by habit), sober, moderate, habitually temperate, sparing in diet. Abstemiousness, n. Temperance (as a habit), abstinence. Abstergent, a. (Med.) Cleansing, puri fying, purgative, cathartic. Abstinence, n. 1. Abstaining, refrain ing. 3. Abstemiousness, soberness, tem perance, moderation. Abstinent, a. 1. Abstaining, fasting. 3. Abstemious, sober, temperate. Abstract, v. a. 1. Separate, disunite, disjoin, dissociate, isolate, detach, dis engage. 3. Take, seize, appropriate, steal, purloin. 3. Abridge, abbreviate, epitomize, make an abstract of. Abstract, a. 1. Separate, isolated, not concrete. 3. Occult, recondite, subtile, refined, abstracted, ABSTRUSE. Abstract, n. Abridgment, epitome, summary, conspectus, compend, com pendium, synopsis, syllabus, outline, digest, brief, breviary, sum and sub stance, concise statement. Abstracted, a. 1. Subtile, refined, ab stract, abstruse. 3. Inattentive, preoccupied, lost, dreaming, musing, absent, absent- minded, in a revery, in a brown study. Abstraction, n. 1. Separation, discon nection, disjunction, isolation. 3. Preoccupation, inattention, rev ery, musing, muse, absence, absence of mind, brown study. 3. Taking, abduction, seizure, appro priation, stealing, purloining, pilfer ing. Abstruse, a. Recondite, occult, pro found, hidden, transcendental, obscure, difficult, dark, enigmatical, mysterious, mystic, mystical, high, abstract, ab stracted, subtile, refined. Absurd, a. Unreasonable, irrational, foclish, nonsensical, ridiculous, incon gruous, senseless, unwise, silly, stu pid, preposterous, PARADOXICAL, ill- judged, ill-advised, contrary to reason, contrary to the dictates of common sense. Absurdity, n. 1. Unreasonableness, ir rationality, foolishness, folly, foolery, extravagance, absurdness. 3. PARADOX, MARE S NEST, CART BEFORE THE HORSE, absurd tiling. Absurdness, n. ABSURDITY. Absurd story, Cock-and-bull-story, fiddle-faddle, neither rhyme nor rea son. Abundance, n. Flow, overflow, exu berance, luxuriance, fertility, copious ness, profusion, richness, largeness, ampleness, wealth, affluence, store, more than enough, great plenty. Abundant, a. Abounding, flowing, overflowing, plentiful, plenteous, copi ous, much, exuberant, luxuriant, re plete, full, large, ample, good, liberal, bountiful, lavish, rich, teeming, thick. Abuse, v. a. 1. Misuse, misemploy, misapply, pervert, prostitute, desecrate, profane, make an ill use of. 3. Maltreat, harm, injure, hurt, ill- treat, ill-use. 3. Revile, reproach, vilify, slander, ABUSE ACCOMPLISH traduce, defame, asperse, malign, blacken, disparage, berate, rate, up braid, calumniate, lampoon, satirize, lash, PASQUINADE, VITUPKBATE, rail at, sneer at, speak ill of, accuse falsely, damn with faint praise. 4. Violate, outrage, ravish, deflour. Abuse, n. 1. Misapplication, misuse, misemployment, profanation, prostitu tion, desecration, perversion, ill-use. 3. Maltreatment, outrage, ill-treat ment, bad treatment. 3. Corrupt practice. 4. Vituperation, railing, reviling, contumely, obloquy, opprobrium, in sult, scurrility, ribaldry, JAW, foul in vective, rude reproach. Abusive, a. Reproachful, opprobrious, scurrilous, ribald, contumelious, vitu perative, condemnatory, damnatory, invective, calumnious, denunciatory, insulting, insolent. Abut against, ) Meet (end to end or side Abut upon, \ to side), be contiguous. Abyss, n. i. Gulf, gorge, great depth, bottomless gulf or pit. 9. Hell, limbo, purgatory. Academic, ) a. 1. Scholastic, liter- Academical, 1 ary, lettered. 2. Platonic, of Plato. Academy, n. School, seminary, insti tute, gymnasium, high school, college. Acarpous, a. (Bot.) Unfruitful, sterile, barren, fruitless, unproductive. Accede, v. n. Consent, agree, assent, acqiiiesce, comply, yield assent, give assent. Accelerate, v. a. Hasten, expedite, hurry, quicken, speed, precipitate, de spatch, urge forward, push forward, push on, press on, urge on. Acceleration, n. Hastening, increase of velocity. Accent, n. 1. Intonation, cadence, tone, modulation of voice. 3. Stress (on a certain syllable). Accent, v. a. Accentuate, lay stress upon, pronounce with accent. Accents, n. pi. Language, words. Accentuate, v. a. 1. Mark with accent, put the mark of accent upon. 2. Accent, lay stress upon, pronounce with accent. Accept, v. a. 1. Take (ivliat is offered), RECEIVE. 2. Admit, assent to, agree to, accede to, acquiesce in. 3. Estimate, regard, value. Acceptable, a. Welcome, pleasing, Sleasant, agreeable, grateful, gratify- lg- Acceptance, n. 1. Accepting, taking, reception, receipt. 2. Favorable reception. 3. (Com.) Accepted bill (of exchange). Acceptation, n. Meaning, signification, significance, sense, import. Access, n. 1. Avenue, approach, pas sage, way, passage-way, way of ap proach. 2. Admission, admittance, means of approach, liberty to approach. Accessary, a. -Assisting, aiding, abet ting, helping, accessory. Accessary, n. Confederate, accomplice, abettor, accessory, associate (m a crime), PARTICEPS CRIMINIS, socius CRIMINIS. Accession, n. 1. Addition, increase, enlargement, augmentation, extension. 2. Coming into power (as a new dy nasty). Accessory, a. Assisting, ACCESSARY. Accessory, n. 1. Confederate, ACCES SARY. 2. Accompaniment, attendant, con comitant. Accidence, n. Grammar, rudiments or elements of grammar. Accident, n. 1. Casualty, chance, for tuity, mischance, misadventure, calam ity, mishap, hap, hazard, contingency, CONTRETEMPS, unforeseen or fortui tous event. 2. Property, quality, modification, affection, mode. Accidental, a. 1. Casual, fortuitous, contingent, that happens by chance, not designed, not planned. 2. Incidental, adventitious, non-es sential. Accidehtalness, n. Contingency, for tuity. Accipitres, n. pi. [L.] (Ornith.) Rap tors, RAPTORES, raptorials, rapacious birds, birds of prey. Acclaim, n. [Poetical.} ACCLAMA TION. Acclamation, n. Applause, plaudit, shouting, cheer, cry, outcry, clat, AC CLAIM, shout of applause. Acclimate, v. a. Acclimatize, inure or habituate to a climate. Acclimatize, v. a. ACCLIMATE. Acclivity, n. Ascent, slope (upwards), rising ground. Accommodate, v. a. 1. Oblige, serve, supply, furnish, do a service for, supply the wants of, minister to the conven ience of. 2. Fit, suit, adapt, make conform, make conformable. 3. Reconcile, adjust, settle, compose. Accommodate with, Furnish, supply, afford, spare, give. Accommodation, n. 1. Advantage, privilege, convenience, EASEMENT, sup ply of wants, provision of conven iences. 2. Agreement, adaptation, fitness, suitableness, conformity. 3. Reconciliation, adjustment, paci fication, settlement. Accompaniment, n. Appendage, con comitant, attendant, adjunct, attach ment, appurtenance. Accompany, v. a. Attend, escort, con voy, follow, wait on, be associated with, keep company with, go with, go along with, go hand in hand with. Accomplice, n. Confederate, accessary, abettor, associate (in a crime), PARTI- CEPS CRIMINIS, SOCIUS CRIMINIS. Accomplish, v. a. 1. Complete, ACCOMPLISHED ACE achieve, effect, execute, perform, dp, consummate, compass, carry, carry in to effect, carry through, carry out, get through, bring about, work out, turn out, turn off. 3. Finish, end, conclude, terminate. 3. Fulfil, realize, effectuate, bring to pass. 4. Equip, furnish, supply. Accomplished, a. 1. Instructed, edu cated, practised, experienced, finished, consummate, ripe, thorough-bred, versed, qualified, proficient, able, clev er, apt, adroit, expert, talented, skil ful. 3. Polished, refined, polite, elegant, fashionable, fine. Accomplishment, n. 1. Completion, performance, execution, achievement, consummation, fulfilment. 2. Acquirement, attainment, profi ciency, stock of knowledge, mental re sources. Accord, v. a. Grant, concede, vouch safe, deign. Accord, v. n. Harmonize, correspond, agree, tally, quadrate, be in unison, be harmonious, square. Accord, n. Agreement, ACCORDANCE. Accordance, n. Accord, concord, agree ment, concurrence, concordance, con formity, conformation, harmony, uni son, unanimity. A.ccordant, a. Agreeable, agreeing, suitable, consonant, congruous, sym- phonious. Accordingly, ad. 1. Agreeably, suit ably, conformably. 3. Consequently, as a natural conse quence, as proper to the circumstances or the occasion. According to, By, in accordance with, conformably to, agreeably to. Accost, v. a. Address, salute, greet, speak to, MAKE UP TO. Accouchement, n. [Fr.] Child-birth, delivery, parturition, labor, travail. Accoucheur, n. [Fr.] Man midwife, obstetrician. Accoucheuse, n. [Fr.] Midwife. Account, n. 1. Record, register, inven tory, score. 2. Bill, charge, registry of debt and credit. 3. Reckoning, computation, calcula tion, enumeration, tale, count. 4. Description, statement, narration., recital, rehearsal, relation, narrative, chronicle, history, delineation, repre sentation, portrayal, detail, word, ti dings, report. 5. Consideration, regard, motive, rea son, ground, sake. 6. Consequence, importance, worth, distinction, dignity, repute, reputa tion, note. 7. Profit, advantage, benefit. Account, v. a. Esteem, regard, deem, think, hold, consider, view, reckon, rate, estimate, look upon. Account, v. n. 1. Render an account, answer in judgment. 2. Explain, give a reason, show the reason, render a reason, assign the cause, make explanation. Accountability, n. Accountableness. responsibility, liability, obligation, bond of duty. Accountable, a. Responsible, answer able, amenable, liable. Accountableness, n. ACCOUNTABIL ITY. Accountant, n. Book-keeper, expert in accounts. Accoutre, v. a. [Written also Accouter.] * Dress, equip, furnish, fit out, arm and equip. Accoutrements, n. pi. [Written also Accouterments.] Dress, equipage, equip ments, trappings, gear, TOGGERY. Accredit, v. a. Credit, give trust or con fidence to, give credit or honor to, re ceive as an envoy, receive as commis sioned, empowered, or authorized. Accretion, n. 1. Growth (by accession of parts). 2. (Med.) Growing together. 3. (Law.) Gradual accumulation (of soil, as at the mouth of a river). Accrue, v. n. Result, proceed, come, arise, issue, follow, flow, ensue, be added, be derived, be gained, be got, come in. Accumbent, (t. Leaning, reclining. Accumulate, v. a. 1. Pile, amass, ag gregate, collect, collect together, gather up, pile up, heap up, bring together, heap together, scrape together. 3. Store, garner, husband, HOARD, treasure up, garner up, lay up, lay by, lay in, set by. Accumulate, v. n. Increase, grow, be accumulated, be heaped up. Accumulation, n. Collection, pile, heap, aggregation, mass. Accuracy, n. Exactness, exactitude, correctness, precision, niceness, nicety, truth, accurateness, fidelity. Accurate, n. Exact, correct, precise, true, truthful, faithful, strict, close, rigorous, severe, just, nice, exquisite, unerring. Accurateness, n. ACCURACY. Accursed, a. 1. Cursed, unsanctified, unholy. 3. Detestable, execrable, hateful, abominable, odious, horrid, horrible, damnable. Accusation, n. Crimination, impeach ment, arraignment, indictment, charge Accuse, v. a. Charge, impeach, arraign, indict, criminate, inculpate, incrimi nate, tax, inform against, call to ac count, take to task. Accuser, n. Informer, informant, plain tiff, prosecutor. Accustom, v. a. Habituate, inure, use, harden, familiarize, ADDICT, train, discipline, drill, break in. Accustomed, a. Usual, habitual, wont ed, customary, familiar, common, fre quent, regular, ordinary, every day. ^ Ace, n. 1. Single point (in cards or m dice). ACEPHALOUS ACRIMON5T 3. Particle, atom, jot, iota, bit, tittle, whit, grain, scrap, mite, corpuscle, scintilla. Acephalous, a. Headless. Acerbity, n. 1. Roughness, astrin- gency, sourness, acidity, acidness, tart ness. 3. Acrimony, severity, harshness, sternness, asperity, bitterness, venom, rancor, crabbedness, churlishness, mo- roseness, sullenness, ill temper, bad blood. Acetic acid, VINEGAR. Ache, n. Aching, pain, continued pain. Ache, v. n. 1. Be in pain, feel or suffer pain. 3. Be painful, give pain. Achieve, v. a. 1. Accomplish, perform, execute, do, complete, finish, compass, consummate, effect, realize, bring about, bring to pass, carry through, carry out, work out, bring to a close, bring to conclusion. 3. Obtain, acquire, procure, gain, win, get. Achievement, n. 1. Performance, ac complishment, completion, attainment, realization, consummation. 3. Exploit, feat, deed, work. 3. Escutcheon, shield, ensign armo rial. Aching, n. Pain, ache, continued pain. Achromatic, a. .Colorless, uncolored, untinged, hueless, free from color. Achromatism, n. Absence of color, want of color. Achromatize, v. a. Deprive of color. Acicular, a. (Bot.) Aciculate, aciform, needle-shaped. Aciculate, a. (Bot.) ACICULAR. Acid, a. Sour, tart, sharp, pricked. Acidity, n. Sourness, tartness, acidness, sharpness. Acidness, n. ACIDITY. Acidulous, a. Sourish, somewhat acid, slightly acid, subacid, somewhat sour. Aciform, a. (Bot.) AciCULAR. Acinaciform, a. (Bot.) Cimeter-shaped. Acknowledge, v. a. 1. Recognize, take cognizance of, be aware of, hold in re membrance. 3. Admit, grant, concede, allow, ac cept, indorse, subscribe to, agree to. 3. Confess, own, avow, profess. 4. Express gratitude for, give thanks for. 5. Own or admit the validity of. Acknowledgment, n. 1. Recognition, recognizance. 3. Admission, avowal, concession, allowance, acceptance, indorsement. 3. Expression of thanks or gratitude. Acme, n. Summit, top, apex, zenith, pinnacle, utmost height, highest point, culminating point, climax. Aconite, n. Wolfsbane, monks-hood. Acquaint, v. a. 1. Familiarize, make familiar. 3. Inform, apprise, tell, notify, make aware, make known to, mention to, communicate to, signify to, give notice to, send word to, write word to. Acquaintance, n. 1. Familiarity, fa miliar knowledge. 3. Friend (with whom one is not inti mate). Acquainted with, 1. Familiar with, versed in, AU FAIT at. 3. A friend of (witlwut being intimate ivith). Acquiesce, v. n. 1. Yield, comply, sub mit, bow, rest resign one s self, be reconciled, bo resigned, be satisfied, rest satisfied. 3. Assent, consent, agree, accede, concur, yield assent, give consent, fall in, go with the stream, go with the current. Acquiescence, n. 1. Compliance, sub mission, resignation. 3. Assent, consent, agreement, con currence. Acquiescent, a. Complying, yielding, submitting. Acquire, v. a. 1. Gain, obtain, achieve, attain, procure, earn, win, get, secure, have, make, PURCHASE, get possession of, get into one s hands. 3. Master, learn thoroughly, make one s self master of. Acquirement, n. 1. Acquiring, gather ing, gaining, mastery. 3. Accomplishment, attainment, ac quisition, stock of knowledge, mental resources. Acquisition, n. ACQUIREMENT. Acquisitive, a. Acquiring, disposed to acquire. Acquisitiveness, n. Love of acquiring, desire to acquire. Acquit, v. a. Discharge (from an accu sation), clear, release, absolve, exoner ate, exculpate, excuse, pardon, forgive, quit, set free. Acquit one s self Act, behave, con duct one s self, bear one s self, demean one s self. Acquittal, n. Discharge, release, de liverance, liberation, exoneration, clear ance, absolution, acquittance. Acquittance, n. 1. Discharge, ACQUIT TAL. 3. Receipt, receipt in full. Acrid, a. 1. Sharp, biting, pungent, hot, burning, poignant, caustic, corro sive. 3. Severe, harsh, ACRIMONIOUS. Acridity, n. ACRIDNESS. Acridness, n. 1. Sharpness, pungency, poignancy, acridity. 3. Severity, harshness, hardness. Acrimonious, a. Jiarc.] 1. Corrosive, caustic, sharp. 3. Severe, harsh, hard, acrid, sarcas tic, bitter, virulent, malignant, censo rious, crabbed, snarling, snappish, tes ty, pettish, petulant, cross, sour, tart, splenetic, peevish, ill-tempered, ill-na tured. Acrimony, n. 1. Sharpness, corrosive- ness, causticity. 3. Severity, harshness, sourness, tart ness, asperity, virulence, bitterness, acerbity, rancor, venom, crabbedness, ACROAMATIC ADAPTATION moroseness, churlishness, ill-temper, bad blood. Acroamatic, I a. Esoteric, esoterical, Acroamatical, J secret, private, acro- atic. Acroatic, a. Esoteric, ACROAMATIC. Acrobat, n. Rope-dancer. Acrospire, n. Shoot, sprout, plumule. Across, prep. Athwart, over, from one side of to the other. Act, v. n. 1. Work, move, carry any thing into effect, execute a purpose, be in action. 2. Behave, conduct one s self, demean tone s self, acquit one s self. 3. Operate, have influence. Act, v. a. 1. Do, perform, execute, car ry into execution. 3. Personate, play, simulate, enact, play the part of, take the part of. Act, n. 1. Deed (viewed as a single exer tion of power), ACTION, performance, proceeding, thing, exploit, feat, achieve ment, turn. 3. Statute, enactment, ordinance, edict, decree, law, bill. 3. Fact, reality, actuality, real exist ence. Acting, n. 1. Deed, performance, AC TION. 2. Personation, representation, sim ulation. Action, n. 1. Activity, exercise, mo tion, movement, play. 2. Deed (viewed as requiring a con tinued exertion of power), performance, exploit, achievement, procedure, pro ceeding, acting, turn, ACT. 3. Agency, operation, force, influ ence, instrumentality, process. 4. Battle, engagement, conflict, con test, combat, rencontre, encounter, skirmish, brush, affair. 5. Gesticulation, gesture. 6. Subject, fable, plot, series of events. 7. (Law.) Suit, process, case, prose cution. Actinolite, n. Strahlstein, ray-stone. Active, a. 1. Practical, operative, liv ing, vigorous, in action, in opera tion. 2. Busy, diligent, assiduous, indus trious, indefatigable, unremitting, la borious, sedulous, notable, at work, hard at work, diligently employed, busily engaged. 3. Alert, nimble, agile, supple, brisk, dapper, stirring, SPRY, smart, quick, prompt, ready, lively, sprightly, spir ited. 4. Enterprising, energetic, strong, efficient, in earnest. 5. Drastic (as medicine), powerful, efficacious. 6. (Gram.) Transitive. Activity, n. 1. Action, exercise. 2. Alertness, agility, nimbleness, smartness, briskness, sprightliness, spryness. 3. Intensity, energy, strength, force, power, vigor. 4. Enterprise, efficiency. Actor, n. 1. Doer, operator, agent. 2. Player, performer, comedian, tra gedian, stage-player.. Actual, a. 1. Real, veritable, true, sub stantial, determinate, decided, categori cal, positive, absolute, certain, genuine, very, not ideal, not imagined, not im aginary, not supposed or fancied, not fictitious, that exists in fact, DE FACTO, BONA FIDE. 2. Present, now existing, now in being. Actually, ad. Really, truly, absolutely, positively, verily, indeed, in fact, in reality, as a matter of fact, in truth. Actuate, v. a. Induce, impel, move, prompt, instigate, persuade, incite, act upon, prevail upon, work upon. Act upon, 1. Influence, effect, have in fluence upon. 2. Induce, ACTUATE. Act up to. Abide by, conform to, per sist in. Acumen, n. Acufeness, shrewdness, sagacity, astuteness, sharpness, inge nuity, perspicacity, discernment, pene tration, mother-wit, quick parts. Acuminate, ) a. (Bot.) Sharp, acute, Acuminated, J pointed, cuspidate, cuspidated. Acute, a. 1. Sharp, pointed, ACUMIN ATED, CUSPIDATED. 2. Keen, shrewd, discerning, know ing, quick, sharp, smart, bright, sage, sapient, sagacious, intelligent, astute, ingenious, subtle, penetrating, pierc ing, clear-sighted, sharp-witted, long headed, UP TO SNUFF. 3. Severe, violent, intense, poignant, exquisite, pungent. 4. High, shrill, high-toned. Acuteness, n. 1. Sharpness. 2. Acumen, shrewdness, penetration, sagacity, sagaciousness, astuteness, sharpness, brightness, perspicacity, dis cernment, ingenuity, mother-wit, quick parts. 3. Severity, intensity, poignancy, vio lence. 4. Highness, shrillness. Adage, n. Proverb, saying, saw, dictum, aphorism, apothegm, maxim, by-word, sententious precept. Adamant, n. Diamond, crystallized carbon. Adamantean, a. Adamantine, hard as adamant, very hard. Adamantine, a. 1. Made of adamant. 2. Adamantean, very hard, hard as adamant. Adam s-needle, n. Yucca, bear-grass, Spanish bayonet. Adapt, v. a. Adjust, accommodate, suit, proportion, qualify, prepare, fit, temper, fashion, match, make, conform, make conformable or suitable. Adaptability, n. Adaptabloness, suita bleness, ADAPTATION. Adaptation, n. Fitness, suitableness, appropriateness, aptness, adaptability^ accommodation, harmony. ADD ADJUSTMENT Add, v. a. 1. Join, subjoin, annex, affix, append, superadd, tag, tack. 3. Sum, sum up, cast up, add to gether. Add to. Increase, augment, make greater. Addendum, n. Addition, appendix, appendage, adjunct, appurtenance, attachment. Addict, v. a. Accustom (commonly ^n a bad sense], habituate, dedicate, devote, apply (habitually), give, give up. Addiction, n. [Hare.] Addictedness. Addition, n. 1. Adding. g. Accession, increase, augmentation, enlargement, extension. 3. Appendage, adjunct, appendix, addendum. Additional, a. Superadded, adsciti- tious, supplemental, supplementary, extra, more. Additive, a. To be added. Addle, a. 1. Putrid, corrupt, spoiled (as eggs). 3. Barren, unfruitful, fruitless, abor tive, unproductive, unprolitic, unfertile, sterile, infecund, addled. Addled, a. ADDLE. Addle-head, n. Simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Addle-headed, a. Foolish, stupid, dull, doltish, brainless, shallow, soft, sappy, witless, blockish, weak-headed, weak- minded, feeble-minded, half-witted, short-witted, shallow-brained, dull- witted, thick-skulled, addle-pated. Addle-pated, a. ADDLE-HEADED. Address, n. 1. Appeal, invocation, petition, entreaty, request, imploration, application, solicitation, suit. 3. Discourse, speech, oration, ha rangue. 3. Skill, art, adroitness, readiness, dexterity, expertness, cleverness, inge nuity, ability, tact, GUMPTION. 4. Superscription, direction. 5. Manner (in speaJdng to another). Addresses, n. pi. Courtship, suit. Address one s self to, Direct one s speech or discourse to, speak to. Adduce, v. a. 1. Advance, offer, pre sent, allege, assign, give, bring forward. 3. Name, cite, quote, introduce. Adept, n. Master, proficient, genius, doctor, veteran, expert, dab, DABSTER, good hand, master hand, capital hand, nice hand. Adept, a. Skilled, versed, experienced, practised, proficient, good, at home, AU FAIT. Adequacy, n. Sufficiency, competence, competency, enough, adequateness. Adequate, a. Sufficient, commensurate, proportionate, correspondent, equal, suitable, fit, competent, adapted. Adequateness, n. ADEQUACY. Adhere, v. n. 1. Stick, cling, cleave, hold, cohere, take hold, be firmly fixed. 2. Be faithful, be devoted, be at tached, stand by, be true. Adherence, n. 1. Tenacity, fixedness. 3. Attachment, constancy, fidelity, devotion, adhesion. Adherent, a. Adhering, sticking, cling ing. Adherent, n. Follower, partisan, disci ple, sectary, retainer, votary, supporter, dependant, vassal. Adhesion, n. 1. Adhering, sticking, clinging, tendency to adhere. 3. Attachment, ADHERENCE. Adhesive, a. 1. Sticking, clinging, tending to adhere. 3. Sticky, tenacious, tough, viscous, glutinous, smeary, dauby, stringy, ropy, gummy, clammy. Adieu, ad. Farewell, good-by, fare-you- well, God bless you. Adieu, n. Farewell, valediction, leave- taking. Adipose, a. Fat, fatty, unctuous, oily, sebaceous, greasy. Adjacence, \n. Nearness, vicinity, Adjacency, j vicinage, neighborhood, proximity, contiguity. Adjacent, a. Adjoining, conterminous, neighboring, near, close, bordering, contiguous, in proximity. Adjective, n. [Technical term of the grammarian.] EPITHET, qualifying word or term. Adjoin, v. a. Be contiguous to, lie near to, lie close to, border upon, be adjacent to. Adjoin, v. n. [Hare.] Border, lie near, lie close, be contiguous, be adjacent. Adjourn, v. a. 1. Postpone, defer, de lay, procrastinate, put off. 3. Prorogue. Adjournment, n. 1. Postponement, delay, putting oft". 3. Prorogation. Adjudge, v. a. 1. Award (judicially). 2. Determine, settle, decide, decree (by judicial authority), adjudicate. Adjudicate, v. a. Determine, AD JUDGE. Adjudicate, v. n. Judge, decide, deter mine, arbitrate, give judgment, pass judgment. Adjudication, n. Sentence, decision, determination, decree, award, arbitra ment. Adjunct, n. Addition, appendage, ap purtenance, dependency, attachment, addendum, something added. Adjuration, n. Entreaty (as if to one bound by oath), solemn charge. Adjure, v. a. Entreat (as if under oath), conjure, obtest, beseech, pray, suppli cate, beg, conjure, implore, invoke, enjoin solemnly. Adjust, v. a. 1. Arrange, dispose, rec tify, trim, put or set in order, put or set to rights, put in tune, put in good trim. 3. Regulate, set. 3. Settle, compose, reconcile, make up. 4. Fit, adapt, suit, proportion, ac commodate, measure, make conform, make conformable. Adjustment, n. 1. Arrangement, ad justing, putting in order, putting in good trim, setting to rights. ADJUTANT 10 ADUMBRATE 58. Regulation, setting, putting right. 3. Settlement, reconciliation, pacifi cation. 4. Fitting, adapting, accommodation, making suitable or conformable. Adjutant, n. (Mil.) Assistant (of a su perior officer). Admeasurement, n. Measurement. Administer, v. a. 1. Dispense, give, distribute, supply, contribute, deal out, give out. 3. Direct, manage, conduct, control, superintend, preside over. 3. Tender, offer, proffer. Administer, v. n. 1. Contribute, con duce, be helpful. 3. (Law.) Act as administrator. Administration, n. 1. Dispensation, distribution. 3. Management, conduct, direction, control, superintendence. 3. Executive department (of a gov ernment), President (or other chief mag istrate) and cabinet. 4. (Laiv.) Management of an estate (of an intestate). Admirable, a. 1. [Rare.] Wonderful, surprising, striking, astonisliing. 3. Excellent, incomparable, inimita ble, fine, rare, transcendent, matchless, perfect, first-rate, worthy of admira tion. Admiration, n. 1. [Rare.] Wonder, surprise, astonishment, amazement. 3. Liking, love, high regard, high opinion. Admire, v. a. 1. [Rare.] Wonder at, be surprised at, be astonished or amazed at. 3. Like much, think highly of, have a high opinion of, prize or value highly. Admire, v. n. [Rare.] Wonder, marvel, be surprised or astonished. Admirer, n. Lover, gallant, suitor, sweetheart, beau, CICISBEO. Admissible, a. Permissible, allowable, lawful, proper, justifiable, warrant able. Admission, n. 1. Admittance, intro duction, access, entrance, initiation, ENTREE. 3. Allowance, avowal, concession, acknowledgment, assent. Admit, v. a. 1. Receive, grant entrance to, let in, take in, open the door to. 2. Concede, accept, grant, acknowl edge, own, confess, take for granted, agree to, accede to, acquiesce in. 3. Permit, allow, bear, admit of, be capable of. Admit of, Admit, permit, allow, bear, be capable of. Admittance, n. 1. Admission, intro duction, ENTREE. 3. Access, means of approach, liberty to approach. Admixture, n. 1. Mixture. 2. Spice, dash, infusion, sprinkling, touch, seasoning, smack, taste, tincture, tinge. Admonish, v. a. 1. Reprove (gently), censure, warn of a fault. 3. Advise, counsel, caution, fore\\ am, enjoin. 3. Instruct, inform, teach, apprise, acquaint, notify, make acquainted, make aware. Admonition, n. 1. Hint of a fault, gentle reproof. 3. Advice, counsel, caution, warning, monition. Admonitory, a. Admonishing, moni tory. Ado, n. 1. Trouble, difficulty, labor, pains. 2. Bustle, stir, flurry, fuss, noise, tumult, turmoil, pother, confusion, commotion, TO-DO. Adolescence, n. Youth, juvenility, minority, juniority, nonage, teens, prime of life, flower of life, bloom or life. Adolescent, a. Youthful, juvenile, young. Adopt, v. a. 1. Appropriate, take to one s self, take or select as one s own. 3. Approve, espouse, support, main tain. 3. Affiliate, father, treat as oneV own child. Adoption, n. 1. Appropriation. 3. Approval, espousal, support, main tenance. 3. Affiliation, adopting, fathering. Adorable, a. 1. Divine, to be adored, worthy of adoration. 3. Estimable, venerable, worthy of love or honor. Adoration, n. 1. Worship, devotion. 3. Homage, reverence, veneration. Adore, v. a. 1. Worship. 3. Revere, venerate, idolize, honor, pay homage to. Adorer, n. 1. Worshipper. 3. Idolater, great admirer. Adorn, v. a. Embellish, decorate, beau tify, ornament, deck, bedeck, emblazon, gild, trim, grace, crown, varnish, array, set out, set off, TRICK OUT. Adroit, a. Dexterous, expert, skilful, apt, handy, ready, quick, clever, able, masterly. Adscititious, a. Additional, supple mental, supplementary, superadded. Adulation, w. Flattery, flummery, ex cessive praise, extravagant compliment. Adulatory, a. Flattering, smooth, oily, full of compliments, servile in compli ment. Adult, a. Mature, grown up, full grown, of age, of mature age. Adult, n. Person of mature age, grown up person. Adulterate, v. a. Debase, corrupt, vitiate, sophisticate, alloy, dash, de teriorate, make impure. Adulteration, n. Debasement, corrup tion, deterioration, sophistication. Adulterous, a. Unchaste, rakish, dis solute. Adultery, n. Violation of the marriage- bed. Adumbrate, v. a. 1. Shadow, fore shadow, shadow out, shadow forth. ADUMBRATION 11 ADVISEDLY 3. Typify, represent, symbolize, show, denote, stand for. Adumbration, n. 1. Shadowing forth, faint sketch, faint representation, in distinct image. 3. Type, image, shadow, symbol. Aduncous, a. Crooked, hooked, bent, curved. Advance, v. a. 1. Promote, aggran dize, exalt, elevate, dignify, raise to preferment, raise to higher rank. 3. Forward, further, promote, im prove, strengthen, make better, en courage the progress of. 3. Allege, adduce, propose, offer, assign, propound, bring forward, lay down. 4. Pay beforehand, supply before hand, furnish on credit. 5. Increase (as price), enhance, aug ment, make greater, make higher. Advance, v. n. 1. Proceed, progress, make progress, make way, get forward, go forward, get on, go on, get along, come on, gain ground. 3. Improve, grow, thrive, make im provement. Advance, n. 1. Progress, progression, march, way, moving forward. 3. Improvement, growth, advance ment. 3. Payment beforehand, anticipated payment. 4. Tender, oft er, proposal, proposi tion. 5. Increase (of price), enhancement. Advance-guard, n. Vanguard. Advancement, n. 1. Progress, pro gression, proficiency. 3. Promotion, preferment, elevation, exaltation, aggrandizement. 3. Improvement, advance, growth. Advantage, n. 1. Favorable opportu nity, vantage-ground, superior situa tion or condition, best estate, best plight. 3. Superiority, ascendency, pre-emi nence, upper-hand. 3. Benefit, avail, profit, gain, emolu ment, return, utility, expediency, good, weal, service, blessing. 4. Behalf, behoof, account, interest. 5. Privilege, prerogative, conven ience, accommodation, EASEMENT. Advantage, v. a. Benefit, profit, serve, help, avail, advance the interest of, be of advantage to. Advantageous, a. Beneficial, profit able, helpful, useful, convenient, ser viceable, salutary, favorable, expedient, good, well, for one s advantage, for one s interest, for one s good. Advent, n. 1. Arrival, coming, ap proach. 3. Coming of Christ. Adventitious, a. Accidental, inci dental, extrinsic, extraneous, foreign, non-essential. Adventure, n. 1. Chance, hazard, for tuity, contingency, risk, venture, stake. 2. Hazardous enterprise, bold under taking. 3. Event, incident, occurren ?e, trans action, passage, contingency. 4. (Com.) Speculation. Adventure, v. a. Hazard, venture, risk, peril, imperil, put to hazard, put at risk, put in danger. Adventure, v. n. Dare, venture, take the risk, run the risk, incur the hazard. Adventurous, a. 1. Bold, daring, courageous, venturesome, venturous, chivalrous, doughty, enterprising. 3. Bash, reckless, precipitate, head long, foolhardy, full of hazard. Adversaria, n. pi. Notes, memoranda, remarks, note-book, journal, common place-book. Adversary, n. 1. Enemy, foe, antago nist, opponent, adverse party. 3. [With The prefixed.] DEVIL, Satan. Adverse, a. 1. Contrary, opposing, un- propitious, counteracting, conflicting, HEAD, not propitious. 3. Hostile, inimical, antagonistic. 3. Unprosperous, untoward, unlucky, unfortunate, calamitous, disastrous. Adversity, n. Misfortune, calamity, affliction, trouble, suffering, woe, dis aster, distress, misery, ill-luck, bad luck, broken fortunes, hard life, frowns of fortune. Advert to, 1. Observe, remark, regard, heed, consider, notice, mark, view, give heed to, take notice of, pay attention to, attend to, look to, see to, give heed to, have an eye to, give a thought to, look after. 3. Refer to, allude to. Advertence, ) n. Attention, heed, re- Advertency, ) gard, observance, ob servation, notice, consideration, heed- fulness, mindfulness. Advertise, v. a. 1. Announce, publish, declare, promulgate, trumpet, pro claim, make known, spread abroad, noise abroad, give notice of, lay before the public, bring to the notice of the public, make proclamation of. 3. Offer for sale. Advertisement, n. Announcement, notification, information, notice, proc lamation, promulgation, trumpeting. Advice, n. 1. Counsel, suggestion, in struction, recommendation, admoni tion, warning, caution, exhortation. 3. Intelligence, information, notice, notification, tidings, word. Advisability, n. Expediency, advisa- bleness. Advisable, a. Expedient, proper, fit, prudent, desirable, fit to be advised. Advise, v. a. Counsel, admonish, sug gest, recommend to, give counsel to, give advice to. 3. Inform, acquaint, apprise, make known to, give notice to, send word to, write word to. Advise, v. n. Confer, consult, deliberate, take counsel, hold a conference. Advisedly, ad. Deliberately, needfully, purposely, by design, with considera tion. ADVISEMENT 12 AFFLICTING Advisement^ n. Consultation, delibera tion. Adviser, n. Counsellor, instructor, guide, director, mentor, monitor. Advocacy, n. Defence, vindication, sup port, countenance. Advocate, v. a. Defend, support, vin dicate, justify, countenance, uphold, favor, plead in favor of, stand up for. Advocate, n. 1. Counsellor, counsel, barrister, lawyer, attorney, solicitor, attorney-at-law, limb of the law. 2. Defender, vindicator, supporter, favorer, apologist, friend, patron. 3. Intercessor, comforter, paraclete, Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth. 4. [With The prefixed.] Christ. .^gis, n - 1- Shield, buckler. 3. Defence, protection, safeguard. Aerial, a, 1. Atmospheric. 3. Aeriform, gaseous, vaporous, ethe real, airy, empyreal, light. 3. High, lofty. Aerie, n. 1. Nest (of a bird of prey). 3. Brood (of birds of prey}. Aeriform, a. Gaseous, ethereal, vapor ous, airy, aerial. Aerolite, n. Meteoric stone. Aeronaut, n. Balloonist, aerial naviga tor. Aeronautics, n. Aerostation, balloon ing. Aerostation, n. AERONAUTICS. Esthetics, n. [Sometimes written Es thetics.] Philosophy of the fine arts, theory or philosophy of taste, science of the beautiful. Afar, ad. Far off, long way off, afar off, wide away, a great way off, at a dis tance, to or from a distance. Affability, n. 1. Sociability, sociable- ness. 3. Courtesy, courteousness, complai sance, condescension, civility, polite ness, urbanity, comity, amenity, suav ity, amiability, good manners, good breeding, obliging manner. Affable, a. 1. Conversable, communi cative, free, unreserved, open, sociable, social. 3. Courteous, complaisant, civil, po lite, obliging, urbane, debonair, famil iar, easy, gracious, mild, condescend ing, well-bred. Affair, n. 1. Business, concern, matter, circumstance, question, subject. 3. Event, occurrence, incident, trans action, proceeding, performance. 3. Battle, engagement, combat, con flict, contest, encounter, rencontre, col lision, skirmish, brush. Affair of honor, Duel. Affect, v. a. 1. Influence, act upon, work upon. 3. Concern, interest, regard, relate to, bear upon. 3. Touch, move, impress, melt, sub due, overcome, pierce. 4. Crave, yearn for, aspire to, aim at. 5. Assume, feign, arrogate, put on, make a show of, pretend to. Affectation, n. Pretension, airs, affect- edness, mannerism, assumed manners, affected manner. Affected, a. 1. Assumed, feigned, un natural, artificial, insincere, canting. 3. Assuming, pretending, preten tious, conceited, vain, coxcomical, priggish. Aflectedness, n. AFFECTATION. Affecting:, a. Moving, touching, pa thetic, impressive. Affection, n. 1. Feeling, passion, incli nation, propensity, bent, bias, turn of mind, cast or frame of mind. 3. Attribute, quality, property, ac cident, modification, mode. 3. Love, heart, attachment, kindness, partiality, fondness, liking, tenderness, endearment, regard, good- will, tender passion. 4. (Med.) Disorder, malady, disease. Affectionate, a. Loving, fond, attached, devoted, warm, tender, kind, sympa thetic, tender-he arted, warm-hearted. Affiance, v. a. Betroth, engage. Affidavit, n. Testimony (in writing, signed and sworn to before a magistrate, but given without cross-examination), evidence, DEPOSITION. Affiliate, v. a. 1. Adopt, treat as one s own child. 3. Connect, associate, unite, join, bring into close relation. Affinity, n. 1. Relationship (by mar riage), KIN, CONSANGUINITY, propin quity. 3. Resemblance, likeness, relation, correlation, analogy, connection, simi larity, similitude, parallelism, corre spondence, parity, sympathy. 3. (Chem.) Attraction. Affirm, v. a. 1. Declare, aver, assert, maintain, asseverate, avouch, vouch, allege, say, profess, protest, pronounce, predicate. 3. Confirm, ratify, approve, estab lish. Affirm, v. n. Assert, declare, aver, say, state, SWEAR, testify, depose, bear witness. Affirrnable, a. Predicable. Affirmation, n. Assertion, declara tion, asseveration, word, aveiinent, protestation, avowal, predication, testi mony, deposition. Affirmative, a. 1. That affirms. 3. INDICATIVE. 3. (Aly.) Positive, not negative. Affix, v. a. Join, subjoin, annex, attach, connect, set to, unite to the end. Affix, n. Postfix, suffix. Afflatus, n. Inspiration, supernatural influence. Afflict, v. a. Grieve, distress, trouble, torment, agonize, plague, pain, hurt, harass, wound, exercise, grind, perse cute, smite, make sorrowful. Afflicting;, a. Grievous, painful, dis tressing, calamitous, disastrous, afflic tive, sad, unhappy, unfortunate, un lucky, wretched, dire, deplorable, sore, woful, severe, hard, trying, hard to bear. AFFLICTION 13 AGGRAVATE Affliction, n. 1. Calamity, adversity, misfortune, disaster, visitation, stroke, reverse, reverse of fortune. 3. Grief, sorrow, distress, woe, tribu lation, trial, plague, scourge, trouble, heartache, bitterness, misery, wretched ness, gripe, griping, broken heart, heavy heart. Afflictive, a. AFFLICTING. Affluence, n. Wealth, riches, opulence, fortune, plenty, abundance, exuber ance, ample store, ample means. Affluent, a. 1. Abundant, exuberant. 3. Opulent, wealthy, rich, moneyed. Afford, v. a. 1. Supply, furnish, yield, produce. 2. Confer, impart, grant, bestow, oft er, lend, give, communicate, spare. 3. Bear the cost or expense of. Affray, n. Brawl (in a public place), quarrel, feud, squabble, wrangle, con test, altercation, strife, row, fray, broil, fight, 1OHLBK, tumult, disturbance, out break, RUMPUS, breach of the peace. Affright, v. a. Frighten, terrify, alarm, scare, daunt, appall, dismay, fright, intimidate, startle, overawe, put in fear. Affright, n. Terror, fear, fright, alarm, dismay, consternation, panic. Affront, v. a. 1. Insult, abuse, outrage. 2. Offend, displease, irritate, pro voke, chafe, fret, vex, annoy, pique, nettle, anger, gall, MIFF, give offence to, make angry. Affront, n. 1. Insult, abuse, contume ly, indignity, outrage, injury, wrong, ill-treatment, ill-turn. 2. Provocation, offence. Affusion, n. Sprinkling. Afoot, ad. 1. On foot. 2. Preparing, forthcoming, in prepa ration, in course of preparation, on the carpet, ON THE TAPIS, on the anvil. Aforementioned, a. AFORESAID. Aforesaid, a. Said before, aforemen tioned, before-mentioned, fore-named, above-mentioned, above-named. Aforethought, a. Premeditated, pre pense. A fortiori, [L.] With stronger reason, for a still stronger reason. Afraid, a. Fearful, haunted with fear. Afresh, ad. Anew, newly, again, over again, DE NOVO. Aft, ad. (Naut.) Abaft, astern, behind, back, rearward, in the rear. After, prep. 1. Subsequent to, later than. 3. Following, behind. 3. About, in relation to. 4. In imitation of. After, ad. Afterward. After, a. 1. Succeeding, subsequent, following, later. 2. Hind, hinder, posterior, rear, back. After-ages, Posterity, descendants, succeeding times, succeeding genera tions. After all, Eventually, ultimately, upon the whole, when all has been considered, at last, in the end. After-birth, n.. Secundines, placenta. After-math, n. Rowen, eddish. Aftermost, ct. Hindmost. Afterpiece, n. Farce, low comedy After-thought, n. After-wit. Afterward, ) ad. Subsequently, aftei, Afterwards, ) later, thereafter, in the sequel. After-wit, n. After-thought. Again, ad. Afresh, anew, once more, another time, DE NOVO. Again and again, Repeatedly, often, frequently, over and over, with frequent . repetitions. Against, prep. 1. Opposed to, in oppo sition to, contrary to, adverse to. 3. Facing, fronting, off, opposite to, over against. 3. In provision for, in expectation of, in preparation for, in anticipation of. Against the grain, 1. Against the fibres (of wood). 2. Against the natural disposition, against one s inclination. Agalloch, ) n. Lign-aloes, aloea Agallochum, ) wood. Agapre, n. pi. [L.] Love-feasts. Agape, ad. Wondering, gazing eagerly, staring with open mouth. Agaric, n. 1. Mushroom. 3. Touchwood, spunk, punk. Age, n. 1. Duration of existence. 3. Period, date, epoch, time. 3. Century, a hundred years. 4. Old age, decline of life, vale ol years. 5. Maturity, mature years, years of discretion. Aged, a. 1. Old, elderly, stricken in years, advanced in life, with one foot in the grave. 3. Having lived, of the age of. Agency, n. 1. Intervention, instru mentality, mediation, action, opera tion, force, influence, procurement. 3. Charge, direction, management, superintendence, supervision. Agent, n. 1. Actor, doer, operator, per former, executor. 3. Deputy, attorney, factor, repre sentative, substitute, proxy, go-be tween, procurator, middleman, com missioner, vicegerent. 3. Hand, employd. Agglomerate, v. a. Gather in a ball or mass, gather together, lump together, heap up, pile up. Agglomeration, n. Conglomeration, accumulation, lump, heap, pile, mass, aggregation. Agglutinate, v. a. Unite, glue, cement, conglutinate. Agglutination, n. Cohesion, union, sticking together. Aggrandize, v. a. Exalt, dignify, honor, elevate, promote, make great, raise to higher rank. Aggrandizement, n. Exaltation, ele vation, promotion, advancement, pre ferment. Aggravate, v. a. 1. Heighten (in evil), increase, make worse. AGGRAVATION 14 AID 2. Exaggerate, overstate, magnify. 3. [Of questionable propriety.] Pro voke, irritate, exasperate, enrage. Aggravation, n. 1. A heightening (of something evil). 2. Exaggeration. 3. [Of questionable propriety .] Provo cation, irritation. Aggregate, v. a. Amass, collect, accu mulate, pile, bring together, gather up, pile up, heap up, scrape together, keep together. Aggregate, a. Collected. Aggregate, n. Whole, total, totality, gross, lump, sum, amount, body, mass, gross amount, sum total. Aggregation, n. Collection, mass, pile, heap, accumulation. Aggress, v. n. Make the first attack, be the first to attack, be the aggressor. Aggression, n. Attack, assault, inva sion, hostile encroachment. Aggressive, a. Attacking, assaulting, assailing, assailant, invading, offensive. Aggressor, n. Assailant, assaulter, at tacker, assailer, invader. Aggrieve, v. a. 1. Pain, grieve, afliict, wound the feelings of. 2. Wrong, injure, oppress, maltreat, abuse, bear hard upon, ill treat, ill use. Aghast, a. 1. Awe-struck, horror- struck, dismayed, horrified, appalled, terrified, frightened, panic-stricken, struck with horror. 2. Amazed, astounded, startled, as tonished, dumfoundered, thunder struck. Agile, a. Lively, nimble, brisk, smart, active, quick, ready, prompt, alert, sprightly, lively, supple, SPRY, winged. Agility, n. Liveliness, nimbleness, briskness, smartness, activity, quick ness, readiness, alertness, sprightli- ness, suppleness. Agio, n. ((Jom.) Premium. Agiotage, n. (Com.) Stock-jobbing. Agitate, v. a. 1. Shake, jar, toss, rock, trouble (by brisk motion), convulse. 2. Excite, ruffle, rouse, ferment, stir up, work up. 3. Fluster, flurry, hurry, confuse, disconcert. 4. Discuss, controvert, canvass, de bate, dispute, ventilate. Agitation, n. 1. Agitating, shaking, shake, concussion. 2. Disturbance, jarring, commotion, convulsion, ferment, storm, tumult, turmoil. 3. Excitement, emotion, perturba tion, trepidation, discomposure, dis traction, PUCKER, ruffle, flutter, hurry, tremor, fever, fret, 4. Discussion, disputation, debate, controversy, canvassing, ventilation. Agitator, n. Incendiary, firebrand. Ago, ad. Past, gone, since. Agog, a. Eager, impatient, excited, wrought up, worked up, on tiptoe, with open mouth. A-going, ad. Abroach. Agonize, v. a. Torment, torture, rack, distress, pain severely, put in great pain. Agonize, v. n. Be tormented, be tor tured, suffer great pain. Agony, n. ANGUISH (especially of the body), pang, torture, torment, distress, rack, throe, severe pain, extreme suf fering. Agree, v. n. 1. Accord, harmonize, con cur, unite, be in unison, be of one mind. 2. Assent, consent, accede, acquiesce, comply, subscribe, yield assent, give consent, fall in. 3. Stipulate, bargain, promise, en gage, undertake, contract, be sworn, be bound, make an agreement, plight one s word, pass one s word, pledge one s word, give assurance, take upon one s self, bind one s self. 4. Compromise, compound, come to an understanding, come to an agree ment. 5. Suit, match, tally, correspond, quadrate, coincide, cohere, comport, conform, square. Agreeable, a. 1. Suitable, fitting, fit, proper, meet, appropriate, befitting, conformable, correspondent, accordant, concordant, consonant. 2. Pleasing, pleasant, pleasurable, grateful, gratifying, acceptable, wel come, good, goodly, delightful, charm ing, delectable, delicious, dulcet, sweet, to one s taste, to one s mind, after, one s fancy. Agreeable to, 1. Conformable to, suit able to, accordant with, consonant with, tallying with, squaring with, consistent with, that falls in with. 2. Pleasing to, grateful to, gratifying to, acceptable to. Agreeably to, According to, conform ably to, in accordance with. Agree with, 1. Chime in with, fall in with. 2. Make a bargain with, strike hands with. Agriculture, n. Tillage, husbandry, farming, culture, cultivation, geoponics. Agriculturist, n. Husbandman, far mer, tiller of the ground, cultivator of the soil. Aground, ad. 1. Ashore, not afloat. 2. Stranded, wrecked, cast away. Ague, n. 1. Chilliness, cold, chill. 2. Intermittent fever, fever and ague. Ague-weed, n. Thoroughwort, boneset, fever-root, Indian sage, (Eupatorium perfoliatum). Ahead, ad. 1. Onward, forward, in ad vance, in front. 2. (Naut.) In opposition (said of the wind), against us, in our teeth. Ai, n. Three-toed sloth (Brady pus tri- dactylus). Aid, v. a. 1. Assist, help, support, serve, speed, second, back, befriend, prosper, abet, co-operate with, take part with, give support to, minister to. 2. Succor, relieve, SPELL. AID 15 ALIENATE Aid, n. I. Assistance, help, LIFT, fur therance, co-operation, patronage, sup port, helping hand, good offices. 3. Succor, relief. 3. AIDE-DE-CAMP. Aide-de-carup, [Fr.] (Mil.) Aid. Aider, n. Helper, assistant, coadjutor, co-operator, ally, auxiliary, abettor. Ail, v. a. Pain, trouble, afflict, be the matter with. Ail, v, n. Suffer, be in pain, feel pain, be ill. Ail, n. Disease, AILMENT. Ailing:, a. Sickly, sick, ill, indisposed, unwell, diseased, feeble, languishing, unhealthy. Ailment, n. Disease, ail, illness, sick ness, ailing, indisposition, malady, dis temper, disorder, complaint. Aim, v. a. Direct, level, point. Aim, n, 1. Direction, course, bearing, tendency, bent, proclivity. 2. Intention, intent, purpose, design, reason, view, object, end, scope, drift, goal, point, final cause. Aim at, 1. Take aim at, point at, level at, direct towards. 3. Intend, purpose, design, mean. 3. Crave, affect, yearn for, aspire at, aspire after, endeavor after, be at, drive at, propose to one s self, have in view, have in one s eye, have an eye to, strive for, attempt to reach. Aimless, a. Purposeless, objectless, without aim or end. Air, n. 1. Atmosphere, atmospheric air, oonAaon air. 2. Gas, aeriform fluid. 3. Breeze, zephyr, gentle wind, breath of air. 4. Weather, open air, open atmo sphere. 5. Appearance, aspect, mien, man ner, look, cast, demeanor, conduct, carriage, bearing, deportment, behav ior, port. 6. Tune, melody. Air, v. a. 1. Expose to air. 3. Ventilate, change the air of. Air-bladder, n. Sound (of a fish). Air-bubble, n. Bleb. Air-engine, n. Caloric engine. Airiness, n. 1. Openness, exposure to air. 3. Gayety, levity, sprightliness, vi vacity, liveliness. Airing, n. 1. Ride, drive, walk, prom enade, stroll, excursion. 3. Exposure to air, admission of air. Air-pipe, n. Vent, spiracle, blow-hole, air-tube. Airs, n. pi. Affectation, pretension, mannerism, affectedness, affected man ner, assumed manner. Air-tight, a. Hermetic, hermetical. Air-tube, n. AIR-PIPE. Airy, a. 1. Unsubstantial, aerial, ethe real, aeriform, thin, rare. 3. Light, subtile, sublimated. 3. Sprightly, buoyant, vivacious, wanton, volatile, jocund, jolly, jovial, lively, gay, blithe, light, light-hearted, light of heart, in spirits, in good spirits, of good cheer." 4. Showy, gaudy, flaunting, jaunty, gairish, fine. 5. Windy, empty. Aisle, n. Passage, walk. Aitchbone, n. Edgebone, natchbone. Ajar, ad. Partly open (as a door). Ajutage, n. Spout (of a fountain). Akin, a. Kin, related, allied, kindred, cognate, congenial, homogeneous, anal ogous, similar, parallel, of a piece. Alack, inter). Alas, lackaday. Alacrity, n. 1. Readiness, promptitude, alertness, agility, activity, quickness, eagerness. 2. Sprightliness, gayety, cheerfulness, hilarity, vivacity, liveliness, high spirits, , good spirits. A la mode, [Fr.] a. Fashionable, in the , fashion, in vogue. A la mode, [Fr.] ad. Fashionably. Alarm, n. 1. Alarum, larum, tocsin, summons to arms, alarm-bell, beat of drum, sound of trumpet, notice of dan ger, signal of distress. 3. Fear, apprehension, terror, fright, affright, consternation, dismay. Alarm, v. a. 1. Call to arms, summon to arms. 3. Terrify, frighten, affright, startle, scare, daunt, appall, put in fear. Alarm-bell, n. Tocsin, ALARM. Alarum, n. ALARM. Alas, interj. Alack, lackaday. Alate, a. (Bot. and Anat.) Winged. Albeit, ad. Although, notwithstanding. Albicore, n. Bonito, horse-mackerel ( Thynnus pelamys). Alcohol, n. Spirits of wine, pure spirit, highly rectified spirit. Alcove, n. Recess. Alehoof, n. Gill, ground-ivy ( Gleclioma hederacea). Alert, a. 1. Watchful, vigilant, circum spect, wary, heedful, on the alert, on one s guard, on the watch, on the look out. 3. Active, brisk, nimble, agile, smart, lively, sprightly, spirited, supple, quick, SPRY, ready, prompt. Alertness, n. 1. Watchfulness, vigi lance, circumspection, wariness. 3. Activity, agility, nimbleness, briskness, smartness, sprightliness, quickness, spryness, promptness, readi ness. Algebra, n. Analysis (by means of let ters and other symbols), calculus, flux ions. Alias, ad. Otherwise. Alias, n. Assumed name. Alien, a. 1. Foreign, not native. 3. Estranged, differing, remote, un- allied, separated, unconnected. Alien, n. Foreigner, stranger. Alienate, v. a. 1. Abalienate, transfer, demise, consign, assign, convey, de volve, make over, deliver over. 3. Estrange, disaffect, wean, with draw the affections of, make unfriend ly. ALIENATION 16 ALLOWANCE Alienation, n. 1. Abalienation, trans fer, demise, conveyance. 3. Estrangement, disaffection, vari ance, division, rupture, breach. Alienation of mind, Insanity, de rangement, lunacy, madness, frenzy, craziness, delirium, mania. Alight, v. n. 1. Stop or rest (after flight). 3. Dismount, descend, get down. Alight from, Get off. Alike, a. Similar, like, resembling, analogous, allied, equal, of a piece. Alike, ad. Equally, in the same manner, form, or degree. Aliment, n. Nourishment, nutriment, food, sustenance, subsistence, provision, fare, diet, regimen, victuals, meat, viands, cheer, pabulum, rations, FEED, PROVENDER, FODDER, FORAGE, PROG. Alimentary, a. Nourishing, edible, esculent, nutritious. Alimentation, n. Nutrition, nourish ment. Aliped, a. Wing-footed, swift of foot. Alive, a. 1. Living, breathing, live, not dead, in life, above ground. 3. Sensitive, susceptible, with keen perceptions. 3. Active, in force, in existence. 4. Cheerful, sprightly, lively, joyous. All, a. The whole of, every one of, every part of. All, ad,. Altogether, entirely, com pletely, wholly, quite. All, n. Whole, total, totality, aggregate, every thing. All at once, Instantaneously, suddenly, in an instant, without warning. Allay, v. a. 1. Repress, restrain, check, subdue, lay, silence, appease, pacify, calm, quiet, still, lull, hush, tranquil lize, smooth. 3. Assuage, alleviate, soothe, soften, mitigate, solace, moderate, mollify, temper, attemper, lessen, abate, qual ify, relieve, ease, dull, blunt, palli ate. All-devouring, a. Omnivorous. Allegation, n. 1. Declaration, affirma tion, averment. 3. Excuse, plea. Allege, v. a. 1. Declare, affirm, assert, aver, predicate, profess, asseverate, maintain, say. 2. Adduce, assign, advance, plead, Produce, cite, quote, bring forward, lay own. Allegiance, n. Fealty, fidelity, loyalty. Allegorical, a. Figurative, typical. Allegory, n. Fable (in which what is stated as a fact is figuratively applied), PARABLE, APOLOGUE, story, tale, myth. Alleviate, v. a. Lighten, mitigate, as suage, moderate, soothe, soften, mollify, allay, quiet, still, quell, abate, lessen, diminish, relieve, palliate, ease, dull, blunt. Alleviation, n. Mitigation, palliation, relief. Alley, n. 1. Walk, passage. 2. Lane, SLUM, narrow street. 3. Taw, large marble. All-hallow, 1 n. All-saints day, the All-hallows, j first of November. All-hollow, [Colloquial.] Entirely, com pletely, wholly, utterly, thoroughly. Alliance, n. 1. Connection, relation, relationship, affinity, family connec tion. 3. Union, combination, coalition, fed eration, copartnership, CONFEDERACY, league, compact, federal compact. Allied, a. 1. Belated, alike, similar, analogous, cognate, akin, kindred, of a piece. 2. United, confederated, co-operat ing, in league, in co-operation. All-knowing, a. Omniscient, all- wise, all-seeing. All manner of ways, 1. In many ways. 3. In all directions, hither and thither. Allodial, a. Independent, freehold, not feudal, free of rent or service. Allodium, n. (Law.) Freehold estate. All one, Indifferent, equal, just the same, quite the same, the same. Allonge, n. Pass, thrust, lunge, longe, tilt, stab. Allonge, v. n. Pass, lunge, make a pass or thrust. Allopathic, a. Heteropathic. Allopathy, n. Heteropathy. Allot, v. a. 1. Distribute, divide, measure, apportion, deal, dispense, parcel out, deal out, give out, mere out, portion out. . 2. Assign, appoint, grant, give. Allotment, n. 1. Apportionment, dis tribution, partition, dole. 3. Assignment, appointment, grant, gift. 3. Share, part, portion, lot, quota, contingent. Allow, v. a. 1. Admit, acknowledge, confess, own, concede, take for granted. 3. Permit, let, authorize, grant leave to, give permission to. 3. Suffer, tolerate, endure, bear, put up with, bear with. 4. Grant, give, yield, relinquish, Spare. 5. Approve, sanction, justify. 6. Remit, abate, bate, deduct. Allow, v. n. Make allowance or pro vision. Allowable, a. Permissible, admissible, lawful, proper, justifiable, warrantable. Allowance, n. 1. Permission, leave, license, permit, authorization, conni vance, sanction, authority, approba tion, sufferance. 3. Admission, acknowledgment, con cession, assent. 3. Stipend, salary, pay, hire, wages, remuneration, recompense, commission, EXHIBITION, PITTANCE. 4. Qualification, modification, exten uation, limitation, exception. 5. Ration, stated quantity (of food or drink). ALLOWANCE 17 ALWAYS Allowance, v. a. Put upon allowance, limit in the supply of food. Alloy, n. 1. Combination (of metals) by fusion. 3. Baser metal (mixed with finer). 3. Baser element or ingredient. All-powerful, a. Almighty, omnipo tent, all-sufficient. All-saints day, n. All-hallow, the first of November. All-seeing, a. All-knowing, omniscient, all-wise. Allspice, n. Pimento, Jamaica pep per. All-sufficient, a. Almighty, all-power ful. All the better, So much the better. Allude to, Intimate, suggest, insin uate, hint, imply, refer to, glance at, make allusion to. Allure, v. a. Entice, tempt, seduce, decoy, lead, solicit, invite, attract, troll, lure, drib, engage, persuade, en snare, coax, inveigle, TWEEDLE, toll, over-persuade, prevail upon, draw on, bring over, win over. Allurement, n. 1. Enticement, temp tation, seduction, seducement, solicita tion, attraction, witchery. 3. Lure, decoy, bait. Allusion, n. Reference, hint, intima tion, indirect mention. Allusive, a. Hinting, suggestive, em blematic, typical, symbolical, figura tive. Allusively, ad. By implication, by in direct reference, by way of allusion. Alluvium, n. Sediment, deposit, silt. Alluvial land, Dale, valley, bottom. All-wise, a. Omniscient, all-knowing, all-seeing. Ally, v. a. l. Unite, join, league, con federate, connect, combine. 3. Make similar, make analogous. Ally, n. 1. Coadjutor, co-operator, as sistant, helper, aider, auxiliary, asso ciate, friend, colleague, partner. 3. Abettor, confederate, accomplice, accessary. Almanac, n. Calendar, ephemeris, reg ister of the year. Almighty, a. Omnipotent, all-powerful, all-sufficient. Almighty, TO. [With The prefixed.] GOD. Almonds, n. pi. Tonsils. Almost, ad. Nearly, toward, towards, well-nigh, all but, for the most part, not quite, within a little. Alms, n. Charity, benefaction, gift, charitable donation, eleemosynary aid. Almshouse, n. Poorhouse. Aloft, ad. Above, overhead, on high. Alone, a. 1. Single, solitary, only, lone, lonely, isolated, unaccompanied, by one s self, by itself, without company, without another. 3. Of one s self, of one s own power, without help. Along, ad. 1. Lengthwise, longitudi nally, in a line. 3. Onward, forward. Along, prep. By or over. Along-side, ait. (Naut.) By the side of, side by side. Aloud, ad. Loudly, at the top of one s voice. Alpine, a. Mountainous, high, elevated. Already, ad. 1. Even now. 3. Before that time. Also, ad. Likewise, too, besides, fur thermore, moreover, in addition, in like manner. Altar, n. 1. Sacrificial structure. 3. Shrine, sacred place, place of wor ship. 3. Communion-table. Alter, v. a. Change (partially), vary, modify, shift, turn, transmute, meta morphose, transform, convert, make some change in. Alter, v. n. Vary, change, be change able. Alterable, a. Changeable, variable, mutable. Alterant, n. (Med.) Alterative. Alteration, n. Change, variation, mu tation, vicissitude, modification, devia tion, variance, turn. Alterative, n. (Med.) Alterant. Altercation, n. Dispute, controversy, contention, strife, difference, jangling, jangle, jarring, rupture, quarrel, spar ring, bickering, wrangle, wrangling, dissension, war of words. Alternate, a. 1. Reciprocal, one after another (by turns). 3. (Bot.) On different sides succes sively. Alternate, v. n. Reciprocate, act inter changeably. Alternate, v. a. Perform reciprocally or by turns. Alternation, n. Reciprocation, inter change. Alternative, n. Choice (between two things). Although, conj. Though, albeit, not withstanding, grant that, for all that, be it so, even if. Altitude, n. Height, elevation. Alto, n. (Mus.) Counter, counter-tenor. Altogether, ad. 1. Wholly, complete ly, entirely, totally, utterly, thoroughly, throughout, fully, perfectly, IN TOTO, out and out, to the full. 3. Conjointly, in a body, in a mass, EN MASSE. Alumina, n. Oxide of aluminum, ar gillaceous earth, argil. Aluminous, a. Clayey, argillaceous. Alumnus, n. [L. pi. Alumni.] Disciple, pupil, foster-child. Alveary, n. Beehive. Alveolate, a. Cellular, favose, honey combed. Alveole, n. Socket, cell, cavity, alve olus. Alveolus, n. [L.] ALVEOLE. Always, ad. Ever, evermore, perpetu ally, continually, eternally, unceasing ly, everlastingly, for ever, AYE, FOB AYE, at all times, to the end of time, through all ages. AMADOU 18 AMICABLENESS Amadou, n. Punk, spunk, German tinder. Amain, ad. 1. Violently, forcibly, with force with might and main. 2. (Naut.) Suddenly, all at once. Amalgamate, v. a. 1. Combine with mercury. 2. Mix, commix, commingle, unite, combine, blend, incorporate, compound. Amalgamation, n. 1. Combination with mercury. 2. Mixture, combination, compound, commixture. 3. MISCEGENATION. Amanuensis, n. Scribe, copyist, tran scriber, writer. Amaranthine, a. Unfading, imperish able, undecaying, undying, immortal, perennial, ever -blooming, ever-vernal. Amass, v. a. Accumulate, gather, ag gregate, pile up, heap up, scrape to gether, collect together, rake up, gather into a heap or pile. Amateur, n. Virtuoso, CONNOISSEUR, DILETANTE, critic, man of taste. Amatory, a. Amorous, erotic, tender, passionate, Anacreontic. .Amaurosis, n. (Med.) Drop serene, GUTTA SERENA. .Amaze, v. a. Astonish, astound, con found, stagger, stupefy, dumfound, , dumfounder, surprise, take by surprise, strike with wonder, strike with aston ishment, petrify with wonder. Amazement, n. Astonishment, won der, surprise. .Amazing, a. Astonishing, astounding, stupendous, wonderful, surprising, marvellous, miraculous, strange, very extraordinary. Amazon, n. Virago. Ambages, n. pi. 1. Windings, turnings. %. Circumlocution, periphrasis, ver bosity, verbiage, wordiness, diffuseness, circuit of words. Ambassador, n. Minister (of the high est rank), plenipotentiary, envoy, legate, deputy. Ambassadors, n. pi. Embassy, lega tion. Ambient, a. Surrounding, encompass ing, encircling, circling, circumjacent, circumambient. Ambiguity, n. 1. Doubtfulness, du biousness, doubt, uncertainty or equiv- ocalness (as respects the meaning of a single term), AMPHIBOLOGY, indefinite- ness, vagueness, obscurity. 2. Clinch, pun, ambiguous expres sion, double meaning. Ambiguous, a. Doubtful, dubious, un certain or equivocal, enigmatical, in definite, indistinct, vague, indetermi nate, not plain, not clear, susceptible of more than one meaning. Ambition, n. 1. Desire of superiority, desire of distinction. 2. Longing, yearning, aspiration. Ambitious, a. 1. Aspiring, eager for superiority, eager for distinction . or fame. 2. Showy, pretentious. Ambitious of, Eager for, emulous of, very desirous of. Amble, v. n. Pace, move or go at an easy pace. Amble, n. Pacing, pace. Ambrosial, a. 1. Delicious, luscious, savory, palatable, nice. 2, Fragrant, balmy, odorous, aro matic, odoriferous, sweet-scented. Ambulatory, a. Walking, moving. Ambuscade, n. Ambush, cover, re treat, hiding-place, lurking-place. Ambush, n. AMBUSCADE. Ameliorate, v. a. Improve, amend, mend, emend, better, meliorate, make better. Amelioration, n. Improvement, amend ment, melioration, bettering. Amen, ad. So be it, be it so, let it be so. Amenability, n. Accountability, lia bility, responsibility, answerableness, amenableness. Amenable, a. Accountable, liable, re sponsible, answerable. Amenableness, n. AMENABILITY. Amend, v. a. Improve, mend, emend, correct, rectify, reform, AMELIORATE. Amend, v. n. Improve, mend, become better. Amende honorable, [Fr.] Apology (for improper treatment or language), reparation. Amendment, n. 1. Improvement, emendation, reformation, change for the better. 2. Correction, alteration. Amends, n. Compensation (for loss or injury), recompense, indemnification, indemnity, reparation, restitution, re dress, atonement, satisfaction. Amenity, n. 1. Pleasantness, agree- ableness. 2. Suavity, affability, gentleness, civility, comity, courtesy, politeness, urbanity, complaisance, amiability, obliging manner, good manners, good breeding. Ament, n. Catkin, AMENTUM. Amentum, n. [L.] (Bot.) AMENT. Amerce, v. a. -Fine, mulct, impose, a fine upon. Amercement, n. Fine, mulct, forfeit ure, pecuniary penalty. Amiability, n. Loveliness, benignity, kindliness, kindness, anuableness, be nignity, amenity, kind-heartedness, fel low-feeling, good feeling, good humor, good temper, sweet temper, sweetness of disposition. Amiable, a. Lovable, lovely, sweet, engaging, charming, winning, facile, benignant, benign, sweet-tempered, kind-hearted, tender-hearted, worthy of love. Amiableness, n. Amiability. Amianth, n. AMIANTHUS. Amianthus, n. Amianth, earth-flax (species of asbestos). Amicable, a. Friendly, brotherly, fra ternal, harmonious, cordial, neighborly, peaceable, kind. Amicableness, n. Amity, friendliness. AMID 19 ANCIENT friendship, cordiality, fraternal or friendly feeling, good understanding, good-will. Amid, \ad. AMONG (without being part Amidst, j of), amongst, in the midst of, in the middle of, surrounded by. Amidships, ad. (Naut.) Midships. Amiss, ad. Wrong, wrongly, improp erly, faultily, erroneously. Amiss, a. Wrong, improper, faulty, erroneous. Amity, n. Friendliness, AMICABLENESS. Ammonia, n. Volatile alkali, ammo- niacal gas. Ammonite, n. Snake-stone. Ammunition, n. 1. Munition, military stores. 3. Powder and shot. Amnesty, n. Forgiveness (granted to whole classes of persons), general par don (by proclamation), act of oblivion, freedom from penalty. Among, \ ad. AMID (tvhile making Amongst, } part of), amidst, in the midst of, mixed or mingled with. Amorous, a. 1. Loving, fond, enamored. 3. Amatory, erotic, tender, passion ate, Anacreontic. Amorphous, a. Irregular, shapeless, formless, unshapen. Amount, n. 1. Aggregate, sum total. 3. Effect, substance, purport, result. Amount to, Come to, be in the aggre gate, be in the whole. 3. Be equivalent to. Amour, n. Affair of gallantry, love intrigue, love affair. Amphibology, n. Doubtfulness, uncer tainty or equivocalness (as respects the meaning of a sentence), AMBIGUITY, indefiniteness. Ample, a. 1. Large, great, capacious, wide, extended, extensive, spacious, broad, roomy. 3. Plentiful, plenteous, abundant, abounding, overflowing, copious, full, liberal, rich, exuberant, luxurious, lav ish, bountiful, handsome. 3. Diffusive, unrestricted, not con tracted. Amplification, n. 1. Enlargement, ex tension, dilation, expansion, develop ment. 3. Diffuseness, prolixity, diffuse nar rative, copious discourse. Amplify, v. a. 1. Enlarge, extend, aug ment, magnify, dilate, expand, develop. 3. Make copious or diffuse. Amplitude, n. 1. Bulk, size, bulkiness, largeness, bigness, greatness, volume, dimensions, mass. 3. Range, reach, sweep, compass, ex tent. 3. (Astron.) Angular distance (from the east or the west point). Amputate, v. a. Sever, separate, cut off. Amulet, n. Talisman, charm, phylac tery, protection, safeguard. Amuse, v. a. 1. Entertain, divert, please, cheer, enliven, solace, beguile, relax, disport. 3. Deceive (by inspiring false hopes), delude, cheat, Inveigle, mislead, impose upon. Amusement, n. Entertainment, diver sion, sport, DISPORT, play, fun, frolic, recreation, relaxation, pastime, game. Amusing, a. Entertaining, diverting, laughable, ridiculous, comical, funny, farcical, risible. An, art. 1. One, any, some. 3. Each, every. Anachronism, n. Misdate. Anacreontic, a. Amatory, amorous, erotic. Anaesthesia, ) n. (Med. ) Insensibility Antesthesis, j (as that produced by tlie inhalation of sulphuric ether, chloro form, &c.). Analects, n. pi. Selections, selected pieces, select pieces, collection of liter ary fragments. Analeptic, a. Restorative, strengthen ing, invigorating, comforting. Analeptic, n. Restorative. Analogous, a. Similar (in relations at uses), resembling, alike, like, cognate, parallel, corresponding, allied, of a piece. Analogy, n. Similarity (in relations or us.es), resemblance, likeness, parallel ism, similitude, parity, correspondence. Analysis, n. 1. Resolution, decomposi tion, dissection, separation (of elements). 3. Algebra, fluxions, calculus. 3. Parsing. Analyze, v. a. Decompose, decompound, dissect, resolve. Anarchist, n. Jacobin, turbulent dem agogue. Anarchy, n. Disorder, misrule, confu sion, want of government. Anastomose, v . n. (Bot. and Anat.) In osculate, unite at the end. Anastomosis, n. (Bot. and Anat.) In osculation. Anathema, n. Curse, malediction, de nunciation, imprecation, fulmination, ban, execration, proscription, excom munication. Anathematize, v. a. Curse, denounce, execrate, excommunicate. Anatomize, v. a. 1. Dissect. 3. Scrutinize, analyze, sift, probe, examine, lay open. Anatomy, n. 1. Dissection. 3. Science of bodily structure. Ancestor, n. Forefather, progenitor, father. Ancestral, a. Hereditary, patrimonial. Ancestry, n. 1. Lineage, family, race, house, line of ancestors. 3. Pedigree, stock, genealogy, de scent. Anchorage, n. * Roadstead, road, port, resting-place . Anchoret, n. Hermit, ANCHORITE. Anchor-ice, n. Ground-ice. Anchorite, n. Hermit, recluse, solitary, SOLITAIRE, anchoret, EREMITE. Ancient, a. 1. Old, primitive, pristine, OLDEX, of old time, not modern. 3. Of great age, of long duration- ANCIENTLY ANNOTATION 3. Antiquated, antique, archaic, ob solete, by-gone, old-fashioned, out of fashion, out of date, gone by. Anciently, ad. Formerly, of old, in the olden time, in ancient times, in days of yore, long ago, a long while ago, in days long gone. Ancillary, a. 1. Helping, helpful, auxiliary, instrumental. 2. Subservient, subordinate. Anecdote, n. Story (of private life), bio graphical incident. Anemone, n. Wind-flower. Anemoscope, n. Weathercock, vane. Anew, ad. Newly, afresh, again, over again, DE NOVO. Anfractuous, a. Winding, meandering, crooked, serpentine. Angel, n. Spirit, supernatural being. Angel, a. [Poetical.} Angelic. Angel-fish, n. Monk-fish (Squatina an- gelus). Angelic, ) a. Seraphic, cherubic, Angelical, ) heavenly, celestial, AN GEL. Anger, n. Wrath, rage, fury, resent ment, indignation, exasperation, choler, bile, spleen, TEMPER, dudgeon, passion, displeasure, vexation, irritation, of fence. Anger, v. a. Irritate, provoke, exas perate, chafe, vex, nettle, incense, en rage, inflame, madden, infuriate, make angry. Angle, n. 1. (Geom.) Difference of di rection (of tivo lines). 2. Corner, bend, elbow, knee, crotch, cusp, point (where two lines meet). Angle, v. n. Fish (loith a rod), BOB. Angle for, Fish for, scheme for, plot for, try to get by artifice. Angler, n. Fisherman, fisher. Anglican, a. English (said of the Church). Anglice, ad. [L.] In English. Anglicism, n. English idiom. Anglicize, v. a. Give an English form to, introduce into English. Angling, n. Fishing (with a rod). Angry, a. Provoked, exasperated, irri tated, incensed, piqued, indignant, moody, sulky, STUFFY, irate, ireful, wroth, wrathful, storming, infuriate, mad, in a passion, out of humor, out of temper, out of tune. Anguilliform, a. Eel-shaded. Anguish, n. Agony (especially of the mind), torment, torture, rack, pang, severe pain, extreme suffering, acute distress. Angular, a. Pointed, with angles, with corners. Angular distance, Apparent distance, distance as measured oy an angle. Anile, a. Aged, imbecile, senile, doting, decrepit, superannuated, old-womanish. Anility, n. Imbecility, dotage, senility, decrepitude, superannuation, weak ness. Animadversion, n. Reproof, stricture, censure, blame, condemnation, repro bation, reprehension, severe criticism. Animadvert upon, Censure, disap prove, find fault with, object to, take exception to, protest against, criticise severely. Animal, n. 1. Creature, living being, created being. 2. BEAST, BRUTE, irrational creat ure, dumb creature, beast of the field, fowl of the air, denizen of the deep. Animalcula, n. pi. [L.] Animalcules, microscopic animals. Animalcule, n. Microscopic animal, very minute animal. Animal magnetism, Mesmerism. Animal spirits, 1. Nervous fluid. 2. Energy, vigor, life, spirit, spirited- ness, ANIMATION. Animate, v. a. 1. Quicken, inform, make alive, give life to, vivify. 2. Invigorate, fortify, revive, give vigor or energy to. 3. Stimulate, waken, rouse, whet, incite, impel, excite, fire, heat, urge, provoke, warm, goad, kindle, prompt, work up, set on. 4. Encourage, inspire, inspirit, em bolden, enhearten, hearten, exhilarate, gladden, elate, elevate, flush. ERECT. Animated, a. Lively, vigorous, spright ly, vivacious, buoyant, spirited, jocund, blithe, gay, elated, full of life, full of spirit. Animating, a. Cheering, inspiring, en livening, encouraging, spirit-stirring, heart-stirring. Animation, n. 1. Life, existence, vital ity, breath, vital power, vital spark, breath of life. 2. Liveliness, spirit, spiritedness, vi vacity, sprightliness, buoyancy, elas ticity, airiness, vigor, ardor, force, strength, energy, exhilaration, cheer fulness, gayety, cheer, animal spirits, high spirits, good spirits. Animosity, n. Malignity, virulence, bitterness, rancor, hostility, hatred, hate, enmity, grudge, rankling, spleen, ill-will, heart-burning. Annals, n. pi. Records (in the order of years), chronicles, registers, rolls, ar chives, historical accounts. Anneal, v. a. Temper (as glass, by slow cooling). Annex, v. a. 1. Affix, attach, subjoin, add, superadd, append, tag, tack. 2. Join, unite, connect. Annexation, n. 1. Aflixing, attaching, adding, appending. 2. Junction, joining, connection, con junction, union. Annihilate, v. a. Destroy, extinguish, quench, kill, exterminate, raze, blast, ruin, nullify, annul, put an end to. Anniversary, a. Yearly (in the sense of returning with the year), annual. __i : j.i in our Lord. Anno Domini, [L.] In the -year of Annotate, v. n. Comment, make notes, make comments or remarks. Annotation, n. Note, comment, com mentary, remark, observation, gloss, scholium, explanation. ANNOUNCE 21 ANTICIPATE Announce, v. a. Publish, proclaim, advertise, communicate, promulgate, declare, report, trumpet, placard, ENOUNCE, enunciate, blaze abroad, spread abroad, give notice of, make proclamation of, lay before the public, bring to the notice of the public. Announcement, n. Advertisement, notice, notification, proclamation, de claration, promulgation, annunciation, pronunciamento, manifesto. Annoy, v. a. Molest, trouble, vex, tease, plague, worry, harry, irritate, badger, harass, fret, gall, chafe, hector, bore, incommode, offend, disturb, disquiet, pester, bother, infest, embarrass, pain, wound. Annoyance, . Trouble, vexation, mo lestation, discomfort, plague, nuisance, bore, torment, curse, infliction, abomi nation, scourge, thorn, bitter pill, gall and wormwood. Ann vial, a. Yearly, ANNIVERSARY. Annually, ad. Yearly, by the year, year by year, PER ANNUM. Annul, v. a. Cancel, abrogate, repeal, revoke, recall, recant, countermand, reverse, rescind, abolish, disannul, va cate, quash, nullify, supersede, invali date, overrule, make void, sekaside. Annular, a. King-shaped. Annulet, n. 1. Little ring. 3. (Arch.) Fillet, listel, list. Annulling, n. ANNULMENT. Annulment, n. Annulling, nullifica tion, abrogation, repeal, rescission, can celling, revocation, abolition. Annunciation, n. ANNOUNCEMENT. Anodyne, n. Opiate, sedative, narcotic. Anoint, v. a. 1. Smear, rub over with oil or unctuous matter. 3. Consecrate by unction. Anomalistic, a. ANOMALOUS. Anomalous, a. Irregular, abnormal, anomalistic, unconformable, preter natural, unnatural, unusual, singular, peculiar, exceptional, aberrant, eccen tric, erratic, monstrous, out of the way. Anomaly, n. Irregularity, abnormity, singularity, peculiarity, unconformity, eccentricity, monstrosity. Anon, ad. Soon, quickly, shortly, im mediately, in a short time, ere long. Anonymous, a. Nameless, without the name of the author. Another, a. 1. Some other, any other, not the same. 3. One more. Answer, v. n. 1. REPLY (especially to a question), REJOIN, respond^ say in re ply, make answer. 3. Be accountable, be responsible or liable. 3. Correspond, be like, be similar. 4. Do, pass, serve, be sufficient, be enough, do well enough, pass muster, be of use. Answer, v. a. 1. Reply to, respond to, make answer to. 3. Refute, meet by argument or ex planation. 3. Satisfy, fulfil, be suitable to, be sufficient for. Answer, n. 1. Reply, response, RE JOINDER, replication. 3. Refutation, defence. Answerable, a. 1. Refutable, that may be answered. 2. Accountable, responsible, amena ble, liable. 3. Corresponding, correspondent, cor relative, proportionate, suitable, suited, fit. Ant, n. Pismire, emmet. Antagonism, n. Opposition, contrarie ty, repugnance, contradiction, clash ing. Antagonist, n. Opponent, adversary, rival, competitor, enemy, foe, adverse party. Antagonistic, a. Opposing, adverse, opposite, hostile, inimical. Antecedence, n. Priority (in time), an teriority, precedence. Antecedent, a. Preceding, precedent, previous, prior, anterior, foregoing, precursory, forerunning, going before. Antecedent, n. 1. Precursor, forerun ner. 3. (Math.) First term (of a ratio). 3. (Gram.) Preceding noun (to ivhiclt a, relative refers). 4. (Logic.) First proposition (in an enthymeme). Antecedents, n. pi. [Modern.} Pre vious history (of an individual), pre vious course, incidents of one s past life. Antedate, v. a. 1. Date before the true time. 3. Anticipate, forestall, foretaste. Antepast, n. Foretaste, ANTICIPATION, prelibatioii, forestalling, presentiment. Anterior, a. 1. Preceding, prior, pre vious, antecedent, foregoing, going be fore. 3. Fore, front, in front. Anteriority, n. Priority (in time), pre cedence, antecedence. Ante-room, n. Vestibule, lobby, hall. Antlielmintic, n. Vermifuge, helmin- thagogue. Antliem, n. Hymn, divine song. Anthology, n. Selections (from authors), beauties, elegant extracts. Anthracite, n. Blind-coal, glance-coal, stone-coal, hard-coal. Anthropophagi, n. pi. Cannibals, man-eaters. Antic, a. Odd, fantastic, grotesque, wild, ridiculous. Antic, n. 1. Prank, trick, freak, gam bol, caper, vagary. 3. Buffoon, fool, merry-andrew, scar amouch, mountebank, harlequin, punch, clown, zany, jester, jack-pud ding, pickle-herring. Anticipate, v. a. 1. Go before, get the start of. 3. Take up beforehand, consider in advance. 3. Foretaste, forestall, antedate. 4. Expect, forecast, foresee, look for- ANTICIPATION 22 APPAREL ward to, count upon, reckon upon, cal culate upon, prepare one s self for. Anticipation, n. 1. Expectation, ex pectance, contemplation, prospect, nope, trust, ABEYANCE. 2. Foretaste, prelibation, antepast, presentiment, forestalling, foreseeing, foresight, prescience, prevision, fore thought, forecast, preconception. Anticlimax, n. Bathos. Antidote, n. 1. Counterpoison, anti poison, counteractive, corrective. 2. Remedy, cure, specific, restorative. Antifebrile, a. Febrifugal. Antifebrile, n. Febrifuge. Antipathy, n. Repugnance (natural or constitutional), disgust, abhorrence, de testation, hatred, hate, loathing, aver sion, horror. Antipodal, a. Opposite, over against, diametrically opposite. Anti-poison, n. ANTIDOTE. Antiquarian, n. Antiquary, archseo- logian, archaeologist. Antiquarian, a. Archaeological. Antiquary, n. ANTIQUARIAN. Antiqiiated, a. Obsolete, unfashion able, antique, by -gone, archaic, ancient, grown old, out of use, out of fashion, out of date, old-fashioned, gone by. Antique, a. Old, ancient, ANTIQUATED. Antique, n. Ancient rarity, piece of ancient art. Antiquity, n. 1. Old times, the olden time, ancient times, days of yore, AULD LANG SYNE. 3. Ancients, people of old times. 3. Ancientness, great age. 4. [pi.] Relics of old times, Antispasmodic, a. Carminative, good for cramp or spasms. Antithesis, n. (Rket.) Contrast, opposi tion. Antithetic, ) a. Contrasted, placed Antithetical, ) in contrast. Anxiety, n. Solicitude, concern, care, uneasiness, disquiet, apprehension, fear, misgiving, perplexity, worry, vexation, trouble, pain, disquietude. Anxious, a. Solicitous, uneasy, rest less, unquiet, apprehensive, CAREFUL, greatly concerned. Any, a. 1. A single one (of many), any one. 2. Some (indefinitely). Any, ad. Somewhat, at all, in any de gree. Anyhow, ad. In any manner, in any way, in any case. Apace, ad. Quickly, speedily, swiftly, rapidly, hastily, post-haste, with speed, with quick pace. Apart, ad. 1. Separately, aloof, aside, by one s self, by itself. 3. Asunder, into two parts. Apartment, n. Room, chamber, hall. Apathetic, a. Unfeeling, passionless, impassible, impassive, Platonic, stoical, unimpressible, unsusceptible, insensi ble, senseless, soulless, phlegmatic, dull, obtuse, cold, sluggish, torpid, tame, lukewarm, indifferent, callous, dead, cold-blooded, without sensibility, desti tute of feeling. Apathy, n. Insensibility, impassibility, dispassion, dulness, torpor, coldness, phlegm, indifference, unconcern, un- feelingness, stoicism, want of feeling. Ape, n. Monkey (without a tail). Ape, v. a. Mimic, imitate, mock, coun terfeit, take off. Aperient, a. (Med.) Laxative, deobstru- ent, loosening. Aperient, n. (Med.) Laxative, laxative medicine. Aperture, n. Opening, hole, perfora tion, LOOP-HOLE, passage, eye, eyelet, hollow, cavity. Apex, n. Top, summit, acme, zenith, pinnacle, highest point, culminating point, utmost height. Aphis, n. [pi. Aphides.] Plant-louse, vine-fretter, puceron. Aphorism, n. Maxim, adage, proverb, saying, dictum, saw, apothegm, by word, sententious precept. Apiary, n. Bee-house, beehive. Apiece, ad. Severally, one by one, for each. Apish, a. 1. Imitative (in a servile manner), mimicking. 3. Affected, foppish, trifling. Apocalypse, n. Revelation, prophecy of St. John. Apocryphal, a. Unauthentic, legend ary, uncanonical, of doubtful au thority. Apollyon, n. Satan, arch-fiend, Devil. Apologetical, a. Excusatory, exculpa tory. Apologist, n. Defender, vindicator, sup porter, advocate. Apologize, v. n. Make an apology, offer an excuse, plead in defence or extenua tion. Apologue, n. Fable (founded on the supposed action of brutes or of inani mate things), PARABLE, ALLEGORY, tale, story. Apology, n. 1. Defence, vindication, justification. 2. Excuse, plea, explanation, exten uation, reparation, AMENDE HONORA BLE. Apostasy, n. Defection, desertion, back sliding, dereliction, fall. Apostate, n. Renegade, backslider, de serter, turncoat. Apostate, a. Treacherous, false, faith less, untrue, recreant, backsliding. Apostle, n. Messenger, missionary. Apostolic see, Church of Rome. Apothegm, n. Maxim, adage, saying, dictum, saw, proverb, aphorism, by word, sententious precept. Apotheosis, n. Deification. Appall, v. a. Terrify, frighten, affright, dismay, daunt, scare, intimidate, shock, put in great fear, strike with terror, petrify with fear. Apparatus, n. Tools, instruments, uten sils, means. Apparel, n. Clothes, clothing, dress, raiment, attire, ARRAY, costume, toilet, APPAREL 23 APPLY habit, habiliments, garb, gear, gar ments, vestments, outfit, accoutre ment, equipment, suit, rigging, trap pings, TOGGERY, wardrobe. Apparel, v. a. Dress, clothe, attire, array, robe, rig, accoutre, equip, fit out, TRICK OUT. Apparent, a. 1. Visible, discernible, perceptible, open, external, in view, in sight, to be seen. 2. Manifest, obvious, patent, clear, evident, indubitable, plain, conspicu ous, legible, unmistakable, in plain sight. 3. Seeming, specious, ostensible, not real. Apparently, ad. 1. Evidently, obvi ously, clearly, manifestly, plainly. 2. Seemingly, ostensibly, QUASI, on appearance, at the first blush, in sem blance, in show. Apparition, n. Ghost, spectre, phan tom, phantasm, spirit, sprite, hobgob lin, shade, chimera, illusion, WRAITH, vision, preternatural appearance. Appeal, v.n. 1. (Law.) Refer the case or cause (from one court to another). 3. Refer to another (in any contro versy). Appeal, v. a. 1. [Rare.] Summon, challenge. 3. (Law.) Refer, transfer by appeal (from one court to another). Appeal, n. 1. Address, invocation, petition, request, entreaty, imploration, application, solicitation, suit. 3. Resort, recourse. Appeal to, Address, invoke, refer to, call upon, make application to. Appear, v. n. 1. Emerge, be in sight, come in sight, be visible, come into view, HEAVE IN SIGHT, open to the view, present itself, crop out, show itself, turn up, come upon the stage, see the light. 3. Open, dawn, break. 3. Arise, occur, oft er. 4. Stand in judgment, be present to answer. 5. Be manifest, be obvious, be open, be known. 6. Seem, look, show, wear the ap pearance, present the appearance, have the appearance, strike one as being. Appearance, n. 1. Coming, arrival. 3. Appearance, spectrum, what is seen. 3. Semblance, seeming, show, face, pretence, color, pretext, guise, fashion, feature. 4. Mien, air, aspect, look, com plexion, figure, manner, demeanor, per sonal presence. Appeasable, a. Placable, forgiving, reconcilable. Appease, v. a. 1. Pacify, calm, quiet, soothe, tranquillize, allay, assuage, mol lify, alleviate, mitigate, abate, ease, compose, still, hush, lull, dull, quell, blunt, temper, attemper, lessen, qualify. 2. Propitiate, reconcile, make propi tious, make favorable. Appellation, n. Name, title, epithet, cognomen, denomination, style, de scription, designation, descriptive term. Append, v. a. 1. Hang or attach. 2. Add, subjoin, join, annex, affix, superadd, tag, tack. Appendage, n. Concomitant, attend ant, accompaniment, adjunct, attach ment, appurtenance, appendix, tail piece. Appendant, a. Annexed, attached, con comitant, hanging. Appendix, n. 1. Adjunct, addition, appurtenance, appendage, addendum. 3. Supplement. Appertain to, 1. Belong to, pertain to, be incident to. 2. Regard, concern, touch, relate to, refer to, bear upon. Appetence, ) n. 1. Appetite, strong Appetency, ) desire. 2. Tendency, inclination, leaning, bent, disposition, propensity, fondness, liking, PEXCHANT. Appetite, n. 1. Desire, longing, crav ing, relish, hankering, pruriency, appe tency, passion. 3. Hunger, stomach, desire of food. Appetizer, n. Zest, relish. Appetizing, a. That whets the appetite. Applaud, v. a. 1. Cheer, clap. 3. Praise, commend, laud, approve, compliment, extol, magnify, cry up. Applause, n. Acclamation, acclaim, plaudit, eclat, clapping of hands, shout of approbation, loud praise. Apple of the eye, Pupil of the eye. Apple Peru, Thorn apple, stramonium, stramony, Jamestown weed (Datura stramonium). Apple-pie order, -[Colloquial.] Perfect order. Appliance, n. 1. Application, use, ex ercise, applying. 3. Expedient, means, instrumen tality, resource. Appliances, n. pi. Means, expedients, instrumentalities, appointments, steps, measures, ways and means. Applicable, a. Suitable, fit, fitting, be fitting, appropriate, relevant, adapted, apt, proper, pertinent, apposite, ger mane, to the point, to the pur pose. Applicant, n. Petitioner, solicitor, suitor, candidate. Application, n. 1. Applying. 3. Appliance, use, exercise, practice. 3. Solicitation, petition, appeal, re quest, suit. 4. Assiduity, industry, perseverance, persistency, intense study, close atten- Apply, v. a. 1. Lay upon, put or place upon. 3. Appropriate, use, employ, exercise, ply, convert to use, put to use. 3. Disperse, execute, carry out, put in practice. 4. Devote, dedicate, addict, direct, engage, turn attentively, bend with diligence. APPLY TO 24 APPROXIMATION Apply to, 1. Suit, fit, be adapted to, be suitable to. be applicable to. 2. Solicit, petition, request, appeal to, call upon, make application to, have recourse to. Appoint, v. a. 1. Fix, determine, pre scribe, set, establish. 2. Direct, ordain, enjoin, require, command, decree, order, bid, impose, insist on. 3. Assign, allot, designate, destine. 4. Nominate, name, constitute, create. 5. Furnish, equip, supply. Appointment, n. 1. Appointing, des ignation to office. 2. Station, position, office, place. 3. Assignation, agreement (as to time and place of meeting), TRYST, stipula tion, arrangement. 4. Decree, bidding, command, order, direction, precept, mandate, ordi nation, enactment, law, require ment. 5. Equipment, equipage, furniture, outfit, appliance. 6. Allowance, salary, pay, stipend, pension. 7. Nomination, constitution, crea tion. Apportion, v. a. Allot, distribute, as sign, divide, partition, part, measure, share, appropriate, deal, dispense, par cel out, deal out, portion out. Apportionment, n. Distribution, al lotment, assignment, dole, partition, division. Apposite, a. Apt, pertinent, relevant, fit, fitting, befitting, suitable, appro priate, seasonable, germane, APROPOS, to the purpose, to the point, well ap plied, well put. Appraise, v. a. Value, estimate, prize, rate, measure, set a value on, fix a price for, estimate the worth of, form an estimate of. Appraisement, n. Valuation, estima tion, estimate, judgment. Appreciate, v. a* 1. Estimate justly, set a just value on, form a correct esti mate of, value rightly. 2. Estimate, esteem, value, rate. 3. [ U. ;S\] liaise the value of. Appreciate, v. n. [ U. S.} Rise in value, be worth more. Appreciation, n, 1. Valuation, estima tion, 2. Just estimate, correct valuation. Apprehend, v, a. 1. Seize, arrest, take, take prisoner, 2, Conceive, imagine, see, perceive, believe, know, COMPREHEND. 3. Fear, dread, think of with fear. Apprehend, v . n. Think, suppose, im agine, conceive, fancy, OPINE, hold, ween, presume, be of opinion, take it, entertain the idea, Apprehension, n. 1. Seizure, arrest. 2. Understanding, intellect, intelli gence, intellection, mind, reason. 3. Conception, IMAGINATION, the mind s eye. 4. Knowledge, discernment, percep tion, sense. 5. Opinion, belief, fancy, supposition, judgment, sentiment, idea, notion. 6. Fear, dread, distrust, suspicion, anxiety, solicitude, care, concern, mis giving, alarm, worry, disquiet, uneasi ness, vexation. Apprehensive, a. 1. Quick to under stand. 2. Fearful, distrustful, suspicious, anxious, afraid. Apprentice, n. Learner (of a trade). Apprise, v. a. Inform, acquaint, warn, notify, tell, admonish, make acquaint ed, make aware, give notice to, disclose to, make known to, mention to. Approach, v. n. Approximate, draw near, draw nigh, come near, be at hand. Approach, v. a. Resemble, come near to, be like. Approach, n. 1. Advance, approxima tion, advent, coming, drawing near. 2. Access, admittance, admission. Approachable, a. Accessible. Approbation, n. 1. Approval, liking, praise, encomium, commendation, good opinion, favorable opinion. 2. Support, concurrence, assent, con sent, sanction, ratification. Appropriate, v. a. 1. Adopt, take to one s self, take as one s own. 2. Take, seize, abstract, steal, pur loin. 3. Assign, apportion, allot, set apart. 4. Apply, use, employ, convert. Appropriate, a. Adapted, fit, fitting, befitting, apt, PAT, suitable, proper, becoming, due, seemly, agreeable, con formable, congruous, germane, conve nient, pertinent, apposite, felicitous, applicable, APROPOS, to the point, to the purpose. Appropriateness, n. Suitableness, fit ness, propriety, aptness, appositeness, pertinency, PERTNESS, relevancy, feli city, applicability. Appropriation, n. 1. Seizure, capture, taking, taking to one s self. 2. Application (to a particular use). 3. Sum set apart (for a specify object). Approval, n. 1. APPROBATION. 2. Support, sanction, assent, consent, concurrence, ratification. Approve, v. a. 1. Commend, recom mend, praise, like, appreciate, value, think well or favorably of, think highly of, speak well of, be pleased with. 2. Sanction, confirm, justify, ratify, sustain, make valid. Approximate, a. 1. Proximate, ap proaching, coming near. 2. Nearly correct, nearly accurate or true. Approximate, v. a. [Bare.] Bring near. Approximate, v. n. Approach, come near. Approximately, ad. Near, nearly, about, not far from. Approximation, . Approach. APPULSE 25 ARCHIVES Appulse, n. Collision, meeting, coming together, striking together. Appulsive, a. Impinging, striking against. Appurtenance, n. Adjunct, append age, dependency. Appurtenant, a. Belonging. A priori, [L.] Theoretically, before ex perience, before trial, from assumed principles. Apropos, a. [Fr.] Opportune, season able, timely, tit, suitable,: apt, apposite, to the point, to the purpose, just the thing, quite the thing. Apropos, ad. Opportunely, seasonably, to the purpose. Apt, a. 1. Apposite, pertinent, suitable, lit, fitting, meet, befitting, germane, applicable, appropriate, APROPOS, to the point, to the purpose. 2. Inclined, liable, prone, disposed. . 3. Quick, sharp, ready, prompt, ex pert, dexterous, able, clever, happy, adroit, handy, skilful. 4. Docile, teachable. Aptitude, n. Turn, disposition, genius, gift, endowment, talent, faculty, capa city, capableness, tendency, inclination, bias, proclivity, proneness, propensity, forte, aptness. Aptness, n. 1. Fitness, suitableness, appropriateness, adaptation, applica bility. 2. Turn, tendency, inclination, APTI TUDE. 3. Quickness, readiness, expertness, skill, facility, knack, adroitness, ad dress, ability. 4. Docility, teachableness. Aqua-fortis, n. [L.] Nitric acid (some what diluted], spirit of nitre. Aqua-regia, n. [L.] Nitro-muriatic acid, nitro-chloro-hydric acid. Aquarius, n. (Astron.) Water-bearer. Aqueous, a. Watery, waterish, moist, wet, humid, damp. Aquiline, a. Hooked (like an eagle s bealc; applied especially to tlie nose), bent, curved. Arab, n. Arabian, Saracen. Arabesque, a. Moorish, moresque. Arabian, a. Arabic. Arabian, n. Arab, Saracen. Arabic, a. Arabian. Arable, a. That may be ploughed, fit for the plough, suitable for cultivation. Arbiter, n. Arbitrator, umpire, judge, referee. Arbitrament, n. 1. Choice, option, will, determination, decision, umpirage. 2. (Law.) Award, adjudication, de termination, decision, decree. Arbitrariness, n. Despotism, absolute ness, absolutism, tyranny, autocracy. Arbitrary, a. 1. Irresponsible, abso lute, tyrannical, tyrannous, imperious, domineering, bound by no law. 2. Optional, voluntary, determined by no rule or principle. Arbitrate, v. a. Decide, determine. Arbitrate, v. n. 1. Mediate, intercede, interpose. 2. Judge, decide, determine, adjudi cate, give judgment, pass judgment. Arbitration, n. 1. Mediation, inter vention, intercession, interposition. 2. Decision, determination, adjudi cation, arbitrament, umpirage. Arbitrator, n. Arbiter, umpire, judge, referee. Arbor, n. 1. Bower, shady recess, shady retreat. 2. Spindle, axis, shaft. Arborescence, n. Branching, ramifi cation. Arborescent, a. Dendriform, dendrite, dendritic, arboriform, branching. Arboriform, a. Dendriform, ARBORES CENT. Arbor-vitae, n. White cedar (of Can ada; Thuja occidentalis). Arc, n. (Geom.) Arch, part of a circum ference. Arcade, n. Piazza, colonnade. Arcanum, n. [L. pi. Arcana.] Secret, mystery. Arch, n. 1. (Geom.) Arc, part of a cir cumference. 2. Curved structure. Arch, v. a. 1. Vault, cover with an arch, arch over. 2. Bend into the form of an arch. Arch, a. 1. Chief, principal, consum mate, first-rate, of the first class. 2. Sly, shrewd, cunning, wily, astute, subtle. 3. Roguish, waggish, mirthful, frolic some, sportive, merry, playful. Archaeologian, n. Archaeologist. Archaeological, a. Antiquarian. Archaeologist, n. Antiquarian, anti quary. Archaeology, n. Science of antiquities. Archaic, a. Old, ancient, obsolete, an- tiquated, antique, by-gone, out -of use, put of date, out of fashion, old-fash ioned. Archaism, n. Antiquated term or ex pression. Archbishop, n. Primate, metropolitan. Archduchy, n. Archdukedom. Archdukedom, n. Archduchy. Arched, a. 1. Vaulted, bowed, came- rated, concave. 2. (Bot.) Fornicate. Arch-enemy, n. Arch-fiend. Arch-fiend, n. DEVIL, Satan. Archer, n. Bowman, SAGITTARY. Arch over, Arch, cover with an arch. Archetype, n. Pattern, model, type, prototype, original, examplar, example, protoplast, mirror, paragon. Arching, a. Vaulted, curving. Architect, n. 1. Designer of buildings, professor of building. 2. Contriver, maker, former, author. Architecture, n. 1. Science or art of building. 2. Workmanship, framework, frame, structure, fabric. Archives, n. pi. 1. Registry, record- oflice. ARCHWAY 26 ARMORIAL J8. Records, chronicles, registers, AN NALS, historical accounts. Arch\vay, n. Arched passage. Arctic, a. Northern, boreal. Arcuate, a. [Rare.} Curved, bent, bowed, hooked, crooked, aduncous. Arcuation, n. [Rare.} Curvature, in curvation, curvity, flexure, bend, crook. Ardent, a. 1. Hot, burning, fiery. J}. Warm, passionate, fervent, im passioned, eager, intense, keen, sharp, vehement, fiery, earnest, fervid, glow ing, zealous, devoted, enthusiastic, strenuous, sanguine. 3. Alcoholic, spirituous. Ardor, n. 1. Heat, warmth. 3. Zeal, fervor, fervency, flame, glow, excitement, sharpness, earnestness, eagerness, heartiness, devotion, enthu siasm, soul, spirit, vehemence, impetu osity, intensity, passion. Arduous, a. 1. Steep, high, lofty, up hill. 3. Hard, difficult, laborious, onerous, troublesome, Herculean, toilsome, tire some, wearisome, fatiguing, beset with difficulties, full of difficulties. Area, n. 1. Region, sphere, realm, ter ritory, domain, district, circuit, circle, definite space. 3. (Geom.) Superficial contents. Arena, n. Field, lists, stage, ring, am phitheatre, battle-field, field of battle, scene of action, place of contest. Arenaceous, a. Sandy, arenose. Areiiose, a. Sandy, arenaceous. Areometer, n. Hydrometer. Argent, a. 1. Of silver. 3. Silvery, bright, resplendent, shin ing, radiant, brilliant, beaming, efful gent, refulgent. Argil, n. 1. Potter s clay, white clay. 3. Alumina, argillaceous earth, oxide of aluminium. Argillaceous, a. Clayey, aluminous. Argol, n. Tartar (crude), bitartrate of potash, wine-stone. Argosy, n. Carack, galleon. Argue, v. n. 1. Reason, plead, offer reasons, use arguments. 3. Dispute, debate, chop logic, try conclusions, bandy words or arguments, hold or carry on an argument. Argue, v. a. 1. Show, indicate, evince, denote, imply, betoken, prove. 3. Debate, discuss, VENTILATE, sift, contest, controvert, moot, reason upon. Arguer, n. Reasoner, debater, contro versialist, disputant, disputer. Argument, n. 1. Reason, reasoning, chain of reasoning, process of reasoning. 3. Controversy, dispute, disputation, discussion. 3. Subject, topic, matter, theme, thesis, question, subject-matter, matter in hand. Argumentation, n. Reasoning, ratio cination, process of reasoning. Argumentative, a. 1. Controversial, polemical. 2. Disputatious, given to controversy. Argus-eyed, a. Discerning, perspica cious, sharp - sighted, quick - sighted, lynx-eyed, hawk-eyed. Dry, dried up, parched with Dryness, SICCITY, want of Arid, a. heat. Aridity, n. moisture. Aright, ad. Rightly, without error or mistake. Ariose, a. Melodious, of a melodious character, characterized by melody (as distinguished from harmony). Arise, v. n. 1. Ascend, mount, soar, tower, go up. 2. Get up, start up, get out of bed. 3. Rise, appear, come in sight, come into view, present itself, show itself. discover itself, make its appearance, reveal itself, come to light. 4. Begin, originate, spring, spring up, be excited, come into action. 5. Come into being, enter upon life. 6. Accrue, result, proceed, issue, flow, follow, come, ensue, be derived. Aristate, a. (Bot.) Awned, bearded. Aristocracy, n. 1. Government of nobles or a- privileged order. 2. Nobility, noblesse, gentry, peerage. body of nobles, the quality, persons of rank. 3. [Colloquial.} Upper classes, UP PER-TEN, UPPER-CRUST, upper ten thousand. Aristocratic, ) a. 1. Noble, princely, Aristocratical, j patrician, titled, of high rank. 3. Haughty, proud, arrogant, dis dainful, overweening, supercilious, overbearing, consequential. Aristotelian, a. Peripatetic. Aristotelian, n. Follower of Aristotle, peripatetic philosopher. Arithmetic, n. Science of numbers, art of computation. Arm, n. 1. Branch, bough, projecting part. 8. Inlet (of the sea). 3. Power, might, strength, puissance. 4. Branch of military service (as ar tillery or cavalry). Arm, v. a. 1. Equip, furnish, provide, or supply with arms. 3. Fortify, put in a state of defence. 3. Prepare, fit up, make ready. Arm, v. n. Take arms, be fitted or pro vided with arms. Armada, n. Fleet (especially that of Spain against England in 1588), squad ron, flotilla. Armament, n. 1. Body of forces. 3. Guns, cannon, arms, munitions of war. Arm-chair, n. Elbow-chair, armed chair. Armistice, n. Truce, suspension of hostilities, cessation of arms, tempo rary peace. Arm of flesh, Human strength, human aid. Arm of the sea, Estuary, frith, inlet. Armor, n. Defensive clothing, coat of mail. Armorial, a. Heraldic. ARMORY 27 ARTICLE Armory, n. Arsenal, depository of arms, magazine of arms. Armpit, n. AXILLA. Arms, n. pi. 1. Weapons. 3. War, warlike exploits. 8. Escutcheon, scutcheon, shield, en sign armorial, armorial bearings. Army, n. Host, force, troops, legions, armed force, military force, body of troops. Arnica, n. Leopard s-bane. Aroma, n. Fragrance, perfume, redo lence, sweet scent, pleasing scent, grate ful odor. Aromatic, a. Fragrant, redolent, balmy, spicy, odoriferous, aromatous, ambrosial, high-scented, strong-scent ed, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling. Aromatize, v. a. Scent, perfume. Aromatous, a. Fragrant, spicy, ARO- MATIC. Around, ad. Round, on every side, on all sides, in a circle, right and left. Around, prep. 1. About, round, encir cling, encompassing, surrounding, on every side of. 3. All over, in all parts of. Arouse, v. a. Incite, excite, animate, stimulate, warm, kindle, inspirit, pro voke, instigate, awaken, raise, whet, stir up, wake up, summon up, set on, hurry on. Arraign, v. a. 1. Prosecute, bring to trial, take the law of, bring before a court. 3. Accuse, charge, denounce, impeach, indict, criminate, tax, inform against, call to account, take to task. Arraignment, n. 1. Prosecution, bringing to trial. 3. Accusation, charge, indictment, impeachment. Arrange, v. a. 1. Dispose, array, class, classify, group, rank, trim, marshal, distribute, place, range, put or bring into order, set in order, reduce to order, set out, assign places to. 3. Adjust, settle, determine, fix up on. 3. Plan, devise, scheme, contrive, project, mature, organize, concoct, construct, prepare, fall upon, hit upon, lay out. Arrangement, n. 1. Disposition, clas sification, method, distribution, group ing, collocation, reducing to order. 3. Structure, make, form, mode of building, manner of making. 3. Adjustment, settlement. 4. Regulation, management, econo my. 5. Preparation, plan, scheme. Arrant, a. 1. Notorious, utter, gross, downright, consummate, rank, thor ough-going. 3. Infamous, vile, atrocious, mon strous. Arras, n. Tapestry, hangings. Array, n. 1. Order, regular disposition. . 3. Dress r fine clothes, elegant attire, rich garments. 3. Exhibition, show. 4. (Law.) Panel, body of jurors. Array, v. a. 1. Rank, range, arrange, place, dispose, marshal, set in order, draw up. 3. Dress, habit, enrobe, robe, invest, clothe, bedeck, deck, adorn, embellish, decorate, garnish, BEDIZEN, TRICK OUT, set oft . Arrears, n. pi. Arrearage, amounts due but unpaid. Arrearage, n. ARREARS. Arrest, v. a. 1. Stop, stay, check, in terrupt, obstruct, hinder, delay, detain, restrain, hold, withhold, keep back. 3. Seize, apprehend, take, capture, catch, take up, take into custody, take prisoner. 3. Engage, fix, engross, occupy, rivet. Arrest, n. 1. Staying, stopping, hinder- ance, obstruction. 3. Seizure, capture, detention. Arrival, n. Advent, coming. Arrive, v. n. 1. Come, get here, reach this place. 3. Get there, reach that place. Arrive at, Reach, attain, come to, get to, TOUCH AT. Arrogance, n. Haughtiness, pride, presumption, assumption, supercilious ness, disdain, contumely, lordliness, loftiness, stateliness, self-conceit, con- ceitedness, self-importance, HAUTEUR. Arrogant, a. Haughty, proud, super cilious, lordly, disdainful, contumelious, cavalier, overbearing, overweening, as suming, magisterial, dogmatic, impe rious, important, swelling, blustering, big, high, lofty, stately, self-conceited, self-sufficient, UPPISH. Arrogate, v. a. Assume, usurp, claim unduly, make unjust pretensions to. Arrow, n. Dart, shaft, bolt. Arrow-headed, a. Wedge-shaped, cu neiform. Arsenal, n. Armory, magazine of arms, repository of military stores. Arsenic, n. ARSENIOUS ACID. Arsenious acid, Arsenic, rat s-bane, white arsenic, white oxide of arsenic, Art, n. 1. Trade, craft, business, call ing, employment, exercise of skill. 3. Skill, address, adroitness, readi ness, dexterity, tact, aptitude, aptness, cleverness, ingenuity. 3. Cunning, astuteness, artfulness, shrewdness, artifice, deceit, subtlety, craftiness, craft, duplicity, wiliness, guile. Artful, a. 1. Skilful, ingenious, dex terous. 3. Cunning, crafty, astute, shrewd, sharp, wily, sly, foxy, snaky, subtle, arch, insidious, designing, intriguing, politic, deceitful, trickish, TRICKY, diplomatic, Machiavelian. Article, n. 1. Part, portion, branch, member, clause, item, particular, count, point. 3. Term, stipulation, provision, con dition, covenant. 3. Thing, substance, commodity. 4. (Grain.) Definitive adjective. ARTICULATE 28 ASKEW Articulate, a. 1. Jointed, articulated. 2. Distinctly uttered. Articulate, v. a. Utter distinctly (as respects the elementary sounds), PHO NO UNCE, ENOUNCE, speak. Articulated, a. Jointed, articulate. Articulation, n. 1. Distinct utterance. 2. Consonant. 3. Joint, juncture, hinge. Artifice, n. Cunning, deceit, trickery, duplicity, guile, subtlety, finesse, strat agem, trick, subterfuge, wile, ruse, chance, dodge, doubling, Machiavelism, machination, deception, cheat, shuffle, fraud, imposture, imposition, double- dealing, COLLUSION, hocus-pocus, craf- ty device, artful contrivance. Artificer, n. Artist (not of the highest grade), manufacturer, superior artisan, skilful mechanic, TRADESMAN. Artificial, a. 1. Factitious, made by art, not natural. 3. Fictitious, feigned, counterfeited, sham, spurious. 3. Assumed, affected, forced, strained. Artillery, n. Ordnance, cannon, en ginery, great guns. Artisan, n. Mechanic, handicraftsman, workman, laborer, operative. Artist, n. 1. Designer, contriver, pro jector, adept, ARTIFICER, skilful per son. 3. Painter, limner, sketcher. 3. Sculptor, carver, modeller. Artistic, ) a. Skilful, masterly, work- Artistical, J man-like. Artless, a. 1. Ignorant, unlearned, untaught, unskilful, rude. 3. Inartificial, simple, natural, with out marks of art. 3. Unaffected, plain, honest, frank, fair, open, candid, NAIVE, guileless, sincere, true, unsophisticated, ingenu ous, undesigning, truthful, honorable, single-minded, simple-hearted, simple- minded, open-hearted, straightforward. As, ad. 1. In the manner that. 3. Like, similar to, for example, of the same kind with, in the same man ner with. 3. Viewed like, taken in the charac ter of, considered in the state of. 4. While, during the time that, at the same time that. 5. Because, since, for the reason that. 6. To the degree that, in the same proportion that. 7. Being of the kind which, being of the class who. As far as, To the extent that, to the degree that. Ascend, v. n. 1. Rise, arise, aspire, mount, soar, tower, CLIMB, go up. 3. Go backward (in the order of time). Ascend, v. a. CLIMB, scale, get up, go up. Ascendant, n. 1. Horoscope. 2. Superiority, predominance, ascen dency, superior influence, controlling influence. Ascendant, a. 1. Rising, above the horizon. 2. Superior, predominant, prevailing, prevalent, surpassing. Ascendency, n. Power, authority, sway, control, superiority, government, mastery, masterdom, command, domin ion, rule, sovereignty, supremacy, dom ination, predominance, controlling in fluence, advantage over, upper-hand. Ascension, n. Rising, rise, ascent. Ascent, n. 1. Rising, rise, ascension. 2. Acclivity, rising ground. 3. Elevation, height, eminence. Ascertain, v. a. 1. Determine, estab lish, fix, settle, define, certify, verify, make certain, make sure. 2. Discover, find out, get at. Ascetic, a. Austere, rigid, severe, stern, puritanical, uncompromising. Ascetic, n. Recluse, hermit, anchoret, solitary, solitaire, EKEMITE. Asceticism, n. Austerity, mortifica tion. Ascribable, a. Attributable, traceable, chargeable, imputable, referrible, ow ing. Ascribe, v. a. Attribute, assign, refer, charge, lay, IMPUTE. As good as, 1. Of equal goodness with. 2. The same as, equivalent to, equal to, tantamount to. Ashamed, a. Abashed, confused, put out of countenance. Ash-colored, a. Ashy, pale, gray. Ashes, n. pi. 1. Remains (of what is burnt). 2. Corpse, remains (of the human body), dead body. Ashore, ad. 1. On shore, on land. 3. To the shore. 3. Aground, not afloat. 4. Stranded, wrecked, cast away. Ashy, a. 1. Cineritious, cinereous, favil- lous, like ashes. 3. Pale, pallid, whitish, gray, ash- colored. Asiatic cholera, Spasmodic cholera, cholera asphyxia. Aside, ad. 1. Laterally, to the side, to one side. 3. Out of the straight course, out of the true course. 3. Apart, separately, away. As if, As though. As it were, So to speak, so it would seem, so it seems. Ask, v. a. 1. Question, interrogate, in quire of, put the question to. 3. Request, solicit, petition, beseech, implore, supplicate, crave, beg, desire, entreat, pray for, prefer a petition for, make application for. 3. Require, claim, demand, chal lenge, call for. Ask, v. n. 1. Petition, beg, pray. 3. Inquire, question, make inquiry. Askance, ) ad. Obliquely, sidewise, Askant, J askew, aslant, on one side. Asker, n. Inquirer, petitioner, solicitor, solicitant. Askew, ad. Awry, aside, askance, aslant, asquint, to one side. ASLANT 29 ASSEVERATION Aslant, ad. Obliquely, askance, askew, aslope. Aslant, a. Oblique, inclined, slanting. Asleep, a. Sleeping, fast asleep, in a sound sleep, in the arms of Morpheus, gone to the land of Nod. Aslope, ad. ASLANT, obliquely. Aspect, n. 1. Air, mien, countenance, expression, visage, feature. 3. Appearance, view, light, condition, situation, position, state, attitude, pos ture. 3. Direction, bearing, relative posi tion. Asperity, n. 1. Roughness, ruggedness, unevenness. 3. Acrimony, tartness, sourness, sharpness, causticity, corrosiveness. 3. Harshness, moroseness, sternness, severity, virulence, crabbedness, bitter ness, churlishness, acerbity, sullenness, ill temper, bad blood. Asperse, v. a. Vilify, slander, calum niate, traduce, defame, scandalize, malign, revile, lampoon, backbite, abuse, disparage, blacken, blemish, slur, VITUPERATE, run down, detract from, speak ill of, accuse falsely, damn with faint praise. Aspersion, n. Calumny, detraction, slander, defamation, abuse, vitupera tion, obloquy, reproach, scandal, back biting, reviling, gainsaying, traduc ing. Asphalt, ) n. Native bitumen, min- Asphaltum, j eral pitch, Jew s pitch. Aspirant, n. 1. Aspirer, ambitious person. 3. Candidate, solicitor, solicitant, competitor. Aspirant, a. Aspiring, ambitious. Aspirate, a. Aspirated, toneless, un- intonated, atonic, surd, pronounced with a simple breathing, not vocal, without vocality, without tone. Aspirate, n. Rough breathing. Aspirate, v. a. Pronounce with an aspirate or rough breathing. Aspirated, a. ASPIRATE. Aspiration, n. 1. Pronouncing with the rough breathing. 3. Longing, yearning, hankering, craving, ardent wish or desire. Aspire, v. n. 1. Desire (earnestly), long. 3. Ascend, rise, soar, tower, mount. Aspirer, n. Aspirant, ambitious person. Aspire to, Desire eagerly, wish for ardently, long for, aim at, thirst after. Aspiring, a. Ambitious, high-reaching. Asquint, ad. Askance, askant, awry, askew, obliquely, to one side. Ass, n. 1. Jackass, donkey. 3. Dolt, fool, blockhead, simpleton, numskull, ninny, DUNCE. Assail, v. a. Assault, attack, invade, oppugn, fall upon, fly at, bear down upon, make aggression on. Assailant, n. Aggressor, assaulter, at tacker, invader, assailer. Assailant, a. Attacking, invading, as saulting. Assailer, n. Aggressor, ASSAILANT. Assassin, n. Murderer, slayer, cut throat, assassinator, bravo. Assassinate, v. a. Kill (by secret as sault), murder, slay, despatch. Assassination, n. Murder (by secret assault). Assassinator, n. ASSASSIN. Assault, n. 1. Attack, onset, onslaught, aggression, invasion, charge, thrust. 3. Storming, storm. Assault, v. a. Assail, attack, charge, invade, STORM, fall upon, fly at, bear down upon, make aggression, on. Assay, n. Trial (particularly to deter mine the quantity of metal in an ore), test, examination, experiment, proof, touchstone, ordeal. Assay, v. a. Try, test, put to the test, make trial of. Assay, v. n. Try, endeavor, attempt, essay. Assemblage, n. 1. Collection, group, cluster, clump, mass, congeries, pack. 3. Assembly, concourse, company, crowd, throng, congregation, gathering, meeting. Assemble, v. a. Collect, muster, con vene, convoke, congregate, gather, levy, call, call together, bring together, get together. Assemble, v. n. Converse, meet, meet together, come together. Assembly, n. 1. Company, concourse, throng, congregation, gathering, collec tion, assemblage, meeting. 3. Congress, convention, convocation, conclave, synod, diet, meeting, council, caucus, conventicle, Parliament. Assent, v. n. Agree (as to a matter of opinion), CONSENT, concur, acquiesce, subscribe, yield, yield assent, give con sent, fall in, go with the stream, go Avith the current. Assent, n. Consent, agreement, con currence, acquiescence, allowance. Assent to, Consent to, agree to, give assent to, acquiesce in, concur in. Assert, v. a. 1. Affirm, declare, pro nounce, express, aver, allege, assever ate, protest, avow, predicate, lay down. 3. Vindicate, defend, claim, main tain, uphold. Assertion, n. 1. Affirmation, declara tion, asseveration, protestation, posi tion, statement, word, averment, pred ication, remark. 3. Vindication, defence, maintenance, support. Assess, v. a. 1. Tax, charge as one s share. 3. Value, appraise, compute, esti mate, rate. Assessment, n. 1. Assessing, valuation. 3. Tax, impost, charge, rate. Assets, n. pi. Property (particularly as compared with liabilities), effects, pos sessions, estate. Asseverate, v. a. Aver, affirm, declare, ASSERT, protest, maintain, avow. Asseveration, n. Declaration, asser tion, avowal, protestation, affirmation, averment, assurance. ASSIDUITY 30 ASTERISK Assiduity, n. Industry, DILIGENCE, assiduousness, sedulousness, activity, perseverance, persistence, patience, close application. Assiduous, a. Industrious, sedulous, diligent, indefatigable, notable, active, busy, untiring, unwearied, unremitting, persevering, persistent, constant, pa tient, studious, zealous, never-tiring, painstaking. Assiduousness, n. ASSIDUITY. Assign, v. a. 1. Apportion, allot, ap point, appropriate, cast. 2. Fix, specify, determine, designate. 3. Adduce, allege, advance, offer, give, present, bring forward. 4. (Law.) Transfer, convey, make over. Assignation, n. 1. Designation. 2. Appointment to meet. Assign dower, (Law.) Set off (by metes and bounds) the widow s share. Assignment, n. 1. Appointment, al lotment, apportionment. 2. (Law.) Transfer, conveyance. Assimilate, v. a. 1. Liken, make like, bring to a resemblance. 2. Digest, turn to one s own sub stance. Assist, v. a. 1. Help, aid, support, be friend, patronize, serve, speed, second, abet, back, sustain, co-operate with, take part with, give support to, minis ter to. 2. Succor, relieve, SPELL. Assistance, n. Help, aid, succor, LIFT, support, patronage, relief, helping hand, good offices. Assistant, . Coadjutor, helper, aider, co-operator, co-aid, ally, auxiliary, abet tor, ADJUTANT, CLERK, right hand man. Assizes, n. pi. Sessions (of the superior courts in the counties of England). Associate, v. a. Join, conjoin, unite, connect, combine, affiliate, yoke, cou ple, link, bring into close relation. Associate, v. n. Fraternize, sort, con sort, keep company, be in familiar in tercourse. Associate, n. 1. Companion, mate, fellow, yoke-fellow, comrade, peer, compeer, follower, COXSORT. 2. Partner, copartner, coadjutor, COLLEAGUE, confederate, ally. Association, n. 1. Union, connection, conjunction, combination. 2. Society, fraternity, partnership, copartnership, sodality, company, band, corporation, body, guild, firm, house, confederacy, confederation, LODGE, club, COTERIE, CLIQUE, joint concern. Assort, v. a. Class, classify, rank, group, arrange, distribute, sort. Assort, v. n. Agree, consort, suit, be adapted, be suitable. Assortment, n. 1. Assorting, arrang ing, allotment, distribution, arrange ment. 2. Class, group, set, batch, lot, par cel, stock, store, collection, pack. 3. Variety of sorts, many kinds. Assorted, a. Of various sorts. Assuage, v . a. Mitigate, moderate, ap pease, alleviate, soothe, soften, mollify, pacify, compose, tranquillize, quiet, still, quell, allay, abate, temper, attem per, lessen, qualify, relieve, ease, dull, blunt, lull. Assuagement, n. Mitigation, allevia tion, pacification, easing, abatement. Assuasive, a. Soothing, assuaging, emollient, lenient, lenitive, mitigating, mitigative, mild. Assume, v. a. 1. Take, undertake, take on, take upon one s self, be willing to bear. 2. Affect, feign, counterfeit, simulate, pretend to, put on. 3. Arrogate, usurp, claim unduly, make unjust pretensions to. 4. Beg, suppose, presuppose, imply, consider as true, take for granted. Assumed name, Alias. Assuming, a. 1. Presuming, presump tuous, forward, audacious, bold, shame less, frontless, unblushing, brazen, brazen-faced. 2. Arrogant, proud, lofty, stately, haughty, supercilious, overbearing, overweening, conceited, consequential, self-conceited, self-sufficient. Assumption, n. 1. Assuming, arrogat ing, usurpation. 2. Presumption, supposition, conject ure, hypothesis, postulate, theory. 3. Haughtiness, loftiness, supercili ousness, lordliness, stateliness, conceit, pride, conceitedness, self-conceit, self- importance, vain-glory, arrogance, in solence, HAUTEUR. Assurance, n. 1. Security, certainty, conviction, persuasion, pledge of cer tainty, ground of confidence. 2. Promise, engagement, word of honor. 3. Affirmation, assertion, declaration, protestation, asseveration, averment, avowal. 4. Intrepidity, courage, confidence, firmness, self-reliance. 5. Boldness, effrontery, brass, impu dence, impertinence, presumption, CHEEK, face, front. 6. (Law.) Insurance. Assure, v. a. 1. Make certain or sure, free from doubt or uncertainty. 2. Embolden, encourage, enhearten, hearten, make confident. 3. Declare to (confidently and ear nestly), vouch to, avow to, protest to, warrant. 4. (Law.) Insure, agree to indem nify for loss, secure against loss. Assured, a. 1. Certain, indubitable, unquestionable. 2. Confident, sure, secure, sanguine. 3. (Law.) Insured. Assuredly, ad. Certainly, indubitably, undoubtedly, unquestionably, truly, surely, sure, without doubt. Asteism, n. Genteel irony, polite ban ter or raillery, delicate ridicule. Asterisk, n. Star (in printing). ASTERN 31 ATROCIOUS Astei-n, ad. (Naut.) 1. Behind, back. 2. Backward, rearward, abaft. Asteroid, n. Small planet. As though, As if. Astonish, v. a. Amaze, surprise, as tound, confound, shock, stagger, stu pefy, stun, dumfounder, strike dumb, strike with wonder, petrify with won der. Astonishment, n. Amazement, won der, surprise, awe, ADMIRATION. Astound, v. a. Amaze, ASTONISH. Astral, a. Starry, stellar, sidereal. Astray, ad. Out of the right way, on the wrong scent. Astringent, a. Binding, contracting, styptic. Astute, a. 1. Cunning, crafty, intrigu ing, wily, artful, sly, subtle, arch, deep, Machiavelian. 3. Shrewd, sagacious, acute, sharp, quick, discerning, ingenious, perspica cious, keen, intelligent, long-headed, keen-sighted, clear-sighted, quick- sighted, eagle-eyed. Astuteness, n. 1. Cunning, craft, craftiness, subtlety, artfulness, art, artifice, slyness, deceit, duplicity, wili- ness, guile. 2. Shrewdness, acuteness, sharpness, perspicacity, discernment, penetration, sagacity, ingenuity, mother-wit, quick parts. Asunder, ad. Apart, into two parts. Asylum, n. 1. Sanctuary, shelter, re treat, refuge, place of refuge. 3. Charitable institution. At a blow, Suddenly, all at once, by a single stroke, by one effort. At all, In any manner, in any degree, in the least degree, in the least. At all events, At any rate, in any case, whatever be the case, happen what may, come what may, let it be as it will, sink or swim. At a loss, Puzzled, perplexed, embar rassed, staggered, posed, nonplussed, at one s wits end, hard pressed, at a stand, in doubt, in difficulty, put to it, put to one s shifts, out of one s depth, beyond one s depth, in a quandary, at fault, in a dilemma, not know what to do. At any rate, AT ALL EVENTS. At a pinch, In an emergency, in a difficulty, if things come to the worst. At a stand, 1. Interrupted, stopped. 3. Perplexed, embarrassed, AT A LOSS. At dawn, Early, at break of day, at peep of day, at the opening of day. At discretion, Without conditions or stipulations. At ease, Untroubled, comfortable, free from pain, at rest. At fault, 1. Off the scent, on the wrong track. 3. Puzzled, perplexed, AT A LOSS. At first, In the beginning, at the com mencement, in the outset, at the start, At hand, Near, nigh, close by, hard by, close to, close upon, close at hand, within reach. At hazard, Hazarded, AT STAKE. At heart, In principle, in one s true character. Atheism, n. Denial of God, disbelief in the existence of God. Atheist, n. Unbeliever (in the existence of God), INFIDEL, sceptic, free-thinker. Atheistic, ) a. Godless, given to Atheistical, J atheism. Athlete, n. Combatant, champion, con- tender for victory. Athletic, a. 1. Strong, stout, robust, sturdy, brawny, muscular, lusty, sin ewy, nervous, stalwart, powerful, strap ping, Herculean, able-bodied, made of iron. 3. Gymnastic. Athwart, prep. Across, over, from one side of to the other. Athwart, ad. 1. Across, crosswise, sidewise, obliquely. 2. Wrong, wrongfully, unseasonably, unsuitably, MALAPROPOS. At last, Finally, in the end, in the up shot. At length, 1. After a long time, after a long while, at last, in the end. 3. In full, to the full extent, IN EX- TENSO. Atmosphere, n. Air. Atmospheric, ) a. Aerial, of the Atmospherical, J atmosphere. At odds, Quarrelling, bickering, at va riance. Atom, n. 1. Molecule, monad, ultimate particle (of any element), indivisible particle. 3. Corpuscle, scrap, mite, bit, grain, jot, iota, tittle, whit, ace, scintilla. ItSmJcal, } I- Of atoms. 3. Small, minute. At once, Immediately, directly, forth with, straightway, without delay. Atone for, Expiate, make expiation for, make amends for, make reparation for, do penance for, answer for, pay for. Atonement, n. 1. [Rare.} Reconcilia tion, pacification, concord, agreement. 3. Expiation, propitiation, satisfac tion, reparation, amends, peace-offer ing, atoning sacrifice. Atony, n. (Med.) Weakness, debility, languor. Atrabiliary, a. Melancholy, ATRABIL IOUS. Atrabilious, a. Melancholy, hypochon- driacal, hypped, dejected, dispirited, depressed, gloomy, sad, sorrowful, blue, desponding, downcast, down-hearted, chop-fallen, low-spirited, cast down, down in the mouth, in the dumps, with a long face. Atramentous, a. Black, inky. At random, By chance, without choice, without selection, just as it happens. At rest, 1. Resting, reposing, quiescent. 3. Untroubled, comfortable, at ease, free from pain. Atrocious, a. Infamous, villanous, fla gitious, heinous, felonious, flagrant, outrageous, enormous, grievous, diabol- ATROCITY 32 ATTICISM ical, monstrous, infernal, hellish, hor rible, black, very wicked. Atrocity, n. 1. Heinousness, atrocious- ness, enormity, flagrancy, villany, fla- gitiousness, depravity, wickedness. 3. Atrocious crime, flagitious villany. Atrophy, n. Emaciation (from want of nourishment), consumption, marasmus, decline, gradual wasting. At stake, Hazarded, risked, pledged, in danger, at hazard. Attach, v. a. 1. Fasten, tie, join, con nect, cement, affix, tix, append, subjoin, annex, hitch, make fast, set to. 2. Attract, captivate, enamour, en dear, charm, win, engage, gain over. 3. (Law.) Take, seize, distrain, dis- Attachment, n. 1. Love, liking, re gard, affection, friendship, fondness, predilection, devotedness, devotion, ad hesion, adherence. 2. Adjunct, appendage, appurte nance, addition, addendum. 3. (Law.) Seizure, distress. Attack, v. a. 1. Assail, assault, STORM, encounter, invade, charge, engage, op pugn, TACKLE, have at, set upon, fly at, run at, make a run at, rush upon, spring upon, have a fling at, have a cut at, bear down upon, make aggression on, ride full tilt against, PITCH INTO. 2. Impugn, censure, criticise, reflect upon, pass censure on. Attack, n. 1. Assault, onset, onslaught, charge, thrust, encounter, invasion, aggression, descent, OFFENCE. Attacker, n. Assailer, assailant, as saulter, invader, aggressor. Attain, v. a. Procure (by effort), acquire, get, obtain, gain, win, secure, achieve, compass, accomplish, effect, hit. 2. Reach, arrive at, come to, attain to. Attain to, Reach, attain, arrive at, come to. Attainable, a. Com/passable, achiev able, practicable, feasible, possible. Attainder, n. Corruption of blood. Attainment, n. 1. Attaining, getting, acquisition. 2. Acquirement, accomplishment, erudition, learning, information, en lightenment, wisdom, stock of knowl edge, mental resources. Attaint, v. a. 1. Taint, corrupt, stain. 2. (Law.) Punish by corruption of blood. Attar of roses, Oil of roses, ottar of roses, otto of roses. Attemper, v. a. 1. Temper, moderate, allay, alleviate, soften, mollify, assuage, soothe, qualify, appease. 2. Adapt, suit, tit, proportion. Attempt, v. a. 1. Try, assay, essay, make trial or experiment of. 2. Undertake, go about, set about, take in hand, endeavor to accomplish. Attempt, v. n. Try, strive, endeavor, seek, aim, make an attempt, make essay, do one s best, do all that in one lies, strain every nerve, leave no stone unturned. Attempt, n. Effort, trial, essay, endea vor, experiment, undertaking, enter prise. Attend, v. a. 1. Accompany, escort, follow, go with, go along with, keep company with. 3. Guard, watch, have in keeping. 3. Serve, lackey, minister to, wait on, dance attendance on. 4. Be present at. 5. Await, be in store for, be ready for. Attend, v. n. 1. Listen, hearken, hear, give ear, pay attention. 2. Tend, serve, wait, be attendant. Attendance, 1. Presence. 2. Service, ministration, waiting on. Attendant, a. Accompanying, attend ing. Attendant, n. 1. Follower, satellite, companion, fellow, associate, escort. 2. Servant, vassal, servitor, depend ant, retainer, squire, domestic, footman, lackey, VALET, waiter, flunkey, under ling, menial, understrapper, tender. 3. Accompaniment, concomitant, at tendant circumstance. Attend on, Accompany, serve, wait on, be in waiting upon, be within call of. Attend to, 1. Mind, heed, notice, regard, observe, mark, be attentive to, pay regard to, give heed to, take heed of, take notice of, give or pay attention to, give a thought to, be mindful of. 2. Look after, look to, see to. 3. Practise, pursue, follow. Attention, n. 1. Care, heed, regard, heedfulness, mindfulness, notice, obser vation, consideration, advertence, cir cumspection, watch, watchfulness. 2. Application, reflection, study. 3. Civility, courtesy, politeness, def erence, respect, regard. Attentive, a. Mindful, heedful, obser vant, wary, circumspect, watchful, care ful, thoughtful, regardful, awake, alive, wide awake, on the alert, on the look out. Attentive to, Mindful of, occupied with, taken up with, absorbed in. Attenuate, v. a. 1. Dilute, thin, rarefy, make thin, make less dense. 2. Lessen, diminish, contract, reduce. Attenuation, n. Thinning, diminish ing, contracting. Attest, v. a. 1. Witness, certify, en dorse, conlirm, ratify, corroborate, sup port, authenticate, seal, vouch for, bear out, set one s hand and seal to. 2. Adjure, invoke, call to witness. 3. Prove, show, exhibit, manifest, confess. Attestation, . Attesting, authentica tion, confirmation, testimony, witness, proof, evidence, seal. Attic, a. Chaste, classic, classical, pure, correct, refined, elegant, polished, in good taste. Attic, n. 1. Athenian, Athe$an author. 2. Garret, loft, cockloft, upper story. Atticism, n. Attic idiom or phrase, ATTIC SALT 33 AUTHENTIC elegant or concise expression, happy phrase. Attic salt, Delicate wit. Attire, v. a. Dress, clothe, array, ap parel, rig, robe, enrobe, accoutre, equip, tit out, TRICK OUT. Attire, n. Dress, clothes, clothing, ap parel, raiment, ARRAY, habit, garb, gear, costume, habiliment, vesture, vestment, outfit, suit, accoutrement, equipment, toilet, rigging, trappings, TOGGERY, wardrobe. Attitude, TO. 1. Posture (with reference to the expression of some sentiment), position. 3. Situation, aspect, phase, standing, predicament. Attorney, n. 1. Agent, factor, proxy, deputy, substitute. 3. Lawyer, counsellor, counsel, SO LICITOR, advocate, barrister, attorney- at-law, limb of the law. Attract, v. a. 1. Draw, bring into proximity, cause to approach. 3. Allure, invite, entice, engage, win, captivate, fascinate, endear, charm, enamour. Attraction, TO. 1. Attracting, drawing. 3. Allurement, lure, fascination, charm, enticement, witchery, attrac tiveness. Attractive, a. 1. Alluring, inviting, en ticing, fascinating, captivating, charm ing, winning, bewitching, enchanting, engaging, interesting, prepossessing, taking, pleasing, pleasant, lovely, sweet. 3. Magnetic, magnetical. Attributable, a. Ascribable, imputa- ble, referrible, chargeable, traceable, owing, to be charged, to be attributed, to be imputed. Attribute, v. a. Ascribe, assign, refer, impute, consider as due. Attribute, TO. Quality, property, charac teristic, peculiarity. Attrition, TO. Abrasion, friction, rub bing. Attune, v. a. 1. Set to a tune, make musical. 3. Tune, accord, harmonize, modu late, put in tune. At variance, Quarrelling, bickering, at odds. Auburn, a. Nut-brown, chestnut-col ored, reddish-brown. Auction, TO. Vendue, cant, public sale, auction sale. Auctioneer, TO. Vendue-master. Audacious, a. 1. Bold, daring, fear less, courageous, intrepid, venturesome, dauntless, undaunted, valiant, stout hearted. 3. Presumptuous, assuming, forward, impudent, insolent. Audaciousness, n. AUDACITY. Audacity, n. 1. Boldness, daring, fear lessness, courage, intrepidity, venture- someness, hardihood. 3. Impudence, insolence, imperti nence, sauciness, effrontery, presumptu- ousness, presumption, assurance, face, front, brass, CHEEK. Audience, TO. 1. Hearing. 3. Auditory,, assembly of hearers. Audience-chamber, TO. Divan, coun cil-chamber, state-chamber. Audit, v. a. Examine (as accounts, to ascertain whether they are correct or not). Audit, TO. 1. Examination of accounts. 3. Final account. Auditor, n. 1. Hearer, listener. 3. Examiner of accounts. Auditory, TO. Audience, assembly of hearers. Au fait, [Fr.] Skilful, skilled, expert, at home, in one s element. Aught, TO. Any thing. Augment, v. a. Enlarge, increase, mag nify, add to, make larger. Augment, v. TO. Increase, grow larger. Augmentation, TO. Increase, enlarge ment, extension, addition, accession. Augur, TO. Soothsayer, prophet, fortune teller. Augur, v. TO. Prophesy, conjecture, pre dict, guess. Augur, v. a. Portend, forebode, pre sage, foreshow, foreshadow, prognosti cate, betoken, foretell, predict, pro phesy, be ominous of. Augury, n. 1. Prognostication, prog nostic, prediction, prophecy, vaticina tion. 3. Omen, sign, auspice, portent, pre sage, prognostic, precursor, forerunner, harbinger, herald. August, a. Imposing, awful, solemn, venerable, majestic, stately, pompous, great, regal, noble, dignified, kingly, princely, magnificent, superb. Auld lang syne, [Scotch.] Antiquity, old times, former times, days of yore, the olden time, time gone by, days gone by- Aureate, a. Golden, yellow, gold-colored. Aurelia, TO. (Ent.) Chrysalis, pupa, nynipha. Aureola, TO. [L.] Halo, glory. Auricle, TO. Pavilion, external ear. Aurora, TO. 1. (Mythol.) Goddess of Morning. 3. Daybreak, dawn, morning, MORN, sunrise, break of day, opening of day, peep of day, first blush of the morning. Aurora borealis, [L.] Northern lights, polar lights. Auspice, n. Omen, AUGURY, sign, por tent, presage, prognostic. Auspices, TO. pi. Favor, influence, pat ronage, protection, support. \uspicious, a. 1. Prosperous, success ful, fortunate, lucky, happy, red-letter. 3. Propitious, promising, favorable, seasonable, opportune, golden, bright. Austere, a. 1. Rough (to the taste), sour and astringent. 3. Severe, rigid, strict, formal, stiff, rigorous, harsh, stern, difficult, hard, uncompromising, unrelenting, relent less, ascetic, straight-laced. Austerity, n. Severity, rigor, sternness, harshness, asceticism. Authentic, a. 1. Genuine, real, true, veritable, pure, uncorrupted, unadul- AUTHENTICATE 34 AVID terated, not false, not spurious, not fictitious, not apocryphal, what it pur ports to be. 3. Trustworthy, RELIABLE, authori tative, of approved authority, to be depended on, worthy of belief. Authenticate, v. a. Verify, seal, attest, give credit or validity to, prove to be genuine. Authentication, n. Verification, attes tation, seal, confirmation. Authenticity, n. 1. Genuineness. 3. Trustworthiness. Author, n. 1. Originator, inventor, maker, creator, father, former, con triver, first cause. 3. Writer, composer. Authoritative, a. 1. Official, com manding, by authority, EX CATHE DRA. 3. Dictatorial, imperative, imperious, magisterial, oracular, peremptory, dog matic. Authorities, n. pi. 1. Magistrates, officials, persons in office. 3. Precedents, decisions, judgments. Authority, n. 1. Power, sovereignty, dominion, empire, government. 3. Rule, sway, ascendency, suprem acy, control, influence, interest. 3. Permission, warrant, warranty, liberty, permit, precept, order, author ization, sanction. 4. Witness, testimony. 5. Credibility, weight of evidence. 6. Respectability, dignity, weight of character. Authorize, v. a. 1. Sanction, justify, warrant, legalize, support by authority. 3. Empower, commission, permit, .allow, give permission to, give leave to, give authority to. Autochthonal, 1 a. Aboriginal, pri- Autochthoiious j giual, primitive, primeval, pristine, primary, first, native, indigenous. Autocracy, n. Dictatorship, absolutism, despotism, tyranny, arbitrary power, absolute power. Autocrat, n. Dictator, despot, tyrant, absolute ruler. Autocratic, a. Absolute, despotic. Automatic, a. Self-moving, self-acting. Autopsy, n. 1. Ocular evidence, per sonal examination. 2. Post-mortem examination. Autumn, n. Fall, fall of the leaf. Auxiliary, a. Aiding, helping, assisting, ancillary, subsidiary, helpful. Auxiliary, n. Helper, assistant, coad jutor, adjutant, co-operative, ally, con federate, right-hand man. Avail, v. a. Benefit, profit, be of advan tage to. Avail one s self of, Use, employ, take advantage of, turn to account, make use of. Avail, v. n. Be of advantage, do good, be of use, answer the purpose. .Avail, n. Profit, advantage, benefit, use, utility, service. Avails, n. pi. Proceeds, profits, returns. Available, a. 1. To be availed of, to be turned to account. 3. Serviceable, useful, profitable, ad vantageous, beneficial. 3. Suitable or fit (for some purpose), likely to answer the end. Avant-courier, n. Harbinger, forerun ner, herald. Avant-guard, n. Van, advanced guard. Avarice, n. Penuriousness, cupidity, niggardliness, closeness, covetousness. Avaricious, a. Miserly, penurious, par simonious, sordid, illiberal, niggardly, mercenary, close, stingy, mean, grasp ing, close-fisted, hard-fisted, COVETOUS, eager for gain (for the sake of hoarding it). Avast, interj. (Naut.) Hold, stop, stay, enough. Avaunt, interj. Hence, begone, be off, get you gone. Avenge, v. a. 1. Take satisfaction for, award just punishment for. 3. Revenge, vindicate (by punishment of an offender), inflict punishment in behalf of. 3. [So used by the translators of the Bible.} Take revenge upon, treat re vengefully. Aveiigement, n. [Rare.] Avenging. Avenue, n. 1. Passage, entrance, entry, access, way of approach, passage-way. 3. Alley, walk, street, road, path. 3. Channel, route, way, pass. Aver, v. a. Assert, affirm, declare, as severate, protest, avouch, allege, say, pronounce, predicate. Average, n. 1. Medium, mean propor tion, medial sum or quantity. 3. Mediocrity, medial standard, aver age standard. Average, v. a. 1. Equate, reduce to an average, reduce to a mean. 3. (Com.) Proportion, distribute pro portionally. Average, v. n. Amount to, or result in, when the mean is taken. Average, a. 1. Medial, mean. 3. Middling, ordinary, passable, mod erate, tolerable, well enough, pretty well, not bad. Averment, n. Affirmation, declaration, assertion, remark, asseveration, protes tation, avowal, word. Avernus, n. (Mtjtliol.) Hell, Tartarus, Hades, Erebus, the lower world, the in fernal regions, shades below. Averse, a. Unwilling, disinclined, in disposed, reluctant, loath, backward, adverse, opposed. Aversion, n. 1. Dislike, distaste, dis relish, disinclination, reluctance, un willingness, repugnance, backward ness. 3. ANTIPATHY, hatred, loathing, dis gust, nausea, detestation, abhorrence, horror. Avert, v. a. 1. Turn aside, turn away, turn off. 3. Prevent, divert, preclude, FORE FEND, ward off, keep off. Avid, a. [Rare.] Eager, greedy. AVIDITY 35 BACCHANAL Avidity, n. 1. Eagerness, longing, yearning, intense desire. 3. Greediness, craving, voracity, ra pacity, voraciousness, ravenousness, canine appetite. Avocation, n. Occasional business (busi ness tlutt calls aside). Avoid, v. a. 1. SHUN (in a negative sense, or denoting care only without posi tive exertion), eschew, escape, blink, elude, keep away from, keep aloof from, keep out of the way of, withdraw from, keep clear of, be shy of, fight shy of, have nothing to do with. 3. Forbear, help, refrain from. Avoset, n. Scooper. Avouch, v. a. Affirm, assert, asseverate, declare, protest, allege, say, maintain. Avow, v. a. Acknowledge, confess, own, profess, declare, affirm. Avowal, n. Acknowledgment, confes sion, declaration, profession, manifesto. Await, v. a. 1. Expect, abide, wait for, stay for, look for, be in readiness for. 3. Attend, be in store for, be prepared for, be ready for. Awake, a. 1. Not asleep. 3. Attentive, watchful, vigilant, alive, on the alert. Awake, v. a. & n. AWAKEN. Awaken, v. a. 1. Awake, wake, rouse from sleep. 3. Arouse, excite, kindle, spur, incite, stimulate, provoke, stir tip. Awaken, v. n. Wake, waken, be awak ened, be roused from sleep. Awakening, n. Revival. Award, v. a. Adjudge, decreee. Award, n. Judgment, decree, adjudica tion, determination, decision. Aware, a. Mindful, conscious, cogni zant, observant, apprised, sensible, con vinced, persuaded. Away, ad. 1. Absent, gone, off, from home, at a distance, not present. 2. Begone, let us go. Away with, Take away. Awe, n. 1. Reverence, veneration, rev erential fear. 3. Dread, fearfulness. Awe, v . a. Overawe, intimidate, frighten, affright, daunf, cow, inspire with awe. Awe-struck, a. Dismayed, horrified, appalled, terrified, frightened, panic- stricken, horror-struck. Awful, a. 1. Venerable, august, grand, stately, imposing, solemn, majestic. 3. Dread, dreadful, fearful, horrible, horrid, terrible, dire, direful, frightful, appalling, tremendous. 3. [Vulgar.] Ugly, homely, un sightly, ill-looking. Awhile, ad. For a time, for some time, some time, for a while. Awkward, a. 1. Unskilful, bungling, unhandy, maladroit, inapt, without dexterity. 2. Unwieldy, unmanageable, incon venient, unfit, lumbering. 3. Uncouth, unrefined, unpolished, uncourtly, rude, rough, clumsy, coarse, wooden, inelegant, ungainly, untoward, ungraceful, stiff, constrained, uneasy, rustic, boorish, clownish, loutish, gaw ky, lubberly, slouching. Awned, a. (Hot.) Aristate, bearded. Awning, n. Canopy, tilt. Awry, ad. 1. Obliquely, asquint, as kance. 3. Perversely, wrong. Awry, a. Oblique, slanting, distorted, crooked, wry. Axilla, n. [L. pi. Axilla.] (Anat.) Arm pit. Axiom, n. 1. Truism, self-evident prop osition, intuitive truth, necessary truth. 3. Postulate, established principle (not of necessity true), proposition com monly received, assumed truth. Axiomatic, ) a. Self-evident, cer- Axiomatical, ) tain, positive, abso lute. Axis, n. Shaft, spindle, arbor. le, } ad. Yes. Aye, ad. [Poetical.] Always, for ever. Azote, n. Nitrogen. Azure, a. Blue, cerulean, sky-colored, sky-blue. Azure, n. Blue, sky-color. B Babble, v.n. 1. Prattle, jabber, chatter, talk inarticulately. 3. Prate, chat, gossip, palaver, tattle, be loquacious, talk idly or thought lessly. Babble, v. a. Tell (foolishly), prate, utter, prate about. Babble, n. Prattle, palaver, chit-chat, gabble, twaddle, chatter, balderdash, platitude, flummery, wish-wash, stuff, moonshine, fudge, trash, nonsense, small talk, idle talk, childish or foolish talk, frothy discourse. Babbling, n. 1 . Prattle, BABBLE. 3. Garrulity, loquacity, loquacious ness, talkativeness. Babe, n. Infant, baby, nursling, suckling, chit, brat, bantling, BAIRN, little one. Babel, n. Confusion, disorder, tumult, pother, hurly-burly. Baby, n. Infant, BABE. Babyhood, n. Infancy. Baccalaureate, n. Degree of bachelor of arts. Baccate, a. (Bot.) Of a pulpy nature (like a berry). Bacchanal, n. Reveller, carouser, bac chanalian. BACCHANAL 36 BALKY Bacchanal, a. Riotous, revelling, noisy, bacchanalian. Bacchanalian, n. and a. BACCHANAL. Bacchanals, n. pi. Revelry, revels, orgies, carousal, debauch, drunken frolic, potation, compotation, wassail, Saturnalia, drunken feasts. Back, n. 1. Upper part, outer part. 3. Hinder part. Back, a. 1. Remote. /}. Hindmost, in the rear. 3. In a backward direction. Back, ad. 1. To the place of starting. 2. Backward, rearward, abaft, in the rear, towards what is behind. 3. In return, in recompense. Back, v . a. 1. Assist, aid, second, sup- .port, countenance, favor, sustain, abet, side with, stand by, take part with, give support to, co-operate with, back up. 2. Move backward. Backbite, v. a. Defame, traduce, malign, slander, revile, calumniate, libel, lampoon, asperse, vilify, blacken, abuse, scandalize, run down, speak ill of. Backbiter, n. Slanderer, defamer, tra- ducer, calumniator, libeller. Backbiting, n. Detraction, defamation, aspersion, slander, calumny, contumely, obloquy. Backbone, n. 1. Spine, spinal column, vertebral column. 3. Firmness, nerve, resolution, cour age, pluck, hardihood, manhood. Backhanded, a. 1. Inclining to the left hand (as writing). 2. Outward and backward. 3. Indirect, unfair. Back-house, n. Privy, necessary, jakes, water-closet. Back out, [Colloquial.] Withdraw from a bargain, not keep a promise, not stand to an engagement. Backslide, v. n. Apostatize, fall off, fall away, break faith. Backslider, n. Apostate, deserter, rene gade. Backsliding, n. Apostasy. Back up, Support, sustain, assist, aid, help, BACK. Backward, a. 1. Averse, unwilling, reluctant, loath, disinclined, indisposed, wavering, hesitating. 2. Dull, sluggish, slow, stupid, stolid. 3. Late, tardy, behindhand, after the 1 usual time. Backward, ) ad. Regressively, rear- Backwards, ) wards, aback, behind, ABAFT. Bad, a. 1. Evil, ill, baneful, deleterious, pernicious, mischievous, noxious, hurt ful, injurious, detrimental, unwhole some. 2. Wicked, depraved, abandoned, dis honest, unfair, disingenuous, rascally, villanous. 3. Untoward, unlucky, unfortunate, unwelcome. 4. Vile, wretched, sorry, mean, shab by, scurvy, abominable. 5. Poor, inferior. Bad blood, Rancor, venom, bitterness, acrimony, harshness, sternness, asper ity, crabbedness, churlishness, morose- ness, sullenness, ill temper. Bad faith, Perfidy, dishonesty, unfair ness, faithlessness, want of faith, breach of faith. Badge, n. Mark of distinction, token of office, sign of authority. Badger, v. a. Persecute, tease, worry, harry, annoy, vex, plague, harass, tor ment, pester, trouble, bother, hector. Badinage, n. [Fr.] Raillery, banter, ASTEISM, light talk, small talk, trifling or playful discourse. Baffle, v. a. 1. Disconcert, frustrate, foil, elude, balk, circumvent. 2. Confound, bewilder, perplex, out general, out-manoeuvre. Bag, n. Sack, pouch. Bagatelle, n. [Fr.] Trifle, small matter, thing of no consequence or importance. Baggage, n. Luggage, bag an Bagnio, n. 1. Bath, bathing-house. 2. Brothel, stew, bawdy-house, whore house, house of prostitution, house of ill-fame. Bail, n. 1. Security, surety. 2. Handle (of a pail, &c.). Bail, v. a. Admit to bail. Bairn, n. [Scottish.] Child, BABE. Bait, v. a. 1. Put bait upon. 2. Furnish with a meal. Bait, v. n. Tsflte refreshment (on a jour ney), Bait, n. 1. Lure, decoy, allurement, en ticement, temptation. 2. Refreshment (on a journey). Bake, v. a. 1. Harden (by heat). 2. Cook (by direct heat). Balance, n. 1. Pair of scales. 2. Equipoise, equilibrium, equality of weight. 3. Excess, overplus, surplus. 4. [Low, U. S.] Rest, residue, re mainder. Balance, v. a. I. Poise, keep in equi poise, hold in equilibrium. 2. Counterpoise, counteract, neutral ize, countervail, counterbalance, com pensate, make up for. 3. (Com.) Equalize, make equal. Balance-fish, n. Hammer-fish, ham mer-headed shark (Zygcena vulgaris). Bald, a. 1. Without hair (on the head). 2. Unadorned, inelegant, prosaic, dull, meagre, vapid, tame. Balderdash, n. Verbiage, palaver, twaddle, chatter, trash, stuff, moon shine, platitude, flummery, fudge, wish- wash, jargon, nonsense, senseless prate, frothy discourse, idle talk. Baldric, n. Shoulder belt. Bale, n. Bundle, package. Baleen, n. Whalebone. Bale-fire, n. Beacon-fire. Baleful, a. Hurtful, injurious, noxious, mischievous, pernicious, baneful, ruin ous, deadly, fraught with evil. Balk, v. a. Disappoint, frustrate, de feat, foil, baffle, disconcert, thwart. Balky, a. [U. S.] Perverse (said of a BALL 37 BARBAROUS horse), unruly, refractory, wayward, contrary, stubborn, obstinate. Ball, n. 1. Globe, sphere. 2. Dance, entertainment of dancing. 3. Game of ball. Ballad, n. Light poem, sentimental song. Ballast, n. 1. Weight (for steadiness), ballasting. 2. Prudence, discretion, judgment, sense, wisdom, TACT, GUJIPTION, com mon sense. Ballast, v. a. Put ballast into. Ballasting, n. Ballast. Ballooning, n. Aeronautics, aerosta tion. Balloonist, n. Aeronaut, aerial navi gator. Balmy, a. 1. Soothing, refreshing, eas ing, assuaging, lenitive, sedative. 2. Fragrant, odoriferous, odorous, aromatic, aromatous, ambrosial, spicy, sweet-smelling, sweet-scented. Baltimore oriole, Golden robin, hang- bird, fiery hang-bird (Icterus Baltimore or Oriolus Baltimore], Bam, n. [Low.] Cheat, imposition, im posture, fraud, circumvention, trick. Bam, v. a. [Low.] Cheat, BAMBOOZLE. Bamboozle, v. a. Deceive, cheat, dupe, beguile, mislead, inveigle, gull, trick, chouse, overreach, circumvent, defraud, diddle, BAM. Ban, n. 1. Proclamation, edict. 2. Curse, malediction, excommunica tion, denunciation, execration, anath ema. Band, n. 1. Tie, ligature, ligament. 2. Cord, chain, fetter, manacle, shac kle, bond. 3. Bandage, fillet, binding. 4. Company (especially of instru mental musicians), troop, gang, crew, horde, party, body, club, junto, COTE RIE, CLIQUE, society, sodality, associa tion. Bandage, n. Fillet, band, binding. Bandit, n. Outlaw, robber, brigand, freebooter, footpad, highwayman, ma rauder. Banditti, n. pi. Band of outlaws or robbers. Bandy, v. a. 1. Toss, toss about, toss to and fro. 2. Exchange, interchange, give and take. Bane, n. 1. Poison, venom. 2. Pest, scourge, curse, ruin. Baneful, a. 1. Poisonous, venomous. 2. Destructive, noxious, hurtful, in jurious, pernicious, mischievous, bale ful, deadly, ruinous, fraught with evil. Banewort, n. Belladonna, dwale, dead ly-nightshade (Atropa Belladonna). Banging, a. [Low.] Huge, large, great. Banian, n. (Bot.) Indian fig-tree (Ficus Indians). Banish, v. a. 1. Exile, expatriate, os tracize, expel from the country. 2. Exclude, shut out, drive away, put out of mind. Banishment, n. Exile, expatriation, ostracism, expulsion, proscription. Bang, v. a. Beat, thump, pound, strike, knock, maul, pommel, thwack, WAL LOP, deal roughly with. Bankrupt, a. Insolvent. Bankrupt, n. Insolvent debtor. Bankruptcy, n. Insolvency. Banner, n. Flag, standard, streamer, ensign, pennon, colors. Banquet, n. Feast, entertainment, treat. Banquet, v. n. Feast, be regaled with good eating and drinking. Banquet, v. a. Treat with a banquet or feast. Banter, v. a. Jeer, joke, rally, quiz, ridicule, taunt, twit, deride, mock, make fun of, make sport of, make merry with, play upon, make a butt of. Banter, n. Raillery, ridicule, mockery, derision, persiflage, pleasantry, BADI NAGE, ASTEISM, joking, jesting, quiz zing, frivolous talk, small talk. Bantling, n. Infant, babe, baby, chit, brat, nursling, suckling, BAIRN, little child, little one, young one. Baptize, v. a. 1. Administer baptism to. 2. Christen. Bar, n. 1. Obstacle, hinderance, ob struction, barrier, BARRICADE, stop, impediment. 2. Rail, railing. 3. Tribunal, judgment-seat. 4. Body of lawyers. Bar, v. a. 1. Fasten with a bar. 2. Hinder, obstruct, stop, prevent. 3. Exclude, shut out. Barb, n. 1. Beard (or excrescences like a beard), wattles. 2. Horse (of the Barbary breed). Barbadoes tar, Petroleum, rock-oil, Seneca oil, mineral pitch, mineral tar, mineral oil. Barbarian, n. 1. Savage. 2. Brute, ruffian, brutal monster. Barbarian, a. 1. Uncivilized, rude, savage, BARBAROUS, barbaric. 2. Inhuman, brutal, cruel, unfeeling, ruthless, truculent, ferocious, fierce, fell, bloody, brutish. Barbaric, a. 1. Foreign, outlandish, exotic, not native. 2. Barbarian, barbarous, uncivilized, rude, savage. Barbarism, n. 1. Incivility, rudeness, savageness, Vandalism, Gothicism, bar barous state, uncivilized condition. 2. Vulgarism, slang, unauthorized expression. Barbarity, n. Cruelty, savageness, brutality, brutislmess, ferociousness, ferocity, inhumanity, truculence, hard ness of heart, manners of a barbarian. Barbarous, a. 1. Uncivilized, rough, coarse, rude, untutored, ignorant, un lettered, uncultivated, savage, bar barian, barbaric. 2. Cruel, inhuman, brutal, brutish, ferocious, ruthless, fell, truculent, fierce, bloody. 3. Uncouth (as a word or an expres- BARBED 38 BATTLE sion), harsh, vulgar, contrary to good usage. Barbed, a. 1. Bearded. 2. Clad in armor. Barberry, n. Pepperidge-bush. Bard, n. 1. Poet, minstrel. 2. Caparison, horse-armor, trappings for a horse. Bare, a. 1. Naked, nude, denuded, un covered, unclothed, undressed. 2. Simple, sheer, mere. Bare, v. a. Strip, uncover, make bare. Barefaced, a. 1. Undisguised, unre served, unconcealed, palpable, conspic uous, glaring, notable, notorious. 2. Impudent, presumptuous, shame less, audacious. Barely, ad. Merely, simply, only. Bargain, n. 1. Compact, agreement, stipulation, covenant, contract, conven tion, concordat, treaty, indenture. 2. Cheap purchase, purchase on fav orable terms, good bargain. Bargain, v. n. Contract, agree, stipu late, covenant, make a bargain. Barilla, n. Carbonate of soda (impure), kelp. Bark, v. n. Yelp. Bark up tlie wrong tree, [Colloquial.} Mistake, err, make a mistake, BE IN THE WRONG BOX. Barm, n. Yeast, ferment, leaven. Barmy, a. Yeasty. Barren, a. 1. Unprolific, incapable of bearing offspring, not prolific. 2. Unfertile, fruitless, unproductive, sterile, ACARPOUS. 3. Scanty, not copious. Barricade, n. Obstruction (as in the streets of a city to serve as a fortifica tion), BARRIER. Barricade, v. a. Obstruct, block up, stop up. Barrier, n. Obstruction, obstacle, hin- derance, bar, BARRICADE, stop, imped iment. Barrister, n. Advocate (admitted to plead at the bar), counsellor, counsel, lawyer, attorney, SOLICITOR, attorney at law, limb of the law. Barrow, n. 1. Wheelbarrow. 2. Mound, hillock. 3. Hog (especially a castrated Jtog). Barter, v. n. Make exchanges, traffic by exchanges. Barter, v. a. Give in exchange, barter away. Barter, n. Exchange, traffic by ex change. Barter away, BARTER. Baryta, n. Oxide of barium. Barytes, n. Heavy spar, sulphate of baryta. Base, a. 1. Ignoble, plebeian, vulgar, untitled, nameless, unhonored, base- born, of low birth. 2. Vile, low, mean, despicable, con temptible, beggarly, abject, grovelling, sordid, servile, slavish, menial, sorry, worthless, pitiful, low-minded, ras cally. 3. Shameful, disreputable, disgrace ful, discreditable, dishonorable, scanda lous, infamous. Base, n. 1. Basis, foundation, ground, groundwork, lowest part. 2. (Surveying.) Base-line. 3. (Chem.) Principal element Lof a compound). Base-born, a. BASE, of low birth. Base-line, n. (Surveying.) Base. Basement, n. Ground-floor, lowest story. Base-minded, a. Mean, low, vile, gro velling, beggarly, pitiful, despicable, abject, low-minded, mean-spirited. Baseness, n. 1. Meanness, vileness, des- picableness, contemptibleness, abase ment, worthlessness, abjectness. 2. Disgrace, ignominy, infamy, shame, dishonor, turpitude. Bashful, a. Shy, timid, timorous, coy, diffident, sheepish, shamefaced, over- modest, not self-possessed. Bashfulness, n. Shyness, timidity, coy ness, diffidence, self-distrust, excessive modesty. Basilisk, n. Cockatrice. Basis, n. Base, foundation, ground, groundwork, lowest part. Bask, v. n. Lie in the sun, be ex posed to a pleasant heat. Bask, v. a. Expose to sunshine or to a pleasant heat. Bass, a. (Mus.) Low, deep, grave. Basset, v. n. (Geol.) Crop out. Bassetting, n. Cropping out, out-crop. Bastard, n. Love-child, illegitimate child, natural child. Bastard, a. 1. Illegitimate. 2. Spurious, false, counterfeit, not genuine. Baste, v. a. 1. Beat (with a stick), cud gel, cane, drub, thrash. 2. Moisten with fat. 3. Sew (with long stitches). Bastinado, n. Cudgelling or beating (on the soles of the feet). Bastinado, v. a. Cudgel or beat (on the soles of the feet). Batch, n. Certain quantity (as of bread, ore, &c., treated at one time). Bate, v. a. Abate, lessen, diminish, de crease, reduce, rebate, remit. Bathe, v. a. Wash, lave. Bathe, v. n. Wash the body, go into a bath, take a bath. Bathos, n. Anticlimax. Bating, prep. Except, excepting. Batten, n. Thin strip. Batten, v. a. 1. Fasten with battens. 2. Fatten, make fat. Batten, v. n. Grow fat. Batter, v. a. 1. Beat, smite, pelt, dash against. 2. Bruise, break, shatter, shiver, smash, demolish, destroy, strike down, knock down, shake to pieces, shiver to pieces. Batter, v. n. (Masonry.) Slope back ward. Batter, n. (Masonry.) Slope back ward. Battle, n. Combat, engagement, action, BATTLE ARRAY 39 BEAT BACK conflict, contest, figlit, rencontre, colli sion, skirmish, brush, affair. Battle array, Order of battle. Bawble, n. Trinket, gewgaw, toy, trifle, plaything, gimcrack, knack, knick- knack, JIGGUMBOB. Bawd, n. Procurer, pander, pimp. Bawdy, a. Obscene, filthy, indecent, impure, smutty, lewd. Bawdy-house, n. Brothel, stew, bag nio, whore-house, house of prostitution, house of ill fame. Bawl, v. n. Hoot, shout, vociferate, yell, howl, roar, cry, squall. Bay, a. Reddish-brown. Bay, n. 1. Bight, inlet of the sea. 3. Recess (as in a room), opening. 3. Compartment. 4. Bay-tree, laurel-tree (Lauras no- bilis). Bay, v. n. Bark. Bayberry, n. Wax-myrtle (Myrica ce- r if era). Bay-rum, n. Spirit of Myrcia (rum dis- tttled with the leaves of Myrcia acris). Bays, n. pi. Crown, garland, wreath, honorary distinction. Bay-salt, n. Common salt (as obtained by evaporation of sea-water), chloride of sodium. Bay-tree, n. BAY, laurel-tree. Bazaar, n. Market-place. Be, v. n. Exist (whether in fact or in imagination), subsist, have existence, have being. Beach, n. Shore, coast, strand, sea board, seacoast. Beacon, n. 1. Signal-fire. 3. Mark, sign, signal. Beak, n. 1. Bill, mandible, neb. 3. Prow, bow, stem. Beam, n. 1. GIRDER, piece of timber. 3. Ray, pencil, streak, gleam, GLIM MER. Beam, v. n. Shine, emit rays. Beam, v. a. Shoot forth, emit in rays or beams. Beamy, a. Radiant, beaming. Bear, v. a, 1. Uphold, support, sustain, hold up. 3. Carry, transport, convey, waft. 3. Possess, have, hold. 4. Endure, suffer, undergo, brook, tolerate, abide, put up with, bear with, take patiently or easily, have patience with, submit to. 5. Admit, permit, allow, admit of, be capable of. 6. Maintain, keep up, carry on. 7. Entertain, cherish, harbor. 8. Be answerable for, be charged with. 9. Produce, yield. 10. Generate, beget, bring forth, give birth to. 11. Exhibit, utter, show, give. Bear, v. n. 1. Suffer, submit. 3. Press, push, be oppressive. 3. Be fruitful, be prolific. 4. [Rare.] Imply, intimate. 5. (Naut.) Be situated (with respect to the point of compass). Bear, n. BRUIN. Bearable, a. Tolerable, endurable, sup portable. Bear a hand, (Naut.) Be quick, make haste. Beard, v. a. Defy, challenge, dare, take or pluck by the beard, oppose to the face. Bearded, a. 1. Barbed. 3. (Bot.) Aristate, awned. Bear date, Be dated. Bear down, Overwhelm, oppress, crush. Bear down upon, ATTACK, assail, as sault, charge, march upon, march against, set upon, rush upon, fall upon. Bear-grass, n. Yucca, Adam s needle, Spanish bayonet. Bearing, n. 1. Deportment, demeanor, behavior, conduct, carriage, mien, air, port. 3. Relation, dependency, connection, 3. Endurance, suffering. 4. Direction, course, aim, aspect, point of compass. Bearings, n. pi. Charges (in coats of arms). Bearish, a. Rough, rude, coarse, sav age, boorish, uncivil, uncourteous, dis courteous, impolite, ungentlemanly. Bear one s self, Behave, acquit one s self, conduct one s self. Bear out, Maintain, support, defend, uphold, justify, make good. Bear the bell, Be the leader. Bear the cross, Take up the cross, sub mit to trials or afflictions. Bear the palm, Excel, be superior. Bear up, 1. (Active.) Support, uphold, sustain, keep from falling. 3. (Passive.) Stand firm, show forti tude. Bear vyith, Endure, BEAR, tolerate, put up with, have patience with. Bear witness, Testify, depose, state, affirm, declare, aver, avow, say, SWEAR. Beast, n. BRUTE (Jit for the service of man), quadruped, beast of the field, -footed animal, irrational animal. four- Beastly, a. Brutish, brutal, bestial, sensual, irrational. Beat, v. a. 1. Strike, knock, hit, thump, belabor, drub, maul, pommel, BASTE, thrash, thwack, bang, lay blows upon. 3. Hammer, forge. 3. Pound, bruise, pulverize, commi nute, bray, break in pieces. 4. Batter, smite, pelt, dash against. 5. Conquer, overcome, subdue, van quish, overpower, defeat, checkmate. 6. [Colloquial.] Excel, surpass, out do, cut out. Beat, v. n. 1. Pulsate, throb. 3. Dash, strike. 3. (Naut.) Go against the wind, go a zigzag course. Beat, n. 1. Stroke, striking, blow. 3. Pulsation, throb, beating. 3. Round, course. Beat all hollow, [Low.] Surpass com pletely, excel beyond all question. Beat back, Repulse, repel, drive back. BEAT DOWN 40 BEETLE-HEADED Beat down, 1. Batter, overturn, de stroy, break, throw down. 3. Subdue, overpower, overcome, crush, put down. 3. Press down (by blows), lay flat. Beaten, a. 1. Worn by use, much trav elled. 3. Hackneyed, trite, common, com mon-place. Beatific, a. Ravishing, enchanting. Beatification, n. 1. Beatifying (espe cial/ ij the act of the pope in declaring a person happy after death). 3. Bliss, BEATITUDE. Beatify, v. a. Enrapture, enchant, transport, enravish, make happy. Beating, n. 1. Striking, drubbing, flog ging, thrashing, cudgelling, pommel ling, caning, flagellation, BASTINADO. 3. Beat, pulsation, throb, throbbing. Beat into, [Colloquial.] Teach (by labor ious effort), instil, inculcate, implant. Beatitude, n. Happiness, bliss, felicity, blessedness, blissfulness, beatification, transport, rapture, heavenly joy. Be at loggerheads, Come to blows, fall to loggerheads, go to loggerheads. Beat out, 1. Flatten (by hammering). 3. Exhaust, overcome (with fatigue). Beat the air, Make vain efforts, try in vain, lash the waves, fish in the air, milk the ram. Beau, n. 1. Fop, dandy, coxcomb, ex quisite, macaroni, popinjay, jacka napes, jack-a-dandy, man of dress. 3. Gallant, lover, admirer, suitor, sweetheart, CICISBEO. Beau ideal, [Fr.] Ideal beauty, ideal excellence, ideal standard. Beau-monde, n. [Fr.] Gay world, fash ionable world, people of fasldon, genteel people. Beauteous, a. [Poetical.} BEAUTI FUL,. Beauties, n. pi. 1. Anthology, selec tions, elegant extracts. 2. Beautiful persons (especially beau tiful ivomen). Beautiful, a. Handsome, fair, fine, ele gant, graceful, PRETTY, BEAUTEOUS. Beautify, v. a. Adorn, decorate, embel lish, deck, bedeck, BEDIZEN, ornament, emblazon, gild, array, garnish, grace, set, TRICK OUT, set oif, make beautiful. Beauty, n. 1. Elegance, grace, sym metry. 2. Comeliness, seemliness, fairness, loveliness, attractiveness. 3. Fine part, special grace, particular excellence. 4. Beautiful person (especially a beautiful woman). Beaux-esprits, n. pi. [Fr.] Men of wit, men of genius. Beaver, n. 1. Fur of the beaver. 2. Hat. 3. Face-guard (of a helmet). Be beat out, Be exhausted, be fagged, be greatly fatigued. Be brought to bed, Be confined, lie in, be in child-bed. Becafico, n. Fig-eater, fig-pecker, great er petty chaps, garden warbler (Sylvia hortensis). Be called, Be named, go by the name of, take the name of, pass under the name of. Becalm, v. a. 1. Quiet, soothe, calm, tranquillize, pacify, make calm, make tranquil. 2. Detain by a calm (as a ship). Be cast away, 1. Be thrown aside. 3. Be shipwrecked. . Because, conj. 1. For, since, as, for the cause that, for the reason that, on this account that, inasmuch as. 3. On account,. by reason. Beche-de-mer, n. [Fr.] Trepang, sea- cucumber, sea-slug. Beck, n. Nod, bow. Beckon, v. n. Make a sign, give a sig nal. Beckon, v. a. Call by a sign or signal. Becloud, v. a. Dim, bedim, obscure, darken, cloud. Become, v. n. 1. Be. 3. Change to, be changed to, be con verted into, get to be, come to be. Become, v. a. Suit> befit, be suitable to, be proper for, be appropriate to. Becoming, a. 1. Fit, proper, suitable, meet, appropriate, congruous, right, seemly. 3. Comely, graceful, neat, pretty. Become of, Be the fate of, be the end of, be the final condition of. Be confined, 1. Be restrained, be shut up, be shut in. 3. Be brought to bed, lie in, be in child-bed. Bed, n. 1. Couch, BERTH, resting-place, place to sleep in. 2. liaised plot (of ground). 3. Layer, stratum, seam, vein. Bed, v. a. Embed. Bedaub, v. a. Smear, daub, besmear, soil, daub over. Bedeck, v. a. Adorn, decorate, embel lish, beautify, ornament, deck, embla zon, gild, array, garnish, grace, BE DIZEN, set out, set off, TRICK OUT. Bedew, v. a. Moisten, wet, damp, dampen. Bedim, v. a. Darken, dim, obscure, cloud, becloud. Bedizen, v. a. Adorn (gaudily), deck. BEDECK. Bedlam, n. Madhouse, lunatic hospital, lunatic asylum, hospital for the in sane. Bedlamite, n. Madman, lunatic, ma niac, cra,zy person, insane person. Bedouin, n. Nomadic Arab. Bedridden, a. Confined to the bed. Beef, n. Flesh of neat-cattle. Bee-house, n. Apiary, beehive. Bee-line, n. Straight line, right line, shortest distance, most direct line. Bee-moth, n. Wax-moth. Beetle, v. n. Protrude, project, jut, jut out, hang over. Beetle-head, n. Simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Beetle-headed, a. Dull, stupid, ob tuse, foolish, senseless, witless, insensi- BEEVES 41 BELABOR ble, sluggish, slow of apprehension, void of understanding. Beeves, n. pi. Neat-cattle. Befall, v. a. Betide, overtake, happen to. Befall, v. n. Happen, occur, take place. Befit, v. a. Suit, fit, become, be suita ble or proper for, be appropriate for. Befitting, . Becoming, suitable, fit, proper, right, meet, seemly, appropri ate, congruous. Befool, v. a. Infatuate, dupe, deceive, delude, cheat, chouse, trick, diddle, hoax, stultify,, hoodwink, circumvent, overreach, beguile, bamboozle, impose upon, practise upon, play upon, make a fool of. Before, prep. 1. Preceding. 2. Prior to, previous to. 3. In the presence of, face to face with. 4. Near the front of, in front of. Before, ad. 1. Toward the front. 2. In advance, farther onward. 3. Formerly, in time past, of old. 4. Hitherto, up to that time. 5. Above, in a former part. Beforehand, ad. Previously, in anti cipation, in advance. Beforehand, a. Forehanded, in com fortable circumstances (as respects prop erty), well off, well to do. Before the wind, With the wind, in the direction of the wind. Befoul, v. a. Soil, pollute, daggle, drag gle, foul, bemire, dirty. Befriend, v. a. Favor, encourage, pat ronize, countenance, assist, help, aid, benefit, act as a friend to, do a good turn for, be kind to. Beg, v. a. l. Crave, solicit, beseech, implore, supplicate, conjure, pray for, petition for, seek by petition, ask ear nestly. 2. -Assume, take for granted, consider as true. Beg, v. n. Solicit charity, ask alms. Beget, v. a. 1. Generate, procreate, en gender, breed, get, be the father of. 3. Produce, originate, give rise to. Beggar, n. Mendicant, pauper, starve ling, poor or indigent person. Beggar, v. a. 1. Impoverish, ruin, ren der poor, reduce to poverty, bring to want. 2. Surpass, exceed, go beyond, be above, put at fault, show to be inade quate. Beggarly, a. 1. Destitute, indigent, needy, poor. 3. Sorry, mean, abject, base, low, paltry, shabby, vile, scurvy, miserable, contemptible, despicable, pitiful, pitia ble, servile, slavish, grovelling, base- minded, low-minded, mean-spirited. Beggary, n. Poverty, indigence, pen ury, destitution, want, distress, men dicancy, mendicity. Begin, v. n. 1. Originate, arise, take rise. 2. Commence, make a beginning, take the first step, break ground, break the ice. Begin, v. a. Cpmmeiice, institute, ori ginate, enter upon, set about, set on foot, set in operation. Beginner, n. Tyro, novice. Beginning, n. 1. Commencement, out set, opening, start. 2. Origin, source, rise. Begird, v. a. I. Gird, bind with a girdle. 2. Surround, encompass, environ, encircle, enclose, engird. Begone, interj. 1. Depart, go away, haste away, be oft , get thee gone. 2. Away, let us go, let us be off . Begrudge, v. a. Grudge, envy the pos session of. Beguile, v. a. 1. Delude, cheat, de ceive, BEFOOL. 3. Divert, amuse, entertain, cheer, solace. Behalf, n. Benefit, advantage, profit, interest, account, behoof. Be hanged, Come to the gallows. Behave, v. n. Act, conduct one s self, demean one s self, acquit one s self, be have one s self. Behave one s self, BEHAVE. Behavior, n. Deportment (on particular occasions), CONDUCT, bearing, demean or, carriage, manner, mien, air, port. Behead, v. a. Decapitate, decollate, deprive of the head. Beheading, n. Decapitation, decolla tion. Behest, n. Command, commandment, mandate, order, precept, injunction, di rection, charge, bidding. Behind, prep. 1. ABAFT, at the back of, in the rear of. 3. After, following. Behind, ad. 1. Backward, back. 2. ABAFT, aft, ASTERN, rearward, in the rear, at the back. Behindhand, a. Backward, late, tar dy, after the usual time. Behind the curtain, Hid, concealed, in concealment. Behold, v. a. See, observe, view, des cry, discern, look upon, set one s eyes on. Behold, interj. See, look, observe, lo. Beholden, a. Obliged, indebted, grate ful, thankful, under obligation. Beholder, n. Observer, spectator, look er-on. Behoof, n. Advantage, benefit, profit, interest, account, behoof. Behoove, v. a. Become, befit, beseem, be fit for, be proper for, be meet for. Be in earnest, Be serious, be not jest ing. Being, 1. Existence, subsistence. 2. Creature, substance, thing. Be in the ascendant, Have superior influence, have commanding influence. Be in the wrong box, Mistake, err, make a mistake, BARK UP THE WRONG TREE. Be it so, 1. Suppose it to be so. 2. Amen, so be it, let it be so. Belabor, v. a. Thump, beat, strike, knock, lay blows upon. Belabor, v. a. Thump, beat, strike, knock, lay blows upon. BELATED 42 BENEVOLENCE Belated, a. Retarded, hindered, made late. Belay, v. a. (Naut.) Fasten, make fast. Belch, v. a. 1. Eject (as wind from the stomach), discharge. 3. Throw out violently, cast forth. Belch, v. n. 1. ERUCTATE, eject wind from the stomach. 3. Be ejected violently. Belching, 11. Eructation. Beldam, n. Hag, Jezebel, virago, vixen, fury, she-monster, ugly old woman. Beleaguer, v. a. Besiege, invest, beset, lay siege to. Bel-esprit, n. [Fr. pi. Beaux-esprits.] Wit, man of wit, man of genius. Belfry, n. Campanile. Belial, 11. Satan, DEVIL, Apollyon, arch-fiend. Belie, v. a. 1. Falsify, misrepresent, represent falsely. 3. Give the lie to, convict of false hood, show to be false, charge with falsehood. Belief, n. 1. Credence, credit, confi dence, trust, reliance, persuasion, FAITH. 3. Doctrine, tenet, dogma, opinion, creed, article of faith, profession of faith. Believe, v. a. Credit, give credit to, think to be true, give faith to, put faith in, rely upon, make no doubt of, put confidence in. Believe, v. n. 1. Exercise faith, have faith, have a firm persuasion. 3. Think, suppose, conceive, fancy, apprehend, imagine, hold, OPINE, be of opinion, entertain the idea, take it. Belike, ad. [Colloquial.] Probably, per haps, mayhap, it may be, it is likely. Belladonna, n. Banewort, dwale, deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna). Belle, n. Beautiful young lady, fair damsel. Belles-lettres, n. pi. [Fr.] Polite litera ture, elegant literature, the humanities. Belligerent, a. 1. Carrying on war, engaged in war, waging war. 3. Of belligerents. 3. Warlike, hostile. Belligerent, n. Belligerent state or nation. Bellow, v. n. 1. Roar (as a beast). 3. Vociferate, clamor, yell, howl, cry, bawl, make a loud outcry. Bell-pepper, n. Red pepper (of the gar den. Capsicum annuwn). Bell-shaped, a. (Sot.) Campanulate. Belly, .. 1. Abdomen, paunch. 3. Convexity, swell, swelling, bulge, protuberance. Belly-ache, n. Colic, pain in the bowels. Belong to, 1. Be the property of, be possessed by. 3. Regard, appertain to, pertain to, relate to, refer to, be related to, have reference to. 3. Be appendent to, constitute a part of, be connected with. 4. Be incumbent on, be the duty of, devolve on. 5. Be a resident of, have a legal resi dence in. Beloved, a. Dear, darling, much loved. Below, prep. 1. Under, beneath, un derneath. 3. Unbecoming, unworthy of. Below, ad. 1. Under, beneath, under neath. 3. On the earth. 3. In hell, in the lower regions, in the regions of the dead. Belt, n. Girdle, cincture, cestus, band. Bemire, v. a. Daggle, draggle, befoul, foul, dirty, soil. Bemoan, v. a. Bewail, lament, deplore, moan over, mourn over, express sorrow for. Bemused, a. Stupefied, confused, be wildered, MUZZY, half-drunk. Bench, n. 1. Long seat. 3. Court, tribunal, body of judges. Bend, v. a. 1. Curve, crook, bow, in- curvate, make crooked. 3. Direct, turn towards, incline to wards. 3. Exert, apply earnestly, direct at tentively. 4. Subdue, ,ause to yield, bring to submission, make submissive. 5. (Naut.) Fasten, make fast. Bend, v. n. 1. Crook, be crooked, be bent, be curved. 3. Lean, incline, turn. Bend, n. 1. Curve, curvity, curvature, flexure, angle, elbow, crook, incurva tion, ARCUATIOK. 3. Bight, coil. Beneath, prep. 1. Undei, underneath, below. 3. Unbecoming, unbefitting, unwor thy of. Beneath, ad. Below. Benedict, n. Married man. Benediction, n. Blessing, benisou, in vocation of happiness. Benefaction, n. Gift, donation, gra tuity, grant, offering, contribution, boon, present, alms, charity. Benefice, n. Ecclesiastical living. Beneficence, n. Charity, bounty, liber ality, generosity, alms-giving, active goodness, kind action, doing of good. Beneficent, a. Bountiful, munificent, liberal, generous, bounteous, princely, kind. Beneficial, a. Useful, profitable, ad vantageous, helpful, serviceable, salu tary, good, for one s advantage, for one s good, for one s interest. Benefit, n. 1. Favor, service, act of kindness, good turn, kind office. 3. Advantage, profit, avail, gain, good, utility, behalf, behoof, account, interest. Benefit, v. a. 1. Befriend, help, serve, do good to, be useful to, advance the interest of, confer a favor on. 3. Profit, advantage, avail, be of ad vantage to. Benevolence, n. Kindness, benignity, kind-heartedness, humanity, tender ness, charitableness, good-will, disposi- BENEVOLENT 43 BETIMES tion to do good, milk of human kind ness. Benevolent, a. Kind, benignant, be nign, kind-hearted, obliging, humane, tender, charitable, disposed to do good. Benighted, a. 1. Overtaken with night. 3. Involved in darkness. Benign, a. 1. Kind, benevolent, gra cious, complaisant, humane, obliging, benignant, good, amiable, friendly, kind-hearted, tender-hearted, of a gen tle disposition. 3. (Med.) Mild, of a mild nature. Benignant, a. Kind, BENIGN. Benignity, n. 1. Kindness, gracious- ness, benevolence, complaisance, hu manity, amiability, amenity, friendli ness, kind-heartedness, fellow-feeling, good feeling, good humor, good temper, obliging manner. 3. [Rare.] Mildness. Benison, n. Blessing, benediction. Benne, n. Sesame, oil-plant. Bent, n. Disposition, inclination, tend ency, turn, PENCHANT, leaning, bias, propensity, proclivity, predisposition, predilection, partiality, liking, fond ness, proneness, appetency. Bent, a. Crooked, hooked, bowed, curved, aduncous, ARCUATE, INCUR- VATE. Benumb, v. a. Stupefy, paralyze, dead en, blunt, make torpid, render insensi ble. Be of opinion, Think, believe, conclude, judge, suppose, imagine, fancy, deem, WEEN, OPINE, hold, entertain the idea, take it. Be on the carpet, Be under considera tion, be upon the tapis. Bequeath, v. a. Leave, demise, devise, will, give by will. Bequest, n. Legacy, devise. Berate, v. a. 1. Scold, chide, repri mand, rate. 3. ABUSE, vilify, defame. Bereave, v. a. Deprive (of something that cannot be restored), dispossess, di vest, take away from. Bereavement, n. Deprivation, loss (es pecially of friends by death). Berth, n. (Naut.) 1. Ship s station. 3. Bed, place to sleep in. 3. Situation, office, post, employ ment, place. Beseech, v. a. 1. Entreat, beg, implore, supplicate, petition, conjure, ADJURE, pray to. 3. Solicit, ask, petition for, pray for, beg for. Beseem, v. a. Become, befit, be proper for, be appropriate for, be meet for. Be seized of, Possess, have possession of, be possessed of. Be selfish, Indulge one s self, coddle one s self, consult one s own wishes, in terest, or pleasure ; take care of, or look after, number one ; have an eye to the main chance. Beset, v. a. \. Surround, encompass, en viron, encircle, enclose, besiege, hem in. 3. Embarrass, perplex, entangle. Beshrew, v. a. Execrate, wish evil to, implore a curse upon. Beside, ) prep. 1. Near, close to, at Besides, J the side of, by the side of. 3. Except, save, over and above, in addition to, distinct from. 3. Aside from, out of the way of, out of the course of, not according to. 4. Out of, not in possession of. Beside, ) ad. 1. Moreover, yet, too, Besides, j also, furthermore, more than that, over and above, in addition. 3. Else. Besiege, v. a. Surround (with a military force), beset, beleaguer, invest, lay siege to. Besmear, v. a. Bedaub, daub, smear, soil, bespatter, daub over. Besot, v. a. Infatuate, stultify, stupefy, befool, make sottish, make foolish. Bespatter, v. a. Spatter (with some thing filthy), bedaub, BESMEAR. Bespeak, v. a. 1. Order, speak for be forehand. 3. [Rare.} Forebode, foretell, predict. 3. Indicate, imply, proclaim, declare, betoken, show. Best, a. 1. Most good, most excellent, superlatively good, good in the highest degree. 3. Most wise, most judicious, most expedient. Best, ad. 1. Most of all, in the highest degree, beyond all others. 3. With most propriety, most profit ably or advantageously, to the greatest advantage. 3. Most intimately, most thoroughly, most completely. 4. With the highest qualification, by the clearest title. Best, n. 1. Highest perfection. 3. Utmost, greatest effort, highest en deavor, the most that can be done. Bestial, a. Beastly, brutal, brutish, ir rational, sensual. Bestir one s self, Labor, work, toil, strive, fall to work, exert one s self, rouse one s self, trouble one s self, busy one s self, take pains, be busy, be active, be quick, BEAR A HAND. Bestow, v. a. 1. Put, place, stow, de posit, lay up in store. 3. Give, accord, grant, impart, CON FER. 3. Use, apply, make use of. Bestower, n. Giver, disposer, donor. DONATOR. Bestride, v. a. 1. Straddle, stride over. 3. Ride upon astraddle. Bet, n. Wager, stake. Bet, v. n. Wager, lay a wager, make a bet. Bet, v. a. Stake, pledge, wager, lay, wage. Betake one s self, Resort, repair, ap ply, have recourse. Bethink one s self, Consider, reflect, take thought. Betide, v . a. Befall, overtake, happen to, come to. Betime, ) ad. Seasonably, early, before Betimes, j it is too late. BETOKEN 44 BILBO Betoken, v. a. 1. Signify, denote, indi cate, represent, typify, imply, prove, show, argue. 2. Prefigure, foreshow, foreshadow, portend, augur, presignify. Betray, v. a. 1. Deliver up (by breach of trunt), give up treacherously. 2. Violate the confidence of, disclose the secrets of, deceive by treachery. 3. Discover, divulge, reveal, tell, blab, show, make known. 4. Mislead, lure, insnare, entrap, in veigle. Betroth, v. a. Affiance, pledge in mar riage, engage to marry. Betrotliment, n. Engagement. Better, a. 1. More good, more excellent, good in a higher degree. 2. More useful, more valuable. 3. Preferable, more desirable, more acceptable. 4. More fit, more appropriate, more suitable. 5. Improved in health, less ill. 6. More familiar, more intimate. Better, n. 1. Superiority, advantage. 2. Improvement, greater good. 3. Superior. Better, ad. 1. In a superior manner, in a more excellent way, more fully, more completely. 2. With greater advantage, more usefully or profitably. 3. More, in a higher degree. Better, v. a. Improve, amend, emend, meliorate, ameliorate, reform, make or render better. Better-half, n. [Colloquial.] Wife. Bettering, n. Improvement, amend ment, melioration, amelioration. Between, prep. BETWIXT. Betwixt, prep. [Nearly obsolete.] Be tween. Be upon the tapis, Be under consider ation, be on the carpet. Bevel, n. Chamfer. Bevel, v. a. Chamfer. Beverage, n. Drink, potion. Bevy, n. 1. Flock, covey. 2. Company (especially of women), party. Bewail, v. a. Bemoan, lament, deplore, mourn for, mourn over, express sorrow for. Bewail, v. n. Mourn, lament, sorrow, grieve. Beware v. n. Mind, take care, be cau tious. Bewilder, v. a. Perplex, confound, con fuse, embarrass, puzzle, stagger, pose, nonplus, mystify, entangle. Bewilderment, n. Perplexity, embar rassment, confusion, entanglement. Bewitch, v. a. Charm, fascinate, en chant, captivate, transport, enravish, enrapture, entrance. Be with child, Be pregnant, be big, be ENCEINTE, be in the family way. Beyond, prep. 1. On the further side of. 2. Before, at a distance before. 3. Remote from, out of the .reach of, out of the grasp of. 4. Farther than. 5. Above, superior to. Beyond, ad. Yonder, at a distance. Bias, n. Inclination, bent, leaning, ten dency, predilection, prepossession, pro clivity, proneness, propensity, partial ity, prejudice, disposition, predisposi tion, turn, PENCHANT. Bias, v. a. Influence, incline, prejudice, dispose, predispose. Bible, n. [Used with The prefixed.] The Scriptures, the Old and New Tes taments, the sacred volume. Biblical, a. Scriptural. Bibliomania, n. Book-madness. Bibulous, a. Spongy, porous. Bichloride of mercury, Corrosive sub limate. Bicker, v. n. 1. Wrangle, dispute, quarrel, spar, spat, jangle, squabble, TIFF, have words, have an altercation. 2. Quiver, be tremulous. Bickering, n. Dispute, quarrel, wran gle, wrangling, jangle, jarring, jang ling, sparring, altercation, dissension, contention, strife, war of words. Bid, n. Offer (of a price), bidding, pro posal. Bid, v. a. 1. Command, order, require, charge, enjoin, direct. 2. Offer, propose, proffer, tender. 3. Pronounce, declare, utter. Bidding, n. 1. Command, order, direc tion, injunction, precept, behest, requi sition, mandate, appointment. 2. Offer (of a price), bid, proposal. Bide, v. a. 1. Endure, suffer, tolerate, bear, put up with, submit to. 2. Abide, await, wait for. Bid fair, Seem likely, offer a good pros pect, present a fair prospect, make a fair promise. Big, a. 1. Great, large, huge, bulky, massive, massy. 2. Haughty, arrogant, proud, pom pous, important, swelling, blustering, assuming, self-conceited, self-sufficient. 3. Pregnant, ENCEINTE, with child, in the family way. Big-bellied, a. Large-bellied, great- bellied, pot-bellied, tun-bellied, abdo minous. Bight, n. 1. [Naut.] Bend, coil. 2. Bay, inlet, cove. Bigot, n. Zealot, fanatic, enthusiast, dogmatist. Bigoted, a. Prejudiced, crotchety, mul ish, intolerant, narrow-minded, wrong- headed, self-opinionated, over-zealous, creed-bound, wedded to an opinion. Bigotry, n. Prejudice, intolerance, blind zeal. Big-sounding, a. High-sounding. Big- wig, n. [Colloquial.] Person of con sequence. Big-wigged, a. Consequential, pom pous, self-important. Bijou, n. [Fr.] Jewel, trinket, elegant ornament. Bijoutry, n. Jewelry, jewels, trinkets. Bi-labiate, a. (Bot.) Two-lipped. Bilbo, n. Rapier, short sword. BILBOES 45 BLACKGUARD Bilboes, n. pi. Shackles, fetters, gyves, chains. Bile, n. Gall. Bileduct, n. Biliary duct, hepatic duct. Biliary calculus, Gall-stone. Biliary duct, Bileduct, hepatic duct. Bilk, v. a. Deceive (by not fulfilling an engagement), disappoint, elude. Bill, n. 1. Beak, mandible, neb. 3. Account, charges, reckoning, score. 3. Statement of particulars. 4. .Draft of a law, projected law. Bill of exchange, Draft. Billet, n. Note, short letter. Billet, v. a. Assign (to a lodging place, as soldiers, by a billet), apportion, allot, distribute, quarter, place in lodgings. Billet-doux, n. [Fr.] Love-letter. Billing and Cooing, BLANDISHMENT. Billingsgate, n. Ribaldry, BLACK GUARDISM, foul or profane language. Billow, n. Wave, surge, breaker. Bin, n. Bunker, crib. Binary, a. Dual, double, consisting of two. Bind, v. a. 1. Confine, restrain, restrict, put bonds upon. 2. Enwrap, put a bandage upon. 3. Tie, fasten, secure by a bond. 4. Engage, oblige, OBLIGATE, make responsible, lay under obligation. 5. Confirm, ratify, sanction. 6. Put a border round. Binding, n. 1. Bandage, band, fillet. 2. Cover, covering. Binding, a. 1. Astringent, contracting, styptic. 3. Obligatory, valid. Binoxide, n. Deutoxide. Biography, n. 1. Life, memoir, history of a person s life. 3. Biographical writings. Bird, n. Fowl, fowl of the air. Birth, n. 1. Nativity, coming into life. 2. Lineage, extraction, descent, race, family, line, ancestry. Birthday, n. 1. Natal day. 3. Anniversary of one s birth. Bisect, v. a. Cut or divide into two equal parts, cut in halves, halve. Bisection, n. Halving, cutting, or divid ing into two equal parts. Bishop, n. 1. Prelate. 3. Bustle, tournure. Bishopric, n. Diocese, see, jurisdiction or charge of a bishop. Bison, ?i. [ U. S.] Buffalo. Bissextile, n. Leap-year. Bit, n. 1. Mouth-piece of a bridle. 2. Mouthful, morsel, crumb, frag ment, scrap. 3. Whit, tittle, jot, iota, particle, atom, grain, mite, ace, scintilla. Bitch, n. Slut, female dog. Bite, v. a. 1. Gnaw, chew, champ. 3. Blast, nip (as frost). 3. Defraud, deceive, cheat, dupe, trick, gull, overreach, jockey, cozen, chouse, outwit, bamboozle, diddle, im pose upon, beguile, mislead, inveigle, gammon. Biting, a. 1. Pungent, piquant, hot, sharp, peppery, stinging, high-flavored, high-seasoned. " 2. Severe, sarcastic, cutting, caustic. 3. Cold, freezing, nipping, piercing. Bitter, a. 1. That tastes like worm wood. 3. Fierce, savage, cruel, merciless, relentless, virulent, fell, ruthless. 3. Severe, harsh, stern. 4. Distressing, painful, grievous, sor rowful, afflictive, poignant, calamitous. Bitter-apple, n. Colocynth, coloquin- tida, bitter-cucumber. Bitter-cucumber, n. BITTER-APPLE. Bitterness, n. 1. Bitter taste. 3. Spleen, gall, rankling, rancor, heart-burning, animosity, hatred, mal ice, malignity, spite, enmity, ill-will. 3. Asperity, acerbity, severity, harsh ness, acrimony, ill-temper, bad blood. 4. Distress, pain, grief, sorrow, af fliction, heaviness, regret, despondency. Bitter-sweet, n. Woody nightshade (Solanum dulcamara). Bivalved, } a " Tw - v alved, bivalvular. Bivalvular, a. Two-valved, BIVALVE. Bivouac, n. and v. n. Halt for the night (without encamping). Bizarre, a. [Fr.] Odd, fantastic, strange, singular, whimsical. Blab, v. a. Betray, disclose, reveal, di vulge, let out, speak out. Blab, v. n. Tattle, prattle, prate, BLOW, tell tales, tell a secret, let the cat out of the bag, tell tales out of school. Blab, n. Prater, tattler, babbler, tell tale. Black, a. 1. Dark, ebon, inky, atra- mentous, swarthy, murky, dusky, pitchy, dingy, Cimmerian. 3. Wicked, atrocious, villanous, hein ous, flagitious, diabolic, infernal, hell ish, outrageous, monstrous, horrible. Black, n. l. Black color. 3. Mourning, black garment. 3. Negro, blackamoor, black man. Blackamoor, n. Negro, BLACK. Black art, Magic, conjuration, sorcery, NECROMANCY, magical art. Blackball, v. a. Exclude by black balls, reject by a negative vote. Blackcap, n. Blackcap warbler, mock- nightingale ( Corucca atricapilla). Black-coat, n. Clergyman, minister, divine, pastor, priest. Black-cock, n. Heath-cock, black- grouse, black-game ( Tetrao tetrix). Blacken, v. a. 1. Darken, make black. 3. Vilify, defame, slander, calumni ate, asperse, traduce, malign, abuse, revile, rail at, sneer at, run down, speak ill of. Black fish, n. Tautog (Labrus Ameri- canus). Blackfriar, n. Dominican, predicant, jacobin, preaching friar. Black-game, ) BT Anrrnrir Black-grouse, j n BLACKCOCK. Blackguard, n. Scurrilous or abusive fellow, person of low character, vile fellow. BLACKGUARD 46 BLEND Blackguard, a. Scurrilous, abusive, contumelious, insulting, ribald, vitu perative, reproachful, opprobrious. Blackguardism, n. Ribaldry, billings gate, scurrility, indecency, obscenity, foul or profane language. Black hellebore, Christmas rose (Helle- borus niger). Black-jack, n. [Term used by miners.] Blende, zinc-blende, sulphuret of zinc, false galena, mock lead. Black-lead, n. Plumbago, graphite. Blackleg, n. Gambler, sharper, swin dler. Black-mail, n. 1. Tribute (paid for immunity from robbery). 2. [U.S.] Hush-money, bribe to keep silence. Black man, Negro, blackamoor, black. Black Sea, Euxine. Black tea, Bohea. Blackthorn, n. Sloe (Prunus spinosa). Blade, n. 1. Leaf. 2. Flat part (as of a knife or an oar). 3. Buck, gallant, spark; gay, dashing fellow. Blain, n. Pustule, blister, blotch, sore. Blamable, a. Culpable, censurable, reprehensible, faulty, blameworthy. Blame, v. a. Censure, reprove, repre hend, reflect upon, lay or cast blame upon, find fault with, cry out against. Blame, n. Censure, reprehension, ani madversion, reproof, condemnation, im putation of fault. Blameless, a. Irreproachable, unim peachable, irreprehensible, inculpable, faultless, guiltless, unblemished, un spotted, unsullied, undefiled, spotless, stainless, innocent. Blameworthy, a. Culpable, censur able, reprehensible, faulty, blama- ble. Blanc-fix, n. Permanent white, sul phate of baryta (artificially made). Blanch, v. a. Bleach, whiten, etiolate, make or render white. Bland, a. Soft, mild, gentle, not harsh. Blandishment, n. Caressing, caresses, endearment, soft words, expression of affection, billing and cooing. Blank, a. 1. Void, empty. 2. White, of a white color. 3. Astonished, confounded, confused, dumfounded, disconcerted, nonplussed, struck dumb. Blank verse, Unrhymed verse (espe cially the lieroic verse of five feet). Blare, n. Noise, sound, roar, peal, blast, clang, clamor, uproar. Blarney, n. 1. Flattery, adulation. 2. Unmeaning talk, smooth phrases. Blase, a. [Fr.] Surfeited, cloyed, satiat ed, palled, incapable of enjoyment (in consequence of excesses). Blaspheme, v. a. 1. Speak irreverently or impiously of. 2. [Rare.] Revile, calumniate, de fame, traduce, malign, speak evil of. Blaspheme, v. n. Utter blasphemy, speak irreverently of God or of sacred things. Blasphemous, a. Impious, irreverent, {>rofane. asphemy, n. Impiety, irreverence, profanity. Blast, n. 1. Gust, squall, sudden breeze. 2. Peal, blare, clang. 3. Explosion, outbreak, burst, dis charge. 4. Blight, pestilential influence. Blast, v. a. 1. Blight, kill, destroy, ruin, annihilate, wither, shrivel. 2. Rend by explosion. Blatant, a. 1. Bellowing, braying. 2. Clamorous, obstreperous, vocifer ous, noisy. Blatherskite, n. [Colloquial, U. S.] 1. Blusterer, swaggerer, bully, boaster, vaunter, braggart, braggadocio, rois terer, huff, drawcansir, noisy fellow. 2. BLUSTER, boasting. Blattering, a. BLUSTERIKG, swagger ing, noisy. Blattering, n. BLUSTER. Blaze, n. Flame. Blaze, v. n. Flame, burn with a flame. Blaze, v. a. Publish, proclaim, blazon, make known, noise abroad, spread abroad, blaze abroad. Blaze abroad, BLAZE. Blazing star, Comet. Blazon, v. a. 1. Emblazon, emblaze, adorn with ensigns armorial. 2. Display, exhibit, set forth, make a show of, show off. 3. Proclaim, publish, blaze, make known, noise, spread or blaze abroad. Blazon, n. 1. Blazonry. 2. Publication, proclamation. 3. Exhibition, show, pompous dis- Blazonry, n. Emblazonry, heraldry. Bleach, v. a. Whiten, blanch, etiolate, make or render white. Bleach, v. n. Whiten, etiolate, grow or become white. Bleaching powder, Chloride of lime. Bleak, a. 1. Cold, chill, chilly, raw, biting, piercing. 2. Unsheltered, exposed to cold, ex posed to wind. Blearedness, n. Lippitude, dim-sighted- ness. Blear-eyed, a. Dim-sighted. Bleb, n. 1. Blister, vesicle, little tumor. 2. Air-bubble. Bleed, v. n. 1. Lose blood. 2. Lose sap or juice. 3. Be slaughtered. Bleeding, n. Phlebotomy, venesection, blood-letting. Blemish, v. a. 1. Stain, sully, blur, spot, tarnish, mar, injure, taint. 2. Defame, vilify, traduce, ASPERSE, calumniate, slander, malign, revile, run down, speak ill of. Blemish, n. 1. Stain, spot, defect, speck, blur, soil, tarnish, flaw, fault. 2. Disgrace, dishonor, reproach, taint. Blench, v. n. Shrink, flinch, start back, give way, lack courage or resolution. Blend, v. a. Mingle, mix, intermingle, commingle, amalgamate. BLENDE 47 BLOW Blende, n. (Mm.) Black-jack, sulphu- ret of zinc, mock lead, false galena. Bless, v. a. 1. Ask or implore a bless ing upon. 3. Delight, gladden, make happy. 3. "VVisli happiness to. 4. Glorify, exalt, celebrate, magnify, praise. Blessed, a. 1. Happy. 3. Holy, hallowed, sacred. Blessedness, n. Bliss, blissfulness, hap piness, felicity, beatitude, joy. Blessing, n. 1. Benediction, benison, invocation of happiness. 3. Good, benefit, advantage, profit, gain, boon, service. Blight, n. Pestilence (among plants), mildew, blast. Blight, V. a. Blast, wither, shrivel, kill, destroy, taint with mildew, cause to decay. Blind, a. 1. Sightless, eyeless, unsee ing, stone-blind, stark-blind, unable to see. 3. Ignorant, undiscerning, unaware, unmindful, inattentive, heedless, in capable of judging. Blind, v. a. 1. Make blind, deprive of sight. 3. Hoodwink, blindfold. Blind, n. Screen, cover. Blind alley, CUL-DE-SAC. Blind-coal, n. Anthracite, glance-coal, hard-coal, stone-coal. Blindfold, v. a. Blind, hoodwink, cover the eyes of, hinder from seeing (by a bandage over the eyes). Blindfold, a. Blinded (by a bandage over the eyes), blindfolded. Blindside, n. Weakness, foible, failing, defect, weak side, weak part. Blink, v. n. Wink, NICTATE, see ob scurely. Blink, v. a. Overlook (purposely), dis regard, avoid, evade, pass over, gloss over, shut out of sight, make no account of, not take into account, not mind, not trouble one s self with, pretend not to see. Bliss, n. Happiness, felicity, blessed ness, blissfulness, beatitude, beatifi cation, transport, rapture, ecstasy, heavenly joy. Blissful, a. Transported, enraptured, in raptures, in ecstasies, very happy, full of joy, highly blessed. Blister, n. 1. Vesicle, pustule, blain. 3. Vesicatory, blistering plaster. Blister, v. a. Kaise blisters on. Blister, v. n. Rise in blisters. Blithe, a. Cheerful, gay, sprightly, live ly, animated, elated, vivacious, joyous, joyful, merry, mirthful, jocund, sport- .ve, airy, buoyant, debonair, blithe f good cheer, in hig good spirits, full of life, full of spirit. some, of good cheer, in high spirits, in Blithesome, a. Cheerful, gay, BLITHE. Bloat, v. a. Swell, inflate, distend, puff up, blow up, make turgid.. Bloat, v. n. Swell, be swollen, be in flated or distended, be puffed or blown up, become turgid. Bloating, n. Swelling, dilatation, DI LATION, expanding, expansion. Blobber-lip, n. Thick lip. Blobber-lipped, a. Thick-lipped. Block, v. a. Obstruct, close, BLOCKADE, shut up, stop up, block up. Block, n. 1, Thick and heavy piece (as of wood or stone). 3. Wooden mould (on which hats are made). 3. Simpleton, fool, blockhead, DUNCE. 4. [ U. S.} Mass of houses (in a square or a continuous row). 5. (Naut.) Pulley. Blockade, v. a. Close (as ports, so as to prevent egress or ingress), block, shut up, stop up. Blockade, n. Closure (as of a port), shutting up, blocking up. Jlockhead, n. Blockhead, w. Simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Blockish, a. Stupid; stolid, ; heavy, dolt ish, unintelligent, dull, stockish. Block up, Obstruct, BLOCK. Blonde, a. Fair, light, flaxen. Blood, n. 1. Vital fluid, vital current, life blood. 3. Kindred, relation, family, consan guinity. 3. Boyal lineage, royal line. 4. High birth, noble extraction. 5. Hotspur, madcap, fiery fellow. Bloodroot, n. BLOOD WORT. Bloodshed, n. Slaughter, carnage, butchery, massacre, murder. Bloodstone, n. 1. Hematite. 3. Heliotrope. Blood-sucker, n. Leech. Blood-thirsty, a. Cruel, savage, fero cious, inhuman, barbarous, barbarian, fell, truculent, ruthless, bloody, mur derous, bloody-minded. Bloodwort, n. Bloodroot, red root, red puccoon (Sanguinarea Canadensis). Bloody, a. 1. Sanguinary, ensanguined, gory. 3. Murderous, cruel, BLOOD-THIRSTY. Bloody-flux, n. Dysentery. Bloody-minded, a. BLOOD-THIRSTY. Bloom, n. 1. Efflorescence, flower, blossom, blow. 3. Flush, freshness, vigor. Bloom, v. n. Flower, blossom, put forth blossoms. Bloomy, a. Flowery. Blossom, n. Flower, bloom, blow. Blossom, v. n. Flower, bloom, blow. Blot, v. a. l. Efface, obliterate, erase, cancel, expunge, rub out, blot out, scratch out, strike out. 3. Spot, stain, blur, disfigure. 3. Tarnish, sully, disgrace. Blot, n. 1. Obliteration, erasure, blot ting. 3. Blur, spot, stain, blemish. 3. Disgrace, cause of reproach. Blotch, n. Pustule, eruption, pimple, blain. Blow, n. 1. Stroke, knock, rap, pat, thump, dab, beat. 3. Calamity, disaster, misfortune, af fliction. 3. Bloom, blossom, flower. BLOW 48 BOAST 4. [Low.] SPREE, carousal, drinking frolic, BLOW-OUT. Blow, v. n. I. Move or flow in currents (as the wind). 3. Pant, puff, lose breath, breathe hard. 3. Flower, bloom, blossom. 4. [Low.] BLAB, tell a secret, tell tales, let the cat out of the bag. Blow, v. a. l. Drive by the wind. 3. Force wind upon, direct a current of air upon. Blow down, Prostrate (by the wind). Blow off, 1. Drive from shore (by the wind, as a ship). 3. Detach or scatter (by the wind, as fruit from trees). 3. Let off (as steam), suffer to escape. Blow out, Extinguish. Blow-out, n. [Colloquial.] Carousal, BLOW. Blow up, [Active.] 1. Inflate, fill with air. 2. Burst, scatter by explosion, cause to explode. 3. Kindle. 4. (Low.) Scold, rate, berate, chide, reprimand, censure, reprove, blame, scold at. Blow up, [Neuter.] Explode, burst, be scattered by explosion. Blow upon, Discredit, blast, taint, bring into disfavor, make distasteful. Blow-valve, n. Snifting-valve. Blowzed, a. Buddy, BLOWZY. Blowzy, a. Buddy, blowzed, tanned, ruddy-faced, high-colored, sun-burnt. Blubber, n. Whale fat. Blubber, v. n. Cry (so as to swell the clieelcs), whine, whimper, weep. Bludgeon, n. Club, cudgel. Blue, a. 1. Azure, cerulean, sky-col ored. 3. [Colloquial.] Melancholy, deject ed, dispirited, depressed, sad, glum, gloomy, mopish, downcast, desponding, downhearted, hypochondriac, hypped, chopfallen, low-spirited, cast down, in the dumps, with a long face, down in the mouth. Blue, n. Azure, sky-color. Blue-devils, n. pi. BLUES. Blue-fish, n. Tailor, skip-jack, snap ping mackerel ( Temnodon saltator). Blues, n. pi. [With The prefixed.] Mel ancholy, dejection, depression, despond ency, hypochondria, dumps, vapors, megrims, low spirits, blue-devils, the dismals. Blue-stocking, n. Literary woman. Blue- vitriol, n. Sulphate of copper. Bluff, a. Blustering, swaggering, bully ing, vaporing, pompous, coarse, rude, BLUNT, gruff, churlish, bearish. Bluff, n. Precipitous bank (especially on the margin of a river or the sea). Bluff, v. a, [Low.] Bepulse (by a bluff manner), repel, snub, bluff off, send away with a flea in one s ear. Blunder, v. n. Mistake (grossly), err (from want of care), make a bull. Blunder, n. Mistake (of the grossest kind), error (from thoughtlessness), gross mistake, bull. Blunderbuss, n. 1. Short gun (with a large bore). 3. Blunderer, blunderhead, stupid fellow. Blunderer, n. Blunderhead, blunder buss, stupid fellow. Blunderhead, n. BLUNDEREB. Blunt, a. 1. Dull, obtuse, pointless, edgeless. 3. Abrupt, bluff, gruff, rough, rude, ungentle, uncivil, ungracious, bearish, discourteous, , uncourteous, impolite, BRUSQUE, not gentle. Blunt, v. a. 1. Dull, make dull. 3. Benumb, paralyze, deaden, stupe fy, obtund, hebetate; make insensible, callous, or obtuse. 3. Moderate, allay, assuage, mitigate, quiet, alleviate, soften. Blunt-witted, a. Dull, stupid, stolid, doltish, blockish, obtuse, unintelligent, unintellectual, shallow. Blur, n. Blot, stain, spot, blemish, soil, tarnish, defect. Blur, v. a. 1. Obscure, darken. 3. Tarnish, stain, blot, sully, spot, blemish. Blush, v. n. Bedden (in the cheelcs), color. Blush, n. Beddening (of the cheeks), suf fusion of the face. Bluster, v. n. 1. Boar (as the wind), make a loud noise. 3. Vapor, swagger, bully, BOAST, vaunt, swell, domineer, gasconade, play the bully. 3. Make a great ado, make much ado about nothing. Bluster, n. 1. Boisterousness, noise, tu mult, turbulence. 3. Boasting, swaggering, bullying, blattering, BLATHERSKITE. 3. Great ado, much ado about noth ing. Blusterer, n. Swaggerer, bully, boaster, braggart, vaunter, BOUNCER, roisterer, huff, braggadocio, drawcansir, fire- eater, BLATHERSKITE, noisy fellow. Blustering, a. 1. Windy, stormy, tem pestuous, squally, gusty. 3. Swaggering, boasting, bragging, blattering, pompous, assuming, impor tant, arrogant, swelling, big, bluff self- sufficient, self-conceited. Board, n. 1. Plank (thin). 3. Table (for food), stand. 3. Food, diet, provision, fare, vict uals, entertainment, meals. 4. Conclave, council, committee. Board, v. a. 1. Cover with boards. 3. Enter or go on board of (a vessel) by force. 3. Furnish with meals. Boards, n. pi. [With The prefixed.] The stage (of a theatre). Boast, v. n. Brag, vaunt, gasconade, BLUSTER, crow, crack, flourish, exalt one s self, magnify one s self, give one s self airs, TALK BIG, ride a high horse. Boast, v. a. 1. Magnify (unduly), make much of, boast of, brag of BOAST 49 BOND 58. (Sculp.) Shape roughly (as a block of marble). Boast, n. 1. Vaunt, brag, gasconade, rodomontade, vaporing, bravado, boast ing, blustering, swaggering, nourish of trumpets, much cry and little wool. 3. Cause of pride or laudable exulta tion. Boaster, n. Braggart, braggadocio, BLUSTERER. Boastful, a. Boasting, vaunting, brag ging, vaporing, blustering, exulting, triumphant, cock-a-hoop. Boasting, n. Vaunt, brag, BOAST. Boast one s self, Exult over-confldently. Boat-shaped, a. (Bot.) Cymbiform, navicular, SCAPHOID. Bob, v. a. 1. Move with a jerk. 3. Strike (suddenly and lightly), rap, knock. 3. Clip, cut short. 4. [Rare. ] Steal, purloin, rob, pilfer, filch, cabbage, get by fraud. Bob, v. n. 1. Play back and forward, have a jerking motion. 3. Angle (toitlt a jerking motion), fish. Bob, n. 1. Jerking motion. 3. Pendent, hanging appendage. Bobolink, n. Rice-bird, rice-bunting, reed-bird, butter-bird, skunk-bird, skunk-blackbird (Dolichonyx orizyvo- rus). Bode, v. a. Betoken, portend, foreshow, foreshadow, presage, augur, foretell, predict, forebode, prophesy, be ominous of. Bode, v. n. Forebode, presage. Bodice, n. 1 . Corset, stays. 3. Waist (of a dress). Bodiless, a. Incorporeal, without a body. Bodily, a. 1. Of the body. 3. Corporeal. Bodily, ad. 1. Corporeally. 3. Entirely (as respects tJie body or mass), completely, wholly. Body, n. 1. Material substance, mate rial part (as distinguished from Hie spirit or life). 3. Carcass, corpse, dead body. 3. Visible form or frame. 4. Trunk (as distinguished Jrom the limbs), stem, BOLE. 5. Bulk, main part (as distinguished from subordinate parts). 6. Person, being, individual, mortal, crea ture. 7. Company, band, party, COTERIE, society, association, corporation. 8. System, summary, general collec tion. 9. Consistency, thickness, substance. Body coat, n. Dress coat. Bog, n. Morass, quagmire, slough, fen, marsh, swamp. Bog-berry, n. Cranberry. Boggle, v. n. Hesitate, vacillate, waver, falter, demur, shrink, hang back, shrink back, hang fire, be in suspense. Bogtrotter, n. [In derision.] Irishman. Bogus, a. [Cant term, U.S.] Spurious, counterfeit, false. Bohea, n. Black lea. Boil, v. n. 1. Be agitated by heat. 3. Bubble, rise in bubbles. 3. Be ardent, be hot. Boil, v. a. Seethe. Boil, n. Furuncle, pustule, gathering, inflamed tumor. Boiling, n. Ebullition. Boisterous, a. 1. Roaring, loud, stormy. 3. Noisy, furious, tumultuous, tur bulent, vehement, violent, impetuous. Bold, a. 1. Fearless, dauntless, daring, valiant, chivalrous, valorous, doughty, undaunted, intrepid, courageous, brave, heroic, audacious, adventurous, manful, manly, stout-hearted, bold- spirited. 3. Confident, assured, free from bashfulness. 3. Impudent, insolent, rude, imper tinent, saucy, forward, pushing, assum ing, brazen-faced, bold-faced. 4. Conspicuous, striking, prominent, standing out to the view. 5. Steep, abrupt. Bold-faced, a. Impudent, BOLD. Boldness, n. 1. Fearlessness, daunt- lessness, intrepidity, courage, BRAV ERY, valor, audacity, daring, pluck, heroism, hardihood, SPUNK. /J. Confidence, assurance, confident mien, freedom from bashfulness. 3. Impudence, insolence, sauciness, rudeness, impertinence, effrontery, presumption, brass, face, front, CHEEK. 4. Prominence, striking character or quality. 5. Steepness, abruptness. Bold-spirited, a. Courageous, BOLD. Bole, n. 1. Body (of a tree), stem, trunk. 3. Bolus, large pill. Boll, n. Pod, capsule, pericarp. Bolt, n. 1. Arrow, dart, shaft. 3. Thunderbolt, stroke of lightning. 3. Pm (of large size). 4. Sieve. Bolt, v. a. 1. Fasten with a bolt. 3. Swallow (without chewing). 3. Sift, pass through a sieve. f Bolt, v. n. 1. Bounce, start suddenly, spring out abruptly. 3. [U. S.] RAT, abscond, withdraw (especially from a political party), de sert suddenly. Bolt-upright, a. Perpendicular, quite upright. Bolus, n. Bole, large pill. Bombard, v. a. Attack with bombs. Bombardment, n. Attack with bombs. Bombast, n. Fustian, rodomontade, rant, inflated style, swelling or pom pous phraseology. Bombastic, a. Inflated, turgid, tumid, swelling, stilted, grandiloquent, pom pous, sophomorical, high-flown, high- sOunding, HIGHFALUTIN. Bona fide, [L.] Really, truly, actually, sincerely, in good faith, without fraud. Bond, n. 1. Band, ligature, cord, chain, FETTER. BONDAGE 50 BOTHER 3. Obligation, compact. Bondage, n. Servitude, slavery, thral dom, captivity, imprisonment, confine ment, bond-service, bonds, restraint of personal liberty. Bonds, TO. pi. Imprisonment, captivity, chains, FETTERS, BONDAGE. Bonbon, n. [Fr.] Sweetmeat, sugar plum. Bone-ash, n. Bone-earth, burnt bones, earthy matter of bones. Bone-black, TO. IVOBY-BLACK, animal charcoal. Bone-earth, n. BONE- ASH. Bone of contention, Subject of conten tion, subject of dispute. Boneset, n. Thoroughwort, fever- wort, ague-weed, Indian sage ( Eupato- rium perfoliatum). Bonhomie, n. [Fr.] Good-nature, easy humor, good-natured simplicity. Bonito, n. Albicore, horse-mackerel ( Thynnus pelamys). Bonmot, n. [Fr.] Jest, joke, witticism, witty repartee. Bonne-bouche, n. [Fr.] Titbit, deli cacy, nice bit, delicate morsel, choice morsel, delicious mouthful. .Bonny, a. 1. Handsome, beautiful, pretty. 3. Cheerful, blithe, sprightly, buoy ant, airy, gay, merry, joyous, jolly, jo cund, winsome, buxom, playful, sport ive, jocose, in good spirits, in high spirits. 3. Plump, round, chubby, in good health. ;Bon-ton, TO. [Fr.] High mode, fashion able style, style of high life. Bonus, TO. [L.] Premium, reward. Bon-vivant, . [Fr.] Luxurious liver, boon companion, jovial companion, jolly fellow. Booby, TO. 1. Simpleton, fool, DUNCE. 3. (Ornith.) Gannet, noddy, solan googb (Sula bassana). Book, TO. Work, volume. Booked up, Posted, well-informed. Bookish, a. Given to reading, fond of books, fond of study, very studious. Book-keeper, TO. Accountant. Book-learned, a. Versed in books. Book-madness, TO. Bibliomania. Book-maker, TO. Compiler. Book-making, TO. Compilation. .Bookstore, TO. [U.S.] Bookseller s shop Bookworm, TO. Great reader or student (without discrimination and without definite purpose). Booley, TO. [Irish.] Nomad, wanderer. Boom, v. TO. 1. Roar, resound. 2. Rush, bound, dash forward. Boon, TO. Gift, present, benefaction, grant, offering. Boon, a. 1. Kind, bountiful, gener ous. 3. Gay, merry, jovial, jolly, convivial. Boor, n. Rustic, clown, hind, lout, lub ber, swain, peasant, bumpkin, clod- pole, countryman, ploughman. * Boorish, a. Rustic, rude, clownish, loutish, bearish, awkward, chjmsy, un gainly, courtly coarse, rough, unrefined, un- courtly, ungraceful, gawky, lubberly. Boosy, a. BOOZY. Boot, v. a. [Generally used imperson ally.} Profit, benefit, advantage. Bootee, TO. Bootikin, half boot, short boot. Bootikin, TO. BOOTEE, half boot. Bootless, a. Useless, unavailing, fruit less, futile, unprofitable, profitless, valueless, worthless, ineffectual, abor tive, vain, idle, without avail. Booty, TO. Plunder (to be used for any purpose), spoil, pillage, PREY. Boozy, a. [Written also Bposy.} Tipsy, inebriated, fuddled, disguised, maudlin, mellow, SLEWED, GROGGY, half drunk, half seas over. Borax, TO. TINCAL, bi-borate of soda. Border, TO. 1. Edge, rim, brim, verge, brink, margin, skirt. 3. Limit, boundary, confine, frontier. Border, v. a. Put a border upon, adorn with a border, make a border for. Border on, Adjoin, be in contact with, be coterminous with, touch at the side or end of, be contiguous to, border up on. Border upon, BORDER ON. Bore, v. a. 1. Perforate, pierce, drill. 3. Weary (by tedious repetition), fa tigue, plague, trouble, vex, worry, an noy. Bore, TO. 1. Hole, calibre. 3. Proser, button-holder. 3. Eagre, great tidal flood. Boreal, a. Northern, northerly, arctic. Boreas, TO. The north wind. Born again, Regenerated regenerate, converted, renewed in spirit. Born days, [Low.] Life, lifetime. Borough, TO. Town (in England, a town represented in Parliament). Borrow, v. a. 1. Ask the loan of, take or receive as a loan. 3. Take, appropriate, adopt, make use of. Bosom, n. Breast. Bosom-friend, TO. Confidant, intimate friend, dear friend. Boss, TO. 1. Protuberance, knob, stud, protuberant part. 3. [Colloquial, U.S.] Superintend ent, overseer, master-workman. Boss, v. a. 1. Stud, cover with bosses. 3. [Colloquial, U.S.] Direct, over see, superintend. Bossy, TO. [Childish term.] Calf. Botch, TO. 1. Pustule, blotch, blain, sore. 3. Failure, miscarriage, bad work, bad job, clumsy performance, bungling piece of work. Botch, v. a. 1. Mend awkwardly, patch clumsily. 3. Put together unskilfully, con struct in a bungling manner. Both, a. The two, the one and the other. Both, conj. [Preceding a word or phrase ivhich is followed by and; Both and.] As well as, not only, but also. Bother, v. a. Perplex, worry, harass, BOTHER 51 BRAHMIN trouble, annoy, tease, vex, plague, mo lest, incommode, BORE, disturb, pester Bother, n. [Colloquial.] Perplexity, vex ation, annoyance, plague, trouble, bore Botheration, n. [Loiv.] BOTHER. Bottom, n. 1. Lowest part. 3. Foundation, basis, groundwork base. 3. Dale, valley, alluvial land. 4. Ship, vessel, sailing craft. 5. Fundament, seat. 6. Stamina, native strength, powei of endurance. 7. Grounds, lees, dregs, sediments. Bottom, v. a. Found, establish, build. Bottom, v. n. Rest (for support), be based. Boudoir, n. [Fr.] Cabinet, private room, retired apartment. Bough, n. Branch, limb, shoot. Bouilli, n. (Fr.] Stew, boiled meat, stewed meat. Bouillon, TO. [Fr.] Broth, soup. Bounce, n. 1. Knock, thump, sudden blow. 3. Bound, leap, jump, spring. 3. [Colloquial.] Boast, vaunt, brag. 4. [Colloquial.] Falsehood, lie, WHOPPER, bouncer. Bounce, v. n. 1. Bolt, leap or spring suddenly. 3. Rebound, recoil. 3. Knock, thump, beat. Bounce, v. a. Thrust, drive against. Bouncer, n. [Colloquial.} 1. Boaster, BLUSTERER, bully. 3. Falsehood, lie, WHOPPER, bounce. 3. Giant, STRAPPER, large person. Bouncing, a. [Colloquial.} Stout, lusty, strong, portly, burly, huge, great, strap ping. Bound, n. 1. Limit, BOUNDARY, bourn, border, confine. 3. Leap, jump, spring, bounce. Bound, v. a. Limit, border, terminate, circumscribe. Bound, v. n. 1. Jump, leap, spring. 3. Rebound, spring back. Bound, a. [Followed by to or for.] Destined, tending, going, on the way. Boundary, n. Limit, border, confine, bourn, bound, verge, term, termination. Bounden, a. Obligatory, binding, ap pointed. Boundless, a. Unbounded, unlimited, unconfined, undefined, immeasurable, illimitable, infinite. Bounteous, a. Liberal, BOUNTIFUL. Bountiful, a. Liberal, munificent, ben eficent, generous, princely, bounteous. Bounty, n. 1. Liberality, munificence, beneficence, generosity. 3. Present, gift, benefaction. 3. Premium (for encouragement), re ward. Bouquet, n. [Fr.] Nosegay, bunch of flowers. Bourgeoisie, n. [Fr.] Middle classes (especially such as depend on trade). Bourn, n. Bound, limit, confine, bor der, BOUNDARY. Bourse, n. [Fr.] Exchange. Bout, n. 1. Turn. 3. [Rare.} Conflict, contest, set to. Bow, v. a. l. Bend, inflect, crook, in- curvate, curve, make crooked. 3. Incline, turn downward. 3. Depress, sink, cast down, bring down. Bow, v. n. 1. Bend, buckle, be inflected, be bent. 3. Incline (in token of respect, rever ence, or submission), make a bow. Bow, n. (Naut. ) Fore part (of a ship), prow, beak, stem. Bowels, n. pi. 1. Intestines, guts, viscera, inwards. 3. Inside, interior, interior parts. 3. Compassion, pity, tenderness. Bower, n. Arbor, shady recess, shady retreat. Bow-hand, n. 1. (Archery.) The left hand. 3. (Music.) The right hand. Bowman, n. Archer, SAGITTARY. Bow- window, n. Bay-window. Box, n. 1. Case. 3. Blow, stroke, cuff. Box, v. a. 1. Enclose in a box. 3. Strike (with t/te Jiand or fist, as tne ears), buffet, cuff. Box-berry, n. Wintergreen, tea-berry, partridge-berry, mountain-tea (Gaul- theria procumbens). Box-elder, n. Ash-leaved maple (Ne- gundium Americanum). Box the compass, Name the points of compass in their order. Boy, n. Lad, stripling, male child. Boy-servant, n. Page, serving boy. Brace, v. -a. 1. Tighten, draw tight, make tense, strain up. 3. Strengthen, fortify, support, prop, give strength to. Brace, n. 1. Couple, pair. 3. Prop, support, stay, shore, strut. 3. Bit-stock. Braces, n. pi. 1. Suspenders, gallowses. 3. Straps (on which a carriage rests). Boyish, a. 1. Of boyhood. 3. Childish, puerile. Brachygraphy, n. Stenography, short hand. Bracing, a. Strengthening, invigorating. Brackets, n. pi. (Printing.) Crotchets. Brackish, a. Saltish, somewhat salt. Brag, v. n. Boast, vaunt, gasconade, bluster, vapor, flourish, exalt one s self, magnify one s self, TALK BIG. Brag, n. Boast, vaunt, gasconade, blus ter, bravado, vaporing, BLATHER SKITE, great cry and little wool. Braggadocio, n. Boaster, blusterer, vaunter, braggart, BLATHERSKITE^ gascon, vain-glorious fellow. Braggart, n. Boaster, BRAGGADOCIO. Braggart, a. BOASTFUL, boasting. Brag of, Boast, vaunt, magnify, exalt, make much of. Brahma, n. (Hindoo Mytliol.) The Creator, God. * n. [Written also Hindoo Priest. BRAID 52 BREAK Braid, v. n. Plait, plat, intertwine, in terweave, interlace, weave together. Brain-fever, n. Phrenitis. Brain-pan, n. Skull, cranium. Brains, n. pi. Understanding, sense, mind, reason, intellect, capacity, intel lectual faculties. Brake, n. 1. Fern. 2. Thicket, brushwood, jungle. Brake up, Put down the brakes (to stop a raihvoij train). Bramah press, Hydraulic press, hy drostatic press. Branch, n. 1. Bough, limb, shoot. 2. Offshoot, ramification, arm, pro jecting part. 3. Section, subdivision, part, portion, article, member. Branch, v. n. Diverge, ramify, spread in branches, shoot oft , branch off. Branch oft , Ramify, BRANCH. Branch out, Expatiate, be diffuse, speak diffusely. Branchia?, n. pi. [L.] Gills. Branching, n. Ramification, arbores- cence. Branching, a. Arborescent, arbori- form. dendriform, dendroid, dendritic. Brand, n. 1. Fire-brand. 2. Mark (of a hot iron). 3. Kind, quality. 4. Stigma, stain, reproach. 5. [Poetical.] . Sword. Brand, v. a. 1. Mark (ivith a hot iron). 2. Stigmatize, denounce. Brand-goose, n. Brant, brent (Anser bernicia). Brandish, v. a. Flourish, wave. Brand-new, a. Quite new, fire-new,, spick and span new, span new. Brant, n. Brent, BRAND-GOOSE. Brash, a. 1. Hasty, rash, impetuous. 2. [Local, U. S.] Brittle, fragile, easily broken. Brass, n. 1. Alloy of copper and zinc. 2. Assurance, boldness, pertness, ef frontery, presumption, audacity, for wardness, face, front, CHEEK. Brassy, a. [Colloquial.] Bold, pert, assuming, forward, CHEEKY, brazen, brazen-faced. Brat, n. [Term of contempt.] Child, urchin, bantling, infant, BAIRN. Bravado, n. Boast, boasting, brag, bluster, BLATHERSKITE. Brave, a. Fearless (from temperament), COURAGEOUS, intrepid, daring, un daunted, dauntless, valiant, bold, chiv alrous, chivalric, gallant, valorous, doughty, heroic, Spartan, lion-hearted. Brave, n. 1. [Rare.] Bully, hector, - blusterer. 2. Indian warrior. Brave, v. a. Defy, dare, challenge, set at defiance. Bravery, n. Fearlessness (from temper ament), COURAGE, intrepidity, audac ity, valor, gallantry, daring, boldness, spirit, mettle, pluck, manhood, heroism, SPUNK. Bravo, n. Bandit, assassin, assassinator, murderer, cut-throat, daring villain. Bravo, interj. "Well done. Brawl, v. n. Quarrel (noisily), dispute (angrily). 2. Roar, resound. Brawl, n. 1. Quarrel, wrangle, dis pute, uproar, broil, altercation, fracas, squabble* fray, AFFRAY, feud, tumult, disturbance, row, BOBBERY, MELEE. RUMPUS, outbreak. Brawny, a. Muscular, sinewy, stal wart, sturdy, athletic, powerful, strong, vigorous, lusty, robust, nervous, strap ping, Herculean, able-bodied. Bray, v. a. Pound (into small pieces or powder), bruise, crush, grind, commin ute, triturate. Bray, v . n. 1. Utter a harsh cry (like the ass). 2. Make a harsh sound. Braying, a. Blatant, bellowing, clam orous, vociferous, noisy, obstreperous. Braze, v. a. Solder with brass. Brazen, a. 1. Made of brass. 2. Bold, BRAZEN-FACED. Brazen-faced, a. Bold, impudent, as suming, forward, pert, saucy, brazen, BRASSY, CHEEKY. Brazier, n. 1. Worker or artificer in brass. 2. Pan for coals. Brazil-root, n. Ipecacuanha, ipecac. Brazil tea, Mate. Breach, n. 1. Break, fracture, rupture, opening, chasm, gap, crack, flaw, fis sure, rent, rift. 2. Infraction, violation, infringe ment, non-observance. 3. Quarrel, difference, variance, dis agreement, dissension, schism, misun derstanding, alienation, disaffection, rupture, falling out. Bread, n. Food (especially food made of grain), sustenance, aliment, nutriment, nourishment, subsistence, fare, diet, regimen, victuals, viands, provisions. Breadth, n. Width. Break, v. a. 1. Rend, sever, part, dis part, fracture, tear asunder. 2. Shatter, shiver, smash, batter, dash to pieces. 3. Enfeeble, enervate, weaken, im pair. 4. Tame, make tractable, make do cile. 5. Make bankrupt. 6. Discard, dismiss, discharge, de grade, cashier. 7. Violate, infringe, transgress, set at nought. 8. Lessen the force of (as a fall). 9. Interrupt, cease, intermit, cut short. 10. Disclose, open, unfold, lay open. Break, v. n. 1. Be shattered, be shiv ered, be dashed to pieces. 2. Burst, explode. 3. Open, dawn, appear. 4. Become bankrupt. 5. Decline, low health or strength. Break, n. 1. Breach, opening, gap. fis sure, rent, rift, chasm, rupture, frac ture. BREAK AWAY 53 BRIGHT 3. Interruption, pause, 3. Dawn, dawning. Break away, 1. Escape (against resist ance), break loose. 2. Be scattered, be dissipated. Break-bone fever, Dengue, dandy- fever. Break bulk, Begin to unload. Break down, (Active.) Crush, over whelm, overcome. Break down, (Neuter.) Fail, give out. Breaker, n. Wave, surge, billow. Break faith, Be faithless, be perfidious, falsify one s word. Break forth, Issue, burst out, break out. Break ground, Begin, commence opera tions. Break jail, Escape from jail. Break in, 1. -Make an irruption. 2. Intrude one s self, take up the dis course, begin to speak. Breaking, n. Rupture, fracture. Break or day, Dawn, dawning/ day break, morning, cockcrowirig, MORN, dayspring, peep of day, prime of day, first blush of the morning. Break off, 1. Be ruptured. 2. Desist, cease, stop, leave off. Break out, Issue, break forth, burst out. Break the ice, Make a beginning, pre pare the way, open a way. Breakwater, n. Jetty, pier, mole. Break \vith, Fall out, part friendship with. Breast, n. 1. Bosom. 2. Heart, conscience, seat of the affections. 3. Mamma, teat, dug, udder. Breast, v. a. Face, stem, withstand, oppose, resist, bare the breast against. Breast bone, n. Sternum. Breastwork, ft. (ForL) Parapet. Breath, n. 1. Air inspired and ex pired. 2. Life, existence, animation, breath of life, vital spark. 3. Respite, pause, rest. Breathe, v. n. 1. Respire. 2. Live, exist. 3. Pause, rest, take breath, have a respite. Breathe, v. a. 1. Inspire and expire. 3. Exhale, emit, give out, throw out. 3. Whisper, utter softly. 4. Indicate, manifest, express, show. Breathe in, Inhale, draw into the lungs. Breathe out, Expire, force out of the lungs. Breathing, n. 1. Respiration. 2. Aspiration, wish, desire, longing, craving, yearning. Breathing, a. Living, alive, live, not dead. Breathing-hole, n. Vent-hole. Breathless, a. 1. Out of breath. 2. Dead, lifeless, defunct. Breech, n. Hinder part, after part. Breech-band, n. Breeching. Breeches, n. pi. 1. Small-clothes. 2. Trousers, pantaloons, Breeching, n. Breech-band. Breed, v. a. 1. Nourish, nurture, fos ter, bring up. 3. Discipline, educate, instruct, train, teach, school. 3. Beget, get, procreate, engender, generate, produce. 4. Originate, occasion, give rise to, be the cause of. Breed, v. n. 1. Bring forth young, pro duce offspring. 3. Be born, be produced. Breed, n. Race (of animals), lineage, pedigree, progeny, stock. Breeding, n. 1. Nurture, education, discipline, instruction, training, school ing. 2. Deportment, manners. Breeze, n. Zephyr, air, gentle gale, moderate wind, light wind. 2. Quarrel, disturbance, commotion, noise, tumult, uproar, stir, agitation. Bregma, n. (Anat.) Sinciput, top of the head. Brent, n. Brant, brand-goose (Anser bernicla). Brett, n. Britzska. Breviary, n. 1. Abridgment, epitome, compeiid, compendium, summary, synopsis, syllabus, abstract, digest, brief, conspectus, outline, sum and sub stance. 2. Prayer-book. Brevipennate, a. (Omith.) Short winged. Brevity, n. 1. Briefness, shortness. 2. Conciseness, terseness, compres sion, succinctness, pithiness. Brew, v. a. 1. Prepare by fermentation. 2. Contrive, plot, devise, project, hatch, concoct, foment, excite, stir up. Brew, v. n. 1. Make beer. 2. Be gathering, be forming. Brewery, n. Brew-house. Bribe, n. Reward of treachery. Bribe, v. a. Suborn, gain by a bribe, give a bribe to. Bridal, a. Nuptial, connubial, hymene al, matrimonial, conjugal. Bridal, n. Marriage, wedding, nuptials, nuptial festival. Bridewell, n. Prison, jail, penitentiary, workhouse, house of correction. Bridle, n. Restraint, curb, check. Bridle, t. a. Restrain, control, check, curb, control, govern. Brief, a. 1. Short, concise, succinct, com pendious, laconic, CURT. 2. Transitory, fleeting, transient, tem porary, short-lived, ephemeral. Brief, n. 1. Epitome, compendium, sum mary, synopsis, syllabus, abstract, breviary, abridgment, conspectus. 2. Pontifical letter, papal rescript. 3. (Law.) Writ, precept. Briefly, ad. Concisely, in short, in brief, in a few words. Brigand, n. Robber, highwayman, free booter, marauder, outlaw, bandit. Bright, a. 1. Luminous, shining, re splendent, glowing, lustrous, beaming, gleaming, radiant, brilliant, effulgent, BRIGHTEN 54 BRUISE refulgent, splendid, beamy, silvery, ar gent. 2. Clear, transparent, lucid, pellucid, limpid. 3. Illustrious, gloiious, famous. 4. Acute, ingenious, discerning, keen, INTELLIGENT. 5. Auspicious, promising, propitious. Brighten, v. a. 1. Polish, burnish, fur bish, make bright. 2. Make cheerful, make joyous. Brighten, v. n. Grow bright. Brightness, n. 1. Lustre, splendor, brilliancy, radiance, resplendence, ef fulgence. 2. Clearness, transparency, lucidity. 3. Acuteness, ingenuity, sagacity, acumen, astuteness, discernment, moth er-wit, quick parts. Brilliancy, n. Splendor, lustre, bright ness, effulgence, refulgence, radiance, shine, sheen, gloss. Brilliant, a. 1. Sparkling, glittering, splendid, lustrous, shining, bright, beaming, radiant, effulgent, refulgent, resplendent. 2. Illustrious, glorious, celebrated, fa mous. Brilliant, n. Diamond (cut into facets). Brim, n. Edge, border, rim, verge, mar gin, skirt. Brimful, a. Quite full, full to the brim, choke full. Brimstone, n. 1. Sulphur. 2. [Commercial term.} Cane brim stone, roll sulphur, stick sulphur. Brinded, a. Brindled, tabby. Brindled, a. Brinded, tabby. Brine, n. 1. Salt water. 2. Sea, ocean, deep, main. Bring, v. a. 1. Convey, bear, FETCH. 2. Produce, gain, be the cause of, be the means of. 3. Draw, lead, induce, prevail upon. Bring about, Effect, achieve, accom plish, bring to pass. Bring hack, 1. Recall. 2. Restore, return. Bring down, Humble, abase. Bring forth, 1. Give birth to. 2. Produce, exhibit, show, expose, bring out, bring to light, make mani fest. Bring forward, Introduce, propose. Bring near, APPROXIMATE. Bring on, Originate, give rise to. Bring out, Produce, expose, show, ex hibit, bring forth, bring to light. Bring over, 1. Bear across. 2. Convert, win over. Bring to, 1. Check the course of (said of a ship). 2. Resuscitate, revive. Bring under, Subdue, repress, restrain, conquer, get the better of. Bring up, Educate, instruct, rear, nurse. Brink, n. Edge, border, margin, verge, brow. Briny, a. Salt. Brisk, a. Active, lively, smart, agile, nimble, quick, smart, alert, spry, spir ited, vivacious, sprightly. Brittle, a. Fragile, crumbling, shivery, frail, frangible, BRASH, easily broken (into pieces), easily shivered. Britzska, n. Brett. Broach, v. a. 1. Pierce, tap. 2. Utter, publish, proclaim, give out. Broached, a. Tapped, abroach, on tap. Broad, a. 1. Wide. 2. Large, ample, extensive, expand ed, extended, vast. 3. Spread, diffused, open. 4. Gross, coarse, indelicate, vulgar, obscene. Broaden, v. a. "Widen, make broad. Broadside, n. 1. Cannonade (from all the guns on the side of a ship). 2. Placard, bill, poster, hand-bill. Brochure, n. [Fr.j Pamphlet. Broil, n. Affray, fray, quarrel, conten tion, feud, BRAWL. Broken, a. 1. Shattered, rent, severed, separated. 2. Weakened, impaired, feeble, shak en, Spent, wasted, exhausted. 3. Abrupt, craggy, steep, precipitous, rough. Broken-hearted, a. Disconsolate, in consolable, comfortless, cheerless, sad, sorrowful, melancholy, woebegone, for lorn, undone, heart-broken, in despair. Broker, n. Factor, agent, middleman, go-between. Brood, v. n. Incubate. Brood, n. Offspring, progeny, issue. Brood over, Think long and anxiously about. Brook, n. Rivulet, streamlet, run, RUN NEL, runlet, rill, BURN, small stream. Brook, v. a. Endure, bear, abide, toler ate, suffer, put up with, submit to, bear with, take patiently or easily. Broom, n. Besom. Broth, n. Soup (in which meat has been macerated). Brothel, n. Bagnio, stew, bawdy-house, whore-house, house of prostitution, house of ill-fame. Brotherhood, n. 1. Relation of a broth er, mutual kindness (as of brothers). 2. Fraternity, ASSOCIATION, sodality, society, CLIQUE, coterie, clan, JUNTO. Brotherly, a. Fraternal, affectionate, kind, amicable, friendly, cordial. Brow, 7i. 1. Forehead. 2. Edge (as of a precipice), brink, bor der. Browbeat, v. a. Bully, overbear, treat insolently. Brown study, Reverie, musing, abstrac tion, preoccupation, absence, absence of mind. Browse, n. Tender twigs of shrubs and trees. Browse, v. a. Nibble, crop, feed upon. Browse, v. n. 1. Feed on browse. 2. [Colloquial.] Live precariously. Bruin, n. [Colloquial.] Bear. Bruise, v. a. 1. Crush, squeeze, contuse. 2. Break, batter, pound, bray, pul verize, comminute, triturate, break to pieces. Bruise, n. Contusion. BRUIT 55 BULL-HEAD Bruit, n. Rumor, fame, report, hearsay, town-talk. Bruit, v. a. Report, noise, blaze or spread abroad. Brunt, n. Shock, heat of onset. Brush, n. 1. Skirmish, engagement, rencounter, encounter, battle, contest, fight, conflict, collision, action, affair. 3. Thicket, bushes, shrubs, brush wood, Brushwood, n. Underwood, shrubs, bushes, brush. Brusque, a. [Fr.] Rude, rough, blunt, unceremonious, abrupt, bluff, gruff, un gentle, uncivil, ungracious, bearish, dis courteous, uncourteous, impolite. Brutal, a. 1. Savage, ferocious, cruel, inhuman, unfeeling, barbarous, barba rian, fell, barbaric, ruthless, truculent, bloody, brutish, brute. 3. Churlish, gruff, bearish, harsh, un civil, rude, rough, impolite, unmanner ly, BKUSQUE, ungentlemanly. 3. Gross, coarse, sensual, carnal, bru tish, beastly, bestial. Brutality, n. Savageness, inhumanity, barbarity, cruelty, brutishness, ferocity, truculence, hardness of heart. _ Brute, n. 1. BEAST (in a wild slate), quadruped, four-footed animal, fero cious animal. 3. Ruffian, barbarian, brutal mon ster. Brute, a. 1. Irrational, void of reason. 2. Bestial, savage, barbarous, BRU- TAL. 3. Rough, rude, uncivilized. Brutish, a. 1. BRUTAL. 3. Irrational, brute. 3. Stupid, dull, insensible. 4. Gross, carnal, sensual, bestial, beastly. Brutum fulmen, [L.] Harmless thun derbolt, loud but harmless threatening, empty sound. Bubble, n. 1. Water bladder. 3. Trifle, bagatelle, small matter. 3. Cheat, delusion, hoax, false show. Buccaneer, n. Pirate, corsair, sea-ro ver, sea-robber, freebooter, picaroon. Buck, n. 1. Male (of the deer, sheep, goat, rabbit, and hare). 3. Blade, spark, gallant; gay, dash ing fellow. Buckish, a. Gay, dashing. Buckle, v. a Fasten with a buckle. Buckle, v. n 1. Bend, bow. 3. [Rare.] Struggle, contend, strive. Buckle one s self, Apply vigorously, set one s self earnestly. Buckler, n. 1. Shield, aegis. 3. Defence, protection, safeguard. Bucolic, n. Eclogue, pastoral, idyl, pas toral poem. Bucolic, J Pastoral, rustic. Bucolical, ) Bud, n. Germ, gem, undeveloped branch or flower. Bud, v. n. Sprout, shoot, push, germi nate, vegetate, pullulate, put forth, burst forth, shoot forth. Budge, v. n. Stir, move, go. Budget, n. 1. Bag (with its contents), pack, packet, parcel, package, bundle, roll. 3. Stock, store, batch, lot, set, assort ment, collection. Buff, n. Buff-skin. Buff, a. 1. Light yellow. 3. Made of buff or buff-skin. Buffalo, n. [U. S.] Bison. Buffet, n. 1. Slap, box, knock, rap, blow, cuff. 2. Cupboard. Buffet, v. a. 1. Beat, box, strike, smite, cuff. 3. Struggle against, contend against. Bufne-headed, a. Dull, stupid, doltish, foolish, blockish, simple, witless, thick- skulled. Buffoon, n. Mountebank, harlequin, jester, droll, merry Andrew, punch, Punchinello, clown, zany, scaramouch, fool, antic, jack-pudding, pickle-her ring. Buffoonery, n. Jesting (of a low sort), mummery, foolery, tomfoolery, harle quinade, low pranks, vulgar tricks. Buff-skin, n. Buff. Bugaboo, n. [Low.] BUGBEAR. Bugbear, n. Hobgoblin, spectre, ogre, BUGABOO, POKER, Gorgon, Hydra, frightful object, raw head and bloody bones. Buggery, n. Sodomy, unnatural carnal intercourse. Build, v. a. Construct, erect, raise, fab ricate. Build, v. n. Construct edifices. Build upon, Depend on, rest on, rely upon, calculate upon, reckon upon, count upon. Building, n. 1. Construction. 3. Structure, edifice, erection, fabric, pile. Bulb, n. 1. (Bot.) Scaly bud (like the onion and the tulip). 3. Spherical protuberance. Bulbous, a. 1. (Bot.) Of the nature of the bulb. 3. Round, roundish, protuberant, swelling out. Bulbul, n. Persian nightingale (Pyco- notus jocosus). Bulge, n. Protuberance, bilge, belly, swell, swelling. Bulge, v. n. Protrude, jut out. Bulk, n. 1. Magnitude, size, volume, greatness, largeness, bigness, bulkiness, amplitude, mass, massiveness, dimen sions. 3. Body, gross, majority, main part, greater part, principal part. Bulkhead, n. (Naut.) Partition, di viding wall. Bulky, a. Large, great, big, huge, vast, of great size or bulk. Bull, n. 1. Male of bovine animals. 3. Edict (issued by the Pope), rescript. 3. Blunder (involving a contradic tion), gross mistake. 4. (Astron.) Taurus. Bull-head, n. 1. Blockhead, simple ton, fool, DUNCE. BULLY 56 BURSTING 3. Horn-pout, mud-pout, cat-fish (Pimelodus cattus). Bully, n. Blusterer, swaggerer, vaporer, hector, fire-eater, Hotspur, mock hero. Bully, v. a. Browbeat, overbear, treat insolently. Bullying, a. Blustering, swaggering, vaporing, vaunting, hectoring, bluff, grutt; bearish. Bullying, n. Blustering, swaggering, bluster, fanfaronade. Bulwark, n. 1. Rampart, redoubt, for tification. 3. Security, safeguard, palladium. Bumble-bee, n. Humble-bee. Bummer, n. [Colloquial U.S.] Raider (in search of provisions), forager. Bump, n. 1. Thump, knock, blow. 3. Swelling, protuberance. 3. [Colloquial, in allusion to the doc trine of Phrenology that protuberances on the skull indicate faculties of the mind.} Faculty, power, endowment, gift. Bump, v. a. Knock, thump, strike, hit. Bumpkin, n. Rustic, peasant, clodpole, clown, boor, hind, lout, lubber, swain, ploughman, countryman. Bumptious, a. [Colloquial.] Conceited, vain, egotistical, self-opinionated, self- conceited. Bunch, n. 1. Protuberance, hunch, knob, lump. 3. Cluster (as of grapes). 3. Batch, assortment, lot, set, parcel, collection. 4. Tuft, knot. Bundle, n. Package, pack, packet, par cel, budget, roll. Bundle, v. a. Tie in a bundle, put into bundles, bundle up. Bundle, v. n. 1. Depart hurriedly, set oft in a hurry. 2. Sleep together (witliout undress ing). Bundle off, (Active.) Send off in a hur ry- Bundle up, (Active.) Bundle, wrap up. Bungle, v. n. Do any thing clumsily. Bungler, n. Lubber, fumbler, clumsy workman, bad hand (at any thing), fresh-water sailor. Bungling, a. 1. Clumsy, awkward, unhandy, unskilful, maladroit, inapt. 3. Ill-done. Bunk, n. [Colloquial U.S.] Berth, bed. Bunk, v. n. [Colloquial U.S.] Lie (in a bunk), sleep. Bunker, n. Bin, crib. Bunt, v. n. Butt, strike with the head or the horns. Buoy, n. Float (to indicate shoals, dn- cJioring places, &c.). Buoy up, 1. Float, keep afloat, bear up, bear on the surface. 3. Encourage, embolden, reassure. Buoyancy, n. 1. Lightness, levity, specific lightness. 3. Vivacity, liveliness, sprightliness, cheerfulness, GAYETY. Buoyant, a. 1. Tending to float, light. 2. Cheerful, hopeful, lively, spright ly, vivacious, animated, spirited, joyful, joyous, gay, blithe, blithesome, jocund, sportive, elated, jubilant, in good spir its, in high spirits, full of life, full of spirit. Burbot, n. Eel-pout (Lota vulgaris). Burden, n. 1. Load, weight. 3. Cargo, freight, lading. 3. Incumbrance, clog, impediment, incubus, drag weight, dead weight. 4. Chorus, refrain. Burden, v. a. Load, overload, overlay, oppress, surcharge, put a burden upon. Burdensome, a. 1. Heavy, oppressive, onerous. 3. Troublesome, grievous, hard to bear. Bureau, n. 1. Chest of drawers. 2. Office, counting-room, place of business. 3. Department (of Government). Burgall, n. Conner, cunner, CHOGSET, blue perch. Burglary, n. House-breaking (at night). Burial, n. Interment, sepulture, inhu mation, entombment, burying. Burial-ground, n. Cemetery, grave yard, burying-ground, church-yard, ne cropolis. Burin, n. Graver, style. Burlesque, a. Comic, comical, funny, laughable, farcical, ludicrous, jocular, sportive. Burlesque, n. Caricature, travesty, parody, farce, ludicrous representation. Burlesque, v. a. Caricature, travesty, make ludicrous. Burly, a. 1. Stout, lusty, brawny, portly, bulky, strong, STRAPPING, BOUNCING. 3. Boisterous, noisy, blustering, swaggering, bullying, hectoring, coarse and rough. Burn, v. a. 1. Consume with fire, re duce to ashes. 3. Calcine, char, scorch, toast, parch, bake. 3. Injure by fire or heat. 4. Shrivel, cause to wither. Burn, v. n. 1. Flame, be on fire. 3. Glow, warm, be excited. Burn, n. [Scottish.] Brook, rivulet, streamlet, runnel, rivulet, rill, small stream. Burning, a. 1. Fiery, flaming, hot, scorching. 3. Glowing, ardent, fervent, fervid, impassioned, intense, earnest. 3. Vehement, powerful. Burning-glass, n. Convex lens. Burnish, v. a. Polish, furbish, brighten, make bright, make glossy. Burn one s fingers, Get one s self into trouble (as by meddling in the affairs of others, or by speculation), smart for it. Burst, v. n. 1. Break open (from inter nal pressure), fly open, be rent asunder. 3. Break out suddenly. Burst, v. a. Rend asunder, break open. Burst, n. Explosion, BURSTING. Bursting, n. Explosion, disruption, blast, burst. BURY 57 BY-ROOM Bury, v. a. 1. Cover (with earth, &c.), cover up. 2. Inter, inhume, entomb, inurn, lay in the grave, consign to the grave. 3. Hide, conceal, secrete, shroud. Burying, n. Interment, sepulture, in humation, entombment, burial. Burying-ground, n. Cemetery, grave yard, UURIAL-GROUND. Bury the hatchet, Make peace, be re conciled, sheathe the sword, put up the sword. Bush, n. Shrub. Bushel, n. Four pecks, eight gallons, thirty-two quarts. Business, n. 1. Calling, employment, occupation, pursuit, vocation, profes sion, craft, AVOCATION, walk of life. 2. Trade, commerce, traffic, dealing. 3. Concern, matter, aft air, transac tion. 4. Office, duty, function. Buskin, n. 1. Half boot (especially one with high soles, worn by the ancient tra gedians). 2. Tragedy, tragic drama. Buskined, a. 1. JJressed in buskins. 3. [Rare.] Tragic. Buss, v. a. [Colloquial.] Kiss. Buss, n. Kiss, smack. Bustle, v. n. Fuss, stir about, busy one s self, be active, be busy, bestir one s self, make a fuss, be in a fidget, be in a PUCKER, be in a stew, make much ado about trifles or about noth ing. Bustle, n. 1. Stir, FUSS, hurry, flurry, tumult, pother, commotion, ado, TO DO. 3. Bishop, TOURNURE. Busy, a. 1. Diligent, assiduous, indus trious, sedulous, notable, active, work ing, hard-working, at work; diligently employed, engaged, or occupied. 3. Brisk, stirring, bustling, nimble, agile, SPRY, constantly in motion. 3. Meddling, officious, importunate. Busy, v. a. Occupy, employ, make busy. Busybody, n. Meddler, intermeddler, meddlesome person, officious person. But, conj. 1. On the other hand, on the contrary. 3. Yet, still, however, nevertheless, moreover, further. 3. Unless, if it were not that, if ifc.be not that. 4. But that, otherwise than that. But, prep. Except, excepting. But, ad. Only, no more than. But, n. 1. End (especially the larger end), but-end. 3. Bound, boundary, mete. Butcher, n. Slayer, killer, murderer, slaughterer, assassin, cut-throat. Butcher, v. a. Kill, MURDER, slay, slaughter, massacre, ASSASSINATE, des patch, put to death. Butchery, n. MURDER, slaughter, mas sacre, carnage, bloodshed. But-end, n. Blunt end, but. Butt, n. l. Mark, object, target, point aimed at. 2. Laughing-stock. 3. Stroke, blew. 4. Cask. Butt, v. n. Bunt, strike with the head or the horns. Butter-bird, n. Bobolink, rice-bird, rice-bunting, reed-bird, skunk-bird, skunk-blackbird (Dolichonyx orizyvo- rus). Butterfly-shaped, a. Papilionaceous. Buttery, n. Pantry. Buttock, n. Rump. Button-ball tree, BUTTON-WOOD. Button-holder, n. Bore, prbser. Button-wood, n. Sycamore, plane-tree, button-ball tree, water-birch (Platanus occidentalis). Buttress, n. Shore, prop, support, stay, brace. jocund, sportive, frolicsome, jolly, airy, debonair, in high health and spirits. Buy, v. a. Purchase, bargain for. Buzz, v. n. 1. Hum, make a humming sound (as bees). 2. Whisper, murmur. Buzz, n. 1. Hum, humming noise. 2. Whisper, murmur. By, prep. 1. Through (as the cause, ot t/ie remote agent), WITH, by the agency of, by means of, by dint of. 2. At, on, by way of. 3. From, according to. 4. Near to, close by. 5. Past. 6. Along, over. By, ad. Near. By and by, Presently, soon, before long, m a short time. By chance, Perhaps, perchance, possibly, haply, PERAD VENTURE, maybe, it may be, as luck may have it, as it happened. By degrees, Gradually, step by step, little by little, by little and little. By dint of, By, by force of, by means of, by the agency of. By-end, n. By-purpose, private interest, secret purpose, self-interested purpose, clandestine design. By far, Very much, in a great degree. By fits, Irregularly, fitfully, by tits and starts. By fits and starts, BY FITS. Bygone, a. Past, gone by. By hand, With the hands, by the use of the hands. By hook or by crook, Somehow or other, one way or other, in one way or another, by any means. By-name, n. Nickname, SOBRIQUET. By one s self, 1. Alone, solitary. 3. On one s own account, ON ONE S OWN HOOK. By-path, n. By-way, private way. By-place, n. Retired place, out-of-the- way place. By-purpose, n. BY-END. By-road, n. Private road, unfrequented road. By-room, n. Private room, CABINET. BY ROTE 58 CALCULATION By rote, By mere repetition, without any exercise of the understanding, with no attention to the mean ing. Bystander, n. Spectator, looker-on. By stealth, Secretly, clandestinely. By the board, Overboard, over the side. By the bye, In passing, EN PASSANT, apropos to the matter in hand, by the way. By the job, At a stipulated price (for the ivholejob). By the strike, By the level measure. By the way, BY THE BYE. By-way, n. By-path, private way. Byword, n. 1. Saying, saw, maxim, adage, proverb, aphorism, apothegm, dictum, sententious precept. 2. Object of contempt, mark for scorn. 3. Slang, cant term. C Cabal, n. 1. CLIQUE (for some sinister purpose), junto, COTERIE, set, party, gang, faction, combination, league, con federacy, CAMARILLA. 2. Intrigue, plot, COMPLOT, conspira cy, machination. Cabal, v. n. Intrigue, plot, conspire. Cabalistic, a. Occult, secret, mysteri ous, mystic, mystical, dark. Cabaret, n. . [Fr.] Tavern, inn, hotel, public house, house of entertainment. Cabbage, v. a. [Colloquial.] Steal, pur loin, filch, pilfer, make off with.. Cabbage, n. 1. Plant of the genus Brasswa. 2. [Cant term.} Shreds of cloth, tai lors remnants. Cabin, n. Hut, hovel, cot, shed, poor cottage, mean dwelling. Cabinet, n. 1. Closet, boudoir, by-room, small room, private room, retired apart ment. 2. Ministry, council, body of advisers. Caboose, n. [Written also Camboose.] Cook-room (of a ship), galley. Cachalot, n. Sperm-whale, spermaceti- whale (Physeter macrocephalus). Cachinnation, n. Laughter (loud or im moderate), laugh, guffaw, horse-laugh. Cackle, v. n. 1. Laugh (with a sound lilce the cackling of a goose), GIGGLE, TITTER, SNICKER. 2. Prate, prattle, babble, chatter, pa laver, talk idly, talk nonsense. Cackle, n. Prattle, prate, twaddle, Idle talk, small talk. Cacoethes, n. [L.] 1. Bad habit, bad custom. 2. ( Med. ) Incurable ulcer. Cacophonous, a. Harsh, grating, dis cordant. Cacophony, n. Discord, jarring, jar, harsh sound. Cadaverous, a. Pale, pallid, wan, ghast ly, death-like. Caddis^ } n - Case-worm, cade-worm. Cadence, n. 1. Fall of the voice. 2. Tone, intonation, modulation of the voice. Cade-worm, n. Caddice, case-worm. Caduceus, n. [L.] Mercury s rod, Mer cury s staff. Caesura, n. Pause (in a verse], break. Caeteris paribus, [L.] Other things being equal, in like circumstances. Cafe, n. [Fr.] Restaurant, coftee-house. Caitiff, n. Villain, wretch, miscreant, knave, rascal, scoundrel, mean fel low. Cajole, v. a. 1. Coax, wheedle, natter, fawn upon. 2. Deceive (by flattery), delude, in veigle, entrap, impose upon. Cajolery, n. 1. Flattery, wheedling, fawning, coaxing, adulation, blandish ment, blarney, SOFT SAWDER, SOFT SOAP. 2. Deceit, deception, imposition. Cake, v. n. Harden, solidify, concrete, become firm or solid. Calamine, n. Silicate of zinc (in a min eral state). Calamitous, a. Disastrous, unlucky, unfortunate, adverse, untoward, un happy, unprosperous, hapless, ill-fated, ill-starred, deplorable, ruinous, misera ble, wretched, dreadful, distressful, af flictive, sad, grievous. Calamity, n. Disaster, misfortune, ca tastrophe, mishap, mischance, reverse, visitation, trial, blow, stroke, trouble, affliction, adversity, distress, hardship, casualty, ill luck, ill fortune. Calcareous, a. Limy. Calcai-eous spar, Iceland spar, Iceland crystal, crystallized carbonate of lime. Calcine, v . a. 1. Burn, reduce to ashes. . 2. Oxidize, oxidate. Calculable, a. Computable. Calculate, v. a. 1. Compute, reckon, estimate, count, rate, cast. 2. Adjust, adapt, fit. Calculate, v. n. Tell, estimate, make a calculation, make a computation, cast accounts. Calculate upon, Anticipate, contem plate, foresee, expect, look forward to, look out for, reckon upon, count upon, rely upon, depend upon, prepare one s self for. Calculation, n. 1. Computation, reck oning. 2. Investigation, examination, inqui sition, inquiry, scrutiny, exploration, sifting. CALCULOUS 59 CANDID 3. Expectation, expectance, anticipa tion, contemplation, prospect. 4. Forethought, foresight, circum spection, wariness, caution, cautious ness, discretion, deliberation, prudence. Oalculous, a. Stony, gritty. Calculus, n. 1. (Med.) [L. pi. Calculi.] Morbid concretion. 2. [Eny. pi. Calculuses.] Fluxions, differential and integral calculus. Caledonian, a. Scottish, Scotch. Caledonian, n. Scotchman. Calefaction, n. Heating, incalescence. Calembour, n. [Fr.j Pun, quibble, play upon words. Calendar, n. 1. Almanac, ephemeris, register of the year. 2. List. Calender, n. Hot press. Calender, v. a. Smooth or glaze (by a calender.) Calendering, n. Glazing (by a calen der). Calibre, n. [Written also Caliber.] 1. Diameter of the bore. 2. Bore. 3. Talent, ability, faculty, endow ment, parts, genius, compass of mind. Calico, n. 1. [Eng.] Cotton cloth. 2. [U.S.] Print, printed cotton cloth. Caliper-compasses, n. pi. [Written also Caliber-compasses.] Calipers. Calipers, n. pi. CALIPER-COMPASSES. Call, v. a. 1. Name, term, denominate, entitle, style, phrase, designate, dub, christen. 2. Bid, invite, summon, ask to come, send for. 3. Convoke, assemble, convene, mus ter, call together. 4. Appoint, designate, elect, ordain, set apart. 5. Invoke, appeal to. Call, v. n. 1. Exclaim, cry, cry out, speak aloud, make appeal. 2. Make a short visit. Call, n, 1. Invitation, summons. 2. Demand, claim, requisition. 3. Short visit. Calling, n. Occupation, business, pro fession, pursuit, trade, craft, employ ment, vocation, AVOCATION, walk of life. Call on, 1. Invoke, appeal to, pray to, call upon. 2. Solicit, apply to. 3. Make a visit to, pay a visit to. Callous, a. 1. Indurated, hardened, hard. 2. Insensible, unfeeling, apathetic, obtuse, unsusceptible, unimpressible, sluggish, dull, torpid, indifferent, dead. Callow, a. Unfledged, unfeathered, naked. Call vipon, CALL ON. Calm, a. 1. Tranquil, serene, placid, quiet, still, smooth, halcyon, peaceful. 2. Undisturbed, composed, collected, unruffled, sedate, mild, cool. Calm, n. Serenity, CALMNESS. Calm, v. a. 1. Still, compose, hush, smooth, allay, lull. 2. Tranquillize, becalm, pacify, ap pease, assuage, quiet, soothe, soften, mollify, moderate, alleviate. Calmness, n. 1. Quietness, tranquilli ty, serenity, repose, peace, still calm, placidity, lull. peace, stillness, coolness, sedateness, . Mild composure. Calomel, n. Chloride of mercury, pro- tochloride of mercury, subchloride of mercury. Calorific, a. Heating, heat-producing. Calumet, n. Pipe of peace. Calumniate, v. a. Slander, asperse, malign, traduce, defame, scandalize, vilify, revile, abuse, lampoon, libel, blacken, blemish, accuse falsely. Calumniator, n. Slanderer, traducer, defamer, backbiter, libeller, lampooner, detractor. Calumnious, a. Slanderous, abusive, defamatory, contumelious, opprobrious, vituperative, scurrilous, insulting. Calumny, n. SLANDER (known to be false), defamation, aspersion, backbit ing, detraction, abuses, scandal, oblo quy, false accusation. Calyx, n. Flower-cup. Camarilla, n. [Sp.] CLIQUE, cabal, se cret cabinet, power behind the throne. Camboose, n. CABOOSE. Cambrian, a. Welsh. Cambrian, n. Welshman, Cambro-Brl- ton. Cambro-Briton, n. CAMBRIAN. Camelopard, n. Giraffe. Camerated, a. Arched, vaulted, bowed. Camous, a. Flat, depressed (said only of the nose). Camp, n. Encampment. Camp, v. n. Encamp, pitch one s tent, pitch a camp. Campanile, n. Belfry. Cainpeacliy wood, Logwood. Can, v. n. 1. Be able to, have power to. 2. Be possible to. Canada balsam, Balsam of fir, Canada turpentine. Canada snakeroot, Wild ginger. Canaille, n. [Fr.] Populace, rabble, mob, riffraff, the vulgar, the people, the crowd, vulgar herd, the ignoble vulgar, low peoplej lowest class of people, the multitude, the million, scum of society, dregs of society, RAG-TAG-AND-BOB- TAIL. Canard, n. [Fr.] Hoax, absurd or ri diculous fabrication. Cancel, v. a. 1. Obliterate, efface, erase, expunge, blot, blot out, rub out, scratch out, wipe out. 2. Abrogate, annul, repeal, rescind, revoke, abolish, nullify, quash, set aside, make void. Cancellated, a. Cross-barred. Candelabrum, n. [L. pi. Candelabra; Eng. pi. Candelabrums.] Chandelier, lustre, branched candlestick. Candid, a. 1. Impartial, fair, just, un prejudiced, unbiassed, upright, honest, sincere. 2. Open, free, ingenuous, artless, CANDIDATE 60 CAPITULATION frank, plain, honorable, NAIVE, guile less, straightforward, open-hearted, frank-hearted, above-board. Candidate, n. Aspirant, solicitant. Candor, n. 1. Fairness, honesty, sin cerity. 2. Openness, ingenuousness, artless- ness, frankness, guilelessness, truthful ness. Cane brimstone, Roll sulphur, stick sulphur. Canicula, n. Sirius, dog-star. Canicular days, Dog-days. Canine madness, Hydrophobia. Canker, v. a. Corrupt, corrode, erode, eat away. Canker-rash, n. Putrid sore throat. Canker-worna, n. Span-worm, looper, geometer. Cannibals, n. pi. Anthropophagi, man- eaters. Cannon, n. Great gun. Cannonade, v. a. Attack with cannon, attack with heavy artillery. Canon, n. 1. Rule (especially in ecclesi astical matters), law, formula, formula ry- 2. Received books of Scripture, ca nonical books. 3. Catalogue of Saints. Canonical, a. 1. Received, authorized, according to the canon. 2. Regular, stated. Canonicals, n. pi. Full dress (of a cler gyman). Canonize, v. a. Declare a saint, make a saint of, enroll in the canon. Canopy, n. Awning, tilt. Canorous, a. Musical, tuneful. Cant, n. 1. Whining or affected speech. 2. Hypocrisy, pretence. 3. Peculiar form, of speech, profes sional terms. 4. Slang, barbarous jargon, low lan guage, inelegant expression. 5. Auction, vendue, auction sale. 6. Turn, tilt, slant. Cant, a. 1. Hypocritical, insincere, hol low, canting. 2. Vulgar, barbarous, unauthorized, inelegant. Cantankerous, a. Crabbed, perverse, stubborn, obstinate, unyielding, refrac tory, contumacious, headstrong, wilful, .dogged, intractable, heady, obdurate, stiff, cross-grained. Canter, n. 1. HYPOCKITE, Pharisee. 2. Easy gallop, gentle gallop. Canter, v. n. Gallop gently. Cantharides, n. pi. SPANISH FLIES. Canticle, n. SONG. Canticles, n. pi. The song of songs, Song of Solomon. Canting, a. 1. Affected. 2. Hypocritical, insincere, hollow, cant. V Cantonment, n. Quarters. Canvass, v. a. 1. Debate, discuss, dis pute, agitate, ventilate, controvert. 2. Investigate, examine, scrutinize, sift, study, consider, follow up, inquire into. 3. Bespeak the votes of, solicit votes from. Canvass, n. 1. Discussion, debate, dis pute. 2. Examination, scrutiny, sifting. 3. Solicitation of votes. Canyon, n. [Sp. Canon], Gorge, ravine, gulch. Caoutchouc, n. India-rubber, gum- elastic. Cap, v. a. 1. Crown, complete, finish. 2. Exceed, surpass, transcend, over top. Capability, n. Capableness, capacity, ability, ableness, skill, competency, ef ficiency. Capable, a. 1. Qualified, suited, fitted, adapted, susceptible. 2. Able, competent, intelligent, clev er, skilful, efficient, ingenious, saga cious, gifted, accomplished. Capableness, n. CAPABILITY. Capacious, a. Spacious, ample, large, wide, broad, extensive, roomy, expand ed, comprehensive. Capaciousness, n. CAPACITY. Capacitate, v. a. Qualify, enable, make able, make or render capable. Capacity, n. 1. Capaciousness, magni tude (in reference to contents), volume, dimensions, amplitude, extent of room or space. 2. Power (of apprehension), faculty, talent, genius, gift, turn, FORTE, parts, brains, aptness, aptitude, discernment, wit, mother-wit, calibre. 3. ABILITY, ableness, capability, cleverness, skill, skilfulness, competen cy, efficiency, readiness. 4. Office, post, sphere, province, char acter, function, service, charge. Cap-a-pie, ad. [Fr.] From head to foot. Caparison, n. Trappings (for a horse), bard, horse-armor. Cape, n. Headland ? promontory. Caper, v. n. Leap (in a frolicsome mood), hop, skip, jump, bound, romp, gambol, frisk, dance. Caper, n. Leap (in a frolicsome mood), skip, hop, spring, bound, gambol, romp, prank, freak. Capillary, a. Fine (like a Jiair), slender, minute. Capital, a. 1. Chief, principal, leading, first in importance. 2. Excellent, good, prime, perfect, first-rate. Capital, n. 1. Metropolis, chief city or town. 2. Large letter, capital letter. 3. Stock, sum invested. 4. (Arch.) Head of a column, pillar or pilaster. Capital crime, Crime punishable with death. Capital letter, Capital, large letter. Capital punishment, Punishment or penalty of death. Capitation tax, Poll tax. Capitulate, v. n. Surrender (by treaty), yield on conditions. Capitulation, n. Surrender (by treaty). CAPRICE 61 CARMINATIVE Caprice, n. Whim, freak, fancy, hu mor, crotchet, maggot, quirk, vagary, whimsey, WRINKLE. Capricious, a. Whimsical, fanciful, fan tastical, crotchety, humorsome, way ward, odd, queer, fitful, freakish, very changeable. Capsicum, n. Cayenno, cayenne pep per, red pepper. Capsize, v. a. Upset, overturn. Capsule, n. 1. Case, wrapper, envelope, covering, shell, sheath. 3. (Bot.) Pod, pericarp, seed-vessel. 3. (Chem.) Evaporating dish. 4. Percussion cap. Captain, n. 1. Commander, leader, chief, chieftain. 3. Warrior, military genius. Captain-general, n. Generalissimo, general, commander-in-chief. Caption, n. 1. (Law.) Arrest, seizure, % apprehension. 3. [Not sanctioned by good writers.] Title or heading (as of a chapter or a discourse). Captious, a. 1. Censorious, cavilling, carping, critical, hypercritical, disposed to cavil, given to fault-finding. 3. Crabbed, snappish, peevish, pet tish, testy, touchy, waspish, fretful, splenetic, cross, snarling, acrimonious, petulant, cantankerous, contentious. 3. Ensnaring, insidious. Captivate, v. a. Charm, fascinate, en chant, bewitch, enamour, win, catch, lead captive, please highly. Captive, n. Prisoner. Captivity, n. 1. Imprisonment, con finement, duress, durance. 3. Bondage, thraldom, enthralment, servitude, subjection, slavery, vassal age. Capture, n. 1. Seizure, arrest, appre hension, catching, catch. 3. Prize. Capture, v. a. Seize, catch, apprehend, arrest, take by force, take possession of. Capucliin, n, Franciscan friar or monk. Caput mortuum, Residuum (of distilla tion or of sublimation), worthless res idue. Carack, n. [Written also Carac.] Ar gosy, galleon. Caramel, n. Burnt sugar. Caravansary,) n. Tsivern(intheeast), Caravansera, j inn, public house, house of entertainment. Carbonate of Ammonia, Sal-volatile, smelling-salts, sesqui-carbonate of am monia. Carbonic acid, n. CHOKE-DAMP, fixed air, foul air, mephitic air, carbonic- acid gas. Carbonize, v. a. Convert into carbon. Carcass, n. 1. Dead body (of an ani mal), corpse, CORSE. 3. Body (in contempt or ridicule). 3: Mere framework. Heart-bum. Cardinal, a. Principal, chief, main, leading, most important. Cardinal-bird, n. Cardinal grosbeck, Virginian nightingale (Fringilla car- dinajis). Cardinal-grosbeck, n. CARDINAL- BIRD. Cardinal points, East, west, north, and south. Cardinal virtues, Prudence, temper ance, justice, and fortitude. Carditis, n. (Med.) Inflammation of the heart. Care, n. 1. Anxiety, carefulness, solici tude, concern, trouble, perplexity. 3. Caution, heed, regard, attention, circumspection, watchfulness, vigi lance. 3. Charge, oversight, superintend ence, direction, management. Care, v. n. 1. Be anxious, be solicitous, feel concerned, be troubled, worry one s self. 3. Be inclined, be disposed. 3. Have regard. Careen, v. a. Lay on one side. Careen, v. n. Lean to one side, incline to one side. Career, n. 1. Course, race. 3. Procedure, conduct, course of ac tion, manner of life. Career, v. n. Sweep, rush, course, move rapidly. Care for, Have regard for, pay heed to, attach value to, ascribe importance to. Careful, a. 1. [Hare.] Anxious, solici tous, concerned, troubled, uneasy. 3. Heedful, PROVIDENT, attentive, thoughtful. 3. Watchful, cautious, circumspect, vigilant. Careless, a. 1. Unconcerned, undis turbed, untroubled, free from care. 3. Heedless, thoughtless, inatten tive, unmindful, incautious, unthink ing, forgetful, remiss, listless, regard less, neglectful, negligent. 3. Unconsidered, inconsiderate. Carelessness, n. Thoughtlessness, heed- lessness, inattention, inadvertence, in- considerateness, remissness, listless- ness. Caress, v. a. Fondle, embrace, hug, pet, kiss, coddle, cosset, treat with fondness. Caress, n. Embrace, kiss, expression of affection. Caressing, n Fondling, endearment, blandishment, billing and cooing. Cargo, n. Lading, freight, load, bui- den. Caricature, n. Travesty, parody, farce, burlesque, ludicrous representation. Caricature, v. a. Burlesque, travesty, parody. Caries, n [L.] (Med.) Ulceration (of a bone), cariosity. Cariosity, n. CARIES. Carious, a. Ulcerated (as a bone), de cayed, mortified, rotten, putrid. Carlock, n. Fish-glue (made from the bladder of the sturgeon), isinglass, ich- thyocol, ichthyocolla. Carminative, a. Warming, antispas- modic. CARNAGE CAST AWAY Carnage, n. Slaughter, butchery, mas sacre, murder, bloodshed, havoc. Carnal, a. 1. Fleshly, sensual. 3. Lustful, libidinous, lecherous, las civious, lickerish, concupiscent, sala cious. Carnality, n. Sensuality, grossness of mind, sensual appetites, fleshly lusts. Carnal-minded, a. Worldly-minded. Carnivorous, a. Flesh-eating. Carol, n. Song, lay, ditty. Carol, v. n. Sing, warble. Carol, v. a. Sing, warble, chant, hum, hymn, celebrate in song. Carousal, n. 1. Feast, festival, enter tainment, jovial banquet, merry-mak ing, house-warming, REGALE. 3. Revelling, revelry, revel, SPREE, JOLLIFICATION, bacchanals, saturna lia, debauch, competition, wassail, orgies, carouse, cups, drinking bout. Carouse, v. n. Revel, tipple, guzzle. Carouse, n. CAROUSAL, drinking bout. Carouser, n. Reveller, tippler, toper, drunkard, bacchanal, bacchanalian. Carp at, Censure, cavil at, find fault with. Carper, n. Caviller, censurer, censor. Carphology, n. Floccillation, tilmus. Carping, a. Cavilling, censorious, cap tious, complaining, hypercritical, Carping, n. Censure, cavil, fault-find ing, hypercriticism, captious criticism. Carpus,?i. [L.] (Anat.) Wrist. Carrageen, I n. [Written also Carra- Carrigeen, } oheen.] Irish moss, car rageen moss (Fucus crispus or Chond- rus crispus). Carriage, n. I. Vehicle, conveyance. 3. Conduct, deportment, behavior, bearing, manner, demeanor, air, mien. Carrion, n. Putrefying flesh. Carroty, a. Reddish-yellow (said of the hair). Carry, v. a. 1. Convey, bear, transport, transmit, TOTE, WAFT, FETCH. 3. Urge, impel, push forward. 3. Accomplish, effect, gain, secure, compass, bring about. 4. Support, sustain, bear up. 5. Transfer. 6. Imply, import, signify. Carry one s self, Conduct, behave, de mean one s self, carry it. Carry it, 1. Prevail. 3. Behave, conduct, demean one s self, carry one s self. Carry off, 1. Remove, take away. 3. Destroy, kill. Carry on, (Active) 1. Conduct, manage, transact, prosecute, continue, help for ward. 3. [Colloquial.] Frolic, behave wildly or rudely. Carry out, Apply, execute, put in prac tice. Carry through, Accomplish, consum mate, finish, complete, work out, bring to a close, bring about, bring to pass. Cart before the horse, [Colloquial.] Absurdity, absurd thing. Carte, n. [Fr.] Bill of fare. Carte-blanche, n. [Fr.] Unlimited au thority, full powers. Cartilage, n. Gristle. Cartilaginous, a. Gristly. Cartouch, n. Cartridge-box. Cartridge-box, n. Cartouch. Carucate, n. Plough-land. Carve, v. a. 1. Sculpture, chisel, cut. 3. Form, shape, fashion, mould. 3. Engrave, grave. 4. Cut in pieces or slices. Carve, v. n. 1. Exercise the trade of a carver. 3. Cut meat at table. Carver, n. Sculptor (in wood or ivory). Carving, n. Sculpture (in wood or ivory). Cascade, n. Cateract, waterfall, fall. Case, n. 1. Covering, sheath, capsule. 3. Box. 3. State, condition, situation, cate gory, plight, predicament, circu%- stances. 4. Suit, action, cause, process, trial. Caseharden, v. a. Harden (on tlie out side), steel, convert into steel (on the surface). Caseine, n. [Written also Casein.] Cas- eum, curd of milk, coagulable part of milk, coagulum of milk. Caseous, a. Cheesy, of the nature of cheese. Caseum, n. [L.] CASEINE. Caseworm, n. Caddice, caddis, cade- worm. Cash, . 1. Coin, specie. 3. Money, ready money. Cash, v. a. Turn into money. Cashier, v. a. Break, discharge, dis card, dismiss from office, cast off, turn away, send away. Casino, n. [It.] 1. Cottage, small house. 3. Club-house. Cask, n. 1. Hooped wooden vessel (as a hogshead, &c.). 3. Helmet, CASQUE. Casket, n. Little box. Casque, n. [Fr.] Helmet, cask. Cassava, n. Tapioca (crude), manioc. Cast, v. a. 1. Throw, fling, hurl, send, toss, pitch, sling, SHY. 3. Drive, impel, force, thrust. 3. Shed, put off, lay aside. 4. Compute, reckon, calculate. 5. Found, form in a mould. 6. Assign, allot, appoint, apportion, appropriate. 7. Direct, turn. Cast, v. n. Contrive, CAST ABOUT. Cast, n. 1. Throw, fling, toss. 3. Tinge, tint, shade, touch. 3. Manner, style, air, mien, look, turn, tone, character. 4. Mould, form. 5. Assignment of parts. Cast about, Contrive, plan, scheme, consider, revolve in the mind. Cast anchor, Let go the anchqr. Cast away, 1. Reject, discard, CAST OFF. 3. Wreck, strand, founder, ship wreck. CAST-A-WAY 63 CATHOLIC Cast-a-way, n. Outcast, reprobate, vag abond, abandoned wretch. Cast-a-way, a. Rejected, discarded, abandoned. Cast by, Reject, discard, throw away, cast oft . Cast down, Dejected, depressed, dis couraged, melancholy, sad, downcast, disheartened, chapfallen, downhearted, desponding, despondent, blue, dispir ited, low-spirited, in low spirits. Caste, n. Class, order, race. Caster, n. 1. Thrower. 2. Calculator. 3. Cruet, cruse. 4. Castor, small wheel or swivel (on which furniture is rolled). Cast forth, Eject, emit, throw out. Castigate, v. a. Chastise, correct, pun ish, chasten, discipline. Castigation, n. Punishment, chastise- <. ment, correction, discipline. Castigatory, n. (Law.) Trebuchet, tumbrel, ducking-stool, cucking-stool. Castle, n. 1. FORTRESS, citadel, strong hold, fortified residence. 2. Rook (in chess). Castle-builder, n. Visionary dreamer, enthusiast, fanciful projector. Cast in the teeth, Reproach with, twit with. Cast oft , 1. Reject, discard, abandon, forsake, renounce, lay aside, cast by, cast away, throw away, throw by, get rid of. 2. (Naut.) Loose, untie, let go, let slip. Castor, n. 1, Casterj small wheel or swivel (on which furniture is rolled). %. (Med.) Castoreum. Castoreum, n. [L.] (Med.) Castor. Cast out, 1. Eject, expel, oust, turn out of doors. 3. Send forth. Castrate, v. a. Geld, emasculate, glib, deprive of virility. Castration, n. OnCHOTOMY. Castrel, n. Windhover, kestrel, stannel (Falco tinnunculus). Cast up, 1. Compute, calculate, reckon, cast. 3. Eject, vomit, spew, puke. Casual, a. Accidental, fortuitous, inci dental, contingent, that happens by chance. Casualty, n. 1. Chance, fortuity, con tingency, hap, unforeseen event. 3. Accident, disaster, misfortune, calamity, mischance, catastrophy. Catachrestic, ) a. Forced, strained, Catachrestical, | far-fetched, recon dite, studiously sought. Cataclysm, n. Inundation, deluge, overflow, flood. Catacomb, n. Crypt, vault, tomb. Catalepsy, n. (Med.) Trance. Catalogue, n. List (arranged in a cer tain order), REGISTER, roll, record, IN VENTORY, schedule, INVOICE. Catamenia, n. pi. [Gr.] Menses, month ly courses, menstrual discharges, men strual flux. Catamenial, a. Menstrual. Catamount, n.- Cougar, puma, North American tiger (Felis concolor). Cataplasm, n. Poultice. Cataract, n. 1. Waterfall, fall, cas cade. 3. (Med.) Obstructed sight, loss of sight (from opacity of the crystalline lens). Catarrh, n. Cold in the head. Catastrophe, n. 1. Upshot, issue, con summation, conclusion, termination, denouement, FINALE, winding up, fin ishing stroke, final event. 3. CALAMITY, disaster, misfortune, mishap, mischance. Catch, v. a. 1. Grasp, seize, snatch, clutch, gripe, grasp, lay hold of, fasten upon. 3. Arrest, apprehend, capture. 3. Overtake, come up with. 4. Insnare, entrap, entangle. 5. Captivate, charm, enchant, fasci- nate,bewitch, win. 6. Take (as a disease). Catch, v. n. 1. Lay hold, take hold. 3. Be contagious, be communicated, spread by infection. Catch, n. 1. Seizure, CAPTURE. 3. Snatch, short effort. 3. Clasp, hook, HASP. 4. (Mus.) Humorous round. 5. Quantity of fish caught. Catch at, Grasp at, try to seize. Catchfly, n. Flybane. Catching, n. Seizure, capture, arrest, apprehension. Catching, a. Infectious, contagious, pestilential, pestiferous. Catch tripping, Find at fault, find in error. Catch- weed, n. Goose-grass, CLEAVERS. Catchword, n. Cue. Catechise, v. a. Question, interrogate, examine, put questions to. Catechu, n. Cutch, gambier, Japan earth, Terra Japonica. Catechumen, n. Pupil (in Christian ity), neophyte, convert, proselyte. Categorical, a. Positive, absolute, ex press, explicit, direct, emphatic. Category, n. 1. Class, head, division, order, rank. 3. Predicament, plight, condition, case, state, situation. Cater, v. n. Purvey, provide food, pro cure provisions. Caterer, n. Provider, purveyor. Catfish, n. 1. Horn-pout, mud-pout, bull-head (Pimalodus cattus). 2. Wolf-fish (Anarrhicas lupus). Cathartic, a. Purgative, evacuant, ab stergent, cleansing. Cathartic, n. Purge, purgative, physic, purgative medicine. Catheretic, n. (Med.) Caustic. Catheretic, a. (Med.) Caustic. Catholic, a. 1. Universal, general. 3. Liberal, tolerant, not bigoted, not exclusive, not sectarian. 3. Roman catholic. Catholic, n. Papist, Roman Catholic. CATHOLICISM 64 CENSURABLE Catholicism, n. 1. Universality, cath olicity. 3. Liberality, tolerance, largeness of mind. 3. Roman Catholic religion. Catholicity, n. CATHOLICISM. Catholicon, n. Panacea, universal remedy, universal medicine. Catkin, n. Ament, amentum, cat s- tail. Cat s-paw, n. Dupe (in serving anoth er s purpose), gull, cully. Cat s-tail, n. 1. (Bot.) CATKIN. 3. (Bot.) Timothy, timothy-grass, herds -grass (Phleum pretense). 3. Cirrus, mare s-tail.- Cattle, n. pi. Bovine quadrupeds. Cattle-plague, n. Murrain. Caul, n. Omentum, epiploon. Causal, a. Causative. Causative, a. Causal. Cause, n. 1. Origin, original, source, spring, mainspring. 3. Ground, reason, motive, consider ation, account, inducement, incentive, incitement, efficient cause. 3. Purpose, object, aim, final cause. 4. Effort, undertaking, enterprise. 5. (Laiv.) Suit, action, case, trial. Cause, v. a. 1. Produce, create, origin ate, occasion, give rise to, bring into existence. 3. Effect, bring about. Caustic, 11. CATHEKETIC. Caustic, a. 1. Corrosive, corroding, CATHERETIC, consuming, acrid, viru lent, eating away. 3. Severe, sarcastic, satirical, bitter, stinging, sharp, cutting. Cauterize, v. a. Sear, burn, with a hot iron, burn with cautery. Cautery, n. Application of hot iron or of caustics. Caution, n. 1. Wariness, heed, heed- fulness, circumspection, care, watch fulness, vigilance, forethought, provi dence, prudence, discretion. 3. Warning, admonition, injunction, advice, counsel. 3. Security, guaranty, surety, pledge. Caution, v. a. Warn, admonish, fore warn. Cautious, a. Prudent, wary, careful, heedful, chary, circumspect, discreet, watchful, vigilant. Cavalcade, n. Procession (of mounted men). Cavalier, n. 1. Knight, equestrian, horseman, chevalier, horse-soldier. 3. Partisan of Charles I. Cavalier, a. Disdainful, haughty, ar rogant, supercilious, scornful, insolent, pert, impertinent, saucy. Cavalry, n. Horse-soldiers, troops on horseback, mounted soldiers. Cave, n. Cavern, den, grotto. Cavern, n. Grotto, cave, den. Cavernous, a. Hollow. Cavil at, Censure (ivithout good reason), carp at, find fault with, raise objection to. Cavil, n. Frivolous objection, captious * criticism, unwarranted censure, falla cious reason, sophistical argument. Caviller, n. Carper, censurer, captious disputant, frivolous censor. Cavilling, a. Captious, censorious, carping, critical, hypercritical, dis posed to cavil, given to fault-finding. Cavity, n. Hollow, aperture, opening. Cayenne, n. Capsicum, red pepper, Cayenne pepper. Cease, v. n. 1. Desist, stop, stay, break off, leave off, give over. 3. Fail, be extinct, be wanting. 3. Terminate, end, be at an end, blow over. Ceaseless, a. Incessant, unceasing, perpetual, eternal, endless, everlasting, interminable, continual, unremitting. Cedar-bird, n. American wax-wing (Bombycilta Carolinensis or Ampelis Carolinensis). Cede, v. a. 1. Surrender, relinquish, yield, abandon, resign, deliver up, give up. 3. Grant, convey. Celebrate, v. a. 1. Praise, extol, laud, magnify, glorify, bless, commend, give praise to, make famous. 3. Commemorate, solemnize, honor, keep, observe, do honor to. Celebrated, a. Famous, renowned, dis tinguished, illustrious, eminent, famed, far-famed. Celebration, n. 1. Honor, praise, com mendation, laudation. 3. Commemoration, solemnization, observation. Celebrity, n. Fame, renown, glory, hon or, credit, reputation, eminence, dis tinction, repute. Celerity, n. Speed, quickness, swift ness, velocity, rapidity. Celestial, a. 1. Of the firmament, of the visible heavens. 3. Heavenly, supernal, angelic, ser aphic, godlike. Celibacy, n. Single life, unmarried state. Celibate, n. Bachelor, unmarried man. Celibate, a. Unmarried, single. Cell, n. 1. Small room. 3. Enclosed space, small cavity. Cellular, a. Alveolate, favose, honey combed. Cement, n. 1. Mortar. 3. Bond of union. Cement, v. a. Unite, connect, attach, join. Cement, v. n. Unite, cohere, stick to gether. Cemetery, n. Graveyard, burying- ground, burial-ground, church-yard, necropolis. Cenotaph, n. Monument (to one ivliose body is not buried under it or near it). Censor, n. 1. Inspector, critic. 3. Censurer, caviller. Censorious, a. Captious, carping, cant ing, hypercritical, severe, condemnato ry, fault-finding, hard to please, prone to find fault, apt to blame or censure. Censurable, a. Blamable, reprehensi- CENSURE 65 CHAM ble, culpable, blameworthy, faulty, worthy of censure. Censure, n. Blame, disapprobation, disapproval, condemnation, reproof, reproach, reprobation, reprehension, rebuke, reprimand, animadversion, stricture. Censure, v. a. Blame, reproach, re prove, chide, reprehend, OVERHAUL,, reprimand, rate, berate, scold, find fault with, pass censure on, take to task, bring to book, call over the coals, haul over the coals, call to* account, come down upon, snap up, BLOW UP. Censurer, n. 1. Censor, critic. 3. Caviller, carper. Cent, n. 1. Hundred. 3. Copper, ten mills, the one hun dredth part of a dollar. Centenary, n. Century, a hundred years. Centesimal, a Hundreth, by the hun dred. Centre, n. [Written also Center]. Mid dle, midst, middle point. Centrifugal, a. Tending from the cen tre. Centripetal, a. Tending to the centre. Centuple, a. Hundred-fold. Century, n. 1. Hundred. 3. Centenary, a hundred years. Cephalalgy, n. (Med.) Headache. Cere, v. a. Wax, smear with wax. Cereals, n. pi. Edible grains. Cerecloth, n. Cerement. Cerement, n. Cerecloth. Ceremonial, a. Ritual, formal. Ceremonial, n. Rite, form, formality, CEREMONY. Ceremonious, a. 1. Civil, respectful, courteous, courtly. 3. Formal, punctilious, stiff, precise, exact, starched, prim. Ceremony, n. 1. Rite, form, formality, ceremonial, solemnity, observance. 3. Parade, pomp, show, stateliness. Certain, a. 1. Indubitable, unques tionable, indisputable, undeniable, in contestable, uncontrovertible, unques tioned, undisputed, undoubted, abso lute, positive, plain, past dispute, beyond all question, sure as fate, sure as a gun, clear as day, not doubtful. 3. Sure, assured, confident, undoubt- ing, fully convinced. 3. Unfailing, infallible, never-failing. 4. Actual, real, existing. 5. Settled, determinate, fixed, stated, constant. 6. One, some, particular. Certainty, n. 1. Surety, indubitable- ness, certitude, freedom from doubt. 3. Truth, fact, fixed fact, accom plished fact, real state. Certificate, n. 1. Voucher, testimony. 3. Testimonial, attestation, creden tial. Certify, v. a. 1. Attest, testify to, vouch for. 3. Verify, ascertain, determine, make certain. Certitude, n. CERTAINTY. Cerulean, a. Azure, blue, sky-colored, sky-blue. Cerumen, n. Ear-wax. Ceruse, n. White-lead, carbonate of lead. Turfy, turf-like. Cessation, n. Stoppage, stop, intermis sion, remission, suspension, pause, rest, respite, discontinuance. Cession, n. 1. Surrender, relinquish- ment, yielding, renunciation, abandon ment. 3. Grant, conveyance. Cestus, . [L.] Girdle (especially the girdle of Venus), belt, cincture, band. Cetacean, n. Cetaceous animal. - "e whale kind. Chafe, v. a. 1. Rub, hurt by rubbing, wear by rubbing. 3. Irritate, vex, annoy, fret, tease, gall, chagrin, provoke, ruffle, ott end, nettle, incense, enrage, exasperate, anger, make angry. Chafe, v. n. 1. Be rubbed, be worn by rubbing. 3. Rage, fret, fume. Chaff, n. 1. Husks, hulls, glumes. 3. Refuse, worthless matter. Chaff, v. a. Ridicule, mock, scoff, de ride, jeer, flout, make fun of, POKE FUN AT. Chaffer, v. n. Higgle, haggle, bargain, negotiate. Chagrin, n. Mortification, vexation, displeasure, disquiet, ill-humor. Chagrin, v. a. Mortify, vex, irritate, chafe, annoy, displease, provoke, put out of temper. Chain, n. 1. Fetter, manacle, shackle, bond. 3. Connected series, orderly succes sion. Chain, v. a. 1. Fasten with a chain. 3. Confine, restrain, fetter, shackle, trammel. 3. Enslave, hold in bondage. Chair, n. 1. Movable seat. 3. Seat of justice, seat of authority. 3. Chairman, presiding officer. 4. Professorship. Chairman, n. Chair, presiding officer. Chaldaic, n. Chaldee, Chaldaic Ian guage. Chaldee, n. Chaldaic, Chaldaic lan guage. Chalice, n. Cup (especially the commun ion-cup), bowl. Chalky, a. Cretaceous. Challenge, v. a. 1. Defy, dare, brave, invite to trial, call to combat, call to answer. 3. Demand, require, claim, call for. 3. (Law.) Object to, take exceptions to. Challenge, n. 1. Defiance, summons to trial, call to combat, call to answer. 3. (Law.) Exception, objection. Chalybeate, a. Impregnated with iron. Cham, n. Khan, sovereign prince (of Tartary). CHAMBER 66 CHARGER Chamber, n. 1. Apartment, room, ball. 2. Cavity, hollow place. 3. Legislative body. Chamber-fellow, n. Chum. Chamber-pot, n. Urinal, jorden. Chamfer, v. a. 1. Bevel. 3. Channel, flute, groove, cut fur rows in, cut channels in. Chamfer, n. 1. Bevel. 3. Fluting, channel, furrow. Champ, v. a. Bite, chew, gnaw. Champaign, n. Flat, open country. Champaign, a. Flat, (as land), level, open. Champion, n. 1. Combatant (in behalf of others ), tighter, warrior. 3. Defender, protector, vindicator. Chance, n. 1. Accident, casualty, con tingency, fortuity, fortune, fortuitous event, unforseen event. 3. Risk, hazard, peril, jeopardy. Chance, v. n. Happen, occur, befall, betide, take place, fall out, turn up, come to pass. Chancery, n. 1. Court of Equity, Court of Chancery. a. [ U. S.] Equity, proceedings in equity. ^Change, v. a. 1. Shift, remove for an other, set aside for others. 3. ALTER, vary, modify, make differ- .ent, make some change in. 3. Exchange, barter, commute, give in exchange. .Change, v. n. Alter, vary, shift, veer, turn, undergo change, change about. .Change, n. 1. Alteration, variation, mutation, commutation, transition, transmutation, revolution. 3. Vicissitude, variety, novelty, inno vation. 3. Small coin, small money. (Changeable, a. 1. Variable, incon stant, unsteady, unsteadfast, unstable, unsettled, mutable, uncertain. 3. Fickle, wavering, vacillating, fit ful, capricious, volatile, giddy, like a weather-cock. Change about, CHANGE. Change hands, Change owners. Changeling, n. 1. Child (taJcen or left in place of another). 3. Oaf, simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Channel, n. 1. Passage, duct, conduit, water-course. 3. Gutter, furrow, fluting, chamfer. 3. Strait, arm of the sea, narrow sea. 4. Avenue, route, way. Channel, v. a. Groove, flute, chamfer, cut furrows in, cut channels in. Chant, v. a. & n. Sing, warble, carol. Chant, n. Song, carol, melody. Chanter, n. Singer, songster. Chanticleer, n. Cock, ROOSTER. Chaos, n. 1. Matter in a disorganized state, matter in confusion. 3. Disorder, confusion. Chaotic, a. Disordered, cqnfused. Chap, v. a. Crack,..split, cleave. Chap, v. n. Crack, open in slits. Chap, n. 1. Cleft, crack, opening. 3. Boy, youth, fellow. Chaparral, n. Thicket (of brambles and tliorny shrubs). Chapeau, n. [Fr.] Hat. Chapel, n. Church, temple, meeting house, place of worship. Chap-fallen, a. [Sometimes spelled chopfallen.] Dejected, dispirited, de pressed, discouraged, melancholy, sad, downcast, disheartened, downhearted, desponding, despondent, BLUE, crest fallen, low-spirited, in low spirits. Chaplet, n. Garland, wreath, coronal. Chaps, n.pl. Mouth, jaws. Char, v. a. Burn, scorch, reduce to charcoal. Character, n. 1. Mark, figure, sign, emblem, letter. 3. Constitution, quality, nature, dis position, cast, turn, bent. 3. Person, personage, individual, 4. Reputation, repute. Characteristic, a. Special, peculiar. Characteristic, ?t. Peculiarity, marked feature. Characterization, n. Designation (of properties), specification. Characterize, v. a. 1. Distinguish, des ignate, mark. 3. Describe, set forth the character of, specify the peculiarities of. Charcoal, n. Wood-coal. Charge, v. a. 1. Load, burden, freight, lade. 3. Intrust, put in one s keeping or care. 3. Ascribe, impute, lay, put, bring home to, lay to one s door, lay to one s charge. 4. Accuse, arraign, impeach, incul pate, criminate, indict, tax, call to ac count, take to task, inform against. 5. Command, order, bid, require, en join. 6. Attack, assault, fall upon, bear down upon, set on. Charge, v. n. Make an onset, make a charge. Charge, n. 1. Load, lading, cargo, freight, burden, what is carried. 3. Trust, care, custody, ward, man agement. 3. Commission, duty, office, employ ment. 4. Order, injunction, direction, man date, precept, command. 5. Instruction, exhortation. 6. Accusation, crimination. 7. Cost, expense, outlay, expendi ture. S. Price, sum charged. 9. Onset, onslaught, assault, attack, encounter. 10. (Her.) Bearing. Chargeable, a. 1. Ascribable, attrib utable, imputable, referrible, traceable, owing, to be charged. 3. Liable to be accused. 3. Burdensome (as a cause of ex pense ). Charger, n. 1. Dish, platter. 3. War-horse. CHARILY 67 heed- Charily, ad. Cautiously,warily, fully, carefully. Charitable, a. 1. Benevolent, kind, benign, full of good will. 2. Beneficent, liberal, free, bountiful, generous, munificent, open-hearted, free-hearted, open-handed. Charity, n. 1. Benevolence, kindness, tenderness, affection, benignity, hu manity, kind-heartedness, fellow-feel ing, good-will, good-nature, milk of human kindness. 2. Beneficence, liberality, generosity, bounty, alms-giving, active goodness, doing of good. 3. Benefaction, gift, alms. Charivari, n. [Fr.] Discordant music, mock serenade. Charlatan, n. Quack, empiric, mount ebank, pretender, impostor, cheat. Charlatanic, a. Empirical, quackish. Charlatanry, n. Quackery, empiricism, trickery, deceit. Charles s Wain, The Great Bear, UR SA MAJOR, The Wain. Charm, n. 1. Spell, enchantment, in cantation, witchery, magic, sorcery, necromancy, magical power. 2. Attraction, fascination, allure ment, attractiveness. Charm, v. a. 1. Subdue by a charm, allay by enchantment. 2. Fascinate, enchant, delight, at tract, captivate, catch, transport, en- ravish, enrapture, enamour, bewitch, allure, win, please highly, lead captive. Charmer, n. Enchanter, magician, sor cerer. Charming, a. Fascinating, captivating, enchanting, enrapturing, bewitching, delightful, lovely, very pleasant. Charnel-house, n. Ossuary, GKAVE. Charter, n. 1. Instrument, deed, in denture, act of incorporation. 2. Right, privilege, prerogative, im munity, franchise, liberty. Charter, v. a. 1. Incorporate, establish by charter, grant by charter. 2. Let or hire (a ship). Chary, a. Cautious, wary, careful, shy. Chase, c. a. 1. Pursue, hunt, track, run after, give chase to. 2. Emboss, enchase. Chase away, Drive away, force away. Chase, n. 1. Hunting, hunt, field-sport. 2. Pursuit, race. Chasm, n. 1. Breach, opening, cleft, fis sure. 2. Gap, hiatus, cavity, hollow. Chasseur, n. [Fr.] Horseman, horse- soldier, equestrian, chevalier, mounted soldier. Chaste, a. 1. Pure, undefiled, virtuous, modest, continent. 2. Decent, not obscene. 3. Uncorrupt, unaffected, simple, neat, in good taste. 4. Refined, elegant, classic. Chasten, v. a. Chastise, correct, punish, castigate. Chastening, n. Chastisement, punish ment, correction, castigation. ^ J> CHEEK/ Chasten, qtfrsect, Chastise, v. a. 1. punish, castigate. 2. Repress, restrain, moderate, check,, sober down. Chastisement, n. Punishment, chas tening, correction. Chastity, n. 1. Purity, virtue, modesty, continence. 2. Decency, freedom from obscenity. 3. Unaffoctedness, simplicity. Chat, v. n. Prattle, chatter, prate, bab ble, gossip, confabulate, talk freely, have a free and easy talk. Chat, n. Prattle, prate, gossip, confab ulation, chit-chat, easy conversation, free and easy talk. Chattels, n. pi. Goods, effects, furni ture, movables, movable property. Chatter, v. n. Prate, prattle, chat, gos sip, talk idly, talk freely. Chatter, n. Prate, prattle, CHAT. Chatterer, n. Prater, prattler, tattler, gossip, babbler, gadder, gadabout, rat tle-head. Cheap, a. 1. Low-priced. 2. Common, of little value, of small account. Cheapen, v. a. 1. Bid for, bargain for, ask the price of, try to get cheaper, haggle about, chaffer about. 2. Make cheap, lessen in value. Cheat, v. a. Defraud, trick, deceive, dupe, gull, overreach, jockey, cozen, chouse, outwit, bamboozle, circumvent, delude, hoodwink, diddle, beguile, mis lead, inveigle, gammon, impose iipon. Cheat, n. 1. Trick, deception, impos ture, imposition, juggle, stratagem, finesse, fraud, circumvention, delusion, artifice, deceit, chouse, BAM. 2. Trickster, impostor, rogue, knave, swindler, sharper, cheater, artful fel low. Cheater, n. Trickster, CHEAT. Check, n. 1. Restraint, curb, bridle, hinderance, stop, obstacle, impediment, obstruction, bar, barrier, damper, in terference, rebuff", repression, control. 2. Counter register, corresponding indenture, corresponding cipher. 3. Mark, symbol, sign. 4. Order for money. 5. Ticket, certificate of right. 6. Checkered cloth. Check, v . a. 1. Restrain, curb, bridle, hinder, obstruct, repress, chastise, coun teract, control, put a restraint upon, hold in check, put a damper upon, nip in the bud. 2. Reprove, chide, reprimand, re buke. 3. Note with a mark. Checker, v. a. Variegate, diversify. Checker-berry, n. Partridge-berry, squaw-vine, winter-clover (Mitchella repens). Checkers, n. pi. Draughts. Checkmate, v. a. Beat (at chess), con quer, vanquish, put in check. Cheek, n. 1. Side of the face. 2. [Colloquial.] Boldness, impudence, insolence, impertinence, sauciuess, as- CHEEK-BONE G8 CHIRRUP surance, audacity, presumption, face, front, effrontery, brass. Cheek-bone, n. ZYGOMA. Cheek by jowl, Close (as in familiar intercourse], face to face, side by side, TKTE-A-TETE, in close proximity. Cheeky, a. [Colloquial.] Bold, forward, pert, assuming, BRASSY, brazen-faced. Cheer, n. 1. Mirth, gayety, joy, glad ness, CHEERFULNESS. 2. Entertainment, provisions, food, repast, viands, victuals. 3. Acclamation, shout of applause. Cheer, v. a. 1. Gladden, exhilarate, in spirit, enliven, animate, incite, encour age. 2. Comfort, console, solace, make cheerful. 3. Applaud, clap, salute with cheers. Cheerful, a. Lively, sprightly, animat ed, joyful, joyous, blithe, mirthful, buoyant, gleeful, gay, cheery, airy, sun ny, jocund, jolly, in good spirits, of good cheer, in high feather. Cheerfulness, n. Liveliness, animation, joyfulness, joy, gladness, mirthfulness, cheer, buoyancy of spirits, flow of spirits, good spirits. Cheesy, a. Caseous, of the nature of cheese. Chef-d oeuvre, n. [Fr.] Master-piece, master-work, master-stroke, paragon, capital performance. Chemise, n. Shift, smock. Cherish, v. a. 1. Nurture, foster, nour ish, nurse, sustain, support, comfort, care for, treat tenderly. 2. Harbor, entertain, indulge, en courage, hold dear, embrace heartily. Chertip, v. n. Chirp, chirrup. Cherup, v. a. Encourage (by chirrup ing], inspirit, animate, cheer, chirrup. Chest, n. Breast, thorax, trunk (of the body). Chetah,re. [Sometimes written Cheetah.] Hunting leopard (Felis jubata). Chevalier, n. Knight, CAVALIER. Chew, v. a. 1. Masticate, manducate, MUNCH. 2. Champ, bite, gnaw. 3. Meditate, ruminate, muse on, re flect upon, chew the cud upon. Chew, v. n. Meditate, ruminate, muse, reflect. Chicane, n. 1. Trick, shift, ruse, strat agem, wile, artifice, fetch, CLAP TRAP. 2. Trickery, sophistry, chicanery. Chicanery, n. Trickery, duplicity, chi cane, sophistry, sophistication, decep tion. Chiccory, n. Succory. Chickadee, n. Black-capped titmouse (Parus atricapillus). Chickaree, n. Red squirrel (Sciurus Hudsonius). Chide, v. a. Rebuke, reprimand, cen sure, reprove, blame, upbraid, admon ish, scold, scold at. Chief, a. 1. Leading, supreme, head most, first, supreme, most eminent. 2. Principal, main, prime, vital, es pecial, great, grand, cardinal, master, most important. Chief, 71. 1. Chieftain, commander. 2. Leader, head, corypheus, principal person. Chiefly, ad. 1. Principally, eminently, mainly, especially, particularly, above all. 2. Mostly, for the most part. Chieftain, n. Leader (of a clan or oj troops), chief, commander, captain. Chiftbiinier, n. [Fr.] Rag-picker. Chigoe, n. CHIGRE. Chigre, n. (Ent.) Jigger, chigoe {Pulex penetrans). Child, n. [pi. Children.] 1. Infant, babe, baby, nursling, suckling, chit, brat, bantling, bairn, little one. 2. Young person. 3. Offspring, issue, progeny. Child-bearing, n. CHILDBIRTH. Childbed, n. Parturition, CHILDBIRTH. Childbirth, n. Parturition, delivery, travail, labor, childbed, child-bear ing. Childhood, n. Infancy, minority, pu pilage, nonage. Childish, a. 1. Puerile, infantile, in fantine, young, tender. 2. Foolish, silly, weak, trifling, frivo - lous. Childlike, a. Docile, meek, submissive, dutiful. Children, pi. of CHILD. Chiliad, n. Thousand. Chill, a. Cold, frigid, chilly, bleak. Chill, v. a. 1. Make chilly, make cold. 2. Depress, discourage, deject, damp en, dishearten. Chilly, a. Cool, CHILL, somewhat cold. Chime, n. Consonance, harmony, cor respondence of sound. Chime, v. n. Harmonize, accord, sound in harmony. Chime in with, Agree with, fall in with. Chimera, n. Illusion, hallucination, delusion, fantasy, phantom, dream, idle fancy, creature of the imagina tion. Chimerical, a. Imaginary, fantastic, fanciful, visionary, illusory, shadowy, wild, Quixotic, Utopian. Chimney-corner, n. Fireside. China, n. Porcelain, China ware. Chincapin, n. [Written also Chinqua pin and Chinkapin.] Dwarf chestnut ( Castanea pumila). Chink, n. 1. Opening, gap, crack, cran ny, crevice, cleft, rift, fissure, narrow aperture. 2. [Colloquial.] Money, coin. Chink, v. a. & n. Jingle. Chip, v. a. Hew, cut chips from. Chip, 71. Fragment, scrap, small piece. Chipmunk, n. [Written also Chipmonk and Chipmuk.] HACKEE, striped squir rel. Chirography, n. Handwriting, hand, style of penmanship. Chiromancy, re. Palmistry. Chirrup, v. n. Chirp, cherup. CHIRRUP 69 CHURCHYARD Chirrup, v. a. Encourage, animate, inspirit, cheer, cherup. Chisel, v. a. Cut, carve, sculpture. Chit-chat, n. Prattle, prate, gossip, chat, easy conversation, familiar talk, idle talk, free and easy talk. Chivalric, a. Gallant, CHIVALROUS. Chivalrous, a. Gallant, adventurous, valiant, brave, warlike, bold. Chivalry, n. 1. Knighthood, knight- errantry. 2. Valor, gallantry. Chloride of barium, Muriate of ba ryta, hydrochlorate of baryta. Chloride of lime, Bleaching powder. Chloride of mercury, Calomel, proto- chloride of mercury, subchloride of mercury. Chlorosis, n. (Med.) Green-sickness. Chogret, n. [Indian name.] Conner, cmmer, burgall, blue perch. Choice, n. Preference, election, selec tion, option, ALTERNATIVE. Choice, a. 1. Select, exquisite, precious, valuable, rare, uncommon, excellent. 2. Frugal, careful, chary, sparing. Choke, v. a. 1. Suffocate, stifle, smother, strangle, throttle. 2. Suppress, overpower, overcome, keep down. 3. Obstruct, close, block, stop, bar. Choke, v. n. Be choked. Choke-damp, n. Foul air, carbonic acid, carbonic-acid gas (accumulated in wells and pits). Chokeful, (i. Brimful, quite full. Choler,w. 1. Bile. 2. Anger, wrath, ire, fury, rage, spleen, exasperation. Cholera asphyxia, Asiatic cholera, spasmodic cholera. Choleric, a. Irascible, irritable, hasty, testy, touchy, petulant, waspish, hot, fiery, passionate. Choose, v. a. Select, elect, prefer, cull, pick, pick out, single out, fix upon, pitch upon, catch at, make choice of. Chop, v. a. 1. Cut (witli a quick blow). 2. Mince, cut into small pieces. Chop, v. n. Shift, veer, change sud denly. Chop, n. 1. Slice, piece cut off. 2. Brand, quality. Chop-fallen, a. [Preferably spelled CHAP-FALLEN.] MELANCHOLY, sad. Chop-house, n. Restaurant (of a low class), eating-house. Choral, n. Psalm-tune. Chord, n. 1. String (of a musical in strument). 2. Harmonious tones. 3. (Geom.) Right line uniting the extremities of an arc. Chore, n. Small job, light task. Chouse, v. a. Deceive, cheat, trick, de lude, defraud, swindle, dupe, gull, bamboozle, BAM, cozen, diddle, over reach, circumvent, beguile, hoodwink, victimize, take in, impose upon, put upon, practise upon, play upon. Chouse, n. 1. Dupe, tool, gull, simple ton, cully. 2. Trick, cheat, wile, ruse, BAM, im posture, imposition, fraud, deception, circumvention, deceit, double-dealing, stratagem, finesse, artifice, delusion, crafty device, piece of knaveiy. Chowchow, n. \CMnese.] Mixed pickles. Chowchow, a. Mixed, of several sorts. Chowder, n. Fish soup. Christ, n. The Anointed, The Messiah, Jesus, Immanuel, The Saviour, The Redeemer, The Mediator, The Inter cessor, The Advocate, The Judge, The Son of God, The Son of man, The Lamb of God, The Word. Christen, v. a. 1. Baptize. 2. Denominate, name, term, desig nate, style, call, dub, entitle, TITLE. Christian, n. Disciple of Christ. Christian name, Baptismal name (as distinguished from the family name or surname). Christianity, n. Religion of Christians, Christian religion, teachings of Christ, the Gospel, divine revelation. Christmas rose, Black hellebore (Helle- borus niger). Chrome-yellow, n. Chromate of lead. Chronic, a. Inveterate, deep-seated, of long duration. Chronicle, n. 1. Register (of events in the order of time), diary, journal. 2. Record, history, annals, narration, narrative, recital, account. Chronicle, v. a. Record, register. Chronicler, n. Historian. Chronometer, n. Time-keeper, time piece. Chrysalis, n. Pupa, aurelia, nympha. Chuhbed, ) a. Plump, CHUNKY, bonny, Chubby, J short and thick. Chuck, v. a. 1. Tap or pat (under the chin). 2. Throw, pitch, hurl, toss, FLIRT. Chuck, n. 1. Tap or pat (under the chin). 2. Throw, toss. Chuckle, v. n. 1. Giggle, titter, laugh (convulsively, in triumph or in deri sion). 2. Exult, triumph, crow. Chuckle, n. Giggle, titter, laughter (half suppressed), chuckling. Chuckle-head, n. [Low.] Blockhead, DUNCE. Chuckle-headed, a. Thick-headed, stupid, dull. Chuckling, n. Giggle, titter, CHUCKLE. Chum, n. Chamber-fellow, room-mate. Chump, n. Chunk. Chunk, n. Chump. Chunky, a. [ U. S.] Plump, chubby, short and thick. Church, n. 1. Temple, house of wor ship, house of God, meeting-house. 2. Body of Christians. 3. Ecclesiastical authority (as dis tinguished from that of the State). Churchman, n. 1. Ecclesiastic, clergy man, minister, pastor, divine, priest. 2. Episcopalian. Churchyard, n. Burying - ground, burial-ground, graveyard, cemetery, necropolis. CHURL 70 CITATION Churl, n. 1. Rustic, peasant, proletary, countryman, clodhopper, bumpkin, ploughman, clown. 3. Ill-bred man, surly fellow. 3. Niggard, miser, skinflint, scrimp, curmudgeon, hunks, mean fellow. Churlish, a. 1. Rude, harsh, BRUSQUE, uncivil, impolite, rough, brutal, surly, cynical, snarling, snappish, waspish. 2. Crabbed, morose, sullen, ill-tem pered. 3. Niggardly, miserly, close, close- fisted, sordid, penurious, stingy, mean, mercenary, avaricious, illiberal. Churlishness, n. 1. Rudeness, incivi lity, roughness, brutality, barbarism. 3.. Crabbedness, mproseness, sullen- ness, tartness, acrimony, acerbity, asperity, harshness, bitterness, ill tem per, bad blood. 3. Niggardliness, stinginess, penuri- ousness, closeness, meanness. Churn-owl, n. Goat-sucker, night-jar, wheel-bird (Caprirmilgus Europceus). Churr-worm, .. Mole-cricket, fan- cricket, fen-cricket (Gryllotalpa vul- garis). Cicada, n. Harvest-fly, LOCUST (popu larly, but erroneously, so called in the Cicatrize, v. a. Heal, skin over. Cicisbeo, n. [It.] Gallant (of a married woman), beau, suitor, lover, admirer, dangler about women. Ci-devant, a. [Fr.] Former, late, quon dam, old-time. Cimeter, n. Falchion. Cimeter-shaped, a. Actnaciform. Cimmerian, a. Black, very dark, in tensely dark. Cinchona, n. Quinquina, Peruvian bark, Jesuit s bark, Cinchona bark. Cincture, n. Band, belt, girdle, CESTUS. Cinctured, a. Girded, belted. Cinders, n. pi. Embers. Cinereous, a. Ashy, cineritious, like ashes. Cineritious, a. Ashy, CINEREOUS. Cinnabar, n. 1. Red sulphtiret of mer cury (native), bi-sulphuret of mercury. 3. Vermilion, red sulphuret of mer cury (artificial). Cion, n. Sprout, shoot, twig, branch, scion, offshoot. Cipher, n. 1. Zero, naught or nought, nothing. 3. Character, symbol, device. 3. Secret character, private alphabet. Cipher, v. n. Practise arithmetic. Circean, a. Magical, enchanting. Circle, n. 1. Round, plane figure. 3. Circumference, periphery, ring. 3. Orb, sphere, globe, ball. 4. Returning series. 5. Compass, enclosure. 6. Company, society, class, frater nity, COTERIE, CLIQUE, Set. Circlet, n. Little circle. Circuit, n. 1. Revolution, circular course. 3. Space, region, tract, district. 3. Boundary, compass, boundary line, distance round. 4. Course, tour, round, perambula tion, journey. Circuitous, a. Tortuous, devious, turn ing, winding, indirect, round about. Circular, a. Round, annular, ring- shaped. Circulate, v. n. 1. Move round, move in a circle. 3. Spread, be diffused, have cur rency. Circulate, v. a. Spread, diffuse, dis seminate, promulgate, propagate, give currency to, spread abroad. Circulation, . 1. Motion in a circle. 3. Diffusion, dissemination, promul gation, propagation. 3. Currency, money, circulating me dium. Circumambient, a. Surrounding, en compassing, encircling, circling, cir cumjacent, ambient. Circumference, n. Periphery. Circumjacent, a. Surrounding, encom passing, encircling, ambient, circum ambient, lying around. Circumlocution, n. Periphrasis, peri- phrase, circuit or compass of words, indirect expression, roundabout mode of speech. Circumlocutory, a. Periphrastical, periphrastic. 3ircumn Circumnavigate, v. a. Sail round. Circumscribe, v. a. Bound, encircle, surround, enclose, confine, restrict, limit, keep within bounds. Circumspect, a. Cautious, wary, care ful, watchful, heedful, considerate, ju dicious, vigilant, attentive, discreet, prudent; not rash, heedless, or head long. Circumspection, n. Caution, wariness, watchfulness, thoughtfulness, care, vigilance, attention, prudence, discre tion. Circumstance, n. Incident, accident, subsidiary fact. Circumstances, n. pi. Situation, condi tion, position, state of affairs, pecuniary standing. Circumstantial, a. Particular, minute, detailed. Circvimvent, v. a. Deceive, cheat, de fraud, trick, cozen, overreach, delude, hoodwink, dupe, gull, bamboozle, chouse, outwit, diddle, beguile, mis lead, inveigle, impose upon. Circumvention, n. Fraud, deception, imposition, imposture, deceit, cheat, cheating, trick, trickery. Cirrus, n. [pi. Cirri.] 1. (Bot.) Tendril, filament. 3. (Zool.) Filamentary appendage. 3. (Meteor.) Curl cloud, cat s tail, mare s tail. Cistern, n. Reservoir, tank. Citadel, n. FORTRESS, castle, strong hold. Citation, n. 1. Summons, official call or notice. CITE 71 CLATTERING 3. Quotation, extract, excerpt, quoted passage. 3. Enumeration, mention. Cite, v. a. 1. Summon, send for. 3. Quote, adduce, extract. 3. Enumerate, mention, bring for ward. Citizen, n. Inhabitant, resident, dweller. City, n. Incorporated town. Civic, a. Civil (as distinguished from military), municipal, political, not mili tary. Civil, a. 1. Civilized, not savage. 3. Municipal, political, civic, not military. 3. Intestine, domestic, not foreign. 4. Courteous, ceremonious, polite, refined, complaisant, urbane, obliging, affable, debonair, easy, gracious, well- bred. Civilities, n. pi. Acts of courtesy. Civility, n. Courtesy, courteousness, urbanity, politeness, affability, com- Elaisance, amiability, suavity, good reeding, elegance of manners. Civilization, n. Culture, cultivation, refinement. Civilize, v. a. Refine, cultivate, edu cate, polish, enlighten, improve, hu manize, reclaim from barbarism. Clack, n. 1. Click, clink, tick, beat. 3. Prate, prattle, babble, babbling, gossip, palaver, cackle, gabble, gab, idle talk, small talk. Clack, v. n. 1. Click, clink. 3. Prate, prattle, babble, gabble, chatter, jabber, clatter, gossip, talk idly. Claim, v. a. Require, ask, demand, challenge, call for. Claim, v. n. Derive a right, obtain a title. Claim, n. 1. Demand, call, requisition. 3. Right, pretension, title, privilege. Clairvoyance, n. Seeing without eyes, seeing in a mesmeric state. Clairvoyant, a. Able to see without eyes, seeing by mesmeric influence. Clam, v. a. Clog (with glutinous matter). Clamber, v. n. Climb (with difficulty), scramble. Clammy, a. Viscous, glutinous, gum my, viscid, sticky, slimy, ropy, ad hesive, dauby, smeary. Clamor, n. Outcry, vociferation, ex clamation, noise, hullabaloo, hubbub, uproar, blare. Clamor, v. n. Vociferate, cry out, make outcries. Clamorous, a. Vociferous, noisy, bois terous, obstreperous, uproarious, bla tant. Clan, n. 1. Race, tribe, family. 2. CLIQUE, COTEKIE, set, gang, brotherhood, fraternity, sodality. Clandestine, a. Concealed (for a bad purpose), hidden, private, underhand, underhanded, sly. Clang, n. Clangor, clank, clash, clash ing. Clang:, v. n. Clank, clash. Clangor, n. Clang, clank. Clank, v. n. Clang, clash. Clap, v. a. 1. Pat, strike gently. 2. Thrust, force, put hastily. 3. Applaud (by strilcing the hands to gether), cheer. Clap, n. 1. Blow, knock, slap. 3. Explosion, burst. 3. Gonorrhoea, venereal disease. Clap-trap, n. Trick (for the sake of effect, as on the stage), sham, HUMBUG, feint, imposture, pretence, delusion, imposition, BAM. Clap-trap, a. Deceptive, delusive, coun terfeit, sham, mock, spurious, false, make-believe. Clarification, n. Purification, clearing. Clarify, v. a. Purify, clear, make clear. Clash, v. n. 1. Collide, come into col lision, strike against each other. 3. Clank, clang. 3. Disagree, contend, interfere, be mutually opposed, act in a contrary direction. Clash, n. 1. Collision. 3. Clang, clank, clangor, clashing. 3. Opposition, contradiction. Clashing, n. 1. Clang, clank, clangor, clash. 3. Opposition, contradiction, hos tility, enmity. Clasp, v. a. l. Fasten with a clasp. 2. Grasp, gripe, clutch, grapple, put the fingers around, lay hold of, fasten upon. 3. Embrace, hug. Clasp, n. 1. Hook, catch, HASP. 3. Embrace, hug. Class, n. 1. Rank or order (of persons ). 3. Set (as of pupils pursuing the same studies). 3. Scientific division (of animate or inanimate objects, including orders, genera, and species), kind, sort. 4. Category, predicament. Class, v. a. Arrange, rank, range, clas sify, dispose, distribute, form into classes. Class-fellow, n. Classmate. Classic, n. First-rate work (of litera ture), work of the first class. Classic, ) a. 1. First-rate, of the first Classical, ) class (in literature). 3. Greek or Latin. 3. Elegant, polished, refined, chaste, pure, Attic. Classicalism, n. Classicism; classical taste, idiom, style, or expression. Classicism, n. CLASSICALISM. Classification, n. Arrangement, dis position, distribution, grouping, re ducing to order. Classify, v. a. Arrange, class, distribute, dispose, form into classes, reduce to order. Classmate, n. Class-fellow. Clatter, v. n. 1. Rattle. 3. Prate, prattle, babble, clack, gabble, clatter, jabber, talk loudly. Clatter, n. Rattling, clattering, clutter, confused noise. Clattering, n. CLATTER, confused noise. CLAUSE CLIENT Clause, n. 1. Part or subdivision (of a sentence). 2. Article, provision, proviso, condi tion, stipulation. Clavate, ) a. (Bot. and Zo dl.) Clavi- Clavated, j form, club-shaped. Clavicle, n. Collar-bone. Claviform, a. (Bot.) Clavate, clavated, club-shaped. Clavis, n. [L. pi. Claves ; Eng. pi. Cla- vises.] Key, explanation, clew, guide. Claw, TO. Talon. Claw, v. a. Tear (with the claios), scratch, lacerate, laniate. Clay, n. Argillaceous earth (consisting principally of alumina and silica). Clean, a. 1. Unstained, unspotted, spot less, unsoiled, unsullied, immaculate, cleanly, neat. 2. Entire, complete, perfect, not de fective. 3. Pure, innocent, free from moral impurity. Clean, ad. Entirely, completely, per fectly, altogether, wholly, thoroughly, fully, in all respects, in every respect, out and out. Clean, v. a. Cleanse, purify, make clean, free from dirt. Cleanly, a. CLEAN, neat, tidy. Cleanly, ad. Neatly, in a clean or neat manner. Cleanse, v. a. Purify, clean, make clean, free from dirt. Cleansing, TO. Purification, purifying. Cleansing, a. Purifying, purgative, ab stergent, cathartic. Clear, a. 1. Transparent, bright, pel lucid, limpid. 2. Unmixed, pure. 3. Unobstructed, unencumbered, free, open. 4. Serene, fair, cloudless, unclouded, sunny, unobscured, undimmed. 5. Net, without deductions. 6. Perspicuous, lucid, distinct, plain, intelligible. 7. Apparent, visible, palpable, evi dent, obvious, manifest, distinct, con spicuous, patent, unequivocal, unmis takable, indisputable, undeniable, un ambiguous, unquestionable, not to be mistaken. 8. Perspicacious, sharp, acute, dis cerning, prompt, quick. 9. Innocent, unspotted, spotless, guiltless, sinless, irreproachable, un blemished, unsullied, undefiled, immac ulate, clean. 10. Musical, silvery, sonorous, mellif luous, euphonious, not harsh, not jar ring. Clear, v. a. 1. Clarify, purify, refine, cleanse, make clear. 2. Free, loose, liberate, emancipate, disinthrall, set free. 3. Acquit, absolve, exonerate, dis charge, justify, vindicate, set right. 4. Extricate, disengage, disentangle, disembarrass. 5. Net, get or gain over and above expenses. 6. Pass by or over without touching. Clearance, TO, 1. Discharge, release, exoneration, acquittal. 2. (Com.) Permission to leave port, permission to sail. Clear away, v. n. Be fair, be fair weather, clear off, clear up. Clear-headed, a. INTELLIGENT, dis cerning, clear-sighted, keen-sighted, shrewd, sagacious, acute, long-headed. Clear of, Kid of, free from. Clear off, Be fair, be fair weather, clear away, clear up. Clear-sighted, a. Discerning, INTELLI GENT, shrewd, sagacious, acute, long headed, keen-sighted, clear-headed. Clear up, (Neuter.) Be fair, be fair weather, clear off, clear away. Clear up, (Active.) Explain, expound, make out, make plain. Cleave, v. n. 1. Adhere, cohere, stick, hold, be attached. 2. Cling, be united, be joined. 3. Separate, divide, part, open, split, crack, be divided, be sundered, be sev ered. Cleave, v. a. Split, rive, tear asunder. Cleavers, n. Hariff, goose-grass, catch- weed, scratch-weed (Galium aparine). Cleft, TO. Crevice, chink, fissure, rift, break, breach, gap, cranny, crack, in terstice, opening, fracture, chap, chasm. Clemency, TO. 1. Lenity, mercy, gen tleness, leniency, tenderness, kindness, compassion, fellow-feeling, long-suffer ing. 2. Mildness, softness. Clement, a. Lenient, merciful, com passionate, kind, indulgent, tender, gentle, humane, kind-hearted, tender hearted. Clepsydra, n. Water-clock. Clergy, n. Ministers, clergymen, CLOTH, body of ecclesiastics (in distinction from the laity). Clergyman, TO. Minister, divine, priest, pastor, parson, ecclesiastic, churchman. Clerk, n. 1. Recorder, registrar, scribe, penman, accountant. 2. Assistant (in a place of business). Clever, a. 1. Dexterous, skilful, apt, handy, ready, quick, smart, expert, able. 9. [U.S.] Kind, benign, amiable, obliging, accommodating, well-mean ing, well-disposed, good-natured, kind- hearted. Clew, n. Guide, direction, CLAVIS, clue. Click, v. TO. Tick, clack, clink, beat. Click, TO. 1. Tick, clack, clink, beat. 2. Pawl, detent, catch, ratchet. Clink, v. TO. CLICK, clack. Clink, TO. CLICK, clack. Cleverness, n. 1. Dexterity, adroit ness, skill, aptness, aptitude, readiness, quickness, smartness, expertness, abil ity. 2. [U.S.] Benignity, kindness, kind liness, amiability, kind-heartedness, fellow-feeling, good-nature. Client, TO. 1. Dependant. 2. Patron (of a laivyer). CLIENTAGE 73 CLOWNISH Clientage, n. Body of clients. Cliental, a. 1. [Rare.] Dependent. 2. Of clients. Cliff, n. Crag, precipice, high and steep rock. Climacteric, n. Critical period of life. Climate, n. 1. dime, zone, region, country. 2. Weather, state of the atmosphere. Climax, n. 1. (Rhet.) Gradation (in the structure of sentences), gradual rise. 2. Highest point, greatest degree. Climb, v. n. Mount or ascend (ivith diffi culty], get up, creep up. Climb, v. a. Mount or ascend (with dif ficulty), clamber, scramble. Clime, n. Region, country, zone, climate. Clinch, v. a. 1. Grasp, gripe, clasp, clutch, grapple, lay hold of. 2. Fasten, secure. 3. Confirm, fix, establish. Clinch, n. 1. Pun, ambiguity, quibble, CALEMBOUR, DOUBLE-EXTENDRE, dou- ble meaning, play upon words. 2. Clincher, cramp, hold-fast. Clincher, n. 1. Cramp, clinch, hold fast. 2. Conclusive argument. Cling, v. n. Adhere, hold, stick, cleave, be attached, hold fast. Clip, v. a. 1. Cut. 2. Prune, curtail, cut short. Clip, n. 1. Shearing, cutting. 2. Quantity sheared (as of wool). 3. I Colloquial, U.S.] Blow (with the Jiand), rap, knock. Clique, n. [Fr.] [Generally used in a bad sense.] Coterie, club, brotherhood, sodality, clan, junto, CABAL, CAMA RILLA, party, gang, set, private or ex clusive association. Cloak, n. 1. Mantle. 2. Mask, veil, cover, blind. Cloak, v. a. Mask, hide, veil, cover. Clod, n. 1. Lump of earth. 2. Ground, earth, turf, sod. Clodhopper, n. Rustic, peasant, coun tryman, boor, swain, hind, bumpkin, ploughman, clown. Clod-poll, n. Simpleton, fool, DUXCE. Clog, v. a. 1. Trammel, shackle, fetter. 2. Obstruct, impede, hinder, restrain, embarrass, cumber, encumber, CLAM. Clog, n. 1. Trammel, fetter, shackle, drag weight, dead weight. 2. Impediment, encumbrance, hin- derance, obstacle, obstruction, check, drawback. Cloister, n. Convent, monastery, abbey, nunnery, priory. Cloisteral, a. Recluse, solitary, seclud ed, sequestered, monastic. Close, v. a. 1. Shut, shut up. 2. Stop, obstruct, choke, stop up. 3. Conclude, finish, terminate, end, complete, bring to a period. Close, v. n. 1. Unite, coalesce, come . together, be brought together. 2. Terminate, end, be concluded. Close, n. End, conclusion, termination. Close, a. 1. Tight, closed, shut fast. 2. Hidden, secret, private. 3. Reserved, taciturn, reticent, secre tive, not communicative, of few words. 4. Retired, withdrawn, concealed, secluded, pent up. 5. Confined, stagnant, motionless. 6. Oppressive, uncomfortable. 7. Dense, compact, solid, compressed, firm, thick. 8. Near, approaching nearly. 9. Intense, intent, unremitting, ear nest, fixed. 10. Faithful, accurate, precise, exact, strict, nice. 11. Parsimonious, stingy, penurious, miserly, niggardly, close-fisted, close- handed, mean, illiberal, ungenerous. Close by, Very near, within a short distance hard by. Close-fisted, a. Penurious, parsimo nious, stingy, miserly, niggardly, mean, close, grasping, close-handed, with an itching palm. Close-handed, a. CLOSE-FISTED. Closet, n. Cabinet, small room. Close up, Unite, join, consolidate, bring together. Close with, 1. Accede to, consent to, agree to. 2. Agree with, make an agreement with. 3. Grapple with. Clot, n. Concretion, coagulation, crass- ament, CRASSAMENTUM. Clot, v. n. Concrete, coagulate. Cloth, n. 1. Woven fabric. 2. [With The prefixed.] Clergy, cler ical profession. Clothe, v. a. 1. Dress, attire, apparel, array, robe, put garments upon. 2. Provide garments for, provide with clothes, furnish with raiment. 3. Invest (ivith authority , &c.). Clothes, ?i. pi. Garments, raiment, ap parel, attire, vesture, vestments, dress, clothing, garb, costume, habiliments, habits. Clothing, n. Garments, CLOTHES. Cloud, n. 1. Nebulosity, haze, mist, fog, vapor, collection of vapor. 2. Dense mass (as of smoke). 3. Darkness, obscurity, gloom. Cloud, v. a. 1. Darken, obscure, dim, shade, shadow. 2. Variegate ( with dark reins or spots ). Cloud-compeller, n. Jupiter, Jove. Cloudy, a. 1. Clouded, murky, lower- ering, lurid, overcast. 2. Obscure, dark, dim, not clear. 3. Gloomy, dismal, not cheerful. Clown, n. 1. Rustic, peasant, swain, ploughman, countryman, bumpkin, lout, clodpole, boor, hind. 2. Churl, ill-bred man. 3. Buffoon, fool, mountebank, harle quin, jester, droll, punch, zany, scara mouch, merry Andrew, jack-pudding, pickle-herring. Clownish, a. 1. Rustic, boorish, lout ish, coarse, rough, awkward, clumsy, ungainly. 2. Rude, impolite, uncivil, ill-bred, ill-mannered. CLOT 74 CODGER Cloy, v. a. Satiate, glut, surfeit, pall, sate. Club, n. 1. Bludgeon, cudgel. 2. Association, society, company, set, fraternity, sodality, COTERIE, CLIQUE. Club, v. n. Co-operate, unite together, act in concert, club together. Club-house, n. CASINO. Clue, n. Guide, direction, clew, CLAVIS. Clump, n. Cluster, bunch, group, as semblage. Clumsy, a. 1. Unwieldy, ponderous, heavy, lumbering, ill-shaped, ill-made. 2. Awkward, unhandy, bungling, maladroit, inapt, unskilful, without dexterity. Cluster, n. Clump, bunch, group, as semblage, COMA. Cluster, v. n. Grow in bunches, grow in clusters, collect together. Clutch, v. a. Grasp, gripe, grapple, seize, catch, snatch, lay hold of, fasten upon. Clutch, n. Grasp, gripe, seizure. Clutches, n. pi. 1. Paws, talons. 2. Hands (implying rapacity or cru elty). Clutter, n. 1. Bustle, clatter, clattering, confused noise. 2. Confused mass. Clypeiform, a. Scutate, shield-shaped. Clyster, n. Injection, enema, lavement. Coadjutor, n. Assistant, helper, co- operator, auxiliary, colleague, partner, aider, ally, abettor, co-aid. Coagulate, v. a. & n. Curdle, concrete, thicken, clot. Coagulation, n. 1. Curdling, concre tion. 2. Clot, coagulum. Coagulum, n. Clot, coagulation. Co-aid, n. Assistant, COADJUTOR. Coalesce, v. n. 1. Unite, combine, blend, come together, become consoli dated. 2. Concur, fraternize, come to an agreement. Coal-fish, n. Cudden (Gades carbon- arius). Coal-hod, n. Coal-scuttle. Coalition, n. Union, alliance, confed eracy, federation, confederation, league, combination, copartnership, compact, federal compact, federal union. Coal-measures, n. pi. Bed of coal, strata of coal, carboniferous group. Coal-mine, n. Colliery, coal-pit. Coal-pit, n. Colliery, coal-mine. Coal-scuttle, n. Coal-hod. Coarse, a. 1. Of large size. 2. Of large fibres or particles. 3. Crude, rough, impure, unpurified. 4. Gross, broad, indelicate, indecent, vulgar, not refined. 5. Rude, unpolished, uncivil, impo lite, gruft , bluff, bearish, brutal. 6. Mean, vile, inelegant. Coast, n. 1. [Hare.] Border, frontier. 2. Shore, beach, strand, seaboard, seaside, seacoast. Coast, v. n. 1. Sail along the coast. 2. Slide down a hill (on a sled). Coac, n. 1. Outer garment (of men). 2. Cover, covering, integument, coat ing. Coat, v. a. Cover, spread a covering over. Coating, n. Covering, coat. Coax, v. a. Wheedle, cajole, flatter, cog, persuade by fondling, prevail upon by flattery. Cob, n. 1. Sea-mew, sea-cob, gull, mew. 2. Horse (short-legged and stout). 3. [U.S.] Spike (of maize), corn-cob. Cobble, v. a. Botch, tinker, patch up, mend clumsily. Cobble, n. Cobble-stone, small round stone. Cobble-stone, n. COBBLE. Cobbler, n. 1. Mender of shoes. 2. Clumsy workman. Cobra, n. Hooded snake, COBRA-DE- CAPELLO. Cobra-de-Capello, n. [Port.] Cobra, hooded snake, spectacled snake (Naja tripudians). Cobweb, n. Spider s web. Cochineal, n. Cochineal insect (billed by boiling ivater, and dried in the sun). Cochleary, a. COCHLEATE, COCHLEAT- ED, spiral, spiry, screw-shaped. Cochleate, I <a n iril ^nrTTFTTABv CochleatedJ a " P lial <-OCHLEARY. Cock, ?i. Chanticleer, ROOSTER. Cock-a-hoop, a. Boasting, boastful, bragging, vaunting, vaporing, bluster ing, exulting, triumphant. Cock-and-bull story, Absurd story, exaggerated tale. Cockatrice, n. Basilisk. Cockchafer, n. May-bug, dor, dor-bug, tree-beetle, dor-beetle, May-beetle, dummador (Melontha vulgaris). Cock-crowing, n. Dawn, day-break, peep of day, first blush of the morn ing. Cocker, v. a. [Rare.} Indulge (unduly), fondle, pamper. Cockerel, n. Young cock or rooster. Cockering, n. Indulgence (to excess), pampering, humoring. Cock-eyed, a. Squint-eyed. Cockle, v. a. Wrinkle, corrugate, puck er, gather into folds. Cockling, a. Curling, ruffled. Cock-loft, 71. Garret, loft, attic, upper story. Cocksure, a. [Colloquial.] Very sure, quite sure, quite certain, very confi dent. Cod, n. Codfish (Morrliua vulgaris). Coddle, v. a. 1. Parboil, boil slightly. 2. Humor, coax, cajole, wheedle, court, STUFF, pay court to, fawn upon, curry favor with, try to win by adula tion. 3. Fondle, caress, pet, treat with fondness, make much of. Code, n. Digest, collection of laws. Codfish, n. COD. Codger, n. 1. Miser, niggard, churl, curmudgeon, lick-penny, skinflint, scrimp, hunks, screw, muckworm. 2. Queer old man, eccentric person. CODICIL 75 COLLECTION Codicil, n. Supplement or postscript (to a ivill). Codify, v. a. Digest, systematize, reduce to a code or digest. Coeliac, a. Of the belly. Cceliac passion, Chronic diarrhoea. Co-equal, a. Co-ordinate, on a level, on a par. Coerce, v. a. 1. Restrain, curb, check, put under restraint. 3. Compel, force, drive, constrain. Coercion, n. 1. Restraint, check, curb. 2. Compulsion, constraint. Coercive, a. 1. Coercing, checking, re straining. 2. Constraining, compelling, compul sory. Coetaneous, a. COEVAL. Coeval, a. Coetaneous, of the same age. Coexist, v. n. Exist together, exist at the same time. Coexistent, a. Simultaneous, synchro nous. Coffer, n. 1. Money-chest, strong-box, safe. 3. (Arch.) Sunken panel. Cog, v. a. l. COAX, wheedle. 2. Furnish with cogs. Cog, v. n. Deceive, CHEAT. Cog, n. 1. Trick, deceit, fraud, cheat. 3. Tooth (of a ivheel). Cogency, n. Force, strength, power. Cogent, a. Forcible, effective, powerful, urgent, potent, irresistible, resistless, convincing, conclusive. Cogitate, v. n. Meditate, think, reflect, consider, ponder, deliberate, ruminate, muse. Cogitation, n. Meditation, thought, reflection, deliberation. Cognate, a. Allied, akin, kin, related, kindred, similar, analogous, alike, of a piece. Cognition, n. Knowledge, cognizance. Cognizance, n. Knowledge, cognition, observation. Cognizant of, Aware of, acquainted with, familiar with, conversant with, having knowledge of. Cognomen, n. Surname, family name. Cohabit, v. n. Live together (as husband and wife). Co-heir, n. Joint heir. Cohere, v. n. 1. Adhere, cleave, unite, hold, stick together, hold together. 2. Suit, fit, agree, square, quadrate, tally, coincide, comport. Coherence, ) n. Cohesion, union, con- Coherency, j nection, dependence. 2. Consistency, congruity, corre spondence, harmony, agreement. Coherent, a. 1. Connected, united, sticking together. 2. Consistent, congruous, logical. Cohesion, n. Coherence, sticking to gether. Coiffure, n. Head-dress. Coil, v. a. Gather into a coil. Coil, n. Convolution, BIGHT, circular heap. Coin, n. Specie, cash, metallic money, hard mone y, stamped money. Coin, v. a. 1. Convert (metal] into mon ey by stamping. 3. Invent, fabricate, devise, create. Coinage, n. 1. Coin. 3. Invention, fabrication, creation. Coincide, v. n. 1. Correspond, quad rate, square, tally, cohere. 3. Agree, concur, harmonize, be of the same mind. Coincidence, n. 1. Correspondence. 3. Agreement, concurrence, consist ency. Coincident, a. 1. Correspondent, tally ing, squaring. 2. Agreeing, concurring, concurrent. Coition, n. Copulation. Cold, a. 1. Frigid, GELID, cool, not warm, not hot. 3. Bleak, raw, biting, cutting, nip ping, frosty, icy, wintry, hyemal, bru mal. 3. Chilly, chill, shivering. 4. Apathetic, phlegmatic, stoical, unfeeling, unsusceptible, uiiimpressi- ble, passionless, cold-blooded, sluggish, torpid, lukewarm, dead, indifferent, unconcerned. 5. Unaftecting, uninteresting. Cold, n. 1. Absence of warmth, priva tion of heat. 3. Coldness, chilliness. 3. Catarrh, cough (or other inflamma tory disease produced by exposure to cold). Cold-blooded, a. 1. With cold blood. 3. Unfeeling, apathetic, passionless, COLD, cold-hearted, hard-hearted, cruel. Cold-hearted, a. Unfeeling, COLD BLOODED. Colewort, n. Kale. Colic, n. Belly-ache, pain in the bowels. Collapse, n. 1. Falling together, falling in (as the sides of a flue). 3. (Med.) Prostration, exhaustion, extreme depression. Collapse, v. n. Fall together, fall in. Collar, n. Neck-band. Collar-bone, n. Clavicle. Collate, v. a. Compare, bring into com parison, estimate relatively. Collateral, a. 1. Indirect, subordin ate, not directly to the point. 2. Corroboratory, confirmatory, con current. Collation, n. 1. Comparison. 2. Meal (less than a feast), repast, entertainment, treat. Colleague, n. Associate (in some office, especially in that of a clergyman), coad jutor, co-operator, assistant, helper, aider, co-aid, partner, ally. Collect, v. a. 1. Gather, assemble, mus ter, bring together, scrape together. 2. Accumulate, amass, aggregate, garner, heap up, garner up. 3. Infer, deduce, consider probable. Collection, n. 1. Assemblage, group, cluster, gathering, crowd. 2. Accumulation, heap, mass, hoard, store, pile, aggregation. COLLECT ONE S SELF 76 COME-OUTEK 3. Contribution (for charitable pur poses). Collect one s self, Recover from sur prise, recover one s self-possession, be come calm. College, n. 1. Society (of persons en- Ced in common pursuits), community, y. 2. University, literary institution or seminary of learning (of the highest class). 3. College edifice or building. Collide, v. n. Clash, come into collision, strike against each other. Colliery, n. Coal-mine, coal-pit. Collision, n. 1. Clash, shock, concussion. 2. Opposition, interference, clashing, conflict. Collocate, v. a. [Rare.] Place, set, dis pose, arrange. Collocation, n. Arrangement, disposi tion, grouping. Collop, n. Slice (of meat), RASHER. Colloquial, a. Conversational. Colloquy, n. Dialogue, conversation, conference, talk, discourse. Collude, v. n. Participate in fraud, con spire fraudulently. Collusion, n. 1. COVIN, participation in fraud. 2. Artifice (practised in pursuance of some secret agreement), fraud, deceit. Collusive, a. Deceitful, fraudulent, de ceptive, dishonest, covinous. Colly riuin, n. [L.] (Med.) Eye-water, wash or lotion for the eyes. Colocynth, n. Coloquintida, bitter- apple, bitter-cucumber. Cologne, ) n. EAU-DE-COL- Cologne-water, { OGNE. Coloquintida, n. Colocynth, bitter- apple, bitter-cucumber. Color, n. 1. Hue, tint, tinge, shade. 2. Pigment, paint. 3. Plea, pretext, pretence, excuse, guise, disguise, semblance, appearance, make-shift, false show. Color, v. a. 1. Tinge, dye, paint, stain. 2. Disguise, varnish, gloss over, make plausible. Color, v. n. Redden, blush, show color. Color-blindness, n. Daltonism. Colorless, a. Uncolored, hueless, un- tinged, achromatic. Color-sergeant, n. Ensign, standard- bearer. Colophony, n. Resin (from the pine), rosin. Colors, n. pi. Flag, standard, ensign, banner. Colossal, a. Gigantic, huge, monstrous, immense, enormous, prodigious, Cyclo pean, Herculean. Colossus, n. Gigantic statue. Colporter, n. Pedler (of religious books), hawker of tracts. Colt, n. Young horse (male or female). Coltish, a. Frisky, rampant, playful, frolicsome, sportive, gay. Columbary, n. Dove-cot, pigeon-house. Column, n. 1. Pillar (that is round). 2. File, line, row. Coma, n. 1. (Med.) Lethargy, dozing, stupor, drowsiness (from disease). 2. (Astron.) Envelope. 3. (Bot.) Tuft, cluster, bunch, clump. Comatose, 1 a. Lethargic, drowsy Comatous, j (from disease), dozing, stupid, stupefied. Combat, v. n. Fight, contend, struggle, contest, war. Combat, v. a. Oppose, resist, withstand, contend against, battle with, struggle with, war against. Combat, n. Battle, fight, conflict, en gagement, action, contest, encounter, rencounter, skirmish, brush, affair. Combatant, n. Fighter, CHAJil iOX, warrior. Combativeness, n. Propensity to fight. Combination, n. 1. Union, conjunc tion, connection, association. 2. Alliance, coalition, confederacy, league, complot, conspiracy, cabal. 3. Mixture, compound, amalgama tion. Combine, v. a. 1. Unite, join together. 2. Mix, blend, incorporate, amalga mate, compound, put together. Combine, v. n. Coalesce, be united. Combustibility, n. Combustibleness, inflammability, inflammableness. Combustible, a. Inflammable. Combustibleness, n. Combustibility. Combustion, n. Conflagration, burn ing. Come, v. n. 1. Approach, advance, draw near, tend hitherward. 2. Arrive, get to, reach or attain any place or point. 3. Proceed, issue, arise, result, fol low, flow, ensue, originate, be derived, be due or owing, take rise. 4. Happen, occur, befall, betide, take place, come to pass, fall out. Come about, Happen, come to pass. Come at, Reach, obtain, get at. Come by, Get, obtain, gain, get posses sion of. Comedian, n. Comic actor. Come home, 1. Get home, reach home. 2. Touch closely, interest deeply, concern especially. Come in, 1. Enter. 2. Accrue (as gain). Come in for, Make a claim for. Come into, 1. Enter. 2. Comply with, assent to, fall in with. Comeliness, n. 1. Propriety, fitness, suitableness. 2. Symmetry, grace, gracefulness, beauty. Comely, a. 1. Becoming, fitting, suit able, seemly, decorous, decent. 2. Symmetrical, graceful, handsome, beautiful, PRETTY. Come near, Approximate, approach. Come of, Proceed, issue, grow out of. Come on, 1. Advance. 2. Succeed, thrive. Come-outer, n. [ U. S.} Radical, radi cal reformer. COME HOUND 77 COMMISERATE Come round, Change, veer. Come short, Fail, be deficient, be wanting. Comet, n. Blazing star. Come to, 1. Consent, yield. 2. Amount to. 3. Recover (as from fainting), Come to a head, 1. Mature, suppu rate, fester. 2. Come to a crisis. Come to grief, [Colloquial.] 1. Fail, result disastrously. 2. Be ruined, meet with disaster. Come to hand, Be received. Come to one s self, Recover one s senses. Come to pass, 1. Happen, chance, occur, befall, betide, fall out. 2. Be fulfilled. Come to the gallows, Be hanged. Come up, 1. Rise, ascend. 2. Shoot (as a plant from the earth), spring up. Come up with, Overtake. Comfit, n. Sweetmeat (dry), confection, confect, conserve, preserve. Comfort, v. a. Solace, console, cheer, gladden, encourage, inspirit, enliven, animate, revive, refresh, invigorate, relieve, strengthen. Comfort, n. 1. Support, assistance, aid, help, succor, countenance. 2. Solace, consolation, encourage ment, relief. 3. Ease, enjoyment, satisfaction. Comfortable, a. 1. Agreeable, pleas ant, pleasurable, grateful, gratifying, acceptable, welcome. 2. Snug, convenient, adapted for comfort. 3. [ U. S.] At ease, free from pain. Comforter, a. 1. Consoler. 2. Paraclete, Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth. 3. [U. S.] Stuffed coverlet, wadded quilt. Comfortless, a. 1. Forlorn, cheerless, desolate, wretched, miserable. 2. Inconsolable, disconsolate, woe begone, heart-broken, broken-hearted. Comic, ) a. Droll, funny, farcical, Comical, j ludicrous, laughable, di verting, sportive, humorous. Coming, n. Approach, advent, arrival. Coming, a. Future, to come. Comity, n. Courtesy, civility, amenity, politeness, suavity, urbanity, affability, good breeding, good manners. Command, v. a. 1. Order, direct, bid, charge, require, enjoin. 2. Rule, govern, sway, control, lead, preside over. 3. Claim, challenge. 4. Overlook, have under range of vision. Command, v. n. Govern, rule, exercise authority, have control, take the lead, rule the roast. Command, n. 1. Order, direction, in junction, mandate, behest, bidding, charge, requisition, commandment, word of command. 9. Rule, sway, authority, power, do minion, government, control, ascen dancy, supremacy. Commander, n. Chief, chieftain, lead er, captain. Commandment, n. Mandate, precept, command. Comme il faut, [Fr.] Right, fit, proper, appropriate, seemly, meet, becoming, as it should be. Commemorate, v. a. Celebrate, sol emnize. Commemoration, n. Celebration, sol emnization. Commemorative, a. Memorial. Commence, v. n. 1. Begin, originate, take rise. 2. Take the first step, make a begin ning, break ground, break the ice. Commence, v. a. Begin, institute, originate, enter upon, set about, set on foot, set in operation. Commencement, n. Beginning, out set, opening. Commend, v. a. 1. Recommend, be speak regard for. 2. Commit, intrust, yield. 3. Praise, extol, applaud, laud, eulo gize, cry up, speak well of, say a good word for, sing or sound the praises of. Commendable, a. Laudable, praise worthy, to be commended. Commendation, n. 1. Recommenda tion, approval, approbation, good opin ion. 2. Praise, encomium, eulogy, pane gyric, good word. Commendations, n. pi. Regards, com pliments, respects. Commendatory, a. Commending, lau datory, eulogistic, complimentary, en comiastic, panegyrical. Commensurable, a. Commeasurable, commensurate. Commensurate, a. 1. Commeasura ble, commensurable. 2. Proportionate, equal, coextensive. Comment, v. n. Annotate, make notes, make comments or remarks. Comment, n. 1. Annotation, note, ex planation, elucidation, illustration, exposition, commentary. 2. Remark, observation. Commentary, n. 1. COMMENT. 2. Book of comments. 3. Memoir, familiar narrative. Commentator, n. Annotator, exposi tor, writer of comments. Commerce, n. 1. Dealing, trade, traffic, business. 2. Intercourse, communication. Commercial, a. Trading, MEBCATS- TILE, skilled in commerce. Commination, n. Threatening, threat, menace, denunciation. Commingle, v. a. Blend, mix, commix, mingle, amalgamate, mingle together." Comminute, v. a. Pulverize, triturate, grind, bruise, bray, break to pieces. Comminution, n. Pulverization, trit- uration. Commiserate, v. a. Pity, compassion- COMMISERATION 78 COMPANY ate, have pity for, sympathize with, feel for, feel sorry for, condole with. Commiseration, n. Compassion, sym pathy, pity, condolence, fellow-feeling. Commission, n. 1. Perpetration. 2. Warrant of authority. 3. Trust, charge, office, care, duty, task, employment, errand. 4. Allowance, fee, compensation. 5. Delegation, body of commission ers. Commission, v. a. 1. Authorize, em power, give a commission to. 2. Depute, delegate, send on a com mission. Commissioner, n. Agent. Commissure, n. Seam, joint. Commit, v. a. 1. Intrust, consign, con fide, give in trust. 2. Deposit, put, place, lay. 3. Perpetrate, enact, do, perform. 4. Imprison, send to prison. 5. Engage, pledge, implicate. 6. Comproniit, endanger, bring into danger, put at hazard, put in jeopardy. Commitment, n. Imprisonment, com mittal. Committal, n. Commitment. Committee, n. Board. Commix, v. a. Blend, mingle, com mingle, mix, amalgamate. Commixture, n. Intermixture, admix ture, mixture, composition, compound, amalgamation. Commode, n. Small sideboard. Commodious, a. Convenient, useful, advantageous, suitable, fit, proper. Commodity, n. Article of merchandise. Commodities, . pi. Merchandise, wares, goods, produce. Common, a. 1. Public, belonging to all, for the use of all. 2. General, universal, used by all. 3. Usual, frequent, habitual, custom ary, every-day, often met with. 4. Trite, stale, threadbare, hack neyed, commonplace, not new, worn out. 5. Ordinary, vulgar, low, inferior, not distinguished (by high birth, attain ments or character). Commonalty, n. The common people (below the orders of nobility), the lower classes. Commoner, n. Middle-man. Common-law, n. Unwritten law. Commonplace, a. Trite, stale, hack neyed, ordinary, common, threadbare, not new, worn out. Common run, 1. Common or ordinary course. 2. Generality, mass, ordinary class. Commons, n. pi. 1. Lower house of Parliament, House of Commons. 2. Provisions, food, fare. Common-sense, n. Wisdom, good sense, plain sense, sound judgment, natural sagacity. Commonwealth, n. 1. State, realm, nation, republic, body politic, popular government, representative govern ment. 2. The public, the people, the com munity, body of the people. Commotion, n. 1. Agitation, disturb ance, perturbation. 2. Turmoil, turbulence, tumult, dis order, violence, bustle, pother, ado, TO-DO. Commune, v. n. 1. Converse, commu nicate, discourse, speak, talk, hold in tercourse. 2. [ U. S.] Receive the communion, partake of the Lord s Supper. Communicant, n. Partaker, sharer, participator. Communicate, v. a. 1. Impart, give, bestow, CONFER. 2. J)isclof9. reveal, divulge, declare, announce, make known. Communicate, v. n. 1. Have connec tion (by a passage). 2. Correspond, have intercourse. Communication, n. 1. Imparting, giving. 2. Intercourse, conversation, confer ence, commerce. 3. Connection (by a passage). Communicative, a. Free, unreserved, open, sociable, social, affable, conver sable. Communion, n. 1. Participation, fel lowship, converse, intercourse. 2. Eucharist, Sacrament, Lord s Sup per. Communism, n. Socialism, Fourier- ism, Phalansterism, Humanitarianism, Saint Simonianism. Community, n. 1. Common or joint 2. [With The prefixed.] Common wealth, people, public, society, body politic. 3. Association, brotherhood, college. Commutation, n. 1. Exchange. 2. (Law.} Substitution (of a less for a greater punishment). Commute, v. a. 1, Exchange. 2. Substitute. Compact, n. Agreement, contract, cov enant, stipulation, bargain, treaty, concordat, convention, pact, arrange ment. Compact, v. a. Consolidate, condense compress, join closely, press togeth er. Compact, a. 1. Close, dense, solid, firm, compressed, pressed together, closely put together, of firm texture. 2. Pithy, terse, concise, laconic, sen tentious, short, brief, compendious, succinct, pointed, full of meaning, not loose, not verbose, not prolix. Companion, n. 1. Comrade, associate, mate, fellow, CONSORT, compeer, boon companion. 2. Partner, partaker, participator, participant, sharer. Companionship, n. Fellowship, asso ciation, company, society. Company, n. 1. Assemblage, assem bly, body, gathering, group, circle, troop, crew, gang, set, concourse, con gregation. COMPARABLE 79 COMPLAINT 2. Party, meeting of friends, social meeting. 3. Visitor, visitors, guests. 4. Fellowship, companionship, soci ety. 5. Corporation, association, partner ship, copartnership, firm, house, joint concern. Comparable, a. To be compared. Comparative, a. 1. Comparing, able to compare. 2. Judged by comparison, not posi tive, not absolute. Comparatively, ad. By comparison, not positively. Compare, v. a. 1. Collate (followed by with), bring into comparison, estimate relatively. 3. Liken (followed by to) show the resemblance of. Compare, v. n. Bear a comparison, admit of comparison. Compare, n. {Poetical.} Comparison. Comparison, n. 1. Collation, COM PARE, relative estimate, comparative estimate. 3. Simile, similitude. Compartment, n. Division, section, separate part. Compass, v. a, 1. Encompass, environ, surround, encircle, enclose, engird, com pass about. 3. Besiege, invest, beset, hem in, hedge in, wall in, lay siege to. 3. Attain, obtain, procure, accom plish, effect, perform, achieve, consum mate, realize, carry, bring about, bring to pass. 4. (Laiv.) Meditate, contrive, plot, purpose, intend, devise. Compass, n. 1. Stretch, reach, extent, range. 3. Circuit, round, circular course. Compassable, a. Attainable, to be at tained. Compasses, n. pi. Dividers. Compassion, n. Pity, commiseration, sympathy, tenderness, kindness, kind liness, clemency, fellow-feeling, bowels of compassion, melting mood. Compassionate, a. Tender, sympa thetic, merciful, benignant, gracious, clement, kind, inclined to pity, full of compassion. Compassionate, v. a. Pity, commiser ate. Compatible with, Consistent with, consonant with, congruous with, ac cordant with, agreeable to, suitable to, in keeping with, reconcilable with, in harmony with. Compatriot, n. Fellow-countryman. Compeer, n. Companion, mate, equal, peer, associate, fellow, comrade. Compel, v. a. Force, oblige, constrain, coerce, drive, necessitate. Compellation, n. Style of address, ceremonious title, formal appellation. Compend, n. Abridgment, compen dium, conspectus, summary, abstract, epitome, digest, synopsis, syllabus, breviary, brief, sum and substance. Compendious, a. Brief, concise, short, abridged, summary, succinct, compre hensive. Compendium, n. Abridgment, COM PEND. Compensate, v. a. 1. Counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, make up for. 3. Recompense, remunerate, reward. 3. Requite, indemnify, make amends to. Compensate, v. n. Atone, make com pensation, make amends. Compendium, n. Abridgment, COM PEND. Compensate, v. a. 1. Counterbalance, counterpoise, make up for. 3. Recompense, remunerate, reward. 3. Requite, indemnify, reimburse, make amends to. Compensate, v. n. Atone, make com pensation, make amends. Compensation, n. 1. Recompense, re muneration, reward. 3. Requital, satisfaction, indemnity, indemnification, reparation, amends. Compete, v. n. Contend, strive, strug gle, cope, enter the lists, be rivals. Competence, ) n. 1. Ability, ableness, Competency, ) capableness, capacity, qualification, suitableness, fitness. 3. Sufficiency, adequateness, ade quacy, enough. Competent, a. 1. Able, capable, quali fied, endowed. 3. Adequate, adapted, convenient, sufficient, suitable, fit. 3. Incident, belonging. Competition, n. Rivalry, RIVALSHIP, emulation, contest (for the same ob ject). Competitive, a. Competing, prompted by emulation. Competitor, n. Rival, antagonist, op ponent, rival candidate. Compilation, n. 1. Book-making. 3. Selection (of literary matter), book of selections. Compile, v. a. "Write (by selecting from other works), prepare, compose, get up. Complacence, ) n. 1. Satisfaction, grat- Complacency, j ification, pleasure,con- tent, contentment. 3. Civility, courtesy, politeness, com plaisance. Complacent, a. 1. Pleased, satisfied, gratified, contented. 3. Civil, polite, courteous, affable, easy, obliging, urbane, COMPLAISANT, gracious. Complain, v. n. Murmur, lament, be wail, grumble, croak, find fault. Complain of, v. a. 1. Express a feeling or sensation of. 3. Inform against, make charges against. Complainant, n. Plaintiff. Complainer, n. Murmurer, censurer, grumbler, croaker, fault-finder. Complaining, a. Querulous, murmur ing, querimonious, fault-finding. Complaint, n. 1. Murmur, lamention, plaint, lament, wail. COMPLAISANCE 80 COMPRESSION 3. Malady, disease, ailment, ail, ill- nesf . indisposition, disorder, distemper, t vsifkhess. * 3. Accusation, charge, information against. Complaisance, n. Civility, courtesy, politeness, urbanity, suavity, conde scension, complacence, affability, good- breeding. Complaisant, a. Courteous, polite, affa ble, civil, obliging, gracious, complacent, debonair, familiar, easy, well-bred. Complement, n. Full number, full quantity. Complete, a. 1. Perfect, full, thorough, consummate, clean, not deficient. 3. Total, entire, whole, undivided, unbroken, undiminished, unimpaired, integral. 3. Completed, finished, concluded, consummated, ended. Complete, v. a. 1. Finish, perfect, con summate, accomplish, achieve, perform, effect, effectuate, execute, terminate, end, conclude, bring to a close, give the finishing touch to, put the finishing hand to, put the seal to. 3. Fulfil, realize, come up to, bring to pass. Completion, n. 1. Consummation, ac complishment, performance, execution, conclusion, finishing, finishing touch. 3. Fulfilment, realization. Complex, a. 1. Compounded, com pound, composite, not simple. 3. Complicated, complicate, entan gled, intricate, involved. Complexion, n. 1. Color, hue, or tint (of the face). 2. Appearance, aspect, look. Complexity, n. Intricacy, complication, entanglement. Compliance, n. 1. Concession, submis sion, obedience. 3. Acquiescence, assent, consent, agreement, concurrence. Compliant, a. Yielding, submissive, obedient, obsequious. Complicate, v. a. Involve, entangle, make complex, make intricate. Complicate, a. Complex, complicated. Complicated, a. Involved, entangled, complex, complicate. Complication, n. Complexity, intri cacy, entanglement. Compliment, n. Praise, commenda tion, encomium, laudation, flattering remark, good word. Compliment, v. a. Praise, commend, flatter (by ex2)ressions of civility). Complimentary, a. Commendatory, laudatory, encomiastic. Complot,?i. (Hare.) Conspiracy, machi nation, intrigue, cabal, plot, combi nation. Comply with, 1. Observe, perform, fulfil, discharge, meet, satisfy, complete, adhere to, be faithful to, carry into effect. 2. Yield to, consent to, assent to, ac cede to, agree to, conform to, acquiesce in, give consent to. Component, a. Composing, constitut ing, constituent. Component, n. Constituent, element, ingredient, component part. Comport, v. n. Agree, accord, harmo nize, tally, correspond, square, fall in, chime in. Comport with, Suit, fit, agree with, ac cord with, square with, chime in with, be suitable to. Compose, v. a. 1. Constitute , form, make, compound, put together, make up. 3. Indite, write, frame, draw up, put or set down in writing, express by writing. 3. Adjust, settle, regulate. 4. Tranquillize, assuage, soothe, ap pease, pacify, calm, still^ quiet, quell. Composed, a. Calm, quiet, unruffled, undisturbed, unmoved, tranquil, placid, sedate, collected, imperturbable, cool. Composite, a. Compounded. Composition, n. 1. Constitution, for mation, making. 3. Compound, mixture. 3. Union, conjunction, combination 4. Writing, literary work. 5. Compromise, agreement. Compost, n. Manure, fertilizer, fertil izing mixture. Composure,?;. Quiet, tranquillity, calm ness, sedateness, placidity, coolness. Compotation, n. JOLLIFICATION, rev el, revelling, revelry, SPREE, debauch, bacchanals, saturnalia, wassail, orgies, carouse, carousal, conviviality, drinking bout, merry frolic, jolly time. Compound, v. a. 1. Mix, mingle, in termix, intermingle, blend, combine, amalgamate. 3. Compromise, settle, adjust. Compound, v. n. Compromise, agree, come to terms, come to an agreement, make an arrangement. Compound, a. Complex, composite, compounded. Compound, n. 1. Mixture, medley, olio, farrago, hodge-podge. 3. [In the East Indies.] Yard (round a building), enclosure. Comprehend, v. a. 1. Comprise, in clude, enclose, embrace, contain, em body, take in. 3. Grasp (mentally), understand (ful ly), apprehend, conceive, imagine, see, discern , perceive, enter into the idea of, catch the idea of. . Comprehension, n. 1. Perception, ap prehension, discernment, knowledge. 3. Understanding, intelligence, intel lect, mind, reason, mental capacity. Comprehensive, a. Extensive, wide, broad, large, capacious, full. Compress, v. a. Condense, press, squeeze, crowd, press together. Compressibility, n. Condensability Compressible, a. Condensable. Compression, n. 1. Condensation, pressing together. 3. Brevity, terseness, succinctness, pithiness. COMPRISE 81 CONCLUDE Comprise, v. a. Comprehend, include, enclose, embrace, contain, embody, take in. Compromise, n. Agreement, compo sition, adjustment, settlement. Compromise, v. a. 1. Adjust, settle, compound. 9. Compromit, bring into danger, put at hazard, put in jeopardy. 3. Engage, pledge, implicate, com mit. Compromise, v. n. Agree, compound, come to an agreement, come to an un derstanding. Compromit, v. a. Compromise, bring into danger, put at hazard. Compulsion, n. Coercion, constraint, application of force. Compulsory, a. Compelling, constrain ing, coercive. Compunction, n. Repentance, remorse, contrition, penitence, sorrow, regret, reproach of conscience, sting of con science. Compunctious, a. Repentant, peni tent, contrite, remorseful, sorrowful. Computable, a. Calculable. Computation, n. Reckoning, calcu lation, estimate, account. Compute, v. a. Reckon, calculate, esti mate, count, number, rate, cast, cast up, sum up. Comrade, n. Companion, associate, mate, fellow, compeer, boon com panion. Con, v. a. Study, fix in the mind, com mit to memory, learn by heart, con over. Con amore, [It.] With love, with plea sure, with zest, with inclination, with predilection, with fondness. Concatenate, v. a. Connect, unite, join, link together. Concatenation, TC. Series, chain, se quence, linking together. Concave, a. Hollow, rounded. Concavity, n. Hollow space. Conceal, v. a. 1. Hide, secrete, cover, screen, bury, coyer up. 3. Disguise, dissemble, keep secret. Concealment, n. 1. Secrecy, keeping secret. 3. Privacy. 3. Retreat, hiding-place. Concede, v. a. 1. Surrender, yield, give up. 3. Allow, admit, grant. Conceit, n. 1. Conception, image, no tion, thought, fancy, imagination, idea, belief. 3. Whim, vagary, illusion, freak of fancy. 3. Opinion, estimate, estimation, judgment, impression. 4. Vanity, conceitedness, egotism, bumptiousness, self-conceit, self-com placency, self-esteem, self-sufficiency, priggery. 5. Quip, quirk, point, odd thought, odd turn, affected witticism. Conceited, a. Vain, egotistical, opinion ated, opinionative, BUMPTIOUS, self- conceited, self-sufficient. Conceitedness, bumptiousness, se Conceivable, a. Imaginable. Conceive, v. a. think of, form in the mind. 3. Apprehend, suppose, think. Conceive, v. n. 1. Becoinjg pregnant. 3. Think, imagine, have an idea, form a conception. Conceive of, Have an idea of, form a conception of. Concentrate, v. a. 1. Condense, bring into a small compass, bring toward a central point. 3. Boil down, reduce by evaporation. Concentration, n. 1. Condensation, compression into a small compass. 2. Reduction by evaporation. Concept, n. Universal, IDEA, general abstract notion or conception. Conception, n, 1. Conceiving. 3. Apprehension, IMAGINATION, the mind s eye. 3. Notion, idea, thought, fancy, con ceit, impression. Concern, v. a. 1. Affect, interest, touch, regard, relate to, belong to, pertain to, bear upon, be of importance to. 3. Trouble, make anxious, make un easy. Concern, n. 1. Matter, business, affair, transaction. 3. Importance, interest, moment, consequence, weight. 3. Anxiety, solicitude, care, careful ness. 4. Firm, house, establishment. Concerning, prep. Respecting, regard ing, about, relating to, with relation to, with regard to, with reference to. Concert, v. a. Contrive, plan, plot, de vise, design, concoct. Concert, n. 1. Agreement, concord, concordance, harmony. . 3. Musical entertainment. Concession, n. 1. Yielding. 3. Grant, boon. Conchology, n. Malacology. Concierge, n. [Fr.] Porter, janitor, door-keeper. Conciliate, v. a. 1. Propitiate, recon cile, pacify, appease. 3. Win, gain, engage, draw over, win over. Conciliation, n. Propitiation, pacifi cation, reconciliation, reconcilement, peace. Conciliatory, a. 1. Reconciling, paci fying, pacinc. 3. Winning, persuasive. Concise, a. Brief, short, laconic, sum mary, compendious, succinct, terse, pithy, sententious, comprehensive, CURT, pointed, not loose, not verbose, not prolix. Conclave, n. Secret council. Conclude, v. a. 1. End, finish, termi nate, close, bring to an end. 3. Gather (as a consequence), infer. 3. Determine,, judge, decide. 4. (Law.) Stop, bar, hinder, restrain, cut off. 6 CONCLUDE 82 CONDUCT ONE S SELF Conclude, v. n. 1. Determine, infer. 2. End, close, come to a conclusion. Conclusion, n. 1. Deduction, inference. 2. Determination, decision, judg ment. 3. Termination, end, completion, up shot, close,,finale, issue, event. Conclusive, a. 1. Decisive, convincing, unanswerable, irrefutable. 2. Final, ultimate, without appeal. Concoct, v. a. Devise, plan, plot, con trive, design, invent, project, brew, frame, compass, mature, prepare, hatch. Concomitant, a. Accompanying, con current, attendant, attending, con joined. Concomitant, n. Attendant, accessory, accompaniment. Concord, n. 1. Agreement, amity, friendship, peace, unanimity, unity, union, good understanding. 2. Consonance, concordance, har mony, concert. Concordance, n. Agreement, harmony, CONCORD. Concordant, a. Agreeing, accordant, harmonious, agreeable. Concordat, n. Compact, convention, covenant, agreement, bargain, stipula tion, treaty. Concourse, n. 1. Confluence, conflux, flocking together. 2. Meeting, assemblage, assembly, collection, gathering. Concrete, v. n. Solidify, harden, cake, become firm or solid, be consolidated. Concrete, a. 1. Firm, solid, solidified, consolidated, compact. 2. Not abstract, not general, re stricted to a particular subject (as a qualifying term to its noun). i Concretion, n. 1. Solidification. 2. Concreted mass, CALCULUS. Concubine, n. Mistress, paramour. Concupiscence, n. Lust, lewdness, lechery, lasciviousness, pruriency, car nal desire, animal appetite. Concupiscent, a. Lustful, lecherous, libidinous, lascivious, salacious, licker ish, prurient, rampant, carnal. Concur, v. n. 1. Be conjoined, be com bined. ,2. Agree, coincide, harmonize. 3. Co-operate, help, combine, con spire, contribute jointly. Concurrence, n. 1. Conjuncture, com bination, coincidence, consistence, con silience. 2. Agreement, union, alliance. 3. Co-operation. Concurrent, a. 1. Agreeing, harmon izing, coincident. 2. Conjoined, united, associate, as sociated, attendant, concomitant. 3. Joint and equal, of equal au thority. Concussion, n. 1. Shaking, agitation. 3. Clash, shock. Condemn, v. a. .1. Sentence, doom. 2. Censure, blame, disapprove, re prove, reprobate, upbraid, pass censure 3. Adjudge (a ship) to be unsea- worthy. 4. Confiscate, declare to be forfeited. Condemnation, n. 1. Sentence of punishment. 2. Blame, censure, reproof, disap proval, disapprobation. Condemnatory, a. Reproachful, cen suring, damnatory, blaming. Condensability, n. Compressibility. Condensable, a. Compressible. Condensation, n. 1. Compression. 2. lieduction, abridgment, contrac tion. Condense, v. a. 1. Compress, consoli date, concentrate; make dense, com pact, or close ; press together. 2. Abridge, abbreviate, shorten, epito mize, reduce, diminish, contract, cur tail. 3. Reduce to a liquid state. Condense, v. n. 1. Grow dense. 2. Become liquid. Condescend, v, n. 1. Stoop, yield, sub mit, bend, descend, deign, vouchsafe. 2. Humble one s self. Condescension, n. 1. Submission, hu miliation. 2. Deference, courtesy, obeisance, homage, reverence, civility, politeness, aftability. Condign, a. [Said only or chiefly of punistiment.] Deserved, merited, suita ble, adequate. Condiment, n. Seasoning, relish, ap petizer, sauce, appetizing substance. Condition, n. 1. Situation, state, case, category, plight, predicament, circum stances. 2. Consideration, provision, proviso, stipulation, arrangement, article of agreement, rule of proceeding. Conditional, a. Depending on con ditions, modified by conditions, not absolute. Conditions, n. pi. Stipulations, provi sions, terms. Condole with, Pity, commiserate, com passionate, sympathize with, share sor row with. Condolence, n. Sympathy, pity, com passion, commiseration. Condonation, n. Pardon, forgive ness. Conduce, v. n. Contribute, tend, serve, lead, have a tendency, do something towards. Conducive, a. Conducing, contributing, subservient, instrumental. Conduct, n. 1. Management, direction, administration, guidance, leadership. 2. Convoy, escortj guard. 3. Deportment (m general, or as a matter of habit), BEHAVIOK, demeanor, carriage, bearing, manners, career, manner of life, course of life. Conduct, v. a. 1. Lead, direct, guide, escort, convoy. 2. Command, govern, preside over. 3. Manage, regulate, carry on. Conduct one s self, Behave, act, de mean one s self, acquit one s self. CONDUCTOR CONFOUND Conductor, n. 1. Leader, guide. 3. Manager, director. Conduit, n. Channel, canal, duct, pas sage, pipe. Cone-shaped, a. Coniform. Confabulate, v. n. [Rare.} Chat, prat tle, chatter, prate, babble, gossip, talk freely, have a free and easy talk. Confabulation, n. [Rare.] Prattle, gos sip, prate, chat, chit-chat, easy conver sation, free and easy talk. Confect, n. Sweetmeat, CONFECTION. Confection, n. Sweetmeat, confect, comfit. Confectionery, n. 1. Sweetmeats, con fections, confects, comfits, candies. 3. Confectioner s shop. Confederacy, n. Confederation (espe cially of independent states), federation, league, coalition, alliance, union, fed eral compact. Confederate, v. a. Ally, league, com bine, unite. Confederate, v. n. Unite, be leagued, be allied. Confederate, n. Accomplice, abettor, accessory, ally. Confederation, n. League, CONFED ERACY. Confer, v. n. Converse, discourse, par ley, advise, talk, hold a conference, talk together. Confer, v. a. [Appropriately used when the gift is from a per son of superior rank to another of lower rank.] Bestow, give, grant, vouchsafe. Conference, n. 1. Conversation, dis course, talk, colloquy, parley. 3. Meeting for consultation. Confess, v. a. 1. Acknowledge (as a crime or fault), own, avow. 3. Admit, grant, concede, recognize. 3. Attest, prove, show, exhibit, man ifest, be proof of. Confession, n. Acknowledgment, ad mission, avowal. Confidant, n. Bosom-friend, intimate friend, dear friend. Confide, v. a. Trust, intrust, commit, consign, give in trust. Confide in, Trust, depend upon, rely upon, put faith in, have confidence in, repose confidence in. Confidence, n. 1. Trust, faith, belief, reliance, dependence. 3. Boldness, courage, intrepidity, as surance, firmness, self-reliance. Confident, a. 1. Assured, certain, sure, positive, COCKSURE, fully convinced. 3. Bold, presumptuous, sanguine. Confidential, a. 1. Private, not to be disclosed, not to be communicated. 3. Trusty, faithful, to be trusted. Confidentially, ad. Privately, in con fidence, under the rose, between our selves, between you and me, SUB RO8A, ENTRE NOUS. Configuration, n. Form, figure, shape, conformation. Confine, n. Boundary, border, limit, frontier. Confines, n. pi. Boundaries, borders, edges, limits, marches, frontiers, pre cincts. Confine, v. a. 1. Restrain, shut up, shut in. 3. Imprison, immure, incarcerate. 3. Limit, circumscribe, bound, re strict. Confinement, n. 1. Restraint. 3. Imprisonment, incarceration, cap tivity, duress, durance. Confirm, v. a. 1. Establish, fix, settle, assure, make firm. 3. Strengthen, add strength to. 3. Corroborate, substantiate, verify. 4. Ratify, sanction, bind. Confirmation, n. 1. Settlement, estab lishment. 3. Corroboration, substantiation, ver ification, proof. 3. Ratification, sanction. Confirmatory, a. Corroborating, cor roborative. Confiscate, v. a. Cause to be forfeited, condemn to public use. Confiscation, n. Forfeiting, condemna tion to public use. Conflagration, n. Great burning, gen eral fire. Conflict, v. n. Clash, be contrary, be opposed. Conflict, n. Struggle, encounter, con test, combat, battle, fight, collision, strife in arms. Confluence, n. 1. Meeting, junction, conflux, union, flowing together. 3. Concourse, multitude, crowd, col lection, throng, army, host, swarm. Confluent, a. Meeting, flowing to gether. Conflux, n. 1. Confluence, meeting, union, flowing together. 3. Collection, multitude, concourse, crowd, throng. Conform, v. a. Make conformable, bring into compliance. Conform, v. n. 1. Comply, yield as sent. 3. Agree, harmonize, tally, square, quadrate, correspond, comport. Conformable to, 1. Resembling, sim ilar to, corresponding to. 3. Agreeable to, suitable to, consist ent with. 3. Compliant with, submissive to. Conformation, n. 1. Accordance, com pliance, agreement, conformity. 3. Configuration, structure, form, figure, shape. Conformity, n. 1. Accordance, agree ment, congruity. 3. Correspondence, likeness, simili tude, resemblance. Confound, v. a. 1. Mingle (so that there can be no distinction), intermingle, mix, blend, confuse. 3. Perplex, bewilder, embarrass, mys tify, pose, nonplus, flurry. 3. Surprise, amaze, astonish, astound, stupefy, bewilder, stun, startle, duin- founder, electrify, take by surprise, strike with wonder, strike dumb, petrify with wonder. CONFOUNDED 84 CONNECTIVE 4. Destroy, overthrow, ruin. 5. Abash, confuse, disconcert, dis compose, shame, mortify. Confounded, a. 1. Astonished, as tounded, dumfounded, struck dumb. 2. Abashed, disconcerted, nonplussed, blank. 3. Detestable, hateful, abominable, cursed. Confront, v. a. 1, Encounter, face, bring face to face, oppose openly. 2. Compare, bring into comparison. Confricatio.n, n. [Rare.] Attrition, ab rasion, friction, wearing away, wearing oft , rubbing off. Confuse, v. a. 1. Mingle, intermingle, mix, blend, confound. 2. Disorder, disarrange, derange, dis turb, jumble, throw into disorder or confusion. 3. Perplex, obscure, darken, render uncertain. 4. Mystify, embarrass, pose, nonplus, bewilder, flurry. 5. Abash, shame, mortify, discom pose, disconcert, confound. Confusion, n. 1. Confusedness, disor der, disarrangement, derangement, dis array, jumble, chaos, anarchy. 2. Tumult, turmoil, commotion, fer ment, stir, agitation. 3. Distraction, perplexity, embar rassment, bewilderment, astonishment. 4. Shame, mortification, abashment. 5. Overthrow, destruction, defeat, ruin. Confutation, n. Refutation, disproof. Confute, v. a. 1. Overthrow (by argu ment), overcome (in debate), convict of error, put to silence. 2. Disprove, refute, prove to be false. Conge, n. [Fr.] Leave, farewell. Congeal, v. a. Freeze, make solid by cold, turn to ice. Congeal, v. n. Freeze, be frozen, turn to ice. Congelation, n. Freezing. Congenial, a. 1. Cognate, kindred, akin, related, similar, in sympathy with one another. 2. Suited, adapted, agreeable. Congenital, a. Connate, born at the same tin\e. Congestion, n. Repletion, plethora. Conglomerate, n. Pudding-stone. Congratulate, v. a. Felicitate, wish joy to, rejoice with. Congratulation, n. Felicitation. Congratulatory, a. Gratulatory. Congregate, v. a. Assemble, collect, muster, gather, convene, convoke, bring together. Congregate, v. n. Assemble, meet, come together, meet together. Congregation, n. Assembly, meeting, collection. Congress, n. 1. Meeting, assembly, con vention, council, diet, convocation, synod. 2. National legislature (of the U. S.), Senate and House of Representatives. Congruity, n. Suitableness, agreement, fitness, consistency, conformity. Congruous, a. 1. Accordant, agreeing, suitable, consistent, consonant, compat ible. 2. Proper, fit, befitting, appropriate, meet, seemly. Conical, a. Coniform, cone-shaped. Coniform, a. Conical, cone-shaped. Conjectural, a. Presumptive, hypo thetical, theoretical. Conjecture, n. Supposition, surmise, guess, hypothesis, theory. Conjecture, v. a. Surmise, guess, sup pose, divine, suspect. Conjecture, v. n. Surmise, guess, sup pose, suspect, fancy, dare say, take it, hazard the conjecture. Conjoin, v. a. Join, unite, combine, connect, associate, join together. Conjoint, a. Joined, united, combined, connected, associated. Conjugal, a. Matrimonial, connubial, nuptial, bridal, hymeneal, CONJUGIAL. Conjugates, n. pi. Words of the same derivation, kindred words. Conjugial, a. [Rare, except in transla tions of Swedenborg s writings.] Con nubial, conjugal. Conjunction, n. 1. Union, association, combination, connection. 2. (Astron.) Apparent meeting (of two stars or planets). 3. (G-ram.) Connective, connecting word. Conjuncture, n. 1. Combination, con currence. 2. Crisis, emergency, exigency, junct ure, critical occasion. Conjuration, n. Mjagic, sorcery, incan tation, enchantment. Conjure , v. a. Beseech, supplicate, beg, pray, entreat, implore, ADJURE, enjoin solemnly. Conjure, v. a. Charm, enchant, be witch, fascinate, affect by magic arts. Con j ure up, Summon by enchantment, raise up by magic. Con jure, v. n. Juggle, practise magic or sorcery, play tricks. Conjurer, n. Juggler, enchanter, sor cerer, magician, necromancer, diviner, seer, wizard, charmer, exorcist. Connate, a. Congenital, born at the same time. Connect, v. a. Join, unite, combine, conjoin, associate, couple, link to gether. Connect, v. n. Join, unite, cohere, be joined, have relation. Connected, a. 1. Joined, united, asso ciated, coupled. 2. Related, akin, allied. Connection, n. 1. Union, alliance, junction, association, dependence. 2. Intercourse, communication, com merce. 3. Affinity, relationship. 4. Kinsman, relative, relation, kin dred. Connective, n. Conjunction, connect ing word. CONNER 85 CONSOLATORY Conner, n. Blue percli, cunner, burgall, OHOGSET. Connivance, n. Voluntary blindness (to an act), pretended ignorance, for bearance of disapproval, winking at. Connive at, Overlook (purposely], dis regard, pay no regard to, make light of, pretend not to see, shut one s eyes to, forbear to censure, wink at. Connoisseur, n. Critic, critical judge, man of good taste (as distinguished from the dilettante, who merely pretends to good taste). Connubial, a. Matrimonial, conjugal, CONJUGIAL, nuptial, hymeneal, bridal. Conquer, v. a, 1. Vanquish, subdue, overcome, subjugate, defeat, overthrow, overpower, beat, rout, discomfit, check mate, master, subject, humble, crush, get the better of, put down, prevail over, get the upper hand of, get the whip hand of, HAVE ON THE HIP. 3. Gain by effort, win by victory. Conquer, v. n. Prevail, overcome, gain the victory. Conqueror, n. Victor, vanquisher. Conquest, n. 1. Subjugation, subjection, mastery, reduction, overthrow, rout. 2. Victory, triumph. Consanguinity, n. Relationship (by blood), affinity, kindred. Conscience, n. Moral sense, moral fac ulty, the still small voice. Conscientious, a. Scrupulous, upright, honest, just, exact, honorable, fair, un- corrupt, incorruptible, ingenuous, high- minded, straightforward. Conscious, a. 1. Knowing, thinking, reflecting. 3. Apprised, sensible, aware, cogni sant. Conscription, n. Compulsory enlist ment of soldiers. Consecrate, v. a. Dedicate, devote, hallow, sanctify, ordain, set apart as sacred, appropriate to sacred uses. Consecration, n. Dedication, devotion. Consecutive, a. Successive, uninter rupted, continuous, succeeding regular ly, following in a series. Consent, n. 1. Concurrence, assent, approval. 3. Concord, accord, agreement, uni son, co-operation, harmony, coherence. 3. Acquiescence, compliance. Consent, v. n. 1. Agree (as to a matter of conduct), ASSENT, concur, yield as- sent, give consent. 3. Yield, comply, acquiesce, accede. Consequence, n. 1. Effect (from neces sity ), RESULT, issue, event, end. 2. Deduction, inference, conclusion. 3. Connection, concatenation, conse cution, chain of cause and effect, de pendence of cause and effect. 4. Importance, moment, weight, in terest, concern. Consequent, a. 1. Following, conse quential. 3. Dedncible, INFERABLE. Consequent, n. 1. Effect. 3. Deduction, conclusion, inference. Consequential, a. 1. Following, con sequent. 3. Pompous, conceited, self-sufficient, vain-glorious. - Conservation, n. Preservation. Conservative, a. Opposed to change. Conservator, n. Preserver, protector, guardian. Conservatory, n. 1. Repository, store house. 3. Greenhouse. Conserve, v. a. Preserve, save. Conserve, n. Preserve, JAM, confection, comfit, sweetmeat. Consider, v. a. 1. Contemplate, pon der, study, examine, weigh, mind, heed, mark, reflect upon, be attentive to, give or pay attention to, give heed to, take into consideration, give a thought to, keep in view. 3. Respect, regard, consult, care for, have regard to, have reference to, take into account. Consider, v. n. Deliberate, reflect, med itate, ponder, ruminate, muse, cogitate, think, take thought, cast about. Considerable, a. 1. Respectable, wor thy of consideration. 3. Moderately large, not small. Considerate, n. Thoughtful, deliberate, serious, discreet, prudent, provident, circumspect, judicious, sober, staid. Consideration, n. 1. Attention, notice, heed, regard, reflection, deliberation, meditation, serious thought, contem plation. 3. Importance, consequence, weight, moment, import, significance. 3. Reason, motive, ground, account, score, sake, cause. Considering, prep. Taking into ac count, allowing for, making allowance for. Consign, v. a. 1. Transfer, alienate, abalienate, demise, devolve, convey, deliver over, make over, hand over. 2. Intrust, commit, give in trust. Consilience, n. Concurrence, coinci dence, conjuncture. Consistence, n. 1. Consistency, body, degree of density. 3. [Rare.} Durability, permanence. 3. [Rare.} Structure, combination, organization. Consistency, n. 1. Consistence, degree of density. 3. Uniformity, congruity, compatibil ity, conformableness, correspondence. Consistent, a. Compatible, suitable, accordant, conformable, uniform, con gruous, harmonious, correspondent. Consist in, Lie in, be contained in, be comprised in, be constituted by. Consist of, Be made of, be composed of, be formed of, be made up of. Consist with, Suit, agree with, be com patible with, be in accordance with, be consistent with. Consolation, n. Solace, comfort, en couragement, alleviation of sorrow, re lief from distress. Consolatory, a. Consoling, comforting. CONSOLE CONSUMMATION Console, v. a. Solace, comfort, cheer, encourage, soothe, relieve from distress. Consolidate, v. a. 1. Condense, com pact, compress, harden, solidify, make solid, make firm. 2. Conjoin, combine, unite into one. Consolidation, n. 1. Solidification. 2. Union, combination. Consols, n. pi. Consolidated annuities (of the English Government). Consonance, ) n. 1. Concord, accord, Consonancy, j harmony. 2. Consistency, congruity, congru ence, agreement, unison. Consonant, a. 1. Accordant, accord ing, harmonious, in harmony. 2. Consistent, congruous, compatible. Consonant, n. Articulation. Consort, n. Companion (especially a wife or a husband or one vessel of a fleet), partner, associate. Consort with, Associate with, keep company with. Conspectus, n. [L.] Outline, epitome, . abstract, summary, compend, compen dium, synopsis, syllabus, digest, brief, breviary, general view. Conspicuous, a. 1. Visible, discern ible, perceptible, apparent, conspicuous, clear, in plain sight. 2. Eminent, pre-eminent, prominent, distinguished, remarkable, noted, cele brated, marked, famed, famous, illus trious. Conspiracy, n. Plot, combination, ca bal, complot, intrigue, machination. Conspire, v. n. 1. Co-operate, conduce, tend, concur. 2. Combine (for some evil design), plot, confederate, intrigue, cabal. Conspire, v. a. Plot, contrive, devise, project, compass. Constancy, n. 1. Stability, immutabil ity, unchangeableness, permanence. 2. Uniformity, regularity. 3. Inflexibility, steadiness, steadfast ness, firmness, resolution, determina tion, decision, tenacity of purpose. Constant, a. 1. Stable, fixed, immut able, unvaried, invariable, continual, unchanging, permanent, perpetual. 2. Uniform, regular, stated, certain. 3. Resolute, firm, steady, steadfast, stanch, determined, unshaken, unwav ering. 4. Persevering, assiduous, unremit ting. 5. Faithful, true, trusty. Constellation, n. 1. Group of stars. 2. Collection, assemblage, cluster. Consternation, n. Alarm, amazement, terror, fright, dismay, panic, sudden fear. Constipate, v. a. Make costive. Constipated, a. Costive. Constipation, n. Costiveness. Constinent, a. Forming, composing, constituting, component. Constituent, n. 1. Component, ele ment, principle, ingredient, component part. 2. Elector, voter. Constitute, v. a. 1. Form, compose, make, make up, enter into the compo sition of. 2. Appoint, depute, empower. Constitution, n. 1. Formation, organ ization. 2. Quality, character, temper, tem perament, spirit, humor, peculiarity, characteristic. 3. Charter of government, funda mental law, organic law. Constitutional, a. 1. Natural, inher ent, inbred. 2. Legal, lawful, legitimate. Constrain, v. a. 1. Compel, force, drive, oblige, coerce. 2. Confine, restrain, inthral, hold, curb, put under restraint, keep down, keep under. Constraint, n. 1. Compulsion, force, necessity, obligation, coercion. 2. Confinement, restraint, imprison ment, incarceration, inthralment, du rance, duress, captivity. Constrict, v. a. Cramp, contract, com press. Constriction, n. Contraction, compres sion. Construct, v. a. 1. Fabricate, build, erect, raise, set up, put together. 2. Organize, institute, arrange, make, form, frame. Constructor, n. Builder. Construction, n. 1. Fabrication, erec tion, building. 2. Structure, formation, conforma tion, configuration, form, figure, shape, mode of constructing. 3. Interpretation, explanation, ver sion, rendering. Construe, v. a. Interpret, explain, ex pound, translate, render, put an inter pretation upon. Constuprate, v. a. Kavish, deflower, violate, debauch, commit rape upon. Constupration, n. Violation, ravishing, ravishment, defilement, rape. Consuetudinary, a. [Hare.] Usual, com mon, wonted, customary, accustomed, conventional. Consulate, n. Consulship. Consulship, n. Consulate,. Consult, v. n. Confer, seek counsel, take counsel, deliberate in common. Consult, v. a. 1. Ask advice of, seek information from. 2. Consider, regard, care for, ha\e reference to, have regard to, take into account. Consultation, n. 1. Conference. 2. Counsel, meeting for delibera tion. Consume, v. a. Destroy, waste, spend, expend, exhaust, devour, lavish, squan der, dissipate, use up. Consummate, v. a. Complete, finish, perfect, accomplish, compass, effect, perform, achieve, execute, do, carry out, bring about, work out. Consummate, a. Complete, perfect, finished. Consummation, n. Completion, ter- CONSUMPTION 87 CONTINUITY urination, finishing, close, accomplish ment, fulfilment, achievement, realiza tion, last stroke, finishing stroke, last finish, final touch, crowning touch. Consumption, n. 1. Extinction, de struction, waste, expenditure. 2. Phthisis, marasmus, atrophy, decline, tabes, gradual wasting, pro gressive emaciation. Contact, n. Touch, juxtaposition, junc tion, contiguity, close union. Contagion, n. 1. Infection. 2. Contamination, taint. Contagious, a. I. Infectious, catching. 2. Pestilential, pestiferous, poison ous, deadly. Contain, v. a. 1. Comprehend, com prise, embrace, include, embody. 2. Hold, have capacity for. 3. Restrain, keep in check. Contain, v. n. Be continent, live in con tinence. Contaminate, v. a. Defile, pollute, cor rupt, taint, infect, poison, vitiate, sully, tarnish, soil, stain. Contamination, n. Pollution, defile ment, taint, stain, infection, impurity, foulness, uncleanness, abomination. Contemn, v. a. Despise, disdain, scorn, scout, spurn, slight, hold in contempt, look down upon, turn a cold shoulder upon, turn up one s nose at, snap one s fingers at, laugh to scorn, point the finger of scorn at. Contemplate, v. a. 1. Study, ponder, meditate on, dwell on, think about, re flect upon, consider or view attentively, revolve in the mind. 2. Intend, purpose, design, have in view, have in contemplation, look for ward to. Contemplation, n. 1. Reflection, med itation, cogitation, lucubration, delibe ration, study, thought, speculation, pondering. 2. View, prospect, prospective. Contemplative, a. Thoughtful, studi ous, given to contemplation. Contemporaneous, a. Contemporary. Contemporary, a. Contemporaneous. Contempt, n. 1. Disdain, scorn, mock ery, derision, contumely, disregard, slight, mean opinion. 8. Shame, disgrace. Contemptible, a. Despicable, vile, low, mean, base, pitiful, abject, worthless, paltry, sorry, pitiful. Contemptuous, a. Insolent, scornful, disdainful, supercilious, haughty. Contend, v. n. 1. Strive, struggle, combat, fight, vie. 2. Debate, dispiite, argue, join issue. 3. Maintain, affirm, assert. Content, a. Satisfied, contented, easy in mind. Content, v. a. Satisfy, appease, make easy, make contented. Content, n. Satisfaction, ease, content ment. Contented, a. Satisfied, content, easy in mind. Contention, n. 1. Strife, discord, dis sension, wrangling, wrangle, quarrel, squabble, feud, rupture, falling out. 3. Dispute, debate, bickering, alter cation, controversy, logomachy, high words, war of words, strife of words. Contentious, a. 1. Quarrelsome, cross, petulant, perverse. 2. Disputatious, captious, cavilling. Contentment, n. Satisfaction, ease, content. Contents, n.pl. What is contained. Conterminous, a. Adjoining, contigu ous, bordering upon. Contest, v. a. 1. Dispute, controvert, argue, debate, litigate, contend against, call in question. 2. Strive to hold, struggle to defend Contest, v. n. Contend, strive, struggle, vie, fight, compete, cope. Contest, n. 1. Dispute, altercation, de bate, controversy, contestation, quarrel, difference, high words, strife of words, war of words. 3. Struggle, battle, conflict, fight, combat, encounter, rencounter, strife in arms. Contestation, n. Dispute, debate, con troversy, logomachy, war of words, strife of words. Context, n. Words immediately pre ceding or following. Contexture, n. Constitution, structure, frame-work, texture. Contiguity, . Contact, touching, meet ing, j uxtaposition, proximity. Contiguous, a. Touching, meeting, con terminous, adjacent, adjoining, in con tact. Continence, n. Chastity, restraint of sexual appetite. Continent, a. Chaste, temperate. Continent, n. Main land, great tract of land. Contingency, n. 1. Accidentalness, fortuity, uncertainty. 3. Casualty, accident, incident, oc currence, event. Contingent, a. 1. Accidental, fortuitous, incidental, casual, happening by chance. 3. Conditional, uncertain, dependent on circumstances. Contingent, n. Quota, proportion, share, proportional part, Continual, a. Perpetual, uninterrupted, unceasing, incessant, unremitting, end less, everlasting, eternal, interminable, constant, continuous. Continuance, n. 1. Continuation. 3. Perseverance, constancy. Continuation, n. Extension (in time or space), prolongation, protraction, con tinuance. Continue, v. n. 1. Remain, endure, last, be permanent, be durable. 3. Abide, stay, tarry. 3. Persist, persevere, go on, keep on, be steadfast, be constant. Continue, v. a. Extend (in time or in space), prolong. Continuity, n. Cohesion, close union, . uninterrupted connection, unbroken texture. CONTINUOUS 88 CONVALESCENT Continuous, a. Connected, continued, extended, unbroken, uninterrupted, un- intermitted. Contort, v. a. Twist, writhe, distort. Contortion, n. Twist, distortion, wry- ness, deformity. Contour, n. Outline, profile. Contraband, a. Prohibited, illegal, un lawful, illicit. Contraband, n. 1. Illegal traffic. 2. Prohibited articles. 3. [U. S.] Negro slave. Contrabandist, n. Smuggler. Contract, v. a. 1. Lessen, shorten, narrow, diminish, abridge, reduce, epi tomize, draw together. 2. Incur, bring, procure, get, assume, take upon one s self, become liable to. Contract, v. n. 1. Shrivel, shrink, shrink up. 2. Agree, stipulate, bargain, cove nant, make a bargain. Contract, n. Compact, bargain, stipu lation, covenant, convention, concor dat, treaty, agreement, pact, arrange ment. Contraction, n. 1. Shrinking, shrivel ling, corrugation, drawing together. 2. Reduction, shortening, diminution, lessening, abridgment, abbreviation. Contradict, v. a. 1. Deny, gainsay, dispute, controvert. 2. Oppose, contravene, counteract, thwart, be contrary to. Contradiction, n. 1. Gainsaying, de nial. 3. Opposition, contrariety, incongrui ty, antagonism, clashing. Contradictory, a. Opposite, contrary, inconsistent, repugnant. Contradistinction, n. Distinction (by opposite qualities). Contradistinguish, v. a. Distinguish (by opposite qualities). Contrariety, n. Opposition, repugnance, antagonism, contradiction, clashing. Contrary, a. 1. Opposite, opposing, ad verse, opposed, counter. 2. Antagonistic, conflicting, contra dictory, counteracting, retroactive, re pugnant. 3. Perverse, humorsome, wayward, obstinate, stubborn, headstrong, re fractory, unruly. Contrast, n. 1. Exhibition of differ ences. 3. Opposition, difference. Contrast, v, a. Set off by opposition, exhibit the differences of. Contrast, v. n. Show difference, exhibit a contrast. Contrate-wheel, n. Crown-wheel. Contravene, v. a. Oppose, contradict, counteract, countervail, thwart, cross, obstruct, defeat, hinder, go against, clash with, run counter to, militate against. Contravention, n. Contradiction, op position, obstruction. Contretemps, n. [Fr.] Mishap, mis chance, accident. Contribute, v. a. Give (in common with others), grant or bestow ( as a share), DONATE. Contribute, v. n. Conduce, minister, conspire, co-operate, concur, bear a part, be helpful. Contribution, n. 1. Grant or bestow- rnent of a share. 3. Gift, donation, offering, subscrip tion. Contrite, a. Penitent, repentant, hum ble, self-convicted, broken in spirit. Contrition, n. Penitence, compunction, remorse, repentance, sorrow, regret, self-condemnation, self-reproach, stings of conscience, sorrow for sin. Contrivance, n. 1. Design, invention. 3. Device, scheme, plan, plot, artifice, stratagem, complot, machination. Contrive, v. a. Devise, plan, design, invent, project, hatch, brew, form, frame, concoct, COMPASS, fall upon, hit upon, strike out, chalk out. Contrive, ^. n. Scheme, plot, plan, con sider, set one s wits to work, rack one s brains, cudgel one s brains, strain one s invention, cast about. Control, 71. Ascendency, sway, com mand, rule, dominion, government, mastery, superintendence, direction. Control, v. a. 1. Direct, manage, regu late, govern, superintend, have the direction of, have charge of. 3. Hinder, check, repress, curb, re strain, bridle. Controversial, a. Disputatious, pol emical. Controversialist, n. Disputant, ar- guer, debater, disputer. Controversy, n. 1. Discussion, dispute, disputation, debate, polemics, alterca tion, logomachy, war of words, strife of words. 3. Lawsuit, suit at law, process in law. Controvert, v. a. Dispute, contest, de bate, argue, canvass, contend against, call in question. Contumacious, a. Contemptuous, ob stinate, perverse, stubborn, headstrong, heady, dogged, intractable, mulish, re fractory, cross-grained, stiff-necked, pertinacious, obdurate. Contumacy, n. 1. Obstinacy, stub bornness, doggedness, perverseness, pertinacity, headiness, obduracy. 2. Disobedience, insubordination. Contumelious, a. Reproachful, abu sive, calumnious, contemptuous, inso lent, insulting, rude, supercilious, over bearing, arrogant, scornful, disdainful, blackguard. Contumely, n. Obloquy, reproach, op- Srobri um, abuse, contemptuousness, isolence, rudeness, blackguardism, superciliousness, arrogance, scorn, con tempt, disdain. Contuse, v. a. Bruise, crush, squeeze. Contusion, n. Bruise. Convalescence, n. Recovery (of health). Convalescent, a. Improving (in health), recovering. CONVENE COPARTNERSHIP Convene, v. n. Meet, assemble,- mus ter, congregate, come together, hold a session. Convene, v. a. Convoke, summon, as semble, collect, muster, bring together, gather together. Convenience, n. 1. Suitableness, fit ness, propriety. 2. Ccfmmodiousness, accommodation, satisfaction. 3. Cause of satisfaction, source of comfort. Convenient, a. 1. Fit, suitable, proper, appropriate, adapted, suited. 3. Commodious, advantageous, use ful, serviceable, helpful, beneficial. Convent, n. Monastery, cloister, abbey, priory, nunnery. Convention, n. 1. Assembly, meeting, CONVOCATION. 3. Contract, compact, agreement, stipulation. Conventional, a. 1. Stipulated, agreed on, bargained for. 3. Usual, customary, common, habit ual, wonted, accustomed, ordinary, reg ular, every-day. Conventual, a. Monastic. Conventual, n. Monk, nun. Converge, v. n. Tend to the same point. Convergent, a. Converging. Convergence, n. Tendency to one point. Converging, a. Convergent. Conversable, a. Sociable, social, com municative, affable, free, unreserved, open. Conversant with, n. Acquainted with, versed in, skilled in, proficient in. Conversation, n. Converse, talk, col loquy, parley, conference, dialogue, chat, CONFABULATION, familiar dis course. Conversational, a. Colloquial. Conversative, a. Talkative, inclined to conversation. Converse, v. n. 1. Commune, hold in tercourse. 3. Talk, chat, CONFABULATE, dis course familiarly, hold a conversa tion. Converse, n. 1. Communion, inter course, commerce. 3. Talk, colloquy, conversation. 3. Reverse, opposite. Conversely, ad. Reciprocally. Conversion, n. 1. Transmutation, transformation, change. 3. Interchange, transposition. Convert, v. a. 1. Transmute, trans form, change. 3. Interchange, transpose. 3. Appropriate, apply. Convertible, a. Interchangeable. Convex, a. Gibbous, protuberant, round ing (outwardly). Convex lens, Burning-glass. Convey, v. a. 1. Carry, bear, bring, transmit, transport, WAFT, FETCH. 3. Transfer, alienate, abalienate, con sign, demise, devolve, cede, grant, de vise, deliver over, make over. Conveyance, n. 1. Transfer, demise, alienation, cession, transference. 3. Carriage, vehicle. Convict, v. a. Prove guilty, detect in guilt. Convict, n. Malefactor, criminal, felon, culprit. Conviction, n. 1. Proof of guilt, de tection in guilt. 3. Confutation, refutation. 3. Persuasion, sentiment, judgment, consciousness. Convince, v. a. Satisfy (by proof or evi dence], persuade. Convivial, a. Festal, festive, social, jovial, jolly, gay. Conviviality, n. Festivity, joviality, jollity, gayety, merry-making. Convocation, n. Meeting, assembly, convention, congress, diet, synod, coun cil. Convoke, v. a. Convene, assemble, summon, muster, call together, bring together. Convolute, a. (Bot.) Rolled together. Convolution, n. 1. Rolling together. 3. Coil, fold, BIGHT. Convoy, v. a. Accompany (for protec tion), escort, attend, keep company with, go along with. Convoy, n. Attendance (for the purpose of protection), escort. Convulse, v. a. 1. Throw into spasms. 3. Agitate, shake, disturb. Convulsion, n. 1. Spasm, cramp. 3. Agitation, disturbance, tumult, commotion. Cook, v. a. Prepare (food) by heat. Cool, a. 1. Somewhat cold, a* little cold, moderately cold, not warm. 3. Unimpassioned, dispassionate, col lected, composed, self-possessed, calm, unruffled, undisturbed, sedate, unex- cited, placid, quiet, staid. 3. Indifferent, unconcerned, luke warm, cold-blooded. 4. Impudent, shameless. Cool, v. a. 1. Refrigerate, chill, make cool, reduce the heat of. 3. Allay, calm, quiet, temper, at temper, moderate, abate, damp. Cool, v. n. 1. Grow cool, lose heat. 3. Grow calm, lose ardor, be less Coop, n. Pen (for poultry), Coop, v, a. Confine, cage, incage, im prison, shut up. Co-operate, v. n. Conspire, conduce, contribute, concur, unite, work togeth er, join forces, act jointly. Co-operation, n. Concurrence, concert, joint operation, pulling together. Co-operator, n. Coadjutor, assistant, helper, aider, auxiliary, ally, abettor, joint operator. Co-ordinate, a. Equal, co-equal, of the same rank. Coot, n. [Colloquial.] Simpleton, DUNCE. Copartner, n. Sharer, partaker, part ner, associate. Copartnership,^. 1. Association, fra ternity, partnership, joint stock. COPE WITH 90 CORRESPONDENT 3. Firm, house, establishment, con cern, company, joint concern. Cope \vith, Encounter, engage with, contend with, compete with, struggle with, strive with. Copier, n. Transcriber, copyist. Copious, a. Abundant, plentiful, plen teous, ample, profuse, rich, full, exub erant, overflowing. Copiousness, n. Abundance, exuber ance, plenty, profusion, richness. Copper, n. Cent, ten mills, the 100th part of a dollar. Copperas, n. Green vitriol, sulphate of iron (crystallized). Copse, n. Grove (of small trees or shrubs), thicket. Copulation, n. Coition. Copulative, a. Uniting, connecting. Copy, n. 1. Transcript. 3. Fac-simile, duplicate. 3. Original, model, pattern, arche type. 4. Manuscript (to be printed). Copy, v. a. 1. Transcribe, make a tran script of, make a copy of. 2. Imitate, follow as a pattern, pat tern after. Copyist, n. 1. Transcriber, copier. 3. Imitator. Coquet, v. n. Flirt, philander, make love, make a show of love, affect to be in love, play at courtship. Coquetry, n. Flirtation, affectation of love. Coquette, n. Flirt, jilt. Coquirnbite, n. White copperas. Coranach, n. [Written also Coronach.] Dirge, funeral song. Cord, n. String, line, small rope. Cordate, a. Cordiform, heart-shaped. Cordial, a. 1. Hearty, warm, ardent, affectionate, earnest, sincere, heartfelt. 3. Grateful, pleasant, refreshing, in vigorating, restorative. Cordial, n. 1. Stomachic, stomachal, stimulating medicine. 3. Liqueur, aromatized spirit. Cordiality, n. Heartiness, sincerity, ardor of affection, warmth of feeling, affectionate regard. Cordiform, a. Cordate, heart-shaped. Core, n. Heart, inner part. Coriaceous, a. Leathery, tough. Cork, n. 1. Bark of the Quercus suber, or cork-tree. 2. Stopple or stopper (made of cork). Corn, n. 1. Cereal grain. 3. Maize, Indian corn. 3. Horny excrescence. Corn, v. a. 1. Salt moderately, sprinkle with salt. 3. Intoxicate, fuddle, muddle, inebri ate, make drunk, make tipsy. Corn-crake, n. Daker-hen, land-rail, ( Crex pratensis ). Corneous, a. . Horny. Corner, n. 1. Angle, bend, elbow, crotch, knee, cusp. 3. Nook, recess, niche, retired place, secret place. 3. Part, quarter. Corner, v. a. [Colloquial U. S.] 1. Drive into a corner. 3. Nonplus, pose, confound, confuse, puzzle, perplex, put to a stand. Corner-wise, ad. Diagonally. Cornucopia, n. [L. pi. Cornucopwe.] Horn of plenty. Corollary, n. Inference, conclusion, consequence, deduction. Coronach, n. [Written also Coranach.} Dirge, funeral song. Coronal, n. Crown, garland, wreath, chaplet, laurel, bays. Coronation, n. Crowning. Corosso nut, Ivory-nut. Corporal, a. 1. Bodily. 3. Material, physical, corporeal, not spiritual. Corporate, a. Incorporated. Corporation, n. Incorporated body. Corporeal, a. Material, physical, cor poral, not spiritual. Corps,?*. [Fr.] Body of troops, division of an arniy. Corpse, n. COKSE, remains, CARCASS, dead body (of a human being). Corpulence, ) n. Obesity, fleshiness, Corpulency, ) fatness, plumpness, EM- BONPOIJS T. Corpulent, a. Fleshy, fat, stout, portly, plump, pursy, obese, round. Corpuscle, n. Atom, particle, molecule, mite, monad, scrap, bit, grain, jot, iota, tittle, whit, ace, scintilla. Corpuscular, a. Molecular. Correct, v. a. 1. Rectify, amend, mend, reform, redress, reclaim, make right, set right. 3. Punish, castigate, chastise, disci pline. 3. Change the quality of (by some thing of an opposite character). Correct, a. Faultless, exact, precise, accurate, right, true, proper, free from error, not faulty. Correction, n. 1. Amendment, im provement, redress. 3. Chastisement, punishment, disci pline, castigation. 3. Change (in quality, by something opposite), modification. Correctness, n. Accuracy, exactness, nicety, precision, truth, propriety, fault- Correlate, n. Correlative. Correlative, a. Reciprocal. Correlative, n. Correlate. Correspond, v. n. 1. Agree, suit, fit, answer, accord, harmonize, tally, square, quadrate, comport, cohere, be accordant. 3. Communicate (by letter). Correspondence, n. 1. Coincidence, concurrence, congruity, fitting relation, reciprocal adaptation. 3. Intercourse or communication by letters. 3. Letters. Correspondent, a. Adapted, suited, suiting, fitted, suitable, fitting, agree able, conformable, answerable, corre sponding, answering. CORRESPONDING 91 COUNSELLOR Corresponding, a. Answering, COR RESPONDENT. Corridor, n. Gallery, passage. Corroborate, v. a. Strengthen, con firm, establish, sustain, support. Corroboration, n. Confirmation. Corroborative, a. Confirmatory, cor roborating. Corrode, v. a. 1. Erode, cafaker, eat away. 2. Consume, waste, wear away, prey upon. Corroding, a. Caustic, catheretic, COR ROSIVE. Corrosion, n. 1. Erosion, eating away. 2. Wasting, wearing away. Corrosive, a. Corroding, consuming, eroding, erosive, catheretic, caustic, acrid, virulent, eating away. Corrosive sublimate, Bi-chloride of mercury. Corrosiveness, n. Causticity, acridness, virulence, acrimony. Corrugate, v. a. Wrinkle, cockle, puck er, contract into wrinkles. Corrugation, n. Wrinkle, fold, plait. Corrupt, v. a. 1. Putrefy, render pu trid. 2. Contaminate, taint, defile, pollute, infect, vitiate, spoil, adulterate, sophis ticate, debase. 3. Deprave, demoralize. Corrupt, a. 1. Corrupted, infected, spoiled, tainted, vitiated, putrid, con taminated, unsound. 2. Depraved, wicked, vicious, dis solute, profligate, reprobate, aban doned. Corruption, n. 1. Putrefaction, pu trescence. 2. Defilement, contamination, pollu tion, infection, vitiation, adulteration, debasement. 3. Depravity, depravation, wicked ness, demoralization, immorality, laxi ty, looseness of morals, want of princi ple. Corsair, n. Pirate, buccaneer, picaroon, sea-rover, sea-robber. Corse, n. [Poetical.] Corpse, remains, dead body (of a human being). Corset, n. Bodice, stays. Cortege, n,. [Fr.] Train. Coruscate, v. n. Shine, glisten, glitter, gleam, sparkle, twinkle, flash, scintil late. Coruscation, n. Flash, sparkle, glitter, gleam, scintillation. Corvette, n. [Fr.] Sloop of war. Coryplieus, n. [L.] Leader, chief, guide, director. Cosey, a. [Written also Cozy.] 1. Snug, comfortable, easy. 2. [Eng.] Chatty, talkative, social. Cosmopolite, n. Citizen of the world. Cosmos, n. Universe. Cosset, n. Pet lamb. Cosset, v. a. Fondle, caress, pet, coddle, make a pet of, make much of. Cost, v. a. 1. Be had for, be exchanged for, be bought for. 2. Require to be suffered. Cost, n. 1. Expense, charge, price. 2. Loss, detriment, damage, pain, suffering. Costate, ) -RihhPfl Costated,J a< J Costive, a. Constipated. Costiveness, n. Constipation. Costly, a. Expensive, dear, high-priced, of great price. Costume, n. Style of dress. Cot, n. 1. Hut, COTTAGE. 2. Low bedstead. Coterie, n. Club, association, society, CLIQUE, brotherhood, circle, set (espe cially an exclusive one). Cottage, n. Cot, lodge, hut, CASINO, small house. Cottager, n. Cotter. Cotter, n. Cottager. Cotton, 71. Cotton-wool. Cotton, v. n. [Cant word.] Harmonize, fraternize, HITCH HORSES TOGETHER. Cotton-wood, n. Canadian poplar (Populus monilifera). Cotton-wool, n. Cotton. Couch, v. n. 1. Lie, recline, lie down. 2. Crouch, squat, lie flat. 3. Stoop, bend down. Couch, v. a. 1. Express, utter, set forth, clothe in words. 2. Conceal, hide, cover up. 3. Lay (a spear) in rest, put in pos ture of attack. 4. Depress or remove (a cataract). Couch, n. 1. Bed, place for rest. 2. Sofa, seat to recline on. Couchant, a. Squatting, lying down. Couch-grass, n. Knot-grass, dog s- grass, wheat-grass, witch-grass, dog- wh eat, twitch-grass ( Triticum repens). Cougar, n. Puma, panther, catamount, North American tiger (Felis concolor or Puma concolor). Couleur de rose, [Fr.] 1. Rose color. 2. Fair appearance, attractive light, flattering aspect. Coulter-neb, n. Puffin, Labrador auk, (Alca arctica or Fratercula arctica). Council, n. 1. Cabinet, ministry, body of advisers. 2. Assembly (for consultation), meet ing, congress, diet, synod, convocation, convention. Councillor, n. [Written also Councilor.] Council-man, member of a council. Council-chamber, n. Divan, audience- chamber, state-chamber. Counsel, n. 1. Consultation, inter change of opinion. 2. Advice, opinion, suggestion, rec ommendation, instruction, admonition, caution. 3. Deliberation, forethought. 4. Design, plan, scheme, purpose. 5. Counsellor, lawyer, attorney, bar rister, SOLICITOR, advocate. Counsel, v. a. Advise, admonish, give advice to. Counsellor, n. [Written also Counselor.] 1. Adviser. 2. Lawyer, attorney, barrister, SO LICITOR, counsel, advocate. COUNT 92 COURT Count, v. a. 1. Enumerate, number. 2. Calculate, reckon, compute, esti mate, cast, cast up. 3. Consider, esteem, regard, deem, hold, judge, think, account, look upon. Count, v. n. Add to the number, swell the number. Count on, Depend on, depend upon, rely on, rely upon, count upon. Count, n. 1. Reckoning. 2. (Law.) Particular clause or charge. Countenance, n. 1. Aspect, look, mien, expression of the face. 2. Favor, encouragement, patronage, support, aid, assistance, sanction, ap probation, approval. Countenance, v. a. Approve, sanction, support, aid, abet, assist, favor, encour age, patronize, befriend, stand by, side with, take the side of. Counter, n. Reckoner, calculator. Counter, ad. Contrary, contrariwise. Counteract, v. a. 1. Oppose, contra vene, resist, cross, thwart, hinder, check, defeat, frustrate, run counter to, act against, clash with. 2. Neutralize, destroy the effect of. Counteraction, n. Opposition, contra vention, resistance, frustration. Counteractive, n. Corrective, antidote, cure, specific, remedy, restorative, med icine, help. Counterbalance, v. a. 1. Counter poise, balance. 2. Countervail, compensate, set off, make up for. Counter-current, n. Eddy. Counterfeit, v. a. 1. Forge, make a spurious copy of, imitate wrongfuHy. 2. Feign, simulate, sham, put on the appearance of. Counterfeit, a. 1. Forged, spurious, supposititious, fraudulent. 2. Feigned, false, simulated, sham, mock, clap-trap, spurious, put on, make-believe. Counterfeit, n. Forgery, fraudulent copy. Counterfeiter, n. 1. Forger, falsifier. 2. Pretender, feigner. Counter-jumper, n. [In contempt.] Shopman, shop-keeper. Countermand, v. a. Revoke, rescind, recall, abrogate, make void. Countermarch, v. n. March back, re verse the direction of a march. Counterpane, n. Coverlet, coverlid. Counterpart, n. 1. Corresponding part. 2. (Law.) Duplicate, copy. 3. Correlative, complement, supple ment, reverse. 4. Match, fellow, mate, tally, twin, the very image. Counterpoise, v. a. Counter-balance, balance. Counterpoise, n. Equal weight. Countersign, n. Watch-word, pass word. Counter-tenor, n. (Mus.) Alto, coun ter. Countervail, v. a. Balance, counter balance, compensate, make up for. Countrified, a. Rustic, rude, country. Country, n. 1. Region, land. 2. Rural parts (as distinguished from city). Country, a. 1. Rustic, rural. 2. Rude, rough, unrefined, unculti vated, countrified. Countryman, n. 1. Compatriot. 2. Rustic, peasant, swain, farmer, husbandman, clown, hind, bumpkin, boor, lout. Count upon, COUNT ON. County, 11. Shire. Coup-de-grace, n. [Fr.] Death-blow, decisive blow, finishing stroke, mercy stroke. Coup-de-main, n. [Fr.] Sudden attack, unexpected enterprise. Coup-d etat, n. [Fr.] Master stroke of policy, stroke of statesmanship. Coup-d oeil, n. [Fr.] Glance, hasty view, slight view. Coup-de-soleil, n. [Fr.] Sunstroke, SIRIASIS, insolation, stroke of the sun. Couple, n. 1. Brace, pair, two (of the same kind). 2. Man and wife. Couple, v. a. 1. Join, conjoin, connect, unite, pair, link together. 2. Marry, wed. Couple, v. n. Unite, pair. Couplet, n. Two verses (that rhyme), pair of rhymes. Coupon, n. [Fr.] Interest certificate, interest warrant. Courage, n. Fearlessness (from reflection or a sense of duty), BRAVERY, valor, gal lantry, prowess, intrepidity, heroism, boldness, daring, spirit, resolution, forti tude, hardihood, pluck, SPUNK, back bone. Courageous, a. Fearless (from reflection or a sense of duty), BRAVE, gallant, daring, valorous, chivalrous, valiant, bold, heroic, intrepid, dauntless, reso lute, hardy, stout, lion-hearted, with a bold front, UP TO THE SCRATCH. Courier, n. Messenger, express, run ner. Course, n. 1. Race, career. 2. Route, way, track, road. 3. Direction, bearing, point of coi* pass, line of progress. 4. Round, beat. 5. Progress, process. 6. Regularity, order, succession, turn. 7. Deportment, line of conduct, man ner of proceeding. 8. Series, system, methodical ar rangement. 9. Set of dishes (at a banquet). Course, v. a. Pursue, hunt, chase, run after, give chase to. Course, v. n. Run, move swiftly. Courser, n. Racer, race-horse. Courses, n. pi. Menses, catamenia, menstrual flux, menstrual discharge. Court, n. 1. Royal household, princely retinue. 2. Judicial tribunal, court of justice. COURT 93 CRACK 3. Judge, body of judges. 4r. Court-yard. 5. Recess from a street. Court, v. a. 1. Flatter, coddle, try to please, fawn upon, pay court to. 2. Woo, pay one s addresses to, make love to. 3. Seek, solicit, strive to gain. Courteous, a. Polite, civil, affable, ur bane, complaisant, gracious, courtly, ceremonious, debonair, respectful, ob liging, well-bred. Courteousness, n. Politeness, COUR- TESY. Courtesan, n. Prostitute, whore, harlot, strumpet, punk, wench, drab, Cyp- riaii, DEMIREP, night-walker, street walker, lewd woman, woman of the town, woman of ill-fame. Courtesy, . Politeness, courteousness, civility, urbanity, complaisance, affa bility, good-breeding, elegance of man ners. Courtesy, v. n. Make a courtesy. Courtly, a. Polished, elegant, polite, COURTEOUS. Courtship, n. Wooing. Court-yard, n. Court. Cousiii-german, n. First cousin. Cove, n. Inlet, bight, small bay. Covenant, n. Agreement, bargain, con tract, compact, stipulation, arrange ment, treaty, convention, concordat, pact. Covenant, v. n. Bargain, stipulate, agree, make a stipulation. Cover, v. a. 1. Overspread. 2. Conceal, hide, secrete, cloak, veil, screen, shroud, mask, disguise. 3. Shield, shelter, protect, guard, defend. 4. Clothe, invest, envelop, inwrap, wrap up. 5. Put a covering on. 6. Comprehend, embrace, include, comprise, contain, embody. 7. Counterbalance, countervail, bal ance, compensate, make up for, be equal to. Cover, n. 1. Covering, tegument, in tegument, capsule, case. 2. Screen, veil, disguise, cloak. 3. Shelter, protection, guard, de fence, shield, safeguard. 4. Plate, dish. Covercle, n. Lid, small cover. Covering, n. COVER, tegument, integ ument, capsule. "- Counterpane. Covert, n. Shelter, refuge, asylum, har bor, sanctuary, retreat, defence. Covert, a. Hidden, concealed, secret, disguised, clandestine, underhand, sly, insidious, stealthy. Covet, v. a. Desire, long for, lust for, hanker after, aspire to. Covetous, a. 1. Greedy, eager, very desirous (usually in a bad sense, though sometimes in a good sense), AVARICIOUS, parsimonious, penurious, sordid, mean, mercenary, miserly, niggardly, stingy. Coyetousness, n. Avarice, parsimony, stinginess, penuriousness, niggardli ness, meanness, cupidity. , n. 1. Brood. Covey, n. 1. 3. Flock. 3. Set, company, party, bevy. Covin, n. (Law.) Collusion. Covinous, a. (Law.) Fraudulent, de ceitful, dishonest, deceptive, collusive. Cow, v. a. Overawe, intimidate, fright en, daunt, subdue by fear. Coward, n. Dastard, poltroon, craven, milksop. Cowardice, n. Pusillanimity, poltroon ery, timidity, fear, cowardliness, the white feather. Cowardliness, n. COWARDICE. Cowardly, a. Pusillanimous, dastardly, craven, fearful, timorous, timid, dim- dent, faint-hearted, chicken-hearted, white-livered, showing the white feather. Cower, v. n. Crouch, cringe, fawn, stoop, squat, bend the knee. Cowl, n. 1. Monk s hood. 2. Chimney-top. Cow-pox, n. Kine-pox. Coxcomb, n. Beau, fop, dandy, popin jay, exquisite, jackanapes, PETIT- MAITRE, prig, man of dress ; vain, showy fellow. Coxcombry, n. Foppishness, vain- glory, priggery. Coxcombical, ) a. Foppish, conceited, Coxcomical, j vain, priggish, preten tious. Coy, a. Modest, diffident, shy, shrink ing, timid, bashful, reserved, distant, demure. Cozen, v. a. Cheat, trick, defraud, de ceive, swindle, chouse, dupe, gull, did dle, overreach, circumvent, beguile, victimize, take in, impose upon. Cozenage, n. Fraud, deceit, artifice, trickery, deception, imposition, impos ture, duplicity, guile, double deal ing. Cozy, a. [Written also Cosey.} 1. Snug, comfortable, easy. 2. [Eng.] Chatty, talkative, social, conversable. Crabbed, a. 1. Sour, tart, rough. 2. Morose, surly, testy, touchy, cross, growling, snarling, snappish, can tankerous, waspish, petulant, peevish, churlish, harsh, acrimonious, caustic, captious, censorious, splenetic, out or sorts, ill-tempered. 3. Difficult, perplexing, trying, un manageable, tough, intractable, hard to deal with. Crabbedness, n. 1. Sourness, rough ness, tartness. 2. Asperity, acerbity, moroseness, sullenness, moodiness, churlishness, harshness, ill-temper, bad blood. 3. Difficulty, perplexity, intracta bility. Crab-grass, n. Wire-grass, dog s-tail grass ( Eleusine Indica). Crack, n. 1. Break, cleft, breach, chink. fissure, crevice, cranny, opening. CRACK 94 CREDIT 3. Report, clap, pop, burst, explosion. 3. Snap (of a whip). Crack, v. d. i. Break (partially), CRAZE. 3. Split, chop, cleave, rend asunder. 3. Snap (as a whip). Crack, v. n. 1. Break, split, burst, chap, open in chinks. 3. Brag, bluster, vapor, vaunt, boast, gasconade, crow, exalt one s self, mag nify one s self, TALK BIG. Crack, a. [Colloquial.] Excellent, first- rate, of the first class, first-class. Crack-brained, a. Crazy, cracked, in sane, crazed. Cracked, a. 1. Broken, split. 3. Crazed, crazy, crack-brained, with a bee in the head, insane. Cracker, n. Hard biscuit. Crackle, v. n. Decrepitate, crepitate, snap. Craft, n. 1. Skill, ability, talent, power, cleverness, dexterity, tact, aptitude, aptness, expertness, readiness. 3. Artifice, artfulness, shrewdness, subtlety, cunning. 3. Art, trade, employment, business. Craftsman, n. Artisan, mechanic, arti ficer, workman, hand, operative, handi craftsman. Crafty, a. Cunning, artful, deceitful, astute, sly, arch, subtle, shrewd, wily, invidious, intriguing, tricky, crooked, diplomatic, Machiavelian. Crag, n. Rough, steep rock. Cragged, a. CRAGGY. Craggy, a. Cragged, rugged, rough, broken, uneven, scraggy. Cram, v. a. 1. Stufi , gorge, glut, fill full, fill to repletion. 3. Crowd, press, compress. Cram,v.w. 1. Eat to satiety, eat greedily. 3. [Colloquial.] Study for exami nation. Cramp, n. 1. Spasm, crick, convulsion. 3. [Rare.] Check, restriction, re straint, obstruction. 3. Cramp-iron. Cramp, v. a. 1. Affect with spasms. 3. Restrain, obstruct, hinder, check, confine. 3. Fasten with a cramp. Cramp-fish, n. Torpedo, electric ray ( Torpedo vulgaris). Cramp-iron, n. Cramp. Cranberry, n. Bog-berry. Crane-fly, n. Father-long-legs, daddy- long-legs. Crane s-bill, n. Geranium. Craniognomy, n. Craniology, phre nology. Cruniology, n. Craniognomy, phrenol ogy. Cranium, n. Skull, brain-pan. Crank, a. Easy to be overset. Crankle, v. n. Crinkle, run in and out. Cranny, n. Cleft, crack, fissure, chink, crevice, rift, gap, break, breach, inter stice, opening. Crapulous, a. [Rare.] Drunken, drunk, inebriated, intoxicated, FUDDLED. Crassament, n. CRASSAMENTUM. Crassamentum, n. [L.] Clot (of blood), coagulation. Cratch, a. Manger, crib. Cratch-cradle, n. Cat s cradle, scratch- cradle. Crate, n. Hamper. Cravat, n. Neckcloth, neckerchief, neck tie. Crave, v. a. 1. Entreat, beseech, beg, solicit, implore, supplicate. 3. Desire, long for, hanker after, wish for, yearn for. Craven, n. Dastard, coward, poltroon, milksop. Craving, n. Longing, itching, strong desire. Craw, n. Crop, first stomach (of a bird). Crawfish, n. Crayfish, river-lobster. Crawl, v. n. Creep. Crayfish, n. CRAWFISH. Crayon, n. 1. Pencil. 3. Drawing made with a crayon. Craze, v. a. 1. Make crazy, make in sane. 3 [Rare.] Break, crack, crush, grind. Crazy, a. 1. Shattered, broken, totter ing, rickety, worn out, out of order. 3. Insane, distracted, mad, lunatic, demented, delirious, crack-brained, cracked, crazed, out of one s head, out of one s senses, out of one s wits. Cream, n. Choice part, best part. Cream-colored, a. Pale yellow. Cream of tartar, Bi-tartrate of potash (purified), acid tartrate of potash. Create, v. a. 1. Originate. 3. Produce, cause, occasion, be the occasion of. 3. Make, appoint, constitute. Creation, n. 1. Invention, origination. 3. Universe, cosmos. 3. Appointment, constitution, nomi nation. Creator, n. 1. Originator, Maker. 3. GOD, Jehovah, the Almighty^. Creature,?!. 1. Being (animate or inani mate), thing, substance, body, created being. 3. Animal, living being. 3. Man, person. 4. Dependant, retainer, vassal, para site, minion, hanger-on. Credence, n. Belief, credit, trust, faith, confidence, reliance. Credendum, n. [L.] Article of faith, thing to be believed. Credentials, n.pl. Testimonials, vouch ers, certificates. Credibility, n. Trustworthiness, credi- bleness. Credible, a. Trustworthy, to be be lieved, worthy of belief, not improb able. Credibleness, n. Trustworthiness, cred ibility. Credit, n. 1. Belief, trust, faith, confi dence, credence, reliance. 3. Reputableness, esteem, regard, good repute, good reputation, high character. 3. Influence (of a good name), power. 4. Merit, honor, proof of desert. CREDIT 95 CROOK Credit, v. a. 1. Believe, give faith to, put faith in, rely upon, confide in, doubt not, make no doubt of, take upon credit. 3. Place to the credit of, carry to the credit of one s account, enter upon the credit side. Creditable, a. Reputable, honorable, estimable. Credulity, n. Easiness of belief, readi ness to believe (on slight evidence). Credulous, a. Unsuspecting, unsuspi cious, easy of belief, easily duped. Creed, n. Belief, tenets, dogmas, doc trines, system of opinions, summary of belief. Creed-bound, a. BIGOTED, wedded to an opinion. Creek, n: 1. Inlet, cove, bight, small bay. 3. Rivulet, small river. Creep, v. n. 1. Crawl. 3. Steal, glide stealthily, come unno ticed. 3. Fawn, cringe, play the sycophant. Creeping, a. 1. Crawling. 3. Fawning, sycophantic. 3. (Bot.) Growing on the ground or on supports. Cremation, n. Burning (especially of the dead). Crenate, ) a. (Bot.) Notched, indent- Crenated, j ed. Crepitate, v. n. Crackle, snap, decrepi tate. Crescent, n. 1. New moon, moon in her first quarter. 3. Figure of the new moon. 3. Turkish standard. 4. Turkish power, Ottoman Empire. Crescent, a. Growing, enlarging, in creasing. Crescent-shaped, a. (Bot.) Lunate, lunated. Crest, n. 1. Tuft, plume, COMB. 3. Top, crown, summit, highest part. Crested, a. 1. "With a crest. 3. (Bot.) Cristate. Crestfallen, a. Discouraged, disheart ened, dispirited, depressed, dejected, desponding, chap-fallen, melancholy, sad, down-hearted, downcast, cast down, low-spirited, in low spirits. Cretaceous, a. Chalky. Crevasse, n. [Fr.] Crevice, gap, open ing, ravine, gulley, GULCH. Crevice, n. Fissure, chink, rift, gap, cleft, crack, cranny, interstice. Crew, n. Company, gang, band, set, horde, party. Crib, n. 1. Rack, manger, cratch, feed ing-place. 3. Bin, bunker. Crib, v. a. Enclose (as in a crib), cage, encage, confine, imprison, shut up. Crick, n. Spasm, cramp, convulsion. Crime, n. 1. FELONY, aggravated mis demeanor, gross offence (especially against human law), infraction of law. 3. Sin, transgression, iniquity, wick edness, unrighteousness, wrong, delin quency. Criminal, a. 1. Wrong, contrary to law. 3. Culpable, guilty. Criminal, n.- Culprit, delinquent, offen der, transgressor, trespasser, malefac tor, convict, felon. Criminal conversation, [Abbreviated crim. con.] Adultery. Criminality, n. Guiltiness, guilt, cul pability. Criminate, v. a. Accuse, charge, ar raign, impeach, allege to be guilty. Crimination, n. Accusation, impeach ment, arraignment, charge. Crimp, v. a. 1. Curl, crisp. 3. Plait, form into ridges. Crimp, n. [Colloquial.] Decoyman (fvr the military service), insnarer, trapan- ner. Cringe, v. n. Crouch, fawn, truckle, sneak, stoop, bend the knee. Cringing, a. Crouching, fawning, ser vile, sneaking, obsequious. Crinkle, v. n. Crankle, run in and out. Cripple, n. Lame person. Cripple, v. a. 1. Lame, make lame. 3. Disable, weaken, impair the strength of. Crisis, n. 1. Acme, height, decisive turn, turning point. 3. Exigency, emergency, juncture, conjuncture, pass, strait, rub, pinch, push, critical situation. OrfKy } I- Brittle, friable. 3. Curled, frizzled. Crisp, v. a. Twist, curl. Crispin, n. Shoemaker. Cristate, a. (Bot.) Crested. Criterion, n. Standard, test, touch stone, measure, rule. Critic, n. 1. Reviewer, censor, connoi seur, judge (of artistic merit). 3. Censurer, caviller, carper. Critical, a. 1. Exact, nice, accurate. 3. Censorious, carping, cavilling, cap tious. Criticise, v. a. Examine and estimate (as works of art or of literature), remark upon (with reference to merits and de fects), pass judgment upon. Criticism, n. 1. Art of criticising. 3. Critique, strictures, animadver sion, review, critical remarks. Critique, n. Criticism, review, critical examination, critical remarks, critical notice. Croak, v. n. Murmur, complain, grum ble, repine. Croaker, n. Murmurer, complainer, grumbler, censurer, fault-finder. Crock, n. Soot. Crock, v. a. Blacken (with soot), soil. Crockery, n. Earthen-ware. Crocodile tears, Affected tears, hypo critical sorrow. Crone, n. Old woman (in contempt). Crony, n. [Colloquial.] Associate, inti mate friend, bosom friend, bosom com panion. Crook, n. Bend, flexure, curvature, turn. CROOK 96 CRUSH Crook, v. a. Bend, curve, incurvate, bow, inflect, make crooked. Crooked, a. 1. Bent, curved, bowed, winding, not straight. 3. Distorted, twisted, wry, awry, askew, deformed, disfigured. 3. Perverse, froward, dishonest, un fair, dishonorable, knavish, unscrupu lous, deceitful, tricky, insidious, crafty, intriguing, diplomatic, Machiavelian. Croon, v. a. Hum, sing softly, sing in a low tone. Croon, n. 1. Murmur, moan. 3. Simple melody. Crop, n. 1. Harvest. 3. Craw, first stomach (of a bird). Crop, v. a. 1. Lop, clip, cut off. 3. Gather, pluck, pick. 3. Browse, nibble, feed upon. Crosier, n. Pastoral staff. Cross, n. 1. Gibbet (made of pieces of wood placed transversely). 3. [With The prefixed.] Gospel, Christian doctrine, Christian religion, divine revelation. 3. Trial, vexation, trouble, affliction, misfortune. 4. Intermixture (of blood in races). Cross, a. 1. Transverse, lying athwart. 3. Fretful, peevish, petulant, pettish, snappish, waspish,touchy, testy, crusty, churlish, crabbed, captious, ill-natured, froward.^ morose, sulky, sullen, spleeny, surly, cynical, snarling, sour, GROUTY, ill-tempered, out of humor, out of tem per. Cross, v. a. 1. Put across, put athwart. 3. Mark with a line or lines across. 3. Traverse, pass over, go over. 4. Thwart, hinder, obstruct, interfere with. Cross-barred, a. Cancellated. Crosses, n. pi. Vexations, misfortunes, troubles, trials, afflictions. Cross-examine, v. a. Cross-question. Cross-grained, a. Stubborn, obdurate, untractable, perverse, wayward, head strong, refractory. Crossing, n. Intersection. Cross-question, v. a. Cross-examine. Crosswise, ad. Across, transversely, over. Crotch, n. Fork, angle, corner. Crotchet, n. Whim, freak, quirk, va gary, whimsey, fancy, caprice, maggot, WRINKLE. Crotchety, a. Whimsical, fantastic, fantastical, odd, queer, fanciful, capri cious, humorsome, wayward, fitful, freakish. Crouch, v. n. 1. Couch, squat, lie flat, stoop low, lie close to the ground. 3. Cower, cringe, fawn, truckle. Croup, n. 1. Rump (especially of a horse), buttocks. 3. (Med.) Cynanche (trachealis). Crow, v. n. Boast, brag, vaunt, bluster, swagger, vapor, triumph, chuckle, ex ult. Crowd, 7i. 1. Throng, multitude, con course, host. 3. Rabble, mob, populace, vulgar mass, lower classes, lower orders, com mon people. Crowd, v. a. 1. Fill by compression, fill to excess. 3. Compress, cram, press, press to gether. 3. Urge, dun. Crowd, v. n. 1. Swarm, flock together, be numerous, come thick. 3. Press forward, make one s way. Crown, n. 1. Diadem. 3. Royalty, kingly power, sover eignty. 3. Coronet, coronal, garland, chaplet, wreath, laurel, bays. 4. Dignity, honor, reward, recom pense, honorary distinction. 5. Top, summit, crest. Crown, v. a. 1. Put a crown upon, in vest with a crown. 3. Adorn, dignify, honor. 3. Recompense, reward, requite. 4. Perfect, complete, finish, consum mate. Crowning, n. 1. Coronation. 3. Perfecting, finishing, consumma tion. Crown-law, n. [England.] Criminal law. Crown-post, n. King-post. Crown-wheel, n. Contrate-wheel. Crucial, a. 1. Transverse, intersecting. 3. Severe, searching, trying, deci sive. Cruciate, a. (Bot.) Cruciform, cross- shaped. Cruciform, a. Cross-shaped, CRUCI ATE. Crucify, v. a. 1. Put to death upon the cross. 3. Subdue (as the passions, by Chris tian principles), overcome, mortify. Crude, a. 1. Raw, uncooked, undressed, in a raw state. 3. Immature, unripe, harsh. 3. Coarse, unrefined. 4. Unpremeditated, indigested. Crudeness, n. Rawness, crudity. Crudity, n. Rawness, crudeness. Cruel, a. 1. Unmerciful, inhuman, mer ciless, unfeeling, uncompassionate, fell, ruthless, barbarous, pitiless, relentless, unrelenting, inexorable, savage, fero cious, brutal, sanguinary, truculent, blood-thirsty, hard-hearted. 3. Severe, hard, sharp, bitter. Cruelty, n. Inhumanity, barbarity, brutality, brutislmess, ferocity, savage- ness, truculence, blood-thirstiness. Cruet, n. Vial, cruse, caster. Cruise, v. n. Rove over the sea. Cruise, n. Roving voyage. Crumble, v. a. Crush, break to pieces, disintegrate, reduce to fragments. Crumble, v. n. 1. Fall to pieces, break into pieces, become disintegrated. 3. Perish, fall into decay. Crumple, v. a. Wrinkle, rumple. Crusader, n. Palmer, pilgrim. Cruse, n. Vial, cruet, caster. Crush, v. a. 1. Compress, squeeze, bruise, contuse. CRUST 97 CUPBOARD 3. Break, crumble, disintegrate, com minute, bray, CRAZE. 3. Demolish, break down. 4. Overpower, overcome, overwhelm, subdue, quell, conquer. Crust, n. Incrustation, hard coating. Crustacea, n. pi. CRUSTACEANS. Crustaceans, n. pi. Shell-fish (with thin, jointed shells, like the lobster). Crustacean, a. Crustaceous. Crustaceous, a. Crustacean. Crusty, a. Touchy, testy, pettish, wasp ish, snappish, peevish, fretful, petulant, cross, churlish, crabbed, froward, surly, morose, cynical, snarling, ill-tempered. Cry, v. n. 1. Exclaim, clamor, call, make an outcry, cry out. 3. Weep, sob, shed tears. 3. Vociferate, shout, hoot, yell, roar, bawl, squall, scream. Cry, v. a. Proclaim, publish, make pub lic, make proclamation of. Cry, 7i. 1. Exclamation, ejaculation, outcry, acclamation. 3. Plaint, lament, lamentation, cry ing, weeping. 3. Scream, screech, howl, yell, roar. 4. Pack of hounds. Cry down, Decry, depreciate, condemn. Crying, n. Weeping, lamentation. Crying, a. 1. Weeping, lamenting. 3. Notorious, great, enormous, hein ous, flagrant, nefarious. Cry out, Exclaim, clamor. Cry out against, Blame, censure, con demn, complain of. Crypt, n. Vault, tomb, catacomb. Cry up, Extol, commend, praise. Cub, ?i. 1. Whelp, young beast (especi ally a young bear). 3. [In contempt,} Child, young boy or young girl. Cubeb, n. Java pepper (Piper cubeba). Cucking-stool, n. Castigatory, trebu- chet, tumbrel, diicking-stool. Cuckoo-bud, n. Butter-cup, king s-cup, butter-flower, gold-cup (Ranunculus bul- bosa). Cuckoo-spittle, n. Froth-spit. Cucullate, ) a. 1. Hooded, cowled. Cucullated, J 3. Hood-shaped. Cud, n. (Loio.) Quid. Cudden, n. 1. Clown, stupid rustic. 2. Coal-fish, cuddy (Gadus carbo- narius or Merlangus carbonarius). Cuddle, v. n. Snuggle, nestle, squat, lie close, lie snug. Cuddle, v. a. Hug, embrace. Cuddy, 71. 1. Cabin (in the fore-part of a boat). 2. CUDDEN, coal-fish. Cudgel, n. Club, bludgeon. Cudgel, v. a. Cane, drub, thrash, baste, beat with a cudgel. Cudgelling, n. Flogging, whipping, beating, BASTINADO. Cudweed, n. Everlasting, goldylocks, IMMORTELLE. Cue, n. 1. Hint, suggestion, intimation, catchword, wink, nod. 2. Rod (in billiards). Cuff, 7i. Blow, stroke, box. Cuff, v. a. Beat, strike, buffet, box. Cui bono, [L.j For whose benefit, of what use. Cuirass, n. Breastplate. Cul-de-sac, n. [Fr.] Blind alley. Cull, v. a. Select, elect, choose, pick, single out, fix upon, pitch upon, pick out. Cully, n. Dupe, gull, cat s paw, credu lous person. Cully, v. a. Cheat, trick, dupe, gull, chouse, deceive, delude, overreach, cozen, diddle, circumvent, beguile, im pose upon. Culm, n. 1. Stalk (of corn, grasses, <&c.), stem. 2. Glance-coal, blind-coal, hard-coal, anthracite (in small particles). Culminate, v. n. 1. Be on the meridian. 2. Reach the highest point, be at the highest point. Culpability, n. Guiltiness, guilt, cul- pableness, blame, sinfulness, crimi nality. Culpable, a. Blamable, censurable, rep rehensible, faulty, blameworthy. Culpableness, n. Guiltiness, CULPA BILITY. Culprit, n. Criminal, malefactor, de linquent, felon. Cult, n. Homage, worship. Cultivate, v. a. 1. Till, raise crops from. 2. Study, investigate, search into. 3. Improve, refine, elevate, civilize, meliorate, make better. 4. Foster, cherish, promote. Cultivation, n. 1. Tillage, agriculture, husbandry. 3. Improvement, refinement, culture. Culture, n. 1. Agriculture, tillage. 2. Improvement, refinement, culti vation, civilization. Cumber, v. a. 1. Overload, oppress, clog, hamper, obstruct, encumber. 2. Distract, trouble, embarrass, per plex, plague, harass, worry, torment. Cumbersome, a. 1. Burdensome, em barrassing, troublesome, vexatious, cumbrous. 2. Unwieldy, unmanageable, clumsy, awkward, inconvenient. Cumbrous, a. Burdensome, CUMBER SOME. Cuneate, ) a. Cuneiform, wedgo- Cuneated, j shaped. Cuneiform, a. Cuneate, wedge-shaped. Cunner, n. 1. ( Conch. ) Limpet (Patella). 2. (Ich.) Conner, burgall, CHOGSET, blue perch. Cunning, a. Crafty, artful, sly, astute, subtle, wily, shrewd, sharp, designing, intriguing, deceitful, TRICKY, crooked, diplomatic, Machiavelian. Cunning, n. Craft, art, shrewdness, artifice, deceit, duplicity, subtlety, in- trig ue. Cup, 71. 1. Chalice. 2. Draught, potion, cupful. 3. Lot, portion. 4. Cupping-glass. Cupboard, 7t. Buffet. CUPFUL 98 CUT Cupful, n. Cup. Cupidity, n. 1. Longing, lust, strong desire. 3. Avarice, covetousness, inordinate desire of wealth. Cupping-glass, n. Cup. Cups, n. pi. Orgies, revels, bacchanals, carousal, wassail, compotation, drink ing bout. Curative, a. Remedial, sanatory. Curator, n. Guardian, custodian, su~ perintendent, keeper. Curb, n. 1. CHECK, restraint, hinder- ance, bridle. 3. Curb-stone. Curb, v. a. Check, restrain, control, bridle, put under restraint, keep un der. Curb-roof, n. Mansard-roof, GAM- BREL-ROOF. Curb-stone, n. Curb. Curcuma paper, Turmeric paper. Curd, n. Caseine, coagulum of milk, coagulated milk. Curdle, v. a. Coagulate, turn to curds. Curdy, a. Coagulated. Cure, w. 1. Remedy, antidote, specific, restorative, reparative, corrective, help. 3. Healing, restoration. Cure, v. a. 1. Remedy, heal. 3. Restore to health. 3. Preserve (from putrefaction). Curiosity, n. 1. Inquisitiveness. 3. Phenomenon, wonder, marvel, rarity, sight, spectacle. Curious, a. 1. Inquisitive, scrutiniz ing, prying, peering. 3. Rare, singular, strange, unusual, unique, extraordinary, queer, out of the way. 3. Elegant, neat, nice, finished. Curl, n. 1. Ringlet. 3. Sinuosity, undulation, flexure, wave. Curl, v. a. 1. Crisp, turn in ringlets. 3. Writhe, wind, twist. 3. Raise in waves. Curl, v. n. Be bent into curls or waves. Curi oloud, (Meteor.) Cirrus, cat s tail, mare s tail. Curmudgeon, n. Miser, niggard, churl, hunks, skinflint, scrimp, lickpenny, screw, mean fellow, sordid wretch. .Currency, n. 1. Publicity, general re ception. 3. Circulation, transmission from hand to hand. 3. Money; aggregate of coin, bills and notes; circulating medium. Current, a. 1. Common, general, pop- ,ular, rife, generally received, in every one s mouth. 3. Circulating (as money), passing from hand to hand. 3. Present, existing, instant, now passing. Current, n. 1. Stream, moving fluid. 3. Tide, running water. 3. Course, progression. Curriculum, n. Course of studies. Curry, n. Curry-powder. Curry-px>wder, n. Curry. Curse, v. a. Execrate, anathematize, denounce, invoke or imprecate evil upon. Curse, v. n. Utter curses. Curse, n. 1. Malediction, anathema, execration, imprecation, fulmination, denunciation, ban. 3. Scourge, plagiie, torment, afflic tion, trouble, vexation, annoyance, bitter pill, thorn in the side. Cursed, a. 1. Accursed, unsanctified, unholy. 3. Detestable, hateful, abominable, execrable, villanous, confounded. Cursory, a. Hasty, slight, superficial, careless, desultory, transient, passing, brief. Curt, a. Short (usually in an HI sense, implying crustiness), brief, concise, terse, laconic. Curtail, v. a. 1. Shorten, abridge, re trench, lop, cut short. 3. Diminish, lessen, decrease. Curtailment, n. Abbreviation, abridg ment, contraction, shortening, reduc tion, retrenchment. Curvature, n. Bending, bend, flexure, crook, curvity, curve, incurvation, AR- CUATION. Curve, n. Bend, flexure, CURVATURE. Curve, v. a. Bend, crook, inflect. Curvet, v. n. 1. Leap, bound, vault. 3. Caper, frisk. Curvet, n. 1. Leap, bound. 3. Caper, frolic, prank. Curvity, n. CURVATURE. Cushat, n. Ring-dove, wood-pigeon ( Co~ lumba palumbus). Cusk, n. Torsk (Brosmius vulgaris). Cusp, n. Point, angle, horn. Cuspidate, } a. (Bot.) Pointed, acute, Cuspidated, j sharp, acuminate, ac uminated. Custodian, n. Guardian, keeper, cura tor, warden, superintendent. Custody, n. Keeping, care, watch guardianship, protection, safekeep ing. Custom, n. 1. HABIT (of a majority), usage, fashion, practice, rule. 3. Form, formality, observance. 3. Patronage. 4. Tax, impost, duty, tribute, toll. C ustomary, a. Usual, common, wonted, habitual, accustomed, conventional, CONSUETUDINARY. Customer, n. Purchaser, buyer. Cut, v. a. 1. Divide or sever (by anedged tool), chop, make an incision in. 3. Sculpture, carve, chisel. 3. Cross, intersect. 4. Wound, hurt, touch, move, pierce. 5. [Colloquial.] Slight (by not recog nizing), avoid recognizing. Cut, n. 1. Gash, incision. 3. Channel, passage. 3. Slice, piece. 4. Sarcasm, fling, taunt, cutting re mark. 5. Fashion, style, form, shape. 6. Near path, short way. 7. Engraving, engraved picture. CUT A DASH 99 DAMN Cut a dash, Make a figure, make a great show, show off, cut a figure. Cut a figure, CUT A DASH. Cut and dried, Prepared beforehand, not spontaneous, got up for the oc casion. Cut capers, Frolic, be merry, be frolic some, play pranks, cut didos. Cut didos, CUT CAPERS. Cutch, n. Catechu, gambier, Japan earth, Terra Japanica. Cut down, 1. Fell. 2. Diminish, lessen, curtail. Cuticle, n. Epidermis, scarf-skin. Cutis, n. (Anat.) Derm, true skin. Cut out, 1. Shape, form, fashion. 3. Outdo, excel, surpass, BEAT. 3. Debar, hinder, prevent. Cutpurse, n. Pickpocket, thief, robber. Cut short, 1. Bring to a sudden close, end abruptly. 2, Check suddenly, hinder from pro ceeding. 3. Abridge, diminish. Cut-throat, n. Murderer, assassin, ruf fian. Cutting, a. 1. Sharp, keen. 3. Severe, sarcastic, satirical. Cycle, n. Period, circle of time, revolu tion of time, round of years. Cyclopaedia, n. Encyclopaedia. Cyclopean, a. Gigantic, colossal, vast, enormous, immense, Herculean. Cygnet, n. Young swan. Cymbiform, a. Boat-shaped. Cynanche, n. [Gr.] (Med.) Inflamma tion of the throat. Cynical, a. Carping, censorious, satiri cal, sarcastic, captious, snarling, snap pish, waspish, pettish, petulant, fretful, peevish, touchy, testy, crusty, churlish, crabbed, cross, morose, froward, surly, ill-tempered, ill-natured. Cynic, n. 1. Follower of Diogenes. 2. Misanthrope, man-hater. Cynosure, n. 1. Lesser Bear, Ursa Minor. 2. Point or centre of attraction. Cyprian, n. Prostitute, courtesan, har lot, whore, drab, strumpet, night-walk er, lewd woman, woman of the town, woman of ill-fame. Cyst, n. Pouch, sac. Czar, n. Emperor of Russia. Czarina, n. Empress of Russia. Czarowitz, n. Czar s eldest son. D Dab, v. a. Strike, slap. Dab, n. 1. Blow, stroke. 2. Adept, expert, proficient, master- hand, capital hand, nice hand, DAB STER, good hand. Dabble, v. a. Wet, spatter, sprinkle, moisten. Dabble, v. n. 1. Play in water, splash about. 3. Work superficially, make slight efforts, fritter away time. 3. Tamper, meddle, take liberties. Dabbler, n. Sciolist, quack. Dabchick, n. Didapper, dobchick (Pod- iceps minor). Dabster, n. [Colloquial.] Expert, adept, DAB. Daddy, } n " l childish terms.] Father. Daddy-long-legs, n. 1. Father-long- legs, crane-fly. 3. Shepherd-spider, harvest-man. Dado, . Die, cube of a pedestal. Daedalian, a. Intricate, maze-like. Daffadilly, \n. Daffodil, narcis- Dafikdowndilly, j sus. Daffodil, n. Narcissus, daffadilly, daf fadowndilly. Daft, a. 1. [Local Eng.] Stupid, silly, foolish. 2. [Scottish.] Playful, frolicsome, mirthful, merry, sportive. Dagger, n. Poniard, dirk, stiletto. Daggle, v. a. Draggle, bemire, befoul, Daggle-tail, n. Slattern, slut, draggle- tail, filthy person. Daily, a. Diurnal, quotidian. Dainty, a. 1. Delicious, savory, nice, delicate, tender, palatable, luscious, toothsome. 3. Elegant, beautiful, neat, fine. 3. Fastidious, squeamish, scrupulous, over-nice. Dainty, n. Delicacy, tidbit, tit-bit, nice bit, choice morsel, delicate morsel. Dale, n. Vale, valley, bottom, dell, glen, dingle. Dalliance, n. Caressing, fondling, en dearments. Dally, v. n. 1. Trifle, dawdle, lose time, waste time, idle away time, fritter away time. 2. Fondle, toy, interchange caresses. Daltonism, n. Color-blindness. Dam, n. Mother (of a beast), female parent. Damage, n. Injury, harm, hurt, detri ment, mischief, loss. Damage, v. a. Injure, impair, hurt, harm, mar. Damages, n. pi. Indemnity, satisfac tion, hne, forfeiture. Damask-plum, n. Damson. Dame, n. Mistress, matron, lady, mad am. Damn, v. a. 1. Condemn, judge to be guilty. 2. (Theol.) Doom to perdition, doom to eternal punishment. DAMNABLE 100 DAUBY 3. Condemn, censure, express disap probation of. Damnable, a. Odious, detestable, exe crable, hateful, abominable, cursed, accursed. Damnatory, a. Condemnatory. Damp, n. Moisture, vapor, fog, damp ness. Damp, a. Moist, humid, dank, wet. Damp, v. a. 1. Moisten, dampen. 3. Check, repress, restrain, moderate, allay, abate. 3. Chill, deaden, depress, deject. Dampen, v. a. Moisten, damp. Damper, n. 1. Check, hinderance, ob stacle, impediment, lion in the way. 3. Discouragement, wet blanket, cold water. Dampness, n. Moisture, damp. Damsel, n. Maiden, maid, girl, lass, lassie, miss, young lady. Damson, n. Damask-plum. Dance, v. n. Frisk, caper, hop about. Dance, v. a. Dandle, toss up and down. Dance attendance, Stand and wait (obsequiously). Dander, n. 1. [Corruption of] DAN- .DRUFF. 3. [Colloquial.] Anger, rage. Dandiprat, n. Dwarf, little fellow. Dandle, v. a. 1. Dance, toss up and down. 3. Fondle, caress, pet, amuse with trifles, play with. Dandruff , n. Scurf on the head. Dandy, n. Beau, fop, coxcomb, exqui site, popinjay, macaroni, jackanapes, jack-a-dandy, man of dress, man milli ner, vain fellow. Dandy-fever, n. Dengue, break-bone fever. Dandyism, n. Foppishness. Danger, n. Peril, hazard, risk, jeopar dy, venture. Dangerous, a. Perilous, hazardous, unsafe, RISKY, full of risk. Dangle, v. n. 1. Swing, hang loose. 3. Fawn, hang about, be obsequious. Dank, a. Moist, damp, humid, wet. Dapper, a. 1. Active, lively, brisk, agile, nimble, spry, smart, quick, alert, ready. 3. Spruce, nice, neat, trim, pretty. Dapple, a. Variegated, spotted, dap pled. Dapple, v. a. Variegate, spot, diversify. Dare, v. n. Venture, presume, have courage, be bold enough, not be afraid. Dare, v. a. Brave, defy, challenge. Dare-devil, n. Desperado, rash adven turer, desperate fellow. Daring, a. Bold, adventurous, fearless, brave, intrepid, valorous, valiant, cour ageous, gallant, chivalrous, doughty, heroic, undaunted, dauntless. Daring, n. Boldness, intrepidity, valor, bravery, courage. Dark, a. 1. Unillumiuated, unenlight ened, dusky, shadowy, rayless, sunless, darksome, lurid, murky, cloudy, shady, overcast, black, ebon, Cimmerian, not light, pitchy. 3. Mysterious, obscure, incomprehen sible, unintelligible, enigmatical, mys tic, mystical, recondite, occult, tran scendental, abstruse, cabalastic 3. Gloomy, disheartening, discourag ing, cheerless, dismal. 4. Untaught, ignorant, unlettered, rude. 5. Wicked, atrocious, infamous, foul, vile, infernal. Dark, n. 1. Darkness, obscurity, want of light. 3. Ignorance, blindness, want of knowledge. Darken, v. a. Obscure, cloud, dim, shade, shadow, make dark, make dim. Darken, v. n. Grow dark. Darkling, a. In the dark. Darkness, n. 1. Obscurity, dimness, dark, want of light. 3. Ignorance, blindness, want of knowledge. 3. Gloom, despondency, cheerless- ness, joylessness. Darksome, a. Obscure, gloomy, DARK. Darling, n. Favorite, idol, pet, dear. Darling, a. Favorite, beloved, dear, precious, much loved. Dart, v. a. 1. Hurl, throw, launch, jac- ulate, let fly. 3. Emit, shoot, send off. Dart, v. n. Hush, fly swiftly. Darter, n. (Ornith.) Snake-bird. Dartre, n. [Fr.] Herpes, tetter. Dartrous, a. Herpetic. Dash, v. a. 1. Strike violently. 3. Throw forcibly. 3. Adulterate, deteriorate (by mixt ure), alloy. 4. Disappoint, frustrate, thwart, ruin, destroy, shatter, spoil. 5. Surprise, confound, abash, put to shame. Dash, v. n. Rush, dart, fly swiftly. Dash, n. 1. Stroke, blow. . Rush, onset, sudden advance. 3. Infusion, tinge, tincture, sprink ling, spice, touch, smack, little, small quantity. 4. Flourish, show, ostentatious dis play. Dash-board, n. Dasher. Dasher, n. Dashboard. Dashing, a. 1. Rushing, precipitate. 3. Ostentatious, showy, pretentious. Dash in pieces, Break in pieces, break into fragments. Dash off , Execute rapidly. Dastard, n. Coward, poltroon, craven, milksop. Dastard, a. Cowardly, dastardly. Dastardly, a. Cowardly, dastard. Data, n. pi. Facts, premises. Date, n. Time, epoch, era, age. Date, v. a. Fix the date of, note the time of. Date, v. n. Begin, be reckoned, be dated. Daub, v. a. Smear, besmear, plaster, cover, bedaub, begrime. Daub, n. Coarse painting. Dauby, a. Adhesive, viscous, viscid, glutinous, smeary, sticky. DAUNT 101 DEBATE Daunt, v. a. Frighten, affright, alarm, intimidate, scare, terrify, dismay, ap pall, cow. Dauntless, a. Fearless, intrepid, bold, brave, daring, undaunted, courageous, gallant, valiant, valorous, doughty, chivalrous, heroic. Davy Jones, [Sailor s term.] The DeVil. Daw, n. Jackdaw ( Corvus monedula). Dawdle, v. n. Trifle, dally, fiddle, lose time, waste time, idle away time, frit ter away time, fool away time. Dawdler, n. Idler, trifler, lounger, lag gard, drone, sluggard, slow-back, inef ficient person. Dawn, v. n. Break, begin to be light, grow light. 2. Appear, open, begin to appear. Dawn, n. Cockcrowing, DAYBREAK, dayspring, dawning, break of day. Dawning, n. 1. DAYBREAK, dawn. 2. Beginning, first appearance. Day, n. 1. Day-time (between sunrise and sunset). 2. Period of twenty-four hours. 3. Sunshine, daylight, sunlight, light of day. Day-blindness, n. Nyctalopy, noctur nal sight. Daybreak, n. Dawn, dawning, cock- crowing, dayspring, break of day, peep of day, prime of day, first blush of the morning. Day by day, Daily, every day. Day-dream, n. Dream, conceit, idle fancy, visionary scheme. Daylight, n. Sunlight, sunshine, day, light of day,, light of heaven. Day-sight, n. HEMERALOPIA, night- blindness. Dayspring, n. Dawn, dawning, DAY BREAK. Day-star, n. 1. Venus, Lucifer, Morn ing Star. 2. Sun, orb of day. Daze, v. a. 1. Dazzle, blind. 2. Bewilder, confuse, perplex. Dazzle, v. a. .1. Daze, blind (by excess of light). 2. Astonish (by splendor), surprise (by brilliancy). Dazzle, n. Brightness, brilliancy, splen dor, dazzling light. Dead, a. 1. Lifeless, breathless, inani mate, deceased, defunct, departed, gone, gone to one s last home, gathered to one s fathers. 2. Dull, frigid, cold, torpid, inert, unfeeling, callous, obtuse, indifferent, lukewarm. 3. Vapid, tasteless, insipid, flat. 4. Unemployed, useless, unprofitable. 5. Entire, complete, total. Dead, n. Depth, gloomiest period. Dead against, Utterly or wholly op posed, out and out against. Dead ahead, (Naut.) Directly ahead (said of the wind). Dead-drunk, Completely drunk. Deaden, v. a. 1. Weaken, impair, dull, damp, dampen. 2. Blunt, benumb, paralyze, obtund, hebetate, make insensible. Dead language, Unspoken language. Deadly, a. 1. Mortal, fatal, destruc tive, deleterious, noxious, murder ous. 2. Implacable, rancorous, sangui nary. Deadly-night-shade, n. Belladonna, banewort, dwale (Atropa belladonna). Dead shot, Good marksman. Deaf, a. Hard of hearing, dull of hear ing. Deafen, v. a. Stun, make deaf. Deaf-mute, n. Deaf and dumb person. Deaf to, Regardless of, heedless of, in attentive to. Deal, n. 1. Quantity, degree, extent. 2. Distribution (of cards). 3. Pine plank. Deal, v. a. Distribute, give, bestow, dispense, apportion, allot, divide, share, deal out, dole out, mete out. Deal, v. n. 1. Traffic, trade, do busi ness, have commerce. 2. Behave, conduct one s self. 3. Distribute cards. Deal by, Treat (either well or ill). Dealer, n. 1. Trader, trafficker. 2. Distributor. Deal in, Have to do with, be engaged in. Dealing, n. 1. Conduct, behavior, ac tion. a. Commerce, intercourse, business, trade, traffic. Dear, a. 1. Costly, expensive, high- priced, at a high price, of great price. 2. Precious, beloved, darling, much loved, highly esteemed or valued. Dear, n. Darling. Dearth, n. 1. Scarcity, insufficiency, deficiency, short supply. 2. Need, want, lack, famine, short commons. Death, n. Decease, demise, dying, dis solution, departure, exit, end of life, King of terrors, debt of nature. Death-like, a. Cadaverous, pale, wan, ghastly. Death s-head-moth, n. Hawk-moth. Debar, v. a. Exclude, prohibit, prevent, hinder, restrain, withhold, shut out. Debark, v . n. Land, disembark, go on shore, come to land. Debase, v. a. 1. Lower, depress, reduce, deteriorate, impair, vitiate, injure, per vert, alloy. 2. Degrade, abase, disgrace, dishonor, humble, humiliate, shame, mortify, bring low, take down. 3. Contaminate, taint, defile, pollute, foul, befoul, corrupt, soil. Debasement, n. 1. Deterioration, vi tiation, adulteration, perversion. 2. Abasement, degradation, humilia tion, depravation. Debatable, a. Disputable. Debate, n. 1. Disputation, controversy. 2. Altercation, contest, contention, dispute, logomachy, strife of words, war of words. DEBATE 102 DECLINATION Debate, v. a. Discuss, argue, dispute, contest, canvass. Debate, v. n. 1. Argue, dispute, delib erate, hold an argument. 2. (Rare.) Fight, contend, struggle. Debauch, v. a. 1. Corrupt, vitiate, de prave, pollute. 3. Ravish, deflour, violate, commit a rape upon. Debauch, n. Potation, - compotation, revels, revelry, orgies, bacchanals, sat urnalia, Carousal, drunken frolic, in temperate indulgence. Debauchee, n. Libertine, rake, volup tuary, profligate, man of pleasure. Debauchery, n. 1. Excesses, dissipa tion, dissoluteness. 2. Licentiousness, lewdness. Debilitate, v. a. Weaken, enervate, enfeeble, exhaust, prostrate, render weak, make languid. Debilitation, n. Weakening, exhaus tion, prostration. Debility, n. Weakness, feebleness, lan guor, prostration, exhaustion, infirmity, frailty, loss of strength. Debonair, a. Courteous, affable, polite, refined, civil, urbane, complaisant, ob liging, gracious, easy, kind, well-bred. Debris, n. [Fr.] Rubbish, ruins, re mains. Debt, n. 1. Due, obligation. 3. Trespass, offence, transgression, sin, fault, crime. Debt of nature, DEATH. Debut, n. [Fr.] First attempt, first ap pearance. Decadence, )n. Decay, decline, fall, Decadency, ) declension, degeneracy. Decalogue, n. The ten commandments. Decamp, v. n. 1. Break up camp, march away, march off, move off. 2. Flee, fly, escape, hasten away, run away, go away, make off, pack off, steal away. Decant, v. a. Pour off. Decapitate, n. Behead, decollate, de prive of the head. Decapitation, n. Beheading, decolla tion. Decarbonize, v. a. Deprive of carbon. Decay, v. n. 1. Decline, fail, deteriorate, wither, waste, perish, be impaired, waste away, fall into decay. 3. Rot, putrefy, be spoiled. Decay, n.. Decline, decadence, deterio ration, degeneracy. Decease, n. DEATH, demise, dying. Decease, v. n. DIE, depart. Deceased, a. Dead, defunct. Deceit, n. Deception, fraud, imposition, imposture, finesse, artifice, duplicity, guile, trickery, cozenage, cheating, double dealing. Deceitful, a. Deceptive, delusive, illu sive, illusory, fallacious. Deceive, v. a. Delude, cheat, dupe, gull, cozen, fool, befool, trick, circumvent, overreach, chouse, diddle, beguile, hood-wink, impose upon, make a fool of, play a trick upon, pull wool over one s eyes. Deceiver, n. Impostor, cheat, trickster, rogue, knave, pretender. Decency, n. 1. Propriety, decorum, proper formality. 2. Modesty, delicacy, purity. Decent, a. 1. Proper, becoming, fit, befitting, suitable, decorous, seemly, comely. 2. Modest, delicate, pure. 3. Tolerable, passable, moderate, re spectable. Deception, n. 1. Imposture, imposi tion, DECEIT. 3. TRICK, cheat, ruse, wile, strata gem, chouse. Deceptive, a. Deceitful, deceiving, de lusive, illusive, illusory, misleading, fallacious, clap-trap, false. Decide, v. a. Settle, conclude, termi nate, end. Decide, v. n. Determine, conclude, come to a conclusion, give a decision. Decided, a. 1. Determined, unwaver ing, unhesitating, resolute. 3. Unequivocal, categorical, positive, absolute. 3. Unquestionable, undeniable, indis putable, certain, clear, beyond all ques tion, beyond a doubt, past dispute. Deciduous, a. (Sot.) Not evergreen, not perennial. Decipher, v. a. 1. Unravel, unfold, in terpret, reveal, explain, expound. 3. Read, make out. Decision, n. 1. Conclusion, judgment, determination, settlement. 2. Resolution, firmness. Decisive, a. Conclusive, final. Deck, v. a. Adorn, embellish, decorate, ornament, array, beautify. Declaim, v. n. 1. Harangue, spout, speak (rlietorically). 3. Recite a speech, practise speaking. Declamation, n. 1. Declaiming, ha ranguing, spouting. 3. Harangue, set speech. 3. Exercise in speaking. Declamatory, a. 1. In the style of declamation. 3. Rhetorical, grandiloquent, in flated, bombastic, swelling, pompous, turgid, pretentious, high-flowing, high- sounding, HIGHFALUTIN. Declaration, n. Affirmation, assertion, asseveration, averment, protestation, avowal. Declarative, a. Explanatory, DECLARA TORY. Declaratory, a. 1. Expressive, affirm ative, enunciative, enunciatory. 3. Explanatory, declarative. Declare, v. a. Affirm, assert, aver, as severate, state, proclaim, publish, pro mulgate, communicate, announce,utter, make known. Declare, v. n. 1. Make a declaration. 3. Announce a determination. Declension, n. 1. Decline, deteriora tion, degeneracy, decay, diminution, falling off. 3. (Gram.) Inflection, variation. Declination, n. Deviation. DECLINE 103 DEFALCATION Decline, v. n. I. Lean downward. 3. Decay, sink, droop, languish, pine, fail, become feeble. 3. Deteriorate, degenerate, be im paired. 4. Decrease, lessen, diminish, wane, fall away. Decline, v. a. 1. Refuse, reject. 3. (Gram.) Inflect, vary. Decline, n. 1. Decline, deterioration, degeneracy, decay, diminution, falling ofl . 3. Consumption, phthisis, marasmus, atrophy, gradual wasting, progressive emaciation. Declivity, n. Slope (downwards), de scent. Declivous, a. Sloping. Decollate, v. a. Behead, decapitate. Decollation, n. Beheading, decapita tion. Decompose, v. a. Decompound, ana lyze, resolve into its elements. Decomposition, n. Analysis, resolu tion. Decompound, v. a. Analyze, decom pose. Decorate, v. a. Adorn, deck, ornament, embellish, beautify. Decoration, n. Ornament, embellish ment. Decorous, a. Decent, becoming, suit able, proper, befitting, seemly, comely, fit, decent. Decorum, n.- Decency, propriety, seem- liness, appropriate behavior. Decoy, v. a. Allure, lure, entice, in veigle, seduce, tempt, entrap, ensnare. Decoy, n. Lure, allurement. Decoy-pigeon, n. Stool-pigeon. Decoy-rogue, n. STOOL-PIGEON. Decrease, v. n. Diminish (gradually), lessen, grow less. Decrease, v. a. Diminish, lessen, make less. Decrease, n. Diminution, lessening, de crement, reduction. Decree, v. n. Ordain, appoint, deter mine. Decree, v. a. Order, ordain, appoint, enjoin, command. Decree, n. Edict, enactment, regulation, law, order, mandate, fiat, ordinance, statute. Decrement, n. Decrease, diminution, lessening, waste, loss. Decrepit, a. Superannuated, effete, worn or broken down with age, infirm through age. Decrepitate, v. n. Crackle, snap, crepi tate. Decrepitude, n. Infirmity of age, de cline of life. Decrial, n. Condemnation, disparage ment, depreciation, crying down. Decry, v. a. Disparage, depreciate, dis credit, condemn, traduce, cry down, run 4 down, bring into disrepute, bring dis credit on. Decuple, a. Tenfold. Decussate, v. a. Intersect, cross, divide crosswise. Decussate, ) a. Crossed, intersected, Decussated, J " reticulated. Decussation, n. Crossing, intersection. Dedicate, v. a. 1. Devote, consecrate, set apart. 3. Address (as a literary work), in scribe. Dedicate, a. Devoted, consecrated, dedi cated, set apart. Dedication, n. 1. Consecration, devo tion. 3. Address, inscription. Deduce, v. a. Derive, conclude, infer. Deducible, a. Inferrible, derivable. Deduct, v. a. Subtract, separate, take away. Deduction, n. 1. Subtraction, retrench ment, withdrawal, removal. 3. Abatement, allowance, defalcation, reduction, discount. 3. Inference, conclusion, consequence, corollary. Deed, n. 1. Act, action, performance, exploit, achievement, feat. 3. Reality, fact, truth. 3. (Law.) Indenture. Deem, v. a. Think, regard, consider, hold, believe, suppose, imagine, judge, account, look upon. Deem, v. n. Think, believe, suppose, opine, fancy, be of opinion. Deep, a. 1. Profound, unfathomable. 3. Mysterious, intricate, knotty, diffi cult, hard (to compreliend). 3. Sagacious, penetrating, intelligent, discerning, shrewd. . 4. Absorbed, engrossed, rapt up. 5. Grave, low, not high, not sharp. 6. Dark, intense. 7. Great, thorough, entire. Deep, n. Sea, ocean, main. Deep, ad. DEEPLY. Deepen, v. a. 1. Make deeper, increase the depth of. 3. Make darker, make more intense. 3. Reduce to a lower tone, make more grave. Deepen, v. n. Grow deeper, become deeper. Deeply, ad. 1. Profoundly, deep, to or at a great depth, far down. 3. Thoroughly, entirely, completely. 3. Greatly, very much, in a high de gree. Deer-berry, n. Tea-berry, wintergreen, partridge-berry, boxberry, mountain- tea ( Gaultheria procumbens ). Deface, v. a. Disfigure, deform, mar, spoil, injure, soil, tarnish. Defacement, n. Disfigurement, injury. De facto, [L.j 1. In fact, really, actual- "y. 3. Real, actual. Defalcate, v. a. [Applied especially to public accounts, estimates, &c.] Lop, lop off, cut off, deduct a part of. Defalcation, n. 1. Diminution, abate ment. 3. Deficiency, deficit, default, short coming, falling short. DEFAMATION 104 DEGENERACY Defamation, n. Slander, calumny, de traction, obloquy, aspersion, abuse, backbiting, scandal, false accusation. Defamatory, a. Slanderous, calumni ous, libello us, abusive. Defame, v. a. Asperse, slander, malign, calumniate, traduce, vilify, revile, lam poon, blacken, abuse, blemish, run down, speak ill of. Default, n. 1. Omission, neglect, failure. 2. Want, lack, destitution, defect, deficiency. Defaulter, n. Delinquent (in failing to appear in court, or in accounting for money intrusted). Defeat, n. 1. Overthrow, downfall, rout, discomfiture, repulse. 2. Frustration. Defeat, v. a. 1. Conquer, overthrow, overcome, vanquish, checkmate, re pulse, beat, discomfit, rout. 2. Frustrate, baffle, foil, balk, dis concert, disappoint. Defecate, v . a. Clarify, clear, purify. Defecation, n. Clarification, purifica tion. Defect, n. 1. Deficiency. 2. Imperfection, blemish, flaw. 3. Fault, failing, foible. Defection, n. Apostasy, backsliding. Defective, a. 1. Deficient, insufficient, inadequate, not full, incomplete. 2. Imperfect, faulty, not perfect. Defence, n. [Written also Defense.] 1. Protection, guard, buckler, bulwark, fortification, tower of strength. 2. Vindication, justification, apology, plea, excuse. Defenceless, a. Unguarded, unarmed, unprotected, exposed, weak. Defend, v. a. 1. Guard, PROTECT, shield, secure from danger, secure from attack. 2. Vindicate, assert, maintain, up hold, justify, espouse, plead. Defender, n. 1. Asserter, pleader. 2. Champion, vindicator, protector. Defer to, llespect, value, yield to, pay respect to, think much of, think highly of, pay deference to. Defer, v. a. Postpone, delay, adjourn, procrastinate, put off, stave off, let lie over. Deference, n. 1. llespect, regard, es teem, honor, reverence, veneration, homage, obeisance. 3. Complaisance, condescension. Deferential, a. Respectful, reverential. Defiance, n. 1. Daring, challenge, in vitation to combat. 2. Contempt, opposition, spite, de spite. Defiant, a. Bold, daring, courageous. Deficiency, n. 1. Want, lack, defective- ness, insufficiency, scantiness, short ness, meagreness, dearth, scarcity, DE FICIT. 2. Failing, failure, frailty, infirmity, imperfection, foible, fault, error, weak ness, weak side, blind side. Deficient, a. Defective, insufficient, im perfect, incomplete, not full, not perfect. Deficit, n. [L.] Want, DEFICIENCY. Defile, v. a. 1. Soil, dirty, stain, tarnish, make foul or filthy. 2. Sully, taint, pollute, corrupt, viti ate, debase, contaminate, poison. 3. Violate, DEFLOUR, ravish. Defile, v. n. File off, march in a line. Defilement, a. Pollution, contamina tion, taint, uncleanness, abomination, foulness. Definable, a. Determinable, that may be defined. Define, v. a. 1. Limit, bound, circum scribe, set bounds to, fix the limits of. 2. Describe, declare the properties of. 3. Explain the meaning of, give the signification of. Definite, a. 1. Determinate, defined, precisely bounded. 2. Precise, exact, determined, cer tain. 3. (Gram.) Limiting, defining. Definition, n. 1. Explanation (of tlie meaning). 2. Description (by a statement of char acteristic properties). Definitive, a. 1. Determinate, positive, express, explicit, categorical, uncondi tional. 2. Final, conclusive. Deflect, v. n. Deviate, diverge, swerve, turn aside. Deflect, v. a. Bend, turn aside. Deflection, n. Deviation, bending. Deflour, v. a. 1. Deprive of flowers, deprive of beauty. 2. Ravish, violate, debauch, defile, constuprate, commit rape upon. Deform, v. a. Disfigure, deface, mar, injure, spoil, make unsightly, make ugly. Deformity, a. 1. Distortion, malfor mation, misproportion, ugliness, inele gance, disfigurement, monstrosity, want of symmetry. 2. Irregularity, deviation from pro priety. Defraud, v. a. Cheat, cozen, trick, dupe, gull, deceive, overreach, circum vent, delude, hoodwink, chouse, diddle, beguile, impose upon. Defray, v. a. Pay, discharge, settle, bear. Deft, a. 1. Dexterous, skilful, clever, apt, adroit, ready, expert. 2. Neat, pretty. Defunct, a. Dead, deceased, departed, gone. Defy, v. a. 1. Challenge, dare, bid de fiance to, hurl defiance at. 2. Brave, disregard, slight, scorn, spurn, despise, contemn, treat with contempt, trample on, set at naught, snap the fingers at. Degeneracy, n. 1. Deterioration, de basement, abasement, depravation, de generation, degenerateness, declension, degradation, decline, decrease, falling off, growing worse. 2. Inferiority, meanness, poorness. DEGENERATE 105 DELINEATION Degenerate, v. n. Deteriorate, decline, decay, become worse, grow worse. Degenerate, a. Inferior, mean, base, corrupt, fallen, degenerated. Degeneration, n. Degeneracy. Deglutition, n. Swallowing. Degradation, n. 1. Dishonor, disgrace, humiliation. 2. Deterioration, abasement, debase ment, degeneracy, degeneration, de cline, vitiation, perversion. 3. (Geol.) Wearing away (of rocks, &c.). Degrade, v. a. 1. Disgrace, dishonor, discredit, break, cashier, reduce to infe rior rank. 2. Lower, sink, deteriorate, impair, injure, debase, vitiate, pervert, alloy. Degree, n. 1. Step, stage. 2. Class, rank, order, grade, quality, station, standing. 3. Measure, extent. 4. Remove (in the line of descent). 5. Division (as on a scale), interval, space. Dehisce, v. n. Open, gape, gape open. Deliiscence, n. Opening, gaping. Dehiscent, a. Opening, gaping. Dehortation, re. Dissuasion. Deification, n. Apotheosis. Deify, v. a. Idolize, make a god of, raise to the rank of a deity. Deign, v. n. Condescend, vouchsafe, think fit, see fit. Deign, v. a. Grant, vouchsafe, accord. Deist, n. Unbeliever (in Christianity, but not in the existence of a God), scep tic, infidel, free-thinker. Deity, n. 1. Divinity, Godhead, the Divine Nature. 2. (Myth.) God or goddess. Deject, v. a. Dishearten, dispirit, dis courage, depress, make despondent, make sad. Dejected, a. Disheartened, dispirited, discouraged, depressed, down-hearted, down-cast, despondent, cast down, chap-fallen, crest-fallen, down in the mouth. Dejection, n. Depression, despondency, sadness, melancholy, gloom, dumps, blues, lowness of spirits. Dejeuner, } n. [Fr.] Breakfast, morn- Dejeune, ) ing meal. 2. Luncheon, lunch. De jure, [L.] Of right, by right, by law. Delay, v. a. 1. Defer, postpone, pro crastinate, put oft , stave off, let lie over. 2. Detain, hinder, retard, stop, im pede. Delay, v. re. Linger, tarry, stop, pro crastinate. Delay, re. 1. Procrastination, postpone ment, deferring, the Fabian policy, masterly inactivity. 2. Detention, stay, stop, hinderance. Dele, v. a. (L.) Erase, eftace, remove, delete, blot out. Delectable, a. Pleasing, pleasant, de lightful, agreeable, gratifying. Delectation, re. Delight, joy, gladness, rapture, transport, ravishment, ecstasy, great pleasure. Delegate, v. a. 1. Depute, commission, appoint as agent, send on an embassy. 2. Intrust, commit. Delegate, re. Deputy, commissioner, representative. Delegation, re. Deputies, delegates, body of delegates. Delete, v. a. Erase, efface, remove, dele, blot out. Deleterious, a. I. Destructive, deadly, poisonous, noxious. 2. Injurious, pernicious, hurtful, un wholesome. Deliberate, v. n. Reflect, ponder, con sider, think, cogitate, ruminate, muse, meditate, take counsel with one s self. Deliberate, a. 1. Wary, cautious, care ful, circumspect, considerate, thought ful. 2. Well considered, well advised, not rash. 3. Slow, not hasty. Deliberation, re. 1. Consideration, meditation, cogitation, thought, reflec tion, circumspection, wariness, caution, thoughtfulness. 2. Consultation, discussion. Delicacy, re. 1. Pleasantness, agree- ableness, deliciousriess, daintiness, sa- voriness, relish. 2. Dainty, tidbit, titbit. 3. Fineness, nicety, niceness, ele gance. 4. Tenderness, slenderness, weakness, frailty. 5. Carefulness, scrupulousness, fas tidiousness, daintiness, discrimination, tact, sensibility, nice perception. 6. Refinement, purity. Delicate, a. 1. Pleasant, pleasing, de licious, agreeable, savory, palatable. 2. Fine, nice, elegant, exquisite. 3. Tender, slender, weak. 4. Discriminating, careful, scrupu lous, fastidious, dainty, of nice percep tion. 5. Refined, pure. Delicious, a. 1. Luscious, savory, pal atable, delicate, dainty, nice. 2. Pleasant, grateful, agreeable. Delight, re. Joy, gladness, delectation, rapture, transport, ravishment, ecstasv great pleasure. Delight, v. a. Enrapture, transport, enchant, charm, bless, please highly, gratify much. Delight, v. re. Take delight, have great pleasure. Delightful, a. Charming, enchanting, ravishing, very agreeable, highly pleas ing. Delineate, v. a. 1. Design, sketch, fig ure, represent by outlines. 2. Describe, portray, depict, set forth. Delineation, re. 1. Sketch, design, out line, draught. 2. Description, account, portrayal. DELINQUENCY 106 DENIAL Delinquency, n. Fault, misdeed, mis demeanor, offence, crime, failure in duty, neglect of d tity. Delinquent, a. Failing in duty. Delinquent, n. Offender, culprit, crim inal, wrong-doer. Delirious, a. Insane (as in fevers), mad, deranged, demented, raving, frantic, frenzied. Delirium, n. Wandering (as in fevers), incoherence, hallucination, derange ment, insanity, frenzy, raving, mad ness, alienation of mind. Delirium tremens, MANIA A POTU, the horrors. Deliver, v. a. 1. Liberate, release, free, emancipate, set free, set at liberty. 3. Rescue, save, extricate, redeem. 3. Commit, transfer, give, pass over, make over. 4. Yield, cede, grant, surrender, re linquish, resign, give up. 5. Pronounce, utter, speak. 6. Discharge, deal, give forth. Deliverance, n. 1. Release, liberation, emancipation, redemption, escape. 3. Extrication, rescue, acquittance. Delivery, n. 1. Surrender, conveyance, giving up. 2. Utterance, enunciation, pronun ciation, speech, elocution. 3. Childbirth, parturition, labor s tra vail. Dell, n. Dale, dingle, valley, ravine, glen. Delude, v. a. Deceive, beguile, mislead, cheat, cozen, chouse, diddle, gull, dupe, circumvent, overreach, trick, impose upon, lead astray, lead into error. Deluge, n. Flood, overflow, inundation, cataclysm. Deluge, v. a. Submerge, inundate, over flow, drown, overwhelm. Delusion, n. 1. Trick, imposition, im posture, cheat, fraud, artifice, wile, ruse, dodge, fetch, CLAP-TRAP, BAM. 3. Illusion, deception, fallacy, error, hallucination, mockery, phantasm. Delusive, a. Fallacious, deceitful, de ceptive, deceiving, illusive, illusory, CLAP-TRAP. Delve, v. a. & n. Dig. Demagogue, n. Ringleader of the pop ulace, factious leader, popular agitator. Demand, v. a. Claim, require, exact, challenge, call for, ask for. Demand, v. n. Ask, inquire, make in quiry, Demand, n. I. Claim, requisition, re quirement, exaction. 3. Want, call, desire to obtain. 3. Question, inquiry, interrogation. Demarcation, n. Division, limit, bound, boundary. Demean one s self, Behave, conduct, acquit one s self. Demeanor, n. Behavior, carriage, de portment, conduct, manner, bearing, air, mien. Demented, a. Idiotic, foolish, infatuat ed, insane, crazy. Dementia, n. [L.] (Med.) Idiocy, in sanity, loss of intellect. Demerit, n. Fault, vice, crime, delin quency, transgression, ill desert. Demirep, n. Woman of doubtful repu tation (as respects chastity). Demise, n. 1. Conveyance, alienation, transfer, transferrence, making over. 3. Death (of a royal or a distinguished person), decease. Demise, v, a. 1. Alienate, transfer, con sign, devolve, convey, make over, de liver over. 3. Bequeath, devise, will, grant by will. Demiurgic, n. Creative, formative. Democracy, n. 1. Government by the people. 3. Republic, representative govern ment. 3. [U. S.] Democrats, democratic party. Democratic, ) a. 1. Popular, of the Democratical, ) people. 3. Representative, republican. 3. [ U. S.] Of the democrats. Demolish, v. a. Destroy, overthrow, raze, level, ruin, dash to pieces, break to pieces. Demolition, n. Overthrow, destruc tion, ruin. Demon, n. 1. Spirit, genius, tutelary deity. 3. Devil, fiend, evil spirit. Demoniac, n. Person possessed by a demon, or evil spirit. Demoniac, ) a. Diabolical, devilish, Demoniacal, J infernal. Demonstrable, a. Provable, capable of being proved, capable of proof or demonstration. Demonstrate, v. a. Prove, establish, show, make evident. Demonstration, n. 1. Proof. 3. Manifestation, show. Demonstrative, a. 1. Conclusive. 3. Self-asserting, forward, bold, con fident, presuming. Demoralization, n. 1. Corruption of morals. 3. Depravity, want of principle. Demoralize, v. a. Corrupt, deprave, vitiate, deprive of moral principle. Demulcent, a. Mild, soothing, lenitive. emollient, sedative. Demur, v. n. 1. Hesitate, pause, stop, waver, be in doubt, stop to consi der. 3. Object, raise objections. Demure, a. 1. Decorous, sober, grave, modest, downcast, coy. 3. Prudish, over-modest, affectedly modest. Demurrer, n. (Law.) Objection. Den, n. 1. Cavern, cave. 3. Haunt, retreat, resort, place of resort, place much frequented. Dendriform, a. Arborescent, arbori- form, dendritic, dendroid, branching. Dendritic, a. DENDRIFORM. Dendroid, a. DENDRIFORM. Dengue, n. [Sp.j Break-bone fever, dandy-fever. Denial, n. 1. Contradiction, negation. DENIZEN 107 DEPOSITION 2. Disavowal, disclaimer, abjuration, disowning. 3. Refusal ( to grant a request). Denizen, n. 1. (Eng. Law.) Naturalized citizen, adopted citizen. 3. Inhabitant, dweller, resident. Denominate, v. a. Name, designate, entitle, style, call, dub, christen, phrase. Denomination, n. 1. Name, title, style, designation, appellation. 3. Sect, school, class. Denote, v. a. Signify, imply, betoken, indicate, typify, note, mark, designate, point out. Denouement, n. [Fr.] 1. Catastrophe (of a drama or a novel), unravelling of the plot. 3. Issue, upshot, conclusion, termi nation, FINALE, consummation, wind ing up, finishing stroke, final event. Denounce, v. a. I. Threaten, menace. 3. Brand, stigmatize, arraign, up braid, censure. De novo, [L.] Anew, newly, afresh, again, over again. Dense, a. Close, compact, condensed, compressed, thick. Density, n. Closeness, compactness. Dent, n. Indentation, dint, nick, notch. Dent, v. a. Indent, make a dent upon. Dentate, ) a. Toothed, notched, serrate, Dentated, ) serrated. Dentifrice, n. Tooth-powder. Dentist, n. Dental surgeon, surgeon dentist. Dentition, n. Teething, cutting of the teeth. Denude, v. a. Strip, divest, make bare, make naked. Denunciation, n. 1. Menace, threat. 3. Arraignment. Denunciatory, a. Condemnatory. Deny, v. a. 1. Contradict, gainsay, de clare to be untrue. 3. Renounce, abjure, disown, dis avow, abnegate, refuse to acknowledge. 3. Withhold, refuse to grant. Deobstruent, a. [Med.] Laxative, ape rient, loosening. Deobstruent, n. [Med.] Laxative, ape rient, loosening medicine. Deodorize, v. a. Disinfect, deprive of odor. Deodorizer, n. Disinfectant. Deoxidate, v. a. DEOXIDIZE. Deoxidation, n. Deoxidization. Deoxidize, v. a. Deoxidate, deprive of oxygen. Depart, v. n. 1. Disappear, vanish, go away. 3. Go, start, set out, set forward, be off, take leave, bid adieu, bid farewell, MAKE TRACKS, take one s departure, make one s exit, take one s self off. 3. Die, decease, leave the world. Depart from, 1. Leave, quit, go away from. 3. Abandon, forsake, desert, give up, not adhere to. 3. Deviate from, vary from. Department, n. 1. Part, portion, di vision (especially a territonal division). 3. Province, function, office, station, sphere of duty, course of life. Departure, n. 1. Withdrawal, exit, re cession, retirement, removal. 3. Death, decease, demise. Depend, v. n. Hang, be pendent. Depend on, Rely upon, rest upon, con fide in, trust to, count upon, reckon upon, build upon, depend upon. Dependant, n. Vassal, minion, retainer, CLIENT, hanger-on. Dependence, n. 1. Connection, con catenation. 3. Reliance, trust, confidence. 3. Stay, staff, support, prop, buttress, supporter. 4. Subordination, subjection. Dependency, n. 1. Adj unct, appurte nance. 3. Colony. Depend upon, DEPEND ON. Depict, v. a. 1. Paint, sketch, portray, delineate, pencil. 3. Describe, set forth. Deplete, v. a. Exhaust, drain, evacuate, empty. Depletion, n. Exhausting, draining, emptying, evacuation. Deplorable, a. Lamentable, pitiable, sad, calamitous, grievous, miserable, wretched, distressing, mournful, mel ancholy, to be deplored. Deplore, v. a. Mourn, bewail, la ment, bemoan, grieve for, sorrow over. Deploy, v. a. (Mil.) Open, unfold, ex tend, expand. Deploy, v. n. (Mil.) Open, extend, ex pand. Depone, v. n. [Scotland.] Depose, testify, affirm, state, bear witness. Deponent, n. Witness (ivlio makes oath to a written statement). Depopulate, v. a. Dispeople, unpeople, deprive of inhabitants. Deport one s self, Behave, conduct one s self, demean one s self, acquit one s self, bear one s self. Deportment, n. Demeanor, behavior, carriage, conduct, bearing, manner, air, breeding. Depose, v. a. Dethrone, dismiss, oust, cashier, displace, break. Depose, v. n. Testify, DEPONE, declare, bear witness. Deposit, v. a. 1. Drop, let fall, throw down. 3. Lodge, put, store, hoard, save, lay up, lay by. 3. Intrust, commit. Deposit, n. 1. Precipitate. 3. Security, pledge, pawn, stake. 3. Money in bank. 4. [Rare.] Depository, store-house. Depositary, n. Trustee, guardian, fiduciary. Deposition, n. [Law.] 1. Testimony (in writing, signed and sworn to before a magistrate, after cross-examination), evidence, AFFIDAVIT. 3. Dethroning, dismission, displace ment, removal. DEPOSITORY 108 DEROGATORY Depository, n. Storehouse, deposit, depot, place of deposit. Depot, n. 1. Depository, storehouse, warehouse. 3. Station (of a railway), station- house, railway station. Depravation, n. 1. Vitiation, corrup tion, deterioration, abasement, debase ment, impairing, injury. 2. Depravity, degeneracy. Deprave, v. a. Vitiate, corrupt, con taminate, demoralize, make bad. Depraved, p. a. Corrupted, corrupt, vicious, wicked, profligate, dissolute, reprobate, graceless, abandoned, shame less, hardened, lost. Depravity, n. Corruption, wickedness, viciousness, demoralization, vice, de- generacy. Deprecate, v. a. Pray to be delivered from, seek deliverance from, try to avert by prayer, make entreaty against. Depreciate, v. a. 1. Underrate, under value, lessen the price of, diminish the value of. 2. Disparage, decry, traduce, malign, degrade, censure, find fault with. Depreciate, v. n. Fall in price, fall in value, become of less worth. Depreciation, n. 1. Fall in price, di minution of value. 2. Detraction, disparagement, dero gation, censure. Depreciative, a. Derogatory. Depredation, n. Spoliation, rapine, robbery, theft, pillage, plunder, pilfer ing. Depredator, n. Plunderer, robber, thief, spoiler, brigand, freebooter, pirate, cor sair, buccaneer, marauder. Depress, v. a. 1. Lower, detrude, drop, sink, bow, reduce, press down, let down, let fall, cast down, bring down. 3. Degrade, humble, disgrace, hu miliate, debase, abase, abash, bring low, take down. 3. Discourage, dishearten, dispirit, deject, damp, dampen, chill, make sad, make despondent. 4. Make dull (as trade). Depression, n. 1. Abasement, degra dation, deterioration, debasement, per version, vitiation, depravation. 2. Hollow, hollowness, cavity, inden tation, dent, dint, dimple, excavation, pit. 3. Dejection, dejectedness, sadness, despondency, melancholy, dumps, blues, lowness of spirits, low spirits, depression of spirits. 4. Lowness, dulness, inactivity. 5. (Surg.) Couching. Deprivation, n. Loss, privation, BE REAVEMENT, dispossession. Deprive, v. a. Dispossess, divest, strip, rob, BEREAVE, take from. Depth, n. 1. Deepness, profundity. 2. Extent, measure. 3. Middle, central part. 4. Discernment, sagacity, shrewd ness, penetration, astuteness, perspica city, profoundness. Depurate, v. a. 1. Purify, cleanse, make pure. 2. Clarify, clear, make clear. Depuration, n. 1. Cleansing, purifica tion. 2. Clarification, clearing, clarifying. Deputation, n. 1. Delegation, com mission. 2. Deputies, delegates, body of dele gates. Depute, v. a. Delegate, commission, send out, appoint as agent. Deputy, n. Delegate, representative, substitute, proxy, envoy, legate, agent, factor. Derange, v. a. 1. Disorder, confuse, unsettle, disarrange, displace, turn top sy-turvy, put out of place. 2. Disturb, discompose, disconcert, ruffle. 3. Make or render insane. Derangement, n. 1. Disorder, confu sion, disarrangement. 2. Disturbance, discomposure. 3. Insanity, lunacy, madness, mania, delirium, mental aberration. Derbyshire-spar, n. Fluor-spar, flu oride of calcium. Derelict, a. 1. (Law.) Forsaken, re linquished, abandoned, left. 2. Unfaithful, faithless. Derelict, n. (Law.) 1. Abandoned property. 2. Tract of land (fit for cultivation) left dry by the retirement of the sea. Dereliction, n. 1. Abandonment, re nunciation, desertion, relinquishment. 2. Faithlessness, failure in duty. Deride, v. a. RIDICULE (contemptumisly or maliciously), mock, scout, satirize, lampoon, jeer, taunt, chaff, scoff at, jeer at, laugh at, make fun of, make sport of, make game of, turn to ridicule, hold up to ridicule, make a butt of, make merry with, POKE FUX AT. Derision, n. Ridicule, mockery, scorn, contempt. Derisive, 1 a. Scoffing, mocking, ridi- Derisory, j culing, scornful, contempt uous, contumelious. Derivable, a. 1. Obtainable, to be de rived. 2. Deducible, that may be inferred (from premises ). 3. That may be traced (to a root). Derivation, n. 1. Descent, genealogy. 2. Etymology. Derivative, a. Derived. Derive, v. a. 1. Draw, receive, obtain, get. 2. Deduce, trace. Derm, n. Skin, CUTIS, true skin. Derinatoid, a. Skin-like. Derogate from, Disparage, detract from, take something from. Derogation, n. Detraction, disparage ment, depreciation. Derogatory, a. 1. Detracting, dishon oring, depreciative. 2. Shameful, disreputable, disgrace ful, discreditable, scandalous. DESCANT 109 DESPATCH Descant, n. 1. Melody (with variations), rsong, tune. 3. Commentary, series of comments. 3. (Mus.) Soprano, treble, highest part in a score. Descant, v. n. Expatiate, enlarge, ani madvert, dilate, treat, discourse, make remarks. Descend, v. n. 1. Fall, sink, drop, go down, come down. 3. Dismount, alight, get down. 3. Go, pass, proceed, be transferred. 4. Originate, be derived, take rise. 5. Make an attack, make an assault. Descend, v.a. Go down, move down. Descendants, n. pi. Progeny, posterity, offspring Descendent, a. Descending. Descent, n. 1. Fall. 3. Declivity, slope. 3. Extraction, derivation, parentage. 4. Attack, assault, incursion, foray, raid, hostile invasion. Describe, v. a. 1. Delineate, trace, draw, mark out. 3. Represent (by words), portray, de pict, explain, recount, narrate, relate, give an account of, set forth. 3. Characterize, specify the peculiar ities of, set forth the character of. Description, /;. 1. Delineation, tracing. 3. Representation, explanation, ac count, relation, recital, report, narra tion, narrative. 3. Sort, kind, class, species. Descry, v . a. 1. Discover, discern, espy, perceive, see, behold, get sight of, get a glimpse of. 3. Detect, recognize, find out, spy out. Desecrate, v. a. Profane, abuse, pol lute, prostitute, misuse, pervert, treat sacrilegiously. Desecration; n. Profanation, pollution, misuse, abuse, prostitution, perversion. Desert, a. Uninhabited, desolate, for saken, wild, waste, barren, untilled. Desert, n. Wilderness, waste, solitude, deserted region. Desert, v. a. Forsake, leave, quit, aban don, renounce, leave in the lurch, turn one s back upon. Desert, n. Deserving, due, merit or de merit. Deserted, a. Forsaken, abandoned, re linquished, given up, cast off. Deserter, n. 1. Forsaker. 3. Backslider, renegade, apostate, revolter, turncoat. Desertion, n. Abandonment, relin- quishment, dereliction. Deserve, v. a. Merit, be worthy of, be entitled to. Desiccate, v. a. Dry, exsiccate, dry up, make dry. Desiccative, a. Drying. Desiccative, n. Drier. Desiderate, i\ a. Desire, want, miss, lack, feel the want of, long to have sup plied. Desideratum, n. [L. pi. Desiderata.] Object of desire, thing wanted, want generally felt. Design, v. a. 1. Project, plan, devise, contrive, scherce, concoct, brew, pur pose, intend, mean, propose to one s self, have in view. 3. Draw, delineate, sketch, describe, trace out. Design, n. 1. Intention, intent, pur pose, project, plan, device, scheme, pro posal, aim, intent, meaning, purport, drift, scope, object, mark. 3. Sketch, drawing, outline, delinea tion, plan, draught. Designate, v. a. 1. Specify, particular ize, distinguish, define, indicate, denote, show, point out, mark out. 3. Denominate, name, entitle, style, call, dub, term, characterize, describe, christen. 3. Appoint, assign, allot. Designation, n. 1. Indication, specifi cation. 3. Kind, class, description. 3. Name, appellation, title, style, de nomination, EPITHET. Designing, a. Insidious, deceitful, art ful, intriguing, sly, wily, astute, subtle, cunning, crafty, arch, trickish, TRICKY, treacherous, crooked, diplomatic, Ma- chiavelian. Desirable, a. Eligible, enviable, to be desired. Desire, n. Wish, longing, craving, in clination, hankering, aspiration, appe tency. Desire, v. a, 1. Wish, crave, covet, want, fancy, wish for, long for, hanker after, lust after, yearn for, aspire after. 3. Solicit, request, ask. Desirous, a. Eager, longing, solicitous, desiring, feeling a desire. Desist, v. n. Cease, stop, pause, forbear, stay, leave off, break off, give over. Desman, n. Muscovy, MUSK-RAT (My- gale moschata). Desolate, a. 1. Uninhabited, unfre quented, desert, forsaken, dreary, wild, waste, barren. 3. Lonely, solitary, companionless. 3. Ruined, destroyed, devastated, ravaged, laid waste. 4. Comfortless, cheerless, miserable, wretched, forlorn. Desolate, v. a. Ravage, devastate, de populate, ruin, destroy, despoil, sack, ransack, lay waste. Desolation, n. 1. Ruin, devastation, ravage, destruction. 3. Gloom, gloominess, sadness, un- happiness, wretchedness, misery. Despair, n. Desperation, loss of hope, complete or utter hopelessness. Despair, v. n. Despond, lose all hope, give up all expectation, be without any hope. Despatch, v. a. [Written also Dispatch.] 1. Send away (in haste). 3. Kill, slay, slaughter, assassinate, put to death, send out of the world. 3. Hasten, expedite, accelerate, for ward, speed, quicken, push or urge for ward, press or urge on, make short work of. DESPATCH 110 DETERMINATION Despatch, n. 1. Speed, haste, expedi tion. 3. Message (expeditiously sent), com munication, telegram. Desperado, n. Dare-devil, desperate fellow. Desperate, a. 1. Despairing, hopeless, without hope. 2. Wretched, forlorn, beyond hope. 3. Hash, reckless, precipitate, head long, frantic. Desperation, n. Despair, hopelessness. Despicable, a. Contemptible, pitiful, base, mean, abject, vile, worthless, low, paltry. Despise, v. a. Contemn, scorn, spurn, disdain, scout, slight, disregard, hold in contempt, look down upon. Despite, n. 1. Malevolence, malignity, malice, spite. 2. Defiance, opposition, contempt. Despite, prep. Notwithstanding, in spite of, in the face of, in the teeth of. Despoil, v. a. 1. Strip, divest, deprive. 3. Rob, plunder, pillage, fleece. Despond, v. n. DESPAIR, be cast down, be disheartened, lose hope, lose cour age, be despondent, give up, abandon hope. Despondency, n. Dejection, discour agement, depression, sadness, MELAN CHOLY, gloom, blues, blue devils, low- ness of spirits. Despondent, a. Dispirited, disheart ened, discouraged, dejected, depressed, MELANCHOLY, low-spirited, in low spirits. Despot, n. Autocrat, dictator, tyrant, absolute sovereign, absolute ruler. Despotic, ) a. Absolute, arbitrary, Despotical, J imperious, tyrannical, autocratic. Despotism, n. Autocracy, absolutism, dictatorship, tyranny, absolute power, arbitrary rule. Desquamation, n. (Med.) Exfoliation. Destination, n. 1. Fate, lot, doom, for tune, star, destiny. 3. Purpose, design, end, object, aim, scope, drift. 3. Goal, harbor, haven, landing- place, resting-place. Destine, v. a. 1. Appoint, ordain, allot, devote, consecrate. 3. Doom, decree. Destiny, n. 1. Lot, doom, fortune, fate, star, destination. 3. Fate, necessity, decrees of fate, wheel of fortune. Destitute of, Wanting, without, de void of, unprovided with. Destitute, a. Indigent, needy, poor, penniless, necessitous, distressed, re duced, pinched, short of money, out of money, out of cash, out of pocket, in need, in want, moneyless. Destitittion, n. Indigence, want, need, poverty, penury, privation. Destroy, v. a. 1. Demolish, overturn, overthrow, subvert, raze, ruin, throw down, pull down, break up, sap the foundations of. 2. Annihilate, quench, put an end to, bring to nought. 3. Waste, ravage, desolate, devas tate, devour, lay waste, make desolate, swallow up, ravage with fire and sword. 4. Extirpate, eradicate, uproot, kill, slay, extinguish, carry off, root out, grub up, pluck up by the roots, cut up root and branch, strike at the root of, give a death blow to, scatter to the winds. Destruction, n. 1. Demolition, sub version, overthrow, ruin, havoc, ship wreck. 3. Desolation, devastation, ravage. 3. Eradication, extirpation, extinc tion. 4. Death, slaughter, murder, mas sacre. Destructive, a. Ruinous, pernicious, deleterious, baleful, mischievous, fatal, deadly. Desuetude, n. Disuse, discontinuance, non-observance. Desultory, a. Immethodical, uncon nected, unsystematic, irregular, fitful, capricious, rambling, wandering, rov ing, discursive, cursory, slight, by fits and starts. Detach, v. a. 1. Separate, disjoin, dis engage, disunite, sever, dissever, part, divide. 3. Detail, send away. Detail, v. a. 1. Relate, recount, narrate, rehearse, delineate, portray, depict, enumerate, particularize, describe, set forth. 3. Detach, send away. Detail, n. Account, narration, narra tive, relation, recital. Details, n. pi. Particulars, minutia?, distinct parts, minor circumstances. Detain, v. a. 1. Restrain, stay, check, delay, retain, stop, keep back. 3. Confine, hold in custody. Detect, v. a. Discover, expose, descry, find out, bring to light, lay open. Detection, n. Discovery. Detent, n. Pawl, click, catch, ratchet. Deter, v. a. Restrain, hinder, discour age, withhold (by fear). Detergent, a. Cleansing, detersive. Deteriorate, v. a. Impair, make worse. Deteriorate, v. n. Degenerate, grow worse. Deterioration, n. Debasement, degra dation, depravation, degeneracy, degen- erateness, vitiation, perversion. Determinable, a. Definable, that may be determined. Determinate, a. 1. Determine, defi nite, fixed, limited, settled, established, explicit, positive, express, absolute, certain. 3. Decisive, conclusive, definitive, decided. Determination, n. 1. Decision, reso lution, conclusion, judgment, purpose, resolve. 3. Direction, tendency, leaning. 3. (Law ) Ceasing, termination. DETERMINE 111 DEVOUR Determine, v. a. 1. Settle, decide, ad just, conclude, end, fix. 3. Ascertain, certify, verify, find out, make out, fix upon. 3. Influence, lead, induce, give direc tion to. 4. (Law.) Bring to an end, put an end to, cause to terminate. Determine, v. n. Conclude, decide, re solve. Detersive, a. Cleansing, detergent. Detest, v. a. Hate (extremely), abomi nate, abhor, loathe, nauseate, shrink from, recoil from. Detestable, a. 1. Execrable, abomi nable, odious, hateful, cursed, accursed, abhorred, damnable, shocking. 3. Loathsome, disgusting, sickening, repulsive, offensive, nauseating. Detestation, n. 1. Hatred, abhorrence, abomination, detestation. 3. Loathing, disgust, antipathy. Dethrone, v. a. Depose, drive from the throne. Detonate, v. n. Explode (with a laud report), detonize. Detonate, v. a. Detonize, cause to ex plode. Detonation, n. Explosion. Detonize, v. n. DETONATE. Detonize, v. a. DETONATE. Detour, n. [Fr.] Circuitous route, indi rect way, roundabout way. Detract from, Depreciate, disparage, decry, asperse, abuse, calumniate, vil ify, traduce, defame, derogate from. Detraction, n. Depreciation, slander, calumny, defamation, disparagement, derogation, censure. Detractor, n. Slanderer, defamer, cal umniator, vilifier. Detriment, n. Loss, damage, injury, disadvantage) mischief, prejudice, evil, harm, hurt. Detrimental, a. Injurious, hurtful, mischievous, pernicious, prejudicial. Detrude, v. a. Depress, lower, sink, drop, thrust down, force down, thrust into a lower place. Detrusion, n. Depression, lowering. Deuce, n. 1. Two (saidoj cards or dice with tivo spots). 2. [Low.] Devil. Deutoxide, n. Binoxide. Devastate, v. a. Ravage, pillage, plun der, sack, spoil, despoil, destroy, deso late, strip, lay waste. Devastation, n. Ravage, desolation, destruction, havoc, ruin, waste, pillage, rapine. Develop, v. a. 1. Unfold, evolve, dis close, exhibit, unravel, disentangle, make known, lay open. 3. Cause to grow, advance to matu rity. Develop, v. n. . Unfold, open, grow, be developed. Development, n. 1. Unfolding, dis closure, exhibition, unravelling, disen tanglement. 3. Growth, increase, progress to ma turity. Deviate, v. n. 1. Digress, diverge, de flect, veer, tack, wheel, turn aside, alter one s course, wheel about. 3. Err, stray, swerve, wander, go astray, go out of one s way, lose one s way. Deviate, v. a. Turn aside, cause to de viate. Deviation, n. 1. Divergence, depart ure, depression, divarication, turning, aberration. 3. Difference, variation, variance, change, alteration. 3. Error, offence, iniquity, sin. Device, n. 1. Contrivance; scheme, de sign, plan, project, expedient, shift, re sort, resource. 3. Artifice, stratagem, wile, ruse, manoeuvre, trick, fraud, evasion. 3. Emblem, symbol, type, sign. Devil, n. 1. Satan. Lucifer, Belial, Apollyon, arch-fiend, arch-enemy, the tempter, DEUCE, the evil one, the man of sin, the wicked one, the old serpent, the prince of darkness, the foul fiend, the Enemy, the Adversary. 3. Demon, evil spirit. Devilish, a. Diabolical, satanic, infer nal, atrocious, impious, wicked. Deviltry, n. Mischief, wickedness, dia- blery, diabolical conduct. Devious, a. 1. Deviating, erratic, wan dering, out of the common way. 3. Erratic, going astray. Devise, v. a. 1. Contrive, invent, im agine, plan, scheme, project, brew, con cert, concoct, COMPASS. 3. Bequeath, demise, leave, give by will. Devise, n. Bequest, legacy. Devoid, a. Vacant, empty, destitute, void. Devoirs, n. pi. [Fr.] Respects. Devolve, v. a. Alienate, transfer, de mise, consign, convey, deliver over, make over. Devolve, v. n. Fall (by succession or by inheritance), pass, be transferred, be handed over. Devote, v. a. 1. Appropriate (by vow)) consecrate, dedicate, destine, set apart. 3. Addict, apply, resign, give up. 3. Doom, give over. Devoted, a. 1. Attached, loving, affec tionate. 3. Ardent, zealous, earnest. Devotee, n. Bigot, fanatic, zealot, en thusiast. Devotion, n. 1. Consecration, dedica tion. 3. Piety, religion, devoutness, relig iousness, devotedness, holiness, sanc tity, saintliness, godliness. 3. Worship, adoration, prayer. 4. Attachment, affection, love. 5. Ardor, earnestness, eagerness, zeal. Devotional, a. Devout, religious, pious, saintly, godly. Devour, v. a. 1. Gorge, engorge, eat? heartily, swallow eagerly. 3. Destroy, consume, waste, spend, expend, swallow up. DEVOUT 112 DIFFICULT Devout, a. 1. Religious, pious, holy, saintly, devotional, godly, saint-like, heavenly-minded . 2. Sincere, earnest, serious, grave, solemn. Dew- worm, n. Earth-worm, lob-worm (Lumbricus terrestris). Dexterity, n. Skill, skilfulness, adroit ness, expertness, readiness, facility, aptness, aptitude, address, quickness, cleverness, knack, ability, tact, art. Dexterous, a. Skilful, adroit, expert, handy, apt, ready, quick, clever, able. Diablery, n. Mischief, wickedness, dev iltry, diabolical conduct. Diabolic, ) a. Devilish, infernal, a- Diabolical, J tanic, impious, atrocious, wicked. Diacoustics, n. Diaphonics. Diadem, n. 1. Crown. 3. Empire, sovereignty. Diagnostic, a. Distinguishing, charac teristic. Diagram, n. Figure. Dial, r*. Sun-dial. Dialect, n. 1. Provincialism, idiom. 3. Language, tongue, speech, form of speech. 3. Idiomatic. Dialectician, n. Logician, reasoner. Dialectics, n. 1. Application of logical principles, applied logic. 3. Logic, science of the laws of thought, science of reasoning. Dialogue, n. Colloquy, conference. Diameter, n. Distance through the centre (as of a circle). Diamond, n. 1. Adamant, BRILLIANT, crystallized carbon. 3. Rhombus, lozenge. Diaphaneity, n. Transparency, trans- lucency, pellucidness. Diaphanous, a. Transparent, translu cent, pellucid, clear. Diaphonics, n. Diacoustics. Diaphragm, n. Midriff. Diarrhoea,?!. (Med.) Relax, flux, purg ing, looseness of the bowels. Diarthrosis, n. (Med.) Abarticulation. Diary, n. Journal, register, chronicle. Diatribe, n. 1. Disputation, disserta tion, disquisition. 2. Invective, philippic. Dicker, v. n. [Colloquial U. S.] Barter. Dictate, v. a. 1. Prescribe, direct, or dain, command, order, bid, require, decree. 3. Utter (so that another may repeat or write). Dictate, n. 1. Injunction,, command, . order, decree. 3. Precept, maxim, rule. Dictation, n. Prescription, direction. Dictator, n. Despot, autocrat, absolute ruler. Dictatorial, a. 1. Absolute, unlimited, unrestricted. 3. Imperious, authoritative, over bearing, domineering, tyrannical. Dictatorship, n. Despotism, absolut ism, tyranny, arbitrary power, absolute power, iron rule. Diction, n. Style, phraseology, lan guage, expression, mode or manner of expression, turn of expression, form of expression. Dictionary, n. 1. Lexicon, vocabulary, GLOSSARY, word-book. 3. Encyclopaedia, alphabetical sum mary (ii.i any department of knowledge). Dictum, n. (L. pi. Dicta.) I. Saying, assertion, affirmation. 3. (Law.) Extrajudicial opinion. * Deceptive. Didapper, n. Dab-chick, dob-chick (Po- diceps minor). Diddle, v. n. 1. Totter. 3. Trifle, dawdle, waste time. Diddle, v. a. Cheat, cozen, deceive, trick, dupe, chouse, circumvent, gull, overreach, cozen, delude, impose upon. Die, v. n. 1. Expire, decease, depart, leave the world, draw the last breath, cease to exist, give up the ghost, pay the debt of nature, take one s last sleep, shuffle off this mortal coil, go the way of all flesh, go to one s last home, be numbered with the dead, cross the Styx, cross the Stygian ferry, POP OFF, KICK THE BUCKET. 3. Wither, perish, lose life. 3. Cease, vanish, disappear, come to nothing, come to an end, be lost, be heard of no more. Die away, Subside, grow less and less, decrease gradually. Die, n. 1. Small cube (for gaming). 3. Dado, cube of a pedestal. 3. Stamp. Diet, n. 1. Food, provision, victuals, aliment, nutriment, nourishment, sub sistence, provision, fare, viands, regi men, cheer, rations, commons. 3. Assembly, convention, council, convocation, congress. Diet, v. n. Eat sparingly, eat by rule. Differ, v. n. 1. Vary, be unlike. 3. Disagree, be of a different opinion, think differently. 3. Wrangle, quarrel, contend, bicker, be at variance. Difference, n. 1. Dissimilarity, vari ation, diversity, disparity, dissimili tude. 3. Variance, alienation, misunder standing, dissension, jarring, breach, rupture, schism, contest, quarrel, dis pute, debate, controversy, altercation, bickering, wrangle, strife, falling out. 3. Distinction, discrimination. Different, a. 1. Distinct, separate, not the same. 3. Unlike, dissimilar, various, diverse, manifold. Differential, a. Discriminating. Difficult, a. 1. Hard, arduous, Hercu lean, up-hill, beset with difficulty. 3. Austere, rigid, unyielding, un accommodating. 3. Fastidious, dainty, squeamish, hard to please. DIFFICULTY 113 DIMENSIONS Difficulty, n. 1. Arduousness. 3. Obstacle, impediment, bar, ob struction, barrier, hinderance, trouble, perplexity, exigency, trial, dilemma, embarrassment, emergency, pinch, pickle, stand, dead-set, set fast, dead lock, dead-stand, stand-still, horns of a dilemma, up-hill work, sea of troubles, peck of troubles, hard row to hoe, hard nut to crack. Diffidence, n. 1. Distrust, doubt. 3. Bashfulness, timidity, sheepish- ness, extreme modesty, distrust of one s self, lack or want of self-reliance. Diffident, a. 1. Distrustful, doubtful. 3. Bashful, timid, sheepish, over- modest, distrustful of one s self. Diffuse, v. a. Disperse, scatter, dis seminate, spread, circulate, propagate, distribute, pour out, send abroad, spread abroad. Diffuse, a. Prolix, copious, rambling, loose, verbose, wordy, diffusive, long- winded, long-spun, spun out. Diffusion, n. Dispersion, spread, ex tension, propagation, circulation, dis tribution. Diffusive, a. 1. Expansive. 3. Prolix, verbose, DIFFUSE. Dig, v. a. 1. Excavate, delve, scoop, SCRATCH, hollow Out. 3. Break up (with a spade, Jioe, &c.). Dig, v. n. Delve, work with a spade, hoe, &c. Dig, n. 1. [Low.} Punch, poke, thrust. 3. [Colloquial.} Innuendo, insinua tion, oblique hint, sly remark. 3. [At colleges, U. S.} Plodding stu dent. Digest, n. I. Pandect. 3. Code, system. 3. Abridgment, abstract, compend, compendium, epitome, summary, sy nopsis, conspectus, breviary, brief, sum and substance. Digest, v. a. 1. Methodize, systema tize, arrange, codify, classify, dispose, reduce to order. 3. Concoct, convert into chyme. 3. Study, ponder, consider, contem plate, reflect upon, think on, meditate upon, con over, revolve in the mind. 4. (Cfiem.) Soften by a gentle heat, macerate, steep, soak. Digestion, n. 1. Methodizing, digest ing, classifying. 3. Conversion of food into chyme. 3. Macerating, maceration, steep ing. Dignified, a. Stately, noble, majestic, august, grave, imposing. Dignify, v. a. 1. Advance, promote, exalt, ennoble, prefer to office. 3. Honor, grace, adorn, give lustre to, add dignity to. Dignity, n. 1. Rank, elevation, stand ing, station, place, greatness, eminence, exaltation, glory, honor, reputableness, respectability. 3. Stateliness, grandeur, majesty, nobleness, lofty bearing or conduct, elevation of aspect or deportment. 3. Honor, preferment, high station or office. 4. Magistrate, dignitary, person in office. Digress, v. n. Deviate, diverge, wander, turn aside. Digression, n. 1. Deviation, diver gence, departure. 3. Episode, incidental passage. Dilacerate, v. a. Tear, lacerate, rend, rend asunder. Dilapidate, v. a. Waste, ruin, destroy, pull down, throw down, suffer to go to ruin. Dilapidated, a. Decayed, ruined, wasted, in ruins. Dilapidation, n. Ruin, decay, down- Dilatation, n. Expansion, expanding, DILATION, swelling. Dilate, v. a. Expand, extend, enlarge, widen, distend, swell. Dilate, v. n. 1. Expand, widen, be dis tended. 3. Expatiate, descant, enlarge, dwell, be diffuse, be prolix, launch out, branch out, spin a long yarn, beat about the bush. Dilation, n. [Modern.] Dilatation, ex pansion, expanding, swelling, bloating. Dilatory, a. Slow, tardy, lingering, loitering, sluggish, laggard, lagging, behindhand, backward, procrastinat ing. Dilemma, n. Quandary, strait, diffi cult choice, puzzling alternative, awk ward or bad predicament. Dilettante, n. [It.] 1. Amateur, con noisseur, virtuoso, critic, man of taste. 3. Pretender to taste (in the fine arts). Diligence, n. Assiduity (in some specific pursuit), assiduousness, activity, sedu- lousness, perseverance, INDUSTRY, steady application (to some pursuit that one likes). Diligent, a. Assiduous, sedulous, in dustrious, active, busy, persevering, notable, hard-working, at work, dili gently employed, busily engaged, up and stirring, busy as a bee, brisk as a bee. Dillydally, v. n. Loiter, linger, delay, lag, saunter, trifle, idle away time. Dilute, v. a. Attenuate, reduce, weaken, make thin, make weak. Dilute, . Thin, diluted, attenuated, weak, not strong. Diluvium, n. (Geol.) Drift. Dim, a. 1. Dusky, dark, obscure, shadowy, cloudy, not luminous. 3. Dull, obtuse, slow to see. 3. Darkened, obscured, clouded, faint, confused, shorn of its beams. Dim, v. a. Darken, obscure, cloud. Dime, n. Ten cents. Dimension, n. 1. Extent, extension, measure (in one direction). %. (Algebra.) Literal factor. Dimensions, n. pi. Size, magnitude, bulk, volume, bigness, capacity, ampli tude, greatness, largeness, mass, mas- siveness. 8 DIM-EYED 114 DISAPPOINTMENT Dim-eyed, a. Dim-sighted, blear-eyed. Diminish, v. a. Lessen, decrease, abate, reduce, make smaller. Diminish, v. n. Decrease, lessen, abate, subside, grow or become less, be re duced. Diminution, n. Decrease, lessening, decrement, reduction, abatement. Diminutive, a. Little, small, dwarfish, tiny, puny, pygmean, contracted, mi nute, of small size. Dim-sighted, a. Dim-eyed, blear-eyed. Din, n. Noise, uproar, racket, clamor, clatter, hubbub, HALLABALOO. Dingle, n. Dale, dell, vale, valley, glen. Dingy, a. 1. Dun, dusky, brown. 2. Soiled, sullied, dirty. Dint, n. 1. Dent, indentation. 2. Force, power. Diocese, n. Bishopric, see, jurisdiction or charge of a bishop. Diodon, n. Globe-fish, puffer. Dioxide, n. Suboxide. Dip, v. a. 1. Immerse, plunge, douse, souse. 2. Take out (with a ladle, cup, &c..). Dip, v. n. 1. Thrust a ladle (cup, &c., into a liquid). 2. Incline, tend downward. 3. Engage cursorily, enter slightly. 4. Dive, plunge, duck, pitch, im merse one s self. Diplomacy, n. 1. Art of negotiating. 2. Artful management. Diplomate, n. [Fr.] DIPLOMATIST. Diplomatist, n. Negotiator, diploniate. Dire, a. Dreadful, fearful, direful, shock ing, terrible, horrid, horrible, awful, ter rific, tremendous. .Direct, a. 1. Straight, in a right line, not crooked. 2. From father to son, not collateral. 3. Plain, express, categorical, unam- .higuous, not equivocal. 4. Open, sincere, ingenuous, frank, outspoken. 5. (Astron.) In the order of the signs, not retrograde. Direct, v. a. 1. Aim, point, cast, turn. 2. Regulate, dispose, manage, con duct, control, govern. 3. Order, command, instruct, pre scribe to, give directions to. 4. Guide, lead, put upon the right track. 5. Address, superscribe. Direction, n. 1. Aim. 2. Tendency, line of motion. 3. Course, bearing, point of compass. 4. Management, oversight, superin tendence, government, control. 5. Guidance, lead. 6. Order, conajnand, prescription. 7. Address, superscription. Directly, ad. 1. In a straight line, in a straight course. %. Expressly, absolutely, unambigu ously, openly, without circumlocution. 3. Immediately, quickly, promptly, speedily, soon, presently, forthwith, in stantly, ixsTAj*TEB,.in.a short time, without delay. Director, n. l. Superintendent, mana ger, BOSS. 2. Guide, counsellor, adviser, instruc tor, mentor, monitor. Direful, a. Dreadful, fearful, horrible, terrible, shocking, horrid, terrific, aw ful, tremendous, dire. Dirge, n. Elegy, funeral song, mournful song. Dirt, n. Filth, foul matter. Dirty, a. 1. Unclean, foul, filthy, nasty, soiled, begrimed. 2. Clouded, cloudy, dark, sullied. 3. Mean, base, vile, low, grovelling, sneaking, pitiful, paltry, beggarly, scur vy, shabby, despicable, contemptible. Dirty, v. a. Foul, befoul, soil, defile, draggle, daggle. Disability, n. 1. Disqualification. 2. Inability, incapacity, incompe tence, impotence, incapability. Disable, v. a. 1. Weaken, enfeeble, cripple, paralyze, unman, disenable, deprive of strength. 2. Disqualify, incapacitate, unfit, make incapable. Disabuse, v. a. Undeceive, set right. Disadvantage, n. 1. Unfavorableness. 2. Injury, loss, damage, detriment, disservice, prejudice, hurt. Disadvantageous, a. 1. Unfavorable, ineligible, inconvenient. 2. Injurious, prejudicial, hurtful, det rimental, deleterious. Disaffect, v. a. Alienate, estrange, make unfriendly. Disaffected, a. Alienated, estranged, dissatisfied, disloyal. Disaffection, n. Alienation, estrange ment, breach, disagreement, dissatis faction, disloyalty, ill-will. Disagree, v. n. 1. Differ, vary, be un like. 2. Dissent, be of different opinions, differ in opinion. 3. Quarrel, wrangle, bicker, fall out. 4. Be unsuitable, be unfit, be un- suited. Disagreeable, a. Unpleasant, unpleas- ing, displeasing, distasteful, offensive. Disagreement, n. 1. Difference, dis similarity, unlikeness, dissimilitude, diversity, discrepancy. 2. Dissent, difference of opinion. 3. Discord, variance, misunderstand ing, dissension, jarring, clashing, strife, quarrel, dispute, wrangle, bickering. Disallow, v. a. 1. Prohibit, forbid, refuse permission to. 2. Reject, disapprove, set aside, refuse or decline to sanction. 3. Disavow, disclaim, disown, deny. Disannul, v. a. Nullify, cancel, rescind, quash, vacate, annul, abolish, abrogate, render void, set aside, do away. Disappear, v. n. Vanish, be lost to view, pass out of sight. Disappoint, v. a. Balk, frustrate, foil, defeat, baffle, disconcert. Disappointment, n. Failure, miscar riage, frustration, ill success, want of success. DISAPPROBATION 115 DISCOMFORT Disapprobation, n. Dislike, displeas ure, censure, disapproval. Disapproval, n. Disapprobation. Disapprove, r. a. 1. Dislike, condemn, censure, regard as wrong. 3. Reject, disallow, refuse or decline to sanction. Disarm, v. a. 1. Deprive of arms. 3. Disable, incapacitate; render pow erless, harmless, or innocuous. Disarrange, v. a. Disorder, unsettle, derange, disturb, put out of order, throw into disorder, throw into confusion. Disarray, n. Confusion, disorder. Disaster, n. Mishap, misfortune, re verse, mischance, calamity, catastro phe, blow, stroke, casualty. Disastrous, a. Calamitous, unfortu nate, unlucky, hapless, untoward, uii- prosperous, ill-fated, ill-starred. Disavow, v. a. Disclaim, disown, deny, disallow. Disband, v. a. Break up, dismiss from military service. Disband, v. n. Separate, disperse, scat ter, break up, retire from military ser vice- Disbelief, n. 1. Scepticism, infidelity, refusal to .believe. 3. Distrust, incredulity, want of be lief. Disbelieve, v. a. Discredit, not believe, refuse to credit, hold or consider not to be true. Disbeliever, n. Unbeliever, sceptic, in fidel, MISCREANT. Disburden, v. a. Disencumber, unbur den, unload, disburthen, ease, rid, free, relieve. Disburse, v. a. Spend, expend, lay out, pay out. Disbursement, n. Expenditure. Disburthen, v. a. DISBURDEN. Discard, v. a. I. Reject, throw or thrust aside, throw away, cast away, lay aside, cast off. 3. Dismiss, discharge, cashier, break, cast off, turn away. Discern, v. a. 1. Discriminate, distin guish, note the distinctions of. 3. Perceive, see, discover, descry, be hold, espy. Discern, v. n. Discriminate, judge, make distinction. Discernible, a. Perceptible, discover able, to be discerned. Discerning:, a. Discriminating, know ing, sagacious, perspicacious, judicious, acute, intelligent, ingenious, clear headed, clear-sighted, keen-sighted, quick- sighted, eagle-eyed, hawk-eyed, Argus-eyed. Discernment, n. Discrimination, saga city, shrewdness, sharpness, brightness, astuteness, acuteness. cleverness, per spicacity, ingenuity, penetration, in sight, judgment, intelligence, mother wit, quick parts. Discharge, v. a. 1. Unload, disburden, unburden, relieve of a load. 3. Emit, expel, excrete, eject, throw off, send out, give forth. 3. Set off, fire off, let fly, give vent to, shoot, fire. 4. Pay, liquidate, cash. 5. Release, absolve, exonerate, ac quit, clear, relieve, liberate, free, set free. 6. Dismiss, discard, cashier, break, turn away, send away. 7. Remove, destroy, put away, clear from. 8. Perform, execute, fulfil, observe, acquit one s self of. 9. Remove, take out (as the cargo of a vessel). 10. (Law.) Cancel, rescind, annul, nullify, invalidate, make void. Discharge, n. 1. Unloading, disbur dening. 3. Emission, ejection, expulsion, ex cretion, vent, evacuation. 3. Firing, explosion, blast, burst, firing off. 4. Observance, performance, fulfil ment, execution. 5. Payment, settlement, liquidation, satisfaction, clearance. 6. Release, liberation, exemption. 7. Acquittal, exoneration, absolu tion. Disciple, n. 1. Scholar, pupil, learner. 3. Follower, adherent, partisan, sup porter, retainer. Disciplinarian, n. MARTINET, enfor cer of discipline. Discipline, n. 1. Instruction, training, drilling, drill, exercise, education, cul ture, schooling, breeding. 3. Subjection, control, regulation, government. 3. Punishment, chastisement, correc tion, castigation. Discipline, v. a. 1. Instruct, train, breed, educate, teach, drill, exercise, form, bring up. 3. Regulate, control, govern, school, bring under subjection. 3. Punish, chastise, correct, casti gate. Disclaim, v. a. 1. Disown, disavow, deny any knowledge of. 3. Renounce, reject, cast off. Disclaimer, n. 1. Disavowal. 3. (Law.) Renunciation (of a claim or a title), relinquishment. " Disclose, v. a. 1. Uncover, expose, bring to view, bring to light. 2. Reveal, divulge, show, unfold, un- vail, tell, utter, betray, communicate, lay open, make known. Disclosure, n. Revelation, exposure, discovery. Discolor, v. a. Stain, tarnish, change the color of. Discomfit, v. a. Defeat, overthrow, rout, overcome, overpower, conquer, vanquish, subdue, beat, checkmate, put to flight, put down, get the upper hand of, scatter in fight. Discomfiture, n. Rout, defeat, over throw, ruin. Discomfort, n. Uneasiness, disquiet, inquietude, trouble, annoyance. DISCOMMODE 116 DISCRIMINATE Discommode, v. a. Disturb, annoy, molest, trouble, disquiet, incommode, inconvenience, put to inconvenience. Discompose, v. a. 1. Disorder, derange, disarrange, embroil, jumble, unsettle, confuse, disturb, throw into disorder or confusion. 3. Displease, disquiet, ruffle, agitate, harass, worry, annoy, plague, trouble, vex, fret, nettle, irritate, provoke, chafe. 3. Disconcert, perplex, bewilder, em barrass, abash, put out. Discomposure, n. 1. Derangement, confusion. 2. Agitation, disquiet, uneasiness, excitement, vexation, worry, perturba tion, annoyance. Disconcert, v. a. 1. Frustrate, defeat, thwart, contravene, interrupt, undo. 3. Discompose, confuse, perplex, be wilder, embarrass, disturb, abash, put out. Disconnect, v. a. Disjoin, separate, disengage, disunite, sever. Disconnection, n. Disjunction, disas- sociation, disunion, separation, isola- t$n, severance. Disconsolate, a. Inconsolable, desolate, forlorn, heart-broken, broken-hearted, comfortless, cheerless, sorrowful, mel ancholy, sad. Discontent, n. Dissatisfaction, uneasi ness, inquietude. Discontinuance, n. Cessation, inter mission, suspension, interruption, stop page, stop, breaking off. Discontinue, v. a. Intermit, stop, inter rupt, break off, leave off, put an end to. Discontinuous, a. Interrupted, broken off. Discord, n. 1. Disagreement, conten tion, strife, dissension. 3. Dissonance, discordance, harsh ness, jarring, want of harmony. Discordance, ) n. 1. Disagreement, Discordancy, ) inconsistency, incon gruity, opposition, conflict. 3. Dig iscord, dissonance. Discordant, a. 1. Disagreeing, incon gruous, contradictory, contrary, oppo site, repugnant, at variance. 3. Dissonant, harsh, jarring, inhar monious.. Discount, n. Allowance, deduction, re duction, drawback, abatement, rebate. Discountenance, v. a. [Hare.] 1. Abash, put to shame, put out of coun tenance. 3. Discourage, disfavor, frown upon, show disapprobation of. Discourage, v. a. 1. Dishearten, dis pirit, depress, deject. 3. Dissuade, deter, keep back. 3. Disfavor, discountenance, throw cold water upon, put a damper on. Discouragement, n. 1. Disheartening. 3. Dissuasion, dehortation, counter influence. 3. Embarrassment, hinderance, ob stacle, impediment, damper, wet blan ket, cold water. Discourse, n. 1. [Rare.} Reason, rea soning faculty. 3. Dissertation, treatise, disquisition, homily, sermon. 3. Conversation, talk, oral commu nication, verbal intercourse. Discourse, v. n. 1. Speak, expatiate, hold forth, deliver a discourse. 2. Talk, converse, parley, confer, advise, hold a conversation, hold a par ley or conference, talk together. Discourse, v. a. Utter, emit, give forth. Discourteous, a. Uncivil, impolite, uncourtly, uncomplaisant, ungentle- manly, disrespectful, inurbane, unman nerly, uncourteous, rude, ill-bred, ill- mannered. Discourtesy, n. Incivility, impolite ness, rudeness, inurbanity, ill-breeding. Discover, v. a. 1. Reveal, communi cate, tell, disclose, exhibit, show, mani fest, make manifest, impart, . make known, lay open, lay bare, expose to view. 3. Ascertain, detect, find out, get the first knowledge of. 3. Descry, discern, espy, see, behold, get sight of, get a glimpse of. Discovery, n. 1. Disclosure, revelation, making known. 3. Finding, finding out. 3. First sight, first view. Discredit, n. 1. Disbelief, distrust, doubt. 3. Disrepute, dishonor, disgrace, re proach, opprobrium, obloquy, odium, ignominy, ill repute. Discredit, v. a. 1. Disbelieve, give no credit to, place no confidence in, refuse credence to. 3. Disgrace, dishonor, bring reproach upon, make disreputable, BLOW UPON, destroy confidence in, bring into dis favor, make distasteful. Discreditable, a. Disgraceful, disrep utable. Discreet, a. Prudent, cautious, judi cious, wise, circumspect, considerate, heedful, wary; not rash, heedless, or headlong. Discrepance, ) n. Difference, incoii- Discrepancy, ) gruity, disagreement, contrariety, inconsistency, variation. Discrepant, a. Differing, disagreeing, incongruous, inconsistent, contrary. Discrete, a. 1. Separate, distinct, dis junct, not continuous. 2. Disjunctive, discretive. Discretion, n. 1. PRUDENCE (in things immediately before us), judgment, cau tion, wariness, carefulness, circumspec tion, considerateness, judiciousness. 3. Will, pleasure, choice, liberty of judgment. Discretive, a. Disjunctive, discrete. Discriminate, v. a. Distinguish, mark the difference between. Discriminate, v. n. Distinguish, make a distinction, note differences, judge nicely or accurately. DISCRIMINATION 117 DISHABILLE Discrimination, n. 1. Distinction. 3. Discernment, penetration, acute- ness, judgment, sagacity, insight. Discriminative, a. Discriminating, distinguishing, characterizing, distinc tive. Discursive, a. 1. Reasoning, argumen tative, capable of reasoning. 3. Roving, wandering, rambling, des ultory, that takes a wide range. Discus, n. Quoit, disk. Discuss, v. a. Debate, sift, canvass, ventilate, agitate, argue, reason about. Discussion, n. Debate, ventilation, agi tation, disquisition, disputation, con troversy, canvass. Disdain, v. a. Despise, contemn, scout, scorn, spurn, look down upon, hold in contempt, consider beneath notice. Disdain, n. Scorn, contempt, contu mely,, haughtiness, arrogance, HAU TEUR. Disdainful, a. Scornful, contemptuous, supercilious, contumelious, haughty, cavalier. Disease, n. Disorder, distemper, mala dy, complaint, ail, ailment, sickness, illness, indisposition. Diseased, a. Disordered, distempered, unsound, sickly, sick. Disembark, v. a. Land, put on shore. .Disembark, v. n. Land, go on shore. Disembarrass, v. a. Disengage, extri cate, release, disburden, disencumber, ease, rid, free, clear, set free. Disembodied, a. Unbodied, incorporeal, immaterial, spiritual. Disembogue, v. a. Discharge (at the mouth, as a river), empty, pour out, give vent to. Disembogue, v. n. Issue, flow out (at the mouth, as a river), discharge itself, be discharged. Disemboguement, n. Discharge, issue. Disembowel, v . a. Eviscerate, embowel, take out the bowels of. Disembroil, v. a. Disentangle, free from perplexity, extricate from confu sion. Disenable, v. a. Disqualify, disable, unfit, incapacitate, make incapable. Disenchant, v. a. Free from enchant ment, deliver from illusions. Disencumber, v. a. Disburden, dis engage, disembarrass, release, ease, rid, set free. Disengage, v. a. 1. Release, extricate, liberate, clear, disentangle, disembroil, disembarrass, loose, unloose, free, set free. 3. Separate, detach, divide, disjoin, disunite, dissociate. 3. Withdraw, wean, draw off. Disengaged, a. Unengaged, unoccupied, at leisure, not busy. Disengagement, n. 1. Detachment, separation. 3. Liberation, release, extrication, disentanglement. 3. Leisure, freedom from business. Disennoble, v. a. Degrade, disgrace, make ignoble. Disentangle, v. a. 1. Unravel, run untwist. ^ 2. Extricate, disengage, disem liberate, clear, loose, unloose, free, free. Disestablish, v. a. [Rare.] Abolish, overthrow, annul, discontinue, abro gate, set aside, do away. Disestablishment, n. [Rare.} Abolition, annulment, discontinuance, abrogation, overthrow, subversion, destruction, an nihilation, extinction. Disesteem, n. Disregard, DISFAVOR. Disfavor, n. Disregard, disesteern, dis like, disrespect. Disfigure, v. a. Deform, deface, mar, injure, spoil, make ugly, make un sightly. Disfigurement, n. Defacement, injury. Disfranchise, v, a. Deprive of a fran chise, deprive of chartered rights or the privileges of a citizen. Disfurnish, v. a. Unfurnish, strip, di vest, dismantle, disgarnish. Disgarnish, v. a. DISFURXISH. Disgorge, v. a, 1. Vomit, spew, cast up, throw up. 3. Eject, discharge, throw out. 3. Relinquish, surrender, yield, give up, give back. Disgrace, n. 1. Disfavor, degrada tion. 3. Dishonor, discredit, disrepute, dis- esteem, shame, reproach, ignominy, in famy. opprobrium, obloquy, odium, scandal, blot on one s escutcheon. Disgrace, v. a. Dishonor, discredit, de grade, debase, tarnish, stain, sully, taint ; bring shame, reproach, dishonor, or a stain upon. Disgraceful, a. Shameful, ignominious, scandalous, dishonorable, discreditable, disreputable, infamous, opprobrious. Disguise, v. a. Conceal (by dress or out ward appearance), cloak, veil, shroud, muffle, mask, hide, dissemble. Disguise, n. 1. Mask, cover, counter feit dress. 3. False appearance, counterfeit show. Disguised, a. 1. Cloaked, masked, veiled, in disguise. 3. Intoxicated, inebriated, drunken, drunk, fuddled, tipsy, mellow, maudlin, SLEWED, GROGGY, in liquor, in one s cups, half seas over. Disgust, n. 1. Nausea, disrelish, dis taste, loathing. 3. Dislike, repugnance, aversion, an tipathy, abomination, detestation, ab horrence, hatred. Disgust, v. a. 1. Sicken, affect with nausea, turn one s stomach, go against one s stomach. 3. Displease, offend. Disgusting, a. Nauseous, nauseating, loathsome, sickening, repulsive, revolt ing, offensive, distasteful, odious, hate ful, foul, abominable. Dish,. 1. PLATTER. 3. Viand, article of food. Dishabille, n. Undress, loose dress. DISHEARTEN 118 DISORDER Dishearten, v. a. Dispirit, discourage, deject, depress. Dished, a. [Low.] 1. Ruined, spoiled. 2. Frustrated, balked, foiled, baffled, disconcerted, disappointed. Dishevelled, a. Disordered ( as the hair ), untrimmed, hanging loosely or negli gently, at loose ends. Dishing, a. Concave, dish-like. Dish-like, a. Dishing, concave, shaped like a dish. Dishonest, a. Faithless, knavish, false, unfair, disingenuous, fraudulent, de ceitful, treacherous, slippery, unscrupu lous, perfidious, wicked, false-hearted. Dishonesty, n. Improbity, faithless ness, knavery, treachery, falsehood, de- ceitfulness, perfidiousness, wickedness. Dishonor, n. Dishonor, disgrace, dis credit, disrepute, reproach, degrada tion, shame, ignominy, obloquy, infamy, opprobrium, odium, scandal, abase ment. Dishonor, v. a. 1. Disgrace, bring shame or reproach upon, stain the character of. 2. Violate, debauch, ravish, deflour. 3. Refuse to accept or to pay (as a draft). Dishonorable, a. Disreputable, dis creditable, disgraceful, shameful, scan dalous, infamous, ignominious. Dish-washer, n. Goosander, wagtail, dun-diver (Mergus merganser or Mer- gus castor). Disinclination, n. Indisposition, re luctance, repugnance, aversion, un willingness. Disincline, v. a. Make averse. Disinclined, a. Unwilling, indisposed, reluctant, averse. Disinfect, v. a. Deodorize, fumigate, Smrify. singenuous, a. Unfair, dishonest, insincere, uncandid, artful, cunning, sly, insidious, deceitful, knavish, false, false-hearted, not frank, not open. Disintegrate, v. a. Crumble, reduce to fragments, break to pieces. Disinter, v. a. Exhume, unbury, dis entomb, dig up. Disinterested, a. 1. Unbiassed, im partial, indifferent. 3. Generous, unselfish, liberal, mag nanimous, high-minded. Disinthrall, v. a. Liberate, free, re lease, set free. Disjoin, v. a. Disunite, separate, divide, part, -sunder, sever, dissever, detach, dissociate. Disjoint, v. a. 1. Dislocate, luxate, put out of joint. 2. Unloose, disconnect, disjoin. Disjunction, n. Separation, disconnec tion, disassociation, disunion, isolation, severance. Disjunctive, a. Disjoining, discretive. Disk, n. 1. Quoit, discus. 2. Face (of the sun, moon, &c.). Dislike, n. Disinclination, aversion, dis taste, disrelish, antipathy, repugnance, displeasure, disgust. Dislike, v. a. Disrelish, have an aver sion to. Dislimb, v. a. Dismember, mutilate. Dislocate, v. a. 1. Displace, disarrange, disturb, put out of place or out of order. 2. Disjoint, luxate, put out of joint. Dislocation, n. 1. Derangement, dis placement. 2. Luxation, disjointing. Dislodge, v. a. Expel, oust, eject, drive out, drive away. Disloyal, a. Unfaithful, undutiful, dis affected, faithless, false, treacherous, perfidious, not true in allegiance. Disloyalty, n. Unfaithfulness, unduti- fulness, faithlessness, treachery, perfi dy, want of loyalty, lack of fidelity, dereliction of allegiance. Dismal, a. 1. Cheerless, gloomy, dark, dull, dreary, lonesome. 2. Melancholy, mournful, sad, dole ful, dolorous, sombre, lugubrious, fu nereal. 3. Horrid, horrible, terrible, dire, frightful. Dismals, n. pi. [With The prefixed] MELANCHOLY, low spirits, the BLUES. Dismantle, v. a. 1. Unrig, strip of covering, deprive of apparatus or furni ture. 2. Despoil, demolish, devastate, de stroy, raze, pull to pieces. Dismay, v. a. Terrify, frighten, appall, affright, scare, daunt, alarm, intimi date, paralyze with fear. Dismay, n. Terror, fright, affright, fear, alarm, horror, consternation. Dismember, v. a. 1. Mutilate, dis- limb, disjoint. 2. Divide, separate, sever, pull apart, Dismiss, v. a. 1. Send away, give leave to go, permit to go. 2. Discharge, discard, cashier, turn oft , turn out, remove from office, turn adrift, send packing, send about one s business. Dismission, n. 1. Permission to go, leave to depart. 2. Discharge, removal from office. Dismount, v. a. 1. Unhorse. 2. Take down, bring down. Dismount, v. n. Alight (from a horse), descend, get down. Disobedience, n. Infraction or viola tion of a command. Disobedient, a. Unsubmissive, unconi-- plying, refractory, obstinate. Disobey, v . a. 1. Refuse to obey, break the command of, refuse submission to. 2. Transgress, violate, infringe, set at defiance, go counter to. Disoblige, v. a. Displease, offend. Disobliging, a. Unaccommodating, un kind, unamiable, unfriendly, ill-na tured. Disorder, n. 1. Confusion, derange ment, disarrangement, disarray, dis organization, irregularity, jumble, want of order. 2. Tumult, disturbance, commotion, turbulence, tumultuoueness, riotous- ness. DISORDER 119 DISPOSE OF 3, Distemper, complaint, malady, sickness, disease, ail, ailment, indispo sition. Disorder, v. a. 1. Derange, disarrange, disturb, discompose, confuse, unsettle, disorganize, throw into confusion, turn topsy-turvy, put out of place. 3. Impair the functions of, produce disease in. Disorderly, a. 1. Immethodical, irreg ular, confused, not in order. 3. Lawless, rebellious, turbulent, un ruly, tumultuous. Disorganization, n. 1. Disorder, de rangement, confusion. 3. Destruction, dissolution. Disorganize, v. a. 1. Disorder, derange, disarrange, put out of order, throw into disorder. 3. Destroy, break up. Disown, v. a. 1. Disclaim, disavow, refuse to acknowledge. 3. Deny, disallow. Disparage, v. a. Depreciate, decry, re proach, traduce, vilify, defame, under value, underrate, underestimate, run down, detract from, derogate from, speak ill of, inveigh against. Disparagement, n. Depreciation, dero gation, detraction, undervaluing, un derrating, indignity, dishonor, disgrace, reproach, dispraise. Disparity, n. 1. Inequality, difference, disproportion. 3. Dissimilitude, unlikeness. Dispart, v. a. Sunder, disunite, sepa rate, divide, sever, dissever, burst, rend, rive, cleave, split, break asunder. Dispart, v, n. Separate, part. Dispassion, n. Apathy, insensibility, impassibility, coldness, dulness, torpor, indifference, unconcern, want of feel ing. Dispassionate, a. 1. Unimpassioned, imperturbable, inexcitable, unexcited, composed, collected, temperate, undis turbed, unruffled, quiet, calm, cool, staid, serene, sober. 3. Impartial, unbiassed, disinter ested, indifferent. Dispatch, v. a. [Written also Despatch.} 1. Send away (in haste). 3. Kill, slay, slaughter, assassinate, put to death, send out of the world. 3. Hasten, expedite, accelerate, speed, quicken, forward, push or urge forward, press or urge on, make short work of. Dispatch, n. i. Speed, haste, expe dition, promptness, celerity. 3. Message, communication, tele gram. Dispel, v. a. Disperse (completely), scat ter, dissipate, banish, drive away. Dispensation, n. 1. Distribution, ap portionment, allotment. 3. Administration, stewardship. 3. Scheme, plan, system, economy. 4. Exemption (from some law), li cense. Dispensatory, n. Pharmacopoeia. Dispense, v, a. 1. Distribute, appor tion, allot, deal out. 3. Administer, apply, execute, cairy out. Dispense with, 1. Do without. 3. Disregard, neglect, set aside. 3. [Rare.] Excuse, exonerate. Dispenser, n. Distributor, divider. Dispeople, v. a. Depopulate, unpeople. Disperse, v. a. 1. Scatter, separate, dissipate, dispel, drive to different parts, sow broadcast, scatter to the winds. 3. Diffuse, disseminate, spread. Disperse, v. n. Scatter, separate, be scattered, go different ways. Dispersion, n. Scattering. Dispirit, v. a. Dishearten, depress, de ject, discourage. Dispirited, a. Dejected, disheartened, depressed, discouraged, down-hearted, downcast, despondent, cast down, crest fallen, chap-fallen, down in the mouth. Displace, v. a. 1. Remove, dislodge, put out of place, change the place of. 3. Depose, oust, dismiss, discharge, cashier, eject from office. Display, v. a. 1. Expand, unfold, ex tend, open, spread. 3. Exhibit, show, bring into view, hold up to view, make manifest. 3. Parade, show off. J Display, n. 1. Exhibition, manifesta tion, show. 3. Parade, pomp, pageant, ostenta tion, flourish. Displease, v. a. 1. Offend, dissatisfy, disgust, give offence to. 3. Provoke, irritate, vex, chagrin, affront, pique, chafe, fret, anger, nettle, make angry. Displeasure, n. 1. Dissatisfaction, dis like, distaste, disapprobation. 3. Anger, indignation, vexation, re sentment, wrath. 3. Offence, injury. Displode, v. a. & n. Explode. Disport, n. [Poetical.] Play, amuse ment, diversion, pastime, sport. Disport, v . a. Amuse, divert, entertain, cheer, solace, beguile, relax. Disport, v. n. Play, gambol, frolic, sport, make merry. Disposal, n. 1. Arrangement, dispo sition. 3. Management, control, government, regulation, disposure, direction, order ing, conduct. 3. Dispensation, distribution, bestow- ment. Dispose, v. a. 1. Arrange, range, rank, group, marshal, set, place, place in order. 3. Adjust, regulate, settle, determine, set right. 3. Incline, lead, move, induce, bias, predispose. Dispose of, 1. Sell, transfer, bestow, alienate, part with, put out of one s possession, get rid of. 3. Determine the condition of, arrange for. 3. Remove, put away, get rid of. DISPOSER 120 DISSENT Disposer, n. 1. Bestower, giver, dis tributer, donor, DOXATOR. 3. Regulator, director, governor, manager. Disposition, n. 1. Disposing, arrang ing, arrangement, classification, group ing. 3. Management, regulation, control, direction, ordering, adjustment, dis- posure. disposal. 3. Tendency, liability, proneness, aptness, adaptation. 4. Temper, inclination, predispo sition, propensity, humor, bent, bias, turn. 5. Dispensation, distribution, be- stowment. Dispossess, v. a. 1. Deprive, divest, strip, take from. 3. Disseize, oust. Dispossession, n. 1. Deprivation. 3. (Law.) Ouster, disseisin. Disposure, n. Management, direction, regulation, control, disposal, disposi tion, ordering. Dispraise, n. 1. Blame, censure. 3. Reproach, dishonor, disgrace, dis paragement, shame, opprobrium. Dispraise, v. a. Blame, censure, find fault with. Disproof, n. Confutation, refutation. Disproportion, n. 1. Want of sym metry. 3. Disparity, inequality, unsuitable- ness. Disproportional, a. DISPROPORTION ATE. Disproportionate, a. 1. Unsymmet- rical, out of proportion. 3. Inadequate, unsuitable. Disprove, v. a. Confute, refute, show to be false. Disputable, a. Controvertible, debata ble, doubtful. Disputant, n. Controversialist, arguer, debater, disputer. Disputation, n. Debate, dispute, con troversy, argumentation, verbal con test. Disputatious, a. Cavilling, captious, contentious, quarrelsome, polemical. Dispute, v. n. 1. Debate, argue, con tend in argument. 3. Bicker ? wrangle, quarrel, BRAWL, spar, spat, jangle, squabble, TIFF, fall out, have words, have an altercation. Dispute, v. a. 1. Debate, discuss, agi tate, ventilate, argue, reason about. 3. Controvert, impugn, call in ques tion, oppose by argument. Dispute, n. Debate, disputation, dis cussion, controversy, altercation, verbal contest, verbal quarrel, war of words. Disputer, n. Debater, controversialist, disputant, reasoner, arguer. Disqualification, n. Incapacity, dis ability. Disqualified, a. Unqualified, unfitted, incapable, incapacitated, disabled. Disqualify, v. a. Unfit, disable, inca pacitate. Disquiet, n. Uneasiness, restlessness, disturbance, anxiety, vexation, trouble, disquietude, inquietude. Disquiet, v. a. Trouble, annoy, vex, disturb, worry, harass, plague, bother, molest, pester, incommode. Disquietude, n. Uneasiness, DISQUIET. Disquisition, n. Dissertation, treatise, discourse, essay, formal inquiry. Disregard, n. Neglect, slight, contempt. Disregard, v. a. Neglect, slight, over look, contemn, pay no attention to, pay no heed to, pay no regard to, take no notice of, turn a deaf ear to. Disrelish, n. 1. Dislike, distaste, want of relish. 3. Aversion, antipathy, repugnance, disgust. Disrelish, v. a. Dislike, loathe, have an aversion to. Disreputable, a. Discreditable, dis honorable, disgraceful, shameful, scan dalous, infamous, opprobrious, deroga tory, low, mean, vulgar. Disrepute, n. Discredit, dishonor, dis grace, ingloriousness, degradation, derogation, abasement, odium, ill re pute. Disrespect, n. 1. Disesteem, irrever ence, slight, neglect. 3. Incivility, discourtesy, rudeness. Disrespectful, a. 1. Irreverent. 3. Uncivil, impolite, ungentlemanly, discourteous, uncpurteous. Disrobe, v. a. Divest, strip, undress, uncover, unclothe. Disruption, n. Breach, rent, rupture, burst, breaking asunder. Dissatisfaction, n. 1. Discontent, un easiness, inquietude. 3. Displeasure, distaste, dislike, dis approbation. Dissatisfied, a. Discontented, uneasy, displeased. Dissect, v. a. 1. Anatomize, cut in pieces. 3. Analyze, scrutinize, sift, examine, investigate, explore, lay open. Dissection, n. 1. Anatomy. 3. Scrutiny, analysis, examination, investigation, sifting. Disseize, v. a. Dispossess, oust. Dissemble, v. a. 1. Conceal, hide, dis guise, cloak, cover. 3. Feign, simulate, affect. Dissemble, v. n. Feign, be hypocritical, play the hypocrite, play a part. Dissembler, n. Hypocrite, feigner. Disseminate, v. a. Spread, propagate, diffuse, disperse, circulate, promulgate, spread abroad. Dissemination, n. Diffusion, disper sion, propagation, scattering, spread ing, promulgation. Dissension, n. Discord, contention, strife, variance, disagreement, differ ence, quarrel, breach of friendship. Dissent, v. n. Withhold assent, refuse to agree. Dissent from, Differ from, disagree with. Dissent, n. Disagreement, difference of opinion. DISSENTER 121 DISTINGUISHABLE Dissenter, n. Nonconformist, sectary. Dissentient, a. Disagreeing, dissent ing. Dissepiment, w. (Bot.) Partition. Dissertation, n. Disquisition, treatise, discourse, essay. Disservice, n. Injury, harm, mischief, hurt, disadvantage. Dissever, v. a. Disjoin, dissociate, dis unite, separate, part, sunder, dispart, divide, rend, sever. Dissident, n. Dissenter, nonconformist. Dissimilar, a. Unlike, different, hete rogeneous, diverse, various. Dissimilarity, n. Unlikeness, dissim ilitude, diversity, disparity. Dissimilitude, n. DISSIMILARITY. Dissimulation, n. Hypocrisy, deceit, duplicity, simulation, feigning, double dealing, false pretence. Dissipate, v. a. 1. Disperse, dispel, scatter, drive away. 3. Waste, squander, lavish, spend lavishly, run out, throw away. Dissipate, v. n. 1. Vanish, disappear, scatter, disperse. 3. Live dissolutely, practise dissipa tion, be dissolute. Dissipation, n. 1. Dispersion, scatter ing, vanishing. 3. Waste, squandering. 3. Dissoluteness, profligacy, excess. Dissociate, v . a. Disjoin, disunite, sep arate, sever, dissever, divide, part, sunder, detach. Dissociation, n. Disunion, separation, severing, dividing. Dissoluble, a. Dissolvable. Dissolute, a. Loose, licentious, lax, de bauched, wanton, lewd, corrupt, profli gate, rakish, depraved, reprobate, abandoned, graceless, shameless, wild. Dissolution, n. 1. Liquefaction, melt- - ing, solution. 3. Decomposition, putrefaction. 3. Death, decease, extinction of life. 4. Destruction, overthrow, ruin. 5. Termination, breaking up. Dissolvable, a. Dissoluble. Dissolve, v. a. 1. Liquefy, melt. 3. Disunite, sever, separate, divide, loose, disorganize, break apart. 3. Destroy, ruin. 4. Terminate, bring to an end, put an end to, break up. Dissolve, v. n. 1. Melt, liquefy, be melted. 3. Vanish, disappear, fade, melt away, be dissipated. 3. Perish, crumble, be destroyed. Dissonance, n. 1. Discord, discord ance, harshness, jarring, want of har mony. 3. Disagreement, inconsistency, in congruity. Dissonant, a. 1. Discordant, unhar- rnonious, harsh, grating, jarring, out of tune. 3. Disagreeing, incongruous, incon sistent, discrepant. Dissuade, v. a. Turn from a purpose, divert by persuasion. Dissuasion, n. Dehortation, dissuasive, dissuasive advice. Dissuasive, n. DISSUASION. Dissuasive, a." Dissuading, dehorta- tory, tending to dissuade. Dissyllable, n. Word of two syllables. Distain, v. a. [Poetical.} Stain. Distance, n. 1. Kemoteness, space, in terval. 3. Reserve, coldness, shyness, distant behavior. Distance, v. a. Outdo, surpass, excel, outstrip, leave behind. Distant, a. 1. Remote, far, not near. 3. Reserved, shy, cold, cool, coy, not cordial. 3. Slight, faint, indirect, indistinct, obscure. Distaste, n. Disrelish, disinclination, aversion, dislike, repugnance, disgust, displeasure, dissatisfaction. Distasteful, a. 1. Nauseous, loathsome, disgusting, unpalatable, unsavory. 3. Disagreeable, offensive, unpleas ant, unpleasing. Distemper, n. Disease, malady, com- Slaint, disorder, ail, ailment, illness, idisposition, sickness. Distempered, a. 1. Diseased, disor dered, out of order. 3. Immoderate, intemperate, inordi nate, unregulated. Distend, v. a. Expand, dilate, bloat, enlarge, swell, stretch, swell out. Distention, n. Dilation, enlargement, swelling, expansion, stretching. Distich, n. Couplet, couple of verses. Distil, v. n. [Written also Distill.] Drop, drip, trickle, dribble, fall in drops. Distil, v. a. [Written also Distill.] 1. Drop, let fall in drops. 3. Separate by evaporation, extract by heat. 3. Extract spirit from. Distinct, a. 1. Separate, different, not the same. 3. Definite, defined, clear, plain, un mistakable, unconfused, not obscure, not dim, well defined. Distinction, n. 1. Discrimination, no tation of difference. 3. Repute, reputation, celebrity, note, name, fame, renown, account, credit, respectability, eminence, superiority. Distinctive, a. Distinguishing, discrim inative, characterizing. Distinctness, n. 1. Difference. 3. Clearness, precision, perspicuity, explicitness, lucidness. Distinguish, v. a. 1. Characterize, mark, indicate by a mark, mark out. 3. Discriminate, discern, perceive, tell, know. 3. Separate, divide. 4. Signalize, make famous, make cel ebrated, make known, bring into notice. Distinguish, v. n. Make distinction, show the difference. Distinguishable, a. 1. Separable, di- visiblt. 3. To be distinguished, to be recog nized as distinct. DISTINGUISHED 122 DIVIDEND Distinguished, a. Illustrious, famous, noted, eminent, conspicuous, celebrat ed, extraordinary, transcendent. Distort, v. a. 1. Twist, writhe, wrest, contort, deform. 2. Pervert, misrepresent, falsify, strain the sense of. Distortion, n. 1. Twist, wryness, con tortion, deformity. 2. Perversion, misrepresentation, fal sification. Distract, v. a. Perplex, confuse, dis compose, harass, disturb, disconcert, bewilder, confound, mystify, embar rass. Distracted, a. 1. Perplexed, confused, bewildered, embarrassed. 2. Deranged, insane, mad, frantic, furious, raving. Distraction, n. 1. Confusion, perplex ity, embarrassment, bewilderment, ab straction, mystification. 2. Disturbance, discord, tumult, dis order, division, perturbation, commo tion, turmoil, agitation. 3. Derangement, madness, raying, insanity, alienation, aberration, inco herence, wandering, delirium, mania, lunacy, raving, hallucination, loss of the senses, disordered intellect or facul ties, loss of reason. Distrain, v. a. (Law.) Seize (far debt), take, attach, distress. Distress, n. 1. Affliction, calamity, misery, misfortune, adversity, hard ship, trial, trouble, perplexity. 2. Anguish, agony, pain, suffering, gripe, griping. 3. Privation, destitution, poverty, indigence, want, straits. Distress, v. a. X Afflict, perplex, pain, trouble, grieve, make unhappy, make miserable. 2. (Law.) Take, seize, distrain. Distribxite, v. a. 1. Apportion, assign, allot, dispense, mete, divide, share, par cel out, deal out, portion out. 2. Classify, class, arrange, assort, dispose. Distribution, n. 1. Apportionment, allotment, assignment, dole, partition, division, dispensation. 2. Arrangement, classification, dis posal, disposition, grouping. District, n. Kegion, tract, territory, circuit, province, quarter. Distrust, v. a. Disbelieve, discredit, doubt, suspect, mistrust, not rely upon, not confide in. Distrust, n. Disbelief, discredit, sus picion, misgiving, mistrust, want of confidence. Distrustful, a. 1. Suspicious, mistrust ful, apt to distrust. 2. Diffident, not confident. Disturb, v. a. 1. Agitate, shake, stir, derange, disorder, confuse, unsettle, throw into confusion, put into -disorder. 2. Molest, annoy, disquiet, vex, ruffle, worry, plague, trouble, molest, incom mode. 3. Interrupt, impede, hinder. Disturbance, n. 1. Agitation, derange ment, commotion, disorder, confusion, tumult, breeze, disquiet. 2. Perturbation, molestation, annoy ance, discomposure. 3. Interruption, hinderance. Disunion, n. 1. Separation, disjunc tion, severance. 2. Schism, breach, rupture, feud. Disunite, v. a. Disjoin, dissociate, sep arate, sever, dissever, part, divide, de tach, dissociate, sunder, be separated. Disunite, v. n. Part, separate, fall as- sunder, be separated. Disuse, n. Desuetude, discontinuance, non-observance. Ditch, n. 1. Trench. 2. Rivulet, brook. Ditty, n. Song, lay. Diurnal, a. Daily, quotidian. Diuturnal, a. Lasting, of long dura tion, of long continuance. Diuturnity, n. Long duration, long time. Divagation, n. [Rare.] Wandering, ram bling. Divan, n. 1. Turkish council of state. 2. State-chamber, council-chamber, audience-chamber. 3. Sofa, long seat. Divaricate, v. n. Diverge, part, fork, separate into two, open wide, branch oft , spread asunder. Divarication, n. Divergence, forking, separation, spreading. Dive, v. n. 1. Plunge. 2. Penetrate, inquire, go deep. Diverge, v. n. 1. Radiate, tend from one point in different directions. 2. Divaricate, separate, branch off. Divergence, n. 1. Radiation. 2. Divarication, forking, separation. Divergent, a. 1. Radiating. 2. Divaricating, separating. ral, numerous, many. Divers, a. Various, several, sundry, Diverse, a. Different, differing, unlike, varying, multiform. Diversify, v. a. 1. Variegate, vary, make different, give variety to. 2. Dapple, spot. Diversion, n. 1. Turning aside. 2. Amusement, recreation, pastime, sport, play, entertainment, relaxation. Diversity, n. 1. Difference, dissimili tude, unlikeness, variation. 2. -Variety, multiformity. Divert, v. a. 1. Turn aside, draw away. 2. Amuse, entertain, recreate, please, gratify, delight, exhilarate, refresh. Divest, v. a. Deprive, strip, dispossess. Divide, v. a. 1. Sever, sunder, part, separate, cleave, disunite. 2. Keep apart, put a barrier between. 3. Make hostile, make discordant, set at variance. 4. Distribute, allot, apportion, assign, share, mete, dispense, deal out, parcel out, portion out. Divide, v. n. Part, separate, cleave, open, be divided, be separated. Dividend, n. Share, division. DIVIDER 123 DOLESOME Divider, n. 1. Distributor, dealer. 3. Separator. Dividers, n. pi. Compasses. Divination, n. 1. Divining, foretelling. 3. Presage, prediction, prophecy. Divine, a. 1. God-like, superhuman. 3. Sacred, holy, spiritual, heavenly. Divine, n. 1. Minister, priest, clergy man, pastor, parson, ecclesiastic, churchman. 3. Theologian. Divine, v. a. Predict, foretell, presage, prognosticate, vaticinate, prophesy. Divine, v. n. Conjecture, surmise, guess, suppose, believe, fancy, think, suspect. Diviner, n. 1. Conjurer, magician, sorcerer, seer. 3. Conjee turer. Divinity, n. 1. Deity, Godhead, divine nature, divine essence. 3. Theology, science of divine things. Divisible, a. Separable. Division, n. 1. Separation. 3. Portion, section, class, head, cate gory. 3. Partition, demarcation. 4. Compartment, separate part. 5. Apportionment, allotment, dis tribution. 6. Difference, disagreement, variance, breach, rupture, disunion, discord, feud, alienation. Divorce, n. Separation (oflmsband and wife), dissolution of the marriage con tract. Divorce, v. a. Separate, part, sever. Divulge, v. a. Publish, disclose, com municate, discover, impart, tell, pro claim, promulgate, make known, make public, spread abroad, reveal to the world. ^ Dizzy, a. 1. Giddy, vertigmous. 3. Thoughtless, heedless, careless. Do, v. a. 1. Perform, effect, execute, ac complish, achieve, bring about, work out, carry into effect. 3. Complete, nnish, conclude, end, terminate. 3. Transact, carry on. 4. Confer, bestow, grant, vouchsafe. 5. Translate, render. Do, v. n. 1. Act (well or ill). 3. Answer, answer the purpose. 3. Be enough, be sufficient. Do-all, n. Factotum, general manager. Do away, 1. liemove, take away. 3. Destroy, overthrow. Dob-chick, n. Didapper, dab-chick (Po- diceps minor). Do by, Treat, behave towards. Do without, Dispense with. Docible, a. Teachable, DOCILE. Docile, a. Teachable, docile, docible, tractable, apt, easily taught. Docility, n. Teachableness, aptness, aptitude, readiness to learn. Dock, v. a. 1. Curtail, clip, cut short. 3. Shorten, lessen, deduct from. 3. Put into a dock (as a vessel). Doctor, n. 1. Instructor, teacher. 3. Adept, savant, learned man. 3. Physician, medical practitioner. Doctress, n. Female physician. Doctrine, n. Dogma, tenet, opinion, precept, principle. Document, n. Paper, writing. Dodge, v. n. 1. Start aside, shift place suddenly. 3. Shuffle, equivocate, quibble, pre varicate, use artifice, play fast and loose, be evasive. Dodge, v. a. Evade (by starting aside). Dodge, n. 1. Starting aside. 3. Evasion, artifice, trick, subterfuge, quibble, cavil. Dodo, n. Dronte. Doe, n. She-deer, female deer (particu larly of the fallow deer). Doer, n. Actor, operator, performer, agent, executor. Doff, v. a. Put off, lay aside. Dog, n. 1. HOUND, BITCH, SLUT, PUP, PUPPY, CUB, WHELP. 3. [Colloquial.] Fellow. 3. Andiron, sadiron. Dog-days, n. pi. Canicular days. Dogged, a. 1. Sullen, sour, morose churlish, growling, surly, snarling, snappish. 3. Stubborn, obstinate, wilful, mulish, inflexible, pertinacious, unyielding, headstrong, intractable, impracticable, cantankerous, perversely resolute. Doggish, a. Snarling, snappish, growl ing, churlish, surly, sullen, sour, morose, dogged. Dog-grass, n. DOG S-GRASS. Dogma, n. Doctrine, tenet, opinion, principle, article of faith. Dogmatic, ) a. 1. Authoritative, Dogmatical, J oracular, formal, cate gorical, magisterial. 3. Positive, confident, peremptory. 3. Arrogant, overbearing. Dogmatism, n. Positiyeness of opin ion, arrogance of assertion. Dogmatist, n. Authoritative teacher, arrogant asserter. Dogmatize, v. n. Assert positively, speak with an air of authority, express not-grass, quick- grass, couch-grass, wheat-grass, dog- wheat, dog-grass, wi % tch-grass, quitch- grass, quickens (Triticum repens). Dog-star, n. Sirius, Canicula. Doings, n. pi. Deeds, actions, acts, transactions. Dole, n. 1. Apportionment, allotment, distribution. 3. Part, share, .portion. 3. Gift, gratuity, donation, pittance, alms. 4. Grief, sorrow, distress, afflic tion. Doleful, a. 1. Sorrowful, rueful, wo- ful, piteous, melancholy, lugubrious, sad. 3. Dismal, gloomy, cheerless, dark, dolorous, dojesome. Dole out, Distribute, divide, apportion, allot, assign, share, deal, deal out. Dolesome, a. Dismal, gloomy, cheer less, dark, dolorous, doleful. one s self arrogantly. Dog s-grass, n. K DO-LITTLE 124 DOUBLE Do-little, n. Idler, sluggard, drone, lag gard, lounger, trifler, doodle, slow-back, inefficient person. Doll, n. Puppet (for a child), baby. Dolorous, a. 1. Dismal, gloomy, cheer less, dark, dolesome. 2. Sorrowful, sad, doleful, piteous, rueful, woful, lugubrious. Dolt, n. Simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Doltish, a. Stupid, dull, foolish, block ish, simple, witless, thick-skulled, buffle- headed. Domain, n. 1. Dominion, empire. 2. Estate, lands, landed estate. Dome, n. Cupola. Domestic, a. 1. Homely. 2. Fond of home. 3. Intestine, not foreign. 4. Tame, domesticated, not wild. Domestic, n. Servant, house-servant, HELP. Domestics, n. pi. [U.S.] Cotton goods. Domesticate, v. a. 1. Make domestic, accustom to keep at home. 2. Tame, attach to the house. Domicile, n, Habitation, dwelling, resi dence, abode, home, mansion, place of abode, place of residence. Domicile, ) v. a. Establish in a fixed Domiciliate, ) residence. Dominant, a. Prevailing, ruling, pre dominant, predominating, ascendant, in the ascendant. Dominate, v. n. Prevail, predominate, have sway, be in the ascendant. Domination, n. Sway, ascendancy, rule, dominion, supremacy, command, gov ernment, mastery. Domineer, v. n. Rule (tyrannically or haughtily), tyrannize, swell, swagger, bluster, bully, vapor, lord it, play the bully, take the lead, rule the roast, ride a high horse, lay down the law, carry it with a high hand. Dominican, n. Predicant, jacobin, black friar, preaching friar. Dominie, n. [Scottish.] Pedagogue, schoolmaster, teacher, instructor. Dominion, n. 1. Sway, command, rule, government, supremacy, domination, mastery, ascendancy, control, sover eignty, sovereign authority. 2. Territory, region, country. Don, v. a. Put on, slip on, dress in. Donate, v. a. [Modern.] Give, contrib ute, bestow. Donation, n. Gift, grant, largess, ben efaction, boon, present, offering, con tribution, subscription, donative. Donative, n. Gift, DONATION. Donator, n. [L.] (Law.) Donor, giver, bestower. Done, p. 1. Performed, executed, ac complished, achieved, effected. 2. Completed, finished, concluded, ended, terminated. 3. Transacted, carried on. 4. Bestowed, conferred, vouchsafed, granted. 5. Translated, rendered. Done for, [Low.] 1. Spoiled, ruined. 3. Disappointed, baftled, thwarted. Donkey, n. 1. Ass, mule. 2. Simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Donor, n. Giver, bestower, disposer, DONATOR. Doodle, n. Trifler, idler, silly fellow. Doodle-sack, n. Scotch bagpipe. Doom, v. a. 1. Condemn, sentence, pro nounce sentence on. 2. Destine, appoint, decree. Doom, n. 1. Sentence, judgment, con demnation, judicial decree. 2. Fate, destiny, lot. Doomsday, n. Day of judgment, the crack of doom. Do one s best, Do all one can, do lie best one is capable of, leave no stv.i^e unturned. Door, n. 1. Entrance. 2. Passage, avenue, means of access, means of approach. 3. [Familiarly.] House, Doorkeeper, n. Porter, CONCIERGE. Dor, n. Cockchafer, dor-bug, dor-beetle, tree-beetle, dummador, May-bug (Me- lontha vidgaris). Doree, n. (Ich.) John-dory, common dory (Zeus faber). Dormant, a. 1. Sleeping, quiescent, at rest. 2. Latent, unexerted, suspended, in ert, inactive. Dormant partner, Sleeping partner, silent partner. Dormer, n. [Written also Dormar.] Luthern, dormer-window. Dormer-window, n. Dormer, luthern. Dormitory, n. Chamber, bed-room, sleeping-room, place to sleep in. Dorsal, a. On the back. Dory, n. (Ich). DOREE. Dose, n. 1. Prescribed portion (of medi cine), drench, draught. 2. Sufficient quantity. Dose, v. a. Administer a dose to, give doses to. Dot, n. Point, period. Dot, v. a. 1. Mark with dots. 2. Variegate, diversify. Dotage, n. Imbecility, senility, second childhood. Dotard, n. Driveller, imbecile. Dote, v. n. 1. Drivel, be imbecile, be foolish. 2. Be over-fond, be foolishly fond. Dote on or upon, Love very fondly, love excessively, be foolishly fond of. Do the honors, Bestow honor (as on a guest), show civilities. Double, a. 1. Coupled, in pairs. 2. Twice as much. 3. Twofold. 4. Deceitful, dishonest, knavish, false, perfidious, hollow, insincere, double- faced, double-tongued. Double, ad. Twice, doubly, twofold. Double, v. a. 1. Fold, plait. 2. Duplicate, multiply by two, make twice as much. 3. (Naut.). Sail round. Double, v. n. 1. Increase twofold, be doubled. 2. Return upon the same track. DOUBLE 125 DRAGGLE Double, n. 1. Twice as much. 3. Doubling, plait, fold. 3. Returning upon one s track (to elude pursuit}. 4. Trick, stratagem, ruse, shift, arti fice, wile, manosuvre. 5. Counterpart. Double-dealer, n. Deceiver, cheat, trickster, tricker. Double-dealing, n. Deceit, duplicity, dissimulation, hypocrisy, artifice, decep tion, fraud, dishonesty, trickery, Mach- iavelism. Double entente, [Fr.] Pun (referring to something indelicate), clinch, quibble, CALEM13OUR, play upon words. Double-faced, a. Hypocritical, deceit ful, knavish, dishonest, false, perfidious, double. Double-headed, a. Bicipital, with two heads. Double-hearted, a. Deceitful, treach erous, false-hearted. Double-minded, a. Unsettled, unde termined, changeable, fickle, vacillat ing, wavering. Doublet, n. 1. Pair, couple, two (of the same kind). 2. Waistcoat, vest. Double upon, (Mil.) Enclose between two fires. Doubling, n. 1. Fold, plait. 3. Artifice, trick, shift, stratagem. Doubly, ad. Twice, double. Doubt, v. n. 1. Hesitate, waver, be doubtful, be in suspense, be undeter mined, entertain doubts, be in a state of uncertainty, not know what to think. 3. [Rare.] Suspect, fancy, appre hend. Doubt, v. a. 1. Question, hesitate to believe, consider questionable, have doubts about. 3. Distrust, suspect, not confide in. Doubt, n. 1. Indecision, hesitation, hes itancy, irresolution, uncertainty, sus pense, misgiving. 3. Suspicion, distrust, mistrust. Doubtful, a. 1. Wavering, undecided, hesitating, undetermined, in suspense. 3. Ambiguous, dubious, equivocal, obscure, enigmatical, problematical. 3. Indeterminate, undecided, uncer tain, questionable. Douceur, n. [Fr.] 1. Gentleness, mild ness, kindness, pleasant manner. 3. Present 9r gift (especially one in tended as a bribe), bribe, lure. Doughface, n. [U.S.] Pliable politi cian, nose of wax. Doughfaced, a. [ U. S.] Pliable, weak, pusillanimous, easily influenced, with out any backbone. Doughty, a. Brave, courageous, bold, fearless, dauntless, valiant, valorous, gallant, intrepid, adventurous, chival rous, heroic. Doura, n. Indian millet, Guinea corn, negro-corn (Sorghum vulgare). Douse, v. a. Plunge, immerse, sub merge, dip. souse, put under water (or Dove-cot, n. Columbary, pigeon-house. Dowdy, a. Slovenly (in dress), ill- dressed (applied to women). Dower, n. 1. Endowment, gift. 3. Dowry. 3. (Law.) Widow s portion (of real estate). Down, prep. 1. From the top to the bottom of. 3. Along the course of. Down, ad. 1. Downward, in a descend ing course, from a high to a low posi tion. 3. On the ground, the floor, &c. 3. From a thin to a dense state, into a denser consistence. Down in the mouth, [Colloquial.] De jected, DOWNCAST. Downcast, a. Sad, MELANCHOLY, de jected, dispirited, disheartened, de- rndent, discouraged, depressed, cast m, down-hearted, crest-fallen, chap- fallen, DOWN IN THE MOUTH. Downfall, n. Ruin, destruction, fall. Down-hearted, a. Dejected, DOWN CAST. Downright, a. 1. Plain, simple, ex plicit, clear, undisguised, positive, ab solute. 3. Honest, sincere, artless, ingenu ous, frank, open, above-board. Downward, I ad. Down, in a descend- Downwards, ) ing course. Down with, (Imperatively.) 1. Raze, overturn, take down, throw down. 3. Put down, lay down. Dowry, n. Dower. Doxy, . 1. Mistress, sweetheart, para mour, flame. 3. Prostitute, courtesan, strumpet, harlot, whore, drab, street-walker, Cyprian, night-walker, punk, woman of the town. Doze, v. n. Slumber, drowse, nap, sleep lightly, be half asleep, be drowsy. Doze away, Pass drowsily, spend in drowsiness, sleep through, doze out. Doze out, DOZE AWAY. Dozen, a. Twelve. Dozy, a. Sleepy, drowsy, heavy, slug gish. Drab, n. 1. Strumpet, courtesan, DOXY. 3. Slut, draggle-tail, low woman. Drab, a. Dun, dull brown. Drabble, v. a. Draggle, trail, daggle, befoul, beinire. Draff, n. Refuse, lees, dregs, sediment, scum, rubbish, stuff, waste or worthless matter. Draft, n. 1. Drawing, selection. 3. Bill of exchange. 3. [Written also Draught.] Outline, delineation, rough sketch, rough copy. Draft, v. a. 1. Detach, select. 3. Make an outline of, make a draft of, make a rough sketch of. Drag, v. a. Draw, pull, haul, tug. Drag, v. n. 1. Trail, be drawn along. 3. Linger, move slowly, make slow progress. Draggle, v. a. Trail, daggle, drabble, befoul, bemire. DRAGGLE-TAIL 126 DRESSING Draggle-tail, n. Slut, DRAB. Dragoman, n. Interpreter (in Turkey and the East). Dragoon, n. Horse-soldier, CHASSEUR, cavalier, equestrian, mounted soldier. Dragoon, v. a. Compel, force, drive. Drain, v. a. 1. Draw off. 3. Empty, exhaust. 3. Make dry, clear of water or moist ure. Drain, v. n. 1. Flow off. 3. Become dry. Drain, n. Sewer, channel, trench, water course. Drake, n. Male duck. Drama, n. 1. Dramatic composition. 3. Dramatic literature. Dramatis personse, [L.] Characters of a play, interlocutors in a drama. Drape, v. a. Cover with drapery. Drapery, n. Hangings, tapestry. Drastic, a. (Med.) Powerful (as a pur gative), active, efficacious. Drastics, n. pi. (Med.) Powerful or ac tive purgatives. Draught, n. 1. Drawing, pulling. 3. Potion, cup, dose, drench. 3. Current of air. 4. [Written also Draft.} Sketch, out line, delineation, design, rough sketch, rough copy. Draughts, n.pl. Checkers. Draw, v. a. 1. Pull, drag, haul, tug, pull along. 3. Attract, bring towards, pull to wards. 3. Suck, drain, suck dry. 4. Inhale, inspire, breathe in, take into the lungs. 5. Extract, take out, draw out. 6. Induce, move, lead, allure, entice, engage, persuade, influence. 7. Produce, bring, bear. 8. Extend, protract, stretch, length en out. 9. Describe, delineate, sketch, depict, trace, trace out. 10. Deduce, derive, infer. 11. Extort, force out. 13. Compose, write, prepare, draw up. 13. Gain, win. Draw up, 1. Compose, write, prepare, frame, draw. 3. Array, marshal, form in order. Draw, v. n. 1. Pull. 3. Move, come, go, proceed. 3. Sketch, practise drawing, or the art of delineation. 4. Produce inflammation. 5. Request payment by draft, make a draft. Draw back, Retire, withdraw, re treat. eS;} Approach, come near. Draw on, Approach, advance. Drawback, n. 1. Disadvantage, detri ment, injury, damage, faultiness, im perfection, deficiency. 3. Discount, allowance, deduction, reduction, rebate, abatement. Drawcansir, n. Braggadocio, blusterer, bully, swaggerer, braggart, BLATHER SKITE. Drawing, n. Art of delineation. 3. Delineation, sketch, picture, plan, outline, draught. Drawing-knife, n. Shave. Draw in one s horns, [ Colloquial.} Repress one s ardor, restrain one s pride, cease boasting, pull in one s horns. Dread, n. 1. Fear, apprehension. 3. Awe. Dread, a. 1. Frightful, terrible, horri ble, dreadful. 3. Venerable, awful. Dread, v. a. Fear greatly. Dreadful, a. 1. Terrible, horrible, hor rid, direful, dire, fearful, frightful, ter rific, awful, tremendous. 3. Venerable, awful. Dream, n. 1. Sleeping vision. 3. Reverie, fancy, fantasy, conceit, idle fancy, day-dream. Dream, v. n. 1. Have visions in sleep. 3. Think, imagine, fancy, have a no tion. 3. Give a loose rein to the fancy, give the reins to the imagination, indulge in reverie, build castles in the air. Dream away, Spend idly, pass in rev erie. Dreamer, n. Visionary, enthusiast, castle-builder. Drear, a. Gloomy, DREARY. Dreary, a. Gloomy, cheerless, comfort less, dismal, dark, drear. Dredge-box, n. Dredging-box, flour- dredge. Dreggy, a. Muddy, turbid, dirty, fecu lent, foul. Dregs, n. pi. 1. Sediment, lees, grounds, feculence. 3. Dross, scum, refuse. Drench, v. a. 1. Saturate, soak, steep, imbrue, wet thoroughly. 3. Physic, purge. Drenching, n. Soaking, wetting, duck ing. Dress, v. a. 1. Align, make straight. 3. Adjust, arrange, dispose, set or put in order. 3. Prepare, fit, make suitable or fit, get ready, make ready. 4. Clothe, array, attire, apparel, ac coutre, robe, rig, trick out. 5. Adorn, deck, decorate, embellish, trim, set out, set off. Dress, v. n. Be clothed, make one s toilet. Dress, n. 1. Clothes, clothing, rai ment, garments, garb, habit, apparel, attire, habiliment, vesture, suit, cos tume. 3. Array, fine clothes, rich garments, elegant attire. 3. Lady s gown. Dress-coat, n. Body-coat. Dressing, n. 1. Preparing, putting in order. 3. Manure, fertilizer, compost. 3. Force-meat, stuffing. DRESSY 127 DROUTH Dressy, a. Showy, flashy, gaudy, fond of dress. Drib, v. a. 1. Crop, lop, cut off, lop off. 2. Entice, allure, decoy, coax, twee- die. Dribble, v. n. Drip, trickle, fall in drops. Driblet, n. Fragment, small portion. Drier, n. Desiccative. Drift, n. 1. Course, bearing, direction. 2. Aim, purpose, intention, intent, proposal, design, scope, tendency, ob ject, mark. 3. (Geol.) Diluvium, diluvial forma- tions. 4. ( Mining. ) Passage (under ground, between sliafts.) Drift, v. a. Drive into heaps. Drift, v. n. 1. Float, be wafted. 2. Accumulate in heaps, be driven into heaps. Driftless, a. Aimless, purposeless, with out an object. Drill, v. a. 1. Pierce, perforate, bore. 2. Instruct, exercise, teach, train. Drink, v. n. 1. GUZZLE. 2. Take a drink (of spirituous liquor), TAKE A HORN, LIQUOUR UP, SPLICE THE MAIN BRACE, WET ONE S WHIS TLE. 3. Tipple, tope, be a drunkard, be a toper, be intemperate (in tlie use of spirituous liquors), be of intemperate habits, take a drop too much. 4. Carouse, revel, indulge in a drink ing-bout. Drink, v. a. 1. Swallow, QUAFF, SIP, SUP, GUZZLE, SWILL, SWIG. 2. Imbibe, absorb, suck in. , Drink, n. Beverage, potion. Drinkable, a. Potable, that may be drunk. Drinking, n. Tippling, toping, intem perate habits. , Drinking-bout, n. Carouse, carousal, revel, revelry, SPREE, jollification, bac chanals, saturnalia, debauch, compota- tion, wassail, orgies. Drink to, Pledge, toast, drink in honor of, drink the health of. Drip, v. n. 1. Dribble, trickle, faU in drops. 2. Have drops falling from. Drip, v. a. Let fall in drops. Drive, v. a. 1. Impel. 2; Hurl, send, propel. 3. Force, oblige, coerce, compel. 4. Press, urge. 5. Prosecute, carry on. 6. Guide (by reins). 7. Take in a carriage, carry on a drive. Drive away, Expel, disperse, scatter, dispel, drive off. Drive back, Repel, repulse. Drive off, Expel, drive away. Drive out, Expel, reject, eject, cast out, turn out. Drive, v. n. 1. Be forced along, be im pelled, be urged forward. 2. Rush, go furiously. 3. Ride in a carriage. 4. (Naut.) Scud, drift. Drive at, Intend, purpose, aim at, tend to, be after, aspire at, aspire after, en deavor after. Drive, n. Airing, ride. Drivel, v. n. 1. Slaver, slobber, drool. 2. Dote, be imbecile, be foolish. Drivel, n, 1. Slaver, drivelling. 2. Nonsense, balderdash, stuff, foolish talk. Driveller, n. [Written also Driveler.} Slaverer, fool, simpleton, idiot, dotard. Drivelling, n. [Written also Driveling.} 1. Slaver. 2. Foolishness, folly, idiocy. Drizzle, v. n. Rain (in small drops), mizzle. Droll, n. 1. Jester (by profession), buf foon, harlequin, mountebank, punch, Punchinello, clown, zany, scaramouch, fool, jack-pudding, merry Andrew, pickle-herring. 2. Farce, comic show. Droll, a. 1. Comic, comical, funny, lu dicrous, farcical, laughable, ridiculous. 2. Odd, queer, facetious, waggish, amusing, diverting. Drollery, n. Pleasantry, fun, facetious- ness, waggishness, waggery, buffoonery, comicality. Drone, n. 1. Male honey-bee. 2. Idler, sluggard, lounger, idle fel low, lazy fellow. 3. Humming, humming noise. Drone, v. n. 1. Lounge, dawdle, waste time in trifles, live in idleness. 2. Make a dull, humming sound. Drone, v. a. Read monotonously. Dronisli, a. Idle, lazy, indolent, slug gish, slow, inactive. Dronte, n. Dodo. Drool, v. n. Slaver, drivel, drop saliva. Droop, v. n. 1. Wilt, wither, fade. 2. Languish, faint, sink, fail, decline, grow weak, be dispirited. Drop, n. 1. Globule. 2. Ear-ring. Drop, v. a. 1. Lower, sink, depress, let down, let fall, let go. 2. Leave, quit, forsake, desert, relin quish, abandon, forswear, give up, give over. 3. Discontinue, intermit, remit, cease, desist from, break off, leave off, lay aside. 4. Bedrop, spot, speckle, variegate. Drop, v. n. 1. Distil, fall in drops. 2. Fall suddenly. 3. Cease, come to an end, come to nothing. Drop astern, (Naut.) Move back. Drop down, (Naut.) Move toward the sea. Drop in, Call, happen in. Drop serene, Amaurosis, GUTTA SE RENA. Dross, n. 1. Scum, recrement, scoria. 2. Refuse, waste matter. Drought, n. Dryness (of weather), arid ity, drouth, want of rain. Drouth, n. DROUGHT. DROVE 128 DUMMY Drove, TO. 1. Herd, flock. 3. Crowd, collection. Drown, v. a. 1. Kill by immersing. 3. Overflow, inundate, deluge, over whelm, flood. 3. Overcome, overpower. Drown, v. n. Be drowned. Drowse, v. n. Slumber, doze, nap, be half asleep. Drowsy, a. 1. Sleepy, dozy. 2. Lethargic, comatose, stupid. 3. Soporific, lulling. Drub, v. a. Beat, thrash, cudgel, cane. Drubbing, n. Beating, flogging, thrash ing, cudgelling, caning, pounding, flagel- Drudge, v. n. Slave, toil, plod, work Drudge, n. Slave, menial, scullion, hack, fag, hard-worker. Drudgery, n. Hard or toilsome work, ignoble toil, mean labor. Drug, TO. 1. Medicine, physic, remedy. 2. Unsalable article. Drum, n. (^toiat.). Tympanum. Drunk, a. Intoxicated, tipsy, inebriated, fuddled, disguised, maudlin, drunken, mellow, SLEWED, GROGGY, in liquor, in one s cups, half seas over. Drunkard, n. Toper, tippler, sot, ca- rouser, reveller, bacchanal, bacchana lian. Drunken, a. 1. Intoxicated, DRUNK. 2. Sottish, given to intoxication. Drunkenness, n. 1. Intoxication, ine briety, ebriety. 2. Sottishness. Drupe, n. Stone-fruit. Dry, a. 1. Arid, not wet, not moist. 2. Thirsty, craving drink. 3. Uninteresting, barren, dull, jejune, meagre, tame, vapid, unembellished, plain. 4. Sarcastic, severe, sly, keen, sharp. Dry, v. a. Desiccate, exsiccate, free from moisture, make dry. Dry, v. n. Become dry, lose moisture. Dryad, n. Wood-nymph. Dry goods, Textile fabrics (as distin guished from groceries.) Dry-rot, n. Sap-rot, POWDER-POST. Dualism, n. Manicheism, doctrine of two supreme principles (good and evil). Dub, v. a. ifame, style, term, denomi nate, designate, call, entitle, christen. Dubiety, n. [Rare.] Doubtfulness, du biousness, uncertainty. Dubious, a. Uncertain, doubtful, equiv ocal, ambiguous, not plain, not clear. Duck, v. a. Immerse, plunge, souse, dip. Duck, v. n. 1. Dive, plunge, dip, im merse one s self. 2. Bow, cringe. Duck-bill, TO. Ornithorhynchus, platy pus, mullangong, tambreet, water- mole. Duck-hawk, TO. Harpy, marsh-harrier, moor-buzzard ( Circus ceruginosus). Ducking, TO. 1. Plunge, dive, dip. 2. [Colloquial.] Wetting, drenching, soaking. Ducking-stool, TO. Trebuchet, tumbrel, , cucking-stool. onduit, channel, canal. castigatory, cucking-stool. Duct, n. Cond Ductile, a. 1. Tractable, complying, docile, yielding, facile. 2. Extensible, capable of being drawn out. Ductility, TO. 1. Tractableness, docility. 3. Extensibility. Dudgeon, TO.. Anger, resentment, in dignation, ire, malice, ill-will. Duds, TO. pi. 1. Old clothing, tattered garments. 3. [Colloquial.] Effects, things. Due, a. 1. Owed, to be paid. 2. Proper, fit, suitable, appropriate, becoming, befitting. 3. Owing, to be ascribed. Due, TO. 1. Debt, what is due. 2. Right, just title, lawful claim. Due, ad. Directly, exactly. Due to, Owing to, occasioned by, to be ascribed to. Duel, n. Affair of honor. Dug, n. Teat (of a beast), nipple, pap, udder. Dulcamara, TO. Woody night-shade, bitter-sweet (Solatium dulcamara). Dulcet, a. 1. Sweet, luscious, honeyed. 2. Pleasing, agreeable, pleasant, de lightful, charming. Dull, a. 1. Stupid, stolid, doltish, block ish, brutish, unintelligent, unintellect- ual, shallow, blunt-witted. 2. Apathetic, insensible, uniinpas- sioned, passionless, dead, callous. 3. Inert, inactive, lifeless, inanimate, heavy, sluggish, slow, torpid. 4. Blunt, obtuse, not sharp. 5. Gloomy, sad, dismal, cheerless. 6. Dim, obscure, not bright, not vivid. 7. Tedious, wearisome, tiresome, un interesting. Dull, v. a. 1. Blunt, make blunt. 2. Stupefy, benumb, deaden, para lyze, obtund, hebetate, make or render insensible, render callous, make obtuse. 3. Depress, dishearten, discourage, dispirit, deject, make melancholy, make sad or dejected. 4. Quiet, allay, moderate, assuage, mitigate, alleviate, soften. 5. Sully, tarnish. Dullard, TO. Simpleton, DUNCE. Duly, ad. 1. Properly, fitly, in a suit able manner. 2. Regularly, in course, at the proper time. Dumb, a. 1. Unable to speak, incapa ble of speech. 2. Mute, speechless, silent, taciturn, mum. Dumb-show, n. Pantomime. Dumb-waiter, TO. DUMMY. Dumfound, ) v. a. Confuse, con- Dumfounder, ) found, pose, non plus, strike dumb. Dummador, n. Cockchafer, dor, dor- bug. May-bug, tree-beetle, May-beetle, (Melontha vulgaris). Dummy, n. 1. Mute, dumb person. 2. F Colloquial.] Dumb-waiter. DUMPISH 129 DYSPN02A 3. Fourth hand (when only three per sons play at lohist). Dumpish, a. Sad, dejected, dispirited, MELANCHOLY, despondent, moping. Dumps, n. pi. Dejection, depression, sadness, MELANCHOLY, despondency, BLUES, blue devils. Dumpy, a. Short and thick (in person). Dun, a. Dull brown. Dun, v. a. Press (for a debt), importune, urge. Dun, n. 1. Importunate creditor. 3. Dunning letter. Dunce, n. Simpleton, fool, dolt, igno ramus, wiseacre, blockhead, block, numskull, dullard, thickhead, thick- skull, dunderhead, dunderpate, clod- poll, beetle-head, bull-head, dull-head, addle-head, logger-head, CHUCKLE- HEAD, jolt-head, lack-brain, shallow- brain, moon-calf, halfwit, oaf, change ling, booby, noodle, spooney, tony, NIN COMPOOP, ninny, JOBBERNOWL, flat, sawney, driveller, noddy, natural, SAP- HEAD, ass, jackass, goose, coot, loon, calf, non-compos, stupid fellow, silly fellow. Dunder, n. Lees (of cane juice). Dunderhead, n. Simpleton, DUNCE. Dunder-pate, n. DUNCE. Dundiyer, n. Goosander, dish-washer, wagtail (Mergus merganser or Mergus castor). Dung, n. Excrement, ordure, faeces. Dung, v. a. Manure (with dung). Dungeon, n. Prison (especially one un derground and dark). Dungmeers, n. pi. Compost pits. Dupe, n. Cat s-paw, gull, cully, credu lous person. Dupe, v. a. Qheat, deceive, delude, trick, circumvent, overreach, beguile, cully, chouse, cozen, gull, impose upon. , Duplicate, a. Double, twofold. Duplicate, n\ Copy, transcript, counter part. Duplicity, n. Dissimulation, chicanery, guile, deceit, deception, hypocrisy, cir cumvention, artifice, Machiavelism, double dealing. Durability, n. Permanence, durable- ness. Durable, a. Permanent, lasting, abid ing, continuing, constant, stable. Durableness*, n. Permanence, dura bility. Durance, n. DURESS. Duration, n. Continuance (in time), continuation, lastingness, ENDURANCE. Duress, n. Constraint, restraint, cap tivity, confinement, imprisonment, du rance. During, prep. For the time of, for the period of. Dusk, n. Twilight. Dusky, a. Obscure, murky, dim, shad owy, cloudy, shady, overcast, somewhat dark. Dutch gold, Pinchbeck. Dutch oven, [U.S.} Bake-kettle. Duteous, a. Obedient, DUTIFUL. Dutiful, a. 1. Obedient, submissive, duteous. 3. Reverential, respectful, deferen tial. Duty, n. 1. What one ought to do, what one is bound or under obligation to do. 3. Service, business, function, ofiice. 3. Tax, impost, toll, custom, excise. Dwale, n. 1. Stupefying potion, sop orific draught. 3. Belladonna, banewort, deadly- night-shade (Atropa belladonna). Dwarf, n. Pygmy, hop o my thumb. Dwarf, v. a. Stunt, hinder from growth. Dwarfish, a. Stunted, dwarfed, under sized, diminutive, small, little, tiny, Lilliputian, Pygmean. Dwell, v. n. Inhabit, reside, live, stay, sojourn, tarry, abide, plant one s self, be settled, have a habitation. Dweller, n. Inhabitant, inhabiter, resi dent, citizen. Dwelling, n. Habitation, abode, resi dence, lodging, quarters, domicile, home, place of residence, place of abode, dwelling-place, house. Dwelling-place, n. DWELLING. Dwell on, ) 1. Hang upon, fondly, Dwell upon, j be absorbed with, be deeply interested in. 2. Continue long upon, occupy a long time with. Dwindle, v. n. 1. Dimmish, decrease, lessen, shrink, grow less, grow little. 2. Sink, degenerate, decline, decay, fall away, fall off. Dwindle, v. a. Diminish, decrease, les sen, make less. Dye, n. 1. Coloring liquor. 3. Color, hue, tint, tinge, stain, cast, Dye, v. a. Color, tinge, stain. Dyer s-weed, n. Green-broom, green- weed ( Genista tinctoria). Dying, a. 1. Expiring. 3. Mortal, perishable. Dying, n. Death, decease, demise, dis solution, departure, exit, end of life. Dynamics, n. Science of forces. Dynasty, n. 1. Government, sovereign ty, dominion, empire. 3. Race of rulers, family of sover eigns. Dysentery, n. Bloody-flux. Dyspepsia, ) n. (Med.) Indigestion, dif- Dyspepsy, ) ficulty of digestion. Dyspnoea, n. [L.] (Med.) Difficulty of breathing. EACH 130 EBB E Each, a. 1. One and the other (of two), both. 3. Every one (of several). Eager, a. 1. Longing, yearning, greedy, impatient, keenly desirous. 3. Ardent, zealous, vehement, im petuous, earnest, animated, fervent, fervid, glowing, hot, sanguine. Eagerness, n. 1. Longing, yearning, avidity, greediness, impatience. 3. Ardor, zeal, vehemence, impetu osity, earnestness, fervor, fervency, heartiness, devotion. Eagle, n. 1. King of birds. 3. Ten dollars ( U. S. gold coin). Eagle-eyed, a. Discerning, perspica cious, quick-sighted, sharp-sighted, lynx-eyed, hawk-eyed, keen-eyed, Ar gus-eyed. Eagre, n. Bore, great tidal wave. Ear, n. 1. Organ of hearing. 3. Musical perception, faculty of dis criminating sounds, sense of hearing. 3. Regard, heed, attention, hearing. 4. Spike (of grain), head. Earache, n. Otalgia, otalgy, pain in the ear. Ear-drop, n. Ear-ring, pendant. Early, a. 1. Timely, seasonable, in sea son, not late. 3. Forward, premature. 3. At dawn, at day-break, at the opening of day. Early, ad. Soon, betimes, seasonably, in good season, in good time. Earn, v. a. 1. Gain, get, acquire, win, obtain, procure. 3. Merit, deserve, be entitled to. Earnest, a. 1. Ardent, zealous, eager, fervent, fervid, glowing, animated, im portunate, warm, hearty. 3. Intent, steady, fixed, close. Earnest, n. 1. Seriousness, reality, not a jest. 3. Pledge, first-fruits. 3. EARNEST-MONEY. Earnest-money, n. Earnest, pay in advance (to bind a bargain). Earnings, n. pi. WAGES. Ear-ring, n. Pendant, ear-drop. Earth, n. 1. World, globe. 3. Soil, ground, land, clod, turf, sod. Earth-born, a. 1. Terrigenous, born on the earth. 3. Of low birth, of mean extraction. 3. Earthly, low, mean, base, abject, grovelling, earth-bred. Earth-bred, a. Low, base, vile, abject, grovelling, earth-born. Earth-flax, n. Amianth, amianthus (species of Asbestos). Earthly, a. 1. Terrestrial. 3. Sensual, sordid, worldly, low, grov elling, vile, base, gross, earthly-minded, earth-born, not spiritual. Earthly-minded, a. Sensual, sordid, EARTHLY. Earthy, a. 1. Terrene, composed of earth. 2. Earthly, terrestrial. 3. Gross, coarse, unrefined. Ear-wax, n. Cerumen. Ease, n. 1. Rest, repose, quiescence. 3. Quiet, quietude, quietness, tran quillity, peace, content, contentment. 3. Facility, easiness, readiness. Ease, v. a. 1. Relieve, disburden, dis encumber, free from pressure or re straint. 3. Alleviate, allay, assuage, appease, mitigate, soothe, pacify, quiet, still, abate. Ease away, (Naut.) Slacken gradually (a rope), ease off. Easement, n. (Law.) Privilege (by grant or prescription), convenience, ac commodation, advantage. Ease off, (Naut.) EASE AWAY. Eastern, a. 1. Oriental, orient. 3. Towards the east. Easy, a. 1. Light, not difficult, not bur densome. 3. Quiet, tranquil, untroubled, com fortable, contented, satisfied, at rest, at ease, without anxiety, without pain. 3. Yielding, complying, pliant, facile, submissive, accommodating, complai sant. 4. Unconstrained, graceful, not for mal, not stiff. 5. Gentle, moderate. t 6. Not straitened (pecuniarily). Eat, v. a. 1. Chew and swallow. 3. Corrode, consume, wear away. Eat, v. n. 1. Feed, take food. 3. Act corrosively. 3. [Colloquial,.] Taste, relish. Eatable, a. Esculent, edible. Eat dirt, Humble one s self, abase one s self, lower one s note, fall on one s knees, eat humble pie, get a set-down, sing small. Eat humble pie, Suffer humiliation, endure mortification, be humbled, be abashed, be taken down, eat dirt. Eating, a. Corrosive, erosive, corroding, caustic, catheretic. Eating-house, n. Restaurant, CHOP- HOUSE. Eat one s words, Take back what . was said, retract a statement. Eau-de-Cologne, [Fr.] Cologne, col ogne-water. Eavesdropper, n. Stealthy listener. Eavesdropping, n. Listening by stealth. Ebb, n. 1. Regression, regress, retro cession, retrogression, reflux, refluence, return. 3. Decline, decay, deterioration, de generacy. EBB 131 EFFECT 3. Decrease, diminution, abatement, decrement, subsidence. Ebb, v. n. 1. Recede, retire, flow back. 2. Decline, decrease, decay, wane, sink, fall away. Ebon, a. 1. Dark, black, inky. 2. Made of ebony. Ebriety, n. Drunkenness, intoxication, inebriation, inebriety. Ebullience, ) n. Effervescence, ebulli- Ebulliency, J tion, boiling over. Ebullient, a. Effervescing, boiling over. Ebullition, n. 1. Boiling. 2. Effervescence, fermentation. 3. Burst, outburst, outbreak, fit, paroxysm. Eccentric, a. 1. Not circular. ft. Irregular, abnormal, anomalous, peculiar, uncommon, unnatural, singu lar, strange, wayward, odd, aberrant, erratic, whimsical. Eccentricity, n. Irregularity, peculiar ity, oddness, oddity, singularity, way wardness, strangeness, aberration. Ecclesiastic, la. Not civil, not sec- Ecclesiastical, j ular. Ecclesiastic, n. Priest, clergyman, churchman, minister, parson, pastor, divine. , bristled. Echo, n. Reverberation, reflected sound. Echo, v. n. Resound, reverberate, be sounded back. Echo, v. a. 1. Reverberate, reScho. 2. Repeat, sound again. Eclaircissement, n. [Fr.] Explana tion, explication. Eclaircize, v. a. [Modern.] Explain, unfold, expound, elucidate, illustrate, , make plain, make clear. Eclat, n. 1. Acclamation, applause, plaudit, burst of applause. 3. Brilliancy, splendor, show, pomp, lustre, striking eft ect. Eclectic, a. Selecting, choosing. Eclecticism, . Eclectic philosophy. Eclipse, n. 1. Occultation. 2. Obscuration. Eclipse, v. a. 1. Darken, obscure, dim. 2. Cloud, veil, shroud, hide. 3. Degrade, throw into the shade. Eclogue, n. Bucolic, idyl, pastoral, pastoral poem. Economical, a. Saving, sparing, prov ident, thrifty, frugal, not wasteful, not lavish. Economics, n. Household manage ment, household economy. Economize, v. a. Save, husband, man age frugally, use prudently. Economize, v. n. Retrench, be frugal, be prudent, be economical, practise economy, husband one s resources. Economy, n. 1. Frugality, thrift. thriftiness, good husbandry, good housewifery. 2. Arrangement, regulation, man agement. 3. System, plan, established order. Ecphonesis, n. [Gr.] (Rhet.) Excla mation, ejaculation, interjection. Ecstasy, n. 1. Trance. 2. Transport, rapture, ravishment, delight, great joy. 3. Enthusiasm, fanaticism. 1- ^trancing. 2. Transporting, ravishing, raptur ous, very delightful. Ecumenic, I a. [Written also CEcu- Ecumeiiical, J menic and (Ecumeni cal.] General (applied especially to coun cils of the Church), universal. Edacious, a. Greedy, voracious, de vouring. Eddish, n. Aftermath, rowen. Eddy, n. 1. Counter-current. 2. Whirlpool, vortex. Edge, n. 1. Cutting side (of a blade). 2. Border, rim, brim, margin, verge, brink. 3. Keenness, sharpness, intensity. Edge, v. a. 1. Sharpen. 2. Fringe, border. 3. Move sideways, move little by little. Edge, v. n. Move sideways, move little by little. Edge-bone, n. Aitchbone, natchbone. Edging, n. Fringe, border. Edible, a. Eatable, esculent. Edict, n. Command, order, decree, re script, mandate, ordinance, proclama tion, ban. Edification, n. Instruction (ivith refer ence to improving the character), en lightenment, improvement, education. Edifice, n. Building, fabric, structure. Edify, v. a. Instruct (in order to improve the character), teach, enlighten, edu cate, improve. Edit, v. a. Conduct (a literary work), manage, prepare for publication, super intend the publication of. Edition, n. Impression, number (of copies) printed at once. Editor, n. Conductor (of a literary work). Educate, v. a,. Train, discipline, teach, instruct, nurture, breed, school, EDIFY, drill, bring up, develop the faculties cf, form the mind and character of. Education, n. Training, teaching, schooling, instruction, discipline, culti vation, tuition, nurture, breeding, EDI FICATION, drilling. Educe, v. a. Extract, draw out, bring cut. Edulcorate, v. a. (Chem.) Wash, purify, cleanse. Edulcoration, n. (Chem.) Washing, cleaning, purification. Eel-pout, n. Burbot (Lota, vulgaris). Efface, v. a. Obliterate, erase, expunge, blot, cancel, rub out, wipe out, scratch out, rub off, blot out, strike out. Effect, n. 1. Consequence, result, issue, event. 2. Force, validity, weight, power, efficiency. 3. Purport, import, drift, tenor, meaning, general intent. EFFECT 132 ELBOW-CHAIR 4. Fact, reality, truth. 5. Impression (on tlie organs of sense). Effect, v. a. 1. Cause, produce, create. 2. Accomplish, achieve, execute, per form, do, consummate, realize, carry, compass, effectuate, bring about, bring to pass, carry out, work out. Effective, a. 1. Competent, adequate, powerful, forcible, energetic, potent, cogent, sufficient, efficacious. 2. Operative, active, efficient, effect ual. Effects, n. pi. Goods, furniture, mova bles, personal estate. Effectual, a. 1. Operative, successful. 2. Efficacious, effective, active, ef ficient, of adequate power. Effectuate, v. a. Accomplish, achieve, effect, execute, carry out, bring to pass. Effeminacy, n. Weakness, softness, timidity, womanish delicacy. Effeminate, a. 1. Womanish, femi nine, timorous, unmanly. 2. Delicate, tender, womanly (in a good sense). Effeminate, v. a. Unman, soften, emasculate, eniolliate, make effeminate. Effervesce, v. n. Froth, bubble, fer ment, Effervescence, n. Bubbling, frothing, ebullition, fermentation. Effete, a. 1. Barren, unprolific, un fruitful, fruitless, addle. 2. Decayed, spent, exhausted/wasted, worn out. Efficacious, a. Effectual, effective, powerful, active, operative, efficient, energetic, of adequate power. Efficacy, n. Potency, competency, pow er, strength, force, efficiency. Efficiency, n. EFFICACY. Efficient, a. 1. Operative, active, effi cacious, effective, effectual, potent. 2. Able, energetic, skilful, ready. Efficient, n. Cause, operator, prime mover, efficient agent. Effigies, n. EFFIGY. Effigy, n- Image, figure, representation, likeness, effigies. Effloresce, v. n. Become pulverulent (on the surface). Efflorescence, n. 1. Flowering, bloom, time of flowering. 2. Pulverulence (of the surface). Effluence, n. Emanation, efflux. Effluvium, n. Exhalation, vapor. Efflux, n. 1. Flow, effusion. 2. Emanation, effluence. Effort, n. 1. Endeavor, attempt, trial, essay, exertion, struggle, strain, strain ing, stretch. 2. Enterprise, undertaking, cause. Effrontery, n. Boldness, assurance, im pudence, audacity, hardihood, pre sumption, shamelessness, sauciness, brass, CHEEK. Effulgence, n. Brilliancy, lustre, splen dor, brightness, radiance, refulgence. Effulgent, a. Brilliant, shining, lus trous, splendid, resplendent, bright, radiant, refulgent, dazzling. Effuse, v. a. Shed, spill, pour out. Effusion, n. 1. Outpouring, efflux, gush. 8. Shedding, spilling, waste. 3. Utterance, expression of thought. Eft, n. Salamander, newt. Egg, n. Ovum. Egg-shaped, a. Ovate. Eglantine, n. Sweet-brier (Rosa ruli- ginosa). Egotism, n. Conceit, vanity, BUMP- TIOUSXESS, self-conceit, self-esteem, self-praise, self-commendation. Egotistic, ) a. Conceited, vain, opin- Egotistical, j ionated, BUMPTIOUS, self-important. Egregious, a. Extraordinary, remark able, enormous, monstrous, outrageous, great. Egress, n. Exit, departure, going out. Either, a. & pron. 1. (Appropriately) One or the other (of two). 2. (Less authorized) Any one (of several). 3. ( Of doubtful propriety) Each (of two), both, one and the other. Ejaculate, v. a. Utter in an exclama tion, utter briefly and suddenly. Ejaculation, n. Exclamation, ECPHO- NESIS, brief and sudden utterance. Eject, v. a. 1. Emit, discharge, void, evacuate, vomit, spew, puke, throw out, cast up. 2. Expel, oust, dismiss, discharge, cashier, turn out. 3. Reject, banish, throw aside, cast away, throw overboard. Ejection, n. 1. Evacuation, discharge. 2. Expulsion, dismission, extrusion, banishment. Eke out, Add to, supply the deficiency of. Elaborate, v. a. 1. Bestow labor upon, work out. 2. Improve, refine, mature, ripen, prepare thoroughly. Elaborate, a. Labored, studied, high wrought, highly finished, elaborately prepared. Elaboration, n. 1. Labor, painstak ing. 2. Preparation, ripening, maturing. Elapse, v. n. Pass, lapse, glide away, slip away, pass away. Elastic, a. Springy, rebounding, resil ient, recoiling. Elasticity, n. Springiness, resiliency, tendency to rebound. Elate, a. Flushed (with success), elated, excited, exhilarated, puffed up, in high spirits. Elate, v. a. Cheer, exhilarate, elevate, animate, excite, flush, putt up, make proud. Elater, n. Fire-fly (of South America, Cuba, &c.). Elation, n. Exultation, elevation, ex altation, pride, high spirits. Elbow, n. Angle, bend, turn. Elbow, v. a. Push. Elbow, v. n. Jostle, push one s way. Elbow-chair, n. Arm-chair, armed chair. ELBOW-ROOM 133 ELYSIUM Elbow-room, n. Scope, swing, range, opportunity, liberty of action, a fair field, room, enough. Elder, a. Older, senior. Elder, n. Senior, aged person. Elderly, a. Somewhat old. Eldership, n. Seniority. Eldest, a. Oldest. Elect, v. a. CHOOSE, select, cull, pick, pick out, make choice of. Elect, a. Chosen, selected, picked, choice. Election, n. 1. Selection, preference, choice. 3. (Theol.) Predestination. Electioneer, v. n. Canvass. Elective franchise, Right of voting, right to vote. Elector, n. Voter, constituent. Electric, n. Non-conductor (of electrici ty)- Electrify, v. a. 1. Render electric, charge with electricity. 3. Rouse, thrill, excite, stir, enchant. Elegance, n. 1. Grace, beauty, sym metry, propriety. 3. Refinement, polish, politeness, gentility. Elegant, a. 1. Graceful, beautiful, handsome, fine, symmetrical, classical, tasty, tasteful, chaste, neat, well-made, well-proportioned, in good taste. 3. Polished, refined, accomplished, cultivated, polite, genteel, courtly, fash ionable. Elegiac, a. Mournful, plaintive, sor rowful, dirge-like. Elegy, n. Dirge, lament, epicedium, mournful song, funeral song. Element, n. 1. Simple body, uncom- pounded body, ultimate part. 3. Constituent, component, ingredi ent, constituent principle, component part. 3. Proper state, proper sphere. 4. Rudiment, first principle, essential point. Elementary, a. 1. Simple, uncom- pounded. 3. Rudimentary, rudimental, pri mary. Elench, n. Sophism, specious argument. Elephantine, a. Huge, immense, gi gantic, colossal, Cyclopean, Herculean, enormous, very large. Elevate, v. a. 1. Raise, lift, lift up. 3. Exalt, promote. 3. Improve, dignify, ennoble, refine. 4. Animate, elate, cheer, exhilarate, excite, flush. Elevation, n. 1. Raising, elevating. 3. Exaltation, aggrandizement, pro motion. 3. Dignity, refinement, improvement, ennobling. 4. Hill, elevated place. , 5. (Astron.) Height, altitude. Eleve, n. [Fr.] Pupil. Elf, n. 1. Fairy, fay, diminutive spirit. 3. Dwarf, gnome. Elfish, a. Elf-like, mischievous, elv ish. Elicit, v. a. Draw out, bring out, suc ceed in obtaining. Elide, v. a. Cut off (a syllable). Eligible, a. 1. Desirable, preferable, to be preferred, worthy of choice, fjt to be chosen. 3. Legally qualified. Eliminate, v . a. 1. Exclude, expel, re ject, thrust out, drive out, get clear of. 3. Extricate, release, set free. 3. (Algebra.) Disengage, separate. Elimination, n. 1. Exclusion, expul sion, rejection. , 3. Separation, disengagement. Elite, n. [Fr.] Flower (of a society), best part, select body. Elixir, n. 1. Cordial. 3. (Med.) Compound tincture. Elk, n. Moose, moose-deer (Cervus al- ces or Alces molchis). Elliptic, ) i Elliptical, \ a - 0vaL Ellipse, n. Oval, oval figure. Elocution, n. 1. Speech, faculty of speech, power of expression. 3. Utterance, delivery, manner of , speaking, oral expression. Eloge, n. [Fr.] Eulogy, eulogium, pan egyric, funeral oration. Elongate, v. a. Lengthen, stretch, draw out, lengthen out. Elope, v. n. Abscond (as a woman tvitk a paramour), run away, run off. Eloquence, n. 1. Oratory, art of speak ing well (in public). 3. Graceful and vigorous utterance, fit words in fit places, appropriate ex pression. Eloquent, a. 1. Persuasive, impressive. 3. Graceful and vigorous. Else, a. orpron. Other. Else, ad. or conj. 1. Otherwise. 3. Besides. Elsewhere, ad. 1. Many other places. 3. In some other place. 3. In other places. Elucidate, v. a. Explain, illustrate, unfold, make clear, make plain, throw light upon. Elucidation, n. Explanation, illustra tion, exposition, comment, annotation, commentary, gloss, scholium. Elucidative, a. Explanatory. Elude, v. a. 1. Escape, avoid, shun, get away from, steal away from. . 3. Baflie, frustrate, foil, disconcert, disappoint, BILK. Elusive, a. 1. Evasive, ELUSORY. 3. Equivocating, shuffling, equivo- catory. Elusory, a. Evasive, elusive, delusive, deceptive. Elutriate, v. a. Cleanse (as ores, by washing), purify. Elvish, a. Elf-like, mischievous, elfish. Elysian, a. Charming, delightful, rav ishing, enchar^ng, blissful, heavenly, celestial, exceedingly happy. Elysium, n. 1. The Elysian fields, islands of the blest. 3. Paradise, Eden, delightful place. EMACIATE 134 EMERGE Emaciate, ) a. Lean, thin, lank, at- Eniaciated, J tenuated, wasted, gaunt, skinny, meagre, worn to a shadow, re duced to a skeleton. Emaciation, n. Leanness, lankness, nieagreness, TABES, TABEFACTION. Emanate, v. a. Issue, arise, spring, flow, proceed, emerge, go out. Emanation, n. 1. Flowing out. 5J. Efflux, effluence, issue. Emancipate, v. a. Enfranchise, manu mit, liberate, disenthrall, release, un fetter, unshackle, unchain, free, set free, set at liberty. Emancipation, n. Enfranchisement, manumission, liberation, release, de- . liverance. Emasculate, v. a. 1. Castrate, geld, glib, deprive of virility. 2. Weaken, debilitate, unman, effem inate, emolliate, make effeminate. Emasculation, n. 1. Castration, OK- CHOTOMY. 2. Effeminacy, weakness, softness. Embalm, v. a. 1. Preserve from decay (by aromatics or antiseptics). 3. Preserve, enshrine, cherish, keep unimpaired. 3. Scent, perfume, make fragrant. Embargo, n. Prohibition (of vessels to leave port). Embark, v. a. 1. Put on shipboard. 2. Engage, enlist. Embark, v. n. 1. Go on shipboard. 3. Engage, enlist, enter upon, take the first step. Embarrass, v. a. 1. Perplex, entangle, beset, make intricate, make diffi cult. 2. Harass, distress, trouble, vex, an noy, plague, hamper, clog. 3. Confuse, disconcert, confound, non plus, pose, dumfound, dumfounder. Embarrassment, n. 1. Perplexity, difficulty, entanglement. 3. Trouble, distress, vexation, plague. 3. Confusion, abashment. Embassy, n. 1. Commission, mission. 3. Legation, ambassadors. Embay, v. a. Landlock. Embed, v. a. Bed. Embellish, v. a. Decorate, deck, be deck, ornament, adorn, beautify, set out, set off. Embellishment, n. Decoration, orna ment, adornment. Embers, n. pi. Cinders. Embezzle, v. a. Appropriate to one s own use (wliat is intrusted), purloin, peculate, steal, come unlawfully by. Embezzlement, n. Peculation. Embitter, v. a. [Written also Imbitter.] 1. Make bitter. 2. Make unhappy or grievous. 3. Exasperate, madden, enrage. Emblaze, v. a. 1. EMBLAZON, blazon. 3. Kindle, set in a blaze. Emblazon, v. a. 1. Blazon, emblaze, adorn Avith ensigns armorial. 3. Deck (with showy ornaments), deco rate, adorn, embellish, set off, set out. Emblazonry, n. 1. Heraldry, blaz onry. 3. Heraldic ornaments. Emblem, n. Type, symbol, sign, repre sentation, token, badge, mark, device, cognizance, allusive figure. Emblematic, ) a. Typical, figurative, Emblematical, j representative, sym bolical, allusive. Emblematize, v. a. Symbolize, typi fy- Embody, v. a. 1. Invest with a body, make corporeal, form into a body. 3. Incorporate, concentrate, compact, integrate, combine, collect into a whole, draw into one mass. 3. Comprehend, include, embrace, comprise, contain. 4. Systematize, methodize, codify. Embolden, v. a. Encourage, animate, inspirit, reassure, make bold, give cour age to. Embolism, n. Intercalation. Einbolismic, ) a. Intercalated, inter- Ernbolisnaical, j calary. Embonpoint, n. [Fr.] Plumpness, fleshiness, fatness, corpulence, corpu lency, obesity. Emboss, v. a. Adorn with raised work, ornament in relief. Embossment, n. Protuberance, jut, prominence, raised work, figure in re lief. Embouchure, n. [Fr.] 1. Mouth (as of a river). 3. (Mus.) Aperture (of an instru ment), mouthpiece. Embowed, p. a. Bent, curved, arched, bowed, arcuated, arcustte. Embowel, v. a. Eviscerate, disembowel, gut, take out the bowels or entrails of, free from the viscera. Embrace, v. a. 1. Clasp (in Hie arms), hug. 3. Welcome, seize, accept, lay hold on. 3. Comprehend, include, cover, con tain, comprise, enclose, encompass, en circle, embody, take in. Embrace, n. Hug, clasp. Embroider, v. a. Adorn with needle work. Embroidery, n. Variegated needle work. Embroil, v. a. 1. Perplex, entangle, ensnarl, implicate, commingle. 3. Disturb, confuse, distract, trouble, disorder, discompose, throw into dis order, bring into difficulty. Embryo, n. Germ, rudiment. Embryo, a. Embryotic, rudimentary, undeveloped. Embryotic, a. EMBKYO. Emendation, n. Correction (of a text), amendment, rectification, change for the better. Emerge, v. n. 1. Rise (out of a fluid), come up. 3. Issue, emanate, escape, come forth. 3. Appear, become visible, rise into view. EMERGENCY 135 ENARTHROSIS Emergency, n. Exigency, urgency, necessity, crisis, pinch, pass, push, strait, difficulty, conjuncture, unexpect ed occurrence, unforeseen occasion. Emersion, n. 1. Emerging, rising. 3. (Astron.) Reappearance (after eclipse). Emetic, n. Vomit, puke. Knieute, n. [Fr.j Riot, popular out break, seditious commotion. Emication, n. Scintillation, spark ling. Emigrate, v. n. Migrate, remove (from one country to settle in another). Emigration, n. 1. Migration, removal, exodus, 3. Body of emigrants. Eminence, n. 1. Prominence, projec tion. 3. Elevation, hill, elevated ground, high point. 3. Exaltation, celebrity, distinction, note, renown, repute, reputation, fame. Eminent, a. 1. High, lofty, elevated. 3. Distinguished, conspicuous, cele brated, prominent, illustrious, exalted, famous, renowned, remarkable, of great repute. Emissary, n. Messenger, spy, scout, secret agent. Emission, n. Issue, sending out, throw ing out. Emit, v. a. 1. Eject, discharge, exhale, breathe, breathe out, send forth, throw out, give out. 3. Issue (for circulation), put into circulation. Emmet, n. Ant, pismire. Emolliate, v. a. Soften, effeminate, emasculate, make effeminate. Emollient, a. Softening. Emolument, n. 1. Gain, lucre, pay, compensation, wages, salary, stipend, hire, pecuniary profit. 3. Advantage, profit, benefit. Emotion, n. Feeling, passion, excite ment (of sensibility), mental agita tion. Empawn, v. a. Pawn, pledge, put in pawn. Emphasis, n. 1. Stress (on certain words), force of utterance. 3. Impressiveness, significance, mo ment, weight. Emphatic, ) a. Expressive, signifi- Emphatical, { cant, categorical, strong, forcible, energetic. Empire, n. 1. Sovereignty, supremacy, dominion, absolute authority, supreme dominion, imperial power. 3. Rule, sway, command, control, government. Empiric, n. Quack, charlatan, pretend er, mountebank, impostor, cheat, mere experimenter (without scientific train ing). Empiric, ) a. 1. Experimental, ex- Empirical, ) periential, from experi ence (as distinguished from inference or reasoning). 3. Charlatanic, quackish. Empiricism, n. 1. Dependence on ex perience. 3. Quackery, charlatanism, charla tanry. Emplastruni, n. [L. pi. Emplastra.} (Med.) Plaster. Employ, v. a. 1. Busy, engage, en gross, exercise, occupy. 3. Use, apply, make use of. 3. Entrust with an agency, enlist in one s service, give employment to. Employ, n. [Poetical.] EMPLOYMENT. Employe, n. [Fr.] Agent, clerk, ser vant, hand. Employment, n. 1. Business, occupa tion, engagement, pursuit, AVOCATION, calling, profession, trade, craft. 3. Service, agency, office, EMPLOY. Emporium, n. Mart, market, place of trade, commercial city. Empoyerish, v. a. [Written also Im poverish.] 1. Make poor, bring to want, reduce to indigence. 3. Make less fertile. Empower, v. a. 1. Authorize, com mission, warrant, qualify, give author ity to. 3. Enable, make able. Emptiness, n. 1. Vacuity, vacuum, void space. 3. Destitution, lack of supplies, want of furniture. 3. Unsatisfactoriness, vanity, hollow- ness. Empty, a. 1. Void, devoid, vacant, un occupied. 3. Unfurnished, unsupplied, unfilled, destitute. 3. Unsubstantial, unsatisfying, un satisfactory, vain, hollow. 4. Desolate, waste, deserted. 5. Senseless, silly, weak. Empty, v. a. 1. Exhaust, drain, evacu ate, deplete. 3. Discharge, disembogue, pour out. Empty, v. n. Flow, disembogue, flow out, be discharged. Emptyings, n. pi. Yeast. Empyreal, a. Ethereal, aerial, airy, highly refined. Empyrean, n. Highest heaven. Emulate, v. a. Rival, vie with, com pete with, strive to eqiial or to excel. Emulation, n. Rivalry, competition, desire to excel, desire of superiority. Emulous, a. 1. Competing, rivalling. 3. Very desirous. Emunctories, n. pi. Excretory ducts. Enable, v. a. Empower, qualify, capac itate, make able, make capable, render capable. Enact, v. a. 1. Ordain, decree, estab lish by law, pass into a law, give legis lative sanction to. 3. Play, act, act the part of. Enactment, n. 1. Enacting. 3. Law, act, decree, edict, ordinance. Enamour, v. a. Charm, captivate, fas cinate, bewitch, enrapture, inflame with love. Enarthrosis, n. (Anat.) Ball-and-sock et joint. ENCAGE 136 ENDLESS Encage, v. a. [Written also Incage.] Confine, coop, coop up. Encamp, v. n. Camp, pitch one s tent, pitch a camp. Encamp, v. a. Place in a camp. Encampment, n. Camp. Enceinte, a. [Fr.] Pregnant, big with child, in the family way. Enchain, v. a. 1. Bind, shackle, man acle, enslave, hold in chains, hold in bondage. 2. Hold, rivet, fix, hold fast. Enchant, v. a. Charm, captivate, fas cinate, bewitch, enamour, win, catch, enrapture, ravish, beatify,please highly, lead captive. Enchanting, a. Charming, captivating, fascinating, bewitching, delightful, rav ishing, Circean. Enchanter, n. Charmer, magician, sorcerer. Enchantment, n. 1. Incantation, con juration, necromancy, magic, sorcery, witchery, spell, charm. 2. Delight, fascination, rapture, rav ishment, transport. Enchase, v. a. 1. Enclose (as a gem in gold), infix. 2. Chase, emboss. Encircle, v. a. Surround, encompass, environ, gird, engird, enclose. Enclose, v. a. [Written also Inclose.] 1. Encircle, surround, encompass, imbosom, circumscribe, shut in, fence in. 2. Cover, envelop, wrap. Enclosure, n. [Written also Inclos- ure.] 1. Enclosing. 2. Being enclosed, 3. Thing inclosed. 4. Circle, compass, space enclosed. 5. Yard, COMPOUND. Economiast, n. Eulogist, panegyrist, praiser, extoller. Encomiastic, ) a. Panegyrical, eu- Encomiastical, j logistic, laudatory, commendatory. Encomium, n. Praise, eulogy, eulogi- um, laudation, commendation, pane gyric, good word. Encompass, v. a. 1. Surround, envi ron, compass, gird, engird, encircle, enclose. 2. Invest, beset, besiege, hem in, wall in, lay siege to. Encore, ad. [Fr.] Again, once more. Encounter,?!. 1. Meeting, rencounter, clash, collision. 2. Attack, onset, assault. 3. Conflict, combat, fight, contest, battle, engagement, action, skirmish, brush, affair. Encounter, v. a. 1. Meet (suddenly), meet face to face. 2. Confront, face. 3. Meet with, fall upon, come upon. 4. Attack, engage with, contend against, join battle with, cope with, compete with, struggle with, strive with, fight with. Encounter, v. n. Clash, skirmish, ren counter, fight, come into collision. Encourage, v. a. 1. Embolden, in spirit, animate, enhearten, hearten, stimulate, cheer, incite, assure, re assure, comfort, console, buoy up. 2. Support, favor, countenance, fur ther, advance, promote, foster, aid, help, abet, patronize, help forward. . Encourager, n. Favorer, promoter. Encroach, v. n. Trespass, intrude, in fringe, trench, make inroad, make in vasion, advance stealthily. Encroachment, n. Infringement, tres pass, inroad, invasion. Encumber, v. a. 1. Load, clog, oppress, impede, hinder, obstruct, overload. 2. Embarrass, perplex, entangle, in volve, complicate. Encumbrance, n. [Written also In- cumbrance.] 1. Load, clog, impedi ment, hinderance, dead weight, drag weight. 2. Debt, claim, liability. Encyclical, a. Circular. Encyclopaedia, n. Cyclopaedia. Eiicyclopedian, a. ENCYCLOPEDIC. Encyclopedic, ) a. That embraces Encyclopedical, j the whole circle of learning, encyclopedia!!. Encysted, a. Enclosed in a cyst or sac. End, n. 1. Extremity, extreme point. 2. Close, cessation, period, expiration, finale, finis, last, fall of the curtain. 3. Conclusion, completion. 4. Termination, bound, limit. 5. Final state, ultimate condition. 6. Result, event, consequence, sequel, upshot, final issue. 7. Fragment, scrap, remnant. 8. Aim, purpose, object, design, drift, intent, intention, view, final cause. End, v. a. 1. Terminate, conclude, fin ish, close, put an end to, bring to an end, make an end of, cut short. 2. Destroy, kill, put to death. End, v. n. 1. Conclude, terminate, cease, be finished, come to an end, come to a close. 2. Close, conclude a discourse, cease speaking. Endanger, v. a. Hazard, risk, peril, jeopardize, commit, compromit, expose to danger, put at hazard, put in pei il, put in jeopardy. Endear, v. a. Attach, secure the affec tion of, bind by ties of affection, gain the love of. Endearment, n. Caressing, caress, blandishment, fondling. Endeavor, n. Effort, attempt, essay, trial, struggle, exertion, aim. Endeavor, v. n. Try, attempt, essay, labor, strive, aim, make an effort, make an attempt. Endemic, ) a. (Med.) Of a particu- Endemical, J lar district. Endemic, n. (Med.) Endemical dis ease. Endless, a. 1. Interminable, illimita ble, unlimited, boundless, immeasur able, infinite. 2. Eternal, everlasting, perpetual, in cessant, continual, uninterrupted. ENDORSE 137 ENHANCE 3. Immortal, undying, deathless, ever-living, never-dying, imperishable. 4. Objectless, without purpose or de- Endorse, v. a. [Written also Indorse.] 1. Superscribe, write on the back of. 2. Sanction, warrant, confirm, ratify, vouch for. Endow, v . a. 1. Furnish with a dowry, settle a dower upon. 2. Furnish with a fund, supply with means. 3. Enrich, endue, indue, invest. Endowment, n. 1. Gift, grant, be quest, boon, largess, bounty, present. 2. Property, fund, revenue. 3. Talent, faculty, quality, power, ability, capacity, capability, aptitude, parts, genius, qualification. Endue, v. a. [Written also Indue.] Sup ply, invest, clothe, endow, enrich. Endurable, a. Tolerable. Endurance, n. 1. Bearing, suffering, sufferance. ^ 2. Patience, fortitude. 3. [Rare.} Continuance, continua tion, lastingness. Endure, v. a. 1. Bear, sustain, sup port. 2. Suffer, undergo, experience, go through. 3. Brook, tolerate, abide, submit to, put up with, bear with, take patiently or easily. Endure, v. n. 1. Remain, continue, last, abide, be permanent, be durable. 2. Bear, suffer, submit, resign one s self, be patient, take it patiently, take it easily or quietly, not fret about it. Enema, n. (Med.) Clyster, glyster, in jection, lavement. Enemy, n. 1. Foe, adversary. 2. Opponent, antagonist. 3. [With The prefixed.] DEVIL, Sa tan, arch-fiend. Energetic, a. Vigorous, active, forci ble, powerful, strong, effective, effica cious, potent. Energize, v. i. Act with wgor, act forcibly. Energize, v. a. Give energy to, give force to, excite to action. Energy, n. 1. Force, power, might, efficacy, potency, efficiency, strength, activity, intensity. 2. Spirit, spiritedness, animation, life, vigor, manliness, zeal, pluck, bot tom, animal spirits. Enei-vate, v. a. Unnerve, weaken, en feeble, debilitate, paralyze, break, de prive of force or strength, render fee ble. Enfeeble, v. a. Weaken, unnerve, EK- ERVATE. Enfilade, v. a. (Mil.) Rake with shot. Enforce, v. a. 1. Give force to, urge with energy, set forth strongly, impress 011 the mind. 2. Put in execution, put in force. 3. Constrain, compel, oblige, force, require. Enforcement, n. 1. Inculcation. 2. Sanction. 3. Execution, putting in force. 4. Constraint, compulsion. Enfranchise, v. a. 1. Admit as a free man, endow with a franchise. 2. Free, emancipate, release, set free, make free, restore to liberty. Engage, v. a. 1. Pledge, commit, promise, bind, put under pledge. 2. Enlist, induce, to serve. 3. Gain, win, attach, attract, allure, entertain, draw, fix, arrest, gain over. 4. Occupy, employ, busy, engross. 5. Attack, encounter, fight with, join battle with. Engage, v. n. 1. Fight, combat, con tend, struggle, contest, join battle. 2. Embark, enlist, take the first step. 3. Promise, agree, stipulate, bargain, undertake, pledge one s word, plight one s word, pass one s word, pledge one s self, become bound, be sworn, take upon one s self. Engagement, n. 1. Promise, stipu lation, assurance, contract, pledge, obli gation. 2. Employment, occupation, busi ness, AVOCATION, calling, vocation. 3. Battle, conflict, combat, contest, action, fight, encounter, rencounter. Engaging, a. Attractive, winning, en tertaining, pleasing, interesting, cap tivating, charming, taking. Engender, v. a. 1. Generate, beget, procreate, breed. 2. Produce, cause, occasion, give rise to, call forth. Engine, n. 1. Machine. 2. Implement, instrument, weapon, agent, means. Enginery, n. Engines, machines. Engird, v. a. Surround, environ, gird, begird, encircle, encompass. English, n. 1. English people. 2. English language. Engorge, v. a. Gorge, devour, swallow up, swallow eagerly, gulp down. Engorge, v. n. Devour food, feed greedily, be gluttonous. Engorgement, n. 1. Engorging. 2. (Med.) Congestion, obstruction, over-fulness. Engrain, v. a. Dye in the grain, dye deep. Engrave, v. a. 1. Mark by incisions, cut, chisel, carve, STIPPLE. 2. Imprint, infix, impress deeply. Engraving, n. 1. Engraved plate. 2. Print. Engross, v. a. 1. Absorb, engage, oc cupy, take up. 2. Monopolize, forestall. 3. Copy in large hand, write out fair. Engrossment, n. 1. Absorption, mo nopoly, forestalling. 2. Engrossed copy. Engulf, v. a. [Written also Ingulf.] Absorb, swallow up. Enhance, v. a. 1. Raise (as price), ad vance, heighten, swell. 2. Increase, augment, aggravate. ENHEARTKN 138 ENSLAVE Enhearten, v. a. Encourage, embolden, animate, hearten, inspirit, cheer, incite, stimulate, assure, reassure, comfort, console, buoy up. Enigma, n. Riddle, puzzle, dark say ing, obscure question. Enigmatic, ) a. Obscure, mysterious, Enigmatical, ) mystic, mystical, dark, occult, recondite, ambiguous, hid den, unintelligible, incomprehensible, puzzling, perplexing. Enjoin, v. a. 1. Urge, admonish, ad vise, importune, beg, entrea,t. 3. Order, direct, bid, command, re quire, prescribe to. 3. (Laiv.) Prohibit, restrain, put an injunction on. Enjoy, v. a. 1. Take pleasure in, be delighted with, take delight in, derive pleasure from. 3. Have fruition of. Enjoyment, n. 1. Pleasure, gratifica tion, delight, happiness. 3. Fruition, satisfactory possession. Enjoy one s self, Be happy. Enkindle, v. a. 1. Inflame, ignite, kindle, set on fire. 3. Incite, excite, rouse, stimulate, instigate, provoke, stir up, set on. Enlarge, v. a. Increase, augment, ex tend, expand, magnify, amplify, make larger, make greater. Enlarge, v. n. 1. Expatiate, dilate, descant, speak at length, launch out. 3. Increase, swell, grow, extend, ex pand, grow larger. Enlargement, n. 1. Expansion, dila tation, extension, augmentation, in crease. 3. Expatiation, copious discourse, ex tended remark. Enlighten, v. a. 1. Illuminate, illume, illumine, irradiate, make light, make luminous, supply with light. 3. Instruct, inform, teach. Enlightened, a. Instructed, informed, educated, intelligent, refined, highly civilized. Enlightenment, n. Instruction, illu mination. Enlist, v . a. 1. Enroll, register, record, list. 3. Engage, induce to serve, secure the assistance of. Enlist, v. n. 1. List, enroll one s self. 3. Embark, engage, pledge one s as sistance. Enlistment, ?i. Enrolment. Enliven, v. a. 1. Quicken, animate, wake, rouse, invigorate, give life to. 3. Inspire, inspirit, exhilarate, cheer, delight, gladden. En masse, [Fr.] Altogether, in a mass, in a body. Enmity, n. Animosity, hatred, hate, hostility, malignity, malice, aversion, malevolence, rancor, bitterness, ill- will. Ennoble, v. a. 1. Raise to nobility, raise to the peerage. 3. Exalt, dignify, elevate, raise, aggrandize. Enntii, n. [Fr.] Listlessness (for want of occupation}, languor, tedium, lassi tude, wearisomeness, tiresomeness, irk- someness. Enormity, n. 1. Atrociousness, de pravity, atrocity, flagitiousness, wick edness. 3. Atrocious crime, flagitious villany. Enormous, a. 1. [Rare.} Inordinate, irregular, abnormal, exceptional. 3. Huge, monstrous, immense, vast, gigantic, colossal, prodigious, Cyclope- . an, Herculean, elephantine, very large. 3. Flagitious, very wicked. Enough, n. Sufficiency, plenty, QUAN TUM SUFFICIT. Enough, a. SUFFICIENT (to satisfy de sire). Enough, ad. Sufficiently, satisfactorily, to satisfaction. Enounce, v. a. [Hare.] 1. Declare, enunciate, announce, publish, proclaim, promulgate, state, propound, make known. 3. Articulate, utter, pronounce. En passant, [Fr.] In passing, by the way, by the by. Enquire, v. a. [Written also and usually Inquire.] Ask about. Enquire, v. n. 1. Ask, question, seek information (by questioning), make in quiry. 3. Make investigation, make exami nation. Enrage, v. a. Irritate, exasperate, in cense, madden, infuriate, provoke, in flame, chafe, AGGRAVATE, anger, make furious, excite to rage. Enrapture, v. a. Enchant, charm, fas cinate, captivate, entrance, enravish, transport, beatify, make happy. Enravish, v. a. Enchant, ENRAPTURE. Enravishment, n. Rapture, ecstasy, transport, ravishment. Enrich, v. a. 1. Endow, make rich, make wealthy. 3. Fertilize, make productive. 3. Store, supply abundantly. 4. Adorn, decorate, deck, ornament, embellish. Enrobe, v. a. Dress, clothe, invest, at tire, array, apparel, robe. Enroll, v. a. Enlist, register, chronicle. En route, [Fr.] On the way, on the Ensanguine, v. a. Stain with blood, smear with blood. Ensconce, v. a. Shelter, cover, shield, secure, screen, hide, protect, harbor. Ensemble, n. [Fr.] The whole. Enshrine, v. a. 1. Enclose in a shrine. 3. Preserve (as something sacred), embalm, treasure, cherish, keep unim paired. Ensiform, a. Sword-shaped. Ensign, n. 1. Banner, standard, colors, streamer, flag, pennon. 3. Symbol, sign, signal. 3. Badge, distinctive mark, mark of distinction. Enslave, v. a. Reduce to bondage, de prive of liberty. ENSNARE 139 ENTREAT Ensnare, v. a. [Written also Insnare.] 1. Entrap, catch. 3. Inveigle, allure, seduce. 3. Entangle, embarrass, confound, perplex, bewilder, pose, nonplus, stag ger, mystify. Ensue, v. n. 1. Follow, succeed, come after, be subsequent. 3. Issue, arise, spring, flow, come, result, proceed, accrue. Ensure, v. a. [Written also and usually Insure.] 1. Make secure. 3. Secure against loss, indemnify against risk. Entail, v. a. 1. Transfer (by inalienable title). 3. Transmit (by necessity), fix unal terably. Entangle, v. a. 1. Ensnare, entrap, catch, involve in complication. 3. Confuse (by twisting or crossing), interweave, tangle, knot, mat. 3. Perplex, embarrass, puzzle, con found, bewilder, pose, nonplus, stagger, mystify. Entanglement, n, 1. Intricacy, invo lution, complication. 3. Perplexity, embarrassment, con fusion, bewilderment. Entelechy, n. [Peripatetic Philosophy.] Actuality (as distinguished from poten tial existence). Enter, v. a. 1. Go into, come into. 3. Record, register, enroll, note, set down, chronicle, jot down, take down. 3. Insert, set in. Enter, v. n. 1. Come in, go in, pass in. 3. Penetrate, pierce. Enter into, 1. Form a part of. 3. Share, participate in, be a partak er of . 3. Sympathize with. Enterprise, n. 1. Undertaking, adven ture, venture, attempt, effort, essay, endeavor, cause. 3. Energy, activity, efficiency, force of character. Enterprising, a. 1. Adventurous, ven turesome, venturous, dashing, daring, audacious, bold. 3. Active, prompt, alert, stirring, smart, energetic, efficient, spirited, zealous, strenuous, eager, on the alert, in earnest. Entertain, v. a. 1. Lodge, treat hospi tably, show hospitality to, receive as a guest. 3. Feed, maintain, support. 3. Hold, cherish, harbor. 4. Take into consideration. 5. Divert, amuse, please. Entertainer, n. Host. Entertainment, n. 1. Hospitable treat ment. 3. Feast, banquet, treat, COLLATION, festival. 3. Amusement, diversion, recreation, pastime. Enter upon, Begin, commence, take the first steps in. Enthrall, v. a. [Written also InthralL] Enslave, reduce to servitude, put un der restraint. Enthralment, n. [Written alsolnthral- ment.) Enslavement, servitude, slav ery, bondage, vassalage, serfdom, thral dom, captivity. Enthrone, v. a. 1. Invest with sover eign power, seat upon a throne. 3. Exalt, elevate, raise to superiority. Enthusiasm, n. 1. Ecstasy (from a belief of being inspired), fanaticism, religious frenzy. 3. Ardor, zeal, warmth, earnestness, passion, devotion, heat of imagination, mental excitement. Enthusiast, n. 1. Fanatic, devotee, bigot, zealot, religious madman. 3. Zealot, visionary, dreamer, castle- builder. Enthusiastic, ) a. 1. Fanatical, big- Enthusiastical, j oted. 3. Visionary, extravagant. 3. Ardent, earnest, vehement, zeal ous, fervent, fervid, burning, naming, glowing, passionate, impassioned. Entice, v. a. Allure (to evil), lure, at tract, decoy, seduce, tempt, coax, in veigle, wheedle, cajole, persuade, lead astray. Enticement, n. Allurement, lure, at traction, temptation, decoy, bait, seduc tion, inveiglement, inducement, per suasion. Entire, a. 1. Whole, complete, perfect, undivided, unbroken, undiminished, unimpaired. 3. Full, plenary, thorough, unalloyed. 3. (Bol.) With even margins, not toothed, not notched. Entireness, n. 1. Wholeness, complete ness, totality, entirety, integrity. 3. Fulness, thoroughness. Entirety, n. Wholeness, ENTIKENESS. Entitle, v. a. 1. Name, designate, de nominate, style, call, dub, christen, TITLE. 3. Give a claim to, give a right to, qualify for, fit for. Entity, n. Being, existence, essence. Entomb, v. a. Bury, inhume, inter. Entombment, n. Burial, interment, sepulture. Entrails, n. pi. Intestines, bowels, vis cera, guts, inwards. Entrance, n. 1. Ingress. 3. Entry, inlet, mouth, avenue, pas sage, door, gate, portal. 3. Beginning, commencement, initia tion, introduction. Entrance, v. a. Charm, enchant, en rapture, fascinate, captivate, delight, bewitch, ravish, electrify, throw into ecstasies. Entrap, v. a. 1. Ensnare, catch. 3. Inveigle, seduce, allure, entice. 3. Entangle, involve, perplex, em barrass, confound, bewilder, mystify, stagger, pose, nonplus. Entreat, v. a. Beg, crave, beseech, im plore, supplicate, ADJUKE, solicit, pray, importune, petition, enjoin, appeal to, prefer a prayer to. ENTREATY 140 EPITHET Entreaty, n. Supplication, prayer, peti tion, suit, solicitation, appeal, impor tunity, ADJURATION. Entree, n. [Fr.] 1. Admittance, ad mission, free access. 2. First course (of dishes). Entremets, n. pi. [Fr.] Side dishes. Entre nous, [Fr.] Confidentially, pri vately, in confidence, between our selves, between you and me, under the rose, SUB ROSA. Entrepot, n. [Fr.] Magazine, ware house, storehouse. Entry, n. 1. Ingress, entrance. 2. Passage (into a house), avenue, inlet, hall. 3. Record, note, minute, memoran dum. Entwine, v. a. [Written also Intwine.] 1. Twine, twist together. 2. Encircle, surround, embrace, wind about, wind around. Enumerate, v. a. Reckon, compute, count, number, tell, cite, recount, nu merate, call over, relate in detail, men tion one by one. Enumeration, n. 1. Numbering, com putation, citation, mention, detailed account. 2. (Rhet.) Recapitulation, summing- up. Enunciate, v. a. 1. Declare, speak, proclaim, publish, express, relate, pro mulgate, state, propound, announce, enounce. 2. Utter, pronounce, articulate. Enunciate, v. n. Articulate, speak, utter articulate sounds. Enunciation, n. 1. Declaration, utter ance, expression, announcement. 2. Elocution, articulation, manner of utterance. Enunciative, a. Declarative, expres sive, declaratory, enunciatpry. Enunciatory, a. Declarative, enuncia- tive. Enure, v. n. [Written also and usually Inure.] (Laiu.) Be applied, come into use, take effect. Envelop, v. a. 1. Infold, inwrap, wrap, fold, wrap up, put a wrapper about. 2. Surround, encircle, encompass, cover, hide. Envelop, n. ENVELOPE. Envelope, n. [Fr.] 1. Wrapper, cover ing, case, capsule. 2. (Fort.) Mound (to cover a weak part). 3. (Astron.) Coma. Envenom, v. a. 1. Poison. 2. Enrage, exasperate, incense, pro voke, irritate, madden, aggravate, in flame, make furious. Enviable, a. Desirable, to be envied. Envious, a. 1. Jealous, disposed to envy. 2. Grudging. Enviousness, n. ENVY. Environ, v. a. 1. Surround, encom pass, encircle, envelop, gird, begird, engird, enclose. 2. Invest, besiege, beset. Environs, n. pi. Neighborhood, vicin ity, vicinage. Envoy, n. Minister, ambassador, plen ipotentiary. Envy, v. a. 1. Hate (for excellence or success), view with jealousy, feel ill-will towards. 2. Grudge, begrudge. Envy, n. 1. Hate (on account of excel lence or success), hatred, jealousy, spite, enviousness, ill-will. 2. Grudging. 3. Object of envy, person to be en vied. Ephemeral, a. Short-lived, transitory, transient, fleeting, flitting, evanescent, fugitive, fugacious, momentary, brief. Ephemeris, n. [Gr. pi. Ephemerides.] 1. Journal, diary. 2. (Astron.) Astronomical almanac or calendar. Epic, a. Narrative. Epic, n. Narrative, poem, epic poem, heroic poem. Epicedial, ) a. Elegiac, mournful, fu- Epicedian, j nereal. Epicedium, n. Elegy, dirge, lament, mournful song, funeral song. Epicure, n. Voluptuary, sensualist, Sybarite, free-liver, man of pleas ure. Epicureanism, n. Doctrines of Epi curus, Epicurism. Epicurism, n. 1. Sensuality, luxury, luxurious living. 2. Doctrines of Epicurus, Epicure anism. Epidemic, ) a. General, prevailing, Epidemical, ) prevalent, pandemic. Epidermis, n. 1. Cuticle, scarf-skin. 2. (Bot.) Exterior coating. Epigrammatic, ) a. Concise, lacon- Epigrammatical, ) ic, terse, pointed, poignant, piquant, sharp, pungent. Epilepsy, n. Falling sickness. Epiphany, n. 1. Manifestation ap pearance (especially that of Christ by the star which guided the Magi to Beth lehem). 2. (Eccl.) Festival of the Epiphany. Epiphyte, n. Air-plant. Epiploon, n. (Anat.) Omontum, caul. Episcopacy, n. Episcopalianism. Episcopal, a. Episcopalian. Episcopalian, a. Episcopal Episcopalian, n. Churchman. Episcopalianism, n. Episcopacy. Episcopate, n. 1. Bishopric, office of a bishop. 2. Body of bishops. Episode, n. Digression, incidental nar rative. Epistle, n. Letter, note, written com munication. Epistyle, n. (Arch.) Architrave. Epitaph, n. Inscription (on a tomb or monument). Epithalamium, n. Nuptial song. Epithet, n. [ Technical term of the Rlicto- rician.} ADJECTIVE, name, appella tion, designation, title, qualifying word or term, descriptive term. EPITOME 141 ERECTION Epitome, n. Abridgment, abstract, com- pend, compendium, conspectus, sylla bus, brief, breviary, summary, synopsis, digest, sum and substance. Epitomist, n. Abridger, epitomizer, writer of an epitome. Epitomize, v. a. 1. Abridge, abbrevi ate, shorten, condense, reduce, contract, make an abstract of. 3. Curtail, cut short. Epitomizer, n. EPITOMIST. Epoch, n. Period, date, era, age, point or period of time (remarkablefor same event). Epsom-salts, n. pi. Sulphate of mag nesia. Equability, n. Evenness, uniformity, equableness. Equable, a. Even, uniform, equal, steady, regular, always the same. Equableness, n. Evenness, equability. Equal, a. 1. Like, alike, tantamount, equivalent; of the same extent, meas ure, degree, or value. 3. Uniform, even, regular, equable. 3. Impartial, unbiassed, equitable, fair, just, even-h anded. 4. Proportionate, commensurate. 5. Adequate, competent, fit, of suf ficient strength or ability. Equal, n. Peer, compeer, fellow. Equal, v. a. 1. Equalize, make equal, make alike. 3. Rival, rise to the same level with. 3. Be adequate to, be equal to, be commensurate with. Equality, n. 1. Likeness. 3. Uniformity, evenness. Equalize, v. a. Equal, make equal, make alike. Equanimity, n. Evenness of mind or temper, steadiness of disposition. Equate, v. a. Average, reduce to an average. Equator, n. 1. Equinoctial, equinoctial line, celestial equator. 3. Terrestrial equator. Equestrian, n. 1. Horseman, rider. 3. Knight, cavalier, chevalier, horse- soldier, CHASSEUR. Equestrianism, n. Horsemanship. Equilibrium, n. Equipoise, even bal ance, equality of weight. Equinoctial, n. Celestial equator, equi noctial line. Equinoctial, a. 1. Of the equinoctial. 3. At the time of the equinoxes. Equinox, n. Equinoctial point, inter section of the equator arid the ecliptic. Equip, v. a. 1. Furnish, provide, arm, fit out, supply with outfits or apparatus. 3. Dress, accoutre, array, dress out. Equipage, n. 1. Apparatus, equipment, furniture, baggage, effects, bag and bag gage. 3. Carriage, vehicle, turnout. 3. Train, retinue, attendance, pro cession, suite. Equipment, n. Accoutrement, furni ture, apparatus, rigging, gear, outfit. Equipoise, n. Equilibrium, even bal ance, equality of weight. Equipollent, a. [Rare.] Equivalent. Equitable, a. 1. Upright, just, honest, impartial, candid, unbiassed, unpreju diced, even-handed. 3. Reasonable, fair, justifiable, right, proper. Equity, n. 1. Justice, right. 3. CHANCERY. Equivalence, ) H Equivalency, } * Equivalent, a. 1. Equal, commensu rate, tantamount, EQUIPOLLENT. 3. Synonymous, interchangeable, of the same meaning or import* Equivocal, a. 1. Ambiguous, of doubt ful meaning, to be taken in a double sense. 3. Uncertain, doubtful, dubious, inde terminate. Equivocate,v. n. Quibble, shuffle, dodge, palter, PREVARICATE, evade the truth, use equivocal expressions (for the sake of deception). Equivocation, n. 1. Quibbling, pre varication, evasion, shuftiing, ambiguity of speech. 3. Quibble, equivoke, double mean ing. Equivoke, n. 1. Ambiguous expression, double meaning. 3. Quibble, equivocation, double meaning. Equivoque, n. [Fr.] EQUIVOKE. Era, n. 1. Series or succession of years (marked by any administration or dis pensation). 3. Epoch, period, date, age, point or period of time (from which dates are reckoned). Eradicate, v. a. 1. Extirpate, uproot, root out, pull up by the roots. 3. Destroy, exterminate, annihilate. Eradication, n. 1. Extirpation, rooting out. 3. Extermination, destruction, anni hilation, excision. Erase, v. a. Efface, obliterate, rase, ex punge, cancel, blot, scratch out, scrape out, rub out, blot out. Erasure, n. Obliteration, scratching out, rasure. Ere, ad. [Poetical.] Before, sooner than. Ere, prep. [Poetical.] Before, prior to. Erebus, n. (Myth.) [L.] Hell, Tartarus, Hades, Avernus, the lower world,^the infernal regions, shades below, region of darkness. Erect, v. a. 1. Set up, place upright, set upright. 3. Raise, build, construct. 3. Exalt, elevate, magnify. 4. Institute, found, form, plant, es tablish. 5. [Poetical.] Cheer, animate, inspirit, enliven, encourage. Erect, a. 1. Upright, not prone. 3. Elevated, turned upward. 3. Bold, undaunted, undismayed, un- terrified, firm, unshaken. Erection, n. 1. Erecting, setting up right. 3. Raising, building, constructing. 3. Building, structure, edifice. ERELONG- 142 ESSENCE Erelong, ad. Soon, before long. Eremite, n. [Poetical.] Hermit, an choret, anchorite, solitary, SOLITAIRE, recluse. Ergo, ad. [L.] Therefore, consequently. Ergot, n. Spurred rye. Erin, n. Ireland. Ermine, n. 1. Stoat (Mustela erminea). 2. Fur of the stoat. Erode, v. a. Consume, destroy, canker, corrode, eat away. Erosion, n. Corrosion, eating away. Erosive, a. Corrosive, corroding, caus tic, acrid, virulent, eating, catheretic. Erotic, f a. Amatory, amorous, Anac- Erotical, j reontic. Erotic, n. Amatory poem. Err, v. n. 1. Deviate (from the right way), wander, ramble, rove. 3. Mistake, blunder, misjudge, make a mistake, be at fault, labor under a mistake. 3. Sin, lapse, fall, trip, trespass, offend, go astray, do amiss, commit a fault. Errand, n. Message, mandate, mission, commission. Errant, a. "Wandering, roving, ram bling. Errata, n. pi. [L.] Errors (in printing), mistakes, misprints. Erratic, a. 1. Wandering, roving, no madic, not stationary. 2. Irregular, eccentric, abnormal. Errhine, n. Sternutatory. Erring, a. Sinful, fallible, peccable, liable to err. Erroneous, a. False, incorrect, inexact, inaccurate, wrong, untrue. Error, n. 1. Mistake, blunder, misap prehension, oversight, inaccuracy. 3. Sin, fault, offence, trespass, trans gression, delinquency, iniquity. Errors, n. pi. (In printing.) Errata, misprints. Erse, n. Gaelic language. Erubescent, a. Reddish, blushing, rubi cund. Eructate, v. n. [Rare.] Belch, eject wind from the stomach. Eructation, n. Belching. Erudite, a. Learned, lettered, well-read, deep-read. Erudition, n. Knowledge (gained by reading and study), learning, lore, scholarship, science, literature. Eruption, n. 1. Explosion, outburst, outbreak. 3. Sally, sudden excursion. 3. (Med.) Rash, exanthem. Erysipelas, n. Saint Anthony s fire. Escalade, v. a. Scale. Escapade, re. 1. Impropriety (committed by one ivho is unconscious of it). 2. Vagary, prank, frolic. Escape, v. a. 1. Avoid, shun, evade, elude, flee from, get outjrf the way of. 2. Pass unobserved. Escape, *. n. 1. Flee, fly, abscond, decamp, VAMOSE, ABSQUATULATE, SLOPE, make or effect one s escape, make off, steal away, hasten away, slink away, run away, break loose, break away, gain one s freedom, whip off, take one s self off, beat a retreat, take to one s heels, cut and run, take French leave, be among the missing. 2. Slip, pass, go by, slip through the fingers, be passed over, be omitted. Escape, n. 1. Flight. 3. Release (from threatened danger). Escarp, n. Scarp. Eschar, n. (Med.) Crust (made by caus tics), scab, slough. Escharotic, a. Caustic, searing, cauter izing, catheretic. Escharotic, n. (Med.) Caustic, caustic application. Escheat, v. n. Be forfeited. Eschew, v. a. Avoid, shun, flee from, keep away from, keep clear of, steer clear of, keep out of the way of, be shy of, have nothing to do with. Escort, n. 1. Convoy, guard, conduct. 3. Protection, safeguard, safe con duct. Escort, v. a. Attend, accompany, con voy, conduct, wait on, go along with. Escritoire, n. [Fr.] Writing-desk. Esculent, a. Eatable, edible. Esculent, n. Edible substance. Escutcheon, n. Shield, scutcheon, en sign armorial. Esophagus, n. [Written also and usu ally (Esophagus.] Gullet. Esoteric, a. Private, secret, acroamatic, acroatic, not public, not exoteric. Especial, a. Particular, principal, chief, special. Espial, n. Notice, observation, discov ery. Espousal, n. 1. Espousing, betrothing. 3. Adoption, defence, support, main tenance. Espousals, n. pi. Betrothment, promise of marriage. Espouse, v. a. 1. Betroth, promise mar riage with. 3. Marry, wed, join in wedlock. 3. Adopt, defend, embrace, maintain, support. Esprit de corps, [Fr.] Class feeling, mutual interest in one another (as be tween members of the same society or of the same prof ession). Espy, v. a. Discern, descry, perceive, spy, discover, catch a glimpse of, catch sight of. Espy, v. n. Watch, observe, spy, take notice. Esquire, n. Squire. Essay, v. a. Attempt, try, endeavor. Essay, n. 1. Attempt, trial, endeavor, effort, struggle, aim. 3. Tract, dissertation, treatise, dis quisition, brief discourse. Essayist, n. Essay-writer. Essay-writer, n. Essayist. Essence, n. 1. Nature, substance, quin tessence, essential part. 2. Extract, volatile part, rectified por tion. 3. Odor, perfume, scent. 4. Being, existence, entity. ESSENCE 143 EUCHARIST Essence, v. a. Perfume, scent, odor. Essential, a. 1. Vital, necessary, requi site, indispensable, highly important. 3. Volatile, pure, highly rectified. 3. (Med.) Idiopathic, not sympto matic. Essential, n. 1. Nature, first principle. 3. Chief point, most important part. Establish, v. a. 1. Fix, settle, plant, found, institute, constitute, organize, form. 2. Confirm, ratify, sanction, approve. 3. Prove, substantiate, verify, make good. Establishment, n. 1. Planting, found ing, institution, organization, settle ment. 3. Confirmation, ratification, sanc tion, approval. 3. Verification, substantiation, proof. 4. Residence (with all tliat pertains to it), place of residence. 5. Style of living, expenses of living. 6. Place of business. Estate, n. 1. State, condition, position, rank. 3. Property, effects, possessions, for tune. 3. Class (of tfiose who constitute the state or tlie government of a state), order, division. 4. (Law.) Interest (in any species of permanent property). Esteem, v. a. 1. Estimate, appreciate, value, rate, reckon, set a value on. 3. Admire, like, prize, honor, revere, respect, think well of, think highly of, set a high value on. 3. Regard, consider, deem, think, ac count, believe, suppose, imagine, hold, view, fancy, look upon. Esteem, n. 1. Estimation, estimate, appreciation, valuation, reckoning, ac count, opinion, judgment. 3. Respect, reverence, honor, credit, high regard, favorable opinion. Esthetics, n. [Written also and usually ^Esthetics.] Philosophy of the fine arts, theory or philosophy of taste, science of the beautiful. Estimable, a. Worthy, good, excellent, meritorious. Estimate, v. a. 1. Value, appraise, rate, prize, esteem, appreciate, set a value on, set a price on. 3. Compute, reckon, count, calculate. Estimate, n. 1. Valuation, estimation. 3. Calculation, computation. Estimation, n. 1. Valuation, appraise ment, appreciation, estimate, judgment, opinion, esteem. 3. Respect, honor, regard, reverence, favorable opinion. Estop, v. a. (Law.) Bar, stop, impede, preclude, stop the progress of. Estoppel, n. Bar, impediment. Estrange, v. a. 1. Withdraw, withhold, keep away. 3. Disaffect, alienate, make unfriend ly, make disaffected. Estrangement, n. 1. Withdrawal. 3. Disaffection, alienation. Estuary, n. Frith, inlet, arm of the , sea. Etat-major, [Fr.] Staff, commissioned officers, staff officers. Et csetera, [L~.] And others, and so forth, and so on. Etch, v. a. Engrave (by oorrosion of an acid). Eternal, a. 1. Endless, everlasting, interminable, ever-during, perpetual, ceaseless, unceasing, perennial. 3. Imperishable, undying, never-dy ing, immortal. 3. Immutable, unchangeable. Eternally, ad. Endlessly, interminably, perpetually, ceaselessly, continually, everlastingly, always, ever, AYE, ever more, for everlasting, for ever, for AYE, for ever and ever, world without end, time without end, to the end of time, till doomsday. Eternity, n. Perpetuity, endless dura tion. Eternize, v. a. 1. Perpetuate, make perpetual. 3. Immortalize, make immortal. Ethereal, a. 1. Airy, aerial, empyreal, light, volatile. 3. Celestial, heavenly. Etherealize, v. a. Subtilize, make ethereal. Etherealness, n. Airiness, rarity, sub- tilty, subtileness. Ethical, a. Moral. Ethics, n. Morality, morals, moral phi losophy, science of human duty. Ethiops-mineral, n. Black sulphuret of mercury. Ethnic, ) a. 1. Heathen (as distin- Ethnical, ) guished from Jewish and Christian), pagan, gentile. 3. Ethnological. l> Ethnic, ethnical. Ethnography, n. Description of races (especially as regard manners and cus toms or external peculiarities). Ethnology, n. Science of races (treating of the mental as well as of the physical differences of the races of mankind). Ethology, n. Treatise on ethics, system of etliics. Etiolate, v. a. Bleach, blanch, whiten, make or render white. Etiolate, v. n. Become white, be whi tened, be blanched, be bleached. Etiolated, a. Whitened (by exclusion from light), blanched, bleached. Etiqviette, n. Prescribed form (of be havior, as that set down on a card or ticket on the occasion of ceremonies at court), fashionable ceremony, ceremonial code, forms of good breeding, conven tional decorum. Etymology, n. 1. Science of etymons. 3. Derivation. 3. ( Gram.) Inflection (of the parts of speech). Etymon, n. Root, radical, raHix, prim itive word. Eucharist, n. Communion, sacrament, Lord s Supoer, Christian sacrament. EULOGIST 144 EVERYWHERE Eulogist, n. Encomiast, panegyrist, praiser, extoller. Eulogistic, )a. Encomiastic, pane- Eulogistical, j gyrical, commendatory, laudatory. Eulogium, 7i. Praise, EULOGY. Eulogy, n. Eulogistic speech or dis course, praise, eulogium, encomium, panegyric, commendation, good word, tribute of praise. Eupepsy, n. Good digestion. Euphemism, n. Softened expression (to avoid offending by harshness or by indelicacy). Euphonious, a. Euphonic, mellifluous, clear, silvery, musical, sweet-toned, not harsh, sweetly flowing. Euphony, n. Agreeable sound (in lan guage). Euphrasy, n. (Bot.) Eye-bright (Eu- asia officinalis). phr Eup uphuism, n. Purism, finical style, fastidious delicacy (in the use of lan guage), affected elegance. Euthanasia, n. Euthanasy, easy death. Euthanasy, n. EUTHANASIA. Eutrophy, n. Healthy nutrition. Euxine, n. Black sea. Evacuant, a. (Med.) Purgative, cathar tic, abstergent, cleansing. Evacuant, n. Cathartic, purgative, purgative medicine. Evacuate, v. a. 1. Empty, make empty. 2. Eject, expel, excrete, void, dis charge, throw out, clear out, clean out. 2. Quit (as a house or a country), leave, relinquish, forsake, desert, aban don, withdraw from. Evacuation, n. 1. Emptying. 3. Discharge, ejection, excretion. 3. Quitting, withdrawal. Evade, v. a. 1. Elude, escape, escape from, steal away from, get away from (by artifice). 2. Avoid, shun, decline. Evade, v. n. Equivocate, shuffle, quib ble, dodge, prevaricate, palter, cavil. Evanesce, v. n. Vanish, disappear, be seen no more. Evanescence, n. Transitoriness, tran- sientness, speedy passage, short contin uance. Evanescent, a. Vanishing, fleeting, transitory, transient, passing, flitting, fugitive, flying, ephemeral, short-lived. Evangelic, ) a. According to the Evangelical, ) gospel. Evangelist, n. 1. Writer of one of the Gospels. 5J. Missionary. Evangelize, v . a. Preach the gospel to, instruct in the gospel. Evaporate, v. n. 1. Fly off in vapor. 3. Disappear, be dissipated. Evaporate, v. a. 1. Vaporize, convert into vapor, disperse in vapor. 2. Exhale, emit in vapor. Evaporating dish, Capsule. Evaporation, n. 1. Vaporization. 2. Exhalation. Evasion, n. Shift, subterfuge, equivo cation, prevarication, quibble, tergiver sation, shuffling, sophistical excuse, disingenuous escape. Evasive, a. Equivocating, shuffling, sophistical, elusive, elusory. Eve, n. [Poetical.} EVENING. Even, n. Evening, eve. Even, a. 1. Smooth, level, plane, flat. 3. Uniform, equable, equal, calm, ruffled, unsteady. 3. On a level, on the same level. 4. Fair, just, equitable. 5. Divisible by two, not odd. Even, ad. 1. Exactly, verily, just. /}. At the very time. 3. Likewise, in like manner, not only so, but also. 4. Strange to say. 5. So much as. Even-handed, a. Just, equitable, im partial, fair, honest, upright. Evening, n. EVE, even, eventide, night fall, dusk, twilight, close of the day, fall of day, decline of day, going down of the sun. Evening star, n. Vesper, Hesper, Hes perus, Venus. Event, n. 1. Incident, accident, occur rence, adventure, affair. 3. Result, issue, consequence, end, conclusion, termination. Eventful, a. Full of incidents. Eventual, a. Final, ultimate. Eventuate, v. n. Issue, terminate, close, prove, turn out. Ever, ad. 1. At any time. J}. Always, evermore, perpetually, continually, eternally, AYE, for aye, for ever, at all times, to the end of time, through all ages, till doomsday. Ever and anon, Often, every now and then, at short intervals. Ever-during, a. Eternal, EVERLAST ING. Everlasting, a. 1. Eternal, endless, unending, ever-during, perpetual, in cessant, ceaseless, continual, uninter rupted, interminable, unceasing, never- ceasing, never-ending. 3. Imperishable, undying, never- dying,- ever- living, deathless, immor tal. Everlasting, n. 1. Eternity. 3. Cudweed, goldylocks, IMMOR TELLE. Ever-living, a. Eternal, immortal, un dying, deathless, never-dying, ever lasting. Evermore, ad. Always, eternally, for ever, ever, perpetually, continually, AYE, for aye, at all times, to the end of time, through all ages. Every, a. Each (of several). Every now and then, Often, at short intervals, ever and anon. Every-day, a. Common, customary, usual, wonted, accustomed, habitual. Everywhere, ad. In every place, in all places, right and left, far and near, far and wide, throughout the world, all the world over, in every quarter, in all EVICT 145 EXCEEDINGLY quarters, in all lands ; here, there, and everywhere; from pole to pole, from China to Peru, from Maine to Georgia. Evict, v. a, (Law.) Dispossess. Eviction, n. (Law.) Dispossession, de privation. Evidence, n. Testimony, proof, ground of belief. Evidence, v. a. Prove, elucidate, de monstrate, show, manifest, evince, make manifest, make clear. Evident, a. Plain, clear, manifest, apparent, obvious, palpable, patent, unmistakable. Evidential, a. Indicative, evidentiary, evincive, demonstrative. Evidentiary, a. EVIDENTIAL. Evil, a. 1. Bad, ill, not good. 3. Wicked, sinful, vicious, corrupt, perverse, wrong. 3. Mischievous, hurtful, harmful, noxious, deleterious. 4. Unhappy, unfortunate, calami tous, adverse, unpropitious. Evil, n. 1. Calamity, misfortune, dis aster, reverse. 3. Wickedness, sin, depravity, malig nity, wicked disposition. 3. Wrong; injury, mischief, harm. Evil-doer, n. Sinner, criminal, male factor, culprit, offender, delinquent, wrong-doer. Evil one, Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Belial, Apollyon, arch-fiend, the tempter, the man of sin, the wicked one, the old serpent, the prince of darkness, the foul fiend, the Enemy. Evince, v. a. Prove, demonstrate, show, evidence, manifest, elucidate, make evident, make clear. Evincive, a. Demonstrative, indicative, evidential, evidentiary. Eviscerate, v. a. Disembowel, embowel, gut, take out the bowels of. ^ Evoke, v. a. Summon, call forth, call up, summon forth. Evolution, n. Evolving, unfolding, ex pansion, evolvement. Evolve, v. a. Unroll, unfold, expand, open, develop. Evolvement, n. EVOLUTION. Exacerbate, v. a. 1. Irritate, ex&sper- ate, provoke, imbitter, inflame, excite, infuriate. 3. Aggravate, heighten, increase. Exacerbation, n. 1. Exasperation, provocation, irritation. 3. Aggravation, increase. Exact, a. 1. Strict, scrupulous, me thodical, punctual, nice, critical, up right, honest. 3. Accurate, precise, literal, correct, true. Exact, v. a. 1. Extort, require author itatively. 3. Claim, demand. Exaction, n. 1. Extortion. 3. Contribution (demanded), tribute. Exactitude, n. EXACTNESS. Exactness, n. 1. Accuracy, correct ness, faultlessness, precision, nicety, truth. 3. Strictness, regularity, scrupulous ness, carefulness. Exaggerate, v. a. Overstate, heighten, amplify, overcharge, strain, stretch, overstrain, caricature, overcolor, depict extravagantly, color too highly. Exaggeration, n. Hyperbole, rant, caricature, extravagant statement, high coloring. Exalt, v. a. 1. Raise, elevate, erect, lift up. 3. Ennoble, dignify, aggrandize. 3. Praise (highly), extol, magnify glorify, bless. Exaltation, n. Elevation, dignity. Examination, n. 1. Inspection, obser vation. 3. Inquiry, search, research, scrutiny, investigation, inquisition. 3. Trial by questions (in order to elicit truth or to test qualifications). Examine, v. a. 1. Inspect, observe. 3. Scrutinize, investigate, study, con sider, canvass, inquire into, search into, look into, inquire about. 3. Interrogate (in order to elicit truth or to test qualifications), catechise, put questions to. Examiner, n. I. Inspector. 3. Inquirer, investigator. Example, n. 1. Pattern, copy, model, archetype, prototype. 3. Precedent. 3. Instance, illustration, exemplifica tion, case in point. Exanimate, a. 1. Lifeless, dead, defunct. 3. Inanimate, torpid, inert, sluggish, spiritless. Exanthem, n. (Med.) Hash, eruption, breaking out. Exanthema, n. [Gr. pi. Exanthemata.] Exanthem. Exasperate, v. a. 1. Irritate, provoke, chafe, vex, nettle, incense, anger, af front, offend, enrage, make angry. 3. Exacerbate, inflame, render more violent. Exasperation, n. 1. Irritation, provo cation, exacerbation. 3. Wrath, rage, ire, fury, violent passion. Ex cathedra, [L.] 1. [Adjectively .] Authoritative, from the bench, from high authority. 3. [Adverbially.] Authoritatively, with authority, with the air of a magis trate. Excavate, v. a. Hollow, hollow out, scoop out, dig out, cut out. Excavation, n. 1. Excavating. 3. Cutting, cavity, hollow. Exceed, v. a. 1. Transcend, surpass, cap, go beyond. 3. Excel, outdo, outstrip, outvie, be superior to. Exceed, v. n. 1. Go too far, overstep the proper limit. 3. Be the greater, bear the greater proportion. Exceedingly, ad. Very, highly, greatly, extremely, vastly, beyond measure, to a great degree. 10 EXCEL 146 EXCULPATORY Excel, v. a. 1. Surpass, outdo, beat, be superior to, cast in the shade, throw into the shade. 2. Exceed, transcend, cap, go beyond. Excel, v. n. Be superior, be eminent, bear the palm, bear the bell, take pre cedence. Excellence, n. 1. Superiority, pre-emi nence, transcendence. 2. Good quality. 3. Worth, goodness, uprightness, pro bity, purity. Excellent, a. 1. Superior, eminent, first-rate, sterling, peerless, prime, ad mirable, matchless, choice, CRACK, ex quisite, transcendent, of the best, of the first water, superlatively good. 2. Virtuous, worthy, good, above or beyond all praise. Except, v. a. Exclude, reject, leave out. Except, v. TO. Object, make objection, take exception. Except, prep. Excepting, .excluding, save, leaving out, with the exception of. Exception, n. 1. Exclusion. 2. Objection. 3. Instance to be excepted. Exceptionable, a. Objectionable. Exceptional, a. Irregular, unusual, uncommon, unnatural, peculiar, anom alous, abnormal, aberrant, exceptive. Exceptive, a. EXCEPTIONAL. Excerpt, n. Extract, quotation, cita tion, selected passage. Excerpt, v. a. Extract, select, cite, quote, take. Excess, n. 1. Superfluity, redundance, redundancy, superabundance. 2. Surplus, overplus, remainder. 3. Intemperance, dissipation, de- bauchery. Excessive, a. 1. Superabundant, su perfluous, exuberant. 2. Extravagant, inordinate, enorm ous, outrageous, unreasonable, very great. 3. Immoderate, intemperate, ex treme. 4. Vehement, violent. Exchange, v. a, 1. Barter, commute, swap, truck, change. 2. Interchange, bandy, give and take reciprocally. Exchange, n. 1. Barter, traflic, trade, commutation. . 2. Interchange, reciprocity. 3. BOURSE. Excise, n. Inland duty, tax upon home products. Excision, n. Extirpation, eradication, destruction, extermination. Excitability, n. 1. Sensibility, sensi tiveness. 2. Irritability, irascibility, passion- ateness, hot temper. Excitable, a. 1. Sensitive, suscept ible, impressible, excited. 2. Irascible, irritable, passionate, choleric, hasty, hot-tempered, quick tempered. Excite, v. a. 1. Arouse, rouse, awaken, stimulate, incite, animate, kindle, in flame, brew, stir up. 2. Eaise, create, give rise to, put in motion. 3. Disturb, agitate, discompose, irri tate, provoke. Excitement, . 1. Incitement, motive, stimulus. 2. Agitation, perturbation, commo tion, sensation. 3. Irritation, warmth, passion. Exclaim, v. n. Vociferate, shout, call, cry out, call aloud. Exclamation, n. 1. Vociferation, out cry, ejaculation, clamor. 2. (liliet.) ECPHONESIS, interjection. Exclude, v. a. 1. Bar, debar, preclude, reject, shut out. 2. Prohibit, restrain, hinder, with hold. 3. Expel, eject, thrust out. Exclusion, n. 1. Preclusion, rejection. 2. Prohibition. 3. Expulsion, ejection. Exclusive, a. 1. Excluding, debarring. 2. Excepting, to the exclusion, not including. 3. Illiberal, selfish, narrow, unchari table, narrow-minded. 4. Sole, only, special. Excommunicate, v. a. Dismiss or ex pel (from the church), denounce, pro scribe, anathematize, expel from fellow ship. Excommunication, n. Dismission, or expulsion (from the church), denunci ation, proscription, anathema, ban. Excoriate, v. a. Flay, skin, gall, strip the skin from. Excoriation, n. Flaying, skinning. Excrement, n. 1. Excretion, excreted matter. 3. Dung, fseces, ordure, alvine dis charges. Excremental, a. Excrementitious, ex- crementitial. Excrementitial, a. EXCREMENTAL. Excrementitious, a. EXCREMENTAL. Excrescence, n. "Wart, tumor, morbid protuberance. Excrescent, a. Fungous. Excrete, v. a. Separate, discharge, eject, throw off. Excretion, n. 1. Separation, discharge. 2* Excrement, excreted matter. Excretive, a. Excretory. Excretory, a. Excretive. Excruciate, v. a. Torture, torment, rack, agonize. Excruciating, a. Torturing, torment ing, very painful. Excruciation, n. Torture, torment, agony, anguish. Exculpate, v, a. Absolve, exonerate, acquit, clear, excuse, pardon, justify, vindicate, set right, apologize for, make allowance for, put in a good word for. Exculpation, n. Excuse, exoneration. Exculpatory, a. Excusatory, apolo- getical. EXCURSION 147 EXHIBITION Excursion, n. 1. Journey, tour, trip, expedition, ramble, jaunt. 3. Digression, episode. Excursive, a. Rambling, wandering, roving, roaming, devious, erratic, no madic. Excursus, n. [L.] Dissertation, dis quisition, discussion. Excusable, a. Pardonable, venial. Excusatory, a. Apologetical. Excuse, v. a. 1. Pardon, forgive, ac quit, absolve, exculpate, exonerate, clear, make apology for, set right. 2. Extenuate, justify, vindicate. 3. Exempt, release, free, let off. 4. Overlook, regard indulgently. Excuse, n. 1. Apology, plea, justifica tion, absolution. 3. Pretext, pretence, color, guise, disguise, semblance, make shift, false show. Execrable, a. 1. Detestable, hateful, odious, damnable, cursed, accursed, abominable, villanous. 3. Offensive, disgusting, obnoxious, nauseous, nauseating, sickening, repul sive, revolting, vile. Execrate, v. a. 1. Curse, imprecate ill upon. 3. Abominate, detest, hate, abhor. Execration, n. 1. Curse, malediction, ban, anathema, imprecation of evil. 3. Detestation, abhorrence, abomi nation, horror, hateful thing. Execute, v. a. 1. Accomplish, effect, effectuate, perform, do, consummate, finish, complete, achieve, carry out, carry through, carry into effect, work out. 3. Put to death (in pursuance of a judicial sentence). 3. Sign, seal, and deliver (as a Execution, n. 1. Performance, opera tion, accomplishment, achievement, completion, consummation. 2. Effect, something done. 3. Mode of performance. 4. Writ or warrant (for carrying out a judgment or sentence). 5. Capital punishment, punishment of death. Executive, a. Executory, not legisla tive. Executive, n. Governor, chief magis trate. Executory, a. 1. Executive. 3. (Law.) To be executed. Exegesis, n. 1. Exegetics, science of interpretation. 3. Interpretation, exposition, expla nation. Exegetic, ) a. Explanatory, exposi- Exegetical, j tory. Exegetics, n. Exegesis, science of inter pretation. Exemplar, n. Pattern, model, copy, example, prototype, archetype. Exemplary, a. 1. Meritorious, good, worthy, worthy of imitation, fit for a pattern. 2. Monitory, warning. Exemplification, n. 1. Illustration. 3. (Law.) Certified copy or transcript. Exemplify, v. a. 1. Illustrate, show by example. 3. (Law.) Make a certified copy of. Exempt, v. a. Excuse, exonerate, re lieve, release, free, let off, grant im munity to. Exempt, a. Exempted, free, liberated, released. Exemption, n. Inmunity, privilege. Exequies, n. pi. Obsequies, funeral rites, funeral procession, ceremonies of burial. Exercise, n. 1. Practice, use, appli ance, application, performance, opera tion, employment. 3. Exertion, labor, work, toil, effort. 3. Training, schooling, discipline, drill, drilling. 4. Lesson, task. Exercise, v. a. 1. Exert (constantly), employ, busy, apply, use, put in action, set to work. 3. Discipline, train, drill, break in, habituate to practice. 3. Practise, pursue, carry on. 4. Task, try, afflict, pain, make un easy. Exercise, v. n. Labor, work, make ex ertion, take exercise. Exert, v. a. EXERCISE, use, put forth, put in action, bring into operation, set to work. Exert one s self, Labor, toil, strive, endeavor, work, take pains, bestir one s self, fall to work, work with a will, leave no stone unturned, do one s best. Exertion, n. Effort, endeavor, struggle, attempt, trial, strain, stretch. Exfoliate, v. n. Scale off, shell off, peel off, fall off in scales. Exfoliation, n. 1. (Min.) Separation in scales or laminae. 3. (Med.) Desquamation. Exhalation, n. 1. Evaporation, emis sion of vapor. 3. Vapor, fume, effluvium, steam, reek, smoke, fog. Exhale, v. a. Emit, evaporate, breathe, emit in vapor, throw oft in effluvia. Exhale, v. n. Fly off, pass oft , be evap orated, be exhaled. Exhaust, v. a. 1. Drain, empty. 3. Expend, spend, waste, squander, consume, destroy, lavish, dissipate, frit ter away, run out. 3. Prostrate, cripple, weaken, ener vate, debilitate, disable, deprive of strength, wear out. Exhaustless, a. Inexhaustible. Exhibit, v. a. 1. Show, display, present to view, offer for inspection. 3. Manifest, express, indicate, dis close, make known, bring to notice, bring into view, point out, set forth. 3. (Law.) Otter, present, propose. 4. (Med.) Administer (medic me). Exhibition, n. 1. Display, show, mani festation. 3. Exposition, laying open to public view. EXHILARATE 148 EXPEDITION 3. (Eng. Universities). Allowance, pension, benefaction. 4. (Med.) Administration (of medi cine). Exhilarate, v. a. Cheer, enliven, in spirit, inspire, animate, elate, gladden, make merry, make glad or joyous. Exhilarating gas, Nitrous oxide, pro toxide of nitrogen, laughing gas. Exhilaration, n. 1. Cheering, enliven ing, animating. 3. Animation, gayety, hilarity, glee, cheer, gladness, joyousness, cheerful ness, good humor, good spirits, high spirits. Exhort, v. a. Urge, incite, stimulate, persuade, encourage to do well. Exhort, v. n. Give exhortation, offer advice. Exhortation, n. 1. Advice, counsel. 3. Persuasive discourse. Exhortative, a. Exhortatory, horta tory. Exhortatory, a. Exhortative, horta tory. Exhumation, n. Disinterment. Exhume, v. a. Disinter, unbury. Exigence, ) n. 1. Demand, urgency, Exigency, J necessity, need, want, re quirement. 3. Emergency, crisis, strait, conjunc ture, quandary, pass, pinch, nonplus, critical situation, pressing necessity. Exigent, a. Urgent, pressing. Exiguity, n. Smallness, slenderness, fineness, exility. Exile, n. 1. Banishment, expatriation, ostracism, proscription, expulsion (from one s country). 3. Banished person. Exile, v. a. Banish, expatriate, ostra cize, proscribe, expel (from one s coun try). Exility, n. Slenderness, fineness, small- ness, exiguity. Exist, v. n. 1. Be, subsist, have being. 9. Live, breathe, have life, be alive. 3. Continue, remain, endure. Existence, n. 1. Being, entity. 3. Life, animation. 3. Continuance, duration. Exit, n. 1. Departure, withdrawal. 3. Egress, passage out. Exodus, n. Departure (from a coun try). Exonerate, v. a. Exculpate, absolve, acquit, clear, release, discharge, justify, vindicate, let off. Exoneration, n. Discharge, exculpa tion, acquittal, release, clearance, justi fication, vindication. Exorbitance, ) n. Extravagance, enor- Exorbitancy, ) mity, excess. Exorbitant, a. Extravagant, inordi nate, excessive, enormous, unreason able. Exorcise, v. a. 1. Drive away (by con- jurations), cast out. 3. Deliver from malignant spirits, purify from evil influence. Exorcism, n. Spell, charm, incanta tion. Exordium, n. [L. pi. Exordia; Eng. pi. Exordiums.] Introduction, opening, preamble, preface, proem, prelude, pro logue. Traction. Exoteric, j a. Public, open, not pri- Exoterical, j vate, not esoteric. Exotic, \ a. Foreign, extraneous, not Exotical, J indigenous, not native. Expand, v. a. 1. Spread, open, unfold, evolve, lay open, spread out. 3. Dilate, distend, swell, fill out, blow up. 3. Extend, enlarge, increase, diffuse. Expand, v. n. 1. Open, be unfolded, be spread out. 3. Dilate, be distended, increase in bulk. Expanse, n. 1. Extent, expansion, ex panded surface. 3. Firmament, arch of the sky. Expansion, n. 1. Expanding, spread ing, opening. 3. Dilatation, distension, swelling. 3. Enlargement, increase, diffusion. 4. Extent, expanse. Expansive, a. Diffusive. Expatiate, v. n. 1. Rove at large, range at will, take a wide survey. 3. Dilate, enlarge, descant, launch out. Expatriate, v. a. Banish, exile, ostra cize, proscribe, expel (from one s coun try). Expatriation, n. Exile, banishment, proscription, expulsion (from one s country ). Expect, v. a. 1. Await, wait for. 3. Anticipate, look for, look forward to, count upon, reckon upon, calculate upon, rely upon. 3. HOPE, hope for. Expectance, n. Expectation, hope, ex pectancy. Expectancy, n. 1. Expectation, hope, expectance. 3. (Law.) Abeyance, prospect. Expectant, . Waiting. Expectation, n. 1. Anticipation, pros pect, expectance, expectancy. 3. Hope, trust, reliance, confidence, assurance, presumption. Expectorate, v. a. Hawk up, cough up. Expedience, ) n. 1. Fitness, propriety, Expediency, j suitableness, advisabil ity, desirableness. 3. Advantage, profit, utility. Expedient, a. 1. Fit, proper, suitable, advisable, desirable. 3. Advantageous, profitable, useful, for one s advantage, for one s interest. Expedient, n. Shift, resource, resort, contrivance, means. Expedite, v. a. Hasten, accelerate, des patch, speed, hurry, quicken, precipi tate, forward, advance, press forward, urge forward, press on, urge on. Expedition, n. 1. Haste, speed, des patch, celerity, quickness, promptness, alacrity, alertness. 3. Enterprise, undertaking. EXPEDITIOUS 149 EXPRESS Expeditious, a. 1. Speedy, quick, hasty. 2. Prompt, swift, punctual, diligent, nimble, alert. Expel, v. a. 1. Eject, dislodge, drive out, force away. 2. Banish, exile, expatriate, ostra cize, proscribe. Expend, v. a. 1. Disburse, spend, lay out. 2. Use, employ. 3. Exhaust, consume, waste, dissi pate. Expenditure, n. 1. Disbursement. 2. Expense, cost, charge, outlay. .Expense, n. Cost, charge, expenditure, outlay. Expensive, a. 1. Lavish, extravagant, wasteful. 2. Dear, costly, high-priced, of great price. Experience, n. 1. Trial, proof, test, practice. 2. Knowledge (gained from trial or practice), experimental knowledge, practical wisdom. Experience, v. a. Try, feel, undergo, endure, put to the proof (of one s own sensations), prove by trial, have prac tical acquaintance with. Experienced, a. Practised, instructed, accomplished, thoroughbred, versed, qualified, able. Experiment, n. Trial, test, examina tion, assay, proof, touchstone, ordeal. Experiment, v. n. Make experiment, make trial. Experimental, a. 1. Empiric, empiri cal, experiential, from experience. 2. Tentative, in the way of experi ment. Expert, a. Adroit, dexterous, ready, prompt, quick, apt, clever, able, skilful. Expert, n. Experienced person, person specially versed (in a given subject). Expiate, v. a. Atone for, do penance for, make satisfaction or reparation for. Expiation, n. Atonement, satisfaction, reparation. Expiration, n. 1. Emission of breath. 2. Death, decease, demise. 3. Termination, cessation, close, end, conclusion. Expire, v. a. Breathe out, emit from the lungs. Expire, v. n. 1. DIB, decease, draw the last breath. 2. End, terminate, cease, conclude, come to an end. Explain, v. a. Interpret, elucidate, ex pound, illustrate, unfold, solve, ECLAIR- CIZE, clear up, make plain, throw light upon. Explain, v. n. Account, give a reason, give an explanation. Explainable, a. Explicable, that may be explained. Explanation, n. 1. Interpretation, elucidation, illustration, exposition, de scription, explication, CLAVIS, key. 2. Sense, meaning, acceptation. 3. Mutual understanding. Explanatory, a. Illustrative, elucida tive, expository, serving to explain. Expletive, a. Superfluous, redundant. Expletive, n. Expletive word or syl lable. Explicable, a. Explainable. Explication, n. Interpretation, explan ation, exposition, illustration. Explicit, a. Express, clear, plain, posi tive, definite, determinate, categorical, unambiguous, unreserved. Explode, v. a. 1. Discharge, burst, dis- pfode, detonate. 2. Discard, repudiate, scout, scorn, contemn, cry down, treat with con tempt, bring into disrepute. Explode, v. n. Burst, displode, deto nate, be discharged. Exploit, n. Act (especially an heroic act), deed, feat, achievement. Exploration, n. Examination, scru tiny, inquiry, research, inquisition. Explore, v. a. Examine, scrutinize, in vestigate, search into, inquire into, pry into. Explosion, n. Burst, bursting, detona tion, blast, clap, pop, crack, sudden discharge. Exponent, n. Index, representative. Export, v. a. Send out (merchandise from one country to another), carry out, send abroad. Export, n. Commodity exported. Expose, v. a. 1. Disclose, uncover, de tect, descry, lay open, make bare, show up, bring to light. 2. Exhibit, hold up to view. 3. Subject, make liable. 4. Endanger, jeopardize, put in dan ger, put in peril. Expose, n. [Fr.] Exposition, formal statement. Exposition, n. 1. Exposure, disclosing, laying open. 2. Explanation, interpretation, elu cidation, explication, EXPOSE. 3. Exhibition, show, display. Expositor, n. Expounder, explainer, interpreter. Expository, a. Explanatory, illustra tive, exegetical, elucidative. Expostulate, v. n. Remonstrate, rea son earnestly (for dissuasion), urge reasons (against any course). Expostulation, n. Remonstrance. Exposure, n. 1. Exposition, disclosing, laying open. 2. Position (with reference to the points of the compass). Expound, v. a. Explain, unfold, inter pret, elucidate, clear up, lay open, make plain. Expounder, n. Interpreter. Express, v. a. 1. Squeeze out, press out. 2. Utter, speak, declare, assert, set forth, give vent to, give utterance to. 3. Represent, indicate, show, signify, exhibit, denote. 4. Send by express. Express, a. Explicit, clear, plain, defi nite, positive, determinate, categorical, not ambiguous, clearly stated. EXPRESS 150 EXTRA Express, n. 1. Messenger (for a special purpose), courier. 3. Message, despatch. 3. Speedy conveyance. Expressage, n. Charge for any thing sent by express. Expression, n. 1. Squeezing out, press ing out. 3. Utterance, declaration, assertion. 3. Phrase, terms, form of words, mode of speech. 4. Aspect, look, appearance of the face. 5. Lively representation, effective exhibition. Expressive, a. 1. Significant, indica tive. 3. Emphatic, strong, forcible, ener getic, lively, vivid. Express one s self, 1. Speak or write, utter one s self, make known one s opinions, sentiments, or feelings. 3. Speak one s mind, say one s say. Expulsion, n. 1. Expelling, driving out. 3. Ejection, extrusion, banishment. Expunge, v. a. Erase, efface, obliterate, cancel, blot out, strike out, rub out, wipe out. Expurgate, v. a. Purify, purge, cleanse. Expurgation, n. Purification, cleans ing. Exquisite, a. 1. Nice, exact, accurate, discriminating, delicate, refined. 3. Select, choice, excellent, rare, val uable, precious. 3. Consummate, complete, perfect, matchless. 4. Acute, intense, poignant, keen. Exquisite, n. Dandy, fop, beau, popin jay, jackanapes, SWELL, man-milliner, man of dress, vain fellow. Exsiccate, v. a. Dry, desiccate, make dry, dry up. Extant, a. Existing, undestroyed, in being, in existence, not lost. Extemporaneous, a. Unpremeditated, off-hand, extemporary, extempore. Extemporary, a. Unpremeditated, off hand, extemporaneous, extempore. Extempore, arf. [L.J Suddenly, without premeditation, without preparation, in an off-hand manner, on the spur of the moment. Extempore, a. [L.] Extemporary, ex temporaneous. Extemporize, v. n. Speak extempore, speak without notes, speak without premeditation, make an off-hand speech or address. Extend, v. a. 1. Stretch out, reach out, reach forth. 3. Prolong, continue, lengthen out, protract. 3. Expand, dilate, enlarge, widen, augment, increase, fill out. 4. Diffuse, spread abroad. 5. Offer, yield, give, impart Extend, v. n. Stretch, reach, spread. Extendible, a. Extensible, extensile. Extensible, a. Extendible, extensile. Extensile, a. Extensible, extendible. Extension, n. Expansion, dilatation, enlargement, increase, augmentation. Extensive, a. Wide, large, broad, com prehensive, capacious, extended, ex panded. Extent, n. 1. Expansion, expanse, am plitude. 3. Bulk, size, magnitude, volume. 3. Length, reach, stretch, compass. Extenuate, v . a. 1. Lessen, diminish, reduce in size or bulk. 3. Palliate, mitigate, qualify, excuse, apologize for. Extenuation, n. 1. Diminution, abate ment, mitigation. 3. Palliation, excuse, apology. Exterior, a. 1. Outward, external, outer, outside, superficial. 3. Extrinsic, foreign, from without. Exterior, . 1. Outside, outer part, outer surface. 3. Outward appearance. Exterminate, v. a. 1. Extirpate, erad icate, uproot, annihilate, destroy, abol ish, root out, put an end to. 3. (Math.) Eliminate. Extermination, n. 1. Extirpation, eradication, annihilation, destruction, extinction, abolition, excision. 3. (Math.) Elimination. Extern, n. 1. Day-scholar. 3. [Rare.} Exterior ; outward part. External, a. 1. Outward, outer, ex terior, outside, superficial. 3. Extrinsic, foreign, from without. 3. Visible, apparent. Externals, n. pi. Outside, outward parts, things as seen, visible forms. Extinct, a. 1. Extinguished, quenched, put out. 3. Ended, terminated, closed, brought to an end, no longer existing. Extinction, n. 1. Extinguishment. 3. Destruction, annihilation, extir pation, extermination, excision, aboli tion, abolishment. Extinguish, v. a. 1. Quench, put out. 3. Destroy, suppress. Extinguishment, n. 1. Quenching. 3. Destruction, suppression, extinc tion, abolition, abolishment. Extirpate, v. a. Eradicate, uproot, ex terminate, annihilate, destroy, abolish, root out. Extirpation, n. Eradication, extermi nation, annihilation, destruction, ex tinction, excision, abolition. Extol, v. a. Praise, laud, applaud, mag nify, exalt, celebrate, glorify, commend highly. Extoller, n. Praiser, panegyrist, en comiast, eulogist. Extort, v, a. Exact, wrest, wring, , , . wrench, force, get by force. Extortion, n. Exac pulsion. tion, illegal com Extortionate, a. Oppressive, exacting, severe, hard, rigorous. Extra, a. 1. Additional. 3. Unusual, extraordinary. EXTRACT 151 FABLER Extract, v. a. 1. Draw out, pull out, take out. 3. Derive (by chemical process). 3. Select (from a literary loork), cite, quote. 4. (Math.) Determine or find (a root). Extract, n. 1. Quotation, citation, ex cerpt, passage quoted. 3. (Med.) Inspissated infusion or decoction. Extraction, n. 1. Drawing out. 3. Lineage, descent, birth, origin, genealogy, parentage. 3. (Mam.) Determination (of a root). Extradition, n. Delivery or surrender (of fugitives from justice by one na tion to another). Extraneous, a. Foreign, extrinsic. Extraordinary, a. Remarkable, un usual, signal, uncommon, singular, egregious, rare, extra, out of the way, unheard of, more than common. Extravagance, n. 1. Excess, exorbi tance, enormity, unreasonableness, pre- posterousness. 2. Irregularity, wildness, folly, ab surdity. 3. Prodigality, profusion, waste. Extravagant, a. 1. Excessive, inor dinate, exorbitant, unreasonable, pre posterous. 3. Irregular, wild, foolish, absurd. 3. Wasteful, lavish, profuse, prodigal, too liberal, too bountiful. Extravasated, a. Effused, forced out (of ducts or vessels). Extravasation, n. Effusion (from ducts Extreme, a. 1. Outermost, utmost, farthest, uttermost, most distant, most remote. 3. Greatest, highest, of the highest degree, of the rarest kind. 3. Last, final, ultimate. Extreme, n. End, extremity. Extremes, n. pi. 1. Extremities, ter minal points. 3. (Logic.) Subject and predicate. 3. (Math.) First and last terms (of a proportion). Extremity, n. 1. End, termination, verge, border, extreme. 3. Utmost point, highest degree. 3. Utmost distress, greatest diffi.- culty. Extricate, v. a. Disengage, disentangle, clear, disembarrass, relieve, liberate, deliver, free, set free. Extrication, n. Disentanglement, lib eration, release! relief, deliverance. Extrinsic, ) a. External, outward, Extrinsical, j extraneous, foreign, not intrinsic. ^ Extrude, v. a. Expel, eject, oust, dis lodge, force out, thrust out. Extrusion, n. Expulsion, ejection. Exuberance, n. Overgrowth, luxuri ance, superabundance, superfluity, pro fusion, copiousness, excess, rankness, overgrowth. Exuberant, a. Over-abundant, rank, copious, plenteous, full, plentiful, am ple, replete, liberal, lavish. Exudation, n. Excretion, secretion, sweating, perspiration, transudatiou, oozing. Exude, v. a. Excrete, secrete, discharge (by pores), throw out. Exude, v. n. Transude, ooze, be ex creted, be secreted, pass by pores. Exult, v. n. Triumph, chuckle, crow, rejoice (for success or victory), leap for joy, be in transport. Exultant, a. Exulting, triumphing, joy- ous, jubilant, transported, elated. Exultation, n. Joy (for success or vie tori/), transport, elation, delight, tri umph. Exuviae, n. pi. Remains (of animals, as skins, shells, &c.). Eye, n. 1. Organ of sight, organ of vision. 3. Sight, view, estimate, judgment. 3. Watch, notice, vigilance, observa tion, inspection. 4. Perforation, aperture, eyelet. 5. Bud, shoot. Eye, v. a. Watch, observe, view, look on, fix the eye on, keep in view, have an eye on. Eyebright, n. Euphrasy (Euvhrasia officinalis). Eyelet, n. Perforation, aperture, eye, eyelet-hole. Eyelet-hole, n. Eyelet. Eyesight, n. 1. Vision, sense of seeing. 3. view, observation, inspection. Eye-tooth, n. Canine tooth, cuspidate tooth. Eye-water, n. COLLYBIUM, wash or lotion for the eyes. Eyry, n. ~Nest(ofabirdofprey) Fabian, a. Dilatory, inactive, procras tinating, delaying. Fable, n. 1. Story (fictitious), tale, para ble, APOLOGUE, ALLEGORY, myth, le gend. 3. Plot, action, series of events. 3. Fiction, falsehood, lie, untruth, forgery, invention, fabrication, figment, coinage of the brain. Fable, v. n. Feign, write fiction. Fable, v. a. Feigji, invent. Fabler, n. Fabulist, writer of fables. FABRIC 152 FAIL Fabric, n. 1. Building, structure, edi fice, pile. 2. Texture, conformation, make, workmanship. 3. Manufactured clotli. Fabricate, v. a. 1. Frame, construct, build. 2. Manufacture, make. 3. Invent, feign, forge, coin. Fabrication,.?*. 1. Construction. 2. Manufacture. 3. Invention, fiction, forgery, false hood, figment, coinage of the brain. Fabulist, n. Fabler, writer of fables. Fabulous, a. Invented, feigned, fic titious, not real. Facade, n. [Fr.] Front (of a building), face, elevation, front view. Face, n. 1. Surface, external part. 2. Visage, countenance. 3. Front, front part. 4. Look, appearance, semblance, ex ternal aspect. 5. Confidence, assurance, boldness, impudence, audacity, effrontery, brass, CHEEK. Face, v. a. 1. Confront, meet in front, meet face to face. 2. Front, stand opposite to, stand over against. 3. Put a face or surface on. Face, v. n. Front, turn the face. Face-guard, n. BEAVER. Face to face, 1. Confronting one another. 2. Close, side by side, cheek ^by jowl, in close proximity, TETE-X-TETE. 3. Immediately, without any thing interposing. Facet, n. Small face or surface. Facetiae, n. pi. [L.] Witticisms, jokes, pleasantry, witty sayings, sallies of wit. Facetious, a. Witty, jocular, jocose, humorous, waggish, funny, comical, pleasant, merry, sportive, droll. Facile, a. 1. Easy, not difficult, not hard. 2. Mild, courteous, affable, not haugh ty, not austere. 3. Pliant, pliable, flexible, ductile, yielding, tractable, manageable, easily persuaded. Facilitate, v. a. Make easy, render less difficult. Facility, n. 1. Easiness (in doing any thing), ease. 2. Readiness, dexterity, expertness, quickness, knack, ability. 3. Affability, condescension, com plaisance, urbanity, civility, politeness. 4. Pliancy, ductility, flexibility. 5. Means, resource, appliance, con venience, advantage. Fac-simile, n. Exact copy. Fact, n. 1. Incident, event, occurrence, circumstance, act, deed, performance, thing done. 2. Reality, act, actuality, certainty, real existence. Faction, n. 1. Combination (against a government), cabal, junto, clique, party. 2. Tumult, discord, dissension, dis agreement. Factious, a. Turbulent, seditious, re fractory, given to faction. Factitious, a. Artificial, made by art, not natural. Factor, n. 1. Agent, broker, substitute, consignee, middleman, go-between, commission merchant. 2. (Math.) Multiplier, element of a product. Factory, n. 1. Residence of factors. 2. Body of factors. 3. Manufactory, mill, manufacturing establishment. Factotum, n. Doer of all work, jack- at-all-trades. Faculty, n. 1. Power, capability, ca pacity, ingenuity, competency, endow ment, gift, virtue, property, quality, talent, forte. 2. Skill, skilfulness, ability, ableness, dexterity, adroitness, expertness, ad dress, cleverness, aptitude, aptness, knack, turn, quickness, readiness, fa cility. 3. Department, profession, craft. 4. (Law.) Privilege, license, right. Fade, a. [Fr.] Weak, flat, insipid. Fade, v. n. 1. Vanish, disappear, evan esce, pass away, be seen no more. 2. Decline, droop, languish, decay, wither. 3. Lose color, lose lustre, grow dim. Fadeless, a. Unfading. Fadge, v. n. [Low.] Suit, fit, be suit able. Faeces, n. 1. Sediment, dregs, lees, set tlings. 2. Excrement, dung, ordure, alvine discharges. Fag, v. n. 1. Droop, sink, flag, grow weary, become fatigued, be tired. 2. Drudge, toil (in menial service). Fag, v. a. 1. Beat, thump. 2. Compel to drudge. Fag, n. [Especially applied in England to a school-boy who does menial service for another.] Drudge, menial, slave. Fagged, a. Wearied, tired, fatigued, exhausted, jaded, used up, knocked up, beat out. Fagot, n. Bundle of sticks. Fail, v. n. 1. Fall short, come short, be insufficient, be deficient, be wanting. 3. Decline, sink, decay, wane, fade, give out. 3. Cease, disappear, become extinct, be wanting. 4. Miss, miscarry, be unsuccessful, be frustrated, end in smoke, come to noth ing, fall still-born, flash in the pan, miss fire, miss stays, fall to the ground. 5. Omit, neglect. 6. Break, become insolvent, become bankrupt, suspend payment. Fail, v. a. Disappoint, be wanting to, not be sufficient for, not answer the expectation of. Fail, n. [Used only in the expression without fail.] Omission, neglect, fail ure, delinquency. FAILING 153 FALL IN Failing, n. 1. Decline, decay. 3. Miscarriage, failure. 3. Fault, foible, frailty, lapse, error, slip, shortcoming, imperfection, de ficiency, defect, weakness, infirmity, weak side, blind side. Failure, n. 1. Deficiency, defective- ness, shortcoming. 3. Omission, neglect, FAIL, non-per formance, non-observance. 3. Miscarriage, botch, ill success, flash in the pan, labor for one s pains, losing game, wild-goose chase, sleeve less errand. 4. Insolvency, bankruptcy, suspen sion of payment. 5. Decay, decline, declension, loss. Fain, a. Glad, pleased, rejoiced, well- pleased. Fain, ad. Gladly, joyful, with pleasure, with joy. Faint, v. n. 1. Swoon, faint away. 3. Languish, grow weak, fail in vigor, lose strength. 3. Be disheartened, be discouraged, be dejected, be depressed, lose courage, be dispirited, be down-hearted, sink into dejection. Faint, a. 1. Swooning, fainting away. 3. Weak, feeble, drooping, exhausted, languid. 3. Small, little, slight, inconsiderable. 4. Dim, dull, not bright, not vivid. 5. Fearful, timid, timorous, cowardly, dastardly, faint-hearted. 6. Dejected, depressed, dispirited, disheartened, discouraged. Faint away, Swoon, faint. Faint-hearted, a. Timid, timorous, fearful, cowardly, dastardly, faint. Fair, a. 1. Spotless, unspotted, untar nished, unblemished, unstained. 3. White, light, blonde. 3. Handsome, comely, beautiful. 4. Pleasant, clear, cloudless, not cloudy, not overcast. 5. Favorable, prosperous. 6. Promising, hopeful. 7. Open, distinct, plain, unobstructed, unincumbered. ( 8. Frank, honest, candid, ingenuous, equitable, just, honorable, upright, im partial, unbiassed. 9. Reasonable, proper. 10. Pretty good, more than middling, above mediocrity. Fair play, Justice, equity, fairness, equitable treatment. Fair-spoken, a. Civil, courteous, oily, bland, smooth, plausible. Fairy, n. Fay, elf, pigwidgeon. Faith, n. 1. Belief (that prompts to ac tion), credence, credit, trust, assurance, confidence, dependence, reliance. 3. Creed, persuasion, tenets, dogmas, doctrines, religion, system of religion. 3. Fidelity, faithfulness, truthful ness, truth, constancy, loyalty. 4. Engagement, promise, word of honor. Faith, interj. [Colloquial. ] Verily, in truth, by my faith, upon my word. Faithful, a. 1. Trustworthy, trusty, true, constant, loyal. 2. Truthful, RELIABLE, worthy of credit, worthy of belief, to be relied on, to be depended upon. 3. Exact, strict, conscientious, accu rate, close, nice. Faithless, a. 1. Unbelieving. 3. Perfidious, treacherous, false, un truthful, truthless. Faithlessness, n. 1. Unbelief. 3. Perfidy, treachery. Falcate, } a. (Bot.) Hooked, sickle- Falcated, j shaped. Falchion, n. Cimeter. Falcon, n. Hawk. Fall, v. n. 1. Drop, descend, sink, drop down. 3. Be prostrated, fall down. 3. Sink, be lowered, be depressed. 4. Decrease, decline, be diminished, become less, die away. 5. Sin, err, transgress, lapse, trip, trespass, commit a fault, do amiss, go astray. 6. Die, perish, come to destruction. 7. Empty, disembogue, flow, be dis charged. 8. Happen, befall, come. 9. Become (sick, asleep, in love, &c.). 10. Pass, be transferred. 11. Be dropped, be uttered carelessly. Fall, n. 1. Descent, dropping. 3. Tumble, falling. 3. Cataract, cascade, waterfall. 4. Extent of descent. 5. Destruction, death, ruin, over throw, downfall. 6. Degradation, loss of eminence. 7. Apostasy, loss of innocence. 8. Diminution, decrease, decline. 9. Sinking (of the voice), cadence, close. 10. Discharge (of a river), disem- boguement. 11. Autumn, fall of the leaf. 13. Declivity, slope, inclination. Fallacious, a. Deceptive, delusive, de ceiving, illusive, illusory, misleading, disappointing, false. Fallacy, n. 1. Illusion, deception, de ceit, delusion, mistake, error, miscon ception, misapprehension. 3. Sophism, sophistry, deceitful ar gument. Fall among, Come among, happen to be among, happen to be in the company of. Fall away, 1. Pine, grow lean, be emaciated, lose flesh. 3. Backslide, apostatize, fall off. Fall back, Recede, retreat, give way. Fallibility, n. Frailty, imperfection, uncertainty, liability to error. Fallible, a. Frail, imperfect, weak, ignorant, uncertain, erring, liable to error or mistake. Fall in, 1. (Mil.) Come into line, form into ranks. 3. Concur, consent, agree, assent, acquiesce, go with the stream, go with the current. FALL IN WITH 154 FANTASTICAL Fall in with, 1. Meet, encounter. 3. Comply with, assent to, come into. Tall off, 1. Drop, be detached, drop off. 3. Withdraw, separate. 3. Decline, wane, dwindle, decay. 4. Perish, die. 5. Backslide, apostatize, fall away. 6. (Naul.) Go to leeward. Fall on, 1. Drop on, descend upon. 3. Attack, assault, assail, rush upon, fall upon. Fall out, 1. QUARREL, wrangle. 3. Happen, befall, chance. Fallow, a. 1. Pale red or pale yellow. 3. Untilled, unsowed. Fallow, n. UntiUed land. Fall to loggerheads, Come to blows, go to loggerheads. Fallow-chat, n. FALLOW-PINCH. Fallow-finch, n. CEnanthe, wheat ear (Motacilla cenanthe). Fall short, Fail, be deficient. Fall to, Begin, set about, apply one s self to. Fall under, 1. Come under, be subject to, be subjected to. 3. Be classed with, be reckoned with, be included in. Fall upon, FALL ON. False, a. Untrue, not true. 3. Dishonest, perfidious, treacherous, unveracious, mendacious, faithless, truthless, untruthful, disingenuous, dishonorable, double-tongued, double- faced, false-hearted. 3. Counterfeit, spurious, forged, not genuine, feigned, hypocritical, clap trap. 4. Incorrect, improper, erroneous. 5. Fallacious, deceptive, deceiving, deceitful, delusive, misleading, disap pointing. False-hearted, a. Perfidious, treach erous, faithless, false. Falsehood, n. 1. Falsity, want of truth, inconformity to fact or truth. 3. Untruth, lie, fib, fabrication, fic tion, false assertion. 3. Imposture, counterfeit, cheat. Falsetto, n. Head voice. Falsify, v. a. 1. Belie, misrepresent, misstate, garble, represent falsely. 3. Disprove, prove to be false. 3. Violate, break by falsehood. Falsify, v. n. Lie, tell lies or falsehoods, violate the truth. Falsity, n. Falsehood, want of truth, inconformity to fact or truth. Falter, v. n. 1. Hesitate (in speech), stammer, stutter. 3. Fail, waver, tremble, totter. Fame, n. 1. Humor, report, bruit, hear say. 3. Reputation, celebrity, glory, re nown, honor, credit, NOTORIETY. Familiar, a. 1. Conversant, well ac quainted, well versed. 3. Intimate, close, near, friendly, amicable, fraternal, cordial, on a friendly footing, ,/n friendly terms. 3. Unceremonious, social, accessible, unconstrained, free, easy, affable, cour teous, civil, polite, free and easy. 4. Well known. Familiarity, n. 1. Acquaintance, fa miliar knowledge. 3. Intimacy, fellowship, friendship, friendliness, intercourse, good under standing. Familiarize, v. a. Accustom, habituate, inure, use, train. Family, n. 1. Household. 3. Lineage, race, tribe, clan, kindred, house, line of ancestors. 3. Order, group of genera. Famine, n. Dearth, scarcity of food. Famish, v. a. 1. Starve, kill with hunger. 3. Distress with hunger, exhaust by hunger. Famish, v.n. 1. Starve, die of hunger, perish for want of food. 3. Be distressed by hunger. Famous, a. 1. Celebrated, renowned, distinguished, illustrious, eminent, re markable, famed, far-famed. 3. Noted, notorious, signal, conspic uous. Fanatic, n. Enthusiast (especially on religious subjects), visionary, zealot. Fanatic, ) a. Enthusiastic, visionary, Fanatical,,) wild, mad. Fanaticism, TO. Religious frenzy, irra tional enthusiasm. Fanciful, a. 1. Visionary, imaginative, whimsical, CAPRICIOUS. 3. Chimerical, imaginary, ideal, fan tastical, wild. Fan-cricket, n. Fen-cricket, churr worm, mole cricket (Gryttotalpa vul- garis). Fancy, n. 1. IMAGINATION (as exer cised in sportive or whimsical moods). 3. Notion, idea, thought, conception, conceit, impression, apprehension. 3. Liking, fondness, inclination, PEN CHANT, taste. 4. Caprice, humor, whim, crotchet, quirk, freak, vagary, whimsey, maggot, fantasy, odd fancy. Fancy, v. n. Imagine, think, suppose, believe, take it into one s head. Fancy, v. a. 1. Conceive, imagine, form a conception of, figure to one s self. 3. Like, be pleased with, have a fancy for. Fancy, a. 1. Imaginative, of the fancy 3. Ornamental (rather than useful), elegant, fine, nice. Fane, n. [Poetical.] Temple, church. Fanfare, n. [Fr.] Flourish of trumpets. Fanfaronade, 11. Bluster, swaggering, boasting, bragging, bullying, BLATHER SKITE. Fang, n. 1. Tusk, pointed tooth. 3. Claw, talon, nail. Fantasia, n. (Mus.) Fantastical air. Fantastic, ) a. 1. Imaginary, fanci- Fantastical, ) ful, ideal, chimerical, visionary, not real. 3. Whimsical, capricious, odd, queer, BIZARRE, strange, wild. FANTASY 155 Fantasy, n. Caprice, whim, whimsey, FANCY. Far, a. Remote, distant, not near. Far, ad. 1. To a great distance. 3. Almost, well-nigh, in great p^rt. 3. Very much, in a great degree. Far and near, Everywhere, far and wide, from Dan to Beersheba, from Maine to Georgia, from China to Peru, from pole to pole, from one end of the earth to the other. Far other, Very different. Farce, n. 1. Burlesque, caricature, travesty, parody, after-piece, low com edy, ludicrous representation. 3. Mere show, ridiculous pageantry, empty parade. Farcical, a. Droll, ludicrous, ridicu lous. Fare, v. n. 1. Go, pass, travel, jour ney. 3. Be situated (with respect to what may befall one), be treated. 3. Feed, be entertained. Fare, n. 1. Charge (for conveyance of a person), passage money, price of a ticket. 3. FOOD, provisions, victuals, com mons. 3. Quantity of fish caught. Farewell, ad. or interj. Adieu, good ly- Farewell, n. 1. Adieu, valediction, leave-taking. 3. Leave. Far-famed, a. Illustrious, celebrated, renowned, eminent, distinguished, fa mous, famed. Far-fetched, a. Recondite, abstruse, forced, strained, catachrestic, studious ly sought. Farina, n. 1. Flour or meal (of grain or starchy roots). 3. (Chem.) Starch, fecula. 3. (Hot.) Pollen. Farinaceous, a. 1. Yielding farina or flour. 3. Mealy. Farm, n. Landed estate. Farm, v. a. 1. Let out (land, revenues, &c.). 3. Take on lease (land, revenues, &c.). 3. Cultivate (land). Farm, v. n. Till the soil, carry on a farm, do farmer s work. Farmer, n. 1. Agriculturist, husband man, cultivator of the soil.. 3. Collector, tax-gatherer; lessee of taxes, custom, &c. Farming, n. Agriculture, husbandry. Farrago, n. Medley, mixture, jumble, hodge-podge, hotch-potch, salmagundi, olio, gallimaufry, olla-podrida. Farrier, n. 1. Shoer of horses. 3. Horse-doctor, horse-leech, veteri nary surgeon. Farriery, n. 1. Art or business of shoe ing horses. 3. Veterinary art. Farrow, n. Litter of pigs. Far-sighted, a. Long-sighted. FASTEN \ Farther, ad. 1. Beyond, FUKTJEJKB, more remotely, to or at a greater dis n ^ y tance. 3. Moreover, besides, furthermore. Farther, a. 1." Further, more remote, at a greater distance. 3. Additional. Farthest, ad. Furthest, to or at the greatest distance. Farthest, a. Furthest, remotest, most remote. Farthing, n Fourth part of a penny. Farthingale, n. Crinoline, hoop, hoop- - skirt. Fascinate, v. a. Charm, enchant, be witch, enrapture, entrance, captivate, catch, delight, enamour. Fascination, n. Enchantment, spell, charm, witchery, witchcraft, magic, sorcery. Fash, v. a. Vex, tease, plague, harass, torment, perplex, trouble, worry. Fash, n. Trouble, care, anxiety, vex ation. Fashion, n. 1. Form, figure, shape, make, cut, cast, stamp, mould, pattern, model, appearance, conformation, con figuration. 3. Way, manner, method, sort. 3. Custom (particularly as respects dress), mode, style, usage, convention ality, conventionalism, general prac tice. 4. Gentility, genteel life. Fashion, v. a. 1. Form, shape, mould, carve, make, give figure to. 3. Adapt, accommodate, fit, suit, ad just. Fashionable, a. 1. Genteel, STYLISH, modish, in fashion, in vogue, A LA MODE, the rage, having a run. 3. Customary, usual, prevailing, cur rent. Fast, v. n. Abstain from food, forbear eating, go without food, go hungry. Fast, n. 1. Fasting, abstinence from food. 3. Fast day, day of fasting, banyan day. 3. Time of fasting. 4. Rope (to fasten a vessel to a wharf). Fast, a. 1. Fastened, fixed, close, tight. 2. Immovable, firm. 3. Constant, steadfast, stanch. 4. Fortified, strong, impregnable. 5. Sound, deep, profound. 6. Swift, quick, fleet, rapid. 7. Dissipated, wild, giddy, reckless, thoughtless, thriftless, extravagant. Fast, ad. 1. Firmly, tightly, immov ably. 3. Swiftly, quickly, rapidly. 3. Extravagantly, prodigally, reck- " , wildly. Fast and loose, Variable, inconstant, fickle, uncertain. Fast day, n. Fast, day of fasting, bau- yan day. Fasten, v. a. 1. Secure, bind, BELAY, BEND, tie, attach, make fast. 3. Join, unite, hold together. FASTEN 156 FAY Fasten, v. n. Be fixed, fix one s self. Fastidious, a. Squeamish, difficult, aueasy, critical, dainty, over-nice, over- elicate, hard to please. Fasting, n. Fast, abstinence from food. Fastness, n. Fort, fortress, stronghold, fortified place. Fat, a. 1. Oleaginous, unctuous, adi pose, oily, greasy, fatty. 3. Plump, fleshy, corpulent, obese, portly, pursy, not lean, not slender. 3. Coarse, heavy, dull, sluggish, stupid, fat-witted. 4:. Rich, profitable, lucrative. 5. Fertile, fruitful, productive, not barren. Fatal, a. 1. Deadly, mortal, LETHAL. 3. Calamitous, destructive, ruinous, mischievous. Fatality, n. 1. Destiny, fate, inevita ble necessity. 3. Mortality. Fate, n. 1. Destiny, destination, fatali ty, inevitable necessity. 3. Doom, lot, predetermined event. 3. Death, destruction. 4. Final event, ultimate fortune. Fated, a. Doomed, destined, appointed. Fates, ?i. pi. (Myth.) Destinies, Parcse, sister goddesses (Clotho, Lachesis, Atro- pos). Father, n. 1. Male parent. 3. Ancestor, forefather, progenitor. 3. Creator, maker, originator, author, inventor. Father, v. a. 1. Adopt. 3. Assume the authorship of. Fatherhood, n. Fathership, paternity. Fathership, n. Fatherhood. Father-land, n. Mother country, na tive country, land of one s ancestors. Father-long-legs, n. 1. Crane-fly, daddy-long-legs . 3. Shepherd spider, harvest-man. Fatherly, a. Paternal, tender, kind. Fathership, n. Paternity, fatherhood. Father upon, Ascribe to, attribute to, impute to, lay to, charge on. Fathom, n. Six feet, two yards. Fathom, v. a. 1. Sound, try the depth of, measure by a sounding-line. 3. Divine, penetrate, reach, under stand, comprehend. Fathomless, a. Bottomless, abysmal, profound. Fatigue, n. 1. "Weariness, lassitude, exhaustion. 3. Labor, toil, hardship. 3. (Mil.) Extra duty (distinct from that of arms). Fatigue, v. a. Tire, weary, exhaust, jade. Fatten, v. a. 1. Make fat. 3. Fertilize, make fertile. Fatten, v. n. Grow fat. Fatty, n. Unctuous, oleaginous, oily, fat, adipose, greasy. Fatuity, n. Foolishness, imbecility, idiocy, feebleness of intellect, want or understanding. Fatuous, a. 1. Foolish, witless, drivel ling, idiotic. 3. Illusory, deceptive. Fat-witted, a. Stupid, dull, heavy, fat. Faubourg, n. [Fr.] Suburb, environs. Fauces, n. pi. [L.] Posterior part of the mouth. Fault, n. 1. Defect, blemish, flaw, im perfection, failing. 3. Misdeed, misdemeanor, offence, trespass, wrong, delinquency, trans gression. 3. Mistake (of judgment), error, indis cretion, slip, lapse. 4. [Rare.] Default, lack, want. 5. (Geol.) Dislocation, disturbance of strata. Fault-finder, n. Censurer, objector, com plainer, murmurer, repiner. Faultless, a. 1. Perfect, without blem ish, without fault. 3. Innocent, guiltless, blameless, stainless, sinless. Faulty, a. 1. Bad, defective, imper fect. 3. Blamable, culpable, censurable, reprehensible, blameworthy, worthy of censure. Faun, n. Sylvan, woodland Deity. Fauna, n. Animals (peculiar to a coun try or to an epoch). Faunist, n. Naturalist. Faux pas, [Fr.] Mistake, indiscretion, false step, wrong measure, act of indis cretion. Faveolate, a. (Bot.) Alveolate, cellu lar, favose. Favillous, a. Ashy, cinereous, cineri- tious, like ashes. Favor, v. a. 1. Countenance, befriend, encourage, patronize. 3. Support, aid, help, assist. 3. Humor, indulge, spare. Favor, n. 1. Kindness, friendliness, countenance, grace, kind regard, good 3. Benefit, act of grace, good deed, kind act. 3. Patronage, championship, support, befriending, defence, vindication. 4. Letter, epistle, communication. 5. Gift, present, token of good will. 6. (Law.) Bias, partiality, prejudice. Favorable, a. 1. Propitious, friendly, kind, auspicious, willing. 3. Conducive, contributing. 3. Advantageous, beneficial, conve nient, suitable, adapted, fit. Favorite, a. 1. Dear, darling, beloved. 3. Preferred, pet, especially liked. Favoritism, n. Partiality. Favose, a. (Bot.) Alveolate, cellular, faveolate. Fawn, n. Young deer. Fawn, v. n. Crouch, cringe, bow, stoop, kneel, creep, dangle, fall on one s knees, curry favor, play the sycophant. Fawn upon, 1. Cringe to, crouch to, truckle to. 3. Flatter, wheedle, cajole, pay court Fawning, n. Sycophancy, servility, cringing, mean flattery. Fay, n. Fairy, elf. Fay, v. a. Fit, suit, join closely. FAT 157 FEINT Fay, v. n. Fit, lie close, make a good joint. Fealty, n. Fidelity, loyalty, allegiance, homage, obeisance. Fear, n. I. Alarm, trepidation, dread, apprehension, fright, affright, terror, horror, dismay, consternation, panic. 3. Anxiety, solicitude, concern. 3. Veneration, reverence, awe, rever ential regard. Fear, v, a. 1. Dread, apprehend, be afraid of. 3. Keverence, venerate, stand in awe of, have a reverential regard for. Fear, v. n. Be afraid, have apprehen sions, live in terror, stand aghast. Fearful, a. 1. Afraid, apprehensive, haunted with fear. 3. Timid, timorous, nervous, diffi dent, pusillanimous, cowardly, faint hearted, chicken-hearted, white-livered, showing the white feather, easily fright ened. 3. Terrible, dreadful, frightful, dire, direful. 4. Awful, to be reverenced. Fearless, a. Undaunted, dauntless, un- terrifled, courageous, bold, intrepid, brave,, valorous, valiant, gallant. Feasibility, n. Practicability, feasible ness. Feasible, a. Practicable. Feasibleness, n. Practicability, feasi bility. Feast, n. 1. Banquet, treat, entertain ment, KEGALE, carousal, sumptuous repast. 3. Festival, holiday, day of feasting, festive celebration, joyful anniversary, day of rejoicing. 3. Enjoyment, delight. Feast, v. n. Eat (plentifully), be enter tained, fare sumptuously. Feast, v. a. 1. Entertain sumptuously, feed luxuriously. 3. Delight, gratify, rejoice, gladden, please highly. Feat, n. 1. Act, deed, exploit, achieve ment. 3. Trick, act of dexterity. Feather, n. 1. Plume. 3. Kind, nature, species. Feather-boarding, n. Weather-board ing. Feathers, n. pi. Plumage. Feather in the cap, Honor, mark of distinction. Feather one s nest, Get rich (from what passes through one s hands), pro vide for one s self. Featly, a. Nimbly, dexterously, adroitly. Feature, n. 1. Lineament. 3. Cast of the face, turn of expres sion. 3. Fashion, make, conformation, as pect, appearance. 4. Outline, prominent part. Feaze, v, a. Untwist (as the end of a rope). Febrifugal, a. Antifebrile. Febrifuge, n. Antifebrile medicine. Fecula, n. Starch, farina. 1 - 1. Muddiness, foulness. 3. Lees, sediment, dregs, faeces. Feculent, a. Turbid, muddy, thick, foul, dreggy. Fecundate, v. a. Impregnate, make fruitful. Fecundation, a. Impregnation. Fecundity, n. Fruitfulness, fertility, productiveness. Federal, a. Confederate. Federation, n. League, alliance, coa lition, union, confederation, combina tion, copartnership, federal union, fed eral compact. Fee, n. 1. Charge (for professional ser vice), compensation, pay. 3. Feud, fief. Fee, v. a. Pay, reward, recompense, give a fee to. Feeble, a. 1. Weak, not strong. 3. Debilitated, enervated, sickly, in firm, languishing, languid, drooping, frail. 3. Faint, imperfect, not vigorous, not lively. Feed, v. a. 1. Give food to, furnish with provisions, supply with nourishment. 3. Supply, contribute to, provide for. 3. Nourish, cherish, sustain. Feed, v. n. 1. Eat, take food, take nour ishment. 3. Subsist, sustain life. Feed, n. Food (for beasts), provender, fodder. Feel, v. n. 1. Perceive (by the touch), have feeling. 3. Be perceived (by the touch). 3. Be moved (in the affections), be ex cited, be stirred, be warmed, be wrought up, be impressed. 4. Have the consciousness of being (sorry, grieved, hurt, or the like). Feel, v. a. 1. Touch, handle, feel of. 3. Experience, suffer or enjoy, have the sense of. 3. Be affected by, be moved by. 4. Sound, try, prove, put to the test. Feel after, Search for (by the touch), try to find (as in the dark). Feelers, n. pi. (Zob l.) 1. Palpi. 3. Antennae, horns. 3. Tentacula. Feeling, a. 1. Affecting, moving, touch ing, melting, pathetic. 3. Sensitive, tender. Feeling, n. 1. Sense of touch. 3. Sensation, perception by touch. 3. Sensibility, emotion, sentiment, passion, affection, impression. 4. Tenderness, susceptibility. Fee-simple, n. (Law.) Absolute fee, unconditioned tenure. Feign, v. a. 1. Invent, imagine, devise, fabricate, forge. 3. Counterfeit, dissemble, affect, pre tend to, make a show of. Feint, n. 1. Pretence, clap-trap, false appearance. 3. (Mil.) Mock attack, pretended movement. FELICITATE 158 FESTIVE Felicitate, v. a. Congratulate, wish joy to, rejoice with. Felicitation, n. Congratulation. Felicitous, a. 1. Fit, appropriate, apt, pertinent, opportune, seasonable, well- timed, happy, skilful, ingenious. 2. Prosperous, successful, fortunate, lucky, auspicious. Felicity, n. 1. Bliss, blissfulness, blessed ness, happiness. 3. Aptness, aptitude, propriety, ap propriateness. 3. Success, good luck, good for tune. Fell, a. Cruel, inhuman, barbarous, ruthless, pitiless, savage, ferocious, sanguinary, bloody, blood-thirsty, Van- dalic. Fell, v. a. 1. Prostrate, level, bring to the ground. 3. Cut down, hew down. 3. Hem (the lap of a seam). Fellow, n. 1. Companion, associate, comrade. 2. Equal, peer, compeer. 3. Mate, counterpart. 4. [England.] Member (of a college, participating ^n its instruction and sharing its revenues). Fellow-countryman, n. Compatriot. Fellow-feeling, n. Sympathy, com miseration, compassion, pity. Fellowship, n. 1. Brotherhood, com panionship, familiarity, intimacy, close acquaintance. 2. Partnership, participation, joint interest. 3. Sociability, sociableness, converse, intercourse, communion. Felo de se, n. [L.] Suicide, self-mur derer. Felon, n. 1. Culprit, criminal, malefac tor, convict, outlaw. 2. Whitlow. Felon, a. [Poetical.] FELONIOUS. Felonious, a. Malignant, malicious, villanous, nefarious, infamous, heinous, atrocious, cruel, FELON. Felony, n. Crime (punishable by death or by imprisonment), high crime, heinous crime, gross offence. Females, n. pi. Female sex, the fair, the fair sex. Feme sole, n. [Fr.] (Law.) Single woman, unmarried woman. Feminality, n. Womanhood, femineity, muliebrity. Femineity, n. FEHINALITY. Feminine, a, 1. Soft, tender, delicate, WOMANLY. 2. Effeminate, unmanly. Femur, n. (Anat.) Thigh-bone. Fen, n. Marsh, swamp, bog, moor, mo rass, quagmire, slough. Fence, n. 1. Wall, HEDGE, frame of posts and rails, &c. 2. Shield, guard, security, defence. Fence, v. a. 1. Enclose with a fence. 2. Guard, fortify, defend. Fence, v. n. Practise fencing. Fencing, n. Manual defence (with small swords or foils). Fen-cricket, n. Churr-worm, mole- cricket, fan-cricket (Gryllotalpa vul- garis). Fend off, (Naut.) Keep off, ward off, keep from collision. Fennish, a. FENNY. Fenny, a. Marshy, swampy, boggy, fennish. Ferine, a. Wild (as lions, tigers, &c.), untamed, ferocious, savage, fierce, rav enous, rapacious. Ferment, n. 1. Yeast, leaven, barm. 3. Agitation, commotion, tumult, state of excitement. Ferment, v. a. 1. Set in motion by fer ment. 2. Excite, agitate, heat. Ferment, v. n. I. Work, be fermented. 8. Be excited, be agitated. Fern, n. Brake. Ferocious, a. 1. Untamed (like a wild beast), savage, fierce, wild, ravenous, rapacious, ferine. 3. Barbarous, cruel, inhuman, brutal, fell, ruthless, relentless, merciless, piti less, sanguinary, bloody, Vandalic. Ferocity, n. 1. Savageness, fierceness, ferociousness, wildness, rapacity. 3. Barbarity, cruelty, inhumanity. Ferret out, Search out. Ferrocyanate, n. (Cliem.) Ferroprus- siate, ferrocyanide. Ferrocyanic, a. (Chem.) Ferroprus- sic. Ferrocyanide, n. (CJiem.) Ferroprus- siate, ferrocyanate. Ferroprussiate, n. (Chem.) Ferrocya nate, ferrocyanide. Ferroprussic, a. (Chem.) Ferrocyanic. Fertile, a. 1. Prolific, fecund, not bar ren. 3. Fruitful, productive, rich, plen teous, luxuriant, exuberant, teeming. 3. (Bot.) Fruit-bearing. Fertility, n. 1. Fecundity, fertileness. 3. Fruitfulness, productiveness, plen- teousness, exuberance, luxuriance, abundance, richness. Fertilize, v. a. Enrich, make fertile, make fruitful. Fervency, n. Ardor, zeal, FERVOR. Fervent, a. Ardent, earnest, eager, zealous, warm, glowing, animated, im passioned, fervid. Fervid, a. 1. Hot, burning, boiling, fiery. 3. Ardent, earnest, glowing, FER VENT. Fervor, n. 1. Heat, warmth. 3. Ardor, zeal, earnestness, eager ness, fervency. Festal, a. Convivial, FESTIVE. Fester, v. n. 1. Rankle, corrupt, sup purate, ulcerate. 3. Become malignant, grow virulent. Fester, n. Pustule, sore, abscess, im- posthume, gathering. A Festival, n. Feast, FETE, holiday, fes tive celebration, joyful anniversary, day of rejoicing. Festive, a. Convivial, jovial, joyous, gay, merry, mirthful, festal. FESTIVITY 159 FIGHT Festivity, n. Conviviality, gayety, joy- ousness, joy fulness, merry-making, so cial joy. Fetch, v. a. 1. Bring (when one goes for the purpose of bringing), go and bring. 3. Perform, make, effect. 3. Sell for. 4. (Naut.) Reach, attain, arrive at, come to, get to. Fetch, n. Trick, artifice, ruse, strata gem, dodge, sharp practice. Fetch a compass, Make a circuit. Fete, n. [Fr.j Feast, FESTIVAL, holiday, festive celebration. Fete, v. a. Feast, honor with an enter tainment. Fete-champetre, n. [Fr.] Rural festival. Fetid, a. Rancid, stinking, offensive, noisome, mephitic, strong-smelling, rank-smelling. Fetor, n. Stench, stink, offensive odor, strong smell. Fetter, n. Shackle (for the feet), chain, bond, clog, hamper. Fetter, v. a. 1. Shackle (the feet), clog, trammel, hamper, put fetters on. 3. Chain, bind, tie, confine, restrain. Feud, n. 1. Quarrel (especially between families or clans), broil, contention, clashing, dissension, jarring, rupture, bickering, falling out. 3. Fee, fief. Feudalism, n. Feudal system. Feu de joie, [Fr.] 1. Bonfire. 2. Firing of guns (for holiday sport). Fever, n. Heat, flush, agitation, excite ment. Fever-root, n. Fever-wort, bastard ipecacuanha. Fever-wort, n. 1. Fever root, bastard ipecacuanha. 3. Thorough wort, boneset, ague- weed, Indian sage (Eupatorium perfoli- atum). Few, a. Not many, small in number, hardly any, scarcely any. Fewness, n. Paucity, small number. Fiasco, n. [It.] Failure, fizzle, abortive attempt. Fiat, n. Decree, order, ordinance, com mand. Fib, n. [Colloquial.] Lie, falsehood, in tentional untruth. Fib, v. n. [Colloquial.] Lie, tell a lie. Fibre, n. Filament, thread, staple, pile. Fibril, n. Small fibre, slender thread. Fibrous, a. Filamentous, stringy. Fickle, a. Wavering, inconstant, un steady, unstable, variable, vacillating, volatile, changeable, fitful, irresolute, unsettled, capricious, not steady, not steadfast, like a weather-cock. Fiction, n. 1. Invention, fable. 3. Novel, romance, work of fiction, feigned story. 3. Fabrication, figment, falsehood, lie. 4. Fictitious literature. Fictitious, a. 1. Feigned, invented, imaginary, fanciful, unreal, not true. 3. False, counterfeit, spurious, sup posititious, not genuine. Fiddle, n. Violin, KIT. Fiddle, v. n. 1. Play on a fiddle. 3. Trifle, dawdle, lose time, waste time, idle away time, fritter away time, fool away time! Fiddle-de-dee, interj. Nonsense, stuff, fudge, moonshine. Fiddle-faddle, n. [Low.] Nonsense, trifling, frivolity, cock-and-bull story, neither rhyme nor reason. Fiddle-faddle, a. [Low.] Foolish, non sensical, trifling, frivolous, trivial, idle, fiddling. Fiddling, a. Trifling, frivolous, trivial, idle, fiddle-faddle. Fidelity, n. 1. Faithfulness, trustwor thiness, RELIABLENESS, RELIABILITY, loyalty, fealty, adherence to duty, ob servance of good faith. 3. Accuracy, closeness, exactness. Fidget, v. n. Fret, chafe, worry, be uneasy, be restive, be impatient, worry one s self. Fidget, n. Uneasiness, restlessness, im patience, fidgetiness. Fidgetiness, n. Uneasiness, restless ness, fidget. Fidgety, a. [Colloquial.] Uneasy, rest less, impatient. Fiducial, a. Confident, trustful, fidu ciary. Fiduciary, n. Trustee, depositary. Fiduciary, a. 1. Confident, undoubt- ing, trustful, fiducial. 3. Trusty, not to be doubted. 3. Held in trust, in the nature of a trust. Fief, n. Fee, feud. Field, n. 1. Tract of land (for tillage or for pasture). 3. Battle-field, field of battle. 3. Scene of military operations, thea tre of war. 4. Surface, expanse. 5. Opportunity, room. Fieldfare, n. Gray thrush (Turdus pilaris). Field-sports, n. pi. Diversions of the field (hunting, slwoting, &c.). Fiend, n. Demon, devil, deadly enemy, infernal being, implacable foe. Fiendish, a. Malevolent, malignant, malicious, infernal, diabolical, devilish, demoniacal, hellish, very wicked. Fierce, a. 1. Savage, ferocious, raven ous, furious, infuriate, barbarous, fell. 3. Violent, vehement, impetuous, fiery, passionate. Fiery, a. 1. Igneous, of fire. 3. Hot, heated. 3. Ardent, impetuous, vehement, fierce, passionate, impassioned, fervent, fervid, glowing. Fig-eater, n. (Ornith.) Becafico, fig- pecker, greater petty chaps (Sylvia hor- tensis). Fight, v. n. 1. Combat, war, contend ^n arms), draw the sword, unsheath the sword, measure swords, join battle, give battle, take up the cudgels, couch one s lance, go to war, let slip the dogs of war, take up the hatchet. FIGHT 160 FIND 58. Contend, contest, struggle, strive, make resistance. Fight, v. a. 1. War against, combat against, contend against, join battle with, break a lance with, come to close quarters with. 3. Carry through (by fighting). Fight, n. Combat, battle, conflict, con test, struggle, engagement, encounter, action, affair, brush, fray, affray. Fighter, n. Combatant, warrior, CHAM PION. Fighting, n. Contention, strife, quarrel, warfare. Figment, n. Invention, fiction, fabrica tion, fable. Fig-pecker, n. ( Ornith.) FIG-EATER. Figurative, a. 1. Typical, representa tive, emblematical. 3. Tropical, metaphorical, not literal. 3. Flowery, florid, ornate. Figure, n. 1. Form, shape, conforma tion, configuration, outline, TOUKNUKE. 3. Image, likeness, effigy, representa tion. 3. Appearance (as respects action or conduct). 4. Distinguished appearance. 5. Design (on cloth, paper, <&c.), pat tern. 6. (Geom.) Diagram, drawing. 7. (Rhet.) Metaphor, trope, meta phorical term or expression. 8. (Com.) Price. 9. (Theol.) Type, emblem, symbol. 1O. (Arith.) Digit, number, numeral, character. Figure, v. a. 1. Adorn (with figures), diversify, variegate. 3. Represent, symbolize, signify, typ ify, be typical of, shadow forth. 3. Imagine, image, conceive, picture, have an idea of. 4. Make a drawing of, make a rep resentation of. Figure, v. n. 1. Make a figure, make a distinguished appearance, be dis tinguished, be conspicuous. 3. Show off, cut a dash, make a great show, cut a figure. Figure up, [Colloquial.] 1. Add, sum up, find the amount of. 3. Calculate, reckon. Filament, n. 1. Fibre, thread, pile, staple. 3. (Bot.) Tendril, cirrus. Filamentous, a. 1. Filiform, thread- shaped. 3. Consisting o f filaments. Filch, v. a. Pilfer, purloin, steal. File, n. 1. HASP. 3. (Mil.) Bow (of soldiers ranged one behind another), line, column. 3. Bundle of papers. File, v. a. 1. Rasp. 3. Place on file. 3. Smooth, polish. File, v. n. March in a file. Filibuster,?!. [Modern.} Pirate, free booter, buccaneer, sea-robber, sea- rover, lawless adventurer. Filiciform, a. Fern-shaped. Filicoid, a. (Bot.) Fern-like. File-leader, n. Fugleman, flugelman, leader, director. Filiform, a. Filamentous, thread- shaped, long and slender. Fill, v. a. 1. Make full, fill up. 3. Store, supply, furnish, replenish, stock. 3. Satisfy, content, GLUT. 4. Occupy (as a place of trust), hold. Fill, v. n. 1. Fill a glass or cup. 3. Become full, be filled, fill up. Fill, n. Full supply. Fill out, Extend or enlarge (to the full size or limit). Fill up, (Active.) 1. Fill, make full. 3. Occupy, employ, use. Fill up, (Neuter.) Become full, be filled, be filled up. Fillet, n. Band, bandage. Fillibeg,?i. [Written also Philibeg.} Kilt. Filly, n. Female colt, young mare. Film, n. Pellicle, thin skin or coating. Filter, v. a. Strain, pass through a strainer. Filter, v. n. Percolate, transude, exude. strain, ooze. Filter, n. Strainer. Filth, n. 1. Dirt, foul matter. 3. Grossness, corruption, pollution, impurity, nastiness. Filthy, a. 1. Dirty, nasty, foul, un clean, squalid. 3. Impure, gross, corrupt. Filtration, n. Filtering, straining. Final, a. 1. Last, latest, ultimate, eventual. 3. Decisive, conclusive, definitive. Final cause, End, aim, object, pur pose, design, intent, intention. Finale, n. [It.] End, termination, con clusion, closing part (of an opera or a concert). Finality, n. Final settlement, final arrangement. Finally, ad. 1. Lastly, in conclusion. 3. Ultimately, at last, in the long- run. 3. For good, for good and all, as the final move. Finance, n. Revenue, money, money matters. Finances, n. pi. Revenues, public funds, public resources. Financial, a. Monetary, pecuniary, fiscal. Financialist, n. Financier. Financier, n. Financialist, adept in matters of finance. Find, v. a. 1. Discover, fall upon, light upon, meet with, fall in with. 3. Obtain, get, procure, gain, arrive at, attain to. 3. Observe, remark, notice, perceive. 4. Detect, catch. 5. Supply, furnish, contribute, pro vide. 6. Supply with food. 7. (Law.) Determine judicially, de clare by verdict. FIND 161 FIRST-BATE Find, v, n. (Law.) Declare a verdict, determine an issue. Find in, Provide with, supply with. Find fault, Complain, grumble. Find fault with, Blame, censure, re : prove. Find one s self, Be, fare (as to health). Find out, 1. Discover, detect, bring to light. 3. Ascertain, decipher, solve, un riddle, make out, get at. Finding, n. 1. Discovery. 3. (Laio.) Verdict. Findings, n. pi. Shoemaker s tools and materials. Finding-store, n. [U. S.] Grindery- warehouse. Fine, a. 1. Minute, small, little, com minuted. 3. Slender, delicate, CAPILLARY, not coarse. 3. Light, of delicate material, of fine texture. 4. Keen, sharp. 5. Thin, subtile, tenuous, not gross. 6. Exquisite, nice, refined. 7. Excellent, superior, very good. 8. Brilliant, accomplished. 9. Beautiful, handsome, splendid, elegant. 10. Clear, pure, unadulterated. 11. [As a term of slight contempt.} Showy, gairish, gay, flashy, airy, spark- ish. Fine, n. Mulct, amercement, forfeit, forfeiture, pecuniary penalty. Fine, v. a. 1. Defecate, purify, re fine. 3. Amerce, mulct, impose a fine upon, punish by a fine. Finery, n. Gewgaws, trinkets, fine things, showy dress, tinsel trappings. Finesse, n. Trick, stratagem, artifice, ruse, fraud, deception, cheat, wile, manoeuvre. Finesse, v. n. Use stratagem, practise tricks. Finger, v. a. 1. Handle, touch. 3. Play on (an instrument). Finger, v. n. Use the fingers (in play ing on an instrument). Fingered, a. (Bot.) Digitate. Finger-post, n. Guide-post. Finical, a. Spruce, JEMMY, over-nice, nice over-much, affectedly elegant. Finish, v. a. 1. Accomplish, complete, execute, perform, achieve, do. 3. Perfect, polish, elaborate, make perfect. 3. End, terminate, close, conclude, bring to an end, put an end to. Finish, n. Polish, elaboration, final touch, last touch. Finished, a. 1. Completed, complete, perfect. 3. Polished, perfected, elegant, high ly-wrought. 3. Experienced, practised, qualified, accomplished, thorough-bred, able, pro ficient. Finite, a. Bounded, limited, termina ble. Finlander, n. Finn. Finn, n. Finlander. Fire, n. 1. Conflagration. 3. Heat, ardor, fervor. 3. [Poetical.] Light, lustre, radiance. Fire, v. a. 1. Kindle, set on fire. 3. Animate, excite, inspirit, rouse, inflame, stir up. 3. Discharge, fire off. Fire, v. n. 1. Take fire, be kindled. 3. Discharge a gun, discharge fire arms. Fire-arm, n. Gun. Fire-brand, n. 1. Brand. 3. Incendiary, political agitator. Fire-cracker, n. Cracker. Fire-damp, n. Carburetted hydrogen (in coal-mines). Fire-dog, n. Andiron, dog. Fire-eater, n. Blusterer, swaggerer, vaporer, Hector, Hotspur, mock hero. Fire-fly, n. 1. Elater (of South Anierica). 3. Glow-worm (Lampyris noctilucus). Fire oft 1 , Discharge, fire. Fire-new, a. Brand-new, quite new, spick and span new, span new. Fireplace, n. Hearth. Fireproof, a. Incombustible. Fireside, n. 1. Hearth, chimney-cor ner, place near the fire. 3. Home, domestic life. Fireside, a. Domestic. Fire up, 1. Kindle the fire. 3. Fly into a passion, get angry, get mad, FLARE UP. Firing, n. 1. Kindling, setting on fire. 3. Discharge (of guns), firing off. 3. Fuel, something to burn. 4. Cautery. Firm, a. 1. Compact, compressed, solid, dense, hard, not soft, not fluid. 3. Fixed, fast, rooted, established, settled, confirmed, stable, secure, im movable. 3. Steady, steadfast, unshaken, reso lute, stanch, constant. 4. Strong, robust, sinewy, sturdy. Firm, n. Concern, house, company, partnership. Firmament, n. Sky, the heavens, can opy of heaven, celestial expanse. Firmness, n. 1. Solidity, compactness, hardness. 3. Stability, strength. 3. Constancy, steadfastness, steadii- ness. First, a. 1. Foremost, leading. 3. Chief, highest, principal, capital. 3. Earliest. 4. Primary. 5. Primitive, primeval, pristine. First, ad. In the first place, at the out set, in the beginning, first and foremoet, before any thing else. First-born, a. Eldest. First-born, n. Eldest child. First-class, a. FIRST-RATE. First cousin, Cousin-germ an. First or last, At one time or another, sooner or later, at some time. First-rate, n. Ship of the first class,-. three-decker. n FIRST-RATE 162 FLASH First-rate, a. Superior, excellent, cap ital, CKACK, prime, pre-eminent, of the first class, of the best, of the highest excellence, first-class. Fiscal, a. Financial. Fish, v. n. ANGLE, BOB, try to catch fish. Fisher, n. 1. Fisherman, angler. 3. Pecan, wood-shock (Mustela Can- ad ensis). Fisherman, n. Fisher, angler. Fish for, Angle for, try to get (by arti fice). Fish-glue, n. Isinglass, icthyocol, ich- thyocolla, CARLOCK. Fish-hawk, ) n. Osprey, fishing- Fishing-hawk, j eagle, bald buzzard (Falco halicetus). Fishing-eagle, n. FISH-HAWK. Fishing-frog, n. Angler (Lophius pis- catorius). Fish in the air, Beat the air, make vain efforts, try in vain, lash the waves, inilk the ram. Fish-soup, n. Chowder. Fissure, n. Cleft, crevice, chink, crack, cranny, break, breach, gap, interstice, opening, chasm, rift, fracture. F!Bu S >- Hollow, pipe-like. Fit, n. 1. Paroxysm, spasm, sudden attack, stroke of disease. 2. Humor, whim, fancy, temporary affection. 3. Interval, turn, period, spell. Fit, a. 1. Qualified, competent, fitted. 3. Suitable, appropriate, apt, appo site, meet, seemly, becoming, fitting, befitting, proper, convenient, good. Fit, 17. a. 1. Suit, adapt, adjust, make suitable. 3. Become, be adapted to, be suitable for, be becoming to. 3. Accommodate, provide, qualify, equip, prepare, get ready. Fit, v. n. 1. Be proper, be becoming. 3. Be suited, be adapted. Fitful, a. Variable, irregular, spas modic, impulsive, unstable, fickle, whimsical, fanciful, capricious, fantas tic, humorsome, odd. Fitfully, ad. Irregularly, capriciously, in a fitful manner, by fits, by fits and starts. Fit out, Equip, furnish, supply with necessaries. Fit up, Prepare, make ready. Fitchew, n. Fitchet, pole-cat, foumart (Mustela putorius). Fitness, n. Suitableness, adaptation, aptness, aptitude, appropriateness, per tinence, propriety. Fix, v. a. 1. Set, place, establish, plant, fasten, make firm or stable. 3. Attach, tie, make fast. 3. Determine, define, limit, appoint, settle. 4. Rivet, direct steadily. 5. Solidify, consolidate. 6. [Vulgarly so used in the U. S.] Arrange, adjust, set in order, put in order, put to rights, set to rights. Fix, n. [Colloquial, U.S.] Predicament, dilemma, plight, PICKLE. FiJ upon, } Settle on > determine upon. Fizzle, v. n. 1. Hiss, make a hissing noise. 3. [Colloquial.] Fail, make a failure of it, fizzle out. Fizzle, n. [Colloquial.] Failure, fiasco, abortive attempt. Fizzle out, Fail, FIZZLE. Flabbergasted, a. [Loiu.] Confounded, confused, abashed, ashamed, discon certed, nonplussed, taken aback, thrown off one s balance. Flabby, a. Soft, yielding, FLACCID. Flaccid, a. Soft, limber, fiabby, yielding, lax, drooping, hungry, loose, not firm, not stiff, not tense. Flaccidity, ) n. Limberness, softness, Flaccidness, j laxity. Flag, v. n. 1. Hang loose. 3. Languish, droop, faint, decline, pine, become weak, grow languid, lose vigor. Flag, n. 1. Flag-stone, flat paving stone. 3. Banner, streamer, colors, stand ard, pennon, pennant, ensign. Flagellate, v. a. Whip, scourge, flog, thrash, beat, cudgel, drub. Flagellation, n. Whipping, scourging, beating, flogging, thrashing, drubbing. Flagitious, a. Atrocious, heinous, vil- lanous, infamous, scandalous, nefari ous, very wicked. Flagrancy, n. Notoriety, enormity. Flagrant, a. 1. Flaming, glowing, burning, raging. 3. Notorious, glaring, enormous, cry ing. Flag-stone, n. Flag, flat paving stone. Flake, n. Scale, lamina, layer. Flake, v. n. Scale oft , come oft in flakes. Flambeau, n. Torch. Flame, n. 1. Blaze, burning vapor. 3. Fire. 3. Ardor, fervor, fervency, warmth, enthusiasm. 4. [Colloquial.] Love, sweetheart. Flame, v. n. Blaze. Flaming, a. 1. Blazing. 3. Bright red, of a bright color. 3. Violent, vehement, exciting. Flank, n. Side. Flank, v. a. 1. (Mil.) Attack on the side, approach on the side, turn the flank of. 3. Secure on the side. 3. Border upon, stand at the side of. Flap-dragon, n. Snap-dragon. Flare, v. n. 1. Glare, dazzle. 3. Widen outward, spread outward. Flare, n. Glare, unsteady light. Flare up, Fly into a passion, get angry, get mad, fire up, lose one s temper, boil over with rage. Flash, n. 1. Momentary blaze, sudden burst of light. 3. Slang (of thieves and gypsies), cant language. FLASH 163 FLIMSY Flash, v. n. 1. Emit a sudden light. 2. Break forth suddenly. Flashy, a. 1. Showy, ostentatious, flaunting, gaudy, tawdry, jaunty, gay, gairish, airy 2. Insipid, tasteless, mawkish, flat, vapid, stale. Flat, a. l. Level, horizontal,. CHAM PAIGN. 2. Even, plane, smooth, OAMOUS, without prominences. 3. Low, prostrate, level with the ground, laid low. 4. Dull, lifeless, spiritless, unanimat- ed, frigid, tame, prosaic, uninteresting, pointless. 5. Vapid, tasteless, insipid, stale, dead, flashy, mawkish. 6. Peremptory, absolute, positive, downright. 7. (Mils.) Not sharp, not shrill, not acute, lower by a semitone, below true pitch. Flat, n. 1. Shoal, shallow, strand, bar, sand-bank. 2. [Colloquial.] Simpleton, ninny, DUNCE. 3. [Scotland.] Floor, loft, story. Flat-iron, n. Sad-iron. Flatten, v. a. Make flat. Flatten, v. n. Become flat. Flatter, v. a. 1. Compliment, gratify by praise. 2. Cajole, wheedle, humor, coax, court, STUFF, coddle, pay court to, fawn upon, curry favor with, try to win by adulation, make much of. 3. Encourage by plausible represen tations, inspire with false hopes. Flatterer, n. Sycophant, fawner, para site, wheedler, toady, flunkey, spaniel, lick-spittle, pick-thank, toad-eater. Flattery, n. 1. Compliment, insincere commendation, false praise. 2. Obsequiousness, sycophancy, ser vility, cajolery, fawning, adulation, blarney, SOFT SAWDER, SOFT SOAP. Flatulence, ) n. Windiness (in tlie bow- Flatulency, j els). Flatulent, a. Windy. Flaunt, v. n. Flutter, make a show, make a parade, cut a dash, be ostenta tious. Flaunting, a. Ostentatious, showy, flashy, gairish, dashing, fluttering, jaunty, tawdry, gay, airy, gaudy. Flavor, n. 1. Odor, smell, fragrance. 2. Taste, savor, smack, relish, zest, gust, gusto. Flaw, n. 1. Break, crack, breach, cleft, fissure, rift, fracture, rent. 2. Blemish, spot, speck, fault, defect, imperfection. 3. (Naut.) Gust of wind. Flawy, a. Faulty, defective, full of flaws or cracks. Flax-comb, n. Hatchel. Flax-seed, n. Linseed. Flay, v. a. Skin, excoriate, strip the skin from. Fleck, v. a. Spot, streak, dapple, speckle, variegate. Flecked, a. Spotted, streaked, striped, dappled, mottled, variegated, piebald. Fledgling, n. Young bird. Flee, v. n. Fly, run, decamp, escape, abscond, hasten away, run away, make off, TURN TAIL, cut and run. Fleece, v. a. 1. Clip, shear. 2. Strip, rob, plunder, despoil, rifle, steal from. Fleecy, a. Woolly. Fleer, v. n. Gibe, scoff, mock, jeer. Fleet, n. Flotilla, squadron, navy, AR MADA, company of ships. Fleet, a. Swift, rapid, quick. Fleeting, a. Transitory, transient, ephemeral, temporary, passing, evan escent, fugitive, flitting, flying, brief, short-lived, here to-day and gone to morrow. Fleetness, n. Swiftness, quickness, rapidity, celerity, velocity, speed. Flesh, ?i. 1. Muscle and fat (of animal bodies). 2. Meat, animal food. 3. Pulp, edible part of fruit. 4. Body (as opposed to spirit), flesh and blood. 5. Carnality, sensual appetites, bod ily desires. 6. Kindred, stock, race. Flesh and blood, Body, human system. Flesh-color, n. Carnation. Flesh-eating, a. Carnivorous. Fleshiness, n. Fatness, plumpness, corpulence, corpulency, EMBONPOINT, obesity. Fleshly, a. 1. Human, of flesh. 2. Carnal, sensual, lustful, lascivious, lecherous. Fleshy, a. Fat, plump, corpulent. Fleur-de-lis, n. [Fr.] Yellow flag (Ins pseudacorus), flower-de-luce. Flexibility, n. Pliancy, pliability, flex- ibleness, limberness, litheness, supple ness. Flexible, a. Pliable, pliant, limber, tfexible, lithe, supple, not stiff, not rigid, easily bent. Flexibleness, n. Pliancy, FLEXIBIL ITY. Flexile, a. Pliable, FLEXIBLE. Flexuous, a. Winding, bending, tortu ous, sinuous, sinuate, crooked, serpen tine. Flexure, n. 1. Bending. 2. Bend, crook, turn, fold. Flibbertigibbet, n. [Low.] Imp, sprite, demon, malignant spirit, little devil. Flicker, v. n. 1. Flutter. 2. Fluctuate, waver, float. Flickermouse, n. Bat, flindermouse, flitter mouse. Flight, n. 1. Flying, soaring, mounting, volitation. 2. Fleeing, hasty departure. 3. Flock (of birds). 4. Volley, shower. Flighty, a. Giddy, wild, volatile, light headed, without ballast. Flimsy, a. 1. Slight, thin, unsubstan tial, of frail texture. 2. Weak, feeble, trivial, frivolous, FLINCH 164 FLOWING foolish, trifling, light, puerile, shallow, superficial, trashy. Flinch., v. n. Shrink, withdraw, retreat, swerve, wince, draw back, hold back. Flindermouse, n. Bat, flittermouse, flickermouse. Flinders, n. pi. Splinters, fragments. Fling, v. a. 1. Throw, cast, hurl, toss, dart, pitch, flirt, chuck, shy. 3. Prostrate, overthrow, throw to the ground, throw down. Fling, v. n. Flounce, wince, fly into violent motions. Fling, n. 1. Throw, cast, toss. 3. Jeer, gibe, flout, scoff, sneer, taunt. Fling away, Reject, discard, throw away. Fling open, Throw open, open suddenly. Fling up, Relinquish, abandon. Flippancy, n. 1. Volubility, fluency. 3. Pertness, boldness, impertinence, sauciness, impudence. Flippant, a. 1. Voluble, fluent, glib, talkative, nimble of speech, of ready utterance. 3. Pert, impertinent, saucy, mala pert, forward, bold, impudent. Flirt, v. a. Throw (with a jerk), toss, fling, pitch, hurl, chuck, shy. Flirt, v. n. Coquet, philander, make love, make a show of love, affect to be in love, play at courtship. Flirt, n. 1. Coquette, jilt. 3. Jerk, sudden fling. Flirtation, n. Coquetry, affectation of love. Flit, v. n. Fly rapidly, dart along. Flitter, n. Rag, tatter, fritter, shred. Flittermouse, n. Bat, flindermouse, flickermouse. Flitting, a. Fleeting, evanescent, tran sient, transitory, passing, fugitive, ephemeral. Float, v. n. Swim, WAFT, be buoyed up. Float, v. a. Buoy up, bear up, keep afloat, bear on the surface. Float, n. 1. Raft, floating mass. 3. Buoy. 3. Float-board. Float-board, n. Float. Floccillation, n. (Med.) Carphology, tilmus. Flock, n. 1. Collection (of sheep, <&c.), company. 3. Lock of wool. Flock, v. n. Congregate, herd, gather in crowds. Flog v. a. Beat, lash, whip, thrash, drub, scourge, flagellate. Flood, n. 1. Inundation, deluge, over flow, freshet. 3. Great flow. Flood, v. a. Overflow, inundate, deluge, flow. Flood-gate, n. Sluice-gate. Flood-mark, n. High-water mark. Floor, v. a. 1. Cover with a floor, put a floor on. 3. Overthrow, bring to the floor, knock down. 3. Prevail over (in argument), get the better of. Flora, n. Plants (of a country). Floret, n. Floweret, little flower. Floriculture, n. Cultivation of flowers. Floriculturist, n. Florist. Florid, a. 1. [Poetical.] Flowery. 3. Rubicund, of a bright red color. 3. Ornate, rhetorical, figurative, high ly embellished. Florist, n. Floriculturist. Flounce, v. n. 1. Fling, wince, fly into violent motions (as an animal in a passion). 2. FLOUNDER, toss about. Flounce, n. 1. Jerk, throe, spring. 3. Frill (on a gown, &c.), furbelow. Flounder, v. n. Struggle (as an animal in the mire), toss, tumble, wallow, flounce, toss about. Flour-box, n. Dredging-box, FLOUR- DREDGE. Flour-dredge, n. Dredging-box, flour- box, dredge-box. Flourish, v. n. 1. Thrive, grow. 3. Prosper, succeed, be successful, go on well. 3. Boast, brag, vaunt, vapor, gascon ade, bluster, make a show, be osten tatious, show off, cut a dash, make a flourish. Flourish, v. a. Brandish, wave. Flourish, n. 1. Ostentation, parade, show, display, dash. 3. Bombast, grandiloquence, flowery speech, high-sounding words. 3. Fanciful strokes (of a pen, &c.). Flout, v. a. Insult, mock, jeer, gibe, deride, taunt, chaft", scoff at, sneer at, treat with contempt. Flout, v. n. Sneer, be contemptuous. Flout, n. Insult, mock, sneer, scoff, taunt. Flow, v. n. 1. Stream, run, pour, roll on, sweep along. 3. Issue, emanate, proceed, come, grow, arise, follow, spring, result, be derived. 3. Glide, move along easily or smooth ly. 4. Wave, float, undulate, waver, hang loosely. 5. Abound, be full. Flow, v. a. Flood, inundate, deluge, overflow. Flow, n. 1. Stream, current, flux. 3. Abundance, copiousness. Flower, n. 1. Blossom, bloom. 3. Best part, finest part. 3. Prime, early vigor. 4. Figure, figure of speech, orna mental expression. Flower, v. n. Blossom, bloom, be in flower, put forth flowers. Flower-cup, n. Calyx. Flower-de-luce, n. Fleur-de-lis, yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus). Floweret, n. Floret, little flower. Flowers of sulphur, Sublimed sul phur. Flowery, a. 1. Bloomy, full of flowers. 3. Ornate, figurative, florid. Flowing, a. 1. Running. 3. Fluent, copious, smooth. FLOWK 165 FOLIACEOUS Flowk, n. Fluke, turbot (Platessa max- imus). Fluctuate, v. n. 1. Oscillate, be un steady, rise and fall, move to and fro, move up and down. 3. Waver, vacillate, be irresolute or inconstant. Fluctuation, n. 1. Oscillation, unstead iness, rising and falling. 3. Wavering, inconstancy, vacilla tion, hesitation. Fluency, n. 1. Smoothness. 3. volubility, glibness, readiness of speech, ready utterance, command of language, facility of expression, GIFT OF THE GAB. Fluent, a. 1. Flowing, gliding. 3. Smooth, not harsh. 3. Voluble, glib, ready (in speech). Fluff; ?i. Nap, down. Fluffy, a. Nappy, downy. Flugelman, n. File-leader, leader, di rector, fugleman. Fluid, a. Liquid, not solid. Fluid, n. Liquid, liquor. Fluke, n. 1. Gourd-worm, fluke-worm. 3. Turbot, flowk (Platessa maximus). Fluke-worm, n. Fluke, gourd-worm. Flummery, n. 1. Adulation, syco phancy, obsequiousness, blandishment, flattery, empty compliment. 3. So WENS, porridge (made of the dust of oatmeal). Flunky, n. 1. Lackey, livery servant. 2. Mean fellow, mean-spirited person, obsequious person. 3. [Colloquial, U. S.] Dupe (in buy ing stocks). Fluor-spar, n. Derbyshire spar, fluor ide of calcium. Flurry, n. 1. Flaw, squall, gust of wind. 2. Agitation, hurry, bustle, confu sion, commotion, perturbation, disturb ance, flutter, ruffle, hurry-skurry. Flurry, v. a. Excite, confuse, discon cert, disturb, agitate, fluster, hurry. Flush, v. n. Glow, redden. Flusli, v. a. 1. Redden, color, cause to glow. 3. Animate, elevate, elate, ERECT, excite, make proud. Flush, a. 1. Glowing, bright, fresh, vigorous. 3. Affluent, rich, wealthy, opulent, well supplied. 3. Liberal, free, generous, lavish, prodigal. 4. Level, even, plane, flat. Flush, n. 1. Redness, ruddiness, rosi- ness, glow, bloom. 3. Sudden impulse. Fluster, v. a. Excite, heat, hurry, agi tate, confound, confuse, disconcert, dis turb, flurry, pose, nonplus. Fluster, n. Agitation, FLURRY. Fluted, a. Grooved (as a column), chan nelled. Flute-player, n. Flutist. Flutist, n. Flute-player. Flutter, v. n. 1. Hover, flap the wings quickly. 3. Flaunt, make a show, make a parade, cut a dash, be ostentatious. 3. Be fickle, be inconstant, be un steady. Flutter, n. 1. Agitation, tremor, quick motion. 3. Confusion, hurry, commotion, per turbation, flurry, fluster, hurry-skurry. Flux, n. 1. Flow, flowing. 2. Mutation, change, transition, shift ing. 3. Looseness, diarrhoea, dysentery. 3. Fusion, melting. Fluxion, n. (Math.) Differential, infi nitely small quantity. Fluxions, n. pi. (Math.) Calculus, dif ferential and integral calculus. Fly, v. n. 1. Soar, mount, hover, take wing. 3. Flutter, float, wave, undulate. 3. Burst, explode, be scattered, break in pieces, be broken to pieces. 4. Flee, escape, decamp, abscond, make off, pack off, slip away, steal away, slink away. 5. Pass, elapse, slip, glide, flit, roll on, flow on. Fly at, Assail, attack, assault, rush upon, spring upon. Fly, n. 1. Winged insect. 3. Fly-wheel. 3. Compass card. Fly-bane, n. Catchfly. Fly-blow, n. Fly s egg. Fly open, Burst open, open suddenly. Fly-wheel, n. Fly. Foal, . Colt. Foam, n. Froth, spume, spray. Foam, v. n. Froth, spume. Foamy, a. Frothy, spumy, spumous. Fob, n. Watch-pocket. Focus, n. Central point, point of con centration, point of convergence. Fodder, n. Forage, food (for cattle), provender. Fodder, v. a. Feed (cattle). Foe, n. Enemy, adversary, opponent, antagonist, FOEMAN. Foeman, n. [Poetical.] Enemy, foe. Fog, n. Haze, mist. Foggy, a. I. Misty, hazy. 3. Confused, dazed, bewildered. Fogy, n. [Written also fogey.] Con servative (in an ill- sense)^ old fogy. Foible, n. Frailty, weakness, failing, defect, infirmity, imperfection, fault, weak point, weak side, blind side. Foil, v. a. Defeat, frustrate, balk, dis appoint, baffle. Foist in, Interpolate, thrust in, insert wrongfully, introduce surreptitiously. Fold, n. 1. Pen (for sheep), enclosure. 3. Flock of sheep. 3. Plait, double, doubling, folding, PLICATURE, gather. Fold, v. a. 1. Double, lay in folds. 3. Wrap, inwrap, envelop, infold. Folding, n. Plait, double, FOLD. Foliaceous, a. 1. (Bot.) Leafy, foliate. 3. (Min.) Lamellar, laminated, la mellate, lamellated, scaly, flaky, foli ated, schistose. FOLIAGE 166 FOOT-TRAVELLER Foliage, n. Leaves, clusters of leaves. Foliate, a. (Bot.} Leafy, foliaceous. Foliated, a. (Min.) Lamella, laminat ed, lamellate, lamellated, schistose. Folks, n.pL [Colloquial.} People, per sons. Folkland, n. Copyhold land. Folk-lore, n. Popular superstitions. Follow, v. a. 1. Come or go after or behind, go in the rear or in the wake of, tread in the steps of, tread on the heels of. 3. Succeed, come next, tread close upon. 3. Pursue, chase, run after, go after. 4. Attend, accompany, go along with, keep company with. 5. Obey, heed, observe, be guided by, conform to, yield to. 6. Seek, cherish, cultivate, strive for. 7. Practise, pursue, attend to, make the object of pursuit. 8. Imitate, copy, pattern after, copy after, take as an example. Follow, v. n. 1. Come or go after. 3. Succeed, come next. 3. Ensue, result, arise, proceed, flow, spring, issue. Follower, n. 1. Pursuer. 3. Attendant, retainer, dependant, companion, associate. 3. Adherent, disciple, partisan, pu pil. 4. Imitator, copier. Follow up, Examine, scrutinize, inves tigate, sift, inquire into, look into. Folly, n. 1. Foolishness, imbecility, fatuity, stupidity, shallowness, dulness, doltishness. 3. Absurdity, extravagance, impru dence, nonsense, indiscretion, act of folly, foolish act. Foment, v. a. 1. Stupe, bathe with warm lotions, apply warm lotions to. 2. Excite, encourage, abet, stimulate, brew, stir up. Fomentation, n. 1. Stupe, local bath ing (loith warm lotions). 3. Instigation, encouragement. Fond, a. Doting, over-affectionate, fool ishly loving, excessively tender. Fond of, Taken with, attached to, much pleased with, delighted with. Fondle, v. a. Caress, pet, coddle, cosset, treat with fondness, make much of, make a pet of. Fondness, n. 1. Warm love, childish affection, excessive tenderness. 3. Liking, partiality, predilection. Font, n. 1. Baptismal vessel. 3. Fount, assortment of types. Fontanel, n. (Med.) Issue (artificial ly caused). Food, n. Aliment, nutriment, nutrition, sustenance, BREAD, nourishment, meat, provisions, victuals, viands, diet, regi men, fare, cheer, commons, pabulum, subsistence, rations, GRUB, PROG, FOD DER, PROVENDER, FEED, FORAGE. Foot-boy, n. Runner, footman, livery servant. Fool, n. 1. Dolt, witling, driveller, idiot, simpleton, ninny, nincompoop, block head, DUNCE. 3. Buffoon, harlequin, droll, punch, antic, jester, zany, clown, mountebank, merry Andrew, scaramouch, jack-pud ding, pickle-herring. Fool, v. n. Trifle, toy, play, play the fool, play the monkey, act like a fool. Fool, v. a. Deceive, cheat, trick, dupe, gull, delude, circumvent, cozen, over reach, beguile, hoodwink, chouse, cully, impose upon. Foolery,- n. Absurdity, nonsense, buf foonery, folly, tomfoolery, mummery, foolish conduct. Foolhardy, a. Rash, venturous, ad venturous, venturesome, reckless, des perate, hot-headed, hot-brained, hair- brained, headlong, precipitate. Foolish, a. 1. Senseless, idiotic, silly, weak, DAFT, simple, irrational, insen sate, shallow, brainless, witless, thick- skulled, buffle-headed, shallow-brained. 3. Unwise, unreasonable, absurd, ridiculous, nonsensical, ill-judged, pre posterous, indiscreet, imprudent. 3. Idle, trivial, trifling, vain, child ish, puerile, contemptible. Foolishness, n. 1. Folly, silliness, im becility, stupidity, fatuity, shallowness, dulness, doltishness. 3. Absurdity, extravagance, non sense, imprudence, indiscretion. 3. Puerility, childishness, triviality. Foot, n. 1. PAW. 3. Base, bottom, lower part. 3. Twelve inches. 4. (Mil.) Infantry, foot-soldiers. Foot, v. a. 1. Add a foot to (a stocking, boot, &c.), supply with a foot. 3. Add up (figures), sum up. Footfall, n. Footstep, footprint, foot mark, track. Foothold, n. Footing, place to stand on. Footing-, n. 1. Foothold. 3. Basis, foundation, ground-work. 3. Rank, standing, grade, state, status, condition. 4. Settlement, establishment, stable position. 5. Sum total (of a column of figures). Foot it, [Colloquial.} Walk, go on foot. Footman, n. Runner, footboy, livery servant, man in waiting. Footmark, n. Footprint, footstep, track, trace. Footpad, n. Highwayman, brigand, robber, freebooter, bandit. Footpath, n. Footway. Footprint, n. Footmark, footstep, foot fall, track, trace. Foot-soldiers, n. pi. Foot, infantry. Footstalk, n. Petiole, leaf-stalk. Footstep, n. 1. Footprint, footmark, footfall, track, trace. 3. Token, mark, sign, vestige. Footsteps, n.pl. Example. Foot the bill, [Colloquial.} Pay the bill. Foot-traveller, n. Pedestrian, trav eller afoot. FOOTWAY 167 FOREIGNER Footway, n. Footpath. Fop, n. Coxcomb, dandy, exquisite, beau, jackanapes, jack-a-dandy, maca roni, popinjay, SWELL, man-milliner, man of dress, vain fellow. Foppery, n. Coxcombry, dandyism, foppishness, showy folly, vanity in dress. Foppish, a. Dandyish, coxcombical, dandified, vain of dress. Foppishness, n. Coxcombry, foppery. "For, prep. 1. Because of, by reason of. 2. On account of, for the sake of. 3. In the place of, instead.of. 4. Concerning, with respect to, with regard to. 5. Toward, towards. 6. Conducive to, beneficial to. 7. Against, in opposition to, as anti dote to. 8. During, during the term of. 9. According to, in spite of, as far as. 10. In favor of, on the side of. 11. In quest of, with a view to. 12. As being. For, conj. Because, since, on this ac count that. Forage, n. Food (for horses and cat tle). Forage, v. n. Wander in search of forage. Forager, ?i. BUMMEB, raider. Foramen, n. (Anat. & Hot.) Hole, ori fice, perforation. Foraminated, a. Perforated, forami- nous. Forasmuch as, Since, whereas, inas much as, because that, in consideration that, seeing that. Foray, n. [Written also Forray.} In road, irruption, raid, piratical invasion, hostile incursion. For aye, [Poetical.} Always, FOR EVER. Forbear, v. n. 1. Stop, pause, cease, desist, stay, break off, leave off, give over. 2. Abstain, refrain. Forbear, y. a. 1. Shun, decline, avoid. 2. Omit, withhold, abstain from. 3. Spare, treat with indulgence. Forbearance, n. 1. Forbearing, shun ning, abstinence, avoidance. 2. Patience, lenity, indulgence, long suffering. Forbid, v. a. Prohibit, inhibit, inter dict. Forbidding, a. Repulsive, abhorrent, odious, disagreeable, unpleasant, offen sive. Force, n. 1. Strength (regarded as ac tive), power, might, energy, vigor. 2. Efficacy, efficiency, potency, va lidity, cogency, virtue, agency. 3. Violence, compulsion, coercion, constraint, enforcement. 4. Army, troop, legion, host, squad ron, phalanx, regiment. Force, v. a. 1. Compel, coerce, con strain, necessitate. 2. Impel, drive, urge, press, clap. 3. Ravish, violate, debauch, constu- prate, deflour, commit a rape on. Force from, Extort, wrest from. Forced, a. 1. Compelled, constrained. 2. Strained, unnatural, catachrestic, far-fetched, studiously sought. Forcible, a. 1 . Powerful, strong, mighty, weighty, potent, impressive, irresistible, cogent, all-powerful. 2. Violent, impetuous. 3. Energetic, vigorous, effective, effi cacious. Forcibly, ad. 1. Powerfully, might ily- 2. Violently, vi ET ABMIS, at the point of the sword. 3. Energetically,vigorously, effective ly, with might and main. Forcing-pit, n. Hot-bed. Ford, v. a. Wade through (a river). Fore, a. 1. Anterior, preceding, prior . 2. Front, not back, not behind. Forebode, v. a. 1. Foretell, predict, presage, portend, augur, betoken, fore shadow, foreshow, prognosticate, pre figure, be ominous of. 2. Foreknow, be prescient of, have foreknowledge of, have prescience of. Foreboding, n. Prognostication, pre sage, omen, augury. Forecast, v. a. 1. Foresee, anticipate, look forward to, provide against. 2. Contrive, plan, project, devise, scheme. Forecast, n. 1. Foresight, prevision, forethought, anticipation, provident regard to the future. 2. Contrivance, scheming, planning. Foreclose, v. a. 1. Preclude, prevent, stop, debar, hinder, shut out. 2. (Law.) Deprive of the power of redeeming (a mortgage). Foredoom, v. a. Predestine, foreordain, preordain, doom beforehand. Forefather, n. Progenitor, ancestor, father, foregoer. For effect, To make an impression, for the sake of effect. Forefend, v. a. [Rare.} Avert, prevent, hinder, forbid, ward off, keep off . Forego, v. a. Relinquish, resign, sur render, cede, yield, abandon, give up, part with, let go. Foregoer, n. 1. Precursor, forerunner, herald, harbinger, avant-courier. 2. Ancestor, forefather, progenitor, father. Foregoing, a. Preceding, previous, antecedent, prior, former. Foregone, a. Predetermined, decided beforehand. Forehanded, a. [U. S.} Beforehand, in comfortable circumstances (as re spects property], well off, well to do. Forehead, n. Front, brow. Foreign, a. 1. Alien, outlandish, ex otic, not native, not domestic, from abroad. 2. Remote, not allied, not pertinent, not appropriate, not congenial, not con nected, not belonging. 3. Extraneous, extrinsic, adventi tious. Foreigner, n. Alien, stranger. FOREKNOW 168 FORM Foreknow, v. a. Foresee, forebode, know beforehand, be prescient of, have prescience of, have previous knowledge of, have foreknowledge of. Foreknowledge, n. Foresight, pres cience, previous knowledge. Foreland, n. Promontory, cape, head land, point of land. Foreman, n. 1. Presiding officer (of a jury). 3. Overseer, superintendent, BOSS, chief workman, master workman. Forementioned, a. Aforesaid, above- mentioned, forenamed. Foremost, a. First, most advanced, front. Forename, n. Christian name. Forenamed, a. Aforesaid, above-men tioned, forementioned, above-named. Forensic, a. Juridical, judicial. Foreordain, v. a. Predestinate, prede termine, preordain, foredoom. Forerun, v. a. Precede, go before, come before. Forerunner, n. 1. Precursor, harbin ger, herald, foregoer, ayant-courier. 3. Prelude, prognostic, sign, omen. Foresee, v.a. Foreknow, forecast, fore bode, see beforehand, have prescience of, be prescient of. Foreshadow, v. a. Prefigure, foreshow, foretell, predict, prognosticate, presig- nify. Foreshow, v, a. Prefigure, FORESHAD OW. Foresight, n. 1. Foreknowledge, pres cience, prevision. 3. Forecast, forethought, precaution, prudence, anticipation, provident re gard to the future. Foreskin, n. Prepuce. Forest, n. Wood (of large extent), woods, woodland, grove. Forestall, v. a. 1. Anticipate, fore taste, antedate, take in advance. 3. Engross, monopolize, regrate, get exclusive possession of (in order to en hance prices). Foretaste, v. a. Anticipate, FORE STALL. Foretaste, n. Anticipation, antepast, prelibation, forestalling, presentiment, taste beforehand. Foretell, v. a. I. Predict, prophesy. 3. Prognosticate, foreshow, foreshad ow, presignify, betoken, portend, augur, bode, presage. Forethought, n. Foresight, forecast, anticipation, precaution, prudence, provident regard to the future. For ever, ad. Always, perpetually, eter nally, endlessly, ever, evermore, AYE, for aye, at all times, to the end of time, time without end, through endless ages. Forewarn, v. a. Caution, admonish, advise, warn. Forfeit, n. Fine, mulct, amercement, penalty, forfeiture. Forfeit, v. a. Lose (by some offence^ by neglect, or by breach of condition). Forfeiture, n. 1. Loss (by some offence, &c.\. 3. Fine, mulct, amercement, penalty, forfeit. Forge, n. 1. Smithy (for heavy work), iron- works. 3. Furnace (to make iron more malle able), shingling-mill. Forge, v. a. 1. Beat (metal), form (by lieating and hammering). 3. Devise, invent, frame, coin. 3. Falsify, counterfeit, fabricate. Forger, n. 1. Maker, contriver. 3. Counterfeiter, falsifier. Forgery, n. 1. Counterfeiting, falsifica tion. 3. Counterfeit. Forget, v. a. 1. Lose the remembrance of, let slip from the mind, not remem ber. 3. Think no more of, consign to ob livion. Forgetful, a. 1. Apt to forget. 3. Negligent, inattentive, neglectful, careless, heedless, mindless. Forgetfulness, n. 1. Aptness to forget, failure of memory. 3. OBLIVION. 3. Negligence, inattention, careless ness, heedlessness. Forget one s self, Lose self-control, commit an indiscretion. Forgive, v. a. PARDON (especially for a small offence), absolve, excuse, acquit. Forgiveness, n. PARDON, absolution, remission, acquittal. For good, Finally, as the final move, for good and all. For good and all, FOR GOOD. Forgotten, a. 1. Gone from one s mind, out of one s recollection. 3. Buried in oblivion, sunk in ob livion. Fork, n. Branch, division, divarica tion. Fork, v. n. Branch, divide. Forked, a. Furcate, furcated. Forlorn, a. 1. Deserted, abandoned, forsaken, friendless, solitary, lost. 3. Wretched, miserable, pitiable, des titute, helpless, comfortless, disconso late, woe-begone. Forlorn hope, 1. Vanguard, skirmish ers, advanced body of troops. 3. Desperate case, doubtful enter prise, hazardous adventure. Form, n. 1. Shape (with especial refer ence to structure), figure, configuration, conformation, mould, fashion, cast, cut, TOURNURE. 3. Mode, method, formula, formu lary, established practice. 3. Manner, system. 4. Regularity, order, arrangement, shapeliness. 5. Ceremony, formality, ceremonial, conventionality, etiquette, conventional rule. 6. Empty show, mere appearance. 7. Bench, long seat (without a back). 8. Class, rank of students. 9. Type in a chase (ready for print ing). 10. Mould, pattern, model. FORM 169 FOSTER Form, v. a. 1. Fashion, shape, carve, mould. 3. Make, create, produce. 3. Contrive, devise, invent, frame. 4. Constitute, compose, make up. 5. Arrange, dispose, combine. Formal, a. 1. Express, explicit, posi tive, in due form, according to estab lished form. 2. Regular, methodical. 3. Ceremonious, precise, punctilious, stiff , starch, starched, prim, affectedly exact. 4. Constitutive, essential. 5. External, as mere form. Formality, n. 1. Custom, established mode, settled method, rule of proceed ing. 2. Ceremony, conventionality, eti quette, mere form. Formation, n. Creation, production. Formative, a. 1. Plastic. 2. (Gram.) Derivative, not radical. Former, a. Maker, framer, author, creator, constructor. Former, a. 1. Previous, prior, anterior, antecedent, preceding, foregoing. 3. Quondam, ci-devant, late, old- time. 3. Past, gone by. 4. First named, first mentioned. Formerly, ad. Heretofore, anciently, aforetime, of old, in times past, in days of yore, long ago, in past ages. Formidable, a. Fearful, dreadful, ter rible, REDOUBTABLE, frightful, terrific, horrible, tremendous. Formula, n. Form, rule, model, formu lary. Formulary, n. 1. Book of forms. 2. Form, model, rule, formula. 3. Ritual. Fornicate, a. (Bot.) Arched, vaulted. Forray.w. [Written also Foray.] Inroad, irruption, raid, descent, partial inva sion, hostile incursion. Forsake, v. a. Leave, quit, desert, re linquish, abandon, renounce, forswear, drop, give up, give over, cast off. Forsaker, n. Deserter. Forsooth, ad. Certainly, truly, really, in truth, in fact, of a truth, in good truth. Forswear, v. a. 1. Renounce (upon oath), reject, leave, quit, desert, for sake, abandon, drop. 2. Deny, abjure, recant, retract. Forswear one s self, Perjure one s self, take a false oath, swear falsely, bear false witness, break one s word, break one s faith, play false. Fort, n. Fortification, fortress, strong hold, bulwark, castle, citadel, fastness, fortified place. Forte, n. Peculiar talent, special gift, strong "side, chief excellence, strong point, that in which one excels. Forth, ad. 1. Onward, forward. 3. Out, abroad, from retirement, from confinement. For the best, To secure the best re sult. For the better, For improvement, for greater good. For the nonce, For the occasion, for the present time, for the present purpose. For the present, For the time being, for a while. Forthwith, ad. Immediately, directly, instantly, IHSTAXTER, without delay. Fortification, n. 1. Military architec ture. 3. Fort, FORTRESS, stronghold, castle, citadel, bulwark, fortified place. Fortify, v. a. 1. Protect by fortifica tions. 3. Strengthen, confirm, brace, add strength to. Fortiter in re, [L.] With vigor and firmness in action. Fortitude, n. Endurance (with courage), firmness, resolution, patience, strength of mind, passive courage. Fortnight, n. Two weeks. Fortress, n. Fortification, fort, strong hold, castle, citadel, fortified place (of great magnitude ). Fortuitous, a. Accidental, casual, con tingent, incidental, happening by chance. Fortuity, n. Accidentalness, chance, contingency. Fortunate, a. 1. LUCKY, successful, prosperous, favored, happy. 3. Propitious, auspicious, favorable. Fortune, n. 1. Chance, accident, luck, hap, fortuity. 3. Livelihood, means of living. 3. Estate, substance, property, pos sessions. 4. Wealth, riches, opulence. 5. Destiny, fate, destination, doom, lot, star, future condition. 6. Event, issue, result. 7. Success, favorable issue. Fortune-teller, n. Augur, soothsayer, prophet, seer. Forum, n. Tribunal, court, court of justice. Forward, } ad. Onward, progressively, Forwards, ) not backward. Forward, a. 1. Onward, progressive. 3. Front, fore, at the fore part, near the fore part. 3. Ready, prompt, willing, eager, earnest, zealous. 4. Bold,, confident, presumptuous, presuming, impertinent, pert, flippant, brazen, assuming, brazen-faced, BRAS SY, CHEEKY. 5. Early, premature. Forward, v. a. 1. Advance, promote, further, foster, support, favor, encour age, help on, help forward. 3. Quicken, hasten, accelerate, expe dite, speed, despatch, hurry. 3. Transmit, send on, send forward. Fosse, n. (Fort.) Ditch, moat, graff. Fossil, n. Petrifaction. Foster, v. a. 1. Nurse, nourish, feed, support, sustain, bring up, rear up. 3. Cherish, encourage, favor, pro mote, stimulate, forward, further, ad vance, help on, help forward. FOUL 170 FRAUD Foul, a. 1. Impure, nasty, squalid, dirty, polluted, filthy, unclean, soiled, tarnished, stained, sullied. 2. Disgusting, loathsome, offensive, noisome. 3. Base, scandalous, infamous, vile, scurvy, unfair, dishonorable, sinister, wicked, dark, abominable, detestable, disgraceful, shameful. 4. Obscene, vulgar, coarse, low. 5. Abusive, insulting, scurrilous, foul- mouthed. 6. Stormy, rainy, cloudy. Foul play, Injustice, unfairness, dis honesty, wrong. Foul-mouthed, a. Abusive, insulting, insolent, blackguard, scurrilous, foul. Foumart, n. Polecat, fitchew, fitchet (Mustela putorius). Found, v. a. 1. Base, set, fix, place, ground, lay the foundation of. 2. Build, construct, erect, raise. 3. Establish, institute, originate. 4. Cast, form in a mould. Foxindation, n. 1. Basis, base, ground work, footing, bottom. 2. Establishment, settlement. 3. Endowment. Founder, n. 1. Originator, institutor, establisher, planter. 2. Caster (of metals). Founder, v. n. 1. Sink (as a ship by filling with ivater), go to the bottom. 2. Fail, miscarry. 3. Trip, stumble, fall. Foundling, n. Abandoned infant. Fount, n. 1. [Poetical.] Spring, foun tain. 2. Font, assortment of types. Fountain, n. 1. Spring, well, font. 2. Jet, JET D EAU. 3. Source, original, origin, cause, first principle, fountain-head. Fountain-head, n. Source, original, origin, cause, fountain, first princi ple. Fourfold, a. Quadruple. Fourfold, n. Four times as many, four times as much. Four-handed, a. Quadrumanous. Fourierism, n. Socialism, phalansteri- anism, humanitarianism, Saint Simo- nianism. Fourscore, a. & n. Eighty. Foursquare, a. Quadrangular. Fowl, n. 1. Bird, winged animal. 2. Poultry, barn-door fowl, domestic fowl. Fox-shark, n. Thrasher, sea-fox, sea- ape (Carcharias vulpes). Foxy, a. Artful, wily, cunning, crafty, sly, subtle. Fracas, n. Uproar, tumult, disturbance, row, outbreak, noisy quarrel. Fraction, n. 1. Part, portion, fragment, section, piece, bit, scrap. 2. (Anth.) Part of a unit. Fractional, a. Broken, fragmentary. Fractious, a. Cross, captious, petulant, touchy, testy, peevish, fretful, splenetic, pettish, snappish, waspish, irritable. Fracture, n. 1. Breaking, rupture. 2. Break, crack, breach, cleft, fissure, rift, flaw, rent, opening. Fragile, a. 1. Brittle, frangible, easily broken. 2. Frail, weak, feeble, INFIRM. Fragility, n. 1. Brittleness, frangible- ness. 2. Frailty, weakness, feebleness. Fragment, n. Remnant, scrap, chip, detached part, part broken oft . Fragmentary, a. Fractional, broken. Fragrance, ) n. Perfume, aroma, re- Fragrancy, j dolence, balminess, in cense, pleasing scent, grateful odor, sweetness of smell. Fragrant, a. Aromatic, redolent, balmy, odoriferous, odorous, perfumed, sweet- smelling, sweet-scented. Frail, a. 1. Fragile, frangible, BRITTLE, easily broken (across). 2. Weak, feeble, fragile, INFIRM. 3. Liable to err, easily led astray, of infirm virtue. Frailty, n. 1. Weakness, feebleness, infirmity, frailness. 2. Fault, foible, defect, imperfection, failing, weak point, weak side, blind side. 3. Liability to err, proneness to error, want of moral strength. Frame, v. a. 1. Construct, build, put together. 2. Form, compose, make, constitute. 3. Invent, devise, plan, contrive. 4. Fabricate, forge. 5. Put into a frame. Frame, n. 1. Skeleton, framing, frame work, carcass. 2. Form, structure, fabric, system, scheme, constitution. 3. Condition, state, temper, mood. Framer, i. Former, maker, author, creator, constructor. Framework, n. Skeleton, frame, fram ing, carcass. Franchise, n. 1. Eight, privilege. 2. Immunity, exemption. Frangible, a. Brittle, fragile, easily broken. Frank, a. Artless, candid, open, ingenu ous, free, sincere, frank-hearted, unre served, without disguise. Frank-hearted, a. Candid, open, in genuous, FRANK. Frankincense, n. 1. Gallipot, Bur gundy pitch. 2. pLIBANUM. Frantic, a. Furious, raving, raging, mad, distracted, wild, infuriate, fren zied. Fraternal, a. Brotherly. Fraternity, n. Association, society, company, circle, brotherhood, sodality, league, clan, united body. Fraternize, v. n. Sympathize, harmo nize, consort, coalesce, concur, associate (as brothers), COTTON, make common cause, HITCH HORSES TOGETHER. Fraud, n. Deceit, deception, duplicity, imposition, imposture, guile, trick, cheat, chouse, artifice, stratagem, wile, COLLUSION, humbug, hoax. FRAUDULENT 171 FRIENDSHIP Fraudulent, a. Dishonest, knavish, treacherous, deceitful, deceptive, false, trickish, TRICKY, crafty, wily, collusive, covinous. Fraught, a. Filled, stored, freighted, laden, charged. Fray, n. 1. Combat, battle, fight. 3. Broil, quarrel, riot, affray. Fray, v. a. Rub, wear, fret. Freak, n. 1. Whim, whimsey, caprice, fancy, humor, crotchet, maggot, vagary, quirk, WRINKLE. 3. Gambol, antic, caper. Freakish, a. Whimsical, capricious, odd, humorsome, erratic. Free, a. 1. Independent, unrestrained, at liberty. 3. Released, delivered, emancipated, liberated. 3. Exempt, clear. 4. Allowed, permitted, open. 5. Unobstructed, unimpeded, unre stricted, open. 6. Frank, ingenuous, candid, artless, sincere, unreserved, frank-hearted. 7. Generous, liberal, bountiful, chari table, munificent, free-hearted, open- handed, not parsimonious. 8. Prodigal, lavish, immoderate. 9. Ready, eager, prompt, willing. 10. Gratuitous, spontaneous, willing. Free, v. a. 1. Liberate, emancipate, manumit, release, disinthral, enfran chise, deliver, set free, set at liberty. 3. Rid, clear, disengage. Freebooter, n. Robber, plunderer, pil lager, despoiler, highwayman, footpad, brigand, bandit, marauder. Freedom, n. 1. LIBERTY, independ ence, exemption from restraint. 3. Scope, range, play, swing, free play, full play, full swing. 3. Franchise, immunity, privilege. 4. Familiarity, license. Free-hearted, a. Liberal, generous, bounteous, bountiful, open-handed. Free play, Freedom, range, scope, full play, swing, full swing. Free-spoken, a. Frank, unreserved. Free-thinker, n. Sceptic, unbeliever, infidel, DEIST. Free-will, n. 1. Unrestrained will, power of choice. 3. Spontaneity, voluntariness. Free-will, a. Voluntary, spontaneous. Freeze, v. n. 1. Be congealed, be frozen. 3. Be chilled. Freeze, v. a. 1. Congeal, solidify by cold, turn to ice. 2. Chill, benumb. Freight, v. a. Load, lade, charge. Freight, n. 1. Cargo, lading, load, burden. 2. Freightage, freight money, charge for freight. Freightage, n. Freight, freight money. French-pie, Great spotted woodpecker (Picus major). Frenzy, n. [Sometimes written Phrensy.] Madness, rage, fury, distraction, rav- ing, insanity, lunacy, derangement, mania, delirium, aberration of mind. Frequency, n. Oftenness, common oc currence. Frequent, a. Common, usual, oft-re peated, every -day, of common occur rence. Frequent, v. a. Haunt, visit often, re sort to frequently. Frequently, ad. Often, repeatedly, many times, at short intervals, not rarely, not seldom. Fresh, a. 1. New, recent. 3. Blooming, flourishing, unfaded. 3. Good, sweet, of recent growth, in a good state, not stale. 4. Florid, healthy, well, hearty, vig orous, hardy, strong. 5. Vivid, lively, not dulled, not im paired. 6. Just received, just arrived. 7. Not salt, without salt. 8. Pure and cool. 9. Brisk, strong, forcible. 1O. Raw, uncultivated, unpractised, untrained, unskilled, inexperienced. Freshen, v. a. Make fresh. Freshen, v. n. 1. Grow fresh. 3. Grow brisk (said of the wind). Freshet, n. Sudden flood (iai a river from rains or melting snow). Freshman, n. 1. Novice, tyro, begin ner, learner. 2. Student of the first year (in col leges), student of the lowest class. Fret, v. a. 1. Rub, chafe, wear ( by friction), wear away. 3. Vex, tease, irritate, gall, provoke, nettle, affront, make angry. 3. Variegate, diversify. Fret, v. n. Chafe, fume, rage, be vexed, be irritated, be chafed, be peevish, be fretful, be angry. Fret, n. 1. Agitation, irritation, vex ation. 3. Herpes, tetter, ringworm. Fretful, a. Peevish, petulant, touchy, testy, snappish, waspish, pettish, sple netic, spleeny, captious, irritable, ill- humored. Fretfulness, n. Peevishness, petulance, testiness, ill-humor, ill-temper. Friable, a. Crumbling, brittle, crisp, pulverable, easily crumbled. Friar s lantern, n. IGNIS FATUUS, will o the wisp, jack-a-lantem. Fribble, a. Trifling, frivolous, silly. Fribble, n. Trifler, frivolous fellow. Friction, n. Attrition, abrasion, con- frication, rubbing. Friend, n. 1. Patron, advocate, confi dant, adherent, associate, ally, inti mate, good genius, bosom friend. 2. Favorer, encourager, well-wisher. 3. Quaker. Friendly, a. 1. Amicable, fraternal, neighborly, kind, well-aftected, on good terms, on friendly terms; on a friendly, familiar, or intimate footing; not hos tile, not inimical. 2. Favorable, propitious, salutary. Friendship, n. Friendliness, amity, amicableness, fellowship, attachment, intimacy. : . FRIGHT 172 FRUSTRATION Fright, v. a. [Poetical.] Frighten. Fright, n. Alarm, affright, terror, dis may, consternation, panic, sudden fear. Frighten, v. a. Alarm, affright, terrify, scare, dismay, daunt, intimidate, shock with sudden fear. Frightful, a. Terrible, terrific, GREW- SOME, fearful, alarming, dreadful, dire ful, dire, horrid, horrible, awful, shock ing. Frigid, a. 1. Cold, cool, GELID, not hot, of a low temperature. 3. Dull, unanimated, lifeless. 3. Forbidding, formal, prim, stiff, re pulsive, chilling. Frigidity, n. 1. Coldness, coolness, frigidness. 3. Dulness, lifelessness, want of ani- m ation. Frigidness, n. FRIGIDITY. Frill, n. Ruffle, edging. Fringed, a. Fimbriate, fimbriated. Frippery, n. 1. Old clothes, cast-off dresses. 3. Trumpery, second-hand finery. Friseur, n. [Fr.] Hair-dresser. Frisk, v. n. Leap, skip, hop, frolic, sportive, romp, gambol, dance. Frisky, a. Gay, lively, playful, sj frolicsome, coltish, full of frolic. Frith, n. 1. Strait. 3. Estuary, inlet, arm of the sea. Fritter, n. 1. Small pan-cake, dough nut, fried cake. 3. Fragment, piece, shred. Fritter, v. a. 1. Slice, cut into small pieces. 3. Break into fragments. Fritter away, 1. Diminish, pare off, reduce to nothing. 3. Misuse (time), waste, idle away, fool away. Frivolity, n. Levity, puerility, trifling- ness, triviality, frivolousness, folly. Frivolous, a. Trifling, trivial, worth less, petty, flimsy, idle, puerile, childish, trashy, foolish. Frivolousness, n. FRIVOLITY. Frizzle, v. a. Curl, crisp. Froghopper, n. Frothworm. Frolic, n. 1. Gambol, escapade, spree, lark, bender, wild prank, flight . of levity. 3. Fun, pleasantry, drollery. 3. Scene of merriment. Frolic, v. n. Be merry, be frolicsome, play pranks, cut capers. Frolicsome, a. Sportive, playful, DAFT, gamesome, gay, lively, frisky, coltish, full of frolic. From far, From a great distance. From hand to hand, From one per son to another. From hand to mouth, Precariously, as want requires, by spending the wages of to-day for to-day s necessi ties. Front, n. 1. Forehead, brow. 3. Van, fore-rank. 3. Forepart, forward part. Front, v. a. 1. Face, stand over against, stand opposite to. 2. Confront, encounter, oppose, meet face to face. Front, v. n. Face, be opposite. Frontal, n. Frontlet, brow-band. Frontier, n. Confine, border, boundary, COAST, marches, limits. Frontier, a. Conterminous, bordering. Frontlet, n. Frontal, brow-band. Frost, n. Rime, hoar-frost, frozen dew. Frost, v. a. Ice, cover with frosting. Frost-fish, n. Tom-cod (Morrhua pru- inosa). Frosting, n. Icing, concreted sugar (for coating cake). Frost-weed, n. FROST- WORT. Frost-wort, n. Frost-weed, rock-rose (Helianthemum Canadensis). Frosty, a. 1. Cold, icy, wintry. 3. White, gray-haired. Froth, n. Spume, foam. Froth-spit, n. Cuckoo-spittle. Frothworm, n. Froghopper. Frothy, a, 1. Foamy, spumy. 3. Trifling, light, empty, trivial, vain, frivolous, unsubstantial. Froward, a. Fractious, perverse, re fractory, untoward, unyielding, ungov ernable, disobedient, wayward, peevish, petulant, cross. Frown, v. n. Scowl, look stern. Frown, n. Scowl, stern look. Frowzy, a. 1. [Low.] Fetid, rank, noi some, stinking, offensive, ill-scented, strong-smelling. 3. Rough and tangled (as the hair). Fructify, v. a. Fertilize, make fruitful. Frugal, a. Provident, economical, sav ing, sparing, choice, chary, careful, thrifty ; not profuse, prodigal, or lavish. Frugality, n. Economy, thrift, thrifti- ness, good husbandry. Fruit, n. 1. Produce (of the earth for the supply of man and animals), harvest, crop. 3. Product, result, consequence, effect. 3. Offspring, issue, young. 4. (Bot.) Matured ovary. Fruitful, a. 1. Productive, abounding in fruit. 3. Prolific, fertile, fecund, not bar ren. 3. Plentiful, plenteous, abundant, rich. Fruition, n. Enjoyment (in the posses sion or the use of any thing). Fruitless, a. 1. Unfruitful, unproduc tive, barren, sterile, unprolific, unfer tile, infecund, addle, ACARPOUS. 3. Useless, unavailing, bootless, prof itless, ineffectual, unprofitable, vain, idle, futile, abortive, without avail. Frush, n. (Farriery.) 1. Frog (of a horse s foot). 3. Thrush (disease of the frog). Frustrate, v. a. Defeat, disappoint, balk, foil, baffle, disconcert, bring to nought. Frustrate, a. Vain, useless, ineffectual, frustrated, of no effect. Frustration, n. Disappointment, de feat. FRY 173 FURBISH Fry, n. Small fishes, swarm of little fishes, small fry. Fuddle, v. a. Intoxicate, inebriate, muddle, make drunk. Fuddled, a. Drunk, intoxicated, ine briated, muddled, corned, tipsy, crapu lous, GROGGY, boozy, tight, high, SLEWED, muzzy, NAPPY, disguised, mellow, in liquor, HALF SEAS OVER, in one s cups, the worse for liquor, three sheets in the wind, has had a drop too much. Fudge, interj. Nonsense, FIDDLE-DE- DEE, stuff, moonshine. Fudge, n. [Colloquial.] Nonsense, stuff, moonshine, balderdash, twaddle. Fuel, n. Firing. Fugacious, a. Transitory, transient, evanescent, fleeting, FUGITIVE. Fugitive, a. 1. Fleeing, flying, escaping. 3. Transitory, transient, evanescent, fleeting, flying, fugacious, flitting, pass ing, momentary, short, brief, temporal, ephemeral, short-lived. Fugitive, n. Runaway, deserter. Fugleman, n. File-leader, leader, di rector, flugelman. Fulcrum, n. Support (of a lever), prop. Fulfil, v. a. [Written also Fulfill.} 1. Ac complish, complete, effectuate, realize, effect, execute, bring to pass. 2. Observe, perform, discharge, keep, meet, satisfy, answer, adhere to, com ply with, be faithful to. Fulfilment, n. [Written also Fulfill ment.] 1. Accomplishment, realization, execution, completion, consummation. 3. Performance, discharge. Fulgurite, n. Thunder-tube. Fuliginous, a. 1. Sooty, smoky, fumy. 2. Dusky, dark. Full, a. 1. Filled, replete. 3. Abounding, well stocked or pro vided. 3. Satiated, sated, glutted, cloyed, saturated. 4. Complete, entire, perfect. 5. Abundant, plentiful, copious, plen teous, sufficient, ample. 6. Loud, deep, strong, clear, distinct. 7. Comprehensive, capacious, broad, large, extensive. Full, ad. 1. Quite, to the same degree. 3. Completely, fully. 3. Exactly, precisely, directly. Full, v. a. Thicken and cleanse (cloth). Full-drive, ad. [Colloquial.] At a furious rate, as fast as possible. Fuller s thistle, ) TPQSP! Fuller s weed, j n Teasel - Fully, ad. Completely, entirely, abun dantly, largely, full, to the full. Fulminate, v. n. Explode, detonate. Fulminate, v. a. Utter with a menace, proclaim with denunciation. Fulminate, v. n. Utter, threaten (as by ecclesiastical authority), hurl denunci ations. Fulmination, n. 1. Denunciation, threatening, anathema, ban, curse, mal ediction. 2. Explosion, detonation. Fulness, a. Plenitude, completeness, copiousness, repletion, abundance, pro fusion, affluence, plenty. Fulsome, a. Nauseous, offensive, dis gusting, loathsome, revolting, repul sive, sickening, rank, gross. Fulvid, a. Fulvous. Fulvous, a. Yellow, tawny, fulvid, yel lowish-brown, dull yellow. Fumble, v. n. Feel about (awkwardly or childishly), make awkward attempts. Fumbler, n. Bungler, lubber, lout. Fume, n. Smoke, vapor, steam, exhala tion, effluvium, reek. Fume, v. n. 1. Smoke, reek, emit vapor, throw off vapor. 3. Rage, rave, fret, bluster, storm, chafe, flare up, be in a passion, be in a rage, get mad, fly off at a tangent. Fumigate, v. a. Smoke, expose to smoke, cleanse by smoke. Fumy, a. Smoky, fuliginous. Fun, n. Pleasantry, drollery, sport, merriment, frolic, gayety. Funambulate, v. n. Walk on a rope. Funambulist, n. Rope-dancer, acro bat. Function, n. 1. Performance, execu tion, discharge, exercise. 3. Province, business, office, duty, employment, occupation, part. Functionary, n. Office-holder, incum bent of an office. Fund, n. 1. Stock, capital. 3. Store, supply. Fundament, n. Bottom, seat. Fundamental, a. Essential, primary, important, indispensable, radical, con stitutional, organic. Fundamental, n. Leading principle, essential part. Funeral, n. 1. Burial, interment. 3. Obsequies, exequies, funeral sol emnities, funeral rites. Funereal, a. Dark, dismal, mournful, sombre, sad, woful, gloomy, lugubri ous, melancholy, sepulchral, suitable to a funeral. Fungosity, n. Excrescence, fungus. Fungous, a. Excrescent, fungus-like, spongy. Fungus, n. 1. Spongy excrescence. 2. (Bot.) Flowerless plant (as the mushroom, toadstool, &c.}, cryptogamous plant. Funicle, n. Fibre, filament, small cord, small ligature. Funk, n. [Low.} Stink, stench, fetor, bad odor, offensive smell. Funk, v. n. [Low.} 1. Stink, emit a bad odor, emit a stench. 3. Shrink back, be in fear, be fright ened. Funnel, n. 1. Tunnel. 3. Chimney-flue. 3. Stove-pipe. Funny, a. Comical, droll, farcical, lu dicrous, sportive, humorous, laughable, diverting, amusing. Furbelow, n. Flounce, frill. Furbish, v. a. Burnish, polish. FURCATE 174 GAG Furcate, ) a. (Sot.) Forked, fork- Furcated, ) shaped. Furfuraceous, a. Scurfy, branny, scaly, scabby, lentiginous. Furious, a. 1. Raging, frantic, infuri ated, frenzied, mad, violent, fierce, very angry. 3. Vehement, impetuous, tempestu ous, stormy, boisterous, tumultuous, turbulent. Furlong, n. Forty rods, poles, or perches; eighth of a mile. Furlough, n. Leave of absence. Furnish, v. a. 1. Provide, supply, equip, tit out, fit up. 2. Give, bestow, present, contribute, afford. Furniture, n. 1. Movables, chattels, effects, goods. 3. Appendages, apparatus. 3. Equipage, ornaments, decorations, embellishments. Furor, n. [L.] Fury, rage, madness. Furrow, n. 1. Trench (made by a plough]. 2. Channel, groove, fluting, cham fer. Furrow, v. a. Hollow, cut in furrows. Further, a. 1. Farther, more remote (from the starting point), more in ad vance. 3. Additional. Further, ad. 1. Farther, more remotely, more in advance, to a greater distance (from the starting point). 3. Farther, moreover, besides, fur thermore. Furtherance, n. Promotion, advance ment, helping forward. Furthermore, ad. Moreover, besides, furthermore. Furthest, a. Farthest, remotest, most remote. Furthest, ad. Farthest, to or at the greatest distance. Furtive, a. Stolen, stealthy, surrep titious, clandestine, secret, sly. Furuncle, n. Boil. Fury, n. 1. Rage, frenzy, madness, FU- KOB, violent anger. 3. Impetuosity, vehemence. 3. Goddess of Vengeance. 4. Vixen, virago, hag, shrew, terma gant, beldam, Xantippe, turbulent wo man. Furze, n. Gorse, goss, whin ( Ulex Euro- pceus). Furze-chat, n. Whinchat (Saxicola ini- betra). Furzy, a. Gorzy. Fuse, v. a. 1. Melt, liquefy (by heat), smelt. 3. Amalgamate, blend together, make homogeneous. Fuse, v. n. Melt, be fused. Fusel-oil, n. Hydrate of amyle, grain oil, potato-spirit oil, oil of grain, corn- spirit oil. Fusiform, a. Spindle-shaped. Fusion, n. 1. Liquefaction (by heat), melting. 3. Amalgamation, blending together, making homogeneous. Fuss,w. [Colloquial.] Ado, bustle, fidget, hurry, worry, flurry, stir, excitement, agitation, PUCKER, much ado about trifles, or about nothing. Fuss, v. n. [Colloquial.] Bustle, be in a fidget, be in a stew, be in a pucker, make much ado about trifles or about nothing. Fussy, a. [Colloquial.] Bustling, fidgety, busy about trifles. Fust, n. Mustiness, mould, mildew. Fustian, n. Bombast, nonsense, rant, rhodomontade, inflated style, swelling or pompous phraseology. Fusty, a. Musty, mouldy. Futile, a. 1. Trifling, frivolous, trivial. 3. Worthless, valueless, profitless, fruitless, bootless, vain, idle, unprofit able. Futility, n. 1. Triviality, frivolousness. 3. Uselessness, worthlessness, vanity. Future, n. Futurity, time to come. Future, a. 1. Coming, to come, yet to be, that will be. 3. (Gram.) Denoting futurity. Futurity, n. Future, future time, time to come. Gab, n. (Low.) Prate, prattle, gabble, idle talk. Gabble, v. n. Prate, prattle, babble, chatter, jabber, talk idly, rattle on. Gabble, n. Prate, prattle, chatter, clack, cackle, gossip, palaver, gab, idle talk, small talk. Gabbler, n. Prater, prattler, babbler, chatterer, tattler, gossip, gadabout, rat tle-head, gadder, idle talker. Gad, v. n. Rove about idly, ramble with out definite purpose. Gadder, ) n. Gossip, tattler, babbler, Gadabout, J chatterer, gabbler, prat tler, prater, idle talker. Gadfly, n. Breese, horsefly. Gael, n. 1. Scotch Celt, Scotch High lander. 3. Irish Celt. Gaft er, n. 1. Goodman. 3. Old rustic, old fellow. Gaffle, n. Artificial spur (for fighting cocks). Gag, v. a. Silence, stifle, muzzle, muffle. GAG 175 GANGUE Gag, v. n. Keck, retch. Gage, n. 1. Pawn, pledge, security. 3. Challenge. Gage, v. a. Pawn, impawn, pledge, give as security. Gain, n. Profit, advantage, benefit, emolument, lucre. Gain, v. a. 1. Get (by effort], acquire, obtain, procure, achieve, secure, carry, win, earn, get possession of. 3. Conciliate, persuade, enlist, get the good will of, prevail upon, bring over, win over, gain over. 3. Reach, attain, arrive at. Gain ground, Increase, advance, pre vail, make progress. Gainful, a. 1. Advantageous, profitable, beneficial. 3. Lucrative, remunerative, produc tive, paying. Gain on, 1. Obtain influence with, win the favor of. 3. Gain ground upon, gain upon. 3. Get the advantage of, get the better of. Gain over, Gain, enlist, persuade, con ciliate, win over, bring over, prevail upon. Gainsay, v. a. Contradict, deny, con trovert, dispute. Gain upon, GAIN OK. Gairish, a. [Written also Garish.] Glar ing, flaunting, showy, gaudy, tawdry, flashy, gay, FIXE, airy. Gait, n. Carriage, walk, manner of walk ing. Gala-day, n. Holiday, day of festivity, day of rejoicing. Galaxy, n. 1. Milky "Way. 3. Splendid assemblage. Gale, n. 1. Breeze, current of air. 3. Hurricane, tempest, storm. Galena, n. Native sulphuret of lead. Gall, n. 1. (Anat.) Bile. 3. Bitterness, rancor, spite, malice, maliciousness, malignity. 3. Nutgall, gall-nut. Gall, v. a. 1. Chafe, fret, excoriate, hurt by rubbing. 3. Provoke, vex, irritate, tease, ex asperate, incense, affront, harass, an noy, plague. Gallant, a. 1. Gay, showy, fine, splen did, magnificent, well-dressed. 3. Courageous, brave, valiant, in- trepid,valorous, heroic, chivalrous, fear less, bold, game, daring, high-spirited. Gallant, n. 1. Beau, spark. 3. Suitor, wooer, lover. 3. Paramour. Gallant, v. a. Wait on (ladies), be at tentive to. Gallantry, n. 1. Bravery, courage, valor, intrepidity, prowess, heroism, boldness, fearlessness, chivalry, con tempt of danger. 3. Courtesy, politeness, polite atten tion (to ladies). Gallery, n. 1. Corridor, passage. 3. Collection of works of art. Galley, n. Cook-room (of a ship), ca boose. Gall-fly, n. Gall-insect, Cynips. Gallicism, n. French idiom. Gallimaufry, h. 1. Olio, ragout, hash. 3. Medley, farrago, jumble, miscel lany, salmagundi, hotch-potch, hodge podge, confused mixture. Gall-insect, n. Gall-fly, Cynips. Gallinule, n. "Water-hen, moor-hen spotted crake (Crex porzana). Gallipot, n. Frankincense, Burgundy pitch. Gall-nut, n. Nutgall, gall. Gallon, n. Four quarts. Gallop, v. n. Canter. Gallowses, n. pi. Suspenders, braces. Gall-stone, n. Calculus, bile-stone. Galvanism, n. Voltaic electricity, gal vanic electricity, chemico-electricity, dynamic electricity. Gambler, n. Catechu, cutch, Terra Japonica, Japan earth. Gamble, v. n. Game, play for money, practise gaming. Gambler, n. Gamester, blackleg. Gambling, n. Gaming, playing for money. Gambol, v. n. Frisk, frolic, romp, caper, cut capers, leap, hop or skip (in sport). Gambol, n. Frolic, prank, escapade, skip, hop, caper, romp. Gambrel-roof, n. [U. S.] Curb-roof, mansard-roof. Game, n. 1. Sport, play, amusement, pastime. 3. Plan, scheme, enterprise, advent ure, undertaking, measure. 3. Animals of the chase. 4. Quarry, prey. Game, a. Courageous, brave, resolute, unflinching, fearless, valorous, chiv alrous, dauntless, intrepid, gallant, heroic. Game, v. n. Gamble, play for money. Game-leg, n. [Colloquial.] Lame leg. Gamesome, a. Gay, sportive, viva cious, sprightly, frolicsome, playful, lively, frisky, full of frolic. Gamester, n. Gambler. Gamin, n. [Fr.] Idle boy, blackguard boy. Gaming, n. Gambling, playing for money. Gammer, n. Goody, good woman, good wife. Gammon, n. Imposition, CHEAT, hoax, humbug. Gammon, v. a. Deceive, cheat, hum bug, hoax, chouse, trick, dupe, gull, cozen, overreach, outwit, bamboozle, circumvent, delude, diddle, beguile, mislead, inveigle, impose upon. Gamut, n. Scale. Gander, n. Male goose. Gang, n. Company, crew, band, horde, party, set, CLIQUE, COTERIE, CABAL. Gangrene, n. Mortification. Gangrene, v. a. Mortify. Gangrene, v. n. Mortify, be mortified, lose vitality. Gangue, n. Matrix (of an ore). GANGWAY 176 GEMMULE Gangway, n. Passage-way. Gannet, n. Booby, noddy, Solan goose. Gaol, n. [Written also and usually Jail.] Prison. Gap, n. Cleft, crevice, opening, chink, cranny, crack, interstice, breach, rift, break, hiatus. Gape, v. n. 1. Yawn. 2. Open the mouth (as in staring). 3. Open, dehisce, be opened, be sepa rated. Garb, n. Dress, clothes, habit, apparel, garments, vesture, raiment, attire, habiliment, costume. Garbage, n. Refuse (of flesh), offal. Garble, v. a. Mutilate (a quotation-), falsify, pervert, corrupt, misrepresent, misquote. Gar-fish, n. Greenbone, horn-fish, sea- needle, gar-pike, sea-pike, long-nose, gore-bill, sword-fish, mackerel-guide, snook (Esox belone or Belone vulgaris). Garget, n. (Bot.) Poke, poke-weed, pig eon-berry (Phytolacca decandra). Garish, a. [Written also Gairish.] Flaunting, glaring, showy, gaudy, taw dry, flashy, gay, FINE, airy. Garland, n. Wreath, chaplet, crown, coronal, bays. Garment, n. Dress, article of clothing. Garner, n. Granary. Garner, v. a. Gather (for preservation), store, hoard, deposit, save, husband, reserve, collect, garner up, treasure up, lay in, lay up, lay by, set by. Garner up, Garner, gather, collect. Garnish, v. a. Adorn, decorate, em bellish, deck, beautify, grace. Garniture, n. Embellishment, decora tion, ornament. Gar-pike, n. GAR-FISH. Garret, n. Attic, loft, cock-loft, upper story. Garrulity, n. Loquacity, loquacious ness, babble, babbling, talkativeness. Garrulous, a. Loquacious, talkative, prattling, babbling. Gas, n. Aeriform fluid. Gasconade, n. Boast, brag, vaunt, bra vado, vaporing, great cry and little wool. Gasconade, v. n. Boast, brag, vaunt, swagger, bluster, vapor. Gasconader, n. Boaster, braggart, blusterer, BLATHERSKITE. Gash, v. a. Cut deeply. Gash, n. Deep cut, gaping wound. Gas-holder, n. Gasometer. Gas-meter, n. Gasometer. Gasometer, n. 1. Gas-meter. 3. Gas-holder. Gasp, v. n. Pant, puff, blow. Gassy, a. [Colloquial.} Inflated, bom bastic, pompous. Gas-tar, n. Coal-tar. Gastric, a. Of the stomach. Epicure, glutton. Gastroscopy, n. (Med.) Abdominos- copy. Gather, v. a. 1. Collect, muster, assem ble, congregate, bring together, draw together. 2. Accumulate, amass, hoard, heap up, gather up. 3. Pluck, crop, pick, cull, reap, glean. 4. Infer, deduce, conclude. 5. Plait, pucker. Gather, v. n. 1. Muster, congregate, come together. . Collect, increase, thicken, be con- airy, sportive, frolicsome, gladsome, jolly, buxom, vivacious, hilarious, light- he Gathering, n. 1. Acquisition, collect ing, procuring, earning, gain. 3. Assemblage, assembly, company, meeting, collection, concourse, congre gation, muster. 3. Abscess, sore, ulcer, fester, impost- hume, pustule. Gaud, n. Trinket, gewgaw, bawble, trifle, toy, worthless piece of finery. Gaudy, a. Showy, gay, flashy, dressy, tawdry, finical, glittering, flaunting, gairish. Gauge, v. a. 1. Measure (a cask, <&c.), find the contents of. 3. Measure (as to ability), estimate. Gauge, n. Measure. Gaunt, a. Lean, thin, lank, emaciated, meagre, slender, spare, attenuated. Gavel, n. Mallet (of a presiding officer), Gawky, a. Awkward, ungainly, clown ish, boorish, rustic, clumsy, raw, green, uncouth, ungainly, loutish. Gawky, n. Clown, boor, lout, bumpkin, awkward fellow. Gay, a. 1. Showy, gaudy, flashy, fini cal, tawdry, flaunting, gairish, dashing. 3. Merry, lively, cheerful, gleeful, jovial, sprightly, blithe, blithesome, "ry, oily, learted. Gayety, n. 1. Show, gaudiness, finery, tawdriness. 3. Liveliness, cheerfulness, joyous- ness, joviality, sprightliness, mirth, blithesomeness, merriment, glee, hilar ity, jollity, vivacity, animation, good humor, high spirits. Gaze, v. n. Stare, gloat, look intently. Gaze, n. Stare, intent look, fixed look. Gazette, n. Newspaper. Gazetteer, n. Geographical dictionary. Gear, n. 1. APPAREL, dress, furniture, accoutrements, ornaments, TOGGERY. 3. Harness, caparison, rigging, trap pings, equipments. 3. Gearing, toothed wheels, series of cog-wheels. Gearing, n. GEAR, toothed wheels. Geld, v. a. Castrate, emasculate, glib, deprive of vii ility. Gelder-rose, n. Snow-ball tree. Gelding, n. Castrated animal. Gelid, a. [Rare.] Very cold. Gelidity, n. Extreme cold. Gem, n. 1. Jewel, precious stone* 3. (Bot.) Bud, germ. Gem, v . a. 1. Adorn with gems. 3. Embellish, bespangle. Geminate, a. (Bot.) Doubled, twin, in pairs. Gemini, n. pi. [L.] (Astron.) Twins. Gemmule, n. (Bot.) Small bud. GENEALOGY 177 GET Genealogy, n. 1. Pedigree, list of an cestors. 3. Descent, derivation. General, a. 1. Of the whole (genus, class, &c.), catholic, not partial, not special, not particular. 3. ECUMENICAL. 3. Common, usual. 4. Vague, indefinite, lax. General, n. 1. Whole, total. 3. (Mil.) Commander-in-chief, gen eralissimo, captain-general. Generalissimo, n. Commander-in- chief, general, captain-general. Generality, n. 1. Universality. 3. Bulk, mass, greater part, main body, common run. Generally, ad. 1. Commonly, usually, in general, in the usual course of things, as the world goes. 3. In the main, without particular izing, without details. Generate, v. a. 1. Beget, procreate, engender, breed, propagate. 3. Produce, form, make. Generation, n. 1. Procreation. 3. Production, formation. 3. Progeny, offspring, succession of descendants. 4. Family, stock, race, breed. Generosity, n. 1. Nobleness, disinter estedness, magnanimity, high-minded- ness. 3. Liberality, bounty, bounteousness, bountifulness, charity, munificence. Generous, a. 1. Noble, magnanimous, honorable, high-minded. 3. Liberal, bountiful, beneficent, mu nificent, charitable, open-handed, free hearted. Geneva, n. Gin. Genial, a. 1. Fostering, cheering, en livening, inspiriting, encouraging. 3. Cordial, hearty. 3. Cheerful, pleasant, merry, mirth ful, jovial. Genitals, n. pi. Sexual organs, private parts. Genitive, a. Possessive. Genius, n. 1. Bent, turn, aptitude, apt ness, capacity, faculty, endowment, talent, gift. 3. Invention, ingenuity, intellect, sa gacity, brains, parts, wit, mother-wit, inspiration, creative power, power of invention. 3. Adept, proficient, master, master- hand, man of genius. 4. Nature, character, disposition, peculiar constitution, characteristic quality. 6. Spirit, demon, tutelary deity. Genteel, a. 1. Refined, polite, cour teous, polished, civil, well-bred, gentle manly or lady-like. 3. Fashionable, stylish, elegant (in dress, style of living, &c.). Gentile, n. Pagan, heathen, worshipper of false gods. Gentility, n. Politeness, courtesy, ur banity, good breeding, good behavior, refinement of manners. Gentle, a. 1. Mild, bland, moderate, clement, lenient, merciful, kind, tender, compassionate, indulgent, meek, soft, humane, of a sweet disposition, not rough, not harslu 3. Tame, docile, peaceable, quiet, tractable, pacific, dove-like, not wild, not refractory. Gentle-folk, ) n. pi. People of good Gentle-folks, ) family and good breed ing. Gentleman, n. 1. [England.] Man of good family (above the rank of yeoman). 3. Man of good breeding, well-man nered man, refined or polished man. Gentlemanly, ) a. Polite, courte- Gentlemanlike, j ous, civil, refined, urbane, genteel, well-bred. Gentry, n. [England.] Middle class (between the nobility and* the vulgar). Genuine, a. 1. Pure, uncorrupt, un alloyed, unadulterated, true, real, veri table, authentic, not spurious, not false, not fictitious, not apochryphal, what it purports to be. 3. Native, unaffected, sincere. Genus, n. Group (subordinate to a class, tribe, or order), assemblage of specie s. Geodesy, n. Land-surveying (on a large scale, as when the curvature of tlie earth is taken into account). Geometer, n. Geometrician. Geometrician, n. Geometer. -^cultural. Geoponics, n. pi. Agriculture, rural economy. Georgium Sidus, [L.] (Astron.) Ura nus, Herschel. Geranium, n. Cranesbill. Germ, n. 1. Ovary, embryo, seed-bud, young bud. 3. Origin, first principle. Germane, a. 1. Related, akin, allied. 3. Relevant, pertinent, apposite, ap propriate, suitable, fitting, to the pur pose, to the point. German-silver, n. Packfong, white copper. German-tinder, n. Punk, spunk, am adou. Germinate, v. n. Sprout, shoot, vege tate, bud, push, pullulate, put forth, burst forth, spring up, begin to vegetate. Gestation, n. Pregnancy. Gestic, a. Legendary, traditional, his torical. Gesticulate, v. n. Make gestures. Gesticulation, n. GESTURE. Gesture, n. Action (accompanying oral utterance), gesticulation. Get, v. a. 1. Procure, obtain, acquire, gain, win, earn, achieve, realize, secure, come by. 3. Learn, memorize, commit to mem ory, get by heart. 3. Beget, generate, engender, pro create, breed. 4. Procure or cause to be. 5. Persuade, induce, dispose, influ ence, prevail upon. 6. Have, have possession of. 12 GET AHEAD 178 GIGANTIC Get ahead, Proceed, progress, advance, get on, get forward, get along. Get along, Proceed, GET AHEAD. Get among, Come among, come into the company of. Get asleep, Go to sleep, fall asleep. Get at, 1. Discover, determine, find out. 3. Reach, make way to. Get away, Depart, go away. Get away from, Quit, leave, disengage one s self from. Get back, Return. Get before, Come in front of. Get behind, 1. Lag, fall in the rear. /J. Take a position behind. Get between, Come between. Get by heart, Memorize, learn, learn by heart, commit to memory. Get clear, Be released, disengage one s self, get free, get loose, get off. Get down, Descend, come down. Get drunk, Become intoxicated. Get forward, Proceed, progress, ad vance, get along, get ahead, get on. Get free, Be released, get clear, get loose, get off. Get head, Gain strength, make progress. Get home, Reach one s home. Get in, (Active.) Put under cover, gather into a storehouse. Get in, (Neuter. ) Come in, pass in. Get into, 1. Mount, climb into. 2. Be admitted into. Get into a mess, ) Get into difficulty, Get into a muss, ) GET INTO HOT WATER. Get into hot water, Get into difficulty, get into trouble, get into a mess, get into a muss, fish in troubled waters. Get loose, Disengage one s self, get free, get clear, get off, be released. Get near, Come near. Get off, 1. Escape, get clear, get free. 2. Depart, go away. 3. Alight from, descend from. Get on, (Active.) Put on, draw on. Get on, (Neuter.) Proceed, progress, ad vance, get along, get ahead, get for ward. Get out, 1. Come out. 3. Be extricated. Get over, 1. Climb over. 3. Surmount, conquer, overcome. 3. Recover from. Get quit of, Be freed from, get rid of. Get rid of, 1. Dispose of, shift off, cast off. 3. Be freed from, be relieved from, get clear of, get quit of. Get thee gone, Depart, go away, haste away. Get the hang of, Understand, compre hend, get acquainted with, get accus tomed to, get used to, become familiar with, see into, know all about. Get the start, Be first, be ahead at the start. Get the start of, Be ahead of, have the advantage of in the outset. Get through, 1. Pass through, go through. 2. Accomplish, finish. Getting, n. Acquisition, acquirement. Get together, (Active.) Collect, assem ble, muster, convene. Get together, (Neuter.) Meet, convene. Get up, (Active.) 1. Prepare, make ready. 2. Print and publish. Get up, (Neuter.) 1. Arise, rise. 3. Ascend, climb. Gewgaw, n. Bawble, trifle, trinket, toy, plaything, gaud, worthless piece of finery. Geyser, n. Boiling spring. Ghastly, a. 1. Pale, wan, cadaverous, death-like. 2. Dismal, hideous, grim, horrible, frightful, shocking. Ghost, n. 1. Spirit, soul. 3. Apparition, spectre, sprite, phan tom, shade, GOBLIN, hobgoblin. Ghostly, a. 1. Spiritual, of the soul. 2. Spectral, phantom-like. Giant, n. Monster, Cyclops, Colossus, Hercules, huge man. Giant, a. Huge, GIGANTIC. Gibbering, I n. Jargon, gabble, jabber, Gibberish, j idle talk, empty babble, empty sound. Gibbet, n. Gallows. Gibbet, v. a. Hang on a gallows. Gibble-gabble, n. Prate, prattle, GAB BLE. Gibbon, n. Hylobate, long-armed ape. Gibbosity, n. Convexity, protuberance, gibbousness. Gibbous, a. Convex, protuberant, swell ing, rounded. Gibbousness, n. GIBBOSITY. Gibe, v. n. Sneer, scoff, jeer, fleer, flout, Gibe, v. a. Flout, taunt, deride, ridicule, jeer, twit, scoff at, sneer at, jeer at. Gibe, n. Sneer, scoff, taunt, flout, bit ing jest. Giddiness, n. Vertigo, dizziness, swim ming of the head. Giddy, a. 1. Vertiginous, dizzy. 2. Changeable, fickle, inconstant, unsteady, mutable, unstable, irreso lute. 3. Careless, heedless, thoughtless, wild, reckless, headlong, flighty, hair- brained, giddy-brained, light-headed. Giddy-brained, a. Hair-brained, heed less, giddy. Gift, n. 1. Donation, present, benefac tion, boon, gratuity, grant, offering, contribution, subscription, donative, largess, SUBSIDY, allowance, endow ment, bounty, bequest, legacy, dower, demise, dotation, DOUCEUR. 2. Talent, power, faculty, capability, capacity, ability, endowment, genius, FORTE, turn. Gifted, a. Talented, able, ingenious, sagacious, inventive, intelligent. Gift of the gab, [Colloquial.] Fluency, volubility, glibness, readiness of speech, command of language, facility of ex pression. Gigantic, a. Huge, vast, enormous, colossal, prodigious, Cyclopean, Hercu lean, giant, very large. GIGGLE 179 GLANCE Giggle, n. Titter, silly laugh. Giggle, v. n. Laugh (in a silly manner), TITTER, CACKLE, CHUCKLE. Gild, v. a. 1. Coat with gold-leaf. 3. Adorn, brighten, make lustrous, make bright. Gill, TO. 1. Quarter of a pint. 3. (Bot.) Alehoof, ground-ivy (Nepeta glechoma). Girncrack, n. Trifle, toy, knicknack, JIGGUMBOB, knack, trivial piece of mechanism. Gin, n. 1. Geneva. 3. Cotton-gin. 3. Trap, snare, net, toils, noose, springe. Ginger-beer, n. Ginger-pop. Gingerly, ad. Cautiously, tenderly, carefully, daintily, fastidiously. Ginger-pop, n. Ginger-beer. Gingle, v. n. [Written also Jingle.] Tinkle. Gingle, v. a. Tinkle. Gingle, n. Tinkle, gingling, gingling sound. Gingling, n. GINGLE. Giraffe, n. Camelopard. Girandole, n. Chandelier. Girasole,rt. (Bot.) Turnsole, heliotrope. Gird, v. a. 1. Girdle, bind round, bind with a girdle. 3. Surround, encircle, encompass, enclose, environ, engird, begird. 3. Clothe, invest, equip, furnish. Girdle, n. Band (for the waist), belt, CESTUS, cincture. Girdle, v. a. 1. Gird, bind round. 3. Environ, encompass, surround, enclose, embrace, girt, shut in. Girdled, a. Girded, cinctured, belted. Girl, n. 1. Lass, lassie, damsel, miss, maiden, maid, virgin, young woman. 3. [U. S.] Maid-servant, servant- maid, servant-girl, female domestic. girth/} I- Belly-band. 3. Circumference, distance around, Girt, v. a. Environ, encompass, GIRD. Gist, n. Essence, pith, marrow, sub stance, main point. Give, v. a. 1. Bestow, (voluntarily and without compensation), accord, CON FER. 3. Furnish, supply, afford, spare, ac commodate with. 3. Impart, communicate. 4. Pay, exchange. 5. Permit, allow, vouchsafe, deign, GRANT. 6. Utter, pronounce, render. 7. Produce, yield, show as a product. 8. Cause, occasion. 9. Devote, apply, addict, give up. Give, v. n. Yield (to pressure). Give a handle, Furnish an occasion, give an opportunity. Give away, Transfer (without an equiv alent), make over gratis, part with gra tuitously. Give back, Return, restore. Give chase, Pursue, follow on. Give ear, Listen, hear. Give in, (Active.) 1. Hand in. 3. Abate, deduct, discount. Give in, (Neuter.) Yield, surrender, give up, cry quits, cry quarter. Give one s self up, 1. Resign one s self, devote one s self. 3. Addict one s self, abandon one a self. Give one the lie, Charge one with ly ing. Give one the lie in one s throat, Charge one with lying outrageously. Give over, 1. Leave, quit, abandon, cease from. 3. Consider hopeless, consider lost, give up. Give out, (Active.) 1. Emit, send forth. 3. Proclaim, announce, report, pub lish. Give out, (Neuter.) 1. Fail, come short. 3. Be exhausted, spend one s strength. Give place, 1. Withdraw, retire, re cede, retreat, give way, make room. 3. Yield precedence. Give up, (Active.) 1. Resign, relinquish, yield, surrender. 3. Abandon, forsake, leave, quit, cease from, give over. 3. Consider hopeless, consider lost, give over. Give up, (Neuter. ) Yield, surrender, give in, cry quits, cry quarter. Give up the ghost, Die, expire, depart, decease, leave the world, draw the last breath, cease to exist. Give way, 1. Withdraw, recede, retire, retreat, make room. 3. Fail, break, be broken. 3. (Naut.) Row, bend to the oars. Giver, n. Donor, bestower, disposer, DONATOR. Glacial, a. 1. Icy. 3. Of glaciers. Glad, a. 1. Pleased, delighted, gratified, rejoiced, happy, well contented. 3. Cheerful, joyous, joyful, gladsome. 3. Cheering, animating, gratifying, pleasing, exhilarating. Glad, v. a. [Poetical.] Delight, GLAD DEN. Gladden, v. a. Delight, cheer, gratify, rejoice, bless, exhilarate, GLAD, make glad, please highly. Gladiate, a. (Bot.) Sword-shaped. Gladiator, n. Sword-player, prize- tighter (in ancient Home). Gladness, n. Joy, joyfulness, joyous- ness, happiness, gratification, delight, pleasure. Gladsome, a. Pleased, delighted, cheer ful, joyful, joyous, glad, gay, blithe, blithesome, gleeful, jovial, jolly, merry, lively, jocund, airy, vivacious, spright ly, sportive, frolicsome, light-hearted. Glair, n. .White of an egg. Glamour, n. Witchery (applied to the eye so as to make things seem to be what they are not). Glance, n. 1. Glitter, gleam. 3. Glimpse, transitory view, rapid look. GLANCE 180 GLOSS Glance, v. n. 1. Glitter, gleam, shine. 3. Flit, dart, snatch a momentary look. 3. Dart aside, fly off obliquely. Glance at, Take a glimpse at, look at cursorily. Glance-coal, n. Anthracite, hard coal, blind coal, stone-coal, CULM. Glare, v. n. 1. Flare, dazzle, glitter, glisten, gleam, sparkle. 3. Glower, look fierce, look black. Glare, n. 1. Glitter, flare, dazzling light. 3. Fierce look. Glare ice, Polished ice, smooth ice. Glaring, a. 1. Dazzling, glittering. 3. Barefaced, notorious, conspicuous. Glasses, n. pi. Spectacles. Glass-wort, n. Salt-wort, marsh-sam phire (Salicornia herbacea). Glassy, a. 1. Vitreous. 3. Hyaline, crystal, crystalline. Glauber s-salt, n. Sulphate of soda. Glaucous, a. Sea-green. Glaze, v. a. 1. Put glass in (windows), furnish with glass. 3. Cover with a glassy substance. 3. CALENDER, polish, gloss, burnish, furbish, give a glossy surface to. Glaze, n. Glazing, enamel. Glazing, n. 1. Setting glass. 3. Calendering. 3. Glaze, enamel. Gleam, n. 1. Ray, beam, glimmer, glimmering. 3. Lustre, brightness, splendor. Gleam, v. n. Glimmer, shine, glitter. Glean, v. a. 1. Gather (after reapers). 3. Collect, cull, pick up. Glebe, n. Soil, clod, sod, turf, ground. Glee, n. Merriment, mirth, gayety, jo viality, jollity, exhilaration, liveliness, sportiveness, jocularity, hilarity. Glen, n. Valley, vale, dale, dell, din gle. Glib, a. 1. Smooth, slippery. 3. Voluble, fluent, ready, talkative, flippant, nimble of speech, ready in speech, of a ready tongue. Glib, v. a. Castrate, geld, emasculate, deprive of virility. Glide, v. n. 1. Slip, slide, move smooth ly. 3. Flow, lapse, run, roll on. Glide, n. Lapse, slip, continuous mo tion, Glimmer, v. n. Shine (faintly), gleam, glitter. Glimmer, 1 n. 1. Gleam (of faint, Glimmering, j unsteady light), ray, beam. 3. Glimpse, glance, transitory view, faint view. Glimpse, n. Glance, glimmering, GLINT, transitory view, rapid look, momentary perception. Glint, n. [Scottish.] Glance, GLIMPSE. Glisten, ) v. n. Sparkle, glitter, shine Glister, j fitfully. Glitter, v. n. Glisten, glister, sparkle, gleam, flare, glare, make a splendid show. Glitter, n. Sparkle, glister, lustre, bril liancy, splendor, brightness, shine, ra diance. Gloat, v. n. Stare, gaze, gaze earnestly, look intently. Globate, ) a. Globular, globose, spher- Globated, j ical, round, spheroidal, globe-shaped. Globe, n. 1. Sphere, ball, orb. 3. Earth, terraqueous globe, terres trial ball. Globe-fish, n. Puffer. Globose, a. Spherical, globular, glo- bate, globated, round, globe-shaped. Globosity, n. Sphericity. Globular, a. Spherical, globate, glo bated, globose, globulous, round, globe- shaped. Globule, n. Spherule, little globe, small round particle. Globulous, a. Spherical, GLOBULAR. Gloom, n. 1. Obscurity, darkness, dim ness, gloominess, cloud. 3. Sadness, dejection, depression, despondency, melancholy, heaviness of mind, low spirits. Gloomy, a. 1. Obscure, dark, dim, dusky, dismal, cheerless, lowering, lurid. 3. Sad, dejected, depressed, dispirited, disheartened, despondent, desponding, melancholy, downcast, crest-fallen, chap-fallen, down-hearted, glum, heavy of heart. Glorify, v. a. 1. Extol, magnify, bless, honor greatly, praise highly, give glory to. 3. Brighten, make bright, add lustre to. Glorious, a. 1. Illustrious, renowned, celebrated, famous, famed, eminent, pre-eminent, distinguished, excellent, noble, conspicuous. 3. Resplendent, splendid, bright, brilliant, radiant. Glory, n. 1. Honor, renown, fame, ce lebrity, praise. 3. Splendor, lustre, brightness, bril liancy, effulgence, pride. 3. State, pomp, parade, magnifi cence. 4. Heavenly bliss, celestial happi ness. 5. Boast, occasion of pride, some thing to be proud of. 6. (Painting.) Halo, aureola. Glory, v. n. Exult, vaunt, boast, take pride, triumph, be proud, pride one s self, plume one s self, pique one s self, perk one s self, pat one s self on the back. Gloss, n. 1. Comment, note, explana tion, interpretation, scholium, annota tion, commentary. 3. Pretext, pretence, specious plea. 3. Lustre, polish, shining surface. Gloss, v. n. Comment, make notes, make explanatory remarks. Gloss, v. a. 1. Varnish, make lus trous. 3. Extenuate; palliate, color, apolo gize for, gloss over. GLOSSARIST 181 GODLIKE Glossarist, n. Scholiast, commentator, aimotator. Glossary, n. Dictionary (of obscure, antiquated, or local icords). Glossology, n. Glottology, linguistics, comparative philology, comparative grammar, science of language. Gloss over, Disguise, varnish, color, make plausible. Glossy, a. Smooth and shining. Glottology, n. GLOSSOLOGY. Glow, v. n. 1. Be incandescent. 3. Shine brightly. 3. Burn, be hot. 4. Be ardent, be warm, feel intense- Glow, n. 1. Incandescence, white heat. 3. Brightness, bright color. 3. Ardor, vehemence, impetuosity, fervency, fervor, enthusiasm. Glower, v. n. Stare (in anger), glare, look black, look fierce. Glow-worm, n. FIRE-FLY (Lampyris noctilucus). Gloze, v. n. Flatter, cajole, wheedle, fawn, cringe. GlScinl; } n - Oxide of S lucinium - Glucose, n. Grape-sugar, starch-sugar. Glue, n. Gelatine (impure). Glue, v. a. Cement (with glue). Gluey, a. Viscous, viscid, GLUTINOUS. Glum, a. Sullen, moody, sulky, morose, sour, crabbed, crusty, grum, glowering, frowning, spleeny, dogged, stubborn, intractable, cross-grained. Glume, n. Husk (of grain and grasses), hull, outer covering. Glut, v. a. 1. Cloy, satiate, sate, surfeit, pall. 3. Gorge, stuff, cram, overfeed, fill full, fill to repletion. Glut, n. 1. Repletion. 3. Superabundance, over-abundance, overplus, surplus, redundancy, super fluity, over-stock. Glutinous, a. Gluey, viscous, viscid, sticky, gummy, adhesive, tenacious, clammy. Glutton, n. 1. Gormandizer, gour mand, gobbler, GREEDY-GUT, voracious eater. 3. Wolverine ( Gulo luscus). Gluttonish, I a. Voracious, given to Gluttonous, j excess in eating. Gluttony, n. Voracity, excess in eat ing. Gnarl, v. n. Growl, snarl. Gnarled, a. Knotty, knotted, gnarly, full of knots. Gnarly, a. GNARLED. Gnash, v. a. Strike together (the teeth). Gnaw, v. a. 1. Bite, nibble, champ, nibble at, keep biting. 2. Corrode, eat away, wear away. Gnomon, n. Style (of a dial). Gnomonics, n. Dialling. Go, v. n. 1. Move, pass, proceed, ad vance, make progress, go on. 3. Walk, go on foot. 3. Travel, journey. 4. Depart, set out, go away. 5. Reach, extend. 6. Contribute, concur, tend, avail, have effect, be of use, be of service. 7. Fare, eventuate, turn out. 8. Be considered, be reckoned, be esteemed. 9. Be about, be on the point. Go, inter j. Begone, avaunt, aroynt, get you gone, be off, go along, off with you, get along with you, go your way, go about your business. Go about, 1. Endeavor, attempt, un dertake, set one s self about. 3. (Naut.) Tack, change the course. Goad, n. Prick, point. Goad, v. a. 1. Prick with a goad. 3. Incite, stimulate, instigate, urge, impel, spur, arouse, stir up, set on. Go ahead, Proceed, advance, go on, push on, press forward. Goal, n. 1. Post (set to bound a race), mark. 3. Object, end, design, destination, aim, height of one s ambition. Goatish, a. Like a goat (especially in smell or in [usefulness ). Goat-sucker, n. Night-jar, wheel-bird, churn-owl (Caprimu/gus Europeans). Go away, Depart, go off. Go a wool-gathering, Go on a fool s errand, go on a wild-goose chase, go on a sleeveless errand, reckon without one s host. Go back, Return. Gobble, v. a. Swallow (greedily), bolt, gulp. Gobbler, n. 1. Gormandizer, glutton, gourmand, greedy-gut, voracious eater. 3. [Colloquial.] Turkey-cock. Go between, Mediate, interpose. Go-between, n. Agent, broker, factor. Go beyond, Transgress, overstep, tran scend. Goblin, n. Hobgoblin, spectre, sprite, frightful apparition, evil spirit. Go by, 1. Pass near. 3. Pass beyond. 3. Act by, act according to, act in obedience to. Go by, n. [Colloquial.] Passing by, neg lect to notice. God, n. 1. Jehovah, Lord, Omnipotence, Omniscience, Providence, Heaven, The Creator, The Maker, The Deity, The Godhead, The Infinite, The Eternal, The Omnipotent, The Preserver, The Father, The Trinity, The Holy Trinity, The Supreme Being, The First Cause, The Author of all things, God the Father, Sovereign of the Universe, The eternal and infinite Spirit. 3. Deity, divinity, idol. Goddess, n. Female divinity. Godhead, n. 1. Deity, divinity, god- ship. 3. [With The prefixed.] GOD, The Deity. Godless, a. 1. Irreligious, impious, pro fane, wicked, ungodly. 3. Atheistical, given to atheism. Godlike, a. Divine, heavenly, supernal, celestial. GODLY 182 GOOD OPINION Godly, a. Pious, holy, righteous, re ligious, devout, saintly, saint - like, heavenly-minded. Go down, 1. Descend. 3. Be swallowed. 3. (Low.) Be received, be admitted, pass current. 4. Fail, come to nothing, come to nought. Godsend, n. "Windfall, unexpected gift, good luck, piece of good fortune, piece of good luck. Godship, n. Deity, divinity, godhead. Go for, 1. Pass for, be taken for, pass current for. 3. [Colloquial U. S.] Favor, support, be in favor of, GO IN FOR. Go for nothing, Be of no use, have no eft ect or efficacy. Go forth, 1. Issue, go out. 3. Get abroad, become public. Goggle, v. n. Roll the eyes. Goggle, n. Stare, owlish look, strained ggl ook. Goggled, a. Staring (as a full or promi nent eye), rolling. Goggle-eye, n. 1. Boiling eye, staring eye. 3. Strabismus, squinting. Go halves, [Colloquial.] Share equally. Go hard with, Be disastrous to, have serious consequences for. Go heels overhead, Make or turn a somerset. Going on, 1. Proceeding, advancing. 3. Progressing, in progress, in hand. Goings on, [Colloquial.] Proceedings, conduct. Go in for, [Colloquial.] Favor, support, GO FOB. Goitre, n. [Written also- Goiter.] Bron- chocele, enlargement of the thyroid gland. Go it blind, [Low.] Act without caution, proceed recklessly, leap without look ing, leap in the dark. Gold-cup, n. King-cup, buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus). Golden, a. 1. Of gold. 3. Bright, shining, splendid, resplen dent, brilliant. 3. Yellow, of a gold color. 4. Excellent, precious, of great value. 5. Auspicious, favorable, opportune, propitious. Golden-robbin, n. Hang-bird, BALTI MORE ORIOLE. . Goldylocks, n. Cudweed, everlasting, IMMORTELLE. Gonorrhoea, n. (Med.) Clap, venereal disease. Good, a. 1. Advantageous, beneficial, useful, profitable, serviceable. 3. Suitable, fit, proper, convenient, admirable, not bad, well adapted. 3. Virtuous, upright, religious, pious, righteous, worthy, dutiful. 4. Excellent, valuable, precious, ster ling, capital. 5. Kind, benevolent, humane, friend ly, favorable, gracious, merciful, oblig ing, well-disposed. 6. Unblemished, unimpeached, un tarnished, unsullied, immaculate, fair, honorable. 7. Companionable, social, genial, live ly, cheerful. 8. Able, skilful, ready, expert, dex trous, well qualified. 9. Competent (pecuniarily), of estab lished credit. 10. Pleasant, agreeable, gratifying, cheering. 11. Considerable, great, not small, not insignificant. 13. Heal, true, serious, not feigned. Good, n. 1. Benefit, advantage, profit, gain, utility. 3. Welfare, weal, prosperity, inter est. 3. Righteousness, virtue, moral qual ities. 4. Just actions, moral works. 5. Abundance, richness, best fruits. Good-breeding, n. POLITENESS, civil ity, courtesy, urbanity, affability, good manners. GoSd-bye } n -^interj. Farewell, adieu. Good cheer, Bountiful fare, high living, plenty to eat and drink. Good fellow, Boon companion, pleasant companion. Good-fellowship, n. Companionable- ness, sociability, merry society, pleasant company. Good fortune, Prosperity, success, good luck. Good graces, Friendship, favor. Good heed, Great care, due caution. Good humor, Cheerfulness, cheer, joy- ousness, good spirits, cheerful flow of spirits. Good-humored, a. Cheerful, buoyant, good-natured, good-tempered, of a placid temper. Good luck, Prosperity, success, good fortune. Goodly, a. 1. Beautiful, graceful, come ly, good-looking. 3. Pleasant, happy, agreeable, desir able. 3. Considerable, pretty large. Goodman, n. 1. Gaffer. 3. Husband, master of the house. Good-nature, n. Benevolence, kind ness, amiability, benignity, good will, good feeling, kind-heartedness, fellow- feeling. Good-natured, a. Benevolent, kind, amiable, humane, obliging, benignant, benign, kind-hearted, good-tempered, good-humored. Goodness, n. 1. Excellence, value, worth. 3. Righteousness, virtue, integrity, uprightness, probity, honesty, prin ciple. 3. Kindness, benevolence, goodwill. Good offices, Mediation, intervention, assistance, aid, help. Good opinion, Approbation, esteem, regard, favorable opinion, golden opin ion. GOODS 183 GOURD-WORM Goods, n. pi. 1. Movables, effects, chat tels, furniture. 3. Commodities, wares, merchandise. Good sense, Good judgment, sound understanding. Good-tempered, a. Amiable, GOOD- NATURED. Good turn, Service, kind omce, act of kindness. Good-wife, n. Good-woman, goody, gammer. Good will, 1. Benevolence, kindness, GOOD-MATURE. 3. Earnestness, heartiness, ardor, zeal. 3. (Law.) Custom (of an established place of business), patronage. Good-woman, n. GOOD-WIFE. Goody, n. Gammer, GOOD-WIFE. Go oft , 1. Depart, go away, be off. 3. Explode, be discharged. Go on, 1. Proceed, advance, go ahead, move forward. 3. Progress, make progress, get along. 3. Continue, persist, persevere, keep on. hold out. 4. Be put on (as a garment), be drawn on. Go on a fool s errand, Go on a wild- goose chase, GO A WOOL-GATHERING. Go on a sleeveless errand, Go A WOOL-GATHERING. Go on a wild-goose chase, Go A WOOL-GATHERIXG. Go one s way, Depart, take one s de parture, move on, set forth, jog on, be off. Go on tick, Run up a bill, run up a score, get trusted. Goosander, n. Dish-washer, wagtail, dun-diver (Mergus merganser or Mei gus castor). Goose, n. 1. Tailor s smoothing iron. 3. Simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Goose-grass, n. Cleavers, hariff, catch- weed, scratch-weed (Galium aparine). Go out, 1. Issue, go forth. 3. Go abroad, go out of doors. 3. Expire, become extinct, be extin guished, be quenched, be put out. Go over, 1. Read (cursorily), peruse, run over. 3. Examine, review. 3. Study, revolve, think over. 4. Pass over, change sides. Gopher, n. 1. Mulo, pouched rat (Pseu- dostoma bursarius or Geomys bursarius). 3. Prairie squirrel. Gor-cock, n. Red grouse, red ptarmigan, red game, moor-cock (Layopus Scoti- cus). Gor-crow, n. Carrion crow, common crow (Corvus corone). Gore, n. 1. Blood, clotted blood. 3. Gusset, triangular piece (of cloth, &c.}. Gore, v. a. 1. Stab, pierce. 3. Piece with a gore. Gorge, n. Ravine, defile, notch. Gorge, v. a. 1. Swallow, devour, eat heartily. 3. Glut, satiate, cram, stuff, fill full, fill to repletion. Gorge, v. n. Feed, eat greedily. Gorgeous, a. Showy, splendid, shining, glittering, brilliant, dazzling, resplen dent, magnificent, tine, rich, superb. Gorgon, n. Spectre, hobgoblin, ogre, POKER, BUGABOO, HYDRA, frightful object. Gormand, n. [Written also and usually Gourmand.] Glutton, gormandizer, epi cure. Gormandize, v. n. Gorge, stuff, eat greedily, feed ravenously. Gormandizer, n. Glutton, gourmand, epicure. Gorse, n. Furze, whin, goss ( Ulex Euro- pceus). Gory, a. Bloody, ensanguined. Gosling, n. Young goose. Go snacks, Share together, share and share alike. Gospel, n. 1. [With The prefixed.] Christianity, revelation by Christ, Christian religion, divine revelation, the cross. 3. History of Christ (as given in tlie New Testament by one evangelist or col lectively by all). 3. Doctrine, creed, principle of ac tion. Goss, n. Furze, GORSE. Gossamery, a. Light, flimsy, unsub stantial. Gossip, n. 1. Tattler, babbler, chat terer, gadabout, idle talker. 3. Chat, chitchat, tattle, prate, prat tle, cackle, clack, small talk, idle talk. Gossip, v. n. Chat, tattle, prate, prattle, gabble, clack, cackle, talk idly. Gothamist, n. Blunderer, wiseacre, wit ling, pretender to wisdom, man of small wit. Gothic, a. Rude, barbaric, barbarous. Gothic, n. Gothic language. Gothicism, n. 1. Gothic idiom. 3. Rudeness, barbarism, incivility. Go through, 1. Execute, accomplish, finish. 3. Bear, endure, undergo, suffer. Go through with, Do thoroughly, ex ecute effectually. Go to loggerheads, Come to blows, fall to loggerheads. Go to pot, [Colloquial.} Go to destruc tion, be destroyed, be ruined, go to the dogs, go by the board, go to rack and ruin. Go to war, Fight, war, contend (in arms), take up arms, take up the cud gel, appeal to arms, wage war, draw the sword, unsheath the sword, come to blows, measure swords, give battle, join battle, enter the lists, couch one s lance, take the field, let slip the dogs of war, fight it out, take up the hatchet. Gouge, 11. 1. Hollow chisel. 3. [Colloquial.] Cheat, trick, impos ture, imposition, deception, fraud, strat agem, artifice, chouse. 3. [Colloquial.] Trickster, impostor, rogue, knave, swindler, sharper, cheat, cheater. Gourd- worm, n. Fluke, fluke-worm. GOURMAND 184 GRANDFATHER Gourmand, n. [Written also, but less commonly, Gormand.] Glutton, gor mandizer, epicure. Gout (goo), n. [Ft.] Taste, relish, flavor, smack, savor, gusto, zest. Gout, n. PODAGRA. Gouty, a. Podagric, podagrical. Govern, v. a. 1. Conduct, manage, supervise, regulate, have the direction of, have the charge of. 3. Direct, guide, steer. 3. Control, restrain, curb, bridle, rule, sway, command. Govern, v. n. Rule, have control, exer cise authority, hold the reins, bear sway, have the charge. Governable, a. Controllable, manage able. Governante, n. GOVERNESS. Governess, n. Governante, instruct ress, tutoress. Government, n. 1. Rule, management, regulation, conduct. 3. Direction, guidance. 3. Control, restraint, sway, dominion. 4. Polity, commonwealth, state, form of sovereignty, body politic. 5. Administration, body of executive officers, ruling power, powers that be. Governor, n. 1. Ruler, director, man ager, comptroller, superintendent, over seer. 3. Executive, chief magistrate. 3. Tutor, instructor, guardian. Go your way, Avaunt, aroynt, begone, be off, get you gone, go along, off with you, get along with you, go about your business. Grab, v. a. [Low.] Snatch, clutch, seize violently, gripe suddenly. Grace, n. I. Favor, kindness, conde scension, benignity, love, good-will. 3. Divine goodness or favor, divine influence, God s love. 3. Piety, devotion, devoutness, holi ness, religion, sanctity. 4. Pardon, forgiveness, mercy. 5. Elegance, polish, refinement, ac complishment. 6. Beauty, symmetry, comeliness, gracefulness, ease. 7. Short prayer (over food at table). 8. (Music.) Embellishment (appog- giatura, shake, trill, turn). Grace, v. a. 1. Adorn, decorate, beau tify, embellish, deck. 3. Dignify, honor. Graceful, a. 1. Elegant, comely, be coming, beautiful. 3. Easy, natural, unlabored. Graceless, a. Depraved, degenerate, corrupt, profligate, reprobate, disso lute, abandoned, lost, shameless, obdu rate, hardened, incorrigible, irreclaim able, wicked. Gracious, a. 1. Benevolent, benignant, favorable, kind; friendly, merciful, con descending, compassionate, tender, le nient, mild, gentle. 8. Affable, familiar, courteous, civil, polite, familiar, easy. Gradation, n. Regular progress (step by step), regular progression. Grade, n. 1. Rank, degree, step, stage. 3. Gradient, rate of ascent or of de scent (as on a railroad). Gradient, n. Grade, rate of ascent or of descent. Gradual, a. Regular (step by step), pro gressive, slow. Gradually, ad. Regularly, slowly, by degrees, step by step, little by little, by little and little. Graduate, v. a. 1. Mark with degrees, divide into regular intervals. 3. Adjust, adapt, proportion, regu late. Graduate, v. n. Take a degree, receive a diploma. Gradus, n. Dictionary of prosody, pro- sodial dictionary. Graff, n. Ditch, moat, fosse. Graft, n. Shoot (inserted in another tree), scion, sprout. Graft, v. a. Ingraft. Grain, n. 1. Seed, kernel, matured ovule. 3. Corn (wlieat, rye, oats, barley, maize, &c.). 3. Particle, atom, bit, scrap, jot, whit, mite, ace, iota, tittle, scintilla, trace, spark, shadow, glimmer. 4. Twentieth part of a scruple, twen ty-fourth part of a pennyweight. 5. Fibre, texture. 6. Temper, disposition, humor. 7. Dye, tint, color, stain, tinge, hue, shade, tincture. Grallae, n. pi. [L.] "Waders, wading birds, grallatores. Grallatores, n. pi. [L.] GRALL^:. Gramineous, ) Grassy. Graminaceous, ) Graminivorous, a. Grass-eating, phy- tivorous, phytophagous. Grammar, n. 1. Accidence, science of language, laws or rules of language, theory of human speech. 3. Propriety of speech, right use of language, art of speaking or writing correctly. 3. Treatise on grammar, manual or handbook of grammar, grammatical text-book. Grammarian, n. Adept in grammar. Granary, n. Garner, corn-house. Grand, a. 1. Stately, lordly, princely, august, majestic, exalted, elevated, dig nified, eminent, illustrious, great, high in power, of great dignity. 3. Magnificent, splendid, superb, glorious, noble, sublime, lofty. 3. Principal, chief, superior. Grand-duke, n. 1. Sovereign prince. 3. (Zob l.) Great horned owl (Bubo maximus). Grandee, n. Nobleman, noble, lord. Grandeur, n. 1. Greatness, sublimity. 3. Majesty, loftiness, statelinesa, state, dignity, pomp, magnificence, augustness, splendor. Grandfather, n. Grandsire, grand papa. GRANDILOQUENCE 185 GREASE Grandiloquence, n. Bombast, fustian, turgidity, lofty language, high-sound ing words, lofty style of speech. Grandiloquent, a. Bombastic, turgid, tumid, swelling, inflated, stilted, pom pous, declamatory, rhetorical, high- sounding, high-flowing, HIGHFAIAJ- TIN. Grand-juror, n. Grand-juryman. Grand-juryman, n. Grand-juror. Grandmamma, n. Grandmother. Grandmother, n. Grandmamma. Grand-vizier, n. Chief vizier. Grant, v. a. 1. Admit, allow, concede, cede, yield. 3. GIVE (in answer to a request), be stow, CONFER, vouchsafe, deign. 3. (Law.) Convey (by deed), transfer, make conveyance of. Grant, n. 1. Gift, boon, donation, ben efaction, bounty, largess, present, con cession. 3. (Law.) Conveyance, cession. Granulate, v. a. Form into grains, re duce to grains. Granulate, v. n. Be formed into grains. Granule, n. Small grain, small parti cle. Grape, n. Fruit of the vine. Grape-sugar, n. Glucose, starch-sugar. Graphic, ) a. Vivid, lively, pictu- Graphical, j resque, well drawn, well delineated. Graphite, n. Plumbago, black-lead. Grapple, v. a. Seize, gripe, grasp, catch, clasp, clutch, lay hold of. Grapple with, Struggle with, engage with, close with, contend with (in close fight). Grapple, n. 1. Close hug, close fight. 3. Grappling-irons. Grappling-irons, n. pi. Grapple. Grasp, v. a. Clasp, gripe, seize, clinch, clutch, catch, grapple, lay hold of. Grasp at, Catch at, try to seize. Grasp, n. 1. Clasp, gripe. 3. Hold, possession. 3. Reach, power of seizing or of com prehending. Grasping, a. Avaricious, covetous, mi serly, niggardly, penurious, parsimoni ous, close, stingy, mean, sordid, close- fisted, with an itching palm. Grass-eating, a. Graminivorous, phy- tivorous, phytophagous. Grass-plot, n. Lawn, green. Grassy, a. Gramineous, graminaceous. Grate, v . a. 1. Rub, scrape, abrade. 3. Rasp, comminute, reduce to par ticles by rubbing. Grate, v. n. Be irritating, be disagree able, be offensive. Grateful, a. 1. THANKFUL, obliged, indebted, beholden, under obligation. 3. Agreeable, pleasing, pleasant, grat ifying, acceptable, delightful, welcome, charming. 3. Delicious, palatable, savory, nice, luscious, cordial, refreshing, invigorat ing. Gratification, n. 1. Gratifying, pleas ing. 2. Delight, satisfaction, enjoymeut, pleasure, fruition. 3. Reward, recompense. Gratify, v. a. Please, indulge, satisfy, humor, delight, give pleasure to, make glad. Gratifying, a. Pleasing, agreeable, wel come. Grating, a. Harsh, irritating, displeas ing, disagreeable, oft ensive. * Gratis, ad. [L.] Gratuitously, freely, for nothing. Gratitude, n. Thankfulness, feeling of obligation, sense of obligation. Gratuitous, a. 1. Voluntary, free, spontaneous, of one s own accord. 3. Unwarranted, unfounded, ground less, without proof. Gratuity, n. Present, gift, donation, benefaction, bounty, largess, grant, free gift. Gratulation, n. Congratulation, felici tation. Gratulatory, a. Congratulatory. Grave, v. a. 1. Engrave, imprint, infix, impress deeply. 3. Carve, form by cutting. Grave, n. Pit (for a dead body), sepul chre, tomb, ossuary, charnel-house, narrow house, long home. Grave, a. 1. Important, weighty, mo mentous, cogent, of great consequence. 3. Sober, serious, sedate, thoughtful, demure, staid, solemn. 3. Plain, not showy, not tawdry. 4. (Music.) Deep, not acute, low in pitch. Grave-clothes, n. pi. Shroud, winding- sheet. Gravel, n. Sand, grit, small pebbles. Gravel, v. a. 1. Cover with gravel. 3. Puzzle, embarrass, perplex, be wilder, stagger, pose, nonplus, put out. Graver, n. 1. Engraver. 3. Burin, engraving tool. Graveyard, n. Cemetery, necropolis, mortuary, churchyard, burial-ground, burying-ground. Gravitate, v . n. Tend by gravity. Gravitation, n. Gravity, centripetal force, attraction of gravitation. Gravity, n. 1. Heaviness, weight. 3. Gravitation, centripetal force, at traction of gravitation. 3. Sobriety, seriousness, sedateness, thoughtfulness, demureness. 4. Importance, moment. Gray, a Hoary, black and white. Grayish, a. Grizzly, grizzled, some what gray. Graze, v. n. Eat grass, feed upon grass. Graze, v. a. 1. Feed with grass. 3. Feed upon, eat grass from. 3. Shave, scrape, skim, touch lightly (in passing over). Grease, n. 1. Unctuous matter (lard, tallow, &c.\. 3. (Farriery.) Scratches. Grease, v. a. 1. Smear with grease. 3. Bribe, give a douceur to. GREASY 186 GRIN AT Greasy, a. Unctuous, fat, fatty, oily, adipose, sebaceous, oleaginous. Great, a. 1. Large, big, vast, huge, bulky, ample, immense, gigantic, Her culean, Cyclopean, enormous. 3. Much, excessive, high. 3. Numerous, countless. 4. Considerable, important, weighty. 5. Distinguished, eminent, promi nent, exalted, elevated, excellent, noted, illustrious, celebrated, famous, famed, renowned, far-famed. 6. Grand, august, dignified, noble, majestic, sublime. 7. Magnanimous, generous, chival rous, high-minded. 8. Sumptuous, rich, magnificent. 9. Hard, difficult, onerous, burden some, grievous. 10. Chief, principal. 11. Superior, pre-eminent. Great, n. [With The prefixed.] Great persons, persons of rank, people of dis tinction. Great bear, n. [With The prefixed.] Charles s Wain, The Wain, URSA MA JOR. Great-bellied, a. Abdominous, large- bellied, big-bellied, pot-bellied, tun- bellied. Greatest good, Supreme good, SUMMUM BONUM. Great-hearted, a. Noble, magnani mous, generous, chivalrous, high-spir ited, high-minded. Greatness, n. 1. Largeness, magni tude, size, bulk, dimensions. 3. High degree. 3. Distinction, eminence, elevation, fame, renown. 4. Dignity, augustness, majesty, sub limity. 5. Magnanimity, generosity, noble ness, disinterestedness, chivalrous spir it. Grecian, a. GREEK. Grecian, n. 1. Greek, native of Greece. 3. Adept in Greek, proficient in the Greek language, Greek scholar. Greeisin, n. Greekism, Hellenism. Greed, n. Eagerness, longing, GREEDI NESS. Greediness, n. 1. Voracity, ravenous- ness, gluttony, rapacity, excessive hun ger. 3. Eagerness, longing, greed, avid ity, intense desire. Greedy, a. 1. Voracious, ravenous, gluttonous, rapacious, insatiable, in satiate, very hungry. 3. Eager, very desirous. Greedy-gut, n. [Loiv.] Glutton, gor mandizer, gourmand, gobbler. Greek, a. 1. Of Greece. 2. Grecian, classic, classical, after the Greek, in the manner of Greece. Greek, n 1. Grecian, native of Greece. 2. Greek language. Green, a. 1. Verdant. 3. Flourishing, blooming, fresh, un- decayed. 3. New, recent. 4. Unripe, not fully grown, imma ture. 5. Inexperienced, unskilful, inexpert, ignorant, raw. 6. Unseasoned, not dry. Green, n. 1. Blue and yellow. 3. Lawn, grass-plot, grassy plain. Greenbone, n. GAR-FISH, sea-pike. Green-broom, n. Green-weed, dyer s- weed (Genista tinctoria). Greenfinch, n. Green grossbeak (Cbc- cothraustes chloris). Greenhorn, n. [Colloquial.} Novice, inexperienced youth, raw hand. Greenhouse, n. Conservatory. Greenness, n. 1. Verdancy, viridity. 3. Vigor, freshness. 3. Unripeness, immaturity. Green-sickness, n. CHLOROSIS. Green-vitriol, n. Copperas, sulphate of iron (crystallized). Green-weed, n. Green-broom, dyer s weed (Genista tinctoria). Greet, v. a. 1. Salute, welcome, hail, address, accost. 3. Compliment, send greeting to. Greeting, n. 1. Salutation, welcome, salute. 2. Compliment, expression of good will. Grewsome, a. [Scottish.] Frightful, ugly, terrible. Greylag, n. Wild goose (Anser fe- rus). Grenatite, n. Cross-stone, staurotide, staurolite. Grief, n. 1. Sorrow, regret, affliction, distress, tribulation, woe, sadness, bit terness, anguish, misery, agony, heart ache, heavy heart, bleeding heart, broken heart, pain of mind, mental suffering. 3. Trial, grievance, cause of sorrow. Grievance, n. 1. Hardship, wrong, in jury, burden, oppression. 3. Grief, trial, cause of sorrow. Grieve, v. a. Afflict, pain, hurt, or wound the feelings of, make sorrow ful. Grieve, v. n. Sorrow, mourn, lament, bewail, feel regret. Grievous, a. 1. Distressing, afflictive, afflicting, painful, sad, deplorable, la mentable, hard to bear. 3. Hurtful, injurious, baneful, nox ious, mischievous, detrimental, destruc tive, calamitous. 3. Atrocious, heinous, flagitious. Grim, a. 1. Fierce, ferocious, ruthless, cruel, savage. 3. Frightful, horrible, hideous, grisly, appalling, dire, horrid, terrific, dread ful, of forbidding look. Grimace, n. Distortion of countenance, wry face. Grim-faced, a. Grim-visaged. Grim-visaged, a. Grim-faced. Grin, v. n. Show the teeth (in laughing, expressing scorn, &c.). Grin at, Ridicule, deride, mock at, scoff at, jeer at, laugh at. GRIND 187 GROVELLING Grind, v. a. 1. Triturate, pulverize, bruise, bray, CKAZE, comminute by at trition. 3, Sharpen (by rubbing). 3. Grate, rub together. 4. Oppress, harass, persecute, plague, trouble, afflict, be hard upon. Grinder, n. Molar, molar tooth, jaw tooth, double tooth. Grindery, n. [England.] Shoemakers materials. Grindery-warehouse, n. Finding- store, store for the sale of shoemakers materials. Grip, n. [Low.} Grasp, gripe, clutch, clasp. Gripe, v. a. 1. Seize, clutch, grasp, clasp, snatch, lay hold of. 3. Press, compress, squeeze, pinch, hold fast. 3. Pain, distress, pinch, straighten, give pain to. Gripe, n. 1. Grasp, clutch, hold, seizure. 3. Affliction, distress, griping, pinch ing. Griping, n. 1, Seizure, grasping. 3. Colic, gripes, pain in the bowels. 3. Affliction, distress, gripe. Gripes, n. pi. Colic, griping, belly-ache, pain in the bowels. Grippe, n. [Fr.] Catarrh, influenza. Grisly, a. Frightful, horrible, horrid, ter rific, hideous, appalling, dreadful, grim. Gristle, n. Cartilage. Gristly, a. Cartilaginous. Grit, n. 1. Bran. 3. Sand, gravel, small pebbles. 3. Gritstone, gritrock. Gritrock, n. Gritstone, grit. Grits, n. pi. Groats, hulled oats, or hulled wheat. Gritstone, n. Grit, grit-rock. Gritty, a. Sandy. Grizzled, a. Grayish, grizzly. Grizzly, a. Grayish, grizzled, somewhat gray, a little gray. Groan, v. n. Moan. Groat, n. Fourpence. Groats, n. pi. Grits, hulled oats, or hulled wheat. Groceries, n. pi. [U. S.] GROCERY, grocers commodities. Grocery, n. 1. [England.] GROCERIES. 3. [U. S.] Grocer s shop. Groggery, n. Grog-shop, dram-shop, liquor-shop. Groggy, a. [Low.] Tipsy, intoxicated, inebriated, DRUNK. Grog-shop, n. GROGGERY. Groom, n. 1, Waiter, servant, valet. 3. Stable-servant, hostler. 3. Bridegroom. Groove, n. Furrow, channel. Grope, v. n. Feel one s way (as in tlie dark], pick one s way. Gross, a. 1. Large, big, bulky, great. 3. Dense, thick, not attenuated. 3, Coarse, rough, rude, unrefined, indelicate, sensual, impure, vulgar, low, broad. 4. Enormous, flagrant, shameful, un seemly, unbecoming, outrageous. 5. Palpable, manifest, glaring. 6. Whole, total, entire. Gross, n. 1. Whole, total, aggregate, gross amount, sum total. 3. Twelve dozen. Grossness, n. 1. Greatness, bulkiness, bigness. 3. Density, thickness. 3. Coarseness, rudeness, indelicacy, vulgarity, impurity, want of refine ment. Grot, n. Cave, cavern, grotto. Grotesque, a. Fantastic, fanciful, odd, whimsical, extravagant, unnatural, wild, strange, BIZARRE. Grotto, n. Grot, cave, cavern. Ground, n. 1. Soil, earth, clod, turf, sod, loam, mould, surface of land. 3. Region, territory, country, land, domain. 3. Estate, acres, field, real property, landed estate. 4. Foundation, support, base, basis, groundwork. 5. Motive, consideration, reason, cause, inducement, account. Ground, v. a. 1. Place on the ground. 3. Found, establish, base, fix, set. Ground, v. n. Run aground, get a- ground. Ground-hog, n. Woodchuck, Ameri can marmot (Arctomys monax). Ground-ice, n. Anchor-ice. Ground-ivy, n. Gill, "alehoof. Ground-nut, n. 1. Pig-nut, hawk-nut, earth-nut, earth-chestnut (Bunium flex- uosum). 3. Peanut, earth-nut (Arachis hypo- gaa). 3. Wild bean (Aplos tuberosa). 4. Dwarf ginseng (Aralia trtfolia or Panax trifolium). Ground-plate, n. Sill, ground-sill, groundsel. Grounds, n. pi. Lees, dregs, sediment, grouts, precipitate, settlings. sm,gro,md-pla te . Ground-squirrel, n. Chipmunk. Ground-work, n. 1. Base, basis, sub stratum, foundation, support, bottom, ground. 3. Source, origin, first principle. Group, n. Cluster, collection, assem blage, clump. Group, v. a. Arrange, dispose, assign places to, form into groups. Grouse, n. Heath-game. Grouts, n. pi. Lees, GROUXDS. Grouty, a. [Colloquial.] Sullen, moody, sulky, surly, morose, cross, glum, grum, spleeny, cynical, crabbed, out of humor, out of temper. Grove, n. FOREST, wood, woodland, thicket, copse. Grovel, v. n. Creep, crawl, sneak, fawn, cringe, lie low, lie prone. Grovelling, a. [Written also Groveling.] 1. Creeping, crouching, squat, 3. Low, mean, base, vile, abject, ser vile, slavish, cringing, fawning, beggar ly, sneaking, earth-born. GROW 188 GUINEA-HEN Grow, v. n. 1. Enlarge, increase, ex pand, extend, be augmented, become (by degrees) greater or larger. 2. Vegetate, sprout, germinate, shoot, pullulate, put forth, shoot up, spring up . 3. Advance, improve, make progress, make improvement. 4. Become, wax. come to be, get to be. Grow, v, a. Eaise, produce, cultivate. Grower, n - Producer, cultivator. Grow fat, Batten. Growing, a. Increasing, enlarging. Grow out of, Issue, proceed from, come from. Grow up, Come to maturity. Growl, v. n. Snarl, gnarl, grumble, murmur. GroAvl, n. Snarl, murmur. Growth, n. 1. Increase, expansion, de velopment. 2. Produce, product. 3. Advancement, advance, progress, improvement. Grub, v. a. Dig, eradicate, dig up, root up, root out, grub up. Grub, v. n. Dig, be meanly employed. Grub, n. 1. Catterpillar, larva. 2. [Colloquial.] FOOD. Grub-axe, n. Mattock, grubbing-hoe. Grubbing-hoe, n. GRUB-AXE. Grudge, v. a. 1. Grant with reluctance, give unwillingly. 2. Envy, begrudge, repine at. Grudge, v. n. 1. Be reluctant, be un willing. 2. Repine, murmur, grieve, be en vious. Grudge, n. Hatred (secretly and persis tently entertaimd}, pique, spite, malice, rancor, malevolence, ill-will, inveterate dislike. Grudging, n. 1. Envy. 2. Reluctance, unwillingness, disin clination. Grufl , a. Rough, churlish, rude, uncivil, uncourteous, ungracious, impolite, bluff, blunt, harsh, BRUSQUE. Grum, a. 1. Sour, surly, morose, sullen, crabbed, glum, GROUTY. 2. Guttural (voice), rumbling, deep in the throat. Grumble, v. n. 1. Complain/ murmur, repine, croak, find fault. 2. Growl, snarl, gnarl. 3. Rumble, roar. Grumbler, n. Murmurer, complainer, croaker, censurer, fault-finder. Grumbling, n, Complaint, murmur ing, repining, fault-finding. Grumous, a. Clotted, concreted, thick. Grunter, n. Hog, pig, swine. Guarantee, n. Surety, security, cau tion, guaranty. Guarantee, v. a. (Law.) "Warrant, in sure, guaranty, become surety for, be responsible for, answer for. Guarantor, n. (Law.) Warrantor. Guaranty, v. a. (Law.) Warrant, GUARANTEE. Guard, v. a. Protect, defend, shield, shelter, keep in safety. Guard, v. n. Watch, take care, be cautious, be vigilant. Guard, n. 1. Defence, protection, shield, security, bulwark, rampart, aegis, pal ladium, safeguard. 2. Sentinel, sentry, watch, watch man. 3. Convoy, escort, conduct, body of defenders. 4. Circumspection, care, watchful ness, caution, attention, heed. 5. Conductor (of a coach or of a rail- way train). Guarded, a. Cautious, wary, circum spect, watchful, careful. Guardian, n. Warden, keeper, pro tector, defender, preserver, guardian angel, tutelary saint. Guardian, a. Protecting, tutelary. Guardsman, n. Watchman, sentinel, sentry, guard. Guerdon, n. [Poetical.] Recompense, remuneration, requital, reward. Guess, v. n. 1. Conjecture, divine, sur mise, suspect, mistrust. 2. Suppose, think, believe, fancy, im agine, take it, dare say, venture to say. Guess, v. a. Conjecture, divine. Guess, n. Conjecture, surmise, sup position. Guest, n. Visitor, visitant. Guff aw, n. Laugh (boisterous or loud), horse-laugh. Guidance, n. Direction, leadership, lead, conduct, government. Guide, v. a. 1. Lead, conduct, pilot. 2. Direct, rule, govern, manage, reg ulate, control, steer, preside over, have charge of, take the direction of. Guide, n. 1. Director, conductor, pilot. 2. Mentor, monitor, adviser, coun sellor, instructor. 3, CLAVIS, clew. Guide-post, n. Finger-post. Guild, n. Fraternity, association, so ciety, company, corporation, corporate body, joint concern. Guile, n. Cunning, craft, subtlety, art fulness, artifice, duplicity, deceit, decep tion, trickery, fraud. Guileless, a. Artless, honest, sincere, undesigning, unsophisticated, frank, pure, truthful, candid, ingenuous, open, straightforward, single-minded, open-hearted, simple-hearted, simple- minded. Guillemets, n. pi. Quotation points or marks, marks of quotation, inverted commas. Guilt, n. Criminality, guiltiness, culpa bility. Guiltless, a. Innocent, sinless, spotless, unspotted, unpolluted, immaculate, un sullied, untarnished, blameless. Guilty, a. Criminal, culpable. Guinea, n. Twenty-one shillings. Guinea corn, Do ura, Indian millet, negro-corn (Sorghum vulgare). Guinea-fowl, n. Guinea-hen (Numida meteagris). Guinea-hen, n. GUINEA-FOWL. GUISE 189 HACKLE Guise, n. 1. Appearance, aspect, garb, dress, form, shape, figure, fashion, man ner, mode. 2, [Poetical.] Air, mien, demeanor, behavior. 3. Practice, habit, custom, manner, mode. Gulch, n. Eavine (made by running water), gully. CREVASSE. Gules, n. [Her.] Red (represented by perpendicular lines). Gulf, n. 1. Large bay. 2. Abyss. Gull, v. a. Deceive, cheat, dupe, trick, chouse, diddle, cozen, overreach, cir cumvent, beguile, impose upon. Gull, n. 1. Cheat, trick, deception, im position, fraud. 2. Dupe, CAT S-PAW. 3. Mew, cob, seamew, sea-cob. Gullet, n. (Esophagus. Gullibility, n. [Low.] Weak credulity. Gullible, a. [Low.] Credulous, easily duped. Gully, n. GULCH, ravine, CREVASSE. Gulp, v. a. Swallow greedily, BOLT. Gumbo, n. [ U. S.] Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus). Gum-elastic, n. Caoutchouc, india- rubber. Gumption, n. 1. [Colloquial.] Shrewd ness, TACT, address, sagacity, discern ment, skill, cleverness, ability, com mon sense. 2, Magilp. Gum-rash, n. (Med.) Red-gum. Gum-tree, n. 1. Black-gum, sour-gum (Nyssa multiflora). 2. [ U. S.] Sweet-gum, liquid-ambar (Liquid-ambar styraciflora). Gun, n. Fire-arm, BLUNDERBUSS. Gun-cotton, n. Pyroxyline. Guns, n.pl. Fire-arms, CANNON. Gurgle, v. n. Ripple, purl, murmur. Gush, v. n. Spout out, burst forth, rush forth (as a liquid), flow out suddenly. Gush, n. Rush (as of a liquid), sudden efflux or outflow. Gusset, n. Gore. Gust, n. 1. Taste. 2. Relish, zest, liking, gusto. 3. Blast, squall. 4. Burst, outburst, fit, paroxysm. Gustable, a. Relishable, savory, pleas ant to the taste, sapid. Gusto, n. Relish, zest, liking, gust. Gusty, a. Stormy, tempestuous, windy, squally, blustering. Gut, n. 1. Intestine. 2. Strait, narrow pass. Gut, v. a. Eviscerate, disembowel, em bowel, take out the bowels of. Guts, n. pi. Viscera, intestines, entrails, bowels, inwards. Gutta serena, [L.] (Med.) Amaurosis, drop-serene. Gutter, n. Channel, conduit. Guttural, a. Of the throat. Guzzle, v. n. Drink (greedily or much), carouse, tipple, tope. Guzzle, v. a. Drink (greedily or much), quaff", swill, SWIG. Gymnasium, n. 1. Place for athletic exercises. 2. School, seminary, academy, high- school. Gymnastic, a. Athletic. Gymnastics, n. pi. Athletic exercises. Gypsum, n. Sulphate of lime (native). Gyrate, v. n. Rotate, revolve, whirl, turn round, wheel round, move in a circle. Gyration, n. Rotation, whirling, revo lution, circular motion. Gyves, n. pi. Fetters, shackles, chains. H Habiliment, n. Dress, garment, clothes, apparel, raiment, vesture, garb, habit, costume, vestment. Habit, n. 1. Condition (of the body), constitution, temperament. 2. Custom (of an individual), usage, wont, practice, habitude, way, manner, second nature. 3. Dress, garb, HABILIMENT. Habit, v. a. Dress, clothe, array, attire, accoutre. Habitable, a. Inhabitable. Habitancy, n. Inhabitancy, residence, legal settlement. Habitat, n. Natural locality (of a plant or an animal). Habitation, n. Abode, dwelling, lodg ing, domicile, quarters, head-quarters, dwelling-place, place of abode, place of residence. Habitual, a. Usual, customary, accus tomed, wonted, common, regular, ordi nary, familiar, every-day. Habituate, v. a. Accustom, familiarize, inure, use, train, harden. Habitude, n. Custom, usage, practice, wont, HABIT. Hacienda, n. [Sp.] Plantation, farm, estate. Hack, v. a. Cut (clumsily), hew, chop, mangle, hackle. Hack, n. 1. Notch, cut. 2. Hired horse, worn-out horse. 3. Drudge, over-worked man. 4. Hackney-coach. Hack, a. Hired, mercenary, hireling, hackney. Hackee, n. [ U. S.] Chipmunk, striped squirrel. Hackle, v. a. 1. Cut (clumsily), hew, chop, hack, haggle. 2. Hatchel, drees ( flax). HACKMATACK 190 HANDBOOK Hackmatack, n. Tamarack, American larch, black larch (Larix pendula or Larix Americana). Hackney, a. Common, hired, hack. Hackney-coach, n. Hack. Hackneyed, a. 1. Worn out, much used. 3. Common, commonplace, thread bare, trite, stale, beaten. Had as lief, Would as willingly, gladly, or freely, would as lief. Hades, n. Grave, invisible world, region of the dead. Had like, Came near, had nearly, came little short. Haft, n. Handle (of an instrument), stock. Hag, n. Fury, beldam, she-monster, Jezebel, virago, vixen, ugly old wo man. Haggard, a. 1. Wild, wayward, intrac table, unruly, refractory, untamed, not domesticated. 3. Gaunt, lean, meagre, spare, worn, wasted, rawboned. Haggish, a. Ugly, deformed, horrid. Haggle, v. n. Higgle, chaffer, be tedious in a bargain. Haggle, v. a. Cut (clumsily), hew, chop, hack, hackle. Hail, v. a. Salute, greet, welcome, call to. Hail-fellow, n. Intimate, associate, companion. Hair-salt, n. Native sulphate of mag nesia. Halcyon, n. Kingfisher. Halcyon, a. Placid, calm, quiet, still, peaceful, tranquil, undisturbed, un ruffled, serene, palmy, happy. Hale, a. Healthy, sound, strong, hearty, hardy, robust, well, in good health. Half, n. Moiety. Hallelujah, interj. Hosanna. Half-note, n. Minim, half a semi- breve. Half-seas-over, a. [Low.] Fuddled, disguised, boozy, muddled, tipsy, mel low, corned, crapulous, GROGGY, tight, SLEWED, MUZZY, NAPPY, high, some- what drunk, slightly intoxicated, in liquor, in one s cups, the worse for li quor, THREE SHEETS IN THE WIND, has had a drop too much. Half-wit, n. Blockhead, simpleton, DUNCE. Half-witted, a. Dull, stupid, stolid, doltish, foolish, soft, silly, shallow, sappy, weak-headed, weak-minded, feeble-minded, shallow-brained, blunt- witted, dull-witted, thick-skulled. Half-yearly, a. Semi-annual. Half-yearly, ad. Semi-annually. Halicore, n. (Zool.) Dugong. Hall, n. 1. Large room, chamber. 3. Entry (of a house), entrance. 3. Manor-house. Hallabaloo, [Low.} Racket, clamor, ib, outcry, vocifera- Halloo, v. n. Shout, call, cry out. all. din, uproar, hubbul tion, disturbance. Halloo, n. Holla, shout, call Hallow, v. a. 1. Consecrate, sanctify, dedicate, devote, make holy, invest with solemnity. 3. Reverence, honor, respect^ vener ate, pay homage to, render honor to. Hallowed, a. Holy, sacred, blessed. Hallowmas, n. Feast of All-Souls. Hallucination, n. 1. Error, blunder, mistake, fallacy. 2. Illusion, delusion, monomania, self-deception, phantasm, aberration. Halo, n. 1. Ring (of light). 3. (Painting.) Glory. Halt, v. n. 1. Stop, hold, stand still, stop short, pull up, take breath, lie by, LIE TO. 3. Limp, hobble, walk lamely. Halt, a. Lame, crippled. Halt, n. 1. Stop, stand, stand still. 3. Limp, limping gait. Halve, v. a. 1. Divide into two equal parts, bisect. 3. Scarf (as timbers), join by a scarf. Hamadryad, n. Wood-nymph, nymph of the woods. Hamate, a. (Bot.) Hooked. Hamlet, n. Small village. Hammer and tongs, [Colloquial ex pression used adverbially.} Strenuous ly, vigorously, earnestly, zealously, resolutely, energetically, with all one s might, with might and main, TOOTH AND NAIL, PUGNIS ET CALCIBUS, through thick and thin, through fire and water. Hammer-fish, n. Balance-fish, ham mer-head, hammer-headed shark (Zy goma vulgaris). Hammer-head, n. HAMMER-FISH. Hammock, n. Swinging bed. Hamper, n. 1. Crate. 3. Fetter, shackle, clog, chain. Hamper, v. a. Shackle, fetter, entangle, clog, encumber, restrain, hinder, im pede, clog. Hamstring, v. a. Hough. Hand, n. 1. Palm and fingers, PAW. 3. Palm, four inches (in estimating the height of a horse), hand-breadth. 3. Side (right or left). 4. Skill, ability, talent, faculty, dex terity. 5. Handiwork, workmanship. 6. Mode of procedure. 7. Agency, intervention, participa tion. 8. Possession, control, power. 9. Laborer, workman, operative, EM PLOYE, artisan, artificer, craftsman. 10. Index, pointer, indicator. 11. Chirography, handwriting, style of penmanship. Hand in hand, Conjointly, unitedly, in union. Hand to hand, In close fight. Hand and glove, Very intimate, very friendly, very familiar. Hand, v. a. 1. Give (with the hand), transmit, present, pass by hand. 3. Lead, conduct, guide. Hand down, Transmit in succession Handbook, n. Manual. HAND-BREADTH 191 HARBOR Hand-breadth, n. Palm, hand, four inches. Handcuff, n. Manacle, hand-fetter. Handcuff, v. a. Manacle. Hand-fetter, n. Handcuff, manacle. Handful, n. Maniple. Handicraft, n. Manual occupation. Handicraftsman, n. Artisan, mechan ic, artificer, workman, hand, crafts man. Handiwork, n. Hand, workmanship, manufacture. Handle, v. a. 1. Touch, feel, feel of. 3. Manage, use, wield.. 3. Treat, discuss, discourse on, treat of. 4. Deal with. Handle, n. 1. Haft, stock. 3. BAIL. Handmaid, )n. Maid-servant, fe- Handmaiden, J male servant. Hands, n. pi. CLUTCHES. Handscrew, n. Jack. Hands off, Forbear, desist, keep off, don t touch it. Handsome, a. 1. Beautiful (with dig nity or grandeur), comely, fair, PBETTY, well-formed, well-proportioned. 3. Generous, liberal, disinterested, noble, magnanimous. 3. Ample, sufficient, plentiful. Handwriting, n. Hand, chirography, style of penmanship. Handy, a. 1. Dexterous, adroit, ready, expert, skilful, skilled, clever. 3. Convenient, near, at hand, close at hand. Hang:, v. a. 1. Suspend. 3. Execute (by the halter), hang by the neck. 3. Attach (so as to swing). 4. Incline (the head), decline, bend down, let droop. 5. Drape, adorn with hangings. Hang, v. n. 1. Depend, dangle, be sus pended. 3. Incline, droop, tend downwards. 3. Depend, rely, be dependent. 4. Rest, cling. 5. Be held in fixed attention. 6. Hover, float, play. Hang; around, Loiter about. Hang back, Demur, hesitate, be back ward, be reluctant. Hang fire, Be long in discharging (said of a gun). Hang on, 1. Rely on, depend on, wait on, dance attendance on. 3. Continue, last, be protracted. 3. Stick, cling, keep hold, hold fast, hold on, stick to. Hang out, Display. Hang over, 1. Project at top, lean over. 3. Threaten, impend over. Hang-bird, n. Baltimore oriole, gold en robin (Icterus Baltimore or Oriolus Baltimore). Hang-dog, n. Mean, base, or scurvy fellow. Hanger-on, n. Parasite, dependant, minion, vassal. Hanging, n. 1. Suspension. 3. Death by the halter. Hangings, n. pi. Drapery, tapestry. Hang one s head, Feel ashamed, take shame to one s self, hide one s face, hide one s diminished head, draw in one s horns. Hang together, 1. Keep united, stick together, hold together. 3. [Colloquial.} Be consistent (as the parts of a story). Hang tip one s fiddle, [Colloquial.} Quit business, shut up shop, give up one s occupation. Hanker after, Covet, long for, lust for, desire ardently, have a strong desire for. Hankering, n. Longing, craving, strong desire. Hap, n. Chance, fortune, accident, hap hazard, luck, casual event. Haphazard, n. Chance, hap. Hapless, a. Luckless, unlucky, unfor tunate, unhappy, wretched, miserable, forlorn, ill-starred, ill-fated. Haply, ad. Perhaps, perchance, possi bly, PEBADVEKTURE, by chance, by accident, maybe, it may be, as luck may have it, as it may turn up, as it may happen. Happen, v. n. Chance, occur, befall, betide, come, take place, turn up, fall out, come to pass. Happily, ad. 1. Luckily, fortunately, by good fortune, as luck would have it. 3. Successfully, prosperously, in a happy manner. 3. Gracefully, dexterously, skilfully, felicitously. Happiness, n. Felicity, bliss, beatitude, blessedness, enjoyment, welfare, well- being, prosperity. Happy, a. 1. Joyous, joyful, blissful, blessed, blest. 3. Pleased, gratified, delighted, re joiced, glad, gladdened, charmed. 3. Lucky, fortunate, prosperous, suc- 4. Ready, apt, skilful, adroit, dexter ous, expert, able. 5. Seasonable, opportune, befitting, pertinent, felicitous, well-timed. 6. Auspicious, propitious, favorable. Harangue, n. Declamatory speech, pub lic address, popular oration. Harangue, v. n. Declaim, spout, make a declamatory speech. Harangue, v. a. Address (in a declam atory style), make an harangue to. Harass, v. a. 1. Fatigue, tire, weary, fag, jade, exhaust, tire out, KNOCK UP. 3. Vex, plague, worry, tease, distress, trouble, molest, disturb, harry, drive from pillar to post. Harbinger, n. Forerunner, precursor, herald. Harbor, n. 1. Asylum, refuge, shelter, covert, sanctuary, retreat, resting- place, place of shelter. 3. Port, haven, harbor, destination. Harbor, v. n. Take shelter, find a har bor. HARBOR 192 HARMONICAL Harbor, v. a. 1. Shelter, lodge, pro tect. 3. Entertain, cherish, indulge, foster. 3. (Law.) Secrete, receive clandes tinely. Hard, a. 1. Firm, solid, compact, im penetrable, unyielding, not soft. 3. Difficult, embarrassing, perplex ing, puzzling, knotty, intricate, not easily understood. 3. Laborious, arduous, toilsome, fa tiguing, wearying. 4. Unfeeling, unkind, insensible, un susceptible, cruel, oppressive, rigorous, severe, unyielding, inflexible, callous, obdurate, hard-hearted. 5. Grievous, distressing, calamitous, painful, disagreeable, unpleasant. 6. Inclement, stormy, tempestuous, cold. 7. Harsh, rough, sour, acid. 8. Coarse, unpalatable. 9. Unfavorable, unprosperous, un- propitious. 10. Stiff, constrained, forced, unnat ural, ungraceful. 11. Excessive, intemperate. Hard, ad. 1. Close, near. 3. Laboriously, diligently, earnestly, incessantly, energetically. 3. With difficulty, not easily. 4. Distressfully, painfully, severely, rigorously. 5. Vehemently, forcibly, violently. Hard-a-lee, (Naut.) Close to the lee side. Hard-a-port, (Naut.) Close to the lar board side. Hard-a-starboard, (Naut.) Close to the starboard side. Hard-a- weather, (Naut.) Close to the windward side. Hard biscuit, Cracker. Hard by, Close by. very near. Hard coal, Anthracite, glance-coal, blind-coal, stone-coal, CULM. Harden, v. a. 1. Indurate, make hard, make callous. 3. Habituate, inure, season, accus tom, form, train, discipline. 3. Strengthen, fortify, steel, nerve, brace. 4. Sear, make callous, render insen sible. 5. Make obdurate, confirm in wicked ness. Harden, v. n. Grow or become hard. Hardened, v. a. 1, Indurated, made hard. 3. Confirmed, inured, accustomed, habituated, seasoned, trained. 3. Deadened, seared, steeled, unfeel ing, benumbed, callous, insensible. 4. Depraved, reprobate, obdurate, impenitent, lost, abandoned, incorrigi ble, irreclaimable. Hard-favored, ) a. Ugly, ill-favored, Hard-featured, ) homely, ill-looking, hard-visaged, of coarse features. Hard-fisted, a. Avaricious, covetous, penurious, miserly, niggardly, sordid, stingy, mercenary, mean, close-fisted. Hardhack, n. Steeple-bush (Spircea tomentosa). Hardhead, n. Menhaden, pauhaugen, moss-bunker. Hard-hearted, a. Cruel, unfeeling, merciless, unmerciful, uncompassion- ate, unpitying, ruthless, fell, pitiless, relentless, unrelenting, inexorable, bar barous, savage, ferocious, inhuman. Hardihood, n. Firmness, fortitude, resolution, pluck, mettle, manhood, courage, bravery, intrepidity, boldness, audacity, determination, resolution, decision. Hardly, ad. 1. Scarcely, barely, but just, almost not. 3. Severely, rigorously, unkindly, cruelly, roughly. Hardness, n. 1. Firmness, solidity, compactness, impenetrability. 3. Difficulty, perplexity. 3. Scarcity, penury. 4. Hardship, suffering, tribulation. Hards, n. pi. Tow, refuse flax. Hardship, n. 1. Toil, fatigue. 3. Grievance, suffering, trial, afflic tion, calamity, misfortune, trouble, burden. Hard-visaged, a. Ugly, homely, hard- favored, hard-featured, ill-favored, ill- looking, of coarse features. Hardy, a. 1. Bold, intrepid, resolute, brave, daring, valiant, heroic, mainly, courageous, stout-hearted. 3, Strong, robust, firm, stout, lusty, rigorous, healthy, hearty, hale, sound. Hare-brained, a. Hash, reckless, head long, heedless, careless, wild, unsteady, giddy, volatile, flighty, giddy-brained, HARUM-SCARUM. Harfang, n. Hawk-owl ( Surnea nyctea or Strix nyctea), Canada owl. Hariftj n. Cleavers, goose-grass, catch- weed, scratch-weed (Gal mm aparine). Hark, interj. Hear, listen, give ear. Harlequin, n. Buffoon, jester, droll, mountebank, merry-Andrew, punch, clown, zany, scaramouch, fool, antic, jack-pudding, pickle-herring. Harlequinade, n. Masking, mum mery, masquerade, buffoonery, foolery, tomfoolery. Hai-lot, n. Whore, STRUMPET. Harm, n. 1. Injury, hurt, detriment, damage, prejudice, disadvantage. 3. Evil, mischief, wrong, criminality, wickedness. Harm, v. a. 1. Injure, hurt, damage, do harm to. 3. Maltreat, molest, abuse, ill-use, ill-treat. Harmful, a. Injurious, detrimental, mischievous, pernicious, deleterious, noxious, baneful, prejudicial, disadvan tageous, hurtful. Harmless, a. 1. Innoxious, innocuous, not hurtful. 3. Inoffensive, unoffending. 3. Uninjured, unhurt, unharmed. Harmonic, ) a. 1. Harmonious, con- Harmonical, } cordant, consonant. 3. Melodious, tuneful, musical. HARMONIOUS 193 HATTOCK Harmonious, . 1. Concordant, har monic, consonant. 3. Melodious, tuneful, musical, dul cet, mellifluous. 3. Correspondent, consistent, con gruent, symmetrical. 4. Friendly, amicable, cordial, broth erly, fraternal, neighborly. Harmonize, v. a. 1. Make harmonious. 3. (Music.) Set accompanying parts to. Harmonize, v. n. Accord, agree, cor respond, chime, comport, tally, square, quadrate, cohere, be in unison, be har monious. Harmony, n. 1. Concord (especially of sounds or tones), accord, accordance, consonance, concordance, unison, agree ment, chime. 3. Adaptation, correspondence, con sistency, congruity, congruence, fitness, suitableness. 3. Peace, amity, friendship, good understanding. Harmotome, n. Cross-stone, staurohte. Harness, n. Tackling. Harness, v. a. Tackle, put iu harness. Harp, n. Lyre. Harp, v. n. 1. Play on the harp. 3. Dwell (tediously). Harping, n. 1. Harp-music. 3. Dwelling, repetition, iteration, re iteration. Harping-iron, n. Harpoon. Harpoon, n. Harping-iron. Harpooneer, n. Harpooner. Harpooner, n. Harpooneer. Harpseal, n. Greenland seal (Phoca Grcenlandica). Harpy, n. 1. Duck-hawk, marsh-har rier, moor-buzzard ( Circus ceruginosus). 3. Extortioner, sharper, plunderer. Harry, v. a. Worry, annoy, molest, plague, torment, trouble, tease, vex, harass, fret, gall, chafe, bore, incom mode, disturb. Harsh, a. 1. Rough. 3. Sour, acrid, tart, crabbed, hard, biting, sharp, caustic, corrosive. 3. Grating, discordant, jarring. 4. Crabbed, morose, stern, severe, austere, acrimonious, ill-tempered, out of humor, out of temper. 5. Rude, uncivil, bluff, blunt, gruff, ungracious, churlish, bearish, brutal. Harshness, n. 1. Roughness. 3. Austerity, rigor, severity, stern ness, crabbedness, moroseness, churl ishness, ill-temper, bad blood. 3. Rudeness, incivility, bluntness, bluffness. Hart, n. Stag, male red deer. Hartshorn, n. Carbonate of ammonia (in. solution), spirit of hartshorn, liquid ammonia. Harum-scarum, a. [Colloquial.] Vola tile, HARE-BRAINED, rash, precipitate, wild. Haruspice, n. Diviner, SOOTHSAYER. Harvest, n. 1. Ingathering. 3. Produce, crops. 3. Effect, product, result, conse quence. Harvest, v. a. Gather in. Locust (popularly but Harvest-fij . erroneously so called). Harvest-man, n: 1. Laborer in the harvest. 3. Father-long-legs, daddy-long-legs, sh epherd-spider . Hash, v. a. Mince, chop. Hash, n. Minced meat, hashed meat. Hasp, n. 1, Clasp (to be put over a staple). 3. Hook. Heated, } a< (B L] Spear-shaped. Haste, n. 1. Despatch, promptitude, quickness, expedition, celerity, speed. 3, Hurry, precipitance, vehemence, precipitation. Haste, v. n. Hasten, be quick, make haste. Hasten, v. n. Haste, hurry, move quickly, move speedily, be quick, be in a hurry, make haste, mend one s pace, lose no time, lose not a moment, make the best of one s way, wing one s way, crowd sail, clap spurs to one s horse. Hasten, v. a. Expedite, despatch, speed, accelerate, qviicken, precipitate, press on, urge on, urge forward, push for ward. Hasty, a. 1. Quick, swift, rapid, fleet, speedy, fast, brisk. 3. Cursory, slight, hurried. 3. Rash, precipitate, headlong, reck less, thoughtless, indiscreet. 4. Passionate, irritable, touchy, testy, pettish, waspish, petulant, peevish, fretful, fiery, choleric, irascible, excit able, hot, peppery. Hat, n. Beaver. Hatch, v. a. 1. Breed (from eggs}. 3. Quicken (by incubation or by heat):. 3. Concoct, devise, plan, contrive,, plot, design, scheme, project, brew r lay. out, chalk out, meditate upon. Hatch, n. 1. Brood. 3. Hatchway. Hatchel, v. a. Hackle, dress (flax); Hatcher, n. 1. Incubator. 3. Contriver, projecter, deviser,. Hatchet, n. Small axe. Hatchway, n. Hatch. Hate, v. a. 1. Bear malice to,, owe a 1 grudge to. 3. DETEST, abhor, abominate, loathe, nauseate, shrink from, recoil from. Hate, n. Hatred, detestation, animosi ty, enmity, hostility, antipathy.. Hateful, a. 1. Malignant, malevolent. 3. Abominable, detestable, execrable, horrid, shocking, damnable, accursed. 3, Loathsome, disgusting, nauseous., offensive, foul, repulsive, obnoxious, revolting, vile, abhorrent, repugnant. Hatred, n. 1. Hate, enmity, hostility, disaffection, disfavor, alienation, es trangement, odium, animosity, ill-will, great dislike. 3. Abhorrence, detestation, abomina tion, horror, loathing, disgust, antip-- athy, repugnance. Hattock, n. Shock (of corn), stook 18 HAUGHTINESS 194 HEAD-MASTER Haughtiness, n. Arrogance, disdain, loftiness, HAUTEUR. Haughty, a. Arrogant, disdainful, ,-supercilious, assuming, proud, lofty. Haul, v. a. Drag, draw, pull, tug, tow, lug, trail, take in tow. Haul, n. 1. Pull, tug. 2. Draught. Haunch, n. Hip. Haunt, v. a. Frequent, resort to. Haunt, n. Retreat, resort, den, place much frequented. Hautboy, n. Oboe. Hauteur, n. [Fr.] Haughtiness, arro gance, loftiness, stateliness, disdain, superciliousness, conceit, pride, self- importance, self-conceit. Have, v. a. 1, Hold (wfiether one s own or not). 2. Possess, own, be in possession of, be seized of. 3. Be favored with. 4. Be the subject of. 5. Regard, consider, esteem. 6. Require, wish, desire. 7. Obtain, acquire, receive, get, gain. 8. Be obliged, be under the neces sity. 9. Accept (as husband or as wife), take. 1O. Beget, be the parent of. Have a bee in the head, Be a little crazy, be cracked. Have a finger in, Have a share in, be concerned in, have a hand in. Have a hand in, Be concerned in, have a share in, have a finger in. Have an eye to, Pay particular atten tion to, have especial regard to, not overlook, not lose sight of. Have at heart, Be deeply interested in, be specially anxious about. Have done with, Have no further con cern with, be through with, have ceased to be concerned with. Have in hand, Be engaged upon. Haven, n. 1. Harbor, port. 2. Shelter, asylum, place of safety. Havoc, n. Ravage, devastation, de struction, desolation, waste, ruin, spoil, pillage, rapine, spoliation, slaughter, carnage. Have on, Wear. Have one s hands full, Have much to do, be very busy, have much upon one s hands, be under a press of business. Have on the hip, [Colloquial.] Con quer, subdue, vanquish, defeat, over come, overthrow, overpower, get the better of, prevail over, get the upper hand of, get the whip hand of. Have to do with, Concern one s self with, have concern with, deal with. Haw, v. n. Hesitate (in speaking), stam mer, stutter, falter, hum and haw. Hawfinch, n. Grossbeak (Coccothraus- tes vulgaris). Hawk, n. Falcon. Hawk, v. a. Cry, sell by outcry. Hawk-eyed, a. Sharp-sighted, quick- sighted, keen-eyed, eagle-eyed, lynx- eyed, Argus-eyed. Hawk-moth, n. Death s-head moth. Hawk-nut, n. Ground-nut. Hawk-owl, n. Canada owl, HARFANG. Hawthorn, n. Whitethorn (Cratcegus oxyacantha). Hazard, n. 1, Chance, casualty, acci dent, fortuitous event. 2. Danger, peril, risk, jeopardy. Hazard, v. a. Venture, adventure, risk, jeopard, peril, imperil, endanger, put in danger, put at hazard. Hazardous, a. Dangerous, perilous, IUSKY, unsafe, fraught with danger. Haze, n. 1. Fog, mist. 2. Obscurity, dimness. Hazel, a. Light brown. Hazy, a. Foggy, misty. He, a. Male. Head, n. 1. Seat of the brain, NODDLE. 2. Top, summit, CAPITAL, upper part, acme. 3. Fore part, front part. 4. Commencement, beginning, rise, source, origin. 5. Chief part, principal part. 6. Person, individual. 7. Chief, chieftain, leader, principal, corypheus, commander, master, direc tor, superintendent. 8. First place, place of honor. 9. Understanding, intellect, mind, thought. 10. Topic, subject. 11. Class, division, section, depart ment, category. 12. Height (of water applicable to the driving of a water-wheel). Head, a. 1. Chief, principal, highest, first. 2. (Naut.) Adverse (said of thewind), contrary. Head and ears, Completely, entirely, wholly. Head and shoulders, 1. Violently, by force. 2. By far, by a great deal, by the height of head and shoulders. Head, .v. a. 1. Lead, direct, command, govern, rule. 2. Put a head on, fit with a head. 3. Get in front of (in order to stop), intercept, head off. Head, v. n. 1. Form a head (said of a plant). 2. Tend, be pointed, be directed. Headache, n. Cephalalgy. Head-foremost, ad. 1. With the head first. 2. Rashly, hastily, precipitately, headlong. Headiness, n. 1. Rashness, hurry, precipitation. 2. Obstinacy, stubbornness. Heading, n. Title, CAPTIOX. Head-dress, n. Coiffure. Headland, n. Promontory, cape, fore land. Headless, a. Acephalous. Headlong, ad. Rashly, hastily, precip itately, head-foremost, thoughtlessly, without deliberation. Head-master, n. Principal (of a school). HEAD-MONEY 195 Head-money, n. Poll-tax, capitation- tax. Head off, Intercept, Lead, get before. Head-piece, n. Helmet, helm, morion. Headsman, n. Executioner. Headstone, n. 1. Corner-stone. 3. Gravestone. Headstrong, a. Stubborn, obstinate, (logged, cantankerous, ungovernable, unruly, intractable, heady, self-willed, cross-grained. Head-voice, n. Falsetto. Head-work, n. Mental labor, intellect ual labor. Heady, a. 1. Rash, impetuous, hasty, precipitate. 3. Stubborn, HEADSTRONG. Heal, v. a. 1. Cure, remedy, restore, make sound or whole. 3. Reconcile, compose, settle, make up. Heal, v. n. Be cured, become sound. Healds, n. pi. Heddle. Healing, a. Sanative, curative. Health, n. Soundness, freedom from disease. Healthful, a. Wholesome, salubrious, salutary, healthy, health-giving. Health-giving, a. HEALTHFUL, whole some. Healthy, a. 1. Sound, hale, hearty, vig orous, well, in good health, in good case. 3. Wholesome, salubrious, salutary, healthful, health-giving. Heap, n. Pile, mass, collection, ac cumulation. Heap, v. a. 1. Pile, lay in aheap, throw into a heap. 3. Amass, accumulate, heap up. Heap up, Amass, HEAP. Hear, v. a. 1. Perceive by the ear. 3. Give audience to, listen to, attend to. 3. Regard, heed, give heed to. 4. Try, examine judicially. Hear, v. n. 1. Enjoy the sense of hear ing. 3. Listen, hearken, attend, give ear. 3. Be told, be informed, have an ac count. Hearing, n. 1. Sense of hearing. 3. Audience, opportunity to be heard. 3. Trial, judicial examination. 4. Hearing distance. Hearken, v. n. 1. Listen, hear. 3. Attend, give heed, pay regard. Hearsay, n. Rumor, report, fame, bruit, common talk, town talk. Heart, n. 1. Seat of life. 3. Centre, interior, core, kernel, inner part, vital part. 3. Disposition, mind, will, inclina tion, purpose, intent, affection, passion. 4. Courage, spirit, firmness, fortitude, resolution. Heartache, n. Grief, sorrow, distress, affliction, woe, bitterness, broken heart, heavy heart, bleeding heart. Heart-broken, a. Disconsolate, incon solable, woebegone, forlorn, miserable, wretched, desolate, cheerless, comfort less, broken-hearted, in d ?spatr. Heartburn, n. Cardial_ Heart-burning, n. Grudge, ment, spleen, gall, rankling, animosity, secret enmity. . * Hearten, v. a. Encourage, embolden, animate, inspirit, enhearten, cheer, incite, stimulate, assure, reassure, com fort, console, buoy up. Heart-felt, a. Deep, profound, hearty, cordial, deep-felt, home-felt. Hearth, n. Fireside, home, hearth-stone. Hearth-stone, n. Fireside. Heartily, ad. 1. Sincerely, cordially, from the heart, with all the heart. 3. Vigorously, earnestly, eagerly, ar dently, warmly, zealously, with ardor, with zeal, with resolution. 3. Freely, largely .with good appetite. Heart s-ease, n. (Bot.) Pansy ( Viola tricolor). Heart-shaped, a. Cordate. Heart-stirring, a. Inspiring, animat ing. Hearty, a. 1. Zealous, earnest, warm, affectionate, cordial, sincere, heartfelt, unfeigned. 3. Healthy, hale, sound, strong, well, robust, in good health. Heat, n. 1. Caloric. 3. Warmth. 3. Degree of temperature. 4. Excitement, flush, vehemence, im petuosity, violence, passion, fever. 5. Ardor, earnestness, fervor, zeal. 6. Contest, struggle, race. Heat, v. a. 1. Make hot. 3. Excite, flush, make feverish. 3. Warm, animate, rouse. Heather, n. [Scottish.] Heath. Heath-cock, n. Black-grouse, black- game, blackcock ( Te.tr ao tetrix). Heathen, n. & a. Gentile, pagan, hea thenish. Heathenish, a. 1. Heathen, pagan, gentile. 3. Barbarous, savage, cruel, inhu man. Heathenism, n. 1. Paganism, gentil- ism. 3. Barbarism. Heath, n. HEATHER. Heathery, a. Heathy. Heath-game, n. Grouse. Heathy, a. Heathery. Heating, a. Calorific, heat-producing. Heat-producing, a. HEATING. Heave, v. a. 1. Lift, hoist, raise, ele vate, raise up. 3. Breathe, force from the breast. 3. Throw, toss, hurl, send, fling. Heave, v. n. 1. Pant. 3. Swell, dilate, expand. 3. Retch, keck, try to vomit. 4. Struggle, strive, make an effort. Heave in sight, (Naut.) Appear, come in sight, become visible, come into view, open to the view. Heave, n. 1. Swell, rising, swelling, heaving. 3. Retching, effort to vomit. 3. Struggle, striving, effort. 4. Fling, throw. HEAVEN HELMET Heaven, n. 1. Firmament, sky, welkin, empyrean, celestial sphere, starry heav en, vault of heaven, canopy of heaven. 2. Paradise, Elysium, abode of the blessed. 3. GOD, Jehovah, Lord. 4. Exalted state, state of bliss, great felicity, supreme happiness. Heavenly, a. 1. Celestial, of the fir mament, of the visible heavens. 2. Divine, angelic, seraphic, cherubic, godlike. Heavenly-minded, a. Devout, pious, religious, godly, reverent, spiritually- minded. Heaviness, n. 1. Gravity, weight, pon- derousness. 2. Oppressiveness, grievousness, se verity. 3. Languor, dulness, stupidity, slug gishness. 4. Dejection, depression, sadness, melancholy, despondency, gloom, low spirits, depression of spirits. Heaving, n. 1. Panting. 2. Swell, rising, swelling, heave. Heavy, a. 1. WEIGHTY (with reference to one s strength), ponderous, not light, not easy to lift. 2. Oppressive, grievous, severe, bur densome, cumbersome, afflictive. 3. Dull, sluggish, inert, inactive, stu pid, torpid, indolent, slow. 4. Dejected, depressed, sorrowful, sad, gloomy, melancholy, despondent, downcast, down-hearted, low-spirited, crest-fallen, chap-fallen, in low spir its. 5. Onerous, difficult, laborious. 6. Tedious, tiresome, wearisome. 7. Loaded, burdened, encumbered, weighed down. 8. Miry, muddy, cloggy, clayey. 9. Clammy (as bread), not well raised. 10. Stormy, tempestuous, violent, boisterous. 11. Loud, deep, roaring. Heavy-spar, n. Sulphate of baryta (native). Hebdomadal, a. Weekly. Hebetate, v. a. Dull, blunt, stupefy, benumb, make torpid. Hebrew, n. 1. Israelite, Jew. 2. Hebrew language. Hebrew, a. Jewish. Hectic, a. Habitual (as the fever attend ing consumption), constitutional. Hector, n. Bully, blusterer, swaggerer, noisy fellow. Hector, v. a. 1. Bully, threaten, men ace. 2. Vex, tease, annoy, fret, harry, worry, irritate, provoke. Hector, v. n. Bluster, swagger, play the bully. Heddle, n. Healds. Hedge, n. Fence (of bushes or shrubs), hedge-fence. Hedge, v. a. Enclose with a hedge. Hedge-born, a. Obscure, of low birth, meanly born. Hedge-fence, n. HEDGE. Hedge in, Enclose, environ, surround, shut in, hem in. Hedge up, Obstruct, bar, shut up. Heed, v. a. Regard, mind, notice, mark, observe, attend to, give heed to, pay attention to, take notice of. Heed, n. Regard, notice, care, atten tion, caution, needfulness, watchful ness, wariness, vigilance, circumspec tion, observation. Heedful, a. Observant, observing, mind ful, regardful, watchful, cautious, care ful, wary, circumspect, attentive, prov ident. Heedless, a. Unobserving, unobserv ant, inattentive, careless, thoughtless, negligent, neglectful, unmindful, re gardless, inconsiderate, un watchful. Heedlessness, n. Carelessness, thought lessness, inattention, inadvertence, neg lect, oversight. Heel, v. n. (Naut.) Incline, lean. Heft, n. 1. Handle. 2. [Colloquial, U. S.] Weight. 3. [Colloquial, U. S.] Bulk, greater part. Hegira, n. 1. Flight of Mahomet (July 16, 622). 2. Exodus, departure, going out. Heifer, n. Young cow. Height, n. 1. Elevation, -altitude, TALLNE8S. 2. Eminence, summit, apex, acme, culminating point. 3. Hill, mountain, high ground. 4. Utmost degree. Heighten, v. a. 1. Exalt, elevate, raise. 2. Increase, enhance, augment. 3. Intensify, aggravate. Heinous, a. Flagrant, flagitious, atro cious, infamous, villanous, nefarious, crying, very wicked. Helamys, n. Jumping-rat, juinping- hare (Pedetes capensis). Helical, a. Spiral, winding, cochleary, cochleated, screw-shaped. Heliotrope, n. 1. (Bot.) Turnsole. 2. (Mvn.) Bloodstone. Helix, n. 1. Coil, circumvolution, spiral line. 2. Snail-shell. Hell, n. Gehenna, purgatory, limbo, abyss, Tartarus, Hades, Avernus, Ere bus, place of torment, bottomless pit, everlasting fire, infernal regions, shades below, realms of Pluto, the lower world. Hellenic, a. Grecian. Hellenism, n. Grecism, Greek idiom. Hellish, a. 1. Of hell. 2. Infernal, diabolical, fiendish, devil ish, demoniacal, fiend-like, atrocious, detestable, abominable, execrable, ne farious, very wicked. Helm, n. 1. Helmet, morion. 2. Steering apparatus. 3. Direction, control, command, rule, reins, post of command. Helmet, n. Helm, morion, CASQUE, cask, head-piece, armor for the head. IIELMINTHAGOGUE HERON Helminthagogue, n. Anthelmintic, vermifuge. Helot, n. Slave (of Sparta). Helotism, n. Slavery, servitude, serf dom. Help, v. a. 1. Relieve, succor, serve. 2. Assist, support, aid, second, back, abet, co-operate with, take part with. 3; Remedy, cure, heal. 4. Prevent, hinder, withstand, resist, repress, control. 5. Avoid, forbear, refrain from. Help, v. n. Lend aid, contribute assist ance, give one a lift. Help, n. 1. Assistance, aid, succor, sup port. 2. Remedy, relief. 3. Helper, assistant. 4. [U. S.} Domestic, house-servant (particularly a maid-servant). Helper, n. Assistant, ally, auxiliary, coadjutor, aider, abettor, colleague, partner. Helpful, a. 1. Useful, beneficial, con venient., 2. Wholesome, salutary. Helpless, a. 1. Weak, feeble, powerless, impotent, imbecile, disabled, infirm. 2. Exposed, defenceless, unprotected. 3. Irremediable, beyond help. Helpmate, I n. Wife, consort, partner, Helpmeet, I companion. Help on, Forward, further. Help to, 1. Help to get or obtain. 2. Supply with, furnish with. Helter-skelter, ad. Pellmell, irregu larly, disorderly, in disorder, in con fusion. Helve, n. TLa,n<\\Q(ofanaxeora)iatcliet). Helvetic, a. Swiss. Hem, n. Border, edge, margin. Hem, v. a. Border, edge, skirt. Hem in, Enclose, confine, environ, sur round, shut in, hedge in. Hematite, n. Bloodstone. Hemeralopia, n. (Med.) Night-blind ness, day-sight. Hemisphere, n. Half-globe, half-sphere. Hemispheric, ) a Half-round Hemistich, n. Half a verse, half a line. Hemorrhoids, n. pi. (Med.) Piles. Hence, ad. 1. From this place, from here. 2. From this time. 3. Therefore, from this cause, for that reason, as a consequence. 4. From this source. Henceforth, ad. Henceforward, from this time forward. Henceforward, ad. HENCEFORTH. Hep-tree, n. [Written also Hip-tree.} Dog-rose, wild-brier (Rosa canina). Herald, n. 1. Proclaimer, publisher, crier. 2. Forerunner, precursor, harbinger. Herald, v. a. Proclaim, announce, pub lish. Heraldry, n. Blazonry, emblazonry. Herbage, n. Herbs, grass, pasture. Herbal, n. Herbarium, herbary, hortus- siccus. Herbalist, n. Botanist. n Herbal > Herb-paris, n. Truelove, oneberry. Herculean, a. 1. Strong, mighty, pow erful, puissant, vigorous, sturdy, ath letic, brawny, muscular, sinewy, stal wart, able-bodied. 2. Difficult, toilsome, troublesome, laborious, operose, very hard. 3. Large, great, gigantic, strapping, huge, colossal, Cyclopean. Herd, n. 1. Drove (of the larger ani mals). 2. Crowd, rabble, multitude. Herd, v. n. Associate (as beasts), keep company. Herd s-grass, n. 1. [New England.} Cat s-tail, timothy-grass (Phleum pra- tense). 2. [Pennsylvania.] lled-top(Agrostis vulgaris). Here, ad. 1. In this place. 2. In the present state, in the present life. Hereafter, ad. I. In time to come, in some future time. 2. In a future state. Hereafter, n. Future state. Hereby, ad. By this. Hereditable, a. Inheritable. Hereditament, n. Inheritable prop erty. Hereditary, a. 1. Ancestral, patri monial, by inheritance. 2. Inherited, transmitted (from an cestors). Herein, ad. In this. Heresiarch, n. Chief heretic, leader in heresy. Heresy, n. Heterodoxy, error, unsound doctrine. Heretic, n. Sectary, schismatic, non conformist, dissenter, separatist. Heretical, a. Heterodox, schismatic, schismatical, sectarian. Heretofore, ad. Formerly, before the present time. Hereupon, ad. Upon this, on this. Herewith, ad. With this. Heritage, n. Inheritance, portion, pat rimony, estate. Hermeneutic, ) w^Pi-innl Hermeneutical, j a Hermeneutics, n. Exegesis, science of interpretation. Hermetic, ) A Hermetical, } a A Hermit, n. Anchorite, anchoret, recluse, solitary, solitaire, EREMITE. Hernia, n. Rupture. Hernshaw, n. Heron, heronshaw. Hero, n. 1. Brave man. 2. Principal character. Heroic, a. 1. Brave, valiant, courage ous, intrepid, bold, daring, gallant, fear less, dauntless, noble, magnanimous. 2. Epic. Heroism, n. Bravery, valor, courage, gallantry, prowess, daring, intrepidity, magnanimity. 1 Heron, n. Hernshaw, heronshaw. HERONSHAW 198 HIGH-PRICED Heronshaw, n. Heron , hernshaw. Herschel, n. (Astron.) Uranus, Geor- gium Sidus. Hesitancy, n. Uncertainty, doubt, sus pense, hesitation. Hesitate, v. n. 1. Pause, delay, demur, doubt, waver, vacillate, be undeter mined, stop to consider, be in doubt, be in suspense, be doubtful. 3. Falter, stammer, have an impedi ment in speech. Hesitation, n. 1. Uncertainty, doubt, suspense, hesitancy, vacillation. 3. Faltering, stammering, difficulty of utterance. Hesper, n. Hesperus, evening star. Hesperian, a. [Poetical.} Western, occi dental. Hesperus, n. Hesper, Venus, evening star. Hessian-fly, n. Wheat-fly ( Cecidomyia destructor). Heteroclite, a. Irregular, anomalous, abnormal. Heterodox, a. Heretical, not ortho dox. Heterodoxy, n. Heresy, error, unsound doctrine. Heterogeneity, n. HETEROGENEOUS- NESS. Heterogeneous, a. Unlike, dissimilar, different. Heterogeneousness, n. Heterogeneity, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, unlikeness, difference . Heteropathic, a. Allopathic. Heteropathy, n. Allopathy. Hew, v. a. 1. Cut, chop, hack. 3. Smooth (with an axe), fashion, form. Hew down, Fell, cut down. Hexaliedral, a. Cubic, six-sided. Hexahedron, n. Cube, six-sided figure. Heyday, n. Frolic, play, exultation. Hiatus, n. Opening, gap, break, inter val, chasm. Hibernate, v. n. Winter, pass the win ter. Hibernian, a. Irish. Hibernian, n. Irishman. Hibernicism, ) n. Irishism, Irish Hibernianism, ) idiom. Hidden, a. 1. Concealed, secret, latent, occult, clandestine, close. 3. Abstruse, recondite, mysterious, mystic, mystical, dark, obscure. Hide, v. a. 1. Secrete, conceal, cover, bury, keep from sight. 3. Shelter, cloak, screen, veil. 3. [Low.] Flog, whip, beat. Hide, v. n. Lie hid, lie concealed, be concealed, conceal one s self, lie in am bush, keep one s self out of sight, be withdrawn from view. Hide, n. Skin (of tJie larger animals). Hideous, a. Frightful, dreadful, appall ing, horrible, terrible, horrid, ghastly, grisly, grim, shocking. Hie, v. n. [Poetical.] Hasten, go in haste. Hierarchy, n. Ecclesiastical govern ment, ecclesiastical establishment. Hieroglyphic, ) a. Emblematical, Hieroglyphical, j symbolical. Hieorophant, n. Priest. Higgle, v. n. 1. Peddle, hawk. 3. Haggle, bargain, negotiate, chaf fer. Higgledy-piggledy, ad. [Colloquial.} Confusedly, disorderly, pellmell, in dis order, helter-skelter, topsy-turvy, at i sixes and sevens. Higgler, n. 1. Peddler, travelling tra der. 2. Chafferer. High, a. 1. Lofty, elevated, TALL, heaven-kissing, of great altitude. 2. Eminent, prominent, pre-eminent, distinguished, superior, exalted, noble, dignified. 3. Abstruse, recondite, occult, ob scure, dark, transcendental, profound. 4. Proud, haughty, arrogant, super cilious, lordly. 5. Boastful, ostentatious, bragging, vain-glorious. 6. Oppressive, domineering, over bearing, tyrannical, despotic. 7. Violent, boisterous, turbulent, tu multuous. 8. Great, strong, extreme. 9. Complete, full. 10. Dear, of great price. 11. Acute, sharp, shrill, high-toned, not flat. 12. Somewhat intoxicated, TIGHT, fuddled, boozy. High, ad. 1. Aloft, on high, to a great height. 2. Profoundly, powerfully. Highest good, Supreme good, great est good, SUMMUM BONUM. Highfalutin, a. [Colloquial.] Pompous, swelling, inflated, turgid, tumid, bom bastic, pretentious, stilted, grandilo quent, declamatory, rhetorical, high- flowing, high-sounding, sophouiorical, spread-eagle, high-flown. High-flavored, a. Pungent, piquant, high-seasoned. High-flown, a. 1. Proud, haughty, lofty, supercilious. 2. Extravagant, turgid, bombastic, HIGHFALUTIN. High-handed, a. Overbearing, oppres sive, arbitrary. Highland, n. Mountainous region. Highlander, n. Mountaineer. Highly, ad. Extremely, exceedingly, very much, in a great degree, in a high degree. High-mettled, a. Ardent, fiery, spirit ed, bold, daring, high-spirited. High-minded, a. 1. Proud, arrogant, haughty, lofty. 2. Noble, honorable, elevated, mag nanimous, high-toned. Highness, n. 1. Loftiness, altitude, elevation, height. 3. Eminence, exaltation, dignity. 3. Violence, vehemence, turbulence. 4. Greatness. 5. Acuteness, shrillness, sharpness. High-priced, a. Costly, dear, high. HIGH-PRIEST 199 HOBBLE High-priest, n. Chief priest. High-reaching, a. 1. Reaching up wards. 3. Ambitious, aspiring. High-road, n. Highway, public road. High-school, n. School (of the first class), academy, seminary, gymnasium. High-seasoned, a. Pungent, piquant, high-flavored. High-spirited, a. 1. Spirited, bold, daring, high-mettled. 3. Proud, high-strung. High-strung, a. Proud, high-spirited. H igh time, Quite time. H igh-toned, a. 1. Acute, sharp, shrill, high. 3. Noble, honorable, high-minded. High-water-mark, n. Flood-mark. Highway, n. High-road, public road. Highwayman, n. Robber, footpad, bandit, brigand, freebooter, marauder, outlaw, highway robber. High wine, 1. Brandy. 3. Pure alcohol. High words, Strife, contention, bick ering, logomachy, war of words. High-wrought, a. 1. Impetuous, ve hement, intense. 3. Enthusiastic, impassioned. 3. Highly finished, nicely elaborated. Hilarious, a. Gay, jovial, jolly, joyful, merry. Hilarity, n. Gayety, mirth, merriment, jollity, jovialty, joyousness, exhilara tion, cheerfulness, glee, high spirits. Hill, n. Eminence (less man a moun tain), mount, rising ground. Hillock, n. Knoll, mound. Hilt, n. Handle (of a sword). Hind, a. Back, hinder, posterior. Hind, n. 1. Female deer (of the stag or red deer). 3. Peasant, swain, boor, lout, rustic, clod-poll, bumpkin, clown, ploughman, bogtrotter, clodhopper, countryman. Hinder, a. Hind, back, posterior. Hinder, v. a. Prevent (temporarily), impede, obstruct, stop, interrupt, re tard, check, thwart, oppose, embarrass. Hinderance, n. [Written also Hin drance.] Impediment, obstacle, stop, obstruction, interruption, check, re straint. Hindmost, a. Last. Hinge, v. n. Turn, depend, hang, be dependent. Hinny, n. Mule. Hint, v. a. Suggest, intimate, insinuate, allude to, refer to, hint at, glance at, just mention, give an inkling of. Hint at, Suggest, HINT. Hint, n. Intimation, suggestion, insin uation, allusion, slight mention. Hip, n. Haunch. Hipped, ) a. [Colloquial.] Melancholy, Hippish, ) hypochondriacal, blue, de jected, depressed, low-spirited, in low spirits. Hippopotamus, n. River-horse, sea horse. Hip-tree, n. [Written also Hep-tree.] Dog-rose, wild-brier (Rosa camna). Hire, n. Wages, stipend, allowance, salary, pay, remuneration. Hireling, n. 1. Mercenary, hired soldier. 3. Hired servant. Hireling, a. Mercenary, venal. Hirling, n. Salmon-trout, sea-trout (Salmo trutta). Hirsute, a. Hairy, shaggy. Hispid, a. Bristly, rough. Historian, n. Chronicler, annalist, writer of history. History, n. Account, narration, narra tive, relation, record, recital, story, CHRONICLE, ANNALS. Histrionic, a. Theatric, theatrical. Histrionical, Hit, v. a. 1. Strike, strike against. 3. Attain, reach, gain, win, secure. 3. Suit, accord with, be conformable to, be suitable to. Hit, v. n. 1. Clash, collide, come in con tact, strike together. 3. Succeed, be successful, be crowned with success, come oft successful, carry the point, gain the point. Hit, n. 1. Stroke, blow, collision. 3. Chance, venture, fortune, hazard. 3. Happy remark, apt expression. 4. Lucky venture. Hit off, Imitate, personate, mimic, take off. Hit upon, Find, discover, find out, fall upon, light upon. Hitch, v. n. Go by jerks. Hitch, v. a. Fasten, tie, attach. Hitch, n. l. Catch, impediment, ob stacle, hinderance, check. 3. Jerk, jerking motion. 3. (Naut.) Knot, noose. Hither, ad. To this place. Hither, a. Nearest. Hitherto, ad. Yet, till now, to this time, up to this time, until this time. Hitherward, ad. This way, towards this place. Hive, n. 1. Habitation of bees, bee-hive, apiary. 3. Swarm of bees. Hive, v. a. 1. Put into a hive. 3. Store, collect, gather, HOARD. Hives, n.pl. (Med.) Croup, rattles. Hoar, a. Hoary, white, gray. Hoard, v. a. Store (secretly), deposit, save, garner, husband, hive, accumu late, amass, treasure up, lay in, lay by, set by, lay up. Hoar-frost, n. White frost, frozen dew. Hoarse, a. 1. Husky, raucous. 3. Rough, grating, harsh. Hoarseness, n. 1. Huskiness, raucity. 3. Roughness, harshness. Hoary, a. Hoar, white, gray. Hoax, n. Deception (for sport), cheat, fraud, imposition, practical joke. Hoax, v. a. Deceive (jocosely), cheat, impose upon. Hobble, v. n. Limp, halt, hop, walk lamely. Hobble, v. a. Fetter, hopple. Hobble, n. 1. Limp, halt. 3. Perplexity, embarrassment, diffi culty, strait, pickle. HOBBLT 200 HOLY Hobbly, a. Rough (said of a road), un even. Hobby, n. 1. Hobby-horse. 2. Favorite object, favqrite pursuit. Hobby-horse, n. HOBBY. Hobgoblin, n. Goblin, spectre, sprite, frightful apparition, evil spirit. Hobson s choice, That or nothing, no alternative. Hocus-pocus, n. 1. Juggler, trickster, impostor, cheater, swindler, sharper. 2. Cheat, juggle, trick, deception, imposition, imposture, delusion, deceit, artitice, finesse, circumvention, chouse. Hodge-podge, n. Medley, farrago, jumble, mixture, miscellany, salma gundi, hotch-potch, gallimaufry, olio, olla-podrida. Hoe-cake, n. [U.S.] Johnny-cake. Hog, n. Swine, porker, sow, PIG Hoggish, . 1. Swinish, brutish, filthy. 2. Mean, selfish, greedy. Hog-nut, 71. Pig-nut, broom hickory (Jug fans glabra). Hog-sty, n. Hog-pen, pig-sty. Hoiden, a. Rustic, rude, inelegant, un couth, ungenteel, unlicked, hoidenish, rough, rude, ill-taught, ill-behaved, ill- mannered. Hoiden, n. Romp, tomboy, romping girl. Hoidenish, a. HOIDEN. Hoist, v. a. Raise, lift, elevate, heave, raise up. Hoist, n. Lift. Hold, v. a. 1. Grasp, clutch, clinch, gripe. 2. Possess, retain, have, occupy, keep possession of. 3. Restrain, confine, detain, imprison, shut in, shut up, hem in. 4. Bind, fasten, unite, connect. 5. Stop, stay, arrest, suspend, with hold, keep in check. 6. Maintain, support, continue, sus tain, prosecute, keep up, carry on. 7. Embrace, entertain, cherish, take as true. 8. Think, regard, consider, believe, judge, esteem, count, account, reck on. 9. Contain, admit, take in, have a capacity for. 10. Celebrate, solemnize. 11. Assemble, convene, call together. Hold, v. n. 1. Be firm, be fast, continue unbroken, not break, not give way. 2. Continue, remain, persist, last, endure. 3. Adhere, cohere, cling, stick, cleave, remain attached. 4. Be derived, derive title. 5. Think, believe, be of opinion. 6. Stand, be true, prove good, hold true. Hold, n. 1. Grasp, gripe. 2. Support, stay, prop. 3. Footing, vantage-ground. 4. Fort, castle, fortress, fortification, fortified place. Holdback, n. Hinderance, restraint, check, obstacle. Holder, n. Owner, possessor, proprietor. Holdfast, n. Catch, hook. Hold forth, 1. (Active.) Offer, propose, exhibit, hold out. 2. (Neuter.) Harangue, preach, speak in public. Hold good, Stand, be valid, be true, be applicable. Hold in, 1. (Active.) Check, restrain, repress, rein in. 2. (Neuter.) Restrain one s self. Hold on, 1. (Active.) Continue, main tain, keep up, push forward. 2. (Neuter.) Cling, stick, hold fast, keep hold of. 3. (Neuter.) Continue, remain, en dure, last. 4. Persevere, persist, be steady, be steadfast, be constant, go on, keep on, keep one s course, keep or maintain one s ground, stick to it, not give it up, stand fast, stand firm. Hold out, 1. (Active.) Offer, propose, hold forth. 2. (Neuter.) Last, endure, continue. 3. (Neuter.) Not yield, not be sub dued. Hold one s own, Maintain one s po sition. Hold one s tongue, ) Be still, keep still, Hold one s peace, ) keep silence. Hold together, Remain united, keep together. Hold up, Clear up, cease raining. Hole, n. 1. Perforation, aperture, opening. 2. Cavity, cave, cavern, hollow, con cavity, excavation. 3. Hovel, kennel, den, mean habita tion. Holiday, n. 1. Festival, anniversary, celebration. 2. Day of amusement. Holiness, n. 1. Sanctity, piety, purity, devotion, devoutness, godliness, relig iousness. 2. Divineness, sacredness. Holla, n. Shout, halloo, loud cry. Hollow, a. 1. Vacant, empty, void, cavernous, not solid. 2. Insincere, treacherous, false, faith less, hypocritical, Pharisaical, deceit ful, false-hearted, hollow-hearted. 3. Deep, low, rumbling. Hollow, n. 1. Depression, low spot, low place. 2. Cavity, concavity, depression, ex cavation, hole, cave, cavern, dent, dint, dimple, pit. 3. Groove, channel, canal. Hollow, v. a. Excavate, scoop. Hollow, ad. [Low.] Wholly, complete ly, utterly. Hollow-hearted, a. Insincere, false, false-hearted, HOLLOW. Holocaust, n. Burnt-offering (wholly consumed). Holy, a. 1. Pious, devout, religious, good, godly, saintly, spiritual, pure, saint-like, heavenly-minded. 2. Sacred, consecrated, hallowed, blessed. HOLY GHOST 201 HOOT AT Holy Ghost, Paraclete, Comforter, Holy- Spirit, The Spirit, The Spirit of God, The Sanctifier, Spirit of Truth. Holy Spirit, HOLY GHOST. Holy thistle, n. Blessed thistle (Cen- taurea benedicta). Holy \veek, n. Passion-week, week be fore Easter. Holy Writ, n. Bible, Scriptures, Sacred Scriptures, Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments. Homage, n. 1. Fealty, allegiance, loyalty, fidelity. 3. Reverence, obeisance, respect, deference, duty, service, honor. 3. Cult, worship. Home, n. Domicile, dwelling, residence, abode, place of abode, abiding place. Home, ad. 1. To one s home. 3. Close, closely, pointedly. Home, a. 1. Domestic, home-born. 3. Close, pointed, direct, severe, poignant. Home-born, a. 1. Native, natural, home-bred. 3. Domestic, home, not foreign. Home-bred, 1. Native, natural, home- born. 2. Domestic, not foreign. 3. Unpolished, uncultivated, unre fined, uncouth, rude, plain. Home-felt, a. Inward, private, heart felt, deep, profound, deep-felt. Homelike, a. Domestic, homely. Homeliness, n. Plainness, coarseness, uncomeliness. Homely, a. 1. Domestic, homelike. 3. Plain, coarse, uncomely, home spun, inelegant. 3. Ugly, ill-looking, of plain features, not handsome. Home-made, a. Homespun, of domes tic manufacture. Homesickness, n. NOSTALGIA. Homespun, a. 1. Home-made, of do mestic manufacture. 3. Plain, coarse, homely, rude, inel egant, unpolished. * Towards home. Homicide, n. 1. Manslaughter, MUR DER. 3. Manslayer. Homiletic, ) a. 1. Of homilies or ser- Homiletical, ) mons. 3. Hortatory, persuasive. Homiletics, n. Art of preaching or sermonizing, art of delivering homilies. Homily, n. Sermon, discourse. Homogeneous, a. Cognate, congenial, kindred, akin, uniform, of the same kind, of the same nature, of a piece. Homoiousian, a. Of a similar nature, of like essence. Homologous, a. 1. Of the same ratio, of the same proportion. 3. Of the same type, corresponding in structure. Homoousian, a. Of the same na ture. Homophonous, a. Unisonous, of the same sound, of like pitch. Honest, a. 1. Honorable, reputable, creditable, right, proper, equitable. 3. Upright, virtuous, conscientious, just, true, fair, faithful, trusty, trust worthy, as good as one s word. 3. Sincere, candid, frank. Honesty, n. 1. Integrity, probity, up rightness, fairness, justice, virtue, equity, veracity, truth, trustiness, faithfulness, honor. 3. Sincerity, candor, frankness, plain dealing. Honey-combed, a. Alveolate, cellular. Honeyed, a. Sweet. Honeysuckle, n. Woodbine. Honor, n. 1. Reputa/tion, repute, fame, consideration, esteem, credit, glory, good name. 3. Dignity, distinction, elevation, high rank, distinguished position. 3. Veneration, reverence, respect, homage, deference, civility. 4. Integrity, probity, honesty, mag nanimity, high-mindedness, nobleness of mind, manly virtue. 5. Nice sense of right or justice. 6. Ornament, boast. Honor, v. a. 1. Dignify, exalt, glorify, raise to distinction. 3. Reverence, revere, venerate, re spect, pay respect to, pay deference to, render honor to. 3. Commemorate, celebrate, observe, keep. 4. (Com.) Accept and pay (a draft). Honorable, a. 1. Illustrious, noble, great, of high rank. 3. Upright, just, honest, fair, trust worthy, trusty, true, conscientious, vir tuous, magnanimous, high-minded, as good as one s word. . 3. Reputable, creditable, estimable, right, proper, equitable. Hood, n. Cowl. Hooded, a. 1. Covered with a hood. 3. (Bot.) Cucullate, cucullated, hood- shaped. Hooded snake, Cobra, COBRA-DE- CAPELLO. Hoodwink, v. a. 1. Blind, blindfold. 3. Deceive, cheat, delude, dupe, gull, cozen, fool, befool, trick, circumvent, overreach, chouse, diddle, beguile, im pose upon, make a fool of, play a trick upon, pull wool over one s eyes. Hook, n. 1. Catch, clasp, HASP. Hooked, a. Bent, curved, curvated, hamate. Hook-nose, n. Aquiline nose, hooked nose. Hoop, n. 1. Ring. 3. Farthingale, crinoline, hoop-skirt. Hooper, n. Wild swan ( C yynus ferus). Hooping-cough, n. [Written also Whoopmy-coLiyli.] Chin-cough. Hoop-skirt, n. Hoop, farthingale, crin oline. Hoot, v. n. Shout, yell, cry out. Hoot, v. a. Execrate, denounce, hiss, cry down, cry out against, hoot at. Hoot, n. Shout, cry, outcry, yell. Hoot at, HOOT, cry out against. HOP 202 HOSTILITY Hop, v. n. 1. Leap, bound, jump, skip, spring, CAPER. 3. Dance, trip. 3. Limp, halt, walk lamely. Hop, n. 1. Leap, bound, jump, spring, skip, CAPER. 2. Dance. Hope, n. 1. Trust, confidence, faith. 2. Expectation (of something agree able), expectance, anticipation. 3. Reliance, dependence, ground of confidence. Hope, v. a. Expect (something agree able), long for, hope for. Hope, v. n. Trust, expect, believe, in dulge or entertain a hope, feel confident, rest assured, flatter one s self, be in hopes, live in hopes, look on the bright side. Hope for, HOPE, long for. Hopeless, a. 1. Despairing, desperate, forlorn. 2. Remediless, irremediable, incur able, past cure. 3. Impossible, impracticable. Hop-hornbeam, n. American iron- wood ( Ostrya Virginica). Hop o my thumb, n. Dwarf, pyg my. Hoppers, n. pi. Hop-scotch, scotch- hoppers. Hopple, v. a. Fetter (an animal), hob ble. Hopples, n. pi. Fetters (for animals). Hop-scotch, n. Hoppers, scotch-hop pers. Horde, n. Gang (not living infixed Jiab- itations), troop, crew, clan, migratory company. Horizontal, a. Level, parallel to the horizon. Horn, n. 1. Trumpet. 2. Drinking-cup. 3. (Bot.) Spur. Hornbook, n. Primer. Horned-screamer, n. Kamichi (Pala- medea cornuta). Horn-fish, n. Greenbone, sea-needle, gar-pike, gar-fish, sea-pike, long-nose, gore-bill, sword-fish, mackerel-guide (Esox belone or Belone vulgaris). Horn of plenty, Cornucopia. Horn-pike, n. HORX-FISH. Horn-pout, n. Cat-fish, mud-pout, bull-head (Pimelodus cattus). Horny, a. Corneous. Horologe, n. Time-piece (of any kind). Horoscope, n. Ascendant. Horrid, a. 1. Frightful, terrible, ter rific, horrible, alarming, portentous, formidable, appalling, dire, horrifying, horrific, harrowing, dreadful, fearful, awful, hideous. 2. Shocking, offensive, disgusting, revolting, repulsive, odious, disagree able, unpleasant, vile, abominable. Horrific, a. Frightful, HORRID. Horrify, v. a. Frighten, terrify, fill with horror, strike with terror, make one s blood run cold. Horripilation, n. (Med.) Shuddering, horror. Horror, n. 1. Fright, affright, alarm, fear, dread, awe, terror, dismay, con sternation, panic. 2. Abomination, abhorrence, detesta tion, disgust, loathing, hatred, antip athy. 3. (Med.) Shuddering, horripilation. Horrors, n. pi. [With The prefixed.] Delirium tremens, MANIA A POTTI. Horror-struck, a. Dismayed, horrified, terrified, appalled, frightened, panic- stricken. Hors de combat, [Fr.] Disabled, out of condition to fight. Horse, n. 1. STEED, CHARGER, MARE, FILLY, COLT, PONY, SHELTIE (or SHELTY), PALFREY, NAG, BARB, COB, PAD, ROADSTER, TIT, PUNCH. 2. Cavalry, horsemen. Horse-armor, n. Caparison, bard, trap pings for a horse. Horse-fly, n. Breese, gad-fly. Horsefoot, n. King-crab, horse-shoe, horse-shoe crab (Limulus Americanus). Horse-jockey, n. Jockey, dealer in horses. Horse-laugh, n. Guffaw, cachimiation, boisterous laugh. Horse-leech, n. Farrier, horse-doctor, veterinarian, veterinary surgeon. Horse-mackerel, n. 1. Bonito, albi- core ( Thynnus vulgaris). 3. Bluefish ( Temnodon saltator). Horseman, n. 1. Rider. 2. Dragoon, CHASSEUR, chevalier, cavalier, equestrian, mounted soldier, horse- soldier. Horsemen, n.pl. Cavalry, horse, horse- soldiers, dragoons, chasseurs, chevaliers, cavaliers, equestrians, mounted soldiers. Horse-shoe, n. King-crab, horsefoot (Limulus Americanus). Horse-soldier, n. Dragoon, CHASSEUR, cavalier, chevalier, horseman, eques trian, mounted soldier. Hortative, n. Incitement, exhortation, persuasive. Hortatory, a. 1. Persuasive, homiletic. 3. Encouraging, inciting. Horticulture, .n. Gardening. Horticulturist, n. Gardener. Hortus-siccus, [L.] Herbarium. Hosanna, interj. Hallelujah. Hose, n. Stockings. Hospitable, a. 1. Kind or attentive to strangers. 2. Generous, liberal, bountiful. Hospitality, n. Hospitableness, kind ness to strangers. Host, n. 1. Entertainer. 2. Landlord, innkeeper. 3. Army, legion, armed force. 4. Multitude. 5. Consecrated wafer. Hostile, a. 1. Inimical, unfriendly, war like, at variance. 2. Adverse, opposite, contrary, repug nant. Hostilities, n. pi. WAR, warfare. Hostility, n. 1. Enmity, animosity, hatred, unfriendliness, ill-will. 2. Opposition, repugnance. HOSTLER 203 HULLABALOO Hostler, n. Groom, stable-servant. Hot, a. 1. Burning, fiery, scalding. 2. Irascible, excitable, impetuous, passionate, hasty, choleric, furious. 3. Ardent, vehement, fervent, eager, glowing, animated, fervid, violent. 4. Pungent, piquant, sharp, acrid, biting, peppery, high-flavored, high- seasoned. Hot-brained, a. HOT-HEADED. Hotch-potch, n. Medley, farrago, jum ble, miscellany, gallimaufry, salma gundi, olio, hodge-podge, OLLA PODRI- DA, confused mixture. Hotel, n. Inn, tavern, CABARET, public house, house of entertainment. Hot-headed, a. Violent, rash, precipi tate, vehement, furious, passionate, hot- brained. Hotspur, n. Madcap, blood, wild fellow, hot-brained fellow. Hough, v. a. Hamstring. Hound, . Dog (for the cliase), hunting dog. Hound, v. a. 1. Incite, urge, spur, set on, urge on, spur on. 3. Hunt, pursue, chase. Hour, n. Sixty minutes, twenty-fourth part of a day. Hour-circle, n. Meridian, great circle of the sphere. Houri, n. [Term of the Mohammedans.} Nymph of Paradise. Hourly, ad. 1. Every hour. 3. Frequently, continually. House, n. 1. Habitation, abode, dwell ing, mansion, residence, domicile, dwelling-place. 3. Building, edifice. 3. Family, household. 4. Lineage, race, kindred, tribe. 5. Legislative body. 6. Firm, partnership, company, con cern, commercial establishment. 7. Hotel, inn, tavern, place of enter tainment, public house. House, v. a. Shelter, protect, put un der cover (of a roof). House, v. n. Abide, dwell, reside, lodge. House-breaking, n.- Burglary (wlien committed at night). Household, n. Family, house. Household, a. Domestic, home. Householder, n. Master of a family. House of connection, Prison, jail, bridewell, workhouse, penitentiary. House of God, Church, temple, meet ing-house, house of worship. Housewife, n. 1. Mistress of a family. 3. Huswife, female economist, thrifty woman. Housing, n. 1. Horse-cloth, saddle cloth. 3. Covering, protection (from the weather). Hovel, n. Shed, hut, cot, cabin, mean habitation. Hover, v. n. 1. Flutter. 3. Hang about, hang over. How, ad. 1. In what manner, in what way, by what mode, by what means. 3. To what extent, to what degree. 3. For what cause, for what reason. 4. In what state, in what condition, in what plight. How far, ) To what extent or How far forth, J degree. However, ad. Howsoever, in whatever manner, in whatever degree. However, conj. Yet, still, nevertheless, but, though, notwithstanding. Howl, n. Cry (as of a dog), yell. Howl, v. n. 1. Cry (as a dog), yell. 3. Wail, lament. 3. Roar. Howsoever, ad. However, in whatever manner, in whatever degree. Hub, n. Nave (of a wheel). Hubbub, n. 1. Uproar, clamor, din, racket, hallabaloo, HULLABALOO, out cry. 3. Tumult, disorder, confusion, dis turbance, riot. Hubbubboo, n. [Low.] Cry, howl, howling, Availing, ululation. Hubby, a. [U. S. Said of a road.} Rough, uneven, hobbly. Huckleberry, n. Black whortleberry ( Vaccinium resinosum). Huckster, n. Retailer, hawker, peddler. Huddle, v. a. Throw together in con fusion. Huddle, v. n. Crowd, press together in confusion. Huddle, n. Crowd, tumult, disorder, confusion, disturbance. Huddle on, Put on in disorder, put on in a hurry. Hue, n. Color, hue, tint, tinge, shade. Hue and cry, n. Shouting, clamor, out cry. Hueless, a. Colorless, uncolored, un- tinged, achromatic, free from color. Huff, n. 1. Mitt , pet, tiff, rage, passion, fume, fit of anger, angry mood. 3. Boaster, braggart, braggadocio, BLUSTERER. Huffish, I a. [Colloquial.} 1. Angry, Huft y, j petulant. 3. Blustering, arrogant, insolent, hec toring. Hug, v. a. 1. Embrace, clasp. 3. Retain, hold fast, cling to, keep hold of. 3. (Naut.) Go near, keep close to. Hug, n. Embrace, clasp. Huge, a. Vast, bulky, enormous, im mense, stupendous, gigantic, colossal, elephantine, Herculean, Cyclopean, very great, very large. Hugger-mugger, n. [Low.] Secrecy, privacy. Hugger-mugger, a. [Low.] 1. Secret, clandestine, sly. 3. Mean, unfair, base, contemptible. 3. Confused, disorderly. Huguenot, n. French Protestant. Hulk, n. Hull (of an old vessel). Hull, n. 1. Husk, outer covering. 3. Body of a vessel, HULK. Hull, v. a. Peel, strip the hull from. Hullabaloo, n. [Low.] Racket, din, clamor, uproar, hubbub, outcry, vocif eration, hallabaloo. HUM 20^ HURRICANE Hum, v. sound. Buzz, make a buzzing Hum, v. a. Sing (in a low voice). Hum, n. Buzz, buzzing sound. Human, a. 1. Man s, of man. 3. Common to mankind. Humane, a. Kind, benevolent, benig nant, obliging, accommodating, tender, sympathetic, charitable, compassionate, clement, gentle, kind-hearted, tender hearted, good-hearted. Humanist, n. Student of polite litera ture. Humanities, n. pi. [With The prefixed.] Belles-lettres, polite literature, elegant literature. Humanity, n. 1. Human nature. 3. Kindness, benevolence, benignity, philanthropy, tenderness, sympathy, charity, kind-heartedness, fellow-feel ing, good nature, milk of human kind ness. Humanize, v . a. 1. Softer^ make hu mane. 3. Civilize, cultivate, refine, polish, improve, enlighten, educate, reclaim from barbarism. Humble, a. 1. Meek, modest, unas suming, unpretending, unobtrusive, lowly, submissive, not proud, not haughty, not arrogant. 3. Low, not high, not great. Humble, v. a. Humiliate, shame, mor tify, degrade, crush, break, subdue, snub, abash, make ashamed, -bring down, put down, take down, put out of countenance. Humblebee, n. Bumblebee. Humbleness, n. HUMILITY. Hiimbug, tion, imposture, fetch, deception, fraud, [Colloquial.] 1. Imposi trick, cheat, gammon, dodge, gouge, blind, feint, chouse. 3. Charlatanry, charlatanism, quack ery, mummery, cant, hypocrisy. 3. Impostor, charlatan, quack. Humbug, v. a. [Colloquial.] Deceive, cheat, cozen, swindle, trick, hoax, be fool, diddle, chouse, impose upon. Humdrum, a. Dull, prosy, dronish, stupid, wearisome, tiresome. Humid, a. Wet, moist, damp, dank. Humidity, n. Moisture, dampness. Humiliate, v. a. Humble, mortify, shame, abash, SNUB, put to shame, put down. Humiliation, n. 1. Condescension, resignation, submission. 3. Humility, meekness, humbleness, lowliness, lowness, submissiveness. 3. Abasement, self-abasement, self- denial, mortification. Humility, n. Humbleness, meekness, submissiveness, lowliness, modesty, diffidence, self-abasement. Humine, n. (Chem.) Humic acid. Hummock, n. Hillock. Humor, n. 1. Moisture. 3. Cutaneous eruption. 3. Temper, disposition, bent, bias, vein, propensity, predilection, turn of mind, frame of mind. 4. Mood, fancy, whim, caprice, freak, vagary, crotchet, whimsey, maggot, WRINKLE. 5. Pleasantry, facetiousness, jocose- ness, jocularity, kindly wit. Humor, v. a. 1. Indulge, gratify, give way to, consult the wishes of. 3. Favor, suit the nature of, meet the requirements of. Humorist, n. Wag, wit, Joe Miller droll fellow, funny fellow. Humorous, a. Facetious, jocular, jo cose, droll, funny, sportive, comical, witty, pleasant. Humorsouie, a. 1. Petulant, peevish, snappish, waspish, crusty, captious, perverse, wayward, cross-grained. 3. Capricious, whimsical, fanciful, fitful, fantastic, odd. Humpback, n. 1. Crooked back. 3. Hunchback. Hump-backed, a. Hunch-backed. Hunch, 1. Hump, protuberance, knob, bunch, lump. 3. Punch, push, shove. 3. [Colloquial,] Lump, hunk, large piece, thick slice. Hunch, v. a. Punch, push, shove, joa- tle. Hunchback, n. Humpback. Hunch-backed, a. Hump-backed. Hundred, n. Century. Hundredth, a. Centesimal. Hung-beef, n. Jerked-beef, dried beef. Hunger, n. Craving appetite (for food), craving for food. Hunger, v. n. 1. FAMISH, feel hunger, feel hungry. 3. Long, have an eager desire. Hungry, a. Craving (for food), famish ing, ravenous, sharp-set. Hunk, n. [Low.] Lump, HUNCH, large piece, thick slice. Hunker, n. [U.S.] Conservative, fogy. Hunks, n. Miser, niggard, curmudgeon, codger, lickpenny, skinflint, scrimp, screw, muckworm, sordid wretch, mean fellow. Hunt, v. a. Chase, pursue. Hunt, v. n. 1. Follow the chase. 3. Search, seek, look. Hunt, n. Chase, pursuit, hunting, field- sport. Hunter, n. 1. Huntsman. 3. Hound, hunting dog. Hunt for, Search for, seek for, look for, hunt out. Hunting, n. Chase, HUNT. Hunting leopard, CHETAH. Hunt out, Search for, HUNT FOB. Huntsman, n. Hiinter. Hurl, v. a. Throw, fiing, cast, pitch, send, toss, sling, chuck, FLIRT, SHY. Hurl, n. 1. Throw, cast, ning, toss. 3. Tumult, commotion, turmoil, con fusion, bustle, disturbance, HURLY- BURLY. Hurly-burly, n. [Colloquial.] Hurl, turmoil, tumult, commotion, confusion, bustle, disturbance. [urrah,#?i^er/. Huzza. Hurricane, n. Tornado, violent gale. HURRIED 205 HYPOCHONDRIA Hurried, a. 1. Driven (by work), over liead and ears, pressed for time. 3. Hasty, cursory, slight, superficial. Hurry, r. a. 1. Drive, precipitate. 3. Hasten, expedite, speed, despatch, urge or push forward, urge or press on. Hurry, r. n. 1. Act precipitately, be in a nutter, be in a flurry. 3. Haste, hasten, move quickly, be in haste, be quick, be in a hurry, make haste, mend one s pace, lose no time, lose not a moment, wing one s way, make the best of one s way, crowd sail, clap spurs to one s horse. Hurry, n. 1. Precipitation, flurry, flut ter, agitation, confusion, bustle, pertur bation, hurry-skurry. 3. Haste, despatch, celerity, quick ness, promptitude, expedition. Hurry-scurry, n. [Colloquial.] Flutter, flurry, agitation, confusion, hurry. Hurt* v. a. 1. Injure, harm, damage, mar, impair, do harm to. 3. Pain, wound, give pain to. Hurt, n. 1. Harm, injury, damage, det riment, mischief, disadvantage. 3. Wound, bruise. Hurtful, a. Injurious, detrimental, mischievous, pernicious, deleterious, noxious, baneful, prejudicial, disad vantageous, harmful, baleful. Husband, n. Spouse, married man. Husband, v. a. Save, economize, spend frugally, manage with frugality. Husbandman, n. Agriculturist, farm er, tiller of the ground, cultivator of the soil. Husbandry. n - 1- Agriculture, farm ing, tillage, geoponics, cultivation of the soil. 3. Frugality, thrift, domestic econ omy, management of domestic affairs. Hush, v. a. Still, silence, calm, quiet. Hush, interj. Silence, whist, be still, keep quiet, make no noise. Hush-money, n. BLACKMAIL, bribe to keep silence. Husk, n. Rind, bark, hull, glume, CHAFF, outer covering. Husk, v. a. Strip oft the husk from (as from Indian corn). Husks, 7i. pi. Hulls, glumes, chaff. Husky, a. 1. Dry, shrivelled. 2. Hoarse, rough, raucous, harsh. Hussar, n. Light-armed dragoon. Hussy, n. Jade, quean, base woman, sorry wench. Hustle, v. a. Push, jostle, justle, elbow, crowd. Huswife, n. Housewife, female econo mist, thrifty woman. Huswif ely, a. Thrifty, frugal, econom ical. Hut, n. Cot, cabin, shed, hovel, poor cottage, mean dwelling. Hutch, n. 1. Chest, coffer, bin. 3. Trap (as for rabbits). 3. (Mining.) Box (for coal). Huzza, interj. Hurrah. Huzza, n. Shout, halloo, holla, hoot. Huzza, v. n. Shout, cry huzza. Hyaline, a. Glassy, crystalline, trans parent. Hyaloid, a. (Anat.) Vitriform. Hybrid, n. Mule, mongrel. Hybrid, a. Mongrel. Hydra, n. 1. (Myth.) Many-headed monster. 3. Spectre, hobgoblin, ogre, Gorgon, bugbear, POKER, BUGABOO, frightful object, raw head and bloody bones. Hydrant, n. Discharge-pipe (from tlie mam of an aqueduct), water-plug. Hydrargyrum, n. Mercury, quicksil ver. Hydrate, n. Hydro-oxide. Hydraulic press, Brarnah press, hy drostatic press. Hydraulic ram, Water-ram. Hydrocephalus, n. Dropsy of the brain. Hydrochlorate, n. Muriate. Hydrochloric acid, Muriatic acid. Hydrocyanic acid, Prussic acid. Hydrogen, n. (Chem.) Inflammable air. Hydro-oxide, n. Hydrate. Hydropathist, n. Water-doctor. Hodropathy, n. Water-cure. Hydrophobia, . (Med.) Canine mad- Hydropthalmia, ) n. Dropsy of the Hydropthalmy, ) eye. Hydrostatic press, Bramah press, hy draulic press. Hydrosulphuric acid, Sulphuretted hydrogen. Hydrous, a. Watery. Hyemal, a. Brumal, wintry, frosty, icy, cold, chilling. Hyena, n. Tiger-wolf. Hygeia, n. (Myth.) Goddess of health. Hygiene, n. Hygienics, science of health. Hygienics, n. Hygiene. Hymen, n. (Myth.) God of marriage. Hylobate, n. Gibbon, long-armed ape. Hymeneal, n. Hymenean, marriage song. Hymeneal, a. Nuptial, connubial, mat rimonial, bridal, conjugal, CONJUGIAL. Hymenean, n. Hymeneal, marriage song. Hymn, n. Song (of praise), devotional song, spiritual song. Hyoid bone, (Anat.) Bone of the tongue. Hyperbaton, n. (Wiet.) Inversion, transposition of words. Hyperbole, n. (Rhet.) Exaggeration. Hyperborean, a. 1. Most northern, tar north. 3. Very cold. Hypercritical, a. Over-critical, cap tiously critical. Hypercriticism, n. Captious criticism. Hypnotic, a. Soporific, somniferous. Hypnotic, n. Narcotic, soporific, ano dyne, opiate. Hypnotism, n. Sleepiness, lethargy. Hypochondria, n. (Med.) MELAX- CHOLY, spleen, vapors, depression, de jection, hypochondriasis, low spirits. HYPOCHONDRIAC 206 IDIOTICAL Hypochondriac, n. Seek-sorrow, self- tormentor. Hypochondriacal, ) a. MELANCHOLY, Hypochondriac, j splenetic, dis pirited, dejected, depressed. Hypochondriasis, n. (Med.) Melan choly, HYPOCHONDRIA. Hypocrisy, n. 1. Pharisaism, formal ism, sanctimoniousness, cant, pietism, assumed piety. 2. Dissimulation, deceit, deception, imposture, pretence, false profes sion. Hypocrite, n. 1. Pharisee, formalist, pietist, religionist, canter. 2. Dissembler, deceiver, impostor, pretender, cheat. Hypocritic, ) a. 1. Pharisaical, cant- Hypocritical, J ing, sanctimonious. io 2. Dissembling, insincere, false, hol- Hypogene rocks, Primary rocks. Hypostasis, n. 1. Substance, subsist ence. 2. Person, personality. 3. Principle, element. Hypostatic union, Incarnation. Hypothecate, v. . Pledge (as ship, freight, cargo, &c., witliout delivery), mortgage. Hypothesis, n. Supposition, theory. Hypothetic, ) a. Conditional, that Hypothetical, J involves an hypothe sis. Hysteria, n. (Med.) Hysterics. Hysteric, ) a. 1. Spasmodic. Hysterical,) 3. Affected with hy sterics. Iambic, n. 1. Iambus. 2. Iambic verse. Ibex, n. Stein-boc (Copra ibex). Ibidem, ad. [L.] In the same place. Ice, n. 1. Frozen water. 2. Concreted sugar, icing, frosting. 3. Ice-cream. Ice-cream, n. Ice. Iceland crystal, ICELAND SPAR. Iceland spar, Calcareous spar, crystal lized carbonate of lime, Iceland crys tal. Ichnography, n. Ground plan, hori zontal section. Ichor, n. 1. (Myth.) Blood of the Gods. 2. Serous humor. Ichorous, a. Serous, watery, thin. Ichthyocol, ) n. Isinglass, fish-glue, Ichthyocolla, j OARLOCK. Icing, n. Frosting, concreted sugar (for coating calte). Iconoclasm, n. Image-breaking. Iconoclast, n. Image-breaker. Icterus, n. (Med.) Jaundice. Icy, a. 1. Glacial. 2. Cold, chilling, frosty. 3. Frigid, indifferent, cold-hearted. Idea, n. 1. [In the Platonic philosophy.] Archetype (conceived of as existing from eternity), pattern, model, exemplar, form, essence (common to many indi vidual things and represented by a gen eral term). 2. Universal, concept, conception, notion, general or universal concep tion. 3. Object of thought, image in the mind, mental representation of an object. 4. Irnpression,apprehension, thought, fancy, conceit. 5. Opinion, belief, supposition, judg ment, sentiment. Ideal, a. 1. Intellectual, mental. 2. Imaginary, unreal, fanciful, fan tastic, fancied, illusory, chimerical, vis ionary, shadowy. Ideal, n. Imaginary standard, ideal model of perfection. Ideality, n. Imagination, conception, invention, fancy. Idem, [L.] The same. Identical, a. Same, selfsame, very same, one and the same, exactly the same, not different. Identify, v. a. 1. Prove to be identical, prove to be the same, ascertain to be the same. 2. Make identical, regard as one, con sider the same. Identify, v. n. Become identical, be the same. Identity, n. Sameness. Ideology, n. Metaphysics, psychology, pneumatology, mental philosophy, sci ence of the mind, science of ideas. Idest, [L.] That is. Idiocrasy, n. Peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, peculiar temperament. Idiocy, n. Foolishness, imbecility, fa tuity, feebleness of intellect, want of understanding. Idiom, n,. 1. Peculiar mode or turn of expression (sanctioned by use in any language). 2. Genius (of a language), character istic quality. 3. Dialect. Idiomatic, ) a. Peculiar (as respects Idiomatical, j any mode of expression), Idiosyncrasy, n. Peculiarity (of con stitution), idiocrasy, peculiar tempera ment. Idiot, n. Fool, natural, natural fool. Idiotic, Idiotical, a. Foolish, sottish. IDLE 207 ILL-NATURED Idle, a. 1. Unemployed, unoccupied, unbusied, inactive. 3. Indolent, lazy, slothful, sluggish, inert. 3. Vacant, unused. 4. Useless, ineffectual, bootless, fruit less, unavailing, vain, futile, abortive. 5. Trifling, trivial, unimportant, trashy, foolish, unprofitable. Idle away, Waste, spend in idleness. Idler, n. Drone, sluggard, laggard, lounger, dawdler, trifler, doodle, slow- back, inefficient person. Idol, n. 1. Pagan deity, false god. 3. Falsity. 3. Favorite, pet, darling. Idolater, n. 1. Worshipper of idols. 3. Adorer, great admirer. Idolatry, n. 1. Worship of idols. 2. Excessive love, excessive venera tion. Idolize, v. a. 1. Deify. 3. Adore, reverence or love exces sively. Idyl, n. 1. Bucolic, eclogue, pastoral, pastoral poem. 3. Short poem (highly wrought). If, conj. 1. Suppose that, admitting that, allowing that. 3. Whether, whether or not. Igneous, a. Fiery. Ignis fatuus, [L.] Jack-with-a-lantern, Jack - a - lantern, Will -with - the- wisp, Will-o -the-wisp. Ignite, v. a. Kindle, set fire to, set on fire. Ignite, v. n. Kindle, take fire, catch fire. Ignoble, a. 1. Plebeian, vulgar, untitled, base-born, low-born, mean, low. 3. Worthless, insignificant, mean, contemptible. 3. Dishonorable, disgraceful, infa mous, base. Ignominious, a. Dishonorable, dis graceful, shameful, infamous, scan dalous, disreputable, opprobrious. Ignominy, n. Dishonor, disgrace, dis credit, disrepute, shame, infamy, oblo quy, contempt, opprobrium, odium, scandal, abasement. Ignoramus, n. Sciolist, smatterer, novice, wiseacre, greenhorn, simpleton, numskull, DUNCE. Ignorance, n. Illiteracy, nescience, darkness, blindness, want of knowl edge. Ignorant, a. Unlearned, uninstructed, uninformed, uneducated, untaught, unenlightened, blind, illiterate, unlet tered, dark. Ignorant of, Unaware of, unacquainted with. Ignore, v. a. 1. Regard as unknown, shut one s eyes to, leave out of view, not recognize, not take into account. "A, (Law.) Reject, set aside. HI, a. 1. Bad, evil, unfortunate, un favorable. 2. Wicked, wrong, iniquitous, naugh ty. 3. Indisposed, ailing, unwell, sick, on the sick list, out of sorts, out of health, laid on the shelf, laid on the back, un der the weather. Ill, n. 1. Wickedness, depravity, evil. 3. Misfortune, calamity, misery, pain. Ill, ad. 1. Badly, not well. 3. With difficulty, not easily. Ill-advised, a. Injudicious, unwise, imprudent, ridiculous, absurd, foolish, ill-judged. Illation, n. Inference, deduction, con clusion. Illative, a. Inferential. Ill-bred, a. Impolite, uncivil, uncour- teous, discourteous, uncourtly, unpol ished, uncouth, rude, ill-behaved, ill- mannered. Ill-breeding, n. Impoliteness, inciv ility, rudeness, discourtesy, ill man ners. Illegal, a. Unlawful, illicit, unlicensed. Illegality, n. Unlawfulness, illicitness. Illegible, a. Unreadable, not readable. Illegitimate, a. 1. Unlawfully begot ten, born out of wedlock. 3. Spurious, not genuine. 3. Unauthorized, unlawful, illicit, im proper. Ill-fated, a. Luckless, unlucky, unfor tunate, ill-starred. Ill-favored, a. Ugly, homely, plain, ill-looking. Ill-flavored, a. Unsavory, unpalatable. Ill-humor, n. Fretfulness, peevishness, petulance, testiness, ill-temper. Illiberal, a. 1. Parsimonious, stingy, miserly, niggardly, penurious, ungen erous, sordid, covetous, mean, selfish, close, close-fisted. 3. Uncharitable, selfish, narrow, self- seeking, narrow-minded. Illicit, a. Unlawful, illegal, unlicensed. Illimitable, a. Boundless, infinite, un bounded, immense, vast. Illiteracy, n. Ignorance, want of learn ing, want of literary culture. Illiterate, a. Uninstructed (in books), unlettered, unlearned, untaught, igno rant. Ill-temper, n. Moroseness, sullenness, sulkiness, crabbedness, crossness, per- verseness, ill-nature, bad temper. Ill-judged, a. Unwise, injudicious, im- prudeiit, ridiculous, absurd, foolish, ill-advised. Ill-looking, a. Ugly, homely, plain, ill-favored. Ill-mannered, a. Impolite, uncivil, uncourteous, discourteous, uncourtly, unpolished, uncouth, rude, ill-behaved, ill-bred. Ill-nature, n. 1. Malevolence, unkind- ness, hatred, enmity, ill-will. 3. Moroseness, sullenness, ill-temper, bad temper. Ill-natured, a. 1. Malevolent, unkind, disobliging, unfriendly, unamiable. 3. Morose, sullen, sulky, cross, churl ish, crabbed, sour, perverse, wayward, crusty, petulant, cross-grained, ill- tempered. ILLNESS 208 IMMANENT Illness, n. Disease, sickness, indispo sition, ailing, ailment, complaint, dis order, distemper. Illogical, a. Sophistical, inconclusive, inconsequent, fallacious, incorrect, un sound. Illogiealness, n. Inconsequence, incon- clusiveness. Ill-proportioned, a. Misshapen, mis- proportioned, shapeless, ill-shaped, ill- made. Ill-provided, a. Ill-furnished, scantily supplied. Ill-spent, a. Wasted. Ill-starred, a. Unlucky, luckless, un fortunate, ill-fated. Ill-temper, n. Moroseness, ILL-NAT URE. Ill-tempered, a. Morose, ILL-NATURED. Ill-timed, a. Unseasonable, untimely, inopportune, inapposite, irrelevant, out of place. Ill-treat, v. a. Maltreat, injure, abuse, ill-use. Ill-turn, n. 1. Unkind act. 2. [Colloquial.] Slight illness. Illude, v. a. Mock, deceive, disappoint, cheat, balk, dupe. Illume, v . a. [I o "oetical.] Illuminate. Illuminate, v. a. 1. Enlighten, illu mine, illume, supply with light. 2. Adorn with lights (as a building), light up. 3. Adorn with colored letters. Illumine, v. a. Enlighten, illuminate, illume, supply with light. Illusion, n. Delusion, hallucination, deception, error, fallacy, mockery, fantasy, phantasm, chimera, false show. Illusive, ) a. Deceptive, deceitful, de- Illusory, ) lusive, fallacious. Illustrate, v. a. 1. Elucidate, explain, exemplify, make clear, make plain, throw light upon. 2. Adorn with pictures. Illustration, n. 1. Elucidation, ex planation, exemplification. 2. Illustrative picture. Illustrative, a. Explanatory. Illustrious, a. 1. Glorious, splendid, brilliant, bright, radiant. 2. Famous, famed, noted, distin- .guished, renowned, celebrated, con spicuous, eminent, signal, remarkable. Ill-will, n. Malevolence, umdiiuness, enmity, hatred, rancor, uncharitable- ness, ill-nature. Image, n. 1. Statue. 2. Idol, object of worship. 3. Likeness, effigy, figure, similitude, resemblance, picture, representation of an object (real or fancied). 4. Trope, figurative expression. Image, v. a. 1. Form an image of. 2. IMAGINE, fancy, picture. Imagery, n. 1. Phantasm, phantom, vision, dream, fanciful forms. 2. Tropes, tigures of speech, figura tive language. Imaginable, a. Conceivable. Imaginary, a. Visionary, ideal, fancied, fanciful, chimerical, dreamy, unreal, shadowy, wild, Quixotic, Utopian. Imagination, n. Conception (united with the faculty of recombining ideas so as to form a neiv creation), invention, ideality, FANCY, creative power, plastic power. Imaginative, a. Inventive, creative, poetical. Imagine, v. a. 1. Conceive, image, fancy, picture, picture to one s self, fig ure to one s self. 2. Think, apprehend, suppose, be lieve, deem. 3. Devise, contrive, plot, scheme, pro ject, frame. Imagine, v. n. Suppose, think, opine, fancy, dream, take it into one s head, have a notion. Imbecile, a. 1. Weak, feeble, infirm, helpless, decrepit. 2. Foolish, witless, drivelling, idiotic, fatuous. Imbecile, n. Dotard, feeble person. Imbecility, n. 1. Weakness, feebleness, debility, infirmity, helplessness. 2. Foolishness, childishness, idiocy, fatuity. Imbibe, v. a. 1. Absorb, take in, suck in, suck up, swallow up. 2. Receive, gather, acquire, gain, get, pick up. Imbitter, v. a. [Written also Embitter.} 1. Make bitter. 2. Make unhappy or grievous. 3. Exasperate, madden, enrage. Imbosom, v. a. 1. Hold in the bosom. 2. Enclose, surround. <**> 0-napping. Imbroglio, n. [It.] 1. Intricate plot. 2. .Complication, complexity, entan glement, embarrassing situation. Imbrue, v. a. Wet, moisten, steep, soak, drench. Imbrute, v. a. Brutify. Imbue, v. a. 1. Tinge, dye, stain, tint, tincture, color. 2. Impregnate, inoculate, infuse. Imitate, v. a. 1. Copy, follow, pattern after. 2. Mimic, ape, mock, personate, im personate, take oft". 3. Parody, travesty, turn into bur lesque. Imitation, n. 1. Copying, imitating. 2. Copy, resemblance, likeness. 3. Mimicry, mocking. 4. Parody, travesty. Imitative, a. 1. Imitating, copying. 2. Mimicking, aping, apish. Imitator, n. Copyist. Immaculate, a. 1. Spotless, unspotted, stainless, unsullied, unsoiled, untainted, unblemished, untarnished, undefiled, clean, pure. 2. Innocent, guiltless, sinless, fault less. Immanence, n. Inherence, indwell ing. Immanent, a. Intrinsic, inherent, in ternal, subjective, indwelling. IMMATERIAL 209 IMPASSIBILITY Immaterial, a. 1. Incorporeal, un bodied, spiritual. 3. Unimportant, insignificant, unes sential, non-essential, of no importance, of no consequence. Immateriality, \n. Spirituality, in- Immaterialness, j corporeity. Immature, a. 1. Unripe, crude, green, raw, unformed, unprepared, rudimen- tal, imperfect, unfinished. 3. Premature, untimely, unseason able, out of season. Immatureness, ) n. Unripeness, crude- Immaturity, ) ness, crudity, incom pleteness, greenness, rawness. Immeasurable, a. Illimitable, limit less, boundless, unbounded, measure less, immense, infinite. Immediate, a. 1. Proximate, close. 3. Direct, without other agency. 3. Instantaneous, instant, present. Immediately, ad. 1. Closely, proxi- mately. 2. Directly, without any intervention. 3. Instantly, IXSTANTER, forthwith, just now, without delay, this moment. Immemorial, a. Beyond memory, that cannot be remembered. Immense, a. 1. Illimitable, boundless, unbounded, unlimited, measureless, infinite. 3. Vast, enormous, prodigious, huge, gigantic, . colossal, Cyclopean, Hercu lean, very great. Immensity, n. 1. Infinity, infinitude, boundlessness. 3. Vastness, hugeness. Immerge, v. a. IMMERSE. Immerse, v. a. 1. Dip, plunge, im- merge, submerge, overwhelm, douse, souse, duck. 3. Involve, engage, absorb. Immersion, n. 1. Dipping, plunging. 3. Engagement, absorption. 3. (Astron.) Disappearance, occulta- tion. Immesh, v. a. Entangle (as in the meshes of a net), ensnare. Immethodical, a. , Unsystematic, irreg ular, unmethodical, confused, desultory, disorderly. Immethodically, ad. Irregularly, con fusedly, pellmell, helter-skelter. Imminent, a. Impending, threatening, impendent, near at hand. Immitigable, a. Not to be mitigated, that cannot be mitigated. Immobility, n. Unmovableness, im- movableness, immovability. Immoderate, a. Inordinate, excessive, unreasonable, extravagant, exorbitant, intemperate. Immodest, a. 1. Indelicate, indecent, shameless, indecorous, gross, coarse. 3. Impure, obscene, smutty, lewd, unchaste, filthy. Immodesty, n. 1. Indecency, indeco rum, grossness, coarseness. 3. Impurity, obscenity, lewdness, un- chastity, smuttiuess. Immolate, v. a. Sacrifice, offer up, offer in sacrifice, kill as a victim. Immolation, n. 1. Sacrifice. 3. Sacrificial victim. Immoral, a. Wicked, vicious, sinful, unprincipled, dishonest, unjust, de praved, corrupt, profligate, dissolute. Immorality, n. Wickedness, vice, sin, dishonesty, depravity., corruption, demoralization, sinfulness, criminality, profligacy, want of principle. Immortal, a. 1. Undying, deathless, ever-living, imperishable, incorruptible, unfading, indestructible, enduring, never-dying. 3. Eternal, everlasting, endless, per petual, ceaseless, never-ending. Immortality, n. 1. Exemption from death, endless life. 3. Perpetuity, unlimited existence. 3. Perpetual fame, exemption from oblivion. Immortalize, v. a. 1. Exempt from death, make immortal. 3. Perpetuate, make everlasting. 3. Perpetuate in memory, exempt from oblivion, make ever famous. Immortelle, n. [Fr.j Cudweed, ever lasting, goldylocks. Immovable, a. 1. Fixed, firm, stable, not to be moved. 3. Steadfast, unshaken, unalterable, unchangeable. 3. (Law.) Real. Immunity, n. 1. Freedom, exemption, release, exoneration. 3. Privilege, prerogative, right, lib erty, charter, franchise. Immure, v. a. 1. Confine, shut up. 3. Imprison, incarcerate. Immutability, n. Unchangeableness, invariableness, invariability, constancy, permanence, stability. Immutable, a. Unchangeable, invari able, unalterable, undeviating, con stant, permanent, stable. Imp, n. Sprite, hobgoblin, FLIBBERTI GIBBET, little demon or devil, malig nant spirit. Impact, n. Impulse, collision, shock. Impair, v. a. 1. Deteriorate, injure, vitiate, make worse. 3. Lessen, diminish, decrease, make less. 3. Weaken, enfeeble, enervate. Impalpable, a. 1. Intangible, very fine, not palpable, not to be felt, not perceptible by the touch. 3. Imperceptible, shadowy, unsub stantial. Impart, v. a. 1. Give, grant, bestow, CONFER, share. 3. Communicate, divulge, disclose, reveal, tell, make known. Impartial, a. Unbiassed, unprejudiced, disinterested, equitable, just, fair, hon orable, even-handed. Impartiality, n. Disinterestedness, equitableness, justice, fairness, honor, honorableness, fair play. Impassable, a. Impervious, imperme able, impenetrable, pathless. Impassibility, n. Impassiveness, in sensibility. 14 IMPASSIBLE 210 IMPLICATE Impassible, a. Impassive, insensible, incapable of suffering. Impassioned, a, Passionate, vehement, impetuous, glowing, intense, excited, animated, fervid, fervent, zealous, warm, ardent. Impassive, a. Impassible, insensible. Impatience, n. 1. Disquietude, rest lessness, uneasiness. 3. Vehemence, impetuosity, haste, eagerness, precipitation. Impatient, a. 1. Unquiet, uneasy, restless. 3. Hasty, precipitate, vehement, im petuous, eager. Impecunious, a. [Hare. ] Moneyless, penniless, out of money, short of money. Impecuniosity, n. [Rare,] Want of- money. Impawn, v. a. Pledge, pawn. Impeach, v. a. 1. Accuse, charge, in dict, arraign, criminate. 3. Censure, denounce, call in ques tion. Impeachment, n. 1. Accusation, in dictment, charge, arraignment, crimin ation. 3. Censure, blame, reproach, imputa tion. Impeccability, n. Sinlessness, fault- lessness, immaculateness, innocence, purity. Impeccable, a. Sinless, faultless, im maculate. Impede, v. a. Hinder, obstruct, stop, clog, check, retard, delay, interrupt, thwart, restrain, block. Impediment, n. Hinderance, obstruc tion, obstacle, check, bar, difficulty, stumbling-block. Impel, v. a. 1. Drive, push, urge, put in motion, press on, urge forward. 3. Induce, move, persuade, influence, instigate, incite, actuate, set on, stir up. Impend, v. n. Threaten, hang over, be imminent, be at hand, be in store, stare one in the face. Impendent, a. Impending, threaten ing, imminent, near at hand. Impenetrable, a. Not to be penetrated, not to be pierced. Impenitence, ) n. Obduracy, hardness Impenitency, ) of heart, seared con science. Impenitent, a. Uncontrite, unrepent ant, obdurate, hardened, seared, lost, recusant, relentless, graceless, shame less, incorrigible, irreclaimable. Imperative, a. 1. Commanding, au thoritative, peremptory. 3. Binding, obligatory. Imperceptible, a. 1. Invisible, undis- cernible, not to be perceived. 3. Fine, minute, very small. Imperfect, a. 1. Defective, incomplete, faulty, not entire. 3. Weak, frail, erring. Imperfection, n. 1. Defect, fault, blemish, stain. 3. Weakness, frailty, foible, failing Imperial, a. Kingly, regal, royal, sov ereign. Imperious, a. Dictatorial, magisterial, domineering, tyrannical, despotic, over bearing, lordly, haughty, arrogant. Imperishable, a. Indestructible, ever lasting, unfading, eternal, perennial, immortal, never-ending. Impermeable, a. Impervious, impene trable, impassable. Impersonate, v. a. 1. Personate, imi tate, ape, mimic, mock, take off. 3. Incarnate, invest with personality. Impersonation, n. Incarnation, bodily manifestation, investment with person ality. Impertinence, ) n. 1. Irrelevance, ir- Impertinency, j relevancy. 3. Rudeness, intrusiveness, impu dence, insolence, incivility, sauciness, forwardness, boldness, presumption, effrontery, pertness, assurance, face, front, brass, CHEEK, brazen face. Impertinent, a. 1. Irrelevant, inap posite, not applicable, not to the point, not pertaining to the matter in hand, not pertinent. 3. Intrusive, meddling, officious, in solent, rude, impudent, saucy, forward, pert, bold, malapert, unmannerly. Imperturbability, n. Calmness, cool ness, composui-e, collectedness, equa nimity, placidity. Imperturbable, a. Calm, cool, com posed, unmoved, undisturbed, tranquil, unruffled, collected, placid, inexci table, sedate, not to be disturbed. Impervious, a. Impermeable, impene trable, impassable. Impetuosity, n. Vehemence, violence, fury, precipitancy, precipitation, haste. Impetuous, a. Vehement, violent, furious, tierce, passionate, precipitate, hasty, hot, over-zealous. Impetus, n. Momentum. Impiety, n. Irreverence, ungodliness, irreligion, wickedness, unrighteousness, sinfulness, iniquity, unholiness, profan ity. Impinge, v. n. Strike, hit, fall against, strike against, dash against, clash upon, collide with. Impious, a. Irreverent, ungodly, irre ligious, blasphemous, wicked, sinful, unrighteous, unholy, iniquitous, pro fane. Implacability, n. Malice, vindictive- ness, rancor, inexorableness, relentless- ness, cruelty. Implacable, a. Malicious, vindictive, inexorable, unrelenting, relentless, ran corous, unappeasable, cruel. Implacableness, n. IMPLACABILITY. Implant, v. a. 1. Engraft, infix, set, put, place. 3. Instil, infuse, inculcate. Implement, n. Instrument, tool, uten sil. Implicate, v. a. 1. Infold, entangle. 3. Involve, make participator, prove to be concerned, bring into connection with. IMPLICATION 211 IMPRESSIBILITY Implication, n. 1. Involution, entan glement. 3. Tacit inference, necessary conclu sion. Implicit, a. 1. Implied, inferred, un derstood, tacit. 3. Unreserved, unhesitating, firm, undoubting, steadfast, unshaken. Implicitly, ad. 1. Impliedly, virtually, by inference, by implication. 3. Unreservedly, with unshaken con fidence, without hesitation. Implore, v. a. 1. Entreat, supplicate, beseech, pray, pray to. 3. Crave, solicit, beg, pray for, peti tion for. Imply, v. a. Involve (as a consequence), include (by implication), import, signify, mean. Impolicy, n. Imprudence, indiscretion, folly, bad policy. Impolite, a. Uncivil, uncourteous, dis courteous, unpolished, rude, ungentle- manly, rough, boorish, savage, bear ish. Impolitic, a. Imprudent, injudicious, indiscreet, ill-advised, ill-judged. Iinporous, a. Close, compact, dense, solid, without pores. Import, v. a. 1. Bring into (a country from abroad). 2. Imply, denote, purport, signify, betoken, mean. 3. Concern, be of importance to, be of consequence to, be of interest to. Import, n. 1. Signification, meaning, purport, import, sense, drift, gist, spirit, bearing, tenor, intention. 3. Imported merchandise. 3. Importance, consequence, weight, moment, significance. Importance, n. Consequence, weight, moment, significance, import, concern. Important, a. Weighty, momentous, grave, serious, material, significant, of importance, of moment, of great weight. Importation, n. 1. Importing. 2. Import, merchandise imported. Importunate, a. Urgent, pertinacious, pressing, teasing, busy, earnestly soli citous. Importune, v. a. Press (by entreaty), urge (by repeated requests), beset, en treat, dun, solicit earnestly. Importunity, n. Entreaty, urgency, insistence, pressing solicitation. Impose, v. a. 1. Put, lay, set, place. 3. Prescribe, enjoin, appoint. 3. Obtrude, palm, pass off. Impose on, 1 Deceive, cheat, chouse, Impose upon, / trick, befool, hoax, dupe, delude, circumvent, diddle, play upon, put upon. Imposing, a. Grand, stately, august, majestic, impressive, noble, command ing. Imposition, n. 1. Imposing. 3. Constraint, oppression, burden, charge, injunction, levy, tax. 3. Deception, fraud, trickery, artifice, IMPOSTURE, cheating. Impossibility, n. 1. Impracticability. 3. What cannot be, thing impossi ble. Impossible, a. Impracticable, unfeasi ble, unattainable, unachievable, not feasible, not possible, out of the ques tion. Impost, n. Tax, duty, custom, excise, toll, tribute, rate. Impostnume, n. Abscess, gathering, ulcer, fester, sore, pustule. Impostor, n. Deceiver, pretender, cheat, rogue, trickster, tricker, knave, hypocrite, Pharisee, quack, charlatan, mountebank, double-dealer. Imposture, n. Cheat, trick, deception, imposition, hoax, fraud, delusion, arti fice, ruse, dodge, wile, deceit, strata- em, BAM, chouse, clap-trap, crafty evice. Impotence, n. Inability, disability, in capacity, incapability, incompetence, inefficiency, weakness, feebleness, im becility, infirmity, frailty. Impotent, a. Powerless, unable, in capable, incompetent, disabled, inca pacitated, imbecile, weak, feeble, in firm, frail, inefficient. Impound, v. a. 1. Put into a pound. 3. Confine, incage, imprison, shut up, coop up. Impoverish, v. a. 1. Make poor, bring to want, reduce to poverty, reduce to indigence. 3. Exhaust the fertility of, make sterile. Impracticability, n. Impossibility, in- feasibility, impracticableness. Impracticable, a. 1. Impossible, un feasible, not practicable. 3. Hard to deal with, hard to get along with. 3. Impassable (as a road). impracticableness, n. Impracticabil ity. Imprecate, v. a. Invoke (a curse or some evil). Imprecation, n. 1. Invocation (of evil). 3. Curse, malediction, execration, denunciation, anathema. Impregnable, a. Unassailable, inex pugnable, not to be taken by assault, not to be stormed, secure from capture, tenable against all odds. Impregnate, v. a. 1. Fecundate, make pregnant, get with child. 3. Imbue, infuse, saturate, fill, tinct ure. 3. (Sot.) Fertilize, make prolific. Impregnation, n. 1. Fecundation. 3. Infusion, saturation, tincture. Impress, v. a. 1. Stamp, print, imprint, mark by pressure. 3. Inculcate, fix deeply. 3. Press, force into public service. Impress, n. 1. Print, imprint, stamp, impression, mark, seal. 3. Device (as upon a seal), motto, cog nizance, symbol, emblem. Impressibility, n. 1. Susceptibility to impression. 3. Sensitiveness, sensibility. IMPRESSIBLE 212 IN A BOX Impressible, a. 1. Susceptible of im pression. 3. Sensitive, easily affected. Impression, n. 1. Printing, imprint ing; stamping. 3. Mark, stamp, impress, brand. 3. Sensation, influence, effect. 4. Notion, opinion, idea, fancy, in distinct recollection. 5. Edition (of a book), number (of cop ies) printed at once. Impressive, a. Affecting, touching, moving, stirring, powerful. Imprimatur, n. [L.] License to print. Imprimis, ad. [L.] In the first place, first of all, first in order. Imprint, v. a. 1. Print, stamp, mark by pressure. 3. Impress, inculcate, fix deeply. Imprison, v. a. Incarcerate, immure, impound, confine, commit, shut up. Imprisonment, n. Incarceration, con-^ finement. commitment, restraint, con straint, duress, durance. Improbability, n. Unlikelihood. Improbable, a. Unlikely, not proba ble. Improbity, n. Dishonesty, disingenu- ousness, unfairness, baseness, knavery, faithlessness, bad faith. Impromptu, a. Extempore, unpre meditated, off-hand. Impromptu, ad. Extempore, off-hand, without premeditation. Impromptu, n. Improvisation, extem poraneous effusion. Improper, a. 1. Unsuitable, unsuited, unfit, unapt, inapposite, inappropriate, unadapted, not proper. 3. Unseemly, unbecoming, indecent, indecorous. 3. Inaccurate, incorrect, erroneous, wrong. Impropriety, n. 1. Unsuitableness, unfitness. 3. Unseemliness, indecency, inde corum. 3. Inaccuracy, incorrectness. Improve, v. a. 1. Amend, mend, better, meliorate, ameliorate, make better. 3. Use, make use of, turn to account, avail one s self of. 3. Make a good use of, turn to good account, employ advantageously, make productive. 4. Apply practically (as the doctrines of a discourse). Improve, v. n. 1. Mend, become better, get better, get on, gain ground, pick up. 3. Make progress, take a step for ward. 3. (Com.) Increase, rise, be enhanced. Improve on, Make better, make im provement in, bring nearer to" perfec tion. Improvement, n. 1. Amendment, melioration, amelioration, betterment, progress, proficiency, advancement. 3. Good use, beneficial employment. 3. Practical application (as of a doc trine). Improvidence, n. Shiftlessness, im prudence, want of forethought, care lessness of the future, neglect of prepa ration. Improvident, a. Shiftless, imprudent, prodigal, wasteful, without forecast, without foresight, careless of the future. Improvisate, v. a. & n. Improvise, speak extempore (in verse). Improvisation, n. 1. Improvising. 2. Impromptu. Improvise, v. a. & n. Improvisate, speak extempore. Imprudence, n. Indiscretion, heed- lessness, carelessness, rashness, incon- siderateness, improvidence, want of forethought. Imprudent, a. Indiscreet, inconsid erate, incautious, injudicious, improv ident, careless, rash, unadvised. Impudence, n. Insolence, assurance, presumption, boldness, shamelessness, effrontery, rudeness, impertinence, sau- ciness, pertness, flippancy, brass, front, face, CHEEK. Impudent, a. Insolent, insulting, pre sumptuous, bold, shameless, imperti nent, rude, saucy, pert, flippant, cool, brazen, forward, bold-faced, brazen faced. Impugn, v. a. Attack, assail, resist, contradict, gainsay, question. Impulse, n. 1. Thrust, push, impelling force. 3. Passion, instinct, sudden thought. 3. Incitement, instigation, motive, influence. Impulsive, a. 1. Impelling, moving. 3. Passionate, rash, quick, hot, hasty. Impunity, n. 1. Exemption from pun ishment. 3. Exemption from injury. Impure, a. 1. Foul, unclean, dirty, filthy, feculent. 3. Obscene, indecent, lewd, smutty, ribald, bawdy, coarse, immodest, gross, vulgar, indelicate, loose, Impurity, n. 1. Foulness, uncleanness, feculence. 3. Obscenity, indecency, immodesty, ribaldry, smuttiness, smut, bawdiness. 3. Coarseness, grossness, lowness, vulgarity. Imputable, a. Attributable, referrible, chargeable, traceable, owing, to be im puted, to be charged, to be attributed. Imputation, n. 1. Imputing, attribut ing. 3. Charge, accusation, censure, re proach, blame. Impute, v. a. Ascribe (especially to, some evil cause), attribute, refer, charge, con sider as due. Inability, n. 1. Incapacity, incapa bility, impotence, incompetence, incom- petency, inefficiency, want of power, want of capacity. 3. Disability, disqualification. In a box, In a perplexity, in a difficulty, in a dilemma, in an embarrassing posi tion. INACCESSIBLE 213 INCAPABILITY Inaccessible, a. 1. Unapproachable, not to be reached. 3. Unattainable. Inaccuracy, n. Incorrectness, mistake, blunder, error, inadvertence. Inaccurate, a. Incorrect, inexact, erroneous. Inaction, n. INACTIVITY, inertness. Inactive, a. Inert, lazy, indolent, idle, " slothful, supine, torpid, sluggish, dron- ish, lumpish, passive, Fabian. Inactivity, n. Inaction, inertness, lazi ness, indolence, idleness, sloth, supine- ness, torpor, torpidity, sluggishness, Fabian policy. Inadequacy, . 1. Insufficiency, inade- quateness. 2. Incompleteness, defectiveness. Inadequate, a. 1. Insufficient, un equal, disproportionate. 2. Incomplete, defective. Inadequateness,. Inadequacy. Inadmissible, a. Not to be admitted, not to be allowed. In advance, 1. Before, in front. 2. Beforehand. 3. To be credited for money advanced. Inadvertence, 1 n. 1. Inattention, in- Inadvertency, ) considerateness, care lessness, thoughtlessness, heedlessness, negligence. 2. Error, mistake, blunder, over sight, inaccuracy. Inadvertent, a. Inattentive, thought less, careless, heedless, inconsiderate, unobservant, negligent. Inadvertently, ad. Thoughtlessly, in considerately, carelessly, heedlessly, negligently, in an unguarded mo ment. Inalien able, a. Not to be alienated, not transferable. Inane, a. 1. Empty, void. 2. Vain, frivolous, trifling, puerile. Inane, n. [Rare.] Void, vacuity, vacu um, empty space. Inanimate, a. Lifeless, dead, inert, soulless, spiritless. Inanition, n. Emptiness, vacuity, in anity. Inanity, n. 1. Emptiness, vacuity, in anition. 2. Vanity, frivolousness, puerility. In an under tone, Softly, with bated breath, in a low voice, in a low tone, sotto voce. In a nut shell, In a small compass, IN NUCE. Inapplicability, n. Unfitness, unsuit- ableness, inaptness, inaptitude. Inapplicable, a. Unfit, unsuitable, ir relevant, inapt, INAPPOSITE. Inapposite, a. Unfit, unsuitable, irrel evant, inapplicable, inapt, impertinent, not pertinent, out of place, not in keep ing, not to the purpose. Inappreciable, a. Not appreciable, not to be appi eciated. Inappropriate, a. Unfit, unsuited, un suitable, unadapted, unbecoming, out of character, out of keeping, out of place, in bad taste. Inapt, a. Unfit, unsuitable, INAPPO SITE. Inaptitude. ) n. Unfitness, unsuitable- Inaptness, j nes s, inappropriateness, inapplicability. Inarticulate, a. 1. Indistinct. 2. (Zool.) Inarticulated, not jointed. Inarticulated, a. (Zool.) INARTICU LATE. Inartificial, a. 1. Natural, not made by art. 2. Artless, ingenuous, NAIVE, guile less, sincere, simple-minded, single- minded. Inasmuch as, Since, seeing that, con sidering that. Inattention, n. Inadvertence, heedless- ness, thoughtlessness, inconsiderate- ness, carelessness, neglect, absence of mind. Inattentive, a. Unobservant, unob- serving, unmindful, inadvertent, heed less, thoughtless, regardless, careless, negligent, remiss, unwatchful, incon siderate, absent, absent-minded, caught napping. Inaudible, a. 1. Not audible, not to be heard. 2. Still, silent, mute, noiseless. Inaugurate, v. a. 1. Install, invest with an office, introduce into an office > induct into office. 2. Celebrate the institution of, intro duce with fitting ceremonies. 3. Commence, begin. Inauguration, n. 1. Investiture, instal lation, ceremony of induction or of consecration. 2. Ceremony of institution, ceremony of initiation. 3. Commencement, beginning, inau guration. Inauspicious, a. Unpropitious, unfa vorable, unlucky, unfortunate, unto ward, unpromising, ill-omened. In bad odor, In disgrace, out of favor, in disrepute. In black and white, In Avriting (or in print), set down distinctly. Inborn, a. Innate, inherent, inbred, natural, instinctive, congenital, in grained, in the grain, bred in the bone. In brief, Concisely, briefly, in short, in a few words. In bulk, 1. In a mass, in an entire state. 2. Loose in the hold, not in packages. Incage, v. a. 1. Put into a cage. 2. Confine, impound, imprison, shut up, coop up. Incalculable, a. Not to be calculated, not to be reckoned, beyond calcula tion. Incalescence, ) n. Calefaction, warmth, Incalescency, j incipient heat. Incandescence, n. White heat. Incandescent, a. White-hot. Incantation, n. Conjuration, sorcery, charm, spell, enchantment, magic, nec romancy, witchery, witchcraft. Incapability, n. Incapacity, inability, disability, incompetence. INCAPABLE OF 214 INCOMMENSURATE Incapable of, 1. Without capacity for, unaole to, incompetent for, not capable of. 3. Not susceptible of, not admitting of. Incapacious, a. Narrow, scant, of small capacity, not ample, not capa cious. Incapacitate, v. a. 1. Disable, make incapable. 3. Disqualify, unfit, make unfit. Incapacity, n. 1. Inability, incapa bility, disability, incompetency. 3. Disqualification, unfitness. Incarcerate, v. a. IMPRISON, commit, put in prison. Incarceration, n. IMPRISONMENT, confinement, commitment. Incarnate, v. a. Clothe with flesh, embody in flesh. Incarnation, n. 1. Incarnating. 3. Hypostatic union. 3. Impersonation, personification, ex emplification, bodily manifestation. Incautious, a. Unwary, heedless, care less, reckless, headlong, neglectful, negligent, uncircumspect, imprudent, inconsiderate. Incendiary, a. Inflammatory, sedi tious, factious. Jncendiary, n. 1. Burner of buildings. 3. Firebrand, political agitator. Incense, v. a. Enrage, exasperate, in flame, irritate, provoke, anger, chafe, make angry. Incense, n. Perfume (exhaled by a burn ing substance). Incentive, n. Incitement, inducement, stimulus, impulse, spur, provocative, goad, motive, cause, encouragement. Inception, n. Beginning, commence ment, inauguration. Inceptive, a. Inchoative, that denotes a beginning. Incertitude, n. Uncertainty, doubtful ness, ambiguity. Incessant, a. Ceaseless, unceasing, uninterrupted, unremitting, continual, perpetual, constant. Inch, n. Twelfth part of a foot. Inchoate, a. Beginning, commencing, incipient. Inchoative, a. Inceptive, that denotes a beginning. Incident, a. 1. Happening, liable to happen. 3. Belonging, pertaining, appertain ing, relating. 3. (Optics.) Falling, impinging. Incident, n. Event, occurrence, circum stance. Incidental, a. 1. Accidental, casual, fortuitous, contingent. 3. Occasional, adventitious, extrane ous, non-essential. Incinerate, v. a. Burn to ashes. Incipience, ) n. Beginning, commence- Incipiency, ) ment. Incipient, a. Beginning, commencing, inchoate. Incised, a. (Bot.) Cut. Incision, n. Cut, gash. Incisive, a. 1. Cutting. 3. Sharp, acute, sarcastic, satirical, severe, biting. Incisor, n. Cutting tooth. Incite, v. a. Rouse (to action), arouse, animate, provoke, stimulate, impel, prompt, urge, encourage, spur, goad, excite, set on, spur on, stir up, work up. Incitement, n. Inducement, stimulus, impulse, spur, provocative, incentive, motive, encouragement, goad. Incivility, n. Discourtesy, rudeness, impoliteness, uncourteousness, uncourt- liness, inurbanity, unmannerliness dis respect, ill-breeding. Inclemency, n. Severity, rigor, harsh ness, boisterousness, storminess, tem- pestuousness, roughness. Inclement, a. Severe, rigorous, harsh, boisterous, stormy, rough, not mild. Inclination, n. 1. Inclining, leaning, slope, slant, bend. 3. Trending, verging, oblique direc tion. 3. Disposition, predilection, predis position, bent, bias, proneness, pro clivity, tendency, leaning, aptitude, propensity, PENCHANT. 4. Desire, wish, partiality, fondness, liking. Incline, v. n. 1. Lean, slope, slant. 3. Trend, verge, tend obliquely. 3. Be disposed, have a disposition, have a desire, feel a propensity. Incline, v. a. 1. Give a direction to wards. 3. Dispose, predispose, turn, bias. 3. Bend, bow. Inclose, v. a. [Written also Enclose.] 1. Encircle, surround, encompass, imbosom, circumscribe, shut in, fence in. 3. Cover, envelop, wrap. Include, v. a. 1. Hold, contain. 3. Comprise, comprehend, contain, embrace, embody, take in. Inclusive, a. 1. Inclosing, encircling. 3. Including both, both being in cluded. Incog, a. [Colloquial.] INCOGNITO. Incognito, a. [L.] Unknown (in one s true character), disguised, in disguise, in an assumed character. Incoherence, ) n. 1. Looseness (of Incoherency, J parts), want of .co hesion. 3. Incongruity, inconsistency, incon sequence, want of connection, want of agreement. Incoherent, a. 1. Loose, detached, non- adhesive. 3. Incongruous, inconsistent, incon sequential, without connection. Incombustible, a. Not to be burned, that will not burn. Income, n. Revenue, profits, gains. Incommensurable, a. Without a com mon measure. Incommensurate, a. 1. Dispropor tionate. 3. Inadequate, insufficient, unequal. INCOMMODE 215 INCONVERTIBLENESS Incommode, v. a. Disturb, annoy, molest, trouble, disquiet, plague, worry, vex, tease, harry, fret, gall, chafe, bore, discommode, inconvenience, put to in convenience. Incommodious, a. 1. Inconvenient, troublesome, annoying, vexatious, har assing, irritating, provoking, disadvan tageous. 3. Cumbersome, cumbrous, unman ageable, unwieldy, awkward, un handy. Incommunicable, a. Not to be com municated, that cannot be communi cated or imparted. Incommunicative, a. Reserved, un sociable, unsocial. Incomparable, a. Transcendent, peer less, matchless, unrivalled, unequalled, unparalleled, inimitable, very supe rior. Incompatibility, n. Inconsistency, in congruity, unsuitableness, want of agreement, want of adaptation. Incompatible, a. Inconsistent, incon gruous, unsuitable, unadapted. Incompetence, \ n. 1. Incapacity, ina- Incompetency, ) bility. 3. Insufficiency, inadequacy. 3. Disqualification, unntness. Incompetent, a. 1. Unable, incapa ble, not competent. 3. Insufficient, inadequate. 3. Disqualified, incapacitated, unfit, unfitted. Incomplete, a. 1. Defective, deficient, imperfect, not complete. 3. Unfinished, uncompleted, unac complished, unexecuted, not completed, left undone. Incomposite, a. 1. Uncompounded, unmixed, simple. 3. (Arith.) Prime. Incomprehensibility, n. Inconceiv- ableness, incomprehensibleness. Incomprehensible, a. Inconceivable, unimaginable, not to be comprehended, past finding out, beyond the reach of the human faculties. Incomprehensibleness, n. Inconceiv- ableness, incomprehensibility. Incompressibility, n. Incompressible- ness. Incompressible, a. Not to be com pressed, not compressible. Incompressibleness, n. Incompressi bility. Incomputable, a. Not to be computed, that cannot be computed. Inconceivable, a. INCOMPREHENSI BLE, that cannot be conceived. Inconceivableness, n. Incomprehen sibleness, incomprehensibility. Inconclusive, a. Unconvincing, inde cisive, not conclusive. Incongruity, n. Unsuitableness, incon sistency, impropriety, inappropriate- ness, discrepancy, incompatibility, in coherence, absurdity. Incongruous, a. Unsuitable, inconsis tent, inappropriate, improper, incom patible, incoherent, discrepant, absurd. In conscience, 1. Conscientiously, in justice, in honesty, in fairness. 3. Truthfully, sincerely, in sincerity, in truth. Inconsequence, n. Inconclusiveness, illogicalness. Inconsiderable, a. Unimportant, in significant, small, trivial, trifling, petty, immaterial, of no consequence, of no moment. Inconsiderate, a. Thoughtless, care less, heedless, inattentive, inadvertent, negligent, imprudent, indiscreet, rash, hasty, giddy, headlong, hare-brained, giddy-brained, light-headed. Inconsiderateness, n. Thoughtless ness, carelessness, heedlessness, inat tention, inadvertence, negligence, im prudence, indiscretion, rashness. Inconsistency, n. 1. Incongruity, in compatibility, unsuitableness, incoher ence. 3. Contrariety, contradiction. Inconsistent, a. 1. Incongruous, in compatible, unsuitable, incoherent, irreconcilable, discrepant. 3. Contrary, contradictory. Inconsolable, a. Disconsolate, woebe gone, comfortless, heart-broken, brok en-hearted, Inconstancy, n. 1. Changeableness, fickleness, vacillation, wavering, un steadiness. 3. Unstableness, instability, muta bility, variableness. Inconstant, a. 1. Changeable, fickle, capricious, vacillating, wavering, un steady, like a weathercock. 3. Unstable, mutable, variable, un settled, uncertain. Incontestable, a. Indisputable, incon trovertible, unquestionable, certain, undeniable, indubitable, irrefragable, not to be disputed, beyond all question, beyond a doubt, past dispute. Incontinence, n. Lewdness, lascivious- ness, indulgence of lust. Incontinent, a. Lewd, lascivious, un chaste. Incontrovertible, a. Indisputable, un questionable, INCONTESTABLE. Inconvenience, n. 1. Incommodious- ness, annoyance, vexation, molesta tion, disturbance, trouble, disadvan tage. 3. Awkwardness, cumbersomeness. unwieldiness. 3. Unntness, unsuitableness, unsea- sonableness. Inconvenient, a. 1. Incommodious, troublesome, annoying, vexatious, dis advantageous. 3. Cumbersome, cumbrous, unwieldy, awkward, unmanageable, unhandy. 3. Unfit, unsuitable, unseasonable, inopportune, untimely. Inconvertibility, n. Unchangeable- ness, inconvertibleness. Inconvertible, a. Unchangeable, not transmutable, not convertible. Inconvertibleness, n. Inconvertibil- ity. INCORPORATE 216 INDEFATIGABLENESS Incorporate, v. a. 1. Unite, combine, mix, blend, merge, consolidate, form into one body. 3. Form into a corporation, form into a body politic. Incorporation, n. 1. Combination, union, blending, mixture. 3. Association (as a body politic}. Incorporeal, a. Immaterial, spiritual, bodiless, not corporeal. Incorporeity, n. Spirituality, imma- terialness, immateriality. Incorrect, a. 1. Inexact, inaccurate, erroneous, false, untrue. 3. Ungrammatical, faulty. Incorrectness, n. Inaccuracy, inexact ness, error, mistake. Incorrigible, a. 1. Irremediable, rem ediless, irreparable, irretrievable, irre versible, irremedicable, irrecoverable, hopeless, incurable, past cure, past mending. 3. Depraved, corrupt, impenitent, profligate, abandoned, obdurate, hard ened, lost, shameless, graceless, recre ant, irreclaimable. Incorruptibility, n. Imperishableness, incorruptibleness, incorruption. Incorruptible, a. 1. Imperishable, in capable of decay. 3. Of inflexible honesty, not to be bribed. Incorruptibleness, n. INCORRUPTI BILITY. Incorruption, n. INCORRUPTIBILITY. Increase, v. n. 1. Grow, augment, be augmented, become greater or larger. 3. Multiply, be fruitful. Increase, v. a. 1. Augment, enlarge, make greater, make larger. 3. Enhance, raise, advance, heighten, add to. 3. Extend, prolong. 4. Aggravate, intensify. Increase, n. 1. Augmentation, enlarge ment, extension, expansion, growth, addition, accession, increment. 3. Product, produce, gain, profit. 3. Offspring, issue, progeny, descend ants. Incredible, a. Not to be credited, not to be believed, not credible. Incredulity, n. Unbelief, disbelief, distrust, scepticism, want of belief. Incredulous, a. Unbelieving, sceptical. Increment, n. INCREASE, augmenta tion. Incriminate, v. a. Accuse, impeach, charge, inculpate, blame, criminate. Incrust, v. a. Cover with a crust. Incrustation, n. 1. Incrusting. 3. Crust, coating. Incubate, v. n. Brood. Incubus, n. 1. Nightmare. 3. Encumbrance, clog, impediment, hinderance, drag weight, dead weight. Inculcate, v. a. Impress, enforce, in stil, infuse, infix, ingraft, implant. Inculcation, n. Enforcement. Inculpable, a. Unblamable, irrepre- hensible, irreprovable, irreproachable, blameless, faultless, sinless, innocent. Inculpate, v. a. Accuse, charge, im peach, criminate, incriminate, blame, censure. Inculpation, n. Crimination, blame, charge, impeachment, censure. Incumbent, a. Obligatory, devolv ing. Incumbent, n. Holder (of a benefice, &c.). Incumbrance, n. [Written also Encum brance.} 1. Load, clog, impediment, incubus, hinderance, dead weight, drag weight. 3. Debt, claim, liability. Incur, v. a. 1. Contract, become liable to, become subject to. 3. Bring on. Incurable, a. Irremediable, incorri gible, remediless, hopeless, irreparable, irretrievable, irremedicable, past cure, past mending. Incurious, a. Uninquisitive, inatten tive, unobservant, careless, heedless, not inquisitive, destitute of curios ity. Incursion, n. Inroad, irruption, forray, raid, descent, partial invasion. Incurvate, v. a. Bend, bow, crook, curve, make crooked. Incurvate, a. (Bot.} Hooked, curved, bowed, crooked, aduncous, ARCUATE. Indebted, a. 1. Owing, in debt. 3. Obliged, beholden. Indecency, n. 1. Indecorum, impro priety. 2. Indelicacy, grossness, immodesty, impurity, obscenity. Indecent, a. 1. Indecorous, improper, unbecoming, unseemly. 3. Indelicate, gross, immodest, im pure, obscene, filthy, unchaste. Iiideciduous, a. (Bot.) Evergreen, not deciduous. Indecision, n. Irresolution, vacillation, hesitation, unsteadiness, inconstancy, changeableness, fickleness. Indecisive, a. 1. Inconclusive, not de cisive. 3. Unsettled, wavering, vacillating, irresolute, hesitating. Indeclinable, a. Undeclinable. Indecorous, a. Indecent, unbecoming, improper, unseemly, gross, rude, coarse, uncivil, impolite. Indecorousness, n. Indecorum. Indecorum, n. Indecorousness, inde cency, impropriety, grossness, rudeness, incivility, impoliteness, violation of propriety. Indeed, ad. Truly, really, veritably, positively, absolutely, certainly, in fact, in truth, in reality. Indeed, interj. Really, is it so, you don t say so, who d have thought it, Heaven save the mark. Indefatigability, n. Indefatigableness, perseverance, persistence, persistency. Indefatigable, a. Unwearied, untiring, unflagging, persevering, persistent, sed ulous, assiduous, unremitting, never- tiring. Indefatigableness, n. Indefatigability. INDEFEASIBLE 217 INDIGESTIBLENESS Indefeasible, a. Irreversible, unalter able, irrevocable, immutable, that can not be abrogated, that cannot be made void. Indefensible, a. 1. Untenable, that cannot be defended. 3. Inexcusable, injustifiable, unwar rantable, censurable, faulty, wrong. Indefinite, a. 1. Indeterminate, unde- lined, indistinct, confused. 3. Vague, obscure, doubtful, uncer tain, equivocal, unsettled, loose. Indelible, a. Ineftaceable, ingrained, not to be blotted out. Indelicacy, n. Indecency, indecorum, coarseness, grossness, rudeness, vulgar ity, want of refinement. Indelicate, a. Indecent, indecorous, unbecoming, unseemly, coarse, gross, rude, broad, vulgar. In demand, In request. Indemnification, n. 1. Indemnifying, security (against loss, injury, or pen alty). 2. Compensation (for loss or injury), remuneration, reimbursement, indem nity, reparation. Indemnify, v. a. 1. Secure (against loss, injury, or penalty), save harmless. 3. Compensate (for loss or injury), remunerate, reimburse, requite, make good. Indent, v. a. 1. Notch, jag, cut notches in. 3. Indenture, bind by indenture. Indentation, n. Notch, jag, cut. Indenture, n. Written contract. Indenture, v. a. Indent, bind by in denture. Independence, n. Freedom, liberty, self-direction, exemption from control. Independent, a. 1. Unrelated, uncon nected, free, self-directing, unrestricted, unrestrained, absolute, not dependent, not subordinate. 3. Unconstrained, easy, bold. 3. Irrespective. Independent of, 1. Unconnected with, unrestricted by, not related to, not dependent upon. 3. Irrespective of. Indescribable, a. Inexpressible, inef fable, unutterable, that cannot be de scribed, that beggars description. Indestructible, a. Imperishable, that cannot be destroyed. Indeterminate, a. Indefinite, unfixed, uncertain, not settled^ not precise. Index, n. [L. pi. Indices, Eng. pi. In dexes.] 1. Pointer, hand, director. 2. Alphabetical table of references. 3. Exponent. 4. Chaiacteristic (of a logarithm), in tegral part. 5. (Anat.)* Fore finger. Indian corn, n. Maize (Zeamays). Indian-fig, n. 1. Banian (Ficus In- dica). 3. Prickly-pear. Indian file, Single file. Indian grass, Wood-grass (Sorghum nutans). Indian millet, Doura, Guinea corn, negro-corn (Sorghum vulgare). Indian oak, n. Teak-tree (Tectona grandis). Indian poke, n. White hellebore ( Ve- ratrum viride). Indian-red, n. Red-ochre. Indian sage, Boneset, thoroughwort, fever wort, ague-weed (Eupatoriam per- fo/iatum). Indian tobacco, n. Lobelia (North American species, ^Lobelia inflata). India-rubber, n. Caoutchouc, gum- elastic. Indicate, v. a. Show;, denote, betoken, mark, designate, signify, point out, shadow forth, be the sign of. Indication, ?i. 1. Indicating. 3. Sign, mark, token, note, index, . symptom, manifestation. Indicative, a. 1. Significant, to be taken as a sign. 3. (Gram.) Affirmative. Indicative of, That indicates, that points out, that shows, that is a sign of, significant of. Indices, n. pi. Exponents. Indicolite, n. (Min.) Indigolite, blue tourmaline. Indict, v. a. Accuse, charge, criminate, arraign, impeach. Indictment, n. Accusation, charge, arraignment, crimination, impeach ment. Indifference, n. 1. Neutrality, impar tiality, disinterestedness, freedom from bias or prejudice. 3. Unconcernedness, apathy, cold ness, carelessness, negligence, heed- lessness, inattention, want of inter est. 3. Triviality, unimportance, insignifi cance. Indifferent, a. 1. Neutral, impartial, disinterested, unbiassed. 3. Unconcerned, unmoved, apathetic, cool, inattentive, dead, heedless, regard less, unmindful, not interested. 3. Equal, all the same, just the same, all one, the same thing. 4. Passable, tolerable, middling, or dinary, so-so, not very bad. Indigence, n. Poverty, penury, pau perism, destitution, want, need, neces sity, privation, distress. Indigenous, a. Native, not exotic. Indigent, a. Poor, destitute, needy, necessitous, pinched, reduced, penni less, moneyless, insolvent, distressed, short of money, out of money, out of cash, out of pocket, in need, in want. Indigested, a. 1. Unconcocted, undi gested, not digested. 3. Crude, ill-judged, ill-advised, not well considered. 3. Disorderly, confused, not arranged, not methodized, not sorted, in confusion, in disorder. Indigestibility, n. Indigestibleness. Indigestible, a. That cannot be digest ed. Indigestibleness, n. Indigestibility. INDIGESTION 218 INDULGE Indigestion, n. Dyspepsia, dyspepsy, difficulty of digestion. Indignant, a. Angry, incensed, pro voked, irate, exasperated, wrathful, wroth, ireful. Indignation, n. Anger, wrath, ire, re sentment, fury, rage, choler, exaspera tion. Indignity, n. Insult, affront, outrage, slight, disrespect, dishonor, contumely, obloquy, opprobrium, reproach, abuse. Indigolite, n. (Min.) Indicolite, blue tourmaline. Indirect, a. 1. Circuitous, tortuous, not straight, not direct, not rectilinear. 3. Roundabout, oblique, collateral, not directly to the point. 3. Unfair, dishonest, dishonorable. Indiscernible, a. Undiscernible, im perceptible, invisible, uudiscoverable, not to be discerned. Indiscreet, a. Imprudent, injudicious, unwise, inconsiderate, foolish, rash, in cautious, reckless, heedless, headlong. Indiscretion, n. 1. Imprudence, incon- siderateness, rashness, folly. 3. Mistake, FAUX PAS, indiscreet act, act of indiscretion. Indiscriminate, a. 1. Undiscriminat- ing, undistinguishing. 3. Confused, mixed, mingled, undis- tinguishable, promiscuous. Indispensable, a. Necessary, essential, requisite, needful, needed, not to be dispensed with. Indispose, v. a. Disincline, render averse, make unfavorable. Indisposed, a. 1. Disinclined, unwill ing, reluctant, averse, loath, backward, not disposed. 3. Ill, unwell, ailing, gick, out of health, out of sorts. Indisposition, n. 1. Disinclination, unwillingness, reluctance, dislike, aver sion, backwardness. 3. Illness, sickness, ailment. Indisputable, a. Incontestable, incon trovertible, unquestionable, undeni able, indubitable, irrefragable, evident, obvious, certain, not to be disputed, beyond all question, beyond a doubt, past dispute. Indissoluble, a. 1. Indissolvable, that cannot be dissolved, that cannot be liquefied. 3. Indestructible, stable, firm, endur ing, not to be broken. 1 udissolvable, a. 1. Indissoluble, that cannot be dissolved. 3. Indestructible, not to be bro ken. Indistinct, a. 1. Indeterminate, unde fined, indefinite, -undistinguishable, confused, not distinct. 3. Obscure, dim, vague, imperfect, faint, not clear. 3. Ambiguous, uncertain, doubtful. Indistinguishable, a. Indistinct, in determinate, confused, undistinguish able, that cannot be distinguished. Indite, v. a. 1. Compose, write, pen. 3. Dictate. Individual, a. Particular, special, sep arate, single, one. Individual, n. Person, personage, char acter, being, somebody, some one. Individuality, n. Personality, distinct existence. Individualize, v. a. Particularize, con sider individually, specify, name with precision. Indivisible, a. 1. Inseparable, that cannot be divided. 3. (Math.) Incommensurable. Indocibility, n. Unteachableness, in- docibleness, indocility. Indocible, a. Unteachable, indocile. Indocibleness, n. INDOCILITY. Indocile, a. 1. Unteachable, dull. 3. Untractable, stubborn, perverse, unruly, headstrong, refractory, obsti nate, dogged, \mulish, unmanageable, ungovernable, cantankerous. Indocility, n. 1. Unteachableness, in- docibleness, indocibility, dulness. 3. Intractableness, stubbornness, ob stinacy, mulishness. Indoctrinate, v. a. Teach, instruct, initiate, give instruction to. Indoctrination, n. Instruction, initia tion. Indolence, n. Laziness, slothfulness, sloth, inertness, idleness, sluggishness. Indolent, a. Lazy, slothful, inert, slug gish, inactive, listless, supine, lumpish, habitually idle. Indomitable, a. Unyielding, uncon querable, invincible, not to be subdued. In doors, Within the house, under cover. Indorse, v. a. [Written also Endorse.} 1. Superscribe, write on the back of. 3. Sanction, approve, confirm, ratify, vouch for. Indubitable, a. Unquestionable, indis putable, incontestable, undeniable, in controvertible, evident, certain, beyond all question, beyond a doubt, past dis pute. Induce, v. a. 1. Influence, impel, move, prompt, actuate, instigate, persuade, urge, incite, spur, act upon, set on, weigh with, prevail on, prevail upon. 3. Cause, produce, effect, bring on. Inducement, n. Motive, reason, cause, consideration, incitement, incentive, stimulus, spur, influence, impulse. Induct, v. a. Introduce (into office), in stall, inaugurate. Induction, n. 1. Introduction (into office), installation, inauguration, insti tution. 3. Conclusion (from many facts), in* ference, inductive method, Baconian method. 3. (Physics.) Influence of proxim ity. Indue, v. a. Supply, invest, clothe, en due, endow. Indulge, v. a. 1. Gratify, favor, humor, cherish, pamper, COCKER, give free scope to, give a loose rein to, give way to, give one s self up to. 3. Allow, permit, suffer. INDULGE 219 INFALLIBILITY Indulge, v. n. Indulge one s self. Indulgence, n. 1. Gratification, hu moring, pampering, cockering. 3. Favor, liberality, lenity, lenience, kindness, tenderness. 3. ( Theol. ) Remission, absolution, forgiveness, pardon. Indulgent, a. 1. Yielding, compliant. 3. Lenient, mild, clement, tolerant, gentle, forbearing, kind, tender, not severe. Indurate, v. a. 1. Harden, render hard, make hard. 3. Make obdurate, make unfeeling. Induration, n. 1. Hardening. 3. Obduracy, hardness of heart. Industrious, a. DILIGENT, assiduous, sedulous, busy, laborious, notable, at work, active, persevering, hard-work ing, diligently employed, busily en gaged, up and stirring, busy as a bee, brisk as a bee. Industry, n. Assiduity, assiduousness, sedulousness, perseverance, activity, DILIGENCE, habitual devotion to labor. Inebriate, v. a. Intoxicate, make drunk. Inebriation, n. Intoxication, drunken ness, inebriety. Inebriety, n. INEBRIATION. Ineffable, a. Unspeakable, unutterable, inexpressible, indescribable, that can not be spoken, beyond expression. Ineffaceable, a. Indelible, ingrained. In effect, In fact, in truth, really, in reality. Ineffective, a. INEFFECTUAL, ineffica cious. Ineffectual, a. 1. Inefficacious, ineffec tive, inoperative, unavailing, fruitless, useless, abortive, bootless, to no pur pose, without effect. 3. Powerless, weak, impotent, feeble, inefficient. Ineffectualness, n. Inefficacy. Inefficacious, a. INEFFECTUAL, inef fective, unavailing. Inefficacy, n. Ineffectualness. Inefficiency, n. Weakness, impotence, inefficacy, powerlessness. Inefficient, a. Weak, feeble, impotent, powerless. Inelegant, a. 1. Ungraceful, graceless, rude, rough, homely, homespun, un couth, plain, clumsy, coarse, ungainly, uncourtly, unpolished, unrefined. 3. Stiff, constrained, harsh, crude, bald, cramped, abrupt. Ineligible, a. 1. That cannot be elect ed (to office). 3. Inexpedient, unadvisable, objec tionable. Inept, a. 1. Improper, unfit, unsuit able, inappropriate, inapposite, unapt, useless, worthless, void, null. 3. Foolish, silly, nonsensical, sense less, stupid. Ineptitude, . 1. Unfitness, unsuit- ableness, inaptitude, uselessness. 3. Folly, foolishness, nonsense. Inequality, n. 1. Disparity; difference, diversity. 2. Unevenness. Inequitable, a. Unjust, unfair, disin genuous, dishonorable, not equitable. Inert, a. 1. Inactive, lifeless, passive, motionless, dead. 3. Dull, indolent, torpid, sluggish, slothful, lazy, idle, supine, lumpish, dronish. Inertia, n. Inertness, sluggishness, in disposition to move. In esse> [L.] In being, actually existing. Inestimable, a. Invaluable, priceless, that cannot be estimated, above all price. Inevitable, a. Unavoidable, necessary, not to be escaped, that must be suffered. Inevitably, ad. Unavoidably, certain ly, surely. Inexact, a. Incorrect, inaccurate. Inexcusable, a. Unpardonable, inde fensible, unjustifiable, irremissible, IN EXPIABLE. Inexhaustible, a. Exhaustless, unfail ing, that cannot be exhausted. Inexistence, n. Non-existence, non entity. Inexorable, a. Unrelenting, relentless, implacable, pitiless, merciless, unmer ciful, uncompassionate, hard, cruel, not to be moved by entreaty. Inexpedient, a. Improper, unadv,isa- ble, unfit, unsuitable, disadvantageous, not prudent, not discreet. Inexperience, n. liawness, greenness, ignorance, want of experience. Inexperienced, a. Unpractised, un trained, uninitiated, unschooled, raw, unversed, unconversant, undisciplined, unskilled, green, witnout experience. Inexpert, a. Unskilful, unskilled, awk ward, clumsy, unhandy, inapt, bung ling, maladroit, without dexterity. Inexpiable, a. Unpardonable, irre missible, unatonable, not to be atoned for, that admits of no satisfaction. Inexplicable, a. Unaccountable, unin telligible, incomprehensible, inscruta ble, mysterious, strange, enigmatical, not to be explained. Inexpressible, a. INEFFABLE, unut terable, unspeakable, indescribable. Inexpressive, a. Unexpressive, char acterless, blank. Inexpugnable, a. 1. Impregnable, un assailable, not to be taken by assault, not to be stormed, secure from capture, tenable against all odds. 3. Unconquerable, not to be subdued. Inexsuperable, a. Insurmountable.- In extenso, [L.] In full, to the full extent, at length. Inextinguishable, a. Unquenchable, that cannot be extinguished. In extremis, [L.] In one s last mo- .ments, at the point of death. Inextricable, a. Intricate, perplexed, entangled, that cannot be disentangled, not to be unravelled. In fact, Really, truly, in truth, in reality, DE FACTO. Infallibility, n. 1. Infallibleness, ex emption from liability to err. 3. Certainty. INFALLIBLE 220 INFLAMMABLENESS Infallible, a. 1. Unerring, not liable to err. 2. Certain, sure, unfailing, not liable to fail. Infallibleness, n. Infallibility. Infallibly, act. Certainly, surely, mn- failingly, without fail. Infamous, a. 1. Disreputable, of ill repute, ill spoken of. 2. Disgraceful, dishonorable, shame ful, odious, detestable, scandalous, ig nominipus, base, vile, nefarious, villan ous, heinous, atrocious, wicked, dark. Infamy, n. 1. Dishonor, disgrace, dis credit, disrepute, shame, ignominy obloquy, opprobrium, odium, scandal abasement. 2. Disgracefulness, dishonorableness, shamefulness, odiousness, detestable- ness, scandalousness, wickedness, atro city, villany. Infancy, n. 1. Babyhood, first part of life. 2. Beginning, commencement, first age, early period of existence. 3. (Law.) Minority, nonage, pupil age, childhood. Infant, n. 1. Babe, baby, nursling, suckling, chit, brat, bantling, BAIRX, little child, little one. 2. (Law.) Minor. Infanticide, n. 1. Child-murder. 2. Murderer of an infant, slayer of infants. Infantile, ) a. Childish, young, ten- Infantine, J der, childlike. Infantry* n - Foet-soldiers. Infatuate, v. a. Befool, besot, stultify, delude, make foolish, deprive of reason, deprive of sound judgment or common sense. Infatuation, n. Folly, foolishness, hal lucination, want of sound judgment. In favor of, Favorable to, inclined to approve, willing to support. In favor with, Favored by, in the good graces of. Infeasibility, n. Impracticability, in- feasibleness, unfeasibleness. Infeasible, a. Impracticable, unfeasi ble, that cannot be accomplished, not to be done. Infeasibleness, n. Infeasibility. Infect, v. a. 1. Taint with disease, affect with contagious matter. 2. Pollute, contaminate, vitiate, poi- S.on, defile, corrupt. Infection, n. 1. Contagion. 2. Contamination, taint, bane, pest, poison. Infectious, a. 1. Contagious, pestilen tial, pestiferous, catching. 2. Contaminating, corrupting, vitiat ing, poisoning, defiling. Infecund, a. Unfruitful, infertile, un productive, unprolific, sterile, barren. Infecundity, n. Unfruitfulness, bar renness, unproductiveness, sterility, infertility. Infelicity, n, 1. Unhappiness, wretch edness, misery, misfortune, calamity, iU-luck. 2. Unfavorableness, unfortunate state. Infer, v. a. Deduce, conclude, collect, gather, consider probable. Inferable, a. [Written also Inferrible.] Deducible, to be inferred. Inference, n. Conclusion, deduction, consequence, corollary. Inferior, a. 1. Lower. 2. Subordinate, secondary. 3. Poor, indifferent. Inferiority, n. 1. Lower state or con dition. 2. Subordination. 3. Mediocrity, poor quality. Infernal, a. 1. Hellish, Tartarean, Stygian, of hell. 2. Diabolical, devilish, demoniacal, fiendish, fiendlike, Satanic, atrocious, nefarious, dark, very wicked. Inferrible, a. [Written also Inferable.] Deducible, to be inferred. Infertility, n. Unfruitfulness, unpro ductiveness, barrenness, sterility, infe- cundity. Infest, v. a. Disturb, annoy, vex, tease, harass, plague, torment, trouble, mo lest, worry. In few, [Poetical.] Briefly, in short, in a few words. Infidel, n. Unbeliever (in revealed reli gion), ATHEIST, sceptic, freethinker. Infidelity, n. 1. Unbelief, disbelief, scepticism. 2. Faithlessness (particularly in the marriage relation), unfaithfulness. Infiltrate, v. i. Soak (into a porous sub stance), be absorbed, pass by filtration. Infinite, a. 1. Unbounded, boundless, unlimited, illimitable, limitless, im measurable, interminable. 2. Immense, enormous, vast, stupen dous, very great, very large. Infinitesimal, a. Infinitely small. Infinitesimal, n. Infinitely small quan tity. Infinitude, n. 1. Boundlessness. 2. Immensity, vastness, infinity. Infinity, n. Infinitude, immensity, vast- ness. Infirm, a. 1. Weak (from age), feeble, enfeebled, decrepit, imbecile, not strong. 2. Irresolute, vacillating, wavering, faltering. Infirmity, n. 1. Weakness (from age), feebleness, debility, imbecility. 2. Foible, fault, failing, defect. Infix, v. a. Implant, ingraft, instil, inculcate, infuse. Inflame, v. a. 1. Excite, stimulate, enkindle, incite, fire, rouse, arouse, an imate, inspirit, set on, work up, stir up. 2. Exasperate, irritate, nettle, pro voke, anger, enrage, incense, madden, infuriate. Inflammability, n. Inflammableness, combustibility, combustibleness. Inflammable, a. Combustible. Inflammable air, Hydrogen. Inflammableness, n. Inflammability, INFLAMMATION 221 INGLORIOUS Inflammation, n. 1. Burning, confla gration, setting on fire. 2. (Med.) Swelling and redness. Inflammatory, a. 1. Inflaming, fiery. 3. Incendiary, seditious. Inflate, o. a. 1. Swell (by blowing), dis tend, expand, bloat, blow up. 3. Puff up, make conceited. 3. Enlarge, increase. Inflated, a. 1. Distended (with air), swollen, bloated, puffed up. 3. Tumid, turgid, bombastic, gran diloquent, stilted, declamatory, rhetor ical, sophomorical, high-flown, HIGH- FALUTIN. Inflation, n. 1. Swelling (by air), dis- tention, expansion, blowing up. 2. Conceit, conceitedness, self-conceit, self-sufliciency, self-complacency. 3. Increase, enlargement. Inflect, v. a. 1. Bend, bow, curve, turn from a direct line. 3. (Gram.) Decline (a noun or an adjective), conjugate (a verb), vary the terminations of. Inflection, n. 1. Bending, curvature, bend, curvity, flexure, crook. 3. (Gram.) Variation (in declension or in conjugation). 3. (Music and Elocution.) Modulation (of the voice). Inflexibility, n. 1. Stiffness, inflexible- ness. 3. Pertinacity, doggedness, stubborn ness, obstinacy. 3. Firmness, resolution, persever ance, tenacity of purpose. Inflexible, a. 1. Stiff, rigid. 3. Pertinacious, dogged, stubborn, obstinate, unyielding, refractory, head strong, wilful, cantankerous, intract able, heady, obdurate, cross-grained. 3. Firm, resolute, steadfast, immov able, persevering. Inflexibleness, n. INFLEXIBILITY. Inflict, v. a. Impose, lay on. Infliction, n. 1. Inflicting, imposition. 3. Punishment, judgment. Influence, n. 1. Authority, sway, con trol, predominance, ascendency, power of impelling or directing, controlling power, directing agency. 3. Reputation, credit, weight of char acter. Influence, v. a. 1. Control, sway, bias, lead, direct. 3. Move, induce, impel, instigate, persuade, actuate, incite, rouse, arouse, work upon, prevail upon. Influential, a. Potent, powerful, con trolling, of influence, of authority. Influx, n. Introduction, flowing in. Infold, v. a. [Sometimes written Ei 1. Inwrap, enclose, wrap, fold, en velop. 2. Clasp, embrace. Inform, v. a. 1. Animate, inspire, quicken, give life to. 3. Acquaint, apprise, advise, tell, no tify, make known to, mention to, give notice to, signify to, send word to, write word to. Inform against, Give information against (by way of accusation). Informal, a. Irregular, out of the usual course, not according to the prescribed form. Informality, n. Irregularity. Informant, n. 1. Informer. 3. Accuser, complainant. Information, n. 1. Intelligence, notice, advice. 3. (Law.) Accusation, complaint. Informer, n. 1. Informant. 3. Accuser, complainant. Infraction, n. Breaking, breach, in fringement, violation, transgression, disobedience, non-observance. Infrangible, a. 1. That cannot be broken. 3. Not to be violated. Infrequency, n. Uncommonness, rar ity, rareness. Infrequent, a. Uncommon, rare, un- frequent. Infringe, v. a. Break, violate, trans gress, disobey, break through, trench upon, set at nought. Infringement, n. Breaking, breach, infraction, violation, transgression, dis obedience, non-observance. Infringe upon, Invade, trespass upon, encroach upon, intrude upon. Infundibular, ) a. (Bot.) Tunnel- Infundibuliform, ) shaped. Infuriate, I a. Enraged, raging, mad, Infuriated, J incensed, furious, very angry. Infuse, v . a. 1. Instil, engraft, implant, inspire, breathe into, introduce, incul cate. 3. Steep (in liquor), macerate. Infusion, n. 1. Introduction, inculca tion, instillation. 3. Infusing, steeping, macerating. 3. Steeped liquor. Infusoria, n. pi. Animalcules, animal- cula. Ingathering, n. Harvest. In general, Generally, in the main, for the most part, with few excep tions. Ingenious, a. 1. Inventive, gifted, able, sagacious, clever, bright. 3. That shows invention, exhibiting ingenuity. Ingenuity, n. Inventiveness, ingenious- ness, ability, capableness, capacity, faculty, aptitude, aptness, cleverness, knack, turn, gift, genius. Ingenuous, a. Artless, frank, open, candid, fair, sincere, guileless, honest, downright, straightforward, truthful, NAIVE, simple-minded, single-minded, open-hearted, above-board. Ingenuousness, n. Artlessness, frank ness, candor, sincerity, honesty, truth fulness, NAIVETE. Inglorious, a. 1. Obscure, mean, low, unknown, undistinguished, nameless, unnoted, unhonored. 3. Shameful, disgraceful, . disrepu table, infamous, opprobrious, odious, scandalous, ignominious. INGLORIOUSNESS 222 INLAY Ingloriousness, n. 1. Obscurity, mean ness, lowness, want of distinction. 3. Abasement, discredit, disrepute, dishonor, disgrace, ignominy, obloquy, shame, infamy, opprobrium, odium, scandal. In good case, In good condition, in good health. Ingraft, v. a. 1. Graft. 3. Infix, implant, instil, infuse, incul cate. Ingrain, v. a. 1. Dye in the grain. 3. Imbue, impregnate. Ingratiate one s self, Insinuate one s self (into favor), push one s self artfully. Ingratitude,?!. Unthankfulness, thank- Ingredient, n. Element, constituent, component, component part. Ingress, n. Entrance, entry. Inguinal, a. (Anat.) Of the groin. Ingulf, v. a. [Written also Engulf.] Ab sorb, swallow up. Inhabit, v. a. Occupy, dwell in, live in, reside in. Inhabit, v. n. Dwell, reside, sojourn, live, abide. Inhabitable, a. Habitable. Inhabitant, ) n. Dweller, resident, citi- Inhabiter, j zen. Inhalation, n. Inspiration. Inhale, v. a. Inspire, breathe in, draw into the lungs. inharmonious. Inharmonious, a. Discordant, unmu sical, inharmonic, unharmonious, out of tune. Inhere, v. n. Exist (as a part), be fixed (as a quality). Inherent, a. Innate, inborn, inbred, not adventitious. Inherit, v. a. Take from ancestors, take by inheritance, come into possession of as an heir. Inheritance, n. 1. Inheriting. 3. Heritage, patrimony. Inheritor, n. Heir. Inhibit, v. a. 1. Restrain, hinder, check, repress, obstruct, bar, debar, stop. 3. Prohibit, forbid, interdict. Inhibition, n. 1. Restraint, hinder- ance, impediment, obstacle, obstruc tion, check. 3. Prohibition, interdiction, inter dict, disallowance, embargo. Inhibitory, a. Prohibitory. In high feather, In good health, in good spirits, in good condition. Inhospitable, a. Unfriendly (to stran gers), unkind, not hospitable. Inhospitality, n. Want of hospitality. Inhuman, a. Barbarous, brutal, SAV AGE, cruel, ruthless, pitiless, remorse less, merciless, fell, ferocious, unfeeling. Inhumanity, n. Barbarity, brutality, savageness, cruelty, ferocity. Inhume, v. a. Bury, inter, entomb, deposit in the earth. Inimical, a. 1. Hostile, unfriendly, unkind, malevolent, antagonistic. 3. Adverse, unfavorable, opposed, contrary, repugnant, hurtful, perni cious. Inimitable, a. Unparalleled, perfect, unequalled, unexampled, incomparable, unrivalled, unmatched, unparagoned, matchless, peerless, above imitation. Iniquitous, a. Unjust, unrighteous, unfair, inequitable, wrong, wicked, ne farious, heinous, flagitious. Iniquity, n. 1. Injustice, unrighteous ness, wickedness. 3. Sin, crime, deviation, wicked act, offence. Initial, a. 1. First, at the beginning, at the head. 3. Incipient, commencing, beginning, in the first stages. Initial, n. First letter (of a name). Initiate, v. a. 1. Introduce, give en trance to. 3. Indoctrinate, instruct, teach. 3. Begin, commence, inaugurate, enter upon. Initiation, n. 1. Introduction, admis sion, entrance. 3. Instruction, indoctrination. 3. Beginning, inauguration. Initiative, a. Inceptive, initiatory. Initiative, n. Beginning, first step. Initiatory, a. Initiative, inceptive. Inject, v. a. Throw in, dart in. Injection, n. 1. Injecting. 3. Clyster, enema, lavement. In jest, In joke, for sport, not in ear nest. In joke, IK JEST. Injudicious, a. Unwise, indiscreet, im prudent, inconsiderate, foolish, rash, incautious, hasty, ill-judged, ill-advised. Injunction, n. Command, order, pre cept, mandate. Injure, v. a. 1. Maltreat, wrong, abuse, do wrong to, do an ill oflice to, treat unjustly. 3. Harm, hurt, damage, spoil, im pair, mar, disfigure, do harm to, PLAY THE DEUCE WITH. Injurious, a. 1. Wrongful, iniquitous, unjust, inequitable. 3. Hurtful, detrimental, prejudicial, pernicious, deleterious, noxious, deadly, baneful, mischievous, damaging, dis advantageous, destructive, ruinous, fatal. 3. Contumelious, detractory. Injury, n. 1. Wrong, injustice. 3. Hurt, damage, harm, detriment, mischief, prejudice. Injustice, n. Unfairness, iniquity, wrong, grievance, foul play. Inkhorn, n. Inkstand. Inkling, n. 1. Inclination, desire. 3. Hint, intimation, whisper. Inkstand, n. Inkhorn. Inky, a. Black, atramentous. Inlaid, a. Diversified (by pieces inserted), variegated. Inland, a. 1. Interior. 3. Domestic, not foreign. Inlay, v. a. Diversify (by pieces inserted), variegate. INLET 223 INSCRUTABLE Inlet, n. 1. Entrance, passage, place of ingress. 3. Bay, bight, cove. In limine, [L.] At the outset, at the beginning, on the threshold. In little, In miniature, on a small scale. In loco, [L.] In the proper or natural Inmate, n. Fellow-lodger, fellow-board er. In meinoriam, [L.] In memory, to the memory of. Inmost, a. Innermost. Inn, n. Tavern, hotel, cabaret, CARA VANSARY, public house, house of enter tainment. Innate, a. Inborn, inbred, native, nat ural, inherent, not adventitious. Inner, a. Interior, internal. Innermost, a. Inmost. Innkeeper, n. Innholder, host, land lord, tavern-keeper. Innocence, n. 1. Harmlessness, inoffen- siveness, innocuousness, innoxiousness. 3. Guiltlessness, sinlessness, blame- lessness, guilelessness, purity. Innocent, a. 1. Harmless, inoffensive, innocuous, innoxious. 3. Guiltless, sinless, faultless, blame less, immaculate, spotless, pure, clean, clear, guileless, upright. Innocuous, a. Harmless, inoffensive, innoxious, innocent. Innovate, v. n. Introduce novelties, make changes. Innovation, n. Change, introduction of novelty. Innoxious, a. Harmless, inoffensive, innocuous, innocent. In nuce, [L.] In a nutshell, in a small compass. Innuendo, n. Insinuation, remote in timation, indirect allusion, oblique hint, sly suggestion. Innumerable, a. Numberless, count less, not to be counted, that cannot be numbered. Inoculate, v. a. 1. Bud. 3. Vaccinate. Inoculation, n. 1. Budding. 3. Vaccination. Inodorous, a. Scentless, without odor or smell. Inoffensive, a. Harmless, unoffending, innocuous, innoxious, innocent. In one s cups, Drunk, drunken, intox icated, inebriated, tipsy, fuddled, mud dled, maudlin, disguised, mellow, in liquor, SLEWED, TIGHT, high, NAPPY, GROGGY, HALF SEAS OVER, THREE SHEETS IN THE WIND, has had a drop too much. Inoperative, a. Inactive, inefficacious, ineffectual, useless, unavailing. Inopportune, a. Unseasonable, un timely, inconvenient, unsuitable, unfit, ill-timed, not opportune. Inordinate, a. Immoderate, extrava gant, excessive. Unorganized. Inosculate, y. n. (Bot. & Anat.) Anas tomose, unite at the ends (as veins or arteries). Inosculate, v. a. Unite by apposition or contact. Inosculation, n. (Sot. & Anat.) Anas tomosis. In our midst, [Common, but not sanc tioned by the best writers.] In the midst of us, among us. In part, Partly, in some degree. In posse, [L.] Possible, in possibility, that may exist. In print* Printed, published, issued. In propria persona, [L.] In one s own person. In puris naturalibus, [L.] Quite naked. Inquest, n. 1. Inquisition, judicial in quiry (especially by a coroner). 3. Jury (particularly a coroner s Inquietude, n. Uneasiness, disquiet, disquietude, restlessness, anxiety. Inquire, v. n. [Written also Enquire.} 1. Ask, question, seek information (by questioning), make inquiry. 3. Make investigation, make exam ination. Inquire, v. a. [Written also Enquire.} Ask about, make inquiry about. Inquirer, n. Searcher, investigator. Inquire into, Examine, investigate, sift, canvass, follow up, look into. Inquiry, n. 1. Interrogation, question, query, interrogatory. 3. Investigation, examination, re search, scrutiny, study, exploration. Inquisition, n. Inquest, judicial in quiry. Inquisitive, a. Curious, prying, peer ing, scrutinizing, given to research. Inroad, n. Irruption, forray, incursion, raid, encroachment, partial invasion. Insalubrious, a. Unhealthy, unwhole some, unhealthful, noxious, unfavorable to health. Insane, a. Deranged, crazy, crazed, lu natic, mad, distracted, demented, deliri ous, out of one s mind, out of one s head, out of one s senses, out of one s wits. Insanity, n. Derangement, lunacy, craziness, DEMENTIA, mania, madness, delirium, aberration of mind, alienation of mind. Insatiability, n. Insatiableness. Insatiable, a. Insatiate, unappeasable, voracious, not to be satisfied, very greedy. Insatiableness, n. Insatiability. Insatiate, a. INSATIABLE. Inscribe, v. a. 1. Write, engrave. 3, Imprint, impress. 3. Address (as a literary work), dedi cate (with little formality). 4. (Geom.) Delineate or draw (within another figure). Inscrutability, n. Inscrutableness. Inscrutable, a. Undiscoverable, un searchable, hidden, mysterious, past comprehension, above comprehension, not to be understood. INSCRUTABLENESS 224 INSPIRE Inscrutableness, n. Inscrutability. Insecure, a. 1. Uncertain, not sure, not confident, 2. Unsafe, unprotected, exposed, dan gerous, hazardous, perilous. Insecurity, n. 1. Uncertainty. 2. Danger, hazard, peril. Insensate, a. Dull, stupid, insensible, senseless. Insensibility, n. 1. Torpor, lethargy, want of sensibility. 2. Apathy, unfeelingness, indiffer ence. 3. Dulness, stupidity. Insensible, a. 1. Imperceptible, imper- ceivable, not discoverable. 2. Insensate, dull, stupid, torpid, brutish, senseless, without sensibility. 3. Unfeeling, apathetic, phlegmatic, unsusceptible, unimpressible. Insensibly, ad. Imperceptibly. Insentient, a. Inert, senseless, not sentient, without perception. Inseparability, n. Inseparableness. Inseparable, a. Indivisible, not to be separated. Inseparableness, n. Inseparability. Insert, v. a. Set in, place in, put in. Insessores, n. pi. [L.] (Ornith.) Perch- ers, perching birds. Insessorial, a. (Ornith.) Perching. Inside, n. Interior, interior part, inner part. Insidious, a. Artful, sly, wily, arch, crafty, cunning, subtle, intriguing, de signing, deceitful, treacherous, crooked, trickish, TRICKY, foxy, snaky, diplo matic, Machiavelian. Insight, n. 1. Deep view, thorough knowledge. 2. Discernment, penetration, quick perception. Insignia, n. pi. [L.] Badges of office, marks of distinction. Insignificance, n. Unimportance, pal triness, triviality, emptiness, nothing ness. Insignificant, a. 1. Without meaning, not significant. 2. Unimportant, paltry, petty, empty, trivial, trifling, immaterial, unessen tial, of little consequence, of little account, of no moment. Insincere, a. False, faithless, truthless, disingenuous, unfair, uncandid, dis honest, hollow, hypocritical, pharisa- ical, canting, double-tongued, double- faced. Insincerity, n. Duplicity, hypocrisy, cant, dissimulation, deceitfulness, dis- ingenuousness, unfairness, dishonesty. Insinuate, v. a. 1. Introduce gently. 2. Ingratiate, push artfully. 3. Instil (artfully), infuse, inculcate. 4. Hint, suggest, intimate, allude to, point to, refer to, remind of, put in mind of. Insinuation, n. 1. Infusion, instilla tion, gentle introduction. 2. Ingratiating one s self, getting one s self into favor. 3. Hint, suggestion, intimation, innu endo. Insipid, a. 1. Tasteless, gustless, savor less, vapid, mawkish, stale, flat. 2. Spiritless, lifeless, heavy, stupid, dull, frigid, tame, prosaic, prosy, unin teresting, unentertaining. Insipidity, } n. 1. Tastelessness, vap- Insipidness, ) idness, mawkishness. 2. Dulness, lifelessness, stupidity, heaviness, want of interest. Insist on, Urge, press earnestly, persist in demanding, insist upon. Insistence, n. Urging, urgency, impor tunity, solicitation, entreaty. Insist vipon, INSIST ON. In situ, [L.] (Min.) In the original position, as originally deposited or formed. Insnare, v. a. [Written also Ensnare.} 1. Entrap, catch. 2. Inveigle, allure, seduce. - 3. Entangle, embarrass, perplex, con found, bewilder. Insolate, v. a. 1. Expose to the rays of the sun. 2. Dry in the sun. Insolation, n. 1. Exposure to the rays of the sun. 2. Drying in the sun. 3. Sun-stroke, SIRIASIS, COUP-DE- SOLEIL, stroke of the sun. Insolence, n. Impertinence, impudence, sauciness, pertness, malapertness, flip pancy, rudeness, abuse. Insolent, a. Impertinent, impudent, saucy, pert, malapert, flippant, rude, abusive, overbearing, domineering, con temptuous, without humility or self- respect. Insolubility, n. Insolubleness. Insoluble, a. 1. That cannot be dis solved. 2. Insolvable, inexplicable, that can not be solved, not to be explained. Insolubleness, n. Insolubility. Insolvable, a. Inexplicable, that cannot be solved, not to be explained. Insolvency, n. Bankruptcy. Insolvent, a. Bankrupt. Insomnia, n. [L.] (Med.) Wakefulness, sleeplessness, want of sleep, indispo sition to sleep. Inspect, v. a. 1. Examine, scrutinize, investigate, look into, pry into. 2. Superintend, oversee. Inspection, n. 1. Examination, scru tiny, investigation. 2. Superintendence, oversight. Inspector, n. 1. Examiner, censor, critic, visitor. 2. Superintendent, overseer, BOSS. Inspiration, n. 1. Inhalation, breath ing in. 2. Afflatus, supernatural influence. Inspire, v. n. Inhale air, draw in the breath. Inspire, v. a. 1. Inhale, breathe in. 2. Breathe into, fill with the breath. 3. Infuse, instil. 4. Animate, inspirit, enliven, cheer. 5. Affect by supernatural influence. INSPIRIT 225 INSULT Inspirit, v. a. Animate, enliven, en courage, cheer, comfort, stimulate, incite, quicken, rouse, arouse, tire. Inspissate, v. a. Thicken, make thick. Inspissate, a. Thick, inspissated. In sport, In jest, not in earnest. Instability, n. Inconstancy, mutability, changeableness. Instable, a. Inconstant, changeable, mutable, unstable, unsteadfast. Install, v. a. Inaugurate, induct, intro duce into office. Installation, n. Inauguration, investi ture, instalment, ceremony of induc tion. Instalment, n. [Written also Install ment.] l. INSTALLATION. 3. Payment in part, partial pay ment. Instance, n. 1. Solicitation, request, urgency, prompting, importunity, insti gation, incitement^ 3. Example, exemplification, illus tration, case in point. 3. Time, occasion, occurrence. Instance, v. a. Mention as an instance, bring forward as an example. Instant, a. 1. Pressing, urgent, impor tunate, earnest. 2. Immediate, quick, instantaneous. 3. Current, present, now passing. Instant, n. 1. Moment, second, twink ling, flash, trice, jiffy, twinkling of an eye, smallest conceivable point of time. 3. Present month, current month. Instantaneous, a. Immediate, quick, instant. Instantaneously, ) ad. Immediately, Instantly, j forthwith, INSTAN- TEB, in an instant, on the instant, in a moment, right away, without a mo ment s delay, all at once, on the spur of the moment, in less than no time, quick as thought, quick as lightning, before one can say " Jack Robinson." Instar omnium, [L.] Like all, a speci men of the whole, an example for all. Instanter, ad. [L.] INSTANTLY. In statu quo, [L.] In the same state as before. Instauration, n. Restoration, renewal, re-establishment, reinstatement, reno vation, reconstruction, redintegration, reconstitution, REHABILITATION. Instead, ad. In lieu, in the room, in the stead, in the place. Instigate, v. a. Incite, impel, move, urge, provoke, stimulate, rouse, actuate, persuade, influence, encourage, prompt, set on, prevail upon, stir up, spur on. Instigation, n. Incitement, urgency, encouragement, prompting, influence, solicitation, instance, importunity. Instil, v. a. [Written also Instill.] 1. In fuse, insinuate. a. Inculcate, impress, enforce, im plant, ingraft. Instillation, n. Infusion, insinuation, gentle introduction. Instinct, n. Natural impulse. Instinctive, a. Natural, spontaneous, involuntary. Instinct with, Moved by (as an inter nal impulse), animated by. Institute, v. a. 1. Establish, found, originate, appoint, settle, fix, enact, ordain, set up. 3. Begin, commence, set in opera tion. 3. Invest with a sacred office, invest with the care of souls. Institute, n. 1. Doctrine, dogma, pre cept, maxim, principle, tenet. 3. Scientific body, literary or philo sophical society. 3. School, academy, gymnasium, seminary, place of education. Institution, n. 1. Establishing, found ing, foundation, enactment. 3, Establishment, organized society. 3. Investiture. Instruct, v. a. 1. Teach, inform, en lighten, educate, indoctrinate, drill, exercise, train, school. 3. Direct, command, order, enjoin, prescribe to. Instruction, n. 1. Teaching, informa tion, education, indoctrination, train ing, schooling, discipline, tuition, nur ture, breeding. 3. Advice, counsel, precept. 3. Direction, order, command, man date. Instructor, n. Teacher, tutor, precep tor, master, school-master. Instrument, n. 1. Tool, implement, utensil. 3. Medium, agent, means. 3. Writing, document, charter, deed, indenture. Instrumental, a. 1. Conducive, sub servient, serviceable, helping, helpful, assisting, auxiliary, ancillary, minis terial. 3. Of musical instruments. Instrumentality, n. Agency, media tion, intervention. Insubordinate, a. Disobedient, unruly, mutinous, riotous, seditious, disorderly, turbulent, ungovernable, refractory. Insubordination, n. Disobedience, re volt, insurrection, mutiny, riotousness, sedition. Insufferable, a. Intolerable, insup portable, unbearable, unendurable, that cannot be borne or endured. Insufficiency, n. Inadequateness, inad equacy, incompetence, deficiency, de- fectiveness, dearth. Insufficient, a. Inadequate, incompe tent, unequal, incapable, unfit, not sufficient. Insular, a. Surrounded by water. Insulate, v. a. Detach, isolate, separate, disconnect, disunite, disengage. Insulation, n. Isolation, separation, disconnection, disengagement. Insulator, n. (Physics.) Non-conduc tor. Insult, n. Affront, offence, indignity,, outrage, abuse. Insult, v. a. Affront, offend, abuse,, treat with insolence, offer an indignity to. 15 INSULTING 226 INTERCHANGEABLENESS Insulting, a. Insolent, impudent, im pertinent, saucy, abusive, vituperative, ribald, blackguard. Insuperable, a. Insurmountable, not to be overcome. Insupportable, a. Intolerable, un bearable, unendurable, insufferable. Insuppressible, a. Uncontrollable, irre pressible, not to be suppressed. Insurance, re. Assurance, security against loss. Insure, v. a. [Written also Ensure.} 1. Make secure, make sure. 3. ASSURE, secure against loss, agree to indemnify for loss. Insure, v. n. Underwrite, practise in surance. Insurer, re. Underwriter. Insurgent, a. Rebellious, seditious, insubordinate, disobedient, mutinous. Insurgent, n. Rebel, traitor, revolter, renegade. Insurmountable, a. Insuperable, not to be overcome, that cannot be sur mounted. Insurrection, n. Rebellion, revolt, se dition, mutiny. Insurrectionary, a. Rebellious, sedi tious, mutinous, insubordinate. Insusceptible, a. Incapable, insuscep- tive, not susceptible. Insusceptive, a. INSUSCEPTIBLE. Intact, a. Untouched, uninjured, un hurt, unharmed, scathless. Intangibility, n. Intangibleness. Intangible, a. Impalpable, that cannot be touched. Intangibleness, TO. Intangibility. Integer, n. Whole number. Integral, a. Whole, entire, total, not fractional. Integrity, n. 1. Wholeness, entireness, entirety, completeness. 2. Rectitude, uprightness, probity, honesty, virtue, goodness, principle, moral soundness. Integument, n. Covering, envelope, tegument. Intellect, n. Understanding, reason, mind, sense, brains, thinking prin ciple, reasoning faculty, rational fac ulty, discursive faculty, intellectual powers, intellectual faculties. Intellection, n. Apprehension, intu ition, understanding. Intellectual, a. Mental, of the intel lect, of the understanding. Intelligence, n. 1. Information, knowl edge, acquired knowledge. 3. News, tidings, advice, notice, noti fication, instruction. 3. Spirit, spiritual being. Intelligent, a. 1. Knowing, understand ing, instructed, enlightened, skilful, skilled, clever, well-informed. 2. Astute, acute, quick, bright, apt, shrewd, discerning, clear-sighted, keen- sighted, quick-sighted, sharp-sighted, sharp-witted, keen-eyed, long-headed, clear-headed. Intelligibility, n. Comprehensibility, intelligibleness. Intelligible, a. Clear, plain, distinct, comprehensible, that may be under - Intelligibleness, n. INTELLIGIBILITY. Intemperance, n. 1. Excess (ire any action or in any indulgence), want of moderation. 3. Habitual excess in drinking in toxicating liquors. Intemperate, a. 1. Excessive, inordi nate, not temperate. 2. Given to excess in drinking in toxicating liquors. Intend, v. a. Mean, design, purpose, meditate, contemplate, COMPASS, pro pose, to one s self, have in view, think of, aim at, drive at. Intend, v. n. Mean, purpose, design, have the intention, propose to one s self. Intendant, n. Superintendent, over seer, supervisor, inspector. Intense, a. 1. Close, strict, intent, severe, strained, stretched. 3. Excessive, extreme, very great. 3. Forcible, energetic, vigorous, pow erful. 4. Ardent, vehement, earnest. Intenseness, n. Intensity. Intensify, v. a. Strengthen, make in tense, make more intense. Intensity, n. 1. Intenseness, closeness, strictness, severity. 3. Excess, vehemence, extremity, violence, high degree, extreme degree. 3. Vigor, strength, power, activity, force, energy. 4. Ardor, earnestness, vehemence. Intensive, a. Intensifying. Intent, a. Eager, earnest, close, closely fixed, resolutely bent. Intent, re. Design, purpose, intention, aim, end, meaning, drift, purport, ob ject, scope, mark, purview. Intention, n. Design, purpose, IN TENT. Intentional, a. Designed, intended, premeditated, contemplated, precon certed, studied. Inter, v. a. Bury (with funeral rites). inhume, entomb, inurn. Intercede, v. re. Mediate, arbitrate, interpose, plead. Iiiterceder, re. Mediator, intercessor. Intercept, v. a. 1. Stop on the way, seize on the passage. 3. Interrupt, obstruct, cut off. Intercession, re. Mediation, interposi tion, intervention. Intercessor, re. Mediator, interceder. Interchange, v. a. Exchange, bandy, change reciprocally, give and take mu tually. Interchange, re. 1. Exchange, reci procity, reciprocation. 3. Alternation, alternate succession. Interchangeability, re. Interchange- ableness. Interchangeable, a. That may be interchanged. Interchangeableness, re. Interchange- ability. INTERCHANGEABLY 227 IN TERROREM Interchangeably, ad. Alternately, by interchange, by reciprocation. Intercourse, n. Communication, com merce, converse, communion, connec tion, mutual exchange. Interdependence, n. Mutual depend ence. Interdict, v. a. Forbid, prohibit, in hibit, Interdict, n. Prohibition, interdiction. Interdiction, n. 1. Interdicting. 3. Prohibition, interdict. Interest, v. a. 1. Concern, affect, touch, be of importance to. 3. Engage, enlist. Interest one s self, Take an interest, feel an interest, be engaged, be con cerned. Interest, n. 1. Good, benefit, profit, weal, advantage. 3. Share, portion, part, participa tion. 3. Concern, regard, sympathy. 4. Authority, influence. 5. Selfishness, self-interest, private interest. 6. Premium for the use of money, profit from money loaned. Interested, a. Partial, biassed, preju diced, not disinterested. Interesting:, a. Engaging, attractive, pleasing, entertaining. Interfere, v. n. 1. Intermeddle, med dle, interpose, PCTT IN ONE S OAK, THRUST ONE S NOSE IN. 3. Clash, conflict, be opposed, come into collision. Interference, n. 1. Intermeddling, in terposition. 3. Clashing, opposition, interfering, collision. Interfering, n. Clashing, interference. Interim, n. Interval, intermediate time, mean time. Interior, a. 1. Internal, inner, inward, not outward. 3. Inland, remote from the shore or the frontier. Interior, n. Inside, inner part, interior part. Interjacent, a. Intervening, interme diate, interposed. Interject, v. a. Insert, put between, throw in between. Interjection, n. Exclamation. Interlace, v. a. Intertwine, interweave, inweave, intwine, twine together. Interlard, v. a. Mix, intersperse, diver sify by mixture. Interline, v. a. 1. Write between the lines of. 3. "Write in alternate lines. Interlineal, ) a Interlinear, \ Interlink, ) v. a. Interchain, join close- Interlock, j ly together. Interlocution, n. Dialogue, colloquy, conference, interchange of speech. Interlocutor, n. Speaker (in a dia logue). Interloper, n. Intruder, intermeddler, meddler. Intermeddle, v. n. Interfere, meddle, take part (officiously). Intermediate, a. Intervening, inter posed, interjacent. Interment, n. Burial, inhumation, se pulture. Interminable, a. Illimitable, unlimit ed, boundless, unbounded, limitless, endless, infinite. Intermingle, v. a. Blend, mingle, commingle, intermix, commix, mix, mix together. Intermission, n. Remission, suspension, suspense, stoppage, stop, interruption, pause, rest, respite. Intermit, v. a. Suspend, interrupt, dis continue, cease, stop, leave off, give over. Intermit, v. n. Cease, abate, subside, be suspended, be interrupted. Intermittent, a. Intermitting. Intermittent, n. Intermittent fever, fever and ague. Intermix, v. a. Blend, mix, commix, mingle, commingle, mix together. Internal, a. 1. Interior, inner, inward, not outward, not external. 3. Spiritual, not literal. 3. Intrinsic, real, genuine, true. 4. Domestic, not foreign. International, a. Between nations. Internecine, a. Mortal, deadly, mu tually destructive. Inter nos, [L.] Between ourselves. Interpellation, n. 1. Interruption (of one who is speaking). 3. Intercession, interposition. Interpolate, v. a. 1. Insert (wrong fully), foist in. 3. (Math.) Introduce (terms to com plete a series). Interpose, v. a. Intrude, thrust in* Interpose, v. n. 1. Mediate, intercede, arbitrate. 3. Remark (by way of interruption). Interposition, n. Mediation, interven tion, interpellation, intercession. Interpret, v. a. 1. Explain, expound, decipher, elucidate, unfold, define, make out, make clear, explain the meaning of. 3. Construe, translate, render. Interpretation, n. 1. Explanation, ex position, elucidation. 3. Rendering, translation, version, construction. 3. Meaning, sense, signification. Interpreter, n. Expounder. Interrogate, v. a. Question, catechise. examine, ask, inquire of, put-questions to. Interrogation, n. 1. Interrogating, questioning. 3. Question, inquiry, interrogatory, query. Interrogative, a. Interrogatory. Interrogator, n. Questioner. Interrogatory, n. Question, inquiry, interrogation, query. Interrogatory, a. Interrogative. In terrorem, [L.] By way of threat, for a warning. INTERRUPT 228 Interrupt, v. a. 1. Disturb, break in upon, hinder from proceeding. 2. Separate, divide, break, discon nect, disunite, disjoin. 3. Intermit, suspend, discontinue, break off, leave off. Interruption, n. 1. Hinderance, stop, obstruction, obstacle, impediment. 2. Intermission, pause, suspension, cessation, discontinuance. Intersect, v. a. Cross. Intersect, v. n. Cross each other. Intersection, n. Crossing. Interspace, n. Interval, INTERSTICE. Intersperse, v. a. 1. Scatter or set here and there. 2. Interlard, mix, diversify by mixt ure. Interstice, n. Interval, interspace, in tervening space, space between. Intertwine, v. a. Interweave, interlace, intwine, inweave, twine together. Intertwine, v. n. Be intertwined, be interlaced, be twined together, be mu tually woven together. Interval, n. 1. Interstice, space be tween, intermediate space. 2. Season, spell, period, term, space of time, intermediate time. Intervene, v. n. 1. Interfere, come be tween. 2. Happen (in the mean time), occur, befall. Intervening, a. Intermediate, inter jacent. Intervention, n. 1. Interposition, in terference. 2. Mediation, agency. Interview, n. 1. Meeting. 3. Conference, parley. In the name of, By authority of, on behalf of. In the rough, In a rude condition. In the teeth of, In spite of, in direct opposition to. Interweave, v. a. 1. Intertwine, inter lace, inweave, weave together. 3. Mix, mingle, intermix, inter mingle. Intestate, a. Without a will. Intestinal, a. Of the intestines. Intestine, a. Domestic, not foreign. Intestines, n. pi. Entrails, bowels, guts, viscera, inwards. In the family way, Pregnant, big, EN- CIENTE, with child. In the good graces of, In favor with, favored by. In their midst, [Common, but not sanc tioned by the best loriters.] In the midst of them, among them. In the long run, Finally, in the end, as a final result. In the straw, Confined, lying in, in child-bed, brought to bed. In the wind, In preparation, going to be, going to happen. In the wrong, Mistaken, in error. Inthrall, v. a. [Written also Inthral, Enthral, and Enthrall.] Enslave, re duce to servitude, put under restraint. Inthralment, n. [Written also Enthral- ment.] Enslavement, servitude, slav ery, bondage, vassalage, serfdom, thral dom, captivity. Intimacy, n. Familiarity, fellowship, friendship, close acquaintance. Intimate, a. 1. Near, close. 3. Familiar, friendly, THICK, hand and glove, hail fellow well met. Intimate, n. Confidant, crony, familiar friend, intimate acquaintance. Intimate, v. a. Suggest, hint, insinuate, allude to, make allusion to, give an ink ling of, glance at, remind of, put in mind of. Intimately, ad. 1. Closely, nearly. 2. Familiarly, thoroughly. Intimation, n. Hint, suggestion, allu sion, insinuation, INNUENDO. Intimidate, v. a. Frighten, affright, FRIGHT, alarm, scare, daunt, dismay, terrify, appall, put in fear. Intimidation, n. 1. Intimidating. 2. Fear, terror, terrorism, reign of terror. Intolerable, a. Insufferable, insupport able, unbearable, unendurable, not to be tolerated. Intolerance, n. Superciliousness, im- periousness, want of toleration, want of forbearance. Intolerant, a. Overbearing, supercil ious, dictatorial, imperious. Intonation, n. Tone, cadence, twang, modulation of voice. In toto, [L.] Entirely, wholly. Intoxicate, v. a. Inebriate, fuddle, muddle, make drunk, make tipsy. Intoxicated, a. Inebriated, drunk, tip sy, drunken, fuddled, muddled, dis guised, maudlin, mellow, SLEWED, GROGGY, in liquor, in one s cups, half seas over, THREE SHEETS IK THE WIND. Intoxication, n. 1. Inebriation, ebriety, inebriety, drunkenness. 2. Infatuation, great excitement, great exhilaration. Intractability, n. Stubbornness, obsti nacy, perverseness, intractableness. Intractable, a. Stubborn, obstinate, perverse, refractory, dogged, mulish, pig-headed, unruly, headstrong, un manageable, ungovernable, indocile, obdurate, cross-grained, wilful, inflex ible, unyielding, contumacious, can tankerous. Intractableness, n. Intractability. In transitu, [L.] While passing (as merchandise from one place to another). Intrench on, Invade, trespass upon, encroach upon, trench upon, intrench upon. Intrench, v. a. Defend by intrench- ments. Intrenchment, n. 1. Fortification (with a trench), rampart. 2. Encroachment. Intrench upon, INTRENCH ON. Intrepid, a. Bold, fearless, dauntless, undaunted, undismayed, unterrified, unappalled, unawed, brave, courageous, valorous, valiant, heroic, gallant, chiv alrous, daring, doughty. INTREPIDITY 229 INVEIGLE Intrepidity, n. Boldness, fearlessness, bravery, courage, valor, prowess, gal lantry, spirit, heroism, daring, con tempt of danger. Intricacy, n. Perplexity, complexity, complication, entanglement, involution, obscurity, difficulty, intricateness. Intricate, a. Entangled, complicated, involved, perplexed, obscure, difficult. Intricateness, n. Intricacy. Intrigue, n. 1. Plot, conspiracy, cabal, machination, stratagem, manoeuvre, wile, finesse, ruse. . 3. Amour, love affair. Intrigue, v. n. 1. Manoeuvre, form plots. 3. Carry on an amour. Intriguing, a. Cunning, crafty, artful, sly, wily, astute, subtle, insidious, designing, arch, deceitful, trickish, TKICKY, crooked, diplomatic, politic, foxy, snaky, Machiavelian. Intrinsic, \a. 1. Inherent, internal, Intrinsical, j inward, inborn, inbred, native, natural, ingrained, not extrin sic. 3. Heal, genuine, true, essential. Intrinsically, ad. 1. Naturally, inher ently, in the nature of things. 3. Really, truly, essentially. Introduce, v. a. 1. Conduct, lead in, bring in, usher in. 3. Present, make acquainted. 3. Bring into notice, bring before the public, bring into use. 4. Begin, commence, be the first to take up. Introduction, n. 1. Introducing, ush ering in. 2. Presentation. 3. Preface, prelude, proem, exor dium, preliminary part. Introductory, a. Prefatory, prelimin ary, precursory, proemial. Introspection, n. Looking within. Intrude, v. n. 1. Obtrude, force one s self, thrust one s self, enter where one is not welcome. 3. Encroach, trench, infringe, tres pass. Intrude, v. a. Obtrude, force in, thrust in, press in, foist in, worm in. Intruder, n. Interloper, intermeddler, meddler. Intrusion, n. 1. Intruding, obtrusion. 3. Encroachment, infringement. Intrusive, a. Obtrusive, trespassing. Intrust, v. a. Confide, commit, consign, give in trust, deliver in trust. Intrust with, Confide to the care of, commit to the safe keeping of. Intuition, n. Immediate perception (by the intellect), immediate knowledge, in stinctive knowledge, direct cognition, apprehension at first sight. Intuitive, a. 1. Apprehended imme diately, perceived at once (without rea soning ). 3. Immediate, full, clear, distinct. Intuitively, ad. By intuition. Intumesce, v. n. Swell, expand, dilate, become tumid. Intumescence, n. Swelling. Intwine, v. a. Inweave, interweave, intertwine, interla.ce, twine together. Inundate, v. a. Flood, deluge, sub merge, overflow, overwhelm, drown, put under water (or other liquid). Inundation, n. Flood, deluge, over flow, cataclysm. Inurbane, a. Uncivil, impolite, un- courtly, ungentlemanly, uncourteous, discourteous, rude, unmannerly, un- complaisant, ill-bred, ill-mannered. Inurbanity, n. Incivility, impoliteness, rudeness, discourtesy, ill-breeding. Inure, v. a. Habituate, accustom, use, familiarize, train. Inure, v. n. [Written also Enure.} Be applied, come into use, take effect. Inurn, v. a. Bury, inter, entomb, in hume, lay in the grave, consign to the grave. Inutility, n. Uselessness, unprofitable ness, futility. In vacuo, [L.] In a vacuum. Invade, v. a. 1. Attack, assail, as sault. 3. Infringe, violate, encroach upon, trench upon. Invalid, (m-vaVid) a. 1. "Weak, of no weight, of no force. 3. (Law.) Void, null, of no legal force, null and void. Invalid, (w/va-lid) a. Weak, feeble, infirm, sick, sickly, weakly, frail, vale tudinary. Invalid, (in/val-id) n. Valetudinarian, feeble person, infirm person, sick per son. Invalidate, v. a. Nullify, annul, can cel, overthrow, make Void, render of no effect. Invalidism, n. Feebleness, infirmity, illness, sickness, valetudinarianism. Invaluable, a. Inestimable, priceless, very precious, above all value, above all price. Invariability, n. INVARIABLEXESS. Invariable, a. Unchangeable, immut able, unalterable, constant. Invarlableness, n. Unchangeableness, immutability, constancy, invariabil ity. Invasion, n. 1. Attack, assault, aggres sion, incursion, irruption, inroad, for- ray, raid. 3. Encroachment, infringement, vio lation. Invective, n. 1. Abuse, contumely, reproach, censure, railing. 3. Satire, sarcasm, lampoon, pasqui nade, phillipic, diatribe, fling. Invective, a. 1. Abusive, reproachful, censorious, captious, railing, scold ing. 3. Satirical, sarcastic. Inveigh against, Censure, reproach, condemn, blame, denounce, declaim against, rail at, exclaim against, scold at. Inveigle, v. a. Wheedle, cajole, entice, seduce, decoy, beguile, entrap, insnare, lure. INVENT 230 IN YOUR MIDST Invent, v. a. 1. Contrive (what did not before exist), devise, be the first to con trive or devise. 2. Originate, frame, imagine, con ceive, concoct. 3. Fabricate, forge, coin. Invention, n. 1. Inventing, origination, creation. 3. Contrivance, device, design. 3. Ingenuity, power or inventing. 4. Fabrication, forgery, fiction, coin age. Inventive, a. Ingenious, creative, quick at contrivance, fertile in expedients. Inventor, n. Contriver, originator, cre ator, father, author. Inventory, n. List (as of tlie goods of a merchant, or of a deceased person), roll, schedule, record, account, register, CATALOGUE. Inverse, a. Inverted (as respects order or^relation), reversed. Inversion, n. 1. Inverting, placing in contrary order. 2. Reciprocal change of place, re versed position. 3. (Rliet.) Hyperbaton, transposition of words. Invert, v. a. 1. Turn upside down. 2. Reverse, place in contrary order. Invertebral, ) a. (Zool.) Without ver- Invertebrate, j tebrse, destitute of a backbone. Invest, v. a. 1. Clothe, dress, array. 2. Endow (as with authority or power), endue. 3. Put at interest (as money). 4. (Mil.) Enclose, surround, besiege, lay siege to. Investigable, a. That may be irivesti- gated. Investigate, v. a. Examine, scrutinize, canvass, study, sift, consider, overhaul, explore, probe, dissect, look into, search out, search into, inquire into, follow up. Investigation, n. Examination, study, scrutiny, inquiry, research, exploration, inquisition, sifting. Investigator, n. Inquirer, searcher. Investiture, n. Installation, induction. Investment, n. 1. Investing. 2. Vestment, dress, robe, garments, habiliments, clothes. 3. Money invested. 4. (Mil.) Siege. Inveteracy, n. Inveterateness, obsti nacy, chronic state. Inveterate, a. 1. Obstinate, besetting, chronic, deep-seated, long established. 2. Habituated, habitual, accustomed, confirmed, hardened. Invidious, a. Offensive, hateful, odious, likely to excite ill- will. Invigorate, v. a. Strengthen, fortify, animate, give vigor to, give life and energy to. Invincibility, n. Unconquerableness, invincibleness. Invincible, a. 1. Unconquerable, not to be subdued. 2. Insuperable, insurmountable, not to be overcome. Invincibleness, n. Invincibility. Inviolability, n. Inviolableness. Inviolable, a. 1. Not to be violated, not to be broken. 2. Sacred, not to be profaned, not to be injured. Inviolableness, n. Inviolability. Inviolate, a. 1. Unbroken, unviolated. 2. Unhurt, uninjured, unprofaned, unpolluted. Invisibility, n. Invisibleness. Invisible, a. Imperceptible, unseen, that cannot be seen. Invisibleness, n. Invisibility. Invita Minerva, [L.] Minerva being unwilling, without genius, without ca pacity. Invitation, n. Solicitation, bidding, call, summons. Invite, v. a. 1. Solicit, bid, summon, call, ask, request. 2. Allure, attract, entice, lead, draw on, prevail upon. Inviting, a. Alluring, attractive, win ning, engaging, captivating, pleasing, fascinating, bewitching, prepossess ing- Invocation, n. Supplication, prayer, petition, orison. In vogue, Fashionable, stylish, genteel, modish, in fashion, A LA MODE, having a run, the rage. Invoice, n. List (of articles of merchan dise shipped or sold), inventory, bill, schedule. Invoke, v. a. Implore, supplicate, pray, entreat, beg, beseech, conjure, ADJURE, importune, solicit, call upon, pray to, appeal to, prefer a request to. Involuntary, a. 1. Instinctive, auto matic, blind, independent of the will. 2. Unwilling, reluctant, compulsory, against one s will. Involution, n. Complication, intricacy, entanglement. Involve, v. a. 1. Envelop, inwrap, wrap, cover. 2. Include (as a consequence), imply, comprise, embrace, contain. 3. Entangle, implicate. 4. Complicate, make intricate. 5. Join, conjoin, connect, unite, mingle, blend. 6. Twine, intwine, intertwine, inter weave, interlace, inweave, twist togeth er. Invulnerability, n. Invulnerableness. Invulnerable, a. Secure from injury, that cannot be wounded. Invulnerableness, n. Invulnerability. Inward, a. Interior, internal, inner. Inward, ) ad. Within, inwardly, toward Inwards, j the inside. Inwards, n. pi. Entrails, bowels, guts, viscera, intestines. Inweave, v. a. Intwine, interweave, intertwine, interlace, weave together. Inwrap, v. a. Infold, involve, cover, envelop, wrap, wrap up. In your midst, [Common, but not sanc tioned by the best writers.\ In the midst of you, among you. IOTA 231 IRRESOLUTE Iota, n. Jot, whit, tittle, bit, grain, par ticle, atom, scrap, mite, scintilla, spark, glimmer, shadow, trace. I^cacuanha>- Brazil-root. Ipse dixit, [L.] Mere assertion. Irascibility, n. Irritability, irascible- ness. Irascible, a. Passionate, hasty, hot, irritable, touchy, testy, waspish, quick, snappish, splenetic, petulant, choleric, peppery, like tinder, like touchwood. Irascibleness, n. Irascibility. Irate, a. [liecent.] Angry, provoked, piqued, irritated, ireful, in a passion. Ire, n. [Poetical.] Wrath, anger, rage, fury, choler, indignation, resentment, passion, exasperation. Ireful, a. Angry, raging, furious, pas sionate, IRATE, incensed. Iridescence, n. Flay of colors (like tliose of the rainbow). Iridescent, a. Irisated, nacreous, pa vonine. Iris, n. 1. Rainbow. 3. (Bot.) Flower-de-luce. Irisated, a. IRIDESCENT. Irish, a. Of Ireland. Irish, n. 1. Irish language. 3. Natives of Ireland. Irishism, n. Hibernicism, Hibernian- ism, Irish idiom. Irishry, n. Irish, people of Ireland, Irish people. Irksome, a. Wearisome (in consequence of being distasteful), tiresome, TEDIOUS, wearying, weary, devoid of interest. Ironical, a. Derisive, bantering, mock ing, that expresses one thing and. means the opposite. Iron-pyrites, n. (Min. ) Bisulphuret of iron. Irons , n. pi. Fetters, shackles, mana cles, chains, hampers, gyves. Irony, n. Ridicule, raillery, banter, mockery, ASTEISM, saying one thing and meaning the opposite. Irradiate, v. a. Illuminate, illumine, illume, brighten, light up, make bright, shine upon, throw light upon, cast lustre upon, adorn with light. Irrational, a. 1. Brutish, brute, void of reason, without reason. 3. Absurd, unreasonable, preposter ous, foolish, silly, unwise, injudicious, extravagant. Irrationality, n. 1. Brutishness, want of reason. 2. Absurdity, folly, foolishness, un reasonableness. Irreclaimable, a. 1. Irrecoverable, incorrigible, hopeless, irreparable, past cure, past hope, remediless, irretriev able, irreversible, incurable, past mend ing. 3. Obdurate, hardened, impenitent, lost, abandoned, profligate, graceless, shameless, recreant, unrepentant. Irreconcilable, a. 1. Unappeasable, implacable, nofto be reconciled. 3. Inconsistent, incompatible, incon gruous. Irrecoverable, a. 1. Irretrievable, not to be restored, lost for ever. 3. Irreparable, incurable, remediless, irremediable, irretrievable, irreversible, hopeless, past cure, past hope, past mending, not to be remedied. Irrefragable, a. Indisputable, incon testable, irrefutable, indubitable, past dispute, undeniable, unquestionable, incontrovertible, evident, obvious, past dispute, beyond a doubt, beyond all question. Irrefutable, a. Indisputable, unan swerable, IRREFRAGABLE. Irregular, a. 1. Anomalous, abnor mal, anomalistic, unusual, uncon- formable, aberrant, exceptional, eccen tric, erratic, devious. 3. Uncertain, unpunctual, capricious, desultory, fitful, variable, changeable, not uniform. 3. Immethodical, out of order, un- symmetrical. 4. Disorderly, inordinate, immoral, wild. Irregularity, n. 1. Aberration, ab normity, anomaly, anomalousness, sin gularity. 3. Uncertainty, capriciousness, vari ableness, changeableness. 3. Want of method, want of symme try. 4. Immorality, incorrectness, vice, impropriety, indecorum, laxity, sin, iniquity. Irrelevancy, n. Inapplicability. Irrelevant, a. Inapplicable, imperti nent, not relevant, not applicable, not to the point, foreign to the purpose, not bearing upon the point in question, having nothing to do with the matter, travelling out of the record. Irreligion, n. Impiety, ungodliness. Irreligious, a. 1. Ungodly, undevout. 3. Profane, impious, wicked. Irremediable, a. Incurable, irrepar able, irretrievable, irrecoverable, irre vocable, irreversible, unchangeable, un alterable, not to be remedied, remedi less, that cannot be cured. Irremissible, a. Unpardonable, inex cusable, indefensible, unjustifiable, inexpiable, unatonable. Irreparability, n. Irreparableness. Irreparable, a. IRREMEDIABLE. Irreprehensible, a. Irreproachable, irreprovable, unblamable, blameless, faultless, inculpable, innocent, not to be blamed, not to be censured. Irrepressible, a. Uncontrollable, insup- pressible, not to be repressed. Irreproachable, a. IRREPREHENSI BLE. Irresistible, a. That cannot be resist ed. Irresolute, a. Undetermined, unde cided, wavering, vacillating, unsettled, unsteady, hesitating, infirm of pur pose, on the fence ; waiting to see which way the cat jumps, or which way the wind blows; waiting for something to turn up. IRRESPECTIVE OP 232 IVORY-NUT Irrespective of, Regardless of, without regard to. Irresponsible, a. Unaccountable, un answerable, not responsible. Irretrievable, a. 1. Irrecoverable, not to be restored, lost for ever. 3. Irreparable, incurable, irremedi able, remediless, past cure, past hope. Irreverence, n. 1. Impiety, profane- ness, profanity, blasphemy. 3. Disrespect, disesteem, slight, neg lect, incivility, discourtesy, rudeness. Irreverent, a. 1. Impious, profane, blasphemous. 3. Disrespectful, UNCIVIL, rude, dis courteous, impolite. Irreversible, a. Unchangeable, unal terable, irrevocable, irrepealable, im mutable, invariable, changeless. Irrevocable, a. Unchangeable, IRRE VERSIBLE. Irrigate, v. a. Water, moisten, wet. Irrigation, n. Watering. Irritability, n. 1. Irascibility, fretful- ness, testiness, peevishness, petulance, excitability, snappishness. 3. Susceptibility (to the influence of a stimulus). Irritable, a. 1. Irascible, fretful, testy, touchy, peevish, pettish, waspish, snap pish, choleric, splenetic, captious, petu lant, excitable, hot, peppery, passionate, fiery. 3. Susceptible (to the influence of a stimulus). Irritate, v. a. 1. Provoke, nettle, chafe, incense, exasperate, enrage, anger, fret, offend, vex, annoy, tease, gall. 3. (Med.) Inflame (by friction). Irritation, n. 1. Irritating. 3. Exasperation, provocation, wrath, ire, anger, passion, excitement, indig nation, resentment. 3. (Med.) Inflammation (by friction). Irruption, n. 1. Bursting in^breaking in. 3. Incursion, inroad, forray, raid, partial invasion. Ischiadic, a. Ischiatic, of the hip. Ischiagra, n. (Med.) Sciatica, gout of the hip. Ischiatic, a. Ischiadic, of the hip. Isinglass, n. 1. Fish-glue, ichthyocol, icthyocolla, OARLOCK. 3. Mica. Islam, ) n. Mahometanism, Moham- Islamism, j medanism. Island, n. ISLE. Isle, n. [Poetical.] Island. Islet, n. Little island. Isochronal, a. Isochronous, of equal time, of equal duration (as the vibra tions of a pendulum). Isolate, v. a. Separate, dissociate, detach, insulate, segregate, place by itself, set apart. Isolation, n. Separation, disconnection, insulation, segregation, detachment. Isomorphism, n. Similarity of crys talline form. Isoniorphous, a. Of similar crystalline form. Isoperimetrical, a. Of equal perime ters, the same in circumference. Israelite, n. Jew. Israelitic, ) Jewish Israelitish, j " dewisn - Issue, n. 1. Egress, exit, outlet, passage out. 3. Delivering, delivery, sending put. 3. Event, consequence, end, termina tion, conclusion, consummation, result, effect, outcome, upshot, DENOUEMENT, FINALE, final or ultimate result, final event, finishing stroke, winding up. 4. Offspring, progeny, children, pos terity, lineal descendants. 5. (Med.) Fontanel, artificial ulcer. 6. (Law.) Point in dispute. Issue, v. a. 1. Deliver, send out, put forth. 3. Distribute, give out. 3. Put into circulation. Issue, v. n. 1. Proceed, flow, emanate, arise, spring, originate, follow, ensue, come, take rise, be the effect, be de rived, go forth, grow out, pass out, flow out, rush out. 3. End, terminate, result. Italian, a. Of Italy. Italian, n. 1. Native of Italy. 3. Language of Italy. Italicisna, n. Italian idiom. Italicize, v. a. Print in Italics, distin guish by Italics. Italics, n. pi. Italic letters. Itch, n. 1. Itching. 3. (Med.) Psora. Itch, v. n. Feel an itching. Itching, n. 1. Itch. 3. Craving, longing, strong desire. Item, ad. [L.] Also, as an additional article. Item, n. Article, particular. Iterate, v. a. Repeat, reiterate. Iteration, n. Repetition, reiteration. Iterative, a. Repeating. Itinerancy, n. Travelling, going from place to place. Itinerant, a. Travelling, wandering, roving, roaming, nomadic, going from place to place, not settled. Itinerary, n. Guide for travelling. It is odds, It is probable, it is likely. Ivory-black, n. Bone-black (improp erly called Ivory-black, which is, strictly speaking, prepared from Ivory). Ivory-nut, n. Corosso nut. JABBER 233 JAW-BONE Jabber, v. n. Prate, chatter, prattle, gabble, talk rapidly, talk idly. Jabber, v. a. Speak rapidly. Jabber, n. Prate, prattle, gab, chatter, idle talk. Jabberer, n. Prattler, chatterer, bab bler, chatterbox. Jack-a-lantern, n. Jack-with-a-lan- tern, will-o -the-wisp, will-with-the- WlSp, IGNIS FATUUS. Jack at all trades, 1 Factotum, doer of Jack of all trades, j all work. Jack-a-dandy, n. Beau, fop, coxcomb, dandy, exquisite, popinjay, macaroni, jackanapes, man of dress, man milliner, vain fellow. Jackanapes, n. [Written also Jack- anape.] 1. Monkey, APE. 2. Beau, fop, dandy, JACK-A-DANDY. Jackass, n. 1. Male ass. 2. Blockhead, simpleton, DUNCE. Jackdaw, n. Daw ( Corvus monedula). Jacket, n. Jerkin, short coat. Jack-ketch, n. Hangman, public exe cutioner. Jack-pudding, n. Buffoon, harlequin, mountebank, jester, droll, zany, clown, PUNCH, scaramouch, merry- Andrew. Jack-snipe, n. Judcock. Jacobin, n. 1. Dominican, predicant, blackfriar, preaching friar. 2. Anarchist, turbulent demagogue. Jacobinic, ) a. Turbulent, revolu- Jacobinical, } tionary. Jaculate, v. a. Dart, throw, launch, hurl, let fly. Jaculation, n. Darting, throwing, hurl ing, launching. Jade, n. 1. Hack, tired horse, worthless horse. 2. Hussy, quean, base woman, sorry wench. 3. Young woman (in irony or slight contempt). Jade, v. a. Tire, weary, fatigue, fag, exhaust, tire out, knock up. Jag, n. Notch, denticulation, protu berant point. Jagged, a. Notched, serrated, indented, denticulated, cleft, divided, uneven (on the edges). Jaggedness, n. Unevenness (on the edges). Jaguar, n. American tiger (Fells onca). Jail, n. [Written also, but not com monly, Gaol.} Prison, penitentiary, bridewell, workhouse, TOLLBOOTH, JUG, house of correction. Jakes, n. Privy, necessary, back-house, water-closet. Jam, v. a. Press, crowd, squeeze tight. Jam, n. 1. Conserve (boiled in mass), thick preserve. 2. Pressure (from a crowd), crowding. 3. Crowd, throng, mass of people (crowded together). Jamb, n. Side-piece (of a fireplace, a door, a window, &c.). Jamestown weed, Thorn-apple, stra monium, stramony, Apple Pe?u.(J)atura stramonium). Jangle, v. n. Wrangle, squabble, bicker, quarrel, dispute, spar, spat, jar, TIFF, have words, have an altercation. Jangle, v. a. Sound discordantly, utter inharmoniously. Jangle, n. 1. Discord, discordant sound. 2. Wrangling, JANGLING. Jangled, a. Discordant, inharmonious, out of tune. Jangler, n. Wrangler, quarrelsome fel low. Jangling, n. Wrangling, bickering, quarrelling, altercation, jangle, jar. Janitor, n. Porter, CONCIERGE, door keeper. Janty, a. [Written also Jaunty.] Showy, finical, airy, fluttering, bedizened, gair- ish, dressy, gay, fine, pranked out. Japan, v. a. Varnish, lacquer. Japan earth, Catechu, TEKKA JAPO- NICA, gambier, cutch. Japanese, a. Of Japan. Japanese, n. 1. Native of Japan. 2. Language of Japan. Jar, v. n. 1. Vibrate harshly. 2. Clash, interfere, wrangle, contend, quarrel, bicker, spat, spar, jangle, squabble, TIFF, have words, have an altercation. Jar, v. a. Shake, agitate, jolt. Jar, n. 1. Shake, agitation, jolt. 2. Discord, disagreement, quarrel, altercation, jarring, wrangling, bicker ing. Jargon, n. 1. Gabble, gibberish, rig marole, nonsense, balderdash, twaddle, palaver, flummery, moonshine, wish- wash, trash, stuff, unintelligible talk. 2. Slang, cant. Jarring, a. 1. Discordant, harsh. 2. Wrangling, disagreeing, at vari ance. 3. Conflicting, incompatible, incon- * sistent. Jarring, n. 1. Clashing, collision. 2. Shaking, agitation, jar. 3. Quarrel, dispute, altercation, bick ering, wrangling. Jaundice, n. (Med.) Icterus, Jaundiced, a. 1. Bilious. 2. Biassed, narrow-minded, preju diced. Jaunt, n. Ramble, excursion, trip, tour, stroll, short journey. Jaunty, a. [Written also Janty.] Airy, showy, finical, fluttering, bedizened, gairish, gay, fine. Jaw, n, 1. Maxillary bone, jaw-bone. 2. [Loto.] Scolding, abuse, railing, vituperation, abusive talk. Jaw-bone, n. Jaw, maxillary bone. JAWS 234 JOIN Jaws, n. pi. Chaps, mouth. Jaw-tooth, n. Grinder, molar. Jealous, a. 1. Suspicious (especially of being supplanted in the affections of another). 2. Anxious, apprehensive, solicitous. Jealousy, n. Suspicion (especially in matters of love). Jeer, v. n. Sneer, scoff, flout, mock, gibe, fleer, rail, turn up the nose. Jeer, v. a. Flout, taunt, deride, ridicule, mock, scoff, spurn, despise, contemn, chalf at, sneer at, jeer at, rail at, POKE FUN AT, turn up the nose at. Jeer, n. Sneer, scoff, taunt, gibe, biting jest, flout. Jeerer, n. Scoffer, scorner, mocker, railer, ridiculer, derider, despiser. Jeering, n. Mockery, derision. Jehovah, n. God, Lord, Omnipotence, Omniscience, Providence, The Creator, Heaven, The Maker, The Deity, The Lord, The Godhead, The Infinite, The Eternal, The Omnipotent, The Pre server, The Trinity, the Holy Trinity, The Supreme Being, The First Cause, The Author of all things, God the Father. Jejune, a. Barren, meagre, sterile, dry, bare, lean, uninteresting. Jemmy, a. [Colloquial.] Spruce, fini cal, over-nice, over-neat, affectedly elegant, nice over-much. Jentling, n. Blue chub. Jeopard, v. a. Hazard, imperil, peril, endanger, jeopardize, risk, put in jeop ardy, put at hazard, put at risk. Jeopardize, v. a. [Modem.] Hazard, endanger, JEOPARD. Jeopardy, n. Hazard, danger, peril, risK, venture. Jeremiade, n. [Term of ridicule.] Tale of sorrow, lamentation, lament, dole ful story. Jerk, v. a. 1. Yerk, twitch, pull sud denly. 3. Throw suddenly. Jerk, n. 1. Twitch, sudden pull. 3. Sudden throw. Jerkin, n. Jacket, short coat. Jest, v. n. Joke, crack a joke, perpe trate a joke. Jest, n. 1. Joke, quip, quirk, crank, witticism, sally, JEU D ESPRIT. 3. Raillery, fun, SPORT. Jester, n. 1. Joker, wag, humorist. 3. Buffoon, harlequin, mountebank, zany, droll, fool, clown, punch, punch- inello, scaramouch, merry- Andrew, jack-pudding, pickle-herring. Jesuitical, a. 1. Of the Jesuits. 3. [A sense introduced by partisans hostile to the Jesuits.] Crafty, cunning, deceitful. Jetty, n. Mole. Jeu d esprit, [Fr.] Joke, jest, quirk, quip, crank, sally, witticism. Jew, n. Hebrew, Israelite. Jewel, n. Gem, brilliant, precious stone. Jewelry, [Written also Jewellery.] Jewels, bijoutry, trinkets. Jewish, a. Hebrew, Judaic, Judaical. Jewry, n. Judea. Jews-pitch, n. Asphaltum. Jezebel, n. Beldam, hag, fury, ugly old woman, she-monster. Jiffy, n. [Colloquial.] Instant, moment, second, twinkling, trice, flash, twink ling of an eye. Jigger, n. 1. Throw, potter s wheel. 3. (Ent.) Chigre (Pulex penetrans). Jigguinbob, n. [Low.] Trinket, toy, gim- crack, knickknack, bawble, gewgaw. Jilt, n. Coquette, flirt. Jilt, v. a. Trick or deceive (by playing the jilt). Jilt, v. n. Play the jilt. Jingle, v. n. [Written also Gingle.] Tinkle. Jingle, n. Tinkling, jingling, TINTINA- BULATION, jingling sound. Jingling, n. JINGLE. Job, n. Piece of work. Job, v. n. Do job-work, work at jobs. Jobbernowl, n. [Low.] Simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Job-work, n. Piece-work. Jockey, n. 1. Horse-jockey, dealer in horses. 3. Cheat, swindler, sharper, rogue, trickster, knave, impostor, blackleg, shark, slyboots. Jockey, v. a. Cheat, trick, deceive, gull, dupe, overreach, cozen, chouse, outwit, bamboozle, circumvent, delude, hood wink, diddle, beguile, mislead, inveigle, gammon, humbug, impose upon. Jocose, a. Jocular, facetious, humor ous, witty, waggish, droll, funny, comi cal, sportive, merry. Jocoseness, n. Jocularity. Jocular, a. JOCOSE. Jocularity, n. Jocoseness, facetious- ness, waggishness, waggery, drollery, spprtiveness, merriment, pleasantry, mirth, fun. Jocund, a. Joyous, joyful, merry, frolic some, blithe, blithesome, sportive, jolly, playful, airy, lively, gay, debonair, buxom. Jocundity, n. Joyousness, joyfulness, cheerfulness, hilarity, sprightliness, exhilaration, liveliness, vivacity, sport- fulness, frolicsomeness, blithsomeness, jocularity, gayety, merriment, mirth, good humor, high spirits, high glee. Jog, v. a. Push (gently), notify by a push. Jog, n. 1. Push, slight shake. 3. Notch, denticulation, jag. Joggle, v. a. Shake (by hitting), jostle. Jog on, Trudge, lumber, travel slowly. Jog-trot, n. Slow pace, slow trot. John Bull, [Colloquial.] 1. English nation, England. 3. Englishman. John-dory, n. Common dory(Zeusfaber ). Join, v. a. 1. Add, annex, attach, append. 3, Connect, couple, combine, conjoin, link, cement, unite, unite together, join together. 3, Adjoin, be connected with. 4, Unite with, associate one s self with. JOIN 235 JUGGLE Join, v. n. Associate, confederate, unite, be united, league. Joint, n. 1. Juncture, union. 3. Seam, commissure. 3. (Anat.) Articulation. 4. (Bot.) Knot. 5. (Bot.) Internode, space between two joints. Joint, a. United, combined, concerted. Joint, v. a. 1. (Carpentry.) Join, unite, fit together. 3. Disjoint, divide (at the joints), cut up (as meat). Jointed, a. Articulated, with joints. Jointer, n. (Carpentry.) Jointing plane. Joint heir, Coheir. Jointing-plane, n. Jointer. Jointly, ad. Unitedly, together, con jointly, in conjunction. Joist, n. Small floor-timber. Joke, n. Jest, quip, quirk, crank, witti cism, sally, JEU D ESPRIT. Joke, v. n. Jest, crack a joke, perpe trate a joke. Joker, n. Jester, wag, humorist. Jollification, n. [Colloquial.} Convivi ality, revelry, festivity, carouse, carou sal, SPREE, revel, compotation, pota tion, wassail, orgies, bacchanals, satur nalia, debauch, merry frolic, jolly time, drinking bout. Jollity, n. Merriment, gayety, mirth, fun, frolic, joviality, hilarity. Jolly, a. 1. Merry, joyous, joyful, gay, jovial, airy, mirthful, jocund, playful, frolicsome, sportive, gamesome, funny, facetious, jocular, waggish, sprightly, lively, jocund, wanton. 3. Plump, stout, lusty, bouncing, portly, chubby, in good case. Jolt, v. n. Be shaken (as a carriage by passing over rough ground). Jolt, v. a. Shake (as a carriage does over rough ground). Jolt, n. Shaking, jolting Jolthead, n. Simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Jolting, n. Jolt, shaking. Jonathan, n. People of the United States, the United States as a nation. Jorden, n. Urinal, chamber-pot. Jostle, v. a. [Written also Justle.} 1. Collide, strike against, hit against. 3. Shake (by hitting), joggle. Jot, n. Iota, tittle, whit, bit, grain, par ticle, atom, scrap, mite, ace, corpuscle, scintilla. Jot down, Record, state, note, chron icle, register, set down, take down, make a note of, make a memorandum of. Jotting, n. Memorandum. Journal, n. 1. Diary, daily register. 3. Newspaper, magazine, periodical. Journalize, v. a. Record, register, note, chronicle, set down, jot down. Journey, n. Travel (by land), tour, excursion, trip, expedition. Journey, v. n. Travel, ramble, roam, rove, take a tour, make a tour, take a trip, make an excursion. Journeyman, n. 1. Day-laborer. 3. Hired mechanic. Joust, n. Tilt. Joust, v. n. Tilt. Jove, n. (Myth.) Jupiter. Jovial, a. Merry, joyous, JOYFUL, gay, airy, mirthful. Joviality, n. Merriment, gayety, mirth, fun, frolic, jollity, hilarity. Joy, n. 1. Gladness, delight, glee, exul tation, ecstasy, rapture, ravishment, transport, beatitude, beatification. 3. Happiness, felicity, bliss. 3. Cause of gladness. Joy, v. n. Exult, rejoice, be glad, be delighted, be joyful. Joyful, a. Glad, joyous, merry, buoy ant, happy, jocund, blithe, blithesome, jolly, jovial, delighted. Joyous, a. Glad. JOYFUL. Jubilant, a. Rejoicing, exulting, tri umphing, shouting with joy. Jubilee, n. Season of rejoicing. jSdalc al> Jewish, Hebrew. Judaism, n. Religion of the Jews, Jewish religion. Judcock, n. Jack-snipe (Scolopax gal- linula), juddock. Juddock, n. JUDCOCK. Judge, n. 1. Justice. 3. Arbiter, arbitrator, umpire, re feree. 3. Critic, connoisseur. Judge, v. n. Decide, determine, con clude, form an opinion, pass an opinion, pass judgment, get at the truth, arrive at the truth, sit in judgment. Judge, v. a. 1. Try, doom, pass sen tence upon. 3. Consider, regard, think, esteem, reckon, account, deem, believe, hold, suppose, imagine. 3. Appreciate, estimate, form an opinion about. Judgment, n. 1. Discernment, under standing, intelligence, discrimination, taste, sagacity, penetration, wisdom, brains, prudence, ballast, depth, sense, mother- wit, quick parts, common sense, good sense, long head. 3. Determination, decision, conclu sion, opinion, notion, estimate. 3. (Law.) Sentence, award, decree. Judgment-day, n. Day of judgment, the last day. Judgment-seat, n. Tribunal, court, bar, bench. Judicature, n. 1. Administration of justice. 3. Jurisdiction. Judicial, a. Juridical, forensic. Judiciary, n. Body of judges. Judicious, a. Sensible, wise, prudent, discreet, considerate, rational, reason able, enlightened, sagacious, provident, sober, sound, staid, solid, cool, politic. Jug, n. 1. [England.} Pitcher, ewer. 3. [Colloquial.} Prison, jail, TOLL- BOOTH, penitentiary, bridewell, work house, house of correction. Juggle, v. n. Conjure, play tricks, prac tise jugglery, practise magic or sor cery. JUGGLE 236 KEEP Juggle, n. Trick, imposture, imposition, deception, cheat, fraud. Juggler, n. Sorcerer, magician, seer, conjurer, enchanter, charmer, wizard, necromancer, exorcist, diviner. Jugglery, n. Legerdemain, trickery, imposture, deceit, sleight of hand. Juice, n. Sap, fluid part. Juiceless, a. Sapless, dry. Juicy, a. Succulent, moist, watery, sappy, lush, full of juice, Jumble, v. a. Mix confusedly, throw together in disorder. Jumble, n. Disorder, confusion, hodge podge, hotch-potch, gallimaufry, olio, OLLA PODRIDA, confused mass, disor derly mixture. Jump, v. a. Jump over, leap over, skip over, pass by a leap. Jump, v. n. Leap, spring, bound, skip, hop, vault, CAPER. Jump, n. Leap, spring, bound, hop, vault, CAPER. Junction, n. 1. Joining, union, combi nation, connection, linking, coupling. 3. Juncture, joint, place of meeting. Juncture, n. 1. Joint, junction. 2. Conjuncture, crisis, exigency. June-berry, n. Shad-bust, shad-berry (Amelanchier Canadensis). 2. Service-berry ( the fruit of the shad- bush). Jungle, n. Thicket (of brushwood, shrubs, and woods), brake. Junior, a. Younger. Junket, n. Sweetmeat, delicacy. Junto, n. CABAL, faction, combination (against a government), party, COTERIE, CLIQUE, set, gang, league, confederacy, secret council. Juridical, a. Judicial, forensic. Jurisconsult, n. Jurist, civilian, coun sellor, lawyer. Jurisdiction, n. Judicature, extent of authority, legal power. Jurisprudence, n. Science of law. Jurist, n. Civilian, j urisconsult, lawyer, counsellor. Jui*or, n. Juryman. Juryman, n. Juror. Just, a. 1. Equitable, right, rightful, lawful, reasonable. 3. Honest, fair, upright, righteous, blameless, pure, conscientious, uncor- rupt, virtuous, honorable, impartial, even-handed , straightforward . 3. Exact, true, proper, accurate, cor rect, normal, regular. 4. Deserved, merited, condign, suit able, due. Just, ad. Exactly, precisely. Just now, Very recently, a moment ago. Justice, n. 1. Equity, equitableness, right, justness, fairness, impartiality, rectitude, fair play. 2. Judge, justiciary. Justiciary, n. Judge, justice. Justifiable, a. Defensible, warrantable, vindicable, right, fit, proper. Justification, n. 1. Vindication, de fence, exculpation, exoneration. 3. (Theol.) Absolution, sanctification, remission of sin. Justify, v. a. 1. Vindicate, warrant, defend, maintain, exculpate, excuse, exonerate, set right. 2. (Theol.) Absolve, acquit, free from sin, clear from guilt. 3. (Printing.) Adjust. Justle, v. a. [Written also Jostle.] 1. Collide, strike against, hit against. 2. Shake (by hitting), joggle. Justness, n. ~ 1. Justice, equity, equit ableness, fairness, right. 3. Exactness, accuracy, propriety. Jut, v. n. Project, protrude, stand out, jut out. Jut out, v. n. Project, JUT. Juvenile,- a. Young, youthful, childish. Juxtaposition, n. Proximity, conti guity, contact. K Kale, n. Colewort. Kamachi, n. Horned-screamer (Pala- medea cornuta). Kamsin, n. Simoon, simoom, samiel. Keen, a. 1. Eager, zealous, ardent, earnest, fervid, vehement. 2. Sharp, acute, with a fine edge. 3. Piercing, penetrating, cutting. 4. Severe, bitter, poignant, acrimo nious, caustic. 5. Shrewd, discerning, quick, saga cious, astute, keen-sighted, keen-eyed, clear-sighted, long-headed. Keen-eyed, a. Keen, keen-sighted, sharp-sighted. Keenness, n. 1. Ardor, vehemence, eagerness, earnestness, fervor. 2. Sharpness, acuteness. 3. Severity, rigor, sternness. 4. Poignancy, causticity, acrimony, asperity, bitterness. 5. Shrewdness, sagacity, astuteness. Keen-sighted, a. Keen, sharp-sighted, keen-eyed. Keep, v. a. 1. Retain, detain, hold, hold fast. 3. Preserve, maintain, continue. 3. Restrain, withhold. 4. Guard, protect, take care of. 5. Fulfil, observe, adhere to, be faith ful to, be true to, stand by. 7. Celebrate, honor, solemnize, com memorate, do honor to. 8. Sustain, support, maintain. KEEP 237 KISS Keep, v. n. 1. Continue, remain. 3. Stay, abide, lodge, dwell. 3. Endure, last. Keep, n. Stronghold, donjon. Keep an eye on, Watch, mark, ob serve, have an eye on. Keep dark, Keep one s own counsel, seal the lips, not breathe a syllable about it, keep the matter to one s self. Keep under, Control, restrain, keep in subjection. Keeping, n. 1. Care, custody, charge, guardianship. 3. Support, maintenance, feed. 3, Harmony, conformity, congruity, consistency, agreement. Kelp, n. 1. Barilla, carbonate of soda (impure). 3. Sea-weed (from which barilla is made). Ken, n. View, cognizance, sight. Kennel, n. 1. Dog-house. /}. Pack of hounds. 3. Hole (of a wild animal), haunt. 4. Gutter. Kennel, v. n. Dwell (as a dog), lodge, harbor, take shelter. Kestrel, n. Windhover, castrel, stan- nel (Falco tinnunculus). Key, n. 1. Clew, guide, explanation, solution, elucidation, OLAVIS. 2. Tonic, key-note, fundamental note, first note of the scale. Key-note, n. Tonic, KEY. Khan, n. 1. Cham, sovereign prince (of Tartary). Z. CARAVANSARY. Kick the beam, Be outweighed, be overbalanced, be overpoised, be the lighter. Kick up a dust, [Colloquial.] Make a commotion. Kid, n. 1. Young goat. 3. Kit, small tub. Kidnap, v. a. Abduct (any human be ing), carry off, steal away, run off with. Kidnapping, n. Man-stealing, abduc tion. Kill, v. a. Slay, slaughter, murder, despatch, ASSASSINATE, carry off, put to death, deprive of life, make away with, give one one s quietus, give a death-blow to. Kilt, n Fillibeg. Kin, n. 1. Relationship (by blood or by marriage), consanguinity, affinity. 3. Relation, relative, kindred, kins folk, connection. Kin, a. Related, allied, kindred, akin, congenial, cognate, of the same nature, of the same kind, of the same family. Kind, a. Benevolent, beneficent, be nignant, humane, gracious, friendly, kindly, complacent, complaisant, gen erous, obliging, bounteous, accommo dating, philanthropic, compassionate, mild, benign, clement, good, amiable, charitable, gentle, lenient, indulgent, forbearing, tender, sympathetic, bland, affectionate, loving, good-natured, ten der-hearted, kind-hearted. Kind, n. 1. Race, genus, family, breed, species, set, class. 3. Sort, nature, character, manner, description, style. Kind-hearted, a . KIND, tender-heart ed. Kind-heartedness, n. Kindness, kind liness. Kindle, v. a. 1. Light, ignite, enkindle, inflame, set fire to, set on fire. 3. Excite, rouse, awaken, provoke, incite, stimulate, animate, whet, fire, exasperate, foment, enrage, set on, stir up, work up. Kindle, v. n. 1. Take fire. 3. Get excited, grow warm, fly into a passion. Kindliness, . 1. Benignity, kindness, benevolence, humanity, charity, sym pathy, compassion, amiability, kind- heartedness, good-nature, good feeling, fellow-feeling. 3. Mildness, softness, gentleness. Kindly, a. 1. Natural, homogeneal, congenial, kindred, proper, appropri ate. 3. Sympathetic, benevolent, gracious, KIND. Kindness, n. 1. Benevolence, benefi- feeling. clemency, good feeling. 3. Kind act, good turn, kind office. Kindred, n. 1. Relationship, affinity, consanguinity. 3. Relations, relatives, kin, kinsfolk, kinsmen. Kindred, a. Related, cognate, allied, kin, congenial, akin, of the same kind, of the same nature, of the same family. King, n. Sovereign, monarch. Kingbird, n. Tyrant fly-catcher (Mu- scicapa tyrannus or Tyrannus intrepi- dus). King-crab, n. Horse-shoe, horse-foot, horse-shoe crab. King cup, n. Buttercup, golden cup. Kingdom, n. 1. Sovereignty, empire, dominion, supremacy, dynasty, sove reign power, rule, monarchy, supreme power. 3. Realm, empire, state, nation. 3. Tract, region. 4. Division, department. Kingly, a. 1. Royal, regal, monarchi cal, imperial. 3. Noble, august, imposing, splendid, magnificent, grand. King of terrors, DEATH. King s-English, n. Pure English. King s-evil, n. Scrofula, struma. Kingship, n. Royalty, monarchy. King s-yellow, n. Yellow orpiment, yellow sulphuret of arsenic. Kink, n. 1. Twist, knot, entanglement. 3. Whim, crotchet. Kinsfolk, n. Relations, relatives, kin, kindred, kinsmen. Kinsman, n. Relative, relation. Kiss, v. a. Salute, greet with a kiss. Kiss, n. Salute. KIT 238 LABYRINTH Kit, n. 1. Kid, small tub (as far pickled mackerel). 3. Small pail. 3. Outfit, working implements. 4. Violin (small), fiddle. Kleptomania, n. Thievishness, klope- mania, propensity to steal, mania for stealing. Klopemania, n. KLEPTOMANIA. Knack, n. 1. Toy, plaything, knick- knack, gimcrack, gewgaw, bawble, trifle, JIGGUMBOB. 2. Dexterity, adroitness, dexterous- ness, skill, skilfulness, facility, aptness, aptitude, quickness, readiness, address, expertness. Knag, n. Knot (in wood). Knaggy, a. Knotty, gnarled. Knarl, n. Knot, knob, snag. Knarled, a. Knotty, knotted, knurly, gnarled. * Knave, n. 1. Villain, rascal, scoundrel, rogue, cheat, caitiff, swindler, sharper, trickster, scamp, scapegrace, SCALA WAG. 2. Jack (of cards). Knavery, n. Villany, rascality, fraud, knavishness, dishonesty, criminality, trickery, wickedness. Knavish, a. Dishonest, unprincipled, fraudulent, trickish, TRICKY, roguish. Knavishness, n. KNAVERY, dishon esty, wickedness. Kneepan, n. Patella. Knick-knack, n. Toy, trifle, plaything, gimcrack, gewgaw, bawble, knack, JIG GUMBOB. Knight, n. Cavalier, chevalier, horse man, horse-soldier, equestrian. Knight-errantry, n. Chivalry, knight hood. Knighthood, n. Chivalry, knight-er rantry. Knit, v. a. Join, unite, connect. Knob, n. Protuberance, boss, bunch, hunch, STUD. Knock, n. 1. Rap (as at a door), clap. 2. Blow, slap, cuff, buffet, box. Knock, v. n. Rap (as at a door). Knock, v. a. Beat, strike, hit, bump, slap. Knock down, 1. Fell, prostrate. 3. Knock off (by auction). Knock under, Submit, yield, knuckle, give up, lower one s flag, kiss the rod, lick the dust, eat humble pie, draw in one s horns. Knock up, [Colloquial.} Fatigue, beat out, weary, exhaust, tire, fag. Knoll, n. Hillock, mound. Knot, n. 1. Entanglement, complica tion. 2. Tie, connection, bond of union. 3. Joint, node, knag. 4. Tuft, bunch. 5. Group, band, clique, gang, crew, squad, cluster, set, pack. 6. Nautical mile. Knot, v. a. Entangle, tie, compli cate. Knot-grass, h. Dog s-grass, couch- grass, twitch-grass, wheat-grass, dog- wheat ( Triticum repens). Knotted, a. KNOTTY, knurly. Knotty, a. 1. Knotted, gnarled, full of knots, knaggy, knurly. 2. Intricate, difficult, perplexing, em barrassing, hard, troublesome. Know, v. a. 1. Perceive, apprehend, comprehend, understand, discern, be aware of, be assured of, see through make out. 2. Recognize, be acquainted with. 3. Distinguish, discriminate. Know, v. n. 1. Have knowledge. 2. Be informed, be made aware. 3. Be sure, feel certain. Knowing, a. Intelligent, skilful, com petent, qualified, experienced, accom plished, proficient, well-informed. Knowledge, n. 1. Apprehension, com prehension, perception, understanding, discernment, judgment. 2. Learning, erudition, scholarship, enlightenment, lore, acquirements, at tainments. 3. Cognizance, cognition, notice, in formation. Knuckle, v. n. Yield (obsequiously), submit, cringe, stoop, crouch, give up, KNOCK UNDER. Knurly, a. Knotty, knotted, knarled. Labor, n. 1. Toil, work, exertion, effort, pains, drudgery. 2. Travail, parturition, childbirth, delivery. tabor, v. n. 1. Toil, strive, drudge, work, exert one s self, take pains. 2. Suffer, be afflicted, be distressed. 3. Travail, be in travail, be in labor. Labored, a. Elaborate, studied, care fully wrought. Laborer, n. Workman, operative. Laborious, a. 1. Industrious, sedulous, assiduous, DILIGENT, toiling, hard working, painstaking. 2. Difficult, arduous, onerous, toil some, tiresome, wearisome, fatiguing, irksome, hard, Herculean. Laboriousness, n. Toilsomeness, diffi culty. Labor of love, Gratuitous service. Labyrinth, n. Maze, perplexity, intri cacy. LABYRINTHIAN 239 LANE Labyrinthian, a. Mazy, confused. Lacerate, v. a. Tear, sever, mangle, rend, lancinate, laniate, claw, tear asunder, tear to pieces. Laceration, n. Tearing, rending. Laches, n. pi. (Law.) Negligence, re- missness, neglect of duty. Lack, v. a. Want, need, be in want of, be in need of, be destitute of, be with out. Lack, v. n. 1. Be in want. 3. Be wanting. Lack, n. Need, deficiency, destitution, want, scantiness, insufficiency, scarcity, dearth, default, defectiveness, short ness, shortcoming, DEFICIT. Lack-brain, n. Simpleton, DUNCE. Lackadaisical, a. SoYTOvrf\il(ajffectedly), sad, melancholy, gloomy. Lackaday, interj. Alas. Lackey, n. Footman, footboy, errand- boy. Lackey, v. a. Attend (as a servant), wait on, dance attendance on. Laconic, ) a. Short, brief, concise, Laconical, ) succinct, compact, senten tious, terse, pithy, CURT. Lacquer, n. Varnish (of shell-lac). Lacquer, v. a. Varnish (with lacquer), japan. Lactescence, n. Milkiness. Lad, n. Boy, stripling, YOUNGSTER, youth, schoolboy, YONKER, young man. Lade, v. a. 1. Load, freight. 2. Dip, bale. Lading, n. Freight, cargo, load, burden. Lady, n. 1. Mistress, matron. 3. Woman of rank, woman of dis tinction. 3. Woman of refinement, well-bred woman, genteel woman. 4. Wife, spouse. Lady-like, a. Genteel, courtly, refined, well-bred. Lady-love, n. Sweetheart, flame. Lag, v. n. Loiter, linger, saunter, fall behind, move slowly. Laggard, . Loiterer, lingerer, idler, lagger, saunterer. Lagger, n. Loiterer, laggard. Lagoon, n. Lake (shallow and com municating with the sea). Lair, n. Couch (of a beast), resting place. Laity, n. Laymen, body of the people, the people (as distinguislied from the clergy). Lake, n. Pond, loch, mere, pool, LA GOON. Lamantine, n. Manatee, sea-cow. Lamb, n. Young sheep. Lamb of God, Christ, JESUS. Lambent, a. Playing about (like the tongue in licking), touching lightly, gliding over. Lambkin, n. Little lamb. Lame, a. 1. Crippled, halt, hobbling. 3. Defective, imperfect. 3. Insufficient, unsatisfactory, weak, feeble, poor. Lame, v. a. Cripple, make lame. Lame duck, Defaulter (at the stock exchange). Lamella, n. [L.] Scale, lamina, layer, coat, flake, coating, thin plate. Lamellar, a. Lamellate, lamellated, laminar, laminated, foliated, foliaceous, scaly, flaky, schistose. Lamellate, ) T . M _, T . Lamellated, I " LAMELLAI *- Lament, v. n. Mourn, grieve, weep, wail, moan, complain. Lament, v. a. Bewail, deplore, bemoan, mourn. Lament, n. 1. Wailing, moaning, moan, lamentation, plaint, complaint. 3. Dirge, elegy, epicedium, mournful song, funeral song. Lamentable, a. 1. Deplorable, to be lamented. 3. Mournful, wailing. Lamentation, n. Wailing, moaning, moan, plaint, complaint, lament, ulu- lation, HUBBUBBOO. Lamina, n. Scale, layer, coat, coating, lamella, thin plate. Laminar, a. Laminated. Laminated, a. Laminar, LAMELLAR, lamellated. Lamm, v. a. [Low.] Beat, drub, thrash, maul, bruise, thwack, pommel, WAL LOP. Lampoon, n. Pasquinade, satire, squib. Lampoon, v. a. Satirize, abuse, defame, slander, calumniate, lash. Lance, n. Spear, javelin. Lance, v. a. 1. Hurl, throw, launch, dart, send, fling, toss, pitch, jaculate, let fly. 3. Pierce, cut with a lancet. Lance-shaped, a. Lanciform. Lanciform, a. Lance-shaped. Lancinate, v. a. Tear, rend, sever, mangle, lacerate, laniate, claw, tear to Land, n. 1. Ground, soil, earth. 3. Region, country, district, tract. 3. Real estate. Land, v. a. Disembark, put on shore, set on shore. Land, v. n. Disembark, debark, go on shore, come to land. Landing, n. 1. Coming to land. 3. Landing-place. Landing-place, n. Landing. Landloper, n. 1. Landlubber. 3. Wanderer, vagrant, traveller, vag abond, nomad. Landloping, n. Wandering, travel ling. Landlord, n. 1. Owner, proprietor. 3. Host, inn-keeper. Landlubber, n. [Sailor s term of con tempt.] Landloper. Landrail, n. Corn-crake, daker-hen ( Crex pratensis). Landscape, n. View, prospect, rural scene. Land-waiter, n. Tide-waiter. Lane, n. Alley, narrow street, narrow passage or way. LANG-SYNE 240 LATIFOLIOUS Lang-syne, ad. [Scottish.] Long since, long ago. Lang-syne, n. The good old time, past times, days gone by, days of yore. language, n. 1. Speech, tongue, ver nacular, idiom, dialect, mother-tongue, vulgar tongue, native tongue, oral speech. 3. Style, expression, phraseology, diction, form of expression. Languid, a. 1. Faint, exhausted, droop ing, pining, languishing, flagging, weak, feeble, not strong, not vigorous. 3. Dull, torpid, listless, spiritless, heavy, inactive, slow, sluggish. Languidness, n. 1. Languor, faint- ness, feebleness, lassitude. 3. Dulness, listlessness, heaviness. Languish, v. n. 1. Droop, pine, faint, fade, wither, decline, fail, become feeble, pine away, waste away. 3. Look tender, have the air of a lover. Languishment, n. 1. Feebleness, de cline, weakness. 3. Look of tenderness. Languor, n. 1, Feebleness, debility, languidness, faintness, languishment. 2. Dulness, torpidness, listlessness, heaviness, ENNUI. Laniate, v. a. Lacerate, tear, rend, sever, mangle, lancinate, claw, tear to pieces, tear asunder. Lank, a. Lean, thin, meagre, attenu ated, -slim, slender, starveling, skinny, scraggy, gaunt, emaciated. Lankness, n. Leanness, thinness, slim- ness, meagreness, slenderness. Lanky, a. [Low.] Slim, slender, tall, and thin. Lanuginous, a. (Bot.) Downy, wool ly. Lap, v. a. I. Fold, turn over, lay over. 3. Wrap, cover, twist round. 3. Lick, lick up, take up with the tongue. Lap, v. n. Be folded over, be laid over. Lapidary, n. Lapidist. Lapidescence, n. Lapidification, petri faction. Lapidification, n. Lapidescence, petri faction. Lapidist, n. Lapidary. Lapse, n. 1. Flow, gliding, flowing, smooth course. 3. Fall, decline, declension, falling off. 3. Slip, fault, error, shortcoming. Lapse, v. n. 1. Slip, glide, pass slow ly. 3. Fail in duty, commit a fault, fall from innocence. 3. (Law.) Become void. Lapsus linguae, [L.] Slip of the tongue. Lapwing, n. Pewit ( Tringa vanellus or Vanellus cristatus). Larboard, n. (Naut.) Port, left-hand side. Larceny, n. Theft, stealing, pilfering, robbery, thievery, shoplifting, petty larceny. Lard, v. a. 1. Grease. 3. Intermix, interlay, interlard. Large, a. 1. Big, great, bulky, huge, immense, vast, of great size. 3. Extensive, expanded, spacious, broad, wide. 3, Abundant, plentiful, ample, full, copious, liberal. 4. Capacious, comprehensive. Large-bellied, a. Abdominous, big- bellied, pot-bellied. Largess, n. Bounty, present, donation, gift, endowment, grant, bequest. Lariat, n. Lasso. Larmier, n. (Arch.) Drip, corona. Laruin, n. [Contraction of Alarum.] Alarm, alarum, tocsin, alarm-bell. Larva, n. Caterpillar, grub. Lascivious, a. Lustful, lecherous, libid inous, lickerish, salacious, concupiscent, lewd, prurient, wanton, loose, unchaste, incontinent. Lash, n. 1. Thong (of a whip), scourge, whip. 3. Stroke, stripe. Lash, v. a. 1. Scourge, whip. 3. Beat, beat against. 3. Bind, tie, tie together. 4. Censure, satirize, lampoon, abuse. Lash the waves, Make vain efforts, try in vain, beat the air, fish in the air, milk the ram. Lass, n. Girl, damsel, maiden, lassie, miss. Lassie, n. [Scotch.] Girl, lass. Lassitude, n. "Weariness, exhaustion, fatigue, prostration, languor, languid- ness, ENNUI. Lasso, n. Lariat. Last, a. 1. Latest. 3. Hindmost. 3. Final, ultimate. 4. Highest, greatest, utmost, ex treme. Last, ad. 1. The last time. 3. After all the rest. 3. Finally, in conclusion. Last, v. n. 1. Endure, remain, continue. 3. Hold out, be unexhausted, be un- consumed. Lasting, a. Enduring, permanent, dura ble, of long continuance. Lastingness, n. Permanence, durabil ity, continuance, fixedness. Lastly, ad. Finally, in tine, at last, at length, in the end, in conclusion. Late, a. 1. Slow, tardy, long delayed. 3. Far advanced. 3. Recently deceased. 4. Recent. Late, ad. 1. Not early, not promptly, after the proper time, at the eleventh hour, a day after the fair. 3. Recently, lately, not long ago. Lately, ad. Recently, latterly, late, of late, not long ago. Latent, a. Concealed, hidden, secret, occult, veiled, unseen. Lather, n. Foam (of soap and water), froth. ^road-leaved. LATIN 241 LAY IN Latin, a. 1. Of the Latins, of ancient Rome, Roman. a. Classic, classical, in the manner of the Latins. Latin, n. Language of ancient Rome, Latin language. Latinism, n. Latin idiom. Liatinity, n. Latin style. Latitude, n. 1. Extent, range, scope, amplitude, compass. 3. Freedom, liberty, indulgence, free play. 3. Laxity, loose interpretation, indef inite meaning. 4. (Geog.) Angular distance from the equator. 5. (Astron.) Angular distance from the ecliptic. Latitudinarian, a. Liberal (in opinion), lax, free, not orthodox, not strict. Latitudinarianism, n. Heterodoxy, liberalism. Latten, n. Sheet tin, tinned iron-plate. Latter, a. 1. Last mentioned (of two). 3. Recent, modern. Latterly, ad. Lately, recently, of late. Lattice, n. Trellis, lattice work. Lattice-work, n. Lattice, trellis. Laud, v. a. Praise, extol, celebrate, magnify. Laudable, a. Commendable, praise worthy. Laudanum, n. Tincture of opium. Laudation, n. Praise, commendation, eulogy, compliment, encomium. Laudatory, Commendatory, panegy rical, eulogistic, complimentary, enco miastic, lavish of praise. Laugh, n. Laughter, CACHINNATION, GUFFAW, BOAR. Laugh, v. n. SNICKER, GIGGLE, ROAR, TITTER. Laugh at, Ridicule, deride, mock, scoff, scoff at, sneer at, laugh to scorn, make fun of , POKE FUN AT. Laugh to scorn, Ridicule, deride, de spise, sneer at, laugh at, treat with con tempt. Laughable, a. Comical, droll, funny, ludicrous, farcical, ridiculous. Laughing, a. Merry, mirthful, gay. Laughing, n. Laughter. Laughing-gas, n. Nitrous oxide, pro toxide of nitrogen, exhilarating gas. Laughter, n. Laughing, laugh. Laughing-stock, n. Butt (of jests), object of ridicule. Launch, v. a. 1. Throw, hurl, cast, dart, lance. 3. Slide from the stocks (as a ship). Launch, v. n. Enlarge, expatiate, des cant, dilate, launch out. Launch out, Enlarge, LAUNCH, expa tiate. Laundress, n. Washerwoman. Laureate, n. Poet-laureate, court-poet. Lave, v. a. Wash, bathe. Lavement, n. (Med.) Clyster, enema, injection. Lavish, a. Profuse, prodigal, thriftless, unthrifty, wasteful, extravagant, too free, over-liberal. Lavish, v. a. Waste, squander, dissi pate, spend lavishly. Law,. 1. Rule (prescribed by authority), regulation, canon, statute, enactment, decree, ordinance, edict, order, ex pressed command. 3. Formula, principle, form. 3. Code, body of rules. 4. Jurisprudence, science of laws, legal science. 5. Mosaic code. 6. Suit, process, litigation. 7. Observed order of facts, invariable sequence of phenomena. 8. Uniform and constant operation of any natural force (under the same conditions), method of the Divine Agency, God in Nature. Lawful, a. 1. Legal, legalized, legiti mate, constitutional. 3. Allowable, permissible. 3. Rightful, just, proper. Lawfulness, n. Legality, conformity to law. Lawgiver, n. Legislator, law-maker. Lawsuit, n. Action, suit in law. Lawyer, n. Counsellor, counsel, advo cate, attorney, SOLICITOR, barrister, limb of the law, attorney-at-law. Lax, a. 1. Loose, slack, relaxed, not tight, not tense. 3. Soft, flabby, not firm, not solid. 3. Remiss, latitudinarian, not strict. 4. Licentious, dissolute. Laxative, a. Loosening, aperient, deob- struent. Laxative, n. Laxative medicine. Laxity, n. 1. Looseness, slackness, lax- ness, latitude. 3. Remissness. 3. Dissoluteness, licentiousness. Laxness, n. Looseness, laxity. Lay, v. a. 1. Put, place, lay down. 3. Impose, assess. 3. Impute, charge, ascribe. 4. Spread (on a surface). 5. Prepare, set in order, 6. Contrive, scheme, devi 7. Allay, quiet, calm, still, appease. 8. Bet, stake, wager, risk, hazard. 9. Produce, bring forth and deposit (as eggs). 10. (Naut.) Depress, sink, sail away from so as to lose sight of. 11. (Laic.) Allege, state, name. Lay, n. [Rare.] 1. Row, stratum, layer. 3. Bet, wager, stake, pledge. 3. [ U. S.} Share of profit. 4. Song. Lay, a. Laic, laical. Lay aside, Reject, discard, put away, lay on the shelf. Lay by, Reserve, keep, retain, husband. Lay down, 1. Resign, give up, offer up. 3. Leave, quit, relinquish. 3. Advance, propound, assert, allege. Layer, n. 1. Stratum, bed, LAY. 3. Course (as of bricks). 3. Shoot or twig (laid in the ground for propagation ). Lay hold of, Seize, catch. Lay in, Store, provide, lay up. 1G LAY ONE S SELF OUT 242 LEAVEN Lay one s self out, Strive, labor, try, struggle, exert one s self. Lay open, Expose, reveal, exhibit, dis close, unveil, divulge, publish, show, make known. Lay out, 1. Spend, expend, disburse. 3. Plan, dispose, arrange. Lay over, Spread over, cover the sur face of. Lay siege to, Besiege, beset. Lay to heart, Feel keenly, be greatly grieved at, be much troubled about, be much affected by, take to heart, take on about. Lay up, 1. Store, provide, treasure up, lay in. 3. Confine to the bed or the house. Lay -waste, Desolate, destroy, ruin. Lazaretto, n. Hospital, infirmary, pest- house, lazar-house. Lazar-house, n. Hospital, lazaretto. Lazy, a. Slothful, sluggish, indolent, idle, inert, inactive, supine, torpid, slack, dronish, lumpish. Lea, n. Meadow, MEAD, grass land, sward land. Lead, v. a. 1. Guide (by the hand, or something connected with the hand). 3. Conduct, direct, escort, go before as guide. 3. Head, be at the head of. 4. Allure, entice, induce, persuade, draw, prevail on. 5. Pass, spend. Lead, v. n. 1. Show the way (by going before). 3. Be the commander (as of troops). 3. Conduce, contribute, tend, serve. Lead, n. 1. Guidance, direction, leader ship. 3. Precedence. Lead captive, Carry into captivity. Leader, n. 1. Guide, director, conduc tor, corypheus, cock of the walk, cock of the roost, first fiddle. 3. Chief, chieftain, commander. Leadership, n. Guidance, direction, lead, conduct. Leading, a. 1. Governing, ruling. 3. Chief, principal, capital, most im portant. Lead the way, Go before (as guide). Lead ofl , Begin, take the lead. Leaf, n. Blade. Leaflet, n. Small leaf. Leaf-stalk, n. (Bot.) Petiole. League, n. 1. Alliance, confederation, confederacy, combination, coalition, union. 3. Three geographical miles. League, v. n. Unite, combine, confed erate, form a league, form an alli ance. Leagued, a. United, combined, allied, confederated, confederate, banded. .Leak, n. Fissure (letting a liquid in or out), chink, crevice, hole. Lean, v. n. 1. Incline (from a perpen dicular). 3. Recline, bear, rest. 3. Tend; have a tendency. Lean, v. a. Best, incline for support. Lean, a. 1. Thin, poor, gaunt, emaciat ed, meagre, lank, skinny, fallen away. 3. Barren, jejune, TAME, prosy, dull. 3. Scanty, slender, pitiful, inade quate, not full or abundant, not plen tiful, not ample, not enough. Leaning, n. Bent, inclination, bias, propensity, proneness, TENDENCY. Lean-to, n. Penthouse. Leap, v. n. Jump, bound, spring, vault, hop, CAPER. Leap, v. a. Jump over, bound across. Leap, n. Jump, spring, bound, vault, hop, CAPER. Leap-year, n. Bissextile. Learn, v. a. 1. Get a knowledge of, acquire skill in, make one s self ac quainted with, make one s self master of. 3. Be informed of. Learn by heart, Memorize, commit to memory, get by heart. Learned, a. 1. Erudite, lettered, deep- read. 3. Knowing, skilled, experienced, well-informed. Learning, n. 1. Acquisition of knowl edge. 3. Erudition, scholarship, acquire ments, attainments, lore, acquired knowledge. Lease, v. a. Let (for a term of years). Leash, n. 1. Thong or string (for hold ing a dog or a hawk). 3. Three (greyhounds, &c.). Leash, v. a. Tie, tie together. Least, a. Smallest, minutest. Least, ad. In the smallest degree. Leathery, a. Tough, coriaceous. Leave, n. 1. Permission, liberty, allow ance, license. 3. Withdrawal, retirement, depart ure. Leave, v. a. 1. Quit, vacate, withdraw from, depart from, go away from, retire from, get away from. 3. Abandon, forsake, desert, relin quish, renounce, put aside, lay aside, give up, give over. 3. Let alone, let be, suffer to remain undisturbed, forbear to meddle with. 4. Commit, consign, refer. 5. Stop, forbear, cease from, desist from, refrain from, leave off, break off, make an end of. 6. Permit, allow, let, give leave, give permission. 7. Bequeath, demise, devise, will, give by will. Leave, v. n. Desist, stop, cease, forbear, leave off. Leave off, (Active.) Forbear, desist from, break off. Leave off, (Neuter.) Desist, stop, leave. Leave out, Omit. Leaven, n. 1. Yeast, ferment, barm, emptyings, fermenting substance. 3. Pervading influence. Leaven, v. a. 1. Produce or excite fer mentation in. 3. Imbue, infect, vitiate, taint. LEAVINGS 243 LESSER leavings, n. pi. Remains, remnants, relics, fragments, scraps, pieces, refuse, odds and ends. Leaves, n. pi. Foliage. Lecherous, a. Lewd, lascivious, libid inous, lustful, carnal, salacious, lick erish, concupiscent, prurient, wanton, unchaste, incontinent. Lechery, n. Lewdness, lasciviousness, concupiscence, lust, carnal desire, ani mal appetite. Lection, n. Reading, version, interpre tation. Lecture, n. 1. Discourse, prelection. 3. Formal censure, lesson. Lecture, v. a. 1. Deliver a lecture to. 2. Reprove formally. Ledge, n. 1. Shelf. 3. Ridge of rocks. Lee, a. To leeward (opposed to weather). Lee, n. Leeward, lee side, side sheltered from the wind. Leer, v. n. Look askance (in contempt). Lees, n. pi. Dregs, sediment, settlings, precipitate, DUNDER. Leeward, n. LEE, lee side. Legacy, n. Bequest, devise, gift by will. Legal, a. Lawful, legitimate, legalized, authorized or sanctioned (by law), ac cording to law. Legality, n. Lawfulness, conformity to law. Legalize, v. a. 1. Authorize, permit by law. 3. Sanction, legitimate, legitimize, make legal, confirm by law. Legate, n. 1. AMBASSADOR, deputy, envoy, delegate. 3. The Pope s ambassador. Legation, n. Embassy, deputation, body of diplomatists. Legend, n. 1. Fable, myth, fiction, doubtful narrative, fictitious story. 3. Motto (round a coin or a medal). Legendary, a. Fabulous, fictitious, mythical. Legerdemain, n. Juggle, juggling, sleight of hand. Legible, a. 1. Readable, plain, fair. 3. Manifest, apparent, recognizable, discoverable. Legion, n. 1. Army, host, military force, body of troops. 3. Multitude, great number. Legislate, v. n. Make laws, enact laws. Legislative, a. Law-making. Legislator, n. Lawgiver, lawmaker. Legislature, n. Legislative body. Legitimacy, n. 1. Legality, lawful ness, accordance with law. 3, Genuineness. % Legitimate, a. 1. Legal, lawful, in accordance with law. 3. Born in wedlock, lawfully begot ten. 3. Genuine, not spurious. Legitimate, ) v. a. Legalize, make le- Legitimize, ) gitimate. Legume, re. (Bot.) Simple pod (of two valves). Legumes, n. pi. Pulse, fruit of legu minous plants. Leisure, n. Spare hours, spare time, time to spare. Lend, v. a. 1. Loan, accommodate with. 3. Give, grant,. afford, furnish, be stow, confer, impart. Lend a hand, Render assistance, put one s shoulder to the wheel, hold out a helping hand, give one a lift, give one a turn, do one a favor, help a lame dog over a stile. Length, n. 1. Extent, longitude. 3. Long duration. Lengthen, v. a. 1. Elongate, extend (in space), stretch, draw out. 3. Protract, continue, prolong, extend (in time), spin out. Lengthen, v. n. Become longer, grow longer, increase in length. "* Longitudinally. Lengthy, a. Long, lengthened, pro longed, prolix, not short, not brief. Lenience, ) n. Clemency, mildness, len- Leniency, J ity, mercy, tenderness, gentleness, forbearance. Lenient, a. 1. Softening, assuasive, soothing, mitigating, mitigative, leni tive. 3. Mild, gentle, clement, merciful, tender, forbearing, long-suffering, not rigorous, not severe. Lenitive, a. Soothing, assuasive, emol lient, lenient, mitigative, balmy, seda tive, demulcent. Lenitive, n. Palliative, emollient, sooth ing medicine. Lenity, n. Mildness, clemency, gentle ness, tenderness, mercy, kindness, for bearance, lenience, leniency. Lens-shaped, a. Lentiform, lenticu lar. Lenten, a. Sparing, meagre, SLENDER. !&,} I haped. Lentiginous, a. Scurfy, scabby, scaly, scabbed, furfuraceous. Lentisk, I n. Mastic tree (Pistacia LentiscusJ lentiscus). Leonine, a. Lion-like. Leopard s-bane, n. Arnica. Lepidolite, n. (Min.) Rose mica, lithia mica. - <**> Scaly, leprous. Leprous, a. 1. Infected with leprosy. 3. (Bot.) Scaly, lepidote, lepidoted. Lese-majesty, n. [Preferably written Leze-majesty .] Treason. Lesion, n. (Med.) Injury, hurt, disor der, derangement, morbid change. Less, a. Smaller, inferior. Less, ad. Not so much, in a less degree. Less, n. Not so much, smaller quantity. Lessen, v. a. 1. Diminish, decrease, reduce, abate, abridge, make less. 3. Lower, degrade. Lessen, v. n. Decrease, diminish, abate, dwindle, shrink, be reduced. Lessening, n. Diminution, decrement, decrease, reduction, abatement. Lesser, a. Less, smaller, inferior. LESSER-BEAR 244 LIBERTLXE .Lesser-Bear, n. [With The prefixed.] Little Bear, URSA MINOR. Lesson, n. 1. Exercise (of a learner), task. 2. Instruction, precept. 3. Reproof, rebuke, lecture, formal censure. Lest, conj. That not, for fear that. Let, v. a. 1. Allow, permit, suffer, give leave to, give permission to. 3. Lease, put to hire. Let, n. Hinderance, impediment, ob stacle, obstruction. Let alone, Leave, let be, suffer to re main imdisturbed, forbear to meddle with. Let be, Leave, LET ALONE. Let bygones be bygones, Let the past be forgotten. Let down, Lower, depress. Let fly 1 } Discliar g e > let loose - Let go, Release, loose, set free, let loose, let slip, cast off, let out. Lethal, . [Rare.] Deadly, mortal, fatal. Lethargic, ) a. Drowsy, dull, torpid, Lethargical, ) heavy, stupid, stupefied, comatose, morbidly sleepy. Lethargy, n. Stupor, torpor, COMA, stupefaction, hypnotism, stupidity, mor bid drowsiness. Lethean, a. Oblivious. Let into } Admit > Permit to enter. Let loose, Release, liberate, let free, free from restraint, let out, let go, set at liberty. Let off, 1. Discharge, explode. 3. Excuse, exonerate, exempt. Let out, 1. Release, liberate, set free, let loose, free from restraint, set at liberty. 3. Extend, loosen. 3. Blab, disclose, divulge, reveal. Let slip, Loose, let go. Letter, n. 1. Alphabetic character. 3. Epistle, note. 3. Literal meaning, literal sense, ver bal expression. Lettered, a. Learned, literary, bookish, well-read, deep-read., book-learned. Letters, n. pi. 1. Literature, learning, erudition. 3. Correspondence. Levant, n. The East, Eastern coasts of the Mediterranean. Levee, n. 1. Time of rising. 2. Ceremonious party (properly in the morning), reception, entertainment, SOIREE. 3. Embankment (along a river to prevent inundation). Level, a. 1. Horizontal. 3. Even, flat, plain, 3. Flush, on a level, of the same height. 4. Of the same rank, condition, &c., on a par. Level, v. a. ~L. Make horizontal. 2. Bring to the same level. 3. Raze, demolish, destroy. 4. Aim, direct, point, take aim. 5. Adapt, suit, fit, proportion. Level, n. 1. Horizontal surface, hori zontal line. 3. State of equality, equal elevation. Leverage, n. Purchase (obtained by the lever). Levigate, v. a. Pulverize, comminute, triturate, grind, bruise, bray, reduce to powder. Levigation, n. Pulverization, commi nution, trituration. Levity, n. 1. Lightness. 3. Frivolity, flightiness, giddiness, volatility, want of seriousness. Levy, v. a. 1. Raise, muster, call to gether. 2. Collect, gather. Lewd, a. Lustful, LIBIDINOUS. Lexicon, n. Dictionary, glossary, vocab ulary, word-book. Leze-majesty, n. [Sometimes written Lese-majesty.] Treason. Liability,?!. 1. Responsibility, account- ableness, accountability, bouuden duty. 3. Exposedness. Liable, a. 1. Answerable, responsible, accountable, amenable. 3. Exposed, subject, obnoxious. Liaison, n. [Fr.] 1. Union, bond of union. 3. Amour, love intrigue. Libel, n. 1. Lampoon, pasquinade, de famatory publication. 3. (Law.) Charge, statement of com plaint. Libel, v. a. 1. Lampoon, defame (by some publication). 3. (Law.) Proceed against by a libel, bring a charge against. Libellous, a. [Written also Libelous.] Defamatory. Liberal, a. 1. Generous, bountiful, free, beneficent, munificent, princely, chari table, open-hearted, free-hearted, un selfish, disinterested. 3. Enlarged, catholic, tolerant, un- bigoted, high-minded, magnanimous, honorable, chivalrous. 3. Large, full, unstinted, abundant, ample, plentiful. Liberal, n. Liberalist, advocate of lib eral principles. Liberalism, n. Latitudinarianism. Liberalist, n. LIBERAL. Liberality, n. 1. Generosity, bounty, beneficence, munificence, disinterested ness, bountifulness, charity. 3. Present, gift, benefaction. 3. Catholicity, toleration, magnanim ity, candor, impartiality, largeness of mind, high-mindedness. Liberalize, v. a. Enlarge, make liberal, free from prejudice. Liberate, v. a. Release, free, emanci pate, manumit, disinthrall, ransom, discharge, deliver, set free, set at lib erty, let go, let loose, let out. Liberation, n. Deliverance, discharge, release. Libertine, n. Rake, debauchee, volup tuary, profligate, dissolute man, man of pleasure. Libertine, a. Licentious, dissolute, of lax morals. LIBERTINISM 245 LIGHT ON Libertinism, n. Licentiousness, disso luteness, debauchery. Liberty, n. 1. Freedom (of ter previous restraint), liberation from restraint, independence. 2. Privilege, immunity, franchise. 3. Leave, permission, license. Liberties, n.pl. 1. Limits (of a, prison, Ac.). 2. Unwarrantable freedom. Libidinous, a. Lascivious, lustful, car nal, lecherous, lickerish, lewd, prurient, salacious, concupiscent, wanton, loose, unchaste, incontinent. Librate, v. a. Balance, poise, hold in equipoise. Libratory, a. Balancing. License, n. 1. Permission, privilege, leave, right. 2. Permit, warrant. 3. Laxity, excessive liberty, exorbi tant freedom. License, v. a. Permit, allow, grant au thority to, give a permit or warrant to. Licentious, a. Dissolute, debauched, jfiigate, rakish, libertine, loose, lax, Lick, v. a. 1. Pass the tongue over. 2. Lap, take up with the tongue. 3. [Low.] Beat, flog, thrash, LAMM. Lick, n. 1. Taste. 2. [Low.] Blow, slap. 3. Salt-lick. Lickerish, a. 1. Hankering (to lick or taste), craving, longing. 2. Lecherous, LIBIDIHOUS. 3. Dainty, nice, fastidious. Licking, n. 1. Lapping. 2. [Low.] Whipping, beating, flog ging, thrashing, castigation. Lickspittle, n. Abject parasite, mean flatterer. Lid, n. 1. Cover, covercle. 3. Eyelid. Lie, n. FIB. intentional untruth, crim inal falsehood, suaGESTio FALSI (sug gestion of what is false), _SUPPRESSIO VEKI (suppression ofwJiat is true). Lie, v. n. I. Falsify, FIB, tell a lie. 3. Recline, lie, couch, lie down, be prostrate, be recumbent. 3. Be placed, be laid. 4. Be, rest, remain. 5. Be situated, be located. 6. Consist. T,(Law.) Be sustainable. Lie at one s door, Be chargeable to. Lie by, 1. Remain near. 3. Rest, intermit labor. Lie in, Be confined, be in child-bed. Lie in one s throat, Lie outrageously. Lie on, Be incumbent on. belong to, lie with. Lie over, 1. Be deferred, be postponed. 3. Remain unpaid (said of a note). Lie to, (Naut.) Stop, check headway. Lie under, Be subject to. Lie upon, LIE ON. Lie with, 1. Lodge with, sleep with. 2. Belong to, be incumbent on, lie on. Lief, ad. Willingly, gladly, freely. Liege, a. Bound by feudal tenure (to service, as a vassal; or to protection, as a lord). Liege, n. Superior v sovereign, liege lord. Lien, n. Legal claim. Lieu, n. [Fr.] Place, room, stead. Life, n. 1, Vitality, the vital spark, the breath of life, the breath of one s nos trils. 3. Time from birth to death. 3. Animated existence. 4. Mode or course of living. 5. Conduct, deportment, behavior. 6. Animation, vigor, spirit, vivacity, briskness, sprightliness, activity. 7. Biography, memoir. 8. Real person, living form. 9. Society, social manners, human affairs, course of things. Lifeless, a. 1. Dead, defunct, extinct, inanimate 2. Torpid, sluggish, inert, dull, tame, spiritless, passive. Lift, v. a. Raise, elevate, lift up. Lift, n. 1. Lifting, raising. 3. [Colloquial.] Aid, assistance, help. 3. Rise (as of a lock in canals), degree of elevation. Lift-lock, n. Lock (of a canal). Ligament, n. Band, ligature. Ligature, n. Band, bandage, ligament, tie. Light, n. 1. Medium of vision. 3. Diffusion of luminous rays. 3. DAYBREAK, sunrise, dawn, day light. 4. Candle, lamp, taper, light-house, &c. 5. Instruction, knowledge, compre hension, insight. 7. Illustration, explanation, elucida tion. 8. Window, pane of glass, &c. 9. Public notice. 10. Aspect, point of view. Light, a. 1. Buoyant, of little weight, not heavy, not dense. 2. Easy to be borne, not burden some. 3. Easy to be done, not difficult. 4. Porous, spongy, not clammy (said of bread). 5. Loose, sandy (said of soil). 6. Unencumbered, unburdened, free from impediments, not heavily laden. 7. Slight, trifling, small, inconsider able, moderate. 8. Gossamery, flimsy, unsubstantial. 9. Frivolous, fickle, unsteady, vola tile, unsettled. 10. Gay, airy, buoyant, light-hearted. 11. Bright, clear, not dark. 12. Whitish, of a whitish shade. Light, v. a. 1. Kindle, inflame, ignite, set fire to, set on fire, apply the match to. 8. Give light to, guide by light. 3. Illuminate, lighten, illume, irradi ate. Light on, 1. Happen upon, fall upon by chance, happen to find, light upon. J8. Alight on. LIGHTEN 246 LINGUISTICS Lighten, v. n. 1. Flash (said of light ning). 3. [Colloquial.] Grow lighter, clear off. Lighten, v. a. 1. Illuminate, irradiate, illume, light. 3. Ease, make lighter, make easier. Light-fingered, a. Thievish. Light-hearted, a. GLADSOME, cheer ful, joyful, joyous. Light-horse, n. Light-armed cavalry, Light-house, n. Pharos. Lightning-rod, n. PARATONNERRE. Lights, n. pi. Lungs (of a brute). Lightsome, a. 1. Luminous, full of light. 3. Gay, buoyant, lively, cheerful, blithesome, blithe, merry, Light upon, LIGHT ON. Lign-aloes, n. Agalloch, aloes wood. Ligneous, a. Woody. Lignine, . (Chem.) Woody fibre. Lignite, n. (Min.) Fossil wood. Like, a. 1. Similar, resembling, analo gous, allied, parallel, cognate, of a piece. 3. Equal, same. 3. Likely, probable. Like, n. 1. Equal. 3. Preference, partiality, liking. Like, ad. 1, In the manner of, in the same manner as. 3. Likely, probably. Like, v. a. 1. Approve, be pleased with, take pleasure in. 3. Relish, enjoy, be fond of. 3. Esteem, fancy, have a regard for, take a liking to, take to, take a fancy "to; find to one s mind, taste, or fan- Like, v. n. Choose, prefer, elect, list, think fit, be -pleased. Like blazes, [Low.] Furiously. Likelihood, n. Probability, verisimili tude. Likely, a. 1. Probable, credible. 2. In a fair way, to be expected. 3. Pleasing, agreeable, that may be liked. 4. [Colloquial, U. S.] Respectable, worthy, estimable, of good reputation. Liken, v. a. Compare, show the resem blance of. Likeness, n. 1. Resemblance, similar ity, similitude, semblance, form, exter nal appearance. 2. Copy, fac-simile, counterpart, image, representation, portrait, effigy, statue. Likewise, ad. Also, too, besides, more over, furthermore, in addition, to boot, in like manner. Liking, n. 1. Fondness, partiality, de- Sire, wish. 3. Inclination, disposition, tendency, turn, PENCHANT, leaning, bias, pro pensity, proclivity, proneness, predis position, appetency. Liliputian, a. Pygmean, little, small, tiny, puny, dwarfish, diminutive. Lily of the valley, May lily ( Convalla- ria majalis). Limb, n. 1. Member. 2. Branch, bough. Limb of the law, Lawyer, counsellor, counsel, barrister, advocate, attorney, SOLICITOR, attorney-at-law. Limber, a. Supple, pliable, pliant, flexi ble, lithe. Limbo, n. Hell, limbus, infernal re gions, shades below. Limbus, n. [L.] LIMBO. Lime, n. i. Quicklime, protoxide of calcium. 3. Linden, lime-tree. Limit, n. 1. Bound, frontier, boundary, confine, bourn, termination, precinct, marches. 3. Restriction, restraint, obstruction, check, hinderance. Limit, v. a. 1. Bound, circumscribe, define, set bounds to, fix the limits of. 2. Restrain, restrict. Limitation, n. Restriction, restraint. Limning, n. Painting (in water colors). Limp, a. Limber, flaccid, flexile. Limp, v. n. Halt, hobble, walk lamely. Limp, n. Halt, limping gait. Limpid, a. Clear, lucid, pure, bright, transparent, pellucid. Limpidity, n. Clearness, brightness, purity, transparency, limpidness. Limpidness, n. LIMPIDITY. Lin, n. 1. Pool, pond. 3. [Scottish.] Cataract, waterfall. Linden, n. Lime-tree. Line, n. 1. Streak, extended mark. 3. Straight direction. 3. Parallel direction. 4. Thread, cord, string, rope. 5. Row, rank. 6. Row of words (across a page). 7. Note, short letter. 8. Equator, equinoctial circle. 9. One twelfth of an inch. 10. Lineage, race, family. 11, Course, method. 13. Occupation, employment, calling, business, pursuit. Line, v. a. 1. Cover on the inside. 3. Place along the side of. Lineage, n. Progeny, race, family, house, genealogy, descent, descendants, line, birth, breed, extraction, ancestry. Lineal, a. 1. In a direct line (from an ancestor). 3. Linear, in the direction of a line. Lineament, n. Outline ( particularly of the face), feature, trait, line. Linear, a. Lineal, in the direction of a line. Linen, n. 1. Cloth of flax, flaxen fabric. 3. Under garments. Linger, v. n. Loiter, delay, tarry, lag, saunter, be slow, wait long, remain long. Lingering, a. 1. Delaying, loitering. 3. Protracted. Lingo, n. (Low.) Language, speech. Linguiform, a. (Bot.) Tongue-shaped, Ungulate. Linguist, n. Adept in languages. Linguistics, n. Glossology, glottology. LINGULATE 247 LIVE IN CLOVER LIngulate, (Bot.) Linguiform, tongue- shaped. Liniment, n. Embrocation, soft oint ment. Link, n. Connective, copula, VINCULUM, bond. Link, v. a. Connect, conjoin, join, unite, bind, tie. Linseed, n. Flaxseed. Linsey-woolsey, a. 1. Of linen and wool. 3. Vile, mean, worthless. Linsey-woolsey, n. 1. Cloth of linen and wool. 3. Motley composition. Lintel, n. Head-piece (of a door-frame or a ivindoiv -frame). Lion, 1. King of beasts. 3. Object of interest, rare specta cle. Lion s share, Largest portion, greater part. Lion-hearted, a. Brave, courageous, intrepid, dauntless, bold, valiant. Lion-like, a. Leonine. Lippitude, n. Blearedness, dimsighted- ness. Lip, n. Edge or border (of the mouth, &c.). Liquefaction, n. Melting, dissolving, thawing, fusion, dissolution. Liquefy, v. a. Melt, dissolve, fuse, make liquid. Liqueur, n. [Fr.] Cordial, aromatized spirit. Liquid, a. 1. Fluid. 3. Mellifluous, dulcet, soft, clear, flowing. Liquid, n. Fluid, liquor, liquid sub stance. Liquidate, v. a. Settle, adjust, pay, extinguish, pay off, clear off. Liquidation, n. Settlement, discharge, adjustment, payment. Liquidity, n. Fluidity, liquidness. Liquidness, n. Fluidity, liquidity. id stance. Liquor, n. 1, Liquid, fluid, liquid sub 3. Spirituous or alcoholic liquid. Liquor of flints, Soluble glass, silicate of soda (or of potash). List, n. 1. REGISTER, roll, CATALOGUE, INVENTORY, schedule, INVOICE. 3. Border, bound, limit. 3. Strip (of cloth, on the edge), sel vage. 4. (Arch.) Fillet, annulet, listel. List, v. n. Wish, choose, desire, prefer, elect, think fit, think best, think pro per. Listel, n. (Arch.) Fillet, annulet, list. Listen, v. n. Hearken, hark, hear, give ear, lend an ear, incline an ear, prick up the ears, be all ear. Listless, a. Inattentive, indifferent, heedless, careless, thoughtless. Lists, n. pi. Arena, palsestra, race course. Literal, n. 1. As regards letters. 3. According to the exact meaning, not figurative. 3. Following the exact words, not free. Literary, a. 1. Of literature or learn ing. 3. Learned, le.ttered, bookish, well- read, book-learned. Literati, [L. pi.] n. Scholars, savans, the learned, learned men. Literatim, ad. [L.] Lett&r for let ter. Literature, n. 1. Learning, erudition, letters. 3. The humanities, the Muses, belles lettres, polite literature. 3. Literary productions, literary Litharge, n. Protoxide of lead (fused and semi-vitrified). Lithe, )a. Limber, flexible, flexile, Lithesome, ) pliable, pliant, supple. Lithia, n. Oxide of lithium. Lithograph, n. Lithographic engrav ing. Litigate, v. a. Contest in law, defend in a lawsuit. Litigate, v. n. Dispute in law, carry on a lawsuit. Litigation, n. Lawsuit, suit at law, judicial contest. Litigious, a. Contentious, disputatious, quarrelsome. Litter, n. 1. Vehicle with a bed (borne by hand). 3. Bedding of straw, hay, &c. 3. Things negligently scattered. 4. Brood. Litter, v. a. 1. Cover with straw, hay, &c., for bedding. 3. Cover with things negligently scat tered. 3. Give birth to (said of quadrupeds), bring forth. Little, a. 1. Small (in size or extent), minute, diminutive, tiny, not great, not large. 3. Small (in quantity, amount or du ration), not much. 3. Inconsiderable, petty, slight, slen der, feeble, moderate, scanty. 4. Mean, selfish, narrow, paltry, con temptible. Little, ad. Slightly, in a small degree, in some degree. Little Bear, n. [With The prefixed.] Lesser Bear, URA MINOR. Littoral, a. Of the shore. Liturgy, n. Ritual, formulary of public worship. Live, v. n. 1. Exist, breathe, have being, have life, be alive, keep soul and body together. 3. Remain, continue, endure, be per manent. 3. Dwell, abide, reside, have lodgings, have one s quarters, be quartered. 4. Feed, subsist, be nourished, be supported, obtain a livelihood. 5. Enjoy life, be happy. Live coal, Burning coal. Live, a. LIVING, alive, not dead. Live in clover, Luxuriate, wanton, revel, live luxuriously. LIVELY 248 LOGIC Lively, a. 1. Active, agile, nimble, dapper, supple, brisk, alert, quick, stir ring, SPRY, smart. 3. Animated, spirited, sprightly, vi vacious, airy, gay, blithe, blithesome, buoyant, joyous, frolicsome, buxom, debonair, full of life. 3. Vivid, bright, brilliant. 4. Vigorous, forcible, strong, nervous, glowing, sparkling, racy, piquant, im passioned. Liver of sulphur, Sulphuret of potas sium (fused). Liver-leaf, n. Liverwort. Liverwort, n. Liver-leaf. Livery, n. 1. Dress (for distinction, as of servants). 2. (Law.) Delivery. Live-stock, n. Stock, domestic animals (on a farm). Livid, a. Discolored (as flesh by a bruise), black and blue, of a lead color. Living, a. 1. Existing, breathing, live, not dead. 3. Active, vigorous, lively. Living, n. 1. Livelihood, maintenance, support, subsistence, keeping, FEED. 3. Benefice, ecclesiastical living. 3. Mode of life, course of life. Lixivium, n. Lye. Lo, interj. Look, see, behold. Load, n. 1. Burden, weight. 3. Lading, cargo, freight. 3. Encumbrance, pressure, clog, in cubus, drag weight, dead weight. Load, v. a. 1. Freight, lade, put or lay a load upon. 3. Encumber, oppress, burden, weigh down. Loadstar, n. [Written also Lodestar.] Polestar. Loadstone, n. Magnet, natural mag net. Loaf, v. n. [Colloquial.] Lounge, be idle, idle away one s time. Loafer, n. Idler, lounger, vagrant, vag abond, idle wanderer. Loam, n. Mould. Loan, v. a. Lend. Loath, a. Reluctant, backward, unwill ing, averse, disinclined, indisposed, not disposed. Loathe, v. a. Abhor, detest, hate, nau seate, abominate, feel disgust at, shrink from, recoil from. Loathing, n. Abhorrence, disgust, de testation, abomination, hatred, anti pathy, horror. Loathsome, a. 1. Disgusting, sicken ing, nauseous, nauseating, repulsive, offensive, revolting, palling. 3. Hateful, detestable, odious, shock ing, abominable, abhorrent, execra ble. Loaves and fishes, Gains, rewards, emoluments. Lobelia, n. Indian tobacco (a name of the North American species ; Lobelia in- flata). Local, a. Topical. Locality, n. Position, situation, place, location. Locate, v. a. 1. Place, set, establish, fix. 3. Determine the place of, designate the site of. 3. Set oft" (as tracts of land), fix the boundaries of. Location, n. 1, Situation, place, locality. 2. Locating, establishing, marking out the limits or boundaries. Loch, n. [Scottish.] Lake, pond, mere, pool. Lock, n. 1. Lift-lock (of a canal). 3. Tuft, flock. Lock, v. a. l. Fasten (with a lock), close fast. 3. Confine (by locking), shut up, lock up. 3. Enclose, encircle, embrace. Lock up, 1. Clasp, fasten, lock, close fast. 3. Confine, shut up. Locked-jaw, ) n. Trismus, tetanus (of Lock-jaw, ) the jaw). Locofoco match, Lucifer match. Locomotion, n. 1. Motion from place to place. 3. Power to move from place to place. Locomotive, a. Able to move from place to place. Locomotive, n. Locomotive engine. Locum tenens, [L.] Deputy, substi tute, lieutenant, agent, proxy. Locust, n. [U. S., wliere this name is im properly applied to the harvest-fly.] Cicada, harvest-fly. Lode, n. Metallic vein, mineral vein. Lodestar, n. [Written also Loadstar.} Polestar. Lodge, n. 1. Cottage, cot, small house. 3. Den, lair, haunt. 3. Association (as of freemasons), se cret society. 4. Collection, group. Lodge, v. a. 1. Place, put, deposit. 3. Plant, infix, fix. 3. Harbor, quarter, provide lodging for. 4. Lay flat, beat down. Lodge, v. n. 1. Inhabit (for a season), dwell, live, reside, abide. 3. Sojourn, tarry, rest, STOP, take up one s quarters, pitch one s tent, put up, take lodgings, have lodgings. Lodging, n. 1. Place of rest, apart ment for sleeping. 3. Habitation (for a season), abode, residence, dwelling, quarters, dwelling- place, place of residence, headquarters. Loftiness, n. 1. Height, elevation, alti tude. 3. Pride, haughtiness. 3. Sublimity, dignity. Lofty, a. 1. High, elevated. 3. Proud, haughty, arrogant, magis terial. 3. Sublime, dignified. Logan, n. Rocking-stone. Loggerhead, n. Simpleton, DUNCE. Logic, n. 1. Science of reasoning, sci ence of the laws of thought, analysis of the process of reasoning. 3. Dialectics, application of logical principles, applied logic. LOGICAL 249 LOOSEN Logical, a. 1. Of logic. 2. Dialectical, according to the rules of logic, that conforms to the laws of thought. 3. Coherent, consistent. 4. Discriminating, skilled in reason ing, versed in logic. logomachy, n. Dispute, controversy, altercation, bickering, wrangling, war of words, words. Logwood, n. Campeachy wood. Loins, n. pi. Reins, lumbar region. Loiter, v. n. Lag, linger, delay, saunter, dillydally, move slowly. loitering, a. Dilatory, lingering. Loll, v. n. Lounge, recline, lean, sprawl, lie at ease. Lone, a. 1. Solitary, isolated, secluded, lonely, alone. 2. Unfrequented, deserted, uninhab ited, unoccupied, lonesome. Loneliness, n. Solitariness, seclusion, solitude, retirement, isolation. Lonely, a. 1. Apart, retired, solitary, secluded, isolated, sequestered, remote, dreary, lonesome. 2. Lone, alone, solitary, unaccom panied, companionless. Lonesome, a. 1. Solitary, lonely, se cluded, deserted, lone. 2, Desolate, cheerless, dismal, gloomy, dreary. Long, a. 1. Extended, lengthy, not short. 2. Protracted, prolonged, long-wind ed, spun out. 3. Slow, dilatory, slack, lingering, tardy, not quick. Long home, The tomb, the sepulchre, the grave, narrow house, house of death. Long, ad. 1. To a great extent. 2. A long time, for a long time. 3. Throughout, all along. Long for, Crave, hanker for, hanker after, lust after, pine for, have a long ing for, yearn for, aspire after. Long-breathed, a. Long-winded. Longe, n. & v. n. [Fr.] Pass, thrust, allonge, lunge. Longevity, n. Long life. Long-headed, a. Sagacious, discerning, intelligent, acute, shrewd, clear-sighted, keen-sighted. Longing, n. Craving, yearning, hank ering, itching, aspiration, breathing, continual wish, earnest desire, wistful eye, lickerish tooth. Longitudinally, ad. Lengthwise, from end to end. Long-sighted, a. Far-sighted. Long-spun, a. Lengthy, tedious, long- winded, spun out. Long-suffering, a. Forbearing, patient, not easily provoked. Long-suffering, n. Forbearance, clem ency, patient endurance (of injuries). Long-winded, a. 1. Long-breathed. 2. Protracted, prolonged, spun out. 3. Tedious, wearisome. Look, v. n. 1. Direct the eye. 2. Turn the thoughts, apply the mind. 3. Mind, consider, take care, take heed. 4. Front, face, be turned, be directed. 5. Appear, seem ; have, wear, or pre sent the appearance ; strike one as be ing. Look, v. a. Influence by looks. Look, interj. See, lo, behold. Look, n. 1. Gaze. 2. Appearance, aspect, complexion. 3. Mien, air of the face, cast of coun tenance. Look after, 1. Attend to, take care of, see to. 2. Seek, search for, look for. 3. Expect, wait for. Look down upon, Despise, contemn, spurn, regard with contempt. Look for, 1. Expect. 2. Search, seek, look after. Look in the face, Face, meet boldly. Look into, Investigate, examine, study, consider, inspect closely, observe nar rowly. Look on, 1. Be a spectator. 2. Regard, esteem, consider, look upon. Look out, (Active.) Search for, look up. Look out, (Neuter.) Be on the watch, be on one s guard. Look over, Examine, cast the eye over. Look sharp, Be vigilant, have all one s eyes about one. Look to, 1. Watch, take care of, look after. 2. Rely on, depend on. Look upon, Regard, consider, esteem, look on. Look up, Search for, look out. Look up to, Respect, honor, defer to, think much of, think highly of. Loon, n. 1. (Ornith.) Great northern diver (Colymbus glactalis). 2. Simpleton, fool, DUKCE. Looper, n. Canker-worm, span-worm, geometer. Loophole, n. 1. Opening (in the wall of a fortification), aperture. 2. Plea, pretext, pretence, excuse, way for evasion, way of escape. Loose, v. a. 1. Unfasten, untie, unbind, unloose, CAST OFF. 2. Release, liberate, free, set free. 3. Detach, disconnect, disengage. Loose, a. 1. Unbound, untieu, not fas tened, not confined. 2. Movable, not fast, not fixed. 3. Slack, relaxed, not tense, not tight. 4. Open, not close, not compact, not dense. 5. Prolix, rambling, not concise. 6. Vague, indefinite, indistinct, in determinate, ill-defined, not precise, not exact. 7. Lax in the bowels, not costive. 8. Immoral, dissolute, WANTON, un chaste, of lax morals. Loosen, v. a. 1. Slacken, relax, make loose, make less tight. 2. Release, unloose, loose, let loose. 3. Make lax (as the bowels). LOP 250 LOW Lop, v. a. 1. Cut, cut off. 2. Dock, crop, curtail, prune, cut short. 3. Drop, let fall. Loquacious, a. Talkative, garrulous, chatty, conversable, COZY. Loquacity, n. Talkativeness, garrulity, gift of gab. Lord, n. 1. Master, ruler, governor, sovereign, king. 3. Noble, nobleman, peer. 3. Husband. 4. GOD, Jehovah. Lord it over, ) Eule, rule over, domi- Lord over, j neer over. Lorgnette, n. [Fr.] Opera-glass. Lordliness, n. 1. Dignity, majesty. 2. Pride, haughtiness. Lordly, a. 1. Dignified, majestic. 3. Proud, haughty, domineering, im perious, overbearing. Lord s-day, n. Sunday, the Sabbath, the Christian Sabbath, first day of the week, the day of rest. Lordsliip, n. 1. Authority, dominion, rule, sway, command, control, govern ment, direction, domination, empire. 3. Manor, feudal estate of a noble man. Lord s-prayer, n. Pater noster. Lord s-supper, n. Eucharist, commun ion, sacrament, Christian sacrament. Lore, n. Learning, erudition, knowledge. Loriot, n. Witwall, golden oriole (of Europe; Oriolus galbula). Lose, v. a. 1. Be deprived of, fail to keep, let slip, let slip through the fin gers. 3. Forfeit, fail to win, fail to ob tain. 3. Waste, squander, misspend, throw away, make no use of. 4. Miss, wander from. 5. Be bereaved of, be deprived of. Lose caste, Be disgraced. Lose ground, 1. Fall behind. 3. Decline, lose credit. Lose heart, Despair, be discouraged, give up, hope. Lose one s heart, Fall in love. Lose one s self, 1. Be bewildered. J5. Slumber, fall asleep. Loss, n, 1. Privation, deprivation, be reavement. 3. Forfeiture, failure to win. 3. Destruction, overthrow, damage, detriment, ruin. 4. Waste, squandering. Lost, a. 1. Missing, not to be found. 2. Forfeited, missed. 3. Misspent, wasted, squandered, dis sipated, thrown away. 4. Bewildered, confused, perplexed, puzzled, distracted, benighted, posed, nonplussed, at a loss, at fault, in a maze, in the dark. 5. Abstracted, preoccupied, absent, absent-minded, dreamy, napping. 6. Depraved, corrupt, abandoned, profligate, dissolute, reprobate, grace less, shameless, obdurate, hardened, incorrigible, irreclaimable. 7. Ruined, destroyed, perished, gone, vanished, disappeared, departed. Lost to, Insensible to, unconscious of. Lot, n. 1. Destiny, doom, allotment, apportionment, fate. 3. Chance, hazard, fortune, hap, hap hazard. 3. Portion, parcel, division. 4. Piece of land. 5. [Colloquial U. S.] Great quantity, great number. Lotion, n. Wash. Loud, a. 1. Resounding, high-sounding. 3. Deafening, stunning, stentorian. 3. Clamorous, vociferous, boisterous, noisy. Loud, ad. Loudly. Loudly, ad. Loud, not low. Lounge, v. n. Recline, loll, LOAF, live lazily, spend time idly. Lounger, n. Idler. Lout, n. Bumpkin, clown, boor, lubber, bungler, fumbler, clumsy fellow, awk ward fellow. Loutish, a. Clownish, rude, boorish, awkward. Lovable, a. AMIABLE, LOVELY, sweet, winning. Love, v. a. 1. Have affection for, regard with affection. 3. Have a passionate affection for, be in love with, be enamoured of. 3. Like, be pleased with. Love, v. n. Delight, take pleasure. Love, n. 1. Affection, affectionate re gard. 3. Attachment, passionate affection, the tender passion. 3. Liking, fondness. 4. Lover, person beloved. 5. Cupid, god of love. Love-apple, n. Tomato (Ly coper sicwn esculentum or Solanwn .fycopersicum). Love-child, n. Bastard, illegitimate child, natural child. Love-feasts, n. pi. Agapse. Love-letter, n. BILLET-DOUX. Lovely, a. Pleasing, delightful, charm ing, delectable, enchanting, winning, sweet, AMIABLE, that inspires love. Loving, a. Affectionate, fond, attached. Loving-cup, n. Grace cup. Loving-kindness, n. Mercy, favor, tenderness, tender regard. Low, a. 1. Depressed, not high, not elevated, of little height. 3. Not acute, shrill, or sharp ; grave. 3. Cheap, not dear, reasonable. 4. Ignoble, abject, degraded, servile, slavish, menial, mean, base, plebeian, vulgar, un titled, base-born, common. 5. Undignified, grovelling, vile, base- minded, low-minded, shabby, scurvy, dirty. 6. Dishonorable, disreputable, derog atory, unhandsome, unbecoming, dis graceful, unmanly, ungentlemanly. 7. Moderate, not great, not intense. 8. Weak, exhausted, reduced, fee ble. 9. Plain, simple, not luxurious, not rich. LOW 251 LUMP of low Low, ad. 1. With little elevation. 3. Near the ground. 3. To a reduced state, in a low con dition. 4. Softly, in a low tone, not loudly. 5. Cheaply, at a moderate price. Low, v. n. Bellow, moo. Low, n. Moo, lowing. * Low-born, a. Of mean birth, extraction. Low-bred, a. Vulgar, unrefined. Lower, v. a. 1. Depress, detrude, drop, sink, let down, bring down, take down. 3. Degrade, debase, disgrace, humble, humiliate. 3. Lessen, diminish, reduce, decrease. Lower, v. n. 1. Grow dark, be clouded, appear gloomy, appear stormy. 3. Frown, glower, look sullen, look black. Lowering, a. Cloudy, clouded, overcast, lurid, murky. Lowering, n. Depression, diminution, reduction. Lowing, n. Low, moo. Lowliness, n. 1. Humility, humbleness, meekness, self-abasement, submissive- 3. Lowness, meanness, abjectness. Lowly, a. 1. Low, not high. 3. Humble, meek, resigned, submis sive. 3. Mean, not great, without dignity. 4. Modest, unpretending, not lofty. Low-minded, a. Base-minded, base, mean, servile, vile, grovelling, slavish, abject, low. Low-priced, a. Low, cheap. Low-spirited, a. Dispirited, dejected, depressed, disheartened, discouraged, down-hearted, desponding, cast down, in low spirits. Low spirits, Dejection, dejectedness, depression, despondency, MELAN CHOLY, hypochondria. Loyal, a. Faithful, true, not perfidious, not treacherous. Loyalty, n. Allegiance, fealty, fidelity. Lozenge, n. 1. Rhomb, rhombus, ob lique-angled parallelogram (with equal sides). 3. Troche. Lubber, n. Clown, boor, lout, bungler, fumbler, clumsy fellow, awkward fel low. Lubberly, a. Clumsy, awkward, bung ling, fumbling. Lubricate, v. a. Smooth, make slip pery. Lubricity, n. Smoothness, slipperiness. Luce, n. Pike, pickerel, true-jack (Esox lucius ). . Lucid, a. 1. Shining, radiant, luminous, bright, beaming, resplendent, efful gent. 3. Clear, transparent, pure, pellucid, limpid, diaphanous, crystalline. 3. Distinct, intelligible, perspicuous, plain. 4. Sane, sober, sound (in mind). Lucifer, n. 1. Venus, Phosphorus, the morning star. 3. Satan, Belial, Apollyon, Devil, arch-fiend, the tempter, the evil one, the man of sin, the wicked one, the old serpent, the prince of darkness, the foul fiend, the enemy, the author of evil. Lucifer match, Locofoco match. Luciferous, a. Luminiferous. Luck, n. Chance, fortune, hazard, hap, haphazard, fate. Luckily, ad. Fortunately, by good luck, as good luck would have it. Luckless, a. Unfortunate, unlucky, unprosperous, unsuccessful, ill-fated, ill-starred. Lucky, a. 1. Fortunate (in an unex pected way), happy, blessed, iu luck. 3. Prosperous, auspicious, propitious, favorable. Lucrative, a. Profitable, remunerative, gainful, paying. Lucre, n. Gain, profit, emolument, pelf, riches, wealth, mammon. Lucubration, n. 1. Study (by night), meditation, speculation, cogitation. 3. Composition, writing. Luculent, a. Lucid, clear, transparent, bright. Ludicrous, a. Laughable, comical, odd, ridiculous, droll, funny, farcical, ab surd. Luff, v. n. (Naut.) Sail nearer the wind, bring the bow into the wind. Lug, v. a. Pull, tug, haul, drag. Lug, n. [Low.] Heavy load. Luggage, n. 1. Baggage, bag and bag gage. 3. Effects, TRAPS, things, stuff. Lugubrious, a. Mournful, sorrowful, doleful, sad, gloomy, melancholy. Lukewarm, a. 1. Tepid, blood warm, slightly warm. 3. Indifferent, unconcerned, listless, cold, torpid, dull, dead, not ardent, not zealous. Lull, v. a. Compose, quiet, calm, still, hush, tranquillize, put to rest. Lull, v. n. Subside, cease, become calm. Lull, n. Calm, calmness. Lumbago, n. (Med.) Rheumatism in the loins. Lumbar region, Loins, reins. Lumber, n. 1. Trash, trumpery, rub bish. 3. [ U. S.] Sawed or split timber. Lumber, v. a. 1. Heap in disorder. 3. Fill with trumpery. Lumber, v. n. 1. Trudge, move heavily. 3. [U. S.] Cut timber, prepare logs for lumber. Lumbering, a. 1. Trudging, moving slowly. 3. Cumbrous, cumbersome, clumsy, awkward, unwieldy. Luminiferous, a. Luciferous, produc ing light. Luminous, a. 1. BRIGHT, shining, radiant. 3. Lucid, clear, perspicuous. Lump, n. 1. Shapeless mass. 3. Whole, gross, aggregate. Lump, v. a. Throw into an aggregate, take in the gross. LUMPER 252 MACHIAVELIAN .Lumper, n. Laborer, (employed in load ing or unloading a ship). lumpish, a. Dull, heavy, stupid, gross, inactive. Lump-fish, n. Lump-sucker. Lump-sucker, n. Lump-fish (Cyclop- terns lumpus). Lunacy, n. Insanity, madness, mania, derangement, craziness, mental aber ration. Lunar caustic, Nitrate of silver (fused). Luxated, K (Sot.) Crescent-shaped. Lunatic, a. 1. Insane, mad, deranged, crazy, out of one s head. 3. For lunatics. Lunatic, n. Madman, maniac, insane person. Lunatic asylum, Madhouse, bedlam, insane asylum, insane hospital, hospital for the insane. Lunch, n. Luncheon. Lunch, v. n. Take a lunch. Luncheon, n. Lunch, slight meal. Lune, n. Crescent, half-moon. Lunge, n. Pass, thrust, allonge, longe. Lungs, n. pi. Organs of respiration, LIGHTS. Lurch, (Naut. ) Sudden roll. Lurch, v. n. (Naut. ) Boll suddenly. Lure, n. Enticement, bait, attraction, allurement, decoy, temptation. Lure, v. a. Entice, allure, attract, de coy, tempt, seduce, inveigle, lead by the nose. Lurid, a. Gloomy, murky, ghastly, dis mal. Lurk, v. n. 1. Lie hid, lie concealed, lie in wait. 3. Skulk, keep out of sight, keep out of the way. Lurking-hole, )n. Ambush, ambus- Lurking-place, j cade, retreat, cover, hiding-place. Luscious, a. 1. Honeyed, excessively sweet. 3. Delicious, savory, palatable, grate ful. Lusern, n. Lynx. Lush, a. Juicy, succulent, watery, sap py, moist, full of juice. Lust, n. 1. Cupidity, inordinate desire. 3. Concupiscence, carnality, lechery, pruriency, la sciviousness, carnal desire, animal appetite. Lust after, 1. Long for, desire eager ly- 3. Have Carnal desire for. Lustful, a. Concupiscent, libidinous, lecherous, lascivious, prurient, licker ish, rampant, carnal. Lustration, n. Purification, cleansing. Lustre, n. ^Written also Luster.] 1, Brightness, brilliancy, splendor, gleam, radiance, resplendence, refulgence. 3. Distinction, repute, renown, emi nence, celebrity, glory, honor, ECLAT. J. Chandelier CANDELABRUM. Lustrous, a. Bright, shining, beaming, luminous, radiant, brilliant. Lusty, a. Stout, vigorous, robust, stal wart, athletic, muscular, brawny, burly, sturdy. Lusus naturae, [L.] Freak of nature. Luthern, n. Dormer, dormer-window. Luxate, v. a. Dislocate, disjoint, put out of joint. Luxation, n. Displacement (of a joint), dislocation, disjointing. Luxuriance, } n. Exuberance, supera- Luxuriancy, ) bundauce, profusion, rank growth. Luxuriant, a. Exuberant, profuse, su perabundant, plentiful, plenteous. Luxuriate, v. n. 1. Flourish, grow lux uriantly. 3. Revel, wanton, live luxuriously, live in clover. Luxurious, a. Voluptuous, given to luxury. Luxuriously, ad. Voluptuously, in lux ury, in clover, on velvet, on a bed of roses, in the lap of luxury. Luxury, n. 1. Voluptuousness, luxu- riousness, sensuality, epicurism. 3. Pleasure, gratification. 3. Dainty, treat, Lye, n. Lixivium. Lying, a. False, mendacious, untruth- ful, untrue. Lying, n. Falsehood. Lying-in, Childbirth. Lynch, v. a. [U. S.] Punish without trial, inflict summary punishment on. Lynch law, [ U. S.] Mob law. Lynx, n. Lusern. Lynx-eyed, a. Discerning, perspica cious, sharp-sighted, eagle-eyed, hawk- I eyed, keen-eyed, Argus-eyed. I Lyric, n. Lyric poem. M Macaroni, n. 1. Italian paste, Genoese paste. 3. Beau, exquisite, fop, popinjay, coxcomb, jackanapes, jack-a-dandy, man milliner, man of dress, vain fel low. Macerate, v. a. 1. Mortify, make lean, 3. Soften (by steeping), steep, soak, digest. Maceration, n. 1. Mortification. 3. Softening, steeping, soaking. Machiavelian, a. Artful, designing, insidious, sly, shrewd, astute, subtle, diplomatic, arch, intriguing, cunning, crafty, wily, crooked, tricky, deceitful. MACHIAVELISM 253 MAINTAIN Machiavelism, n. Duplicity, chicane, guile, chicanery, trickery, cunning, circumvention, deceit, deception, arti fice, dissimulation, double-dealing, ho cus-pocus. Machination, n. Plot, complot, con spiracy, intrigue, cabal, stratagem, trick. Machine, n. Engine, piece of mechan ism. Machinery, n. 1. Enginery, mechan ism. 3. Supernatural agency (in poems). Macrocosm, n. Universe, great world, wide world. Mad, a. 1. Insane, crazy, crazed, dis tracted, lunatic, delirious, out of one s head. 3. Frantic, furious, enraged, raging, violent. 3. Angry, exasperated, provoked, in censed, in a passion. Madcap, n. Hotspur, blood, wild fel low, hot-brained or hot-headed fellow. Madden, v. a. Irritate, provoke, en rage, infuriate, exasperate, inflame, make mad, drive mad, turn one s head, lash into fury, make one s blood boil. Madhouse, n. Bedlam, lunatic hospital, lunatic asylum, hospital for the in sane. Madman, n. Lunatic, maniac, bedlam ite, insane person, crazy person. Madness, n. 1. Insanity, derangement, craziness, lunacy, distraction, MANIA, mental aberration. 3. Frenzy, fury, rage. Madrigal, n. Pastoral poem. Magazine, n. 1. Warehouse, storehouse, ENTREPOT. 3. Periodical pamphlet. Maggot, n. 1. Grub. 3. Caprice, whim, crotchet, quirk, freak, vagary, humor, fancy, whimsey, WRINKLE, odd fancy. Maggoty, a. 1. Fly-blown., full of mag gots. 3. "Whimsical, crotchety, capricious, fantastic, fantastical, odd, strange. Magic, n. Sorcery, necromancy, en chantment, the black art. Magician, n. Sorcerer, enchanter, nec romancer, conjurer. Magilp, n. Gumption. Magisterial, a. Domineering, lordly, imperious, proud, arrogant, lofty. Magistrate, n. Officer (in civil service). Magnanimity, n. Generosity, disinter estedness, high-mindedness, greatness or nobleness of mind, elevation of soul, chivalrous spirit. Magnanimous, a. Noble, elevated, lof ty, generous, disinterested, chivalrous, liberal, high-minded, great-souled. Magnate, n. Noble, nobleman, grandee, man of rank, distinguished person. Magnesite, n. Meerschaum, sea-foam, hydrous silicate of magnesia. Magnet, n. 1. Loadstone, natural mag net. 3. Artificial magnet. Magnetism, w. Power of attraction. Magnetize, v. a. Make magnetic. Magnificence, n. Grandeur, splendor, pomp, eclat, grand appearance. Magnificent, a. Grand (in appearance), splendid, pompous, imposing, stately, superb. Magnify, v. a. 1. Enlarge, augment, amplify, exaggerate, make great, in crease the size of (to the eye). 3. Extol, exalt, elevate, celebrate, glorify, bless, laud, praise highly. Magniloquence, n. Bombast, gran diloquence, turgidity, inflation, fustian, flourish, pompous language. Magniloquent, a. Grandiloquent, bom bastic, inflated, swelling, declamatory, turgid, pompous, stilted, high-flowing, HIGHFALUTIN. Magnitude, n. 1. Size, bulk, volume, extent, dimension, CAPACITY. 3. Greatness, importance. 3. (Math.) Quantity. Mahometan, n. Mohammedan, Mussul man. Mahometanism, n. Mohammedanism, Islaruism, Islam. Maid, n. I. Girl, lass, LASSIE, virgin, maiden, damsel, young lady. 3. Maid-servant, female servant. Maiden, n. Girl, virgin, MAID. Maiden, a. 1. Of maids, of virgins. 3. Pure, chaste, undefiled, virgin. 3. Fresh, new. Maidenhood, n. Virginity, virgin pu rity. Maidenly, a. Modest, gentle, reserved. Maiden speech, First speech (in pub lic). Maid-servant, n. Maid, female ser vant. Mail, n. 1. Defensive armor. 3. Post, conveyance for mailed mat ter. 3. Mailed matter. Mail, v. a. Put in the mail, put in the post-office, send by post. Maim, v. a. Cripple, mutilate, disable. Main, a. Chief, principal, leading, most important. Main, n. 1. Ocean, great sea. 3. Continent, mainland. 3. Main conduit, main pipe, main duct. 4. Force, power, strength, might. Mainland, n. Continent. Mainly, ad. Chiefly, principally, in the main. Main-spring, n. Prime mover. Main-stay, n. Principal support, chief reliance. Maintain, v. a. 1. Sustain, support, preserve, uphold, keep. 3. Defend, vindicate, assert, justify. 3. Continue, keep up, carry on. 4. Provide food for, supply with means of living. MAINTAIN 254 MAKE UP Maintain, v. n. Affirm, aver, allege, say, contend, hold the opinion, hazard the opinion. Maintenance, n. 1. Support, vindica tion, justification, defence, preserva tion. 3. Sustenance, food, victuals, pro visions, BREAD, livelihood, subsistence. Maize, n. Indian corn (Zea mays). Majestic, a. August, imposing, digni fied, noble, princely, stately, imperial, grand, royal. Majesty, n. Grandeur, dignity, stateli- ness. Major, a. Greater. Major-domo, n. Steward. Majority, n. 1. Greater number, more than half. 2. Manhood, full ^.ge. Majuscule, n. Capital letter (in ancient manuscripts). Make, v. a. 1. Create, bring into be ing. 2. Frame, fashion, mould, shape, form, figure. 3. Produce, effect, be productive of. 4. Constitute, compose. 5. Perform, do, execute, practise. 6. Secure, gain, acquire, get. 7. Compel, constrain, force. 8. Represent, show. Make, v. n. 1. Proceed, go, travel, jour ney, tend, move. 55. Contribute, conduce, operate, have effect. Make, n. Structure, construction, text ure, constitution. Make a clean breast, Make a full con fession. Make a figure, Figure, make a distin guished appearance, be distinguished, be conspicuous. Make against, Tend to injure. Make as if, Appear, seem, feign, pre tend, make believe, act as if. Make away with, Kill, destroy. Make-believe, Pretend, feign, appear, seem, act as if, make as if. Make-believe, a. Pretended, counter feited, sham, mock, clap-trap. Make bold, Presume, venture, dare, take the liberty, have the presumption*. Make choice of, Choose, select, pick out. Make for, 1. Move toward, go toward, STRIKE FOR. 5J. Favor, tend to the advantage of. Make free with, Treat without cere mony, treat as one s own, use without leave. Make good, 1. Defend, maintain, vin dicate, justify, stand by. 53. Fulfil, accomplish. 3. Establish, verify, confirm, prove, substantiate. 4. Compensate for, make compensa tion for, supply by an equivalent, make up for. Make haste, Be quick, BEAR A HAND. Make head against, Stem, resist suc cessfully. Making, Composition, constitution, for mation. Make known, Publish, declare, bring to light, proclaim. Make light of, Consider as of no conse quence, treat with contempt. Make love to, Court, woo, make suit to. Make mention of, Speak of, take notice of, allude to, refer to. Make merry, Feast, be jovial, be joyful. Make much of, Cherish, foster, fondle, pet, coddle, treat with fondness. Make no bones, Have no scruple, make no scruple. Make no difference, Be as well, be a matter of indifference, make no matter. Make no doubt, Be confident, have no doubt. Make no matter, Make no difference, be a matter of indifference, be as well. Make nothing for, Be of no value to, be of no use to, have no effect in aiding or supporting. Make oath, Swear, take an oath. Make of, 1. Understand, interpret. 53. Effect or produce from. 3. Consider, account, esteem. Make off with, 1. Take away, carry off. 53. Steal, pilfer, filch, purloin, cab bage. Make one s mouth water, Excite or whet the appetite. Make one s toilet, Arrange one s dress, attend to one s dress. Make out, (Active.) 1. Discover, as certain, learn, determine, interpret, decipher, get a clear understanding of. 2. Prove, establish. 3. Prepare, draw up. 4. Provide, furnish, supply. Make out, (Neuter.) Succeed, be able at last. Maker, n. 1. [With The prefixed.] Creator, GOD. 53. Manufacturer, former, builder, constructor. 3. Author, writer, composer. 4. (Law.) Signer of a promissory note. Make over, Transfer, convey, alienate, demise. Make sail, (Naut.) Set the sails, hoist the sails, spread the sails. Makeshift, n. Substitute, temporary expedient. Make sport of, Mock, ridicule, deride, scout, scoff at, jeer at, laugh at. Make suit to, 1. Court the favor of, endeavor to gain the favor of. 53. Court, woo, make love to. Make sure of, Secure, make certain. Make the best of, Put the best face on, turn to the best account. Make tracks, DEPART, go, start, set out, be off. Make up, (Active.) 1. Collect, get to gether. 2. Constitute, form. 3. Reconcile, settle, adjust. 4. Compensate, make good, make up for. 5. Supply, furnish, provide. 6. Determine, bring to a conclusion. MAKE UP 255 MANDATE Makeup, (Neuter.) Settle a difference, become reconciled. Make up for, Compensate, make good, make up. Make up to, [Colloquial.] Accost, ad dress, speak to. Make water, 1. Urinate, void urine. 3. (Naut.) Leak. Make way, 1. Advance, proceed. 3. Clear a way, open a passage. Malacology, n. Science of mollusks or molluscous animals. Maladroit, a. Awkward, clumsy, un skilful, unskilled, bungling, unhandy, inapt, inexpert, without dexterity. Malady, n. Disease, distemper, dis order, complaint, ail, ailment, sickness, illness, indisposition. Malapert, a. Saucy, impudent, rude, forward, flippant, bold, impertinent, impudent, insolent, cavalier. Malapertness, n. Insolence, sauciness, impudence, rudeness. Malapropos, ad. [Fr.] Unseasonably, unsuitably. Malaria, n. Miasma, miasm, noxious exhalation, bad air. Malcontent, a. Discontented, dissatis fied, unsatisfied. Male, a. He. Male, n. Male animal. Malediction, n. Curse, denunciation, execration, imprecation, anathema, ful- mination, ban. Malefactor, n. . Culprit, felon, convict, criminal, outlaw. Malefeasance, n. (Law.) Wrong doing, ill conduct, illegal deed. Malepractice, n. [Written also and preferably MALPRACTICE.] Miscon duct, MALPRACTICE. Malevolence, n. Malice, maliciousness, spite, spitefulness, malignity, .rancor, venom, hate, grudge, ill-will. Malevolent, a. Malicious, malignant, spiteful, ill-disposed, ill-natured. Malice, n. Malevolence, maliciousness, malignity, rancor, venom, hate, spite, ill-will. Malicious, a. Malevolent, malignant, spiteful, ill-disposed, ill-natured. Maliciousness, n. Malevolence, malice, malignity, ill-will. Malign, a. 1. Malicious, malevolent, malignant, ill-disposed. 3. Injurious, pernicious, unfavorable, baneful, very bad. Malign, v. a. Revile, slander, abuse, calumniate, asperse, defame, blacken, traduce, scandalize, disparage, vili fy- Malignancy, ?*^JMalice, malignity. Malignant, a. iTMalign, MALICIOUS, malevolent;. 3. (Med.) Dangerous, fatal. Maligner, *. Vilifier, slanderer, tra- v ducer, calumniator, backbiter, libeller, defamer. Malignity, n. 1. Malice, malevolence, maliciousness, malignancy, hatred, ani mosity, ill-will. 3. Virulence, fatality. Malinger, v. n. Feign illness (as a sot- dier, to avoid duty), sham sickness, play the hypocrite, sham Abraham. Mall, ?i. [Written also Maul.] Beetle, heavy mallet. Mall, v. a. [Written also Maul.} Beat, bruise. Mall, n. Public walk. Mallet, n. Wooden hammer. Malpractice, n. [Written also Male- practice.} Misconduct, misbehavior, misdoing, dereliction, MALVERSATION. Maltreat, v. a. Abuse, ill treat, ill use. Maltreatment, n. Abuse, ill treatment, bad treatment. Malversation, n. Misconduct (in office), fraudulent conduct (as embezzlement, &c.). Mamma, n. [Childish term.} Mother. Mamma, n. [L. pi. Mammce.] Breast, teat, dug, udder. Mammal, n. Mammifer, one of the mammalia. Mammalia, n.pl. [L.] Mammals, mam- mifers, viviparous animals that suckle their young. Mammifer, n. Mammal, one of the mammalia. Mammon, n. 1. Riches, wealth. 3. God of riches. Mammoth, n. Fossil elephant (Elephas primigenus). Mammoth, a. Gigantic, very large. Man, n. 1. Person, individual, body, somebody, one, personage, soul, living soul, some one, human being. 3. Mankind, the human race. 3. Male person. j 4. Adult male. 5. Piece (as chess, draughts, &c.). Man, v. a. Furnish with men, supply with hands. Manacle, n. Shackle (for the hands), handcuff, hand-fetter. Manacle, v. a. 1. Handcuff. 3. Shackle, fetter, tie, restrain, con fine. Manage, v. a. 1. Conduct, direct, regu late, superintend, supervise, adminis ter, carry on, have the charge of. 3. Rule (with address or artifice), con trol, govern, guide. 3. Wield, handle. Manage, v. n. Manoeuvre, concert meas ures, contrive ways, direct affairs, pull the wires or strings. Manageable, a. Tractable, governable, Management, n. 1. Conduct, control, direction, charge, administration, su perintendence, care, SURVEILLANCE. 3 Contrivance, prudent conduct, cun ning practice. Manager, n. 1. Director, superintend ent, overseer, supervisor, comptroller, governor. 3. Economist, good economist. Manatee, n. Lamantine, sea-cow. Manciple, n. Steward (of a college), pur veyor. Mandate, n. Command, order, injunc tion, precept, charge, requirement. MANDATORY 256 MANTEL-TREE Mandatory, a. Preceptive, directory. Mandible, n. 1. Jaw. 3. (Ornith.) Beak, bill. Mandrake, n. May-apple ( Podyphyllum peltatum). Manducate, v. a. Chew, masticate. Manducation, n. Chewing, mastica tion. Man-eater, n. Cannibal. Man-eaters, n. pi. Anthropophagi, can nibals. Manege, n. [Fr.] 1. Horsemanship. 3. Riding-school. Maneuver, n. [Written also Manoeuvre.] 1. Evolution, movement. 3. Scheme, plan, plot, stratagem, art ful management, adroit procedure. Maneuver, v. n. [Written also Man oeuvre.] 1. Perform evolutions. 3. Contrive, plan, plot, manage, pull the wires or strings. Maneuverer, n. [Written also MAN- CEUVRER.] Tactician, adroit manager, wire-puller. Manful, a. Courageous, bold, brave, stout, strong, vigorous, daring, heroic, intrepid, undaunted, manly. Manganese, n. Black oxide of manga nese (the oxide having the same name as the metal), peroxide or deutoxide of manganese. Mangel-wurzel, n. [Written also Man- gold-wurzel.] Field-beet, scarcity- root { Beta altissima). Mangle, v. a. Lacerate, hack, tear (in cutting). Mangold- wurzel, n. MANGEL-WURZEL. Mangy, a. Scabby, infected with mange. Manhaden, n. [Preferably written Men haden.} Hardhead, mossbunker, pau- haugen. Man-hater, n. Misanthrope, cynic. Manhood, n. 1. Virility. 3. Courage, bravery, hardihood, firm ness, resolution. Mania, 1. Raging madness, violent in sanity. 3. Vehement desire. Mania a potu, [L.] Delirium tremens, the horrors. Maniac, n. Madman, lunatic, bedlamite, insane person. Manicheism, n. Dualism, doctrine of two supreme principles (good and evil). Manifest, a. Apparent, open, obvious, plain, evident, patent, clear, palpable, visible, unmistakable, glaring, noto rious. Manifest, v. a. Show, exhibit, reveal, declare, display, disclose, prove, evince, discover, express, set forth, bring to light, expose to view, hold up to view, make known. Manifestation, n. Exhibition, revela tion, display, expression. Manifesto, n. Declaration (of a sove reign or a government). Manifold, a. Numerous, multiplied, various, many, of divers kinds. Manioc, n. Cassava, TAPIOCA. Manipulate, v. a. & n. Work or operate with the hands. Manipulation, n. Manual operations. Manis, n. Pangolin, scaly ant-eater. Man-killer, n. Murderer, manslayer, homicide. Mankind, n. 1. Man, the human race. 3. Men, the lords of creation. Manliness, n. Bravery, courage, intre pidity, heroism, firmness, resolution, nobleness. Manly, a. Brave, courageous, intrepid, stout, bold, firm, undaunted, vigorous, strong, daring, heroic, noble, manful. Man-midwife, n. ACCOUCHEUR, ob stetrician. Manner, n. 1. Method, mode, fashion, form, way, style, cast. 3. Custom, habit, practice. 3. Degree, measure, extent. 4. [Sing, and pi.] Sort, kind, sorts, kinds. 5. Behavior, carriage, deportment. Mannerism, n. Sameness of manner. Mannerly, a. Courteous, civil, polite. urbane, complaisant, gentlemanly, re fined, well-bred. Manners, n. pi. Morals, habits, carriage, behavior, deportment, bearing, breed ing, air, customary conduct. Manoeuvre, n. [Written also Maneu ver.] 1. Evolution, movement. 3. Scheme, plan, plot, stratagem, artifice, ruse, trick, finesse, artful man agement, adroit procedure. Manoeuvre, v. n. 1. Perform evolutions. 3. Contrive, plan, plot, manage, pull the wires or strings. Manoeuvrer, n. [Written also Maneuve rer.] Tactician, adroit manager, wire puller. Man of straw, Imaginary person. Man-of-war, n. Ship of war. Manor, n. Lordship, feudal estate of a nobleman. Manor-house, n. Hall. Mansard-roof, n. Curb-roof, gambrel- roof. Manse, n. [Scotland.] Parsonage, par sonage house. Mansion, n. Dwelling, seat, residence, habitation, dwelling-house, mansion- house. Mansion-house, n. Dwelling-house, mansion. Manslaughter, n. Homicide (without malice). Man-slayer, n. Murderer, homicide, man-killer. Mantilla, n. Small mantle. Mantle, n. 1. Cloak. 3. Cover, covering. 3. Mantel-piece, mantel-tree, mantel shelf. Mantle, v. a. Cloak, overspread, cover. Mantle, v. n. 1. Expand, spread, be expanded. 3. Be suffused (said of blood rushing to the face). 3. Effervesce, bubble, foam, sparkle, froth. Mantel-piece, n. MANTLE. Mantel-shelf, n. MANTLE. Mantel-tree, n. MANTLE. MANTUA-MAKER 257 MASH Mantua-maker, n. Dressmaker. Manual, n. Of the hand, by the hand. Manual, n. Hand-book. Manufactory, n. Mill, factory. Manufacture, n. 1. Production, fabri cation. 3. Manufactured product. Manufacture, v. a. Make by art. Manumission, n. Emancipation, en franchisement, liberation. Manumit, v. a. Free, liberate, release, emancipate, enfranchise, set free. Manure, v. a. Fertilize, enrich. Manure, n. Fertilizer, compost, dress ing, fertilizing mixture. Manuscript, n. Copy, written paper. Many, a. Numerous, manifold, various, multiplied, divers. Many, n. Multitude, people, many per sons, many people. Many-sided, 1. Of many sides. 3. Liberal, not narrow, not bigoted. Many times, Often, frequently, repeat edly, often times. Map, n. Chart. Mar, v. a. Injure, spoil, ruin, disfigure, hurt, damage, harm. Marasmus, n. ATROPHY, emaciation, decline, gradual wasting. Maraud, v. n. Rove for plunder. Maraud, n. Marauding, ravage, plun der. Marauder, n. Plunderer, ravager, pil lager, robber, freebooter, highwayman, brigand, footpad, outlaw, bandit. March, y. n. 1. Walk (by regular steps, as soldiers), move forward. 3. Walk in a steady manner. March, n. 1. Military movement, pas sage of soldiers. 3. Stately walk. 3. Progression, advance. 4. Military tune. Marches, n. pi. Borders, limits, fron tiers, confines, precincts, bounda ries. Mare, n. Female horse. Mare s-nest, n. [Colloquial.] Absurdity, absurd or ridiculous thing (such as wags impose upon the credulous by way of hoax or practical joke). Mare s-tail, n. Cirrus, cat s-tail. Margin, n. Border, edge, rim, brim, verge, brink, confine, limit, skirt. Marine, a. 1. Oceanic, pelagic, of- the sea. 3. Maritime, naval, nautical. Marine, n. 1. Navy, shipping, sea affairs. 3. Soldier (of a ship of war). Mariner, n. Seaman, sailor, seafarer, tar, seafaring man. Mariput, n. Zoril ( Fiverra zorilla). Marital, a. Of a husband, incident to a husband. Maritime, a. 1. Marine, naval, nauti cal, of the sea. 3. Near the sea. Mark, n. 1. Sign, token, note, symbol, index. 3. Indication, evidence, proof, badge, symptom. 3. Line, impression, stamp, print, incision. 4. Trace, track, vestige, footprint. 5. Object (aimed at). 6. Eminence,- consequence, distinc tion. 7. Cross (made as a signature). Mark, v. a. 1. Distinguish by a mark, put a mark upon. 3. Stamp, brand, trace a line or lines upon. 3. Notice, note, observe, remark, take notice of. Mark, v. n. Observe, note, remark, take notice. Marked, a. Notable, remarkable, noted, prominent, conspicuous, eminent, dis tinguished. Market, n. 1. Mart, emporium, EN- TREPOT, place of traffic. 3. Market-house, market-place. 3. Sale, opportunity to sell. Marketable, a. Salable. Market-place, n. Market-house, ba zaar. Mark out, Designate, indicate, point out. Marriage, n. 1. Nuptials, wedding, espousals, spousals, nuptial rites. 3. Matrimony, wedlock. Maroon, n. Chestnut color. Maroon, a. Of a chestnut color. Marrow, n. 1. Medulla, pith. 3. Essence, quintessence, best part, essential part. Marrow-bones, n. pi. [Colloquial.] Knees. Marry, v. a. 1. Join in marriage, unite in marriage. 3. Wed, espouse, take for husband or wife, lead to the altar, bestow one s hand upon. 3. Give in marriage. Marry, v. n. Enter into the married state, assume the conjugal relation, take a husband or a wife. Marsh, n. Fen, bog, quagmire, morass, swamp, slough. Marshal, v. a. Arrange, range, rank, dispose, array, draw up, set in order. Marsh-samphire, n. Glass-wort, salt wort (Salicornia herbacea). Marshy, a. Boggy, fenny, swampy, wet. Mart, n. Market, emporium, ENTREPOT, place of traffic. Martial, a. 1. Suited to war. 3. Warlike, brave, given to war. 3. Military, not civil. Martinet, n. Precisian, formalist, strict or severe disciplinarian. Marvel, n. Wonder, prodigy, miracle. Marvel, v. n. Wonder, be surprised, be astonished.- Marvellous, a. [Written also Marvel ous.] Wondrous, wonderful, amazing, stupendous, astonishing, miraculous, very extraordinary, most strange. Masculine, a. 1. Male, of the male sex, not female. 3. Manly, virile, manlike, not fem inine, not effeminate. Mash, v. a. Bruise, crush. 17 MASK 258 MATURE Mask, n. 1. Cover (for the face), veil, visor, cloak, screen, blind, disguise. 2. Subterfuge, evasion, trick, shift, pretence, pretext, plea. fS. Masquerade, revel, piece of mum mery. Mask, v. a. 1. Put a mask on. 2. Disguise, conceal, hide, cloak, veil, screen, shroud, cover. Masker, n. Mummer, BUFFOON. . Mason, n. 1. Builder in stone or brick. 2. Free-mason. Masquerade, n. Mask, revel, piece of mummery. Mass, n. 1. Lump, heap, collection. 3. Size, magnitude, bulk, dimension, quantity of matter. 3. Assemblage, congeries. 4. Whole, aggregate, totality, body. Mass, n. Communion service (in the Roman Catholic Church), celebration of the Lord s Supper. Massacre, v. a. Butcher (human beings), murder, kill, slay, slaughter. Massacre, n. Butchery, slaughter, car nage. Mass-book, n. Missal. Massicot, n. Yellow protoxide of lead (not fused; when fused it forms lith arge). Massive, ] a. Bulky, heavy, weighty, Massy, ) ponderous. Master, n. 1. Ruler, director, governor, manager, chief, head, superintendent, overseer, principal, lord, GOODMAN. 2. Commander, captain. 3. Teacher, instructor, tutor, precep tor, school-master, pedagogue. 4. Owner, proprietor, holder, posses- .sor. 5. Proficient, adept, master-hand. Master, v. a. 1. Overpower, overcome, conquer, subdue, subjugate, vanquish. 2. Acquire, learn thoroughly, make one s self master of. Master, a. Main, chief, leading, prin cipal, cardinal, prime, especial, great, grand, most important. Masterdom, n. Dominion, rule, ASCEN DENCY. Master-hand, n. Adept, proficient, dab, DABSTER, good hand, capital hand, nice hand. Masterly, a. Skilful, clever, dexterous, expert, adroit. Master-mind, n. Master-spirit. Master-piece,^. CHEF-D CEUVRE, para gon, master-stroke, master-work, capi tal performance. Mastership, n. 1. Headship. 2. Dominion, rule, sway, mastery, supreme power. 3. Superiority, supremacy, upper hand. Master-spirit, n. Master-mind. Master-stroke, n. MASTER-PIECE. Master-work, n. MASTER-PIECE. Mastery, n. 1. Dominion, rule, sway, command, mastership, supreme power. 2. Superiority, pre-eminence, ascen dency, supremacy, victory, conquest, upper hand. 3. Acquirement, attainment, acqui sition. 4. Skill, dexterity, great proficiency. Masticate, v. a. Chew, eat, manducate, MUNCH. Mastication, n. Chewing, manduca- tion. Masturbation, n. Onanism, self-pollu tion, secret vice, self-abuse. Mat, v. a. Braid, weave, plait, plat. Match, v. a. 1. Rival, be equal to. 2. Adapt, suit, fit, proportion. 3. Marry, give in marriage. Matchless, a. Unrivalled, unparalleled, unequalled, peerless, incomparable, ex quisite, inimitable, excellent, first-rate, superlatively good, of the best, of the first water. Mate, n. Associate, companion, fellow, compeer. Mate, n. Brazil tea. Material, a. 1. Physical, corporeal, bodily, not spiritual. 2. Essential, important, momentous, vital. Material, n. Matter, substance, stuff, Materially, ad. 1. Substantially, in substance, not in form merely. 2. Importantly, essentially, vitally. Maternal, a. Motherly. Matins, n. pi. Morning prayers, morn ing service. Matrice, n. Mould (especially a mould in which printers letters are cast, and a mould in which coin is cast), matrix. Matrimonial, a. Connubial, nuptial, CONJUGIAL, hymeneal, bridal, con jugal. Matrimony, n. Marriage, wedlock, nuptial state. Matrix, n. [L.] Mould, MATRICE. Matron, n. 1. Wife, married woman, mother of a family. 2. Elderly woman. Matronal, a. MATRON-LIKE. Matron-like, ) a. Motherly, elderly, Matronly, J grave, sedate, mat ronal. Matted, a. Entangled, twisted together. Matter, n. 1. Substance, body. 2. Stuff, material, raw material. 3. Topic, subject, question, subject- matter, matter in hand. 4. Affair, business, concern, thing, event-, course of things. 5. Trouble, cause of distress. 6. Importance, consequence, import, moment. 7. Pus, purulence, purulent matter. Matter, v. n. Signify, import, be of importance, be of consequence. Matter-of-fact, n. Fact, reality, actu ality. Matter-of-fact, a. Practical, sensible, plain. Mattock, n. Grub-axe, grubbing-hoe. Maturate, v. n. Suppurate. Maturation, n. Suppuration. Mature, a. 1. Perfected by time, com- - plete, perfect, RIPE. 2. Prepared, ready, well-considered, well-digested. ^ MATURE 259 MEASURELESS Mature, v. a. 1. Ripen. 3. Perfect, bring to perfection, bring to maturity. Mature, v. n. Become ripe. Maturity, n. 1. Completion, ripeness 3. Time of being due (said of a prom issory note, &c.). Matidlin, a. 1. Intoxicated, inebriated, fuddled, muddled, disguised, corned, tipsy, mellow, drunk, SLEWED, groggy, in liquor, HALF SEAS OVER. 3. Silly, weak, childish. Maugre, prep. [Used only ^n burlesque.] Notwithstanding, in spite of, in defi ance of. Maul, n. [Written also Mall.] Beetle, heavy mallet. Maul, v. a. [Written also Mall] Beat, bruise. Maunder, v. n. 1. Mutter (as a beg gar,) grumble, murmur. 3. Talk incoherently. Maunderer, n. Grumbler, murmurer. Mausoleum, n. Sepulchral monument. Mauvaise honte, [Fr.] Bashfulness, false modesty. Maw, n. 1. Stomach (of animals). 3. Craw, crop, first stomach (of a bird). Mawkish, a. Insipid, flat, vapid, taste less, stale. Maxim, n. Proverb, saying, saw, adage, aphorism, apothegm, dictum, by-word, sententious precept. May-apple, n. Mandrake (Podophyllum peltatum). Maybe, ad. Perhaps, possibly, haply, PERADVENTURE, it may be, as luck may have it. May-beetle, I Cockchafer, dor, dor-bug, May-bug, j tree-beetle, dor-beetle, durnniador. May-flower, n. 1. [England.] Haw thorn, whitethorn. 3. [New England.} Trailing arbutus (Epigcea repens). Mayhap, ad. Perchance, perhaps, it may be, probably, BELIKE, it may hap pen. May-lily, n. Lily of the valley ( Conval- laria majalis ). Maze, n. 1. Labyrinth, meander, wind ing course. 3. Intricacy, perplexity, bewilder ment, embarrassment, uncertainty. Mazy, a. Labyrinthian, confused. Mead, n. 1. Metheglin. 3. [Poetical.] Meadow. Meadow, n. MEAD, lea, grass land, sward land. Meagre, a. [Written also Meager.] 1. Lean, thin, emaciated, spare, poor, lank, gaunt, skinny, fallen away. 3. Tame, feeble, jejune, vapid, bald, barren, dull, prosing, prosy. Meal, n. 1. Repast, COLLATION. 3. Flour, grain in powder. Mealy, a. Farinaceous. Mealy-mouthed, a. Over-cautious in speech, averse to telling the whole truth, inclined to mince matters, not plain-spoken. Mean. a. 1. Middle, medium, av< 3. Intermediate, intervening, com between. 3. Ignoble, plebeian, untitled, low, base-born, ordinary, common, vulgar, coarse, homespun. 4. Base, abject, grovelling, vile, con- * temptible, despicable, servile, beggarly, sneaking, dirty, scurvy, shabby, sorry, disingenuous, unfair, rascally, pitiful, base-minded, low-minded, dishonora ble. 5. Sordid, penurious, miserly, stingy, niggardly, illiberal, ungenerous, selfish, narrow, mercenary, narrow-minded. 6. Small, little, paltry, insignificant, diminutive, petty, poor, wretched. Mean, n. 1. Medium, mediocrity, mid dle state, middle course. 3. Instrument, method, mode, way, means. Mean, v. a. 1. Intend, purpose, design, have in view. 3. Signify, indicate, imply, denote, purport, import, express. Mean, v. n. Intend, purpose, design, have in view, propose to one s self. Meander, n. Labyrinth, maze, winding course. Meander, v. n. Wind, be tortuous, run in a serpentine course. Meandering, a. Winding, serpentine, tortuous. Meaning, n. 1. Intention, intent, pur pose, design, aim, object. 3. Signification, sense, acceptation, explanation, interpretation. 3. Import, purport, significance. Meanness, n. 1. Srnallness, littleness, scantiness, slenderness, lowness, pov- - erty, meagreness, poorness. 3. Abjectness, vileness, baseness, con- temptibleness, abasement, despicable- ness. 3. Illiberality, ungenerousness, sor- didness, penuriousness. Means, n. sing. & pi. 1. Instrument, method, mode, way. 3. Resource, appliance, expedient, shift, step, measure. 3. Revenue, income, resources, the wherewithal, ways and means. Mean-spirited, a. Base, low, beggarly, vile, grovelling, pitiful, despicable, ab ject, low-minded, base-minded. Meantime, ) ad. In the mean time, in Meanwhile, J the interim. Measles, n. pi. Rubeola. Measurable, a. 1. Mensurable. 2. Moderate, temperate. Measure, n. 1. Standard (of size or of quantity ). 2. Rule, gauge. 3. Degree, extent. 4. Metre. Measure, v. a. 1. Mete. 3. Estimate, appraise, judge of. 3, Adjust, proportion, gauge. 4. Distribute, allot, apportion, mete out. Measureless, a. Immeasurable, un limited, immense. >, MEASUREMENT 260 MELLIFLUENCE Measurement, n. Mensuration. Meat, n. 1. Food, aliment, nutriment, sustenance, nourishment, provision, victuals, viands, diet, regimen, cheer, pabulum, subsistence, rations, feed, fare, PROVENDER, FODDER, PROG. 2. Flesh (far food). Meat-pie, n. 1. Mince-pie. 2. Pasty. Mechanic, n. Artisan, craftsman, han dicraftsman, operative, workman, hand, ARTIFICER. Mechanical, a. Involuntary, blind, automatic. Mechanism, n. 1. Mechanical action, mechanical agency. 2. Machinery. Meddle, v. n. Interfere, intermeddle, take part (officiously). Meddler, n. Intermeddler, busybody. Meddlesome, ) a. Interfering, inter- Meddling, j meddling, pragmati cal, officious. Medial, a. Mean, average. Median, a. Middle. Mediate, v. n. Interpose, intercede, ar bitrate. Mediation, n. Interposition, interven tion, arbitration. Mediator, n. 1. Intercessor. 2. CHRIST, Jesus, the Messiah. Medical, a. 1. Of medicine, of the heal ing art. 2. Medicinal, healing, curative. Medicament, n. Remedy, medicine, healing application. Medicate, v. a. 1, Tincture or impreg nate with something medicinal. 2. Heal, cure, treat with medicine. Medicinal, a. Healing, curative, medi cal. Medicine, n. 1, Drug, physic, medica ment, remedy, NOSTRUM. 2. Healing art. Mediocrity, n. 1. Inferiority, moderate degree, middle state. 2. Average, average standard, medial standard. Meditate, v. a. 1. Plan, contrive, de vise, scheme, concoct, intend, purpose, COMPASS. 2, Contemplate, study, chew, rumi nate, think on, reflect upon, revolve in the mind, turn over in the mind, dwell intently upon, chew the cud upon, Meditate, v. n. Muse, ponder, think, reflect, rack, beat or cudgel one s brains, collect one s thoughts, advise with one s pillow. Meditation, n. Contemplation, reflec tion, study, musing, pondering, deep thought, close attention. Mediterranean, a. Midland. Medium, n. 1. Intervening substance. 2. Means, instrumentality. 3. Mean average, mean proportion. 4. (Painting.) Menstruum. 5. (Logic.) Middle term. Medley, n. Mixture, miscellany, jumble, farrago, hotch-potch, hodge-podge, sal magundi, gallimaufry, mish-mash, pot pourri, olio, MELANGE, confused mass. Meeching, n. Sneaking, skulking, base, creeping, cowardly, vile, mean, con temptible. Meed, n. Reward, recompense, remu neration. Meek, a. Humble, lowly, submissive, mild, soft, gentle, modest, demure. Meekness, n. Humbleness, humility, lowliness, lowness, demureness, conde scension, self-abasement, gentleness, modesty, submission, submissiveness, mildness. Meerschaum, n. (Min.) 1. Magnesite, sea-foam, hydrous silicate of magne sia. 2, Turkish pipe. Meet, a. Fit, proper, fitting, befitting, suitable, suited, adapted, appropriate, congenial. Meet, v. a. 1. Come together (from op posite directions). 2. Confront, encounter, come up to face to face. 3. Find, meet with, light on, fall upon, fall in with, happen upon. 4. Fulfil, comply with. Meet, v. n. 1. Encounter one another. 2. Unite, join, converge, come in con tact. 3. Assemble, congregate, muster, col lect, come together, flock together, meet together. Meet with, 1. Find, meet, light on, fall upon, fall in with, happen upon. 2. Suffer, be subjected to. Meeting, n. 1. Interview, encounter. 2. Assembly, assemblage, congrega tion, concourse, gathering, company, collection of people. Meeting-house, n. Church, temple, house of worship, house of God. Megrims, n. pi. Dejection, MELAN CHOLY. Melancholy, n. Dejection, depression, gloominess, sadness, gloom, despond ency, hypochondria, blues, blue devils, dumps, megrims, vapors, low spirits, depression of spirits. Melancholy, a. Dejected, dispirited, depressed, sad, sorrowful, LACKADAI SICAL, atrabilious, gloomy, hypochon driac, BLUE, dumpish, mopish, glum, downcast, desponding, down-hearted, chap-fallen, crest-fallen, hypped, low- spirited, cast down, in the dumps, with a long face, down in the mouth, out of sorts. Melange, n. [Fr.] Mixture, medley, farrago, jumble, hodge-podge, hotch potch, salmagundi, olio, OLLA PODRIDA, pot-pourri, gallimaufry, mish-mash, confused mass. Melee, n. [Fr.] Fight (of combatants confusedly mixed), affray, contest, row, fray, broil, brawl, RUMPUS. Meliorate, v. a. Improve, better, mend, amend, emend, ameliorate, make bet ter. Melioration, n. Improvement, amend ment, emendation, amelioration. Mellifluence, n. Smoothness, softness, mellowness, sweetness, sweet flow. MELLIFLUENT 261 MERCY Mellifluent, ) a. Smooth, soft, mellow, Mellifluous, j euphonious, euphonic, sweet, silver-toned, sweetly flowing. Mellite, n. Honey-stone. Mellow, a. 1. Ripe, mature. 3. Soft, mellifluous, smooth, silver- toned, sweetly flowing. 3, Perfected, well prepared. 4. DRUNK, tipsy, fuddled, disguised, half seas over. Mellow, v. a. 1. Ripen, mature. 3. Perfect, bring to perfection. Melodious, a. Musical, tuneful, sweet, dulcet, ariose. Melody, n. 1. Pleasing succession of sounds (as distinguished from harmony or the concord of sounds), sweetness of sound. 3. Song, descant, tune. Melt, v. a. 1. Liquefy (by heat), fuse. 3. Soften, make gentle, make suscep tible. Melt, v. n. 1. Dissolve, become liquid. 3. Be softened, be made gentle. Member, n. 1. Limb. 3. Part, portion, constituent, compo nent part, subordinate part. 3. Head, clause, branch. Membership, n. 1. Being a member. 2. Society, association, members, body of members. Memento, n. Memorial, remembrancer, souvenir. Memoir, n. 1. Personal narrative, fa miliar biography. 3. Record, register, journal, written account. Memorable, a. Signal, notable, re markable, extraordinary. Memorandum, n. Note, minute. Memorial, n. Monument, commemora tive record. Memorial, a. Commemorative. Meinoria technica, [L.] Mnemonics. Memoriter, a. From memory, by heart. Memorize, v . a. Learn, learn by heart, commit to memory. 3. Cause to be remembered, hand down to memory by records. Memory, n. 1. Recollection, remem brance, reminiscence. 3. Memorial, commemorative record. 3. Fame, renown, reputation, celeb rity. Menace, v. a. Threaten, denounce, defy. Menace, n. Threat, threatening, denun ciation. Mend, v. a. 1. Repair, refit, retouch, patch up, touch up. 3. Improve, ameliorate, meliorate, correct, rectify, reform, amend, emend, make better. Mend, v. n. Improve, amend, become better. Mendacious, a. False, lying, deceitful, fallacious. Mendacity, n. 1. Disposition to lie, habit of lying. 3. Falsehood, deceit, duplicity, arti fice, trickery. Mendicancy, n. Beggary, mendicity. Mendicant, n. Beggar, pauper, starve ling, poor or indigent person. Mendicity, n. Beggary, mendicancy. Menhaden, n. [Sometimes written Man- liaden.} Hardhead, pauhaugen, moss- bunker. Menial, a. Servile, slavish, low, mean, base, abject, vile, sorry. Menial, n. Servant, domestic, waiter, lackey, underling, flunkey, under strapper, valet, footman, slave, Helot, serf, bondsman. Meniver, n. [Written also Miniver.} Er mine, stoat. Menses, n. pi. Catamenia, monthly courses, menstrual discharges, men strual flux. Menstrual, a. 1. Monthly. 3. Catamenial. Menstruum, n. Solvent, medium. Mensurable, a. Measurable. Mensuration, n. 1. Measuring, meas urement. 3. Surveying, survey. Mental, a. Intellectual, spiritual, ra tional, ideal, subjective, psychological, metaphysical. Mention, n. [Used chiefly in the phrase make mention of.} Cursory reference or allusion. Mention, v. a. Declare, name, tell, state, communicate, impart, report, cite, speak of, make known, make men tion of, allude to, refer to. Mentor, n. Counsellor, adviser, monitor, guide, instructor. Mephitic, ) a. Fetid, foul, noisome, Mephitical, ) noxious, poisonous, pes tilential, baleful. Mephitic air, Carbonic-acid, carbonic- acid gas, CHOKE-DAMP, foul air. Mephitis, ) n. (Chem.) Noxious ex- Mephitism, j halation. Mercantile, a. COMMERCIAL, trading, engaged in commerce. Mercenary, a. 1. Venal, hired, hireling. 3. Sordid, avaricious, covetous, penu rious, parsimonious, stingy, miserly, niggardly, mean, selfish, close, close- fisted. Mercenary, n. Hireling. Merchandise, n. Commodities, goods, wares. Merchant, n. Trader (particularly a wholesale trader), tradesman. Merchantable, a. 1. Marketable, of the ordinary quality. 3. Salable, vendible, that may be sold. Merciful, a. Gracious, kind, compas sionate, tender, benignant, lenient, mild, gentle, pitiful, tender-hearted. Merciless, a. Pitiless, cruel, unfeeling, unmerciful, uncompassionate, inex orable, unrelenting, relentless, fell. Mercurial, a. 1. Sprightly, active, spir ited, quick, lively, prompt, nimble. 3. Of mercury or quicksilver. Mercury, n. Quicksilver. Mercy, n. Clemency, lenity, lenience, leniency, compassion, pity, tenderness, kindness, mildness, gentleness. MERCY-SEAT 262 MIDSHIPS Mercy-seat, n. Propitiatory. Mere, a. Bare, simple, nothing else but. Mere, n. Pool, lake. Merely, ad. Simply, purely, only, solely, barely. Meretricious, a. 1. Of harlots. 3. Libidinous, lustful. 3. Deceitful (by false show), spurious, false, sham, make-believe, not genuine. Merge, v. a. Immerse, immerge, sub merge, sink, plunge, dip. Merge, v. n. Be lost, be swallowed up. Meridian, n. 1. Noon, noontide, mid day, twelve o clock. 3. Summit, culmination. Meridional, a. Mid-day. Merit, n. 1. Desert, worth, worthiness, excellence, credit. 3. Claim, right. Merit, v. a. Deserve, have a right to, be entitled to. Meritorious, a. Deserving, worthy, good, excellent. Merling, n. Whiting (Gadus merlan- gus). Merriment, n. Mirth, jollity, gayety, hilarity, joviality, sportiveness, jocu larity, liveliness. Merry, a. Mirthful, jovial, gleeful, gay, hilarious, sportive, jocund, joyous, face tious, lively, jolly, buxom, frolicsome, blithe, blithesome, airy, gladsome, viva cious, debonair, wanton, light-hearted. Merry-Andrew, n. Buffoon, zany, har lequin, scaramouch, fool, mountebank, jester, droll, PUNCH, jack-pudding, pickle-herring. Merry-making, n. Festival, convivial entertainment. Merry-thought, n. Wish-bone. Mesh, n. Interstice (of a net). Meshy, a. Iteticulated, decussated. Mesmerism, n. Animal magnetism. Mess, n. 1. Dish. 3. Set (who eat together), company. 3. Medley, mixture, miscellany, far rago, hotch-potch, hodge-podge, j umble, salmagundi, mish-mash, oUo, OLLA PODRIDA, confused mass, MELANGE. Mess, v. n. Eat in company, take meals at the same table. Messenger, n. 1. Emissary, express, courier. 3. Harbinger, forerunner, herald. Messieurs, n. pi. [Fr.] [Abbreviated Messrs.] Sirs, gentlemen. Metamorphic rocks, Stratified pri mary rocks. Metamorphose, v. a. Transform, trans mute, transfigure, change the form of. Metamorphosis, n. Transformation, transmutation, transfiguration, change of form. Metaphor, n. Similitude " (witlwut the signs of comparison), simile (expressed in a word). Metaphysical, a. Mental, intellectual, psychological. Metaphysics, n. Psychology, pneuma- tology, mental philosophy, philosophy of the mind, mental science. Mete, v. a. Measure. Mete, n. Measure, bound, limit, term, boundary, terminus, butt. Meteorolite, n. Aerolite, meteoric stone. Meter, n. [Written also Metre.] Meas ure (of verse), poetical measure, rhyth mical arrangement (of syllables). Method, n. 1. Arrangement, system, classification, orderly disposition. 3. Way (viewed theoretically), MODE, manner, process, course, means, MODUS OPERANDI. Methodic, ) a. Orderly, systematical, Methodical, J regular, systematic. Methodize, v. a. Regulate, arrange, put in order. Methylic-alcohol, n. Wood spirit, pyroxylic spirit, pyroxylic acid. Metre, n. [Written also Meter.] Meas ure (of verse), rhythmical arrangement (of syllables), poetical measure. Metrical, a. Measured. Metropolis, n. Chief city, capital. Metropolitan, n. Archbishop, primate. Metropolitan, a. Of the metropolis. Mettle, n. Spirit, nerve, vigor, ardor, pluck, hardihood, courage. Mettlesome, a. Spirited, ardent, fiery, lively, gay, brisk, sprightly, courage ous. Mew, n. Gull, sea-mew, cob, sea-cob. I Mew, v. a. 1. Confine, incase, coop, imprison, shut up. 3. Shed (feathers), moult. Mewl, v. n. Cry, squall, bawl. Mews, n, pi. Stables. Miasm, I n. Malaria, noxious exhala- Miasma, j tion, bad air. Mickle, a. [Scottish.] Much, great. Microcosm, n. Little world, the world in miniature, the world in little, epitome of the universe. Microcosmic salt, Phosphate of soda and ammonia. Microscopic, ) a. 1. [Applied to fb$ Microscopical, j eye.] Able to see minute objects. 3. With a microscope, by the aid of a microscope. 3. Very small, very minute. Mid, a. Middle. Mid-day, a. Meridional. Mid-day, n. Noon, noontide, meridian. Middle, a. Mean, medial, half way, between the extremes. Middle, n. Midst, centre, central part. Middleman, n. 1. Agent, broker, fac tor. 3. Commoner. Middle classes, BOURGEOISIE. Middling, a. Ordinary, average, mod erate, passable, tolerable, well enough, pretty well, not bad. Midland, a. 1. Inland. 3. Mediterranean. Midnight, n. The dead of night, twelve o clock at night. Midriff , n. Diaphragm. Midships, ad. Amidships. MIDST 263 MINIM Midst, n. Middle, centre, central part. Midsummer, n. Summer solstice. Midwife, n. ACCOUCHEUSE. Midwifery, n. Obstetrics. Mien, n. Air, look, aspect, manner, port, carriage, demeanor, external appear ance, bearing. Miff, n. [Colloquial.} Pique, slight an ger. Miff, v. a. [Colloquial.} Affront, dis please, offend slightly. Slight, n. Power, strength, puissance, force, main, potency, efficacy, ability, efficiency. Mighty, a. 1. Strong, powerful, robust, vigorous, sturdy, puissant, courageous, valiant, valorous, bold, able, capable. 2. Vast, enormous, immense, huge, stupendous, monstrous, Cyclopean, Herculean, very great. 3. Violent, vehement, impetuous. 4. Forcible, efficacious, effective. Mighty, ad. [Colloquial.] Very. Migrate, v. n. Change residence (from one country to another). Migration, n. Change of residence (from one country to another). Migratory, Nomadic, wandering. Mild, a. 1. Tender, kind, gentle, merci ful, clement, compassionate, indulgent, pacific, not severe, not harsh, not cruel. 2. Soft, gentle, bland, pleasant, not violent, not intense. 3. Lenitive, assuasive, mollifying, soothing, emollient^ demulcent, not acrid, not corrosive. Mildew, n. Bust, blight, blast, mould, must, mustiiiess, smut. Militant, a. Fighting, contending, bel ligerent. Military, a. 1. Soldierly, soldier-like. 2. Martial, warlike. Military, n. Soldiery, army, body of soldiers. Militate against, War against, contend against, operate against, be opposed to, be repugnant to, be hostile to. Militia, n. Trainband. Milkiness, n. Lactescence. Milk-livered, a. Cowardly, timorous, white-livered. Milkmaid, n. Dairymaid. Milksop, n. 1. Piece of bread sopped in milk. 2. Poltroon, craven, dastard, coward, effeminate man. Milkweed, n. Silkweed, wild cotton. Milky Way, n. Galaxy. Mill, n. 1. Manufactory. 2. [ U. S.} One tenth of a cent. 3. Fight, contest. Mill, v. a. 1., Stamp (as coin) on the edge. 2. Full (as cloth). 3. [Low.} Beat (with the fists). Miller, n. Moth. Miller s-thumb, n. River bull-head (Coitus gobio). Millioniiaire, n. Nabob, Croesus, Dives, capitalist, very rich person, person of great wealth. Milt, n. 1. (Anat.) Spleen. 2. Semen (of fishes), sperm, soft roe. Milter, TO. Male fish. Mime, n. Mimic. . Mimic, ) a. Imitative, mimetic, mi- Mimical, ) metical. Mimic, v.. a. Ape, imitate, mock, coun terfeit. Mimic, n. Mime. Minaret, n. Turret (of a Mahometan mosque). Minatory, a. Threatening, menac ing. Mince, v. a. 1. Hash, cut into small pieces. 2. Extenuate, palliate, be mealy- mouthed about, be reserved in speak ing of. Mince, v. n. Affect delicacy. Mince-pie, n. Meat-pie. Mince-meat, 1 a> Chopped meat. Mincing, a. Affected, over-nice. Mind, n. 1. Soul, spirit, inner man. 2. Intellect, understanding, reason, sense, brains, thinking principle, intel lectual powers, common sense, intellec tual faculties. 3. Inclination, disposition, will, wish, liking, desire. 4. Belief, opinion, thoughts, senti ments. 5. Memory, remembrance, recollec tion. Mind, v. a. 1. Notice, heed, regard, mark, attend to, take notice of, pay attention to, give heed to, fix the mind on, trouble one s head about. 2. Obey, be obedient to. 3. [Poetical.] Remind, put in mind. Mindful of, Regardful of, heedful of, observant of, attentive to. Mindless, a. 1. Destitute of mind. 2. Regardless, careless, heedless, for getful, neglectful, negligent. Mine, v. a. Sap, undermine. Mineral, n. Inorganic body. Mineral oil, Petroleum, mineral tar, rock oil, mineral oil, Barbadoes tar, Seneca oil. Mineral pitch, Asphaltum, native bitu men, Jew s pitch. Mineral tar, MINERAL OIL. Minever, n. [Written also Meniver.] Ermine, stoat. Mingle, v. a. 1. Mix, intermix, com mingle, intermingle, compound, blend. 2. Jumble, confound, confuse, huddle together, shuffle together. Miniature, n. Small portrait. Miniature, a. Little, small, diminu tive. Minikin, a. Small, little, diminutive, wee, tiny, Pygmy, Pygmean, Liliputian, dwarfish. Minim, n. 1. MINNOW, pink. 2. Drop, sixtieth part of a drachm. 3. (Music.) Two crotchets, half a sernibreve. MINIMUM 264 MISER Minimum, n. Least quantity, least part. Minion, n. Favorite (in an ill sense), creature, dependant, parasite, hanger- on. Minister, n. 1. Administrator (of exec utive authority), executive officer (of a sovereign or of a government). 2. Ambassador, envoy, plenipoten tiary. 3. Clergyman, divine, priest, parson, ecclesiastic, churchman. Minister, v. a. Give, afford, supply, furnish. Minister, v. n. Serve, perform service, do service. Minister to, Aid, help, assist, succor, give assistance to, supply with what is needed. Ministration, n. Agency, instrumen tality. Ministry, n. 1. Cabinet, council, ad ministration. 2. Office of a clergyman, ecclesiastical function. Minium, n. Red lead, red oxide of lead. Mink, n. Minx, North- American pole cat (Mustela vison). Minnow, n. Minim, pink (Lenciscus phoxinus). Minor, a. 1. Less, smaller. 2. Inferior, subordinate. 3. Inconsiderable, petty. Minority, n. 1. Nonage, pupilage. 2. Smaller number. Minstrel, n. Musician, singer, bard. Minstrelsy, . Music, melody, har mony. Minute, a. 1. Little, slender, CAPIL LARY, very small. 2. Circumstantial, particular, criti cal. Minute, n. 1. Sixtieth part of an hour. 2, Sixtieth part of a degree. 3. Note, memorandum. Minute, v. a. Note, take a note of, jot down. Minutiae, n.pl. [L.] Minute particulars, minor details. Minx, n. Mink, North-American pole cat (Mustela vison). Miracle, n. Marvel, wonder, prodigy. Miraculous, a. 1. Supernatural. 2. Wonderful, extraordinary, passing strange, very strange, unaccountable. Mire, n. Mud, ooze, slime. Mire, v. n. Sink in mud. Mirror, n. 1. Reflector, looking-glass. 2. Speculum. 3. Pattern, mdel, exemplar, exam ple, prototype, archetype, protoplast, paragon. Mirror, v. a. Reflect. Mirth, n. Merriment, hilarity, jollity, joviality, gayety, merry-making, sport, fun. Mirthful, a. Merry, jovial, gay, lively, cheerful, jocund, vivacious, jolly, play ful, sportive, frolicsome. Miry, a. Muddy. Misadventure, n. Mischance, mishap, misfortune, reverse, ill-luck. Misanthrope, n. Man-hater. Misapply, v. a. Misemploy, abuse, per vert, make an ill use of. Misapprehend, v. a. Misunderstand, misconceive, mistake. Misapprehension, n. Misunderstand ing, misconception, mistake. Misbehave, v. n. Behave ill. Misbehavior, n. Misconduct, miscar riage, ill conduct, ill behavior. Miscalculate, v. a. Misreckon. Miscall, v. a. Misname, misterm. Miscarriage, n. 1. Failure, mishap, mischance. 2. Abortion, untimely birth. 3. Misconduct, misbehavior, ill con duct, ill behavior. Miscarry, v. n. 1. Fail, be unsuccess ful, be defeated. 2. Go wrong, fail in conveyance. Miscegenation, n. [Itecent.] Amalga mation. Miscellaneous, a. Diversified, various, promiscuous, mixed, mingled, of vari ous kinds. Miscellany, n. Mixture, medley, diver sity, variety, olio, farrago, salmagundi, hodge-podge, hotch-potch, mish-mash, gallimaufry, MELANGE, miscellaneous collection, OLLA PODRIDA. Mischance, n. Misfortune, mishap, ill- luck, misadventure, calamity. Mischief, n. 1. Evil, ill, harm, injury, damage, hurt, detriment, disadvantage, prejudice. 2. Trouble, misfortune, ill conse quence. Mischievous, a. 1. Hurtful, injurious, detrimental, pernicious, destructive, noxious. 2. Vicious, wicked, sinful, prone to mischief. Misconceive, v. a. Misapprehend, mis understand, misjudge, mistake. Misconduct, n. Misbehavior, ill con duct, bad conduct. Misconduct, v. a. Mismanage, manage Misconstrue, v. a. 1. Mistranslate, misrender. 2. Misinterpret, explain wrongly. Misdate, n. Anachronism. Miscreant, n. 1. [Hare.] Unbeliever, infidel, sceptic. 2. Villain, scoundrel, knave, rascal, rogue, scamp, scapegrace, ruffian, vile wretch, caitiff. Misdeed, n. Transgression, trespass, offence, delinquency, misdemeanor, fault, misdoing, crime, evil deed. Misdemeanor, n. Transgression, tres pass, fault, misdeed. Misdoing, n. Offence, misdeed. Misemploy, v. a. Misuse, misapply, pervert, abuse, make an ill use of. Misemployment, n. Misuse, abuse. Miser, n. Niggard, curmudgeon, hunks, skinflint, lickpenny, churl, sordid wretch. MISERABLE 265 MITIGATE Miserable, a. 1. Unhappy (as respects the condition of the mind), WRETCHED, distressed, afflicted, comfortless, dis consolate, forlorn, broken-hearted, heart-broken. 3. Worthless, valueless, very poor (in 3. Low, mean, abject, despicable, contemptible. Miserly, a. Covetous, avaricious, nig gardly, sordid, stingy, parsimonious, penurious, close, mean, close-tisted. Misery, n. 1. Distress, wretchedness, woe, tribulation, desolation, sorrow, grief, affliction, heartache, heavy heart, bleeding heart, broken heart, great unhappiness. 3. Calamity, MISFORTUNE. Misfortune, n. Disaster, calamity, re verse, affliction, visitation, trial, blow, stroke, adversity, distress, hardship, trouble, ill-luck, ill fortune. Misgiving, n. Doubt, distrust, suspi cion, want of confidence. Misguide, v. a. Mislead, misdirect. Mishap, n. Misfortune, mischance, mis adventure, calamity, ill luck. Misli-mash, n. Mixture, medley, ME LANGE, MISCELLANY. Misinterpret, v. a. Misconstrue, ex plain wrongly, put a wrong construc tion on, put a false construction on, give a false coloring to. Misjudge, v. a. Mistake, misapprehend, misunderstand, misconceive. Mislay, v. a. 1. Misplace. 3. Lose. Mismanage, v. a. Misconduct, manage ill, make a mess of, make a botch of, make sad work of. Mismanagement, n. Bad manage ment, ill management. Misname, v. a. Miscall, misterm. Misnomer, n. 1. (Law.) Misnaming, mistaking of the true name (of a per son). 2. Wrong name, inapplicable title. Misogynist, n. Woman-hater. Misplace, v. a. Mislay, put in a wrong place. Misprint, n. Error of the press. Misprize, v. a. Undervalue, underrate, underestimate, slight, hold cheap. Misreckon, v. a. Miscalculate. Misrender, v. a. Misconstrue, mis translate. Misrepresent, v. a. Misstate, falsify. Misrepresentation, n. Misstateinent, falsification. Misrule, n. Disorder, anarchy, confu sion, tumult. Miss, v. a. 1. Fail to hit, fail to reach, fail of hitting, fail of reaching. 3. Lose, fail of finding. , 3. Forego, pass by, leave out, go without. 4. Feel the want of, feel the loss of. Miss, v. n. 1. Fail to hit, fall short, miss one s aim. 3. Fail, miscarry, not succeed, come to nothing, end in smoke. Miss, n. 1, Mistake, error, blunder, slip, trip, oversight, failure, fault, lapse. 3. Girl, lass, LASSIE, maiden, dam sel, maid, young lady. Missal, n. Mass-book, prayer-book, ser vice-book. Misshapen, a. Ill-shaped. Missile, n. Projectile. Missile, a. Missive, to be thrown. Mission, n. 1, Commission, office, duty, charge, business, errand. 3. Delegation, embassy. 3. Missionary station. Missionary, n. Evangelist. Missive, a. 1. To be sent, fit for sending. 3. Missile, to be thrown. Missive, n. Letter. Miss of, Fail to find. Misspell, v. a. Spell wrong. Misspend, v. a. Squander, lavish, mis use, waste, fool away, fritter away, muddle away, spend foolishly. Misstate, v. a. Misrepresent, falsify, state wrongly. Misstateinent, n. Misrepresentation, falsification, wrong statement. Misstep, n. Wrong step, false step. Mist, n. Fog, haze. Mistake, v. a. 1. Misapprehend, mis understand, misconceive. 3. Take (one for another). Mistake, v. n. Err, make a mistake, be at fault, be wide of the mark, be on the wrong scent, BE IN THE WRONG BOX, BARK UP THE WRONG TREE. Mistake, n. 1. Misapprehension, mis understanding, misconception. 3. Blunder, error, slip, fault, lapse, 5 trip, oversight. Misterm, v. a. Miscall, misname. Mistranslate, v. a. Misconstrue, mis- render. Mistress, n. 1. Female head, female sovereign. 3. Instructress, female teacher. 3. Sweetheart, flame, doxy. 4. Concubine, paramour. Mistrust, n. Distrust, suspicion, doubt, misgiving, want of confidence. Mistrust, v. a. 1. Distrust, doubt, be suspicious of. 3. Fear, apprehend, suspect. Mistrustful, a. Distrustful, suspicious. Misunderstand, v. a. Misapprehend, misconceive, mistake. Misunderstanding, n. Misapprehen sion, misconception. Misuse, v. a. 1. Misemploy, misapply, desecrate, profane, pervert, put to a wrong use. 3. Abuse, maltreat, ill-treat, ill-use. 3. Waste, squander, fool away, fritter away, muddle away, spend foolishly. Misuse, n. Abuse, perversion, prostitu tion, profanation. Mite, n. Particle, atom, monad, cor puscle, molecule. Mitigate, v. a. Moderate, alleviate, appease, soothe, soften, mollify, pacify, assuage, quiet, still, calm, quell, allay, abate, temper, attemper, lessen, dull, qualify, blunt. MITIGATION 266 MOLECULAR Mitigation, TO. Alleviation, moderation, relief. Mitigative, a. Lenitive, lenient, sooth ing, mollifying, assuaging, assuasive, emollient, mild. Mix, v. a. Mingle, commingle, commix, unite, combine, blend, amalgamate, compound, incorporate. Mix, v. n. Be mixed, be blended. Mixed, a. 1. Mingled, blended. 3. Promiscuous, of various kinds. Mixture, n. 1. Compound, medley, olio, farrago, salmagundi, hotch-potch, gal limaufry, hodge-podge, olio. 3. Miscellany, variety, diversity. Mizzen, a. (Naut.) Hindmost. Mizzle, v. n. 1. Rain (in small drops), drizzle. 3. [Colloquial.] Abscond, run away, take one s self off. Mnemonic, a. 1. Of the memory. 3. For the help of the memory, to assist the memory. Mnemonics, n. MEHOBIA TECHNICA. Moan, v. a. [Poetical.] Lament, de plore, mourn, bemoan, weep for, grieve for. Moan, v. n. Grieve, mourn, make lam entation. Moat, n. Ditch, fosse, graff. Mob, n. 1. Tumultuous rabble, rude multitude, lawless crowd. 3. Populace, CANAILLE, riff-raff, lower orders, vulgar herd, scum of society, dregs of the people, rag-tag- and-bob-tail. 3. Mob-cap. Mob-cap, n. Mob. Mobility, n. Susceptibility of motion. . Mobilize, v. a. (Mil.) Draft (droops) for active service. Mob-law, n. Lynch-law. Mock, v. a. 1. Ape, mimic, imitate, counterfeit, take off. 3. Deride, ridicule, jibe, jeer, taunt, scout, chaff, laugh at, make game of, make fun of, treat with contempt, treat with scorn, make a butt of, make merry with, POKE FUN AT. 3. Illude, deceive, disappoint, balk, cheat, dupe. Mock, a. False, counterfeit, pretended, feigned, assumed, sham, spurious, clap trap, not real, make-believe. Mocker, n. Scoffer, scorner, derider, railer, despiser, jeerer. Mockery, n. 1. Ridicule, derision, scorn, jeering, contemptuous mimicry. 3. Sport, subject of ridicule. 3. Show, imitation, counterfeit. Mock-lead, n. [Term used by miners.] BLACK-JACK, blende, sulphuret of zinc, false galena. Mock-nightingale, n. Black-cap war bler, black-cap. Mock-sun, n. Parhelion, sundog. Mode, n. 1. Way (viewed practically), METHOD, manner, style, process, course, means, form, fashion, cus tom. 3. Modification, quality, affection, accident. Model, n. 1. Pattern, prototype, para digm, archetype. 3. Standard, gauge. Model, v. a. Shape, mould, form, plan, fashion. Moderate, a. 1. Temperate, sparing, frugal, not excessive. 3. Cheap, unexpensiye. 3. Reasonable, judicious, deliberate, cool, mild, not extreme, not vio lent. Moderate, v. a. Assuage, soothe, allay, mitigate, soften, mollify, appease, tem per, attemper, quiet, quell, still, pacify, repress, subdue, abate, reduce, lessen, dull, blunt. Moderation, n. 1. Temperance, fru gality, sobriety. 3. Calmness, coolness, deliberateness, sedateness, mildness, equanimity, com posure. Moderator, n. Chairman, president, presiding officer. Modern, a. RECENT, late, new, novel, not ancient, not antique. Modest, a. 1. Unpretending, unobtru sive, unassuming, retiring, humble, unostentatious, meek, not presumptu ous. 3. Chaste, pure. 3. Moderate, not excessive, not ex travagant. Modesty, n. 1. Unobtrusiveness, meek ness, humility, retiring disposition, freedom from presumption. 3. Chastity, purity. Modicum, n. Pittance, fragment, trifle, small allowance, small portion. Modification, n. 1. Alteration, varia tion, qualification, change. 3. Form, mode, affection, accident. Modify, v. a. 1. Shape, give form to, give a special mode to. 3. Alter, change, vary, give a new form to. Modish, a. Fashionable, stylish, gen teel, courtly, in fashion, in vogue, A LA MODE, having a run, the rage. Modulate, v. a. , 1. Attune, harmonize, tune. 3. Inflect (as the voice), vary in tune and accentuation. Modus operand!, [L.] Process, way, method, mode of operation, way of doing. Mohammedan, . Mahometan, Mus sulman, Moslem. Mohammedanism, n. Mahometanism, Islamism, Islam. Moiety, n. Half. Moil, v. n. Labor, toil, drudge. Moist, a. Damp, humid, dank, wet. Moisten, v . a. Dampen, damp. Moisture, n. Dampness, humidity. Molar, n. Grinder, grinding tooth, mo lar tooth, double tooth. Molasses, n. Treacle. Mole, n. 1. Jetty, pier, breakwater. 3. (Zool.) Mouldwarp, molewarp. Mole-cricket, n. Churr-worm, fen- cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris). Molecular, a. Corpuscular. MOLECULE 267 MOOT Molecule, n. 1. Atom, ultimate par ticle (of an element), indivisible particle. 3. Group of atoms (in a compound body), cluster of atoms. Mole-eyed, a. Blind, purblind, myopic, short-sighted, near-sighted. Molest, v. a. Disturb, trouble, annoy, vex, tease, incommode, discommode, harass, worry, plague, bore, torment, bother, pester, harry, badger, irritate, fret, chafe, hector, gull, disturb, dis quiet, infest. Molewarp, n. Mole, mouldwarp. Mollify, v. a. 1. Soften, make soft. 3. Appease, pacify, compose, soothe, tranquillize, calm, quiet. 3. Assuage, mitigate, moderate, ease, allay, abate, temper, attemper, relieve, lessen, qualify, dull, blunt. Mollusca, n. pi. MOLLUSKS. Mollusks, n. pi. Shell-flab (with thick entire shells, like the clam), testacea, testaceans. Moment, n. 1. Instant, second, trice, flash, jiffy, twinkling, twinkling of an eye. 3. Importance, consequence, weight, significance, value, import. Momentarily, ad. Momently, every moment. Momentary, a. Instantaneous. Momently, ad. Momentarily, every moment. Momentous, a. Important, weighty, significant, grave, serious, of impor tance, of great consequence. Momentum, n. [L.] Impetus. Monad, n. 1. Atom, molecule, ultimate particle, indivisible particle. 3. (Zool.) Minute animalcule. Monarch, n. 1. Autocrat, despot. 3. Sovereign, king, emperor, poten tate. Monarchic, \ a. Kingly, royal, regal, Monarchical, j imperial. Monarchy, n. Kingdom, empire. Monastery, n. Convent, cloister, abbey, priory, nunnery. Monastic, ) ~ TVTrm lHa h Monastical, \ " Monkish - Monasticism, n. Monastic life. Money, n. Coin (or its representative), cash, RHIXO, circulating medium, standard of value. Money-chest, n. Coffer, safe, strong box. Moneyed, a. Rich, wealthy, affluent, opulent, well off, well to do. Monger, n. [Hare, except in compo sition.] Dealer, trader, trafficker. Mongrel, a. Hybrid, mule. Monition, n. 1. Warning, admonition, counsel. 3. Information, indication, advice, hint, notice. Monitor, n. 1. Adviser, counsellor, mentor. 3. Overseer (in a school). Monkey, n. APE. Monk-fish, n. Angel-fish (Squatina Monkshood, n. Aconite, wolfsbane. Monoclinous, a. (Bot.) Hermaphro dite. Monologue, n. Soliloquy. Monomania, n. Hallucination, illusion, delusion, self-deception, partial insan ity, insanity on one subject. Monopolize, v. a. Forestall, engross, engross the whole of. Monopoly, n. Exclusive possession. Monespermous, a. (Bot.) One-seeded, Monosyllable, n. Word of one sylla ble. Monotone, n. 1. Single tone, unvaried sound. 3. Sameness or uniformity of tone. Monotonous, a. Uniform, unvaried. Monotony, n. Uniformity, sameness, want of variety. Monster, n. 1. Prodigy, monstrosity, moon-calf, unnatural production. 3. Human, wretch, miscreant, villain, demon. Monstrosity, n. 1. Monstrousness. 3. Prodigy, monster. Monstrous, a. 1. Unnatural, preter natural, abnormal, prodigious. 3. Huge, enormous, immense, vast, colossal, stupendous, extraordinary, Cyclopean, Herculean. Monument, n. Memorial, testimonial, remembrancer, record. Monumental, a. 1. Of a monument. 3. Memorial, commemorative. Mood, n. Temper, humor, disposition, vein, frame of mind. Moody, a. 1. Angry, petulant, irritable, snappish, pettish, sour, crusty, crabbed, waspish, captious, snarling, peevish, testy, fretful, ill-tempered, out of hu mor, out of temper. 3. Sullen, perverse, wayward, sulky, humorsome, glum, grum, glowering, morose, spleeny, frowning, stubborn, dogged, intractable, cross-grained. Moon, n. Satellite, secondary planet. Moon-calf, n. 1. Monster, deformed creature. 3. Blockhead, simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Moonlight, n. Moonshine. Moonshine, n. 1. Moonlight. 3. Nonsense, trash, stuff, twaddle, fudge, flummery, balderdash. Moor, n. 1. Heath, extensive waste. 3. Marsh, fen, swamp, bog, morass, slough, quagmire. Moor-huzzard, n. Harpy, duck-hawk, marsh-harrier (Circus ceruginosus), Moor-cock, n. Gorcock, red grouse, red ptarmigan, red game (Lagopus Scoticus). Moor-hen, n. Gallinule, water-hen, spotted crake (Gallinula chloropus, or Crex porzana). Moorish, a. Moresque, arabesque. Moose, n. Elk, moose-deer (Cervus dices or Alces malchis). Moose-deer, n. Elk, moose. Moot, v. a. Debate, discuss, dispute, argue. Mooted, \ a. Debatable, disputable, dis- Moot, j puted, unsettled, in ques tion. MOP-BOARD 268 MORTIFY Mop-board, n. Skirting, wash-board, skirting- board. Mope, v. n. 1. Be sad, be gloomy, be dejected, look downcast, look blue, wear a long face, laugh on the wrong side of the mouth. 3. Be dull, be listless, be inattentive, be stupid, take no interest in any thing. Mopish, a. 1. Sad, gloomy, downcast, dejected, depressed, desponding, down hearted, crest-fallen, chap-fallen, mel ancholy, dumpish, glum, BLUE, hypped, cast down, in the dumps, with a long face, down in the mouth, out of sorts. 3. Dull, spiritless, listless, inatten tive. Moral, a. 1. Ethical, of morals, of ethics, regarding duties, touching obli gations. 3. Accountable, bound by duty, bound to do what is right. 3. Virtuous, good, just, upright, hon est, of good principles. 4. Probable, not demonstrative. Moral, n. 1. Practical application (of a fable, &c.}. 3. Practical lesson (of any event). Moral faculty, Conscience, sense of right and wrong, moral sense. Moralist, n. Moral philosopher. Morality, n. 1. Morals, ethics, moral philosophy. 2. Virtue, goodness. Moralize, v. a. 1. Apply to a moral purpose, make a moral use of, draw a moral from. 3. Give a moral tone to. 3. Make moral or virtuous. Moralize, v. n. Make moral reflections, talk or write about morality. Morals, n. pi. 1. Morality, ethics, moral philosophy. 3. Conduct, behavior, habits, man ners, course of life. Moral sense, Conscience, MORAL FAC ULTY. Morass, n. Marsh, fen, bog, quagmire, swamp, slough. Morbid, a. Diseased, sickly, unsound, unhealthy, tainted, vitiated, corrupted, indicative of disease. Morbific, a. Noxious, deleterious, un wholesome, unhealthy, pestilential, poisonous, unfavorable to health. Mordacious, a. 1. Biting, pungent, stinging, cutting, sharp, mordant. 3. Poignant, caustic, sarcastic, satiri cal. Mordant, a. Biting, mordacious. More, a. 1. Greater degree of, greater amount of. 3. In greater numbers. 3. Added, additional, other besides. More, ad. 1. To a greater degree. 3. Again, further, another time. More, n. 1. Greater degree, greater quantity. 3. Else, other thing. Moreover, conj. & ad. Besides, further, also, likewise, too, furthermore, more than that, over and above that. Moresque, a. Moorish, arabesque. Moribund, a. Dying, at the point of death, on one s death-bed, at death s door, with one foot in the grave, on one s last legs, at the last gasp. Morion, n. Helmet, helm, head-piece. Mormon, n. 1. (Zool.) Colter-neb, Lab rador auk, common puffin (Fratercula arctica). 2. Mormonite. Morinonite, n. Mormon. Morn, n. [Poetical.] MORNING. Morning, n. 1. Dawn, daybreak, au rora, sunrise, MORN, break of day, peep of day, prime of day, first blush of the morning. 3. Forenoon, early part of the day. 3. Early part, spring-time. Morning star, n. Lucifer, Phosphorus, Venus. Morose, a. Crabbed, sullen, churlish, sour, sulky, perverse, wayward, spleen^, spleenish, splenetic, humorsome, dog ged, gloomy, moody, cross-grained. Moroseness, n. Crabbedness, sullen- ness, moodiness, churlishness, sourness, sulkiness, sulks, spleen, ill-temper, bad blood, black looks. Morphia, n. Morphine. Morphine, n. 1. Morphia. 3. Sulphate of morphia. Morse, n. Walrus, sea-horse, sea-cow ( Trichechus rosmarus). Morsel, n. Bite, mouthful, bit of food. Mortal, a. 1. Subject to death, destined to die. 3. Deadly, fatal, destructive. 3. Extreme, violent, unto death, like ly to kill. 4. Human, of man. 5. [Colloquial.] Long, tedious, try ing. Mortal, n. Man, human being. Mortality, n. 1. Subjection to death, necessity of dying. 3. Death, destruction, corruption. 3. Frequency of death, number of deaths. 4. Mankind, humanity, human na ture. Mortar, n. 1. Piece of ordnance for throwing bombs. 3. Cement. Mortgage, n. & v. a. Pledge (for the payment of a debt). Morti ortification, n. 1. (Med.) Gangrene, SPHACELUS, NECROSIS. 3. Discontent, dissatisfaction, dis pleasure, vexation, chagrin, disappoint ment. 3. Humiliation, self-abasement, self- denial. Mortify, v. a. 1. Gangrene, gangrenate. 3. Disappoint, dissatisfy, displease, vex, harass, plague, worry, disquiet, chagrin, annoy, trouble. 3. Humiliate, humble, shame, con found, abase, abash, put down. Mortify, v. n. Gangrene, lose vitality. MORTUARY 269 MOVEMENT Mortuary, n. Cemetery, graveyard, churchyard, burial-place, necropolis, round, city of the dead. Of the dead. id, tessellated. burial gr Mortuary, a. Mo1a!cal> 1- 2. Of Moses. Moslem, n. Mahometan, Mohammedan, Mussulman. Mosque, n. Mahometan temple. Moss-agate, n. Mocha-stone. Moss-bunker, n. Menhaden, pauhau- gen, hardhead. Moss-pink, n. Ground-pink (Phlox sub- ulata). Moss-trooper, n. Bandit, marauder. Most, a. Greatest number of. Most, ad. In the greatest degree. Most, n. 1. Greatest part, greatest number. 2. Utmost. Mostly, ad. Mainly, chiefly, for the most part, for the greatest part. Most of all, Especially, principally, chiefly, above all. Mote, n. Spot, speck, mite, particle, atom, corpuscle. Moth, n. (Ent.) Miller. Mother, n. MAMMA, female parent, dam (applied to a beast). Mother, a. 1. Native, natural. 2. Vernacular. Mother Carey s chicken, Stormy pe trel (Procellariapelagica). Motherly, a. Maternal, affectionate, kind, tender. Mother-of-pearl, n. Nacre. Mother-wit, n. Native wit, common sense. Motion, n. 1. [Opposed to Rest.} Move ment, action, passage, change of place. 2. Impulse, prompting, suggestion. 3. Proposition (especially one made in a deliberative body), proposal. Motionless, a. Still, quiescent, station ary, at rest, at a stand, stock still, standing still. Motive, n. Inducement, incentive, im pulse, incitement, stimulus, prompting, influence, reason, ground, principle, consideration, cause, occasion, prime mover, why and wherefore. Motley, a. 1. Variegated, dappled, MOTTLED. 2. Heterogeneous, of various kinds. Mottled, a. Variegated, spotted, mot ley, speckled, dappled, piebald, of various colors. Mould, n. [Sometimes written Mold.} 1. Loam. 2. Mustiness, mildew, mouldiness, rust, blight, smut. 3. Matrix, matrice. 4. Form, shape, cast, fashion. Mould, v. a. [Sometimes written Mold.] Form, shape, fashion, carve, model. Moulder, v. n. Crumble, perish, decay, turn to dust, fall into decay, fall to pieces, waste away. Mouldwarp, n. Molewarp, mole. Mouldy, a. Musty, rusty, mildewed. Moult, v. n. [Sometimes written Molt. Shed feathers, hair, &c. Moult, v. a. Shed (feathers, hair, &c.), mew. Mound, n. 1. Hillock, heap. 2. Rampart, bulwark, defence. Mount, n. [ Used before a proper name and in poetry.] Mountain, high hill. Mount, v. n. 1. Rise, ascend, arise, uprise, tower, soar, go up, rise on high. 2. Get on horseback. Mount, v. a. 1. Ascend, climb, scale, escalade, get upon. 2. Put or raise (upon something). 3. Embellish, cover with ornaments. 4. (Mil.) Carry, be furnished with. Mount guard, Do duty as sentinel. Mountain, n. MOUNT, high hill, vast eminence. Mountain-ash, (European) n. Rowan- tree, quicken-tree, fowler s service-tree, roan-tree (Pyrus aucuparia or Sorbus aucuparia). Mountebank, n. Pretender, charlatan, empiric, quack, quack doctor. Mourn, v. n. Grieve, lament, be sorrow ful. Mourn, v. a. Deplore, lament, bewail, bemoan, grieve for, sorrow over. Mournful, a. Sad, distressing, afflict ing, afflictive, grievous, calamitous, lamentable, melancholy, deplorable, woful. Mournfulness, n. Sorrow, mourning, grief. Mourning, n. Lamentation, sorrow, grief. 2. Weeds, symbol of sorrow. Mouse, v. n. 1. Catch mice. 2. Peer, search, pry about, look closely. Mouth, n. 1. Chaps, jaws, cavity be tween the jaws. 2. Aperture (in a vessel for receiving or discharging any thing). 3. Entrance (as of a cave or a river), inlet. Mouth, v. n. Vociferate, rant. Mouth-piece, n. 1. Piece (in a wind instrument) for the mouth. 2. Speaker (in behalf of several per sons). Movables, n. pi. Goods, wares, effects, furniture, chattels, movable property. Move, v. a. 1. Impel, put in motion. 2. Incite, instigate, rouse, actuate, influence, persuade, induce, prevail upon, act upon. 3. Affect, touch, impress. 4. Propose (in a deliberative body), recommend, suggest, offer for consider ation. Move, v. n. 1. Stir, budge, change place or posture. 2. Go, proceed, walk, march. 3. Act, live, have power of motion. 4. Remove, change residence. Move, n. Movement, motion, change of place. Movement, n. 1. Motion, move, change of place. 2. (Mus.) Strain. MOVING 270 MUSE Moving, a. Affecting, touching, patliet- ic, impressive. Much, a. Abundant, plenteous, a great deal of, a great quantity or amount of. Much, ad. 1. Greatly, abundantly, far, by far, to a great degree. 3. Often, long, frequently, earnestly, a great deal. 3. Nearly, almost, about the same. Mucilaginous, a. Slimy, gummy, ropy, mucous, glutinous, viscid. Muckworm, n. Miser, niggard, churl, curmudgeon, codger, skinflint, scrimp, screw, lickpenny, hunks, sordid wretch. Mucous, a. Slimy, ropy, mucilaginous, gummy, glutinous, viscid. Mud, n. Mire. Muddle, v. a. 1. Make muddy, make turbid. . 2. Stupefy, fuddle, inebriate, make half drunk, make tipsy. Muddle away, Waste, misuse, squan der, fool away, fritter away, spend foolishly. Muddled, a. Fuddled, tipsy, disguised, mellow, in liquor, half DRUNK, hair seas over, the worse for liquor. Muddy, a. 1. Miry. 2. Turbid, dirty, foul, soiled. 3. Confused, dull, stupid, heavy, muddy-headed, muddy-brained. Muddy-brained, \ a. Dull, muddy, Muddy-headed, j stupid. Muffle, v. a. Wrap, cover, shroud. Muggy, a. 1. Wet, damp, moist. 3. Close, warm, oppressive (said of the weather). Mulct, n. Fine, amercement, forfeit, forfeiture, pecuniary penalty. Mulct, v. a. Fine, amerce, impose a fine upon. Mule, n. Hybrid, mongrel, hinny. Muliebrity, n. Womanhood, feminality, femineity. Mulish, a. STUBBORN, dogged, obsti nate, headstrong, cross-grained, intrac table. Mulishness, n. Stubbornness, dogged- ness, obstinacy. Mullion, n. (Arch.) Munnion. Multangular, a. Polygonal. Multifarious, a. Multiform, manifold, various, divers, diversified, different, of many sorts, of various kinds, of all sorts and kinds; this, that, or the other. Multiform, a. 1. Many-shaped, of many shapes, of many forms. . 3. Manifold, MULTIFARIOUS. Multiplicity, n. Great number. Multiplied, a. Numerous, many. Multiply, v. a. Increase (in number), make more, make many. Multiply, v. 11. Increase, grow in num ber. Multitude, n. 1. Host, legion, crowd, throng, concourse, confluence, army, swarm, a great number, a great many. 3. Rabble, MOB, the populace, the vulgar, dregs of the people, scum of society. Mum, a. Silent, mute, speechless, dumb. Mumble, v. n. Mutter, speak inarticu lately. Mumbler, n. Mutterer. Mummer, n. Masker, buffoon. Mummery, n. 1. Masking, masquerade, buffoonery, harlequinade, foolery, tom foolery. 2. Empty show, solemn mockery, vain ceremony. Mumpish, a. Sullen, SULKY, morose, moody, spleeny, spleenish. Munch, v. a. [Colloquial.] Eat (with the lips closed), masticate, mandicate, chew. Mundane, a. Earthly, terrene, terresr trial, terraqueous, worldly, sublunary, under the sun. Municipal, a. Civic, civil, not mili tary. Munificence, n. Liberality, generosity, bountifuluess, bounty. Munificent, a. Liberal, bountiful, gen erous, bounteous, beneficent, princely, free, free-hearted. Muniment, n. 1. Fortification, strong hold, citadel, fortress, fort. 3. (Law.) Record, title deeds and papers. Munition, n. Ammunition, military stores. Munnion, n. (Arch.) Mullion. Murder, n. Homicide (with malice), slaughter, massacre, ASSASSINATION, butchery, MANSLAUGHTER. Murder, v. a. Kill (with malice), slay, ASSASSINATE, despatch, put to death. Murder the king s English, Use bad grammar, commit a solecism, break Prisclan s head. Murderer, n. Slaughterer, assassin, slayer, killer, butcher, cut-throat. Murderous, a. Sanguinary, bloody, cruel, savage, fell, bloodthirsty. Muriate, n. Hydrochlorate. Muriatic acid, Hydrochloric acid, ma rine acid, spirit of sea-salt. Murky, a. Dark, gloomy, obscure, dim, cloudy, clouded, dusky, lurid, overcast, lowering. " Murmur, n. 1. Whisper; low, continu ous sound. 3. Complaint, plaint, whimper. 3. Mutter, indistinct utterance. Murmur, v. n. 1. Make a low, continued sound. 3. Complain, mutter, repine, croak, grumble. Murmurer, n. Censurer, complainer, repiner, objector, fault-finder. Murrain, n. Cattle-plague. Muscallme>- Muscat, muscatel. Mulcatel, } n Muscadel > muscadine. Muscovado, n. Unclayed sugar. Muscovy-duck, n. Musk-duck. Muscular, a. Brawny, sinewy, strong, stalwart, vigorous, powerful, sturdy, lusty, athletic, Herculean, able-bodied. Muse, n. Revery, abstraction, MUS ING. MUSE 271 NAIVETE Muse, v. n. 1. Ponder, meditate, con template, reflect, cogitate, deliberate, ruminate, think, brood. 3. Be absent-minded, be in a revery, be in a brown study. Muse, v. a. [Poetical] Consider, ponder, meditate on. think on. Muses, n. pi. [With Tlie prefixed.] The tunefulNine, the tuneful quire ( Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Poly hymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, Urania). Mush, n. [U. S.] SUPAWN, hasty- pudding (made of Indian meal). Mushroom, n. 1. Cryptogamous plant. 2. Upstart, PARVENU. Mushroom, a. Ephemeral, short-lived. Music, n. 1. Melody, harmony, sym phony, minstrelsy. 3. Science of harrnonical sounds. Musical, a. Melodious, harmonious, tuneful, symphonious, dulcet, sweet- sounding. Musing, n. Revery, abstraction, muse, meditation, reflection, contemplation, brown study, deep thought. Musk-duck, n. Muscovy-duck (Anas moschata). Musk-rat, n. 1. Musquash (Ondatra zibethicus). 2. Desman, muscovy (Mi/gale mos- cliata). Muss, n. Scramble, confused struggle. Mussulman, n. Mahometan, Moham medan. Must, v. n. Be obliged to, be required to, be bound to, be necessitated to, be under the necessity of. Must, n. 1. Grape-juice (unfermented), new wine. 2. Mould, fust, mustiness, mildew, blight, rust, smut. Muster, v. a. Assemble, collect, gather, congregate, convene, bring together, call together, get together, muster up. Muster, v. n. Be assembled, meet to gether. Muster, n. Gathering, assemblage. Muster up, MUSTER, get together. Musty, a. Mouldy, fusty, soured, fetid, foul, spoiled, stale. Mutability, n. 1. Changeableness, mu- tableness, inconstancy, variableness. 2 Instability, fickleness, vacillation. Mutable, a. 1. Changeable, alterable, variable, ever-changing. 3. Inconstant, unsettled, vacillating, fickle, unstable. Mutableness, n. MUTABILITY. Mutation, n. Change, alteration, vari ation. Mute, a. 1. Dumb, unable to speak, incapable of speech. 2. Silent, speechless, taciturn, mum. Mutilate, v. a. Disfigure, maim, crip ple. Mutilation, n. Disfigurement. Mutinous, a. Turbulent, contumacious, seditious, insurrectionary, refractory, unruly, insubordinate, riotous, insur gent, rebellious. Mutiny, v. n. Rebel, rise, STRIKE, resist authority. Mutiny, n. Sedition, revolt, rebellion, insurrection, riot, rising, uprising. Mutter, v. n. Grumble, murmur. Mutter, v. a. Utter indistinctly. Mutter, n. Murmur, indistinct utter ance. Mutual, a. Reciprocal, interchanged, correlative, reciprocally given and re ceived. Muzzle, n. 1. Snout. 2. Mouth, nozzle. Muzzy, a. [Colloquial. ] Stupefied, ue- wildered, confused, bemused, half- drunk. Myopic, a. Near-sighted, short-sighted, dim-sighted, purblind. Myopy, n. Near-sightedness. Myriad, n. Ten thousand. Mysterious, a. Unknown, enigmatical, obscure, hidden, occult, inscrutable, recondite, MYSTIC. Mystery, n. Secret, enigma, riddle. Mystic, ) a. Mysterious, hidden, enig- Mystical, j matical, obscure, occult, recondite, inscrutable, abstruse, dark, cabalistic, transcendental. Mystify, v. a. Perplex, puzzle, bewilder, embarrass, pose. Myth, n. Fable, invention, allegory, parable, fiction, fabulous story. Mythic, \a. Fabulous, mythological, Mythical, ) fictitious. Mythologic, \ a. Fabulous, mythi- Mythological, J cal. .N Nab, v. a. [Colloquial.} Seize (sudden ly), catch, clutch, grasp, snatch, lay hands on, lay hold on, take possession of. Nabob, n. Millionnaire, Croesus, very rich man, man of great wealth, man of fortune. Nacre, n. Mother-of-pearl. Nacreous, a. Pearly, iridescent, iris- ated, pavonine. Nag, n. Horse (especially a small horse), pony. Naiad, n. (Myth.) Water-nymph. Nail, n. Claw, talon. Naive, a. [Fr.] Artless, unaffected, ingenuous, natural, plain, simple, un sophisticated, candid. Naivete , n. [Fr.] Artlessness, ingen uousness, naturalness, simplicity, native candor, unaffected plainness. NAKED 272 NAUGHTY Naked, a. 1. Nude, uncovered, bare, denuded, unclothed, undressed, IN PURIS NATURALIBUS. 3. Exposed, defenceless, unarmed, unprotected, unguarded. 3. Manifest, unconcealed, evident, open, plain. 4. Simple, mere, sheer. Nakedness, n. Nudity. Namby-pamby, a. Finical, affectedly fine. Name, n. 1. Appellation, title, epithet, denomination, designation, descriptive term. 2. Reputation, repute, credit, char acter. 3. Note, distinction, fame, renown, celebrity, eminence, honor. Name, v. a. 1. Denominate, entitle, style, term, call, dub, phrase, christen, give an appellation to. 3. Mention, speak of, call by name. 3. Nominate, designate, specify. Namely, ad. Particularly, VIDELICET, that is, that is to say, to wit, to particu larize. Nap, v. n. Doze, slumber, drowse, take a short sleep. Nap, n. Doze, slumber, short sleep. Naphtha, n. Bock oil, mineral oil. Nappy, a. [Scottish.] Drunk, fuddled, intoxicated, tipsy, corned, muddled, GROGGY. Narcissus, n. Daffodil. Narcotic, a. Stupefying, stupefactive. Narrate, v a. Relate, recite, recount, rehearse, tell, detail, describe, give an account of. Narration, n. 1. Recital, description, rehearsal, relation, account, statement. 3. Story, history, narrative, tale, chronicle. Narrative, n. Narration, relation, tale, account, recital, rehearsal, description, story, history, chronicle. Narrator, n. Relater, historian. Narrow, a. 1. Of little breadth. 3. Contracted, circumscribed, limited, confined, straitened, cramped, pinched, scanty, incapacious, of small extent. 3. Bigoted, selfish, niggardly, mean, ungenerous, parsimonious, covetous, mercenary, illiberal. 4. Close, near, within a little, with little to spare, within narrow limits. Narrow, v. a. Contract, restrict, limit, cramp. Narrow house, Grave, tomb, sepulchre, house of death. Narrows, n. pi. Strait, sound. Narrow-minded, a. Illiberal, bigoted, prejudiced, warped, biassed, partial, of narrow or contracted views. Narwhal, n. Sea-unicorn, unicorn-fish, unicorn- whale (Monodon monoceros). Nascent, a. Incipient, opening, initial, dawning, inchoative, initiatory, rudi- mental, beginning, commencing, at the start, in the act of evolution. Nastiness, n. 1. Filth, filthiness, dirti ness, foulness, impurity, uncleanness, pollution, defilement, squalor. 3. Obscenity, smuttiness, indecency, ribaldry. Nasty, a. 1. Filthy, foul, unclean, im pure, dirty, polluted, defiled, nauseous, disgusting, sickening, loathsome, offen sive, repulsive, squalid. 3. Obscene, smutty, gross, indelicate, lewd, indecent, ribald, loose. Natal, a. Native, of birth. Natal day, Birthday. Natch-bone, n. Aitch-bone, edge-bone. Nation, n. 1. State, commonwealth, realm, nationality. 3. People, community, population, race. National, a. Public, general. Nationality, n. 1. National character. 3. State, realm, nation, common wealth. Native, a. 1. Natal, of birth. 3. Vernacular, VULGAR, mother. 3. Indigenous, natural, congenital, original, genuine, intrinsic, real, unar- tificial, home-bred, not acquired, bred in the bone, that runs in the blood. Native, n. Original inhabitant. Nativity, n. Birth. Natty, a. [Colloquial.] Neat, spruce, fine, jaunty, trig, trim, finical, foppish, dandyish. Natural, a. 1. Of nature. 3. Original, indigenous, essential, characteristic, native, not acquired, not assumed. 3. Regular, normal, not exceptional, not violent, in the course of nature, adapted to nature, consistent with nature, conformable to nature. 4. Illegitimate, born out of wedlock. Natural, n. Fool, simpleton, DUNCE. Natural child, Bastard, love-child, illegitimate child. Naturalize, v. a. Adopt as a citizen, adopt as native. Nature, n. 1. World, creation, universe, system of created things, aggregate of phenomena, world of matter and of mind, sum of causes and effects. 3. Sum total of sensible objects, world of matter. 3. Character, essence, constitution, quality. 4. Kind, sort, species. 5. Temper, disposition, humor, mood, grain. 6. Mind, intelligence, intelligent be ing. 7. Active principle of the universe, soul of the universe, GOD. 8. Regular course of things, usual or established order of events. 9. What is natural, conformity with nature, accordance with truth or real ity. Naught, n. Nothing, nought. Naught, a. Worthless, bad, of no value. Naughtiness, n. 1. Wickedness, vice, badness, iniquity. 3. Perverseness, frowardness. Naughty, a. 1. Wicked, bad, corrupt, sinful. 3. Perverse, froward, mischievous. NAUSEA 273 NEGLECT Nausea, n. 1. Seasickness. 3. Qualm, sickness of the stomach, inclination to vomit. 3. Disgust, loathing, repugnance, aversion, strong dislike. Nauseate, v. n. Feel nausea, feel dis gust* grow qualmish. Nauseate, v. a. 1. Sicken, disgust, revolt, make sick, turn one s stomach, make one s gorge rise. 2. Loathe, abhor, detest, ahominate, feel nausea or disgust at, shrink from, recoil from. Nauseous, a. Disgusting, loathsome, nauseating, sickening, revolting, repul sive, distasteful, offensive, abominable, foul. Naval, a. Nautical, marine, maritime. Navel-string, n. Umbilical cord. Navew, n. French turnip (Brassica napus). Navicular, a. (Anat. & Bot.) Boat- shaped, cymbiform. Navigate, v. n. Sail, cruise, course, go in a vessel, plough the waves, plough the deep. Navigate, v. a. 1. Sail over, sail on, pass in a vessel. 3. Steer, direct (in sailing), guide the course of. Navigator, n. Sailor, seaman. Navy, n. Fleet, ships of war. Nay, ad. 1. No. 2. Not only so, but more; not this only, but also. Near, a. 1. Nigh, close, neighboring, acjjacent, contiguous, proximate, ad joining, not far, not distant, bordering upon, approximate to, close upon, close by, hard upon, close at hand. 3. Imminent, impending, forthcom ing, approaching, threatening, at hand, about to happen, going to happen. 3. Intimate, dear, familiar, closely allied, closely attached. 4. Direct, short, straight. Near, ad. Nearly. Near, prep. Nigh, close to, close by, not far from. Nearly, ad. 1. Approximately, not remotely. 3. Almost, well-nigh, within a little. 3. Closely, intimately. Near-sighted, a. Short-sighted, my opic, purblind. Neat, a. 1. Clean, cleanly, unsoiled, tidy, spotless, unsullied, immaculate, unstained, pure. 3. Nice, spruce, trim. 3. Chaste, simple, in good taste. Neat-cattle, n. Bovine animals (bulls, oxen, cows, calves, heifers, steers), beeves. Neatly, ad. Cleanly, in a neat man ner. Neatness, n. 1. Cleanness, cleanliness, tidiness. 3. Nicety, spruceness, trimness. 3. Chasteness, simplicity. Neb, n. Beak, bill, nib. Nebulosity, n. Cloudiness, haziness, mistiness. Nebulous a. Cloudy, hazy, misty. Necessary, a. 1. Inevitable, unavoid able, that must be, not to be avoid ed. 3. Requisite, essential, indis needful, that cannot be spar 3. Involuntary, not free. Necessary, n. 1. Requisite, require ment, necessity, essential, indispensable thing, SINE QUA NON. 2. Privy, jakes, water-closet, back house. Necessitate, v. a. Compel, force, oblige, make necessary, render unavoidable. Necessitous, a. Needy, indigent, poor, penniless, moneyless, destitute, dis tressed, pinched, reduced, in need, in want, short of money, out of money, out of pocket, out of cash. Necessity, n. 1. Compulsion, fatality, fate, destiny, irresistible force. 3. Indispensableness, indispensabil- ity, inevitableness. 3. Need, needfulness, urgency, exi gency, pressing want. 4. Requirement, requisite, essential, necessary, indispensable thing, SINE QUA NON. Neck-cloth, n. Cravat, neckerchief, necktie. Neckerchief, ) n. Cravat, neck- Neckhandkerchief, } cloth. Necktie, n. Cravat, neckcloth. Necrology, n. Obituary, register of deaths. Necromancer, n. Sorcerer, conjurer, enchanter, juggler, charmer, diviner, wizard, magician, exorcist, seer, sooth sayer. Necromancy, n. Sorcery, magic, divin ation, enchantment, conjuration, black art, magical art. Necropolis, n. Cemetery, churchyard, graveyard, mortuary, burial-ground, burial-place, city of the dead. Need, n. 1. Necessity, want, exigency, urgency, emergency. 3. Indigence, poverty, penury, desti tution, distress. Need, v. a. Want, require, lack, be in want of, stand in want of. Needful, a. Necessary, requisite, essen tial, indispensable. Needle-shaped, a. Aciform, acicular, aciculate. Needless, a. Unnecessary, useless, not requisite, not needed.. Needs, ad. Necessarily. Needy, a. Indigent, destitute, poor, NECESSITOUS. Nefarious, a. Abominable, atrocious, detestable, execrable, iniquitous, scan dalous, wicked, infamous, villanous, heinous, flagitious, very wicked. Negation, n. Denial, disavowal, dis claimer. Neglect, v. a. 1. Omit, leave out, pass over. 3. Disregard, slight, contemn, over look, pay no heed to, pay no regard to, leave out of view, leave on one side, not care a straw for. 18 NEGLECT 274 NICTATION Neglect, n. 1. Omission (of a particular act of duty), failure, default, NEGLI GENCE, remissness. 3. Slight, disregard, disrespect. Neglectful, a. Heedless, careless, neg ligent, thoughtless. Negligence, n. NEGLECT (as a habit), carelessness, thoughtlessness, remiss- ness, heedlessness, disregard, inatten tion, LACHES. Negligent, a. Careless (habitually), thoughtless, heedless, remiss, regard less, inattentive, neglectful. Negotiate, v. n. Treat, bargain. Negotiate, v. a. 1. Treat for, arrange for. 3. Pass, put into circulation. Negotiation, n. Transaction. Negro-corn, n. Doura, Indian millet, Guinea corn (Sorghum vulgare). Neigh, v. n. Whinny. Neighborhood, n. Vicinity, vicinage, environs. Neighborly, a. Friendly, kind, civil, social, obliging, attentive, on friendly terms. Neither, pron. & a. Not either, nor one nor the other. Neither head nor tail, Neither one thing nor the other, nothing distinct or definite. Neither here nor there, 1. Nowhere, neither in one place nor another. /}. Irrelevant, not to the purpose. Nem. con. [L. Contracted from nemine contradicente, no one speaking against.] Unanimously, with one accord, with one consent, to a man, as one man, one and all, on all hands, in chorus, without a dissenting voice. Neologism, n. 1. New word or phrase. . Neology, use of new words or Neology, n. 1. Neologism, use of new words or phrases. 3. (Theol.) Rationalism, rationalistic interpretation. Neophyte, n. 1. Convert, proselyte, CATECHUMEN. 3. Beginner, tyro, pupil. Nephritis, n. [L.] (Med.) Inflamma tion of the kidneys. Nerve, n. 1. Strength, power, force. 3. Courage, pluck, fortitude, firm ness, resolution, hardihood, manhood. Nerve, v. a. Strengthen, invigorate, fortify, brace. Nervous, a. 1. Of the nerves. 3. Sinewy, strong, vigorous, robust, forcible, powerful. 3. Timid, timorous, easily agitated. Nervousness, n. 1. Strength, force, power, vigor. 3. Timidity, timorousness, trepida tion, tremor, flutter, nervous agita tion. Nescience, n. Ignorance. Nest, TO. A ERIE. Nestle, v. n. Snuggle, cuddle, snug, har bor, lodge, lie close. Net, n. Snare, gin, trap. toil. Net, a. Clear, without deductions. Net, v. a. Clear, get or gain over and above expenses. Nether, a. Lower. Nettle, v. a. Fret, chafe, ruffle, irritate, vex, tease, harass, provoke, incense, exasperate, sting. Net-work, n. Netting, reticulated or decussated work. Neutral, a. Indifferent, of neither party, taking no part with either side. Neutralize, v, a. Counterbalance, ren der neutral, render inert, destroy the effect of, render of no effect. Never, ad. 1. At no time, not at any time, not ever. 3. In no degree, not at all. Nevertheless, ad. However, notwith standing, not at all the less. New, a. 1. Novel, fresh, of recent ori gin, not old. 3. Recent, modern, not ancient, of the present day. 3. Just discovered, recently made known. 4. Unaccustomed, unused, not habit uated, not familiar. News, n. Tidings, intelligence, infor mation, advice, word, piece of informa tion, recent accounts. Newsmonger, n. Quidnunc. Newspaper, n. Gazette, journal. Newt, n. Eft, salamander. Next, a. Nearest. Next door to, 1. Next house to. 3. Near to, bordering on. Nib, TO. 1. Bill, beak, neb. 3. Point (of a pen). Nibble, v. a. & TO. Gnaw, bite (by nips), browse. Nice, a. 1. Exact, accurate, precise, critical, definite, strict, rigorous. 3. Fastidious, dainty, squeamish, punctilious, finical, difficult, over-scru pulous, exacting, hard to please, very particular. 3. Subtile, fine, refined, minute. 4. Delicate, dainty, luscious, soft, tender, savory, delicious, palatable. 5. [Colloquial.] Pleasant, agreeable, delightful, good. Niceness, TO. 1. Exactness, accuracy, precision, nicety. 3. Scrupulousness, fastidiousness, delicacy, daintiness, squeamislmess. Nicety, TO. 1. Accuracy, exactness, pre cision, truth, niceness. 2. Fastidiousness, daintiness, PU- KISM, squeamislmess. 3. Subtilty, nice point, minute dis tinction. 4. Delicacy, dainty, tidbit, delicate morsel. Niche, TO. Nook, recess. Nick, TO. 1. Critical point (of time), critical moment, fortunate conjunc ture. 3. Notch, dent, dint, indentation, in cision. Nick, v. a. Notch, cut notches in. Nickname, TO. SOBRIQUET, by-name. Nictate, v. TO. [Rare.] Wink, blink. Nictation, TO. Winking. NIGGARD 275 NON COMPOS Niggard, n. Miser, curmudgeon, churl, liunks, lickpenny, skinflint, scrimp, screw, mean fellow, sordid wretch. Niggard, a. Parsimonious, NIGGARD LY. Niggardliness, n. Parsimony, stingi ness, avarice, meanness. Niggardly, a. 1. Parsimonious, cov etous, stingy, avaricious, miserly, pe nurious, sordid, mean, illiberal, mer cenary, niggard, close, close-fisted. 2. Saving, sparing, chary. Nigh, a. Near, adjacent, adjoining, con- t^uous, close by, close, close at hand, bordering up on, not far off", not distant, approximate to, hard by. Nigh, ad. Near, nearly. Nigh, prep. Near, close to, close by not far from. Night-fall, n. EVENING, dusk, close of the day. Nightingale, n. Philomel, philomela, (Philomela luscinia.) Night-jar, n. Goat-sucker, wheel-bird, churn-owl (Capr-imulgus Europo&us). Nightly, a. Nocturnal. Night-walker, n. Somnambulist, sleep walker. Nihilism, ) n. Nothingness, nothing, Anility, } nullity. Nihility, ) non-existence, nonentity, Nimble, a. Agile, lively, brisk, active, smart, quick, spry, ready, alert, dapper, sprightly. Nimbleness, n. Briskness, smartness, agility, spryness, alertness, activity, sprightliness. Nincompoop, n. [Low.] NlNNY. Ninepins, n. pi. Skittles. Ninny, n. Simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Nip, v. a. 1. Pinch, compress, squeeze, gripe. 3. Clip, cut off. 3. Blast, bite, destroy, ruin. Nip, n. 1. Pinch, bite. 3. Bit, small cut. 3. [Low.] Dram, nipper, sip. drink. Nipper, n. 1. Fore tooth (of a horse). 3. [Low.] Dram, nip, sip, drink. Nippers, n. pi. Pincers, tweezers. Nipple, n. Teat, dug, pap. Nitre, n. [Written also Niter.] Salt petre, nitrate of potash. Nitric acid, AQUAFORTIS, spirit of nitre. Nitric oxide, Deutoxide of nitrogen, binoxide of nitrogen, nitrous gas, nitrous air. Nitrogen, n. Azote. Nitrogenize, v. a. Azotize. Nitro-muriatic acid, Aqua regia. Nitrous ether, Sweet spirits of nitre. Nitrous oxide, Laughing gas, protoxide of nitrogen, exhilarating gas. No, ad. 1. Nay. 3. Not at all, in no degree. No, a. None, not any. Nob, 7i. [Colloquial.] Nobleman. Nobby, a. [Colloquial.] Consequential, aristocratic. Nobility, n. 1. Grandeur, greatness, dignity, nobleness, elevation, superior ity, worthiness, loftiness of character, moral excellence. 3. Noble birth, patrician dignity, eminence by rank. 3. NOBLESSE, aristocracy, peerage, patrician class, Noble, a.. 1. Great, dignified, superior, elevated, worthy, exalted, illustri ous. 3. Grand, stately, lordly, splendid, magnificent, sublime. Noble, n. Nobleman. Nobleman, n. Peer, noble, grandee, lord, one of the nobility. Nobleness, n. 1. Greatness, dignity, magnanimity, elevation, superiority, worthiness, nobility, loftiness of char acter, moral excellence. 3. Stateliness, grandeur, magnifi cence. Noblesse, [Fr.] Aristocracy, peerage, nobility. Nobody, n. No one, no person, not any one, not anybody. Nocturnal, a. Nightly. Nocturnally, ad. Nightly, by night. Nod, v. a. & n. Bow. Nod, n. Bow, beck. Noddle, n. Head (in contempt). Noddy, n. 1. Fool, simpleton, DUNCE. 3. (Ornith.) Booby, gannet, solan goose (Sterna solida). Node, n. Knot, knob, protuberance, swelling, lump, prominence, process, excrescence, nodule. Nodule, n. Knot, NODE. Noise, n. 1. Sound. JJ. Clamor, din, blare, clatter, uproar, tumult, ado, cry, vociferation, hubbub, racket, HALLABALOO, fuss, breeze. Noisome, a. 1. Noxious, injurious, hurtful, unwholesome, insalubrious, unhealthy, pernicious, mischievous, detrimental, destructive, deleterious, baneful, poisonous, pestilential. 3. Offensive, fetid, disgusting. Noisy, a. Clamorous, boisterous, turbu lent, vociferous, obstreperous, blatant, brawling, blustering, uproarious, tu multuous, riotous. Nomad, ) n. 1. "Wandering tribe, no- Nomade, j madic people. 3. Wanderer, BOOLY. Nomadic, a. Wandering, migratory, vagrant, roving, strolling. Nomenclature, n. Terminology. Nominal, a. Titular, not real, only in name. Nominate, v. a. Name for an office, propose as a candidate, designate for appointment or election. Nonage, n. Minority, pupilage. Non-appearance, 1 Av. af>Tlf ,p Non-attendance, } n Absence - Nonchalance, n. [Fr.] Carelessness, indifference, unconcern, coolness. Nonchalant, a. [Fr.] Unconcerned, indifferent, careless, cool, apathetic, not anxious. Non compos, n. [Contracted from non compos mentis.] Simpleton, DUNCE, fool. NON COMPOS MENTIS 276 NOUN Non compos mentis, [L.] Demented, idiotic, lunatic, foolish, imbecile, crazy, destitute of common sense, void of understanding. None, pron., sing. & pi. Not one, not any. Nonentity, n. 1. Inexistence, non- existence. 3. Nothing. Non-essential, a. Adventitious, inci dental, accidental, extraneous, ex trinsic. Nonesuch, n. Nonpareil, paragon, pattern, model, CHEF-D OEUVRE, BEAU IDEAL, acme of perfection, pink of perfection. Nonpareil, n. NONESUCH. Nonpareil, a. Peerless. Nonplus, n. Puzzle, perplexity, poser, quandary. Nonplus, v. a. Puzzle, confound, con fuse, disconcert, perplex, pose, put to a stand. Non-resistance, n. Passive obedience. Nonsense, n. 1. Folly, absurdity, stuff, trash, moonshine, twaddle, balderdash, fudge, inanity, platitude. 3. Trifles, things of no consequence or importance. Nonsensical, a. Absurd, foolish, silly, senseless, insensate, stupid, ill-judged, unreasonable, irrational, preposterous, unmeaning, frivolous, trifling. Noodle, n. Simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Nook, n. Corner, recess, niche, retired place. Noonday, ) n. Midday, noon, meridian, Noontide, j twelve o clock. Noose, n. Hitch, running knot. Normal, a. 1. Begular, analogical, according to rule. 3. Perpendicular, vertical, erect. North, a. Northerly, northern, boreal, arctic. Northern, a. North, northerly, boreal, arctic. Northern lights, AURORA BOREALIS. North star, n. Polestar, lodestar. Nose, n. Snout, nozzle. Nose of wax, Doughface, pliable poli tician. Nosegay, n. Nostalgia, n. Nostrum, n. medicine. Notability, n. of note. (Med.) Homesickness. Quack medicine, patent Notable person, person Notable, a. Remarkable, memorable, extraordinary, signal, distinguished, noted, worthy of notice. Notable, a. Active, diligent, sedulous, industrious, assiduous, busy, watchful, attentive, careful. Notary, n. Notary public. Notch, n. Nick, indentation, dent, dint, incision. Notch, v. a. Nick, cut notches in. Note, n. 1. Sign, symbol, token, indi cation, character, mark. 3. Memorandum, minute, record. 3. Comment, annotation, scholium, remark. 4. Billet, short letter or epistle. 5. Notice, heed, observation, regard, consideration. 6. Distinction, reputation, celebrity, fame, repute, renown, credit, account, consequence, respectability. 7. Bill, bank-note, promissory note, note of hand, paper money. Note, v. a. 1. Notice, remark, observe, heed, attend to, take notice of, pay attention to. 3. Record, make a note of, make a memorandum of, make a minute of, set down in writing, jot down. 3. Designate, denote. Note-book, n. Memorandum book, ad versaria, journal, commonplace book. Noted, a. Distinguished, celebrated, famous, famed, renowned, conspicuous, eminent, illustrious, well known. Nothing, n. 1. Non-existence, nihility, inexistence, nihilism, nonentity, noth ingness, nullity. 3. Nought, zero, cipher. 3. Trifle, bagatelle, small matter, thing of no importance, matter of no consequence. Nothing, ad. Not at all, in no degree. Nothingness, n. Nihility, nihilism, non-existence, nonentity. Notice, n. 1. Note, heed, observation, regard, cognizance. 3. Information, notification, advice, intelligence, announcement, mention. 3. Intimation, premonition, warning. Notice, v. a. Heed, regard, mark, note, observe, remark, attend to, advert to, take cognizance of. Noticeable, a. Observable, worthy of notice. Notification,^. 1. Information, notice, advice, intelligence, announcement. 3. Advertisement. Notify, v. a. 1. Declare, promulgate, publish, announce, advertise, make known. 3. Inform, apprise, acquaint, make known to, give notice to, signify to. Notion, n. 1. Conception, concept, uni versal idea, general or universal con ception. 3. Opinion, sentiment, apprehension, judgment, belief, view, impression, estimation, conceit, conviction. Notional, a. 1. Imaginary, fantastical, ideal, chimerical. 3.- Whimsical, capricious, visionary, crotchety, freakish. Notoriety, n. Repute (generally in a bad sense), reputation, celebrity, fame, name, note, vogue, figure. Notorious, a. 1, Open, overt, patent, manifest, obvious, apparent, evident, well-known. 3. Conspicuous (generally in a bad sense), noted, celebrated, famous, famed. Notwithstanding, prep. Despite, in spite of. Notwithstanding, conj. Nevertheless, yet, however, for all that. Nought, n. Nothing, naught. Noun, n. Substantive. NOURISH 277 NYMPHA Nourish, v. a. 1. Nurture, nurse, feed, support, maintain, supply with food or nutriment, furnish, sustenance to. 2. Train, educate, instruct, breed, bring up. 3. Cherish, encourage, foster, pro mote, succor. Nourishing, n. Nutrition. Npurishing, a. Nutritious, nutritive, strengthening, invigorating, healthful, wholesome. Nourishment, n. FOOD, aliment, diet, sustenance, nutriment, nutrition. Noyaculite, n. Turkey-stone, Turkey oil-stone. Novel, a. New, strange, unusual, late, modern, recent. Novel, n. Tale, romance, story, fiction, fictitious narrative, extended parable. Novice, n. 1. Probationer. 2. Tyro, beginner, learner. Novitiate, n. Probation. Now, ad. At this time, at once, at this moment, at present. Now and then, Occasionally, once in a while. Nowadays, ad. In these days, in this age, in the present age. Noway, ) ad. Not at all, in no degree, Noways, j in no manner. Nowise, ad. Noway, noways. Noxious, a. Injurious, hurtful, baneful, pernicious, detrimental, unwholesome, mischievous, insalubrious, deleterious, noisome, pestiferous, pestilent, deadly, baleful, destructive, poisonous. Nozzle, n. Nose, snout. Nucleus, n. Kernel, core, centre. Nude, a. Bare, uncovered, undressed, unclothed, naked, exposed, denuded, stark naked, in a state of nature, IN PURIS NATURALIBUS. Nudge, v. a. Push gently. Nudge, n. Gentle push. Nudity, n. Nakedness. Nugatory, a. 1. Trifling, futile, vain, insignificant, trivial, friv less. frivolous, worth 2. Inoperative, ineffectual, ineffica cious, unavailing, useless, bootless, null, to no purpose. Nugget, n. Lump. Nuisance, n. Annoyance, plague, bane, infliction, curse, scourge, pest. Null, a. Void, invalid, useless, nugatory, of no efficacy, of no account. Nullify, v. a. Annul, invalidate, cancel, abrogate, repeal, make void, make of no effect. Nullity, n. Non-existence, nonentity, nihility, nothing. Numb, a. Torpid, benumbed. Number, v. a. Count, enumerate, tell, . reckon, calculate, compute, numerate, call over, tell off, run over, sum up. Number, n. 1. Figure, numeral, digit. 2. Many, multitude, great many. Number one, [Colloquial.] One s self. Numbers, n. pi. Verses, poetry, song. Numbness, n. Torpor, insensibility, deadness, paralysis, palsy. Numeral, n. Figure, number, digit. Numerate, v. a. Reckon, enumerate, count, number, call over, tell off. Numerous, a. 1. Large (in number), made up of many. 2. [Rare.] Rhythmical, melodious, musical. Numskull, w. Blockhead, simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Nuncio, n. 1. Messenger. 2. Ambassador (of trie Pope). Nuncupative, a. Oral, not written. Nunnery, n. Convent, cloister, abbey, monastery. Nuptial, a. Bridal, matrimonial, hy meneal, connubial, CONJUGAL. Nuptials, n. pi. Marriage, wedding, bridal, espousals, nuptial festival, mar riage ceremony. Nurse, v. a. 1. Nourish, nurture, supply with nourishment. 2. Suckle, feed at the breast, give suck to. 3. Cherish, foster, encourage, succor, promote. Nursling, n. Infant, babe, baby, suck ling, BAIRN. Nurture, n. 1. Nourishment, food, diet. 2. Training, education, instruction, discipline, tuition, schooling, breed ing. Nurture, v. a. 1. Feed, nourish. 2. Train, educate, instruct, school, rear, breed, discipline, bring up. Nutgall, n. Gall, gall-nut. Nutriment, n. Aliment, nourishment, nutrition, food, diet, sustenance, sub sistence, provision, fare, regimen, meat, victuals, BREAD, viands, cheer, rations, pabulum, grub, FEED, PROYENDER, FODDER, FORAGE, PROG. Nutrition, n. 1. Nourishing. 2. Food, NUTRIMENT. Nutritious, ) a. Nourishing, strength- Nutritive, j ening, wholesome. Nyctalopy, n. Day-blindness, nocturnal sight. Nymph, n. Damsel, maiden, maid, lass, LASSIE, girl. Nympha, n. (Ent.) Pupa, chrysalis, aurelia. OAF 278 OBSERVE Oaf, V" Changeling (when a foolish child is left in place of another), simpleton, fool, DUNCE. Obduracy, n. 1. Contumacy, OBSTI NACY, stubbornness, doggedness, hard ness of heart. 3. Impenitence, depravity. Obdurate, a. 1. Hardened, obstinate, callous, unfeeling, stubborn, unyielding, dogged, pig-headed, inflexible, inexora ble, cantankerous. 3. Depraved, graceless, shameless, reprobate, lost, .impenitent, irreclaim able, incorrigible. Obedience, n. Compliance, submission. Obedient, a. Compliant, submissive, deferential, dutiful, respectful. Obeisance, n. Salutation, reverence, bow, courtesy. Obelisk, n. 1. Pillar. 3. Dagger (in printing). Obese, a. Fat, fleshy, corpulent, stout, plump, portly, bouncing. Obesity, n. Fleshiness, fatness, corpu lence, corpulency, plumpness, EMBON POINT. Obfuscate, v. a. Darken, cloud, ob scure. Obituary, n. Necrology. Object, n. 1. Mark, butt. 2. End, aim, intent, purpose, design, view, scope, drift, goal, final cause. Objection, n. Exception, difficulty, CAVIL, DEMURRER. Objectionable, a. Exceptionable. Object to, Disapprove, protest against, take exception to. Oblation, n. Offering, sacrifice. Obligate, v. a. {Inelegant.} Bind, ob lige, bring under obligation. Obligation, n. 1. Responsibility, ac- countableness, bond of duty. 3, Engagement, contract, agreement, stipulation. 3. Debt of gratitude. Obligatory, a. Binding, coercive. Oblige, v. a. 1. Compel, force, coerce, constrain. 3. Serve, accommodate, please, favor, gratify, do a service for, do a favor to. 3. OBLIGATE, bind 3 bring under obli gation. Obliging, a. Civil, complaisant, kind, courteous, polite, friendly, gentlemanly, urbane, affable. Oblique, a. 1. Inclined, aslant. 3. Indirect. Obliterate, v. a. Efface, erase, expunge, cancel, rub out, rub off, blot out, scratch out, wipe out, strike out. Obliteration, n. Effacement, erasure, extinction, blotting out. Oblivion, n. 1. Forgetfulness (Oblivion refers especially to the thing forgotten). 3. Amnesty, general pardon. Oblivious, a. Forgetful, mindless, heed less, careless, negligent, neglectful. Obloquy, n. 1. Reproach, detraction, censure, blame, calumny, contumely, slander, defamation, backbiting, traduc ing, aspersion, reviling. 3. Dishonor, disgrace, shame, infamy, opprobrium, odium, scandal. Obnoxious, a. 1. Liable, subject, ex- 3. Hateful, unpleasiug, odious, offen sive, unpopular. Oboe, n. Hautboy. Obscene, a. 1. Indecent, indelicate, immodest, impure, ribald, gross, coarse, broad, unchaste, lewd, loose. 3. Dirty, filthy, foul, offensive, dis gusting. Obscenity, n. Indecency, indelicacy, immodesty, unchastity, lewdness. Obscure, a. 1. Dark, gloomy, rayless, darksome, unilluminated, unenlight ened, dusky, sombre, sombrous, lurid, shadowy, murky, dim. 3. Unintelligible, incomprehensible, indistinct, indefinite, vague, doubtful, enigmatical, mysterious, mystic, mys tical, recondite, abstruse, cabalistic, transcendental, high. 3. Unknown, undistinguished, name less, unnoted, unnoticed, renownless, unhonored, humble, inglorious. Obscure, v . a. Darken, cloud, eclipse, dim, shade, obfuscate, cast in the shade. Obscurity, n. 1. Darkness, dimness, gloom, gloominess, shade, obscuration, cloud, obfuscation. 3. Seclusion, retirement, privacy. Obsequies, n. pi. Exequies, funeral rites, funeral solemnities. Obsequious, a. Fawning, sycophantic, cringing, servile, slavish, supple, meanly submissive. Obsequiousness, n. Fawning, cringhig, servility, slavishness, suppleness, syco phancy, mean compliance. Observable, a. Noticeable, remarkable, marked, striking. Observance, n. 1. Performance, fulfil ment, discharge, acquittal. 3. Form, ceremony, ceremonial, rite, practice, custom, usage, fashion. Observant, a. Mindful, regardful, heed ful, attentive, watchful. Observation, n. 1. Notice, attention. 3. Remark, note, annotation, com ment. Observe, v. a. 1. Notice, remark, note, watch, eye, mark, take note of, pay attention to. 3. Fulfil, obey, follow, comply with, conform to, adhere to, be faithful to. 3. Celebrate, regard, keep, solemnize. Observe, v. n. 1. Take notice. 3. Make a remark. OBSERVER 279 ODOROUS Observer, n. Beholder, spectator, by stander, on-looker, looker-on. Obsolescent, a. Becoming obsolete, going out of use, falling into desue tude. Obsolete, a. Antiquated, disused, neg lected, unfashionable, old-fashioned, out of date, fallen into desuetude. Obstacle, n. Hinderance, obstruction, impediment, difficulty, check, barrier, stumbling-block, lion in the way. Obstetrician, n. Midwife, ACCOU- CHEUB. Obstetrics, n. pi. Midwifery, tocology. Obstinacy, n. Stubbornness, dogged- ness, headiness, wilfulness, perversity, contumacy, obduracy, inflexibility, per tinacity, persistency, pig-headedness. Obstinate, a. Stubborn, dogged, contu macious, unyielding, inflexible, per verse, mulish, opinionated, opiniona- tive, wilful, heady, headstrong, refrac tory, unruly, cross-grained, intractable, cantankerous, obdurate, persistent, self-willed, PIG-HEADED. Obstreperous, a. Loud, noisy, clam orous, turbulent, tumultuous, vocifer ous, boisterous, uproarious, blatant, brawling, blustering. Obstruct, v. a. 1. Close, bar, stop, blockade, barricade, block up, dam up. 2. Hinder, impede, oppose, retard. Obstruction, n. Hinderance, obstacle, impediment, barrier, check, difficulty. Obtain, v. a. Procure, get, acquire, achieve, gain, win, earn, secure, get possession of. Obtest, v. a. Beseech, implore, conjure, supplicate, beg, invoke, entreat, pray, solicit, importune, conjure, ADJURE. Obtrude, v. a. Intrude, thrust in, press in, foist in, worm in. Obtrusive, a. Intrusive, inclined to obtrude. Obtund, v. a. Blunt, dull, deaden, quell, hebetate, take off the edge of. Obtuse, a. Dull, stupid, stolid, doltish, blockish, stockish, heavy, slow, unin telligent, uniiitellectual, shallow, dull- witted, blunt-witted. Obtuseness, n. 1. Bluntness. 3. Dulness, stupidity, stolidity, dolt- ishness, shallowness. Obviate, v. a. Preclude, prevent, turn aside, remove in the outset, provide against. Obvious, a. Plain, evident, manifest, clear, palpable, visible, patent, appar ent, unmistakable. Occasion, n. 1. Occurrence, incident, casualty, event. 3. Opportunity, juncture, conjunc ture, opening, room, suitable time, fav orable time, nick of time, golden oppor tunity. 3. Necessity, need, exigency. 4. Cause (accidental), ground, reason. Occasion, v. a. 1. Cause, produce, orig inate, breed, create, bring about, give rise to, give occasion to, bring to pass, be the cause of. 2. Induce, influence, persuade, move. Occasional, a. Incidental, accidental, casual, irregular. Occident, n. West. Occidental, a. Western. Occult, a. Hidden, secret, unrevealed, unknown, undiscovered, mysterious, mystic, mystical, recondite, cabalistic, latent, abstruse, veiled, shrouded, un der a cover, under a cloud. Occultation, n. Eclipse. Occupancy, n. Possession (for the time), tenure, holding, use, occupation. Occupant, n. Possessor (for the time), occupier, holder. Occupation, n. 1. Possession, holding, tenure, use, occupancy. 3. Employment, business, calling, vocation, AVOCATION, profession, pur suit, trade, craft, walk of life. Occupy, v. a. 1. Possess (for the time), keep, hold, have possession of. 3. Cover, fill, take up. 3. Employ, busy, engage. Occur, v. n. 1. Appear, arise, offer, come into view, present itself, be met with, meet the eye. 2. Come to one s mind, come into one s head, flash on the mind. 3. Befall, happen, fall out, take place, come about, come to pass. Occurrence, n. Incident, event, acci dent, casualty, adventure, affair, trans action, proceeding. Ocean, n. Sea, main, deep, great deep, great sea, high sea. Oceanic, a. Marine, pelagic. Octagon, n. Eight-sided figure. Octagonal, a. Eight-sided. Od, n. Odyle, odyllic force. Odd, a. 1. Uneven, not divisible by 2. 3. Unmatched, single (of a pair or set). 3. Supernumerary, redundant, left over (from a specified number). 4. Singular, strange, uncommon, ec- 1 centric, fantastic, whimsical, peculiar, comical, droll, BIZARRE, grotesque, ex travagant, out of the way. Oddity, n. Singularity, strangeness, queerness. Odds, n. sing. & pi. Difference, dispar ity, inequality. Odds and ends, Fragments, remnants, scraps, refuse, orts, off-scourings. Ode, n. Lyric poem. Odious, a. 1. Hateful, detestable, exe crable, abominable, shocking, disgust ing, offensive, repulsive, obnoxious. 3. Invidious. Odium, n. 1. Hatred, hate, dislike, dis favor, disesteem, disaffection, enmity. 2. Disapprobation, disapproval, cen sure, blame, condemnation. 3. Dishonor, disgrace, shame, oblo quy, opprobrium, scandal, ignominy, infamy. Odontalgia, n. (Med.) Toothache. Odor, n. Scent (good or bad), smell, per fume, fragrance, redolence. Odoriferous, I a. Fragrant, perfumed, Odorous, I balmy, aromatic, sweet- smelling, sweet-scented. ODTLE 280 OMNIPOTENCE Odyle, n. Od, odyllic force. Oecumenical, a. [Written also Ecumen ical.] General (applied especially to Councils of the Church), universal. Oesophagus, n. Gullet. OS, prep. 1. Not on, not upon. 3. Facing, fronting, against, opposite, opposite to. Off, a. Most distant, on the farther side, on the right side. Off, ad. Away. Offal, n. 1. Garbage. 3. Waste, refuse, rubbish. Offence, n. [Written also Offense.] 1. Attack, assault, aggression, onset (as in the expression weapons of offence.}. 2. Displeasure, anger, indignation, wrath. 3. Injury, injustice, affront, wrong, insult, indignity, outrage. 4. Trespass, transgression, misdeed, delinquency, misdemeanor, crime, sin. Offend, v. a. 1. Affront, displease, vex, chafe, annoy, irritate, provoke, nettle, fret, gall, give offence to, make angry. 2. Shock, wound, pain. Offend, v. n. 1. Give offence. 2. Transgress, sin, do wrong, commit offence. Offender, n. Transgressor, culprit, tres passer, criminal, delinquent, malefac tor, convict, felon. Offensive, a. 1. Aggressive, assailant, attacking, invading. 3. Disgusting, nauseating, nauseous, sickening, loathsome, repulsive. 3. Disagreeable, unpleasant, unpal atable, displeasing, revolting, shocking, abominable, detestable, hateful, exe crable, obnoxious. Offer, v. a. 1. Present, tender, exhibit, proffer, extend, hold out. 2. Furnish, propose, propound, show, give. 3. Sacrifice, immolate. 4. Bid (as price). Offer, v. n. 1. Occur, present itself, be at hand. 2. Volunteer, propose, make an offer. Offer, n. 1. Proposal, proposition, prof fer, tender, overture. 3. Bid. Offering, n. Sacrifice, oblation. Off-hand, a. Unpremeditated, un studied, impromptu, extempore. Off-hand, ad. Extempore, impromptu, at the moment, on the spur of the mo ment, without premeditation or study. Office, n. 1. Station (conferred by au- tfiority), post, situation, place, BERTH. 3. Charge, trust, business, employ ment, duty, service, function, capacity. 3. Place of business, counting-room, bureau. Officer, n. Official, functionary, magis trate. Official, a. Authoritative, by authority. Official, n. Functionary, officer, magis trate. Officious, a. Meddlesome, interfering, intermeddling, obtrusive, busy, prag matical. Offscouring, n. Refuse, sweepings, dirt, scum, dross, recrement, rubbish. Offset, n. 1. Sprout, shoot, slip, branch, offshoot, twig, scion. 2, Counterpoise, counterbalance, set- off, equivalent. Offshoot, n. Shoot, branch, OFFSET. Offspring, n. Issue, progeny, child or children, descendant or descendants, posterity. Of old, Anciently, a long while ago, in the olden time, in ancient times, in days of yore, long ago, in days long gone. O for, O that I had, would that I had. Oft, ad. [Poetical.] OFTEN, frequently. Often, ad. Frequently, repeatedly, not seldom, many times, not rarely. Of the first water, Of the first or high est excellence (said of a gem). Ogee, n. (Arch.) Cymatium, cyma. Ogle, n. Side glance. Ogre, n. Spectre, goblin, hobgoblin, bugbear, POKER, BUGABOO, frightful object. Oil of vitriol, Sulphuric acid, vitriolic acid. Oil-plant, n. Sesame, benne. Oiliness, n. Unctuousness. Oily, a. Unctuous, greasy, oleaginous, sebaceous, adipose, fatty, fat. Ointment, n. Unguent. Okra, n. Gumbo (Abelmoschus esculen- tus). Old, a. 1. Aged, elderly, not young, of advanced age. advanced in years. 3. Ancient, antique, antiquated, old- fashioned, olden, not modern. 3. Of long date, not new. 4. Going to decay, worn out. Olden, a. [Rare.] Ancient, old, not modern. Old-fashioned, a. Antiquated, antique, ancient, old, archaic, out of fashion, out of date, fallen into desuetude. Old-time, a. Former, quondam, late, CI-DEVANT, in former times. Old-womanish, a. Anile, aged, doting, imbecile, decrepit, superannuated. Oleaginous, a. Oily, unctuous, greasy, sebaceous, adipose, fatty, fat. Olibanum, n. FRANKINCENSE (of the ancients). Olio, n. Medley, mixture, jumble, far rago, hodge-podge, hotch-potch, miscel lany, salmagundi, gallimaufry, OLLA PODRIDA, POT-POURRI. Olla podrida, [Sp.] Mixture, medley, OLIO. Ombrometer, n. Kain-gauge, pluvi- ameter, udometer. Omen, n. Prognostic, presage, augury, foreboding, portent, auspice, sign. Omentum, n. (Anat.) Caul, epiploon. Ominous, a. Portentous, monitory, premonitory. Omission, n. Failure, neglect, default. Omit, v. a. 1. Leave out, not mention. 3. Neglect, miss, let slip, let go, pass by. Omnipotence, n. 1. Almighty power. 3. GOD, The Omnipotent. OMNIPOTENT 281 OPEN-HANDED Omnipotent, a. Almighty, all-power ful. Omnipotent, TO. [With The prefixed.] GOD, The Almighty. . Ub presence. Omnipresence, n. Ubiquity, universal Omnipresent, a. Ubiquitous, univer sally present. Omniscience, n. 1. Infinite wisdom, boundless knowledge. 2. GOD, The Omnipotent. Omniscient, a. Infinitely wise, all- wise, all-knowing. Omnivorous, a. All-devouring, panto- phagous. On, prep. Upon. On, ad. Forward. On account of, By reason of, by virtue of, in consequence of. On all fours, 1. On four legs. 3. Evenly balanced, quite parallel, quite symmetrical. On all hands, By all parties, by every body. On an average, Taking a mean of all cases, taking the average. Onanism, n. Masturbation, self-pol lution, self-abuse, secret vice. On a par, On a level, on an equality. Once, ad, 1. For one time. 3. Formerly, in former times. On-dit, n. [Fr.] Rumor, report, bruit, the town talk, flying report. One, a. 1. Single, individual. 3. The same. 3. United, undivided. One, n. 1. Unit. 2. Individual, person, human being. One-berry, n. True-love, herb-paris (Paris quadrifolia). One day, Some day, sooner or later, one of these days. On end, Erect, upright. One of these days, Some day, one day, sooner or later. Onerous, a. Burdensome, oppressive, heavy, weighty, laborious, toilsome, operose, hard, difficult. On exhibition, Displayed, exhibited, on view. On hand, In possession, in store. On- horseback, On a horse s back, riding a horse. On-looker, n. Spectator, beholder, ob server, by-stander, looker-on. Only, a. Sole, solitary, alone, single, this and no other. Only, ad. 1. Merely, barely, simply, and nothing else. 3. Solely, singly. On one s own hook, [Colloquial, U. S.} On one s own account, by one s self. On the qui vive, On the alert. On sale, For sale, to be sold, offered for sale. Onset, \n. Attack, assault, charge, Onslaught,/ storm, storming, first brunt. On stilts, Pretentious, pompous, bom bastic. On tap, Tapped, broached, abroach. On the alert, Watching, watchful, at tentive, vigilant, on the look out. On the anvil, In preparation, in prog ress, in process. On the contrary, 1. In opposition, on the other side. . 3. So far from being so it is just the reverse, it is quite otherwise. On the docket, [Colloquial.] In hand, under consideration. On the look out, Watchful, ON THE ALERT. On the mending hand, Convalescent, getting better. On the passage, On the way (especially by sea), EN ROUTE. On the score of, On account of. On the sly, [Colloquial.] Furtively, slyly. On the spot, Immediately, at once, upon the spot. On the way, ON THE PASSAGE, EN ROUTE. On the whole, All things considered, in view of all the circumstances, taking every thing into account, upon the whole. On the wing, Flying. On tick, [Colloquial.] On credit. On view, ON EXHIBITION. 8wards,H Forward, in advance. Oolite, n. Eoestone. Ooze, n. Mire, slime, mud. Ooze, v. n. Percolate, filter, transude, exude, strain. Oozy, a. Miry, slimy, muddy. Opacity, n. Opaqueness, want of trans parency. Opaque, a. Not transparent. Opaqueness, n. Opacity, want of trans parency. Ope, v. a. & n. [Poetical.] Open. Open, v. a. 1. Unclose, OPE, lay open. 3. Exhibit, explain, reveal, interpret, disclose, make manifest, bring to view. 3. Begin, commence, enter upon. Open, v. n. 1. OPE, cleave, part, be unclosed, be parted, be sundered, be severed. 3. Come into view, begin to appear. 3. Begin, commence. Open, a. 1. Unclosed, not shut. 2. Expanded, extended, broad, not folded, not contracted. 3. Frank, unreserved, candid, ingen uous, undisguised, undesigning, artless, undissembling, sincere, guileless, fair, honest, single-minded, above-board, open-hearted. 4. Liberal, generous, munificent, bountiful, open-handed. 5. Exposed, unprotected, unde fended. 6. Public, unrestricted, clear, unob structed, free to all. 7. Unsettled, undetermined, not ad justed. 8. Mild, moderate, not frosty, not cold. Open-handed, a. Generous, liberal, munificent, bountiful. OPEN-HEARTED 282 ORCHOTOMY Open-hearted, a. Candid, frank, art less, guileless, open. Opening, n. 1, Aperture, hole, orifice, perforation, breach, chasm, cleft, gap, fissure, rent, rift, flaw. 3. Beginning, commencement. 3. Opportunity, chance. Opera-glass, n. Lorgnette. Operate, v. n. [Followed by on or upon.] Act, work, have effect, have influence. Operation, n. 1. Action, agency, force, influence, effect. 3. Performance, procedure, process, proceeding, manipulation. 3. Movement, motion, manoeuvre. Operative, a. 1. Acting, active, in action, in operation. 2. Effective, efficient, effectual, effi cacious, serviceable. Operative, n. Laborer, artisan, laboring man, common workman. Operator, n. Doer, actor, performer, agent, executor. Operose, a. Laborious, toilsome, hard, onerous, burdensome, difficult, tedious, wearisome, IRKSOME. Opliite, n. (Mm.) Serpentine, green porphyry. Ophthalmia, n. [L.J OPHTHALMY. Ophthalmy, n. (Med.) Ophthalmia, inflammation of the eye. Opiate, n. Anodyne, narcotic, sedative. Opine, v. n. [Obsolete or colloquial.} Think, judge, believe, suppose, conceive, apprehend, fancy, WEEN, presume, take it, be of opinion, have an opinion. Opinion, n. 1. Judgment, notion, view, belief, idea, conception, impression, sen timent. 3. Estimate. Opinionated, a. Conceited, dogmati cal, opinionative, stiff or stubborn in opinion. Opinionative, a. OPINIONATED. Opponent, n. Antagonist, adversary, rival, competitor, enemy, foe, adverse party. Opportune, a. Seasonable, convenient, timely, tit, suitable, favorable, pro pitious, auspicious, fortunate, lucky, APROPOS, well-timed, to the purpose. Opportunely, ad. Seasonably, in the nick of time, all in good time, in the fulness of time. Opportunity, n. Chance ; fit, suitable, or favorable time ; good chance, fitting occasion, nick of time. Oppose, v. a. 1. Resist, withstand, con travene, thwart, oppugn, combat, strive against, set one s face against, make a stand against. 3. Contradict, gainsay, deny. Opposing, a. Conflicting, counteract ing, antagonistic, adverse, opposite, hostile, inimical. Opposite, a. 1. Facing, over against. 3. Contrary, repugnant, diverse, un like, incompatible, inconsistent. 3. Adverse, opposed, opposing, antag onistic, hostile, inimical. Opposition, n. 1. Contrariety, repug nance, diversity, inconsistency. 3. Counteraction, hostility, reslfet- ance. Oppress, v. a. 1. Overburden, crush, overwhelm, overpower, weigh heavily upon, bear hard upon. 3. Persecute, wrong, maltreat, treat cruelly, tyrannize over. Oppression, n. 1. Hardship, misery, suffering, calamity. 3. Tyranny, severity, cruelty, injus tice, persecution. Oppressive, a. 1. Heavy, overwhelm ing, overpowering. 3. Tyrannical, cruel, severe, hard, rigorous, inhuman, grinding, galling. 3. Close, uncomfortable. Oppressor, n. Tyrant. Opprobrious, a. 1. Reproachful, scur rilous, abusive, vituperative, insolent, condemnatory, damnatory, scandalous, contemptuous, offensive, insulting. 3. Infamous, despised, shameful, dis honorable, disgraceful, disreputable. Opprobrium, n. Reproach, disgrace, infamy, ignominy, obloquy, odium. Oppugn, v. a. Assail, attack, combat, resist, oppose, thwart, contravene, with stand, strive against. Option, n. Choice, election, preference. Optional, a. Discretional, elective. Opulence, n. "Wealth, affluence, riches, fortune, independence, easy circum stances, ample means. Opulent, a. Wealthy, rich, affluent, flush, moneyed, well off. Oracle, n. 1. Divine communication. 3. (Jewish History.) Sanctuary, Holy of Holies. 3. (Greek History.) Deity or god (from whom divme communications come). 4. Sage, prophet, Solomon, Nestor, wise man, master mind, shining light. Oracular, a. 1. Prophetic, dogmatical, authoritative, magisterial. 3. Sage, wise, grave, venerable. Oral, a. Spoken, verbal, nuncupative, parole, not written. Orally, ad. By word of mouth. Oration, n. Discourse, address, speech, HARANGUE. Orator, n. Public speaker. Oratorical, a. Rhetorical. Oratory, n. Eloquence, art of speaking well (in public). Orb, n. 1. Globe, sphere, ball. 3. Circle, orbit. Orbicular, a. 1. Spherical, globular, globated, globous, globose. 3. Circular. Orbit, n. 1. Orb, circular path (of a celes tial body). 3. (Anat. ) Cavity of the eye. Orchestra, n. 1, Place for musicians (as in a theatre). 3. Band of instrumental musicians (in an orchestra). Orchotomy, n. (Med.) Emasculation, castration. ORDAIN 283 OSTRACISM Ortlain, v. a. 1. Appoint, call, elect, consecrate, destine, set apart. 3. Establish, institute, regulate, set in order, arrange. 3. Decree, enact, order, prescribe, enjoin. Ordeal, n. Trial, test, touchstone, proof, assay, experiment. Order, n. 1. Method, regularity, sym metry, regular arrangement. 3. Fit condition, proper state. 3. Regulation, rule, canon, prescrip tion, law, standing rule. 4. Mandate, precept, injunction, com mand, direction, instruction, bidding. 5. Rank, class, grade, degree. 6. (Bot.) Family, tribe. 7. (Zool.) Sub-class, subordinate class. Order, v. a. 1. Regulate, arrange, sys tematize, adjust, methodize. 3. Manage, conduct, carry on. 3. Command, instruct, direct, bid, require, give an order to. Orderly, a. 1. Regular, methodical, systematic. 3. Peaceable, quiet, well behaved. Orders, n. pi. Holy orders, office of the Christian ministry, the sacred profes sion. Ordinance, n. 1. Decree, edict, law, enactment, statute. 2. Rite, ceremony, observance, sacra ment. Ordinarily, ad. Commonly, usually, generally. Ordinary, a. 1. Common, usual, cus tomary, habitual, settled, established, wonted, every day. 3. Mean, vulgar, low, inferior. 3. Plain, ugly, homely, inelegant, ill- looking, not handsome, not fine. Ordinary, n. Eating-house (where a meat* is offered at a settled price), TABLE D HOTE, public table. Ordination, n. Consecration, induction, institution. Ordnance, n. Cannon, great guns. Ordure, n. Dung, excrement, faeces. Organ, n. Instrument, means, medium. Organic, \n. Radical, fundamental, Organical, ) constitutional. Organism, n. 1. Organic structure. 3. Organization, organized being, or ganized existence. Organization, n. 1. Construction, con stitution, organizing, forming, mak ing. 3. Organism, organized being, organ ized existence. Organize, v. a. Constitute (by assign ment of parts) } dispose or arrange in parts (for special functions), construct, form, make. Orgies, n. pi. Revels, bacchanals, satur nalia, carousal, revelry, wassail, de bauch, drunken bout. Orient, a. 1. Eastern, oriental. 3. Bright, shining, glittering, spark ling, brilliant. Orient, n. East. Oriental, a. Eastern, orient. Orifice, pore Hole, aperture, perforation, Origin, n. 1. Source, rise, spring, be ginning, commencement, birth, cradle, original, fountain-head, starting-point. 3. Cause, occasion. Original, a. 1." Primitive, aboriginal, primeval, primary, primordial, pristine, first. 3. Inventive, creative. Original, n. 1. Source, spring, origin, cause. 3. Archetype, model, pattern, type, prototype, protoplast, exemplar, first copy. 3. [Colloquial.] Oddity, eccentric person. Originate, v. a. Create, breed, bring into existence, be the author of, be the cause of, give rise to. Originate, v. n. Arise, rise, begin, spring, proceed, emanate, flow, take its rise. Originator, n. Inventor, author, maker, creator, father, former, first cause. Orison, n. Prayer, supplication, peti tion, solicitation. Ormolu, n. Mosaic gold. Ornament, n. Embellishment, decora tion, adornment. Ornament, v. a. Decorate, adorn, em bellish, beautify, garnish, bedeck, grace, emblazon. Ornamental, a. Embellishing, serving for ornament, TOPIARY. Ornate, a. Ornamented, embellished, decorated, bedecked. Orrery, n. Planetarium. Orthoclase, n. Felspar. Orthodox, a. Sound (in religious opin ions), of the true faith, not heretical. Orthodoxy, n. True faith, soundness of doctrine. Orthoganal, a. Rectangular, right- angled. Orthography, n. Spelling. Oscillate, v. n. Swing, vibrate, move to and fro, move backward and forward. Oscillation, n. Vibration, swinging, nutation. Oscillatory, a, Vibratory, swinging, oscillating, vibrating. Oscitate, v. n. Gape, yawn. Osier, n. 1. Willow. 3. Wicker, withe, willow twig. Osseous, a. Bony. Ossuary, n. Charnel-house. Ostensible, a. 1. Shown, declared, avowed, assigned, manifest, apparent, exhibited, presented, visible. 3. Specious, plausible, colorable. Ostentation, n. Display, show, parade, flourish, dash, pomposity, pompous- ness, pageantry, high pretension. Ostentatious, a. Boastful, vain, showy, dashing, flaunting, pompous, vain glorious, fond of display. Ostentatiously, ad. Showily, pompous ly, boastfully, with a flourish of trum pets, with beat of drum. Ostracism, n. Banishment, expulsion, exclusion, excommunication. OSTRACIZE 284 OVATE Ostracize, v. a. Banish, exile, put un der the ban. M*W.) Ear-ache. Ottoman, n. Turk. Ottoman, a. Turkish. Oust, v. a. Eject, expel, dislodge, turn out. Out and out, 1. [Adverbially.] Com pletely, thoroughly, utterly. 2. [Adjectively .] Complete, thorough, consummate, unqualified. Out-balance, v. a. Overweigh, over balance, overpoise. Outbreak, n. 1. Eruption, explosion. 2. Riot, row, fray, affray, broil, con flict, breach of the peace. Outburst, n. Eruption, outbreak. Outcast, n. 1. Exile. 2. Reprobate, castaway, vagabond, Pariah, abandoned wretch. Outcrop, n. (Geol.) Basseting, cropping out. Outcry, n. 1. Cry, scream, screech, yell. 2. Clamor, vociferation, HALLABA- LOO, noise, hue and cry. Outdo, v. a. Excel, surpass, exceed, beat, outstrip, outvie, outgo, go beyond, be superior to. Out-doors, ad. Abroad, out-of-doors, in the open air, out of the house. Outer, a. Exterior, external. Outface, v. a. Brave, look out of coun tenance, stare down. Outfit, n. Equipment. Outflow, n. Efflux, effusion, flow, out pouring. Outgo, v. a. 1. Outstrip, go beyond. 2. Surpass, excel, exceed, outdo, out vie, beat, be superior to. Outgo, n. Expenditure, outlay. Out-Herod Herod, Be very extrava gant, overdo the matter. Outlandish, a. 1. Foreign, strange, exotic, alien, not native, not domestic, from abroad. 2. Barbarous, rustic, boorish, rude, clownish. Outlaw, n. Robber, bandit, brigand, freebooter, highwayman, marauder. Outlay,w. Expenditure, outgo. Outlet, n. Exit, egress, vent. Outline, n- 1. Contour. 2. Sketch, plan, draft, delineation, drawing, rough draft. Outlive, v. a. Survive, live longer than. Outlook, n. 1. Watch. 2. Prospect, view, sight. Outmost, a. Remotest, furthest. Out of, 1. From. 2. By means of, in consequence of. 3. Not in. 4. Abroad, not within. 5. Beyond. Out of character, Inappropriate, im proper, unsuitable, out of keeping, out of place, in bad taste. Out of conceit with, Tired of, no lon ger fond of, no longer pleased with. Out of date, Antiquated, antique, ar chaic, obsolete, old-fashioned, out of fashion, gone by, fallen into desuetude. Out-of-doors, ad. Abroad, out-doofs, in the open air, out of the house. Out of fashion, OUT OF DATE. Out of humor, Irritated, ruffled, vexed, angry, sullen, peevish, out of temper, out of tune. Out of j oint, 1. Dislocated. 2. Disordered, displaced, going wrong. Out of sorts, 1. Ill, unwell, ailing, sick, indisposed, laid up. 2. (Printing.) Without an assort ment of types. Out of temper, OUT OF HUMOR. Out-of-the-way, a. Uncommon, un usual, singular, strange, rare. Out of tune, 1. Harsh, discordant, not in tune. 2. Irritated, ruffled, OUT OF HUMOR. Out of the frying pan into the fire, From bad to worse. Out of wind, ) Plane, even, level, Out of winding, j flat. Out-pouring, n. Effusion, efflux, out flow. Outrage, n. Insult, affront, indignity, abuse, offence. Outrage, v. a. Insult, abuse, maltreat, offend, shock. Outrageous, a. 1. Furious, violent, raging, wild, mad, frantic, infuriate, frenzied. 2. Atrocious, heinous, villanous. 3. Excessive, exorbitant, enormous, extravagant. Outre, a. [Fr.] Extravagant, excessive, exorbitant, immoderate, inordinate, overstrained. Outright, ad. 1. Immediately, instantly, at once, without delay. 2. Completely, utterly, entirely. Outrun, v. a. Exceed, surpass, out strip, outgo, beat, go beyond. Outset, n. Beginning, commencement, opening, starting-point. Outside, n. Exterior, surface, super ficies, external part. Outside, a. Exterior, external, outward, outer, on the surface. Outskirt, n. Suburb, border, environs. Outstanding, a. Unsettled, unpaid, owing, due. Outstrip, v. a. 1. Outgo, outrun, go beyond. 1. Excel, surpass, exceed, outvie, outdo. Outvie, v. a. Excel, exceed, surpass, outdo, outstrip. Outward, a. 1. External, exterior, outer, outside. 2. Extrinsic, extraneous, adventi tious. Outweigh, v. a. Overbalance, over poise, overweigh. Outwit, v. a. 1. Outgeneral, out-man oeuvre, baffle, steal a march upon. 2. Overreach, cheat, dupe, deceive, circumvent, swindle, defraud, victim ize, cozen, gull, chouse, diddle, take in, impose upon. Oval, a. Elliptical. Ovate, a. Egg-shaped. OVATION 285 OVERT Ovation, n. Triumph. Over, prep. 1. Above. 3. Across, athwart, from one side of to the other. 3. Throughout, through, through the whole extent of. 4. More than, upwards of. Over, ad. 1. Above the top. 3. Across, athwart, transversely, from one side to the other. 3. From one to another, from hand to hand. 4. Besides, to boot, in addition, into the bargain. 5. Throughout, completely, from be ginning to end. Over-abundant, a. Exuberant, plen teous, copious, full, rank, plentiful, ample, replete, liberal, lavish. Overawe, v. a. Awe, intimidate, cow, frighten, affright, daunt. Overbalance, v. a. Outweigh, over poise, overweigh. Overbear, v. a. Overpower, overwhelm, subdue, overthrow, prostrate. Overbearing, a. 1. Overpowering, op- 3. Imperious, domineering, dicta torial, supercilious, lordly, haughty, arrogant. Overcast, a. Clouded, darkened, ob scured. Overcharge, v. a. 1. Burden, oppress, surcharge, overload. 3. Exaggerate, overstate, overstrain, overlay with ornament. Overcome, v. a. 1. Subdue, conquer, vanquish, subjugate, overthrow, over whelm, overturn, overbear, overpower, overmaster, defeat, crush, beat, rout, discomfit, choke, get the better of, get the upper hand of. 3. Surmount, rise above. Overcome, v. n. Prevail, conquer, gain the victory. Over-confident, a. Rash, venturesome, presumptuous, overweening, headlong, precipitate, incautious, imprudent. Overdone, a. 1. Overwrought. 3. Cooked too much. Overestimate, v. a. Overvalue, over prize, overrate, make too much of. Overflow, v. a. 1. Inundate, deluge, flood, flow over. 3. Overspread, overrun. Overflow, v. n. Overrun, run over. Overflow, n. 1. Inundation. 3. Superabundance, exuberance, lux uriance, profusion, excess. Overfond, a. Doting, too fond. Overfull, a. Surcharged, overcharged, overloaded, surfeited, plethoric. Overhaul, v. a. 1. (Naut.) Overtake, come up with. 3. Examine, look into. 3. [Colloquial U.S.] Censure, blame, reprove, reprehend, find fault with, pass censure on, take to task, bring to book, call over the coals, haul over the coals, call to account, come down upon, snap up. Overhead, ad. Above, aloft. Overjoyed, a. Transported, enraptured, in raptures, in ecstacies, in a trans port. Overlay, v. a. 1. Cover, spread over. 3. Crush, smother. Oyerliberal, a. Lavish, profuse, prod igal, thriftless, unthrifty, extravagant, wasteful, too free. Overlook, v. a. 1. Superintend, super vise, oversee, inspect, have charge of. 3. Excuse, forgive, pardon, pass over, forgive and forget. 3. Disregard, neglect, miss, BLINK, pass by, be inattentive to, not notice, not think of. Overmaster, v. a. OVERPOWER. Overmodest, a. Bashful, shy, timid, timorous, coy, diffident, shamefaced, sheepish, not self-possessed. Overplus, n. Excess, surplus, surplus age, residue. Overpoise, v. a. Overbalance, out weigh. Overpower, v. a. Subdue, conquer, overwhelm, overcome, overturn, over bear, overmaster, defeat, rout, crush, beat, vanquish, subjugate, discomfit, choke, get the better of, get the upper hand of. Overprize, ) v. a. Overestimate, over- Overrate, J value, make too much of. Overreach, v. a. Deceive, cheat, dupe, circumvent, defraud, swindle, cozen, bamboozle, gull, trick,victimize, diddle, chouse, take in, impose upon. Override, v. a. 1. Pass, ride beyond. 3. Outweigh, surpass, be superior to, take precedence of. Overrule, v. a. 1. Control, govern, sway, have control of. 3. Annul, cancel, revoke, rescind, repeal, nullify, recall, reject, repudiate, supersede, set aside. Overruling, a. Controlling, governing, directing, prevailing, predominant. Overrun, v. a. 1. Run over, spread over. 3. Ravage, devastate, despoil, lay waste. Overrun, v. n. Overflow, run over. Oversee, v. a. Superintend, supervise, overlook, inspect, BOSS, have charge of, have the direction of. Overseer, n. Superintendent, inspector, supervisor, director, BOSS. Overset, v. a. 1. Overturn, upset, cap size, turn topsy-turvy. 3. Subvert, overthrow, destroy. Oversight, n. 1. Superintendence, con trol, direction, management, super vision, inspection, charge, care, SUR VEILLANCE. 3. Error, blunder, mistake, slip, trip, lapse, miss, inadvertency. Overspread, v. a. Cover, spread over. Overstate, \v. a. Exaggerate, over- Overstrain, J charge. Overt, a. Open, manifest, public, patent, notorious, glaring. OVERTAKE 286 PAIN Overtake, v. a. Catch, come up with. Overthrow, v. a. 1. Overturn, upset, overset, subvert, prostrate, level, fell, throw down, beat down. 3. Demolish, destroy, ruin. 3. Vanquish, conquer, defeat, worst, overcome, master, overpower, overbear, overwhelm, subjugate, crush, discomfit, beat, rout, foil. Overthrow, n. 1. Subversion, prostra tion. 3. Destruction, demolition, ruin, ship wreck. 3. Defeat, discomfiture, rout. Overtop, v. a. 1. Rise above. 3. Excel, transcend, surpass, exceed. Overture, n. 1. Proposal, offer, pro position. 3. (Mus.) Orchestral introduction to an opera, oratorio, &c. Overturn, v. a. OVERTHROW. Overvalue, v. a. Overrate, overprize, overestimate, make too much of. Overweening, a. Conceited, haughty, proud, arrogant, opinionated, egotisti cal, consequential, supercilious, vain, vain-glorious, puffed up. Overwhelm, v. a. 1. Overflow, spread over and cover. 3. Subdue, vanquish, conquer, defeat, overpower, OVERTHROW. Overwrought, a. Overdone, elaborated too much. Ovule, n. (Hot.) Rudimentary seed. Ovum, n. [L. pi. Ova.] Egg. Owe, v. a. 1. Be indebted to, be bound to pay. 3. Be obliged to ascribe to, be obliged for, have to attribute to. Owing, a. Due. Owing to, Attributable to, ascribable to, traceable to. Own, v. a. 1. Possess, hold, have, be in possession of, have a title to. 2. Acknowledge, confess, avow, allow, admit. Owner, n. Proprietor, possessor, holder. Oxidate, v. a. OXIDIZE. Oxidize, v. a. Oxidate, calcine, convert into an oxide. Oxygenate, v. a. Oxygenize, unite or impregnate with oxygen. Oxygenize, v. a. Oxygenate. Oxygon, n. Acute-angled triangle. Pace, n. 1. Step, tread. 3. Gait, manner of walking. 3. Amble (of a horse), pacing. Pace, v. n. 1. Walk (with measured steps). 3. Go at a pace, go at an ambling gait. Pachydermatous, a. Thick-skinned. Pacific, a. 1. Conciliatory, appeasing, mild, peace-making. 3. Peaceful, peaceable, tranquil, gentle, calm, smooth, quiet, unruf fled. Pacification, n. Tranquillizatron, recon ciliation, reconcilement, accommoda tion. Pacificator, n. Peacemaker. Pacify, v. a. 1. Conciliate, appease, give peace to, restore harmony to. 3. Tranquillize, assuage, calm, still, quiet, lull, smooth, compose, moderate, hush, quell, lay, allay, soften, soothe, mollify. Pacing, n. Pace, amble. Pack, n. 1. Bundle, package, budget, parcel, packet, bale. 3. Burden, load. 3. Collection, assemblage, assort ment. 4. Gang, crew, set, knot, band, clan, company, bevy, lot, squad. Pack, v. a. Compress (into a bundle), put together (in close order). Package, n. Bundle, budget, parcel, pack, bale, PACKET. Packet, n. 1. Package (small). 3. Vessel (for freight and passengers between stated ports). Packfong, n. [Written also PaJcfong.] German silver 8 white copper. Pack off, [Active.] Despatch, send off, send away. Pack off, [Neuter.] Depart, go, start, set out, set off, be off, get off. Pact, n. Compact, contract, agreement, bargain, covenant, stipulation, conven tion, concordant. Pad, n. 1. Cushion. 3. Horse (for the saddle), saddle- horse. Padisha, n. 1. Shah (of Persia). 3. Sultan (of Turkey), grand -seignor, Turkish emperor. Paean, n. Triumphal song. Pagan, n. Heathen, gentile, idolater. Pagan, a. Heathenish, heathen. Paganism, n. Heathenism. Page, n. Boy-servant (attending a royal or noble personage or a legislature), serv ing-boy. Pageant, n. Spectacle, show, display, parade. Pageantry, n. Show, display, parade, pomp, state, splendor, magnificence, nourish, showing off. Pain, n. 1. Penalty, punishment. 3. Suffering, distress, ache, pang, tor ment, torture, anguish, agony, throe, twinge. 3. Uneasiness, disquietude, anxiety, solicitude, care, grief, sorrow, bitter ness, affliction, woe, heartache. PAIN 287 PANOPLY Pain, v. a. 1. Torment, torture, rack, agonize, distress, hurt. 9. Disquiet, trouble, afflict, grieve, aggrieve, displease, annoy, plague, bore, harass, vex, worry, tease, chafe, fret, incommode. Painful, a. 1. Tormenting, torturing, agonizing, racking, distressing, distress ful, excruciating. 3. Grievous, afflicting, afflictive, dis quieting, troublesome, displeasing, pro voking, annoying, vexatious, unpleas ant, disagreeable. 3. Toilsome, arduous, difficult, hard, severe. Pains, n. [ Used in the singular number by the best writers,} Labor, care, trouble, toilsome effort. Painstaking, a. Laborious, sedulous, diligent, industrious, careful, plodding, assiduous, strenuous, hard-working, persevering, sparing no > pains. Painstaking, n. Labor, "industry, assi duity, diligence, perseverance, careful toil, conscientious exertion. Paint, v. a. 1. Represent (by colors}. 2. Color (with a pigment), coat with paint. 3, Depict, delineate, describe, sketch, portray, pencil, set forth. Paint, n. Pigment, cotoring matter. Paintings n - Picture (in colors). Pair, n. Two (of tlie same kind or suited to each other), couple, brace, SPAN. Pair, v. a. & n. Couple. Pakfong, n. [Written also PACKFONG.] German silver, white copper. Palace, n. Stately mansion. Palatable, a. Savory, delicious, nice, luscious, delicate. Palate, n. Roof of the mouth. Palatial, a. Stately, magnificent. Palaver, n. Twaddle, chatter, balder dash, rigmarole, gibberish, stuff, trash, fudge, nonsense, platitude, moonshine, wish-wash, flummery, jargon, senseless prate, frothy discourse, idle talk. Pale, a. 1. Pallid, wan, ashy, whitish, colorless, cadaverous, not ruddy. 3. Dim, sombre. Pale, n. 1. Picket, stake. 2. Enclosure, circuit. Palfrey, n. Saddle-horse. Paling, n. Fence (made of pales). Palingenesia, n. [Gr.] Palengenesis, palengenesy, regeneration, second birth, new birth. Palinode, n. Recantation. Pall, n. Cloak (of state), mantle. Pall, v. a. 1. Make vapid or insipid. 3. Satiate, cloy, surfeit, sate, glut, gorge, fill to repletion. Pall, v. n. Become insipid, grow taste less. Palladium, n. Bulwark, safeguard, security. Palliate, v. a. 1. Extenuate, excuse, /}. Allay, ease, soothe, mitigate, mod erate, assuage, alleviate, soothe, soften, abate, mollify, lessen, diminish, relieve, dull, blunt, quiet, still, quell. Palliation, n. "L. Extenuation. 3. Mitigation, alleviation, relief. Palliative, n. Lenitive. Pallid, a. Wan, whitish, ashy, colorless, cadaverous, pale, not ruddy. Palling, a. Nauseating, loathsome, sickening. Palm, v. a. 1. Conceal in the palm (as a juggler). 3. Impose (by fraud), obtrude, pass off. Palmer, n. Pilgrim (returned from the Holy Land), crusader. Palmiped, a. Web-footed. Palmistry, n. Chiromancy. Palm off upon, ) Impose by fraud, put Palm upon, j upon by trickery. Palmy, a. Prosperous, fortunate, flour ishing, thriving, happy, joyous, halcyon, golden, Saturnian. Palpable, a. 1. Tangible, tactile. 3. Manifest, obvious, plain, evident, glaring, unmistakable, gross, easily seen, very perceptible. Palpitate, v. n. Pulsate, throb, flutter, go pit-a-pat. Palpitation, n. Throbbing, fluttering, beating, pulsation, throb. Palpi, n.pl. [L.] (Ent.) Feelers. Palsy, n. Paralysis. Palsy, v. a. Paralyze, benumb, deaden. Palter, v. h. Equivocate, shuffle, dodge, quibble, evade, prevaricate. Paltry, a. 1. Small, little, diminutive, inconsiderable, insignificant, unimpor tant, petty, miserable, wretched, slight, slender, feeble, trifling, trivial, of no consequence, of no importance. 3. Base, vile, abject, grovelling, low, mean, beggarly, pitiful, despicable, con temptible. Pamper, v. a. 1. Feed to excess, feed luxuriantly. 3. Indulge (unduly), cocker. Pamphlet, n. BROCHURE. Panacea, n. Catholicon, universal medi cine, universal remedy. Pancake, n. Flapjack, fritter. Pander, n. Procurer, pimp, male bawd. Pander to, Subserve, minister to. Panegyric, n. Eulogy, eulogium, enco mium, tribute of praise. Panegyric, 1 a. Encomiastic, encomi- Panegyrical, j astical, eulogistic, eulo gistical, commendatory, laudatory. Panegyrize, v. a. Praise (highly), extol, eulogize. Panel, n. (Law.) Array, body of ju rors. Pang, n. Pain (sharp and sudden), throe, twinge, gripe. Pangolin, n. Manis, scaly ant-eater. Panic, n. Fright, affright, alarm, terror, consternation, sudden fear. Panicle, n. Compound raceme. Panic-stricken, a. Dismayed, terrified, horrified, appalled, frightened, horror- struck. Panoply, n. Armor (complete), suit of armor. PANSY 288 PAROLE Pansy, n. (Hot.) Heart s-ease, garden ansy, n. (Bot.) He; violet ( Vwla tricolor). Pant, v. n. 1. Puff, gasp, blow, breathe hard, lose breath. 3. Long, yearn, hunger, thirst, sigh. Pantaloons, n. pi. Trousers, breeches. Pantomime, n. Dumb show. Pantophagous, a. Omnivorous, all-de vouring. Pap, n. 1. Nipple, teat, dug. 3. Food (made soft for infants and weaklings), nutriment, nourishment. Papa, n. Father (so used by children). Papaverous, a. Poppy-like. Paper, n. 1. Document, writing, writ ten instrument. 3. Newspaper, journal. 3. (Com.) Notes, bank-notes, drafts, bills of exchange. Papilionaceous, a. Butterfly-shaped. Parable, n. Fable (in which what is stated as fact is probable, or which is founded on the ordinary incidents of daily life), APOLOGUE, story, NOVEL, short tale, fictitious narrative (intended to illus trate some spiritual truth). Parabolic, la. Figurative, expressed Parabolical, j by a parable or simili tude. Paraclete, n. Advocate, Intercessor, Comforter, Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth. Parade, n. 1. Ostentation, display, cere mony, show, pompous exhibition. 3. Pageant, spectacle, pompous pro cession. Parade, v. a. Display, flaunt, show off. Parade, v. n. Make a show, show off. Paradise, n. 1. Eden, the garden of Eden. 3. Heaven, Elysium, abode of the blessed, place of bliss. Paradox, n. Absurdity (as appears at first sight, yet not so in fact), seeming contradiction. Paradoxical, a. Absurd (to appearance, yet conformable to fact), incredible, puz zling, inconceivable. Paragon, n. Model, pattern, master piece, CHEF-D CEUVBE, BEAU IDEAL, nonesuch, pink. Paragraph, n. 1. Passage, clause, sec tion of a discourse. 3. Item (as in a newspaper), remark, short notice. Parallel, a. 1. Equidistant throughout (as lines). 3. In conformity, in harmony, in accordance. 3. Like, similar, analogous, resem bling, allied, of a piece. Parallel, n. 1. Parallel line. 3. Resemblance, similarity, likeness. 3. Comparison. Paralysis, n. Palsy. Paralyze, v. a. Palsy, benumb, deaden. Paralogism, ) n. Sophistry (uninten- Paralogy, J tional), false reasoning. Paramount, a. Supreme, superior, pre eminent, principal, chief. Paramour, n. 1. Lover (in a bad sense), wooer, gallant. 3. Concubine, mistress. Parapet, n. (Fort.) Breastwork (on a rampart). 3. Breast wall (as on a bridge). Paraphernalia, n. pi. Appendages, ornaments, trappings, equipment. Paraphrase, n. 1. Explanation (by amplifying), exposition. 3. Free translation. Paraphrastic, { a. 1. Explanatory Paraphrastical, j (by amplification). 3. Free, loose, diffuse, not literal, not verbal. Paratonnere, n. [Fr.] Lightning-rod. Parasite, n. Sycophant, flatterer, toady, fawner, wheedler, flunky, spaniel, lick spittle, pick-thank, toad-eater, time- server, hanger-on. Parasitic, I a. Sycophantic, fawning, Parasitical, j flattering, wheedling, servile, slavish, meanly submissive. Parboil, v. a. Coddle, boil slightly. Parcel, n. 1. Bundles, package, packet, budget. 3. Set, lot, batch, collection. 3. (Law.) Piece, part, portion, tract, plot, patch. Parcel out, Divide, distribute, appor tion, deal out. Parch, v. a. 1. Burn (slightly), scorch, roast. 3. Dry, shrivel, dry up. Pardon, v. a. 1. Remit, overlook, pass over. 3. FORGIVE (especially for a grave offence), absolve, excuse, acquit. Pardon, n. Forgiveness (especially of a grave offence after conviction, and granted to a specified person), remission (of a penalty incurred), absolution, grace, mercy, AMNESTY. Pardonable, a. Excusable, venial, that may be pardoned. Pare, v. a. 1. Peel (by the use of a knife). 3. Clip, cut, shave off. Parentage, n. Extraction, birth, de scent, lineage, pedigree, stock. Parents, n. pi. Father and mother. Parget, v. a. Plaster, cover with plaster. Pargeter, n. Plasterer. Parhelion, n. [Gr.pl. Parhelia.] Mock sun. Pariah, n. Outcast, wretch, Troglodyte, miserable person. Parity, n. Equality, analogy, close cor respondence. Parley, v. n. Talk, converse, discourse, hold a conference (especially with an enemy). Parley, n. Conference (especially be tween enemies), talk, discourse, conver sation. Parliament, n. House of Lords and House of Commons (of Great Britain and Ireland). Parlor, n. Drawing-room. Parody, n. Travesty, burlesque, cari cature. Parody, v. a. Travesty, burlesque, car icature, turn into burlesque. Parol, \a. (Law.) Oral, verbal, by Parole, J word of mouth. PAROL 289 PARTS Parol, \n. 1. (Law.) Word of mouth, Parole, ) oral declaration. 3. (Mil.) Word of honor, word of promise, plighted faith. Paroxysm, n. 1. (Med.) Exacerbation (of a disease, periodically), fit, convul sion, sudden attack. Parquet, n. [Fr.] Pit, parterre. Parricidal, a. Patricidal. Parricide, n. Patricide. Parrot, n. POLL. Parry, v. a. Ward off, turn aside. Parsimonious, a. Stingy, close, avari cious, niggardly, miserly, mean, penu rious, grasping, covetous, close-fisted, sordid, very saving, excessively frugal. Parsimony, n. Stinginess, niggardli ness, penuriousness, avarice, covetous- ness, cupidity, meanness. Parson, n. Minister, priest, clergyman, pastor, ecclesiastic, churchman, divine. Part, n. 1. Piece, portion, fraction, sec tion, division, subdivision. 3. Member, organ, constituent, ele ment, component, ingredient. 3. Share, allotment, lot, dividend. 4. Business, charge, duty, office, function. 5. Side, party, interest, concern, fac tion. Part, v. a. 1. Divide, sever, dissever, sunder, dismember, subdivide, break, break in pieces, tear asunder. 3. Disunite, separate, disjoin, discon nect, detacli, dissociate, keep apart, hold apart. 3. Apportion, allot, share, distribute, parcel out, deal out. Part, v. n. 1. Be broken, be parted, be divided, become separated, go asunder. 3. Quit each other, take leave, bid farewell. 3. Depart, go away, set out. Part from, Leave, be detached from, be separated from. Part with, Relinquish, resign, surren der, lose, give up. Partake of, Participate, partake, share, have a share of, take a part of, have a part of, participate in. Partaking, n. Participation. Partake, v. a. Share, partake of, par ticipate in, have a part of, take a part of. Partaker, n. Participator, sharer, com municant. Parterre, n. [Fr.] Pit, parquet. Partial, a. 1. Incomplete, imperfect, limited, not entire, not total, not gen eral, not universal. 3. Biassed, prejudiced, prepossessed, warped, interested, unfair, unjust, one sided, not indifferent. Partial to, Fond of. Partiality, n. 1. Unfairness, injustice, favoritism. 3. Fondness, predilection, liking, fancy, inclination, leaning, bent. Partially, ad. Partly, imperfectly, in part, not totally. Particeps criminis, [L.] Accomplice, confederate, abettor, socius CRIMINIS. Participant, n. Participator, sharer. Participate in, Partake, share, have a part in, take a part in. Participation, n. Partaking. Participator, n. Partaker, sharer. Particle, n. .Bit, ATOM, MOLECULE, corpuscle, mote, jot, iota, tittle, whit, grain, scrap, mite, scintilla, ace. Particular, a. 1. Especial, special, specific, not general. 3. Individual, single, separate, dis tinct, distinction. 3. Minute, exact, precise, nice, scru pulous, fastidious. 4. Peculiar, odd, singular, strange, notable. Particular, n. Instance, circumstance, detail, item, particularity, special point. Particularity, n. 1. Exactness, pre- ciseness, precision. 3. Detail, item, particular, special point. 3. Peculiarity, singularity, charac teristic. Particularize, v. a. Specify, mention in detail, set forth minutely. Particularize, v. n. Be particular, de scend to particulars, mention particu lars. Particularly, ad. 1. Especially, spe cially, specifically, circumstantially. 3. Separately, singly, distinctly, in dividually. Parting, n. 1. Breaking, rupture, dis ruption, severing, tearing asunder. 3. Separation, detachment. 3. Leave-taking. Partisan, n. 1. Adherent, follower, supporter, disciple, champion, votary, party man. 3. Truncheon, staff. Partisanship, n. Championship. Partition, n. 1. Division, separation, distinction. 3. Dividing wall, BULKHEAD. Partition, v. a. 1. Apportion, share, divide into shares, parcel out. 3. Divide by partitions. Partitive, a. (Gram.) Distributive. Partitive, n. (Gram.) Distributive. Partly, ad. In part, in some measure, in some degree, not wholly, not entire ly- Partner, n. 1. Associate, colleague, partaker, sharer, participator, partici pant. 3. Member of a partnership, member of a firm, one of a firm or house. Partnership, n. 1. Union, connection, interest, participation. 3. Copartnership, company, associa tion, society, firm, house. Partridge-berry, n. 1. Wintergreen, teaberry, deerberry, boxberry, moun tain-tea ( Gaultlieria procumbens). 3. Checkerberry, squaw-vine, win ter-clover (Mitchella repens). Parts, n. pi. 1. Talents, faculties, pow ers, abilities, endowments, gifts, genius, calibre. 3. Quarters, regions, districts. 19 PARTURITION 290 PASTOR Parturition, w. Delivery, labor, trav ail, child-birth, bringing forth. Party, n. 1. Faction, CABAL, CLIQUE, set, junto, COTERIE, circle, combina tion, league, confederacy, alliance. 2. Company, assembly, body, gather ing, social assemblage. 3. Participator, participant, partak er, sharer. 4. Litigant, plaintiff or defendant. 5. Person, individual, man, one, somebody, some one. Party-colored, a. Variegated, piebald, many-colored, many-hued, divers-col ored, of all manner of colors. Party-man, n, PARTISAN. Parvenu, n. [Fr.] Upstart, mushroom, snob, pretentious fellow, pretender to gentility. SSlS^ } n Universal language. Pasquinade, n. Lampoon, satire. Pasquinade, v. a. [Rare.} Lampoon, satirize, abuse by satire. Pass, v. n. 1. Go, move, proceed, go on, make a transit. 3. Elapse, be spent, pass away. 3. Vanish, disappear, cease, fade, die, be lost. 4. Occur, happen, take place. 5. Circulate, be current, gain cur rency. 6. Be enacted, be sanctioned by a majority of votes. 7. Be deemed, be considered, be held, be regarded. 8. Answer, do, do well enough. 9. Go unheeded, go unregarded. 1O. Make a thrust, make a pass. Pass, v. a. 1. Allow to proceed, let go. 3. Send, transmit, deliver, make over. 3. Go over, go across. 4. Undergo, experience, live through, make trial of. 5. Spend (as time). 6. Omit, neglect, disregard, take no notice of. 7. Overstep, go beyond. 8 Exceed, surpass, excel, transcend. 9. Be enacted by, be passed by. 10. Enact, ratify, sanction by a major ity of votes. 11. Utter, deliver, pronounce. 12. Give currency to, put into circula tion. Pass, n. 1. Passage, way, road, avenue. 2. Defile, ravine, gorge, narrow pas sage. 3. Passport, permission to pass. 4. Conjuncture, state, condition. 5. Thrust, push, allonge, lunge, tilt. Passable, a. 1. Fit for travel (as a road). 2. Tolerable, middling, moderate, ordinary, so soj mediocre, pretty good, not very bad. Passage, n. 1. Passing, transit. 2. Road, path, way, avenue, pass, thoroughfare, channel, route. 3. Act, deed, event, occurrence, feat, exploit. 4. Clause, sentence, paragraph, text. 5. Corridor, entry, entry way. 6. Enactment, passing. 7. (Music.) Phrase, part of an air. Pass away, Elapse, lapse, pass, glide, Pass by, Overlook, disregard, omit, take no notice of, pass over. Pass current, Be received, be admitted, GO DOWN. Passe, a. [Fr.] Past, worn, faded, out of use, out of date. Passenger, n. Traveller, wayfarer, voy ager, itinerant, tourist. Passim, ad. [L.] Here and there, every where. Pass in review, Review, revise, recon sider, re-examine. Passion, n. 1. Suffering (specifically that of Christ by crucifixion). 2. Emotion, ardor, fervor, zeal, rap ture, transport, excitement, impulse, glow, strong feeling. 3. Pathos, warmth of feeling, tender emotion. 4. Anger, resentment, wrath, indig nation, fury. 5. Love, affection, attachment, fond ness, devotion. Passionate, a. 1. Warm, ardent, ear nest, vehement, excited, animated, fiery, enthusiastic, fervent, glowing, burning, zealous, violent, furious, im petuous, impulsive. 2. Irascible, excitable, choleric, hasty, touchy, hot, peppery, hot-tempered, quick-tempered. Passionless, a. 1. Impassive, unsus ceptible, unimpressible, apathetic, cold, phlegmatic, stoical, cold-blooded, with out passion or feeling. 2. Cool, calm, collected, unmoved, imperturbable, of a calm temper. Passion-week, n. Holy Week, week before Easter. Passive, a. 1. Quiet, quiescent, inert, inactive, not active. 2. Unresisting, submissive, patient, long-suffering. Pass muster, Answer, do, pass, serve, be sufficient, do well enough. Pass oft , Palm, palm oft , impose by trick, impose fraudulently. Pass on or upon, 1. Befall, happen to, come upon. 2. Impose upon, palm upon, palm off upon, pass off upon. Pass over, Overlook, disregard, omit, take no notice of, pass by. Passport, n. Pass. Password, n. Watchword, countersign. Past, a. Spent, gone, ended, elapsed, gone by. Past, n. Past time, time gone by. Past, prep. 1. Beyond, out of the reach of. 2. After (in time). Past, ad. By. Pastime, n. Amusement, entertain ment, diversion, sport, play, recreation. Pastor, n. 1. Shepherd. 2. Minister, clergyman, priest, par son, ecclesiastic, churchman, divine. PASTORAL 291 PAYING Pastoral, a. 1. Rural, rustic, of shep herds. 3. Bucolic. 3. Ministerial, of a pastor. Pastoral, TO. Bucolic, idyl, eclogue, pas toral poem. Pastorate, n. Pastorship. Pastorship, n. Pastorate. Pasturage, n. Pasture, grazing land. Pasture, n. Herbage, herbs, pasturage, grass, grazing land. Pasture, v. a. Supply with pasturage, graze, turn out to pasture. Pasty, n. Meat-pie. Pat, a. [Colloquial.] Fit, apt, pertinent, suitable, appropriate. Pat, n. Rap, dab, tap, hit, light blow. Pat, v. a. Rap, dab, tap, strike lightly, hit. Patch, ro. 1. Part, piece. 3. Tract, parcel, plot. Pate, n. Head (in a Ludicrous sense}. Patella, TO. [L.] 1. Knee-pan. 3. (Conch.) Limpet. Patent, a. Open, apparent, evident, plain, obvious, manifest, clear, public, conspicuous, unconcealed, palpable, un mistakable, glaring, notorious. Paternal, a. 1. Fatherly. 3. Hereditary. Paternal estate, Patrimony. Paternity, n. Fathership, fatherhood. Pater noster, n. [L.] The Lord s prayer. Path, n. 1. Track (trodden), foot- way, pathway. 3. Road, way, course, route, passage, avenue. Pathetic, a. Affecting, touching, mov ing, melting, tender, plaintive. Pathless, a. Untrodden, trackless. Pathos, n. 1. Passion, warmth of feel ing, tender emotion. 3. Pathetic quality, tender tone. Pathway, n. Path, footway, track. Patience, n. 1. Endurance (without complaint), fortitude, resignation, sub mission, sufferance, loug-sufferance, long-suffering. 3. Perseverance, persistence, indefat- igableness, constancy, diligence, assi duity. Patient, a. 1. Submissive, resigned, uncomplaining, unrepining, passive, long-suffering. 3. Persevering, persistent, diligent, assiduous, indefatigable, constant. Patness, n. [Colloquial.} Suitableness, appropriateness, fitness, propriety, apt ness, pertinency. Patois, TO. [Pr.j Rustic or provincial dialect. Patrician, TO. Nobleman (of ancient Rome). Patrician, a. Noble, senatorial, aristo cratic, high-born, not plebeian, well born. Patricidal, a. Parricidal. Patricide, n. Parricide. Patrimony, TO. Inheritance, heritage, paternal or hereditary estate. Patriot, TO. Lover of one s country. Patriotism, TO. Love of country. Patron, TO. Defender, advocate, protec tor, supporter, favorer, guardian, good genius, tutelary saint. Patronage, TO. 1. Favor, countenance, support, assistance, influence, friend ship, aid. 3. Custom, good-will (of an established place of business). Patronize, v. a. Favor, countenance, support, aid, assist, help, befriend, make interest for. Pattern, TO. 1. Exemplar, model, arche type, prototype, original, precedent. 3. Specimen, sample, example, in stance. 3. Figure, style, shape. Pattern after, Imitate, copy, follow. Paucity, TO. Fewness, small number. Pauhaugen, TO. [Indian name.] Men haden, hardhead, moss-bunker. Paunch, n. 1. Abdomen, belly. 3. First stomach (of a ruminating animal). Pauper, TO. Mendicant, beggar, starve ling, poor person (depending on charity). Pauperism, n. Mendicancy, indigence, destitution, beggary, penury, extreme poverty. Pause, n. 1. Stop, cessation, suspen sion, interruption, rest, halt, intermis sion, remission, stoppage, stopping, break, CJSSURA. 3. Point, punctuation mark. Pause, v. n. 1. Stop, cease, desist, wait, delay, rest, breathe, stay, break off. 3. Hesitate, demur, deliberate, waver. Pave the "way, Prepare, make ready, get ready, make preparation, smooth the way. Pavilion, TO. 1. Tent. 3. (Anat.) Auricle, external ear. Pavonine, a. Iridescent, irisated, nacre ous. Paw, TO. 1. Foot (of leasts with claws). 3. Hand (in contempt). Pawl, TO. Click, detent, catch, ratchet. Pawn, n. Pledge (of a chattel to secure a debt), gage, security. Pawn, v. a. Pledge, offer or give as security. Pawnee, TO. (Law.) Pledgee. Pay, v. a. 1. Discharge, settle, liquidate, cash. 3. Compensate, recompense, requite, remunerate, reward, make payment to. 3. Punish, take revenge upon, retort upon. 4. (Naut.) Smear (ivith tar or pitch). Pay, v. n. 1. Make compensation. 3. Be profitable, be remunerative, make a good return, be a good invest ment, give a good interest. Pay, TO. Compensation, recompense, re muneration, reward, requital, wages, salary, stipend, hire, allowance. Pay down, Pay on the spot, pay on de livery. Pay for, 1. Give an equivalent for, bear the expense of. 3. Atone for, make amends for. Paying, a. Remunerative, profitable, gainful, that pays. PAY OFF 292 PENALTY Pay off , 1. Pay and discharge (as hired men). 3. Punish, pay, take revenge upon, retort upon. 3. (blaut.) Fall off, fall to leeward. Pay one s addresses to, "Woo, court, solicit in love, make love to. Pay up, [Colloquial.} Settle, pay arrears, settle an account, square accounts, quit scores, strike a balance, pony up, shell out, fork over, pay the bill, pay the piper, pay the fiddler, come down with the cash. Peace, n. 1. Calm, repose, quiet, tran quillity, stillness, silence. 3. Amity, concord, harmony, truce, ARMISTICE. Peaceable, a. 1. Peaceful, pacific, free from war. 3. Gentle, mild, amicable, friendly, disposed to peace, not quarrelsome. 3. Quiet, tranquil, placid, unmoved, undisturbed, serene, Peaceful, a. 1. Quiet, calm, still, undis turbed, placid, tranquil, serene. 3. Mild, gentle, kindly, friendly. Peace-maker, n. Mediator, intercessor. Peace-making, a. Conciliatory, mild, appeasing. Peace-offering, n. 1. Atonement, satis faction, amends, reparation, atoning sacrifice. 3. Mediation, olive-branch, interces sion. Peak, n. Top (of a mountain), summit, crest, crown, pinnacle. Peak, v. n. 1. Grow thin or lean, be come emaciated. 3. Sneak, make a mean figure. Peaked, a. Pointed. Peal, n. Blast, burst, blare, clang. Peal, v. n. Eesound, echo, re-echo, boom, thunder, roar. Pea-nut, n. Ground-nut, earth-nut (Arachis hypogcea). Pearlash, n. Sub-carbonate of potassa (impure), calcined potash. Pearl-powder, n. PEARL-WHITE. Pearl-white, n. Pearl-powder, sub- muriate of bismuth. Pearly, a. 1. Abounding in pearls. 2. Clear, pure, transparent, nacreous. Peasant, n. Rustic, countryman, hind, swain. Pebble, n. Stone (of small size), pebble stone. Pebble-stone, n. Pebble. Peccability, n. Frailty, infirmity, weak ness, liability to sin. Peccable, a. Frail, weak, imperfect, erring, sinning, liable to sin. Peccadillo, n. Petty fault, slight offence. Peccant, a. 1. Sinning, erring, guilty, criminal. 3. Morbid, malignant, corrupting, corroding. Peculation, n. Embezzlement. Peculiar, a. 1. That specially pertains, that belongs exclusively. 3. Singular, particular, characteris tic, special, exceptional, rare, not com mon, not general. Peculiarity, n. Individuality, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, characteristic, speciality, singularity. Pecuniary, a. Monetary, financial. Pedagogue, n. [A contemptuous term.} Schoolmaster, teacher. Pedant, n. Pretender to learning. Pedantic, ) a. Conceited, pragmati- Pedantical, j cal, vain of knowledge, ostentatious of learning. Pedantry, n. Ostentation of learning, boastful display of knowledge. Pedestrian, n. Foot-traveller, traveller afoot. Pedigree, n. Lineage, descent, ancestry, genealogy, stock, breed, family, race, house, line of ancestors. Peel, v. a. Pare (by stripping or pulling), hull, shell. Peel, v. n. Exfoliate, come off (as skin or rind), peel off, shell off. Peel, n. Rind, skin. Peep, v. n. 1. Chirp (as a chicken), pule, pip. 3. Peer, look slyly. Peep of day, Dawn, morning, aurora, sunrise, prime, prime of day, break of day, early morning, first flush of the morning. Peer, n. 1. Equal, mate, match, com peer. 3. Companion, associate, fellow, com rade. 3. Nobleman, lord. Peer, v. n. Peep, pry, look closely or narrowly. Peerless, a. Unequalled, unmatched, unsurpassed, matchless, without an equal, without a peer. Peevish, a. Fretful, petulant, querulous, irritable, waspish, snappish, pettish, captious, cross, crusty, snarling, testy, churlish, crabbed, acrimonious, irri table. Pelf, n. Money, riches, lucre, mammon, gain, wealth. Pellicle, n. Film, thin skin, thin coating. Pell-mell, ad. Confusedly, irregularly, disorderly, in confusion, in disorder, helter-skelter, at sixes and sevens. Pellucid, a. Clear, transparent, tran spicuous, limpid, diaphanous, crystal line, bright, lucid, translucent. Pelt, n. Skin (of a beast with the hair on it), hide. Pelts, n.pl. Skins (as above), peltry, hides. Pelt, v. a. Strike ( with something thrown), beat, batter, assail with missiles. Peltated,} 05 (BoL} Shield-shaped. Pelting, n. Beating, battering. Peltry, n. Pelts, hides. Pen, v. a. 1. Write, compose, indite. 3. Incage, coop, confine, enclose, im pound, imprison, incarcerate, shut up, shut in, hem in, wall in, rail in. Pen, n. Enclosure, COOP, PENFOLD, pin fold, pound. Penal, a. Punitive. Penalty, n. 1. Punishment, penal retri bution. 3. Forfeiture, fine. PENANCE 293 PERCOLATION Penance, n. Punishment (self-inflicted or imposed by ecclesiastical autliority), mortification, maceration, humiliation, penalty. Penchant, n. [Fr.] Inclination, bent, propensity, pronen^ss, proclivity, dispo sition, tendency, turn, leaning-, predis position, liking, fondness, predilection. Pencil, n. 1. Brush, (made of Jiair or fine bi-iiftles). 2. Crayon. Pencil, v. a. 1. Paint, depict, delineate, portray, sketch. 3. Mark or draw with a pencil. Pencilling, n. Sketch, outline. Pendant, n. 1. Hanging appendage, bob. 2. Ear-ring, ear-drop. 3. (Naut.) Pennant, PENNON. Pendent, a. Hanging, pendulous, sus pended, pensile. Pendente lite, [L.] While the suit is pending, pending the suit or action, dur ing litigation. Pending, a. Depending, undecided, un determined, unsettled, in suspense. Pending, prep. During. Pendulous, a. Hanging, PENDENT. Penetrable, a. Permeable, pervious. Penetrate, v. a. 1. Pierce, perforate, bore, enter, transfix. 3. Discern, understand, comprehend. Penetrating, a. Discerning, intelligent, sagacious, sharp-witted, clear-sighted, acute, keen, quick, shrewd, keen- sighted. Penetration, n. 1. Penetrating. 3. Acuteness, discernment, sagacity, shrewdness, astuteness, sharpness, per spicacity, insight, mother-wit, quick parts. Penfold, n. Pen (for confining strayed beasts), pinfold, pound. Penitence, n. Repentance, contrition, compunction, regret, remorse. Penitent, a. Repentant, contrite. Penitent, n. Repentant. Penitentiary, n. Prison, jail, bridewell, work-house, house of correction. Penman, n. Writer, scribe, chirogra- pher, chirographist, quill-driver. Penmanship, n. Chirography. Pennant, n. (Naut.) Pendant. Penniless, a. Moneyless, destitute, poor, necessitous, needy, indigent, distressed, pinched, reduced, short of money, out of money, out of cash, out of pocket, in need, in want. Pennon, n. 1. Banner, streamer, stand ard*, flag, colors, ensign. 3. Wing, pinion. Pensile, a. Hanging, suspended, pen dent, pendulous. Pension, n. Allowance (from a govern ment for past services), annuity. Pensive, a. 1. Thoughtful, meditative, reflective, dreamy, sober. 3. Expressive of sadness. Pentagonal, a. Five-angled, five-cor nered. Pentecost, n. Whitsuntide, Whit-Sun day. Pent-house, n. Lean-to. Pent-roof, n. Shed-roof. Penult, n. Penultima, penultimate, last syllable but one, penultimate syllable. Penultima, ) PwvfTTq , Penultimate, }. n PEN ULT. Penurious, a. Parsimonious, covetous, avaricious, illiberal, miserly, niggardly, sordid, mercenary, close, stingy, mean, close-fisted, hard-fisted. Penury, n. Indigence, destitution, beg gary, mendicancy, pauperism, extreme poverty. People, n. 1. Tribe, nation, race, clan, family. 2. Population, folks, persons, the pub lic, the community, the bulk of man kind. 3. Commonalty, populace, CANAILLE, rabble, mob, the vulgar, vulgar herd, lower classes, humbler classes, the mul titude, the million, the peasantry, the masses. People, v. a. Populate. Pepper-grass, n. Pill- wort (Pilularia globulifera). 3. Pepper-wort (Lepidium sativum). Pepperidge, n. Tupelo. Sour-gum, sour gum-tree (Nyssa multifiora). Pepperidge-bush, n. Barberry. Pepper- wort, n. Pepper-grass (Lepid ium sativum). Peppery, a. 1. Hot, pungent, high- seasoned. 3. Irritable, irascible, touchy, testy, waspish, snappish, snarling, churlish, choleric, petulant, excitable, passion ate, hasty, quick, like tinder ,*like touch wood. Peradventure, ad. [Rare.) Perhaps, PERCHANCE, possibly. Perambulate, v. a. Go around, go about. Perambulation, n. Round, circuit, tour. Per annum, [L.] Annually, by the year. Per capita, [L.] By heads, by polls, according to the number of persons. Perceive, v. a. 1. See, discover, note, notice, remark, observe, descry, behold, discern. 3. Feel, be sensible of. 3. Understand, comprehend, know. ?ce"ntum,h L -J By the hundred. Perceptible, a. Visible, discernible, ap parent, in sight, to be seen. Perception, n. 1. Seeing, discernment, sense, taste, sensation. 3. Understanding, notion, idea, ap prehension. Perch, n. 1. Roost. 3. Pole, rod. Perch, v. n. Roost, sit on a perch. Perchance, ad. Perhaps, possibly, by chance, haply, PERADVENTURE, may be, it may be, as luck may have it. Perchers, n. pi. INSESSORES, perching birds. Percolate, v. n. Filter, transude, ooze, exude, strain. Percolation, n. Filtration, straining. PERCUSSION 294 PERMIT Percussion, n. Collision, clash, shock, concussion. Percussion-cap, n. Capsule. Per diem, [L.] By the day. Perdition, n. 1. Ruin, destruction, overthrow, wreck, downfall, utter loss. 3. Eternal death, future misery. Peregrination, n. Travelling, travel, wandering. Peremptory, a. 1. Decisive, express, authoritative, categorical, imperative, positive, absolute. 3. Dogmatical, arbitrary, despotic. Perennial, a. Lasting, enduring, per manent, constant, continual, undying, unceasing, perpetual, uninterrupted, imperishable, deathless, never-failing, immortal. Perfect, a. 1. Complete, consummate, finished, excellent, capital, exquisite, without blemish, not defective, not deficient. 3. Pure, holy, blameless, faultless, without sin. Perfect, v. a. Finish, complete, consum mate, elaborate, make perfect, bring to perfection. Perfection, n. 1. Perfectness, maturity, completion, consummation, wholeness, excellence. 3. Excellent quality. Perfectly, ad. Fully, entirely, totally, completely, exactly, accurately. Perfectness, n. PERFECTION. Perfidious, a. Faithless, unfaithful, treacherous, false, dishonest, disloyal, traitorous, false-hearted. Perfidiousness, n. PERFIDY. Perfidy, n. Perfidiousness, treachery, treason, defection, disloyalty, breach of faith, foul play, Punic faith. Perforate, v. a. Pierce, penetrate, bore, transfix, drill, bore through. Perforation, . Hole, aperture, open ing. Perform, v. a. 1. Do, execute, effect, accomplish, achieve, compass, bring about, bring to pass, work out. 3. Observe, fulfil, meet, discharge, satisfy, complete, adhere to, be faithful to, comply with. Performance, n. 1. Accomplishment, execution, completion. 3. Action, deed, act, achievement, exploit, feat. Performer, n. 1. Doer, operator, ex ecutor. 3. Actor, player, stage-player, come dian, tragedian. Perfume, n. 1. Fragrance, balminess, aroma, redolence, incense, pleasing scent, grateful odor, sweetness of smell. 3. Sweet-smelling substance. Perfume, v. a. Scent, fill, impregnate or imbue with grateful odor. Perfumery, n. Perfumes. Perfunctory, a. Indifferent, careless, slovenly, heedless, reckless, negligent, slight ; done, but not well done ; done to be rid of (witlwut a due sense of obliga tion). Perhaps, ad. Perchance, possibly, hap ly, PERADVENTURE, by chance, maybe, it may be, as luck may have it. Pericarp, ,n. (Sot.) Capsule, pod, seed- vessel, ripened ovary. Peril, n. Danger, hazard, jeopardy, risk, venture. Peril, v. a. Bisk, endanger, imperil, jeopard, put at hazard, put in danger, expose to danger. Perilous, a. Dangerous, hazardous, RISKY, full of danger, fraught with danger. Period, n. 1. Cycle, circle of time, revolution of time, round of years. 3. Time, term, era, epoch, date, age. 3. End, limit, bound, termination, conclusion. 4. (lihet.) Sentence (full or com pleted), proposition. 5. (Gram.) Dot, full stop. Periodical, } a ^ecurring (regularly). Periodically, ad. Regularly, statedly, at stated times, at regular times, at fixed periods. Peripatetic, a. Aristotelian, of Aris totle. Periphery, n. Circumference. Periphrase, a. Circumlocution, peri phrasis, circuit of words, roundabout expression. Periphrasis, n. [L.] PERIPHRASE. * Circulatory. Perish, v. n. 1. Decay, waste, wither, pass away, be destroyed, be ruined, be lost, come to nought, go to destruction. 3. Die, expire, decease, cease to exist. Perishable, a. 1. Destructible, decay ing, liable to decay. 3. Dying, mortal. Periwig, n. Wig, peruke, scratch. Perjure one s self, Forswear one s self, swear falsely, take a false oath, bear false witness, break one s word, break one s faith, play false. Perjury, n. False swearing. Perk, v. n. Be perk, be proud, be perky, be smart. Perk, a.. Pert, PERKY. Perky, a. Pert, smart, UPPISH, proud, perk, assuming. Permanence, ) n. Duration, durabil- Perrnanency, ) ity, lastingness, con tinuance, fixedness. Permanent, a. Lasting, abiding, fixed, enduring, continuing, durable, stable, steadfast, unchangeable, immutable, perpetual, invariable, constant^ per sistent. Permeable, a. Pervious, penetrable. Permissible, a. Allowable, admissible, lawful, legal, legitimate, proper. Permission, n. Leave, license, liberty, allowance, consent, permit. Permit, v. a. Allow, let, suffer, license, empower, authorize, warrant, give per mission to, give leave to, give carte blanche to. Permit, n. Leave, license, permission, liberty. PERNICIOUS 295 PERTINACIOUSNESS Pernicious, a. Hurtful, deleterious, injurious, detrimental, baneful, bale ful, prejudicial, noxious, mischievous, damaging, disadvantageous, destruc tive, ruinous, fatal. Perpendicular, a. 1. Vertical, upright, pointing to the zenith. 3. At right angles, making a right angle. Perpetrate, v. a. Do (as something base), commit, perform, execute. Perpetration, n. Commission (as of a crime), doing, performing. Perpef ual, a. Endless, unending, ever lasting, eternal, ever-during, ceaseless, continual, incessant, unintermitted, uninterrupted, constant, interminable, perennial. Perpetuate, v. a. Eternize, make per petual. Perpetuity, n. Eternity, endless dura tion. Perplex, v. a. 1. Entangle, tangle, com plicate, involve, snarl, make intricate, make difficult. 3. Embarrass, puzzle, distract, pose, bewilder, beset, mystify, confuse, con found. Perplexing, a. Troublesome, puzzling, embarrassing, bewildering, confusing. Perplexity, n. 1. Intricacy, intricate- ness, complexity, obscurity, hardness, complication, involution. 3. Concern, care, anxiety, solicitude, trouble, embarrassment, distraction, doubt, confusion, bewilderment. 3. Embarrassment, difficulty, strait, hobble, pickle, critical situation. Per saltuin, [L.] By a leap, by a jump. Per se, [L.] By itself. Persecute, v. a. Oppress, harass, afflict, molest, distress, worry, hunt down, run down, pursue malignantly, drive from pillar to post. Perseverance, n. Steadiness, persist ence, persistency, constancy. Persevere, v. n. Persist, be steady, be steadfast, be constant, go on, keep on, hold on, keep one s course, keep one s ground, maintain one s ground, stick to it, not give it up, stand firm, stand fast, move heaven and earth, go through fire and water, go all lengths, stick at nothing Persiflage, n. [Fr.] Banter, raillery, ridicule, jeering, mockery, quizzing, joking, pleasantry, frivolous talk. Persist, v. n. 1. Continue, remain, last, endure. 3. PERSEVERE, be steadfast. Persistence,)., -, p FW o- F . V wRA-vrTi Persistency, j n " * ^EBSEVERANCE. 3, Obstinacy, contumacy, doggedness, stubbornness, perverseness, pertinacity, obduracy, headiness, pig-headedness. Persistent, a. Persevering, constant, steady. Person, n. 1. Individual, man, one, party, somebody, some one, intelligent being, human being, human creature. 3. Body, bodily substance. Personage, . 1. Assumed charac ter. 3. Person of rank, man of distinc tion, great person, illustrious per son. Personal, a. - 1, Individual, private, special. 3. Corporal, exterior, physical, ma terial. Personality, n. Individuality, distinct existence. Personally, ad. 1. Individually, as to one s person. 3. In person, by bodily presence. Personate, v. a. Play, act, act the part of, take thejpart of. Personation, n. Representation, acting, simulation. Personification, n. (Rhet.) Prosopo poeia. Perspective, n. Vista, prospect, view. Perspicacious, a. Discerning, acute, keen, sagacious, shrewd, clear-sighted, keen-sighted, sharp-witted, keen-wit ted, long-headed, eagle-eyed. Perspicaciousness, n, PERSPICACITY. Perspicacity, n. Perspicaciousness, acuteness, sharpness, shrewdness, dis cernment, penetration, sagacity, astute ness, insight. Perspicuity, n. Clearness, lucidness, transparency, plainness, intelligibility, perspicuousness. Perspicuous, a. Clear, lucid, plain, transparent, intelligible. Perspicuousness, n. PERSPICUITY. Perspiration, n. 1. Exudation, sweat ing. 3. Sweat. Perspire, v. n. Sweat. Persuade, v. a. 1. Induce, influence, lead, incite, impel, actuate, set on, pre vail upon, bring over, win over, bring round. 3. Convince, satisfy by proof or evi dence. Persuasion, n. 1. Influence, induce ment, incitement, suasion, bringing over. 3. Conviction, creed, belief, doctrine, tenet, dogma, way of thinking. Persuasive, a. Convincing, cogent, logi cal, valid, sound, weighty. Persuasive, n. Inducement, incite ment. Pert, a. Saucy, forward, bold, imperti nent, impudent, flippant. Pertain to, 1. Belong to, appertain to, be the property of. 3. Behoove, befit, beseem, be incum bent on, be the duty of, devolve on. 3. Regard, concern, relate to, refer to, answer to, have relation to. Pertinacious, a. 1. Constant, steady, firm, determined, resolute, steadfast, stanch. 3. Stubborn, obstinate, dogged, wil ful, mulish, unyielding, intractable, headstrong, perverse, wayward, CAN TANKEROUS, PIG-HEADED. Pertinaciousness, n. PERTINACITY. PERTINACITY 296 PHASCOLOME Pertinacity, n. 1. Resolution, deter mination, steadiness, constancy, inflexi bility, firmness, perseverance, tenacity of purpose. 3. Stubbornness, obstinacy, wilful- ness, doggedness, headiness, mulishness. Pertinence, I n. Fitness, appropriate- Pertinency, J ness, relevancy, appo- siteness, suitableness, applicability, pro priety, FATNESS. Pertinent, a. Fit, appropriate, suitable, relevant, apposite, adapted, applicable, proper, PAT, apropos, to the point, to the purpose. Pertness, n. Sauciness, forwardness, impertinence, impudence, flippancy. Perturbation, n. Agitation, trepida tion, disquiet, uneasiness, excitement, discomposure, worry, vexation. Perturbed, a. Disturbed, disquieted, distressed, agitated, discomposed, ex cited, worried, vexed. Peruke, n. Wig, periwig, scratch. Perusal, n. Reading. Peruse, v. a. Read. Peruvian bark, Cinchona, Jesuit s bark, Cirtchona bark. Pervade, v. a. 1. Permeate, penetrate, pass through. 3. Overspread, fill, run through, be diffused through, be disseminated through. Perverse, a. 1. Distorted (from the right), bad. 3. Obstinate, stubborn, wilful, dogged, mulish, untractable, unyielding, head strong, pertinacious, wayward, CAN TANKEROUS, PIG-HEADED. 3. Cross, petulant, waspish, captious, snappish, touchy, testy, crusty, churl ish, crabbed, froward, morose, surly, snarling, ill-tempered, ill-natured. Perverseness, n. Petulance, peevish ness, churlishness, moroseness, surli ness, ill-temper, perversity. Perversion, n. Impairment, injury, vitiation, corruption, debasement, pros titution, abasement. Perversity, n. PERVERSENESS. Pervert, v. a. 1. Distort, stretch, falsify, make an ill use of. 3. Entice, tempt, corrupt. Pervious, a. Permeable, penetrable. Pest, n. 1. Plague, pestilence, infection, fatal epidemic, infectious disease. 2. Contamination, poison, taint, bane, scourge, curse, infliction, nuisance, great annoyance. Pester, v. a. Disturb, annoy, harass, provoke, nettle, trouble, plague, vex, tease, hector, harry, molest, bother, worry, fret, gall, bore, incommode, dis quiet, infest, torment, badger, chafe, irritate. Pestiferous, a. PESTILENTIAL. Pestilence, n. Plague, pest, BLIGHT, contagious distemper. Pestilential, a. 1. Pestiferous, infec tious, contagious, catching, malignant, poisonous. 2. Mischievous, destructive, delete rious, noxious, ruinous, deadly. Pet, n. 1. Fondling, darling, favorite. 3, MIFF, angry mood, fit of peevish ness. Pet, a. Favorite, especially liked. Pet, v. a. Fondle, indulge, caress, make much of. Petiole, n. (Bot.) Leaf-stalk. Petition, n. Request, prayer, supplica tion, entreaty, suit, solicitation, appli cation, appeal, address. Petition, v. a. Entreat, pray, supplicate, solicit, crave, ask, beg, apply to, make application to, prefer a request to. Petitioner, n. Suppliant, solicitor, ap plicant, suitor. Petitio principii, [L.] (Logic.) Begging of the question, taking for granted the question in dispute. Petit-maitre, n. [Fr.] Coxcomb, dandy, fop, beau, exquisite, popinjay, jacka napes, jack-a-dandy, man of dress; vain, showy fellow. Pet lamb, Cosset. Petrify, v. a. 1. Change to stone. 3. Make callous, make obdurate. 3. Astonish, amaze, astound, dum- founder, confound, stupefy, take by sur prise, strike dumb. Petroleum, n. Rock-oil, mineral oil, mineral pitch, mineral tar, Barbadoes tar, Seneca oil. Petticoat, n. Skirt. Pettifogger, n. Petty lawyer. Pettish, a. Peevish, fretful, PETULANT. Petty, a. 1. Little, small, trifling, trivial, frivolous, inconsiderable, unimportant, insignificant, slight, of small moment, of small account. 2. Inferior, of a low grade. Petty-chaps, n. Fig-pecker, fig-eater, becatico, garden warbler, greater petty- chaps (Sylvia hortensis). Petulance, n. Peevishness, fretfulness, testiness, waspishness, crustiness, pet- tishness, snappishness, irritability, ill- temper. Petulant, a. Irascible, irritable, fretful, peevish, hasty, touchy, testy, crusty, pettish, waspish, choleric, snappish, snarling, cross, crabbed, captious, cen sorious, acrimonious, perverse, froward, ill-tempered, out of sorts. Pewit, n. Lapwing (Tringa vanellus). Phalansterianism, n. Fourierism, so cialism, humanitarianism, Saint Simo- nianism. Phantasm, n Vision (fancied), appear ance, apparition, spectre, phantom, illusion. Phantasmagoria, n. 1. Magic lantern. 3. Illusive images, optical illusions. Phantom, n. PHANTASM. Phantom-like, a. Spectral. Pharisaic, ) a. Sanctimonious, hypo- Pharisaical, j critical. Pharisaism, n. Hypocrisy, formalism, sanctimoniousness, cant, pietism, phari- seeism, assumed piety. Phariseeism, n. PHARISAISM. Pharmacopeia, n. Dispensatory. Phascolome, n. Wombat (Phascalomys ur sinus). PHASE 297 PICKLE-HERRING Phase, n. Appearance (as of the moon or a planet), aspect. Phenomenon, n. [pi. Phenomena.] 1. Appearance, what is seen (as dis tinguished from its essence or substance). 2. Prodigy, wonder, marvel, mira cle. Philander, v . n. Coquet, flirt, make love, make a show of love, affect to be in love, play at courtship. Philanthropic, ) n. Benevolent, kind, Philanthropical, J benignant, gra cious, humane. Philanthropy, n. Humanity, love of mankind, general benevolence, good will to all men. Philibeg, n. [Written also and usually Jf-illibeg.] Kilt. Philippic, n. Invective. Philosopher, n. 1. Searcher after truth, student of first principles, seeker of wisdom. 2. Theorist, theorizer, man of ab stractions, speculator. S8So5h&l> I- Of Philosophy. 3. Of a philosopher, of philosophers. 3. Wise, rational, reasonable. 4. Calm, cool, collected, composed, unruffled, sedate, serene, tranquil, im perturbable, stoical, Platonic. Philosophy, n. 1. Science of causes or first principles, science of the absolute, the science of sciences. 3. Principles (of any department of know/edge), laws. 3. Hypothesis, theory, system, doc trine. Philosophy of the Academy, Philoso phy of Plato, Platonic philosophy. Philosophy of the Garden, Philoso phy of Epicurus Epicurean philosophy, Philosophy of tlu Lyceum, Philosophy of Aristotle, Peripatetic philosophy. Philosophy of the Porch, Philosophy of Zeno and the Stoics, Stoical philoao- Philter, n. Love potion, love charm. Phiz, n. [Humorously so used.] Face, visage, countenance, physiognomy. Phlebotomy, n. Venesection, blood letting. Phlegm, n. 1. Mucus, excrementitious humor. 3. Apathy, insensibility, dulness, in difference, coldness, sluggishness. Phlegmatic, a. Apathetic, stoical, dull, sluggish, tame, cold, frigid, unfeeling, unsusceptible, impassible, impassive, indifferent, cold-blooded. Sonet!cal> ^onic, phonical. Phonetics, n. Phonics, phonology. plJonical> PHONETIC. Phonology, n. Phonetics, phonics. Phosphorus, n. [Poetical.] The morn ing star, Lucifer, Venus. Phrase, n. 1. Expression (forming part of a sentence). 3. Idiom, peculiar expression, turn of expression. 3. Style, diction, phraseology, man ner of expression, mode of speech. Phrase, v. a. Call, name, style, term, denominate, entitle, designate, chris ten, dub. Phraseology, n. Diction, style, phrase, manner of expression, mode of speech. Phrenitis, n. [L.] (Med.) Inflamma tion of the brain. Phrenology, n. Craniology, craniog- nomy. Phrensy, n. [Written usually frenzy.] Madness, rage, fury, delirium, insanity, lunacy, aberration of mind. Phthisis, n. (Med.) Consumption (par ticularly of the lungs), marasmus, ema ciation, wasting, atrophy, decline, tabes, pulmonary consumption. Phylactery, n. Charm, amulet, talis man. Physic, n. 1. Drug, medicine, remedy, medicament, NOSTRUM. 2. Cathartic, purge, purgative med icine. Physic, v. a. Purge, drench, git e physic to. Physical, 1. Material, corporeal, bod ily, natural, sensible. 3. Medicinal, cathartic, purgative. Physician, n. Doctor, medical man. Physics, n. Natural philosophy, science ot nature. Physiognomy, n. Face, countenance, PHIZ, visage, cast of countenance, ex pression of countenance. Physiology, n. Science of life, animal and vegetable economy, science of or ganized beings, science of the functions of animals and vegetables. Phytivorous, a. Grass-eating, grami nivorous, phytophagous. Phytophagous, a. PHYTIVOKOUS. Picaroon, n. Pirate, corsair, buccaneer, freebooter, marauder, sea-robber, sea- rover. Piccolo, n. [It.] Octave flute. Pick, v. a. 1. Pluck, pull off, pick off. 3. Open (as a lock). 3. Choose, select, cull, single out, pick out, fix upon, pitch upon. 4. Clean, cleanse. Pick, n. 1. Pickaxe. 3. Choice, selection. Pickaxe, n. [Written also Piclcax.} Pick. Picket, n. 1. Stake, pale. 3. (Mil.) Sentinel (on the outposts), guard, watchman, guardsman, sen try. Pickings, n. pi. Refuse, leavings, rem nants, remains, odds and ends. Pickle, n. 1. Salt and water (for pre serving meat). 2. Vinegar (for preserving meats or vegetables). 3. Sorry condition, sad plight. Pickle-herring, n. Buffoon, harlequin, mountebank, jester, droll, punch, clown, zany, scaramouch, fool, merry- Andrew, jack-pudding, punchinello. PICK OFF 298 PINNACLE Pick off, 1. Pluck, pick, pull off. 2. Kill (by shooting, as a marksman). Pick out, Select, cull, choose, single out, fix upon, pitch upon. Pick up, Take up. Picturesque, a. Beautiful (as a scene in a picture), graphic. Picture, n. 1. Painting, drawing, en graving, print. 3. Image, resemblance, semblance, likeness, representation, similitude. Picture, v. a. Paint, draw, represent, delineate, form an image of. Piddle, v.n. 1. [Hare.] Trifle, act with levity, be busy about trifles. 3. [Child s word.] Urinate, make water, void urine. Piddling, a. Trifling, trivial, frivolous, petty, unimportant, insignificant, im material, inconsiderable, worthless, of little value or consequence, of no mo ment. Piebald, a. Motley, mottled, variegated, pied, party-colored, many-hued, many- colored, divers-colored, of various col ors. Piece, n. 1. Part, portion, section, frag ment, bit, scrap. 3. Composition, writing, lucubration, literary production. 3. Gun, cannon, fire-arm. Piecemeal, ad. In pieces, by fragments, part by part. Piece-work, n. Job-work. Pied, a. Variegated, PIEBALD. Pierce, v. a. 1. Transfix, penetrate, perforate, drill, bore, enter, force a way into. 3. Affect, move, touch, strike, thrill. Pierce, v. n. Penetrate, enter, thrill, force a way. Piercing, a. 1. Penetrating, perforat ing. 3. Sharp, keen, acute, thrilling. Piety, n. 1. Filial reverence. 3. Godliness, religion, devotion, holi ness, sanctity, grace. Pig, n. Young hog. Pigeon-berry, n. Poke, poke-weed, garget (Phytolacca decandra). Pigeon-house, n. Columbary, dove-cot. Piggery, n. Pig-sty, hog-sty, pig-pen. Pig-headed, a. [Colloqmal.] Obstinate, stubborn, mulish, dogged, wilful, heady, headstrong, intractable, perverse, cross- grained, self-willed. Pigment, n. Paint, color, coloring mat ter. Pig-widgeon, n. Fairy, elf, fay. Pile, n. 1. Heap, accumulation, mass, collection. 3. Building, structure, edifice, fabric, erection. 3. Large stake. 4. Filament, thread, fibre, staple. Pike, n. 1. Turnpike gate. 3. [ U. S.] Turnpike, turnpike road. 3. (Ich.) Luce, true-jack. Pile, v. a. Accumulate, amass, heap, collect or gather into a heap. Piles, n.pl. (Med.) Hemorrhoids. Pilfer, v. a. Steal (by petty theft), filch, purloin, CABBAGE, bob. Pilfer, v. n. Steal, thieve, practise petty theft. Pilfering, n. Stealing, thieving, thiev ery, larceny, petty theft, petty lar ceny. Pilgarlic, n. Wretch, outcast, Pariah, Troglodyte, miserable fellow. Pilgrim, n. Traveller (especially on a religious errand), wanderer, wayfarer, PALMER, crusader. Pilgrimage, n. Journey (especially to some hallowed place), expedition, tour, excursion. Pillage, n. 1. Spoliation, depredation, destruction, devastation, plundering, rapine. 3. Plunder, booty, spoil, prey. Pillage, v. a. Plunder, spoil, despoil, sack. Pillar, n. 1. COLUMN (for supporting something), shaft, post. 3. Prop, support, supporter, main- tainer. Pillow-block, n. Plumber-block. Pill-wort, n. Pepper-grass (Pilularia globulifera). Pilot, n, Steersman, guide, conductor. Pilot, v. a. Guide, direct, conduct, steer, have or take the direction of. Pilot-bread, n. Hard-bread, ship-bis cuit. Pimento, n. Allspice, Jamaica pepper. Pimp, n. Procurer, pander. Pimp, v. n. Pander. Pimple, n. Blotch, eruption, pustule. Pin, n. 1. Peg, BOLT. 3. Straw (as something of no value), fig, button, rush, feather, farthing, brass farthing. Pin, v. a. 1. Fasten with a pin. 3. Fasten, fix, make fast. Pinch, v. a. 1. Nip, squeeze, compress, gripe. 3. Oppress, straiten, distress. Pinch, v. n. Bear hard. Pinch, n. 1. Nip, gripe. 3. Emergency, exigency, crisis, strait, difficulty, push. Pinchbeck, n. Dutch gold. Pinched, a. Distressed, straitened, re duced, indigent, destitute, needy, poor, necessitous, penniless, moneyless, in need, in want, out of money, out of cash, out of pocket. Pine, v. n. Languish, droop, flag, waste, decay, waste away. Pinion, n. 1. Wing, pennon. 3. Fetter (Jbr the arms). Pinion, v. a. Restrain (by binding the arms), bind, fasten, shackle, fetter, chain. Pink, n. 1. Hose-color. 3. ( Ich. ) Minnow, minion (Lenciscus phoxinus). 3. Paragon, model, BEAU IDEAL. Pinnacle, n. 1. Turret, minaret. 3. Top, summit, apex, acme, zenith, highest point, culminating point, ut most height. PIN ONE S FAITH UPON 299 PLACIDITY Pin one s faith upon, Believe, put confidence in, rely upon, take at one s word. Pintado, n. Guinea hen. Pious, a. 1. Filial. 3. Religious, godly, holy, devout, saintly. Pip, v. n. Chirp (as a chicken), mewl, peep. Pipe of peace, Calumet. Piping, a. 1. Whining, feeble, sickly, weak. 2. Simmering, boiling. Pipsissewa, n. [Indian name.] Winter- green ( Chimaphiia wnbellata). Piquancy, n. 1. Pungency, high flavor. 3. Sharpness, tartness, severity. Piquant, n. 1. Pungent, biting, prick ing, stinging, high-flavored, high-sea soned. 3. Sharp, tart, severe, cutting, point ed. Pique, n. Resentment (slight), grudge, umbrage, offence, wounded pride. Pique, v. a. 1. Stimulate, incite, urge, instigate, spur, goad, set on, stir up. 3. Offend, displease, affront, provoke, incense, irritate, chafe, nettle, vex, fret, sting, exasperate, wound, give offence to, give umbrage to. Pique one s self, Plume one s self, take pride. Pirate, n. Corsair, buccaneer, picaroon, free-booter, sea-robber, sea-rover. piratical, } Robbing, predatory. Pish, interj. Pshaw. Pismire, n. Ant, emmet. Piston, n. Plunger. Pit, n. 1. Excavation, hole, cavity,~hol- low, indentation, dent, dint, depression, dimple. 3. Gulf, abyss. 3. Parquet, parterre. Pit against, Set to fight (as cocks in a pit), set in opposition, match for a con test, set together by the ears. Pit-a-pat, ad. In a flutter, with throbs, with palpitation. Pitch, n. 1. Degree of elevation. 3. Degree, measure, extent, range, rate. 3. (Mus.) Elevation of the key-note. Pitch, v. a. 1. Throw, cast, fling, hurl, toss, launch, send, dart, lance, jaculate. 2. Set (as a tent), fix, plant, place, station, locate, settle, establish. Pitch, v. n. Fall, plunge, throw one s self. Pitch-coal, n. Bituminous coal, caking coal. Pitch dark, Dark as pitch, very dark. Pitch into, [Colloquial.] ATTACK, as sail, assault. Pitch upon, Choose, select, decide on, determine on, fix upon. Pitchy, n. Dark, black, dismal, rayless, sunless, Cimmerian. Pit-coal, n. Mineral coal. Piteous, a. 1. Sorrowful, mournful, woful, doleful, rueful, affecting, dis tressing, grievous, moving pity, exciting compassion. 3. Pitiable, deplorable, wretched, mis erable, deserving pity, to be pitied. Pith, n. 1. Heart, marrow. 3. Essence, quintessence, substance, gist, soul, chief part, essential part, vital part. 3, Weight, moment, importance. 4. Force, strength, energy, vigor. Pithy, a. 1. Forcible, energetic. 3. Terse, laconic, brief, concise, short, compact, pointed, sententious, full of meaning, not loose, not verbose, not prolix. Pitiable, a. Deplorable, wretched, mis erable, piteous, deserving pity, to be pitied. Pitiful, a. 1. Compassionate, tender, tender-hearted, sympathetic, kind, mer ciful, lenient, mild. 3. Mean, base, vile, low, paltry, sorry, abject, rascally, contemptible, despi cable, insignificant, worthless. Pitiless, a. Merciless, unmerciful, un- pitying, relentless, ruthless, implacable, inexorable, cruel, unfeeling, unsympa- thizing. Pittance, n. 1. Allowance (out of pity or charity), dole, allotment, charity, gift. 3. Modicum, trifle, fragment, small portion, small allowance. Pity, n. Compassion, commiseration, sympathy, fellow-feeling, bow els of com passion, melting mood. Pity, v. a. Commiserate, compassionate, sympathize with, feel for, have pity or compassion for, feel sorry for, condole with. Pivot, v. n. Turn, hinge, depend. Pivotal, a. Turning, hinging, depending. Placability, n. Placableness, forgiving disposition. Placable, a. Appeasable, reconcilable, forgiving. Placableness, n. PLACABILITY. Placard, n. Poster, bill, hand-bill, broadside. Placard, v. a. 1. Advertise (by placards), publish, announce, make known, blaze abroad, spread abroad. 3. Post, expose to obloquy. Place, n. 1. Situation, position, locality, location, station, spot, site, ground. 3. Office, charge, function, employ ment, post. 3. Rank, standing, grade, condition, .occupation, calling. 4. Mansion, residence, abode, dwell ing seat. 5. Town, village, city. Place, v. a. 1. Put, set, station, lay, settle, deposit, commit, locate, seat, fix, establish, dispose, arrange. 3. Invest, put at interest. Placenta, n. Secundines, after-birth. Placid, a. Quiet, tranquil, undisturbed, unmoved, unruffled, calm, peaceful, halcyon, palmy, serene, composed, col lected, cool. Placidity, n. Calmness, quietness, seren ity, composure, coolness, tranquillity, imperturbability . PLAGIARISM 300 PLAY FALSE Plagiarism, n. Literary theft. Plagiarist, n. Plagiary. Plague, n. 1. Pestilence, pest. 3. Affliction, annoyance, vexation, trouble, nuisance, curse, torment, thorn in one s side. Plague, v. a. Annoy, tease, vex, worry, trouble, molest, torment, harass, harry, disturb, fret, gall, chafe, bore, incom mode, bother, pester, badger, hector, irritate, disquiet. Plain, a. 1. Even, level, smooth, flat, plane. 3. Manifest, visible, obvious, clear, unmistakable, apparent, certain, pal pable, conspicuous, notable, notorious, glaring, patent, open, evident. 3. Unequivocal, unambiguous, dis tinct, explicit, intelligible, perspicuous. 4. Simple, unadorned, unvarnished. 5. Homely, ugly, ill-looking, ill-fa vored, not handsome. 6. Artless, natural, honest, sincere, candid, frank, open, downright, direct, unsophisticated, ingenuous, undesign- ing, straightforward, single-minded, open-hearted, above-board. Plain, n. Plateau, champaign, savanna, pampas, tableland, champaign country. Plain-dealing, n. Honesty, sincerity, frankness, candor, ingenuousness, open ness, truthfulness, plainness, straight forwardness. Plain-spoken, a. Frank, candid, blunt, open, free-spoken, plain of speech. Plaint, n. Lamentation, lament, moan, wail, cry, complaint. Plaintiff, n. Accuser, prosecutor. Plaintive, a. 1. Complaining, lament ing, moaning. 3. Mournful, sorrowful, sad, piteous, woful, rueful, grievous, dirge-like. Plait, n. Fold, doubling, double, P LIGA TURE, gather. Plait, v. a. 1. Fold, double. 3. Braid, plat, weave, mat. Plan, n. 1. Draft, sketch, plot, drawing, map, chart. 3. Scheme, project, system, method, device, design, contrivance, proposal, proposition. Plan, v. a. 1. Delineate, figure, repre sent, mark out, chalk out, sketch out. 3. Devise, contrive, scheme, project, plot, invent, design, concoct, digest, lay out, prepare, hatch. Plane, a. Level, flat, even, smooth, plain. Plane-tree, n. 1. [17. S.] Sycamore, button-wood, button-ball-tree, water- beech (Platanus Occidentalis). 2. [Scotland.] Sycamore maple (Acer pseudo-platanus). Planetarium, n. Orrery. Plant, n. Vegetable. Plant, v. a. Fix, establish, settle, found. Plant, v. n. Sow, scatter seed, put in seed. Plant-louse, n. Aphis, vine-fretter, puceron. Plant one s self, Pitch one s tent, take up one s quarters, establish one s self. Plash, v. a. Dash, spatter. Plash, v. n. Splash, dabble in water. Plash, n, I. Dash, splash. 3. Puddle, pool, collection of standing water. Plaster, n. 1. Mortar, stucco, cement, 3. EMPLASTRUM. Plaster, v. a. Parget, cover with plas ter. Plasterer, n. Pargeter. Plaster of Paris, Calcined gypsum or sulphate of lime. Plastic, a. 1. Formative. 3. Soft, pliable, easily moulded. Plastic art, Sculpture. Plat, v. a. Braid, weave, plait, mat. Plat, n. Plot, piece of ground. Plate, n. 1. Lamina, layer. 3. Dish, platter. Plateau, a. Plain (elevated), table-land. Platina, n. Platinum. Platitude, n. 1. Insipidity, flatness, dulness, mawkishness. 3. Twaddle, verbiage, palaver, trash, chatter, stuff, fudge, nonsense, moon shine, flummery, wish-wash, balder dash, jargon, nonsense, senseless prate, frothy discourse, idle talk. Platonic, a. 1. Academic, of Plato. 3. Contemplative, speculative, philo sophical, theoretical. 3. Passionless, impassible, unimpres- sible, cold, apathetic, cool, calm, serene. Platter, n. Large dish. Plaudit, n. Applause, acclamation, clap ping of hafcds, acclaim, shout of appro bation. Plausible, a. Specious, colorable, seem ingly fair. Play, v. n. 1. Sport, disport, frolic, skip, frisk, gambol, revel, romp, caper, make merry, make fun. 3. Trifle, toy, wanton. 3. Game, gambler. 4. Act (on the stage), take a part. Play, v. a. 1. Put in action, put in op eration. 3. Perform on, play on or upon. 3. Act (on the stage), enact, represent, exhibit, perform. 4. Personate, act the part of, take the part of. 5. Engage in, take part in. Play, n. 1. Sport, frolic, amusement, pastime, gambols. 3. Drama, tragedy, comedy or farce, dramatic performance. 3. Practice, .use, manner of dealing. 4. Scope, swing, elbow-room, oppor tunity, liberty of action, a fair field. 5. Gaming, gambling. 6. Motion, movement, activity, exer cise, action. Player, n. 1. Performer, operator. 3. Actor, stage-player, tragedian or comedian. Playful, a. Frolicsome, frisky, sportive, merry, jolly, mirthful, DAFT, game some, debonair, vivacious, lively, sprightly, full of play, full of fun. Play false, Break one s word, sell one s self, turn traitor, go over to the enemy. PLAY FAST AND LOOSE PLOT Play fast and loose, Be inconstant, be giddy, be fickle or undecided. Play second fiddle, [Colloquial.] Be subordinate, take a subordinate part. Play the devil (or the device) with, [Colloquial.] Impair, spoil, injure, hurt, damage, ruin, make bad work with. Play the fool, Cut capers, cut didoes, act the buttbon, act like a fool, make a fool of one s self, play tricks or pranks. Play upon, 1. Perform upon. (as a mu sical instrument). 3. Impose upon, make sport of, make fun of, make merry with. Plea, n. 1. (Law.) Allegation. 3. Defence, excuse, apology, justifica tion, vindication. Plead, v. n. 1. (Laiv.) Make an allega tion, carry on a suit. 3. Reason, argue, offer reasons, use arguments. 3. Apologize, offer apology or justifi cation, make defence. Plead, v. a. 1. Allege, offer in excuse. 3. Argue, discuss, defend, maintain by arguments. Pleader, n. Assertor, vindicator, defen der. Plead guilty, Confess guilt, acknowledge the charge, own the soft impeachment, cry peccavi, sing miserere, make a clean breast of it, be down on one s marrow bones. Pleasant, a. 1. Pleasing, agreeable, de lightful, delectable, gratifying, grateful, pleasurable, acceptable, welcome. 3. Cheerful, gay, lively, sprightly, vivacious, merry, good-humored. 3. Witty, facetious, humorous, jocose, jocular, sportive, amusing. Pleasantry, n. 1. Gayety, merriment, sport, fun, frolic. 3. Facetiousness, jocularity, jocose- ness, drollery, good humor. 3. Lively or witty remark, sprightly saying. Please, v. a. Gratify, delight, gladden, rejoice, TICKLE, make glad, give joy to, take one s fancy, tickle one s fancy, do one s heart good. Please, v. n. 1. Like, prefer, choose. 3. Condescend, be pleased. Pleasing, a. Agreeable, grateful, grati fying, acceptable, welcome, pleasant, delectable, pleasurable, charming, de lightful. Pleasurable, a. PLEASING. Pleasure, n. 1. Enjoyment, gratifica tion, comfort, delight, joy, gladness, temporary happiness. 3. Sensuality, voluptuousness, lux ury, animal gratification. 3. Will, choice, preference, purpose, wish, mind. Plebeian, a. Ignoble, low, mean, base, vulgar, untitled, base-born, low-born. Pledge, n. 1. Pawn, gage, deposit. 3. Guarantee, security, earnest. 3, Health (in drinking ). Pledge, v. a. 1. Pawn, impawn, plight, hypothecate, put in pledge, deposit as security. 3. Engage, commit. 3. Toast, drink to, drink the health of, drink in honor of. Pledgee, n. (Law.) Pawnee. Plenary, a. Full, complete, entire. Plenipotentiary,- n. Ambassador, min ister, envoy. Plenitude, n. 1. Abundance, fulness, PLENTY. 3. Repletion, plethora. Plenteous, a. Abundant, PLENTIFUL. Plentiful, a. Abundant, ample, copious, full, plenteous, productive, fruitful, ex uberant, luxuriant, profuse, PLENTY, in profusion. Plenty, n. 1. Fulness, sufficiency, plen itude, enough, adequate supply. 3. Abundance, copiousness, luxuri ance, exuberance, profusion, affluence, fertility, overflow. Plenty, a. [Inelegant.] Abundant, PLEN TIFUL. Pleonasm, n. Redundancy, diffuseness, tautology, redundant expression. Pleonastic, a. Redundant, tautological, diffuse. Plethora, n. 1. (Med.) Fulness (of blood), repletion, plenitude. 3. Superabundance, superfluity, re dundance, redundancy, excess, surfeit, more than enough, enough and to spare. Plethoric, a. 1. Surcharged, surfeited, overloaded, overcharged, over full. 3. Of a full habit, affected with ple thora. Pliability, n. Flexibleness, suppleness, pliancy, pliableness. Pliable, a. 1. Flexible, flexile, pliant, supple, limber, lithe, lithesome, easily bent. 3. Compliant, yielding, manageable, tractable, DOUGH-FACED, easily per suaded. Pliableness, n. PLIABILITY. Pliancy, n. Pliableness, PLIABILITY. Pliant, a. PLIABLE. Plicature, n. [Rare.] Fold, doubling, double, plait, gather. Plight, v. a. Pledge, pawn, hypothecate, put in pledge, give as security. light, n, 1. Pledge, pawn, gage. 3. Condition, state, situation, case, predicament, category, dilemma, FIX, PICKLE. Plod, v. . 1. Trudge, jog on, travel slowly but steadily. 3. Toil, drudge, moil, hold on, keep on, keep at it, work hard. Plodding, a. Hard-working. Plot, n. 1. Plat, piece of ground. 3. Plan (of a piece of land), draught, sketch, outline. 3. Scheme (especially for a bad pur pose), stratagem, conspiracy, intrigue, cabal, machination. Plot, v. n. Plan (for some mischief), scheme, contrive, lay a plan, form a plot. Plot, v. a. Plan (as something mis chievous), concoct, contrive, project, devise, frame ; brew, hatch, compass. PLOUGHLANI} 302 POLANDER Ploughland, n. [Written also Plow- land.} 1. Tillage land. 3. Carucate. Pluck, v. a. Pull (quickly), twitch, snatch, jerk, yerk. Pluck, n. Spirit, courage, resolution, manhood, indomitableness, backbone, determination, energy, force, mettle, nerve, hardihood, force of character, strength of will. Pluck up, 1. Eradicate, exterminate, destroy, root out, root up. 3. Summon up {as courage), gather up. Plug, n. Stopple, stopper. Plumage, n. Feathers. Plumb, a. Perpendicular (to the hori zon), vertical, upright. Plumbago, n. Black-lead, graphite. Plumber-block, n. Pillow-block. Plume, n. 1. Feather. 3. Crest, tuft. Plume one s self, Boast, glory, pride one s self, pique one s self, take pride. Plumose, a. Feathery. Plump, a. 1. Stout, corpulent, portly, fat, bouncing, chubby, fleshy, round, bonny, obese, burly, in good case. 3. Complete, full, downright, direct, unqualified. Plumpness, n. Corpulency, stoutness, fleshiness, obesity, EMBONPOINT. Plunder, v. a. Pillage, spoil, despoil, rob, rifle, sack, ravage, fleece, strip, lay waste. Plunder, n. 1. Rapine, booty, spoil, pillage, prey. 3. [Soutliern and Western U. S.] Baggage, luggage. Plunderer, n. Robber, pillager, spoiler. Plunge, v. a. Immerse, submerge, dip, souse, douse, put under water (or other liquid). Plunge, v. n. Dive, pitch, thrust one s self, cast one s self. Plunge, n. Dive, dip, ducking. Plunger, n. 1. Diver. 3. Piston. Plus, ad. [L.] More, in addition. Ply, v. a. 1. Employ, apply, keep busy. 3. Exercise, practise, put in practise, set to work. Pneumatics, n. Science of elastic fluids. Pneumatology, n. Psychology, meta physics, science of mind, doctrine of spiritual substances. Pneumonia, n. (Med.) Inflammation of the lungs. Pneumonic, a. Pulmonic, pulmonary. Poach, v. a. 1. Cook slightly {as eggs). 3. Steal, filch, purloin, pilfer, CAB BAGE, BOB, plunder by stealth. Poach, v. n. Steal game. Pock, n. Pustule (as of small-pox). Pocket, n. Pouch. Pocket, v. a. [Colloquial.} Endure (as an affront), suffer, bear, tolerate, put up with. Pod, n. LEGUME, capsule, seed-vessel. Podagra, n. (Med.) Gout (especially gout in the foot). Podagric, \ Podagrical, j tt< Poem, n. Metrical composition, piece of poetry. Poesy, n. POETRY, verse. Poet, n. Bard, author of poems. Poetaster, n. Rhymester, petty poet, inferior poet. Poetry, n. Verse, rhyme, poesy, metri cal composition, numbers. Poh, interj. Pshaw, pugh. Poignant, a. 1. Sharp, severe, piercing, penetrating, intense. 3. Pungent, biting, acrid. 3. Keen, pointed, caustic, irritat ing- Point, n. 1. Sharp end. 3. Cape, headland, projection. 3. Moment, instant, period, verge, eve. 4. Spot, place, station, stage. 5. Degree, grade, state, condition. 6. Object, end, aim, purpose, design. 7. Punctilio, nicety. 8. Question, position, thesis, theme, proposition, text, subject-matter, moot point. 9. Respect, particular aspect. 1O. Characteristic, peculiarity, salient trait. 11. Mark (as of punctuation), charac ter, stop. 13. Dot, speck. 13. Sally, witticism, flash of wit, lively turn of thought. 14. Poignancy, sting. Point, v. a. 1. Sharpen, make pointed. 3. Aim, level, direct. 3. Indicate, designate, show, point out, direct attention to. 4. Punctuate. Point-blank, ad. Directly. Pointed, a. 1. Peaked, sharp. 3. Personal, distinct, marked. 3. Epigrammatic, keen, poignant. Pointer, n. Index, hand, director. Point out, Indicate, designate, point, show, direct attention to. Poise, n. Balance, equilibrium, equi poise. Poise, v. a. Balance, hold or place in equilibrium. Poison, n. Venom, virus, bane, pest, noxious influence. Poison, v . a. Infect, taint, contaminate, corrupt, canker. Poke, n. 1. Thrust, push, shove. 3. (Bot.) Garget, pigeon-berry, poke- weed (Phytolacca aecandra). Poke, v. n. Grope, feel one s way. Poke fun, [Colloquial, U. S.} Joke, jest, make fun. Poke fun at, [Colloquial, U.S.} Jeer, ridicule, deride, flout, taunt, mock, scoff at, sneer at, jeer at, rail at. Poker, n. [Loio, U. S.} BUGBEAR, hob goblin, spectre, ogre, frightful object, raw head and bloody bones. Poke-weed, n. POKE. Polander, n. Pole. POLAR LIGHTS 303 POOR Polar lights, Northern lights, AURORA BOREALIS. Pole, n. 1. Extremity (of an axis or a diameter). 2. Staff, rod, stick. 3. Rod, perch. 4. Shaft, thill. 5. Polander. Pole-cat, n. 1. (Of Europe.) Fitchew, fitchet, foumart (Mustela putorius). 2. (Of North America.) Mink, minx (Mustela vison). Polemical, a. 1. Controversial. 3. Disputatious. Polemics, ii.pl. Controversy (especially on theological subjects), disputation. Polestar, n. North star, polar star, lodestar. Policy, n. 1. Administration, manage ment, government, rule, mode of man agement, course of action. 3. Cunning, art, address, skill, pru dence, shrewdness. Polish, v. a. 1. Burnish, furbish, rub up, brighten, make glossy. 3. Refine, civilize. Polish, n. 1. Lustre, brightness, bril liance, brilliancy, splendor. 2. Grace, refinement, accomplish ment, elegance. Polished, a. 1. Burnished, made bright or glossy. 3. Refined, accomplished, cultivated, elegant, POLITE. 3. Classic, classical, Attic. Polite, a. Accomplished, genteel, culti vated, refined, courteous, civil, affable, complaisant, courtly, gracious, urbane, polished, well-behaved, well-mannered, well-bred. Politeness, n. Courtesy, civility, good manners, courteousness, gentility, affa bility, complaisance, comity, amenity, suavity, decorum, good-breeding, good manners, obliging manner. Politic, a. 1. Civil, political, civic. 2. Wise, prudent, judicious, discreet, sagacious, prudential, wary, provident. 3. Artful, cunning, shrewd, intrigu ing, sly, wily, subtle, foxy, Machiavel- ian. Political, a. Civil, civic, public, politic, national. Politician, n. 1. Statesman, statist. 3. Partisan, dabbler in politics. Politics, n. pi. Political science, politi cal economy, science of government. Polity, n. Form of government, civil constitution. Poll, n. 1. Head. 3. Person, individual. Poll, n. [Colloquial.] Parrot. Poll-tax, n. Capitation tax. Pollute, v. a. 1. Defile, soil, taint, make foul. 3. Corrupt, infect, contaminate, viti ate, deprave, debase, poison. Pollution, n. Defilement, contamina tion, foulness, taint, impurity, unclean- ness, abomination. Poltroon, n. Coward, dastard, craven, milksop, mean wretch. Poltroonery, n. Cowardice, baseness, want of spirit. Polygamy, n. Plurality of wives or of husbands. Polygon, n. Many-sided figure. Polype, n. (Zdol.). Polypus. Polypus, n. [L. pi. Polypi.] (Zool.) Polype. Pollysyllable, n. Word of many sylla bles. Pomade, n. Pomatum. Pomatum, n. Pomade. Pommel, n. [Written also Pummel.] Knob, protuberant part. Pommel, v. a. [Written alsc Pummel.} Beat, bruise, thrash, flog, WALLOP, LAMM, bang, maul, thwack, LICK. Pomp, n. Parade, display, show, splen dor, magnificence, pageantry, flourish, state, ostentation, pompousness, gran deur. Pomposity, n. Boastfulness, boasting, pretension, ostentation. Pompous, a. 1. Showy, ostentatious, stately, lofty, grand, majestic, magni ficent, superb, splendid, august, magis terial. 3. Swelling, inflated, bombastic, tur gid, pretentious, stilted, boastful, gran diloquent, high-flowing, high-sounding, HIGHFALUTIN, SPREAD-EAGLE. Pompousness, n. 1. Grandeur, mag nificence, pageantry, splendor, state, pomp. 3. Pretension, boastfulness, ostenta tion, pomposity. Ponder, v. a. Consider, weigh, contem plate, study, meditate, think on, reflect upon, deliberate upon, revolve in the mind. Ponder, v. n. Think, muse, reflect, cogi tate, meditate, study. Ponderous, a. Heavy, weighty, mas sive. Poinard, n. Dagger (small), dirk, stiletto, Pontiff, n. Pope, bishop of Rome. Pontifical, a. Popish. Pontificate, n. Popedom, papacy. Pony, n. SHELTIE, small horse. Pool, n. 1. Pond (small), mere, LOCH, lake. 2. Puddle, plash, collection of stand ing water. Poor, a. 1. Indigent, needy, destitute, necessitous, pinched, distressed, pen niless, moneyless, IMPECUNIOUS, seedy, reduced, short of money, out of money, without a penny, out of pocket, out of cash, out at the elbows, out at the heels, in need, in want, hard up, in dis tress, living from hand to mouth, not worth a farthing, not worth a sou, not rich. 3. Emaciated, lean, thin, meagre, lank, gaunt, skinny, shrunk, fallen away. 3. Barren, sterile, unfruitful, unfer tile, unproductive, fruitless, unprolific. 4. Trifling, trivial, slight, small, slen der, flimsy, insufficient, inadequate, worthless, unimportant, of little use or worth. POOR 5. Contemptible, despicable, means sorrjf, beggarly, pitiful, shabby ^ , C.\S8f Feeble, languid, weak, bald, tame, \ " f ) jejune, vapid, cold, frigid, dull, prosing, prosy, prosaic, spiritless. 7. Miserable, wretched, unfortunate, luckless, ill-fated, ill-starred, unlucky, unhappy. Poor, n. pi. [With The prefixed.] Pau pers, indigent people. Pop, n. Report, clap, burst, explosion, detonation. Pop, ad. Suddenly, unexpectedly, on a sudden. Pope, 7i. Pontiff, bishop of Rome. Popedom, TI. Papacy, pontificate. Popinjay, n. Fop, coxcomb, dandy, ex quisite, beau, PETIT-MAITRE, maca- roni, jackanapes, jack-a-dandy, man- milliner, man of dress; vain, showy fellow. Poppy-like, a. Papaverous. Populace, n. Commonalty, rabble, mob, the people, the crowd, the multitude, the million, the peasantry, the vulgar herd, the common people, the lower classes, the vulgar, the humbler classes, scum of society, dregs of society. Popular, n. 1. Plain, familiar, easy. 3. Received (by the people), accepted, accredited, favorite, liked. 3. Current, prevailing, prevalent, common, general, in vogue, in favor. Popularity, n. 1. Favor (of the people), popular regard or acceptance. 3. Fame, repute, celebrity, vogue. Populate, v. a. People. Population, n. Inhabitants, persons, number of people. Populous, a. Crowded, thickly settled. Pop upon, Come upon (suddenly). Porcelain, n. China, china ware. Porch, n. 1. Portico, entrance way, ves tibule. 3. [With The prefixed.] The Stoic philosophy, philosophy of Zeno. Pore, 71. Orifice, spiracle, small opening. Pore, v. n. Brood, dwell, look steadily, fix the attention, give one s mind. Porker, n. Hog, pig, sow, swine. Porrigo, n. (Med.) Scald-head, ring worm of the scalp. Port, 7i. 1. Harbor, haven, roadstead, anchorage. 3. Entrance, passage-way. 3. Embrasure, port-hole. 4. Larboard, left side. 5. Demeanor, behavior, bearing, air, mien, carriage, deportment. 6. Port-wine. Portable, a. Movable, light, handy, convenient, easily transported. Portal, n. Gate, gateway, entrance, pas sage-way. Porte, n. Turkish court, Sublime Porte. Porte-monnaie, n. [Fr.] Pocket-book, purse. Portend, v. a. Presage, forebode, fore token, betoken, foreshow, foreshadow, augur, prognosticate, threaten, indi cate. 304 POSSESS Portent, n. Omen (of ill), presage, prog nostic, augury, sign, warning. Portentous, a. Ominous (of ill), pre monitory, ill-boding. Porter, n. 1 . Carrier. 3. CONCIERGE, janitor, door-keep er. Port-hole, n. Embrasure, port. Portico, 7i. 1. Covered walk. 3. Porch, vestibule, entrance-way. Portion, n. 1. Part, piece, fragment, bit, scrap, morsel. 3. Share, allotment, division, parcel, lot, quantity, dividend, quota, contin gent. Portion, v. a. 1. Divide, allot, deal out, distribute, parcel out. 3. Endow, supply with a portion. Portly, a. 1. Stately, grand, majestic, magisterial, dignified. 3. Corpulent, stout, plump, fleshy, obese, round, in good case. Portmanteau, n. Valise, travelling *"-*& Portrait, n. Representation (of a fa a person, drawn or painted), like ace or eness, daguerreotype, photograph, portraiture, MINIATURE. Portraiture, n. PORTRAIT. Portray, v. a. 1. Paint, delineate, de pict, draw, sketch, represent. 3. Describe, set forth. Portrayal, n. 1. Delineation, painting, representation, sketch. 3. Description, account. Port-wine, n. Port. Pose, 71. Attitude (formally assumed), posture. Pose, v. a. Puzzle, stagger, embarrass, bewilder, perplex, mystify, nonplus, put out, put to a stand. Poser, 71. 1. Puzzler, close examiner. 3. Riddle, enigma, mystery, knotty point. Position, n. 1. Station, situation, spot, place, locality, post. 3. Attitude, posture, state, condition. 3. Proposition, principle, thesis, dic tum, assertion, doctrine. Positive, a. 1. Express, direct, explicit, determinate, defined, precise, definite, clear, unequivocal, unmistakable, cate gorical, expressed, laid down, not im plied. 3. Real, actual, veritable, substantial, true, absolute, existing in fact, not ideal, not imagined, not negative. 3. Confident, sure, assured, certain, fully convinced. 4. Dogmatic, stubborn, peremptory, obstinate, over-confident, tenacious. Positively, ad. 1. Expressly, explicitly, precisely, categorically, definitely. 3. Actually, really, truly, in fact, in reality. 3. Certainly, surely, assuredly, confi dently. 4. Peremptorily, dogmatically. Possess, v. a. 1. Own, have a title to, be seized of. 3. Have, hold, occupy, control. 3. POSSESSION Possession, n. 1. Ownership. 2. Occupation, occupancy, control, Property, estate, tenure. Possessions, n. pi. effects, assets. Possessor, n. 1. Owner, proprietor, mas ter. 2. Holder, occupant. Possibility, n. Potentiality. Possible, a. 1. Potential, IN POSSE. 2. Practicable, feasible, likely. Possibly, ad. Perhaps, perchance, PER- ADVENTURE, mayhap, haply, maybe, it may be, as luck may have it. Post, n. 1. PILLAR, COLUMN, support. 2. Station, position, seat. 3. Office, employment, place, situa tion, capacity. 4. Postman, courier, letter-carrier. 5. Mail. Post, v. a. 1. Place, station, set, put, fix, establish. 2. Placard, advertise, announce, make known, blaze abroad, spread abroad. brand, defame, disgrace. 4. Put in the ledger, carry to the ledger. 5. Mail, put in the mail, put in the post-office. Posted, a. 1. Placed, situated. 2. [Colloquial, U, S.] Instructed, well-informed, posted up. Posted up, [Colloquial, U.S.] POSTED, well-informed, booked up. Poster, n. Placard, bill, handbill, broad side. Posterior, a. 1. Subsequent, following, later, after, succeeding, ensuing. 2. Hind, hinder, back, rear. Posterity, n. Descendants, offspring, progeny, after ages, succeeding genera tions. Postfix, n. Affix, suffix. Postilion, n. Rider, jockey. Postman, n. Courier, post, letter- carrier. Post mortem, [L.] 1. After death. 2. Autopsy, post mortem examina tion. Postpone, v. a. Defer, delay, adjourn, procrastinate, put off, stave off, let lie over. Postscript, n. Appendix, supplement, CODICIL. Postulate, n. 1. Supposition, conjec ture, hypothesis, assumption, theory, speculation, axiom, assumed truth. 2- (Georn.) Self-evident problem. Posture, n. 1. Position, ATTITUDE, POSE. 2. State, condition, situation, phase. Posy, n. 1. Nosegay, bouquet. 2. Inscription (as on a ring), legend, motto. Potable, a. Drinkable, that may be drunk. Potash, n. Potassa, protoxide of potas sium. Potassa, n. POTASH. Potation, n. 1. Drinking. 2. Drink, draught. , Pot-compani Potency, n. : force, strength, ene 2. Authority, influence^ sway, trol. Potent, a. Powerful, mighty, forcible, puissant, strong, efficacious, cogent, influential. Potentate, n. Monarch, sovereign, king, emperor, prince. Potential, a. Possible, IN POSSE. Potentiality, n. Pot-bellied, a. Possibility. Large-bellied, great- bellied, big-bellied, tun-bellied, abdom inous. Pother, n. Bustle, tumult, turmoil, flutter, rumpus, confusion, pudder, huddle, turbulence, hurly-burly. Potion, n. Draught (especially of medi cine), dose, drench, cup. Pot-pourri, n. [Fr.] Medley, mixture, hotch-potch, hodge-podge, farrago, jum ble, miscellany, salmagundi, gallimau fry, olio, mish-mash, OLLA PODRIDA, MELANGE, confused mass. Potter, v. n. Trifle, PUTTER, busy one s self about trifles. Pottery, n. Earthen ware, clay ware. Pouch, n. Bag (small), sack. Poultice, n. Cataplasm. Poultry, n. Domestic fowls. Pounce, n. Claw, talon, nail. Pounce upon, Seize (as with claivs), fall upon. Pound, v. a. 1. Beat, strike. 2. BRAY, bruise, crush, pulverize, triturate, comminute, levigate. Pour, v. a. 1. Let flow (by decantmg). 2. Emit, let out, give vent to, send forth. Pour, v. n. Flow, issue, stream. Pout, n. 1. Whiting-pout (Morrlma lusca). 2. Cat-fish, horn-pout, horned pout, bull-head (Pimelodus catlus). Pout, v. n. Look sullen (by protnulmg the lips), look black, show ill-temper. Poverty, n. Indigence, penury, want, destitution, need, necessity, privation, distress, straitened circumstances. Powder, n. 1. Dust, pulverized sub stance. 2. Gunpowder. Powder-post, n. [ U. S.] Dry-rot, sap- rot. Powdery, a. Dusty, mealy, pulverulent, friable. Power, n. 1. Ableness, efficacy, ability, efficiency, cogency, competency, might, capability, force, energy, strength. 2. Faculty, talent, endowment, gift. 3. Authority, authoritativeness, rule, prerogative, sovereignty, sway, control, domination, dominion, influence, com mand. 4. Sovereign, potentate, governor, ruler, monarch. 5. Host, army, troop. 6. Divinity, angel (good or bad), spirit. 7. [Low.] Good deal, great quan tity. 20 POWERFUL 306 PRECIPITATION Powerful, a. 1. Mighty, potent, active, forcible, puissant, potential. 3. Vigorous, robust, sturdy, strong, able-bodied. 3. Efficacious, effective, cogent, valid. Practicability, n. Feasibility, possi bility, practicableness. Practicable, a. Feasible, performable, possible, achievable, attainable. Practicableness, n. PRACTICABILITY. Practical, a. 1. Adapted to practice or use, not speculative, not theoretical. 3. Experienced, versed, proficient, trained, qualified, practised, skilled, thoroughbred, able, AU FAIT. Practice, n. 1. Custom, habit, wont, frequent repetition. 3. Use, usage,, 3. Action, actual performance. 4. Exercise ( as of a profession), appli cation. Practise, v. a. [Written also Practice.] 1. Do (frequently), perform. 3. Exercise, apply, pursue, carry on. Practised, a. Experienced, instructed, versed, thoroughbred, qualified, skilled, trained, accomplished, proficient, able, practical, AU FAIT. Pragmatical, a. Meddling, officious, meddlesome, impertinent. Praise, n. 1. Commendation, approval, laudation, laud, encomium, approba tion, APPLAUSE. 3. Eulogy, eulogium, panegyric, trib ute of praise. 3. Glorification, homage, worship, tribute of gratitude. Praise,* v. a. 1. Commend, approve, applaud. 3. Extol, eulogize, panegyrize. 3. Magnify, glorify, exalt, worship, bless, do homage to, do honor to. Praiseworthy, a. Commendable, laud able. Prank, n. Caper, antic, trick, gambol, freak, vagary. Pranked out, Bedizened, janty, showy, finical, airy, gairish, flashy. Prankish, a. Sportive, playful, jovial, frolicsome, gamesome, full of play, full of fun. Prate, v. n. Prattle, chat, chatter, tat tle, babble, gabble, palaver, be loqua cious. Prate, v. a. Tell (foolishly), babble, utter, prate about. Prate, n. Prattle, gabble, chatter, twad dle, palaver, idle talk, childish talk. Prater, n. Chatterer, rattle-head. Prattle, v. n. PRATE, chatter. Prattle, n. PRATE, chatter. Pray, v. a. Ask (earnestly), request, entreat, beseech, supplicate, implore, beg, petition, invoke, conjure, ADJURE, call upon. Pray, v. n. Supplicate, entreat, petition, beg, importune, prefer a petition or request. Prayer, n. Supplication, entreaty, suit, petition, request, SUFFRAGE. Prayerful, a. Devout, religious. Preach, v. a. 1. Proclaim (as in a re ligious discourse), declare, publish. 3. Inculcate, teach. Preach, v. n. Deliver sermons, discourse on religious subjects. Preaching friar, Blackfriar. Preamble, n. Introduction (especially of a legislative act), preface, introduc tory part. Precarious, a. Uncertain, unsettled, unsteady, doubtful, dubious, equivocal, insecure, not to be depended upon. Precaution, n. Forethought, timely care. Precatory, a. Suppliant, beseeching, supplicating, imploring, praying, beg ging. Precautionary, a. Provident. Precede, v. a. Go before (in place or m time), go ahead of, take the lead of, be anterior to, take precedence of. Precedence, )n. 1. Priority (in time), Precedency, j anteriority, antecedence. 3. Preference, superiority, pre-emi nence. Precedent, a. Antecedent, PRECED ING. Precedent, n. Authoritative example. Preceding, a. Antecedent, precedent, anterior, previous, prior, precursory. Precept, n. 1. Command, injunction, order, mandate, edict, commandment, behest, dictate, decree, law, ordinance, ordination, regulation, canon. 3. Doctrine, principle, maxim, rule, direction. Preceptor, n. Teacher, tutor, instructor, master, school-master, PEDAGOGUE. Precinct, n. 1. Limit, confine, bound, boundary, border, frontier, marches. 3. District, territorial division. Precious, a. 1. Costly, of great price. 3. Very valuable, of great worth, of great value. 3. Dear, beloved, darling, very esti mable, highly ^steemed or valued. Precious metals, Gold and silver. Precious stone s, Jewels, gems. Precipice, n. Cliff, crag, steep, abrupt declivity. Precipitance, ) n. 1. Haste, hurry, pre- Precipitancy, j cipitation, flurry. 3. RASHNESS, TEMERITY, precipita tion, recklessness, heedlessness, incon- siderateness, thoughtlessness, presump tion, foolhardiness. Precipitate, v. a. 1. Throw or hurl headlong. 3. Hasten, hurry, accelerate, speed, expedite, urge forward. 3. (Chem.) Throw down, cause to subside. Precipitate, n. (Chem.) Precipitated substance. Precipitate, a. Hasty, hurried, rash, headlong, reckless, indiscreet. Precipitation, n. 1. Haste, hurry, pre cipitance, flurry, precipitancy. 3. Rashness, recklessness, thought lessness, heedlessness, foolhardiness, inconsiderateness, temerity, presump tion. PRECIPITOUS 307 PRELUDE Precipitous, a. 1. Steep, abrupt. t 3. Hasty, rash, heady, headlong, pre cipitate, reckless, indiscreet. Precise, a. 1. Exact, corrject, definite, strict, express, distinct, -explicit, nice, well-defined. 3. Formal, ceremoni/us, stiff, starch, starched, prim, puncious. Precisian, n. Formalist, martinet. Precision, n. Extjness, preciseness, accuracy, nicety,orrectness, truth. Preclude, v. a. Bt event, hinder, debar, impede, restray^prohibit, inhibit, stop, bar, shut out., Precocious, mental de,\ Precocity, mental fc . a. Premeditate, prede- ider beforehand. 1. Forerunner, predeces- Premature (especially in Mt), too forward. Prematureness (of the Preconce termine Precur sor. 58. Precu ger, harbinger, herald. a. 1. Forerunning, pre ceding, precedent, antecedent, anterior, prior, previous. 2. Prelusive, prelusory, introductory, prefatory. Predacious, a. Rapacious, PREDA TORY. Predatory, a. 1. Plundering, pillag- lll 3. Rapacious, ravenous, greedy, vo racious, hungry, preying. Predecessor, n. 1. Precursor (in any office or position), forerunner. 3. Ancestor, forefather, progenitor. Predestinate, v. a. Predetermine, fore ordain, preordain, predestine, foredoom, appoint beforehand. Predestination, n. Predetermination, foreordination. Predestine, v. a. Predetermine, PRE DESTINATE. Predetermination, n. PREDESTINA TION. Predetermined, a. Foregone. Predicable, a. Afiirmable. Predicament, n. 1. Situation (especially a bad situation), condition, state, posi tion, posture, attitude, plight, case. 3. [Colloquial.] Pass, pinch, push, extremity, exigency, emergency, con juncture. 3. (Logic.) Category, class. Predicant, n. Dominican, jacobin, black friar, preaching friar. Predicate, v. a. Assert, affirm, aver, declare, allege, propound, say, assever ate, avouch, pronounce. Predication, n. Affirmation, assertion, declaration, averment. Predict, v. a. Foretell, prophesy, prog nosticate, presage, augur, divine, fore bode, VATICINATE. Prediction, n. Prophecy 4 , prognostica tion, augury, foreboding, vaticination, divination, soothsaying, foretelling. Predictive, a. Prophetic, presaging, foretelling. Predictor, n. Foreteller, prophet, seer, vaticinator. Predilection, n. Prepossession ( in favor of), partiality, preference, inclination, liking, fondness, love. Predispose, v. a. Incline, dispose, bias, fit, prepare, make ready. Predisposition, n. Inclination, disposi tion, willingness, inclination, propen sity, proclivity, leaning, bent, bias, proneness. Predominance, ) n. Supremacy, ascen Predominancy, j dency, prevalence, superiority, sovereignty, mastery. Predominant, a. Prevailing, prevalent, supreme, ascendant, overruling, domi nant, sovereign. Predominate, v. n. Prevail, dominate, rule, preponderate, be supreme, be sov- ereign, be in the ascendant. Pre-eminence, n. Superiority, suprem acy, precedence. Pre-eminent, a. Superior, supreme. Pre-engage, v. a. Preoccupy. Preface, n. Introduction, preamble; proem, PRELUDE, prolegomena, exor dium, PROLOGUE, preliminary. Prefatory, a. Introductory, prelimin ary, prelusive, prelusory, precursory, proemial, preparatory. Prefer, v. a. 1. Offer, present, address, bring forward, set forth. 3. Raise, exalt, promote, advance. 3. Choose, select, elect, pick, pick out, single out, fix upon, pitch upon. Preferable, a. More eligible, more de sirable. Preferably, ad. Rather, in preference, by choice. Preference, n. Choice, election, selec tion, predilection. Preferment, n. Promotion, advance ment, exaltation, elevation. Prefigure, v. a. Foreshow, betoken, foreshadow, portend, signify, indicate. Pregnant, a. 1. ENCEINTE, big, with child, in the family way. 3. Fraught, replete, full, teeming. Prejudge, v. a. Forejudge, prejudicate. Prejudgment, n. Prejudice. Prejudicate, v. a. PREJUDGE. Prejudice, n. 1. Prejudgment, prepos session, bias. 3. Harm, mischief, hurt, detriment, injury, damage, disadvantage. Prejudice, v. a. 1. Bias, warp, prepos sess. 3. Injure, damage, hurt, impair. Prejudicial, a. Hurtful, mischievous, injurious,- detrimental, deleterious, damaging, disadvantageous. Prejudiced, a. Biassed, bigoted, wed ded to an opinion. Prelate, . Bishop. Prelection, n. Lecture, discourse. Prelector,, n. Lecturer, reader. Preliminary, a. Introductory, prepar atory, prefatory, proemial, prelusive, precursory, previous, prior, precedent. Preliminary, n. Introduction, PRE LUDE, preparatory step. Prelude, n. Introduction (to a piece of music), preliminary, preface, preamble, proem, PROLOGUE, exordium. PRELUSIVE 308 PRESERVER Prelusive, ) a. Introductory, prefatory, Prelusory, ) precursory, preliminary, proeiuial. Prematiire, a. 1. Precocious, too for ward, ripe too soon. 3. Unseasonable, too early. Prematurely, ad. Precociously, too early, too soon. Premeditate, v, a. Preconcert, consider beforehand. Premeditation, n. Forethought, pre vious deliberation. Premier, n. Prime minister. Premise, v. a. Preface, lay down be forehand, state at the outset, set forth at the beginning. Premise, v. n. Begin, enter upon the subject, state beforehand. Premise, n. Antecedent proposition. Premium, n. Reward, recompense, bounty, prize, bonus. Premonish, v. a. Forewarn, caution, warn. Premonition,. n. Caution, warning. Preoccupation, n. 1. Prepossession. 3. Abstraction, inattention, revery, musing, absence, muse, absence of mind, brown study. Preoccupied, a. Inattentive, absent, absent-minded, lost, dreaming, musing, in a brown study. Preordain, v. a. Predetermine, pre- establish, foreordain, predestinate, pre destine, foredoom, appoint before hand. Preparation, n. Provision, making ready. Preparatory, a.- Introductory, prelim inary, prefatory. Prepare, v. a. 1. Fit, adapt, equip, qualify. 2. Provide, procure, get ready, put in order. Prepare, v. n. Get ready, put things in order, set one s house in order, make arrangements, make provision, take steps, clear the ground, clear the way, smooth the way, clear decks, clear for action, open the way, pave the way, sow the seed. Preponderance, n. 1. Outweighing, preponderation. 3. Superiority, ascendency, superior influence. Preponderate, v. n. 1. Weigh the most, exceed in weight. 3. Prevail, be superior, have the su periority. Preponderation, n. Outweighing, pre ponderance. _ Prepossess, v. a. Preoccupy, have prior possession of. Prepossessing, a. Attractive, engag ing, winning, fascinating, taking, cap tivating, bewitching. Prepossession, n. 1. Preoccupation, prior possession. 3. Prejudice, bias, one-sidedness. Preposterous, a. 1. Perverted, having the cart before the horse, reversed. 3. Absurd, unreasonable, ridiculous, irrational, foolish, monstrous. Preposterousness, n. Absurdity, un reasonableness, irrationality, foolish ness, folly. Prepuce, n. Foreskin. Prerequisite, n. Requirement. Prerogative, n. Privilege, immunity, right, liberty, franchise, advantage. Presage, v. a. 1. Forebode, divine, foreknow, have a presentiment of. 3. Foretell, predict, prophesy, fore show, betoken, foretoken, prognosticate, augur, VATICINATE. Presage, n. Omen, sign, prognostic, augury, portent, token, foreboding, in dication. - Far-sightedness. Presbyopic, a. Far-sighted, presbytic. Presbytic, a. Far-sighted, presbyotic. Prescience, n. Foreknowledge, fore sight, forecast, prevision. Prescient, a. Foreknowing, foreseeing, prophetic. Prescribe, v. a. Direct, order, appoint, ordain, dictate, enjoin, decree. Prescript, n. Direction, decree, ordin ation, rule, ordinance, law. Prescription, n. 1. Custom, usage. 2. (Med.) Recipe. Presence, n. Mien, air, carriage, port, demeanor, behavior. Present, a. 1. At hand, not absent. 3. Instant, current, existing, not past nor future. Present, n. Gift, donation, donative, benefaction, offering, gratuity, largess, grant, DOUCEUR. Present, v. a. 1. Introduce. 3. Exhibit, offer, bring to notice. 3, Give, bestow, grant, CONFER, give away. 4. Hand, put into one s hands. Presentation, n. 1. Introduction. 3. Exhibition, representation, setting forth. 3. Bestowal, donation, giving. Presentiment, n. Foreboding. Presently, ad. 1. Directly, immediately, at once. 3. Soon, shortly, pretty soon, before long, by and by, in a short time. Preservation, n. 1. Maintenance, con servation, protection. 3. Security, safety, salvation. Preservative, n. Preserver, means of preservation. Preservative, a. Conservative, pre- servatory. Preservatory, a. Preservative. Preserve, v. a. 1. Keep, guard, pro tect, defend, secure, shield, uphold, sustain, maintain, spare, save, watch over. 3. Conserve, keep sound, save from decay. Preserve, n. 1. Sweetmeat, confection, comfit, conserve, .TAM. 3. Enclosure (for game). Preserver, n. 1. Saviour, protector, defender, guardian. 3. Preservative, means of preserva tion. PRESIDE 309 PRICELESS Preside, v. n. Command, rule, be at the head, act as chief, have the control, hold the reins, act as president. Presignify, v. a. Prefigure, foreshow, foreshadow, portend, augur, betoken. Press, v. a. 1. Compress, squeeze, crowd, crush. 2. Constrain, compel, force, drive. 3. Enjoin, enforce, urge, inculcate. Press, v. n. 1. Bear heavily. 3. Hasten, hurry, push, rush. 3. Crowd, throng, force a way. Press, n. 1. Printing-press. 3. Literature, literary publications. 3. Crowd, throng, multitude. 4. Urgency, pressure, hurry. Pressing, a. Urgent, importunate. Pressure, n. 1. Compressing, squeezing, crushing force. 3. Influence, constraining force. 3. Urgency, press, hurry. Presumable, a. Probable, reasonable, likely, credible, that stands to reason. Presume, v. n. 1. Suppose, conjecture, think, surmise, believe. 2. Venture, dare, make bold. Presume, v. a. Consider, deem, think, believe, suppose, take for granted. Presumption, n. 1. Opinion, belief, supposition, conjecture, guess. 3. Arrogance, forwardness, audacity, assurance, effrontery, brass, CHEEK. 3. Probability, ground for believ ing. Presumptive, a. Grounded on probable evidence. Presumptive evidence, (Law.) Cir cumstantial evidence. Presumptuous, a. 1. Arrogant, bold, forward, presuming. 3. Venturesome, rash, over-confident, fool-hardy. Presuppose, v. a. Imply, assume, sup pose, take for granted. Pretence, n. [Written also Pretense.} 1. Show (to conceal a thing to be done), false appearance, mask, color, simulation, affectation, cant, PHETEXT, clap-trap. 3. Subterfuge, evasion, excuse. Pretend, v. a. Feign, affect, simulate, counterfeit, sham. Pretend, v. n. Make believe, make a show, profess falsely. Pretension, n. 1. Claim, demand. 3. Show, assumption, profession, PBETEKCE, make-believe. 3. Conceit, pretentiousness, pertness, Pretentious, a. [Recent.} Assuming, conceited, vain, pert, flippant, priggish, coxcomical, dashing. Pretentiousness, n. Assumption, con ceit, PRETENSION. Preternatural, a. Irregular (as being aside from the ordinary course of nature, but not necessarily SUPERNATURAL or miraculous), abnormal, anomalous, un natural, inexplicable, strange. Pretext, n. Show (to conceal a thing done), appearance, affectation, simula tion, mask, color, PRETENCE. Pretty, a. Beautiful (without dignity or grandeur), HANDSOME, elegant, comely, tine, neat, trim, fair. Pretty, ad. Moderately, tolerably, con siderably, in some degree. Prevail, v. n. 1. Predominate, prepon derate, succeed, prosper, have the superiority, gain the advantage, be in the ascendant, get the upper hand, have one s own way, carry it, carry all before one, carry the day, win the day, gain the day, win the palm. 3. Obtain, rage, have influence, have sway, have currency, be in vogue, be rife, be the rage. Prevailing, a. 1. Effectual, dominant, predominant, efficacious, preponder ating. 3. Received (at the present time), current, established, ordinary, usual, PREVALENT, widely extended, most general. Prevail on, ) Persuade (by argument), Prevail upon, I influence, induce. Prevail with, Persuade (by an appeal to the feelings), influence, induce. Prevalence, n. 1. Superiority, success, predominance, preponderance, pros- 3. Influence, efficacy, power, force, strength. 3. Universality, wide extension, gen eral reception. Prevalent, a. 1. Superior, victorious, predominant, successful. 3. Powerful, efficacious, effectual. 3. Received (generally), established, current, ordinary, usual, PREVAILING, widely extended, most general. Prevaricate, v. n. Quibble, shuffle, cavil, palter, dodge, evade the truth, EQUIVOCATE (by loose or indefinite ex pressions). Prevarication, n. Equivocation, cavil, quibble. Prevent, v. a. Obstruct, HINDER, stop, impede, thwart, intercept, interrupt, obviate, preclude, frustrate, forefend, avert. Prevention, n. Obstruction, stoppage, hinderance, interruption. Preventive, a. Prophylactic. Preventive, n. Prophylactic. Previous, a. Antecedent, prior, former, preceding, anterior, foregoing. Previously, ad. Before, antecedently, beforehand. Prevision, n. Foresight, foreknowledge, prescience. Prey, n. Plunder (to satisfy the appe tite), spoil, BOOTY, pillage, rapine, ravin. Prey on (or upon), 1. Plunder, pillage, rob, despoil. 3. Devour, feed upon. 3. Waste, corrode. Price, n. 1. Value (in money), charge, expense, cost. 3. Estimation, worth. 3. Recompense, reward. Priceless, a. Invaluable, inestima ble. PRICK 310 PRIVATE Prick, v. a. 1. Pierce (with a small hole), perforate, puncture. 3. Spur, goad, incite, impel, urge, rouse, arouse, stimulate, drive. 3. Sting, wound, pain, hurt. Prick, v. n. Spur, ride, gallop, hasten. Prick, n. 1. Goad, point. 3. Puncture. Pricked, a. Acid, spur, tart, sharp. Prickleback, n. Stickleback. Prickly pear, n. Indian fig. Prick up the ears, Listen, attend, hear. Pride, n. 1. Self-esteem, self-exaltation, self-complacency, self-sufficiency, con ceit. 3. Haughtiness, loftiness, lordliness, superciliousness, assumption, insolence, vain-glory, arrogance, HAUTEUR, pre sumption. 3. Elevation (of character), dignity, self-respect. 4. Ornament, decoration, splendor, show, lustre, brightness, effulgence, glory. Pride one s self on, Boast, take pride in, rate highly, glory in, pique one s self on, plume one s self on, stand upon. Priest, n. Clergyman, divine, minister, pastor, parson, ecclesiastic, church man. Priestly, a. Sacerdotal. Prig, n. Puppy, coxcomb; conceited, pert, saucy, or pragmatical fellow. Priggery, n - Pertness, conceit, sauci- "ness, coxcombry. Priggish, a. Conceited, pert, saucy, coxcomical. Prim, a. Formal, stiff, precise, starch, starched, strait-laced, in buckram. Primacy, n. Primateship. Prima facie, [L.j At first sight, on the first view. Primary, a. 1. Primitive, aboriginal, original, primordial, primeval, pristine, first. 58. Chief, principal, leading. 3. Elementary, lowest. Primate, n. Archbishop, metropolitan. Primateship, n. Primacy. Prime, a. 1. First, original, primitive, primal, primeval, primordial, pristine, aboriginal. 3. Highest, chief, principal, best, capi tal, first-rate. Prime, n. 1, Beginning, opening, first part, earliest stage. 3. Youth, spring of life, early days. 3. Perfection, fiower, greatest beauty, health or strength, best days. Primitive, a. 1. Primeval, primal, prime, primordial, original, aboriginal, pristine, primary, first. 3. Radical, underived. Prime minister, n. Premier. Primeval, a. Original, PRIMITIVE. Primitive, a. 1. Original, primeval, primal, primordial, aboriginal, prime, primary, pristine, first. 3. Radical, underived. Primness, n. Stiffness, formality. Primordial, a. Original, PRIMITIVE. Prince, n. 1. Sovereign, ruler, monarch, potentate. 3. Sovereign s son (especially the eld est son). Princely, a. 1. Royal, regal, imperial, exalted, august, grand, stately, digni fied. 3. Munificent, beneficent, generous, liberal, bounteous, bountiful, noble. Princess, n. 1. Female ruler. 3. Sovereign s daughter. 3. Prince s wife. Principal, a. Chief, main, first, highest, supreme, leading, cardinal, most con siderable, most important. Principal, n. 1. Chief, head, leader, chief actor. 3. Master, head master. 3. Employer, constituent. 4. Capital sum (placed at interest). Principally, a. Chiefly, mainly, espe cially, particularly, above all. Principle, n. 1. Origin, source, cause, spring, mainspring, fountain, ground work, prime mover, fountain-head. 3. Element, substratum, fundamen tal or primordial substance. 3. Postulate, axiom, law, elementary proposition, fundamental truth. 4. Doctrine, tenet, dogma, opinion, maxim, rule. 5. Ground, motive, reason. 6. Integrity, uprightness, rectitude, probity, honesty, virtue, righteousness, incorruptibility, goodness, trustworthi ness, trustiness, worth, honor. Prink, v. n. Spruce, dress finically. Print, v. a. 1. Impress, imprint, stamp. 3. Make an impress or impression of. Print, n. 1. Impression, impress, mark, stamp. 3. Engi aving. 3. Newspaper, journal. 4. Calico, printed cotton cloth. Printing, n. Typography. Prior, a. Former, preceding, previous, anterior, antecedent, precedent, forego ing, precursory. Priority, n. Antecedence, anteriority, precedence. Priory, n. Convent, monastery, cloister, abbey. Prismatic Spectrum, Solar spectrum. Prison, n. Jail, penitentiary, bridewell, workhouse, house of correction, DUN GEON. Prisoner, n. Captive. Pristine, a. Primitive, primary, original, aboriginal, primeval, primordial, first. Prithee, [For Ipray thee.] Pray, please, do, vouchsafe, be so good as, have the goodness, be good enough, I beseech you. Privacy, n. 1. Secrecy, concealment. 3. Retreat, retirement, seclusion, soli tude. Private, n. 1. Secluded, retired, seques tered, isolated. 3. Individual, personal, special, pecu liar, particular. 3. Secret, privy, CLANDESTINE, close. 4. Confidential, not to be disclosed or communicated. PRIVATE 311 PRODIGIOUS Private, n. Common soldier. Private parts, Genitals, sexual organs. Privation, n. 1. Deprivation, loss, BE- KEAVEMENT. 2. Poverty, destitution, want, need, penury, necessity, distress. 3. Absence, negation. Privilege, n. Prerogative, right, claim, advantage, immunity, franchise, lib erty, favor. Privity, n. Knowledge, cognizance, pri vate concurrence. Privy, a. 1. Individual, special, private, personal, peculiar, particular. 3. Secret, clandestine. 3. Cognizant of, acquainted with. Privy, n. Necessary, back-house, Jakes, wator-closet. Prize, n. 1. Reward, premium, trophy. 3. Capture. Prize, v. a. 1. Estimate, rate, appraise. 3. Esteem, value highly. Pro and con, For and against. Probability, n. Likelihood, presump tion, appearance of truth, fair chance, favorable chance. Probable, a. Likely, presumable, cred ible, reasonable, to be expected, that stands to reason. Probably, ad. Apparently, to all ap pearance, in all probability. Probation, n. 1. Novitiate. 3. Moral trial. Probationer, n. Novice. Probe, v. a. Scrutinize, examine, search, sound, explore, sift, look into. Probity, n. Integrity, uprightness, hon esty, worth, rectitude, virtue, goodness, righteousness, trustworthiness, trusti ness, principle, sincerity, truthfulness, veracity, honor, justice, equity, fair ness, incorruptibility. Problem, n. Question (to be solved), enigma, puzzle, riddle, moot point, point in dispute, point to be solved or settled, question at issue, vexed ques tion. Problematical, a. Uncertain, doubtful, dubious, questionable, disputable, enig matical, puzzling, unsettled. Proboscis, n. Snout, trunk. Procedure, n. 1. Conduct, practice, course, process, management, course of action, mode of operation. 3. Act, transaction, deed, action, per formance, proceeding, measure, step. Proceed, v. n. 1. Progress, advance, go or pass on, move forward, make progress, get on, push on, go ahead, get ahead, make headway, get forward, get along, hold or keep one s course. 3. Arise, spring, come, issue, emanate, originate, flow, follow, result, ensue, accrue, come out, go forth, be derived, be caused, take rise, be owing, be due. 3. Act, conduct one s self, take steps, take measures, set to work, go about any thing. Proceeding, n. Act, deed, transaction, action, measure, performance, step, procedure. Proceeds, n. pi. Product, produce, income, yield, receipts, returns, avails. Process, n. 1. Course, progress. 3. Operation, procedure, proceeding, action, performance, step, transaction, measure, conduct, management, series of measures, mode of operation. 3. (Law.) Suit, trial, action, case. 4. (Anat.) Projection, protuberance. Procession, n. Train, CORTEGE, turn out, retinue, CAVALCADE. Proclaim, v. a. Announce, publish, de clare, promulgate, advertise, trumpet, broach, cry, make known, blaze abroad, spread abroad, noise abroad, give notice of, make proclamation of. Proclaimer, n. Promulgator. Proclamation, n. 1. Announcement, publication, promulgation, advertise ment. 3. Edict, decree, ordinance, ban. Proclivity, n. Inclination, tendency, Eroneness, propensity, bias, disposition, ianing, bent, aptitude, predisposition^ direction, determination, bearing, drift, turn. Procrastinate, v. a. Defer, delay, post pone, adjourn, put off, stave off, lay over, let lie over. Procrastinate, v. n. Delay, wait, lag, loiter, be dilatory. Procrastination, n. Dilatoriness, put ting off, delay, tardiness, slowness. Procreant, a. Productive. Procreate, v. a. Generate, engender, beget, breed, produce, propagate, bring into being. Procreation, n. Generation, begetting, production. Procreator, n. Generator, father, sire, begetter. Procurement, n. Management, con trivance, agency, intervention, procura tion. Procurer, n. Pimp, pander, bawd. Procumbent, a. Prone, lying down, prostrate. Procuration, n. 1. Agency, PROCURE MENT. 3, Authority as an agent, authority to act for another. Procurator, n. (Law.) Agent, proxy, attorney, deputy, representative. Procure, v. a. 1. Get, acquire, obtain, earn, win, achieve, gain, provide, fur nish. 3. Contrive, compass, cause, effect, bring about. Prodigal, a. Wasteful, lavish, extrava gant, profuse, too liberal. Prodigal, n. Spendthrift, waster, squan derer. Prpdigality, n. Wastefulness, extrava gance, excess, profusion, lavishness, un- thriftiness, squandering. Prodigious, a. 1, Marvellous, wonder ful, portentous, amazing, astonishing, surprising, astounding, strange, start ling, extraordinary, uncommon, won drous, miraculous, very strange, un heard of. 3. Enormous, monstrous, Luge. PRODIGY 312 PROJECT Prodigy, n. 1. Marvel, portent, won der, miracle. 3. Monster, monstrosity, mooncalf, unnatural product. Produce, v. a. 1. Exhibit, show, bring forward, bring out, bring into view, hold up to view, bring to light. 3. Beget, procreate, engender, gener ate, propagate, breed, bring into being. 3. Cause, occasion, originate, make, create, effect, give rise to. 4. Yield, bear, furnish, supply give, afford, impart, render, bestow. 5. Extend, protract, prolong, draw out, lengthen. Produce, n. 1. PRODUCT. 3. Agricultural products. Product, n. 1. Produce, yield, proceeds, returns. 2. Result, effect, work, fruit, produc tion, performance. Production, n. 1. Produce, product, fruit, work, performance. 3. Prolongation, extension, lengthen ing. Productive, a. Fertile, generative, pro lific, fruitful. Proem, n. Preface, introduction, pre lude, exordium, prolegomena, prelimi nary remarks. Proemial, a. Introductory, prefatory, preliminary, precursory. Profanation, n. Desecration, pollution, misuse, abuse. Profane, a. 1. Irreverent, irreligious, blasphemous, wicked, sacrilegious, im pious. 3. Unhallowed, impure, polluted. 3. Secular, not sacred. Profane, v. a. Desecrate, pollute, defile, abuse, Profaneness, n. PROFANITY. Profanity, n. 1. Irreverence, profane- ness, blasphemy. 3. Profane language. Profess, v. a. 1. Avow, acknowledge, own, confess, declare, affirm, avouch, aver, allege. 3. Pretend, lay claim to. Profession, n. 1. Declaration, avowal, claim. 3, Employment (that requires a learned education), calling, occupation, business, AVOCATION. Proffer, v. a. Tender, offer, volunteer. Proffer, n. Tender, offer, proposal. Proficiency, n. 1. Advancement, im provement, progress. 3. Skill, accomplishment, acquire ment, mastery. Proficient, a. Skilled, skilful, conver sant, competent, well-versed, qualified, practised, trained, accomplished, able, thoroughbred, finished, good, at home, . AU FAIT. Proficient, n. Adept, expert, dab, mas ter-hand, DABSTER, capital hand, good hand. Profile, n. 1. Side-face. 3. Outline, contour. Profit,?*. 1. Gain, produce, emolument, .return, avails. 3. Advantage, benefit, service, weal, interest, welfare, behoof, behalf, ac count, utility. Profitless, a. Useless, worthless, fruit less, bootless, unprofitable, valueless, of no use. Profligate, a. Depraved, corrupt, disso lute, corrupted, very wicked, graceless, very vicious, shameless, abandoned. Profligate, n. Debauchee, rake, liber tine, man of pleasure. Profound, a. 1. Deep. 3. Penetrating, sagacious, skilled, not superficial. 3. Lively, vivid, strong, deep-felt. 4. Lowly, humble, submissive. Profundity, n. Depth, deepness. Profuse, a. 1. Lavish, prodigal, im provident, extravagant, wasteful, too liberal, too bountiful. 3. Exuberant, over-abounding, in profusion. Profuseness, n. PROFUSION. Profusion, n. 1. Lavishness, excess, prodigality, extravagance, waste. 3. Abundance, exuberance. Prog, n. [Low.] Victuals, FOOD. Progenitor, n. Ancestor, forefather. Progeny, n. Offspring, children, issue, descendants, race, breed, stock, lineage. Prognosis, n. (Med.) Prophasis. Prognostic, a. Foreshowing, foretoken ing. Prognostic, n. Sign, token, presage, omen, indication, augury, foreboding, prognostication. Prognosticate, v. a. Foretell, predict, foretoken, betoken, prophesy, foreshow, foreshadow, indicate, portend, augur. Prognostication, n. 1. PROGNOSTIC. 3. Augury, prediction, vaticination, prophecy, indication. Programme, n. Order of exercises. Progress, n. 1. Advancement, advance, progression, proficiency. 3. Growth, increase, improvement. Progress, v. n. Advance, proceed, go on, get on, go ahead, get ahead, get forward, get along, make head, make headway, work one s way, make one s way, make progress. Progression, n. Advancement, ad vance, progress. Progressive, a. 1. Advancing, pro ceeding. 2. Improving. Prohibit, v. a. 1. Hinder, prevent, debar, preclude, restrain. 3. Forbid, inhibit, disallow, inter dict. Prohibition, n. Interdiction, interdict, inhibition, disallowance, embargo. Prohibitive, a. PROHIBITORY. Prohibitory, a. Restrictive, prohibit ing, prohibitive. Project, v. a. 1, Throw, cast, throw out. 3. Scheme, devise, contrive, frame, plan, plot, concoct, brew. 3. Delineate (as a sphere upon a plane). Project, v. n. Protrude, jut, bulge, jut out, stand out, be prominent. PROJECT 313 PRWHASIS Project, n. Plan, scheme, contrivance, devise, design, proposal. Projectile, n. Missile. Projection, n. 1. Propulsion, throwing. 3. Planning, designing, contriving. 3. Prominence, protuberance, bulge, process. 4. Plan, delineation, map. Projector, n. Schemer, designer, plan ner. Prolegomena, n. pi. Introduction, preface, prelude, prologue, preamble, proem, preliminary remarks. Proletaire, n. [Fr.] Laboring class, proletariat. Proletarian, a. [Rare.] Mean, vulgar, vile, plebeian. t Proletariat, n. PROLETAIRE, laboring class. Proletary, n. Churl, peasant, rustic, clodhopper, countryman, ploughman, lout, clown, boor, hind, laboring man. Prolific, a. Fruitful, fertile, productive, generative, teeming. Prolix, a. 1. Diffuse, wordy, verbose, loose, long, long-spun, spun-out, long- winded, discursive, rambling, not con cise. 2. Tiresome, tedious, uninteresting, wearisome. Prolixity, n. Diffuseness, prolixness, verbosity, tedious length. Prolixness, n. Prolixity. Prolocutor, n. Speaker, spokesman. Prologue, n. Introduction (to a play), preface. Prolong, v. a. Lengthen, protract, ex tend, continue, draw out. Prolongation, n. Extension, protrac tion, lengthening. Promenade, n. Walk, stroll. Promenade, v. n. Take a walk. Prominence, n. 1. Protuberance, pro jection, bulge, process. 2. Conspicuousness, eminence, dis tinction, celebrity. Prominent, a. 1. Protuberant, project ing. 2. Conspicuous, eminent, celebrated, distinguished, famous. Promiscuous, a. Mixed, mingled, mis cellaneous, indiscriminate, confused. Promise, n. 1. Word, engagement, as surance, pledge. 2. Promising character. Promise, ?;. a. 1. Pledge, engage, cov enant, assure. 2. Give expectation of, excite a hope of. Promise, v. n. Engage, agree, stipulate, bargain, be sworn, pledge one s self, plight one s word, pass one s word, give assurance, make an agreement, tie one s self. Promising, a. Encouraging, giving ground of hope. Promissory note, Note of hand. Promontory, n. Headland, foreland, cape. Promote, v. a. Forward, advance, fur ther, encourage, help, assist. 8. Elevate, exalt, raise, prefer. Promotion, n. 1. Furtherance, encour agement, advancement. 2. Elevation, preferment. Prompt, a. 1. Ready, quick, apt. 3. .Early, timely, punctual. Prompt, v. a. 1-. Incite, induce, stimu late, impel, engage, incline, dispose, urge, set on, draw on. 2. Put in mind, give the cue to. 3. Dictate, suggest, hint. Promptitude, re. PROMPTNESS. Promptness, n. Readiness, quickness, alacrity, alertness, promptitude. Promulgate, v. a. Publish, announce, proclaim, declare, advertise, trumpet, make known, blaze abroad, spread abroad, noise abroad, give notice of, make promulgation of. Promulgation, n. Announcement, ad vertisement, publication, declaration. Prone, a. 1. Prostrate (with the face dowmvards), recumbent, lying, flat. 2. Sloping, inclining. 3. Disposed, inclined, tending. Proneness, n. Disposition, tendency, proclivity, inclination, bias, bent, pro pensity, aptness, turn, leaning, predis position. Pronounce, v. a. 1. Utter (with proper accent and tone), speak, enunciate, AR TICULATE. 2. Declare, affirm. 3. Deliver (as an oration). Pronunciamento, n. Proclamation, announcement, declaration, manifesto. Proof, n. 1. Test, trial, essay, experi ment, ordeal. 2. Demonstration, certification, at testation, satisfactory evidence. 3. Proof-sheet. Proof-sheet, n. Proof. Prop, v. a. Support, sustain, uphold, hold up, shore up. Prop, n. Support, stay, brace, FUL CRUM. Propagate, v. a. 1. Multiply, increase, continue. 2. Spread, diffuse, disseminate, cir culate, extend, spread abroad. 3. Generate, beget, engender, pro create, breed, produce, bring into being. Propagation, 1. Multiplication, in crease, continuance. 2. Dissemination, diffusion, exten sion, enlargement. 3. Generation, procreation, breeding. Propel, v. a. Impel, drive forward, push forward, urge on. Propensity, n. Inclination, PRONENESS. Proper, a. 1. Particular, peculiar, in dividual, special, specific, not com mon. 3. Fit, fitting, befitting, suitable, ap propriate, meet, seemly, convenient, adapted, becoming, right, legitimate. Property, n. 1. Quality, attribute, peculiarity, characteristic, nature. 2. Wealth, estate, goods, possessions, one s own. 3. Ownership, exclusive right. Prophasis, n. (Med.) Prognosis. PROPHECY 314 PROSTITUTE Prophecy, n. Prediction, prognostica tion, vaticination, foretelling, divina tion. Prophesy, v. a. Predict, foretell, prog nosticate, VATICINATE, divine. Prophet, n. Predicter, foreteller, seer, soothsayer, vaticinator. Prophetic, a. Predictive, foretelling, predicting. Prophylactic, a. (Med.) Preventive, preservative. Prophylactic, n. (Med.) Preventive, preservative. Propinquity, n. 1. Nearness, proxim ity, vicinity, neighborhood. 3. Kindred, affinity. Propitiate, v. a. Conciliate, appease, pacify, -reconcile, gain the favor of, make propitious, make favorable. Propitiation, n. 1. Conciliation, re conciliation, pacification. 2. Atonement, expiation, satisfac tion, reparation, atoning sacrifice. Propitious, a. 1. Gracious, benevolent, benign, kind. 3. Auspicious, lucky, happy, fortu nate, favorable, opportune, prosperous, promising, in a fair way. Proportion, n. 1. Symmetry, symmet rical relation. 3. Share, lot, part, portion. Proportion, v. a. Adjust (in proper re lations), regulate, graduate, put in pro portion. Proportionable, a. PROPORTIONAL. Proportionally, ad. PROPORTION ALLY. Proportional, a. Proportionate, pro portionable, symmetrical, correspond ent. Proportionally, ad. Proportionably, proportionately, in proportion, PRO RATA. Proportionate, a. PROPORTIONAL. Proportionately, ad. PROPORTION ALLY. Proposal, n. Offer (of something to be done), proffer, tender, overture, PROPO SITION. Propose, v. a. Offer (for consideration), proffer, tender, propound, enounce, present, suggest, recommend, move, hold out. Propose, v. n. [Recent.] Intend, design, mean, purpose, have the intention, pro pose to one s self. Proposition, n. 1. Offer (of something to oe considered), proffer, tender, over ture, suggestion, PROPOSAL. 3. Position, thesis, statement, decla ration, dictum, doctrine. 3. (Logic.) Period, complete sen tence. Propound, v. a. PROPOSE. Proprietary, n. PROPRIETOR. Proprietor, n. Possessor, owner, pro prietary. Propriety, n. 1. Fitness (to a proper standard or rule), appropriateness, suit ableness, seeinliness, justness, correct ness, accuracy, consonance, adaptation, reasonableness. 3. Decorum, decency, good behavior, proper formality. Propulsive, a. Propelling. Prp-rata, [L.] Proportionally, propor- tionably, proportionately, in propor tion. Prorogation, n. Adjournment. Prorogue, v. a. Adjourn (as Parlia ment). Prosaic, a. 1. Prosy, unpoetical. 3. Dull, flat, bald, stupid,*uninterest- ing, unentertaining, tiresome, tedious, piosing, vapid, tame, humdrum. Proscribe, v. a. 1. Banish, exile, out law, doom to destruction. 3. Exclude, interdict, prohibit, reject, forbid, shut out. 3. Denounce, censure, condemn. Proscription, n. 1. Banishment, exile, outlawry. 3. Exclusion, interdiction, prohibi tion. 3. Denunciation, censure, condemna tion. Prosecute, v. a. 1. Pursue, continue, follow out, carry out, carry on, perse vere in. 3. Arraign, take the law of, bring before a court. Prosecution, n. 1. Pursuit. 3. Arraignment, bringing to trial. Prosecutor, n. Plaintiff, accuser. Proselyte, n. Convert, catechumen. Proselyte, v. a. Convert, bring over. PrQser, n. Bore, buttonholder, tedious narrator. Prosing, a. Dull, flat, stupid, PRO SAIC. Prosopopoeia, n. (JRhet.) Personifica tion. Prospect, n. 1. View, survey, display, sight, scene, show, spectacle, vista, per spective. 3. Landscape, scenery, picture, bird s-eye view. 3. Expectation, anticipation, contem plation, calculation, expectance, fore seeing, promise, presumption, hope, trust, ABEYANCE. Prospective, a. Future, coming. Prospective, n. 1. Distant view. 3. View, prospect, contemplation. Prospectively, ad. In the future, here after. Prospectus, n. Plan (of a literary work), outline, scheme. Prosper, v. a. Favor, befriend, aid, for ward, help, make successful. Prosper, v. n. SUCCEED, flourish, thrive, go on well, be successful. Prosperity, n. Success, thrift, welfare, happiness, well-being, luck, good for tune, good luck, run of luck, palmy days, halcyon days, smiles of fortune. Prosperous, a. 1. Successful, thriving, flourishing, fortunate, lucky, happy, well off, well to do. 3. Favorable, propitious, auspicious, good, golden, bright. Prostitute, v. a. Misuse, abuse, mis apply, pervert, make a bad use of. Prostitute, n. Courtesan, STRUMPET. PROSTITUTION 315 PROWESS Prostitution, n. 1. Misuse, abuse, per version, profanation. 2. Unlawful sexual intercourse (on the part of a woman,. for It ire), harlotry. Prostrate, a. 1. Prostrated, prone, stretched out. 2. Exhausted, fainting, sinking, over come. Prostrate, v. a. 1. Overthrow, over turn, level, fell, demolish, destroy, ruin, throw down, lay flat, bring to the ground. 2. Exhaust, reduce, overcome, de press, bring low. Prostration, n. 1. Overthrow, destruc tion, demolition. 2. Exhaustion, depression. Prosy, a. 1. Prosaic, unpoetical. 2. Dull, flat, stupid, uninteresting, unentertaining, tiresome, tedious. Protect, v. a. Defend (by a covering), guard, shield, screen, shelter, house, preserve, secure, save. Protection, n. 1. Shelter, defence, se curity, safety, refuge, guard, preserva tion. 2. Shield, aegis, buckler, palladium. Protective, a. Defensive. Protector, n. Guardian, champion, de fender. Pro tempore, [L.] For the time, for the time being, for the present occasion. Protest, v. n. Declare (solemnly), aver, affirm, assert, asseverate, avow, profess, attest, testify. Protest, v. a. Declare (solemnly), assert, affirm. Protest, n. Declaration (made in a for mal manner against something). Protestation, n. Declaration, assevera tion, affirmation, averment, avowal. Protoplast, n. PROTOTYPE. Prototype, n. Original pattern, model, type, exemplar, example, archetype, protoplast. Protract, v. a. Prolong, continue, draw out, lengthen, spin out. Protrude, v. a. 1. Shoot out, thrust forward, push forth. 2, Beetle, jut out, hang over. Protrude, v. n. Project, jut, bulge, jut out, stand out, be prominent. Protuberance, n. Prominence, projec tion, swelling, bulge, process, excres cence. Protuberant, a. Projecting, prominent, salient, bulging. Proud, a. 1. Conceited, over-weening, egotistical, assuming. 2. Arrogant, haughty, supercilious, presumptuous, lordly, lofty, vain-glori-- ous, high-spirited, high-strung. 3. Grand, stately, noble. Prove, v. a. 1. Demonstrate, show, manifest, confirm, establish, evidence, evince, substantiate, verify, make good. 2. Try, test, examine, make trial of, put to the test, experiment upon, sub mit to the test or proof. Prove, v. n. Turn out, be found to be. Provender, n. Food (as hay, corn, cfcc., for brutes), fodder, forage. Proverb, n. Adage, maxim, saying, dictum, saw, aphorism, apothegm, by word. Provide, v. a. 1. Prepare, procure, get ready, make ready. 2. Supply, furnish, stock. Provide, v. n. 1. Cater, furnish sup plies. 2. Take measures, make provision. 3. Stipulate, bargain, contract, en gage, agree, covenant. Provided, conj. If, on condition, with the understanding. Providence, n. 1. Forethought, fore cast, timely care. 2. Divine government, divine super intendence. Provident, a. Careful (for the future), prudent, discreet, cautious, forecasting, frugal, economical. Province, n. 1. Territory, region, tract, domain, district. 2. Dependency, colony. 3. Business, employment, function, duty, charge, calling, office, part, post, capacity. Provincial, a. 1. Of a province, of provinces. 2. Rude, unpolished, unrefined, rus tic, countrified. Provision, n. 1. Providing, provident care. 2. Preparation, provident measures or steps. 3. Stock, store, hoard, fund. 4. Proviso, stipulation, clause. Provisions, n. pi. FOOD, victuals, prov ender, fare, eatables, viands, subsist ence, BREAD. Provisional, a. Temporary, provisory. Provisionally, ad. Temporarily, for the present occasion. Proviso, n. Condition, provision, clause, conditional stipulation. Provisory, a. PROVISIONAL. Provocation, n. 1. Incitement, stim ulus, stimulant, incentive, provoca tive. 2. Affront, offence, indignity, insult. Provocative, a. Stimulating, exciting, that excites or provokes. Provocative, n. Stimulant, stimulus, incentive, provocation. Provoke, v. a. 1. Excite, stimulate, arouse, awaken, incite, move, kindle, inflame, animate, instigate, impel, stir up, work up. 2. Exasperate, incense, enrage, chafe, anger, irritate, exacerbate, nettle, offend, affront, infuriate, give offence or umbrage to, put out, put out of humor, work into a passion, lash into fury, raise one s ire, raise one s dan der, make one s blood boil, drive one mad. Provoking, a. Irritating, vexing, vex atious, annoying, tormenting, aggra vating, offensive. Prow, n. Bow, stern, beak. Prowess, n. Bravery, valor, intrepidity, courage, gallantry, heroism, fearless ness, daring. PROXIMATE 316 PULSATION Proximate, a. Next, nearest, immedi ate, close, not remote. Proximity, n. Nearness, contiguity, adjacency, vicinity, vicinage, neighbor hood. Proximo, n. [L.] Next month. Proxy, n. Substitute, agent, deputy, representative, LOCUM TENENS. Prudence, n. Discretion (accompanied with forecast), caution, carefulness, cir cumspection, considerateness, common sense, judiciousness, judgment, wisdom (applied to the ordinary affairs of life), sense, tact, GUMPTION, ballast. Prudent, a. 1. Discreet, cautious, care ful, circumspect, wary, considerate, judicious, provident, prudential. 3. Frugal, economical. Prudential, a. Politic, PRUDENT. Prudery, Coyness, demureness, stiff ness, affected reserve. Prudish, a. Coy, demure, reserved, over- modest, affectedly modest. Prune, v. a. Lop, trim, clip, dock, cut short. Prune, n. Dried plum. Prurience, \n. Itching, longing, lust, Pruriency, j hankering, cupidity. Prurient, a. Itching, longing, hanker ing, craving, lustful. Prussian blue, Ferrocyanide of iron, ferrocyanuret of iron. . Prussic acid, Hydrocyanic acid. Pry, v. n. Peer, pry, search, look closely or narrowly. Prying, a. Curious, inquisitive, peering, scrutinizing. Psalm, n. Sacred song. Psalmody, . Psalm-singing. Psalm-singing, n. Psalmody. Psalm-tune, n. Choral. Psalter, n. Book of Psalms. Pseudonyme, n. False name. Pshaw, interj. Poh, pugh, fiddle-stick, nonsense, fudge. Psora, n. [L.] (Med.) Scabies, the itch. Psychological, a. Metaphysical. Psychology, n. Metaphysics, pneuma- tblogy, science of mind. Public, a. 1. Of the whole, not private. 3. Open, notorious, generally known. 3. Common, general. Public, n. [Preceded by The.] Persons, men, society, the people, the community, the world. Publican, n. Tax-gatherer. Publication, n. 1. Promulgation, pro clamation, divulgation. 2. Literary production (boolc, pam phlet, magazine, <&c.). Public-house, n. Inn, tavern, house of entertainment. Publicity, n. Notoriety, currency. Publish, v. a. 1. Promulgate, proclaim, blaze, blazon, announce, declare, dis close, divulge, reveal, advertise, im part, communicate, broach, make known, spread abroad, blaze abroad. 3. Issue (as a book), emit, send forth, bring out. Puceron, n. Plant-louse, vine-fretter, aphis. Pucker, v. a. Corrugate, cockle, wrinkle, gather into wrinkles or folds. Pucker, n. 1. Fold, wrinkle. 2. [ Vulgar.] Confusion, bother, per plexity, agitation, flurry, bustle, nut ter, excitement, discomposure, fever, fret, tremor, perturbation, FUSS. Pudder, n. Bustle, tumult, turmoil, confusion, pother. Pudding-stone, n. Conglomerate. Puddle, n. Pool (of dirty water). Puerile, a. 1. Boyish, childish, juvenile, youthful. 3. Foolish, trifling, trivial, idle, silly, senseless, nonsensical. Puerility, n. 1. Boyishness, childish ness, youthfulness, juvenility. 3. Folly, foolishness, nonsense. Pufl , n. Whiff, sudden gust. Puff , v. n. 1. Blow in puffs. 3. Pant, breathe hard. Puff, v. a. 1. Blow. 3. Praise (extravagantly). Puff up, Inflate, swell, blow up. Puffed up, Conceited, proud, haughty, overweening, vainglorioiis. Puffer, n. (Teh.) Globe-fish. Puffin, n. Coulter-neb, Labrador auk (Alca arctica). Puffy, a. 1. Swelled, swollen, tumid. 2. Bombastic, inflated, extravagant, turgid, tumid, pompous. Pugh, inter j. Pshaw, poh. Pugilism, n. Boxing, fisticuffs. Pugilist, n. Boxer, bully, prize-fighter. Pugnacious, a. Quarrelsome, fighting, contentious. Pugnacity, n. Quarrelsomeness. Pugnis et calcibus, [L.] With fists and heels, with all one s might, TOOTH AND NAIL, HAMMER AND TONGS. Puissance, n. Power, force, strength, might, potency. Puissant, a. Powerful, strong, mighty, forcible, potent. Puke, v. n. Vomit, spew. Puke, v. a. Vomit, spew, cast up, throw X. , v. n. Whine, whimper, cry. Pull, v. a. 1. Draw, haul, tug, drag. 3. Pluck, gather. 3. Tear, rend, draw apart. Pull, v. n. Tug, give a pull. Pull in one s horns, [Colloquial.] Re press one s ardor, restrain one s pride, cease boasting, draw in one s horns. Pullulate, v. n. Germinate, bud, shoot, sprout, vegetate, push, grow, put forth, burst forth, shoot forth. Pullulation, n. Germination, budding, sprouting. Pull up, 1. [Active.] Draw up, haul up. 3. [Active.] Extirpate, eradicate, destroy, pluck up. 3. [Neuter.] Stop, halt. Pulmonary, a. Pulmonic. Pulmonic, a. Pulmonary. Pulp, n. Soft part, soft mass. Pulpit, n. Desk, sacred desk. Pulsate, v. n. Beat, throb. Pulsation, n. Beating, beat, throbbing, throb. PULSATORY 317 PURLIEUS Pulsatory, a. Throbbing. Pulse, n. 1. Beating or throbbing of an artery. 3. Legumes, fruit of leguminous plants. Pulverable, a. Crumbling, brittle, fri able, crisp, pulverizable, easily crum bled. Pulverizable, a. PULVERABLE, that may be pulverized. Pulverize, v. a. Triturate, comminute, bruise, grind, bray, levigate, reduce to powder. Pulverulent, a. Dusty, powdery. Pun, n. Quibble, clinch, calembour, play upon words. Pun, v. n. Quibble, play upon words, make a pun. Punch, v. a. I. Perforate, bore, pierce. 3. Push, poke. Punch, n. 1. Borer. 2. Push, poke. 3. Horse (sJiort and thick). 4. Buffoon (of a puppet-show), clown, harlequin, punchinello, merry- Andrew, zany, scaramouch, fool, antic, pickle- herring, jack-pudding. Pummel, n. [Written also and prefer ably Pommel.] Knob, protuberant part. Pummel, v. a. [Written also and pref erably Pommel.] Beat, bruise, thrash, flog, drub, bang, maul, thwack, WAL LOP, LICK. Punchinello, n. Buffoon, PUNCH. Punctilio, n. Nicety (of behavior), nice point. Punctilious, a. Nice, exact, particular, precise, scrupulous, over-scrupulous, punctual. Punctual, a. 1. Nice, exact, PUNCTILI OUS. 3. Prompt, seasonable, timely. Punctuality, n. 1. Nicety, scrupulosity, scrupulous exactness. 3. Promptness. Punctuate, v. a. Point. Puncture, n. Small hole. Puncture, v. a. Prick, perforate. Pungency, n. 1. Acridness, acrimony, causticity, poignancy, piquancy, sharp ness. 3. Keenness, pointedness, smartness. Pungent, a. 1. Stinging, stimulating, pricking, sharp, biting, burning, hot, peppery, piercing, penetrating, piquant, acrid, caustic. 3. Acute, keen, acrimonious, severe, distressing, poignant. Punic, a, 1. Of the Carthaginians. 3. Faithless, perfidious, treacherous, unworthy of trust. Punic faith, Treachery, perfidiousness. Punish, v. a. Chastise, castigate, lash, chasten, discipline, correct, scourge, whip. Punishment, n. Chastisement, correc tion, discipline, penalty. Punitive, a. Penal. Punk, n. 1. Prostitute, STRUMPET. 3. Touchwood, spunk, agaric, ama dou, German tinder. Punner, n. PUNSTER. Punster, n. Punner, quibbler. Puny, a. 1. Weak, feeble, inferior. 3. Little, small, petty, diminutive, tiny, dwarf, dwarfish, pygmy, pygmean, stunted, Liliputian. Pup, n. Puppy,- whelp, young dog. Pupa, n. Chrysalis, aurelia. Pupil, n. 1. (Anat.) Apple of the eye. 3. Learner, scholar, disciple, student, tyro, neophyte, CATECHUMEN, ELEVE. 3. (Law.) Ward. Pupilage, n. Nonage, minority, boy hood, girlhood. Puppy, n. Pup, whelp, young dog. Purblind, a. Dim-sighted, near-sighted, short-sighted, myopic. Purchase, v. a. 1. Buy, bargain for. 3. [Rare.} Obtain, acquire, procure, get, gain. Purchase, n. Bargain. Purchaser, n. Buyer. Pure, a. 1. Clean, clear, unsullied, un stained, undefiled, spotless, unspotted, fair, immaculate, untainted, untar nished, unpolluted, uncorrupted. 3. Innocent, guiltless, guileless, true, virtuous, upright, honest, incorrupt, holy. 3. Genuine, unadulterated, unmixed, real, perfect. 4. Modest, chaste. 5. Mere, absolute, sheer. 6. Classic, classical, Attic. Pureness, n. PURITY. Purgative, a. Cathartic, abstergent, cleansing, purifying, evacuant. Purgative, n. Purge, physic, cathartic, purgative medicine. Purgatory, n. Limbo, hell, infernal regions, shades below. Purge, v. a. Cleanse, clear, purify, clarify, free from impurity. Purge, n. PURGATIVE. Purging, n. (Med.) Diarrhoea, relax, flux. Purification, n. 1. Cleansing, purify ing. 3. Defecation, clearing, clarification, depuration. Purify, v. a. I. Clear, clean, cleanse, clarify, purge, free from impurity, make pure. 3. Defecate (as liquors). Purism, n. Nicety (in the use of words), fastidiousness, squeamishness, dainti ness, euphuism, affected elegance, fini cal style. Strict, rigid, ascetic. Purity, n. 1. Cleanness, clearness, im- maculateness. 3. Innocence, virtue, guiltlessness, guilelessness, holiness, honesty, integ rity. 3. Genuineness, excellence. 4. Modesty, chastity. Purl, v. n. Murmur, ripple, gurgle. Purlieus, n. pi. [ Used generally ^n a bad sense.} Environs, suburbs, neighbor hood, vicinage, border, limit, outskirts, confines PURLOIN 318 PUT TO Purloin, v. a. Steal, rob, pilfer, filch, BOB, CABBAGE. Purport, n. Design, meaning, signifi cation, import, significance, drift, tenor, scope, sense, tendency, gist, intent, spirit. Purport, v. a. Intend, mean, signify, import. Purpose, n. Aim, intent, intention, design, object, end, drift, view, final cause. Purpose, v. a. Intend, design, mean, meditate, think of, have in mind, resolve upon, propose to one s self. Purpose, v. n. Intend, design, mean, have in mind. Purposely, ad. Intentionally, design edly, by design, on purpose. Pursuance, n. Pursuit, prosecution, following out. Pursuant to, Agreeable to, conformable to, according to, in pursuance of. Pursue, v. a. 1. Follow, chase, hunt, track, hound, go after, give chase to. 3. Continue, prosecute, conduct, keep up, carry on, persist in, engage in, fol low up. . 3. Seek, strive for, try to obtain. Pursuit, n. 1. Chase, race. 3. Pursuance, prosecution, following out. Pursuit of, 1. Chase after. 3. Prosecution of, search for, en deavor after. Pursy, a. 1. Fat, corpulent, fleshy, plump. 3. Short-breathed, short-winded. Purulence, ) n. 1. Suppuration, secre- Purulency, j tion of pus. 3, Pus, matter, purulent matter. Purvey, v. n. Provide, cater, procure provisions, provide food. Purveyor, n. Provider, caterer. Purview, n. Limit, sphere, scope, extent. Pus, n. Purulence, matter, purulent matter. Push, v. a. 1. Thrust, impel (by pres sure), hustle, jostle, elbow, crowd. 3. Urge, press forward. 3. Force, press, drive. 4. Importune, tease. Push, v. n. 1. Thrust, make a thrust. 3. Endeavor, strive, try, exert one s self. 3. Pullulate, bud, sprout, germinate, vegetate, grow, burst out, put forth, shoot forth. Push, n. 1. Thrust. 3. Trial, test, exigence, extremity, emergency, pinch. Pusillanimity, n. Cowardice, coward liness, timidity, poltroonery, recreancy, effeminacy, faint-heartedness. Pusillanimous, a. Cowardly, timorous, recreant, effeminate, spiritless, weak, mean-spirited, faint-hearted, DOUGH- FACED. Pustule, n. Ulcer, fester, imposthume, gathering, pimple, blotch, blain, sore. Put, v. a. 1. Place, set, lay, deposit, commit. 3. Impose, enjoin, levy, inflict. 3. Propose, offer, state, present, bring forward. 4. Oblige, compel, force, constrain. 5. Incite, urge, entice, induce. Put a flea in one s ear, Annoy by a cutting remark, sting by a sharp reply. Put about, (Naut.) Tack. Putative, a. Reputed, supposed, com monly esteemed. Put away, 1. Lay away, set aside. 3. Renounce, discard, reject, put ofl. 3. Divorce. Put by, 1. Lay by, lay aside. 3. Thrust aside, turn off". Put down, 1. Deposit, lay down. 3. Repress, crush, baflie, overthrow, destroy. 3. Degrade, humiliate, abash, shame, disconcert, humble. Put forth, [Active.] 1. Exert, bring into play, bring into action. 3. Extend, thrust out. 3. Emit, send out, throw out. 4. Publish, issue. Put forth, [Neuter.} 1. Leave port, put 3. Bud, shoot, germinate, pullulate, push, vegetate, grow. Put in, [Active.} Introduce, insert, in terpose, bring in. Put in, [Neuter.] Make a harbor, enter a port. Put in for, Make a claim, offer one s self for, be a candidate for. Put in one s oar, [Colloquial.] Inter fere, meddle, intermeddle, THRUST ONE S NOSE IN. Put off, [Active.] 1. Discard, renounce, reject, cast aside, lay aside. 3. Defeat, frustrate, disappoint, turn aside, baffle. 3. Defer, delay, procrastinate, post pone. 4. Get rid of, dispose of. Put off, [Neuter.] Leave shore, put to sea, put forth. Put on, 1. Invest with. 3. Assume, take on. 3. Impose, inflict. 4. Impute to, charge upon. 5. (Law.) Rest upon, submit to. Put one s shoulder to the wheel, Render assistance, lend a hand. Put out, 1. Eject, expel, banish. 3. Extend, protrude, hold out, stretch forth. 3. Emit, send out, throw out, shoot out. 4. Extinguish. 5. Publish, issue. 6. Dislocate, luxate. 7. Confuse, disconcert, interrupt. S. Offend, displease, anger, provoke. Put out of countenance, Shame, mor tify, abash, PUT TO SHAME. Put over, Place in command of, give authority over. 3. Defer, postpone, put off. Putter, v. n. [ U. S.} Trifle, potter, busy one s self about trifles. Put to, 1. Unite, add to. 3. Expose, refer to, give over to. PUT TO DEATH 319 QUANDARY Put to death, Kill. Put to flight, Cause to flee, scatter in flight. Put to it, Distressed, perplexed, puzzled, embarrassed, staggered, posed, non plussed, at one s wits end, put to one s shifts. Put to rights, Adjust, regulate, set in order, set to rights. Put to sea, Set sail, put forth, put off. Put to shame, Shame, abash, mortify, make ashamed, put to the blush, put out of countenance, put down. Put to the blush, PUT TO SHAME. Put up, 1. Store, pack away. 3. Expose, offer publicly. 3. Put away, lay away, set aside. Put up, Lodge, stay, STOP, take lodg ings. Put up with, Endure (without com plaint), bear, tolerate, suffer, POCKET, submit to, make the best of. Putrefy, v. a. Corrupt, rot, render putrid. Putrefy, v. n. Rot, decay, decompose, become rotten, become putrid. Putrescence, n. Rottenness. Putrid, a. Rotten, decayed, corrupt, putrefied, carious. Puzzle, v. a. Perplex, embarrass, be wilder, confound, stagger, pose, non plus, confuse, mystify. Puzzle, n. 1. Riddle, enigma, mystery, poser, knotty point. a. Perplexity, embarrassment, quan dary, nonplus. Pygmean, a. Dwarfish, dwarfed, dim inutive, small, stunted, Liliputian, pygmy. Pygmy, n. Dwarf, hop o my thumb. Pygmy, a. Dwarfish, PYGMEAN. Pyre, n. Funeral pile. Pyriform, a. Pear-shaped. Pyroligneous spirit, n. Wood-spirit, wood-naphtha, PYROXYLIC SPIRIT. Pyrosis, n. (Med.) Water-brash, water- qualm. Pyrotechnic, ) of fi wnrl , a Pyrotechnical, j a " C Pyrotechnics, n. Pyrotechny. Pyrotechnist, n. Manufacturer of fire works. Pyrotechny, n. Pyrotechnics. Pyroxylic acid, n. PYROXYLIC SPIRIT. Pyroxylic spirit, n. Wood-spirit, wood- naphtha, methylic alcohol, pyroxylic acid, pyroligneous spirit. Pyroxyline, n. Gun-cotton. Pyrrhonism, n. Scepticism, unbelief, incredulity, universal doubt. Pyrrhonist, n. Sceptic, doubter. Pyx, n. Box (especially that in which the nost is kept), tabernacle. Q Quack, n. Charlatan, empiric, mounte bank, impostor, pretender, HUMBUG. Quackery, n. Charlatanism, charla tanry, empiricism, humbug, mummery, imposition, pretension. Quadrangular, a. Four-cornered. Quadrate, n. Square. Quadrate with, Fit, suit, agree with, correspond with, tally with, coincide with, comport with, square with, fall in with, chime in with. Quadrilateral, a. Four-sided. Quadruped, n. Four-footed animal. Quadruple, a. Fourfold. Quaere, v. n. [L. imperative.] Inquire, seek, question, see. Quaff, v. a. Drink (copiously). Quaggy, a. Boggy, marshy, swampy. Quagmire, n. Bog, fen, slough, morass, marsh, swamp. Quail, v. n. Cower, shrink, flinch, faint, blench, quake, tremble, be quelled, give way, lose courage, lose spirits, be cast down. Quaint, a. Odd, strange, singular, whimsical, unusual, uncommon, extra ordinary, unique, curious, droll, fan tastic, fanciful, far-fetched, out of the way. Quake, n. n. Shake, tremble, shudder, quiver. Quaker, n. Friend. Qualification, n. Fitness, suitableness, capability, endowment, accomplish ment. 3. Modification, limitation, restric tion. 3. Abatement, diminution, mitiga tion, allowance, grains of allowance. Qualify, v. a. 1. Fit, adapt, capacitate, propose, empower, enable, make fit, make suitable, make capable. 3. Modify, limit, restrict, restrain. 3. Soften, abate, diminish, mitigate, ease, assuage, moderate, temper. Quality, n. 1. Property, attribute, na ture, characteristic, peculiarity. 2. Disposition, humor, temper, mood, character. 3. Rank, condition, station, standing, status. 4. [With The prefixed.] Nobility, gentry, NOBLESSE, aristocracy, persons of rank. 5. Brand, chop. Qualm, n. 1. Throe, pang, agony, sud den attack. 2. Sickness (of the stomach), nausea. 3. Twinge (of conscience), scruple. Qualmish, a. Sick (at the stomach), in clined to vomit, queasy. Quandary, n. Difficulty, perplexity, doubt, puzzle, uncertainty, embarrass ment, nonplus, strait, dilemma. QUANTITY 320 QUICKEN-TREE Quantity, n. 1. Amount, aggregate, sum. 3. Part, portion, share. 3. Length, duration. Quantum sufficit, [L.] Enough, as much as suffices. Quarrel, n. Brawl, feud, affray, fray, contention, altercation, wrangle, con test, squabble, broil, jar, breach, rup ture, difference, disagreement, dissen sion, bickering, quarrelling, strife, breeze, falling out. Quarrel, v. n. Wrangle, squabble, bick er, BRAWL, dispute, spar, jangle, TIFF, fall out, have words, have an alterca tion, be at variance, have a bone to pick, pick a, quarrel. Quarrelling, n. QUARREL. Quarrelsome, a. Irascible, choleric, irritable, petulant, cross, contentious, disputatious, litigious. Quarry* n. 1. Stone-pit, stone-bed. 3. Prey (especially that of the hunting falcon), game, object of the chase. Quart, n. Two pints, fourth part of a gallon. Quarter, n. 1. Fourth part. .3. District, region, territory, locality, place. 3. Mercy (granted by a conqueror). Quarter, v. a. 1. Divide in four equal parts. 3. Divide, separate into parts or compartments. 3. Lodge. BILLET, furnish with quar ters (as soldiers). Quarter, v. n. Lodge, abide, have lodg ings. Quarters, n. pi. 1. Stations, posts, cantonments. 3. Lodging, dwelling, abode, habita tion, headquarters. Quartz, n. Silex, silica, ROCK-CRYSTAL. Quash, v. a. 1. Crush, subdue, quell, repress, suppress, extinguish, put down. 2. (Law.) Annul, nullify, overthrow, cancel, make void. Quasi, [L.] Apparently, as if, as though, as it were, in a certain sense, to a certain extent, in a manner. Quaver, v. n. Tremble, shake, quiver. Quaver, n. (Mus.) 1. Shake. 3. Eighth-note, eighth of a semibreve, quarter of a minim, half of a crotchet. Quay, n. Wharf. Quean, n. Jade, hussy, base woman, sorry wench. Queasy, a. 1. Qualmish, sick (at the stomach), inclined to vomit. 3. Fastidious, squeamish, difficult, over-nice, over-delicate, hard to please. Queer, a. Odd, strange, singular, droll, whimsical, quaint, curious, fantastic, unusual, uncommon, extraordinary, unique. Quell, v. a. 1. Subdue, suppress, crush reduce, overcome. 3. Repress, restrain, check, smother, curb, bridle, lay, rein in. 3. Quiet, calm, still, compose, lull, hush, tranquillize, pacify. 4. Moderate, assuage, mitigate, allay, appease, alleviate, mollify, soften, dull, soothe, blunt, deaden. Quench, v. a. 1. Extinguish, put out. 3. Destroy, still, stifle, repress, check, suppress, put an end to. 3. Allay, slake, cool. Querimonious, a. QUERULOUS. Querist, n. Inquirer, interrogator, in vestigator. Querulous, a. Complaining, murmur ing, querimonious, petulant, peevish, cross, dissatisfied, discontented, fault finding. Query, n. Question, inquiry, interroga tory. Query, v. n. Make inquiry, ask ques tions. Query, v. a. 1. Question, inquire into. 3. Doubt, controvert, dispute, hesi tate to believe, consider questiona ble. 8uest, n. Search. ^uestion, n. 1. Interrogation, examin- ~ation. 3. Interrogatory, query, inquiry. 3. Discussion, disquisition, investi gation, trial. 4. Dispute, controversy, doubt. 5. Proposition, motion, topic, point. Question, v, a. 1. Interrogate, ask, catechise, examine, inquire of, put questions to. 3. Doubt, query, controvert, dispute, call in question, hesitate to believe, consider questionable. Questionable, a. Doubtful, uncertain, equivocal, problematical, disputable, controvertible, debatable. Quibble, n. 1. Evasion (by verbal sub tlety), cavil, subterfuge, prevarication, equivocation, sophism, quiddity, trifling nicety. 3. Pun, clinch, CALEMBOUR, play upon words. Quibble, v. n. 1. Cavil, shuffle, preva ricate, equivocate, practise evasion, evade the truth. 3. Pun, play upon words. Quick, a. 1. Active, nimble, agile, alert, brisk, prompt, ready. 3. Rapid, swift, speedy, fleet, hasty, expeditious, hurried, flying. 3. Dexterous, adroit, skilful, expert, apt. 4. Acute, clever, sharp, shrewd, keen, intelligent, sagacious, discerning. 5. Hasty, choleric, passionate, testy, irritable, touchy, waspish, petulant, irascible, peppery, snappish. euick, ad. QUICKLY. uicken, v. a. 1. Vivify, revive, resus citate, reinvigorate, refresh, make alive, give life to. 3. Hasten, accelerate, speed, hurry, expedite, despatch. 3. Stimulate, sharpen, excite, incite. Quickens, n. QUICK-GRASS. Quicken-tree, n. Rowan-tree, moun tain ash (European), fowler s service- tree (Pyrus aucuparia or Sorbus aucu- paria). QUICK-GRASS 321 QUOTIDIAN Quick-grass, n. Knot-grass, flog- wheat, dog s-grass, couch-grass, wheat-grass, twitch-grass, quitch-grass, quickens (Triticum repens). Quick-lime, n. Caustic lime. Quickly, ad. Speedily, swiftly, rapidly, soon, quick, immediately, with haste, with celerity, without delay, post-haste. Quickness, n. 1. Celerity, expedition, velocity, speed, speediness, fleetness, rapidity, swiftness, despatch. 2. Activity, briskness, nimbleness, readiness, promptness, promptitude, alertness, agility, smartness. 3. Dexterity, adroitness, expertness, dexterousness, aptness, aptitude, facil ity, knack. 4. Sharpness, penetration, keenness, acuteness, sagacity, shrewdness. Quick-sighted, a. Sharp-sighted, lynx- eyed, quick-eyed, eagle-eyed, hawk- eyed. Quicksilver, n. Mercury, hydrargyrum. Quick-witted, a. Witty, smart, ninible- witted. Quid, n. [Low.] Cud. Quiddity, n. 1. Essence, nature. 2. Quibble, cavil, evasion, sophism, subterfuge, prevarication, equivocation, trifling nicety. Quiddle,v.w. [Colloquial, U.S.] Dawdle, waste time in trifles, be busy about trifles. euiddle, ) n. [Colloquial, U. S.] Trifler, uiddler, j dawdler. Quid pro quo, [L.] Equivalent. Quidnunc, n. Newsmonger. Quiescence, n. 1. Rest, repose, quiet, quietude, stillness, calmness, calm, tran quillity, peace. 3. Suspense, intermission, remission, dormancy, abeyance. Quiescent, a. 1. Quiet, resting, still, dormant, motionless, at rest, at a stand, stock-still, standing still. 3. Silent, not sounded. Quiet, n. Rest, repose, stillness, peace, tranquillity, calm, calmness, quietude, quiescence, quietness. Quiet, v. a. 1. Stop, suspend, arrest, interrupt, intermit, discontinue, put a stop to. 2. Tranquillize, calm, compose, lull, pacify, appease, soothe, sober. 3. Still, silence, hush. 4. Moderate, allay, assuage, mitigate, mollify, alleviate, soften, dull, blunt. Quietness, n. QUIET. Quietude, n. QUIET. Quietus, n. 1. Rest, repose, death. 2. Acquittance, final discharge. Quill-driver, n. 1. Writer, scribbler. 2. Clerk, scribe, secretary, amanu ensis. Quinia, n. Quinine. Quinine, n. 1. Quinia. 2. Sulphate of quinia, sulphate of quinine. Quinquina, n. Cinchona, Jesuit s bark, Peruvian bark, Cinchona bark. Quintessence, n. Essence, essential part. Quip, n. Taunt, jibe, jeer, sally, quirk, crank, repartee, retort, sharp saying, caustic or cutting remark. Quirk, n. 1. Evasion, shift, make-shift, loophole, quibble, pretence, pretext, excuse. 2. Taunt, jibe, jeer, sally, QUIP. Quit, v. a, 1. Deliver, clear, release, free, acquit, absolve, set free, deliver from, discharge from. 2. Pay, discharge, settle, liquidate. 3. Leave (with the purpose of never returning), vacate, withdraw from, go away from, retire from, depart from, get away from. 4. Abandon, desert, forsake, resign, renounce, relinquish, forswear, cast off, give over, give up. Quit, a. Clear, free, absolved, released, acquitted, discharged. Quitch-grass, n. QUICK-GRASS. Quite, ad. 1. Completely, wholly, en tirely, totally, perfectly. 3. [Colloquial.] Very, considerably, in a great degree, to a great extent. Quit scores, Settle mutual accounts, quit from mutual obligations, clear mutually from all demands. Quittance, n. Discharge, acquittance. Quiver, v. n. 1. Quake, shake, quaver, bicker, be tremulous. 2. Tremble, shudder, shiver. Quivering, n. Trembling, tremulous motion. Quixotic, a. Visionary, imaginary, wild, fanciful, freakish, Utopian, chimerical, fantastical, absurdly romantic. Quiz, n. 1. Puzzle (by ivay of sport), enigma, riddle, knotty question. 2. [Colloquial.] Jester, buffoon, odd fellow. Quiz, v. a. 1. Puzzle (for sport), ridicule, run upon, make fun of, make sport of. 2. Stare at (in mockery), peer at. Quo ad hoc, [L.] As to this, as far as this is concerned. Quoit, n. Discus, disk. Quondam, a. [L.] [Colloquial.] Former, late, CI-DEVANT, old-time, in former times. Quota, n. Portion, share, contingent, proportion, proportional part. Quotation, n. Citation, extract. Quote, v. a. Cite, adduce, extract. Quoth, v. n. Said. Quotidian, a. Daily, diurnal. Quotidian, a. (Med.) Quotidian fever. 21 BABBIT 322 RAISE Rabbit, n. Cony (Lepus cuniculus). Rabble, n. 1. Mob, rout, rabble-rout, tumultuous crowd. 3. Populace, commonalty, CANAILLE, herd, dregs of the people, the common people, scum of society, lowest class of people, lower classes, the masses, rift- raff, swinish multitude, ignoble vulgar, vulgar herd, RAG-TAG-AND-BOB-TAIL. Rabid, a. Furious, raging, mad. Race, n. 1. Generation, lineage, stock, breed, family connection. 3. Tribe, family, clan. 3. Trial of speed, contest in running. 4. Course, career, progress. 5. Chase, pursuit. 6. Mill-race. Race, v. n. 1. Kun swiftly. 3. Contend in running. Race-course, n. King, racing ground. Race-horse, n. 1. Racer. 3. (Ornith.) Steamer-duck (Microp- terus brachypterus). Racer, n. 1. Runner. 2. Race-horse, courser. Rachitic, a. Rickety. Rachitis, n. (Med.% Rickets, inflam mation of the spine. Rack, n. 1. Torture, torment, anguish, agony, pang, extreme pain. 3. Crib, manger. 3. Neck (of mutton), crag. 4. Mist, vapor. 5. (Naut.) Fairleader. Rack, v. a. 1. Torture, torment, dis tress, agonize, excruciate, pain ex tremely. 3. Stretch, strain, force, wrest. 3. Draw off (from sediment). Racket, n. Uproar, clamor, hubbub, din, noise, outcry, disturbance, HULLA BALOO, HALLABALOO. Racy, a. 1. That tastes of the soil (as wine), of a peculiar flavor. 3. Strong (as peculiar qualities of thought or of expression), vigorous, forcible, of a distinctive character. Radiance, n. Brilliance, brilliancy, lus tre, brightness, splendor, resplendence, effulgence, refulgence. Radiant, a. 1. Beaming, shining, bril liant, splendid, resplendent, effulgent. 3. (Bot.) Radiate. Radiata, n. pi. (Zool.) Radiate animals, rayed animals. Radiate, v. n. 1. Shine, gleam, emit rays. . Issue in rays, emanate in rays. 3. Emit heat, throw off heat. Radiate, v. a. Emit (heat or light) in straight lines. Radiate, a. 1. (Bot.) Radiant. 3. (Zool.) Radiated. Radiated, a. (Zool.) Radiate. Radiation, n. Irradiance, irradiation, emission of rays. Radical, a. 1. Original, fundamental, organic, constitutional. 3. Primitive, underived, uncom- pounded, simple. 3. Thorough, entire, complete, per fect. Radical, n, 1. Come-outer, radical re former. 3. Primitive letter. 3. Root, radix, etymon, primitive word. 4. (Chem.) Base. Radicle,?!. Rootlet. Raff- merchant, )n. [Local Eng.] Lunt- Raft-merchant, j ber-merchant. Rag, n. Shred, tatter. Rag-baby, n. Moppet, mopsey. Ragamuffin, n. Tatterdemalion, mean fellow, wretch, paltry fellow. Rage, n. 1. Fury, frenzy, FUROR, pas sion, madness, raving, violent anger. 3. Extreme eagerness, vehement de sire. 3. [Colloquial.] Fashion, vogue, mode. Rage, v. n. Rave, storm, fume, be vio lent, be furious. Ragged, a. 1. Tattered, torn, rent. 3. Dressed in rags. 3. Uneven, jagged, rough. Raging, a. Furious, enraged, infuriate, infuriated, incensed, very angry. Raging, n. Fury, violence, impetuosity. Rag-tag-and-bob-tail, n. [Low.] Rab ble, mob, crowd, riff-raff, CANAILLE, the populace, the masses, dregs of the people, scum of society, swinish multi tude, vulgar herd, ignoble vulgar. Raid, n. Invasion, inroad, foray, irrup tion, hostile incursion (especially of mounted men). Raider, n. 1. Invader. 3. Forager, BUMMER. Rail at, Censure, reproach, upbraid, abuse, scoff at, sneer at, scold at, in veigh against, exclaim against, declaim against, BLOW UP. Railing, n. Vituperation, abuse, scold ing, reviling, contumely, reproach, in vective, aspersion, censure, JAW. Raillery, n. Banter, irony, slight ridi cule, good-humored satire. Railroad, n. Railway. Raiment, n. Clothes, clothing, dress, attire, apparel, vesture, vestment, gar ments, habiliment, habit, garb, cos tume, ARRAY. Rainbow, n. Iris. Rain-gauge, n. Pluviameter, ombrom eter, udometer. Rainy, a. Showery, wet. Raise, v. a. 1. Lift, uplift, set up, raise up. 3. Hoist, heave. 3. Erect, rear, construct, build. 4. Exalt, elevate, advance, promote. RAISE A SIEGE 323 RAPACITY" 5. Enhance, increase, augment. 6. Excite, rouse, arouse, awake, stir up, call up, call forth, put in action, put in motion. 7. Collect, levy, obtain, get. 8. Grow, cause to grow. 9. Make light or spongy (as bread). back to life, raise from th 10. Bring dead. 11. [Southern States of the U. S.] Rear, bring up. Raise a siege, Abandon a siege, give up the attempt to take by siege. Raisin, n. Dried grape. Rake, n. Libertine, debauchee, man of pleasure. Rake, v. a. 1. Gather, collect, draw together, heap together, gather togeth er, scrape together, rake up, heap up. 2. Scour, search closely. 3. Enfilade. Rake, v. n. 1. Search, grope. 2. (Naut.) Incline from a perpen dicular (as a mast). Rake up, 1. Gather together, scrape up. 2. Cover with ashes (as afire). Rakish, a. Lewd, debauched, dissolute, licentious. Rally, v. a. 1. Reunite, restore to order. 2. Banter, joke, ridicule, quiz, taunt, treat with raillery. Rally, v. n. 1. Be restored to order, come into order, take courage. 2. Recover, recover strength, gain ground, get better, pick up. 3. Jest, indulge in banter or raillery. Ram, n. 1. Male sheep. 2. Aries, the vernal sign. 3. Battering-ram. 4. Hydraulic ram, water-ram. Ram, v. a. Drive down, force down. Ramble, v. n. Rove, wander, stroll, range, roam, straggle, stray. Ramble, n. Stroll, excursion, trip, tour, wandering, rambling, roving. Rambling, n. Stroll, ramble. Ramification, n. 1. Branching, fork ing, divarication. 2. Branch, division, subdivision. Ramify, v. a. Separate into branches. Ramify, v. n. Branch, divaricate, shoot into branches. Rammer, n. Ramrod. - <**> Branched, branchy. Ramp, v. n. 1. Spring, bound, leap. 2. Frolic (rudely), sport, play, romp. Rampant, a. 1. Rank, exuberant, lux uriant, wanton. 2. Vehement, impetuous, ungovern able, uncontrollable, headstrong. 3. (Her.) Standing erect (on the hind legs, as a lion). Rampart, n. Bulwark, defence. Ramrod, n. Rammer. Rancid, a. Rank, fetid, musty, fusty, FROWZY, strong-smelling. Rancor, n. Malignity, malice, malevo lence, spite, venom, gall, grudge, ill- will. Rancorous, a. Malignant, malign, vin dictive, malevolent, malicious. Random, a. Chance, casual, fortuitous. Range, n. 1. Row, rank, line, tier, file. 2. Class, order, kind, sort. 3. Excursion, wandering. 4. Scope, sweep, compass, extent, reach, amplitude, latitude. Range, v. a. 1. Class, rank, arrange, set in a row, dispose in order. 2. Rove over, pass over. 3. Sail along. Range, v. n. 1. Rove, ramble, wander, stroll, roam, course, straggle, expatiate, rove at large, gad about. 2. Consort, be classed, be ranked. 3. Lie, run, be directed. Rank, a. 1. Luxuriant, vigorous, exu berant, over-abundant. 2. Excessive, overmuch, extravagant, rampant, very great. 3. Rancid, musty, fusty, fetid, offen sive, FROWZYJ strong-smelling, strong- scented. Rank, n. 1. Row (as of soldiers, reck oned from side to side), tier, range, FILE. 2. Class, order, division, head, cate gory. 3. Degree, grade, quality, relative station. 4. Dignity, nobility, noble class, aris tocratic class. Rank and file, Privates, common sol diers (including corporals). Rank, v. a. 1. Class, arrange, range. 2. [Modern. ] Outrank, take prece dence of. Rank, v. n. Be ranked, be classed, take rank, have rank. Rankle, v. n. 1. Fester, be inflamed. 2. Be embittered, become more bit ter, grow more intense. Rankling, n. 1. Festering. 2. Animosity, hatred, heart-burning. Ransack, v. a. 1. Plunder, pillage, sack. 2. Explore, rummage, search thor oughly. Ransom, n. 1. Price of redemption. 2. Release, liberation, redemption. Ransom, v. a. 1. Redeem. 2. Rescue, liberate, deliver. Rant, v. n. Spout, declaim (boisterously), rave (in high-sounding phrases), vocif erate, mouth, tear a passion to tatters. Rant, n. Fustian, bombast, rhodomon- tade, exaggeration, boisterous declama tion. Ranting, a. Declamatory, theatrical, bombastic, STAGEY. Rantipole, n. [Low.] Romping child. Rantipole, v. n. Run about wildly. Rap, n. Knock, stroke, pat, thump, thwack, smart blow. Rap, v. a. Strike (suddenly), knock, THWACK, WHACK. Rapacious, a. 1. Raptorial, preying. 2. Ravenous, greedy, voracious, in satiable, insatiate. Rapacity, n. 1. Ravenousness, vora ciousness, voracity, avidity, canine appetite. 2. Avariciousness, greediness of gain. RAPE 324 RATTLE Rape, n. Violation, defloration, constu- pration, ravishment, defilement, carnal knowledge of a woman (forcibly and against her will). Rape, n. (Bot.) Navew, French turnip (Brassica napus). Rape-cake, n. Refuse or marc of rape- seed (after tlie oil has been expressed). Rape-oil, n. Colza-oil, oil of rape-seed. Rape-seed, n. Seed of the rape or French turnip. Rapid, a. Swift, quick, speedy, fleet, fast, expeditious. Rapidity, n. Swiftness, quickness, cel erity, speed, fleetness, velocity, expedi tion, despatch. Rapine, n. Plunder, pillage, spoliation, robbery, depredation. Rapt, a. Enraptured, transported, rav ished, entranced, charmed, delighted, enchanted, fascinated, -spell-bound, in an ecstasy. Raptores, n. pi. [L.] (Omith.) Rap tors, raptorials, ACCIPITBES, birds of prey. Raptorial, a. Preying, rapacious, rap- torious. Raptorial, n. Bird of prey. Raptorious, a. Preying, raptorial. Raptors, n. pi. Raptores, ACCIPITBES, raptorials, birds of prey. Rapture, n. Transport, ecstasy, ravish ment, beatitude, beatification, bliss, great happiness, heavenly joy. Rapturous, a. Ecstatic, ravishing, transporting. Rara avis, n. [L.] 1. Rare bird. 58. Curiosity, rare thing, unusual thing. Rare, a. 1. Thin, subtile, not dense. 3. SCARCE, uncommon, infrequent, unfrequent, singular, extraordinary, strange, out of the way, not com mon. 3. Choice, fine, excellent, exquisite, incomparable, inimitable. 4. Underdone, nearly raw, not well done or well cooked. Rarefy, v. a. Make rarer, make less dense. Rarity, n. 1. Thinness, subtilty. 2. Uncommonness, infrequency. 3. Uncommon thing, scarce thing. Rascal, n. Knave, rogue, villain, scoun drel, scapegrace, caitiff, scamp, mis creant, mean wretch. Rascality, n. Knavery, knavishness, wickedness, villany, dishonesty, trick ery, chicane, chicanery. Rascally, a. 1. Wicked, villanous, bad. 3. Mean, base, sorry, pitiful. Rash, a. Reckless (in action), headlong, hasty, precipitate, heedless, thoughtless, inconsiderate, indiscreet, impulsive, fool-hardy, hot-headed, hot-brained, hare-brained, without ballast. Rash, n. (Med.) Exanthem, exanthema, eruption, breaking out. Rasher, n. Slice (of pork or bacon), COL- LOP. Rashness, n. Recklessness (in action), precipitancy, precipitation, hastiness, venturesomeness, TEMERITY, heedless- ness, thoughtlessness, inconsiderate- ness, foolhardiness. Rasores, n. pi. (Ornith.) Gallinaceous birds. Rasorial, a. Gallinaceous. Rasp, n. Coarse file (the prominences in whych are made by a punch and not by a chisel, as are those of the file, properly so called). Rat, v. n. Desert one s party (from in terested motives), bolt. Ratable, a. 1. To be rated. 3. Proportional, PRO RATA. 3. Liable to taxation. Ratably, ad. Proportionally, propor- tionably, proportionately, in proportion, PRO RATA. Ratchet, n. Click, catch, detent, pawl. Rate, n. 1. Standard, fixed measure. 3. Cost, price. 3. Worth, value, valuation, estima tion, rank. 4. Proportion, ratio, degree. 5. Tax, assessment, impost, charge, duty. Rate, v. a. 1. Estimate, value, appraise, set a value on. 3. Scold, chide, reprimand, berate. 3. ABUSE, vilify, defame. Rather, ad. 1. Preferably, in prefer ence. 3. Moderately, in some measure, in some degree. Rather than, More than, sooner than, more willingly than, in preference to. Ratification, n. 1. Confirmation, sub stantiation, corroboration, establish ment, evidence, proof. 3. Approval, consent, sanction. Ratify, v. a. 1. Confirm, substantiate, corroborate, establish, settle. 3. Approve, sanction, bind, consent to, make valid. Ratio, n. Proportion, rate. Ratiocination, n. Reasoning, argumen tation. Ration, n. Portion (of food or drink), allowance. Rational, a. 1. Intellectual, endowed with reason. 3. Reasonable, just, right, equitable, fit, proper, agreeable to reason, accord ing to reason. 3. Judicious, sagacious, enlightened, sensible, wise, intelligent. 4. Sane, in one s right mind, in one s sober senses. Rationale, n. Reason, cause, theory, exposition, the why and the wherefore, the reason why, theoretical explanation, theoretical solution. Rationalism, n. (Theol.) Neology, rationalistic interpretation (of tlie Scriptures). Rationality, n. Sanity, soundness of mind. Rationally, ad. Reasonably. Ratoon, n. Sprout, shoot. Ratsbane, n. Arsenic, white arsenic, arsenious acid, white oxide of arsenic. Rattle, v. n. Clatter. RATTLE-BRAINED 325 REAPING-HOOK Battle-brained, a. Giddy, wild, rattle headed. Battle-head, n. Chatterer, prater, GAB BLER, giddy talker. Battle-headed, a. Giddy, wild, rattle brained. Battle on, Prate, prattle, babble, jabber, chatter, talk idly. Battles, n. pi. Croup, hives. Baucous, a. Hoarse, husky, rough, harsh. Bavage, v. a. Ruin, spoil, waste, devas tate, destroy, despoil, sack, ransack, desolate, pillage, plunder, strip, lay waste. Bavage, n. Ruin, waste, spoil, pillage, rapine, desolation, destruction, devas tation, havoc. Bave, v. n. Rage, be mad, be wild, be delirious, talk irrationally. Bavel, v. a. Disentangle, untwist, un ravel. Baven, a. Black, ebon, inky, sable. Bavening, a. RAVENOUS. Bavenous, a. Voracious, rapacious, de vouring, ravening, greedy, insatiable, insatiate. Bavine, n. Gorge, defile, deep pass. Baving, n. Madness, frenzy, fury, rage. Baving, a. Furious, frenzied, frantic, distracted, mad, infuriate. Bavish, v. a. 1. Violate, deflour, con- stuprate, defile, abuse, debauch, out- rage, commit rape upon. 2. Enchant, charm, captivate, de light, enrapture, transport. Bavishment, n. 1. Rape, defloration, Constupration, violation, defilement. 2. Rapture, ecstasy, transport, great delight, enravishment. Raw, a. 1. Uncooked. 2. Inexperienced, unskilled, unpre pared, green. 3. Cold, bleak, chilly. 4. Unmanufactured, in the natural state. Bay, n. Beam, gleam. Bayed, a. 1. Striped, streaked. 2. (Zdol.) Radiate. Bay-grass, n. Darnel, rye-grass (Lolium perenne). Bayless, a. Sunless, beamless, dark some, dark, black, dismal, pitchy, Cim merian. Bay-stone, n. Actinolite, strahlstein. Baze, v. a. Overthrow, demolish, sub vert, destroy, ruin. Razor-bill, n. Black-billed auk (Afca tor da). Razor-strap, n. Strap, strop, razor- strop. Bazor-strop, n. RAZOR-STRAP. Beach, v. a. 1. Extend, stretch, stretch forth, hold forth. 2. Touch, extend to. 3. Strike, hit. 4. Arrive at, come to, get to, get at, make way to. 5. Get, obtain, attain to. Beach, v. n. Extend, be extended. Beach after, Try to get, endeavor to obtain. Beach, n. 1. Reaching, extension. 2. Power to reach. 3. Capacity, capability, grasp. 4. Extent, extension, stretch, range, compass, distance, space, span, spread. 5. [Hare.] Stratagem, ruse, fetch. React, v. a. Repeat, re-enact, perform again, act again. Beact, v. n. 1. Recoil, rebound, fly back, spring back. 2. Act reciprocally. Beaction, n. 1. Rebound, recoil. 2. Reciprocal action. Bead, v. a. 1. Peruse. 2. Interpret, decipher, unravel, make out, understand. Bead, v. n. 1. Practise reading, be stu dious in books. 2. Be read, appear in reading. Bead, a. Learned, versed in books. Beadable, a. 1. Legible, that may be read. 2. Worth reading, fit to be read. Beadiness, n. 1. Promptness, prompti tude, quickness, alertness, alacrity. 2. Dexterity, aptness, aptitude, ex- pertness, facility, knack, easiness. 3. Preparedness, ripeness, fit state. 4. Willingness, disposition, inclina tion. Beading, n. 1. Perusal. 2. Study of books. 3. Version, interpretation, lection. Beady, a. 1, Prepared, in readiness. 2. Prompt, quick, expeditious. 3. Apt, expert, dexterous, adroit, clever, quick, sharp, smart. 4. Willing, disposed, inclined. 5. Near, handy, convenient, commo dious, at hand. 6. Easy, opportune, facile, short. Beagent, n. (Chem.) Test. Beal, a. 1. Actual, veritable, substan tial, substantive, absolute, positive, actually being or existing ; not imagin ary, or supposititious; not fictitious. 2. True, genuine, not counterfeited, not factitious, not artificial. 3. Intrinsic, internal, essential. 4. (Law.) Not personal. Bealgar, n. Red orpiment, red sul- phuret of arsenic. Beality, n. 1. Truth, verity, actuality, fact, actual existence, matter of fact. 2. (Law.) Realty, immobility. Bealize, v. a. 1. Ett ect, accomplish, perform, bring into being or act, work out, bring to pass. 2. Make real, consider as real, bring home to one s self. 3. Earn, gain, acquire, get. Beally, ad. Actually, truly, absolutely, positively, certainly, verily, indeed, in fact, in reality, in truth. Bealty, (Law.} Reality, immobility. Beam, n. Twenty quires. Beanimate, v. a. Resuscitate, revive, bring to life, restore to life. Beap, v . a. 1. Cut with a sickle. 2. Gather, gain, get, obtain. Beap, v. n. Gather the harvest. Beaping-hook, n. Sickle. REAR 326 RECIPROCITY Bear, n. Hinder part (particularly of an aiiny ). Bear, v. a. 1. Raise, elevate, lift, raise up. 3. Bring up, RAISE. Bearward, ad. Behind, abaft, astern, aft. Reason, n. 1. Intellect, mind, sense, understanding, rational faculty, think ing principle, intellectual powers or faculties, discursive power or facul ty. 3. Cause, ground, principle, motive, consideration, account, efficient cause. 3. Design, purpose, end, object, aim, final cause. 4. Argument, reasoning, chain of reasoning, process of reasoning. 5. Reasonableness, wisdom, common sense, good sense, right or just view. 6. Theory, exposition, rationale. Beason, v. n. 1. Draw conclusions, draw inferences, make deductions. 3. Argue, debate, dispute, chop logic, try conclusions, bandy words or argu ments, hold or carry on an argu ment. Beasonable, a. 1. Right, equitable, just, rational, fit, proper, according to reason, agreeable to reason. 3. Judicious, sensible, wise, saga cious, enlightened. 3. Tolerable, moderate. 4. Cheap, low, not dear. 5. [Hare.] RATIONAL, intellectual, endowed with reason. Beasoning, n. Ratiocination, argumen tation. Beassurance, n. 1. Renewed assur ance. 3. (Law.) Reinsurance. Beassure, v. a. 1. Hearten, enhearten, encourage, assure again, restore cour age to. 3. (Law.) Reinsure. Bebate, v. a. Diminish, lessen, reduce, abate, bate. Bebate, n. (Com.) Discount, allowance, deduction, reduction, drawback, abate ment. Bebel, n. Insurgent, traitor, revolter. Bebel, v. n. Revolt, resist lawful au thority, take up arms against the government. Bebellion, n. Insurrection, sedition, revolt. Bebellious, a. Insubordinate, riotous, disobedient, mutinous, refractory, con tumacious, seditious, traitorous. Bebound, v. n. Reverberate, recoil, react, spring back, fly back, bound back. Bebound, ) n. Resilience, repercus- Bebounding, J sion, reaction, recoil, reverberation. Bebuff, n. Repulse, check, opposition, resistance. Bebuff, v. a. Repel, resist, reject, check, oppose. Bebuild, v. a. Reconstruct. Bebuke, v. a. Censure (somewhat pas sionately), REPROVE, reprimand, chide, reprehend, admonish, blame, upbraid, lecture, scold, scold at, find fault with, BLOW UP. Bebuke, n. Censure (given impulsively), reprimand, remonstrance, expostula tion, REPROOF, reproval, reprehension, animadversion, blame, reproach. Bebut, v. a. Repel (by argument or by evidence), confute, refute, disprove, show the fallacy of. Becall, v. a. Revoke, retract, recant, repeal, rescind, annul, overrule, cancel, nullify, countermand, set aside. Becall, n. Revocation, recantation, re traction. Becant, v. a. Retract, revoke, recall, annul, abjure. Becant, v. n. Unsay what has been said, eat one s words. Becantatipn, n. Retraction, revocation, recall, abjuration. Recapitulate, v. a. Run over, sum up. Recapitulation, n. Summary, sum ming up. Recede, v. n. Retire, withdraw, retreat, retrograde, give way, move back. Receipt, n. 1. Reception. 3. Recipe, prescription, formulary. 3. (Com.) Acquittance, acknowledg ment of payment. Beceive, v. a. 1. Take (what comes to hand), ACCEPT, derive, obtain, acquire, get. 3. Admit, take in. 3. Entertain, welcome, greet, not reject, not repel. 4. Allow, permit, tolerate. 5. Believe, embrace, give credence to. Beceiver, n. 1. Recipient. 3. Receptacle. Becension, n. Review, re-examination, revisal. Becent, a. 1, New, novel, not long past. 3. Late, fresh, newly come. 3. Latter, modern. Becently, ad. Lately, late, latterly, newly, of late, not long ago. Receptacle, n. Receiver, reservoir. Reception, n. 1. Receiving, acceptance, receipt, admission. 3. Welcome, entertainment, party levee, SOIREE. Recess, n. 1. Retreat, nook, corner, niche, place of retirement. 3. Intermission, respite, remission of labor, suspension of business. Becherche, a. [Fr.] Choice, select, elegant. Becipe, n. Receipt, prescription, formu lary. Beciprocal, a. 1. Mutual, correlative. 3. Interchangeable. Beciprocate, v. n. Alternate, act inter changeably. Beciprocate, v. a. Interchange, ex change. Beciprocation, n. Interchange, ex change, reciprocity. Beciprocity, n. Interchange, recipro cation, exchange. RECITAL 327 RECOVER Recital, n. 1. Repetition, rehearsal, recitation. 2. Narration, relation, description, narrative, account, statement, history, story. Recitation, n. Recital, rehearsal, repe tition. Recite, v. a. 1. Repeat, rehearse, say by heart, repeat by note. 2. Narrate, relate, tell. 3. Enumerate, tell over. Reckless, a. Careless, heedless, rash, mindless, inconsiderate, uncircumspect, headlong, indiscreet, incautious, giddy, imprudent, improvident, volatile, wild, flighty, unsteady, giddy-brained, hare brained, HARUM-SCARUM. Reckon, v. a. 1. Count, number, com pute, calculate, enumerate, cast, cast up. 2. Estimate, esteem, account, regard, repute. 3. [Colloquial.] Think, conjecture, suppose, guess, believe. Reckoner, n. Counter, calculator. Reckon for, Pay a penalty for. Reckon on, Depend upon, place depen dence on, count upon, reckon upon. Reckon with, Settle an account with. Reckoning, n. 1. Counting, computa tion, calculation. 2. Account, register, score, charge, bill. Reckon upon, RECKON ON. Reclaim, v. a. 1. Reform. 2. Regain, recover, restore, reinstate. Reclamation, n. 1. Recovery. 2. Demand, claim. Recline, v. a. Lean. Recline, v. n. 1. Lean, bear. 2. Couch, lie, lie down, be recum bent. 3. Rest, repose. Reclining, a. 1. Leaning, recum bent. 2. Resting, reposing. Recluse, n. Hermit, anchoret, solitary, solitaire, anchorite, EREMITE. Recognition, n. 1. Recollection, mem ory, remembrance. 2. Acknowledgment, avowal, confes sion. Recognize, v. a. 1. Know again, re member as formerly known, notice as already known. 2. Acknowledge, admit, own, avow, confess, confess knowledge of. Recoil, v. n. 1. Rebound, reverberate, react, spring back, fly back, bound back. 2. Shrink, falter, fail, flinch, blench, draw back. Recoil, n. Resilience, rebound, reac tion. Recoil from, Abhor, loath, abominate, detest, nauseate, feel disgust at, shrink from. Recollect, v. a. Recall (with effort), REMEMBER, call up, call to mind, call to remembrance. Recollection, n. Remembrance, remin iscence, memory. Recommend, v. a. 1. Commend, praise, approve. 2. Make acceptable. Recommendation, n. Commendation, praise, approval, approbation, good opinion. Recompense, ii. a. 1. Reward, repay, requite, compensate, satisfy, remuner ate. 2. Reimburse, indemnify, redress, make up for, make amends for. Recompense, n. Reward, satisfaction, remuneration, compensation, indem nity, indemnification, amends. Reconcilable, a. 1. Appeasable, placa ble, forgiving. 2. Consistent. Reconcile, v. a. 1. Conciliate, pacify, propitiate, restore to friendship. 2. Content, bring to acquiescence, make contented. 3. Harmonize, make consistent, bring into harmony. 4. Settle, adjust, compose, heal, make up. Reconcilement, n. RECONCILIATION. Reconciliation, n. 1. Pacification, accommodation, reconcilement, adjust ment, atonement, restoration of har mony. 2. Agreement, congruity, consonance, concordance, consistency, congruency, correspondence. Recondite, a. 1. Hidden, occult, dark, obscure, abstruse, transcendental, high, mystic, mystical. 2. Profound, deep. Reconnoissance, n. Preliminary sur vey, rough survey. Reconnoitre, v. a. [Written also/?econ- noiter.] Inspect, view, survey, exam ine. Reconsider, v. a. Review, consider again. Reconsideration, n. Renewed consid eration. Reconstruct, v. a. Rebuild, re-establish, construct, again. Reconstruction, n. Rebuilding, re- establishment, restoration, renovation, redintegration, reconstitution, instaura- tion, REHABILITATION. Record, v. a. Register, enroll, chronicle, note, journalize, make an entry of, take down, jot down, make a memorandum of. Record, n. 1. Register, account, note, chronicle, minute, memorandum, me moir. 2. Vestige, trace, memorial. Recorder, n. Registrar, register, scribe, clerk. Recount, v. a. Rehearse, relate, recite, narrate, enumerate, tell, give an ac count of. Recourse, n. Resort. Recover, v. a. 1. Regain, recuperate, get back. 2. Retrieve, restore, repair, recruit, re-establish. 3. (Law.) Obtain by course of law, get by judgment. RECOVER 328 REDUCE Recover, v. n. 1. Rally, regain health, get well, be restored to health. 3. Be restored, be reinstated, regain the former state. 3. (Law.) Obtain judgment. Recovery, n. 1. Regaining, recupera tion. 3. Recruiting, restoration, convales cence. Recreant, a. 1. Cowardly, dastardly, craven, pusillanimous, mean-spirited, faint-hearted. 3. Apostate, treacherous, false, faith less, untrue, backsliding. Recreate, v. a. Refresh, reanimate, entertain, divert, amuse. Recreate, v. n. Unbend, take recre ation, be diverted, be amused. Recreation, n. Amusement, diversion, entertainment, relaxation, sport, play, pastime. Recrement, n. Scoria, dross, spume, scum, refuse. Recriminate, v. n. Return an accusa tion. Recruit, v. a. 1. Repair, replenish. 3. Refresh, revive, restore, renovate. 3. (Mil.) Reinforce, supply with new men. Recruit, v. n. 1. Raise new soldiers, get supplies of men. 3. Revive, recover, regain health, be restored to health, get well. Rectify, v. a. 1. Correct, redress, mend, reform, amend, set right, make right. 3. (Chem.) Refine, purify. Rectilineal, ) -R^hf i^p/i Rectilinear, J " Rl S nt - lin ed. Rectitude, n. Uprightness, integrity, probity, honesty, justice, equity, virtue, goodness, righteousness, principle. 2SS?p> Offlce of recto, Rectus in curia, [L.] Right in court, free from accusation, free from any charge. Recumbent, a. Leaning, reclining. Recuperate, v. a. Recover, regain, get back. Recuperation, n. Recovery. Recur, v. n. 1. Return, come back, come again, be repeated. 3. Run in the mind, run in one s head. 3. Resort, revert, have recourse. Recurrent, ) a. HetuTmng (at intervals), Recurring, j renewed, reiterated. Recurved, a. (Bot.) Curved outwards, curved backwards. Recusancy, n. Nonconformity, dissent, heresy, heterodoxy. Recusant, n. Dissenter, nonconformist. Red-chalk, n. Reddle. Redden, v. a. Make red. Redden, v. n. Blush, color, become red. Reddish, a. Brick-colored, STAMMEL, somewhat red. Reddish-yellow, a. CABKOTY. Reddle, n. Red-chalk. Redeem, v. a. 1. Repurchase, buy back. 3. Ransom, free, liberate, deliver, rescue, recover, save. 3. Compensate, make amends for, atone for. 4. Fulfil, keep, discharge, make good. Redeemer, n. 1. Ransomer. 3. [ With The prefixed.] Christ, Jesus, Immanuel, the Saviour, the Messiah, the Mediator, the Intercessor, the Ad vocate, the Judge, the Anointed, the Word, the Son of man, the Son of God, the Lamb of God. Redemption, n. 1. Repurchase. 3. Ransom, release, liberation, deliv erance, rescue, salvation. 3. Performance, discharge, fulfil ment. Red-eye, n. (Ich.) Rudd (Lenciscus erythophthalmus ). Red-gum, n. Gum-rash. Redintegrate, v. a. Restore, renew, reconstitute, re-establish, reconstruct, renovate. Redintegration, n. Restoration, re newal, re-establishment, reconstruc tion, renovation. Red-lead, n. Minium. Red-letter, a. Fortunate, lucky, happy, auspicious. Redolence, \ n. Fragrance, aroma, per- Redolency, { fume, pleasing scent, sweet scent, grateful odor. Redolent, a. Fragrant, odoriferous, aromatic, balmy, sweet-scented, sweet- smelling. Redouble, v. a. Repeat, reduplicate, reiterate, renew. Redouble, v. n. Be repeated, become twice as much. Redoubtable, a. Formidable, terrible (to foes), dreadful. Redound, v. n. Result, contribute, con duce, tend. Red precipitate, Red oxide of mercury. Red puccoon, Blood-root, blood-wort, red-root (Sanguinaria Canadensis). Redress, v. a. Remedy, repair, relieve from, make amends for. Redress, n. Remedy, relief, amends, compensation, reparation, atonement. Red-root, n. 1. New- Jersey tea (Cea- nothus Americanus). 3. Stoneweed, puccoon-root (Litho- spermum arvense). Red saunders-wood, Red sandal- wood, ruby-wood. Red squirrel, Chickaree (Sciurus Hud- sonius). Reduce, v. a. 1. Restore, bring back. 3. Render, form, mould, make, shape, model, remodel, convert into, resolve into, change into, bring into, bring to. 3. Diminish, contract, lessen, abate, decrease, abridge, curtail, shorten, cut short, cut down, make less. 4. Depress, debase, lower, weaken, dwarf. 5. Subdue, conquer, subjugate, over power, overthrow, vanquish, master, get the better of, get the upper hand of, bring into subjection. 6. Impoverish, ruin, bring to want, bring to poverty. 7. (Math.) Solve, resolve. REDUCTION 329 REFRESH Reduction, n. 1. Conversion, resolu tion, transmutation. 3. Diminution, contraction, decrease, abridgment, lessening, retrenchment, abatement, decrement, curtailment, lowering. 3. Depression, detrusion, abasement, lowering. 4. Subjugation, conquest, mastery, subdual, victory over. 5. (Math.) Resolution, solution. Redundance, ) n. 1. Excess, super- Redundancy, ) abundance, exuber ance, more than enough. 2. Diffuseness. Redundant, a. 1. Excessive, super abundant, exuberant, superfluous, in excess, expletive. 2. Diffuse. Reduplicate, v. a. Redouble, repeat. Reduplication, n. Doubling, duplica tion, redoubling, repetition. Redwing, n. Wind-thrush, swine-pipe, red-sided thrush ( Turdus iliacus). Re-echo, v. a. Reverberate, echo back. Re-echo, n. Reverberation. Reed-bunting, n. Chuck, reed-sparrow, water-sparrow, ring-bunting, king-bird (Emberiza schceniclus). Reed-mace, . Cat-tail (Typlia lati- folia). Reed-sparrow, n. Reed-bunting (Em beriza schoeniclu.t). Reef, v. a. Take in (sail). Reek, n. . Smoke, steam, exhalation, vapor, effluvium, fume, mist. Reek, v. n. Smoke, steam, emit vapor. Reeking, a. Smoking, steaming. Reel, v. n. Totter, stagger, falter. Re-enforce, v. a. Strengthen, give ad ditional support to. Re-enforcement, n. Additional force, fresh assistance. Re-entering, a. Turning inwards. Re-establish, v. a. Restore, reinstate, replace, renew, renovate, establish again. Re-establishment, n. Restoration. Refectory, n. Refreshment room. Refer, v. a. 1. Direct, consign, commit, leave, deliver over, give in charge. 2. Attribute, ascribe, impute, assign. Refer, v. n. 1. Relate, belong, pertain, appertain, have reference. 2. Appeal, apply, have recourse. 3. Allude, direct attention, make allusion, make reference, hint at. Referable, a. Ascribable, KEFEKRI- BLE. Referee, n. Arbitrator, arbiter, judge, umpire. Reference, n. 1. Respect, regard, rela tion. 2. Allusion, intimation, hint. Referrible, a. Ascribable, attributable, referable, to be referred. Refine, v. a. 1. Purify, clarify, fine, defecate. 2. Cultivate, polish, make elegant. Refine, v. n. 1. Become pure, be clari fied. 2. Improve, make improvement. 3. Be over-nice, affect nicety, split hairs, make useless distinctions. Refined, a. 1. Purified, clarified. 2. Accomplished, cultivated, polished, elegant, genteel, stylish, courtly, polite, well-bred. 3. Classic, classical, pure, chaste, Attic, delicate, nice, exquisite. Refinement, n. 1. Improvement. 2. Elegance, polish, purity, delicacy, cultivation, civility, good -breeding. 3. Subtilty, extreme nicety. Refit, v. a. Repair, fit anew. Reflect, v. a. Mirror, throw back. Reflect, v. n. 1. Think, cogitate, muse, meditate, deliberate, ponder, consider, ruminate. 3. Bring reproach, cast reproach. Reflecting, a. 1. That reflects. 2. Thoughtful, considerate, reflective, given to reflection. Reflection, n. 1. Reflecting. 2. Reflected image. 3. Thought, meditation, cogitation, deliberation, contemplation, musing, rumination. 4. Censure, reproach. Reflective, a. 1. Reflecting, reflexive. 2. Thoughtful, musing, deliberating, pondering, cogitating. Reflector, n. Mirror, speculum. Reflex, a. 1. Retroactive. 2. (Bot.) Reflected, bent back. Reflexive, a. Reflective. Refluence, n. Reflux, ebb, regurgita- tion, flowing back. Refluent, a. Ebbing, flowing back. Reflux, n. Ebb, REFLUENCE. Reform, v. a. 1. Correct, amend, ame liorate, meliorate, make better. 2. Remodel, form anew. Reform, v. n. Amend, become better. Reform, n. Reformation, amendment. Reformation, n. Amendment, reform, correction, change for the better. ^forming. Refract, v. a. Deflect (rays), deviate, turn from a straight course. Refracting, a. Deflecting, refractive. Refraction, n. Deflection (of rays), deviation. Refractive, a. Refracting. Refractory, a. Stubborn, obstinate, stiff, perverse, dogged, mulish, heady, headstrong, cross-grained, intractable, unyielding, contumacious, disobedient, unruly, pig-headed, ungovernable, can tankerous. Refrain, v. a. Restrain, withhold, keep back. Refrain, v. n. Abstain, forbear, hold one s self back, deny one s self, stay one s hand, keep one s self from indul gence. Refrain, n. Burden (of a song ). Refrangibility, n. Refrangibleness. Refrangible, a. Capable of refraction. Refrangibleness, n. Refrangibility. Refresh, v. a. Invigorate, reanimate, revive, relieve, recruit, recreate, en liven, give fresh vigor to. REFRESHING 330 REGULATION Refreshing, a. Reviving, invigorating, grateful, pleasant, comfortable. Refreshment, n. 1. Relief, invigora- tion, new life. 3. Food, nourishment. 3. Regalement, entertainment. Refrigerant, n. Refrigerative, cooling medicine. Refrigerate, v, a. Cool, chill, make cool, reduce the heat of. Refrigeration, n. Cooling. Refrigerative, a. Cooling, refrigera tory. Refrigerative, n. Refrigerant, cooling medicine. Refrigeratory, a. Cooling, refrigera- tive. Refuge, n. 1. Shelter, safety, security, protection. 3. Asylum, retreat, sanctuary, har bor, place of safety, place of refuge. Refulgence, 1 n. Brightness, brilliancy, Refulgency, } splendor, resplendence, lustre, radiance, effulgence. Refulgent, a. Bright, shining, brilliant, splendid, resplendent, lustrous, radiant, effulgent. Refund, v. a. Repay, reimburse, pay back, restore. Refusal, n. 1. Denial. 3. Option, choice of accepting or declining. Refuse, v. a. 1. Deny, decline. 3. Reject, repudiate. Refuse, n. Dross, scum, dregs, sedi ment, lees, draff, recrement, rubbish, offal, GARBAGE, scoria, waste mat ter. Refuse, a. Worthless, waste. Refutation, n. Confutation, disproof. Refute, v. a. Confute, disprove, prove to be false. Regain, v. a. Recover, get back, gain anew. Regal, a. Kingly, royal. Regale, v, a. Entertain, refresh, grat- Regale, n. Banquet or feast (for a royal personage). Regalement, n. Refreshment, enter tainment. Regalia, n. pi. Ensigns of royalty. Regally, ad. Royally. Regard, v. a. 1. Observe, notice, mark, remark, watch, set eyes on, look at, look upon, turn one s eyes. 3. Heed, mind, attend to, pay atten tion to, give heed to. 3. Esteem, value, admire, like, think well of, think highly of. 4. Consider, reckon, account, deem, think, believe, hold, suppose, imagine. 5. Have reference to, relate to. Regard, n. 1. Notice, consideration, attention, heed. 2. Relation, reference, respect, ac count. 3. Esteem, affection, liking, respect, reverence, sympathy, interest, concern, love. Regardful, a. Heedful, mindful, care ful, watchful, attentive. Regardless, a. Heedless, unmindful, careless, negligent, unobservant, mind less, inattentive. Regards, n. pi. Commendations, com pliments, respects. Regatta, n. Boat race. Regenerate, v. a. 1. Reproduce, revive, renovate, generate anew. 3. ( Theol.) Convert, produce a change of heart in. Regenerate, a. 1. Reproduced. 3. Converted, regenerated, renewed in spirit, born again. Regenerated, a. REGENERATE . Regent, n. Governor, ruler, director. Regicide, n. 1. Murderer of a king. 3. Murder of a king. Regime, n. [Fr.] Government, admin istration, rule, political system, form of government. Regimen, n. 1. Dietetics, regulation of diet. 3. Diet, food, fare. 3. (Gram.) Government. Regimentals, n. pi. Military uniform. Region, n. 1. Country, clime, territory, district, tract of land. 2. Portion, part. Register, n. 1. Record (as of deeds, or oj Urths and deaths), list, chronicle, roll. 3. Registrar, scribe, clerk, keeper of a record. Register, v. a. 1. Record, make a record of. 3. Enroll, enter on a list. Registrar, n. Keeper of a record, regis ter. Registry* n. 1. Registering, enrolment. 3. Registrar s office. Regrate, v. a. Forestall, monopolize, engross, get exclusive possession of (in order to enhance prices). Regress, n. Return, retrocession, reflux, retrogression, refluence, ebb. Regression, n. Return, REGRESS. Regressively, ad. Backward, aback. Regret, n. 1. Grief, sorrow. 3. Penitence, compunction, remorse, repentance, contrition. Regret, v. a. 1. Lament, grieve at, be sorry for. 3. Repent, repent of. Regular, a. 1. Orderly, methodical, systematic, uniform, normal, just, ac cording to rule. 3. Periodic, periodical. 3. Steady, stated, settled, established, constant. Regularity, n. 1. Order, rule, method, system, uniformity, even tenor, regular course. 3. Punctuality, regular recurrence. 3. Steadiness, constancy. Regulate, v. a. 1. Methodize, dispose, adjust, reduce to method, adjust by rule, put in order, keep in order. 3. Direct, manage, govern, conduct, guide, rule. Regulation, n. 1. Adjustment, dispo sition, disposure, disposal, ordering. 3. Rule, order, law. REGURGITATE 331 RELICS Regurgitate, v. n. Flow back, be poured back. Regurgitation, n. Flowing back, re flux, refluence. Rehabilitate, v. a. Reinstate (in a former right or privilege), re-establish, restore. Rehabilitation, n. Reinstatement (in a former right or privilege), restoration, re-establishment, instauration. Rehearsal, n. 1. Repetition, recital. 3. Narration, narrative, statement, account, story, history. Rehearse, v. a. 1. Repeat, recite. 3. Narrate, relate, recount, describe, tell, portray, delineate, depict, set forth, give an account of. Reign, v. n. Rule, be king, exercise sovereign authority. Reign, n. Royalty, sovereignty, royal authority. Reimburse, v. a. 1. Refund, repay. 3. Indemnify, requite, compensate. Reimbursement, n. Repayment. Rein, v. a. Check, restrain, control, curb. Reins, n. pi. 1. Kidneys. 3. Loins, lower part of the back, lumbar region. 3. Affections, passions, inward im pulses. Reinstall, v. a. REINSTATE. Reinstate, v. a. Re-establish, replace, reinstall, place in a former state. Reinstatement, n. Re-establishment, replacement. Reiterate, v. a. Repeat, repeat again, do again and again. Reiteration, n. Repetition. Reject, v. a. 1. Exclude, discard, eject, set aside, pass over, throw aside, cast off, lay aside, cast aside, cast away, put away, throw overboard, lay on the shelf. 3. Decline, refuse, repudiate, repel, rebuff, slight, despise. Rejection, n. 1. Exclusion. 3. Declination, refusal, repudiation. Rejoice, v. a. Gladden, exhilarate, cheer, gratify, please, delight, trans port, enrapture. Rejoice, v. n. Exult, triumph, glory, be joyful, be gladdened, be exhilarated, be pleased, be delighted, take delight. Rejoin, v. n. Answer (to a reply). Rejoinder, n. Answer (to a reply), rep lication. Rejuvenate, v. a. Make young again. Rejuvenated, a. Renascent. Relapse, v. n. Fall back, return to a former state (especially a bad state). Relapse, n. Falling back, return to a former state (especially a bad state). Relate, v. a. Tell, recount, rehearse, recite, narrate, report, detail, describe, give an account of. Relate to, Respect, regard, concern, re fer to, appertain to, belong to. Related, a. 1. Connected, cognate, of the same nature. 2. Kindred, akin, kin, allied, of the same family. Relation, n. 1. Recital, narration, nar rative, account, statement, story, his tory, chronicle, tale, description, detail, report. 3. Connection, relationship, mutual dependence. 3. Reference, -respect, regard. 4. Relationship, kindred, kin, con sanguinity, filiation, family tie. 5. Kinsman, relative, kinsfolk. Relationship, n. 1. Connection, rela tion, dependence. 3, Kindred, affinity, consanguinity, propinquity, KIN. Relative, a. Referring (to something else), not absolute. Relative to, Respecting, relating to. Relative, n. 1. Relation, kinsman, con nection. 3. (Gram.) Relative pronoun. Relatively, ad. With reference to some thing else, not absolutely. Relax, v. a. 1. Loosen, slacken, loose. 3. Weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, ener vate, unbrace, prostrate. 3. Lessen, diminish, reduce, abate, remit, mitigate. 4. Unbend, ease, divert, recreate, entertain, amuse. Relax, v. n. 1. Become lax. 3. Recreate, unbend, take recreation. Release, v. a. I. Liberate, unloose, free, loose, disengage, discharge, deliver, set free, set at liberty, let loose, let out. 3. Quit, let go, give up. Release, n. 1. Liberation, deliverance, discharge, freedom. 3. Exemption, exoneration, excuse, dispensation, absolution. 3. Acquittance, clearance, receipt in full. Relegate, v. a. 1. Transfer, remove, consign. 3. Banish, expatriate, send into exile. Relegation, n. 1. Removal, transfer ence. 3. Banishment, exile, deportation, expatriation. Relent, v. n. Soften (in temper), grow lenient or tender, abate severity or rigor. Relentless, a. Unrelenting, unpitying, unforgiving, implacable, inexorable, unappeasable, cruel, vindictive, ran corous, merciless, unmerciful, uncom- passionate, pitiless, hard. Relevant, a. Pertinent, applicable, fit, proper, apt, suitable, appropriate, ap posite, to the purpose, to the point. Reliability, n. [Modern.] Reliableness, trustworthiness. Reliable, a. [Modern.] Trustworthy, trusty, to be relied on, to be depended on, worthy of credit. Reliableness, n. RELIABILITY. Reliance, n. 1. Dependence, trust, con fidence. 3, Hope, ground of trust. Reliant, a. Confident, trusting. Relics, n. pi. 1. Remains, remnants, scraps, fragments, leavings, remainder. 3. Corpse, COKSE, dead body. RELICT 332 REMISSION Relict, n. Widow. Relief, n. 1. Succor, help, assistance, aid, support. 3. Redress, indemnification, remedy. 3. Projection, prominence, RELIEVO. Relieve, v. a. 1. Succor, aid, help, as sist, comfort. 2. Allay, mitigate, assuage, soothe, lessen, palliate, ease, remedy, cure, re move. 3. Put in relief, set off by contrast. Relievo, n. [It.] Prominence, relief, projection. Relight, v. a. Rekindle, reillumine, relumine, relume, light again, light anew. Religion, n. 1. Science of duty (to God and our fellows), science of obligation (as creatures of God), that which binds us to the practice of righteousness. 2. Sentiment of faith, reverence, and love towards God; godliness, devout- ness, devotion, holiness, sanctity, piety, virtue, goodness. 3. System of faith. Religious, a. 1. Devout, holy, godly, pious, devotional. 3. Conscientious, scrupulous, exact, strict, rigid. Relinquish, v. a. 1. Leave, quit, for sake, desert, renounce, forswear, aban don, cast off, give over, withdraw from. 3. Surrender, cede, yield, resign, ab dicate, forego, deliver up, give up, part with, lay down, lay aside. Relinquishment, n. 1. Abandonment, dereliction, desertion, abjuration. 3. Renunciation, surrender, cession, resignation. Relish, n. 1. Taste, flavor, savor, gusto, gust, zest, power of pleasing. 3. Liking, fondness, appetite, predi lection, partiality. 3. Quality, tinge, cast, touch, smack, twang. 4. Appetizer. Relish, v. a. 1. Like the taste or flavor of, taste with pleasure. 3. Like, enjoy, be pleased with, take delight in, delight in, have a liking for. Relish, v. n. 1. Have a pleasing taste, be enjoyable. 3. Smack, taste, have a flavor. Relishable, a. Gustable. Relishing, a. Palatable, savory, flavor- ous. Relucent, a. Shining, luminous, trans parent, clear, pellucid, lucent. Reluctance, n. Repugnance, unwilling ness, aversion, dislike, disinclination, grudging. Reluctant, a. Unwilling, loath, averse, backward, disinclined, indisposed, not Relume, v. a. Rekindle, reillumine, re lumine, relight, light again, light anew. Rely on, Trust in, depend on, confide in, count on, rely upon. Rely upon, RELY OK. Remain, v. n. 1. Continue, endure, abide, stay, tarry, keep, last. 2. Be left, be left behind. Remainder, n. Remnant, residue, rest, remains, BALANCE. Remains, n. pi. 1. Relics, remnants, scraps, fragments, leavings, remainder, refuse, odds and ends. 3. CORPSE, CORSE, CARCASS, dead body. Remand, v. a. Send back, order back. Remark, n. 1. Notice, observation, heed, regard, consideration. 3. Comment, note, annotation, strict ure, gloss. 3. Assertion, declaration, averment, statement. Remark, v. a. Note, notice, observe, heed, take notice of, attend to, pay at tention to. Remark, v. n. Say, observe, state. Remarkable, a. Noticeable, observ able, notable, extraordinary, uncom mon, unusual, singular, strange, rare, distinguished, famous, eminent, con spicuous, prominent, striking. Remediable, a. Curable, retrievable, to be cured, to be remedied. Remediless, a. Incurable, irremediable, irreparable, irretrievable, irreclaim able, irrecoverable, irreversible, hope less, past cure, past mending, past hope. Remedy, n. 1. Cure, antidote, specific, restorative, help, medicine, corrective, counteractive. 3. Reparation, redress, restoration. Remedy, v. a. 1. Cure, heal, help. 2. Repair, redress, restore. Remember, v. a. 1. Recall (easily). RECOLLECT, call to mind, call up, call to remembrance, have at one s fingers ends, know by heart. 2. Retain, bear in mind, keep in mind, bear in memory, preserve the memory of, treasure in the memory, tax the memory with. Remembrance, n. 1. Reminiscence, recollection, calling to mind. 2. Memory, mind. 3. Memento, memorial, souvenir, re membrancer, token. Remembrancer, n. Token, memorial, memento, souvenir, remembrance, tes timonial, monument, record. Remind, v. a. Suggest to, put in mind, jog the memory of, put in remem brance. Reminiscence, n. Remembrance, recol lection, calling to mind. Remise, n. (Law.) Surrender, release. Remise, v. a. (Law.) Surrender, release, grant back. Remiss, a. 1. Slack, dilatory, slow, backward, behindhand. 2. Inattentive, negligent, careless, thoughtless, heedless, neglectful, lax. Remission, n. 1. Relaxation, modera tion, mitigation, lessening, abatement. 2. Intermission, suspension, inter ruption, suspense, stop, stoppage, res pite, pause, rest. 3. Forgiveness, absolution, pardon, indulgence, acquittal, discharge, exon eration, excuse. REMIT 333 RENT 4. Release, relinquishment, surren der. Remit, v. a. 1. Return, restore, replace, send back. 3. Relax, diminish, abate, bate. 3. Forgive, pardon, absolve, excuse, overlook, pass over. 4. Resign, surrender, give up, deliver up. 5. Transmit, forward, send. Remit, v. n. Slacken, abate, lessen, diminish, decrease, grow less. Remnant, n. Residue, scrap, fragment, remainder, piece, remains. Remnants, n. pi. Scraps, fragments, pieces, relics, refuse, odds and ends. Remonstrance, n. Expostulation, pro testation. Remonstrate, v. n. Protest, expostu late, urge reasons, make objections, take exception. Remorse, n. Penitence, compunction, contrition, repentance, sorrow, regret, self-reproach, reproach of conscience, stings of conscience, self-condemna tion. Remorseful, a. Compunctious, contrite, repentant, penitent, sorrowful. Remorseless, a. Unpitying, relentless, pitiless, uncompassionate, unrelenting, cruel, ruthless, merciless, unmerciful, savage, implacable. Remote, a. 1. Far, distant, far off, not near, not nigh. 3. Alien, foreign, unallied, separated, unconnected. 3. Secluded, sequestered, removed. Remoteness, n. Distance. Removal, n. 1. Displacement, remove, dislodgement, tranference, relegation, change of place. 2. Withdrawal, elimination, extrica tion, extraction. 3. Destruction, suppression, abate ment. 4. Dismission, ejection. Remove, v. a. 1. Displace, dislodge, transfer. 3. Withdraw, extract, take out, take away, carry off. 3. Banish, destroy, abate, suppress, put an end to, do away with, make a clean sweep of. 4. Dismiss, eject, oust, put out, turn out. Remove, v. n. 1. Go, change place. 3. Move, change residence. Remove, n. 1. REMOVAL, change of place. 3. Interval, distance, separation. 3. Step (in a scale of gradation). Removed, a. Secluded, sequestered, remote. Remunerate, v. a. 1. Reward, requite, compensate, pay, recompense, satisfy, repay. 3. Reimburse, repay, INDEMNIFY. Remuneration, n. 1. Reward, requital, compensation, payment, satisfaction. 3. Reimbursement, indemnification, repayment, indemnity. Remunerative, a. Profitable, paying, gainful, paying a good interest, bringing a good return. Renascent, a. 1. Reappearing, repro duced. 2. Rejuvenated. Rencounter, n. 1. Clash, shock, col lision. 3. Encounter, conflict, combat, fight, battle, engagement, action, skirmish, brush, affair. Rencounter, v. n. Clash, encounter, skirmish, fight, come into collision. Rend, v. a. Break, sever, dissever, rive, shiver, cleave, split, crack, snap, burst, fracture, lacerate, dilacerate, tear, tear asunder, break asunder. Render, v. a. 1. Return, restore, pay back, reimburse. 3. Give, assign, offer. 3. Furnish, contribute, supply. 4. Make, cause to be. 5. Translate, construe, interpret. Rendering, n. Translation, version, construction, interpretation. Rendezvous, n. Place of meeting. Rendition, n. Return, restitution, sur render. Renegade, n. 1. Apostate, backslider, turncoat. 3. Deserter, revolter, rebel, traitor. 3. Vagabond, worthless fellow. Renew, v. a. 1. Renovate, restore, re establish, repair, refit, rebuild, revive, recreate, make new. 3. Repeat, recommence, begin again. 8. Regenerate, transform. Renewal, n. 1. Renovation, restoration, re-establishment, repair. 3. Repetition, recommencement. Reniform, a. (Bot.) Kidney-shaped. Renitency, n. Resistance ( of solid bodies to pressure), opposition, antagonism. Renitent, a. Resisting (pressure), op posing, counteracting, antagonistic. Renounce, v. a. 1. Reject, repudiate, disclaim, disown, deny, decline, slight, abnegate, neglect, cast off, trample on. 3. Relinquish, abandon, forego, re sign, abjure, desert, forsake, forswear, leave, drop, lay down, lay aside, give up, cast off, give over, drop all idea of. Renovate, v. a. Renew, revive, restore, resuscitate, reconstitute, re-establish, reproduce, regenerate, revivify, recre ate, reanimate. Renovation, n. Renewal, resuscitation, revival, reproduction, reconstruction, restoration, reconstitution, redintegra tion, REHABILITATION. Renown, n. Distinction, repute, name, reputation, note, notoriety, figure, fame, celebrity, glory, honor. Renowned, a. Distinguished, famous, celebrated, eminent, illustrious, noted, famed, honored, far-famed. Rent, n. Break, breach, fissure, crack, rift, cleft, gap, opening, flaw, rupture, disrupture, disruption, fracture, lacer ation, dilaceration, tear, solution of continuity. RENTAL 334 REPRESENT Rental, n. Rent-roll. Renter, i. Lessee, tenant. Rent-roll, n. Rental. Renunciation, n. 1. Rejection, repudi ation, abnegation, abjuration. 3. Surrender, cession, abandonment, resignation. Repair, v. a. 1. Mend, refit, retouch, vamp, tinker, piece, patch, touch up, vamp up, patch up. 3. Retrieve, restore, make good. 3. Redress, atone for, make amends for. Repair, n. Restoration, reparation, re newal, refitting, mending. Reparable, a. Retrievable, restorable, recoverable. Reparation, n. 1. Restoration, renewal, REPAIR. 3. Redress, indemnification, amends, atonement, restitution, compensation, satisfaction. Reparative, a. Restoring, restorative, reviving. Reparative, n. Cure, remedy, medicine, restorative, corrective. Repartee, n. Retort; smart, or witty reply. Repast, n. I. Food, victuals. 3. Meal, entertainment. Repay, v. a. 1. Refund, reimburse, pay back, restore. 3. Remunerate, compensate, reward, recompense, requite. Repeal, v. a. Abrogate (a law), rescind, REVOKE, annul, cancel, abolish, set aside, do away, make void. Repeal, n. Abrogation, revocation, re scission, rescinding, annulment. Repeat, v. a. 1. Iterate, reiterate, do again. 3. Recite, rehearse, recapitulate, tell over, relate. 3. Renew, reproduce, echo, re-echo. Repel, v. a. 1. Repulse ; drive, beat, or force back. 3. Resist, oppose, check, withstand, confront, parry, rebuff, BLUFF, strive against, make a stand against. 3. Reject, refuse, decline. Repent, v. n. Regret, be sorry, be peni tent, feel remorse. Repentance, n. Penitence, contrition, compunction, remorse, regret, self- reproach, self-reproof, self-accusation, self-condemnation, stings of conscience. Repentant, a. 1. Penitent, sorry. 3. Penitential. Repercussion, n. Reverberation, re bound. Repercussive, a. Rebounding, rever berating. Repertory, n. Repository, depository, treasury, magazine, depot, museum, store-house, THESAURUS. Repetition, n. 1. Iteration, dwelling, harping, reiteration. 3. Tautology, pleonasm, redundancy, diff useness, verbosity. 3. Recital, rehearsal, relation. Repetitious, a. Tautological, verbose, diffuse. Repine, v. n. Complain, murmur, croak, grumble, be discontented, be dissatis fied. Replace, v. a. 1. Reinstate, re-establish, put back. 3. Refund, repay, restore, pay back. 3. Take the place of, supply the want of. Replacement, n. Re-establishment, reinstatement. Replenish, v. a. 1. Fill, stock, fill up. 3. Supply, furnish, provide, store. Replete, a. Full, abounding, charged, exuberant, fraught, well stocked, well provided, choke full, completely full. Repletion, n. 1. Satiety, glut, surfeit, exuberant fulness. 3. (Med.) Plethora. Replication, n. Answer, REJOINDER, reply. Reply, v. n. ANSWER (especially to con fute or disprove an assertion), respond, REJOIN. Reply, . Answer, response, replication, REJOINDER. Report, v. a. 1. Announce, annunciate, declare, communicate, set forth, make known, give an account of. 3. Relate, mention, bruit, advertise, publish, tell, promulgate, give out. 3. Take down (in writing). Report, n. 1. Account, announcement, statement, declaration, communica tion. 3. Rumor, mention, relation, story, hearsay, bruit, news, common fame. 3. Explosion, noise, sound, detona tion. 4. Repute, reputation. 5. Record, note, minute. Repose, v. a. 1. Compose, rest, put to rest, lay down to rest, give repose to. 3. Place (in confidence), put, stake. Repose, v. n. 1. Lie, recline. 3. Rest, sleep, slumber, take a nap. 3. Lean (in confidence), confide, put confidence. Repose, n. 1, Rest, sleep, slumber. 3. Relaxation, respite, breathing- time. 3. Base, quiet, quietness, quietude, tranquillity, peace. Reposit, v. a. Lodge, deposit, place, store, lay up. Repository, n. Depository, repertory, depot, magazine, conservatory, store house, museum, treasury, THESAURUS. Reprehend, v. a. Reprove, chide, re buke, reproach, upbraid, REPRIMAND. Reprehensible, a. Blamable, culpable, censurable, reprovable, deserving cen sure, worthy of blame. Reprehension, n. Reproof, blame, cen sure, reproach, reprimand, rebuke, ad monition. Represent, v. a. 1. Exhibit, show, ex press. 3. Delineate, depict, portray, set forth, describe. 3. Personate, take the part of. 4. Stand for, stand in the place of. REPRESENTATION 335 REQUITE Representation, n. 1. Exhibition, de lineation, show. 2. Personation, simulation. 3. Description, account, narration, relation, narrative. 4. Likeness, semblance, image, por traiture, model. 5. Acting for others, supplying an other s place. 6. Body of delegates or deputies. Representative, a. 1. Figurative, typ ical, symbolical. 2. Delegated, acting for others. Representative, n. Delegate, deputy, substitute, agent, proxy, LOCUM TE- NENS. Repress, v. a. 1. Suppress, subdue, crush, quell, overpower, overcome, put down. 2. Restrain, check, curb, bridle, con trol, chasten, rein in, sober down. Repression, n. Suppression. Reprieve, v. a. Respite, delay the pun ishment of, give a respite to. Reprieve, n. Respite, suspension of punishment. Reprimand, v. a. Reprove, censure, rebuke, reprehend, reproach, chide, scold, upbraid, blame, admonish, find fault with, BLOW UP. Reprimand, n. Reproof, censure, re buke, reproach, blame, admonition, animadversion, reprobation, reproval. Reprint, n. Reimpression, republica- tion. Reproach, v. a. 1. Censure, blame, re prove, reprehend, REPRIMAND, up braid. 2. Revile, vilify, defame, asperse, abuse, speak ill of. Reproach, n. 1. Censure, reproof, dis approbation, disapproval, blame, invec tive, upbraiding, condemnation, repro bation, remonstrance, reprehension, expostulation, rebuke, reprimand, rail ing, contumely. 2. Dishonor, disgrace, shame, oblo quy, opprobrium, odium, scandal, ig nominy, infamy, abasement, indignity. Reproachable, a. Censurable, REPRE HENSIBLE. Reproachful, a. Opprobrious, scurri lous, abusive, railing, scolding, upbraid ing, vituperative, condemnatory, cen sorious, damnatory, invective. Reprobate, a. 1. Reprobated, rejected, disallowed, discarded, condemned. 2. Depraved, abandoned, profligate, corrupt, hardened, lost, graceless, base, shameless, wicked, vile. Reprobate, n. Villain, castaway, out cast, outlaw, scapegrace, miscreant, caitiff, vile wretch. Reprobation, n. Condemnation, cen sure, REPROOF. Reproof, n. Censure (given calmly), condemnation, REBUKE, reprimand, reprehension, reproach, animadversion, blame, reproval. Reprovable, a. Censurable, blamable, reproach able, culpable, reprehensible, deserving censure, worthy of blame. Reproval, n. Reproof. Reprove, v. a. Censure (calmly, or with out passion), lecture, blame, reprehend, reprimand, chide, REBUKE, upbraid, scold, admonish, find fault with, remon strate with, expostulate with, BLOW UP. Republic, n. Commonwealth, popular government, representative govern ment. Republication, n. Reprint, reimpres- sion. Repudiate, v. a. 1. Discard, reject, re nounce, cast off. 2. Divorce, put away. 3. [Modern.] Disown (debts), dis claim, refuse to pay. Repudiation, n. 1. Rejection. 2. Disavowal, disowning, disclaim ing. Repugnance, n. 1. Contrariety, incon sistency , incompatibility, irreconcilable- ness, unsuitableness. 2, Unwillingness, aversion, hatred, reluctance, dislike, antipathy, hostil ity. Repugnant, a. 1. Inconsistent, irre concilable, incompatible. 2. Opposed, opposite, contrary, hos tile, adverse, unfavorable, antagonistic, inimical. 3. Offensive, distasteful. Repulsive, a. 1. Repelling, repellent. 2. Odious, hateful, unpleasant, disa greeable, disgusting, offensive, forbid ding, loathsome, nauseating, nauseous, sickening, revolting. Reputable, a. Respectable, creditable, honorable, estimable. Reputation, n. 1. Repute, name, char acter. 2. Celebrity, credit, influence, fame, renown, distinction, honor, glory. Repute, v. a. Regard, consider, esteem, estimate, account, reckon, hold. Repute, n. 1. Estimate, opinion, con sideration. 2. Reputation, character, name. Request, n. 1. Petition, prayer, en treaty, suit, solicitation, supplication. 2. Demand. Request, v. a. Solicit, ask, entreat, beg, beseech, beg for, petition for, ask for. Require, v. a. 1. Demand, claim, exact, insist upon. 2. Need, want, call for. Requirement, n. 1. Demand, REQUI SITION. 2. Command, mandate, order, pre cept, injunction, charge. Requisite, a. Needful, needed, neces sary, essential, indispensable. Requisition, n. Demand, claim, exac tion, requirement, call. Requital, n. 1. Reward, recompense, compensation, remuneration, satisfac tion, payment. 2. Retribution, retaliation, punish ment. Requite, v. a. 1. Reward, recompense, compensate, remunerate, reciprocate, satisfy, pay. 2. Retaliate, avenge. RESCIND 336 RESORT Rescind, v. a. Annul, abrogate, abolish, revoke, recall, repeal, cancel, vacate, countermand, quash, make void, set aside, do away. Rescindment, n. RESCISSION. Rescission, n. Rescindment, abrogation, repeal, revocation, annulling, cancell ing. . Rescript, n. Edict, decree, mandate. Rescue, v. a. Liberate, free, deliver, save, redeem, extricate, release, ran som, set free, bring oft . Rescue, n. Liberation, release, redemp tion, ransom, salvation, deliverance, extrication. Research, . Investigation, inquiry, scrutiny, examination, exploration, study, careful search. Resemblance, n. 1. Similarity, like ness, similitude, semblance, analogy. 2. Representation, image, counter part, fac-simile. Resemble, v. a. Be like, bear likeness or resemblance to. Resent, v. a. Take ill, take amiss, take offence at, take umbrage at, be offended at, be indignant at, be provoked at. Resent, v. n. Be angry, flare up, take offence, take umbrage. Resentful, a. Irascible, choleric, vin dictive, revengeful, malignant, ill-tem pered. Resentment, n. Indignation, anger, choler, ire, wrath, displeasure, grudge, heart-burning. Reservation, n. 1. Concealment, sup pression. 3. Reserve, something reserved. 3. Salvo, proviso. Reserve, v. a. Keep, hold, retain, hus band, set by, lay by, lay up, store up. Reserve, n. 1. Reservation, something reserved. 2. Constraint, restraint, backward ness, cautious behavior. 3. Shyness, coyness, bashfulness, ta^- iturnity, modesty, deinureness, reserv- edness. Reserved, a. 1. Restrained, backward, cautious, cold, incommunicative, un sociable, unsocial. 3. Shy, bashful, coy, diffident, taci turn, modest, demure. Reservedness, n. Shyness, RESERVE. Reservoir, n. Basin, cistern, tank. Reside, v. n. Dwell, inhabit, live, abide, sojourn, have lodgings, be quartered. Residence, n. 1. Habitancy, inhabi tancy, legal settlement. 3. Habitation, dwelling, domicile, abode, mansion, house, place of abode, place of residence. Resident, a. Abiding, dwelling, resid ing, inhabiting. Resident, n. Inhabitant, dweller, re- sider. Resider, n. RESIDENT. Residual, a. Remaining. Residue, n. 1. Remainder, rest, rem nant, residuum, BALANCE. 2. (Latv.) Surplus (of a testator s estate), excess, overplus. Residuum, n. Remainder, RESIDUE. Resign, v. a. Yield, surrender, relin quish, abdicate, forego, abandon, cede, give up, deliver up, throw up, part with, lay down. Resign, v. n. Abdicate, relinquish office. Resignation, n. 1. Surrender, relin- quishment, cession, abandonment, re nunciation, abdication. 2. Endurance (ivith a submissive, re ligious sj)i? it), submission, acquiescence, abasement, compliance, patience, suf ferance, forbearance, fortitude, long- sufferance, long-suffering. Resigned, a. Submissive, obedient, unresisting, complying, yielding, un complaining, patient, humble, meek, lowly. Resiliency, n. Rebounding. Resilient, a. Rebounding, recoiling, elastic, springy. Resin, n. ROSIN. Resist, v. a. Oppose, withstand, impugn, confront, assail, attack, strive against, make a stand against, not submit to. Resistance, n. Opposition, hinderance, rebuff, check. Resistless, a. Irresistible. Resolute, a. Firm, determined, steady, decided, resolved, stanch, steadfast, constant, persevering, unwavering, in flexible, undaunted, hardy, unshaken, bold, stout-hearted. Resolution, n. 1. Analysis, decompo sition. 2. Firmness, determination, steadi ness, constancy, inflexibility, courage, energy, pluck, hardihood, decision, manliness, tenacity of purpose. 3. Resolve, determination, intention, fixed purpose. 4. (Math.) Solution, explanation. 5. ( Med.) Disappearance, dispersion, termination, breaking up. 6. (Legislation.) Resolve, declara tion. Resolvable, a. 1. Decomposable. 2. Solvable. Resolve, v. a. 1. Analyze, decompose, decompound. 3. Disentangle, interpret, decipher, unravel, explain, unfold. 3. Reduce, change. 4. (Math.) Solve, find the answer to. 5. (Med.) Disperse, scatter. 6. (Legislation.) Declare. Resolve, v. n. Intend, purpose, decide, determine, conclude, form a resolution, make up one s mind, take one s stand, come to a determination. Resolve, n. 1. Intention, resolution, determination, fixed purpose. 2. Declaration (by a legislature or an organized body), resolution. Resonance, n. Reverberation, RING. Resonant, a. Resounding. Resort, v. n. Go, repair, apply, have recourse, betake one s self. Resort, n. 1. Recourse. 3. Haunt, den, retreat, place much frequented. 3. Concourse, meeting, confluence. RESOUND 337 RESUSCITATION Resound, v. a. Echo, re-echo, reverber ate. Resound, v. n. Echo, reverberate. Resource, n. Means, expedient, device, contrivance, resort, appliance, instru mentality. Resources, n. pi. Money, wealth, funds, pecuniary means. Respect, v. a. 1. Esteem, reverence, honor, venerate, value, prize, think highly of, have a high opinion of, look up to, defer to. 3. Regard, relate to, refer to. Respect, n. 1. Esteem, reverence, ven eration, homage, estimation, regard, honor, deference, attention. 2. Favor, good will, land considera tion. 3. Relation, reference, regard. Respectability, n. Estimableness, rep- utableness, respectableness. Respectableness, n. RESPECTABIL ITY. Respectful, a. Deferential, courteous, dutiful, obedient, ceremonious, civil, decorous, polite. Respects, n. pi. Compliments, regards, comm endations . Respiration, n. Breathing. Respire, v. n. Breathe. Respite, n. 1. Delay, pause. 3. Reprieve, suspension of punish ment. Respite, v. a. 1. Delay, postpone. 3, Reprieve, suspend the punishment of. Resplendent, a. Brilliant, splendid, shining, luminous, beaming, effulgent, lucid, BRIGHT, glorious. Respond, v. n. 1. Answer, reply, re join. 3. [Poetical.] Correspond, suit, be agreeable. Response, n. Answer, reply, replica tion, REJOINDER. Responsibility, n. Acconntableness, accountability, responsibleness, liabil ity, obligation, bounden duty. Responsible, a. Answerable, liable, accountable, amenable. Responsibleness, n. RESPONSIBILITY. Responsive, a. Answering. Rest, n. 1. Repose, quiet, quiescence, ease. 3. Peace, tranquillity, peacefulness, security, stillness. 3. Pause, caesura, intermission, stop, stay. 4. Remainder, residue, remnant, re siduum, BALANCE. 5. Others. Rest, v. n. 1. Stop, pause, halt, hold, breathe, desist, cease, come to a stand, stand still, come to a stand-still, lie by, keep quiet, lie on one s oars. 3. Repose, relax, unbend, take rest, take breath, take one s ease, be at ease, be quiet, fold one s arms, take it easy. 3. Sleep, slumber. 4. Acquiesce, confide, trust, be satis fied. 5. Lean, recline, bottom, stand on, be supported, be based on. Restaurant, n. [Fr.] Eating-house, CAFE, CHOP-HOUSE. Restifl , a. RESTIVE. Restitution, n. 1. Restoration, return. 3. Indemnification, reparation, recom pense, amends, compensation, requital, remuneration, satisfaction. Restive, a. 1. Stubborn, mulish, restiff, obstinate. 3. Uneasy, impatient, restless, ill at ease, unquiet. Restless, a. 1. Unquiet, uneasy, dis quieted, disturbed, agitated, anxious, restive. 3. Unsteady, inconstant, changeable, unstable, unsettled, vacillating, fickle. 3. Roving, wandering, in motion, on the move. Restoration, n. 1. Renewal, revival, renovation, reconstruction, redintegra tion, re-establishment, reinstatement, return. 2. Recovery, resuscitation. Restorative, CL Restoring, curative. Restorative, n. Cure, remedy, medi cine, reparative, corrective. Restore, v. a. 1. Return, give back, bring back, render up. 3. Replace, re-establish, redintegrate, reinstate, renew. 3. Cure, heal, revive, recruit. Restrain, v. a. 1. Check, curb, bridle, repress, suppress, withhold, constrain, cramp, interdict, keep, contain, hold back, hold in, keep under. 3. Hinder, prevent, debar, bar, stop, prohibit. 3. Limit, confine, restrict, circum scribe. Restraint, n. Check, curb, repression, bridle, suppression, constraint, CRAMP, prohibition, hold-back. 3. Hinderance, prevention. 3. Limitation, restriction, imprison ment, confinement. Restrict, v. a. Limit, bound, restrain, confine, circumscribe, hedge in. Restriction, n. Limitation, constraint, confinement, restraint. Result, v. n. 1. Proceed, come, follow, flow, issue, arise, ensue, accrue, be the effect, be derived. 2. End, terminate. Result, n. 1. Consequence (from a cer tain combination of causes, or from premises), inference, conclusion. 3. Issue, event, effect. 3. Decision, resolve, determination, resolution. Resume, v. a. 1. Take back, take again. 3. Recommence, renew, begin again, take up again. Resume, . [Fr.] SUMMARY, abstract. recapitulation, summing up, condensed statement. Resuscitate, v. a. Revivify, reanimate, revive, quicken, restore to life, recall to life, bring back to life. Resuscitation, n. Revivification, reani- mation, quickening, revival. RETAIL 338 REVENGE lie-tail, v. a. 1. Sell in small quantities. 3. Deal out in small portions. Retain, v. a. 1. Hold, keep, reserve, detain, hug, keep back, keep in hand. 2. Engage (by fee paid), hire. Retailer, n. Huckster. Retainer, n. 1. Attendant, adherent, dependant, follower, hanger-on. 3. Retaining fee. Retaliate, v. a. Return (by giving like for like, as an injury), repay, requite, revenge, take vengeance for. Retaliate, v. n. Take revenge, return like for like, give one as good as one sends, give quid pro quo, give a Rowland for an Oliver, give tit for tat. Retaliation, n. Requital (of evil for evil), reprisal, retribution, repayment, revenge, punishment. Retaliatory, a. Retaliating, revenging. Retard, v. a. 1. Check, obstruct, clog, impede, hinder. 3. Delay, defer, postpone, adjourn, procrastinate, put off. Retch, v. 11, Heave, strain, keck, gag, try to vomit. Retention, n. 1. Reservation, holding, keeping, retaining, detention. 2. Maintenance, preservation, con servation. Retentive, a. Tenacious. Reticence, n. Reserve, taciturnity. Reticent, a. Reserved, taciturn, silent (by habit). RltSaIed>- Meshy, retiform. Reticulation, n. Net-work. Reticule, n. Work-bag. Retiform, a. RETICULAR. Retinue, n. Train, suite, staff, followers, CORTEGE, body of attendants. Retire, v. a. (Com.) Withdraw from circulation (as currency). Retire, v. n. 1. Withdraw, depart, re treat, remove. 3. Recede, retrocede, fall back, beat a retreat, sound a retreat, take the back track. Retired, a. 1. Withdrawn, removed. 3. Secret, private, solitary, secluded, sequestered. Retirement, n. Privacy, seclusion, re treat. Retiring, a. Reserved, taciturn, shy, demure, bashful, diffident, modest, coy. Retort, n. Repartee; smart, or witty reply. Retouch, v. a. 1. Repair, refit, touch up, rub up. 3. Revise. Retract, v. a. 1. Withdraw, draw back. 3. Recall, revoke, recant, abjure, dis avow, cancel, take back. Retract, v. n. Take back what was said, eat one s words. * Retraction, n. Recantation, abjura tion, revocation. Retreat, n. 1. Departure, withdrawal. 3. Retirement, seclusion, privacy. 3. Asylum, refuge, shelter. 4. Haunt, resort, den. Retreat, v.n. 1. Withdraw, retire, give way. 3. Recede, fall back, take the back track. Retrench, v. a. 1. Curtail, cut, lop, dock, prune, pare, clip, cut short, cut off, lop off. 3. Diminish, lessen, decrease. Retrenchment, n. Curtailment, reduc tion, diminution. Retribution, n. [Used especially with respect to tlie divine government.} 1. Repayment, requital, recompense, re ward, compensation, return. 3. Distrioution of rewards and pun ishments. Retrieve, v . a. Regain, recover, restore, repair, re-establish, get again. Retroaction, n. Recoil, reaction, re bound. Retroactive, a. 1, Reflex. 3. Retrospective, that affects the past. Retrocede, v. n. Retire, recede, retro grade, fall back. Retrogradation, n. Retrogression. Retrograde, a. Backward. Retrograde, v. n. Retrocede, recede, retire, go or move backward, retrace one s steps. Retrogression, n. Retrogradation. Retrospect, n. Review, re-survey. Retrospection, n. Looking back. Retrospective, a. 1. Looking back. 3. Retroactive, that affects the past. Return, v. n. Revert, recur, turn back, go or come back, get back. Return, v. a. 1. Restore, give back, send back. 3. Repay, refund. 3. Report, communicate, give or ren der an account of. Return, n. 1. Repayment, reimburse ment. 3. Recompense, reward, requital. 3. Advantage, benefit, profit, inter est. 4. Official account. Returns, n. pi. Proceeds, profits, avails. Reveal, v. a. Disclose, discover, unveil, publish, divulge, tell, declare, impart, communicate, display, make known, lay open. Revel, n. Carousal, REVELRY. Revel, v. n. 1. Carouse, tipple, riot, make merry, plunge into dissipation. 3. Indulge, luxuriate, wanton. Revelation, n. 1. Discovery, disclosure. 3. Divine communication of truth. 3. The Apocalypse. Reveller, n. [Written also Reveler.} Carouser, bacchanal, bacchanalian. Revelry, n. Carousal, carouse, revel, jollity, festivity, orgies, bacchanals, saturnalia, wassail, debauch, pota tion, compotation, SPREE, jollification, drinking bout. Revenge, v. a. 1. Retaliate, requite, take vengeance for. 3. Avenge, vindicate by punishment. Revenge, n. Retaliation, requital (qf an injury). REVENGEFUL 339 RHIZOMA Revengeful, a. Vindictive, malicious, malignant, spiteful, resentful, unforgiv ing, implacable, vengeful, rancorous, malevolent. Revengefulness, . Vindictiveness. Revenue, n. Income, receipts. Reverberate, v. a. Echo, re-echo. Reverberate, v. n. Resound, echo, re echo. Reverberation, n. Echoing, re-echo ing, echo, reflected sound. Reverberatory, a. Reverberating. Revere, v. a. Venerate, reverence, adore, honor, regard highly. Reverence, n. Veneration, honor, hom age, adoration, awe. Reverence, v. a. REVERE. Reverend, a. Venerable. Reverent, a. REVERENTIAL. Reverential, a. Respectful, deferential, reverent. Reverie, n. [Fr.] REVERY. Reversal, n. Repeal, revocation, annul ment. Reverse, v. a. 1. Invert, turn upside down, turn end for end, turn topsy turvy. 2. Overturn, overthrow, subvert. 3. Change to the opposite. 4. Annul, repeal, revoke, rescind, countermand. Reverse, a. Opposite, converse. Reverse, n. 1. Contrary, opposite, counterpart. 2. Change, vicissitude. 3. Misfortune, mischance, mishap, misadventure, trial, hardship, afflic tion, reverse of fortune. Revert, v. n. Return, recur, come back, turn back. Revery, n. Musing, dreaming, abstrac tion, inattention, pre-occupation, ab sence, REVERIE, absence of mind, brown study. Review, v. a. 1. Revise, reconsider, re- examine, pass in review. 2. Criticise, notice critically, write a critical notice of. Review, n. 1. Retrospect, re-survey. 2. Revisal, revision, revise, reconsid eration, re-examination. 3. Criticism, critique, REVIEWAL, critical notice. Reviewal, n. [Rare.] Critique, RE VIEW. Revile, v. a. Vilify, defame, reproach, slander, calumniate, asperse, traduce, malign, abuse, backbite, lampoon, speak ill of, run down, accuse falsely, damn with faint praise. Revindicate, v. a. Reassert, support again, maintain once more, vindicate again. Revisal, n. Revision, REVIEW. Revise, v. a. Review, re-examine, reconsider. Revise, n. Revision, review, re-exam ination. Revision, n. Review, revisal, revise, reconsideration, re-examination. Revival, n. Resuscitation, revivifica tion, reanimation, quickening. Revive, v. a. 1. Resuscitate, reani mate, revivify, bring to life again. 2. Rouse, quicken, animate, refresh, renovate, reinspire, invigorate, cheer, comfort. Revive, v. n. 1. Be resuscitated or re animated, return to life, recover life, live again. 2. Be invigorated, refreshed, or roused ; recover strength. Revivification, n. Resuscitation, re- animation, revival, quickening. Revivify, v. a. Reanimate, resuscitate, revive, bring to life again. Revocation, n. Retraction, recall, re cantation, reversal, repeal, abjuration. Revoke, v. a. Recall (wlvat hau been said), recant, retract, REPEAL, reverse, annul, cancel, rescind, countermand, abrogate, abolish, discard, quash, set aside, do away, make void. Revolt, v. n. Rebel, mutiny, rise, re nounce allegiance. Revolt, v . a. Disgust, nauseate, sicken, shock. Revolt, n. Rebellion, insurrection, mu tiny, sedition, defection, rising. Revolter, n. Deserter, rebel, traitor, insurgent. Revolting, a. Shocking, disgusting, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, repul sive, offensive, obnoxious, hateful, hor rible, abominable, monstrous. Revolution, n. 1. Rotation, gyration, whirling, circular motion. 2. Change (in the political constitution of a country], organic change, success ful revolt or rebellion. Revolutionize, v. a. Remodel, reform, new model. Revolve, v. n. Rotate, wheel, turn, whirl, circulate, roll, gyrate, go round, turn round. Revolve, v. a. Consider, meditate, pon der, study, reflect upon, ruminate upon, brood over. Revulsion, n. 1. Withdrawal, drawing back. 2. Reaction, change, transition. Reward, v. a. Recompense, compen sate, requite, remunerate. Reward, n. 1. Recompense, compensa tion, GUERDON, requital, remuneration, pay. 2. Premium, bonus, bounty. Rhapsodical, a. Unconnected, broken, rambling, like a rhapsody. Rhapsodize, v. n. Utter rhapsodies. Rhapsody, n. Rambling composition; medley of thoughts, sentences, or pas sages. Rhetoric, n. 1. Art of composition. 2. Oratory, elocution, eloquence science of oratory. 3. Declamation, artificial eloquence. Rhetorical, (l. 1. Oratorical. 3. Declamatory, highly wrought. Rhetorician, n. Adept in rhetoric, pro ficient in rhetoric. Rhino, n. [Cant word.] Money, cash. Rhizoma, n. (Bot.) Root-stock, root- like stem. RHOMB 340 RIGHT-LINED Rhomb, n. Rhombus, lozenge, oblique- angled parallelogram (with equal sides). Rhombus, n. RHOMB. Rhymer, n. RHYMESTER. Rhymester, n. Versifier, poetaster, rhymer. Rhythm, n. Periodical emphasis, reg ular or melodious movement, harmoni ous flow. Rhythmical, a. Measured, regular or melodious in movement. Ribald, a. Base, low, mean, obscene, vile, filthy, gross, coarse, loose, inde cent. Ribaldry, n. Obscenity, indecency ; low, vile, or vulgar language. Rich,, a. l. Wealthy, opulent, affluent, flush, moneyed. 3. Splendid, precious, costly, sump tuous, valuable, estimable. 3. Savory, delicious, luscious, exqui site. 4. Plentiful, plenteous, abundant, copious, abounding, ample, full, flow ing with milk and honey. 5. Fruitful, fertile, luxuriant, teem ing, productive, prolific. Riches, n. pi. Wealth, opulence, afflu ence, fortune, mammon, lucre, pelf, ample means, ample store. Richness, n. 1. Abundance, plenty, fulness, copiousness, luxuriance, exu berance, profusion. 3. Fertility, fruitfulness, fecundity, productiveness. Rickets, n. pi. (Med.) Rachitis, inflam mation of the spine. Rickety, a. 1. Affected with the rickets. 3. Shattered, broken, weak, totter ing, crazy. Rid, v. a. Free, clear, deliver, disen cumber, relieve, set free. Riddance, n. Freedom, escape, relief, deliverance. Riddle, n. Enigma, puzzle, dark prob lem, puzzling question. Rider, n. 1. Equestrian, horseman. 3. Jockey, postilion. 3. [England.] Riding-clerk, sample clerk. 4. Additional clause (to a legislative act). Ridge, n. Extended elevation. Ridicule, n. Derision, mockery, rail lery, satire, sarcasm, gibe, jeer, sneer, banter. Ridicule, v. a. Deride (sportively), mock, scout, satirize, lampoon, jeer, taunt, rally, banter, chaff, laugh at, scoff at, treat with ridicule, hold up to ridicule, make game of, make a fool of, point the finger at, make fun of, make merry with, make a butt of, POKE FUN AT. Ridiculous, a. Ludicrous, laughable, droll, funny, preposterous, farcical, comical, absurd. Riding-clerk, n. RIDER, sample-clerk. Rid of, Clear 6f, free from. Rife, a. Prevailing, prevalent, common, abounding. Riff-raff, n. 1. Refuse, sweepings. 3. Rabble, populace, CANAILLE, the masses, dregs of the people, swinish multitude, scum of society, lowest class of people, ignoble vulgar, lower classes, roUgh-SCUff, RAG-TAG-AND-BOB-TAIL. Rifle, v. a. 1. Seize, snatch away, carry off. 3. Rob, pillage, plunder, strip, de spoil, fleece. Rifler, n. Robber, pillager, plunderer. Rift, n. Cleft, fissure, crack, rent, breach, fracture, break, gap, opening, chink, crevice, cranny. Rig, v. a. 1. Dress (particularly in a fanciful manner), clothe, accoutre, rig out. 3. Furnish with gear, fit with tack ling. Rig, n. Dress (odd or fanciful). Rigging, n. Tackle, gear;, ropes of a Right, a. 1 . Straight, direct, rectilinear, not crooked. 3. Just, lawful, equitable, fair, right ful, honest, in accordance with duty. 3. Fit, suitable, seemly, proper, meet, becoming, appropriate, as it should be, COMME IL FAUT. 4. Correct, true, not erroneous, not mistaken. 5. Right hand. Right, ad. 1. Directly, in a direct line. 3. Uprightly, equitably, fairly, law fully, rightfully, rightly. 3. Fitly, suitably, properly. 4. Correctly, truly. 5. Very, in a great degree. Right, n. 1. Rectitude, justice, equity, fairness, goodness, lawfulness, pro priety, what ought to be, what should 3. Truth, correctness. 3. Prerogative, privilege, immunity. 4. Legal claim. Right, v. a. 1. Set upright. 3. Do justice to, relieve from wrong, see one righted, see justice done to one. Right away, [U. S.] Immediately, directly, forthwith, straightway, IN- STANTER, RIGHT OFF, at 011C6, without delay. Righteous, a. 1. Pious, holy, virtuous, godly, saintly, religious, honest, good, uncorrupt, upright, just, devout. 3. Equitable, fair, right. Righteousness, n. 1. Piety, godliness, holiness, sanctity, purity, virtue, good ness, integrity, honesty, justice. 3. Rectitude of conduct, practice of right, doing right, going straight, acting from principle. Rightful, a. 1. Legitimate, true. 3. Just, equitable, fair, lawful, suit able, proper, right, reasonable. Right-hand, n. Spear hand. Right-hand, a. Right. Right line, Bee-line, straight line, most direct line, shortest distance. Right-lined, a. Rectilineal, rectilinear. RIGHTLY 341 RIVAL Rightly, ad. 1. Uprightly, equitably, fairly, lawfully, rightfully, right. 2. Fitly, suitably, properly. 3. Correctly, truly. Right off, [ U. S.] Immediately, directly, at once, RIGHT AWAY. Rigrh.t-TFh.ale, n. Greenland whale (TJalcena mysticetus). Rigid, a. 1. Stiff, inflexible, uiipliant, unbending, unyielding. 2. Sharp, severe, strict, stern, rigor ous, harsh, austere. Rigidity, n. 1. Stiffness, inflexibility, rigidness, want of pliability. 2. Severity, rigor, harshness, strict ness, austerity. 3. Ungracefulness, want of ease. Rigidness, n. RIGIDITY. Rigmarole, n. Nonsense, jargon, gib berish, verbiage, trash, balderdash, twaddle, palaver, flummery, moon shine, wish-wash, foolish talk. Rigor, n. 1. Stiffness, rigidity, rigid- ness, inflexibility. 2. Severity, austerity, harshness, sternness, asperity. 3. Strictness, exactness. 4. Inclemency. 5. (Med.) Sudden coldness with shiv ering. Rigorous, a. 1. Severe, austere, harsh, stern, rigid, hard, strict, stringent. 2. Exact, accurate, precise, scrupu lously nice. 3. Inclement. Rig out, Dress, clothe, RIG. Rill, n. Streamlet, rivulet, runnel, small brook. Rim, n. Border, edge, margin, brim, brink, verge, border, skirt, confine. Rime, n. Hoar-frost. Riiiiple, n. 1. Wrinkle, fold, rumple, crease, gather, corrugation, pucker, plait. 2. Ripple-, undulation, little wave. Rind, n. Skin, peel, bark, husk, hull, flume, CHAFF, outer covering. ng, n. 1. Circle, hoop, circular line. 2. Race-course, racing ground. 3. [Colloquial.} Resonance, reverber ation. 4. [Colloquial, U. S.] Clique, junto, cabal, coterie, set, combination, faction, league, confederacy. Ring, v. n. Sound, resound. Ringlet, n. 1. Small ring. 2. Curl, tress, lock. Ringworm, n. Circular herpes or tetter. Rinse, v. a. Wash (lightly). Riot, n. TUMULT (on a small scale), row, uproar, disturbance, commotion, broil, brawl, outbreak, fray, affray, altercation, squabble, quarrel, strife, MELEE. Riot, v. n. 1. Revel, carouse, luxuriate. 2. Be excited, be tumultuous. Riotous, a. 1. Revelling, luxurious, wanton. 2. Tumultuous, seditious, turbulent, insubordinate, mutinous, rebellious, disorderly, ungovernable, unruly, re fractory. Rip, v. a. Tear open, tear apart. Rip, n. Tear, rent, laceration. Ripe, a. 1. MATURE, perfected by growth. 2. Fit, prepared, ready, in readi ness. 3. Consummate," finished, perfect, accomplished. Ripen, v. n. Grow ripe, be matured. Ripen, v. a. Mature, bring to maturity, make ripe. Ripeness, n. 1. Maturity, matureness, full growth. 2. Fitness, preparation, readiness. Ripple, v. n. Purl. Ripple, n. Rimple, undulation, little wave. Rise, v. n. 1. Ascend, mount, arise, go or move upwards. 2. Appear, come forth, come into view. 3. Get up. 4. Revive, come to life, be raised from death. 5. Grow, spring up. 6. Be advanced, be promoted, gain a position. 7. Increase, swell, enlarge, become greater, be enhanced. 8. Adjourn, close the session. 9. Spring, take rise, have source or origin. 10. Become hostile, take up arms, go to war. Rise, n. 1. Ascent, rising. 2. Elevation, elevated place. 3. Source, origin, spring, beginning. 4. Increase, advance, augmentation. Risible, a. 1. Laughable, ridiculous, ludicrous, comical, funny, farcical, amusing. 2. That produce laughter (as certain muscles). Risibles, n. pi. [Colloquial.] Risible muscles. Rising, n. 1. Ascent, rise. 2. Reviving, resurrection. 3. Insurrection, rebellion, sedition. 4. Swelling, tumor, boil. Risk, n. Danger, hazard, jeopardy, peril, chance, venture. Risk, v. a. Hazard, peril, endanger, stake, jeopard, venture, jeopardize, put in peril, put to hazard, expose to danger. Risky, a. [Colloquial, U. S.] Danger ous, hazardous, perilous, unsafe, full of risk. Rite, n. Ceremony, form, observance, ordinance, solemnity, ceremonial, formulary, sacrament. Ritual, a. Ceremonial. Ritual, n. Liturgy, formulary of public worship. Rival, n. Competitor, antagonist, op ponent, rival candidate. Rival, a. Competing, emulating, emu lous. Rival, v. a. 1. Oppose, compete with, contend with. 2. Emulate, try to equal or excel. 3. Match, equal, be equal to. RIVALRY 342 ROLL Rivalry, n. Competition, emulation, contention, RIVALSHIP. Rivalship, n. [Rare.] Rivalry. Hive, v. a. Rend, split, cleave, tear or rend asunder. River, n. Stream. River-horse, n. Hippopotamus, sea horse. River-lobster, n. Crawfish, crayfish. Rivet, v. a. Fasten, fix, make firm. Rivulet, n. Brook, streamlet, runnel, rill, runlet, BURX, small stream. Road, n. 1. Path, way, lane, street, route, course, pathway, track, TRAIL, highway, thoroughfare, highroad. 2. Roadstead, anchorage. Roadstead, n. Anchorage, road. Roadster, n. Horse (fitted for the road), pad. Roam, v. n. Ramble, stroll, wander, range, rove, stray, straggle, wander about, rove around, gad about. Roam, v. a. Wander or range over, stray about. Roamer, n. Wanderer, rover, stroller, nomad. Roan-tree, n. European mountain-ash, fowler s service tree, rowan-tree (Pyrus aucuparia). Roar, v. n. 1. Bellow (as a beast). 2. Bawl, shout, vociferate, yell, howl, cry, cry aloud. 3. Boom, resound, thunder, rattle, peal. 4. Laugh (loudly and long). Roar, n. 1. Bellow, bellowing, roaring. 2. Loud noise (as of Uie wind or tlie sea). 3. Shout, cry, outcry. 4. Laugh (loud and long), laughter. Roaring, n. ROAR. Rob, v, a. Plunder, strip, despoil, fleece, pillage. Robber, n. Plunderer, pillager, THIEF, despoiler, depredator, highwayman, footpad, brigand, bandit, marauder, freebooter, outlaw. Robbery, n. Depredation, peculation, theft, larceny, spoliation, plunder, pillage, spoil. Robe, n. Gown, dress". Robe, v. a. Dress, clothe, invest, array. Robin, it. 1. [England.] Ruddock, rob- inet, robin-redbreast (Erythaca rube- cula or Motaciila rubecula). 2. [ U. S.] Robin-redbreast, migratory thrush ( Turdus migratorlus). Roborant, a. Strengthening. Robust, a. Strong, athletic, brawny, stout, sinewy, muscular, stalwart, hale, lusty, sturdy, firm, sound, vigorous, powerful, mighty, Herculean, able- bodied, made of iron. Robustness, n. Strength, soundness, vigor, stoutness, lustiness, sturdiness, might, stamina. Roehelle-powders, n. pi. Sedlitz pow ders. Roclielle-salt, n. Tartrate of potash and soda, tartarized soda. Rock, n. Stone (of large size). Rock, v. a. Move backward and for ward (as something that rosts on a support). Rock, v. n. Reel, totter, oscillate, move backward and forward. Rock-crystal, n. Limpid quartz, Brit ish or Cornish diamond. Rock-fish, n. Black goby (Gobius niger). Rocking-stone, n. Logan. Rockliiig, n. Whistle-fish (Motella vul- garis). Rock-oil, n. Petroleum, rock-tar, min eral oil, naphtha. Rock-rose, n. Frost-wort, frost-weed (Helianthemun Canadensis). Rock-salt, n. Common salt (as found in mines), mineral salt. Rock-tar, n. ROCK-OIL. Rock-wood, n. Ligniform asbestos. Rod, n. 1. Twig, shoot. 2. Wand, slender stick. 3. Switch, scourge, birch. 4. Pole, perch. 5. CUE. Rodent, a. Gnawing. Rodent, n. Gnawer. Rodentia, n. pi. [L.] Gnawers, rodents. Rodomontade, n. Blustering, bluster, boasting, bragging, rant, vain-glory. Roe, n. 1. Roebuck ( Capreolus dorcas). 2. Spawn of fishes. Roebuck, n. ROE. Roestone, n. Oolite. Rogue, n. 1. Knave, villain, swindler, sharper, cheat, trickster, rascal, scamp, scoundrel, scapegrace, caitiff. 2. Mischievous fellow. Roguery, n. 1. Knavery, rascality, villany, fraud, cheating, dishonest practices, knavish tricks. 2. Waggery, mischief, arch tricks. Roguish, a. 1. Knavish, dishonest, trickish, TRICKY. 2. Sportive, arch, mischievous, wag gish. Roil, v. a. 1. Make turbid. 2. [Colloquial.] Vex, disturb, plague, irritate, worry, annoy, bother, molest. Roily, a. [Colloquial.] Turbid. Roisterer, n. Swaggerer, bully, rioter, blustering fellow. Role, n. [Fr.] Part, character (in a play). Roll, v. a. 1. Turn (on an axis), make revolve. 2. Wrap round (one part on another). 3. Wheel, trundle. Roll, v. n. 1. Revolve, rotate, turn, wheel, whirl, gyrate, whirl round, go round, turn round. 3. Run, flow, glide. 3. Rock from side to side. 4. Wallow, welter, tumble about. Roll, n. 1. Volume, scroll. 2. Chronicle, record, history, annals. 3. List, register, catalogue, inventory, schedule. 4. Loaf of bread (small, and rolled up while in the dough). 5. Rocking (as of a vessel in a heavy sea). 6. Rub-a-dub, rat-a-tat, TATTOO, beat of drum. ROLLICKING 343 ROUND Rollicking:, a. Frolicsome, jolly, gay, joyous, merry, playful, sportive, jocu lar, lively, frisky, DAFT, full of frolic. Roll sulphur, Cane brimstone, stick sulphur. Romaic, n. Modern Greek. Roman, a. 1. Of Rome, of the Romans. 3. Of the Latins, of ancient Rome. 3. Roman Catholic, of the Roman Catholic religion. Roman, n. 1. Native of Rome. 3. Roman Catholic. Roman Catholic, a. Roman. Roman Catholic, n. Roman. Romance, n. Novel, tale, story, work of fiction. Romantic, a. Fanciful, extravagant, sentimental, fantastic, wild, chimerical, Quixotic. Romish, a. Popish, papal, Roman Catholic. Romp, n. Rude girl. Romp, v. n. 1. Leap, spring, bound. 2. Frolic (rudely), sport, play, romp. Rood, n. Forty square rods, fourth part of an acre. Rook, TO. Castle (in chess). Room, n. 1. Space, extent, expanse, capacity, scope, compass, field, range, sweep, swing, play. 3. Place, stead. 3. Apartment, chamber, SALOON, HALL. 4. Chance, opportunity, occasion. Room-mate, TO. Chum, chamber-fellow. Roomy, a. Spacious, capacious, large, wide, extensive, ample, broad. Roost, n. Perch. Roost, v. n. Perch. Rooster, n. [ U. S.] Cock, chanticleer. Root, n. 1. Bottom, base, foundation, lower part. 3. Cause, origin, source, occasion. 3. Radical, radix, etymon, primitive word. Root, v . TO. Take root. Root, v. a. Implant, set, fix, establish. Rootlet, n. Radicle, small root. Root out, 1. Eradicate, extirpate, extract, exterminate, destroy. 3. Discover, unravel, worm out, fish out, ferret out, fish up. Root-stock, w. (Bot.) Rhizoma, root- like stem. Root up, Eradicate, root out. Rope, v. TO. Be ropy or viscous. Rope-dancer, TO. Acrobat, funambu list. Rope in, [Colloquial, U. S.] Draw in collectively (as masses of hay, by means of a rope). Rope of sand, Feeble tie, bond easily broken. Ropy, a. Viscous, viscid, glutinous, sticky, adhesive, tenacious, stringy, smeary, dauby. Roseate, a. 1. Rosy, ruddy, reddish, blushing, mantling, blooming, rose-col ored. 3. Of roses. Rose-color, TO. Pink. Rose-colored, a. Rosy, roseate, pink. Rosin, TO. Colophony, resin (from the pine). Rostrum, TO. Platform, stage. Rosy, a. Blooming, ruddy, reddish, rubicund, blushing, mantling, rosy, roseate, rose-colored. Rot, v. n. Putrefy, corrupt, decompose, decay. Rotary, a. Whirling, rotating, rotatory, gyratory. Rotate, v. n. Revolve, wheel, whirl, turn, gyrate, circulate, go round, turn round. Rotatory, a. Whirling, rotating, RO- TAKY. Rote, w. 1. Repetition. 2. R\it(oftke sea). Rotten, TO. 1. Putrid, corrupt, carious, putrefied, decayed, fetid, putrescent. foul. 3. Defective, unsound. 3. Treacherous, deceitful, untrust worthy. Rotund, a. Round, circular, spherical, globular. Rotundity, n. Roundness, sphericity, circularity, rotundness. Rotundness, TO. ROTUNDITY. Roue, TO. [Fr.] Rake, debauchee, profli gate, dissolute man. Rough, a. 1. Uneven, rugged, craggy, cragged, jagged, scraggy, not smooth. 3. Unhewn, unvvrought, unfashioned, formless, shapeless. 3. Unpolished (as a gem), uncut. 4. Shaggy, hirsute, bristly, ragged, disordered. 5. Coarse, indelicate, rude, uncivil, impolite, ungracious, homespun, bluff, blunt, bearish, churlish, BRUSQUE, gruff. 6. Harsh, sharp, severe, violent. 7. Tart, sour, crabbed, hard. 8. Inharmonious, discordant, jarring. 9. Tempestuous, boisterous, stormy. Rough breathing, Aspirate. Rough draft, Sketch, outline. Roughness, TO. 1. Unevenness, rugged- ness. 3. Harshness, rudeness, coarseness, incivility, grnffness, bluntness, impo liteness. 3. Acerbity, unsavoriness. 4. Storininess, boisterousness, tem- pestuousness, inclemency. 5. Violence, severity. Rough-scuff, TO. [Loiv.] Rabble, crowd, mob, CANAILLE, the vulgar, the popu lace, dregs of the people, scum of so ciety, swinish multitude, riff-raff, ignoble vulgar, rag-tag-and-bob-tail. Round, a. 1. Circular. 3. Spherical, globular, orbicular, ro tund. 3. Cylindrical. 4. Full, complete, entire, unbroken. 5. Large, great, considerable. 6. Plump, chubby, bonny, corpulent, stout. Round, n. 1. Cycle, periodical revolu tion. 3. Circular dance. ROUND 344 RUFFLE 3. Rundle, step. 4. Circuit, compass, perambulation, tour. 5. Rung (of a ladder). Bound, ad. 1. Around, on all sides. 3. Circularly, in a circle, in a circuit. Bound, prep. 1. Around, encircling, about, encompassing, surrounding, on every side of. 3. All over, in all parts of. Roundabout, a. 1. Indirect, tortuous, circuitous. 3. [Rare.] That looks on all sides, not narrow, not one-sided. Roundhead, n. Puritan. Roundness, n. Spliericity, circularity, rotundness, rotundity. Bouse, v. a. 1. Awaken, wake, waken, arouse. 3. Animate, kindle, enkindle, stimu late, excite, provoke, stir up. Rouse, v. n. 1. Rise. 3. Awake, wake, get up, start up. Rout, n. Defeat, discomfiture, ruin, complete overthrow. Rout, v. a. Defeat, discomfit, over throw, overpower. Route, n. Way, path, passage, course, road. Routine, n. Practice, custom, ordinary way, beaten track, use and wont. Bove, v. n. Roam, ramble, stroll, range, wander, stray, straggle, wander about, rove around, gad about. Rover, n. Rambler, wanderer, strag gler, bird of passage. Row, n. Rank, line, tile, series. Bow, n. [Colloquial.] Broil, tumult, uproar, feud, riot, HUMPUS, fracas, squabble, outbreak, quarrel, affray, disturbance, altercation, breach of the peace. Bowan-tree, n. European mountain- ash, fowler s service-tree, roan-tree. Bowel, n. 1. Seton. 3. Goad, spur. Bowen, n. Aftermath, eddish. Boyal, a. 1. Kingly, regal, imperial, monarchical, kinglike, princely. 3. Noble, magnificent, illustrious, splendid, superb. 3. August, majestic, grand. Royalty, n. 1. Kingship, kingcraft, sovereignty. 55. Percentage (as on copyright). Bub, v. a. 1. Abrade, scrape, chafe, grate. 3. Wipe, clean, scour. Rub, v. n. Grate, chafe. Bub, n. Obstacle, difficulty, embarrass ment, perplexity, dilemma, nonplus, poser, quandary, puzzle, knotty point, nice point. Bub-a-dub, n. Clatter, din, incessant noise. Rubber, n. Caoutchouc, india-rubber, gum-elastic. Biibbing, n. Attrition, abrasion, fric tion. Bubbish, n. Refuse, ruins, fragments, DEBRIS, dirt, litter, lumber, trash, orts, dross, dregs, scum, scoria, sweepings. Rubeola, n. (Med.) Measles. Rubicund, a. Ruddy, reddish, rosy. Rubicundity, n. Ruddiness, reddish- ness, rosiness. Rvib off, Abrade, wear away. Rub out, Efface, erase, obliterate, raze, expunge, cancel, scratch out, wipe out. Ruby-blende, n. Red blende, ruby of zinc, proto-sulphuret of zinc. Ruby of zinc, RUBY-BLENDE. Ruby-wood, n. Red sandal wood, red saunders-wood. Ruddiness, n. Reddishness, blowzi- ness, floridness. Ruddy, a. Reddish, florid, blowzed, blowzy, rubicund, of a red color. Rude, a. 1. Rough, rugged, uneven, shapeless, unfashioned, unformed, un- wrought, crude, ill-formed. 3. Artless, unpolished, raw, coarse, inelegant, uncouth, clownish, loutish, boorish, ungraceful, uncivilized, un trained, untaught, undisciplined, ig norant, barbarous, illiterate, brutal, savage. 3. Uncivil, uncourteotis, impolite, impudent, impertinent, saucy, vulgar, insolent, ill-bred, surly, currish, gruff, churlish, bearish, BRUSQUE. 4. Violent, fierce, impetuous, in clement, boisterous, tumultuous, harsh, severe, turbulent. Rudeness, n. 1. Roughness, rugged- ness. 3. Inelegance, uncouthness, barbar- ousness, clownishness. 3. Coarseness, incivility, insolence, impertinence, pertness, sauciness, sur liness, gruffness, churlishness, currish- ness, presumption, effrontery, face, assurance, front, brass, CHEEK, ill- breeding. 4. Violence, boisterousness, severity, inclemency. Rudiment, n. 1. Embryo, rude state, starting point. 3. Element, first principle, essential point. Rudimental, a. 1. Embryonic, rudi mentary. 3. Elementary, primary. Rudimentary, a. RUDIMENTAL. Rue, v. a. Regret, deplore, lament, repent of, be sorry for, grieve for. Rueful, a. Doleful, mournful, dismal, melancholy, sad, sorrowful, piteous, pitiful, grievous, lugubrious. Ruff, n. Ruffle. Ruffian, n. Villain, miscreant, caitiff, scoundrel, wretch, monster, cut-throat, murderer. Ruffian, a. Savage, brutal. Ruffianism, n. Brutality, rascality, blackguardism, scoundrelism. Ruffle, v. a. 1. Disarrange, damage, disorder. 3. Discompose, disquiet, trouble, vex, torment, molest, plague, worry, harass, disturb, agitate. 3. Gather into folds, wrinkle, cockle, pucker. RUFFLE 345 RUN THROUGH Ruffle, n. 1. Ruff, frill, edging. 3. Bustle, disturbance, commotion, confusion, perturbation, nutter, flurry, agitation, fluster, hurry-scurry. Rugged, a. 1. Rough, craggy, cragged, uneven, irregular, scraggy. 3. Harsh, inharmonious, grating. 3. [Colloquial, U.S.] Hardy, robust, vigorous, healthy. Ruggedness, n. 1. Roughness, uneven- ness, asperity. 3. Harshness, severity, rigor. Rugose, a. Wrinkled, rugous. Rugous, a. RUGOSE. Ruin, n. 1. Destruction, discomfitiire, overthrow, defeat, wreck, shipwreck, perdition, fall, downfall, prostration, subversion, undoing. 3. Mischief, bane, pest. Ruin, v. a. 1. Destroy, demolish, over throw, subvert, overturn, overwhelm. 2. Impoverish, bring to want, reduce to poverty. Ruinous, a. Destructive, pernicious, baneful, noxious, noisome, deleterious, injurious, calamitous. Ruins, n. pi. Remains. Rule, n. 1. Command, control, domina tion, dominion, lordship, mastership, mastery, government, empire, sway, direction, authority. 3. Precept, law, canon, formula, test, criterion, standard, touchstone. 3. Order, ruling, prescription, regu lation. 4. Ruler. Rule, v. a. 1. Govern, control, conduct, direct, lead, have under one s thumb, lead by the nose, lord over, lord it over, domineer over. 3. (Law.) Determine, decide. Rule, v. n. Command, govern, DOMI NEER, have command, have control, rule the roast, have one s own way, wear the breeches, take the lead. Ruler, n. 1. Governor, sovereign, king, lord, master. 3. Director, manager. 3. Rule. Ruling, a. 1. Governing, controlling. 3. Predominant, prevailing, preva lent. Rule the roast, RULE, DOMINEER. Ruminate, v. n. 1. Chew the cud. 3. Muse, meditate, ponder, cogitate, think, reflect. Ruminate, v. a. Meditate, chew, muse on, reflect upon, ponder upon, brood over, chew the cud upon. Rumination, n. Musing, meditation, reflection, cogitation, pondering. Rummage, v. a. Search (carefully), examine, explore, ransack, pry into. Rummage, v. n. Make a search. Rummage, n. Search, examination, exploration. Rumor, n. Report, talk, bruit, fame, gossip, hearsay, news, tidings, town talk. Rumor, v. a. Report, tell, bruit, spread abroad, noise abroad. Rump, n. Buttock. Rumple, v. a. Wrinkle, crumple, crease, pucker, corrugate. Rumple, n. Wrinkle, crumple, pucker, rimpTe, crease, corrugation, fold. Rumpus, n. [Colloquial.] Riot, brawl, tumult, uproar, squabble, outbreak, quarrel, feud, affray, ROW, disturb ance, altercation, breach of the peace. Rim, v. n. 1. Race, step quickly. 3. Haste, hasten, hie, hurry, scud, scamper, scour, speed, post, trip, press on, press forward, push on, dash for ward, dash on, rush on. 3. Flow, glide, move, go, proceed, stream, roll on, move on. 4. Pass, elapse, vanish, go away. 5. Spread, extend. 6. Continue, hold on, run on. 7. Tend, incline. Run, v. a. 1. Pierce, penetrate, stab. 3. Force, thrust, drive, push. 3. Fuse, cast, melt, mould. 4. Incur, be liable to, fall into, be exposed to. 5. Determine, mark out. Run, n. 1. Race. 3. Current, course, flow, passage. 3. Currency, prevalence, popularity. 4. Generality, people or things as they are, people or things of average quality. 5. Brook, streamlet, runlet, runnel, rivulet, rill, BURN, small stream. Run after, 1. Follow, pursue, chase. 3. Search for, try to find. Run a rig, Play a sportive trick, engage in a frolic. Run away, Flee, escape, take to one s heels, give leg bail, take one s self off. Runaway, n. Fugitive, deserter. Run down, 1. Catch by chasing. 3. Run against and sink. 3. Crush, overthrow, overbear. 4. Decry, disparage, depreciate, con demn, traduce, cry down. Rung, n. Round (of a ladder). Run in debt, Get into debt, contract debts, become involved. Runlet, n. Brook, RUN, small stream. Runnel, n, [Rare.] Run, rivulet. Runner, n. 1. Racer. 3. Messenger, courier. 3. Footman, foot-boy, livery servant. Run on, Continue, hold on, be con tinued. Run out, [Active.] 1. Extend, thrust out, push out. 3. Waste, exhaust, expend. Run out, [Neuter.] 1. Expire, be at end. 3. Be wasted, be exhausted. 3. Spread, expatiate. Run over, [Active.] 1. Pass over. 3. Recount (cursorily). Run over, [Neuter.] Overflow. Run riot, Go to excess. Run the hazard, RUN THE RISK. Run the risk, Take the chance, risk it, run the hazard. Run through, 1. Pierce, penetrate, stab. 3, Waste, expend, exhaust, run out. RUN UP 346 SAFEGUARD Run up, Grow, swell, increase, rise. Rupture, n. 1. Breach, fracture, dis ruption. 2. Quarrel, feud, altercation, squab ble, contention, hostility. 3. HEKNIA. Rupture, v. a. Break, burst. Rural, a. Rustic, pastoral, country. Ruse, n. [Fr.] Stratagem, trick, fraud, artifice, dodge, wile, manoeuvre, deceit, deception, delusion, imposture, BAM, chouse, fetch, clap-trap, crafty device. Rush, n. 1. Straw (as of little worth), farthing, copper. 2. Driving on, violent course. Rush, v. n. Career, push on, press on. Rush out, 1. Issue, flow, flow out. 2. Press out, hurry out, go out with a rush. Rust, n. 1. Hydrated peroxide of iron. 2. Mildew, blight, must, mustiness, mould, smut. Rust, v. n. 1. Gather rust, become rusty, be oxidized. 2. Decay, degenerate, grow dull, bo- come sluggish. Rustic, a. 1. Rural, country. 2. Countrified, unpolished, uncouth, inelegant, hoiden, hoidenish, rough, rude, outlandish, boorish, barbarous. Rustic, n. Swain, peasant, clown, boor, lout, hind, bumpkin, countryman. Rusticate, v. n. Dwell or reside in the country. Rvisticity, n. Rudeness, clownishness, coarseness, boorishness, artlessness, simplicity. Rusty, a. 1. Covered, with rust. 2. Musty, fusty, mildewed. Rut, n. 1. Track of a wheel. 2. Rote (of the sea). Ruta-baga, n. Swedish turnip (Bras- sica campestris). Ruthless Merciless, pitiless, cruel, uncompassionate, unpitying, unmerci- * ful, relentless, unrelenting, inexorable, barbarous, fell, savage, ferocious, inhu man, hard-hearted. S Sabbath, n. 1. [With The prefixed.] Sunday, the Lord s day, the day of rest, the Christian sabbath, first day of the week (among Christians), seventh day of the week (among Jeivs). 2. Rest, repose, time of rest. Sable, n. 1. Zibelline marten (Mustela zibellina). 2. Pine marten, American sable ( Mus tela abietum). Sable, a. Dark, dusky. Sabre, n. [Written also Saber.] Cimeter, falchion, cavalry sword, dragoon s sword. Sabulous, a. Sandy. Saccharine, a. Sugary, sweet. Sacerdotal, a. Priestly. Sack, n. 1. Bag, pouch. 2. Spoliation, destruction, desolation, devastation, havoc, waste, ravage. 3. Sherry, sherry wine. Sack, v. a. Ravage, despoil, devastate, spoil, destroy, plunder, pillage, rifle, ransack, lay waste, take by storm. Sacrament, n. 1. Rite, ceremony, sol emnity. 2. [With The prefixed.] Eucharist, Communion, Lord s Supper. Sacred, a. 1. Hallowed, holy, divine. 2. Religious, not secular, not pro fane. 3. Dedicated, devoted, consecrated. 4. Inviolable, not to be profaned. 5. Venerable, sainted. Sacredness, n. . 1. Holiness, sanctity. 2. Inviolableness. Sacrifice, v. a. 1. Immolate, offer up. 2. Surrender, give up. Sacrifice, n. I. Immolation. 2. Offering, oblation. 3. Surrender. Sacrilege, n- Profanation, desecration. Sacrilegious, a. Irreverent, impious, blasphemous, profane, desecrating. Sacring-bell, n. Saints bell, mass bell. Sacristy, n. Vestry, vestry-room. Sad, a. 1. Sorrowful, desponding, de pressed, downcast, melancholy, cheer less, disconsolate, crest-fallen, chap- fallen, cast down. 2. Gloomy, dismal, doleful, mourn ful, lugubrious, grievous, woebegone. 3. Grievous, afflictive, calamitous, disastrous, dire, deplorable. Saddle, v. a. 1. Put a saddle on. 2. Load, burden, encumber, Saddle-horse, n. Palfrey. Sad-iron, n. Flat-iron. Sadness, n. 1. Sorrow, despondency, .MELANCHOLY, depression, dejection, sorrowfulness, depression of spirits. 2. Gloominess, mournfulness, dole- fulness. Safe, a. 1. Secure, unharmed, undam aged, unscathed, unhurt, sound, free from harm, out of harm s way. 2. Protected, guarded, under lock and key, under cover. 3. Trusty, trustworthy, RELIABLE, to be depended on, to be relied on. Safe, n. 1. Place of safety, secure place. 2. Coffer, money-chest, strong box. Safe-conduct, n. 1. Escort, convoy, safeguard, protection. 2. Pass, passport. Safeguard, n. 1. Defence, protection, security, bulwark, palladium. V SAFETY 347 SALUTATORY * J> 2. Convoy, escort, safe conduct. 3. Pass, passport. Safety, n. Security. Sag, v. n. Bend (by force of gravity), settle, swag, give way. Sagacious* a. 1. Quick-scented, quick of scent. 2. Discerning, intelligent, rational, gifted, sage, shrewd, acute, apt, keen, able, perspicacious, enlightened, wise, sharp-witted, keen-witted, keen-sight ed, clear-sighted, long-headed. Sagaciousness, n. Sagacity. Sagacity, 1. Sagaciousness, quick ness of scent. 2. Shrewdness, acuteness, sharpness, astuteness, penetration, ingenuity, dis cernment, perspicacity, sense, insight, mother- wit, quick parts. Sage, a. 1. Wise, sagacious, sapient, discerning, shrewd, acute, intelligent, sensible. 2. Prudent, grave, judicious, oracu lar, venerable. Sagittary, n. (Myth.) Centaur, archer, bowman. Said, a. Aforesaid, before mentioned. Sail, v. n. 1. Make sail, put to sea, get under way, set sail. 2. Plough the deep, plough the waves. Sail, v . a. Navigate. Sail-cloth, n. Duck, canvas. Sailor, n. Seaman, mariner, navigator, TAB, seafarer, seafaring man. Sail round, Circumnavigate. Saint, n. Holy person. Sainted, a. 1. Consecrated, sacred, holy. 2. Canonized. Saint-John s bread, n. Carob-tree, Algaroba tree, locust-tree (Ceratonia silujua). Saintly, a. Holy, devout, pious, reli gious, godly. Saint-Siinonianism, n. Fourierism, phalansterianism, humanitarianism, socialism. Saint- Vitus s dance, Chorea. Sake, n. 1. Reason, purpose, end, final cause. 2. Score, account, regard, respect, consideration. Salable, a. 1. Vendible, marketable, fit for sale. 2. In good demand, of ready sale. Salacious, a. Lewd, lustful, carnal, lecherous, lascivious, wanton, libidin ous, lickerish, concupiscent, lewd, loose, prurient, unchaste, inconti nent. Salamander, n. Eft, newt. Sal-ammoniac, n. Chloride of ammo nium, hydrochlorate of ammonia, mu riate of ammonia. Salary, n. Stipend, wages, hire, allow ance, pay. Sale, n. Demand, market, vent, oppor tunity to sell. Salient, 1. Projecting, prominent, standing out, in relief. 2. Striking, remarkable. * Saline, a. BrinyV Saline, . Salt- spring, salt-^.,,. , Saliva, ra. Spittle. // V Sallow, a. Yellow (as from illness), yek lowish ; of a pale, sickly color. Sally, n. 1. Sortie. 2. Digression," excursion. 3. Frolic, escapade, wild gayety. 4. Jest, joke, quip, quirk, crank, witticism, JEU p ESPRIT, sprightly fancy, flash of wit. Sally, v. n. Rush out, issue suddenly, sally forth. Sally forth, SALLY. Salmagundi, n. Medley, olio, miscel lany, mixture, farrago, jumble, hodge podge, hotch-potch, mish-mash, galli maufry, pot-pourri, OLLA PODRIDA, MELANGE. Salmon-trout, n. Sea-trout (Salmo trutta), hirling. Saloon, n. Spacious room, reception room. Salsify, n. [Written also SalaqfjJ.] Oys ter-plant ( Tragopogon porrifolius). Sal-soda, n. Carbonate of soda. Salt, n. Chloride of sodium, muriate of soda, common salt. Saltation, n. Leap, jump, hop, spring, bound, vault. Saltatory, a. Leaping, jumping, skip ping, hopping, dancing. Salt-cake, n. Sulphate of soda (artifi cially prepared from common salt). Saltish, a. Brackish, somewhat salt. Salt of hartshorn, Sal-volatile, carbon ate of ammonia (solid and impure), sesqui-carbonate of ammonia, volatile salts, smelling salts. Salt of lemons, 1. Binoxalate of pot ash, salt of sorrel, essential salt of lem ons. 2. Oxalic acid. Salt of sorrel, 1. Binoxalate of potash, salt of lemons. 2. Oxalic acid. Salt of Tartar, Pure carbonate of pot ash. Saltpetre, n. [Written also Saltpeter.] Nitre, nitrate of potash. . Salt-water, n. Sea-water. Salt-wort, n. Glass-wort, marsh-sam phire (Salicornia herbacea). Salubrious, a. Healthy, healthful, sal utary, wholesome, salutiferous. Salubriousness, n. SALUBRITY. Salubrity, n. Healthiness, healthful- ness, salutariness, wholesorneness., salu- briousness. Salutariness, n. SALUBRITY. Salutary, a. 1. Healthy, healthful, sal ubrious, wholesome, salutiferous, help ful. 2. Advantageous, beneficial, service able, good. Salutation, n. 1. Greeting, salute, ad dress. 2. Obeisance, reverence, bow, cour tesy. Salutatory, a. [ U. S.] Greeting. Salutatory, n. [ U. S.] Salutatory ora tion. v SALUTE 348 SASH Salute, v. a. 1. Greet, liail, address, welcome, bow to, nod to, show civility to, pay one s respects to, pay homage or obeisance to. 2. Kiss, greet with a kiss. Salute, n. 1. Salutation, greeting, ad dress. 3. Kiss, buss. Salutiferous, a. Healthy, healthful, salutary, salubrious, wholesome. Salvation, n. Preservation, deliverance, redemption, rescue, escape from dan ger, security from evil. Salvo, n. 1. Exception, reservation. 2. Volley, general discharge (of fire arms). Sal-volatile, n. Sesqui-carbonate of ammonia, carbonate of ammonia, smell ing salts, salt of hartshorn. Same, a. 1. Identical, not different. 3. Similar, like, corresponding; of like kind, sort, or degree. Sameness, n. 1. Identity, identical- ness. 3. Similarity, resemblance, corre spondence. 3. Monotony, want of variety. Sample, n. 1. Specimen, illustration. 2. Example, pattern, instance. Sampler, n. Pattern (of needle-work). Sanability, n. Curableness, sanable- ness. Sanable, n. Curable, remediable, heal- able. Sanableness, n. Curableness, sanability. Sanative, a. Healing, curative, curing, sanatory. Sanatory, a. Healing. SANATIVE. Sanctification, n. 1. Justification, ab solution, remission of sin. 3. Consecration. Sanctified, a. Consecrated, hallowed. Sanctifier, n. [With The prefixed.] The Holy Spirit. S-anctify, v. a. 1. Make holy, cleanse from sin. 3. Consecrate, hallow. Sanctimonious, a. Pharisaical, affect edly holy, hypocritically devout. Sanctimoniousness, n. Pharisaism, hypocrisy, cant, formalism, pietism, sanctimony, assumed piety. Sanctimony, n. Affected holiness, hyp ocritical devoutness, pretence of holi ness, sanctimoniousness. Sanction, n. Confirmation, ratification, countenance, support, authority, war ranty, authorization. Sanction, v. a. Ratify, confirm, coun tenance, support, authorize, warrant, allow, legalize, bind. Sanctity, n. 1. Purity, holiness, godli ness, saintliness, goodness, piety, grace, religion, devotion. 3. Sacredness, inviolability, solem nity. Sanctuary, n. 1. Sacred or holy place, consecrated spot, holy ground, SANC TUM SANCTORUM, Holy of Holies. 2. Temple, church, place of worship, consecrated building. 3. Asylum, refuge, shelter. Sanctum Sanctorum, [L.l Sanctuary, Holy of Holies. Sand, n. Gravel, small pebbles. Sand, v. a. Cover or sprinkle with sand. Sand-flea, n. Beach-flea, sandhopper. Sand-fly, n. Midge (Simulinm nocivum). Sandhopper, n. Sand-flea, beach-flea. Sandiver, n. Glass-gall. Sandy, a. Sabulous. Sane, a. Sound (especially in mind), healthy, sober, lucid, not disordered, not insane. Saneness, n. Sanity. Sang froid, [Fr.] Coolness, unconcern, indifference, cold blood. Sanguinary, a. 1. Bloody, murderous. 3. Cruel, blood-thirsty, savage, inhu man, barbarous, ruthless, pitiless, fell. Sanguine, a. 1. Red, crimson. 3. Warm, ardent, lively, animated. 3. Confident, hopeful, enthusiastic, buoyant. Sanity, u. Saneness, soundness. Sans-culotte, n. [Fr.] 1. Ragamuffin. tatterdemalion, ragged fellow. 3. Jacobin, radical, republican. Sans souci, [Fr.] Without care, with unconcern, free and easy. Sap, n. Juice (of a plant). Sap, v. a. Mine, undermine. Sap-head, n. [Cant term.] Simpleton, DUNCE. Sapid, a. Savory, relishing. Sapidness, n. Savoriness, savor, taste, sapidity. Sapidity, n. SAPIDNESS. Sapience, n. Wisdom, sageness, knowl edge, sagacity, shrewdness, intelligence, sense. Sapient, a. Wise, sage, sagacious, sen sible, shrewd, acute, intelligent. Sapless, a. 1. Without sap, destitute of sap. 3. Decayed, dry, old. Saponaceous, a. Soapy. Sapor, n. Taste, flavor, savor, gust, relish, smack. Sappiness, n. 1. Juiciness, succulence. 3. [Colloquial.] Silliness. Sappy, a. 1. Juicy, succulent. 3. [Colloquial.] Silly, underwitted, half-witted, foolish. Sap-rot, n. Dry-rot, POWDER-POST. Saracen, n. 1. Arabian, Arab. 3. Mussulman, Mahometan. Sarcasm, n. Taunt, gibe, fling, satire, irony, ridicule, cutting jest, satirical remark. Sarcastic, a. Severe, cutting, taunting, satirical, sharp, biting, mordacious. Sarcophagus, n. Stone coffin. Sard, n. Carnelian, sardel, sardine, sar- dius, sardoin. Sardel, n. Sard. Sardine, n. SARD. Sardius, n. SARD. Sardoin, n. SARD. Sarlac, i n. Yak, grunting ox of Tar- Sarlyk, j tary. Sarment, n. Runner, long twig; pros trate, filiform stem. Sash, n. Girdle, band, belt, scarf. SATAN 349 SAYING Satan, n. Belial, Apollyon, Devil, the evil one, the arch-enemy, the arch fiend, the tempter, the author of evil, the wicked one, the old serpont, the prince of darkness, the foul fiend. Satanic, a. .Diabolical, infernal, hellish, devilish, malicious, malignant. Sate, v. a. SATIATE. Satellite, n. 1. Moon, secondary planet. 2. Attendant, follower/ dependant, retainer, vassal. Satiate, v. a. Sate, glut, gorge, surfeit, cloy, pall, overfeed. Satiety, n. Repletion, surfeit, fulness, glut. Satire, n. Ridicule, sarcasm, invective, irony, phillipic, diatribe, fling, squib, lampoon, pasquinade, cutting remark. Satirical, a. Sarcastic, severe, taunting, censorious, cutting, biting, sharp, keen, poignant, invective, mordacious. Satirize, v. a. Censure, ridicule, abuse, lampoon, lash, inveigh against. Satisfaction, n. 1. Gratification. 3. Contentment, content, enjoyment, ease, comfort. 3. Compensation, amends, requital, remuneration, indemnification, repara tion, atonement, recompense. 4. Discharge, payment. Satisfactorily, ad. In a satisfactory manner, to one s heart s content. Satisfactory, a. 1. Gratifying, pleas ing. 3. Sufficient, conclusive, convincing, decisive. 3. Compensating, atoning, that makes amends. Satisfy, v. a. 1. Please, gratify, content. 2. Recompense, requite, indemnify. 3. Pay, discharge, settle. 4. Convince, persuade. 5. Fulfil, answer. Saturate, v. a. Drench, fill full-(ivith a liquid absorbed), impregnate or imbue fully. Saturation, n. Repletion, fulness. Saturnalia, n. pi. [L.] Revels, orgies, BACCHANALS. Saturnian, a. 1. Of Saturn. 2. Palmy, joyous, halcyon, golden, happy. Saturnine, a. Dull, heavy, grave, sad, gloomy, sedate. Sauce, n. 1. Seasoning, relish, condi ment, appetizing compound. 3. [Low.] Impertinence, SAUCINESS. 3. [Colloquial.] Culinary vegetables. Saucebox, n. [Colloquial.] Saucy fel low, impudent fellow. Sauciness, n. Impertinence, Insolence, impudence, pertness, malapertness, rudeness, SAUCE. Saucy, a. Impertinent, impudent, pert, insolent, cavalier, rude, forward, bold, flippant, malapert. Saunders-blue, n. Ultramarine. Saunter, r. n. Loiter, linger, lag, delay, lounge, stroll, dilly-dally, wander about idly, move slowly. Saunterer, n. Loiterer, lounger, stroller, lagger, laggard, rambler, idle Wanderer. Sauria, n. pi. Lizards. Saurian, n. Lizard. Saury-pike, n. Skipper (Scomberesox saurus ). Savage, a. 1. Uncultivated (as a forest), wild, rough, sylvan. 3. Uncivilized (like an inhabitant of the woods}, untaught, rude, barbarous, unpolished, bearish. 3. Untamed, tierce, ferocious, rapa cious, ravenous, ferine, sanguinary, blood-thirsty. 4. Inhuman, brutal, brutish, brute, cruel, fell, remorseless, pitiless, unmer ciful, ruthless, merciless, heathenish, relentless, hard-hearted, sanguinary, bloody, vandalic. Savage, n. Barbarian. Savanna, n. [Written also Savannah.] Meadow, plain, plateau, prairie, pam pas, open country, champaign country, table-land, steppe. Savant, n. [Fr. pi. Savants.] Scholar, learned man, erudite person, one of the literati, man of science. Save, v. a. 1. Deliver, rescue, protect, preserve, redeem. 2. Reserve, keep, hold, husband, lay up, lay by. 3. Spare, prevent, hinder, obviate, insure against. Save, prep. Except, leaving out, not including. Saver, n. 1. Rescuer, deliverer, savior, preserver. 2. Economist. Saving, a. Economical, frugal, sparing, thrifty, careful. Savior, 1 n. 1. Rescuer, saver, deliv- Saviour, ) erer, preserver, protector, defender, guardian. 2. [With The or Our prefixed.] Christ, Jesus, Immanuel, the Messiah, the Re deemer, the Mediator, the Intercessor, the Advocate, the Judge, the Anointed, the Word, the Son of God, the Son of man, the Lamb of God. Savor, n. 1. Taste, flavor, relish, gust, smack, GOUT. 2. Odor, scent, smell, fragrance. Savor, v. n. 1. Taste, smack. 2. Partake, have a touch of. Savorless, a. Tasteless, insipid, vapid, gustless, mawkish, stale, flat, without savor or relish . Savory, a. Relishing, piquant, luscious, palatable, delicious, flavorous, nice, well-tasted. Saw, n. Saying, maxim, adage, proverb, aphorism, apothegm, dictum, by-word, sententious precept. Sawney, n. Simpleton, DUNCE. Saw-set, n. Saw-wrest. Saw- wrest, n. Saw-set. Say, v. a. 1. Speak, utter, allege, tell, affirm, declare, pronounce. 2. Repeat, rehearse, recite. Saying, n. 1. Expression, observation, remark, declaration, statement. 2. Proverb, saw, maxim, aphorism, adage, apothegm, dictum, by-word, sententious precept. SCABBARD 350 SCHEME Scabbard, n. Sheath (of a sword or a dagger), case. Scabies, n, [L.] (Med.) The itch, psora. Scabrous, a. Rough, rugged, scraggy, cragged, uneven. Scaffold, n. Stage, frame, scaffolding, STAGING. Scaffolding, n, SCAFFOLD. Scalawag, n. [Low.] Scapegrace, mis erable scamp, worthless fellow. Scald, v. a. Burn (with a hot liquid). Scald-head, n. PORRIGO, ringworm of the scalp. Scale, n. 1. Dish (of a balance). 2. Balance. 3. Gradation, progressive series. 4. Lamina, layer, flake, LAMELLA, thin plate. Scale, v. a. CLIMB, ascend, escalade, mount, clamber up. Scale off, Exfoliate, shell off, peel off, fall off in scales. Scallion,. (Sot.) Shallot (Allium Asca- lonicum). Scallop, v. a. Indent, notch. Scaly, a. 1. Flaky, lamelliform. 2. [Loiv.] Mean, scurvy, stingy, con temptible. Scaly ant-eater, Pangolin. Scamp, n. [Colloquial.] Rogue, rascal, cheat, knave, swindler, sharper, trick ster, scoundrel, *villain, scapegrace, SCALAWAG, worthless fellow. Scamper, v. n. Scud, run, trip, hie, haste, hasten, speed. Scan, v. a. 1. Recite metrically, divide into feet. 2. Scrutinize, examine, investigate, sift, inquire into, look into. Scandal, n. 1. Defamation, aspersion, calumny, backbiting, slander, detrac tion, traducement, reproach, obloquy. 2. Disgrace, dishonor, shame, infamy, discredit, disrepute, ignominy, odium, opprobrium, ingloriousness. Scandalize, v. a. 1. Offend, give offence to. 2. Vilify, asperse, defame, backbite, decry, calumniate, slander, reproach, libel, revile, satirize, lampoon, bring disgrace on, inveigh against. Scandalous, a. 1. Opprobrious, defam atory, libellous, slanderous. 2. Disgraceful, shameful, infamous, disreputable, ignominious, atrocious, odious, inglorious. Scant, v. a. Limit, straiten, stint. Scant, a. Insufficient, SCANTY. Scantiness, n. Insufficiency, meagre- ness, narrowness, deficiency, short sup ply, short measure. Scanty, a. Insufficient, short, narrow, slender, meagre, lean, scant, deficient, not plentiful, not enough. Scapegrace, n. Rogue, knave, SCAMP, SCALAWAG. Scaphoid, a. (Anat.) Boat-shaped, cymbiform, navicular. Scapula, n. Shoulder-blade. Scar, n. Cicatrix, cicatrice, seam. Scaramouch, n. Buffoon, harlequin, clown, zany, PUNCH. Scarce, a. 1. Deficient, wanting, not plentiful, not abundant. 2. Rare, uncommon, infrequent. Scarcely, ad. Hardly, barely, but just, with difficulty. Scarcity, n. Deficiency, dearth, want, insufficiency, lack. Scarcity-root, n. Field-beet, mangel- wurzel (Beta altissima). Scare, v. a. Frighten, affright, FRIGHT, intimidate, daunt, appall, terrify, make afraid, put in fear. Scarfskin, n. Cuticle, epidermis. Scarlatina, n. Scarlet-fever. Scarlet-fever, n. Scarlatina. Scath, 1 v. a. Injure, harm, blast, de- Scathe, j stroy, damage, waste. Scatliless, a. Uninjured, unhurt, intact, unharmed, untouched. Scatter, v. a. 1. Strew, sprinkle, throw about loosely. 3. Dissipate, disperse, diffuse, distrib ute, spread. Scatter-brain, n. Scatter-brains, shat ter-brain ; giddy, thoughtless person. Scatter-brained, a. Giddy, thoughtless, light-headed, shatter-brained. Scatter-brains, n. pi. SCATTER-BRAIN. Scattered, a. 1. Strewn, sprinkled. 2. Diffused, dispersed, spread about. 3. Sporadic, occurring here and there. Scene, n. Spectacle, exhibition, show, sight, view, display, representation, pageant. Scenery, n. Landscape, prospect, view. Scenic, a. Theatrical, dramatic. Scent, n. Odor, smell, perfume, fra grance, redolence, balminess. Scent, v. a. 1. Smell, get scent of. 2. Perfume, fill with odor, give odor to. Scentless, a. Inodorous, without odor. destitute of smell. Sceptic, n. [Written also Skeptic.] 1. Doubter. 3. Deist, infidel, unbeliever, free thinker. Sceptical, a. [Written also Skeptical.] Doubting, disbelieving, incredulous. Scepticism, n. [Written also Skepticism.] 1. Doubt, incredulity, Pyrrhonism. 3. Unbelief, infidelity, deism, free thinking. Sceptre, n. [Written also Scepter.] 1. Royal mace. 3. Royal power, sovereign author ity. Schedule, n. 1. Scroll, document. 2. INVENTORY, list, CATALOGUE, record, roll, REGISTER. Scheme, n. 1. Plan, system. 3. Device, design, project, contriv ance, plot, stratagem, conspiracy, in trigue, cabal, machination. 3. Draft, outline. Scheme, v. a. Plan, contrive, project, plot, devise, design, imagine, frame. Scheme, v. n. Intrigue, plot, plan, con trive, set one s wits to work, rack one s brains, cudgel one s brains, strain one s invention. SCHEMER 351 SCORN Schemer, n. Planner, projector, con triver. Schism, n. 1. Division (in a church), separation. 2. Disunion, discord. Schismatic, n. Sectary, heretic, non conformist, dissenter, separatist. Schismatical, a. Discordant, dissen tient. Schistose, ) a. Lamellate, lamellated, Schistous, j laminar, laminated, fol iated, foliaceous, scaly, flaky. Scholar, n, 1. Disciple, pupil, student, learner. 3. SAVANT, learned man, erudite person, one of tlie literati. Scholarlike, a. Scholarly. Scholarly, a. Scholar-like. Scholars, n. pi. LITERATI, savans, the learned, learned men. Scholarship, n. 1. Learning, erudition, knowledge, attainments, acquirements, acquired knowledge. 3. Maintenance for a student. Scholastic, a. 1. Academic, literary, lettered, bookish. 2. Pedantic, formal, after the manner of the schoolmen. Scholastic, n. Schoolman. Scholiast, n. Commentator, annotator, glossarist. Scholium, n. Annotation, comment, remark, observation, note, elucidation, School, n. 1. Seminary, academy, in stitute, gymnasium, place of education. 2. Sect, class, denomination. School, v. a. 1. Instruct, teach, edu cate, train, drill, exercise, indoctrinate. 3. Tutor, discipline, control, govern, bring under subjection. School-book, n. Text-book. School-fellow, n. School-mate. Schooling, n. Tuition, instruction, edu cation, teaching, training, nurture, dis cipline. Schoolman, n. Scholastic. School-master, n. Instructor, precep tor, teacher, tutor, master, PEDA GOGUE. School-mate, n. School-fellow. Sciatica, n. Ischiagra, gout of the hip. Sciatic, ) a. Of the hip, ischiadic, is- Sciatical, j chiatic. Science, n. 1. Knowledge, information, learning. 3. System of knowledge, body of knowledge, philosophical knowledge, knowledge of principles or general laws. 3. Branch of knowledge. Scientific, a. Philosophical, according to principles or general laws. Scilicet, ad. [L.] Namely, VIDELICET, to wit, that is, that is to say, to partic ularize. Scintilla, n. [L.] Spark, glimmer, jot, shadow, trace, iota, whit, tittle, bit, ace, grain, atom, particle, corpuscle, scrap, mite. Scintillant, a. Sparkling. Scintillate, v. n. 1. Sparkle, twinkle, coruscate. 3. Emit sparks. Scintillation, n. 1. Spark, sparkle, flash, coruscation. 3. Twinkling, sparkling. Sciolism, n. Smattering, shallowness, superficialness, imperfect knowledge, superficial knowledge, slight knowl edge. Sciolist, n. Smatterer, ignoramus, nov ice, greenhorn. Scion, n. Sprout, shoot, twig, branch, cion, graft. Sclavonic, a. Slavic, Slavonian. Sclerotic, n. (Anat.) White of the eye. Scoff", v. a. Mock, deride, jeer, scoff at. Scoff , v. n. Mock, jeer, jibe, sneer. Scon", n. 1. Sneer, jibe, jeer, taunt, flout, biting jest. 3. Derision, ridicule, mockery, rail lery, scoffing, jeering. Scoffer, n. Scorner, mocker, ridiculer, railer, derider, despiser, jeerer. Scold, v. a. Berate, rate, censure, repri mand, blame, chide, scold at, BLOW UP. Scold, n. Vixen, shrew, termagant. Scold at, Rebuke, chide, reprimand, re prove, censure, condemn, denounce, blame, declaim against, inveigh against, exclaim against, rail at. Scolding:, a. Chiding, berating, abusive, vituperative. Scolding, n. Railing, vituperation, abuse, JAW. Sconce, n. ^Colloquial .] 1. Head, skull. 3. Brains, sense. Scoop, v. a. 1. Excavate, hollow, scoop out. 3. Lade out. Scoop out, 1. Excavate, make hollow, hollow out. 3. Scoop, lade out. Scooper, n. Avoset. Scope, n. 1. Purpose, proposal, drift, tendency, aim, mark, intention, intent, purport, design, object, view. 3. Room, opportunity, margin, range, liberty, latitude, amplitude, free course, free play, full play, elbow room. Scorch, v. a. Burn (slightly), singe, char, roast, parch. Score, n. 1, Mark, incision, notch, fur row. 3. Account, charge, bill, debt, reckon ing. 3. Reason, motive, ground, consider ation, sake. 4. Twenty. Score, v. a. 1. Mark, notch, furrow, cut, scratch. 3. Record, note, charge, set down, jot down. Scoria, n. Dross, slag, recrement. Scoriae, n. pi. Volcanic cinders, slaggy lavas. Scorn, v. a. Contemn, despise, disdain, scout, slight, hold in contempt. Scorn, v. n. Disdain. Scorn, n. Contempt, disdain, derision, mockery, slight, sneer. SCORNER 352 SCRIPTURES Scorner, n. Scoffer, deridor, despiser, ridiculer, jeerer, mocker. Scornful, a. Contemptuous, disdainful, derisive, contumelious. Scot, n. Tax, contribution, reckoning. Scotch, v. a. 1. Cut (slightly), wound (superficially). 3. Stop (as a wheel to prevent it from rolling back), block. Scotch, a. Scottish. Scotch-hoppers, n. pi. Hoppers, hop scotch. Scot-free, a. 1. Untaxed, without pay ment, without expense. 3. Unhurt, uninjured, clear, safe. Scotticism, n. Scottish idiom. Scottish, a. Scotch. Scoundrel, n. Knave, rogue, villain, rascal, scamp, cheat, trickster, swin dler, sharper, scapegrace, caitiff, vile wretch, miscreant. Scoundrelism, n. Knavery, roguery, villainy, rascality, turpitude, baseness. Scour, v. a. 1. Clean (by friction), make bright. 3. Range over, brush along, pass swiftly over. 3. Purge (violently). 4. Rake, search closely. Scour, v. n. Course, career, scamper, range, run swiftly. Scourge, 7i. 1. Whip, lash, thong, strap, cowhide. 3. Punishment, affliction, curse, pest, bane, plague, annoyance, infliction, nuisance. Scourge, v. a. 1. Lash, whip. 3. Punish, chastise, chasten. Scout, n. Spy. Scout, v. n. Act the spy. Scout at, SCOUT, sneer at. Scout, v. a. Ridicule, deride, disdain, despise, contemn, scorn, spurn, scoff at, laugh at, sneer at, hold in contempt. Scowl, v-. n. Frown; look angry, sour, or sullen. Scowl, n. Frown. Scrabble, v. a. Scribble, scrawl, scratch. Scrabble, v. n. Scribble, scrawl. .Scrabble, n. [Colloquial.] Scramble, struggle, muss. Scraggy, a. 1. Rough, rugged, uneven, broken, craggy, scabrous. 3. Lean, thin, lank, meagre, gaunt, skinny, emaciated, attenuated, scran- iiy, scrawny. Scramble, v. n. 1. Struggle (as in climb ing), scrabble. 3. Climb (wit-h difficulty), clamber. Scramble, n. Struggle, contest, muss, scrabble. Scranny, a. [Local] Thin, lank, mea gre, scraggy, SCRAWNY. Scrap, n. 1. Fragment, bit, fraction, remnant, little piece, small part. 3. Crumb, morsel, bite, mouthful. Scrape, v. a. 1. Rub or abrade (with something edged). 3. Gather, collect. Scrape, n. Difficulty, perplexity, dis tress, embarrassment, hot water. Scrape acquaintance, Make acquaint ance, make one s self acquainted, curry favor. Scratch, v. a. 1. Mark with a scratch, or with scratches. 3. Wound slightly (as with the nails). 3. Scribble, write carelessly. 4. Dig (with the claws). Scratch, n. 1. Incision (slight and rag. ged). 3. Slight wound (as with the nails). 3. Scratch-wig, small wig, periwig, peruke. 4. Scribble, scrawl. Scratch -cradle, n. Cat s cradle, cratch- cradle. Scratches, n. pi. (Farriery.) Grease. Scratch out, Erase, obliterate, rub out. Scratch-wig, n, SCRATCH, small wig. Scrawl, v. a. Scribble, scrabble, scratch, write carelessly. Scrawl, v. n. Scribble, scrabble. Scrawl, n. Scribble, scratch, careless writing. Scrawler, n. Scribbler. Scrawny, a. [Colloquial, U. S.] Thin, lank, meagre, scraggy, SCRANNY. Scream, v. n. Shriek, screech, cry out (in a shrill voice). Scream, n. Shriek, screech, yell, outcry, shrill cry. Screech, v. n. Shriek, SCREAM. Screech, n. SCREAM. Screed, n. [Scottish.] 1. Cry, outcry, shrill sound. 3. Harangue, tirade. Screen, n. 1. Protection, guard, defence, shield. 3. Veil, disguise, cloak, cover. Screen, v. a. 1. Hide, shelter, cover, conceal, shroud, mask, cloak, protect, defend. 3. Riddle, sift. Screw, ?i. Miser, niggard, curmudgeon, skinflint, churl, codger, scrimp, hunks, lickpenny, muckworm, sordid wretch, mean fellow. Screw-jack, n. Jack-screw. Screw-shaped, a. Cochleary, cochle ated, spiral, helical, winding. ScreAv-steamer, n. Propeller. Scribble, v. n. Scrawl, scrabble, scratch. Scribbler, n. 1. Scrawler. 3. Petty author. Scribe, n. 1. Writer, penman, chi- rographer, chirographist, amanuensis, copyist, scrivener. 3. Clerk, secretary, notary. Scrimp, a. [Local.] Short, scanty. Scrimp, v. a. [Local.] Scant, contract, shorten, curtail, pinch, limit, straiten, reduce. Scrimp, n. Miser, niggard, SCREW. Scrip, n. 1. Wallet, satchel, small bag. 3. Certificate of stock. Scriptural, a. Biblical, scripture, of the Scriptures, of the Bible. Scripture, n. 1. Writing, document. 3. The Scriptures, the Bible, the Holy Scriptures. Seriptvu-es, n. pi. [With The prefixed.] The Bibie, The Holy Scriptures, Scrip ture, Holy Writ, the word of God. SCRIPTURE 353 SEARCH Scripture, a. SCRIPTURAL. Scrivener, n. Writer (by profession), SCRIBE. Scrofula, n. Struma, King s evil. Scroll, n. 1. Schedule, roll of paper or parchment. 2. Flourish, paraph. 3. Volute, spiral ornament. Scrouge, v. a. [Local, England ; Collo quial, U. S.} Crowd, squeeze. Scrub, v. a. Scour, cleanse, clean, rub hard. Scrub, v. n. "Work hard. Scrub, n. Mean fellow. S"crubby, a. 1. Vile, mean, pitiful, poor, shabby, sorry, miserable, despicable. 2. Small, diminutive, puny, stunted, dwarfed, dwarfish, pygmy, pygmean. Scruple, n. 1. Hesitation, hesitancy, doubt, perplexity, qualm. 2. Twenty grains. Scruple, v. n. Hesitate, doubt, waver, fluctuate. Scrupulosity, n. Over-nicety, conscien tiousness, punctiliousness, scrupulous ness, tenderness of conscience. Scrupulous, a. 1. Conscientious, punc tilious, strict, nice. 2. Cautious, careful, exact, vigilant. Scrupulousness, n. SCRUPULOSITY. Scrutinize, v. a. Examine, investigate, search, canvass, study, sift, explore, overhaul, probe, dissect, look into, search into, pry into. Scrutiny, n. Search, examination, in vestigation, inquisition, exploration, sifting, searching or careful inquiry, close search, critical examination. Scud, v. n. 1. Flee, run, speed, trip, hie, post, scamper, haste, hasten. 2. (Naut.) Drive before a gale. Scuddle, v. n. Scuttle, hurry, bustle, run about (in affecting to be busy). Scuffle, v. n. Struggle (in a disorderly manner), contend, right, strive (as in a close embrace). Scuffle, n. Contest (of a disorderly kind), struggle, fight, rencounter, encounter, broil, fray, brawl, quarrel, squabble, wrangle, altercation, set-to. Sculptor, n. CARVER. Sculpture, n. 1. CARVING, statuary, plastic art. 2. Carved work. Sculpture, v. a. 1. Carve, chisel, cut. 2. Engrave, grave. Scum, n. Froth, dross, refuse, scoria, recrement. Scurf, a. 1. (Med.) Miliary scab. 2. Soil, stain, foul remains. Scurfy, a. Scabby, scabbed, scurvy, scaly, furfuraceous, lentiginous. Scurrile, a. SCURRILOUS. Scurrilous, a. 1. Abusive, scurrile, reproachful, opprobrious, vituperative, insulting, insolent, contumelious, rib ald, blackguard, indecent, offensive, foul-mouthed. 2. Low, mean, vile, foul, coarse, vul gar, gross. Scurvy, a. l. Scurfy, scabbed, scabby. 2. Vile, mean, low, base, bad, sorry, contemptible, despicable, worthless, pit iful, abject. Scutate, a. Clypeiform, shield-shaped. Scutcheon, n. Shield, escutcheon, en sign armorial. Scuttle, v. n. Hurry, bustle, scuddle, run about (affecting to be busy). Sea,.n. 1. Ocean, main, the deep, the great deep, great sea, high sea. 2. Wave, billow. Sea-ape, n. SEA-FOX. Sea-board, n. Beach, strand, shore, sea- coast. Sea-cabbage, n. Sea-kale, sea-colewort (Crambe maritima). Sea-coal, n. Mineral coal, pit coal. Sea-coast, n. Sea-board, beach, strand, shore. Sea-colewort, n. SEA-CABBAGE. Sea-cow, n. 1. Walrus, morse, sea horse ( Trichechus rosmarus). 2. Manatee, lamantine. A Sea-cucvimber, n. Trepang, BECHE-DE- MER, sea-slug. Sea-egg, n. Sea-urchin. Seafarer, n. Mariner, seaman, sailor, tar, navigator, seafaring man. Seafaring, a. Following the business of a seaman. Sea-fox, . Thrasher, sea-ape, fox- shark ( Carcharias vulpes). Sea-horse, n. (Zool.) 1. Walrus, morse, sea-cow ( Trichechus rosmarus). 2. Hippopotamus, river-horse. Sea-kale, n. SEA-CABBAGE. Seal, n. 1. Stamp. 2. Attestation, authentication, con firmation. Seal, v. a. 1. Close, fasten, secure. 2. Confirm, ratify, authenticate, at test. Sea-loach, n. Rockling, whistle-fish, (Motella vulgaris). Seam, n. 1. Suture, commissure, joint, line of juncture. 2. Fissure, crevice. 3. (Mining.) Thin layer, stratum, or bed; narrow vein. 4. Scar, cicatrice, cicatrix. Seam, v. a. 1. Unite, join together. 2. Scar, mark with scars. Seaman, n. Sailor, mariner, navigator, seafarer, tar, seafaring man. Sea-mew, n. Mew, gull, cob, sea-cob. Seamstress, n. Sempstress, needle woman. Seance, n. [Fr.] Session, sitting. Sea-needle, n. Gar-fish, snook, green- bone, gar-pike, sea-pike, long-nose, gore-bill, sword-fish, mackerel-guide (Esox belone or Belone vulgaris). Sea-pike, n. SEA-NEEDLE. Sear, v. a. Cauterize, burn with a hot iron, burn with cautery. Sear, a. Dry, withered. Search, v. a. Examine, explore, scruti nize, investigate, overhaul, probe, sift, look into, search into, pry into, peer into. Search, v. n. Seek, inquire, mouse, peer, search, make search, make in quiry. SEARCH 354 SEDATIVE Search, ft. Examination, inquiry, scru tiny, research, exploration, investiga tion, quest, pursuit. Searcher, n. Seeker, explorer, examiner, inquirer, trier. Searching, a. 1. Penetrating, trying. 2. Close, thorough. Seared, a. 1. Cauterized, burnt on the surface. 2. Hardened, callous, impenitent, unrepentant, obdurate, graceless, incor rigible, shameless, irreclaimable. Sea-robber, n. Pirate, corsair, bucca neer, freebooter, picaroon, marauder, sea-rover. Sea-rover, n. SEA-ROBBER. Sea-salt, n. Common salt (obtained by evaporating sea-water), chloride of sodium, muriate of soda. Sea-sickness, n. Nausea (caused by the tossing of a vessel at sea). Sea-slug, n. Trepang, sea-cucumber, BECHE-DE-MER. Season, n. 1. Period of the year. 2. Time, conjuncture, interval, spell, term, space of time. Season, v. a. 1. Habituate, accustom, inure, harden, form, train, fit by habit. 2. Mature, prepare. 3. Make palatable, give relish to, give zest to. 4. Moderate, temper, qualify. Season, v. n. Be seasoned, become sea soned. Seasonable, a. Timely, opportune, fit, convenient, suitable, appropriate, AP ROPOS, to the purpose. Seasoning:, n. Condiment, relish, sauce, appetizing substance. Seat, n. 1. Place, station, site, situa tion. 2. Abode, dwelling, residence, man sion. 3. Bottom, fundament. Seat, v. a. Place, station, locate, estab lish, fix, set, settle, dispose. Sea-tortoise, n. Turtle. Sea-trout, n. Hirling, salmon-trout (Salmo trutta). Sea-unicorn, n. Narwhal, unicorn-fish, unicorn whale (Monodon monoceros). Sea-urchin, n. Sea-egg. Sea-water, n. Salt-water, water of the sea. Sebaceous, a. Fat, fatty, unctuous, greasy, oily, oleaginous, adipose. Secede, v. n. Withdraw, retire, draw off. Seceder, n. SECTARY, separatist. Secession, n. Withdrawal. Seclude, v. a. Separate (from society), keep apart. Secluded, a. Retired, withdrawn, close, sequestered, isolated, private. Seclusion, n. Separation, retirement, privacy, secrecy, obscurity, solitude. Second, a. Next to the first (in place or in time). 2. Secondary, inferior. Second, n. 1. Maintainer, supporter, helper, assistant, backer. 2. Sixtieth part of a minute. 3. Moment, instant, jiffy, trice, flash, twinkling, twinkling of an eye. Second, v. a. 1. Support, help, forward, assist, aid, promote, back, encourage, abet, further, advance, stand by, side with, take part with. 2. Approve, favor. Secondary, a. Subordinate, inferior, not primary, not first-rate, not of the first order. Second-sight, n. Prophetic vision. Secrecy, n. 1. Concealment, privacy HUGGER-MUGGER. 2. Seclusion, retirement. Secret, a. 1. Hidden, hid, concealed, latent, occult, covert, obscure, recon dite, privy, close, covered, shrouded, veiled, unseen, unknown. 2. Clandestine, sly, underhand, un derhanded, hugger-mugger. 3. Secluded, retired, private. Secretary, n. Scribe, clerk. Secrete, v. a. 1. Hide, conceal, shroud, bury. 2. Separate (as from blood or sap). Secretly, ad. Privately, privily. Secret vice, Orianism, masturbation, self-abuse, self-pollution. Sect, n. Denomination, school. Sectarian, n. Sectary, partisan. Sectary, n. 1. SECTARIAN. 2. Dissenter, nonconformist, heretic, separatist, schismatic, seceder. Section, n. Division, fragment, portion, part, piece. Sectional, a. 1. Fragmentary. 2. Divided, made in pieces or distinct parts. 3. [Modern.} Partial, exclusive, nar row, selfish. Secular, a. Temporal, worldly, civil, profane, lay, not spiritual. Secularism, n. SECULARLY. Secularity, n. Worldliness, secularism, secularness, secular or worldly spirit. Secularness, n. SECULARITY. Secundines, n. pi. Afterbirth, placenta. Secundum artem, [L.] Skilfully, clev erly, well, in a skilful manner. Secure, a. 1. Certain, sure, assured, confident, sanguine. 2. Safe, snug, free from danger. 3. Fixed, fast, stable, immovable. Secure, v. a. 1. Guard, protect. 2. Insure, assure, guarantee, make sure, make certain, make sure of. 3. Fasten, make fast, make firm. 4. Get, acquire, gain, procure, make, get possession of. Security, n. 1. Safety. 2. Protection, safeguard, defence, guard, bulwark, palladium. 3. Pledge, pawn, deposit, surety, stake. Sedate, a. Calm, composed, collected, quiet, placid, serene, tranquil, still, unruffled, undisturbed, settled, imper turbable, sober, serious, staid, cool, philosophical. Sedative, a. Soothing, tranquillizing, calming, emollient, assuasive, assuag ing, lenient, lenitive, demulcent, balmy. SEDATIVE 355 SELF-COMPLACENT Sedative, n. Opiate, anodyne, narcotic. Sediment, w. Dregs, lees, settlings, grounds, precipitate, DUNDER. Sedition, n. Insurrection, riot, rising, rebellion, revolt, tumult, mutiny. Seditious, a. Rebellious, mutinous, re fractory, insurgent, tumultuous, fac tious, riotous, incendiary. Sedlitz powders, Rochelle powders. Seduce, v. a. 1. Allure, decoy, entice, attract, tempt, inveigle, mislead, lead astray, ensnare. 2. Tempt to the surrender of chas tity. Seducenient, n. SEDUCTION. Seduction, n. 1. Enticement, allure ment, seducement, solicitation, attrac tion, temptation, witchery. 2. Lure, decoy, bait. Seductive, a. Enticing, alluring, tempt ing. Sedulity, n. [-Rare.] SEDULOUSNESS. Sedulous, a. Diligent, assiduous, indus trious, laborious, active, busy, notable, diligently employed, busily engaged. Sedulousness, n. Assiduity, assiduous ness, industry, diligence, SEDULITY. See, n. Diocese. See, v. a. 1. Behold, descry, view, spy. 2. Perceive, notice, observe, discern, remark, comprehend, understand. 3. Visit, call on. See, v. n. 1. Look. 2. Inquire, examine, notice, mark, observe. 3. Take heed, take care, be careful, be attentive, pay attention. See, inter j. Look, lo, behold, observe. See about, Consider, take into consider ation. Seed, n. 1. Semen, sperm. 2. (Bpt.} Embryo (with its envelope or pericarp), matured ovule, kernel, grain. 3. Original, first principle. 4. Progeny, offspring, descendants, children. Seed-lobe, n. Cotyledon. Seed-vessel, n. Pericarp, pod, LEGUME, capsule. Seedy, a. [Colloquial.] 1. Old (as gar ments), worn, faded, shabby. 2. Poor, needy, destitute, indigent, distressed, penniless, pinched, out of money, short of money, out of pocket, out of cash, out at the elbows, in need, in want, in distress. Seeing, n. 1. Sight, vision. 2. Perception. Seeing, conj. Considering, since, inas much as, for the reason that. See into, Comprehend, understand, see through, take in. Seek, v. a. 1. Search for, seek for, look for, look after, try to find. 2. Solicit, ask, inquire for, try to get, endeavor to gain. Seek, v. n. 1. Search, make search, look. 2. Try, strive, endeavor, attempt. Seek after, Seek, search for, seek for, look for, look after, try to find. Seeker, n. Inquirer. Seek-*orrow, n. Hypochondriac, self- tormentor. Seem, v. n. Appear, look, appear to be, present the appearance, have the ap pearance, strike one as being. Seeming:, n. Show, appearance, sem blance, look, color, guise. Seeming:, a. Apparent, specious, not real. Seemingly, ad. Apparently, ostensibly, in show, in semblance, in appearance. Seemliness, n. 1, Fitness, propriety, decency. 2. Comeliness, beauty. Seemly, a. 1. Fit, fitting, befitting, be coming, proper, appropriate, congruous, meet, decent, decorous, right. 2. Comely, fair, beautiful, handsome, pretty, well-favored. Seer, n. Prophet, foreteller, predictor, soothsayer, vaticinator. Seesaw, n. 1. Reciprocating motion. 2. Tetter-totter, titter-totter. Seethe, v. a. Boil. Seethe, v. n. Boil, be hot. See through, Comprehend, understand, see into, take in. See to, Attend to, look to, look after. See with half an eye, See easily, can not help seeing. Segment, n. Portion, section. Segregate, v. a. Separate, dissociate, insulate, isolate, set apart, place by itself. Segregation, n. Separation, disconnec tion, insulation, isolation, detachment. Seignior, n. Lord. Seigniory, n. Lordship, manor. Seine, n. Net (large). Seize, v. a. 1. Gripe, grasp, snatch, clutch, catch, capture, grapple, NAB, lay hold on, lay hold of, take possession of, fasten upon, lay hands on, take hold of (forcibly and suddenly). 2. Come upon suddenly (as attacks of disease). t? Seized of, (Laiv.) Possessing, possessed of. Seizure, n. Taking, catching, griping, grasping, capture, appropriation. Seldom, ad. Rarely, not often, not fre quently. Select, v. a. Choose, pick, cull, prefer, pick out, single out, pitch upon, fix upon. Select, a. Selected, chosen, picked, rare, choice, good, excellent, exquisite. Selection, n. Choice, pick. Self-abasement, n. Humiliation, hu mility, humbleness, meekness, lowli ness. Self-abnegation, n. Self-denial, self- sacrifice. Self-abuse, n. Onanism, masturbation, secret vice, self-pollution. Self-asserting, a. Bold, forward, de monstrative, presuming. Self-command, n. Self-control, self- government, self-possession. Self-complacency, n. SELF-CONCEIT. Self-complacent, a. SELF-CONCEITED. SELF-CONCEIT 356 SENSIBILITY Self-conceit, n. Vanity, conceit, BUMP TIOUSNESS, self-sufficiency, egotism, self-complacency, self-esteem. Self-conceited, a. Vain, egotistical, conceited, BUMPTIOUS, self-complacent, self-sufficient. Self-control, n. Self-command, self- government, self-restraint. Self-deception, n. Illusion, delusion, hallucination, monomania. Self-denial, n. Self-abnegation, self- sacrifice, mortification. Self-destruction, . Suicide, self-mur der, self-slaughter. Self-esteem, n. Self-complacency, self- conceit, self-sufficiency. Self-dubbed, a. Pretended, would-be, self-styled, SOI-DISANT. Self-govern men*, n. 1. Self-control, self-mastery, self-restraint. 3. Democracy. Selfish, a. Illiberal, mean, sordid, mer cenary, narrow, narrow-minded, self- seeking Selfishness, n. Undue love of self, self- interest, private interest, illiberality, meanness. Self-mastery, n. Self-command, self- control . Self-murder, n. Suicide, self-destruc tion, self-slaughter, self-homicide. Self-murderer, n. Suicide, FELO-DE- SE. Self-pollution, n. Onanism, masturba tion, secret vice, self-abuse. Self-possessed, a. Calm, placid, com posed, unruffled, unexcited, cool, undis turbed, sedate. Self-possession, n. Calmness, com posure, coolness, self-command, self- control. Self-reliance, n. Confidence (in one s own powers), assurance, firmness, cour age, intrepidity, reliance on one s self. Self-restraint, n. Self-command, self- mastery, self-control. Self-sacrifice, n. Self-denial, self-abne gation. Self-same, a. Same, identical, the very same, exactly the same. Self-seeker, n. Selfish person. Self-seeking:, a. Selfish, illiberal, mean, sordid, mercenary. Self-slaughter, n. Suicide, self-mur der, self-destruction. Self-styled, a. Pretended, would-be, self-dubbed. Self-sufficiency, n. Conceit, conceited- ness, pride, haughtiness, self-compla cency, self-conceit, self-esteem, self- confidence. Self-sufficient, a. Proud, haughty, overbearing, assuming, arrogant, over weening, consequential, lordly. Self-will, n. Wilfulness, stubbornness, doggedness, obstinacy, pig-headedness. Self-willed, a.. Wilful, dogged, obstl- stub- nate, headstrong, pig-h born. Sell, v. a. Vend, dispose of, put up to sale, bring to the hammer. Seller, n. Vender. Selvage, w. List, strip of cloth (forming an edge). Semaphore, n. Telegraph. Semblance, n. 1. Likeness, resem blance, similitude. 3. Show, appearance, seeming, fig ure, form. Semen, n. [L.] Sperm, seed, MILT. Semi, n. [L.] [Used as a prefix.] Half. Semi-annual, a. Half-yearly. Semi - barbarian, a. SEMI - BARBA ROUS. Semi-barbarous, a. Half-civilized, semi-barbarian, semi-savage. Seminal, a. Germinal, radical, origi nal, rudimental. Seminary, n. School, academy, high- school, institute, gymnasium, college, university, place of education, semi nary of learning. Semi-savage, a. Semi-barbarous, half- civilized, semi-barbarian. Semi-transparent, a. Translucent, imperfectly transparent. Sempiternal, a. Everlasting, endless, perpetual, ever-during, unending, eter nal. Sempstress, n. Seamstress, needle woman. Send, v. a. 1, Throw, hurl, cast, fling, impel, emit, project, toss, launch, lance, jaculate. 3. Despatch, delegate, depute, send forth, send out. 3. Transmit, forward. 4. Give, bestow, grant, confer. Seneca oil, Petroleum, rock oil, mineral oil, mineral tar, Barbadoes tar. Seneca-root, n. [Written also Senega* root and Seneka-root.] Virginia snake- root. Senility, n. 1. Old age. 3. Imbecility (from old age), dotage. Senior, a. Older, elder. Senior, n. Elder. Seniority, n. Eldership. Sensation, n. 1. Feeling (without per ception or a reference to any object that causes the feeling), sense. 3. Excitement, impression. Sense, n. 1. Faculty of perception. 3. Feeling, sensibility, sensation. 3. Intellect, mind, understanding, reason, brains, thinking principle, in tellectual powers or faculties. 4. Discernment, perception, sagacity, wisdom, tact, gumption, ballast, com mon sense. 5. Opinion, judgment, notion, idea, conception, apprehension, view. 6. Signification, meaning, import, purport, interpretation. 7. Consciousness, persuasion, convic tion. Senseless, a. Inert, not sentient, with out perception. 3. Insensible, unfeeling, apathetic. 3. Unreasonable, foolish, nonsensical, stupid, doltish, preposterous. Sensibility, n. 1. Feeling, sensitiveness. 3. Delicacy of feeling, tender feeling, quick emotion. SENSIBLE 357 SERRIED Sensible, n. 1. Perceptible (by any of the senses or by the mind), that makes an impression. 3. Cognizant, observant, aware, con scious, convinced, persuaded. 3. Judicious, wise, discreet, sage, sagacious, reasonable, intelligent, ra tional, sober, sound. Sensitive, a. 1. Sentient, perceptive. 3. Impressible, easily affected. Sensitize, v. a. (Photography.) Make sensitive to light. Sensual, a. 1. Carnal, fleshly, unspir- itual. 3. Voluptuous, luxurious. 3. Lewd, dissolute, licentious. Sensualist, n. Voluptuary, epicure, sybarite, free-liver, man of pleasure. Sensuality, n. 1. Voluptuousness, car nality. 2. Lewdness, dissoluteness, licen tiousness. Sensuous, a. Affecting the senses (me diately or immediately), that concerns sensible objects or impressions derived from the senses. Sentence, n. 1. Decision, judgment, determination. 3. (Common Laiv.) Condemnation, doom, judgment passed on a criminal. 3. (Civil and Admiralty Law.) Ju dicial decree. 4, Period, proposition. Sentence, v. a. Doom, condemn, pass judgment upon. Sententious, a. Pithy, terse, laconic, pointed, compact, full of meaning, very expressive, to the point, short and ener getic. Sententiousness, n. Pithiness, terse ness, point, vigor. Sentient, a. Perceiving, perceptive, sensitive. Sentiment, n. 1. Feeling, sensibility, tenderness, emotion. 3. Thought (prompted by feeling), opinion, notion, judgment. 3. Saying, maxim, toast, striking remark. Sentimental, a. Tender, impressible, romantic. Sentimentalism, n. Sentimentality, affectation of sentiment, affected sensi bility. Sentimentality, n. SENTIMENTALISM. Sentinel, n. Watchman, guard, sentry, guardsman. Sentry, n. 1. SENTINEL. 3. Watch, guard, watch and ward. Separable, a. Divisible, discernible. Separate, v. a. 1. Disjoin, disunite, disconnect, dispart, divide, detach, dis engage, insulate, isolate. 3. Sever, dissever, sunder, cleave, part. 3. Withdraw, remove, eliminate. Separate, v. n. Part, divide, cleave, be divided, be disunited, be separated. Separate, a. Disjoined, disconnected, unconnected, disunited, dissociated, detached, distinct, discrete. Separately, ad. Distinctly, singly, apart. Separation, n. Disjunction, disunion, disconnection, disengagement, dissocia tion, isolation. Separatist, n. Sectary, schismatic, dis senter, seceder, nonconformist, heretic. Separator, n. Divider. Sepia, n. 1. Cuttle-fish. 3. India ink. Sepulchral, a. 1. Monumental. 3. Funereal, mournful, sombre, sad, woful, gloomy, dismal, lugubrious, melancholy. Sepulchre, n. [Written also Sepulcher.] Tomb, grave, ossuary, charnel-house, narrow house, long home. Sepulture, n. Burial, interment, in humation. Sequel, n. 1. Continuation, succeeding part. a. Close, conclusion, termination, DENOUEMENT. 3. Consequence, event, issue, upshot. Sequence, n. Succession, series, course, order of succession. Sequester, v. a. SEQUESTRATE. Sequestrate, v. a. 1. Sequester, set aside. 3. (International Law.) Confiscate. Seraglio, n. 1. The Sultan s palace. 3. Harem. Seraphic, a. Angelic, celestial, heavenly, Elysium, blissful. Serene, a. 1. Calm, quiet, placid, tran quil, unruffled, peaceful, composed, undisturbed, collected, sedate. 3. Clear, fair, bright. Serenity, n. 1. Calmness, peacefulness, tranquillity, collectedness, sedateness, composure, coolness, calm, peace. 3. Clearness, fairness, brightness. Serf, n. Slave (attached to the soil), bond man, thrall, bond-servant. Serfdom, n. Enslavement, slavery, ser vitude, bondage, thraldom, enthral- ment, vassalage, subjection. Serial, a. Successive, consecutive, con tinuous, continued. Seriatim, ad. [L.] In a series, in regular order. Sericulture, n. Raising of silk -worms. Series, n. Succession, order, sequence, course, line, row, concatenation. Serious, a. 1. Grave, solemn, sedate, staid, sober, earnest, demure, not gay, not sportive or jocose. 3. Important, weighty, great, mo mentous. Seriousness, n. Gravity, solemnity, demureness. sedateness. Sermon, n. Homily, exhortation, reJi- gious discourse. Sermonize, v. n. Preach. Serous, a. Thin (as parts of ammal fluids), watery, wheyey. Serpent, n. Snake. Serpentine, a. Winding, meandering, crooked, anfractuous. Serpentine, n. Ophite, green porphyry. Serrate, I a. Notched, indented, den- Serrated, j ticulated, cleft, divided, uneven (on the edges). Serried, a. Close, compact, crowded. SERVANT 358 SETTLE Servant, n. 1. Servitor, subaltern, de pendant, subordinate helper. 3. Menial, domestic, drudge, slave, HELP. Servant-maid, n. Maid-servant, ser vant-girl, female domestic, GIRL, HELP, maid-of-all-wor k . Serve, v. a. 1. Work for, labor for, be under the orders of, be subservient to. 3. Aid, assist, help, succor, attend, oblige, wait on, minister to. 3. Promote, advance, forward, bene fit, contribute to, be of use to. 4. Satisfy, content, be sufficient for. 5. Treat, behave towards. Serve, v. n. 1. Be a servant, be a slave, be in bondage, be in subjection. 3. Obey, be dutiful, perform duty. 3. Answer, do, conduce, minister, be sufficient, be of use, pass muster. 4. Suit, be convenient, be suitable. Serve one s time, Be an apprentice, serve one s apprenticeship. Service, n. 1. Labor (for another), work. 3. Duty, office, business, employ ment. 3. Benefit, advantage, profit, gain, good, use, utility, avail. 4. Homage, mark of respect. 5. Office of devotion, religious rite. 6. Military duty. Serviceable, a. Useful, helpful, profit able, advantageous, convenient, bene ficial, available, operative. Service-berry, n. June-berry (the fruit of the shad-bush). Service-book, Missal, prayer-book, mass-book. Servile, a. 1. Dependent, menial, held in bondage, held in slavery, held in subjection. 3. Slavish, mean, base, cringing, ob sequious, fawning, supple, grovelling, sycophantic, abject, low, beggarly, sneaking, base-minded, low-minded, meanly submissive. Servility, n. 1. Slavery, bondage, de pendence. 3. Slavishness, baseness, meanness, abjectness, abjection, obsequiousness, fawning, sycophancy. Servitor, n. Servant, attendant, depend ant, retainer, squire, lackey, valet, waiter, footman. Servitude, n. Slavery, bondage, thral dom, enthralment, enslavement, serf dom, vassalage. Sesame, n. Berme, oil-plant. Sesqui-carbonate of ammonia, Sal- volatile, smelling-salts, carbonate of ammonia. Session, n. Sitting (of a court, of a leg islature, &G.). Set, v. a. 1. Put, place, plant, station, locate, pitch (as a tent). 2. Fix, establish, settle, determine, appoint, assign. 3. Stake, wager, risk. 4. Regulate, adjust, adapt. 5. Stud, variegate, adorn. 6. Sharpen, bring to an edge. 7. Replace (as a broken bone). Set, v. n. 1. Decline, sink, go down (as the sun). 3. Concrete, become hard. 3. Flow, run, tend, move on. Set, a. 1. Regular, formal, established, prescribed. 3. Firm, unyielding, obstinate. Set, n. 1. Suit, assortment. 3. Group, CLIQUE, school, class, sect, party, gang, crew, knot, squad, pack, cluster, COTERIE, company. Set about, Begin, commence, take in hand, apply one s self to. Setaceous, a. Bristly. Set apart, Reserve (for a particular u se), appropriate, dedicate, consecrate, devote, set aside. Set aside, 1. Reserve, SET APART. 3. Omit, leave out of the account. 3. Reject, discard, annul. Set at defiance, Defy. Set at naught, 1. Contemn, despise, undervalue. 3. Break, infringe, transgress, vio late. Set-down, n. Rebuff, rebuke. Set down, Register, record, state, put in writing, chronicle, make a note of, jot down, take down, make a memoran dum of. Set fire to, Kindle, inflame, ignite, set on fire. Set forth, 1. Manifest, exhibit, display, show, put forward. 3. Publish, promulgate, make ap pear. 3. Explain, expound, represent. Set free, Liberate, release, emancipate, disenthral, clear, acquit. Set in, 1. Flow in. 3. Be fairly begun, be established. Set oft 1 , [Active.} 1. Portion off, define the boundaries of. 2. Adorn, decorate, embellish, set out. Set off, [Neuter. ] Start, set out. Set-oft , n. 1. Decoration, ornament. 3. Off-set. 3. (Law.) Counter-claim. Seton, n. 1. Rowel. 3. Issue. Set on, 1. Incite, instigate, prompt, urge, impel, influence, actuate. 3. Attack, assault, set upon. Set on fire, Inflame, kindle, ignite, set fire to. Set on foot, Originate, begin, set in mo tion. Set out, [Active.] Adorn, decorate, em bellish, set off. Set out, [Neuter.] Start, set off. Set right, Correct, put in order. Set store by, Esteem highly, place a high value on, think a good deal of. Set the hand to, Undertake, engage in. Set the heart upon, Long for earnestly, fix one s desires upon. Settle, v. a. 1. Fix, establish, institute, ordain, appoint, confirm, make perma nent. SETTLE 359 SHAFT 2. Decide, determine, make clear, free from doubt. 3. Adjust, reconcile, regulate, ar range, make up. 4. Compress, make close or compact. 5. Colonize, people, plant, found. 6. Liquidate, pay, discharge, close up. 7. [U. S.] Ordain as pastor. 8. Clarify, free from dregs or impu rities. 9. Compose, quiet, tranquillize, calm, pacify. Settle, v. n. 1. Subside, sink, fall. 2. Rest, repose, be quiet, be tranquil, be composed. 3. Dwell, abide, inhabit, reside, plant one s self, get a footing, get established, be stationary. 4. Account, reckon, pay the bill, square accounts, strike a balance, quit scores, satisfy all demands, PAY UP. Settled, a. Established, ordinary, com mon, wonted, usual, customary, every day. Settlement, n. 1. Adjustment, arrange ment. 2. Reconciliation, pacification, 3. Liquidation, payment, discharge. 4. Colonization. 5. Colony. 6. [U.S.] Ordination, installation. Settle on, 1. Establish one s habitation upon. 2. Fix on, determine upon, fix upon. Settler, n. Colonist. Settling, n. 1. Planting, colonizing. 2. Subsidence. Settlings, n. pi. Lees, dregs, sediment. Set-to, n. [Colloquial.] Fight, combat, contest, conflict. Set to rights, Adjust, regulate, put in order, put to rights. Set up, [Active.] 1. Erect, raise, ele vate. 2. Exalt, put in power. 3. Institute, establish, found. 4. Put in type. Set up, [Neuter.] Begin business. Set up for, Profess, make pretensions to. Set upon, Attack, assault, assail, have at, fly at, rush upon, set on. Sever, v. a. Part, divide, separate, dis join, disunite, sunder, detach, discon nect, disengage. Several, a. 1. Separate, distinct , par ticular, single. 2. Various, manifold, different. 3. Sundry, divers, more than one or two, not a great many. Severe, a. 1. Rigid, stern, harsh, bitter, austere, rigorous, stiff, strait-laced, hard, unrelenting, relentless, inexor able, peremptory. 2. Strict, exact, accurate, method ical. 3. Simple, plain, unadorned, concise, chaste. 4. Caustic, satirical, sarcastic, keen, cutting, stinging, biting, sharp. 5. Distressing, afflictive, acute, vio lent, extreme, intense, hard, to bear. Severity, n. 1. Sternness, harshness, rigor, austerity, acrimony. 2. Strictness, exactness, accuracy. 3. Simplicity, plainness, conciseness. 4. Sharpness, keenness, causticity. 5. Extremity, afflictiveness, violence. Sew, v. n. Work with needle and thread. Sew, v. a. Stitch, BASTE. Sewage, n. 1. Contents of a sewer, sewerage. 2. Drainage. Sewer, n. Drain. Sewerage, n. 1. Drainage. 2. Sewage, contents of a sewer. Sextuple, a. Six-fold. Sexual, a. 1. Of the sexes. 2. Of the genitals. Sexual organs, Genitals, private parts. Shabby, a. 1. Ragged, Avorn, faded, threadbare, worn out. 2. Mean, base, low, vile, grovelling, despicable, contemptible, beggarly, pal try, pitiful, dirty, scurvy, abject, dis graceful, unhandsome, ungentlemanly. Shackle, n. FETTER, gyve, chain, ham per, MANACLE, handcuff. Shackle, v. a. 1. Fetter, chain, mana cle, hamper. 2. Trammel, embarrass, obstruct, im pede, restrict. Shackles, n: pi. Fetters, gyves, irons, manacles, chains, hampers. Shackly, a. [Colloquial, U. S.] Loose, rickety. Shad-bush, n. June-berry, shad-berry (Amelanchier Canadensis). Shade, n. 1. Shadow. 2. Darkness, obscurity, dusk, duski ness, gloom. 3. Screen, curtain, veil. 4. Color, hue, tint, tinge, cast, stain, dye. 5. Degree, kind, variety, minute dif ference. 6. Ghost, spirit, apparition, spectre, phantom, manes. Shade, v. a. 1. Obscure, cloud, darken, eclipse, dim, obfuscate, put in shadow, cast in the shade. 2. Screen, cover, protect. Shadow, n. 1. Shade. 2. Darkness, obscurity, gloom. 3. Shelter, cover, protection, security. 4. Type, image, adumbration, repre sentation. Shadow, v. a. 1. Shade. 2. Darken, obscure, cloud. 3. Typify, SHADOW FORTH, adum brate. Shadow forth, Typify, symbolize, rep resent, indicate, denote, show, shadow, foreshadow, stand for. Shadowy, a. 1. Shady, umbrageous, dark, obscure, dim, murky, gloomy. 2. Unreal, unsubstantial, impalpable, visionary, imaginary, spectral, ghostly. Shady, a. Shadowy, umbrageous. Shaft, n. 1. Arrow. 2. Handle. 3. Thill, pole. 5! > _Lillllj pUlO. L Trunk (of a column). >. Axis, spindle, arbor. SHAGBARK 360 SHARP-WITTED Shagbark, n. Shellbark ( Gary a alba). Shaggy, a. Rough (with long hair or wool). Shah, n. King of Persia, padisha. Shake, v. a. 1. Agitate, convulse, make to tremble or quiver. 3. Trill, sing with a trill. Shake, v. n. Tremble, quake, quiver, totter, shudder, shiver. Shake, n. 1. Agitation, concussion, jar, jolt, shaking. 3. Trill. 3. Crack (in timber), fissure, cleft. Shakes, n. pi. [ U. S.} Fever and ague. Shaking, n. Agitation, concussion, jolt ing, jolt, shake. Shaky, a. 1. Unsound (as timber), full of clefts. 3. Shaking, trembling. Shallow, a. 1. Shoal, not deep. 3. Superficial, unintelligent, simple, ignorant, not profound. 3. Flimsy, trivial, frivolous, trifling, foolish, puerile, trashy. Shallow, n. Shoal, flat, shelf, bank. Shallow-brain, n. Simpleton, DUNCE. Shallow-brained, a. Simple, ignorant, foolish, empty-headed, shallow-pated. Shallow-pated, a. Shallow-brained. Sham, v. a. Feign, preten/1, make pre tence of. Sham, n. Imposture, imposition, trick, fraud, feint, delusion, humbug, pre tence, clap-trap. Sham, a. Pretended, false, assumed, counterfeit, mock, spurious, clap-trap, make-believe, not real. Shamble, v. n. Hobble, sliufHe. Shambles, n. pi. Flesh market. Shame, n. 1. Abashment, mortifica tion, confusion. 2. Disgrace, dishonor, opprobrium, reproach, ignominy, infamy, obloquy, odium, scandal, degradation. Shame, v. a. 1. Abash, mortify, con fuse, confound, disconcert, discompose, humiliate, humble, put to shame, make ashamed, put down. 3. Disgrace, dishonor, degrade, de base, discredit, sully, taint, stain, tar nish. 3. Deride, jeer, ridicule, mock at, sneer at, point at. Shame-faced, a. Bashful, diffident, over-modest. Shameful, a. Disgraceful, scandalous, dishonorable, disreputable, infamous, outrageous, ignominious, opprobrious, base, vile, villanous, nefarious, heinous, atrocious, wicked, dark. Shameless, a. 1. Impudent, unblush ing, unabashed, immodest, frontless, assuming, brazen, brazen-faced, bold faced, blustering, swaggering, vapor ing, bluff, insolent, audacious, cool. 3. Depraved, vicious, sinful, unprin cipled, corrupt, profligate, dissolute, reprobate, abandoned, graceless, obdu rate, hardened, incorrigible, irreclaim able, lost, lost to shame, dead to honor. Shamrock, n. White trefoil, white clover { Trifolium repens). Shape, v. a. Form, frame, mould, fig ure, fashion, model. Shape, n. FORM (with especial reference to what is visible), figure, configuration, mould, fashion, outline, appearance, cut, build, cast, TOURNURE, external appearance. Shapely, a. Symmetrical, comely, well- shaped. Share, v. a. 1. Divide, distribute, ap portion, parcel out. 3. Partake, participate in, have a portion of. Share, v. n. Participate, have part, have a portion, go snacks. Share, n. 1. Part, portion, interest, allotment, apportionment, contingent, dividend, quota. 3. Ploughshare. Share equally, Go HALVES. Sharer, n. Partaker, participator, com municant. Shark, n. Sharper, cheat, swindler, blackleg, knave, trickster, slyboots, jockey, SHYSTER, artful fellow. Sharp, a. 1. Acute, keen, with a fine edge. 3. Sagacious, apt, shrewd, astute, discerning, discriminating, ingenious, inventive, witty, quick, clever, ready, smart, clear, sharp-sighted, quick- sighted, keen-eyed, keen-witted, sharp- witted, clear-sighted, long-headed, cun ning. 3. Biting, pungent, hot, burning, stinging, mordacious, acrid, piquant, high-flavored, high-seasoned. 4. Severe, harsh, acrimonious, sar castic, caustic, cutting, tart, pointed. 5. Distressing, poignant, intense, Very painful. 6. Pinching, piercing, nipping. 7. Strong, eager, fierce, ardent, vio lent. S. Shrill, high, not flat. Sharp, v. a. Sharpen, make shrill. Sharpen, v. a. 1. Edge, give an edge to, make keen, 3. Make eager. 3. Sharp, make shrill. 4. Intensify, make more intense. Sharper, .n. Cheat, rogue, swindler, trickster, shark, knave, blackleg, sly boots, jockey, SHYSTER, artful fellow. Sharpness, n. 1 . Acuteness, keenness. 3. Sagacity, shrewdness, ingenuity, wit, cleverness, quickness, 3. Pungency, piquancy, acridity. 4. Severity, sarcasm, satire. 5. Poignancy, intensity, painfulness, keenness. 6. Fierceness, violence, ardor. 7. Shrillness, highness. Sharp-set, a. Eager, hungry, ravenous, famishing. Sharp-shooter, n. Good marksman. Sharp-sighted, a. Keen, keen-eyed, keen-sighted, clear-sighted. Sharp-witted, a. Acute, shrewd, quick, SHARP, discerning, sagacious, ingen ious, intelligent, keen, clear-sighted, keen-sighted, long-headed, cunning. SHATTER 361 SHIRK Shatter, v. a. 1. Shiver, break in pieces, dash into fragments. 3. Disorder, derange, make insane. Shatter-brain, n. Scatter-brain, scat ter brains, giddy or thoughtless person. Shatter-brained, a. Giddy, thought less, light-headed, scatter-brained. Shave, v. a. 1. Cut off (close to the sur face). 3. Make smooth or bare (as by cutting off hair closely). 3. Slice, cut in thin slices. 4. Strip, fleece. 5. Graze, skim, touch lightly (inpass- ing over). Shear, v. a. Cut, clip. Sheath, n. 1. Case (as for a sword), scabbard. 3. (Bot.) Base of a leaf (when it is wrapped around a stem). 3. (Ent.) Wing-case. Sheathe, v. a. 1. Put into a sheath, enclose in a sheath. 3. Cover, line, case. Sheathed, a. VAGINATE. Sheathe the sword, Make peace. Sheathing, a. V AGIN AWT. Sheathing, n. Casing, lining. Shed, v. a. 1. Spill, effuse, pour out. 2. Spread, diffuse, scatter. 3. Cast, throw off, put off, lay aeide, let fall. Shed, n. Hut, hovel, cot, cabin. Shed-roof, n. Pent roof, lean-to. Sheen, n. Brightness, splendor, shine, gloss. Sheepcot, n. Sheepfold, sheep-pen. Sheepfold, n. Sheepcot. Sheepish, a. Timid, shame-faced, over- modest, very bashful, excessively diffi dent. Sheer, a. 1. Pure, unmixed, simple, mere, bare, naked. 3. Perpendicular. Sheet-anchor, n. 1. (Naut.) Principal anchor, largest anchor. 3. Mainstay, chief support, main reliance. Sheet-tin, n. Latten, tinned iron plate. Shelf, n. 1. Ledge. 3. Shoal, shallow. Shell, n. 1. Case, capsule, outer cover ing. 3. Bomb, hollow ball. 3. Frame-work. 4. Lyre, stringed instrument. Shell, v. a. 1. Take out of the shell, strip the shell from, hull. 3. Bombard. Shell, v. n. Exfoliate, fall off, peel off, shell off. Shellbark, n. Shagbark ( Carya alba). Shell off, SHELL, peel off. Shelter, n. 1. Asylum, refuge, retreat, covert, sanctuary, harbor, haven. 3. Protection, shield, screen, defence, security, safety. Shelter, v. a. Shield, screen, hide, shroud, protect, defend, cover, house, harbor, lodge, ensconce. Shelve, v. a. Put on the shelf, put aside, give the go-by to. Shelve, v. n. Slope, incline. She-monster, n. Fury, beldam, vixen, virago, hag, jezebel, ugly old woman. Shepherd, n. 1. Herdsman (of sheep). 2. Swain, rural lover. 3. Pastor, minister, clergyman. Shepherd-spider, n. Father-long-legs, daddy-long-legs, harvest-man. Shibboleth, n. . Criterion, watchword, test. Shield, n. 1. Buckler, aegis. 3. Safeguard, protection, defence, guard, cover, security, bulwark, ram part, palladium. 3. Escutcheon, ensign armorial. Shield, v. a. Defend, protect, guard, shelter, cover. Shield-shaped, a. Scutate, clypeiform, peltate, peltated. Shift, v. a. Change, alter, vary. Shift, v. n. 1. Move, change place, change about. 3. Change, vary, veer, chop. 3. Contrive, manage, plan, scheme, devise ways and means. Shift, n. 1. Change. 3. Expedient, contrivance, resort, re source, means. 3. Evasion, artifice, fraud, trick, doubling, stratagem, subterfuge, dodge, mask, ruse, wile, craft, device, artful contrivance. 4. Chemise, smock. Shiftless, a. Improvident, imprudent, prodigal, wasteful, without forecast, without foresight, careless of the fu ture. "- Club, cudgel. Shimmer, v. n. Glimmer, gleam, shine faintly. Shin, n. Spine, fore part of the leg. Shindy, n. [Colloquial.] Row, spree, riot, disturbance, uproar. Shine, v. n. 1. Beam, radiate, glitter, glisten, glow, blaze, be bright, be bril liant, emit rays of light. 3. Be eminent, be distinguished, be conspicuous. Shine, n. 1. Fair weather. 3. Brightness, splendor, lustre, bril liancy, polish, gloss. 3. [Colloquial, U. S.] Liking, fancy. Shingling-mill, n. Furnace, forge. Shining, a. 1. Beaming, glittering, radiant, resplendent, effulgent, glow ing, lucid, luminous, BRIGHT, shiny. 3. Illustrious, splendid, conspicuous, distinguished. Shiny, a. Bright, clear, SHINING. Ship-biscuit, n. Pilot-bread, hard- bread. Ship-carpenter, n. Shipwright. Ship of war, Man-of-war. Shipwreck, n. Wreck, ruin, perdition, destruction, miscarriage, overthrow, subversion, demolition. Shipwreck, v. a. Wreck, strand, floun der, cast away. Shipwright, n. Ship-carpenter. Shirk, v. a. Avoid (in a mean ivay), evade, get off from. SHIVER 362 SHOW OFF Shiver, v. a. Shatter, break in pieces, dash to fragments, Shiver, v. n. Shudder, quake, tremble. Shiver, n. 1. Fragment, bit, piece. 3. Slice, sliver. 3. Tremor. Shiver-spar, n. Slate-spar. Shivering, a. Friable, brittle, frangi ble, BRASH, easily shivered, not com pact. Shoal, n. 1. Crowd, throng, multitude, swarm, horde, gang. 3. Shallow, sand-bank. Shoal, v. n. Grow shallow. Shoal, a. Shallow. Shock, n. 1. Concussion, collision, clash, impact, percussion. 3. Brunt, heat of onset. 3, Blow, buffet. 4. Stook, hattock. Shock, v. a. 1. Encounter, strike against, come into collision with. 3. Offend, disgust, nauseate, sicken, scandalize, revolt, outrage. 3. Stun, astound, stagger. 4. Appall, terrify, affright. Shocking, a. 1. Repulsive, offensive, hateful, detestable, execrable, obnox ious, odious, disgusting, revolting, abominable, very bad. 3. Dreadful, terrible, horrid, horri ble, fearful, frightful, dire, horrific, awful, tremendous, hideous, monstrous, ghastly, grim, appalling. Shoemaker, n. Crispin. Shoe-string, n. Shoe-tie. Shoe-tie, n. Shoe-string. Shooks, n. pi. Staves. Shoot, v. a. 1. Dart, let fly. 3. Fire, discharge, let off. 3. Emit, project, propel, send forth, put forth, thrust forth. 4. Hit or kill by a missile. Shoot, v. n. 1. Fire, discharge a gun. 3. Pass, fly, dart. 3. Bud, sprout, germinate, pullulate. 4. Project, jut, jut out. Shoot, n. Sprout, branch, twig, scion, offshoot. Shoot up, Grow, increase, spring up, run up, grow up, start up. Shop, n. Store. Shopkeeper, n. Tradesman, shopman, co ITNTER- JUMPER, retail trader, petty trader. Shoplifter, n. Shop-thief. Shoplifting, n. Larceny, stealing, pil fering, theft, thievery, petty larceny. Shopman, n. SHOPKEEPER. Shop-thief, n. Shoplifter. Shore, n. 1. Coast, beach, strand, sea board, seaside, seacoast. 3. Prop, support, stay, brace, but tress. Shore up, Prop, support, prop up. Short, a. 1. Brief, not long. 3. Near, direct, straight. 3. Compendious, succinct, concise, terse, pithy, sententious, laconic, CURT. 4. Abrupt, blunt. 5. Deficient, defective, inadequate, scanty, insufficient, imperfect. 6. Lacking, wanting, destitute. 7. Brittle, friable, BRASH. 8. (Cookery.) Crisp. Short, ad. Suddenly, abruptly, at once. Short-coming, n. 1. Deficiency. 3. Slip, fault, error, failing, defect, weakness, weak side, blind side. Shorten, v . a. 1. Abbreviate, abridge, retrench, cut short, cut down. 3. Lessen, diminish, reduce. Shortening, n. 1. Abbreviation, cur tailment, abridgment, contraction, re duction, retrenchment. 3. Fat, fatty substance. Short-hand, n. Stenography, brachyg- raphy, tachygraphy. Short-lived, a. Transient, ephemeral, mushroom, TRANSITORY. Shortly, ad. 1. Soon, in a short time, in a little time. 3. Briefly, concisely, tersely, in a few words. Short-sighted, a. 1. Myopic, purblind, near-sighted. 3. Inconsiderate, imprudent, indis creet. Short-sightedness, n. Myopy, near- sightedness. Short-winged, a. Brevipennate. Short-Avitted, a. Unintelligent, shal low, stupid, dull, stolid, foolish, doltish, simple, soft, sappy, weak-headed, weak- minded, feeble-minded, half-witted, shallow-brained, dull-witted, blunt- witted, fat-witted. Sliot, n. 1. Discharge. 3. Ball, bullet. 3. [Colloquial.] Marksman. Shote, n. Pig, young hog. Shoulder, n. Projection, protuberance. Shoulder-belt, n. Baldric. Shout, o. n. Exclaim, vociferate, halloo, hollo, holla, cry out. Shout, n. Halloo, holla, huzza, yell, hoot, loud cry, loud call. Shove, v. a. Push, propel, thrust, poke. Show, v. a. 1. Exliibit, display, present to view, set forth, bring to light. 3. Exhibit to, point out to. 3. Indicate, point out. 4. Disclose, divulge, proclaim, pub lish, explain, make .known, make clear. 5. Prove, evince, manifest, express, demonstrate, make manifest. 6. Conduct, guide, usher. 7. Bestow, confer, grant. Show, v. n. Seem, look, appear. Show, n. 1. Spectacle, exhibition, sight, representation, pageant. 3. Parade, ostentation, flourish, dash, pomp, pageantry, splendor, display, ceremony. 3. Semblance, resemblance, likeness, external appearance. 4. Pretence, pretext, color, mask, simulation. Showery, a. Kainy, wet. Show fight, Take the offensive, lay about one. Show off, 1. [Active.] Exhibit (osten tatiously), display, make a parade of. 3. [Neuter.} Make a show, display SHOWY 863 SIDE BY SIDE one s self, put on airs, give one s self airs, look big, liokl up one s head, perk one s self, up, ride a high horse, MAKE A SPLURGE. SPREAD ONE S SELF. Showy, a. i. Gaudy, flashy, gay, glar ing, gairish, flaunting, gorgeous, splen did, tine, dressy, jaunty, airy, bediz ened, pranked out. 3. Grand, stately, ostentatious, pom pous, magnificent. Shred, n. 1. Strip. 3. Scrap, fragment, bit, piece, flitter, tatter, rag. Shrew, n. 1. Brawler, scold, termagant, vixen, virago, fury, hag, beldam, tur bulent woman. 3. Shrew-mouse. Shrewd, a. 1. Artful, cunning, sly, wily, subtle, crafty, arch, astute, Mach- iavelian. 2. Sagacious, acute, sharp, quick, keen, ingenious, discerning, intelligent, deep, profound. Shrewdness, n. I. Cunning, archness, artfulness, subtlety t craft, astuteness, slyness, art, address, skill, policy. 3. Sagacity, acumen, acuteness, per spicacity, sharpness, keenness, inge nuity, discernment, penetration, intelli gence, mother-wit, quick parts. Shrewish, a. Froward, peevish, petu lant, scolding, brawling, clamorous. Shrew-inouse, n. Shrew. Shriek, v. n. Scream, screech, yell. Shriek, n. Scream, screech, yell, shrill cry. Shrike, n. Butcher-bird (Lanius excu- bitor). Shrill, a. Acute, sharp, high, high- toned. Shrine, n. Altar, place of worship, sacred place. Shrink, v. n. 1. Shrivel, contract, de crease, dwindle, wither. 3. Recoil, blench, flinch, withdraw, swerve, draw back, give way, lack courage or resolution. Shrink from, Abhor, nauseate, abom inate, loathe, detest, feel disgust at, recoil from. Shrivel, v. a. Parch, dry, dry up. Shrivel, v. n. Shrink, contract, dwindle, wither, decrease. Shroud, n. Winding sheet, grave- clothes. Shroud, v. a. Cover, hide, veil, mask, cloak, screen, bury, muffle. Shrub, n. Bush. Shrubby, a. Bushy. Shrunk, a. Shrivelled, withered, dwin dled. Shudder, v. n. Tremble, shake, quake, quiver. Shudder, n. Tremor, shuddering. Shuddering, n. Trembling, tremor, HORRIPILATION, horror. Shuffle, v. a. Confuse, jumble, throw into disorder. Shuffle, v. n. 1. Prevaricate, quibble, equivocate, cavil, dodge, palter, evade the truth. 58. Struggle, shift, make shift. Shuffle, n. Trick, quibble, prevarication, evasion, artifice, fraud, shuffling, sub terfuge, pretence, pretext. Shuffle off, Discard, lay aside, get rid of. Shuffling, n. Trick, SHUFFLE. Shuffling, a. Fraudulent, quibbling, prevaricating, evasive, disingenuous. Shun, v. a. AVOID (in a positive sense or denoting positive exertion), evade, escape, elude, eschew, get clear of, get out of the way of, escape from. Shunt, v. a. [England.] Switch (from one set of rails to another). Shut, v. a. 1. Close, close up. 2. Enclose, confine, imprison, shut up, coop up, lock up, close the door upon. Shut out, Exclude. Shut up, 1. Shut, close up. 3. Confine, shut Up, lock up. Shy, a. 1. Coy, reserved, bashful, dim- dent, timid, sheepish, shame-faced, over-modest. 3. Cautious, wary, heedful, chary. Shy, n. 1. Sudden start (as of a horse). 3. [Cotloquial.] Fling, throw. Shy, v. a. Fling, throw, jerk, cast, toss, hurl, FLIRT, chuck, pitch, sling. Shy, v. n. Sheer, start aside. Shyster, n. [Colloquial.] Rogue, cheat, trickster, knave, shark, sharper, swin dler, slyboots ; sly, mean fellow. Sibilant, a. Hissing. Siccative, a. Drying. Siccity, n. [Rare.] Dryness, aridity, want of moisture. Sice, n. Six (at dice). Sick, a. 1. Ill, indisposed, ailing, un well, not well, laid up, out of sorts. 2. Nauseated, affected with nausea, sick at the stomach. 3. Disgusted, tired, weary. Sicken, v. a. 1. Nauseate, make sick, turn one s stomach, make one s gorge rise. 3. Disgust, weary. Sicken, v. n. 1. Become sick, fall sick. 3. Be disgusted, feel disgust. Sickening, a. 1. Nauseating, nauseous, sickish, palling. 3. Disgusting, distasteful, repulsive, revolting, foul, loathsome, offensive. Sickish, a. Nauseating, nauseous, sick ening. Sickle, n. Reaping-hook. Sickle-shaped, a. Falcate, falcated, hooked. Sickly, a. Weak, feeble, ailing, languish ing, unhealthy, piping, whining. Sickness, n: 1. Illness, disease, disor der, distemper, malady, complaint, ail, ailment, indisposition. 3. Nausea. Side, n. 1. Verge, margin, edge, bor der. 3. Party, sect, faction, interest. Side, a. Lateral. Side, v. n. Take sides. Side-board, n. COMMODE. Side by side, Abreast, alongside, by the side (of one another). SIDE-FACE 364 SIMPLE Side-face, n. Profile. Side-glance, n. Ogle. Sidehill, n. Declivity, hillside, slope, sloping ground. Sideling, a. Sloping, inclined. Sideling, ad. SIDEWISE. Sidelong, a. Lateral, oblique, not di rect. Sidelong, ad. Laterally, obliquely. Sidereal, ft- Starry, stellar, astral. Side-saddle-flower, n. Pitcher plant, huntsman s cup. SideAvalk, n. Foot- way (at the side of a street], foot-path. Sideways,<w/. Laterally, SIDEWISE. SideM ise, ad. Laterally, sideways, side ling. Siege, n. Investment. Siesta, n. [Sp.] Nap (after dinner). Sieve, n. Bolt. Sift, v. a. 1. Bolt. 3. Scrutinize, probe, fathom, sound, investigate, canvass, discuss, examine critically, look into, follow up, inquire into. Sigh, n. Long breath. Sight, n. 1. Perception, view, ken, cog nizance. 2. Vision, sense of sight. 3. Spectacle, show, exhibition, rep resentation, pageant. 4. Inspection, examination. Sightless, a. Blind, eyeless, unseeing. Sightly, a. 1. Conspicuous, prominent, exposed to view. 2. Comely, handsome, beautiful. Sign, n. 1. Token, mark, note, indica tion, index, symptom, manifestation, symbol, emblem. 2. Signal, beacon. 3. Prodigy, wonder, miracle, portent, augury, presage, prognostic, auspice, foreboding, omen. Sign, v. a. Subscribe, put one s name to, affix one s signature to. Signal, n. Token, mark, indication, SIGN, beacon. Signal, a. Eminent, memorable, extra ordinary, remarkable, noted, conspic uous. Signal-fire, n. Beacon. Signalize, v. a. 1. Distinguish, cele brate, make memorable. 2. Make a signal to. 3. Indicate by a signal. Signature, n. 1. Stamp, mark. 2. Sign-manual. Signet, n. Seal (especially of a sover eign). Significance, 1 n. 1. Meaning, import, Significancy, J purport, sense. 2. Importance, consequence, weight, moment. Significant, a. 1. Betokening, indica tive, expressive, pregnant with mean ing. 2. Important, weighty, momentous. Signification, n. 1. Expression. 2. Meaning, sense, import, purport, acceptation. Signify, v . a. 1. Denote, betoken, mean, imply, intimate, indicate, purport. 2. Express, declare, proclaim, make known. Signify, v. n. Import, matter, be of im portance, be of consequence. Sign-manual, n. Signature. Silence, n. 1. Stillness, noiselessness, quiet, calm. 2. Taciturnity, muteness, dumbness. 3. Oblivion, obscurity. Silence, v. a. 1. Still, hush, gag, stifle, muzzle, muffle, put to silence. 2. Allay, quiet, calm, put to rest, put an end to. Silence, interj. Hush, whist, mum, soft, tush, chut, tut, be still, be silent, hold your tongue. Silent, a. 1. Still, noiseless, quiet, calm. 2. Mute, dumb, TACITURN, speech less, mum, without a word to say. 3. Quiescent, not pronounced, not sounded. 4. Dormant, not active. Silex, n. Silica, silicic acid, pure quartz, pure flint, oxide of silicon. Silica, n. SILEX. Silicic acid, SILEX. Silken, a. Silky. Silk-weed, n. Milk-weed, wild cotton. Silky, a. Silken. Sill, n. 1. Lower piece of a frame (as of a door or a ivindow). 2. Ground-sill, ground-plate. Silly, a. 1. Senseless, witless, stiipid, foolish, DAFT, simple, weak, childish, inept. 2. Absurd, trifling, frivolous, extrav agant, preposterous, nonsensical. Silt, n. Sediment, deposit, alluvium. Silver, a. 1. Silvery, of silver. 2. White, bright, of the color of silver 3. Soft and clear (as sound), melliflu ous, euphonious, not harsh. Silvery, a. SILVER. Similar, a. Like, resembling. Similarity, n. Likeness, resemblance, similitude, parallelism, analogy, corre spondence, parity. Simile, n. Similitude, METAPHOR, com parison. Similitude, n. 1. Likeness, resem blance, SIMILARITY, image. 2. Simile, comparison, METAPHOR. Simmer, v. n. Boil (gently), seethe, stew. Simmering, a. Boiling, piping. HmooS K Samiel,kamsin. Simper, v. n. Smile (affectedly), smirk. Simper, n. Smirk, affected smile. Simple, a. 1. Single, uncombined, un- compounded, unmixed, elementary, bare, mere, not complex, nothing else but, not complicated. 2. Plain, unadorned, unstudied, un varnished, natural, chaste, neat. 3. Artless, undesigning, sincere, un affected, unconstrained, NAIVE, frank, open, downright, inartificial, straight forward, true, simple-hearted, simple- minded. 4. Silly, foolish, weak, not wise, not sagacious. SIMPLE 365 SIP Simple, n. Medicinal plant. Simple-hearted, a. Ingenuous, frank, open, artless, SIMPLE. Simple-minded, a. SIMPLE-HEARTED. Simplicity, n. 1. Plainness, natural ness, ohasteness, neatness. 2. Artlessness, sincerity, frankness, openness, truth. 3. Silliness, folly, weakness. Simplify, v. a. Make simple. Simply, ad. 1. Plainly, artlessly, sin cerely, truly. 3. Merely, barely, solely, of itself. Simulate, v. a. Feign, counterfeit, act, sham, affect, pretend. Simulation, n. Feigning, counterfeit ing, personation, PRETEXT, PRE TENCE. Simultaneously, ad. At the same time. Sin, n. Offence (against the divine law), iniquity, unrighteousness, wickedness, wrong, CRIME, transgression, delin quency. Sin, v. n. Trespass, do wrong. Sinapism, n. Mustard plaster, mustard poultice. Since, conj. Because, as, considering, seeing that, because that, inasmuch as. Since, ad. 1. Ago, before this. 2. From that time. Since, prep. After, from the time of, subsequently to. Sincere, a. 1. True, real, unfeigned, genuine, unaffected, unvarnished, not pretended. 3. Honest, ingenuous, open, frank, candid, hearty, undissembling, artless, guileless, single. Sincerity, n. Honesty, ingenuousness, candor, frankness, artlessness, guile- lessness, probity, veracity, truth. Sinciput, n. (Anat.) Bregma, top of the head. Sine qua non, [L.] Necessity, neces sary, requisite, essential, indispensable thing, indispensable condition. Sinew, n. Tendon. Sinewy, a. Muscular, brawny, athletic, stalwart, strapping, robust, powerful, sturdy, strong, Herculean, able-bodied, made of iron. Sinful, a. Wicked, unrighteous, iniqui tous, unholy, wrong, criminal, mis chievous, bad. Sinfulness, n. "Wickedness, unright eousness, iniquity, unholiness, crim inality, ungodliness, irreligion. Sing, v. n. Carol, chant, warble. Sing, v. a. Carol, chant, warble, hum, hymn, celebrate in song. Singe, v. a. Scorch, burn (slightly). Singer, n. Chanter, chantress, songster, songstress, vocalist, minstrel. Single, a. 1. Sole, one only. 3. Particular, individual, separate. 3. Unmarried, unwedded. 4. Pure, simple, unmixed, uncom- pounded. 5. Alone, solitary, isolated. 6. Sincere, uncorrupt, unbiassed, up right, ingenuous. Single, v. a. Choose, select, single out. Single-handed, a. Alone, unaided, unassisted, by one s self. Singleness, n. 1. Unity, individuality. 3. Purity, simplicity. 3. Sincerity, integrity, uprightness, ingenuousness. 4. Celibacy, single blessedness. Single life, Celibacy, unmarried state. Single out, Choose, select, single, pick. Single-tree, n. Whiffle-tree, whipple- tree. Singular, a. 1. Single, uncompounded, not complex. 3. Unusual, uncommon, rare, un wonted, strange, odd, extraordinary, eccentric, queer, BIZARRE, out of the way. 3. Particular, peculiar, exceptional, unexampled, unparalleled, remarkable. Singularity, n. 1. Uncominonness, rareness, rarity, strangeness, oddness, abnormity, aberration, irregularity. 3. Peculiarity, particularity, idiosyn crasy, individuality. 3. Eccentricity, oddity, qiieerness. Sinister, a. 1. Left, on the left hand. 3. Unlucky, inauspicious, unfortu nate, untoward, disastrous, injurious. 3. Wrong, bad, evil, perverse, cor rupt, wicked, sinful, criminal. Sink, v. n. 1. Fall (gradually), subside, descend, go down, go to the bottom. 3. Penetrate, enter. 3. Be depressed, be overwhelmed. 4. Decline, decrease, decay, droop, dwindle, lose strength, give way. Sink, v. a. 1. Merge, submerge, sub merse, immerse, ingulf, plunge, dip. 3. Big, excavate, scoop out. 3. Depress, degrade, lower, abase, debase, diminish, lessen, bring down, let down. 4. Ruin, destroy, waste, overthrow, overwhelm, swamp. 5. Suppress, conceal, keep close. 6. Reduce. Sink, n. Drain, sewer. Sinless, a. Guileless, innocent, spotless, faultless, immaculate, impeccable, un blemished, untarnished, undenled, un sullied, pure. Sinlessness, n. Faultlessness, immac- ulateness, innocence, purity, impecca bility. Sinner, n. Offender, delinquent, crimi nal, wrong-doer, evil-doer, wicked per son, irreligious person. Sinologue, n. Adept in the Chinese language, or in Chinese literature. Sinuate, a. Sixuous. Sinuated, Sinuosity, n. Curvature, flexure, bend, crook, winding, tortuosity. Sinuous, a. Winding, crooked, curved, curvilinear, curvilineal, sinuate, sin- uated, serpentine, flexuous, bending in and out. Sinus, n. [L.] 1. Bay, recess. 2. Fold, hollow, cavity. Sip, v. a. Drink (a little at a time), sup. Sip, n. Slight taste, small draught. SIRE 366 SKYLARKING Sire, n. 1. [Poetical.] Father. 3. Male parent (of a beast). Siren, n. 1. Tempter, seducer, Circe, bewitching or fascinating woman. 3. (Zool.) Mud iguana. Siren, a. Alluring, seducing, tempting, bewitching, fascinating. Siriasis, n. [L.] (Med.) Sun-stroke, . insolation, COUP-DE-SOLEIL, stroke of the sun. Sirius, n. Canicula, dog-star. Siskin, n. Aberdevine (Carduelis spi- nus). Sit, v. n. 1. Be seated, have a seat. 3. Perch (as a bird). 3. Stay, rest, settle. 4. Brood (as fowls), incubate. 5. Fit, be adjusted. 6. Hold a session. Site, n. Place, situation, locality, loca tion, position, seat, station. Sitting, n. Session. Situation, n. 1. Place, locality, station, location, site, position, seat, ground, spot. 3. Condition, state, plight, case, pre dicament, category, circumstances. 3. Post, station, office, BERTH, em ployment. Six-sided, a. Hexahedral, cubic. Sixthly, ad. In the sixth place. Sizable, a. 1. Of suitable size. 3. Of considerable size. Size, n. 1. Bigness, greatness, magni tude, bulk, volume, dimensions. 3. Sizing, weak glue, glutinous sub- Stance. Sizing, n. Size, weak glue. Skein, n. Knot. Skeleton, n. 1. Framework. 3. Sketch, outline, draught, rough draught. Skeptic, n. [Written also Sceptic.} 1, Doubter, pyrrhonist. 3. Deist, infidel, unbeliever, free thinker. Skeptical, a. [Written also Sceptical. Doubting, disbelieving, incredulous. Skepticism, n. [Written also Scepti cism.} 1. Doubt, incredulity, Pyrrhon ism. 3. Unbelief, infidelity, free-think ing. Sketch, n. Outline, drawing, delinea tion, plan, skeleton, pencilling, plot, rough draft, first draft, design in out line. Sketch, v. a. 1. Draw (in outline), chalk out, make a rough draught of. 3. Depict, delineate, represent, por tray, paint, pencil, shadow forth. Sketchy, a. Incomplete, unfinished, only in outline. Skilful, a. [Written also Skillful.} Skilled, well-versed, versed, conver sant, proficient, learned, knowing, in telligent, ingenious, competent, able, clever, qualified, practised, trained, initiated, prepared, accomplished, ex pert, dexterous, adroit, apt, handy, ready, quick, masterly, good at, master of, at home in, in one s element. Skilfully, ad. Ably, cleverly, well, in a skilful manner, SECUNDUM ABTEM. Skilfulness, n. SKILL, dexterity. Skill, n. Skilfulness, dexterity, dexter- ousness, aptness, adroitness, readiness, facility, expertness, cleverness, quick ness, knack, address, ingenuity, abil ity. Skilled, a. SKILFUL. Skini, v. n. Pass lightly or superficial ly- Skin, n. 1. Hide, pelt, derm, CUTIS. 3. Husk, hull, peel, rind. Skin, v. a. 1. Flay, excoriate. 3. Peel, pare. 3. Cover with a skin or crust. Skin-deep, a. Superficial, slight. Skin-flint, n. Miser, niggard, churl, hunks, scrimp, screw, curmudgeon, lick-penny, sordid wretch. Skin-like, a. Dermatoid. Skinny, a. Lean, poor, thin, lank, shrunk, emaciated, shrivelled, fallen away. Skip, v. n. Leap, jump, bound, spring, hop, CAPER. Skip, v. a. Disregard, omit, neglect, miss, skip over, pass without notice. Skip, n. Leap, jump, bound, spring, hop, CAPER. Skip over, Disregard, SKIP. Skipper, n. 1. Master (of a small ves sel), captain. 3. (Jch.) Saufry-pike (Scomberesox saurus). 3. (Ent.) Cheese maggot. Skirmish, n. Fight (of slight conse quence), battle, collision, conflict, com bat, brush, affair. Skirt, n. 1. Flap, loose part (of a gar ment below the waist). 3. Petticoat. 3. Edge, border, margin, verge, rim, extreme part. Skirt, v. a. Border, form the border or edge of. Skirting, n. Skirting-board. Skirting-board, n. Washboard, skirt ing, mop-board. Skittish, a. Shy (as a horse), timid, timorous, easily frightened. Skittles, n. pi. Ninepins. Skulk, v. n. Lurk, hide, sneak, slink, lie hid. Skulker, n. Lurker, shirk, sneak. Skull, n. Cranium, brain-pan. Skunk-blackbird, n. SKUNK-BIKD. Skunk-bird, n. Bobolink, skunk-black bird (Emberiza oryzivora). Skunk-cabbage, n. Swamp-cabbage, (Symplocarpus fo&tidus), skunk-weed. Skunk-weed, n. SKUNK-CABBAGE. Sky, n. Firmament, heavens, canopy of heaven, celestial expanse. Sky-blue, a. Cerulean, azure, sky-col ored. Sky-color, n. Azure, blue. Skyey, a. Ethereal. Sky-lark, n. Laverock (Alauda arven- sis). Skylarking, n. Frolicking, sporting, carousing. SLABBER 367 SLIDE Slabber, v. a. Slaver, slobber. Slabber, v. n. Slaver, drivel. Slabber, n. Slaver, slobber. Slabberer, n. Idiot, driveller, slaverer. Slabby, a. [Rare.] 1. Viscous, sticky, glutinous, thick. 3. Wet, slimy, muddy, sloppy. Slack, a. 1. Backward, remiss, careless, negligent. 3. Slow, tardy, dilatory, lingering, not quick, not rapid. 3. Loose, relaxed, not tight, not tense. Slack, v. n: SLACKEN. Slack, v. a. l. SLACKEN. 3. Slake (as lime). Slacked -lime, n. Hydrate of lime. Slacken, v. n. 1. Slack, abate, become less intense. 3. Become loose or slack, be made less tight or tense. Slacken, v. a. 1. Retard, slack, mod erate, make slower. 3. Loosen, relax, make less tight or tense, lessen the tension of. 3. Lessen, diminish, abate. Slag, n. Refuse, dross, recrement, cin ders. Slake, v. a. 1. Quench, extinguish, al lay. 3. Slack (as lime). Slander, v. a. Defame, calumniate, vil ify, scandalize, decry, reproach, malign, traduce, brand, blacken, asperse, back bite, libel, lampoon, satirize, run down, inveigh against. Slander, n. Defamation (maliciously tittered), CALUMNY, aspersion, detrac tion, backbiting, scandal, obloquy, libel, lampoon. Slanderer, n. Calumniator, backbiter, libeller, defamer, traducer, maligner. Slanderous, a. Calumnious, defama tory, libellous, false and malicious. Slang, n. Cant, low language, colloquial expression, inelegant expression. Slant, a. SLANTING. Slant, n. Slope. Slant, v. n. Slope, lean, incline. Slanting, a. Inclining, sloping, oblique, slant. Slap, n. Blow (with something broad), clap. Slap, ad. With a slap. Slap, v. a. Strike (with something broad), dab, pat. Slap-dash, ad. [Colloquial.] In a hurry, in a hurry-scurry, without forethought, at hap hazard, at random. Slapjack, n. Flapjack. Slash, v. a. Slit. Slash, n. Slit, long cut. Slashed, a. 1. Slit, cut. 3. (Bot.) Laiicinate, multifid. Slattern, n. Slut, drab, draggletail, slovenly woman. Slattern, a. Sluttish, SLATTERNLY. Slatternly, a. Sluttish, slovenly, slat tern, untidy, uncleanly, dirty. Slatternly, ad. Sluttishly, negligently. Slaty, a. Laminated, laminar, schistous, schistose. Slaughter, n. Massacre, MURDER, car nage, bloodshed, butchery, ASSASSINA TION, MANSLAUGHTER. Slaughter, v. a. Massacre, slay, kill, butcher, despatch, MURDER. Slaughterer, n. Murderer, assassin, slayer, killer, butcher, cut-throat. Slave, n. 1. Bondsman, vassal, SERF, thrall, bond-servant. 3. Drudge. Slave, v. n. Drudge, toil, moil. Slaver, n. Drivel, slabber, slobber. Slaver, v. n. Slabber, slobber, drivel. Slaverer, n. Idiot, driveller, slabberer. Slavery, n. 1. Bondage, servitude, vas salage, serfdom, thraldom, inthralmeiit, enslavement, captivity. 3. Drudgery. Slavish, a. 1. Servile, low, mean, base, cringing, obsequious, fawning, supple, grovelling, sycophantic, abject, sneak ing, beggarly, base-minded, low-mind ed. 3. Drudging, laborious, menial. Slavonic, a. Sclavonic. Slay, v. a. Kill, slaughter, murder, massacre, destroy, despatch, ASSAS SINATE. Slayer, n. Killer, murderer, SLAUGH TERER. Sleazy, a. Thin, flimsy, weak. Sled, n. SLEDGE. Sledge, n. 1. [England.] Sled. 3. Sledge-hammer. Sledge-hammer, n. Sledge. Sleek, a. Smooth, glossy. Sleep, v. n. SLUMBER, doze, drowse, nap, repose, fall asleep, drop asleep, take a nap, take a SIESTA. Sleep, n. Slumber, repose, rest. Sleepiness, n. Drowsiness, somnolence, doziness, inclination to sleep. Sleepless, a. Wakeful, without sleep. Sleep-walker, n. Somnambulist, night- walker, noctambulist. Sleep-walking, n. Somnambulism. Sleepy, a. Drowsy, somnolent, dozy, heavy, inclined to sleep. Sleight, n. 1. Sly artifice, artful trick. 3. Adroitness, dexterity, manoeu vring, dexterous management. Sleight of hand, Legerdemain, hocus- pocus, jugglery. Slender, a. 1. Slim, thin, narrow, mi nute, CAPILLARY. 3. Weak, feeble, slight, fragile, flimsy. 3. Small, little, inconsiderable. 4. Meagre, scanty, sparing, inade quate, pitiful, lean, lenten, not ample, not enough. Slewed, a. [Colloquial.] Drunk, fud dled, corned, tipsy, muddled, intoxi cated, inebriated, maudlin, NAPPY, TIGHT, high, GROGGY, disguised, mel low, in liquor, HALF SEAS OVER, has had a drop too much, THREE SHEETS IN THE WIND. Sley, n. Weaver s reed. Slice, v. a. Cut (into thin pieces). Slice, n. Collop, chop, thin piece. Slide, v. n. Glide, slip, move smoothly. SLIDE 368 SLUMBEROUS Slide, n. Glide, slip. Slight, a. 1. Small, little, trifling, in- considerable, trivial, petty, paltry, insignificant, unimportant, of little account. 3. Weak, frail, feeble, fragile, flimsy, slender. 3. Cursory, hasty, hurried, desultory, superficial, scanty. Slight, n. Neglect, disregard, inatten tion, disrespect, contempt, scorn, dis dain, indignity. Slight,?;, a. Neglect, disregard, disdain, contempt, despise, scout, scorn, give a cold shoulder to, turn a cold shoulder on. Slightly, ad. 1. Little, in a small degree. 2. Weakly, feebly, slenderly. 3. Cursorily, negligently, hastily, in a superficial manner. 4. Scornfully, contemptuously, disre spectfully, slightingly. Slightingly, ad. Disrespectfully, scorn fully, contemptuously, slightly, with contempt, with scorn. Slim, a. 1. Slender, thin, narrow, lank, gaunt, meagre. 3. Weak, slight, trivial, trifling, paltry, unsubstantial, inconsiderable, Slime, n. Mud, ooze, mire. Slimy, a. 1. Miry, muddy, oozy. 3. Ropy, clammy, viscous, viscid, glutinous, gummy, mucilaginous, gelat inous, mUCOUS, SLABUY. Sling, v. a. Throw, cast, hurl, fling. Sling up, [Colloquial.] Hang, suspend. Slink, v. n. Sneak, skulk, steal away, slip away, slink away. Slink away, SLINK. Slip, v. n. 1. Glide, slide. 3. Err, trip, mistake, fall into error, commit a fault. Slip, v. a. 1. Put stealthily, convey secretly. 3. Throw off, disengage one s self from. 3. Loose, loosen, let loose, let go, let slip. Slip, n. 1. Slide, glide, move smoothly. 3. Error, mistake, fault, lapse, short coming, trip, oversight. 3. Cutting, twig, shoot. 4. Strip, long and narrow piece. Slip away, 1. Escape, glide away, slide away. 3. Sneak, skulk, slink, steal away, slink away. Slip on, Put on hastily. Slippery, a. 1. Smooth, glib. 3. Unstable, uncertain, changeable, mutable, unsteady, shaky. 3. Treacherous, perfidious, faithless, knavish, dishonest, false. Slipslop, a. Washy, trashy, feeble, poor. Slit, v. a. 1. Cut (lengthwise). 3. Sunder, divide, rend. Slit, n. Long cut. Slobber, v. a. Slabber, slaver, drivel. Slobber, v. n. Slabber, slaver, drivel. Sloe, n. Black-thorn (Prunus Slogan, n. [Scotland.] War-cry or gathering-word (of a Highland clan). Slop, v. a. Spill. Slope, n. Inclination, acclivity or de clivity. Slope, v. a. Incline. Slope, v. n. Incline, slant, take an ob lique direction. Sloping, a. Inclining, slanting, decliv ous, prone. Sloppy, a. Plashy, splashy, muddy, SLAJBBY. Slosh, n. Slush, sludge. Sloshy, a. Slushy. Sloth, n. Inactivity, inaction, laziness, indolence, idleness, inertness, sluggish ness, torpor, lurnpishness, supineness, slothfulness. Slothful, a. Lazy, idle, inert, sluggish, indolent, dronish, inactive, lumpish, supine, torpid, slack. Slothfulness, n. SLOTH. Slouch, n. 1. Lubber, clown, awkward fellow. 3. Clownish gait. Slouching, a. Awkward, uncouth, clownish, lubberly, loutish, ungainly. Slough, n. Quagmire, morass, bog, fen. Slough, n. Crust, scab, ESCHAR. Sloughy, a. Miry, boggy. Slovenly, a. 1. Untidy, unclean, dow dy, not neal;. 3. Disorderly, loose. 3. Perfunctory, heedless, reckless, careless. Slow, a. 1-. Moderate, deliberate, not swift, not rapid, not speedy. 3. Tardy, dilatory, late, inactive, sluggish. 3. Dull, stupid, heavy, not alert, not prompt, not ready. Slow-back, n. Idler, drone, sluggard, laggard, lounger, trifler, dawdler, doo dle, slug, inefficient person. Slows, n. (Med.) Milk-sickness. Slow-worm, n. Blind-worm (Anguis fragilis). Sludge, n. Slosh, slush. Slugi n. 1. Snail (ivithout a shell). 3. Drone, sluggard, idler, slow-back. Sluggard, n. Drone, lounger, idler, tri fler, laggard, doodle, slug, slow-back. Sluggard, n. SLUGGISH, lazy. Sluggish, a. 1. Inert, inactive, indo lent, idle, lazy, slothful, dronish, lump ish, supine, phlegmatic. 3. Slow, not brisk. Sluggishness, n. Phlegm, apathy, in sensibility, dulness, indifference, inert ness, indolence, slothfulness, laziness, supineness, torpor, sloth. Sluice, n. Opening, vent. Sluice-gate, n. Flood-gate. Slum, n. Close (in a city), alley, lane, dark retreat, low neighborhood. Slumber, v. n. Sleep (lightly), doze, nap, snooze, lose one s self, take a nap, take a SIESTA. Slumber, n. Sleep (not deep or profound), repose, rest, doze, nap, light sleep. Slumberous, a. Soporific, soporiferous, somniferous, somnific. SLUMP 369 SMOKY Slump, v. n. Sink (as m walking on snmo). Slur, v. a. 1. Reproach, traduce, as perse, disparage, speak of slightingly or disrespectfully. 3. Disregard, slight, pass by, pass over, gloss over, slur over. Slur, n. Reproach, stigma, stain, brand. Slush, n. 1. Slosh, sludge. 3. (Naut.) Grease, fat. Slushy, a. Sloshy. Slut, n. Slattern, drab, draggletail. Sluttish, a. Untidy, uncleanly, dirty. Sly, a. Cunning, artful, crafty, wily, subtle, insidious, arch, shrewd, know ing. Slyboots, TO. Sharper, cheat, rogue, knave, trickster, shark, blackleg, swin dler, jockey, SHYSTER, artful fellow, sly dog. Smack, v. n. 1. Taste, have a taste, have a flavor. 3. Have a tincture, -have a quality. Smack, n. 1. Taste, savor, flavor, tang. 3. Tincture, touch, tinge, dash, spice, infusion, sprinkling, little, small quan tity. 3. Buss, loud kiss. Small, a. 1. Little, diminutive, tiny, puny, dwarf, minikin, dwarfish, stunt ed, Lilliputian, pygmean, pygmy, min iature, not great, not large. 2. Minute, microscopic, molecular, atomic, corpuscular. 3. Petty, trifling, trivial, inconsider able, insignificant, unimportant. 4. Slender, scanty, paltry, moderate. 5. Feeble, weak, faint, slight. 6. Mean, sordid, selfish, illiberal, un generous, mercenary, narrow, narrow- minded. 7. Shallow, unintelligent, unintel- lectual, ungifted, sappy, stolid, dull, feeble-minded. Small-beer, n. Table-beer. Small-clothes, n. pi. Breeches. Smallish, a. Somewhat small. Small portrait, Miniature. Small-pox, n. Variola. Smart, n. Pungent or sharp pain, lan cinating pain. Smart, v. n. 1. Feel sharp pain. 3. S offer, be punished. Smart, a. 1. Sharp, stinging, keen, severe, poignant, pungent. 3. Vigorous, forcible, effective, ener getic. 3. Lively, brisk, vivacious, agile, nimble, quick, alert, spry, active, stir ring, prompt, ready, sprightly, spirited, dapper. 4. Expert, dexterous, clever. 5. Witty, acute, apt. 6. Spruce, trim, nicely or showily dressed. Smartness, n. 1. Sharpness, keenness, poignancy, pungency. 3. Vigor, force, energy. 3. Liveliness, briskness, vivacity, agility, nimbleness, quickness, alert ness, spryness, activity, sprightliness. 4. Expertness, dexterity, cleverness. 5. Wit, wittiness, acuteness, aptness. 6.. Spruceness, trimness. Smart-weed, n. Water-pepper (Poly- ganum hydropiper). Smash, v. a. Crush, mash, dash to pieces, break in pieces. Smatter, n. SMATTERING. Smatterer, n. Ignoramus, novice, scio list, greenhorn. Smattering, n . Smatter, sciolism , slight knowledge, superficial knowledge, im perfect knowledge. Smear, v. a. 1. Daub, bedaub, be smear, plaster, begrime, PAY. 3. Contaminate, soil, stain, pollute, tarnish, sully. Smear, n. Daub, stain. Smeary, a. Adhesive, viscous, viscid, glutinous, dauby, sticky. Smell a rat, [Colloquial.] Get an ink ling, have a strong suspicion. Smell, v. a. Scent, get scent of. Smell, v. n. Have an odor, have a scent. Smell, n. Scent, odor, perfume, fra grance, aroma. Smelling-salts, n. pi. Sal-volatile, car bonate of ammonia, sesqui-carbonate of ammonia. Smell out, Discover, find out, smoke out. Smelt, v. a. Fuse (as ore), melt. Smew, n. (Ornith.) White-nun (Mergus albellus). Smift, n. Fuse. Smirk, n. Affected smile. Smirk, v. n. Smile (affectedly), simper. Smite, v. a. 1. Strike, beat, box, cuff, buffet. 3. Kill, slay, destroy. 3. Afflict, chasten, punish. Smite, v. n. Strike, collide. Smithery, n. 1. SMITHY. 3. Smithing, smith s work. Smithing, n. Smithery, smith s work. Smithy, n. Smithery, stithy, FORGE, smith s shop. Smitten, part. 1. Struck. 3. Killed, slain, destroyed. 3. Afflicted, chastened, punished. 4. Charmed, captivated, fascinated, delighted, pleased, attracted, taken. Smock, n. 1. Chemise, shift. 3. Blouse, gabardine, smock-frock. Smock-frock, n. SMOCK, blouse. Smoke, TO. 1. Sooty vapor. 3. Reek, steam, exhalation, effluvi um, fume, mist. Smoke, v. a. 1. Fumigate, expose to smoke. 3. Draw into the mouth and puff out smoke from (as tobacco in a pipe or a cigar). Smoke, v. n. 1. Emit smoke ; steam, reek. 3. Smoke tobacco. Smoke out, Discover, find out, smell out. Smoke-tree, n. Venetian sumacb (R/ius cotinus). Smoky, a. 1. Of the nature of smoke. 3. Fumy, fuliginous. 3. Filled with smoke. SMOOTH 370 SNOOK Smooth, 1. Even, level, plane, flat, not rough. 3. Sleek, glossy. 3. Unruffled, undisturbed. 4. Easy, voluble, fluent, not harsh. 5. Bland, mild, soothing, oily, flatter ing, adulatory, courtier-like, fair-spok en, smooth-spoken, smooth-tongued. Smooth, v. a. 1. Level, flatten, make smooth. 3. Ease, make easy. 3. Calm, allay, assuage, mollify, mitigate, alleviate. Smooth - spoken, a. Fair - spoken, SMOOTH-TONGUED. Smooth-tongued, a. Plausible, flatter ing, adulatory, smooth, smooth-spoken, fair-spoken. Smother, v. a. 1. Stifle, suffocate, choke. 3. Suppress, repress, conceal, keep back, keep down. Smug, a. Nice, spruce, trim, neat. Smuggler, n. Contrabandist. Smut, n. 1. Dirt. 3. Blight, blemish. 3. Obscenity, ribaldry, smuttiness, obscene language. Smut, v. a. Soil, tarnish, sully, taint, stain. Smutty, a. 1. Dirty, foul, soiled, stained, nasty. 3. Obscene, ribald, indecent, indeli cate, immodest, gross, coarse, loose. Snack, n. [England.] Luncheon, slight meal, hasty repast. Snag, n. 1. Knot, knarl, knob, projection. 3. Tooth (in contempt). 3. [ U. S.] Swaying trunk or branch of a tree (fixed at one end in a river). Snail, n. 1. SLUG. 3. Drone, idler, sluggard, slow-back. Snail-shell, n. Helix. Snake, n. Serpent. Snake-bird, n. Darter. Snake-head, ) n. Shell-flower (Che- Snake s-head, ) lone glabra). Snake-stone, n. Ammonite. Snakish, a. SNAKY. Snaky, a. 1. Serpentine, winding, snakish. 3. Sly, cunning, artful, deceitful, in sinuating. Snap, v. a. 1. Break short, break short off. 3. Bite, seize, catch at, snatch at, snap at. 3. Crack (as a whip}. Snap, v. n, 1. Break short. 3. Crackle, decrepitate, crepitate. Snap at, 1. Bite, seize, snap, catch at, snatch at. 3. Snarl at, growl at. Snap, n. 1. Bite, catch, seizure. 3. Clasp, fastening. 3. Crack (as of a whip). 4. [Colloquial.] Force, energy. Snap-dragon, n. Flap-dragon. Snap judgment, Hasty judgment, off hand decision, jumping to a conclu sion, judgment without due considera tion or adequate knowledge. Snappish, a. Touchy, testy, crabbed, cross, crusty, irascible, waspish, petu lant, perverse, froward, pettish, snarl ing, peevish, captious, churlish, splen etic, censorious, acrimonious, ill-tem pered, out of sorts. Snare, n. Gin, noose, net, trap, springe, toil. Snare, v. a. Entrap, entangle, catch, ensnare. Snarl, v. n. Growl, gnarl, grumble, murmur. Snarl, v. a. Entangle, complicate, make knotty, involve in knots. Snarl, n. Entanglement, tangle, com plication. Snarling, a. SNAPPISH. Snatch, v. a. Grasp, clutch, gripe, wring, wrest, twitch, pluck, NAB, seize suddenly. Snatch, n. 1. Bit, fragment, portion, small part. 3. Catch, short effort. Snatch at, Seize, snap, catch at, snap at. Snath, n. Snead. Snead, n. Snath. Sneak, v. n. 1. Skulk, lurk, slink, peak, steal away, sneak off", slink away. 3. Crouch, truckle. Sneak, n. Shirk, lurker, mean fellow. Sneaking, a. Servile, slavish, cringing, obsequious, fawning, grovelling, truck ling, crouching, mean, low, base, abject, vile, beggarly, time-serving. Sneak oft , SNEAK, slink away. Sneer, v. n. Scott", gibe, jeer, flout, mock, fleer, rail, turn up the nose. Sneer, n. Scoff, jeer, jibe, fling. Sneer at, Deride, ridicule, scorn, dis dain, scout, scoff, spurn, despise, con temn, mock, look down upon, laugh at, rail at, turn up the nose at, POKE FUN AT. Sneezing, n. Sternutation. Snicker, v. n. Laugh (under restraint), titter, GIGGLE, snigger. Sniff, v. n. Snuff. Sniff, v. a. Snuff, inhale, breathe, breathe in. Sniff, n. Snuff. Sniffle, v. n. Snuffle. Snifting-valve, n. Blow-valve. Snigger, v. n. SNICKER. Snip, v. a. Clip, cut, nip, nip off. , bit, piece. Snip, n. Clip, bit, cut, shred, fragment, Snipe-fish, n. Trumpet-fish, bellows- fish ( Centriscus scolopax). Snivel, n. Snot. Snivel, v. n. Cry (as a child), blubber, whimper. Snivelly, a. [Written also Snively.] 1. Snotty. 3. Whining, pitiful. Snob, n. Upstart, mushroom, PARVENU, pretender to gentility, pretentious fel low. Snook, n. Greenbone, garfish, gar-pike, sea-pike, sea-needle, long-nose, gore- bill, sword-fish, mackerel-guide (Esox belone or Belone vulgaris). SNOOZE 371 SOI-DISANT Snooze, v. n. [Colloquial.} SLUMBER, sleep, nap, doze, take a nap, take a SIESTA. Snot, n. Snivel. Snotty, a. Snivelly. Snout, n. 1. Nose (of a beast), muzzle. 3. Nozzle. Snow-ball, ) n. Guelder-rose ( Vi- Snow-ball-tree, j burnum opulus). Snow-goose, n. Whitebraiit (Anser hyperooreus). Snub, v. a. 1. Nip, clip, dock, prune, cut short, cut down. 3. Check (with a tart remark), repri mand, reprove, rebuke, chide. 3. Abash (as a pretentious person), humble, humiliate, shame, mortify, confound, disconcert, discomfit, BLUFF, put down, take down, put to shame, make ashamed, take down a peg, send away with a flea in one s ear, teach one one s distance. Snuff, n. Sniff. Snuff, v. a. l. Inhale, breathe, sniff, breathe in. 3. Smell, scent. Snuff, v. n. Snort (as a horse). Snuffle, v. n. Sniffle. Snug, v. n. SNUGGLE, nestle. Snug, a. 1. Close, concealed, not ex posed. 2. Comfortable, convenient, com pact. Snuggery, n. Snug place. Snuggle, v. n. Nestle, cuddle, snug, lie snug, lie close. So, ad. 1. Thus, in like manner, for a like reason, with equal reason. 3. To such a degree, in such a man ner. 3. Likewise, in the same manner, in such a manner, in this way. 4. Such, in the same state or condi tion, as it is, as it was. 5. Therefore, for this reason, on this account. 6. Thus it is, so it is. 7. Be it so, thus be it, it is well. So, conj. Provided that, on condition that, in case that. Soak, v. a. Steep, macerate, imbrue, drench. Soak, v. n. Steep, be soaked. Soak in, Imbibe, draw in, soak up. Soak up, SOAK IN. Soaker, n. [Colloquial.} Tippler, toper, hard drinker. Soapstone, n. Steatite. Soar, v. n. Tower, mount, rise, ascend, fly aloft. Sob, v. n. "Weep, cry, sigh convulsively. So be it, Amen. Sober, a. 1. Temperate, abstemious, abstinent, not drunken. 3. Calm, moderate, cool, composed, unruffled, unimpassioned, dispassion ate, steady, sedate, demure, staid, ra tional. 3. Grave, solemn, serious, pensive. Soberness, n. SOBRIETY. Sobriety, n. 1. Temperance, abste miousness, abstinence. 3. Calmness, coolness, sedateness, soberness, demureness, thoughtfulness, gravity. Sobriquet, n. [Fr.] Nickname, by name. Sociability, n. Sociableness, compan- ionableness, sociality, good-fellowship. Sociable, a. Companionable, SOCIAL, friendly, familiar, neighborly, conver sable, inclined to society. Sociableness, n. SOCIABILITY. Social, a. 1. Civil, civic, of society. 3. Companionable, SOCIABLE, neigh borly, formed for society. 3. Convivial, festive. Socialism, n. Communism, Fourierism, phalaiisterianism, Saint Simonianism, liumanitarianism . Socialist, n. Fourierite, communist. Sociality, n. SOCIABILITY. Society, n. 1. Association, copartner ship, partnership, fellowship, company, corporation, body, fraternity, sodality, brotherhood, social union. 3. The community, the public, the world. Sociology, n. Social science. Socius criminis, [L.] Accomplice, con federate, accessary, abettor, PARTICEPS CRIMINIS. Sod, n. Turf, clod. Soda, n. Protoxide of sodium. Soda-ash, n. Carbonate of soda (im pure). Sodality, n. Fraternity, brotherhood, SOCIETY. Sodden, a. 1. Boiled, decocted, stewed. 3. Soaked, steeped, drenched, thor oughly wet (so as to be soft). Sodomy, n. Buggery, unnatural carnal intercourse. Sofa, n. Couch, seat to recline on. Soft, a. 1. Impressible, yielding, not firm, not hard. 3. Plastic, pliable, easily moulded. 3. Smooth, delicate, fine, not rugged, not rough. 4. Compliant, submissive, irresolute, facile. 5. Mild, gentle, bland, kind, lenient, tender, not harsh, not severe. 6. Simple, silly, foolish, weak. 7. Quiet, easy, light. 8. Mellifluous, dulcet, clear, flow ing. Soft, interj. Hold, stop, not so fast. Soften, v. a. 1. Intenerate, melt, touch, make tender, make soft. 3. Assuage, appease, mitigate, mod erate, alleviate, soothe, mollify, quiet, calm, still, quell, allay, relieve, ease, abate, temper, qualify, attemper, dull, lessen, blunt. Soften, v. n. Grow soft. Soft roe, MILT, sperm. Soft sawder, [Low.} Flattery, cajolery, blarney, SOFT SOAP. Soft soap, 1. Potash soap, semi-fluid soap. 3. [Low.} Flattery, SOFT SAWDER. Soi-disant, [Fr.] Pretended, would-be, self-styled. SOIL 372 SOME Soil, v. a. Foul, dirty, stain, pollute, sully, tarnish, defile, taint, contami nate, bedaub, begrime, besmear, be spatter, make foul. Soil, n. 1. Stain, blot, spot, tarnish. 2. Mould, loam, earth, ground. 3* Land, country. Soiree, n. [Fr.] Evening party. Sojourn, v. n. Abide (temporarily), stay, tarry, lodge, rest, STOP, take up one s quarters, pitch one s tent, put up, take lodgings, have lodgings. Sojourn, n. Stay, temporary abode. Solace, v. a. 1. Cheer, comfort, soothe, console. 2. Allay, assuage, soften, mitigate, relieve. Soland-goose, n. Gannet (Sula barsa- nus). Solar spectrum, Prismatic spectrum. Soldier, n. Warrior, fighting-man, man at arms. Soldier-like, a. SOLDIERLY. Soldierly, a. 1. Warlike, martial, mil itary, soldier-like. 3. Valiant, brave, gallant, intrepid, courageous. Soldiery, n. Soldiers, the military, the army, body of soldiers. Sole, a. Single, only, solitary, alone, individual. Solecism, n, 1. Bad grammar, false syntax. 3. Incongruity, impropriety, absurd ity. Solemn, a. 1. Formal, ritual, ceremonial. 2. Sacred, religious, devout, reveren tial, devotional. 3. Serious, grave, sober. 4. Awful, august, venerable, impos ing, grand, stately, majestic. Solemnity, n. 1. Rite (religious), cere monial, observance, ceremony. 2. Awfulness, sacredness. 3. Seriousness, gravity. Solemnize, v. a. Celebrate (with solemn ceremonies), commemorate, observe, do honor to, honor, keep. Solicit, v. a. 1. Ask (earnestly), request (urgently), entreat, beg, pray, implore, crave, importune, beseech, supplicate, petition, conjure, press, urge, appeal to. 2. Invite, summon. Solicitant, n. 1. Solicitor, petitioner, asker. 2. Aspirant, candidate. Solicitation, n. 1. Entreaty, .importu nity, supplication, imploration, appeal, petition, address, insistence, urgency, suit. 3. Invitation, summons, bidding, call. Solicitor, n. 1. Asker, petitioner, solic- itant. 2. (Law.) Chancery lawyer, equity lawyer. Solicitous, a. Anxious, careful, con cerned, apprehensive, troubled, uneasy, jealous. Solicitude, n. Anxiety, care, careful ness, concern, trouble, perplexity. Solid, a. 1. Hard, firm, not fluid, not liquid. 2. Dense, compact, not hollow. 3. Strong, substantial, stable, sound, stout. 4. Real, true, valid, just, weighty, important, grave, not frivolous, not fallacious. Solidarity, n. [Modern.] Consolidation (of interests and responsibilities), com munity (in whatever befalls), close fel lowship, joint interest. Solidify, v. a. Consolidate, compact, make solid. Solidify, v. n. Become solid. Solidity, n. 1. Hardness, firmness, sol- idness. 2. Density, compactness. 3. Strength, stability, soundness. 4. Reality, truth, weight, validity, justice, gravity, importance. 5. (Geom.) Volume, solid contents. Solidness, n. SOLIDITY. Solidungulate, n. Soliped. Soliloquize, v. n. Talk to one s self. Soliloquy, n. Monologue. Soliped, n. Solid ungulate. Solitaire, n. [Fr.] Hermit, SOLITARY. Solitary, a. 1. Lone, lonely, alone, un accompanied, companionless, without society, without company. 2. Isolated, secluded, unfrequented, uninhabited, retired, deserted. 3. Dismal, gloomy, desolate, cheer less, lonesome. 4. Single, sole, individual. Solitary, n. Hermit, anchorite, ancho ret, recluse, solitaire, EREMITE. Solitude, n. 1. Loneliness, isolation, seclusion, solitariness, lonely state, se- clusiveness, lonely life, estrangement from the world. 2. Desert, wilderness, waste, lonely place, deserted region. Soluble, a. That may be dissolved, sus ceptible of solution. Soluble glass, Silicate of soda (or of potash), liquor of flints. Solution, n. 1, Disruption, separation, breach, disjunction, disintegration. 2. Explanation, explication, resolu tion, disentanglement, key. 3. Liquefaction, dissolution, melting. Solvable, a. Resolvable. Solve, v. a. Explain, unfold, expound, interpret, elucidate, clear, make plain, resolve, clear up, throw light upon. Solvent, 7i. Menstruum. Somatotomy, n. Anatomy. Sombre, a. [Written also Somber.] 1. Shady, dusky, cloudy, murky, dark, dull, darksome, rayless, sunless, unil- luminated, obscure, dismal, sombrous, gloomy. 2. Melancholy, sad, mournful, dole ful, lugubrious, funereal. Sombrous, a. SOMBRE. Some, a. 1. More or less, a certain quantity of, a certain number of. 3. One (indefinitely), a, an, any. - 3. About, near. 4. Several, a considerable number. 5. Some people, some persons. 6. A part, a portion. SOMEBODY 373 SO SO Somebody, n. 1. One, some person some one. 2. Something, a person of conse quence. Somehow, ad. In some way, somehow or other. Somersault, n. SOMERSET. Somerset, n. Somersault, summerset summersault. Something:, n. 1. A thing (indefinite ly). 2. A part, a portion, a little. 3. Somebody, a person of conse quence. Something 1 , ad. SOMEWHAT. Somewhat, ad. Something, in some degree, more or less. Somewhat, n. Something, more or less. a little. Somewhere, ad. In some place, in one place or another. Somewhither, ad. To some place, to one place or another. Somnambulism, n. Sleep-walking. Somnambulist, n. Sleep-walker, night- walker, noctambulist. Somniferous, a. Soporific, sopprifer- ous, slumberous, somnific, narcotic. Somnific, a. SOMNIFEROUS. Somnolence, n. Sleepiness, drowsiness, doziness, somnolency. Somnolency, n. SOMNOLENCE. Somnolent, a. Sleepy, drowsy. Song, n. 1. Ballad, ditty, canticle, carol, canzonet. 2. Lay, strain, poem, hymn, psalm, anthem. 3. Poetry, poesy, verse, numbers. 4. Trifle, small sum. Sonnet, n. Poem (of fourteen lines ). Son of man, CHRIST. Sonorous, a. 1. Sounding, resonant, resounding, ringing. 2. High-sounding. Soon, ad. 1. Shortly, presently, before long, pretty soon, by and by, in a short time. 2. Early, at so early an hour. 3. Lief, willingly, readily, gladly. Soot, n. Crock. Soothe, v. a. 1. Assuage, calm, quiet, appease, tranquillize, compose, pacify, sober, still, lull. 2. Moderate, alleviate, palliate, les sen, allay, mollify, repress, check, tem per, soften, attemper, deaden, qualify, relieve, ease, dull, blunt. Soothsayer, n. Seer, foreteller, predic tor, prophet, diviner, haruspice, vatici- nator, sorcerer, necromancer. Sooty, a. Dark, dusky, murky, fuligin ous. Sop, n. Something to pacify, tub to the whale. Sophism, n. Fallacy, paralogism, par- alogy, quibble, fallacious argument. Sophistical, a. Fallacious, illogical. Sophisticate, v. a. Adulterate, debase, vitiate, pervert, corrupt. Sophisticate, a. Adulterated, spurious, counterfeit, debased, vitiated, pervert ed, corrupted, sophisticated. Sophistication, n. Adulteration, cor ruption. Sophistry, n. Paralogy, paralogism, false logic, fallacious reasoning, flaw in the argument, inconclusive reasoning, reasoning in a circle, begging the ques tion. Sophomorical, a. Bombastic, inflated, turgid, stilted, swelling, pompous, ex travagant, grandiloquent, high-flown, high-sounding, HIGH-FALUTIN. Soporiferous, a. SOPORIFIC. Soporific, a. Somniferous, somnific, slumberous, soporiferous, narcotic, hyp notic. Soporific, n. Narcotic. Soprano, n. (Mus.) Treble, descant, highest female voice. Sorcerer, n. Magician, conjurer, jug gler, enchanter, necromancer, charmer, wizard, exorcist, diviner, seer, sooth sayer. Sorcery, n. Divination (by evil spirits), magic, enchantment, witchcraft, necro mancy, charm, spell, the black art. Sordid, a. 1. Mean, base, vile, low, de graded. 2. Covetous, avaricious, stingy, mi serly, niggardly, close, illiberal, ungen erous, penurious, close-fisted. Sore, n. Ulcer, fester, abscess, impost- hume, gathering, boil, pustule. Sore, a. 1. Painful (from inflammation), tender. 2. Pained, hurt, grieved. Sorely, ad. Grievously, severely, vio lently, greatly. Sorghum, n. Chinese sugar-cane. Sorrow, n. 1. Grief, sadness, affliction, mourning, trouble. 2. Regret, vexation, chagrin. Sorrow, v. n. Grieve, mourn, be sad. Sorrowful, a. 1. Grieved, afflicted, in sorrow, in mourning. 2. Sad, mournful, grievous, lamen table, distressing, painful, dismal, dole ful, melancholy, sorry, piteous, woful, rueful, moving pity, exciting compas sion. Sorry, a. 1. Grieved, SORROWFUL. 2. Mean, vile, base, poor, miserable, wretched, pitiful, abject, beggarly, ras cally, contemptible, despicable, shabby, bad, low, paltry. 3. Mournful, dismal, sad, painful, melancholy. Sort, n. 1. Kind, species, description, class, denomination, character, nature. 2. Manner, way, degree. Sort, v. a. Distribute (into sorts), assort, class, classify. Sort, v. n. Associate, consort, fraternize, be in familiar intercourse. Sortie, n. Sally. Sort with, Suit, fit, agree with, be adapted to. So so, 1. [Adverbially.] Moderately, passably, indifferently, tolerably well, pretty well. 2. [Adjectively.] Passable, tolerable, ordinary, middling, indifferent, pretty good, not bad. SOT 374 SPAR Sot, n. Toper, tippler, drunkard, wine- bibber, dram-drinker. Sottish, a. Stupid (from intemperance), dull,, doltish, foolish, senseless, insen sate, besotted. Sotto voce, [It.] Softly, in a low voice, in an under tone, in a low tone, with bated breath. Soul, 1. Mind, spirit, inner man. 2. Life, vital principle, animating principle. 3. Essence, principal part, essential part, best part. 4. Individual, person, man, human being, intelligent being. 5. Ardor, tire, fervor, courage, energy, force. Soulless, a. 1. Lifeless. 2. Mean, base, vile, low, spiritless. Sound, a. 1. Whole, entire, unbroken, undecayed, uninjured, perfect, fault less, good, firm, strong. 3. Healthy, hearty, hale, hardy, vig orous, in health, in good health, not diseased. 3. Sane, well-balanced. 4. Correct, true, valid, solid, weighty, reasonable, rational, sensible, judi cious. 5. Established, fixed, well-ground ed. 6. Profound, unbroken, undisturbed, fast. 7. Heavy, lusty, forcible. 8. Orthodox, of the true faith, not heretical. Sound, ad. Soundly, profoundly. Sound, n. 1. Strait, narrows. 2. Air-bladder (of a fish). 3. Noise, report. Sound, v. n. 1. Resound, make a noise, give out a sound. 2. Appear by the sound. 3. Try the depth (of water), throw the lead. Sound, v. a. 1. Cause to sound. 2. Utter, express audibly. 3. Celebrate (by sounds). 4. Measure, fathom, try the depth of. 5. Examine, test, try. Soundless, a. 1. Silent, noiseless. 2. Unfathomable, bottomless, very deep, very profound. Soundness, n. 1. Wholeness, entire- ness. 2. Healthiness, vigor. 3. Saneness. 4. Correctness, truth, rectitude, va lidity. 5. Firmness, strength, solidity. Soup, n. Broth. Sour, a. 1. Acid, tart, pricked. 2. Cross, crabbed, morose, surly, tes ty, touchy, cantankerous, crusty, fret ful, peevish, petulant, pettish, snappish, waspish, snarling, cynical, froward, uncivil, rude, rough, harsh, ill-tem pered, ill-natured. Sour, v. a. 1. Make acid, turn sour. 2. Imbitter, make cross. Sour, v. n. Turn sour, become acid. Source, n. 1. Origin, spring, fountain, head, rise, cradle, beginning, com mencement, fountain-head, starting point. 2. Cause, original. Sour-gum, n. Tupelo, pepperidge. Sourish, a. Acidulous, somewhat sour, somewhat acid. Sourness, n. 1. Acidity, tartness. 3. Acrimony, asperity, morose: crabbedness, churlishness, peevishness^ petulance, ill temper, bad blood. Souse, v. a. 1. Pickle. 2. Plunge, dip, immerse, submerge, douse, put under water (or other liquid). Souse, ad. With a plunge. South, a. Southern, southerly. South, ad. Southward, towards the south. . Southerly, a. Southern, south. Southern, a. Southerly, south. Southerner, n. Southron. Southron, . Southerner. Souvenir, n. [Fr.] Remembrancer, me mento. Sovereign, a. 1. Supreme, regal, royal, imperial, monarchical. 2. Chief, predominant, principal. 3. Efficacious, effectual. Sovereign, n. Monarch, autocrat, po tentate, despot, king, emperor, prince, lord, queen, supreme ruler. Sovereignty, n. Dominion, supremacy, empire, dynasty, kingdom, supreme power, supreme rule, absolute author ity, chief sway. Sow, n. Hog (female), pig, swine. Sow, v. a. 1. Scatter, strew, spread. 2. Disseminate, disperse, propagate, spread abroad. 3. Plant, put seed in. 4. Besprinkle, scatter over. Sow, v. n. Plant, scatter seed, put in seed. Sowens, n. pi. [Scottish.] Porridge (made of the dust of oatmeal), flum mery. Spa, n. Mineral spring. Space, n. 1. Extension, extent. 2. Capacity, room. 3. Distance, interval. 4. [Rare.} While, short time. Spacious, a. Wide, extended, extensive, expansive, broad, ample, capacious, roomy. Span, n. 1. Nine inches. 2. Brief period. 3. [U. S.] Pair (of horses). Spangle, n. Sparkling ornament. Spanish-bayonet, n. Yucca, Adam s needle, bear-grass. Spanish-fly, n. Blister-fly, blister-bee tle ( Cantharis vesicatoria-). Spank, v. a. Strike (with the open hand), slap. Span-new, a. Brand-new, fire-new, quite new, spick-and-span new. Spanworm, n. Geometer, looper, can ker-worm. Spar, v. n. 1. Box. 2. Dispute, wrangle, quarrel, SPAT. SPARE 375 SPECK Spare, v. a. 1. Reserve, save, lay by, lay aside, set apart, set aside. 2. Dispense with, do without, part with. 3. Withhold, omit, forbear. 4. Withhold from, keep from. 5. Give, grant, afford, allow, give up. 6. Preserve (from any thing dreaded). Spare, v. n. 1. Be frugal, be parsimo nious. 2. Forbear, refrain, be scrupulous. 3. Be lenient, be merciful, be tender. Spare, a. 1. Scanty, sparing, not abun dant, not plentiful. 2. Lean, meagre, thin, poor, lank, gaunt, skinny, scraggy, raw-boned. 4. Superfluous, supernumerary, not used, not wanted. Sparing, a. 1. Scanty, SPARE. 2. Frugal, saving, chary, parsimoni ous, economical, not liberal. Spark, n. 1. Sparkle, scintillation, par ticle of fire, scintilla. 2. Germ, element, active principle. 3. Gallant, beau, buck; gay, dashing fellow. Sparkish, . Gay, showy, airy, fine. Sparkle, v. n. 1. Shine (with intermis sions), glitter, glisten, glister, twinkle, scintillate, coruscate, flash. 2. Mantle, effervesce, bubble, foam, froth. Sparkling:, a. 1. Glittering, glistening, twinkling, flashing. 2. Bubbling, foaming, effervescing, frothing, mantling. 3. Lively, glowing, spirited, piquant, vigorous, forcible, strong, nervous, ra cy, impassioned. Sparring, n. Wrangling, quarrelling, contention, strife. Sparry iron, Spathic iron, carbonate of iron. Sparse, a. Scattered, spread here and there, not dense. Spartan, a. Brave, courageous, hardy, undaunted, daring, intrepid, dauntless, fearless, bold, valiant, valorous, dough ty, chivalric, heroic, lion-hearted. Spasm, n. 1. Twitch, sudden contrac tion (as of the muscles). 2. Fit, paroxysm, throe. Spasmodic, a. Convulsive, fitful. Spasmodic cholera, Asiatic cholera, cholera asphyxia. Spat, n. [Local, U. S.] Petty dispute, petty quarrel, war of words. Spat, v. n. Dispute, wrangle, quarrel, spar, bicker, jangle, squabble, TIFF, have words, have an altercation. Spathic, a. Foliated, lamellar. Spathic iron, SPARKY IRON. Spatter, v. a. 1. Sprinkle, besprinkle, bespatter, splash, plash. 2. Daub, bedaub, smear, besmear, begrime, bedraggle, spot, stain, soii. Spatterdashes, n. pi. Gaiters, leggings. Spawl, v . n. Spit, sputter. Spawl, n. Spit, spittle, saliva. Spawn, n. 1. Eggs (offish or of frogs), nard roe. 2. (Bot.) Mycelium, filaments (from which fungi originate). Spawn, v. a. [In contempt.] Generate, produce, bring forth. Spawn, v. n. [In contempt.} Issue. Speak, v. n. 1. Articulate, enunciate, talk with articulate sounds. 2. Plead, spout, hold forth, make a speech, discourse, harangue, declaim. 3. Treat, make mention. 4. Sound, resound. Speak, v. a. 1. Utter, express, deliver, pronounce, articulate, 2. Announce, make known, spread abroad, proclaim, declare. 3. (Naut.) Hail. Speaker, n. 1. Discourse! , orator, spokesman, prolocutor. 2. Chairman, presiding officer. Speaking, n. 1. Talk, discourse. 2. Elocution, declamation, oratory. Speak of, Treat, discuss, mention, treat of, touch upon, speak about, talk about, make mention of. Speak to, Accost, address, make up to. Speak well for, Be creditable to, be commendatory of. Speak out, Blab, open one s mind, un bosom one s self, unburden one s mind. Speak with, Converse with, hold a con versation with. Spear, n. 1. Lance, javelin. 2. Shoot, spire. Spear-hand, n. Right-hand. Spear-shaped, a. Hastate, hastated. Special, a. 1. Particular, peculiar, spe cific, especial. 2. Extraordinary, uncommon. Speciality, n. 1. Particularity. 2. Specialty, object of special atten tion, particular object of pursuit, pet subject. Specialty, n. SPECIALITY. Specie, n. Coin, cash, metallic money, hard money, stamped money. Species, n. 1. Group (subordinate to a 2. Kind, sort, description, variety. Specific, a. 1. Peculiar, particular, es pecial, characteristic. 2. Definite, precise, specified. Specific, n. 1. Special medicine, sover eign remedy, infallible remedy. 2. Unfailing agent, sure means. Specification, n. 1. Designation (of properties ), characterization. 2. Particularization, detailed state ment. Specify, v. a. Designate, particularize, indicate, define, individualize, show clearly, name with precision. Specillum, n. Stylet. Specimen, n. Pattern, sample, model. Specious, a. Fair (apparently, but not really), plausible, colorable, ostensible. Speck, n. 1. Stain, spot, flaw, blemish, blot. 2. Bit, mite, mote, atom, particle, corpuscle, scintilla, small thing. Speck, v. a. Spot, stain (in spots). SPECKLE 376 SPINDLE-SHAPED Speckle, v. a. Mark with spots (of a different color from that of the ground). Spectacle, n. 1. Show, exhibition, sight, scene, representation, display, pageant, parade. 2. Curiosity, wonder, marvel, phe nomenon. Spectacles, n. pi. Glasses. Spectator, n. Beholder, observer, by stander, looker-on, on-looker. Spectral, a. Ghostly, phantom-like. Spectre, n. [Written also Specter.] Apparition, ghost, spirit, shade, phan tom, phantasm, illusion, ogre, sprite, GOBLIN, HOBGOBLIN. Spectrum, n. Image, appearance, rep resentation. Speculate, v. n. 1. Meditate, contem plate, cogitate, reflect, ponder, muse, ruminate, think, consider. 3. Trade (hazardously). Speculation, n. 1. Contemplation. 3. Theory, scheme, hypothesis, sup position, conjecture, view, a priori rea soning. Speculatist, n. Speculator, theorizer. Speculative, a. 1. Contemplative, un practical, Platonic, philosophical, given to speculation. 2. Theoretical, ideal, imaginary. 3. Given to hazardous trading. Speculator, n. 1. Theorizer, specu- latist. 3. Trader (wJw takes great risks in the hope of great gains). Speculum, n. [L.] Mirror, looking- glass, reflector. Speech, n. 1. Articulate utterance. 3. Language, tongue, vernacular, idiom, dialect, LINGO. 3. Talk, parlance, verbal intercourse, oral communication. 4. Oration, discourse, address, har angue. Speechify, v. n. [Colloquial.] Har angue, make a speech, hold forth. Speechless, a. Mute, dumb, silent, mum. Speed, v. n. 1, Make haste. 3. Succeed, prosper, thrive, flour ish. 3. Fare, get on. Speed, v. a. 1. Hasten, expedite, accel erate, hurry, despatch, quicken, pre cipitate, forward, urge or press forward, urge or press on. 3. Assist, help, aid, help forward. 3. Prosper, favor, make successful. Speed, n. 1. Haste, hurry, despatch, celerity, swiftness, fleetness, velocity, quickness, rapidity, expedition. 3. Success, prosperity, good fortune, good luck, favorable issue. Speedy, a. Swift, rapid, quick, fleet, hasty, prompt, expeditious, hurried, flying. Spell, n. l. Charm, incantation, exor cism. 3. Turn(a work). 3. Season, term, period, interval, fit. Spell, v. a. l. Represent by letters. 3. Believe (by taking a turn at work), help, aid, assist. Spell-bound, a. Enchanted, under a spell, under magic influence. Speller, n. [ U. S.] Spelling-book. Spell out, Interpret, decipher, unfold, read, unriddle, unravel, flnd out, make out. Spelling, n. Orthography. Spelling-book, n. SPELLER. Spelter, n. Zinc. Spend, v. a. 1. Expend, disburse, lay out. 3, Waste, consume, exhaust, squan der, dissipate, lavish, use up. 3, Employ, devote, bestow, apply. 4. Pass, lead. Spend, v. n. 1. Lay out money, incur expense. 3. Vanish, be lost, be consumed. Spendthrift, n. Prodigal, squanderer, waster, UNTHBIFT. Sperm, n. Semen, seed. Spermaceti-whale, n. Cachelot, sperm- whale (Pliyseter macroceplialus). Spermatic, a. Seminal. Sperm-whale, n. SPEKMACETI- WHALE. Spew, v. a. Vomit, puke, cast up, throw up. Spew, v. n. Vomit, puke. Sphacelate, v. n. Mortify. Sphacelation, n. (Med.) Mortification. Sphacelus, n. (Med.) Gangrene, mor tification. Sphenoid, a. (Anat.) Wedge-shaped, sphenoidal. Sphenoidal, a. SPHENOID. Sphere, n. 1. Globe, ball, orb. 3. Circuit, circle, compass, province, department, walk, beat, function, voca tion, post, office, employment, capacity. 3. Bank, standing, order. 4. Ilegion, realm, domain, quarter, country. Spherical, a. Globular, orbicular, glo- bated, globous, globose, rotund, round. Sphericity, n. Botundity, roundness, globosity. Spice, n. 1. Flavoring, flavor, relish, taste, savor, tincture, dash, infusion, admixture, sprinkling. 3. Grain, particle, small quantity. Spice-bush, n. SPICE- WOOD. Spice-wood, n. Spice-bush, Benjamin tree, wild allspice (Benzoin odoriferum or Laurus benzoin). Spick-and-span new, Quite new, fire- new, brand-new. Spicy, a. 1. Aromatic, fragrant. 3. Pungent, sharp, piquant, pointed. Spider s web, Cobweb. Spigot, n. Spile, stopper, stopple. Spike, n. 1. Ear (of grain), head. 3. Large nail. Spile, n. 1. SPIGOT. 3. [Colloquial.] Pile. Spill, v. a. Shed, effuse, pour out. Spin, v. a. 1. Twist (into thread). 3. Twirl, whirl. Spin a long yarn, Tell a long story. Spindle, n. (Mech.) Axis, shaft, arbor. Spindle-shaped, a. Fusiform. SPINE 377 SPLENETIC Spine, n. 1. Thorn. 3.. Back-bone, spinal column, verte bral column. 3. Shin, forepart of the leg. Spinney, n. [Written also Spinny.] Thicket, grove. Spinose, a. Thorny, spiny, spinous, briery. Spinous, a. SPINOSE. Spin out, Prolong, lengthen, protract, draw out. Spinster, n. Single woman, maiden lady. Spiny, a. Thorny, spinose, spinous, briery. Spiracle, n. Aperture (especially in animal and vegetable bodies), blowhole, vent, orifice, pore. Spiral, a. Winding (like the thread of a screw), cochleary, cochleated, spiry, helical, screw-shaped. Spiral, n. Helix, worm. Spire, n. 1. Steeple. 3. Shoot, spear. Spirit, n. 1. Vital essence (apart from matter), immaterial substance. 3. Soul, pure intelligence, inner man. 3. Apparition, ghost, spectre, shade, phantom, phantasm, sprite, fairy, elf, demon, genius. 4. Disposition, temper, humor, mood, spirits, frame of mind, turn of mind. 5. Courage, ardor, fire, energy, force, vigor, mettle, earnestness, enthusiasm, zeal, resolution, pluck, elevation of soul. 6. Liveliness, animation, piquancy, warmth, glow. 7. Person (as distinguished by pecu liar qualities), individual. 8. Meaning, significance, purport, intent, drift, gist, tenor, sense. 9. Nature, character, complexion, characteristic quality. 10. Alcohol, distilled liquor. 11. [With The prefixed.] Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Paraclete, Comforter, The Spirit of God. Spirit away, Kidnap, carry off (se cretly). Spirited, a. Animated, lively, vivacious, sprightly, ardent, earnest, active, alert, high-mettled, high-spirited, full of spirit, full of life. Spiritist, n. Spiritualist. Spiritless, a. 1. Lifeless, breathless, extinct, dead. 3. Dejected, depressed, discouraged, dispirited, low-spirited, in low spirits. 3. Dull, torpid, sluggish, cold, apa thetic, phlegmatic, languid, soulless, feeble, unenterprising. 4. Heavy, stupid, dull, frigid, tame, prosaic, prosy, insipid, uninteresting. Spirit of Myrcia, BAY-BUM. Spirit of Truth, Paraclete, Comforter, The Dove, The Holy Ghost. Spirit-stirring, a. Inspiring, animat ing, enlivening, cheering, exhilarating. Spirits, n. pi. 1. Disposition, temper, mood, humor, spirit, frame of mind, turn of mind. 3. Distilled liquors, ardent spirits. Spiritual, a. 1. Immaterial, incorpo real, ethereal, ghostly. 3. Mental, intellectual, ideal, ab stract. 3. Holy, divine, pure. 4. Ecclesiastical, not lay, not secu lar. 5. Internal, not literal. Spirituality, n. -1. Immateriality. 3. Religious function (as of the church). 3. Spiritual-mindedness. Spiritualize, v : a. Purify, elevate, re fine, make spiritual. Spiritual-mindedness, n. Spiritual ity. Spirituous, a. Alcoholic, ardent. Spirt, v. n. Gush, jet, spout. Spirt, v. a. Spout, throw out. Spiry, a. 1. Winding, wreathed, curled, spiral, helical, cochleary, cochleated, screw-shaped. 2. Pyramidal, tapering. Spit, v. n. Spawl, sputter. Spit, n. Spittle, saliva, spawl. Spit-box, n. Spittoon. Spite, n. 1. Malice, malevolence, ran cor, venom, gall, malignity, malicious ness, hate, grudge, pique, ill-nature. 2. Defiance, opposition, despite, con tempt. Spiteful, a. Malicious, malignant, ma levolent, malign, ill-disposed, evil- minded, ill-natured. Spittoon, n. Spit-box. Splash, v. n. Plash, dabble in water. Splash, v. a. Dash, spatter, plash. Splay, v. a. (Arch.) Slope (as the side of a window}, slant. Spleen, rc. 1. (Anat.) Milt. 3. Anger, spite, animosity, gall, ran cor, pique, malevolence, malignity, grudge, hatred, malice, ill humor, ill blood, bad blood. 3. Melancholy, despondency, hypo chondria, dejection, depression, dumps, megrims, the dismals, the blues, blue devils. Spleeny, a. Angry, fretful, SPLENETIC. Splendid, a. 1. Shining, glowing, re splendent, effulgent, refulgent, bright, lustrous, radiant, beaming, brilliant. 2. Showy, magnificent, gorgeous, sumptuous, pompous, superb, kingly. 3. Illustrious, conspicuous, eminent, distinguished, pre-eminent, remark able, famous, celebrated, glorious. 4. Grand, heroic, sublime, lofty, noble. Splendor, n. 1. Lustre, brilliance, bril liancy, brightness, polish. 2. Magnificence, pomp, stateliness, show, gorgeousness, pompousness, dis play, parade, KCLAT, striking effect. 3. Eminence, celebrity, fame, glory. 4. Grandeur, sublimity. Splenetic, a. 1. Irascible, irritable, fretful, peevish, touchy, testy, pettish, waspish, petulant, choleric, snappish, 2. Morose, sullen, sulky, churlish, sour, crabbed. SPLICE 378 SPREE 3. MELANCHOLY, despondent, mop ing, gloomy, melancholic, hypochondri- acal, jaundiced. Splice, v. a. Braid together (as the ends of ropes), join together. Splinter, v. a. Split (into thin pieces), shiver. Splinter, v. n. Be split (into thin pieces), be shivered. Splinters, n. pi. Flinders, fragments. Split, v. a. 1. Cleave, rive, rend, burst, SPLINTER, tear asunder. 3. Divide, sunder, separate, part. Split, v. n. 1. Burst, be riven, be rent, SPLINTER ; be split. 2. Be broken, be dashed to pieces. Split, n. Crack, fissure, rent. Split hairs, Refine, be over-nice, affect nicety, make useless distinctions. Splurge, n. [Colloquial, U. S.} Bluster ing effort. Splutter, n. [Colloquial.] Bustle, stir. Splutter, v. n. [Colloquial.] Stammer (through haste). Splutterer, n. [Colloquial.] Stammerer. Spoil, v. a. l. Plunder, rob, despoil, fleece, strip, ravage, waste. 3. Injure, harm, disfigure, mar. Spoil, v. n. 1. Steal, pilfer, engage in robbery. 3. Decay, be corrupted. Spoil, n. BOOTY, pillage, plunder, prey, rapine. Spoiler, n. 1. Plunderer, robber, pil lager. 3. Destroyer, corrupter. Spoken, a. Oral, parole, nuncupative, not written. Spokesman, n. Speaker, prolocutor. Spoliate, v. a. Rob, plunder, spoil. Spoliation, n. Robbery, pillage, plun dering, rapine, devastation, destruction. Sponge, v. a. 1. Wipe (with a sponge), cleanse. 3. Dampen, wet. Sponger, n. Parasite, hanger-on. Spongy, a. Bibulous, porous. Sponsor, n. 1. Surety. 3. Godfather or godmother. Spontaneity, n. Spontaneousness. Spontaneous, a. Voluntary, instinct- tive, uncompelled, unbidden, uncon strained, willing, gratuitous, free, of one s own accord. Spontaneousness, n. Spontaneity. Spooney, n. [Colloquial.] DUNCE, block head. Sporadic, a. Scattered, occurring here and there. Sport, n. 1. Play, diversion, amuse ment, pastime, game, fun, frolic, gam bol, prank, jest, recreation, hilarity, entertainment, merriment, mirth, jol lity, joviality, pleasantry, merry-mak ing. 3. Mockery, derision, mock, ridicule, contemptuous mirth. Sport, v. n. Play, frolic, disport, wan ton, skip, frisk, romp, caper, make fun, make merry. Sport, v. a. (Colloquial.) Exhibit, dis play, make a show of. Sportive, a. Jocose, jocular, waggish, frolicsome, playful, gamesome, DAFT, facetious, funny, merry, gay, debonair, vivacious, lively, sprightly, jocund, wanton, buxom, prankish, full of play, full of fun. Spot, n. 1. Speck, blot. 3. Blemish, stain, taint, flaw. 3. Place, locality. Spot, v. a. 1. Make spots on, dapple, variegate. 3. Stain, sully, soil, tarnish, blemish. 3. [Cant term,] Mark, take special note of. Spotless, a. 1. Unspotted, undefaced, perfect. 3. Immaculate, unstained, untaint ed, unblemished, untarnished, blame less, stainless, innocent, pure. Spotted, a. Speckled, bespeckled, be- spotted, dotted, freckled, spotty. Spotty, a. SPOTTED. Spousal, a. Matrimonial, conjugal, con nubial, hymeneal, bridal, marital. Spousals, n. pi. Nuptials, espousals, marriage. Spouse, n. Husband or wife, married person, consort. Spouseless, a. Unmarried. Spout, n. 1. AJUTAGE, pipe. 3. Nozzle, nose. Spout, v. a. 1. Spirt, pour out {through a narrow orifice). 3. Utter (pompously), mouth, declaim, speak. Spout, v. n. Gush, issue. 3. [Colloquial.] Declaim, rant, make a speech, hold forth. Spouter, n. Declaimer. Sprain, v. a. Strain (as a.joint), twist, wrench. Spray, n. 1. Twig, shoot, sprig. 3. Foam, froth, spume. Spread, v. a. 1. Extend, expand, man tle, stretch, dilate. 3. Disperse, scatter, distribute, dif fuse. 3. Publish, divulge, propagate, dis seminate, circulate, promulgate, make known, make public, spread abroad. 4. Unfold, unfurl, open. 5. Cover, overspread. Spread, v. n. 1. Extend, be expanded. 3. Be dispersed, be scattered. 3. Circulate, be circulated, be spread abroad. Spread, n. 1. Extent, reach, compass. . 3. Dissemination, circulation, propa gation. Spread-eagle, a. [Colloquial, U. S.] Bombastic, pompous, inflated, turgid, tumid, swelling, stilted, grandiloquent, pretentious, sophomorical, HIGHFALU- TIN, high-flowing, high-sounding. Spread over, [Active and Neuter.] Over run, run over. Spree, n. [Colloquial.] 1. Carousal, revel, revelry, revelling, jollification, baccha nals, saturnalia, debauch, compotatipn, wassail, orgies, carouse, cups, drinking bout. 3. Row, riot, disturbance, SHINDY. SPRIG 379 SQUARE Sprig, n. Twig, shoot, spray. Sprightliness, n. Liveliness, briskness, vivacity, animation, alertness, cheer fulness, gayety, frolicsonieness. Sprightly, a. Lively, mercurial, ani mated, vigorous, vivacious, buoyant, brisk, active, alert, agile, blithe, blithe some, gay, airy, cheerful, joyous, frolic some, buxom, debonair, pleasant. Spring, v. n. 1. Leap, bound, jump, vault, hop, CAPER. 3. Rise, start, come forth. 3. Arise, proceed, issue, put forth, shoot forth, make its appearance. 4. Originate, emanate, flow, take its rise, have its origin. 5. Rebound, fly back. 6. Warp, bend. Spring, n. 1. Leap, bound, jump. 2. Elasticity, resiliency, springiness, elastic force. 3. Fountain, well, FOUNT, fountain- head. 4. Source, original, origin, principle, 5. Vernal season. Spring a leak, Begin to leak. Springe, n. Snare, gin, noose, net, toil, trap. Spring-halt, n. String-halt. Springiness, n. Elasticity, resilience, spring. Springy, a. Elastic, resilient, rebound ing. Sprinkle, v. a. 1. Scatter, strew. 2. Bedew, besprinkle. Sprinkle, v. n. Rain (moderately). Sprinkler, n. Watering pot. Sprinkling, n. Affusion. Sprite, ft. Fairy, elf, spirit, ghost, spec tre, apparition, shade, phantom, phan tasm, goblin, hobgoblin. Sprout, v, n. Shoot, germinate, vege tate, push, grow, pullulate, put forth, shoot forth, burst forth. Sprout, n. 1. Acrospire, plumule. 2. Shoot, ratoon, young branch. Spruce, a. Neat (without elegance), trim, nice, trig, flne, finical, smart, jaunty, natty, foppish, dandyish. Spruce, v. n. Prink, dress finically. Spruce, v. a. Trim, deck, dress. Spry, a. [Colloquial.] Active, lively, brisk, nimble, supple, agile, sprightly, quick, smart, prompt, alert, stirring, ready, dapper. Spume, n. Foam, froth, spray. Spumous, a. SPUMY. Spumy, a. Foamy, frothy, spumous. Spunk, n. 1. Touchwood. 2. Punk, amadou, agaric, German tinder. 3. [Colloquial.] Spirit, pluck, met tle, energy, force, courage. Spur, n. 1. Goad, prick, point, rowel. 2. Incitement, stimulus, incentive, impulse, inducement, instigation, prov ocation, motive. 2. Snag, point, knot, gnarl, knob, projection. 3. Ergot, horn-seed, spurred rye. Spur, v. a. 1. Prick (with the spur). 2. Stimulate, incite, rouse, arouse, goad, induce, instigate, impel, urge for ward, drive. Spur, v. n. Prick, gallop, hasten, press forward, press on. Spurious, a. 1. Illegitimate, bastard. 2. Counterfeit, supposititious, mere tricious, deceitful, sham, false, mock, pretended, feigned, clap-trap, fictitious, unauthentic, make-believe, not genu ine. Spurn, v. a. 1. Kick. 2. CONTEMN, scorn, scout, despise, disdain, make light of, look down upon, hold in contempt. Spurred-rye, Ergot, spur. Sputter, v. n. 1. Spit, spawl. 2. Splutter, stammer. Sputterer, n. Stammerer, splutterer. Spy, n. Scout, emissary (in disguise), secret agent. Spy, v. a. See, behold, discern, espy. Squab, a. 1. Fat, plump, stout, portly, dumpy, squabbish, squabby. 2. Unfledged, unfeathered. Squab, n. Young pigeon. Squabbish, a. Squabby, SQUAB. Squabble, v. n. Quarrel, wrangle, dis pute, contend, fight, jangle, TIFF. Squabble, n. Brawl, wrangle, dispute, petty quarrel. Squabby, a. Squabbish, SQUAB. Squad, n. Gang, band, crew, set, knot, bevy, lot, small company. Squalid, a. Filthy, nasty, dirty, foul, unclean. Squalidity, n. Foulness, SQUALIDNESS. Squalidness, n. Foulness, filthiness, squalidity, squalor. Squall, v. n. Cry (as an infant), bawl, yell, scream, cry out. Squall, n. 1. Cry, bawl, yell, scream, outcry. 2. Storm (sudden and brief), blast, gust, sudden breeze. Squally, a. Gusty, blustering, stormy, tempestuous. Squalor, n. [L.] Foulness, SQUALID- NESS. l2SSS!ted> Scaly, SQTTAMOSE. Squamose, a. (Bot.) Scaly, squamate, squamated, squamous. Squamous, a. Scaly, SQUAMOSE. Squander, v. a. Spend (profusely^ lav ish, expend, waste, lose, dissipate, run out, throw away, muddle away. Squanderer, n. Spendthrift, prodigal, waster. Square, a. 1. Quadrilateral and equi angular. 2. Perpendicular, making a right an gle. 3. Just, honest, fair, equitable, up right, exact, equal. 4. Adjusted, balanced, settled, even. Square, n. 1. Four-sided figure (with equal sides and angles), quadrate. 2. Square number. 3. Open area (in a city or town). 4. (Arch.) One hundred superficial feet. SQUARE 380 STALL Square, v. a. 1. Make square. 2. Regulate, adapt, fit, suit, accom modate. 3. Adjust, settle, close, balance. 4. (Arith.) Multiply into itself. Square, v. n. Suit, fit, accord, harmo nize, quadrate, comport, cohere, chime in, fall in. Squash, v. a. Crush. Squat, v. n. 1. Crouch, cower, sit close to the ground. 3. [Modern.] Settle (without title to the land), plant one s self, take up one s quarters, pitch one s tent. Squat, a. 1. Crouching, cowering. 3. Dumpy, STUMPY, stubby, short and thick. Squaw-vine, n. Checkerberry, par 1 - tridge-berry, winter-clover (Mitchella repens). Squeal, v. n. Cry (as a pig), jell. Squeamish, a. Fastidious, dainty, diffi cult, scrupulous, over-nice, hard to please. Squeeze, v. a. 1. Compress, gripe, pinch, nip, press closely. 3. Force (between close bodies), drive. Squeeze, v. n. Press, crowd, force a way, urge one s way. Squeeze out, Press out, force out. Squeteague, n. Weak-fish (Labrus squeteague or Onolithus regalis). Squib, n. 1. Cracker. 3. Lampoon, pasquinade, satire. Squib, v. n. [Colloquial.] Make lam poons, throw squibs, make sarcastic remarks. Squid, n. Cuttle-fish. Squint, v. n. Look askant, look askance, look obliquely. Squint-eyed, a. Cock-eyed. Squire, n. Esquire. Squireen, n. [Modern, Eng.] Country- squire, petty squire. Squirm, v. n. Writhe, wriggle. Squirt, v. a. Eject (through a syringe). Stab, n. Thrust, stick. Squirt, n. Syringe. Stab, v. a. Pierce, transfix, gore, spear. Stability, n. 1. Fixedness, durability, permanence, stableness. 3. Constancy, steadiness, firmness. Stable, a. 1. Fixed, established, dur able, enduring, permanent, immovable, immutable, unalterable, indestructible, unchangeable, invariable. 3. Constant, steady, firm, steadfast, stanch, not fickle, not wavering. Stableness, n. STABILITY. Stables, n. pi. Mews. Stable-servant, n. Groom, hostler. Staff, n. 1. Cane, stick, pole, rod, par tisan, truncheon. 3. Support, prop, stay. 3. :ETAT MAJOR, staff, staff*oflicers, commissioned oflicers. 4. Stanza, verse, stave. Stag, n. Hart, male red deer (Cervus elaphus). Stage, n. 1. Platform, scaffold, STA GING. 3. Theatre, play-house. 3. Step, degree. Stage-like, a. Ranting, declamatory, STAGEY. Stagey, a. [Colloquial.] Ranting, de clamatory, bombastic, theatrical, stage- like. Stage-player, n. Actor, performer, player, comedian, tragedian. Stagger, v. n. Reel, totter, vacillate. Stagger, v . a. Shock, astonish, astound, amaze, confound, dumfounder. pose, surprise, nonplus, strike with wonder, take by surprise. Staging, ?i. [U. S.] Platform, scaffold. Stagnant, a. 1. Motionless, standing, close. 3. Sluggish, inactive, inert, torpid, dull, heavy. Stagnate, v. n. 1. Be stagnant, stand still. 3. Be dull, be inactive. Staid, a. Sober, grave, steady, serious, sedate. Stain, v. a. 1. Soil, sully, contaminate, tarnish, spot, blot, .blemish, discolor. 3. Dye, tinge, color. 3. Disgrace, pollute, corrupt, defile, dishonor, debase, deprave, contaminate, taint. Stain, n. 1. Blemish, tarnish, spot, blot, imperfection. 3. Disgrace, dishonor, contamination, taint. Stainless, d. 1. Spotless, untarnished, unspotted. 3. Unsullied, faultless, innocent, un- corrupted, guiltless, pure. Stair, n. 1. STAIRS, flight of steps. 3. Step (of a flight of stairs). Stairs, n. pi. STAIR-CASE, flight of steps, flight of stairs, pair of stairs, set of steps. Stair-case, n. Stairs (with casing, &c.), flight of stairs. Stake, n. 1. Stick (pointed for driving into the ground), picket, pale. 3. Wager, bet, pledge. 3. Risk, hazard, venture, adventure. Stake, v. a. Risk, venture, hazard, peril, imperil, jeopardize, wager, pledge, put at stake, put at hazard. Stale, a. 1. Vapid, tasteless, insipid, mawkish, flat, flashy, musty, fusty, sour, not fresh. 3. Old, decayed, faded, effete, time- worn, worn out, not new. 3. Trite, common, hackneyed, com monplace, threadbare, not novel. Stalk, v. n. 1. Walk (stealthily). 3. Stride, strut. Stalk, n. Stem, petiole, pedicel, CULM, peduncle. Stalking-horse, n. Mask, cover, pre tence. Stall, n. 1. Stable. 3. Compartment (as in a stable), cell, recess. 3. Stand (where things are sold), shop, booth. 4. Seat (for a dignitary in the choir of a church). STALL 381 STARBOARD Stall, v . a. 1. Put in a stable, keep in a stable. 3. Set fast (as in mire), fix in a slough. Stallion, n. Stud-horse, breeding-horse. Stalwart, a. 1. Strong, stout, sinewy, brawny, muscular, athletic, lusty, ro bust, sturdy, strapping, vigorous, pow erful, puissant, able-bodied, Herculean, gigantic, stalworth. 3. Brave, bold, manly, valiant, val orous, gallant, intrepid, daring, reso lute, firm, indomitable, redoubtable. Stalworth, a. STALWART. Stamina, n. pi. 1. Firm parts (that give strength), principal elements. 3. Strength, vigor, force, stoutness, sturdiness, lustiness. Stammel, a. Reddish (paler than scar let). Stammer, v. n. Stutter, hesitate (in speaking), falter, haw, hum and haw. Stammer, n. Stutter, hesitate, falter. Stammerer, n. Stutterer. Stammering, n. Stuttering, faltering, difficulty of utterance. Stamp, v. a. 1. Beat (ivith the foot or a pestle). 2. Impress, imprint, print, mark, brand, put a stamp on. Stamp, n. 1. Mark, impress, print, im pression, brand. 3. Make, cast, mould, form, fashion, cut, character, complexion. Stampede, 11. Sudden flight (as of Iwr- ses from fright). Stanch, v. a. Stop the flow of, stop from running. Stanch, a. 1. Strong, sound, stout. 3. Steady, firm, constant, steadfast, resolute, stable, unwavering. Stanchion, n. Prop, support. Stand, v. n. 1. Be upon the feet, rest on the feet. 3. Be erect, continue erect, remain upright. 3. Be placed, be situated. 4. Remain, continue, abide, be fixed. 5. Stop, halt, pause. 6. Stay, be firm, be resolute, keep one s position, maintain one s ground, stand one s ground. 7. Rank, have rank, hold a place. 8. Be (emphatically). 9. Be valid, have force, have valid ity. 10. Be a candidate. 11. (Naut.) Steer, hold a course. Stand, v. a. 1. Endure, sustain, bear, weather, bear up against. 2. Resist (loitltout flinching), oppose, withstand, stand against. 3. Abide, await, submit to. 4. Put, place, set upright. Stand, n. 1. Stop, halt, stay. 3. Post, position, place. 3. Interruption, cessation, stand still. 4. Small table. 5. Stall, booth, shop. Standard, n. 1. Ensign, flag, banner, streamer, pennons, colors. 3. Criterion, rule, test, touchstone. 3. Model, gauge. 4. Upright, support. 5. (Bot.) Vexillum. Stand of arms, Complete set of arms. Stand against, Oppose, resist, with stand. Standard-bearer, n. Ensign (of infan try), cornet (of cavalry), color-sergeant. Stand by, 1. Stand near, be near. 3. Support, assist, aid, help, defend, side with, stand for, not desert. 3. Defend, maintain, vindicate, make good, justify. Stand for, 1. Signify, mean, represent. 3. Defend, support, aid, help, side with, stand by, not desert. Stand in hand, Behoove, interest, con cern, be important for, be advantageous for, be for one s interest. Stand in one s own light, Act against one s own interest, not know on which side one s bread is buttered, quarrel with one s bread and butter, kill the goose which lays golden eggs, throw a stone in one s own garden. Stand in stead, Benefit, profit, be of use, be of service, be advantageous. Stand off, Keep off, keep at a distance. Stand one in, Cost. Stand one s ground, Stand, stay, be firm, be resolute, keep one s position, maintain one s ground. Stand out, 1. Project, jut, protrude, be prominent, jut out. 3. Persist (in resistance), not yield, not comply. Stand-still, n. Interruption, cessation, stop, stand. Stand to, 1. Abide by, adhere to. 3. Be consistent with. 3. (Naut.) Ply, urge, use vigorously. Stand to it, Persist in the opinion, stick to it. Stand to reason, Seem reasonable, ap pear consistent. Stand up for, Defend, justify, uphold, support, sustain. Stand upon, 1. Insist upon. 3. Value, pride one s self on, think much of. Stannel, n. Kestrel, castrel, windhover (Falco tinnunculus). Stanza, n. Verse, stave, staff. Staple, n. 1. Chief commodity (of a country or a district), principal produc tion. 3. Fibre (of cotton, wool, &c.), pile, filament. 3. Raw material. 4. Bulk, mass, body, substance, prin cipal part, greater part. Staple, a. Chief, principal. Star, n. 1. Heavenly body. 3. Asterisk, figure of a star. 3. Fate, fortune, destiny, lot, doom. 4. Eminent person (particularly an eminent actor). Starboard, n. (Naut.) Right hand side (of a vessel, to a person looking for ward). Starboard, a. (Naut.) Right. STARCH 382 STEAL Starch, a. Stiff, STARCHED. Starched, a- Stiff, precise, formal, prim, rigid, punctilious, ceremonious, starchy, affectedly exact. Starch-sugar, n. Glucose, grape sugar. Stare, v. n. Gaze, gloat, look intently, gaze earnestly. Star-finch, n. Redstart (Phcenicura ruticilla). Star-fish, n. Sea-star, five-finger. Star-flower, n. 1. Star-of-Bethlehem (Ornit/iogalum umbellatum). 2. Chickweed, star-wort. Stark, a, Mere, simple, sheer, bare, downright, gross, unmistakable. Stark, ad. WhoHy, entirely, completely, fully. Star-like, a. 1. Bright, lustrous, twink ling. 3. Radiated, stellate, stellated, stel lular. Start, v. n. 1. Shrink, flinch, wince, startle. 3. Depart, set out, set off. Start, v. a. 1. Rouse, alarm, startle. 3. Evoke, raise, call forth. 3. Begin, initiate, institute, set on foot. 4. Move (suddenly). Start, n. 1. Startle, sudden motion. 2. Fit, spasmodic effort. 3. Beginning, outset. Starting-point, n. Point of departure. Startle, v. n. Shrink, wince, flinch, start. Startle, v. a. 1. Frighten, fright, af fright, alarm, shock. 2. Strike with wonder, surprise, as tonish, astound, amaze. Startle, n. Shock, START. Starvation, n. Famishment. Starve, v. n. Perish (especially with hunger). Starve, v. a. Kill with hunger, starve to death. Starveling, a. Lean, meagre, lank, emaciated, gaunt, skinny, scraggy, raw- boned. Starveling, n. Pauper, mendicant, beg gar. Starwort, n. STAR-FLOWER, chick- weed. State, n. 1. Condition, situation, posi tion, plight, predicament, pass, case, category. 2. Commonwealth, civil community, body politic. 3. Pomp, parade, dignity, grandeur, magnificence, glory. State, v. a. Express (with particularity), explain, specify, set forth. State, a. National, public. State-chamber, n. Divan, audience- chamber, council-chamber. Stately, a. 1. Lofty, dignified, majestic, imperial, magnificent, grand, noble, princely, royal, palatial, elevated, au gust. 2. Pompous, ceremonious, solemn, formal. Stately mansion, Palace. Statement, n. Specification, mention, announcement, report, account, recital, relation, narration, description. Statesman, n. Statist, politician. Station, n. 1. Place, position, post, location, situation. 2. Office, function, business, employ ment, sphere of duty. 3. Rank, standing, character, state, condition, STATUS. 4. Depot (ofarailroad), station-house. Station, v. a. Place, locate, post, fix, establish, set. Stationary, a. Fixed, stable, standing, still, quiescent, motionless, permanent, at rest, at a stand, standing still. Station-house, n. Station (of a rail road), depot. Statist, n. Statesman, politician. Statuary, n. 1. Sculpture, carving. 2. Statues (collectively). Statue, n. Image (made of some solid substance). Statuette, n. Small statue, little image. Stature, n. Height, tallness. Status, n. [L.] Standing, rank, station, condition. Statute, n. Law, act, enactment, ordi nance. Staurolite, n. 1. STATJROTIDE. 3. Harmotome. Staurotide, n. Cross-stone, grenatite, staurolite. Stave, n. Stanza, verse, staff. Stave, v. a. Burst, break a hole in, stave in. Stave in, Burst, STATE. Stave off , Defer, delay, postpone, ad journ, procrastinate, put off, lay over, let lie over. Stay, v. n. 1. Sojourn, tarry, abide, dwell, lodge, rest, take up one s quar ters, pitch one s tent. 2. Remain, continue, stop, be fixed, stand still. 3. Wait, attend, delay, linger. Stay, v. a. 1. Stop, restrain, check, hold, withhold, curb, keep in, rein in. 2. Delay, obstruct, hinder. 3. Support, sustain, uphold, prop, hold up, shore up. Stay, n. 1. Sojourn, delay, halt, rest, repose, stop. 3. Hinderance, obstruction, inter ruption, obstacle, impediment, check, bar, restraint, curb, stumbling block. 3. Support, prop, staff , dependence, supporter, buttress. Stays, n. pi. Corsets. Steadfast, a. 1. Fixed, fast, established. 2. Resolute, firm, steady, stanch, constant, stable, pertinacious, unwav ering, unhesitating, unshaken, unre served, implicit. Steady, a. 1. Fixed, firm, not tottering. 2. Regular, undeviating, unremitted, uniform. 3. Constant, resolute, stanch, stead fast, stable, unwavering, persevering. Steal, v. a. 1. Purloin, pilfer, filch, CAB BAGE, poach, peculate, embezzle, BOB, make off with, come unlawfully by. 3. Allure, win, gain, draw over. STEAL 383 STICKLE Steal, v. n. 1. Pilfer, purloin, thieve, practise theft. 3. Pass stealthily, go unperceived. Stealer, n. Thief, robber. Stealing, n. Theft, robbery, larceny. Stealthy, a. Sly, secret, private, clan destine, furtive, underhand, sneaking, skulking. Steam, n. 1. Vapor (especially of water). 3. Mist, fume, reek, smoke, exhala tion, effluvium. Steam, v. n. 1. Emit vapor. 3. Evaporate, pass off in vapor. 3. Navigate (by means of steam), plough the deep, plough the waves. Steamboat, n. Steamer. Steamer, n. Steamboat, steamship. Steamer-duck, n. Race-horse (Microp- terus brachypterus). Steamship, n. Steamer. Steatite, n. Soapstone. Steed, n. [Poetical.] Horse (especially a war horse), charger. Steel, v. a. 1. Case-harden, edge or point with steel. 3. Harden, strengthen, fortify, nerve, brace, make firm. Steep, a. Precipitous, abrupt. Steep, n. Precipice, abrupt declivity. Steep, v. a. Soak, macerate, imbrue, drench, digest, seethe. Steeple, n. Spire, tower, turret. Steeple-bush, n. Hardback (Spircea tomentosa). Steer, n. Young ox. . Steer, v. a. Direct (as a vessel by the lielm), guide, pilot, conduct, govern, have or take the direction of. #Steer, v. n. 1. Direct one s course. 3. Be directed, be governed. Steersman, n. Helmsman, pilot, guide, conductor. Stellar, a. Astral, starry. Stellate, a. Star-like, radiated, stellu lar, stellated. Stellated, a. STELLATE. Stellular, a. STELLATE. Stem, n. 1. Trunk (of a tree), main stock. 3. Peduncle, pedicel, petiole, stalk. 3. Branch, shoot, scion. 4. ( Naut. ) Forepart (of a ship ), prow, beak, bow. 5. (Mus.) Tail (of a note). Stem, v. a. 1. Oppose (as a current), re sist, breast, withstand, bear up against, make head against. 3. Stop, check. Stench, n. Stink, fetor, bad smell, offensive odor. Stench-trap, n. Cesspool, stink-trap. Stenographer, n. Stenographist. Stenographist, n. Stenographer. Stenography, n. Shorthand, tachy- graphy, brachygraphy. Stentorian, a. Stunning, deafening, very loud. Step, n. 1. Pace, tread. 3. Stair. 3. Degree, grade, gradation. 4. Advancement, progression. 5. Action, act, deed, proceeding. 6. Measure, means, method, expe dient. 7. Round (of a ladder), rundle. 8. Short distance, stone s throw, small space, few steps. Step, v. n. Walk. Steppe, n. Prairie, pampa, savanna. Stercoraceous, a. Fecal. Sterile, a. Barren, unfruitful, fruitless, unproductive, unprolific, infecund, ad dle, ACARPOUS, jejune, poor. Sterility, n. Barrenness, unfruitfulness, fruitlessness, unproductiveness, infe- cundity. Sterling, a. Genuine, pure, true, real, substantial, positive. Stern, a. 1. Forbidding, austere, severe, rigid. 3. Harsh, cruel, bitter, rigorous, strict, hard, unrelenting, inflexible, un compromising. Stern, n. Hinder part ( of a vessel). Sternness, n. 1. Severity, austerity, rigidity. 3. Harshness, asperity, rigor, inflexi bility, cruelty. Sternum, n. (Anat.) Breastbone. Sternutation, n. Sneezing. Sternutative, a. STERNUTATORY. Sternutatory, a. Sternutative, errhine, that produces sneezing. Stertorous, a. Snoring. Stew, v. a. Boil (slmvly), seethe, simmer. Stew, v. n. Be boiled (slowly). Stew, n. 1. Brothel, bagnio, bawdy house, whore-house, house of prostitu tion, house of ill fame. 3. [Colloquial.] Confusion, difficulty, scrape, mess, 3. BOUILLI, stewed meat. Steward, n. 1. Major-domo. 3. Manciple. Stibial, a. Antimonial. Stibium, n. 1. Antimony. 3. STIBNITE. Stibnite, n. Stibium, antimony glance, Stich, n. Line, verse. Stick, n. l. Rod, switch, birch. 3. Club, bludgeon. 3. Cane, staff. 4. Piece of timber. 5. Stab, thrust. Stick, v. a. 1. Pierce, penetrate, trans fix, stab, spear, gore. 3. Insert, thrust, infix. 3. Attach, paste, glue, cement. 4. Fix (on something pointed). Stick, v. n. 1. Adhere, cleave, cling, hold, stay fixed. 3. Abide, remain, stop, stay, hold fast, be infixed. 3. Hesitate, waver, doubt, scruple, stickle, be embarrassed, be puzzled. Stick at, Hesitate about, doubt about, be puzzled by. Stick by, Adhere to, be faithful to, be true to, stick to. Stickle, v.n. 1. Struggle (pertinaciously and on trifling grounds), contend, alter cate. 3. Hesitate, waver, doubt, scruple, stick, be puzzled. STICKLE-BACK 384 STIRRING Stickle-back, n. Prickle-back. Stickler, n. Pertinacious person. Stick out, Project, protrude, be promi nent. Stick Sulphur, Cane brimstone, roll sulphur. Stick to, 1. Adhere to, STICK BY. 2. Persevere in. Sticky, a. Adhesive, glutinous, viscous, viscid, tenacious, gluey. Stiff, a. 1. Rigid, unbending, unyield ing, inflexible. 2. Firm, tenacious, thick, inspis sated. 3. Stubborn, obstinate, pertinacious, rigorous, severe, strict, straight-laced, stringent, peremptory, absolute, posi tive, austere, dogmatic, uncompromis ing. 4. Formal, constrained, ceremonious, punctilious, prim, starch, stately, chill ing, frigid, in buckram. 5. Inelegant, cramped, harsh, crude, graceless, abrupt. 6. Strong, fresh. Stiff-necked, a. Stubborn, obdurate, dogged, mulish, headstrong, contuma cious, cross-grained, unruly, intracta ble. Stifle, v. a. 1. Smother, choke, suffocate. 2. Suppress, repress, check, deaden, stop, destroy, extinguish, quench. 3. Still, hush, silence, muffle, muz zle, gag. Stigma, n. 1. Mark (made with a Jiot iron), brand. 2. Stain, blot, disgrace, reproach, dishonor. Stigmatize, v. a. 1. Brand, mark with a hot iron. 2. Disgrace, reproach, dishonor, vil ify, defame, discredit, brand, post. Stiletto, n. 1. Dagger, dirk, poniard. 2. Bodkin. Still, v. a. 1. Silence, stifle, muffle, hush. 2. Calm, compose, quiet, allay, ap pease, pacify, tranquillize, smooth. Still, a. 1. Silent, noiseless, hushed, mute, mum. 2. Quiet, calm, tranquil, placid, se rene, stilly. 3. Motionless, quiescent, at rest. Still, ad. or conj. 1. Yet, till now, to this time. 3. However, nevertheless, notwith standing. 3. Always, ever, continually, habit ually. Stillv, a. Quiet, calm, tranquil, serene, still. Stilt, n. Stilt-bird, long-legged plover (Himantopus melanopterus). Stilt-bird, TO. STILT. Stilted, . Pompous, swelling, inflated, bombastic, turgid, pretentious, gran diloquent, high-flowing, high-sounding, HIGH-FALUTIN, On Stilts. Stimulant, a. Stimulating, exciting, stimulative. Stimulant, n. 1. Stimulating medi cine. 2. Incentive, STIMULUS. Stimulate, v. a. Incite, excite, insti gate, animate, awaken, provoke, pique, encourage, inspirit, urge, prompt, goad, rouse, arouse, whet, foment, spur, im pel, inflame, fire, kindle, stir up, set on, work up. Stimulative, a. Stimulating, STIMU LANT. Stimulative, n. STIMULUS. Stimulus, n. Incentive, spur, goad, in citement, stimulant, provocative, prov ocation, motive, encouragement. Sting, v. a. 1. Prick, wound, hurt. 3. Afflict, pain, cut to the quick, go to one s heart. Stingy, a. Niggardly, penurious, parsi monious, miserly, close, mean, cove tous, avaricious, sordid, close-fisted. Stink, v. n. Smell bad, smell ill, emit a stench. Stink, n. Stench, fetor, FUNK, offensive odor, bad smell. Stinkard, n. Teledu (Mydausmeliceps). Stink-stone, n. Swinestone. Stink-trap, n. Cesspool, stench-trap. Stint, v. a. 1. Limit, bound, restrain, confine. 3. Straiten, pinch, distress, put on short allowance. 3. [ U. S.] Assign a task to. Stint, v. n. Stop, cease, desist. Stint, n. 1. Limit, bound, restraint. 2. Quantity assigned. 3. Allotted task. Stipe, n. Stalk (of a pistil), stem (of a mushroom or a fern). Stipend, n. Salary, wages, allowance, pay, hire, compensation, remuneration. Stipple, v. a. Engrave (by dots, instead of lines). Stipulate, v. n. Bargain, agree, con tract, engage, covenant, provide. Stipulation, n. Bargain, agreement, contract, engagement, obligation, cov enant, indenture, concordat, pact, con vention. Stir, v. a. 1. Move. 2. Agitate, disturb. 3. Discuss, argue, moot. 4. Instigate, incite, excite, rouse, arouse, awaken, prompt, stimulate, provoke, animate, goad, spur, stir up, set on. Stir, v. n. 1. Move, budge, go, change place, change one s position, move one s self. 2. Be active, be in motion. 3. Appear, happen, turn up, come into notice. 4. [Colloquial. } Rise (from bed in the morning), get up. Stir, n. 1. Movement, activity, bustle, FUSS, hurry, flurry, fidget, ado. 2. Agitation, excitement, confusion, tumult, commotion. Stir one s stumps, [Colloquial.] Has ten, be quick, make the most of one s time, not siift er the grass to grow under one s feet. Stirrer up, Inciter, instigator. Stirring, a. Active, lively, brisk, smart, industrious, diligent. STIR UP 385 STOP Stir up, Instigate, excite, STIR. Stitch, v. a. 1. Sew, sew together. 2. Make stitches in. Stithy, n. Smithy, smithery, FORGE, smith s shop. Stive, v. a. 1. Stow, stuff close. 2. Make hot, close, or sultry. Stoat, n. Ermine (Mustela erminea), meniver. Stock, n. 1. Trunk (of a tree), stalk, stem. 2. Post, pillar, block, log. 3. Handle (of an instrument), haft. 4. Cravat, neckcloth. 5. Race, lineage, pedigree, parentage, ancestry, family. 6. Capital, fund, invested property. 7. Store, supply, accumulation, pro vision, hoard, reserve. 8. Live-stock, domestic animals (on afarm). Stock, v. a. 1. Store, supply, furnish, fill. 2. Reserve, save, garner, hoard, re- posit, accumulate, lay in, treasure up, lay by. Stock-dove, n. Wild pigeon (of Europe), wood-pigeon (Columba anas). Stockholder, n. Shareholder. Stockish, a. Stupid, blockish, STOLID. Stock-jobber, n. Speculator in stocks, trader in stocks. Stocks, n. pi. Funds (invested in joint- stock enterprises or in the obligations of a Government), public funds, public securities. 2. Shares (in joint-stock companies, or in the obligations of a Government). Stock-still, a. Stone-still, perfectly still. Stocky, a. [Colloquial.] Stout, plump, chubbed, stubby, STUMPY, short and thick. Stoic, n. Follower of Zeno, stoical phi losopher. Stoic, ) a. Passionless, apathetic, tin- Stoical, j impassioned, imperturbable, philosophic, Platonic, cool, indifferent, cold, cold-blooded. Stoicism, n. 1. Stoical philosophy, phi losophy of Zeno. 2. Apathy, insensibility, coolness, in difference, coldness, phlegm, cold blood. Stolen, a. 1. Purloined, pilfered, taken wrongfully. 2. Furtive, stealthy, surreptitious, clandestine, secret, sly. Stolid, a. Stupid, dull, heavy, doltish, slow, foolish, blockish, obtuse, stockish. Stolidity, n. Stupidity, dullness, fool ishness, doltishness, obtuseness, stolid- ness. Stolidness, n. STOLIDITY. Stoma, n. [Gr. pi. Stomata.] 1. Pore (in plants). 2. Breathing-hole (in articulate ani mals). Stomach, n. 1. Appetite. 2. Inclination, desire, taste, liking. Stomach, v. a. Brook, endure, bear, suffer, put up with. Stomachal, a. STOMACHIC. Stomachal, n. STOMACHIC. Stomachic, n. Cordial, medicine for the stomach, stomachal. Stomachic, ) a. Stomachal, cordial, Stomachical, I good for the stomach. Stone, n. 1. ROCK, PEBBLE. 2. Gem, jewel, precious stone. 3. Nut (of a drupe). 4. Vesical calculus. 5. Testicle. 6. Monumental tablet. Stone, v. a. 1. Pelt with stones. 2. Face with stone, line with stone. 3. Free from stones. Stone-bed, n. Quarry, stone-pit. Stone-blind, a. Totally blind. Stone-coal, n. Anthracite, blind-coal, glance-coal, hard-coal. Stone-cold, a. Cold as stone. Stone-curlew, n. Stone-plover (OEdic- nemus crepitans). Stone-fruit, n. Drupe. Stone-pit, n. Quarry, stone-bed. Stone-plover, n. STONE-CURLEW. Stone s cast, n. STONE S THROW. Stone s throw, n. Stone s cast, short distance, few steps. Stone-still, a. STOCK-STILL. Stone-weed, n. Red-root (Lithosper- mum arvense). Stony-hearted, a. Cruel, unfeeling, pitiless, remorseless, hard-hearted. Stook, n. Shock (of corn), hattock. Stool, n. 1. Seat (icithout a back). 2. Discharge (from the bowels), evac uation. 3. [Local, U. S.] Decoy-bird. Stool-pigeon, n. 1. Decoy-pigeon. 2. [U. S.] Decoy-rogue (employed by the police). Stoop, v. n. 1. Couch, bend forward, bend down, lean forward. 2. Cower, yield, snbmit, succumb, surrender, knuckle, give in. 3. Condescend, deign, vouchsafe. 4. Swoop, descend, come down, bear down. 5. Sink, fall. Stoop, v. a. Lower, abase, bow, bend down, bend forward. Stoop, n. 1. Condescension. 2. Swoop, descent. 3. Flagon, bowl. 4. [U. S.] Door-steps, porch. Stop, v. a. 1. Close, close up. 2. HINDER, repress, restrain, sup press, obstruct, stay, intercept, pre clude, thwart, impede, interrupt, block, blockade, barricade, check, bring to a stand-still, lay an embargo on. 3. Leave, cease from, desist from, re frain from, leave off, make an end of. 4. Suspend, arrest, intermit, discon tinue, quiet, put an end to. Stop, v. n. 1. Be at a stand-still, come to a stand, come to a stand-still, come to a dead lock, cease progress, halt, stand still, lie by, LIE TO. 2. Cease, desist, forbear, leave off, break off. 3. [Colloquial, U. S.~\ Tarry, stay, lodge, take lodgings, have lodgings. 25 STOP 386 STRAITENED Stop, n. 1. Pause, rest, intermission. 2. Interruption, repression, obstruc tion, hinderance, obstacle, check, im pediment. 3. Point, mark of punctuation. Stop-cock, n. Cock, tap. Stoppage, n. Obstruction, hinderance, interruption, prevention. Stopper, n. Stopple, plug. Stopple, n. Stopper, plug. Store, n. 1. Stock, supply. 2. Abundance, plenty, great quan tity, great number. 3. Warehouse, magazine, store-house,, repository, depot. 4. Shop. Store, v. a. 1. Garner, hoard, husband, deposit, save, reserve, treasure up, lay in, lay up, lay by, set by, store up, lay in store. 2. Supply, furnish, stock, replenish, provide. Store-house, n. Magazine, warehouse, repository, depot, store. Storge, n. [Gr.] Parental love, instinc tive affection (for offspring). Storm, n. 1. Tempest, gale, SQUALL, hurricane, TORNADO, violent wind (usually accompanied ivith rai/n, hail, or snow). 2. Disturbance, agitation, commo tion, tumult, turmoil, clamor, sedition, insurrection, outbreak. 3. Calamity, adversity, distress. 4. Attack, assault, onslaught, onset, first brunt. Storm, v. a. Attack (with violence, as a fortification), assault. Storm, v. n. 1. Blow violently (with or without rain, hail, or snow). 2. Rage, fume. Storminess, n. Tempestuousness, in clemency, roughness. Stormy, a. 1. Tempestuous, windy, gusty, squally, boisterous, blustering. 2. Violent, passionate, rough. Stormy petrel, Mother Carey s chicken (Procellaria pelagica). Story, n. 1. History. 2. Narration, narrative, recital, rela tion, rehearsal, account, statement, tale. 3. Fiction, fable, romance, novel. 4. [Colloquial.] Falsehood, untruth, lie. 5. Floor, loft. Stout, a. l. Strong, sinewy, brawny, athletic, lusty, robust, sturdy, stalwart, vigorous, able-bodied. 2. Brave, valiant, valorous, intrepid, bold, manful, manly, resolute, gallant, firm, indomitable. 3. Large, corj^lent, obese, strapping, bouncing, portly, chubby, jolly, burly, plump, fat, in good case. Stout-hearted, a. Brave, valiant, val orous, courageous, resolute, gallant, in trepid, fearless, heroic, manly. Stove-pipe, n. Funnel. Stow, v. a. Pack, stuff, stive, wedge in, put in compactly. Strabism, n. Squinting, STRABISMUS. Strabismus, n. Squinting, strabism, cast of the eye, obliquity of vision. Straddle, v. a. Bestride. Straggle, v. n. Rove, ramble, stray, stroll, range, roam, wander, deviate, digress, gad about, go out of the way, go astray. Straggler, n. Wanderer, rambler, rover, strayer, stroller, vagrant, vagabond, nomad, bird of passage. Straggling, a. 1. Roving, rambling, straying, strolling, wandering. 2. Scattered, occurring here and there. 3. Isolated, solitary. Strahlstein, n. Actinolite, ray-stone. Straight, a. 1. Rectilinear, direct, short, near, right, undeviating, not crooked, not curved. 2. Vertical, upright, erect, perpendic ular. 3. Just, fair, honorable, straightfor ward. Straight, ad. Immediately, directly, forthwith, straightway, at once, with out delay. Straight-edge, n. Strike, strickle. Straighten, v. a. Make straight. Straightforward, a. 1. Direct, unde viating, STRAIGHT. 2. Honest, honorable, equitable, fair, just, square, even-handed. Straightforward, ad. Directly, in a straight line, without turning to the right or to the left. Straightway, ad. STRAIGHT, imme diately. Strain, v. a. 1. Stretch, draw tightly. 2. Wrench, sprain. 3. Exert (to the utmost), put to the utmost strength. 4. Pervert (from the true intent), push too far. 5. Force, constrain, compel. 6. Filter, purify (by filtration). Strain, v. n. 1. Try hard, make great efforts. 2. Percolate, filter, be filtered, be strained. Strain, n. 1. Extreme tension. 2. Over-exertion, violent effort, great . exertion. 3. Sprain, wrench. 4. Tune, melody, movement. 5. Poem, lay, song, sonnet. 6. Style, manner. Strait, a. 1. Narrow, close, contracted, constricted, not broad, not wide. 2. Strict, rigorous, rigid, severe. Strait, n. 1. Narrow pass (especially between two seas), gut, narrows. 3. Distress, difficulty, perplexity, di lemma, embarrassment, pinch, exi gency, emergency, critical situation. Straiten, v. a. 1. Confine, limit, con strict, contract. 2. Stretch, straighten, make tight or tense. 3. Distress, perplex, pinch, embar rass, oppress. Straitened, a. Distressed, perplexed, embarrassed. STRAIT-JACKET 387 STREW Strait-jacket, n. Strait-waistcoat. Straight-laced, a. Strict, rig-id, formal, stiff, stern, rigorous, austere, uncom promising. Strait-waistcoat, n. Strait-jacket. Strake, n. (Ship building.) Streak, range of planks (on the side of a ves sel). Stramonium, n. Thorn-apple, stra- mony, Jamestown weed, apple Peru (Datura stramonium). Stramony, n. STRAMONIUM. Strand, n. Beach, shore, coast, sea board, seacoast. Stranded, a. Aground, ashore, wrecked, cast away. Strand, v. n. Run aground, get ashore, be wrecked, be cast away. Strange, a. 1 . Foreign, outlandish, ex otic, alien, not native, not domestic, from abroad. 3. New, novel, unusual, uncommon, unnatural, abnormal, anomalous, sin gular, rare, irregular, extraordinary, wonderful, inexplicable, exceptional, unique, PRETERNATURAL, unheard of, out of the way. 3. Odd, eccentric, queer, peculiar, BIZARRE. Stranger, n. 1. Foreigner, alien. 2. Guest, visitor. Stranger, a. 1. Foreign, alien. 3. Unacquainted, unknown. Strangle, v, a. Choke, throttle, suffo cate. Strap, n. 1. Thong. 2. Strop, razor-strap, razor-strop. 3. Ligature, tie, band. Strap, v. a. 1. Whip (with, a strap). 2. Bind (with a strap), fasten. 3, Strop, sharpen (on a strap). Strapper, n. [Colloquial.] Large per son, giant, BOUNCER. Strapping, a. [Colloquial.] Large, huge, vast, BOUNCING, portly, burly, stout, lusty, stalwart, gigantic, Herculean. Strata, n.pl. [L. sing. Stratum.] Layers (as of rocks), beds. Stratagem, n. Artifice, device, ma noeuvre, intrigue, wile, trick, fetch, finesse, ruse, dodge, crafty device, art ful contrivance, stroke of policy. Strategetic, ) a. Strategic, strategi- Strategetical, j cal. Strategetics, n. pi. STRATEGY, gen eralship. Strategic, } a. Strategetic, strateget- Strategical, j ical. Strategy, n. Generalship, Strategetics, tactics, military science. Stratified, a. In strata, in layers. Stratum, n. [L. pi. Strata.] Layer, bed. Straw, n. Stalk (of grain after being thrashed). Stray, v. n. 1. Wander, rove, ramble, range, roam, straggle, stroll, deviate, digress, go out of the way, go astray. 3. Swerve (from rectitude), err. Stray, n. Estray. Stray, a. [Colloquial.] Straying, wan dering, gone astray. Strayer, n. Wanderer, rambler, rover, stroller, vagrant, straggler, vagabond, nomad, bird of passage. Streak, n. 1. Stripe. 3. STRAKE. Streak, v. a. Stripe. Streaked, a. Striped, streaky. Streaky, a. Striped, streaked. Stream, n. 1. Current, course, flow, rush, tide. 3. River, rivulet, brook, run. Stream, v. n. 1. Flow, run, glide, pour. 3. Issue, radiate, go forth. 3. Extend, stretch out. Streamer, n. Pennon, banner, flag, en sign, standard, colors. Streamlet, n. Rill, brook, rivulet, run let, runnel, run, BURN, small stream. Street, n. Road, highway, public way. Street-walker, n. STRUMPET, whore. Strength, n. 1. Power, FORCE, might, potency, puissance, nerve. 3. Tenacity, toughness, solidity. 3. Lustiness, brawniness, robustness, stoutness. 4. Fortitude, courage, spirit, anima tion, firmness, resolution. 5. Validity, cogency, efficacy, prev alence, soundness. 6. Vigor (of style), energy, nervous diction. 7. Support, security, stay. Strengthen, v. a. 1. Fortify, brace, harden, steel, nerve, make strong, make stronger, give strength to, add strength to. 3. Intensify, make more intense. 3. Invigorate, animate, impart health to. 4. Confirm, corroborate, establish, justify, sustain, support. Strengthen, v. n. Grow strong. Strengthening, a. 1. Fortifying, bra cing. 3. Invigorating, roborant, tonic. Strenuous, a. Zealous, ardent, earnest, active, vigorous, resolute, energetic. Strenuously, ad. Earnestly, ardently, vigorously, zealously, resolutely, ener getically, actively, with all one s might, with might and main, tooth and nail, PUGNIS ET CALCIBUS, HAMMER AND TONGS, through thick and thin, through fire and water. Stress, n. 1. Force, strain. 2. Pressure, urgency. 3. Importance, significance, weight. 4. EMPHASIS, ACCENT. Stretch, v. a. 1. Strain, tighten, make tense. 3. Extend, lengthen, elongate, draw out. 3. Reach, stretch forth, hold out. 4. Spread, expand, unfold, display. 5. Exaggerate, extend too far. Stretch, v. n. Extend, reach, be drawn out. Stretch, n. 1. Extent, extension, reach, compass, range. 3. Effort, struggle, strain, exertion. Stretch forth, Reach, hold out. Strew, v. a. 1. Scatter, spread. 3. Cover, overspread. STRIA 388 STROLL Stria, n. [L. pi, Strice.] Furrow, groove, channel. Striate, I a. Channelled, furrowed, Striated, j grooved. Stricken, a. 1. Struck, smitten, wound ed, afflicted. 2. Advanced (in years), far gone. Stricken hour, Whole hour, entire hour. Strickle, n. Strike, straight-edge. Strict, a. 1. Tight, strained. 2. Exact, accurate, precise, very nice, 3. Severe, rigorous, stringent, stern, austere, harsh, uncompromising, strait- laced. Stricture, n. 1. Animadversion, cen sure, criticism, critique, critical re mark. 3. (Mecl.) Contraction (of some duct, as the (esophagus). Stride, n. Long step. Stride, v. n. Take long steps. Stride, v. a. Bestride. Stridor, n. [L.] Grating, creaking, jar ring, harsh sound. Stridulous, a. Grating, harsh, creak ing. Strife, n. Contention, contest, conflict, struggle, quarrel. Strike, v. a. 1. Smite, beat, hit, knock, slap, bump, pound, give a blow to. 3. Cast, dash, hurl. 3. Impress, imprint, stamp, coin, mint. 4. Thrust, force, drive, impel. 5. Deal, inflict, give. 6. Cause (by a sudden impulse), pro duce. 7. Impress (suddenly), affect. 8. Lower (as a sail), take down, haul down. Strike, v. n. 1. Deal a blow. 2. Hit, clash, dash, collide, touch, come in contact. 3. Sound (by percussion). 4. Dart, penetrate, pass quickly, shoot. 5. Yield, surrender, strike the flag. 6. [Modern.] Rebel, mutiny, rise, quit work (in order to extort higher wages). Strike at, Attempt to strike, aim a blow at, try to hit. Strike, n. 1. Stroke. 2. Strickle, straight-edge. 3. Suspension of work (in order to extort higher wages), turn-out. Strike for, Start suddenly for, make for, move toward, go toward. JvStrike hands with, Agree with, make a bargain with. Strike home, Deal an effective blow. Strike in, 1. Enter suddenly. 3. Interpose, interrupt. 3. Disappear (from the surface). Strike in with, Side with, take part with, conform to. Strike off, 1. Cut off (by a blow). 2. Erase (from an account), strike out. 3. Print (as copies of a book). Strike out, \Active.] 1. Produce (by a bloiv), force out. 2. Erase, efface, strike off. - 3. Devise, contrive, invent, plan. Strike out, [Neuter.] Rove, wander, make a sudden excursion. Strike the iron while it is hot, Seize the occasion, let not the opportunity slip, make hay while the sun shines. Strike up, 1. Begin to beat (as drums). 2. Begin to play or sing. Striking, a. Affecting, impressive, sur prising, astonishing, wonderful, extra ordinary, STUNNING. String, n. 1. Line, cord, thread, twine, CHORD. 2. Row, file, series, concatenation. String, v. a. 1. File, put on a string. 2. Set in a row, put in line. 3. Strengthen, fortify, make firm. Stringent, a. 1. Binding, contracting. 2. STRICT, rigid, severe, rigorous. String-halt, n. Spring-halt. Stringy, a. 1. Fibrous, filamentous. 2. Ropy, viscid, viscous, glutinous, adhesive, smeary, dauby. Strip, v. a. 1. Tear off, pull off, strip off. 2. Uncover, denude, peel, lay bare. 3. Divest, deprive, bereave, despoil, fleece, shave, make destitute. 4. Rob, plunder, pillage, spoil, sack, ransack, devastate, desolate, lay waste. 5. Milk dry. Strip, v. n. Undress, uncover, take off the clothes. Strip, n. Piece (long and narrow, torn off ), slip, shred. Stripe, v. a. Streak. Stripe, n. 1. Streak. 2. Stroke (with a lash), blow. 3. Wale, mark of the lash. Striped, a. Streaked. Striped alder, Witch-hazel. Striped squirrel, Hackee, chipmunk. Stripling, n. Lad, boy, youth, young ster, school-boy, YOUNKER. S trippings, n. pi. Strokings. Strip off , Strip, tear off, pull off. Strive, v. n. 1. Labor, endeavor, toil, struggle, try, aim, exert one s self, make an effort, do one s best, lay one s self out. 3. Contend, contest, fight, compete, cope, have a contest. 3. [Poetical.] Vie, compare, be com parable. Stroke, n. 1. Blow, knock, rap, pat, hit, thump. 2. Attack, shock. 3. Affliction, reverse, calamity, hard ship, misfortune, visitation. 4*. Touch, dash, sudden effort, sud den effect. Stroke, v. a. Rub gently (with the hands, in one direction). Strokings, n. pi. Strippings. Stroll, v. n. Wander, ramble, rove, roam, straggle, stray, range, wander about, stray about. Stroll, n. Ramble, walk, promenade, excursion, trip, tour, wandering ram bling, roving. STROLLER 389 STUMBLE Stroller, n. Wanderer, rambler, rover, strayer, straggler, vagrant, vagabond, nomad, bird ot passage. Strolling, a. Wandering, roving, va grant, nomadic. Strong, a. 1. Vigorous, robust, sturdy, athletic, brawny, sinewy, muscular, stalwart, Herculean, able-bodied, hale, healthy, hardy, stout. 2. Able, capable, efficient, mighty, potent, powerful, puissant. 3. Firm, solid, compact, impregnable, well fortified. 4. Energetic, active, vivid, intense. 5. Violent, impetuous, vehement. 6. Pungent, piquant, biting, sharp, racy, spicy, hot, peppery, high-seasoned, high-flavored. 7. Tenacious, tough, cohesive, resist ing, stubborn. 8. Cogent, forcible, impressive, con clusive, persuasive. 9. Ardent, eager, zealous, hearty, earnest. 10. Alcoholic (in a high degree), intox icating. Strong-box, n. Coffer (for money), safe, money-chest. Stronghold, n. Fort, fortress, castle, citadel, fortification, fastness, keep, bulwark, donjon, muniment, fortified place. Strong-scented, a. SXRONG-SMELL- IXG. Strong-smelling, a. Rank, FKOWZY, fetid, strong-scented. Strop, n. Strap, razor-strap, razor- strop. Strop, v. a. Strap, sharpen (on a strap). Strow, v. a. 1. Strew, scatter, spread. 2. Cover, overspread. Structure, n. 1. Construction, make, form, arrangement, conformation, con figuration, contexture, texture, mode of building, manner of making. 2. Edifice, fabric, building, erection, pile. Struggle, v. n. 1. Strive, labor, toil, endeavor, try, aim, exert one s self, make an effort, do one s best. 2. Contend, contest, fight, have a contest. Struggle, n. 1. Labor, endeavor, effort, exertion, pains. 2. Contest, contention, conflict, strife, fight. Strum, v. a. Thrum, play, play upon. Struma, n. 1. (Med.) Scrofula, king s evil. 2. (Bot.) Swelling, protuberance. Strumpet, n. Harlot, prostitute, whore, courtesan, punk, wench, drab, Cyprian, street-walker, night-walker, woman of the town, woman of ill fame. Strut, v. n. Walk (pompously), swell. Strut, n. 1. Pompous walk. 2. (Arch.) Brace. Strychnia, n. Strychnine. Strychnine, n. Strychnia. Stub, n. Stump. Stub, v. a. 1. Eradicate, grub up, extirpate. 2. [Colloquial, U. S.] Strike (as the toes, against a stump, stone, &c.). Stubbed, a. Blunt, obtuse, truncated, stubby, short and thick. Stubborn, a. Obstinate, unyielding, in flexible, positive, contumacious, refrac tory, perverse, headstrong, cantanker ous, wilful, dogged, mulish, unruly, un manageable, ungovernable, intractable, indocile, heady, cross-grained, obdu rate, stiff, pig-headed. Stubby, a. Blunt, obtuse, truncated, stubbed, STUMPY, short and thick. Stucco, v. a. Cover with stucco. Stucco, n. Plaster (for covering ivalls and ceilings), mortar, cement. Stud, n. 1. Post, prop. 2. Knob (for ornament), boss. 3. Button (for a shirt-bosom). Student, n. Scholar, pupil, learner. Stud-horse, n. Stallion, breeding horse. Studio, 7i.- Workshop (of an artist). Studious, a. 1. Meditative, reflective, contemplative, given to study, thought ful. 2. Diligent, assiduous, eager, zealous. Studious of, Careful of, attentive to, in terested in. Study, n. 1. Research, inquiry, investi gation, close attention. 2. Meditation, thought, reflection, cogitation, studious mood, contempla tion. 3. Subject of attention. Study, v. n. 1. Meditate, muse, reflect, cogitate, think, ponder, apply the mind. 2. Be eager, be zealous, try hard, do one s best. Study, v. a. I. Learn, apply the mind to. 2. Investigate, examine, scrutinize, contemplate, ponder, weigh, sift, search into, meditate on, think about, reflect upon, inquire into, consider attentive ly, revolve in the mind. Stuff, n. 1. Material, matter, substance, raw material. 2. Cloth, textile fabric. 3. Mixture, medicine, potion. 4. Trash, nonsense, absurdity, folly, moonshine, twaddle, balderdash, fudge, inanity, platitude, flummery. Stuff, v". a. 1. Cram, stow, pack, fill full. 2. Press, crowd, squeeze. 3. [Colloquial, U. S.} Flatter, cajole, wheedle, coax, coddle. Stuff, v. n. Cram, eat greedily. Stuffing, n. 1. Filling full. 2. Dressing, force-meat. Stuffy, a. [Scottish.} Stout, resolute. 2. [Colloquial, U. S.] Angry (and obstinate), sulky, moody, irate, ireful, wrathful. Stultify, v. a. Make foolish* prove fool ish, make a fool of. Stumble, v. n. 1. Trip, miss one s foot ing, make a false step. 2. Err, do wrong. Stumble, n. 1. Trip, false step 2. Error, blunder, failure. STUMBLE ON 390 SUBJECT Stumble on, Fall upon (by chance), light upon, come upon, strike upon. Stumbling-block, n. Hinderance, ob struction, obstacle, check, bar, barrier, difficulty, impediment, lion in the way. Stump, n. Stub. Stump, v. a. [Colloquial, U. S.] Chal lenge, dare. Stump it, [Colloquial, U. S.] Take the stump, make electioneering speeches. Stumpy, a. 1. Full of stumps. 2. [Colloquial.] Stubby, dumpy, squat, short and thick. Stun, v. a. 1. Make senseless (by a blow). 2. Stupefy, confound, bewilder. iJ. Deafen, make deaf. Stunning, a. 1. Deafening, stentorian, very loud. 2. (Colloquial.) Striking, astonish ing, wonderful. Stunt, v. a. Dwarf, stop the growth of, hinder from growth. Stunted, a. Dwarfish, dwarfed, dimin utive, small, little, tiny, Liliputian, pygmean. Stupe, n. Fomentation, sweating bath. Stupe, v. a. Foment, bathe with warm lotions. Stupefaction, n. 1. Lethargy, stupor, numbness. 2. Insensibility, dulness, obtuseness, torpor, stupidity. Stupefactive, a. Stupefying, narcotic. Stupefy, v. a. Dull, blunt, benumb, muddle, hebetate, make stupid, make dull, make torpid. Stupefying, a. Stupefactive, narcotic. Stupendous, a. Astonishing, surpris ing, amazing, wonderful, wondrous, marvellous. Stupid, a. 1. Senseless, witless, dull, obtuse, foolish, DAFT, sluggish, insensi ble, brutish, insensate, muddy, muddy- brained, muddy-headed, slow of appre hension, void of understanding. 2. Unentertaining, prosaic, pointless, prosy, flat, heavy, insipid, tame, vapid, bald, uninteresting, humdrum. 3. Stupefied, drowsy, torpid, heavy, comatose, lethargic, morbidly sleepy. Stupidity, n. 1, Dulness, obtuseness, sluggishness of understanding, slow ness of apprehension. 2. Lifelessness, heaviness, insipidity, tameness, vapidness, want of interest. 3. Stupor, lethargy, torpor, COMA, stupefaction, morbid drowsiness. Stupor, n. Lethargy, torpor, numbness, stupefaction, COMA. Stupration, n. [Rare.] Ravishment, ravishing, rape, defloration, violation, constupration. Sturdy, a. 1. Bold (from coarseness or rudeness), obstinate, dogged, stubborn, pertinacious, firm, stiff. 2. Strong, lusty, robust, stout, stal wart, athletic, brawny, muscular. Stutter, v. n. Stammer, hesitate, falter. Sty, n. 1. Hog -sty, pig-sty. 2. Tumor (on the edge of the eyelid). 3. Place of debauchery. Stygian, a. Hellish, infernal, diaboli cal. Style, n. 1. Diction, phraseology, mode of expression, mode of speech, turn of expression, manner of writing. 2. Manner, method, mode, way, form, fashion, cast, pattern. 3. Title, appellation, name, designa tion, denomination, mode of address. 4. Gnomon (of a dial). Style, v. a. Denominate, name, desig nate, call, term, dub, christen. Stylet, n. (Surgery.) Specillum. Stylish, a. [Colloquial.] Fashionable, modish, genteel, courtly, -polished, in fashion, in vogue, A LA MODE, having a run, the rage. Styptic, n. Astringent (to stop bleeding). Styptic, ) a. Astringent, binding, con- Styptical, ) tracting. Suant, a. [Local Eng. and U. S. Writ ten also Suent.] 1. Even, smooth, uni form, regular, equable. 2. Easy, quiet. Suasion, n. PERSUASION. Suasory, Persuasive. Suavity, n. Sweetness (of temper or of manner), urbanity, amenity, civility, politeness, courtesy, decorum, gentle ness, mildness, pleasantness, agreea- bleness, complaisance, affability, amia bility, obliging manner, good manners, good breeding. Subacid, a. Slightly acid, somewhat acid, somewhat sour, sourish. Subaltern, a. Inferior, subordinate. Subdivision, n. 1. Division, dividing, ramification. 2. Part, portion, piece, fraction, sec tion. Subdue, v. a. 1. Conquer, subjugate, vanquish, beat, crush, defeat, rout, dis comfit, worst, overpower, overcome, overbear, overwhelm, master, choke, foil, quell, surmount, get the better of, get the upper hand of, put down, beat down. 2. Tame, HAVE ox THE HIP, subject, control, make submissive, bring under rule. Subduer, n. 1. Conqueror, vanquisher, victor. 2. Tamer. Subject, v. a. 1. Subdue, control, bring under rule, make submissive, make subordinate. 2. Enslave, inthrall. 3. Expose, make liable. 4. Submit, refer. Subject, a. 1. Subservient, subjected, in bondage, under the lash, under one s thumb, under one s command, at one s command, at one s beck or call, at one s mercy. 2. Submissive, obedient. 3. Exposed, liable. Subject, n. 1. Dependent, subordinate. 2. Topic, theme, thesis, point, mat ter, subject-matter, matter in hand. 3. Hero, person treated of. 4. Nominative, nominative case. 5. Corpse, dead body, carcass. SUBJECTION 391 SUBSTANCE Subjection, n. Dependence, subordina tion, subserviency. Subjective, a. Mental, spiritual, ideal, psychological, metaphysical. Subject-matter, n. SUBJECT, topic. Subjoin, ? . a. Add (at the end), annex, affix, suffix, postiix. Sub judice, [-L.] Under consideration, not yet decided. Subjugate, v. a. CONQUER, vanquish, subdue, overcome, beat, overpower, overbear, overthrow, master, subject. Subjugation, n. Conquest, mastery, subjection. Subjugator, n. Conqueror, victor, en slaver. Sublet, v. a. Underlet. Sublimate, v. a. 1. (Chem.) SUBLIME. 2. Refine, exalt, elevate, heighten. Sublimation, n. 1. Vaporization (of a solid, to be again condensed). 2. Refinement, exaltation, elevation. Sublime, a. 1. High, elevated. 2. Exalted (in excellence or dignity), great, noble, grand, lofty, dignified, stately, majestic. Sublime, v. a. 1. Vaporize (as a solid, to be again condensed), sublimate. 2. Refine, exalt, elevate, heighten. Sublime Porte, Turkish court, Porte. Sublimity, n. Grandeur, greatness, no bleness, loftiness, exaltation. Sublunary, a. Earthly, mundane, ter restrial, of this world. Submerge, v. a. Immerse, inundate, deluge, flood, overflow, overwhelm, drown, plunge, sink, submerse, put under water (or other liquid). Submerse; v. a. SUBMERGE. Submission, n. 1. Surrender, cession, yielding. 2. Obedience, resignation, compli ance, acquiescence, meekness, sub- missiveness, lowliness, humility, humil iation, self-abasement. 3. Endurance, sufferance, long-suf ferance, forbearance, fortitude. Submissive, a. 1. Yielding, tractable, pliant, docile. 2. Obedient, resigned, uncomplain ing, unrepining, patient, long-Buffering. 3. Humble, meek, lowly, profound. Submissiveness, n. 1. Pliancy, docil ity. 2. Obedience, submission, resigna tion, compliance, passiveness, non-re sistance. 3. Humility, humbleness, meekness, lowliness, self-abasement. Submit, v. a. 1. Yield, surrender, re sign, subject, give up. 2. Refer, commit. Submit, v. n. Yield, surrender, suc cumb, knuckle, stoop, crouch, give up, knock under, lower one s flag, kiss the rod, lick the dust, eat humble pie, draw in one s horns. Submit to, Endure, tolerate, put up with, bear with, reconcile one s self to, be reconciled to, make the best of. Subordinate, a. Inferior, subservient, subject, ancillary, minor, secondary. Subordinate, n. Inferior, dependant. Subordinate, v. a. Subject, make sub ordinate, make subservient. Subordination, n. Subjection, subser viency. Suborn, v. a. 1. Procure indirectly. 2. (Law.) Bribe (to commit perjury), bribe to take a false oath. Sub rosa, [L.] Privately, secretly, con fidentially, in confidence, under the rose, between ourselves, between you and me, ENTRE NOUS. Subscribe, v. a. 1. Sign, set one s name to, affix one s signature to. 2. Promise to contribute. Subscribe, v. n. 1. Sign one s name (in token of consent). 2. Agree, consent, assent, give con sent, yield assent. 3. Enter one s name (for a newspa per, &c.). 4. Promise to contribute, Subsequent, a. Following, succeeding, posterior. Subserve, v. a. Promote, forward, fur ther, serve, help forward, be subser vient to, pander to, minister to. Subservience, \ n. 1. Subordination, Subserviency, ) inferiority. 2. Usefulness, helpfulness. Subservient, a. 1. Subordinate, infe rior, subject. 2. Useful, helpful, serviceable, con ducive, subsidiary, ancillary, instru mental. Subside, v. n. 1. Sink, settle. 2. Decrease, diminish, lessen, lull, wane, ebb, abate, intermit, grow less. Subsidence, n. 1. Sinking, settling. 2. Decrease, diminution, lessening, abatement, ebb. Subsidiary, a. Assistant, auxiliary, co-operating, subservient. Subsidize, v. a. Supply with a sub sidy. Subsidy, n. Pecuniary aid (granted by one government to another). Subsist, v. n. 1. Exist, be, live. 2. [Rare.} Remain, abide, continue. 3. Be supported, obtain a livelihood, get a living. Subsist, v. a. Feed, victual, ration, sup port, maintain. Subsistence, n. 1. Real being. 2. Support, livelihood, maintenance, aliment, nutriment, sustenance, living, food, viands, provision, victuals, meat, rations, grub, PROG, FEED, FORAGE. 3. Inherence. Subsistent, a. 1. Substantial, really existing. 2. Inherent. Substance, n. 1. Substratum, ground work, reality, hypostasis, substantial ity, essential nature, real being, real existence. 2. Meaning, import, significance, es sence, pith, gist, soul, chief part, essen tial part, vital part. 3. Body, matter, material, texture, stuff. 4. Property, wealth, means, estate. SUBSTANTIAL 392 SUCKLE Substantial, a. 1. Real, actual, exist ent, subsistent, actually existing, hav ing substance. 2. True, positive, not imaginary. 3. Strong, stout, solid, firm, stable, sound, massive. 4. Responsible (pecuniarily), moder ately wealthy. Substantiate, n. pi. Essential or mate rial parts. Substantiate, v. a. Establish, verify, prove, confirm, corroborate, ratify, make good. Substantiation, n. Confirmation, cor- roboration, establishment, evidence, proof, ratification. Substantive, n. (Gram.) Noun, name. Substitute, v. a. Exchange, commute, put in the place of. Substitute, n. 1. Proxy, lieutenant, agent, deputy, LOCUM TENENS. 2. Makeshift, temporary expedient. Substitution, n. Exchange, COMMUTA TION. Substratum, n. Principle, element, groundwork, underlying substance, fundamental or primordial substance. Substructure, n. Foundation. Subterfuge, n. Evasion, excuse, shift, artifice, trick, quirk, shuffle, pretence, pretext, mask. Subterranean, ) a. Underground, sub- Subterraneous, J terrene. Subterrene, a. SUBTERRANEAN. Subtile, a. 1. Rare, thin, light, airy, ethereal, sublimated, not dense, not 2. Delicate, fine, slender, nice, not coarse. Subtileness, n. SUBTILTY. Subtilize, v. a. 1. Etherealize, make thin, light, or airy. 2. Refine excessively, make over- nice. Subtilize, v. n. Refine, be over-nice. Subtilty, n. 1. Rarity, thinness, ethe- realne ss, subtileness. 2. Fineness, slenderness, exility. 3. Refinement, extreme nicety. Subtle, a. 1. Crafty, cunning, artful, sly, wily, arch, astute, designing, in triguing, insinuating, crooked, tricky, diplomatic, Machiavelian. 2. Acute, keen, shrewd, sagacious, deep, profound- Subtleness, n. SUBTLETY. Subtlety, n. 1. Craft, craftiness, cun ning, artifice, astuteness, artfulness, subtleness, guile. 2. Acuteness, acumen, keenness, shrewdness, discernment, intelligence, cleverness, sagacity. Subtract, v. a. Deduct, withdraw, take, take away. Subtraction, n. Deduction. . S uburbs, n. pi. Environs, outskirts, pur lieus, neighborhood, vicinage, border, limit, confines, FAUBOURGS. Subvention, n. Government bounty, government aid. Subversion, n. 1. Overturn, inversion. 3. Overthrow, destruction demoli tion, ruin. Subversive, a. Destructive, tending to the overthrow. Subvert, v. a. 1. Overturn, overset, in vert, turn upside down. 2. Destroy, ruin, overthrow, demol ish, raze. Succedaneum, n. Substitute. Succeed, v. a. 1. Follow, come after, be subsequent to. 2. Take the place of, assume the office of. Succeed, v. n. 1. Follow, ensue, come afterwards, come subsequently. 2. Prosper, flourish, prevail, thrive, hit, make a hit, come on, be successful, meet with success, go on well, go on swimmingly, have a run of luck, hit the right nail on the head, turn up trumps, have the game in one s hands. Succeed to, 1. Follow, succeed, come after. 2. Take the place of, assume the au thority of. Success, n. 1. Issue, result. 2. Prosperity, luck, good fortune, good luck, lucky hit, fortunate hit, prosperous issue. Successful, a. Prosperous, fortunate, lucky, auspicious, felicitous. Succession, n. 1. Sequence, consecu tion. 2. Series, suite, progression, chain, concatenation. 3. Lineage, race, line of descend ants. 4. (Mus.) Notes of melody (as distin guished from chords of harmony). Successive, a. Consecutive. Successor, n. Follower. Succinct, n. Short, brief, concise, lacon ic, terse, compact, compendious, con densed, pithy, summary, curt. Succor, v. a. 1. Aid, assist, help, re lieve. 2. Cherish, foster, encourage, nurse. Succor, n. Relief, aid, assistance, help, support, helping hand. Succory, n. Chiccory. Succulent, a. Juicy, sappy, lush, full of juice. Succumb, v. n. Yield, submit, surren der, capitulate, give in, give way. Such, a. 1. Like, similar, of that kind, of the like kind. 2. So, in the same state or condition, as it is, as it was. Such a, ) Of this kind, of that kind, of Such an, } the same kind. Such as, 1. Of the same kind as, of the like kind as, of the kind that. 2. The same as. Suck, v. a. 1. Draw into the mouth. 2. Draw milk from (with the mouth). Suck in, Imbibe, absorb, take in, suck up. Suckle, v. a. Nurse, give suck to, feed at the breast. SUCKLING 393 SULPHATE OP ZIXC Suckling, n. Infant, babe, baby, nurs ling, chit, brat, bantling, BAIRN, little child, little one. Suck up, Imbibe, SUCK IN. Sucrose, n. Cane sugar. Sudatory, n. Hot-house, sweating-bath, vapor-bath, sweating-room. Sudatory, a. Sweating, perspiring. Sudden, a. Unexpected, abrupt, unfore seen, unanticipated, unlocked for. Suddenly, a. Unexpectedly, abruptly, pop, on a sudden. Sue, v. a. Prosecute, bring an action against, commence a suit against. Sue, v. n. 1. Beg, petition, entreat, plead, supplicate, implore, pray. 2. Bring an action, make legal claim. Sue out, (Law.) Obtain by judicial pro cess. Suent, a. [Local Eng. and U. S. Writ ten also tiuant.] 1. Even, smooth, uni form, regular, equable. 3. Easy, quiet. Suet, n. Tallow (with adhering mem branes). Suffer, v. a. 1. Undergo, feel, meet with, experience, go through. 3. Endure, sustain, support, tolerate, bear, POCKET, bear up under, put up with. 3. Permit, allow, indulge, admit, let, give permission to, give leave to. Suffer, v. n. 1. Feel pain. 3. Be put to inconvenience. 3. Be punished, undergo punishment. 4. Be injured, be impaired, sustain loss or damage. Sufferance, n. 1. SUFFERING. 2. Patience, moderation, long-suffer ing. 3. Permission, allowance, toleration. Suffering, n. 1. Endurance, pain, dis tress, misery, sufferance, PASSION. 2. Poverty, want. Suffice, v. n. Be enough, be sufficient. Suffice, v. a. Satisfy, content, be enough for. Sufficiency, n. 1. Adequacy, enough, competence, plenty, ample supply. 2. Ability, qualification, capacity. Sufficient, a. 1. Adequate (to supply a icant), ENOUGH, competent, ample, satisfactory. 2. Qualified, fit, able. Suffix, n. Affix, postfix. Suffocate, v. a. Stifle, smother, choke, strangle, kill (by stopping respira tion). Suffragan, n. Bishop (as subject to an arc /ibis hop), assistant bishop, suffragan bishop. Suffragan bishop, Suffragan, assistant bishop. Suffrage, n. 1. Vote, voice, ballot. 2. Prayer (as uttered by a congrega tion in response to a minister). Suffuse, v. a. Overspread, spread over. Sugar, v. a. Sweeten, Sugar-beet, n. Silesian beet, white beet (Beta alba). Sugar-berry, n. Hackberry ( Celtis occi- dentalis). Sugar-maple, n. Rock-maple (Acer saccharinum). Sugar of lead, Acetate of lead. Sugary, a. Sweet. Suggest, v. a. Hint, intimate, insinuate, move, propose, indicate, prompt, give an inkling of, refer to, glance at, allude to, put in mind of, remind of. Suggestion, n. "Hint, intimation, insin uation, allusion. Suicide, n. 1. Self-murder, self-slaugh ter, self-homicide. 2. Self-murderer, FELO DE SE. Sui generis, [L-J Peculiar, individual, of its own kind. Suit, n. 1. Set, SUITE. 2. Request, solicitation, petition, en treaty, prayer, supplication, appeal, invocation. 3. Courtship, wooing, addresses. 4. (Law.) Prosecution, process, trial, action, cause, case. Suit, v. a. 1. Fit, adapt, fashion, accom modate, level, match, make suitable or proper. 2. Become, befit ; be suited, fitted, or adapted to; be suitable for, be appro priate for. 3. Please, gratify, make content. Suitable, a. Fit, proper, meet, apt, ap propriate, seemly, becoming, due, just, apposite, applicable, fitting, befitting, relevant, eligible, adapted, accordant, consonant, conformable, pertinent, con venient, PAT, APROPOS, to the point, to the purpose. Suite, n. 1. Train (of attendants), staff, retinue, followers, CORTEGE. 3. Set (particularly of apartments). Suitor, n. 1. Solicitor, petitioner, appli cant, suppliant, supplicant. 2. Wooer, lover, gallant. located, }* Furrowed, grooved. Sulkiness, n. Moroseness, SULLENNESS. Sulky, a. Cross, morose, sour, sullen, spleeny, spleenish, perverse, wayward, surly, moody, dogged, churlish, mump ish, cross-grained, ill-tempered, in the sulks, out of humor, out of temper, out of tune. Sullen, a. 1. Cross, morose, SULKY. 2. Gloomy, dismal, sombre, dark, funereal, mournful. Sullenness, n. 1. Moroseness, moodi- ness, sourness, . churlishness, spleen, sulkiness, ill temper, bad blood. 3. Gloominess, sombreiiess, dismal- ness. Sully, v. a. Soil, stain, tarnish, spot, blemish, dirty, contaminate. Sulphate of baryta, 1. (Native.) Barytes, heavy-spar. 2. (Artificially made.) Blanc-fix, per manent white. Sulphate of copper, Blue vitriol. Sulphate of potash, Vitriolated tar tar. Sulphate of qiiinia, Quinine. Sulphate of soda, Glauber s salt, vitri- olated soda. Sulphate of zinc, White vitriol. SULPHUR 394 SUPERINDUCE Sulphur, n. 1. Brimstone. 3. [An abbreviated term of commerce.] Flowers of sulphur, sublimed brim stone. Sulphuret of zinc, Blende, black-jack, mock lead, false galena. Sulphuretted hydrogen, Hydro-sul- pliuric acid. Sulphuric acid, Oil of vitriol. Sultan, n. Padishah, grand-seignior, Turkish emperor. Sultana, n. Snltaness, Sultan s wife. Sultaness, n. SULTANA. Sultry, a. Hot and close, warm and damp. Sum, n. 1. Aggregate amount, total, totality, the whole, sum total, gross amount. 3. Quantity of money. 3. SUMMARY, sum and substance. 4. Question (in arithmetic), prob lem. Sum, v. a. Add, add together, sum up, cast up. Summarily, ad. 1. Briefly, concisely, compendiously, in a few words. 3. Without delay, by a short method. Summary, a. Short, brief, concise, compendious, synoptical, succinct, la conic, curt, terse, pithy, compact, con densed. Summary, n. Abridgment, compend, compendium, abstract, epitome, digest synopsis, syllabus, conspectus, RESUME, sum and substance, the short and the long. Summer-duck, n. Wood-duck (Anas sponsa or Dendronessa sponsa). Summersault, n. SUMMERSET. Summerset, n. Somerset, somersault, summersault. Summit, n. Top, apex, vertex, acme, pinnacle, zenith, utmost height, culmi nating point. Summon, v. a. 1. Bid, cite, call, call for, send for, order to appear, notify to appear. 3. (Mil.) Demand the surrender of. Summons, n. Citation, official call or notice. Summon up, Raise, rouse, arouse, call up, excite, pluck up, call into action. Summum bonum, [L.] Greatest or highest good, supreme good. Sumptuous, a. 1. Costly, expensive, dear. 3. Magnificent, splendid, gorgeous, stately, rich, superb, grand, showy. Sum up, 1. Add, compute, cast up, add together. 3. Condense, epitomize, comprise in a few words, put in a nutshell. Sun, n. Day-Star, orb of day. Sun-burnt, a. Tanned, blowzy, ruddy, blowzed, ruddy-faced. Sunday, n. The Sabbath, the Lord s day, the Christian Sabbath, the day of rest. Sunder, v. a. Disunite, disjoin, dispart, disconnect, part, separate, dissociate, divide, sever, dissever, break, part, tear asunder. Sundog, n. Parhelion, mock-sun. Sundown, n. Sunset. Sundry, a. Several, divers, more than one or two, not a great many. Sunless, a. Rayless, beamless, dark, darksome, black, dismal, pitchy, Cim merian. Sunlight, n. Daylight, sunshine, day, light of day, light of heaven. Sunny, a. 1. Bright, shining, brilliant, clear, unclouded, fine, sunshiny. 3. Warm, mild, genial, pleasant. 3. Cheerful, joyful, happy. Sun-picture, n. Photograph. Sunset, n. Evening, sundown, close of the day. Sunshiny, a. Bright, SUNNY. Sunstroke, n. Insolation, SIRIASIS, COUP-DE-SOLEIL, stroke of the sun. Sup, v. n. Take supper. Sup, v. a. Drink (a little at a time), sip. Sup, n. Sip, taste. Supawn, n. [Indian word, Local U.S.] Mush, hasty-pudding (made of Indian meal). Superable, n. Surmountable, conquer able, that may be overcome. Superabound, v. n. Be very abundant, be exuberant. Superabundance, n. Excess, overflow, exuberance, luxuriance, superfluity, redundance, plethora, surfeit. Superabundant, a. Exuberant, su perfluous, excessive. Superadd, v. a. Add (over and above), superinduce. Superannuated, a. Decrepit, anile, aged, imbecile, doting, old-womanish, effete, rusty, time-worn, unfit for ser vice, on the retired list, on the pension list. Superb, a. 1. Grand, stately, august, majestic, noble, magnificent, sumptu ous, rich, splendid, showy, pompous. 3. Elegant, beautiful, exquisite. Supercilious, a. Haughty, disdainful, contemptuous, overbearing, domineer ing, dictatorial, arrogant, proud, high, k>fty, overweening, consequential, lord ly, intolerant. Supereminence, n. Pre-eminence, transcendence, marked superiority. Supereminent, a. Pre-eminent, tran scendent. Superficial, a. 1. External, exterior, outer, on the surface. 3, Shallow, slight, smattering, not deep, not thorough, not profound. Superficies, n. Surface, exterior, out side. Superfine, a. Excellent, choice, prime, first-rate, very good, very fine. Superfluity, n. Superabundance, ex cess, redundance, redundancy, exuber ance, surfeit, more than enough, enough and to spare. Superfluous, a. Excessive, superabun dant, redundant, exuberant, unneces sary, needless, useless, expletive, more than enough. Superimpose, v. a. Superpose. Superinduce, v. a. Superadd, bring on. SUPERINTEND 395 SUPPOSE Superintend, v. a. Supervise, oversee, overlook, direct, conduct, manage, con trol, administer, BOSS, have charge of, have the direction of, have the over sight of, preside over. Superintendence, \n. Supervision, in- Superintendency, ) spection, over sight, care, direction, control, charge, management, SURVEILLANCE. Superintendent, n. Overseer, super visor, master, conductor, inspector, curator, warden, guardian, custodian, intendant, BOSS. Superior, a. 1. High, higher, upper, paramount, more elevated. 2. Of higher rank, more exalted, more dignified. 3. Surpassing, noble, more eminent, more excellent. 4. Predominant, prevalent. Superiority, n. 1. Pre-eminence, as cendency, predominance, supremacy, preponderance, advantage. 3. Excellence, worthiness, nobility. Superior to, Above, beyond the influ ence of, unaffected by. Superlative, a. Supreme, most emi nent, greatest, most excellent. Supernal, a. Heavenly, celestial. Supernatural, a. Miraculous, above nature, beyond the powers of nature, that exceeds the laws of nature. Supernumerary, a. Odd, redundant, in excess, above the regular number, left over (from a specified number). Superpose, v. a. Superimpose. Supersede, v. a. 1. Suspend, annul, overrule, set aside, make void. 3. Displace, replace, supplant. Superstition, n. 1. False religion, wor ship of false gods, irrational worship. 2. Belief in omens. Supervene, v. n. Occur (with reference to something that precedes), happen, take place, be added, come as an acces sory. Supervisal, n. SUPERINTENDENCE. Supervise, v. a. SUPERINTEND. Supervision, n. SUPERINTENDENCE. Supervisor, n. SUPERINTENDENT. Supine, a. 1. On the back. 2. Indolent, sluggish, lazy, slothful, inert, torpid, languid, dull, lumpish, listless, careless, thoughtless, inatten tive. Supper, n. Tea, evening meal. Supplant, v. a. 1. Undermine, over throw. 2. Displace (by stratagem), replace, remove, supersede. Supple, a. 1. Pliant, flexible, limber, lithe, lithesome, easily bent. 2. Yielding, compliant, submissive, humble, not obstinate. 3. Servile, obsequious, cringing, slav ish, fawning, grovelling, sycophantic. Supplement, n. 1. Addition (to supply something loanting), appendix, post script, continuation. CODICIL. 2. Counterpart, correlative, comple ment. Supplement, v. a. Supply, add to. Supplemental, a. SUPPLEMENT AKV. Supplementary, a. Additional, sup plemental. Suppliant, a. Supplicating, beseeching, entreating, imploring, begging, pray ing. Suppliant, n. Petitioner, supplicant, applicant, solicitor, suitor. Supplicant, n. "SUPPLIANT. Supplicate, v. a. Beg, implore, pray, invoke, entreat, beseech, importune, solicit, conjure, ADJURE, obtest, call, upon, pray to, appeal to, prefer a re quest to. Supplicate, v. n. Entreat, beg, pray, petition, sue, implore, put up a prayer, prefer a request or petition. Supplication, n. Entreaty, petition, solicitation, prayer, invocation, orison. Supplicatory, a. Petitionary. Supply, v. a. 1. Provide, furnish, min ister, replenish, stock, store, endue, en dow, invest. 3. Give, grant, afford, accommodate with. 3. Serve instead of, take the place of. Supply, n. Stock, store, reserve, pro vision, hoard. Support, v. a. 1. Sustain, uphold, prop, brace, bear up, hold up, shore up. 2. Endure, bear, undergo, suffer, tol erate, put up with, go through. 3. Cherish, nourish, maintain, pro vide for. 4. Have, hold, keep up. 5. Perform, play, act, take the part of. 6. Substantiate, confirm, make good, verify. 7. Assist, aid, help, second, patron ize, abet, befriend, back, countenance, encourage, back up. 8. Further, forward, advocate, vin dicate. 9. Accompany (as an assistant), at tend, act as aid to. Support, n. 1. Prop, stay, shore, sup porter, brace, hold. 2. Base, basis, bed, foundation. 3. Sustenance, maintenance, FEED, subsistence, livelihood, living, keep ing. 4. Aid, help, assistance, succor, fa vor, countenance, encouragement, pat ronage, comfort. Supportable, a. Endurable, tolerable. Supporter, n. 1. Prop, stay, support, shore, brace. 3. Sustained, comforter. 3. Maintainer, defender, aider, as sistant, partisan, adherent, follower. Suppose, v. a. 1. Presume, conceive, apprehend, believe, imagine, consider, deem, think, judge, presuppose, con jecture, guess. 3. Imply, assume, presuppose, take for granted. Suppose, v. n. Think, imagine, fancy, believe, surmise, conjecture, divine, guess, suspect, presume, OPINE, WEEN, RECKON. SUPPOSITION 396 SUSCEPTIBILITY Supposition, n. 1. Surmise, conject ure, guess, presumption. 2. Hypothesis, postulate, assumed position. Supposititious, a. Spurious, counter feit, sham, mock, false, not genu ine, foisted in. Suppress, v. a. 1. Crush, overpower, subdue, quell, overthrow, stifle, choke, smother, put down. 2. Restrain, repress, keep back, stop, check. 3. Conceal, keep secret, not tell, not reveal. Suppression, n. 1. Overthrow, crush ing, quelling Ke page 2. Kestraint, repression, check, stop 2. Concealment. 3. (Gram. & JRhet.) Omission (as of a letter or a word). Suppurate, v. n. Fester, maturate, dis charge pus. Suppuration, n. Festering, matura tion, discharge of pus. Supremacy, n. Domination, predomi nance, predominancy, lordship, master ship, mastery, sovereignty, supreme authority, upper hand. Supreme, a. Highest, greatest, para mount, predominant, principal, chief, leading, first. Supreme good, SUMMUM BONUM. Surcharge, v. a. Overload, overburden, overcharge. Surcharged, a. Overcharged, overload ed, overburdened, surfeited, plethoric, over-full. Surcingle, n. Girth, girt, girdle, belt. Surd, a. 1. (Math.) Radical, incom mensurable. 2. (Ortlio epy.) Aspirate, toneless, un- intonated, atonic, not sonant, not vocal, without vocality, pronounced with a simple breathing. Sure, a. 1. Certain, confident, positive, assured, fully convinced. 2. Safe, secure, stable, firm, steady, trustworthy. 3. Infallible, unfailing, never-failing. Sure, ad. Certainly, SURELY. Surely, ad. 1. Certainly, undoubtedly, assuredly, sure, without doubt. 2. Safely, securely, firmly. Surety, n. 1. Certainty, indubitable- ness. 2. Safety, security. 3. Guaranty, pledge. 4. Bondsman. Surf, n. Breakers, breaking waves. Surface, n. Superficies, exterior, out side. external part. Surfeit, v. a. Satiate, glut, gorge, sate, cloy, pall, overfeed. Surfeit, v. n. Be surfeited, feed to sa tiety. Surfeit, n. Repletion, glut, fulness, sa tiety, plethora, excess, superabundance, redundance, superfluity. Surge, n. Wave, billow, breaker. Surge, v. n. 1. Swell, rise high. 3. (Naut.) Slip back. Surge, v. a. (Naut.) Slack up suddenly (as a rope round a pin), let go. Surly, a. Morose, cross, crabbed, testy, touchy, crusty, fretful, peevish, petu lant, perverse, pettish, snappish, wasp ish, snarling, cynical, froward, uncivil, rude, rough, harsh, ill-tempered, ill- natured. Siirmise, v. a. Imagine, suspect, con jecture, suppose, guess, divine, fancy, believe, think, presume. Surmise, n. Conjecture, suspicion, sup position, guess. Surmount, v. a. Overcome, conquer, subdue, overpower, vanquish, master, triumph over, rise above, get the better of. Surmountable, a. Conquerable, super- able, that may be surmounted. Surname, n. Cognomen, family name. Surpass, v. a. Excel, exceed, outdo, outstrip, outrun, override, transcend, cap, overtop, beat, go beyond. Surplus, n. Overplus, residue, excess, surplusage. Surplusage, n. 1. Excess, SURPLUS. 2. Irrelevant matter. Surprise, n. Wonder, astonishment, amazement, admiration. Surprise, v. a. 1. Take unawares, take by surprise, take off one s guard. 2. Astonish, amaze, startle, strike with wonder, take aback. Surrender, v. a. Relinquish, cede, yield, resign, forego, abdicate, abandon, give up, give over, deliver up, part with. Surrender, v. n. Yield, CAPITULATE, give up, give over, give in, give one s self up, strike one s flag or colors, cry quarter, cry quits. Surrender, n. Relinquishment, renun ciation, cession, resignation, abandon ment, CAPITULATION. Surreptitious, a. Fraudulently intro duced, foisted in, done by stealth. Surreptitiously, ad. Fraudulently, by stealth, without authority. Surround, v. a. 1. Encircle, environ, encompass, enclose. 2. (Mil.) Invest, besiege, lay siege to. Surtout, n. Overcoat. Surveillance,?!. [Fr.] Superintendence, inspection, oversight, supervision, care, charge, control, direction, manage ment. Survey, v. a. 1. View, observe, overlook, take a view of. 2. Inspect, examine, scrutinize. 3. Measure and estimate (as lands or buildings). Survey, n. 1. View, sight, prospect. 2. Inspection, examination, scrutiny. 3. Mensuration (to determine areas, contours, &c.), surveying. Surveying, n. SURVEY. Survive, v. n. Remain alive, continue to live, live on. Survive, v. a. Outlive, live longer than. Susceptibility, n. Sensitiveness, im pressibility, susceptibleness, susceptiv- ity, excitability. SUSCEPTIBLE 397 SWEAT Susceptible, a. Susceptive, impressible, sensitive, excitable. Susceptibleness, n. SUSCEPTIBILITY. Susceptive, a. Susceptible. Susceptivity, n. SUSCEPTIBILITY. Suspect, v. a. 1. Surmise, imagine, fancy, believe, conjecture, guess, sup pose, think. 3. Distrust, mistrust, doubt, have no confidence in. 3. Believe to be guilty. Suspect, v. n. Be suspicious, have sus picion. Suspend, v. a. 1. Hang, SLING UP. 3. Make to depend. 3. Interrupt, intermit, stay, stop, discontinue, arrest, leave off, give over, break off. 4. Defer, delay, postpone, withhold, lay over, stave off. 5. Debar (as from an office) tempo rarily. Suspend, v. n. Stop payment, become bankrupt, go into bankruptcy. Suspended, a. Hanging, pendent, pen dulous, pensile. Suspense, n. 1. Uncertainty, indeter- mination, incertitude. 3. Hesitation, hesitancy, irresolution, doubt, indecision, vacillation, wavering, scruple, misgiving. 3. Suspension, intermission, remis sion, interruption, cessation, stoppage, stop, respite, pause, rest, stay, quies cence. Suspension, n. 1, Hanging. 3. Interruption, intermission, SUS PENSE. 3. Delay, postponement. 4. Temporary deprivation (as of an office). Suspicion, n. 1. Surmise, conjecture, supposition, guess. 3. Distrust, mistrust, doubt, misgiv ing, want of confidence. Suspicious, a. Distrustful, jealous, in clined to suspect, given to suspicion. Sustain, v. a. 1. Bear, support, uphold, preserve, hold up, keep from fall ing. 2. Nourish, maintain, subsist, keep alive, supply with food. 3. Suffer, undergo, endure. 4. Sanction, approve, confirm, ratify. 5. Justify, prove, establish, confirm. Sustenance, n. 1. Subsistence, support, maintenance. 3. FOOD, victuals, provisions, BREAD. Suture, n. Line of junction. Swab, n. Mop. Swaddle, v. a. Swathe. Swag, v. n. Bend (by force of gravity), settle, sag, give way. Swagger, y. n. Bluster, bully, vapor, brag, be insolent. Swaggerer, n. Blusterer, bully, brag gart, boaster, braggadocio, BLATHER SKITE. Swain, n. Rustic, hind, peasant, coun tryman. Swale, v. n. Melt (as a candle), waste, consume, sweal, waste away. Swallow, v. a. 1. GULP, GOBBLE, BOLT, take into the stomach, take down, get down. 3. Absorb, engulf, destroy, devour, swallow up. 3. Believe (without scruple), receive implicitly. 4. Brook, stomach, pocket, endure, bear, put up with. 5. Renounce, retract, recant, take back. 6. Consume, exhaust, waste, use up. SwalloAv, n. 1. Throat, gullet, cesopha- gus. 3. Voracity, gluttonous appetite. Swallow-tailed, a. 1. With pointed skirts. 3. Dovetailed. Swallow up, Absorb, engulf, destroy, swallow, suck in, suck up. Swamp, n. Bog, fen, quagmire, morass, marsn, slough, spongy land, soft and wet ground. Swamp, v. a. Ingulf, sink, whelm, swal low up. Swamp-cabbage, n. Skunk-cabbage, * skunk-weed [Symplocarpus fcetidus). Swamp-sassafras, n. Sweet bay (Mag nolia glauca). Swampy, a. Boggy, fenny, marshy, undrained, wet and spongy. Swap, v, a. [Colloquial. Written also Swop.] Exchange, barter, trade. Swap, n. Exchange, barter, barter- trade. Swape, n. Sweep, swipe, well-sweep. Sward, n. Turf, sod. Swarm, n. Multitude (especially of winged insects), crowd, throng, con course. Swarm, v. n. 1. Crowd, throng, gather in a swarm. 3. Be crowded, be thronged, be filled. Swarthy, a. Dark, tawny, black, of a dark complexion. Swathe, v. a. Swaddle. Swathe, n. Bandage. Sway, v. a. 1. Move, wield, swing, wave, brandish. 3. Bias, prejudice, bend, turn, influ ence, persuade, prevail upon. 3. Rule, govern, direct, guide, con trol. Sway, v. n. Incline, lean. Sway, n. Power, dominion, control, domination, command, rule, govern ment, sovereignty, ascendancy, author ity, predominance, mastership, ms- teVy, supreme power. Sweal, v. n. Melt (as a candle), SWALE. Swear, v. n. 1. Utter an oath, take oath, take an oath. 3. Declare (solemnly), avow, affirm, depose, testify, state, say. 3. Use profane language, take the name of God in vain. Swear, v. a. Administer an oath to, put under oath. Sweat, n. Perspiration, exudation, ex cretion, sweating. Sweat, v. n. 1. Perspire. 3. Toil, labor, drudge. SWEAT 398 SWINDLE Sweat, v. a. 1. Exude. 3. Put into a perspiration. Sweating, n. Exudation, SWEAT. Sweating-bath, n. Sudatory, vapor- bath, hot-house, sweating-room. Sweating-room, n. SWEATIXG-BATH. Sweep, v. a. 1. Clean (with a broom). 2. Graze, touch (in passing), brush, rub over. 3. Traverse, pass over. 4. Carry off, sweep off, sweep away. Sweep away, 1. Clear away (by a broom). 3. Dislodge, remove, expel, drive off, sweep off. 3. Destroy, overwhelm, carry off. Sweep, n. 1. Range, compass, scope. 3. Swipe, swape, well-sweep. 3. Destruction, havoc, ravage, devas tation. Sweeping, a. 1. Destructive. 3. Wholesale, extensive, broad. 3. Unqualified, exaggerated. Sweepings, n. pi. Refuse, offscourings, dirt, rubbish. Sweep oft; SWEEP AWAY. Sweepstakes, n. 1. Winner (in gaming or in horse-racing). 3. Total stakes (at a horse-race). Sweet, a. 1. Sugary, honeyed, saccha rine, luscious, not sour, not bitter. 3. Redolent, fragrant, balmy, not fetid, not stinking. 3. Soft, melodious, harmonious, mel lifluous, dulcet. 4. Beautiful, fair, lovely. 5. Delightful, agreeable, pleasant, charming, grateful, gratifying. 6. Mild, gentle, engaging, winning, attractive, amiable, sweet, lovable. Sweet, n. 1. Sweetness, sweetest part. 3. Dear, darling. Sweets, n. pi. Saccharine substances. Sweet-bay, n. 1. Laurel (Laurus no- bilis). 2. Swamp-sassafras (Magnolia glau- ca). Sweet-bread, n. Pancreas. Sweeten, v. a. 1. Make sweet. 3. Soften, make mild, make tender. 3. Give zest to, give a relish to. Sweeten, v. n. Grow sweet, become sweet. Sweet-flag, n. Sweet-rush (Acorus cal amus). Sweet-gum, n. Liquidambar (Liquid- ambar sty raciflua). Sweetheart, n. 1. Lover, beau, wooer, admirer, CICISBEO. 3. Flame, mistress, lady-love. Sweetmeat, n. Confection, comfit, jun ket, sugar-plum. Sweetmeats, n. pi. Confectionery. Sweetness, n. 1. Sweet. 3. Agreeableness, pleasantness. 3. Beauty, fairness, loveliness. 4. Amiableness, gentleness, mildness, suavity. Sweet-oil, n. Olive-oil. Sweet-potato, n. Carolina potato (Ba tatas edulis or Convolvulus batatas). Sweet-rush, n. SWEET-FLAG. Sweet-scented, a. Fragrant, redolent, balmy, sweet-smelling. Sweet-smelling, a. Fragrant, SWEET- SCENTED. Sweet-sounding, a. Melodious, har monious, symphonious, tuneful, dulcet, musical. Sweet-toned, a. Euphonious, euphonic, mellifluous. Sweet-william, n. Bunch-pink, beard ed pink (Dianthus barbatus). Swell, v. n. 1. Dilate, expand, intu- mesce, grow larger or bigger (by expan sion). 3. Increase (by outward addition), augment, enlarge. 3. Rise (as ivaves), heave, surge. 4. Belly, be inflated. 5. Strut, look big, put on airs, be puffed up. 6. Be turgid or bombastic. 7. Bulge, protuberate, swell out. Swell, v. a. 1. Dilate, expand, inflate. 3. Enhance, heighten, aggravate. 3. Puff up, make arrogant. Swell, n. 1. Swelling. 3. Waves, billows. 3. [Colloquial.] Fop, coxcomb, dandy, beau, exquisite, jackanapes, popinjay, man-milliner, man of dress, vain fel low. Swelling, a. Bombastic, pompous, tur gid, inflated, tumid, stilted, grandilo quent, pretentious, SPREAD-EAGLE, HIGHFALUTIN, sophomorical, high- flowing, high-sounding. Swelling, n. 1. Swell. 3. Protuberance, bump. Swell out, Bulge, protuberate, swell. Swelter, v. n. Be oppressed with heat, be overcome by heat. Swerve, v. n. Deviate, depart, diverge, wander, turn aside, go astray. Swift, a. 1. Quick, fast, fleet, rapid, speedy, expeditious, flying. 3. Ready, prompt, eager, zealous, forward. 3. Sudden, instant. Swiftly, ad. Quickly, speedily, expedi- tiously, trippingly, apace, posthaste, with speed, under press of sail or can vas, by forced marches, on eagle s wings, in double quick time, in seven- league boots/as fast as one s legs will carry one. Swig, v. a. [Colloquial.] Guzzle, SWILL. Swill, v. a. Drink (greedily), guzzle, SWIG, quaff. Swill, n. Hogwash, swillings. Swillings, n. pi. SWILL. Swim, v. n. 1. Float, be borne up (on a liquid). 3, Be borne along (as. on water, by effort or by a current), buffet the waves, float with the tide. 3. Glide, skim. 4. Be flooded, be inundated. 5. Be dizzy (as the head). Swindle, v. a. Cheat, cozen, deceive, dupe, gull, trick, defraud, overreach, victimize, bamboozle, chouse, diddle, impose upon, practise upon, take in. SWINDLE 399 SYNCOPE Swindle, n. Cheat, fraud, imposition, deception, chouse, piece of knavery. Swindler, n. Rogue, knave, cheat, impostor, trickster, sharper, blackleg, jockey, SHYSTER. Swindling, n. Knavery, cheating. Swine, n. sing, and pi. 1. Hog, pig, sow, porker. 3. Hogs (collectively). Swine-pipe, n. Redwing, wind-thrush, red-sided thrush ( Turdus iliacus). Swine-stone, n. Stink-stone. Swing, v. n. 1. Oscillate, vibrate, wave, move to and fro, move backward and forward. 2. Hang, dangle, hang loose. Swing, n. 1. Oscillation, vibration, . waving motion. 3. Scope, range, play, margin, free play, full play, elbow room. Swinge, v. a. Beat, whip, scourge, flog, lash, bastinade, switch, chastise, pun ish. Swingel, n. Swiple. Swingle, n. Swingle-staff, swingling- staff, swingling-knife, swingling- wand. Swingle, v. a. Dress with a swingle (as flax), beat with a swingle. Swingle-tree, n. Whiffle-tree, whipple- tree, single-tree. Swingling-knife, n. Swingle. Swingling-staff, n. Swingle. Swingling-wand, n. Swingle. Swinish, a. Hoggish, piggish, gross, sensual, brutish, beastly. Swinish, multitude, RABBLE, popu lace. Swipe, n. Sweep, swape, well-sweep. Swiple, n. Swingel. Switch, n. Rod, twig, stick, birch. Switch, v. a. Beat, whip, SWINGE. Switchel, n. Sweetened water, molas ses and water. Swivel, n. 1. CASTER. 3. Turning link (in, a chain). 3. Swivel-gun. Swivel-gun, n. Swivel. Swoon, v. n. Faint, faint away. Swoon, n. Syncope, fainting, fainting fit. Swoop, v. a. Seize (as a hawk its prey), clutch, catch up, pounce upon. Swoop, v. n. Stoop, descend, come down, bear down. Swoop, n. 1. Clutch, seizure. 3. Stoop, descent. Swop, v. a. [Colloquial. Written also Swap.} Exchange, barter, trade. Sword, n. Sabre, broadsword, cutlass, falchion, cimeter, rapier, claymore. Sword-arm, n. Right arm. Sword-fish, n. Gar-fish, horn-fish, sea- needle, gar-pike, sea-pike, long-nose, gore-bill, snook, mackerel-guide (Esox belone or Belone vulgaris). Sword-hand, n. Right hand. Sword-player, n. Fencer, gladiator. Sword-shaped, a. Ensiform. Sworn enemies, Irreconcilable enemies. Sworn friends, Intimate friends, dear friends, bosom-friends. Sybarite, n. Voluptuary, epicure. Sybaritic, ) a. Voluptuous, luxurious, Sybaritical, J wanton. Sycamore, n. [U.S.] Plane-tree, but ton-wood, button-ball tree, water- beech (Platanus Occidentals). Sycophancy, n. Servility, obsequious ness, fawning, gross flattery. Sycophant, n. -Parasite, fawner, toady, wheedler, flunkey, spaniel, lick-spittle, pick-thank, toad-eater, time-server, hanger-on, mean flatterer. Sycophantic, a. Fawning, cringing, servile, slavish, parasitic, obsequious, supple, grovelling, meanly submis sive. Syllabus, n. Abstract, abridgment, out line, epitome, summary, compend, di gest, compendium, synopsis, breviary, brief, sum and substance. Sylph, n. Fairy, fay. Sylva, n. Trees (of a country). Sylvan, a. 1. Forest-like. 3. Woody, shady. Sylvan, n. Satyr, faun. Symbol, n. Emblem, type, sign, token, figure, representative. Symbolic, \a. Emblematical, typi- Symbolical/j cal, hieroglyphical, rep resentative, significative. Syinbolization, n. Representation, in dication, pretigurement. Symbolize, v. a. Prefigure, typify, em blematize, be symbolical of. Symmetrical, a. Proportional (in the several parts), regular, shapely, harmo nious, congruent, well-proportioned. Symmetry, n. Proportion, harmony, shapeliness, regularity, order, regular arrangement. Sympathetic, a. Compassionate, sym pathizing, commiserating, pitiful, ten der, kind, affectionate, loving, with the heart in the right place. Sympathize with, Feel sympathy with, feel for, enter into the feelings of, have pity for, fraternize with, make com mon cause with. Sympathy, n. 1. Compassion, com miseration, condolence, pity, tender ness, kindliness, fellow-feeling, bowels of compassion. 3. Agreement, harmony, correspond ence, correlation, affinity, union, con cert. 3. Mutual influence. Symphonious, a. Harmonious, conso nant, accordant, concordant, musical. Symphony, n. Consonance, harmony, music. Symptom, n. Indication, sign, mark, note, token. Symptomaticai, ) Synchronal, a. Simultaneous, syn- chrouical, synchronistic, synchronous. Synchronism, n. Simultaneousness. Synchronistic, a. SYNCHRONAL. Synchronous, a. SYNCHRONAL. Syncope, n. 1. (Gram.) Elision (in the middle of a word). 3. (Med.) Swoon, fainting, fainting fit. SYNERGETIC 400 TAG Synergetic, a. Co-operating, co-operat ive, synergistic. Synergistic, a. SYNERGETIC. Synoiiymes, n. pi. [Written also Syn onyms.] Equivalent words (of the same language), words of the same meaning. Synod, n. Council. Synonymous, a. Equivalent, of the same meaning, of similar meaning, that express the same idea. Synopsis, n. Abridgment, epitome, ab stract, outline, compend, compendium, summary, syllabus, digest, sum and substance, general view. Synthesis, n. Combination (of elements), composition, putting together. Syringe, n. Squirt. System, n. 1. A whole (viewed with ref erence to the interdependence of its parts ), combination of parts to form a whole. 3. Scheme, body, plan, theory, con nected view. 3. Order, method, regularity, rule. Systematic, ) a. Methodical, orderly, Systematical, ) regular. Systematize, v. a. Methodize, arrange, harmonize, regulate, order, reduce to order, put into a systematic form. Tabby, n. 1. "Watered silk. 3. Brindled cat, tabby cat. Tabby, v. a. WATER. Tabby, a. 1. Of a waved or watered appearance. 3. Brindled, brinded. Tabefaction, n. Emaciation (by tabes), wasting away. Tabernacle, n. 1. Tent, pavilion, habi tation. 3. Temple, church, chapel, cathedral, minster, meeting-house, place of wor ship, sacred place. 3. PYX. Tabernacle, v. n. Dwell (temporarily), sojourn, be housed. Tabes, n. [L.] (Med.) Emaciation (ac companied byfeoer), wasting, consump tion. Table, n. 1. Slab, tablet. 3. Stand (to take food from), board. 3. Food, diet, provision, fare, re past, victuals. 4. Index, list, catalogue, syllabus, synopsis, condensed statement. Tableau, n. [Fr.] Picture, scene, rep resentation. Table-beer, n. Small-beer. Table-d hote, n. [Fr.] Ordinary, pub lic table. Table-land, n. Elevated plain. Taboo, n. Interdict, prohibition. Taboo, v. a. Interdict, forbid, prohibit, put under taboo, put under an inter dict, forbid to be used or touched. Tabouret, . [Fr.] Stool. Tabular, a. 1. Of a table. 3. Flat, plane. 3. Laminated, lamellar, lamelliform, foliated, scaly, flaky. Tabula rasa, [L.] Smooth tablet, blank tablet. Tabularize, v. a. Tabulate, put into a tabular form. Tabulate, v. a. TABULARIZE. Tacamahac, n. Balsam poplar (Popu- lus balsamifera). Tachygraphy, n. Stenography, short hand, brachygraphy. Tacit, a. Implied, understood, inferred, silent, unexpressed (by words). Taciturn, a. Silent (by habit), reserved, uncommunicative, close, unconvers able, reticent, of few words, sparing of words. Taciturnity, n. Reserve, closeness, reti cence, habitual silence. Tack, v. a. 1. Fasten (slightly), attach, append, affix, tag. 3. Nail (with tacks). 3. (Naut.) Put about, change the course of. Tack, v, n. (Naut.) Go about, tack ship. Tack, n. Small nail. Tackle, n. 1. Pulley. 3. Equipment, gear, rigging, tack ling, furniture. Tackle, v. a. [Local and Colloquial.] 1. Harness. 2. Attack, seize, lay hold of, seize upon. Tackling, n. 1. Equipment, TACKLE. 3. Harness. Tact,. 1. [Hare.] Touch, feeling, sense of feeling. 3. Adroitness (in appreciating cir cumstances and acting accordingly), skill (in saying or doing what is most appropriate to the occasion), quick judg ment, nice perception. Tactician, n. Manoeuvrer, wire-puller, adroit manager. Tactics, n. 1. Strategy, military science. 3. Management, manoeuvring, pol icy. Tactile, a. Tangible, palpable. Tadpole, n. Polliwog, porwiggle, pur- wiggy, polliwig. Tan-rail, n. Stern rail. Tag, n. l. Metal point (at the end of a string). 3. Label, card. 3. Cue, catchword. 4, Game of tag. Tag, v. a. 1. Attach a tag to, fit with a tag. 3. Fasten, attach, append, affix, tack. TAG AFTER 401 TAKE PLACE Tag after, [Colloquial.] Follow closely, keep at one s heels. Tail, n. 1. End, extremity, fag-end, hinder part. 3. Skirt, flap. 3. (Mus.) Stem (of a note), Tailor, n. 1. Maker of men s clothes. 3. (Ich.) Blue-fish, ship-jack, snap ping mackerel ( Temnodon saltator). Tail-piece, n. Appendage. Taint, v. a. 1. Imbue, impregnate. 3. Corrupt, infect, contaminate, de file, poison, make noxious, make pu trid. 3. Tarnish, stain, sully. Taint, n. 1. Tincture, tinge, stain. 3. Infection, corruption, depravation, contamination, defilement. 3. Fault, blemish, defect, flaw, spot. Take, v. a. 1. Receive, accept. 3. Seize, grasp, gripe, clasp, lay hold of, get hold of. 3. Entrap, insnare, circumvent. 4. Capture, catch, make prisoner of. 5. Captivate, delight, please, inter est, attract, allure, engage, fascinate, bewitch, enchant, charm. 6. Understand, interpret, suppose, regard, consider, think, hold, believe. 7. Choose, select, elect, espouse, be in favor of. 8. Assume, admit, adopt, put on. 9. Delineate, portray, figure, draw, paint, sketch, copy. 10. Get, procure, gain, obtain. 11. Use, employ, occupy, make use of, avail one s self of. 13. Swallow, take down. 13. Experience, feel, perceive, be sen sible of, be conscious of. 14. Bear, endure, tolerate. 15. Require, need, be necessary. Take, v. n. 1. Catch, be fixed. 3. Please, be well received, be wel comed. 3. Go, proceed, resort, direct one s course. Take advantage of, 1. Turn to ac count, make use of. 3. Impose upon (by some advantage of superior knowledge, or of opportunity). Take after, 1. Copy, imitate. 3. Resemble, be like. Take a horn, [Colloquial.] Take a drink (of spirituous liquor). Take aim, Aim. Take air, Be made public, be disclosed, get abroad, become known. Take a shine to, [Colloquial.] Take a liking to, take a fancy to, feel a liking for. Take away, Remove. Take back, 1. Take again. 3. Recall, revoke, recant, withdraw, retract, disavow, abjure. Take breath, Rest, stop to rest. Take care, Be careful. Take care of, Oversee, superintend, take charge of. Take courage, Be encouraged, take heart. Take down, 1. Take from above. 3. Reduce, lower, depress. 3. Humble, abash, humiliate. 4. Pull to pieces, pull down. 5. Swallow, take. 6. Record, note, make a note of, write down. Take effect, 1. Be efficacious. 3. Go into operation. Take exception, 1. Object, dissent, make objection. 3. Take it ill, be displeased, bo of fended. Take fire, Be ignited, be inflamed. Take for, Mistake for. Take for granted, Admit, allow, con cede. Take French leave, Depart informally, take leave unceremoniously. Take from, 1. Deduct from, subtract from, take away from. 3. Derogate from, detract from. 3. Deprive, dispossess. Take heart, Be encouraged, take cour age. Take heed, Beware, be cautious, be careful. Take heed to, Attend to, pay attention to. Take hold of, Seize, fix on. Take horse, 1. Set out to ride. 3. Be covered (as a mare). Take in, 1. Receive, admit. 3. Comprise, enclose, encompass. 3. Comprehend, understand. 4. Lessen, contract, make smaller. 5. [Colloquial.] Cheat, circumvent, gull, deceive, impose upon. Take in good part, Receive kindly, not be angry about, not be offended at. Take in hand, 1. Undertake, engage in, set the hand to. 3. Deal with (in the way of correction or discipline). Take in tow, Tow, draw, drag, haul, pull. Take it, Think, suppose, presume, be lieve, imagine, conclude. Take it ill, Be offended, be displeased, take exception. Take leave, Depart, go, go away, bid adieu, bid farewell, be off, take one s departure, take one s self off, make one s exit, MAKE TRACKS. Take notice, Observe, remark, pay at tention. Take oath, Swear solemnly. Take off, 1. Remove, take away. 3. Cut off. 3. Withdraw, withhold. 4. Destroy, kill. 5. Swallow, drink. 6. Imitate, personate, mimic. Take on, (Neuter.) 1. Complain, lament, be much affected. 3. (Active.) Assume, be willing to bear, take upon, take up. Take out, 1. Remove, withdraw, draw out. 3. Obliterate, efface, destroy. Take part, 1. Share, partake. 3. Unite, join. Take place, 1. Happen, occur. 3. Prevail, have effect. 26 TAKE ROOT 402 TAPER Take root, Be rooted, be firmly estab lished. Take sides, Favor one side, take up the cause of one side. Take the air, Breathe the open air, go abroad in the open air. Take the lead, Lead the. way, go before, go ahead, go in the van. Take the place of, Supply the place of, be a substitute for, stand in the shoes of. Take time by the forelock. Seize the occasion, let not the opportunity slip, make hay while the sun shines, strike the iron while it is hot. Take to, 1. Apply to, be fond of. 2. Have recourse to. betake one s self to. Take to do, [Colloquial.] Reprove, TAKE TO TASK. Take to flight, Flee, fly, run away, take to one s heels. Take to heart, Feel keenly, be greatly grieved at, be much affected by, take on about, be much troubled by, lay to heart. Take to one s heels, Flee, fly, run away, take to flight. Take to task, Reprove, reprimand, chide, take to do. Take up, 1. Raise, lift. 2. Begin (especially where another has left off). 3. Fasten (with a ligature). 4. Engross, engage, employ. 5. Occupy, fill, cover. 6. Arrest, seize, catch. 7. Assume, adopt, take on, take upon. 8. Pay (as a note), discharge, settle. Take up arms, Begin war, commence hostilities. Take up one s connection, Terminate one s relations. Take upon one s self, 1. Assume, undertake. 2. Incur. Take up the gauntlet, Accept the challenge. Take up with, Be contented with. Taking, a. 1. Pleasing, alluring, capti vating, attractive. 2. Infectious, catching. Tale, n. 1. Story, fable, legend, narra tive, relation, apologue, parable, novel, romance. 2. Account, count, reckoning. Tale-bearer, n. Tell-tale, tattler. Talent, n. Gift, faculty, capacity, en dowment, ability, ableness, power, parts, GENIUS, turn, aptitude, aptness, knack, forte. Talented, a. Gifted, of talent, of bril liant parts. Talipes, n. (Surgery.) Club-foot. Talisman, n. Charm, amulet, phylac tery. Talismanic, a. Magical. Talk, v. n. 1. Speak, converse, CONFAB ULATE. 2. Confer, reason, deliberate. 3. Prattle, prate. Talk, v. a. Speak, utter. Talk, n. 1. Conversation, converse, col loquy, PARLEY, discourse, conference, communication, dialogue, confabula tion, chat, GOSSIP, oral intercourse. 3. Report, rumor, bruit, town talk. Talkative, a. Loquacious, garrulous, chatty, conversable, COZY. Talk big, [Colloquial.] Boast, brag, vaunt, gasconade, bluster, vapor, exalt one s self, magnify one s self. Talk over, 1. Recount, tell, rehearse. 3. Talk about, confer or conveise about, have a conversation about. Tall, a. High (in stature), lofty, elevated, towering. Tallness, n. Height (of stature). Tallow, n. Suet (freed from adhering membranes). Tally, n. Mate, match, counterpart. Tally, v. n. Match, agree, accord, con form, correspond, harmonize, square, comport, cohere, quadrate, coincide, chime in, fall in. Talon, n. Claw (of a bird), nail. Tamarack, n. Hackmatack, American larch, black larch (Larix pendula or Americana). Tame, a. 1. Domesticated, domestic, mild, gentle, docile, not wild. 3. Subdued, crushed, submissive. 3. Spiritless, dull, flat, feeble, lean, vapid, insipid, jejune, barren, languid, prosing, prosy, prosaic, uninteresting, poor. Tame, v. a. 1. Domesticate, make tame, make docile. 3. Subdue, repress, conquer, over come, overthrow, subjugate. Tamper, v . n. 1. Meddle, intermeddle, dabble, have to do (in a tentative way). 2. Intrigue, deal secretly. Tan, v. a. 1. Convert into leather, im pregnate with tannin. 2. Imbrown, make tawny. Tang, n. Smack, taste, flavor, savor. Tangible, a. 1. Tactile, palpable. 3. Real, certain, positive, substantial, substantive, solid. Tangle, v. a. Interweave (confusedly), intertwine, complicate, perplex, snarl, entangle. Tangle, n. Complication, intricacy, per plexity, snarl. Tank, n. Cistern, reservoir. Tanned, a. Imbrowned, sun-burnt, ruddy, blowzy, blowzed, ruddy-faced. Tantalize, v. a. Torment (by exciting hopes and refusing to gratify them), vex, tease, irritate, provoke. Tantamount, a. Equivalent, equal. Tantamount to, The same as, equal to, as good as. Tap, v. a. 1. Broach. 3. Rap, strike (lightly). Tap, v. n. Rap. Tap, n. 1. Gentle blow, light stroke. 2. Spigot, plug, stopper, stopple. Taper, n. Light, small candle. Taper, a. Conical, pyramidal, tapering. Taper, v. a. Make taper, make conical. Taper, v. n. Take a conical form, have a conical shape. TAPERING 403 TEAR UP Tapering, a. . Conical, TAPER. Tapioca, n. Purified cassava, manioc. Tapped, a. Abroach, broached, on tap. Tar, n. Sailor, seaman, mariner, sea farer, seafaring man. Tardiness, n. Slowness, dilatoriness, delay, slackness, procrastination, put ting off. Tardy, a. 1. Slow, snail-like, sluggish, not swift. 3. Dilatory, slack, late, behindhand, procrastinating, not prompt. Target, n. Mark (to be shot at). Tarift , n. Schedule of duties (on imports or on exports). Tarn, n. Pool (among mountains], pond, lake. Tarnish, v. a. Soil, stain, sully, deface, discolor, dull, blemish. Tarnish, n. Soil, stain, spot, blemish, blot. Tarriance, n. Stay, delay, tarrying. Tarry, v. n. 1. Stay, STOP, sojourn, abide (temporarily), lodge, rest, take up one s quarters, pitch one s tent, have lodgings, take lodgings. 3. Wait, linger, delay, loiter, be slow, remain long. Tart, a. 1. Sour, acid, pricked. 3. Severe, harsh, caustic, crabbed, sharp, snappish, testy, snarling, petu lant, acrimonious, ill-tempered, ill- humored. Tartar, n. 1. Argol, bitartrate of pot ash (crude). 3. Ill-tempered person. Tartarean, a. Infernal, hellish, tarta- reous. Tartar-emetic, n. Tartarized anti mony, tartrated antimony, . tartrate of potash and antimony. Tartareous, a. Tartarean. Tartarized antimony, TARTAR-EMET IC. Tartarus, n. Hades, Erebus, Hell, the lower world, the infernal regions, shades below. Tartness, n. 1. Sourness, acidity. 3. Acrimony, harshness, asperity, severity, piquancy, sharpness, crabbed- ness, churlishness, moroseness, ill tem per, bad blood. Task, n. 1. Work, labor, toil, drudgery. 3. Employment, business, undertak ing, enterprise. 3. Lesson, exercise. Task, v. a. 1. Impose a task on. 3. Burden, oppress, tax. Taskmaster, n. Overseer. Taste, v. a. 1. Try the flavor of, test by the tongue. 3. Experience, perceive, feel. Taste, v. n. 1. Try the flavor. 3. Smack, savor, have a smack or flavor. 3. Have perception, have experience. Taste, n. 1. Flavor, relish, savor, zest, gusto, GOUT. 3. Dash, infusion, admixture, sprink ling, tincture. 3. Sense of taste. 4. Fondness, liking, partiality. 5. Discernment (of beauty or excel lence), judgment (of propriety), nice perception. Tasteful, a. 1. Savory. 3. TASTY, in good taste. Tasteless, a. Insipid, flat, without rel ish. Tasty, a. Elegant, refined, tasteful, in good taste. Tatterdemalion, n. Ragamuffin, rag ged fellow, wretch, SANS-CULOTTE. Tattered, a. Torn, ragged. Tatters, n. pi. Rags. Tattle, v. n. 1. Prate, prattle, chatter, chat, jabber, babble, talk idly or thoughtlessly, talk at random, spin a long yarn. 3. Blab, gossip, tell tales. Tattle, n. Prate, prattle, gossip, twad dle, twattle, gabble, palaver, balder dash, nonsense, idle talk, senseless talk. Tattler, n. 1. Prattler, babbler, chat terer, prater, gossip, gadabout, gadder, rattle-head, idle talker. 3. Gossip, tale-bearer. Tattoo, n. Beat of drum (to summon soldiers to quarters at night). Taught, a. (Naut.) Tight, tense, not slack, stretched, strained. Taunt, v. a. Mock, flout, chaff, ridicule, revile, reproach, upbraid, censure, de ride, jeer, twit, scoff at, sneer at, rail at, make game of, make fun of, treat with scorn, make a butt of, make merry With, POKE FUN AT. Taunt, n. Ridicule, derision, scoff, cen sure, reproach, insult, jeer, gibe, quip, quirk, caustic remark. Taurus, n. (Attron.) The Bull. Tautog, n. Black-fish (Labrus Ameri- canus). Tautological, a. Repetitious, verbose, diffuse, redundant, pleonastic. Tautology, n. Repetition (of the same idea in different words), redundancy, iteration, reiteration, pleonasm, ver bosity, diffuseness, redundant expres sion. Tavern, n. Inn, hotel, CARAVANSARY, house, public house. Tawdry, a. Showy (without elegance), gaudy, flashy, glittering, in bad taste. Tawny, a. Fulvous, fulvid, yellowish- brown, dull yellow. Tax, n. 1. Impost, duty, custom, toll, excise, tribute, assessment, rate, levy. 3. Demand, burden, charge, requisi tion. Tax, v. a. 1. Put a tax upon, assess tribute upon. 3. Burden, load, task, make demands upon. 3. Accuse, charge, lay upon. Tear, v. a. 1. Rend, sever, sunder, pull asunder, pull in pieces, pull apart. 3. Lacerate, laniate, lancinate, claw, mangle. 3. Snatch away, force away. Tearful, a. Weeping. Tear oft , Pull off, strip off. Tear up, Pull up, rip up. TEASE 404 TEMPORAL Tease, v. a. Worry, vex, plague, annoy, torment, molest, irritate, harass, tan talize, badger, chafe, hector, harry, pester, bother, trouble. Tea-service, n. TEA-SET. Tea-set, n. Tea-service, tea-things. Teat, n. Dug, nipple, pap. Tea-things, n. pi. TEA-SET. Tedder, n. Tether. Tea, n. 1. Infusion (especially of the dried leaves of the tea-plant), decoction. 3. Supper, evening meal. Tea-berry, n. Partridge-berry, deer- berry, boxberry, wintergreen, moun tain-tea (Gaultlieria procumbens). Teach, v. a. 1. Instruct, inform, edu cate, enlighten, train, discipline, drill, school, tutor, indoctrinate, initiate, give instruction to, give lessons to. 3. Communicate, impart, inculcate, instil, preach. 3. Admonish, direct, guide, counsel, show, tell, advise, signify to, suggest to, indicate to, point out to. Teach, v. n. Act as teacher, practise teaching. Teachable, a. Docile, apt, apt to learn. Teacher, n. Instructor, tutor, precep tor, master, PEDAGOGUE, school-mas ter, school-mistress, school-dame. Tedious, a. Wearisome (in consequence of being prolonged), tiresome, operose, IRKSOME, fatiguing, uninteresting, too long, monotonous, humdrum, prosy, MORTAL, trying, devoid of interest. Tediousness, . Wearisomeness, tire someness, irksomeness, tedium, ENNUI. Tedium, n. TEDIOUSXESS. Teem, v. n. 1. Conceive, be pregnant. 3. Abound, be full, be prolific, be stocked. Teeming, a. Fraught, replete, full, prolific. Teeter, v. n. Seesaw, titter, titter-totter, tetter-totter. Teething, n. Dentition. Teetotal, a. [Colloquial.] Entire, com plete, total. Tegument, n. 1. Covering, cover, in tegument, capsule, case. 3. Skin. Tehee, v. n. [Colloquial.] Giggle, titter. Teledu, n. Stinkard (Mydaus meliceps). Telegram, n. Telegraphic despatch. Telegraph, n. Semaphore. Telegraph, v. a. 1. Convey by tele graph, announce by telegraph. 3. WIRE, convey by electric tele graph, report by telegram. Telescope, n. Spy-glass. Tell, v. a. 1. Express, utter, speak, state, mention, communicate, publish, speak of, make mention of. 2. Relate, recount, rehearse, narrate, describe, report, give an account of. 3. Inform, teach, instruct, acquaint, apprise, make known to, explain to, disclose to, communicate to, make known to. 4. Disclose, reveal, divulge, confess, betray, acknowledge, own, declare, make known. 5. Number, count, enumerate, com pute, reckon, take an account of, run over, sum up, call over. 6. Discern, discover, make out, dis tinguish. Tell, v. n. 1. Give account, make re port. 2. Take effect, be effective, hit the nail on the head. Telling, a. Effective. Tell-tale, n. Tattler, talebearer. Tell-tale, a. Babbling, tattling. Telluric, a. Terrestrial, earthly. Temerity, n. Recklessness (of disposi tion), RASHNESS, heedlessness, venture- someness, hastiness, precipitancy, in- considerateness, presumption, fool-har diness, precipitation. Temper, v. a. 1. Modify, qualify, mix in due proportion. 3. Soften, mollify, assuage, soothe, calm, moderate, restrain, pacify, at temper. 3. Adapt, fit, suit, adjust, accommo date. 4. Bring to the right degree of hard ness (as iron, by sudden cooling). 5. ANNEAL. Temper, n. 1. Due mixture, just com bination. 3, Constitution, temperament, na ture, organization. 3. Disposition, humor, frame, mood, grain. 4. Calmness, moderation, equanim ity, composure. 5. Degree of hardness. 6. [Colloquial.] Anger, passion, irri tation. Temperament, n. Constitution, tem per, nature, organization, idiosyncrasy, habit. Temperance, n. Moderation, sobriety, soberness, self-control. Temperate, a. 1. Moderate, ABSTE MIOUS, sober. 3. Chaste, continent. 3. Cool, calm, dispassionate, not vio lent. 4. Duly tempered (as regards heat and cold), not excessive. Temperature, n. Degree of heat. Tempest, n. 1. Storm, hurricane, gale, squall, tornado, violent wind (usually accompanied with rain, hail, or snow, and sometimes with thunder and light ning). 2. Excitement, tumult, disturbance, perturbation, violent outbreak. Tempestuous, a. 1. Stormy, windy, breezy, squally, gusty, blustering, bois terous. 2. Violent, turbulent, tumultuous, impetuous. Temple, n. 1. FANE. 2. Church, house of worship, house of God, meeting-house. Temporal, a. 1. Worldly, terrestrial, mundane, secular, of this world, of this life, not spiritual, not ecclesiasti cal. 3. Transient, fleeting, TEMPORARY. TEMPORARY 405 TERM Temporary, a. Transitory, transient, fleeting, evanescent, ephemeral, short lived, temporal, brief, not permanent, not eternal, for a time, of short dura tion Temporize, v. n. Trim, comply with occasions, yield to circumstances, fall in with current opinion, act the time- server, be on the fence, wait to see which way the cat will jump. Temporizer, n. Trimmer, time-server. Tempt, v. a. 1. Try, test, prove, put to trial. 2. Entice (especially to evil), allure, seduce, decoy, induce, inveigle, per suade, prevail upon, draw on, bring over. 3. Incite, instigate, provoke, incline, dispose, prompt. Temptation, n. 1. Enticement (espe cially to evil), allurement. 3. Bribe, bait, lure, decoy, golden apple, voice of the tempter, song of the Sirens. Tempter, n. Seducer, prompter, insti gator, Siren, Circe, Satan. Tenable, a. Defensible, capable of being held or defended. Tenacious, a. 1. Retentive, apt to re tain. 3. Adhesive, sticky, glutinous, vis cous, cohesive, smeary, dauby, clinging. 3. Stubborn, obstinate, pertinacious, opinionated, opinionative, positive, pig headed. Tenaciousness, n. TENACITY. Tenacious of, Persistent in holding, pertinacious in maintaining. Tenacity, n. 1. Retentiveness, tena- ciousness. 3. Adhesiveness, cohesiveness, glu- tinousness, viscidity. 3, Stubbornness, pertinacity, obsti nacy. Tenant, n. Occupier, occupant, resi dent, dweller, lessee, renter. Teiiantable, a. Habitable. Tend, v. a. Watch, guard, keep, pro tect, attend, accompany, nurse, take care of, wait on. Tend, v. n. 1. Attend, wait, serve, be attendant. 3. Incline, lean, verge, trend, make, be directed. 3. Conduce, contribute, lead. Tendency, n. Inclination, leaning, di rection, determination, bearing, bent, bias, drift, course, aim, scope, procliv ity, aptitude, proneness, predisposition, propensity, turn, disposition, liability. Tender, a. 1. Soft, delicate, not firm. 3. Weak, feeble, young, infantile, youthful, not strong. 3. Effeminate, feminine, womanly, not hardy, not robust. 4. Sensitive, easily pained. 5. Compassionate, kind, affectionate, sympathetic, pitiful, merciful, lenient, mild, tender-hearted. 6. Pathetic, affecting, touching. 7. Painful (to speale of or treat of), un pleasant, disagreeable. Tender, v. a. Offer, proffer, present, volunteer. Tender, n. 1. Attendant. 3. Offer, proffer, proposal. Tender-hearted, a. Affectionate, kind, compassionate, sympathetic, merciful, tender, pitiful. . Tenderness, n. 1. Softness, delicacy, want of firmness. 3. Weakness, want of strength, fee- 3. Effeminacy, womanly quality. 4. Soreness, sensitiveness. 5. Compassion, kindness, sympathy, affection, pity, love, gentleness, benev olence, leniency, clemency, sensibility, mildness, benignity, humanity, loving- kindness. 6. Pathos. 7. Caution, carefulness. Tender of, Concerned about, careful of. Tendon, n. Sinew. Tendril, n. (Bot.) Filament, cirrus. Tenebrious, a. TENEBROUS. Tenebrous, a. Dark, dusky, darksome, gloomy, tenebrious. Tenement, n. House, dwelling, habita tion, domicile. Tenet, n. Doctrine, dogma, opinion, notion, principle, position, belief, creed, way of thinking. Tenor, n. 1., Bourse, manner, fashion, mood, form, cast, cut, stamp, tone, ten dency, character. 3. Meaning, intent, purport, import, sense, spirit, drift, gist, significance. 3. (Music.) Highest part (for a man s voice). Tense, a. Tight, stretched, strained, TAUGHT, rigid, not loose, not lax. Tension, n. 1. Stretching, straining. 3. Strain, rigor, severe effort. 3. (Physics.) Expansive force, elas tic force. Tent, n. Pavilion. Tentacle, n. Feeler. Tentacula, n. pi. [L.] Feelers, tenta cles. Tentative, a. Trying, essaying, experi mental. Tenth, n. Tithe. Ten thousand, Myriad. Tenuity, n. 1. Thinness, fineness, slen- derness, exility. 3. Rarity, rareness, subtility, ethe- realness. Tenure, n. 1. (Laio.) Manner or prin ciple of holding (lands and tenements). 3. Holding, use, occupation, occu pancy, possession (for the time). Tepid, a. Lukewarm, slightly warm. Tergiversation, n. 1. Evasion, shift, subterfuge. 3. Vacillation, veering, fickleness, in stability. Term, n. 1. Limit, boundary, bound, confine, bourn, mete, terminus. 2, Time, season, spell, space of time, period of time. 3. Word (considered as having a def inite meaning ; particularly a technical word), expression, name, denomination. TERM 406 THE ALMIGHTY 4. Member (of a syllogism, of an equation, of a fraction, of a proportion, &c.). Term, v. a. Designate, denominate, name, style, entitle, call, phrase, dub, christen. Termagant, n. Scold, shrew, vixen, virago, hag, beldam, Xantippe, brawl ing woman, turbulent woman. Termes, n. [L. pi. Termites.] White ant, termite. Terminal, a. 1. Limiting, bounding. 2. Final, ultimate. Terminate, v. a. 1. Bound, limit, set bounds to. 2. End, conclude, complete, close, finish, bring to an end, put an end to. Terminate, v. n. 1. End, cease, close, be limited, stop short, come to an end. 2. Eventuate, issue, prove, turn out. Termination, n. i. Ending. 2. Limit, bound, period. 3. End, conclusion, completion, issue, result, consequence, effect. Terminology, n. Glossology, nomen clature. Terminus, n. [L. pi. Termini.] Limit, boundary, mete, term. Termite, n. Termes, white ant. Terms, n. pi. Conditions, stipulations, provisions. Tern, n. Sea-swallow. Ternary, a. Triplicate, threefold. Terrace, n. Plateau, esplanade. Terra firma, [L.] Solid earth, firm foundation. Terra Japonica, [Low L.] Catechu, gambier, cutch, Japan earth. Terrene, a. TERRESTRIAL. Terrestrial, a. Earthly, sublunary, mundane, worldly, terrene. Terrible, a. Frightful, horrible, dread ful, formidable, REDOUBTABLE, fear ful, GREWSOME, terrific, awful, dread, dire, tremendous. Terrific, a. Frightful, TERRIBLE. Terrify, v. a. Frighten, fright, affright, alarm, scare, horrify, appall, daunt, strike with terror, petrify with terror. Territory, n. Country, domain, district, quarter, province, land. Terror, n. Consternation, fright, alarm, affright, panic, horror, dismay, intimi dation, terrorism, great fear, extreme dread. Terrorism, n. State of terror, reign of terror. Terse, a. Concise (with elegance), brief, compact, neat, pithy, sententious, not diffuse, not verbose, not prolix, not ram bling, not wordy, not loose, not long- winded, not pleonastic, not tautological. Tessellated, a. Checkered, inlaid, mo saic. Test, n. 1. Experiment, trial, proof, ordeal. 2. Criterion, standard, touchstone. 3. (Chem.) Reagent. Test, v. a. Try, prove, subject to trial, put to the proof, experiment upon, make trial of, make an experiment with, give a trial to. Testacea, n. pi. TESTACEANS. Testaceans, n. pi. Shell-fish (with thick entire shells Wee the clam), mollusks. Testament, n. Will, last will and tes tament. Testify, v. n. Depose, state, affirm, de clare, DEPONE, protest, bear witness. Testify, v. a. Attest, depose, state, de clare, affirm, bear witness to, vouch for. Testimonial, n. 1. Credential, certifi cate, recommendation, voucher. 2. Monument, remembrancer, record. Testimony, n. 1. Affirmation, declara tion, deposition, attestation. 2. Proof (by a witness), evidence, ground of belief. Testy, a. Peevish, petulant, fretful, pet tish, touchy, cross, waspish, snappish, choleric, splenetic, irascible, irritable, captious, hasty, quick, peppery. Tetanus, n. [L.] (Med.) Spasm, spas modic contraction of the muscles. Tete-a-tete, [Fr.] i. (Adverbially.) Face to face, cheek by jowl. 2. (As a noun.) Close conversation, private conversation, familiar confer-* ence. Tether, n. Tedder. Tetter, n. Herpes, fret, ringworm. Tetter-totter, v. n. See-saw, teeter, tit ter, titter-totter. Text, n. 1. Body (of a literary work, as distinguished from comments), true copy. 2. Verse (of scripture), tence, clause, paragraph. 3. Topic, subject, theme, thesis. Textile, a. W 7 oven. Texture, n. 1. Fabric, web. 2. Structure, make, organization, constitution, tissue. Thank, v. a. Return thanks to, make acknowledgments to. Thanks, n. pi. Acknowledgments (for favors), expressions of gratitude. Thankful, a. Grateful (with a desire to give thanks), obliged, beholden, indebt ed, under obligation. Thankfulness, n. Gratitude (with a desire to acknowledge it), sense of ob ligation, feeling of obligation. Thankless, a. 1. Ungrateful, unthank ful. 2. Unpleasant (as a service not likely to be repaid by thanks), disagreeable, undesirable, unacceptable. Thaumaturgics, n. THAUMATtJRGY. Thaurnaturgist, n. Necromancer, sor cerer, magician, conjurer, juggler, seer, wizard, prestidigitator, wonder-worker. Thaumaturgy, n. Necromancy, magic, sorcery^ witchcraft, theurgy, wonder working, the black art, feats of magic. Thaw, v. n. Melt (after freezing), dis solve, liquefy, become fluid. Thaw, v. a. Melt (something frozen), dissolve. Thawing, n. Melting, dissolving, lique faction. The Advocate, CHRIST. The Almighty, GOD, Jehovah. THE ANOINTED 407 THERMAL The Anointed, CHRIST. The Arch Enemy, SATAN. The Arch Fiend, SATAN. Theatre, n. [Written also Theater.] 1. Play-house. 2. Scene, field, arena. Theatric, ) a. 1. Dramatic, scenic, Theatrical, ) histrionic. 2. Ostentatious, showy, pompous. Theatricals, n. pi. Dramatic perform- an ces. The Bihle, The Scriptures, the Old and New Testaments, the sacred volume. The blues, Melancholy, dejection, de pression, gloominess, sadness, despond ency, hypochondria, dumps, megrims, vapors, low spirits, blue devils, depres sion of spirits, the dismals. The boards, The stage (of a theatre). The community, Men, persons, society, the people, the public, the world. The Deity, GOD, The Almighty. The dismals, Melancholy, THE BLUES. The Dove, Paraclete, Comforter, The Holy Ghost, The Holy Spirit, The Spirit, The Spirit of God, The Sancti- tier, The Spirit of Truth. The Eternal, GOD, The Almighty. The Evil One, SATAN. The fair, Women, the fair sex, the fe male sex. The Father, GOD, The Almighty. The foul Fiend, SATAN. Theft, n. Larceny, robbery, stealing, shoplifting, pilfering, thievery. The great, Great persons, persons of rank, people of distinction. The Great Bear, Charles s Wain, the Wain, UHSA MAJOR. The Holy Spirit, The Sanctifier, The Holy Gliost, Paraclete, Comforter, The Spirit, The Spirit of God. The horrors, Delirium tremens, MANIA A POTU. The humanities, Belles-lettres, polite literature, elegant literature. Theine, n. Caffeine. The Infinite, GOD, The Almighty. The Intercessor, CHRIST. The Lesser Bear, THE LITTLE BEAR. The Little Bear, The Lesser Bear, UR SA MINOR. The Logos, Christ. The Lord s Day, Sunday, the Sabbath, the Christian Sabbath, the day of rest. Theme, n. 1, Subject, topic, text, the sis. 2. Essay (as a school exercise), disser tation, composition. 3. ( Gram. ) Radical word. The Mediator, CHRIST. The Messiah, CHRIST. The Muses, The tuneful Nine, the tune ful quire, MUSES. Then, ad. 1. At that time. 2. Afterwards, next, soon afterwards. 3. Hereafter, at another time, sooner or later. 4. Therefore, for this reason, on that account. 5. That time. Then, conj. In that case. Thence, ad. 1. From that place. 2. Thenceforth, from that time. 3. Therefore, then, for that reason, on that account. Thenceforth, ad. Thence, thencefor ward, from that time. Thenceforward," ad. THENCEFORTH. The Old Serpent, SATAN. Theologian, n. Divine. ?nellcal,}- ^vine, religious. Theology, n. Divinity, true doctrine concerning God" and his relations to man, scientific statement of the facts of religion. Theorem, n. Proposition (to be demon strated), position, dictum, thesis. Theoretic, I a. Speculative, conjee- Theoretical, ) tural, hypothetical, un practical, not practical. Theorist, n. THEORIZER. Theorize, v. n. Speculate, form theories. Theorizer, n. Speculator, theorist, man of abstractions, philosopher. Theory, n. 1. Speculation, hypothesis, assumption, conjecture, postulate, plan, scheme, system. 2. Science, philosophy, doctrine, ab stract principles. 3. Exposition, rationale, reason. The people, THE PUBLIC. The Porch, The Stoic philosophy, phil osophy of Zeno. The poor, Paupers, indigent people. The Preserver, GOD, The Almighty. The Prince-of Darkness, SATAN. The public, Persons, men, society, the people, the community, the world. The quality, Nobility, gentry, noblesse, aristocracy, persons of rank. There, ad. In that place. Thereabout, ) ad. 1. Nearly, about Thereabouts, j that, somewhere about that. 2. Near that place. Thereafter, ad. 1. Afterwards, subse quently, after that. 2. Accordingly, according to that. Thereby, ad. By that means, in conse quence of that. The Redeemer, CHRIST. Therefore, conj. & ad. 1. Thence, then, for that reason, on that account, for that. 2. Consequently, accordingly, by con sequence. Therein, ad. In that, in this. Thereof, ad. Of that, of this. Thereon, ad. On that, on this. Thereto, ad. To that, to this. Thereupon, ad. 1. Upon that, upon this. 2. Immediately, at once, without de lay. Therewith, ad. With that, with this. Theriac, n. THEKIACA. Theriaca, n. (Med.) Treacle, theriac. Thermal, a. 1. Warm, hot. 2. As respects heat. THE SABBATH 408 THIRSTY The Sabbath, Sunday, the Lord s day, the Christian Sabbath, the day of rest. The Saviour, CHRIST. The Sanctifier, The Holy Spirit, THE SPIRIT. Thesaurus, n. [L.] 1. Treasury, store house. 2. Repository (especially of knowl edge). Thesis, n. 1. Proposition, position, dic tum, doctrine. 2. Theme, subject, topic, text. 3. Essay, dissertation, composition. The Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, The Spirit of God, The Sanctilier, Par aclete, Comforter. The Subscriber, The undersigned. The Tempter, SATAN. The Trinity, GOD, The Almighty, The Godhead (consisting of the Father, tJie Son, and the Holy Ghost). The Holy Trinity. The Twins, (Astron.) Gemini. The undersigned, The subscriber or the subscribers. The vulgar, The populace, the multi tude, the rabble, the crowd, the common people, the dregs of the people, the scum of society. Theurgy, n. Necromancy, witchcraft, sorcery, magic, thaumaturgy, wonder working, the black art, feats of magic. The Wain, Charles s Wain, The Great Bear, URSA MAJOR. The \Vicked One, SATAN. The Word, 1. CHRIST, The Logos. 2. The Bible, The Word, of God. Thews, n. pi. Muscles, sinews, brawn, muscular strength. Thick, a. 1. Not thin (in measure). 2. Dumpy, squab, squat, plump, bulky. 3. Dense, gross, inspissate, inspissat ed, not thin (in consistence). 4. Turbid, muddy, roiled, not clear, not transparent. 5. Abundant, frequent, close, com pact, crowded, closely set, in quick suc cession. 6. Indistinct, inarticulate. 7. Dull, not quick. 8. [Colloquial.] Intimate, familiar, friendly, hand and glove, hail fellow well met. Thick, n. Thickest part. Thick, ad. 1. Frequently, fast, quick. 2. Densely, closely, thickly. 3. To a great depth. Thicken, v. a. Inspissate, make thick. Thicken, v. n. Grow thick, become in spissated. Thicket, Grove, copse, wood, forest, jungle, brake. Thick-head, n. THICK-SKULL. Thick lip, Blobber-lip. Thick-lipped, a. Blobber-lipped. Thick-skull, n. Blockhead, DUNCE. Thick-skulled, a. Foolish, ADDLE- HEADED. Thief, n. Pickpocket, shop-lifter, thief, pilferer, cutpurse, petty robber. Thievery, n. Larceny, stealing, thiev ing, shoplifting, pilfering, theft, petty robbery, petty larceny. Thieving, n. THIEVERY. Thievish, a. Given to stealing, inclined to theft. Thievishness, n. Cleptomania, klope- mania, propensity to steal, mania for stealing. Thigh, n. Haunch, hip. Thills, n. pi. Shafts. Thill-horse, n. Shaft-horse. Thimble-berry, n. Black raspberry (Hubus Occidentalis). Thin, a. 1. Not thick (in measure). 2. Slender, slim, meagre, lean, poor, gaunt, SCRAWNY, scraggy, skinny, lank, shrunk, emaciated, fallen away. 3. Rare, subtile, attenuated, dilute, not dense, not gross, not thick (in con sistence). 4. Sparse, scanty, not close, not com pact, not crowded, not abundant. 5. Slight, flimsy. 6. Small, tine, not full. Thin, v. a. 1. Make thin. 2. Rarefy, attenuate, dilute, make less dense. Thing, n. 1. Being (animate or inan imate), creature, substance, body, ob ject, created being. 2. Inanimate object, lump of matter, lifeless substance. 3. Event, transaction, deed, act, ac tion, occurrence, circumstance, matter. 4. Part, portion, something. Think, v. n. 1. Cogitate, reflect, medi tate, ponder, muse, contemplate, exer cise the mind. 2. Deliberate, consider, reason. 3. Conclude, determine, judge, sup pose, imagine, fancy, believe, deem, ween, OPINE, have an opinion, be of opinion. Think, v. a. 1. Imagine, conceive, en tertain an idea of, cherish a thought of. 2. Consider, regard, hold, believe, judge, suppose, esteem, deem, account, count, reckon, look upon. Thinkable, a. Cogitable, conceivable. Thinking,?;. 1. Reflection, meditation, cogitation, musing, contemplation. 2. Judgment, opinion, thought, belief. Think well of, 1. Esteem, have a good opinion of, have a high opinion of. 2. Approve, commend, think favor ably of. Thinness, n. 1. Slenderness, fineness, exility. 2. Rarity, rareness, tenuity, subtility, etherealness. 3. Sparseness, scantiness, paucity, fewness. Thin-skinned, a. Sensitive, irritable. Third, n. Third part. Thirst, n. 1. Desire for drink. 2. Desire, longing, craving. Thirst, v. n. 1. Desire to drink. 2. Desire, long, crave, hanker. Thirsty, . 1. Suffering from thirst. 2. Dry, parched, without moisture. 3. Longing, craving, greedy, eager. THITHER 409 THRONG Thither, ad. To that place. Thorax, n. Chest, breast, trunk (of the body). Thorn, n. 1. Spine, prickle. 2. Annoyance, plague, nuisance, in fliction, trouble, scourge, torment, bitter pill, curse, gall and wormwood. Thorn-apple, n. Stramonium, stra- mony, apple Peru, Jamestown weed (Datura stramonium). Thorny, a. 1. Spiny, spinose, spinous, prickly, briery. 2. Pricking, sharp, pointed. 3. Troublesome, vexatious, annoying, harassing, perplexing. Thorough, a. Complete, entire, total, perfect, full. Thorough-bred, a. 1. Instructed, ac complished, finished, practised, quali fied, trained, proficient, able, well edu cated, well versed, AU FAIT. 3. Of full blood (as horses). Thoroughfare, n. Passage {free from obstruction), street, road, way. Thoroughwort, n. Boneset, ague-weed, Indian sage, feverwort (Eupatorium perfo/iatum). Though, conj. 1. Although, granting, admitting, allowing, notwithstanding that. 3. However, yet, nevertheless. Thought, n. 1. Cogitation, reflection, meditation, musing, contemplation, thinking. 3. Idea, conception, conceit, fancy, imagination. 3. Judgment, conclusion, opinion, notion. 4. Deliberation, consideration, rea soning. 5. Design, purpose, intention. Thoughtful, a. 1. Contemplative, re flective, pensive, speculative, delibera tive, studious, sedate. 3. Careful, heedful, regardful, mind ful, attentive, considerate, circumspect, wary, discreet, prudent. Thoughtless, a. Heedless, regardless, careless, listless, neglectful, negligent, inattentive, inconsiderate, unmindful, unwatchful, inadvertent, giddy, flighty, reckless, headlong, hare-brained, giddy- brained; light-headed. Thoughtlessness, n. Inattention, heed- lessness, carelessness, absence of mind, inadvertence, neglect, oversight. Thraldom, n.- [Written also Thrall- dom.] Slavery, servitude, subjection, bondage, vassalage, serfdom, enslave ment, enthralment, thrall. Thrall, n. 1. Slave, bondman, vassal, serf. 3. Slavery, THRALDOM. Thrash, v. a. 1, Thresh. 3. Drub, maul, pommel, beat, flog, bruise, thwack, LICK, LAMM, WALLOP. Thrasher, n. 1. Fox-shark, sea-fox, . sea-ape (Carcharias vulpes). 2. Brown thrush, French mocking bird ( Tardus rufus). Thrasonical, a. Boastful, bragging, vain-glorious. Thread, n. 1. Filament, fibre, staple, pile, small string. 2. Course, tenor. Thread, v. a. Thrid, go through, pass through. Threadbare, a. 1. Napless, worn out. 2. Trite, hackneyed, stale, beaten, common, commonplace. Thread-shaped, a. Filiform, filamen tous. Threat, n. Menace, denunciation. Threaten, v. a. 1. Menace, denounce, defy. 3. Portend, presage, forebode, augur, foreshadow, prognosticate, indicate. Threaten, v. n. Impend, be near at hand, be imminent, stare one in the face. Threatening, a. Menacing, impend ing, impendent, imminent, minatory. Threatening, n. Commination, threat, denunciation, menace. Threescore, a. Sixty. Three sheets in the wind, (Sailor s phrase.) TIGHT, fuddled, somewhat intoxicated, HALF SEAS OVER. Three-valved, a. Trivalvular. Thresh, v. a. Thrash. Threshold, n. 1. Doorsill. 2. Entrance, outset, beginning, com mencement, start. Thrice, ad. Three times. Thrid, v . a. Thread, go through, pass through. Thrift, n. 1. Success, prosperity, gain, profit. 2. Frugality, thriftiness, economy, good husbandry. Thriftiness, n. THRIFT. Thriftless, a. Extravagant, profuse, lavish, prodigal, wasteful, unthrifty, too free, over-liberal. Thrifty, a. 1. Frugal, sparing, econom ical, saving, careful, provident. 2. Thriving, prosperous. 3. Vigorous, growing well, flourish ing. Thrill, v. a. Penetrate, pierce, move, touch, affect, strike. Thrill, v. n. Penetrate, pierce. Thrive, v. n. 1. Prosper, succeed, get on, come on, become wealthy, get rich. 2. Grow, increase, advance, flourish, improve, make improvement. Thriving, . 1. Prosperous, successful, thrifty. 3. Growing, flourishing. Throat, n. Pharynx, swallow, gullet, oesophagus. Throb, v. n. Beat, palpitate, pulsate. Throb, n. Beat, beating, pulsation, pal pitation, throbbing. Throbbing, n. Beating, THROB. Throe, n. Paroxysm (of extreme pain, especially in childbirth), fit, spasm, an guish, pang, agony. Throne, n. 1. Chair of State. 2. Sovereignty, sovereign power, sway. Throng, n. Crowd, multitude, horde, press, host. Throng, v. n. Crowd, press. THROSTLE 410 TIFF Throstle, n. Mavis, song-thrush ( Tur- dus musicus). Throttle, n. Windpipe, trachea, throat, weasand. Throttle, v. a. Choke, strangle, suffo cate. Through, prep. 1. From one side, end, or part of, to the other. 3. By means of, by the agency of, in consequence of. Through, ad. 1. From one side or part to the other. 3. From beginning to end. 3. To the end. Throughout, prep. Over, completely through, quite through, through every part of. Throughout, ad. From beginning to end, irom first to last, in every part, everywhere, from end to end, from head to foot, from top to toe. Throw, v. a. 1. Cast, hurl, launch, fling, send, toss, pitch, sling, dart, lance, propel, SHY, jaculate, project, let fly. 3. Put, spread. 3. Overturn, prostrate, throw down, lay flat. Throw, n. 1. Fling, cast, toss. 3. Jigger, potter s wheel. Throw away, 1. Lose, spend in vain. 3. Relinquish, give up, cast off, throw by, throw or heave overboard, cast to the winds. Throw back, 1. Reject, refuse. 3. Retort, rebuff. Throw by, Reject, lay aside, cast off, throw away. Throw down, 1. Prostrate, lay flat. 3. Subvert, overthrow, destroy. Throw in, 1. Inject. 3. Putin. 3. Relinquish, give up. ThroAv oft , 1. Discard, reject, repudi ate, renounce. 3. Expel, drive off, drive away. 3. Put off, lay aside, cast off. Throw out, 1. Reject, exclude. 3. Speak, utter, express. Throw up, 1. Resign, lay down, give up. 3. Emit, eject, send up. 3. Vomit, disgorge. Thrum, v. a. Play (as an instrument), strum, play upon. Thrust, v. a. Push, drive, impel, force, clap, poke, shove. Thrust, v.. n. Make a thrust. Thrust, n. 1. Push, shove, pass, stab, allonge, lunge,* tilt. 3. Assault, attack, charge. Thrust one s nose in, [Colloquial.} In terfere, meddle, intermeddle, PUT IN ONE S OAR. Thrust one s self, Obtrude, intrude. Thud, n. 1. Shock, impetus. 3. Stroke, blow, thump, knock. Thump, n. Blow, knock, stroke. Thump, v. a. Beat, knock, strike, be- , labor. Thunder-clap, n. Thunder-stroke. Thunder - shower, n. THUNDER - STORM. Thunder-storm, n. Tempest (accom panied with thunder and lightning), thunder-shower. Thunder-stroke, n. Thunder-clap. Thunder-struck, a. 1. Struck by lightning. 3. Astonished, amazed, astounded, dumfoundered. Thunder-tube, n. Fulgurite. Thurible, n. Censer. Thus, ad. 1. In this manner, in this wise. 3. So, to this degree. Thwack, v. a. [Colloquial.] Strike, beat, thump, belabor, whack, rap. Thwack, n. Blow, stroke, thump, pat, knock, rap. Thwart, v. a. 1. Traverse, cross, inter sect, lie across. 3. Frustrate, hinder, oppose, oppugn, obstruct, contravene, counteract, de feat, disconcert, balk. Tiara, n. Triple-crown (of the Pope). Tic, n. Twitching, vellication. Tic douloureux, [Fr.] Neuralgia in the face, facial neuralgia. Tick, n. 1. Click, beat. 3. Bed-tick, ticking. 3. Trust, credit. Tick, v. n. Click, beat. Tick, v. a. Score, check, check off. Ticking, n. Bed-ticking, tick. Tickle, v. a. 1. Titillate. 3. Please (by trifles), delight, gladden, rejoice, gratify, make glad, give joy to, take one s fancy, do one s heart good. Tickling, n. Titillation. Ticklish, a. 1. Easily tickled. 3. Unsteady, unstable, tottering, un certain. 3. Delicate, nice, critical. Tidbit, n. Titbit, dainty, delicacy, nice bit, choice morsel, delicate morsel, de licious mouthful, BONXE-BOUCHE. Tide, n. 1. Rise and fall of the sea. 3. Course, current, stream. Tide-waiter, n. Land- waiter. Tidings, n. pi. News (of special inter est), intelligence, word, advice, infor mation. Tidy, a. Clean, cleanly, neat, spruce. Tie, v. a. 1. Bind, fasten (with a cord or string), manacle, shackle, fetter. 3. Knit, interlace, complicate, knot, entangle. 3. Unite, join, connect, link. Tie, n. 1. Knot, fastening, band, liga ture. 3. Bond, obligation. 3. Equal number (on both sides, as of votes). Tie down, 1. Fasten down. 3. Restrain, confine. Tier, w. Row, rank, series. Tiers etat, n. [Fr.] The commonalty (as distinguished from the nobility and clergy), third estate. Tift , n. Pet, miff, rage, passion, fume, fit of anger, angry mood. Tiff, v. n. [Rare.] Quarrel, wrangle, bicker, spar, jangle, have words, fall out, have an altercation, be at variance, have a bone to pick. TIGER-WOLF 411 TINTINNABULATION Tiger-wolf, n. Hyena. Tight, a. 1. Close, fast, not open, not leaky. 2. Close-fitting, not loose. 3. Tense, stretched, taught, not slack. 4. [Colloquial.] Fuddled, boozy, dis guised, drunk, maudlin, mellow, in liquor, SLEWED, GROGGY, high, in one s cups, HALF SEAS OVER, some what intoxicated, THREE SHEETS IN THE WIND. 5. [Colloquial, U. S.] Stringent (as the money market). 6. [Colloquial, U. S.] Parsimonious, stingy, penurious, hard, close-fisted. Tighten, v. a. Make tight. Tights, n. pi. [Colloquial.] Tight pan taloons. Till, n. Money-drawer. Till, prep. Until, to the time of, up to. Till, conj. or ad. Until, to the time when. Till, v. a. Cultivate. Tillable, a. Arable. Tillage, n. Culture (of land), cultiva tion, husbandry, agriculture, farming, geoponics. Tillage land, Plough land. Till now, To the present time, up to the present time. Till then, To that time, up to that time. Tilmus, n. (Med.) Floccillation, car- phology. Tilt, n. 1. Awning, canopy. 3. Thrust, pass, allonge, lunge. 3. Encounter, combat (as a practice of arms), joust. 4. Slant (as of a barrel for discharg ing a liquor), slope, inclination. Tilt, v. a. 1. Slant, slope, 2. Forge (with a tilt-hammer), ham mer. Tilt, v. n. 1. Joust, rush (as in combat), make a rush, make a tilt. 8. Lean, incline, tip. Tilt-hammer, n. Trip-hammer. Timber, n. 1. Wood (for building). 3. Beam, stick, squared timber. 3. Rib (of a ship s frame). 4. [Western, U. S.] Woods, forest. Timbered, a. Wooded. Timbre, n. (Mus.) Quality (of tone). Time, n. 1. Duration. 2. Spell, season, interval ; term, while, space of time. 3. Period, age, era, epoch, date, term. 4. Delivery, parturition, confine ment, hour of travail, period of child birth. 5. Fit season, proper time. 6. (Mus.) Measure. Time, v. a. 1. Adapt to the occasion. 2. Regulate (as to time). 3. Note the rate of (with respect to speed). 4. (Mus.) Measure. Time enough, In time, in season, soon enough, sufficiently soon, early enough. Time-keeper, n. TIMEPIECE. Timely, a. Seasonable, opportune, ear ly, punctual, prompt. Time of day, Customary salutation (as " Good-morning," or " Good-evening"). Timepiece, n. Clock, watch, chronom eter, time-keeper. Times, n. pi. 1. Seasons, spells. 2. Periods, epochs, ages. 3. State of -things (at a particular period), general condition of affairs. Time-server, n. Trimmer, temporizer. Time-serving, a. Trimming, temporiz ing, truckling, obsequious, fawning, servile, supple, mean, selfish. Time-worn, a. Impaired by time, su PERANNUATED. Timid, a. 1. Timorous, fearful, ner vous, skittish, shy, cowardly, pusillani mous, faint-hearted, chicken-hearted, easily frightened, not bold. 2. Diffident, bashful, retiring, coy, sheepish, shrinking, blushing, shame faced, over-modest. Timidity, n. 1. Timorousness, fearful- ness, skittishness, shyness, cowardice, pusillanimity, want of courage. 2. Diffidence, bashfulness, coyness, sheepishness, shamefacedness. Timorous, a. Fearful, TIMID. Timorousness, n. TIMIDITY. Timothy-grass, n. Cat s tail, herds- grass (Phleum pretense). Tin, n. [Colloquial.] Tin-plate, tinned iron, white iron. Tincal, n. Crude borax (as imported from the East Indies), bi-borate of soda, Tincture, n. 1. Tinge, stain, tint, hue, shade, grain. " 2. Flavor, taste, smack, spice. 3. Infusion, admixture, touch, dash, seasoning, sprinkling. 4. Alcoholic solution. Tincture, v. a. Tinge, stain, dye, color, tint, shade. 2. Flavor, season. 3. Imbue, impress, infuse, impreg nate. Tinge, v. a. 1. Dye, stain, color, tint, tincture. 2. Imbue, impress, infuse, impreg nate. Tinge, n. 1. Tint, stain, color, dye. tincture, shade (of color), cast, hue. 2. Taste, flavor, smack, spice. Tingle, v. n. Have a pricking sensation. Tinker, n. Mender (of old pans, kettles, Ac.). Tinker, v. a. Mend (as old pans, kettles, t&c.), cobble, patch up. Tinkle, v. n. Jingle, clink, ring. Tinkle, n. TINKLING. Tinkling, n. Tinkle, jingle, jingling, clinking, tintinnabulation, ringing. Tin-plate, n. TIN, tinned iron, white iron. Tinsel, n. Frippery, finery, gewgaw, worthless ornament. Tinsel, a. Showy, glittering, gaudy, superficial, worthless. Tint, n. Tinge, color, hue, tincture, stain, dye, shade, grain. Tint, v. a. Dye, stain, TINGE. Tintinnabulation, n. [Rare.] TINK LING, jingling. TINY 412 TOLE Tiny, a. Little, small, diminutive, min ikin, pygmean, pygmy, puny, Lilipu- tian, dwarfish. Tip, u. End, point, extremity. Tip, v. a. 1. Top, cap, put a point on. 3. Tap, strike (lightly). 3. Incline ( to one end, as a cart), cant. Tip, v. n. Lean, incline, tilt. Tip over, (Active.) Overturn, turn over. Tip over, (Neuter.) Fall over. Tipple, v. n. Tope, guzzle, drink hard, be addicted to strong drink. Tippled, a. Intoxicated, TIPSY. Tipsy, a. DRUNK, intoxicated, inebri ated, fuddled, muddled, disguised, mel low, in liquor. Tip-top, n. The very top, the highest degree. Tip-top, a. [Colloquial.] Perfect, first- rate, excellent. Tirade, n. Strain of invective. Tire, v. a. Fatigue, weary, jade, fag, exhaust, knock up, tire out. Tire, v. n. Be fatigued, become weary, grow weary. Tiresome, a. 1. "Wearisome, fatiguing, tedious, IRKSOME, humdrum, dull, prosy, dronish. 3. Laborious, arduous, hard, toil some. Tissue, n. 1. Fabric, cloth, woven stuff (especially cloth interwoven with gold or silver, or figured colors). 3. Texture, structure, web. 3. Combination, series. Tit, n. 1. Small horse. 3. Titmouse, tomtit. Titanic, a. Gigantic, huge, Herculean, Cyclopean. Titbit, n. Tidbit, dainty, delicacy, nice bit, delicate morsel, choice morsel. Tit for tat, Equivalent (in retaliation), measure for measure, diamond cut diamond. Tithe, n. Tenth, tenth part. Tithe, v. a. Tax (to the amount of one tenth). Titillate, v. a. Tickle. Titillation, n. 1. Tickling. 3. Slight pleasure, pleasurable sensa tion. Title, n. 1. Inscription. 3. Name, appellation, COMPELLA- TION, designation, epithet, cognomen. 3. Right, ground of claim. Title, v. a. [Rare.] Denominate, name, ENTITLE. Titmouse, n. Tit, tomtit. Titter, v. n. 1. Laugh (under restraint), snicker, GIGGLE. 3. Teeter, see-saw. Tittering, n. Suppressed laughter, gig gling- Titter-totter, v, n. See- saw, tetter-tot ter. Tittle, n. Jot, iota, whit, bit, particle, atom, grain, scrap, mite, ace, corpuscle, scintilla: Tittle-tattle, n. Prate, prattle, gabble, chatter, idle talk, trifling discourse. Titular, a. Nominal, titulary, only in name. Titulary, a. Nominal, TITULAR. Toad-eater, n. Sycophant, parasite, flatterer, lick-spittle, spaniel, hanger- on, TOADY, TUFT-HUNTER. Toad-spit, n. Froth-spit, cuckoo-spittle. Toad-stool, n. Mushroom. Toady, n. [Colloquial and Low.] Syco phant, TOAD-EATER. Toady, v.a. [Colloquial and Low.] Flat ter, fawn upon. Toadyism, n. [Colloquial and Low.] Sycophancy, mean flattery, base or servile adulation. To and fro, Backward and forward. Toast, v. a. 1. Scorch (in order to make more palatable, as bread or cheese). 3. Warm (thoroughly), heat. 3. Pledge, drink a health to, drink the health of, drink in honor of, drink to. Toast, n. 1. Toasted bread. 3. Health (in drinking), pledge. 3. Sentiment (uttered at a conviinal meeting). To boot, Besides, in addition, over and above. Tocology, n. Midwifery, obstetrics. Tocsin, n. Alarm, alarum, alarm-bell. To-day, n. This day. To-day, ad. On this day. Toddle, v. n. TOTTLE, waddle, walk unsteadily (as a child). Toddy, n. Spirit and water (sweetened). To-do, n. [Colloquial.] Ado, bustle, commotion, tumult, turmoil, confusion, stir, flurry, pother, noise, fuss. Together, ad. 1. Unitedly, in union, in company, in concert. 3. Simultaneously, in the same time, contemporaneously. 3. Hand in hand, side by side, cheek by jowl, in the same place. 4. Into junction, into union. Toggery, n. [Low.] Clothes, garments, dress, apparel, attire, raiment, ARRAY, vesture, costume, habit, habiliments, garb, gear, outfit, accoutrements, equip ment, suit, rigging, trappings. Toil, v. n. Labor (hard), work, strive, drudge, moil, exert one s self, take pains. Toil, n. 1. Labor (that fatigues), work, exertion, pains, effort, drudgery, hard work. 3. Snare, net, trap. Toiler, n. Drudge, laborer, hard worker. Toilet, n. 1. Dressing-table, toilet- table. 3. Dress, attire, costume, mode of dressing. Toilet-table, n. Toilet, dressing-table. Toilsome, a. Laborious, fatiguing, wea risome, onerous, operose, tedious, hard, difficult, painful, severe. Token, n. 1. Mark, sign, indication, note, symbol, index, manifestation. 3. Memorial (of friendship), souvenir. 3. Ten quires (of paper). Tolbooth, n. [Scotland. Written also Tollbooth.] Prison, jail, JUG. Tole, v. a. [Written also Toll.] Allure, draw, draw on. TOLERABLE 413 TORPEDO Tolerable, a. 1. Endurable, sufferable. bearable, supportable. 3. Passable, ordinary, middling, so so, indifferent, pretty good, not very bad. Tolerably, ad. Passably, moderately, indifferently, so so, passably well, tol erably well, pretty well. Tolerance, n. Endurance, sufferance, toleration. Tolerate, v. a. 1. Permit (as something unpleasant), allow, admit, indulge, re ceive. 3. Suffer, endure, abide, brook, put up with, bear with, take patiently or easily. Toleration, n. 1. Endurance, suffer ance, tolerance. 3. License (for free opinion in reli gious matter*), permission, allowance. 3. Catholicity, liberality, impartial ity, candor, magnanimity, high-mind- edness, largeness of mind. Toll, n. Tax (especially on travellers, as in crossing bridges, ferries, &c.), duty, impost, TRIBUTE. Toll, v. a. [Written also Tole.] Allure, draw, draw on. Tollbooth, n. [Scotland. Written also Tolbooth.} Prison, jail, JUG. Tolu, n. Balsam of tolu, tolu bal sam. Tomahawk, n. Indian hatchet. Tomato, n. Love-apple (Lycopersicum esculentum or Solanum esculentum). Tomb, n. Sepulchre, vault, crypt, cata comb, grave, house of death, narrow house, long home. Tomboy, n. Romp, hoiden, romping girl. Tomcod, n. Frost-fish (Morrhua prui- nosa). Tome, 7i. 1. Volume. 3* Book, work. Tomfoolery, n. [Colloquial.] Nonsense, folly, vagary, mummery, buffoonery, absurd trifling, monkey-tricks. Tomtit, n. Tit, titmouse. Tone, n. 1. Sound, note. 3. Accent, intonation, emphasis, ca dence, modulation. 3. Temper, mood, state of mind. 4. Vigor, strength, energy, force, ten sion, elasticity. 5. Prevailing color (of a picture), general effect, style, manner, cast. 6. Tenor, drift, prevailing character, spirit. Toneless, a. Unintonated, aspirated, atonic, surd, pronounced with a simple breathing, without tone, without vo- cality, not sonant. Tongue, n. 1. Language, speech, idiom, dialect. 3. Talk, discourse. 3. Projection, projecting part. Tongue-shaped, a. (Bot.) Linguiform. Tonguy, a. [Low.] Loquacious, talka tive, voluble. Tonic, n. 1. Strengthening medicine. 3. (Music.) Key, key-note, first note of the scale, fundamental note. V 4 Tonsils, n. pi. Almohds. / > Tony, 71. [iMdicrous.] DUNCE, simple ton, blockhead. Too, ad. 1. Overmuch. 2. Also, likewise, moreover, in addi- tion. Tool, n. l. Instrument, implement, utensil. 3. Hireling. Toot, v. a. Blow (as a horn), sound. Tooth and nail, [Colloquial expression used adverbially.} 1. Biting and scratching, using every means of at tack and defence. 2. Strenuously, vigorously, earnestly, resolutely, energetically, with all one s might, with might and main, through thick and thin, through fire and water, HAMMER AND TONGS, PUGNIS ET CAL- CIBUS. Toothache, n. ODONTALGIA, Tooth-rash, n. Red-gum. Toothsome, a. Palatable, delicious, savory, nice, luscious, dainty, 1 agreeable to the taste. Top, n. 1. Summit, apex, acme, pin nacle, zenith, utmost height, culminat ing point. 3. Surface, upper side. 3. Head, crown of the head. Top, v. a. Cap, tip. Tope, v. n. Tipple, drink hard, be ad dicted to strong drink. Toper, n. Tippler, drunkard, sot, dram- drinker, wine-bibber. Topiary, n. Ornamental (as the trim ming of hedges, trees, paths, &c., in a garden). Topic, n. 1. Subject, theme, thesis, question, point, matter, subject-matter, matter in hand. 3. Commonplace (of argument or ora tory), general truth, general idea. Topical, a. Local. Topmost, a. Uppermost, highest. Topographer, n. Topographist. Topographist, n. Topographer. Topple, v. n. Fall (top foremost), tumble down, topple over, topple down. Topsy-turvey, ad. Upside down, bot tom upwards, the wrong side up, top side t other way. Torch, n. Flambeau. Torment, n. ANGUISH, agony, torture, rack, pang, extreme pain, excruciating pain, acute distress. Torment, v. a. 1. Torture, distress, agonize, rack, excruciate, pain ex tremely, put to the rack, put to tor ture. 3. Tease, vex, plague, harass, worry, harry, badger, fret, irritate, nettle, pro voke, tantalize, trouble, annoy. Tormentor, n. Torturer. Tornado, n. Storm (of great violence and with a whirling motion), hurricane, whirlwind. Torose, a. (Bot.) Knobby, torous. Torous, 7i. TOROSE. Torpedo, n. Cramp-fish, electric ray (Torpedo vulgaris). TORPID 414 TOURNURE Torpid, a. 1. Numb, benumbed, mo tionless, lethargic. 3. Sluggish, inert, dull, inactive, in dolent, stupid. Torpidity,n. 1. Numbness, torpidness, torpor, lethargy. 3. Sluggishness, inertness, dulness, inactivity, stupidity. Torpidness, n. TORPIDITY. Torpify, v. a. Numb, benumb. Torpor, n. 1. Numbness, torpidity, lethargy. 3. Sluggishness, inertness, dulness, inactivity, stupidity. Torrefy, v. a. 1. Dry (by fire). 3. Roast, scorch. Torrent, n. 1. Rapid stream, strong current. 3. Rapid flow. Torrid, a. Dried, parched, scorched. Torsion, n. Twisting. Torso, n. Trunk (of a statue). Tort, n. (Law.) Wrong, injury. Tortoise-shell, n. Turtle-shell. Tortuosity, n. Crookedness, sinuosity, curvature, bend, crook, winding, tor- tuousness. Tortuous, a. 1. Crooked, sinuous, cir cuitous, curved, curvilinear, curvilineal, sinuate, sinuated, winding, serpentine, bending in and out. 3. Perverse, circuitous, roundabout, indirect. Tortuousness, n. TORTUOSITY. Torture, n. Anguish, agony, torment, rack, pang, extreme pain, excruciating pain, acute distress. Torture, v. a. Torment, distress, agon ize, rack, excruciate, pain extremely, put to extreme pain. Tory, n. [Eng. politics.] Conservative, adherent of the crown. Toss, v. a. 1. Throw (by the hand and upward), throw up. 3. Fling, pitch, cast, hurl. 3. Agitate, shake, rock. Toss, v. n. 1. Roll, writhe, tumble about, be uneasy. 3. Be agitated, be tossed. Total, a. Whole, complete, full, entire, integral. Total, n. Whole, totality, aggregate, gross, lump, mass, amount, sum, sum total, gross amount. Totality, n. Whole, TOTAL. Tote, v. a. [Local, Southern U. S.] Carry, bear, transport. To the contrary, To an opposite pur pose or intent, j ust the contrary. To the satisfaction of, Satisfactorily to. Toto coelo, [L.] Totally, wholly, very much, very far, by the whole heavens, as widely as are the poles apart. Totter, v. n. 1. Stagger, reel, vacillate, falter. 3. Shake, tremble, oscillate, rock, threaten to fall. Tottle, v.n. (Colloquial.) Toddle, wad dle, waggle, walk unsteadily (as a child). Touch, v. a. 1. Hit (lightly), strike against. 3. Meet, be contiguous to, abut on. 3. Graze, come in contact with (in passing over). 4. Reach, come to, arrive at, attain to. 5. Delineate (lightly), sketch, mark out, touch off. 6. Handle, feel, feel of, meddle with, interfere with. 7. Concern, regard, relate to, refer to, pertain to, appertain to, belong to, bear upon, have to do with. 8. Afl ect, move, impress, melt, work upon, come home to. Touch, v. n. Meet, hit, be contiguous, be in contact, abut on one another. Touch, n. 1. Contact. 3. Feeling, tact, sense of feeling. 3. Stroke (with a pen, <&c., or on a mu sical instrument). 4. Tinge, tincture, cast, smack, taste, savor, flavor, spice, dash, sprinkling, seasoning, infusion, little, small quan tity. 5. [Rare.] Test, criterion, touchstone, proof, assay, ordeal. Touch at, Arrive at (without tarrying). Touchhole, n. Vent (of a gun). Touchiness, n. Peevishness, snappish- ness, testiness, irritability, irascibility, petulance, fretfulness, spleen. Touching, a. Affecting, moving, melt ing, pathetic, tender. Touching, prep. Concerning, regarding, respecting, with regard to, with respect to, in relation to, relating to. Touch-me-not, n. Jewel- weed. Touch off, 1. Delineate (lightly), touch, sketch, mark out. 3. Discharge, apply the match to. Touch on (or upon), Mention or treat of (slightly), glance at. Touchstone, n. 1. Basanite, black jas per, Lydian stone. 3. Test, criterion, proof, ordeal, assay, TOUCH. Touch up, Repair (by slight touches). Touch-wood, n. Spunk, punk, agaric, German tinder. Touchy, a. Peevish, snappish, waspish, cross, testy, irritable, fretful, splenetic, irascible, petulant, choleric, peppery, hot-tempered, quick-tempered, like tin der, like touch-wood. Tough, a. 1. Adhesive, tenacious, co hesive, not brittle, not easily broken. 3. Coriaceous, leathery. 3. Strong, firm, hardy. 4. Refractory, stubborn, obdurate. 5. [Colloquial.] Difficult, hard, hard to deal with. 6. [Colloquial.] Severe (as a storm), violent. Tour, n. Journey (in a circuit), excur sion, trip, expedition, pilgrimage, cir cuit, round, perambulation, course. Tourist, n. Traveller, voyager, way farer, pilgrim. Tournament, n. Tourney. Tourney, n. Tournament. Tournure, n. [Fr.] 1. Shape, figure^ form. 3. Bishop, bustle. TOUT ENSEMBLE 415 TRAIN Tout ensemble, n. [Fr.] The whole (in one view, omitting details). Tow, n. Refuse flax, liards. Tow, v. a. Draw (as a vessel, through the water), haul, drag, draw, pull, take in tow. Swards, } * * In the direction of 3. Regarding, respecting, with re spect to, with regard to. 3. Nearly, almost, near about, nigh. Towboat, n. Tug, steam-tug. Tower, n. 1. TURRET, MINARET. 3. Citadel, fortress, castle, strong hold. Tower, v. n. Soar, mount, rise. Towering, a. 1. Lofty, elevated, very high. 3. Extreme, violent, very great. To wit, Namely, VIDELICET. Town, n. 1. VILLAGE, HAMLET, place, BOROUGH. 3. City, metropolis. 3. Court end (of London). 4. [Local, U. S.] Township. Town-hall, n. Town-house. Town-house, n. 1. Town-hall. 3. City residence. Township, n. Town territory. Town-talk, n. Topic of common con versation, common talk. Toy, n. 1. Plaything, bawble, gewgaw, trinket, knicknack, gimcrack, JIGGUM- BOB. 3. Trifle, bagatelle, bubble, small matter. Toy, v. n. Trifle, dally, sport, wanton, play. Trace, n. 1. Footprint, footmark, foot step, track, trail, wake. 3. Mark, sign, token, vestige, record, memorial, remains. Trace, v. a. 1. Follow (by a track or mark), track, trail. 3. Delineate, draw, sketch, mark out, trace out. Trachea, n. (Anat.) Windpipe, weasand. Tracing, n. Copy (of a drawing on trac ing paper). Track, n. 1. Footprint, footmark, foot step, trail, wake, trace. 3. Course, way, road, path, pathway. 3. Lines of rails (on a railway). Track, v, a. Follow (by a track), trace, trail, pursue, chase. Trackless, a. Untrodden, pathless. Tract, n. 1. Region, district, territory, quarter. 3. Piece (of land), part, portion, par cel, plot, patch. 3. Treatise, dissertation, pamphlet, essay. Tractability, n. Docility, tractable- ness. Tractable, a. Docile, manageable. Tractableness, n. Docility, tractability. Traction, n. Drawing, pulling, draught. Trade, n. 1. Traffic, commerce, barter, dealing, business, purchase and sale, buying and selling, exchange of com modities. 3. Occupation (especially a mechani cal one), employment, business, calling, pursuit, vocation, craft. Trade, v. n. Traffic, deal, bargain, chafter, carry on commerce, buy and sell, drive a trade, drive a bargain. Trade, v. a. Exchange, barter, swap. Trade-price, n. . Wholesale price, price allowed to traders. Trader, n. Tradesman, dealer, shop keeper, merchant. Tradesman, . 1. TRADER. 3. [U.S.] Mechanic, artisan, artif icer. Trading, a. Commercial, mercantile. Tradition, n. 1. (Law.) Transfer (of possession), delivery. 2. Oral report (from one generation to another). Traditional, a. Orally transmitted (from age to age). Traduce, v. a. Vilify, defame, revile, slander, malign, calumniate, asperse, abuse, decry, disparage, blemish, run down, speak ill of. Traducer, n. Slanderer, calumniator, defamer, detractor, vilifier. Traffic, n. TRADE, commerce. Traffic, v. n. Trade, deal, bargain, chafter, carry on commerce, buy and sell. Tragedian, n. Actor (of tragedy), tra gic actor. Tragedienne,?!. [Fr.] Actress (of tra gedy), tragic actress. Tragedy, n. 1. Dramatic poem, drama, play. 2. Calamity, disaster, catastrophe, shocking event. Tragic, ) a. 1. Of tragedy, of the Tragical, ) nature of tragedy, after the manner of tragedy. 3. Shocking, dreadful, calamitous, mournful, sorrowful. Trail, v. a. 1. Draw, drag. 3. Track, trace, follow, hunt. 3. [Local Eng.] Impose upon, take advantage of one s ignorance. Trail, v. n. 1. Drag, be drawn along, be drawn out. 3. Run (as a plant), climb. Trail, n. 1. Train. 3. Track, trace, mark, footprint, foot mark, footstep. 3. [U. S.] Footpath (made by In dians). 4. Entrails (as of fowl or of sheep). Trailing arbutus, Ground-laurel, May flower (Epigcea repens). Trail-net, n. Drag-net, trawl-net. Train, v. a. 1. Trail, draw, drag, haul, Educate, discipline, instruct, drill, tug. 3. school, exercise, nurture^ breed, bring up, break in. 4. Accustom, habituate, inure, use, familiarize. Train, n. 1. Trail. 3. Retinue, suite, staff, followers, CORTEGE, body of attendants. 3. Series, succession, consecution. 4. Course, process, method, order. 5. Line (as of cars connected togetlier) TRAIN-BAND 416 TRANSLATE Train-band, n. Company of militia. Training, n. Instruction, teaching, education, drilling, drill, discipline, schooling, breeding, tuition, nurture. Train-oil, n. Whale-oil. Trait, n. 1. Stroke, touch, mark, line. 2. Feature, lineament, characteris tic, peculiarity, mark. Traitor, n. Betrayer (especially of one s country), deceiver, renegade, apostate, rebel, insurgent, revolter, dese-rter, per fidious person. Traitorous, a. Treacherous, perfidious, faithless, false. Trammel, n. 1. Impediment, fetter, shackle, clog, bond, chain. 2. Pot-hook. Trammel, v. a. Shackle, hamper, clog, fetter, confine. Tramontane, a. Ultramontane, be yond the mountains or the Alps. Tramp, v. n. [Colloquial.] Travel (on foot), trudge, march (heavily), TRAM- POOSE, jog on. Tramp, n. Journey (on foot), walk, march. Trample, v. a. Tread upon, tread under foot, trample on. Trample on, 1. TRAMPLE, tread upon, tread under foot. 2. Spurn, scorn, slight, defy, set at nought, make light of. Trampoose, v. n. [Low, U. S.] TRAMP. Trance, n. 1. Ecstasy. 3. (Med.) Catalepsy. Tranquil, a. Calm, still, quiet, serene, placid, unruffled, unmoved, impertur bable, collected, philosophical, peaceful, undisturbed, halcyon. Tranquillity, n. Quiet, peace, stillness, serenity, calmness, placidness, repose, tranquilness. Tranquillize, v. a. Calm, quiet, still, compose, lull, hush, quell, lay, allay, pacify, soothe, appease, assuage, mod erate, make tranquil. Tranquillization, n. Pacification, rec onciliation, reconcilement, accommoda tion. Tranquilness, n. TRANQUILLITY. Transact, v. a. Do, perform, manage, conduct, carry on. Transaction, n. 1. Doing, perform ance, management, negotiation. 2. Affair, proceeding, occurrence, in cident, event, procedure. Transcend, v. a, 1. Exceed, transgress, overstep, pass, overpass, go beyond, pass over. 2. Surmount, rise above. 3. Surpass, excel, outstrip, overtop, outdo. Transcendence, ) n. Supereminence, Transcendency, ) superior excellence, marked superiority. Transcendent, a. Pre-eminent, sur passing, supereminent, unequaled, un paralleled, peerless, unrivalled, inimit able, very superior. Transcendental, a. 1. Metaphysical, A PRIORI, transcending experience. 8. Obscure, dark, vague, indefinite, incomprehensible, mysterious, mystic, mystical, recondite, abstruse, high, cabalistic. Transcribe, v. a. Copy, make a copy of. Transcriber, n. Copier, copyist. Transcript, n. Copy. Transcription, n. 1. Copying, 2. (Mus.) Adaptation (to one instru ment of a piece intended for another, or for tlie voice), rearrangement, repro duction. Transfer, v. a. 1. Transport, carry, convey, transmit, TRANSLATE. 2. Remove, transplant. 3. Alienate, abalienate, demise, con sign, devolve, convey, make over, de liver over. Transfer, n. Alienation, abalienation, demise, conveyance, transference. Transferrence, n. 1. Transmission, transmittal, transfusion. 2. Alienation, conveyance, TRANS FER. Transfiguration, n. Transformation, metamorphosis, transmutation, change of form. Transfigure, v. a. Transform, meta morphose, transmute. Transfix, v. a. Transpierce, penetrate, perforate, pierce through. Transform, v. a. Transfigure, trans mute, metamorphose, change the form of. Transformation, n. Metamorphosis, transmutation, transfiguration. Transfuse, v. a. Transfer (as by pour ing, instilling, or injecting), convey, transmit. Transfusion, n. Transferrence, trans mission. Transgress, v. a. 1. Exceed, transcend, pass, overstep, overpass, go beyond, pass over. 2. Disobey, infringe, break, contra vene, set at nought. Transgression, n. 1. Infringement, violation, infraction, breach, non-ob servance. 2. Sin, offence, crime, misdemeanor, misdeed, misdoing, fault, trespass, evil deed. Transgressor, n. Offender, trespasser, culprit, criminal, delinquent, male factor, convict, felon. Transient, a. TRANSITORY. Transit, n. 1. Conveyance. 2. Passage (as of a heavenly body across the meridian). Transition, n. Change, shifting. Transitional, a. Transitionary. Transitionary, a. Transitional. Transitive, a. (Gram.) Active. Transitory, a. Transient, passing, fleet ing, flitting, flying, temporary, evanes cent, ephemeral, momentary, short, brief, fugacious, short-lived, not per manent, not lasting, not durable, not enduring, of short duration, here to day and gone to-morrow. Translate, v. a. 1. [Antiquated.] Re move, transfer, transport. 2. Render, construe, interpret. TRANSLATION 417 TREACLE Translation, n. 1. Removal, trans portation. 3. Interpretation, rendering, c< struction. 3. Version. Translucent, a. 1. Semi-transparent (admitting rays of light, but not capable of being distinctly seen through). 3. TRANSPARENT. Translucency, n. 1. Semi-transpar ency. 3. TRANSPARENCY. Transmigrate, v. n. Migrate. Transmigration, n. 1. Migration. 3. Metempsychosis. Transmission, n. Transference, trans- Diittal, transfusion. Transmit, v. a. 1. Send, remit, for ward, send on, send forward. 3. Transfer, convey, carry, bear, hand over. Transmittal, n. Transmission. Transmutation, n. Transformation, metamorphosis, transfiguration. Transmute, v. a. Change (from one form or nature into another), transform. Transparence, I n. Clearness, pellu- Transparency, j cidness, lucidity, lim- pidness, diaphaneity, TRANSLUCENCY. Transparent, a. Diaphanous, pellucid, clear, lucid, bright, limpid, crystalline, pearly, TRANSLUCENT, that may be seen through. Transpierce, v. a. Transfix, penetrate, perforate, pierce through. Transpire, v. n. 1. Evaporate (through the pores), exhale, pass of in vapor. 3. Become known, be disclosed, come to light, come out, be made public, get abroad, leak out. 3. [Common, especially in the U. S., but not well authorized.} Happen, occur, come to pass. Transplant, v. a. 1. Plant in a new place. 3. Remove, transfer. Transport, v. a. 1. Carry (from one place to another), convey, bear, WAFT, TOTE, FETCH. 3. Banish (to a penal colony). 3. Enrapture, ravish, enravish, en trance, beatify, put into ecstasy, make very happy, 4. Carry away (by excitement of any kind). Transport, n. 1. Conveyance, trans portation, carriage. 3. Transport-ship, transport-vessel. 3. Convict (sentenced to banishment), felon. 4. Rapture, ravishment, beatitude, ecstasy, beatification, bliss, happiness, felicity. 5. Warmth, vehemence, violent man ifestation. Transport-ship, n. TRANSPORT. Transport- vessel, n. Transport, trans port-ship. Transposal, n. Transposition. Transpose, v. a. Change the order of (by putting one in place of the other, or substituting one for the other). Transposition, n. Trausposal. Trans ubstantiation, n. Change of substance. Transudation, n. 1. Exudation, per spiration, sweating, excretion, secre tion. 3. Exosmose, exosmosis. Transude, v. n. Exude, ooze, filter, percolate, strain, pass by pores. Transverse, a. Cross. Transversely, ad. Crosswise, in a cross direction. Trap, n. Snare, gin, trapan. Trap, v. a. Insnare, entrap, trapan. Trapan, v. a. Insnare, trap, entrap, trepan. Trapan, n. Snare, gin, trap. Trapanner, n. Insnarer, CRIMP, de coy-man. Trappings, n. pi. Dress, accoutrements, equipments, CAPARISON, parapherna lia, rigging, gear, ornaments, embel lishments, decorations, frippery, finery, TOGGERY. Traps, n. pi. [Colloquial.] Furniture, goods, things, stuff, luggage, effects, small articles (of household use). Trash, n. Dross, refuse, rubbish, trum pery, waste matter, worthless stuff. Trashy, a. Worthless, trifling, trum pery, flimsy, poor. Travail, v. n. Labor (in childbirth), be in labor, be in travail. Travail, n. Childbirth, parturition, la bor, delivery, bringing forth. Travel, v. n. 1. Walk, go on foot. 3. Journey, ramble, rove, roam, take a journey, take a trip, make a tour, make an excursion. 3. Pass, go, move, make progress. Travel, v. a. Pass, go over, journey over. Travel, n. 1. Journeying, travelling. 3. Journey, tour, excursion, trip, ex pedition. Traveller, n. [Written also Traveler. Wayfarer, voyager, itinerant, tourist, passenger, PILGRIM. Travelling, n. [Written also Travel ing.] Journeying, travel, wandering, peregrination. Travels, n. pi. Book o_f travels. Traverse jury, Petit jury. Traverse, v. a. 1. Cross. 3. Thwart, obstruct. 3. Pass, travel over, wander over. 4. (Laiv.) Deny. Travesty, v. a. . Parody, imitate, take off, turn into burlesque. Travesty, n. Parody, burlesque, cari cature. Trawl-net, n. Drag-net, trail-net. Treacherous, a. Traitorous, perfidious, . faithless, unfaithful, false, deceitful, insidious, disloyal, recreant, treason able. Treachery, n. Perfidiousness, perfidy, disloyalty, TREASON, breach of faith,. Punic faith. Treacle, n. 1. (Med.) Theriaca. 3. Syrup, sugar-house molasses. 3. Molasses. 27 TREAD 418 TRICK Tread, v. n. 1. Set the foot 2. Walk, go. Tread, v. a. 1. Set the foot on, walk on. 2. Stamp upon, press down with the foot. 3. Cover (as a male bird the female), copulate with. Tread, n. 1. Step, pace. 2. Gait, manner of walking. Tread upon, Trample, tread under foot. Treason, n. Treachery (to a sovereign or a government), disloyalty, LEZE- MAJESTY, breach of allegiance. Treasonable, a. TREACHEROUS, dis loyal. Treasure, n. 1. Money (hoarded up), funds, cash, wealth. 2. Stock, store, reserve. 3. Precious thing, thing of great value. Treasure, v. a. Hoard, store, garner, save, husband, lay in, lay by, lay up, treasure up. Treasure up, TREASURE. Treasury, n. Till, strong-box, money box, money-bag. Treat, v. a. 1. Use, behave to, behave towards. 2. Entertain, feast. 3. Handle, manage. 4. Discourse on, treat of. Treat, v. n. 1. Negotiate, bargain. 2. Discourse. Treat of, Discuss, handle, discourse upon, descant upon. Treatment, n. 1. Usage. 2. Handling, management. Treaty, n. Agreement (between nations), contract, compact, pact, convention, concordat. Treble, a. Triple, threefold. Treble, v. a. Triple, make threefold. Treble, . (Music.) Highest part (for a woman s voice). Trebuchet, n. Tumbrel, castigatory, ducking-stool, cucking-stool. Treenail, n. Trunnel. Tree-of-life, n. Arbor vitse. Trefoil, n. Clover. Trellis, n. Lattice, lattice-work. Tremble, v. n. 1. Quake, shudder, shiver, quiver. 2. Shake, totter, oscillate, rock. 3. Quaver. Trembling, n. Shaking, quivering, tremor, trepidation. Trembling-poplar, n. Aspen-tree (Populus tremula). Tremendous, a. Terrible, dreadful, horrible, horrid, horrific, frightful, ter rific, alarming, awful, appalling. Tremor, n. Trembling, shaking, qua king, quivering, trepidation, agitation, perturbation, flutter, tremulousness. Tremulous, a. Shaking, trembling, quivering. Tremulousness, n. TREMOR. Trench, v. n. Encroach, intrude, in fringe, trespass. Trench, n. Ditch, fosse, moat, drain, sewer, water-course. Trenchant, a. Cutting, sharp, incisive. Trencher, n. Platter (of wood), large plate. Trencher-man, n. Gormandizer, gour mand, glutton, great eater. Trench upon, Invade, infringe, en croach upon, intrude upon, trespass upon. Trend, v. n. Turn, run, stretch, tend, incline, sweep. Trend, n. Tendency (to a certain direc tion), inclination, trending. Trending, n. Trend. Trepan, v. a. 1. Trephine. 2. Insnare, trap, entrap, trapan. Trepang, n. Sea-slug, sea-cucumber, BECI*E-DE-MER. Trephine, v. a. Trepan. Trepidation, n. Shaking, trembling, quaking, quivering, tremor, agitation, perturbation, flutter, tremulousness, excitement, discomposure. Trespass, v. n. 1. Transgress, offend, sin, commit an offence. 2. Encroach, infringe, intrude, make inroad or invasion, trench, enter un lawfully. Trespass, n. 1. Transgression, crime, sin, misdeed, misdemeanor, offence, delinquency. . 2. Injury, infringement, encroach ment, invasion. Tress, n. Lock, curl, ringlet. Trestle, n. Frame (for supporting a table, bridge, &c.). Trial, n. 1. Testing, examination, ex periment. 2. Experience, experimental knowl edge. 3. Attempt, endeavor, effort, essay, exertion, struggle, aim. 4. Test, criterion, proof, touchstone, ordeal, assay. 5. Suffering, trouble, affliction, grief, sorrow, distress, tribulation, misery, woe. 6. Suit, case, cause, action. Triangle, n. Three-sided figure. Tribe, n. 1. Family, race, clan. 2. Class (of persons or things), order, division, distinct portion. Tribulation, n. Distress, suffering, trouble, affliction, grief, sorrow, trial, misery, woe. Tribunal, n. 1. Bench, judgment-seat. 2. Court, judicatory, bar, court of justice. Tributary, a. 1. Subject, subordinate, required to pay tribute. 2. Contributing. Tribute, n. 1. Tax (especially that levied by a superior prince or state on an in ferior one), impost, duty, TOLL. 3. Grant, contribution, offering. Tribute of praise, Eulogy, eulogium, encomium, panegyric. Trice, n. Moment, instant, second, jiffy, flash, twinkling, twinkling of an eye. Trick, n. 1. Artifice, stratagem, wile, cheat, dodge, doubling, gouge, fraud, chicane, blind, feint, mark, manoeuvre, deceit, imposition, imposture, ruse, TRICK 419 TROLL chouse, fetch, CLAP-TRAP, humbug, gammon, cunning contrivance, sharp practice. 3. Sleight, juggle, antic, caper, gam bol, freak, vagary. 3. Habit, practice. Trick, v. a. Cheat, defraud, deceive, cozen, dupe, delude, circumvent, gull, chouse, diddle, overreach, impose upon. Tricker, n. Cheat, TRICKSTER. Trickery, n. 1. Deception, fraud, arti fice, deceitfulness, knavery, chicane, chicanery. 3. Legerdemain, sleight of hand. Trickish, a. Knavish, artful, deceitful, wily, dishonest, roguish, TRICKY, un principled. Trickle, v. n. Drop, drip, flow gently. Trick out, Dress (for show), array, at tire, adorn, bedizen, set off. Trickster, n. Deceiver, cheat, rogue, knave, tricker, impostor, double-dealer. Tricky, a. [Colloquial.] TRICKISH. Tricuspid, a. Three-pointed, tricuspi- date. Tricuspidate, a. TRICUSPID. Tridentate, a. Three-toothed. Trifid, a. Three-cleft. Trifle, v. n. 1. Act with levity, be busy about trifles, PIDDLE. 3. Talk idly or frivolously, toy, wan ton. Trifle, n. BAGATELLE, triviality, pit tance, modicum, small matter, thing of little value or consequence, thing of no moment, drop in the bucket, shadow of a shade. Trifler, n. Doodle, idler, drone, laggard, sluggard, lounger. Trifling:, Trivial, petty, frivolous, worthless, inconsiderable, nugatory, slight, unimportant, insignificant, im material, piddling, of little value or consequence, of no moment, of small importance. !S&> Three-leaved. Trig-, a. [Local.] Trim, neat, spruce. Trigraph, n. Triphthong. Trill, n. Shake, quaver. Trill, v. a. Shake, sing with a trill. Trill, v. n. Quaver. . Trim, a. I. Snug, neat, nice, compact, well adjusted, well ordered. 3. Spruce, finical, smart. Trim, n. 1. Dress, gear, ornaments, trimmings, trappings. 3. State, condition, order. Trim, v. a. 1. Adjust, arrange, put in order, set right, make trim. 3. Dress, decorate, ornament, embel lish, adorn, garnish, deck, bedeck, set out, array, set off, trick out. 3. Clip, lop, shear, prune, curtail. Trim, v. n. Fluctuate, vacillate, balance, be on the fence, veer round, change sides, be a time-server. Trimmer, n. Time-server. Trimmings, n. pi. Ornaments, trap pings, dress, gear, trim. Trinity, n. [With The prefixed.] The Holy Trinity, The Godhead. Trinket, n. Toy, bawble, knicknack, gewgaw, gimcrack, JIGGUMBOB. Trinkets, n. pi. Jewels, jewelry, bijou- try, trifling ornaments. Trip, v. n. 1. Skip, hop, step quickly. 3. Stumble, lose footing, make a false step. 3. Fail, mistake, err, be at fault, come short. Trip, v. a. Supplant, throw off the bal ance, trip up. Trip, n. 1. Skip, hop, light step. 3. Stumble, false step. 3. Slip, lapse, failure, mistake, over sight, error, blunder, fault, miss. 4, Jaunt, excursion, tour, ramble, stroll, short journey. Triphyllous, a. Three-leaved. Triple, a. Threefold, triplicate. Triple, v. a. Treble, make threefold. Triple-crown, n. Tiara. Triplicate, a. Threefold, treble. Trip up, Trip, supplant, throw off the balance. Trismus, n [L.] (Med.) Locked jaw, lock-jaw, tetanus (of the jaw). Trite, a. Common, stale, threadbare, hackneyed, beaten, worn out, common place. Triturate, v. a. Pulverize, grind, bruise, bray, levigate, comminute, grind to powder. Trituration, n. Pulverization, commi nution, levigation. Triumph, n. 1. Ovation, celebration, jubilee, jubilation, exultation, flourish of trumpets. 3. Conquest, victory. Triumph, v. n. 1. Exult, rejoice, crow, chuckle, hold a triumph, celebrate a victory. 3. Prevail, succeed, get the mastery, obtain a victory. Triumphal song:, Paean, song of tri umph. Triumphant, a. Victorious, success ful. Triumph over, Subdue, conquer, van quish, overcome, subjugate, overpower, beat, master, get the better of. Trivial, a. 1. [Rare.] Common, ordi nary, vulgar. 3. Trifling, petty, small, frivolous, slight, light, nugatory, worthless, pal try, unimportant, inconsiderable, insig nificant, immaterial, of little value, of little consequence. Trivialness, n. Triviality v Triviality, n. 1. Trivialness, unimpor tance, insignificance, indifference. 3. Trifle, BAGATELLE, small matter, thing of little value or consequence, thing of no moment. Troche, n. Lozenge. Trochee, n. Choree, foot of one long and one short syllable. Troglodyte, n. Wretch, outcast, pil- garlic, pariah, miserable fellow. Troll, v. a. 1. Roll. 3. Allure, lure, entice, toll, draw on. TROLL 420 TRUSTY Troll, v. n. 1. Roll. 2. Sing a catch or round. Troll, n. Catch, round. Trollop, n. Slattern, slut. Trona, n. Sesqui-carbonate of soda (na tive). Troop, n. Throng, multitude, company, power, band, gang, crew, squad. Troop, v. n. Throng, gather in crowds, collect in numbers. Trooper, n. Horse-soldier. Troops, n. pi. 1. Throngs, gangs. 2. Army, soldiers, forces, legions, armed force, military force, body of troops. Trophy, n. Memorial, monument. Tropical, a. 1. Of the tropics. 2. Figurative, metaphorical, not lit eral. Trotli, n. 1. Truth, verity, veracity. 2. Fidelity, faith, belief. Trouble, v. a. 1. Agitate, disturb, de range. 2. Afflict, distress, grieve, annoy, vex, fret, plague, torment, harass, worry, pester, badger, disquiet, concern, make anxious, make uneasy. Trouble, n. 1. Affliction, distress, suf fering, calamity, grief, tribulation, ad versity, misfortune, sorrow, woe. 2. Annoyance, perplexity, vexation, embarrassment, plague, torment, mo lestation. 3. Matter, cause of distress. Troublesome, a. Vexatious, annoying, perplexing, harassing, galling, painful, burdensome, wearisome, tiresome, irk some, PLAGUY, knotty, hard. Troublous, a. 1. Tumultuous, agitated. 2. Full of trouble. Trounce, v. a. [Colloquial.] Whip, flog, castigate, punish severely. Trousers, n. pi. Pantaloons, breeches. Trousseau, n. [Fr.] t Outfit (of a bride). Truant, n. Idler, loiterer, shirk. Truce, n. 1. Armistice, suspension of hostilities, cessation of arms. 2. Intermission, cessation, short rest, short quiet. Truck, v. n. Barter, deal. Truck, v. a. Barter, exchange. Truck, n. Barter, exchange. Truckle, v. n. Cringe, stoop, crouch, submit, knuckle, yield (obsequiously), bend the knee, knock under. Truckle-bed, n. Trundle-bed. Truculence, ) n. Ferocity, ferocious- Truculency, } ness. Truculent, a. Savage, fierce, ferocious, barbarous, cruel, ruthless. Trudge, v. n. Travel (on foot), tramp, march (heavily), jog on. True, a. 1. Real, genuine, veritable, actual, conformable to fact. 2. Truthful, veracious, sincere, can did, frank, honest, honorable, pure. 3. Faithful, constant, steady, loyal, not perfidious. 4. Exact, accurate, correct, conform able to a rule. True-jack, n. Luce, pike, pickerel (Esox lucius). True-love, n. 1. Lover, sweetheart. 2. One-berry, herb-paris (Paris quad- rifolia). Truism, n. Axiom, self-evident truth, evident proposition, necessary truth. Trull, n. Drab, strumpet, prostitute, harlot, whore, courtesan, bawd, punk, Cyprian, street-walker, night-walker, woman of the town. Truly, ad. 1. Really, verily, in truth, with truth, in fact. 2. Truthfully, veraciously, sincerely, honestly, candidly, plainly, in good earnest, in sober earnest, sooth to say, without equivocation, in plain English, without mincing the matter. 3. Faithfully, constantly. 4. Correctly, exactly, strictly, accu rately. Trump, n. 1. [Poetical.] Trumpet. 2. Trump card, winning card. 3. [Colloquial.] Good fellow. Trump, v. a. Lay a trump on, win with a trump. Trump, v. n. Play a trump. Trumpery, n. Trash, rubbish, stuff, frippery, worthless finery. Trumpet, n. Horn. Trumpet, v. a. Proclaim, publish, an nounce, promulgate, advertise, blaze abroad, spread abroad, noise abroad, make known. Trumpet-fish, n. Snipe-fish, bellows- fish ( Centriscus scolopax). Truncate, v. a. Lop, maim, lop off, cut off. Truncheon, n. Staff (of command), par tisan, baton. Trundle, n. 1. Roller, castor. 2. Wallower, lantern-wheel. Trundle, v. a. Roll. Trundle-bed, n. Truckle-bed. Trunk, n. 1. Stem, stock, stalk. 2. Body (without the limbs). 3. Proboscis, snout. 4. Leat, watercourse. Truss, n. \, Bundle, package, packet. 2. Bandage (for hernia). Trust, n. 1. Confidence, reliance, faith, belief, credence, assurance. 2. Credit, tick. 3. Charge, deposit. 4. Commission, errand, duty. 5. Faith, hope, expectation. Trust, v. a. 1. Rely on, depend upon, confide in, put confidence in, trust to. 2. Give credit to, sell to on credit. 3. Believe, give credence to. 4. Entrust, commit. Trust, v. n. 1. Expect, hope, be confi dent, feel sure. 2. Be confiding, be credulous. Trustee, n. Depositary, fiduciary. Trust in, Trust, confide in, place confi dence in, rely on, depend upon, trust to. Trust to, TRUST IN. Trustworthy, a. Honest, true, faith ful, upright, straightforward, uncor- rupt, RELIABLE, trusty, confidential. Trusty, a. TRUSTWORTHY. TRUTH 421 TURKEY-COCK Truth, n. 1. Fact, reality, verity, ac tual existence, matter of fact, stubborn fact, not a dream, not a fancy, not an illusion. 2. Conformity to fact or reality. 3. Principle, axiom, law, canon. 4. Veracity, truthfulness, honesty sincerity, integrity, frankness, ingenu ousness, candor. 5. Faithfulness, fidelity, constancy. 6. Exactness, accuracy, nicety, pre cision. Truthful, a. 1. Correct, true, vera cious. 2. Sincere, honest, candid, frank, open, ingenuous, artless, guileless. . Truthless, a. 1. False, not true. 2. Faithless, disingenuous, insin cere, unfair, dishonest, hollow, hypo critical, Pharisaical, canting, treach erous. Try, v. a. 1. Examine, test, prove, make experiment of, make trial of, put to the test, put to proof. 2. Experience, have knowledge of (by trial). 3. Attempt, essay. 4. Hear, examine judicially. Try, v. n. Attempt, endeavor, strive, aim, seek, make an effort, make essay, do one s best, do all that in one lies, strain every nerve, leave no stone un turned. Trying, a. Severe, painful, afflictive, afflicting, grievous, calamitous, hard, distressing, sad, dire, deplorable, hard to bear. Tryst, n. [Scottish.] Appointment (to meet), appointed meeting. Tube, n. Pipe, hollow cylinder. Tubular, a. Fistular, tube-like. Tuckahoe, n. Virginian truffle, Indian bread, Indian loaf. Tufa, n. Tuff , volcanic tufa. Tuff, n. TUFA. Tuft, ?i. 1. Knot, bunch. 2. Cluster, group. 3. Crest, plume, clump. 4. (Bot.) Capitulum. Tuft-hunter, n. Hanger-on (to noble men and persons of quality), sycophant, parasite, flatterer, lick-spittle, fawner, spaniel, toad-eater, TOADY. Tug, 17. a. Pull (with great effort), draw, haul, drag. Tug, v. n. 1. Pull hard. 2. Labor, struggle, strive. Tug, n. Hard pull, great effort. Tuition, n. Instruction, teaching, edu cation, training, schooling. Tumble, v. n. 1. Roll, toss, heave, pitch about. 2. Fall, be precipitated, fall over. Tumble, v. a. 1. Precipitate, throw headlong. Z. Disturb, derange, rumple, put in disorder. Tumbrel, n. 1. Dung-cart, muck-cart, rough cart. 2. Trebuchet, castigatory, ducking- stool, cucking-stool. Tumefaction, n. Tumor, swelling. Tumefy, v. a. Swell, inflate, distend. Tumid, a. 1. Swollen, swelled, en larged, distended, puffed up. 2. Bombastic, turgid, swelling, pom pous, inflated, stilted, grandiloquent, declamatory, rhetorical, high-flown. HIGHFALUTIN. Tumor, n. Swelling, tumefaction. Tumult, n. 1. Uproar, affray, fray, brawl, feud, row, altercation, squabble, quarrel, outbreak, strife, MELEE, gen eral RIOT. 2. Commotion, disturbance, stir, agi tation, breeze, ferment, confusion, hud dle, pother, ado, bustle, flurry, noise, fuss, TO-DO. Tumultuous, a. 1. Uproarious, riot ous, turbulent. 2. Disturbed, agitated, restless, un easy, unquiet. Tun-bellied, a. Abdominous, big-bel lied, pot-bellied, great-bellied, large- bellied. Tune, n. 1. Air, melody, strain, move ment. 2. Concord, harmony. Tune, v. a. 1. Harmonize, accord, mod ulate, attune, put in tune. 2. Sing. Tuneful, a. Musical, harmonious, mel odious, dulcet, ariose. Tunnel, n. Funnel. Tunnel-shaped, a. (Bot.) Infundibular, infundibuliform. Tupelo, n. Pepperidge, sour gum-tree (JVyssa multiflora). Turbid a. Roiled, roily, unsettled, fecu lent, draggy, muddy, thick, cloudy, foul, not clear. Turbulence, n. 1. Tumult, uproar, disturbance, turmoil, commotion, dis order, confusion. 2. Riot, sedition, mutiny, insurrec tion, rebellion. Turbulent, a. 1. Tumultuous, disor derly, blustering, obstreperous, boister ous, uproarious, blatant, brawling, vo ciferous. 2. Riotous, seditious, mutinous, re fractory, insurgent, rebellious, revolu tionary, Jacobinical. Turf, n. 1. Sod, clod, sward, green sward. 2. Race-course, race-ground. Turf-like, a. Turfy, cespitose. Turfy, a. Cespitose, turf-like. Turgescence, a. 1. Swelling, tumefac tion, distention. 2. Bombast, TURGIDITY. Turgid, a. 1. Swelled, swollen, bloated, distended, puffed up. 2. Pompous, bombastic, tumid, puffy, inflated, stilted, grandiloquent, de clamatory, rhetorical, sophomorical, high-flown, HIGHFALUTIN. Turgidity, n. 1. Swelling, distention, turgescence. 2. Bombast, inflation, turgidness, grandiloquence, pompous style. Durgidness, n. TURGIDITY. Turk, n. Ottoman, Mahometan. Turkey-cock, n. GOBBLES. TURKEY-STONE 422 TUTORSHIP Turkey-stone, n. oil-stone. Novaculite, Turkey Turkish, a. Ottoman, of the Turks. Turmeric paper, Curcuma paper. Turmoil, n. Tumult, agitation, dis turbance, disorder, turbulence, confu sion, commotion, uproar, bustle, hud dle, hurly-burly. Turn, v. a, 1. Revolve, move round, turn round, make go round. 2. Deviate, cast, deflect, inflect, bend, incline. 3. Reverse the position of, turn over. 4. Shape (as in a lathe), form, mould, fashion. 5. Change, alter, transmute, meta morphose, transform, convert. 6. Translate, construe, render. 7. Direct, apply. 8. Acidify, make sour, make acid. Turn, v. n. 1. Revolve, whirl, turn round. 2. Be directed. 3. Deviate, incline, bend. 4. Be changed, be transformed, be converted. 5. Grow, become. 6. Become sour, become acid. 7. Depend, hinge, pivot, hang, be dependent. Turn, n. 1. Revolution, gyration, rota tion, round, bout. 2. Deviation, deflexion, flexion, flex ure, crook, bend, bending, elbow, cur vature, sweep, meandering, sinuosity, winding, twist, twisting, twining, turn ing, twirl, twirling. 3. Short walk, short excursion. 4. Change, variation, alteration, vi cissitude. 5. Occasion, opportunity, opportune ness, hap, chance, opening, juncture, crisis, conjuncture, nick of time, golden opportunity. 6. Phase, form, fashion, manner, guise, shape, figure, configuration, con formation, frame, cast, cut, set, build, make, trim, mould, stamp, feature, as pect, complexion, character. 7. -Act, action, deed, oifice. 8. Aptitude, forte, bias, talent, gift, endowment, genius, proclivity, prone- ness, propensity. Turn a corner, Go round a corner. Turn aside, Avert, turn away, turn off. Turn a deaf ear to, Disregard, decline to hear, take no notice of, pay 110 atten tion to, pay no regard to. Turn away, [Active.] 1. Avert, turn aside. 2. Dismiss (from service), discard, cashier, turn off. Turn away, [Neuter.] 1. Deviate. 2. Go, depart, remove. Turncoat, n. Apostate, renegade, back slider, deserter. Turn down, Fold down, double down. Turn in, [Active.] Fold in, double in. Turn in, [Neuter.] 1. Bend inward. 2. Enter, go in. 3. [Colloquial.] Retire, go to bed. Turn off, 1. Dismiss, discard, turn away. 2. Deflect, divert, 3. Accomplish, perform, execute, do. Turn one s stomach, Nauseate, sicken. Turn out, v. a. 1. Expel, drive out, drum out, turn adrift. 2. Put to pasture, put out to pas ture. 3. Produce, furnish, manufacture, make, accomplish, do. Turn out, 1. Bend outward. 2. Issue, result, prove, eventuate. 3. Get up, rise from bed. Turn out, n. 1. Strike. 2. Siding, short side track (on a rail road). 3. Equipage. Turn over, v. a. 1. Turn, reverse the position of. 2. Transfer, hand over. Turn over, Roll over. Turnpike, n. 1. Pike, turnpike gate. 2. [U.S.] Turnpike road. Turn round, Revolve, whirl, turn. Turnsole, n. 1. Heliotrope. 2. Litmus. Turn tail, [Colloquial.] Flee, run away, make off, cut and run. Turn the back upon, Leave with con tempt. Turn the head, Infatuate, make giddy, make insane. Turn the tables, Reverse positions, re verse circumstances. Turn to, Have recourse to. Turn to account, Utilize, take advan tage of, make use of. Turn up, 1. Bend upwards. 2. Occur, happen, come to pass. Turpitude, n. Baseness, depravity, wickedness, vileness. Turret, n. Minaret, pinnacle, small tower. Turtle, n. 1. Turtle-dove. 2. Sea-tortoise, marine tortoise. Turtle-dove, n. Turtle. Turtle-shell, n. Tortoise shell. Tush, interj. Pshaw. Tush, n. TUSK. Tusk, n. Tush, fang, pointed tooth. Tussle, n. [Colloquial.] Scuffle, strug gle, conflict. Tussle, v.n. [Colloquial.] Scuffle, strug gle, contend. Tut, interj. Stop, be still, hush. Tutelage, n. Protection, guardianship, tutorship. Tutelar, ) a. Protecting, guardian, Tutelary, j guarding. Tutelary saint, Patron, good genius, guardian. Tutor, n. 1. (Law.) Guardian. 2. Teacher, instructor, master, pre ceptor, school-master. Tutor, v. a. 1. Teach, instruct. 2. Discipline, train, bring under con trol. Tutoress, n. Instructress, governante, governess. Tutorship, n. TUTELAGE, guardian ship. TWADDLE 423 ULCER Twaddle, n. Prate, prattle, chatter, tattle, twattle, gabble, palaver, gossip, balderdash, moonshine, nonsense, jar- ?on, flummery, rigmarole, stuft", plati- ude, wish-wash, senseless talk, idle talk, frothy discourse. Twain, n. [Nearly obsolete.] Two. Twang, n. 1. Nasal tone. 2. Taste, smack, savor, flavor. Twattle, ?i. TWADDLE. Tweak, v. a. Twitch, twinge, pinch, pull rudely. Tweedle, v. a. Allure (by some slight influence, as by fiddling), coax, entice, drib, decoy, toll, troll, lure, lead, draw over, bring over, prevail upon. Tweezers, n. pi. Nippers, pincers. Twelvemonth, n. Year. ^ Twig, n. Shoot, sprig, spray, branch. Twig, v. a. [Colloquial.] Observe, no tice, take notice of. Twilight, 7i. 1. Crepuscular light. 2. Dim light, faint light. Twilight, a. Obscure, dim, shaded. Twin, a. (Bot.) Doubled, geminate, in pairs. Twins, n.pl. (Astron.) [With The pre fixed.] Gemini. Twine, v. a. 1. Twist together. 2. Encircle, surround, embrace, en twine, wind about, wind around. Twinge, v. a. Tweak, twitch, pinch, pull rudely. Twinge, n. Gripe, pang, sharp pain. Twinkle, v. n. Sparkle, flash. Twinkle, n. TWINKLING. Twinkling, n. 1. Flashing, sparkling, twinkle. 2. Instant, moment, second, jiffy, trice, flash, twinkling of an eye. Twinkling of an eye, TWINKLING, twinkle. Twirl, v. a. Whirl, revolve, turn rap idly, turn round. Twirl, n. Whirling, circular motion. Twist, v. a. 1. Twine, twist together. 2. Writhe, contort, complicate, con volve. 3. Wind, wreathe, encircle. Twist, 7i. Convolution, writhing, con tortion, winding, flexure, kink, bend ing bight, coil. Twit, v. a. Beproach, blame, upbraid, taunt. Twit with, Reproach for, cast in the teeth. Twitch, v. a. Pull suddenly, snatch, jerk, yerk, pluck. Twitch, n. 1. Jerk, quick pull. 2. Spasm, twitching, sudden con traction (as of the muscles). Twitch-grass, n. Couch-grass, dog s- grass, dog-wheat, wheat-grass, quitch- grass, knot-grass ( Triticum repens). Twitching, n. Spasm, TWITCH. Two, n. 1. Sum of two units. 2. Pair, couple, brace, SPAN. Twofold, a. Double. Two-valved, a. Bivalve, bivalvular. Tyke, n. 1. Dog, cur, puppy. 2. Contemptible fellow. Tympanum, n. Drum (of the ear). Type, n. 1. Emblem, symbol, figure, sign, token, mark, shadow, image, rep resentation, adumbration. 2. Original, model, pattern, proto type, archetype, original, exemplar, protoplast, mirror, paragon. 3. Stamp, form, kind, sort. 4. Printing character. Typical, a. Figurative, emblematical, emblematic, indicative, representa tive. Tipify, v. a. Figure, indicate, betoken, denote, represent, stand for, shadow forth. Typography, n. Art of printing, print ing. Tyrannic, ) a. 1. Despotic, arbitrary, Tyrannical, ) imperious, domineering, high, absolute, irresponsible, bound by no . law. 2. Cruel, severe, oppressive, grind ing, galling, inhuman. Tyrannize, v. n. Domineer, act the tyrant, be despotic, exercise arbitrary power, lord it, rule with a rod of iron, carry matters with a high hand. Tyranny, n. 1. Despotism, absolutism, dictatorship, arbitrary power, despotic rule. 2. Oppression, iron rule, reign of ter ror, cruel government. Tyrant, n. 1. Despot, absolute ruler. 2. Oppressor, cruel master. Tyrant fly-catcher, Kingbird (Musci- capa tyrannus or Tyrannus intrepidus). Tyro, n. Beginner, novice, learner. u Ubiquitary, a. [Rare.] UBIQUITOUS. Ubiquitous, a. Omnipresent, ubiqui- tary, universally present. Ubiquity, n. Omnipresence, universal presence. Udder, n. 1. Bag (of a cow, &c.). 2. Teat, dug, nipple, pap. Udometer, n. Rain-gauge, pluviameter, ombrometer. Ugly, a. 1. Unsightly, plain, homely, ordinary, ill-looking, ill-favored, hard- favored, not handsome. 2. Frightful, horrible, hideous, hor rid, shocking, terrible, GREWSOME. 3. Cross, sulky, morose, ill-tempered, crabbed, cross-grained. Ulcer, n. Sore \discharging pus), fester, imposthume, gathering, boil, pustule. ULCERATE 424 UNBEND Ulcerate, v . n. Fester, suppurate, turn to an ulcer. Ulterior, a. Further, remoter, more dis tant. Ultima ratio, [L.I The last argument. Ultima ratio regum, [L.] War, the last argument of kings. Ultimate, a. Last, final, furthest, ex treme, eventual. Ultima Thule, [L.] Farthest limit, Ultimatum, n. Final condition, final proposition, last offer. Ultra, a. Extreme, radical. Ultra, n. Ultraist, extremist, radical. Ultrais?^, n. Extreme views, radical ism. Ultraist, n. Extremist, ultra, radical. Ultramarine, n. Saunders-blue. Ultramontane, a. Tramontane, beyond the mountains or the Alps. Ultramundane, a. Beyond the world, beyond the limits of our world or sys tem. Ululafcion, n. Howl, howling, wailing, HUBBUBBOO. Umbilical cord, Navel-string. Umbrage, n. 1. Shade, shadow. 2, Offence, resentment, suspicion of injury, pique, grudge, wounded pride. Umbrageous, a. Shady, dark, shad owy. Umpirage, n. Arbitration, arbitrament, intervention. Umpire, n. Arbitrator, arbiter, referee, judge. Unabated, a. Undirninished, not abated. Unable, a. Incapable, incompetent, not able, impotent, powerless. Unaccomplished, a. Unfinished, in complete, unexecuted, unperformed, undone, unachieved, not accomplished. Unaccountable, a. 1. Strange, inex plicable, mysterious, unheard of. 2. Irresponsible, unanswerable, not responsible. Unaccustomed, a. Unused, new, not habituated, not familiar. Unachieved, a. UNACCOMPLISHED. Unadapted, a. Unsuited, inapplicable, unfit, improper, not adapted. Unadorned, a. Simple, unvarnished, plain, without ornament. Unadulterated, a. Unmixed, genuine, pure, real, perfect. Unadvisable, a. Inexpedient, improp er, unfit, unsuitable, not prudent, not discreet. Unadvised, a. Imprudent, indiscreet, inconsiderate, rash. Unaffected, a. Simple, plain, natural, NAIVE, sincere, real, genuine, not hypo critical. Unalloyed, a. Pure, uncorrupted, un mixed, genuine. Unalterable, a. Unchangeable, immut able, stable. Unambiguous, a. Plain, clear, explicit, certain, unequivocal, perspicuous. Unamiable, a. Unkind, ungracious, ill- natured. Unanimity, a. Agreement, harmony, accord, unison, unity, concert, union. Unanimous, a. Concordant, agreeing, harmonious, like-minded, of one mind. Unanswerable, a. 1. Irrefutable, irref ragable, incontrovertible, unquestion able, incontestable. 2. Irresponsible, unaccountable. Unanticipated, a. Unexpected, sud den, abrupt, unthought of, unlocked for. Unappalled, a. Undismayed, unawed, undaunted, unscared, fearless, intrepid, daring, bold. Unappeasable, a. 1. Insatiable, insa tiate, that cannot be appeased. 2. Irreconcilable, implacable. Unappreciated, a. Unvalued, unprized. Unapprised, a. Uninformed, ignorant. Unapproachable, a. Inaccessible. Unapt, a. 1. Inappropriate, unsuitable, unfit, inapposite, inapplicable, irrele vant, not pertinent. 2. Unqualified, incompetent, inapt, ill-qualified. Unarmed, a. Defenceless, naked, un protected, unguarded. Unassailable, a. Impregnable, inex pugnable, secure from assault, not to be taken by assault or by storm, ten able against all odds. Unassuming, a. Modest, humble, un pretending. Unatonable, a. Inexpiable, unpardon able, inexcusable, irremissible, not to be atoned for, that admits of no satis faction. Unattempted, a. Untried, unproved. Unauthentic, a. Spurious, counterfeit, supposititious, false, sham, pretended, feigned, fictitious, make-believe, un- canonical, not genuine. Unavailing, a. Ineffectual, fruitless, useless, bootless, abortive, vain, futile, inept, nugatory, to no purpose. Una voce, [L.] Unanimously, with one voice. Unavoidable, a. Inevitable, necessary, not to be avoided, not to be escaped, that must be suffered. Unaware, a. Inattentive, heedless, un conscious, not cognizant. Unawares, ad. Unexpectedly, suddenly. Unbalanced, a. 1. Not poised, not bal anced. 2. Unadjusted (as accounts), unset tled. Unbearable, a. Intolerable, insuffer able, unendurable, insupportable, that cannot be borne or endured. Unbecoming, a. Indecorous, unsuit able, improper, indecent, unseemly. Unbegotten, a. Eternal, self-existent. Unbelief, a. 1. Incredulity, distrust, want of belief. 2. Scepticism, infidelity, disbelief, free-thinking, refusal to believe. Unbeliever, n. Sceptic, infidel, disbe liever, deist, MISCREANT, free-thinker. Unbend, v. a. 1. Straighten, make straight. 2. Relax, remit, recreate, take recre ation, be diverted, be amused. 3. (Naut.} Unfasten, untie. UNBENDING 425 UNCONDITIONAL Unbending:, a. Inflexible, unyielding, stiff, rigid, unpliant. Unbiassed, a. Unprejudiced, impartial, disinterested, neutral, indifferent. Unbidden, a. 1. Unordered, uncom- manded. 2. Uninvited, unasked, unsolicited, unsought. Unbind, i\ a. 1. Untie, unloose, loose, unfasten. 2. Unchain, set free, set at liberty. Unblamable, a. Blameless, inculpable, irreprovable, irreprehensible, faultless, irreproachable, guiltless, innocent, not to be blamed. Unblemished, a. Pure, spotless, sin less, guileless, innocent, faultless, im peccable, unspotted, immaculate, -un sullied, undetiled, untarnished, without a stain. (Jnborrowed, a. Native, original, gen uine. Unbosom, v. a. Reveal, disclose, open, divulge, unfold, communicate. Unbound, a. 1. Untied, unfastened, loose, not confined. 2. Without a cover (as a book). Unbrace, v. a. 1. Loosen, remit. 2. Relax, enervate, enfeeble, weaken, debilitate, prostrate. Unbury, v. a. Disinter, disentomb, dig up, exhume. Unbridled, a. Unrestrained, licentious, lax. Unbroken, a. 1. Round, full, complete, entire. 2. Sound, profound, undisturbed, fast. Unbuckle, v. a. Unfasten, loose, un loose. Uncanonical, a. Unauthentic, legen dary, apocryphal, of doubtful author ity. Unceasing;, a. Incessant, constant, con tinual, perpetual, uninterrupted, unre mitting, unintermitting. Unceremonious, a. Ungracious, blunt, bluff, rough, plain, homely, rude, coarse. Uncertain, a. 1. Equivocal, doubtful, dubious, unsettled, indistinct, ambigu ous, indefinite, questionable. 2. Unreliable, insecure, precarious, problematical. 3. Not sure, not confident. 4. Irregular, unpunctual, capricious, desultory, fitful, variable, changeable, mutable, slippery, shaky, not uniform. Uncertainty, n. 1. Ambiguity, doubt, obscurity, vagueness, dubiousness, in certitude, doubtfulness. 2. Contingency. 3. Irregularity, variableness, change- ableness, capriciousness. Unchain, v. a. Unbind, unshackle, set free, liberate, set at liberty. Unchangeable, a. Changeless, immut able, unalterable, invariable. Unchanged, a. Unaltered, unvaried. Unchanging:, a. Unvarying. Uncharitable, a. Harsh, censorious, unkind, illiberal* not charitable. Unchaste, a. Dissolute, libidinous, las civious, licentious, lecherous, inconti nent, loose, lewd, wanton, obscene. Unchastity, n. Dissoluteness, libidi- nousness, incontinence, lewdness, wan tonness, lechery. Unchecked, a. Unrestrained, unham pered, unobstructed. Unchristian, a. 1. Infidel, not chris tianized. 2. Irreligious, unholy, ungodly. Uncircumspect, a. Imprudent, incon siderate, careless, heedless, headlong, reckless, indiscreet, incautious, giddy, flighty, unsteady, wild, giddy-brained, hare-brained. Uncivil, a. Rude, impolite, uncourteous, discourteous, unmannerly, ungentle, unmannered, ungracious, disrespectful, rough, irreverent, blunt, gruff, bear ish, BRUSQUE, ill-mannered, ill-bred. Unclayed sugar, Muscovado. Unclean, a. Foul, dirty, filthy, nasty, uncleanly. Uncleanly, a. UNCLEAN. Uncleanness, n. Foulness, defilement, impurity, dirtiness, filthiness, nastiness, pollution, abomination. Unclose, v. a. Open, OPE, lay open. Unclothed, a. Undressed, uncovered, naked, bare, stark naked, in a state of nature, IN PUBIS NATURALIBUS. Unclouded, a. Clear, bright, sunny, cloudless, unobscured. Uncolored, a. Colorless, untinged, un stained, hueless, achromatic, free from color. Uncomfortable, a. 1, Disagreeable, displeasing, unpleasant, cheerless, dis mal, miserable, unhappy, not comfort able. 2. Close (as the weather), oppressive. Uncommanded, a. Unordered, unbid den. Uncommon, a. Rare, unusual, odd, unwonted, infrequent, strange, queer, singular, remarkable, out of the way. Uncommunicative, a. Reserved, taci turn, close, inconversable, unsociable, reticent, incommunicative, sparing of words, of few words. Uncompassionate, a. RUTHLESS, mer ciless, pitiless. Uncompelled, a. Spontaneous, volun tary, unbidden, unconstrained, willing, gratuitous, free, of one s own accord. Uncompoimded, a. Unmixed, incom- posite, simple, single, not complex. Uncompromising, a. Unyielding, ob stinate, inflexible, stiff, rigid. Unconcealed, a. Open, plain, manifest, evident, naked. Unconcern, . Indifference, careless ness, coolness, NONCHALANCE. Unconcerned, a. Indifferent, careless, cpol, unsolicitous, unmoved, apathetic, dead, NONCHALANT, not anxious, not interested. Unconditional, a. Unrestricted, un limited, complete, absolute, unqualified, unreserved. UNCONDITIONED 426 UNDERNEATH Unconditioned, a. 1. Not conditioned. 2. Infinite, inconceivable, incogita- ble. Unconformable, a. Irregular, dissim ilar, unlike, incongruous, aberrant, ex ceptional, erratic. Unconformity, n. Non-conformity, incongruity. Unconquerable, a. 1. Invincible, in domitable. 3. Insuperable, insurmountable. Unconquerableness, n. Invincibility, invincibleness, indomitableness. Unconscionable, a. Unreasonable, in ordinate, excessive. Unconstrained, a. Free, easy, natural, spontaneous, voluntary. Uncontrollable, a. Ungovernable, ir repressible, rampant, headstrong, not to be controlled. Unconversable, a. Unsociable, uncom municative, incommunicative, taciturn, close, reserved, reticent. Unconvincing, a. Inconclusive, inde cisive. Uncooked, a. Raw, not cooked. Uncorrupt, a. Upright, honest, true, virtuous, honorable, impartial, even- handed, straightforward. Uncourteous, a. Impolite, uncivil, dis respectful, unmannerly, ungentleman- ly, rude, uncourtly, discourteous, inur bane, bearish, ill-mannered, ill-bred, ill-behaved. Uncourtly, a. 1. Rustic, awkward, UN COUTH. 3. Uncivil, UNCOURTEOUS. Uncouth, a. 1. Rustic, awkward, boor ish, clownish, loutish, clumsy, unseem ly, unrefined, uncourtly, lubberly, rude, gawky, inelegant, slouching, ungainly. 3. Unfamiliar, unusual, strange, odd. Uncover, v. a. 1. Strip, lay bare, lay open, divest of covering. 3. Disclose, reveal, discover. Uncover, v. n. Take off the hat (in to ken of respect), bare the head. Unction, n. 1. [Rare.] Unguent, oint ment. 3. Fervor, emotion, devotional feel ing. Unctuosity, n. [Rare.] UNCTUOUSNESS. Unctuous, a. Fat, fatty, greasy, oily, oleaginous, adipose, sebaceous. Unctuousness, n. Oiliness, greasiness, fatness, unctuosity. Uncultivated, a. 1. Untilled. 3. Rude, uncivilized, unlettered, ig norant, unpolished, uneducated. 3. Wild, savage, rough, sylvan. Uncurrent, a. That does not pass (in payment), not receivable at par, not- current. Undamaged, a. Uninjured, unhurt, unimpaired. Undaunted, a. Bold, intrepid, fearless, brave, courageous, manful, manly, res olute, undismayed, unterrified, unap- palled, unawed. Undebased, a. Unadulterated, pure. Undecaying, a. Enduring, unfading, lasting, undying, amaranthine, imper ishable, perennial, immortal, ever-ver nal, ever-blooming. Undecided, a. Undetermined, unset tled, pending, in suspense. Undefiled, a. Pure, spotless, unblem ished, unspotted, unsullied, immacu late, untarnished, without a stain. Undefined, a. 1. Unbounded, limitless, boundless. 3. Indistinct, indeterminate, indefi nite. Undemonstrative, a. Reserved, quiet, modest. Undeniable, a. Indisputable, indubi table, incontrovertible, unquestionable, incontestable, irrefragable, evident, ob vious, not to be disputed, beyond all question, beyond a doubt, past dispute. Under, prep. 1. Beneath, below. 3. Subordinate to, subject to, in sub ordination to. 3. Below, less than, with less than. 4. By means of. 5. When exposed to, while suffering. 6. In, in the state or condition of. 7. Attested by, authorized by, signed by- Under, ad. In subjection. Under arms, Armed for fighting, ready for battle. Under bare poles, (Naut.) With no sails set. Underbrush, n. Undergrowth, under wood. Underdone, a. Rare, done or cooked rare, moderately cooked. Underestimate, v. a. Undervalue, un derrate, misprize, rate below the true value, rate too low. Under fire, Exposed to fire (of shot, by an enemy). Underfoot, a. Under the feet. Undergo, v. a. Bear, suffer, endure, sustain, ^perience, pass through, go through, me^t with, be exposed to, be subjected to. Underground, i. Subterranean, sub terraneous. Undergrowth, n. TT nderbrush, under wood. Underhand, ad. Secretly, privately, clandestinely, fraudulently, under- handedly. Underhand, a. Secret, sly, clandes tine, disingenuous, unfair, fraudulent, underhanded. Underhanded, a. UNDERHAND. Underhandedly, ad. UNDERHAND. Underived, a. 1. Original, primeval, aboriginal, primary, first. 2. Radical, primitive. Underjaw, n. Lower jaw. Underlet, v . a. Sublet, let or lease at second hand. Underline, v. a. Underscore, draw a line under. Underling, n. Understrapper, fag, ser vant, inferior agent. Undermine, v. a.- Sap, mine. Undermost, a. Lowest. Underneath, prep. Under, beneath, below. UNDERNEATH 427 UNDULATION Underneath, ad. Below, under, be neath. Underplot, n. 1. Subordinate plot. 3. Secret plot, clandestine scheme. Underrate, v. a. Undervalue, misprize, underestimate, rate below the true value, rate too low. Underscore, v. a. Underline, draw a line under. Undersell, v. a. Sell cheaper than. Undersign, v. a. Subscribe, underwrite. Understand, v. a. 1. Apprehend, con ceive, perceive, know, COMPREHEND, penetrate, discern, see, have knowledge of, see through, make out. 3. Interpret, take, suppose to mean. 3. Mean, imply. Understand, v. n. 1. [Rare.} Be an intelligent being, have understanding. 3. Learn, hear, be apprised, be in formed. Understanding, n. 1. Intellect, mind, reason, sense, brains, thinking princi ple, reasoning faculty, rational faculty, discursive faculty, intellectual powers, intellectual faculties. 3. Intelligence, apprehension, com prehension, perception, knowledge, dis cernment, judgment, notion, idea. 3. Agreement, accord, unanimity. Understandingly, ad. Intelligibly, in telligently, with full knowledge, with the eyes open. Understate, v. a. State too low. Understrapper, n. Underling, fag, ser vant, inferior agent. Undertake, v. a. Attempt, set about, engage in, embark in, enter upon, take in hand, take upon one s self, take on one s shoulders. Undertake, v. n. Engage, agree, stipu late, bargain, promise, be bound, be sworn, pledge one s sell, pledge one s word, plight one s word, pass one s word, take upon one s self. Undertaking, n. Enterprise, engage ment, attempt, adventure, endeavor, effort. Under the breath, Softly, with a low voice, SOTTO VOCE. Under the rose, Privately, secretly, SUB ROSA. Under the weather, 111, sick, indis posed, unwell, ailing, on the sick list, out of sorts, laid on the shelf. Under the sun, In the world, on the earth. Undervalue, v. a. 1. Underrate, mis prize, rate below the true value, rate too low. 3. Despise, depreciate, esteem light ly, hold in low estimation. Underwitted, a. Sappy, silly, half witted, foolish. Underwood, n. Underbrush, under growth. Underwrite, v. a. 1. Subscribe, under sign. 3. Insure. Underwriter, n. Insurer. Undeserved, a. Unmerited, not de served. Undesigned, a. Unintentional, not in tended. Undetermined, a. 1. Unsettled, un decided, wavering, hesitating, IRRESO LUTE. 3. Unbounded, undefined, unlimited. Undeveloped,, a. Latent, in embryo. Uiideviating, a. Straight, straightfor ward, regular. Undignified, a. Common, low, grovel ling, base, vile, mean, without dignity. Undimmed, a. Clear, bright. Uiidiscernible, a. Invisible, imper ceptible, undiscoverable, indiscernible, not to be discerned. Undiscerning, a. 1. Blind, purblind. 3. Stupid, dull, unintelligent, unen lightened. Undisciplined, a. Untrained, unprac tised, undrjlled, unschooled, uniniti ated, inexperienced, raw. Undiscoverable, a. 1. Undiscernible, that cannot be discovered. 3. Inscrutable, unsearchable, hidden, mysterious, past or above comprehen sion. Undisguised, a. Open, ingenuous, un reserved, plain, frank, sincere, honest, true, not disguised, not cloaked. Undismayed, a. Undaunted, unawed, unappalled, fearless, bold, courageous, brave, intrepid. Undisputed, a. UNDOUBTED. Undissembling, a. Sincere, honest, in genuous, artless, guileless, open, frank, candid, hearty. Undistinguishable, a. Indistinct, in determinate, confused, indistinguish able, that cannot be distinguished. Undisturbed, a. Calm, placid, quiet, tranquil, serene, peaceful, unmoved, unruffled, composed, collected, cool. Undivided, a. 1. Whole, entire, com plete. 3. United, one. Undo, v. a. 1. Annul, invalidate, frus trate, bring to nought. 2. Loose, unfasten, untie, disengage, open, unfold, disentangle, unravel. 3. Ruin, destroy. 4. Impoverish, bring to poverty. Undoing, n. Ruin, destruction. Un domesticated, a. Wild, not tame. Undoubted, a. Indisputable, indubi table, undisputed, incontrovertible, un questionable, not called in question, unquestioned, not doubted. Undress, v. a. Disrobe, strip, divest of clothes. Undress, n. Dishabille, loose dress, ordi nary dress, not full dress. Undrilled, a. Untrained, unpractised, undisciplined, unschooled, uninitiated, inexperienced. Undue, a. Unsuitable, improper, exces sive, inordinate, immoderate. Undulate, v. n. Wave, fluctuate, move up and down. Undulating, a. Waving, wavy, undu- latory. Undulation, n. Wave, fluctuation, rip ple, rimple, wave-like motion. UNDULATORY 428 UNFREQUENT Undulatory, a. Undulating, waving, wavy. Undutiful, a. Disobedient, unfilial, disloyal, unfaithful. Undying, a. Deathless, imperishable, immortal, perennial, never-dying, ever- living. Unearthly, a. Supernatural, preter natural. Uneasiness, n. Disquiet, restlessness, inquietude, anxiety. Uneasy, a. 1. Restless, restive, un quiet, disturbed, impatient, ill at ease, sitting on thorns. 2. Constrained, stiff, awkward, un graceful, ungainly, not easy. Uneducated, a. Illiterate, unlettered, unlearned, untaught, uncultivated, uninstructed, unenlightened, ignorant, rude. Unemployed, a. 1. Unoccupied, doing nothing, out of employment. 3. Disused. Unending, a. Everlasting, ever-during, eternal, perpetual, endless, sempi ternal. Unendurable, a. Insufferable, intoler able, insupportable. Unenlightened, a. Ignorant, UNEDU CATED. Unequal, a. 1. Uneven, not alike. 2. Inferior, inadequate, insufficient. 3. Disproportioned, ill-matched. 4. Irregular, not equable, not uni form. Unequalled, a. [Written also Une- qualed.] Unmatched, matchless, un paralleled, unexampled, unparagoned, peerless, unsurpassed, unrivalled, with out an equal. Unequivocal, a. Indubitable, incon testable, clear, plain, evident, certain, positive, absolute, unambiguous, un mistakable, not equivocal. Unerring, a. 1. Infallible, not liable to err. 2. Certain, sure, exact, accurate. Unessential, a. Unimportant, imma terial, non-essential, of no account, of no consequence, of no moment. Uneven, a. 1. Rough, ragged, jagged, not level, not smooth. 3. Unequal, not alike. 3. Odd, not exactly divisible by 2. Unexampled, a. Unprecedented. Unexcelled, a. Unsurpassed, unri valled. Unexceptionable, a. Unobjectionable, good, excellent, faultless. Unexpected, a. Sudden, abrupt, unan ticipated, unlocked for, unthought of. Unexpensive, a. Cheap, moderate, not expensive. Unexperienced, a. Inexperienced, un practised, untrained, unschooled, unin itiated, raw, unversed, undisciplined, unskilled, green, without experience. Unexpi-essive, a. Inexpressive, charac terless, blank. Unfailing, a. Inexhaustible, exhaust- less, certain, constant, not liable to fail. Unfading, a. Undecaying, lasting, en during, amaranthine. Unfair, a. Unjust, inequitable, partial, dishonest, dishonorable, disingenuous, one-sided, insincere, uncandid, false, hypocritical, faithless, truthless. Unfaithful, a. Faithless, treacherous, perfidious, unreliable, derelict, false, deceitful, disloyal, recreant, treason able, undutiful, false-hearted. Unfaltering, a. Firm, resolute, stead fast, determined, unwavering, unhesi tating, unswerving. Unfamiliar, a. Unusual, uncommon, strange, singular, queer, unheard of, out of the way. Unfashionable, a. Obsolete, disused, antiquated, old-fashioned, out of use, out of fashion, out of date, fallen into desuetude. Unfasten, v. a. Loose, unloose, untie, unbind, unclasp, unlace. Unfathomable, a. Fathomless, bottom less, soundless, very deep, very pro found. Unfavorable, a. Adverse, contrary, repugnant, injurious, malign, baneful, unpropitious, inauspicious, discourag ing. Unfeasible, a. Impracticable, infeasi- ble, that cannot be accomplished or done. Unfeathered, a. Unfledged, callow. Unfeeling, a. 1. Insensible, torpid, numb, apathetic, callous, without sensi bility. 2. Cruel, unkind, unsympathizing, hard, hard-hearted. Unfeigned, a. Real, sincere, sterling, true, undisguised, genuine, unaffected, unvarnished, not pretended. Unfet ter, v. a. Unshackle, unbind, set free, loose, set at liberty. Unfilial, a. Undutiful, disobedient. Unfinished, a. Incomplete, unexecuted, unaccomplished, unperformed, left un done. Unfit, a. 1. Unsuitable, inappropriate, inapposite, inapt. 3. Unqualified, incapable, incapaci tated, insufficient, unequal. Unfit, v. a. Disqualify, make unfit, in capacitate. Unflagging, a. Untiring, unremitting, unwearied, indefatigable, persevering, undrooping, never-tiring. Unfledged, a. 1. Unfeathered, callow. 2. Inexperienced, raw, green. Unfold, v. a. 1. Expand, open, unroll. 2. Reveal, disclose, declare, divulge, tell, interpret, disentangle, resolve, de cipher, unravel, unriddle, explain, illus trate, make known, set forth, make, clear. Unformed, a. Shapeless, unlicked. Unfortunate, a. 1. Unsuccessful, un- Erosperous, unlucky, luckless, ill-fated, 1-starred. 3. Disastrous, calamitous, unhappy, deplorable. Unfrequent, a. Uncommon, rare, infre quent. UNFREQUENTED 429 UNINTELLECTUAL Unfrequented, a. Uninhabited, unoc cupied, deserted, lone, solitary. Unfriended, a. Friendless, forlorn. Unfriendly, a. Unkind, hostile, inimi cal, malevolent, antagonistic. Unfruitful, a. Unproductive, barren, unprolific, stei ile, addle, unfertile, infe- cund, fruitless, ACARPOUS. Unfurl, v. a. Open, display, spread out, give to the breeze. Ungainly, a. Clumsy, awkward, un couth, uncourtly, inelegant, clownish, boorish, gawky, loutish, lubberly, lum bering, slouching, ungraceful, stiff, con strained. Ungenerous, a. Illiberal, unkind, base, mean, sordid, selfish, ignoble, dishonor able. Ungentle, a. Harsh, rude, impolite, un- courteous, uncivil, UNGENTLEMANLY. Ungeiitlemanly, a. Uncivil, impolite, uncourteous, discourteous, rude, rough, coarse, bearish, boorish, ungentle, sav age, not gentlemanly. Ungodly, a. Wicked, impious, sinful, unrighteous, godless. Ungovernable, a. Unruly, refractory, uncontrollable, intractable, unmanage able, irrepressible, riotous, rebellious, mutinous, wild, rampant, headstrong, infuriate, mad, frantic, furious. Ungoverned, a. 1. Without govern ment. 3. Uncontrolled, unbridled, licen tious. Ungraceful, a. Stiff, constrained, rude, awkward, clumsy, inelegant, coarse, unrefined, unpolished, uncourtly, un gainly, uncouth; slouching, rustic, boor ish, loutish, clownish, gawky, lubberly, not graceful. Ungracious, a. 1. Uncivil, unkind, im polite, rude, rough, unfriendly, diso bliging. 3. Unpleasing, disagreeable, ungrate ful, offensive. Ungrateful, a. 1. Unthankful, with out gratitude. 3. Unpleasing, offensive, disagreea ble, ungracious. Unguarded, a. 1. Undefended, unpro tected, defenceless, naked, not guarded. 3. Careless, incautious, thoughtless. Unguent, n. Ointment. Unhallowed, a. Unsanctified, unholy, profane, impure, polluted, not conse crated. Unhandsome, a. 1. Plain, ugly, not beautiful. 3. Unbecoming, illiberal, low, dis reputable, derogatory. Unhandy, a. 1. Awkward, iinskiiful, clumsy, bungling, maladroit, inexpert, inapt, not dexterous, not ready, with out dexterity. 3. Inconvenient, not handy. Unhappiness, . 1. Wretchedness, misery, distress, affliction, woe. 3. Misfortune, calamity, disaster. Unhappy, a. 1. Wretched, miserable, distressed, afflicted. 3. Grievous, disastrous, calamitous, sore, severe, hard, trying, painful, un fortunate, unlucky, unpropitious, sad, afflicting, afflictive, distressing, deplor able, dire. Unharmed, a. Uninjured, unhurt, not harmed. Unharmonious, a. Discordant, un musical, inharmonic, inharmonical, inharmonious, out of tune. Unhealthful, a. Unwholesome, insa lubrious, unhealthy, noxious. Unhealthy, a. 1. Unsound, diseased, sickly, not vigorous, not well, out of health. 3. Unwholesome, insalubrious, dele terious, poisonous, morbific, unhealth- ful, noxious, unfavorable to health. 3. Morbid, indicative of disease. Unheard of, Novel, unexampled, un precedented, unusual, uncommon, out of the way, strange. Unhesitating, a. Prompt, ready. Unholy, a. 1. Unhallowed, unsanctified, profane. 3. Undevout, irreligious, ungodly, impious, irreverent, wicked, sinful, blasphemous. Unhorse, v. a. Dismount. Unhurt, a. Uninjured, unharmed. Unification, n. Union, junction (so as to become one), incorporation. Uniform, a. 1. Undeviating, unvary ing, unvaried, unchanged, regular, con stant, equable, alike. 3. Consonant, consistent. Uniformity, n. 1. Sameness, regular ity. 3. Consonance, conformity, unanim- ity. Unilluminated, a. Unenlightened, ob scure, dark, rayless, darksome, dusky, gloomy, sombre, lurid, shadowy, dim, murky, shady, sunless, dismal. Unimaginable, a. Inconceivable, that cannot be imagined or conceived. Unimpassioned, a. Calm, cool, tran quil, quiet, dispassionate. Unimpeachable, a. Blameless, unex ceptionable, irreproachable, irreprehen- sible, unchallengeable. Unimportance, n. Insignificance, pal triness, emptiness, triviality, nothing ness. Unimportant, a. Insignificant, trivial, trifling, inconsiderable, small, slight, of no consequence, of no moment. Unimpressible, a. Unsusceptible, im passive, impassible, passionless, apa thetic, phlegmatic, Stoical, Platonic, cold, tame, obtuse, torpid, callous, dead, cold-blooded, without sensibility, destitute of feeling. Uninjured, a. Unharmed, unhurt, un damaged. Uninhabited, a. Deserted, unfre quented, solitary, lone, secluded, with out inhabitants. Unintelligent, a. Stupid, dull, UNIN TELLECTUAL. Unintellectual, a. Stupid, dull, obtuse, stolid, doltish, blockish, stockish, slow, heavy, shallow, foolish, simple, soft, UNINTERESTING 430 UNMERCIFUL sappy, unintelligent, dull-witted, blunt- witted, weak-minded, feeble-minded, half-witted, shallow-brained. Uninteresting, a. Dull, tiresome, not interesting, tedious, wearisome. Unintermitted, a. UNINTERRUPTED. Uninterrupted, a. Incessant, unceas ing, unintermitted, continual, constant, perpetual. Union, n. 1. Junction, combination, coalition, conjunction, unification, in corporation. 2. Harmony, concord, agreement, concert, unison, unanimity, unity. 3. Confederacy, alliance, league. Unique, a. Single (in kind or excellence), sole, unmatched, unexampled, singular, unequalled, uncommon, rare. Unison, n. Agreement, accordance, ac cord, concord, harmony. Unit, n. One. Unite, v. a. 1. Join, combine, connect, link, attach, add. 2. Incorporate, amalgamate, embody, consolidate, centralize, blend, merge. 3. Associate, couple, conjoin. Unite, v. n. 1. Concur, agree, co-oper ate, join forces, pull together, act in concert. 2. Coalesce, combine, league, confed erate, form a league, form an alli ance. 3. Be consolidated, be cemented, be come one, grow together. Unity, n. 1. Oneness, singleness, indi viduality. 2. Concord, harmony, agreement, uniformity, unanimity, unison, con cert, union. Universal, a. 1. Unlimited, all-reach ing, catholic, general, without excep tion. 2. Total, whole. 3. ECUMENICAL. Universal, n. (Logic.) General notion or conception (applicable to each indi vidual of a species and expressed by a general term), IDEA (in the Platonic sense). Universality, n. Generality, catholicity, unlimited application. Universal language, Pasigraphy, pas- ilaly. Universal medicine, Panacea, catholi- con. Universe, n. World, cosmos, nature, whole creation, all created things. University, n. Seminary of learning (of the highest class), literary institution, college. Unjust, a. Inequitable, iniquitous, un fair, dishonest, unrighteous, wicked, wrong, nefarious, heinous, flagitious. Unjustifiable, a. Unwarrantable, inde fensible. Unkind, a. Unfriendly, ungracious, unsympathizing, ungenial, unamiable, disobliging, harsh, cruel. Unknown, a. 1. Unascertained, not known. 2. Mysterious, mystic, hidden, dark, enigmatical. 3. Without the knowledge of. 4. Obscure, undistinguished, name less, unnoted, unhonored, renownless, inglorious. Unlace, v. a. Loose, loosen, unloose, untie, unfasten, unbind. Unlade, v. a. Discharge, unload. Unlamented, a. Unwept, unmourned, unregretted. Unlawful, a. Illegal, illicit, unlicensed. Unlearned, a. Uneducated, unlettered, illiterate, ignorant. Unless, conj. Except, if not. Unlettered, a. Ignorant, UNLEARNED. Unlicked, a. Shapeless, unformed. Unlike, a. Dissimilar, different, hete rogeneous. Unlikelihood, n. Improbability. Unlikely, a. Improbable. Unlimited, a. 1. Boundless, unbound ed, limitless, infinite. 2. Unrestricted, unconstrained, ab solute. 3. Undefined, indefinite. Unload, v. a. Discharge, unlade. Unloose, v. a. Unbind, loose, loosen, untie, unfasten, unbuckle. Unluckily, ad. Unfortunately, as ill luck would have it, in an evil hour. Unlucky, a. 1. Unfortunate, unsuc cessful, luckless, ill-starred. 2. Inauspicious, ill-omened. Unman, v. a. 1. Emasculate, castrate, geld, deprive of virility. 2. Dishearten, discourage, make de spondent. 3. Weaken, debilitate, effeminate, emolliate, enfeeble, unnerve, make ef feminate. Unmanageable, a. 1. Not easily gov erned. 2. Unwieldy, unhandy, cumbersome, cumbrous, awkward, incommodious, inconvenient. Unmanly, a. 1. Effeminate, woman ly- 2. Base, ignoble, mean, ungenerous, cowardly. Unmannered, a. UNMANNERLY. Unmannerly, a. Impolite, uncivil, un- courteous, ungracious, rude, rough, blunt, gruff, bearish, unmannered, ill- mannered, ill-bred. Unmanufactured, a. Raw, in the nat ural state. Unmask, v. a. Expose, lay open. Unmatched, a. 1. Unequalled, unpar alleled, matchless, unexampled, unri valled, unparagoned, without an equal. 2. Odd, single (of a pair or set). Unmeaning, a. 1. Meaningless, insig nificant, senseless. 2. Inexpressive. Unmeasured, a. 1. Unsparing, un stinted. 2. Measureless, immense. Unmeet, a. Improper, unfit, unbecom ing, unseemly. Unmerciful, a. 1. Merciless, cruel, in exorable, inhuman. 2. [Colloquial.] Exorbitant, extrav agant, unconscionable. UNMINDFUL 431 UNQUIET Unmindful, a. Careless, inattentive, heedless, regardless, unobservant, neg ligent, forgetful, mindless, not mind ful. Unmistakable, a. Clear, evident, pal pable, plain, manifest, obvious, patent, open, visible, unequivocal, positive, unambiguous, pronounced, decided, glaring, notorious. Unmourned, a. Unwept, unlamented, unregretted. Unmoved, a. 1. Firm, steadfast, un wavering, unswerving, unfaltering. 2. Calm, collected, self-possessed, cool. 3. Indifferent, insensible, unaffected, with dry eyes, without a tear. Unmusical, a. Discordant, harsh, in harmonic, inharmonical, unharmoni- ous, not harmonious. Unnatural, a. 1. Unusual, uncommon, anomalous, irregular, abnormal, aber rant, monstrous, preternatural, pro digious. 3. Forced, strained, stilted, affected, constrained, artificial. Unnecessary, a. Needless, useless, not requisite, not needed. Unnerve, v. a. Weaken, enfeeble, un man. Unnumbered, a. Innumerable, num berless, countless. Unobjectionable, a. Unexceptionable. Unobservant, a. Heedless, careless, thoughtless, inattentive, unmindful. Unobserved, a. Unnoticed, unper- ceived, unregarded, unseen. Unobtrusive, a. Modest, retiring, un ostentatious, unpretending, unassum ing, not forward. Unoffending:, a. Harmless, blameless, inoffensive, innocent. Unorganized, a. Inorganic, inorgan- ical, without organs, without organiza tion. Unostentatious, a. Modest, unobtru sive, retiring, unpretending, unpreten tious, not boastful, not showy. Unpaid, a. Unsettled, owing, due, out standing. Unpalatable, a. 1. Vapid, savorless, unsavory. 3. Disagreeable (to the taste), disgust ing, nauseous, offensive. Unparagoned, a. UNPARALLELED. Unparalleled, a. Unexampled, une qualled, unrivalled, unmatched, match less, peerless, inimitable, unparagoned, unprecedented, without a parallel. Unpardonable, a. Inexcusable, inde fensible, unjustifiable, irremissible, in expiable, unatonable. Unperceived, a. Unnoticed, unregard ed, unobserved, undescried, unseen. Unpityingr, a. Relentless, unrelenting, pitiless, uncompassioiiate, cruel, ruth less, merciless, unmerciful, savage, im placable. Unpleasant, . Unpleasing, disagree able, displeasing, unwelcome, unaccept able, unpalatable, repulsive, obnoxious, offensive, painful. Unpleasing, a. UNPLEASANT. Unpliant, a. Stiff, inflexible, rigid, un bending, unyielding. Unpoetic, f a. Prosy, prosaic, not Unpoetical, j poetical. Unpolished, a. 1. Rough, not polished. 2. Rude, uncivilized, unrefined, un graceful, untrained, untaught, undisci plined, barbarous, illiterate. Unpolluted, a. Pure, undefiled, un- corrupted, unvitiated. Unpopular, a. Disliked (by the people), obnoxious (generally), not popular. Unpractical, a. 1. Theoretical. 3. Speculative, contemplative, Pla tonic, philosophical, given to specula tion. Unpractised, a. Untrained, inexperi enced, unskilled, raw. Unprecedented, a. Unexampled, un paralleled, unequalled, unrivalled, un matched, matchless, unparagoned. Unprejudiced, . Unbiassed, unpre possessed, unwarped, impartial, fair. Unpremeditated, a. Unstudied, ex temporaneous, extempore, impromptu, spontaneous, off-hand. Unprepossessed, a. UNPREJUDICED. Unpretending, a. Modest, lowly, un assuming, retiring, unobtrusive, unos tentatious, unpretentious, not for ward. Unpretentious, a. UNPRETENDING. Unprincipled, a. Immoral, wicked, vicious, bad, knavish, roguish, dishon est, trickish, TRICKY. Unprocreant, a. UNPRODUCTIVE. Unproductive, a. Unfruitful, barren, unprolific, sterile, unprocreant, UN PROFITABLE. Unprofitable, a. Profitless, fruitless, bootless, useless, worthless, unrernuner- ating, futile, unserviceable, unproduc tive, unfruitful, barren. Unpromising, a. Inauspicious, unpro- pitious, unfavorable, unlucky, unto ward, ill-omened, not encouraging, not promising. Unpropitious, a. Unfavorable, inau spicious, UNPROMISING. Unprosperous, a. Unfortunate, luck less, unlucky, unsuccessful, ill-starred. Unprotected, a. Defenceless, unarmed, naked, unguarded, open, exposed. Unprovided with, Without, destitute of, devoid of. Unqualified, a. 1. Incompetent, unfit, unadapted. 3. Absolute, unconditional, unmeas ured, unrestricted, thorough, plump, full, direct, downright. 3. Exaggerated, sweeping. Unquenchable, a. Unextinguishable, that cannot be quenched. Unquestionable, a. Indisputable, in controvertible, indubitable, undeniable, irrefragable, incontestable, certain, evi dent, obvious, not to be disputed, be yond all question, beyond a doubt, past dispute. Unquiet, a. Uneasy, restless, agitated, disturbed, not calm, not tranquil. UNRAVEL 432 UNSOCIABLE Unravel, v. a. 1. Disentangle, extri cate, ravel, untwist. 3. Unfold, decipher, interpret, under stand, resolve, solve, explain, read, clear up, make out. Unreadable, a. Illegible. Unreal, a. Insubstantial, imaginary, shadowy, visionary, spectral, ghostly. Unreasonable, a. 1. Irrational, fool ish, unwise, absurd, silly, preposterous, senseless, stupid, injudicious, nonsensi cal, unphlloBOpbical, ill-judged. 2. Exorbitant, extravagant, unfair, unjust, extortionate. Unreasonableness, n. 1 . Absurdity, foolishness, folly, irrationality. 2. Exorbitancy, immoderateness. Unregenerate, a. Unconverted. Unrelenting 1 , a. Inexorable, implac able, pitiless, relentless, merciless, un merciful, uncompassionate, hard, cruel, unpitying, severe, stern, harsh, bitter, austere, rigorous, strait-laced, peremp tory. Unreliable, a. \Modern.] Untrustwor thy, not to he depended upon. Unremitting, a. Unceasing, continual, persevering, constant, unabated, inces sant. Unrepentant, a. Impenitent, seared, haraened, callous, incorrigible, irre claimable, obdurate, abandoned, lost, graceless, shameless, profligate, rec reant- Unreserved, a. Frank, open, candid, ingenuous, undesigning, undissembling, artless, guileless, sincere, honest, lair, single - minded, above - board, open- hearted. Unresisting, a. Submissive, patient, passive, long-suffering. Unrestricted, a. 1. Unrestrained, un limited, free, uncontined, unbridled, unfettered, independent. 3. Unobstructed, open, public, clear. Unrevealed, a. Secret, hidden, un known, undiscovered, OCCULT. Unriddle, v. a. Solve, explain, ex pound, unfold, unravel. Unrighteous, a. 1. Wicked, ungodly, unholy, sinful, wrong, not righteous. 8. Unjust, unfair, iniquitous, inequi table, nefarious, heinous. Unripe, a. Immature, not ripe. Unrivalled, a. Unequalled, unparal leled, peerless, matchless, incompara ble, inimitable, of the best, without a rival, of the first water. Unrobe, v. a. Undress, disrobe. Unroll, v. a. Unfold, open, evolve, de velop. Unroot, v. a. Extirpate, eradicate, up root, root out, pull up by the roots. Unruffled, a. Calm, tranquil, com posed, undisturbed, cool, quiet, still, placid, peaceful, philosophical, col lected, serene, unmoved, imperturba ble. Unruly, a. Turbulent, ungovernable, refractory, disobedient, insubordinate, mutinous, riotous, seditious, rebel lious. Unsafe, a. Dangerous, perilous, hazard ous, insecm-e, RISKY, full of risk. Unsanctified, a. Unholy, unhallowed, profane, not consecrated. Unsated, a. Unsatiated, unsatisfied. Unsatiated, a. UNSATED. Unsatisfactory, a. 1. Insufficient, not satisfactory. 3. Lame, poor, week, feeble. Unsatisfied, a. 1. Unsated, unsatiated. 3. Dissatisfied, discontented, dis pleased, malcontent, not satisfied. Unsavory, a. 1. Unpalatable, taste less, insipid, flat, vapid, savorless, mawkish, stale, ill-flavored. 2. Unpleasing, disgusting, nauseous, offensive. Unsay, v. a. Retract, recall, recant, take back. Unscrupulous, a. Unprincipled, with out scruples, regardless of principle. Unsealed, a. Open, without a seal. Unsearchable, a. Inscrutable, incom prehensible, mysterious, hidden, not to be found out or known by searching, past finding out. Unseasonable, a. 1. Inopportune, un timely, ill-timed, out of time, out of season. 2. Late, too late. 3. Premature, too early. Unseasonably, a. Untimely, at an un suitable time, MALAPROPOS, unsuita bly. Unseeing, a. Blind, sightless, eyeless. Unseemly, a. Improper, indecorous, unbecoming, unmeet, unfit, unbefitting, indecent. Unselfish, a. Disinterested, generous, liberal, magnanimous, high-minded. Unsettle, v. a. Derange, disturb, dis concert, unfix, confuse, disorder, throw into disorder. Unsettled, a. 1. Wavering, restless, vacillating, fickle, unsteady, unstable, changeable, not steady. 3. Unequal, changeable. 3. Turbid, roily, roiled, dreggy, fecu lent, muddy, not clear. 4. Uninhabited, without inhabitants. 5. Undetermined, open, not adjust ed. 6. Unpaid, owing, due, outstand ing. Unshackle, v. a. Unfetter, unchain, unbind, liberate, emancipate, set free, set at liberty. Unshapen, a. Deformed, shapeless, ill- formed, ill-made, ill-shaped, grotesque. Unsightly, a. Ugly, homely, plain, ill- looking. Unskilful, a. Awkward, bungling, un handy, clumsy, maladroit, unskilled, inapt, inexpert, without dexterity. Unskilled, a. 1. Inexperienced, un- drilled, unexercised, unpractised, un disciplined, uneducated, unschooled, unprepared, raw. 2. Awkward, UNSKILFUL. Unsociable, a. Reserved, taciturn, un social, not communicative, not com panionable, .averse to society. UNSOCIAL 433 UNTRAINED Unsocial, a. UNSOCIABLE. Unsoiled, a. Untarnished, unstained, unsullied, unspotted, spotless, clean. Unsophisticated, a. 1. Pure, unadul terated, genuine. 3. Guileless, undepraved, good, un polluted, un vitiated. Unsound, a. 1. Defective, imperfect, impaired, decayed, rotten. 3. Diseased, sickly, weakly, poorly, infirm, unhealthy, morbid. 3. Erroneous, wrong, false, falla cious, incorrect, deceitful, sophistical, illogical. 4. Heterodox, heretical, not ortho dox. Unspeakable, a. Inexpressible, unut terable, ineffable, indescribable, beyond expression. Unspiritual, a. Sensual, carnal, flesh ly- Unspotted, a. 1. Unstained, unsoiled, untarnished, unsullied, spotless, clean. 3. Pure, uncorrupted, untainted, un- defiled, immaculate. Unstable, a. UNSTEADY. Unstained, a. 1. Untinged, undyed, uncolored, colorless. 3. UNSPOTTED. Unsteadfast, a. Fickle, UNSTEADY. Unsteady, a. 1. Unsettled, fluctuating, oscillating, restless. 3. Inconstant, fickle, unsteadfast, unstable, changeable, vacillating, wa vering, mutable, variable, ever-chang ing. Unstinted, a. Abundant, ample, plen- . tiful, large, full. Unstudied, a. Unpremeditated, spon taneous, extempore, extemporaneous, impromptu, oft-hand. Unsubmissive, a. Disobedient, uncom plying, refractory, obstinate. Unsubstantial, a. Light, flimsy, gossa mery. Unsuccessful, a. 1. Unavailing, inef fectual, abortive, fruitless, bootless, profitless, vain, futile, in vain. 3. Luckless, unfortunate, unlucky, unprosperous, ill-starred, ill-fated. Unsuitable, a. 1. Unfit, inappropriate, inapposite, unsuited, not adapted, ill adapted. 3. Improper, unbecoming, incongru ous, out of keeping, out of character, out of place, in bad taste. Unsuitably, ad. Inappropriately, un fitly, untimely, MALAPROPOS. Unsuited, a. Unfit, UNSUITABLE. Unsullied, a. 1, Unspotted, unstained, untarnished, unsoiled, spotless, clean. 3. Pure, untainted, uncorrupted, un- defiled, immaculate. Unsurpassed, a. Unexcelled, match less, unequalled, unmatched, unparal leled, unrivalled, unexampled, peerless, unparagoned, without an equal. Unsusceptible, a. Unimpressible, im passive, apathetic, cold, phlegmatic, stoical. Unsuspecting, a. Unsuspicious, cred ulous. Unsuspicious, a. Unsuspecting, cred ulous. Unswerving, a. Firm, determined, res olute, steady, steadfast, stanch, stable, constant, unwavering. Unsymmetrical, a. Disproportionate, irregular, out of proportion, without symmetry. Unsystematic, ) a. Irregular, disor- Unsystematical, j derly, immethod- ica l. Untainted, a. Pure, uncorrupted, un- defiled, unspotted, unsullied, untar nished, immaculate. Untangle, v. a f Disentangle. Untarnished, a. Unspotted, unsullied, unstained, unsoiled, spotless, clean. Untaught, a. Ignorant, uninstructed, uneducated, untutored, untrained, un informed, unenlightened, unlettered, illiterate. Untaxed, a. Scot-free, without pay ment, without expense, not taxed. Unteachable, a. Indocile, untractable. Untenanted, a. Unoccupied, tenant- less. Unterrified, a. Undaunted, unscared^ undismayed, unappalled, unawed, not afraid, fearless, not terrified. Unthankful, a. Ungrateful, not thank ful, without gratitude. Unthinking, a. Thoughtless, heedless, careless, inconsiderate. Unthrift, n. [Rare.] Prodigal, spend thrift, squanderer. Unthrifty, a. Thriftless, wasteful, lav ish, profuse, prodigal, improvident. Untidy, a. Slovenly, sluttish. Untie, v. a. 1. Loose, loosen, unfasten, unbind, unloose, CAST OFF. 3. Resolve, solve, clear. Untimely, a. Ill-timed, unseasonable, mistimed, inopportune, premature, out of season. Untimely, ad. Unseasonably, unsuit ably, MALAPROPOS, at an unsuitable time. Untinged, a. Uncolored, undyed, un stained, colorless, hueless, achromatic. Untiring, a. Unwearied, indefatigable, unremitting, unceasing, incessant. Un titled, a. Plebeian, ignoble, vulgar, low, base, base-born, low-born, without a title. Untouched, a. 1. Not touched, not reached. 3. Intact, uninjured, unhurt, scath- less, unharmed. Untoward, a. 1. Froward, perverse, intractable, stubborn, refractory. 3. Inconvenient, unmanageable, an noying, troublesome, vexatious. 3. Awkward, ungainly, ungraceful, uncouth. Untractable, a. Unmanageable, stub born, perverse, unruly, headstrong, . refractory, obstinate, dogged,* mulish,, ungovernable, indocile, cantankerous. Untrained, a. Undisciplined, unin structed, uneducated, untutored, inex perienced, uninitiated, undrilled, not trained, ignorant. UNTRAVELLED 434 UPROARIOUS Untravelled, a. [Written also Untrav- eled.} 1. Not travelled over, unfre quented by travellers. 3. Not experienced as a traveller, never having travelled. Untrodden, a. Pathless, trackless. Untrue, a. 1. False, not true. 3. Faithless, treacherous, apostate, recreant. Untrustworthy, a. UNRELIABLE, de ceitful, treacherous, rotten, not to be depended on. Untruth, n. Falsehood, lie, fiction, fab rication, story. Untutored, a. Uninstructed, unedu cated, undisciplined, inexperienced, uninitiated, undrilled, ignorant. Untwist, v. a. Disentangle, ravel, un ravel. Unused, a. 1. Unemployed, untried, not applied. 3. Unaccustomed, unwonted, new, not habituated, not familiar. Unusual, a. Uncommon, rare, unwont ed, singular, remarkable, strange, ex traordinary, odd, queer, out of the way. Unutterable, a. Inexpressible, inef fable, unspeakable, indescribable, that cannot be uttered, beyond expression. Unvarnished, a. 1. Unpolished. 3. Unembellished, plain, unadorned. Unveil, v. a. Disclose, uncover, expose, show. Unviolated, a. Unbroken, inviolate. Unwarrantable, a. Indefensible, un justifiable. Unwavering, a. Constant, steadfast, steady, unhesitating, firm, settled, de termined, fixed, stanch, resolute. Unwearied, a. 1. Not fatigued. 3. Indefatigable, persevering, per sistent, constant, continual, incessant, unremitting, unceasing. Unwelcome, a. Not pleasing, not wel come, not grateful. Unwell, a. Ill, ailing, sick, indisposed, not well, out of sorts, out of health, on the sick list, laid on the shelf, under the weather. Unwept, a. Unlamented, unmourned, unregretted. Unwholesome, a. 1. Insalubrious, unhealthy, unhealthful, noxious, noi some, deleterious, baneful, poisonous, injurious to health. 3. Pernicious (to the mind), injudi cious, unsound. Unwieldy, a. Unmanageable (from size or weight), ponderous, bulky, weighty, heavy, clumsy. Unwilling, a. Loath, disinclined, op posed, averse, reluctant, backward, indisposed, not dispose^. Unwise, a. Foolish, injudicious, indis creet, imprudent, ill-advised, ill-judged. Unwittingly, ad. Inadvertently, un consciously, ignorantly, without know ing it. Unwonted, a. 1. Unusual, uncommon, rare, unfrequent. 3. Unaccustomed, unused. Unworkmanlike, a. Unskilful, not workmanlike or workmanly, not artis tic, unbecoming a workman. Unworthy, a. 1. Undeserving. 3. Unbecoming, base, shameful, bad. Unworthy of, Discreditable to, dis graceful to. Unwritten, a. Oral, traditional. Unwrought, a. Uiifashioned, unformed, rude, crude, rough, shapeless. Unyielding, a. 1. Inflexible, constant, steady, resolute, steadfast, stanch, per tinacious, determined. 3. Stubborn, obstinate, wilful, mul ish, headstrong, intractable, perverse, wayward, cantankerous. Upbraid, v, a. Reproach, censure, re prove, blame, rebuke, chide, reprimand, admonish, condemn, stigmatize, scold, twit, taunt, scold at, find fault with, BLOW UP. Upheave, v. a. Elevate, raise, lift, lift up, heave up. Uphill, a. 1. Ascending, upward. 3. Difficult, hard, arduous, toilsome. Uphold, v. a. 1. Support, sustain, hold up, bear up. 3. Maintain, defend, vindicate, jus tify. Upon, prep. 1. On. 3. About, concerning, on the subject 3. With, immediately after. Upon the spot, Immediately, at once, on the spot. Upon the whole, All things considered, in view of all the circumstances, taking every thing into account, on the whole. Upper crust, n. 1. Top crust. 3. [Colloquial.} Aristocracy, UPPER TEN, upper classes. Upper hand, n. Superiority, advan tage, ascendency, dominion, rule, pre eminence, supremacy, mastery, master ship. Uppermost, a. Highest, loftiest, top most, supreme. Upper ten, n. [Colloquial.} Aristocracy, UPPER CRUST, upper classes, upper ten thousand. Upper ten thousand, UPPER TEN. Uppish, a. [Colloquial.} Proud, arro gant, haughty, assuming, smart, perk, perky. Upright, a. 1. Erect, perpendicular, vertical, plumb, on end. 3. Honest, just, honorable, conscien tious, virtuous, good, pure, straight forward, not mean, not base. Uprightness, n. Honesty, integrity, probity, rectitude, justice, equity, fair ness, principle, incorruptibility, right eousness, goodness, virtue, honor, trust worthiness, trustiness, worth, dignity of character. Uproar, n. Tumult, disturbance, com motion, confusion, turmoil, hubbub, clamor, racket, din, vociferation, noise, HULLABALOO, TOW, riot, SHINDT. Uproarious, a. [Colloquial.} Boister ous, tumultuous, turbulent, NOISY, loud. UPROOT 435 UTTERMOST Uproot, v. a. Eradicate, extirpate, pull up by the roots, tear up by the roots. Ups and downs, Successes and re verses, prosperity and adversity, good fortune and bad, various fortunes. Upset, v. a. Overturn, capsize, tip over, turn topsy-turvy. Upshot, n. Conclusion, end, termina tion, consummation, issue, DENOUE MENT, FINALE, catastrophe. Upside down, ad. Topsy-turvy. Upstart, n. PARVENU, snob, mush room, pretentious fellow, pretender to gentility. Up to snuff, [Colloquial.] Shrewd, ex perienced, acute, sharp, keen, knowing, astute, sagacious, bright, not to be im posed upon. Up to the hub, To the utmost, as far as possible (in any difficulty, as when a wheel is sunk in mire). Up to the scratch, [Colloquial.] Cour ageous, brave, bold, intrepid, daring, dauntless, resolute, ready to fight (as when boxers are brought up to the line or scratch that separates them). Upward, a. Ascending, uphill. Upwards of, Above, more than. Urbane, a. Polite, civil, courteous, complaisant, refined, polished, gentle manly, ladylike, well-bred, well-man nered, well-behaved. Urbanity, n. Politeness, civility, cour tesy, complaisance, amenity, suavity, good breeding, good manners. Urchin, n. 1. Hedge-hog. 3. [Ludicrous.] Child, brat. Urge, v. a. 1. Push, press, impel, drive, force onward, push on, press on. 2. Solicit, importune, beg, entreat, beseech, implore, conjure. 3. Incite, animate, encourage, insti gate, stimulate, goad, spur. Urgency, n. 1. Pressure, press, exi gency, emergency, stress, necessity, pressing want. /}. Importunity, entreaty, insistence, solicitation. 3. Incitement, stimulus, spur, goad. Urgent, a. Pressing, cogent, importu nate, pertinacious, earnestly solicitous. Urinal, n. 1. Chamber-pot, jorden. 3. Place for urinating. Urinate, v. a. PIDDLE, make water, void urine. Ursa Major, [L.] (Astron.) Charles s Wain, the Wain, the Great Bear. Ursa Minor, [L.] (Astron.) The Lit tle Bear, the Lesser Bear. Usage, n. 1. Treatment. 2. Practice (long continued), custom, use, habit, prescription. Use, n. -1. Employment, application, appliance, exercise, practice. 2. Advantage, benefit, utility, ser vice, profit, usefulness, avail. 3. Occasion, need, necessity. 4. Usage, custom, habit. Use, v. a. 1. Employ, apply, make use of, avail one s self offtake advantage of, turn to account, make the most of, put in requisition, bring into play. 3. Practise, exercise, put to use. 3. Expend, consume, waste, exhaust. 4. Accustom, habituate, inure, fa miliarize, train. 5. Treat, deal with, act or behave towards. Use, v. n. Be accustomed, be wont. Useful, a. Advantageous, profitable, beneficial, serviceable, helpful, availa ble, good, salutary, convenient. Useless, a. Unavailing, fruitless, boot less, profitless, unprofitable, unservice able, valueless, worthless, futile, abor tive, null, nugatory, of no use. Usher, n. Sub-master, assistant teacher. Usual, a. Customary, ordinary, com mon, familiar, regular, general, fre quent, habitual, wonted, accustomed, prevailing, prevalent, every-day. Usurp, v. a. Seize (without right), arro gate, assume, appropriate unlawfully. Usurpation, n. Seizure, assumption. Usury, n. Illegal interest, exorbitant interest. Utensil, n. Implement, tool, instru ment. Uterus, n. (Anat.) Womb. Utility, n. Usefulness (in an abstract sense), advantageousness, benefit, avail, profit, service, use. Utilize, v. a. Put to use, make use of, make useful, turn to account, take ad vantage of. Utmost, a. 1. Extreme, farthest, last, most distant, most remote. 3. Greatest, uttermost. Utmost, n. Best, most, greatest effort, highest endeavor, the most that can be done. Utopian, a. Ideal, visionary, fanciful, imaginary, chimerical, unreal, not real, air-drawn, air-built, not actual. Utricle, n. Vesicle, cyst, bladder. Utter, a. 1. Total, complete, entire, perfect. 3. Absolute, peremptory, uncondi tional, unqualified. Utter, v. a. 1. Speak, articulate, enun ciate, pronounce, express, broach, give forth, give expression to. 2. Put into circulation. Utterable, a. Pronounceable, express ible. Utterance, n. Pronunciation, expres sion, elocution, delivery. Uttermost, a. 1. Extreme, farthest. 2. Greatest, utmost. VACANCY 436 VAMP Vacancy, n. 1. Vacuity, emptiness. 2. Chasm, blank, gap, space. Vacant, a. 1. Empty, void, unfilled. 2, Disengaged, not busied, unoccu pied. 3. Thoughtless, unthinking. Vacate, v. a. 1. Make vacant, leave empty, quit possession of. 2. Annul, disannul, nullify, rescind, cancel, quash, invalidate, abrogate, abolish, overrule, make void, set aside, do away. Vacation, n. Intermission (of studies, &c.). Vaccinate, v. a. Inoculate with kine- pox, inoculate with vaccine matter. Vacillate, v. n. 1. Sway, reel, stagger, rock, move to and fro. 2. Waver, fluctuate, hesitate, be in constant, be unsettled, be unsteady, play fast and loose, blow hot and cold, box the compass, run with the hare and hunt with the hound, be a weather cock. Vacillation, n. 1. Swaying, reeling, staggering, rocking. 2. Wavering, fluctuation, hesitation, unsteadiness, inconstancy. Vacuity, n. 1. Emptiness, vacancy, in anity, inanition. 2. Void, vacuum, empty space. Vacuum, n. Void, empty space, vacu- Vade-rnecum, n. Manual. Vagabond, n. Vagrant, outcast, cast away, loafer, lounger, nomad, land loper, idle wanderer, strolling beggar, abandoned wretch. Vagary, n. Whim, freak, whimsey, an tic, crotchet, whimsicality, prank. Vaginant, a. (Bot.) Sheathing. Vaginate, a. (Bot.) Sheathed. Vagrancy, n. Roving, wandering. Vagrant, n. VAGABOND. Vagrant, a. Strolling, wandering, rov ing, roaming, unsettled, nomadic. Vague, a. Uncertain, ambiguous, dim, doubtful, obscure, undetermined, indef inite, indistinct, unsettled, loose, lax, unfixed, not precise, not exact. Vain, a. 1. Unreal, shadowy, unsub stantial, supposititious, dreamy, base less, imaginary, empty, void. 2. Unavailing, useless, bootless, in effectual, fruitless, profitless, futile, nu gatory, abortive, unprofitable, without avail, idle, to no purpose, to no end. 3. Worthless, unsatisfying, unsatis factory, vapid, tasteless, insipid, flat, stale, mawkish. 4. Conceited, vain-glorious, inflated, overweening, ostentatious, high, self- sufficient, flushed, opinionated, self-sat isfied, self-confident, self-admiring, self- opinioned, self-flattering, high-flown, puffed up, wise in one s own conceit. Vain-glorious, a. 1. Conceited, VAIK, proud beyond desert. 2. Boastful, vaunting. Vain-glory, n. 1. Vanity, empty pride, pride without merit. 2. Rodomontade, empty boasting. Vale, n. [Poetical.] Valley, dingle, dell. Valediction, n. Farewell, adieu, leave- taking. Valedictory, a. Farewell. Valedictory, n. [U.S.] Farewell ad dress. Valet, n. [Fr.] Groom, servant, serv ing man, waiting servant. Valet de chambre, [Fr.] Body servant. Valetudinarian, n. Invalid, valetudi nary. Valetudinarian, a. Weak, infirm, sick ly, feeble, weakly, frail, invalid, valetu dinary. Valetudinary, n. VALETUDINARIAN. Valetudinary, a. Valetudinarian. Valiant, n. Brave, courageous, intrep id, valorous, gallant, chivalrous, chiv- alric, heroic, daring, dauntless, bold, fearless, doughty, undaunted, Spartan, lion-hearted. Valid, a. Efficacious, efficient, sound, weighty, powerful, conclusive, logical, cogent, persuasive, good, just, solid, important, grave, sufficient, strong, not weak, not defective, not frivolous, not fallacious. Validity, n. Soundness, justness, effi cacy, cogency, weight, strength, good ness, force, gravity, importance. Valise, n. Portmanteau, travelling bag. Valley, n. VALE, dale, bottom, dell, dingle, ravine. Valor, n. Bravery (especially in war), courage, prowess, boldness, spirit, dar ing, gallantry, intrepidity. Valorous, a. VALIANT. Valuable, a. 1. Precious, useful, ser viceable. 2. Worthy, estimable. Valuation, n. 1. Appraisement, esti mation. 2. Value, worth. Value, n. 1. Worth, utility, impor tance (value in use). 2. Price, cost, rate, equivalent (value in exchange). Value, v. a. 1. Appraise, rate, estimate, account, set a value on. 2. Esteem, appreciate, regard, prize, set a high value on, rate highly, hold in high esteem, set store by. Valueless, a. Worthless, miserable, of no value, of no use. Vamos, )v. n. [Colloquial.] [Sp.] Be Vamose, ) off, depart quickly. Vamp, n. Upper leather (of a shoe). Vamp, v. a. Repair, mend, piece, patch, tinker, refit, retouch, vamp up, patch up. VAMPIRE 437 VAUNT Vampire* n. 1. Parasite, bloodsucker. 3. (ZooL) Vampire-bat. Vamp up, VAMP. Van, n. Front (of an army or a fleet), fore-rank. Vandal, n. Barbarian, savage. Vandal, a. Barbarous, savage, Van- dalic. Vandalic, a. Barbarous, Vandal. Vandalism, n. Barbarity. Vane, n. 1. Weather-cock. 2. Blade (of a windmill, propeller, <&c.). Vanglo, n. Bene, oil-plant (Sesamum orientate). Vanguard, n. Advance-guard. Vanish, v. a. Disappear, fade, pass, dissolve, fade away, melt away, pass away, be lost, be no more. Vanity, n. 1. Emptiness, hollowness, worthlessness, futility, unrealness, un- substantialness. 3. Conceit, conceitedness, egotism, self-conceit, self-sufficiency, petty pride. 3. Idle show, vain pursuit. Vanquish, v. a. Conquer, defeat, beat, CHECKMATE, overcome, subdue, sub jugate, overpower, overbear, master, floor, crush, worst, rout, discomfit, choke, foil, quell, put down, get the upper hand of, get the better of. Vanquisher, n. Conqueror, subduer, victor. Vapid, a. 1. Insipid, tasteless, flat, savorless, spiritless, stale, dead. 2. Tame, dull, meagre, jejune, lan guid, feeble, prosing, prosy, prosaic. Vapor, n. 1. Gaseous state (of a sub stance ordinarily fluid or solid), aeri form state. 3. Fume, steam, reek, exhalation, smoke, fog, mist, rack. 3. Phantom, fantasy, whim, whim- sey, vagary, day-dream, vain imagina tion, unreal fancy. Vapor, v. n. Boast, brag, bluster, swag ger, bully. Vaporer, n. Boaster, blusterer, brag- gart, swaggerer, vaunter, BLATHER SKITE. Vaporish, a. Splenetic, hypochondria- cal, peevish, petulant, humorsome, va pory. Vaporize, v. a. Evaporate, convert into vapor. Vaporous, a. 1. Foggy, vapory, full of vapor. 3. Unreal, unsubstantial, vain. Vapors, n. pi. Hypochondriasis, spleen, melancholy, dejection, blues, depres sion of spirits, blue devils. Vapory, a. 1. Vaporous, foggy, full of vapor. 3. Hypochondriacal, VAPORISH. Variable, a. 1. Changeable, mutable. 3. Inconstant, unsteady, fickle, vacil lating, wavering, fluctuating, fitful, un decided. Variance, n. 1. Disagreement, differ ence, discord, dissension, jarring. 3. (Law.) Variation, want of con formity (as between the writ and the declaration, or between the allegation and the proof). Variation, n. 1. Alteration, mutation, change, modification. 3. Deviation, departure, difference, diversity, discrepance, discrepancy, VA RIANCE. Variegate, v. a. Diversify, vary, streak, checker, dapple, figure, mark with dif ferent colors. Variegated, a. Party-colored, piebald, motley, mottled, pied, many-colored, many-hued, divers-colored, of all man ner of colors. Variety, n. 1. Diversity, difference. 3. Multiplicity, multiformity, mul- tifariousness. Variola, n. (Med.) Small-pox. Various, a. 1. Diverse, different, man ifold, several, sundry, numerous, many. 3. Changeable, mutable, uncertain, unfixed. 3. Variegated, diversified. Varlet, n. Scoundrel, rascal, rogue, knave, scapegrace. Varnish, n. Lacquer. Varnish, v. a. 1. Lacquer, Japan. 3. Polish, adorn, decorate, garnish, gild. 3. Palliate, gloss, extenuate, ex cuse. Vary, v. a. 1. Alter, change, modify, transform, transmute, metamorphose, make some change in. 3. Diversify, variegate. Vary, v. n. 1. Alter, change, be change able. 3. Differ, be unlike, be different. 3. Deviate, depart, swerve. Vassal, n. 1. Feudatory, feudal tenant. 3. Subject, dependant, retainer. 3. Servant, bondman, slave. Vassalage, n. Subjection, dependence, servitude, slavery. Vast, a. 1. Very spacious, very exten sive. 3. Huge, enormous, immense, colos sal, gigantic, prodigious, stupendous, very great. 3. Remarkable, extraordinary. Vaticinate, v. a. [Rare.} Foretell, pre dict, prophesy, presage, prognosticate, augur, divine, forebode. Vaticination, n. Prophecy, prediction, prognostication. Vaticinator, n. Prophet, foreteller, pre dictor, soothsayer, seer. Vaudeville, n. . [Fr.] Ballad, street song, trivial strain, light song. Vault, n. 1. Arched ceiling, arched roof, continued arch. 3. Cell, cellar, cavity. 3. Tomb, crypt, catacomb. 4. Leap, bound, jump. Vault, v. a. Arch, cover with an arch, arch over. Vault, v. n. Leap, bound, jump, spring, CAPER. Vaulted, a. 1. Arched, concave. 3. ( Bot. ) Fornicate, fornicated. Vaulter, n. Leaper, jumper, tumbler. Vaunt, v. n. Brag, boast. VAUNT 438 VERBAL Vaunt, v. a. Brag of, boast of, make a display of, make a boast of, show off. Vaunt, n. Boast, brag. Vaunter, n. Boaster, braggart, brag gadocio, drawcansir, roisterer, huff, vaporer, BLATHERSKITE, noisy fellow. Vedette, n. Mounted sentinel. Veer, v. n. Shift, turn, change course, change direction, change about, come round. Veering, n. 1. Shifting, turning, change of course. 3. Tergiversation, fickleness, insta bility, vacillation. Vegetable, n. Plant. Vegetate, v. n. Shoot, germinate, spring, pullulate, grow (as a plant), shoot up, spring up, put forth. Vegetation, n. 1. Vegetable growth. 3. Plants, vegetables. Vehemence, n. 1. Impetuosity, vio lence. 3. Ardor, fervor, fervency, eagerness, earnestness, keenness, warmth, zeal, enthusiasm, passion. 3. Force, might, intensity. Vehement, a. 1. Impetuous, violent, furious, rampant, passionate, high, hot, high-wrought. 3. Ardent, zealous, eager, keen, ear nest, fervid, enthusiastic, sanguine. 3. Strong, forcible, powerful, vigor ous, very great. Vehicle, n. 1. Carriage, conveyance. 3. Medium, instrument. Veil, n. 1. Screen, shade, curtain. 3. Cover, disguise, mask, visor, blind, cloak. Veil, v. a. 1. Screen. 3. Cover, hide, mask, conceal, dis guise. . Vein, n. 1. Blood-vessel. 3. Rib (of a leaf), nerve. 3. Seam (in a mine), lode. 4. Stripe, streak. 5. Bent, humor, disposition, mood. 6. Talent, faculty, genius, quality, strain, turn of mind, peculiar temper. Vein, v. a. Stripe, streak. Vein-stone, n. Gangue. Veiny, a. Striped, streaked, veined. Vellication, n. (Med.) Twitching, tic. Velocity, n. Swiftness, speed, celerity, fleetness, quickness, rapidity. Velveteen, n. Cotton velvet. Venal, a. Mercenary, purchasable, hire ling, sordid. Venality, n. Mercenariness. Vend, v. a. Sell. Vendee, n. [Correlative of vendor.] Purchaser, buyer. Vender, n. Seller, VENDOR. Vendibility, n. Salableiiess, vendible- ness. Vendible, a. Salable, merchantable, that may be sold. Vendibleness, n. Vendibility. Vendor, n. [Correlative of vendee.] Seller, vender. Vendue, n. Auction, cant, public auc tion, auction sale, public sale. Vendue-master, a. Auctioneer. Venerable, a. 1. To be venerated, wor thy of veneration, oracular, grave, sage, wise. 3. Dread, awful, dreadful. Venerate, v. a. Reverence, revere, re spect, adore, honor, regard highly. Veneration, n. Reverence, high respect. Venesection, n. Bleeding, phlebotomy, blood-letting. Vengeance, n. 1. Avengement, retri bution. 3. Revenge, retaliation. Vengeful, a. VINDICTIVE, revengeful, rancorous. Venial, a. Excusable, pardonable. Venom, n. 1. Poison (naturally se creted by certain animals), VIRUS, bane. 3. Malignity, maliciousness, malice, spite, spitefulness, gall, rancor, rank ling, grudge, bitterness, acerbity, acri mony, malevolence, hate, ill-will. Venomous, a. 1. Poisonous, noxious, baneful. 3. Malignant, malicious, spiteful, mischievous. Vent, n. 1. Opening, hole, vent-hole. ^ 3. Spiracle, air-tube, air-pipe, blow hole. 3. Emission, passage, outlet, escape. 4. Discharge, utterance. 5. Market, sale, opportunity to sell. Vent, v. a. 1. Emit, pour forth, let out. 3. Utter, give vent to. Vent-hole, n. Opening, hole, breath ing-hole, vent. Ventilate, v. a. 1. Air. 3. [Now colloquial, but formerly in good use.] Examine, sift, scrutinize, discuss, canvass. Ventilation, n. 1. Airing. 3. Examination, scrutiny, discussion. Ventral, a. Abdominal. Venture, n. 1. Hazard, risk, danger, jeopardy, peril. 3. Chance, hap, luck, contingency. 3. Stake, adventure. Venture, v. a. Hazard, risk, jeopardize, jeopard, expose to hazard. Venture, v. n. 1. Dare, adventure. 3. Run the risk, tempt fortune, take one s chance. 3. Presume, make bold, take the liberty, have the presumption. Venturesome, a. Adventurous, daring, intrepid, bold, courageous, venturous, presumptuous, enterprising, doughty, chivalrous. Venturous, a. VENTURESOME. Venus, n. (Astron.) 1. Lucifer, PHOS PHORUS, morning star. 3. Hesperus, Hesper, Vesper, evening star. Veracious, a. Truthful, observant of truth, true, not lying or false. Veracity, n. Truthfulness, truth, in genuousness, honesty, candor, frank ness. Verbal, a. 1. Oral, spoken, unwritten, parole, nuncupative, not written. 3. As to words, about words. 3. Literal, word for word. 4. Derived from a verb. VERBATIM 439 VEX Verbatim, ad. [L.] Literally, word for word, in the same words; Verbiage, n. Wordiness, verboseness, verbosity, prolixity, diffuseness. Verbose, a. Wordy, prolix, diffuse. Verbosity, n. Wordiness, VERBIAGE. Verdancy, n. 1. Greenness, viridity. 3. [Colloquial.] Inexperience, raw ness, liability to be imposed upon. Verdant, a. 1. Green. 3. Haw, inexperienced. Verdict, n. Decision, judgment, finding. Verdigris, n. Sub-acetate of copper, diacetate of copper, bi-basic acetate of copper. Verdure, n. Greenness (of vegetation). Verge, n. 1. Hod, staff, mace. 3. Edge, brink, border, margin, rim, brim, confine, limit, skirt, point. 3. Arbor (of a watch-balance), spin dle. Verge, v. n. 1. Tend, incline, slope, lean. 8. Border, approach, be near. Verge-board, n. Bargeboard. Verification, n. Authentication, attes tation, confirmation, corroboration. Verify, v. a. Authenticate, confirm, sub stantiate, corroborate, attest, prove true, establish the truth or correctness of, make good. Verily, ad. Truly, really, absolutely, certainly, positively, indeed, in fact, in truth. Verisimilitude, n. Likelihood, proba bility, appearance of truth. Veritable, a. True, real, actual, genu ine, positive, absolute, not fictitious. Verity, n. 1. Truth, truthfulness. 8. True statement, true assertion. Vermes, n.pl. [L.] Worms. Vermicular, a. Sinuous, tortuous, un dulating, flexupus, waving, serpentine, meandering, winding, twisting, convo luted, vermiform, worm-like, worm- shaped. Vermiform, a. Worm-like, VERMICU LAR. Vermifuge, n. Anthelmintic, helmin- thagogue. Vermilion, n. Ked sulphuret of mer cury (artificial). Vermin, n. pi. Noxious animals (of small size). Vernacular, a. Native, indigenous, VULGAR, mother. Vernacular, n. Vernacular language, native language, mother tongue. Versatile, a. 1. Changeable, variable. 8. Inconstant, unsteady, tickle. Verse, n. 1. Line (metrically arranged), line of poetry, stich. 8. Versification, poetry, poesy, metri cal composition, metrical language. 3. [Colloquial.] Stanza, stave, staff. 4. Passage (of Scripture), text, sen tence. 5. [Poetical.] Piece of poetry. Versed, a. Skilled, skilful, practised, accomplished, conversant, acquainted, qualified, trained, proficient, clever, able, good at, at home in, AU FAIT. Verses, n. pi. Numbers, poetry, song. Versification, n. Verse, metrical com position. Versify, v. a. Turn into verse. Versify, v. n. Make verses. Version, n. Translation, rendering, in terpretation, reading, lection. Vertebral column, Spine. Vertex, n. 1. Point. 8. Top, summit, crown. 3. Zenith. Vertical, a. Perpendicular (to the hori zon), upright, plumb. Vertigo, n. Dizziness, giddiness, swim ming of the head. Verve, n. [Fr.] Enthusiasm, rapture, spirit, animation, force, energy, excite ment of the imagination. Very, a. 1. True, real, actual. 8. Same, self-same. Very, ad. Highly, exceedingly, exces sively, extremely, remarkably, surpass ingly, to a higli degree. Vesicant, n. VESICATORY. Vesicatory, n. Blister, epispastic, vesi cant. Vesicle, n. Cell, cyst, utricle, bladder. Vesper, n. Hesperus, Hesper, Venus, evening star,. Vespers, n. pi. Evening service (in the lloman Catholic Ciiurch). Vessel, n. 1. Utensil (for holding any thing). 3. Bottom, sailing craft. 3. Tube, duct, canal. Vest, n. 1. Vesture, garment, vestment, robe, dress. 3. Waistcoat (for men). Vest, v. a. 1. Clothe, dress, surround, robe, enrobe, envelope, cover. 3. Endow, furnish. Vest in, Descend to, pass to, belong to, be at the disposal of, become the prop erty of. Vested, a. Fixed, established. Vestibule, n. 1. Porch, entrance way. 3. Hall, lobby, ante-room. Vestige, n. Footprint, footstep, token, sign, mark, record, trace, track. Vestment, n. Garment, dress, VESTURE, robe, vest, habiliment, garb. Vestry* Sacristry, vestry-room. Vesture, n. Garment, dress, robe, vest ment, vest, clothes, clothing, apparel, attire, habit, garb, costume, habili ment, toilet, raiment, gear, outfit, ac coutrement, equipment, suit, rigging, trappings, TOGGERY, ARRAY. Veteran, a. Old (in experience), expe rienced (especially in war). Veteran, n. Old soldier. Veterinarian, n. Farrier, horse-doctor, horse-leech, veterinary surgeon. Veterinary surgeon, Farrier, veteri narian. Veto, n. Prohibition (of a legislative act by the Executive), refusal to sanc tion. Veto, v. a. Prohibit, forbid, negative. Vex, v. a. 1. Tease, torment, plague, harass, worry, harry, hector, distress, annoy, trouble, fret, provoke, offend, VEXATION 440 VILLANY irritate, gall, chafe, displease, molest, pester, bother, badger. 3. Disturb, disquiet, agitate. Vexation, n. 1. Irritation, chagrin, dis pleasure, mortification. 3. Torment, plague, trouble, annoy ance, nuisance, curse. Vexatious, a. Troublesome, irritating, E revoking, annoying, harassing, pain- il, distressing. Vexed, a. 1. Irritated, plagued, worried, harassed, annoyed, troubled, provoked. 3. Disputed, contested, in dispute. Via, ad. [L.] [Colloquial.] By way of. Viands, n. pi. Food, victuals, BREAD. Vibrate, v. n. Oscillate, swing, move to and fro, move backward and forward. Vibration, n. Oscillation, swinging, nu tation. Vibratory, a. Vibrating, oscillating, oscillatory, swinging. Vicarious, a. 1. Deputed, delegated, commissioned. 3. Substituted. Vice, n. 1. Defect, fault, blemish, im perfection. 3. Wickedness, sin, iniquity, irregu larity, depravity, immorality, laxity, indecorum, impropriety. Vice, [L.] Instead of, in place of. Vicegerent, n. Deputy, lieutenant, rep resentative, agent. Vice-king, n. Viceroy. Viceroy, n. Vice-king. Vice versa, [L.] Conversely, reversely. Vicinage, n. Neighborhood, vicinity. Vicinity, n. 1. Nearness, proximity. 3. Neighborhood, vicinage. Vicious, a. 1. Faulty, defective, imper fect. 3. Wicked, mischievous, depraved, immoral, sinful, corrupt, unprincipled, abandoned, demoralized, bad, worth less, profligate. 3. Unruly, refractory, contrary. Vicissitude, n. 1. Alternation, inter change, regular change, mutual succes sion. 3. Variation, mutation, revolution. Victim, n. 1. Sacrifice. 3. [Colloquial.] Dupe, gull, cully, prey. Victimize, v. a. [Colloquial.] Cheat, dupe, trick, defraud, deceive, swindle, cozen, chouse, gull, overreach, befool, beguile, circumvent, diddle, hoodwink, bamboozle, impose upon, put upon, practise upon, play upon, take in. Victor, n. Conqueror, vanquisher. Victorious, a. Triumphant, conquer ing, successful. Victory, n. Conquest, triiimph. Victuals, n. pi. FOOD, viands, BREAD. Vide, [L.] See. Videlicet, ad. [L. Usually represented by viz.] Namely, to wit, that is, that is to say, to particularize, to be more explicit. Vie, v. n. Contend, strive (for superior ity). View, v. a. 1. Survey, scan, eye, see, witness, behold, inspect, explore, con template, look on or upon, turn the eyes to, have in sight. 3. Consider, regard, ponder, study, think about, reflect upon. View, n. I. Sight, survey, inspection. 3. Prospect, scene, vista, perspective. 3. Sketch, picture. 4. Design,, purpose, object, aim, in tent, intention, scope, drift. 5. Opinion, judgment, notion, belief, impression, idea, sentiment. Viewless, a. Invisible, unseen, indis cernible, not to be seen. Vigil, n. Watch, sleeplessness, absti nence from sleep. Vigilance, n. Watchfulness, lookout, circumspection. Vigilant, a. Watchful, circumspect, on the lookout, wide awake, on the alert. Vigor, n. 1. Strength, force, might, power. 3. Energy, efficacy. 3. Health, haleness, soundness, ro bustness, bloom, elasticity, tone. 4. Thriftiness, flourishing condition. 5. Liveliness, raciness, piquancy. Vigorous, a. 1. Strong, powerful, for cible, intense. 3. Energetic, efficient, effective. 3. Healthy, hale, robust, sturdy, sound, hardy, hearty, able-bodied, in health, in good health, not diseased. 4. Thrifty, flourishing, growing well. 5. Nervous, spirited, lively, spark ling, racy, pointed, piquant, impas sioned. Vile, a. 1. Base, mean, low. despicable, contemptible, beggarly, grovelling, piti ful, ignoble, abject, scurvy, shabby, base-minded, foul. 3. Sinful, wicked, knavish. 3. Worthless, of poor quality, linsey- woolsey. Vileness, n. 1.. Baseness, meanness, despicableness, foulness, abasement, shabbiness, abjectness, abjection. 3. Wickedness, sinfulness, turpitude, knavery. 3. Worthlessness, poor quality. Vilify, v. a. Defame, traduce, revile, asperse, calumniate, scandalize, malign, reproach, abuse, blacken, blemish, slur, vituperate, backbite, lampoon, dispar age, upbraid, berate, run down, speak ill of, accuse falsely, damn with faint praise. Villa, n. Country house, country seat. Village, n. Hamlet, town. Villain, n. Rascal, knave, scoundrel, rogue, scamp, reprobate, scapegrace, miscreant, caitiff, vile wretch. Villanous, a. [Written also Villainous.} 1. Base, mean, vile. 3. Wicked, knavish, atrocious, hei nous, sinful, nefarious, outrageous, very bad. Villany, n. [Written also Villainy.} 1. Baseness, VILENESS. 3. Wickedness, sinfulness, depravity, turpitude, atrocity, criminality, in famy. VINCULUM 441 VITALITY 3. Roguery, rascality, knavery, knav- ishness, dislionesty, trickery. Vinculum, n. [L. pi. Vincula.} Bond, tie, link, copula, connective. Vindicate, v. a. 1. Justify, defend, up hold, speak for, contend for. 3. Assert, maintain, support, stand by, make good. Vindicable, a. Justifiable, warrantable, defensible, right, fit, proper. Vindication, n. 1. Justification, plea, defence, excuse, apology. 3. Assertion, maintenance, support. Vindictive, a. Eevengeful, unforgiving, unrelenting, implacable, vengeful, ran corous, malevolent, malicious, malig nant, spiteful, resentful. Vindicator, n. 1. Assertor, pleader. 3. Defender, champion. Vine-fretter, n. Aphis, plant-louse, puceron. Vinegar, n. Acetic acid (dilute and im pure}. Violate, v. a. 1. Break, infringe, trans gress, invade, break through, trench upon, encroach upon, set at nought. 3. Profane, desecrate, pollute, do violence to. 3. Abuse, outrage, ravish, deflour, debauch, constuprate, , defile, commit rape upon. Violation, n. 1. Infringement, trans gression, breaking, breach, non-observ ance. 3. Profanation, desecration, pollu tion. 3. Ravishment, ravishing, rape, con- stupration, STUPRATION, defloration, defilement. Violence, n. 1. Vehemence, impetuos ity, boisterousness. 3. Passion, fury, fierceness, wildness, rage. 3. Outrage, injustice, injury, unlaw fulness, sway of brute force, reign of terror. 4. Sharpness, acuteness, severity, poignancy, intensity. Violent, a. 1. Boisterous, furious, im petuous, vehement. 3. Fierce, fiery, fuming, raging, un governable, infuriate, passionate, high, hot. 3. Unnatural, effected by force, un lawful. 4. Unjust, outrageous. 5. Sharp, severe, acute, poignant, intense, exquisite, pungent. Violin, n. Fiddle, KIT. Virago, n. 1. Female warrior. 3. Termagant, vixen, shrew, tartar, brawler, scold. Virgin, n. Maid, maiden, girl, LASSIE, lass, damsel, miss. Virgin, a. 1. Chaste, pure, undefiled, maidenly. 3. Fresh, unused, untouched, new. Virginity, n. Maidenhood. Viridescerit, a. Greenish. Viridity, n. Greenness, verdancy. Virile, a. Manly, masculine. Virility, n. Manhood. Virtu, n. 1. Taste for curiosities, love of the fine arts. 2. Curiosities, objects of art or of antiquity (taken collectively). Virtual, a. Potential, in essence or effect though not in fact. Virtue, n. 1. Force, efficacy, power, strength, potency. 3. Goodness (mat comes from self dis cipline), uprightness, probity, integrity, rectitude, morality, worth, moral ex cellence. Virtuoso, n. Connoisseur, amateur, dilettante, man devoted to virtu. Virtuous, a. 1. Upright, honest, good, righteous, exemplary, worthy. 3. Chaste, modest, pure. Virulence, \ n. 1. Poisonousness, ven- Virulency, j omousness. 3. Acrimony, malignancy, malignity, bitterness. Virulent, a. 1. Poisonous, venomous. 3. Malignant, acrimonious, bitter. Virus, n. Poison (of a morbid nature), VENOM. Visage, n. Face, countenance, physiog nomy, PHIZ. Viscera, n. pi. [L.] Entrails, intestines, bowels, inwards, guts. Viscid, . a. Glutinous, viscous, sticky, tenacious, SLABBY. Viscidity, n. Glutinousness, stickiness. Viscous, a. Glutinous, VISCID. Visible, a.. 1. Perceptible, discernible, in view, in sight, to be seen. 3. Apparent, manifest, evident, open, obvious, conspicuous, clear, plain, pal pable, patent, unmistakable. Vision, n. 1. Sight, seeing. 3. Apparition, ghost, spectre, phan tom, phantasm, chimera, illusion, su pernatural appearance. Visionary, a. 1. Imaginative, roman tic, given to reverie. 3. Unreal, fanciful, fancied, ideal, fantastic, imaginary, chimerical, illu sory, shadowy, Quixotic, Utopian, wild. Visionary, n. Dreamer, FANATIC, en thusiast, zealot, castle-builder. Visit, v. a. Go to see, call upon, pay a visit to. Visitable, a. Subject to be visitated (in order to be inspected), liable to be in spected. Visitant, n. Visitor. Visitation, n. 1. Dispensation (espe cially of retributive evil), calamity, dis aster, affliction, misfortune, trial, blow, stroke, trouble, hardship, ill luck, ill fortune. 3. (Law.) Visiting (in order to ex amine), inspection. Visitor, n. 1. Guest. 3. Inspector, examiner, censor, critic. Vista, n. View (especially through an avenue), prospect, perspective. Visual, a. Optic, optical, of the eye, of the sight or vision. Vital, a. Essential, indispensable, very necessary. Vitality, n. Life, animation, vital pow er. VITALIZE 442 VORTEX Vitalize, v. a. Vivify, animate, quicken, make alive, give life to. Vitiate, v. a. Impair, spoil, deteriorate, debase, deprave, corrupt, pollute, adul terate, injure, contaminate, infect, de file, poison. Vitiation, n. Deterioration, degenera tion, debasement, degradation, degen eracy, depravation, impairment, inju ry, corruption, perversion, pollution, prostitution. Vitriolated tartar, Sulphate of potash. Vitriolated soda, Sulphate of soda, Glauber s salt. Vitreous, a. Glassy. Vitriform, a. HYALOID, like glass. Vitriolic acid, Sulphuric acid, oil of vitriol. Vituperate, v. a. [Rare.} Abuse, vilify, revile, reproach, defame, asperse, slan-- der, traduce, malign, blacken, berate, rate, upbraid, rail at, sneer at, speak ill of, run down. Vituperation, n. Abuse, blame, con demnation, reproach, aspersion, revil ing, upbraiding, railing, objurgation, scolding, JAW, severe censure. Vituperative, a. Abusive, reproachful, scolding, scurrilous, opprobrious, con demnatory, damnatory, contemptuous, scandalous, insulting. Vivacious, a. Lively, sprightly, active, brisk, animated, spirited, gay, sportive, frolicsome, jocund, merry, cheerful, mirthful, pleasant, full of life. Vivaciousness, n. VIVACITY. Vivacity, n. Liveliness, sprightliness, animation, life, cheerfulness, gayety, cheer, good humor, good spirits, high spirits. Vivid, a. 1. Lively, sprightly, vigorous, animated, quick, active, strong. 2. Bright, clear, lucid. Vivify, v. a. Animate, vitalize, awake, arouse, quicken, make alive, give life to. Vixen, n. Scold, termagant, shrew, tar tar, brawler. Vocable, n. Word, term, name. Vocabulary, n. Dictionary, glossary, lexicon, word-book, list of words. Vocation, n. Occupation, employment, calling, business, pursuit, profession, trade, AVOCATION. Vociferate, v. n. 1. Cry, bawl, roar, cry out. 2. Rant, mouth. Vociferate, v. a. Cry aloud, roar out, utter loudly or vehemently. Vociferation, n. Clamor, outcry, HUL LABALOO, loud utterance, hue and cry. Vociferous, a. Noisy, clamorous, loud, blatant, stunning, uproarious, obstrep erous. Vogue, n. Fashion, mode, way, usage, custom, practice, repute, popularity, favor. Voice, n. 1. Spoken sound. 2. Sound, noise, notes. 3. Vote, suffrage. 4. Tone, mode of speaking. Void, a. 1. Empty, vacant, inane, un filled, unoccupied, unfurnished, unsup- plied. 3. Free, destitute, clear, without. 3. Null, invalid, nugatory, ineffect ual, of no effect, of no binding force. Void, n. Vacuum, INANE, empty space. Volatile, a. 1. Eyaporable. 3. Airy, gay, lively, jolly, sprightly, vivacious, buoyant, full of spirit, joc und. 3. Fickle, changeable, giddy, incon stant, flighty, reckless, uncircumspect, wild, hare-brained, HARUM-SCARUM. Volatile alkali, Ammonia, ammoniacal gas. Volatility, n. 1. Eyaporableness. 8. Airiness, liveliness, gayety, vivac ity, sprightliness, cheerfulness. 3. Changeableness, fickleness, flight- iness, giddiness, inconstancy, levity, frivolity, want of seriousness. Volition, n. Willing, exercise of the will. Volley, n. Discharge, emission, burst, explosion, blast. Voltaisin, n. Galvanism. Volubility, n. Fluency, glibness, readi ness of speech, command of language, facility of expression, GIFT OF THE GAB. Voluble, a. Fluent, glib, loquacious, talkative, TONGUY, of a ready tongue, ready in speech, nimble of speech. Volume, n. 1. Convolution, turn, con tortion, whirl, fold, coil, roll, scroll. 3. Book, tome. 3. Dimensions, bulk, size, mass, com pass, amplitude, CAPACITY. 4. (Geom.) Solid contents. Voluminous, a. 1. Of many volumes. 3. Large, bulky. Voluntarily, ad. Spontaneously, free ly, of one s own accord. Voluntary, a. 1. Spontaneous, free, unforced, unconstrained, without com pulsion. 3. Willing, from inclination, 3. Designed, intended, intentional, purposed. Volunteer, v. a. Offer, proffer, tender, present. Voluptuary, n. Sensualist, epicure, man of pleasure. Voluptuous, a. Luxurious, epicurean, sensual. Voluptuousness, n. Sensuality, luxu ry, luxuriousness, epicurism, pleasure, animal gratification. Vomit, v. n. Puke, spew, eject, throw up, cast up. Vomit, v. a. 1. Disgorge, throw up (from the stomach), puke up, cast up. 3. Eject, emit, throw forth. Vomit, n. Emetic, puke. Voracious, a. Ravenous, greedy, rapa cious, insatiable, insatiate. Voraciousness, n. VORACITY. Voracity, n. Ravenousness, greediness, avidity, voraciousness, swallow, glut- ton6us appetite, canine appetite. Vortex, n. Whirl, whirlpool, eddy. VOTARY 443 WAKEFUL Votary, n. Devotee. Vote, n. 1. Suffrage, voice. 3. Ballot. Vouch, v. a. 1. Obtest, call to wit ness. 3. Warrant, declare, affirm, avouch, attest, evidence. 3. Support, back, follow up. Vouchsafe, v. a. Concede, grant, ac cord, deign. Voussoir, n. [Fr.] Arch-stone. Vow, n. Promise (solemnly made), pledge. Vow, v. a. Consecrate, dedicate, devote. Vow, v. n. Promise (solemnly), pledge one s word. Voyage, n. Journey by water, passage by sea. Voyage, v, n. Cruise, sail, take a voy age, take a cruise, travel by sea, take ship, plough the waves, plough the deep. Vulgar, a. 1. Plebeian, low-born, base- born, untitled. 3. Homespun, rustic, boorish, unre fined, low-bred. 3. General, "common, ordinary, pop ular. 4. Low, mean, base, gross, coarse, vile, broad. 5. Unauthorized, inelegant, cant. 6. [Rare.} Vernacular, native. Vulgarism, n. Barbarism, vulgar ex pression, vulgar phrase, vulgar idiom. Vulgarity, n. Grosness, coarseness, rudeness, vileness, meanness, want of refinement. Vulpine, a. Cunning, crafty, artful, sly, fox-like. Waddle, v. n. Toddle, tottle, waggle. Waders, n. pi. Wading birds, GKALL-S), GRALLATOKES. Waft, v. a. Bear (through abuoy ant me dium), convey, transport, carry, trans mit Waft, v. n. [Rare.] Float, be wafted. Wag, v. a. Shake, waggle. Wag, v. n. Vibrate, move to and fro. Wag, n. Wit, humorist, joker, jester, droll, humorous fellow, droll fellow. Wage, v. a. 1. Bet, stake, pledge, lay, wager. 3. Undertake (as war), carry on, en gage in. Wager, n. Bet, stake, pledge. Wager, v. a. Bet, stake, pledge, lay, wage. Wager, v. n. Bet, lay a wager. Wages, n. pi. Hire, salary, pay, com pensation, remuneration, stipend, al lowance, earnings. Waggery, n. Jocularity, facetiousness, drollery, pleasantry, humor, fun, wag- gishness. Waggish, a. Jocular, jocose, humor ous, sportive, merry, facetious, droll, funny, comical. Waggishness, n. WAGGERY. Waggle, v. n. Tottle, toddle, waddle. Waggle, v. a. Wag, shake. Waggon, n. Wain. Wagtail, n. 1. Goosander, dun-diver, dish-washer (Mergus merganser or Mer- gus castor). 3. Bird of the genus Motacilla. Waif, n. Estray. Wail, v. a. Lament, moan, bemoan, bewail, deplore, mourn over, grieve for (audibly). Wail, v. n. Moan, lament, cry. Wail, n. Moan, lamentation, complaint, plaint, lament, wailing, cry. Wailing, n. Moaning, ululation, HUB- BUBBOO, howling, wail, loud lamenta tion. Wain, n. 1. Waggon. 3. (Astron.) [With The prefixed.] Charles s Wain, Ursa Major, the Great Bear. Waist, n. 1. Middle part (as of the hu man body or a ship). 3. BODICE. Waistcoat, n. Vest, doublet. Wait, v. n. 1. Stay, tarry, delay, re main, linger, bide one s time. 3. Watch, look, be expectant. Wait, v. a. Await, abide, stay for, wait for, look for. Waiter, n. 1. Attendant, servant, ser vitor, vassal, lackey, valet, squire. 3. Tray, salver. Waiting, n. 1. Staying, delaying, tar rying. 3. Expectation, abeyance. Wait on, 1. Call upon. 3. Serve, lackey, attend (as a servant), accompany, minister to, wait upon, dance attendance on. Wait upon, WAIT ox. Waive, v. a. Relinquish, renounce, give up, forego. Wake, v. n. 1. Watch, be awake, not be asleep. 3. Awake, waken, be awakened, be roused from sleep. 3. Revel, carouse, feast. Wake, v. a. 1. Awaken, waken, rouse from sleep. 3. Arouse, rouse, excite, kindle, stim ulate, provoke, stir up. Wake, n. 1. Vigil,* watching. . , 3. Track (of a vessel), trail. Wakeful, a. 1. Sleepless, indisposed to sleep. 3. Watchful, vigilant, observant, wary. WAKEFULNESS 444 WARM Wakefulness, n. 1. Sleeplessness, IN SOMNIA, want of sleep, indisposition to sleep. 3. Watchfulness, vigilance, wariness. Waken, v. n. WAKE. Waken, v. a. WAKE. Wale, n. Eidge (made by stripes on the skin), whelk, stripe, streak, mark of the lash. Walk, v: n. 1. Go on foot, travel. 3. Behave, conduct one s self. Walk, n. 1. Step, gait, carriage, man ner of walking. 2. Sphere, beat, career, course. 3. Conduct, behavior. 4. Avenue, path, alley. 5. Promenade, stroll. Walk on, Tread. Walking-stick, n. Cane, staff. Wallet, n. 1. Bag, sack, knapsack. 2. Pocket-book. Wallop, v. a. [Colloquial.] Beat, thrash, flog, drub, pommel, bang, maul, thump, thwack, pound, knock, deal roughly with. Wallow, v. n. Flounder, roll, welter. Wall-paper, n. Paper-hangings. Wallower, n. Trundle, lantern-wheel. Walrus, n. Morse, sea-horse, sea-cow ( Trichechus rosmarus). Wan, a. Pale, pallid, cadaverous, ashy, of a sickly hue. Wan, v. n. Turn pale, grow pale. Wand, n. Rod, stick. Wander, v. n. 1. Ramble, roam, rove, stroll, straggle, range, range about, gad about. 3. Deviate, swerve, stray, digress, turn aside, go astray. 3. Be delirious, be crazed. Wanderer, n. Rambler, rover, stroller, landloper, nomad, traveller, vagrant. Wandering, n, 1. Roving, rambling, travelling, travel, peregrination, excur sion, range, roaming. 3. Aberration, deviation from recti tude. Wander over, Traverse, pass, travel over. Wane, v. n. 1. Decrease, diminish, grow less. 3. Decline, fail, sink. Wane, n. 1. Diminution, decrease, les sening, abatement. 3. Decline, declension, decay, failure, falling off. Want, n. 1. Deficiency, insufficiency, inadequacy, scarcity, scarceness, scan tiness, meagreness, shortness, dearth, DEFICIT, lack, absence, default, defect, defectiveness, failure. 3. Need, necessity, requirement, de sideratum. 3. Desire, wish, craving, longing. 4. Poverty, indigence, penury, desti tution, distress, straits. Want, v. a. 1. Lack, be without, be destitute of, be in need of. 3. Require, need, have need of, have occasion for, stand in need of, cannot do without, cannot dispense with. 3. Desire, wish, crave, wish for. Want, v. n. Lack, fail, be deficient, fall short, come short. Wanting, a. Deficient, defective, lack ing. Wanton, a. 1. Wandering, loose, un restrained, unchecked, free. 2. Luxuriant, exuberant, abounding, rank, rampant. 3. Sportive, frolicsome, playful, gay, frisky, coltish, airy. 4. Dissolute, licentious, lewd, incon tinent, prurient, lustful, lascivious, lecherous, carnal, salacious, libidinous, concupiscent, lickerish, unchaste, loose. Wanton, n. Lewd person. Wanton, v. n. 1. Revel, frolic, sport, play, disport, frisk, romp, caper, make fun, make merry. 3. Luxuriate, live luxuriously, live in clover. Wapiti, n. American elk, gray moose (Cervus Canad.ensis). War, n. 1. Hostilities, fighting, war fare, ULTIMA RATIO BEGUM, the last argument of kings. 3. Art of war, profession of arms. War, v. n. 1. Make war, carry on war. 3. Contend, fight, strive. Warble, v. a. Sing (with turns or trills like a bird), trill, carol, chant, hum, hymn. Warbler, n. Singer, songster. Ward, n. 1. Watch, guard, guardian ship. 3. (Law.) Pupil, minor (under guar dianship). Warden, n. Keeper, guardian, warder, custodian, curator, superintendent. Warder, n. Keeper, guardian, warden. Ward off, Avert, FOREFEND, parry, re pel, turn aside, fend off, keep oft . Wardrobe, n. 1. Closet (for clothes). 3. Apparel, raiment, clothes, clothing, dresses, garments, vestments, habili ments, attire, vesture, garb, trappings, rigging, TOGGERY. Warehouse, n. Store, storehouse, mag azine, repository, depot, ENTREPOT. Wares, n. pi. Goods, commodities, mer chandise, movables. Warfare, n. I. Hostilities, war, state of war. 3. Contest, struggle, strife. Warily, ad. Cautiously, carefully, heed- fully, circumspectly, watchfully, vigi lantly, charily. Wariness, n. Caution, cautiousness, care, circumspection, watchfulness, forethought, vigilance. Warlike, a. 1. Military, martial, belli cose. 3. Inimical, unfriendly, hostile, at variance. Warm, a. 1. Not cold. 3. Sunny, mild, genial, pleasant. 3. Close, muggy, oppressive. 4. Zealous, ardent, fervent, earnest, fervid, glowing, enthusiastic, hearty. 5. Excited, lively, vehement, passion ate, furious, violent, fiery. 6. [Colloquial.} Rich, wealthy, fore handed, well off. WARM 445 WATCH Warm, v. a. 1. Heat (moderately), make wann. 3. Animate, excite, rouse, waken, stir up. Warm-hearted, n. Kind, affectionate, hearty, cordial, tender. Warmth, n. 1. Glow, moderate heat. 3. Ardor, zeal, excitement, vehe mence, enthusiasm, earnestness, fervor, transport, fervency, passion, intensity, soul, spirit. Warn, v. a. 1. Caution (against dan ger), premonish, forewarn, exhort to take heed. 3. Admonish (with respect to some duty), advise. 3. Inform, notify, apprise, disclose to, mention to, communicate to, make aware, make acquainted, give notice to. 4. Summon, bid, call. Warning, n. 1. Caution (against dan ger). 3. Admonition, advice, monition. 3, Notice, notification. 4. Omen, presage, portent, prognos tic, augury, sign. Warp, v. n. Twist or be twisted out of shape (by drying), spring, bend. Warp, v. a. 1. Twist out of shape (by drying). 3. Pervert, distort, deviate, bend, bias, turn aside, cause to swerve. Warrant, v. a. 1. Guarantee, secure, answer for. 3. Assure, vouch, avouch, declare, affirm, attest, evidence, give assurance to. 3. Maintain, support, sanction, au thorize, justify. Warrant, n. 1. Guarantee, security, surety, pledge, warranty. 3. Authority, commission, sanction. 3. Permit, order, writ. Warrantable, a. Justifiable, allowable, permissible, admissible, lawful, proper, defensible, vindicable, right, fit. Warranty, n. 1. Stipulation, agree ment. 3. Guaranty, security, surety, pledge, warrant. Warrior, n. Soldier, captain, military man, man at arms, fighting-man. Wart, n. Morbid excrescence, fungous growth. Wary, a. Cautious, heedful, careful, watchful, vigilant, circumspect, pru dent, discreet, guarded. Wash, v. a. 1. Cleanse by ablution. 3. Wet, moisten, bathe, lave. 3. Stain, tint, color. 4. Overlay (with a thin coat of metal), cover. Wash, v. n. Perform ablution. Wash, n. 1. ABLUTION, lavation, wash ing, bathing. 3. Bog, marsh, fen, quagmire, slough, morass, swamp. 3. Lotion. 4. Thin coating. Washboard, n. 1. Skirting-board, mop-board. 8. (Naut.) Wasteboard. Washerwoman, n. Laundress. Washing, n. ABLUTION, lavation, bathing. Wash one s hands of, Exonerate one s self from, clear one s skirts from. Washy, a. 1. Watery, damp, moist, oozy, wet, sloppy, 3. Weak, thin, dilute. 3. Vapid, trashy, spiritless, pointless, feeble, poor. Waspish, a. Irritable, irascible, petu lant, snappish, pettish, churlish, snarly, peevish, captious, cynical, testy, fretful, splenetic, touchy, passionate, choleric, ill-humored. Wassail, n. Carousal, revelry, revels, saturnalia, debauch, orgies, potation, compotation, SPHEE, convivial enter tainment, jollification, drunken bout. Waste, v. a. 1. Decrease, diminish, wear, corrode, use up, prey upon, wear away. 3. Consume (foolishly), spend, ex pend, squander, dissipate, lose, mis spend, misuse, fool away, fritter away, muddle away. 3. Destroy, desolate, ravage, pillage, plunder, strip, ruin, spoil, devastate, sack, devour. "Waste, v. n. 1. Dwindle, wither, pine, perish, decay, be diminished, waste away. 3. Swale, melt (as a candle), sweal, consume. Waste, a. 1. Destroyed, ruined, rav aged, spoiled, devastated, desolated. 3. Wild, uncultivated, bare, untilled. 3. Worthless, refuse. Waste, n. 1. Consumption, loss, dimi nution, decrement, expenditure, wast ing, dissipation. 3. Squandering, wanton destruction, loss. 3. Devastation, ravage, ruin, rapine, destruction, desolation, pillage, havoc. 4. Refuse, worthless matter. 5. Wild, wilderness, desert, solitude, lonely place, deserted region. "Wasteboard, n. (Naut.) Washboard. Wasteful, a. 1. Destructive, ruinous, 3. Lavish, prodigal, profuse, extrav agant, thriftless, unthrifty, too free, too liberal. Waster, n. Squanderer, prodigal, spend thrift. Wasting, n. Decay, decline, consump tion, marasmus, emaciation, atrophy, tabes, PHTHISIS. Watch, n. 1. Vigil, watching, wakeful- ness, watchfulness, outlook. 3. Inspection, observation, attention. 3. Guard, sentry, watchman. 4. Pocket timepiece. Watch, v. n. 1. Wake, be awake, keep awake, not be asleep. 3. Keep guard, keep watch and ward, stand guard, be on guard, be on the watch, act as sentinel, be on the look out, look sharp, keep a sharp lookout, have all one s eyes about one, mind one s P s and Q s. 3. Wait-, look, be expectant. WATCH 446 WEAKLY Watch, v. a. 1. Guard, tend, attend, have in keeping. 2. Mark, observe, eye, keep the eye on, keep an eye upon. Watchful, a. Vigilant, attentive, ob servant, awake, alive, needful, careful, wary, cautious, circumspect, guarded, on one s guard, on the alert, with the eyes open, wide awake, on the lookout. Watchman, n. Guard, sentinel, picket, sentry, guardsman. Watch-pocket, n. Fob. Watchword, n. Countersign, password. Water, v. a. 1. Irrigate, moisten, wet. 3. Supply with water (for drink), furnish with water, give water to. 3. Sprinkle and calender (as cloth, to give it an undulating or wavy appear ance). Water-bearer, n. Aquarius. Water-beech, n. Sycamore, button- wood, plane-tree, button-ball-tree, wa ter-birch (Platanus Occidentalis). Water-brash, n. Water-qualm, PY ROSIS. Water-clock, n. Clepsydra. Water-closet, n. Privy, backhouse, necessary, jakes. Water-course, n. 1. Stream, brook, river. 3. Canal, drain, trench, ditch, chan nel, fosse, moat, sewer, leat. Water-crake, n. WATER-OUSEL. Water-crow, n, WATER-OUSEL. Water-cure, n. Hydropathy. Water-doctor, n. Hydropathist. Watered silk, Tabby. Waterfall, n. Cataract, cascade, fall. Water-hen, n. Gallinule, spotted crake ( Crex porzana or Gallinida chloropus). Water-hog, n. Capibara (Hydrochwrus capybara). Waterish, a. 1. Aqueous, moist, wet, watery. 3, Thin, diluted, weak, like water. Waterman, n. Boatman, ferryman. Water-nymph, n. Naiad. Water-ousel, ) n. Dipper, water-crake, Water-ouzel, ) water-crow ( Cinclus aquaticus). Water-pepper, n. Smart- weed (Poly- ganum hydropiper). Water-pimpernel, n. Brookweed. Water-qualm, n. Water-brash, PY ROSIS. Water-ram, n. Hydraulic ram. Water-ret, v. a. Water-rot. Water-rice, n. Indian-rice. Water-rot, v. a. Water-ret. Water-sparrow, n. Chuck, reed-spar row, reed-bunting, king.bird (Emberiza schosniclus). Watery, a. 1. Aqueous, wet, moist. 3. Thin, weak, diluted, waterish, like water. Wattle, n. Hurdle (of tivigs). Wattles, n. pi. BARB, beard. Wave, n. Undulation, billow, breaker, surge, swell, ripple. Wave, v. n. Undulate, float, fluctuate, flicker, vibrate, oscillate, play loosely, play to and fro. Wave, v. a. Brandish, flourish. Wave-like, a. Undulating. Waver, v. n. 1. Wave, undulate, float, flicker. 3. Vacillate, hesitate, fluctuate, be in suspense, be undetermined, be un settled, be in doubt. "Wavering:, n. Vacillation, fluctuation, indecision, indetermination, hesitancy, uncertainty. Wavering, a. Unsettled, vacillating, fickle, unsteady, unstable, changeable. Wavy, a. Undulating, waving, playing to and fro. Wax, v. a. Cere, smear with wax. Wax, v. n. 1. Increase (as the moon). 3. Grow, become, come to be, get to be. Wax-moth, n. Bee-moth. Wax-myrtle, n. Bayberry (Myrica ce- rifera). "Wax- wing, n. [ V. S.~\ Cedar-bird. Way, n. 1. Passage, march, advance, progression. 3. Road, path, route, course, track, TRAIL, street, highway, highroad, room for passing, opportunity to pass. 3. Method, mode, manner, fashion, plan, wise, sort, degree. 4. Space, distance. 5. Custom, usage, habit, habitude, practice, wont, second nature. Wayfarer, n. Traveller, passenger, pil grim, tourist, itinerant. Waylay, v. a. Lie in wait for (with evil intent), lie in ambush for. Wayless, a. Pathless, trackless. Wayward, a. Perverse, froward, wil ful, obstinate, headstrong, stubborn, intractable, unruly, cross-grained, re fractory. Weak, a. 1. Feeble, languid, weakly, not strong, not vigorous. 3. Sickly, debilitated, unhealthy, un sound, infirm, frail, delicate, tender, valetudinary, valetudinarian, invalid. 3. Defenceless, unguarded, exposed, unprotected. 4. Lax, soft, pliant, imperfect. 5. Pliable, pusillanimous, easily in fluenced, without any backbone, dough- faced. 6. Shallow, simple, silly, senseless, witless, stupid, foolish, DAFT, childish, inept. 7. Unwise, injudicious, foolish, indis creet, erring, peccable. S- Low, faint, small, inconsiderable. 9. Thin, watery, diluted, waterish. 10. Sleazy, flimsy, slight, poor. 11. Poor, inconclusive, unconvincing, unsatisfactory, lame, not forcible, not cogent. Weaken, v. a. 1. Enfeeble, enervate, debilitate, break, unman, effeminate, emolliate, unnerve, make weak. 3. Invalidate, make of less effect. 3. Reduce, depress, debase, lower. Weak-fish, n. Squeteague (Labrus squeteague or Onolithus regalis). Weak-headed, a. WEAK-MINDED. Weakly, a. Feeble, languid, weak, not strong. WEAK-MINDED 447 WELL Weak-minded, a. Shallow, dull, stu pid, weak, soft, sappy, doltish, feeble minded, dull-witted, short-witted, half witted, blunt -witted, thick-skulled, weak-headed. Weak side, n. Foible, failing, infirm ity, frailty, weakness, weak part, blind side. Weal, n. Welfare, prosperity, good, ad vantage, happiness, interest, utility, profit. Wealth, n. Affluence, opulence, abun dance, fortune, independence, compe tence, riches, mammon, pelf, money, treasure, funds, cash, property, easy circumstances, ample store, ample means. Wealthy, a. Affluent, opulent, rich, moneyed, flush, well off, well to do. Wean, v. a. 1. Put from the breast. 2. Withdraw, disengage, alienate, detach. Weapons, n. pi. Arms. Weaponless, a. Unarmed. Wear, v. a. 1. Carry (upon the person), bear. 2. Impair (by use), waste, consume, use up, wear away, wear out. Wear, v. n. 1. Be wasted, wear away. 2. Endure use. Wear away, 1. (Active.) Waste, "WEAR. 2. [Neuter.] Be consumed, be wasted. Wearied, a. Tired, fatigued, jaded, fagged, exhausted, weary, used up. Weariness, n. Fatigue, tedium, lassi tude, exhaustion, prostration, languor, languidness, ENNUI. Wearisome, a. Tedious, tiresome, fa tiguing, IRKSOME, prolix, weary, try ing, humdrum, prosy, monotonous, un interesting. Wear off, [Active.] Obliterate, rub off. Wear off, [Neuter.] Pass off by degrees or gradually. Wear out, Consume, WASTED Wear the breeches, [ Colloquial.] Usurp the husband s authority, be the man of the house. Weary, a. 1. Fatigued, tired, exhaust ed, WEARIED. 2. Tiresome, irksome, wearisome. Weary, v. a. Fatigue, tire, jade, fag, exhaust, harass, dispirit, KNOCK UP, tire out, wear out, use up. Weasand, n. Windpipe, trachea, throt tle, throat. Weasel-coot, n. Red-headed smew (Mergus minutus). Weather, v. a. 1. (Naut.) Pass to windward of. 2. Endure, sustain, bear, stand, bear up against, get the better of. Weather-cock, n. 1. Vane. 2. Trimmer, time-server, fickle per son. Weave, v. a. Interlace (as the threads of a fabric), entwine, plait, plat, braid, mat. Weazen, a. Thin, sharp, lean, withered, shrunken, dried, shrivelled, wizened. Web, n. 1. Texture, tissue, structure, textile fabric. 2. Suffusion (of the eye), film. 3. Cobweb. 4. Membrane (as in the feet of swim ming birds). Web-footed, a. Palmiped. Wed, v. a. Marry, espouse. Wedding, n. "Marriage, nuptials, es pousals, bridal, marriage ceremony, nuptial rites. Wedge-shaped, a. Cuneiform. Wedlock, n. Matrimony, nuptial state, marriage. Wee, a. Little, small, diminutive, tiny, minikin, pygmy, pygmean, Lilipu- tian. Weeds, n. pi. Mourning, symbol of sorrow. Week-day, n. Work-day. Weekly, a. Hebdomadal, hebdomadary. Ween, v. n. [Poetical.] Fancy, imag ine, think, suppose. Weep, v. n. Cry, sob, shed tears. Weep, v. a. Lament, bewail, bemoan. Weft, n. Woof. Weigh, v. a. 1. Try in the balance, find the weight of. 2. Counterbalance, be equivalent to in weight. 3. Examine, ponder, balance in the mind, meditate upon. Weigh, v. n. 1. Gravitate, be heavy. 3. Bear, press, bear heavily, press hard. Weigh down, 1. Overbalance. 2. Oppress, overburden. Weight, n. 1. Heaviness, gravity, pon- derousness, ponderosity. 2. Pressure, burden, load. 3. Importance, influence, power, ef ficacy, consequence, moment, signifi cance, import, pith. Weighty, a. 1. HEAVY (intrinsically), ponderous, onerous. 2. Important, influential, efficacious, forcible, momentous, grave, serious, of consequence. Welcome, n. 1. Greeting, salutation. 2. Kind reception. Welcome, v. a. Greet, receive, bid wel come. Welcome, a. 1. Gladly received or en tertained, admitted with pleasure. 2. Acceptable, pleasing, agreeable, pleasant, grateful, gratifying. Weld, n. Woad, dyer s weed (Reseda luteola). Welfare, n. Prosperity, happiness, suc cess, weal, well-being, advantage, ben efit, profit. Welkin, n. [Poetical.] Sky, empyrean, firmament, heaven, the heavens, can opy of heaven, vault of heaven, starry heavens. Well, n. 1. Spring, fountain, well head, wellspring. 2. Source, origin. Well, v. n. Issue, spring, flow. Well, ad. 1. Rightly, not ill. 2. Properly, suitably, correctly, ac curately, thoroughly, not amiss. 3. Sufficiently, abundantly, amply, fully. WELL 448 WHEREOF 4. Favorably, commendably, with praise. 5. Highly, very much. 6. Far, considerably, not a little. 7. Conveniently, easily. Well, a. 1. Healthy, hale, hearty, in health, sound, in good health, not ill, not sick. 3. Fortunate, happy. 3. Profitable, convenient, beneficial, expedient, good, useful, advantageous, for one s advantage, for one s inter est. Well-a-day, interj. Alas, lackaday. Well-behaved, a. Courteous, civil, polite, well-bred, well-mannered, pol ished, of good manners. Well-being, n. WELFARE. Well-born, a. Gentle, high-born, of good descent, of a good stock, not ple beian. Well-bred, a. Refined, polished, gen teel, polite, courteous, WELL-BEHAVED. Well enough, Tolerably, sufficiently well. Well-head, n. Spring, fountain, well, wellspring. Well-mannered, a. WELL-BEHAVED. Well off , Prosperous, thriving, flourish ing, forehanded, beforehand, in easy circumstances, well to do, possessed of a competence. Well-read, a. Erudite, learned, let tered, literary, book-learned. Wellspring, n. Spring, fountain, well, well-head. Well-timed, a. Opportune, seasonable, timely, happy, felicitous, all in good time. Well to do, WELL OFF. Well-wisher, n. Friend, favorer, en- courager. Welter, v. n. Wallow, tumble about, roll. Wench, n. 1. Strumpet, WHORE. 3. [U.S.] Negress, colored woman. Wend one s way, Go, travel, journey, pass. Wesleyanism, n. Methodism. West, n. Occident. West, a. Western, westerly, occiden tal. Westerly, a. Western, WEST. Westerly, ad. Westward, toward the west. Western, a. Westerly, WEST. Westward, ad. Westerly, toward the west. Wet, a. 1. Damp, moist, humid, dank, aqueous, watery. 3. Rainy, showery. Wet, n. Humidity, moisture, dampness, wetness. Wetness, n. Humidity, WET. Wet, v. a. Moisten, water, irrigate, damp, dampen, sprinkle. Whack, v. a. [Colloquial.} Strike, beat, thrash, THWACK. Whale-oil, n. Train-oil. Wharf, n. Quay. What,jtwwi. 1. That which. 3. The sort of, the kind of. 3. Which (out of many, or of many kinds). 4. How, how great, how remarkable. Whatever, pron. 1. Any thing, be it what it may, any thing soever, whatso ever. 3. All that, the whole that. "Whatsoever, pron. WHATEVER. What though, What matters it that, allowing that, supposing that, even granting that. What to do with, How to use, how to employ, how to dispose of. "What with, Partly, in part. Wheat-bird, n. Nigh t-j ar , goat-sucker. Wheat-ear, n. Fallow-finch, white-ear (Saxicola ananthe). Wheat-fly, n. Hessian-fly (Cecidomyia destructor). Wheat-grass, n. Twitch-grass, couch- grass, dog s-grass, dog- wheat, knot grass (Tnticum repens). Wheat-moth, n. 1. Grain-moth, corn- moth ( Tinea granella). 3. Angumois moth (Anacampsis ce- realella). Wheedle, v. a. Flatter, cajole, coax, inveigle, humor, court, fawn upon, pay court to. Wheedler, n. Sycophant, parasite, fawner, toady, flunkey, spaniel, lick spittle, pick-thank, toad-eater, time- server, hanger-on, mean flatterer. Wheel, v. n. 1. Revolve, rotate, turn, gyrate, roll, turn round, move round. 3. Deviate, deflect, diverge, turn aside, alter one s course. Wheel, v. a. 1. Whirl, twirl, spin, put into a rotatory motion. 3. Move on wheels, convey on wheels. Wheeze, v. n. Breathe hard. Whelk, n. 1. Protuberance, pustule. 3. Stripe, streak, mark, wale. Whelm, v. a. Overwhelm. Whelp, n. 1. CUB, young beast. 3. Puppy, pup, young dog. When, ad. 1. At the time, at the time that. 3. Whenever, at what time. Whence, ad. 1. From what place. 3. From what cause, from what source, how. Whenever, ad. At whatever time, whensoever. "Whensoever, ad. WHENEVER. Where, ad. 1. At which place, in which place. 3. At what place, in what place. Whereabouts, ad. Near what place. Whereabouts, n. [Colloquial.} Resi dence, location. Whereas, conj. 1. Since, considering that, it being the case that. 3. When in fact, while on the con trary. Whereby, ad. By which. Wherefore, ad. & conj. Why, for what cause or reason, on what account. Wherein, ad. 1. In which. 2. In what. Whereof, ad. 1. Of which. 3. Of what. WHEREUPON 449 WHORE-HOUSE Whereupon, ad. Upon which. Wherever, ad. In whatever place. Wherewith, ad. 1. With which, where withal. 3. With what. Wherewithal, ad. WHEREWITH. Wherewithal,?!. [Colloquial; used with The prefixed.] The means (with ivhich to accomplish any purpose}. Whet, v. a. 1. Sharpen (by nibbing}. 2. Stimulate, excite, arouse, rouse, quicken, animate, warm, kindle. Which, pron. 1. What one. 3. That. Whiff, . Puff, blast, sudden gust. Whiff , v. a. Puff. Whiffle, v. n. Veer (as by change of wind), turn about. While, n. Time, season, space of time. While, ad. 1. During the time that. 3. As long as. 3. At the same time that. While away, Pass away (as time), spend pleasantly. Whim, n. Freak, fancy, vagary, humor, caprice, crotchet, maggot, quirk, whim- sey, kink, WRINKLE. Whimper, v. n. Cry (in low and broken tones), snivel, blubber, whine. Whiinsey, n. Caprice, WHIM. Whimsical, a. Capricious, freakish, odd, singular, strange, fanciful, fantas tic, notional, crotchety, BIZARRE, gro tesque, queer. Whine, v. n. Cry (plaintively), moan (in a childish way ). Whine, n. Plaintive tone. Whinny, v. n. Neigh. Whip, v. a. 1. Lash, strike (with a cord), beat, flagellate, scourge, punish. 3. Snatch. 3. Stitch, baste. Whipping, n. Flogging, beating, casti- gation, thrashing, LICKING. Whirl, v. n. Twirl, revolve, rotate, spin. Whirl, v. a. Twirl, spin, wheel, turn round. Whirl, n. Gyration, rotation. Whirl-bone, n. Patella, knee-pan. Whirling, n. Twirl, circular motion. Whirlpool, n. Vortex, eddy. Whirring, n. Whiz, buzzing noise. Whisk, v. n. Trip, speed, hasten, hie, post, scud, brush, move nimbly, push on, dash on, cut along. Whisper, v. n. Speak under the breath, speak softly. Whisper, v. a. Breathe, utter softly. Whisper, n. utterance. 1. Low, soft voice; gentle 3. Murmur, sibilant sound (as of the wind). 3. Hint, intimation, inkling. Whist, interj. Hush, silence, be still, be silent, keep quiet, make no noise. Whistle-fish, n. Rockling, sea-louch (Motella vulgaris). Whit, n. Iota, jot, tittle, particle,, bit, atom, grain, scrap, mite, ace, corpuscle, scintilla. White, a. Of a white color, snowy, frosty, hoary, hoar. White ant, Termite, termes. White-bear, n. Polar-bear ( Thalarctos maritimus). White bismuth, Sub-nitrate of bismuth. White-brant, n. Snow-goose (Anser hyperboreus). White-cedar, n. Arbor vitse (Thuja Occidentalis). . White-copper, n. Packfong, German silver. White-copperas, n. Coquimbite. White-ear, n. Fallow-finch, wheat-ear (Saxicola CBnanthe). White-lead, n. Ceruse, carbonate of lead. Whiten, v. a. Bleach, blanch, etiolate, make white. Whiten, v. n. Bleach, etiolate, become or grow white. White-nun, n. Smew (J\fergus albellus). White-poplar, n. Abele-tree (Populus alba). White-smith, n. Tin-smith. White-thorn, n. Hawthorn ( Cratcegus oxyacantha). White- vitriol, n. Sulphate of zinc. White-weed, n. White daisy, ox-eye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare). White-wood, n. Tulip-tree (Lirioden- dron tulipifera). Whither, ad. 1. To what place. 3. To which place. Whiting, n. 1, Spanish white. 3. (Ich.) M.er\ing(Gadusmerlangus). Whitish, a. Somewhat white. Whitlow, n. (Med.) Felon. Whit-Sunday, n. WHITSUNTIDE. Whitsuntide, n. Whit-Sunday, Pente cost. Whiz, v. n. Buzz. Whiz, n. Whirring, buzzing noise. Whole, a. 1. All, total. 3. Entire, undivided, integral, com plete, not fractional. 3. Uninjured, unimpaired, unbroken, perfect, faultless, good, firm, strong. 4. Sound, well, healthy. Whole, n. All, totality, aggregate, gross, amount, sum, sum total. Wholesome, a. 1. Healthy, healthful, salubrious, salutary, salutiferous, help ful, nourishing, nutritious, strengthen ing, invigorating, roborant. 3. Beneficial, good. 1. To Wholly, ad. otally, altogether. 3. Entirely, completely, fully, per fectly. Whoop, n. Shout, halloo, hoot, yell. Whoop, v. n. Shout, halloo, hollo, holla, yell, cry out. Whooping-cough, n. [Written also hooping-cough.] Chin-cough. Whopper, n. [Colloquial.] Falsehood, lie, bounce, bouncer. Whore, n. Harlot, prostitute, strumpet, courtesan, bawd, punk, wench, drab, DEMIREP, street-walker, night-walker, cyprian, woman of the town, woman of ill-fame. Whore-house, n. Brothel, stew, bagn io, bawdy-house, house of prostitution, house of Ill-fame. 29 WHY 450 WIND UP Why, ad. 1. Wherefore, for what cause or reason, on what account. 2. For what purpose. Wicked, a. 1. Sinful, vicious, depraved, unprincipled, immoral, impious, irre ligious, unrighteous, ungodly, godless, profane, irreverent, worthless, grace less, vile, abandoned, corrupt, knavish, dishonest, roguish, trickish, TRICKY, good for nothing. 2. Bad, evil, unjust, ill, atrocious, iniquitous, heinous, flagitious, nefari ous, criminal, outrageous, monstrous, villanous. Wickedness, n. 1. Sin, evil, depravity, vice, immorality, unrighteousness, sin- fulness, crime, criminality, villany, ras cality, knavery. 2. Atrocity, iniquity, enormity, flagi- tiousness. Wicker, n. Twig, osier, withe. Wide, a. 1. Broad. 2. Spacious, vast, large, ample, ex tensive, expanded. 3. Remote, distant. Wide-awake, a. Watchful, vigilant, attentive, observant, heedful, careful, wary, cautious, circumspect, on the alert, with the eyes open. Width, n. Breadth, broadness, wide- ness. Wield, v. a. 1. Handle, brandish. 2. Manage, use, control, make use of. Wife, n. Married woman, BETTER- HALF, matron, helpmate, consort. Wig, n. Peruke, periwig, scratch. Wight,??. [In irony or burlesque.} Creat ure, being, person. Wigwam, n. Hut (of an American Indian), cabin. Wild, a. 1. Undomesticated, not tame. 2. Uncultivated, native. 3. Uncivilized, savage, rude, fero cious, barbarous, unrefined. 4. Impetuous, turbulent, irregular, violent, ungoverned, unrestrained, dis orderly, furious, frantic, frenzied, out rageous, giddy, reckless, hare-brained, HARUM-SCARUM. 5. Fanciful, imaginary, extravagant, visionary, crazy, grotesque, strange, BIZARRE. Wild, n. Desert, WILDERNESS. Wild-bean, n. Ground-nut (Apios tube- rosa). Wild-briar, n. Dog-rose, hep-tree (Ro sa canina). Wilderness, n. Wild, desert, waste. Wild ginger, Canada snake-root. Wild-goose chase, Foolish pursuit, foolish enterprise. Wile, n. Trick, stratagem, cheat, fraud, artifice, chouse, imposture, deceit, im position, deception, ruse, dodge, fetch, manoeuvre, cunning contrivance, craf ty device. Wilful, a. [Written also WUtftd.] Ob stinate, stubborn, perverse, contuma cious, refractory, headstrong, unruly, intractable, mulish, dogged, inflexible, heady, self-willed, PIG-HEADED, obdu rate, cantankerous. Will, n. 1. Power of determination, power of choosing, faculty of voli tion. 2. Wish, desire, inclination, disposi tion, pleasure. 3. Command, behest, order, direc tion. 4. Testament, last will and testa ment. Will, v. a. 1. Determine, decree, enjoin ; command, direct. 2. Bequeath, devise, demise, leave, give by will. Will, v. n. 1. Exercise volition. 2. Devise, choose, elect, be disposed, be inclined, be pleased, have a mind. Willing, a. Inclined, disposed, desir ous, minded, ready, of a mind, noth ing loath, not averse. Willing, n Volition. Willingly, ad. 1, Cheerfully, readily, with all one s heart. 2. Voluntarily, of one s own accord, spontaneously. Will-o -the-wisp, n. Friar s lantern, Jack-with-a-lantern, Jack-o -lantern, IGXIS FATUUS. Willow, 7i. Osier. Wilt, v. n. [Comnwn in U. S., local in Eng.} Droop, wither. Wily, a. Insidious, artful, cunning, sly, crafty, subtle, arch, designing, deceit ful, treacherous, trickish., TRICKY, in triguing, politic, foxy, snaky, crooked, diplomatic, Machiavelian. Win, v. a. 1. Get (by mastery or in competition), gain, obtain, procure, ac quire, earn, achieve, catch. 2. Bring over, gain over, get the com pliance of. Win, v. n. Succeed, be successful, gain the victory. Wince, v. n. Flinch, shrink, startle, start back. Wind, n. 1. Air (in motion), draught, breeze, zephyr, puff of air, breath of air. 2. Breath, respiration. 3. Flatulence. Wind, v. a. 1. Coil, twine, twist, wreathe. 2. Turn in and out. Wind, v. n. 1. Twine, coil, twist, turn and twist, take a spiral course. 2. Meander, turn in and out. Windfall, n. Godsend, unexpected gift, good luck, run of luck, piece of good fortune, piece of good luck. Wind-flower, n. Anemone. Windhover, n. Castrel, kestrel, stan- nel (Falco tunnunculus). Winding, n. Flexure, turning, mean dering, twisting, twist, convolution, contortion, sinuosity, curvature, tortu osity, bend, crook, kink, crookedness. Winding, a. Flexuous, sinuous, mean dering, serpentine. Wind off, Unwind, uncoil. Wind-thrush, n. Redwing, swine-pipe, red-sided thrush ( Turdus iliacus). Wind up, 1. Wind into a ball. 2. Settle, close, close up. WINDING DP 451 WITH Winding up, End, conclusion, DENOUE MENT, ISSUE. "Windpipe, n . Trachea, weasand, throt tle, throat. Windy, a. 1. Breezy, gusty, squally, stormy, tempestuous, blustering, bois terous. 3. Empty, airy. 3. Flatulent. Wine-bibber, n. Toper, tippler, drunk ard, dram-drinker. Wine-stone, n. Argol, tartar (crude), bi-tartrate of potash. Wing, n. 1. Pennon, pinion. 3. Side-piece. 3. (Mil.) Flank. Wing-case, n. (Ent.) Sheath. Winged, a. I. With wings. 3. Swift, rapid, fleet, fast, speedy, nimble, agile, flying. Win golden opinions, Be liked, be in favor. Wink, v. n. Blink, nictate. Wink at, Connive at, pretend not to see, shut one s eyes to. "Winker, n. Blinder (for a horse). \Vinking, n. Nictation. Winning, a. Attractive, alluring, pleas ing, charming, bewitching, engaging, captivating, fascinating, prepossessing, enchanting, delightful, lovely. Winnow, v. a. 1. Fan, clear of chaff. 3. Separate, part, divide. Winsome, a. [Scotland and North of England.] Cheerful, merry, gay, live ly, sportive, blithe, blithesome, buoyant, jocund, light-hearted, buxom, debonair. Winter, v. n. Hibernate. Winter-clover, n. Checkerberry, par tridge-berry, squaw-vine (Mitchella re- pens). Winter-green, n. 1. Boxberry, tea- berry, partridge-berry, mountain-tea (Gaultheria procumbens). 3. Pipsissewa (Chiniaphila umbella- ta). Wintery, ) a. Hyemal, brumal, cold, "Wintry, ) icy, frosty. Wipe, v. a. Rub (as with a cloth, in order to clean or dry). Wipe, n. 1. Wiping. 3. [Colloquial.] Blow, stroke, hit. 3. Sneer, gibe, taunt, sarcasm. 4. (Ornith.) Pewit, lapwing (Vanel- lus cristatus). Wipe out, Efface, obliterate, erase, ex punge, cancel, raze, scratch out, rub out. Wire, n. Metallic thread. Wire, v. a. 1. Put upon a wire. 3. Bind with wire. 3. Ensnare by wires. 4. [Modern.] Telegraph, convey by electric telegraph, report by telegram. Wire-grass, n. Crab-grass, dog s-tail grass (Eleusine Indica). Wire-puller, n. Tactician, manoeuvrer, adroit manager. Wisdom, n. 1. Sense, sapience, sagay- ity, judgment, judiciousness, pre science, discernment, depth, solidity, ballast, good sense, common sense, plain sense, enlarged views, reach or compass of thought, readiness in adapt ing means to ends. 3. Knowledge, erudition, learning, at tainment, information, enlightenment. 3. Reasonableness, reason, right or just view. Wise, a. 1. Sensible, sapient, sage, ju dicious, sagacious, oracular, prudent, discreet, considerate, discerning, rea sonable, rational, intelligent, enlight ened, sound, solid, philosophical, of good judgment. 2. Erudite, learned. 3. Crafty, cunning, subtle, sly, foxy, wily, politic, knowing, designing, long headed. Wise, n. Manner, way, mode, fashion. "Wiseacre, n. Witling, DUNCE, igno ramus, pretender to wisdom. Wish, v. n. Desire, long, hanker, list. Wish, v. a. Desire, long for, hanker after, set one s heart upon. "Wish, n. Desire, mind, longing, hank ering, liking. WiSne>- Merry-thought. "Wishful, a. Desirous, longing, eager, hankering, lickerish, wistful. Wish-wash, n. 1. Thin drink. 3. Trash, stuff, balderdash, palaver, moonshine, fudge, nonsense, jargon, platitude, flummery, inanity, balder dash, wishy-washy, senseless prate, frothy discourse, idle talk. Wishy-washy, a. [Colloquial.] Thin, feeble, weak. Wishy-washy, n. WISH-WASH. Wistful, a. 1. Contemplative, medita tive, reflective, musing, thoughtful, pensive. 3. Longing, eager, WISHFUL. Wit, n. 1. Intellect, understanding, mind, sense, reason, genius, mental power, intellectual faculties, thinking" principle. 3. Quick perception (as of partial resemblance in things mostly unlike), keen discernment. 3. Facetiousness, humor, fun, droll ery, waggery, waggishness, jocularity, ATTIC SALT. 3. Humorist, wag. Witch, n. Sorceress. Witch, v. a. Charm, enchant, fascinate, captivate, ravish, bewitch. Witchcraft, n. Sorcery, necromancy, magic, witchery, thaumaturgy, the urgy, wonder-working, enchantment, incantation, conjuration, charm, spell, the black art. Witchery, n. 1. Sorcry, WITCHCRAFT. 3. Fascination, spell, entrancement, Witch-hazel, n. Striped alder. With, prep. 1. Through (as the imme diate agent or instrument), BY, by the agency of, by means of. 3. Attending, accompanying, in com pany with, along with. 3. In the opinion of, in the estimation of, according to. 4. By the side of, in contrast with. 5. Upon, immediately after. WITH CHILD 452 WOODBINE With child, Pregnant, ENCEINTE, big, in the family way. Withdraw, v. a. 1. Remove, subduct, subdnce, subtract, take away. 2. Wean, disengage, draw off. 3. Retract, recall, recant, disavow, revoke, abjure, take back. WithdraAv, v. n. Retire, retreat, se cede, depart, decamp, go away, be off, gooff. Withdrawal, n. 1. Abduction, with drawing, removal, withdrawment. 2. Departure, exit, retirement, leave, going away. Withdrawment, n. WITHDRAWAL. Withe, n. Twig, osier, wicker. Wither, v. n. 1. Shrivel, dry, dry up, lose freshness. 2. Waste, decay, droop, languish, pine away, waste away. With one consent, Unanimously, with one accord, by common consent, to a man, as one man, one arid all, on all hands, in chorus, without a dissenting voice, NEM. CON. Withhold, v. a. 1. Restrain, keep in, rein in. 2- Retain, keep back. Within, prep. 1. In the inside of, not without. 2. In the compass of, in the limits of, not beyond. 3. In the reach or influence of. Within, ad. 1. Inwardly, internally. 2. In doors, in the house, at home. Without, prep. 1. Out of, on the outside of, not within. 2. In the absence of, not with, inde pendently of, exclusively of. Without book, 1. By memory, from memory, without notes, without read ing. 2. Without warrant, without author ity. Withstand, v. a. Resist, oppose, face, confront, strive against, stand against, make a stand against, not submit to. Witless, a. Silly, foolish, stupid, dull, shallow, senseless, obtuse, DAFT, unin telligent, feeble-witted, short-witted, half-witted, dull-witted, muddy-head ed, muddy-brained, slow of apprehen sion, fat-witted. Witling, n. Wiseacre, Gothamite, blun derer, pretender to wisdom, man of small wit. Witness, n. 1. Testimony, evidence, attestation, corroboration. 2. Deponent, corroborator, eye-wit ness. Witness, v. a. 1. Attest, be a witness of, bear witness to. 2. Observe, see, take cognizance of. Witticism, n. Joke (made by one ivho affects wit), conceit, jest, quip, quirk, crank. Witty, a. Facetious, humorous, jocular, jocose, waggish, droll, funny, pleasant. Witwall, n. 1. Loriot, golden oriole (of Europe ; Oriolus galbula). 2. Great spotted wood-pecker (Picus major). Wizard, n. Conjurer, enchanter, sor cerer, magician, soothsayer, necroman cer, charmer, diviner, seer, juggler, prestidigitator, wonder-worker. Wizened, a. Dried, shrivelled, shrunk-" en, thin, sharp, lean, weazen. Woad, n. Weld, dyer s weed (Genista tinctoria), woad-waxen, wood-waxen, wood-wax, dyer s broom. Woad-waxen, n. WOAD. Woe, n. Sorrow, grief, distress, tribula tion, affliction, anguish, agony, bitter ness, misery, wretchedness, unhappi- ness, trouble, heart-ache, heavy heart, bleeding heart, broken heart, mental suffering, pain of mind. Woebegone, a. Wretched, miserable, pitiable, disconsolate, comfortless, sad, forlorn, sorrowful, melancholy, down cast, desponding, cheerless, crest-fallen, chap-fallen, cast down. Woful, a. [Written also Woeful.] 1. Sor rowful, distressed, sad, afflicted, un happy. 2. Grievous, distressing, afflicting, afflictive, disastrous, calamitous, dread ful, tragical, deplorable. 3. Wretched, paltry, mean, pitiful. Wolfsbane, n. Aconite,, monkshood. Woman-hater, n. Misogynist. Womanhood, n. Muliebrity, feminal- ity, femineity. Womanish, a. Feminine (in a bad sense), effeminate. Womanly, a. Feminine (in a good sense), becoming a woman. Womb, n. Uterus. Wombat, n. Phascolome (Phascalomys ursinus). Wonder, n. 1. Astonishment, amaze ment, surprise, bewilderment, ADMI RATION. 2. Prodigy, marvel, miracle, por tent. 3. Curiosity, phenomenon, spectacle, rarity, sight. Wonder, v. n. Marvel, be surprised, be amazed, be struck with wonder, be taken aback, stand agog, look blank, open one s eyes, open one s mouth. Wonderful, a. Astonishing, astound ing, surprising, amazing, startling, marvellous, wondrous, miraculous, very extraordinary, very strange. Wonder-worker, n. Conjurer, WIZARD. Wonder-working, n. Thauniaturgy, magic, sorcery, WITCHCRAFT. Wondrous, a. WONDERFUL. Wont, n. Custom, habit, use, practice. Wonted, a. Accustomed, usual, habit ual, customary, conventional, familiar, common, frequent, regular, ordinary, every-day. Woo, v. a. Court, solicit in love, make love to, pay one s addresses to. Woo, v n. Court, make love. Wood, n. 1. FOREST, grove, copse. 2. Timber. Woodbine, n. Eglantine, honeysuckle ( Caprifolium periclymenum ). WOODCHUCK 453 WORM-LIKE Woodchuck, n. Ground-hog (Arctomys monax). Wood-coal, n. Charcoal. Wood-cut, n. Wood-engraving. Wooded, a. Timbered. Wooden, a. 1. Made of wood. 2. Woody, ligneous. 3. Awkward, clumsy, ungainly, stiff, Wood-engraver, n. Xylographer. Wood-engraving, n. 1. Xylography. 3. Wood-cut. Wood-grass, n. Indian grass (Sorghum nutans). Woodland, n. Woods, forest, grove, forest-land, timber-land. Wood-naphtha, n. Methylic alcohol, WOOD-SPIRIT. Wood-nymph, n. Hamadryad, dryad, nymph of the woods. Wood-pigeon, n. .Ring-dove ( Columba palumbus). Wood-shock, n. Pecan (Mustela Can- adensis), fisher. Wood-spirit, n. Pyroxylic acid, pyrox- ylic spirit, wood-naphtha, methylic alcohol, pyroligneous spirit. Wood-wax, ) n. Weld, woad, dyer s Wood-waxen, j weed, dyer s broom, woad- waxen (Genista tinctoria). Woody, a. 1. Ligneous, wooden. 3. Sylvan, shady. Woody-nightshade, n. Bitter-sweet (Solanum dulcamara). Wooer, n. Lover, suitor, gallant. Wooing, n. Suit, courtship, addresses. Woof, n. Weft. Wool-gathering, n. Vagary, idle fancy, foolish enterprise, useless pursuit. Woollen, a. [Written also Woolen.] Woolly, made of wool. Woollen, n. Cloth of wool, woollen cloth. Woollens, n. pi. Woollen goods. Woolly, a. 1. Woollen, made of wool. 3. Like wool. 3. (Hot.) Lanuginous, downy. Word, n. 1. Vocable, TERM, expres sion. 3. Report, tidings, account, advice, intelligence, information. 3. Statement, affirmation, declara tion, assertion, averment. 4. Promise, pledge, assurance, en gagement. 5. Order, command, signal. 6. Scripture, Word of God. 7. [With The prefixed.] CHRIST. Word-book, n. Vocabulary, dictionary, lexicon, glossary. Word for word, Literally, verbatim, exactly, in the exact words. Words, n. pi. 1. Language, accents, tongues, talk, discourse. 2. Dispute, wrangling, bickering, al tercation, logomachy, war of words. Wordy, a. Verbose, prolix, diffuse, not concise, long-winded. Work, v. n. 1. Act, operate, be in ac tion. 3. Labor, toil, moil, drudge, strive, exert one s self, be diligent, be at work. 3. Move, perform, succeed, get on. 4. Ferment, effervesce. 5. Heave, be tossed, be agitated. Work, v. a. 1. Labor upon, operate upon. 2. Produce, originate, accomplish, effect, bring about. 3. Keep at work. 4. Exert, strain. 5. Embroider. Work, n. 1. Toil, labor (that fatigues), drudgery. 3. Occupation, exertion, employment, business. 3. Product (of labor), performance, production, fruit, achievement, deed, action, feat. 4. Fabric, structure, manufacture. 5. Composition, book, literary pro duction. 6. Management, treatment. Work against, Resist, oppose, try to thwart. Work-bag, . Reticule. Work-day, n. Week-day. Worker, n. 1. Laborer, workman, op erative, artificer. 3. Doer, performer. 3. Working-bee. Work-house, 1. Manufactory. 2. Penitentiary, jail, prison, bride well, house of correction. 3. Poor-house. Working, a. 1. Laboring. 3. Moving, operating. 3. On duty, at work. 4. Fermenting. Working, n. Motion, operation. Working-bee, n. Worker. Workman, n. 1. Laborer, operative, worker, journeyman. 3. Artisan, mechanic, craftsman, ar tificer. 3. Skilful artificer, master in his art Workmanlike, a. Skilful, workmanly Workmanly, a. WORKMANLIKE. Workmanship, n. Handiwork, hand icraft, manipulation. Work out, Accomplish, effect, perform, realize, bring to pass. Work through, Get through. World, n. 1. Universe, cosmos, crea tion, nature. 3. Earth, globe, terraqueous globe. 3. Planet, heavenly body. 4. Life, things, human affairs, secu lar affairs, affairs of life, social life, ways of men, course of things, stream of time. 5. Public, society, people, men, man kind, human race. Worldly, a. 1. Earthly, mundane, ter restrial, terrene, sublunary, human, common. 2. Secular, temporal. 3. Sordid, grovelling, selfish, earth- born, irreligious. Worm, v. n. Work slowly, secretly, and gradually (like a worm). Worm in, Obtrude, thrust in, press in, foist in. Worm-like, a. Worm-shaped, vermic ular. ONE S SELF 454 WRING Worm one s self, Insinuate one s self. Worm out, Find out (as a secret). Worm-shaped, a. WORM-LIKE. Worn, a. Impaired (by use), wasted, consumed, decayed, worn out, used up, worn to a thread, worse for wear. Worn out, 1. Impaired, WORN. 2. Trite, common, stale, hackneyed, beaten, threadbare, commonplace. Worry, v. a. Tease, vex, plague, pain, harass, annoy, trouble, torment, pester, bother, bore, persecute, molest, harry, irritate, badger, fret, chafe, hector, in fest, gall, disturb, disquiet. Worry, v. n. [Colloquial.] Fret, chafe, fidget, be vexed, be troubled, worry one s self. Worry, n. Anxiety, vexation, trouble, perplexity, solicitude, care, disquiet, concern, uneasiness, fear, apprehen sion, misgiving, alarm. Worship, n. Adoration, homage, rev erence. Worship, v. a. 1. Adore, venerate (tvith religious rites), revere, reverence. 3. Idolize, deify. Worshipful, a. Venerable, worthy of honor. Worst, v. a. Defeat, conquer, foil, over come, overpower, overthrow, subdue, subjugate, vanquish, beat, rout, dis comfit, crush, choke, quell, master, get the better of, put dow-n. Worth, n. 1. Merit, desert, worthiness, excellence, virtue, credit. 3. Value, price, cost. Worthiness, n. Merit, WORTH. Worthless, a. 1. Useless, valueless, naught, bootless, fruitless, profitless, nugatory, unserviceable, futile, unpro ductive, unprofitable, miserable, poor, wretched. 3. Base, vile, unworthy, ignoble, ab ject, depraved, profligate, abandoned, graceless, good for nothing. 3. Refuse, waste. 4. Tinsel, showy, glittering, gaudy, superficial, trashy, trumpery, flimsy. 5. Trifling, trivial, paltry, frivolous, slight, piddling, of no moment, of small importance. Worthy, a. 1. Deserving, meritori ous. 3. Estimable, excellent, good, virtu ous, exemplary, honest, "righteous, up right. Would-he, a. Self-styled, pretended, SOI-DISANT. Wound, n. 1. Cut, stab, bruise. 3. Injury, hurt, damage, detriment, harm. Wound, v. a. 1. Hurt, injure, damage, harm. 2. Pain, irritate, gall, lacerate, prick. 3. Annoy, mortify, offend, hurt the feelings of. Wraith, n. [Scottish.] Apparition, vis ion, spectre, ghost, unreal image. Wrangle, v. n. Quarrel, bicker, spar, spat, jangle, jar, squabble, TIFF, have words, fall out, be at variance, have an altercation. Wrangle, n. Quarrel, squabble, jangle, brawl, altercation, jar, bickering, con test, contention, controversy, wran gling, angry dispute. Wrangler, n. 1. Disputant, controver sialist, jangler, quarrelsome fellow. 3. [Cambridge University, Eng.] Su perior mathematician. Wrangling, n. Altercation , WRANGLE. Wrap, v. a. 1. Fold, lap, roll together, wrap up. 3. Envelop, cover (by winding or fold ing), infold, muffle. Wrap up, Wrap, fold, bundle up. Wrapper, n. 1. Envelop, cover, cover ing. 2. Dressing-gown. Wrath, n. Anger, ire, indignation, ex asperation, rage, fury, choler, passion, resentment, offence. Wrathful, a. Angry, mad, furious, in furiate, raging, rageful, wroth, indig nant, passionate, resentful, exaspera ted, provoked, incensed, irate, ireful, in a passion, out of temper, out of tune. Wreak, v. a. Inflict (as wrath or ven geance). Wreath, ?^. 1. Curl. 3. Garland, chaplet, festoon, crown, bays. Wreathe, v. a. 1. Twist, interweave, entwine. 3. Encircle, surround, infold. Wreck, n. 1. Destruction, perdition, undoing, prostration, ruin, desolation, shipwreck. 3. Stranded vessel, shipwrecked ves sel. Wreck, v. a. 1. Strand, founder, ship wreck, cast away. 3. Ruin, destroy. Wrench, v. a. 1. Wrest, wring, twist. 3. Sprain, strain, distort. Wrench, n. 1. Twist. 3, Sprain, strain. 3. Screw-key. Wrest, v. a. Twist, WRENCH. Wrestle, v. n. Contend, strive, struggle. "Wrestling, n. Struggle, contention. Wretch, n. 1. Pilgarlic, pariah, out cast, troglodyte, miserable person, un happy person. 3. Miscreant, villain, knave, rogue, rascal, scoundrel, scapegrace, caitiff, ruffian. Wretched, a. 1. Unhappy (on account ofoutivard condition), MISERABLE, for lorn, comfortless, woebegone, afflicted, distressed. 3. Calamitous, afflictive, afflicting, deplorable. 3. Bad, poor, vile, sorry, shabby, pit iful, worthless, paltry, contemptible, shocking. Wretchedness, n. Unhappiness, dis tress, misery, affliction, WOE. Wriggle, v. n. Squirm, writhe. Wriggle out of, Get out of (by adroit management), work out of, work one s way out of. Wring, v. a. 1. Twist (violently). 3. Force, extort, wrest. WRINKLE 455 YELLOW-HAMMER 8. Harass, distress; torture, torment, pain. Wrinkle, n. 1. Furrow, crease, fold, plait, gather, pucker, rumple, corru gation, rimple. 2. [Colloquial.} Notion, whim, fan cy, whimsey, caprice, crotchet, vagary, freak, quirk, maggot. Wrinkle, v. a. Corrugate, crease, rum ple, cockle, pucker, crumple. Wrinkled, a. Rugose, rugous. Wrist, n. CARPUS. "Writ, n. Writing, scripture. Write, v. a. 1. Inscribe, scrawl, scrib ble, scratch. 2. Compose, indite, produce, frame, pen, jot doAvn, draw up, set down in writing, commit to paper, put on pa per, dash off. Write, v. n. 1. Compose, express one s self (in writing), put pen to paper, take pen in hand. 2. Write a letter, send a letter. 3. Tell (in writing), give account. Writer, n. 1. Penman. 3. Scribe, scribbler, clerk, secretary, amanuensis, quill-driver. 3. Author, composer. Writhe, v. a. Twist, distort, contort, make awry. Writhe, v. n. Wriggle, squirm, be dis torted. Writing, . 1. Chirography, caligraphy, penmanship. 2. Document, instrument. 3. Book, work, publication, lucubra tion, pamphlet, piece, literary produc tion. 4. Inscription, title. Writing-desk, n. ESCRITOIRE. Wrong, a. 1. Unjust, evil, improper, bad, inequitable, unfair, immoral, not right, wrongful. 3. Unfit, inapposite, inappropriate, unsuitable, improper. 3. Incorrect, -inaccurate, erroneous, not true, wide of the mark. Wrong, n. 1. Injustice, unfairness, in- i ury, trespass, grievance, TORT, injury, oul play, violation of right. 3. Error. Wrong, ad. Erroneously, amiss, im properly, wrongly, faultily. Wrong, v. a. Injure, abuse, maltreat, oppress, treat unjustly, do a wrong to, do an injury to. Wrong-doer, n. Delinquent, offend er, sinner, criminal, culprit, evil doer. Wrongful, a. Unjust, unfair, WRONG. Wrong-headed, a. Perverse, stubborn, intractable, crotchety, mulish, head strong, cross-grained, dogged, way ward, PIG-HEADED. Wrongly, ad. Erroneously, "WRONG-, amiss. Wroth, a. Angry, WRATHFUL. Wrought, [Imperfect and participle of work.] Performed, done, worked, ef fected. Wrought up, Transported, maddened, excited, fired, worked up, beside one s self. Wry, a. Distorted, twisted, crooked, askew, awry, on one side, turned to one side. Wry face, Grimace, distortion of coun tenance. Xiphoid, a. (Anat.) Ensiform, sword- I Xylographer, n. Wood-engraver. like. I Xylography, n. Wood-engraviug. [Colloquial. \ Story, tale. >w, n. Millefoil (Achillea millefo- Yak, re. Sarlyk, bulul, grunting ox (Po ephagus grunniens). Yap, v. n. YAUP. Yard, n. Enclosure, COMPOUND. Yarn, n. 1. Woollen thread. 3. : Yarrow, Hum). Yaup, v. n. Yelp, yap, cry (as a child or a bird). Yawn, v. n. 1. Gape, oscitate. 3. Open wide. Yea, ad. Yes, ay, aye. Yean, v. n. Lamb, bring forth a lamb. Yearly, a. Annual, ANNIVERSARY. Yearly, ad. Annually, once a year, every year, per annum. Yearn, v. n. Long, be eager, feel a strong desire. Yeast, n. Barm, ferment, EMPTYINGS. Yeasty, a. Barmy. Yell, v. n. Screech, shriek, scream, bawl, squeal, cry out (as with pain or horror). Yell, n. Screech, shriek, scream, outcry. Yellow, a. Golden, FULVOUS, FULVID, gold-colored. Yellow-bunting, n. Yellow-hammer (Emberiza citnnella). Yellow-eyed, a. Jaundiced, jealous. Yellow flag, Fleur-de-lis, flower-de-luce (Iris pseudacorus). Yellow-hammer, n. YELLOW-BUNT ING. YELLOW ORPIMENT 456 ZYMOTIC Yellow orpiment, King s-yellow, yel low sulphuret of arsenic. Yellows, n. pi. Jaundice (in Iwrses, cat tle, and sheep). Yelp, v. n. Yaup, bark, cry (as a dog). Yeoman, n. Freeholder, commoner, farmer. Yeomanry, n. Body of yeomen. Yerk, v. a. Jerk, twitch, pull suddenly. Yerk, n. Jerk. Yes, ad. Yea, ay, aye. Yet, conj. Nevertheless, notwithstand ing, however. Yet, ad. 1. Besides, further, in addi tion, over and above. 3. Still, at the same time. 3. Hitherto, thus far, up to the pres ent time. Yield, v. a. 1. Produce, bear, furnish, supply, afford, impart, render, bestow, confer, communicate. 3. Permit, grant, allow, give, accord, concede. 3. Relinquish, surrender, abandon, cede, resign, abdicate, forego, waive, deliver up, give up, part with, make over, let go. Yield, v. n. 1. Submit, surrender, suc cumb, give in, give up, knock under, resign one s self. 3. Bend, relax, bow, be pliant. 3. Assent, comply, acquiesce, give consent. 4. Give place, give way. Yield, n. Product, crop. Yielding, a. 1. Submissive, complying, compliant, accommodating, unresist ing, facile. 3. Pliable, pliant, supple, flexible, flexile, plastic. Yoke, n. 1. Bond, chain, link, tie, liga ture. 3. Bondage, servitude, service, de pendence, subjection, thraldom, vas- Yoke, v. a. Join, couple, link, interlink, conjoin, associate. Yoke-fellow, n. Companion, associate, partner, mate. Yonder, ad. At a distance (within view). Yonker, n. [Colloquial.] YOUNGSTER, younker. Young, n. Youthful, juvenile, not old, in one s teens. Younger, a. Junior. Youngster, n. [Colloquial.] Youth, boy, lad, stripling, school-boy, younker, yonker, young man. Younker, n. YOUNGSTER. Youth, n. 1. Juvenility, adolescence, juniority, minority, teens, bloom, non age, youthfulness, prime of life, flower of life. 3. Boy, stripling, school-boy, YOUNG STER, lad. 3. Young men, young women, young persons, the rising generation. Youthful, a. 1, Young, in one s teens. 3. Childish, juvenile, boyish, pue rile. Youthfulness, n. Juvenility, YOUTH. Yudca, n. Spanish-bayonet, bear-grass, Adam s needle. Yule, n. 1. Christmas, yule-tide. 3. Lammas, Lammas-tide. Yule-tide, n. Christmas, YULE. Zany, n. Buffoon, clown, mountebank, jester, droll, merry- Andrew, harlequin, punch, punchinello, scaramouch, fool, jack-pudding, pickle-herring. Zanyism, n. Buffoonery. Zeal, n. Ardor, eagerness, engagedness, fervor, fervency, warmth, glow, feeling, energy, earnestness, intentness, hearti ness, cordiality, enthusiasm, passion, soul, spirit. Zealot, n. Enthusiast, fanatic, bigot, visionary, dreamer. Zealous, a. Ardent, eager, keen, ear nest, fervent, fervid, warm, glowing, burning, fiery, passionate, enthusiastic, devoted, swift, prompt, ready, forward. Zenith, n. Summit, top, apex, pinnacle, acme, utmost height, highest point, cul minating point. Zephyr, n. 1. West wind. 3. [Poetical.] Gentle, mild, or sort breeze; light wind. Zero, n. Naught, nought, nothing, ci pher. Zest, n. Relish, flavor, savor, taste, gust, gusto, smack, twang, appetizer. Zinc, n. Spelter. Zinc-blende, n. Blende, sulphuret of zinc, false galena, mock-lead, black jack. Zincite, n. Red zinc ore, red oxide of zinc. Zinc-vitriol, n. White vitriol, sulphate of zinc. Zone, n. 1. [Poetical.] Belt, girdle, cincture, girth, baldric, band. 3. Region, clime, climate. Zoril, n. Mariput ( Viverra zorilla). Zygoma, n. (Anat.) Cheek-bone. Zymotic, a. Infectious (as if by the ac tion of a ferment). Cambridge : Press of John Wilson and Son. tfS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY