UC-NRLF B M 711 bDT *■♦/ %> ^p^^-v on of tf)e etJtttons *feg of s imunfc Spenser m m), Commemoratfoe e %l>xtt 3|tmtrretotf) ersarp of jus Beatf) it 0lUb, ©tnentB«nfaw Cast [geconD Street, jfrttrai?, jpap 5tlj, • * » » » • , > • • ?HE GlfOZIEIi CLUB 29 EftsT I'nri'T'r-sEco.xi) Stj^j-.at. rf / / 7 L tl V '^~< y^ 2 ^ 7 1 £a '&££ sn^n^A EDMUND SPENSER, "England's Arch-Poet," died on the 16th of January, 1599. This exhibition of his published works is intended to commemorate the three-hundredth anniversary of that event. The extreme rarity of many of these volumes, not only in America, but also in England, must be the excuse for the few omissions in this otherwise very remarkable collection. The com- mittee feel it is a subject for congratulation that the entire collection is made from the libraries of the members of the Club. The earliest work of Spenser occurs in "A Theatre wherein be represented as well the mis- eries and calamities that follow the voluptuous Worldlings," etc. (London, 1569, by J. Vander Noodt), and consists of six Epigrams translated from Petrarch and fifteen Sonnets from the " Visions " of Bellay. Spenser was only seventeen years old when these translations were published. They were reprinted in the " Complaints " of 1 59 1 . The origi- nal 1 569 volume, which is very rare, will be found in this exhibition. The first edition of the " Shepheards 273584 Calendar," 1579, is a very rare volume, and no copy- so far as known is owned in America. This is also true of the "Daphnaida" of 1591. With these ex- ceptions, a full collection has been brought together for the present exhibition. The descriptions, colla- tions, and notes are mostly reprinted from the volume of Collations and Notes published by the Grolier Club in 1893. It is a singular fact that no por- trait of Spenser worthy to be called a portrait was engraved before the time of George Vertue. This engraver issued a folio portrait in his series of liter- ary men which bears date of 1727. He also en- graved at least two of smaller size — all evidently from the same original painting. The portraits shown are therefore almost all of late date, but have been included in the hope that they will add some interest to the exhibition. pettsser'gi WotiteJ. A Theatre wherein be repre- | fented as wel the miferies & ca- | lamities that follow the vo- luptuous Worldlings, | As alfo the greate ioyes and | plesures the faith- | full do enioy. An Argument both profitable and | delectable, to all that fincerely | loue the word of God. Deuifed by S. Iohn van- | der Noodt. ^^P Seene and allowed according | to the order appointed. | ^[ Imprinted at London by | Henry Bynneman. \ Anno Domini. 1569, Cvm Privilegio. [Colophon] Im- printed at Lon- I don, by Henry Bynneman, dwelling in Knight riders streat, at \ the signe of the Marmaid. \ Anno 1569. Octavo. Collation : A — S2, in eights. IA 6 WORKS OF EDMUND SPENSER. The French original of this work was published in London the previous year. Translations of six epi- grams from Petrarch and fifteen sonnets from the "Vis- ions " of Bellay (occupying B I verso to D 6 recto) are by Edmund Spenser (who was only 17 years old when they were published), and are his earliest published verse. They were afterwards reprinted, with some changes, in his "Complaints," 1591. T[ Three Proper, | and wittie, familiar Let- ters : I lately paffed betwene two V- I niuerfitie men : touching the Earth- quake in Aprill laft, and our Englifh | re- fourmed Verfifying. | With the Preface of a well- wilier | to them both. | Imprinted at Lon- \don,by H. Bynneman, dwelling \ in Thames ftreate, neere vnto \ Baynardes Caftell. J Anno Domini. 1580. | Cum gratia & priuilegio Regies maiestatis. Quarto. Black letter. First edition. Collation: A — Ij, in fours. The "two Vniuersitie men" were Spenser and Ga- briel Harvey, and the letters seem to have originated from Harvey's failure to obtain the oratorship of Cam- bridge University; they were probably circulated in manuscript, and at last surreptitiously printed. Har- vey, in his "Fovre Letters, and certaine Sonnets," 1592, refers to this as follows : " It was the sinister hap of these unfortunate letters to fall into the hands of mali- cious enemies or indiscreet friends, who ventured to imprint in earnest what was scribbled in jest." WORKS OF EDMUND SPENSER. 7 The I Shepheardes Calender | Conteining twelue ^Eglogues proportio- nable to the twelue I Monethes. Entitled | To The Noble And Vertv- | ous Gentleman most worthy of all titles, both of learning and cheualrie M. | Philip Sidney. | ^[ Im- printed at London for Iohn \ Harifon the younger, dwelling in Pater- nofter Roe, at the fig ne of the Anker, and \ are there to befolde. [Colophon] ^Imprinted at Lon- don by Thomas \ Eaft, for Iohn Harrifon the youn- | ger, dwelling in Pater nofter Roe, at the \ figne of the Anker, and are there \ to bee folde. \ 1581. Quarto. Second edition. Collation * # *, 4 leaves; A — JV, in fours {title on * # * 1). The first edition (1579) is not procurable ; there is no copy of it in the United States so far as known. 4. The ]| Shepheardes Calender, Contein- ing twelue ^Egloguespropor- tionableto the twelue Monethes. Entitled To The Noble And Ver- | tuous Gentleman moft worthie of | all titles, both of learn- ing and I chiualry, Maifter Philip j Sid- ney. I Imprinted at London by Iohn Wolfe for I Iohn Harrifon the youger, dwelling 8 WORKS OF EDMUND SPENSER. in Pater \ nojler Roe, at the figne of the Anker. \ 15 '86. Quarto. Black letter. Woodcuts. Third edition. Collation : Four leaves (no signature marks) ; A — N, in fours. 5. The I Shepheards Calender. Conteining twelue Aeglogues propor- | tionable to the twelue | Monethes. | Entitvled, | To the noble and vertuous Gen- j tleman moil; worthie of all titles, both | of learn- ing and chiualry, Mai- fter Philip Sid- ney. I London | Printed by John Windet, for Iohn Harrifon | the yonger, dwelling in Pater nofler Roe, at the \ figne of the Anger. 159 1. Quarto. Black letter. Woodcuts. Fourth edition. Collation: *, four leaves; A — N, in fours. This and the edition of 1586 are the counterparts of each other, the matter being the same and the pages ending alike. The illustrations are printed from the same blocks ; the type, however, was reset, there being some slight differences in spelling, etc., and the print- er's ornaments at foot of the eclogues are different. 6. The I Shepheards | Calender: | Conteyn- ing Twelve | Aeglogues, proportionable WORKS OF EDMUND SPENSER. 9 to the I twelue Moneths. | Entitvled, To the Noble and vertuous Gentleman, moft wor- J thy of all tytles, both of learning and chiualrie, Maifter Philip Sidney. London | Printed by Thomas Creede,for Iohn Harrison the \ yonger, dwelling in Pater nojler Row, at the figne of the Anchor. \ 159J. Quarto. Black letter. Woodcuts. Fifth edition. Collation : A — O, in fours. 7. The Faerie Qveene. | Difpofed into twelue books, Fafhioning | XII. Morall vertues. | London \ Printed for William Ponfonbie. \ 1590. Quarto. First edition. Collation : A — Qq 4, in eights. The first edition of the first part. Although the title calls for twelve books, only six were ever published, the first three of which are contained in this volume. In some copies a blank space is left on page 332 for the insertion of several Welsh words, apparently indicating such copies as the first issue. 8. [Same. Another copy.] 9. The Faerie Qveene. Difpofed into twelue bookes, | Fashioning | XII. Morall IB 10 WORKS OF EDMUND SPENSER. vertues. | London | Printed for William Ponfonbie. \ ijpd. Quarto. Second edition. Collation : A — Z and Aa — Oo, in eights. This is the second edition of the first portion of the "Faerie Queene." It was printed to accompany the second portion first published in the same year. Al- though a paginary reprint, it differs from the first in that all the matter in that edition commencing with signature Pp is omitted, with the exception of the three commendatory verses ending on Oo 8, one of which is anonymous and the others signed W. R. and Hobynoll. The last five stanzas are also rewritten and reduced to three, and the spaces on page 332 are filled with Welsh words. 10. The Second Part Of The Faerie Qveene. Containing The Fovrth, Fifth, and Sixth Bookes. By Ed. Spenfer. Imprinted at London for Wil- liam I Ponfonby. 1596. Quarto. First edition. Collation : A — Kk 4, in eights. This is the first edition of the second part, uniform with that of the first part published in 1590, and also with the second edition of that part published in 1596, with which this is generally found. 1 1 . [Another copy of the second edition of the first part and the first edition of the WORKS OF EDMUND SPENSER. II second part, bound in one volume with " Colin Clout," and formerly in the li- brary of John Evelyn, whose mono- gram is stamped on the binding.] 2. The | Faerie | Qveene, |j Disposed Into | XII. Bookes, | Fafhioning twelue Morall Vertues. | At London, j y[ Printed by H. L. for Mathew Lownes. i6op. Folio. Third edition. Collation : A — Y and Aa — Hh, in sixes Ii,four leaves ; fl, eight leaves. The third edition of the first three books of the " Faerie Queene " and the second edition of the fourth, fifth, and sixth books. It is the first folio edition, and frequently occurs with other works of the author bound at the end. This undoubtedly arose from the circum- stance of there being copies left in the hands of the pub- lisher in 161 1-12 (when the collected edition hereinafter described was printed), and the additional works were added to them with the exception of " Prosopopoia, or Mother Hubberds Tale," which was not published in this form until 1613, and consequently too late to be included. The "Two Cantos of Mvtabilitie " first appeared in this edition. 3. Complaints. Containing fundrie || fmall Poemes of the | Worlds Va- | nitie. Whereof the next Page | maketh menti- | on. j By Ed. Sp. | London, j Imprinted 12 WORKS OF EDMUND SPENSER. for William | Ponfonbie, dwelling in Paules | Churchyard at the Jigne of | the Bifhops head. \ 1591. Quarto. First edition. Collation: A — Z, in fours. 14. [Same. Another copy.] 15. Colin Clovts I Come home againe. | By Ed. Spencer. | London | Printed for Wil- liam Ponfonbie. 1595. Quarto. First edition. Collation: A — JC, in fours. This volume contains "a pastorall Aeglogue upon the death of Sir Philip Sidney, Kt." 16. [Same. Another copy.] 17. Amoretti | And | Epithalamion. Writ- ten not long fince | by Edmunde | Spen- fer. Printed for William \ Ponfonby. 1595- Small octavo. Collation: Five leaves ; A2 — H, in eights. It is stated in the Locker Catalogue that " not more than seven perfect copies are known." 18. Prothalamion | Or | A Spoufall Verfe made by | Edm. Spenfer. In Honovr of WORKS OF EDMUND SPENSER. 1 3 the Dov- ble mariage of the two Hon- orable & vertuous | Ladies, the Ladie Elizabeth and the Ladie Katherine | Som- erset, Daughters to the Right Honourable the I Earle of Worcester and efpoufed to the two worthie | Gentlemen M. Henry Gilford, and | M. William Peter Efquyers. I At London. | Printed for William Pon- fonby. I 1596. Quarto. First edition. Collation: A — B 2, in fours. In some copies the catchword on the recto of sig. B2 was printed "To" (in error); in others it was cor- rected to " From." 19. Fowre Hymnes, Made By Edm. Spenser. | London, J Printed for William Ponfonby. \ 1596. Quarto. Collation : A — K 2, in fours. This is the first edition of the " Fowre Hymnes " and the second edition of " Daphna'ida," the latter having been first published in 1591. 20. [Same. Another copy.] 21. The |[ Faerie Qveen : The || Shepheards Calendar: Together | With The Other Works of England's Arch-Poet, | Edm. 14 WORKS OF EDMUND SPENSER. Spenser : | fl Collected into one Volume, and | carefully corrected. | Printed by H. L. for Mat hew Lownes. \ Anno Dom. 1611. Folio. Double columns. First collected edi- tion. Collation: Two leaves ; fl, eight leaves ; A, five leaves ; B — P, in sixes ; Q, four leaves ; R — Hh, in sixes ; A — P, in sixes ; P, four leaves; A, eight leaves ; A — Z, in sixes ; M, two leaves. This is properly the first collected edition of Spenser's works, although many copies of the 1609 edition of the "Faerie Queen" have a portion of the minor works bound at the end, as noted in the description of that edition. It varies from the 1609 edition in numerous instances in text, spelling, and ornaments, showing that it was entirely reprinted. Some copies have the title to the second part dated 1613, and there are also varia- tions in the date at the end of this book on the verso of signature Hh 5. It is generally believed that Spen- ser's friend Gabriel Harvey was the editor of this vol- ume. 22. A View I Of The State | Of | Ireland, | Written dialogue-wife betweene Eu- doxus and Irenaeus, j By Edmund Spenser Esq. | in the yeare 1596. Dublin, I Printed by the Society of Sta- tioners. I M,DC y XXXIIL WORKS OF EDMUND SPENSER. 1 5 Folio. Collation: J[, 4 leaves; A — K, in sixes; Z, 4 leaves. [Title on fl 7.) 23. A View I Of The State | Of | Ireland, | Written dialogue- wife betweene Eu- doxus and Irenaeus, By Edmund Spenser Esq. | in the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the History of Ireland, | By Edmund Campion, | fome- time fellow of S l Iohn's | Colledge in Oxford. Publifhed by Sir lames Ware [ Knight. I Dublin, || Printed by the So- ciety of Stationers. I M,DC,XXXIII. Folio. Collation : f[, 4 leaves; A — L4, in sixes; fl, 6 leaves; A — M4 and Aa — Ttj, in sixes. The first part of this work is identical with that de- scribed in previous item except the title; the additional matter commences with a new title on 11 I, as follows: Two I Histories | Of Ireland. | The one written by Edmund | Campion, the other by | Meredith Hanmer I Dr of Divinity. | Dublin, \ Printed by the Society of J Stationers. \ M.DC.XXXIII. ^Portraits. The portraits are all bust pictures and are divided into four groups, indicated in heavy type. In each group most of the pictures have evidently a common origin. Inscription below, unless otherwise stated. FACING TO THE RIGHT; MOUS- TACHE ONLY; LONG CURLS. 24. Inscription, centre : Spenser. The earliest known portrait of Spenser, taken from an engraved title-page of the 17th century. Evidently a fancy sketch. FACING TO THE LEFT; MOUS- TACHE AND BEARD; CURLY HAIR. 25. Geo: Vertue Sculp: 1J2J. With the lines : Anglica te vivo, vixit plausitq Poesis ; Nunc moritura, timet te moriente Mori. Camden. and further inscriptions. 26. Inscription, centre : Edmund Spenser. OW. 1598. ALtat: 4s — right: G. Ver- tue Sculp. PORTRAITS OF EDMUND SPENSER. 1 7 27. Inscription, centre: Published by Har- riso?i & C° June i. 1794.. \ Edmund Spenser — left: From Vertae — right: Au- dinot Sculp. 28. Inscription, centre : Holl, sculp \ Spenser. 29. " Edmund Spenser " in panel below por- trait. Inscription, right: W. H. Worth- ington sc. — below, centre : Published by W. Pickering, Chancery Lane, Nattali & Combe, Tavistock Street, & Talboys & Wheeler, Oxford. From the " Wreath " edition of Spenser. 30. Inscription, centre : W. B. Scott i$jp. 31. Inscription, centre: C G. Lewis, Del 1 , et Sculpt Edmund Spenser. Published by John W. Parker, West Strand. FACING TO THE RIGHT; MOUS- TACHE AND BEARD; CURLY HAIR. 32. " Edmund Spencer " in panel under por- trait. Inscription, left: From an Origi- nal in Lord Chesterfields Collection — right: Cook sculp*. — below, centre: Printed for John Bell near Exeter Exchange Strand London Dec r . i^{ h 1777. 1 8 PORTRAITS OF EDMUND SPENSER. 33. Inscription, centre, above: For the Lon- don Mag. — below : Printed for R. Bald- win Jun r at the Rose in pater Noster Row H53- 34. " Edmund Spencer " in panel under por- trait. Inscription, centre, above : En- graved for the Universal Magazine. — below : Printed for I. Hinton at the Kings Arms in paternoster Row. 35. G. Van de Gncht Sc. Under the portrait, in a sort of sunken panel : Edmund Spencer. 36. Inscription, centre : Edmund Spencer, 0b{ 1598. I Pub. Nov r 4, 1817, by W> Scott, Stangate Street, Lambeth. FACING TO THE RIGHT; MOUS- TACHE AND IMPERIAL; SHORT HAIR; LARGE RUFF AROUND THE NECK. 37. Inscription, left: Drawn by T. Uwins. — right : Engraved by C. Warren. — below, centre : Edmund Spenser. | From an orig- inal Picture in the collection of tJie \ Right Honorable the Earl of Kinnoul. [ London, Sept 9 : 1, 1822, Published by W. Walker, 5 Grays Inn Square. m » • • » • PORTRAITS OF EDMUND. SPENSER. iQ 38. [Same, on India paper.] 39. Inscription, centre: Engraved by J. Thom- son. I Spenser. \ From an original Pict?ire in the possession of \ The Earl of Kin- noult. Under the Superintendance of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know- ledge. J London, Published by Charles Knight, Ludgate Street. 40. Inscription, centre : Eng d . by H. B. Hall & Sons, N. Y. I Spenser. 0iimilanzm$ ifomtsu 41. "Spenser's House, Kilcolman, Ireland." Inscription, centre : as above — left : W. Havell — right: F. W. Topham. 42. Spenser's Tomb. No inscription below. At the top, left, appears : Vol: I/.pag;jp. 40