CI)e ISannatgne Club. LISTS OF MEMBERS, RULES, AND CATALOGUE. C|)e 3Sannati>ne Club. // LISTS OF MEMBERS AND THE RULES, WITH A CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS PRINTED FOR THE BANNATYN^E CLUB SINCE ITS INSTITUTION IN 1823 EDINBURGH : M.DCCC.LXVII. EDINBURGH : T. CONSTABLE, PP.INTER TO THE QUEEN, AND TO THE UNTVERSITV. PREFACE. The following Lists and Catalogue have 1)een pre- pared with due attention to accuracy, and exhibit in chronological order the names of all the Members of the Club, with the dates of admission, the Rules, and the titles of the various Works presented to or printed at the expense of the Club since its institution in 1823. It has not been thought necessary to include in this Catalogue some small ephemeral productions in the shape of Garlands, Abstracts of the Treasurer's Ac- counts, and some Works referring to the Club, but not sanctioned by the Committee. One of these has this title — " Notices relative to the Bannatyue Club, in- stituted in February m.dccc.xxiii. Including Critiques on some of its Publications. Edinburgh : Printed for Private Circulation, m.dccc.xxxvi." 4to, pp. xviii. 277. This volume was edited by Mr. Maidment, and contains a reprint of Reviews which had appeared of several of the early Club publications. The following works may be indicated as forming a suitable addition to the Club series : — I. " Supplemental Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Scottish Seals. By Heney Laing." 1866. 4to. The style in which this work is executed, and its numerous illustrations, cannot fail to render it a valuable acquisition, even to those who may not possess the First Volume. (See page 80, No. 91.) 6Gy 76 7 vi Preface. II. " Fasti Ecclesise Scoticanse : The Succession of Mini- sters in the Parish Churches of Scothind, from 1560 to the present time. By the Rev. Hew Scott, A.M. Parti. 1866." 4to. (To be continued.) III. " Relations Politiques de la France et de I'Espagne avec I'Ecosse au xvi^ siecle. Par Alexandre Teulet." Paris, 1862. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. It was suggested that a note of the various sets of Club books which have been disposed of by public auction, with the prices, should be subjoined. To do this in detail would serve no very useful purpose. It may simply Ije noticed that the first set brought to sale was Mr. Constable's, containing only twenty-seven volumes (or the books to the year 1828), at an upset price of £105, which produced £135. Lord Eldin's set, to the year 1831, exposed at an upset price of 120 guineas, sold for £150. Sir William Macleod Bannatyne's set, to the year 1834, brought £168. The fact, however, can- not 1)6 concealed that, as the books increased in number and importance, there was no corresponding increase in their pecuniary value. On some later occasions sets have realized 160 guineas and upAvards, to 200 pounds or guineas ; while single volumes required to complete sets have produced from four and five to ten pounds each. But the value of such a series of liooks is obvi- ously not to be estimated merely by the market price., wliich will always vary according to circumstances. DAVID LAING, Secretarij. Edinburgh, June 18G7. ScU/^&^Ji-^^^ CONTENTS. I'AO I. Lists of Members, from 1823 to 1865, List of Office-bearers, .... 3 Chronological List of Members, with the Dates of their Admission, ... 7 Alphabetical List of Members, . . .19 II. Rules of the Club — EuLES, 1823, 31 Eules, 1827, 34 EuLES, 1833, 37 Eules, 1834, 40 III. Catalogue of Books printed for the Club, arranged in Chronological order, from 1823 to 1867, 41 Alphabetical List of the Club Books, 93 Alph.\:betical List of Contributors, . . 97 THE BANNATYNE CLUB. JUNE MDCCCLXVII. THE EARL OF ABERDEEX.— (Deceased.) WILLIAM PATRICK ADAM, Esq. THE EARL OF ASHBURNHAIM. THE LORD BELHAVEN AND HAMILTON, K.T. WILLIAM BLAIR, Esq. BERIAH BOTFIELD, Esq.— (Deceased.) THE MARQUESS OF BREAD ALB ANE, K.T.— (Deceased.) SIR THOMAS MAKDOUGALL BRISBANE, Bart.— (Deceased.) GEORGE BRODIE, Esq.— (Deceased.) 10 CHARLES DASHWOOD PRESTON BRUCE, Esq.— (Dece.\sed.) O. TYNDALL BRUCE, Esq. — (Deceased.) THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY, K.G. VERY REV. DEAN RICHARD BUTLER.- (Deceased.) SIR HUGH HUME CAMPBELL, Bart. JAMES CAMPBELL, Esq.— (Deceased.) THOMAS CARNEGIE, Esq.— (Deceased.) THE EARL CAWDOR.— (Deceased.) PATRICK CHALMERS, Esq.— (Deceased.) RIGHT HON. SIR GEORGE CLERK, Bart. •20 DAVID CONSTABLE, Esq.— (Deceased.) THE BANNATYNE CLUB. THOMAS CONSTABLE, Esq. ANDREW COVENTRY, Esq. DAVID COWAN, Esq. JAMES T. GIBSON CRAIG, EsQ.~{TBEASUBE]i.) RIGHT HON. SIR WILLIAM GIBSON CRAIG, Bart., LORD CLERK REGISTER. THE MARQUESS OF DALHOUSIE, K.T.— (Deceased.) THE EARL OF DALHOUSIE, K.T. GEORGE HOME DRUMMOND, Esq. HENRY DRUMMOND, Esq., M.P.— (Deceased.) 30 RIGHT HON. SIR DAVID DUNDAS. GEORGE DUNDAS, Esq. WILLIAM PITT DUNDAS, Esq. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE, K.G.— (Deceased.) JOSEPH WALTER KING EY^TON, Esq. LIEUT.-COL. ROBERT FERGUSON. SIR CHARLES DALRYMPLE FERGUSSON, Bart.— (Deceased.) THE COUNT DE FLAHAULT. THE EARL OF GOSFORD, K. P.— (Deceased.) WILLIAM GOTT, Esq.— (Deceased.) 40 ROBERT GRAHAM, Esq.— (Deceased.) THE EARL OF HADDINGTON, K.T.— (Deceased.) THE DUKE OF HAMILTON AND BRANDON.— (Decbased.) SIR THOMAS BUCHAN HEPBURN, Bart. JAMES MATTLAND HOG, Esq.— (Deceased.) PROFESSOR COSMO INNES. DAVID IRVING, LL.D.— (Deceased.) JAMES IVORY, Esq.— (Deceased.) DAVID LAING, Esq.— (SECBET A BY.) JOHN BAILEY LANGHORN, Esq. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. 50 THE EARL OF LAUDERDALE.— (Deceased.) VERY REV. PRINCIPAL JOHN LEE, D.D. -(Deceased.) THE LORD LINDSAY. JAMES LOCH, Esq.— (Deceased.) THE MARQUESS OF LOTHIAN. THE LORD LOVAT. JAMES MACKENZIE, Esq. JOHN WHITEFOORD MACKENZIE, Esq. KEITH STEWAliT MACKENZIE, Esq. WILLIAM FORBES MACKENZIE, Esq.— (Dklkased.) 60 JAMES MAIDMENT, Esq. SIR WILLIAM MAXWELL, Bart. THE VISCOUNT MELVILLE.— (Deceased.) THE HON. WILLIAM LESLIE MELVILLE.— (Deceased.) THE EAUL OF MINTO, G.C.B.— (Deceased.) JAMES MONCREIFF, Esq. JAMES PATRICK MUIRHEAD, Esq. HON. SIR JOHN A. MURRAY, LORD MURRAY.— (Deceased.) ROBERT NASMYTH, Esq. HON. CHARLES NEAVES, LORD NEAVES. 70 THE EARL OF NORTHESK. ALEXANDER PRINGLE, Esq.— (Deceased.) JOHN RICHARDSON, Esq.— (Deceased.) THE DUKE OF ROXBURGHE, K.T. REV. HEW SCOTT, D.D. JAMES ROBERT HOPE SCOTT, Esq. THE EARL OF SELKIRK. PROFESSOR SIR JAMES YOUNG SIMPSON, Bart., M.D. ALEXANDER SINCLAIR, Esq. JAMES SKENE, Esq.— (Deceased.) THE BANNATYNE CLUB. 80 WILLIAM SMYTHE, Esq. JOHN SPOTTISWOODE, Esq.— (Deceased.) EDWARD STANLEY, Esq. PROFESSOR WILLIAM STEVENSON, D.D. THE HON. CHARLES FRANCIS STUART.— (Deceased.) THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K.G.— (Deceased. ) ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL SWINTON, Esq., ALEXANDER THOMSON, Esq. SIR WALTER CALVERLY TREVELYAN, Bart. ADAM URQUHART, Esq.— (Deceased.) 90 ALEXANDER MACONOCHIE WELWOOD, Esq.— ^Deceased.) LIBRAEIES. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. THE SOCIETY OF LINCOLN'S INN, LONDON. THE FACULTY OF ADVOCATES, EDfNBURGH. THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND. THE SOCIETY OF WRITERS TO H. M. SIGNET, EDINBURGH. THE UNIVERSITY OF CAJVIBRIDGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. 100 THE ROYAL LIBRARY, BERLIN. THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES. 102 THE ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. LISTS OF MEMBERS OF Cf)e ISannatgne Club. February 1823 to February 1865. THE BANNATYNE CLUB INSTITUTED xiT EDINBUEGH, 27tii FEBRUARY MDCCCXXIII. LIST OF OFFICE-BEARERS. PRESIDENT. SiE Walter Scott, Bart., . . . 1823-1832 Thomas Thomson, Esq., .... 1832-1852 Hon. Lord Cockburn, .... 1852-1854 Right Hon. Lord Rutherfurd, June to December 1854 (Since vacant) vice-president. Thomas Thomson, Esq., .... 1823-1832 Henry Cockburn, Esq. (Hon. Lord Cockburn), 1832-1852 Right Hon. Lord Rutherfurd, . . 1852-1854 (Since vacant.) TREASURER. TnoM^vs KiNNEAE, EsQ., .... 1823-1829 John Gardiner KiNNEAR, Esq., . . 1829-1834 James T. Gibson Craig, Esq., . 1834 to the present time SECRETARY. David Laing, Esq., . . 1823 to the present time 4 , Uffice-Bearers of committee of management. The President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary, ex OJficiis. Also Six ordinary Members, hvo of luhom retired hj rotation. James Skene, Esq., . . . 1823-1825. 1829-1831 Patrick Eraser Tytler, Esq., . . . 1823-1825 PtOBERT Graham, Esq., 1823-1825. 1827-1829. 1830-1833 1844-1849 Archibald Constable, Esq., . . . 1824-1825 Rev. John Lee, D.D., 1824-1826. 1835-1838. 1848-1850 1851-1854 Sir William MACLEOD Bannatyne, . . 1824-1826 John Archibald Murray, Esq., . . 1824-1826 —(Lord Murray), 1842-1845. 1854 James Ballantyne, Esq., . . . . 1824-1826 1825-1828. 1834-1836 1825-1828. 1833-1834 Eobert Bell, Esq., James T. Gibson Craig, Esq., George Smythe, Esq., Robert Pitcairn, Esq., Andrew Rutherfurd, Esq., James Ivory, Esq., . 1825-1829 1827-1830 1828-1830. 1831-1834 1828-1830 Thomas Maitland, Esq., 1828-1830. 1832-1835. 1836-1839 — (Lord Dundrennan), 1850 Henry Cockburn, Esq., .... 1829-1832 Macvey Napier, Esq., 1829-1832. 1833-1836. 1837-1840 James Dennistoun, Esq., . . 1830-1833. 1846-1848 David Irving, LL.D., 1831-1834. 1835-1838. 1839-1842 1843-1846. 1848-1850 Cosmo Innes, Esq., 1832-1835. 1836-1839. 1840-1843 1848-1849 The Banx.vtyne Club. 5 Geouge Dundas. Esy., 1834-1837. 1838-1841. 1852-1854 Adam UrvQUHART, Esq., 1834-1837. 1843-1846. 1849-1852 Andrew Coventry, Esq., . . 1837-1840 James Mackenzie, Esq., . . 1838-1841. 1845-1848 William Smythe, Esq., . 1839-1842. 1849-1852 Sir George Warrender, .... 1840-1843 John W. Mackenzie, Esq., . 1841-1844. 1845-1848 Alexander Macdonald, Esq., . . 1841-1844 James Patrick MuiRHEAD, Esq., . . 1842-1845 Archibald Swinton, Esq., . 1844-1840. 1848-1850 1853-1854 Alexander Pringle, Esq., . 1846-1848. 1849-1852 William Pitt Dundas, Esq., . . . 1850-1853 Lord Lindsay, ..... 1852-1853 James Maitland Hog, Esq., . . . 1853-1854 Lord Neaves, ...... 1854 PERMANENT COMMITTEE APPOINTED IN 1855. Very PtEV. Principal Lee. George Dundas, Esq. James Maitland Hog, Esq. Archibald Campbell Swinton, Es(,). Hon. Lord Murray. Hon. Lord Neaves. Adam Urquhart, Esq. Cosmo Innes, Esq. The Treasurer, and The Secretary. Office-Bearers. AUDITORS. Egbert Bell, Esq., .... 18281830 James Ivory, Esq., .... 1828-1830 The Secretary, 1828-1830 James Ivory, Esq. (Hon. Lord Ivory), . 1831-1851 Thomas Maitland, Esq. (Hon. Lord Dundrennan), 1831-1851 The Secretary, 1831-1851 Hon. Lord Ivory, 1852-18G5 George DuNDAS, Esq., .... 1852-1865 The Secretary, . . . . . 1852-1865 LIST OF MEMBEES THE BANNATYNE CLUB. WITH THE DATES OF THEIR ADMISSION. 1823. 1. Sir Walter Scott, of Abbotsford, Baronet, President. 2. Thomas Thomson, Esq., Vice-President 3. Thomas Kinnear, Esq., Treasurer. 4. David Laing, Esq., Secretary. ■>^, /^>^ . . 5. Eight Hon. William Adam, Lord Chief Commissioner of the Jury Court. 6. Sir Willliji Arbuthnot, Bart. 7. James Ballantyne, Esq. 8. Hon. Sir W. M. Bannatyne, Lord Bannatyne. 9. Egbert Bell, Esq. 10. John Clerk, Esq. 11. Henry Cockburn, Esq. 12. Archibald Constable, Esq. 13. David Constable, Esq. 1 4. EOBERT DUNDAS, OF ArNISTON, EsQ. 15. EoBERT Graham, of Balgowan, Esq. 1 6. Henry Jardine, of Harwood, Esq. 1 7. Eeverend John Lee, D.D. 18. James Maidment, Esq. 5 List of Members of 1 9. Gilbert Laing Meason, of Lindertis, Esq. 20. John Archibald Murray, Esq. 21. Egbert Pitcairn, Esq. 22. Eight Hon. Sir Samuel Shepherd, Lord Chief Baron of Scotland. 23. James Skene, of Eubislaw, Esq. 24. George Smythe, Esq. 25. Patrick Eraser Tytler, Esq. 25th NOVEMBER 1823. 26. The Earl of Minto. 27. George Chalmers, Esq., London. 28. AVilliam Blair, of Avonton, Esq. 29. James T. Gibson Craig, Esq. 30. Andrew Skene, Esq. 3L Thomas Maitland, of Dundeennan, Esq. 30th JANUARY 1826. 32. George Cranstoun, Dean of Faculty, Esq. 33. John Fullerton, Esq. 34. Edward W. Auriol Hay, Esq. 35. Francis Jeffrey, Esq. 36. James Keay, of Snaigo, Esq. 37. James Mackenzie, Esq. 38. James Moncreiff, Esq. 39. William Murray, of Henderland, Esq. 40. John Eichardson, Esq., London. 41. Alexander Thomson, of Banchory, Esq. 5th JUNE 1826. 42. William Clerk, Esq. 43. Count Mercer de Flahault, I'arjs. The Bannatyne Club. 44. David Irving, LL.D. 45. Hon. J. H. Mackenzie, Lord Mackenzie. 46. William Henry Miller, of Craigentinny, Esq. 47. Macvey Napier, Esq. 48. Andrew Eutherfurd, Esq. 49. Walter Calverly Trevelyan, Esq. 10th JULY 182G. 50. The Lord Belhaven and Stenton. 51. George Joseph Bell, Esq. 52. William Bell, Esq. 53. James Campbell, of Craigie, Esq. 54. William Gibson Craig, Esq. 55. Sir James R G. Graham, of Netherby, Bart. 56. The Lord Gray. 57. James Maitland Hog, of ISTewliston, Esq. 58. John Hope, Esq., Solicitor- General. 59. James Ivory, Esq. 60. John Gardiner Kinnear, Esq. 6L John Spottiswoode, of Spottiswoode, Esq., London. 31st JANUARY 1827. 62. The Earl of Aberdeen, K.T. 63. The Lord Binning. 64. John Borthwick, of Crookston, Esq. 65. George Brodie, Esq. 66. The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry. 67. John Caley, Esq., London. 68. Henry Ellis, Esq., London. 69. Robert Ferguson, of Eaith, Es(,». 70. General Sir Ronald Ferguson. 10 List of Membeks of 71. The Lord Glenokchy. 72. Kevekend John Jamieson, D.D. 73. EoBEET Jameson, Esq. 74. The Earl of Kinnoull. 75. The Earl of Lauderdale. 76. The Marquess of Lothian. 77. Erancis Palgrave, Esq., London. 78. Henry Petrie, Esq., London. 79. The Earl of Eosslyn. 80. Major-General Straton. 9th FEBRUAEY 1828. 81. The Duke of Hamilton and Brandon. 82. The Marquess of Stafford. 83. The Viscount Melville. 84. Brudenell James Bruce, Esq. 85. Andrew Coventry, Esq. 86. WILLLA.M Gott, Esq., Leeds. 87. Colin Mackenzie, of Portmore, Esq. 88. Sir John Archibald Stewart, of Grandtully, Bart. 89. Honourable Charles Erancis Stuart. 28th JANUAEY 1820. 90. The Duke of Gordon. 91. The Earl Spencer. 92. The Earl of Selkirk. 93. PtEVEREND Philip Bliss, D.C.L, Oxford. 94. Charles Fergusson, Younger of Kilkerran, Esq. 95. Eight Hon, Thomas Grenville, London. 96. James Nairne, Esq. 97. Eight Hon. Sir GEORrjE Warren der, of Lochend, Bart. 98. Venerable Arciiheacon Wrancjham. The Bannatyne Club. 1 1 21sT FEBRUARY 1829. 99. The Earl of Dalhousie. 100. Eight Hon. Willlui Dundas, Lord Clerk Eegister. 101. James Dennistoun, of Colgrain, Esq. 102. Cosmo Innes, Esq. 103. Adam Urquhart, Esq. 7th DECElVtBER 1829. 104. Honourable William ]\Ialt.e, of Panmure. 23i) JUNE 1830. 105. Thoaus Francis Kennedy, of Dunure, Esq. 17th JANUARY 1831. 106. Charles Dashwood Bruce, Esq., London. 107. Alexander Pringle, of Whytbank, Esq. 24th DECEMBER 1831. 108. Alexander Wellesley Leith, Esq. 21st JANUARY 1833. 109. Sir John Hay, of Hayston, Bart. 110. George Dundas, Esq. HI. John Whitefoord Mackenzie, Esq. 25th FEBRUARY 1833. 112. Frederick Madden, Esq., London. 12 List of Members of 13th JANUARY 1834. 113. The Lord Holland. 114. The Lord Lindsay. 26th may 1834. 115. William Macdowall, of Garthland, Esq. 1st DECEMBER 1834. 116. James Loch, Esq., London. 10th JANUARY 1835. 117. The Earl Spencer. 118. The Duke of Sutherland. 2oTH MAY 1835. 119. Onesiphorus Tyndall Bruce, of Falkland, Esq. 120. The Duke of Bedford. 121. Eight Honourable James Abercromby, Speaker of the House of Commons. 29th FEBRUARY 1836. 122. The Lord Francis Egerton. 8th JULY 1836. 123. The Earl of Ashburnham. 23d JANUARY 1837. 124. Dawson Turner, Esq., Yarmouth. 125. Edward Piper, Esq. TiiK Jjannatvnp: ('llm!. 13 29th may 1837. 120. William Smytiie, Esq. 29th JANUARY 1838. 127. Sir Thomas PuiLLiprs, of Middlehill, Bart 28th may 1838. 128. Alexander Macdonald, Esq. 16th JULY 1838. 129. Sir Thomas Euchan Hepburn, of Smeaton, Bart. 130. The Lord Lovat. 3d DECEMBER 1838. 131. Williaim Forbes Mackenzie, of Portmore, Esq. 132. Edward Stanley, Esq., London. 15th APRIL 1839. 133. The Earl of Eosebery. 134. Beriah Botfield, Esq., Norton Hall, Northamptonshire. 2d DECEMBER 1839. 1 35. Lieut. -General Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane, Bart. 136. Honourable William Leslie Melville. 14th DECEMBER 1840. 137. The Earl of Lauderdale. 14 List of Members of 138. The Duke of BrcKiNGH.A3i A^T) Cranpos. 139. Hon. Alexander !NL\conochie, Lord Meadowbank. 22d ilAECH 1S41. 140. The Duke of Eoxburghe. 141. Pjght Hox. Sir George Clerk, of Pexicitk, Bart. 10th .JAXUAEY 1S42. 142. The Viscount Acheson. 143. David Carxegy, of Craigo, Esq. 144. Vice-Ad^hral Sir Charles Ad.\3l I 2th august 1S42. 145. Archibald Swdjtox, Esq. 146. Egbert Nasmyth, Esq. 147. Ja:mes Patrick Mltrhfad, Esq. 30th .JA^'UAE\* 1S43. 148. The jVLlrquess of Butr 149. Sir THOiL\s Dick Lauder, of Fouxtainhall, Bart. 6th MAKCH 1S4.3. 1.50. "\Yilll\m Pitt Dl'Ndas, Esq. 151. Joseph Walter Kdvg Eytox, Esq., Leamingtox. 152. Eeyerexd Eichard Butler, Vicar of Trbi, Irel.vxd. 4th MAECH 1844. 153. PxVTRick Fraser Tytler, Esq., Loxdon. 154. David Duxdas, Esq., Loxdox. TiTE Bannattnt: Club. 1 5 18th JULY 1845. 155. Keith Stewart Mackexzie, of Seaforth, Esq. 156. Arthur Forbes, of Cullodex, Esq. l^ra DECEMBEE 1S45. 157. Liett.-Col. Egbert Ferguson, of Eaith. 158. Charles Xe.\.ves, Esq. 159. WiLLLOi B. D. D. TuRXBULL, Esq. 22» february 1s47 160. Patrick Ch^mjiers, of Auldbar, Esq. 161. The M.vrquess of Douglas .lst) Clydesdale •24th FEBRU-ARY 1S4S. 162. Hes-ry Drummoxd, Esq. 163. The E-VRL of Dalhousie, GoYEKSOR-GEyERAL of T^tdia, .^:sT LoRP Clerk Register. 4th DECEMBER l*4a 164. The Karl of Xorthesk. 165. James R Hofe, of Abbotsforp, I^q. 166. Willlam Gregory, M.D. 167. llEYF^EXP WlUJAM SxEYEXSOX, SOUTH LeTTH. 17th FEBRUARY 1S51. 168. The Earl of Cawpor. 169. Dayid Cowan, Esq. 16 List of Membeks. 170. Sir William Maxwell, of Monreith, Bart. 171. John Bailey Laj^ghorne, Esq., Eichmond, Yorkshire. 172. The Earl of Morton. 173. James Y. Simpson, M.D. 174. Thomas Constable, Esq. 175. George Home Drummond, Esq. 5th APRIL 1852. 176. Sir Hugh Hume Campbell, of Marchmont, Bart. 177. The Marquess of Lothian. 178. Lewis Mark Mackenzie, of Findon, Esq. 179. James Moncreiff, Esq. 180. Alexander Sinclair, Esq. 181. Eeverend Hew Scott, Anstruther-Wester. 25th JANUARY 1854. 182. The Lord Panmure. 183. Thomas Carnegy, of Craigo, Esq. 184. William P. Adam, of Blair- Adam, Esq. Xo Elections of a snhsequent date. Extracted from the Minutes of the Chih. I^AVID Laing, Secretary. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEIVIBERS THE BANNATYNE CLUB. A. Admitted. R. Resigned. D. Deceased. The Nos. refer to the 'preceding Chronological List. A No. Aberceojviby, Eight Hon. James, Speaker of the House OF Commons (afterwards Earl of Dunfermline). A. 1835. E. 184L D. 1858, .... 121 Aberdeen, Eight Hon. George Hamilton Gordon, Earl OF, KG. AND K.T. A 1827. D. 1860, . . 62 AcHESON, Eight Hon. Viscount. See Gosford. Adam, Eight Hon. Williajni, of Blair-Adam, Lord Chief Commissioner of the Jury Court. A. 1823. D. 1839, 5 Adam, Admiral Sir Charles, of Blair-Adam, K.C.B. A. 1842. D. 1853, 144 Adam, William Patrick, of Blair-Adam, M.P. A. 1854, 184 Arbuthnot, Sir William, Bart. A. 1823. D. 1829, 6 Ashburnham, Eight Hon. Earl of. A 1836, . . 123 B Ballantyne, James. A. 1823. D. 1833, . . 7 b 18 Alphabetical List of Members of No. Bannatyne, Sir William Macleod, of Kaimes. Hon. Lord Bannatyne, as a Lord of Session. A. 1823. D. 1833, 8 Bedford, His Grace John, Duke of, K.G. A. 1835. D. 1839, 120 Belhaven and Stenton, Eight Hon. Lord (afterwards Lord Belhaven AND Hamilton). A. 1826, . . 50 Bell, George Joseph, Advocate, Professor of Scots Law in the University of Edinburgh, and one of the Clerks of Session. A. 1820. B. 1835. D. 1842, 51 Bell, PtOBERT, Advocate. A. 1823. E. 1843. D. 1861, 9 Bell, William, Writer to H.M. Signet. A. 1826. E. 1843. D. 1849, 52 Binning, Eight Hon. Lord, ^ee Haddington. Blair, William, of Avonton, Advocate. A. 1823, . 28 Bliss, Eev. Philip, D.C.L. (afterwards Principal of St. Mary Hall), Oxford. A. 1829. E. 1842. D. 1856, 93 Borthwick, John, of Crookston, Advocate. A. 1827. E. 1844. D. 1845, 64 BOTFIELD, BeRIAH, OF ISTORTON HaLL, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, M.P. A. 1839. D. 1863, . . . . 134 Breadalbane, Most Hon. John, Marquess and Earl of. A. (as Lord Glenorchy) 1827. D. 1862, . . 71 Brisbane, Lieut.- General Sir Thomas Makdougall, of Brisbane and Makerston, Bart., President of the Eoyal Society of Edinburgh. A. 1839. D. 1859, 135 Brodie, George, Advocate, Historiographer for Scot- land. A. 1827, 65 Bruce, Brudenell James. A. 1828. D. 1828, . 84 Bruce, Charles Dashwood (afterwards Preston- Bruce), London. A. 1831. D. 1864, . . 106 Bruce, Onesiphorus Tyndall, of Falkland. A. 1835. P. 1854, 119 The Bannatyne Club. 19 BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY, HiS GrACE THE DUKE uK, KG. AND K.T. A. 1827, 06 Buckingham and Ciiandos, His Grace the Duke and Marquess OF. A. 1840. R 1848. D. 1861, 138 Bute, Most Hon. John, Marquess of. A. 1843. D. 1848, 148 Butler, Eev. Eichard, Vicar of Trim, Ireland (after- wards Dean of Clonmacnoise). A. 1843. D. 1862, 152 C Caley, John, London. A. 1827. D. 1834, . . 67 Campbell, Sir Hugh Hume, of Marchmont, Bart., M.P. A. 1852, 176 Campbell, James, of Craigie, Advocate. A. 1826. D. 1860, 53 CarxNegy, David, OF Craigo. A. 1842. D. 1845, 143 Carnegy, Thomas, OF Craigo. A. 1854. D. 1856, . 183 Cawdor, Eight Hon. John Frederick, Earl. A. 1851. D. 1860, 168 Chalmers, George, London. A. 1823. D. 1825, . 27 Chalmers, Patrick, of Aldbar. A. 1847. D, 1854, 160 Clerk, Eight Hon. Sir George, of Penicuik, Bart. A. 1841, 141 Clerk, John, of Eldin, Advocate. A. 1823. Hon. Lord Eldin, AS A Lord of Session, 1823. D. 1832, 10 Clerk, Willum, Advocate. A. 1826. D. 1847, . 42 CocKBURN, Henry, Advocate. A. 1823. Hon. Lord COCKBURN, AS A LORD OF SESSION, 1834. ViGE- PRESI- DENT, 1832, AND President of the Club, 1852. D. 1854, 1 1 Constable, Archibald. A. 1823. D. 1827, . . 12 Constable, David, Advocate. A. 1823, . . 13 Constable, Thomas. A. 1851, . . . . 174 Coventry, Andrew, Advocate. A. 1828, . . 85 Cowan, David. A. 1851, 169 Craig, James Thomson Gibson. A. 1823. Treasurer OF the Club, 1834, 29 20 Alphabetical List of Members of No. Craig, William Gibson, Advocate. A. 182C. Sir William Gibson Craig, of Eiccarton, Bart., 1850. Eight Hon. Lord Clerk Eegister, 1862, . 54 Cranstoun, George, of Corehouse. A. 1826. Hon. Lord Corehouse, AS A Lord OF Session, 1826. D. 1850, 32 D Dalhousie, Eight Hon. George, Earl of, K.G.B. A. 1829. D. 1838, 99 Dalhousie, Most Hon. Jajvies Andrew, Earl and Mar- quess OF, Lord Clerk Eegister and Governor- General of India. A. 1848. D. 1860, . 163 Dalhousie, Eight Hon. Fox Maule Eamsay, Earl of. A. (as Lord Panmure) 1854, . 182 Dennistoun, James, of Colgrain, Advocate. A. 1829. E. 1848. D. 1855, 101 Douglas, Most Hon. the Marquess of. See Hamilton. Drummond, George Home, Younger of Blair-Drum- mond. a. 1851, . . . 175 Drummond, Henry, of Albury Park, M.P. A. 1848. D. 1860, 162 DuNDAS, Eight Hon. Sir David, M.P. A. (as David DuNDAS, Inner Temple, London) 1844, . . 154 DuNDAS, George, Advocate. A. 1833, . . 110 DuNDAS, Egbert, OF Arniston. A. 1823. D. 1838, 14 DuNDAS, Eight Hon. William, Lord Clerk Eegister. A. 1829. D. 1845, 100 DuNDAS, William Pitt, Advocate. A. 1833. Depute Clerk Eegister and Eegistear- General, etc. . 150 Dunfermline, Eight Hon. Lord. Sec Abercromby. E Egerton, Eight Hon. Lord Francis. See Ellesmere. Ellesmere, Eight Hon. Earl of, K.G. A. 1836 (as Lord Francis Egerton). D. 1857, ... 122 The Bannatyne (Jlub. 21 No. Ellis, Henry (afterwards Sir Henry Ellis, K.T.), British Museum, London. A. 1827. K. 1830, . 68 Eyton, Joseph Walter King. A. 1843, . 151 F Ferguson, Egbert, of Kaith, M.P. A. 1827. D. 1841, 69 Ferguson, General Sir Eonald Craufurd, G.C.B. A. 1827. D. 1841, 70 Ferguson, Lieut.-Col. Egbert, of Eaith, M.P. A. 1845, 157 Fergusson, Sir Charles Dalrymple, of Kilkerran and New Hailes. A. (as Charles Fergusson, Younger OF Kilkerran) 1829. D. 1849, ... 94 Flahault, Count Mercer de. A. 1826, . . 43 Forbes, Arthur, of Culloden. A. 1845. E. 1849, . 156 FuLLERTON, John, Advocate. A. 1826. Hon, Lord Ful- LERTON, AS A Lord of Session, 1829. E. 1841. D. 1853, 33 G Glenorchy, Eight Hon. Lord. See Breadalbane. Gordon, His Grace George, Duke of, G.C.B. A. 1829. D. 1836, . 90 Gosford, Eight Hon. Earl of, K.P. A. (as Viscount Acheson) 1842. D. 1862, . . . . 142 Gott, William, Banker, Leeds. A. 1828, . . 86 Graham, Eight Hon. Sir James Egbert George, of Netherby, Bart., M.P. A. 1826. E. 1831. D. 1861, 55 Graham, Egbert, of Balgowan, Advocate. A. 1823. D. 1859, 15 Gray, Eight Hon. Francis Lord, of Kinfauns. A. 1826. D. 1842, 56 Gregory, Professor WiLLuysi, M.D. A. 1848. Elec- tion cancelled 1849. D. 1858, 166 Grenville, Eight Hon. Thomas, London. A. 1829. D. 1847, 95 22 Alphabetical List of Members of H No. Haddington, Eight Hon. Thomas, Earl of, K.T. A. (as Lord Binning) 1827. D. 1858, .... 63 Hamilton axd Brandon, His Grace Alexander, Duke of, kg. a. 1828. D. 1852, .... 81 Hamilton and Brandon, His Grace William, Duke of. A. (as IVIarquess of Douglas and Clydesdale) 1847. D. 1863, 161 Hay, Edward William Auriol Dribimond. A. 1826. CoNSLT.- General at Tangiers, 1829. D. 1845, . 34 Hay, Sir John, of Hayston, Bart. A. 1833. D. 1839, 109 Hepburn, Sir Thoivias Buchan, of Smeaton, Bart. A. 1838, 129 Hog, JAiiES Maitland, OF NEWT.ISTON. A. 1826. D. 1858, 57 Holland, Pjght Hon. Lord Vassall. A. 1834. D. 1840, 113 Hope, Ja:\ies Egbert, Barrister (now James E. Hope Scott, OF Abbotsford). A. 1848, ... 165 Hope, John, Solicitor-General for Scotland. A. 1826. Eight Hon. Lord Justice- Clerk, 1841. D. 1858, 58 Innes, Cosmo, Advocate, M.A. A. 1829. Professor of History, am) one of the Clerks of Session, . 102 Irving, David, LL.D. A. 1826. D. 1860, . 44 Ivory, Jajwes, Advocate (afterwards Hon. Lord Ivory, as a Lord of Session). A. 1826, , . , 59 Jameson, Egbert, Advocate. A. 1827. D. 1835, . 73 Jamieson, Eev. John, D.D. A. 1827. D. 1838, 72 The Bannatyne Club. 23 No. Jakdine, Henry, of Harwood, Writer to H.M. Signet (afterwards Sir Henry Jardine, Queen's Eemem- brancer). a. 1823. R 1850. D. 1851, . . 16 Jeffrey, Francis, Advocate. A. 1826. Lord Advo- cate, 1830. Hon. Lord Jeffrey, as a Lord of Session, 1834. D. 1850, 35 K Keay, James, of Snaigo, Advocate. A. 1826. D. 1837, 36 Kennedy, Thomas Francis, of Dunure, M.P. A. 1830. R. 1836, 105 KiNNEAR, John Gardiner, Banker. A. 1826. R 1842, 60 KiNNEAR, Thomas, B.inker. A. 1823. D. 1830, 3 KiNNOULL, Right Hon. the Earl of. A. 1827. E. 1850, 74 L Laing, David, LL.D., Secretary of the Club. A. 1823, 4 Langhorne, John Bailey, Eichmond, Yorkshire. A. 1 85 1 , 171 Lauderdale, Eight Hon. James, Earl of, K.T. A. 1827. D. 1839, 75 Lauderdale, Eight Hon. James, Earl of. A. 1840. D. 1860, 137 Lauder, Sir Thoml^s Dick, of Fountainhall, Bart. A. 1843. D. 1848, 149 Lee, Eeverend John, D.D. A. 1823. Principal of the University OF Edinburgh, 1840. D. 1859, . 17 Leith, Alexander Wellesley, Advocate. A. 1831. Sir a. W. Leith, Bart., 1842. D. 1842, . . 108 Lindsay, Eight Hon. the Lord. A. 1834, . . 114 Loch, James, M.R, London. A. 1834. D. 1854, . 116 Lothl^, Most Hon. John, Marquess of. A. 1827. D. 1841, 76 Lothian, Most Hon. Willls.m, Marquess of. A. 1852, 177 LovAT, Eight Hon. Thomas Lord. A. 1838, . . 130 24 Alphabetical List of Membeks of M No. Macuonald, Alexander. A. 1838. D. 1851, . 128 Macdowall, William, of Gaethlaxd. A. 1834. D. 1840, 115 Mackenzie, Colin, of Portmoee, P.C.S. A. 1828. D. 1830, 87 Mackenzie, James, Writer to H.M. Signet. A. 1826, 37 MACitENZiE, John Whitefoord, Writer to H.M. Signet. A. 1833, Ill Mackenzie, Joshua Henry, Hon. Lord Mackenzie, as a Lord of Session. A. 1826. D. 1851, . . 45 IVIackenzie, Lewis Mark, of Findon. A. 1852. R. 1853. D. 1856, 178 Mackenzie, Keith Stewart, of Seaforth. A. 1845, 155 Mackenzie, William Forbes, of Portmore, M.P. A. 1838. D. 1862, 131 Maconochie, Alexander, Hon. Lord Meadowbank, as a Lord of Session. A. 1840 (afterwards A. Macon- ochie Welwood of Meadoavbank and Garvock). D. 1861, 139 Madden Frederick, British Museum, London. A. 1833. Now Sir Frederick Madden, K.T. R 1836, . 112 Maidment, James, Advocate. A, 1823, . . 18 Maitland, Thomas, of Dundrennan, Advocate. A. 1823. Solicitor-General, 1846. Hon. Lord Dundrennan, AS A Lord of Session, 1850. D, 1851, . . 31 Maule, The Hon. William. See Panmuee. Maxwell, Sir William, of Monreith, Bart. A. 1851, 170 Meason, Gilbert Laing, of Lindertis. A. 1823. D. 1832, 1 9 Melville, The Honourable William Leslie. A. 1839. D. 1855, 136 Melville, Eight Hon. Egbert, Viscount. A. 1823. D. 1851, 83 The Bannatyne Club. 25 No. MiLLEK, William Henky, of Craigentinny. A. 1826. D. 1849, 46 MiNTO, Eight Hon. Gilbert, Earl of, G.C.B. A. 1823. D. 1859, 26 Moncreiff, James, Advocate. A. 182G. Sir James Welwood Moncreiff, Bart., and Hon. Lord Mon- creiff, AS A Lord OF Session, 1829. D. 1851, . 38 Moncreiff, Right Hon. James, LL.D., Lord Advocate, M.P. A. 1852, 179 Morton, Right Hon. the Earl of. A. 1851. D. 1858, 172 Muirhead, James Patrick, Advocate. A. 1842, . 147 MuKRAY, John Archibald, Advocate. A. 1823. Lord Advocate, 1834. Sir John A. Murray, and Hon. Lord Murray, as a Lord of Session, 1839. D. 1859, 20 Murray, William, of Henderland. A. 1836. D. 1854, 39 N Nairne, James, Writer to H.M. Signet. A. 1829. R. 1834. D. 1847, 96 Napier, Macvey, Writer to H.M. Signet, Professor of Conveyancing, afterwards one of the Clerks of Session. A. 1826. D. 1847, .... 47 Nasmyth, Robert, F.R.C.S., Edinburgh. A. 1842, . 146 Neaves, Charles, Advocate, LL.D. A. 1845. Hon. Lord Neaves, as a Lord of Session, 1854, . . . 158 Northesk, Right Hon. the Earl of. A. 1848, . 164 Palgrave, Francis (afterwards Sir F. Palgrave). A. 1827. R. 1850. D. 1861, .... 77 Panmure, The Honourable William Maule, of Panmure. A. 1829. Lord Panmure, 1831. D. 1852, . . 104 Panmure, Right Hon. Fox Maule, Lord. See Dalhousie. 26 Alphabetical List of Members of No. Peteie, Henry, Keeper of the Kecords in the Tower, London. A. 1827. D. 1842, .... 78 Phillipps, Sir Thomas, of Middlehill, Bart., Worces- tershire. A. 1838. R 1845, . . . 127 Piper, Edward. A. 1837. E. 1845. D. 1857, . 125 PlTCAIRN, PtOBERT, WRITER TO H.M. SiGNET. A. 1823. R. 1848. D. 1855, 21 Pringle, Alexander, of Whytbank, Advocate, M.P. A. 1831. D. 1857, 107 R EiCHARDSON, John, Solicitor, London (afterwards of KiRKLANDS, Roxburghshire). A. 1826. D. 1864, 40 EosEBERY, Eight Hon. the Earl of, K.T. A. 1839. R 1849, 133 EossLYN, Eight Hon. James Earl of, G.C.B. A. 1827. D. 1837, 79 EoxBURGHE, His Grace the Duke of, K.T. A. 1841, 140 Eutherfurd, Andrew, Advocate. A. 1826. Eight Hon. Lord Advocate, M.P., 1839, and Lord Eutherfurd, AS A Lord of Session, 1851. Vice-President, 1852, AND President of the Club, 1854. D. 1854, . 48 S Scott, Eev. Hew, M. A, Minister of Anstruther-Easter. A. 1852, 181 Scott, James E. Hope. See Hope. Scott, Sir Walter, of Abbotsford, Bart., President OF the Club, 1823. D. 1832, .... 1 Selkirk, Eight Hon. the Earl of. A. 1829, . 92 Shepherd, Eight Hon. Sir Samuel, Lord Chief Baron OF Scotland. A. 1823. R 1836. D. 1840, . 22 Simpson, James Young, M.D., Professor in the Univer- sity of Edinburgh. A. 1851, . . 173 Sinclair, Alexander, Edinburgh. A. 1852, . . 180 The Bannatyne Club. 27 No. Skene, Andrew, Advocate (afterwaiids Soligitok- General FOR Scotland). A 1823. D. 1835, . 30 Skene, James, OF RuBisLAW. A. 1823. D. 1864, . 23 Smythe, George, Advocate. A. 1823. D. 1834, . 24 Smythe, William, OF Methven, A. 1837, . . 126 Spencer, Eight Hon. George John, Second Earl, K.G. A. 1829. D. 1834, 91 Spencer, Eight Hon. John Charles, Earl. A. 1835. D. 1845, 117 Spottiswoode, John, of Spottiswoode, London, A. 1826, 61 Stafford, Most Hon. The Marquess of. See Sutherland. Stanley, Edward, London. A. 1838, . . . 132 Stevenson, Eev. Williajvi (now D.D., Professor in the University OF Edinburgh). A. 1848, . . 167 Stewart, Sir John Archibald, of Grantully and Murthly, Bart. A. 1828. D. 1838, . . 88 Straton, Lieut.- General Sir Joseph. A. 1827. D. 1840, 80 Stuart, The Honourable Charles Francis, Lennox- love, East-Lothl^n. A 1828. D. 1858, . . 89 Sutherland, His Grace George, Duke of, and JVIar- QUESS OF Stafford, K.G. A. 1828. D. 1833, . 82 Sutherland, His Grace George, Duke of, K.G. A. 1835. D. 1861, 118 SwiNTON, Archibald, Advocate, Professor of Civil Law in the University of Edinburgh. A. 1842. (Now Archibald Campbell Swinton, LL.D., Younger of Kimmerghame), . . . , . . 145 T Thomson, Alexander, of Banchory, Advocate. A. 1826, 41 Thomson, Tho^ias, Advocate, Deputy Clerk Eegister, Vice-President, 1823. Afterwards one of the Clerks of Session. A. 1823. President of the Club, 1832. D. 1852, . . . . . 2 28 List of Members of the Bannatyne Club. No. Tkevelyan, Walter Calverly. A. 1826. Sir Walter C. Trevelyan, Bart., 1846, .... 49 TuRNBULL, William Barclay David Donald, Advocate. A. 1845. D. 1863, 159 Turner, Dawson, Yarmouth. A. 1837. R 1850. D. 1858, 124 Tytler, Patrick Fraser, Advocate. A. 1823. E. 1838. Re-elected 1844. D. 1850, .... 25,153 U Urquhart, Adam, Advocate. A. 1829. D. 1860, . 103 W Warrender, Eight Hon. Sir George, of Lochend, Bart. A. 1829. D. 1849, 97 Welwood, a. Maconochie. See Maconochie. Wrangham, The Venerable Francis, Archdeacon of. A. 1829. D. 1843, 98 libraries. The Library at Abbotsford. The British Museum. The Society of Lincoln's Inn. The Faculty of Advocates. The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. The Society of Writers to H.M. Signet. The University of Cambridge. The University of Edinburgh. The University of Glasgow. The Eoyal Library, Berlin. Trinity College, Dublin. The Smithsonian Institution, Washington, United States. RULES OF Cfje Bannatgne Club, Instituted February 1823. NOTICE PREFIXED TO THE OCTAVO EDITION OF THE RULES, 1823. The Bannatyne Club was instituted at Edinburgh the 1 5th of February 1823. " The express object and design contemplated in this Association, is, by means of an annual sum contributed by the Members, to print in a uniform and handsome manner, a series of Works, illustrative of the History, Topography, Poetry, and Miscellaneous Literature of Scotland in former times. " The Members have adopted for the designation of the Club, the name of the venerable and industrious Collector, to whose labour pos- terity is obliged for the earliest and most important record of our National Poetry." Extract from Mimttes of the Club. RULES OF THE BANNATYNE CLUB. MAKCH MDCCCXXIII. I. That the Club shall consist of a limited number of Mem- bers ; at no time to exceed Thirty-One. II. That a General Meeting shall be held annually on the Fourth Tuesday of November ; and that the President shall have power, when occasion requires, to call an Extraordinary General Meeting, of which three weeks' notice shall be given to the resident Members, III. That every Anniversary Meeting shall appoint a Com- mittee of Management, consisting of Six Members, under whose direction the affairs of the Club shall be carried on for the fol- lowing year ; and that this shall be an open Committee. IV. That no election of Members shall take place, except by ballot at the Annual General Meeting, of which a printed notice shall be circulated on or before the first of November, mentioning the names of the Candidates, and the Members by whom they have been severally proposed. 32 Rules of the Bannatyne Club. V. That three black balls shall exclude any person proposed for admission. VI. That in the event of the applications for admission exceeding the number of vacancies to be supplied, a previous ballot shall take place, to determine the rotation in which the Candidates on the list shall be balloted for. A majority of votes to decide. VII. That the Members be requested to transmit to the Secretary notices of ancient manuscripts, books, or tracts, con- nected with Scottish literature, to be entered into the Album of the Club, with the names of the Members recommending them for publication ; and that from this Register the General Meeting shall from time to time make a selection. VIII. That the annual contribution of each Member of the Club to the General Fund shall be fixed at the Anniversary Meeting ; and shall lie paid before the first day of March. IX. That the sum so collected be under the control of the Committee of Management, in defraying the expenses of the Works to be printed, under the authority of the Club. X. That the impression of such Works shall never exceed Eighty-four copies, of which number each INIember of the Club shall be entitled to receive two copies, free of all charge or expense, that he may be enabled to present one to any of his friends. The remaining copies to be at the disposal of the Club, in order to be presented to such Libraries as shall be named at the General Meeting. XI. That when Works intended to be printed, are of such importance or magnitude as to render it inexpedient to confine EuLES OK THE Bannatyne Club. 33 their circulation within the Club, it shall be optional to have an extra impression thrown off, on a pai)er differing in size or quality from that which is made use of for the copies intended for the Members ; and that these additional copies shall be disposed of in such a manner as shall be determined on at the General Meeting. In such instances, it is resolved, that the copies printed exclusively for the Club, shall be limited to Forty-eight ; and that each Member shall receive one copy for his own collection. XII. That if any Member of the Club shall voluntarily undertake to have printed, at his own expense, particular Works or Tracts relative to Scottish affairs, for distribution among the Members, and his friends, he shall be furnished with the paper made for their regular publications, and with the use of their device, to serve as a distinguishing mark of the desti- nation of such Tracts or Works ; it being understood that each Member of the Club shall receive one copy of every Work or Tract so printed. And, in order to preserve uniformity in the style of execution, as well as in size, it is further expected that the rules laid down for the publications of the Club shall be conformed to. XIII. That unless in such special exceptions as are referred to in the Eleventh Eule, copies of no Work printed under the sanction of the Club, shall, on any account whatsoever, be offered to sale. RULES OF THE BANNATYNE CLUB. DECEMBER MDCCCXXVII. I. The Club shall consist of a limited number of Members ; at no time to exceed One Hundred, II. The objects of the Club shall be the Printing and Publi- cation of Works illustrative of the History, Literature, and Antiquities of Scotland. III. A General Meeting shall be held annually on the First Monday of December, for the election of Office-bearers and other matters ; and the President shall have power to call Extraordinary General Meetings, upon three weeks' notice given to the resident Members. IV. The ordinary affairs of tlie Club shall be conducted under the direction of a Committee of Management, consist- ing of the Office-bearers, viz., the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary, and of Six Members, two of whom shall go out annually by rotation ; and this shall be an open Committee. EuLES OF THE Bannatyne Club. 35 V. No election of Members shall take place, except at an Extraordinary General Meeting, called expressly for that pur- pose, by a Eesolution of the Club at their Annual General Meeting ; and fourteen days previous to the day of election, the Secretary shall transmit to each Member a List of the Candidates, with the names of the Members by whom they have been respectively proposed. VI. The election of Members shall be made by sealed Lists or ballots, each bearing on the envelope the signature of the Member by whom it is given; and two-thirds of the whole number of votes so given, shall be requisite to the admission of a Candidate. This Eule to continue in observance at least until the limited number has been once completed. VII. The annual contribution of each Member to the Gene- ral Fund shall be Five Guineas ; and the payment of this contribution shall be made to the Treasurer on the first day of February in each year. VIII. The sum so collected shall be under the control of the Committee of Management, for the purpose of defraying the expense of Works printed under the authority of the Club. IX. The Works to be published for the Club shall be deter- mined on by the Committee, who shall also regulate the num- ber of copies to be printed. Each Member of the Club shall receive one copy of every such Work, free of all charge : the remaining copies to be at the disposal of the Club, as donations to such Libraries, and private individuals, as shall be approved of by the Committee. X. When Works intended to be printed, are of such import- ance or magnitude as to render it expedient to extend their 36 Rules of the Bannatyne Club. circulation beyond the Club, it shall be in the discretion of the Committee to direct an extra impression to be thrown off, for Sale, on a paper differing in size or quality from the Mem- bers' copies. XI. If any Member of the Club shall undertake to have printed, at his own expense, particular Works or Tracts rela- tive to Scottish afiairs, the printer shall be furnished with the necessary supply of paper made for the Publications of the Club ; it being understood that each Member shall receive one copy of every Work or Tract so printed. XII. A copy of every Work printed for the Club, whether out of the General Fund, or at the expense of individual Mem- bers, shall be retained by the Secretary for the Collection or Library attached to the Club. H U I. E S OF THE BANNATYJ^E CLUB. DECEMBER MDCCCXXXIII. I. The object of the Institution shall be to print Works illustrative of the History, Antiquities, and Literature of Scot- land, either at the expense of the Club, or as contributions by individual Members. II. The number of Members admissible into the Club shall be One Hundred. III. A General Meeting of the Clul) shall be held annually in the month of December, for the purpose of electing a Presi- dent, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary, and for transacting other business. IV. The President, or, in his absence, the Vice-President, shall have power to call Extraordinary General Meetings, on giving a fortnight's notice to the resident Membei*s. V. The Election of Members shall take place only at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose, either 38 Rules of the Bannatyne Club. in pursuance of a resolution of the Club, or on a requisition by the President, or, in his absence, by the Vice-President : and at least one calendar month before such election, the Secre- tary shall transmit to each Member a list of the Candidates who have been put in nomination, together with the names of the Members by whom they have been severally recom- mended. VI. The election of Members shall be determined by a majority of votes given in sealed lists, each list bearing on the envelope the signature of the Member by whom it is tendered ; and no Candidate shall be elected without having at least twenty votes. VII. The Annual Contribution of each Member to the General Fund of the Club shall be Five Guineas ; payable in advance to the Treasurer on the first day of February. VIII. The ordinary business of the Club shall be conducted by a Committee, consisting of the four Office-bearers, and six ordinary Members, two of whom shall annually retire by rotation, and be replaced by election at tlie Annual General Meeting in December. IX. The Committee of Management shall hold Meetings quarterly, on the last Mondays of February, May, August, and November ; and also at such other times as the Members of the Committee may appoint, or of which the President or Vice-President may give previous notice. X. It shall be competent for any Member of the Club to attend all Meetings of the Committee of Management. XI. The Works to be printed at the expense of the Club Rules of the Bannatyne Club. 39 shall be selected by the Committee ; who, in each case, shall also regulate the extent of the impression : — And of every such Work, each Member of the Club shall receive one copy ; the remaining copies to be at the disposal of the Club. XII. When the "Works selected for printing are such as to render it expedient to extend their circulation, it shall be com- petent for the Committee to direct a certain number of copies to be printed for sale, on a paper different from that on which the copies for the Members has been printed. XIII. Members who may undertake to print works connected with the objects of the Institution, for the purpose of being- presented to the Members, shall be furnished by the Club with paper for one hundred and thirteen copies. XIV. A copy of every Work printed, whether out of the general fund, or at the expense of individual Members, shall be retained by the Secretary for the Library of the Club. XV. The Rules of the Club shall not be altered unless at an Annual General Meeting, on due previous notice to tlie Members of any motion for that purpose. RULES, ETC. FEBRUARY MDCCOXLIV. [EuLES I. to VII., the same, with a few verbal changes, as given at pages 37 and 38.] VIII. If any Member shall fall one year in arrear of his Annual Subscription, and having received notice from the Secretary, shall fail within one month thereafter to make pay- ment of such arrear, he shall, ipso facto, cease to be a Member of the Club. IX. The Treasurer, on the first day of February in each year, shaU transmit to the Secretary of the Club the name of every Member whose Annual Contribution has fallen into arrear ; and the Secretary shall thereafter write to such Member so in arrear, with a copy of the preceding Eule. [EuLES X. to XVII., the same as those numbered VIII. to XV., at pages 38 and 39. In Eule XIII. the number of copies to be printed was altered from one hundred and thirteen to one hundred and thirty.] CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PRINTED FOE %\ft Battnatgne Club, 1823—1866. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. "This Club was established in Februaiy 1823 ; and owes its formation and success, in a great degree, to the exertions of its late President, Sir Walter Scott, Bart. ; and also to Thomas Thomson, Esq., the successor of Sir Walter in that office. It consisted originally of thirty- one members ; but in consequence of the numerous applications for admission by persons of rank and literary distinction, the number was gradually extended, until it was definitively fixed to one hundred members. The annual contribution from each member is five guineas. The Club derives its name from Geokge Bannatyne, memorials of whom have been printed by the Club, whence the following account of hmiself, and the collection to which he owes his reputation, is taken. " George Bannatyne was born on the 2 2d day of February 1545. To his seclusion from active life during his youth, is owing that rich collection of Scottish poetry which bears his name. He was living in 1606, and was then sixty-one years old : but the period of his death is not precisely known. "The work called Bannatyne's manuscript, is in a folio form, containing upwards of eight hundred pages, very neatly and closely written, and designed, as has been supposed, to be sent to the press. The labour of compiling this valuable collection was undertaken during the time of pestilence, in the year 1568, when the dread of it compelled men to forsake their usual employments. 44 The Bannatyne Club. " After the death of George Bannatyne, the industrious com piler, his manuscript became the property of his grandson, George Foulis, of Eavelston. William Foulis of Woodhall (the great-grandson of George Bannatyne) bestowed this monument of his ancestor's taste and labours upon the Hon. William Car- michael, of Skirling, advocate. Finally, in the year 1772, the liberality of John, third Earl (jf Hyndford, made the Corpus Poeticum Scoforum public property, by depositing it in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. It has been recently inlaid, and bound in a splendid manner, in two volumes. " The object of the Institution is to print works illustrative of the history, antiquities, and literature of Scotland, either at the expense of the Club, or as contributions from individual members. The following list of works already printed will afford the best eulogium on their efforts." (" A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books privately printed, including those of the Bannatyne, Maitland, and Eox- burghe Clubs. By John Martin, F.L.S.," pp. [ 359-378. Lond. 1834. 8vo.) In the following Catalogue advantage has been taken of Mr. Martin's description of some of the earlier volumes. When his own work was republished in a second edition in 1854, he withheld his account of books issued from Private presses, or by Literary Clubs ; but he did not live to complete his purpose of giving these in a separate volume.^ 1 Mr. Martin died at Froxfield, to tlie Duke of Bedford at Wobiini near Woburii, 30tli December 1855, Abbey. (See Obituary in fJeutle- aged 64. He latterly was Librarian man's Magazine, March 1856, p. 317.) THE BANNATYNE CLUB. CATALOGUE. 1823. (1.) VlTAE DUNKELDENSIS ECCLESIAE EPISCOPORUM, A PrIMA Sedis Fundatione ad Annum m.d.xv. Ab Alexandro Myln, Ejusclem Kcclesiae Canouico, Coiiscriptae. Impressum Edinbiirgi, m.dccc.xxiii. 4to, title, etc., and pp. 75. Printed at the expense of the Club, and edited by Thomas Thomson, Esq., Vice-President. Seventy copies were printed. Prefixed to the work is an illumination, with the arras of Scotland in the centre ; and at page 1 a specimen of the MS., with an illuminated letter R. The original manuscript is a small quarto, consisting of 45 leaves of vellum, neatly written. The name on the first illuminated page shows that it had belonged to Sir William Sinclair of Roslin, an eminent collector. It was acquired by the Faculty of Advo- cates before the year 1705, when it was described in Nicolson's " Scottish Historical Library." Of the author, Alexander Myln, it may be briefly noticed that he was successively a Canon of the Church of Aberdeen, Prebendary of Monithie, in the Cathedral of Dunkeld, and Abbot of Cambuskenneth. On the institution of the College of Justice in 1532, the Abbot was chosen Lord President, and he continued to hold this office till his death, which appears to have been at the close of the year 1548. In the year 1831, when the number of Members of the Club was increased, it was thought desirable to have Abbot Myln's 46 Catalogue of Books printed work reprinted for a limited number of Subscribers. The editor of this republication was Cosmo Innes, Esq., who carefully revised the text, and succeeded in amending some obscure passages, more especially the Epitaph on Bishop Lauder, who died in 1481, by giving it a metrical arrangement. In the Latin Preface the Editor gives a brief notice of the Author and his work ; with an an Appendix and general Index. L ^■- VlTAE DUNKELDENSIS ECCLESIAE EPISCOPORUM, etC. Editio i4M> 50 Catalogue of Books printed (11.) Hectoris Boetii Murthlacensium et Aberdoxen- siUM Episcoporum Vitae, Iterum in lucem editae. Edinburgi, m.dccc.xxv. 4to. Titles, etc., and pp. 90. Presented, as a joint contribution, by Henry Cockburn, Esq. Solicitor-General for Scotland, and Thomas Maitland, Esq., Advocate. Reprinted without either preface or notes, from the original work in small 4to, which appeared at Paris in 1522. Sixty copies were printed. A facsimile of the original title, within an ornamented border, with the printer's initials I. B. (or lodocus Badius), and the " Prelum Ascensianum," is prefixed. On the last page is this imprint : " Impressa sunt hsec Prelo Ascensiano, ad Idus Maias, anno Salutis m.d.xxii. Deo Gratise. — Typis Jac. Ballantyne et SOC. M.DCCC.XXV." (12.) An Apology for Sir James Dalrymple of Stair, President of the Session. By Himself. Edinburgh : Printed by J. Ballantyne and Co. m.dccc.xxv. 4to. Pp. viii. and 20. Presented by William Blair, Esq., Advocate. The original tract consists of four leaves, and has no separate title-page, but there is on the last page, " Edinburgh, printed in the year 1690." (13.) The Historie and Life of King James the Sext : being an Account of the Affairs of Scotland, from the year 1566 to the year 1596 ; with a short Continuation to the yeai 1617. Printed at Edinburgh, mdcccxxv. 4to. Preface, pp. xviii. and 446. Printed at the expense of the Club, under the superintendence of Thomas Thomson, Esq., V.-P., from a manuscript in the library of the Marquess of Lothian, at Newbattle Abbey : it is the com- position of an unknown author. Fifty-two copies were printed for the Club ; and one hundred and fifty, on paper of dift'erent and inferior quality, for sale. Those intended for the members are uniform in appearance with Sir James Melville's Memoirs : and have the i:)rinter's signatures marked with a (f ). Since the appearance of this volume, an attempt lias been made to identify the author of the original work with Mr. John Colville. Sec No. 104. FOR THE P>ANNATYNE ClUB. 51 (14.) The Disco verie and Historie of the Gold Mynes IN Scotland. By Stephen Atkinson : written in the year M.DC.XIX. Edinburgh : Printed by James Ballantyne and Co. M.DCCC.xxv. 4to. Preface, pp. vii. and 119. Presented by Gilbert Laing Meason, of Lindertis, Esq. Printed froni a MS. in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. The text revised and an Api^eudix added by the Secretary. Seventy-two copies were printed. (15.) Letters of John Grahame of Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee, with illustrative Documents. Edinburgh : Printed by James Ballantyne and Co. m.dccc.xxvi. 4to. Pp. vii. and 96. Presented by the Editor, George Smythe, Esq., Advocate. The volume contains a series of letters, in one of which Claver- house gives an account of the skirmish of Drumclog in 1G79. Sir Walter Scott has extracted this letter from the Club volume in his notes to " Old Mortality," and says, " The original is in the library of the Duke of Buckingham. Claverhouse, it may be observed, spells like a chambermaid." — Waverley Novels, vol. X. p. 157. Two facsimiles of signatures occur at pages 42 and 95. (16.) De Vita, et Morte Roberti Eollok, Academic Edin- BURGEN.(E Primarii, Narrationes : Auctoribus Georgio Robert- son, et Henrico Charteris. Edinburgi : Tyjjis Jac. Ballantyne et Soc. m.dccc.xxvi. 4to. Title, etc., and pp. 84. Printed at the expense of the Club, under the superintendence of the Rev. Dr. John Lee, one of the ministers of Edinburgh ; but his proposed Memoir of Principal RoUock never appeared. This volume consists of two parts : the first, from a printed volume, " Edinburgi : apud Henricum Charteris, 1599 ;" the other, from an unpublished manuscript in the University Library of Edinburgh. Robertson was appointed one of the ministers of Edinburgh after he had retired from the office of one of the Regents in the University ; and Charteris was chosen RoUock's successor as Principal of the University. He was the son of Henry Charteris, bookseller and printer in Edinburgh. ♦^ 52 Catalogue of Books printed (17.) The Palice of Honouk. By Gawyn Douglas, Bishop OF Dunkeld. Eeprinted at Edinburgh : by James Ballantyne and Com- pany. M.DCCC.xxvii. 4to. Title, Preface, and collation of the earlier editions of the Palice of Honour, pp. xv., with a facsimile of the title to Copland's edition at p. vii. ; the title and prologue of the Edinburgh edition 1579, 4 leaves, and the Palice of Honour, pp. 72. Presented by John Gardiner Kinnear, Esq., Banker in Edin- **^ burgh. The text is accuiately given from the edition " Imprentit at Edinburgh be Johne Ros, for Henric Charteris. Anno 1579." Only two copies of this edition are known : one, presented by Drummond of Hawthornden, to the University of Edinburgh, in 1626 ; and the other, in the Advocates Library. (18.) Memoirs of his own Iife. By Sir James Melville OF Halhill. m.d.xlix. — M.D.xciii. From the original Manu- script. Printed at Edinburgh, m.dccc.xxvii. 4to. Title and Pre- face, pp. xxviii. The Memoirs, pp. 420 , Index, pp. xvii. Printed at the expense of the Club, from the Original MS. in the possession of the Right Hon. Sir George H. Rose, under the superintendence of Thomas Thomson, Esq. The author was well known, as a person of considerable distinction in the Scottish court, during the reigns of Queen Mary and King James the Sixth. He died in 1617, at the age of 72. At p. xxviii. are comparative specimens of the handwriting of Sir James MelviUe. (19.) The Bannatyne Miscellany; containing Original Papers and Tracts, chiefly relating to the History and Literature of Scotland. Volimie I. Printed at Edinburgh, M.DCCC.xxvn. 4to. Title, etc., 6 leaves ; l)p. 362. Ptules of the Club, and List of Members, 1823-1827. This volume was edited by Sir Walter Scott. President, and the Secretary of the Club. At page 184 is facsimile of an old plan of Edinburgh (a fold- ing plate), circa May 1544, and at p. 188, a view of the Royal Palace of Holyrood, by J. G., civca 1650. FOR THE BaNNATYNE CLUB. 53 This volume was issued to the Members in two separate paits ; Part First in December 1824, and Part Second in March 1828. — The Bannatyne Miscellany, etc. Volume II. Printed at Edinburgh : m.dccc.xxxvl ito. Pp.412. After p. 2 there are four leaves of lithogi-aphic facsimile of the original " Strena ad Jacobum V.," etc., 1528 ; at p. 74, a fold- ing plate, Siege of the Castle of Edinburgh in 1573 ; also engrav- ings at p. 398 of the Castle of Edinburgh, and at p. 401, of the Parliament House, by J. G., circa 1G50. — The Bannatyne Miscellany, etc. Volume III. Printed at Edinburgh : 4to. Pp. xii. and 436. Vols. II. and III. were printed at the expense of the Club, and edited by the Secretary. At p. 16 is a plate of two seals of the ancient Chapter of Dornoch ; at p. 24, a facsimile folding plate of a Charter of the Cathedral Church of Caithness, a.d. 1213-1245 ; at p. 232, an- other folding facsimile of a letter of Bishop Leighton, about 1673 ; and at p. 324, a Plan of St. Andrews, drawn by J. G., 1642. (20.) Chronicon Coenobii SANCT.E Crucis Edinburgensis, Cj Iterum in Lucem Editum. ^ Impressum Edinburgi. m.dccc.xxviii. 4to. Preface, Title, w etc., pp. xiiL ; pp. 34. ^ Presented by Robert Pitcairn, Esq., Writer to the Signet. v-. Printed from the original manuscript, of the twelfth century, in 3 the library at Lambeth Palace. The Chronicle unfortunately breaks ^^ off abruptly at the year 1163. At p. xi. is prefixed the founda- i i tion charter by DaAad the First, of the monasteiy, from the' 4\ original in the archives of the city of Edinburgh. A facsimile ^§56^" of the first three lines of this charter, and of the seal of the .^ monastery, on one plate, faces the title-page ; the seal alone is | "'^'^^ repeated, as a tail-piece, at the end of the work, , ^ v^ (21.) Thomae Dempsteri Historia Eccleslastica Gentis ScoTORUM STYE DE ScRiPTORiBUS ScoTis. Editio Altera. Edinburgi : Excudebat Andreas Balfour cum Sociis. M.DCCC.xxix. 2 vols. 4to. Title and Latin Preface by the Editor, pp. xxi. 54 Catalogue of Books printed Engraved facsimile of original title-page, Bononise, 1627, and 11 leaves not paged. Vol. I. ends on p. 333; Vol. II. the paging is continued, and ends on page 690. This republication was edited by De. Irving, and was presented as a joint contri- bution from the Count M. de Flahault. The Hon. Lord Fullerton. David Irving, LL.D. William Murray of Henderland, Esq. James Keay of Snaigo, Esq. James Campbell of Craigie, Esq. Andrew Skene, Esq., Solicitor-General. Andrew Rutherfurd, Esq., and William Gibson Craig, Younger of Riccarton, Esq. The Text of Vol. I. was circulated among the Members in 1828 ; Vol. II. and the Preface to Vol. I. in 1829. The impression of this work being enlarged after part of the first volume had been printed off, the first fifteen sheets were reprinted, with a few verbal corrections, and copies sent along with the Preface in 1829. (22.) Extkact from the Despatches of M. Courcelles, French Ambassador at the Court of Scotland. m.d.lxxxvl — m.d.lxxxvil Printed at Edinburgh, m.dccc.xxviil 4to. Title and Pre- face, pp. xii. and 88. Printed at the expense of the Club, under the superintendence of Robert Bell, Esq., Advocate, from a manuscript in the pos- session of the Marquess of Lothian. (23.) Siege of the Castle of Edinburgh. m.dc.lxxxix. Printed at Edinburgh : m.dccc.xx\iil 4to. Preface, pp. viii. and 117. Presented by Robert Bell, Esq., Advocate. Printed from a manuscript in the library of the Faculty of AdA^ocates. A frontis- piece, fiicing the title, and vignette, page 1, both representing Edinburgh Castle, taken from Slezer, will be found in this volume, etched by Benjamin Belj, Esq., F.R.C.S.E. (24.) Letters from Lady Margaret Kennedy to John, Duke of Lauderdale. Foii THE Bannatyne Club. nf) Printed at Edinburgh, m.dccc.xxviii. 4to. Title and I'ro- face, pp. vi. and 107, with a page of errata. One hundred copies of this vohime, wliicli was published tor general sale, under the title of " Letters of Lady Margaret Burnet. Printed at Edinburgh, m.dccc.xxviii.," were purchased by the Club. According to the running titles, and on the first page, tlic Editor himself proposed the title, " Letters from Lady M. Kennedy to John Earl of Lauderdale." Tlie above title-page was athxed in addition to tlie original one. Lady Margaret Kennedy after- wards married Bishop Burnet ; whose name she of course assumed. On tlie title-page is a small eugravetl jxirtrait of John Duke of Lauderdale, engraved by W. and A. K. Johnston ; and on p. 80, a vignette view of Brunston, from a sketch by C. K. Sharpe, Esq. , and three facsimiles in lithography. (25.) The Histoky of the Troubles and Memorable Trans- actions IN Scotland and England, from m.dc.xxiv. to m.dc.xlv. By John Spajlding. Volume I. Printed at Edinburgh, m.dccc.xxviii. 4to. Pp. 360 ; Pre- face, etc., pp. ix. ; Marginal Notes, pp. xxxiii. ; Various read- ings, pp. vii. Of the author of this work, little can now be gathered. Tliis volume contains the following plates, chiefly drawn and etched by the editor, James Skene, Esq. : — Two folding maps and views of Old Aberdeen, by James Gordon, 1668. — Also Views of Pitcaple, page 5. — Strabogie, page 33. — Strathbogie, page 61. — The King's College of Old Aber- deen (from a picture by Jameson), page 102. — Hallforest, page 151. — Marishall College, page 171. — House of Drum, page 209. — Castle of Bog, page 328. — The History of the Troubles and Memorable Trans- actions in Scotland and England, from m.dc.xxiv. to m.dc.xlv. By John Spalding. Volume II. Printed at Edinburgh, M.DCCC.xxix. 4to. Pp. 324 ; Marginal Notes (on the Original MS.), pji. xxvi. ; Index, pp. 27. Printetl at the expense of the Chdj, under the superintendence of James Skene, of Rubislaw, Esq., Advocate. Besides the im- 56 Catalogue of Books feinted pression intended for the use of the members, an extra number of copies was printed for general sale. This volume contains the following plates : — Facsimile of the manuscript, p. 1 . — Views of Strathbogie, p. 2. — Tolbooth of Aberdeen, p. 9. — Cathedral of St. Machars, p. 57. — Bridge of Don, p. 195. — Broadgate of Aberdeen, p. 197. — Beheading the Laird of Haddo, p. 250. — Kildmmmie Castle, p. 258.— Dunnotter, p. 262. (26.) Papeks relative to the Marriage of King James the Sixth of Scotland, with the Princess Anna of Denmark ; a.d. m.d.lxxxix. And the Form and Manner of Her Majesty's Coronation at Holyrood House, a.d. m.d.xc. Printed at Edinburgh, m.dccc.xxviii. 4to. Title and Pre- face, pp. xvi. ; the Papers, pp. 56 ; Stephaniskion, per Andream Melvinum, 5 leaves ; Verba loan. Eusselli, 4 leaves ; John Burel's Discription of the Queen's Entry into Edinburgh (in verse), pp. vii. ; Appendix, pp. 38. Presented by James T. Gibson Craig, Esq., Writer to the Signet. Printed chiefly from original documents, in his Majesty's General Register House. It contains two facsimiles : — I. A Letter from the King to Alexander, Lord of Spynie; and, IL A Letter from Queen Anna to the King. ' . . (27.) A Diary of the Proceedings in the Parliament and Privy Council of Scotland. May 21, m.dcc. — March 7, M.DCC.vii. By Sir David Hume, of Crossrigg, one of the Sena- tors of the College of Justice. Printed at Edinburgh : m.dccc.xxviii. 4to. Title, etc., pp. iv. and 200, and one leaf at the end not paged. Presented by John Hope, Esq., Advocate, at that time Solici- tor-General for Scotland, and afterwards Lord Justice-Clerk. The author was a brother of Sir John Home, of Blackader, created a Baronet in 1671. He was nominated one of the Judges of the Court of Session in November 1689. He died in April 1707. The above Diary was printed from a manuscript in the possession of John Orr, Esq. (28.) Memoirs of his own Life and Times. By Sir James ■i FOR THE BaNNATYNK (JlUB. 57 Turner, m.dc.xxxii- m.dc.lxx. From the original Mauu script. Printed at Edinburgh ; m.dccc.xxix. 4to. Pp. xvi. and 300. The work was edited by Thomas Thomson, Esq., Vice-Presi- dent. One hundred copies of the vohime, which was published for general sale, were printed off on the Club paper, and pur- chased for the use of the members. A fiicsimile of the original MS. is given at p. vii. " Sir James Turner was a soldier of fortune, bred in the civil wars. He was intrusted with a commission to levy the fines im- posed by the Privy Council, for nonconformity, in the district of Dumfries and Galloway. In this capacity he vexed the country •{ so much by his exactions, that the people rose and made him ' S prisoner, and then proceeded in arms towards Mid-Lothian, where ^ they were defeated at Pentlaiid-hills, in 1666. Besides his treatise on the military art, Sir James Turner wrote several other works ; the most curious of which is, his ' Memoirs of his own Life and ^ Times.' " — Waverley Novels, vol. x. p. 54. ^"^ (29.) Les Affaires du Conte de Boduel. L'An m.d.lxviii. I Iniprim^ a Edinbourg : m.dccc.xxix. 4to. Title, prefatory i Notice, pp. xvi. and 3L Appendix, pp. xxxiii. and 65. ^ ^ Presented, as a Second joint contribution, by Henry Cockburn, ^ ^ Esq., and Thomas Maitland, Esq., Advocates, both of them v*^ afterwards raised to the Bench, by the titles of the Hon. Lord ^ CZ^ Cockburn, and the Hon. Lord Duudrennan. Printed from the >j ' r original manuscript, in the Royal Library of Drottningholm, in ^ ^ Sweden, with an Appendix containing original Documents. '^ (30.) Papers relative to the Eegalia of Scotland. Printed at Edinburgh ; m.dccc.xxix. 4to. Pp. vii., ciii., 15 and 9. Presented by William Bell, Esq., Writer to the Signet. At the end of the volume is a facsimile reprint of the " True Account of the Preservation of the Regalia, by Sir George Ogilvie, of Barras, Kt. and Baronet. Edinburgh, m.dcc.i." Pp. 15 ; — " A Clear Vindication of the foregoing Account," pp. 9. This volume contains the following plates of the Regalia : — Crown of Scotland, drawn and etched by W. H. Lizars, a folding plate facing page 17. — Sceptre of Scotland ; drawn by Andrew Geddes : and a Rod, found in the chest, drawn by the 58 Catalogue of Books printed Rev. Jolm Thomson : on one large folding plate ; etched hy Lizars, page 22. — Sword of State, and Scabbard ; drawn by W. Allan and W. Lizars : large folding plate, page 23. — Facsimile of a Letter from Charles ii. to Governor Ogilvy, page 38. — Belt of the Sword of State : folding plate, page 44. — Charles ii. and Arms : woodcut, facing the " True Account." — And the arms of Sir George Ogilvie, page 3. . (3L) The History of the House of Seytoun, to the year M.D.Lix. By Sir Eichard Maitland, of Lethiiigton, Knight. With the Continuation, by Alexander Viscount Kingston, to M.DC.LXXXVn. Printed at Glasgow. m.dccc.xxix. 4to. Preface, pp. xi., Historic, pp. xiii. and 132. One hundred copies were printed off, on Bannatyne Club paper, and purchased from the Maitland Club, Glasgow, at whose expense the volume was printed, but not for general sale. The editor was John Fullerton, Esq. An interior view of Seton Chapel serves as a frontispiece, and view of the Church of Seton as a vignette, " Swan sc," on page 46. There is also an etching in outline containing i^ortraits of Robert first Earl of Winton, from Lady Margaret Countess of Winton, and (their daughter) Lady Isabella Seton, (afterwards) Countess of Perth. (32.) Descrittione del Regno di Scotia, di Petruccio Ubaldini. Eistampato in Edimborgo : m.dccc.xxix. 4to. Title, etc., pp. vii., facsunile title, 3 leaves, and pp. 71. Presented by Andrew Coventry, Esq., Advocate. The com- piler of this description was born at Florence about the year 1524: he resided in England during the reigns of Edward vi. and Elizabeth, and died there at the close of the sixteenth cen- tury. The description was originally published at Antwerp : " Anversa, il di primo di Gennaio, m.d.lxxxviii.," small folio. Ubaldini was also known as a skilful miniature painter, and illuminator on vellum. - /y (33.) Letters from Archibald Earl of Argyll, to John, Duke of L.\uderdale. FOR THE BaNNATYNE ClUB. 59 Printed at EdinLiirgli, m.dccc.xxix. 4to. Preface, etc., 3 leaves, and pp. 124. Oue hundred copies of this volume, which was published for general sale, were purchased for the Club. It was edited by Sik George Sinclair, Bart., and Charles K. Sharps, Esq. On the title-page is a small head of the Earl of Argyll, etched by Mr. Sharpe. At p. 102 there is a lithograph facsimile sketch by the Earl of Argyle of the family burial-place at Kilraun. M.D.LVI. — M.DC.I. Preface, pp. iii. (34.) The Diary of Mr. James Melvill. Printed at Edinburgh, m.dccc.xxix. 4to. and pp. 351. Presented, as a joint contribution, fi'om — The Viscount Melville. Sir William Arbuthnot. Sir Henry Jardine. Robert Dundas, of Arniston, Esq. Colin Mackenzie, of Portmore, Esq., and John Borthwick, of Crookston, Esq. The Prefatory Notice is by the editor, George R. Kinloch, Esq (35.) Memorials of George Bannatyne. m.d.xlv. — M.DC.VIII. Printed at Edinburgh ; m.dccc.xxix. 4to. Title, etc., 4 leaves, pp. 120. Printed at the expense of the Club. These are the Memorials of George Bannatyne, by whose name the Bannatyne Club is designated, as mentioned at page 43 of this Catalogue. At page 19 is an engraving by W. Penny, of that part of the Tomb in the Greyfriars' churchyard, erected to the memory of George Bannatyne's daughter Janet, and her husband, George Foulis, of Ravelston. A view of the old House of Ravelston, a vignette on wood, is given at page 24 ; and a facsimile of Bannatyne's writing, lithographed, at page 26 ; with two other facsimiles from his MS. of 1568 at page 84, and of Allan Ramsay's verses in the Evergreen addressed to Carmichael, in 1726, p. 86. The volume itself contains — 1. Memoir of George Bannatyne, by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 2. Extracts from the " Memoriall Bulk"' of George Bannatyne. 5 ''V- K.^ 60 Catalogue of Books printed 3. An Account of the Contents of George Bannatyue's MS., 1568, by Mr. David Laing. There is also an Appeudix, incduJing Poems by George Banna- TYNE, from his MS., 1568, and Notes respecting Bannatyue and his family. (36.) The Anatomie of Humors ; and the Passionate Sparke of a Relenting Minde. By Simion Grahame. Edinburgh : Printed by Andrew Balfour and Co., 4to. The Anatomie, Title, Preface, etc., pp. viii., 4 leaves, and 1-68 ; "The Sparke" unpaged, 18 leaves. Printed at the expense of Robert Jameson, Esq., Advocate. " The Anatomie of Humors" originally appeared, " At Edinburgh printed by Thomas Finlason, 1609; 4to, and " The Passionate Sparke," also in 4to, "At London by Humfrey Lownes, 1604 ;" the title-page having an elegant woodcut border, facing which is a leaf enclosing a banner, held by a hand ; a lion rampant, and the motto, " Floreat." The author, a native of Edinburgh, flourished in the time of James VI. He was, at different periods, a traveller, a soldier, and a courtier, and died abroad in 1634. (37.) A Eelation of Proceedings concerning the Affairs OF the Kirk of Scotland, from August 1637 to July 1638. By John Earl of Rothes. Edinburgh : Printed M.DCCC.XXX. 4to. Title, etc., and Notice, pp. iv., and pp. 227. Printed at the expense of James Nairne, Esq., and edited by the Secretary. The original manuscript is not known : there are five transcripts, four of which are in the Advocates Library. Besides a whole-length portrait of the Earl of Rothes, 1625, en- graved by Lizars, from the original by Jameson, there is facsimile of a letter in the Earl's handwriting, and an engraved plate of facsimile signatures of the chief persons of the time. (38.) The History of Scotland, from the Death of King James I, in the year m.ccc.xxxvl, to the year m.d.lxi. By John Lesley, Bishop of Pioss. FOR THE BaNNATYNE ClUB. 61 Printed at Ediiiburoh : 4to. Preliminary Notice, and Chronological Ta])le, pp. xxiii. Pp. 319. Printed at the expense of the Club. The manuscript from which this work is printed was conimunicated to the editor, Thomas Thomson, Esq., V.-P., by the Earl of Leven and Melville, and was adopted as the text of the present publication ; its defects having l)een supplied from a later copy, preserved among Arch- bishop Laud's Mss. in the Bodleian Library. Prefixed is a portrait of Bishop Lesley, an oval, copied by W. Penny from a contemporary engraving in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. One hundred copies were printed on Club paper. Copies on ordinary paper were printed for sale. (39.) Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland. By David MoYSiE. M.D.LXXVii. to M.DC.iii. From early Manuscripts. Printed at Edinburgh, 4to. Title and Pre- liminary Notice (commencing on p. xi.), pp. xxvi. and 176. P]-inted at the expense of the Editor, James Denntstoun, Esq., Advocate, as a joint contribution to the Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs. The Memoirs, in a modernized form, had pre- viously been published at Edinburgh in 1755, by Walter Ruddi- man. Two facsimiles of the MS., in lithography, will be found prefixed to page 1. (40.) Trial of Duncan Terig alias Clerk, and Alexander Bane Macdonald, for the Murder of Arthur Davis, Ser- geant in General Guise's Eegiment of Foot. June, a.d. M.DCC.LIV. Edinburgh : Printed by Ballautyne and Company, 1831, 4to. Pp. XV. and 54. " This copy of a Trial involving a curious point of evidence," was presented, as a Second Contiibution, by Sir Walter Scott, Bart., President of the Club. (41.) Hymns and Sacred Songs, by Alexander Hume. Reprinted from the edition of Waldegrave, 1599. Edinburgh, m.dccc.xxxii. 4to. Title and Preface, pp. vii. and 66 ; a leaf of errata. Then follows an unpublished prose 02 Catalogue of Books printed tract entitled, " Ane afold Admonitioun to the Ministerie of Scotland. By a Being Brother." (1607), pp. 19. Presented as a Second Contribution by John Gardiner Kin- near, Esq. Original title, Hymnes, etc., Edinburgh, printed by Robert Waldegrave, 1599, and Epistle Dedicatorie, 4 leaves not paged. The original volume of Hymnes, now reprinted for the Club, is of great rarity, not more than three copies being known. One of these was presented to the University of Edinburgh by William Drummond of Hawthornden. The author was the second son of Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth. He became minister of Logie, and died in 1609. — See Wodroiv Miscellany, vol. i. p. 567. (42.) Ancient Criminal Trials m Scotland ; compiled from the original Eecords and MSS., with Historical Notes and Illustrations. By Egbert Pitcairn, Esq. Edinburgh. m.dccc.xxxiil 3 vols, in 4. 4to. Of this collection, which was published for general sale, one hundred copies, printed off on Club paper, were piu-chased for the use of the members. A few extra copies on Club paper were also printed, to supply members admitted to the Club after the time of publication. It appeared in successive Parts, as fol- lows : — Part I. From 1569 to 1590. Published May 1829. II. „ 1590 „ 1596. July >) III. „ 1596 „ 1600. Oct. )i IV. „ 1600 „ 1602. Jan. 1830. V. „ 1602 „ 1609. April )5 VI. „ 1609 „ 1611. July )) VII. „ 1611 „ 1616. Oct. » VIII. „ 1616 „ 1624. Dec. >J IX. „ 1488 „ 1537. Nov. 1831. X. „ 1537 „ 1568. "1 Titles, Supplement, andl General Index. ) April, 1833. (43.) A Diurnal of Eemarkable Occurrents that have passed within the Country of Scotland, since the Death of King James the Fourth, till the year m.d.lxxv. From a Manuscript of the Sixteenth century, in the possession of Sir John Maxwell of Pollock, Baronet. K(1R THE BaNNATYNE ClUI?. G3 Printed at Edinburgh. m.dccc.xxxiii. 4to. Title and Pre- liminary Notice, pp. vii. and pp. 350. The volume was printed at the joint expense of the Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs. Of the author or compiler of this Diurnal nothing is known, or seems likely to be discovered. It was edited by Thomas Thom- son, Esq., V.P. (44.) Collection of Ancient Scottish Prophecies ; in alli- terative Verse. Eeprinted from Waldegrave's edition, m.dc.iii. Edinburgh : Printed by Ballantyne and Co. m.dccc.xxxiii. 4 to. Pp. viii. and 72. Printed at the expense of the Club. In this reprint the text was collated with the copy of Andro Hart's edition of 1615, which belonged to Sir Walter Scott, and is preserved in the rich and curious library at Abbotsford. These early editions are ex- tremely rare, that of 1603 having hitherto been undescribed. It was edited by the Secretary, with a preface by Thomas Thom- son, Esq., V.P. (45.) Memoirs of the War carried on in Scotland and Ireland, m.dc.lxxxix. — m.dc.xci. By Major-General Hugh Mackay, Commander-in-Chief of his Majesty's Forces. With an Appendix of original Papers. Printed at Edinburgh, m.dccc.xxxiii. 4to. Title, etc., pp. xix. and pp. 359 ; at p. xiiL facsimile of the Author's hand- writing from a letter dated 8th September 1690. Presented as a joint contribution and edited by James Maitland Hog of Newliston, Esq. Patrick Eraser Tytler, Esq., and Adam Urquhart, Esq. Copies were also presented by the Contributors to the Members of the Maitland Club. Frontispiece, a portrait of Lieut. -General Hugh Mackay of Scoury; engraved in mezzotint, by William Barnard, from the original picture, in the possession of Lord Reay. The author of these Memoirs was a younger son of Mackay of Scoury, a branch of the ancient family of Mackay, Lord Reay. 64 Catalogue of Books printed They are now printed for the first time, from the manuscript pre served in the Advocates Library. The extensive and important series of Letters in the Appendix was communicated by the Earl of Leven and Melville. (46.) The Buik of the most noble and vailzeand Con- QUEROUR Alexander the Great. Edinburgh: Eeprinted m.dccc.xxxl 4to. Title, etc., 4 leaves, and pp. 444. Presented by William Henry Miller of Craigentinny, Esq. The volume has no Preface, and was not circulated till 1834. This Romance Poem, reprinted from the only copy known to exist, was communicated to the Club by the Right Hon. William Lord Panmure. It unfortunately wanted the title-page, beginning with signature A i, and running on to signature F f v. in eights — want- ing also signature I, eight leaves, a defect which could not be supplied, as no other copy had been discovered. Tlie woodcut devices on pages 105 and 106 clearly indicate that the volume was printed at Edinburgh by Alexander Arbuthnot about the year 1580. (47.) (The Eagman Eolls.) — Instrumenta Publica sive Processus super Fidelitatibus et Homagiis Scotorum Do- mino Eegi Anglic factis, a.d. mccxci — mgcxcvi. Edinburgi m.dccc.xxxiv. 4to. Pp. xxiii., including the Tabula, pp. 183, Indices Nominum, pp. xlvii. Presented as a joint-contribution by the Right Hon. William Adam, Lord Chief Commissioner of the Jury Court, and the Right Hon. Sir Samuel Shepherd, Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland. This volume was edited by Thomas Thomson, Esq., President of the Club, from the original records and notarial instruments preserved in the Chapter House at Westminster, and in the Tower of London. A letter addressed to the Secretary, London, January 31st, 1835, by the Right Hon. William Adam, and the Right Hon. Sir Samuel Shepherd, expressive of their high sutisfiiction at the manner in which the Editor had completed the work, was, at their desire, printed, and a copy sent to each member, being " jiarticu- larly desirous to make our acknowledgments to Mr. Thomson for Fou THE Uannatynk Club. 65 the ()I)ligatiou lu; has cojifevred upon us, by which wc have been enabled to present a work to the Bannatyne Chib worthy of acceiJtance." (48.) Letters and Papers relating to Patrick Master of Gray, afterwards Seventh Lord Gray. Edinburgh : M.DCCC,xxxv. -ito. Pp. viii. Letters, pp. 20 G. Appendix, pp. xxvii., with five plates in facsimile of original letters. Presented by the Right Hon. Loed Gray of Kinfauns. It was printed under the suijerintendence of Thomas TjiomsOn, Esq., President, who proposed to have given a Memoir of the Master of Gray. Owing to the delay in preparing this, and the impa- tience of the Contributor, the book was somewhat prematurely circulated ; a printed slip as follows accompanying the volume in 1835, when sent to the Members : — " The following Collection of Letters and Papers relating to Patrick Master of Gray, afterwards seventh Lord Gray, was, in its present shape, ready for distribution among the Members of the Bannatyne Club more than five months ago. The distribution, however, was delayed from time to time, in the hope that the volume would be accompanied by a short Prefatory Notice, which, considering the quarter from which it was expected, could not fail to have added much to its value. But as there is now little hope of obtaining that very desirable accompaniment, it has been thought better to distribute the book, even in its present imperfect state, than to withhold it longer from the Mem- bers of the Club." — Mr. Thomson's intended Preface, it may be added, never appeared. (49.) Chronica de Mailros, e Codice unico in Bibliotheca cottoniana servato, nunc iterum in lucem edita. notulis Indiceque aucta. Edinburgh : typis Societatis Edinburgensis. m.dccc.xxxv. 4to. Title, etc., 4 leaves, Preface, pp. xvii. Chronica et Ap - pendix, pp. 238, Index, pp. xliii. Presented as a joint contribution by Sir John Hay of Hayston, Bart., and Alexander Pringle of Whytbank, Esq. Some copies were printed on large papei*. The volume has three plates of facsimiles of portions of the original MS. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson. ^ 6G Catalogue of Books feinted (50.) Philotus ; A Comedy. Eeprinted from the edition of Kobert Charteris (1603). Edinburgli : Printed by Ballantyne and Company. M.DCCC.xxxv. 4to. Preface (by David Irving, LL.D.), pp. xii. (and 48.) Presented by John Whitefoord Mackenzie, Esq., Writer to the Signet. PhilotiLS is reprinted in black letter, page for page with the earliest edition " Imprinted at Edinburgh be Robert Charteris, 1G03," 24 leaves. Various Readings in the edition of "Edin- burgh, printed by Antlro Hart, 1612," are added, also in an Ap- pendix, Barnaby Rich's Tale of Phy lotus and Emelia (pp. 32), contained in "Rich his Farewell to Militarie Profession ;" Lond. 1583, which evidently furnished the plot on which the play was founded. 'Pkiu.a^fku^^irU^u^c^ (51.) Memoriales of Transactions in Scotland, m.d.lxix. — M.D.LXXIII. By EiCHARD Bannatyne, Secretary to John Knox. Edinburgh ; Printed for Private Circulation, m.dcccxxxvi. 4to. Pp. xxxiii. and 414, including an Appendix (of Historical Papers) and the Index. 101 copies, printed on Club paper, were purchased for the Members from the Editor, Robeet Pitcairn, Esq. (52.) A Diary of Public Transactions and other Occur- rences, chiefly in Scotland, from January 1650 to June 1667. By John Nicoll. Printed at Edinburgh : m.dccc.xxxvi. 4to. Preface by the Editor, pp. xii., and facsimile page of the MS. The Diary and Index, pp. 479. The author of this work was a Writer to the Signet and Notary- Public in Edinburgh. It appears from Wod row's MS. Catalogue that two volumes of " The Journals of John Nicoll " had come into his po-ssession before 1722. He describes the first volume as containing some extracts, and an abbreviate of matters in Scotland to the year 1637, and his Journal or Diary continued from 1637 to 1649. This volume has unfortunately been lost. After Wodrow's death, both volumes had been sent for FOR THE BaNNATYNE ClUB. G7 inspection to Edinburgh in 1738, when a selection of his MSS. was purchased by authority of the General Assembly in May 1742; but the vohunes written by Nicoll were not included. The second volume, now printed, is preserved in the Advocates Library, which accj^uired the bulk of Wodrow's MSS. at a later period ; but whether both or only one of NicoH's volumes were included, has not been ascertained. Printed at the expense of the Club, and Edited by the Secre- tary OF THE Club. (53.) Life of Lieut. General Hugh ]\L^ckay, of Scomy, Commander in Chief of the Forces in Scotland, 1689 and 1690, Colonel Commandant of the Scottish Brigade, in the Service of the States -General, and a Privy-Conncillor in Scotland. By John Mackay, Esq. of Eockfield. Laing and Forbes, Edinburgh ; W. Pickering, London ; and Smith and Son, Glasgow, m.dccc.xxxvi. 4to. Title, Preface, etc., pp. xii. ; pp. 1-213, and leaf of Errata. 101 copies, printed on ordinary paper, were purchased for the Club, and an additional title-page supplied. Prefixed is au engraved portrait of General Mackay, by Wm. Barnard, from an original picture in possession of Lord Reay. (54.) EXCEEPTA E LiBRIS DOMICILII DOMINI JaCOBI QuINTI Kegis Scotorum. MDXXV. — MDXXXnL Edinburgi. M.DCCC.xxxvL 4to. Pp. xxiv., 235, and Ap- pendix, pp. 45. At page 3 is a facsimile of the wi-iting of the Household Book of 1525. Presented as a joint contribution by The Hon. J. Henry Mackenzie, Lord BLvckenzie ; Robert Graham of Balgowan, Esq. ; and James Mackenzie, Esq., Writer to the Signet. (55.) Davidis Buchanani de Scriptoribus Scotis Libri Duo, NUNC PEIMUM EDITI. Edinburo'i : excudebant Balfour et Jack, m.dccc.xxxvil 4to. 68 Catalogue of Books printed Title; etc., " Lectori, si quis erit, Salutem," pp. vi. (by the Editor), and pp. 140. Printed at the expense of the Club, and Edited by David Ikving, LL,D., from MSS. in the Libraries of the Faculty of Advocates, and of the University of Edinburgh. (56.) Liber Sancte Marie de Melros Munimenta Vetus- TioRA Monasterii Cisterciensis de Melros. Tonius Priiinis (et Secundus). Edinburgi. m.dccc.xxxvii. 2 vols. 4to. Edited by Cosmo Innes, Esq. Vol. I. contains Preface, pp. xxxii. List of the Plates, pp. xiv. Tabula, pp. xix., and pages 1 to 321. Indices Nominum et Locorum, pp. xxxvi. Vol. II. contains Tabula, pp. xxi. ; the Charters, pages 323 to 695 ; Indices Nomimmi et Locorum, pp. xxxv. Presented by the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensbeery, K.G. A few copies were printed on large paper. In this splendid contribution, there are fifteen engraved plates of Seals, described in Vol. I. TAvelve plates of facsimiles are also inserted in the book, as described in vol. i. p. xiii. (57.) The Seven Sages, in Scotish Metre. By John EOLLAND of Dalkeith. Edinburgh : Eeprinted from the Edition of m.d.lxxviii., M.DCCC.XXXVII. 4to. Preface by the Editor (David Laing, Esq.), pp. xxvii. Presented by James Ivory, Esq., Advocate, after wai'ds the Honourable Lord Ivory. The text is reprinted in black letter, i)age for page with the edition " Imprentit at Edinburgh be Johne Kos, for Henric Charteris. m.d.lxxviii." Facsimile title, prologue, etc., 4 leaves, and pp. 336. On a separate leaf is the imprint, "Re- printed at Edinburgh, by Ballantyne and Company, Paul's Work. m.dccc.xxxvii." (58.) Eegistrum Episcopatus Moraviensis, e pluribus CODICIBUS CONSARCINATUM circa A.D. MCGCC. CUM CONTINUA- TIONE DiPLOMATUM EeCENTIORUM, usque AD A.D. MDCXXIII. FOR THE BaNNATYNE ClUB. 69 Ediiiburgi. m.dccc.xxxvii. -itu. Edited by Cosmo Innes, Esq. Title, Preface, etc., pp. xlviii. List of the 12 plates, including the Map of Moray, 2 leaves ; Tabula, pp. xxiv. ; Registruni, etc., pp. 476 ; Index Noniinum et Locorum, pp. xl. Presented as a joint contribution in the names of " The late and the present Dukes of Sutherland." (1837.) (59.) Ancient Scotish Melodies, from a Manuscript of the Reign of King James VI. With an Introductory Enquiry illustrative of the History of the Music of Scotland. By William Dauney, Esq., F.S.A. Scot. Edinburgh : the Edinbiu'gh Printing and Publishing Com- pany ; Smith, Elder, and Co., Cornliill, London, m.dccc.xxxviii. 4to. Pp. X. and 390. 101 copies, printed on Club paper, were purchased for the Members. The work was also published for Subscribers, and for the Maitlaud Club. Prefixed is a lithograph title, in red, " The Ancient Melodies of Scotland." The pages of music from " the Skene Manuscript "« (from 215 to 252), are included in the numbering. (60.) Catalogue of the Library at Abbotsford. Edinburgh, m.dccc.xxxviii. 4to. Title, Advertisement, and Table of Contents, 4 leaves ; Catalog-ue and Index, pp. 464. On back of title, T. Constable, Printer, Edinburgh. " To the President and Members of the Bannatyne Club, this Catalogue of the Abbotsford Library is presented by Major Sir Walti^k Scott, Bart., as a slight return for their liberality and kindness in agreeing to continue to that Library the various valuable works printed under their superintendence." Copies were also provided for the j\laitland Club, as the con- tribution of J. G. Lockhart, Esq. The Catalogue was prepared by J. G. Cochrane. (61.) Sye Ga WAYNE : A Collection of Ancient Eomance- Poems, by Scotish and English Authors, relating to that celebrated Knight of the Round Table. With an Introduc- 70 Catalogue of Books printed tion, Notes, and a Glossary, by Sir Fredeeic Madden, K.H., Keeper of the MSS. in the British Museum. London : Printed by Richard and John E. Taylor. M.DCCC.xxxix. 4to. Introduction and Description of Manu- scripts, pp. Ixix. ; Syr Gawayne, &c., Notes and Glossary, pp. 431 ; also six plates of facsimiles of the MSS. and Illus- trations, at pages xli., xlv., 18, 45, 82, and 91. Printed at the expense of the Club. (62.) De Arte Logistica Joannis Naperi Merchistonii Bakonis, Libei qui Supersunt. Impressum Edinburgi. M.DCCC.xxxix. 4to. Introduction by the Editor, Mark Napier, Esq., pp. xciv. and 162. 101 copies, printed on Club paper, were purchased for the Members. Prefixed are two plates engraved in mezzotint by R. M. Hodgetts, one a portrait of Jhone Naper of Merchiston, -Stalls suae 66, the other a view of Merchiston Castle from a sketch by H. W. WiUiams, before the alterations on the building. (63.) Ferrerii Historia Aebatum de Kynlos : una cum Vita Thomae Chrystalli Abbatis. Edinburgi. M.DCCC.xxxix. 4to. Title, etc., and pp. xxi. Note, and page of Errata. Historia, etc., pp. 96. Presented by Sir Alexander Wellesley Leith, Bart. The author, John Ferrerius, a native of Piemont, was edu- cated at Turin and Paris. Having attracted the notice of Ptobert Reid, Abbot of Kinloss, he accompanied him to Scotland in 1528, and was appointed teacher of the monks in the Monastery of Kinloss. After returning to the Continent, upon Reid becoming Bishop of Orkney, Ferrerius was induced to establish himself again at Kinloss ; but latterly, after the Reformation, he settled at Paris, where he published an edition of the Chronicles or- History of Scotland by Hector Boece, with a rather meagre con- tinuation, in the year 1574. He continued to draw his retiring pension of £40 till the time of his death. The Preface, upon the death of William Dobie Wilson, Esq., ^\ho acted as Editor, was supplied by his friend, James Patrick MuiRHEAD, Esq., Advocate. FOR THE BaNNATYNE CLUB. 71 (64.) The ^neil) of Virgil, translated into Scottish Verse. By Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld. Printed at Edinburgh, m.dccc.xxxix. 2 vols. 4tu. Vol. T., pp. 511. Vol. II., the paging continued from 513 to 916, fol- lowed by " The Comment," ending on page ix., with the words " Csetera desunt." Presented as a joint contribution by Andrew Rutherfurd, Esq., and George Dundas, Esq., Advocates. These Two volumes contain only the text of Douglas's translation of the ^neid. The Editor, George Dundas, Esq., having pro- posed, instead of reprinting the Glossary which accompanied Ruddiman's edition, published at Edinburgh 1710, folio, to have given in a Third volume a new and more elaborate Glossary, along with an Introduction, etc., to complete the Work. Such an in- tention having long since been abandoned, this opportunity may be taken to add, that the text was given from the earliest and best manuscript of the work known, preserved among Gale's MSS. in the Ldbraiy of Trinity College, Cambridge. It may also be noticed that " The Comment" consists of Notes by the Author on passages in his translation. It occiu-s in no other MS., but, unfortunately, it extends no further than to about the close of " The Fii'st Buke of Eneados." A few copies were printed on large paper. (65.) Chronicon de Lanercost.— m.ccc.xlvi. E Codice Cottoniano nunc primum typis mandatum. Impressimi Edinbui'gi. m.dccc.xxxix. The Preface by the Editor, the Eev. Joseph Stevenson, pp. xxi., 540, and Index, pp. xl. l'.\ /Iv^ mfuuu^u^ - Presented as a joint contribution by William Macdowall of Garthland, Esq., to the Bannatyne Club : and by Archibald Campbell of Biytheswood, Esq., to the Maitland Club. (66.) Historical Observes of Memorable Occurrents in Church and State, from October 1680 to April 1686. By Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall. Printed at Edinburgh : m.dccc.xl. 4to. Pp. xv. and 328. This volume was circulated in January 1838, before it was 72 Catalogue of Books pkinted resolved to have it completed as a separate work, distinct from the " Historical Notices." — (See No. 87.) Printed at the expense of the Club, and Edited by Adam Urquhart, Esq., and the Secretary. Some additional sheets to complete the volume were printed in 1840. Copies of this volume, printed on common paper, at first intended for general sale, were distributed among the Members. Prefixed is an engraved portrait of Lord Fountainhall John Lauder, by Piobert Bell, 1835, from a picture by Sir John Medina in the possession of Sir Thomas Dick Lauder of Fountainhall. (G7.) COERESPONDAJSrCE DIPLOMATIQUE DE BeRTRAND DE Salignac DE La Mothe Fenelon, Ambassadeur de France EN Angleterre, de 1568 a 1575. Publii^e pour la premiere fois sur les manuscrits conserves aux Archives du Koyaume. Seven vols. Paris et Loudres, 1838-1840. 8vo. 101 copies of this work (which is printed on ordinary paper, in 8vo) were purchased for the Members. Vols. I. and II. were circulated in 1839, the remaining Vols, in 1840. This work was intended to have formed part of a series of Despatches, Reports, Instructions, and Memoirs, by the French Ambassadors at the Courts of England and Scotland during the Sixteenth Century. By Charles Purton Cooper, Esq. But no otlier volumes than the above ever appeared. The Editor was M. Alexander Teulet, who prepared, at the expense of the Club, the important volumes of French State Papers, issued in 1852 and 1800.— See No. +0^ / Oy (68.) EOMAN DE LA MaNEKINE, PAR PHILIPPE DE EeIMES, Trouv^re du Treizieme Siecle, Publie par Francisque Michel. Imprime a Paris, pour le Bannatyne Club, par Maulde et Renou. m.dccc.xl. 4to. Pp. xix., 294. Printed at the expense of the Club. (69.) Liber Cartarum Prioratus Sancti Andree in Scotia. E Eegistro ijjso in Archivis Baronum de Panmure hodio AsseiTato. Edinburgi, m.dccc.xli. 4to. Title and Preface, pp. Ixiv. ; Foi; THE Bannatyne Club. 73 half-title not paged; Eegistrum, &c., pp. 432; Indices Noini- num et Locorum, pp. Ivii. Presented by 0. Tyndall Bruce, of Falkland, Esq. — The Editor of this volume was Thomas Thomson, Esq., President of the Club. The plate.s in the volume consist of three facsimiles, at pages ix., xvi., and xvii, of the Preface ; and two facsimiles printed in the text. Also two plates before the Tabula, p. xlvii., and other two after p. 112. (70.) Liber Cartarum Sancte Crucis : Munimenta Ecclesie Sancte Crucis de Edwinesburg. Impressum Edinburgi. M.DCCC.XL. 4to. Preface and Ap- pendix, pp. cxxxvi. Munimenta, &c., and Index, pp. 333. Edinburgh : Printed by T. Constable, Printer to Her Majesty. Presented by the Right Hon. Lord Francis Egerton (after- wards Earl of Ellesmere). — The Editor was Cosmo Innes, Esq. The Illustrations in this volume, besides woodcuts, consist of a view of the Royal Palace of Holyroodhouse by J. G. {circa 1650); four plates of facsimile of the old Calendar and Ritual-book of Holyrood, in Appendix No. V. ; facsimile of the Foundation Charter of David the First at p. 1. ; four original charters at pages 11, 20, 33, and 56, and five plates of Seals engraved by William Penny, and described in the Preface at page Ixxx. (71.) Memoirs touching the Eeyolution in Scotland, M.DC.LXXXViii. — M.DC.xc. By CoLiN Earl OF Balcarres. Pre- sented to King James II. at St. Germains, m.dc.xc. Edinburgh : Printed for the Bannatyne Club, m.dccc.xli. 4to. Biographical Notice, pp. xxiv. Memoirs and Index, pp. 75. Edited and Presented by the Right Hon. Lord Lindsay. Printed from a transcript of the original manuscript preserved at Balcarres, and greatly superior to the inaccurate and inter- polated editions previously published in 1715 and 1754. (72.) Correspondence of George Baillie of Jerviswood, M.DCC.n. — M.DCO.VIII. 74 Catalogue of Books printed Edinburgh : m.dccc.xlii. 4to. Title, etc., and Preface by the Earl of Minto, three leaves, and pp. 211. Presented by the Editor, the Earl of Minto. (73.) The Lettees and Journals of Eobert Baillie, A.M., Principal of the University of Glasgow, m.dc.xxxvii. — M.DC.LXIL In Tlu^ee Volumes. Edinburgh, 1841. 4to. Title, Preface, and Memoir of the Author, pp. cxxii. Letters and Journals. Volume First, 1637-1640, pp. 1-492. At page 1 there is a facsimile of the Original Manuscript. — Volume Second. Edinburgh, 1841. Title and Table of Contents, pp. xi. Letters, 1642-1646, pp. 516. — Volume Third, Edinburgh, 1842. 4to. Title and Table of Contents, pp. xii. Letters, 1647-1661 : Glossary and Index of Names, pp. 627, and page of Errata. Printed at the expense of the Club, and Edited by David Laing, Esq., Secretary of the Club. The Memoir of Baillie was circulated in a separate part, along with Vol. III. An impression of the Work, in royal 8vo, from the same types, was, at the same time, printed for sale, but not at the expense of the Club. (74.) Eegistrum de Dunfermelyn. Liber Cartarum Ab- batie Benedictine S. S. Trinitatis et B. Margakete Eegine DE Dunfermelyn. Impressum Edinburgi, m.dccc.xlii. 4to. Pp. xxxviii. Eegistrum, Appendix, and Index, pp. 562. Presented as a joint Contribution by The Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. The Earl Spencer. The late Earl of Rosslyn. The Right Hon. Thomas Grenville. The late Robert Ferguson, Esq. of Raith. James Loch, Esq., and John Richardson, Esq. This volume was Edited by Cosmo Innes, Esq., from the original Chartularies in the Advocates' Library. It contains eight i)lates of facsimile charters, etc., at pages ix., 4, 8, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422. FOR THE BaNNATYNE ClUB. 75 (75.) ReGISTKUM EpISCOPATUS GlASGUENSIS : MUNIMENTA EcGLESiE Metropolitane Glasguensis, a Sede Restaurata Seculo Ineunte XII., ad Reformatam Religionem. Impressiim Ediiiburgi, m.dcgc.xliii. 2 vols. 4to. Vol. I. Preface and Appendix, pp. cxxxvi. Registriun, etc., pp. 302. — Vol. II. Tabula and List of Plates, pp. xxxiv. Regis- trum, page 303 to 621, Indices, pp. xliii. Printed at the joint expense of the Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs, and Edited by Cosmo Innes, Esq., from the original Char- tularies formerly in the Libraiy of the Scots College at Paris. At pages xliii. and Ixi. are two outline engravings representing the interior of a Liljrary and Scriptorium, with two scribes at work ; and at p. 4 a facsimile page of the Old Register Book. The plates in the Second volume consist of six engravings of Seals at the end of the Tabula, and a facsimile facing the title, with other two at pages 591 and 608. (76.) A Diary of the Public Correspondence of Sir Thomas Hope, of Craighall, Bart., 1633-1645. From the Original, in the Libraiy at Pinkie House. Printed at Edinburgh, m.dcgc.xliii. 4to. Pp. vii., 234 and facsimile plate of the Original MS. facing p. 1. Printed at the expense of the Club, and Edited by the Presi- dent of the Club, Thomas Thomson, Esq. (77.) Leven and Melville Papers : Letters and State Papers chiefly Addressed to George Earl of Melville, Secretary of State for Scotl^vnd, 1689-1691. From the Originals in the possession of the Earl of Leven and Melville. Printed at Edinburgh, 1843. 4to. Pp. Ixxv. and 668, with two leaves of facsimile letters of King William and Queen Mary. Edited, and Presented by the Hon. William Leslie Melville. (78.) Liber Ecclesie de Scon : Munimenta Vetustiora MoNASTERii Sancte Trinitatis et Sancti Michaelis de Scon. Edinburgi, m.dccc.xliii. 4to. Pp. xxxi., 264. 76 Catalogue of Books pkinted Presented, as a joint contribution to the Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs, by William Smythe of Methveu, Esq., Advocate. This volume has two plates of Seals, a view of the Palace of Scone, from an old copperplate drawn and etched by A. Ruther- ford, 1775, at p. XX., and three facsimiles of original charters at pages 8, 20, and 104. (79.) The Accounts of the Geeat Chamberlains of Scot- land, AND SOME other OFFICERS OF THE CrOWN, RENDERED AT THE E.XCHEQUER. Vol. I. M.CCC.XXVI. — M.CCC.LXX. Printed at Edinburgh, m.dccc.xvii. Two Volumes, dated 1836. General Preface dated August 1845, pp. xviii. Extracts of two Eolls of Accounts, 1263-1266, and 1288-1290, pp. 1-80*. Index, pp. xiv.* Eotuli, &c., pp. viii. and 543. Indices, pp. 50. At p. 96 is a folding-plate of the Rolls for a.d. 1333. — Vol. II. M.ccc.LXXL— M.cccc.VL Original title. Printed at Edinburgh, m.dccc.xvil The new title, m.dccc.xxxvl 4to. pp. viii., 679, and Indices, pp. xxxix. — Vol. III. M.cccc.VL — m.cccc.liii. Edinburgh, m.dccc.xlv. 4to. Pp. xii., 576, Indices, pp. 50. Vols. I. and II. were Presented by the Editor, Thomas Thomson, Esq., President of the Club, but not circulated among the Members till May 1841 ; and Volume Third along with the Preface, in 1845. (80.) Horn et Rimenhild. Recueil de ce qui reste des Poemes relatifs a leurs Aventures, composes en Franqois, en ANGLOIS, et en EcOSSOIS, dans LE TREIZlfeME, QUATORZI^ME, quinzi^me, ET seiziI:me Siecles. Public d'apres les Manu- scrits de Londres, de Cambridge, d'Oxford, et d'Edinburgh, par Francisque Michel, Docteur en Philosophic, Professeur de Littdrature Etrang^re a Bordeaux. A Paris, imprime pour le Bannatyne Club, i)ar Maulde et Renou, M.DCCC.XLV. 4to. Pp. Ixiv. and 464. FOR THE Bannatyne Club. 77 Printed at Paris at the expense of the Club, with four plates iu facsimile of the ancient MSS., one f\xcing the title, the others at pages 1, 259, and 341. (81.) (The Booke of the Univeesall Kirk of Scotlai^d.) Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland from the Year m.d.lx. Collected from the most authentic Mamiscripts. (In Three Volumes.) Part First, m.d.lx. — m.d.lxxail Edinburgh, m.dccc.xxxix. 4to. Vol. I. Preface, pp. liv. (circulated with Vol. III.), pages 1 to 398. — Part Secoud. m.d.lxxviii. — m.d.xcii. Edinburgh, M.DCCC.XL., pages 401 to 790. — Part Third. M.DXCIII. — M.DC.XVIII. Edinburgh, M.DCCC.XLV., pages 793 to 1167, and Index, pp. 61. Printed at the expense of the Club, and Edited by Thomas Thomson, Esq., President of the Club. The First Volume was cu'culated in 1839 ; the Second in 1840 ; and the Third in 1845. (82.) Liber S. Marie De Calchou: Eegistrum Cartarum Abbacie Tironensis de Kelso, 1113-1567. Edinburgi, m.dccc.xlvi. 2 vols. 4to. Vol. I. Preface by the editor, Cosmo Innes, Esq., pp. lii., two leaves not paged. Charter of John Tennant de Howdanes, 1539, Table of the plates, two leaves, Tabula, pp. xxviii. and p. 1-256. Vol. II., pages 257 to 583. Presented by the Duke of Roxbueghe. (83.) Liber S. Marie de Dryburgh : Eegistrum Cartarum Abbacie Premonstratensts de Dryburgh. Edinburgi, m.dccc.xlyii. 4to. Title, etc. (and letter of Mr. Spottiswoode). Preface and Tabula, pp. Lxx. and pp. 445. Presented by John Spottiswoode of Spottiswoode, Esq., and Edited by William Eraser, Esq., S.S.C. 78 Catalogue of Books printed (84.) Carte Monialium de Northberwic : Prioratus Cis- TERciENSis B. Marie de Northberwic Munimenta Vetusta QUE SUPERSUNT. Edinburgh m.dccc.xlvii. ito. Preface and Tabula, pp. xxxvi., followed by two leaves unpaged, Carta, etc., 1381- 1388, and List of the Plates; Cartse, etc., pp. 99. Printed at the expense of the Chib, and Edited by Cosmo Innes, Esq. The facsimile of a letter to the Prioress of the Abbey of North- BeiTvik from James Duke of Chattelherault, Governor, 16th of August 1548, which faces the title-pages, is not included in the List of plates. (85.) Liber Insule Missarum : Abbacie Canonicorum Eegu- LARIUM B. ViRGINIS ET S. JOHANNIS DE InCHAFFERY EeGISTRUM Vetus : Premissis quibusdam Comitatus antiqui de Strath- erne Eeliquiis. Edinburgi, m.dccc.xlvii. 4to. Title, Preface, and Appendix, pp. Ivii. Eegistrum, Appendix, and Indices, pp. 1 70 ; facing the title is a plate of two ancient seals. Printed at the expense of the Club, and Edited by Cosmo Innes, Esq. (86.) Liber S. Thome de Aberbrothoc. Eegistrum Abbacie de Aberbrothoc Pars Prior ; Eegistrum Vetus Munimenta - QUE eidem coetania complectens. 1178-1329. Edinburgi. m.dccc.xlviil 4to. Title and Preface, pp. xxxvi. Two leaves Explanation of Abbreviated types ; Tabula, etc., pp. xxiv. Eegistrum Vetus, including Index, pp. 383. Printed at the expense of the Club, and Edited by Cosmo Innes, Esq., and Patrick Chalmers, Esq. of Auldbar. 100 copies, on a different paper, were provided for private subscribers. In the Preface there are four lithographed facsimiles of tlic Ancient Register, and Engravings of two ancient marble figures, the heads unfortunately wanting, discovered in the ruins of the Abbey.- R. C. Bell, Sculp. — Liber S. Thome de Aberbrothoc : Eegistrorum Abba- FOR THE BaNNATYNE ClUB. 79 CIE DE AbERBROTHOC PaRS ALTERA. EEGISTRUM NIGRUM NEGNON LiBROs Cartarum Eecentiores COMPLECTENS. 1 329-1 53G. Edinburgi. m.dccc.lvi. 4to. Preface by Mr. Innes. Ap- pendix, and leaf of Errata, pp. xliii. Tabula, pp. xli. Regis- trimi. Cartas Originales, and Index, pp. 628. Printed under the joint superintendence of Cosmo Innes, Esq., and Patrick Chalmers of Aiildbar, wlio did not live to see the volume completed. Facing the table is an engraving by William Smith, of the Chapter Seal of the Abbey of Arbroath. At page xxix. is a portrait of Cardinal David Betoun, engraved by R C. Bell, at the expense of the late Mr. Chalmers of Auldbar, from an original now in the Roman Catholic College at Blairs. At the foot of p. xxxi., is the small seal of Abbot Gedy, in 1371 ; and, at the end of the volume, is a map of Old Angus and Mearns from drawings by Pont and Gordon, engraved by W. H. Lizars. One hundred copies printed as above for Subscribers. (87.) Historical Notices of Scotish Affairs, Selected from the Manuscripts of Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall, Bart., one of the Senators of the College of Justice. Volume First, 1661-1683. (Volume Second, 1683-1688.) Printed at Edinburgh : m.dccc.xlviii. 4to. Two Vols. Pp. xxxviii., 456, and pp. 457 to 922, with a page of errata. Printed at the expense of the Club, and Edited by David Laing, Esq., Secretary of the Club. (88.) The Ancient Sculptured Monuments of the County OF Angus ; including those at Meigle in Perthshire, and one at Fordoun in the Mearns. ; - Edinburgh, m.dc.xi^viii. (Imperial Folio.) Title, Preface, and Notices of the (xxiii) Plates, pp. 16. A separate leaf. Postscript to the Preface, and a description of the additional Plate xxiv., 2 leaves. The plates are in all 24 ; the last two are not numbered : they represent silver ornaments found at Norrie's Law in 1819, and sculptured stones in the cemetery on the Island of Inchbrayot, in the South Esk. Presented by Patrick Chalmers of Auldbar, Esq. 80 Catalogue of Books printed (89.) Eegistrum S. Marie de Neubotle : Abbacie Oister- CIENSIS Be ATE ViRGINIS DE NeUBOTLE ChARTARIUM VeTUS. Accedit Appendix Cartarum Origiualium, 1140-1528. Edinburgi, m.dccc.xlix. -Ito. Pp. Ixxii., 369. Priuted at the expense of the Club, and Edited by Co.^Mo Innes, Esq. A List of nine Illustrations given in this Volume occurs at p. Ixxi. (90.) The Darien Papers : Being a Selection of Original Letters and Official Documents relating to the Establish- ment of a Colony at Darien, by the Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies, 1695-1700. Printed at Edinburgh : m.dccc.xlix. 4to. Pp. xxxii., 417. Printed at the expense of the Club, and edited by Jo7in Hill Burton, Esq., Advocate. With a plan of the Harbour at the Isthmus of Darien ; at p. xxiv., a folding-leaf of signatures from the Entries in the Sub- scription-Book of the Darien Company ; and at p. 157, page of a Letter of William Paterson in 1700, the founder of the Scheme. (91.) Descriptive Catalogue of Impressions from Ancient Scottish Seals : Royal, Baronial, Ecclesiastical, and Mu- nicipal, embracing a period from a.d. 1094 to the Common- wealth. Taken from Original Charters and other Deeds preserved in Public and Private Archives. By Henry Laing. Edinburgh. — m.dccc.l. 4to. Pp. xxxi., 232. 101 copies on Club paper, purchased for the Members. It may be mentioned that, after the arrangements for termiuat- , ing the Club had so far been made, a Supplemental Catalogue of . ■ - /.^ /jU^—-^"-^ Scottish Seals, by Mr. Henry Laing, has since been published for private Subscribers. Edinburgh, 1866. 4to. With a facsimile of a Charter and Seal of Robert de Luridros t(j tlie Abbey of Melros about 1165 ; and 29 Plates of Seals, a.s described in the List of Plates at p. xxix. T/uA >^iM^^^ FOR THE BaNNATYNE ClUB. 81 (92.) Original Letters relating to the EccLESLiSTiCAL Affairs of Scotland, chiefly written by, or addressed to, His Majesty King James the Sixth, after his Accession to the English Throne, M.DC.111. — M.DC.xxv^ Edinburgh, 1851. Two volumes 4to. Vol I. contains Letters, from 1603 to 1614, pp. liii. and 350. Additional Let- ters and Notes, pp. 351* to 458*. Yol. IL Letters, from 1614 to 1625, and Index. Pp. xiii., and 351 to 866. Presented by Beriah Botfield, Esq., Norton Hall, Northamp- tonshire. This series of Letters was collected and edited by David Laing, Esq., Secretary of the Club. (93.) History of the Church of Scotland, beginning the year of our Lord 203, and continued to the end of the Keign of King James VI. By the Eight Eev. John Spottiswood, Arch- bishop of St. Andrews and Lord Chancellor of Scotland ; with Biographical Sketch and Notes by the Eight Eev. M. Eussell, LL.D., D.C.L. In Three Vols. 8vo. Edinburgh : Printed for the Spottiswoode Society, m.dccc.xlvii. — Vol. I. Title, Editor's Preface, and Life of the Author, pp. cxliii. and History, p. 384. Vol II. Club title, second title and Preface, pp. iv. and 469. Vol. III. Titles, &c., 3 leaves, and pp. 1-309, and page Index to Editor's notes. (Volumes II. and III., after Bishop EusseU's death, were Edited by Mark Napier, Esq., Advocate.) 100 copies were printed on Club paper for the Members. (94.) Eegistrum Honoris de Morton : A Series of Ancient Charters of the Earldom of Morton, with other Original Papers, in Two Volumes. Edinburgh : m.dcccliii. 2 vols. 4to. Vol I. Original Papers. Title, Preface, Appendix, and Table, pp. xcix. Original Papers and Index, pp. 203. At p. 52 is a facsimile of Knox's letter to the Laird of Lochlevin, 1570, and at p. 113, a plate F 82 Catalogue of Books printed of facsimile signatures to No. 104. Vol. 11. Ancient Charters, Title, Tabula, etc.. pp. xxiv. Munimenta and Index, pp. 361. Printed at the expense of the Club, under the superintendence of Thomas Thomson, Esq., President of the Ckib, with the assistance of Alexander Macdonald, Esq., one of the Members. It was completed after Mr. Thomson's death, with a Preface by OosMO Innes, Esq. (95.) Engraved Portrait of Thojias Thomson, Esq., President of the Club, after a painting by PiOBERT Scott Lauder, E.S.A. A short Biographical Notice of Mr. Thomson by The Secretary, accompanied the engraving. 4to. Pp. viii. This portrait, engraved by W. B. Shaw, was published by Subscription, and was dedicated to the Members of the Club. The Committee having purchased the copper-plate, impressions as above were circulated to all the Members. (96.) Breviarium Aberdonense : Pars Estivalis. (Vol. I.) — BreviariUxM Aberdonense : Pars Hyemalis. (Vol. II.) Londini : m.dccc.liv. Two vols, 4to. The original title. Volume I., "Breuiarij Aberdonensis ad per Celebris ecclesie Scotorum potissimum vsum et consuetu- dinem Pars Estiualis : de tempore et de Sanctis ac dauitico psalterio congruenter per ferias diuiso ; cum Inuitatorijs hymnis Antiphonis cajDitulis Eesponsoriis horis feriarum commemora- cionibus per anni curriculum necnon commune sanctorimi plurimarumque virginum et matronarum ac diuersorum sanc- torum legendis : que sparsim in incerto antea vagabantiir : cum Kalendario et mobilium festorum tabula perpetua variisque alijs adiunctis et de nouo additis sacerdotibus plurimum quam necessarijs in Edinburgensi oppido Walteri Chepman mercato- ris impensis impressa pridie nonas Jimii. Anno salutis nostre et gratie x. M. supra et quingentesimum." Vol. II. " Breuiarij Aberdonensis . . . Pars Hyemalis, etc., impressa Februariis Idibus. Anno salutis nostre et gratie ix. M. supra et quingentesmium." The portion of the Breviary first printed was " Winter" in I'OK THE BaNNATYNE ClUB. 83 1509. The colophon, on the completion of the book, 4th June 1510, conveys the information that it had been prepared under the direction of William Elphinstone, Bishop of Aberdeen : " per Eeiierendum in Christo patrem Vvilelmum Abirdonensis Episcopum studiosius maxiniisque cum laboribus coUectis non solimi ad ecclesie sue Abirdonensis verumeciam ad tocius ecclesie Scoticane vsum percelebrem Opido Edinburgensi im- presso Jussu et impensis honorabilis viri Vvalteri Chepman eiusdem opidi mercatorLs quarto die mensis Junii Anno Domini Millesimo ccccc. decimo." " Pars Estiva." Title and List of Members, 4 leaves. Ori- ginal Title, " Pars Estivalis," Calendar, Benedictiones, etc., 1 2 leaves. Psalterium Dauidicum, — Commune Sanctorum, etc., folliis cxxxii. Temporale partis Estivalis, foliis Ivij. Brevi- arum, — Proprium Sanctorum (June to November), foliis clxxvi., including three not imaged, with the Colophon as above, and the device of Walter Chepman. " Pars Hyemalis," Title and List of Members, 4 leaves. Ori- ginal Title, Calendar, and Canon, etc., 16 leaves. Psalterium Dauidicum, etc., repeated from the former volume. Breviarium on folio -cxliv. Finis Temporis Hyemalis. Proprium Sancto- rum (November to June), foliis cviii., the last leaf, which con- tains the printer's device, not being paged. Printed ia red and black letters. Edited by the Rev. William Blew, A.M., and published at London by Mr. James Toovey for the Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs, and other subscribers. The Editor having thought it unuecessary to accompany the republication with any prefatory remarks, after that the volumes were circulated, The Secretary, at the request of the Members of the Bannatyne Club, prepared a Preface, dated September 1855, which was printed at the expense of the Club, pp. xxvii., accom- panied with eight leaves in facsimile of " Compassio Beate Marie," from an additional sheet, of which only one copy is known to exist, "Impressum Edinburgi per Johannem Story, nomine et mandati Karoli Stide," circa 1520. Copies of this Preface were presented by the Secretary to complete the i\Iaitlaud Club copies. 84 Catalogue of Books printed (97.) Origines Parochiales Scotia : the Antiquities, Ecclesiastical and Territorial, of the Parishes of Scotland. (Vohime I. was edited by Cosmo Innes, Esq., assisted by Eev. W. Anderson, Messrs. Joseph Robertson, James B. Brichan, and J. M'Nab.) Voliune First. Edinburgh, 1851. 4to. Title, Preface, etc., pp. xlii. and pp. 532. At the end of this volume there is a folding Map, entitled " Portion of the Ancient Parochial Map of Scotland, correspond- ing to the first volume of Origines Parochiales." Constructed and engraved by W, H. Lizars, Edinburgh, Presented as a joint contribution from The Hon. Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey. Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane, Bart., and The Hon. Charles Francis Stuart. — Volume Second, in two parts. Part I. Edinburgh, 1854. 4to. Title, Contents, and Preface, pp. xx. List of " Sub - scribers' Names." Origines, pp. 1-390. Index of Parishes, one leaf, and folding Map at the end. Presented by The Marquess of Brbadalbane. — Volume Second. Part II. Edinburgh, 1855. 4to. Title, Contents, and Preface, pp. xxii. and pp. 391-846, with Index of Parishes, one leaf, and three Maps at the end. Vol. II. edited by Cosmo Innes, Esquire, assisted by Mr. James B. Brichan. Presented as a joint contribution by The Duke of Sutherland, and The Right Hon. Sir David Dundas. This important work was commenced as a speculation, with the assistance of the Bannatyne Club, by William Henry Lizars, Engraver and Publisher, Edinburgh. In accordance with the an-angements, a limited number of copies were to be printed on Club paper, and presented as above, as the contribution of in- dividual Members. The great expense, however, in preparing the work, having greatly exceeded the proportions first contemplated, and the reduced number of private subscribers, proved the means of the Publisher abandoning its further prosecution. The Com- mittee of the Bannatyne Club at a later date purchased from FOR THE Baxxatyne Club. 85 Mr. Lizars the remaining impression of the work, and furnished one of these extra copies to each Member, for the purpose of presenting it to any friend or library in their neighbourhood. The districts of Scotland to which the work refers may be briefly mentioned : — Volume I. The Diocese of Glasgow ; comprising the Deaneries of Rntherglen, Lennox, Part of Kyle and Cunningham, Lanark, Peebles, and Teviot- dale. Volume n. — Part I. The Diocese of Argyle ; comprising the Deaneries of Kintyre, Glassary, Lorn and Morvern, The Diocese of the Isles. Volume Il.-^Part U. The Diocese of Ross, The Diocese of Caithness. Also Additions to The Diocese of Argyle and the Diocese of the Isles con- tained in Volume II., Part I. (98.) A Series of Etchings chiefly of Views in Scotland. By John Clerk of Eldin, Esq., mdcclxxiii — mdcclxxix., with additional Etchings and Facsimiles from his Drawings, Edinburgh : Printed for the Bannatyne Club, Large folio. The Bannatyne Club having acquired the copper-plates of the Views drawn and etched by Mr. Clerk of Eldin, intrusted the Secretary to prepare a volume, at the expense of the Club, to contain a series of these Views before destroying the worn-out copper-plates. The volume includes the twenty- seven Views presented as a separate contribution by Lord Eldin in 1824. (See No. 8.) At that time the other copper-plates were supposed to be lost. It also includes a selection of some interesting Views executed in lithography from original unpublished drawings by Mr. Clerk. Facing the title is a lithographed Portrait of Mr. Clerk of Eldin from a painting by Sir H. Raeburn. List of the Club, Preface, and Biographical Notices of John Clerk, Esq., pp. xv., besides a plate of small figures and a portrait of the Hon. John Clerk, Lord Eldin. Views, etc., 55 leaves. Description of the Views (pp. xvii.-xxx.), chiefly from Mr. Clerk's MS. Notes. 86 Catalogue of Books printed (99.) Memoir of Thomas Thomson, Advocate, [by Professor Innes]. Edinburgh, 1854. 8vo. Pp. xi., 251. Presented as a joint Contribution by James T. Gibson Craig, Esq., and Cosmo Innes, Esq. Prefixed is a portrait of Mr. Thomson, by Professor Carl Schmid, engraved by R. C. Bell. (100.) The Black Book of Taymouth. With other Papers from the Breadalbane Charter Eoom. Edinburgh, mdccclv. Large 4to. Title, etc. Preface, pp. xxxviii. and 443. This interesting volume was prepared at great expense by the Marquess of Breadalbane for private distribution, and copies were presented to the Members of the Club. On a leaf after the title is given a list of the Illustrations, consisting of a View of Kilchurn Castle, portrait of Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenurquhay, with coloured facsimiles of the portraits contained in " The Black Book of Taymouth," a curious genealogical history, compiled by Mr. William Bowie, and dedicated to Sir Duncan Campbell, ninth Lord of Glenurquhay, in 1598. This is followed by The Chronicle of Fortirgall : Duncan Laideus' alias Makgregouris Testament, in Scottish verse (with a page of facsimile) : Also Bonds of Manrent, Inventories, Extracts from Court Books, Muster Rolls, and Original Letters, from the year 1570 to 1G19. The work was edited by Cosmo Innes, Esq. (101.) Letters from PtOUNDHEAD Officers, written from Scotland, and chiefly addressed to Captain Adam Baynes, July MDCL. — July mdclx. Edinburgh, MDCCCLVi, 4to. pp. xvi. and 157. Presented by Sir Walter Calverly Trevelyan, Bart. These Letters, selected from an extensive Correspondence, were Edited by John Yonge Akerman, Esq., Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries, London. The whole oi the original Correspond- ence has since been presented by the Rev. Adam Baynes to the Library of the British Museum. (102.) PiEGISTRUM EpISCOPATUS BRECHINENSIS. CuI AJJCE- DUNT CaRT/E QUAMPLURIM^: OrIGINALES. FOR THE BaNNATYNE CLUB. 87 linpressum Aberdonicne mdccclvi. 2 vols. 4to. Vol. I. Eegisteum. Title, etc. List of the Plates (including a Portrait of the late Mr. Chalmers), 8 leaves. Preface by Cosmo Innes, Esq., pp. xxxi. Tabula, pp. xli. Eegistrum, pp. 234. — Vol. II. Appendix Cartarum (including the Index Nominum et Locorum), pp. 517. " The Second Contribution to the Bannatyne Chib of Patrick Chalmers of Aklbar, completed after his death by his brother, John Inglis Chalmers of Aldbar." There were copies of this work printed off on ordinary paper for private distribution among the friends of Mr. Chalmers. (103.) Vita Sancti Columbae : Auctore Adamnajs^o Mo- nasterii Hiensis Abbate. Dublinii, Typis Academicis. mdccclvii. 4to. The above title is prefixed to the copies printed on Bannatyne Club paper, and also the List of Members. The original title follows : "The Life of St. Columba, founder of Hy ; wiitten by Adamnan, ninth Abbot of that Monastery : The text printed from a Manu- script of the Eighth Century ; with the various readings of six other Manuscripts preserved in different parts of Europe. To which are added, Copious Notes and Dissertations, by William Reeves, D.D., M.R.I.A. " Dublin : Printed at the University Press for the Irish Archaeo- logical and Celtic Society. 1857." (Small 4to.) Preface and Appendix, Vitae, etc., pp. Ixxx. Glossary and Index, pp. 497, and a page containing Directions to the Binder for placing the Map of Scotia, and plates of facsimiles, and the tables illustrating the work. At page 438 there is a Genealo- gical Table of the Dalriadic Kings, and of the principal High land Families descended from them. (104.) Originajl Letters of Mr. John Colville, 1582-1603. To which is added, His Palinode, 1600. With a Memoir of the Author, [by David Laing.] Edinburgh, M.DCCC.LViii. 4to. Pp. 50, and Table of Contents, 88 Catalogue of Books printed pp. VIII. ; Letters, pp. 407, the twenty-one leaves of the Pali- node, between 355 and 397 not being paged; facing the title-page is a facsimile of Colville's handwriting. — The Editor, in the Preface, has endeavoured to show that Colville w^as the author of the anonymous " Historie and Life of King James the Sext," published by the Club in 1825. (No. 13.) Presented by The Earl of Selkirk. (105.) PtEGISTRUM CART.\JiUM ECCLESIE SaNCTI EgIDII DE Edinburgh : A Series of Chakters and Original Documents CONNECTED WITH THE ChURCH OF St. GiLES, EDINBURGH. M.CCC.XLIV. — M.D.LXVII. Edinburgh : mdccclls. 4to. Title, Tabula, etc., pp. xviii., and page of Errata. Historical Notices of the Collegiate Church of St. Giles, Edinburgh (by the Editor), pp. ex v., and including Eegistrum and Index, pp. 336. Presented as a joint Contribution, by Right Hon. Sir George Clerk, Bart., of Penicuik, and Alexander Maconochie Welwood, of Meadowbank and Garvock, Esq. This volume has an engraving of the Entrance Porch of the Church, as a frontispiece ; at p. xvi. facsimile of the Preston Charter in 1454-5 ; at p. Ixii. Seal of the Chapter in 1496 ; and at p. Ixiv. a ground plan of the Church in 1826, with four plates of Elevations. Edited by David Laing, Esq., Secretary of the Club. (106.) A Catalogue of the Graduates in the Faculties OF Arts, Divinity, and Law of the University of Edinburgh since its Foundation. [By David Laing.] Edinburgh: Printed by Neill and Company, 1858. 8vo. Pp. xx\d. and pp. 1-342. This volume contains a Chronological List of the Principals, Regents and Professors, in the University since its foundation in the year 1583. Register of Laureations, etc., from 1587 to 1858, and Alphabetical Index of Names. It was prepared for the University of Edinburgh, and copies on Club paper were obtained for the Members, by the Editor, The Secretary of the Club. FOR THE BaNNATYNE ClUB. 8.9 (107.) French State Papers: Papiers iVEtat, Pieces et Documents Inedits ou peu connus relatifs a l'Histoire de l'Ecosse au xvi^ sii:cLE. Tir(5s des Bibliotheques et des Archives de France, et publics pour le Bannatyne Club d'Edim- bourg, par A. Teulet. Tome Premier. Paris, [1852]. 4to. Preface, in French, pp. xxxiv., and English, pp. xxxiv. Piegne de Jacques v., 1513 a 1542, pp. 739. One leaf Table Chronologique, and leaf of Errata, with duplicate titles at the end. Tome Second. Paris, [1852]. 4to. Suite du E^gne de Marie Stuart, 1561-1587, pp. 956, page of Errata, and page " Avis au relieur pour le placement des planches." Tome Troisieme. Paris, [I860]. Title, Advertisement, etc., pp. xxviii. Extraits des Correspondauces Espagnoles de 1563 a 1587, pp. 758. Table Alphabetique, title, and advertisement, two leaves, pp. 156. This volume presented as the joint Contribution from The Earl of Lauderdale, Edward Stanley, Esquire ; and The late Earl of Haddington. Extrait du Compte Eendu des Sceances Morales et Politiques, Eapport de M, Mignet, sur une publication intitulee " Papiers d'Etat,"etc. Paris. 1854. 4to. Pp.27. (108.) Tracts by Dr. Gilbert Skeyne, Medicinar to his JVIajesty. Edinburgh : M.DCCC.LX. 4to. Presented by James Skene of Rubislaw, Esq. The Preface by William Forbes Skene, Esq. (pp. xi.) The Tracts consist of " Ane Breve Descriptioun of the Pest, quhair in the causis, signis, and sum speciall preseruatioun and cure thairof ar contenit. Set furth be Maister Gilbert Skeyne, Doc- toure in Medicine. Imprentit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekprevik. Anno Do. 1568." Pp. 47. Another tract attributed to Skeyne, and supposed to have been printed at Edinburgh by John Ros, entitled "Ane Breif Descriptioun of the qualiteis and eflfectis of the well of the woman hill besyde Abirdene. Anno Do. 1580." 4 leaves. 4to. 90 Catalogue of Books feinted (109.) Eegistrum domus de Soltre. Necnon Ecclesie Collegiate S. Trinitatis prope Edinburgh, etc. Charters of the Hospital of Soltre, of Trinity College, Edinburgh, and other Collegiate Churches in Mid-Lothian. Edinburgh : MDCCCLXI. 4to. Title, Tabula, etc., pp. xxiv., a page List of Plates, Preface, and Notices of the Collegiate Churches, pp. cxxi. Eegistrum, etc., pp. 380. Presented as a Second Contribution of The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G., and of The Right Hon. Lord Lindsay. Edited by the Secretary of the Ckib. (110.) Tracts by David Fergusson, Minister of Dunfermline, MDLXIII. — MDLXXII. Edinburgh, mdccclx. 8vo. Title, Introductoiy Notice, Ap- pendix, etc., pp. xxviii. Ane Answer to Eenat Benedict's Epistle to John Knox and his Brethren, from the edition Imprinted at Edinburgh by Eobert Lekprevik, the 7th of Maij 1563, pp. 1-53. Ane Sermon preichit, etc., the 13th January Anno Do. 1571. Imprentit at Sanctandrois be Eobert Lekprevik, Anno Do. M.D.LXXIL, pp. 55-80. Epistola Eenati Benedicti verbi Dei Professoris ad Johannem Knox atque alios in Scotia Ministros, m.d.lxl, pp. 81-88. Presented " as the Contribution of the late Very Rev. John Lee, D.D., LL.D., Principal of the University of Edinburgh." (111.) InUENTAIEES DE LA EOYNE DeSCOSSE DoUAIRIERE DE France. Catalogues of the Jewels, Dresses, Furniture, Books, and Paintings of Mary Queen of Scots. 1556-15G9. Edinburgh : mdccclxiil 4to. Pp. clxviii., and 223. At p. xxxii of the Preface is given, on two folding leaves, a fac- simile of the original MS. of the Inventory, with marginal corrections and additions written and signed Marie E. Presented as the Contribution of the Marquess of Dalhousie, K.T. Edited by Joseph Robertson, Esq. FOR THE BaNNATYNE (JLUB. 91 (112.) The Works of John Knox. Collected and Edited by David Laing. Edinburgh : Printed for the Bannatyne Chil), MDCCCXLVl.- mdccclxiv. Six volumes. 8vo. Vol. I. 184G. Titles, Advertisement, Chronological Notes, etc., pp. xxii. The Ilistoiy of the Eeformation in Scotland, pp. xxiii.-xliv. and 564. Vol. II. 1848. Titles and Table of Contents, pp. vi., leaf of Advertisement, and pp. 644, with Glossary and Index. Vol. III. 1854. Titles, Contents, etc., pp. viii. and pp. 542. Vol. IV. 1855. Titles, Contents, etc., pp. vi. and pp. 575. Vol. V. 1856. Titles, etc., 5 leaves, and pp. 536. Vol. VI. 1864. In two Parts. Part I. contains Titles, Contents, and Preface by the Editor, pp. Ixxxvii., and pp. 273. Part II. Title, etc., and pp. 275-755, including General Index, etc. The first Two Volumes containing the History of the Eeforma- tion in Scotland, circulated in 1847 and 1848, were printed for the WoDRow Society. Volumes TIL, IV. & V., were printed for sale, by the pub- lishers, Johnstone and Hunter ; and Vol. VI. by T. G. Stevenson. The work contains two portraits of Knox, and views of Had- dington Church and Giffordgate, together with numerous facsimiles of Signatures, Letters, etc., of Knox and others. Copies of all the Volumes, printed on Club paper, were pro- vided for the Members of the Bannatyne Club. Edited by David Laing, Esq., Secretary of the Club. (113.) Statuta Ecclesiae Scoticanae, Concilia Scotiae EccLESiAE Scoticanae Statuta tam Provincialia quam SyNODAIJA quae SUPERSUNT. MCCXXV. — MDLIX. Edinburgi, MDCCCLXVL 2 vols. 4to. Vol. I. Title, etc., 4 leaves. Editor's Preface and Appendix, pp. cccxiv. Volume II. Title, and facsimile page from the Ethie Manu- script. Tabula Chronologica, pp. xxxii. Statuta, etc., with Appendix and Notes, pp. 111. Printed at the expense of the Club, and edited by Joseph Robertson, Esq.. Ui.D. 6S 92 Books printed for the Bannatyne Club. (114.) EoYAL Letters, Charters, and Tracts, relating to THE Colonization of New Scotland, and the Institution of the Order of Knight-Baronets of Nova Scotia, 1621-1638. Edinburgh, 1867. 4to. " This volume, containing Tracts, reprinted at the expense of the Club, is completed and presented by the Editor." Prefixed is an engraved facsimile of Marshall's rare portrait of William, Earl of Stirling, setatis Ivii., 1637. The Editor's Preface contains a Collection of Royal Letters, Acts of Privy Council, Proclamations, etc., 1621-1637, pp. 122 ; with a facsimile letter of Sir W. Alexander, 1625, at p. 93 ; fol- lowed by these Tracts : — I. A briefe Discourse of the New-found-land by Captain John Mason. Edinb. 1620. 7 leaves, with an engraved Map. II. Nova Scotia. The King's Patent to Sir William Alexander, Knight, for the Plantation of New Scotland in America, and his Proceedings therein. Lond. 1625. 5 leaves. III. An Encouragement to Colonies, by Sir William Alex- ander, Knight. Lond. 1624. 27 leaves, with an engraved Map. This tract was re-issued with a new title, as " The Mapp and Description of New England." Loud. 1630. IV. Encouragements for New Galloway in America by me [Sir Robert Gordon of] Lochinvar. Edinb. 1625. 15 leaves. V. Charters under the Great Seal granted to Sir William Alexander of Menstrie, and Sir Robert Gordon of Lochinvar, of Lands in Nova Scotia, 1621-1628. 26 leaves. Edited by David Laing, Esq., Secretary of the Club. (115.) Adversaria : Notices Illustratrt: of some of the Earlier Works printed for the Bannatyne Club. Edinburgh, 1867. Presented by the Secretary. 4to. Pp. iv. ^ and 8, with three engraved Portraits of Prin- cipal Rollock, Sir David Murray of Gorthy, and Sir James Dal- rymple, Viscount Stair. Also four facsimile lithographs, including the Testimonial to the Secretary. (1 1 6.) The present Volume. — Containing Lists of Members, Kules, and Catalogue of the Books printed for the Banna- tyne Club, since its Institution in 1823. Edinburgh, 1867. 8vo. Title, etc., 4 leaves, and pp. 99. Alphabetical List of Club Books. 93 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF CLUB BOOKS. abbotsford catalogue, . .... 60 aberbrothock chartulary, . . . . .86 aberdeen breviary, 1509-1510, . . . .96 ale2lander the great, the buik of, ... 46 ancient scottish prophecies, . . . .44 ancient sculptured monuments of angus, . . .88 Argyll's (earl of) letters, . . . . .33 atkinson on the gold mynes in scotland, . . .14 AULD robin gray, by lady ANNE BARNARD, . . .9 BAILLIE OF JERVISWOOD's CORRESPONDENCE, . . .72 BAILLIe's (principal) letters AND JOURNALS, . . 73 BALCARRAS (eARL Op), MEMOIRS, . . . .71 BANNATYNE club. LISTS OF MEMBERS, RULES, AND CATALOGUE, 115 BANNA TYNE MISCELLANY, . . . . .19 BANNATYNE (gEORGE), MEMORIALS OF, . . . .35 BANNATYNE (rICHARD), MEMORIALES, . . . .51 BOETHII (hECT.) VIT^ ABERDONEN. EPISCOPORUM, . . 11 BOOKE OP THE UNIVERSALL KIRK OF SCOTLAND, . . 81 BOTHWELL. AFFAIRES DU CONTE DE BODUEL, . . .29 BRECHIN. BRECHINENSIS REGISTRUM EPISCOPATCS, . . 102 BUCHANAN (dAV.) DE SCRIPTORIBUS SCOTIS, . . .55 CHAMBERLAIN ROLLS, ETC., . . . . .79 CLERK OF ELDIN's ETCHINGS, ..... 8 CLERK OF ELDIN : ENLARGED SERIES OF HIS ETCHINGS, . . 98 COLUMB^ (S.) ADAMNANI VITA, . , . .103 COLVILLE'S original LETTERS, . . . .104 COURCELLES' DESPATCHES, . . . . .22 94 Alphabetical List of Club Books. dalrymple of stair s apology, darien papers, dauney's ancient scotish melodies, dempsteri historia ecclesiastioa, DISCOURS PARTICULIER d'eSCOSSE, diurnal of remarkable ocourrents, Douglas's (bishop) ^neid of virgil, translated, Douglas's palice of honour, dryburgh, liber s. marie de, ... DUNDEE (viscount Of) GRAHAM OF CLAYERHOUSE, LETTERS, DUNPERMELYN, REGISTRUM DE, ... DUNKELD. VIT^ DUNKELD. EPISCOPORUM, DUNKELD. COMPOTUM MA6ISTRI FABRICE PONTIS DUNKELDENSIS, ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIRS OF SCOTLAND, ORIGINAL LETTERS RELAT ING TO THE. 1603-1625, EDINBURGH, SIEGE OF THE CASTLE OF, 1689, EDINBURGH. CHARTERS OF THE CHURCH OF ST. GILES, EDINBURGH. — CHARTERS OF TRINITY COLLEGE AND OTHER COLLE GIATE CHURCHES, .... EDINBURGH. CATALOGUE OF GRADUATES IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, ..... EXPEDITION EN ESCOSSE, l'aN 1546, FERGUSSON's (dAVId) TRACTS, FERRERII HISTORIA ABBATUM DE KYNLOS, FOUNTAINHALL's HISTORICAL NOTICES OF SCOTTISH AFFAIRS, 1661-1 FOUNTAINUALl's HISTORICAL OBSERVES, 1680-1686, FRENCH STATE PAPERS : PAPIERS d'eTAT RELATIFS A l'hISTOIRE DE l'eCOSSE AU XVI^ SIECLE, GAWANE, sir, a collection of ancient ROMANCE-POEMS, GLASGOW. REGISTRUM EPISCOPATUS GLASGUENSIS, GRAHAMe's ANATOMIE of humours, ETC., gray's (master of) LETTERS AND PAPERS, henryson's robene and makyne, etc., HOLYROOD. CHRONICON C(EN0BII crucis edinburgensis, IIOLYROOD. liber CARTARUM SANCTE CRUCIS DE EDWINESBURGH, hope's (sir THOMAS) DIARY, 1633-1645. 21 90 59 21 5 43 64 17 83 15 74 I 1 92 23 105 109 106 10 110 63 688, 87 66 107 61 75 36 48 6 20 70 76 Alphabetical List of Club Books. 95 NO. horn et rimenhild, . . . . .80 iiowlat, the buke of the, ..... 8 Hume's hymns and sacred songs, . . . .41 HUME OF CROSSRIGG's DIARY, 1700-1707, . . .27 INCHAFFRAY. LIBER INSUCAE MISSARUJM, , . .85 JAMES THE fifth's HOUSEHOLD BOOKS. EXCERPTA E LIBRIS DOMICILII, ETC., 1525-1533, . . . .64 JAMES THE SIXT (kINg) HISTORIE OF, . . . .13 JAMES SIXTH (king), PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE MARRIAGE OF, 1589, 26 KELSO. LIBER. S. MARIE DE CALCHOU, . . . .82 KENNEDY (lADY MARGAREt) LETTERS, . . . .24 KNOX (jOHN), works OF, .... . 112 LAING's (henry), CATALOGUE OF SCOTTISH SEALS, . . 91 LA MOTHE FENELON. — CORRESPONDANCE DIPLOMATIQUE, . 67 lanercost, chronicon DE, 1201-1346, . . .66 Lesley's (bishop) history of Scotland, . . .38 leven and melville papers, . . . . .77 lyon's teares for the earle of dunfermeling, . . 4 MACKAy's MEMOIRES of the war in SCOTLAND. 1689-1691, . 45 mackay's lite of LIEUT.- general MACKAY, . . .53 MARY queen of SCOTS, INVENTORIES OF HER JEWELS, ROBES, BOOKS, . . . . . . .111 melrose. liber sancte marie de melros. 2 vols., . . 56 melrose. chronica de mailros, . . . .49 Melville's (sir james) memoirs of his own life, . . 18 Melville's (mr. james), diary of, . . . .34 MORAY. — registrum episcopatus moraviensis, . . 58 MORTON, REGISTRUM HONORIS DE, . . . .94 MOYSIE's MEMOIRS OF THE AFFAIRS OF SCOTLAND, . . 39 MURRAY OF GORTIIY's (sIR DAVId) POEMS, ... 2 NAPERUS (JO.) DE ARTE LOGISTICA, . . . .62 NEWBATTLE. REGISTRUM S. MARIE DE NEUBOTLE, . . 89 nicoll's (john) DIARY. 1650-1667, . . . .62 NORTH BERWICK. — CARTAE MONIALIUM DE NORTH BERWICK, . 84 NOVA SCOTIA, TRACTS, ROYAL LETTERS AND CHARTERS RELATING TO, AND THE KNIGHT-BARONETS, 1621-1637, . .114 96 Alphabetical List of Club Books. ORIGINES PAROCHIALES SCOTIAE, PHILOTUS, A COMEDY, ..... PITCAIRN's criminal trials in SCOTLAND. 1488-1624, RAGMAN ROLLS. A.D. 1291-1296, REGALIA OF SCOTLAND, .... ROLLAND's SEVEN SAGES, IN SCOTTISH METRE, ROLLOCI (rob.), VITA, ETC., .... ROMAN DE LA MANEKINE, .... ROTHES (earl Of) ON THE AFFAIRS OF THE KIRK, ROUNDHEAD OFFICERS, LETTERS FROM, . ST. ANDREWS. — LIBER CARTARUM PRIORATUS S. ANDREE, . SCONE. LIBER ECCLESIE DE SCON, SEYTOUN, THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE OF, SKEYNE (dr. gilbert), TRACTS BY, Spalding's history of the troubles in Scotland, SPOTTISWOOD's history of the church of SCOTLAND, . STATUTA ECCLESIAE SCOTICANAE, TAYMOUTH, THE BLACK BOOK OF, . . . THOMSON (tHOMAs), MEMOIR OF, . . . THOMSON (tHOMAS), ENGRAVED PORTRAIT OF, AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE, ...... TRIAL OF CLERK AND MACDONALD, tucker's REPORT ON THE EXCISE AND CUSTOMS IN SCOTLAND, TURNER (sir JAMES), MEMOIRS OF HIS OWN LIFE AND TIMES, UBALDINI, DESCRITTIONE DEL REGNO DI SCOTIA, . 97 60 42 47 30 67 16 68 37 101 69 78 31 108 25 93 113 100 99 95 40 7 28 32 Alphabetical List of Contributors. 97 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE BANNATYNE CLUB WHO PRESENTED CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CLUB. ADAM, WILLIAM, LORD CHIEF COMMISSIONER, ARBUTHXOT, SIR WILLIAM, Bart.. BELL, EGBERT, BELL, AVTLLIAM, BLAIR, WILLL\M, BORTBT^^ICK, JOHN, . BOTFIELD, BERIAH, . BREADALBANE, THE MARQLTiSS OF, BRISBANE, SIR THOMAS MAKDOUGALL, BRUCE, O. TYNDALL, . BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY, THE DUKE OF, BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS, THE DUKE AND MAR QUESS OF, . CAJVIPBELL, JAMES, CHALMERS, GEORGE, . CHALMERS, PATRICK, CLERK, SIR GEORGE, Baet., CLERK, JOHN, LORD ELDIN, COCKBURN, HENRY, LORD COCKBITRN, President o/the Club CONST.ABLE, DAVID, .... COVENTRY, ANDREW, CRAIG, JAMES T. GIBSON, Treasurer of the Club, CRAIG, SIR WILLI AJVI GIBSON, DALHOUSLE, JA]MES, EARL AND MARQUESS OF, DENNISTOUN, JAMES, DUNDAS, SIR DAVID, .... DUNDAS, GEORGE, .... DUNDAS, ROBERT, G 47 34 23 30 12 34 92 97 & 100 97 69 56 & 109 74 21 6 88 & 102 105 8 11 & 29 10 32 26 & 99 21 111 39 97 64 34 98 Alphabetical List of Contributors. ELLESMERE, EAEL OF, LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, FERGUSON, ROBERT, . FLAHAULT, COUNT MERCER DE, . FULLERTON, JOHN, LORD FULLERTON, GRAHAM, ROBERT, GRAY, FRANCIS LORD, GRANVILLE, THOMAS, HADDINGTON, THOMAS, EARL OF, HAY, SIR JOHN, HOG, JAIVIES MAITLAND, HOPE, JOHN, LORD JUSTICE-CLERK, INNES, COSMO, .... IR\T:NG, DAVID, LL.D., IVORY, JAMES, LORD IVORY, JAMESON, ROBERT, JARDINE, SIR HENRY, JEFFREY, FRANCIS, LORD JEFFREY, KEAY, JAMES, .... KTNNEAR, JOHN GARDINER, Treasurer of the Club, KINNEAR, THOMAS, Treasurer of the aub, LAING, DAVID, Secretanj of the Club, . LAUDERDALE, JAMES, EARL OF, . LEE, PRINCIPAL JOHN, D.D., LEITH, SIR ALEXANDER V/ELLESLEY, Bakt., LINDSAY, LORD, LOCH, JAMES, .... MACONOCHLE WELWOOD, ALEXANDER, MACDOWALL, WILLIAM, MACKENZIE, COLIN, . MACKENZIE, JAMES, . MACKENZIE, JOHN WHITEFOORD, . MACKENZIE, JOSHUA HENRY, LORD MACKENZIE, MAIDMENT, JAMES, .... M4TTT AND, THOMAS, LORD DUNDRENNAN, 70 74 21 21 54 48 74 107 49 45 27 99 21 57 36 34 97 21 17 &41 2 114, & Jfm ffS" 107 110 63 71 & 109 74 105 65 34 54 50 54 4 11 &29 Alphabetical List of Contributors. 9 'J MELVILLE, THE HON. WILLIAM LESLIE. . MEASON, GILBERT LAING, .... MELVILLE, ROBERT, VISCOUNT, . MILLER, WILLIAM HENRY, .... MINTO, GILBERT, EAUL OF, . MURRAY, SIR JOHN ARCHIBALD, LORD MURRAY, MURRAY, WILLIAM, ..... NAIRNE, JAMES, ..... PITCAIRN, ROBERT, ..... PRINGLE, ALEXANDER, .... RICHARDSON, JOHN, ..... ROSSLYN, JAMES, EARL OF, . ROXBURGHE, THE DUKE OF, . . . RUTHERFURD, AND., LORD RUTHERFURD, PreMdent of the Club, ..... SCOTT, SIR WALTER, Bart., President of the Club SELKIRK, THE EARL OF, . SHEPHERD, SIR SAAIUEL, LORD CHIEF BARON OF SCOTLAND, SKENE, ANDREW, SKENE, JAMES, SMYTHE, GEORGE, SMYTHE, WILLIAM, SPENCER, EARL, SPOTTISWOODE, JOHN, STANLEY, EDWARD, . STUART, THE HON. CHARLES FRANCIS SUTHERLAND, GEORGE, DUKE OF, AND MARQUESS OF STAFFORD, ..... SUTHERLAND, GEORGE, DUKE OF, THOMSON, THOMAS, President of the Club, TREVELYAN, SIR WALTER CALVERLY, Bart., TYTLER, PATRICK ERASER, . URQUHART, ADAM, .... 14 34 46 72 7 21 37 20 49 74 74 21 & 64 9 & 40 104 47 21 108 83 107 97 58 58 & 97 5 & 79 101 45 45 V V - O DATE / U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDS112S35fl 669767 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY