■i^mm^. mi 1 sSilr A) ^'muit SANTA BARBARA FROM THE LIBRARY OF MRS. H. RUSSELL AMORY. Ly; GIFT OF HER CHILDREN ?!i R. W. AND NINA PARTRIDGE. AN ACCOUNT OF THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE MODERN EGYPTIANS, ■WRITTEN IN EGYPT DURING THE YEARS 1833, -34, AND -35. PARTLY FROM NOTES MADE DLTIING A FORMER VISIT TO THAT COUNTRY IN THE YEABS 1825-28, By EDWARD WILLIAM LANE, HONOHAHY MEMBER OF THE EGYPTIAN SOCIETY OF CAIRO, AND OF THE EGYPTIAN LITERARY ASSOCIATION OF THE SAME CITY; MEMBER OF THE ORIENTAL TRANSLATION COMMITTEE, ETC. ; AND TRANSLATOR OF " THE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS." IN THREE VOLUMES. Vol. I. REPRINTED FROM THE THIRD EDTTION, CONTAINING LARGE ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. LOND ON : CHARLES KNIGHT & CO., LUDGATE STREET. 1846. London : Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street. I — c?~ / {/, ( CONTENTS OF VOL. I. Page Advertisement ,...•.. vii Preface xi INTRODUCTION. The Country and Climate — Metropolis — Houses — Population 21 CHAPTER I. Personal Characteristics and Dress of the Muslim Egyptians 49 II. Infancy and Early Education . • . . 81 III. Religion and Laws ...... 94 IV. Government 151 V. Domestic Life (Men of the Higher and Middle Orders) 1 78 b2 IV CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. Page Domestic lAfe— continued (Women of the Higher and Middle Orders) 207 VI I. Domestic L\{e—co7iti?uicd (The Lower Orders) . 251 ILLUSTRATIONS OF VOL. I. 1. Private Houses in Cairo 2. Door of a Private House 3. Specimens of Lattice-work 4. Court of a Private House in Cairo 5. Pavement of a Dnrka'ah 6. Fountain ..... 7. Suffeh 8. Specimens of Panel- work 9. Ceiling of a Durka'ah . 10. Ceiling of a projecting window 11. A Ka'ah 12. Wooden Lock .... 13. Men of the Middle and Higher Classes 14. Men of the Lower Classes 15. The Mukleh .... 16. An Eye ornamented with Kohl 1 7. Muk-hul'ahs and iVIirweds 18. Ancient Vessel and Probe for Kohl 19. An Eye and Eyebrow ornamented with Kohl, as represented in ancient Paintings 20. Hands and Feet stained with Henna 21. A tattooed Girl .... 22. Tattooed Hands and Foot 23. Specimens of Tattooing on the Chin 24. A Lady in the Dress worn in private 25. A Lady adorned with the Kurs and Safa, &c. 26. Ladies attired for Riding or Walking 27. Women and Children of the Lower Classes 28. A Woman clad in the Milayeh, &c. ILLUSTRATIONS. Pa-re 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 4G. Ornamented black V'eils The 'Asbeh A Wonum of the Southern Province of Upper Egypt . . . . Parade previous to Circumcision A School-boy learning the Alphabet Vessels for Ablution Postures of Prayer (Part I.) Postures of Prayer (Part II.) Interior of a Mosque Pipes .... Cotfee-service 'A'z'kee and Mankals An Ass equipped in the usual manner for riding Tisht and Ibreek Washing before or after a Meal Kursee and Seeneeyeh A Party at Dinner or Supper Water-bottles (Duraks), with covers of diflferent kinds Water-bottles (Kullehs) Earthen Mibkhar'ah, and China Di Brass Driuking-cups Sherbet-cups Lantern and Lamp Lanteni, &c., suspended on the occasion of Wedding Bridal Procession (Part I.) Bridal Procession (Part II.) Mesh'als The Menseg Ladies Hiding ADVERTISEMENT THIRD EDITION. Since the publication of the first edition of the present work, the studies in which I have been engaged have enabled me to improve it by various corrections and ad- ditions ; and the success which it has obtained (a success very far beyond my expectations) has excited me to use my utmost endeavours to rectify its errors and supply its defects. In reading the Kur-^n, with an Arabic commentary, I have found that Sale's version, though deserving of high commendation for its general accuracy, is incorrect in many important passages ; and hence I have been in- duced to revise with especial care my abstract of the principal Muslim laws : for as Sale had excellent com- mentaries to consult, and I, when I composed that ab- stract, had none, I placed great reliance on his transla- tion. My plan, in the execution of that portion of my work, was to make use of Sale's translation as the basis, and to add what appeared ncfpscary from +V.O S^^^^lx and other sources, chiefly at the dictation of a professor of law, who was my tutor : but I have found that my foundation was in several points faulty. I am indebted to a gentleman who possesses a thorough knowledge of the spint of Muslim institutions* for the suggestion of some improvements in the same and other portions of this work ; and observations made by several * David Urqahart, Esq., author of * The Spirit of the East,' &c. vm ADVEBTISEMEST. intelligent ciitics have lessened the labour of revision and emendation. I have also profited, on this occasion, by a paper con- taining a number of corrections and additions written in Egypt, which I had mislaid and forgotten : but none of these are of much importance. The mode in which Arabic words were transcribed in the previous editions I thought better calculated than any other to enable an English reader, unacquainted with the Arabic language, to pronounce those words with tolerable accuracy ; but it was liable to serious ob- jections, and was disagreeable, in some resj)ccts, to most Oriental scholars, and to myself. I have therefore now employed, in its stead, as I did in my translation of ' The Thousand and One Nights,' a system congenial with our language, and of the most simple kind ; and to this system I adhere in every case, for the sake of uni- formity, as well as truth * It requires little explanation : the general reader may be directed to pronounce " a " as in our word " beggar :"f " i " as in " bid :" " i" as in " father :"J " o" as in " obey " (short) : " e " as in " bed :" " 6 " as in " bone :" " e" as in " there :" " oo " as in " boot :" " ee " as in " bee :' " ow " as in " down :" " ei " as our word " eye :" " u " as in " bull :" " ey" as in " they :" " y " as in " you." An apostrophe, when immediately preceding or fol- lowing a vowel, I employ to denote the place of a letter which has no equivalent in our alphabet : it has a gut- tural sound, like that which is heard in the bleating of sheep. the vowel "u" wkli « tM beneath (a) represents the same sound when it is more forcibly jironounced. Each of the consonants distinguished by a dot beneath has a peculiarly hard sound. The distinction of these •Here I must mention, that I have written " Basha " instead of *' Pasha " in conformity with the pronunciation of the Kgyptians. t Strictly speaking, it has a sound between that of " a " in " bad " and that of " u " in " bud ;" sometimes approximating more to the former, and sometimes to the latter. X Iti sound, however, often approximates to that of " a " in " ball." ^DVERTrSEMENT. IX letters is of great importance to Arabic scholars, and to travellers in Egypt.* The usual sign of a diceresis I sometimes employ to show that a final "e" is not mute, but pronounced as that letter, when unaccented, in the beginning or middle of a word. Having avoided as much as possible marking the accentuation in Arabic words, I must request the reader to bear in mind, not only that a single vowel, when not marked with an accent, is always short ; but that a double vowel, or diphthong, at the end of a word, when not so marked, is not accented (" Welee," for instance, being pronounced " We'lee," or " Wel'ee ") : also, that the accents do not always denote the principal or only emphasis (" Shaweesh " being pronounced " Sha- wee'sh"); and that " dh," " gh," "kh," " sh," and "th," when not divided by a hyphen, represent, each, a single Arabic letter. As some readers may observe that many Arabic words are written differently in this work and in my transla- tion of ' The Thousand and One Xights,' it is necessary to add, that in the present case 1 write such words agreeably with the general pronunciation of the educated classes in Cairo. For the same reason I often use the same European character to express two Arabic letters which in Egypt are pronounced alike. E. W. L. May, 1842. * " Dh " is pronounced as " th " in " that :" — " p," generally as in "give;" but in some parts of Egypt, as in "gem," or nearly so: — *' gh " represents a guttural sound, like that produced in gargling : — "h" is a very strong aspirate: — "k" has properly a guttural sound (most of the people of Cairo, and those of some provinces, cannot pro- nounce it, and substitute for it an hiatus; while in Upper Eg^•pt the sound of " g " in "give"' is used in its stead): — "kh" represents a guttural sound like that which is produced in expelling saliva from the the throat, and approaching nearer to the sound of " h " than to that of " k :'■ — " sh " is pronounced as in " shall :' and " th " as in " thin." b3 PREFACE. Cairo, 1835. During a former visit to this country, undertaken chiefly for the purpose of studying the Arabic language in its most famous school, I devoted much of my attention to the manners and customs of the Arab inhabitants ; and in an intercourse of two years and a half w ith this people, soon found that all the information which I had previ- ously been able to obtain respecting them was insufficient to be of much use to the student of Arabic literature, or to satisfy the curiosity of the general reader. Hence I was induced to cover some quires of paper with notes on the most remarkable of their usages, partly for my own benefit, and partly in the hope that I might have it in my power to make some of my countrymen better acquainted with the domiciliated classes of one of the most interesting nations of the world, by drawing a de- tailed picture of the inhabitants of the largest Arab city. The period of my first visit to this country did not, how- ever, suffice for the accomplishment of this object, and for the prosecution of my other studies ; and I relin- quished the idea of publishing the notes which I had made on the modern inhabitants : but, five years after my return to England, those notes were shown to some members of the Committee of the Society for the Dif- fusion of Useful Knowledge, at whose suggestion, the Committee, interested with the subjects of them, and with the novelty of some of their contents, engaged me to complete and print them. Encouraged by their ap- probation, and relying upon their judgment, I im- mediately determined to follow their advice, and, by the earliest opportunity, again departed to Egypt. After Xll PREFACE. another residence of more than a year in the metropolis of this country, and half a year in Ujjper E^ypt, I have now accomplished, as well as I am able, the task pro- posed to me.* It, may be said, that the English reader already pos- sesses an excellent and ample description of Arab manners and customs in Dr. llusscll's account of the people of Aleppo. I will not forfeit my own claim to the rei)uta- tion of an honest writer, by attemj)ting to detract from the just merits of that valuable and interesting work ; but must assert that it is, upon the whole, rather an account of Turkish than of Arab manners ; and that neither the original Author, nor his brother, to whom we are indebted for the enlarged and much im])roved edition, was suffi- ciently acquainted with the Arabic language to scrutinize some of the most interesting subjects of inquiry which the plan of the work required them to treat : nor would their well-known station in Aleppo, or perhaps their national feelings, allovv them to assume those disguises which were necessary to enable them to become familiar with many of the most remarkable religious ceremonies, opinions, and superstitions of the people whom they have described. Deficiencies in their remarks on these subjects are the only faults of any importance that I can discover in their excellent and learned work.f * It gives me great pleasure to find, that, while I have been attempt- ing to preserve memorials of the manners and customs of the most polished modern Arab people, one of my learned friends (M. Fulgence Fresnel) has been occupied, with eminent success, in rescuing from oblivion many interesting notices of the liistory of the c(trl(/ Arabs, and that another (Mr. [now. Sir Gardner] Wilkinson) lias been preparing to impart to us an account of tlie private life, manners, &c., of the Ancient Egyptians. [Tlie very hi'di and just commendation which the works of these two authors (published since the above was written) have obtained from eminent critics, renders it needless for me to add my humble testimony to their merits.] t Amonj; tlie memoirs in " tiie great French work " on Egypt, is one entitled ' Essai sur les mnnirs des habitans modernes de I'Kgypte ;' but its author appears to me to have fallen into an error of considerable mag- nitude, in applying to the Egyptians in general, observations which were, in truth, for the most part descriptive of the manners and customs of their naturalized rulers, tlie Memlooks. It is probable that the Egyptians in some degree imitated, when tliey were able to do so, the habits and customs of this class : I may, however, venture to aflirm, that tlie essay here alluded to does not convey a true notion of their present moral and PREFACE, Xlll I have been differently circumstanced. Previously to my first visit to this country, I acquired some knowledge of the language and literature of the Arabs ; and in a year after my first arrival here, I was able to converse with the people among whom I was residing, with toler- able ease. I have associated, almost exclusively, with Muslims, of various ranks in society : I have lived as they live, conforming with their general habits ; and, in order to make them familiar and unreserved towards me on every subject, have always avowed my agreement with them in opinion whenever my conscience would allow me, and in most other cases refrained from the expression of my dissent, as well as from every action which might give them disgust ; abstaining from eating food forbidden by their religion, and drinking wine, &c. ; and even from habits merely disagreeable to them ; such as the use of knives and forks at meals. Having made myself ac- quainted with all their common religious ceremonies, I have been able to escape exciting, in strangers, any sus- picion of my being a person who had no right to intrude among them, whenever it was necessary for me to witnes^j social state. Its author, moreover, shows himself to have been often extremely careless both in his observations and inquiries : this is particu- larly evident in his singular misstatement of tlie correspondence of French and Mohammedan hours, and in the first two pages (in the 8vo. edition) of the section on public fetes. He has given many just philo- sophical observations ; but these occupy too large a proportion of a memoir scarcely exceeding one-third of the extent of the present work. To show that these remarks are not made in an invidious spirit, I most willingly express my high admiration of ether parts of " the great work " (especially the contributions of M. Jomard), relating to subjects Mhich have alike' employed my mind and pen, and upon which I shall probablj publish my observations. — Burckhardt's ' Arabic Proverbs,' and their illustrations, convey many notions of remarkable customs and traits of character of the modern Egyptians ; but are very far from composing a complete expositiori, or, in every case, a true one ; for national proverbs are bad tests of the morality of a people. — There is one work, however, which presents most admirable pictures of the manners and customs of the Arabs, and particularly of those of the Egyptians; it is 'The Thousand and One Nights; or, Arabian Nights' Entertainments:' if the English reader had possessed a close translation of it with sufficient illustrative notes, I mi^ht almost have spared myself the labour of the present undertaking. — ['ITiis remark, respecting * The Thousand and One Nights,' was, I believe, the cause of my being employed, since the publication of the first edition of the present work, to "translate those admirable tales, and to illustrate them by explanatory notes.] XIV PREFACE. any Muslim rite or festival. "While, from the dress which I have found most convenient to wear, I am generally mistaken, in public, for a Turk, my acquaintances, of course, know me to be an Englishman ; but I constrain them to treat me as a Muslim, by my freely acknowledging the hand of Providence in the introduction and diffusion of the religion of El-Isl:im, and, when interrogated, avowing my belief in the Messiah, in accordance with the icoiris of the Kur-dn, as the Word of God infused into the womb of the Virgin Mary, and a spirit proceeding from llim. Thus, I believe, I have acquired their good opinion, and much of their confidence ; though not to such an extent as to prevent my having to contend with many difficulties. The JNIuslims are very averse from giving information on subjects connected with their reli- gion or superstitions to persons whom they susj)cct of differing from them in sentiments ; but very ready to talk on such subjects with those whom they think acquainted with them : hence I have generally obtained some slight knowledge of matters, difficult for me thoroughly to learn, from one of the most lax, and of the least instructed, of my friends ; so as to be able to draw into conversation, upon the desired topics, persons of better information ; and by this mode I have invariably succeeded in over- coming their scruj)les. I have had two professors of Arabic and of Muslim religion and law as my regular, salaried tutors ; and, by submitting to them questions on any matters respecting which I was in doubt, have au- thenticated or corrected, and added to, the inforn)ation derived from conversation with my other friends. Occa- sionally, also, 1 have applied to higher authorities ; having the happiness to number among my friends in this city some persons of the highest attainments in Eastern learning. Perhaps the reader may not be displeased if I here attempt to acquaint him more particularly with one of my Muslim friends, the first of those above alluded to ; and to show, at the same time, the light in which he, like others of his country, regards me in my present situation. The sheykh Ahmad (or seyyid Ahmad ; for he is one of the numerous class of " shereefs," or descendants of the Prophet) is somewhat more than forty years of age, by his own confession ; but appears more near to fifty. He is as remarkable in physiognomy as in character. His stature is under the middle size : his beard reddish, and now becoming- grey. For many years he has been nearly blind : one of his eyes is almost entirely closed ; and both are ornamented on particular occasions (at least on the two grand annual festivals) with a border of the black pigment called "kohl," which is seldom used but by women. He boasts his descent not only from the Pro- phet, but also from a very celebrated saint, Esh-Shaara- wee ;* and his complexion, which is very fair, supports his assertion that his ancestors, for several generations, lived in the north-western parts of Africa. He obtains his subsistence from a slender patrimony, and by exer- cising the trade of a bookseller. Partly to profit in this occupation, and partly for the sake of society, or at least to enjoy some tobacco and coffee, he is a visitor in my house almost every evening. For several years before he adopted the trade of a bookseller, which was that of his father, he pursued no other occupation than that of performing in the religious ceremonies called " zikrs ;" which consist in the repetition of the name and attributes, &c. of God, by a number of persons, in chorus ; and in such performances he is still often employed. He was then a member of the order of the Saadeeyeh darweeshes, who are particularly famous for devouring live serpents ; and he is said to have been one of the serpent-eaters : but he did not confine himself to food so easily digested. One night, during a meeting of a party of darweeshes of his order, at which their Sheykh was present, my friend became affected with religious frenzy, seized a tall glass shade which surrounded a candle placed on the floor, and ate a large portion of it. The Sheykh and the other darweeshes, looking at him with astonishment, upbraided him with having broken the institutes of his order ; since the eating of glass was not * Thus commonly pronounced, for Esh-Shaar^nee. among: the miracles which they were allowed to perform; and they inimediately expelled him. He then entered the order of the Ahmedeeycn ; and as they, likewise, never ate glass, he determined not to do so again. However, soon after, at a meeting of some brethren of this order, when several Sa.adeeyen also were present, he again was seized with frenzy, and, jumping up to a chandelier, caught hold of one of the small glass lamps attached to it, and devoured about half of it, swallowing also the oil and water which it contained. He was conducted before his Sheykh, to be tried for this offence ; but on his taking an oath never to cat glass again, he was neither punished nor expelled the order. Notwithstanding this oath, he soon again gratified his propensity to eat a glass lamp ; and a brother-darweesh, who was j)resent, attempted to do the same ; but a large fragment stuck between the tongue and palate of this rash person ; and my friend had great trouble to extract it. He was again tried by his Sheykh; and, being reproached for having broken his oath and vow of repentance, he coolly answered, " I repent again : re- pentance is good : for He whose name be exalted hath said, in the Excellent Book, ' Verily God loveth the re- pentant.'" The Sheykh, in anger, exclaimed, "Dost thou dare to act in this manner, and then come and cite the Ku-riln before me?" — and with this reproof, he ordered that he should be imprisoned ten days ; after which, he made him again swear to abstain from eating glass ; and on this condition he was allowed to remain a member of the Ahmedeeyeh. This second oath he professes not to have broken. — The person whose oflfice it was to prosecute him related to me these facts ; and my friend reluctantly confessed them to be true. When I was first acquainted with the sheykh Ahmad, he had long been content with one wife ; but now he has indulged himself with a second,* who continues to live in her parents' house : yet he has taken care to assure me that he is not rich enough to refuse my yearly present of a dress. On my visiting him for the second * lie professes to have had more than thirty wives in the course of hi« life ; but, in saying so, I believe he greatly exaggerates. PREFACE. XVU time during my present residence in this place, his mother came to the door of" the room in which I was sitting with him, to complain to me of his conduct in taking this new wife. Putting her hand within the door, to give greater effect to her words by proper action (or perhaps to show how beautifully the palm, and the tips of the fingers, glowed with the fresh red dye of the "henna"), but concealing the rest of her person, she commenced a most energetic appeal to my sympathy, — " O Efendee ! " she exclaimed, " I throw myself upon thy mercy ! I kiss thy feet I I have no hope but in God and thee!" "What words are these, my mis- tress?" said I: " what misfortune hath befallen thee ? and what can I do for thee ? Tell me." " This son of mine," she continued, " this my son Ahmad is a worthless fellow ; he has a wife here, a good creature, with whom he has lived happily, with God's blessing, for sixteen years ; and now he has neglected her and me, and given himself up to a second wife, a young, impudent wench : he lavishes his money upon this monkey, and others like her, and upon her father and mother and uncles and brother and brother's chil- dren, and I know not whom besides, and abridges us, that is, myself and his first wife, of the comforts to which we were before accustomed. By the Prophet ! and by thy dear head ! I speak truth. I kiss thy feet, and beg thee to insist upon his divorcing his new wife." — The poor man looked a little foolish while his mother was thus ad- dressing me from behind the door ; and as soon as she was gone, promised to do what she desired. " But," said he, " it is a difficult case. I was in the habit of sleeping occasionally in the house of the brother of the girl whom I have lately taken as my wife : he is a clerk in the employ of 'Abbas Basha ; and, rather more than a year ago, 'Abbas Basha sent for me, and said, ' I hear that you are often sleeping in the house of my clerk Mohammad. Why do you act so ? Do you not know that it is very improper, when there are women in the house?' I said, '1 am going to marry his sister.' ' Then why have you not married her already ? ' asked XVni PREFACE. the Bdsha. * She is only nine years of age.' ' Is the marriag-e contract made ? ' ' No.' ' Why not ? ' 'I cannot afford, at ])resent, to give the dowry.' ' What is the dowry to be ? ' ' Ninety piasters.' ' Here, then,' paid the B;isha, ' take the money, and let the contract be conchided immediately.' So you sec I was obliged to marry the girl ; and 1 am afraid that the Biisha will be angry if I divorce her : but I will act in such a man- ner that her brother shall insist upon the divorce ; and then, please God, I shall live in peace again." — This is a good examj)le of the comfort of having two wives. A short time since, upon his offering me a copy of the Kur-an, for sale, he thought it necessary to make some excuse for doing so. He remarked that by my conform- ing with many of the ceremonies of the Muslims, 1 tacitly professed myself to be one of them ; and that it was in- cumbent upon him to regard me in the most favourable light, w hich he was the more willing to do because he knew that I should incur the disj)leasure of my king by making an oj)en profession of the faith of El-Islam, and therefore could not do it.* " You give me," said he, " the salutation of ' Peace be on you ! ' and it would be im- pious in me, being directly forbidden by my religion, to j)ronounce you an unbeliever; for God, whose name be exalted, hath said, ' Say not unto him who greeteth thee with peace, Thou art not a believer : 'f therefore," he added, "it is no sin in me to put into your hands the noble Kur-an : but there are some of your conn tiy men wlio will take it in unclean liands, and even ^it upon it ! I beg God's forgiveness for talking of such a thing: far be it from you to do so ; you, j)r;iise be to God, know and observe the command, ' None shall touch it but they who arc purified.' " J — He once sold a co|)y of tlie Kur-an, on my application, to a countryman of mine, who, being * It is a common belief among the E^'vptians, tliat every European traveller who visits their country is an emissary /rom his king ; and it is dilTic'ilt to convince them that this is not the case : so str;in;,'e to them is the idea of a man's incurring great trouble and expense for the purpose of acquiring the knowledge of foreign countries and nations. •{- Kur-an, chap. iv. ver. 96. ;J Kur-an, chap. Ivi. ver. 78. disturbed, just as the bargain was concluded, by some person entering the room, hastily put the sacred book upon the seat, and under a part of his dress, to conceal it. The bookseller was much scandalized by this action ; thinking that my friend was sitting upon tlie book, and that he was doing so to shovv his contempt of it : he de- clares his belief that he has been heavily punished by God for this unlawful sale. — There was only one thing that I had much ditficulty in persuading him to do during my former visit to this country ; which was, to go with me, at a particular period, into the mosque of the Hasaneyn, the reputed burial-place of the head of El- Hoseyn, and the most sacred of the mosques in the Egyp- tian metropolis. On my passing with him before one of the entrances of this building, one afternoon during the fast of Ramadan, when it was crowded with Turks, and many of the principal people of the city were among the congregation, I thought it a good opportunity to see it to the greatest advantage, and asked my companion to go in with me. He positively refused, in the fear of my being discovered to be an Englishman, which might so rouse the fanatic anger of some of the Turks there, as to expose me to some act of violence. I therefore entered alone. He remained at the door, following me with his eye only (or his only eye), and wondering at my audacity ; but as soon as he saw me acquit myself in the usual manner, by walking round the bronze screen which surrounds the monument over the spot where the head of the martyr is said to be buried, and then putting myself into the regu- lar postures of prayer, he came in, and said his prayers by my side. After relating these anecdotes, I should mention that the characters of my other acquaintances here are not marked by similar eccentricities. My attentions to my visitors have been generally confined to the common usages of Eastern hospitality ; supplying them with pipes and coffee, and welcoming them to a share of my dinner or supper. Many of their communications I have written in Arabic, at their dictation, and since translated, and in- serted in the following pages. What I have principally aimed at, in this Mork, is correctness ; and I do not scruple to assert that I am not conscious of havinir en- deavoured to render interest in jr any matter that 1 have related by the slightest sacrifice of truth. P. S. AVith regard to the engravings which accompany this work, I should mention that they are from drawings which I have made, not to embellish the pages, but merely to explain the text. THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. INTRODUCTION. THE COUNTRY AXD CLIMATE METROPOLIS — HOUSES POPULATION. It is generally observed that many of the most remark- able peculiarities in the manners, customs, and character of a nation are attributable to the physical peculiarities of the country. Such causes, in an especial manner, affect the moral and social state of the modem Egyptians, and therefore here require some preliminary notice ; but it will not as yet be necessary to explain their particular influences : these will be evinced in many subsequent parts of the present work. The Nile, in its course through the narrow and wind- ing valley of Upper Egypt, which is confined on each side by mountainous and sandy deserts, as well as through the plain of Lower Egypt, is everywhere bordered, ex- cepting in a very few places, by cultivated fields of its o\A'n formation. These cultivated tracts are not perfectly level, being somewhat lower towards the deserts than in the neighbourhood of the river. They are interspersed with palm-groves and villages, and intersected by nu- merous canals. The copious summer rains which prevail in Abyssinia and the neighbouring countries begin to show their effects in Egypt, by the rising of the Nile, about 22 THE MODERX EGYPTIANS. the period of the summer solstice. By the autumnal equinox, the river attains its fjreatest height, which is always sufficient to fill the canals by which the fields are irrig-ated, and, generally, to inundate large jiortions of the cultivable land : it then gradually falls until the pe- riod when it again begins to rise. Being impregnated, par- ticularly during its rise, with rich soil washed down from the mountainous countries whence it flows, a copious dei)0sit is annually spread, either by the natural inunda- tion or by artificial irrigation, over the fields which border it; while its bed, from the same cause, rises in an equal degree. The Egyptians depend entirely upon their river for the fertilization of the soil, rain being a very- rare phenomenon in their country, excepting in the neighbourhood of the Mediterranean ; and as the seasons are perfectly regular, the peasant may make his arrange- ments with the utmost precision respecting the labour he will have to perform. Sometimes his labour is light; but when it consists in raising water for irrigation, it is excessively severe. The climate of Egypt, during the greater part of the year, is remarkably salubrious. The exhalations from the soil after the period of the inundation render the latter part of the autumn less healthy than the summer and winter ; and cause ophthalmia and dysentery, and some other diseases, to be more prevalent then than at other seasons ; and during a period of somewhat more or less than fifty days (called " el-khamaseen " *), commencing in April, and lasting throughout May, hot southerly- winds occasionally prevail for about three days together. These winds, though they seldom cause the thermometer of Fahrenheit to rise above 95° in Lower Egypt, or in Upper Egypt, 105°,t are dreadfully oppressive, even to the natives. When the plague visits Egypt, it is gene- rally in the spring ; and this disease is most severe in the period of the khamaseen. Egypt is also subject, parti- • Respecting this term, see the first of the notes in Chapter XXVI. t This is the temperature in the shade. At Tliebes, I have observed the thermometer to rise above 110° during a kham^een wind, in the shade. COUNTRY AND CLIMATE. 23 cularly during the spring and summer, to the hot wind called the " samoom," which is still more oppressive than the khamaseen winds, but of much shorter duration, seldom lasting longer than a quarter of an hour or twenty- minutes. It generally proceeds from the south-east or south-south-east, and carries with it clouds of dust and sand. The general height of the thermometer in the depth of winter in Lower Egypt, in the afternoon and in the shade, is from 50® to 60°^ in the hottest season it is from 90° to 100°; and about ten degrees higher in the southern parts of Upper Egypt, But though the summer heat is so great, it is seldom very oppressive ; being gene- rally accompanied by a refreshing northerly breeze, and the air being extremely dry. There is, however, one great source of discomfort arising from this dryness, namely, an excessive quantity of dust ; and there are other plagues which very much detract from the comfort which the natives of Egypt, and visitors to their country, otherwise derive from its genial climate. In spring, summer, and autumn, flies are so abundant as to be ex- tremely annoying during the daytime, and musquitoes are troublesome at night (unless a curtain be made use of to keep them away), and sometimes even in the day; and ever}' house that contains much woodwork (as most of the better houses do) swarms with bugs during the warm weather. Lice are not always to be avoided in any season, but they are easily got rid of; and in the cooler weather fleas are excessively numerous. The climate of Upper Egypt is more healthy, though hotter, than that of Lower Egypt. The plague seldom ascends far above Cairo, the metropolis ; and is most common in the marshy parts of the country near the Mediterranean, During the last ten years, the country having been better drained, and quarantine regulations adopted to prevent or guard against the introduction of this disease from other countries, very few plague-cases have occurred, excepting in the parts above mentioned, and in those parts the pestilence has not been severe.* * This remark was written before the terrible plague of the present year [1835], which was certainly introduced from Turkey, and extended 24 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. Ophthalmia is also more common in Lower Egypt than in the southern parts. It generally arises from checked perspiration ; but is aggravated by the dust and many other causes. When remedies are promptly employed, this disease is seldom alarming in its progress ; but vast numbers of the natives of Egypt, not knowing how to treat it, or obstinately resigning themselves to fate, are dej)rivcd of the sight of one or both of their eyes. When questioned respecting the salubrity of Egypt, I have often been asked whether many aged persons are seen among the inhabitants : few, certainly, attain a great age in this country ; but how few do, in our own land, without more than once suffering from an illness that would prove fatal without medical aid, which is obtained by a very small number in Egypt! The heat of the summer months is sufficiently oppressive to oc- casion considerable lassitude, while, at the same time, it excites the Egyptian to intemperance in sensual en- joyments ; and the exhuberant fertility of the soil en- genders indolence, little nourishment sufficing for the natives, and the sufficiency being procurable without much exertion. The modem Egyptian metropolis, to the inhabitants of which most of the contents of the following pages re- late, is now called " Masr*" more properly, "Misr;" but was formerly named " El-Kahireh ;" whence Eu- ropeans have formed the name of Cairo. It is situated at the entrance of the valley of Upper Egypt, midway between the Nile and the eastern mountain range of Mukattam. Between it and the river there intervenes a tract of land, for the most part cultivated, which, in the northern parts (where the port of Boolak is situated), is throughout tlie whole of Eir^Tt, thou^jh its ravajjes were not g^-eat in tlie southern parts. It has destroyed not less than eijrhty thousand persons in Cairo, tliat is, one-third of the population ; and far more, I believe, than two hundred thousand in all F^ypt According; to a report made by the government, the victims of this plague in Cairo were a.\)oiit fbrty thousand ; but I have been informed, on hifjh authority, that the ;.'oveinment made it a rule to report only hah' the number of deaths in this case. • This is the name by which the modern Egyptians call their country, as well as its metropolis. PRIVATE HOUSES. 25 more than a mile in width, and, at the southern part, less than half a mile wide. The metroj)o]is occupies a space equal to about three square miles ; and its popu- lation is about two hundred and forty thousand. It is surrounded by a wall, the gates of which are shut at night, and is commanded by a larije citadel, situated at an angle of the town, near a point of the mountain. The streets are unpaved ; and most of them are narrow and irregular: they might more properly be called lanes. By a stranger who merely passed through the streets, Cairo would be regarded as a very close and crowded city ; but that this is not the case is evident to a person who overlooks the town from the top of a lofty house, or from the raenaret of a mosque. The great thoroughfare- streets have generally a row of sho})s along each side.* Above the shops are apartments which do not communi- cate with them, and which are seldom occupied by the persons who rent the shops. To the right and left of the great thoroughfares are by-streets and quarters. Most of the by-streets are thoroughfares, and have a large wooden gate at each end, closed at night, and kept by a porter within, who opens to any persons re- quiring to be admitted. The quarters mostly consist of several narrow lanes, having but one general entrance, with a gate, which is also closed at night ; but several have a by-street passing through them. Of the private houses of the metropolis it is particu- larly necessary that I should give a description. The accompanying engraving will serve to give a general notion of their exterior. The foundation walls, to the height of the first floor, are cased externally, and often internally, with the soft calcareous stone of the neighbour- ing mountain. The surface of the stone, when new ly cut, is of a light yellowish hue ; but its colour soon darkens. The alternate courses of the front are sometimes coloured red and white. f particularly in large houses ; as is the * Views of snops m Cairo will be found in a subsequent Chapter. f With red ochre and lime-wash. Private Houses in Cairo. PRIVATE HOUSES. 27 case with most mosques.* The superstructure, the front of which generally projects about two feet, and is suj> ported by eorbels or piers, is of brick, and often plastered. The bricks are burnt, and of a dull red colour. The mortar is generally composed of mud in the proportion of one-half, with a fourth part of lime, and the remain- ing part of the ashes of straw and rubbish. Hence the unplastered walls of brick are of a dirty colour, as if the bricks were unburnt. The roof is flat, and covered with a coat of plaster. The most usual architectural style of the entrance of a private house in Cairo is shown by the sketch opposite. f The door is often ornamented in the manner represented in the next page : the compartment in which is the in- scription, and the other similarly shaped compartments, are painted red, bordered with white ; the rest of the surface of the door is painted green. The inscription "He (i. e. God) is the excellent Creator, the Everlast- ing " (the object of which will be explained when I treat of the superstitions of the Egyptians), is seen on many doors ; but is far from being general : it is usually painted in Ijlack or white characters. Few doors but those of large houses are painted. They generally have an iron knocker and a wooden lock ; and there is usually a mounting-stone by the side. The ground-floor apartments next the street have small wooden grated windows, placed sufficiently high to render it impossible for a person passing by in the street, even on horseback, to see through them. The windows of the upper apartments generally project a foot and a half, or more, and are mostly formed of turned wooden lattice-work, which is so close that it shuts out much of the light and sun, and screens the inmates of the house from the view of persons without, while at the * This mode of decorating the houses has lately become more general, in consequence of an order of the government, whereby the inhabitants were required thus to honour the arrival of Ibraheem Basha from Syria. f The street in the view is wider than usual. The projecting windows on opposite sides of a street often nearly meet each other ; almost en- tirely excluding the sun, and thus producing an agreeable coolness in the summer months. c2 Doer of a Private House. PRIVATE HOUSES. 29 same time it admits the air. They are generally of un- painted wood ; but some few are partially painted red and green, and some are entirely painted. A window of this kind is called a " roshan," or, more commonly, a *' meshrebeeyeh," which latter word has another appli- cation that will be mentioned below. Several windows of different descriptions are represented in some of the illustrations of this work ; and sketches of the most com- mon patterns of the lattice-work, on a larger scale, are given in the next page.* Sometimes a window of the kind above described has a little meshrebeeyeh, which some- what resembles a roshan in miniature, projecting from the front, or from each side. In this, in order to be ex- posed to a current of air, are placed porous earthen bottles, which are used for cooling water by evapora- tion. Hence the name of " meshrebeeyeh," which signifies "a place for drink," or *' — for drinking." The projecting window has a flat one of lattice-work, or of grating of wood, or of coloured glass, immediately above it. This upper window, if of lattice-work, is often of a more fanciful construction than the others ; exhibiting a representation of a basin with a ewer above it, or the figure of a lion, or the name of " Allah," or the words " God is my hope," &c. Some projecting windows are wholly constructed of boards ; and a few have frames of glass in the sides. In the better houses, also, the windows of lattice-work are now generally fur- nished with frames of glass in the inside, which in the winter are wholly closed ; for a penetrating cold is felt in Egypt w hen the thermometer of Fahrenheit is below 60°, The windows of inferior houses are mostly of a dilFerent kind, being even with the exterior surface of the wall : the upper part is of wooden lattice- work, f or grating ; and the lower, closed by hanging shutters ; * No. 1 is a view and section of a portion of the most simple kind. This and the other four kinds are here represented on a scale of about one-seventh of the real size. No. fi shows the general proportions of the side of a projecting window. The portion A is, in most instances, of lattice-work similar to No. 1, and comprises about twelve rows of beads in the width : the portion B is commonly either of the same kind, or like No. 2 or No. 3 ; and the small lattice C, which is attaclied by binges, is generally similar to No. 4. f Ck)iiiinonly similar to No. 1 or No. 5. 5 \ \ Dl qf^2)=0 ^ o w~ © pi ^x ^ XQ) .>r-^^ & 1 1 :0 Sperimens of lattice-work. — From thecentre of one row of beads to tliat of the next (in these specimens) is between an inch and a quarter and an inch and three-quarters. Court of a Private Iluase in Cairo. 32 THK MODERN EGYPTIA2iS. but many of these have a little mcshrebeeyeh for the water-bottles projecting from the lower part. The houses in general are two or three stories high ; and almost every house that is sufficiently large encloses an open, unpaved court, called a " hosh,'" which is entered by a passage that is constructed with on- r two turnings, for the ])urpose of preventing passengers in the street from seeing into it. In this passage, just within the door, thei-e is a long stone seat, called " mastab'ah,"' built against the back or side wall, for the porter and other servants. In the court is a well of slightly brackish water, which filters through the soil from the Nile ; and on its most shaded side are, com- monly, two water-jars, which are daily replenished with water of the Nile, brought from the river in skins.' The principal apartments look into the court ; and tiieir exterior wails (those which are of brick) are plastered and whitewashed. There are several doors which are entered from the court. One of these is called " biib el- liareem," (the door of the hareem): it is the entrance of the stairs which lead to the apartments appropriated exclu- sively to the women and their master and his children. f In general, there is, on the ground-floor, an aj)artment called a " mandar'ah," in which male visitors are received. This has a wide, wooden, grated window, or two win- dows of this kind, next the court. A small part of the floor, extending from the door to the oj)posite side of the room, is six or seven inches lower than the rest; this part is called the " durka'ah "J In a handsome house, the durka'ah of the mandar'ah is paved with white and black marble, and little pieces of fine red tile, inlaid in complicated and tasteful patterns, and has in the centre a fountain (called " faskeeyeh'") which plays into a small, shallow pool, lined with coloured marbles, &c., like the surrounding pavement. I give, as a specimen, the pattern of the pavement of a • Some large houses have two courts : the inner for the hareem ; ana in the latter, or both of these, there is usually a little enclosure of arched wood-work, in whicli trees and tlowers are raised. t In the accompanyin-,' view of tlie court of a house, the door of the hareem is that which faces the spectator. + Apparently a corruption of the Persian " dargah." — Tlie view of a Ija ah in p. 40 will serve to illustrate the description of the mandar'ah. fT ^^^i^:r^^ t?^ri'!rr^gT; rT!ry/i3?:rtT^Trn ir 6 h ilcKc K gsg ♦i§«ii^S#^#li«#«iK^%«%#i!i<# ISSZZI^ Pavement of a " Durka'ah."— The width of this is about eiglit feet. c 3 34 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. chirk ii'iih, such as I have above described, and a sketch of the Ibuntain. The water whicli falls from the foun- Fountain, tain is drained off from the pool by a pipe. There is generally, fronting the door, at the end of the durka'ah, a shelf of marble or of common stone, about four feet high, called a " suffeh," supported by two or more arches, or by a single arch, under which are placed PRIVATE HOCSES. OO utensils in ordinary use — such as perfuming vessels, and the hasin and ewer which are used for washing before and after meals, and for the ablution preparatory to prayer : water-bottles, coffee-cups, &c. are placed upon the sut^eh. In handsome houses, the arches of the suffeh are faced with marble and tile, like the pool of the fountain represented in the sketch above ; and some- times the wall over it, to the height of about four feet or more, is also cased with similar materials ; partly with large upright slabs, and partly with small pieces, like the durka'ah. The raised part of the floor of the room is called "leewan"* (a corruption of *' el-eewdn," which signifies "any raised place to sit upon," and also "a palace"). Every person slips off his shoes on the durka'ah before he steps upon the leewan.f The latter is generally paved with common stone, and covered with a mat in summer, and a carpet over the mat in winter; and has a mattress and cushions placed against each ot its three walls, composing what is called a " deewan," or divan. The mattress, which is generally about three feet wide and three or four inches thick, is placed either on the ground or on a raised frame ; and the cushions, which are usually of a length equal to the width of the mattress, and of a height equal to half that measure, lean against the wall. Both mattresses and cushions are stuffed with cotton, and are covered with printed calico, cloth, or some more expensive stuff. The walls are plastered and whitewashed. There are generally in the walls two or three shallow cupboards, the doors ot which are composed of very small panels, on account of the heat and dryness of the climate, which cause wood to warp and shrink as if it wei'e placed in an oven ; for which reason the doors of the apartments also are con- structed in the same manner. We observe great variety * The " leewan " is not to be confounded with the " deewan," which is afterwards mentioned. f One of the chief reasons of the custom here mentioned is, to avoia defiling a mat or carpet upon which prayer is usually made. This, as many authors have observed, illustrates passages of the Scriptures, — Exodus iii. 5, and Joshua v. 15. r^- m,^^M>-^ K— M-^j^, ffi^#^^ iiifa^z4.\=c<2i|||| mm mum E02 EW« Itl E«^PJ 3^ 1 ac i^ D C Specimens of Panel-work. — These are represented on a scale of one inch to twenty-four or tliirty. PRIVATE HOUSES. 37 and much ingenuity displayed in the different modes in which these small panels are formed and disposed. A few specimens are introduced opposite. The ceiling over the leewan is of wood, with carved beams, generally Ceiling of a Durkaah.— About eight feet wide. about a foot apart, partially painted, and sometimes gilt. But that part of the ceiling which is over the durkd'ah, in a handsome house, is usually more richly decorated : 38 THE MODERX EGYPTIANS. here, instead of beams, numerous thin strips of wood are nailed upon the planks, fonnino: ])atterns curiously com- plicated, yet perfectly reg-ular, and having^ a higjhly orna- mental effect. I give a sketch of the half of a ceiling thus decorated, but not in the most complicated style. The strips are painted yellow, or gilt; and the spaces within painted green, red, and blue.* In the example which I have inserted, the colours are as indicated in the sketch of a portion of the same on a larger scale, except- ing in the square in the centre of the ceiling, where the strips are black, upon a yellow ground. From the centre of this square a chandelier is often suspended. There are many patterns of a similar kind ; and the colours ^ti^C) 05>AV^ ti^ p>^ o{y:Ch f K. y / W f ^V^ H y^ ^Sh Wk B^ 0/. The quantity exported last year was 34,000 bales, which is considerably less than usual. — The policy above recom- mended is strongly adToc< ted by Ibraheem Basha, ( 49 ) CHAPTER I. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS, AXD DRESS, OF THE MUSLIM EGYPTIANS. Muslims of Arabian origin have, for many centuries, mainly composed tiie population of Egypt : they have changed its language, laws, and general manners ; and its metropolis they have made the principal seat of Arabian learning and arts. To the description of this people, and especially of the middle and higher classes in the Egyptian capital, will be devoted the chief portion of the present work. In every point of view, Masr (or Cairo) must be regarded as the first Arab city of our age ; and the manners and customs of its inhabitants are particularly interesting, as they are a combination of those which prevail most generally in the towns of Arabia, Syria, and the whole of Northern Africa, and in a great degree in Turkey. There is no other place in which we can obtain so complete a knowledge of the most civilised classes of the Arabs. From statements made in the introduction to this work, it appears that Muslim Egyptians (or Arab-Egyptians) compose nearly four-fifths of the population of the metro- polis (which is computed to amount to about 240,000), and just seven-eighths of that of all Egypt. The Muslim Egyptians are descended from various Arab tribes and families which have settled in Egypt at different periods ; mostly soon after the conquest of this country by 'Amr, its first Arab governor ; but by inter- marriages with the Copts and others who have become proselytes to the faith of El-Islam, as well as by the change from a life of wandering to that of citizens or of agriculturists, their personal characteristics have, by de- VOL I. D 50 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. grees, become so much altered, that there is a strongly marked diHerence between them and tiie natives of Arabia. Yet they are to be regarded as not less genuine Arabs than the townspeople of Arabia itself; among whom has long and very generally prevailed a custom of keeping Abyssinian female slaves, either instead of mar- rying their own countrywomen or (as is commonly the case with the opulent) in addition to their Arab wives: so that they bear almost as strong a resemblance to the Abyssinians as to the Bedawees, or Arabs of the Desert. The term " 'Arab," * it should here be remarked, is now used, wherever the Arabic language is spoken, only to designate the Bedawees collectively : in speaking of a tribe, or of a small number of those people, the word " 'Orban " is also used ; and a single individual is called " Bedawee."t In the metropolis and other towns of Egypt, the distinction of tribes is almost wholly lost ; but it is preserved among the peasants, who have retained many Bedawee customs, of which I shall have to speak. The native Muslim inhabitants of Cairo commonly call themselves " El-Masreeyeen," *' OwUd-Masr " (or "Ahl-Masr "), and "Owlad-el-Beled," which signify peo- ple of Masr, children of Masr, and children of the town : the singular forms of these appellations are '* Masree," " Ibn-Masr," and *' Ibn-el-Beled." f Of these 'three terms, the last is most common in the town itself. The country people are called " El-Felldheen " (or the agri- culturists), in the singular " Fellah,' '§ The Turks often apply this term to the Egyptians in general in an abusive sense, as meaning the " boors," or "the clowns;" and improperly stigmatize them with the appellation of *' Ahl-Far'oon,"!! or " the people of Pharaoh," In general, the Muslim Egyptians attain the height * This term was foimerlv used to desif^nate the Arabian toivnspeople and villagers, while the Arabs who dwelt in the Desert were called " Aarab," or " Aarabees." The Arabs dwelling in houses now term themselves " Owlud-el-'Arab," or sons of the Arabs. t Feminine, " Bedaweeveh." + In the feminine, " Masreeyeh," " Bint-Masr," and"Bint-el-Beled.'* 5 Feminine, " Feliahah." U Thus commonly pronounced for " Fir'own." PERSONAL CHARACTEKISTICS. 51 of about five feet eight, or five feet nine inches. Most of the children under nine or ten years of age have spare limbs and a distended abdomen ; but, as they grow up, their forms rapidly improve : in mature age, most of them are remarkably well-proportioned ; the men muscular and robust ; the women, very beautifully formed, and plump ; and neither sex is too fat. I have never seen corpulent persons among them, excepting a few in the metropolis and other towns, rendered so by a life of inactivity. In Cairo, and throughout the northern provinces, those who have not been much exposed to the sun have a yellowish but very clear complexion, and soft skin ; the rest are of a considerably darker and coarser complexion. The people of Middle Egypt are of a more tawny colour, and those of the more southern provinces are of a deep bronze or brown complexion — darkest towards Nubia, where the climate is hottest. In general, the countenance of the Muslim Egyptian (I here speak of the men) is of a fine oval form : the forehead of moderate size, seldom high, but generally prominent : the eyes are deep-sunk, black, and brilliant : the nose is straight, but rather thick : the mouth well formed : the lips are rather full than other- wise : the teeth particularly beautiful : * the beard is commonly black and curly, but scanty. I have seen very few individuals of this race with grey eyes ; or rather, few persons supposed to be of this race ; for I am inclined to think them the offspring of Arab women by Turks or other foreigners. The Fellaheen, from constant exposure to the sun, have a habit of half shutting their eyes : this is also characteristic of the Bedawees. Great numbers ot the Egyptians are blind in one or both eyes. They generally shave that part of the cheek which is above the lower jaw, and likewise a small space under the lower lip, leaving, however, the hairs which grow in the middle under the mouth ; or, instead of shaving these * Tooth-ache is, however, a very common disorder in Eg^pt, as it was in ancient times : this, at least, was probably the case, as Herodotus (lib. ii, cap. 84) mentions dentists among the' classes of Egyptian phy- sicians. It is, of course, most prevalent among the higher orders. D 2 Ol THS MODERK EGYPTIANS. parts, they pluck out the hair. They also shave a part of the beartl under the chin. Very lew shave the rest of their beards,* and none their mustaches. The former they sutler to grow to the length of about a hand's breadth below the chin (such, at least, is the general rule, and such was the custom of the Prophet) ; and their mustaches they do not allow to become so long as to incommode them in eating and drinking. The practice of dyeing the beard is not common ; for a grey beard is much respected. The Egyptians shave all the rest of the hair, or leave only a small tuft (called " shoosheh ") u})on the crown of the head.f This last custom (which is almost universal among them), I have been told, originated in the fear that if the Muslim should fall into the hands of an infidel, and be slain, the latter might cut oil" the head of his victim, and finding no hair by which to hold it, put his impure hand into the mouth, in order to carry it ; for the beard might not be sufficiently long.;|; With the like view of avoiding impurity, the Egyptians observe other customs, which need not here be described. ^S Many men of the lower orders, and some others, make blue marks upon their arms, and sometimes upon the hands and chest, as the women ; in speaking of whom this operation will be described. The dress of the men of the middle and higher classes consists of the following articles. || First, a pair of full drawers^ of linen or cotton, tied round the body by a * A few of the servants, and some others, shave their beards. Tlie respect which Orientals in general pay to the beard has often been re- marked. Tliey swear by it, and say that a man disgraces it by an evil action. The punishment recorded in 2 Samuel, ch. x. ver. 4, has fre- quently been practised in modem times, but not so often as tlie shaving of the whole of the beard. f The Muslims hold it to be inconsistent with the honour that is due to everj-thing that has appertained to tlie human body to leave upon the ground the shavings or clippings of hair, the parings of nails, &c. ; which, therefore, they generally bury in the eartli. i Persons of literary and religious professions generally disapprove of the shooslu'h. $ They are mentioned in the ' Mishcat-ul-Masabih,' vol. ii. p. 3."i9, and are observed by both sexes. II The fashion of their dress remains almost the same during the lapse of centuries. ^f In Arabic, "libas." DRESS. 53 running string or band,* the ends of which are em- broidered with coloured silks, though concealed by the outer dress. The drawers descend a little below the knees, or to the ankles ; but many of the Arabs will not wear long drawers, because prohibited by the Prophet. Next is worn a shirt, f with very full sleeves, reaching to the wrist : it is made of linen, of a loose, open texture, or of cotton stuif, or of muslin, or silk, or of a mixture of silk and cotton, in stripes, but all white. $ Over this, in winter, or in cool weather, most persons wear a " sudey- ree," which is a short vest of cloth, or of striped coloured silk and cotton, without sleeves. Over the shirt and the sudeyree, or the former alone, is worn a long vest of striped silk and cotton § (called " kaftan," or more com- monly "kuftan"), descending to the ankles, with long sleeves extending a few inches beyond the fingers' ends, but divided from a point a little above the wrist, or about the middle of the fore-arm ; so that the hand is generally exposed, though it may be concealed by the sleeve when necessary ; for it is customary to cover the hands in the presence of a person of high rank. Round this vest is wound the girdle, |j which is a coloured shawl, or a long piece of white figured muslin. The ordinary outer robe is a long cloth coat, of any colour (called by the Turks " jubbeh," but by the Egyptians " gibbeh "), the sleeves of which reach not quite to the wrist.^ Some persons also wear a " beneesh," or " benish ; " which is a robe of cloth, with lon^- sleeves, like those of the kuftan, but more ample :** it is, properly, a robe of ceremony, and should be worn over the other cloth coat ; but many per- sons wear it instead of the gibbeh. Another robe, called " farageeyeh," nearly resembles the beneesh : it has very long sleeves ; but these are not slit ; and it is chiefly * Called " dikkeh," or"tikkeh." f " Kamees." % The prophet forbade men to wear silk clothing, but allowed women to do si' The prohibition is, however, attended to by very few modern Muslims, excepting the Wahhabees. ■J The stripes are seldom plain : they are generally figured or flo.vered, || " Hezam." ^ See the foremost figure in the following engraving. ** See the figure to the left in the same engraving. Men of tlie Middle and Hijlier Classes. DEESS. 55 worn by men of the learned professions. In cold or cool weather, a kind of black woollen cloak, called " 'abayeh," is commonly worn,* Sometimes this is drawn over the head. In winter also many persons wrap a.muslin or other shawl (such as they use for a turban) about the head and shoulders. The head-dress consists, first, of a small, close-fitting cotton cap,t which is often changed ; next, a " tarboosh," which is a red cloth cap, also fitting closely to the head, with a tassel of dark blue silk at the crown ; lastly, a long piece of white muslin, generally figured, or a Kashmeer shawl, which is wound round the tarboosh. Thus is formed the turban. J The Kashmeer shawl is seldom worn excepting in cool weather. Some persons wear two or three tarbooshes, one over another. A "shereef" (or descendant of the Prophet) wears a green turban, or is privileged to do so; but no othei person ; and it is not common for any but a shereef to wear a bright green dress. Stockings are not in use ; but some few persons, in cold weather, wear woollen or cotton socks. The shoes § are of thick red morocco, pointed, and turning up at the toes. Some persons also wear inner shoes || of soft yellow morocco, and with soles of the same : the outer shoes are taken off on stepping upon a carpet or mat ; but not the inner : for this reason, the former are often worn turned down at the heel. On the little finger of the right hand is worn a seal- ring,^ which is generally of silver, with a camelion, or other stone, upon which is engraved the wearer's name : the name is usually accompanied by the words " his ser- vant " (signifying " the servant, or worshipper, of God"), and often by other words expressive of the person's trust in God, &c.** The Prophet disapproved of gold ; therefore few Muslims wear gold rings : but the women have various ornaments (rings, bracelets, &c.) of that precious * See the next en^aving, in which is represented a striped 'abayeh. t Called " takeeyeh," or " 'arakeeyeh." :}: " 'Emameh." ' 1} "Markoob." II " Me/.z," or, more properly, " mezd ;" from the Turkish " mest." % " Khatim." — It is allowable to wear it on a linger of the left hand. ** See St. .Tohn's Gospel, ill. 33 : and Exodms, xxxix. 30. 56 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. metal. The seal-ring: is used for signing Icttei-s and other writings ; and its impression is considered more valid than the sign-manual.* A little ink is dabbed uj)on it with one of the fingers, and it is pressed ujx)n the pai)er — the person who uses it having first touched his tongue with another finger, and moistened the place in the pa])er which is to be stamped. Almost every person who can afford it has a seal-ring, even though he be a servant. The regular scribes, literary men, and many others, wear a silver, brass, or cop}>er *' dawayeh," which is a case with receptacles for ink and pens, stuck in the girdle. t Some have, in the place of this, or in addition to it, a case-knife or a dagger. The Egyptian generally takes his ])ipe with him wherever he goes (unless it be to the mosque), or has a servant to carry it, though it is not a common custom to smoke while riding or walking. The tobacco-purse he crams into his bosom, the kuftdn being large, and lapping over in front. A handkerchief, embroidered with coloured silks and gold, and neatly folded, is also placed in the bosom. Many persons of the middle orders, who wish to avoid being thought rich, conceal such a dress as I have described by a long black gown of cotton, similar to the gown worn by most persons of the lower classes. The costume of the men of the lower orders is very simple. These, if not of the very poorest class, wear a pair of drawers, and a long and full shirt or gown of blue linen or cotton, or of brown woollen stuff (the former called " 'eree," and the latter " zaaboot"), open from the neck nearly to the waist, and having wide sleeves.J Over this, some wear a white or red woollen girdle. Their turban is generally composed of a white, red, or yellow woollen shawl, or of a piece of coarse cotton or muslin, wound round a tarboosh, under which is a white * Therefore, giving the ring to another person is the utmost mark of conlidence.^See Genesis, xli. 4U. f This is a very ancient custom. — See Ezekiel, ix. 2, 3, li. — The dawaveh is represented in a cut in Chapter IX. J 'fhe zaabooj is mostly worn in the winter. Mea of the Low er Classes, 1)3 58 TlIK MODERN EGYPTIANS. or brown felt cap ; * but many are so poor as to have no other cap than tlie latter— no turban, nor even drawers, nor shoes, but only the blue or brown shirt, or merely a few rags ; while many, on the other hand, wear a sudeyree under the blue shirt ; and some, particularly servants in the houses of great men, wear a white shirt, a sudeyree, and a kuftan or gibbeh, or both, and the blue shirt over all. The full sleeves of this shirt are sometimes drawn up, by means of cords, which pass round each shoulder and cross behind, vkhere they are tied in a knot. This custom is adopted by servants (particularly grooms), who have cords of crimson or dark blue silk for this purpose. In cold weather, many persons of the lower classes wear an 'abayeh, like that before described, but coarser, and sometimes (instead of being black) having broad stripes, brown and white, or blue and white, but the latter rarely. Another kind of cloak, more full than the 'abayeh, of black or deep-blue woollen stuff, is also very commonly worn : it is called " diffeeyeh." f The shoes are of red or yellow morocco, or of sheep-skin. Several different forms of turbans are represented in some of the engravings which illustrate this work. The Muslims are distinguished by the colours of their turbans from the Copts and the Jews, who (as well as other sub- jects of the Turkish Sultan who are not Muslims) wear black, blue, grey, or light-brown turbans, and generally dull-coloured dresses. The distinction of sects, families, dynasties, &c., among the Muslim Arabs, by the colour of the turban and other articles of dress, is of very early origin. When the Imilm Ibraheem Ibn-Mohammad, asserting his pretensions to the dignity of Khaleefeh,| was put to death by the Umawee Khaleefeh Marwd,n, many persons of the family of El-'Abbils assumed black clothing, in testimony of their sorrow for his fate ; and * Called " libdeh." + A kind of blue and white plaid (called " milayeh ") is also worn bv some men, but more commonly by women, in tlie account of whose dross it will be further described : the men throw it over the shoulders, or wrap it about the body. J Commonly written by Engbsh authors " Caliph," or " Khalif." DRESS. 59 hence the black dress and turban (which latter is now characteristic, almost solely, of Christian and Jewish tri- butaries to the 'Osmanlee, or Turkish, Sultan) became the distinguishing costume of the 'Abbdsee Khaleefehs, and of their officers. When an officer under this dy- nasty was disgraced, he was made to wear a white dress. White was adopted by the false prophet El-Mukanna', to distinguish his party from the 'Abbasees ; and the Fawatim of Egypt (or Khaleefehs of the race of Fatimeh), as rivals of the 'Abbasees, wore a white costume. El-Melik El-Ashraf Shaaban, a Sultan of Egypt (who reigned from the year of the Flight 764 to 778, or A.D. 1362 to 1376), was the first who ordered the "shereefs" to distinguish themselves by the green turban and dress. Some darwecshes of the sect of the Rifa'ees, and a few, but very few, other Muslims, wear a turban of black woollen stuff, or of a very deep olive- coloured (almost black) muslin ; but that of the Copts, Jews, &c. is generally of black or blue muslin or linen. There are not many different forms of turbans now worn in Egypt : that worn by most of the servants is very formal. The kind common among the middle and higher classes of the tradesmen and other citizens of the metropolis and large towns is also very formal, but less so than that just before alluded to. The Turkish turban worn in Egypt is of a more elegant mode. The Syrian is distinguished by its width. The 'Ulama, and men of religion and letters in general, used to wear, as some Tlie Mukleh. 60 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. do Still, one particularly wide and formal, called a *'mukleh." The turban is much respected. In the houses of the more wealthy classes, there is usually a chair* on which it is j)laced at night. This is often sent with the furniture of a bride ; as it is common for a lady to have one uj)on which to place her head-dress. This kind of chair is never used for any other purpose. As an instance of the respect paid to the turban, one of my friends mentioned to me that an 'lilinif being tin-own oif his donkey in a street of this city, his mukleh fell off, and rolled along for several yards : whereupon the j)as- sengers ran after it, crying, '• Lift up the crown of El- Islam!" while the poor 'alim, whom no one came to assist, called out in anger, *' Lift up the slieykhX of El- Islam ! " The general Ibrm and features of the women must now be described. From the age of about fourteen to that of eighteen or twenty, they are generally models of beauty in body and limbs ; and in countenance most of them are pleasing, and many exceedingly lovely : but soon after they liave attained their perfect growth, they rapidly decline ; the bosom early loses all its beauty, acquiring, from the relaxing nature of the climate, an excessive length and flatness in its forms, even while the face retains its full charms ; and though, in most other respects, time does not commonly so soon nor so much deform them, at the age of forty it renders many, who in earlier years possessed considerable attractions, abso- lutely ugly. In the Egyj)tian females, the forms of womanhood begin to develop themselves about the ninth or tenth year : at the age of fifteen or sixteen they gene- rally attain their highest degree of perfection. With regard to their complexions, the same remarks apply to them as to the men, with only this difference, that their faces, being generally veiled when they go abroad, are not quite so much tanned as those of the men. They * Called " kiirsee el-'emameJi." t This appel ation (cf which '"ulami" is the plaral) signifies a man of science or learnini:. X "Sljeykh" here sigiifies mister, or doctor. WOMEX. 61 are characterized, like the men, by a fine oval counte- nance ; though in some instances it is rather broad. The eyes, with very few exceptions, are black, large, and of a long almond-form, with long and beautiful lashes, and an exquisitely soft, bewitching expression : eyes more beautiful can hardly be conceived ; their charming eiFect is much heightened by the concealment of the other features (however pleasing the latter may be), and is rendered still more striking by a practice universal among the females of the higher and middle classes, and very common among those of the lower orders, which is that of blackening the edge of the eyelids, both above and be- low the eye, with a black powder called "kohl." This An. eye ornamented with Kohl. is a collyrium commonly composed of the smoke-black which is produced by burning a kind of " libaii" — an aromatic resin— a species of frankincense, used, I am told, in preference to the better kind of frankincense, as being cheaper and equally good for this purpose. Kohl is also prepared of the smoke-black produced by burning the shells of almonds. These two kinds, though be- lieved to be beneficial to the eyes, are used merely for ornament ; but there are several kinds used for their real or supposed medical properties ; particularly the powder of several kinds of lead-ore ; * to which are often added sarcocolla,f long pepper, J sugar-candy, fine dust of a Venetian sequin, and sometimes powdered pearls. An- timony, it is said, was formerly used for painting the edges of the eyelids. The kohl is applied with a small probe of wood, ivory, or silver, taj>ering towards the end, but blunt : this is moistened, sometimes with rose- water, then dipped in the powder, and drawn along the * " Kohl el-hagar." f " Anzaroot. ' + "'Erk ed-dahab." 62 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. edges of the eyelids, it is called "mirwed;" and the glass vessel in which the kohl is kept " muk-huFah." The custom of thus ornamenting the eyes prevailed Muk-hul'ahs and Mirweds. lliese are represented on scales of one-third, and a quarter, of the real among both sexes in Egypt in very ancient times : this is shown by the scul])tures and ])aintings in the temj)les and tombs of this country ; and kohl-vessels, with the Ancient Vessel and Probe for Kohl. probes, and even with the remains of the black powder, nave often been found in the ancient tombs. I have two in my possession. But in many cases, the ancient mode of ornamenting with the kohl was a little ditierent rSE OF KOHL. 63 from the modern, as shown by the subjoined sketch : I have, however, seen this ancient mode practised in the present day in the neighbourhood of Cairo ; though I An Eye and Eyebrow ornamented with Kohl, as represented in ancient Paintings. only remember to have noticed it in two instances. The same custom existed among the ancient Greek ladies, and among the Jewish women in early times.* The eyes of the Egyptian women are generally the most beautiful of their features. Countenances altogether handsome are far less common among this race than handsome figures ; but I have seen among them faces distinguished by a style of beauty possessing such sweetness of expression, that they have struck me as exhibiting the perfection of female loveliness, and impressed me with the idea (perhaps not false) that their equals could not be found in any other country : with such eyes as many of them have, the face must be handsome, if its other features be but moderately well formed. f The nose is generally straight : the lips are mostly rather fuller than those of the men, but not in the least degree partaking of the negro character. The hair is of that deep, glossy black, which best suits all but fair complexions : in some in- stances it is rather coarse and crisp, but never woolly. The females of the higher and middle classes, and many of the poorer women, stain certain parts of their hands and feet (which are, with very few exceptions, beautifully formed) with the leaves of the henna-tree, j * See 2 Kings, ix. 30, ("where, in our common version, we find the words, " painted her face," for " painted her eves,") and Ezekiel, xxiii. 40. f Scissors are often used to reduce the width of the eye-brows, and to give them a more arched form. + Lawsonia inermis : also called " Egyptian privet." 64 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. which impart a yellowish red, or deep orange colour. Many thus dye only the nails of the fingers and toes ; Hands and Feet stained with Henna. Others extend the' dye as high as the first joint of each finger and toe ; some also make a stripe along the next row of joints ; and there are several other fanciful modes of applying the henna ; but the most common practice is to dye the tips of the fingers and toes as high as the first joint, and the whole of the inside of the hand and the sole of the foot ;* adding, tiiough not always, the stripe above mentioned alone: the middle joints of the fingers, and a similar stripe a little above the toes. The henna * The application of this dye to the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet is said to liave an agreeable effect upon the skin ; particularly to prevent its being too tender and sensitive. USE or HEXKA. 65 is prepared for this use merely by being powdered and mixed with a little water, so as to form a paste. Some of this paste being spread in the palm of the hand, and on other parts of it which are to be dyed, and the fingers being doubled, and their extremities inserted into the paste in the palm, the whole hand is tightly bound with linen, and remains thus during a whole night. In a similar manner it is applied to the feet. The colour does not disappear until after many days : it is generally renewed after about a fortnight or three weeks. This custom prevails not only in Egypt, but in several other countries of the East, which are supplied with henna from the banks of the Nile. To the nails, the henna imparts a more bright, clear, and permanent colour than to the skin. When this dye alone is applied to the nails, or to a larger portion of the fingers and toes, it may, with some reason, be regarded as an embellish- ment ; for it makes the general complexion of the hand and foot appear more delicate ; but many ladies stain their hands in a manner much less agreeable to our taste : by applying, immediately after the removal of the paste of henna, another paste composed of quick-lime, common smoke-black, and linseed-oil, they convert the tint of the henna to a black, or to a blackish olive hue. Ladies in Egypt are often seen with their nails stained with this colour, or with their fingers of the same dark hue from the extremity to the first joint, red from the first to the second joint, and of the former colour from the second to the third joint ; with the palm also stained in a similar manner, having a broad, dark stripe across the middle, and the rest left red ; the thumb dark from the extremity to the first joint, and red from the first to the second joint. Some, after a more simple fashion, blacken the ends of the fingers and the whole of the inside of the hand. Among the females of the lower orders, in the country-towns and villages of Egypt, and among the same classes in the metropolis, but in a less degree, pre- vails a custom somewhat similar to that above described : it consists in making indelible marks of a blue or greenish A tattooed Girl. Tattooed Hands and Foot. TATTOOING. 67 hue upon the face and other parts, or, at least, upon the front of the chin, and upon the back of the right hand, and m m II # Specimens of tattooing on the Chin. often also upon the left hand, the right arm, or both arms, the feet, the middle of the bosom, and the forehead : the most common of these marks made upon the chin and hands are here represented. The operation is performed with several needles (generally seven) tied together : with these the skin is pricked in the desired pattern : some smoke-black (of wood or oil), mixed with milk from the breast of a woman, is then rubbed in ; and about a week after, before the skin has healed, a paste of the pounded fresh leaves of white beet or clover is applied, and gives a blue or greenish colour to the marks : or, to produce the same etfect, in a more simple manner, some indigo is rubbed into the punctures, instead of the smoke-black, &c. It is generally performed at the age of about five or six years, and by gipsy-women. The term applied to it is " dakk." Most of the females of the higher parts of Upper Egypt, who are of a very dark com- plexion, tattoo their lips instead of the parts above-men- tioned ; thus converting their natural colour to a dull, bluish hue, which, to the eye of a stranger, is extremely displeasing.* Another characteristic of the Egyptian women that should be here mentioned, is their upright carriage and gait. This is most remarkable in the female peasantry, owing, doubtless, in a great measure, to their habit of bearing a heavy earthen water- vessel, and other burthens, upon the head. The dress of the women of the middle and higher * The depilatory most commonly used by the Ear%'ptian women is a kind of resin, called liban shamee, applied in a melted state : but this, they pretend, is not always necessary : by applyinj; the blood of a bat to the skin of a newly-born female infant, on the parts where they wish no hair to grow, they assert that they accomplish this desire. A female upon whom this application has been made is termed " muwatwatah :" from " watwat," a bat. Some women pluck out the hair after merely rubbing the part with the ashes of charcoal. A Lady in the Dress worn in private. DRESS. 69 orders is handsome and elegant. Their shirt is very- full, like that of the men — but rather shorter — reaching not quite to the knees : it is also, generally, of the same kind of material as the men's shirt, or of coloured crape — sometimes black. A pair of very wide trowsers (called " shintiyan"), of a coloured striped stuff of silk and cotton, or of printed, or worked, or plain white muslin, is tied round the hips, under the shirt, with a dikkeh : its lower extremities are drawn up and tied just below the knee with running strings ; but it is sufficiently long to hang down to the feet, or almost to the ground, when attached in this manner. Over the shirt and shintiyan is worn a long vest (called " yelek "), of the same mate- rial as the latter : it nearly resembles the kuftan of the men ; but is more tight to the body and arms : the sleeves also are longer ; and it is made to button down the front, from the bosom to a little below the girdle, instead of lapping over : it is open, likewise, on each side, from the height of the hip, downwards. In general, the yelek is cut in such a manner as to leave half of the bosom uncovered, except by the shirt ; but many ladies have it made more ample at that part : and, according to the most approved fashion, it should be of a sufficient length to reach to the ground, or should exceed that length by two or three inches, or more. A short vest (called " 'anter'ee"), reaching only a little below the waist, and exactly resembling a yelek of which the lower part has been cut off, is sometimes worn instead of the latter. A square shawl, or an embroidered kerchief, doubled diagonally, is put loosely round the waist as a girdle ; the two comers that are folded together hanging down behind. Over the yelek is worn a gibbeh of cloth, or velvet, or silk, usually embroidered with gold or with coloured silk : it differs in form from the gibbeh of the men chiefly in being not so wide ; particularly in the fore part ; and is of the same length as the yelek. In- stead of this, a jacket (called " saltah "), generally of cloth or velvet, and embroidered in the same manner as the gibbeh, is often worn. The head-dress consists of a t^keeyeh and tarboosh, with a square kerchief (called " faroodeeyeh ") of printed or painted muslin, or one of THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. crape, wound tightly round, composing what is called a *' rabtah." Two or more such kerchiefs were commonly- used, a short time since, and are still sometimes, to form the ladies' turban, but always wound in a high, flat A Lady adorned with the Kurs and Safa, &c.— (Tlie Hand is partially itained with Henna.) DRESS. 71 shape, very different from that of the turban of the men. A kind of crown, called " kurs," and other ornaments, are attached to the ladies' head-dress : descriptions and engravings of these and other ornaments of the women of Egypt will be found in the Appendix to this work. A long piece of white muslin embroidered at each end with coloured silks and gold, or of coloured crape orna- mented with gold thread, &c., and spangles, rests upon the head, and hangs down behind, nearly or quite to the ground: this is called " tarhah " — it is the head-veil: the face-veil I shall presently describe. The hair, except- ing over the forehead and temples, is divided into numerous braids or plaits, generally from eleven to twenty-five in number, but always of an uneven number : these hang down the back. To each braid of hair are usually added three black silk cords, with little ornaments of gold, &c. attached to them. For a description of these, which are called " safa," I refer to the Appendix, Over the forehead, the hair is cut rather short ; but two full locks * hang down on each side of the face : these are often curled in ringlets, and sometimes plaited. f Few of the ladies of Egypt wear stockings or socks, but many of them wear " mezz " (or inner shoes), of yellow or red morocco, sometimes embroidered with gold : over these, whenever they step off the matted or carpeted part of the floor, they put on " bdboog" (or slippers) of yellow morocco, with high, pointed toes ; or use high wooden clogs or pattens,! generally from four to nine inches in height, and usually ornamented with mother-of-pearl, or silver, &c. These are always used in the bath by men and women ; but not by many ladies at home : some ladies wear them merely to keep their skirts from trailing on the ground : others, to make themselves appear tall. — Such is the dress which is worn by the Egyptian ladies in the house. The riding or walking attire is called " tezyeereh." * Called " makasees." f E^ptian women swear by the side-lock (as men do by the beards generally holding it when they utter the oath, " Wa-hayat maksooseel" J Called "kabkab," or, more commonly, " kubkab." 72 THE MODERN EGYITIANS. Whenever a lady leaves the house, she wears, in addition to what has been above described, first, a large loose gown (called " tob," or **sebleh"), the sleeves of which are nearly equal in width to the whole length of the gown :* it is of silk ; generally of a pink, or rose, or violet colour. Next is put on the " burko'," or face- veil, which is a long strip of white muslin, concealing the whole of the face except the eyes, and reaching nearly to the feet. It is suspended at the top by a narrow band, which passes up the forehead, and which is sewed, as are also the two upper corners of the veil, to a band that is tied round the head. The lady then covers herself with a *' habarah," which, for a married lady, is composed of two breadths of glossy black silk, each ell- wide, and three yards long : these are sewed together, at or near the selvages (according to the height of the person) ; the scam running horizontally, with respect to the manner in which it is worn : a piece of narrow black riband is sewed inside the upper part, about six inches from the edge, to tie round the head. This covering is always worn in the manner shown by the accompanying sketch. The unmarried ladies wear a habarah of white silk, or a shawl. Some females of the middle classes, who cannot afford to purchase a habarah, wear instead of it an " eezar ;" which is a piece of white calico, of the same form and size as the former, and is worn in the same manner. On the feet are worn short boots or socks (called " khuff "), of yellow morocco, and over these the ** bdboog." This dress, though chiefly designed for females of the higher classes, who are seldom seen in public on foot, is worn by many women who cannot often afford so far to imitate their superiors as to hire an ass to carry them. It is extremely inconvenient as a walking attire. View- ing it as a disguise for whatever is attractive or graceful in the person and adornments of the wearer, we should not find fault with it for being itself deficient in grace : we must remark, however, that, in one respect, it fails * This is similar in form to tlie toVi of women of the lower orders, i e- presented in the engraving in page 74. Ladies attired for RiJin;' or Walking Womfn and Cliildren of the Lower Classes. m^ A Woman clad in the Milaveli, &c. 76 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. in at'complishinir its main jnirpose ; displaying the eyes, which are ahnost always beautiful ; making them to appear gtill more so by concealing the other features, which are seldom of equal beauty ; and often causing the stranprer to imagine a defective face [)erfectly charming. 'I'iic veil is of very remote antiquity ;* but, from the r.culp- tures and paintings of the ancient Egyptians, it seems not to have been worn by the females of that nation. The dress of a large proj)ortion of those women of the lower orders who are not of the poorest class consists of a pair of trowsers or drawers (similar in form to the shin- tiyan of the ladies, but generally of j)lain white cotton or linen), a blue linen or cotton shirt (not quite so full as that of the men), a burko' of a kind of coarse black crape, t and a dark blue tarhah of muslin or linen. Some wear, over the shirt, or instead of the latter, a linen tdb, of the same form as that of the ladies.;}: The sleeves of this are often turned uj) over the head ; either to prevent their being incom- modious, or to supj)ly the })lace of a tarhah. § In addi- tion to these articles of dress, many women who are not of the very i)oor classes wear, as a covering, a kind of plaid, similar in form to the habarah, composed of two pieces of cotton, woven in small chequers of blue and white, or cross stripes, with a mixture of red at each end. It is called "milayeh;"|| in general it is worn in the same manner as tlie habarah ; but sometimes like the tarhah.^ The u))per part of the black burko' is often ornamented with false pearls, small gold coins, and other little flat ornaments of the same metal (called " bark ") ; sometimes with a coral bead, and a gold coin beneath ; also with small coins of base silver ; and more conmionly * See Genesis, xxiv. 65 ; and Isaiah, iii. 23. See also 1 Corinthians, xi. 10, and a marfjinal note on that verse. f Some of those who are descended Iroin the Prophet wear a green burko'. J See the figure to the left, in page 74. 5 See the figure to the right, in p. 74. jl For " muliiah." .^f 'I'here is a superior kind of milayeli, of silk, and of various colours ; but this is now seldom worn. Tlie two pieces which compose the rai- layeh are sewed together likie those whi h compose the habarali." 77 with a pair of chain tassels, of brass or silver (called "'oyoon"), attached to the corners. A square black silk kerchief (called " asbeh "), with a border of red and yellow, is bound round the head, doubled diagonally, t'rr.amented black Veils.— Only one of tliese (that to the right) is repre- sented in its whole length. and tied with a single knot behind ; or, instead of this, the tarboosh and faroodeeyeh are worn, though by very few women of the lower classes. The best kind of shoes worn by the females of the lower orders are of red mo- rocco, turned up, but round, at the toes. The burko' and shoes are most common in Cairo, and arc also wolm by many of the women throughout Lower Egypt ; but 78 THE MODKRX EGYPTIANS. in Upj)cr Egypt, the burko' is very seldom seen, and shoes are scarcely less uncommon. To supjjly the place of the former, when necessary, a portion of the tarhali is drawn before tiie face, so as to conceal nearly all the countenance excei)ting one eye. Many of the women of the lower orders, even in the metropolis, never con- ceal their faces. Throughout the greater part of Egypt Tlie 'Asbeh. the most common dress of the women merely consists of the blue shirt, or tob, and tarhah. In the southern parts of Upper Egypt, chiefly above Akhmeem,* most of the women envelop themselves in a large piece of dark brown woollen stutf (called a *' hulaleeyeh "), wrapping it round the body, and attaching the upper parts together over each shoulder ;t and a piece of the same they use as a tarhah. This dull dress, though picturesque, is almost as disguising as the blue tinge which, as I have before mentioned, the women in these parts of Egypt impart to their .ips. Most of the women of the lower orders wear a variety of trumpery ornaments, such as ear-rings, neck- laces, bracelets, &c., and sometimes a nose-ring. De- ♦ ^lore properly called Ikhmeem. + The classical reader will lecojj^nise, in this picturesque garment, an article of ancient Greek and Uoraan female attire. A Woman of the Southern Province of Upper Ezvpt. — (Sketched Tliebes.) 80 THE MODERN KGYPTIANS. s'Ti|)tions and enrjravings of some of these ornaments will be given in tlie Appentlix. The women of Egypt deem it more ineuml)cnt uijon them to eover the uj)per and baek part of the head than th«' face ; and more requisite to conceal the face than most other parts of the person. I have often seen, in this country, women but half covered with miserable rags ; and several times, females in the j)rime of woman- hood, and olliers in more iwlvanced age, with nothing on the body but a narrow strip of rag bound round the ( 81 ) CHAPTER II. IXFAXCT AND EARLY EDUCATIOX. Is the rearing and general treatment of their children, the Muslims are chiefly guided by the directions of their Prophet, and other religious institutors. One of the first duties required to be performed on the birth of a child is to pronounce the adan (or call to prayer) in the infant's right ear ; and this should be done by a male. Some persons also pronounce the ikameh (which is nearly the same as the adan) in the left ear,* The object of each of these ceremonies is to preserve the infant from the influence of the ginn, or genii. Another cus- tom, observed with the same view, is to say, " In the the name of the Prophet and of his cousinf "Alee !" It was a custom very common in Egypt, as in other Muslim countries, to consult an astrologer previously to giving a name to a child, and to be guided by his choice ; but very few persons now conform with this old usage : the father makes choice of a name for his son, and con- fers it without any ceremony : a daughter is generally named by her mother. Boys are often named after the Prophet (Mohammad, Ahmad, or Mustafa), or some of the members of his family ('Alee, Hasan, Hoseyn, &c.), or his eminent companions ('Omar, 'Osman, 'Amr, &c.), or some of the prophets and patriarchs of early times (as Ibraheem, Is-hak, Isma'eel, Yaakoob, Moosa, Daood, Suleyman, &c.), or receive a name signifying "^Servant of God," "Servant of the Compassionate," " Servant of the Powerful," &c. ('Abd-Allah, 'Abd-or- * The words of the adan and the ikameh will be given in a substquent pa^e. •r I.iterallv, " the son of his paternal uncle." E 3 82 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. Ilalmuin, 'Abd-cl-Kiulir). Girls are mostly named after the wives or the favourite dauerson emj)loyed to weigh goods in a market or baziir with the steelyard. Those who are to devote themselves to religion, or to any of the learned jirofessions, mostly |!ursue a regular course of study in the great mosque El-Azhar. The schoolmasters in Egypt are mostly jiersons of very little learning : few of them are acquainted with any writings except the Kur-an, and certain prayers, which, as well as the contents of the sacred volume, they are hired to recite on particular occasions. I was lately told of a man who could neither read nor write succeeding to the ofKce of a schoohnaster in my neigh- bourhood. Being able to recite the whole of the Kur-iin, he could hear tl>e boys repeat their lessons : to write them, he employed the *' 'areef " (or head boy and monitor in the school), pretending that his eyes were weak. A few days after he had taken upon himself this otfice, a j)Oor woman brought a letter for him to read to her from her son, who had gone on pilgrimage. The fikee pretended to read it, but said nothing; and the woman, inferring from his silence that the letter con- tained bad news, said to him, "Shall I shriek?" He answered "Yes," "Shall I tear my clothes?" she asked ; he replied " Yes." So the poor woman returned to her house, and with her assembled friends performed tlie lamentation and other ceremonies usual on the occasion of a death. Not many days after this, her son arrived, and she asked him what he could mean by causing a letter to be written stating that he was dead ? He explained the contents of the letter, and she went to the schoolmaster and begged him to inlbi-m her why he had told her to shriek and to tear her clothes, since the letter was to inform her that her son was well, and he was now arrived at home. Not at all abashed, he said, ** God knows futurity ! How could I know that EAKLT EDUCATTOS-. 93 your son would arrive in safety ? It was better that you should think him dead than be led to expect to see him and perhaps be disa])pointed." Some persons who were sitting with him praised his wisdom, exclaiming:, " Truly, our new fikee is a man of unusual judgment ! " and, for a little while, he found that he had raised his reputation by this blunder.* Some parents employ a sheykh or fikee to teach their boys at home. The father usually teaches his son to perform the " wudoo," and otlier ablutions, and to say his prayers, and instructs him in other religious and moral duties to the best of his ability. The Prophet directed his followers to order their children to say their prayers when seven years of age, and to beat them if they did not do so when ten years old ; and at the latter age to make them sleej) in separate beds : in Egypt, however, very few ])ersons pray before they have attained to manhood. The female children are very seldom taught to read or write ; and not many of them, even among the higher orders, learn to say their prayers. Some of the rich engage a "sheykhah" (or learned woman) to visit the hareem daily ; to teach their daughters and female slaves to say their prayers, and to recite a few chapters of the Kur-an ; and sometimes to instruct them in reading and writing ; but these are very rare accom- plishments for females even of the highest class in Egypt. t There are many schools in w:hich girls are taught plain needlework, embroider}^, &c. In families in easy circumstances a " m"allimeh,"J or female teacher of such kinds of work, is often engaged to attend the girls at their own home. • I have since found an anecdote almost exactly similar to the above in the Cairo edition of the 'Thousand and One Nights :' therefore either my informant's account is not strictly true, or the man alluded to by him was, in the main, an imitator : "the latter is not improbable, as I have been credibly informed of several similar imitations, and of one which I know to be a fact. •j- The youn? daughters of persons of the middle classes are some times instructed with the boys in a public school ; but they are usually veiled, and hold no intercourse with the boys. I have often' seen a welf- dressed girl reading the Kur-an in a boys' school. J Thus pronounced for " mo'allimeh." ( 94 ) CHAPTER III. RELIGION AND LAWS. As the most important branch of their education, and the main foundation of their manners and customs, the religion and laws of the people who are the subject ot these jjagcs must be well understood, — not only in their general principles, but in many minor points, — before we can proceed to consider their social condition and habits in the state of manhood. A diti'erence of ojjinion among Muslims, respecting some points of religion and law, has given rise to four sects, which consider each other orthodox as to funda- mental matters, and call themselves " Sunnees,' or I'ol- lowers of the Traditions, while they designate all other Muslims by the term " Shiya'ees," signifying, according to their acceptation, " heretics." The Sunnees alone are the class which we have to consider. The four sects into which they are divided are the " Ilanafees," " Sha- fe'ees," " Malikees,"* and " Hambel'ees," — so called from the names of the respective doctors whose tenets they have adopted. The Turks are of the first sect, which is the most reasonable : the inhabitants of Cairo, a small pro))ortion excepted (who are Ilanafees), are cither Shafe'ees or Malikees ; and it is generally said that they are mostly of the former of these sects, as are also the people of Arabia : those of the Sharkecych, on the east of the Delta, Shafe'ees : those of the Garbeeyeh, or Delta, Shdfe'ees, with a few Malikees : those of the Boheyreh, on the west of the Delta, Malikees: the in- habitants of the Sa'eed, or the valley of Uj)per Egypt, are likewise, with few exceptions, Malikees : so also are * Commonly pronounced " Mdlkee." DOGMAS OF RELIGION'. 95 the Nubians, and the Western Arabs. To the fourth sect, very few persons in the present day belong-. — All these sects agree in deriving their code of religion and law from four sources ; namely, the Kur-an, the Tra- ditions of the Prophet, the concordance of his early disciples, and analogy. The religion which Mohammad taught is generally called by the Arabs " El-IsUm." " Eeman " and " Deen " are the particular terms applied, respectively, to faith and practical religion. The grand principles of the faith are expressed in two articles ; the first of which is this — " Tliere is no deity but God^ God, who created all things in heaven and in earth, who preserveth all things, and decreeth all things, who is without beginning, and without end, omnipotent, onmi- scient, and omnipresent, is one. His unity is thus de- clared in a short chapter of the Kur-an :* " Say, He is God; one [God]. God is the Eternal. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten ; and there is none equal unto Him." He hath no partner, nor any offspring, in the creed of the Muslim. Though Jesus Christ (whose name should not be mentioned without adding — " on whom be peace ") is believed to have been born of a pure virgin, by the miraculous operation of God,t with- out any natural father, — to be the Messiah, and "the Word of God, which he transmitted unto Mary, and a Spirit [proceeding] from Him " % — yet he is not called the Son of God ; and no higher titles are given to him than those of a Prophet and Apostle : he is even consi- * Ch. 112. — In quoting passa;^es in the Kur-an, I have sometimes fol- lowed Sale's translation ; to tlie i^eneral fidelity of which I willingly add my testimony. I should, however, mention, that some of his explana- tory notes are unauthorized and erroneous : as, for instance, with respect to the laws of inheritance ; on which subject his version of the text also is faulty. When necessary, I have distinguished the verses by numbers. In doing this I had originally adopted the divisions made by Maracci, but have since made the numbers to agree with those in the late edition of the Arabic text by Fluegel, whicli, from its superior accu- racy, is likely to supersede the former editions. -}- Kur-an, ch. iii,, vv. 40 — 42. X Kur-an, ch. iv., v. 169. 96 TUK MODERN KGYPTIAyS. dered of inferior dignity to Mohammad, inasmuch as the Gospel is held to be superseded by the Kur-iin. The Muslim believes tiiat Soyyidna Eesa * (or "our Lord Jesus"), after he had I'ulHlled the object of his mission, was taken up unto God from the Jews, who sou<:ht to slay him ; and that another person, on whom (ioil had stumped the likeness of Christ, was crucified in his stead. t lie also believes that Christ is to come again upon the earth, to establish the Muslim religion, and perfect peace and security, after having killed Antichrist, and to be a sign of the approach of the last day. The other grand article of the faith, which cannot be believed without the former, is this — " Moliammad is God's Apostle." Mohammad is believed, by his followers, to have been the last and greatest of Prophets and Ajjostles.j Six of these — namely, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad — are believed each to have received a revealed law, or system of religion and morality. That, however, which was revealed to Adam was abrogated by the next ; and each succeeding law, or code of laws, abrogated the preceding ; though all are believed to have been the same in every essential point : therefore, those who profess the Jewish religion from the time of Moses to that of Jesus were true believers ; and those who pro- fessed the Christian religion (uncorrupted, as the Mus- lims say, by the tenet that Christ was the son of God) until the time of Mohammad are held, in like manner, to have been true believers. But the coi)ies of the Penta- teuch, the Psalms of David (which the Muslims also hold to be of divine origin), and the Gospels now existing, are believed to have been so much altered as to contain very little of the true word of God. The Kur-dn is be- lieved to have sulfered no alteration whatever. • Tlie title of " Seyyidna " (our Lord) is given by the Muslims to prophets and other venerated persons. t Kur-an, oh. iv., v. 156. + 'ihe Muslim seldom mentions the name of tlie Prophet without adding, " Salla-Uahu 'aleyhi wa-sellem : " t. e., " God favour and pre- serve him! " DOGMAS OF RELIGION. 97 It is further necessary that the Muslim should believe in the existence of angels, and of good and evil genii ; the evil genii being devils, whose chief is Iblees ; * also, in the immortality of the soul, the general resurrection and judgment, in future rewards and punishments in Paradise f and Hell, I in the balance in which good and evil ■works shall be weighed, and in the bridge " Es-Sirat (which extends over the midst of Hell, finer than a hair, and sharper than the edge of a sword), over which all must pass, and from which the wicked shall fall into Hell. He believes, also, that they who have acknow- ledged the faith of El-Islam and yet acted wickedly will not remain in Hell for ever ; but that all of other reli- gions must : that there are, however, degrees of punish- ments, as well as of rewards, — the former consisting in severe torture by excessive heat and cold, and the latter, partly in the indulgence of the appetites by most delicious meats and drinks, and in the pleasures atibrded by the company of the girls of Paradise, whose eyes will be very large and entirely black, ^ and whose stature will be proportioned to that of the men, which will be the height of a tall palm-tree, or about sixty feet. Such, the Muslims generally believe, was the height of our first parents. It is said that the souls of martyrs reside, until the judgment, in the crops of green birds, which eat of the fruits of Paradise and drink of its rivers. |[ Women are not to be excluded from Paradise, according to the faith of El-Islam ; though it has been asserted, by * In the first edition of this work, I here mentioned the Devil as dis- tinct from the genii ; but I have since found that the majority of the most esteemed Arab authors are of the contrary opinion. Theirs is also the general opinion of the modern Arabs.— The angelic nature is con- sidered as inferior to the human (because the angels were commanded to prostrate themselves before Adam), and still more so is the nature of genii. f " El-Genneh," or the garden. + " Gahennem." ^ Like those of the gazelle : this meaning of their common appellation (which is mentioned afterwards) is, however, disputed. II The title of martyr is given to the unpaid soldier killed in a war for the defence of the faith, to a person who innocently meets with his death from the hand of another, to a victim'of the plague (if he has not fled from the disease) or of dysentery, to a person who is drowned, and to one who is killed by the fall" of any building. VOL. I. r 98 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. many Christians, that the Muslims bcliove women to have no souls. In several places in the Kur-an, Paradise is ])romised to all true believers, whether males or females. It is the doctrine of the Kur-an that no person will be admitted into Paradise by his own merits ; but that admission will be granted to the believers merely by the mercy of God, on account of their faith ; yet that the felicity of each person will be proportioned to his good works. The very meanest in Paradise is promised "eighty-thousand servants" (beautiful youths, called "weleeds"),* " seventy-two wives of the girls of Pa- radise" ('' hooreeyehs," ),f '* besides the wives he had in this world," if he desire to have the latter (and the good will doubtless desire the good), " and a tent erected for him of pearls, jacinths, and emeralds, of a very large extent;" "and will be waited on by three hundred attendants while he eats, and served in dishes of gold, whereof three hundred shall be set before him at once, each containing a different kind of food, the last morsel of which will be as grateful as the first." Wine also, " though forbidden in this life, will yet be freely allowed to be drunk in the next, and without danger, since the wine of Paradise will not inebriate. "| We are further told, that all superfluities I'rom the bodies of the inha- bitants of Paradise will be carried off by pei-spiration, \Yhich will diffuse an odour like that of musk ; and that they will be clothed in the richest silks, chiefly of green. They are also promised perpetual youth, and children as many as they may desire. These pleasures, together w ith the songs of the angel Israfeel, and many other gra- tifications of the senses, will charm even the meanest in- habitant of Paradise. But all these enjoyments will be lightly esteemed by those more blessed persons who are to be admitted to the highest of all honours — that spiritual pleasure of beholding, morning and evening, the face of God. § — The Muslim must also believe in the * Or " wildan." f Or "el-hoor el-'een" or " el-hoor el-'oyoon." ;}: See Sale's I'reliminary Discourse to his translation of the Kur an, sect. iv. ^ A Miuslim of some learning professed to me that he considered the RITUAL AND MORAL LAWS. 99 examination of the dead, in the sepulchre, by two angels, called Munkar and Nekeer ,* of terrible aspect, who will cause the body (to which the soul shall, for the time, be re-united) to sit upright in the grave, f and will ques- tion the deceased respecting his faith. The wicked they will severely torture ; but the good they will not hurt. Lastly, he should believe in God's absolute decree of every event, both good and evil. This doctrine has given rise to as much controversy among the Muslims as among Christians ; but the former, generally, believe in predestination as, in some respects, conditional. The most important duties enjoined in the ritual and moral laws are prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and pil- grimage. The religious purijications, which are of two kinds, — first, the ordinary ablution preparatory to prayer, and se- condly, the washing of the whole body, together with the performance of the former ablution, — are of primary im- portance ; for prayer, which is a duty so important that it is called " the Key of Paradise," will not be accepted from a person in a state of uncleanness. It is therefore also necessary to avoid impurity by clipping the nails, and other similar practices.:}; There are partial washings, or purifications, which all Muslims perform on certain occasions, even if they ne- glect their prayers, and which are considered as religious acts. ^ The ablution called " el-wudo6," which is pre- paratory to prayer, I shall now describe. The purifica- tions just before alluded to are a part of the wudoo : the other washings are not, of necessity, to be performed immediately after, but only when the person is about to say his prayers ; and these are performed in the mosque description of Paradise given in the Kur-an, to be in a great measure figura- tive : " like those,' said he, " in the book of the Revelation of St. John ;" and he assured me that many learned Muslims were of the same opinion. * Vulgarly called " Nakir" and " Nekeer." f The corpse is always deposited in a vault, and not placed in a coffin, but merely wrapped in winding-sheets or clothes. X Alluded to in Chapter I. ^ For an account of these private ablutions, and the occasions which require their performance, the reader may consult Reland, ' De Rel. Moh.' pp. 80—83, ed. 1717. r 2 100 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. or in the house, in public or in private. There is in every mosque a tank (called " meydaah ") or a " hana- feeyeh," which is a raised reservoir, with spouts round it, from which the water falls. In some mosques there are both these. The Muslims of the Hanafee sect (of which are the Turks) perform the ablution at the latter (which has received its name from that cause) ; for they must do it with running water, or from a tank or pool at least ten cubits in breadth, and the same in dejjth ; and I believe that there is only one meydaiih in Cairo of that depth, which is in the great mosque El-Azhar. A small hanafeeyeh of tinned copj)er, placed on a low shelf, and a large basin, or a small ewer and basin of the same me- tal, are generally used in the house for the performance of the wudoo. Vessels for Ablution .—The upper vessel (or hanafeeyeh) is generally about a foot and a half in height. RITUAL AND MORAL LA\\'S. 101 The person, having tucked np his sleeves a little higher than his elbows, says, in a low^ voice, or inaudibly, " I purpose performing the wudoo, for prayer."* He then washes his hands three times ; saying, in the same manner as before, " In the name of God, the Compas- sionate, the Merciful ! Praise be to God, who hath sent down water for purification, and made El-lslam to be a light and a conductor, and a guide to thy gardens, the gardens of delight, and to thy mansion, the mansion of peace." Then he rinses his mouth three times, throwing the water into it with his right hand ;f and in doing this he says, " O God, assist me in the reading of thy book, and in commemorating Thee, and in thanking Thee, and in worshipping Thee well ! " Next, with his right hand, he throws water up his nostrils (snuffing it up at the same time), and then blows it out, compressing his nostrils with the thumb and finger of the lejt hand ; and this also is done three times. While doing it, he says, " O God, make me to smell the odours of Paradise, and bless me with its delights ; and make me not to smell the smell of the fires [of Hell]." He then washes his face three times, throwing up the water with both hands, and saying, " O God, whiten my face with thy light, on the day when Thou shalt whiten the faces of thy favourites ; and do not blacken my face, on the day when Thou shalt blacken the faces of thine enemies." % His right hand and arm, as high as the elbow, he next washes three times, and as many times causes some water to run along his arm, from the palm of the hand to the elbow, saying, as he does this, *' O God, give me my book in my right hand ;§ and reckon with me with an easy reckoning." In the same manner he washes the left hand * AH persons do not use exactly the same words on this occasion, nor durini: the performance of the ^YudoO ; and most persons use no words durintr the performance. f He should also use a tooth-stick (miswak) to clean his teeth ; but few do so. , J It is believed that the good man will rise to judgment with his face •white I and the bad with liis face black. Hence a man's face is said to be white or black according as he is in good or bad repute ; and " may God blacken thy face ! ' is a common imprecation. $ To every man is appropriated a book, in which all the actions of his 102 THE MODERN EGYPTIAyS. and arm saying-, '* () God, do not give me my book in my left hand, nor behind my back ; and do not reckon with me with a difficult reckoning; nor make me to be one of the j)eo})le of the fire." lie next draws his wet- ted riirht hand over the upper part of his head, raising his turban or cap with ins left : this he does but once; and he accompanies the action with this supplication, '' () God, cover me with thy mercy, and pour down thy blessing upon me ; and shade me under the shadow of thy canopy, on the day when there shall be no shade but its shade." If he have a beard, he then combs it with the wetted fingers of his right hand ; holding his hand with the ])alm forwards, and passing the fingers through his beard from the throat upwards. He then jnits the ti|)S of his fore-fingers into his ears, and twists them round, passing his thumbs at the same time round the back of the ears, from the bottom upwards ; and saying, " O God, make me to be of those who hear what is said, and obey what is best;" or " O God, make me to hear good." Next he wipes his neck with the back of the fingers of both hands, making the ends of his fingers meet behind his neck, and then drawing them forward ; and in doing so, he says, " O God, free my neck from the fire ; and keej) me from the chains, and the collars, and the fetters." Lastly, he washes his feet, as high as the ankles, and passes his fingers between the toes : he washes the right foot first, saying, at the same time, " O God, make firm my feet upon the Sirat, on the day when feet shall slip upon it :" on washing the left foot, he says, " O God, make my labour to be approved, and my sin forgiven, and my works accepted, merchan- dise that shall not perish, by thy pardon, O Mighty ! () very Forgiving ! by thy mercy, O most Merciful of those who show mercy ! " After having thus completed the ablution, he says, looking towards heaven, " Thy pcrl'ection, O God ! [I extol] with thy praise : I testify that • there is no deity but Thou alone : Thou hast no life are wTitten. The just man, it is said, will receive his book in hig ri^'ht liand ; but the wicked, in his left, which will be tied behind bis back ; his right hand being tied up to his neck. RITUAL AND MORAL LAWS. 103 companion : I implore thy forgiveness, and turn to Thee with repentance." Then, looking towards the earth, he adds^ " I testify that there is no deity but God : and I testify that Mohammad is his servant and his apostle." Having uttered these words, he should recite once, twice, or three times, the " Soorat el-Kadr," or 97th chapter of the Kur-an. The wudoo is generally performed in less than two minutes ; most persons hurrying through the act, as well as omitting almost all the prayers, &c. which should ac- company and follow the actions. It is not required be- fore each of the five daily prayers, when the person is conscious of having avoided every kind of impurity since the last performance of this ablution. "When water can- not be easily procured, or would be injurious to the health of the individual, he may perform the ablution with dust or sand. This ceremony is called " tayem- mum." The person, in this case, strikes the palms of his hands upon any dry dust or sand (it will suffice to do so upon his cloth robe, as it must contain some dust), and with both hands, wipes his face : then, having struck his hands again upon the dust, he wipes his right hand and arm as high as the elbow ; and then, the left hand and arm, in the same manner. This completes the cere- mony. The washing of the whole body is often per- formed merely for the sake of cleanliness ; but not as a religious act, excepting on particular occasions — as on the morning of Friday, and on the two grand festivals, &c.,* when it is called "ghusl." Cleanliness is required not only in the worshipper, but also in the ground, mat, carpet, robe, or whatever else it be, upon which he prays. Persons of the lower orders often pray upon the bare ground, which is considered clean if it be dry ; and they seldom wipe off immediately the dust which adheres to the nose and forehead in pros- tration ; for it is regarded as ornamental to the believer's face : but when a person has a cloak or any other gar- * Here, again, I must beg to refer the reader (if he desire such informa- tion) to Reland's account of the ghusl, and the occasions which require its performance. — ' De Rel. Moh.' pp. 66, C7, ed. 1T17. 104 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. mcnt that he can take oft' \vitliout exj)osing his person in an unbecoming manner, he S})reads it upon the ground to serve as a ])rayer-cari)et. The rich use a prayer- carpet (called " segg.'ideh ") about the size of a wide hearth-rug, having a niche rcjiresented upon it, tlie point of which is turned towards Mekkeh.* It is reckoned sinful to ])ass near before a j)erson engaged in prayer. Prayer is called " salah," Five times in the course of every day is its performance required of the Muslim ; but there are comparatively few persons in Egypt who do not sometimes or often neglect this duty ; and many who scarcely ever pray. Certain portions of the ordinary prayers are called " fard," which are appointed by the Kur-iin ; and others, " sunnch," which are appointed by the Prophet, without allegation of a divine order. The hrst time of prayer commences at the " maghrib," or sunset, t or rather, about four minutes later; the second, at the "'eshe,"or nightfall, when the evening has closed, and it is quite dark ;:j; the third, at the " subh " or " fegr ;" i. e., daybreak ;^ the fourth, at the " duhr," or noon, or, rather, a little later, when the sun has begun to decline ; the fifth, at the " 'asr,' or after- noon ; /. e., about mid-time between noon and nightfall. || Each period of prayer ends when the next connnences, excepting that of daybreak, which ends at sunrise. The Prophet would not have his followers conmience their * Seijgailehs, of the kind here described, are now sold in Londoni under the name of Persian carpets or Persian rut;s. ■f I have called tliis tlie first, because the Mohammadan day com- mences from sunset ; but tlie morning prayer is often termed tlie first ; the prayer of noon, the second ; and so on. + 'J"he 'eslie of tlie Shafe'ees, Malikees, and Hambel'ees is when the red ^'leam ( " esh-shafak el-ahmar") after sunset has disappeared ; and that of the Hanafees, when both the red and the white gleam have disappeared. ^ Generally on the first faint appearance of liijht in the east. The Hanafees mostly perform the mornin;.'-prayer a little later, when the yellow {(leam (" el-isfirar ") appe.irs : this they deem the most proper time, but they may pray earlier. I| The 'asr, according to the Shafe'ees, Malikees, and Hambel'ees, is when the shade of an object, cast by the sun, is equal to the length of that object, added to the length of the shade which the same objei:t casts at noon ; and, according to the Hanafees, when the shadow is equal to twice the length of the object added to tlie length of its mid-day shadow. RITUAL AND MORAL LAWS. 105 prayers at sunrise, nor exactly at noon or sunset, because, he said, infidels worshipped the sun at such times. Should the time of prayer arrive when they are eating, or about to eat, they are not to rise to prayer till they have finished their meal. The prayers should be said, as nearly as possible, at the commencement of the periods above mentioned : they may be said after, but not before. The several times of prayer are announced by the " mueddin " of each mosque. Having ascended to the gallery of the "mdd'neh," or menaret, he chants the " adan," or call to prayer, which is as follows : " God is most Great!" (this is said four times.) "I testify that there is no deity but God !" (twice.) " I testify- that Mohammad is God's Apostle 1" (twice.) '' Come to prayer !" (twice.)" Come to security !" (twice.)* " God is most Great!" (twice.) " There is no deity but God !" — Most of the mueddins of Cairo have harmonious and sonorous voices, which they strain to the utmost pitch : yet there is a simple and solemn melody in their chants which is very striking, particularly in the stillness of night. t Blind men are generally preferred for the office of mueddins, that the hareems and terraces of surround- ing houses may not be overlooked from the mad'nehs. Two other calls to prayer are made during the night, to rouse those persons who desire to perform superero- gatory acts of devotion. J A little after midnight, the mueddins of the great royal mosques in Cairo {i. e., of each of the great mosques founded by a Sultan, which is " Game' Sultanee "), and of some other large mosques, ascend the mad'nehs, and chant the following call, which, being one of the two night-calls not at the regular periods of obligatory prayers, is called the " Oola," a term signifying merely the " First." Having commenced by chanting the common adan, with those words which are introduced in the call to morning- prayer (" Prayer is better than sleep"), he adds, " There is no deity but * Here is added, in the morning call, " Prayer is better than sleep !" (twice.) t A common air, to which the adan is chanted in Cairo, will be given in the chapter on Eg\'ptian music. % Tliev are few who do so. r 3 106 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. God" (three times) "alone: He hath no companion: to llim belonjreth the dominion ; and to llini belongeth praise, lie p:iveth lite, and causeth death ; and lie is living:, and shall never die. In His hand is blessings [or good] ; and He is Almighty. — There is no deity but God!" (three times) " and we will not worship any beside Him, 'serving Him with sincerity of religion,'* * though the infidels be averse 'f [thereto]. There is no deity but God. Mohammad is the most noble of the creation in the sight of God. Mohammad is the best prophet that hath been sent, and a lord by whom his companions became lords ; comely ; liberal of gifts ; perfect ; pleasant to the taste ; sweet ; soft to the throat [or to be drunk]. Pardon, O Lord, thy servant and thy ])Oor de])endant, the cndower of this jjlace, and him who watchcth it with goodness and beneficence, and its neighbours, and those who frequent it at the times of prayers and good acts, O thou Bountiful ! — O Lord !"J (three times.) "Thou art He who ceaseth not to be distinguished by mercy : thou art liberal of thy clemency towards the rebellious ; and protectest him ; and conceal- est what is foul ; and makest manifest every virtuous action ; and Thou bestowest thy beneficence upon the servant, and comfortest him, O thou Bountiful ! — O Lord !" (three times.) "My sins when I think upon them, [I see to be] many ; but the mercy of my Lord is more abundant than are my sins : I am not solicitous on account of good that I have done ; but for the mercy of God I am most solicitous. Extolled be the Everlasting ! He hath no companion in his great dominion. His perfec- tion [I extol] : exalted be his name : [I extol] the per- fection of God." About an hour before daybreak, the mueddins of most mosques chant the second call, named the " Ebed," and so called from the occurrence of that word near the com- mencement.§ This call is as follows : " [I extol] the * Kur-iin, ch. xcviii., v. 4. f Same, ch. ix., v. 32, and ch. Ixi., v. «. + This exclamation (" Va rabb!") is made in a very loud tone. t The word " ebed " is here used adverbially, signifying " for ever." KITUAL AND MORAL LAWS. 107 perfection of God, the Existing for ever and ever " (three times): "the perfection of God, the Desired, the Existing, the Single, the Supreme : the perfection of God, the One, the Sole: the perfection of Him who taketh to himself, in his great dominion, neither female companion, nor male partner, nor any like unto Him, nor any that is disobedient, nor any deputy, nor any equal, nor any offspring. His perfection [I extol] : and exalted be his name ! He is a Deity who knew what hath been before it was, and called into existence what hath been ; and He is now existing as He was [at the first]. His perfection [I extol] : and exalted be his name ! He is a Deity unto whom there is none like existing. There is none like unto God the Bountiful, existing. There is none like unto God, the Clement, existing. There is none like unto God, the Great, existing. And there is no deity but Thou, O our Lord, to be worshipped, and to be praised, and to be desired, and to be glorified. [I extol] the perfection of Him who created all creatures, and num- bered them, and distributed their sustenance, and decreed the tei'ms of the lives of his servants : and our Lord, the Bountiful, the Clement, the Great, forgetteth not one of them. [I extol] the perfection of Him who, of his power and greatness, caused the pure water to flow from the solid stone, the mass of rock : the perfection of Him who spake with our lord Moosa [or Moses] upon the mountain ;* whereupon the mountain was reduced to dust,f through dread of God, whose name be exalted, the One, the Sole. There is no deity but God. He is a just Judge. [I extol] the perfection of the First. Blessing and peace be on thee, O comely of counte- nance ! O Apostle of God ! Blessing and peace be on thee, O first of the creatures of God ! and seal of the apostles of God ! Blessing and peace be on thee, O thou Prophet ! on thee and on thy Family, and all thy * Tliese words, " The perfection of Him who spake," &c. (" subhana men kellema," ^Scc), are pronounced in a very high and loud tone. t See Kur-an, ch. vii., v. 139. 108 THE MODERN EGYrXIANS. Companions. God is most Great ! God is most Great !" &c., to the end of the call to mornincr-prayer. *' O God, favour and preserve and bless the blessed Proi)het, our lord jMohamniad ! And may God, whose name be blessed and exalted, be well pleased with thee, O our lord Kl-Hasan, and with thee, () our lord El-Hoseyn, and with thee, O Aboo-Farrag,* O Sheykh of the' Arabs, Postures of Prayer. (Part I,) * " Aboo-Farrag " is a surname of a famous saint, the seyyid Ahmad Kl-Beda\vee, buried at Tanta, in the Delta: it implies that he obtains relief to those who visit his tomb and implore his intercession. EITUAL A>'D MORAL LAWS. 109 and with all the favourites [the "welees"Jof God. Amen." The prayers which are performed daily at the five periods before mentioned are said to be of so many " rek'ahs," or inclinations of the head.* The worshipper, standing with his face towards the Kibleh (that is, towards Mekkeh), and his feet not quite close together, says, inaudibly, that he has purposed to recite the prayers of so many rek'ahs (sunneh or fard) the morning prayers (or the noon, &c.) of the present day (or night) ; and then, raising his open hands on each side of his face, and touching the lobes of his ears with the ends of his thumbs, he says, "God is most Great ! " (" Allahu Akbar.") This ejaculation is called the " tekbeer." He then proceeds to recite the prayers of the prescribed number of rek'ahs,! thus : — Still standing, and placing his hands before him, a little below his girdle, the left within the right, he recites (with his eyes directed towards the spot where his head will touch the ground in prostration) the Fat'hah, or opening chapter of the Kur-an,+ and after it three or more other verses, or one of the short chapters, of the Kur-an ; very commonly the ll-2th chapter; but with- out repeating the bismillah (in the name of God, &c.) before the second recitation. He then says, '' God is most Great ! " and makes, at the same time, an * The morning-prayers, tmo rek'ahs sunneh and two fard : the noou, four sunneh and" lour "fard ; the afternoon, the same ; the evening, three fard and two sunneh ; and the night-prayers (or eshe), four sunneh and foiu: fard, and two sunneh again. After these are yet to be performed three rek'ahs " witr ; " i. e., single or separate prayers : tliese may be performed immediately after the "eshe prayers, ot at any time in the night ; but are more meritorious if late in the night. t There are some little differences in the attitudes of the four great sects, during prayer. I describe those of the Hanafees. J Some persons previously utter certain supererogatory ejaculations, expressive of the praise and glory of God ; and add, " I seek refuge with God from Satan the accursed"; " which petition is often offered up, before reciting any part of the Kur-an on other occasions, as commanded by the Kur-an itself (ch. xvi., v. 100). The Kinr-an is usually recited, in the fard prayers, in a voice slightly audible, excepting at noon and the 'asr, when it is recited inaudibly. By Imams, when praying at the head of others, and sometimes by persons praying alone, it is chanted. In the sunneh prayers it is recited inaudibly. no THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. inclination of liis head and body, placing his hands upon his knees, and separating his fingers a little. In this ])0Sture he says, " [I extol] the ])erfection of my Lord, the (Jreat I " (three times), adding, " May God hear him who praiseth Him. Our Lord, praiso be unto Thee !" Then, raising his head and body, he repeats, " God is most Great ! " lie next drops gently upon his knees, and, saying again, " God is most Great ! " places his hands upon the ground, a little before his knees, and IS 16 n Postures of Prayer. (Part II.) EITUAL AND MORAL LAWS. Ill puts his nose and forehead also to the ground (the former first) between his two hands. During- this prostration he says " [I extol] the perfection of my Lord, the Most High I " (three times). He raises his head and body (but his knees remain ujwn the ground), sinks backwards upon his heels, and places his hands upon his thighs, saying, at the same time, " God is most Great ! " and this he repeats as he bends his head a second time to the ground. During this second prostration he repeats the same words as in the first, and in raising his head again, he utters the tekbeer as before. Thus are completed the prayers of one rek'ah. In all the changes of posture, the toes of the right foot must not be moved from the spot where they were first placed, and the left foot should be moved as little as possible. Having finished the prayers of one rek'ah, the worshipper rises upon his feet (but without moving his toes from the spot where they were, particularly those of the right foot), and repeats the same; only he should recite some other chapter, or portion, after the Fat'hah, than that which he repeated before, as for instance, the 108th chapter.* After every second rek'ah (and after the last, though there be an odd number, as in the evening fard), he does not immediately raise his knees from the ground, but bends his left foot under him, and sits upon it, and places his hands upon his thighs, with the fingers a little apart. In this posture, he says, "Praises are to God, and prayers, and good works. Peace be on thee, O Prophet, and the mercy of God, and his blessings ! Peace be on us, and on [all] the righteous worshippers of God ! " Then raising the first finger of the right handf (but not the hand itself), he adds, " I testify that there is no * In the third and fourth fard rek'ahs, the recitation of a second portion, of the Kur-an after the Fat'hah should be omitted ; and before far4 prayers of four rek'ahs, the " ikameh (which consists of the words of the adan, with the addition of " the time of prayer is come," pronounced twice after " come to security ") should be repeated ; but most persons neglect doing this, and many do not observe the former rule. ■j- The doctors of El-Islam differ respecting the proper position of the fingers of the right hand on this occasion : some hold that all the fingers but the first are to be doubled, as represented in Part II. of the sketch of the postures of prayer. 112 THE MODERN' EGYPTIANS. deity but God ; and I testify that Mohammad is his servant and his apostle." After the last rck'ah of each of the prayers, that is, after the sunneh prayers and the farcl alike), after saying, " Praises are to God," &c., the worshipper, looking upon his right shoulder, says " Peace be on you, and the mercy of God ! " Then looking upon the left, lie repeats the same. These salutations are considered by some as addressed only to the guardian angels who watch over the believer, and note all his actions ; * but others say that they are addressed both to angels and men (i. e. believers only, who may 1)e ])rescnt ; no person, however, returns them. Before the salutations in the last j)rayer, the worshipper may oti'er up any short j)etition (in Scrip- tural language rather than his own) ; while he does so looking at the palms of his two hands, which he holds like an open book before him, and then draws over his face, from the forehead downwards. Having finished both the sunneh and fard prayers, the worshipper, if he would acquit himself completely, or rather, perform supererogatory acts, remains sitting (but may then sit more at his ease), and recites the " A'yet el-Kursee," or Throne-Verse, which is the 256th of the 2nd chapter of the Kur-dn ;t and adds, " O High! O Great! Thy perfection [I extol.] " He then repeats, "The perfection of God!" (thirty-three times.) " The perfection of God, the Great, with his praise for ever ! " (once.) " Praise be to God ! " (thirty- three times.) " Extolled be his dignity ! There is no deity but he ! " (once.) " God is most Great ! " (thirty- three times.) " God is most Great in greatness, and praise be to God in abundance !" (once.) He counts these repetitions with a string of beads called " sebhah " (more properly *' subhah "). The beads are ninety-nine, and have a mark between each thirty-three. They are of aloes, or other odoriferous or precious wood, or of coral, or of certain fruit-stones, or seeds, &c. • Some say that every believer is attended by two angels ; otliers say five ; others," sixty, or a hundred and sixty. f Bej^inninj,' with the words " God ; there is no deity but lie ; " and ending with " He is the High, the Great." EITUAL AXD MORAL LAWS. 113 Any wandering of the eyes, or of the mind, a coughing, or the like, answering a question, or any action not prescribed to be performed, must be strictly avoided (unless it be between the sunneh prayers and the fard, or be ditRcult to avoid ; for it is held allowable to make three slight irregular motions, or deviations from correct deportment) ; otherwise the worshipper must begin again, and repeat his prayers with due reverence. It is considered extremely sinful to interrupt a man when engaged in his devotions. The time usually occupied in repeating the prayers of four rek'ahs, without the super- erogatory additions, is less than four, or even three, minutes. The Muslim says the five daily prayers in his house or shop, or in the mosque, according as may be most convenient to him : it is seldom that a person goes from his house to the mosque to pray, excepting to join the congregation on Friday. Men of the lower orders oftener pray in the mosques than those who have a com- fortable home, and a mat or carpet upon which to pray. The same prayers are said by the congregation in the mosque on the noon of Friday ; but there are additional rites performed by the Imam and other ministers on this occasion. The chief reasons for fixing upon Friday as the Sabbath of the Muslims were, it is said, because Adam was created on that day, and died on the same day of the week, and because the general resurrection was prophesied to happen on that day ; whence, par- ticularly, Friday was named the day of " El-Gum'ah " (or the assembly). The Muslim does not abstain from worldly business on Friday, excepting during the time of prayer, according to the ])recept of the Kur-an, ch.lxii., vv.'gandlO. To form a proper conception of the ceremonials of the Friday-prayers, it is necessary to have some idea of the interior of a mosque. A mosque in which a congrega- tion assembles to perform the Friday-prayers is called " game'." The mosques of Cairo are so numerous, that none of them is inconveniently crowded on the Friday ; and some of them are so large as to occupy spaces three or four hundred feet square. They are mostly built of Interior of a Mosque. RITUAL AND MORAL LAWS. 115 Stone, the alternate courses of which are generally coloured externally red and white. Most commonly a large mosque consists of porticoes surrounding a square open court, in the centre of which is a tank or a foun- tain for ablution. One side of the building faces the direction of Mekkeh, and the portico on this side, being the principal place of prayer, is more spacious than those on the three other sides of the court : it generally has two or more rows of columns, forming so many aisles, parallel with the exterior wall. In some cases this portico, like the other three, is open to the court : in other cases, it is separated from the court by partitions of wood, connecting the front row of columns. In the centre of its exterior wall is the mehrab (or niche) which marks the direction of Mekkeh ; and to the right of this is the " mimbar " (or pulpit). Opposite the mehrab, in the fore part of the portico, or in its central part, there is generally a platform (called "dikkeh"), sur- rounded by a parapet, and supported by small columns ; and by it, or before it, are one or two seats, having a kind of desk to bear a volume of the Kur-an, from which a chapter is read to the congregation. The walls are generally quite plain, being simply white-washed ; but in some mosques the lower part of the wall of the place of prayer is lined with coloured marbles, and the other part ornamented with various devices executed in stucco, but mostly with texts of the Kur-an (which form long friezes, having a pleasing effect), and never with the representation of anything that has life. The pavement is covered with matting, and the rich and poor pray side by side ; the man of rank or wealth enjoying no pe- culiar distinction or comfort, unless (which is sometimes the case) he have a prayer-carpet brought by his servant, and spread for him."* The Prophet did not forbid women to attend public prayers in a mosque, but pronounced it better for them to pray in private : in Cairo, however, neither females nor young boys are allowed to pray with the congrega- * AdjoininEr each mosque are several " latrina*," in each of which is a receptacle with water for ablution. 116 THE MODERN' EGl'PTIAyS. tion in the mosque, or even to be present in the mosque at any time of prayer : formerly women were permitted (and perhaj)S are still in some countries), but were obliired to ])lace themselves a])art from the men, and behind the latter ; because, as Sale has remarked, the Muslims are of o])inion that the presence of females inspires a different kind of devotion from that which is requisite in a ])lace dedicated to the worship of God. Very few women in Eg-yj)t even pray at home. Over each of the mosques of Cairo presides a " Niizir " (or warden), who is the trustee of the funds which arise from lands, houses, kc. bequeathed to the mosque by the founder and others, and who api)oints the rclit>ious ministers and the inferior servants. Two " Imams" are employed to ofticiate in each of the larger mosques : one of them, called the " Khateeb," preaches and prays before the congregation on the Friday : the other is an " Imam Ratib," or ordinary Imam, who recites the five prayers of everyday in the mosque, at the head of those persons who may be there at the exact times of those prayers : but in most of the smaller mosques both these offices are performed by one Imam. There are also to each mosque one or more " mueddins " (to chant the call to prayer), and "bowwabs" (or doorkeepers), ac- cording as there are one or more nuid'nehs"(or menarets) and entrances ; and several other servants are emj)loyed to sweep the mosque, spread the mats, light the lamps, and attend to the sdkiyeh (or water-wheel), by which the tank or fountain, and other receptacles for water, necessary to the performance of ablutions, are supplied. The Imams, and those persons who perform the lower offices, are all paid from the funds of the mosque, and not by any contributions exacted from the people. The condition of the Imams is very different, in most respects, from that of Christian jiriests. They have no authority above other persons, and do not enjoy any respect but what their rej)uted piety or learning may obtain them : nor are they a distinct order of men set apart for religious offices, like our clergy, and composing an indissoluble fraternity ; for a man who has acted as RITUAL A>D MORAL LAWS. 117 the Imam of a mosque may be displaced by the warden of that mosque, and, with his employment and salary, loses the title of Imam, and has no better chance of being again chosen for a religious minister than any other person competent to perform the office. The Imams obtain their livelihood chiefly by other means than the service of the mosque, as their salaries are very small : that of a Khateeb being generally about a piaster (2|(i. of our money) per month : and that of an ordinary Imam, about five piasters. Some of them engage in trade; several of them are " "attars "(or druggists and perfumers), and many of them are schoolmasters : those who have no regular occupations of these kinds often recite the Kur-an for hire in private houses. They are mostly chosen from among the poor students of the great mosque El-Azhar. The large mosques are open from day-break till a little after the 'eshe, or till nearly two hours after sunset. The others are closed between the hours of morning and noon prayers ; and most mosques are also closed in rainy weather (excepting at the times of prayer), lest persons who have no shoes should enter, and dirt the pavement and matting. Such persons always enter by the door nearest the tank or fountain (if there be more than one door), that they may wash before they pass into the place of prayer ; and generally this door alone is left open in dirty weather. The great mosque El-Azhar remains open all night, with the exception of the principal place of prayer, which is called the "maksoorah," being par- titioned off from the rest of the building. In many of the larger mosques, particularly in the afternoon, persons are seen lounging, chatting together, eating, sleeping, and sometimes spinning or sewing, or engaged in some other simple craft ; but, notwithstanding such practices, which are contrary to precepts of their prophet, the Muslims very highly respect their mosques. There are several mosques in Cairo (as the Azhar, Hasaneyn, &c.) before which no Frank, nor any other Christian, nor a Jew, was allowed to pass, till of late years, since the French invasion. On the Friday, half an hour before the " d^hr " (or 118 THE MODERN EGYrXIANS. noon), the mucddins of the mosques ascend to the p^alle- ries of the niiUrnehs, and chant the " Sehlm," which is a sahitation to the Prophet, not always expressed in the same words, but generally in words to the following effect: — "Blessing: and peace be on thee, O thou of great dignity ! O Aj^ostle of God ! Blessing and peace be on thee, to whom the Truth said, I am God ! Blessing and peace be on thee, thou first of the creatures of God, and seal of the Apostles of God ! From me be peace on thee, on thee and on thy Family and all thy Companions !" — Persons then begin to assemble in the rnosqucs. The utmost solemnity and decorum are ol)served in the })ublic worshij) of the Musliuis. Their looks and behaviour in the mosque are not those of enthusiastic devotion, but of calm and modest piety. Never are they guilty of a designedly irregular word or action during their prayers. The pride and fanaticism which they exhibit in common life, in intercourse with persons of their own or of a different faith, seem to be dropped on their entering the mosque, and they appear wholly absorbed in the adoration of their Creator ; humble and downcast, yet without atiected humility or a forced expression of countenance. The Muslim takes oft" his shoes at the door of the mosque, carries them in his left hand, sole to sole, and puts his right foot first over the threshold. If he have not previously performed the preparatory ablution, he repairs at once to the tank or fountain to acquit himself of that duty. Before he commences his prayers, he places his shoes (and his sword and pistols, if he have such arms) upon the matting, a little before the spot where his head will touch the ground in prostration : his shoes are put one uj)on the other, sole to sole. The peo]ile who assemble to perform the noon prayers of Friday arrange themselves in rows parallel to that side of the mosque in which is the niche, and facing that side. Many do not go until the adtin of noon, or just before. When a person goes at, or a little after, the Selam, as soon as he has taken his place in one of the ranks, he performs two rck'ahs, and then remains sitting, on his knees, or cross-legged, while a reader, having RITUAL AND MORAL LAWS. 119 seated himself on the reading-chair immediately after the Sehim, is occupied in reciting (usually without book) the Sooratel-Kahf (the 18th chapter of the Kur-an), or a part of it ; for, generally, he has not finished it before the adan of noon, when he stops. All the congregation, as soon as they hear the adan (which is the same as on other days), sit on their knees and feet. When the adan is finished, they stand up, and perform, each sepa- rately, two* rek'ahs, " sunnet el-gum'ah " (or the sunneh ordinance for Friday), which they conclude, like the ordinary prayers, with the two salutations. A servant of the mosque, called a "Murakkee," then opens the folding-doors at the foot of the pulpit-stairs, takes from behind them a straight wooden sword, and, standing a little to the right of the doorway, with his right side towards the kibleh, holds this sword in his right hand, resting the point on the ground. In this position he says, " Verily God favoureth, and his angels bless, the Prophet. O ye who believe, bless him and greet him with a salutation !"f Then, one or more per- sons, called " Muballighs," stationed on the dikkeh, chant the following, or similar words :^ — "O God! favour and preserve and bless the most noble of the Arabs and 'Agam [or foreigners], the Imam of Mekkeh and El-Medeeneh and the Temple, to whom the spider showed favour, and wove its web in the cave ; and whom the dabb § saluted, and before whom the moon was cloven in twain, our lord Mohammad, and his Family and Companions!" The Murakkee then recites the adan (which the Mueddins have already chanted) : after every few words he pauses, and the Muballighs, on the dikkeh, repeat the same words in a sonorous chant. || Before the adan is finished, the Khateeb, or Imam, comes to the * If of the sect of the Shafe'ees, to which most of the people of Cairo belono; ; but if of that of the Hanafees, /b?D MORAL LA^VS. 121 Him from the association of any other deity with Him. He hath well considered what He hath formed, and. established what He hath contrived, and He alone hath the power to create and to annihilate. I praise Him, extolling his perfection, and exalting his name, for the knowledge and inspiration which He hath graciously vouchsafed ; and I testify that there is no deity but God alone ; He hath no companion ; He is the most holy King; the [God of] peace : and I testify that our lord and our Prophet and our friend Mohammad is his servant and his apostle and his elect and his friend, the guide of the way and the lamp of the dark. O God ! favour and })reserve and bless this noble Prophet, and chief and ex- cellent apostle, the merciful-hearted, our lord Mohammad, and his family, and his companions, and his wives, and his posterity, and the people of his house, the noble persons, and preserve them amply ! — servants of God! your lives have been gradually curtailed, and year after year hath passed away, and ye are sleeping on the bed ot indolence and on the pillow of iniquity. Ye pass by the tombs of your predecessors, and fear not the assault of destiny and destruction, as if others departed from the world and ye must of necessity remain in it. Ye rejoice at the arrival of new years, as if they brought an increase to the term of life, and swim in the seas of desires, and enlarge your hopes, and in every way exceed other people [in presumption], and ye are sluggish in doing good. O how great a calamity is this ! God teacheth by an allegory. Know ye not that in the curtailment of time by indolence and sleep there is very great trouble ? Know ye not that in the cutting short of lives by the termination of years is a very great warning ? Know ye not that the night and day divide the lives of numerous souls ? Know ye not that health and capacity are two blessings coveted by many men ? But the truth hath become manifest to him who hath eyes. Ye are now between two years : one year hath passed away, and come to an end, with its evils ; and ye have entered upon another year, in which, if it please God, mankind shall VOL. T. . G- l'2-2 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. be relieved. Is any of you determining upon diTigenee [in doing good] in the year to come ? or repenting of his failings in the times tiiat are ])assed '? The hai)py is he who niaketh amends lor the time passed in the time to come ; and the miserable is he whose days j)uss away and he is careless of his time. This new year hath arrived, and the sacred month of God Jiath come with blessings to you, — the first of the months of the year, and of the four sacred months, as hath been said, and the most worthy of preference and honour and reverence. Its fast is the most excellent of fasts after that which i« incumbent,* and the doing of good in it is among the most excellent of the objects of desire. Whosoever desireth to reap advantage from it, let him fast the ninth and tenth days, looking for aid.f Abstain not from this fast through indolence, and esteeming it a hardship ; but comj)ly with it in the best manner, and honour it with the best of honours, and improve your time by tho wor- ship of God morning and evening. Turn unto God with repentance, before the assault of death : He is the God who accepteth repentance of his servants, and pardoneth s\ns. — T/te I'radition.X — The apostle of God (God favour and preserve him !) hath said, ' The most excellent prayer, after the prescribed, § is the jjrayer that is said in the last third of the night, and the most excellent last, after Hamadiin, is that of the month of God, EUMohar- ram.' " The Khatceb, having concluded his exhortation, sa}-^ to the congregation, "Supplicate God." lie then sits down, and prays privately ; and each member of the congregation at the same time ofters up some private petition, as after the ordinary prayers, holding his hands before him (looking at the palms), and then drawing * 'ITiat of the montli of Ramadiin. p ♦! ^ j „f t See an account of tl.e customs observed in honour of the day of '"^+'Tre'^lblateS"lways closes his exliortation with one or two« traditions of the Prophet. ,,.,«- $ The live daily prayers ordained by the ICur-an. RITUAL AND MORAL LAWS. 123 them down his face. This done, the Muballighs say, *'A'meen! A^meen ! (Amen! Amen!) O Lorcl of all creatures I" — The Khateeb now rises again, and recites another Khutbeh, called, " khutbet en-naat," of which the follo\^ ing is a translation :* — " Praise be to God, abundant praise, as He hath commanded I I testify that there is no deity but God alone : He hath no companion : affirming his supremacy, and condemning him who denieth and disbelieveth : and I testify that our lord and our prophet Mohammad is his servant and his apostle, the lord of mankind, the inter- cessor, the accepted intercessor, on the day of assembling : God favour him and his family as long as the eye seeth and the ear heareth ! O people ! reverence God by doing what He hath commanded, and abstain from that which He hath forbidden and prohibited. The happy is he who obeyeth, and the miserable is he who opposeth and sinneth. Know that the present world is a transitory abode, and that the world to come is a lasting abode. Make provision, therefore, in your transitory state for your lasting state, and prepare for your reckoning and standing before your Lord : for know that ye shall to-morrow be placed before God, and reckoned with according to your deeds ; and before the Lord of Might ye shall be present, ' and those who have acted unjustly shall know with what an overthrowal they shall be over- thrown.'! Know that God, whose perfection I extol, and whose name be exalted, hath said (and ceaseth not to say wisely, and to command judiciously, warning you, and teaching, and honouring the dignity of your Pro])het, extolling and magnifying him), Verih', God favouretb^ and his angels bless, the Prophet : O ye who believe, bless him, and greet him with a salutation !'J O God ! favour ^Mohammad and the family of Mohammad, as Thou favGuredst Ibraheem|| and the family of Ibrilheem ; and * Tliis is always the same, or nearly so. ■f Kur-an, chap, xxvi., last verse. % Idem., chap, xxxiii. II The patriarch Abraham. ver. 5ff. g2 124 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. bless Mohaniniad and the family of Mohammad, as Thou blesscdst Ibniheom and the family of Ibnihccm among all creatures — for Thou art praiseworthy and ^dorious ! O God ! do Thou also be >vell ))leased with tlie ibur Kha- leefehs, the orthodox lords, of high dignity and illustrious honour, Aboo-Bekr Es-Siddcek, and 'Omar, and 'Osman, and 'Alee; and be Thou well jdeased, O Cod ! with the six who remained of the ten noble and just j)ersons who swore allegiance to thy Prophet Mohanmiad (God favour and jireserve him !) under the tree ; (ibr Thou art the Lord of i)icty and the Lord of pardon,) those persons of excellence and clemency, and rectitude and prosj)erity, Talhah, and Ez-Zubeyr, and Saad, and Sa'eed, and 'Abd-Er-Rahman lbn-"()wf, and Aboo-"Obeydeh "A'mir Ibn-El-Garrtih ; and w ith all the Companions of the Apostle of God ! (God favour and preserve him I) ; and be Thou well pleased, O God! with the two martyred descendants, the two bright moons, ' the two lords of the youths of the people of Paradise in Paradise,' the two sweet-smelling flowers of the Prophet of this nation, Aboo-Mohannnad El-Hasan, and Aboo-'Abd-Allah El- Hoseyn : and be Thou well ])leased, O (irod ! with their mother, the daughter of the Apostle of God (God favour and })reserve him !), Ftitimeh Ez-Zahra, and with their grandmother Khadecgch El-Kubra, and with 'A'isheh, the mother of the faithful, and with the rest of the pure wives, and with the generation which succeeded.tthe Companions, and the generation which succeeded tliat, with beneficence to the day of judgment ! O God ! pardon the believing men and the believing women, and the Muslim men and the ISluslim women, those who are living and the dead ; lor thou art a hearer near, an answerer of j)raycrs, O Lord of all creatures ! O Glod ! aid El-Islam, and strengthen its pillars, and make infi- delity to tremble, and destroy its might, by the preserva- tion of thy servant, and the son of thy servant, the submissive to the might of thy majesty and glory, whom God hath aided, by the care of the Adored King, our master the Sultan, sou of the Sultiin, the Sultan Mah- RITUAL AND MORAL LAWS. 125 mood* Khdn : may God assist him, and prolong [his reign] I O God ! assist him, and assist his armies I O thou Lord of the religion, and of the world present, and the world to come I O Lord of all creatures I O God ! assist the forces of the Muslims, and the armies of the L'nitarians ! O God I frustrate the infidels and poly theists, thine enemies, the enemies of the religion ! O God ! invert their banners, and ruin their habitations, and give them and their wealth as booty to the Muslims If O God ! unloose the captivity of the captives, and annul the debts of the debtors ; and make this town to be safe and secure, and blessed with wealth and plenty, and all the towns of the Muslims. O Lord of all creatures ! And decree safety and health to us and to all travellers, and pilgrims, and warriors, and wanderers, upon thy earth, and upon thy sea, such as are Muslims, () Lord of all creatures! ' O Lord ! we have acted unjustly towards our own souls, and if Thou do not forgive us and be merciful unto us, we shall surely be of those who perish. 'J I beg of God, the Great, that He may forgive me and you, and all the people of Mohammad, the servants of God. ' Verily God commandeth justice, and the doing of good, and giving [what is due] to kindred ; and forbiddeth wicked- ness, and iniquity, and oppression : He admonisheth you that ye may reflect. '§ Remember God; He will re- member you : and thank him ; He will increase to you [your blessings]. Praise be to God, the Lord of all creatures I " During the rise of the Nile, a good inundation is also prayed for in this Khutbeh. The Khateeb, or Inuim, having ended it, descends from the pulpit, and the Mu- ballighs chant the " ikdmeh" (described in note, p. 11 1) : the Imam, stationed before the niche, then recites the " fard " prayers of Friday, which consist of two rek'ahs, and are similar to the ordinary prayers. The people do * The reigning Sultan at the time when the above was written. i" This sentence, beginning " O God. frustrate,' was not inserted in one copy of this prayer, which I obtained from an Imam. Another Imam, at whose dictation I wTOte the copy here translated, tokl me that thi sentence and some others were often omitted. J Kur-an, chap, vii., v. 22. $ Ibid., chap, xvi., v. 92. 12G THK MODERN EGYPTIANS. the same, but silently, and keeping time exactly with the Imam in the various postures. Those who are ot" the Malikee sect then leave the mosque ; and so also do many j)ersons of the other sects : but some ot" the ShiUe'ees and Hanafecs (there are scarcely any Ham- berees in Cairo) remain, and recite the ordinary f'ard. prayers of noon ; forming a number of separate groups, in each of which one acts as Imtim. The rich on going out of the mosque, often give alms to the poor outside the door. There are other prayers to be performed on particular occasions — on the two grand aimual festivals, on the nights of Rama(l;in (the month of abstinence), on the oc- casion of an eclipse of the sun or moon, for rain, pre- viously to the commencement of battle, in pilgrimage, and at funerals. I have Sj)oken thus fully of Muslim worship because my countrymen in general have very imperfect and erroneous notions on this subject ; many of them even imagining that the Muslims ordinarily pray to their P?-o/>/i«5^ as well as to God. Invocations to the Prophet for his intercession, are, indeed, frequently made, parti- cularly at his tomb, where pious visiters generally say, *' We ask thy intercession, O Apostle of God!" The Muslims also even implore the intercession of their nu- merous saints. The duty next in importance to prayer is that of giving alms. Certain alms are ])rescribed by law, and arc called " zekah : " others, called "sadakah," are volun- tary. The former, or obligatory alms, were, in the earlier ages of El-Isliim, collected by officers appointed by the sovereign, for pious uses, such as building mosques, &c. ; but now it is left to the Muslim's conscience to give them, and to a])j)ly them in what manner he thinks fit ; that is, to bestow them upon whatever needy persons he may choose. They are to be given once in every year, of cattle and sheej), generally in the propor- tion of one in forty, two in a hundred and twenty ; of camels, lor every five, a ewe ; or for twenty-five, a pregnant camel ; and likewise of money, and, among the RITUAL AND MOKAL LAWS. 127 Ilanafees, of mcrchandizo, &c. He who has money to the amount of two hundred dirhems (or drams) of silver, or twenty niitkals (i. e. thirty drams) of gold (or, among the Hanafees, the value of the above in gold or silver or- Tsaments, utensils, &c.), must annually give the fortieth part (" ruba el-'oshr "), or the value of that parr. Fasting is the next duty. The Muslim is commanded to fiist during the whole month of Ramadan* every day, irom the first a])pearance of day- break, or rather from the hour when there is sufficient light for a person to dis- tinguish plainly a white thread from a black thread f (about two hours before sun-rise in Egypt), until sunset. He must abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, smell- kig perfumes, and every unnecessary indulgence or plea- sure of a worldly nature ; even from intentionally swal- lowing his spittle. When Ramadan falls in summer,J the fast is very severe ; the abstinence from drinking being most painfully felt. Persons who are sick, or on a journey, and soldiers in time of war, are not obliged to observe the fast during Ramadan ; but if they do not keep it in this month they should fast an equal number ot days at a future time. Fasting is also to be dispensed, with in the cases of a nurse and a pregnant woman. The Prophet even disapproved of any person's keeping the fast of Ramadan if not perfectly able ; and desired no man to fast so much as to injure his health, or disqualify himself for necessary labour. The modern Muslims seem to regard the fast of Ramaddn as of more importance than any other religious act, lor many of them keep this fast who neglect their daily prayers ; and even those who break the fast, with very few exceptions, pretend to keep it. Many Muslims of the wealthy classes eat and drink in secret during Ramadan ; but the greater number strictly keep the fast, which is fatal to numerous persons in a weak state of health. There are some other days on which it is considered meritorious to fast, but not absolutely * Because the Prophet received the first revelation in that month. •}- Kur-an, chap, ii., v. 183. The year being lunar, each month retrogrades througli all the seasons in the course of about tliirtv-three vears and a half. 128 THE MODERX EGYPTIAXS. necessary. On the two grand festivals, namely, that Ibllowinjr Ramadan, and that which succeeds tlic pil- grimage, it is tinlwrfid to do so, being expressly Jbrbid- dcn by the Prophet. The last of the four most important duties, that o^ pil- f/n'ma(je, remains to be noticed. It is incumbent on every Muslim to perform, once in his life, the pilgrimage to Mekkeh and Mount 'Arafat, unless poverty or ill health prevent him ; or, if a Hanafee, he may send a deputy, whose expenses he must pay.* Man}', however, neglect the duty of pilgrimage who cannot plead a lawful excuse ; and they are not reproached for so doing. It is not merely by the visit to !NIekkeh, and the performance of the ceremonies of compassing the Kaabch seven times and kissing the " black srone " in each round, and other rites in the Holy City, that the Muslim acquires the title of " el-hdgg "t (or the ])ilgrim) : the final ol)ject of the pilgrimage is Mount 'Arafiit, six hours' journey distant from Mekkeh. During his performance of the required ceremonies in Mekkeh, and also during his journey to 'Arafiit, and until his completion of the pilgrimage, the Muslim wears a peculiar dress, called " ehnim " (vul- garly heriim), generally consisting of two simple pieces of cotton, or linen, or woollen cloth, without seam or ornament, one of which is wrapi)ed round the loins, and the other thrown over the shoulders : the instep and heel of each loot, and the head, must be bare; but umbrellas are now used by many of the ])ilgrims. It is necessary that the pilgrim be ])resent on the occa- sion of a Khutbeh which is recited on Mount 'Arafat in the afteinoon of the 9th of the month of Zu-1- Heggeh. In the ensuing evening after sunset, the pilgrims commence their return to Mekkeh. Halting the Ibllowing day in the valley of jNIina (or, as it is more conmionly called, jNIuna), they comjjlete the ceremonies of the pilgrimage by a sacrifice (of one or more male * A Malikee is held hound to perform the pilfjrimai;e if stronj; enoii;;,'h to bear the journey on foot, and able to earn his food on tlie way. ■j- On the pronunciation of this word, see a note to the second para- graph of Chapter V. KITUAJL AND MORAL LAWS. 129 sheep, lie-goats, cows, or she-camels, part of the flesh of which they cat, and part give to the poor), and by shaving the head and clipping the nails. Every one, after this, resumes his usual dress, or puts on a new one, if provided with such. The sacrifice is called " el-fida " (or the ransom), as it is performed in commemoration of the ransom of Isma'eel (or Ishmael) by the sacrifice of the ram, when he was himself about to have been offered up by his father; for it is the general opinion of the Muslims that it was this son, not Isaac, Mho was to have been sacrificed by his father. There are other ordinances, more or less connected with those which have been already explained. The two festivals called " el-'Eed es-Sugheiyir,"*" or the Minor Festival, and " el-'Eed el-Kebeer," or the Great Festival, the occasions of which have been men- tioned above, are observed with public prayer and gene- ral rejoicing. The first of these lasts three days ; and the second, three or four days. The festivities with which they are celebrated will be described in a subse- quent chapter. On the first day of the latter festival (it being the day on which the pilgrims perform their sacri- fice) every Muslim should slay a victim, if he can afford to purchase one. The wealthy person slays several sheep, or a sheep or two, and a buffalo, and distributes the greater portion of the meat to the poor. The slaugh- ter may be performed by a deputy. AVar against enemies of El-Islam, who have been the first aggressors, is enjoined as a sacred duty ; and he who lo-.cs his life in fulfilling this duty, if unpaid, is promised the rewards of a martyr. It has been said, even by some of their leading doctors, that the ]Muslims are com- manded to put to death all idolaters who refuse to em- brace El-Islam, excepting women and children, whom they are to make slaves :t but the precepts on which * More properly " Sagheer." This is what many travellers have in- correctly called " the "Great Festival.'' J Misled by the decision of those doctors, and an opinion prevalent in Europe, I represented the laws of " holy war " as more .severe than I find them to be according to the letter and spirit of tlie Knr-an, svheu g3 130 THE MODERN EGYTTIANS. this assertion is founded relate to the pagan Arabs, who had viohitcd their oaths and long 'i)erscvered in their hostility to Mohammad and his followers. According to the decisions of the most reasonable doctors, the laws respecting other idolators, as well as C-hristians and Jews, who have drawn upon themselves the hostility of the Muslims, are ditierent : of such enemies, if reduced by force of arms, rei'usinfr to capitulate or to surrender them- selves, the men may be put to death or be made slaves, and the women and children also, under the same cir- cumstances, may be made slaves : but life and liberty are to be granted to those enemies who surrender them- selves by capitulation or otherwise, on the condition of their embracing El-Islam or paying a ])oll-tax, unless thev have acted perfidiously towards the Muslims, as did the* Jewish tribe of Kureydhah, who, being in league with ^Mohammad, went over to his enemies and aided them against him : for which conduct, when they sur- rendered, the men were slain, and the women and children were made slaves. — The Muslims, it may here be added, are forbidden to contract intimate friendship with unbelievers. Th.ere are certain prohibitory laws in the Kur-an which must be mentioned here, as remarkably afiecting the moral and social condition of its disciples. Wine, and all inebriating liquors, arc forbidden, as being the cause of " more evil than ])rofit."* Many of the Muslims, however, in the present day, drink wine, brandy, &c., in secret; and some, thinking it no sin to indulge thus in moderation, scruple not to do so openl}' ; but among the Egyptians there are few m ho transgress carefully examined, and according to the Hanafee code. I am indebted to Mr. Urqiiliart for suggesting,' to me the necessity of revising' my former statement on this subject ; and must express my conviction that no precept is to be found in the Kuran whicli, tal\en with the context, can justify unprovoked war. * Kur-an, chap, ii., v. 21fi. A kind of wine, formerly called *' ne- beedli" ( a name now given to prohibited kinds), may be lawfullv drunk. Tliis is generally an infusion of dry grapes or dry dates. Tiie ^luslims used to keep it until it had slightly fermented ; and the Prophet him- self was accustomed to drink it, but not when it was more than two days old. The nebeedh of raisins is now called " zebeeb." RITLAL AND MORAL LAWS. 131 in tliis flagrant manner. " Boozeh," or " boozah," which is an intoxicating liquor made with barley-bread, crumbled, mixed with water, strained, and left to t'erment, is commonly drunk by the boatmen of the Nile, and by other persons of the lower orders,* Opium, and other drugs which produce a similar effect, are considered un- lawful, though not mentioned in the Kur-an ; and persons who are addicted to the use of these drugs are regarded as immoral characters ; but in Egypt such persons are not very numerous. Some Muslims have pronounced tobacco, and even coffee, unlawful. The eating of swine's flesh is strictly forbidden. The unwholesome effects of that meat in a hot climate would be a sufficient reason for the prohibition ; but the pig is held in abhorrence by the Muslim chiefly on account ot its extremely filthy habits. f Most animals prohibited for food by the Mosaic law are alike forbidden to the Muslim. The camel is an exception. The MusHm is <' forbidden [to eat] that which dieth of itself, and blood, and swine's flesh, and that on which the name of any beside God hath been invoked ; and that which hath been strangled, or killed by a blow, or by a fall, or by tJie horns [of another beast] ; and that which hath been [partly] eaten by a wild beast, except what he shall [himself] kill ; and that which hath been sacrificed unto idols. "I An animal that is killed for the food of man must be slaughtered in a particular manner : the person who is about to perform the operation must say, " In the name of God ! God is most great I" and then cut its throat, at the part next the head, taking care to divide the w indpipe, gullet, and carotid arteries : unless it be a camel, in which case he should stab the throat at the part next the breast. It is forbidden to utter, in slaughtering an animal, the phrase which is so often made use of on * A similar beverage, thus prepared from barley, was used by the ancient Ejfyptians. (Herodotus, lib, ii. cap. TT.) The modern inhabit- ants of Egypt also prepare boozeh from wheat and from millet in tlie same manner, but less commonly, f Swine were universally deemed impure by the ancient Egyptians, (Herodotus, lib, ii, cap. 47.) X Kur-dn, chap, v,, v. 4, 132 THE MODERN EGYPXrANS. Other occasions, " In the name of God, the Compassion- ate, the Merciful !" because the mention of the most benevolent epithets of the Deity on such an occasion would seem like a mockery of the suHbrings which it is about to endure. Some persons in Egypt, but mostly women, when about to kill an animal for food, say, " In the name of God; God is most great ! God give thee patience to endure the affliction which he hath allotted thee !"* If the sentiment which first dictated this prayer were always felt, it would present a beautiful trait in the character of the people who use it. In cases of necessity, when in danger of starving, the Muslim is allowed to eat any food which is unlawful undor other circumstances. The mode of slaughter above described is, of course, only required to be practised in the cases of domestic animals. Most kinils of fish are lawful food :\ so also are many birds ; the tame kinds of which must be killed in the same manner as cattle ; but the wild may be shot. The hare, rabbit, gazelle, &c., are lawful food, and may either be shot, or killed by a dog, provided the name of God was uttered at the time of discharging the arrow, &c., or slipping the dog, and he (the dog) has not eaten any part of the prey. This animal, how- ever, is considered very tmclean ; the Shafe'ees hold themselves to be polluted by the touch of its nose, if it be wet ; and if , any part of their clothes be so touched, they must wash that part with seven waters, and once with clean earth : some others are only carefid not to let the animal lick, or defile in a worse manner, their persons or their dress, &c. When game has been struck down by any wea})on, but not killed, its throat must be immediately cut : otherwise it is unlawful food. Gambling and usury are prohibited, | and all games of * Tlie Arabic words of this prayer, " God give thee patience," &c. are, " Allah yesabbirak (for yusabbirak) 'ala ma belak." f In some respects the Muslim code does not appear to be so strictly founded upon exigencies of a sanitary nature as the Mosaic. .See Le- viticus, xi. 9 — 12. In Egypt, lish which have not scales are generally found to be unwholesome (bod. One of the few reasonable laws of El- Hakim was tliat which forbade the selling or catching such kinds of tish i5ee De Sacy, ' Chrestomatliie .Arabe,' 2nde ed., tome i. p. 98. It is unlawful to give or receive interest, however small, for a loan, CIVIL LAWS. 133 chance ; and likewise the making of images or pictures of anything that has life."-^' The Prophet declared that every representation of this kind would be placed before its author on the day of judgment, and that he would be commanded to put life into it ; which not being able to do. he would be cast, for a time, into hell. The principal civil and criminal laws remain to be stated. Their origin we discover partly in customs of the Pagan Arabs ; but mostly in the Jewish Scriptures and traditions. The civil and criminal laws are chiefly and immedi- ately derived from the Kur-an ;t but, in many important cases, this highest authority affords no precept. In most of these cases the Traditions of the Prophet direct the decisions of the judge, j There are, however, some im- portant cases, and many of an inferior kind, respecting which both the Kur-an and the Traditions are silent or undecisive. These are determined by the explanations and amplifications derived either from the concordance of the principal early disciples, or from analogy, by the four great Imams, or founders of the four orthodox sects of El-Islam ; generally on the authority of the Imam of that sect to which the ruling power belongs, which sect, in Egypt, and throughout the Turkish Empire, is that of the Hanafees : or, if none of the decisions of the Imam relate to a case in dispute (which not unfrequently happens), judgment is given in accordance with a sen- tence of some other eminent doctor, founded upon ana- logy. — In general, only the principal laws, as laid down in the Kur-an and the Traditions, will be here stated. The laws relating to marriage and the licence oi' poli/- gami/, the facility o^ divorce allowed by the Kur-an, and or on account of credit ; and to exchange any article for another article of the same species, but differing in quantity. These and several other commercial transactions of a similar kind are severely condemned ; but they are not very uncommon among modern Muslims, some of whom take exorbitant interest, * Many of the Muslims hold that only sculptures which cast a shadow, representing living creatures, are unlawful ; but the Prophtt certainly condemned pictures also, f A law given in the Kur-an is called " fard." X A law derived from the Traditions is called " sunneh." 134 THE MODKUN EGYPTIANS. /he ])onnissi()n o^ concuhituKje^ arc essentially the natural and necessary conse(|uence.s of the main ])rinciple of" the constitution of JNIusliin society — the restriction of the intercourse between the sexes before niarriaj^e. Few men would niarry if he who was disai)))ointed in a wife whom he had never seen before were not allowed to take nnother ; and in the case of a man's doinle general principles of the laws of inheritance are the denial of any privileges to primo- geniture,* and in most cases awarding to a feftiale a share equal to half that of a male of the same degree of relationship to the deceased. f A person may bequeath one-third of his or her property ; but not a larger portion, unless he or she has no legal heir ; nor any portion to a legal heir, excepting wife or husband, without the eon- sent of all the other heirs. The children of a person deceased inherit the whole of that person's property, or what remains after payment of the legacies and debts, &c., and the share of a male is double the share of a female. If the children of the deceased be only females, tv, o or more in number, they inherit together, by the law of the Ku-ran, two-thirds ; and if there be but one child, and that a female, she inherits by the same law half. [But the remaining third, or half, is also assigned to the said daughters or daughter, by a law of the Sunneh (which applies also to other cases), if there be no other legal heir,] If the deceased have left no immediate descendant, the sons and daughters of liis son or sons inherit as immediate descendants, [and so on.] If the deceased have left a child or a son's child [and so on], each of the parents of the deceased inherits one-sixth. If the father be dead, his share falls to his father. [If the mother be dead, her share falls to her mother.] If the deceased have left no child Orson's child [and so on], * in this the Muslim" law differs from the Mosaic, which assigns a double portion to the first-born son. See Dent. xxi. 17. T In my summarv' of the principal laws relating to inheritance, in the former editions of this work, there were some errors, occasioned by my relying too much upon Sale's version of the Kur-an ; for I doubted not his accuracy, as he had several commentaries to consult, and I had none ; wherefore, in my inquiries respecting these laws, I sought only to add to, not to correct, the information conveyed by his version. I have here given a corrected statement, derived from the Kur-an and the Commentary of the Gelaleyn, supplying some words of necessary explanation (which are enclosed in brackets) partly on the authority of a sheykh who was my tutor, and partly from the valuable work of D'Ohsson, ' Tab'leau General de I'Empire Othoman,' Code Civil, livre, iv. 142 THE MODERX EGYPTIANS. the mother has one-third of the property, or of what remahis after detluctinj^ the share of the wife or wives or husband, and the residue is for the fatlier ; unless the deceased has lei"t two or more brothers or sisters, in which case tlie mother inherits one-sixth, and the father tiic residue ; the said brothers or sisters receiving nothing ; * [if the deceased have left a father or any ascendant in the male line.] A man inherits half of what remains of his wife's jjropcrty alter the payment of her legacies, &c., if she have lelt no child or son's child, [and so on ;] and one-fourth if she have left a child or son's child, [and so on.] One-fourth is the share of the wife, or of the wives conjointly, if the deceased husband have left no child or son's child, [and so on ;] and one-eighth if he have left any such descendant. t If the deceased have not left a father, [nor any ascendant in the male line,] nor a child, [nor a son's child, and so on,] the law ordains as follows : — 1. A sole brother, or sister, only by the mother's side, inherits one-sixth ; and if there be two or more brothers or sisters, only by the mother's side, or one or more of such relations of each sex, they inherit collectively one-third, which is equally divided, without distinction of male and female. — 2. If the deceased have left a sole sister by his father and mother, [and no such brother,] she inherits half; and a man inherits the whole property of such a sister, [or what remains after the pay- ' • According to Sale's [translation of the 12th verse of cliap. iv., and a note thereon, if the deceased have no child, and his parents be his heirs, then his mother shall have the third part, and his father tlie otlier two- tliirds : but if he have brethren, his mother shall liave a sixtli part ; — and by his translation of tlie ktst verse of the same chapter, statinjj that tJie brothers of a man who has died tchhout issue have a claim to inheritance, it is implied that the brothers, if the father be living, must have a share ; consequently, that they would liave, in the case above mentioned, a sixth part; for he has not stated that tliis portion which is deducted from the motlier's share goes to the father, nor tliat the father's share is diminished. — Why the mother's share is diminished and tlie father's increased, in the case to which tliis note relates, I do not see : the reasoa might be easily inferred, were it not that the surviving brotli'Ts or sisters of the deceased may be his brothers or sisters by the mother's side only. f This is exclusive of what may remain due to her of her dowry, of which one-third is usually held in reserve by the husband, to be paid to her if he divorce her, or when he dies. CIVIL LAWS. 143 ment of her legacies, &c..] if she have left no child ; but if she have left a male child, [or son's child, and so on,] he (the brother) inherits nothing ; and if she have left a female child, the said brother inherits what remains after deducting that child's share, [and alter the payment of the legacies, &c.] If the deceased have left two or more sisters by his father and mother, [and no such brother,] they inherit together two-thirds. If the deceased have left one or more brothers, and one or more sisters, by his father and mother, they inherit the whole [or what remains after the payment of the legacies-, &c.], and the share of a male is double the share of a fe- male. — 3. Brothers and sisters by the father's side only,, [when there is no brother or sister by the father anti mother,] inherit as brothers and sisters by the father and mother.* No distinction is made between the child of a wife and that borne by a slave to her master (if the master acknowledge the child to be his own) : both inherit equally. So also do the child of a wife and the adopted child. A bastard inherits only from his mother, and vice versa. When there is no legal heir, or legatee, the property falls to the government treasury, which is called '' beyt el-mal," The laws respecting certain remote degrees of kindred, &c., I have not thought it necessary to state. f The property of the deceased is nominally divided into keenits (or twenty-fourth parts) ; and the share of each son, or other heir, is said to be so many keerats. The law is remarkably lenient towards debtors. " If there be any [debtor]," says the Kur-an,+ " under a difficulty [of paying his debt], let [hi's creditor] wait till it be easy [for him^to do it] ; but if ye remit it as alms, it will be better for you." The Muslim is commanded (in the chapter from which the above extract is taken), when he contracts a debt, to cause a statement of it to be written, and attested by two men, or a man and two * The portions of the Kur-an upon which tlie above laws are founded are verses 12 — 15, and the last verse, of chap. iv. t 'I'he reader may see them in DOhsson's work before mentioned. •}- Chap, ii., v. 280. 144 THE MOJDJiliX EGYPTIANS. vnomon, of his oNvn faith. Tlio debtor is imprisoned for non-j)avinent of his debt; but if lie establish his insol- vency, lie is liberated. Ue may be coni})elled to work for the diseharge of his debt, if able. 'J'he Kur-an ordains that murder shall be ])unished with death; or rather, that the free shall die ibrthe free, the slave ibr the slave, and a woman lor a woman ; or that the perpetrator of the crime shall pay to the heirs of the ))erson whom he has killed, if they allow it, a fine, whidi is to be divided according- to the laws of in- heritance.* It also ordains that nninteniiunal homicide shall be expiated by Ireeing; a believer from slavery, and paying, to the family of tlie person killed, a fine, unless they remit it.f But these laws are amplified and explained by the same book and by the Imsims. — A fine is not to be accepted for murder unless the crime has been attended by some palliating circumstance. This fine, which is the price of blood, is a hundred camels ; or a thousand deemirs (about 500/.) from him who possesses gold ; or from him who {)ossesses silver, twelve thousand dirhemsj (about 300/.). This is for killing a freeman; lor a woman, half the sum : for a slave, his or her value ; but that must fall short of the ])ricc of blood for the free. A i)erson unable to free a believer must fast two months, as in Ramadan. The accomplices of a nmrderer arc liable to the ])unishment of death. By the Sunneh also, a man is obnoxious to capital ])unishmcnt for the murder of a woman ; and by the Ilanalce law for the murder of* another man's slave. But h(; is exempted from this punishment who kills his own child or other descendant, or his own slave, or liis son's slave, or a slave of whom he is part-owner : so also are his accomplices ; and according to Esh-Shafe'ee, a Muslim, though a slave, is not to be put to death for killing an infidel, though the latter be free. In the present day, however, murder is generally punished with death ; the government seldom allowing a composition in money to be made. A man who kills another in self-defence, or to defend his property from a * Chap, ii., V. 173. f Chap iv. v. 04. Or, according to some, ten thousand dirhems. CRIMINAL LAWS. 145 robber, is exempt from all punishment. The price of blood is a debt incumbent on the family, tribe, or asso- ciation of which the homicide is a member. It is also incumbent on the inhabitants of an enclosed quarter, or the proprietor or proprietors of a field in which the body of a person killed by an unknown hand is found ; unless the person has been found killed in his own house. A woman, convicted of a ca])ital crime, is generally put to death by drowning in the Nile. The Bedawees have made the law of the avenging of blood terribly severe and unjust, transgressing the limits assigned by the Kur-an : for, with them, any single person descended from the homicide, or from the homi- cide's father, grandfather, great-grandfather, or great- grandfather's father, may be killed by any of such relations of the person murdered or killed in fight ; but, among most trilDCS, the fine is generally accepted instead of the blood. Cases of blood-rovcnge are very common among the peasantry of Egypt, who, as I have before remarked, retain many customs of their Bedawee ancestors. The relations of a person who has been killed, in an Egyptian village, generally retaliate with their own hands rather than apply to the government, and often do so with dis- gusting cruelty, and even mangle and insult the corpse of their victim. The relations of a homicide usually fly from their own to another village, for protection. Even when retaliation has been made, animosity frequently continues between the two parties for many years ; and often a case of blood-revenge involves the inhabitants of two or more villages in hostilities, which are renewed, at intervals, during the period of several generations. jRelaliation for intentional u-omids and mutilations is allowed, like as for murder; " eye for eye," &c. ; * but a fine may be accepted instead, which the law allows also for unintentional injuries. The fine for a member that is single (as the nose) is the whole price of blood, as lor homicide ; for a member of which there are two, and not more, (as a hand,) half the price of blood ; for one of Kur-an, chap, v., v. iO. -J46 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. Mhit'li there arc ton, (a finger or toe,) a tenth of the price of blood : but the line of a man for maiming or wounding a woman is half of tluit lor the same injury to a man : and tliat of a free person for injuring a slave varies according to the value of the slave. The tine for depriving a man of any of his live senses, or dangerously wounding him, or grievously disfiguring him for life, is the whole ])rice of blood. Jlieft, whether committed by a man or by a woman, according to the Kur-iin,* is to be jjunished by cutting off the offenders right hand for the first ofience ; but a Sunneh law ordains that this j)imishnient shall not be in- flicted if the value of the stolen property is less than a quarter of a deenar;t and it is also held necessary, to render the thief obnoxious to this [)unishment, that the property stolen should have been deposited in a place to which he had not ordinary or easy access : whence it follows, that a man who steals in the house of a near relation is not subject to this jnuiishment ; nor is a slave who robs the house of his master. For the second offence, the left foot is to be cut off; for the third, according to the Shafe'ee law, the left hand ; for the foui-th, the right foot ; and for fur- ther offences of the same kind, the culprit is to be flogged or beaten ; or, by the Ilanafce code, for the third and subsequent offences, the criminal is to be punished by a long imprisonment. A man may steal a free-born infant without offending against the law, because it is not pro- perty ; but not a slave : and the hand is not to be cut off lor stealing any article of food that is quickly perishable ; because it may have been taken to sujjply the immediate demands of hunger. There are also some other cases in which the thief is exempt from the punishments above mentioned. In Esrypt, of late yeais, these ])unishments have not been inflicted. Beating and hard labour have l)oen substituted lor the first, second, or third offence, and freciuently death for the fourth. jMost i)etty offences * Cliap. v., V. 42. -f Thedeenar is a mitkal (or nearly 7:^ Englisli grains) of gold. Sale, copying a false translation by >Iarracci, and ne^'lecUng to examine the Arabic text quoted by the latter, has stated the sum in question to be loux deenurs CRIMI>-AL LAWS. 147 are usually punished by beating with the " kurba^" (a thong- or whip of hippopotamus' hide, hammered into a round form), or with a stick, generally on the soles of the feet.* Adultery is most severely visited ; but to establish a charge of this crime against a wife, four eye-witnesses are necessary. t If convicted thus, she is to be put to death by stoning.J I need scarcely say, that cases of this kind have very seldom occurred, from the difficulty of obtain- ing such testimony. § Further laws on this subject, and still more favourable to the women, are given in the Kur-an,|| in the following words : — "But [as to] those who accuse women of reputation, [of fornication or adul- tery,] and produce not four witnesses, [of the fact,] scourge them with eighty stripes, and receive not their testimony for ever ; for such are infamous prevaricators : excepting those who shall afterwards repent ; for God is gracious and merciful. They who shall accuse their wives, [of adultery,] and shall have no witnesses [thereof] besides themselves, the testimony [which shall be re- quired] of one of them [shall be] that he swear ibur times by God that he speaketh the truth, and the fifth [time that he imprecate] the curse of God on him if he be a liar ; and it shall avert the punishment [of the wife] if she swear four times by God that he is a liar, and if the fifth [time she imprecate] the wrath of God on her if he speak the truth." The commentators and lawyers have agreed that, under these circumstances, the marriao:e must * Tlie feet are confined by a chain or rope attached at each end to a staff, which is turned round to tigliteM it. This is called a " falakah." Two persons (one on each side) strike alternately. -}- Kur-an, chap, iv., v. 19. + This is a "Sunneh" law. Tlie doom, as Mr. Urquhart observes, " stands rather as the expression of public abhorrence, than as a law which is to be carried into execution." (' Spirit of the East,' vol. ii., p. 425.) The law is the same in the case of the adulterer, if married ; but it is never enforced. See Leviticus, xx. 10, and John, viii. 4, 5. () It is worthy of remark, that the circumstance which occasioned the promulgation of this extraordinary law was an accusation of adultery preierred against the prophet's favourite wife '.-^''isheh: she was thus absolved from punishment, and her reputation was cleared by additional "revelations." |l Chap, xxiv., v. 4 — 9. h2 148 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. 1)0 dissolved. In the chapter from wliieh the above quo- tation is nia(U% it is ordained (in verse 2) that unmarried persons convicted of fornication shall be punished by scouriring, \vith a hundred stripes ; and a Sunneh law ren- tiers them obnoxious to the further jmnishment of banish- ment for a whole year.* Of the ])unishment of women convicted of incontinence} in Cairo, I shall speak, in the next chapter ; as it is an arbitrary act of the frovcrnment, not founded on the laws of the Kur-an, or the Traditions. f Driinhcnness was punished, by the Prophet, by flog- gintr ; and is still in Cairo, though not often : the " hadd," or number of stri])es, for this offence, is eighty in the case of a free man, and forty in that of a slave. Apostnaj from the faith of El-Islam is considered a most heinous sin, and must be punished with death, un- less the a])ostate will recant on being thrice warned. I once saw a woman paraded through the streets of Cairo, and afterwards taken down to the Nile to be drowned, for having apostatized from the fiiith of Mohammad, and having married a Christian. Unfortunately, she had tattooed a blue cross on her arm, which led to her detec- tion by one of her former friends in a bath. She was ' mounted upon a high-saddled ass, such as ladies in Egyi)t usually ride, and very respectably dressed, attended by soldiers, and surrounded by a rabble, who, instead of commiserating, uttered loud imprecations against her. The Kadee, who passed sentence upon her, exhorted her, in vain, to return to her former faith. Her own father was her accuser ! She was taken in a boat into the midst of the river, stripped nearly naked, strangled, and then thrown into the stream. J The Europeans residing in * An unmarried person convicted of adultery is likewise obnoxious only to tliis punishment. The two laws mentioned in Leviticus, xx, 13 anil 15, have been introduced into the Muslim code ; but, in tlie present day, they are never executed. • f In the viUa;res of Ej;ypt, a woman found, or suspected, to have been guilty of this crime, if she be not a common prostitute, often experiences a dillerent fate, which will be described in tlie account of the domestic life and customs of the lower orders. 1 The conduct of the lower orders in Cairo on this occasion speaks sadly ajjainst tlieir character. A song was composed on the victim of this terrible law, and became very popular in the metropolis. CRIMINAL LAWS. 149 Cairo regretted that the Basha was then at Alexandria, as they might have prevailed upon him to pardon her. Once before they interceded with him for a woman who had been condemned for apostacy. The Basha ordered that she should be brought before him : he exhorted her to recant ; but finding her resolute, reproved her for her folly, and sent her home, commanding that no injury should be done to her. Still more severe is the law with respect to hlasphemij. The person who utters blasphemy against God, or Mo- hammad, or Christ, or Moses, or any Prophet, is to be put to death without delay , even though he profess himself repentant ; repentance for such a sin being deemed im- possible. Apostacy or infidelity is occasioned by misjudg- ment ; but blasphemy is the result of utter depravity. A few words may here be added respecting the sect of the " Wahhabees," also called " Wahabees," which was founded, less than a century ago, by Mohammad Ibn-'Abd-El-Wahhab, a pious and learned sheykh of the province of En-Nejd, in central Arabia. About the middle of the last century, he had the good fortune to convert to his creed a powerful chief of Ed-Dir'eeyeh, the capital of En-Nejd. This chief, Mohammad Ibn- So'ood, became the sovereign of the new sect — their religious and political head — and under him and his suc- cessors the Wahhabee doctrines were spread throughout the greater part of Arabia. He was first succeeded by his son, 'Abd-El-'Azeez ; next by So'ood, the son of the latter, and the greatest of the Wahhabee leaders; and, lastly, by 'Abd-Allah, the son of this So'ood, who, after an arduous warfare with the armies of Mohammad 'Alee, surrendered himself to his victorious enemies, was sent to Egypt, thence to Constantinople, and there beheaded. The wars which Mohammad 'Alee carried on against the Wahhabees had for their chief object the destruction of the political power of the new sect : their religious tenets are still professed by many of the Arabs, and allowed to be orthodox by the most learned of the 'Ulama of Egypt. 1'he Wahhabees are merely reformers, who believe all the fundamental points of El-Islam, and all the accessory 150 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. iloctrines of the Kur-an and the Traditions of the rroj)het: in short, their tenets are those of the primitive Muslims. They disapprove of gorgeous sepulchres, and domes erected over tombs : sucli they invariably destroy when in their power. They also condemn, as idolaters, those who pay peculiar veneration to deceased saints ; and even declare all other Muslims to be heretics, for the extravagant respect which they pay to the Prophet. They forbid the wearing of silk, and gold ornaments, and all costly ajiparel ; and also the practice of smoking tobacco. For the want of this last luxury, they console themselves in some degree by an immoderate use of coffee.* There are many learned men among them, and they have collected many valuable books (chiefly his- torical) from various parts of Arabia and from Egypt. * Among many other erroneous statements respecting tlie Walilijibees, it lias been asserted that they prohibit the drinking of coflee. ( 151 ) CHAPTER IV. GOVERN ME>'T. Egypt has, of late years, experienced great political changes, and nearly ceased to be a province of the Turk- ish Empire. Its present Basha (Mohammad 'Alee), having exterminated the Ghuzz, or Memlooks, who shared the government with his predecessors, has ren- dered himself almost an independent prince. He, how- ever, professes allegiance to the Sultan, and remits the tribute, according to former custom, to Constantinople: he is, moreover, under an obligation to respect the fun- damental laws of the Kur-an and the Traditions ; but he exercises a dominion otherwise unlimited.* He may cause any one of his subjects to be put to death without the formality of a trial, or without assigning any cause : a simple horizontal motion of his hand is suificient to imply the sentence of decapitation. But I must not be understood to insinuate that he is prone to shed blood without any reason : severity is a characteristic of this prince, rather than wanton cruelty ; and boundless am- bition has prompted him to almost every act by which he has attracted either praise or censure. f * Though his territory has been greatly lessened since the above was ^^Titten, his power in Egypt remains nearly the same. -f The government of tgypr, from the period of the conquest of this country by the Arabs, has been nearly the same as it is at present in its influence upon the manners and customs and character of the inhabit- ants ; and I therefore do not deem an historical retrospect necessary to the illustration of this work. It sliould, however, be mentioned, that the people of Egypt are not now allowed to indulge in that excessive fanatical rudeness with which they formerly treated unbelievers ; and hence European travellers have one great cause for gratitude to Moham- mad 'Alee. Restraint may, at first, increase, but wiU probably, in the course of time, materially diminish, the feeling of fanatical intolerance. 152 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. In the Citadel of the Metropolis is a court of judica- ture, called " ed-Dcevviin cl-Khideewcc,"* where, in the B;isiia's absence, presides his " Kikh}a,"t or deputy, Ilabccb Efendce. In cases which do not fall witiiin the province of the Kiidee, or which are suthciently clear to be decided without referring them to the court of that othcer, or to anotlier council, the president of the Dee- wan el-Kliideewee j)asses judgment. Numerous guard- houses have been established throughout the metropolis, at each of which is stationed a body of Nizdm, or regular trooj)S. The guard is called " Kulluk,"J or, more com- monly, at ])resent, " Karakol."§ Persons accused of thefts, assaults, &c., in Cairo, are given in charge to a soldier of the guard, who takes them to the chief guard- house, in the Mooskee, a street in that part of the town in which most of the Franks reside. The charges being here stated, and committed to writing, he conducts them to the " Zabit," or chief magistrate of the police of the metropolis. The Zabit, having heard the case, sends the accused for trial to the Deewan el-Khideewee.)[ AVhen a i)erson denies the offence with which he is charged, and there is not sufficient evidence to convict him, but some ground of suspicion, he is generally bas- tinadcd, in order to induce him to confess ; and then, if not before, when the crime is not of a nature that renders him obnoxious to a very heavy punishment, he, if guilty, admits it. A thief, after this discipline, generally con- fesses, " The devil seduced me, and I took it." The punishment of the convicts is regulated by a system of arbitrary, but lenient and wise policy : it usually consists in their being compelled to labour, I'or a scanty suste* * " Khideewee " is a relative a«ljective formed from the Turkish "Kliideev," wbich .si;.'nifies " a prince.' f 'llujs pronounced in Ej,'ypt, but more properly "Kyahya" or *' Ketkhud'a." + From the Turkish " Kool-luk." ^ Vulfrarly, " Karakon." II A very arbitrary power is often exercised in this and similar courts, and the proceedings are conducted with little decorum. Many Turkish ofticers, even of the highest rank, make use of language far too disgust- ing for me to mention, towards persons brought liefore them for judg- ment, and towards those wlio appeal to tliem for justice. GOVERNMENT. 153 nance, in some of the public works ; such as the removal of rubbish, digging canals, &c. ; and sometimes the army is recruited with able-bodied young men convicted ot petty offences. In employing malefactors in labours for the improvement of the country, Mohammad 'Alee merits the praises bestowed upon Sabacon, the Ethiopian conqueror and king of Egypt, who is said to have intro- duced this policy. The B;isha is, however, very severe in punishing thefts, &c. committed against himself: — death is the usual penalty in such cases. There are several inferior councils for conducting the affairs of different departments of the administration. The principal of these are the following : — 1. The " Meglis el-Meshwar'ah" (the Council of Deliberation) ; also called " Meglis el-Mesh war'ah el-Melekeeyeh" (the Council of Deliberation on the Affairs of the State), to distinguish it from other councils. The members of this and of the other similar councils are chosen by the 33asha, for their talents or other qualifications ; and con- sequently his will and interest sway them in all their decisions. They are his instruments, and compose a committee for presiding over the general government of the country, and the commercial and agricultural affairs of the Basha. Petitions, &c., addressed to the Basha, or to his Dee wan, relating to private interests or the affairs of the government, are generally submitted to their consideration and judgment, unless they more pro- perly come under the cognizance of other councils here- after to be mentioned. 2. The " Meglis el-Gihadeeyeh" (the Council of the Army); also called '"Meglis el- Meshwar'ah el-'Askereeyeh" (the Council of Delibera- tion on Military Affairs). The province of this court is sufficiently shown by its name. 3. The Council of the *' Tarskhaneh," or Navy. 4. The " Deewan et-Tug- gar" (or Court of the Merchants). This court, the members of which are merchants of various countries and religions, presided over by the " Shah-bandar" (or chief of the merchants of Cairo), was instituted in con- sequence of the laws of the Kur-an and the Sunneh h3 154 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. being found not sufficiently explicit in some cases arising out of modern commercial transactions. The '* Ktidee" (or chief judge) of Cairo presides in Egypt only a year, at the expiration of which term, a new Kiidec having arrived from Constantinople, the former returns. It was customary for this otiicer to pro- ceed from Cairo, with the great caravan of pilgrims, to Mekkeh, perform the ceremonies of the i)ilgrimage, and remain one year as Kiidec of the holy city, and one year at El-Medeeneh.* He purchases his place privately of the government, which pays no particular regard to his qualifications ; though he must be a man of some know- lodge, an 'Osmanlee (that is, a Turk), and of the sect of the Hanafees, His tribunal is called the " Mah- kem'eh," or Place of Judgment. Few Kcidees are very well acquainted with the Arabic language ; nor is it necessary for them to have such knowledge. In Cairo the K;iclee has little or nothing to do but to confirm the sentence of his " Ntiib" (or deputy), who hears and decides the more ordinary cases, and whom he chooses from among the 'Ulama of Istambool, or the decision of the " ^Nluftee" (or chief doctor of the law) of his own sect, who constantly resides in Cairo, and gives judgment in all cases of ditiicully. But in general the Niiib is, at the best, but little conversant with the popular dialect of Egypt ; therefore, in Cairo, where the chief jiroportion of the litigants at the Mahkem'eh arc Arabs, the judge must place the utmost confidence in the " Bash Tur- gunian" (or Chief Interpreter), whose place is perma- nent, and who is consequently well acquainted with all the customs of the court, jxirticularly with the system of bribery ; and this knowledge lie is generally very ready to communicate to every new Kadce and Naib. A man may be grossly ignorant of the law, and yet hold the office of Kcidee of Cairo : several instances of this kind * He iised to arrive in Cairo in the bc^'inning of Ramatlan ; but the beginning of the first montli, Muharram, has of late been fixed upon, iasteail of the former period. GOVERXMENT. 155 have occurred ; but the Xaib must be a lawyer of learn- ing and experience. When a person has a suit to prefer at the Mahkem'eh against another individual or party, he goes thither, and applies to the " Bash Rusul " (or chief of the bailiffs or sergeants who execute arrests) for a " Rasool " to arrest the accused. The llasool receives a piaster or two,* and generally gives half of this fee privately to his chief. The plaintiti' and defendant then present themselves in the great hall of the JMahkem'eh ; which is a large saloon, facing a spacious court, and having an open front, formed by a row of columns and arches. Here are seated several officers called " Shahids," whose business is to hear and write the statements of the case to be sub- mitted to judcrment, and who are under the authority of the " Bash Katib" (or Chief Secretary). The plaintitf, addressing any one of the Shahids whom he finds un- occupied, states his case, and the Shahid commits it to writing, and receives a fee of a piaster or more ; after which, if the case be of a trifling nature, and the de- fendant acknowledge the justice of the suit, he (the Shahid) passes sentence ; but otherwise he conducts the two parties before the Ntiib, who holds his court in an inner apartment. The Naib, having heard the case, desires the plaintiff to procure a " fetwa " (or judicial decision) from the Muftee of the sect of the Hanafees, who receives a fee, seldom less than ten piasters, and often more than a hundred or two hundred. This is the course })ursued in all cases but those of a very trifling nature, which are settled with less trouble, and those of great importance or intricacy. A case of tlie latter kind is tried in the private apartment of the Kadee, before the Kadee himself, the Niiib, and the Muftee of the Hanafees, who is summoned to hear it, and to give his decision ; and sometimes, in cases of very great difficulty or moment, several of the 'Ulama of Cairo are, in like manner, summoned. The Muftee hears the case, and * Tlie Eg^•ptiaIl piaster is now equivalent to the fil'tk part of a sliilling;, or 2|rf. 15G THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. writes his sentence ; and the Kjldee confirms his Judg- ment, and stanij)s the paper with his seal, which is all that he has to do in any case. The accused may clear himself by his oath, when the plaintiff has not witnesses to produce : placing his right hand on a copy of the Kur-an, which is held out to him, he says, ^ By God, the (ireat!" three times; adding, " By what is con- tained in this of the word of God !" The witnesses must he men of good repute, or asserted to be such, and not interested in the cause : in every case at least two witnesses are requisite * (or one man and two women) ; and each of these must be attested to be a person of probity by two others. An infidel cannot bear witness against a Muslim in a case involving capital or other heavy punishment ; and evidence in favour of a son or grandson, or of a father or grandfather, is not received ; nor is the testimony of slaves ; neither can a master testify in favour of his slave. The fees, until lately, used to be paid by the success- ful party ; but now they are paid by the other party. The Kadee's fees for decisions in cases resj)ecting the sale of property are two per cent, on the amount of the property : in cases of legacies, four per cent., excepting when the heir is an orphan not of age, who pays only two per cent. : for decisions respecting property in houses or land, when the cost of the property in question is known, his fees are two per cent. ; but when the cost is not known, one year's rent. These are the legitimate fees; but more than the due amount is often exacted. In cases which do not concern property, the Kiidee's Niiib fixes the amount of the foes. There are also other fees than those of the Kadee to be paid after the de- cision of the case : for instance, if the Kiidee's fees bo two or three hundred piasters, a fee of about two i)iasters must be paid to the IJiish Tiu'gumiin ; about the same to the Bash Rusul ; and one piaster to the Rasool, or to each Rasool employed. • Tliis law is borrowed from the Jews. See Deut. xix. 15. — A man may refuse to give his testimony. GOVER>'ME>T. 1 57 The rank of a plaintiff or defendant, or a bribe from either, often influences the decision of the judge. In ge- neral the Naib and Muftee take bribes, and the Kadee receives from his Naib. On some occasions, particularly in long litigations, bribes are given by each party, and the decision is awarded in favour of him who pays highest. This frequently happens in difficult law-suits ; and even in cases respecting which the law is perfectly clear, strict justice is not always administered ; bribes and false testimony being employed by one of the par- ties. The shocking extent to which the practices of bribery and suborning false witnesses are carried in Muslim courts of law, and among them in the tribunal of the Kiidee of Cairo, may be scarcely credited on the bare assertion of the fact : some strong proof, resting on indubitable authority, may be demanded ; and here I shall give such proof, in a smnmary of a case which was tried not long since, and which was related to me by the Secretary and Imam of the Sheykh El-Mahdee, who was then supreme Muftee of Cairo (being the chief Muftee of the Hanafees), and to whom this case was referred after judgment in the Kadee's court. A Turkish merchant, residing at Cairo, died, leaving property to the amount of six thousand purses,* and no relation to inherit but one daughter. The seyyid Mohammad El-Mahrookee, the Shah-bandar (chief of the merchants of Cairo), hearing of this event, suborned a common fellah, who was the bowwiib (or door-keeper) of a respected sheykh, and whose parents (both of them Arabs) were known to many persons, to assert himself a son of a brother of the deceased. The case was brought before the Kadee, and, as it was one of considerable im- portance, several of the principal 'Ulama of the city were summoned to decide it. They were all bribed or influ- enced by El-Mahrookee, as will presently be shown ; false witnesses were brought forward to swear to the truth of the bowwiib's pretensions, and others to give * A purse is the sum of five hundred piasters, and was then equivalent to nearly seven pounds sterling, but is now equal to only ti%-e pounds. 158 THE MODERN' EGYPTIANS. ti'stimony to the good character of these witnesses. Tliree thousand jnirses were adjudged to the daughter of the deceased, and the other hall" of the ])roj)erty to the bowwab. El-Mahrookee received tlic sliare of the latter, deducting only three hundred piaftors, which he })re- sented to the bowwub. The chief !Muftee, EI-Mahdee, was absent from Cairo when the case was tried. On his return to the inctro))olis, a lew days after, the daughter of the decciised merchant rei)aircd to his house, stated her case to him, and earnestly solicited redress. The ]Muftee, though convinced of the injustice which she had suffered, and not doubting the truth of what she related respecting the part which El Mahrookce had taken in this aiiiiir, told her that he feared it was impossible for him to annul the judgment, unless there were some in- fornudity in the j)roceedings of the court, but that he would look at the record of the case in the register of the Mahkem'eh. Having done this, he betook himself to the Basha, with whom he was in great favour for his know- ledge and inflexible integrity, and complained to him that the tribunal of the Kadee was disgraced by the ad- ministration of the most flagrant injustice; that false wit- ness was admitted by the 'Ulania, however e\ident and glaring it might be ; and that a judgment which they had given in a late case, during his absence, was the general talk and wonder of the town. The Biisha summoned the Kadee and all the 'Ulama who had tried this case, to meet the Muftee in the Citadel ; and when they had assembled there, addressed them, as from himself, with the Muftee's comj)laint. The Kadee, appearing, like the 'Ulama, highly indignant at this charge, demanded to know upon what it was grounded. The Basha replied that it was a general charge, but particularly grounded on the case in which the court had admitted the claim of a bowwab to a relationshi)) and inheritance which they could not believe to be his right. The Kadee here nrged that he had passed sentence in accordance with the imanimous decision of the 'Ulama then ])rcsent. " Let the record of the case be read," said the Basha. The journal being sent for, this was done ; and when the se- GOVERNMENT 159 cretary had finished reading the minutes, the Kddee, in a loud tone of proud authority, said, '* And I judged so." The Muftee, in a louder and more authoritative tone, exclaimed, "And thy judgment is false!" All eyes were fixed in astonishment, now at the Muftee, now at the Biisha, now at the otiier 'Ulama. The Kadee and the 'Ulama rolled their heads and stroked their beards. The former exclaimed, tapping his breast, " I, the Kadee of Misr, pass a false sentence ! " " And we,"" said the 'Ulama, we, Sheykh Mahdee ! we 'Ulama el- Islam, give a false decision!'' " O Sheykh ]Mahdee," said Ei-Mahrookec (who, from his commercial transac- tions with the Basha, could generally obtain a place in his councils), " respect the 'Ulama as they respect thee ! " " O Mahrookee ! " exclaimed the Muftee, " art thou concerned in this afiair ? Declare what part thou hast in it, or else hold thy peace : go, speak in the assemblies of the merchants, but presume not again to open thy mouth in the council of the 'Ulama ! " El- MahrooJfee immediately left the palace, for he saw how the aftair would terminate, and had to make his arrange- ments accordingly. The Muftee was now desired, by the other 'Ulama, to adduce a proof of the invalidity of their decision. Drawing from his bosom a small book on the laws of inheritance, he reac( from it. " To establish a claim to relationship and inheritance, the names of tlie father and mother of the claimant, and those of his ia- ther's father and motlier, and of his mother's father and mother, must be ascertained." The names of the father and mother of the pretended father of the bowwab the false witnesses had not been prepared to give ; and this deficiency in the testimony (which the 'Ulama, in trying the case, purposely overlooked) now caused the sentence to be annulled. The bov.wab was brought before the council, and, denying the imposition of which he had been made the principal instrument, was, by order of the Basha, very severely bastinaded ; but the only confession that could be drawn from him by the torture which lie endured was, that he had received nothing more of the three thousand purses than three hundred piasters. IGO Tin: MODERN EGYPTIANS. Meanwhile, El-Muhrookce had re})iired to thebowwab's master : he told the latter what had hajipened at the Citadel, and what he hail foreseen would be the result, put into his hand three thousand purses, and begged him innnediately to go to the couneil, give this sum of money, and say that it had been ])laccd in his hands in trust by his servant. This was done, and the money was paid to the daughter of the deceased. In another case, when the Kadce and the council of the 'Ulama were influenced in their decision by a Biisha (not Mohammad 'Alee), and passed a sentence contrary to law, they were tiiwarted in the same manner by EU Mahdee. This Muftee was a rare example of integrity. It is said that he never took a fee for a fetwa. He died shortly after my first visit to this country. — I could men- tion several other glaring cases of bribery in the court of the Kadce of Cairo; but the above is sutiicient. There arc five minor jNIahkem'ehs in Cairo ; and like- wise one at its ])rincipal port, Boolak ; and one at its southern port, Masr El-'Atcekah, A Shahid from the great Mahkem'eh presides at each of them, as deputy of the chief Kadee, who confirms their acts. The matters submitted to these minor tribunals are chiefly respecting tlie sales of property, and legacies, marriages, and di- vorces ; lor the Kadee marries female orphans under age -who have no relations of age to act as their guardians ; and wives often have recourse to law to compel their hus- bands to divorce them. In every country-town there is also a Kiidee, generally a native of the place, and never a Turk, who decides all cases, sometimes from his own konwledge of the law, but connnonly on the authority of a Multee. One Kadee generally serves for two or three or more villages. Each of the four orthodox sects of tlie Muslims (the Hanafecs, Shafe'ees, Malikccs, and Hambcl'ees) has its '•Sheykh," or religious chief, who is chosen from among the most learned of the body, and resides in the metro- polis. The Sheykh of the great mosque El-Azhar (who is always of the sect of the Shafe'ees, and sometimes Sheykh of that sect), together with the other Sheykhs GOVERNMENT.' 161 above mentioned, and the Kadee, the Nakeeb el-Ashrtit' (the chief of the Shereefs, or descendants of the Pro- phet), and several other persons, constitute the council of the 'Ulama* (or learned men), by whom the Turkish Bashas and Memlook chiefs have often been kept in awe, and by whom their tyranny has frequently been re- stricted : but now this learned body has lost almost all its influence over the government. Petty disputes are often, by mutual consent of the parties at variance, sub- mitted to the judgment of one of the four Sheykhs first mentioned, as they are the chief Muftees of their re- spective sects ; and the utmost deference is always paid to them. Difficult and delicate causes, which concera the laws of the Kur-an or the Traditions, are also fre- quently referred by the Basha to these Sheykhs ; but their opinion is not always followed by him : for instance, after consulting them respecting the legality of dissecting human bodies, for the sake of acquiring anatomical know- ledge, and receiving their declaration that it was repug- nant to the laws of the religion, he, nevertheless, has caused it to be practised by Muslim students of anatomy. The police of the metropolis is more under the direc- tion of the military than of the civil power. A few years ago it was under the authority of the " Walee " and the *' Zabit ;" but since my first visit to this country the office of the former has been abolished. He was charged whh the apprehension of thieves and other criminals ; and under his jurisdiction were the public women, of whom he kept a list, and from each of whom he exacted a tax. He also took cognizance of the conduct of the women in general ; and when he found a female to have been guilty of a single act of incontinence, he added her name to the list of the public women, and demanded from her the tax, unless she preferred, or could afford, to escape that ignominy, by giving to him, or to his officers, a considerable bribe. This course was always pursued ^ and is still, by a person who ftirms the tax of the public ■ • In the singular " 'A'lim." This title is more particularly given to a professor of jurisprudence. European writers r " Bi-'imillahi-r-rnhniani-r-rahecm" (In the name of God, the Corn passionate, the Mercilul). DOMESTIC LIFE. 193 A Party at Dinner or Supper.* which the Egyptian often presses a stranger to eat with him shows that feelings of hospitality most forcibly dic- tate the " Bi-smi-llah." The master of the house first begins to eat, the guests or others immediately follow his example. Neither knives nor forks are used ; the thumb and two fingers of the right hand serve instead of those instruments, but the spoons are used for soup or rice or other things that cannot be easily taken without; * One of the servants is holding a water-bottle ; the other, a fly-whisk made of palm-leaves. VOL. I. K. 194 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. and botli hands may be used in particular casos, as will be presently exjjlaincd. When there arc several dishes upon the tray, each person takes of any that he likes, or of" every one in succession : when only one dish is placed upon the tray at a time, each takes from it a few niouth- fuls, and it is quickly removed to give place to another.* To pick out a delicate morsel and hand it to a friend is esteemed polite. The manner of eating with the fingers, as practised in Egypt and other Eastern countries, is more delicate than may be imagined by Europeans who have not witnessed it, nor heard it correctly described. Each person breaks off a small piece of bread, dips it in the dish, and then conveys it to his mouth, together with a small portion of the meat or other contents of the dish.f The piece of bread is generally doubled together, so as to enclose the morsel of meat, &c. ; and only the thumb and first and second fingers are commonly used. When a ])erson takes a piece of meat too large for a single mouthful, he usually places it upon his bread. The food is dressed in such a manner that it may be easily eaten in the mode above described. It generally consists, for the most part, of "yakhnee," or stewed meat, with choj)ped onions, or with a quantity of " ba- miyehs,"J or other vegetables ; " kawurmeh," or a richer stew, with onions; " warak mahshee," or vine-leaves, or bits of lettuce-leaf or cabbage-leaf, with a mixture of rice and minced meat (delicately seasoned with salt, pepper, and onions, and often with garlic, parsley, &c.) wrapped up in them and boiled ; cucumbers (" khiydr "), or black, white, or red " bildingans,"§ or a kind of gourd (called " kara kooseh ") of the size and shape of * Our Saviour and his disciples thus ate from one dish. See Matt, xxvi. 23. t Or he merely sops his morsel of bread in the dish. See llutli, ii. 14 ; and John, xiii. 26. + The bdmiyeh is the esculent " hibiscus :" the part which is eaten is a polygonal pod, generally between one and tliree inches in length, and of the thicKness of a small linger : it is full of seeds and nutritive Ttiucilaue, and has a very pleasant flavour. A little lime-juice is usually dropped on tlie plate of bamiyehs. $ The black and white badingan are the fruits of two kinds of egg plant : the red is the tomata. DOMESTIC LIFE. 195 a small cucumber, which are all "mahshee," or stuffed, with the same composition as the leaves above mentioned ; and " kebab," or small morsels of mutton or lamb, roasted on skewers. Many dishes consist wholly, or for the most part, of vegetables ; such as cabbag-e, purslain, spi- nach, beans, lupins, chick-peas, gourd cut into small pieces, colocasia, lentils, &c. Fish, dressed with oil, is also a common dish. Most of the meats are cooked with clarified butter, on account of the deficiency of fat, and are made very rich ; the butter, in the hot season, is perfectly liquid. When a fowl is placed whole on the tray, both hands are generally required to separate the joints ; or two persons, each using the right hand alone, perform this operation together ; but some will do it very cleverly without assistance and with a single hand. Many of the Arabs will not allow the left hand to touch food in any case,* excepting when the right is maimed. A boned fowl, stuflTed with raisins, pistachio-nuts, crumbled bread, and parsley, is not an uncommon dish, and even a whole lamb, stuftied with pistachio-nuts, &c,, is sometimes served up, but the meat is easily separated with one hand. Sweets are often mixed with stewed meat, &c. ; as, for instance, " 'anndb" (or jujubes), peaches, apri- cots, &c., and sugar, with yakhnee. Various kinds of sweets are also served up, and often in no particular order with respect to other meats. A favourite sweet dish is " kunafeh," which is made of wheat-flour, and resembles vermicelli, but is finer ; it is fried with a little clarified butter, and sweetened with sugar or honey. A dish of water-melon (" batteekh "), if in season, generally forms part of the meal. This is cut up about a quarter of an hour before, and left to cool in the external air, or in a current of air, by the evaporation of the juice on the surfaces of the slices ; but it is always watched during this time, lest a serpent should come to it, and poison it by its breath or bite ; for this reptile is said to be ex- tremely fond of the water-melon, and to smell it at a great distance. Water-melons are very abundant in Egypt, and mostly very delicious and wholesome. A * Because used for unclean purposes. k2 196 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. dish of boiled rice (called " ruzz mufelf'el," the '' pilav'* of the Turks), mixed with a little butter, and seasoned with salt and pe|)i)cr, is generally that from which the last morsels are taken ; but, in the houses of the wealthy, this is often followed by a bowl of " khushaf,"* a sweet drink, commonly consisting of water with raisins boiled in it, and then sugar: when cool, a little rose-water is dropj)ed into it.f The water-melon frequently supplies the place of this. J The Egyptians cat very moderately, though quickly. Each ])erson, as soon as he has finished, says, " El-hamdu li-lhlh " (Praise be to God),§ and gets up, without wait- ing till the others have done :|| he then washes his hands and mouth with soap and water ; the basin and ewer being held by a servant, as before. The only beverage at meals is water of the Nile, or . sometimes, at the tables of the rich, sherbet, which will presently be described. The Arabs drink little or no water during a meal, but generally take a large draught immediately after. The water of the Nile is remarkably good ; but that of all the wells in Cairo, and in other parts of Egypt, is slightly brackish. In general, water is drunk cither from an earthen bottle or from a brass cup.^ The water-bottles are of two kinds ; one called "dorak," and the other " kulleh :" the former has a narrow and the latter a wide mouth. They are made of a greyish, porous earth, which cools the water deli- ciously, by evaporation ; and they are therefore gene- rally placed in a current of air. The interior is often * So called from the Persian " khosh ab," or " sweet water." -j- It is drunk with ladles of tortoise-slu'll or cocoa-nut. X The principal and best fruits of Kiiypt are dates, grapes, oranges, and citrons of %arious kinds, common figs, sycamore-ligs, prickly pears, pomegranates, bananas, and a great variety of melons. From this enu- meration it appears that there are not many good fruits in this country. \ Or "El-hamdu li-lUhi rabbi -l-'alame'en" (Praise be to God, the Lord of all creatures). II It is deemed higlily improper to rise during a meal, even from re- spect to a superior wlio may approach. It lias been mentioned before that the Prophet forbade liis followers to rise while eating, or when about to eat, even if tlie time of prayer arrived. *^ The ancient Egyptians used drinking-cups of brass. (Herodotus, lib. ii. cap. 37.) ■ jit^" aSi^ Water-bottles (Doraks), with covers of different kinds. — The bottles in the foremost row are one-sixth of the real size. Water-bottles (Kullehs). 198 THE MODERN' EGYPTIANS. blackened with the smoke of some resinous wood, and then perfumed with the smoke of ''kafal"* wood and mastic ; the latter used last. A small earthen vessel (called " mibkhar'ah ") is em})loyed in perforniine^ these operations, to contain the burning charcoal, which is re- Earthen Mibkliar'ali and China D6rak, one sixth of the real size. quired to ignite the wood and the mastic ; and the water- bottle is held inverted over it. A strip of rag is tied round the neck of the dorak, at the distance of about an inch from the mouth, to prevent the smoke-black from extending too far upon the exterior of the bottle. Many persons also put a little orange-flower-waterf into the bottles. Tiiis gives a very agreeable flavour to their contents. The bottles have stoppers of silver, brass, tin, wood, or palm-leaves ; and are generally ])laced in a tray of tinned copper, which receives the water that exudes from them. In cold weather, china bottles are used in many houses instead of those above described, which then render the water too cold. J The two most common forms of drinking-cups are here represented. Some of them * " AmjTis kafal " of Forskal. An Arabian tree. ■f- " Moyet zahr," or " moyet zahr narin^." + Baroii Ilamraer-Purgstall has remarked that two other vessels should have been mentioned liere (in the first edition of tliis work), more especially because their names have been adopted in European langua-jes : they are the " garrah " or "jarrah," a water-jar or pitcher; and the " demigjin " or " demijan," a large bottle, " la dame Jeanne." DOMESTIC LIFE. 199 Brass drinking cups, one-fifth of the real size. have texts of the Kur-an, &c., engraved in the interior, or the names of " the Seven Sleepers :" but inscriptions of the former kind I have seldom seen. Every person, before and after drinking, repeats the same ejaculations as before and after eating ; and this he does each time that he drinks during a meal : each friend present then says to him, " ^lay it be productive of enjoyment," or "benefit;"* to which the reply is, " God cause thee to have enjoyment."! Though we read, in some of the delightful tales of ' The Thousand and One Nights,' of removing " the table of viands " J and bringing " the table of wine," § this prohibited beverage is not often introduced in general society, either during or after the meal, or at other times, by the Muslims of Egypt in the present day. Many of them, however, habitually indulge in drinking wine with select parties of their acquaintance. The servants of a man who is addicted to this habit know such of his friends as may be admitted, if they happen to call when he is engaged in this unlawful pleasure ; and to all others they say that he is not at home, or that he is in the hareem. Drinking wine is indulged in by such persons before and after supper, and during that meal ; but it is most approved before supper, as they say that it quickens the appetite. The " table of wine " is usually thus pre- pared, according to a penitent Muslim wine-bibber, who is one of my friends (I cannot speak on this subject from my own experience, for, as I never drink wine, I have * "Heneean." f " Allah yehenneek " (for " >-uhenneek "). J " Sutrat et-ta'am." ^ " Sufrat el-mudam." 20O THE MODERN EGTPTIANS. never been invited to join a Muslim wine-party) : — A round jajKinned tray, or a glass dish, is plaeed on the stool l)efore mentioned : on this arc generally arranged two cut-glass jugs, one containing wine,* and the other rosoglio :f and sometimes two or more bottles besides : several small glasses are placed with these ; and glass saucers of dried and fresh fruits, and perhaps pickles : lastly, two candles, and often a bunch of flowers stuck in a candlestick, are put ujxtn the tray. The Egyi)tians have various kinds of sherbets, or sweet drinks. The most common kind J is merely sugar and water, but very sweet ; lemonade § is another ; a third kind, the most esteemed, |J is prepared from a hard con- serve of violets, made by pounding violet-flowers, and then boiling them w ith sugar : this violet-sherbet is of a green colour : a fourth kind ^ is prepared from mulber- ries ; a fifth,** from sorrel. There is also a kind of sher- bet sold in the streets. ff which is made with raisins, as its name implies ; another kind, which is a strong infusion of licorice-root, and called by the name of that root ; f J and"a third kind, which is prepared from the fruit of the locust-tree, and called, in like manner, by the name of the fruit. §§ The sherbet is served in covered glass cups, generally called " kullehs," containing about three-quar- ters of a pint ; some of which (the more common kind) are ornamented with gilt flowers, &c. The sherbet-cups are placed on a round tray, and covered with a round piece of embroidered silk, or cloth of gold. On the right arm of the person who presents the sherbet is hung a large oblong napkin with a wide embroidered border of gold and coloured silks at each end. This is ostensibly offered for the purpose of wiping the lips after drinking • " Nebeed " (more properly, "nebeedh:" see note, page 130), or "muddm." f " 'Amber'ee.'* t Called simply " sharbdt," or " sliarbit sukkar," or only " sukkar." $ " Ix?ymoonateh," or " shardb el-leymoon." II " Sharab el-benefseg." 5[ •• Sharab et-toot." ** " Sliaral) el-homraeyd." f f Called " zebeeb." Tliis name is also given to an intoxicating con- serve. ++ " 'Erk 8ooe." $5 " Kharroob." DOMESTIC LIFE. 201 Sherbet-cups. the sherbet ; but it is really not so much for use as for display : the lips are seldom or scarcely touched with it. The interval between supper and the " 'eshe," or time of the night-prayers, is generally passed in smoking a pipe and sipping a cup of coftiee. The enjoyment of the pipe may be interrupted by prayer, but is continued afterwards ; and sometimes draughts or chess, or some other game, or at least conversation, contributes to make the time glide away more agreeably. The members of an Egyptian familj in easy circumstances may pass their time very pleasantly ; but they do so in a quiet way. The men often pay evening visits to their friends, at or after supper-time. They commonly use, on these and similar occasions, a foldhig lantern ("fanoos"), com- posed of waxed cloth strained over rings of wire, and a top and bottom of tinned copper. This kind of lantern is here represented, together with the common lamp ('' kandeel"), and its usual receptacle of wood, which serves to protect the flame from the wind. The lamp is a small vessel of glass, having a little tube in the bottom, in which is stuck a wick formed of cotton twisted round a piece of straw. Some water is poured in first, and then the oil. A lamp of this kind is often hung over the entrance of a house. By night the interiors of the houses present a more dull appearance than in the day : the light of one or two candles (placed on the floor or on k3 202 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. a stool, and sometimes surrounded by a large glass shade, or enclosed in a glass lantern, on account of the windows being merely of lattice-work) is generally thought suffi- Lantern and Lamp. cient for a large and lofty saloon. Few of the Egyptians sit up later, in summer, than three or four o'clock, which is three or four hours after sunset ; for their reckoning of time is from sunset at every season of the year : in winter they often sit up five or six hours. Thus the day is usually spent by men of moderate wealth who have no regular business to attend to, or none that requires their own active superintendence. But it is the habit of the tradesman to repair, soon after breakfast, to his shop or warehouse, and to remain there until near sunset.* He has leisure to smoke as much as he likes; and his customers often smoke with him. To some of these he offers his own pipe (unless they have theirs with them), and a cup of cotiee, which is obtained * A description of the shops,an(l a further account of the tradesmen of Cairo, will be given in Chapter XIV,, on Industry. DOMESTIC LIFE. 203 from the nearest cofFee-shop. A great portion of the day he sometimes passes in agreeable chat with customers, or with the tradesmen of the next or opposite shops. He generally says his prayers without moving from his shop. Shortly after the noon-prayers, or somedmes earlier or later, he eats a light meal, such as a plate of kebab and a cake of bread (which a boy or maid daily brings from his house, or procures in the market), or some bread and cheese or pickles, &c., which are carried about the streets for sale ; and if a customer be present, he is always in- vited, and often pressed, to partake of this meal. A large earthen bottle of water is kept in the shop, and reple- nished, whenever necessary, by a passing "sakka," or water-carrier. In the evening the tradesman returns to his house, eats his supper, and soon after retires to bed. It is the general custom in Egypt for the husband and wife to sleep in the same bed, excepting among the wealthy classes, who mostly prefer separate beds. The bed is usually thus prepared in the houses of persons of moderate wealth : a mattress,* stuffed with cotton, about six feet long, and three or four feet in width, is placed upon a low Irame ; f a pillow is placed for the head, and a sheet spread over this and the mattress ; the only covering in summer is generally a thin blanket, | and in winter a thick quilt, ^ stuffed with cotton. If there be no frame the mattress is placed upon the floor, or two mattresses are laid one upon the other, with the sheet, pillow, &c., and often a cushion of the deewan is placed on each side. A musquito-curtain || is suspended over the bed by means of four strings, which are attached to nails in the wall. The dress is seldom changed on going to bed ; and in winter many people sleep with all their ordinary clothes on, excepting the gibbeh, or cloth coat ; but in summer they sleep almost, or entirely, unclad. In winter the bed is prepared in a small closet (called "khazneh"); in summer, in a large room. All the * "Tarrahah." f "Sereer." J "Heram." $ " Lehaf." II " Namooseeyeh," It is composed of muslin, or linen of an open texture, or crape', and forms a close canopy. 204 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. bed-clothes are rolled up in the day-time, and placed on one side, or in the closet above mentioned. During the hottest weather many people sleep upon the house-top, or in a " fes-hah " (or ".fesahah "), which is an un- covered apartment ; but ophthalmia and other diseases often result from their thus exposing themselves to the external air at night. The most common kind of frame for the bed is made of palm-sticks ; but this harbours bugs, which are very abundant in Egypt in the summer, as fleas are in the winter. These and other plagues to which the peo[)le of Egypt are exposed by night and day have been before mentioned.* With regard to the most disgusting of them, the lice, it may here be added, that, though they are not always to be avoided even by the most scrupulous cleanliness, a person who changes his linen after two or three days' wear is very seldom annoyed by these vermin ; and when he is they arc easily removed, not attaching themselves to the skin ; they are generally found in the linen. A house may be kept almost clear of fleas by frequent washing and sweep- ing ; and the flies may be kept out by placing nets at the doors and windows ; but it is impossible to purify an Egyptian house from bugs if it contain much wood- work, which is generally the case. The male servantsf lead a very easy life, with the ex- ception of the " sais," or groom, who, whenever his master takes a ride, runs before or beside him ; and this he will do in the hottest weather for hours together without appearing fatigued. Almost every wealthy per- son in Cairo has a " bowwflb," or doorkeeper, always at the door of his house, and several other male servants. Most of these are natives of Egypt ; but many Nubians are also employed as servants in Cairo and other Egyptian towns. The latter arc mostly bowwabs, and are gene- rally esteemed more honest than the Egyptian servants ; but I am inclined to think, from the ojnnion of several of my friends, and from my own exjjerience, that they * In the Introvas less unfortunate; such heavy objec- tions on account of my being unmarried were not raised : I was only required to promise that no persons wearing hats should come into the quarter to visit me ; yet, after I had established myself in my new residence, the sheykh (or chief) of the (|uarter often endeavoured to persuade me to marry. All my arguments against doing so he deemed of no weight. " You tell me," said he, "that in a year or two you mean to leave this country : now, there is a young widow, who, I am told, is handsome, living within a few doors of you, who will be glad to be- come your wife, even with the express understanding that you shall divorce her when you quit this place ; though, of course, you may do so before, if she should not ])lease you." This young damsel had several times contrived to let me catch a glimpse of a pretty face as I passed the house in which she and her parents lived, vVhat answer could I return ? I replied, that I had actually, by accident, seen her face, and that she was the last woman I should wish to marry under such circum- stances ; for 1 was sure that I could never make up my mind to part with her. But I found it rather difficult to silence my officious friend. It has been mentioned be- fore, in the Introduction, that an unmarried man, or one who has not a female slave, is usually obliged to dwell in a wekiilch, unless he have some near relation with whom to reside ; but that Franks are now exempted from this restriction. The Egyptian females arrive at puberty much earlier than the natives of colder climates. Many marry at the age of twelve or thirteen years ; and some remarkably precocious girls are married at the age of ten ;* but such occurrences are not common. Few remain unmarried after sixteen years of age. An Egyptian girl at the age of thirteen, or even earlier, may be a mother. The w omen of Egyj)t are generally very prolific ; but females of other countries residing here are often childless ; and the children of foreigners, born in Egyj)t, seldom live to * They are often betrothed two or three or more years earlier. MARRIAGE. "209 a mature age, even when the mother is a native. It was on this account that the emancipated Memlooks (or mili- tary slaves) usually adopted Memlooks. It is very common among the Arabs of Egypt and of other countries, but less so in Cairo than in other parts of Egypt, for a man to marry his first cousin. In this case the husband and wife continue to call each other "cousin;" because the tie of blood is indissoluble; but that of matrimony very precarious. A union of this kind is generally lasting, on account of this tie of blood ; and because mutual intercourse may have formed an attachment between the parties in tender age ; though, if they be of the higher or middle classes, the young man is seldom allowed to see the face of his female cousin, or even to meet and converse with her, after she has arrived at or near the age of puberty, until she has become his wife. Marriages in Cairo are generally conducted, in the case of a virgin, in the following manner ; but in that of a widow, or a divorced woman, with little ceremony. Most commonly, the mother or some other near female relation of the youth or man who is desirous of obtaining a wife describes to him the [personal and other qualifica- tions of the young women with whom she is acquainted, and directs his choice : * or he employs a " khat'beh," or " khatibeh ;" a woman whose regular business it is to assist men in such cases. Sometimes two or more women of this profession are employed- A khat'beh gives her report confidentially, describing one girl as being like a gazelle, pretty, and elegant, and young ; and another, as not pretty, but rich, and so forth. If the man have a mother and other near female relations, two or three of these usually go with a khat'beh to pay visits to several hareems, to which she has access in her professional cha- racter of a match-maker ; for she is employed as much by the women as by the men. She sometimes also exercises the trade of a "dellaleh" (or broker) for the sale of * Abraham's sending a messenger to his own countr\- to seek a wife for his son Isaac (see Genesis, xxi v.) was just such a measure as most modern Arabs would adopt under similar circumstances, if easily prac- ticable. 2J6 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. ornaments, clothinjr, &c., which procures her admission into almost every hareem. The women who accomj)any her in search of a wile for their rehUion are introduced to the dirterent hareems merely as ordinary visitors ; and as such, if disappointed, they soon take their leave, thouo:h the object of their visit is of course understood by the other party : but if they find aniouir the females of a family (and they are sure to see all who are marriageable) a girl or young woman having the necessary ])ersonal qualifications, they state the motive of their visit, and ask» if the proposed match be not at once disapproved of, what property, ornaments, &c., the object of their wishes may possess. If the father of the intended bride be dead, she may perhaps possess one or more houses, shops, &c. ; and in almost every case a marriageable girl of the middle or higher ranks has a set of ornaments of gold and jewels. The women-visitors, having asked these and other questions, bring their report to the expectant youth or man. If satisfied with their report he gives a present to the khat'beh, and sends her again to the family of his intended wife to make known to them his wishes. She generally gives an exaggerated description of his per- sonal attractions, wealth, &c. For instance, she will say of a very ordinary young man, of scarcely any property, and of whose disposition she knows nothing, "My daughter, the youth who wishes to marry you is young, graceful, elegant, beardless, has plenty of money, dresses handsomely, is fond of delicacies, but cannot enjoy his luxuries alone ; he wants you as his (Companion ; lie will give you everything that money can procure ; he is a stayer-at-home, and will spend his whole time with you, caressing and fondling you." The parents may betroth their daughter to whom they please, and marry her to him without her consent if she be not arrived at the age of pul)erty ; but after she has attained that age she may choose a husband for herself, and appoint any man to arrange and effect her marriage. In the former case, however, the khat'beh and the rela- tions of a girl sought in marriage usually endeavour to obtain her consent to the proposed union. Very often, MARRIAGE. 211 a father objects to giving a daughter in marriage to a man who is not of the same profession or trade as himself; and to marrying a younger daughter before an elder,* The bridegroom can scarcely ever obtain even a surreptitious glance at the features of his bride until he finds her in his absolute possession, unless she belong to the lower classes of society ; in which case it is easy enough for him to see her face. AVhen a female is about to marry she should have a " wekeel " (or deputy) to settle the compact and conclude the contract for her with her proposed husband. If she be under the age of puberty this is absolutely necessary ; and in this case her father, if living, or (if he be dead) her nearest adult male relation, or a guardian appointed by will, or by the Kadee, performs the office of wekeel : but if she be of asre she appoints her own wekeel, or may even make the contract herself; though this is seldom done. After a youth or man has made choice of a female to demand in marriage, on the report of his female relations, or that of the khat'beh, and, by proxy, made the preli- minary arrangements before described with her and her relations in the hareem, he repairs with two or three of his friends to her wekeel. Having obtained the wekeel's consent to the union, if the intended bride be under age, he asks what is the amount of the required " mahr " (or dowry). The giving of a dowry is indispensable, as I have men- tioned in a former Chapter. It is generally calculated in " riyals," of ninety faddahs (now equivalent to five pence and two fifths) each. The riyal is an imaginary money, not a coin. The usual amount of the dowry, if the parties be in possession of a moderately good income, is about a thou- sand riyals (or twenty-two pounds ten shillings) ; or, sometimes, not more than half that sum. The wealthy calculate the dowry in purses of five hundred piasters (now, five pounds sterling) each, and fix its amount at ten purses or more. It must be borne in mind that we are considering the case of a virgin-bride ; the dowry of * See Genesis, xxix. 26. ^it THE MODERN EGYrXIANS. a widow or a divorced v»x>man is much less. In settling the amount of the sion, yjrcccdcd by three or ibur musicians with drums and hautboys ; his friends and other attendants carrying each a nosegay, as in the zetieh of the preced- ing night ; and if their return be after sunset, they arc accompanied by men bearing meshals, lamps, &c. ; and the friends of the bridegroom carry lighted wax candles, besides the nosegays.* Subsequent festivities occasioned by marriage will be described in a later Chapter. The husband, if he can conveniently so arrange, generall}' prefers that h's mother should reside with him and his wife ; that she may protect his wife's honour, and consequently his own also. It is said that the mother- in-law is, for this reason, called " hamah."f The women of Egyi)t are said to be generally prone to criminal in- trigues ; and I fear that, in this respect, they are not un- justly accused. Sometimes a husband keeps his wife in the house of her mother, and j)ays the daily expenses of both. This ought to make the mother very careful with regard to expenditure, and strict as to her daughter's conduct, lest the latter should be divorced ; but it is said, that, in this case, she often acts as her daughter's ])rocuress, and teaches her innumerable tricks, by which to gain the upi)er hand over her husband, and to drain Ills purse. The influence of the wile's mother is also * Among the peasants of Upper Egypt, the relations and acquain- tances of the bridegroom and bride meet together on the day after the marriage: and while a numb 'r of the men clap their liands, as an ac- companiment to a tambourine, or two, and any other instruments that can be procured, tlie bride <)ances before tliem for a short time. She has a liead-veil reacliing to her heels, and a printed cotton handkerchief complt tely covering her face, and wears, externally, the most rem.irk- able of her bridal garments (mentioned by Hurckhardt, in the place l)efore referred to, and, in some parts of Egypt, hung over the door of a Feasant's house after marriai,'e). Other women, similarly veiled, and ressed in their best, or borrowed, clothes, continue the dance about two hours, or more. f Til ;s commonly pronouncd, for "hamah,"a word derived from the verb " hama," " he protected, or guarded." THE HAREEM. 231 scarcely less feared when she only enjoys occasional opportunities of seeing her daughter : hence it is held more prudent for a man to marry a female who has neither mother nor any near relations of her own sex ; and some wives are even prohibited receiving any female friends but those who are relations of the husband : they are very few, however, upon whom such severe restric- tions are imposed. For a person who has become familiar with male Mus- lim society in Cairo, without marrying, it is not so diffi- cult as might be imagined by a stranger to obtain, directly and indirectly, correct and ample information resj)ecting the condition and habits of the women. Many husbands of the middle classes, and some of the higher orders, freely talk of the affairs of the hareem with one who professes to agree with them in their general moral sen- timents, if they have not to converse through the medium of an interpreter. Though the women have a particular portion of the house allotted to them, the icives, in general, are not to be regarded as prisoners ; lor they are usually at liberty to go out and pay visits, as well as to receive female visiters, almost as often as they please. The slaves, indeed, being subservient to the ^iv^^s, as well as to their master, or, if subject to the master only, being under an authority almost unlimited, have not that liberty. One of the chief objects of the master in ap- propriating a distinct suite of apartments to his women, is to prevent their being seen by the male domestics and other men without being covered in the manner pre- scribed by their religion. The following words of the Kur-an show the necessity under which a Muslim^eh is placed of concealing whatever is attractive in her person or attire from all men, excepting certain relations and some other persons. " And speak unto the believing women, that they restrain their eyes, and preserve their modesty, and discover not their ornaments, except what [necessarily] appeareth thereof: and let them throw their veils over their bosoms, and not show their orna- ments, unless to their husbands, or their fathers, or their 232 THE MODERN' EGYPTIAXS. husbands' fathers, or their sons, or their husbands' sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those [ca])tives] whieh their riiiht hands sliall possess, or unto sueli men as attend [them] and liave no need [of women], or unto children :" "and let them not make a noise with their feet, that their ornaments which they hide may [thereby] be dis- covered."* The last passage alludes to the practice of knocking together the anklets which flie Arab women in the time of the Prophet used to wear ; and which are still worn by many women in Egy[)t. 1 must here transcribe two notes of eminent commen- tators on the Kur-an, in illustration of the above extract, and inserted in Sale's translation. This I do, because they would convey an erroneous idea of modern customs with regard to the admission, or non-admission, of certain persons into the hareem. The first is on the above words " or their women," which it thus explains : — " That is, such as are of the Mohammadan religion: it being reckoned by some unlawful, or, at least, indecent, for a woman who is a true believer to uncover herself before one who is an infidel ; because the latter will hardly refrain from describing her to the men : but others suppose all women in general are here excepted ; for, in this particular, doctors differ." In Egypt, and, I believe, in every other jNIuslim country, it is not now considered improper for any woman, whether inde])en- dent, or a servant, or a slave, a Christian, a Jewess, a Muslim'eh, or a pagan, to enter a Muslim's hareem. — The second of the notes above alluded to is on the words "or those captives;" and is as follows: — "Slaves of either sex are included in this exception, and, as some think, domestic servants who are not slaves, as those of a different nation. It is related that Mohammad once made a present of a man-slave to his daughter Fatimeh ; and when he brought him to her, she had on a garment which was so scanty, that she was obliged to leave cither her head or her feet uncovered : and that the Prophet, seeing her in great confusion on that account, told her, * Chap. xxiv. ver. 31. THE HABEEM. 233 she need be under no concern, for that there \\as none present but her father and her slave." Among the Arabs of the Desert this may still be the case ; but in Egypt I have never heard of an instance of an adult male slave being allowed to see the hareem of a respectable man, whether he belonged to that hareem or not; and am assured that it is never permitted. Perhaps the reason why the man-slave of a woman is allowed this privilege by the Kur-an is, because she cannot become his lawful w ife as long as he continues her slave : but this is a poor reason for granting him access to the hareem, in such a state of society. It is remarkable that, in the verse of the Kur-iln above quoted, uncles are not mentioned as privileged to see their nieces unveiled : some think that they are not admissible, and for this reason, lest they should describe the persons of their nieces to their sons ; for it is regarded as highly improper for a man to de- scribe the features or person of a female (as to say, that she has large eyes, a straight nose, small mouth, &c.) to one of his own sex by whom it is unlawful for her to be seen, though it is not considered indecorous to describe her in general terms, as, for instance, to say, " She is a sweet girl, and set off with kohl and henna." It may be mentioned here, as a general rule, that a man is allowed to see unveiled only his own wives and female slaves, and those females whom he is prohibited, by law, from marrying, on account of their being within certain degrees of consanguinity or family connexion, or having given him suck, or being nearly related to his foster-mother.* The high antiquity of the veil has been alluded to in the first chapter of this work. It Iws also been mentioned, that it is considered more necessary, in Egypt, for a woman to cover the upj)er and back part of her head than her face ; and more requisite for her to conceal her face than most other parts of her person : for instance, a female who cannot be persuaded to unveil her face in the presence of men, will think it but little shame to display the whole of her bosom, or the greater * See the chapter on Religion and Laws. Eunuchs are allowed to see the face of anv woman : so also are voung bovs. 234 THE MODKRX EGYPTIANS. part of her leg. There are, it is true, many women ainonp: tlie lower classes in this country who constantly apjx'ar in public with unveiled face ; but they are almost constrained to do so by tl.'e want of a burko' (or face- veil), and the dithculty of adjusting the tarl.ah (or head- veil), of which scarcely any woman is destilute, so as to suj)i)ly the place of the former ; particularly when both their hands are occupied in holding some burden which they are carrying- uj)on the head. When a respectable woman is, by any chance, seen with her head or i'ace uncovered, by a man who is not entitled to enjoy that j)rivilege, she quickly assumes or adjusts her tarhah, and often exclaims, " O my misfortune! "* or "O my sor- row ! "f Motives of coquetry, however, frequently in- duce an Egyj)tian woman to expose her face before a man when she thinks that she may apj)ear to do so unin- tentionally, or that she may be suj)posed not to see him. A man may also occasionally enjoy oi)portunities of see- ing the face of an Egyptian lady when she really thinks herself unobserved ; sometimes at an open lattice, and sometimes on a house-top. Many small houses in Cairo have no apartment on the ground-floor ibr tiie reception of male visiters, who therefore ascend to an upj)er room ; but as they go ujjstairs, they exclaim, several times, *' Destoor !" ("Permission!"), or " Ysi Satir I" (" O Protector!" that is, "O protecting God!"), or use some similar ejaculation, in order to warn any woman who may hapj)en to be in the way, to retire, or to veil herself; which she does by drawing a part of her tarhah before her face, so as to leave, at most, only one eye visible. To such an absurd pitch do the Muslims carry their feeling of the sacredncss of women, that entrance into the tombs of some females is denied to men ; as, for instance, the tombs of the Prophet's wives and other females of his family, in the burial-ground of El-Me- deeneh ; into which women are ireely admitted : and a man and woman they never bury in the same vault, unless a wall separate the bodies. Yet there are, among the * " Ya dahwet'ee," for " daawet'ee." f " Va neJam'tee," for " nedametee." THE HAREEM. 235 Egyptians, a few persons who are much less particular in this respect : such is one of my Muslim friends here, who generally allows me to see his mother when I call upon him. She is a widow, of about fifty years of age ; but, being very fat, and not looking so old, she calls herself forty. She usually comes to the door of the ajjartment of the hareem in which I am received (there being no lower apartment in the house for male visiters), and sits there upon the floor, but will never enter the room. Occasiouctlly, and as if by accident, she shows me the whole of her face, with plenty of koul round her eyes ; and does not attempt to conceal her diamonds, emeralds, and other ornaments ; but rather the reverse. The wife, however, I am never permitted to see ; though once I was allowed to talk to her, in the presence of her hus- band, round the corner of a passage at the top of the stairs. I believe that, in Egypt, the women are generally under less restraint than in any other country of the Turkish Empire ; so that it is not uncommon to see females of the lower orders flirting and jesting with men in public, and men laying their hands upon them very freely. Still it might be imagined, that the women of the higlier and middle classes feel themselves severely oppressed, and are much discontented with the state of seclusion to w hich they are subjected : but this is not commonly the case ; on the contrary, an Egyptian w ife who is attached to her husband is apt to think, if he allow her unusual liberty, that he neglects her, and does not sufficiently love her ; and to envy those wives who are kept and watched with greater strictness. It is not very common for an Egyptian to have more than one wife, or a concubine-slave ; though the law allows him Jbicr wives (as I have before stated), and, according to common opinion, as many concubine-slaves as he may choose. But, though a man restrict himself to a single wife, he may change as often as he desires ; and there are certainly not nr.any persons in Cairo who have not divorced one wife, if they have been long mar- ried. The husband may, whenever he pleases, say to 236 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. his wife, "Thou art divorced:"* if it bo his wish, Mhothcr reasonable or not, she must return to her parents or friends. Tliis liability to an unmerited divorcement is the source of more uneasiness to many wives than all the other troubles to which they are exposed ; as they may thereby be reduced to a state of great destitution : l)ut to others, who hope to better their condition, it is, of course, exactly the reverse. I have mentioned, in a former Chapter,! that a man may divorce his wife twice, and each time receive her again without any ceremony; but that he cannot lej:ally take her again after a third divorce until she has been married and divorced by an- other man. The consequences of a triple divorce con- veyed in one sentence J are the same, unless the man and his wife agree to infringe the law, or the former deny his having ])ronounced the sentence ; in which latter case, the woman may have much difficulty to en- force his compliance with the law, if she be inclined to do so. In illustration of this subject, I may mention a case in which an acquaintance of mine was concerned as a wit- ness of the sentence of divorce. He was sitting in a cortee-shop with two other men, one of whom had just been irritate(i by something that his wife had said or done. After a short conversation upon this aflair, the angry husband sent for his wife, and, as soon as she came, said to her, " Thou art trebly divorced:" then, addressing his two companions, he added, " You, my brothers, are witnesses.'" Shortly after, however, he rei)ented of this act, and wished to take back his divorced ■wife ; but she refused to return to him, and appealed to the " Shara Allah" (or Law of God), The case was tried at the Mahkem'eh. The woman, who was the plaintiff, stated that the defendant was her husband ; that he had pronounced against her the sentence of a triple divorce ; and that he now wished her to return to him, and live with him as his wife, contrary to the law, and consequently in a state of sin. The defendant denied * " Entee talikah." f On tlie Religion and Laws. ' i " Entee tallkah l)i-t-telateh." THE HAREEM. 237 that he had divorced her. " Have you witnesses ? " said the judge to the plaintiff. She answered, " I have here two witnesses." These were the men who were present in the coffee- shop when the sentence of divorce was pronounced. They were desired to give their evi- dence ; and they stated that the defendant divorced his wife, by a triple sentence, in their presence. The de- fendant averred that she whom he divorced in the coffee- shop was another wife of his. The plaintiff declared that he had no other wife : but the judge observed to her that it was impossible she could know that ; and asked the witnesses what was the name of the woman whom the defendant divorced in their presence '? They answered that they were ignorant of her name. They were then asked if they could swear that the plaintiff was the woman who was divorced before them '? Their reply was, that they could not swear to a woman whom they had never seen unveiled. Under these circum- stances, the judge thought it right to dismiss the case ; and the woman was obliged to return to her husband. She might have demanded that he should produce the woman whom he professed to have divorced in the coffee- shop ; but he would easily have found a woman to play the part he required ; as it would not have been neces- sary for her to show a marriaere-certificate ; marriages being almost always performed in Egypt without any written contract, and sometimes even without witnesses. It not unfrequently happens, that, when a man who has divorced his wife the third time wishes to take her again (she herself consenting to their reunion, and there being no witnesses to the sentence of divorce), he does so without conforming with the offensive law before men- tioned. It is also a common custom for a man under similar circumstances to employ a person to marry the divorced woman on the condition of his resigning her, the day after their union, to him, her former husband, whose wife she again becomes, by a second contract ; though this is plainly contrary to the spirit of the law. The wife, however, can withhold her consent, unless she is not of age j in which case, her father, or other 238 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. lawful guardian, may marry her to whom he j)lcases A ])oor man (generally a very ugly person, and often one who is blind) is usually chosen to j)erform this office. lie is termed a " Mustahall," or " Mustahill," or a " Mohalld." It is often the ease that the man thus employed is so pleased with the beauty of the woman to Ni'hom he is introduced on these terms, or with her riches, that he refuses to give her up; and the law cannot compel him to divorce her, unless he act unjustly towards her as her husband ; which of course he takes good care not to do. But a person may employ a mustahall without running this risk. It is the custom of many wealthy Turks, and some of the people of Egypt, to make use of a slave, generally a black, their own property, to officiate in this character. Sometimes, a slave is purchased for this ])urpose ; or if the })erson who requires him for such a service be acquainted with a slave-dealer, he asks from the latter a present of a slave; signifying that he will give him back again. The uglier the slave, the better. The Turks generally choose one not arrived at puberty ; which the tenets of their sect allow. As soon as the woman has accomplished her "'eddeh" (or the period during which she is obliged to wait before she can marry again), the husband who divorced her, having previously obtained her consent to what he is about to do, introduces the slave to her, and asks her if she will be married to him. She replies that she will. She is accordingly wedded to the slave, in the presence of witnesses ; and a dowry is given to her, to make the marriage perfectly Icffal. The slave consummates the marriage ; and thus becomes the woman's legitimate husband. Immediately after, or on the following morn- ing, her former husband presents this slave to her as her own property, and the moment that she accepts him, her marriage with him becomes dissolved; for it is unlawful for a woman to be the wife of her own slave : though she may emancipate a slave, and tlieii marry him. As soon as her marriage is dissolved by her accepting the gift of the slave, she may give back this slave to her hus- band : but it seldom happens that the latter will allow THE HAREEM. 239 a person who has been a mustahall for him to remain in his house. The wile, after this proceeding, may, as soon as she has again accomplished her 'eddeh, become re- united to her former husband, after having been sepa- rated from him, by the necessity of her fulfilling two 'eddehs, about half a year, or perhaps more. That the facility of divorce has depraving effects upon both sexes may be easily imagined. There are many men in this country who, in the course of ten years, have married as many as twenty, thirty, or more wives ; and women not far advanced in age who have been wives to a dozen or more men successively, I have heard of men who have been in the habit of marrying a new wife almost every month. A person may do this although possessed of very little property : he may choose, from among the females of the lower orders in the streets of Cairo, a handsome young widow or divorced woman who will consent to become his wife for a dowry of about ten shillings ; and when he divorces her, he need not give her more than double that sum to maintain her during her ensuing 'eddeh. It is but just, however, to add, that such conduct is generally regarded as very disgraceful ; and that few parents in the middle or higher classes will give a daughter in marriage to a man who has divorced many wives. Polygamy, which is also attended with very injurious effects upon the morals of the husband and the wives, and only to be defended because it serves to prevent a greater immorality than it occasions, is more rare among the higher and middle classes than it is among the lower orders ; and it is not very common among the latter. A poor man may indulge himself with two or more wives, each of whom may be able, by some art or occu- pation, nearly to provide her own subsistence ; but most persons of the middle and higher orders are deteiTcd from doing so by the consideration of the expense and dis- comfort which they would incur. A man having a wife who has the misfortune to be barren, and being too much attached to her to divorce her, is sometimes induced to take a second wife, merely in the hope of obtaining ofi- 240 THE MODERN EGYPTIANS. spring; and from the same motive, lie may take a third, and a fourth ; but tickle j)assion is the most evident and common motive both to polygamy and repeated divorces. They are comparatively very few who gratify this passion by the former ])ractice. 1 believe that not more than one iiusl)and among twenty has two wives. When there are two or more wives belonging to one man, the first (that is, the one first married) generally enjoys the highest rank ; and is called " the great lady."* Hence it often happcms that, when a man who has already one wife wishes to marry another girl or woman, the father of the latter, or the female herself who is sought in marriage, will not consent to the union unless the first wife be previously divorced. The women, of course, do not aj^prove of a man's marrying more tlian one wife. Most men of wealth, or of moderate circum- stances, and even many men of the lower orders, if they have two or more wives, have, for each, a separate house. The wife has, or can oblige her husband to give her, a particular description of lodging,! which is either a sepa- rate house, or a suite of apartments (consisting of a room in which to sleej) and pass the day, a kitchen, and a latrina) that are, or may be made, sej)arate and shut out from any other apartments in the same house. A fellow-wife is called " durrah." J The quarrels of durrahs are often talked of : for it maybe naturally in- ferred, that, when two wives share the affection and attentions of the same man, they are not always on terms of amity with each other ; and the same is generally the case with a wife and a concubine-slave living in the same house, and under similar circumstances. § If the chief lady Jac barren, and an inferior, either wife or slave, bear a child to her husband or master, it commonly results that the latter woman becomes a favourite of the man, * " Es-sitt el-kebeereh.'' -j- Called " meskin shar'ee." + Commonly thus pronounced (or rather " durrah," with a soft OWER ORDERS. 255 not always affection alone that prompts the parents to have recourse to such expedients to prevent their being deprived of their children. The Fellaheen of Eg-ypt cannot be justly represented in a very favourable light with regard to their domestic and social condition and manners. In the worst ])oints of view, they resemble their Bedawee ancestors, without possessing many of the virtues of the inhabitants of the desert, unless in an inferior degree ; and the customs which they have inherited from their forefathers often have a very baneful effect upon their domestic state. It has before been mentioned that they are descended from various Arab tribes who have settled in Egypt at dif- ferent periods ; and that the distinction of tribes is still preserved by the inhabitants of the villages throughout this country. In the course of years, the descendants of each tribe of" settlers have become divided into nu- merous branches, and these minor tribes have distinct appellations, which have also of\en been given to the village or villages, or district, which they inhabit. Those who have been longest established in Egypt have re- tained less of Bedawee manners, and have more in- fringed the purity of" their race by intermarriages with Copt proselytes to the Muslim faith, or with the de- scendants of such jiersons : hence, they are often desj)ised by the tribes more lately settled in this country, who fre- quently, in contemj)t, term the former "Fellaheen,"' while they arrogate to themselves the appellation of " Arabs" or " Bedawees," The latter, whenever they please, take the daughters of the former in marriage, but will not give their own daughters in return ; and if one of them be killed by a person of the inferior tribe, they kill two, three, or even four, in blood-revenge. The prevalence of the baibarous Bedawee law of blood-re- venge among the inhabitants of the villages of Egypt has been mentioned in a former Chapter : the homicide, or any j)erson descended from him, or from his great- grandfather's father, is killed by any of such rela- tions of the person whom he has slain ; and when the homicide haj)pcns to be of one tribe, and the person killed of another, often a petty war breaks forth between 256 TUB MODERN EGYPTIANS. these two tribes, and is sometimes continued, or occa- sionally renewed, durinj; a period of several years. The same is also (requeiitly the result of a trifling: injury com- mitted by a member of one tribe upon a j)erson of another. In many instances, the blood-revent^e is taken a century or more after the commission of the act which has occasioned it ; when the feud, for that time, has lain dormant, and j)erhaps is remembered by scarcely more than one individual. Two tribes in Lower E<:ypt, which are called " 8aad " and " Hanim," are most notorious for these petty vvars and feuds;* and hence their names are commonly applied to any two jjcrsons or parties at enmity with each other. It is astonishinjr that, in the present day, such acts (which, if committed in a town or or city in Egyj)t, would be punished by the death of, perhaps, more than one of the persons concerned) should be allowed. Some other particulars respecting blood- revenge, and its consequences, have been stated in the chapter above alluded to. The avenging of blood is allowed by the Kur-ftn ; but moderation and justice are enjoined in its execution ; and the petty wars which it so often occasions in the present age are in oi)position to a ])recept of the Prophet, who said, " If two Muslims contend with their swords, the slayer and the slain will be^in the fire [of Hell]." The Fellaheen of Egypt resemble the Bedawees in other resi)ects. When a Fellahah is found to have been unfaithful to her husband, in general, he, or her brother, throws her into the Nile, with a stone tied to her neck ; or cuts her in pieces, and then throws her remains into the river. In most instances, also, a father or brother ])unishes in the same manner an unmarried daughter or sister who has been guilty of incontinence. These rela- tions are considered as more disgraced than the husband by the crime of the woman ; and are oitcu desi)ised if they do not thus punish her. • Like the ".Keys'" and " Yemen" of Syria. END OF VOL. I. London : Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hllgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. iSi,"./^^ , mKJi mm' mi m m ^fi iiIjIa Univer Sou Li