-NRLF D A •/ 38 LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF \ I Class [ILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE 1809-1898 A List of Books and of References to Periodicals in the Brooklyn Public Library Published by THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY Brooklyn, New York 1909 WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE 1809-1898 A List of Books and of References to Periodicals in the Brooklyn Public Library Published by THE BROOKLYN PUBUC LIBRARY Brooklyn, New York 1909 ,1 3^ WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Born December 29, 1809; Died May 19, 1898 SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT. I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. II. WORKS. (a) Books and parts of books. (b) Periodical articles. III. BIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM. (a) Books and parts of books. (b) Periodical articles. OF THE UiMVERSlTY 196110 I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Literary World, v. 29, pp. 168-170 (May 28, Annotated list of Mr. Gladstone's chief writings a5 Mr. Gladstone, appended to editorial notice on his Robbins, A. F. Contributions to a bibliography of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. {In Notes and Queries, 8th series, II., 461-63, 501-503; HI-, 1-3, 4I-43-) Very full list to 1892 inclusive. Probable addition by Macray in 8th series, III. 214, shown to be almost certainly Gladstone's by Rob- bins in III. 329-30; additions by Payen-Payne and Pickford in 8th series, III. 452, and by Robbins in 8th series, V. 272 (1894). II. WORKS. (a) Books and parts of books. Gladstone, William Ewart. Chapter of autobiography. i868. BQ543 See under Biography and criticism. Creation story. C1896. 213Q54 Fundamental error of English colonial aggrandize- ment; home rule and " autonomy;" commercial value of artistic excellence; destiny and individual aspiration; use of books; on Lord Beaconsfield. (In Brewer, David Josiah, Allen, E. A., and Schuyler, William, ed. World's best orations from the earliest period to the present time. v. 6, pp. 2265-93.) Ref. 808.5B84 The first and last are complete speeches, the others are extracts. Gleanings of past years, 1843-78. 7 v. n. d. 824Q54 Classified collection, mostly of essays and other articles from English reviews. Controversial and classical essays excluded. Contents : V. 1. The Throne and the Prince Consort; the cabinet and con- stitution: I. Death pf the Prince Consort, an address delivered at Manchester, 1862; II., III., IV. I,ife of the Prince Consort — court of Queen Victoria, v. 1-3; V. County franchise and Mr. Lowe thereon; VI. Ivast words on the county franchise; VII. Postscriptum on the county franchise; VIII. Kin beyond sea. V. 2 Personal and literary: I. Blanco White; II. Giacomo Leo- pardi; III. Tennyson; IV. Wedgwood, an address delivered at Burslem, 1863; V. Bishop Patteson; V. Macaulay; VII. Memoir of Dr. Norman Macleod. V. 3. Historical and speculative: I. Theses of Brastus and the Scottish church establishment, 1844; II. On "Bcce homo," part 1-2, 1868, III. Courses of religious thought, 1876; IV. Influence of authority in matters of opinion, 1877; V. Rejoinder on authority. in matters of opinion, 1877, VI. Sixteenth century arraigned before the nineteenth, 1878. V. 4. Foreign: I. First letter to the Earl of Aberdeen on the state prosecutions of the Neapolitan government, 1851|^ II. Second letter to the Earl of Aberdeen on the state prosecutions of the Neapolitan government, 1851; III. Examination of the official reply of the Nea- politan government, 1852; IV. Farini on the States of the Church; V. Germany, France and England, 1870; VI. Hellenic factor in the Eastern problem; VII. Montenegro, 1877; VIII. Aggression on Egypt and freedom in the East. V. 5. Ecclesiastical, v. 1 : I. Present aspect of the church, 1843; II. Ward's Ideal of a Christian church, 1844; III. Remarks on the royal supremacy, 1850. V. 6. Ecclesiastical, v. 2: I. On the functions of laymen in the church, 1851; II. Bill for divorce, 1857; III. Church of England and ritualism, 1874-75; (I.) ritual and ritualism; (II.) is the Church of England worth preserving? IV. Italy and her church, 1875. V. 7. Miscellaneous: I. Inaugural address on the work of univer- sities, 1860; II. Place of ancient Greece in the providential order; III. Chapter of autobiography, 1868; IV. I^aw of probable evidence, and its application to conduct, 1849; V. Evangelical movement; its parentage, progress and issue. Home Rule for Ireland. {In Joy, J. R. Ten Englishmen of the nineteenth century. 1902. Appendix.) 942J88T His final appeal for home rule bill of 1886. Homer. Literature primers, n. d. 883Q54H Compendious treatment of all Homeric matters. Same. 1884. 883G54Hs Bound with Dowden's Shakspere primer. Homeric synchromism: an enquiry into the time and place of Homer. 1876. 883Q54 Attempt to relate period of Homeric poems to Egyptian chronology approximately ascertained, by means of internal evidence. Impregnable rock of Holy Scripture, n. d. 220.1Q543 Combats the views and conclusions of some critics of the Old Testa- ment. Contents: First view of the impregnable rock of Holy Scripture; Creation story; office and work of the Old Testament in outline; Psalms; Mosaic legislation; on the recent corroborations of Scripture from the regions of history and natural science; conclusion. Irish question. 1886. 941.5054 , Two parts: History of an idea, a defence of his advocacy of home rule; Lessons of the election, expressing his belief that Libeial defeat will not injure permanently the ca^se of Ireland. Juventus mundi; the gods and men of the heroic age. ,1869. 883Q54J Embodies greater part of results arrived at in "Studies on Homer and the Homeric age," 1858, considerably modified in the ethnological and mythological portions. Theories of influence of Phoenicians and of Olympian system being precursor of Christianity argued for. Landmarks of Homeric study; together with the points of contact between Assyrian tablets and the Homeric text. 1890. 883Q54L Summaries of his various conclusions on Homeric topics. Argues for unity of authorship of poems and believes there is increased evi- dence of Babylonian derivation of their cosmogonies. Later gleanings; a new series of Gleanings of past years: theological and ecclesiastical. 1897. 204Q543 Mostly articles from the Nineteenth Century. XII., was written for a publication printed at Chicago; XIII. consists of thoughts called forth by the papal investigation of the validity of Anglican orders and by the denial of their validity in the bull, Apostolicae Ciurae, Sept. 15, 1896. Contents: I. Dawn of creation and of worship, 1885; II. Proem to Genesis, 1885; III. "Robert Elsmere' : the battle of belief, 1888; IV. Inger- soll on Christianity , 1 888 ; V. Elizabethan settlement of religion, 1888; Queen EUzabeth and the Church of England, 1888; VII. Church under Henry VIII, 1889 VIII. Professor Huxley and the swine miracle, 1891 , IX. Place of heresy and schism in the modern Christian church, 1894; X. True and false conceptions of the atonement, 1894; XI. lyord's Day, 1895; XII. General introduction to Sheppard's pictorial Bible; XIII. Soliloquium and postscript. Lessons of Irish history in the eighteenth century. {In Bryce, James, ed. Handbook of home rule. 1887.) 941.5B91 Shows that the achievements of the Irish parliament of the 18th centtiry compare more than favorably with the doings of the British parliament of the same period. Macaulay (from Gleanings of past years). (In Warner's Library of the world's best literature, v. 1 1 or i6, pp. 6359-72.) Ref. 803W27 Eulogistic. Analyzes acutely his mental traits, and literary style and work. Might of right from [his] writings; selected by E. E. Brown. Spare minute series. ci88o. 828Q54 Provided with a sketch of his life. Modern training for life. (In Modern eloquence. V. 8, pp. 534-56.) Ref. 808.5R326 Rectorial address before the University of Glasgow, Dec. 5, 1879. An eloquent presentation of what the work of a imiversity should be. Montenegro. {In Burlingame, E. L. ed. Current discussion, v. i. 1878.) 824B96 Brief sketch of country's history. On books and the housing of them. [1898]. 025Q54 An article published in the Nineteenth Century, v. 27, pp. 384-96. Much practical advice, especially as to the bestowal of books. On domestic and foreign ajffairs. 1879. (In Adams, C. K., ed. Representative British orations. V. 3. 1884.) 825A21R3 Attacks Beaconsfield's policies. Condemns protection and argues for equality of nations. Same. (In Same. v. 3. 1900.) On the disestablishment of the Irish church. (In Lee, G. C. and others, ed. World's orators, v. 7. 1900.) Ref. 808.5L47W Closing speech on the bill for disestablishment, On the place of Homer in classical education and in historical inquiry. (In Oxford essays, v. 3.) 824098 1857. Objects: to promote and extend the study of Homeric poems and to vindicate their just degree of critical value. \ " Robert Elsmere " and the battle of belief. [1888]. 823Q54 Criticises Mrs. Ward's views on religion. Originally a review in Nineteenth Century, 23: 766-88 (1888); reprinted in Living Age, 179: 88-102, and North American Review, 148: 116-131. Speeches on great questions of the day. n. d. 328Q54 Contents : Representation of the people; redistribution of seats bill; reform bill, Captain Hayter's amendment; state of Ireland; Irish churdi; Established church, Ireland; on the life and works of Josiah Wdge- wood; financial statement. Studies on Homer and the Homeric age. 3 V. 1858. 883Q54S Part I. is a revision and enlargement of his Oxford essay on Homer; rest of book is embodied with modifications in the later Juventus mundi. Thoughts from [his] writings and speeches; comp. by special permission and ed. by G. B. Smith. 1895. 828Q54T Gladstone, W. E. tr. Roman state, from 18 15 to 1850, by L. C. Farini. 4 v. 1851-54. 945F22 A history of the States of the Church by an Italian political official, translated, the first three volumes by Gladstone himself and the fourth under his direction, to acquaint the English public with Roman affairs. Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus). Odes of Horace. 1901. 874H81Q1 Gladstone's theory in translating these was that compression should be carried " to the farthest practicable point." Gladstone, W. E. and others. Books which have influenced me. n. d. 170G543 Gladstone's contribution is one page, in which he merely names four authors, Aristotle, St. Augustine, Dante, and Bishop Butler. Both sides of the tariff question, by the world's leading men. C1889-90. 337G54 Contains : A duel: Free trade, by W. E. Gladstone [and] Protection, by J. G. Blaine; Gladstone-Blaine controversy, by R. Q. Mills, etc. Gladstone argues that protection is not only economically, but also morally bad. Mills supports Gladstone. Irish question as viewed by one hundred eminent statesmen of England, Ireland and America. 1886. 941.5G54I Contains Gladstone's plea for home rule for Ireland, "An impeach- ment of English rule in Ireland," in the House of Commons, April 8, 1886, and his speech on the second reading of the home rule bill, June 7, 1886. (6) Periodical articles. This list is a selection from such articles as are not included in Glean- ings of past years and other books listed in the preceding section. Glad- stone was a steady contributor to the Nineteenth Century from its beginning. A list of his contributions is appended to an editorial notice of him, ''Mr. Gladstone as a contributor to the Nineteenth Century," in v. 43: 1043-46 of that review. Gladstone, William Ewart. Ancient beliefs in a future state. Nineteenth Century, 30: 658-76 (1891). Attempts to show, in opposition to Professor Cheyne, that belief in immortality existed among ancient Hebrews, Persians, and Egyptians. Replied to by Cheyne in 30: 951-68. Bishop Butler and his censors. Nineteenth Century, 38: 7i5-39» 1056-74 (1895). Two articles defending Butler's arguments and conclusions against objections made by his critics, especially those of Bagehot, Miss Hen- nell, Leslie Stephen, and Matthew Arnold. Replied to by Stephen in Nineteenth Century, 39: 106-22. Book collecting; letter to B. Quaritch. Living Age, 212: 415-16 (1897). Pleasing personal letter of a book lover. Colour-sense Nineteenth Century, 2: 366-88 (1877). Mainly devoted to color in Homer. Thinks Homer's system of color based on quantity of light falling on a surface, and color sense a modem development. Daniel O'Connell. Nineteenth Century, 25: 149- 68 (1889). High tribute. "A great and good man." Did Dante study in Oxford? Nineteenth Century, 31: 1032-42 (1892). Thinks evidence, external and internal, favors affirmative con- clusion. England's mission. Nineteenth Century, 4: 560-84 (1878). Compares the views as to this of his own party and of the Conserv- ative party. English church under Henry VIII. Nineteenth Century, 26: 882-96 (1889). Deals with a particular point in the history of the change in the headship of the BngUsh church. Epithets of movement in Homer. Nineteenth Century, 5: 463-87 (1879). Gives renderings and explanations of these. Free trade, railways and the growth of commerce. Nineteenth Century, 7: 367-88 (1880). Shows the great material growth under free trade and the failure of protection to promote such. Future life and the condition of man therein. North American Review, 162: 1-13, 235-48, 296-316, 435-56, 621-31, 740-56 (1896). Six articles treating the subject very comprehensively, and espe- cially giving the speculations and cfpinions contained in various great writings. Great Olympian sedition. Contemporary Review, 51: 757-72 (1887). Thinks the abortive revolt of Her6, Poseidon and Athene against Zeus in the Iliad, I., 357-412, is in the main a celestial version of cer- tain human facts. Greater gods of Olympos; Apollo. Nineteenth Century, 21: 748-70 (1887). Greater gods of Olympos; Athene. Nineteenth Century, 22: 79-102 (1887). Greater gods of Olympos: Poseidon. Nineteenth Century, 21: 460-80 (1887). Three Homeric studies dealing with the characteristics of these divinities and their position in the hierarchy. Growth of public libraries in England. Library Journal, 17: 200-02 (1892). Speech delivered at the opening of the free public library of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. Holy communion; a poem. McClure's Magazine, 11: 342-43 (1898). Composed in 1836. Also printed in Good Words, v. 39, pp. 483-84. Ingram's history of the Irish union. Nineteenth Century, 22: 445-69 (1887). Severe criticism says it is not a history but a piece of special plead- ing. Replied to by the author in 22: 766-90. Ingram's reply was replied to by Gladstone in Westminster Review, 129: 77-81 (1888). Is the popular judgment more just than that of the higher orders? Nineteenth Century, 4: 174-92 (1878). Gladstone is one of the contributors to a modem symposium on this subject. He affirms that in general it has been so. Italy in 1888-89. Nineteenth Century, 25: 763-80 (1889). Tells of the progress since his previous visit in 1850-51. Lecky's history of England in the eighteenth century. Nineteenth Century, 21: 919-36 (1887). A review, mainly favorable. Criticises Lecky's views on Irish afifairs and defends himself against an incidental charge in connection with income tax. Replied to by Lecky in Nineteenth Century, 22: 52-54. Liberty in the East and the West. Nineteenth Century, 3: 1154-74 (1878). Opposes employment of Indian troops in European wars as unjust to India. Locksley Hall and the jubilee. Nineteenth Century, 21: 1-18(1887); Living Age, 1^2 : 310-20. Compares Tennyson's two Locksley Halls and combats the idea that evil has ecUpsed the good by telling of the progress in the interval between the two poems. Love odes of Horace; five specimens. Nineteenth Century, 35: 701-709 (1894). Translations followed in each instance by Latin text. Massacres in Turkey. Nineteenth Century ^ 40: 676-80 (1896); Living A gey 211: 393-96. Final one of a series of articles by various writers on duty of England in view of Armenian massacres. England should insist on Turkey's reforming government in compliance with treaty. Melbourne governmeut. Nineteenth Century, 27: 38-55 (1890). Argues that Lord Melbourne and his government should be held in higher estimation. Mr. Carnegie's "Gospel of wealth." Nineteenth Century, 28: 677-93 (1890). Reviews book and approves of its doctrines, especially its censure of charitable bequests. Mr. Lecky and political morality. Nineteenth Century, 22: 279-84 (1887). Reply to Lecky's reply, "Mr. Gladstone and the income tax," to his review of Lecky's book. Olympian religion. North American Review, 154: 231-41, 365-76, 489-502, 612-25 (1892). Four articles, two dealing with sources and authorship, and two with particulars, of the rehgion of the Greeks at the time of siege of Troy. Olympian system versus the solar theory. Nine- teenth Century, 6: 746-68 (1879). In opposition to the view that the Olympian gods and their actions are solar myths, he finds a system of theology in the Homeric poems, which he thinks based on a primeval revelation. On an infant who was born, was baptized and died on the same day. Good Words, 39: 478-79 (1898). A poem, composed in 1836, and first printed in Good Words for May, 1871. Peace to come. Nineteenth Century, 3: 209-26 (1878). Written during the Russo-Turkish war. Phoenician affinities of Ithaca. Nineteenth Century, 26: 280-93 (1889). Thinks Ithaca was settled by Phcenicians and Odysseus of Phoenician origin. 13 Place of Homer in history. Contemporary Review, 24: 1-22, 175-200 (1874); Eclectic Magazine, 83: 129-43, 471-88; Living Age, 122: 742-55, 361-76. Matter and conclusions embodied in his "Homeric synchronism." Plain speaking on the Irish union. Nineteenth Century, 26: 1-20 (1889). His view, defended by historical evidence, is that it was brought about by fraud, tyranny, cruelty, and the like, on part of England. Probability as the guide of conduct. Nineteenth Century, 5: 908-34 (1879). Examination of a proposition of Bishop Butler's. Religion, Achaian and Semitic. Nineteenth Cen- tury, 7: 710-25 (1880). Reaffirms his belief in the kinship of Achaian religion to Old Testa- ment traditions, in opposition to Sir George Cox's reply to his previous article. Reply of Achilles to the envoys of Agamemnon. Contemporary Review, 23: 841-55 (1874); Eclectic Magazine, St,: 46-52; Living Age, 121: 687-93. Comment on and a verse translation of a passage in Homer. Russia and England. Nineteenth Century, 7: 538-56 (1880). Review of a book having this title by O. K., a Russian lady. Com- mends its frankness and fairness; shows that some of her points in favor of Russia are wrong, and points out some of England's mistakes. Senti, senti, anima mia. Nineteenth Century, 14: 357-60 (1883). Translation into Italian of Cowper's hymn, "Hark my soul." Sheridan. Nineteenth Century, S9'- 1037-42(1896); Living Age, 210: 234-37. An appreciation of him as a parliamentary leader. Shield of Achilles. Contemporary Review, 23: 329-44 (1874); Eclectic Magazine, 82: 402-408; Living Age, 121: 110-16. Comment on and a verse translation of a passage in Homer. 14 Slicing of Hector. Nineteenth Century, 4: 752-64 (1878). A defence of the unity of the Iliad against Prof. Geddes of Aberdeen, who separated it into two parts based on alleged divergent character- izations of Hector. Some Eton translations, 1827. Contemporary Review, 63: 782-89 (1893). Two choruses from the "Hecuba" of Buripedes. Universitas hominum, or The unity of history. North American Review, 145: 589-602 (1887). The Christian scheme is the one which tends and has tended to centrality and universality. There is a unity and each has his share to contribute to the sum total. Vindication of home rule. North American Review, 155- 385-94 (1892). A reply to an article by the Duke of Argyll in opposition to Glad- stone's policy. i5 III. BIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM. (a) Books and parts of books. Adams, C. K. William Ewart Gladstone. (In his Representa- tive British orations, v. 3, p. 277.) 825A21R3 Brief sketch of his poUtical career. William Ewart Gladstone. {In Universal cyclo- paedia. D. Appleton & Co. v. 5, pp. 155-6.) Ref.031U58 Good condensed account of his career. List of most important literary works given. Apjohn, L. William Ewart Gladstone: his life and times, n. d. BQ543A Concise narrative of chief poUtical events to Gladstone's resignation in 1886. Chronological record affixed. Archer, T. Gladstone and his contemporaries; sixty years of social and political progress. [1830-1890]. 4 v. n. d. 942A67 Popular history of England during Gladstone's time. Bagehot, W. Mr. Gladstone. (In his Biographical studies. 1899.) 824B14 Written in 1860. Acute analysis of Gladstone's characteristics as manifested up to that date. Barth, T. Gladstone. {In his Politische portrats. 1904.) Q920B28 Brief study, in German, of his political career. Bolton, Mrs. S. (K.). Gladstone. {In her Famous English states- men of Queen Victoria's reign. C1891. J920B69E Short sketch of, chiefly, his poHtical career. Brett, R. B. Queen and Mr. Gladstone. {In his Yoke of empire. 1896.) 920B84 Shows the mutual regard and loyalty which existed between two persons who usually differed politically. 16 Bryce, J. William Ewart Gladstone, his characteristics as man and statesman. 1898. BQ543B A little book giving a concise analysis of his qualities and a char- acterization of him as parliamentarian, orator, etc. William Ewart Gladstone. {In his Studies in contemporary biography. 1903.) 920B91 Indicates his more salient characteristics and analyzes his character and powers. Church, R. W. Mr. Gladstone on the "Royal Supremacy." {In his Occasional papers. 1897. v. 2.) 824C56 Commendation of a pamphlet by Gladstone, originally an article in the Guardian, July 10, 1850. : Mr. Gladstone's letter on the English church. {In Same.) Remarks on a letter published in the Guardian, Oct. 29, 1884, on the assigned topic of disestablishment. Main feature of letter was his- torical retrospect of chtu-ch. It pointed out that church should be prepared for disestablishment. Davidson, J. M. William Ewart Gladstone. {In his Eminent English Hberals. 1880.) 920D25 American edition of next. William Ewart Gladstone. {In his Eminent radicals in parliament. 1879.) 920D25E One of a series of sketches reprinted from the Weekly Dispatch, Brief outline of life and highly favorable analysis of his characteristics by a personal acquaintance. Compares Gladstone and Disraeli as orators. Dictionary of national biography, Sup. v. 2, pp. 280-329. William Ewart Gladstone. By H. W. P[aul]. See Paui., H. W., below. Ref.920S82L Egyptian red book. [1885]. 827E32 A set of cartoons and a chronology of events (1882- Jan., 1885), with statements, sarcastic comments, etc., satirizing Gladstone and his cabinet for dilatoriness in acting in Egyptian affairs, particularly in sending relief to Gordon, Emerson, G. R. William Ewart Gladstone, prime minister of England. C1882. BG543E A political and literary biography, in which, as far as possible, his own words are used to explain lus policy and actions. 17 Escott, T. H. S. Mr. Gladstone. {In his Politics and letters. 1886.) 824E74 A highly favorable estimate. Explains his greatness as a popular leader. F, C. R. L. Mr. Gladstone at Oxford, 1890. 1908. BQ543F Letters giving incidents of his week's visit and especially records of conversations. Gladstone, W. K. Chapter of autobiography. 1868. BQ543 Written to explain and to vindicate his complete change of policy in advocating the disestablishment of the Church of Ireland. Qunsaulus, F. W. William Ewart Gladstone. C1898. BQ543Q Highly eulogistic popular illustrated "biographical study." 'iamilton, Sir E. W. Mr. Gladstone; a monograph. 1898. BQ543H Deals with his personality and not with his public career. Author twice his private secretary. Higginson, T. W. Mr. Gladstone. (Jn his English statesmen. 1875.) 920H63B Brief biography, consisting largely of an arrangement of extracts from English writers, designed to acquaint Americans with his char- acter and career. Hill, F. H. Mr. Gladstone. {In his Political portraits. 1873.) 920H645 Favorable view of him as a political leader ("greatest practical statesman of his age").' unfavorable to him as an orator, scholar, and writer. Holland, H. S. William Ewart Gladstone, Mr. Gladstone's religion [and] Gladstone and Ruskin. {In his Personal studies. [1905].) 920H735 Three studies, the first, reviewing Morley's life and eulogizing Glad- stone, the second, showing how strong a Churchman he was, the third, describing how he gained Ruskin's good-will. Hubbard, E. W. E. Gladstone. {In his Little Journeys to the homes of good men and great. C1895-1901.) 920H87 Sketches Gladstone's character and describes his home. 18 Mutton, R. H. Mr. Gladstone. {In his Studies in parliament. 1866.) 920H98 One of a series of sketches reprinted from Pall Mall Gazette. Esti- mate of Gladstone as a politician to 1866. — "A statesman of the very highest class of the second rank." Huxley, T. H. Illustrations of Mr. Gladstone's controversial methods. {In his Science and Christian tradition. 1896.) 215H98 See next. Interpreters of Genesis and the interpreters of nature; Mr. Gladstone and Genesis; The keepers of the herd of swine; Illustrations of Mr. Gladstone's controversial methods. {In his Essays upon some controverted questions. 1892.) 504H98E Articles in a controversy with Gladstone on Biblical subjects. Last one sarcastic reply to Gladstone's attacks. In the evening of his days; a study of Mr. Gladstone in retire- ment, with some account of St. Deiniol's library and hostel. 1896. BQ543I Is concerned with the man and Christian. Describes his home, home life, Mrs. Gladstone, etc., and his gift to the nation. Author, Miss H. Friederichs. Jennings, L. J. Mr. Gladstone; a study. 1888. BQ543Je A very unfavorable view of Gladstone's public career by a Conserv- ative member of Parliament. Author was editor of New York Times during exposure of Tweed Ring. Jerrold, W. C. W. E. Gladstone, England's great commoner. 1893. BQ543J Brief illustrated popular biography. Very favorable. Jones, C. H. Short life of William Ewart Gladstone; with extracts from his speeches and writings. 1882. 1896. BQ543JO Concise popular account of his career. Joy, J. R. Gladstone and the Irish question; William Ewart Gladstone. {In his Ten Englishmen of the nineteenth century. 1902.) 9442J88T Brief sketch of Gladstone's career and especially of his efforts in behalf of Ireland. Appendix contains his final appeal for home rule bill of 1886. A Chautauqua book. 19 ** Judy," or The London serio-comic journal. The Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone from Judy's point of view, as shown in her cartoons during the last ten years. [1878?] Ref.741J93 69 cartoons, from the hostile Conservative point of view. Kebbel, T. E. Mr. Gladstone. (In his English statesmen since the peace of 1815. 1868.) 920K252 Brief sketch, mainly favorable, of his career to 1868. Kent, W. C. M. Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. {In his Gladstone government, 1869.) 920K37 An analysis of his qualities, actions and services, as a political leader, orator, literary man, etc. Favorable on the whole. Knight, William. W. E. Gladstone. {In his Retrospects. 1904.) 920K71R One or two brief reminiscences, and letters and remarks of his. Lecky, W. E. H. Introduction to "Democracy and Liberty." 1899. 304L46I Mostly a review of Gladstone's career. Very critical analysis of his personality, etc. Locke, C. E. Nineteenth-century crusader. C1902. BQ543Lo Brief sketch of life and eulogistic characterization. Lord, J. William Ewart Gladstone: the enfranchisement of the people. {In his Beacon lights of history. 1891. v. 6, pp. 553-614.) 904L86 Popular accoiuit of his career, description of his person and person- ality and eulogistic estimate. Lucy, H. W. Log of the "Tantallon Castle." 1896. 914L94 Illustrated account, by "Toby, M. P." of Punch, of the trip of this ship with 100 invited guests to the opening of the Baltic ship canal. Considerable light on Gladstone's personality, opinions, etc. Rt. Hon. William Ewart Gladstone; a biograph- ical sketch. 1880. BQ543LU 20 Lucy, H. W. Right Honorable W. E. Gladstone; a study from life. 1895. BQ543L General sketch of his life and character, dealing chiefly with life from 1880. Some interesting anecdotes. Macaulay, T. B. Gladstone on church and state. {In his Miscellaneous works, v. 2, pp. 551-613.) 828M11M Severe criticism of the views of "the rising hope of the stem and unbending Tories." Originally a review in Edinburgh Review, v. 69 (1839). Same. {In his Critical and historical essays.) 824M11, 824M11C3, 824MnCh, 824MnCh2 Same. {In Selections from [his] essays and speeches. 1856. V. I.) 824MnS McCarthy, J. Liberal triumvirate of England. {In his Modern leaders. 1872.) 920M12M Contains a brief sketch and estimate of Gladstone. Story of Gladstone's life. 1898. BQ543M Popular illustrated life to end of 1897, by a friend. Eulogistic. McCarthy, T. H. England under Gladstone, 1880-1884. 1884. 942M123 An extended history, not entirely political, of these four years. McQilchrist, J. Life of William Ewart Gladstone, n. d. BQ543Ma A little book, aiming to give a summary and impartial view of his political career from 1832-1868. Maddyn, D. O. Mr. Gladstone. {In his Chiefs of parties. 1859. V. 2.) 920M17 Analysis, mainly unfavorable, of Gladstone as a politician. Mr. Gladstone. {In Men of the time; British statesmen. 1854.) 920M53Me Highly favorable sketch of his career to 46th year. Morley, J. Life of William Ewart Gladstone. 3 V. 1903. BQ543MO The authoritative life by his loyal associate and friend. Moulton, Mrs. L. (C). Mr. Gladstone in the House. (In Farrar, F. W., and others. Princes, authors and statesmen. C1885.) 920F24P Describes briefly House of Commons and Gladstone's speaking on the Irish Land Bill in 1881. O'Connor, T. P. and McWade, R. M. Gladstone-Parnell and the great Irish struggle . . . in trod, by C. S. Parnell. C1886. 941.5018Q Tells the story of the oppression of the Irish tenantry and the his- tory of the home rule movement, and gives biographies of the great leaders in latter. Parton, J. Mr. Gladstone. (In Farrar, F. W. and others. Princes, authors and statesmen. C1885.) 920F24P Briefly sketches his career and describes his home. Ends with Smalley's description of his oratory in 1884. Paul, H. W. Life of William Ewart Gladstone. 1901. BQ543P The original article prepared for the Dictionary of national biog- raphy, but reduced in that work (see Sup. v. 2, pp. 280-329) to about one-third. A narrative of facts, mainly political. Author an admirer. Has bibliography of works on Gladstone. People's life of William Ewart Gladstone. 1895. BQ543Pe Illustrated popular biography. Reid, Sir T. W. Mr. Gladstone. (In his Cabinet portraits. 1872.) 920R35 Analysis of his character and traits. Dwells freely on his defects, yet favorable. ed. Life of William Ewart Gladstone. 2 v. n. d. BQ543Re Profusely illustrated work dealing with particular aspects of Glad- stone's life and character, by various authorities. Robbins, A. F. Early public life of William Ewart Gladstone. 1894. BQ543RO Sympathetic detailed account of his education and political career to 1841. 22 Russell, G. W. E. Right Honorable William Ewart Gladstone. 1891. BG543R A record, by a friend and political associate, of the successive events of his Ufe. Special attention to early stages. Comment from con- temporary observers. Last chapter analyzes his character, gives per- sonal traits, etc. William Ewart Gladstone. {In Encyclopaedia Britannica. loth ed. v. 28, pp. 733-41.) Ref.032E56E Full account of his career, with analysis of his character. Smalley, G. W. Mr. Gladstone. {In his London letters, and some others. 1891. v. i, pp. 355-451; v. 2, pp. 297- 301, 350-55O 818S63 In v. 1 are described two Midlothian campaigns, 1879 and 1884, and a visit of Gladstone to northern Scotland. In v. 2 are letters, one from him giving his opinion of George Washington and on the desirability of a good understanding among English-speaking peoples, and the other giving his opinions on free trade, protection, etc. Smith, G. B. Life of the Rt. Hon. William Ewart Gladstone. 1880. BQ543S His life and his relation to the great movements of his time told largely by means of his writings and speeches. Author a great ad- mirer, but not bUnd to his errors of judgment. Smith, Goldwin. My memory of Gladstone. 1904. BQ543Sm Interesting reminiscences and characterizations of Gladstone, his acts, services and interests, by one who knew him and in general admired him. Reviews some of Morley's conclusions. Smith, J. C. Gladstone's Homer and the Homeric age. {In his Miscellanies, old and new. 1876.) 814S65 Approves of Gladstone's theory that the religious system of the Homeric age rested upon a primitive revelation and was a preparation for Christianity. Stronach, G. Gladstone & Co. n. d. 741S92 A book of cartoons, satiric verses, and the like, on Gladstone and his colleagues. Contents: The Gladstone ABC; New gleanings from Gladstone; More glean- ings from Gladstone; The Liberal mis-leaders. ToUemache, L. A. Talks with Mr. Gladstone. 1898. BQ543T A nonpolitical biography, recording many of Gladstone's opinions and observations, especially on authors and literature, as given in conversations with the author. 23 ToUemache, L. A. Same. Ed. 3, rev. 1903. BQ543To Towle, G. M. Gladstone. {In his Certain men of mark. 1880.) 920T742 Brief character sketch. Details personal traits, relaxations, etc. Williamson, D. Gladstone, the man; a nonpolitical biography, 1898. BQ543W Brief illustrated book devoted entirely to the personal side. (b) Periodical articles (selected). • Ashley, E. Mr. Gladstone — fragments of personal reminiscences. National Review, 31: 536-40 (1898). • Aspects of Gladstone's life and mind. Spectator, 81: 682-83 (1898). Review of Hamilton's "Mr. Gladstone." Analyzes Gladstone. Badeau, A. Gladstone. North American Review, 142: 587-97 (1886). An American's eulogistic estimate of his character and services. Beckett, E. Gladstone as a parliamentarian. Saturday Review, 85^ 705-706 (1898). Ranks him next to Pitt and Peel. Brassey, Lady A. A. Mr. Gladstone in Norway. Contemporary Review, 48: 480-502 (1885). Transcript of her diary giving incidents, etc., of a voyage with Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone, and others. Brooks, J. G. William Ewart Gladstone. Chautauquan, 46: 328-35 (1907)- Deals with some features of his career and some of his views. » Bryce, J. Some traits of his character. Fortnightly Review ^ 77 : 13-20 (1902). Notes certain aspects of his character of special interest to young men. 24 Burying Caesar and after, by a true liberal. Westminster Re- view, 150: 237-45 (1898). Maintenance of Gladstone's principles of liberty and justice will be most worthy monument to him. Buxton, S. Gladstone as chancellor of the exchequer. Fort- nightly Review, 75: 590-611, 785-807 (1901)- Two articles, first treating of subject historically, second devoted to estimate of his action in respect to branches of finances he espe- cially dealt with. Favorable. Clarke, W. William Ewart Gladstone. New England Magazine, 8: 123-34 (1890). Impartial study of his career, services and qualities. Conway, M. D. Gladstone. North American Review, 136: 222-36 (1883). The 4)oHtical incarnation of the English people, the president of England. Cracroft, B. Mr. Gladstone's position. Contemporary Review, 8: 417-30 (1868). Central political figure in country, the man of the working classes and of the educated classes as well. Crawford, T. C. Equipment of Gladstone. Cosmopolitan Magazine, 25: 559-66 (1898). Study of his development, the surroimdings which made his career possible, etc. Curry, J. L. M. William Ewart Gladstone. Conservative Review, 2: 216-29(1899). In noticing two lives of Gladstone, gives review of his career and estimate of him as statesman. Dibben, R. True secret of Mr. Gladstone's greatness and influ- ence. Westminster Review, I $0: 153-58(1898). Due to his noble and unselfish life, his high moral qualities. Drummond, H. Mr. Gladstone and Genesis. Nineteenth Century, 19: 206-14 (1886). Criticises both Gladstone's and Huxley's articles. Problem of reconciliation of Genesis with geology disappears in modern view of the Bible. 25 Dunckley, H. Mr. Gladstone. Fortnightly Review, 33: 26-52 (1880); Living Age, 144: - 386-403. Review of G. B. Smith's life and of Gladstone's career. Favorable. English progress under Gladstone. Blackwood's Magazine, 131: 786-801 (1882). Ironical. Progress is towards "shame and ruin." Ethics of Gladstonianism. Blackwood's Magazine, 130: 634-45 (1881). Tory article. Gladstonianism a policy of cant, affectation of earn- estness, and the like. Furniss, H. Glimpses of Gladstone. Century Magazine, 54 n. s. 32): 716-22 (1897). Describes him in House of Commons. Illustrated with sketches from life by author. Qennings, J. Mr. Gladstone and the United States. Chatitau- quan, 23: 154-58 (1896). Concerned with some of speeches which touch on United States. Tells of his admiration and failure to visit. Qiffen, R. Gladstone's work in finance. Fortnightly Review, 1 1 : 101-16 (1869). Praises it highly. Grenfell, W. H. Mr. Gladstone and the currency. Fortnightly Review, 60: 297-316 (1893). Author, a bimetalist, criticises Gladstone's arguments against restoration of silver. Hapgood, N. Mr. Gladstone. Contemporary Review, 74: 34-53 (1898). An American's study of the nature of the man. Mainly favorable. Herbert, A. "The rake's progress" in Irish politics. Fort- nightly Review, 55: 126-142 (1891). Severe attack. Gladstone "has no moral nature." Hopkins, J. C. William E. Gladstone. Chautauquan, 19: 198- 203 (1894). *'A few shreds and patches of biography and anecdote." 26 Hughes, T. Lost leader. Forum, S: 1-17(1889). Criticises strongly his former leader's position on Irish question. Hutton, R. H. Mr. Gladstone. Contemporary Review, 65: 616-38 (1894); Livmg Age, 201: 579-92, Eulogistic estimate of his work and qualities. Knowles, J. Mr. Gladstone as a contributor to the Nineteenth Century. Nineteenth Century, ^2>'- 1043-46(1898). Model contributor. Gives list of his contributions. • Laing, S. Mr. Gladstone as a theologian. Fortnightly Review, 45: 83-92 (1886). Strongly critical. His views ecclesiastical and antiquated and his '*Dawn of creation" in reality profoundly irreligious. Liberty, S. Mr. Gladstone's place in religious thought. Nine- teenth Century, 62: 653-64 (1907); Living Age, 255: 549-58. Estimate of his services to English church and to religion. Great- est contribution his Christian life. m Lucy, H. W. Mr. Gladstone. English Illustrated Magazine, 9: 865-68 (1892). Brief portrayal of his characteristics. Mr. Gladstone at Hawarden. Harper's Magazine, 64: 741-51 (1882). Illustrated description of his home and home life. McCarthy, J. William Ewart Gladstone. Forum, 25: 513-33 (1898). Written to be published after Gladstone's death. "Cursory" re- view of his career with "a sort of impressionistic picture" of him. » JVLacCoU, M. Mr. Gladstone. Fortnightly Review, 69: 1008-19 ( 1 898) ; Living A g/lo. 1 8 : 80-88 . Highly eulogistic. Places him first and Burke second as statesman. Sketches character. McDermot, G. Gladstone and his critics. Catholic World, 67: 622-32 (1898). Thinks hostility he excited due to the indefinable ascendency of landed interest. 27 MacVeagh, J. Gladstone. Catholic World, 58: 81-90 (1893). Highly eulogistic sketch. Thinks him greatest statesman in English history. Madden, W. J. Incident in the life of Gladstone. Catholic World, 80: 57-64 (1904). Account of pilgrimage of 40 or 50 people from Ireland to Hawarden in 1886. Meynell, W. Mr. Gladstone and the Roman Catholic Church. Nineteenth Century, 44: 21-29 (1898). Writer, a Roman Catholic, thinks his church immensely beholden to Gladstone. Miller, D. S. Gladstone's claims to greatness. Forum, 4: 553-60 (1887). Dissents from opinions that he is a great statesman and a leader in progress towards democracy. OXonnor, T. P. Candour of Mr. Gladstone. Contemporary Review, 56: 361-69 (1889). Thinks he is marked by extreme moral and intellectual candor. Oldfield, S. H. Reminiscences of a few days spent at a country house with Gladstone. Longman's Magazine, 32 : 229-35 (1898). In 1880, at Holmbury, which he frequently visited. 0*Shea, J. J. To Gladstone; a poem.. Catholic World, 64: 170 (1896). In view of conditions in Armenia and Crete. Phillimore, W. G. F., Sir. Mr. Gladstone. Fortnightly Review, 69: 1020-28 (1898). Favorable estimate of him as scholar, theologian and Churchman, economist, and statesman. Raikes, H. St. J. Some stray letters of Gladstone. Fortnightly Review, 70: 11-16 (1898). Eight interesting letters (1842-63) to Mr. H. Raikes. Reid, T. W. Mr. Gladstone and his party. Nineteenth Century, 44: 169-85 (1898). For thirty years the lode-star and magnet of I^iberalism, 28 Rei^, T. W. Mr. Gladstone and his portraits. Magazine of Art, 12: 82-89 (1889). Reproductions (paintings, busts» sketches and caricatures) and comments. * Ribblesdale, Lady C. Visit to Hawarden. Nineteenth Century, 55: 637-50 (1904). In 1892. Describes Gladstone's hospitality and charming person- ality. Richards, J. Brinsley-. Mr. Gladstone's early politics. Living Age, 157: 812-19 (1883). Reprinted from Temple Bar. Recalls influences which developed his opinions. Mr. Gladstone's Oxford days. Living Age, 157: 562-72 (1883). Reprinted from Temple Bar. Memorable facts connected with his university career. Mr. Gladstone's school days. Living Age, 156' 609-20 (1883). Reprinted from Temple Bar. Memorable facts connected with his six years at Eton. Rideing, W. H. Gladstone's closing years. Critic, 43: 347-53 (1903)- Sympathetic account. Gives some illuminating anecdotes. ' Recent visit to Mr. Gladstone at Hawarden. Cosmopolitan Magazine, 14: 45 -5 1(1892). Describes his home, home life, and family. Roberts, W. Bookworms of yesterday and to-day; Gladstone. Bookworm, 3: 161-65 (1890). Confirmed "bookstaller"; collector for 75 years; library exceed- ingly miscellaneous. Rogers, J. G. Gladstone. British Quarterly Review, 79: 1-35 (1884). Eulogistic. Deals with development, position as statesman, hold on people, etc. 29 Rogers, J. G. Mr. Gladstone and the nonconformists. Nine- teenth Century y 44: 30-45 (1898). Why do nonconformists follow Mr. Gladstone? Contemporary Review f 61: 900-12 (1892). Their admiration and adherence due to proved nobility of his char- acter and conduct of life. Russell, G. W. E. Mr. Gladstone's theology. Contemporary Review, 73: 778-94 (1898); Living Age, 218: 188-198. A free High Chiurchman; in innermost core an Evangelical. S., W. Thoughts on the passing of Gladstone. Westminster Review, 150: i-io (1898). Summarizes his achievements for democracy. The typical English- man of the 19th century. Sidebotham, W. Reminiscences of Gladstone. Chambers's Journal, 77: 56-61 (1900). A few facts and traits noted by one who had exceptionable oppor- tunities to observe him during last years of his life in the House of Commons. Smalley, G. W. Mr. Gladstone; reminiscences, anecdotes and an estimat( 802 (1898). an estimate. Harper's ^agazine ,^^^^^476-88, 796- Stanmore, Lord. Mr. Gladstone. Fortnign/lffK^inew, 70: i-io (1898). Analysis by a close friend. Stead, W. T. Gladstone; a character sketch. Review of Re- views, 18: 61-70 (1898). Personal reminiscences and summary of his career. Watson, R. S. Nation's loss. Contemporary Review, 65 : 466- 70 (1894). Great lament for his retirement. Wickham, E C. Gladstone as seen near at hand. Good Words, 39: 480-83 (1898). Notices especially his religious side. Eulogistic. 30 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW ^ffi 13 ws RECEIVED ftwavu,,;, SEP 2 9 '67 -2 PW APft 8 I92» "0^ «•! tS AON LOAN OEPT. Rcceiveo REG'DLD DEC '^^ ::'^*'^'' <-OAN DEI- U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDS113MSm