COMMISSION REGULATION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES A COMPILATION AND ANALYSIS OF LAWS OF FORTY-THREE STATES AND OF THE FED- ERAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE REGU- LATION BY CENTRAL COMMISSIONS OF RAILROADS AND OTHER PUBLIC UTILITIES ^\^ '<^ \-y THE NATIONAL CIVIC FEDERATION Department on Regulation of Interstate and Municipal Utilities NE\A^ YORK 1913 This volume was prepared as a part of an investigation of public utility regulation under the direction of the Executive Council of the Department on Regulation of Interstate and Municipal Utilities of The National Civic Federation. Emerson McMillin, Chairman. Franklin Q. Brown, Vice Chairman. John H. Gray, Secretary and Director of Investigation. Edward M. Bassett. Martin S. Decker. Halford Erickson. William D. Kerr. Franklin K. Lane. Blewett Lee. Mild R. Maltbie. Arthur Williams. William D. Kerr,* Editor. Bruce 'W,ViiiA,H; Cp\Lnsel.': I. Leo Sharfman, Chief Investigator. Copyright. 1913, by The National Civic Federation >v CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 5 Jurisdiction of Commissions and Definitions 15 Chapter I. —Organization of Commissions 63 Chapter II. — General Powers of Commissions iii Chapter III. — Basis of Rate Making 173 \^ Chapter IV. — Establishment and Change of Rates 213 Chapter V. — Publicity of Rates 369 Chapter VI. — Discrimination in Rates and Service 420 Chapter VII. — Service 579 Chapter VIII. — Safety of Operation 651 Chapter IX. — Accounts 693 Chapter X. — Reports 715 Chapter XL — Franchises 799 Chapter XII. — Stock and Bond Issues 849 Chapter XIII. — Intercorporate Relations 907 Chapter XIV. — Commission Procedure and Practice ... . . . 923 Chapter XV. — Enforcement 1035 Addenda 1226 Index of Sections 1231 Index of Subjects 1259 285403 INTRODUCTION SCOPE AND METHOD OF COMPILATION AND ANALYSIS OF LAWS PAGE PAGE Purpose 5 Jurisdiction and definitions 1 1 Manner of preparation 5 Scope notes 12 Scope of compilation and analysis. . 6 Analysis of chapters into minor Selection of material 7 divisions 12 Nature of discarded material 7 Cross references 13 Form of material 8 Index of sections 13 Presentation of material 9 Subject index 13 Identification of provisions 9 Addenda 14 Analysis of material into chapters. . 9 Conclusion 14 Purpose. This compilation and analysis of laws was prepared as a part of an investigation of public utility regulation begun in February, 191 2. The Department on Regulation of Interstate and Municipal Utilities of The National Civic Federation, organized to conduct the investigation, was confronted with the necessity of having in usable form existing statutory enactments. The organ- ization of the department included an Executive Council, or board of directors, each member of which represented a subcommittee with a membership of from a half dozen to 1 5 or more. The actual drafting of a report was referred in the first instance to the several subcommittees. To present the statutory situation on their particular subjects to the membership of each of the subcommittees required the printing of the statutes when compiled and analyzed by the investigating staff. Recognizing the value to attorneys, operating officials of public utilities and the public generally of the material thus necessarily prepared for committee use, the Council authorized the preparation of a voliune containing all of the statutory material so gathered and analyzed, suitably cross-referenced and indexed for general use. While the special purpose for which it was prepared originally has tended throughout to narrow the scope of the compilation and analysis of laws, the ultimate value of the work to the public has prompted liberal treatment of most topics. Maimer of Preparation. The preparation of this volume re- quired t!i6,g;i'tlie.rihg;of stat.utes of 43 states and the federal govern- ment, the physical dismeriiberment thereof section by section, and sometimes sentence by sentence, and the classification and arrange- ment of the individual points into a compact and harmonious whole. The process might be likened to separating from a haystack wisps of a particular kind and sorting them according to some 300 charac- teristics determined while the work was in progress. To have se- lected from the laws of any jurisdiction sections relevant to the in- vestigation and arranged them in numerical sequence under the name of that jurisdiction would have been comparatively simple. But in this work analogous material from each of 44 different juris- dictions relating to some 300 different topics has been brought to- gether in one place and edited on a uniform basis. The scope of the topics necessarily had to be developed as the work progressed. The entire plan of handling the material represents a process of evolution based on day-to-day experiences. The actual work of gathering the statutes began February 23, 191 2. The preliminary draft of the text of the compilation and analysis of laws was completed the last day of the year. Two months in addition were devoted to supple- menting the text with material theretofore unclassified and necessary indexing and cross-referencing. Page proof copies of three-fourths of the work were submitted to the members and secretaries of the 46 commissions for corrections of references to the laws of their states. Nimierous individuals and organizations examined and commented in detail on the method employed and the completeness of the in- dividual chapters. All comments, suggestions and criticisms were examined in detail and were followed whenever they appeared well- advised and consistent with the plan of the work. Within its scope, the compilation and analysis of laws is practically complete. Scope of Compilation and Analysis. Commission regulation of public utiHties being the object of the investigation, it was natural, in the search for material, to limit the field to commission jurisdictions. The material displayed, therefore, represents 44 jurisdictions: The federal act to regulate commerce, with its amendments and supple- ments, and the laws of the 43 states which in 1912 had central com- missions for the regulation of utilities. The states of Delaware,- Idaho, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming are not represented because they have no commissions, although there exists in each of these states a considerable body of law the purpose of which is to provide, by direct legislative enactment without administration, a proper public regula- tion of public service undertakings. This legislation was carefully ex- amined for any contributions it might make towards a thorough understanding of the field of public regulation, but none of it has been given a place in this compilation and analysis of laws. Selection of Material. Merely to limit the work to laws of commission jurisdictions does not establish a distinct line of de- marcation between the material that has been used and the material that has been discarded. A large mass of statutory provisions, even in the commission states, appears as duties imposed upon utilities, in the form both of orders and prohibitions, rather than as powers conferred upon commissions. For the proper enforcement of many of these provisions authority is vested in commissions. But since the source of this authority is usually a provision entirely distinct from the provisions imposing these duties upon utilities, and since, too, this authority increasing the direct powers of commissions by a sort of "incorporation by reference" is usually stated in very general terms, it becomes a matter of no little difficulty to determine the exact scope of commission authority and to decide what por- tions of the statutory material rightfully deserve a place in a work of the nature of this compilation and analysis of laws. This difficulty was handled with the best judgment at the disposal of the investi- gating staff. It was often a task of equal difficulty to determine who far a recent law superseded older legislation or merely added to it In some cases no absolute decision on this point can possibly be reached except by judicial determination. This matter was likewise handled with the best judgment available. It becomes obvious, however, that much of the legislative material in commission juris- dictions, though carefully examined, was necessarily omitted from the work as at present published. Two principles exerted a large in- fluence in the selection of material in these doubtful cases. First, recent legislation was usually given the preference over older -laws. The object in view was to present a living idea of the statutory sit- uation as it is to-day, and this involved a greater emphasis upon present tendencies than upon old achievements in legislation. In the second place, there was less hesitancy in discarding material which has already been well digested and the effect of which has crystal- lized into more or less fixed legal rules than provisions the applica- tion of which is stUl in the experimental stage. To a large extent this likewise involved a contrast between old and new legislation, but it also involved a distinction between the kinds of utilities regulated. Railroad law, for example, was much more readily discarded than provisions regulating telephones, telegraphs, gas, electricity, water, etc. Nature of Discarded Material. The nature of the important classes of discarded material can be indicated readily. Provisions of general corporation law have been excluded. They open up a large field of legislation which applies for the most part to ordinary indus- trial corporations no less than to public service undertakings. These provisions involve, among numerous minor matters, questions of incorporation and organization, eminent domain and locations, and the entire problem of the taxation of corporations. By the omission of this material the provisions on franchises, stocks and bonds, and intercorporate relations have been largely narrowed. Again, maxi- mum rate laws, even when enforcement has been left to commissions have been excluded generally. They represent temporary public dis- content rather than wise policies of public regulation, The material dealing with the regulation of rates has been narrowed thus to no small extent. In like manner, provisions prescribing by legislative enactment specific facilities and standards of service and specific safety appliances and standards of safety, even when enforcement is left to commissions, have been excluded. These laws are exam- ples of the old system of direct legislative regulation. The present- day tendency is to confer upon administrative commissions sufficient authority for effective regulation in these matters. By the omission of this material the provisions on the regulation of service and safety of operation have been largely narrowed. Material dealing with the regiilation of municipally owned utilities has also been excluded. Though most of the fundamental principles of public regulation may be applied universally, regardless of the seat of ownership, attention in this investigation has been directed entirely to privately owned utilities. These represent the important classes of discarded mate- rial. The omission of less important provisions in a work of this sort is self-explanatory. Form of Material. Whenever language has been of the essence the provisions have been given verbatim, as they appear in consti- tutions and statute books. This has been found to be necessary with practically all of the substantive material conferring authority upon commissions directly or leaving to commissions the enforce- ment of duties imposed upon utilities. Paraphrasing has been em- ployed only in the omission of useless words and phrases where the scope or meaning of the grants of power could not possibly be affected. The summary form has been used only in the few instances where facts alone were involved and language had no substantive value, the employment of this summary form being limited to Chap- ter I, dealing with the organization of commissions. Throughout the work the sources of the material have been indicated. Citations 8 are given for every provision and fact included in the compilation and analysis of laws. Presentation of Material. The material under every topic and subtopic of each chapter is displayed by jurisdictions in alphabetical order. This method of presentation not only makes of the com- pilation and analysis of laws a useful source of information but pro- vides for the reader a ready basis of comparison between the pro- visions of any one jurisdiction on any given subject and similar provisions of all other jurisdictions. For the lawmaker this should prove of invaluable assistance in studying the varied experience of all our commonwealths. For utility managers, too, and especially for those who transact an interstate business, this localization of the provisions of all jurisdictions dealing with a given subject should prove of large practical value. Identification of Provisions. It will be noted that the material of one jurisdiction is sometimes "identified" with the material of another jurisdiction. This expedient was adopted merely as a means of saving space, in order that this compilation and analysis of laws might not extend to unwieldy proportions. These identifications depend solely upon alphabetical sequence. The provision appearing first in the alphabetical order of jurisdictions is presented in full, and identical provisions in all other jurisdictions that follow are recorded as identical with the provision already displayed. It must be remem- bered that the order of these identifications has no historical signifi- cance. Thus it happens that earlier laws are sometimes referred to as identical with later laws. The best examples are the cases of Arizona and California, and Oregon and Wisconsin. The Arizona law is really a copy, almost verbatim, of the California law; and the laws of Oregon follow, in large measure, the laws of Wisconsin. Wherever the provisions are identical, however, the Arizona and Oregon laws are presented in full, inasmuch as they appear first alphabetically, instead of the laws of California and Wisconsin. This plan was adopted solely as a mechanical convenience for the handling of material. The substance of the legislative provisions is in no way affected, and the order of identification must not be taken as an evidence of jurisdictional initiative or credit. Analysis of Material into Chapters. The compilation and analy- sis of laws has been divided into fifteen parts. The work opens with a chapter on Organization of Commissions. This chapter includes the important requirements of commission organization. Minor details are usually determined by the commissions themselves and are to be found in rules, regulations and orders promulgated by them. Provisions dealing with the organization of boards and offices affili- ated with commissions, even when under their direct supervision, have been excluded. Chapter II, on General Powers of Commis- sions, includes grants of power which give commissions general authority to regulate utilities. This authority is found in the use of language involving general supervision, in comprehensive enumera- tion of particular powers in summary form, and in grants of special powers of such broad scope as to amount to general regulation. Then follow four chapters which deal with the regulation of rates. Chapter III, on Basis of Rate Making, includes provisions prescrib- ing that rates must be reasonable and indicating the various elements to be considered and the various devices that may be adopted by utilities and commissions in the establishment of reasonable rates. Provisions on valuation are here included because it is considered that the most important purpose of ascertaining the value of utility property is as a guide to rate making. Chapter IV, on Establish- ment and Change of Rates, includes grants of power authorizing commissions to regulate or prescribe the rates and charges of utili- ties, and such provisions as indicate the procedure to be followed in the exercise of these powers and the legal effect to be given to the rates and charges so established. Chapter V, on Publicity of Rates, includes provisions prescribing publicity in the establishment and change of rates by utilities or commissions, and such grants of power as authorize commissions to render publicity in rate making effective. Chapter VI, on Discrimination in Rates and Service, includes pro- visions regulating the making of rates and the providing of service in practice. They define and prohibit unjust discrimination in rates and service and indicate the kinds of special treatment which con- stitutes justifiable discrimination. It includes also grants of power authorizing commissions to determine under what conditions such circumstances exist as make discrimination justifiable. Provisions involving a refusal to serve because of race, business or profession have been excluded. The next two chapters deal with the adequacy and safety of service. Chapter VII, on Service, includes provisions prescribing that adequate service and facilities be maintained and provided for patrons and utilities, and such specific grants of power as authorize commissions to render these requirements effective. Chapter VIII, on Safety of Operation, includes grants of power authorizing commissions to regulate utilities with regard to the safety of the service rendered. Then follow two chapters which deal with accounts and reports. Chapter IX, on Accounts, includes grant of power authorizing commissions to prescribe systems of accounts lO and to regulate accounting practices. It includes provisions giving commissions the right of access to, and inspection of, the books and records of utilities only insofar as these rights are granted strictly for the purpose of regulating accounts. Chapter X, on Reports, includes grants of power authorizing commissions to require formal reports and elicit general information from utilities, and such pro- visions as impose upon commissions the duty of submitting to desig- nated authorities reports of their own proceedings and of the business and management of utilities. Provisions prescribing the filing of reports by utilities with other bodies or officers than commissions or commissioners have been excluded. The next tliree chapters deal with capitalization and competition. Chapter XJ, on Franchises, includes grants of power authorizing commissions to regulate com- petition between utilities by requiring certificates of convenience and necessity to be issued by commissions as a condition precedent to the acquisition of new franchise privileges or to the exercise of franchise privileges previously granted. It also includes the Wis- consin law on indeterminate franchises. Chapter XII, on Stock and Bond Issues, includes grants of power authorizing commissions to regulate the capitalization of utiHties. Chapter XIII, on Inter- corporate Relations, includes grants of power authorizing commis- sions to supervise the relations of utilities between themselves with regard to finance and organization. Two chapters on procedure and enforcement complete the compilation and analysis of laws. Chapter XIV, on Commission Procedure and Practice, includes pro- visions prescribing the general procedure to be observed by com- missions in the performance of their duties and the conduct of their proceedings, and such grants of power as authorize commissions to render these requirements effective. Provisions involving special procedure incident to the exercise of particular powers have not been repeated here. Chapter XV, on Enforcement, includes grants of power authorizing commissions to invoke judicial process for the enforcement of their orders and prescribing penalties for their vio- lation, and such provisions as indicate the degree of validity to be attached to orders of commissions and as prescribe the procedure and legal effect of review of such orders by judicial tribunals. Pro- visions involving special enforcement machinery incident to the exercise by commissions of particular powers have been here excluded. Jurisdiction and Definitions. The preliminary chapter on Juris- diction of Commissions and Definitions is not incorporated in the body of the text of the compilation and analysis of laws for the reason that it contains itself no substantive provisions but in the last analy- ij sis is an interpretative guide to an understanding of all of the sub- stantive provisions throughout the text. The material incorporated in this chapter was selected with care, the purpose being to gather together only the jurisdictional statements and the definitions which had an important bearing on the text. Many definitions of a dis- tinctly local application from the standpoint of the statutes in which they are foimd are localized in the text by being attached by foot- note to the substantive provisions which they explain or modify. The definitions in this chapter are mainly definitions of general appli- cation to entire statutes. The combined statements of jurisdiction and definitions present concrete pictures of the status of legislation in each jurisdiction. Scope Notes. The statutory material regulating utilities is an indivisible whole. Moreover, much of American legislation is passed in a form so haphazard and unsystematic as to present serious diffi- culties in any attempt at logical analysis and separation into ele- ments. So any division of the material may appear in some respects arbitrary and necessarily involves considerable overlapping of pro- visions. To meet the situation in this work, each of the 1 5 chapters is headed by a note which aims to indicate the general scope of that chapter and its relation to every other chapter which contains similar or allied material. These scope notes, therefore, should make clear in each case the basis of the general analysis, and locate by means of their references such provisions as have been omitted from their proper chapters because they are incidental to material which belongs elsewhere. Analysis of Chapters into Minor Divisions. To analyze each chapter into minor divisions and retain at the same time the statu- tory language and form of the material presents, of course, a much more difficult task than the analysis into chapters. The statutes cannot be dismembered physically in every case without clouding or destroying the meaning of many provisions by a loss of context. Moreover, the analysis of a law into the comparatively small ele- ments represented by the divisions and subdivisions of chapters very often involves important questions of statutory construction on the part of the investigator. Furthermore, the physical separation of legislative provisions into their elements, if carried out in every case, would involve so much repetition of material and would result in so large an addition to the bulk of the compilation and analysis as to detract appreciably from the usefulness of the work. To meet these difficulties, the material has been broken up physically only into its natural divisions; that is, each provision has been placed under the X3 division or subdivision where it primarily belongs, although it may have involved incidental material which would logically belong else- where. In other words, no attempt has been made to dismember the material physically to such "an extent as to include under each of the minor divisions every provision dealing with a given subject, no matter how inextricably incorporated in other material. It is believed that this method of handling the legislative provisions pre- sents a more accurate picture of the statutory situation than other- wise could be attained; for while it presents a logical analysis of the subject matter of the statutes, it involves the least amount of tam- pering with the material as enacted by the various legislatures and the least amount of extra-judicial interpretation of its meaning. Cross References. In order to make up for the apparent incom- pleteness resulting from the method of analysis just outlined, a sys- tem of cross referencing has been adopted, whereby under each juris- diction in each division and subdivision references are made to any similar provisions appearing in any other part of the compilation and analysis. Such material, therefore, as does not seem to appear in its proper place because it could not be extracted physically from the provisions with which it is displayed is thus incorporated by reference. By the actual presentation of provisions or by means of cross references there are complete listings under each of the topics into which the chapters have been analyzed. Index of Sections. A complete index of constitutional and statu- tory provisions is attached to the compilation and analysis of laws. This index shows, section by section, the paragraph of the text in which every provision that has been used of any constitution or statute may be found. This index has a twofold value: First it enables the user of the volume to ascertain what laws of a particular jurisdiction have been used ; second, it enables one to find at a glance material from other jurisdictions analogous to a particular section in which he is interested. Subject Index. Another drawback arising from the fact that the statutory material cannot be physically dismembered into small ele- ments without doing violence to the laws as they appear on the statute books is that the analysis coiild not be carried as far as would be of the greatest advantage to the various classes in the hands of which this work is likely to find itself. The compilation and analysis has been supplemented, therefore, by a carefully prepared analytical index based upon the subject matter of the material. By means of this index the legislator, utility manager, student or publicist can 13 pursue his jurisdictional comparisons even with regard to the minute elements of commission regulation. Addenda. A limited amount of material came to hand after the body of the text was fixed by the numbering of the paragraphs and the completion of indices. Some of this material was inserted in the text by means of footnotes to associated material. Other sections were placed in an addendum, niimbered serially with the sections of the body of the text, and incorporated in the body by cross-references. In some instances material was found to have been included which might have been omitted but for the fixing of the text by the num- bering of the paragraphs. This material was not disturbed. Conclusion. Within clearly defined limits, then, this compila- tion and analysis of laws aims to present a complete and accurate picture of the statutory situation with regard to commission regula- tion of public utilities. In addition, much effort has been expended to make the work practically useful. If the labor and devotion involved in its preparation will make even the smallest contribution towards a better understanding of the increasingly vital relations between the public and the public service industries all who have participated in the work will feel amply repaid. •4 JURISDICTION OF COMMISSIONS AND DEFINITIONS SCOPE NOTE This chapter includes references in the language of the statutes to the utilities which can be reached by commissions, however great or small the extent of the commission authority, and a list of such definitions as indicate the scope of the utilities in particular jurisdictions. For provisions authorizing commissions to regulate allied businesses or dealing with the territorial jurisdiction of commissions, see ch. ii, on general powers of com- missions. For general statement of scope and method^ see introduction. 15 UNITED STATES The provisions of this act shall apply to any corporation or any person or persons engaged in the transportation of oil or other com- modity, except water and except natiiral or artificial gas, by means of pipe lines, or partly by pipe lines and partly by railroad, or partly by pipe lines and partly by water, and to telegraph, telephone, and cable companies (whether wire or wireless) engaged in sending messages from one state, territory, or district of the United States to any other state, territory, or district of the United States or to any foreign country, who shall be considered and held to be common carriers within the meaning and purpose of this act, and to any com- mon carrier or carriers engaged in the transportation of passengers or property wholly by railroad (or partly by railroad and partly by water when both are used under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment), from one state or territory of the United States or the District of Colimibia to any other state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia, or from one place in a territory to another place in the same territory, or from any place in the United States to an adjacent foreign country, or from any place in the United States through a foreign coimtry to any other place in the United States, and also to the transportation in like manner of property shipped from any place in the United States to a foreign country and carried from such place to a port of transshipment, or shipped from a foreign coimtry to any place in the United States and carried to such place from a port of entry either in the United States or an adjacent foreign country; provided, however, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to the transportation of passengers or property, or to the receiving, delivering, storage, or handling of property wholly within one state and not shipped to or from a foreign country from or to any state or territory as aforesaid, nor shall they apply to the transmission of messages by telephone, telegraph, or cable wholly within one state and not transmitted to or from a foreign country from or to any state or territory as aforesaid. Act to Regulate Commerce, as amended, sec. I. DEFINITIONS. ACT TO REGULATE COMMERCE, AS AMENDED, SEC. I. Common carrier shall include express companies and sleeping car companies. Railroad shall include all bridges and ferries used or operated in connection with any railroad, and also all the road in use by any corporation operating a railroad, whether owned or operated under a contract, agreement, or lease, and i6 shall also include all switches, spurs, tracks, and terminal facilities of every kind used or necessary in the transportation of the persons or property designated herein, and also all freight depots, yards, and grounds used or necesssary in the transportation or deUvery of any of said property. Transportation shall include cars and other vehicles and all instrumentalities and facilities of shipment or carriage, irrespective of ownership or of any con- tract, express or implied, for the use thereof and all services in connection with the receipt, delivery, elevation, and transfer in transit, ventilation, refrigeration or icing, storage, and handling of property transported. ALABAMA The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the transportation of passengers and property between points within this state, and to the receiving, switching, delivering, storing, and hauling of such property, and to all charges connected therewith, and shall apply to all railroad corporations, express companies, car companies, sleep- ing car companies, freight and freight line companies, steamboat or steam packet companies, terminal companies, or individuals who now or hereafter may own, operate, or control any railroad depot or terminal station, and to all associations of persons, whether in- corporated or otherwise, that shall do business as common carrier upon or over any line of railroad in whole or in part within this state, upon or over any navigable stream in whole or in part within the state or partly by rail and partly by water; but nothing in this article shall be construed as a regulation of or interference with interstate commerce. Code igoj, sec. 5648. This chapter shall not apply to street and electric railroad en- gaged solely in the transportation of passengers within the limits of any one city, nor to logging or private railroads not doing business as common carriers. Same, sec. 364^. The commission shall also have power of supervision and control over all telegraph and telephone lines operating in more than one city or town. Same, sec. 5647. DEFINITIONS. CODE 1907. All corporations, companies, firms or individuals engaged in the transporta- 'tion of persons or freight over railroads for hire are common carriers. Sec. 5520. Transportation company shall mean and embrace all corporations, companies, individuals, associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees, or receivers that now, or may hereafter own, operate, manage or control as common carrier, any railroad or pajt of a railroad, in this state, or any cars, or other equipments used thereon, or bridges, terminals or side tracks used in connection therewith, whether owned by such railroad, or otherwise. Sec. 5647. Transportation company shall also mean and embrace express companies, car 17 companies, sleeping car companies, steamboat or steam packet companies, and all corporations, individuals or associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees, or receivers that now or may hereafter own, operate or control any railroad depot or terminal station, over all of which the commission shall have the power of su- pervision and control. Same. ACTS 1909, SP. SESS. 201, SEC. l(l). All railroad companies, or other companies, corporations, firms or indi- viduals engaged in the transportation of persons, or freight over railroads for hire, and all navigation companies or steamboat or steam packet companies or corporations, firms or individuals engaged in the transportation of persons or freight by water, for hire, are hereby declared common carriers, and are hereby made subject to the provisions of this act. ARIZONA All corporations other than municipal engaged in carrying per- sons or property for hire; or in furnishing gas, oil, or electricity for light, fuel or power; or in furnishing water for irrigation, fire pro- tection, or other public purposes; or in furnishing, for profit, hot or cold air or steam for heating or cooling purposes; or in transmitting messages or furnishing public telegraph or telephone service, and all corporations other than municipal, operating as common carriers, shall be deemed public service corporations. Const, art. xv, sec. 2. All railroad, car, express, electric, transmission, telegraph, tele- phone, or pipe line corporations, for the transportation of persons, or of electricity, messages, water, oil, or other property for profit, are declared to be common carriers and subject to control by law. Same, Sec. 10. DEFINITIONS. SESS. LAWS I912, CH. 90, SEC. 2. Common Carrier includes every railroad corporation, street railroad corpora- tion; express corporation; dispatch, sleeping car, dining car, drawing room car, freight, freight-line, refrigerator, oil, stock, fruit, car loaning, car renting car loading and every other car corporation or person; electrical corporation; trans- mission corporation; telegraph corporation; telephone corporation; water cor- poration; or pipe line corporation; for the transportation of persons or of elec- tricity, messages, water, oil or other property, for profit, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, operating for com- pensation within this state. Corporation includes a corporation, a company, an association, and a joint stock association. Electrical corporation includes every corporation or person, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, con- trolling, operating, or managing any electric plant for compensation within this state, except where electricity is generated on or distributed by the producer through private property alone solely for his own use or the use of his tenants and not for sale to others. 13 Electric plant includes all real estate, fixtures and personal property owned, controlled, operated, or managed, in connection with or to facilitate the produc- tion, generation, transmission, delivery, or furnishing of electricity for light, heat, or power, and all conduits, ducts, or other devices, materials, apparatus, or property, for containing, holding, or carrying conductors used or to be used for containing, holding, or carrying conductors used or to be used for the transmission of electricity for light, heat, or power. Express corporation includes every corporation or person, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, engaged in or transacting the business of transporting any freight, merchandise, or other property for compensation on the line of any common carrier or stage or auto stage line within this state. Gas corporation includes every corporation or person, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, controlling, operating, or managing any gas plant for compensation within this state, except where gas is made or produced on, and distributed by the maker or producer through, private property alone solely for his own use or the use of his tenants and not for sale to others. Gas plant includes all real estate, fixtures, and personal property, owned, controlled, operated, or managed, in connection with or to facilitate the produc- tion, generation, transmission, delivery or furnishing of gas (natural or manu- factured) for light, heat or power. Person includes an individual, a firm, and a co-partnership. Pipe line includes all real estate, fixtures, and personal property, owned, controlled, operated, or managed, in connection with or to facilitate the trans- mission, storage, distribution, or delivery, of crude oil, or other fluid substance, except water, through pipe lines; in furnishing hot or cold air or steam for heating or cooling purposes. Pipe line corporation includes every corporation or person, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, con- trolling, operating or managing any pipe line for compensation within this state. Public service corporation includes every common carrier, pipe line corpora- tion, gas corporation, electrical corporation, telephone corporation, telegraph corporation, water corporation, and warehouseman, as these terms are defined in this section, and each thereof is hereby declared to be a public service corpora- tion and to be subject to the jurisdiction, control, and regulation of the commission and to the provisions of this act. Railroad includes every commercial, interurban, and other railway, other than a street railroad, and each and every branch or extension thereof, by what- soever power operated, together with all tracks, bridges, trestles, rights of way, subways, tunnels, stations, depots, union depots, yards, grounds, terminals, terminal facilities, structures, and equipment, and all other real estate, fixtures, and personal property of every kind used in connection therewith, owned, con- trolled, operated, or managed for public use in the transportation of persons or property. Railroad corporation includes every corporation or person, their lessees, trustees, receivers, or tustees appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, con- trolling, operating, or managing any railroad for compensation within this state. Street railroad includes every railway, and each and every branch or ex- tension thereof, by whatsoever power operated, beng mainly upon, along, above or below any street, avenue, road, highway, bridge, or public place within any I9„ city, country or town, together with all real estate fixtures and personal property of every kind used in connection therewith, owned, controlled, operated, or managed for public use in the transportation of persons or property; but the term street railroad, when used in this act, shall not include a railway constituting or used as a part of a commercial or interurban railway. Street railroad corporation includes every coporation or person, their lessees, trustees, receivers, or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, con- trolling, operating, or managing any street railroad for compensation within this state. Telegraph corporation includes every corporation or person, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, con- trolling, operating, or managing any telegraph line for compensation within this state. Telegraph line includes all conduits, ducts, poles, wires, cables, instruments, and appliances, and all other real estate, fixtures, and personal property, owned, controlled, operated, or managed in connection with or to facilitate communica- tion by telegraph, whether such communication is had with or without the use of transmission wires. Telephone corporation includes every corporation or person, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, con- trolling, operating or managing any telephone line for compensation within this state. Telephone line includes all conduits, ducts, poles, wires, cables, instruments, and appliances, and all other real estate, fixtures, and personal property, owned, controlled, operated, or managed in connection with or to facilitate communica- tion by telephone, whether such communication is had with or without the use of transmission wires. Transportation of persons includes every service in connection with or in- cidental to the safety, comfort, or convenience of the person transported and the receipt, carriage, and delivery of such person and his baggage. Transportation of property includes every service in connection with or in- cidental to the transportation of property, including in particular its receipt, de- livery, elevation, transfer, switching, carriage, ventilation, refrigeration, icing, dunnage, storage, and handling, and the transmission of credit by express cor- porations. Water corporation includes every corporation or person, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, controlling, operating, or managing any water system for compensation within this state. Water system includes all reservoirs, tunnels, shafts, dams, dikes, headgates, pipes, flumes, canals, structures, and appliances, and all other real estate, fixtures, and personal property, owned, controlled, operated or managed in connection with or to facilitate the diversion, development, storage, supply, distribution, sale, furnishing, carriage, apportionment, or measurement, or water for power, fire protection, irrigation, reclamation, or manufacturing, or for municipal, do- mestic, or other beneficial use. ARKANSAS Sec. 6820 of Kirby's Digest, 1904, provides that all the pro- visions of this act shall apply to and include all companies or corpor- ations carrying property on any railroad as express matter and known- ao as express companies as fully as if such persons, companies or corpor- ations were specially named and designated therein. The commission has jurisdiction over every person or corporation operating any railroad or express business in the state. See Kirby's Digest, 1904, sec. 6002. The commission also has jurisdiction over sleeping car com- panies. See Acts igoy, no. 422, sec. 4. CALIFORNIA Every private corporation, and every individual or association of individuals, owning, operating, managing or controlling any com- mercial railroad, interurban railroad, street railroad, canal, pipe line, plant, or equipment, within this state for the transportation or con- veyance of passengers, or express matter, or freight^ of any kind, including crude oil, or for the transmission of telephone or telegraph messages, or for the production, generation, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water, or power, or for the furnishing of storage or wharfage facilities, either directly or indirectly, to or for the public, and every common carrier, is hereby declared to be a public utility subject to such control and regulation by the railroad commission as may be provided by the legislatiire, and every class of private corporations, individuals, or associations of individuals hereafter declared by the legislature to be public utilities shall like- wise be subject to such control and regulation. The railroad com- mission shall have and exercise such power and jurisdiction to super- vise and regulate public utilities, in the state of California, and to fix the rates to be charged for commodities ftimished or services rendered by public utilities as shall be conferred upon it by the legislature, and the right of the legislature to confer powers upon the railroad commission respecting public utilities is hereby declared to be plenary and to be unlimited by any provision of this constitution. From and after the passage by the legislature of laws conferring powers upon the railroad commission respecting public utilities, all powers respecting such public utilities vested in boards of supervisors, or miinicipal councils, or other governing bodies of the several cotmties, cities and counties, cities and towns in this state, or in any commission created by law and existing at the time of the passage of such laws, shall cease so far as such powers shall conflict with the powers so conferred upon the railroad commission; provided, however, that this section shall not affect such powers of control over any public utility vested in any city or county or incorporated city or town as, at an election to be held pursuant to laws to be passed hereafter by 21 the legislatiire, a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon of city and coimty, or incorporated city or town, shall vote to retain, and until such election such powers shall continue unimpaired; but if the vote so taken shall not favor the continuation of such powers they shall thereafter vest in the railroad commission as provided by law; and provided, further, that where any such city and county or incorporated city or town shall have elected to continue any powers respecting public utilities, it may, by vote of a majority of its quali- fied electors voting thereon, thereafter surrender such powers to the railroad commission in the manner to be prescribed by the legisla- tiire; or if such municipal corporation shall have surrendered any powers to the railroad commission, it may, by like vote, thereafter reinvest itself with such power. Const., art. .xii, sec. 2j. See also sec. 82, ch. 14, and Stats. iQii, ist ex. sess. sees, i to 10, ch. 40. DEFINITIONS. STATS. 191 1, IST EX. SESS., CH. I4, SEC. 2. Definitions of the following terms are substantially indentical with def- initions of same terms in Arizona, Session Laws 1912, ch. 90, sec. 2: Corpora- tion, electrical corporation, electric plant, express corporation, gas corporation, gas plant, person, pipe line, pipe line corporation, railroad corporation, street railroad, street railroad corporation, telegraph corporation, telegraph line, telephone corporation, telephone line, transportation of persons, transportation of property, water corporation, water system. Common carrier includes every railroad corporation; street railroad corpora- tion; express corporation, dispatch, sleeping car, dining car, drawing room car, freight, freight-line, refrigerator, oil, stock, fruit, car loaning, car renting, car loading and every other car corporation or person, their lessees, trustees, re- ceivers or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, operating for compen- sation within this state; and every corporation or person, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, controlling, operating or managing any vessel regularly engaged in the transportation of persons or property for compensation upon the waters of this state or upon the high seas, over regular routes between points within this state. Public utility includes every common carrier, pipe-line corporation, gas cor- poration, electrical corporation telephone corporation, telegraph corporation, water corporation, wharfinger and warehouseman, as those terms are defined in this section, and each thereof is hereby declared to be a public utility and to be subject to the jurisdiction, control and regulation of the commission and to the provisions of this act. Railroad includes every commerical, interurban and other railway, other than a street railroad, and each and every branch or extension thereof, by what- soever power operated, together with all tracks, bridges, trestles, rights of way, subways, tunnels, stations, depots, union depots, ferries, yards, grounds, terminals, terminal facilities, structures and equipment, and all other real estate, fixtures and personal property of every kind used in connection therewith, owned, con- trolled, operated or managed for public use in the transportation of persons or property. 22 Vessel includes every species of water craft, by whatsoever power operated which is owned, controlled, operated or managed for public use in the transporta- tion of persons or property. Wharfinger includes every corporation or person, their lessees, trustees, re- ceivers or trustees, appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, controlling, op- erating or managing any dock, wharf or structure used by vessels in connection with or to facilitate the receipt or discharge of freight or passengers for com- pensation within this state. COLORADO The provisions of this act shall apply to any corporation or to any person or persons who shall be held to be common carriers within the meaning and purpose of this act, and .to any common carrier or carriers engaged in the transportation of passengers or property by railroad from one point or place within the state to any other point or place within the state. Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. i. This act shall not apply to the ownership or operation of street railways conducted solely as common carriers in the transportation of passengers within the limits of cities and towns. Same. definitions: LAWS I9IO, SP. SESS., CH. 5, SEC. 2. Common carriers shall also include express companies, private freight car lines and pipe lines. Railroad shall include all bridges used or operated in connection with any railroad, and also all the roads in use by any corporation operating a railroad, whether owned or operated under a contract, agreement or lease; and shall also include all switches, spurs, tracks and terminal facilities of every kind used or necessary in the transportation of the persons or property designated herein, and also all freight depots, yards and grounds used or necessary in the transportation of the persons or property designated herein, and also all freight depots, yards and grounds, used or necessary in the transportation or delivery of any of said property. Transportation shall include all cars, and all other vehicles and instrumen- talities and facilities of a shipment or carriage, irrespective of ownership or of any contract, express or implied, for the use thereof, and all service in connection with the receipt, delivery, elevation and transfer in transit, ventilation, refrigera- tion or icing, demurrage, storing or handling of property transported; and it shall be the duty of every common carrier, subject to the provisions of this act, to provide and furnish such transportation upon reasonable request therefor, and to establish through routes and just and reasonable rates applicable thereto, and to provide a sufficient number of cars, and a reasonable time schedule for trains. CONNECTICUT Commission has jurisdiction over public service companies as defined. 23 DEFINITIONS. PUB. ACTS 191 1, CH. 128, SEC. I. Electric company shall include every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership, or person, or lessee thereof, owning, leasing, maintaining, operating, managing, or controlling poles, wires, conduits, or other fixtures, along public highways or streets, for the transmission or distribution of electric current for sale for light, heat, or power within this state, or engaged in generating electricity to be so transmitted or distributed for such purpose. Gas company shall include every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership or person, or lessee thereof, owning, leasing, main- taining, operating, managing, or controlling mains, pipes or other fixtures, in public highways or streets, for the transmission or distribution of gas for sale for light, heat, or power within this state, or engaged in the manufacture of gas to be so transmitted or distributed for such purpose. Plant shall include all real estate, buildings, tracks, pipes, mains, poles, wires, and other fixed or stationary construction and equipment, wherever lo- cated, used in the conduct of the business of the company. Public service company shall include all common carriers, railroad, street railway, electric, gas, telephone, telegraph, and water companies owning, leasing, maintaining, operating, managing, or controlling plants, or parts of plants, or equipment, and all express companies having special privileges on railroads or street railways, within this state, but shall not include towns, cities, boroughs, or any municipal corporation or department thereof, whether separately incorporated or not. Railroad company shall include every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership, or person, or lessee thereof, owning, main- taining, operating, managing or controlling any railroad, or any cars or other equipment employed thereon or in connection therewith, for public or general use within this state. Street railway company shall include every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership, or person, or lessee thereof, owning, main- taining, operating, managing, or controlling any street railway, or any cars or other equipment employed thereon or in connection therewith, for public or general use within this state. Water company shall include every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership, or person, or lessee thereof, owning, main- taining, operating, managing, or controlling any pond, lake, reservoir, or distribu- ting plant employed for the purpose of supplying water for general domestic use in any town, city, or borough, or portion thereof, within this state. DELAWARE No commission up to 191 3. FLORIDA The provisions of this chapter ^ shall apply to the transportation of passengers and property and to the receiving, delivery, stprage and handling of property wholly within this state, and shall apply to all railroad corporations, raikoad companies and common* carriers en- > Includes all of sees. 2883-3633 of Gen. Stats. 1906, as|used|herein. 24 gaged in this state in the transportation of passengers or property by the railroads or common carriers therein, from any points within this state to any point within this state. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 28go- Commission has power under laws 191 1, ch. 6186, sec. i, to regulate the charges and service within the state of all persons, firms or corporations engaged in or carrying on a telephone business within the state. All the terms and provisions of this state as embraced in ch. 5,1 tit. 4, div. 4, of the general statutes and all acts supplemen- tary thereto or amendatory thereof are hereby declared to be of force with reference to all persons, firms or corporations carrying on a telephone business within this state so far as said laws are applicable to such persons, firms or corporations carrying on telephone business within this state. Laws 1911, ch. 6186, sec. 2. All persons, firms and corporations owning, controlling or operat- ing or that may hereafter own, control or operate a line or lines of telegraph whose line or lines is or are in whole or in part in this state, shall be under the control of the railroad commission of this state. Laws iQiiy ch. 6i8y, sec. i. DEFINITIONS. GEN. STATS. I906, CH. 5, TIT. 4, DIV. 4. Common carriers shall be deemed to mean and include: (i) all companies and any person or persons owning and operating railroads wholly or partly within this state; (2) all companies and any person or persons owning and oper- ating steamships engaged in the transportation of freight or passenger from and to ports within this state; (3) all companies and any person or persons owning and operating steamboats used in the transportation of freight or passengers upon the rivers or inland waters of this state; (4) all companies and any person or persons owning or operating railroads, passenger terminals or union depots for the pur- pose of receiving, delivering or transferring passenger traffic to and from the place or city in which said terminal or union depot may be situated, or to or from one or more of the railroads operating its train service into said terminal or depot from or to any other such railroad or railroads; whenever any steamship or steam- boat company owns and operates any barge, canal boat, steam tug, ferry boat or lighter, in connection with its ships or boats, the thing so owned and operated shall be deemed a part of its main line. Sec. 28 pi. Railroad shall include all bridges and ferries used or operated in connection with any railroad operated wholly or in part in this state, all passenger terminal companies or union depot companies whether operating train service or not, and also all the road in use by any corporation, receiver, trustee, or any other person operating a railroad, whether operated under any contract, agreement, lease or otherwise, and the term railroad corporation or railroad company, as used in this act, shall be deemed to mean all corporations, associations, partnerships, trustees, agents, assignees and individuals, all express companies and sleeping car com- panies included, now owning or operating, or which may hereafter own or operate 1 Includes all of sees. 2882-3633 of Gen. Stats. 1906, as used herein. 25 any railroad in whole or in part in this state, or owning or operating any train or car service on any railroad in this state. Whenever any railroad company owns and operates in connection with its road, and for the purpose of transporting its cars, freight or passengers, any steamer or other water craft, such steamer or water craft shall be deemed a part of its said road. Sec. 2892. GEORGIA Commission has jurisdiction over all common carriers, railroads, express corporations or companies, street railroads, railroad corpora- tions or companies, dock wharfage corporations or companies, terminal or terminal station corporations or companies, telephone or telegraph corporations or companies, gas or electric light and power companies. See Code igii, sec. 2663. IDAHO No commission up to 191 3. ILLINOIS The provisions of this act shall apply to all persons, firms and companies and to all associations of persons, whether incorporated or otherwise, that shall do business as common carriers upon any of the lines of railways in this state (street railways excepted) the same as to railroad corporations hereinbefore mentioned. Remsal, 1909, ch. 114, sec. 133. By sec. 186, commission is given supervision over every owner, lessee or manager of every public warehouse in the state. Each and every person, firm, co-partnership, joint stock com- pany, organization or corporation engaged either as owner or as lessee, agent, trustee or receiver, in transporting by rail or water, merchandise, property, parcels, packages, money and other com- modities and things between points within the state of Illinois, and commonly known as express companies or carriers by express, shall be deemed and is hereby declared to be an express company or carrier by express and also a common carrier, and as such shall, from and after the passage of this act, as to the transportation of merchandise, property, parcels, packages, money and other commodities and things between points within the state of Illinois, be placed within the jurisdiction and imder the supervision and control of the commission as provided in this act; provided, that this act^ shall not apply to railroad companies or steamboat companies engaged in transporting freight. Revisal 1909, ch. 114, sec. 368. > Einbra(;ing sees. 368-379 of 1909 Revisal. 26 DEFINITIONS. REVISAL 1909, CH. 114. Common carrier includes all railroad corporations, express companies, steamboat lines or other common carriers by water, private car line companies, sleeping car companies, fast freight line companies, and shall also include every other corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, operating or managing any such agency for public use in the conveyance of per- sons or property within this state; provided, teaming companies shall not be in- cluded within the definition herein stated; and, provided, further, that street rail- roads and hack lines and vehicles of a like character shall not be included within the terms of this section. Sec. 187. Railroad includes every railroad, other than a street railroad, by whatsoever power operated for public use in the conveyance of persons or property for com- pensation, with all bridges, ferries, tunnels, equipment, switches, spurs, tracks, depots and power stations, and terminal facilities of every kind used or operated by any such railroad; and also all passenger or freight depots, yards, docks and grounds used by any railroad in the transportation of passengers or property. Sec. 188. Railroad corporation shall be deemed and taken to mean all corporations, companies or individuals now owning or operating, or which may hereafter own or operate any railroad, in whole or in part in this state. Sec. ijj. Transportation shall include cars and other vehicles and all instrumental- ities and facilities of shipment or carriage, irrespective of ownership or of any con- tract, expressed or implied, for the use thereof, and all service in connection with the receipt, delivery and transfer in transit, refrigeration or icing, storage and handling of property transported. Sec. i8g. INDIANA The provisions of this act shall apply to all such corporations, foreign or doniestic, and to the receivers and lessees thereof, as shall be engaged in the business of a common carrier of freight in carload lots or less for hire on railroads between points within this state. The provisions of this act shall also apply to all carriers engaged in the performance of transfer or switching service on and over any terminal, transfer, belt or switching railroad in this state. The provisions of this act shall not apply to any carrier or carriers within this state whose income from freight business does not equal 33 H per cent, of their gross revenue. Acts 190'/, ch. 241, sec. i. This act shall apply to all corporations, individuals, associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees, or receivers, appointed by any court that now, or may hereafter own, operate, manage or control any railroad, electric interurban, or suburban railroad, or part of any such railroad as a common carrier in this state, or cars, car companies, freight and freight line companies, private tracks and sidings, when controlled or used by any such common carriers, or other equipment used thereon, or bridges, terminals, or side tracks, or any docks, or 27 wharves, or storage elevators used in connection therewith, whether owned by such railroad, or otherwise. Ads igoy, ch. 241, sec. 18. The provisions of this act shall also apply to all such corporations, companies, individuals, associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees or receivers, appointed by any court, as shall be engaged in the express business or sleeping car business, and this act shall apply also to all express companies and sleeping car companies. Same. The provisions of this act shall not apply to any street railroad company in so far as it may engage in the carriage of passengers in its local town or city cars within the limits of any towns or cities of this state or their suburbs. Same. DEFINITIONS. ACTS 1907, CH. 241, SEC. 18. Carrier or carriers, railroad, railroad company, or railway, or railway com- pany, whenever used in this act, shall for the purposes of this act and except as otherwise herein provided be held to mean and refer to all such railroads, electric interurbans, or suburban railroads, express companies and sleeping car companies so subject to the provisions of this act. The provisions of this act shall not apply to street railroads engaged solely in the carriage of passengers within the limits of any cities or towns in this state. IOWA Any railway operated upon the streets of a city or town by electric or other power than steam, which extends beyond the corpor- ate limits of such city or town to another city, town or village, or any railway operated by electric or other power than steam, extending from one city, town or village to another city, town or village, shall be known as an interurban railway, and shall be a work of internal improvement. Code iSgy, sec. 20jja. The words railway, ratlwa'y company, railway corporation, rail- road, railroad company and railroad corporation, as used in the code and acts of the general assembly, now in force or hereafter enacted, are hereby declared to apply to and include all interurban railways, and all companies or corporations constructing, owning or operating such interurban street railways, and all provisions of the code and acts of the general assembly, now in force or hereafter enacted, affecting railways, railway companies, railway corporations, railroads, railroad companies and railroad corporations, are hereby declared to affect and apply in full force and effect to all interurban railways, and to all interurban railway companies or railway corporations constructing, owning or operating such interurban railways. Same^ sec. 2ojjb. Any interurban railway shall within the corporate limits of any 28 city or town, or of any city acting under a special charter, upon such streets as it shall use for transporting passengers, mail, baggage, and such parcels, packages, and freight as it may carry in its passenger or combination baggage cars only, be deemed a street railway, and be subject to the laws governing street railways. Same, sec. 20jj{c). Commission has jurisdiction over railroads operated by steam, express companies, car companies, sleeping car companies, freight and freight line companies, common carriers, engaged in the transporta- tion of passengers or freight by railroad, street railroads excepted. Code iSgy, sec. 2112. The provisions of this chapter^ shall apply to the transportation of passengers and property and to the receiving, delivering, storing and handling of property, wholly within this state, and shall apply to all railroad corporations, express companies, car companies, freight or freight line companies and to any common carrier engaged in this state in the transportation of passengers or property by railroad therein. Such provisions shall also apply to all persons, firms and corporations and to all associations of persons, whether incorporated or otherwise, that shall do business as common carriers upon any of the lines of railway in this state, street railways excepted, the same as to railroad corporations herein mentioned. Code iSgy, sec. 2122. All express companies operating and doing business in this state are declared to be common carriers, and all laws so far as applicable, now in force or hereafter enacted, regulating the transportation of property by railroad companies, shall apply with equal force and effect to express companies. Code iSgj, sec. 216^(0). Any system of railway operating cars within the. state of Iowa over or upon any track other than steel or iron shall be known as an automobile railway, and shall be a work of internal improvement. The words railway, railway company, railway corporation, rail- road, railroad company, or railroad corporation, as used in the code and acts of the general assembly now in force or hereafter enacted, are hereby declared to apply to and include automobile railways, and all companies or corporations owning or operating such automobile railways, and all provisions of the code and acts of the general assembly now in force or hereafter enacted, affecting railways, railway companies, railway corporations, railroads, railroad companies or railroad corporations, are hereby declared to affect and apply in full force and effect to all automobile railways and to all automobile railway companies owning or operating such automobile railways Laws igoy, ch. g8, sec. i. * Chapter vii, title x, "Of the regulation of carriers by railroad," embracing sections 2122- 3IS7 of Code 1897. 29 DEFINITIONS. CODE 1897, SEC. 2122. Railroad and railway shall include all bridges and ferries used or operated in connection with any railroad, and also all the road in use by any corporation, re. ceiver, trustee or other person operating a railroad, whether owned or operated under contract, agreement, lease or otherwise. Railway corporation shall mean all corporations, companies or individual owning or operating any railroad in whole or in part in this state. . . . Transportation shall include all instrumentalities of shipment or carriage. . . . KANSAS Commission is given general supervision of all railroads, express companies, sleeping car companies and all others doing business as common carriers; provided, the section granting such authority shall not be construed as applying to street railway or electric lines operated wholly within one county. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. yi86. The provisions of laws 1905, ch. 340/ shall be construed to be applied to and affect only the transportation of passengers, freight, express matter and cars between points within the state, by railroad and express companies and all other common carriers, not including street railway companies. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 7179. Commission has same power in relation to irrigation companies that it has in relation to railroad companies. Same, sec. 4478. Commission has jurisdiction over pipe lines for the conveyance of crude oil which are declared to be common carriers. Same, sec. 3961, 3964. Nothing in this act shall apply to any public utility in this state owned and operated by any mtmicipality. Laws 1911, ch. 238, sec. 3. The powef and authority to control and regulate all public utilities and common carriers situated and operated wholly or prin- cipally within any city, or principally operated for the benefit of such city or its people shall be vested exclusively in such city, subject only to the right to apply for relief to said public utilities commission, as hereinafter provided in section 33 of this act. Same. This act shall not refer to or include mutual telephone companies. Same. DEFINITIONS. GEN. STATS. IQOQ, SEC. 7226.' Person shall include persons, partnerships, joint-stock companies, or cor- porations. Railroad company shall include and be construed to mean any incorp>orated 1 Embracing sections 7169-7182 and section 7196 of Gen. Stats. 1909. 2 Being part of Laws 1901, ch. 286, which embraces sections 7183-7188, 7i97-7a?8, in- cliisive. 30 railroad company, or any express or transportation company, or other common carrier, or sleeping-car company, or private-car company, or any railroad-bridge company, or any person or persons, lessee, assignees, trustee, receiver, partner- ship, joint-stock company or corporation engaged wholly, partially, jointly or severally in laying out, constructing, owning, operating, using or maintaining any railroad operated by steam or electricity, or other motive power, or any portion or part of such railroad line. LAWS 191 1, CH. 238 (Public Utilities Commission Law). Common carriers shall include all railroad companies, express companies, street railroads, suburban or inter-urban railroads, sleeping-car companies, freight- line companies, equipment companies, pipe-line companies, and all persons and associations of persons, whether incorporated or not, operating such agencies for public use in the conveyance of persons or property within this state. Sec. 4. Mutual telephone companies shall be understood to mean any co-operative telephone company operating only for the mutual benefit of its subscribers without profit other than in the service received. Sec. j. Public utility shall be construed to mean every corporation, company, in- dividual, association of persons, their trustees, lessees or receivers, that now or hereafter may own, control, operate or manage, except for private use, any equip- ment, plant, generating machinery, or any part thereof, for the transmission of telephone messages or for the transmission of telegraph messages in or through any part of the state, or the conveyance of oil and gas through pipe lines in or through any part of the state, except pipe lines less than 15 miles in length and not operated in connection with or for the general commercial supply of gas or oil, or for the operation of any trolley lines, street, electrical or motor railway doing business in any county in the state; also all dining car companies doing business within the state, and all companies for the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power. Same. KENTUCKY Commission has jurisdiction over all railroads. There appears to be no jurisdiction over street railways. LOUISIANA Commission is described as "a railroad, express, telephone, tele- graph, steamboat and other water craft, and sleeping car commission." Const., art. 283. All pipe lines through which gases, oils or other liquids are con- veyed from one point in the state to another for a consideration, are common carriers and are imder the control of and subject to regula- tion by the commission. Stats. 1Q06, no. j6, sec. i. MAINE Commission has jurisdiction over railroad and street railroad corporations within the state. 31 MARYLAND The jurisdiction, supervision, powers and duties of the com- mission herein created and estabHshed shall extend under this act: To railroads and street railroads lying within the state, and to the person or corporation owning, leasing, operating or controlling the same. To street railroads, any portion of whose lines lie within any incorporated city or town within this state, containing not less than 2,000 inhabitants, and to all transportation of persons or property thereon, and to the person or corpora- tion owning, operating, controlling or leasing the said street railroads. To such portion of the lines of any other railroad as lie within this state, and to the person or corporation owning, leasing, operating or controlling the same, so far as concerns the construction, maintenance, equipment, terminal facilities and local transportation facilities and local transportation of persons or property within the state. To any common carrier operating or doing business within the state. To the manufacture, sale or distribution of gas, natural or artificial, and electricity for light, heat and power, within the state of Maryland, and to the persons or corporation owning, leasing, operating or controlling the same; and to gas and electric plants, and to persons or corporations owning, operating, leasing or controlling the same. To all telephone lines, as above defined, and all telegraph lines as above de- fined, and to every telephone company, and to every telegraph company, so far as said telephone and telegraph lines are and lie, and so far as said telephone com- panies and said telegraph companies conduct and operate such line or lines, re- spectively, within this state. To all water companies and to the land, property, dams, water supplies, canals or power stations thereof and the operation of the same within this state. To all persons, corporations or partnerships engaged in the ''transportation of property or freight,'' as above defined, within this state. To all corporations and persons whatsoever subject to the provisions of this act as herein defined. And to such other and further extent, and to all such other and additional matters and things, and in such further respects as may herein appear, either expressly or impliedly. Laws iQio, ch. 180, sec. 3. This act shall apply to the manufacture and ftimishing of gas for light, heat or power, and the furnishing of natural gas for light, heat or power, and the generation, furnishing and transmission of electricity for light, heat or power. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 31. This act shall apply to telegraph companies, telephone companies, telephone lines and telegraph lines within this state, and to persons and corporations engaged in the transmission of intelligence within this state by telephone or telegraph. Same, sec. 39. All provisions of this act in reference to steam railroads, street railroads, gas and electric light corporations and common carriers, 3a in reference to hearings, siimmoning witnesses, taking of testimony, reports, approval of incorporation and certificates of franchises, the approval of issues of stock, bonds and other forms of indebtedness, consolidation, lease, transfer of franchises, valuation of property, plants and franchises, keeping of accoimts, complaints as to quality, price, facilities furnished, the fixing of just and reasonable prices and adequacy of service, forfeitures of all descriptions, forfeitures for non- compliance with the orders, simimary proceedings under this act, excessive charges for product, service or facilities, proceedings before said commission and proceedings in any court mentioned in this act, and any and all other sections, paragraphs, provisions and parts of this act in reference to any other corporations subject to any of its provisions, so far as the same shall be practically, legally or necessarily applicable to telephone or telegraph companies or corporations controlling telephone or telegraph lines in this state are hereby made applicable to such telephone and telegraph companies and to corpor- ations controlling telephone and telegraph lines, and shall have full application thereto. Same, sec. 41. All provisions in this act in reference to steam railroads, street railroads, gas corporations, electric corporations, common carriers and telephone and telegraph companies, with respect to the jurisdic- tion, powers and duties of said commission over and in relation to the said corporations and companies, and with respect to hearings, sum- moning witnesses, taking of testimony, reports, approval of incorpor- ation and certificates of franchises, of issue of stocks, bonds and other forms of indebtedness, consolidation, lease and transfer of franchises, valuation of property, plant and franchise, keeping of accounts, com- plaints as to quality, price and facilities furnished, the fixing of just and reasonable prices, services and facilities, forfeitures and penalties of all descriptions, summary proceedings, proceedings before said commission and proceedings in any court mentioned in this act, and any and all other sections, paragraphs, provisions and parts of this act in reference to any corporations subject to its provisions, so far as the same or any of the same may be practically, legally or neces- sarily applicable to water companies, and heat or refrigerating cor- porations, and to power companies or corporations, and to their respective service and charges and to their property, plant, franchises and management, are hereby made applicable to such corporations and companies, their service, charges, property, plant, franchises and management, and shall have full application thereto. Same, sec. 42. 33 DEFINITIONS. LAWS I9IO, CH. 180, SEC. I. Common carrier, includes all railroad corporations, street railroad corpora- tions, express companies, car companies, sleeping car companies, freight com- panies, freight line companies, steamboat, powerboat and vessel-boat and ferry companies, canal companies, and all persons and associations of persons, whether incorporated or not, operating such agencies for public use in the conveyance of persons or property within this state, by land or by water, or by both. Corporation includes a corporation, company, association and joint stock company or association. Electrical corporation includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers, appointed by any court whatsoever, (other than a railroad or a street railroad corporation generating electricity for its own use solely and exclusively), owning, operating, managing or controlling any plant or property including any water plant, or water property, or water falls, or dam, or water power station, for generating and distributing or generating and selling for distribution, or selling or distributing electricity for light, heat or power, or for the transmission of electric current for such purposes, or for any public use whatsoever. Electric plant includes (i) engines, boilers, dynamos, generators, storage bat- teries, converters, motors, transformers, cables, wires, services, poles, lamps, meters, real estate, easements, materials, apparatus, devices and property of every kind operated, controlled, owned, used, or to be used, for or in connection with, or to facilitate the generation, transmission, distribution, sale or furnishing of electricity for light, heat or power; and (2) any conduits, ducts or other devices, materials, apparatus or property for containing, holding or carrying electrical conductors used or to be used, wholly or in part, for the transmission of electricity for light, heat or power. Gas corporation includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating, managing or controlling any plant or property for manufacturing and distributing and selling for distribution or selling or distributing illuminating gas (natural or artificial or manufactured, and wheresoever and howsoever derived or obtained) for light, heat, fuel or power, or for any public use whatsoever. Gas plant includes boilers, water gas sets, retorts, condensers, scrubbers, purifiers, holders, mains, pipes, services, pipe galleries, meters, buildings, real estate, easements, lamps, materials, apparatus, devices and property of every kind operated, controlled, owned, used or to be used for or in connection with or to facilitate the manufacture, distribution, sale or furnishing of gas (natural or manufactured) for light, heat or power. Heat or refrigerating corporation includes every corporation, company, association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees, or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating, managing or controlling any plant or property for manufacturing and distributing and selling for distribution, or distributing hot or cold water, steam or currents of hot or cold air for motive power, heating, cooking, refrigeration, or for any public use or service in any city, town or village in this state. Person includes an individual and a firm or copartnership. Railroad includes every railroad, other than a street railroad, by whatsoever 34 power operated for public use in the conveyance of persons or property for com- pensation, with all bridges, ferries, tunnels, switches, spurs, tracks, stations and terminal facilities of every kind, used, operated, controlled or owned by or in connection with any such railroad. Railroad corporation includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers, appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating, managing or controlling any railroad or any cars or other equipment used thereon, or in con- nection therewith. Street railroad includes every railroad by whatsoever power operated, or any extension or extensions, branch or branches thereof, for public use in the convey- ance of persons or property for compensation, being mainly upon, along, above or below any street, avenue, road, highway, bridge or public place within the cor- porate limits of the city of Baltimore or any other city or town containing a pop- ulation of not less than 2,000 persons, within the state of Maryland, and in- cluding all switches, spurs, tracks, right of trackage, subways, timnels, stations, terminals and terminal facilities of every kind, used, operated, controlled or owned by or in connection with any such street railroad; but the said term street railroad, when used in this act, shall not include a railroad constituting or used as part of a trunk line railroad system. Street railroad corporation includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers, appointed by any court whatsoever, holding, operating, managing or controlling any street railroad or any cars or other equipment used thereon or in connection therewith. Telegraph Company includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, partnership and persons, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating, managing or controlling, any plant, wires, poles or property for the purposes of commimication or of transmitting or receiving messages by telegraph, or by any telegraphic ap- paratus or instrument, or which licenses, lets or permits telegraphic communica- tion for hire. Telegraph lines includes the system, or any part of the system of poles, wires crossbars, instruments, machines, appliances, real estate, easements, appurte- nances, apparatus and property used, operated, controlled or owned by or in connection with the business of any telegraph company. Telephone company includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating, managing or controlling any plant, wires, poles or property, for the reception, transmission or communication of messages by telephone or telephonic apparatus or instruments, or which Ucenses, lets or permits telephonic communication for hire. Telephone lines includes the system, or any part of the system of poles, wires, crossbars, receivers, transmitters, instruments, machines, appliances, real estate, easements, apparatus, appurtenances and property used, operated, controlled or owned by or in connection with the business of any telephone company. Transportation of property or freight includes any service in connection with the receiving, delivering, elevation, transfer, in transit, ventilation, refrigeration, icing, storage and handling of the property or freight transported. Water company includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or re- 35 ceivers appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating, managing or con- trolling any plant or property, dam or water supply, canal, or power station, dis- tributing or selling for distribution, or selling or supplying for gain any water. MASSACHUSETTS Gas and electric light commission has jurisdiction over gas and electric Hght companies. Railroad commission has jurisdiction over raikoads, electric railways and street railways. Highways commission has jurisdiction over telephone and tele- graph companies. State board of health has jurisdiction over any company en- gaged in the business of supplying water to cities or towns or the in- habitants thereof. The provisions of chapter 58, Revised Laws 1902, shall apply to all persons, corporations and municipalities which manufacture or distribute gas for sale and the terms gas company and gas light com- pany shall be construed as including all persons, companies and municipalities owning or operating works for the manufacture and sale of gas for heating or illiuninating piuposes. Sec. ip, as amended by Acts igoQ, ch. 48 j, sec. 4. DEFINITIONS. ACTS 1906, CH. 433, SEC. 12. Company shall include every person, partnership, association and corporation engaged in the business of the transmission of intelligence by electricity. ACTS 1906, CH. 463, PT. II, SEC. I. Railroad means a railroad or railway of the class usually operated by steam power. Railroad and railways means all railroads and railways except tramways in mines and marine railways. Railroad corporation means the corporation which lays out, constructs, maintains or operates a railroad of the class usually operated by steam power. ACTS 1906, CH. 463, PT. Ill, SEC. I. Extension means any railway constructed by a street railway company in a city or town in addition to that authorized by its original location therein. Location as applied to a street railway, means the grant to a street railway company of the right to construct, maintain and operate a street railway in a public way or place. Original as applied to a street railway location in a city or town, means the first location granted to the company in such city or town. Street railway or railway means a railroad or railway, including poles, wires or other appliances and equipment connected therewith, of the class operated by motive power other than steam, and usually constructed upon the public ways and places. 36 MICHIGAN Commission has jurisdiction over the business of transmitting and supplying electricity when electricity is generated or developed by steam, water or other power within one county of the state and transmitted and delivered to the consimier in the same or some other county. Puh. Acts igog, no. io6, sees, i and 2. This act shall not apply to the transmission or use of electricity for the purpose of conveying intelligence by telegraph, telephone or other methods now or hereafter adopted therefor. Same, sec. 9. Commission has jurisdiction over common carriers, including express and sleeping car companies. Puh. Acts 1909, no. joo, sec. 5. Nothing in this act contained shall apply to street and electric railroads engaged solely in the transportation of passengers within the limits of cities or within a distance of five miles of the boimdaries thereof. Same. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to authorize the commission to interfere with, lessen or impair, or to authorize the impairment of any franchise provision, contract or agreement as to rate of fares now existing between any municipality, city, village or township and any tram railway, street railway, interurban or suburban railway company, or to increase or lessen the rate of fare fixed by such franchise, contract or agreement, or to deprive any tram railway, street railway, interurban or suburban railway company of the right to charge for the carriage of passengers the rate of fare authorized and fixed by any franchise, grant or contract made or entered into between any municipality, city, village or township and any such tram railway, street railway, interurban or suburban railway com- pany. Pub. Acts 1909, no. joo, sec. 3(c), as amended by Pub. Acts 1911, no. lyj. The provisions of this act shall apply to the transportation of passengers and property between points within this state, and to the receiving, switching, delivering, storing and handling of such property, and to all charges connected therewith, including icing and mileage charges. Same, sec. i. Commission has jurisdiction over telephone companies. Pub. Acts. 1911, no. ij8, sec. 2. DEFINITIONS. PUB. ACTS 1909, no. 300, SEC. 3. Common carrier shall be construed to mean and embrace all corporations, companies, individuals, associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees or re- ceivers appointed by any court whatsoever, who now or may hereafter own, 37 6perate, manage or control as a common carrier in this state, any railroad or part of any railroad, whether operated by steam, electricity or other motive power, or cars or any other equipment used thereon, or bridges, switches, spurs, tracks, side tracks, terminal facilities, or any docks, wharves or storage elevators used in connection therewith or any kind of terminal facilities used or necessary in the transportation of persons or property designated herein, and also all freight depots, yards and grounds used or necessary for the transportation or delivery of any said property and whether the same are owned by said railroad or otherwise; or any express company, car loaning companies, freight or freight line companies and all associations or persons, whether incorporated or otherwise, that shall do business as common carriers upon or over any line of railroads in this state, or any common carrier engaged in the transportation of passengers and property wholly by rail or partly by rail and partly by water. Express companies and sleeping car companies doing business for hire within this state are hereby defined to be common carriers. Railroad shall be construed to mean all railroads, whether operated by steam, electric or other motive power. Transportation shall include cars and other vehicles and all instrumentalities and facilities of shipment, or carriage, irrespective of ownership, or of any con- tract expressed or implied for the use thereof, and all services in connection with the receipt, delivery, elevation, switching and transfer in transit, ventilation, re- frigeration or icing, storage and handling of persons or property transported. PUB. ACTS 191 1, NO. 138, SEC. I. All persons, corporations and associations operating telephone lines or ex- changes doing a telephone business within the state of Michigan, are hereby de- clared to be common carriers; and all laws so far as applicable now in force or that may be hereafter enacted, regulating the transportation of persons or property by railroad companies within the state, shall apply with equal force and effect to telephone companies. MINNESOTA Commission has jurisdiction over railroads and express com- panies doing business as common carriers and over public warehouses. Rev. Laws igoj, ch. 28, sec. 1953. All provisions of this chapter regarding the construction, main- tenance and operation of railroads and the duties and liabilities oi railroad companies shall apply to any firm or person operating a rail- road, whether as owner, lessee, trustee, receiver or otherwise, and the terms company wherever used in this chapter shall be construed to include any such firm or person when such construction is not inconsistent with the context. Same, sec. 204 j. DEFINITIONS. REV. LAWS 1905, CH. 28. Carrier shall include all common carriers engaged in the transportation of persons or property between places within this state by railroad, or partly by railroad and partly by water, when both are used under a common control^ ownership, management, or arrangement for such carriage without regard to the 38 motive power, whether such carrier owiis or operates the Une or lines over which such passengers or freight are transported, or carries the same over the lines or in the cars of any other company as an express or transportation company, but shall not include street railways so far as relates to the carriage of persons or property wholly within the limits of any municipality or municipalities. Sec. 1990. Railroad shall include all bridges or ferries used or operated in connection with any railroad, and also all the road in use by any corporation operating a railroad, whether owned, or operated under a lease or other contract. Sec. 1991. Transportation shall include all instrumentalities of shipment or carriage. Same. MISSISSIPPI Railroads, express, telegraph, telephone and sleeping car com- panies are common carriers. Const., art. mi, sees. 184, igj. Commission has jtirisdiction over railroads, express, telegraph, telephone and sleeping car companies, car service associations and other associations governing or controlling cars or rolling stock of railroads in the same manner as railroads. Code igo6, sec. 4843. All laws and parts of laws giving authority to the commission to supervise common carriers shall also apply to car service associa- tions or other associations governing or controlling cars or rolling stock of railroads at whatever places they do business in the state. Laws ipo8, ch. 8'j, sec. 2. MISSOURI Commission has jurisdiction over railroads, express companies and warehouses. MONTANA All railroads, transportation and express companies shall be common carriers. Const., art. .vo, sec. 5. The provisions of this act shall apply to the transportation of passengers and property between points within this state, and to the receiving, switching, delivering, storing and handling of such prop- erty, and to all charges connected therewith and shall apply to rail- road companies, express companies, car companies, sleeping car companies, freight and freight line companies, and to any shipments of property made from any point within this state to any other point within this state, whether the transportation of the same shall be wholly within this state or partly within this state and partly within an adjoining state or states. Rev. Codes igoy, sec. 4373. The provisions of this act shall apply to all persons, firms or 39 companies, incorporated or otherwise, that shall do business as common carriers upon any of the lines of railroad in this state. Same. DEFINITIONS. REV. CODES 1907 (railroad COMMISSION ACT, EMBRACING SECS. 4363 TO 4398). Railroad shall be taken to mean any corporation, company or individual owning or operating any railroad, in whole or in part, in this state. It shall also include express companies and sleeping car companies. Sec. 4373. Railroad shall be held to mean and include railroad companies, express com- panies, car companies, sleeping car companies, freight and freight line companies, and all common carriers. Sec. 4374. Transportation shall include all instntmentalities of shipment or carriage. Sec. 4373. NEBRASKA Commission has jurisdiction over railroads, express companies, car companies, sleeping car companies, freight and freight line com- panies and any other common carriers engaged in the transportation of freight or passengers within the state. Stats. 1907, sec. io6jo{b). DEFINITIONS. STATS. 1907, SEC. 10652. Common carriers include railroads, interurban or street railway lines operated either by steam or electricity or any other motive power, or any express company, car company, sleeping car company, freight and freight line company, telegraph and telephone company, and any other carrier engaged in the transmission of messages or transportation of passengers or freight for hire. Same, sec. 10652. NEVADA Commission has jurisdiction over railroads, express, telegraph and telephone companies, companies owning cars of any kind or character, used and operated as a part of railroad trains and public utilities. The provisions of this act shall apply to the transportation of passengers and property and the transmission of messages between points within the state, and to the receiving, switching, delivering, storing and hauling of such property, and receiving and delivering messages, and to all charges connected therewith, including icing charges and mileage charges, and shall apply to all railroads, corpo- rations, express companies, car companies, freight and freight line companies, and to all associations of persons, whether incorporated or otherwise, that shall do business as common carriers, upon or over any line of railroad within this state, and to any common carrier engaged in the transportation of passengers and property, wholly by rail, or partly by rail and partly by water. Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. 2 (a), as amended by Stats. 1909, ch. 121, sec. 2. 40 DEFINITIONS. STATS. 1907, CH. 44, SEC. 2, AS AMENDED BY STATS. I9O9, CH. 121, SEC. 2. Railroad shall mean and embrace all corporations, companies, individuals, associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees or receivers (appointed by any court whatsoever) that now, or may hereafter, own, operate, manage, or control any railroad or part of a railroad as a common carrier in this state, or cars, or other equipment used thereon, or bridges, terminals, or sidetracks, or any docks or wharves or storage elevators used in connection therewith, whether owned by such railroads or otherwise. Railroad whenever used herein, shall mean and embrace express com- panies, telegraph and telephone companies, and all companies which may own cars of any kind or character, used and operated as a part of railroad trains, in or through this state, and all duties required of and penalties imposed upon any rail- road or any officer or agent thereof shall, in so far as the same are applicable, be required of and imposed upon express companies, telegraph and telephone com- panies, and companies which may own cars of any kind or character, used and operated as a part of railroad trains in or through this state, and their officers and agents, and the commission shall have the power of supervision and control of all such companies to the same extent as of railroads. STATS. 191 1, CH. 162, SEC. 3. Public utility shall embrace every corporation, company, individual, asso- ciation of individuals, their lessees, trustees, or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, that now or hereafter may own, operate or control any plant or equip- ment, or any part of a plant or equipment within the state for the production, delivery or furnishing for or to other persons, firms, associations, or corporations, private or municipal, heat, light, power in any form or by any agency, water for business, manufacturing, agricultural or household use, or sewerage service whether within the limits of municipalities, towns or villages, or elsewhere; and the commission is hereby invested with full power of supervision, regulation and control of all such utilities subject to the provisions of this act and to the exclu- sion of the jurisdiction, regulation and control of such utilities by any munici- pality, town or village. NEW HAMPSHIRE Commission has jurisdiction over railroads and public utilities. DEFINITIONS. LAWS, 1909, CH. 126, SEC. I. Carrier shall be construed to mean all common carriers of passengers in- cluding railroads. LAWS 191 1, CH. 164, SEC. I. Public utility shall include every corporation, company, association^ joint stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, except municipal corporations, owning, oper- ating or managing any plant or equipment Or any part" of the same for the con- veyance of telephone or telegraph messages or for the manufacture or furnishing of light, heat, power or water for the public, or owning or operating any ferry or toll bridge. 41 Railroad shall include every railroad and street railway by whatever power operated which is open to public use in the conveyance of persons or property, for a compensatioa, also all bridges, grade crossings, under passes, switches, spurs, tracks, equipment, stations and terminals and other facilities and property of every kind whatever, used, operated or owned by or in connection with any such railroad or railway. Railroad corporation shall include ev^ry corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers, appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating or managing any railroad or street railway or any cars or equipment used thereon or in connection there- with, or engaged in carrying on a public express business over the line of any railroad. NEW JERSEY Commission has jurisdiction over all public utilities and over their property, property rights, equipment, facilities and franchises, so far as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying out the pro- visions of this act. Laws igii, ch. igj, sec. 75. LAWS 191 1, CH. 195, SEC. 15. Public utility is hereby defined to include every individual, co-partnership, association, corporation or joint stock company, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, that now or hereafter may own, operate, manage or control within the state of New Jersey any steam railroad, street rail- way, traction railway, canal, express, subway, pipe line, gas, electric light, heat, power, water, oil, sewer, telephone, telegraph system, plant or equipment for public use, under privileges granted or hereafter to be granted by the state of New Jersey or by any political subdivision thereof. NEW MEXICO Commission has jurisdiction over railway, express, telegraph, telephone, sleeping car and other transportation and transmission companies, and common carriers within the state. Const., art. XI, sec. 7. NEW YORK Commission has jurisdiction over transportation of passengers or property from one point to another within the state and over any common carrier performing such service, including any person or corporation who or which owns or operates any stage route in any city of 1,000,000 inhabitants; over the manufacture and furnishing of gas for light, heat or power and the furnishing of natural gas for light, heat or power; over the generation, furnishing and transmission 42 of electricity for light, heat and power; over communication by tele- graph or telephone between one point and another within the state; and over every telegraph and telephone corporation. Laws igog, ch. 2ig, sec. 24; Laws igio, ch. 480, sees. 25, 64, go. Corporations formed to acquire property or to transact business which would be subject to the provisions of this chapter, and corpora- tions possessing franchises for any of the purposes contemplated by this chapter, shall be deemed to be subject to the provisions of this chapter although no property may have been acquired, business trans- acted or franchises exercised. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 5(7). DEFINITIONS. LAWS 19 10, CH. 480, SEC. 2. Common carrier includes all railroad corporations, street railroad corpora- tions, express companies, car companies, sleeping-car companies, freight com- panies, freight-line companies, and every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating or managing any such agency for public use in the conveyance of persons or property within this state; but the said term common carrier when used in this chapter shall not include an express company unless the same is operated whoUy or in part upon, or in con- nection with, a railroad or street railroad. Corporation includes a corporation, company, association and joint-stock association. • Electrical Corporation includes every corporation, company, association, joint- stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers ap- pointed by any court whatsoever (other than a railroad or street railroad corpora- tion generating electricity solely for railroad or street railroad purposes or for the use of its tenants and not for sale to others) owning, operating or managing any electric plant, except where electricity is generated or distributed by the pro- ducer solely on or through private property for railroad or street railroad purposes or for its own use or the use of its tenants and not for sale to others. Electric plant includes all real estate, fixtures and personal property operated, owned, used or to be used for or in connection with or to facilitate the generation, transmission, distribution, sale or furnishing of electricity for light, heat or power; and any conduits, ducts or other devices, materials, apparatus or property for containing, holding or carrying conductors used or to be used for the transmission of electricity for light, heat or power. Gas corporation includes every corporation, company, association, joint- stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers ap- pointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating or managing any gas plant except where gas is made or produced and distributed by the maker on or through private property solely for its own use or the use of its tenants and not for sale to others. Gas plant includes all real estate, fixtures and personal property operated, owned, used or to be used for or in connection with or to facilitate the manufac- ture, distribution, sale or furnishing of gas (natural or manufactured) for light, beat or power. 43 Municipality includes a city, village, town or lighting district, organized as provided by a general or special act. Person includes an individual, and a firm or copartnership. Railroad includes every railroad, other than a street railroad, by whatsoever power operated for public use in the conveyance of persons or property for com- pensation, with all bridges, ferries, tunnels, equipment, switches, spurs, tracks, stations and terminal facilities of every kind used, operated or owned by or in connection with any such railroad. Railroad corporation includes every corporation, company, association, joint- stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating or managing any rail- road or any cars or other equipment used thereon or in connection therewith. Street railroad includes every railroad by whatsoever power operated, or any extension or extensions, branch or branches thereof, for public use in the convey- ance of persons or property for compensation, being mainly upon, along, or below any street, avenue, road, highway, bridge or public place in any city, village or town, and including all equipment, switches, spurs, tracks, right of trackage, subways, tunnels, stations, terminals and terminal facilities of every kind used, operated or owned by or in connection with any such street railroad; but the said term street railroad, when used in this chapter, shall not include a railroad con- stituting or used as part of a trunk line railroad system. Street railroad corporation includes every corporation, company, association, joint-stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever owning, operating or managing any street railroad or any cars or other equipment used thereon or in connection therewith. Telegraph corporation includes every corporation, company, association, joint-stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers, appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating or managing any tele- graph line or part of telegraph line used in the conduct of the business of affording for hire communication by telegraph. Telegraph line includes conduits, ducts, poles, wires, cables, cross-arms, in- stnunents, machines, appliances and all devices, real estate, easements, apparatus, property and routes used, operated or owned by any telegraph corporation to facilitate the business of affording communication by telegraph. Telephone corporation includes every corporation, company, association, joint-stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating or managing any tele- phone line or part of telephone line used in the conduct of the business of affording telephonic communication for hire; excepting, however, any corporation, company association, joint-stock association, partnership or person, their lessees, trustees or receivers, having property actually used in the public service within the state of a value not exceeding $10,000, or which do not operate the business of affording telephonic communication for profit. Telephone line includes conduits, ducts, poles, wires, cables, cross-arms, re- ceivers, transmitters, instruments, machines, appliances and all devices, real estate, easements, apparatus, property and routes used, operated or owned by any telephone corporation to facilitate the business of affording telephonic commu- nication. Transportation of property includes any service in connection with the re- ceiving, delivery, elevation, transfer in transit, ventilation, refrigeration, icing, storage and handling of the property transported. 44 NORTH CAROLINA Commission has jurisdiction over railroad, street railway, steam- boat, canal, express and sleeping car companies and all other common carriers and over telephone and telegraph companies. PelVs Revisal igo8, sec. 1066. Every person or individual owning and operating any telephone or telegraph line, who rents poles or wires to persons generally shall be subject to the same control and supervision by the commission as are corporations owning and operating telephone and telegraph lines. Acts igoy, ch. g66, sec. i. NORTH DAKOTA All railroad, sleeping car, telegraph, telephone and transportation companies of passengers, intelligence and freight are declared to be common carriers and subject to legislative control. Cont., art. VII, sec. 142. The provisions of this article^ shall apply to the transportation of passengers, property and the transmission of messages between points within this state and to the receiving, switching, delivering, storing and hauling of such property and receiving and delivering and canying all messages and of all charges connected therewith, including icing and mileage charges, and shall apply to all railroad corporations, express companies, car companies, freight and freight line companies and to all associations of persons, whether incorporated or otherwise, that shall do business within this state and to any common carrier within the state that shall do business upon or from any line or rail- road within the state and to any common carrier engaged in the transportation of persons or property wholly by rail or partly by rail or water. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4324. The term common carrier whenever used in this article shall be construed to include telephone and telegraph companies and asso- ciations engaged in the receiving, transmitting and delivering of messages. Same. The provisions of this article shall apply to all persons, firms and companies and to all associations of persons whether incorporated or otherwise that shall do business as common carriers upon any of the lines of railway operated by steam in this state the same as to, railroad corporations herein mentioned. Same, sec. 4325. 1 Comprising sees. 4324 -4397 of Revised Codes 1905. 45' DEFINITIONS. REVISED CODES I905, SEC. 4325. Railroad shall include all bridges and ferries used or operated in connection with any railroad, and also all the road in use by any corporation, receiver, trustee, or other person used as a common carrier or operated as a railroad whether owned or operated under contract, agreement, lease or otherwise. Railroad corporation shall be deemed and taken to mean all corporations, companies or individuals now owning or operating or using or which may here- after own, operate or use as a common carrier any railroad operated by steam in whole or in part in this state, or leases cars by whatever name known for the purpose of transportation. Transportation shall include all the instrumentalities of shipment or carriage. OHIO This chapter^ shall apply to the transportation of passengers and property between points within this state, to the receiving, switching, delivering, storing and hauling of such property, and to all charges connected therewith, including icing charges and mileage charges, to all railroad companies, sleeping car companies, equipment companies, express companies, car companies, freight and freight line companies, to all associations of persons, whether incorporated or otherwise, which do business as common carriers, upon or over a line of railroad within this state, and to a common carrier engaged in the transpor- tation of passengers or property wholly by rail or partly by rail and partly by water or wholly by water. In addition thereto the pro- visions of this act shall apply to the regulation of any and all other duties, services, practices and charges of the railroad company, incident to the shipping and receiving of freight, which are proper subjects of regulation, excepting only, that they shall not apply to the regulations of commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes. Code igio, sec. 502, as amended by laws igii, no. j2j, sec. i. Commission shall have the power of supervision and control of express companies, water transportation companies and interurban railroad companies to the same extent as railroads. Code 1910, sec. ^01, as amended by laws 1911, no. 525, sec. i. The jurisdiction, supervision, powers and duties of the public service commission shall extend to every public utility and railroad. . . . Laws 191 1, no. 325, sec. 6. Commission is vested with power and jurisdiction to supervise and regulate public utilities and railroads as herein defined and pro- vided. Sam^j sec. 5. » Chapter i of code 1910, on railroad commission, embracing sections 487-614. 46 Companies formed to acquire property or to transact business which would be subjected to the provisions of this act, and companies owning or possessing franchises for any of the purposes contemplated by this act, shall be deemed and held to be subject to the provisions of this act, although no property may have been acquired, business transacted or franchises exercised. Same, sec. 77. DEFINITIONS. CODE I9IO, SEC. 501, AS AMENDED BY LAWS I9II, NO. 325, SEC. I. Railroad shall include all corporations, companies, individuals, associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees, or receivers appointed by a court, which owns, operates, manages or controls a railroad or part thereof as a common carrier in this state, or which owns, operates, manages or controls any cars or other equipment used thereon, or which owns, operates, manages or controls any bridges, terminals, union depots, side tracks, docks, wharves or storage elevators used in connection therewith, whether owned by such railroad or otherwise. Such term railroad shall mean and embrace express companies, water transporta- tion companies and interurban railroad companies and all duties required of and penalties imposed upon a railroad or an officer or agent thereof, insofar as they are applicable, shall be required of and imposed upon express companies, water transportation companies and interurban railroad companies, their officers and agents. LAWS 191 1, NO. 325, SECS. 3 AND 4. Any person or persons, firm or firms, co-partnership or voluntary associa- tion, joint stock association, company or corporation, wherever organized or incorporated : When engaged in the business of transmitting to, from, through or in this state, telephonic messages, is a telephone company and as such is declared to be a common carrier. When engaged in the business of supplying electricity for light, heat or power purposes to consumers within this state, is an electric light company. When engaged in the business of supplying artificial gas for lighting, power or heating purposes to consumers within this state, is a gas company. When engaged in the business of supplying water, steam or air through pipes or tubing to consumers within this state for heating or cooling purposes, is a heating or cooling company. When engaged in the business of supplying messengers for any purpose, is a messenger company. When engaged in the business of supplying natural gas for lighting, heating or power purposes to consumers within this state, is a natural gas company. When engaged in the business of transporting natural gas or oil through pipes or tubing, either wholly or partly within this state, is a pipe line company. When engaged in the business of operating a railroad, wholly or 47 ■ partially within this state, with one or more tracks from one munici- • pal corporation or point in this state to another municipal corpora- tion or point in this state, whether constructed upon the public high- ways or upon private rights-of-way, outside of municipalities, using ' - electricity or other motive power than animal or steam power for the transportation of passengers, packages, express matter. United States mail, baggage and freight, is an interurban railroad company, and included in the term railroad as used in section 501 of the general code. Railroad when used in this act, includes all railroads, interurban railroad companies, express companies, freight line companies, sleep- ing car Companies, equipment companies, car companies, water .- ■ transportation companies, and all persons and associations of per- :• : sons, whether incorporated or not, operating such agencies for -, public use in the conveyance of persons or property within this ..-, ,. state. When engaged in the business of signalling or calling by an electrical apparatus, or in a similar manner, for any purpose, is a signalling company. When engaged in the business of operating, as a common car- rier, a railroad, wholly or partly within this state, with one or more tracks upon, along, above or below any pubHc road, street, alley, way or ground, within any municipal corporation, operated by any motive power other than steam, and not a part of an interurban railroad, whether such railroad be termed street, inclined plane, elevated or underground railroad, is a street railroad company. When engaged in the business of operating as a common carrier, whether wholly or partially within this state, a part of a street rail- way constructed or extended beyond the limits of a municipal corporation, and not a part of an interurban railroad is a suburban railroad company. When engaged in the business of transmitting to, from, through or in this state, telegraphic messages, is a telegraph company. When engaged in the business of supplying water through pipes or tubing, or in a similar manner to consumers within this state, is a water works company. Public utility shall mean and include every corporation, company, co- partnership, person or association, their lessees, trustees or receivers, defined in the next preceding section, except such public utilities as operate their utilities not for profit, and except such public utilities as are, or may hereafter be, owned or operated by any municipality, and except such utilities as are defined as rail- roads in sections 501 and 502 of the general code and these terms shall apply in defining public utilities and railroads wherever used in chapter one, division two, title three, part first of the general code and the acts amendatory or sup- plementary thereto or in this act. OKLAHOMA Commission has jurisdiction over transportation, transmission and gas, electric light, heat and power companies. 48 DEFINITIONS. , - . - CONSTITUTION, ART. IX. * ' ' Bond shall mean all certificates or written evidences of indebtedness issued by any corporation and secured by mortgages or trust deed. Sec. 34. Compajty shall include associations and joint stock companies having any power or privileges not possessed by individuals, and include all corporations except municipal corporations and public institutions owned or controlled by the state. Sec. i8ib). ' '^ Frank shall mean any writing or token issued by or under the authority of a transmission company, entitling the holder to any service from such cbm^: pany free of charge. Sec. 34. Freight shall be construed to mean any property transported or received for transportation, by any transportation company. Same. v , Person shall include individuals, partnerships and corporations, in the singular as well as the plural number. Same. Public service corporation shall include all transportation and transmission companies, all gas, electric light, heat and power companies, and all persons authorized to exercise the right of eminent domain, or to use or occupy any right of way, street, alley or public highway, whether along, over, or under the same, in a manner not permitted to the general public. Sime. Transportation company shall include any company, corporation, trustee, receiver or any other person owning, leasing, or operating for hire, a railroad, street railway, canal, steam boat Hne, and also any freight car company, car association, express company, sleeping car company, car corporation or company, trustee or person in any way engaged in such business as a common carrier over a route acquired in whole or in part under the right of eminent domain, or under any grant from the government of the United States. Same. Transmission company shall include any company, receiver or other person,' owning, leasing or operating for hire any telegraph or telephone line. Same. ' Rate shall be construed to mean rate of charge for any service rendered, or to be rendered. Same. Rate, charge, and regulations, shall include joint rates, joint charges, and joint regulations, respectively. Same. OREGON The provisions of this act shall apply to the transportation of passengers and property, and to the receiving, delivering, switching, storing, elevation and transfer in transit, ventilation, refrigeration or icing, and handling of such property, and to all charges connected therewith; and shall apply to all railroad companies, union depot companies, terminal companies, car companies, oil companies, tank line companies, sleeping car companies, freight and freight line com- panies, and to all associations of persons, whether incorporated or otherwise, that shall do business as common carriers upon or over any line of railroad within the state, and to any common carrier en- gaged in the transportation of passengers or property wholly by rail or partly by rail and partly by water. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. ii\ 49 This act shall not apply to the transportation of passenger^ being carried solely within the limits of cities by street and other rail- roads, and shall not apply to logging or other private railroads not doing business as common carriers. Same. Commission shall have the power of supervision and control of imion depot, terminal and express companies to the same extent as railroads. Same. Commission is vested with power and jurisdiction to supervise and regulate every public utility in this state. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. 6. No plant owned or operated by a mimicipality shall be deemed a public utility under or for the piuposes of this act. Same, sec. i. DEFINITIONS. GEN. LAWS 1907, CH. 53, SEC. II. Railroad shall mean and embrace all corporations, companies, -individuals associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees, or receivers (appointed by any court whatsoever), that now, or may hereafter, own, operate by steam, electric or other motive power, manage or control, any railroad or interurban railroad or part of a railroad or interurban railroad as a common carrier in this state, or cars or other equipment used thereon, or bridges, terminals, or side tracks, used in connection therewith, whether owned or operated under a con- tract agreement or lease or otherwise. Railroad shall also mean and embrace all corporations, companies, in- dividuals, associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees, or receivers (ap- pointed by any court whatsoever), engaged in the ownership, management or control of union depots or terminals in this state (which corporations, companies, individuals and associations are hereby declared to be common carriers), or the transportation of property within this state by express. Rate, fare, charge, and joint rate as used herein shall be taken to mean and embrace an entire schedule of rates, fares, charges or joint rates as well as par- ticular rates and groups of rates. Service shall be taken in its broadest and most inclusive sense and to include equipment and facilities. GEN. LAWS 191 1, CH. 279. PubUc utility shall mean and embrace all corporations, companies, individu- als, associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees or receivers (appointed by any court whatsoever), that now or hereafter may own, operate, manage or con- trol any plant or equipment in this state for the conveyance of telegraph or tele- phone messages, with or without wires, or for the transportation of persons or property by street railroad as common carriers, or for the production, transmis- sion, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power, and any and all whether either directly or indirectly to or for the public, and whether said plant or equip- ment or part thereof is wholly within any town or city or not. Sec. i. Council shall mean and embrace the common council, city council, com- mission, or any other governing body of any town, city or other municipal gov- ernment wherein the property of the public utility or any part thereof is located. Sec, 2. 50 Municipality shall mean any town, city or other municipal government wherein property of the public utility or any part thereof is located. Sec. 3. Service is used in this act in its broadest and most inclusive sense, and in- cludes equipment and facilities. Sec. 4. PENNSYLVANIA Commission has jurisdiction over common carriers. DEFINITIONS. LAWS 1907, NO. 250, SEC. 6. Common carrier shall apply to all corporations, or any person or persons, within the state, engaged in the transportation of freight or passengers by means of railroads or by water, or partly by railroad and partly by water, including electric railway companies, street railway companies, elevated railway com- panies, underground, elevated, or subway passenger railway companies, bridges and ferries, when used in connection with the transportation of freight or pas- sengers upon any such railroad or railway; pipe-line companies engaged in the transportation of oil, either by means of pipe-lines, or by water, or partly by means of pipe-lines and partly by means of railroads or railways, or partly by means of pipe-lines and partly by means of water; sleeping- and drawing-room car companies engaged in transporting passengers upon any such railroad; ex- press companies engaged in transporting property upon any such railroad, electric railway, street railway, or by water; and telegraph or telephone companies. RHODE ISLAND This act shall apply to the public utilities herein described and to the commission hereby created, and to the public utility corpora- tions and person herein mentioned and referred to. Acts igi2, ch. 7P5, sec. I. DEFINITIONS. ACTS I912, CH. 795, SEC. 2. Common carrier shall mean and apply to and embrace all railroad corpora- tions, street railway corporations, express companies, freight companies, freight line companies, dining-car companies, steamboat, power-boat and ferry com- panies, and all persons and associations of persons whether incorporated or not, and their lessees, trustees and receivers, appointed by any court whatsoever, operating any agency for public use in the conveyance of persons or property within this state by land or by water, or both. Corporation includes a corporation, company, association, and joint stock company or association. Person includes an individual, corporation, and a firm or copartnership. Plant or equipment shall mean and apply to and embrace all the real estate, easements, buildings, machinery, apparatus, devices, rolling stock, and tangible property of whatsoever kind and nature, and wherever located, used, controlled, operated, leased or owned by a public utiUty in the conduct of the business thereof. 51 Public utility shall mean and embrace, and apply to every corporation, company, person, association of persons, their lessees, trustees, or receivers ap- pointed by any court whatsoever, that now or hereafter may own, lease, operate, manage or control any railroad or street railway within this state, or that iiow or hereafter may operate or do business as a common carrier within this state; and to every corporation, company, person, association of persons, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, that now or hereafter may own, lease, operate, manage or control any plant or equipment, or any part of any plant or equipment, within this state for the conveyance of telegraph or telephone messages, or for the production, transmission, delivery, or furnishing of gas, electricity, water, light, heat or power, either directly or indirectly to or for the public; provided, that this act shall not be construed to apply to any puhlijr. wntrr wnrl" and water service owned and'iurnished by any crE^'^r town. Railroad includes every raiE^oad other than a street railway", l^y^hatsce^r power operated for public use in the conveyance of persons or property for com- pensation, with all bridges, ferries, tunnels, switches, spurs, tracks, stations, wharves and terminal facilities of every kind, used, operated, controlled, leased or owned by or in connection with any such railroad. Service is used in this act in its broadest and most inclusive sense. Street railway includes every railway by whatsoever power operated or any extension or extensions, branch or branches thereof, for public use in the con- veyance of persons or property for compensation, being mainly upon, along, above or below any street, avenue, road, highway, bridge or public place in any city or town, and including all switches, spurs, tracks, rights of trackage, sub- ways, tunnels, stations, terminals, and terminal facilities of every kind, used, operated, controlled or owned, by or in connection with, any such street railway. SOUTH CAROLINA Railroad commission has jurisdiction over all transporting and transmitting corporations. Const., art. ix, sec. 14. By Gen. Stats. 1902, sec. 2067, railroad commission has juris- diction over railroads and railways, express and telegraph lines. By Acts 1904, no. 281, railroad commission has jurisdiction over telephone companies. Public service commission has jurisdiction in all cities of the state over maximum rates and charges for the supply of water, gas or electricity furnished by any person, firm or corporation to such city and the inhabitants thereof. Acts iQio, no. 286, sec. i. The provisions of this act shall not apply to the cities of Charles- ton, Marion, Spartanburg, Sumter and Union or the town of Conway. ^ame. SOUTH DAKOTA Commission has jurisdiction over all railroads and railway companies, express companies, car companies, sleeping car companies,, freight or freight line companies and over any common carrier: oir 52 carriers engaged in the transportation of passengers or property by railroad (street railroads excepted). Rev. Pol. Code 1903, sec. 431. Commission has jurisdiction over express companies. Laws igii, ch. 2oy. The term telephone company as used in this act shall mean and embrace all corporations ( except mun icipal), associations and in- dividuals, their trustees, lessees and receivers, that now or hereafter may own, operate, manage or control any telephone line, system or exchange, or any part of any telephone line, system or exchange in this state; and all such telephone companies are hereby declared to be common carriers, and all laws, so far as applicable, now in force or hereafter enacted regulating common carriers, shall apply with equal force and effect to all such telephone companies. Sess. Laws igog, ch. 28 g, sec. i. The provisions of this article shall apply to the transportation of passengers, property and messages by telephone, and to receiving, delivering, storage and handling of property wholly within this state, and shall apply to all railroads, corporations and railway companies, express companies, car companies, sleeping car companies, freight or freight line companies, telephone companies and to any common carrier or carriers engaged in this state in the transportation of pas- sengers, property or messages by telephone, and shall also be held to apply to shipments of property made from any point within the state to any point within the state, over lines of telephone, railway or express, wholly within the state, and the provisions of this article shall apply to all persons, firms and companies and to all associations of persons, whether incorporated or otherwise, that shall do business as common carrier upon or over any railway, express or telephone line in this state (street railroads excepted), the same as to common carriers herein mentioned. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2oy, sec. i. DEFINITIONS. LAWS 191 1, CH. 207. Common carrier shall include all bridges and ferries used or occupied in con- nection with any railroad and also the road, and all lines and facilities of any and every kind, character or description in use by any corporation, receiver, trustee or other person operating a railroad, express company, or telephone company, whether owned or operated under contract, agreement, lease or otherwise. Sec. i. Common carrier shall be deemed and taken to mean all corporations, com- panies or individuals now owning or operating, or which may hereafter own or operate any railroad, express company or telephone company, in whole or in part, in this state. Same. Transportation shall include all instrumentalities of shipment or carriage. Same. - Transportation shall be held to include the transmission of messages by tele- phone. Sec. 52. Traffic shall be held to include the transportation of passengers, freight cars, express freight, and all transmission of messages by telephone. Sec. 53. TENNESSEE The provisions of this act shall be construed to apply to and affect only the transportation of passengers, freight and cars between points within this state and this act shall not apply to street railways nor to suburban or belt lines of railways in or near cities or towns. Laws 1897, ch. 10, sec. 3. TEXAS Provisions of this chapter shall be construed to apply to and affect only the transportation of passengers, freight and cars between points within this state; and this chapter shall not apply to street railways nor suburban nor belt lines of railways in or near cities and towns. Sayles^ Civil Stats. i8gy, art. 4580. Commission shall have the same power to make and prescribe rules and regulations for the government and control of express companies as is or may be conferred upon said commission for the regulation of railroads. Same, art. 4^82. UTAH No commission up to 191 3. VERMONT Commission shall have general supervision of all railroads within the state whether operated by steam, electricity or any other power and of the corporations, receivers, trustees, directors, lessees and other persons owning or operating the same so far as may be neces- sary to enable it to perform the duties and exercise the powers con- ferred upon it. Puh. Stats. 1906, sec. 4602. Commission is authorized and empowered to exercise the same authority of control and regulation over and in regard to joint stock companies or corporations doing an express, parlor car or sleeping car business and other business within this state as is granted it by this chapter in respect to railroad companies. Same, sec. 4537. Commission shall have general supervision of all companies engaged in the manufacture, distribution and sale of gas or electricity for lighting or heating, of all express companies and of all companies owning or operating telegraph or telephone lines, stations or exchanges 54 within this state and of all plants, lines, exchanges and equipment of such companies used in or about the business carried on by them in this state as covered and included in this section, and all companies, receivers, trustees, directors or lessees owning or operating the same, so far as may be necessary to enable it to perform the duties and exercise the powers conferred upon it by this act; and shall have supervision of companies engaged in the manufacture, sale and dis- tribution of power so far as relates to their use or occupancy of the public highways and so far as relates to furnishing power for public use. Laws igoS, no. ii6, sec. j. DEFINITIONS. PUB. STATS, 1906, SEC. 4531. Transportation shall include cars and other vehicles and all instrumentalities and facilities of shipment or carriage, irrespective of ownership or of any contract, express or implied, for the use thereof, and all services in connection with the receipt, delivery, elevation, and transfer in transit, ventilation, refrigeration or icing, storage and handling of property transported. LAWS 1908, NO. 116, SEC. 2. Company or companies shall mean and include individuals, partnerships, associations, corporations and municipalities, owning or conducting any public service business or property used in connection therewith and covered by the provisions of this act. VIRGINIA Commission has jurisdiction over transportation and transmis- sion companies, turnpike and other internal improvement companies and gas, pipe line, electric light, heat, power and water supply com- panies. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. I2g4a{i). DEFINITIONS. CONSTITUTION, SEC. 1 53. Bond shall mean all certificates, or written evidences, of indebtedness issued by any corporation and secured by mortgage or trust deed. Corporation or company shall include all trusts, associations and joint stock companies having any powers or privileges not possessed by individuals or un- limited partnerships, and exclude all municipal corporations and public institu- tions owned or controlled by the state. Freight shall be construed to mean any property transported, or received for transportation, by any transportation company. Public service corporation shall include all transportation and transmission companies, all gas, electric light, heat and power companies, and all persons au- thorized to exercise the right of eminent domain, or to use or occupy any street, alley or public highway, whether along, over, or under the same, in a manner not permitted to the general public. Rate shall be construed to mean "rate of charge for any service rendered or 55 to be rendered"; the terms rate, charge, and regulation, shall include joint rates, joint charges, and joint regulations, respectively. Transmission company shall include any company owning, leasing or op- erating for hire, any telegraph or telephone line. Transportation company shall include any company, trustee, or other person owning, leasing or operating for hire a railroad, street railway, canal, steamboat, or steamship line, and also any freight, car company, car association, or car trust, express company, or company, trustee or person in any way engaged in business as a common carrier over a route acquired in whole or in part under the right of eminent domain. pollard's code 1904, SEC. 1294a. Public service corporation or public service corporations shall include trans- portation and transmission companies, turnpike, and other internal improvement companies, and gas, pipe line, electric light, heat, power, and water supply com- panies, and all persons, firms, partnerships, associations, or corporations authorized to exercise the right of eminent domain, or to use or occupy any street, alley, or public highway, whether along, over, or under the same, in a manner not per- mitted to the general public, and shall exclude all municipal corporations and public institutions owned or controlled by the state. Railroad, or railroads, shall include all railroad or railway lines, whether operated by steam, electricity, or other motive power, except when otherwise specifically designated; and the words railroad company, or railroad companies, shall include any company, trustee, or other persons owning, leasing or operating a railroad or railroads, railway or railways, whether operated by steam, elec- tricity, or other motive power, except when otherwise specifically designated. Transportation company or transportation companies shall include any company, trustee, or other person owning, leasing, or operating, for hire, a rail- road street railway, canal, steamboat, or steamship line; and also any freight car company, car association, car service association, or car trust, express company, or company, trustee, or person in any way engaged in business as a common carrier, over a route acquired in whole or in part under the right of eminent domain. Transmission company or transmission companies shall include any com- pany owning, leasing, or operating for hire any telegraph or telephone line. pollard's code 1904, SEC. I3I3A(i). Corporation or company shall include all corporations chartered by the acts of the general assembly of Virginia, or under the general incorporation laws of this state, or doing business therein, and all trusts, associations, and joint-stock com- panies having any powers or privileges not possessed by individuals or unlimited partnerships, and shall exclude all municipal corporations and public institutions owned or controlled by the state. Person as used in this act shall include individuals, partnerships, and cor- porations in the singular as well as in the plural number. Public service corporation shall include all transportation and transmission companies, all gas, electric light, heat and power companies and all persons authorized to exercise the right of eminent domain, or to use or occupy any street, alley, or public, highway, whether along, over, or under the same, in a manner not permitted to the general public. S6 Transmission company shall include any company owning, leasing or oper- ating for hire, any telegraph or telephone line. Transportation company shall include any company, trustee, or other person owning, leasing, or operating for hire a railroad, street railway, canal, steamboat, or steamship line, also any freight-car company, car association or car trust, express company, or company, trustee, or person in any way engaged in business as a common carrier over a route acquired, in whole or in part, under the right of eminent domain. WASHINGTON Commission has jurisdiction over public service companies, including common carriers, gas, electric, water, telephone and tele- graph companies and wharfingers and warehousemen. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 8. DEFINITIONS. LAWS 191 1, CH. 117, SEC. 8. Common carrier includes all railroads, railroad companies, street railroads, street railroad companies, steamboat companies, express companies, sleeping car companies, freight companies, freight line companies, and every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, and every city or town, owning, operating, managing or controlling any such agency for public use in the conveyance of persons or property for hire within this state. Corporation includes a corporation, company, association or joint stock association. Dock or wharf includes any and all structures at which any steamboat, vessel or other water craft lands for the purpose of receiving or discharging freight from or for the public, together with any building or warehouse used for storing such freight for the public for hire. Electrical company includes any corporation, company, association, joint stock, association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers ap- pointed by any court whatsoever (other than a railroad or street railroad com- pany generating electricity solely for railroad or street railroad purposes or for the use of its tenants and not for sale to others), and every city or town owning, operating or managing any electric plant for hire within this state. Electric plant includes all real estate, fixtures and personal property oper- ated, owned, used or to be used for or in connection with or to facilitate the generation, transmission, distribution, sale or furnishing of electricity for light, heat, or power for hire; and any conduits, ducts or other devices, materials, ap- paratus or property for containing, holding or carrying conductors used or to be used for the transmission of electricity for light, heat or power. Express company includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers ap- pointed by any court whatsoever, who shall engage in or transact the business of carrying any freight, merchandise or property for hire on the line of any common carrier operated in this state. Gas company includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock 57 association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, and every city or town, owning, controlling, operating I or managing any gas plant within this state. ' Gas plant includes all real estate, fixtures and personal property, owned, leased, controlled, used or to be used for or in connection with or to facilitate the manufacture, distribution, sale or furnishing of gas (natural or manufactured) for light, heat or power. Person includes an individual, a firm or copartnership. Public service company includes every common carrier, gas company, elec- trical company, water company, telephone company, telegraph company, wharf- inger and warehouseman as such terms are defined in this section. Railroad includes every railroad, other than a street railroad, by whatsoever power operated for public use in the conveyance of persons or property for hire, with all bridges, ferries, tunnels, equipment, switches, spurs, tracks, stations and terminal facilities of every kind used, operated, controlled or owned by or in connection with any such railroad. Railroad company includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership or person, their lessees, trustees or receivers ap- pointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating, controlling or managing any railroad or any cars or other equipment used thereon or in connection there- with within this state. Service is used in this act in its broadest and most inclusive sense. Steamboat company includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers ap- pointed by any court whatsoever, owning, controlling, leasing, operating or man- aging any vessel over and upon the waters of this state. Street railroad includes every railroad by whatsoever power operated, or any extension or extensions, branch or branches thereof, for public use in the conveyance of persons or property for hire, being mainly upon, along, above or below any street, avenue, road, highway, bridge or public place within any one city or town, and includes all equipment, switches, spurs, tracks, bridges, right of trackage, subways, tunnels, stations, terminals and terminal facilities of every kind used, operated, controlled or owned by or in connection with any such street railroad, within this state. Street railroad company includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever, and every city or town, owning, controlling, operating or managing any street railroad or any cars or other equipment used thereon or in connection therewith within this state. Telegraph company includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers ap- pointed by any court whatsoever, owning, operating or managing any telegraph line or part of telegraph line used in the conduct of the business of affording for hire communication by telegraph within this state. Telegraph line includes conduits, poles, wire, cables, cross-arms, instruments, machines, appliances, instrumentalities and all devices, real estate, easements, apparatus, property and routes used, operated or owned by any telegraph com- pany to facilitate the business of affording communication by telegraph. Telephone company includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers ap- 58 pointed by any court whatsoever, and every city or town owning, operating or managing any telephone hne used in the conduct of the business of affording tele- phonic communication for hire within this state. Telephone line includes conduits, ducts, poles, wires, cables, cross-arms, re- ceivers, transmitters, instruments, machines, appliances, instrumentalities and all devices, real estate, easements, apparatus, property and routes used, operated, owned or controlled by any telephone company to facilitate the business of affording telephonic communication. Transportation of persons includes any service in connection with the re- ceiving, carriage and delivery of the person transported and his baggage and all facilities used or necessary to be used in connection with the safety, comfort and convenience of the person transported. Transportation of property includes any service in connection with the re- ceiving, delivery, elevation, transfer in transit, ventilation, refrigeration, icing, storage and handling of the property transported, and the transmission of c'redit. Vessel includes every species of water craft, by whatsoever power operated, for the public use in the conveyance of persons or property for hire and upon the waters within this state (excepting row boats and sailing boats under 20 gross tons burden, open steam launches of five tons gross and under, and vessels under five gross tons propelled by gas, fluid, naphtha or electric motors). Warehouse includes any building or structure in which freight is received for storage from the public for hire, intended for shipment or discharged by any water craft. Water company includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or receivers ap- pointed by any court whatsoever, and every city or town owning, controlling, operating or managing any water system for hire within this state. Water system includes all real estate, easements, fixtures, personal property, dams, dikes, head gates, weirs, canals, reservoirs, flumes or other structure or appliances operated, owned, used or to be used for or in connection with or to facilitate the supply, storage, distribution, sale, furnishing, diversion, carriage, apportionment or measurement of water for power, irrigation, reclamation, maniifacturing, municipal, domestic or other beneficial uses for hire. Wharfinger or warehouseman includes every corporation, company, associa- tion, joint stock association, partnership and person, their lessees, trustees or re- ceivers appointed by any court whatsoever, operating or managing any dock, wharf or structure where steamboats, vessels or other water craft land for the purpose of discharging freight for the public, and where such freight is received on such dock, wharf or structure for the public for hire within this state. WEST VIRGINIA No commission up to igij. WISCONSIN Commission has jurisdiction over railroads and public utilities as defined. The provisions of this act shall apply to the receiving, transmit- ting and delivering of message^ by telegraph, and to all charges con- 59 nected therewith, and to the transportation of passengers and prop- erty between points within this state, and to the receiving, switching, delivering, storing and handling of such property, and to all charges connected therewith, and shall apply to all railroad corporations, express companies, telegraph companies, car companies, sleeping car companies, freight and freight line companies, and to all associations of persons, whether incorporated or otherwise, that shall do business as common carriers upon or over any line of railroad within this state, and to any common carrier engaged in the transportation of passengers or property wholly by rail or partly by rail and partly by water. Laws 1Q05, ch. J62, sec. 2, as amended by Laws igoy, ch. 582. DEFINITIONS. LAWS 1905, CH. 362, SEC. 2, AS AMENDED BY LAWS I907, CH. 582 (RAILROAD COM- MISSION law). Railroad shall mean and embrace all corporations, companies, individuals, associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees or receivers (appointed by any court whatsoever) that now, or may hereafter, own, operate, manage or control any railroad or part of a railroad as a common carrier in this state, or cars, or other equipment used thereon, or bridges, terminals, or side tracks, used in con- nection therewith, whether owned by such railroad or otherwise, and also all street and interurban railway companies. Railroad shall also mean and embrace express companies, and telegraph companies, and all duties required of and penalties imposed upon any railroad or any officer or agent thereof shall, in so far as the same are applicable, be required of and imposed upon express companies and telegraph companies and their officers and agents, and the commission shall have the power of supervision and control of express companies and telegraph companies to the same extent as rail- roads. LAWS 1907, CH. 499, SEC. 1797 M-I, AS AMENDED BY LAWS I9II, CH. 48 (PUBLIC UTILITY law). Indeterminate permit shall mean and embrace every grant, directly or in- directly from the state, to any corporation, company, individual, association of individuals, their lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatso- ever, of power, right or privilege to own, operate, manage or control any plant or equipment within this state for the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power, either directly or indirectly, to or for the public, which shall continue in force until such time as the municipality shall exercise its option to purchase as provided in this act or until it shall be otherwise terminated according to law. Municipal council shall mean and embrace the common council, the board of aldermen, the board of trustees, the town or village board, or any other govern- ing body of any town, village or city wherein the property of the public utility or any part thereof is located. Municipality shall mean any town, village or city wherein property of a public utility or any part thereof is located. Public utility shall mean and embrace every corporation, company, in- dividual, association of individuals, their lessees, trustees, or receivers appointed 60 by any court whatsoever, and every town, village, or city that now or hereafter may own, operate, manage, or control any plant or equipment or any part of a plant or equipment within the state, for the conveyance of telephone messages or for the production, transmission, delivery, or furnishing of heat, light, water, or power either directly or indirectly to or for the public, or that now or hereafter may own, operate, manage, or control any toll bridge wholly within the state. Service is used in this act in its broadest and most inclusive sense. LAWS 191 1, CH. 593, SEC. 1 753-1 (stock and bond law). Capital account shall mean the capital account prescribed by the com- mission and required to be kept by every public service corporation as provided by law. Net income or revenue shall mean the money available for dividends and surplus according to the accounts prescribed by the commission and required to be kept by every public service corporation. Public service corporation shall mean and embrace every railroad, street railway, telegraph, telephone, express, freight line, sleeping car, light, heat, water, and power corporation, and all other corporations, excepting towns, villages, and cities engaged in the business of supplying the public, directly or indirectly, with light, heat, power, or water, or in transmitting telegraph or telephone messages, or in transporting passengers, freight, or express. WYOMING No commission up to igij. 61 CHAPTER I. Organization of Commissions SCOPE NOTE This chapter includes the important requirements of commission organization. Minor details are usually determined by the commissions themselves and are to be found in rules, regulations and orders promulgated by them. Provisions dealing with the organization of boards and offices affiliated with commissions, even when under their direct supervision, have been excluded. For pro- visions incidentally involving questions of personnel and organization, see ch. ix, on accounts, ch. vii, on service, ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice, and ch. XV, on enforcement. For general statement of scope and method, see introduction. 63 ANALYSIS PAGE A. Name and constitution of commission 65 B. [Quorum of commission 73 1. Majority constitutes quorum 73 2. Powers of less than entire membership 74 3. Powers of single commissioner 74 C. Oath of office of members 74 D. Removal or suspension of members 75 1. Person authorized to remove members 75 2. Cause of removal 75 3. Procedure 76 4. Person authorized to suspend members; cause of suspension. . . 76 5. Vacation of office 77 6. Forfeiture and impeachment 77 E. Manner of filling vacancies 77 F. Right to sue and be sued 78 G. Official seal 78 H. Disqualification for membership 79 1. Interest in any utility 79 2. Interest in any utility under jurisdiction of commission 80 3. Interest in certain utilities under jurisdiction of commission. ... 80 I. Official and private relations of members and employees with utilities. . 80 J. Authority to engage in another business or to hold another political office 86 K. Office hours and attendance of members 86 L. Equipment, facilities and expenses required to be furnished commission. 88 M. Provision of funds for commission 89 N. Secretary or clerk of commission 95 1. Manner of appointment, term, qualifications, bond, oath, salary. 95 2. General duties and powers 97 3. Special duties and powers 97 O. Attorney of commission 98 1. Manner of appointment, term, qualifications, oath, manner of removal and of filling vacancy, salary 98 2. Attorney general as attorney of commission 99 3. State's attorney as attorney of commission 100 4. General duties and powers of attorney 100 5. Special duties and powers of attorney loi 6. General duties and powers of attorney general 102 7. Other duties and powers of attorney general 102 8. Duties and powers of state's attorney 103 P. Employes and appointees of commission 103 64 A. NAME AND CONSTITUTION OF COM- MISSION. Name of Commission, Location of Principal Office, Number, Manner of Selection, Terms of Office, Qualification, Salary and Bond of Commissioners. UNITED STATES Interstate Commerce Commission, Washing- ton, D. C. Seven. Appointed by president by and with con- 1 sent of senate for seven years; one each year. Not more than four commissioners from same poHtical party. $10,000. Act to Regulate Commerce, sees. 11, ig, 24. ALABAMA Railroad Commission of Alabama, Montgom- ery. President and two associates. Elected on the first Tues- day after first Monday in November for four years, president 2 every four years, two associates at once two years later. No two commissioners from same congressional district; qualified electors of Alabama. President, $3,500; associates, $3,000 each. Code 1907, sees. 5632, 5633, 5636, 5637, 5640, 5642. ARIZONA Corporation Commission; Phoenix. Three. Elected for six years; one every two years co-terminously with 3 governor. Chairman elected by commissioners. Qualified elec- tors of Arizona. $3,000. Const., art. xv, sees. /, 18. Sess. laws 1Q12, ch. go, sees. 3(a), 7, 8{a), 10. ARKANSAS Railroad Commission of Arkansas, Little Rock. Chairman and two commissioners. Elected at general election for two years and until their successors are elected and qualified, one from first and sixth, one from second and third, 4 one from fourth and fifth congressional districts. Chairman elected by members of commission at time of organization. Twenty-five years of age, resident citizens of Arkansas, and qualified voters. $2,500. Kirby^s Digest 1904, sees. 6788, 6789, ^793- CALIFORNIA Railroad Commission of the State of Cali- fornia, San Francisco. President and four commissioners. Appointed by governor from state at large for six years, one com- 6 missioner first and then two commissioners each at the two successive biennial periods. President elected by commission- ers. Qualified electors of California. $6,000. Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sees. 3(a), 7, 8(a), 8{h), To{a). COLORADO State Railroad Commission of Colorado, Denver. President, secretary, and one commissioner. Ap- $ pointed by governor by and with consent of senate for six years; 6s one every two years. President and secretary elected by com- missioners for two years. $4,000. Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sees. II, 18. CONNECTICUT Public Utilities Commission, Hartford. Three. Appointed by general assembly upon nomination by governor 7 for six years and until his successor is duly appointed and qual- ified; one every two years. Electors of Connecticut. $5,000. Fub. Acts igiiy ch. 128, sees. 2, 4, 6. FLORIDA Railroad Commissioners of the State of Flor- ida, Tallahassee. Three. Elected for four years, two at general 8 election held at time and places of voting for members of legis- lature, one two years later. $2,500. Gen. Stats. igo6, sees. 2882, 288 J, 2887 {as amended igof). GEORGIA • Railroad Commission of Georgia, Atlanta. Chairman and four commissioners. Elected for six years; one commissioner first and two each at the two successive biennial 9 periods. Chairman elected by members for two years. Thirty years of age and qualified elector of Georgia; one experienced in law and one experienced in railroad business. Chairman, $4,000; commissioners, $2,500 each. Code 191 1, sees. 2616, 2620, 2621, 2622, 2625. Acts i8y8-yg, no. 269, sec. i. ILLINOIS Railroad and Warehouse Commission, Spring- field. Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by gov- 10 emor by and with advice and consent of senate for two years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Chair- man, $6,000; commissioners, $4,000 each. Bond of $20,000. Revisal igop, ch. 114, sees. 16 j, 169, lyo. INDIANA Railroad Commission of Indiana, Indianapolis. Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by governor for four years, one each year for each of three years, one year inter- 11 vening between each succession of three appointments. Chair- man selected by commissioners. Resident citizens of Indiana; qualified voters; no more than two commissioners from same political party. $4,000. Bond of $10,000. Acts igoy, ch. 241, sees. J, J (a), i{d), i{e), 2(a). IOWA Board of Railroad Commissioners, Des Moines. Chairman and two commissioners. Elected for three years in IS same manner as other state officers. Chairman elected by com- missioners immediately after the new member has qualified. Electors. $2,200. Code i8gy, sees. 211 1, 2 121. KANSAS Public Utilities Commission, Topeka. Three. Appointed by governor by and with advice and consent of senate for three years and until their successors shall have been quali- fied; one each year. Qualified electors of Kansas; one a prac- 18 tical, experienced business man and one experienced in manage- 66 ment or operation of a common carrier or public utility; not more than two from same political party. $4,000. Bond of $10,000. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 7185. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sees. I, 5, 8. KENTUCKY Railroad Commission, Frankfort. Chairman and two commissioners. Elected at same time as governor for four years and until his successor is elected and qualified; one from each superior court district. Thirty years of age; resident 14 of district from which chosen one year next preceding election; citizen of Kentucky two years. Chairman, $3,600; commis- sioners, $3,000 each. Const., sec. 2og. CarroWs Stats, igog, sees. 821-823. LOUISIANA Railroad Commission of Louisiana, Baton Rouge. Chairman and two commissioners. Elected for six 16 years, one from each of three railway commission districts; one every two years. Chairman elected by commissioners. $3,000. Const., arts. 28 j, 287, 28g. MAINE Board of Railroad Commissioners, Augusta. Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by governor with advice and consent of council for three years. Chairman appointed and commissioned by governor with advice and 16 consent of council. One, chairman, learned in law; one a civil engineer, experienced in construction of railroads; one ex- perienced in management and operation of railroads. Chairman, $2,500; commissioners, $2,000 each. Rev. Stats, igoj, ch. 5/, sec. 48 (as amended by Pub. Laws igog, ch. 141); ch. 116, sec. i. MARYLAND Public Service Commission, Baltimore. Chair- man and two commissioners. Appointed by governor for six years and until his successor shall qualify, each commissioner being eligible for reappointment in discretion of governor; one every two years. Chairman designated by governor. Twenty- 17 five years of age ; resident of Maryland for a period of at least five years next preceding his appointment and qualification; a qualified voter in Maryland. Chairman, $3,000, pa3^able by state, and in addition $3,000 payable by Baltimore; each com- missioner, $3,000, payable by state, and in addition $2,000 payable by Baltimore. Laws igio, ch. 180, sees. 2, 4. MASSACHUSETTS Board of Gas and Electric Light Commis- sioners, Boston. Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by governor with advice and consent of council for three years; 18 one each year. Chairman designated by governor. Citizens of Massachusetts. Chairman, $5,000; each commissioner, $4,500. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. i as amended by Acts igoy, ch. J16. Acts igio, ch. ^jg, sec. i. Board of Railroad Commissioners, Boston. Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by governor with advice and 19 consent of council for three years; one each year. Chairman, 67 21 $6,ooo; each commissioner, $s,ooo. Acts igo6, ch. 417, sec. i; ch. 46J, pt. i, sees, i, 2. Massachusetts Highway Commission, Boston. Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by governor with advice and consent of council for three years; one each year. Chair- 20 man designated by governor. Chairman, $3,500, and each com- missioner $2,500; in addition $1,500 each for supervision of utilities engaged in transmission of intelligence by electricity. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 47, sec. i. Acts igo6, ch. ^jj, sec. i. The State Board of Health, Boston, was authorized in ipop^to hear and determine complaints relative to the service or charges of water companies and to make recommenda- tions to such companies concerning the reduction, modification or continuation of charges complained of or concerning improvements in the quality of service or extensions thereof . As its jurisdiction over water utilities is incidental to its main purposes the State Board of Health has not been treated herein as a public utility commission. Acts igog, ch. 31 g , sec. I. MICHIGAN Michigan Railroad Commission, Lansing. Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by governor and confirmed by senate for six years and until successor is appointed and qualified; one every two years. Chairman elected by mem- bers in each odd numbered year for two years and until his suc- 22 cesser is elected. One an attorney having knowledge of and experienced in law relating to common carriers, the other two having knowledge of traffic and transportation matters ; no more than two from same political party. $3,000. Pub. Acts igog, no. 300, sees, i, 2(0), 2(e), 2(/), 2(j), 2{k). MINNESOTA Railroad and Warehouse Commission, St. Paul. Three. Elected at general election for six years and 23 until their successors qualify; one every two years. $4,500. Bond of $20,000. Rev. Laws igo^, sees, ig^j and igj6 (as amend- ed by Laws igii, ch. 140), ig6i. MISSISSIPPI Mississippi Railroad Commission, Jackson. Three. Elected at general election in same manner as other 24 state officers for four years. One from each supreme court dis- trict; same qualifications as are prescribed for secretary of state. $2,000.1 Qq^q igo6, sees. 4826, 4828, 4830. MISSOURI Board of Railroad and Warehouse Commis- sioners, Jefferson City. Three. Elected for six years and until 2s his successor is elected and qualified; one every two years. $3,000. Bond of $20,000. Rev. Stats, igog, sees. 3250, 3261, 3262. • In case a commissioner shall fail to attend any meeting or session of commission ap- pointed for transaction of business he shall be subject to a pro rata deduction from his salary, and clerk of commission, or in his absence the commissioner or commissioners present, shall certify to auditor of public accounts the number of days such commissioner was absent at each meeting or session and auditor shall deduct twice the number of days so certified from time for which salary of such commissioner may be estimated unless such commissioner shall take and file an affidavit in auditor's office that his absence was occasioned by sickness of himself or member of his family or by the prevalence of an epidemic or contagious disease or by means not within his control. Code 1006, sec. 4483. 68 MONTANA Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of Montana, Helena. Chairman and two commissioners. Elected at general election for six years and until their suc- 26 cessors are elected and qualified; one every two years. Chair- man elected by members. Qualified electors of Montana. $4,000. Bond of $25,000. Rev. Codes igoy, sees. 436^436^, 4367^ 4368. NEBRASKA Nebraska State Railway Commission, Lin- coln. Chairman and two commissioners. Elected at general election for six years; one every two years. Chairman elected 87 by members. Thirty years of age; resident citizens of Nebraska; qualified voters. $3,000. Cobbey^s Annot. Stats, ipog, sees. 1064Q, 10650. NEVADA Railroad Commission of Nevada, Carson City. Chairman or chief commissioner, first associate commissioner and second associate commissioner. Appointed by railroad board or a majority of members thereof, consisting of governor, lieutenant-governor and attorney-general, for three years and until his successor is appointed and qualified; one each year. Chief commissioner, an attomey-at-law and well versed in law 28 of railroad regulation; first associate, a practical railroad man familiar with operation of railroads in general; second associate commissioner, having a general knowledge of railroad fares, freights, tolls and charges; at no time more than two from same political party. Chief commissioner, $5,000; first associate commissioner, $4,000; second associate commissioner, $2,500. Stats, igoj, eh. 44, sees, j, i(a), i{g), i{j), i{k) (all amended by Stats, igii, ch. 193). Public Service Commission of Nevada. The Railroad Com- mission of Nevada is ex-officio the Public Service Commission of 29 Nevada. The business of Public Service Commission shall be kept entirely separate from business of Railroad Commission. Stats, igiiy ch. 162, sec. 2. NEW HAMPSHIRE PubHc Service Commission, Concord. Chair- man, clerk, and one commissioner. Appointed by governor by and with consent of council for six years and until his successor so is appointed and qualified; one every two years. Chairman ap- pointed and commissioned as such. Chairman, $3,500; clerk, $3,200; commissioner, $3,000. Laws igii, ch. 164, sees. 2(a), 2ie), 2{g). NEW JERSEY Board of Public Utility Commissioners, Tren- ton. President and two commissioners. Appointed by gov- si emor by and with advice and consent of senate for six years. President elected annually by members. Thirty years of age; citizens of New Jersey. $7,500. Laws igii, ch. ig^, sees. 1-5. 69 NEW MEXICO State Corporation Commission, Santa Fe. Chairman^ and two commissioners. Elected at general elec- sa tion for six years; one every two years. Chairman elected anmially by con^nission. $3,000. Const., art. xi, sec. i. Laws igi2, ch. /S, sees, i, 2, 4, 5. NEW YORK Public Service Commission, First District, New York. Chairman and four commissioners. Appointed by governor by and with advice and consent of senate for five 33 years; one each year. Chairman designated by governor. Resident of district for which he is a member. $15,000. Laws 1910, ch. 480, sees. 4, io{i), 13. Public Service Commission, Second District, Albany. S4 Constituted in same manner as Public Service Commission, First District. Same, sees. 4, 10(1). NORTH CAROLINA Corporation Commission, ^ Raleigh. Chair- man and two commissioners. Elected in same manner as other state officers for six years and imtil their successors are elected 35 and qualified; one at each general election. Chairman elected by commissioners. $3,000, and in addition $500 as state tax commissioners. PeWs Revisal igo8, sees. 10^4-1056, 1060, 22^4. NORTH DAKOTA Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of North Dakota, Bismarck. President and two com- missioners. Elected at times and places of choosing members of legislative assembly for two years, and until their successors 36 are elected and qualified. President elected by commissioners. Twenty-five years of age; citizens of United States; electors of North Dakota. $2,000. Bond of $10,000. Const., sec. 82. Rev. Codes 1905, sees. 364, 366, 36^. Laws 1909, ch. 216, sec. 4. OHIO PubHc Service Commission of Ohio, Colum- bus. Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by gov- ernor with advice and consent of senate for six years and imtil his successor is appointed and qualified; one every two years. Chairman elected by commissioners for two years in each odd 37 numbered year and until his successor is elected. One having a general knowledge of railroad law; each of the others hav- ing a general understanding of matters relating to railroad transportation; no more than two from same political party. $6,000. Code 1910, sees. 487, 488, 493, 498. Laws 1911, no. 32$, sees. 2, 87. OEXAHOMA Corporation Commission, Oklahoma City. Chairman and two commissioners. Elected at general election for state officers for six years; one every two years. Chairman •8 elected by members. Thirty years of age; resident of Oklahoma > In absence, of the chairman commission may appoint any other member to preside. Laws 1012, ch. 78 sec. i. * Commission shall be a court of record. Pell's Revisal 1908, sec. 1054. 70 for over two years next preceding election; qualified voters. $4,000. Const., art. ix, sees, ij, 16, 18(a). Const., Schedule sec. 15. OREGON Railroad Commission of Oregon, Salem. Chairman and two commissioners. Elected in November as other congressional and state officers are elected for four years and until his successor is elected and qualified; two at the same time, one from first and one from second railroad commission 39 district, and one from state at large two years later. Chairman elected by commission every two years. $4,000. Bond of $10,- 000. Gen. Laws igoj, ch. 53, sees, i, 2 (as amended by Gen. Laws 191 1, ch. 2yg, sec. yg), j, j, 8. PENNSYLVANIA State Railroad Commission, Harrisburg. Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by governor by and with advice and consent of senate for five years ; one each of 40 three years, two years intervening between each succession of three appointments. Chairman dcvsignated by governor. One shall be learned in law. $8,000. Laws igoj, no. 2 jo, sees, i, 5. 23. RHODE ISLAND PubHc Utilities Commission, Providence. Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by governor by and with advice and consent of senate for six years; one every 41 two years. Chairman elected by commissioners upon appoint- ment of any commissioner for a new term or whenever vacancy occurs. Qualified electors of Rhode Island. Chairman, $4,000; commissioners, $3,500 each. Acts 1912, ch. jgj, sees, j, 4, 7. SOUTH CAROLINA The Railroad Commission, Columbia. Three. Elected at general election for six years; one every two 42 years. Twenty-five years of age. $1,900. Const., art ix, sec. 14. Gen. Stats. igo2, sees. 2063, 2064. Laws i8gj, no. 304, sec. I. Public Service Commission. Three. Appointed by gov- ernor by and with consent of senate for six years and until suc- cessors are appointed and qualified; one every two years. 43 Reputable and competent citizens of South Carolina. Ten dollars a day when actually employed. Bond of $1,000. Laws igio, no. 286, sees, i, 4, 5. SOUTH DAKOTA Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of South Dakota, with office at some central point to be selected . by majority of commissioners (Pierre). Three. Elected at general election for six years and until his successor is elected and qualified, one from each of three railroad commissioner dis- tricts; one every second year. Twenty-five years of age; a 44 resident of South Dakota for at least two years next preceding his election, and at time of election a resident of district for which 71 he is elected; citizen of the United States; qualified elector of South Dakota. $1,500. Bond of $5,000. Rev. Pol. Code 1Q03, sees. 186, i8y, i8g-igi, ip4, igs (as amended by Sess. Laws igoy, ch. 208). TENNESSEE Railroad Commission of the State of Ten- nessee, Nashville. Chairman and two commissioners. Elected at the regular election in November for six years; one every two 46 years. Chairman elected by members every two years. Twenty- five years of age; resident citizens of Tennessee; qualified voter. $2,000. Bond of $20,000. Acts i8gy, ch. 10, sees. 7, 2, j (as amended by Acts igoy, ch. jgo, sec. i), 4. TEXAS Railroad Commission of Texas, Austin. Chairman and two commissioners. Elected at general election for state officers for six years; one every two years. Chairman 46 elected by commissioners. Twenty-five years of age; residents of Texas; qualified voters. $4,000. Const., art. xvi, sec. jo. '' Sayles' Civ. Stats. i8gy, arts. 4561, 456 i{i), 4561 {5). VERMONT Public Service Commission, Newport. Chair- man and two commissioners. Appointed by governor with advice and consent of senate for six years; one every two years. 47 Chairman designated by governor every two years. Chair- man, $2,200; each commissioner, $1,700. Pub. Stats. igo6, sees. 45gi\ 45g2y 6iy2 {as amended by Laws igo8, no. 116, sec. 21). Laws igo8, no. 116, sec. i. VIRGINIA State Corporation Commission,^ Richmond. Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by governor subject to confirmation by general assembly in joint session for 48 six years; one every two years. Chairman elected annually by commission. At least one commissioner with same qualifica- tions as are required for judges of supreme court of appeals; citizen of Virginia. Not less than $4,000. Const., sec. 155. WASHINGTON The Public Service Commission of Washing- ton, Olympia. Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by governor by and with advice and consent of senate for six 46 years and until his successor shall have been appointed and qualified; one every two years. Chairman elected. $5,000. Bond of $20,000. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sees. 2, j, 6. WISCONSIN Railroad Commission of Wisconsin, Madison, Chairman and two commissioners. Appointed by governor by and with advice and consent of senate for six years and until » After January i, 1908,. general assembly may provide for election of members of commission, in which event vacancies thereafter occurring shall be filled as hereinbefore provided until the expiration of twenty days after the ne.xt general election, held not less than sixty days after vacancy occurs, at which election vacancies shall be filled for residue of unexpired term. Const., sec. 155. , General assembly may establish within the department, and subject to the supervision and control of commission, subordinate divisions or bureaus of insurance, banking or other special branches of the business of that department. Same. 72 his successor is appointed and qualified; one every two years. Chairman elected by commissioners on second Monday of 50 February in each odd numbered year for two years and until his successor is elected. One having a general knowledge of railroad law, each of the others having a general understanding of matters relating to railroad transportation. $5,000. Laws 1905, ch. 362, sees. i797-i{J), ijgy-iik). Laws igoj, ch. ^82, sees. 1797-1^ i797'i{(^), ^797-Ai). i797-i{g)- B. QUORUM OF COMMISSION. I. Majority Constitutes Quorum. f UNITED STATES, ARIZONA, ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, IN- DIANA, IOWA, KENTUCKY, MARYLAND, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, MISSISSIPPI, MISSOURI, MONTANA, NE- VADA, NEW JERSEY, NEW MEXICO, NEW YORK, NORTH CAROLINA,! NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, OKLAHOMA, ORE- GON, PENNSYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, SOUTH CARO- LINA, SOUTH DAKOTA, TENNESSEE, TEXAS, VERMONT, VIRGINIA, WASHINGTON, WISCONSIN Majority shall constitute quorum to transact business. U. S. — Act to regulate Commerce, sec. 17; Ariz. — Sess. Laws 1912, ch. 90, sec. 9; Ark. — Kirby^s Digest 1904, sec. 679 j; Cat. — Stats. 191 1, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 9; Ind. — Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. 2{a); la. — Code 1897, sec. 2142; Ky. — Car- roll's Stats. 1909, sec. 821; Md. — Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 4; Mich. — Puh. Acts 1909, no. joo, sec. 2{f); Minn. — Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 1958; Miss. — Code 1906, sec. 4828; Mo. — Rev. Stats. 1909, sec. 3205; Mont. — Rev. Codes 1907, sec. 4365; Nev. — 61 Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. i(a), as amended by Stats. 19 11, ch. 193; N. J. — Laws 191 1, ch. 195, sec. 13; N. M. — Laws 1912, ch. 78, sec. 5; N. Y. — Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 11; N. C. — PelVs Re- visal 1908, sec. 1062; N. D. — Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4362; Ohia^ Code 1 9 10, sec. 495; Okla. — Const., art. ix, sec. i8{a); Ore. — Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, sec. 4; Pa. — Laws 1907, no. 2 jo, sec. 5; R. I. — Acts 1912, ch. 79 j, sec. 8; S. C. — Gen. Stats. 1902, sec. 2064, S. D. — Rev. Pol. Code 1903, sec. 192; Tenn. — Acts 1897, ch. 10, sec. 2; Tex. — Sayles' Civ. Stats. 1897, art. 4561 {5); Vt. — Pub. Stats. 1906, sec. 4596, as amended by Laws 1910, no. ijj, sec. i; Va. — Const., sec. ijj; Wash. — Laws 191 1, ch. 117, sec. 7; Wis. — Laws 1907, ch. 582, sec. i797-i{g). Two members of the board of railroad commissioners can act in the absence of the third member. City of Worcester vs. Board of Railroad Commissioners, iij Mass. 161. • The chairman is authorized and empowered to perform the duties and exercise the powers conferred by law upon commission as to or over banks and building and loan asso- ciations, but this shall not prevent, as to banking and building and loan associations, the other members of court from acting with the chairman in all of such matters. Pell's Revisal 1008, sec. 1062. 73 2. Powers of Less Than Entire Membership. UNITED STATES, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, MICHIGAN, MIN- NESOTA, OfflO, OREGON, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA, WISCONSIN No vacancy shall impair the right of remaining commissioners to exercise all the powers of commission. U. S. — 52 Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. ii; Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. g; Cat.- — Stats, igii, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. g, Mich. — Pub. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. 2(f); Minn. — Rev. Laws igoj, sec. igj8; Ohio — Code igio, sec. 4g3; Ore. — Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 5j, sec. 4, Pa. — Laws igoy, no. 2^0, sec. i; Va. — Const., sec. 156; Wis. — Laws igo'j, ch. 582, sec. lygy-iig). J. Powers of Single Commissioner. NEVADA In event of disability or disqualification of two commissioners or existence of two vacancies at same time, 58 the remaining commissioner shall have power of a majority and his official acts shall stand as acts of commission. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. I (a), as amended by Stats, igii, ch. igj. C. OATH OF OFFICE OF MEMBERS. ALABAMA, ARIZONA, ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, CONNECTI- CUT, FLORIDA, GEORGL^, ILLINOIS, INDIANA, IOWA, KANSAS, KENTUCKY, MARYLAND, MASSACHUSETTS,^ MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, MONTANA, NE- BRASKA, NEVADA, NEW YORK, NORTH CAROLINA, NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, OKLAHOMA, OREGON, PENNSYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA, SOUTH DAKOTA, TENNESSEE, TEXAS, VERMONT, WASHINGTON, WIS- CONSIN Commissioners shall take and subscribe to the constitutional oath of office, and such additional oaths as are prescribed. Ala. — Code igoy, sec. 5637; Ariz.' — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 7; Ark. — Kirby^s Digest igo4, sec. 6yg2; Cat. — Stats, igii, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 7; Conn. — Pub. Acts'igii, ch. 128, sec. 2; Fla. — Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 2886; Ga. — Code igii, sec. 26 1 g; III. — Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. i6g; Ind. — Acts igo7, ch, 241, sec. i{d); la.— Code i8gy, sec. 2111; Kan. — Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 8; Ky. — Carroll's Stats, igog, sec. 822; Md. — Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 2; Mass. — Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. i. 64 Acts igo6, ch. 46 j, pt. i, sec. i; Mich. — Pub. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. 2(d); Minn. — Rev. Laws igoj, sec. igjd, as amended by Laws igii, ch. 140; Mo. — Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 3261; Mont. — Rev. Codes I go'/, sec. 4364; Neb. — Cobbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. io64g; Nev. — Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. i{i), as amended by Stats, igii, ch. ig3; N. Y. — Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. g; N. C. — PelVs Revisal igo8, sec. loj^g; N. D. — Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 366; Ohio — Code igio, sec. 4go; Okla. — Const., art. ix, sec. 17; Ore. — Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 2, as amended by Laws igii, ch. 2'jg, i Gas and Electric Commission and Railroad Commission. 74 sec. 7p; Pa. — Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. 4; R. I. — Acts 1912, ch. 7P5, sec. j; S. C. — Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2063; ^' ^' — -^^^- P^^- Code 1903, sec. 194; Tenn. — Acts 1897, ch. 10, sec. 4; Tex. — Sayles' Civ. Stats. 1897, art. 4^61(4); Vt. — Puh. Stats. 1906, sec. 4595) Wash. — Laws 1911, ch. 117, sec. 3; Wis. — Laws 1907, ch.' 582, sec. 17 97- 1 {e). D. REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION OF MEM- BERS I. Person Authorized to Remove Members. The person, persons or body authorized to remove commis- sioners from office are as follows : UNITED STATES — president. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. i; ALABAMA— Supreme court. Code 1907, sec. 5639; ARKANSAS, FLORIDA, ILLINOIS, INDIANA, KANSAS, MARYLAND, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, NEW JERSEY, NEW YORK, OmO, SOUTH CAROLINA, WASHINGTON and WISCONSIN— governor. Ark.— Kirby's Digest 1904, sec. 6789; Fla. — Gen. Stats. 1906, sec. 2884; III. — Revisal 1909, ch. 114, sec. 168; Ind. — Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. i{c); Kan. — Laws 191 1, ch. 238, sec. 8; Md. — Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 2; Mich. — Pub. Ads 1909, no. 300, sec. 2{b); Minn. — Rev. Laws J905, sec. 1957; N. J. — Laws 1911, ch. 195, sec. 2; N. Y. — Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 4; Ohio — Code 1910, sec. 491; S. C. — Laws 1910, no. 286, sec. 5; Wash. — Laws 1911. ch. 117, sec. 2; Wis. — Laws 1907, ch. 582, sec. i797-i{b); CALIFORNIA — ^legislature, by a two- 65 thirds vote of all members elected to each house. Stats. 191 1. ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. j(6); CONNECTICUT— superior court. Pub. Acts 1911, ch. 128. sec. j; GEORGIA— majority of each branch of general assembly. Code 1911, sec. 2618; ElENTUCKY — general assem- bly. Const., sec. 209; MASSACHUSETTS (Gas and Electric Commission) — governor, with advice and consent of council. Rev. Laws 1902, ch. 121, sec. i, as amended by Acts 1907, ch. 316; NEVADA — ^railroad board consisting of governor, lieutenant-governor and attorney-general. Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. i(Jb), as amended by Slats. 1911, ch. 193; NEW HAMPSHIRE — governor and council. Laws 191 1, ch. 164, sec. 2(,c); OREGON 1 — gover- nor, secretary of state and state treasurer. Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, sec. 2, as amended by Gen. Laws 1911, ch. 279, sec. 79; RHODE ISLAND — governor, with advice and consent of senate. Acts 1912, ch. 795, sec. 5. 2. Cause of Removal. Causes for removal of members of commission follow : UNITED STATES, CONNECTICUT, INDIANA, MARYLAND, MICHIGAN, MINNE- SOTA, NEVADA, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW JERSEY, NEW YORK, OHIO, OREGON, RHODE ISLAND, WASHINGTON and WISCONSIN— inefficiency, neglect of duty, mis- conduct or malfeasance in office. U. S. — Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 11; Conn. — Pub. Acts 1911, ch. 128, sec. 5; Ind. — Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. i(c); Md. — Laws X910, ch. 180,. sec. 2; Mich. — Pub. Acts 1909, no. 300, sec. 2(b): Minn. — Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 19571 Nev. — Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. lib), as amended by Stats. 1911, ch. 193; N. H. — Laws 191 1, ch. 164, sec. 2{c); N. J. — Laws 1911, ch. 195, sec. 2; N. Y. — Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 4; ■ Ohio — Code 1910, sec. 491; Ore. — Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, sec. 2, as amended by Gen. Laws 1911, ch. 279, sec. 79; R. I. — Ads 1912, ch. 795, sec. 5; Wash. — Laws 1911, ch. 117, sec. 2; Wis.— Laws 1907, ch. 582, sec. 1797-iQ}); ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI— directly or indirectly accepting any gift, gratuity, emolument or employment from any carrier. Ala. — 66 Code 1907, sec. 5639; Miss. — Code 1906, sec. 4827; ARKANSAS — ^failure of member to divest himself of interest in any utility. Kirby's Digest 1904, sec. 6789; KANSAS and NEW HAMPSHIRE — failure of member to divest himself of interest in any utility within a reasonable time. Kan. — Laws 191X, ch. 238, sec. 8; N. H. — Laws 1911, ch. 164, sec. 1 Commissioner cannot be removed but must be recalled by a majority or plurality vote of electors, in which event his successor must be elected at the same time. 75 2(c); FLORIDA — malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, drunkenness or incompetency; OHIO — ^failure of member to divest himself of interest in any utility within 30 days. Code jgio, sec. 488; CALIFORNIA — dereliction of duty, corruption or incompetency. Stats. iQii, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. jib); CONNECTICUT — active participation in politics. Pub. Acts IQII, ch. 128, sec. 5; KENTUCKY, MASSACHUSETTS (Gas and Electric Com- mission), RHODE ISLAND — for cause shown. Ky. — Const., sec. 209; Mass. — Rev. Laws 1902, ch. 121, sec. I, as amended by acts 1907, ch. 316; R. I. — Acts 1912, ch. 795, sec. 5; MONTANA — failure to perform duties of office. Rev. Codes 1907, sec. 4397; NEW HAMP- SHIRE — ^voluntarily becoming interested pecuniarily in any utility or holding another political office. Laws ign, ch. 164, sec. 2(6). J. Procedure. Procedure in cases of the removal of a commissioner is as follows: CONNECTICUT — commissioner shall be removed only after judgment of superior court rendered upon written complaint of attorney-general filed in his discretion or when so directed by governor or if so requested in writing by one hundred electors. Upon the filing of complaint, a rule to show cause shall issue to accused who may make answer within such time as court may limit and may be heard in his own defense by witnesses and counsel. Pro- cedure shall be similar to that in civil actions but such complaint shall be privileged in order and trial and heard as soon as practicable. Pub. Acts 1911, ch. 128, sec. 5; INDIANA, MINNESOTA and NEW HAMPSHIRE — commissioner shall be given notice, a copy of charges against him and an opportimity of being heard in his own defense. Ind. — Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. i{c); Minn. — Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 1957 '< ^- H. — Laws 1911, ch. 164, sec. 2{c); KENTUCKY and VIRGINIA — ^procedure same as in case of removal or impeach- ment of judges of court of last resort. Ky. — Const., sec. 209; Va. — Const., sec. 155; MARY- 67 LAND, MICHIGAN, NEVADA, NEW YORK, OHIO, OREGON.i WASHINGTON and WISCONSIN — before commissioner shall be removed he shall be given a copy of charges against him and time shall be fixed when he can be publicly heard in his own defense which shall not be less than ten days thereafter* if commissioner shall be removed the person or persons authorized to make such removal shall file in office of secretary of state a com- plete statement of all charges against such commissioner and findings thereon with a record of the proceedings. Md. — Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 2; Mich. — Pub. Acts 1909, no. 300, sec. 2(b); Nev. — Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. i(b), as amended by Stats. 191 1, ch. 193; N. Y. — Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 4; Ohio — Code 1910. sec. 491; Ore. — Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, sec. 2, as amended by Gen. Laws 1911. ch. 279, sec. 79; Wash. — Laws 1911, ch. 117, sec. 2; Wis. — Laws 1907, ch. 582, sec. 1 797-1 (b); MASSACHUSETTS (Gas and Electric Commission)— commissioners shall be given notice and hearing. Rev. Laws 1902, ch. 121, sec. i, as amended by Acts 1907, ch. 316; NEW JERSEY — commissioner shall be given a copy of charges against him and an opportunity of being publicly heard in person or by counsel in his own defense upon not less than ten days' notice. Laws 1911, ch. 195, sec. 2. 4. Person Authorized to Suspend Members; Cause of Suspension. The person authorized to suspend commissioners and the causes of suspension are as follows: ARKANSAS — commissioner may be suspended for failure to remove disqualifications or to resign. Kirby's Digest 1904, sec. 6789; FLORIDA — commissioner may be suspended ■iV govemor.2 Gen. Slats. 1906, sec. 2886; GEORGIA — upon failure to remove disqualifi- 68 cations or to resign commissioner must be suspended by governor who may fill the vacancy until suspended commissioner is restored or removed; any commissioner may be suspended by governor, who shall report the suspension and the reason therefor to the next general assembly. Code jqii, sec. 2618; MONTANA — upon complaint and for cause shown gov- ernor may suspend commissioner and if necessary may appoint temporarily some com- petent person to fill vacancy during period of suspension. Rev. Codes 1907. sec. 4397. NORTH CAROLINA— 5« par. 101. » Commissioner can only be removed by a recall petition signed by 25 per cent of the legal voters of his district and by special election called for the purpose of electing his successor. 3 Suspension to terminate at end of next session of senate unless officer be removed by senate on recommendation of governor. 76 5- Vacation of Office. Manner in which commissioners vacate office and causes of vacation of office are as follows : ALABAMA — if commissioner shall fail or refuse for thirty days to qualify his office becomes vacant. Code 1907, sec. 5635; ARKANSAS — commissioner vacates office upon failure to divest himself within reasonable time of interest in any railroad. Kirby's Digest 1904, sec. 6789; ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, MICHIGAN, NEBRASKA, NEVADA, OHIO, OKLA- HOMA, OREGON, TEXAS and WISCONSIN— if any commissioner shall voluntarily become interested in any utility his office shall ipso facto become vacant; if he shall become so interested otherwise than voluntarily he shall within a reasonable time divest himself 59 of such interest; failing so to do his office shall become vacant. Ariz. — Sess. Laws 191 2, ch. 90, sec. 7; Cal. — Stats. 1911, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 7; Mich. — Pub. Acts 1909, no. 300, sec. 2(c); Neb. — Cobbey's Annot. Stats. 1909, sec. 10649; Nev. — Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. i(c), as amended by Stats. 1911, ch. 197; Ohio — Code 1910, sec. 488; Okla. — Const., art. ix, sec. 16; Ore. — Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, sec. 2, as amended by Gen. Laws 1911, ch. 279, sec. 79; Tex. — Sayles' Civ. Stats. 1897, art. 4361(1) ; Wis. — €aws 1907, ch.582, sec. 17 97-1 {c). NEVADA — See also par. 3746. NORTH CAROLINA— 5ec par. loi. 6. Forfeiture and Impeachment.^ Manner and causes of impeachment and forfeiture of office of commissioners are as follows: ALABAMA — commissioners may be impeached and removed by the supreme court for any cause and in manner specified by law for impeachment and removal of other state officers. Code 1907, sec. 5639; MISSISSIPPI — commissioner shall forfeit office and may 60 be impeached and removed for any cause specified by law for impeachment of other state officers and upon conviction shall be fined $1,000 to $10,000 or imprisoned in penitentiary or both. Code 1906, sec. 4827; SOUTH DAKOTA — if any commissioner shall wilfully neglect or refuse to perform duties imposed upon him he shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and in addition to the punishment provided by law shall be subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction shall forfeit office. Sess. Laws 1911, ch. 207, sec. 47. E. MANNER OF FILLING VACANCIES. Vacancies in commission are filled in the man« ner described: In elective commissions: ARIZONA, GEORGIA, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, MON- TANA, NEBRASKA, NORTH CAROLINA, OKLAHOMA, SOUTH CAROLINA, SOUTH DAKOTA, TENNESSEE and TEXAS— vacancy shall be filled by appointment by governor until next general election when commissioner shall be elected for unexpired term. Ariz. — Const., art. xv, sec. i. Sess. Laws 1912, ch. 90, sec. 3(b); Ga. — Code 1911, sec. 2617; Minn. — Rev. Laws 1903, sec. 1934; Mo. — Rev. Stats. 1909, sec. 3230; Mont. — Rev. Codes 1907, sec. 4363; Neb. — Cobbey's Annot. Stats. 1909, sec. 10649; N. C. — PeU's Revisal 1908, sec. 1037; 61 Okla.— Const., art. ix, sec. 13; S. C.—Gen. Stats. 1902, sec. 2063; S. D.—Rev. Pol. Code 1903, sec. 188; Tenn. — Acts 1897, ch. 10, sec. i; Tex. — Const., art. xvi, sec. 30; ALABAMA, ARKANSAS and FLORIDA — vacancy shall be filled by appointment by governor. Ala. — Code 1907, sec. 3633; Ark. — Kirby's Digest 1904, sec. 6791; Fla. — Gen. Slats. 1906, sec. 2884; KENTUCKY — vacancy shall be filled in manner provided in constitution. Const., sec. 209; OREGON— vacancy shall be filled by appointment by governor, secretary of state and state treasurer. Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, sec. i, as amended by Gen. Laws 1911* ch. 279, sec. 79. > MISSOURI — If commissioners shall fail or refuse to perform any act or duty required of them by sections 3179-3207, they shsdl be liable to proceedings in mandamus to com- pel the performance of such act or duty, and in addition thereto shall be liable to such fine as the court may impose, not exceeding $500. Rev. Stats. 1909, sec. 3205- 77 in commissions chosen by appointment and confirmation: CONNECTICUT, MICH- IGAN, NEW HAMPSHIRE, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, VERMONT, VIRGINIA and WISCONSIN — governor or other oIKcer authorized to make original appoint- ment shall make appointment to fill vacancy subject to confirmation of senate or other orig- inal ratifying body. Conn. — Pub. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 3; Mich. — Pub. Acts igog, no. 300, sec. i; N. H. — Laws iQii, ch. 164 sec. 2(0); Ohio — Code 1910, sec. 492; Pa. — Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. i; R. I. — Acts 1912 ch. 795, sec. 6; Vt. — Pub. Stats. 1906, sec. 4592; 62 Va. — Const., sec. 155; Wis. — Laws 1907, ch. 582, sec. 1797-1; COLORADO, KANSAS and WASHINGTON— governor or other officer authorized to make original appointment shall make appointment to fill vacancy. C6L. — Laws 1910, sp. sess.. ch. 5, sec. 11; Kan. — Laws 1911. ch. 238. sec. 5; Wash.— Laws 1911, ch. 117, sec. 2; UNITED STATES and NEW YORK — vacancy shall be filled by appointment. U. S. — Act to Regulate Commerce sec. 24; N. Y. — Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 4; NEW JERSEY— vacancy shall be filled. Laws 1911, ch. 195, sec. 2. In commissions chosen by appointment: CALIFORNIA, INDIANA, MARYLAND and NEVADA — governor or other officer or officers authorized to make original appointment 63 shall make appointment to fill vacancy. Cal. — Stats, igii, isl ex. sess. ch. 14, sec. 3(b); Ind. — Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. i{c); Md. — Laws, 1910, ch. 180, sec. 2; Nev. — Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. I, as amended bf Stats, igii, ch. 193. F. RIGHT TO SUE AND BE SUED. CALIFORNIA Commission may sue in the name of the peo- 64 pie of the State of California. Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 72. COLORADO Commission may sue and be sued in its 66 official name. Laws igio, sp. sess. ch. 5, sec. 12. MICmOAN, NEVADA, OfflO, OREGON, WISCONSIN Commission may sue and be sued in its offi- cial name. Mich. — Puh. Acts iQog, no. 300, sec. 2{j); Nev. — 66 Stats. iQoy, ch. 44, sec. i{j), as amended by Stats. 191 1, ch. igj; Ohio — Code ipio, sec. 487; Ore. — Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 7; Wis. — Laws 1905, ch. 362, sec. i^gy-iij). G. OFFICIAL SEAL. UNITED STATES, ALABAMA, ARIZONA, ARKANSAS, CALI- FORNIA, COLORADA, ILLINOIS, INDIANA, IOWA, KAN- SAS, MARYLAND, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, MISSIS- SIPPI, MISSOURI, MONTANA, NEBRASKA, NEVADA, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW JERSEY, NEW YORK, NORTH CAROLINA, NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, OREGON, PENN- SYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, SOUTH DAKOTA, TEXAS, VERMONT, WASHINGTON, WISCONSIN Commission shall have an official seal of which courts shall take judicial notice, in the form described in the statute. U. S. — Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 17; Ala. — Code 1907, sec. 5637; Ariz. — Sess. Laws 191 2, ch. 90 ^ sec. 8{b); Ark. — •7 Kirhys Digest 1904, sec. 6793; Cal. — Stats. 191 1, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 8{b); Col. — Laws 1910^ sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 12; III. — 7« Revisal igog, sec. 203; Ind. — Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. 2(0); la. — Code i8gy, sec. 2142; Kan. — Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 7184; Md. — Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 4; Mich. — Puh. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. 2 (J); Minn. — Rev. Laws igo^, sec. ig6i; Miss. — Code igo6j sec. 4830; Mo. — Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 3262; Mont. — Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 4366; Neh. — C abbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 106 jo; Nev. — Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. i{j), as amended by Stats, igii, ch. ig3; N. H. — Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. 2{j); N. J. — Laws igii, ch. igj, sec. 11; N. Y. — Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. io{i); N. C. — PeWs Revisal igo8, sec. 1054; N. D. — Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 4362; Ohio — Laws igii, no. 325, sec. yg; Ore. — Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 5j, sec. 7; Pa. — Laws igoj, no. 2$o, sec. 5; R. I. — Acts igi2, ch. 7g5, sec. 7; S. D. — Rev. Pol. Code igo3, sec. ig2; Tex. — Sayles' Civ. Stats. i8g'/, art. 4^6 i{j); Vt. — Pub. Stats. igo6, sec. 4Sg7', Wash. — Laws igii, ch. 117, sec. 6; Wis.— Laws igo5, ch. 362, sec. I7g7-i{j). H. DISQUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBER- SHIP. I. Interest in any Utility. AIUCANSAS, CONNECTICUT, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, ILLINOIS, IOWA, KANSAS, KENTUCKY, LOUISIANA, MASSACHU- SETTS, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, MISSISSIPPI, MIS- SOURI, MONTANA, NEBRASKA, NEVADA, NEW HAMP- SHIRE, NEW MEXICO, OHIO, OKLAHOMA, OREGON, PENNSYLVANIA, SOUTH DAKOTA, TENNESSEE, TEXAS, VIRGINIA No person employed by or connected with or holding any official relation to or owning stocks or bonds of or having any direct or indirect or pecuniary interest in any public utility of the kind over which commission has jurisdiction shall be eligible to enter upon the duties or fill the office of commis- sioner. Ark. — Kirby's Digest igo4, sec. 67 8g; Conn. — Gen. Stats. 68 igo2, sec. 3878; Fla. — Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 2885; Ga. — Code igii, sec. 2620; III. — Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. 237; la. — Laws igii, ch. g4, sec. 2; Kan. — Laws igii, ch. 238, sec. 8; Ky. — Const., sec. 2og; La. — Const:, art. 288, as amended by Stats. igo7, no. 15; Mass. — Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. i, as amended by Acts igo7, ch. 316. Acts igo6, ch. 433, sec. i. Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. i, sec. i; Mich. — Pub. Acts igog, no. 300, sec. 2(c); Minn. — Rev. Laws igoj, sec. ig55; Miss. — Code igo6, sec. 4826; Mo. — Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 3250; Mont. — Rev. Codes igo7, sec. 4363; Neb. — C abbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. io64g; Nev. — • Stats. igo7, ch. 44, sec. i{c), as amended by Stats, igii, ch. ig3; N. H. — Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. 2(b); N. M. — Const., art. xi, sec. 3; Ohio. — Code igio, sec. 488; Okla. — Const., art. ix, sec. 16; Ore. — Gen. Laws igo7, ch. 53, sec. 2, as amended by Gen. Laws igii, ch. 27g, sec. 7g; ' Pa. — Laws igo7, no. 250, sec. 4; S. D. — Rev. Pol. Code igo3, sec. i8g; Tenn. — Acts i8g7, ch. 10, 79 sec. 4; Tex. — Sayles^ Civ. Stats. iSgy, art. 4^6 i{i); Va. — Const. y sec. ijj. A person is not "interested," under public stats. 1901, Chap. 155, Sec. I, unless his interest prevents him from being "indifferent," so that a depositor in a bank owning railroad stock is not so "interested " that he cannot be a railroad commissioner. In re Opinion of Justices, 75 (N. H.) 613. 2. Interest in any Utility under Jurisdiction of Commission. UNITED STATES, ALABAMA, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, COLO- RADO, MARYLAND, NEW YORK, NORTH DAKOTA, RHODE ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA, VERMONT No person employed by or connected with or holding any official relation to or owning stocks or bonds of or having any direct or indirect or pecuniary interest in any utility over which commission has jurisdiction shall be eligible to enter 69 upon the duties or fill the office of commissioner. U . S. — Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 11; Ala. — Code iQoy, sec. j6j8; Ariz. — Sess. Laws 1Q12, ch. go, sec. j; Cal. — Stats, igii, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 7; Col. — Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 11; Md. — Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 2; N. Y. — Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. g; N. D. — Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 365; R. I. — Acts igi2, ch. yg^, sec. 4; S. C. — Gen. Stats. 1Q02, sec. 206 j; Vt. — Pub. Stats. igo6, sec. 45g3, as amended hy Laws igo8, no. 116, sec. 22. • J. Interest in Certain Utilities under Jurisdiction of Commission. WISCONSIN No person having any pecuniary interest in any railroad^ in Wisconsin or elsewhere shall be eligible to enter 70 upon the duties or fill the office of commissioner. Laws igoy, ch. j82, sec. lygy-iic). I. OFFICIAL AND PRIVATE RELATIONS OF MEMBERS AND EMPLOYES WITH UTILITIES. ALABAMA Commissioners and employes may pass free 71 on railroads in performance of duties. Code igoy, sec. 5656. Commissioners or clerk may enter into contracts with corpora- 71 tions, firms, utilities or associations in their capacities as common carriers. Same, sec. 5646. Any commissioner who shall accept any gift, gratuity, emol- ument or employment from any railroad except a permit for 7» himself or an employe of commission to pass over the road while on official business shall forfeit his office and may be impeached and removed therefrom. Same, sec. 5(5 jp. See also par. 2088. « The term " railroad " includes express and telegraph companies. 8o- ARIZONA Commissioner, officer, or employe of commis- sion shall not be denied the right to travel upon any railroad, car, or other vehicle of such common carrier whether such rail- 74 road, car, or other vehicle be used for the transportation of passengers or freight, and regardless of class. Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. ii. > ARKANSAS Commission shall make requisition in name of state upon railroads for transportation of themselves and em- 76 ployes when engaged in duties. Railroads may furnish same without charge. Kirby's Digest 1Q04, sec. 67 g8. CALIFORNIA Members, officers and employes may pass 76 free on common carriers when in performance of duties. Stats, igii, ist ex. sess. ch. 14, sec. 11. Such persons shall not be denied the right to travel upon 77 common carriers whether used for passengers or freight and re- gardless of class. Same. See also pars. 2opj, 22 J2. COLORADO Common carriers shall furnish free transpor- 78 tation to commissioners or employes while in discharge of duties. Laws iQio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 11. CONNECTICUT Commissioners and employes may pass free 79 on railroads and street railways in performance of duties. Gen. Stats. 1Q02, sec. 388 j. ILLINOIS Commissioners and employes may pass free over railroads and railroad trains and over, upon and in instru- 80 mentalities used by common carriers in transportation, while in performance of duties. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. lyi. INDIANA It is unlawful for commissioners, secretary and employes to receive free transportation, reduced rates, pre- requisites, gifts or emoluments from railroads or parties inter- 81 ested therein; violation constitutes misdemeanor; fine of $50 to $100; governor shall declare office vacant. Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. i(f). 82 Common carriers shall provide free transportation for inspect- ors while on business of commission. Same. IOWA Commissioners, secretary, experts and agents 83 shall be carried free on railroads and trains while performing duties. Code i8gy, sec. 2151. KANSAS Commissioners, attorney, secretary and em- ployes may pass free over roads and on railroad trains or any 84 part thereof while in the performance of their duties. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. yi6g. 81 It is unlawful for commissioner, attorney, secretary or em- ployes to receive or apply for free transportation or reduced rates from common carriers oj their employes for other persons ; 8s violation constitutes misdemeanor ; fine of$5oto$i,ooo; governor shall declare office vacant. Commissioners and attorney shall not ask nor receive from any utility any other pay or emolimient for services. Same. See also par. 211 j. KENTUCKY Commissioners, rate clerk and stenographer 86 may pass free over railroads upon written or printed authority when engaged in duties. CarrolVs Stats, ipog, sec. 822. Commissioners shall not directly or indirectly solicit, request from, or recommend to the officers, attorneys or employes of railroads, the appointment of any person to places or positions, 87 nor request, accept or receive any present, gift, or gratuity from utilities; nor shall any corporation offer to commissioners any place or appointment for themselves or other persons. Viola- tion by any corporation or person; fine of $1,000 to $5,000. Same, sec. 8j2. MARYLAND Commissioners, general counsel, secretary and employes are forbidden and prohibited to solicit, suggest, request or recommend directly or indirectly to utilities or their officers, attorneys or employes the appointment of persons to any office, place, position or appointment. Utilities, their offi- cers, attorneys and employes are forbidden and prohibited to 88 offer to commissioners, general counsel, secretary or employes any place, office, appointment or position, or to offer to give them free passes, free transportation, reductions in fares to which public generally are not entitled, free carriage of freight or property, presents, gifts or gratuities. Governor shall re- move from office a member, officer or employe of commission violating this provision. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 7. MASSACHUSETTS Railroad commissioners and employes shall be transported free over railroads in performance of duties. 89 They shall not receive directly or indirectly any commission, bonus, discount, present or reward from railroads. Acts igo6, ch. 46 J, pt. i, sec. 2. Railroad commissioners and clerk may enter into contracts »o with a railroad or street railway only as common carriers. Same, sec. I. MICHIGAN Commissioners and employes shall be carried free on railroads, trains, cars and any part thereof, when on busi- ness pertaining to railroads. Violation by commissioners or em- f 1 ployes constitutes misdemeanor ; fine of $ 1 00 to $ i , 000 or imprison- ment of not more than 90 days, or both, in discretion of, court. Pub. Acts jgog, no. 300, sec. 2{k). 82 Minnesota commissioners, secretary and employes may 92 pass free on railroads and railroad trains in performance of duties. Laws 1907, ch. 449, sec. 2. See also par. 380. MISSISSIPPI Railroads shall transport commissioners and secretary free when on official business and afford them proper facilities and furnish annual passes to commissioners while on 93 railroad business pertaining to their duties. Railroads and other transportation companies shall grant free passes, or tickets, or passes or tickets at a discount to commissioners. Const., sec. 188. Code 1Q06, sees. 48^9, 4873. It is unlawful for commissioners or secretary to accept free transportation except as provided by law, or. any gift, gratuity, emolimient or employment. Violation; shall forfeit offices, may 94 be impeached and removed from office and shall be subject to criminal prosecution; fine of $1,000 to $10,000, imprisonment of one to ten years, or both. Railroads granting free transpor- tation or reduced rates to commissioners or secretary except when on official business shall be guilty of misdemeanor; fine of not less than $100. Code 1906, sees. 4827, 4873. Railroads shall report number of trips and miles they trans- 96 ported commissioners or secretary during preceding year and commission shall report same to legislature. Same. See also par. 382. MONTANA Commissioners and employes may have free 96 transportation. Rev. Codes 1907, sec. 4369. Revised code Montana, 1907, Sec. 4369 allows free transportation to members and employes of the railroad commission traveling on official business. John vs. No. Pac. Ry., 42 Mont. 19. No commissioner or secretary shall solicit, request from or recommend directly or indirectly to any railroad or officer, attorney or agent thereof, the appointment of any person to any place or position. Railroads and their attorneys or agents shall not offer any place, appointment or position or other consider- ation to commissioners or their employes; neither shall any 97 commissioner, secretary or employe of commission accept, receive or request any pass from any railroad for himself or for any other person except as provided by law, or any present, gift or gratuity from any railroad. A violation by a member, sec- retary or employe of commission forfeits office. Violation by any person constitutes misdemeanor; fine of not more than $500, imprisonment of not more than six months, or both. Same, sec. 4394. See also par. 2147. NEW HAMPSHIRE Commissioners may enter into contracts with any railroad or public utility for the transportation of passengers 98 or property or of telephone or telegraph messages or for the pur- 83 chase of water, gas, electricity or for other similar services. Laws ipii, ch. 164, sec. 2{d). See also par. j86. NEW YORK A provision substantially identical with par. 99 88. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 15. To the extent that facilities for inspection of common car- riers, railroads and street railroads involve transportation each commissioner and each employe shall pay published one-way fare established by the common carrier for the transportation 100 of persons by regular passenger trains over the distance covered by such inspection. The cost of such transportation, if com- mission so elects, may be paid upon bill rendered to the commission after the transportation has been furnished and the amount thereof ascertained. Samey sec. 43(2). See also par. jgo. NORTH CAROLINA It is unlawful for commissioners directly or in- directly to hold stock or bonds, be agent, attorney, employe of, or be interested in any steamboat, railroad, canal, navigation, express or telephone utility, bank building and loan company or 101 association. If commissioner or official of commission shall act as distributor or legatee or in any way become entitled to stock, bonds or interest therein, he shall at once dispose thereof; upon failure to do so he shall forfeit office and may be suspended by governor. PeWs Revisal igo8, sec. 1058. Commissioners and their clerks shall be transported free of charge over all railroads and other transportation lines; and 102 when traveling on official business they may take with them experts or other agents whose service they may deem tempo- rarily of public importance. Same, sec. 1105. See also par. 216 j. NORTH DAKOTA Commissioners, secretaries and employes 108 may pass free on railroads or other transportation utilities in performance of duties. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 368. OHIO Commission may pass free on railroads and 104 trains or any parts thereof in performance of duties. Code igio, sec. 608. OREGON Commissioners, secretary, stenographer, and employes may ride in and upon any engine, car, or train of railroads in performance of duties upon payment of local passenger loi fare, but railroads shall not be deemed to become common carriers of passengers other than on passenger trains nor to be guilty of discrimination. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 9. SOUTH CAROLINA Members, secretary and employes of rail- road commission shall be transported free over railroads and 106 trains in performance of duties comcerrdng railroads. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2066. See also par. 2668. 84 I SOUTH DAKOTA Commissioners, their secretary, counsel and employes shall not ^ have the right of free transportation upon and over the lines of any common carrier in this state, or other 107 agents whose services they may require, who shall in like man- ner be transported free of charge. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 20J, sec. 33. TENNESSEE Commissioners shall be entitled to a pass or ticket over railroads while in discharge of duty. Railroads shall 108 furnish each commissioner with a pass or ticket when demanded. Acts iSgy, ch. 10, sec. 5. Commissioners shall not accept directly or indirectly any gift, gratuity, emolimient, or employment from railroads, their officers, attorneys or employes, nor solicit, request, nor recom- mend the appointment of persons to any place or position. It 109 is unlawful for railroads or their officers, attorneys, or employes to give or offer to give to commissioners any gift, gratuity, emolument, employment, or place for themselves or others. Violation by any person or corporation; fine of $1,000 to $5,000; dismissed from office by judgment of court. Same. VERMONT Commissioners and employes shall be en- titled to free transportation upon railroads in performance of 110 duties. They shall not receive directly or indirectly from util- ities any commission, present or reward. Pub. Stats. igo6, sees. 4593 {as amended by Laws igo8, no. 116, sec. 22), 4605. Commissioners or clerk may enter into contracts with util- 111 ities only as common carriers or in the regular course of public service. Same, sec. 4593, as amended by Laws 1908, no. 116, sec. 22. See also par. 2214. VIRGINIA Transportation utilities shall transport free commissioners and their officers engaged on official duties; on order of commission attested by clerk or signed by any commis- 112 sioner they shall furnish free transportation to commissioners and their officers when performing official duties and the order shall show that it is desired for official business. Const., sec. 155. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. I3i3{a)49. See also par. 2252. * The word " not " appears in the statute. It is obviously a misprint. 8s J. AUTHORITY TO ENGAGE IN ANOTHER BUSINESS OR TO HOLD ANOTHER POLITICAL OFFICE. UNITED STATES, ALABAMA, ARKANSAS, COLORADO, GEOR- GIA, ILLINOIS, INDIANA, IOWA, KANSAS, KENTUCKY, MARYLAND, MASSACHUSETTS,^ MINNESOTA, MON- TANA, NEBRASKA, NEVADA,2 NEW HAMPSHIRE,^ NEW JERSEY, OfflO, OKLAHOMA, OREGON,^ PENNSYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, TENNESSEE, TEXAS, VERMONT, WASH- INGTON, WISCONSIN^ No commissioner, officer or employe of com- mission shall engage in any other business, employment or voca- tion or hold any other political office. IJ. S. — Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. ii; Ala, — Code igoy, sec. 5646; Ark. — Kirby^s Digest 1904, sec. 6^90, Col. — Laws 1910, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 11; Ga. — Code 1911, sec. 2620; III. — Revisal 1909, ch. 114, sec. 168; Ind. — Acts 1 90 J, ch. 241, sec. i{b); la. — Code 189'/, sec. 21 11 lis Kan. — Laws 1911, ch. 238, sec. 8; Ky. — Const., sec. 209; Md. — Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 7; Mass. — Rev. Laws 1902, ch. 121, sees. I {as amended by Acts 1907, ch. 316), 2. Acts 1906, ch. ^jj, sec. I. Acts 1906, ch. 46 j, pt. i, sec. i; Minn. — Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 1955; Mont. — Rev. Codes 190'/, sec. 4363; Neb. — Cobbey's Annot. Stats. 1909, sec. 10649; Nev. — Stats. 190J, ch. 44, sec. i(n), as amended by Stats. 1911, ch. 193; N. H. — Laws 1911, ch. 164, sec. 2{d), N. J. — Laws 1911, ch. 195^ sec. 9; Ohio — Code 1910, sec. 489; Okla. — Const., art. ix, sec. 16; Ore. — Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 5J, sec. 2, as amended by Gen. Laws 1911, ch. 279, sec. 79; Pa. — Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. 4; R. I. — Acts 191 2, ch. 795, sec. 4; Tenn. — Acts 1897, ch. 10, sec. 4; Tex. — Sayles^ Civ. Stats. 189J, art. 4^61(2); Vt. — Pub. Stats. 1906, sec. 4S93, (^s amended by Laws 1908, no. 116, sec. 22; Wash. — Laws 1911, ch. iiy, sec. 3; Wis. — Laws 1907, ch. 582, sec. i'j9J-i{d). K. OFFICE HOURS AND ATTENDANCE OF MEMBERS. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Office of commission shall always be open, legal holidays and non-judicial days excepted. Ariz. — Sess. 114 Laws, ch. 90, sec. 8(a), Cat. — Stats. 191 1, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 8 (a). » This provision no longer applies to the board of gas and electric light commissioners. 2 These limitations and restrictions shall not apply to the second swsociate com- missioner, but no commissioner shall be a member of any political convention, or a mem- ber of any committee of any political party. Stats. IQ07, ch. 44, sec. /(«). as amended by Stats, igiz, ch. 193. 3 Commissioners may hold the office of justice of the peace or notary public. Laws jgxj, ch. 164, sec. 4. ' * Each commissioner shall devote his entire time to duties of his office. 86 CONNECTICUT Commission shall keep office open during 116 usual business hours. Puh. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 6. GEORGIA Chairman of commission shall give his entire 116 time to duties. Code igii, sec. 2622. MARYLAND Office shall be open between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. throughout year and one or more responsible persons designated 117 by commission or by secretary under direction of commission shall be on duty at all times in immediate charge thereof. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 4. MASSACHUSETTS Each highway commissioner shall devote his 118 entire time to the duties of his office. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 47, sec. I. MICHIGAN Commission shall arrange so far as possible so that at all times during business hours at least some one mem- 119 ber shall be in attendance at office every business day in year Puh. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. 2(a). Each commissioner shall devote to his duties all the time 120 necessary to insure prompt and complete performance of official duties. Same. MINNESOTA Each commissioner shall devote his entire 121 time to the duties of his office. Rev. Laws igo^, sec. igjd, as amended by Laws igii, ch. 140. MISSISSIPPI Commission shall keep office open every day 122 from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Code igo6, sec. 4828. MONTANA Office shall always be open dtiring business, 123 hours, legal holidays and non-judicial days excepted. Rev. Codes igoy, sec. 4365. NEW YORK For each commission identical with par. 117 124 except that hours are between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 10(2). NORTH CAROLINA Office shall be open at all times and each mem- ber shall remain in office at least fifteen days in each month un- 126 less detained therefrom on official business. PeWs Revisal igo8, sec. 1061. OHIO Each commissioner shall devote his entire 126 time to the duties of his office. Code igio, sec. 48 g. RHODE ISLAND Office shall be open each day of year except 127 Sundays and legal holidays and during such hours as commis- sion may deem necessary. Acts igi2, ch. yg^, sec. 7. 87 VIRGINIA Commission shall keep office open on every 128 day except Simdays and legal holidays. Const., sec. 755. WASHINGTON Commission shall at all times be open and in 129 session for the transaction of business. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 6. L. EQUIPMENT, FACILITIES AND EX- PENSES REQUIRED TO BE FUR- NISHED COMMISSION.^ ALABAMA, ARKANSAS, GEORGIA, MAINE, MASSACHUSETTS, MISSOURI, MONTANA, NEW JERSEY, NORTH CARO- LINA, NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, TENNESSEE Statutes direct and limit the amount of ex- penses which may be incurred for various purposes as follows: Ala. — Code igoy, sec. J640; Ark. — Kirby's Digest 1904, sec. ISO 6'/8q; Ga. — Acts igoy, no. 223, sec. 15; Me. — Rev. Stats, igoj, ch. 57, sec. 48, as amended by Pub. Laws igog, ch. 141; Mass. — Acts igo6, ch. 4jj, sec. 2. Acts igo6, ch. 46 j, pt. i, sec. 2; Mo. — Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 3262; Mont. — Rev. Codes igoy, sec. 4370; N. J. — Laws igii, ch. igj, sec. 12; N. C. — PeWs Revisal igoS, sec. 1118; N. D. — Rev. Codes igoj, sec. ^dy. Laws igog, ch. 216, sec. 2; Ohio — Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 88; Pa. — Laws igoy, no. 2jo, sec. 24; R. I. — Acts igi2, ch. 795, sec. 4; Tenn. — Acts i8g'j, ch. 10, sec. j, as amended by Acts igoj, ch. jgo, sec. i. (a) Office expenses shall not exceed: North Carolina I3.600 Alabama $1,000 Ohio .7S.000 Arkansas, first year 1,000 (In addition to sums derived from Arkansas, other years 500 assessments upon utilities.) Georgia 3,000 Pennsylvania $100,000 Maine (c) Printing expenses shall not exceed : Massachusetts, Railroad Com- Georgia $ 2,000 mission.... .... 4.500 ^^^ MisceUaneous: Massachusetts. Highway Com- ^^^^ Dakota-personal mission 6,000 Missouri 800 ex- penses of commissioners $400 and traveling expenses Montana 1,000 $800. North Dakota 500 Tennessee— traveling expenses Rhode Island 8,000 of ^^ch commissioner not (b) Total expenses shall not exceed: exceeding $500. New Jersey 100,000 1 The statutes require that the commission shall be provided with various facilities and articles of equipment in detail and authorize specified expenses to be incurred by commission. Items of equipment, facilities and expenses are specified variously as follows: (a) Equipment and Facilities — Office, office supplies, office furniture, stationery, incidentals, postage, expressage, light and heat, telephone and telegraph, additional office help, instru- ments, apparatus, appliances, books, maps, charts, literature, statistics; (b) Expenses — Printing, litigation, proceedings, investigations, witness fees, processes, inspections, trans- portation of commissioners, officers and employes. 88 M. PROVISION OF FUNDS FOR COMMISSION 1 ARIZONA All fees collected shall be paid into state 131 treasury to credit of general fund. Sess. Laws igi2y ch. go, sec. 57. See also par. 24^^. CALIFORNIA All fees collected shall be paid into state 132 treasury to credit of fund known as ''railroad commission fund." Stats, igii, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. ^y. See also par. 24gj. FLORIDA On recovery of any fine or penalty expenses of litigation and proceedings may be paid out of money so recovered 133 and the balance shall be put to credit of commission by state treasurer to meet any of its expenses. Commission may suspend, reduce or remit any fine or penalty imposed on such terms and conditions as may be fixed by it. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 2gog. INDIANA All funds collected by secretary for copies, 134 transcripts and other sources shall be paid into state treasury. Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. 16. KENTUCKY Each railroad shall bear the portion of travel- ing expenses incurred by commissioners for transportation over 136 its lines and shall pay same to auditor to be covered into treasury in lieu of written or printed authority entitling commissioners to be transported. CarrolVs Stats, igog, sec. 822. LOUISIANA After deducting attorney's fees and costs in 136 suits, fines collected shall be paid into state treasury. Const., art. 288, as amended by Stats, igoy, no. ij. SCHEDULE OF FEES. ALABAMA Copy of transcript of investigation, per folio I Code IQ07, sec. 5677. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Copies of papers and records not re- quired to be certified or otherwise authenticated by commission, per folio: Arizona California Certified copies of official documents and orders filed in office of commis- sion, per f oHo : Arizona California Every certificate under seal: Arizona $2 California i Certifying a copy of any report made by any corporation to commission. $2.00 Each certified copy of annual report of commission: •* Arizona 3 . 00 California i . 50 Certified copies of evidence and pro- ceedings before commission, per folio IS Copies of papers, records or official documents furnished to public offi- cers for use in their official capacity or annual reports of commission in ordinary course of distribution free Certificate authorizing issue of bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness per thousand dollars of the face value of authorized issue or fraction thereof; up to one mil- lion dollars i .00 89 MAINE In all cases heard before commissioners ex- penses and costs attending same, including compensation of commissioners, shall be paid by corporation against which com- plaint is made if prayer of petitioners is granted; if prayer is 137 denied such expenses, costs and compensation shall be paid by petitioners. If a party against whom costs are so adjudged refuses or neglects to pay them within thirty days after such ad- judication execution may issue therefor. Rev. Stats. iQoj, ch. SI, sec. 64.^ Every railroad shall pay to state treasurer in addition to all other taxes its proportional part of salary of clerks and salaries 138 and expenses of commissioners to be determined by state assessor according to gross transportation receipts of such railroad. Rev. Stats, igoj, ch. 8, sec. jo.^ MARYLAND City of Baltimore shall pay salaries and com- pensations provided and prescribed to be paid by it. Simi of $75,000 annually or so much thereof as may be necessary an- 139 nually is appropriated for maintenance of commission and pay- ment of all salaries of commission and for investigations and hearings and all its necessary and incidental expenses. Laws igio, ch. 180, sees. 2, 5. All fees charged and collected by commission shall belong to 140 state and become part of general funds, provided, however, that one-fourth of all such fees charged and collected as aforesaid shall be paid to the city of Baltimore. Same, sec. 8. See also par. 2joo. MASSACHUSETTS All sums of money annually appropriated by general court for salaries and expenses of gas and electric light 141 commissioners and their clerks and employees shall be appor- tioned by commission among the gas and electric light utilities One million dollars to ten million for similar services. Carroll's Stats. dollars so J909, sec. 833. Over ten million dollars 25 Minimum fee: MARYLAND Arizona 35 . 00 Identical with California provision California $250 . 00 excepting fee for certified copies ""When such issue is made for purpose of evidence and proceedings before of guaranteeing, taking over, re- commission, which is twenty cents funding, discharging or retiring any per folio, and omission of fees for bond, note or other evidence of in- bond, etc., certificates. Laws 1910, debtedness up to the amount of the ch. 180, sec. 8. issue guaranteed, taken over, re- funded, discharged, or retired free MASSACHUSETTS Gas and Electric Ariz.—Sess. Laws X912, ch. 90. sec. Commission. 57; Cal.-Stats. 1911. ist ex. sess., ^o'' examining, comparing and test- ch 14 sec 57 ^°S meters with or without stjmiping them: KENTUCKY Each meter delivering not more than For copy of any record on file in a cubic foot of gas in four revolutions, office commission. . . same fees that vibrations or complete repetitions of are charged by secretary of state its action aS » Repealed by implication. 2 Repealed by Pub. Laws 1909. 99 ua 143 144 and all sums of money annually appropriated by general court for salaries and expenses of railroad commissioners and their clerks and employees shall be apportioned by commission among railroads and street railways; such apportionments shall be made according to the gross earnings of the respective utilities for the preceding year; and on or before July i, each of said utilities shall be assessed its share of said sums in proportion to its gross earnings for year last preceding year in which assess- ment was made; such assessments shall be collected in same manner as taxes on corporations. Acts igog, ch. 4go, pt. in, sec. g. All sums of money annually appropriated for additional salaries and expenses of highway commission shall be appor- tioned by tax commissioner among utilities engaged in business of transmission of intelligence by electricity; and on or before Jiily I, in each year he shall assess upon each of said utilities its share of such simis in proportion to its gross earnings for year last preceding year in which assessment is made; such assessment shall be collected in same manner as taxes upon corporations. Acts igo6, ch. 433, sec. j. All fees received by gas and electric light commissioners shall be paid into state treasury. Acts igog, ch. 318, sec. i. Of amoiuit so assessed and collected for maintenance of gas and electric commission and railroad commission any balance remaining at close of any year shall be carried forward to next year and be taken into account in making appropriation for that year. Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. i, sec. 4. See also pars. 2504, 2506, 2$oj. Each meter so delivering more than a cubic foot In addition for every additional cubic foot so delivered For examining, comparing, testing or calibrating meter provers and testing photometer meters with or without sealing or certifying to same commission may charge as it deems fit. Acts IQ02, ch. 228, sec. 5, as amended by Acts igog, ch. 483, sec. 7. MICHIGAN Copies of papers and records not re- quired to be certified or otherwise authenticated by commission, per folio Certified copies of official documents and orders filed in office of commis- sion, per folio Certifying a copy of any report made by corporation to commission Each certified copy of annual report of commission, certified copies of evidence and proceedings before the commission not required by this act to be furnished gratis, per folio. . . . .10 IS SO 15 Copies of papers, records or official documents furnished to public officers in their official capacity or annual reports of commission in ordinary course of distribution free Ptib. Acts igog, no. 300, sec. 21. nebrase:a For furnishing transcripts secretary of commission. . , .such amounts as are allowed by law on appeal from district court to supreme court . Cob- bey's Annot. Stats., sec 10650. NEW JERSEY Certified copies of records, per folio . .10 Laws igii, ch. igs, sec. 30. NEW MEXICO Copies of the testimony or the com- plete record for each 100 words or fraction thereof 10 Copies of any report, findings, de- cision or order of commission upon application to clerk by any party to a proceeding free Laws igi2, ch. 78, sec. 10. 91 MICHIGAN All fees charged and collected by commission shall belong to the people and shall be paid into treasury to 145 credit of general fund. Pub. Acts igoQ, no. joo, sec. 21. See also par. 32 gg. MINNESOTA There is annually appropriated for use and purposes of commission $30,000 or as much thereof as may be 146 necessary. Rev. Laws iQOj, sec. igjy, as amended hy Laws igii, ch. 140. NEBRASELA Secretary shall turn fees into general fund 147 provided for expenses of commission. C abbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10650. NEW JERSEY Fees collected shall be paid into state treas- 148 ury. Laws igii, ch. ig^, sec. 30. See also par. 2514. NEW MEXICO All fees required by law to be paid for filing of articles of incorporation, reports and other documents shall be 149 collected by commission and paid into treasury. Const., art. xi, sec. 6. All monies received for copies of papers and testimony 160 shall be turned over to the state treasurer and credited to the commission contingent expense fund. Laws igi2, ch. yS, sec. 10. NEW YORK Salaries and expenses of commission of first district other than salaries and expenses of commissioners, counsel and secretary shall be audited and paid as follows: Laws igiOy ch. 480, sec. 14(1). The board of estimate and apportionment of city of New York or other board or public body authorized to make appro- priations of public moneys for purposes of city government shall appropriate on requisition duly made by commission such simi of 161 168 NEW YORK Identical with California provision excepting omission of fees for bond, etc., certificates and inclusion of following paragraph: For publications issued under au- thority of commission, commission may fix reasonable charges. Laws XQio, ch. 480, sec. 18. OHIO Commission shall charge and collect for furnishing copy of any paper, record, testimony or writing the same fees now charged by secretary of state. Upon application of any person and payment of fee therefor commission shall furnish certified copies of any order made by it. Laws loti, no. 325. sec. 80. PENNSYLVANIA Copies of papers and records not re- quired to be certified or otherwise authenticated by commission, per folio of lOO words 10 Certified copies of official documents filed in oflRce of commission, per folio IS Every certificate tmder seal i . 00 Certified copies of a qtiarterly re- port made by a railroad to commis- sion so Each certified copy of evidence and proceedings before commission, per folio IS Copies of papers, records or official documents furnished to public offi- cers for use in their official capacities or annual reports of commission in ordinary course of distribution free Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. 20. 92 I money as may be requisite to enable it to perform its duties and to provide for its expenses and compensation of employes. Same, If the board of estimate and apportionment or such other public body fail to appropriate such necessary amovmt com- mission may apply on notice to such board or body, to appellate division of supreme court in the first department to determine what amount shall be appropriated and the decision of appellate 153 division shall be final and conclusive. City shall not be liable for any indebtedness incurred by commission in excess of such appropriation or appropriations. The auditor and comptroller of city shall audit and pay proper expenses and compensations of employes of commission other than its counsel and secretary. For purpose of providing such sums comptroller or other chief financial officer of city is authorized and directed to issue and sell revenue bonds of the city in anticipation of receipt of taxes, and out of proceeds of such bonds to make the payments re- quired. Same. All fees collected by commission of first district shall belong 184 to city and shall be paid into city treasury to credit of general fimd. Same, sec. i8. All fees charged by commission of second district shall be- 165 long to people of state and shall be paid into state treasury to credit of general fund. Same. See also pars. 2 jig, 2j20. NORTH CAROLINA All license fees, all moneys received from fines, penalties and seal tax and all other fees paid into office of com- 166 mission shall be paid into state treasury. FeWs Revisal igo8, sec. 1114. NORTH DAKOTA The sum of $10,000 is appropriated annually 167 to pay necessary traveling and other expenses of commission. Laws igii, ch. 240, sec. 5. All moneys which shall come into state treasury on account 168 of licenses of public grain warehouses shall be credited to general fund of state out of which expenses of commissioners and salaries and expenses of agents and employes shall be paid. Same. Whenever a decree shall be entered against any railroad, carrier or person, court shall render a judgment for costs in- RHODE ISLAND TENNESSEE For authenticated or certified cop- Identical with Kentucky provision. ies of official documents, orders, Acts iSgy, ch. lo, sec. 6. papers and records commission shall charge reasonable fees. A.cts 191 2, WASHINGTON ch. 795, sec. 9. For copies of any classification. Copies of official documents, orders, rates, rule, regulation or order not papers and records furnished to pub- contained in printed reports, or lie officers for use in their official - copies of papers, accounts or records capacity or annual reports of com- of public utilities filed with commis- mission in ordinary course of distri- sion for proper use commission shall bution free charge a reasonable compensation. Same. Laws 1911, ch. 117, sec. 103. 93 159 eluding a reasonable attorney's fee for counsel representing state, and judgment shall be enforced by execution. Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 4348. OHIO For purpose of maintaining department of public service commission of Ohio and the exercise of police supervision of railroads and public utilities by it, a siun not 160 exceeding $75,000 each year shall be apportioned among and assessed upon railroads and public utilities by commission in proportion to their intrastate gross earnings or receipts for year next preceding that in which assessments are made. Laws iqii, no. 525, sec. I. On or before August i, next following, commission shall certify to state auditor amount of such assessment, apportioned 161 by it to each railroad and public utility, and he shall certify such amount to treasurer, who shall collect and pay same into treasury to credit of a special fund for maintenance of commission. Same. Railroads or telegraph companies violating provisions re- lating to assessments for maintenance of commission shall for- 162 feit and pay to state $1,000, and $25 for each day such companies fail to comply with requirements; forfeiture does not release companies from assessment. Code igio, sec. doy. See also pars. 1008, 2^22, 2goj, 2go8. OREGON See pars. i02g, 2524, 2526. PENNSYLVANIA All fees charged and collected by commission 163 shall be paid as received to treasurer for use of state. Laws igoy, no. 2jo, sec. 20. RHODE ISLAND $11,000 is annually appropriated for salaries 164 of commissioners. Acts igi2, ch. ygj, sec. 4. All fees charged and collected by commission shall belong to 166 state and shall be paid into treasury and shall become part of general funds. Same, sec. g. See' also par. 2j2g. SOUTH CAROLINA All salaries and expenses of members, sec- retary and employees of railroad commission shall be borne by railroad, telegraph, telephone and express utilities according to their gross income, proportioned to number of miles to be ap- portioned by comptroller-general, who on or before October i shall assess annually upon each utility its just proportion of 166 expenses in proportion to its gross income for current year ending June 30 preceding that on which assessment is made; and as- sessment shall be charged up against utilities, respectively, under order and direction of comptroller-general and shall be collected and paid into state treasury by county treasurers in like manner as other taxes are collected and paid by them. Gen. Stats. IQ02, sec. 2066. 94 I Provided that comptroller shall be empowered and in- structed to assess and collect from express and telegraph utilities, and that said utilities be required to pay, simi of $500 to be 167 apportioned between them according to their gross earnings and to pay same over to railroad commissioners as a contingent fund to be used by commissioners for purpose of organizing their new departments and informing themselves upon matters pertaining thereto. Same, sec. 2221. Salaries and necessary expenses of public service commis- sioners shall be paid by firm, person or utility against whom 168 complaint is made if rates charged are found to be unjust or excessive, but if otherwise such expenses shall be paid by author- ities of city wherein complaint is made. Laws igio, no. 286, sec. 4. TENNESSEE Commission shall cover into state treasury 169 all fees received for copies of records. Acts i8gy, ch. 10, sec. 6. WASHINGTON See par. 2535. WISCONSIN See pars. 1050, 1052, 2537, 3281. N. SECRETARY OR CLERK OF COMMIS- SION. I. Manner of Appointment, Term, Qualifications, Bond, Oath, Salary. Manner of appointment, term of office, qualifications, bond and oath required and amount of salary of secretary or clerk are as follows : UNITED STATES, ALABAMA, ARIZONA, ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, CONNEC- TICUT, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, ILLINOIS, INDIANA, IOWA, KANSAS, KENTUCKY, LOUISIANA, MARYLAND, MASSACHUSETTS (Highway Commission), MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, MONTANA, NEBRASKA, NEVADA, NEW JERSEY, NEW MEXICO, NORTH CAROLINA, NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, OKLAHOMA, ORE- GON, PENNSYLVANLA, RHODE ISLAND, SOUTH DAKOTA, TENNESSEE, TEXAS, VERMONT, WASHINGTON and WISCONSIN— secretary- or clerk shall be appointed or employed by commission. U. S. — Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. i8; Ala. — Code 1907, sec. 5640; Ariz. — Sess. Laws 1912, ch. 90, sec. 5; Ark. — Kirby's Digest 1904, sec. 6793; Cat — Stats. 1911. ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 5; Conn. — Pub. Acts 1911, ch. 128, sec. 7; Fla. — Gen. Stats. 1906, sec. 2887; Ga. — Code 1911, sec. 2627; 111. — Revisal 1909, ch. 114, sec. 170; Ind. — Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. 2(a); la. — Code 1897, sec. 2111; Kan. — Gen. Stats. 1909, sec. 7183; Ky. — CarrolVs Stats. 1909, sec. 822; La. — Const., art. 283; Md. — Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 2; Mass. — Rev. Laws 1902, ch. 47, sec. i; Mich. — Pub. Acts 1909, no. 300, sec. 2(g); Minn. — Rev. Laws 1905, sec. i937, as amended by Laws 1911, ch. 140; Mo. — Rev. Stats. 1909, sec. 3262; Mont. — Rev. Codes 1907, sec. 43^7! Neb. — Cobbey's Annol. Stats. 1909, sec. 10650; Nev. — Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. i(Jt), as amended by 170 Stats. 1911, ch. 193; N. J. — Laws 1911, ch. 195, sec. 5; N. M. — Const., art. xi. sec. 4; N. C. — Pell's Revisal 1908, sec. 2754; N. D. — Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 364; Ohio — Laws 191 1, no. 325, sec. 85; Okla. — Const., art. tx, sec. 18(a); Ore. — Geti. Laws 1907. ch. 53, sec. 5; Pa. — Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. 2; R. I. — Acts 1912, ch. 795, sec. 11; S. D. — Rev. Pol. Code 1903, sec. 190; Tenn. — Acts 1897, ch. 10, sec. 2; Tex. — Sayles' Civ. Stats. 1897. art. 4561(5)', Vt. — Pub. Stats. 1906, sec. 4594; Wash. — Laws 191 1. ch. 117, sec. 4; Wis. — Laws 1907, ch. 582, sec. i797-i(h); COLORADO — a member of commission shall be sec- retary. Laws 1 910, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 11; MAINE — clerk shall be appointed by governor on recommendation of commission. Rev. Stats. 1903, ch. 51, sec. 48, as amended by Pub. Laws 1009, ch. 141; MASSACHUSETTS (Gas and Electric Commission) — clerk shall be appointed by governor with advice and consent of council. Rev. Laws 1902, ch. izi, sec. 95 2; MASSACHUSETTS (Railroad Commission) — clerk shall be appointed by governor. Acts 1906, ch. 463, pt. i, sec. i; MISSISSIPPI — secretary shall be appointed by commis- sion by and with consent of senate for same term as commissioners. Code 1906, sec. 4828; NORTH CAROLINA — clerk shall be appointed for two years. PelVs Revisal 1908, sec. 1063; PENNSYLVANIA — secretary shall be appointed by commission subject to approval of* governor. Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. 2. Vy^k, MICHIGAN and MONTANA — secretary shall possess same qualifications as are required of commissioners, la. — Code 1897, sec. 2111; Mich. — Pub. Acts 1909, no. 300, sec. 2(h); Mont.— Rev. Codes 1907, sec. 4367; MINNESOTA — secretary shall not be amember of commission. Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 1957, as amended by Laws 1911, ch. 140; MISSISSIPPI— secretary shall have same qualifications as commissioners and shall be subject to same disqualifications and to like penalties but shall not be liable to impeach- ment. Code 1906, sec. 4828; KANSAS, MARYLAND, NEBRASKA, NEVADA, OHIO, 171 OREGON, RHODE ISLAND and WISCONSIN — any person ineligible to office of com- missioner shall be ineligible to office of secretary. Kan. — Laws 1911, ch. 238, sec. 8; Md. — Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 7; Neb. — Cobbey's Annot. Stats. 1909, sec. 10650; Nev. — Stats. J907, ch. 44, sec. i(i), as amended by Stats. 191 1, ch. 193; Ohio — Code 1910, sec. 495; Ore. — Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, sec. 6; R. I. — Acts 1912, ch. 795, sec. 4; Wis. — Laws 1905, ch. 362, sec. 1 797-1 (i); NEVADA — secretary shall be an expert rate man. Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. i (A), as amended by Slats. 1911, ch. 193; NORTH CAROLINA — clerk shall be an expert accountant experienced in railroad statistics and transportation rates. PelVs Revisal 1908, sec. 1063. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA— secretary shall take usual oath of office. Ariz.—Sess. Laws 1912, ch. 90, sec. 7; Cat. — Stats. 1911, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 7; CONNECTICUT — secretary shall give bond in sum determined by commission. Pub. Acts 1911, ch. 128, sec. 7; INDIANA — secretary shall furnish bond of $5. 000 and shall take usual oath of office. Acts 1907, ch. 241. sec. 2(a); IOWA, KANSAS, MARYLAND, MICHIGAN, NEBRASKA, NEVADA, NORTH CAROLINA, OHIO, OREGON, PENNSYLVANIA and WISCONSIN — secretary or clerk shall take same oath as required of commissioners. la. — Code 1897, sec. 2111; Kan. — Laws 191 1, ch. 238, sec. 8; Md. — Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 2; Mich. — Pub. Acts 1909, no. 300, sec. 2(h); Neb. — Cobbey's Annot. Stats. 1909, sec. 10650; Nev. — Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. i{i), as amended by Stats. 1911, ch. 193; N. C. — Pell's Revisal 1908, sec. 1063; Ohio — Code 1910, sec. 495; Ore. — Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, sec. 6; Pa. — 172 Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. 4; Wis. — Laws 1905, ch. 362, sec. i797-i(J); MASSACHUSETTS (Gas and Electric Commission) — clerk shall be sworn before entering upon duty. Rev. Laws 1902, ch. 121, sec. 2; MINNESOTA — secretary shall furnish bond of $10,000 and take same oath as required of commissioners. Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 1957, as amended by Laws 1911, ch. 140; MISSISSIPPI — secretary shall take required oath. Code 1906, sec. 4828; MONTANA — secretary shall furnish bond of $25,000. Rev. Codes 1907, sec. 4364; RHODE ISLAND — secretary shall be sworn to faithful performance of his duties and may be removed for violating any provisions of law. Acts 1912, ch. 795, sees. 5, 11; VER- MONT — clerk shall furnish bond of $1,000 and shall be sworn to faithful performance of his duties. Pub. Slats. 1906. sees. 4594, 4595; WASHINGTON — secretary shall take oath faithfully and impartially to discharge duties of his office. Laws 1911, ch. 117, sec. 6. Salaries: UNITED STATES — $5,000. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 18; ALABAMA — not exceeding $2,400. Code 1907, sec. 5640; ARIZONA — as fixed by law. Sess. Laws 1912, ch. 90, sec. 10; ARKANSAS — not exceeding $1,500. Kirby's Digest 1904, sec. 6793; CALIFORNIA — as fixed by law. Stats. 191 1, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 10(a); FLORIDA — not exceeding $1,500. Gen. Stats. 1906, sec. 2887, as amended 1907; GEORGIA — $2,000. Code 1911, sec. 2627; ILLINOIS — $3,500. Revisal 1909, ch. 114, sec. 170; INDIANA — not more than $2,500. Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. 2(a); IOWA — $1,500. Code 1897, sec. 21 21; 178 KANSAS— $1,800. Gen. Stats. 1909, sec. 7185; KENTUCKY— $1,200. Carroll's 'Stats. 1909, sec. 822; LOUISIANA — $1,500. Const., art. 283; MAINE — $1,500. Rev. Stats. 1903, ch. 116, sec. i; MARYLAND — $j,ooo. Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 2; MASSACHU- SETTS — 1 (Railroad Commission) — $3,000. Acts 1906. ch. 417, sec. 2; MICHIGAN— $2,000. Pub. Ads 1909. no. 300, sec. 2(g); MISSISSIPPI— $1,800. Laws 1908, ch. 48, sec. i; MISSOURI— $2,000. Rev. Stats. 1909. sec. 3262; MONTANA — $3,000. Rev. Codes 1907. sec. 4368; NEBRASELA — $2,500; provided that commission may pay in the aggregate to be apportioned as commission determines not more than $6,000 to its secre- tary and two clerks. Cobbey's Annot. Stats. 1909. sec. 10650; NEVADA — not more than $2,400. Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. i(h), as amended by Stats. 191 1, ch. 193; NEW YORK — $6,000. Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 13; NORTH CAROLINA — $2,400 plus extra allowance t Clerk of gas commission and clerk of highway commission, salaries not stated. 96 not exceeding $300. PelVs Revisal 1908, sec. 2754; NORTH DAKOTA— 1 2, 000. Laws 1909, ch. 195, sec. i; OHIO— not more than $2,500. Code 1910. sec. 494; OKLAHOMA— |2,ooo. Sess. Laws 1908, ch. 18, art. i, sec. 2; OREGON — not more than $2,000. Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, sec. 5; PENNSYLVANIA— $4,000. Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. 23; RHODE ISLAND— $3,000. Acts 1912, ch. 795, sec. u; SOUTH DAKOTA— not more than $1,500. Rev. Pol. Code 1903, sec. 195, as amended by Sess. Laws 1907, ch. 208; TENNESSEE — $1,500 plus $500 in lieu of traveling expenses. Acts 1897, ch. 10, sec. 3, as amended by Acts 1907, ch. 390, sec. i; TEXAS — not more than $2,000. Sayles' Civ. Stats. 1897, art. 4361(3); VERMONT — ^salary fixed by commission with approval of governor. Pub. Slats. 1906. sec. 6172, as amended by Laws 1908, no. 116, sec. 21; WASHINGTON — $2,000. Laws 1911, ch. 117, sec. 4; WISCONSIN — not more than $2,500. Laws 1907, ch. 382, sec. 1797-iih). 2. General Duties and Powers. ARKANSAS, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, ILLINOIS, INDIANA, MAINE, MARYLAND, MASSACHUSETTS,* MICHIGAN, MONTANA, NEBRASKA, NEVADA, NEW JERSEY, NEW MEXICO, NEW YORK, OHIO, OREGON, PENNSYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, TENNESSEE, TEXAS, VERMONT, WASH- INGTON, WISCONSIN Secretary or clerk shall keep full and correct record of all transactions and proceedings of commission and shall perform such other duties as may be required. Ariz. — Sess. Laws 1Q12, ch. go, sec. 5; Ark.- — Kirby's Digest 1Q04, sec. 6/gj; Cat. — Stats. 1 911, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 5; ///. — Revisal igog, 174 ch. 114, sec. I'/o; Ind. — Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. 2(a); Me. — Rev. Stats, igoj, ch. 57, sec. 48, as amended by Pub. Laws igog^ ch. 141; Md. — Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 2; Mass. — Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. 2. Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. i, sec, i; Mich. — Pub. Acts igog, no. $00, sec. 2(h); Mont. — Rev. Codes igoy, sec. 4371; Neb. — Cobbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10760; Nev.— Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. i{i), as amended by Stats, igii, ch. igj; N. J. — Laws igii, ch. igj, sec. 6; N. M. — Const., art. xi, sec. 4; N. Y: — Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 7; Ohio — Code igio, sec. 4g^; Ore. — Gen. Laws igo7, ch. 53, sec. 6; Pa. — Laws igo7, no. 2 jo, sec. 2; R. I. — Acts igi2, ch. 7gs, sec. 11; Tenn. — Acts i8g7, ch. 10, sec. 6; Tex. — Sayles' Civ. Stats, i8g7, art. 4j6i(j); Vt. — Pub. Stats. igo6, sec. 45g5; Wash. — Laws igii, ch. 117, sec. 4; Wis. — Laws igoj, ch. 362, sec. i7g7-i{i). Clerk of railroad commission keeps his records subject to the con- trol of the commission in so far as is essential in the proper adminis- tration of justice in the proceedings before them. Inhabitants of Newton vs. Board of Railroad Commissioners, 205 Mass. 94. J. Special Duties and Powers. Special duties and powers of secretary or clerk follow : ARIZONA — secretary shall also have all the powers conferred by law upon peace officers to carry weapons, make arrests and serve warrants and other process in any county, 176 city or town of this state. Sess. Laws 1912, ch. 90, sec. 5; ARKANSAS — secretary shall administer all oaths and certify to all official acts done by commission. Kirby's Digest 1904, sec. 6796; CALIFORNIA — secretary shall issue all necessary processes, warrants, writs and notices. Stats. 1911, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 3; INDIANA — secretary shall be the fiscal and disbursing agent of commission. Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. 2{a); KANSAS — secretary shall also be the rate clerk. Gen. Slats. 1909, sec. 7i73; MARYLAND, NEW * Gas and Electric Commission and Railroad Commission. 97 YORK and PENNSYLVANIA— secretary shall keep full and correct records of all books, maps and documents ordered filed and shall be responsible to commission for safe custody of same at office of commission, under direction of commission shall have general charge of office and superintend the clerical business, shall have power to administer oaths in all parts of state so far as the exercise of such power is properly incidental to the performance of his duties or of commission, and shall designate from time to time one of the clerks appointed by commission to perform his duties during his absence, and during such time the clerk so designated shall at the office possess the powers of secretary of commission. Md. — Laws iQio, ch i8o, sec. 2; N. Y. — Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 7; Pa. — Laws 1907, no. 230, sec. 2: MICHIGAN — secretary shall devote his entire time to his office. Puh. Acts 1909, no. 300, sec. 2(h); MINNESOTA— secretary shall also act as registrar. Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 1957, os amended by Laws 1911, ch. 140; MONTANA— secretary shall be custodian of records and shall file and preserve at office of commission all books, maps and documents entrusted to his care and be responsible to commission for same. Rev. Codes 1907, sec. 437 1; NEVADA — secretary of railroad commission shall act as secretary of public service commission. Stats. 1911, ch. 162, sec. 2; NEW JERSEY — secretary shall be official reporter of proceedings of commission. Laws 191 1, ch. 195, sec. 6; NORTH DAKOTA — secretary shall devote his entire time to work of commission. Laws 1909, ch. 195, sec. i; PENNSYLVANIA — secretary shall be chief executive officer. Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. 2; RHODE ISLAND — secretary shall be responsible to commission for safe custody and preservation of all documents and seal which he shall affix to all documents and orders as required, shall have general charge of office and superintend business and shall have power to administer oaths at any hearing or investigation conducted by com- mission. Acts 1912, ch. 795, sec. 11; VERMONT — clerk shall have custody of seal of commission, general charge of office, shall file and preserve in office all documents entrusted to his care, prepare such papers and notices as may be required, shall have all powers and discharge all duties incident to a clerk of court of record, shall have power under direction of commission to issue subpoenas for witnesses and to administer oaths in all cases before commission or pertaining to his duties, shall pay the debentures of witnesses in all cases before commission in behalf of or for the convenience or safety of public in the investiga- tion of accidents and shall have office in state house. Puh. Stats. 1906, sec. 4595. O. ATTORNEY OF COMMISSION. I. Manner of Appointment, Term, Qualifications, Oath, Manner of Removal and of Filling Vacancy, Salary. Manner of appointment, term of office, quali- fications, oath required, manner of removal and of filling vacancy, and salary of attorney or counsel of commission are as follows : UNITED STATES, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, KANSAS, LOXHSIANA, MINNESOTA, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW JERSEY, NEW YORK, NORTH CAROLINA, NORTH DA- KOTA, OREGON and WISCONSIN— attorney or counsel shall be appointed or employed by commission. U. S. — Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 16; Cal. — Stats. 1911, ist ex. sess.^ ch. 14, sec. 4; Fla. — Laws 1907, ch. 5620, sec. i; Kan. — Laws 1911, ch. 238, sec. 7; La. — Stats. 1 910, no. 263, sec. 4; Minn.— Rev. Laws 1905, sec. i960; N. H.—Laws 191 1, ch. 164, sec. 16(c); N. J. — Laws 191 1, ch. 195, sec. 3; N. Y. — Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 6; N. C. — Pell's Revisal 1908, sec. mo; N. D. — Rev. Codes 1903, sec. 370; Ore. — Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 33, sec. 37. Gen. Laws 1911, ch. 279, sec. 74; Wis. — Laws 1907, ch. 499, sec. I797m-I02{4); ALABAMA — special counsel may be employed by governor. Acts 1907, sp. sess., no. 21, sec. 3; GEORGIA — attorney to commission shall be appointed by gover- 176 nor. Code 1911, sec. 2624; INDIANA — counsel appointed by commission, appointment to be in writing and approved by governor. Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. 2(a); IOWA — com- merce counsel shall be appointed by commission subject to approval of two-thirds of senate in executive session. Laws 191 1, ch. 94, sec. i; MARYLAND — general counsel shall be appointed by governor upon recommendation of commission and shall be eligible for reap- pointment by governor. Laws 19T0, ch. 180, sec. 2; MONTANA — special counsel shall be appointed by commission with consent and approval of attorney-general. Rev. Codes 1907, sec. 43S3', PENNSYLVANIA — attorney shall be appointed by commission subject to approval of governor. Laws 1907, no. 230, sec. 2. CALIFORNIA and NEW YORK — attorney or counsel shall serve during pleasure of commission. Cal. — Stats. 1911, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 4; N. Y. — Laws iqio, ch. 480^ 98 sec. 6; GEORGIA, IOWA— term, four years and until successor is appointed and qualified. 177 Ga. — Code igii, sec. 2624; la. — Laws 1911, ch. Q4, sec. i; KANSAS — ^term two years. Laws 191J, ch. 238, sec. 7; MARYLAND — term six years. Laws 1910, ch. 180. sec. 2. IOWA — Commerce counsel shall be an attorney of Iowa, shall not be in employ of, own stock, bonds or property in any utility or have any pecuniary interest in any utility or busi- ness subject to jurisdiction of commission or interstate commerce commission, shall not after entering upon duties acquire any stock or other interest in any utility or business, shall not 178 engage in any other business, vocation or employment, be a member of any political commit- tee, contribute to or take part in any political campaign. Code 190T, sec. 2111. Laws 191 1, ch. 94, sec. i; KANSAS — attorney shall have same qualifications as are required of com- missioners and shall be subject to same disqualifications, and shall be sworn to perform faithfully the duties of his office. Laws 1911, ch. 238, sec. 7; MARYLAND — general coun- sel shall be subject to same disqualifications as commissioners. Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 2. GEORGIA — attorney may be removed by governor at any time. Code 1911, sec. 2624; IOWA — commerce counsel may be removed by commission by and with consent of senate during a session of general assembly for malfeasance or nonfeasance in office or for any cause that renders him ineligible for appointment or incapable or unfit to discharge the duties of his office and removal when so made shall be final. Vacancy occurring in 179 office of commerce counsel while general assembly is in session shall be filled by appoint- ment by commission with approval of two-thirds of senate in executive session; if general assembly is not in session vacancy shall be filled by appointment by commission which appointment shall expire thirty days from time the next general assembly convenes. Laws 191 1, ch. 94, sec. i; MARYLAND — general counsel may be removed by governor for inefficiency, neglect of duty or misconduct in office. He shall be given a copy of the charges against him and an opportunity of being heard publicly in his own defence upon not less than ten days' notice. Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 2. Salaries: UNITED STATES — compensation of attorneys fixed by commission. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 18; ALABAMA — salary fixed by agreement between governor and special counsel. Acts 1907, sp. sess., no. 21, sec. 5; CALIFORNIA — salary as fixed by law. Stats. 191 1, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 10(a): FLORIDA — such compensation as com- mission deems proper. Laws 1907, ch. 5620, sec. i; GEORGIA — $2,500. Code 1911, sec: 2624; INDIANA — salary fixed by commission and approved by governor. Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. 2(0); IOWA — Laws 1911, ch. 94, sec. 3; KANSAS — $2,500. Laws 1911, 180 ch. 238, sec. 7; LOUISIANA — not exceeding 25% of all fines and forfeitures collected by him. Const, art. 288, as amended by Stats. 1907, no. 15; MARYLAND — $3iOOO and in addition $1,800 paid by city of Baltimore. Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 2; MONTANA — compensation of special counsel fixed and determined by state board of examiners. Rev. Codes 1907, sec, 4383; NEW HAMPSHIRE — ^reasonable attorney's fees. Laws 191 1, ch. 164, sec. 16(c); NEW JERSEY — ^fixed by commission. Laws 1911, ch. 195, sec. 5; NEW YORK — $10,000. Laws 1910, ch' 480, sec. 13; NORTH CAROLINA — at compensation to be agreed upon. Pell's Revisal, 1908, sec. mo; NORTH DAKOTA — at compensation determined by governor. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 370; OREGON — compensation fixed by commission. Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, sec. 57. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 279, sec. 74; PENN- SYLVANIA — $4,000. Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. 23. 2. Attorney General as Attorney of Commission. UNITED STATES, ALABAMA, ARIZONA, ARKANSAS, CALI- FORNIA, COLORADO, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, ILLINOIS, IOWA, KAJ^SAS, KENTUCKY, LOUISIANA, MASSACHU- SETTS,! MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, MONTANA, NEVADA, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW MEXICO, NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, OKLAHOMA, OREGON, RHODE ISLAND, SOUTH DAKOTA, WASHINGTON, WISCONSIN Attorney general shall be attorney of commission.^ U. S. — Act 181 to Regulate Commerce, sec. 12; Ala. — Acts igoj, sp. sess., no. 21, 1 Railroad Commission. 2 FLORIDA — attorney general shall not require other fees than he now receives by law. Gen. Stats. 1906, sec. 2909; LOUISIANA — attorney general shall receive npt exceeding 25 % of all fines and forfeitures collected by him..— Const., art. 288, as amended by Stats. X907, no. J3. 99 sec. 5; Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 4; Ark. — Acts igo'j, no. 422, sec. 5; Cal — Stats, igii, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 72; Col. — Laws 1 910, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 12; Fla. — Gen. Stats. 1906, sec. 2898; Ga. — Code 1911, sec. 2648; III. — Revisal 1909, ch. 114, sec. 183; la. — Code 189^, sec. 2120(c); Kan. — Gen. Stats. 1909, sec. yiJ2; Ky. — Carroll's Stats. 1909, sec. 826; La. — Const., art. 288, as amended by Stats, igoy, no. 15; Mass. — Acts 1911, ch. yjj, sec. 5; Mich. — Pub. Acts 1909, no. 300, sec. 41; Minn. — Rev. Laws 1905, sec. i960; Mont. — Rev. Codes igoy, sec. 4397; Nev. — Stats. 1911, ch. 162, sec. 24; N. H. — Laws 1911, ch. 164, sec. 16(a); N. M. — Const., art. xi, sec. 4; N. D. — Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4347; Ohio — Code 1910, sec. 577; Okla. — Sess. Laws 1908, ch. 18, art. Hi, sec. 9; Ore. — Gen. Laws 1907, ch. jj, sec. 57. Gen. Laws 191 1, ch. 279, sec. 74; R. I. — Acts 1912, ch. 795, sec. 31; S. D. — Rev. Pol. Code 1903, sec. 499; Wash. — Laws 1911, ch. 117, sec. 5; Wis. — Laws igoj, ch. 362, sec. 1797-31. Laws 1907, ch. 499, sec. 1797^1-102(2). 3. State's Attorney as Attorney of Commission. UNITED STATES, CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, FLORIDA, ILLI- NOIS, LOUISIANA, MICfflGAN, MINNESOTA, MONTANA, NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, OREGON, SOUTH DAKOTA, WISCONSIN State's attorney of county in which suit is in- stituted, prosecuted or defended by commission shall be attorney of commission in such county.^ V . S. — Act to Regulate Com- merce^ sec. 12; Cal. — Stais. 191 1, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 72; Col. — Laws igiOy sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 12; Fla. — Laws 1907, ch. 182 5620, sec. i; III. — Revisal 1909, ch. 114, sec. 183; La. — Const., art. 288, as amended by Stats. 1907, no. 15; Mich. — Pub. Acts 1909, no. 300, sec. 41, Minn. — Rev. Laws 1905, sec: i960; Mont. — Rev. Codes 1907, sec. 4383; Nev: — Stats. 1911, ch. 162, sec. 24; N. D. — Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4358; Ohio — Code igio, sec. 577; Ore. — Gen. Laws 1907^ ch. 5j, sec. ^7. Gen. Laws 1911, ch. 279, sec. 74; S. D. — Sess. Laws 1911, ch. 207, sec. 19; Wis. — Laws 1905, ch. 362, sec. 1797-31. Laws 1907, ch. 499, sec. i797m-i02(2). 4. General Duties and Powers of Attorney. ALABAMA, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, KANSAS, MARYLAND, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW YORK Attorney or counsel shall represent com- mission and people of state in all actions and proceedings, shall prosecute and defend and if so directed shall intervene in actions to which commission may be party, shall advise com- 188 mission and commissioners and generally shall perform all duties which may be required. Ala. — Acts 1907, sp. sess., no. ' Salaries: FLORIDA — state's attorney shall not require other fees than he now receives by law. Gen. Stals. 1906, sec. 2909; LOUISIANA — state's attorney shall receive • not exceeding 25 per cent of all fines and forfeitures collected by him. Const., art. 288, as amended by Stats. 1907, no. zj. 100 21, sec. 5; CaL- — Stats. 191 1, ist ex. sess., ch. 14; 'secrfzy'M'd,-}--: Laws 1907, ch. 5620, sec. i; Kan.- — Gen. Stats. 1909, sec. 7182; Md. — Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 6, as amended by Laws 1912, ch. 563; N. H. — Laws 191 1, ch. 164, sec. i6{c); N. Y. — Laws 19 10, ch. 480, sec. 12. 5. Special Duties and Powers of Attorney. Special duties and powers of attorney and counsel are as follows: UNITED STATES — attorneys shall appear for and represent commission in commerce court. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. i6; ALABAMA — special counsel shall assist attor- ney general. Ads 1907, sp. sess., no. 21, sec. 4; ILLINOIS — special counsel shall assist attorney general. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. 130; IOWA — commerce counsel shall investi- gate reasonableness of rates charged or services rendered by utilities and reasonableness of rates, charges, rules and practices of interstate carriers. Whenever directed by com- mission or whenever in his own judgment any rates, charges, rules or practices are undue, imjust, unreasonable, unlawfvd, undidy prejudicial or imjustly discriminatory against any citizens or industries of Iowa he shall institute proceedings relative to said matters and 184 prosecute the same before commission. If they concern interstate transportation he shall assist commission when directed in the prosecution of cases involving said matters before the interstate commerce commission. He may appoint and remove subject to approval of commission assistants, stenographers and rate clerks at compensation fixed by com- mission. Laws igii, ch. 04, sec. 5; KANSAS — attorney shall defend and prosecute all proceedings on behalf of parties complaining of unjust discriminations or of other viola- tions of law, shall when circumstances warrant make a complaint to commission in name of the state on his relation, whereupon commission shall consider and determine such com- plaint, shall appoint a stenographer at $1,200, and shall make a special study of the rail- road laws of Kansas and other states and the interstate commerce acts. Laws igii, ch. 238, sec. 7; MARYLAND — whenever complaint is made to commission concerning any matter or thing done, permitted, maintained or omitted to be done by any utility with respect to any of the requirements imposed by the public service commission law, any other law, charter, franchise or ordinance or any order of this commission or otherwise, general counsel shall in person or through an assistant whenever commission shall so direct upon a prima facie case or otherwise or when there shall appear to commission to be any reasonable ground for investigating such application, complaint or protest, participate in the preparation or reforming of pleadings of commission if need be or investigate or further investigate the facts or evidence upon which the application, complaint or protest is based or may be based. He shall appear before commission in respect to investigations or in support of applications or complaints by and in behalf of or in the interest of the public or in defense of public interest when involved and subject to order of commission. He may appoint an assistant at l3,ooo who shall be a member of the bar of Maryland, and may if governor deems necessary employ other attorneys as additional assistants at such special compensation as general counsel with written approval of governor may prescribe. He may employ a stenographer at $1,500, and assistant stenographers at salaries ascer- tained in manner prescribed for ascertainment of compensation of general employes of commission, and may avail himself of the services of experts employed by commission as well as the records and other facilities of commission. Laws igio, ch. 180, sees. 2, 6 {as amended by Laws igi2, ch. 3O3); MINNESOTA — counsel shall assist attorney general; Rev. Laws igos, sec. ig6o; MONTANA — special counsel shall assist in any proceeding instituted. Rev. Codes igo7, sec. 4383; NEW YORK — counsel may appoint and remove subject to approval of commission attorneys and counsellors at law to assist him and also shall employ and remove stenographers and process servers whose compensation shall be fixed by commission. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 6; NORTH DAKOTA — counsel shall assist attorney general and state's attorney. Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 4348; PENNSYLVANIA — attorney shall attend hearings of commission, conduct the examination of witnesses upon request of commission, and assist attorney general in all actions brought by him incidental to the recommendation and ruling of commission. Laws igo7, no. 250, sec. 2; WISCON- SIN — counsel shall be attorney in any proceeding or trial. Laws 1907, ch. 4gg, sec. 1797m- 102{4). lOI 6. Genet hX Duties and Powers of Attorney General. ALABAMA, ARIZONA, ARKANSAS, FLORIDA, ILLINOIS, IOWA, KANSAS, MASSACHUSETTS,! MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, MONTANA, NEVADA, NEW MEXICO, NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, OKLAHOMA, OREGON, RHODE ISLAND, SOUTH DAKOTA, WASHINGTON, WISCONSIN Attorney general shall institute, prosecute and defend all actions whenever requested by commission and shall aid and advise commission generally. Ala. —Acts igoy, sp. sess., no. 21^ sec. J, Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 4; Ark. — Acts igoy, no. 422, sec. 5; Fla. — Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 2g2i; III. — Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. i8j; la. — Code i8gy, sec. 2120(c); 185 Kan. — Gen. Stats, igog, sec. J 17 2; Mass. — Acts igii, ch. '755, sec. 5; Mich. — Pub. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. 41; Minn. — Rev. Laws igo^y sec. igdo; Mont. — Rev. Codes igo'/, sec. 4387; Nev. — Stats, igiiy ch. 162, sec. 24; N. M. — Const., art. xi, sec. 4; N. D. — Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 43gy; Ohio — Code igio, sec. ^yy; Okla. — Sess. Laws igo8, ch. 18, art. Hi, sec.g; Ore. — Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 5j, sec. 57. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. 74; R. I. — Acts igi2, ch. 7P5, sec. 31; S. D. — Sess. Laws igoj, ch. 210, sec. I. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 207, sec. ig; Wash. — Laws igii, ch. 117, sec. g3; Wis. — Laws igoj, ch. 362, sec. I7g7-3i. Laws igo7, ch. 4gg, sec. I7g7m-i02{2). 7, Other Duties and Powers of Attorney General. Other duties and powers of attorney general are as follows : ARB:ANSAS, FLORIDA, GEORGIA and IOWA— attorney general shall upon request represent commission before interstate commerce commission. Ark. — Acts 1907, no. 422, sec. 5; Fla. — Gen. Stats. 1906, sec. 2898; Ga. — Code 1911, sec. 2648; la. — Code 1897, sec. 2120c; LOUISIANA — assistant attorney general shall attend the sessions of commission and assist parties complainant before commission. Stats. 1910, no. 263, sec. 4; MASSA- CHUSETTS (Railroad Commission) — ^attorney general shall appear before commission in any matter either upon his own motion or at request of any individual when in his opinion or in opinion of commission the interest of the commonwealth or public demands. Acts 1911, ch. 755, sec. 5; MICHIGAN — attorney general shall prosecute all necessary pro- ceedings for enforcement of laws relating to carriers and for punishment of violations thereof. Pub. Acts 1909, no. 300, sec. 41; NORTH CAROLINA — ^upon application attorney 186 general shall represent commission before interstate commerce commission. PeU's Revisal 1908. sec. mo; NORTH DAKOTA — attorney general shall whenever petition shall be filed or presented or be prosecuted by commission or by Its direction prosecute the same and in such prosecution shall have the right to have the assistance of the state's attorney of county in which such proceedings are instituted, and may employ an attorney to assist in any proceeding brought at amount to be approved by attorney general and commission. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4361; OHIO — attorney general shall institute and prosecute neces- sary actions or proceedings for the enforcement of laws relating to railroads and for pim- ishment of all violations of law. Code J 910, sec. 577; OKLAHOMA — attorney general or other person as may be designated by law shall represent commission in all matters before interstate commerce commission. Const., art. ix, sec. 32; RHODE ISLAND — attorney general shall intervene in any action or proceeding in which any question is involved. Acts 1912, ch. 795, sec. 10; SOUTH DAKOTA^ — attorney general shall render to commission all coimsel. advice and opinions in writing when requested; commission shall not employ » Railroad Commission. 2 It is unlawful for commission to delegate any of the powers conferred upon it, or the performance of the duties imposed upon it by law. to any other person except in cases where express authority has been given. Sess. lmws 1907% ch. 210, sec. 2. 102 other counsel. Sess. Laws 1907, ch. 210, sec. i. Sess. Laws 1911, ch. 207, sec. 44; VIR- GINIA — attorney general shall represent commission before interstate commerce commis- sion. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. i294c{i); WASHINGTON — attorney general shall see that all laws the enforcement of which devolves upon commission are enforced and to that end may institute, prosecute and defend all necessary actions and proceedings. Laws 1911, ch. 117' sec. 5. 8. Duties and Powers of Staters Attorney. UNITED STATES, FLORIDA, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, MON- TANA, NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, OREGON, SOUTH DA- KOTA, WISCONSIN State's attorney of any county in which action is pending shall upon request represent and aid commission and prosecute and defend all actions to which commission may be 187 party. U. S. — Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 12; Fla. — Laws iQoy, ch. 5620, sec. 2; Mich. — Puh. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. 41; Minn. — Rev. Laws 1905, sec. ig6o; Mont. — Rev. Codes igoy, sec. 438'/; N. D. — Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 43g7; Ohio — Code igio, sec. S77.; Ore. — Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 57; Gen. Laws igii, ch. 27g, sec. 74; S. D. — Rev. Pol. Code igoj, sec. 4gg; Wis. — Laws igoj, ch. 362, sec. I7g7-3i. Laws igo7, ch. 4gg, sec. I7g7m-i02{2). P. EMPLOYES AND APPOINTEES OF COMMISSION. Classes, Qualifications, Number, Length, of Term, Salaries, Duties, and Powers. UNITED STATES Necessary employes; special agents or ex- aminers who may administer oaths, examine witnesses and re- 188 ceive evidence. Compensation of employes is fixed by commis- sion. Act to Regulate Commerce, sees. 18, 20. ALABAMA Stenographer at not exceeding $1,200; neces- 189 sary experts at not exceeding $5,000 in the aggregate. Code igo7, sec. 5640. Special agents, examiners or employes designated or em- 190 ployed by commission may administer oaths, examine wit- nesses and receive evidence. Code igo7, sec. ^640. Acts igo7, sp. sess., no. 17, sec. 3. ARIZONA Necessary officers, experts, engineers, statis- ticians, accountants, inspectors, clerks and employes at com- pensation fixed by commission to serve during pleasure of 191 commission. No person pecuniarily interested in any utility under jurisdiction of commission shall be appointed or employed by commission. Each person appointed to a civil executive office shall take the constitutional oath of office. Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sess. 6, 7, 10. ARKIANSAS Stenographer at not exceeding $1,000; ex- 192 perts when necessary at salary fixed by commission. Kirby's Digest igo4, sec. 67g3. 103 CALIFORNIA Assistant secretary at salary fixed by law who shall take and subscribe to constitutional oath of office and shall have all powers conferred by law upon peace officers to carry weapons, make arrests and serve warrants and other processes; necessary officers, experts, engineers, statisticians, accountants, 193 inspectors, clerks and employes at compensation fixed by com- mission to serve during pleasure of commission. No person pe- cuniarily interested in any utility tmder jurisdiction of commis- sion shall be appointed or employed by commission. Each person appointed to a civil executive office shall take the con- stitutional oath of office. Stats, igii, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sees. 5-7, 10(a). COLORADO Assistant secretary at $2,500; stenographer 194 at $2,100; other necessary help within limits of appropriation. Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 18. CONNECTICUT Necessary accountants, clerical assistants, en- gineers, inspectors and agents at compensation determined by 195 commission. No employes of any public utility shall be em- ployed by commission. Pub. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 7. FLORIDA Competent inspector at compensation fixed by commissioners who shall inspect the physical condition of the road bed, rights of way, depot, rolling stock and other fixtures 196 and equipment of any railroad in Florida, shall inspect and make estimates on the cost of producing the same and shall report in writing the results of his inspection, investigation and estimations to commissioners at such times and in such manner as they shall direct. Laws igoy, ch. 5622, sec. i. GEORGIA One or more rate experts at not exceeding $4,000 in the aggregate; stenographer at not exceeding $1,200; 197 necessary experts to ascertain cost of construction and present value of railroad properties. Code igu, sec. 262^. Acts igoy, ' no. 223, sec. 15. ILLINOIS Necessary employes at compensation fixed by commission; inspector of safety appliances for two" years and imtil successor is appointed and qualified at $1,500 and expenses not exceeding $1,000 a year, who shall not be employed by or in- terested in any railroad, and shall have had at least seven years 198 of railroad experience in Illinois in one or more of following ca- pacities: Engineer, fireman, conductor, yardmaster, brakeman, train baggageman, switchman, car inspector or repairer. He shall furnish bond in sum of $3,000, take usual oath of office, have his office in same place as commission and be under supervision of commission. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sees. lyo, 237-23g. Commission may remove upon complaint for cause, reap- 199 point or reduce number of employes and appointees. Same, sec. 146(10). 104 » INDIANA Clerk at not exceeding $1,500 who shall take usual oath of office; necessary employes, competent railroad in- soo spectors, experts or engineers at salaries approved by governor, whose appointments shall be made in writing and approved by governor. Acts iQoy, ch. 241, sec. 2(0). IOWA Necessary clerical help; assistants, stenog- 201 raphers and rate clerk at compensation fixed by commissioners. Code i8gy, sec. 2111. Laws igii, ch. Q4, sec. j. KANSAS Stenographer at $ i , 000 ; stenographer at $900 ; two clerks at $900 each; rate expert who shall have had at least seven years' experience in railroad traffic and rate making, shall not be directly or indirectly interested in the stock or bonds of any railroad and shall take an oath faithfully and to the best of 202 his ability to perform and discharge his duties; necessary extra accountants, engineers, rate experts and special assistants ap- pointed subject to approval of governor at compensation fixed by commission; necessary experts to assist in ascertaining cost of construction of railroads. No person related by blood or mar- riage to any commissioner shall be employed or appointed. Gen. Stats. igoQy sec. 7183. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 8. KENTUCKY Stenographer at $1,200; rate clerk at $1,800. 203 Carroll's Stats, igog, sec. 822. MAINE Mechanical expert; assistant clerk at $1,200 appointed by governor on recommendation of commission who 204 shall assist clerk in performing his duties and in absence of clerk shall have same powers as clerk. Rev. Stats, igoj, ch. 5/, sec. 48, as amended by Pub. Laws igog, ch. 141; ch. 116, sec. i. MARYLAND Necessary officers, clerks, stenographers, type- writers, inspectors, experts and employes appointed subject to approval in writing of governor at compensation fixed by com- 205 mission and certified to and approved in writing by the governor, each of which employes shall take and subscribe to constitutional oath of office, and shall be subject to same disqualifications as commissioners. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 2. If in any case commission cannot ascertain in advance the value of any service to be rendered to it or the proper compensa- tion to be paid therefor, it shall certify such facts to governor 206 who may authorize appointment or acquisition of the service in question, leaving value or compensation to be ascertained by subsequent agreement or adjustment. Same. See also par. 6jo. MASSACHUSETTS Gas and electric commission: One or more deputy inspectors of meters at compensation fixed by commis- sion for a period not exceeding one year but total amount of com- pensation and expenses shall not exceed $3,000 a year, who shall be sworn, shall act under the direction of commission and shall ao7 not be connected with or employed by any gas company. From decisions of such deputy inspectors a gas utihty or consimier may appeal to commission. Such deputy inspectors may enter any premises where the meter to be inspected is placed for the pur- pose of making the inspection. Rev. Laws 1Q02, ch. 121, sec. 57. Acts igo2, ch. 228, sees. 4, as amended by Acts igog, ch. 48 j, sec. 6. Gas and electric commission shall designate one of its mem- 208 bers to receive all fees, who shall give bond in sum of $5,000. Acts igo2, ch. 228, sec. 5, as amended by Acts igog, ch. 48 j, sec. 7. Railroad commission: Assistant clerk at not more than $1,- 80G who shall be sworn before entering upon duties and who shall perform such clerical and other office work as commission may require and perform duties of clerk in his absence or during his dis- ability if so directed by commission; accountant skilled in meth- ods of railroad accounting at not more than $5,000 who tmder the direction of commission shall supervise the methods by which accounts of railroads or street railways are kept ; not more than 809 one inspector for every 1,000 miles of road track at $2,000 each, appointed for three years and removable for cause by commis- sion; one or more experts to examine reports thoroughly; experts in connection with any proposed issue of stock or bonds by a railroad or street railway, who shall investigate character, cost and value for railroad purposes of property of such railroad or street railway; experts and assistants in discretion of com- mission, who shall examine into rates, facilities and financial condition of any carrier. Acts igo6, ch. 41^, sec. 2. Acts igo6,_ ch. 463, pt. iy sees, i, 2. Highway commission: Clerks and engineers at compensa- sio tion appropriated annually by general court. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 47, sec. I. MICHIGAN Chief clerk at not more than $1,500; not more than five clerks and necessary examiners, experts and inspectors at compensation fixed by commission; chief inspecting engineer ail at not exceeding $2,000 who shall have general knowledge of the requirements of railroad operation, signal appliances and -^ safety devices. Pub. Acts igog, no. joo, sees. 2{g), 2{i). On order of commission and in their own right inspectors shall inspect all equipment, cars, power houses, trolley lines, tracks and property of every common carrier and may inspect freight SIS in cars or warehouses of such carriers and all waybills, bills of lading and shipping receipts to determine whether classification and rating of freight conforms with published tariffs and classifi- cation. Same, 2(g). '•/:: Under instructions of commission chief inspecting engineer "'•' shall make such inspections and reports regarding public safety, 7 health and convenience as may be ordered and deemed essential it9 by commission to full and thorough information as to physical condition of the various common carriers and proper enforcement 1 06 I of police regulations enacted for control and management thereof. Same, sec. 2 (i). MINNESOTA Necessary additional help at compensation 214 fixed by commission. Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 1957, as amended by Laws 191 1, ch. 140. Commission shall provide for necessary examinations to 216 determine qualifications and fitness of appointees. Laws igii^ ch. 1^6, sec. 2. MONTANA Necessary stenographers at not exceeding $1,200; inspectors, experts and other persons. Each person ap- 216 pointed to office shall take and subscribe to constitutional oath of office. Rev. Codes igoy, sees. 4367, 4368. NEBRASKA Not more than two clerks at not exceeding $1,200 each, at least one of whom shall be an expert stenographer 217 and typewriter; necessary experts. Cobbey's Annot. Stats. igoQ, sec. 10650. See also pars. 6jo, 654. NEVADA Necessary clerks, experts and assistants at compensation fixed by commission who may be removed by com- mission and shall perform any service commission may require; 218 expert engineer at $3,600 and necessary traveling expenses, whom commission may remove whenever his services shall be un- satisfactory. Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. i{h), as amended by Stats. 1911, ch. 193. Stats. 1911, ch. 162, sec. 16. NEW HAMPSHIRE Necessary stenographers, experts, account- ants, without approval of governor and cotmcil at not more than 219 $4,000 in aggregate, and with such approval further stims as may be necessary. Laws 191 1, ch. 164, sec. 2(f). NEW JERSEY Necessary employes, terms, salaries and 220 duties being fixed by commission. Laws 1911, ch. 195, sec. 5. NEW MEXICO Officers, assistants and subordinates, subject 221 to removal by commission. Const., art. xi, sec. 4. NEW YORK Necessary officers, clerks, inspectors, experts and employes at compensations fixed by commission; state in- spector of locomotive boilers at not exceeding $3,000, who shall inspect under direction of commission of second district boilers 222 of steam railroad locomotives and may cause the same to be tested by hydrostatic test and shall perform such other duties in connection therewith as commission shall direct. Each person appointed by commission shall take the constitutional oath of office. Laws 1910, ch. 480, sees. 9, 13; ch. 481, sec. 73. NORTH CAROLINA Necessary clerks at not exceeding $1,500 in SS8 the aggregate; chief clerk to tax commission at $1,500; second 107 clerk to corporation commission at $1,200. PeWs Revisal 1Q08, sec. 2754. NORTH DAKOTA . One stenographer when necessary ; necessary 224 stenographers, rate experts and other employes. Laws igii, ch. 240, sec. 4. OHIO Three clerks, one at not exceeding $1,2 00 who shall be an expert stenographer, and two at not exceeding $1,000 each; necessary experts, assistants, clerks, accountants and ex- aminers at compensation fixed by commission; inspectors at compensation fixed by commission who may inspect freight in cars or warehouses, waybills, bills of lading and shipping receipts of transportation companies; competent inspector of locomotive 22s boilers at not exceeding $180 per month who, under direction of commission shall have charge of inspection of boilers and their appurtenances and of steam railroad locomotives, and who shall perform such other duties as commission may direct. All appointments and salaries shall first be approved by governor. Code igio, sec. 4Q4. Laws igio, H. B. no. 184, sec. 6. Laws igii, no, 525, sec. 85. OKLAHOMA Corporation record clerk at $2,200; expert ac- coimtant and rate clerk at $2,500; official stenographer at $1,200, 226 stenographer at $900; marshal at $1,500; necessary experts to assist in ascertaining the valuation of railroads. Const., art. ix, sec. 2g. Sess. Laws ipo8, ch. 18, art. i, sec. 2. OREGON Expert stenographer at not exceeding $1,200; necessary" expert help at compensation fixed by commission; necessary engineers, examiners, experts, clerks, accountants, in- spectors and other assistants at compensation determined by 227 commission; necessary examiner or agent who shall have every power of an inquisitorial nature granted to commission and same powers as a notary public in taking depositions, and who may undertake or hold any investigation or hearing which commis- sion has power to undertake. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 55, sec. 5. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sees. 38, jg. PENNSYLVANIA Marshal appointed subject to approval of gov- ernor at $2,500 who shall attend hearings of commission, serve papers and perform other duties as required by commission; ac- countant serving during pleasure of commission who shall be thoroughly skilled in railroad accounts and under direction of commission shall examine books and accounts of common car- riers, supervise quarterly and annual reports made by them to 228 commission and perform other duties prescribed by commission; two inspectors, one a civil engineer skilled in railroad affairs, and one an expert in electrical affairs, each of whom shall make in- spections directed by commission; necessary engineers, account- ants, clerks and experts at compensation fixed by commission. X08 Each person appointed by commission shall take constitutional oath of office. Laws igoy, no. 250, sees. 2-4. See also par 6yy. RHODE ISLAND Necessary clerks, stenographers, accoimtants and agents at compensation fixed by commission; one or more 229 agents who shall make investigations in relation to any public utility and report thereon to commission. Ads igi2, ch. yg^, sec. 12. SOUTH DAKOTA Necessary assistants who shall investigate thor- oughly all complaints, inspect all lines and exchanges, investigate any facts and conditions to be considered in rendering a decision upon complaint, have power to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, require the production and examination of all books, papers, contracts and agreements relating to the 230 business or property of a telephone utility and report on evidence so collected to commission, all evidence collected by whom shall have same force and effect as if collected by commissioners ; neces- sary experts and other assistants to properly ascertain and de- termine the true cash value of railway property. Sess. Laws igoj, ch. 211, sec. j. Sess. Laws igog, ch. 28g, sec. 12, as amended by Sess. Laws igii, ch. 218, sec. 8. TEXAS Not more than two clerks at not exceeding $1,500 each; other necessary persons and experts; necessary 231 experts to assist in ascertaining valuation of railways. Sayles' Civ. Stats. i8gy, arts. 4^61 {5), 4570. VERMONT Engineer, accountant, stenographer or other expert if commission deems such service important; sufficient nimiber of clerks who shall perform clerical work of office; neces- 232 sary experts and temporary employes at compensation fixed by commission subject to approval by governor. Puh. Stats. igo6, sec. 4605. Laws igo8, no. 116, sec. 20. VIRGINIA Clerk, bailiff, other clerks, officers, assistants 233 and subordinates at salaries fixed by commission who may be re- moved by commission. Const., sec. 155. WASHINGTON Expert rate clerk and statistician, engineer and inspector of safety appliances, at not exceeding $3,000 each; expert accountant and stenographer competent to report hear- ings, at not exceeding $1,800 each; necessary engineers, inspec- 234 tors, accoimtants, experts, clerks and other assistants at compen- sations determined by commission; special agents or examiners who may administer oaths and examine witnesses. All em- ployes shall take an oath faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties of their several offices. Laws igii, ch. iiy^ sees. 6, 78. \09l WISCONSIN Clerks and stenographers at compensation fixed by commission who shall perform clerical work of office; necessary experts and temporary 'employes at compensation fixed by commission; necessary engineers, examiners, experts, clerks, accoimtants and other assistants at compensation fixed by commission; agents appointed by order in writing to make any investigation with regard to any public utility, who in the discharge of duties shall have every power of an inquisitorial 236 nature granted to commissioner and same powers as a court com- missioner with regard to taking depositions. Commission may delegate to such agents the taking of all testimony bearing upon any investigation or hearing; but recommendations made by agents shall be advisory only and shall not preclude the taking of further testimony nor further investigation. Laws 1907, ch. 499, sees. 17977^.-40, 1797711-41(1) to i797m-4i{3), 1797171-106 (as a7nended by Laws 1909, ch. 450) y ch. 582, see. 17 97-1 Qi). Experts employed shall be exempt from operation of civil ass service law of 1905, and amendatory acts. Laws 1907, eh. 5^2, sec. 17 97-1 {h). 110 CHAPTER II General Powers of Commissions SCOPE NOTE This chapter includes grants of power which give commissions general authority to regulate utilities. This authority is found in the use of language involving gen- eral supervision, in comprehensive enumeration of particular powers in summary form, and in grants of special powers of such broad scope as to amount to gen- eral regulation. For provisions incidentally involving grants of general power, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For general statements of par- ticular powers, see ch. iv, on establishment and change of rates, ch. vii, on service, and ch. viii, on safety of opera- tion. For provisions authorizing commissions to examine equipment and facilities, see ch. viii, on safety of opera- tion. For provisions authorizing commissions to elicit general information from utilities, and for those requir- ing commissions to submit reports and make recom- mendations, see ch. x, on reports. For provisions pre- scribing general procedure to be followed in the exercise of commission authority, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For provisions prescribing general rules of enforcement and judicial review, see ch. XV, on enforcement. For general statement of scope and method, see introduction. Ill ANALYSIS Page A. Extent of general authority of commission 113 1 Authority of commission to supervise and regulate utilities designated 113 2 Authority of commission to enter upon the premises and ex- amine the property of public utilities, and to hold investigations with regard to the affairs and general condition thereof 136 3 Authority of commission to examine under oath the officers, agents or employes of public utilities, and to inspect the books, records and memoranda thereof 147 4 Authority of commission over allied businesses. 159 5 Territorial jurisdiction of commission 159 6 Authority of pre-existing boards or administrative officers con- ferred on commission 162 B. Authority of commission to hold hearings on proposed changes of law and make recommendations with respect thereto 167 C. Authority of commission to arbitrate or mediate in controversies affect- ing public utilities 168 D. Authority of commission to visit and confer with other regulating bodies. 171 112 A. EXTENT OF GENERAL AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION I. Authority of Commission to Supervise and Regulate Utilities Designated. UNITED STATES Commission may inqvdre into the management of business of all common carriers and keep itself informed as to 187 the manner and method in which same is conducted and may obtain from such common carriers, full and complete information to enable it to perform its duties and carry out the objects for which it was created. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 12. S88 Commission is hereby authorized and required to execute and enforce the provisions of this act. Same. Enumeration of powers shall not exclude any power which S39 commission would otherwise have in the making of an order imder provisions in this act. Same, sec. 15. ALABAMA Commission may supervise and control trans- portation companies and express companies, car, sleeping car, ^140 steamboat, or steam packet companies and also all telegraph and telephone lines operating in more than one city or town. Code 1907, sec. 564'/. Commission is charged with the duty of supervising, regulat- ing and controlling all transportation companies doing business «4i in this state, in all matters relating to the performance of their public duties, and their charges therefor and of correcting abuses therein by such companies. Same, sec. j6ji. Commission may regulate railroad freight and passenger tariffs, the locating and building of passenger and freight depots, 242 correct abuses, prevent imjust discrimination and extortion, and require reasonable and just rates of freight and passenger tariffs. Same, sec. 5652. Commission ma}^ inquire into the management of the busi- ness of all transportation companies, and shall keep itself in- formed as to the condition, manner, and method in which the 243 same are conducted with reference to the security and accommoda- tion of the public and their compliance with their charters and the laws of the state. They may obtain from any such company full and complete information necessary to enable commission to perform its duties and carry out the objects for which it was- created. Same, sec. 5656. . \ -^ 113 ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Commission may supervise and regulate every public service corporation^ and do all things, whether herein spe- 844 cifically designated or in addition thereto, which are necessary and convenient in the exercise of such power and jurisdiction.' Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. ji, Cat. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess. J ch. 14, sec. jz. See also pars. 316 1, 3162, 4518. COLORADO Identical with pars. 237, 238. Laws igio, sp. S4S sess., ch. 5, sec. 12. CONNECTICUT The provisions of this act shall be deemed to be amendatory of all charters of public service companies chartered by, or organized under the laws of, this state and shall repeal all powers and limitations in any such charters in so far as the same are inconsistent herewith; and all powers 246 and privileges conferred, and all duties and obligations im- posed, upon such companies by the provisions of this act are conferred or imposed upon such companies in the same manner and to the same extent as if the provisions of this act were parts of the charters of such companies. Puh. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 3y. FLORIDA Commission may direct and control all matters 847 pertaining to railroads that shall be for the good of the public. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 28g3. Commission is vested with judicial powers to do or enforce »48 or perform any function, duty or power conferred upon it by this chapter to the exercise of which judicial power is necessary. Same, sec. 2g22. The powers of commission shall be and the same are hereby enlarged and extended so as to confer upon com- mission exclusive power and authority within this state, and it shall be their duty to regulate the rates and charges and service within this state of all persons, firms or corporations 849 engaged in or carrying on a telephone business within this state, so far as said rate and charges apply to the business of said such persons, firms or corporations within this state; provided, how- ever, that such rates and charges must and shall be in each and every case just, fair and reasonable. Laws igii, ch. 6186, sec. J. 880 All the terms and provisions of this state as embraced >*? Public utility," in California 114 I in chapter 5, title 4, fourth division of the general statutes and all acts supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof are hereby declared to be of force with reference to all persons, firms or corporations carrying on a telephone business within this state so far as said laws are applicable to such persons, firms or cor- porations carrying on telephone business within this state. Same, sec. 2. All persons, firms and corporations owning, controlling or operating a line or lines of telegraph, whose line or lines is or are in whole or in part in this state, shall be under the control of com- mission, who shall have ftill power to regtdate the prices to be charged and service to be rendered by any person, firm, or cor- poration owning, controlling or operating any line or lines of tele- ssi graph for any service performed by such person, firm or corporation and all the powers given to commission over railroads in this state, and all the penalties prescribed against railroad companies or persons operating railroads, by and under the laws of Florida, are hereby declared to be in force against corporations, persons, firms and corporations owning, controlling or operating a line or lines of telegraph. Laws ipii, ch. 6187, sec. i. The powers of commission to regulate charges by corpora- tions, companies and persons herein referred to shall apply to S62 messages sent by telegraph from one point to another in this state. Same, sec. 2. GEORGIA All companies or persons owning, controlling, or operating a line or lines of express or telegraph, which are in whole or in part in this state, shall be under the control of commis- sion, who shall have full power to regulate the prices to be charged by any company or person owning, controlling, or operating any such line or lines, for any service performed by such company or persons, and all the powers given to commis- sion over railroads in this state, and all the penalties prescribed against companies or persons operating railroads by existing 268 laws are hereby declared to be of force against corporations, companies, or a person or persons owning, controlling, or oper- ating a line or lines of express and telegraph, whose line or lines is or are, wholly or in part, in this state, so far as said provisions can be made applicable to any corporation, com- pany, person, or persons, owning, controlling, or operating a line or lines of express and telegraph. Commission may also require said companies to locate agencies at railroad stations. Code igiii sec. 2660, "5 The powers of commission to regulate charges by corpora- tions, companies and persons herein referred to shall apply only 864 to charges by express, for transportation from one point to another in this state; and messages sent by telegraph from one point to another in this state. Same, sec. 2661. The powers and duties heretofore conferred by law upon commission are hereby extended and enlarged, so that its aur thority and control shall extend to street raihoads and street rail- road corporations, companies, or persons, owning, leasing or oper- ating street railroads in this state; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed to impair any valid subsisting contract now in existence between any municipality and any such com- pany; and provided that this act shall not operate as a repeal of any existing mimicipal ordinance, nor shall it impair nor invali- date any future contract or ordinance of any municipality as to the public uses of such company, that shall receive the assent of 856 commission; over docks and wharves and corporations, companies or persons owning, leasing or operating the same; over terminals or terminal stations and corporations, companies or persons owning, leasing or operating such; cotton compress corporations or associations and persons or companies owning, leasing or operating the same; and over telegraph or telephone corpora- tions, companies or persons owning, leasing or operating a public telephone service or telephone lines in this state; over gas and electric and power compahies, corporations or persons owning, leasing or operating public gas plants, or electric light and power plants furnishing service to the public. Same, sec. 2662. Commission shall have and exercise all the power and authority heretofore conferred upon it by law, and shall have the general supervision of all common carriers, railroads, express corporations or companies, street railroads, railroad corporations or companies, dock or wharfage corporations or companies, ter- 866 minal or terminal station corporations or companies, telephone or telegraph corporations or companies, gas or electric light and power companies; and while it may hear complaints, yet commis- sion is authorized to perform the duties imposed upon it of its own initiative. Same, sec. 266 j. Commission is hereby given authority to examine into the affairs of said companies and corporations and to keep informed 867 as to their general condition, their capitalization, their franchises, and the manner in which their lines, owned, leased, or controlled, are managed, conducted and operated, not only with respect to » i the adequacy, security and accommodation afforded by their service to the public and their employes, but also with reference to their compliance with all provisions of law, orders of commis- sion and charter requirements. Same. INDIANA The power and authority is hereby vested in commission and it is hereby made its duty to supervise and regulate private car line service and private tracks where such tracks are operated in connection with any railroad in this state or share in the rates or earnings of any common carrier subject 258 to the provisions of this act ; to correct abuses and prevent imjust discrimination and extortion in the rates of freight and passenger tariffs on the different railroads and to enforce the same by pro- ceedings for the enforcement of penalties provided by law through courts of competent jurisdiction. Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. j. IOWA Commission shall have general supervision of all railroads operated by steam, express companies, car companies, sleeping car companies, freight and freight line companies, and any common carrier engaged in the transportation of passengers 259 or freight by railroad, street railroads excepted, and shall inves- tigate any alleged neglect or violation of the laws of the state by any railroad corporation doing business therein, or by the officers, agents or employes thereof. Code i8gy, sec. 2112. 260 Also a provision identical with par. 237. Same, sec. 21 jj. Commission shall have general supervision of all express companies operating and doing business in this state^ ; and shall 261 inquire into any unjust discrimination, neglect or violation of the laws of this state governing common carriers, by an express com- pany doing business therein, or by the officers, agents or em- ployes thereof. Same, sec. 2165Q)). BLANSAS Commission shall have the general supervision and control over all persons, firms, associations or corporations in the performance of the business of transportation of oil by 262 means of pipe lines, and shall prescribe reasonable rules for the conduct thereof, which rules, when prescribed and deHvered in writing to any such person, firm, association, or corporation, shall be printed and posted up in a convenient, accessible and con- 1 All express companies operating and doing business in this state are declared to be common carriers, and it shall be the duty of every such express company or common car- rier to transport all property, parcels, money, merchandise, packages and other things of value which may be offered to them for transportation at a reasonable charge or rate therefor; and all laws so far as applicable, now in force or hereafter enacted, regulating the transportation of property by railroad companies, shall apply with equal force and effect to express companies. Code 1897, sec. 2165a. 117 spicuous place at each office, station or place of business where such oil is received or delivered. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 3964. Commission shall have the same powers in relation to irri- 263 gation companies that it has in relation to railroad companies. Same, sec. 4478. Commission shall have the general supervision of all rail- roads operated by steam or electricity or other motive power within the state, and all express companies, sleeping car com- panies, and all other persons, companies or corporations doing business as common carriers in this state; and shall inquire into any neglect or violations of the laws of this state by any person, 264 company or corporation engaged in the business of transportation of persons or property therein, or by the officers, agents or em- ployes thereof; and shall also from time to time carefully examine and inspect the condition of each railroad in this state, and of its equipment, and the manner of its conduct and management with reference to the public safety and convenience; provided, this section shall not be construed as applying to street railway or electric lines operated wholly within one county. Same, sec. 7186, Commission may require public utilities and common car- riers to make such improvements and do such acts as are or may 265 be required by law to be done by such public utility or common carrier. Laws igii, ch. 238, sec. 14. KENTUCKY There is estabHshed a department in the state government to be known as the railroad commission, which shall 266 see that the laws relating to all railroads, except street railways, are faithfully executed, and to exercise a general supervision over the railroads of the state. CarrolVs Stats, igog, sec. 821. Commission shall examine into the condition, management, and all other matters concerning the business of railroads in this state, so far as the same pertain to the relation of such railroads to the public and whether such railroad corporations, their offi- 267 cers and employes, comply with the laws of the state; and when- ever it shall come to their knowledge, or they shall have reason to believe, that the laws affecting railroad corporations in their business relations to the public have been violated, they shall prosecute, or cause to be prosecuted, the corporations or persons guilty of such violations. Same, sec. 826. LOUISIANA The power and authority is hereby vested in S68 commission, and it is hereby made its duty to correct abuses, and prevent unjust discrimination and extortion in the rates for zz8 the same, on different railroads, steamboats, and other water- craft, sleeping car, express, telephone or telegraph lines of this state. Const., art. 2S4. See also par. 801. M.PiBCTLPi^jy Commission shall have the general supervi- sion of all common carriers, railroads, street railroads, railroad corporations, and street railroad corporations, transporting pas- sengers, freight or property from one point to another within the state and shaU have power to and shall examine the same or cause the same to be examined and keep informed as to their 269 general condition, their capitalization, their franchises, and the manner in which their lines, owned, leased, controlled or oper- ated and managed, are conducted or operated within this state both with respect to the adequacy, security and accoromodation afforded by their service, and also with respect to their compli- ance with all provisions of law and orders of commission. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. ij. Commission shall have the general supervision of all com- mon carriers, railroads, street railroads, railroad corporations and street railroad corporations, and all other corporations and persons subject to the provisions of this act, and shall have the power to and shall examine the same and keep informed as to 270 their general condition, their capitalization, their franchises and the manner in which their lines, owned, leased, controlled or operated, are managed, conducted and operated, not only with respect to the adequacy, security and accommodation afforded by their service, but also with respect to their compliance with all provisions of law, orders of commission and charter require- ments. Same, sec. 20. Commission shall have the general supervision of all persons and gas and electrical corporations and corporations having authority under any general or special law, or under any charter or franchise, to lay down, erect or maintain wires, pipes, con- 271 duits, ducts or other fixtures in, over or under the streets, high- ways and public places of any municipality, for the purpose of fvimishing or distributing gas both natural and artificial, or of furnishing or transmitting electricity for light, heat or power, or maintaining underground conduits or ducts for electrical con- ductors. Same, sec. 31^. Commission may examine all persons and corporations un- 272 der its supervision, keep informed as to the methods employed by them in the transaction of their business and see that their prop- 119 erty is maintained and operated for the seciirity and accommoda- tion of the public and in comphance with the provisions of the law and of their franchises and charters. Same. •Commission shall have within its discretion general super- vision of all persons having authority imder any general or spe- cial law or under any charter or franchise to lay down or erect 273 or maintain poles, wires, pipes, conduits or other fixtures in, over or under the streets, highways, and public places, for the purpose of. furnishing facilities for the transmission of intelligence by electricity. Same, sec. 3q{i). Commission, within its discretion shall examine all persons and corporations under its supervision as to the methods em- ployed by them in the transaction of their business, see that their 274 property is maintained and operated for the reasonably adequate accommodation of the public and in compliance with the provis- ions of law and of their franchise and charters. Same, sec. 39^4) . Commission shall have in addition to powers herein specified, mentioned or indicated all additional implied and incidental 276 powers which may be proper and necessary to effectually cany- out, perform and execute all said powers herein specified, men- tioned or indicated. Same, sec. 52. MASSACHUSETTS Gas and electric commission shall have gen- eral supervision of all corporations and companies engaged in the manufacture and sale of gas or electricity for light or heat, 276 and shall make all necessary examinations and inquiries and keep informed as to the compliance of the several corporations and companies with the provisions of law. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. 5.^ Highway commission shall have general supervision of all companies engaged in the transmission of intelligence by elec- tricity within this commonwealth, and shall make all necessary 277 examinations and inquiries and keep itself informed as to the compliance of all such companies with the provisions .of law. Acts igo6, ch. 433, sec. i. 278 Railroad commission shall have general supervision of all railroads and railways,- and shall examine the same; and com- » In the construction of sections 4 (repealed by Acts 1904, ch. 435), 5, 6, 7, 8, 28, 29, 31, 33 and 34 of this chapter, the terms " gas company " and " corporation " shall include all. persons owning or operating works for the manufacture and sale of gas for heating or illuminating purposes within the commonwealth, and the terms "company" and "com- panies " shall include all corporations or individuals engaged in the manufacture and saJe of electric light within the commonwealth. Rev. Laws 1902, ch. 121, sec. 41. 2 No request or advice of commission shall in any manner impair the legal duties and obligations of a railroad corporation or street railway company or its legal liability for the consequences of its acts or of the neglect or mismanagement of any of its agents or serv- ants. Acts J 906, ch. 463, pt. i, sec. 14. 120 mission shall keep itself informed as to the condition of railroads and railways and the manner in which they are regulated with reference to the security and accommodation of the public, and as to the compliance of the several railroad corporations and street railway companies with their charters and the laws of this commonwealth. The supreme judicial court shall have jurisdiction in equity to enforce compliance with any order issued by commission under authority of this section. Acts IQ06, ch. 463, pt. i, sec. 6. Commission shall in respect to steamship companies serving as common carriers throughout the year between two or more parts of this commonwealth, perform the same duties, including 279 the regulation of rates for transporting freight or passengers, and including other matters affecting the security or convenience of the public, which commission is now or may hereafter be em- powered to perform in the case of railroads or railways. Same, sec. 7. Commission may, upon the complaint of any party inter- ested, exercise over express companies, firms and persons doing 280 an express business on railroads or railways in this common- wealth, supervisory powers with regard to the character of ac- commodations and service furnished, and the reasonableness of rates charged. Same. See also par. 2586. MICHIGAN All street railway corporations organized or doing business under this act shall be subject to the supervisory control of commission as provided by act number 1 7 1 of the pub- 281 lie acts of 1893, and commission shall also have power to make from time to time reasonable rules and regulations for the opera- tion of the street railways of such corporations in the conduct of the suburban express business they are authorized to carry on by this act as amended. Comp. Laws iSgj, sec. 6466. When electricity is generated or developed by steam, water or other power within one county of this state, and transmitted and delivered to the consumer in the same or some other county, 282 then the transmission and distribution of same in or on the pub- lic highways, streets and places, and the rate of charge to be made to the consumer for the electricity so transmitted and dis- tributed shall be subject to the regulation as in this act provided. Pub. Acts igog, no. 106, sec. i. 283 Commission shall have control and supervision of the busi- 121 ness of transmitting and supplying electricity as mentioned in the first section of this act. Same, sec. 2. Commission may in its discretion keep informed as to the methods employed by corporations engaged in the business of transmitting and supplying electricity in the transaction of their 284 business and see that their property is maintained and operated for the secvirity and accommodation of the public and in com- pliance with the provisions of law. Same, sec. 6. Commission may inquire into the management of the busi- ness of any common carrier and shall keep itself informed as to S86 the manner and may obtain from any common carrier all neces- sary information to enable commission to perform the duties and to carry out the objects for which it is created. Puh. Acts igog, no. 300, sec. 28(a). The police powers of the state over railroads, street railways, interurban railways and suburban street railways, whether oper- ated by steam, electricity or other motive power, organized or 286 doing business in this state, shall be and the same are hereby vested in commission, and it is hereby made the duty of commis- sion to exercise the same in accordance with the requirements of the law. Same, sec. 44. Commission shall have the general control of all telephones, telephone lines and telephone companies within the state, and 287 shall investigate any alleged neglect or violation of the laws of the state by any person, firm, association or corporation doing a telephone business within the state, or by the officers, agents or employes thereof. Pub. Acts igii, no. ij8, sec. 2. Commission may hear and determine the complaints of any person, firm, association, corporation, body politic or mimicipal 288 corporation, against the rates and charges for the service rendered or facilities furnished, or complaints as to service withheld or re- fused to be rendered, furnished or performed by persons, firms or corporations within the terms of this act. Same, sec. 8. Commission shall have control and supervision over all ex- 289 press companies operating within this state. Puh. Acts igii, no. ijg, sec. 25(f). MINNESOTA The general supervision of railroad and express 290 companies doing business as common carriers and of public ware- houses is vested in commission.^ Rev. Laws igoj, sec. igsj. 1 The provisions of this chapter shall be liberally construed with a view to the public welfare, efficient transportation facilities, and substantial justice between shippers and pas- sengers and common carriers, and commission shall at all times do everything within the scope of its powers to secure such ends, and to facilitate commerce and the safety, conven- ience, and comfort of passengers and employes. Rev. Laws looj. sec. 1988. 122 I i Commission shall inquire into the management of the busi- ness of all carriers and warehousemen and shall keep informed 291 as to the manner in which the same is conducted, and shall obtain from such carriers and warehousemen all information necessary for the performance of its duties. Same, sec. ig62. MISSISSIPPI Commission shall demand and require all proper information from railroads, express, telegraph, telephone, 292 and sleeping car companies to enable its members to intelligently discharge their duties; and to require the same of all steamboats and other carriers for statistical purposes. Code igo6, sec. 4848. Commission shall require all the necessary information from express, telegraph and sleeping car companies, and shall make 293 such reasonable orders for their supervision and regiilation from time to time as to their charges and otherwise as the public in- terest may require. Same, sec. 48yg. Commission shall call for information from railroads and other common carriers from time to time, and make investigation 294 to determine whether the laws are being complied with on their several parts; and it is its duty to see that all laws, civil and penal affecting railroads and other common carriers, are complied with, and to prosecute all offenders. Laws igo8, ch. 82, sec. i. All laws and parts of laws giving authority to commission to supervise common carriers shall also apply to car service asso- ciations, or other associations, governing or controlling cars or 296 rolling stock of railroads ^ at whatever places they do business in this state, and the same penalties fixed by law for disobeying mandates or orders of commission shall apply to the car service associations as well as to common carriers. Laws igo8, ch. 8j, sec. 2. See also par. 808. MISSOURI Commission shall have general supervision of all express companies operating and doing business in this state; and shall inquire into any unjust discrimination, neglect 296 or violation of the laws of this state governing common carriers, by any express company doing business therein, or by the officers, agents or employes thereof. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 3288. MONTANA Commission shall have general supervision of 297 all railroads, express companies, car companies,* sleeping car 1 The term " railroad " includes and applies to every person, firm, association of per- sons and company, whether incorporated or not, who or which shall own or operate a rail- road as a common carrier, and the term " company " embraces and applies to every person, firm, association of persons and company, whether incorporated or not, who or which shall own or operate a telegraph or telephone line, or do an express or sleeping car business. Laws 1908, ch. 87, sec. i. 123 companies, freight and freight line companies, and any common carrier engaged in the transportation of passengers or property in this state, in all matters pertaining to the duty of commission and within its power and authority under the provisions of law, and shall investigate any alleged neglect or violation of the laws of the state by any railroad or other company above specified doing business therein or by the officers, agents, or employes thereof. Commission shall also have the power and authority, and it shall be its duty, to examine and inspect, or cause to be examined and inspected under its authority, all books, records, files and papers of the persons and companies specified above, in so far as the same may be pertinent to any matter imder inves- tigation before commission and to hear and take testimony in the progress of any inqmry or investigation authorized by law. Rev. Code igoy, sec. 4378. NEBRASBIA Commission may regulate the rates and serv- ices of and exercise a general control over all railroads, express companies, car companies, sleeping car companies, freight and 298 freight line companies, and all other common carriers engaged in the transportation of freight or passengers within the state. Cobbey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10650Q)). Commission shall investigate any and all cases of alleged neglect or violations of the laws of the state by any railway com- pany, or common carrier or by the officers, agents, or employes 299 thereof, and take such action with reference thereto as may be provided herein, or under the laws of this state providing for the regulation of railway companies or common carriers. Same, sec. io6^o{c). Commission may issue orders regulating service and charges of all kinds at all stock yards, and the same shall be enforced in the same manner and under the same penalties as orders regu- soo lating common carriers; provided, that where no other penalty is provided by law for a violation of any such order, it shall be punishable by a penalty of not less than $100 nor more than $500 and where the violation is a continuing one, each day thereof shall constitute a separate offense. Acts igii, ch. j, sec. 2. NEVADA ^ All duties required of and penalties imposed upon any railroad or any officer or agent thereof shall in so far as 801 the same are applicable be required of and imposed upon express companies, telegraph and telephone companies and companies which may own cars of any kind or character used and operated 124 as part of railroad trains in or through this state, and their officers and agents, and commission shall have the power of supervision and control of all such companies to the same extent as of rail- roads. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 2, as amended by Stats, igog, ch. 121, sec. 2. 302 Also a provision for railroads substantially identical with par. 237. Same, sec. 18. It shall be the duty of commission to supervise and regulate 303 the operations of public utilities, such supervision and regulation to be in conformity with the provisions of this act. Stats, igii, ch. 162, sec. I. Commission is invested with full power of supervision, regu- lation and control of all utilities, subject to the provisions of this 304 act and to the exclusion of the jurisdiction, regulation and con- trol of such utilities by any municipality, town or village. Same, sec. 3. NEW HAMPSHIRE Commission shall have the general supervision of all railroad corporations, railroads, public utilities and the 306 plants owned, operated or controlled by the same, as far as nec- essary to carry into effect the provisions of this act. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. 5{a). Commission shall have power and it shall be its duty to keep informed as to all railroad corporations in the state, their capi- talization, their franchises, and the manner in which the lines 306 and property controlled or operated by them are managed and operated, not only with respect to the adequacy and accommo- dation afforded by their service, but also with respect to their compliance with all provisions of law, orders of commission and charter requirements. Same, sec. 5(6). NEW JERSEY Commission shall have general supervision and regulation of, jurisdiction and control over all public utilities and also over their property, property rights, equipment, facil- 307 ities and franchises, so far as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. Laws igii, ch. igj, sec. 75. Commission may, after hearing, upon notice, by order in writing, require every public utility to comply with the laws of 308 this state and any municipal ordinance relating thereto and to conform to the duties imposed upon it thereby or by the provi- sions of its own charter, whether obtained under any general or special law of this state. Same, sec. lyia). 125 NEW YORK A provision substantially identical with par. 309 270. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 4^(2). Each commission shall have general supervision of all gas and electrical corporations having authority under any general or special law or under any charter or franchise to lay down, erect or maintain wires, pipes, condmts, ducts or other fixtures in, over 310 or under the streets, highways and pubHc places of any munici- pality, for the purpose of furnishing or distributing gas or trans- mitting electricity for light, heat, or power, or maintaining under- groimd conduits or ducts for electrical conductors, and all gas plants and electric plants owned, leased or operated by any gas corporation or electrical corporation. Same, sec. 66{i). Each commission shall examine all persons, corporations and municipalities and shall keep informed as to the methods, prac- 311 tices, regulations and property employed by them in the trans- action of their business.^ Same, sec. 66{^). Commission shall have general supervision of all telegraph 312 and telephone corporations and lines and shall have power to and shall examine same and keep informed as to their general condi- tion, capitaHzation, franchises and manner in which their lines and property are leased, operated or managed with respect to the adequacy of and accommodation afforded by their service and also with respect to the safety and security of their lines and property and to their compliance with the law, orders of commis- sion, franchises and charter requirements. Same, sec. 94{2). Every freight terminal corporation shall be subject to the supervision, control and regulation of the public service commis- sion of the district wherein it does business to the same extent 818 as are railroads and street railroads wholly or partly within said district so far as the provisions of the public service commission act are applicable to the case and business of any such freight terminal company. Laws 191 1, ch. yyS, sec. 156. NORTH CAROLINA Commission shall have such general control and supervision of all railroad, street railway, steamboat, canal, ex- press and sleeping car companies or corporations and of all other companies or corporations engaged in the carrying of freight or 814 passengers, of all telegraph and telephone companies, of all pub- lic and private banks and all loan and trust companies or cor- porations and of all building and loan associations or companies, necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this chapter and the laws regulating such companies, and to require all transporta- * Gas and electric utilities. » X26 tion and transmission companies to establish and maintain all such public service facilities and conveniences as may be reason- able and just. PeWs Revisal igo8, sec. 1066. Every person or individual owning and operating any tele- phone or telegraph line and who rents phones or wires to persons 315 generally shall be subject to the same control and supervision by commission and the same pains and penalties under the law, as are corporations owning and operating telephone and telegraph lines. Same, sec. iog6{i). All powers and duties in every respect conferred by law upon commission with respect to railroads and other transportation 316 companies are conferred upon commission to control and regulate telegraph, telephone and all other companies engaged in the trans- mission of messages, in so far as they apply. Same, sec. iog'/{8). NORTH DAKOTA Commission shall have the general supervision of all jailroads, railroad corporations and common carriers in the state operated by steam, and of all bridge corporations and ferry companies, the property of which is used or operated for railroad purposes, and shall inquire into any neglect or violation of the 317 laws of this state by any such railroad, railroad corporation, bridge corporation, common carrier or ferry company doing busi- ness therein, or by the officers, agents or employes thereof, and shall also from time to time carefully examine and inspect the condition of each railroad and railroad corporation in the state, and of its equipment, and the manner of its conduct and manage- ment, with reference to the public safety and convenience. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. j6g. It shall be the duty of and commission shall have the au- thority to inquire into the management of the business of all railroads, railroad corporations and common carriers and shall 318 keep itself informed as to the manner and method in which the same is conducted, and may obtain from them full and complete information 'necessary to enable commission to perform the duties and carry out the objects for which commission is created and which are contemplated by this article. Same, sec. 4353. OHIO A provision for railroads substantially iden- 319 tical with par. 237. Code igio, sec. 555. Commission shall have the same control over private 320 tracks, so far as such tracks are used by common carriers in connection with a railroad for the transportation of freight, as it has over the tracks of such railroads. Same, sec. 523. 127 Commission shall have power of supervision and control of 321 express, water transportation and interurban railroad companies to the same extent as railroads. Laws 191 1, no. j2j, sec. i. Commission is vested with the power and jurisdiction to 322 supervise and regulate '^ public utilities" and ''railroads" and to require all public utilities to furnish their products and render all service reqmred by commission, or by law. Same, sec. 5. The jurisdiction, supervision, powers and duties of commis- sion shall extend to every public utility and railroad, the plant or property of which lies wholly within this state, and when the 323 property of a public utility or railroad lies partly within and partly without this state, to that part of such plant or property which lies within this state, and to the persons or companies own- ing, leasing, or operating the same, and to the records and ac- counts of the business thereof done within this state. Same, sec. 6. Commission shall have general supervision over all public utilities and may examine same and keep informed as to their gen- eral condition, capitalization, franchises and the manner in which 324 their properties are leased, operated, managed and conducted with respect to the adequacy or accommodation afforded by their service and also with respect to the safet}^ and security of the public and their employes and with respect to their compliance with all provisions of law, orders of commission, franchises and charter requirements. Same, sec. 10. OKLAHOMA Commission shall have power and authority and be charged with the duty of supervising, regulating and con- trolling all transportation and transmission companies in all 325 matters relating to performance of their public duties and their charges therefor, of correcting abuses, and preventing unjust dis- crimination and extortion by such companies. Const., art. ix, sec. 18. Commission shall keep itself fully informed of the physical condition of all the railroads of the state, as to the manner in which they are operated, with reference to the security and ac- commodation of the public, and shall from time to time, make and enforce such requirements, rules and regulations as may be 326 necessary to prevent imjust or unreasonable discrimination and extortion by any transportation or transmission company in favor of, or against any person, locality, community, connecting line, or kind of traffic, in the matter of car service, train or boat schedule, efficiency of transportation, or transmission, or other- wise, in connection with the public duties of such company. Same. 128 Commission may be vested with such additional powers, and charged with such other duties (not inconsistent with this constitution) as may be prescribed by law, in connection with the visitation, regulation, or control of corporations, or with 827 the prescribing or enforcing of rates and charges to be ob- served in the conduct of any business where the state has the right to prescribe the rates and charges in connection there- with, or with the assessment of the property of corporations, or the appraisement of their franchises for taxation or with the investigation of the subject of taxation generally. Same, sec. ig. OREGON All duties required of and penalties imposed upon any railroad or any officer or agent thereof shall in so far as the same are applicable be required of and imposed upon sas express, imion depot, and terminal companies and their officers and agents, and commission shall have the power of supervision and control of union depot, terminal and express companies to the same extent as railroads. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 11. Commission shall have control over private tracks in so far as the same are used by common carriers, in connection with any 329 railroad for the transportation of freight, in all respects the same as though such tracks were a part of the tracks of such railroad. Same, sec. 27. 330 Also a provision for railroads substantially identical with par. 237. Same, sec. jg. Commission is vested with power and jurisdiction to super- 331 vise and regulate every public utility and to do all things neces- sary and convenient in the exercise of such power and jurisdic- tion. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. 6. 332 Also a provision for public utilities substantially identical with par. 237. Same, sec. 35. PENNSYLVANIA Commission may inqmre into the management of the business of all common carriers,^ including freight and passenger rates and tariffs, the equitable distribution of cars, the granting of sidings and regulation of crossings, the location of freight and passenger stations, the adequacy of facilities for the 333 carriage and transportation of freight and passengers, the use and compensation for cars owned or controlled by persons other 1 No examination, request, or advice of commission, nor any investigation or report made by it, shall impair in any manner or degree the legal rights, duties, or obligations of any common carrier, or its legal liabilities for the consequences of its act, or of the neglect pr mismanagement of any of its agents or employes. Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. 18. 129 than the carrier, and, generally, all matters incident to the per- formance of their public duties, and their compliance with the provisions of their charters and the laws of the land. Laws igoy, no. 2jo, sec. y. The enumeration of powers shall not exclude any power 334 which commission would otherwise have under the provisions of this act. Same, sec. ig. RHODE ISLAND The provisions of this act shall be interpreted and construed liberally in order to accomplish the purposes thereof, and where any specific power or authority is given the commission by the provisions of this act the enumeration thereof shall not be held to exclude or impair any power or authority 335 otherwise in this act conferred on said commission. The com- mission shall have, in addition to the powers in this act specified, mentioned and indicated, all additional, implied and incidental power which may be proper and necessary to effect and carry out, perform and execute all the said powers herein specified, mentioned and indicated. Acts igi2, ch. "jg^, sec. 58. SOUTH CAROLINA Commission shall have the general supervision of all railroads and railways, express and telegraph lines in this state operated by steam, and shall examine the same and keep itself informed as to their condition and the manner in which they are operated, with reference to the security and accommodation 336 of the public and the compliance of the several corporations with the provisions of their charters and the laws of the state; and to enforce the provisions of this chapter; and the provisions of this chapter shall apply to all railroads and railways and to the cor- porations, trustees, receivers or others owning or operating the same. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2o6y. Whenever in the judgment of commission it shall appear that repairs are necessary upon any railroad or that any addition to • .-. ^ the rolling stock or any enlargement of or improvement in the stations or station houses or any modification in the rates of fare for transporting freight or passengers or any change in the mode of operating the road and conducting its business is reasonable 887 and expedient in order to promote the security, convenience and accommodation of the public, it shall give information in writing . to the corporation of the improvements and changes which com- mission adjudges to be proper, and if said company shall fail within 60 days to adopt the suggestions of commission, it shall take such legal proceedings as it may deem expedient and shall 130 have authority to call upon the attorney general to institute and conduct such proceedings. Same, sec. 2o6g. All companies or persons owning, controlling or operating a line or lines of express or telegraph, whose line or lines is or are in whole or in part in this state, shall be under the control of commission, who shall have full power to regulate the prices to be charged by any company or person or persons owning, con- trolling or operating any line or lines of express and telegraph for any service performed by such company, person or persons; and all the powers given to commission over railroads, and all the 338 penalties prescribed against railroad companies or persons oper- ating railroads by existing laws, are hereby declared to be of force against corporations, companies, or a person or persons owning, controlling or operating a line or lines of express and telegraph doing business in this state, whose line or lines is or are wholly or in part in this state, so far as said provisions of the law can be applicable to any corporation, company, person or persons, own- ing, controlling or operating a line or lines of express and tele- graph. Same, sec. 2220. Commission shall have and exercise the same jurisdiction and supervisory powers and control over and concerning all telephone lines, stations and exchanges in this state, and over 339 all persons, firms or corporations owning or operating such tele- phone lines, stations or exchanges for the transmission of intelli- gence for hire, that it now has and exercises over and concerning railroads, telegraph and express lines, and the persons, firms, or corporations owning or operating them in this state. Laws igo4, no. 281, sec. I. For the piurpose of enforcing and carrying into effect the provisions of this act and making such investigations as may be necessary and proper in enabling it to discharge the duties hereby imposed, commission is hereby invested with all the rights, pow- 340 ers and privileges conferred upon it and charged with all the duties imposed upon it or its members as railroad commissioners, by the laws of this state for like purposes in regard to railroads, express and telegraph lines, and the persons, firms, or corpora- tions owning or operating them. Same, sec. 2. SOUTH DAKOTA It shall be the duty of commission to super- vise the handling, inspection, weighing, grading and storage of 341 grain and seeds, to establish all necessary rules and regulations for the weighing and inspection of grain, and for the management of the public warehouses of the state, as far as such rules and 131 regulations may be necessary to enforce the provisions of this article, or any law of this state, in regard to the same; to inves- tigate all complaints of fraud or oppression in the grain trade of this state, and to correct the same as far as it may be in their power. Rev. Pol. Code 1903, sec. 481. Commission shall have general supervision and control of all telegraph lines and exchanges constructed and operated in the state, and it is the duty of commission to inquire into any complaints or unjust discriminations, neglect or violation of the laws of state governing telephone companies, by their owner or owners, or by any of their officers, agents or employes. Com- mission shall have power to fix individual rates as well as to 342 make schedules of maximum rates, including joint rates to be charged by any telephone company or companies for the rent of any line or instrument or for the transmission of any mes- sage and for any service in connection therewith, and to make such changes therein from time to time as it may deem reason- able or necessary, and it may exercise any other power necessary to a proper supervision and control of such companies. Sess. Laws igoQ, ch. 28Q, sec. 2, as amended by Sess. Laws igii, ch. 218, sec. I. Commission shall have the general supervision of all com- mon carriers in the state (street railways excepted) and shall inquire into any neglect or violation of the laws of this state by any common carrier doing business herein, or by the officers, agents or employes thereof, and shall also from time to time care- 343 fully examine and inspect the condition of each common carrier in this state, and of its equipment, and the manner of its conduct and management with reference to the safety, accommodation and convenience of the public. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 20/, sec. 2. 344 Also a provision for common carriers substantially identical with par. 318. Same, sec. 75. Commission may regulate the method and manner of con- 346 ducting the business of transmitting messages by telephone and make, fix and determine all necessary rules and regulation for the conducting of said business. Same, sec. 52. Commission may regulate and control the method and man- 346 ner of conducting the express business in this state, and make rules and regulations governing the method of transacting such business. Same, sec. 55. VERMONT Commission shall have the powers of a court 347 of record, both at law and in equity, in the determination and 132 adjudication of all matters over which it is given jurisdiction. It may render judgments, make orders and decrees, and enforce the same by any suitable process issuable by courts of law and equity in this state. Puh. Stats. iqo6, sec. 4597. Commission shall have general supervision of all railroads, whether operated by steam, electricity or any other power, and 348 of the corporations, receivers, trustees, directors, lessees and other persons owning or operating the same, so far as may be necessary to enable it to perform the duties and exercise the powers conferred upon it. Same, sec. 4602. Commission shall have jurisdiction on due notice to hear, determine, render judgment and make orders and decrees in all matters provided for in the charter of any railroad corporation or in the statutes of this state relating to railroads and shall have like jurisdiction in all matters respecting: I. The crossing of one railroad by another. II. AU highway grade crossings and signs, signals, gates, or flagmen at the same. III. The location, sufficiency and maintenance of proper depots or stations. IV. The construction and maintenance of proper fences, cattle guards and farm crossings. V. The maintenance of the tracks, frogs, 349 switches, gates, signals, culverts, bridges and other structures of wood or iron over openings, and roUing stock and equipment so as to accommodate the public and be operated with safety and in compliance with law. VI. The connections, time and times of connection between connecting roads for the accommodation of the traveling public and the transportation of merchandise. VII. The issue of stock, mortgage bonds or the issue of other securities in order to prevent over-capitalization. VIII. Tolls and rates when unreasonable or in violation of law. IX . The man- ner of operating railroads and conducting the business thereof so as to be reasonable and expedient and to promote the security, convenience and accommodation of the public and to prevent violations of law and unjust discriminations, usiupation or extor- tions. X. The organization of railroad corporations by volun- tary association. Provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed as affecting special provisions of law relating to anything herein contained. Same, sec. 461 1. Commission shall have general supervision of aU companies engaged in the manufacture, distribution and sale of gas or elec- 360 tricity for lighting or heating, of all express companies, and of all companies owning and operating telegraph or telephone lines, stations or exchanges, and of all plants, lines, exchanges and equip- 133 ment of such companies used in or about the business carried on by them, and all companies, receivers, trustees, directors, or les- sees, owning or operating the same, so far as may be necessary to enable it to perform the duties and exercise the powers con- ferred upon it by this act; and shall have supervision of com- panies engaged in the manufacture, sale and distribution of power, so far as relates to their use or occupancy of the public highways and so far as relates to furnishing power for public use. Laws igo8, no. ii6, sec. j. Commission shall have jurisdiction on due notice to hear, determine, render judgment and make orders and decrees in all matters provided for in the charter of any corporation owning or operating any plant, line or property subject to supervision under this act and shall have like jurisdiction in all matters re- specting: I. The purity, quantity or quality of any product fiimished or sold by any company under supervision as provided in this act, and may prescribe the equipment for and standard of measurement, pressure, or initial voltage of such product. II. The providing for each kind of business subject to super- vision under this act, suitable and convenient standard commer- 361 cial units of product or service, which standards shall be lawful for the purposes of this act. III. The manner of operating and conducting any business subject to supervision under this act so as to be reasonable and expedient and to promote the safety, convenience and accommodation of the public. IV. The price, toll, rate or rental charged by any company subject to supervision under this act when imreasonable or in violation of law. V. The sufficiency and maintenance of proper systems, plants, conduits, appliances, wires and exchanges, and when the public safety and welfare require the location of such wires or any portion thereof tmdergroimd. VI. To restrain any company subject to supervision imder this act from violations of law, imjust dis- criminations, usurpation or extortion. VII. The issue of stock, mortgages, bonds or other securities in order to prevent over- capitalization as hereinafter provided. Same, sec. p. VIRGINIA Commission shall keep itself fully informed of 362 the physical condition of all the railroads of the state, as to the security and accommodation of the public. Const., sec. ij6{b). Commission shall have power and be charged with the duty 368 of supervising, regulating and controlling all transportation and transmission companies with all matters relating to the perform- 134 t ance of their public duties and their charges therefor, and of correcting abuses therein by such companies. Same. Commission may be vested with such additional powers, and charged with such other duties (not inconsistent with this constitution) as may be prescribed by law, in connection with the visitation, regulation or control of corporations, or with the prescribing and enforcing of rates and charges to be observed t54 in the conduct of any business where the state has the right to prescribe the rates and charges in connection therewith, the assessment of the property or corporations, or the appraisement of their franchises, for taxation, or with the investigation of the subject of taxation generally. Same, sec. i56{c). Commission may require by its rules, regulations and re- quirements all corporations chartered under the laws of this state 365 and all foreign corporations doing business in this state to perform and discharge any public duty or requirement imposed upon such corporations by the constitution or by law. Pollard^ s Code 1904, sec. ijija{i6). It shall be the duty of commission to make inquiry and ex- amination from time to time into the acts and proceedings of railroad, canal, steamboat, steamship, or other transportation companies and other chartered common carriers and transmis- 366 sion companies, their officers and agents, for the purpose of ascer- taining whether an5rthing has been done or omitted in violation or contravention of their charters, or of the law. Same, sec. 1 31 jail y). WISCONSIN All duties required of and penalties imposed upon any railroad or any officer or agent thereof shall, in so far as the same are applicable, be required of and imposed upon ex- . press companies and telegraph companies and their officers and 357 agents, and commission shall have the power of supervision and control of express companies and telegraph companies to the same extent as railroads. Laws igo^, ch. 362, sec. i797-2{a), as amended by Laws 1907, ch. 582. Commission shall have control over private tracks in so far as the same are used by common carriers, in connection with any 368 railroad for the transportation of freight, in all respects the same as though such tracks were a part of the track of said railroad. Same, sec. lygy-iiia). 369 Also a provision for railroads substantially identical with par. 237. Same, sec. I'/gy-iS. 13s Commission is vested with power and jurisdiction to super- 360 vise and regulate every public utility and to do all things neces- sary and convenient in the exercise of such power and jurisdiction. Laws igoy, ch. 4Qg, sec. iygym-2. 361 Also a provision for public utilities substantially identical with par. 237. Same, sec. lygym-jy. 2. Authority of Commission to Enter upon the Premises and Examine the Property of Public Utilities, and to Hold Investi- gations with Regard to the Affairs and General Condition ^ Thereof. UNITED STATES Commission shall investigate any complaint forwarded by the railroad commissioner or railroad commission of any state or territory at the request of such commissioner or commission, and the interstate commerce commission may at any time institute an inquiry, on its own motion, in any case and as to any matter or thing concerning which a complaint is author- ized to be made, to or before commission by any provision of this 362 act, or concerning which any question may arise under any of the provisions of this act, or relating to the enforcement of any of the provisions of this act. Commission shall have the same pow- ers and authority to proceed with any inquiry instituted on its own motion as though it had been appealed to by complaint or petition under any of the provisions of this act, including the power to make and enforce any order or orders in the case, or re- lating to the matter or thing concerning which the inquiry is had excepting orders for the pajmient of money. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. ij. Commission may by one or more of the commissioners, pros- ecute any inquiry necessary to its duties, in any part of the United 366 States, into any matter or question of fact pertaining to the busi- ness of any common carrier. Same, sec. ig. 1 Certain provisions for the special examination of railroad companies are found as follows: ALABAMA Upon the application in writing of a director of or persons owning one- fiftieth part of the entire paid-in capital stock of any corporation operating a railroad, or of 363 the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of such corporation, equal in amount to one- fiftieth part of its capital stock, commission shall make an examination into the books and financial condition of such corporation, and may in its discretion, cause the results of its ex- amination to be published in one or more newspapers in this state. Code 1907, sec. 5665. MASSACHUSETTS Upon the application in writing of a director, or of any person or persons who own one-fiftieth part of the paid-in capital stock of a corporation or company which operates a railroad or railway, or who own the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of 364 such corporation or company equal in amount to one-fiftieth part of its paid-in capital stock, commission shall examine the books and the financial condition of said corporation or com- pany, and shall cause the result of such examination to be published in one or more daily newspapers in the city of Boston. Acts 1906, ch. 463, Pt. i, sec. 16. SOUTH CAROLINA On the application in writing of a director or of any person or persons owning one-fiftieth part of the entire paid-in capital stock of any corporation operating a rail- 366 road, or the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of such corporation equal in amount to one-fiftieth part of its paid-in capital stock, commission shall make an examination into the books of said corporation. Gen. Stats. 1902, sec. 2080. 136 ALABAMA Commission or one or more members thereof shall visit the county seat of every county in the state at least once a year, for the purpose of hearing and receiving complaints, and examining and inquiring into and securing information as to the conduct and management of the several railroads in the state, connections with other railroads, and accommodations of 867 passengers, delays and inconveniences by reason of improper con- nection, the provisions as to depots, switch tracks, sidings, pas- senger stations, and accommodations required by law. Notice shall be given of the time when such visits will be made by cir- cular letters to the several county officers for at least two weeks before such visit, and also by publication in a newspaper when commission shall so order. Code igoy, sec. 5644. ARIZONA Commission, and the several members thereof, may inspect and investigate the property, books, papers, business, methods, and affairs of any corporation whose stock shall be offered for sale to the public, and of any public service corpora- tion doing business within the state, and for the purpose of com- S68 mission and of the several members thereof, shall have the power of a court of general jurisdiction to enforce the attendance of witnesses and the production of evidence by subpoena, attach- ment, and punishment, which said power shall extend throughout the state. Commission may take testimony under commission or deposition either within or without the state. Const., art. XV, sec. 4. See also par. 2466. ARKANSAS See par. 2563. CALIFORNIA See par. 2466. COLORADO Commission may by any one or more of the commissioners, prosecute any inquiry necessary to its duties in any part of the state and in any matter or question of fact pertain- 369 ing to the business of any common carrier, or to violations of this act by shipper, consignee, applicant for cars or agent or either of them, subject to the provisions of this act. Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 18. CONNECTICUT The commissioners and their employes engaged in the performance of their duties as such may, at all reasonable 870 times, enter any premises, buildings, cars, or other places belong- ing to or controlled by any public service company, and any person obstructing or in any way causing to be obstructed or 137 hindered any member or employe of commission in the perform- ance of his duties as such shall be fined not more than $200, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. Puh. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 8. See also pars. 2f;66, 2568, 2'jg6. FLORIDA See pars. 418, 622, 2yg8, 3^03, 3720. GEORGIA Commission may through any one or more of its members, at its direction, make personal visitation to the offices and places of business of said companies for the pur- pose of examination, and commissioner or commissioners may 371 examine the agents and employes of said companies, under oath or otherwise, in order to procure information deemed by the commissioners necessary to their work or of value to the public. Code iQii, sec. 2663.- See also par. 2800. ILLINOIS Commission shall examine into conditions and management and all other matters concerning the business of railroads, other common carriers and warehouses so far as the same pertains to the relation of such roads, other common carriers and warehouses to the public and to the accommodation and se- curity of persons doing business therewith and whether such rail- road companies, other common carriers and warehouses, their 372 officers, directors, managers, lessees, agents and employes comply with the laws of this state now in force or which shall hereafter be in force concerning them. And whenever it shall come to their knowledge either upon complaint or otherwise or they shall have reason to believe that any such law or laws have been or are being violated they shall prosecute or cause to be prosecuted all cor- porations or persons guilty of such violation. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. lyj. Commission may inquire into the business management of all common carriers, their passenger and freight rates, distribu- tion of cars, granting of sidings, location of passenger and freight stations, use of and compensation for cars owned or controlled by them, the relations of such carriers to the public, and of the 878 public and public corporations to common carriers; the inter- relation between such common carriers, in so far as any such sub- ject so to be inquired into shall affect or have any bearing upon the transportation of persons or property between points wholly within the state; it may receive complaints from shippers for loss or damage to property in the hands of common carriers and make inquiry as to methods and manner of adjustment of said claims; 138 and commission may make and enforce such orders as will secure the safety and accommodation of persons and property being transported by common carriers and as will prevent unnecessary or unreasonable obstruction to or interfere with the tracks, yards, locomotives and cars of common carriers. Same, sec. ig6. Commission may hear and determine aU questions arising under this act, upon giving due notice to all persons, individuals 374 or corporations interested therein, and enter an order in rela- tion thereto. Same, sec. igj. See also pars. 2805, 3937- INDIANA Commission shall have authority to inquire into the management of the business of all common carriers and shall keep itself informed as to the manner and method 375 in which the same is conducted, and shall have the right to obtain from such carrier full and complete information neces- sary to enable it to perform the duties and carry out the objects for which it was created. Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. 17. See also par. 2945. IOWA See par. 2575. KANSAS See par. 264. KENTUCKY See par. 2814. LOUISIANA See par. 2576. MAINE See par. 2577. MARYLAND Commission may, of its own motion, investi- gate or make inquiry in a manner to be determined by it, as to any act or thing done or omitted to be done by any common car- rier, railroad, street railroad, railroad or street railroad corpora- 376 tion, or other corporation, and commission must make such in- quiry in regard to any act or thing done or omitted to be done by any such common carrier or corporation in violation of any pro- vision of law, or in violation of any order of commission. Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 22. Commission may examine the books and affairs of any such corporation or person (gas, electric, telephone, and telegraph 377 utilities), and compel the production before it of books and papers pertaining to the affairs being investigated by it. Same, sec. 31H, 39. Commission may either through its members or inspectors 878 or employes duly authorized by it, enter in or upon and inspect the property, buildings, plants, factories, power houses and 139 offices of any telephone and telegraph corporations or persons engaged in such business. Same, sec. 39. See also pars. 269, 2jo, 2^2, 274, ^25, 2470, 2472. MASSACHUSETTS Upon the appHcation of the board of aldermen of a city or the selectmen of a town within which a part of any railroad or railway is located, alleging grounds of complaint, com- mission shall examine the condition and operation of such rail- road or railway; and if, upon the petition in writing of 20 or more legal voters in such city or town to the board of aldermen or se- lectmen to make such application, they refuse so to do, they shall indorse upon the petition the reason for such refusal, and return it to the petitioners, who may, within ten days thereafter, present 379 it to commission, and it may thereupon make such examination as if called upon by the board of aldermen or selectmen, first giving to the petitioners and to the corporation or company reasonable notice in writing of the time and place of making such examination. If, upon such examination, it appears to com- mission that the complaint is well fotmded, it shall so adjudge, and shall in writing inform the corporation or company which operates such railroad of its adjudication. Ads 1906, ch. 463, pt. i, sec. 10. See also pars. 2y6, 2yy, 2y8, 2586, 2^8y, 2588. MICfflGAN See pars. 287, 935, 2589. MINNESOTA One of the commissioners shall visit the sta- tions on the lines of each railroad as often as practicable, giving 20 days' notice in the local newspapers of the time and place of each visit, and personally inquire into the management of such railroad business, and at least once each year shall visit every coimty having a railroad station, and inquire into the manage- ment of such railroad business. For this purpose all common carriers and their officers and employes are required to furnish 880 such commissioner with reasonable and proper facilities. Each commissioner, in his official capacity may pass free on all rail- road trains and at all suitable times may enter and remain in the cars, offices, or depots of any railroad company; and whenever, in the judgment of commission, any common carrier fails in any respect to comply with the laws, or any repairs are necessary upon its railroad, or any reasonable addition to or change of its stations, station houses, or transfer facilities^ or change in the mode of operating its road or conducting its business, will pro- mote the security or convenience of the public, commission, by a 140 written order, to be served as a summons in civil actions, shall re- quire compliance with such law, or the making of such repairs, additions or change. In case of disobedience of said order com- mission may cause an action to be commenced for the enforce- ment thereof. Rev. Laws ipoj, sec. ig62. See also par. gji. MISSISSIPPI Commission shall from time to time as far as practicable visit all stations on the various lines of railroad, and investigate the manner in which bulletin-boards are posted and kept, how reception-rooms are arranged and kept, how rates for freight and passengers are posted, and such other things as it may deem proper to investigate; and it shall take notice of every neglect or failure by a railroad company to comply with the law 381 and the rules, orders and regulations of commission, and enforce a strict observance thereof. It shall be unlawful for commission or any one of them to give notice to any railroad official or any one else of a purpose at any given day or date to make examina- tion of any railroad as above required. Fiuther, it shall be imlaw- ful for commission or any one of them to travel as the guest of any railroad official on a private car on a tour of inspection. Code igo6, sec. 4858. One or more of commissioners, at least once in every year, shall visit each coimty through which a railroad runs, and there remain at least one entire day; and he or they shall inquire into all violations of law relating to common carriers, hear all com- plaints, may simimon persons to give evidence thereof and shall note all complaints and evidence of violations of law; and there- after commission shall institute proceedings as the law directs for such violations. At such visits commission shall inquire into the needs of the community, and to what extent, if any, it is discrim- 382 inated against in freight, passenger, express or telegraph rates; and if they find that the products of a community are improfitable to the producers by reason of excessive transportation charges, or the people of the commimity otherwise unjustly discriminated against, commission shall take such action as is authorized by law to remedy the evil. And commission shall at all times exercise its power in the direction of affording cheap transportation of agricultural products raised in this state to other parts thereof where they may be sold. The commissioners shall give ten days' notice of their visits reqmred by this section to the public in the commimity to be visited. Laws igo8, ch. 8j, sec. i. See also pars. 2g4, 2jgo, 2jgi. 141 MISSOURI Commission, either upon its own motion or upon the complaint of any individual, firm, company or corpora- tion, may investigate all charges of any violations of any of the 383 provisions of this article, and shall have power to send for persons and papers, administer oaths and examine and compel the atten- dance of witnesses, and if, in its judgment, there be reasonable evidence of any violation of any of the provisions of this article commission shall transmit such evidence to the attorney general of the state. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 32go. Commission shall examine into the condition and manage- ment and all matters concerning the business of warehouses and elevators under this article in this state so far as the same may pertain to the relations of such warehouses and elevators to the public and to the security and convenience of persons doing busi- 384 ness therewith, and to ascertain whether the officers, directors, managers, lessees, agents and employes comply with the laws of this state now in force or to be in force concerning such ware- houses or elevators. Whenever it shall come to their knowledge or they shall have reason to believe that any law governing the public warehouses or elevators of this state under this article is being or has been violated they, shall cause to be prosecuted or prosecute all persons guilty of such violation. Same, sec. 6818, To enable commission efficiently to perform its duties imder this article, it is hereby made its duty to cause one or more of its 386 ntimber, at least once in six months, to visit each warehouse or elevator in this state, and to personally inquire into the manage- ment of such warehouse or elevator business. Same. See also pars. g6i, 2^g2. MONTANA See par. 2gy. NEBRASKA See pars, 2gg, 2^g3, NEW HAMPSHIRE Commission may either through its members or duly authorized experts, inspect any of the property or equip- ment, books or records of any railroad corporations, including the right for such inspection purpose to ride upon any locomotive or 386 train while in service, and to have upon reasonable notice a spe- cial locomotive and inspection car for a physical inspection once annually of all the lines and stations of each railroad corporation in the state. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. 5(6). Also a provision for railroad corporations and public utilities 387 identical with par. 376. Same, sec. 10 {b). See also par. g8j. 142 k NEW JERSEY Commission may investigate, upon its own 388 initiative or upon complaint in writing, any matter concerning any public utility. Laws igii, ch. ig^, sec. i6(a). See also par. 2^13. NEW MEXICO See pars. 3543, 3544. NEW YORK Provisions for common carriers, railroad and street railroad corporations, and telegraph or telephone corpora- 389 tions, identical with par. 376. Laws igio, ch. 480, sees. 48(1), 96(1). Each commission may either through its members or re- sponsible engineers or inspectors duly authorized by it, enter in or upon and inspect the property, equipment, buildings, plants, factories, power houses and offices of any such corporations or persons, including the right for such inspection purpose to ride upon any freight locomotive or train, or any passenger locomotive 390 or train while in service; and may have upon reasonable notice the use of an inspection locomotive or special locomotive and in- spection car for a physical inspection once annually of all the lines and stations of each common carrier imder its supervision. Same, sec. 4^(2). Each commission may either through its members or iij- spectors or employes duly authorized by it, enter in or upon and 391 inspect the property, buildings, plants, factories, power houses, ducts, conduits and offices of any of such corporations, persons or municipalities. Same, sec. 66{8). 392 Each commission may enter and inspect the plant of a gas or electrical corporation wherever situated. Same, sec. yd. Commission may either through its members or inspectors or employes duly authorized by it enter in or upon and inspect 393 the property, equipment, buildings, plants, factories, offices, apparatus, machines, devices and lines of any telegraph or tele- phone corporation. Same, sec. g4{2). See also pars. 3og, 311, 312, ggo, 2484. NORTH CAROLINA Commission shall from time to time visit the places of business, and investigate the books and papers of all corporations, firms, or individuals engaged in the transportation 394 of freight or passengers and the transmission of messages either by telegraph or telephone, to ascertain if all the orders, rules and regulations of commission have been complied with. PelVs Re- , visal igo8, sec. 1064. See also pars. 2jgj, 2goo. 143 NORTH DAKOTA Commission shall at such times as the gover- nor may direct examine any particular subject connected with the condition and management of railroads and report to him in writing its opinion thereon with its reasons therefor. Commis- sion shall also investigate and consider what, if any, amendment 396 or revision of the railroad laws of this state the best interests of the state demand and it shall make a special biennial report on such subject to the governor. All such reports made to the gover- nor shall be by him transmitted to the legislative assembly at the earliest practicable time. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4366. See also pars. 31J, ji8. OHIO If upon complaint, or otherwise, commission has reason to believe that a railroad or any officer, agent, or em- ploye thereof has violated or is violating any law of the state, or S96 if it has reason to believe that differences have arisen between citizens of the state and any railroad operating as a common car- rier within the state, it shall examine into the matter. Code igio, sec. 601. Commission either through its members or inspectors or employes duly authorized by it may enter in or upon, for pur- ^97 poses of inspection, any property, equipment, building, plant, factory, office, apparatus, machinery, device and lines of any public utility. Laws 1911, no. 525, sec. 10. See also pars. J24, 2jgy, 3472. OREGON See pars. 227, 2526, 2600, 2771. PENNSYLVANIA The commissioners or any of them in the per- formance of their official duties or any person in the office of com- mission and specially delegated by commission for that purpose, 398 may enter and remain during business hours in the cars, offices and depots, and upon the railroads of any common carrier, and may examine books and affairs of any such common carrier. Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. 10. See also pars. 228, 333. RHODE ISLAND The commissioners, the attorney general and the agents of commission, as provided in section 13, while en- gaged in the performance of their duties, may at all reasonable S90 times enter any premises, buildings, cars, plant or equipment, or other places belonging to or controlled by any public utility, and inspect the same or any part thereof, and any person obstructing, • hindering or in any way causing to be obstructed or hindered any 144 commissioner or the attorney general or any agent of commission in the performance of his duties, or who shall refuse to permit any commissioner, the attorney general or any agent of commission entrance into any premises, buildings, cars, plant or equipment, or other places belonging to or controlled by any public utility, in the performance of his duties as such, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than $500 nor less than $200. Acts igi2, ch. ygj, sec. 14. SOUTH CAROLINA Upon complaint and application of the mayor and aldermen or council of any city, towp or county board cf com- missioners of any county within which any part of any rail- road is located, it shall be the duty of commission to make an examination of the condition and operation thereof. Before proceeding to make such examination in accordance with such application, commission shall give to the applicants and the rail- road corporation reasonable notice, in writing, of the time and place of entering upon the same. If, upon such examination, it 400 shall appear to commission that the complaint alleged by the applicant is we^l founded, they shall so adjudge, and shall inform the corporation operating such railroad of their adjudication, in the same manner as is provided in section 2068 of this chapter; and the company failing for 60 days after such notice to remove the cause of such complaint, it shall make report thereof to the general assembly for such action as it may deem expedient ; or if there be necessity for prompt action, it may take such legal pro- ceedings as may be proper, and the attorney general shall insti- tute and conduct such proceedings. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2oyo. It shall be the duty of commission when necessary to in- vestigate so much of the books and papers of all the railroad companies doing business in this state as it may think proper, to ascertain if the rules and regulations have been complied 401 with, and to make personal \dsitations of railroad offices, stations and other places of business for the purpose of examina- tions and to make rules and regulations concerning such exam- inations, which rules and regulations shall be observed and obeyed as other rules and regulations. Same, sec. 2082. See also pars. jj6, 2gi8, J020. SOUTH DAKOTA Commission shall cause every warehouse and* the business thereof, and the mode of conducting the same, to 402 be inspected at such times as commission may order by one or more members of commission, who shall report in writing to 145 commission the result of such examination; and the property, books, records, accounts, papers and proceedings kept at each warehouse, so far as they relate to their condition, operation or management, shall at all times during business hours be sub- ject to the examination and inspection of commission; and com- mission may, in all matters arising under the provisions of this law, exercise the power to subpoena and examine witnesses conferred upon commission by law in relation to railroad com- panies. Rev. Pol. Code iQoj, sec. 4Q0. See also pars. 343, 344, 2774. TENNESSEE The commissioners shall inform themselves fully and thoroughly in regard to the affairs of every railroad 403 company doing business in this state. Acts iSgy, ch. 10, sec. 8(1), as amended by Acts igoy, ch. 3go, sec. 2. See also par. zgzg. TEXAS , It shall be the duty of commission to investi- gate all complaints against railroad companies subject hereto, and 404 to inforce all laws of this state in reference to railroads. Sayles^ Civ. Stats. I Spy, art. 4jyg{i). VERMONT Commission shall at least once annually ex- amine the roadbed, bridges, depots, rolling stock and equipment of every railroad in the state, and shall, by examinations and 405 investigations, keep itself informed as to the condition, manner of operation and safety of all railroads, and shall see that they comply with the provisions of their charters and the laws of this state. Pub. Stats. igo6, sec. 4602. The members of commission and the clerk may enter during business hours the offices, depots, cars and upon the railroads of 406 any person or corporation operating a railroad within this state, so far as may be necessary in the discharge of their duties. Same, sec. 4605. Commission may, whenever it deems the public good re- 407 quires, examine the plants, equipment, lines, exchanges, stations and property subject to its supervision under this act. Laws igo8, no. 116, sec. 3. The members of commission and any person in its employ 408 and by its direction may during business hours enter the offices, plants, exchanges an4 stations or upon the land or lines of any company subject to the provisions of this act. Same, sec. 4. 146 VIRGINIA Commission shall examine all the railroads and the works and eqmpment thereof, and the works and eqmpment of all other transportation companies, and keep itself informed as to their physical condition and the manner in which they are operating with reference to the sectirity and accommodation of the 409 public, and the compliance of the several companies with the pro- vision of their charters and the laws of the commonwealth. And the provision of this section shall apply to all railroads and other transportation companies, and to the corporations, trustees, receivers, or other person owning or operating the same. Pol- lard's Code 1904, sec. ijija{i8). Upon the complaint and application of the mayor or coimcil of any city or town, or the board of supervisors of any coimty within which any part of any transportation or transmission line is located, it shall be the duty of commission to make an exami- nation of the physical condition and operation thereof. Before proceeding to make such examination in accordance with such application, commission shall give to the applicants and the cor- poration or person operating any such line reasonable notice in 410 writing, of the time and place of entering upon the same. I upon such examination it shall appear to commission that the complaint alleged by the applicant is well fotmded, it shall so ad- judge and shall notify such corporation or person of its adjudica- tion; and if such corporation or person fail for 60 days after such notification to remove the cause of complaint, commission shall impose the fines and penalties provided by the constitution and by law for its failure to obey the orders and requirements of com- mission, and enforce the collection thereof by its judgments and processes. Same, sec. iji3a{2i). See also pars. jj6, 2gjy. WISCONSIN See par. 2539, 2775. J. Authority of Commission to Examine Under Oath the Officer s. Agents or Employes of Public Utilities and to Inspect the Books, Records and Memoranda Thereof. UNITED STATES See pars. 2686, 2752. ALABAMA Commission or any commissioner, or any per- son or persons employed by commission for that purpose shall, 411 upon demand, have the right to inspect the books and papers of any transportation company, and to examine under oath any oflBcer, agent or employe of such transportation company in rela- 147 tion to its business and affairs; provided, that any person other than one of the commissioners who shall make such demand shall produce his authority to make such inspection under the hand of the commissioner, or of the secretary, and under the seal of commission. Code igoy, sec. 5661. See also pars. ^6j, 2688, 2y^4, ^ggg. ARIZONA Commission, each commissioner and each officer and person employed by commission shall have the right, at any and all times, to inspect the accounts, books, papers and documents of any public service corporation,^ and commission, each commissioner and any officer of commission or any employe authorized to administer oaths shall have power to examine under ■ oath any officer, agent or employe of such public service corpo- 412 ration in relation to the business and affairs of such public service corporation; provided, that any person other than a commissioner or an officer of commission demanding such inspection shall pro- duce under the hand and seal of commission his authority to make such inspection; and, provided, further, that a written record of the testimony or statement so, given under oath shall be made and filed with commission. Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 58. See also pars. j68, 32g8. ARKANSAS The commissioners or either of them shall have the right at such times as they may deem necessary to in- spect the books and papers of any railroad company, and to examine under oath any officer, agent or employe of such railroad in relation to the business and affairs of the same. If any rail- 413 road shall refuse to permit the commissioners or either of them to examine its books and papers, said railroad company shall for each offense pay the state not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each day it shall so fail and refuse. Kirby^s Digest igo4, sec. 6821. Any officer, agent or employe of any railroad company who shall upon proper demand fail or refuse to exhibit to the com- 414 missioners or either of them any book or paper of such railroad company which is in the possession or under the control of such officer, agent or employe shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction in any court having jurisdiction ^ The records, books, and files of all public service corporations, state banks, building and loan associations, trust, insurance, and guaranty companies shall be at all times liable and subject to the full visitorial and inquisitorial powers of the state, notwithstanding the immunities and privileges secured in the declaration of rights of this constitution to per- sons, inhabitants, and citizens of this state. Const., art. xtv. sec. x6. 148 thereof shall be fined for each offense a stim not less than $ioo nor more than $500. Same, sec. 6822. CALIFORNIA Identical with par. 412, except that ''public 416 service corporation" reads "public utility." Stats. 1911, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 58. See also pars. 3298, 4517. COLORADO Commission shall at all times have access to all accounts, records and memoranda kept by common carriers, and it may employ special agents or examiners who shall have authority, under order of commission, to inspect and examine any and all accounts, records and memoranda kept by such com- mon carriers. This provision shall apply to receivers of common carriers and operating trustees. Laws 1910, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 18. In case of failure or refusal on the part of any common carrier, receiver or trustee to submit such accoimts, records or memoranda as are kept to the inspection of commission, or any 417 of its authorized agents or examiners, such common carriers, receivers or trustees shall forfeit to the state the simi of $500 for each such offense and for each and every day of the continuance of such offense, such forfeitures to be recoverable in the same man- ner as other forfeitures provided for in this act. Same. CONNECTICUT See par. 2795. FLORIDA Commission shall investigate the books and papers of all railroads, railroad companies and common carriers to ascertain if the rules and regulations have been complied with, and they may make personal visitation of railroad offices, sta- 418 tions and other places of business, for the purpose of examination and to make niles and regulations concerning such examinations, which rules and regulations shall be observed and obeyed as other rules and regulations. Gen. Stats. 1906, sec. 2904. Commissioners shall have full power and authority to examine all agents and employes of railroads, railroad com- panies and common carriers and other persons under oath or otherwise in order to procure the necessary information to 419 make just and reasonable rates for freight and passenger tariffs and to ascertain if rules and regulations are observed or vio- lated and to make necessary and proper rules and regulations concerning such examinations, which rules and regulations shaill 149 be obeyed and enforced as other rules and regulations provided for in this chapter. Same, sec. 2go^. See also par. 2^/55. GEORGIA It shall be the duty of commission to investi- gate the books and papers of all the railroad companies doing business in this state, to ascertain if the rules and regulations have been complied with, and to make personal visitation of railroad offices, stations, and other places of business for the purpose of examination, and to make rules and regulations concerning such examination, which rules and regulations shall be observed and obeyed as other rules and regulations; com- 420 mission shall also have full power and authority to examine all agents and employes of said railroad companies, and other per- sons, under oath or otherwise, in order to procure the neces- sary information to make just and reasonable rates of freight and passenger tariffs, and to ascertain if such rules and reg- ulations are observed or violated, and to make necessary and proper rules and regulations concerning such examinations, and which rules and regulations herein provided for shall be obeyed and enforced as all other rules and regulations provided for in this article. Code igii, sec. 2633. See also pars, j/i, 26g3, 3298. ILLINOIS The property, books, records, accounts, papers and proceedings of all railroad companies, other common carriers, and all public warehousemen, shall at all times during business hours be subject to the examination and inspection of commis- sioners, and they shall have power to examine under oath or af- firmation any and all directors, officers, managers, agents and employes of any such railroad corporation or other common carrier, and any and all owners, managers, lessees, agents and employes of such public warehouses and other persons, con- cerning any matter relating to the condition and management of such business. The commissioners or any of them in the per- formance of their official duties, or any person specially delegated 421 by commission for that purpose, may enter and remain during business hours in the cars, offices, depots, and upon the railroads or in vessels, or in and upon any of the instrumentalities used by common carriers in and about the transportation of persons or property between points wholly within the state, and may ex- amine the books and affairs of such common carrier, and in all proceedings before commission under a complaint duly filed, or ISO upon a proceeding begun by commission upon its own motion, commission shall have power to require by subpoena the at- tendance and the testimony of witnesses and the production of all books, papers, tariffs, contracts, agreements and documents ■ relating in any matter embraced within such complaint or pro- ceedings. Information so obtained shall not be admitted in evidence or used in any other proceeding. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. lyg. See also par. 2806. INDIANA In any matter or controversy under investi- gation by commission, the commissioners or either of them, or such person or persons as they may employ therefor, shall have the right at such times as they may deem necessary to inspect the books and papers or other documents of any railroad com- pany, and to examine under oath any officer, agent, or employe of such railroad company in relation to the business and affairs of the same ; and commissioners or either of them, or such other person as may be employed by them, shall also have the right to exercise like powers as to all other persons or corporations 422 having books, papers, documents or information bearing upon such investigation. If any railroad company, or such other per- son or corporation, shall refuse to permit the commissioners or either of them, or any person authorized thereto, to examine its books and papers or other docimients, such railroad company, or other person or corporation, shall, for each offense, pay to the state not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each day it, or he, shall so fail or refuse; provided, that any person other than one of commissioners who shall make any such demands shall produce his authority, under the seal of commission, to make such in- spection. Burns^ Annot. Stats. igo8, sec. ^jjg. Any officer, agent or employe of any railroad company, or any other person or corporation, who shall upon proper demand fail or refuse to exhibit to the commissioners or either of them, or any person authorized to investigate the same, any book, paper 423 or other documents of such railroad company, or any other per- son, or corporation, which is in the possession or imder the con- trol of such officer, agent or employe, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in any court having jurisdic- tion thereof, shall be fined for each offense a sum not less than $100 and not to exceed $500. Same, sec. 553g{a). IOWA Commission shaU have power in the discharge of its duties to examine any of the books, papers or documents of 151 any railway corporation, or to examine under oath or otherwise any officer, director, agent or employe thereof; to issue subpoe- nas — the cost thereof as well as the investigation to be first paid by the state, upon the certificate of commission — and to enforce obedience thereto in the performance of its duties as courts of law 424 may. Any person who shall wilfully obstruct it or its members in the performance of their duties, or who shall refuse to give any information within his possession that may be required by them within the line of their duty, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction may be fined not exceeding $1000 in the discretion of the court. Code iSgy, sec. 211^. KANSAS The commissioners shall have power in the discharge of the duties of their office to examine any of the books, papers or documents of any such company or corporation^ or to examine imder oath or otherwise any officer, director, agent or employe thereof, or any other person. The commissioners or either of them are empowered to issue subpoenas and to ad- minister oaths; and any person who may wilfully obstruct com- 425 missioners or either of them in the performance of their duties, or who may refuse to give any information within their pos- session that may be required by commissioners Within the line of their duty, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable on conviction thereof to a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1000 in the discretion of the court; the cost of such subpoenas and investigation to be paid by the state on the cer- tificate of commission. Gen. Stats, ipog, sec. yiSy. See also par. 2^/58. KENTUCKY Commission shall have the power to examine imder oath any person or the directors, officers, agents and employes of any railroad corporation concerning the management of its affairs, and to obtain information pursuant to this law; and shall have the power to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and to administer oaths; and any person who shall 426 neglect or refuse to obey the process of subpoenas issued by com- mission, or who being in attendance shall refuse to testify, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished for each offense by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100, or by imprisonment of not less than ten nor more than 50 days, or both, in the discretion of the jury. Car- rolVs Stats. iQog, sec. 827. ' See par. 264 for utilities to which this provision applies. MARYLAND Commission and each commissioner shall have power to examine all books, contracts, records, documents and papers of any corporation, company, association, person or partnership subject to its supervision, in so far as they relate to the matters over which said commission has jurisdiction and con- 427 trol, and by subpoena duces tecum, to compel production thereof. In lieu of requiring production of originals by subpoena duces tecum, the commission or any commissioner, may require sworn copies of any such books, records, contracts, documents and pa- pers, or parts thereof, to be filed with it. Laws igio, ch. i8o, sec. IS- Commission and each commissioner shall have power to examine all books, contracts, records, docimients and papers of any person or corporation subject to its provision [supervision?], 428 and by subpoena duces tecum to compel the production thereof. In lieu of requiring production of originals by the subpoena duces tecum, commission or any commissioner may require sworn copies of any such books, records, contracts, documents and papers, or parts thereof, to be filed with it. Same, sec. 20. See also pars. ^77, 27 ^g, 32^8. MASSACHUSETTS See pars. 364, 2700, 2704, 2yo6, 2707, 3008, 3010. MICHIGAN Commission or any commissioner or any per- son or persons employed by commission for that purpose shall upon demand have the right to inspect the books and papers of any common carrier, and to examine under oath any officer, agent or employe of such common carrier in relation to any 429 matter which is the subject of complaint or investigation; pro- vided, that any person other than one of commissioners who shall make such demand shall produce his authority to make such inspection under the hand of commission or its secretary, and under the seal of commission. Pub. Acts igog, no. 300, sec. 28(c). See also pars. 2g^4, 32gg. I MINNESOTA It is hereby made the duty of commission to keep itself informed as to whether common carriers in this state are granting rebates or in other particulars are failing to comply with the laws of this state. For this purpose power is conferred on commission, or its agent, to at any proper time make thorough and full examination of all books, vouchers, papers and accounts 480 of any and all common carriers of this state. Any officer, agent 153 or employe of any railroad company in charge of such books, vouchers, papers and accounts who shall fail or refuse to submit the same for examination of commission, or its agent, shall be guilty of misdemeanor. The provisions of this section shall in no way interfere with the duties of the public examiner. Laws 1905, ch. 'ijd, sec. 8. See also par. 641. MISSOURI The property, books, records, accounts, papers and proceedings of all such warehousemen or elevatormen as are contemplated by this article shall at all times during busi- ness hours be subject to the examination and inspection of 481 commission or any one of commissioners, and they or any one of them shall have power to examine, under oath, any owner, manager, lessee, agent or employe of a public warehouse, and any other person, concerning the condition and management of such warehouse or elevator. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 68ig. See also pars. 811, 3528. MONTANA See par. 297. NEBRASKA The chairman and each of the commissioners shall have power to administer all oaths, certify to all official acts, to compel the attendance of witnesses, to examine any of the books, papers, docimients and records of any railway company or common carrier, or have such examination made by any per- son or persons that they may employ for that purpose, to compel the production of such books, papers, docimients and records, or 432 to examine imder oath or otherwise any officer, director, agent or employe of any railway company or common carrier or any other person; provided, that any person or persons employed by com- mission to examine said books, papers, documents or records shall produce his authority under the hand and seal of commission to make such examination. Cohhey^s Annot. Stats. 1909, sec. io6so(j). See also pars. 2761, 2762, 2763, 3300. NEVADA For railroads, identical with par. 429. Stats. 433 1907, ch. 44, sec. i8{b). See also pars. 2764, 287^, 2958, 2960. NEW HAMPSHIRE See pars. 386, 983. NEW MEXICO See par. 2882. NEW YORK A provision identical with par. 428. Laws 484 1 910, ch. 480, sec. 4S{3)' 154 Commission and each commissioner shall have power to examine all books, contracts, records, documents and papers of 435 any telegraph or telephone corporation, and by subpoena duces tectim to compel the production thereof, or of duly verified copies of the same or of any of them. Same, sec. 94{3). See also pars, ggo, 2^22, 2^6^, 2y6y, 2y68, 3300. NORTH CAROLINA See par. 394. NORTH DAKOTA The commissioners shall have power in the discharge of the duties of their office to examine any of the books, papers, or doctmients of any such person, company or corpora- tion, or to examine under oath or otherwise any officer, director, agent or employe thereof, and any person who may wilfully ob- struct commissioners in the performance of their duties, or who may refuse to give any information within his possession that may be required by commissioners within the line of their duty, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable on con- viction thereof to a fine not exceeding $1000 in the discretion of the court. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4364. lOHIO A provision for railroads substantially iden- 437 tical with par. 429. Code 1910, sec. 558. Commission or its duly authorized agent may examine any officer, agent or employe of a railroad or of such other companies, 438 under oath, relative to the stock which he has in any of such companies, and his pecuniary interests direct or indirect there- in. SamCy sec. 603. Commission shall have power either through its members or by inspectors or employes duly authorized by it to examine tmder oath at an}?- time and for assisting commission in the per- formance- of any powers or duties of commission, any officer, agent or employe of any public utility or railroad or any other person in relation to the business and affairs of such utility, and to compel the attendance of such witness for the purpose of such examination. In case of disobedience on the part of any person 439 or persons to comply with any order relating to the production or examination of books, contracts, records, documents and papers, or in case of the refusal of any person to testify to any matter regarding which he may be lawfully interrogated by any such member, employe or inspector of commission at any time or place, it shall be the duty of the common pleas court of any county, or any judge thereof, on application of any member of commission, to compel obedience by contempt proceedings as in the case of the disobedience of the requirements of subpoena issued from such court pr a refusal to testify therein. Laws iqii, no. J25, sec. 8. Commission shall have power either through its members or by inspectors or employes duly authorized by it, to examine all books, contracts, records, docimients and papers of any pub- 440 lie utility, and by subpoena duces tecum to compel the production thereof, or of duly verified copies of the same or any of them, and to compel the attendance of such witnesses as commission may require to give evidence at such examination. Same, sec. g. See also pars. 2'j6g, 2g6j, 2g6^, 2g6S, 3300. OKLAHOMA Commission shall have the right at all times to 441 inspect the books and papers of all transportation and transmis- sion companies doing business in this state. Const. , art. ix, sec. 18. The commissioners or either of them, or such persons as they may employ therefor, shall have the right at such times as they may deem necessary, to inspect the books and papers of any railroad company or other public service corporation, and to examine imder oath any officer, agent, or employe of such corpo- rations in relation to the business and affairs of the same. If any 442 railroad company or other public service corporation shall refuse to permit the commissioners or either of them, or any person authorized thereto, to examine its books and papers, such rail- road company or other public service corporation, shall, until otherwise provided by law, for each offense, pay to the state not less than $125 nor more than $500 for each day it shall so fail or refuse, and the officer or other members so refusing shall be pun- ished as the law shall prescribe. Same, sec. 28. OREGON A provision for railroads identical with par. 448 411. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 5j, sec. 41. . Commission, or any commissioner, or any person or persons employed by commission for that purpose, shall upon demand have the right to inspect the books, accounts, papers, records 444 and memoranda of any public utility, and to examine under oath any officer, agent, or employe of such public utility in relation to its business and affairs. Any person other than one of com- missioners who shall make such demand, shall produce a certif- icate under the seal of commission showing his authority to make such inspection. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. 36. See also pars. ^77 1, 2772. PENNSYLVANIA See par. 3g8. 156 I SOUTH CAROLINA See pars. 365, 401, 849, 3020. SOUTH DAKOTA Commissioners are hereby empowered and di- rected to at any time enter any public warehouse during ordinary business hours, or any office in which the books and accounts of any pubUc warehouse are kept, and shall have the power to ex- 445 amine all of the books relating to the transaction of business of such public warehouse, either within or without the state; it is hereby made the duty of each public warehouseman to give com- mission free access to all such books and accounts upon de- mand. Sess. Laws igoy, ch. 2og, sec. i. Any public warehouseman who shall refuse access to his books and accounts, or who shall hinder or delay commission, or any member thereof, from examining the same, shall be 446 deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not greater than $100, and commission shall re- voke the license of such public warehouseman. Same, sec. 2. Commission or any member thereof shall have power in the discharge of the duties of their office, to examine any of the books, papers, or docimients of any common carrier, or to examine im- der oath or otherwise any officer, director, agent or employe of any such common carrier. Commission, or any of its members, is hereby empowered to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses before such commission or member, and to admin- 447 ister oaths; and any person who may wilfully obstruct commis- sion, or an}^ member thereof, in the performance of its or his duties, or who may refuse to give any information within his pos- session that may be required by commission or member within the line of its or his duty, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be liable on conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding $1,000 in the discretion of the court; the costs of such investiga- tion to be first paid by the state on the certificate of com- mission. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2oy, sec. 3. See also pars. 402, 2^13. TENNESSEE Commission is given full power and authority to examine the books and papers of the railroad companies, and to examine under oath the officers, agents and employes of such "448 conipanies and any other persons, to procure the necessary in- formation to intelligently and justly discharge their duties and carry out the provisions of this act. Ads 1897, ch. 10, sec. 8. TEXAS The commissioners or either of them, or such persons as they employ therefor, shall have the right at such 157 times as they may deem necessary, to inspect the books and papers of any railroad company, and to examine under oath any officer, agent, or employe of such railroad in relation to the busi- ness and affairs of the same. If any railroad shall refuse to per- 449 mit the commissioners or either of them, or any person authorized thereto, to examine its books and papers, such railroad shall for each offense pay to the state not less than $125 nor more than $500 for each day it shall so fail or refuse; provided that any per- son other than one of commissioners who shall make any such demands shall produce his authority, imder the hand and seal of commission, to make such inspection. Sayles^ Civ. Stats. i8gy, art. 456 g. Commission shall have authority, and it shall be its duty to call upon express companies for reports, and investigate their books in the same manner as may be prescribed by law for the regulation of railroad companies, and commission shall have 460 power and authority to institute suits, sue out such writs and process as may be applicable and authorized for the regulation of railroad companies. All laws, rules and regulations made and prescribed for the government and control of railroads in so far as they are applicable shall be of equal force and effect against all express companies. Same, art. 4584. Any officer, agent or employe of any railroad company who shall upon proper demand fail or refuse to exhibit to commissioners or either "of them, or any person authorized to investigate the same, any book or paper of such railroad company which is in the 451 possession or under the control of such officer, agent or employe shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in any coiirt having jurisdiction thereof shall be fined for each of- fense a sum not less than $125 and not to exceed $500. White's Penal Code, art. looj. See also par. 2QJo. VERMONT See pars. 3022, 3024. VIRGINIA A provision identical with par. 441. Const., 452 sec. 156Q)). WASHINGTON Commission and each commissioner, or any person employed by commission, shall have the right at any time and all times to inspect the accounts, books, papers and docu- ments of any public service company, and commission or any 468 commissioner may examine under oath any officer, agent, or employe of such public service company in relation thereto and with reference to the affairs of such company; provided, that any 158 person other than a commissioner who shall make any such de- mand, shall produce his authority from commission to make such inspection. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 77. See also par. 2^/4. WISCONSIN A provision for railroads identical with par. 411; also provisions for public utilities substantially identical 454 with par. 444. Laws igoj, ch. j62, sec. lygy-iSih); Laws igoj, ch. 4gg, sees. iyQym-j8{i), ly gym- 38 {2). See also pars. 2775, 2gjs. 2gyS, 3301, 3302. 4. Authority of Commission over Allied Businesses. NEW YORK In case any electrical or gas corporation is en- gaged in carrying on any business other than owning, operating or managing a gas or an electric plant, which other business is not otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of commission, and is so conducted that its operations are to be substantially kept separate and apart from the owning, operating, managing or controlling of such gas or electric plant, said corporation in respect of such other business shall not be subject to any of the provisions of this chapter and shall not be required to procure the assent or author- ization of commission to any act in such other business or to make any report in respect thereof. But this subdivision shall not re- strict or limit the powers of commission in respect to the owning, 455 operating, managing or controlling by such corporation of such gas or electric plant, and said powers shall include also the right to inquire as to, and prescribe the apportionment of, capitaliza- tion, earnings, debts and expenses fairly and justly to be awarded to or borne by the ownership, operation, management or control of such gas or electric plant as distinguished from such other busi- ness. In any such case, if the owning, operating, managing, or controlling of such gas or electric plant by any such corporation is whoUy subsidiary and incidental to the other business carried on by it and is inconsiderable in amount and not general in its char- acter, commission, may by general rules exempt such corporation from making full reports and from the keeping of accounts as to such subsidiary and incidental business. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 66(13). 5. Territorial Jurisdiction of Commission. NEW YORK There are hereby created two public service 456 districts, to be known as the first district and the second dis- 159 trict. The first district shall include the counties of New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond. The second district shall in- clude all other counties of the state. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. j. There shall be a public service commission for each district, and each commission shall possess the powers and duties herein- 467 after specified, and also all powers necessary or proper to enable it to carry out the purposes of this chapter. Same, sec. 4. The jurisdiction, supervision, powers and duties of com- mission in the first district shall extend, under this chapter: (a) to railroads and street railroads lying exclusively within that dis- trict, and to the persons or corporations owning, leasing or operating the same ; (b) to street railroads any portion of whose lines lies within that district, to all transportation of persons or property thereon within that district or from a point within either district to a point within the other district, and to the persons or corporations owning, operating or leasing the said street rail- roads; provided, however, that commission for the second dis- trict shall have jurisdiction over such portion of the lines of said street railroads as lies within the second district, and over the persons or corporations owning, operating or leasing the same, so far as concerns the construction, maintenance, stationary 458 equipment, terminal facilities, stations and local transportation facilities of said street railroads within the second district; (c) to such portion of the lines of any other railroad as lies within that district, and to the person or corporation owning, leasing or operating the same, so far as concerns the construction, mainte- nance, stationary equipment, terminal facilities, stations and local transportation facilities, and local transportation of persons or property within that district ; (d) to any common carrier other than a railroad corporation or street railroad corporation oper- ating or doing business within that district, so far as concerns operations exclusively within that district; (e) to the manufac- ture, sale or distribution of gas or electricity for light, heat or power, in the first district, to gas plants and to electric plants therein, and to the persons or corporations owning, leasing or operating the same. Same, sec. ^{i). And in addition thereto, commission in the first district shall have and exercise all powers heretofore conferred upon the board of rapid transit railroad commissioners under chapter four of the laws of 1 89 1, entitled ''An act to provide for rapid transit rail- 409 ways in cities of over one million inhabitants," and the acts amendatory thereof, together with such other and necessary 160 powers as may be requisite to the efficient performance of the duties imposed upon said board by said act. Same, sec. 5(2). All jurisdiction, sui>ervision, powers and duties under this chapter not specifically granted to the public service commission of the first district shall be vested in, and be exercised by, the pub- lic service commission of the second district, including the regu- 460 lation and control of all transportation of persons or property, and the instnmientalities connected with such transportation, on any railroad other than a street railroad, from a point within either district to a point within the other district. Same, sec. 5(3) . A corporation or person owning or holding a majority of the stock of a common carrier, gas corporation or electrical corpora- tion subject to the jurisdiction of commission shall be subject to the supervision of the same commission in respect of the relations between such common carrier, gas corporation or electrical cor* poration and such owners or holders of a majority of the stock thereof, in so far as such relations arise from or by reason of such 461 ownership or holding of stock thereof, or the receipt or holding of any money or property thereof, or from or by reason of any con- tract between them; and in respect of such relations shall, in like manner and to the same extent as such common carrier, g3,s cor* poration or electrical corporation, be subject to examination of accounts, records and memoranda, and shall fimiish such reports and information as commission shall irom time to time direct and require, and shall be subject to like penalties for default therein. SamCy sec. 5(4). The jurisdiction, supervision, powers and duties of the public service commission in the second district shall extend, under this chapter, to every telephone line which lies wholly within the state of New York and that part within the state of New York of 462 every telephone line which lies partly within and partly without the state of New York, and to the persons or corporations owning, leasing or operating any such telephone line. Same, sec. ^i^), as amended by Laws igio, ch. 6yj. The jurisdiction, supervision, powers and duties of the public service commission in the second district shall extend, un- der this chapter, to every telegraph line which lies within the state of New York and that part within the state of New York of every 463 telegraph line which lies partly within and partly without the state of New York, and to the persons or corporations owmnr.- leasing or operating any such telegraph line. Same, sec. ^(6), as amended by Laws igio, ch. 67 ^^ 161 Corporations formed to acquire property or to transact biisiness which would be subject to the provisions of this chapter, . . and corporations possessing franchises for any. of the purposes 464 conteniplated by this chapter, shall be deemed to be subject to the provisions of this chapter although no property may have been acquired, • business transacted or franchises exercised. Same, sec. 5(7), as amended hy Laws igio, ch. 673. . . Any railroad corporation or common carrier other than a ... street. railroad corporation, operating partly within the second district and partly within the first district, shall report to com- mission of the, second district ; but commission of the first district *. . . may, upon reasonable notice, reqtiire a special report from such ,466 'railroacf corporation or common carrier. Any street railrbad cor- ,. . , poration operating partly within the first district and partly '*'..' .within the second 'district' shall report to commission of the first V . ,. . district ; but'cominission of the second district may, upon reason- ;.. , able notice,, require a special report from such street railroad cor- '. ..poration. 'Same, sec. 46. ' ' ; • ■ "Whenever it 'sha,U happen that any railroad corporation shall ,"'.,. ..own or operate its lines in both districts it shall, under this section -,". ' (appfoyar of issues of stock," bonds" and other form of indebt- ] .. .'edness)i "apply] to. comrnission of the second district: Whenever Ife/.* it' shall happen th^ street railroad corporation shall own or '. »!i 'Qperafeitslmes m districts it shall, under this section, apply V . . .. . ip c^pmfhission M Any other common carrier '**"'' not operating exclusively in the first district shall apply to com- mission of the second district. Same, sec. 55: '' "'" ' Any freight ' terminal company, the limits of the locality "'' ■ in which it is organized to do business include any portion of the 4k7 ' city of .New York, shall be subject to the supervisi'on, control and ;*' ■ regulation of the public service commission of the first district. "'"''' Laws igti, dh. y 78, sec: 156. """'' See' also par. 28go. ' 6. Authority of Pre-existing Boards or Administrative Officers -. . .. , ... .... ., Conferred on, Commission. •OAtlFORNIA '^^ See par. 3163. '• :V.v:: CONJ^ECTICUX ^ The office of. railroad conpiissioner is- hereby ■•..• -.^^lis^^^''.^^^."^^^ rights, powers and duties heretofore vested in .V. V. the railrpad-,commissioners and not inconsistent with other pro- •^ , .• yisions of this act are-ljiereby transferred .to .and continued in the 468 public utilities commission hereia created; and all order^i hereto- 162 fore made by said railroad commissioners shall continue in force, except as hereafter altered or until reversed or rescinded by said public utilites commission; and all books, records and other papers of the railroad commissioners are hereby transferred to the public utilities commission. Puh. Acts igiij ch. 128, sec. 12. The office of inspector general of gas meters and illtiminating 469 gas is hereby abolished and the duties heretofore invested in said officer shall hereafter be performed by commission. Samey sec. ig. KANSAS All laws relating to the powers, duties, author- ity and jurisdiction of the board of railroad commissioners are hereby adopted, and all powers, duties, authority and jurisdiction ' 470 by said laws imposed and conferred upon said board of railroad commissioners, relating to common carriers, are hereby imposed and conferred upon the commission created imder the provisions of this act. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 2. MASSACHUSETTS The powers and duties heretofore conferred and imposed upon the inspector of gas meters and illtimtnating gas are hereby conferred and imposed upoii the board of gas and 471 electric light commissioners. The caire and custody of all prop- erty of the commonwealth in the possession of said inspector are hereby transferred to said board. Acts igo2,'ch. 228, sec. i. MICHIGAN All powers, duties and privileges imposed and conferred under existing laws upon the comrnissioner of rail- roads, the railroad and street crossing board, the crossing board as defined by section 6232 of the compiled laws of 1897, and the board of railway consolidations as defined by section 6255 of the compiled laws of 1897, and upon the Michigan, railroad commission under existing laws are hereby irnposed and conferred upon the commission created under the provisions o£ this act ; and wherever in said acts or either of them the commissioner of railroads, the railroad and street crossing board, the crossing board, and the board of railway consolidations, the Michigan railroad commission, or either of said officials or boards, are named, the same shall be construed to mean and apply to and name the Michigan railroad commission created by this act; provided, that the powers and duties conferred upon the Michi- 472 gan railroad commission by act 3J2 of the public acts of 1907, shall continue. to be exercised by; that commission until the commission provided in section one of this act has qualified ^ and organized^ provided further, .that all 'hearings, investiga- tions and complaints pending upon the organization- of the com- . 163 misvsion provided for in section one of this act which shall have been begun by or before the commission organized under act 312 of the public acts of 1907, may be continued and orders issued therein in all respects the same as if the complaints presented, investigations made and hearings held by the commission oper- ating under act 312 of 1907, had been presented to, made by and held by the commission created under section one of this act. All tariffs and schedules now on file with the Michigan railroad commission created by said act 312 shall be of the same effect as if filed with the commission created by this act. Puh. Acts igog, no. 300, sec. 4g. NEW HAMPSHIRE All the powers and duties imposed and con- ferred upon the board of railroad commissioners under existing laws, except in so far as inconsistent with the powers and duties imposed by this act, are imposed and conferred upon the public service commission created by this act, and all proceed- ings and appeals which under existing laws are required to be 473 brought before the board of railroad commissioners shall here- after be brought before said commission, it being the intent hereof to substitute said public service commission with all the powers and duties imposed upon the same by this act in the place of said board of railroad commissioners; provided, how- ever, that the powers and duties of the board of railroad com- missioners shall continue to be exercised by that board till June I, 191 1, until which date said board of railroad commissioners now in office shall continue to serve at their present salary, and on which date the powers of said board shall terminate and said board shall be abolished. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. j(a). On June i, 191 1, the board of railroad commissioners shall transfer and deliver to the public service commission appointed 474 under the provisions of this act all books, maps, papers, files, and records of whatever description in its possession. Same, sec. 3(b). NEW YORK On and after July i , 1907, the board of railroad commissioners and the commission of gas and electricity shaU be abolished. All the powers and duties of such board and commis- 476 sion conferred and imposed by any statute of this state shall be exercised and performed by the public service commissions. Laws jgio, ch. 480, sees. 120, 121. On and after July i, 1907, the offices of inspector and deputy inspectors of gas meters shall be abolished. All the powers and 164 duties of such inspector conferred and imposed by any statute of 476 this state shall be exercised and performed by the public service commissioners. But any meter inspected, proved and sealed by the said inspector of gas meters prior to July i, 1907, shall be deemed to have been inspected by commission. Same, sec. 122. On and after July i, 1907, the board of rapid transit railroad commissioners shall be abolished. All the powers and duties of 477 such board conferred and imposed by any statute of this state shall thereupon be exercised and performed by the public service commission of the first district. Same, sec. 123. See also par. 459. The board of railroad commissioners, the commission of gas and electricity, and the inspector of gas meters, shall transfer and deliver to the public service commission of the second dis- 478 trict all books, maps, papers, and records of whatever descrip- tion, in their possession on July i, 1907; and the said commis- sion is authorized to take possession of all such books, maps, papers, and records. Same, sec. 124(1). The board of rapid transit railroad commissioners shall transfer and deliver to the public service commission of the first district all contracts, books, maps, plans, papers and 479 records of whatever description, in their possession on July i, 1907; and the said commission is authorized to take possession of all such contracts, books, maps, plans, papers and records. Same, sec. 124(2). The public service commission of the second district may transfer to the public serA^-ice commission of the first district 480 any of the said books, maps, papers, and records which relate to any corporation, person or matter within the jurisdiction of the public service commission of the first district. Same, sec. 124(3)' Whenever the terms board of railroad commissioneis, or commission of gas and electricity or inspector of gas meters or board of rapid transit railroad commissioners occur in any law, contract or document or wherever in any law, contract or docu- ment reference is made to such boards, commission or inspector, such terms or reference shall be deemed to refer to and include the public service commissions as established by this chapter so far as such law, contract or document pertains to matters which are within the jurisdiction of the said public service commis- sions. Same, sec. 126. 165 RHODE ISLAND All the powers and duties conferred by law upon and required to be performed by the railroad commissioner or his deputy at the time of the passage of this act, shall hereafter 482 devolve upon and be exercised and performed by the public util- ities commission. All restrictions not inconsistent with the pro- visions of this act, imposed by law upon any railroad or street railway corporation, heretofore subject to regulation by the rail- road commissioner, shall continue in fiill force and effect and all other things made subject to the regulation or requiring the sanc- tion or approval of said railroad commissioner, and all proceed- ings of transactions of whatever nature to which the railroad com- missioner is by law made a party, shall hereafter be subject to full regulation and performance by the said commission, in accord- ance with the provisions and limitations prescribed in this act. Acts igi2, ch. 7P5, sec. 55. SOUTH DAKOTA The office of telephone inspector is hereby abolished. The duties heretofore devolving upon that officer are 483 hereby conferred upon the board of railroad commissioners. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2iy, sec. i. VIRGINIA Upon the organization of commission, the board of public works and the office of railroad commissioner, 484 shall cease to exist; and all books, papers and documents per- taining thereto, shall be transferred to, and become a part of the records of, the office of commission. Const., sec. i56{k). Commission is hereby charged with all the duties and vested with all the rights, property, fimctions and powers heretofore performed, vested in, and exercised by the board of public works, except in so far as the same may be in conflict with the constitu- 486 tion and laws of this state, and commission shall particularly perform the duties and exercise the powers heretofore performed and exercised by said board, prescribed in section 59 to 78 inclu- sive, of this act. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. ijija(^6). WASHINGTON The railroad commission of Washington shall transfer and deliver to the public service commission hereby 486 created all books, maps, papers, and records, furniture, equip- ment, instruments and supplies in its possession at the date of the taking effect of this act. Lnws igii, ch. iiy, sec. no. WISCONSIN All powers, duties and privileges imposed and conferred upon the railroad commissioner of this state tmder ex- 487 isting laws are hereby imposed and conferred upon commission 166 created under the provisions of this act. Laws 1905, ch. 362, sec. 1797-36- B. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION TO HOLD HEARINGS ON PROPOSED CHANGES OF LAW AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS WITH RE- SPECT THERETO. MARYLAND Commission shall conduct a hearing and take testimony as to the advisability of any proposed change of law relating to any common carrier, railroad, street railroad, railroad or street railroad corporation, or other corporation subject to the provisions of this act if requested to do so by the legislature, by the senate, or general assembly, or the governor, and may con- duct such a hearing, when requested to do so, by any person or 488 corporation, and shall report its conclusions to the officer, body," person or corporation at whose request the hearing was held- Commission may also recommend the enactment of such legisla- tion with respect to any further matter within its jurisdiction as it deems wise or necessary in the pubHc interest, and may draft or cause to be drafted such bills or acts as it may deem necessary or proper to enact into law the legislation recommended by it. Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. 20. MICHIGAN Commission shall conduct a hearing and take testimony as to the advisability of any proposed change of law relative to any matter within its jurisdiction if requested to do so by the legislature, by the senate or house committee on railroads, or by the governor, and shall report its conclusions 489 to the officer or body at whose request the hearing was held. Commission may also recommend the enactment of such legis- lation, with respect to any matter within its jurisdiction, as it deems wise or necessary in the public interest, and may draft or cause to be drafted such bills or acts as it may deem neces- sary or proper to enact into law the legislation recommended by it. Fuh. Acts 1909, no. joo, sec. 50. NEW YORK Each commission shall conduct a hearing and take testimony relative to any pending' legislation with respect to any person, corporation or matter within the jurisdiction of commission, if requested to do so by the legislature or by either 490 branch thereof or by a standing committee of either branch thereof or by the governor or by any such person or corporation, 167 and shall report its conclusions to the legislature. Commission may also recommend the enactment of such legislation with respect to any matter within its jurisdiction as it deems wise or necessary in the public interest. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 16(2). PENNSYLVANIA Commission may take testimony upon, and have a hearing for and against any proposed change of law relat- ing to common carriers, or of the general railroad law, if requested to do so by the secretary of internal affairs, the legislature, or by the committee on railroads of the senate or house of representa- 491 tives, or by the governor; and may take such testimony, and have such a hearing, when requested by any of said common carriers, corporation, or person interested; and shall recommend and draft such bills as will, in its judgment, protect the interests of the pub- lic in connection with common carriers. Laws igoy, no. 2jo, sec. II. VIRGINIA See par. 4521. C. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION TO ARBI- TRATE OR MEDIATE IN CONTROVERSIES AFFECTING PUBLIC UTILITIES. CONNECTICUT Nothing in this act shall be construed to authorize commission to interfere in any manner with contracts 498 between public service companies and their employes. Puh. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 36. NEW MEXICO Commission shall endeavor b}^ mediation to effect settlements of grievances of persons, associations, corpora- tions or carriers against railroads or common carriers. In case no satisfactory settlement be effected commission shall on motion 498 by petitioners, or of its own motion, order a public hearing upon the matter set forth in the petition, which hearing shall be held not less than ten days after service of notice thereof upon defend- ant. Laws igi2, ch. ^8, sec. 2. NORTH CAROLINA Whenever any compan}^ or corporation em- braced in this chapter has a controversy with another corporation or person and all the parties to such controversy agree in writing to submit such controversy to commission as arbitrators, com- mission shall act as such, and after due notice to all parties inter- ested shall proceed to hear the same, and their award shall be 494 final. Such award in cases where land or an interest in land is 168 concerned shall immediately be certified to the clerk of the supe- rior court of the county in which said land is situated and shall by such clerk be docketed in the judgment docket for such county and from such docketing shall be a judgment of the superior court for such county. Parties may appear in person or by attor- ney before such arbitrators. PeWs Revisal igo8, sec. lo^j. OKLAHOMA Upon the request of the parties interested, it shall be the duty of commission, as far as possible, to effect, by 495 mediation, the adjustment of claims, and the settlement of con- troversies, between transportation or transmission companies and their patrons or employes. Const., art. ix, sec. i8. OREGON In case of any dispute or disagreement be- tween any bonded employe or employes of any railroad, which dispute shall result in the discharge or termination of the serv- ices of said bonded employe or employes, it shall be the duty of said railroad to furnish to such bonded employe or employes so discharged upon request, a copy of the charges filed against said employe or employes, as a result of which the services of said em- 496 ploye or employes shall have been discontinued; provided, how- ever, that if no written charges have been filed against such em- ploye or employes as a result of which their services shall have been terminated, it shall be the duty of said railroad to furnish the employe or employes so discharged with a written statement of the reasons for the discharge of said employe or employes within five days from the date of the termination of the services of said employe or employes. Gen. Laws igii, ch. jjg, sec. i. Should the said railroad fail to furnish to said bonded em- ploye or employes a copy of the charges filed against said em- ploye or employes or fail to fiu*nish in writing to said employe or employes, a written statement of the charges against him giving the reasons for his or their discharge within five days from the date of the termination of said services, then and in that event the said employe or employes may complain thereof to commis- sion for the purpose of determining the reasons for said discharge and in case said bonded employe or employes are charged with any offense involving moral turpitude upon complaint being made by any bonded employe or employes as aforesaid that the cause of the discharge was untrue, commission shall notify the railroad 497 complained of that complaint has been made and ten days after such complaint commission shall proceed to investigate same; provided, however, that before proceeding to make such investi- 169 gation commission shall give the railroad and the complainant or complainants ten days' notice of the time and place when and where such complaint will be considered and determined and said parties shall be entitled to be heard and shall have process to enforce attendance of witnesses and to compel the said railroad to present before commission at the time and place of said hearing all the documentary evidence in the possession of said railroad bearing upon the complaint filed against it, and if upon such investigation and hearing it shall appear to commission that the charge against the said employe or employes was untrue commis- "- sion shall make a finding of fact to that effect recommending the reinstatement of said employe or employes and furnishing a copy thereof to the complainant. Same, sec. 2. Commission for the purpose mentioned in this act shall have the power: (a) To administer oaths; (b) to certify to official acts; . (c) issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses; (d) to provide for the production of papers, contracts, books, accoimts, documents and testimony; (e) to provide for the disobedience on the part of any person, or persons, to comply with the orders of commission, or any commissioner, in respect thereto, or any re- 498 fusal of any witness to testify to any matter regarding which he may be lawfully interrogated; (f) to provide for the fees and mile- age of witnesses; (g) to punish said witness, or witnesses for the disobedience of any subpoena issued by commission upon any hearing held in accordance with this act; and (h) generally to provide for the taking of testimony, and for the recording of the proceedings held before commission in accordance with the pro- visions of this act. Same, sec. j. ^^ It shall be the duty of the circuit court of any coimty of the state, or the judge thereof, on application of commission, or of any commissioner, to compel the attendance of witnesses before 499 commission in hearings in accordance with this act, by attach- ment proceeding, or contempt, as in the case of the disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena issued from said court or a .r. , refusal to testify therein. Same, sec. 4. ■!•• Any person, or persons, who shall neglect or refuse to attend •v.. .before commission in accordance with this act, and testify or to answer any legal inquiry, or to produce books, papers, contracts, accotmts, or documents within his power to do so, in obedience •00 to the subpoena or lawful requirements of commission as herein provided for, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof by a court of competent jtirisdiction, shall be pun- 170 I ished by a fine of not less than $ioo nor more than $i,ooo or by imprisonment in the county jail of not more than one year, or by both said fine and imprisonment. Same, sec. 5. D. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION TO VISIT AND CONFER WITH OTHER REGULATING BODIES.^ INDIANA When in judgment of governor expressed in a written order to commission, which order shall be entered of record in their minutes, it will better qualify the members of commission to discharge their duties, they or either of them designated in order of commission, may visit the railroad com- 604 mission of other cities or the interstate commerce commission or may attend the meetings of the national association of railway commissioners or the sessions of committees of such associations or the sessions of other railroad organizations having under con- sideration subjects which concern the duties of such commission. Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. 2(0). KANSAS Commission may confer with officers of other 605 states and officers of United States on any matter pertaining to their official duties. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 9. MICHIGAN Commission may confer by correspondence, by attendiag conventions, or otherwise, with the railroad commis- 606 sioners of other states, with the interstate commerce commission or with any other bodies considering any matters pertaining to common carriers. Pub. Acts igog, no. 300, sec. 2(m). NEVADA Commission may confer by correspondence or by attending conventions or otherwise with the railroad commis- 607 sioners of other states and with the interstate commerce commis- sion on any matters relating to railroads. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. i{m) as amended by Stats, igii, ch. ig^. 1 ALABAMA Commissioners on notice by the governor shall attend the meetings of the state board of assessment, and, if required, give such board all information they can that 601 wUl assist them in the assessment of taxes against persons or corporations operating rail- roads. Code 1907, sec. 5655. MARYLAND It shall be the duty of every public officer without exacting or receiving charge or fee of any kind to furnish to commission upon its application a certified copy 602 of any document or part thereof on file in his office, and no pubhc officer shall be entitled to receive from commission any fee for entering, filing, docVeting or recording any docu- ment required or authorized by law to be filed in his office. Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. Q. OHIO Commission shall, whenever called upon by any officer, board or commis- sion now existing or hereafter created in the state or any political subdivision thereof, furnish any data or iijformation to such official, board or commission and shall aid or assist any such officer, board or commission in performing the duties of his or its office, and all ^ 603 officers, boards or commissions now existing or hereafter created in the state or any politi- cal subdivision thereof, shall furnish to commission, upon request, any data or information which will assist such commission in the discharge of the duties imposed upon it by this act. Laws 1911, no. 325, sec. 81. NEW HAMPSHIRE Commission may confer by correspondence or otherwise with the public service commission or railroad commis- 608 sion of any other state and with the interstate commerce commis- sion of the United States on any matters relating to railroads or public utilities. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. 2{n). OHIO Commission may confer on any matters relat- ing to railroads by correspondence or by attending conventions or 609 otherwise with the railroad commissioners of other states and with the interstate commerce commission. Code igio, sec. 500. OREGON Commission may confer by correspondence, or by attending conventions, or o.therwise, with the railroad 610 commissioners of other states, and with the interstate commerce commission, on any matters relating to railroads. Gen. Laws iQoy, ch. 5j, sec. 10. TENNESSEE Commission shall, by correspondence, con- ventions or otherwise, confer with the railroad commissioners of other states and the interstate commerce commission, and from such persons from states which have no railroad commission, as the governor of such states may appoint for the purpose of agree- ing, if practicable, upon a draft of statutes to be submitted to the 611 legislature of each state, which shall secure uniform control of railroad transportation in the several states, and from one state into or through another state, as will best subserve the interest of trade and commerce of the whole country, and said commission shall include in their annual report to the governor an abstract of the proceedings of any such conference or convention. Acts i8gy, ch. 10, sec. 2g. WISCONSIN Commission may confer by correspondence or by attending conventions or otherwise with the railroad commis- 612 sioners of other states and with the interstate commerce commis- sion on any matters relating to railroads. Laws 1905, ch. ^62, sec. lygy-iim). 172 CHAPTER III Basis of Rate Making SCOPE NOTE This chapter includes provisions prescribing that rates must he reasonable and indicating the various elements to be considered and the various devices that may be adopted by utilities and commissions in the establishment of rea- sonable rates. Provisions on valuation are here included because it is believed that the most important purpose of ascertaining the value of utility property is as a guide to rate making. For provisions authorizing commissions to regulate or prescribe rates, see ch. iv, on establishment and change of rates. For provisions requiring publicity in the establishment and change of rates, see ch. v, on publicity of rates. For provisions regulating rate making in practice, see ch. vi, on discrimination in rates and service. For provisions prescribing general procedure to be followed in the exercise of commission authority, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For pro- visions prescribing general rules of enforcement and judicial review, see ch. xv, on enforcement. For general statement of scope and method, see introduction. ANALYSIS PAGE A. General requirements as to reasonableness of rates 1 74 B. Elements to be considered as a basis for reasonable rates. 185 C. Valuation of the property of utilities 190 D. Sliding scale, profit sharing, automatic adjustment, minimum charge and graduated charges. .,...,.,.. 208 173 A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AS TO REASONABLENESS OF RATES UNITED STATES All charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property and for the transmission of messages by telegraph, telephone, or cable, or in connection therewith, shall be just and reasonable; and every unjust and unreasonable charge for such service or 613 any part thereof is prohibited and declared to be unlawful; pro- vided, that messages by telegraph, telephone or cable may be classified into day, night, repeated, unrepeated, commercial, press, government and such other classes as are just and reason- able and different rates may be charged for the different classes of messages. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. i. ALABAMA Whenever passengers or property are trans- ported over two or more connecting lines of railroad and the railroad companies have made joint rates for the transportation of the same such rates and all charges in connection therewith shall be just and reasonable and every unjust and imreason- 614 able charge is prohibited and is imlawful; provided, that a less charge by each of said railroads for its proportion of such joint rates than is made locally between the same points on their respective lines shall not for that reason be a violation of this article, nor render such railroads or common carriers liable to any of the penalties tjiereof. Code igoy, sec. 5533. Charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property or for any 616 service in connection therewith or for the receiving, switch- ing, delivering, storing or handling of such property, shall be reasonable and just. Same, sec. 5650. Any person or corporation operating a railroad who com- 616 mits extortion in transportation charges must, on conviction, be fined not less than $10 nor more than $500. Same, sec. 7688. ARIZONA All charges made, demanded or received by any public service corporation or by any two or more public service corporations for any product or commodity furnished 617 or to be furnished or any service rendered or to be rendered shall be just and reasonable. Every imjust or unreasonable charge made, demanded or received for such product or commodity or 174 service is prohibited and declared unlawful. Sess. Laws igiz, ch. go, sec. 13(a). All rules and regulations made by a public service corpo- 618 ration affecting or pertaining to its charges or service to the public shall be just and reasonable. Same, sec. ijic). CALIFORNIA Provisions for public utilities identical with 619 pars. 517, 518. Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess.y ch. 14, sees. 13(a), 13(c). COLORADO All charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property 680 in connection therewith shall be just and reasonable, and every unjust and tmreasonable charge for such service or any part thereof is prohibited and declared to be imlawful. Laws igiOy sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 3. FLORIDA If any railroad company or common carrier shall charge, collect, demand or receive more than a fair or reasonable rate of toll or compensation for the transportation of passengers or freight of any description, or for the use and 621 transportation of any railroad car upon its tracks, or any of the branches thereof, or upon any railroad which it has the right, license or permission to use, operate or control, the same upon conviction shall be dealt with as provided by law. Gen. Stats. igo6, as amended, sec. 2888. See also par. 24g. GEORGIA For railroad corporations identical with Flor- ida provision, except that "the same, upon conviction shall be 622 dealt with as provided by law" reads "the. same shall be deemed guilty of extortion, and upon conviction shall be dealt with as provided by law." Code igii, sec 2628. _ -. - ILLINOIS A provision identical with par! 522. Revisal 623 igog, ch. 114, sec. 124. Any such railroad corporation guilty of extortion or of making any unjust discriminations . as to passenger or freight rates or the rates for the use and transportation of railroad cars, or in receiving, handling and delivering freights, shall upon 624 conviction be fined in any simi not less than $1,009 ...nor 'more than $5,000 for the first offense; and for the second, offense not ., less than $5,000 nor more than $10,000; and for the third offense not less than $10,000 nor more than $20,000; and for 175 every subsequent offense and conviction shall be liable to a fine of $25,000; provided that in all cases either party shall have the right of trial by jury. Same, sec. 12'/. The fines hereinbefore provided for may be recovered in an action of debt, in the name of the people of the state of Illinois, and there may be several coimts joined in the same declaration as to extortion and unjust discrimination, and as to passenger and freight rates, and rates for the use and transportation of railroad cars, and for receiving, handling or delivering freight. If, upon the trial of any cause instituted imder this act, the jury shall find for the people, they shall assess and return with their verdict the amotmt of the fine to be imposed upon the defendant, at any sum not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000, and the court shall render judgment accordingly; and if the jury shall find for the people, and that the defendant had once before been convicted of a violation of the provisions of this act, they shall return such finding with their verdict, and shall assess and retiun with their verdict the amount of the fine to be imposed upon the defendant, at any simi not less than $5,000 nor more than $10,000 and the court shall render judgment accordingly; and if the jury shall find for the people and that the defendant has been twice before convicted of a violation of the provisions of this act, with respect to extortion or unjust discrimination, they shall retiun such finding with their verdict, and shall assess and return with their verdict the amoimt of the fine to be imposed upon the defendant, at any sum not less than $10,000 nor more than $20,000; and in like manner, for every subsequent offense and conviction, such defendant shall be liable to a fine of $25,000: Provided, that in all cases under the provisions of this act a preponderance of evidence in favor of the people shall be sufficient to authorize a verdict and judgment for the people. Same, sec. 128. If any railroad corporation shall in violation of any of the provisions of this act ask, demand, charge or receive of any person or corporation any extortionate charge or charges for the transportation of any passengers, goods, merchandise, or property, or for receiving, handling or delivering freights, or shall make any imjust discrimination against any person or corporation in its charges therefor, the person or corporation so offended against may, for each offense, recover of such rail- road corporation, in any form of action, three times the amount of d^nages sustained by the party aggrieved, together with the 176 cost of the suit and a reasonable attomey*s fee to be fixed by the court where the same is heard, on appeal or otherwise, and taxed as a part of the cost of the case. Same, sec. i2g. IOWA All charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property or for the receiving, delivering, storage or handling of such 627 property shall be reasonable and just and every imjust and im- reasonable charge for such service is prohibited and declared to be unlawful. Code i8gj, sec. 212^. If any railway corporation or carrier shall charge, collect, demand or receive more than a fair and reasonable rate of toll or compensation for the transportation of passengers or freight of any description, or for the use and transportation of any railway car upon its track or any of the branches thereof, or upon any railroad which it has the right, license or permission 628 to use, operate or control, or shall make any unjust and unrea- sonable charge prohibited by law, it shall be deemed guilty of extortion, and be dealt with as provided by law, and if any such railroad corporation or common carrier shall be found guilty of any unjust discrimination, it shall upon conviction thereof, be dealt with as provided by law. Same, sec. 2144. Any railway company guilty of extortion, or of making any imjust discrimination as to passenger or freight rates, or the rates for the use and transportation of railway cars, or in receiv- ing, handling or delivering freights, shall be fined in any sum 629 not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000 for the first offense, and for each subsequent offense not less than $5,000 nor more than $10,000, such fine to be imposed in a criminal prosecution by indictment, or to be recovered as a forfeitvu'e in a civil action in the name of the state. Same, sees. 214'/, 2148.^ Every imjust and unreasonable charge for the transporta- tion of freight and cars over two or more railroads is prohibited and every company making such unreasonable and unlawful 630 charges, or otherwise violating the provisions of this chapter, shall be punished as provided for the making of unreasonable charges for the transportation of freight and cars over a single line of railroad by a single railway company. Same, sec. 2157. 1 When commission has reason to beUeve that any railway corporation or carrier sub- ject to the provisions of this chapter has been gviilty of extortion or tinjust discrimination, it shall immediately cause actions to be commenced and prosecuted agninst such rail'Wa.y corporations or carrier, which may be brought in any county of the state through or into which the hne of the corporation sued may extend, and it may on behalf of the state em- ploy counsel to assist the attorney general in conducting such actions. No actions thus com- menced shall be dismissed unless they and the attorney general consent thereto. The coiirt in its discretion may give preference to such actions over all other business, except criminal cases. Code 1897, sec. 2149. 177 KANSAS No railroad company shall charge, demand or receive from any person, company or corporation an imreason- able price for the transportation of persons and property or for 631 the hauling or storing of freight or for the use of its cars or for any privilege of its service afforded by it in the transaction of its business as a railroad company. Gen. Stats, igop, sec. Jigg. Every common carrier and public utility shall be required to establish just and reasonable rates, joint rates, fares, tolls, charges and exactions and to make just and reasonable rules, classifications and regulations; and every unjust or imreason- 532 able, discriminatory or unduly preferential rule or regulation, classification, rate, joint rate, fare, toll, or charge demanded, exacted or received by a common carrier t)r a public utility is prohibited and declared to be unlawful and void. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 10. KENTUCKY If any railroad corporation shall charge, col- lect, or receive more than a just and reasonable rate of toll or compensation for the transportation of passengers or freight or 533 for the use of any railroad car upon its tracks or upon any track it has control of or the right to use, it shall be guilty of extortion. CarrolVs Stats, igog, sec. 8i6. Any railroad corporation guilty of extortion or unjust dis- crimination, or of giving to any person or locality or to any description of traffic, an imdue or imreasonable preference or 634 advantage shall upon conviction be fined for the first offense in any sum not less than $500 nor more than $1,000; and upon a second conviction, in any sum not less than $500 nor more than $2,000; and upon a third conviction, in any simi not less than $2,000 nor more than $5,000. Same, sec. 8ig. Railroad corporations shall also be liable in damages to the 535 party aggrieved to the amoimt of damages sustained, together with the cost of suit and reasonable attorney's fees, to be fixed by the court. Same. Indictments shall be made only upon the recommendation "or request of commission filed in the court having jurisdiction 686 of the offense; and all prosecutions and actions shall be com- menced within two years after the offense shall have been com- mitted or the cause of action shall have accrued. Same., MARYLAND All charges made or demanded by any common .: carrier for the transportation of passengers, freight or property or for any service rendered or to be rendered in connection 178 therewith shall be just and reasonable and not more than allowed 537 by law or by order of commission conformably with the law. Every unjust or tinreasonable charge made or demanded for any such service or transportation of passengers, freight or property or in connection therewith or in excess of that allowed by law or by order of commission conformably with the law is unlawful and prohibited. Laws igio, ch. i8o, sec. ij. All charges made or demanded by any gas or electrical corporation for gas, electricity or any service rendered or to be rendered shall be just and reasonable and not more than al- 688 lowed by law or by order of commission. Every unjust or un- reasonable charge made or demanded for gas, electricity or any such service or in connection therewith or in excess of that allowed by law or by the order of commission is prohibited. Same, sec. 31^. All rates, tolls, and charges used, made or demanded by any telegraph or telephone company for any telegraphic or S89 telephonic commimication or service shall be just and reasonable and not more than allowed by law or by order of commission and made as authorized by law. Same, sec. 40. MICHIGAN All charges made for any service in connection with the transportation of passengers and property or for the receiving, switching, delivering, storing, transporting or hand- 540 ling of persons or property shall be reasonable and just and every unjust and imreasonable charge for such service is pro- hibited and declared to be unlawful. Fub. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. 4 (a). 541 Also a provision identical with par. 514. Same, sec. 4(c). All charges made for any service rendered, furnished or performed or to be rendered, fiunished or performed by any 642 telephone company shall be reasonable and just and every imjust and tmreasonable charge for such service is prohibited and de- clared to be unlawful. Pub. Acts igii, no. ij8, sec. j. MINNESOTA All charges made by any carrier for the trans- portation of passengers or property whether over one or more railroads or in connection therewith or for the receiving, de- 648 livering, storage or handling of such property shall be equal and reasonable and every imequal or tmreasonable charge for such service is prohibited. Rev. Laws igo^, sec. 2007. MISSOURI All charges made for any service rendered in 644 the transportation of freight on railways including the receiving, 179 delivering, storing and handling of such property shall be reasonable and just and all unreasonable and unjust charges for such service are prohibited and declared unlawful. Rev. Stats. iQOQ, sec. jiyg. Rates established and published by common carriers shall 545 be reasonable and just and shall not in any case exceed the maximum rates which are or may hereafter be established by law. Same, sec. jiSy. NEVADA Charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property or for any service in connection therewith or for the receiving, switch- 646 ing, delivering, storing or handling of such property shall be reasonable and just and every imjust and unreasonable charge for such service is prohibited and declared to be unlawful. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 3. 547 Also a provision identical with par. 514. Same, sec. 5. Charges by any public utility for any heat, light, water or power produced, transmitted, delivered or furnished or for any 548 service to be rendered as or in connection with any public utility shall be reasonable and just and every imjust and unreasonable charge is prohibited and declared imlawful. Stats, igii, ch. 162, sec. 5. NEW HAMPSHIRE All charges made or demanded by any rail- road corporation for the transportation of passengers or prop- erty or for any service rendered or to be rendered in connection therewith and all charges made and demanded by any public util- ity for the transmission of telephone or telegraph messages or for 549 gas, electricity or water or any service rendered or to be rendered in connection therewith shall be just and reasonable and not more than is allowed by law or by order of commission. Every charge that is imjust or imreasonable or in excess of that al- lowed by law or by order of commission is prohibited. Laws ipii, ch. 164, sec. 4. NEW JERSEY No public utility shall make, impose or exact any unjust or imreasonable, unjustly discriminatory or unduly preferential, individual or joint rate, commutation rate, mileage and other special rate, toll, fare, charge or schedule for any 6B0 product or service supplied or rendered by it or adopt or impose any unjust or unreasonable classification in the making or as the basis of any individual or joint rate ox toll, fare, charge or 180 I I schedule for any product or service rendered by it. Laws igii, ch. igs, sees. i8 (a), i8 (b). NEW YORK All charges made or demanded by any common carrier for the transportation of passengers or property or for any service rendered or to be rendered in connection therewith, shall be just and reasonable and not more than allowed by law 661 or by order of commission and made as authorized by law. Every unjust or unreasonable charge made or demanded for any such service or transportation of passengers or property or in connection therewith or in excess of that allowed by law or by order of commission is prohibited. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 26. All charges made or demanded by any gas or electrical cor- poration for gas, electricity or any service rendered or to be rendered shall be just and reasonable and not more than al- 662 lowed by law or by order of commission. Every imjust or un- reasonable charge made or demanded for gas, electricity or any such service or in connection therewith or in excess of that al- lowed by law or by order of commission is prohibited. Same, sec. 65. All charges made or demanded by any telegraph or tele- phone corporation for any service rendered or to be rendered in connection therewith shall be just and reasonable and not more 663 than allowed by law or by order of commission. Every unjust or unreasonable charge made or demanded for any such service or in connection therewith or in excess of that allowed by law or by order of commission is prohibited and declared to be unlawful. Same, sec. gi. NORTH CAROLH^A If any raihroad shall charge, collect, demand or receive more than a fair and reasonable rate of toll or com- pensation for the transportation of passengers or freight of any description, or for the use and transportation of any railroad car 664 upon the track or any of the branches thereof or upon any railroad which it has the right, license or permission to use, operate or control, it shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than $500 nor more than $5,000. PelVs Revisal igo8, sec. 3768. NORTH DAKOTA Provisions for railroads and common carriers 666 substantially identical with pars. 527, 528, 529. Rev. Codes igoj, sees. 4327, 4368, 4371, 4372. Any railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier, which MS shall violate any of the provisions of this article, as to extortion 181 or unjust discrimination, shall forfeit for every such offense to the person, company or corporation aggrieved thereby, three times the actual damages sustained or overcharges paid by said party aggrieved, together with the cost of suit and a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court, and if an appeal be taken from the judgment or any part thereof, it shall be the duty of the appellate court to include in the judgment an additional reasonable attorney's fee for service in the appellate coiut or courts, or the same may be recovered in a civil action therefor. Same, sec. 4328. Whenever commission has good reason to believe that any railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier has been guilty of extortion or unjust discrimination, and thereby become liable to the penalties prescribed in sections 4371 and 4372, it shall immediately cause suits to be commenced and prosecuted against 667 any such railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier. Such suits and prosecutions may be instituted in any coimty of the state through or into which the line of the railroad corporation sued for violation of this article may extend. And the cotirt may in its discretion give preference to such suits over all other busi- ness except criminal cases. Same, sec. 4373. OHIO A provision identical with par. 546. Code 658 igio, sec. 504. 669 Also a provision for public utilities identical with par. 553. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 15. OREGON Every railroad shall be entitled to collect and receive a just compensation for transportation of persons or prop- 660 erty over its road, or such stun for such transportation as shall be prescribed by the legislative assembly. Gen. Laws 1862, p. 668, sec. 36. Charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property or for any service in connection therewith or for the receiving, switch- ing, delivering, storing, elevation and transfer in transit, ven- 661 tilation, refrigeration, or icing or handling of such property or for union depot or terminal facilities shall be reasonable and just and every imjust and imreasonable chargie for such serv- ice is prohibited and declared to be imlawful. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 12. 662 Also a provision identical with par. 514. Same, sec. 18. Charges made by any public utility for any heat, light, 668 water or power produced, transmitted, delivered or furnished 182 I or for any telegraph or telephone message conveyed or for any transportation of persons or property by street railroad or for any service rendered or to be rendered in connection therewith shall be reasonable and just and every unjust or imreasonable charge for such service is prohibited and declared to be unlawful. Gen. Laws igii, ch. zyg, sec. j. RHODE ISLAND The rate, toll or charge, or any joint rate, made, exacted, demanded, or collected by any public utility for the conveyance or transportation of any persons or property between points within the state or for any heat, light, water or power produced, transmitted, delivered or furnished or for any telephone or telegraph message conveyed, or for any service ren- dered or to be rendered in connection therewith shall be reason- able and just and every imjust or unreasonable charge for such service is prohibited and declared unlawful. Acts igi2, ch. jg$, sec. j8. SOUTH CAROLINA Identical with par. 522, except that "shall be dealt with as provided by law" reads "shall be fined in a sum 566 not less than $100 nor more than $1,000." Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2o8j, SOUTH DAKOTA Charges for storage and handling of grain by 666 warehouses shall in all cases be equal and just. Rev. Pol. Code igoj, sec. 4g8. Also provisions for railroad and express companies and 567 telephone utilities substantially identical with pars. 527, 528, 529. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 20J, sees. 6, 25, 2g, jo. Whenever commission has good reason to beHeve that any common carrier has been guilty of extortion or imjust discrim- ination and thereby become liable to the penalties prescribed in sections 29 and 30, it shall immediately cause suits to be com- menced and prosecuted against any such common carrier. Such 668 suits and prosecutions may be instituted in any cotinty of the state, through or into which the line or lines of the common carrier sued for violation of this article may extend. No such siiits commenced by commission shall be dismissed unless commission shall consent thereto and the court may in its discretion give preference to such suits over all other business. Same, sec. 31. Every imjust and unreasonable charge for the transpor- tation of freight, cars, express and telephone messages over two 569 or more common carriers is prohibited and declared to be 183 unlawfiil, and every person or company violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in sec- tion 12 of this act. Same, sec. 41. TENNESSEE If any railroad corporation shall charge, col- lect or receive more than a just and reasonable rate of toll or compensation for the transportation of passengers or freight or 670 for the use of any railroad car upon its track or upon any track it has control of or the right to use it shall be deemed guilty of extortion which is hereby prohibited and declared unlawful. Acts i8gy, ch. 10, sec. 16. VERMONT Charges made by any utility company for 671 any product or service shall be reasonable and without discrim- ination. Laws igo8, no. 116, sec. 11. WASHINGTON All charges made by any public warehouseman 678 for the handling or storage of grain and hay shall be just, fair and reasonable. Laws igii, ch. p, sec. 10. All charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of persons or property or in connection 673 therewith by any common carrier or by any two or more common carriers shall be just, fair, reasonable and sufficient. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. g. All charges made, demanded or received by any gas, elec- trical or water company for gas, electricity or water or for any 674 service rendered or to be rendered in connection therewith shall be just, fair, reasonable and sufficient. Same, sec. 26. All rates, tolls, contracts and charges, rules and regulations of telephone and telegraph companies for messages, conversa- tions, services rendered and equipment and facilities supplied 676 whether such message, conversation or service to be performed be over one company or line, or by two or more companies or lines, shall be fair, just, reasonable and sufficient. Same, sec. 35. All charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the receipt, storage or handling of property or in connection 876 therewith by any wharfinger or warehouseman shall be just, fair, reasonable and sufficient. Same, sec. 46. WISCONSIN Provisions identical with pars. 546, 514. 677 Laws igoj, ch. J62, sec. lygy-j, lygy-j- Charges made by any public utility for any heat, light, water or power produced, transmitted, delivered or furnished 678 or for any telephone message conveyed or for any service ren- 184 dered or to be rendered in connection therewith shall be reason- able and just, and every unjust or unreasonable charge for such service is prohibited and declared unlawful. Laws igoj, ch. 4gg, sec. lygjm-^. ;. ELEMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED AS A BASIS FOR REASONABLE RATES IARKANSAS Commission in fixing or changing rates shall take into consideration the character and nature of the service rj79 to be performed, the entire earnings of any railroad or express company, the expenses of operating the same, the income and value thereof. Kirby^s Digest igo4, sec. 6802. FLORIDA See par. yjg. GEORGIA Commission may vary storage charges ac- cording to the value and character of the freight stored, the B80 nature of the place of destination and residence of consignee and such other facts as in its judgment should be considered in fixing the same. Code igii, sec. 264g. See also par. ^86, IOWA In the making of joint through railway rates and changing, revising or adding to the same, commission shall take into consideration among other things the rates estab- lished for shipment within the state for like distances over single »si lines, the rates charged by the railway companies operating such connecting lines for joint interstate shipments, and the increased cost, if any, of a joint through shipment as compared with a shipment over a single line for like distances. Code i8gy, sec. 2155- See also par. gio. KANSAS Determination by commission as to what is a 682 reasonable charge shall be according to the classification then existing. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. Jig6. Commission shall ascertain the reasonable value of all prop- erty of any common carrier or public utility used or required to be used in its services to the public whenever it deems the ascer- 683 tainment of such value necessary in order to enable commission to fix fair and reasonable rates, joint rates, tolls and charges. Laws igii, ch. 238, sec. 28. 185 MARYLAND Commission may in determining the price to 684 be charged for gas or electricity consider all facts which in its judgment have any bearing upon a proper determination of the question, although not set forth in the complaint and not within the allegations. Laws igio, ch. i8o, sec. ^7- MASSACHUSETTS Railroad commission in fixing or changing rates of carriers shall give due regard among other things to a 686 reasonable return upon the value of the carrier's property. Acts iQiij ch. y^^, sec. i. See also par. gj2. MICHIGAN In determining the maximum price commis- sion shall consider and give due weight to all lawful elements proper to be considered to enable it to determine the just and reasonable price to be fixed for supplying electricity in such 686 mimicipality, including cost, reasonable rettu-n on actual value of all property used in the service, depreciation, obsolescence, risks of business, value of service to the consumer, the connected load, the hours of the day when used and the quantity used each month. Pub. Acts igog, no. io6, sec. 7. MISSISSIPPI In revising, fixing and regulating charges for transportation commission shall take into consideration the character and nature of the service to be rendered and the entire 687 business of the railroad or other common carrier and its earnings frorn all kinds of traffic and shall so revise, fix and regulate the charges as to allow reasonable compensation for the services to be rendered. Code igo6, sec. 4842. NEBRASKA If the railway company or common carrier making complaint or the railway company complained of by the person or persons named by law operate a line of railroad beyond the state or has a traffic arrangement with any other railroad 688 company the same shall be taken into consideration in deter- mining what is a reasonable rate; if it be operating a line of railroad beyond the state the rate charged or established for substantially the same or greater service by it in another state may also be considered. Cobbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10653Q)). In making and in changing or revising joint rates for rail- way companies and common carriers commission shall take into consideration the average rates charged by such companies and 689 carriers for shipments within the state for like distances over 186 their respective lines and rates charged by such companies or carriers operating such connecting lines for joint interstate ship- ments for like distances. Same, sec. 10660. See also pars. gy4, 11 39. NEVADA See par. 830. NEW MEXICO Commission in fixing rates of telephone and telegraph companies shall give due consideration to the earnings, 690 investment and expenditures as a whole within the state. Const, art. xi.y sec. j. NEW YORK In determining rates of common carriers, rail- road and street railroad corporations, commission shall give due regard among other things to a reasonable average return upon the value of the property actually used in the public service and to the necessity of making reservation out of income for siurplus and'contingencies. . . . Commission shall give due regard among other things to a reasonable average return upon the value of 591 the property actually used in the public service and to the necessity of making reservation out of income for surplus and contingencies in determining the just and reasonable rates, fares and charges to be thereafter observed and enforced as the maximum to be charged for mileage, excursion, school or family commutation, commutation, half fare or any other form of re- duced rate tickets for the transportation of persons or joint interchangeable mileage tickets with special privileges. Laws 1 9 10 J ch. 480, sec. 4g{i). In determining the price to be charged for gas or electricity commission may consider all facts which in its judgment have any bearing upon a proper determination of the question, al- though not set forth in the complaint and not within the alle- gations contained therein, with due regard among other things to a reasonable average return upon capital actually expended and to the necessity of making reservations out of income for surplus and contingencies. Same, sec. 72. Commission shall give due regard among other things to a reasonable average return upon the value of the property actually used in the public service and of the necessity of making reserva- i»93 tion out of income for surplus and contingencies in determining the just and reasonable rates, charges and rentals to be observed and in force as the maximimi to be charged, demanded, exacted or collected for the performance or rendering of services by telegraph and telephone corporations. Same, sec. 97 {i)- 187 NORTH CAROLINA In fixing any maximum rate or charge or tariff of rates or charges for any common carrier, person or cor- poration commission shall take into consideration if proved, or may reqiiire proof of, the value of the property of such carrier, person or corporation used for the public, in the consideration 894 of such rate or charge, or the fair value of the service rendered in determining the value of the property so being used for the convenience of the public. It shall furthermore consider the original cost of the construction thereof and the amount ex- pended in permanent improvements thereon and the present compared with the original cost of construction of all its property within the state, the probable earning capacity of such property under the particular rates proposed and the sum required to meet the operating expenses of such carrier, person or corpora- tion, and all other facts that will enable it to determine what are reasonable and just rates, charges and tariffs. PelVs Revisal igo8, sec. 1104. NORTH DAKOTA See par. 999. OHIO Commission shall give due regard among other things to the value of all of the property of the pubUc utility actually used and useful for the convenience of the public, excluding therefrom the value of any franchise or right to own, operate, or enjoy the same in excess of the amount (exclusive of any tax or annual charge) actually paid to any political sub- division of the state or county as the consideration for the grant 695 of such franchise or right, and exclusive of any value added thereto by reason of a monopoly or merger, and to the necessity of making reservation out of the income for surplus, depreciation and contingencies, and all such other matters as may be proper according to the facts in each charge, toU, rental or service to be rendered, charged, demanded, exacted or collected for the performance or rendition of the service. Laws 1911, no. J25, sec. 25. In changing rates of public utilities fixed by ordinance com- 596 mission shall give due regard to all the elements enumerated in the preceding paragraph (sec. 25). Same, sec. 48. No rate, price, charge, toll or rental determined by com- mission and substituted for that fixed by ordinance shall become 597 effective or valid until after commission shall have ascertained and determined the valuation upon which such price, charge, toll or rental is based. Same. 188 OREGON Commission shall provide for depreciation in 698 fixing the rates, tolls and charges of utilities to be paid by the public. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. ly. SOUTH CAROLINA Identical with par. 580. Gen. Stats. 1902, 699 sees. 1732, 20Q4. SOUTH DAKOTA Upon all hearings commission shall receive whatever evidence, statements or agreements either party may offer or make pertinent to the matter imder investigation, and the 600 burden of proof shall be upon the common carrier or carriers affected, but commission shall add to the showing made at such hearing whatever information it may have, or can secure from any source whatsoever, and the person or persons complaining shall be entitled to introduce any published schedule of rates and fares of any common carrier engaged in a similar branch of car- riage or evidence of rates and fares actually charged by any common carrier for substantially the same Idnd of service whether in this state or any other state and the lowest rates and fares published or charged by any railroad company for substantially the same kind of service whether in this state or any other state shall at the instance of the person or persons complaining be accepted as prima facie evidence of a reasonable rate or fare for the service under investigation, and if the common carrier com- plained of is operating a line of transportation or transmission beyond the state of South Dakota or if it appears that it has traffic arrangements with any such common carrier then com- mission in determining what is a reasonable rate or fare shall take into consideration the charge made or rate established by such common carrier or the carrier with which it has traffic ' arrangements for carrying or transmitting freight, passengers, express or messages by telephone from beyond the state to points within the state and from within the state to points beyond the state and if such carrier be operating a line of transportation or transmission beyond the state commission shall take into con- sideration the rates charged or established for a substantially similar or greater service by such carrier in any other state in which said common carrier operates a line of transportation. Sess. Laws 1911, ch. 2oy, sec. 22, eoi Also a provision for common carriers identical with par. 589. Same, sec. j6. In establishing, changing or revising joint rates for railway 6oa companies commission shall take into consideration the average 189 of rates charged by such companies operating said connecting lines for joint interstate shipments for like distances. Same, sec. 39. See also pars. lojj, 1166, 1172, 1175. TENNESSEE Commission shall take into consideration the character and nature of the service to be performed and the en- tire business of railroads, together with their earnings from passenger and other traffic and any other facts and circumstances which may affect the question of just and reasonable rates and 603 shall so revise such tariffs as to allow a fair and just compensa- tion, having due regard to the rights and interests of both shipper and carrier and in view of all the circimistances and con- ditions existing at the time; and commission shall exercise a careful and watchful supervision over every such tariff of charges from time to time as justice to the public and each of said rail- roads may require and increase or reduce any of said rates as experience and business operations may show to be just. Acts 1^9^, ch. 10, sec. 22. VERMONT ' ' ' Commission in determining rates shall inves- 604 tigate local conditions and its final findings and judgment shall take cognizance" thereof . Laws 1908, no. 116, sec. 10. See also par. 1039. ' WISCONSIN Commission shall provide for depreciation in 605 fixing the rates, tolls and charges of utilities to be paid by the public. Laws!i90'/y ch. 499, sec. i29ym-ij. C. VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY OF UTILITIES ARIZONA Commission shall ascertain the fair value of 606 the property of every public service corporation. Const, art. ocv., sec. 14. Every public service corporation shall furnish t9 commission 607 all evidence in its possession and all assistance in its power re- quested by commission in aid of the determination of the value of the property of such public service corporation. Same. Commission ijiay ascertain the value of the property of 608 every public service corporation and every fact which in its judg- ment may or does have any bearing on such value. Sess. Laws 1 91 2, ch. 90, sec. 47. 190 Commission may make revaluations from time to time and 609 ascertain all new constructions, extensions and additions to the property of every public service corporation. Same. For the purpose of ascertaining the matters and things specified in section 47 of this act concerning the value of the 610 property of public service corporations commission may cause a hearing or hearings to be held at such time or times and place or places as commission may designate. Same, sec. 70. Before any hearing is had commission shall give the public service corporations affected thereby at least 30 days' written no- . tice specifying the time and place of such hearing and such notice shall be sufficient to authorize commission to inquire into the 611 matters designated in this section and section 47, but this pro- vision shall not prevent comrnission from making any prelimi- nary examination or investigation into the matters herein referred to or from inquiring into such matters in any other investigation or hearing. Same. All public service corporations affected shall be entitled to . . be heard and to introduce evidence at such hearing or hearings. 612 Commission is empowered to resort to any other spiirces of information available. The evidence introduced at such hear- ing shall be reduced to writing and certified under the seal of commission. Same. • Commission shall make and file its findings of fact" in writ- ing upon all matters concerning which evidence shall have been 613 introduced before it which in its judgment have bearing on the value of the property of the public service corporation affected. Same. . The findings of commission so made and filed, when properly certified under the seal of commission shall be "admissible in evidence in any action, proceeding or hearing before 'commission or any court, in which commission, the state or any officer, de- partment or institution thereof or any county, city and county, municipality or other body politic and the public service cor- poration affected may be interested whether arising under the provisions of law or otherwise and such findings when so intro- duced shall be conclusive evidence o£ the facts therein stated as of the dates therein stated under conditions then existing, and such facts can only be controverted by showing a subsequent change in conditions bearing upon the facts therein djetermined. Same. Commission may from time to -time cause further hearings and investigations to be had for the purpose of making, revalua- 191 tions or ascertaining the value of any betterments, improvements, additions or extensions made by any public service corporation subsequent to any prior hearing or investigation, may examine into all matters which may change, modify or affect any finding of fact previously made and may at such time make findings of fact supplementary to those theretofore made. Same. Such hearings shall be had upon the same notice and be conducted in the same manner and the findings so made shall have the same force and efiect as is provided herein for sucji orig- inal notice, hearing and findings; provided, that such findings 616 made at such supplementary hearings or investigations shall be considered in connection with and as a part of the original findings except in so far as such supplemental findings shall change or modify the findings made at the original hearing or investigation. Same. ARKANSAS Commission shall ascertain as early as prac- ticable the amoimt of money expended in the construction and equipment per mile of every railroad in the state, the amount of 617 money expended to procure the right of way and the amoimt of money it would require to reconstruct the roadbed, track, depots and to replace all the physical properties belonging to the rail- road. Kirhys Digest 1904, sec. 682J. It shall also ascertain the amounts paid for salaries to the 618 officers of the railroad, the wages paid to employes and the op- erating expenses of each and every railroad in the state, including repairs and interest indebtedness. . Same. When the information is obtained it shall be commimicated to the attorney general by report and a duplicate of same filed 619 with the auditor for pubHc use and such information shall be printed from time to time in the annual report of commission. Same. CALIFORNIA Provisions for public utilities identical with 620 pars. 608, 609, 610, 611. Stdts. igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sees. Findings of commission relative to the value of the property 621 of public utilities shall be subject to review by the supreme court in the same manner and within the same time as other orders and decisions of commission. Same, sec. ^o. FLORIDA Commission may employ a competent in- spector to inspect the physical condition of the roadbed, rights 192 of way, tracks, depot, rolling stock and other fixtures and equip- 628 ment of any railroad or railroads and to investigate and make estimate on cost of reproducing the same. Laws igoy, ch. ^622, sec. I. Such inspector shall be paid such compensation as commis- sion deems proper out of the funds available for the maintenance 623 of commission, and he shall report in writing the result of his inspection, investigation and estimations to commission, at such times and in such manner as it shall direct. Same. GEORGIA Commission may ascertain the cost of con- struction and the present value of properties owned by common carriers, railroads, express, street railroad, gas, electric light, 624 power, telephone and telegraph companies, dock or wharfage and terminal or terminal station companies and may employ necessary experts. Code igiiy sec. 2664. KANSAS Commission shall ascertain as early as prac- ticable the amoimt of money expended in construction and equipment per mile of every railway in the state, the amount of money expended to procure the right of way, and the amount 685 of money it would require to reconstruct the roadbed, track, depots and. transportation facilities, and to replace all of the physical properties belonging to the railroads. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. J2iy. ■ 686 Commission may employ experts sworn to inspect and assist it when needed. Same. From time to time as the information is obtained, com- mission shall commimicate the same to the attorney for [ 687 commission and to the attorney general by report and said information shall be printed from time to time in the report of commission. Same. Commission shall ascertain the reasonable value of all property of any common carrier or public utiHty used or re- quired to be used in its services to the public whenever it deems 688 the ascertainment of such value necessary in order to enable com- mission to fix fair and reasonable rates, joint rates, tolls and charges. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 28. In making such valuations commission may avail itself of 689 any reports, records or other things available to it in the ofiice of any national, state or mimicipal officer or board. Same. MARYLAND Commission shall whenever it may deem it desirable to do so investigate and ascertain the fair value of 193 property of railroads, street railroads and carriers used by them for the convenience of the public. Commission may employ such engineers, experts and other assistants as may be necessary. Such investigations shall be prosecuted with diligence and thor- oughness and the results thereof reported to the legislature at 630 each regular session. Such valuation shall show the value of the property of every such corporation as a whole and the value of its property in each of the several counties and municipalities within the state. Every such valuation shall be so made and ascertained by commission that as far as possible it shall not dis- turb the value of bonds of any of said corporations issued prior to the passage of this act. Laws igio, ch. i8o, sec. jo. Every railroad, street railroad and carrier shall furnish to commission from time to time and as commission may require, maps, profiles, contracts, reports of engineers and other docu- ments, records and papers, or copies of any and all of the same, in aid of investigation to determine the value of the property of 631 such corporation used for the public service and every such cor- poration is required to co-operate with commission in the work of the valuation of its property in such further particulars and to such extent as commission may reasonably direct. Same. Commission shall thereafter in like manner keep itself in- formed of all extensions and improvements or other changes in 632 the condition of the property of the said corporations and ascer- tain the fair value thereof and from time to time revise and cor- rect its valuation of the property of such corporations. Same. To enable commission to make changes and corrections in its valuation every such corporation is required to report cur- 633 rently to commission and as commission may require all im- provements and changes in its property and to file with com- mission copies of all contracts for such improvements at the time same are executed. Same. Whenever commission shall have completed the valuation of property of any such corporations and before such valuation shall become final commission shall give notice to the company or companies owning or operating such property stating the valuation placed upon the several lines of roads or classes of property of the said company used by it for the convenience of the public and shall allow the company or companies a reasonable time in which to file a protest of same with commission. If no protest is filed within such time such valuation shall become 684 final. If notice of contest is filed by any such corporation com- mission shall fix a time for hearing of the same and shall proceed 194 as promptly as may be possible to hear and consider any matter relative and material thereto which may be presented in support of said protest. If after hearing any contest of such valuation commission is of the opinion that the tentative valuation is in- correct it shall make such changes as shall make the same a fair valuation of such property and shall issue an order to make such corrected valuation final. All final valuations by commission shall be prima facie evidence of the value of said property in proceedings had in pursuance of law. Same. ' Commission shall have full and plenary power to value the 635 plant, property, appurtenances, assets and franchises of gas and electrical corporations. Same, sec. 31^. Commission shall have plenary power to make all valua- 636 tions of the lines, property, plant, franchises and assets of tele- graph and telephone corporations. Same, sec. jq. All provisions in reference to steam railroads, street rail- roads, gas and electric corporations, common carriers and tele- phone and telegraph companies with respect to the jurisdiction 637 powers and duties of commission over and in relation to the said corporations and companies and with respect to the valuation of property, plant and franchise are made applicable to water companies, heat or refrigerating corporations and to power com- panies or corporations. Same, sec. 42. See also par. 2/\.j2. MASSACHUSETTS See par. 2og. MICHIGAN If any corporation or association except mu- nicipal corporations or any lessee or trustee thereof or any person or persons engaged in the business of transmitting telephone or telegraph messages or producing or furnishing heat, light, water or mechanical power directly or indirectly to the public or any railroad, interurban railroad or other common carrier shall fail, 638 neglect or refuse to furnish any or all of the information required by commission relative to an investigation as to the issuance of stocks, bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, or if commission shall so direct, an appraisal of the property of the . applicant shall be made by a disinterested person or persons ap- pointed by commission, the entire expense thereof to be borne by the applicant. Puh. Acts igii, no. 777, sec. i. MINNESOTA Commission may at all times keep up the 639 physical valuation of the railroad properties of the state. Laws igog, ch. 14J, sec. i. 195 All railroad companies are required to furnish to conunission on Jtily 31st of each year and at such other times as commission may reqmre a detailed statement showing changes in the physical 640 conditions of its properties and the elements of cost entering into such changes for both debits and credits of .such property and the distribution of the debits and credits whether charged to operating or capital account. Such statements shall be ftir- nished in the manner and form prescribed by commission. Same. Commission may examine all books, contracts, vouchers, 641 receipts and all other papers or documents that it may deem necessary for the piurpose of said valuation. Same, sec. 2. NEBRASKA. Commission shall ascertain forthwith the 642 physical value of each railroad^ and public service corporation. ^ Acts igog, ch. 10^, sec. 5. 648 The physical value so ascertained shall be the physical value of each of these properties on the first day of July of the year in which such valuation is ascertained. Provided that steam railroads shall first be valued, and thereafter other public service corporations in such order shall be valued as shall be determined by commission. Same. The physical valuation in case of railroads shall include: (a) The value of all real estate owned and used by the railroad company in the operation of the railroad; (b) the value of all grading required in the building of the railroad; (c) the value of all bridges and viaducts which have been built by or the cost of construction of which have been contributed to by any company, culverts, buildings, water stations and all other structures which are used by the railroad in conducting its business; (d) the value of all track material, track tools, fences, stock pens, cattle guards, grades for highway and farm crossings, track signs and mile posts, and ballast on line, and the value of all interlocking 644 signals and all other signal apparatus installed; (e) the value of all telegraph and telephone lines and apparatus owned and used by the company; (f) the value of all stores and supplies on hand based on the average amoimt carried by an active working railroad; (g) the value of all rolling stock (in case of interstate 1 The term railroad shall mean and express all corporations, individuals, associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees or receivers (appointed by any court or lawful author- ity whatsoever) that now or may hereafter own, operate, manage or control any railroad or part of a railroad as a common carrier or cars or other equipment used thereon, or bridges, terminals or side tracks used in connection therewith, whether owned by such railroad or otherwise. Acts 1900, ch. 107, sec. i. « The term public service corporation shall mean and express every railroad, railway, telepraph, express, telephone, and the rsdlroad transportation property of stockyard com- panies. Same, sec. si. 196 roads this shall be the proportion justly chargeable to the part of the road lying within the state); (h) the value of all shops, machinery, tools, side tracks, terminals and spurs; (i) the value of all other articles or things belonging to and necessarily a part of the road; (j) these provisions shall apply to each railroad sepa- rately and the finding of commission shall show the total value of each railroad, the number of miles of road and the average value per nule of track. Same, sec. 4. The basis to be used in arriving at such value shall be the average market value or cost of labor and material for the year ending Jiily first of the year in which such valuation is made and the values spoken of in provisions (a) to (i) shall be the amount of money f oim.d necessary to rebiiild the road complete as it now 645 stands the same as if no road existed upon its present site allow- ing for a reasonable length of time for assembling the material and doing the work necessary for bringing into existence such railroad. The proper reductions shall be made for the wear and shrinkage in value on account of age and wear of the material in the railroad tmder consideration. Same. The physical value of each telegraph, telephone, express, and the railroad transportation property of stockyard com- 646 panics shall be foimd by commission. Said value shall be that existing July first of the year in which such valuation is made. Same, sec. 5. To aid in arriving at such value commission shall furnish schedules in blank covering all of the different classes of property to be valued to each of such companies as are enimierated in pre- ceding paragraph and shall require such companies to ftimish reports, sworn to by their proper officers, on the schedules fur- nished by commission of the actual physical valuation of the dif- 647 ferent classes of property used in conducting their business. If the actual value cannot be given then the estimated value based on the market value of labor and material necessary to duplicate their plant from which they shall deduct the probable shrinkage in value caused by age and use of material as it exists on July first of the year in which such valuation is made. Same. Commission may call on any railroad or public service cor- 648 poration for any information necessary in making a physical valuation of its property. Same, sec. 6. It shall be the duty of all railroad and public service com- panies or corporations to furnish commission with such informa- 649 tion sworn to by their proper officers as commission shall require. 197 The information shall be furnished in the manner and within the time prescribed by commission. Same. Commission may by and with the consent of the governor employ such clerical and expert help as it shall need in ascer- taining the physical valuation and in verifying the reports pro- 650 vided for, and all expense inciured shall be audited and paid for out of any money appropriated for the expense of commission. Same, sec. y. If any railway company or public service corporation shall refuse or fail to make any report or furnish any information 651 sworn to by its proper officers as required and in the time re- quired by commission, it shall for every such failtire, violation or refusal forfeit and pay into the state treasury a sum of not less than $ioo nor more than $10,000. Same, sec. 8. Commission shall include in its annual report made in 1909 a resume of the plan of procedtire adopted by commission and note the progress being made in the work and shall include in its 652 annual report in 19 10 a report of all the work together with any recommendation that it may be able to make for the use of the governor or legislature. Said report shall include a statement of the expense inciured in carr3dng out this work. It shaU in- clude also the annual report of the railroad and public service companies made August i, 1909. Same, sec. g. Commission when it shall have found the valuation of any property shall notify the company or owners of such property of its finding and shall set a time not less than 30 nor more than 60 days from the date of notice that they may appear and show 663. cause why such valuation as found by commission should be raised or lowered or amended or changed in any particular. Commission may make such amendment or change if it deems the evidence furnished sufficient to warrant it in doing so. Same, sec. 10. Commission shall include in its annual reports from year to year such changes as it shall find necessary in order to keep the true physical value of the different properties as they exist on 654 July I of each year, and it may employ such clerical and ex- pert help as shall be necessary in making such annual revisions. Same, sec. 11. NEW JERSEY Commission may from time to time appraise and value the property of any public utility whenever in the 656 judgment of commission it shall be necessary so to do and in making such valuation commission may have access to and use 198 any books, documents or records in the possession of any de- partment or board of the state or any political subdivision thereof. Laws igii, ch. ig^, sec. i6{b). OHIO Commission may investigate and determine the value of all the property including the value of its physical property of every public utility actually used and useful for the 666 service and convenience of the public whenever it deems the ascertainment of such value necessary/ Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 26. Before final determination of the value of the property of 667 any public utility commission shall after due notice to such public utility hold a public hearing as to such valuation. Same, sec. 27. 668 Commission may at any time upon its own motion make a revaluation of such property. Same, sec. 28. Commission shall keep informed of all new construction, ex- 659 tensions and additions to the property of public utilities. Same, sec. 35. Whoever, being a member of commission, shall wilfully over- value the property of a public utility for the ptirpose of enabling such public utility to exact a higher rate for service than could 660 lawfully be exacted or shall wilfully undervalue such property for the purpose of preventing such public utility from charging a lawful rate for such service shall be fined not to exceed $1,000 or be imprisoned not more than two years or both. Same, sec. 8j. See also pars. 3188, 3446. OKLAHOMA Commission shall ascertain and enter of record, the same to be a public record, as early as practicable, the amount of money expended in construction and equipment per mile of every railroad and other public service corporation in 661 the state, the amount of money expended to procure the right of way, and the amount of money it would require to recon- struct the roadbed, track, depots and transportation facilities, and to replace all the physical properties belonging to the rail- road or other public service corporation. Const., art. ix., sec. 2g. Commission shall also ascertain the outstanding bonds, 662 debentures and indebtedness, and the amount, respectively, 1 Such valuation may be made in fixing and determining the just and reasonable rate, fare, charge, toll, rental or service to be thereafter rendered, charged, demanded, exacted or collected by public utilities, in substituting rates of public utilities for those fixed by ordinance and shall be made in the matter of consolidation, purchase, lease or contract by which two or more telephone companies merge or operate their lines or plants jointly or in connection with each other. All valuations so ascertained and demanded shall be open at all times to public inspection. Laws iQii, no. 325, sees. 25, 48, 64. 199 thereof, when issued, and the rate of interest, when due, for what purpose issued, how used, to whom issued, to whom sold, and the price in cash, property or labor, if any, received therefor, what became of the proceeds, by whom the indebtedness is held, the amotint purporting to be due thereon, the floating indebted- ness of the company, to whom due, and his address, the credits due on it, the property on hand belonging to the railroad com- pany or other public service corporation, and the judicial or oticver sales of said road, its property or franchises and the amounts purporting to have been paid, and in what manner paid therefor. Same. Commission shall also ascertain the amounts paid for sal- 663 aries to the officers of the railroad or other public service cor- poration, and the wages paid its employes. Same. 664 Commission may employ experts to assist it when needed. Same. From time to time as the information is obtained, com- mission shall communicate the same to the attorney general by 665 report and file a duplicate thereof with the state examiner and inspector for public use, and said information shall be printed from time to time in the annual report of commission. Same. OREGON Commission shall ascertain from time to time as nearly as practicable the amount of money expended in the 666 construction and equipment of every railroad, the amount of money expended to procure the right of way, also the amount of money it would require to secure the right of way, reconstruct the roadbed, track, depots and other facilities for transporta- tion, and to replace all the physical properties belonging to the railroad. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 5j, sec. 46. It shall ascertain the outstanding bonds, debentures and indebtedness and the amounts respectively thereof, the date when issued, to whom issued, to whom sold, the price paid in cash, property or labor therefor, what disposition was made of 667 the proceeds, by whom the indebtedness is held, so far as ascer- tainable, the amoimt purporting to be due thereon, the floating indebtedness of the railroad, the credits due the railroad, other property on hand belonging to it, the judicial or other sales of said road, its property or franchises, and the amounts purporting to have been paid therefor. Same. Commission shall also ascertain the gross and net income of the railroad from all sources in detail, the amount paid for 668 salaries to the officers of the road, the wages paid to its employes, 200 and the maximum hoiirs of continuous service required of each class. Same. 669 Whenever the information is obtained it shall be printed ill the annual report of commission. Same. 670 In making such investigation commission may avail itself of any information in possession of any state board or officer. Same. Commission shall value all the property of every public 671 utility actually used and useful for the convenience of the public. Gen. Laws iQii, ch. 2yg, sec. g. In making such valuation commission may avail itself of 672 any information in possession of the board of state, tax com- missioners or any other state officer or board. Same. Before final determination of such value commission shall after notice to the public utility hold a public hearing as to such valuation in the manner prescribed for hearing complaints. 673 Commission shall within five days after such valuation is de- termined serve a statement thereof upon the public utility in- terested and shall file a like statement with the auditor, recorder or clerk of every mtinicipality in which any part of the plant or equipment of such public utility is located. Same, sec. lo. Commission may at any time on its own initiative make a 674 revaluation of such property and may make a revaluation upon the application of any public utility filed not less than six months after the service of such statement. Same. Commission shall keep itself informed of aU new construc- 1' 675 tion, extensions and additions to the property of such public utilities. Same, sec. i8. Whenever required by commission every public utility shall deliver to commission any or all maps, profiles, contracts, re- 676 ports of engineers and all docimients, books, accounts, papers and records or copies of any or all of the same, with a complete inventory of all its property in such form as commission may direct. Same, sec. 40. PENNSYLVANIA Commission may whenever in its opinion the public interests require in connection with any proposed increase in the capital stock, bonds, or other fixed indebtedness of any common carrier employ competent experts to investigate the 677 character, cost and valuation of the property of such common carrier and the necessity for the proposed increase of capital or indebtedness and shall report to the secretary of internal affairs the result of such investigation for his consideration and action. Laws igo'j, no. 250, sec. 17. 201 SOUTH DAKOTA Commission shall ascertain and determine the true cash value of all the property of every railroad company used in the operation and maintenance of their respective railways; and for the purpose of determining the true cash value of the property of each company commission if deemed necessary may view and inspect the property of such company and shall con- 678 sider the reports filed in compliance with law as now furnished and the reports and the rettuns of the company filed in the office of any officer of this state and such other evidence or information as may have been taken or obtained bearing upon the true cash value, of the property of such railroad company in case of rail- road companies which own or operate railroads partly within and partly without the state commission shall value only the property within the state. Sess. Laws igoj, ch. 211, sec. i. In determining such value the value of the entire system, the mileage of the whole system and of the part within the state, together with such information, facts and circimistances as will enable commission to make substantially just and correct de- 679 termination may be considered. When the true cash value of the property of a railroad company within the state shall have been ascertained and determined the amount thereof shall be. entered upon the books of commission kept for that purpose op- posite the name of the company and shall be and constitute the true cash value of the entire property of such railroad company within the state. Same. Commission shall commence such valuation on the first day 680 of July 1907 and continue until the same shall have been com- pleted and valuation shall be completed as soon as practicable. Same, sec. 2. See also par. 2jo. TEXAS Commission shall ascertain as early as practicable the amount of money expended in construction and equipment per mile of every railway in the state, the amoimt of money expended 681 to procure the right of way and the amount of money it would re- quire to reconstruct the roadbed, track, depots and transporta- tion, and to replace all the physical properties belonging to the railroad. Sayles^ Civ. Stats. i8gy, art. 4570. It shall also ascertain the outstanding bonds, debentures and indebtedness and the amount respectively thereof, when issued, and the rate of interest, to whom sold, and the price in cash, property or labor, if any, received therefor, what became of the proceeds, by whom the indebtedness is held, the amount 202 682 purporting to be due thereon, the floating indebtedness of the company, to whom due, and his address, the credits due on it, the property on hand belonging to the railroad company, and the judicial or other sales of the said road, its property or fran- chises, and the amount purporting to have been paid, and in what manner paid therefor. Same. Commission shall also ascertain the amounts paid for sal- ess aries to the officers of the railroad, and the wages paid its em- ployes. Same. 684 Commission may employ sworn experts to inspect and assist it when needed. Same. From time to time as the information is obtained com- mission shall communicate the same to the attorney general by 685 report and file a duplicate thereof mth the comptroller for public use and said information shall be printed from time to time in the annual report of commission. Same. Commission shall ascertain and in writing report to the 686 secretary of state the value of each railroad in the state includ- ing all its franchises, appurtenances and property. Same, art. 4584c. After it shall have prepared said report of value commission shall give the company interested ten days' notice in writing by registered letter to the president, treasurer or receiver of said railroad to the effect that said report is ready to be made, and that if it have any objections thereto it must file them in writing within 40 days after said service or the same ^vill be so deposited with the secretary of state as correct. Should the company or 687 its duly authorized representative file with commission any ob- jections to said report of value commission shall duly investigate and pass on the same. On investigation if commission con- clude that its report of value is too low or too high then it shall make the necessary correction before filing it. Should no ob- jection be filed within the time permitted or being filed and on examination found without merit commission shall forthwith file its said report in the office of the secretary of state where it shall remain as a public record as a limitation for the issuance of indebtedness under the limitations prescribed by law. Same. To promote public interests and protect private rights com- 688 mission after due notice under the rule herein prescribed may correct its report of value of any railroad at any time it may deem proper. Same. See also par. 3268. 203 WASHINGTON Conunission shall ascertain as early as prac- ticable the cost of construction and eqtdpment, the amount ex- pended in permanent improvements, and the proportionate amoimt of such permanent improvements charged in construc- 689 tion and to operating expenses, respectively, the present as compared with the original cost of construction, and the cost of reproducing in its present condition the property of every public service company. Laws ipii, ch. iiy, sec. g2. It shall ascertain the amotint and present market value of 690 the capital stock and fimded indebtedness of every public service company. Same. It shall also ascertain in the case of companies engaged in 691 interstate business the relative value of the use to which such property within the state is actually put in the conduct of inter- state business and state business respectively. Same. It shall also ascertain the total market value of the property 692 of each public service company used for the public convenience within the state. Same. It shall also ascertain the time intervening between the ex- 693 penditure of money in the cost of construction and the time when returns in the shape of dividends were first received by each of these companies. Same. It shall also ascertain the probable earning capacity of each 694 public service company under the rates now charged by such companies and the sum required to meet fixed charges and operating expenses, and in case of a company doing interstate business it shall also ascertain the probable earning capacity of such company upon intrastate business and the sum required to meet fixed charges and operating expenses on intrastate busi- ness, and the relative proportion of intrastate and interstate business, the relative proportion of the operating expenses con- nected therewith, the relative proportion of the revenue which shoiild be derived therefrom. Same. It shall also ascertain the density of traffic and of popula- 696 tion tributary to every public service company, and the con- ditions which tend to show whether such traffic and population is likely to continue, increase or diminish. Same. It shall also ascertain the existence of grades, curvatures 696 and other physical conditions affecting the movement of traffic and business of common carriers. Same. It shall also ascertain whether the expenditures already wi made by any public service company in procuring its property 204 were such as were justified by the then existing conditions and such as might reasonably be expected in the immediate future, and whether the money expended by such company has been reasonable for the present needs of the company, and for such needs as may reasonably be expected in the immediate futiire. Same. Commission may cause a hearing or hearings to be held at 698 such time or times and place or places as commission may designate for the ptupose of ascertaining the matters and things provided for in these provisions. Same. Commission shall before any hearing is had notify the com- pany concerned of the time and place of such hearing, by giving at least 30 days' written notice thereof, specifying that at the 699 time and place designated a hearing will be held for the piupose of ascertaining the value of such company's property within the state, which shall be a sufficient complaint to authorize com- mission to inqtiire into the matters designated in these provisions. Same. All companies affected shall be entitled to be heard and I 700 introduce evidence at such hearing. The evidence introduced at such hearing shall be reduced to writing and certified under the seal of commission. Same. Commission shall make and render findings of fact in writ- ing covering all matters in this law mentioned concerning which 701 it is directed to inquire into, and shall make findings upon all matters concerning which evidence may have been introduced before it shall tend to show the value of the property used by such company for the public convenience. Same. Any company affected by the findings or any of them be- lieving such findings or any of them to be contrary to law or the evidence introduced or that such findings are xmfair, unwar- ranted or unjust may institute proceedings in the superior court and have such findings reviewed and their correctness, reasonableness and lawfulness inquired into and determined. Such review shall be heard by the coiut without the interven- tion of a jury and shall be heard upon the evidence and exhibits taken before commission and certified to by it; and the cotirt 702 before which such hearing is had, in case it finds any such find- ings so sought to be reviewed unjust, incorrect, unreasonable, unlawftil or not supported by the evidence, shall make new and correct findings to take the place of such as may not be sus- tained imless such findings are set aside and reversed for error 205 on the part of commission in rejecting evidence properly proffered, in which case it shall remand said hearing to commission with instructions to receive the evidence so proffered and rejected and make findings of fact on the evidence so proffered and that already received. Same. Said public service company or commission shall have the right to appeal from the decision of the superior court to the supreme court as in civil cases. In case the supreme court finds any findings so sought to be reviewed unjust, incorrect, imlawful or unreasonable or not supported by the evidence it shall either 703 make and render proper findings or remand the case to the superior coiurt with instructions to make proper findings on the evidence already submitted unless the same is reversed for error in rejecting evidence properly proffered, in which case the hear- ing shall be remanded to commission with instructions to receive the evidence so proffered and make findings on the evidence so proffered and rejected and that already received. Same. The findings of commission so filed or as the same may be corrected by the courts when properly certified under the seal of commission shall be admissible in evidence in any action, pro- ceeding or hearing in which the state or any officer, department 704 or institution thereof, or any coimty, municipality or other body politic and the public service company affected is interested, whether arising imder the provisions of law or otherwise, and such findings when so introduced shall be conclusive evidence of the facts stated in such findings as of the date therein stated under conditions then existing, and such facts can only be con- troverted by showing a subsequent change in conditions bear- ing upon the facts therein determined. Same. When commission shall have valued the property of any public service company as provided for by law nothing less than 706 the market value so found by commission shall be taken as the true value of the property of such company used for the public convenience for the purpose of assessment and taxation. Same. Commission shall hereafter from time to time cause further hearings to be had for the purpose of ascertaining the better- ments, improvements, additions and extensions made by any public service company to its property subsequent to the date of any prior hearing, and shall examine into all traffic movement and every matter and thing that would change, modify or affect any finding of fact previously made and shall at such time make 706 findings of fact supplemental to those theretofore made, showing 2o6 the amount expended in betterments, improvements, exten- sions and additions since such prior findings and the cost of re- producing the same, the value of the property used by such com- pany at the time of such subsequent hearing, the relative value of the use to which such property is put in the performance of intrastate and interstate business respectively, and the value of the property of such company in the state used for the public convenience of intrastate business. Same. Such hearing shall be had upon the same notice, the ex- amination conducted in the same manner, and the findings so made shall have the same force and effect as is provided herein for such original notice, hearing and findings: Provided, That 707 such findings made at such supplemental hearing shall be con- sidered in connection with and as a part of the original findings except in so far as such supplemental findings shall change or. modify the findings rq^de at the original hearing. Same. WISCONSIN A provision identical with par. 666, except that "commission shall ascertain from time to time" reads ''commission shall ascertain"; one identical with par. 667, ex- 708 cept that "and the amounts purporting to have been paid therefor" reads "and the amounts purporting to have been paid and in what manner paid therefor"; and provisions identical with pars. 668, 669. Laws 1905, ch. j62, sec. i'jgj~2o. In making such investigation for valuation commission may 709 avail itself of any information in possession of the state board of assessment. Same. Commission shall value all the property of every public 710 utility actually used and useful for the convenience of the public. Laws igoy, ch. 4gg, sec. ijgym-^. 711 In making such valuation commission may avail itself of any information in possession of the state board of assessment. Same. Before final determination of such value commission shall after notice to public utility hold a public hearing as to such val- 712 uation in the manner prescribed for hearing in sections i797m-45 to i797m-55 inclusive, and the provisions of such sections so far as applicable shall apply to such hearing. Same, sec. lygjm- • 6{i). Commission shall within five days after such valuation is determined serve a statement thereof upon the public utility 713 interested and shall file a like statement with the clerk of every municipality in which any part of the plant or equipment of such public utility is located. Same, sec. Tygjm-6{2). 207 714 Commission may at any time on its own initiative make a revaluation of such property. Same, sec. I'jgjm-j. 716 Also provisions identical with pars. 675, 676. Same, sees. I797m-i6, i797m-42{3). Under the stock and bond law of 191 1 commission may make a valuation of all the property of a public service corporation if it deem it pertinent to the inquiry or investiga- tion relative to an issuance of stocks, certificates of stock, bonds, notes or ,other evidence of indebtedness for money only. It shall determine the true valuation in detail of the property, services or other consideration other than money for which it is proposed to issue in whole or in part such stocks, certificates of stock, bonds, notes or other evidences of in- debtedness. Reorganized corporations may issue stocks, certificates of stock and bonds for the property of the predecessor corporations in an amount not to exceed the true value 716 of the property as found and determined by commission and stated in the certificate of authority issued to such corporations. In cases of consolidation, the property of another public service corporation or of any person furnishing service to the public purchased directly or indirectly or in any way acquired shall first be valued as provided by law and then only at a sum not to exceed the value found and determined by commission and stated in the certificate of authority issued to such corporation for the issuance of stocks, certificates of stock, bonds, notes or other evidence of indebtedness. Laws 191 1, ch. 593, sees. 1733-9(2), I753-Q{5), 1753-11(1), 1753-11(2). In determining the value of the property of a public service corporation or of .any person furnishing service to the public, for the purposes of the stock and bond law no fran- 717 chise to be a corporation and no franchise or privilege granted to such corporation by the state or a municipality shall be appraised, fixed, or considered at any greater sum or value than the sum paid therefor into the public treasury of the state or the municipality granting the same. Same, sec. 1753-15. See also pars. 3277, 3301, 3302, 3449. d; sliding scale, profit sharing, AUTOMATIC adjustment, MINIMUM CHARGE AND GRADUATED CHARGES ARIZONA Any public service corporation may itself profit to the extent permitted by commission from any econo- mies, efficiencies or improvements which it may make and may 718 distribute by way of dividends or otherwise dispose of the profits to which it may be so entitled and commission may make or per- mit such arrangement or arrangements with any public service corporation as it may deem wise for the piirpose of encouraging economies, efficiencies or improvements and securing to the pub- lic service corporation making the same such portion if any of the profits thereof as commission may determine. Sess. Laws 1912, ch. gOy sec. 20. A corporation or person engaged in the production, gener- ation, transmission or furnishing of heat, cold air, light, water or power, or telegraph or telephone service may establish a sliding 719 scale of charges; provided that a schedule showing such scale of charges shall first have been filed with commission and such schedule and each rate set out therein approved by it. Same, sec. 21. Any such corporation or person may enter into an arrange- ment for a fixed period for the automatic adjustment of charges 208 for heat, cold air, light, water or power or telegraph or telephone ' wo service, in relation to the dividends to be paid to stockholders of such corporation, or the profit to be realized by such person; provided that a schedule showing the scale of charges under such arrangement shall first have been filed with commission and such schedules and each rate set out therein approved by it. Same. Commission may revoke its approval at any time and fix 721 other rates and charges for the product or commodity or service. Same. CALIFORNIA Provisions for public utilities identical with 722 pars. 718, 719, 720, 721, except that "cold air" is omitted. Stats, ipiij ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sees. 20, 21. MARYLAND Gas or electrical corporations may establish a sliding scale for the automatic adjustment of charges for gas, electricity or any service rendered or to be rendered and the 723 dividends to be paid to stockholders of such gas or electrical cor- porations, provided that the sliding scale shall have been filed with the proper commission; but commission may fix proper, just and reasonable rates and charges to be made for service. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 31%. MASSACHUSETTS From and after June 30, 1906, the standard price to be charged by the Boston Consolidated Gas Company for gas supplied to its customers shall be 90 cents per 1,000 cubic feet, which price shall not hereafter be increased except as herein- 724 after provided. From and after the said date the standard rate of dividends to be paid by said company to its stockholders shall be seven per cent per annum on the par value of capital stock, which rate shall not thereafter be increased except as hereinafter provided. Acts igo6, ch. 422, sec. i. If during any year ending on Jiuie 30 the maximum net price per 1,000 feet charged by the company has been less than the standard price the company may dturing the following year 726 declare and pay dividends exceeding the standard rate in the ratio of one-fifth of one per cent for every one cent of reduction of said maximimi net price below the standard price. Same, sec. 2. Said company shall annually publish in the month of Sep- tember in one or more newspapers published in the city of Bos- 726 ton a report showing for the previous fiscal year among other things the cost per 1,000 feet to such company of gas in the holder, itemizing said cost so as to show the cost per 1,000 feet 209 for gas manufactured, of wages at works and of the main items of materials; also the cost per i,ooo feet of distribution; also the amount per i,ooo feet if any charged as depreciation of ways, works and machinery; also the amount per i,ooo feet if any charged for maintenance repairs; together with such other items of account as may from time to tinie be prescribed by gas and electric light commission. Same, sec. j. Said commission may upon petition of the mayor or board of aldermen of a city or of the selectmen of a town in which said company is fiurnishing gas and after hearing the company revise the method of determining the cost of gas supplied by said com- 727 pany and determine finally and conclusively the actual cost of gas furnished and the clear profits made by said company applica- ble to the payment of dividends for the year ending June 30. Any orders made by commission shall be enforceable as provided by law. Same, sec. 4. If the clear profits of the company applicable to the pay- ments of dividends amount in any year to a larger sum than is suf- ficient to pay the dividends which the company is herein au- thorized to pay the next succeeding year the excess above the sum necessary for that purpose may from time to time to the extent of one per cent per annum of the par value of the capital 728 of the company be invested in securities in which savings banks incorporated under the laws of the state are authorized by law to invest and the dividends and interest arising from such se- curities shall also be invested in the same or like securities in ' order that the same may accumulate at compound interest imtil the f imd so formed amounts to a sum equal to one-twentieth of the par value of the capital stock of the company which sum shall form a reserve fund; provided, that when and so often as the said fund shall by reason of the accumulation of interest or dividends or otherwise exceed one-twentieth of the par value of the capital stock the excess shall be carried to the credits of the clear profits of the company applicable to the payment of divi- dends. The company may from time to time use said fund or any portion thereof to meet any extraordinary claim, demand, or charge which may at any time arise against or fall upon the -" ,1 company from fire, accident, or other circumstances which due - ./care and management could not have prevented; and whenever • ; .;■ in one year the clear profits of the business of the company for the preceding year applicable to the payment of dividends are ::. /: insufficient to enable it to pay the dividends which the company 210 I is herein authorized to pay it may apply said fund or such portion thereof as may be necessary toward the payment of the dividends which the company is herein authorized to pay for such year. If the reserve fund be reduced at any time it may hereafter again be made up to one-twentieth of the par value of the capital stock of the company and so from time to time as often as such reduction shall happen; provided, that resort may be had to the reserve fimd for any of the purposes above mentioned although such fund may not at the time have reached or may have been reduced below the full amount of one-twentieth as aforesaid. Same, sec. 5. If in any year the amount of the clear profits of the business of the company applicable to the payment of dividends exceeds the amount required to pay the dividends herein authorized to 729 be paid during the next succeeding year and the amounts which herein authorized to be set aside for the reserve fund the excess of such profits shall be paid to the cities and towns in which the company is supplying gas in proportion to the number of miles of mains in each of such cities and towns. Same, sec. 6. At any time after the expiration of ten years from June 30, 1906, gas and electric light commission may upon the petition of the company or upon the petition of the mayor of any city or of the selectmen of any town in which the company is supplying gas to consumers lower or raise the standard price per 1,000 730 cubic feet to such extent as may justly be required by reason of greater or less burdens which may be imposed upon the company, by reason of improved methods in the art of manufacture, by reason of changes in the prices of material and labor or by reason of changes in other conditions affecting the general cost of the manufacture or distribution of gas. Same, sec. g. NEW YORK Gas or electrical corporations may establish a sliding scale for a fixed period for the automatic adjustment of charges for gas, electricity or any service rendered or to be ren- dered and the dividends to be paid to stockholders of such gas or .781 electrical corporation; provided, that the sliding scale shall first have been filed with and approved by the proper commission; but commission after the expiration of such fixed period may fix proper, just and reasonable rates and charges to be made for service. Laws 19 10, ch. 480, sec. 6$ (4). See also par. 1426. OHIO Any public utility may enter into any reason- 732 able arrangement with its customers, consumers or employes 21 1 for the division or distribution of its siirplus profits or provide for a sliding scale of charges or provide for a minimum charge for service to be rendered, imless such minimtim charge is made or prohibited by the terms of the franchise, grant or ordinance imder which such public utility is operated, a classification of service based upon the quantity used, the time when used, the purpose for which used, the duration of use, and any other reasonable consideration or provide any other financial device that may be practicable or advantageous to the parties interested. No such arrangement, sliding scale, minimtim charge, classification or device shall be lawful tmless the same shall be filed with and approved by commission. Every such public utility is required to conform its schedules of rates, tolls and charges to such ar- rangement, sliding scale, classification or other device. Every such arrangement, sliding scale, minimtim charge, classification or device shall be tinder the supervision and regulation of com- mission, and subject to change, alteration or modification by commission. Laws igii, no. j2^, sec, ig. WISCONSIN Any public utility may enter into any reason- able arrangement with its customers or consumers or with its employes for the division or distribution of its surplus profits or provide for a sliding scale of charges or other financial device 733 that may be practicable and advantageous to the parties inter- ested. No such arrangement or device shall be lawful until it shall be found by commission after investigation to be reason- able and just and not inconsistent with the purposes of the law. Such arrangement shall be under the supervision and regulation of commission. Laws igoj, ch. 4gg, sec. lygym-iy. Commission shall ascertain, determine and order such rates, charges and regulations as may be necessary to give effect to such arrangement but the right and power to make such other and further changes in rates, charges and regulations as commission 784 may ascertain and determine to be necessary and reasonable and the right to revoke its approval and amend or rescind all orders relative thereto is reserved and vested in commission not- withstanding any such arrangement and mutual agreement. Same. 212 CHAPTER IV Establishment and Change of Rates I SCOPE NOTE This chapter includes grants of power authorizing commissions to regulate or prescribe the rates and charges of utilities^ and such provisions as indicate the procedure to he followed in the exercise of these powers and the legal effect to he given to the rates and charges so established. Provisions involving the establishment of maximum rates by legislative enactment, even when enforcement is left to commissions, have been excluded. For provisions inci- dentally involving procedure in rate making, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For provisions incidentally involving the enforcement of rates, see ch. xv, on enforcement. For provisions indicating the principles to he observed in determining reasonable rates, see ch. iii, on basis of rate making. For provisions requiring pub- licity in the establishment and change of rates, see ch. v, on publicity of rates. For provisions regulating rate mak- ing in practice, see ch. vi, on discrimination in rates and service. For provisions prescribing general procedure to be followed in the exercise of commission authority, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For pro- visions prescribing general rules of enforcement and judi- cial review, see ch. xv, on enforcement. For general statement of scope and method, see introduction. 213 ANALYSIS Page A. General authority of commission over rates and charges 215 1. Authority of commission to approve, regulate, supervise or enforce rates and charges. 215 2. Authority of commission to investigate rates and charges 218 3. Authority of commission to investigate rates and charges and make recommendations with respect thereto 219 4. Authority of commission over contracts and agreements as to rates and charges 222 B. Authority of commission to fix, establish or prescribe rates and charges. 225 C. Authority of commission on its own motion or on complaint after in- vestigation to change rates and charges previously in force and to fix, establish or prescribe others in lieu thereof to be followed in the future. 250 D. Special authority of commission and duty of utilities with respect to the establishment and change of joint or through service and routes, and rates and charges therefor 296 1 . Carriers of persons and goods 296 2. Physical connection of telephone and telegraph companies ... . 318 3. Street railway transfers 325 E. Authority of commission and duty of ■ utilities with respect to the establishment and change of particular rates and charges 328 1 . Interstate rates 328 2. Emergency rates 337 3. Rates not specifically designated 341 F. Authority of commission and duty of utilities with respect to rates and charges in effect on a date designated by law 342 G. Authority of commission to alter, amend or rescind rates and charges, or its own orders with respect thereto 347 H. Authority of commission with respect to the suspension of rates and charges 352 I. Validity of rates and charges prescribed by commission and period of enforcement 358 214 A. GENERAL AUTHORITY OF COMMIS- SION OVER RATES AND CHARGES. I. Authority of Commission to Approve, Regulate, Supervise or Enforce Rates and Charges. ALABAMA Commission shall supervise, regulate and con- trol all transportation companies doing business in the state in 736 all matters relating to the performance of their public duties and for all charges therefor and shall correct abuses therein by such companies. Code igoy, sec. 5651. Commission may regulate railroad freight and passenger tariffs, the locating and building of passenger and freight depots, 736 correct abuses and prevent unjust discrimination and extortion and require reasonable and just rates of freight and passenger tariffs. Same, sec. 5652. See also pars. 241, 16^4. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA No public service corporation ^ shall raise any rate, fare, toll, rental or charge or so alter any classification, con- tract, practice, rule or regulation as to result in an increase in any 737 rate, fare, toll, rental or charge, under any circumstances whatso- ever, except upon a showing before commission and a finding by commission that such increase is justified. Ariz.-. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 6j{a); Cal. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 6.? (a). See also par. 3162. FLORIDA Commission may regulate the charges for stor- age, wharfage and demurrage under such just and reasonable conditions as it may prescribe and may regulate and direct the ;lr88 use and charges for use of refrigerator cars, refrigerator fruit boxes, icing, etc., in transit, and may direct and control all other matters pertaining to railroad that shall be for the good of the public. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 28gj. . . . See also pars. 24g, 2ji, 252. GEORGIA See pars. 253, 254. INDIANA Commission shall supervise all railroad, freight 739 and passenger tariffs, correct abuses, and prevent unjust discrim- ^ " Public utility," in California. I 215 ination and extortion in the rates of freight and passenger tariffs on the different railroads, and enforce the same by proceedings for the enforcement of penalties provided by law through courts of competent jurisdiction. Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. 3. Commission shall enforce reasonable and just rates of charges for each railroad company for the use or transportation of loaded or empty cars on its road, and may so enforce for each railroad or 740 for all railroads alike reasonable rates for storing and handling of freight and for use of cars not loaded or unloaded within 48 hours after notice of arrival and placement for service, not to include Sundays or legal holidays. Same, sec. ^(J). Commission shall enforce reasonable rates for the transpor- tation of passengers over each or all of the railroads, which rates 741 shall not exceed the rates fixed by law. Commission may enforce reasonable rates, tolls or charges for all other service performed by any railroad. Same, j(g). KANSAS Commission shall supervise all railroad freight and passenger schedules, rates, tariffs and classifications within the state, and all rules and regulations governing car service, the transfer and switching of cars from one railroad to another at jimction points or where entering the same city or town, all 742 charges to be made therefor, as well as the rules and regulations adopted by any railroad for the operation of its road in the run- ning of its trains in the state, and immediately to notify the attor- ney for commission whenever it has knowledge or good reason to believe that any of the laws of the state relating thereto are being violated. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 7170. All railroad companies, or other common carriers, entering cities or places as shall be designated by commission as terminal points, are hereby required to publish and put into effect freight 743 and passenger tariff schedules between such stations and all other stations in the state, on such lines of railroad, within three months from the taking effect of this act, which freight and passenger tariff schedules shall first be approved by commission. Same, sec. 7248. MASSACHUSETTS See pars, 27^, 280. MICHIGAN See pars. 282, 2132. MINNESOTA See par. 1664. MISSOURI Rates published by warehousemen and ele- vatormen on the first week of January of each year shall not be 216 increased during the year without the consent of commission, and such published rates, or any pubHshed reduction of them, shall 744 apply to all grain received into or handled by such warehouse or elevator from any person or sotirce, and no discrimination shall be made directly or indirectly, for or against any person in any charges made by such warehouseman or elevatorman for the transferring, handling or storing of grain. Rev. Stats, igog, sec, 6yg4. NEBRASKA. It is unlawful for any railway company or com- mon carrier to change any rate, schedule or classification until application has been made to commission and permission had for 745 that piupose. Any railway company or common carrier violat- ing this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined any simi not exceeding $10,000. Cobbey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10663(c). See also par. 2g8. NEVADA See par. 2152. NEW YORK Subject to the regulation of commission, freight terminal companies may establish classifications of their 746 business and rates for each class thereof as well as for any com- bination of two or more classes of such service and the further terms and conditions on which such freight terminal services shall be furnished. Laws igii, ch. yyS, sec. 155. OHIO See par. 2173. OKLAHOMA Commission shall supervise, regulate and con- trol all transportation and transmission companies doing business 747 in the state in all matters relating to the performance of their public duties and their charges therefor and correct abuses and prevent unjust discrimination and extortion by such companies. Const., art. ix., sec. 18. See also par. 32 j. OREGON Whenever, after hearing and investigation as provided in sections 28, 29 and 30 of Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, commission shall find that any charge, regulation or practice 748 affecting the transportation of passengers or property or any service in connection therewith is unjustly discriminatory against any locality, it may regulate same as provided in said sections. Gen. Laws igog, ch. p/, sec. 2. See also par, 2181, 217 SOUTH CAROLINA Identical with par. 253. Gen. Stats. 1Q02, 749 sec. 2220. See also par. jj8. SOUTH DAKOTA The charges for storage and handling of grain ;|| by warehousemen shall in all cases be equal and just, and shall 760 be approved by commission before going into effect, and shall not exceed the usual charges heretofore existing. Rev. Pol. Code IQ03, sec. 4g8. No rate or charge for the transmission of any message or for any other service in connection with any telephone line or ex- change shall be increased without the written consent of commis- sion entered in the journal of its proceedings; provided, all ter- 761 minal fees for incoming or outgoing toll messages shall be uniform and the maximum charge on each incoming or outgoing toll mes- sage shall not exceed five cents for any message originating or terminating in South Dakota, unless otherwise ordered by com- % mission. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 218, sec. 4. See also par. 1686. VIRGINIA For transportation and transmission compan- 762 ies, identical with par. 735. Const., sec. ij6{b). See also pars, jjj, i68g. WISCONSIN See pars. 1694, 2224. 2. Authority of Commission to Investigate Rates and Charges. MICHIGAN Commission may hear and determine the com- plaints of any person, firm, association, corporation, body politic or municipal corporation, against the rates and charges or the 763 service rendered or facilities furnished or complaints as to service withheld or refused to be rendered, furnished or performed by persons, firms or corporations operating telephone lines or ex- changes or doing a telephone business. Puh. Acts 191 1, no. ij8, sec. 8. MINNESOTA The attorney general may, whenever in his opinion the public interest requires, make complaint to commis- sion charging that any rate, schedule of rates or the entire sched- 764 ule of rates, or any classification, rule or regulations of any carrier is unjust, unreasonable or discriminatory. Commission shall investigate such complaint in the manner provided for the inves- tigation of complaints made imder the provisions of section 1969 of revised laws of 1905. Laws 191 1, ch. 50, sec. i. 218 MISSOURI Commission shall see that all schedules of rates prepared and adopted by common carriers are reasonable and just, and it may, upon complaint of any person, or upon its own 765 motion and without complaint, make inquiry from time to time, and determine whether the schedule of rates prepared and adopted by any such common carrier is reasonable and just. Rev. Stats, igog, as amended, sec. 3187. MONTANA Commission must within 40 days after the fil- ing with commission of a complaint by a shipper, or other person 766 interested, proceed to investigate and determine the justness and reasonableness of any classification, rate, charge, toll, regulation or order made by commission. Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 43yg. J. Authority of Commission to Investigate Rates and Charges and Make Recommendations with Respect Thereto. IOWA Commission shall, upon the application of the mayor and council of any city, or town, or the trustees of any township, make an examination of the rate of passenger fare or freight tariff charged by any railroad company, and of the condi- tion or operation of any railroad, any part of whose location lies within the limits of such city, town or township ; and if 2 5 or more voters in any city, town or township shall by written petition request the mayor and council of such city, or town, or the trus- tees of such township, to make the said complaint and application, and they refuse, they shall state the reason therefor in writing upon the petition, and return the same to the petitioners, who 757 may thereupon, within ten days from the date of such refusal and retiim, present the same to commission, who shall, if it thinks the public good demands the examination, proceed to make it in the same manner as if called upon by the mayor and council of any city or town, or the trustees of any township. Before pro- ceeding to make such examination, it shall give to the petitioners and the corporation reasonable notice, in writing, of the time and place of entering upon the same. If upon such an examination, it shall appear to commission that the complaint is well founded, it shall, within ten days, inform the corporation operating such railroad of its finding, and shall report its doings to the governor. Code i8gy, sec. 211'/. MASSACHUSETTS Upon complaint in writing relative to the serv- ice or charges for service in, to or from any city or town in the 219 state, as rendered or made by any company engaged therein in the transmission of intelligence by electricity signed by the mayor of the city or the selectmen of the town or any 20 customers of the company, commission shall notify the company by leaving at its office or place of business in such city or town, a copy of the complaint and shall thereupon, after notice, give a public hearing to the complainant or complainants and to the company and after 768 the hearing may make such recommendations concerning the reduction, modification or continuation of such charges for serv- ice or concerning improvements in the quality of the service or concerning such other matter in the premises as commission shall deem just and proper. Any such recommendations shall be trans- mitted in writing by commission to the company complained of and the report of the proceedings and of the result thereof shall be included in the annual report of commission, together with aj statement of the action, if any, which the company has taken on the recommendation. Acts igo6, ch. ^jj, sec. 5. If the board is of opinion that repairs are necessary upon any railroad or railway or that an addition to its rolling stock or an addition to or change or relocation of its stations or station houses or waiting rooms or a change in its rates of fares for transporting freight or passengers, ^ or in the mode of operating its railroad or 789 railway and conducting its business is reasonable and expedient, in order to promote the security, convenience and accommodation to the public, it shall in writing inform the corporation or com- pany of the improvements and changes which it recommends should be made. Acts igo6, ch. 46 j, pt. i, sec. p, as amended by Acts 1909, ch. 343. Commission upon its own initiative or upon request of any person, after a public hearing and investigation, if it is of the opinion that the change in the rates charged or accommodations ftimished by any person, firm, association or corporation doing 760 an express business upon a railroad or railway in the state or in the method in which the business is conducted is reasonable and expedient in order to promote the convenience and accommodation of the public, shall in writing inform such person, firm, association 1 A railroad corporation may establish for its sole benefit fares, tolls and charges upon all passengers and property conveyed or transported on its railroad, at such rates as may be determmed by its directors, and may from time to time by its directors regulate the use of its railroad, but such fares, tolls and charges, and such regulations, shall be subject to revision and alteration by the general court, or by such officers or persons as it may appoint for the purpose, anything in the charter of the railroad corporation to the contrary not- withstanding. Acts IQ06, ch. 463, pt. ti, sec. i8i. Every street railway company may establish the rates of fares for all passengers and property conveyed or transported in its cars subject however to the limitations named m its charter or hereinafter set forth. Acts igoO, ch. 463, pt. Hi, sec. 96. All provisions of law relative to changes and regulations of fares upon railroads shall apply to changes and regulation of fares upon street railways. Same, sec. Joo, 220 or corporation of the change which it recommends should be made. Acts igo8, ch. ^gg, sec. 4. Upon complaint in writing relative to the service furnished in any city or town or the charges made by any company engaged in the business of supplying water to any city or town or to the inhabitants thereof, signed by the mayor of the city or the select- men of the town, or by 50 customers of the company and filed in the office of the state board of health, said board shall notify the company by leaving at its office or place of business in such city or town, a copy of the complaint and may thereupon after notice, give a public hearing to the complainant or complainants and to the company and shall require the company to furnish such infor- T61 mation in its possession as may be necessary to determine the matters involved in the complaint, and after the hearing, may make such recommendations concerning the reduction, inodifi- cation or continuation of such charges for services or concerning improvements in the quality of the service or extensions of the same or concerning other matters in the premises as the board shall deem just and proper. Any such recommendations shall be transmitted in writing by the board to the company com- plained of, and a report of the proceedings and of the result thereof shall be included in the annual report of the board to- gether with a statement of the action, if any, taken by the com- pany upon the recommendation. Acts igog, ch. ^ig, sec. i. PENNSYLVANIA Commission shall whenever after full hearing upon a complaint it shall be of the opinion that any of the rates or charges whatsoever demanded, charged or collected by any common carrier or carriers are unjust or imreasonable or imjustly discriminatory or imduly preferential or prejudicial or otherwise in violation of any provision of law or that any regulation or prac- tice in respect to transportation is imjust, unfair or imreasonable, and in violation of law, decide and recommend what will be the just and reasonable rate or rates, charge or charges to be there- after observed in such case as the maximimi to be charged and what regulation or practice in respect to transportation is just, fair and reasonable to be thereafter followed. Laws igo'/, no. 2^0, sec. 8. If, after examination of the same, it shall appear to commis- sion that any of the rates or charges established or demanded by any common carrier are excessive and imreasonable; or that re- pairs, additions, alterations or changes in or upon any property of a common carrier and used by it as such, are necessary or that 221 any additional stations are necessary; or additional train-serv- ice to any station, or that any addition to the rolling-stock, or any addition to or change of a station or station-houses, are necessary; or that additional terminal facilities should be afforded, or that any change of the rates of fare for transporting freight or pas- sengers, or in the mode of operating the road, or conducting its business, are reasonable and expedient, in order to promote the 763 security, convenience and accommodation of the public, com- mission shall give notice thereof and information in writing to the common carrier, of the improvement and changes which said commission deem proper, and shall give such common carrier an opportunity for a full hearing in relation thereto ; and if the common carrier refuses or neglects to make such repairs, im- provements, or changes within a reasonable time after such in- formation and hearing, or fails to satisfy the commission that no action is required to be taken by it, commission shall certify to the secretary of internal affairs and the attorney general the facts relating thereto, for their action according to law, as the public interests may require, and report the same in detail in its next succeeding report to the governor. Same, sec. 17. 4. Authority of Commission over Contracts and Agreements as to Rates and Charges. FLORIDA All contracts and agreements between any and all railroads, railroad companies and common carriers doing busi- ness in the state, as to rates of freight and passenger tariffs, use and transportation of cars, shall be submitted to commission for inspection and correction, that it may be ascertained as to whether or not they are reasonable and just, and will insure prompt delivery of freights and passengers to points of destina- 764 tion, or the violation of any section of this act, and commission may revise and correct the same and make such rules and regu- lations in accordance therewith as it may deem necessary, which said rules and regulations shall be observed and obeyed by said railroads, railroad companies and common carriers as other rules and regulations of this chapter, and any such agreement not ap- proved by commission shall be deemed illegal and void. Gen. Stats. 1Q06, sec. 2goy. GEORGIA All contracts and agreements between railroad companies doing business in the state, as to rates of freight and passenger tariffs, shall be submitted to said commission for in- 222 spection and correction, that it may be seen whether or not they are a violation of law or of the provisions of the constitution, or of this act, or of the rules and regtilations of said commission; and all arrangements and agreements whatever as to the division of earnings of any kind by competing railroad companies doing busi- ness in this state, shall be submitted to said commission for inspec- 765 tion and approval, in so far as they affect rules and regulations made by said commission to secure to all persons doing business with said companies just and reasonable rates of freight and pas- senger tariffs; and said commission may make such rules and reg- ulations as to such contracts and agreements as may then be deemed necessary and proper, and any such agreement, not ap- proved by such commission, or by virtue of which rates shall be charged exceeding the rates fixed for freight and passengers, shall be deemed, held and taken to be violations of article 4, section i, paragraph 4, of the constitution, and shall be illegal and void. Code igii, sec. 26^8. NORTH CAROLINA All contracts and agreements between railroad companies as to rates of freight and passenger tariffs shall be sub- mitted to commission for inspection and correction, that it may be seen whether or not they are a violation of law or of the rules and regulations of said commission, and all arrangements and agreements whatever as to the division of earnings of any kind by competing railroad companies shall be submitted to com- 766 mission for inspection and approval in so far as they affect the rules and regulations made by commission to secure to all persons doing business with such companies just and reasonable rates of freight and passenger tariffs, and commission may make such rules and regulations as to such contracts and agreements as may then be deemed necessary and proper, and any such agreements not approved by commission, or by virtue of which rates shall be charged exceeding the rates fixed for freight and passengers, shall be deemed, held and taken to be violations of this chapter and shall be illegal and void. PelVs Revisal igo8, sec. 11 08. SOUTH CAROLINA All contracts and agreements between railroad companies doing business in the state as to rates of freight and passenger tariffs shall be submitted to commission for inspection 767 and correction, that it may be seen whether or not they are a violation of the law or of the provisions of the constitution or of this chapter, or of the rules and regulations of said commission; and all arrangements and agreements whatever as to the division 223 of earnings of any kind by competing railroad companies doing business in the state, shall be submitted to commission for inspec- tion and approval, in so far as they affect rules and regulations made by said commission to secure to all persons doing business with said companies just and reasonable rates of freight and pas- senger tariff, and so far as they are affected by any of the provi- sions contained in this chapter, for securing to all persons just, equal and reasonable facilities for the transportation of freight and passengers; and commission may make such rules and regu- lations as to such contracts and agreements as may be then deemed necessary and proper, and any such agreements not approved by commission, or by virtue of which rates shall be charged exceeding the rates fixed for freight and passengers, shall be deemed, held and taken to be violations of this chapter, and shall be illegal and void. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2oy6. If the said contracts, agreements or arrangements shall, in the opinion of commission, in any way be in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, commission shall forthwith notify the said railroad companies, in writing, of its objections thereto, specifying such objections; and if the said railroad com- 768 panics shall fail or neglect, within five days after such notice, to amend and alter such contract, agreement or arrangement, in a manner satisfactory to commission, commission shall thereupon call upon the attorney general to institute and conduct such legal proceedings as may be necessary to enforce the penalties prescribed in this chapter for such violations of its provisions. Same. TEXAS Any two connecting railroads may enter into a contract whereby any part or all of the passenger, freight or cars, empty or loaded, hauled or transported by one and destined to points on or beyond the line of the other shall be delivered to, received and transported by the other; which contract, however, shall be submitted to commission for examination and approval, 769 and when so approved shall be binding; but if the said contract be not approved by commission the same shall be void; pro- vided, that any connecting line delivering freight to the owner or consignee of such freight may be sued by the owner thereof in the cotmty where the freight is delivered for any damage that may be done to such freight in its transportation. Sayles^ Civ. Stats. 1897, art. 4579 (i). VIRGINIA All contracts and agreements hereafter made and entered into between transportation companies doing busi- 224 ness in the state, as to rates or freight and passenger tariffs shall be submitted to commission for inspection, that it may be seen whether or not they are in violation of law or of the rules and reg- ulations of commission; and all arrangements and agreements whatever as to the division of earnings of any kind by competing 770 transportation companies doing business in the state shall be sub- mitted to commission for inspection, in so far as they affect the rules and regulations made by commission to secure to all persons doing business with said companies just and reasonable rates of freight and passenger tariff. Any such agreements, disapproved, kby virtue of which rates shall be charged exceeding the rates fixed for freight and passengers shall be deemed, held and taken to be violations of the provisions of this chapter and shall be illegal and void. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. I2g4c{i6). B. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION TO FIX, ESTABLISH OR PRESCRIBE RATES AND CHARGES. ALABAMA Commission shall from time to time prescribe and enforce against transportation companies in the manner pro- vided by law such rates, charges, classifications of freight, storage, demurrage and car service charges, rules and regulations and shall require them to establish and maintain all such public service, 771 facilities and conveniences as may be reasonable and just; pro- vided, that where the rates or charges for transportation of any articles or property or the classification of freight have been fixed or prescribed by statute, commission shall not have power to in- crease such rates or charges. Code 190'/, sec. 5651. Commission may change any classification of railroads which has been or may hereafter be established by statute, from time to time as changed conditions may, in its judgment, render it expe- dient so to do, by taking a railroad from one class and placing it in another, and may assign to any class it may determine proper any new railroad that may hereafter be constructed or operated 772 as a common carrier, in whole or in part, in this state, and said commission may change any classification of articles which has been or may hereafter be established by statute when, in its judg- ment, it is reasonable and just to do so; but such change shall not increase any rate prescribed or fixed by statute for the transpor- tation of such articles or classes of articles. Samey sec. 5657. 773 Nothing in this chapter shall be so construed as to authorize 225 or empower commission to increase any rate or rates which have been or shall be established by statute for the transportation of freight or passengers, and said commission shall not have power to increase such rate or rates. Same, sec. 5658. ARIZONA Commission shall prescribe just and reasonable classifications to be used and just and reasonable rates and 774 charges to be made and collected by public service corporations for services rendered. Const., art. xv., sec. 3. AREIANSAS Every person or corporation operating any railroad or express business in the state is hereby required to fur- nish said commission, within 1 5 days after notice to do so, with the rate sheet and tariff charges for transportation of every kind over such railroad. Commission shall examine and revise said rate sheet and tariff charges for freight or express matter for each railroad in the state, and determine whether or not and in what manner, if any, such charges and rates are more than just and reasonable compensation for the services rendered, and whether or not and in what manner, if any, said charges and rates are in violation of any of the provisions of this act, and said commission will make reasonable and just rates of freight, express and passen- ger tariffs to be observed by all persons and corporations operat- ing any railroad or engaged in transporting persons or property as express or freight in this state; shall make rules and regulations as to charges at any and all points for the necessary hauling and 775 delivering of express and freight; regulate rates and charges for such service on all railroads as, in its judgment, justice to the pub- lic and said person or corporation may require; and so make the same conform to the requirements of this act. And said commis- sion in making such rules and regulations, shall first give the per- son or corporation to be affected thereby notice to appear and show cause, if any it can, why no change should be made in the rates then in force. And when any tariff of charges is corrected and approved, said commission shall append a cer- tificate of its approval to said tariff of charges and give notice thereof to any officer or agent of the railroad or express company to be affected thereby, and said tariff and charges shall be kept posted up for at least five days before the same shall go into effect. And said commission shall accordingly fix rates and tariffs of charges for those express companies and railroads the officers of which fail to furnish rate sheets or tariffs of charges as above reqtiired. Kirby's Digest igo4, sec. 6802. 226 I Commission shall hear all complaints made by any person, firm or corporation against any such tariff of charges so approved; hear the parties to the controversy in person or by attorney, or both, and may take testimony, orally or in writing, and regulate argument thereon, and conduct the investigation of such com- plaints in such manner as to commission may seem best adapted to arrive at the truth, and when any changes are made in any 776 tariff of charges, notice thereof shall be given to the person or cor- poration to be affected thereby; provided, in no instance shall any person or corporation operating a railroad or express company, the schedule of charges of which have been submitted to, revised and approved by commission, be civilly or criminally liable for the making of any charge which has been authorized by the tariff of charges so approved, or the rules and regulations pre- scribed by commission. Same, sec. 6810. Commission shall adopt, change or make reasonable and just rates, charges and regulations to govern and regulate sleeping 777 car tariffs and services, correct abuses, and prevent imjust dis- crimination and extortion in the rates for the same. Acts igoy, no. 422, sec. 4. FLORIDA Commission shall make reasonable and just rates of freight and passenger tariffs to be observed by all rail- roads, railroad companies and common carriers over their respec- tive lines or connecting lines, shall make reasonable and just regulations for the observance of the same as to charges at any and all points for the necessary handling and delivery of all kinds 778 of freight and transportation of passengers and for the prevention of any unjust discrimination in connection therewith, and shall make reasonable and just rates of charges for the use and trans- portation of all kinds of railroad cars, conveying all kinds of freight to and from any and all points in the state. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 28 pj. Commission may create rating or basing points at places where competing lines of railroads meet, or where water or other competition exists, and may break the continuity of rates to and 779 from such points, so as to maintain competition between rival lines and points, and may, in fixing the rate upon any commodity, take into consideration the competition between different local- ities or shipping points producing or shipping such commodity. Same, sec. 28g^. Commission shall make and furnish to each railroad corpora- tion as soon as practicable a printed or written schedule of just 227 780 and reasonable rates and charges for transportation of freights* passengers and cars on its railroad or railroads under its control or management. Same, sees. 28pg. Commission, before changing, revising, fixing, adopting or allowing any such schedule, or prescribing any such rules and regulations, shall give public notice of its intended action in such newspaper and for such time as shall be deemed fair and reason- able by commission to all railroad corporations to be affected and 781 to the public generally, of the times and places of its meetings, and all railroad corporations and persons interested shall be en- titled to a just and fair hearing before commission, and whenever any full schedule shall have been made, changed or revised, adopt- ed or allowed, or any rule or regulation prescribed as aforesaid, commission shall in every instance give the date on which the same shall go into effect. Same, sec. 2qoo. Commission in changing, revising, fixing, allowing or adopt- 782 ing any schedule of rates for freights or cars shall not discriminate unreasonably or unjustly in favor of any one class of freight to the detriment of other classes of freight. Same, sec. 2go2. GEORGIA Commission may determine what are just and reasonable rates and charges and it shall make reasonable and just rates of freight and passenger tariffs to be observed by all rail- road companies, shall make reasonable and just rules and regula- tions to be observed by all railroad companies as to charges at any and all points for the necessary handling and delivering of freights, shall make such just and reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessary for preventing unjust discriminations in the trans- portations of freight and passengers, shall make reasonable and just rates of charges for use of railroad cars carrying all and any kinds of freight and passengers no matter by whom owned or car- ried, shall make just and reasonable rules and regulations to be observed by railroad companies to prevent the giving or paying of any rebate or bonus, directly or indirectly, and from mislead- 788 ing or deceiving the public in any manner as to the real rates charged for freight and passengers; provided, that nothing in this act contained shall be taken as in any manner abridging or controlling the rates for freight charges by any railroad company for carrying freight which comes from or goes beyond the boimd- aries of the state and on which freight less than local rates on any railroad carrying the same are charged by such railroad, but said railroad companies shall possess the same power and right to charge such rates for carrying such freights as they possessed 2^8 before the passage of this act, and commission shall have full power by rules and regulations to designate and fix the difference in rates of freight and passenger transportation to be allowed for longer and shorter distances on the same or different railroads and to ascertain what shall be the limits of longer and shorter dis- tances. Code igii, sec. 2630. Commission shall make for each of the railroad corporations, 784 as soon as practicable, a schedule of just and reasonable rates of charges for transportation of passengers and freights and cars on each of said railroads. Same, sec. 26 ji. When the schedule shall have been made or revised commis- sion shall cause publication thereof to be made for four consecu- tive weeks in some public newspaper published in the cities of Atlanta, Augusta, Albany, Savannah, Macon, Rome and Colum- 786 bus ; and after the same shall be so published it shall be the duty of all such railroad companies to post at all their respective sta- tions in a conspicuous place a copy of said schedule for the pro- tection of the public. Same, sec. 2632. Commission shall fix and prescribe a schedule of maximum rates and charges for storage of freight made and charged by rail- road companies and fix at what time after the reception of freight 786 at the place of destination such charges for storage shall begin, with power to vary the same according to the value and character of the freight stored, the nature of the place of destination and residence of consignee and such other facts as in its judgment should be considered in fixing the same. Same, sec. 264Q. All the provisions, prescribing the procedure of commission in fixing freight and passenger tariffs, and hearing complaints 787 of carriers and shippers, and of altering and amending said tariffs, shall apply to the subject of fixing and amending rates and charges for storage, as aforesaid. Same, sec. 2650. ILLINOIS Commission shall make for each of the railroad corporations, as soon as practicable, a schedule of reasonable 788 maximum rates of charge for the transportation of passengers and freights and cars of each of said railroads. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. 131. When any schedule shall have been made or revised, com- mission shall have the same printed by the state printer under the contract governing the state printing and commission shall fur- 789 nish two copies of such printed schedule to the president, general superintendent or receiver of each railroad company or corpora- tion. Same. 229 Commission may fix and establish rates, rules and regulations 790 regarding demurrage, storage and all other charges incident to the transportation of property between points wholly within the state. Same, sec. ig4. Commission shall make for each of the common carriers doing business in the state, as soon as practicable, upon giving due notice to all parties interested therein, and after a hearing in rela- 791 tion thereto, a schedule of reasonable maximum rates or charges, classification, rules and regulations for the transportation of per- sons or property on or by each of said common carriers between points wholly within the state. Same, sec. igS. When any schedule shall have been made or revised, com- mission shall have the same printed by the state printer imder the 792 contract governing state printing and commission shall furnish two copies of said printed schedule to the president, general man- ager, general superintendent or receiver of each common carrier. Same. Commission may prescribe, promulgate and establish rea- sonable and just rates or schedules of maximum charges for each kind of property, money, parcel, merchandise, packages and other commodities and things to be charged for and received by express companies or carriers by express or either of them, either sepa- rately or conjointly, connected with the receiving, handling, trans- 793 porting, storing and delivery of all such property, money, parcels, merchandise, packages and other commodities and things which by the contract of carriage are to be transported separately or con- jointly by such express companies or carriers by express between points within the state, and may also prescribe a form of receipt for each shipment, also a form of receipt for moneys paid for charges for the transportation of any article or thing, to be given upon receipt or upon the payment of such charges. Same, sec. jdp. Commission may make and prescribe maximum rates and 794 charges, classifications, rules and regulations for the government and control of express companies or carriers by express. Same. IOWA Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent railroad companies or commission from establishing schedules of reasonable charges applicable to switching servic 796 only, and which shall be independent of any schedule of charge which may be provided for the regular line haul freight service oi common carriers. Code i8g7, sec. 2145. Commission shall fix and establish reasonable, fair and just rates of charges including a schedule of maximum joint rates for 230 each kind or class or property, money, parcels, merchandise, pack- ages and other things to be charged for and received by each express company or carriers by express, separately or conjointly, 796 on all such property, money, parcels, merchandise, packages and other things which by the contract of carriage are to be trans- ported separately or conjointly by such express companies or carriers by express doing business over the line of any railroad or other carrier between points wholly within the state, which rates or charges shall be made to apply to all such express companies or express carriers. Same, sec. 2i6j{b). Within six months from the taking effect of this act, com- mission shall prepare and make for each express company doing business in this state a schedule of reasonable maximimi charges 797 of rates for transporting property, money, parcels, merchandise, packages and other things carried by such express company or companies between points wholly within the state. Same, sec. 2i6s{c). KANSAS Commission may prescribe reasonable maxi- mum rates, not exceeding the rates set forth in section three hereof,^ which shall be charged for the transportation of oil,^ which rate shall be binding on every such person, firm, associa- tion or corporation after its publication in the official state paper; pro\dded, the reasonableness of such rates may be tested by proceedings therefor in any coiurt of competent jurisdiction in the state, and such covirt shall upon hearing the same, make such order as shall be proper, and such order may be reviewed by the supreme court as other civil proceedings regardless of sum or value involved; provided, before beginning such pro- 798 ceedings in court to test such matters, such person, firm, asso- ciation or corporation shall execute a bond to the state of Kan- sas, in such reasonable sum as the judge of the court in which such matter is brought shall order, conditioned that the person, firm, association or corporation making such application will promptly pay to any shipper the difference between the rate received for transporting oil and the rate finally ordered by such court. When such maximtim rates shall be fixed by commis- sion, the rates prescribed in section three of this act shall cease to be in force, and the rates so fixed by commission shall govern, as in this section provided. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 3g64. »Laws IQOS, ch. 315, sec. 3 (Gen. Stats. 1909,860.3963), establishing maximum rates to be charged for the transportation of oil. 2 All pipe lines laid, built or maintained for the conveyance of crude oil within the state are declared to be common carriers, and said conveyance of said oil shall be in the manner and under the restrictions in this act providai. Gen. Stats. 1909, sec. 306x. 231 LOUISIANA Commission shall adopt, change or make rea- sonable and just rates, charges and regulations to govern and regu- late railroad, steamboat and other water craft, and sleeping car, freight and passenger tariffs and service, express rates and tele- phone and telegraph charges, correct abuses and prevent unjust discrimination and extortion in the rates for the same, on the different railroads, steamboat and other water craft, sleeping car, 799 express, telephone and telegraph lines of the state and prevent such companies from charging any greater compensation in the ^-ggregate for the like kind of property or passengers or messages for a shorter than a longer distance over the same line imless au- thorized by commission to do so in special cases, and fix and adjust rates between branch or short lines and the great trunk lines with which they connect, and enforce the same by having the penal- ties prescribed, inflicted through the proper courts having juris- diction. Const., art. 284. Whenever any rate, charge, rule, regulation, order or decision, of commission, is contested in court, as provided by this consti- tution, or by any amendment thereto, and the same is maintained on final trial, by a court of competent jurisdiction, the railroad, express, telephone, telegraph, steamboat or other water craft or sleeping car company or corporation, contesting the same, shall forfeit and pay to the state, the stim of not less than $10 nor more than $50 per day for each day that the putting into effect and operation of the rate, order, charge, rule, regulation or deci- 800 sion of commission which may have been suspended by such suit, to be found and adjudged by the court in which such suit may be brought and, in all cases, the said court shall, in its judgment, maintaining the said rate, charge, rule, regulation, order or deci- sion, enter up a decree and judgment against the plaintiff therein, condemning such plaintiff to pay to the state the amount of the said penalty or forfeiture so found and adjudged by it, which amount, after deducting therefrom, the attorney's fees provided by article 288 of this constitution, shall, when collected, be paid into the state treasury, for account of the general school fund of the state. Same, art. 286. Commission shall adopt, change or make reasonable and just charges or regulations to govern and regulate all pipe lines ^ in the 801 state through which gases or other liquids are conveyed from one * All pipe lines, through which gases, oil, or other liquids are conveyed from one point in the state to another point in the state, for a consideration, are hereby declared to be common carriers, and are placed under the control of and subject to regulation by com- mission. Stats. 1906, no. 36, sec. x. 232 point in the state to another for a consideration. Stats. igo6, no 36, sec. 2. MICHIGAN Commission may make, alter, amend or abol- ish any rate or charge for telephone service, and may regulate by 802 rules or orders any service or facilities. Pub. Acts igii, no. ij8, sec. 3. Before any rate shall be fixed or established by commission, it shall give the telephone company to be affected thereby at least 30 days' notice of the time and place when and where a hear- 803 ing will be given said telephone company concerning the fixing or establishing of said rate, and commission may compel the attend- ance of witnesses as in cases arising imder act number 300 of the public acts of 1909. Same, sec. g. Commission shall furnish all telephone companies within 804 the state a copy of all rates, charges or tolls fixed or established by commission. Same, sec. 20. If any telephone company ^vithin the state shall violate any of the provisions of the act, or shall, 30 days after the establish- ing or fixing thereof, have failed, neglected or refused to observe any rate, charge, toll or order fixed or established by commission, unless the enforcement of same shall have been enjoined by a court of competent jurisdiction or shall do or commit any other 805 thing or act in this act declared to be unlawful, or shall omit to do or perform any act or thing, the omission to do which is in this act declared to be unlawful, such telephone company shall forfeit and pay to the state for the first offense not less than $50 nor more than $1,090 and for each subsequent offense shall pay not less than $100 nor more than $2,000. Any penalty herein provided for shall be collected under the direction of the attorney general in an action of assumpsit. Same, sec. 21. MISSISSIPPI Railroads must be given ten days' notice of the time and place at which any revision of its tariff of charges, or 806 complaint concerning the same, will be considered. Code igo6, sec. 4833. Every railroad or other common carrier shall furnish to com- mission its tariff of charges for transporting passengers and freight from point to point within and from points without to points within and from points within to points without the state and including all joint tariffs with connecting lines; and commission shall revise such of said tariffs as are not subject to the exclusive regulation of congress, and determine whether or not, and in what 233 particular, any of the charges are more than reasonable compen- sation for the services to be rendered and whether or not discrimi- nation be made improperly against any person, corporation or locality; and it shall require the proper corrections to be made; and B07 when the tariffs have been corrected commission shall append to each its certificate of approval; and commission shall fix and regu- late tariffs of charges for all railroads or other common carriers which fail to furnish their tariffs as required. It shall exercise a watchful and careful supervision over the tariffs of charges of every railroad and other common carrier, and shall revise the same from time to time as justice to the public and the railroad and other common carriers may require; and shall increase or reduce any of the rates as experience and business operations show to be just. Commission shall regulate and fix the rates to be charged on short hauls in excess of what may be charged on long haiils; and it shall determine in all cases whether the circimistances and conditions • be or be not substantially similar. Same, sec. 4842. Commission may fix the charges of and shall supervise and regulate all persons, natural or artificial, who may own or operate express, telegraph, telephone and sleeping car companies, car ■ service associations or other associations governing or controlling cars or rolling stock of railroads in the state in the same manner as railroads; and it is the duty of each person, natural or artificial, owning or operating such express, telegraph, telephone and sleep- ing car company to have and maintain fixed rates for doing busi- 808 ness which shall without discrimination between persons, corpo- rations or localities be applicable under similar circumstances to all persons alike, to submit their tariff of charges of such compan- ies to commission for approval, and to comply with the orders and regulations of commission made in supervising their companies in like manner and imder like penalties against their companies, their officers and employes as is provided in the case of railroads; and the persons, whether natural or artificial, owning or operating such companies shall be liable civilly and criminally for extortion in the same manner as railroads. Same, sec. 484J. MISSOURI If any common carrier shall neglect or refuse for a period of 30 days to file or publish its schedule of rates, fares and charges, as provided for in sections 3179 to 3207, inclusive, commission shall make out and print a schedule or schedules of reasonable rates for such common carrier, and deliver copy or copies of the same to such common carrier. Such delivery shall be by messenger, by registered letter or by any sheriff in the state. 234 It shall be the duty of every sheriff to serve and deliver the same whenever directed thereto by an order of commission, and shall return the same in like manner and with like effect to commission as in case of simmions in civil suits. Such common carriers for whom such schedules shall be made by commission shall keep the 809 same posted in their depots and stations, as required in said sec- tions for schedules made out by them in compliance with law; and the provisions of said sections concerning the schedules re- quired to be made by commission and the changing thereof, shall apply to the schedules made by commission as provided in this section. The costs of preparing, printing and delivering said schedules shall be paid by such common carrier, and shall be specified in an order of commission entered of record, and a copy of said order, certified by the secretary of commission shall in any suit be prima facie evidence of the amount which ought to be paid, and may be recovered in an action in the name of the state, at the relation of commission, before any court or justice of the peace in the state having jurisdiction of the amoimt thereof. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. jiSg. Commission shall fix, maintain and establish just and rea- sonable freight rates on all classes of freight from, to and between all points and stations upon and along all lines of railroad in the 810 state; and it shall fix, maintain and establish just and reasonable reconsigning charges, switching rates and all other rates or charges which may be added to the total charges for the transportation of any freight within the state. Samey sec. 3251. Commission may examine all officers, agents and employes of said railroad companies, and all other persons, imder oath or otherwise, procure the necessary information to make just and reasonable freight rates or charges, and ascertain if the freight 811 rates so fixed by commission are being observed or violated. Commission may administer oaths, issue subpoenas for persons and papers, examine witnesses and enforce the same in like man- ner as the circuit courts of the state. And in the issuance and en- forcement of the papers and processes above, the jiuisdiction shall be co-extensive with the state. Same, sec. 3252. Commission may classify all articles of freight transported on any railroads or parts of railroads owned, leased or occupied in the state except the articles in special classes D, E, G, and H, 812 placing said articles in either of the general classes provided for, or in any of said special classes, except D, E, G and H; and it may reduce said rates on any of said railroads or parts of railroads, 235 either in general or special classes, whenever in its judgment it can be equitably done. Same, sec. 3258. 813 Also a provision identical with par. 796. Samey sec. 3288. The railroad and warehouse commission, or any other public service commission, if any, which may be hereafter established in its place by law may prescribe and fix maximum rates of fare for 814 passenger travel within the state over the railroads therein. The rates so prescribed and fixed shall not exceed the maximum for such rates which is now or may hereafter be established by any law of the state. Laws 1911, S. B. 283, sec. i. Commission shall fix and regulate the rate of freight to be charged and classify the same, and may enforce the same as is 815 now provided by law for common carriers and with like penalties for violation of any of said rates when fixed by commission. Same, sec. 2. The board of railroad and warehouse commissioners, or any other public service commission, if any, which may be hereafter established in its place by law, may from time to time as changing 816 facts and conditions may warrant ascertain and determine anew the class in which any railroad of the state may belong in accordance with the classification under the provisions of section 2 of this act and establish new maximum rates for each class. Same, sec. 3. MONTANA Commission shall adopt as soon as practicable all necessary rates, charges and regulation to govern and regulate freight and passenger tariffs, correct abuses, and prevent unjust 817 discrimination and extortion in the rates of freight and passenger tariffs on the different railroads in the state and make the same effective by enforcing the penalties prescribed by law. Rev. Codes iQoy, sec. 437 S- Commission shall fairly and justly classify and subdivide all freight and merchandise of whatsoever character that may be 818 transported over the railroads of the state into such general and special classes or subdivisions as may be deemed necessary or expedient. Same. Commission may fix different rates for different railroads and for different lines under the same management or for different 819 parts of the same lines, if found necessary to do justice, and may make rates for express companies different from the rates fixed for railroads. Same. The rates, tolls or charges on any property which shall for 820 any reason remain unclassified by commission shall not in any 236, 1; event exceed the highest rates fixed for any classification by com- mission. Same. Commission shall make and establish reasonable rates for 821 the transportation of passengers over each and all of the railroads and shall prescribe rates, tolls and charges for all other services performed by any railroad. Same, sec. 4379. When any schedule shall have been made or revised commis- sion shall cause notice thereof to be published for two successive weeks in some newspaper published in the city of Helena (which notice shall state the date of taking effect of said schedule, and said schedule shall take effect at the time so stated in such notice) , and a printed notice of such schedule shall be conspicuously posted by such common carrier in each freight office, and passen- ger depot upon its lines; provided, that before finally fixing and deciding what the original rates and classifications shall be, com- mission shall publish ten days' notice in two daily papers, one of 822 which is published in the city of Helena, setting forth in such no- tice that at a certain time and place it will proceed to fix and de- termine such maximum rates and classifications; and it shall at such time and place, and as soon as practicable, afford to any person, firm, corporation or common carrier who may desire it, an opportunity to make an explanation or showing or to furnish information to commission on the subject of determining and fixing such maximum rates and classifications. All classifications and rates fixed and established by commission shall become effective 20 days after the railroad affected thereby shall have received certified copies thereof from commission. Same. NEBRASKA. Commission shall make all necessary classifi- cations and fix all necessary rates, charges and regulations to govern and regulate the freight and passenger tariffs of railway companies and common carriers, shall correct abuses and prevent 823 imjust discriminations, extortions and overcharges in rates of freight and passenger tariffs on the different railroads in the state, and shall enforce the same by having the penalties inflicted as provided by law through proper courts having jurisdiction. Cobbey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. io6jo{d). Commission shall fairly and justly classify and subdivide all freight and property of whatsoever character and descrijDtion that may be transported over the railways of the state into such general and special classes as may be found necessary and ex- 824 pedient and fix to each class and subdivision of freight a reason- able rate for each railway company or common carrier for the 237 transportation of each of said classes and subdivisions; the classifications herein provided for shall apply to and be the same for all railway companies or common carriers. Same, sec. io6jo{e). 815 Also a provision identical with par. 819. Same, sec. io6^o(J). Commission shall make and establish reasonable rates of charges for each railway or common carrier for the use or trans- portation of loaded or empty cars on its road; and may establish 826 for each railroad or for all railroads alike reasonable rates for the storing and handling of freight and for the use of cars not unloaded after 48 hours' notice to the consignee, not to include Sundays and legal holidays. Same, sec. 10650Q1). Until commission shall make the classifications and sched- ules of rates as provided for by law and afterwards, if it deems advisable, it may make partial or special classifications for all or 827 any of the railroads and fix the rates to be charged by the roads therefor; and such classifications and rates shall be put into effect in the manner provided for general classifications and schedules of rates. Same, sec. 106 jj. Commission shall fix, as soon as practicable, a schedule of classification of rates and charges, except joint rates elsewhere provided for, for the transportation of freights, passengers and cars over the various lines of railroad in the state, and to that end commission shall give the railroad company or common carrier to be affected thereby ten days' notice of the time and place when and where the rates will be fixed and any such railroad com- 828 pany or common carriers shall be entitled to be heard at such time and place to the end that justice may be done ; and shall have proc- ess to enforce the attendance of witnesses, to be served as in civil cases. Said schedule of rates and charges so fixed and prescribed shall go into effect not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days, within the discretion of commission, after the same have been completed and copies thereof mailed to the railway companies and common carriers affected thereby. Same. NEVADA Commission may prescribe just and reasonable railroad classifications of freight; and may fix just and reasonable charges for the transportation of all intrastate freight and intra- state passengers, for sleeping car accommodations, for goods, mer- 829 chandise and all matter of every kind carried by express com- panies within the state, for the transmission of messages by tele- graph companies and for the use of telephone lines within the 238 state. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 7, as amended hy Stats, igog, ch. 121, sec. 5. Commission may prescribe classifications o'" the service of 830 all pubic utilities, and in such classifications may take into account the quantity used, the time when used, and any other reasonable consideration. Stats, igii, ch. 162, sec. 13. NEW MEXICO Commission shall fix, determine, supervise, regulate and control all charges and rates of railway, express, 831 telegraph, telephone, sleeping car and other transportation and transmission companies and common carriers within the state. Const. y art. xi., sec. y. Commission shall determine no question nor issue any order in relation to the matters specified in the preceding section, 832 until after a public hearing held upon ten days' notice to the parties concerned, except in case of default after such notice. Same, sec. 8. NEW YORK Commission may establish such rules and regu- lations to carry into effect the provisions of this subdivision as it 833 may deem necessary, and may modify or amend such rules or regtdations from time to time. Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 66(12). NORTH CAROLINA Commission shall make reasonable and just rules as to charges by any company or corporation engaged in the 834 carriage of freight or express for the necessary handling and delivery of the same at all stations. PeWs Revisal 1908, sec. 1094(2). Commission shall make just and reasonable rates of charges for the transmission and delivery of messages by any telegraph 835 company and shall make just and reasonable rates of charges for the rental of telephones and ftunishing of telephonic communi- cation by any telephone company or corporation. Same, sec. iog6. Commission shall make reasonable and just rates (i) of freight, passenger and express tariffs for railroads, street railways, steamboats, canal and express companies or corporations and all other transportation companies or corporations engaged in the carriage of freight, express or passengers; (2) for the through transportation of freight, express or passengers; (3) of charges for the transportation of packages by any express company or cor- poration; (4) of charges for the use of railroad cars carrying 836 freight or passengers; (5) niles and regulations as to contracts 239 entered into by any railroad company or corporation to carry over its line or any part thereof a car or cars of any other company or corporation; (6) rules and regulations as to contracts entered into by any railroad rates on grain, or lumber to be dressed and shipped over the line of the railroad company on which such freight originated; (7) conjointly with such railroad companies, shall have authority to make special rates for the purpose of developing all maniifacturing, mining, milling and internal im- provements in the state. Same, sec. logg. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit railroad or steamboat companies from making special passenger rates with excursion 837 or other parties, also rates on such freights as are necessary for the comfort of such parties, subject to the approval of commis- sion. Same. NORTH DAKOTA Commission may prescribajust and reasonable classifications of freight and fix and prescribe just and reasonable schedules of charges for the transportation of intrastate freight and intrastate passengers, for sleeping car accommodations, for 838 goods and all matter of every kind carried by express companies within the state, for the transmission of messages by telegraph and telephone companies and for the use. of telephone lines within the state. Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 4343, as amended hy Laws 1911, ch. 2 $5, sec. 2. When any schedule shall have been made or revised, commis- sion shall forthwith serve a copy of said schedtile upon such rail- road, railroad corporation or common carrier affected thereby and a notice stating when such schedule shall go into effect and cause 839 notice thereof to be published for two consecutive weeks in one public newspaper published in each judicial district in the state, which notice shall state the fact that a new schedule has been made and the date of the taking effect of such schedtde, and said schedule shall take effect at the time so stated in such notice. Same. Before finally fixing and deciding what the original maximum rates and classifications shall be commission shall cause notice of such meeting to be given each common carrier affected thereby by mailing a notice thereof addressed to the managing officer thereof at the address given in the last report of such common 840 carrier to the secretary of state, or to such address as may have been given to and filed with commission, at least 30 days before the date of such hearing, and publish ten days' notice in two daily papers published in the state, setting forth in such notice that at 240 a certain time and place it will proceed to fix and determine such maximum rates and classifications. Same. And it sliall at such time and place and as soon as practicable afford to any person, firm, corporation, railroad, railroad corpora- 841 tion or common carrier who may desire it an opportunity to make an explanation or showing or to furnish information to commis- sion on the subject of determining and fixing such maximum rates, fares and classifications. Same. The schedule of rates, fares and classifications of freights or 842 property on all lines of railroad, railroad corporations and com- mon carriers shall be fixed within 60 days from the taking effect of this article. Same. OKLAHOMA Commission shall from time to time prescribe and enforce against transportation and transmission companies, in the manner hereinafter authorized, such rates, charges, classifi- 843 cations of traffic and rules and regulations and shall require them to establish and maintain all such public service facilities and conveniences as may be reasonable and just. Const., art. ix., sec. 18. Before commission shall prescribe or fix any rate, charge or classification of traffic, and before it shall make any order, rule, regulation or requirement directed against any one or more com- panies by name, the company or companies to be affected by such rate, charge, classification, order, rule, regulation, or requirement, 844 shall first be given by commission, at least ten days' notice of the time and place when and where the contemplated action in the premises will be considered and disposed of, and shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to introduce evidence and to be heard thereon, to the end that justice may be done, and shall have process to enforce the attendance of witnesses. Same. Before commission shall make or prescribe any general order, rule, regulation or requirement not directed against any specific company or companies by name, the contemplated general order, rule, regulation, or requirement shall first be published in sub- stance not less than once a week, for four consecutive weeks, in one or more of the newspapers of general circulation published in the county in which the capitol of this state may be located, 846 together with the notice of the time and place, when and where commission will hear any objections which may be urged by any person interested, against the proposed order, rule, regulation, or requirement; and every such general order, rule, regulation or requirement, made by commission, shall be published at length, 241 for the time and in the manner above specified, before it shall go into effect, and shall also, so long as it remains in force, be pub- lished in each subsequent annual report of commission. Same. The authority of commission (subject to review on appeal as hereinafter provided) to prescribe rates, charges and classifications of traffic for transportation and transmission companies shall, sub- ject to regulation by law, be paramount, but its authority to pre- scribe any other rules, regulations or requirements for corpora- tions or other persons shall be subject to the superior authority of the legislature to legislate thereon by general laws; provided, 846 however, that nothing in this section shall impair the rights which have heretofore been or may hereafter be conferred by law upon the authorities of any city, town or coimty to prescribe rules, regulations or rate of charges to be observed by any public service corporation in connection with any services performed by it under a municipal or county franchise granted by such city, town or coimty so far as such services may be wholly within the limits of the city, town or county granting the franchise. Same. OREGON See par. 4520. SOUTH CAROLINA The powers conferred upon commission to fix passenger and freight rates, joint and several, are delegated to it 847 by general assembly as fully as the general assembly itself could exercise them. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2082. Commission in arriving at its conclusion and decisions as to what are just and reasonable rates, and in making examinations for such purpose, shall have the powers conferred in sections 2077, 2078, 2079 and 2080 for securing the attendance of witnesses, 848 reports and testimony of officers, agents or employes of railroad companies, and for the production of books and papers; and for violation of the provisions of this section, the same penalties are hereby imposed as are provided in said sections respectively; and such witnesses shall receive the compensation prescribed in sec- tion 2077. Same. Commissioners may examine all agents and employes of said railroad companies and other persons under oath and other- wise, in order to procure the necessary information to make just and reasonable rates of freight and passenger tariffs, and ascer- 849 tain if such rules ancj regulations are observed or violated, and make necessary and proper rules and regulations concerning such examinations, and which rules and regulations herein pro- vided for shall be obeyed and enforced as all other rules and reg- ulations provided for in this chapter. Same. 242 Also provisions substantially identical with pars. 783, 784, 860 except that "but said passenger rates shall not exceed the maximum prescribed in section 2165" is included in par. 783. Same, sees. 2og2, 2ogj, Commission shall fix and regulate the rates or tolls to be charged by the owners or operators of aU telephone lines, stations or exchanges for the transmission of intelligence for hire and require reasonable connections to be made and maintained when practicable between such lines, stations or exchanges and fix and regulate reasonable rates, tolls and compensation therefor, and also require reasonable connections to be made and maintained when practicable between any such lines, stations or exchanges and the lines or stations of private individuals, firms or corpora- tions desiring such connections, and fix and regulate the rates, tolls or compensation therefor; and also make and enforce rules and regulations by which all persons, firms, or corporations owning or operating telephone lines, stations or exchanges in the state for the transmission of intelligence for hire shall be 851 governed in the conduct of said business; provided, that in the cities and towns where franchises have been granted by any city or town to operate and maintain a telephone exchange or exchanges and the rates and tolls are fixed in any such franchise so granted, nothing herein shall permit any increase in the rates and tolls so fixed for service now furnished, whether local or otherwise, except by agreement with the municipal au- thorities in any such city or town and the subscribers; provided, further, that except by agreement with subscribers no change shall be made in any existing rates without a hearing by commis- sion which shall be had at such time and place as shall be desig- nated by commission most convenient to the parties interested and of which commission shall publish a notice in at least one newspaper most likely to give notice to the parties interested once a week for at least iovn weeks. Laws 1904, no. 281, sec. i. A public service commission appointed as provided by law shall be authorized to fix and establish in all cities of the state now and hereafter incorporated under any general or special law 862 of the state maximtmi rates and charges for the supply of water, gas or electricity furnished by any person, firm or corporation to such city and the inhabitants thereof, such rates to be reasonable and just. Laws 1910, no. 286, sec. 1/ » Upon complaint in writing of 20 or more citizens to the mayor or council of any such city, that any person, firm or corporation is chargfing an unjust or unreasonable rate for water, gas or electricity, furnished by the same, the said city, mayor or council may request the public service commission to stimmon such person, the members of such firm or the officers of 243 Anyjperson, firm"'or corporation now or hereafter owning or operating such water, gas or electric plant, who shall fail or refuse to accept the rate fixed by commission to be charged for water, gas or electricity, and instead thereof shall charge, demand or receive a greater amount than that fixed by commission aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon 853 conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than $25 nor more than $100, and each overcharge to any consumer of water, gas or electricity shall constitute a separate offense, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction, one-half of such fine as may be imposed going to the informer and the other half to go to such city where the complaint arises. Same, sec. 3. The provisions of this act shall not apply to the cities of 854 Charleston, Marion, Spartanburg, Sumter and Union or the town of Conway. Same, sec. 5. See also par. 1936. SOUTH DAKOTA Commission shall make for each of the railroad corporations as soon as practicable a schedule of reasonable maxi- miim fares and rates of charges for the transportation of passen- 855 gers, freight and cars on each of said railroads, and said power to make schedules shall include the power of classification of all such freights and commission shall make such classification. Rev. Pol. Code igo3, sec. 450. Provided, the maximum compensation per mile for the trans- portation of any person with ordinary baggage not exceeding 150 pounds shall not be more than two and one-half cents per mile between points where the distance traversed is entirely within the 856 state, except upon narrow gauge railroads, and commission shall for the purpose of making a maximimi fare and charges for the transportation of passengers and freight classify said railroads as far as practicable according to the gross amoimt of their respec- tive annual earnings per mile within the state for the three years preceding the time of making the classification. Same. When any schedule shall have been made or revised as pro- vided by law commission shall cause notice thereof to be pub- lished for two successive weeks in two public newspapers pub- such corporation to appear before them, with their books relating to such matters, when such examination shall be made as may be necessary to determine whether or not the said rates are unjust or unreasonable; and if upon such examination the said public service com- mission shall determine that the said rates are unreasonable or unjust, it shall be their duty to fix such rates to be paid for water, gas or electricity as they may deem to be just and reasonable; provided, that in case the said public service commission shall fix unjust and unreasonable rates the same may be reviewed and determined by the circuit court of the county in which such city is located. Acts iqio, ho. 286, sec. 2. 244 857 lished, one in the county of Minnehaha and one in the county of Lawrence in the state, which notice shall state the date of the taking effect of such schedule and said schedule shall take effect at the time so stated in such notice. Same. Before finally fixing and deciding what the original maximum rates and fares and classifications shall be, commission shall publish ten days' notice in two daily papers published, one in the county of Mianehaha, another in the county of Lawrence, setting forth in such notice that at a certain time and place it will proceed 858 to fix and determine such maximum rates, fares and classifica- tions, and commission shall at such time and place and as soon as practicable afford to any person, firm or corporation or common carrier who may desire it an opportunity to make an explanation or showing or to furnish information to commission on the subject of determining and fixing such maximum rates and classifications. Same. Before commission shall make any individual rate or schedule of maximimi telephone rates or order any connections, commis- sion shall give ten days' notice of the time and place when and where it will meet to fix and determine such rates and order con- nection, by sending notices to said company or owner by regis- 859 tered mail, at the place of business of said company or owner as given in its report filed tmder the provisions of section four of this act, and any person may appear at such hearing and be heard or examined by commission, touching the question under consider- ation. Sess. Laws igog, ch. 28g, sec. 5, as amended by Sess. Laws igii, ch. 218, sec. j. A certified copy of every order of commission affecting the rates of any telephone company shall be served upon an officer 860 or station agent of such company or may be mailed to said com- pany at the place of business given in its filed report, and shall take effect and become operative 20 days after such service, unless com- mission shall otherwise order. Same, sec. g. Commission shall within 60 days after this act goes into effect prepare for each of the express companies a uniform schedule or schedules of reasonable maximum rates of charges for the trans- portation of express freight between stations within the state over 861 lines of railway wholly within the state. The schedule or sched- ules so prepared shall take effect and be in force at such time as may be specified by commission in its order adopting such sched- ule which shall be in no event later than ten days after the expira- tion of the 60 days above designated. Sess. Laws igii, ch. ij2, sec. I. 24s The order of commission adopting such schedule or schedules 862 of rates shall be enforced in the same manner as now provided by law for the enforcement of any other order made by com- mission. SamCj sec, 2. Commission shaU make for each of the common carriers doing business in the state a schedule of reasonable maximum fares and rates of charges for the transportation or transmission of passengers, freight, cars, express and messages by telephone on or over each of said common carriers, and said power to make 863 schedtiles shall include the power of classification of all such freights, express and messages by telephone and commission shall make such classification. Commission may fix different rates or schedules of rates for different common carriers and for different lines and different parts of the same line of any common carrier. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2oy, sec. 20. When any schedule shall have been made or revised commis- sion shall cause notice thereof to be given each common carrier by serving such notice with a copy of said schedule attached thereto upon any station agent, clerk, superintendent, secretary, pres- 864 ident or directors of such common carrier within the state or by mailing said notice and schedule to any such agent or to any such officer of such common carrier, which notice shall state the date of the taking effect of said schedule, and said schediile shall take effect at the time so stated in such notice. Same. Before finally fixing and deciding what the original maximimi rates and fares and classifications shall be commission shall serve upon each common carrier in the manner provided in this section for giving notice of the taking effect of any schedule, at least ten days' notice of the time and place when and where commission 865 will proceed to fix and determine such maximum rates, fares and charges and commission will at such time and place and as soon as practicable afford to any person, firm or corporation or common carrier who may desire it an opportunity to make an explanation or showing or to furnish information to commission on the sub- ject of determining and fixing such maximum rates and charges. Same. Commission may fix and regulate aU switching charges ex- acted by any common carrier engaged in intrastate commerce 866 and classify all common carriers doing business in the state, as well as make full and complete classifications of freight, express and telephone messages. Same, sec. 50. Commission may fix and determine any and all rates and 246 867 charges for the transmission of any message by telephone or any service in connection therewith, including individual rates as well as schedules of rates. Same, sec. 52. Commission may fix and determine any and all charges made 868 to the public for the carrying of express freight. Same, sec. 55. See also par. 342. TENNESSEE Commission shaU supervise and fix the rates, charges and regulations of railroad freight and passenger tariffs; correct abuses and prevent imjust discrimination and extortions in the rates for freight and passenger tariffs on the different rail- 869 roads in the state, and require the location of such depots and the establishment of such freight and passenger buildings as the con- ditions of the roads, safety of freight, and public comfort may require. Acts iSgy, ch. 10, sec. 8(1), as amended by Acts igoy, ch. jpo, sec. 2. All persons or corporations owning or operating a railroad in the state shall within 30 days after the passage of this act furnish commission with their tariff of charges for transportation of every kind, and commission shall revise said tariff charges so furnished and determine whether or not and in what particular, if any, said 870 charges are more than just compensation for the service rendered, and whether or not unjust discrimination is made in such tariff of charges against any person, locality or corporation, and when such charges are corrected, as provided by commission, commis- sion shall then append a certificate of its approval to said tariff of charges. Same, sec. 22. Commission shall exercise a careful and watchftil supervi- sion over every tariff of charges from time to time as justice to the public and each of the railroads may require and increase or 871 reduce any of said rates according as experience and business operations may show to be just ; and commission shall accordingly fix the tariffs of charges for those railroads failing to furnish tariffs of charges as above required. Same. When any change is contemplated to be made in the schedule of passenger or freight rates of any railroad by commission, whether by revising rates already fixed by commission or by fixing 872 and establishing rates originally, commission shall give the per- son or corporation operating or managing said railroad notice in writing at least ten days before the change of the time and place at which such change may be considered. Same. Where any city or town in the state has competition existing in freight rates between railroads and rivers commission shall 247 873 regulate the freight rates of all railroads in the cities or towns so situated, according to the rates fixed and charged by river trans- portation companies in competition with such railroads. Same, sec. 34. TEXAS Commission shall adopt all necessary rates, charges and regulations to govern and regulate railroad freight and passenger tariffs, shall correct abuses and prevent unjust discrim- 874 ination and extortion in the rates of freight and passenger tariffs on the different railroads in the state, and shall enforce the same by having the penalties inflicted as by law prescribed through proper courts having jurisdiction. Sayles^ Civ. Stats. i8gy, art. 4562. 876 Also provision substantially identical with pars. 818, 819. Same, arts. 4^62(1), 4^62(4). Commission shall fix to each class or subdivision of freight a 876 reasonable rate for each railroad for the transportation of each of said classes and subdivisions. Same, art. 4^62(2). The classifications herein provided for shall apply to and 877 be the same for all railroads subject to the provisions of this chapter. Same, sec. 4^62(3). 878 Also a provision identical with par. 827. Same, art. 456 2{'/). Before any rates shall be established, commission shall give the railroad company to be affected thereby ten days' notice of the time and place when and where the rates shall be fixed; and 879 said railroad company shall be entitled to be heard at such time and place to the end that justice may be done; and it shall have process to enforce the attendance of its witnesses. All process herein provided for shall be served as in civil cases. Same, art. 4563- Commission shall, as soon as the classifications and schedules of rates provided by law are prepared by it, fiimish each railroad with a complete schedule in suitable form showing the classifica- tion of freight made by it and the rates fixed by commission to be charged by said road for the transportation of each class of freight, 880 and shall cause a certified copy of such classification and schedule of rates to be delivered to each of said railroads at its principal office in the state, if it has such office in the state, and if not, then to any agent of said company in the state, which said schedule, rules and regulations shall take effect at the date which may be fixed by commission not less than 20 days. Same, art. 4567. In all cases where the rates shall not have been fixed by com- 881 mission no changes shall be made except after ten days' notice to and consent of commission. Same. 248 Commission shall fix and establish reasonable and just rate? of charges for each class or kind of property, money, papers, pack- ages and other things to be charged for and received by each express company on all such property, money, papers, packages and things which by the contract of carriage are to be transported 882 by said express company between points wholly within the state, which rates or charges may be made to apply to all such com- panies. Commission shall have the same power to make and pre- scribe such rules and regtilations for the government and control of such express companies as is or may be conferred upon com- mission for the regulation of railroads. Same, art. 4582. VIRGINIA Provisions substantially identical with pars. 843, 844, 845, 846, except that par. 845 requires that the news- 883 papers in which publication is made shall be published in the city of Richmond, Virginia. Const., sec. i^6{b). Commission shall from time to time make and enforce such requirements, rules and regulations as may be necessary to pre- vent unjust or unreasonable discrimination by any transportation 884 or transmission company in favor of or against any person, local- ity, community, connecting line or kind of traffic in the matter of car service, train or boat schedule, efficiency of transportation or otherwise in connection with the public duties of such com- panies. Same. WISCONSIN Commission shall provide for a comprehensive classification of service for each public utility and such classifi- cation may take into accoimt the quantity used, the time when used, the purpose for which used, and any other reasonable con- sideration. Each public utility is required to conform its sched- ules of rates, tolls and charges to such classification. Laws iQoy, ch. 4QQ, ."iec. ijgym — 55. 249 C. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION ON ITS OWN MOTION OR ON COMPLAINT AFTER INVESTIGATION TO CHANGE RATES AND CHARGES PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE AND TO FIX, ESTABLISH OR PRESCRIBE OTHERS IN LIEU THEREOF TO BE FOLLOWED IN THE FUTURE. UNITED STATES Whenever a carrier by railroad shall in com- petition with a water route or routes reduce the rate on the car- riage of any species of freight to or from competitive points it 886 shall not be permitted to increase such rates unless after hearing by commission it shall be found that such proposed increase rests upon changed conditions other than the elimination of water competition. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 4. Whenever after full hearing upon a complaint made as pro- vided in section 13 of this act, or after full hearing under an order for investigation and hearing made by commission on its own initiative (either in extension of any pending complaint or with- out any complaint whatever) commission shall be of opinion that any individual or joint rates or charges whatsoever, de- manded, charged or collected by any common carrier or carriers for the transportation of persons or property, or for the trans- mission of messages by telegraph or telephone, or that any individual or joint classifications, regulations, or practices what- soever of such carrier or carriers are unjust or unreasonable or im- justly discriminatory or unduly preferential or prejudicial or 887 otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act, com- mission may determine and prescribe what will be just and reasonable individual or joint rate or rates, charge or charges to be thereafter observed in such case as the maximum to be charged, and what individual or joint classification, regulation or practice is just, fair and reasonable to be thereafter followed, and may make an order that the carrier or carriers shall cease and desist from such violation to the extent to which commission finds the same to exist, and shall not thereafter publish, demand or col- lect any rate or charge for such transportation or transmission in excess of the maximum rate or charge so prescribed, and shall 250 adopt the classification and shall conform to and observe the regulation or practice so prescribed. Same, sec. 15. ALABAMA Upon complaint of any person, firm, corpora- tion or association, or of any mercantile, "agricultiiral, or manu- facturing society or of any body politic or municipal organiza- tion, that any of the rates, fares, charges or classifications, or any joint rate or rates, are in any respect unreasonable, or un- justly discriminatory, or that any regulation or practice whatso- ever, affecting the transportation of persons or property, or any 888 service in connection therewith, are in any respect unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory, or that any regiilation or practice whatsoever affecting the transportation of persons or property or any service in connection therewith, are in any respect unreason- able or unjustly discriminatory, or that any service is inade- quate, commission may notify the transportation company com- plained of that complaint has been made, and ten days after such notice has been given commission may proceed to investi- gate the same as hereinafter provided. Code igoj, sec. 5667. Before proceeding to make such investigation, commission shall give the transportation company and the complainant ten days' notice of the time and place when and where such matters 889 will be considered and determined, and said parties shah be en- titled to be heard, through themselves or their counsel, and shall have process to enforce the attendance of witnesses. Same, sec. 5668. If upon investigation, the rate or rates, fares, charges or classification, or any joint rate or rates or any regulation, prac- tice or service complained of shall be found to be unreasonable or imjustly discriminatory, or the service shall be found to be in- adequate, commission may fix and order substituted therefor such 890 rate or rates, fares, charges or classifications as it shall have de- termined to be just and reasonable, and which shall be charged, imposed and followed in the future, and may make such orders respecting such regulation, practice or service as it shall deter- mine to be reasonable and which shall be observed and followed in the future. Same, sec. 566g. Commission may, when complaint is made of more than one rate or charge, order separate hearings thereon, and may con- 891 sider and determine the several matters complained of separately and at such time as it may prescribe. No complaint shall at any time be dismissed because of the absence of direct damage to the complainant. Same, sec. 5670. 251 Whenever commission may believe that any rate or charge may be unreasonable, or unjustly discriminatory or that any service is inadequate and that an investigation relating thereto should be made, it may on its own motion investigate the same. If after making such investigation commission becomes satisfied that sufficient grounds exist to warrant a hearing to determine 892 whether the rate or charge so investigated is unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory or whether the service investigated is in- adequate it shall furnish the transportation company or compa- nies interested a statement setting forth the rate, charge or serv- ice investigated, which said statement shall be accompanied by a notice fixing the time and place for hearing on such rate, charge or service as the case may be. Same, sec. 56^1. Notice may also be given to other parties in interest, and shall be given at least ten days in advance of any hearing, and 893 thereafter proceedings shall be had and conducted in reference to the matter investigated pursuant to the provisions of sections 5667 and 5668 of this chapter. Same. This shall be construed to permit any transportation com- pany to make a complaint with like effect as though made by any 894 person, firm, corporation or association, mercantile, agricultural or manufacturing society, body politic or municipal organization. Same. Whenever upon an investigation made under the pro- visions of this chapter commission shall find any existing rate or rates or any regulation or practice whatsoever, affecting the transportation of persons or property or any service in connec- tion therewith unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory or any service inadequate it shall so determine and by order fix a reason- 895 able rate, fare, charge, classification or joint rate to be imposed, observed and followed in the future in lieu of that found to be un- reasonable or unjustly discriminatory or inadequate as the case may be, and it shall cause a certified copy of such order to be de- livered to any officer, superintendent or station agent of the transportation company affected thereby, which order shall of its own force take effect and become operative, 20 days after the service thereof. Same, sec. j6y8. All transportation companies to which the order applies shall make such changes in their schedules on file as may be nec- essary to make the same conform to said order, where such order 896 relates to rates, fares, charges, or classification, and no change shall be made by any transportation company in the rates, fares. 252 charges or classification, or joint rate or rates or in the service or practice so ordered, without the approval of commission. Same. Certified copies of all orders of commission shall in like man- 897 ner be delivered to the transportation company affected thereby, and the same shall take effect within such time thereafter as com- mission shall prescribe. Same. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Whenever commission, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, shall find that the rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges, or classifications, or any of them, de- manded, observed, charged, or collected by any public service corporation^ for any service or product or commodity, or in con- nection therewith, including the rates or fares for excursion, or commutation tickets, or that the rules, regulations, practices, or contracts, or any of them, affecting such rates, fares, tolls, 898 rentals, charges or classifications, or any of them are unjust, un- reasonable, discriminatory or preferential, or in anywise in viola- tion of any provision of law, or that such rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges, or classifications are insufficient, commission shall determine the just, reasonable, or sufficient rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges, classifications, rules, regulations, practices, or contracts to be thereafter observed and in force, and shall fix the same by order as hereinafter provided. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, oh. go, sec. 32(a). Cal. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14^ sec. 32(a). Commission may, upon a hearing, had upon its own motion or upon complaint, investigate a single rate, fare, toll, rental, charge, classification, rule, regulation, contract, or practice, or any num^ber thereof, or the entire schedule or schedules of rates, 899 fares, tolls, rentals, charges, classifications, rules, regulations, con- tracts and practices, or any thereof, of any public service corpora- tion,^ and establish new rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges, class- ifications, rules, regulations, contracts, or practices, or schedule or schedules, in lieu thereof. Ariz. — Same, sec. 32(h), Cal. — Same, sec. 32(b). See also pars. 36^4, 36^6. COLORADO Commission shall, whenever after full hearing upon a complaint made as provided herein, or upon complaint of any common carrier, shipper, consignee, or applicant for cars, it shall be of opinion that any of the rates or charges complained "iPublic utility," in California. 253 . of and demanded, charged or collected by any common carrier or common carriers affecting such rates or charges are xmjust or un- reasonable, or are unjustly discriminatory or unduly preferential or prejudicial or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of 900 this act, determine and prescribe in what respect such rate?, charges, regiilations or practices are unjust or unreasonable, or unjustly discriminatory or unduly preferential or prejudicial or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act, and make an order that the common carrier shall cease and desist from such violation and shall not thereafter publish, demand or collect such rate or charge for such transportation or seek to en- force the regulation or practice, so determined to be unjust. Laws iQio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 15. CONNECTICUT Any town, city, or borough within which or between which, and any other town, city or borough in the state, any public service company is furnishing service, or any ten pa- trons of any such company, or any such company furnishing serv- ice in accordance with or at rates prescribed by an order of com- mission, may bring a written petition to commission alleging that the rates or charges made by such company or prescribed by commission are unreasonable or that the service furnished by such company is inadequate to, or the service ordered by commission exceeds, public necessity and convenience. Thereupon com- 901 mission shall fix a time and place for a hearing upon such petition and shall mail notice thereof to the parties in interest and shall give due public notice at least one week prior to such hearing. Upon said hearing, commission may, if it finds such rates and charges to be unreasonable or such service to be inadequate or excessive, determine and prescribe an adequate service to be thereafter furnished or just and reasonable maximtmi rates and charges to be thereafter made by such company, and such com- pany shall thereafter furnish the service so prescribed and shall not thereafter demand any rate or charge in excess of the maxi- mum rate or charge so prescribed. Pub. Acts ipii, ch. 128, sec. 23. See also par. 2315. INDIANA Commission shall as provided by law from time to time alter, change, amend to abolish any classifications or rates established by any railroad company or companies whenever found to be unjust, unreasonable or discriminative, and make and substitute for said tinjust, imreasonable or discrimi- native rates or classifications, amended, altered or new dassifica- 254 902 tions or rates, which shall be put into effect by said railroad com- pany or companies, and in case any carrier fails to have any rate or schedule of rates to any point of its line, or on any connecting line in the state, commission as provided by law may make and order a rate or schedule of rates which shall be published and put into effect by said carrier or carriers. Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. 3id). The power of commission extends to any case where any person, firm, corporation or association or any mercantile, agri- cultiiral or manufacturing society or any body politic or municipal organization complain of anything done or omitted to be done by any common carrier and shall apply to commission by petition which shall briefly state the facts; whereupon a statement of the charges thus made shall be forwarded by commission to such common carrier who shall be called upon to satisfy the com- plaint or to answer same in writing within a reasonable time to be specified by commission. If such carrier shall not satisfy the complaint within the time specified or there shall appear to be any 903 reasonable ground for investigating said complaint, commission shall investigate the matters complained of, and no complaint shall at any time be dismissed because of the absence of direct damage to complainant. And commission may, after such in- vestigation, make such corrections, alterations, changes or new rules or regulations or rates as may be necessary to prevent in- justice or discrimination to the party complaining or to any other person, firm or corporation ; provided, that when any rate, charge, classification, rule or regulation shall have been so made, changed, modified or added to by commission such order shall operate for the benefit of all persons or corporations situated similarly with said complaining party. Same, sec. j(/f). Before any rates or charges of railroads or express companies or other carriers or coir panics shall be revised or changed under the provisions of this act, and before any order shall be made by commission changing the rules and regiilations of any such com- pany respecting car service, the transfer or switching of cars from one railroad to another, or respecting the location or construc- tion of sidings and connections between roads or respecting joint 904 rates or charges by two or more such companies, commission shall give the company or companies affected by such proposed order or revision, not less than ten days' written notice of the time and place where such rates or charges or the matters in- volved in said proposed order shall be considered; and such com- 255 pany shall be entitled to a hearing at the time and place specified in such notice and shall have process to enforce the attendance of witnesses. All process herein provided for shall be served as in civil cases. Same, sec.^ 4. In addition to the authority vested in commission to de- termine what shall be just, reasonable and indiscriminative rates for further observance, upon complaint, filed as provided in this act, commission, whenever it is of the opinion that the rates charged by such carriers upon any kind of property in the state or that the rates upon any carrier's lines in the state, or that any class of rates in force upon the carrier's lines in the state, or any part thereof, are excessive or unjust or discriminative or unduly prejudicial or in violation of the laws of the state, commission 905 shall investigate the same, and for that ptirpose, commission shall give carrier or carriers interested therein, 20 days' notice of the purpose to make such investigation, stating what rates are to be investigated and requiring the carrier so notified to appear at the time and place specified in such notice and to be heard therein if they so desire. At any hearing, any party interested in such rates shall be heard by commission, either in person or by counsel, and commission may after such investigation make such cor- rections, alterations, changes or new rules or regulations or rates, as may be necessary to prevent injustice or discrimination. Same, sec. y(a), as amended by Acts igii, ch. 185, sec. i. Commission shall as soon as any revision or classification or schedule of rates or charges or regulations are adopted by it, furnish each railroad company affected thereby with a certified 906 copy thereof in suitable form, showing the revision, alteration, rule or regulation made by commission, to be delivered to each such carrier by depositing the same in a United States postofhce, in a duly stamped and addressed envelope, directed to some officer or agent of the carrier in the state. Same, sec. 8(a). Nothing in this act shall authorize or empower commission or any court of the state to establish, change or modify any rate 907 or charge for any service to be performed by any common carrier in the state, where the rate or charge is now established or which may hereafter be established by any valid law of the state. Same, sec. 8{b). See also par. j68o. IOWA Commission shall give notice of its intention to revise or change schedules by publishing a notice thereof in two weekly newspapers, published at the seat of government for two 256 consecutive weeks, and the last publication of such notice shall be at least ten days before the time fixed for considering the matter, and such notice shall contain in general terms a statement 908 of the matters commission proposes to consider, and the date when and the place where the matter will be taken up and shall be addressed to all persons interested therein. When any schedule is revised, commission must cause notice thereof to be published for two successive weeks in some public newspaper printed at the seat of government which shall state the date of the taking effect thereof, and it shall take effect at the time so stated. Code iSgj, sec. 21 j8. When any person, in his own behalf or in behalf of a class of persons similarly situated, or a firm, corporation or association or any mercantile, agriculttiral or manufacturing society or any body politic or mimicipal organization shall make complaint to com- mission that the rate charged or published by any railway com- pany or the maximum rates fixed by commission in the schedule of rates made by it or the maximum rate fixed by law, is un- reasonably high or discriminating commission shall investigate the matter and if the charge appears to be well founded, fix a day for hearing the same, giving the railway company notice of the time and place thereof by mail directed to any division super- intendent, general or assistant superintendent, general manager, president or secretary of such company, which notice shall con- tain the substance of the complaint, also the person or persons complaining. Same, sec. 2ijg. Upon the hearing, commission shall receive any evidence and listen to any argimient, offered or presented by either party relevant to the matter under investigation, and the burden of proof shall not be upon the person or pei;sons making the com- plaint ; but it shall add to the showing made at such hearing what- ever information it may then have or can obtain from any source, including schedules of rates actually charged by any railway com- pany for substantially the same kind of service in this or any other state. The lowest rates published or charged by any rail- ffio way company for substantially the same kind of service, whether in this or another state, shall at the instance of the person or persons complaining, be accepted as prima facie evidence of a reasonable rate for the service under investigation; and if the railway company complained of is operating a line of railroad be- yond the state, or has a traffic arrangement with any such railway company, the same shall be taken into consideration in deter- , 257 mining what is a reasonable rate ; if it be operating a line of rail- way beyond the state, the rate charged or established for sub- stantially a similar or greater service by it in another state shall also be considered. Same, sec. 2140. After such hearing and investigation, commission shall fix and determine the maximum charges to be thereafter made by the railroad company or common carrier complained of, which charge shall in no event exceed the one now or hereafter fixed by law and commission shall render its decision in writing and shall spread the same at length in the record to be kept for that pur- pose ; such decision shall specifically set out the siuns or rate which 911 the railroad company or common carrier so complained of may thereafter charge or receive for the service therein named and including a classification of such freight; and commission shall not be limited in its said decision and the schedule to be con- tained therein to the specific case or cases complained of, but it shall be extended to all such rates between points in the state and whatever part of the line of railway of such company or common carrier within the state may have been fairly within the scope of such investigation. Same, sec. 2141. See also par. 2442. KANSAS Whenever the purchasers of water from any irrigation company shall consider the rate of charges of such company for the use of water, to be unreasonable, extortionate or unjust, they or any one of them may appeal to commission and if commission shall consider such complaint just, it shall proceed to 912 notify the irrigation company and the complainants that 30 days from date of such notice it will at the county seat within the county from which the complaint came hear testimony in rela- tion thereto ; and if after hearing such testimony and making in- vestigation it shall decide that such rates are extortionate and unjust, it shall fix a rate of compensation for the use of water. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 4477. Commission shall from time to time alter, change or amend any schedule, classification, rate, rule or regulation established by any railroad company or companies or other common carrier on complaint as hereinafter provided, so that such schedule, classification, rate, rule or regulation shall be reasonable and just 913 and such amended, altered or new schedule, classification, rate, rule or" regulation shall be put into effect by said railroad com- pany or companies within not more than 30 days after receiving written notice of the order of commission, provided that before 258 such order is made by commission, notice and a hearing shall be given as required in section nine of this act. Same, sec. 7170. When a complaint has been made which involves general rates or classifications or general rates on certain commodities, commission shall investigate and determine all matters so in- volved without regard to the subsequent action of the parties making such complaint for the withdrawal of the complaint, and 914 whenever commission shall determine what is a reasonable charge for any freight based on the classification existing at the time of such determination, such rates and classifications and all rates and classifications now in effect shall not be altered thereafter with- out the consent of commission, but such determination as to what is a reasonable charge shall be determined according to the classification then existing. Same, sec. 7ig6. In all cases where complaints shall be made in accordance with the provisions of section 18 of this act^ that an luireasonable charge is made, or that the rates charged for freight are unjust, unreasonable or extortionate, and commission shall find such complaint to be true, it shall require a modified charge for the service rendered such as it shall deem to be reasonable and shall certify its findings to the managing officer of the road against which complaint is made; and the rates so determined by com- mission to be reasonable shall be by the railroad company affected thereby accepted and posted in a conspicuous place in each depot on the line of its road that may be designated by commis- sion; and if any railroad company shall fail for a period of ten days to accept such rates and post the same as herein provided in each depot on the line gf its road that may be designated 915 by commission, then commission shall cause the rates so deter- mined by commission to be reasonable to be published in the official state paper, and thereupon and after such publication such rates so found shall, in all actions arising in any court in the state, be taken to be reasonable compensation for the serv- ices for which they are provided, until the contrary is proven; and all compensation demanded or received by any such railroad company in excess of the rates so determined by commission shall, in any such action, be taken to be imjust, unreasonable, and extortionate, until the contrary is proven. All cases of a failure to comply with the recommendation of commission shall be embodied in the annual report of commission to the governor and the same shall apply to any unjust discrimination, extortion Laws 1901, ch, 286. 259 or overcharge by said company, or other violation of this act by such company. Same, sec. ^igy. Upon complaint in writing made to commission that an tm- reasonable price has been charged by a railroad company, com- 916 mission shall investigate such complaint and if sustained, shall make a certificate under its seal, setting forth what is a reason- able charge for the service rendered, which shall be prima facie evidence of the matter therein stated. Same, sec. 7199. Neither commission nor any railroad company shall raise 917 the charge for the transportation of freight on any railroad with- out first giving 60 days' public notice of such charge in such manner as commission may determine. Same, sec. 721 j. Upon complaint in writing made against any common carrier or public utility by any mercantile, agricultural or manu- facturing organization or society or by any body politic or munici- pal organization or by any taxpayer, firm, corporation, or association that any of the rates or joint rates, fares, tolls, charges, rules, regulations, classifications or schedules of such public utility or common carrier are in any respect unreasonable, unfair, imjust, tmjustly discriminatory or unduly preferential or both, or 918 that any regulation, practice, or act whatsoever, affecting or relating to any service performed or to be performed by such public utility or common carrier for the public, is in any respect unreasonable, unfair, imjust, unreasonably inefficient, insuffi- cient, unjustly discriminatory or unduly preferential, or any service performed or to be performed by such public utilities or common carrier for the public is unreasonably inadequate, in- efficient, unduly insufficient, or cannot be obtained, commission shall proceed with or without notice to make such investiga- tion as it may deem necessary. Laws 1911, ch. 2j8, sec. 14.^ Commission may, upon its motion, and without any com- 1 It shall be the duty of commission, either upon complaint or upon its own initiative, to investigate all rates, joint rates, fares, tolls, charges and exactions, classifications or schedules of rates, or joint rates and rules and regulations, and if, after full hearing and investigation, commission shall find that such rates, joint rates, fares, tolls, charges or exactions, classifications or schedules of rates, or joint rates, or rules and regulations, are unjust, unreasonable, unjustly discriminatory or unduly preferential, commission shall have power to fix and order substituted therefor such rate or rates, fares, tolls, charges, exactions classifications or schedules of rates or joint rates and such rules and regulations as shall be just and reasonable. If upon any investigation, it shall be found that any regulation, measurement, practice, act or service complained of is unjust, unreasonable, unreasonably inefficient, insufficient, unduly preferential, unjustly discriminatory or otherwise in viola- tion of any of the provisions of this act or of the orders of this commission, or if it be found that any service is inadequate or that any reasonable service cannot be obtained, the com- mission shall have power to substitute therefor such other regulations, measurements, practices, service or acts, and to make such order respecting any such charges in such regulations, measurements, practices, service or acts as shall be just and reasonable. When- ever, in the judgment of commission, public necessity and convenience require, commission shall have power to establish just and reasonable concentration, commodity, transit or other special rates, charges or privileges, but all such rates, charges and privileges shall be open to all users of a like kind of service under similar circumstances and condition. Laws iQii, ch. 238, sec. 13. 260 plaint being made, proceed to make such investigation, but no order affecting such rates, joint rates, tolls, charges, rules, regula- tions, classifications, schedules, practices or acts complained of shall be made or entered by commission without a formal public 919 hearing of which due notice shall be given by commission to such public utility or common carrier, or to such complainant or com- plainants, if any. Commission may require such public utility or common carrier to make such improvements and do such acts as are or may be required by law to be done by such public utility or common carrier. Same. If upon hearing and investigation, the rates, joint rates, fares, tolls, charges, rules, regulations, classifications, or sched- iiles of any common carrier or public utility, are found to be un- just, unreasonable, unfair, unjustly discriminatory, or unduly preferential, or in anywise in violation of the provisions of this act, or of any of the laws of the state, commission may fix and establish and order substituted therefor, such rates, joint rates, fares, tolls, charges, rules, regulations, classifications, or schedules as it shall find, determine or decree to be just, 920 reasonable and necessary; and if it shall be found that any regulation, practice or act whatsoever, relating to any service performed or to be performed by such public utility or com- mon carrier for the public in any respect unreasonable, un- just, unfair, unreasonably inefficient, insufficient, im justly dis- criminatory or tinduly preferential or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act, or of any of the laws of the state, commission may substitute therefor such other regulation, practice, service or act as it finds and determines to be just, rea- sonable and necessary. Same, sec. i6. All orders and decisions of commission, whereby any rates, joint rates, fares, tolls, charges, rules, regulations, classifications, schedules, practice or acts, relating to any service performed or to be performed by such public utility or common carrier for the pub- lic, are altered, changed, modified, fixed or established, shall be re- duced to writing and a copy thereof duly certified shall be served 921 on the public utility or common carrier affected thereby by reg- istered mail, and such order and decision shall become operative and effective within 30 days after such service, and such public utility or common carrier shall, unless an action is commenced in a" court of proper jurisdiction to set aside the findings, orders and decisions of commission or to review and correct the same, carry the provisions of said order into effect. Same. See also pars. 244;^, J682. 261 KENTUCKY When complaint shall be made to commission, accusing any railroad company or corporation of charging, col- lecting or receiving extortionate freight or passenger rates over its line or Imes of railroad in the state, or when commission shall receive information or have reason to believe that such rate or rates are being charged, collected or received, commission shall hear and determine the matter as speedily as possible. It shall give the company or corporation complained of, not less than ten days' notice by letter mailed to an officer or employe of said com- pany or corporation, stating the time and place of the hearing of same, also the nature of the complaint or matter to be inves- tigated, and shall hear such statements, argument, or evidence 92a offered by the parties as commission may deem relevant, and should commission determine that the company or corporation is or has been guilty of extortion, commission shall make and fix a just and reasonable rate, toll, or compensation which said rail- road company or corporation may charge, collect or receive for like services thereafter rendered. The rate, toll, or compensa- tion so fixed by commission shall be entered and be an order on the record book of its office and signed by commission, and a copy thereof mailed to an officer, agent or employe of the railroad company or corporation affected thereby, and shall be in full force and effect at the expiration of ten days thereafter, and may be revoked or modified by an order likewise entered on record. CarrolVs Stats, igog, sec. 82o{ay. MAINE Any railroad corporation may establish and collect for its sole benefit fares, tolls, and charges upon all passen- gers and property conveyed and transported on its railroad at such rates as may be determined by the directors thereof, and shall have a lien on its freight therefore; and may from time to time by its directors regulate the use of its road, provided, that such rates of fares, tolls and charges and regulations are at all times subject to alteration by the legislature, or by such officers 923 or persons that the legislature may appoint for the purpose, any- thing in the charter of such corporation to the contrary notwith- standing; and provided, further, that upon what shall at any time be deemed by commission sufficient complaint by interested and responsible parties, that the tolls are unreasonably high, commission may revise and establish them, after due notice and hearing, for a time not exceeding one year, but commission be- fore directing such hearing shall give opportunity to the com- 262 pany complained of to reply to the charge. Rev. Stats, igoj, ch. 52, sec. I. MARYLAND Whenever commission shall be of opinion after a hearing upon its own motion or upon complaint made as pro- vided in this act, that the rates, tolls, fares or charges, demanded, exacted, charged, or collected, by any common carrier, railroad or street railroad, railroad or street railroad corporation or other corporations for the transportation of persons, freight or property, within the state, or that the regulations or practices of such common carrier or corporation affecting such rates, tolls, 01 924 services are unjust, unreasonable, unjustly discriminating or undtdy preferential or in anywise in violation of any provision of law, commission shall determine the just and reasonable rates, tolls, fares and charges, to be thereafter observed, and enforced as the maximum to be charged for the service to be performed and shall fix the same by order to be served upon all common carriers or other corporations by whom such rates, fares and charges, are thereafter to be observed. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 2 J. Upon the complaint in writing of the mayor or chief execu- tive official, or officials, of a mimicipality or coimty in which a person or corporation is authorized to manufacture, sell or supply gas or electricity for light, heat or power, or upon the complaint in writing of not less than 100 customers or purchasers of such gas or electricity either as to the illuminating power, purity, pressure or price of gas or the initial efficiency of the electric incandescent lamp supply, or the regulation of the voltage of the supply system used for incandescent lighting, or price of elec- tricity sold and delivered in such mimicipality or county, commission shall investigate as to the cause for such complaint. 926 When such complaint is made, commission may, by its agents, examiners and inspectors, inspect the works, system, plant and methods used by such person or corporation in manufacturing, transmitting and supplying such gas or electricity, and may examine or cause to be examined the books and papers of such person or corporation pertaining to the manufacture, sale, trans- mitting and supplying of such gas and electricity. The form and contents of complaints made as provided in this section shall be prescribed by the commission. Such complaints shall be signed by the officers, or by the customers, purchasers or sub- scribers making them, who must add to their signatures their places of residence, by street and ntimber, if any. Same, sec. 36. 263 Before proceeding under a complaint presented as provided in this act, commission shall cause notice of such complaint and the purpose thereof to be served upon the person or corporation 926 affected thereby. Such person or corporation shall have oppor- tunity to be heard in respect to the matters complained of at a time and place to be specified in such notice. Same, sec. 37. If an investigation be instituted upon motion of commission, the person or corporation affected by the investigation may be 927 permitted to appear before commission at a time and place speci- fied in the notice and answer all charges which may be preferred by commission. Same. After a hearing and after such investigations as may have been made by commission, or its officers, agents, examiners or inspectors, commission may by order fix the maximimi price ac- cording to law of gas and electricity to be charged by such cor- 928 poration or person, or may order such improvement in the man- ufacture or supply of gas, in the manufacture, transmission or supply of electricity, or in the methods employed by such person or corporation as will in its judgment, justly and lawfully im- prove the service. Same. If it be alleged and established in an action brought in any court for the collection of any charge for gas or electricity, that a price has been demanded in excess of that fixed by commission, 929 or by law in the municipality or coimty wherein the action arose, no recovery shall be had therein, but the fact that such excessive charges have been made shall be a complete defense to such action. Same, sec. 38. MASSACHUSETTS Upon complaint in writing of the mayor of a city or the selectmen of a town in which a corporation or company engaged in the manufacture or the sale of gas or electricity for light or heat is located, or of 20 customers thereof either of the quality or price of gas or electric light sold and delivered, com- mission shall notify the corporation or company by leaving at its office a copy of such complaint and shall thereupon, after no- 980 tice give a public hearing to such petitioner and such corporation or company, and after said hearing may order any reduction in the price of gas or electric light or improvement in the quality thereof, and the report of such proceedings and the result thereof shall be included in its annual report. The maximum price fixed by such order shall not thereafter be increased by such cor- poration or company except as provided for in the following sec- tion. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. 34.^ 1 See footnote i, par. 276. See also footnote, par. 931. 264 A in the state which furnishes gas under the pro- visions of general or special laws, or of any contract with a city or town and the gas or electric light company which is engaged in the sale and delivery of electric light, may appl}^' to commission to fix and determine the price of gas or electricity to be thereafter sold and delivered by the said company, or to revise any formei* 931 order or action of commission relative to the quality or price thereof. Commission shall, after notice, give a public hearing to the petitioner, to the city or town and to all other persons interested, and thereafter may pass such orders relative to the price and quality of the gas or electricity thereafter to be furnished by said company, as it determines are just and reasonable. Same, sec. jj.^ ^ Whenever commission shall be of opinion after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, that the rates, fares or charges or any of them, demanded, exacted, charged or collected by any person, firm, association, company or corporation for the transportation of persons or property within the state or the regtdations or practices of such carrier affecting such rates are unjust, unreasonable, unjustly discriminatory or unduly prefer- 932 ential or in anywise in violation of any provision of law, or that the rates, fares or charges or any of them chargeable by any such carrier are insufficient to yield reasonable compensation for the service rendered, and are unjust and unreasonable, commission with due regard among other things to a reasonable return upon the value of the carrier's property, shall determine just and rea- sonable rates, fares and charges to be charged for the service to be performed and shall recommend the same by order to be served upon such carrier. Acts igii, ch. yj^, sec. i. 933 Rates and facilities fixed and determined by statute shall not be revised or regulated by commission. Same, sec. 3. 934 Commission shall have all powers necessary or proper to enable it to carry out the provisions of this act. Same, sec. 4. MICHIGAN Upon complaint in writing by any city, village or township, by its duly constituted common or village council or township board, or other duly constituted authority of such city, village or township, relative to the price of electricity sold 935 and delivered in such municipality, commission shall investigate 1 The provisions of sections 34 and 35 of chapter 121 of the revised laws, so far as they relate to the fixing of the price of gas, shall not hereafter apply to the Boston Consolidated Gas Company. But nothing herein shall be construed as affecting any right or liability which may arise under chapter 34 of the revised laws, or acts in amendment thereof or in addition thereto, or under any other acts not inconsistent herewith. Acts 1906, ch. 42^, ^ec. JO. 265 such complaint and may by its agents, examiners and inspectors, inspect the system and method used in transmitting and sup- plying electricity, and examine or cause to be examined the books and papers of such person, firm or corporation pertaining thereto. Puh. Acts igog, no. io6, sec. y. Commission shall cause notices of such complaint with a copy thereof, to be served on the corporation affected thereby 936 who shall have a right to be heard in respect to the matter com- plained of at a convenient time. and place to be fixed in such notice. Same. After such investigation and hearing, commission within lawful limits may by order fix the maximum price of electricity to be charged by such corporation, and the price so fixed, of which 937 such corporation shall have notice, shall be the maximimi price , in such municipality until commission shall upon like complaint or Upon the complaint of the person, firm or corporation engaged in furnishing such electricity, again fix the maximum price to be charged therefor. Same. Commission shall in no case have power to change or alter 938 the price for electricity fixed in or regulated by or under am^ franchise heretofore or hereafter granted by any city, village or township. Same. The provisions of the act governing hearings before commis- 939 sion as to rates of transportation of freight by railroads shall so far as applicable govern the hearings before commission herein provided for. Same. Upon complaint in writing of any person, firm or corpora- tion or association or of any mercantile, agricultural or manufac- turing society or body politic or municipal organization, that any of the rates, fares, charges or classifications or any joint rate or rates are in any respect unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory, or that any regulation or practice whatsoever affecting the trans- 940 portation of persons or property or any service in connection therewith is in any respect unreasonable or unjustly discrim- inatory or that any service is inadequate, commission shall notify the common carrier complained of that complaint has been made and shall furnish a copy of said complaint with said notice and 2o days after such notice has been given commission may pro- ceed to investigate the same as provided by law. Puh. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. 22(a). Before proceeding to make the investigation commission shall give the said common carrier and the complainants at least 266 ten days' notice of the time and place when and where such matters 941 will be considered and determined, and said parties shall be en- titled to be heard and shall have process to enforce the attendance of witnesses. Such hearings may be continued from time to time in the discretion of commission. Same. If upon such investigation the rate or rates, joint rate or rates, fares, charges or classifications, regulation, practice or service complained of shall be found to be unreasonable, inadequate or imjustly discriminatory, commission shall determine and by order fix and order substituted therefor such rate or rates, joint rate or rates, fares and charges as is or are just and reasonable and which shall be the maximimi to be charged in the future, and such classi- fications, regulation, practice or service as is or are just, reasona- 942 ble and adequate, and which shall be imposed and followed or service rendered in futvire in lieu of that found to be unreasonable, inadequate or unjustly discriminatory, and in either case com- mission shall make an order that the common carrier cease and desist from such violation and shall conform to the regulation and practice so prescribed, and it shall cause a certified copy of each such order to be delivered to an officer or station agent of the common carrier affected thereby, which order shall of its own force take effect and become operative 20 days after the service thereof. Same. All common carriers to which the order applies shall on or before the date the order becomes effective make such changes in schediiles on file as shall be necessary to make the same conform to 943 such order, and no change shall within two years thereafter be made by any such common carrier in any such rates, fares or charges or in any such joint rate or rates without the approval of commission. Same. 944 Also provisions for common carriers identical with pars. 891, 897. Same, sees. 22(a), 22(b). Whenever commission shall believe that any rate or rates or charges may be unreasonable or imjustly discriminatory, or that any service is inadequate, and that any investigation relating thereto should be made, it may, upon its own motion, investigate the same. Before making such investigation, it shall present to 946 the common carrier a statement in writing, setting forth the rate or charge to be investigated. Thereafter, on ten days' notice to the common carrier of the time and place of such investigation, commission may proceed to investigate such rate or charge in the same manner and make like orders in respect thereto as if such investigation had been made upon complaint. Same, sec. 22(c), 267 946 Also a provision for common carriers identical with par. 894. Same, sec. 22(d). A full and complete record shall be kept of all proceedings 947 had before commission on any investigation had under section 2 2 of this act and aU testimony shall be taken down by a stenog- rapher appointed by commission. Same, sec. 2j{d). Commission shall have control and supervision over all ex- press companies and upon complaint made to it or upon its own motion and after hearing had thereon in accordance with the rulesnow in force relative to hearings on complaints by and against common carriers may from time to time within its discretion 948 change, alter and amend the maximum schedule of rates herein- before set forth, and may from time to time upon proper applica- tion or upon its own motion and hearing had thereon, as above prescribed, change, alter and amend any graduated table or schedule of charges on merchandise or other property trans- ported or to be transported, the weight of which is less than 100 pounds. Pub. Acts igii, no. ijg, sec. 25(f). ^ See also pars. 802, 803, 804. MINNESOTA Upon the verified complaint of any person or of any corporation, private or municipal, that any tariff of rates, fares or charges or any part thereof or of any classification is 949 unequal or unreasonable, commission shall proceed to investigate the matters alleged in such complaint, and for the purposes of such investigation it may require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers and documents. Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 1969. If upon the hearing such tariff of rates, fares or charges or any part thereof or of such classification is found to be imequal 950 or unreasonable, commission shaU make an order stating wherein the same are unequal or unreasonable and shall make a tariff of rates, fares, charges and classification which shall be substituted for the tariff so complained of. Same. Commission shall also on its own motion investigate any matter relating to the management by any carrier or warehouse- 961 man of its business or the reasonableness of any or all rates, fares, charges, rules, regulations or classifications whenever in its judgment public interest requires it. Same, sec. 1970. If any such rates, schedule of rates, fares, charges, rules, classification or regulations are found unreasonable or discrim- inatory, commission shall find what is reasonable under the cir- cumstances and may make an entire new schedule and adjust- 268 ment of any or all rates, schedule of rates, fares, charges, rules, 952 regulations or classifications under consideration in such inves- tigation, and its order shall fix the date when such rates, sched- ule of rates, fares, charges, rules, regtdations and classifications shall go into effect. Before making any order under the pro- visions of this section the carrier shall have an opportiinity to be heard upon such notice as commission shall deem reasonable. Same. The schedules of rates and charges for the transportation of freight and cars, together with the classification of such freights, minimum weights and rules now in effect, and all rates, charges 953 and classifications published by any common carrier after the passage of this act shall be deemed just and reasonable, and shall not be changed except upon the order of or by the written con- sent- of commission.^ The terms of this act shall also apply to all schedules of rates and charges published by two or more common carriers jointly. Laws igoj, ch. iy6, sec. j. Any common carrier desiring to change or discontinue any published rate, charge or classification, minimimi weight or rule governing the same to which it is a party, shall make application to the commission in writing, stating the changes in rules, rates, charges or classifications desired, giving the reasons for such change. Upon receiving such application the commission shall 954 fix a time and place for hearing, and give such notice to interested parties as it shall deem proper and reasonable, and after hearing all the evidence offered, if the commission find that it is reason- able, fair and just to both shippers and carriers that the change should be allowed as asked for, it shall grant the application; otherwise it shall deny the same, or may grant the same in a modi- fied form. Passenger rates are not affected by this act. Same, sec. 5. Any common carrier violating any of the provisions of sec- tions 2, 3 and 5 of this act shall be subject to a penalty of $100 955 for each and every day such violation shall continue, to be recov- ered in a civil action in the name of the state by the attorney general. Same, sec. 7. Whenever, in a proceeding regularly pending before commis- sion, it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of commission that the rates herein prescribed are unreasonable, it may by 1 All common carriers shall have the right in the first instance to prescribe and pub- lish, as required by law, all classifications and tariflEs, rates and charges, together with rules governing the same, including minimum weights for the transportation of any freight articles between points or stations in the state; this act shall include all terminal and switching charges. There shall be but one classification, which shall be uniform on all the railroads in the state and shall govern in all state commerce. Laws 1905, ch. 176, sec. I. 269 order fix higher or lower rates for the transportation of any of the commodities herein mentioned over the Hne of any railroad in the 956 state, and such rates, when so fixed, shall supersede the rates herein prescribed upon said line of railroad, and shall be enforced as prescribed by the law relating to such orders, but until such order shall have been made by commission the rates herein pre- scribed shall be the exclusive legal maximum rates for the trans- portation of the commodities herein enumerated between points within the state. Laws igog, ch. ij6, sec. 5.^ Every railroad company transacting the business of a com- mon carrier within the state shall adopt and publish and put into effect rates not exceeding the charges specified herein for the transportation by it between stations upon its line of road in the state of the commodities named in this act; and every 967 officer, director, traffic manager or agent or employe of such railroad company, exercising any authority or being charged with any duty in establishing freight rates for such railroad company, shall cause the adoption, publication and use by such railroad company of rates not exceeding those specified in this act. Same, sec. 6.^ If, at the time of the taking effect of this act, any railroad is maintaining a rate between any two stations in this state that 958 is less than the rate prescribed for the same distance, this act shall not be construed as authorizing the raising of such rate. Same, sec. 7.^ In any proceedings pending before commission involving the reasonableness of express rates, where commission deem it necessary to inquire into the reasonableness of the charges of the railroad company for carrying the cars or the business of said express company over its lines of road, commission may cite such 959 railroad company to appear and become a party to such proceed- ing within five days after the service of such citation, and in such proceedings commission may find the reasonableness of the amount paid by the express company to the railroad company for the service furnished, and the findings of commission shall be prima facie evidence of the facts foimd. Laws 191 1, ch. 86, sec. I. MISSISSIPPI Commission shall docket, hear and determine all complaints made of any time schedule or of the tariff of rates joint or several made by any railroad, or fixed or approved by commission on the ground that the same in any respect is in the Maximum freight rate law of 1909. 270 case of time schedules unnecessary, inconvenient for the public or in the case of a tariff of rates that the charges are for more than just compensation or that such charges or any of them amount to or operate so as to effect unjust discrimination. The complaint must be in writing and specify the grounds of complaint or the items in the tariff against which complaint is made; and if it appear to commission that the matter ought to be investigated 960 commission shall forthwith furnish to the railroad a copy of the complaint together with notice of the time and place of hearing ; and at the time and place named commission shall hear the parties to the controversy in person or by counsel or both, and such evidence as may be offered, oral or in writing, and may examine witnesses on oath, conforming the mode of proceedings, as nearly as may be convenient, to that pursued by arbitrators, giving such time and latitude to each side, and regulating the opening and closing of any argument as commission may consider best adapted to arrive at the truth ; and when the hearing is con- cluded commission shall give notice of any change deemed proper by it to be made to the railroad and require compliance with its order. Code igo6, sec. 484g. MISSOURI When complaint is made in writing, by any person having an interest in the matter about which complaint is made, that any rate or rates established by any common carrier 961 are unreasonable, unjust or extortionate or that any of the pro- visions of sections 3179 to 3207 have been or are being violated commission shall proceed at once to investigate such complaint and determine the truth of the same. Rev. Stats, iqoq, sec. 3194. And for that purpose commission may summon witnesses and require the production of any necessary books, papers or written documents in possession of the common carrier complained 962 of, and to this end written or printed commtmications, signed by any one of commissioners and attested by the secretary of such commission, imder seal and sent by registered letter through the m^il or delivered personally to the person addressed, shall be deemed a sufficient service. Same. 963 Witnesses so summoned by commission shall be entitled to the same fees as are allowed in circuit courts in civil cases. Same. In case of the failure or refusal of any person or persons so summoned to attend and testify at the time and place specified in said svunmons, or to produce any designated books, papers or documents required or called for, as provided in this section, such person or persons failing shall be deemed guilty of contempt, and 271 964 commission may impose such penalties as the circuit court of the state may impose for like offenses; and if any common carrier, or any officer, agent or servant thereof, shall wilfully or knowingly obstruct or prevent commission from making such investigations as are authorized by said sections, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof, may be pimished by fine not exceeding $500. Same. For the purpose of conducting such examination, commis- sioners, or any of them, may administer oaths or affirmations, and they shall prescribe such rules and regulations for the con- 965 duct of such investigation as they may deem best to enable them to arrive at the facts, but in every case a full and fair hearing shall be accorded to all parties having an interest in such case. Same. Commission may institute any inquiry on its own motion in 966 the same manner and to the same effect as though complaint had been made. No complaint shall at any time be dismissed be- cause of the absence of direct damage to the complainant. Same. When the complaint specified in section 3194 shall allege that imreasonable charges are made by any such common carrier or carriers for the transportation of any freight thereby, or that the rates specified upon the schedule or schedules of rates made by such common carrier or carriers, in obedience to the provisions of said sections, are unjust, imreasonable or extortionate, com- mission shall, if in its opinion the facts alleged present a just cause of complaint, and if upon hearing there appears to commis- sion to be reasonable groimds for believing that the facts so al- leged are true, and if in the opinion of commission the public good will be promoted by an examination thereof, give notice in writing to the common carrier or carriers against which such complaint shall have been made of the fact and nature thereof, 967 and shall specify in such notice the charges by it made, and the rates specified upon its schediiles which are alleged to be unjust, tinreasonable or extortionate. Such notice shall be attested by the secretary of commission, under the seal thereof, and shall be served upon such common carrier or carriers against which such complaint is made, by delivering a copy thereof at the gen- eral office of such common carrier or carriers, to any person in charge thereof, or to any agent thereof at any depot or station thereof, or on which such common carrier or carriers operate, by any messenger appointed by commission who would be a com- petent witness in a suit at law in the state, or by any officer 272 authorized to serve process, or by sending the same by registered letter to such common carrier or carriers at such general office, or to any such agent having charge of such depot or station as aforesaid. Same, sec. 3198. If such common carrier or carriers shall not within ten days after the service of such notice change or modify such charges or rates specified in such notice in a manner and to an extent satis- factory to commission, then commission may proceed to examine and investigate the matters alleged in said complaint and for that 968 purpose may give notice to the parties making and against whom is made such complaint — said notice to be served as provided for the service of notices as aforesaid, wherein it shall require such common carrier or carriers to show cause before commission at any place within the state in said notice specified and upon a date not less than ten days after the service thereof, why said charges or rates should not be modified or changed. Same, sec. jipg. Commission may of its own volition and shall upon the sworn complaint of any shipper, mayor, coimcilman, alderman or trustee of any city, town or village, first giving five days' written notice to the railroad company affected or complained against, proceed to fix, establish, modify or reduce the freight rates or charges of any such road from, to or between any and all points or stations in the state; and any and all orders fixing, establishing, modifying or reducing any such freight rates or 969 charges shall be the judgment of commission and constitute the legal rates or charges such railroad company may collect for the transportation of freight from, to or between its stations in the state; and commission shall immediately upon the fixing, establish- ing, modifying or reducing of freight rates or charges of any railroad company, notify such railroad in writing thereof; and said railroad shall comply with the orders and judgments of commission with reference to such freight rates or charges with- in ten days after such notice. Same, sec. 3251. And if any railroad fails or refuses or neglects to put the rates so ordered by commission into effect and operation within ten days after notice, commission shall submit a certified copy of its order to the attorney general of the state with notice that 970 such railroad (designating the same) has failed to comply there- with. Arid the attorney general upon the receipt thereof shall immediately institute suit in the name of commission against such railroad in the supreme court of the state by mandamus or other proper remedy to enforce said order of comniission. Same. 273 Any individual, company or corporation owning, operating, managing or leasing any railroad or part of any railroad in the state shall be bound by the decision of commission with reference to the rates fixed by commission, and every violation by any individual, company or corporation charging a greater or higher rate shall be deemed a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than $20 nor more than $200 for each and every offense; and the injured party shall have a right of action against said individual, company or corporation before any court of competent jurisdiction in the state; and he shall be entitled to recover three times the amount taken or de- 971 manded in excess of the rates prescribed by this article or by com- mission acting under the provisions of this article; but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as in any manner to abridge or control or in any way authorize commission to abridge or control or regulate the rates for freight or passengers charged by any railroad company in the state for carrying any freight or passengers which come from beyond the limits of the state, and to be carried through or across the state, but the said railroad and transportation companies shall possess the same power and right to charge such rates for carrying such through freight and passengers as they possessed before the passage of this article. Same, sec. ^260. NEBRASKA Commission may hear and determine whether or not the freight rate on any article or articles in the schedule or classification of rates is either so high as to be unjust to ship- pers or so low as to be unremunerative or unjust to any common carrier affected thereby; and upon complaint in writing of any person or corporation affected thereby particularly specifying 972 the article or articles upon which such rates are either too high or too low and the facts in connection therewith, commission shall set such cause for hearing and upon a trial thereon and a full hearing after notice thereof shall either raise or lower the rate fixed by law upon such article or articles to the end that the same shall be just and reasonable to all parties concerned. Cobbey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 106 16. When any railway company, common carrier or any person in his own behalf or in behalf of any class of persons similarly situated or any firm, corporation or association or any mercan- tile, agricultural or manufacturing society or any body politic or municipal organization shall make complaint to commission that any rate or rates fixed by commission in original schedule 274 or in any subsequent revised or modified schedule, or the rate charged or pubHshed by any railroad company is unreasonably high or low, unjust or discriminating, commission shall imme- 973 diately fix a day for hearing the same and shall cause notice thereof containing the substance of the complaint to be served upon the railroad company, common carrier or other person or persons hereinbefore named, complaining, and the railway com- pany or common carrier complained of, and the day and date upon which said hearing will be had upon said complaint; pro- vided, that said commission may proceed upon its own motion to have a hearing with reference to revising, modifying or an- nulling any or all rates in any schedule or schedules prepared by them by notifying all persons interested therein or affected thereby as hereinbefore provided. Same, sec. io6j^{a). Upon the hearing commission shall receive any evidence and listen to any arguments offered or presented by either party relevant to the matter under investigation and the burden of proof shall be upon the railroad, person or persons hereinbefore set forth making the complaint. The lowest rates published or charged by any railway company for substantially the same kind of service whether in this or another state shall when introduced in evidence be accepted as prima facie evidence of a reasonable rate 974 for the services under investigation, and if the railway company or common carrier making complaint or the railway company complained of by the person or persons hereinbefore named operate a line of railroad beyond the state, or has a traffic ar- rangement with any other railroad company, the same shall be taken into consideration in determining what is a reasonable rate; if it be operating a line of railroad beyond the state the rates charged or established for substantially the same or greater service by it in another state may also be considered. Same, sec. 10653Q)). After such hearing and investigation commission shall ren- der a decision in the premises which said decision shall affirm, revise, annul or modify any or all rates complained of in said original schedule or any subsequent schedule which may be the 976 subject of investigation, and all rates between points in the state and whatever part of the line of railway of such company or com- mon carrier within the state as may have been fairly within the scope of such investigation; and commission shall render its de- cision in writing and shall spread the same at length upon the record to be kept for that purpose. Same, sec. io6^3(c). 275 Coimnission shall immediately notify all persons affected thereby of the substance of its decision affirming, annulling, revis- ing or modifying the rate or rates complained of and shall spe- cifically set forth any rate or rates that have been annulled, and 976 any rate or rates that have been revised or modified in schedule form, and the schediile of any and all rates so modified or re- vised on said hearing shall be in force and effect 30 days after said decision was mailed to the railroad company, common carrier, person or persons or corporations affected thereby. Same, sec. 1 06 j 3(d). See also par. 3690. NEVADA Provisions for railroads substantially identical 977 with pars. 888, 889, 890, 891. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sees. 12, 12(a). 978 Also provisions for railroads substantially identical with pars. 945, 894. Same, sees. 12(b), 12(c). Also a provision identical with par. 947, except that "sec- 979 tion 22" reads "section 12." Same, sec. 13(c), as amended by Stats, igog, ch. 121, sec. 6. Whenever upon investigation made under the provisions of this act commission shall find any existing rate or rates, fares, charges or classification or any joint rate or rates, fares or any regulation or practice whatsoever affecting the transportation of persons or property, or any service in connection therewith, are unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory, or any service is inade- quate, it shall determine and by order fix a reasonable rate, fare, charge, classification or joint rate to be imposed, observed and 980 followed in the future in lieu of that found to be unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory, and it shall determine and by order fix a reasonable regulation, practice or service to be imposed, ob- served or followed in the futiure, in lieu of that found to be un- reasonable or unjustly discriminatory or inadequate as the case may be, and it shall cause a certified copy of each of such orders to be delivered to an officer or station agent of the railroad affected thereby, which order shall of its own force take effect and become operative 30 days after the service thereof. Same, sec. 14, as amended by Stats, igog, ch. 121, sec. y. All railroads to which the order applies shall make such changes in their schedule on file as may be necessary to make the 981 same conform to such order, and no change shall thereafter be made by any railroad in any such rates, fares or charges or in any joint rate or rates without the approval of commission. Same. tss Also a provision for railroads identical with par. 897. Same. 276 NEW HAMPSHIRE Upon complaint made by the city council or city councils of any city, or by the mayor of any city, or by the selectmen of any town in which a public utility is authorized to manufacture, sell or supply gas or electricity for heat, light or power, or to supply water, or to transmit telephone or telegraph messages, or upon the complaint in writing of not less than loo customers or subscribers of such public utility in cities of 30,000 or more inhabitants, or of not less than 50 in cities of 20,000 or more inhabitants, or of not less than 25 in any other city or town, or upon petition of a public utility supplying said gas, 983 electricity or water, or transmitting such messages as to the quality of the service furnished by such public utility, or the charges made therefor, or that such charges are insufficient, commission shall investigate as to the cause for such complaint. It may personally or by its experts inspect the works, system, plant, devices, appliances, and methods used by such public utility in manufacturing and supplying such gas, electricity or water, or transmitting such messages, and may examine or cause to be examined the books and papers of such public utility pertain- ing to the service complained of. Laws 1911, ch. 164, sec. io{c). Whenever commission shall be of opinion after a hear- ing had upon its own motion or upon a complaint that the rates, fares or charges demanded or collected, or proposed to be demanded or collected, by any railroad corporation for the trans- portation of persons or property within the state are unjust or tmreasonable, or that the regiilation or practice of such railroad corporation affecting such rates are unjust or unreasonable, or in anywise in violation of any provision of law, or that the max- imum rates, fares or charges chargeable by any such railroad corporation are insufficient, commission shall determine the just 984 and reasonable rates, fares and charges to be thereafter observed, and enforced as the maximitm to be charged for the service to be performed, and shall fix the same by order to be served upon all railroad corporations by which such rates, fares and charges are thereafter to be observed; provided, however, that when any railroad corporation shall seek the benefit of any order of com- mission allowing said railroad corporation to charge and collect rates higher than charged at the time said order is asked for, the burden of proving the necessity of the increase shall be upon said railroad corporation, and provided further, that commission shall not allow an increase above any rate prescribed or linxited by statute. SamCy sec. 11 (a). 277 Whenever commission shall be of the opinion after a hearing had on its own motion or upon complaint that any public utility- is demanding or collecting or proposes to demand or collect charges unjustly or unreasonably high, or upon petition that the charges are insufficient, commission shall determine the just and 985 reasonable charges and may by order fix the maximum price to be charged; provided, however, that when any public utility shall seek the benefit of an order of commission allowing said public utility to demand and collect charges higher than have been before charged, or than have been before allowed by order of commission, the burden of proving the necessity of the in- crease shall be upon said public utility. Same, sec. ii{c). NEW JERSEY Commission may after hearing, upon notice, by order in writing fix just and reasonable individual rates, joint rates, tolls, charges or schedules thereof, as well as commutation, mileage, and other special rates which shall be imposed, observed and followed thereafter by any public utility, whenever com- 986 mission shall determine any existing individual rate, joint rate, toll, charge or schedule thereof for commutation, mileage or other special rate to be unjust, imreasonable, insufficient or im- justly discriminatory or preferential. Laws 1911, ch. 195, sec. i6{c). NEW MEXICO See par. 1354. NEW YORK Whenever either commission shall be of opin- ion after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon a complaint that the rates or fares or charges demanded, exacted, charged or collected by any common carrier, railroad or street railroad cor- poration for the transportation of persons or property within the state, or that the regulations or practices of such common car- rier, railroad or street railroad corporation affecting such rates are unjust, unreasonable, unjustly discriminatory or imduly pref- erential, or in any wise in violation of any provision of law, or that the maximimi rates, fares, or charges chargeable by any such 987 carrier, railroad, or street railroad corporation are insufficient to yield reasonable compensation for the service rendered and are unjust and unreasonable, commission shall determine the just and reasonable rates, fares and charges to be thereafter observed and enforced as the maximum to be charged for the service to be performed notwithstanding that a higher rate, fare or charge has been heretofore authorized by statute, and shall fix the same by order to be served upon all common carriers, railroad or street 278 railroad corporations, by whom such rates, fares and charges are thereafter to be observed. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 49(1). Whenever either commission shall be of the opinion after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon a complaint that the rates, fares or charges demanded, exacted, charged or collected by any common carrier, railroad or street railroad corporation for excursion, school or family commutation, commutation pas- senger tickets, half fare tickets for the transportation of children under six years of age, or any other form of reduced rate ticket for the transportation of persons within the state, or joint in- terchangeable mileage tickets, with special privileges as to the amount of free baggage that may be carried under mileage tickets of 1,000 miles or more within the state, or that the reg- ulations or practices of such common carrier, railroad or street railroad corporation, affecting such rates are unjust, unreason- able, unjustly discriminatory, or unduly preferential or any- wise in violation of any provision of law, or that the maximum rates, fares or charges collected or charged for any of such forms of reduced fare passenger transportation tickets by any such com- mon carrier, railroad or street railroad corporation, are insufficient to yield reasonable compensation for the service rendered, and are imjust and unreasonable, and whenever commission shall be of opinion after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon a complaint and upon investigation that the sale of any form or forms of reduced fare passenger ticket heretofore sold or used upon any railroad or street railroad within the state, the use or sale of which ticket or tickets has been discontinued within five years prior to the time this act takes effect, will be just and reasonable and not in violation of any provision of this act or other provision of law, commission shall determine the just and reasonable rates, fares and charges to be thereafter observed and enforced as the maximimi to be charged for such mileage, ex- cursion, school or family commutation, commutation, half fare, or any other form of reduced rate tickets for the transportation of persons, or joint interchangeable mileage tickets with special privileges, as aforesaid, and shall order the sale and use thereof to be restored of any of the kinds of tickets herein specified, or any other form of reduced rate ticket for the transportation of persons within the state, upon any railroad or street railroad within the state, upon which railroad or street railroad any such form of ticket or tickets for the transportation of persons within the state, have, within five years prior to the time this act takes effect, been sold or used, and shall determine and pre- 279 scribe the reasonable and just rates, fares and charges to be thereafter observed and enforced as the maximimi to be charged for any of such form of ticket or tickets for the transportation of persons within the state, all of which acts fixing such rates, fares and charges or requiring the restoration of sale and use of any of such forms of ticket or tickets, shall be by order to be served upon all common carriers, railroad corporations, street railroad corpo- rations by whom such rates, fares and charges or restoration of, sale or use of, such ticket or tickets are thereafter to be ob- served. Same. Whenever commission shall be of opinion after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint that the rates or charges or the acts or regulations of any gas or electrical corporation are imjust, unreasonable, unjustly discriminatory or unduly pref- erential or in anywise in violation of any provision of law, com- 989 mission shall determine and prescribe the just and reasonable rates and charges thereafter to be enforced for the service to be furnished, notwithstanding that a higher rate or charge has here- tofore been authorized by statute, and the just and reasonable acts and regulations to be done and observed. Same, sec. 66{5). Upon the complaint in writing of the mayor of a city, the trustees of a village or the town board of a town in which a per- son or corporation is authorized to manufacture, sell or supply gas or electricity for heat, light or power, or upon complaint in writing of not less than loo customers or purchasers of such gas or electricity in cities of the first or second class, or of not less than 50 in cities of the third class, or of not less than 25 else- where, or upon complaint of the gas and electrical corporation supplying said gas or electricity as to the illuminating power, pur- ity, pressure or price of gas the efficiency of the electric incan- descent lamp supply, the voltage of the current supplied for light, heat, or power, or price of electricity sold and delivered in such 990 municipality, the proper commission shall investigate as to the cause of such complaint. When such complaint is made, com- mission may by its agents, examiners and inspectors inspect the works, system, plant, devices, appliances and methods used by such person or corporation in manufacturing, transmitting and supplying such gas or electricity, and may examine or cause to be examined the books and papers of such person or corporation pertaining to the manufacture, sale, transmitting and supplying of such gas or electricity. The form and contents of complaints ?89 made as provided in this section shall be prescribed by commis- sion. Such complaints shall be signed by the officers or by the customers, purchasers or subscribers making them, but must add to their signatures their places of residence, by street and number, if any. Same, sec. Ji. Also a provision identical with par. 926, except that "as 991 provided in this act" reads "as provided in section 71." Same sec. 72. An investigation may be instituted by commission as to any 992 matter of which complaint may be made as provided in section 71 of this chapter, or to enable it to ascertain the facts requisite to the exercising of any power conferred upon it. Same. After a hearing and after such investigation as shall have been made by commission or its officers, agents, examiners or inspectors, commission within lawful limits may by order fix the maximimi price of gas or electricity not exceeding that fixed by 993 statute to be charged by such corporation or person for the serv- ice to be furnished, and may order such improvement in the manufacture, distribution or supply of gas, in the manufacture, transmission or supply of electricity, or in the methods employed by such person or corporation as will in its judgment be ad- equate, just and reasonable. Same. 994 A provision substantially identical with par. 929. Same, sec. 75. Whenever commission shall be of opinion after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint that the rates, charges, tolls or rentals demanded, exacted, charged or collected by any telegraph or telephone corporation for the transmission of mes- sages or comm-unications by 'telegraph or telephone, or for the rental or use of any telegraph lines, telephone lines or any tele- graph instrument, wire, appliances, apparatus or device or any telephone receiver, transmitter, instrument, wire, cable, appara- tus, conduit, machine, appliance or device or any telephone ex- tension or extension system, or that the rules, regulations or prac- tices of any telegraph or telephone corporation affecting such rates, charges, rentals or service are unjust, unreasonable or un- 995 justly discriminatory or unduly preferential, or in anywise in violation of law, or that the maximimi rates, charges or rentals, chargeable by any such telegraph or telephone corporation are in- sufficient to yield reasonable compensation for service rendered, commission shall determine the just and reasonable rates, charges and rentals to be thereafter observed and in force as the maxi- 281 mum to be charged, demanded, exacted or collected for the per- formance or rendering of the service specified, and shall fix the same by order to be served upon all telegraph and telephone corporations by which such rates, charges and rentals are thereafter to be observed, and thereafter no increase in any rate, charge or rental so fixed shall be made without the consent of com- mission. Same, sec. 97{i). NORTH DAKOTA In all cases where complaint shall be made in accordance with provisions of this article that an unreasonable charge is made commission shall require a modified charge for the service rendered such as it shall deem to be reasonable, and all 996 cases of failure to comply with the recommendation of commis- sion shall be embodied in the report of commission to the gover- nor; and the same shall apply to any unjust discrimination, extor- tion or overcharge by railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier or other violations of law. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4328. Commission shall, upon the complaint and the application of the mayor and aldermen of any city or the president or trustee of any incorporated town, or the supervisors of any township, make an examination of the rate of passenger fare, express or freight tariff charged by any railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier, and of the condition or operation of any railroad or railroad corporation, or common carrier, any part of whose location or route lies within the limits of such city, town or town- ship, or if 25 or more legal voters in any city, town or township shall by petition in writing request the mayor and aldermen of such city, president and trustee of such town, or the supervisors of such township, to make said complaint and application, and if the said mayor and aldermen, president and trustee or super- visors refuse or decline to comply with the prayer of the petition they shall state the reason for such non-compliance in writing 997 upon the petition and return the same to the petitioners, and the petitioners may thereupon within ten days from such re- fusal and return present such petition to commission and com- mission shall if upon due inquiry and hearing of the petitioners it thinks the public good demands the examination, proceed to make it in the same manner as if called upon by the mayor and aldermen of any city, the president and trustee of any town, or the supervisors of any township. Before proceeding to make such examination, in accordance with such application or peti- tion, commission shall give to the petitioners and railroad, rail- road corporation or common carrier, reasonable notice in writing 282 of the time and place of entering upon the same. If, upon such examination, it shall appear to commission that the complaint al- leged by the applicant or petitioners is well founded it shall so adjudge and shall inform the corporation operating such rail- road, railroad corporation or common carrier of its adjudication within ten days and shall also report its doings to the governor as provided in section 4363. Same, sec. 432Q. Whenever any person upon his own behalf or class of persons similarly situated, or any firm, corporation or association, or any mercantile, agricultural or manufacturing society, or any body politic, or municipal organization shall make complaint to com- mission that the rate charged or published by any railroad, rail- road corporation or common carrier, or the maximum rate fixed by commission in the schedule of fares or rates made by it under the provisions of section 4343, or the maximum rate that may now or may heretofore be fixed is unreasonably high or dis- criminating, commission shall immediately investigate the mat- 998 ter of such complaint. If such colnplaint appears to be well founded and not trivial in character, commission shall fix a day for hearing the same, and shall notify such railroad, railroad cor- poration or common carrier of the time and place of such hear- ing by serving a notice properly directed on any division super- intendent, general or assistant superintendent, general manager, president, secretary or agent of such railroad, railroad corpora- tion or common carrier, which notice shall contain the substance of the complaint so made, and commission shall also notify the person or persons complaining of such time and place. Same, sec. 4344. Upon hearing provided for commission shall receive what- ever evidence, statements or arguments either party may offer pertinent to the matter under investigation; and the burden of proof shall not be held to be upon the person or persons making the complaint, but commission shall add to the showing made at such hearing whatever information it may then have, or can secure from any source whatsoever, and the person or persons complaining shall be entitled to introduce any published schedule of rates of any railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier or evidence of rates actually charged by any railroad, railroad cor- poration or common carrier for substantially the same kind of service, whether in this or in any other state, and the lowest rate published or charged by any railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier for substantially the same kind of service, 283 whether in this state or in any other state, shall, at the instance of the person or persons complaining, be accepted as prima 999 facie evidence of a reasonable rate for the services under in- vestigation, and if the railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier complained of is operating a line of railroad beyond the state, or if it appears that it has a traffic arrangement with any such railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier, then commission in determining what is a reasonable rate, shall take into consideration the charge made or rate established by said railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier, or the company with which it has traffic arrangements for carrying freight, pas- sengers or property from beyond the state to points within the state and from within the state to points beyond the state; and if such company be operating a line of railway beyond the state it shall also take into consideration the rate charged or estab- lished for a substantially similar or greater service by such com- pany in any other state in which said railroad, railroad corpora- tion or common carrier operates a line of railway. Same, sec. 4345- Also a provision for railroads, railroad corporations and com- 1000 mon carriers substantially identical with par. 911, except that ''which charge shall in no event exceed the one now or hereafter fixed by law" is omitted. Same, sec. 4346. See also par. 2^g6. OHIO Provisions for railroads substantially identical 1001 with pars. 888, 889, 891, 894. Code 1910, sees. 524, 525, 526. 1002 Also provisions substantially identical with pars. 980, 981. Same, sees. 535, 536. Upon complaint in writing against any public utility by any person, firm or corporation, or upon the initiative or complaint of commission, that any rate, fare, charge, toll, rental, schedule, classification or service, or any joint rate, fare, charge, toll, rental, schedule, classification or service rendered, charged, de- manded, exacted or proposed to be rendered, charged, demanded, or exacted, is in any respect unjust, unreasonable, unjustly dis- criminatory, or unjustly preferential or in violation of law or that any regulation, measurement or practice affecting or relating to any service ftimished by said public utility, or in connection therewith, is, or will be, in any respect imreasonable, unjust, 1008 insufficient or unjustly discriminatory or unjustly preferential, or that any service is, or will be, inadequate or cannot be ob- tained, commission shall notify the public utility complained of 284 that complaint has been made, and of the time and place when the same will be considered and determined, which notice shall be served upon the public utility not less than 15 days before such hearing and shall plainly state the matters or things com- plained of. Commission shall, if it appear that there are reason- able grounds for the complaint, at such time and place proceed to consider such complaint and may adjourn the hearing there- of from time to time. The parties thereto shall be entitled to be heard, represented by coimsel and to have process to enforce the attendance of witnesses. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 23. A public utility may make complaint as to any matter af- fecting its own product or service with like effect as though made 1004 by a person, firm or corporation, in which event commission shall publish notice thereof for ten days prior to such hearing in a newspaper of general circulation at the situs of such public utility. Same. When complaint is made of more than one rate, charge or service, commission may order separate hearings thereon and 1005 may consider and determine the matters complained of sepa- rately and at such times and places as it may prescribe. No com- plaint shall necessarily be dismissed because of the absence of direct damage to the complainant. Same, sec. 24. Whenever commission shall be of the opinion after a hearing that any rate, fare, charge, toll, rental, schedtile, classification or service or any joint rate, fare, charge, toll, rental, schedule, classification or service rendered, charged, demanded, exacted or proposed to be rendered, charged, demanded or exacted, is or will be imjust, imreasonable, unjustly discriminatory, or unjustly preferential, or in violation of law, or the service inadequate, or 1006 that the maximum rates, charges, tolls, or rentals chargeable by any such public utility are insufficient to yield reasonable com- pensation for the service rendered and are imjust and unreason- able, commission shall fix and determine the just and reasonable rate, fare, charge, toll, rental or service to be thereafter rendered, charged, demanded, exacted or collected for the performance or rendition of the service, and order the same substituted therefor. Same, sec. 25. No change in the rate, fare, toll, charge, rental, schedule, classification or service shall be made, rendered, charged, de- 1007 manded, exacted or changed by any public utility without the order of commission, and any other rate, fare, toll, charge, rental, 285 classification or service shall be deemed and held to be unjust and unreasonable, prohibited and unlawful. Same. If commission after investigating shall find that any rate, joint rate, fare, charge, toll, rental, schedule or classification of service is unjust, imreasonable and insufficient or imjustlydis- 1008 criminatory or unjustly preferential or in violation of law or otherwise in violation of any provisions of this act or that any service is inadequate or cannot be obtained the public utility found to be at fault shall pay the expenses incurred by com- mission upon such investigation. Same, sec. 82. See also par. jiSy. OREGON Provisions for railroads substantially identical 1009 with pars. 888, 889, 890, 891, 892. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 28. Notice may likewise be given to other parties in interest, and shall be given at least ten days in advance of any hearing, and thereafter proceedings shall be had and conducted in reference to the matter investigated in like manner as though complaint 1010 was filed with commission relative to the matter investigated, pursuant to the provisions of this section, and the same order or orders may be made in reference thereto as if such investigation had been made on complaint. Same. Also provisions for railroads identical with pars. 894, 947, 1011 except that ''section 22 " reads ''section 28." Same, sees. 28, 2g. Also provisions identical with pars. 980, 981, 897, except 1012 that orders of commission shall take effect and become operative 20 days instead of 30 days after service thereof. Same, sec. 30. Upon a complaint made against any public utility by any mercantile, agriciiltural or manufacturing society, or by any body politic or mimicipal organization, or by any three persons, firms, corporations or associations, that any or all of the rates, tolls, charges or schedules or any joint rate or rates are in any respect unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory, or that any regulation, measurement, practice or act whatsoever affecting or relating to the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power or the conveyance of any telegraph or tele- 1013 phone message, or the transportation of persons or property by street railroad, or any service in connection therewith is in any respect unreasonable, insufficient or unjustly discriminatory, or that any service rendered by any public utility is inadequate or is not afforded, commission shall proceed, with or without notice, to make such investigation as it may deem necessary or con- 286 venient. But no order affecting said rates, tolls, charges, sched- ules, regulations, measurements, practice or act complained of shall be entered by commission without a formal hearing. Gen. Laws 1911, ch. 27P, sec. 41. Commission shall, prior to such formal hearing, notify the public utility complained of that complaint has been made, and 1014 to answer the same, and at the same time, or afterward, may pro- ceed to set a time and place for a hearing and an investigation as hereinafter provided. Same, sec. 42. Commission shall give the public utility and the complainant, if any, ten days' notice of the time and place when and where such hearing and investigation will be held and such matters consid- 1016 ered and determined. Both the public utility and complainant shall be entitled to be heard, and shall have process to enforce the attendance of witnesses. Same. If, upon such investigation, any rates, tolls, charges, sched- ules or joint rates, shall be found to be unjust, unreasonable, insufficient or unjustly discriminatory, or to be preferential or 1016 otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act, com- mission may fix and order substituted therefor such rate or rates, toUs, charges or schedules as shall be just and reasonable. Same, sec. 43. If upon such investigation it shall be found that any regula- tion, measurement, practice, act or service complained of is im- just, unreasonable, insufficient, preferential, unjustly discrim- inatory or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act, or if it be foimd that any service is imsafe or inadequate, or 1017 that any reasonable service cannot be obtained or is not afforded, commission may substitute therefor such other regulations, meas- urements, practices, service or acts and make such order re- specting, and such changes in such regulations, measiirements, practices, service or acts as shall be just and reasonable. Same. Commission may, in its discretion, when a complaint is made of more than one rate or charge, order separate hearings thereon, and may consider and determine the several matters complained 1018 of separately, and at such times as it may prescribe. No com- plaint shall at any time be dismissed because of the absence of direct damage to the complainant. Same, sec. 44. Whenever commission shall believe that any rate or charge or schedule of rates or charges may be tinreasonable or unjustly dis- criminatory, or that any service is tmsafe or inadequate or is not afforded or that an investigation of any matter relating to any pub- 287 lie utility should for any reason be made, it may, on its own mo- tion, summarily investigate the same with or without notice. If, after making such investigation, commission becomes satisfied that sufficient grounds exist to warrant a hearing being ordered to determine whether any rate or charge or schedule of rates or charges so investigated is unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory, or whether the service investigated is unsafe or inadequate or is 1019 not afforded, or that an investigation of any other matter relating to such public utilities should be made, it shall furnish such pub- lic utility interested a statement, notifying the public utility of the matters under investigation, which said statement shall be accompanied by a notice fixing a time and place for hearing upon such matters. Notice may likewise be given to other parties interested. Such notice of hearing shall be given at least ten days in advance of any hearing. Thereafter proceedings shall be had and conducted in reference to the matter investigated in like manner as though complaint had been filed with the commission relative to the matter investigated, and the same order or orders may be made in reference thereto as if such investigation had been made on complaint. Same, sec. 4j. Any public utility may make complaint as to any matter affecting its own product or service with like effect as though 1020 made by any mercantile, agricultiiral, or manufacturing society, body politic or mtinicipal organization or by any ten persons, firms, corporations or associations. Same, sec. 46. Whenever, upon an investigation made under the provisions of this act, commission shall find any existing rate or rates, or any schedule of rates, tolls, charges, joint rate or joint rates to be unjust, imreasonable, insufficient or unjustly discriminatory, or to be preferential or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions 1021 of this act, commission shall determine and by order fix reasona- ble rate or rates, schedule of rates, tolls, charges or joint rates to be imposed, observed and followed in the future in lieu of those found to be unjust, unreasonable, insufficient or unjustly dis- criminatory, or preferential or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act. Same, sec. 51. Whenever, upon an investigation made under the provisions of this act, commission shall find any regulations, measurements, practices, acts or service to be unjust, imreasonable, insufficient,' preferential, imjustly discriminatory, • or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act ; or shall find that any service is unsafe or inadequate or that any service which can be reasona- 288 bly demanded is not afforded, commission shall determine and 1022 declare and by order fix reasonable measurements, regulations, acts, practices or service to be fiimished, imposed, observed and followed in the future in lieu of those found to be unjust, un- reasonable, insufficient, preferential, unjustly discriminatory, un- safe, inadequate, or otherwise in violation of this act, as the case may be, and shall make such ether order respecting such measiire- ment, regulation, act practice or service as shall be just and reasonable. Same. Commission shall cause a certified copy of all such orders to be delivered to an officer or agent of the public utility affected 1023 thereby, and all such orders shall of their own force take effect and become operative 20 days after service thereof, unless a dif- ferent time be provided by said order. Same. Commission may provide by rule that any public utility affected by any order shall within a time to be fixed by commis- 1024 sion, notify commission whether the terms of the order are ac- cepted and will be obeyed. Same. ' See also pars. 132 j, 1325. RHODE ISLAND Upon a written complaint made against any public utility by any city or town council or by any corporation or by 25 qualified electors that any of the rates, tolls, charges or any joint rate or rates of any public utility are in any respect unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory or that any regulation, measurement, practice or act whatsoever of any public utility affecting or relating to the conveyance of persons or property or any service in connection therewith or affecting or relating to the production, transmission, delivery or ftimishing of heat, light, water or power, or any service in connection therewith, or the conveyance of any telephone or telegraph message, or any service in connection therewith, is in any respect unreasonable, 1025 insufficient or unjustly discriminatory or that any service is inadequate or cannot be obtained or is unsafe or that the public safety is endangered thereby, commission shall proceed with or without notice to make such investigation as it may deem necessary or convenient. But no order affecting said rates, tolls, charges, regulations, measurements or practices, act or service complained of shall be entered by commission without a formal public hearing. When any complaint shall be made by 25 or more qualified electors, such complaint shall designate one of the complainants upon whom sha jbe served all notices, orders and 289 citations required by this act to be served upon complainants. Acts igi2, ch. 7P5, sec. i8. Commission shall prior to such formal hearing notify the public utility complained of that a complaint has been made, and 1026 ten days after such notice has been given commission may pro- ceed to set a time and place for a hearing and an investigation as hereinafter provided. Same, sec. ig. ^ Also a provision substantially identical with pS,r. 1015. 1027 Same, sec. 20. If upon such a hearing and investigation had under the provisions of this act, commission shall find any existing rates, tolls, charges or joint rate or rates of any public utility to be 1028 unjust, unreasonable, insufficient or unjustly discriminatory or to be preferential or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act, commission may fix and order substituted therefor such rates, tolls, charges or joint rates as shall be just and reason- able. Same, sec. 21. If upon such a hearing and investigation it shall be found that any rate, toll, charge or joint rate or rates is unjust, unrea- sonable, insufficient or unjustly discriminatory or preferential or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act or that any regulation, measurement, practice, act or service complained 1029 of is unjust, unreasonable, insufficient, preferential or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act, or if it be found that any service is inadequate or that any reasonable service cannot be obtained, the public utility found to be at fault shall pay the expenses incurred by commission upon such investigation either in whole or in part as commission in its discretion may determine. Same, sec. 24. 1030 Also a provision identical with par. 10 18. Same, sec. 25. See also pars. 3777, 3778. SOUTH CAROLINA See par. 2457. SOUTH DAKOTA After the rates herein provided for have been made, readjusted and published and after they have been put in force and effect, any express company may apply to commission for an order to change and modify such schedule of rates, in which case commission shall call a hearing for the pvupose of deter- 1081 mining the justice of such rate. The testimony taken at such hearing shall be preserved in full. After any such hearing com- mission shall change, modify and establish a new schedule for any schedule foimd to be unjust, without otherwise affecting the 290 schedule of rates established by this act. Sess. Laws igog, ch. ijg, sec. J. Upon the application of any person interested claiming that the rates established by law are too high or that there is discrimination in the rates of any company or in the joint rates of any two or 1032 more companies, commission shall call and hold a hearing to determine the issues and in such cases shall change, modify and establish such rate as may be just for such schedule. Same, sec. 6. Whenever any person upon his own behalf, or class of per- sons similarly situated, or any firm, corporation or association or any mercantile, agricultural or maniifacturing society or body politic, commercial club or board of trade or municipal organiza- 1033 tion shall make complaint to commission that the rate or fares charged or published by any common carrier, or the maximum rates and fares fixed by commission in any schedules of rates and fares made by it is unreasonably high or discriminating, com- mission shall immediately investigate the matter of such com- plaint. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 207, sec. 21. If such complaint appears to be well foimded and not trivial in character, commission shall fix a day for hearing the same and shall notify the common carriers interested of the time and place of such hearing by mailing by registered letter a notice of hearing 1034 with a copy of such complaint properly directed to any division superintendent, general or assistant superintendent, general man- ager, president or secretary of such company, and commission shall also notify the person or persons complaining of such time and place. Same. 1036 Also a provision for common carriers substantially identical with par. 999. Same, sec. 22. Also a provision for common carriers identical with par. 1036 1000, except that ''and including a classification of such freight" reads "and including a classification of freight, express or mes- sages." Same, sec. 23. See also par. 24jg. VERMONT When in the judgment of commission after in- vestigation and hearing upon reasonable notice to all parties interested, it appears that any of the rates, tariffs or charges posted as provided in section 4533, are excessive, unjust, unreason- able or discriminatory or that the facilities and accommodations 1037 furnished by any railroad corporation are not adequate, reason- able and equal, it shall by order made in the premises determine 291 and prescribe what will be a just and reasonable rate, tariff or charge, or adequate, reasonable or equal facilities and accommo- dations, and after giving notice of such an order may fix a time within which such railroad corporation shall comply with such order. Puh. Stats. igo6, sec. 4535. If upon investigation the rates, tolls, charges or schedules are foimd tmjust, imreasonable, insufficient or unjustly dis- criminatory or to be preferential or otherwise in violation of the 1038 provision of this act, commission may order and substitute there- for such rate or rates, tolls, charges or schedules and may make such changes in any regiilations, measurements, practices or acts of any company subject to the supervision of commission, relating to its service and may make such order as will compel the fur- nishing of such service, as shall at said hearing be foimd by it to be just and reasonable. Laws igo8, no. 116, sec. 10. This section shall not be construed to require the same charges, tolls or rates from any company for like service in differ- 1039 ent parts of the state, but commission in determining these questions shall investigate local conditions and its final findings and judgment shall take cognizance thereof. Same. See also pars. 34Q, 351. WASHINGTON Whenever commission shall find, after a hear- ing had upon its own motion or upon complaint as herein pro- vided, that the rates, fares or charges demanded, exacted, charged or collected by any common carrier for the transportation of per- sons or property within the state or in connection therewith, or that the regulations or practice of such common carrier affecting such rates, are unjust, unreasonable, unjustly discriminatory or 1040 unduly preferential or in anywise in violation of the provisions of law, or that such rates, fares or charges are insufficient to yield a reasonable compensation for the service rendered, commission shall determine the just, reasonable or sufficient rates, fares or charges, regulations or practices to be thereafter observed and enforced and shall fix the same by order as hereinafter provided. Laws iQiiy ch. iij, sec. 53. Whenever commission shall find after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint as herein provided, that the rates or charges demanded, exacted, charged or collected by any gas company, electrical company or water company for gas, 1041 electricity or water or in connection therewith, or that the rules, regulations, practice or contracts' affecting such rates or charges are tmjust, unreasonable, unjustly discriminatory or unduly pref- 292 1 erential or in anywise in violation of the provisions of law, or that such rates or charges are insufficient to yield a reasonable compensation for the service rendered, commission shall deter- mine the just, reasonable or sufficient rates, charges, regulations, practices or contracts to be thereafter observed and in force, and shall fix the same by order as hereinafter provided. Same, sec. 54. Whenever commission shall find after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint that the rates, charges, tolls or rentals demanded, exacted, charged or collected by any telegraph or telephone company for the transmission of messages by tele- graph or telephone or for the rental or use of any telegraph line, telephone line or any telegraph instrument, wire, appliance, apparatus or device, or any telephone receiver, transmitter, in- strument, wire, cable, apparatus, conduit, machine, appliance 1042 or device or any telephone extension or extension system, or that the rules, regulations or practices of any telegraph or telephone company affecting such rates, charges, tolls, rentals or service are unjust, unreasonable, im justly discriminatory or imduly preferential or in anywise in violation of law, or that such rates, charges, tolls or rentals are insufficient to yield reasonable com- pensation for the service rendered, commission shall determine the just and reasonable rates, charges, tolls or rentals to be thereafter observed and in force and fix the same by order as hereinafter provided. SamCy sec. 55. Whenever commission shall find after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint as herein provided, that the rates or charges demanded, exacted, charged or collected by any wharf- inger or warehouseman for the receipt, storage or handling of freight or in connection therewith or that the rules, regulations or practices affecting such rates or charges are imjust, unreason- 1043 able, unjustly discriminatory or imduly preferential or in any- wise in violation of the provisions of law, or that such rates and charges are insufficient to yield a reasonable compensation for the service rendered, commission shall determine the just, rea- sonable or sufficient rates, charges, rules, regulations or practices to be thereafter observed and in force and shall fix the same by order as hereinafter provided. Same, sec. 56. Whenever commission shall find after hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint as herein provided, that any rate, toll, rental or charge which has been the subject of com- plaint and inquiry is sufficiently remunerative to the public 1044 service company affected thereby, it may order that such rate, 293 toll, rental or charge shall not be changed, altered, abrogated or discontinued nor shall there be any change in the classification which will change or alter such rate, toU, rental or charge without first obtaining the consent of commission authorizing such change to be made. Same, sec. 84} See also par. 3704. WISCONSIN Provisions substantially identical with pars. 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, loio, 894, 947, 980, 981, 897, except 1045 that section 12 is referred to. Laws 1905, ch. 362, sees, iygy-12 to i^gy-i2{c) {as amended by Laws 1905, sp. sess., ch. 313), 1797- JJW, 1797-14^ i797-i4{h), i797-i4{c). "Where the order made relates to service, and the same cannot, in the judgment of commission, be complied with within 20 days, commission may prescribe such additional time as in its judgment 1046 is reasonably necessary to comply with the order and may on application and for good cause shown extend the time for com- • pliance fixed in its order. Same, sec. 1797-1 4{a), as amended by Laws 1907, ch. 582. Upon a complaint made against any public utility by any mercantile, agricultural or manufacturing society or by any body politic or municipal organization or by any 25 persons, firms, corporations or associations that any of the rates, tolls, charges or schedules or any joint rate or rates are in any respect un- reasonable or imjustly discriminatory or that any regulation, measurement, practice or act whatsoever affecting or relating to the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, 1047 light or water or power or any service in connection therewith or the conveyance of any telephone message or any service in con- nection therewith is in any respect unreasonable, insufficient or unjustly discriminatory, or that any service is inadequate or can- not be obtained, commission shall proceed with or without notice to make such investigation as it may deem necessary or con- venient. But no order affecting said rates, tolls, charges, sched- ules, regulations, measurements, practice or act complained of shall be entered by commission without a formal public hearing. Laws 1907, ch. 499, sec. i797m-43. 1048 Also a provision identical with par. 1026. Same, sec. i797m-44. • Nothing in this act shall authorize the commission to make or enforce any order affecting rates, tolls, rentals, contracts, or charges or service rendered, or the safety, ade- quacy or sufficiency of the facilities, equipment, instrumentalities or buildings, or the reasonableness of rules or regulations made, furnished, used, supplied or in force affecting any street railroad, telephone line, gas plant, electrical plant or water system owned and operated by any city or town, but all other provisions enumerated herein shall apply to public utilities owned by any city or town. Laws /f>//, ch. 117, sec. loj. 294 1049 Also provisions identical with pars. 1615, 1016. Same, sees. 1797771-45, i797m-46{i). If upon such investigation it shall be found that any rate, toll, charge, schedule or joint rate or rates is unjust, tinreason- able, insufficient or unjustly discriminatory or preferential or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act, or that any regulation, practice, act or service complained of is tinjust, 1050 unreasonable, insufficient, preferential or otherwise in violation of any provision of this act, or if it be found that any service is inadequate or that any reasonable service cannot be obtained, the public utility fotind to be at fault shall pay the expenses in- curred by the commission upon such investigation. Same, sec. 1797^-47- Also provisions identical w4th pars. 1018, 1020, 1021, except 1061 that ''or by any ten persons" in par. 1020 reads ''or by any 25 persons." Same, sees. i7Q7m-48, i7g7m-52, i797m-6o{i). Whenever upon an investigation made under the provisions of this act commission shall find that any rate, toll, charge, sched- ule or joint rate or rates is unjust, unreasonable, insufficient or unjustly discriminatory or preferential or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act, or that any measurement, regiilation, practice, service or act complained of is unjust, un- reasonable, insufficient, preferential, unjustly discriminatory or 1062 otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act, or if it shall find that any service is inadequate or that any service which can reasonably be demanded cannot be obtained, commis- sion shall ascertain and declare and by order fix the expenses incurred by commission upon such investigation and shall by order direct such public utility to pay the state treasurer within 20 days thereafter such expenses so incurred. Same, sec. I7g7m~ 60(3). Commission shall cause a certified copy of all such orders to be delivered to an officer or agent of the public utility affected 1063 thereby, and all such orders shall of their own force take effect and become operative 20 days after service thereof unless a differ- ent time be provided by said order. Same, sec. i797m-6o{4). All public utilities to which the order applies shall make such changes in their schedule on file as ma}^ be necessary to make the 1054 same conform to said order, and no changes shall be made by any public utility in any such rates, tolls, or charges, or in any joint rate or rates without the approval of commission. Same, sec. i797m-6i. 295 Certified copies of all other orders of commission shall be 1051 delivered to the public utility affected thereby in like manner and the same shall take effect within such time thereafter as com- mission shall prescribe. Same. See also pars. 1330, 1335, 3788. D. SPECIAL AUTHORITY OF COMMIS- SION AND DUTY OF UTILITIES WITH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT AND CHANGE OF JOINT OR THROUGH SERVICE AND ROUTES, AND RATES AND CHARGES THEREFOR. I. Carriers of Persons and Goods. UNITED STATES It shall be the duty of every carrier subject to the provisions of this act to establish through routes and just and reasonable rates applicable thereto; and to provide reasonable 1066 facilities for operating such through routes and to make reason- able rules and regulations with respect to the exchange, inter- change, and return of cars used therein, and for the operation of such through routes, and providing for reasonable compensation to those entitled thereto. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. i. Whenever the carrier or carriers in obedience to an order of commission or otherwise in respect to joint rates, fares or charges, shall fail to agree among themselves upon the apportionment or 1067 division thereof, commission may after hearing make a supple- mental order prescribing the just and reasonable proportion of such joint rate to be received by each carrier party thereto, which order shall take effect as a part of the original order. Same, sec. 15. Commission may also after hearing on a complaint or on its own initiative without complaint establish through routes and joint classifications and may establish joint rates as a maximum to be charged, and may prescribe the division of such rates as 1068 hereinbefore provided and the terms and conditions under which such through routes shall be operated whenever the carriers them- selves shall have refused or neglected to establish volimtarily such through routes or joint classifications or joint rates; and this provision shall apply when one of the connecting carriers is a water line. Same. 296 Commission shall not, however, establish any through route, classification or rate between street electric passenger railways not engaged in the general business of transporting freight in addition to the passenger and express business and railroads of a 1069 different character, nor shall commission have the right to es- tablish any route, classification, rate, fare or charge when the transportation is wholly by water, and any transportation by water affected by this act shall be subject to the laws and regu- lations applicable to transportation by water. Same. In establishing such through route commission shall not require any company without its consent to embrace in any such route substantially less than the entire length of its railroad and of any intermediate railroad operated in conjunction and tmder a 1060 common management or control therewith which lies between the termini of such proposed through route imless to do so would make such through route unreasonably long as compared with another practicable through route which could otherwise be es- tablished. Same. See also par. 88y. ALABAMA Whenever the rate or charge ordered sub- stituted by commission shall be a joint rate or charge and the transportation company or companies affected thereby shall fail 1061 to agree upon the apportionment thereof within 20 days after the service of such order, commission may after a hearing issue a supplemental order declaring the apportionment of such joint rate or charge and the same shall take effect of its own force as part of the original order. Code iQoy, sec. 5680. Whenever any transportation company shall refuse or neg- lect to establish a joint rate or rates for the transportation of 1062 persons or property, commission may, upon notice to such transportation company or companies, and after an opportunity to be heard as provided in sections 5667 and 5668 of this code, fix and establish such joint rate or rates. Same, sec. 5681. If the transportation companies parties thereto shaU fail to agree upon the apportionment thereof within 20 days after the 1063 service of such orders, commission may, upon like hearing, issue a supplemental order declaring the apportionment of such joint rate or rates, and the same shall take effect of its own force as part of the original order. Same. In cases relating to the fixing, regulating or prescribing of 1064 joint rates of two or more transportation companies, such trans- 297 portation companies may be joined in one proceeding before commission. Same, sec. 5682. When a shipment of freight shall pass over the whole or part of two or more railroads, the rate to be charged shall be either a continuous mileage rate not exceeding the lawful rate or a rate for each road, not greater than its lawful maximimi rate for the dis- tance hauled over its road less ten percent, as commission may in its judgment determine, and commission shall establish a rule or order applicable to each railroad, prescribing which railroad 1066 shall for such shipment charge the continuous mileage rate and which shall charge a rate not greater than its lawful maximum rate for the distance haiiled less ten per cent . , and such rule or order shall be binding on and limit the charge of each railroad to which it is apphcable with respect to such shipments until changed by commission. But nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the joint rates being divided into such proportions as may be agreed upon by the railroads interested. Acts igoy, sp. sess., no. ly, sec. 14. See also pars. 888, 88g, 8go, 8g6. ARIZONA Nothing in this section contained shall be construed as in anjrwise limiting or modifying the duty of a common carrier to establish joint rates, fares and charges for the transportation of passengers and property over the lines 1066 owned, operated, controlled or leased by it and the lines of other common carriers, nor as in any manner limiting or modi- fying the power of commission to require the establishment of such joint rates, fares and charges. Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 22(a). Whenever commission, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, shall find that the rates, fares or charges in force over two or more common carriers, between any two points in the state, are unjust, unreasonable or exces- sive, or that no satisfactory through route or joint rate, fare or charge exists between such points, and that the public con- 1067 venience and necessity demand the establishment of a through route and joint rate, fare or charge between such points, com- mission may order such common carriers to establish such through route and may establish and fix a joint rate, fare or charge which will be fair, just, reasonable and sufficient, to be allowed, charged, enforced, demanded and collected in the future, and the terms and conditions under which such through route shall be operated. Same, sec, 33, 298 Commission may order that freight moving between such points shall be carried by the different common carriers, parties 1068 to such through route and joint rate, by the nearest and most practicable route and without being transferred from the originat- ing cars. Same. In case the common carriers do not agree between them upon the division of the joint rates, fares or charges estabHshed by commission over such through routes, commission shall, after hearing, by supplementary order, establish such division; pro- vided, that where any raihoad corporation which is made a party to a through route has itself over its own line an equally 1069 satisfactory through route between the termini of the through route established, such railroad corporation shall have the right to require as its division of the joint rate, fare or charge, its local rate, fare or charge over the portion of its lines comprised in such through route, and commission may, in its discretion, allow to such railroad corporation more than its local rate, fare or charge, whenever it will be equitable so to do. Same, Commission may establish and fix through routes and joint 1070 rates, fares or charges over common carriers and stage or auto stage lines and fix the division of such joint rates, fares or charges. Same. ARKAJTSAS If any two or more connecting lines of railroad shall fail to agree upon a fair and just division of the charges arising from the transportation of freights, passengers or cars 1071 over their lines, commission shall make the division and shall fix the pro rata part of such charges to be received by each of said connecting lines. Kirhy^s Digest 1Q04, sec. 68 jo. Where in this state two or more connecting lines of railroad are operated by, or under, one management or company, or where the majority of the stock of each of two or more railroad companies, whose tracks connect, is owned or controlled, either directly or indirectly, by any one of such companies, the hnes of railroad of all such companies shall, in respect to the application and making of rates, within the meaning and intent of this 1072 act, be considered as constituting but one and the same rail- road, and rates for the carriage of freight or passengers over such railroads, or any portion thereof, shall be computed upon a continuous mileage basis, the same as upon the lines of a single railroad company, whether such railroads have separate boards of directors or not; provided, that commission shall have power to fix different rates for different lines, bearing th^ ?99 relation to each other described in this section, whenever it finds such action necessary to do justice. Acts igoy, no. 422, sec. I. CALIFORNIA Provisions substantially identical with par. 1073 1067. Stats, igii, I St. ex. sess., ch. 14, sees. 22(a), jj. CONNECTICUT If the lines of any two or more common car- riers or railroad or street railway companies form or by the con- struction and maintenance of. a switch or other suitable connec- tion could be made to form a continuous line of transportation, 1074 commission, upon hearing after due public notice, may authorize or require the establishment by such companies at joint rates of through routes or transportation for passengers or for such freight or other property as commission may designate. Pub. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 21. Commission may after due hearing require any of such 1076 companies to operate over its lines cars or other equipment de- livered by any other of such companies. Same. If such companies cannot agree as to the division of rates or the conditions under which such through routes or transportation shall be established or such cars or other equipment operated, 1076 commission may, after due hearing, determine and prescribe the proportionate portions of such through rates payable to each of such companies necessary to the establishment of such through routes or transportation, or to the operation of such cars or other equipment. Same. FLORIDA Commission may make reasonable and just joint rates for all connecting railroads as to all traffic or business 1077 passing from one of said railroads to another. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 28gj. Before applying joint rates to roads not under joint manage- ment and control, commission shall give 30 days' notice to the owners, operators or lessees of said road of the joint rate con- templated and of its division of the same and give hearing to roads desiring to object to said rates, and shall make just 1078 and reasonable rules and regulations for the observance of all railroad companies operating said road to prevent the giving or pajdng of any bonus or rebate or device of any description used by said company directly or indirectly for the purpose of deceiving or misleading the public as to the actual rates charged. Same, sec. 28g4. 300 GEORGIA Substantially identical with pars. 1077, 1078. 1079 Code igii, sec. 26 jo. ELLINOIS Nothing in this section shall be construed as in any wise limiting or modifying the duty of a common carrier to establish joint rates, fares and charges for the transportation of 1080 passengers and property over the lines owned, operated, con- trolled and leased by it and the lines of other common carriers, nor as in any manner limiting or modifying the power of com- mission to require the establishment of such joint rates, fares and charges. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. iq2. But this shall not be construed as requiring any common car- 1081 rier to give the use of its tracks or terminal facilities to another carrier engaged in like business. Same. Commission may, after hearing upon a complaint or upon its own initiative without complaint, establish joint classifications and may establish through rates and joint rates as the maximttm to be charged by all common carriers for the transportation of persons or property between points wholly within the state, and may prescribe the division of such rates and the terms and conditions under which such through rates and joint rates shall 1082 be operated whenever the carriers themselves shall have refused or neglected to establish volimtarily such through rates and joint classifications or joint rates, and this provision shall apply when one of the connecting carriers is a water line; provided, that upon such hearing commission shall find that such through rate and joint classification or joint rate is necessary for the accommoda- tion of the public and will not give to one carrier an imf air or im- equal advantage over another. Same, sec. igj. The shipper shall have the right to route his freight whenever 1083 through rates shall have been established either by commission or the railroad. Same. Commission may, after hearing on a complaint or upon its own initiative without complaint, establish through routes and 1084 joint rates and classifications, also a division of such rates, to apply as the maximum to or upon shipments over the routes of two or more express companies or carriers by express between points within the state. Same, sec. j6g. 1085 Also a provision for express companies or carriers by express substantially identical with par. 1057. Same. INDIANA Commission shall, as hereinafter provided, upon the failure of the railroad companies so to do, fix and establish 301 1086 for all or any connecting lines of railroads, reasonable joint rates of freight, transfer and switching charges for the various classes of freight and cars that may pass over two or more lines of rail- roads. Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. j{b). 1087 Also a provision substantially identical with par. 107 1. SamCt sec. sic). All railroad companies shall upon the demand of any person 1088 or persons interested, establish reasonable joint rates for the transportation of freight between points upon their respective lines within the state. Same, sec. sin). All railroad companies shall receive and transport freight 1089 and cars over such route or routes as the shipper may direct. Same. Carload lots shall be transferred without unloading into other cars unless such unloading into other cars shall be done 1090 without charge therefor to the shipper or receiver of such car- load lots and imless such transfer be made without unreasonable delay. Same. Less than carload lots shall be transferred into the connect- 1091 ing railway's cars at cost which shall be included in and made a part of the joint rate adopted by such railway companies or established as provided in this act. Same. IOWA The preceding sections of this chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the making of rates by two or more railway companies for the transportation of property over two or more of their respective lines within the state; and a less charge by each of said companies for its portion of such joint shipment than it charges for a shipment for the same distance wholly over its own line within the state shall not be considered a violation of 1092 said chapter, and shall not render such company liable to any of the penalties thereof; but the provisions of this section shall not be construed to permit railway companies establishing joint rates to make thereby any unjust discrimination between the different shipping points or stations upon their respective lines between which joint rates are established, and any such unjust discrim- ination shall be pimished in the manner and by the penalties pro- vided by this chapter. Code iSgy^ sec. 2152. Commission shall within ten days after this act takes effect notify in writing every railway company that it will upon a day named in such notice, which day shall not be more than 30 days 1098 after giving said notice, take up for investigation the subject of establishing joint through rates as herein provided. It shall also 302 give a similar notice directed "to whom it may concern" and s6 publish the same that it will have general circulation throughout the state. Samey sec. 2155. All corporations, partnerships and persons interested in the 1094 subject may present themselves at the hearing and be heard un- der such rules and regulations as commission may prescribe. Same. At the end of the investigation, which shall be carried on with all due dihgence, commission shall make and publish a schedule of joint through railway rates for such traffic and on 1095 such routes as in its judgment the fair and reasonable conduct of business requires shall be done by carriage over two or more lines of railway and will promote the interests of the people of the state. Same. In establishing such rates for shipments in less than car- load lots, in cases where at the connecting point or points in the line of shipment the connecting railways have not and are not required to have a common station or stopping place for loading 1096 or unloading freight, commission shall make such lawful regula- tions as in its judgment will be fair and just respecting the trans- portation of such freight from the usual imloading place of one railway to the usual loading place of the other. Same. The joint through rates thus established shall be promul- gated by mailing a printed copy thereof to each railway com- pany affected thereby, and shall go into effect within ten days after they are so promulgated; and from and after that time an 1097 official printed schedule thereof shall be prima facie evidence in all courts of the state that the rates therein fixed are just and reasonable for the joint transportation of such freight between the points and over the lines described therein. Same. Commission shall deliver a printed copy of said schedule to 1098 any person making application therefor. Same. The share of any railway company of any joint through rate shall not be construed to fix the charge that it may make for 1099 transportation for a similar distance over any part of its line for any single rate shipment or the share of any other joint rate. Same. Commission, upon reasonable notice as it may prescribe, may upon its own motion or upon the application of any person, firm or corporation interested therein, revise, change or add to any 1100 joint through rate fixed or promulgated thereimder, and any such revised, changed or added joint rates shall have the same force and effect as the rate or rates originally established. Same. Commission may authorize upon proper hearing any railway company whose h'ne connects the point of shipment with the point of destination but requires a longer haul than the joint haul over which a joint rate has been established to charge the joint 1101 rate without affecting the charge upon any other part of its line except that the charge for a like kind of property must not be greater for a shorter than for a longer distance over its railroad, all of the shorter hauls being included within the longer. Same. This section shall apply to interurban railways and their 1102 connection with ordinary steam railways. Same. Before the promiilgation of such rates, commission shall notify the railroad companies interested of the schedule of joint 1103 rates fixed and give them a reasonable time thereafter to agree upon a division of the charges provided for therein. Same, sec. 2156. If such companies fail to agree upon a division and to notify commission thereof, it shall after a hearing of the companies interested decide the same, taking into consideration the value 1104 of terminal facilities and all the circtimstances of the haul and the division so determined by it shall, in all controversies or actions between the railway companies interested, be prima facie evidence of a just and reasonable division thereof Same. See also par. yg6. KANSAS A provision substantially identical with par. 1105 107 1. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 7 171. Commission may after notice and hearing of the interested parties, require any common carriers and all public utilities to 1106 establish and maintain just and reasonable joint rates wherever the same are reasonably necessary to put iii, in order to main- tain reasonably sufficient and efficient service from such public utilities and common carriers. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 10. See also pars. g20, g2i. LOUISIANA Commission shall require all railroads and other common carriers upon the demand of any person or persons, firm, partnership or corporation, to adopt and make and there- after when necessary to change reasonable and just joint through 1107 rates and charges for the transportation of freight whether such shipments be made entirely by railroads or by water transporta- tion or partly by railroads and partly by water, or whether, when made by railroads alone, such freight is forwarded in carloads or less than carload shipments. Stats. 1904, no. 24, sec. 1. 304 I Commission shall require all express, telegraph and tele- phone companies or corporations upon the demand of any person or persons, firm, partnership or corporation to adopt and make and thereafter when necessary to change reasonable and just joint through rates and charges for the carriage of express matter 1108 and the transmission of messages by telegraph and commimica- tions by telephone between points in the state, provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to mean that any telephone or telegraph company shall be required to connect its wires and apparatus with the wires or apparatus of any other telephone or telegraph company. Same, sec. 2. In the event of the failure of the railroads and other common carriers, express, telegraph and telephone companies referred to in this act to establish reasonable joint through rates and charges for transportation of freight and express matter and the trans- mission of commimications by telegraph and telephone, commis- sion shall upon the application of any person, firm, partner- ship or corporation adopt and make such reasonable and just rates and charges for the transportation of freight carried over 1109 the lines of two or more connecting railroads or other connecting common carriers or for the transportation over the lines of two or more connecting express companies or the transmission of commimications over two or more connecting telephone or tele- graph lines; and all such rates and charges thus adopted, made and established by commission shall go into effect within 30 days after the same shall have been promulgated by publication in the official journal of commission and written or telegraphic notice given to such companies. Same, sec. j. Before the promulgation of such rates and charges thus adopted by commission, said commission shall notify the rail- roads and other common carriers, express, telegraph and tele- phone companies interested of the proposed schedule of joint through rates to be promulgated by commission, and shall allow 1110 them 30 days thereafter to agree upon a division of the charges provided for in such schedule. If such companies or corporations fail to agree upon a division and notify commission thereof it shall after a hearing of the companies or corporations interested decide the matter and determine how such division should be made. Same, sec. 4. MAINE When the managers of a railroad authorized to cross or connect with another road are unable to agree therewith as to the transportation of passengers and freight over their roads 305 and upon other matters, or when the managers of the latter road neglect or fail or refuse to perform the requirements, pro- visions or conditions of the charter under which they hold and operate their railroad and acts additional and amendatory thereto, they may apply to commissioners in writing and either of them may endorse an order of notice thereon to all interested, fixing a time and place for hearing and the applicant shall cause such order to be complied with. At such hearing any corpora- tion or person claiming to be interested may be made a party and be heard thereon though not named in the application; com- 1111 mission has the authority of courts of law to summon witnesses and compel their attendance and testimony and deposition may be taken and used as in suits at law. When the hearing is closed commission shall determine and award the rates for transporting passengers, freight or cars over the road of each or over any road on which either is a common carrier by contract or otherwise, and all other matters in controversy between the two roads arising from such connecting or crossing or the times of doing so; and may require either party to give seciuity to the other party for the payment of balances resulting from their mutual business on such terms as commission deems equitable; and may determine that its award may be suspended after its acceptance at the election of the party injured by the non-performance of the con- ditions thereof by the other. Rev. Stats. iQoj, ch. 57, sec. 57. The award shall be returned to the supreme judicial court in the county where the hearing was had, and accepted, or for good cause, rejected or recommitted. Exceptions to any ruling of the court in such proceedings may be taken and allowed within the niles of the court, except in recommitting the report ; and when so allowed, a certified copy thereof and of all papers used at the hearing, shall be forthwith sent by the clerk of the court to the chief justice; and the parties shall be heard there- on by the law court in the district where the hearing was had; but if such court does not sit within 30 days after the papers are received by the chief justice, he shall, at the request of either party, detail a majority of the justices to hear the case at the time and place ordered by him; send the order to the iiu clerk of the court where the matter is pending, and he shall enter it on the docket under the case, and that shall be sufficient notice to the parties; and the case shall then and there be heard as if at a regular law term. When the award is accepted and judgment rendered thereon, it is binding on all parties 306 notified, whether they appeared or not, until a new award is made on another appHcation; the court has full power to make the award effectual by process for contempt or otherwise as in equity cases; and if the corporation or managers of any such road, after they are notified of the acceptance of such award, fail to comply with it, the directors, superintendent or other agents operating the same shall be fined not less than $io nor more than $50 for each day of such failure, to be recovered by indictment in the coimty where it occurs. Same, sec. 58, MARYLAND Nothing in this section shall be construed as in any wise limiting or modifying the duty of a common car- rier to establish joint rates, fares and charges for the transpor- tation of passengers, freight and property over the lines owned, operated, controlled and leased by it and the lines of other com- 1113 mon carriers, nor as in any manner limiting or modifying the power of commission to require the establishment of such joint rates, fares and charges. A railroad corporation and a street railroad corporation shall not be required to interchange cars except on such terms and conditions as commission may require. Laws igiOy ch. 180, sec. 18. Commission may, by order, require any two or more com- mon carriers whose lines owned, operated, controlled or leased form a continuous line of transportation or which could be 1114 made to do so by the construction and maintenance of switch connection, to establish through routes and joint rates, fares and charges for the transportation of passengers, freight and property as commission may, by its orders, designate. Same, sec. 2j. In case such through routes and joint rates be not established by common carriers named in any such order within the time specified therein, commission shall establish just and reasonable 1116 rates, fares and charges to be charged for such through trans- portation, and declare the portion thereof to which each common carrier affected thereby shall be entitled and the manner in which the same shall be paid and secured. Same. MASSACHUSETTS See par. 2368. MICHIGAN All railroads as between themselves, and all electric railroads as between themselves, shall establish through 1116 routes and just and reasonable rates applicable thereto except as hereinafter provided. Puh. Acts igog, no. 30O, sec. 4(b). Commission may, after hearing on a complaint, establish through routes and joint rates as the maximum to be charged and 307 the terms and conditions iinder which such through routes shall 1117 be operated when the common carriers complained of have re- fused or neglected to voltintarily establish such through routes and joint rates; provided, no reasonably satisfactory through route and joint rate exist. Same, sec. 22(e). 1118 Also a provision substantially identical with par. 1057. Same. All express companies shall publish and continue in force and effect through or joint rates between all points at which offices are maintained on the line of all express companies ; provided, that 1119 such express companies may divide charges for transportation in such a manner as to allow participating carriers an agreed mini- mum proportion when the division of such charges on a mileage basis would not allow a sufficient minimum. Pub. Acts igii, no. ISP, sec. 25(c). See also pars. Q40, ^41, Q42, q4j: MINNESOTA There shall be but one terminal charge for switching or transferring any car within any one municipality. If it is necessary that any car in such transfer pass over the tracks of more than one railroad within such limits, the company first so transferring such car shall receive the entire charge therefor, and iiao shall be liable to each company doing subsequent switching thereof for its just share of such charge, subject to the rules adopted by commission. Any disagreement as to such division shall be finally determined by commission. Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 2016. Less than carload lots shall be transported at cost, and the charge for such transfer shall be included in the joint rate. All 1121 railroad companies shall give the same facilities to local or state as to interstate traffic. Same, sec. 2022. Within a reasonable time commission shall make general rules fixing the percentage relation to govern in the making of joint rates between common carriers for the transportation of freight and express in carload and less than carload lots, and 1122 shall make all rules necessary to govern the transfer of freight and express between carriers. Commission may change the rules or regulations from time to time to meet different conditions and to promote justice. Laws igii, ch. jij, sec. i. No carrier shall be required to deliver to another carrier at a connecting or jimction point freight or express destined to a com- 1128 mon point reached by both carriers unless commission finds it is necessary in order to obtain reasonable rates and service. Same. 308 Before making any order as herein provided, commission 1124 shall give such hearing as may be deemed necessary. Same. The several carriers shall establish joint rates on all intra- state freight and express transported in carload and less than 1126 carload lots within 30 days after commission has established rules to govern in the making of joint rates between carriers. Same sec. 2. If carriers fail to agree on the division of the joint rate, com- 1126 mission on the application of any party interested shall fix such division. Same. Any carrier failing to comply with any provision of this 1127 act or any rule of commission, shall be subject to a fine of not ex- ceeding $100 for each offense. Same, sec. j. MISSISSIPPI In fixing joint tariffs of rates for connecting lines, commission shall determine the proportion to be charged 1128 by each of the railroads or other common carriers. Code igo6, sec. 4842. MISSOURI Commission shall see that the schedules of joint rates, fares and charges are reasonable and just and that such schedule of joint rates, fares and charges shaU be observed by all common carriers who are parties to the same. But no such 1129 common carrier party to any such joint tariff shall be liable for the failure of any such common carrier party thereto to ob- serve and adhere to the rates, fares and charges as made and pubHshed. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. jiSg. See also par. 813. MONTANA Commission shall fix and establish for all or any connecting lines of railroad reasonable joint rates of freight 1130 charges for the various classes of freight and cars that may pass over two or more lines of such railroads. Rev. Codes igoy, sec. 4375- NEBRASKA Commission shall fix for all or any connecting lines of railroad reasonable joint rates of freight charges and 1131 terminal switching charges for the various classes of freight and cars that may pass over two or more lines of such railroads. Cohbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. io6jo{g). 1132 Also a provision substantially identical with par. 107 1. Same. 1133 Railway companies shall establish reasonable joint through 309 rates for the transportation of freight upon their respective lines Same, sec. 10660. Railway companies shall receive and transport freight and 1134 cars over such route or routes as the shipper shall direct. Same. Carload lots shall be transferred without unloading from the cars in which such shipments were first made unless such unload- 1136 ing into other cars shall be done without charge therefor to the shipper or receiver of such carload lots and unless such transfer be made without imreasonable delay. Same. Less than carload lots shall be transferred into connecting carriers' warehouse or cars at cost, which shall be included in and 1136 made a part of the joint rates adopted by such railway com- panies or established as provided in this chapter. Same. When shipments of freight to be transported between dif- ferent points within the state are required to be carried by two or more railway companies operating connecting lines, such rail- 1137 way companies shall transport the same at reasonable through rates and shall at all times give the same facilities and accom- modations to local or state traffic as they give to interstate traffic over their lines or road. Same. In the event that railway companies or common carriers fail to establish through joint rates or fail to establish and charge reasonable rates for such shipment, commission shall, either upon 1138 its own motion or upon the application of some person interested, establish such rates for the shipment of freight and cars over two or more connecting lines of railroad. Same. In the making thereof and in changing or revising same, commission shall be governed as nearly as may be by the pro- visions of this act with reference to original schedules of freights and tariffs for railway companies and common carriers, and 1139 shall take into consideration the average rates charged by said railway companies or common carriers for shipments within the state for like distances over their respective lines and the rates, charged by railway companies or common carriers operating such connecting lines for joint interstate shipments for like distances. Same. Rates fixed by commission shall go into effect 30 days after mailing a copy of the schediile of joint rates to the railway companies and common carriers affected thereby, which schedule shall be prima facie evidence in all courts in the state when 1140 authenticated by commission that the rates therein contained are those fixed by commission and that the same are prima facie just 31Q and reasonable for the transportation of freight and cars by the railway companies or common carriers for which said schedtiles have been fixed. Same. NEVADA Commission may make just and reasonable regulations for the apportionment of all charges between two or more companies jointly engaged in the transportation of freight, 1141 passengers, express matter, telegraph or telephone messages. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 7, as amended by Stats, igog, ch. 121, sec. j. See also pars, gyj, gSo. NEW JERSEY See par. g86. NEW YORK A provision identical with par. 1080. Laws 1142 igio, ch. 480, sec. 35. A railroad corporation and a street railroad corporation shall 1143 not be required to interchange cars except on such terms and conditions as commission may direct. Same. Commission may by order require any two or more common carriers, railroad or street railroad corporations, whose lines owned, operated, controlled or leased, form a continuous or con- necting line of transportation or could be made to do so by the 1144 construction and maintenance of switch connection or interchange track at connecting points or by transfer of property or passen- gers at connecting points, to establish through routes and joint rates, fares and charges for the transportation of passengers and property as commission may by its order designate. Same, sec. 49(3)- 1146 Also a provision for common carriers, railroad and street- railroad corporations identical with par. 1 1 15. Same. Commission may, in the same proceeding or in a separate proceeding involving any rates, fares or charges, prescribe joint rates, fares and charges as the maximum to be exacted for the transportation by them of passengers and property and require 1146 such common carriers, railroad and street railroad corporations affected thereby to make within a specified time an agreement between them as to the portion of such joint rates, fares or charges to which each of them shall be entitled. Same. In case such agreement be not made within the time so specified, commission may declare by supplemental order the portion thereof to which each common carrier, railroad or street 1147 railroad corporation affected thereby shall be entitled and the manner in which the same shall be paid and secured, and such supplemental order shall take effect as part of the original order 311 from the time such supplemental order shall become effective. Same. No passenger joint rate, fare, charge, through route or transfer shall be required between any rapid transit railroad and any other rapid transit railroad or any railroad operated as a 1148 street surface railroad, nor between a street surface railroad and any railroad operated wholly by steam or any railroad operated a distance of over 50 miles partly by steam and partly by elec- tricity. Same, sec. 4q{8). NORTH CAROLINA Commission shall not, in fixing the maximum rates and charges or tariff of rates or charges for any common car- rier transporting freight, permit or allow any such common car- rier to charge, collect or receive a greater toll, charge or rate for the transportation of any article of freight or commodity em- braced in the present classification fixed and prescribed or ap- proved by commission where the initial point of shipment is on the road or line of one common carrier and the terminal point of said shipment is on the line or road of another common carrier than is the sum of the present local rates now established, pre- scribed or approved by commission less a reduction of 25 per cent, of the said local rates on all railroads for which there is now made or prescribed a reduction for a joint hatil; and on those railroads for which there is not now prescribed a reduction on joint haiils, a reduction of 15 per cent, of the local rates 1149 now established, prescribed by commission for said railroads; provided, that those railroads of this class whose rates are lower than the commission's standard of freight rates may be permitted by commission to adopt the standard rates prescribed by commission; provided, commission is hereby empowered to reduce the said local rates whenever in its opinion and after investigation by it, it shall determine that a lower rate is reasonable. Provided, however, that present local rates now established, prescribed or approved by commission shall not be increased by classification or otherwise. Provided, further, com- mission may, when it is made to appear that it is just to do so, exempt from the operation of this section that part of the charges of a joint haul which is over the line or lines of a railroad com- pany, which company now owns, leases or operates not more than 125 miles of railroad in or out of the state. PeWs Revisal igo8, sec. ii04{a). NORTH DAKOTA There shall in no case be more than one terminal charge for switching or transferring any car, whether the 312 same is loaded or empty, within the limits of any one city or town. If it is necessary for any car to pass over the tracks of more than one company within any such city or town limits in order to reach its final destination or to be returned therefrom to its owner or owners, then the company first switching or trans- ferring such car shall be entitled to receive the entire charge to be made therefor and shall be liable to the company or companies 1160 doing the subsequent switching or transferring thereof for its or their reasonable and equitable share of the compensation re- ceived and if the companies so jointly interested therein cannot agree upon the share thereof which each is entitled to receive, the same shall be determined by commission, whose decision thereon shall be final and conclusive upon all parties interested and com- mission may establish such rules and regtdations in that behalf as to it may seem just and reasonable and not in conflict with this article. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4338. Commission may make just and reasonable regulations for the apportionment of all charges between two or more companies 1161 jointly engaged in the transportation of freight, passengers, ex- press matter, telegraph or telephone messages, and commission shall prepare such schedules and classifications. Same, sec. 4343^ as amended hy Laws igii, ch. 2jj, sec. 2. OHIO Whenever any rate, toll, charge or service ordered substituted by commission shall be a joint rate, toll, charge or service and the public utilities parties thereto fail to agree upon the apportionment thereof within 20 days after the 1162 service of such order, commission may after hearing make and issue a supplemental order fixing the apportionment of such joint rate, toll, charge or service between such public utilities and the same shall take effect of its own force as a part of the original order. Laws 1911, no. 32 j, sec. 42. See also pars. looi, 1002, 1003. OREGON Provisions for railroads substantially identical with pars. 1061, 1062, 1063, except that ''through route" is in- 1153 eluded in par. 1062 and ''as provided in sections 5667 and 5668 of this code" reads "as in section 28 provided." Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 30. See also pars. loog, 1021. RHODE ISLAND See pars. 1025, 1028. SOUTH CAROLINA Commission may make just and reasonable joint rates for all connecting roads as to all traffic or business 1164 passing from one of said roads to another and may require the making of such connection at intersecting points of the schedules of trains as the pubHc convenience may in its judgment demand. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 20Q2. 1165 Also a provision substantially identical with par. 1078. Same. All connecting railroads doing business in this state, and under the management or control, by lease, ownership, associa- tion or otherwise, of one and the same person, firm, corporation 1166 or association, shall for purposes of transportation, in applying freight and passenger tariffs, be considered as constituting but one and the same road, and the rate shall be computed as upon parts of one and the same road unless otherwise specified by commission. Same, sec. 2115. SOUTH DAKOTA All railway companies doing business in the state shall upon the demand of any person or persons interested 1157 or upon demand of commission, establish reasonable and joint through rates for the transportation of freight between points on their respective lines. Sess. Laws igoy, ch. 212, sec. 2. Carload lots shall be transferred without unloading from the cars in which such shipments were first made unless such un- loading into other cars shall be done without charge therefor to 1168 the shipper or receiver of such carload lots, and such transfer shall be made without unreasonable delay tmder such contract arrangements as such connecting companies may make or under such rules as commission may prescribe as provided for in this act. Same. Less than carload lots shall be transferred into the con- necting railway (or carriers') cars at cost which shall be included 1169 in and be a part of the joint rates adopted by such railway com- panies (common carriers) or established as provided by this act. Same (railway companies); Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2oy, sec. J5 {common carriers). When shipments of freight (or express) to be transported be- tween different points in the state are required to be carried by two or more railway companies (or common carriers) operating 1160 connecting lines such railway companies (or common carriers) shall transport the same at reasonable through rates and shall at all times give the same facilities and accommodations to local or state traffic as they give to interstate traffic over their lines of road. Same. This article shall not be construed to prohibit the making 314 of rates of two or more common carriers for the transportation of property, express or telephone messages over two or more of their respective railway, express or telephone lines within the state, and a less charge by each of said common carriers for its portion of such joint shipment than it charges for a shipment for the same distance wholly over its own lines within the state, shall not be 1161 considered a violation of this article, and shall not render such common carrier liable to any of the penalties of this article; but the provisions of this section shall not be construed to permit com- mon carriers establishing joint rates to make by such joint rates any imjust discrimination between the different shipping points or stations upon their respective lines between which joint rates are established, and any such imjust discrimination shall be punished in the manner and by the penalties provided by this article. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 20'j, sec. J4. All common carriers shall upon the demand of any person or persons interested establish reasonable joint through rates for 1162 the transportation of freight, express or telephone messages be- tween points upon their respective lines. Same, sec. jj. All common carriers shall receive and transport freight, cars, 1163 express and telephone messages over such route or routes as the shipper may direct. Same. Carload lots shall be transferred without unloading from the cars in which shipments were first made imless such imloading in 1164 other cars shall be done without charge therefor to the shipper or receiver of such carload lots, and such transfer be made without unreasonable delay. Same. In the event that common carriers shall fail to establish through joint rates or fail to establish and charge reasonable rates for such through shipments, commission shall upon its own initiation or upon complaint of any person or persons interested, 1166 establish reasonable individual joint rates or schedules of reason- able joint rates for the transportation of freight, cars, express and telephone messages over two or more connecting lines of com- mon carriers. Same, sec. 36. In the making of such rates and in changing or revising the same commission shall be governed as near as may be by all the provisions of this article and shall take into consideration the 1166 average of rates charged by said common carriers for the trans- portation within the state for like distances over their respective lines and rates charged by the common carrier operating such connecting lines for joint interstate shipment for like distances. Same. 315 The rates established by commission shall go into effect within ten days after the same are promulgated by commission and from and after that time the schedtdes of rates shall be 1167 prima facie evidence in all of the courts of the state that the joint rates therein fixed are reasonable and just maximum rates for the transportation of freight, cars, express and telephone messages upon the common carrier for which such schedules have been fixed. Same. Before the promulgation of such rates as provided in pre- ceding section, commission shall notify the common carriers 1168 interested in the individual joint rates or schedule of joint rates fixed by it and commission shall give the common carriers a reasonable time thereafter to agree upon a division of the charges provided for in such schedule. Same, sec. 37. In the event of the failure of the common carriers to agree upon a division and to notify the commission of such agreement, commission shall after a hearing of the common carrier in- 1169 terested decide the same, taking into consideration the value of terminal facilities and all the circtimstances of the carriage or haul. Same. The division so determined by commission shall in all con- troversies or suits between the common carriers interested and 1170 between commission and such common carriers be prima facie evidence of a just and reasonable division of such charges. Same. In the event that railway companies fail to establish through joint rates or fail to establish and charge reasonable rates for through shipments or fail to establish between themselves the rates for through shipments or fail to establish between them- selves the rates and terms on which cars of one company shall be transferred in through shipments from the line of one company 1171 to the other and returned, or fail to provide for the convenient and prompt transfer of through freight from the cars of the re- ceiving company to those of the connecting line, commission shall upon its own initiative or upon complaint of any person or persons interested establish joint rates for the shipment of freight and cars over any two or more connecting lines of railroad and prescribe reasonable rules under which any such cars so trans- ferred shall be returned. Same, sec. jg. In establishing, changing or revising any such rates, com- mission shall take into consideration the average of rates charged 1172 by said railway companies operating said connecting lines for joint interstate shipments for like distances. Same. 316 The rates established by commission shall go into effect within ten days after the same are promulgated by commission and from and after that time the schedules of rates so established 1173 shall be prima facie evidence in all the courts of the state that such rates are reasonable through rates for the transportation of freight and cars upon the railroads for which such schedules shall have been fixed. Same. Before the promulgation of such rates or rules as above pro- vided, commission shall notify the common carriers interested in 1174 the schedule of joint rates fixed by it and shall give said common carriers a reasonable time thereafter to agree upon a division of charges provided for in such schedule. Same, sec. 40. In the event of the failure of the common carriers to agree upon such division and to notify commission of such agreement 1175 commission shall after a hearing of the carriers interested decide the same, taking into consideration the value of terminal facilities and all the circtunstances of the haul. Same. The division so determined by commission shall in all con- 1176 troversies or suits between the common carriers interested be prima facie evidence of the just and reasonable division of such charges. Same. See also par. J42. TEXAS A provision identical with par. 1130. Sayles* 1177 Civ. Stats. iSgy, art. 4^62 (j). Also a provision substantially identical with par. 107 1. 1178 Same, art. 4^62(6). WASHINGTON Whenever commission shall be of opinion, after hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, that the rates and charges in force over two or more railroads between any two points in the state are unjust or unreasonable or excessive or that no satisfactory through route or joint rate exists between such points and that the public necessities and convenience de- 1179 mand the establishment of a through route and a joint rate between such points, commission may order such railroads to establish such through route and may establish and fix a joint rate which will be fair, just, reasonable and sufficient to be fol- lowed, charged, enforced, demanded and collected in the future. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 57. Commission may order that carload freight moving between 1180 such points shall be carried by the different companies parties to such through route and joint rate without being transferred from the originating cars. Same. 317 In case no agreement exists between such railroads for the interchange of cars, then commission before making such order 1181 shall make rules for the expeditious and safe return and proper compensation for the cars so loaded by the company or com- panies receiving the same. Same. Whenever any order of commission shall require joint action by two or more public service companies such order shall specify that the same shall be made at their joint cost and the companies affected shall have 30 days or such further time as commission 1182 may prescribe within which to agree upon the part or division of costs which each shall bear and costs of operation and main- tenance in the future or the proportion of charges or revenue each shall receive from such joint service and the jules to govern future operations. Same, sec. 8j. If at the expiration of such time such companies shall fail to file with commission a statement that an agreement has been made for the division or apportionment of such cost, the division of cost of operation and maintenance to be incurred in the future 1183 and the proportion of charges or revenue each shall receive from such joint service and the rules to govern future operations, commission shall have authority after further hearing to enter a supplemental order fixing the proportion of such cost or ex- penses to be borne by each company and the manner in which the same shall be paid and secured. Same. WISCONSIN Provisions for railroads substantially identical with pars. 1061, 1062, 1063, except that in par. 1062 ''as pro- vided in sections 5667 and 5668 of this code" reads ''as in sec- 1184 tion 12 of this act provided." Laws 190^, ch. 362, sec. i797~ J 4(e); Laws 1905, sp. sess., ch. 17. sec. iy9J-J4(j). See also pars. 1045, 1051. 2. Physical Connection of Telephone and Telegraph Companies. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Whenever commission, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, shall find that a physical connection can reasonably be made between the lines of two or more telephone corporations or two or more telegraph corpora- tions whose lines can be made to form a continuous line of com- mimication^by^the construction and maintenance of suitable con- 1 See also pars43337-a344- 318 nections for the transfer of messages or conversations, and that public convenience and necessity will be subserved thereby, or shall find that two or more telegraph or telephone corporations have failed to establish joint rates, tolls or charges for service by 1186 or over their said lines, and that joint rates, tolls, or charges ought to be established, commission may, by its order, require that such connection be made, except where the purpose of such connection is primarily to secure the transmission of local mes- sages or conversations between points within the same city, or town,^ and that conversations be transmitted and messages transferred over such connections under such rules and regula- tions as commission may establish, and prescribe through lines and joint rates, tolls, and charges to be made and to be used, ob- served and in force in the future. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 40; Col. — Stats, igii, ch. 14, sec. 40. If such telephone or telegraph corporations do not agree upon the division between them of the cost of such physical con- nection or connections or the divisions of the joint rates, tolls, or 1186 charges established by commission over such through lines, com- mission shall have authority, after further hearing, to establish such division by supplemental order. Same. See also pars. 2jjy, 241^, 2418. KENTUCKY Any association or corporation or the lessees or managers thereof, organized for the purpose, or any individual, shall have the right to construct and maintain lines of telegraph within this state, and to connect the same with other lines, and said companies shall receive and transmit each other's messages without unreasonable delay or discrimination, and all such com- panies are hereby declared to be common carriers and subject to legislative control. Telephone companies operating exchanges 1187 in different towns or cities, or other public stations, shall receive and transmit each other's messages without unreasonable delay or discrimination. The general assembly shall, by general laws of imiform operation, provide reasonable regulations, to give full effect to this section. Nothing herein shall be construed to inter- - fere with the rights of cities or towns to arrange and control their streets and alleys and to designate the places at which, and the manner in which the wires of such companies shall be erected or laid within the limits of such city or town. Const., sec. igg. LOUISIANA See pars. 1108, nog, iiio. 1 Include " city and county " in California. MICHIGAN Whenever application shall be made to com- . mission by any party in interest to order the physical connection of any local telephone exchange, operated 'by any person, co- partnership or corporation, with the local telephone exchange operated by any other person, copartnership or corporation in the same city or village, commission shall give due notice to the respective persons, co-partnerships or corporations owning such telephone exchanges of a hearing to be had upon such applica- tion; and, after such hearing and such other investigation made either by itself or its servants and agents, said commission shall determine, by its order duly made and entered upon its records, whether or not such physical connection is required by the public necessity or convenience in the case brought before it by such ap- plication. If commission shall decide that such connection is so required, the telephone companies affected by such order shall furnish and maintain all reasonable and proper facilities for the interchange of service between tReir respective exchanges affected by such order, including all necessary tnmk lines, switchboards, wires, aerial or cable, crossarms, poles or other fixtiu-es; all necessary construction, maintenance and equipment to be built and maintained in such manner, under such rules, and with such division of expense and labor as shall or may be required or pro- vided by commission. Every telephone corporation affected by such order is hereby required to perform switching service for any other telephone corporation similarly affected by connecting its lines temporarily with the lines of the other telephone corpora- tion, providing for the direct transmission of messages between subscribers, and shall request the connection of its lines with the lines of the other telephone corporation on request of any of its subscribers. Any telephone corporation which is required to perform switching service for another telephone corporation under 1188 the terms of such an order may demand and receive as compen- sation for such service the sum of five cents per message in ad- dition to the regular service charge, if any. The telephone cor- poration on whose line or lines messages originate shall be re- sponsible to and make settlement with the terminal companies performing the switching service for it on its request, and may demand and receive from its subscribers a fee of five cents per message in addition to the regular service charge if any for all messages sent by it to other telephone companies on request of such subscribers in accordance with the provisions of this act. Whenever a subscriber of any telephone company affected by 320 such order of commission desires to talk with a subscriber of an- other telephone corporation so affected, who is connected with an exchange other than that in the city, village or township in which the message originates, the switching service between the companies shall be done at whatever point may be designated by commission. The company at whose exchange messages of this kind originate may demand and receive from its subscribers the charge for switching service as provided above in addition to the regular toll charges of the companies over whose line or lines or affiliated line or lines the messages are sent; and the division of commissions and toll charges shall be made between the companies in such proportion as said commission may designate. Provided, that the provisions of this section in regard to switching charges shall not apply when two or more competing companies in any locality shall merge or consolidate their property and business in such locality under the direction of said commission, or when one competing company shall sell or lease its plant, property and busi- ness to another company in the same locality, such merger, con- solidation, sale or lease, if with the approval of commission being hereby declared lawful. Commission may make all such reason- able rules or orders as may be reasonable or necessary to carry out the intent of the provisions of this section, and refusal to obey such rules, orders or provisions of this section shall be un- lawful. Puh. Acts igii, no. ij8, sec. 6. MISSISSIPPI See par. 1128. NEVADA See par. 1141. NEW MEXICO All telephone and telegraph lines, operated for hire, shall receive and transmit each other's messages without 1189 delay or discrimination, and make and maintain connections with each other's lines, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by commission. Const., art. xi., sec. 16. NEW YORK Commission may by order require any two or more telegraph corporations whose lines form a continuous line of communication or could be made to do so by the construction and maintenance of suitable connections or transfer of messages at common points between different localities which are not reached 1190 by the line of either company alone, to establish through lines between two or more such localities and joint rates or charges for service by or over said lines as commission may by its order prescribe. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. gyij). In case such through lines and joint rates be not established 321 by the corporations named in any such order within the time therein specified, commission may by order establish the same 1191 and fix the just and reasonable rates and charges to be charged for such through service and declare the portion thereof to which each of the corporations affected thereby shall be entitled and the manner in which the same shall be seciured and paid. Same. OHIO Commission may, upon complaint in writing by any person or on its own initiative by order, require any two or more telephone companies whose lines or wires form a continuous line of communication or could be made to do so by the construc- tion and maintenance of suitable connections or the joint use 1192 of equipment or the transfer of messages at common points be- tween different localities which cannot be communicated with or reached by the lines of either company alone, where such service is not already established or provided for unless public necessity requires additional service, to establish and maintain through lines within the state between two or more such localities. Laws igii, no. j2^, sec. 66. The joint rate or charges for such service shall be just and reasonable and commission may establish the same and declare 1193 the portion thereof to which each company affected thereby shall be entitled and the manner in which the same shall be se- cured and paid. Same. All necessary construction, maintenance and equipment in order to establish such service, shall be constructed and main- 1194 tained in such manner and'imder such rules with such divisions of expense and labor as shall or may be required by commission. Same. OKLAHOMA All telephone and telegraph lines, operated for hire, shall each respectively receive and transmit each other's messages without delay or discrimination, and make physical con- 1196 nection with each other's lines, imder such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by law, or by any commission created by this constitution or act of the legislature for that purpose. Const., art. ix, sec. 5. SOUTH CAROLINA Commission shall require reasonable connec- tions to be made and maintained, when practicable, between lines, stations, or exchanges for the transmission of intelligence for hire and fix and regulate reasonable rates, tolls, or compen- ii96 sation therefor, and also require reasonable connections to be made and maintained, when practicable, between any such lines, ^22 stations or exchanges, and the lines or stations or stations of private individuals, firms or corporations desiring such connec- tions. Laws igo4, no. 281, sec. i. SOUTH DAKOTA Every telephone company shall connect its lines with the lines of any other telephone company doing business in the same vicinity, that makes application therefor, and shall afford all reasonable and proper facilities for the interchange and switching of messages between lines, for a reasonable com- pensation and without discrimination, and under such rules and 1197 regulations as commission may prescribe. Provided, that mes- sages originating on any line shall have preference over messages originating on competing lines. Provided, that the maximum charges for switching shall not exceed 25 cents per month for each instnmient on any rural party line so connected. Sess. Laws igog, ch. 28g, sec. 8. , Commission shall have jurisdiction to compel the connection of different telephone lines in the state of South Dakota. Any telephone company desiring its lines to connect with any other company's line or exchange shall, whenever such connection shall be refused, make application to commission. Provided, however, that when any telephone line shall be constructed to the corpo- rate limits of any city, town or village and shall be denied the privilege to construct its telephone line within such corporate limits commission may, in its discretion, compel the construction of such connections by such company or companies interested therein and the expense of §uch construction and connection shall 1198 be borne by the companies interested; in such manner as com- mission shall determine. Upon receipt of such application commission shall ascertain the facts in the case and if in their judgment the public service demands said connection and the lines of the applicant are in proper condition, said commission shall order such connections to be made, and shall apportion the ex- pense thereof. Provided, however, that no wire shall be com- pelled to connect except at exchanges or station points. Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent any telephone company, from connecting its line or lines with any other telephone com- pany's line or lines by mutual consent. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 218, sec. 5; See also pars. 1161, 1162, ii6j, 1165, 1167, 1168, ii6g, 1170, 1174, 1^75^ ^^7^^ 2431. WASHINGTON Whenever commission shall find that any two or more telephone companies whose lines form a continuous line of 323 commimication or could be made to do so by the construction and maintenance of suitable connections for the transfer of mes- sages or conversations at common points between different localities which are not reached by the line of either company alone and that such connections or facilities for the transfer of messages or conversations at common points can reasonably be 1199 made and efficient service obtained and that a necessity exists therefor or shall find any two or more telegraph or telephone companies have failed to establish joint rates or charges for serv- ice by or over their said lines and that joint rates or charges ought to be established, commission may by its order require such connections to be made and that conversations be trans- mitted and messages transferred and prescribed through lines and joint rates and charges to be made and to be used, observed and in force in the future and fix the same by order to be served upon the company or companies affected. Laws igii, ch. 117, sec. 73. See also pars. 1182, ii8j. WISCONSIN Every utility for the conveyance of telephone messages shall permit a physical connection or connections to be made, and telephone service to be furnished, between any tele- phone system operated by it, and the telephone toll line operated by another such public utility, or between its toll line, and the telephone system of another such public utility, or between its toll line and the toll line of another such public utility, or be- tween its telephone system and ^e telephone system of another, such public utility, whenever public convenience and necessity 1200 require such physical connection or connections, and such physics connection or connections will not resiilt in irreparable injury the owners or other users of the facilities of such public utilities^ nor in any substantial detriment to the service to be rendered b] such public utilities. The term ''physical connection," as us in this section, shall mean such number of trunk lines or complet wire circuits and connections as may be required to furnish rea-j sonably adequate telephone service between such public utilitiesJ Laws igo7,ch.4Qg,sec. iyg7m-4, as amended by Laws igii, ch. 546]^ In case of failiire to agree upon such physical connection connections or the terms and conditions upon which the sam^ shall be made, any public utility or any person, association corporation interested may apply to commission, and if after in^ vestigation commission shall ascertain that public convenienc and necessity require such physical connection or connections an< 324 that such physical connection or connections woiild not result in 1201 irreparable injury to the owner or other users of the facilities of such public utilities nor in any substantial detriment to the serv- ice to be rendered by such public utilities or other users of such facilities, it shall by order direct that such physical connection or connections be made and determine how and within what time such connection or connections shall be made and by whom the expense of making and maintaining such connection or con- nections shall be paid. Same. Such physical connection or connections so ordered shall be made and such terms and conditions upon which such physical connection or connections shall be made so determined shall be the lawful terms and conditions upon which physical connection 1202 or connections shall be made, to be observed, followed and paid, subject to recourse to the courts upon the complaint of any in- terested party. Any such order of commission may be from time to time revised by commission upon application of any in- terested party or upon its own motion. Same. Whenever two or more public utilities for the conveyance of telephone messages shall connect in furnishing joint telephone service to the public or shall be required to furnish such service as 1203 provided in section i797m-4, and shall refuse or neglect to estab- lish joint toll or tolls, commission may after notice and a public hearing, as provided in sections i797m-44 and i797m-45, fix and establish by order such joint toll or tolls. Same, sec. ijgjm-;^o {2), as amended by Laws igii, ch. 546. If the public utilities party thereto shall fail to agree upon the apportionment thereof within 20 days after the service of such 1204 order, commission may upon a like hearing issue a supplemental order declaring the apportionment of such joint toll or tolls and the same shall take effect of its own force as part of the original order. Same. J. Street Railway Transfers. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA No street or interurban railroad corporation shall charge, demand, collect or receive more than five cents for one continuous ride in the same general direction within the cor- porate limits of any city or town,^ except upon a showing before commission that such greater charge is justified; provided, that 1205 until the decision of commission upon such showing, a street or ' Include " city and county" in California. interurban railroad corporation may continue to demand, col- lect, and receive the fare in effect on February 14, 191 2 (Cal. — October io,i9ii),orat the time commission acquires as to such corporation the power to fix fares within such city or town. Ariz.' — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 27; Cal. — Laws igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 27. Every street or interurban railroad corporation shall upon such terms as commission shall find to be just and reasonable furnish to its passengers transfers entitling them to one contin- 1206 uous trip in the same general direction over and upon the por- tions of its lines within the same city and county, or city or town, not reached by the originating car. Same. NEW YORK , Whenever commission shall be of the opinion after a hearing that the practices and service and the rules and regulations affecting the same, of any street railroad corporation are as to the transportation upon the street surface railroads of said corporation by use of transfers given to each passenger pay- ing one single fare, unjust and imreasonable, either as to persons transported upon said street surface railroads or as to any such street railroad corporations, commission shall determine and prescribe by order the just and reasonable service and rules and regulations affecting the same thereafter to be maintained and observed by said street railroad corporation (a) as to the dis- tance over which a passenger shall by such transfer be trans- ported by it upon said street surface railroad for a single fare; (b) 1207 the nimiber of successive transfers to be given by it to a passen- ger paying one single fare for transportation over said street sur- face railroads and (c) as to the prompt use by each passenger of such transfer given him for one single fare paid by him in making his continuous trip over said street surface railroads. And it shall thereupon be the duty of every such street railroad corporation to obey each requirement of every such order served upon it and do everything necessary and proper in order to secure compliance with and observance of every such order by all of its officers, agents and employes. But nothing herein contained shall affect or modify the terms of a certain contract bearing date January i, 1892, entered into by and between the city of Buffalo and the various street surface railroad corporations therein named in said contract. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 4g{6). Until and except as commission shall otherwise prescribe as to any street railroad corporation or corporations pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, every street vSurface railroad cor- 326 poration entering into a contract with another such corporation as provided in section 78 of the railroad law shall carry or permit 1208 any other party thereto to carry between any two points on the railroads or portions thereof embraced in such contract any passenger desiring to make one continuous trip between such points for one single fare, not higher than the fare lawfully chargeable by either of such corporations for an adult passenger. Same, sec. 4Q(y). Every such corporation shall upon demand, and without extra • charge, give to each passenger paying one single fare a transfer entitling such passenger to one continuous trip to any 1209 point or portion of any railroad embraced in such contract, to the end that public convenience may be promoted by the operation of the railroads embraced in such contract substantially as a single railroad with a single rate of fare. Same. ■ For every refusal to comply with the requirements of this 1210 subdivision the corporation so refusing shall forfeit $50 to the aggrieved party. Same. The provisions of this subdivision shall only apply to rail- 1211 roads wholly within the limits of any one incorporated city or village. Same. See also par. 11 48. WASHINGTON No street railroad company shall charge, de- mand or collect more than five cents for one continuous ride 1212 within the corporate limits of any city or town. Laws igii, ch. 11'/, sec. 25. Every street railroad company shall upon such terms as shall be just and reasonable, furnish to its passengers transfers 1213 entitling such passengers to one continuous trip over and upon portions of its lines within the same city or town not reached by the originating car. Same. WISCONSIN Whenever upon an investigation made under the provisions of this act, commission shall find any regulation or practice with respect to the issuing of transfers by any street or interurban railway company to be unreasonable, it shall deter- 1214 mine and by order fix a reasonable regulation to be observed and followed in the future, in lieu of the regulation found to be un- reasonable. A certified copy of such order shall be delivered to an officer or agent of the street or interurban railway company affected thereby. Laws igog, ch. J48, sec. iygy-i4{g). 327 E. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION AND DUTY OF UTILITIES WITH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT AND CHANGE OF PARTICULAR RATES AND CHARGES. I. Interstate Rates. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Commission may investigate all existing or proposed interstate rates, fares, tolls, charges and classifications, and all rules and practices in relation thereto, for or in relation to the transportation of persons or property or the transmission of messages or conversations, where any act in relation thereto shall 1216 take place within the state; and when the same are in the opinion of commission, excessive or discriminatory or in violation of the act to regulate commerce, or of any other act of congress, or in conflict with the rulings, orders or regulations of the interstate commerce commission, commission may apply by petition or otherwise to the interstate commerce commission or to any court of competent jurisdiction for relief. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 24i Cal. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 34. ARKANSAS Commission shall have power, and it is here- by made its duty, to investigate all through freight rates and regulations on railroads in Arkansas; and when the same are, in the opinion of commission, excessive or levied in violation of the interstate commerce law, or the rules and regulations of the 1216 interstate commerce commission, the officials of the railroads are to be notified of the facts and requested to reduce them or make the proper correction as the case may be. When the rates are not changed or the proper corrections are not made, accord- ing to the request of commission, the latter is instructed to notify the interstate commerce commission, and to apply to it for relief. Acts igoy, no. 422, sec. 2. FLORIDA Commission shall investigate thoroughly all through freight rates from points out of to points in the state, 1217 both those now fixed and those that may hereafter be fixed. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 28g8. Whenever commission finds that a through rate charged into or out of the state is, in its opinion, excessive or unreasonable or 1218 discriminating in its nature, it shall call the attention of the rail- 328 road officials in the state to the fact and urge upon them the propriety of changing such rate or rates. Same, Whenever such are not changed according to the suggestion 1219 of commission, it shall present the facts, whenever it can be done, to the interstate commerce commission and appeal to it for relief. Same. In all work devolving upon commission prescribed by this act it shall receive upon application the services of the attorney genq^al of the state, and he shall also represent it whenever 1220 called upon to do so before the interstate commerce commission, and he may employ special counsel to assist him whenever he and commission may deem it necessary, and at such compensation as he and commission may agree upon. Same. Commission shall investigate all through rates from points out of to points in the state and all rules and regulations made by 1221 transportation companies engaged in interstate business, both those now fixed and those that may hereafter be fixed. Same, sec. 2g2^. Whenever any such transportation company shall charge a through rate into or out of the state or shall make any rule or regulation which in the opinion of commission is excessive, unjust, 1222 unreasonable or discriminating in its nature, commission shall call the attention of the officers of the offending company to the fact, and urge upon them the propriety of changing such rates, rules or regulations. Same. Whenever such rates, rules or regulations are not changed according to the suggestion of commission, commission shall 1223 present the facts to the interstate commerce commission and appeal to it for relief. Same. In all work devolving upon commission prescribed herein it shall receive upon application the services of the attorney general of the state, and he shall also represent it whenever called upon to do so before the interstate commerce commission, and he may 1224 employ such special counsel to assist him as he and commission may agree upon, whenever he or commission may deem it neces- sary, and at such compensation as he and commission may agree upon and commission may employ special counsel to assist him whenever it may deem it necessary, and at such compensation as he and commission may agree upon. Same. GEORGIA Commission shall investigate thoroughly all through freight rates from points out of to points in the state, and 1225 from points in to points out of the state. Code igii, sec. 2645. 329 Also provisions identical with pars. 1218, 12 19. Same, sees. 1226 2646, 2647. In all such work devolving upon commission, it shall receive, 1227 upon application, the services of the attorney general of the state, and he shall also represent it, whenever called upon to do so, before the interstate commerce commission Same, sec. 2648. INDIANA When on the complaint of any interested per- son or corporation, commission shall, on the investigation of such complaint be convinced that the freight rates on any railroad, en- gaged in interstate commerce are excessive or levied or laid 1228 in violation of the interstate commerce law or the rules and reg- ulations of the interstate commerce commission the superintend- ent, agent or other official of the said railroad companies shall be notified in writing of the facts and requested to reduce or correct them, as the case may be. Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. io{c). When the rates are not changed or the proper corrections are not made according to the request of commission, the latter 1229 may notify the interstate commerce commission and apply to it for relief. Same. IOWA Commission shall exercise constant diligence in informing itself of the rates, charges, rules and practices of 1280 common carriers engaged in the transporation of freight from points in the state to points beyond its limits, and from points in other states to points in the state, also in territory wholly outside the state. Code i8g^, sec. 2120(a). Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of commission either from its own investigation or by complaint made to it in any manner whatsoever that the rates charged by any com- mon carrier on interstate business are unjust or unreasonable, or that such rates, rules or practices discriminate unjustly against the citizens, industries or interests of the state at an unreason- 1231 able disadvantage as compared with those of other states, or are levied or laid in violation of the act to regulate commerce, or in conflict with the rulings, grders or regulations of the inter- state commerce commission, the commission shall immediately call the attention of the officials of railroads operating in the state to the fact and urge upon them the propriety of changing such rate or rates, rules or practices. Same. Whenever such rates, rules or practices are not changed or adjusted so as to remove or remedy such discrimination within a reasonable time, commission shall, whenever it can be legally 330 1232 done, present the facts involved in such discrimination, to the interstate commerce commission and appeal to it for relief. Same, sec. 2120(b). Thereafter if deemed necessary by commission, it shall 1233 prosecute any charge or charges growing out of any such dis- crimination at the expense of the state before said interstate commerce commission. Same. 1234 Also a provision identical with par. 1227. Same, sec. 2120(c). KANSAS Commission shall investigate all through 1235 freight rates on railroads in the state. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 7173. When the same are in the opinion of commission excessive, or levied in violation of the interstate commerce law or the rules 1236 and regulations of the interstate commerce commission, the officials of such railroad shall be notified of the facts and re- quested to reduce the rates or make the proper corrections, as the case may be. Same. When the rates are not changed or the proper corrections 1237 are not made, according to the request of commission, the latter shall notify the interstate commerce commission, and apply to it for relief by filing a complaint. Same. All cases commenced before the interstate commerce com- mission under the authority conferred by this section shall be 1238 brought in the name of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of Kansas, by the attorneys for commission, and all such cases shall be prosecuted at the expense of the state. Same. Commission may intervene in any case pending before the interstate commerce commission in which interstate rates affect- 1239 ing the interests of Kansas shippers are involved. Same, sec. If any interstate rate, joint rate, fare, toll, charge, rule or regulation, classification or schedule of rates, joint rates, fares or tolls, is found to be unjust, unreasonable, excessive, unjustly dis- 1240 criminatory, or unduly preferential, or in violation of the inter- state commerce law, or in conflict with the rules, orders or regu- lations of the interstate commerce commission, commission may apply by petition or other proper method to the interstate com- merce commission for relief. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 43. KENTUCKY Commission shall examine all through freight 1241 rates from points out of to points within the state. CarrolVs Stats, igog, sec. 826. 1 Said commission is hereby empowered and directed to pay all expense of investi- gation and prosecution of litigation instituted under the provisions of this act out of the contingent undof said commission. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 7254- 1242 Also a provision identical with par. 12 18. Same. When such rates are not changed commission shall present 1243 the facts to the interstate commerce commission and appeal for relief. Same. Commission shall receive upon application the services of the 1244 attorney general of the state. Same. LOUISIANA Commission shall appear through any of its commissioners or its secretary or by duly authorized attorney before the interstate commerce commission at Washington, D. 1246 C, or at any other place where the said interstate commerce commission might be holding a session whenever in the judgment of commission the interests of shippers or consignees in the state may require it. Stats. igo6, no. igj, sec. i. MARYLAND Commission may investigate freight rates on 1246 interstate traffic of common carriers within the state. Laws iQio, ch. i8o, sec. 2Q. When such rates are, in the opinion of commissidh, excessive or discriminatory, or are levied or laid in violation of the inter- state commerce law, or in conflict with the rulings, orders or regu- lations of the interstate commerce commission, commission may 1247 apply by petition to the interstate commerce commission, for relief, or may present to the interstate commerce commission all facts coming to its knowledge, as to violations of the rulings, orders or regulations of that commission, or as to violations of the interstate commerce law. Same. MINNESOTA Whenever in any proceeding pending before commission relating to or involving the reasonableness of rates, fares, charges or classifications, commission shall decide that it has not jurisdiction for the reason that the traffic covered by such rates, fares, charges and classifications is interstate commerce, it shall make an order dismissing the proceeding, stating therein 1248 the ground of such dismissal, which order may be appealed from in like manner as other appealable orders of commission. And if in any such proceeding, one of the commissioners shall dissent from the order of dismissal, the question of its jurisdiction shall be certified to the district court of a coimty to which an appeal might be taken, and thereupon commission shall notify all parties to the proceeding of such certification, stating the coimty and date thereof. Rev. Laws igo^, sec. 1973. Whenever a resident of the state shall file with commission a petition directed to the interstate commerce commission charging 332 any railroad company or other common carrier engaged in inter- state transportation of freight with any violation of the inter- 1249 state commerce act, setting forth in such petition the facts con- stituting such violation, commission, if it deems the matter one of public interest, shall file the petition with the interstate com- merce commission and thereupon shall appear in said matter in the place of said petitioner and thereafter prosecute the same at the expense of the state. Laws 1905, ch. 2yg, sec. i. Whenever any matter shall be pending before the inter- state commerce commission, between a resident of the state as petitioner and any railroad company or other common carrier engaged in interstate transportation of freights, charging such carrier with any violation of said interstate commerce act, upon 1260 application of the petitioner in said matter commission, in case it deems the questions involved in said matter of public interest, may appear therein and be substituted as a party in place of such petitioner and thereafter such matter shall be prosecuted by com- mission at the expense of the state in the same manner as though originally begun by it. Same, sec. 2. MISSISSIPPI All rates fixed or revised by commission on the 1251 interstate traffic of interstate lines shall be advisory only as to them. Code igo6, sec. 4842. MISSOURI Commission shall exercise constant diligence in informing itself of the rates and charges of common carriers en- 1252 gaged in the transportation of freight from points in the state to points beyond its limits and from points in other states to points in the state. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 32 jj. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of commission, by complaint made to it or in any other manner, that the rates charged by any such common carrier on interstate business are unjust, excessive or unreasonable, or that such rates discriminate against the citizens of this state, commission shall cause the fact thereof to be embodied in a complaint setting forth, in detail, the 1253 respect in which the rates complained of are unjust, excessive or unreasonable, and shall file said complaint with the interstate commerce commission and demand a hearing thereof and shall thereafter furnish testimony in support thereof, and diligently present the facts upon which complaint is based. At the time of filing such complaint, commission shall give notice thereof to the attorney general who shall prosecute the same to final deter- mination before the said interstate commerce commission. Same. 333 MONTANA Commission may entertain and hear com- plaints made by any shipper to the effect that unjust discrimina- tion is being made as against the state or any point therein in the 1264 way of rates for the transportation of freight or passengers from points without to points within the state and vice versa. Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 4375. Where it appears that the interstate commerce commission law has been violated, commission shall make complaint to the interstate commerce commission and aid such commission in any 1256 investigation it may make concerning violations of the United States law, by furnishing evidence and in any manner which may seem best suited to enforce both the United States and the state law, and to protect the interests of the people. Same. NEW MEXICO Commission shall exercise constant diligence in informing itself of the rates and charges of transportation and transmission companies and common carriers engaged in the 1266 transportation of passengers and property from points in the state to points beyond its limits, and from points in other states to points in the state. Const., art. xi, sec. g. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of commission, by complaint or in any other manner, that the rate charged by any transportation or transmission company or common carrier, on interstate business is unjust, excessive or unreasonable, or that such rates discriminate against the citizens of the state, and in 1267 the judgment of commission such complaint is well founded and the public welfare involved, commission shall institute and prosecute to a final determination before the interstate commerce commission or commerce court or any lawful authority having j ur- isdiction in the premises, such proceedings as it may deem expe- dient to obtain such relief as conditions may require. Same. NEW YORK Commission may investigate interstate freight or passenger rates or interstate freight or passenger service on rail- 1268 roads within the state. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 5p. 1269 Also a provision identical with par. 1247. Same. NORTH CAROLINA Upon the complaint of any person or com- munity to commission of any unjust discrimination or unjust or unreasonable rate in carrying freight which comes from or goes beyond the boundaries of the state by any railroad company, 1260 commission shall investigate such complaint, and if the same be sustained commission shall bring such complaint before the inter- state commerce commission for redress in accordance with the 334 provisions of the act of congress establishing the interstate com- merce commission. PelVs Revisal iqo8, sec. mo. Commission shall receive upon application the service of the attorney general of the state and he shall represent it before the interstate commerce commission. Commission shall have au- 1261 thority to employ counsel whenever and for such periods of time as in its judgment it is necessary to do so, and counsel so em- ployed shall be paid such fee and compensation as may be agreed upon by it. Same. NORTH DAKOTA Commission shall exercise constant diligence in informing itself of the rates, charges, rules and practices of common carriers engaged in the transportation of freight, express, 1262 and passengers and in the transmission of messages or intelli- gence from points in the state to points beyond its limits, and from points in other states to points in the state, also in territory wholly outside of the state. Laws 1911, ch. 240, sec. 2. 1263 Also provisions substantially identical with pars. 1231, 1232. Same. Thereafter, if deemed necessary by commission, the attorney 1264 general, with such other assistance as is now provided by law, shall prosecute any charge or charges growing out of any such discrimination. Same. OHIO Commission may, and on complaint shall, in- vestigate any freight rates on interstate traffic on railroads in the 1265 state. Code igio, sec. 563. If in its opinion they are excessive or discriminatory or are levied in violation of the interstate commerce law, or in conflict 1266 with the rulings, orders or regulations of the interstate com- merce commission, it shall present the facts to the railroad with the request to make such changes as commission may advise. Same. If such changes are not made within a reasonable time, 1267 commission shall apply by petition to the interstate commerce commission for relief. Same. All freight tariffs issued by any such railroad relating to in- 1268 terstate traffic in the state shall be filed in the office of com- mission when issued. Same. OKLAHOMA Commission shall investigate all through 1269 freight or passenger rates on railroads in the state. Const., art. ix, sec. j2. 335 1270 Also provisions substantially identical with pars. 1236, 1237. Same. The attorney general or such other persons as may be desig- 1271 nated by law shall represent commission in all such matters. Same. OREGON Commission shall investigate all freight rates 1272 on interstate traffic on railroads in the state. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 47. 1273 Also provisions identical with pars. 1266, 1267. Same. All freight tariffs issued by any such railroad relating to interstate traffic in this state shall be filed in the office of com- 1274 mission within 30 days after the passage and publication of this act, and such tariffs thereafter issued shall be filed with com- mission when issued. Same. SOUTH DAKOTA Identical with pars. 1249, 1250. Sess. Laws 1276 igog^ ch. 75, sees, i, 2. TENNESSEE Provisions substantially identical with pars. 1276 1235, 1236, 1237. Acts i8g7, ch. 10, sec. 21. TEXAS Provisions substantially identical with pars. 1277 1235, 1236, 1237. Sayles^ Civ. Stats. iSgy, art. 4^yi{j). VIRGINIA Upon the complaint of any person or persons, corporation or corporations to commission of any unjust dis- crimination in carrying freight which comes from, or goes be- yond, the bovindaries of the state by any transportation com- pany, commission may in its discretion, and if it shall be of 1278 opinion that the public welfare requires it, investigate said com- plaint, and if the same be sustained commission shall bring said complaint before 'the interstate commerce commission for re- dress in accordance with the provisions of the act of congress establishing said interstate commerce commission. Pollard's Code igo4, sec. I2g4c{i). Commission shall receive upon application the services of 1279 the attorney general of the state, and he shall represent it before the interstate commerce commission. Same. WASHINGTON Commission shall investigate all interstate rates, fares, charges, classifications or rules or practices in relation 1280 thereto, for or in relation to the transportation of persons or property or the transmission of messages or conversations, where any act in relation thereto shall take place within the state. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 58. 336 1281 Also a provision substantially identical with par. 1247. Same. WISCONSIN Identical with pars. 1272, 1266, 1267, 1274. 1282 Laws 190^, ch. 362, sec. iygy-21. 2. Emergency Rates. ALABAMA Commission, when deemed by it necessary to prevent injury to business, or in the interest of the people or this state, in consequence of any interstate rate wars, inequality of interstate rates or in case of any other emergency to be judged 1283 by commission, may temporarily alter, amend or suspend any existing passenger rates, freight rates, schedules and orders on any railroad or part of railroad. Code igoy, sec. 5721. Such rates made by commission shall apply on one or more of the railroads, or any portion thereof, as may be directed by 1284 commission, and shall take effect at such time and remain in force for such length of time as niay be prescribed by com- mission. Same. Commission may, upon its own motion, or upon the written application of any common carrier or railroad corporation, and imder any rules which it may prescribe, permit, from time to time, such common carrier or railroad corporation to establish any special rate or rates for the transportation of specific com- 1285 modities in carloads from specified points or within specified zones or distances to the plants or points of destination where are located the plants of any person, firm or corporation who is now, or may hereafter be, engaged in any industrial enterprise in the state for the purpose of encouraging the establishment or aiding in the development or continued and successful operation of such industrial enterprise. Acts igoy, sp. sess.y no. ly, sec. Any special rate or rates so estabHshed for any particular industrial enterprise shall apply and be given all persons, firms 1286 and corporations engaged in the same enterprise within said zone or distance. Same. Such special rates shall first be approved by commission and be published as it may direct, and a full, true and correct 1287 statement in writing of such special rate or rates shall, in each instance be first filed with commission, together with a sworn copy of any special contract made with the shipper with respect to such special rates, before the same shall go into effect. Same. 337 1288 Commission may at any time revoke such permission and any special rate or rates established. Same. Any rate or rates so established, after the compliance with 1289 the provisions prescribed, shall be the lawful rates for the serv- ice performed and shall not be construed to be unjust or un- lawful discrimination. Same. When circumstances require a reduction in any rate or rates on less than statutory notice in order to permit an emergency to be met, commission, or if commission be not in session, secre- tary of commission, may, upon written application of a carrier and for good reason shown, authorize such carrier to make such 1290 rate or rates effective on less than statutory notice, provided a copy of the publication containing such rate or rates be filed with commission, and provided further that when such authority is granted by secretary the rate or rates so authorized shall be temporary and shall continue effective only until the next regular meeting of commission, which may approve, revoke or modify the same. Same. IOWA See par. 1878. KANSAS It shall be imlawful, and a violation of this act, for any railroad company to change the classification of its freights, or to raise the charges therefor, without first having obtained an order from commission permitting such; provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the rail- 1291 roads, with the consent of commission, from declaring and mak- ing emergency rate or rates for a limited time. All notices given by commission to any railroad company may be served by de- livering a copy to any station agent, clerk, treasurer or director of such corporation. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 7178. See also par. 2iig. MINNESOTA Upon the application of any carrier or car- riers to commission, stating that they desire to put in an emer- gency rate for the protection of the interests of such carrier or shippers, commission may before such rate is established and without the notice and hearing required by section five, author- ize the restoration of the rates existing at the time of such appli- 1292 cation and fix the time within which such restoration may bCi made, and the time so fixed may be extended in the discretion of commission as the circumstances of the case may require. Nothing in this act shall be held in any way to limit or modify ; the rights and powers of commission to investigate, inquire into, \ 3^^ prescribe and publish what it may deem to be just and reason- able rates, charges and classifications to govern common carriers in the state. Laws 1905, ch. ij6, sec. 6. MISSOURI See par. 1881. NEBRASKA. Commission shall when deemed by it neces- sary to prevent interstate rate wars and injury to the busiaess of the citizens of the state, railway companies or common carriers 1293 or in case of any other emergency to be judged by commission, temporarily alter, amend or suspend any existing freight rates, tariffs, schedules, orders and circulars of any railway company or common carrier or part thereof, and fix freight rates where none exist. Cobbey^s Annot. Stats, ipog, as amended, sec. 10654. Said emergency rate or rates shall apply to any one or more or all railway companies or common carriers and shall take effect at such time and remain in force such length of time, as may be 1294 prescribed by commission; provided, that said emergency rates, tariffs, schedules, orders and circulars shall be subject to review upon a hearing before commission and courts of competent juris- diction in the state as provided by law for other schedules of rates fixed by commission. Same. See also par. igig. NEW MEXICO See par. 1926. NORTH DAKOTA See par. 1882. OHIO Commission may, when deemed by it neces- sary to prevent injury to the business or interests of the public or any public utility in case of any emergency to be judged by com- 1295 mission, temporarily alter, amend or, with the consent of the public utility concerned, suspend any existing rates, schedules or orders relating to or affecting any public utility or part of any public utility. Laws 191 1, no. j2j, sec. 34. 129G Also a provision for public utilities, identical with par. 1284 Same. OKLAHOMA See par. 1933. OREGON Commission may, when deemed by it neces- sary to prevent injury to the business or interests of the people or railroads in consequence of interstate rate wars or in case of any other emergency to be judged by commission, temporarily alter, 1297 amend or, with the consent of the railroad company concerned, suspend any existing passenger rates, freight rates, schedules and 339 orders on any railroad or part of railroad. Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, sec. 54- 1298 Alsoaprovisionforrailroadsidentical with par. 1284. Same. 1299 Also provisions for public utilities identical with pars. 1295, 1284. Gen. Laws 191 1, ch. 2jg, sec. 77. RHODE ISLAND Commission may, when deemed by it neces- sary to prevent injury to the business or interest of the people or public utility in case of any emergency to be judged by com- 1300 ' mission, permit any public utility to temporarily alter, amend or suspend any existing rates, schedules and orders relating to or affecting any public utility or a part of any public utility. Acts igi2, ch. yg^, sec. 44. SOUTH CAROLINA See par. igsr. SOUTH DAKOTA Commission may make emergency rates for the transportation of freight and express to and from fairs, ex- positions and public exhibitions as well as make such rates in times of great emergency or public necessity without observing the formal notices and proceedings prescribed for the fixing of 1301 other rates, and in such cases may notify the common carriers in- terested, by telephone or by telegraph, of the time and place when and where commission will meet for the purpose of determining such rates and rates so made shall go into effect within such time as commission, by its order, may prescribe. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2oy, sec. 54. See also par. 188 j. TENNESSEE See par. ig4i. TEXAS Commission shall, when deemed by it neces- sary to prevent interstate rate wars and injury to the business or interests of the people or railroads, or in case of any other emergency to be judged of by commission, temporarily alter, 1302 amend or suspend any existing freight rates, tariffs, schedules, orders and circulars on any railroad or part of railroad and fix freight rates when none exist. Sayles' Civ. Stats. i8gy, art. 4581a. Said emergency rates, so made by commission, shall apply 1303 on any one or more of all the railroads or part of railroads, as may be directed by commission. Same, art. 4581b. Said rates, so made, shall take effect at such time and re- 1304 main in force for such length of time as may be prescribed by commission. Same, art. 4581c. See also par. ig4J. 340 • VIRGINIA See par. ig4Q. WISCONSIN Identical with pars. 1297, 1284, 1295. Laws iQOj, ch. j62. sec. iygy-2S; Laws iQoy, ch. 4gg, sees, lygjm- 1305 ggi^i), i7g7m-gg{2). 5. Rates Not Specifically Designated. MICHIGAN, NEVADA Whenever, after hearing and investig:ation as provided in this act, commission shall find that any charge, regulation or practice affecting the transportation of passengers or property, or any service in connection therewith not herein 1306 (Nev. — ^hereinbefore) specifically designated, is unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory, it may regulate the same as provided in section 22 (Nev. — sections 12 and 14) of this act. Mich. — Pub. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. j2; Nev. — Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 2g. OHIO If, after hearing and investigation as provided by this chapter, commission finds any charge, regulation or prac- 1307 tice affecting the transportation of passengers or property, or any service in connection therewith, not hereinbefore specifically designated, unreasonable or im justly discriminatory, it may regu- late it as herein provided in such cases. Code igio, sec. 572. OREGON A provision identical with par. 1306, except 1308 that '' sections 28 and 30 of this act" are referred to. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. jj, sec. 55. Whenever, after hearing and investigation as provided in this act, commission shall find that any rate, toll, charge, regula- tion or practice for, in, or affecting or relating to the transporta- tion of persons or property by street railroad, or to production, 1309 transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power or the conveying of any telephone or telegraph message or any service in connection therewith not hereinbefore specifically designated, is in any respect unsafe, inadequate, unreasonable or imjustly discriminatory, it may regulate the same as provided in sections 41 to 46. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. 72. WISCONSIN A provision identical with par. 1306. Laws 1310 igoj, ch. J62, sec. iygj-2g. Whenever, after hearing and investigation as provided in this act, commission shall find that any rate, toll, charge, regu- lation or practice for, in, or affecting or relating to the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power 341 1311 or the conveying of any telephone message or any service in con- nection therewith not hereinbefore specifically designated, is un- reasonable or unjustly discriminatory, it may regulate the same as provided in section i'jgym-4^ to i797m-5i and i797m-6o to i797m-62, inclusive. Laws iQoy, ch. 4gg, sec. lygym-ioo. F. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION AND DUTY OF UTILITIES WITH RESPECT TO RATES AND CHARGES IN EFFECT ON A DAY DESIGNATED BY LAW. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA The rates, tolls, rentals and charges shown on the schedules when filed by a public service corporation^ as to which commission by this act acquires the power to fix any rates, tolls, rentals or charges, shall not within any portion of the ter- ritory as to which commission acquires as to such public service corporation^ such power, exceed the rates, tolls, rentals or charges in effect February 14, 1912 (Cal. — October 10, 191 1); the rates, tolls, rentals or charges shown on such schedules when filed by 1312 any public service corporation as to any territory as to which commission does, not by this act acquire as to such public service corporation^ such power, shall not exceed the rates, tolls, rentals and charges in effect at the time commission acquires as to such territory and as to such public service corporation' the power to fix rates, tolls, rentals or charges. Nothing in this section con- tained shall prevent commission from approving or fixing rates, tolls, rentals or charges from time to time in excess of or less than those shown by such schedules. Ariz. — Sess. Laws 191 2, ch. go, sec. 14(b); Cal. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 14Q)). KANSAS Unless commission shall otherwise order, it shall be unlawful for any common carrier or public utility to 1313 demand, collect or receive a greater compensation for any serv- ice than the charge fixed on the lowest schedule of rates for the same services January i, 191 1. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 30. MASSACHUSETTS Every railroad corporation which has a ter- minus in Boston, except the Boston, Revere Beach and Lynn Railroad Company, shall sell a commutation ticket good for not more than twenty-five trips between Boston and a station in 1814 the suburban district, so-called, which is named therein, at the 1 "Public utility," in California. lowest rate for each trip which was charged between said points on the first day of July in the year 1900, except the rates charged for season tickets and for tickets on workingmen's trains. Acts igo6y ch. 463, pt. it, sec. 183. MINNESOTA See par. gj4. NEBRASKA • No railroad company shall hereafter charge, collect or receive for the transportation of any merchandise or other property upon the railroad owned or operated by such 1315 company a higher rate for such service than was charged by said company for the same or like service November i, 1880, as shown by the published rate of such company. Cobbey's Annot. Stats. iQog, sec. 105SQ. It shall be unlawful for any railway company or common carrier to charge, collect or receive for the transportation of live stock, potatoes, grain and grain products, fruit, coal, lumber or building material in carload lots more than 85 per cent, of the 1316 amount fixed in the classification and schedules of such railway companies or common carriers for the transportation of such property in force and effect on their various lines of railway January i, 1907, until after commission shall have provided a greater rate upon any article or property in such schedules from the rate herein fixed. Same, sec. io6ij. Express companies ^ may charge and receive for the trans- portation of merchandise any sum not exceeding 75 per cent, ol 1317 the rate as shown in the schedule in force on the first day of January, 1907, until after commission shall have provided a greater rate. Same, sec. iigji} If any express company should fail to comply with the provision and conditions of this act, they shall be fined on con- 1318 viction a sum not less than $10 or more than $1,000 for each offense. Same, sec. 11973. Commission, and if there be no commission, then the gov- ernor with the assistance of the attorney general, are hereby 1319 empowered to enforce the provisions of this act. Same, sec. 11974. 1 All persons, associations or corporations engaged in the transportation of money or merchandise for a money consideration in cars other than freight cars and on trains other than freight trains shall be deemed an express company within the meaning of this act. Ccbhey's Annot. Stats, iqoq, sec. 1196Q. 2 Provided that nothing in this act shall be construed to change the prepaid rates on merchandise weighing one pound or less and provided further, that no provision of this act shall reduce any special contract rate in force for the transportation of cream, milk, or poultry or any charge to a sum less than 15 cents; and provided further, that nothing in this act shall abridge the authority of commission to make a reduction in any rate pro- vided for in this act. Same, sec. 11972. 343 OREGON The rates, fares and charges shown on sched- ules filed with commission by railroads which are to take effect 1320 prior to April i, 1907, shall not exceed the rates, fares and charges shown on the schedules filed under the provisions of section 62. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. ij. Until April i, 1907, unless commission shall otherwise order, after application and hearing as provided, it shall be un- lawful for any railroad to demand, collect or receive a greater 1321 compensation for the transportation of property than the charge fixed on the lowest published or effective schedule of rates for the same service, in force January i, 1907. Same, sec. 62. Every railroad shall within 30 days after the taking effect of this act, file in the office of commission copies of all schedules 1322 of rates, including joint rates in force on its line or lines on the first day of January, 1907, and all rates in force between such points at any time subsequent to said date. Same. Any railroad desiring to advance or discontinue any such rate or rates may make application to commission in writing, stating the advance in or discontinuance of the rate or rates de- sired giving the reasons for such advance or discontinuation. Upon receiving such application commission shall fix the time: and place for hearing and give such notice to interested parties^ as it shall deem proper and reasonable. If after such hearing 1323 and investigation commission shall find that the change or dis- continuation applied for is reasonable, fair, and just, it shall grant the application either in whole or in part. Any railroad being dissatisfied with any order of commission made under the provisions of this section may commence a stiit against it in the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Marion county in the manner provided in section 32, which suit shall be tried and de-1 termined in the same manner as is provided in sections 32, 33, 34 and 35. Same. The rates, tolls and charges shown on schedules filed withl commission by public utilities shall not exceed the rates, tolls 1324 and charges in force January i, 191 1. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2jg, sec. 25. Except as provided in this act and unless commission shall \ otherwise order, it shall be unlawful for any public utility to' demand, collect or receive a greater compensation for any serv- ice than the charge fixed on the lowest schedule of rates for the same service on the first day of January, 191 1. Every public! 344 utility shall, within a time to be fixed by commission, file in the office of commission, copies of all schedules of rates and charges, including joint rates, in force on the first day of January, 191 1, and all rates in force at any time subsequent to said date. Any public utility desiring to advance or discontinue any such rate or rates may make application to commission in writing stating 1325 the advance in or discontinuance of the rate or rates desired, giving the reasons for such advance or discontinuation. Upon receiving such application commission shall fix a time and place for hearing and give such notice to interested parties as it shall deem proper and reasonable. If after such hearing and investi- gation commission shall find that the change or discontinuation applied for is reasonable, fair and just, it shall grant the appli- cation either in whole or in part. Any public utility being dissatisfied with any order of commission made under the pro- visions of this section may commence a suit against it in the circuit court in the manner provided in section 54, which suit shall be tried and determined in the same manner as is provided for suits brought under said section 54. Same, sec. 77. SOUTH DAKOTA No express company shall charge or receive for the transportation of merchandise, money or other property, any sum exceeding 80 ' per cent, of the rate as shown in the 1326 schedule of January i, 1909, until after commission has pro- vided a different rate; provided that nothing in this act shall be construed to change any special rate in force below 15 cents. Sess. Laws igog, ch. i^g, sec. 4. The schedules of maximum rates or charges prepared by commission for express companies shall not exceed 70 per cent. 1327 of the lowest rates which were in force for th^ transportation of express freight over any lines of railway between stations within the state on the first day of January, 1909. Sess. Laws igii. ch. 152, sec. I. WISCONSIN The rates, fares and charges shown on sched- ules filed with commission by railroads which are to take effect 1328 prior to January i, 1906, shall not exceed the rates, fares and charges on the schedules filed under the provisions of section 35 of this act. Laws igoj, ch. j62, sec. i^gy-4. Until December 31, 1905, unless commission shall other- wise order, after application and hearing as provided, it shall 1329 be unlawful for any railroad to demand, collect or receive a greater compensation for the transportation of property than 345 the charge fixed in the lowest pubHshed schedule of rates for the same service in force April i, 1905. Same, sec. 1797-35- Every railroad shall, within 30 days after the passage and publication of this act, file in the office of commission copies of all schedules of rates, including joint rates, in force on its line or lines, between points within this state, April i, 1905, and all rates in force between such points at any time subsequent to said date. Any railroad desiring to advance or discontinue any such rate or rates may make application to commission in writ- ing, stating the advance in or discontinuation of the rate or rates desired, giving the reason for such advance or discontinua- 1330 tion. Upon receiving such application commission shall fix a time and place for hearing, and give such notice to interested parties as it shall deem proper and reasonable. If, after such hearing and investigation, cornmission shall find that the change or discontinuation applied for is reasonable, fair and just, it shall grant the application either in whole or in part. Any railroad being dissatisfied with any order of commission made under the provisions of this section may commence an action against it in the circuit court in the manner provided in section 16 of this act, which action shall be tried and determined in the same manner as is provided in said section. Same. The rates, tolls and charges shown on schedules filed with 1331 commission by public utilities shall not exceed the rates, tolls and charges in force April i, 1907. Laws 1907, ch. 499, sec. i797m-27. Unless commission shall otherwise order, it shall be unlawful for any public utility to demand, collect or receive a greater 1332 compensation for any service than the charge fixed on the lowest schedules of rates for the same service April i, 1907. Same, sec. i797m-io5{i). Every public utility shall within 30 days after the passage and publication of this act file in the office of commission, copies 1333 of all schedules of rates and charges, including joint rates, in force April i, 1907, and all rates in force at any time sub- sequent to said date. Same, sec. i797m-io5{2) Any public utility desiring to advance or discontinue any such rate or rates may make application to commission in writing, 1334 stating the advance in or discontinuation of the rate or rates de- sired, giving the reasons for such advance or discontinuation. Same, sec. i797m-i05(j). Upon receiving such application commission shall fix a time 346 and place for hearing and give such notice to interested parties as it shall deem proper and reasonable. If, after such hearing 1336 and investigation commission shall find that the change or dis- continuation applied for is reasonable, fair and just, it shall grant the application either in whole or in part. Same, sec. iyg7m-ios{4)' Any public utility being dissatisfied with any order of com- mission made under the provisions of this section may com- mence an action against it in the circuit court in the manner 1336 provided in sections i797m-64 to i.797m-73, inclusive, of this act, which actions shall be tried and determined in the same manner as is provided in said sections. Same, sec. ijgym- G. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION TO ALTER, AMEND OR RESCIND RATES AND CHARGES, OR ITS OWN OR- DERS WITH RESPECT THERETO. ALABAMA. Commission may from time to time alter or amend the rates, charges, classifications, rules, regulations and 1337 requirements prescribed and enforced by it against trans- portation cofnpanies. Code igo'/, sec. 5651. Commission may at any time upon notice to transportation companies and after an opportunity to be heard as provided in sections 5667 and 5668 rescind, alter or amend any order 1338 made by commission fixing any rate or rates, fares, charges or classifications or any other order made by commission, and cer- •tified copies of the same shall be served and take effect as pro- vided for original orders. Same, sec. 56'/g. ARECANSAS Commission shall not alter or change any tariff or charges approved by it except upon ten days' notice in writing to the person or corporation operating the express com- 1339 pany or railroad to be affected by such change, giving the same an opportunity to be heard, such notice to be by delivering a copy thereof to any officer or agent of such person or corpora- tion. Kirhy's Digest igo4, sec. 6802. FLORIDA Commission shall, as often as circumstances may require, change or revise any schedule or schedules and 1840 furnish all railroad companies with notice of such changes or 347 revisions, and such notice shall state the time when such changes or revisions shall go into effect. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 28qq. GEORGIA Commission shall from time to time and as often as circumstances may require change and revise the 1341 schedules of charges for railroads prescribed by it. Code iqii, sec. 26 ji. ILLINOIS A provision for railroads identical with par. 1342 1341. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. iji. Commission may from time to time as often as circum- stances require change and revise schedules of charges for com- 1343 mon carriers prescribed by it. It shall be proper for commission either upon its own initiative or upon complaint to enter upon a hearing for the purpose of investigating the necessity of any such revision. Same, sec. igS. The rates or charges prescribed by commission for express 1344 companies may be changed or modified by said commission from time to time in such manner and to such effect as may become necessary. Same, sec. j6g. IOWA Commission shall from time to time and as often as circumstances may require change and revise the 1346 schedules of charges for the transportation of freight and cars prescribed by it, but the rates fixed shall not be higher than es- tablished by law. Code i8gy, sec. 2ij8. The rates and classifications established by commission for railroads or common carriers after hearing and investigation 1346 shall, from time to time thereafter, upon complaint duly made, be subject to revision by commission, the same as any other rate^ and classifications. Same, sec. 2141. The rates or charges fixed and established by commission for 1347 express companies or express carriers may be changed or modified by commission from time to time in such manner as may become necessary. Same, sec. 2i6j(b). KENTUCKY See par. g23. MICHIGAN Commission may at any time upon application of any person or common carrier and upon at least ten days' notice to the parties interested, including the common carrier, 1348 and after opportunity to be heard as provided in section 22, rescind, alter or amend any order fixing any rate or rates, fares, charges or classifications or any other order made by commission, 34« and certified copies shall be served and take effect as provided for original orders. Puh. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. 24. MISSOURI Commission may reduce, change or modify 1349 any and all freight rates fixed and established by it as provided by law. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 3251. 1350 Also a provision identical with par. 1347. Same, sec. 3288. MONTANA Commission may from time to time change, alter, amend or abolish any classification or rate of railroads es- 1351 tablished by it when deemed necessary, and such classifications and rates shall be put into effect in the same manner as original classifications or rates. Rev. Codes igoy, sec. 437g. NEBRASKA Commission may alter, change, amend or abolish any classification or rate of common carriers prescribed 1352 by it when deemed necessary, and such amended, altered or new classifications or rates shall be put into effect in the same man- ner as originals. Cobbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10653. NEVADA Commission may at any time upon applica- tion of any person or any railroad and upon notice to the parties interested and after opportunity to be heard as provided in 1353 section 12, rescind, alter, or amend any order fixing any rate or rates, charges or classification or any other order made by com- mission, and certified copies of the same shall be served and take effect as provided for original orders. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 14(a), as amended by Stats, igog, ch. 121, sec. 7. NEW MEXICO Commission may change or alter the rates of railway, express, telegraph, telephone, sleeping car and other transportation and transmission companies and common carriers, 1354 change, alter or amend its orders, rules, regulations or determina- tions and enforce the same in the manner prescribed herein. Const., art. xi, sec. 7. NORTH CAROLINA Commission shall from time to time and as often as circumstances may require change and revise or cause to be changed and revised any schedules of rates fixed by com- 1355 mission or allowed to be charged by any carrier of freight, pas- sengers or express or by any telegraph or telephone company. PelVs Revisal igo8, sec. 11 06. NORTH DAKOTA Commission shall from time to time but not oftener than once in six months unless upon appeal from the order fixing such rate the court shotdd modify or .reverse such 349 order, and then only to the extent made necessary by such mod- 1356 ification or reversal, change and revise the schedules of charges prescribed by it for companies engaged in the transportation of freight, passengers, express matter and telegraph or telephone messages. Rev. Codes iQOj, sec. 4343, as amended by Laws iQii, ch. 255, sec. 2. 1367 Also a provision identical with par. 1346. Same, sec. 4346. OHIO Upon apphcation of any person or any rail- road and after notice to the parties in interest, and opportunity to be heard, as provided in this chapter for other hearings, has 1368 been given commission may rescind, alter or amend an order fix- ing any rate or rates, fares, charges or classifications or any other order made by commission. Certified copies of such orders shall be served and take effect as provided for original orders. Code 1910, sec. 538. • Upon application of any person or any public utility and after notice to the parties in interest and opportunity to be heard, as provided in this act for other hearings, has been given 1359 commission may rescind, alter or amend an order fixing any rate or rates, fare, toll, charge, rental, classification or service or any other order made by commission. Certified copies of such orders shall be served and take effect as provided for original orders. Laws iqii, no. 32^, sec. 25. OKLAHOMA For transportation and transmission com- 1360 panics a provision identical with par. 1337. Const., art. ix, sec. 18. OREGON Commission may at any time upon notice to the railroad and after opportunity to be heard as provided in section 28 of this act rescind, alter or amend any order fixing 1361 any rate or rates, fares, charges or classification or any other order made by commission, and certified copies of the same shall be served and take effect as provided for original orders. Gen. Laws iQoy, ch. 53, sec. 30. Commission may at any time upon notice to the public utility and after opportimity to be heard as provided in section 42 of this act rescind, alter or amend any order fixing any rate 1362 or rates, schedule of rates, tolls, charges or any other order made by commission, and certified copies of the same shall be served and take effect as^provided for original orders. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. 52. RHODE ISLAND Commission may at any time upon notice to the public utility and after opportunity to be heard as provided 350 in section 20, rescind, alter, or amend any order fixing any rate, 1363 toll, charge, joint rate or rates, or any other order made by commission, and certified copies of the same shall be served and take effect as herein provided for original orders. Acts igi2, ch. 7P5, sec. 33. SOUTH CAROLINA Commission shall from time to time and as often as circumstances may require change and revise the schedules of charges for railroads prescribed by it. Thirty 1364 days' notice of any change or revision of the schedule of rates shall first be given to the railroad company to be affected thereby before the same shall go into effect. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2og3. SOUTH DAKOTA The classification of railroads made by com- mission may be changed from time to time as commission may 1366 order. Rev. Pol. Code 1903, sec. 450. Commission shall from time to time and as often as circum- 1366 stances may require change and revise the schedules of charges for railroads prescribed by it. Same. Commission shall from time to time and as often as circum- stances may require change and revise the schedules of charges 1367 for the transportation or transmission of passengers, freight, cars, express and messages by telephone prescribed by it. Sess. Laws iQiiy ch. 207, sec. 20. The rates, fares and classifications established by com- mission for common carriers after hearing and investigation 1368 shall from time to time thereafter upon complaint duly made be subject to revision by commission the same as any other rates, fares and classifications. Same, sec. 23. The classification of common carriers and of freight, express 1369 and telephone messages made by commission may from time to time be changed by it. Same, sec. 50. Commission may from time to time change rates fixed and 1370 prescribed by it for the transmission of telephone messages when in its judgment such change is necessary. Same, sec. 52. No change shall be made in any schedule of maximum rates by commission until after reasonable notice of hearing shall have 1371 been given to the company or companies and persons interested therein, and a hearing has been had thereon. Sess. Laws 1909, ch. 289, sec. 5, as amended by Sess. Laws 191 1, ch. 218, sec. 3. TEXAS A provision for railroads substantially identical 1372 with par. 1352. Sayles' Civ. Stats. 1897, art. 4362(8). Commission may at any time abolish, alter or in any manner 351 amend the schedules of rates for railroads prescribed by it or 1373 abolish or amend any regulation so prescribed, and in that event] certified copies of the schedules, rules or regulations showing the] changes therein shall be delivered to each road as by law specified. Same, art. 4j6y. 1374 Also a provision for express companies identical with par. 1347. Same, art. 4582. VIRGINIA Commission may from time to time to come J alter or amend the rates, charges, classifications, rules, regula-j 1376 tions and requirements prescribed by it for transportation and? transmission companies. Const., sec. i^6{b). WISCONSIN Commission may at any time upon notice toj the railroad and after opportimity to be heard as provided in section 12 rescind, alter or amend any order fixing any rate or 1376 rates, fares, charges or classification or any other order made by commission, and certified copies of the same shall be served and: take effect as provided for original orders. Laws 1905, ch. j62, sec. iyg^-i4{d). Commission may at any time upon notice to the public; utility and after opportunity to be heard as provided in section i i797m-45 rescind, alter or amend any order fixing any rate ori 1877 rates, tolls, charges or schedules or any other order made by j commission, and certified copies of the same shall be served and^ take effect as provided for original orders. Laws igoy, ch. 499, sec. i^gym-62. H. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION WITH! RESPECT TO THE SUSPENSION Opi RATES AND CHARGES. UNITED STATES Whenever there shall be filed with commission! any schedule stating a new individual or joint rate, fare charge, or any new individual or joint classification, or any ne\ individual or joint regulation or practice affecting any rate, fare,^ or charge, commission may either upon complaint or upon its o^ initiative without complaint, at once, and if it so orders withoi answer or other formal pleading by the interested carrier carriers, but upon reasonable notice, enter upon a hearing coi ceming the propriety of such rate, fare, charge, classificatic regulation, or practice; and pending such hearing and the decisi( thereon commission upon filing with such schedule and deliveru 352 to the carrier or carriers affected thereby a statement in writing of its reasons for such suspension, may suspend the operation of such schedule and defer the use of such rate, fare, charge, classification, regulation or practice but not for a longer period than 120 days beyond the time when such rate, etc., would otherwise go into 1378 effect; and after full hearing, whether completed before or after the rate, etc., goes into effect, commission may make such order in reference to such rate, etc., as would be proper in a proceeding initiated after the rate, fare, charge, classification, regulation, or practice had become effective: Provided, that if any such hear- ing cannot be concluded within the period of suspension, as above stated, commission may, in its discretion, extend the time of suspension for a further period not exceeding six months. At any hearing involving a rate increased after January i, 19 10, or of a rate sought to be increased after the passage of this act, the burden of proof to show that the increased rate or proposed in- creased rate is just and reasonable shall be upon the common car- rier, and commission shall give to the hearing and decision ^of such questions preference over all other questions pending before it and decide the same as speedily as possible. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. ij. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Whenever there shall be filed with commission any schedule stating an individual or joint rate, fare, toll, rental, charge, classification, contract, practice, rule or regulation, not increasing or resulting in an increase in any rate, fare, toll, rental or charge, commission may either upon complaint or upon its own initiative without complaint, at once, and if it so orders, without answer or other formal pleadings by the interested public service corporation or corporations,^ but upon reason- able notice, enter upon a hearing concerning the propriety of such rate, etc., and pending the hearing and the decision thereon such rate, etc., shall not go into effect; provided, that the period of suspension of such rate, etc., shall not extend beyond 120 days 1379 beyond the time when such rate, etc., would otherwise go into effect unless commission, in its discretion, extends the period of suspension for a further period not exceeding six months. On such hearing commission shall establish the rates, etc., proposed, in whole or in part, or others in Heu thereof, which it shall find to be just and reasonable. All such rates, etc., not so suspended »" Public utilities," in California. 353 shall, on the expiration of 30 days from the time of filing the same with commission, or of such lesser time as commission may grant, go into effect and be the established and effective rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges, classifications, contracts, practices, rules and regulations subject to the power of commission, after a hear- ing had on its own motion or upon complaint, as herein provided, to alter or modify the same. Ariz.- — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 6j{b); Cal. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 6j{b). ILLINOIS Commission may, upon complaint or upon^ its own motion, suspend the taking effect of any schedule or| 1380 classification as provided in section four ^ of this act, pending in- quiry as to its correctness or the reasonableness of the rates con- tained in it. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. jyo. Commission shall take cognizance of all contracts, agree- ments, schedules, tariffs, rates, classifications, rules and regula-^ tions and in the event of anything found contained in them or either of them deemed injurious to or inconsistent with the public ^ welfare or which may work to the detriment of the public, com- munities, or individuals, commission shall cause the same to be immediately inquired into, either upon complaint or upon its own motion and initiative without complaint, as may be deemed proper by commission, and it may suspend for a period of not more than four months, pending inquiry, the taking effect of any such classification, schedule of rates, charges, tariffs, agreements, rules or regulations. The express company or carrier by ex- press affected shall be forthwith notified and full hearing of the 1381 cause had promptly, as in other proceedings before commission, and all interested express companies or carriers by express and other persons interested may be made parties. If commission is of the opinion after such hearing and investigation that the schedules of rates, charges, tariffs, agreements or classification as filed or published, or the privileges, facilities and regulations published in connection therewith are imjust or iinreasonable or otherwise discriminatory or prejudicial, or in violation of law, it shall determine what is and will be reasonable and just and shall prescribe the same, and shall order such express company or carrier by express to file with commission and publish on or before a certain day, to take effect on a certain day, schedules of charges, classification, tariff, rules or regulations in accordance with the findings and decision of commission. Same, sec. jyi. ^ Revisal 1909, ch. 114, sec. 371. 354 INDIANA A provision substantially identical with par. 1378. The right to suspend applies to any schedule stating ''a new individual or joint rate or charge or any new individual or joint classification or any new individual or joint regulation or 1382 practice affecting any rate or charge." The original period of vsuspension is 30 days. The additional period of suspension is 30 days. The only time mentioned in the last sentence is the time of the passage of the act. Acts igii, ch. 186, sec. i. MICHIGAN Upon the filing with commission by a common carrier of any tariff or supplement showing any change in rates, fares or charges or joint rates, fares or charges or a discontinuance of any rate or rates, fares or charges or joint rates, fares or charges, commission may acting upon its own initiative or upon complaint postpone the date when such new rate or rates or joint rates, fares or charges or discontinuance of rate or rates or joint rates, fares or charges, shall become effective to such time not to exceed in all 45 days as shall give commission opportunity 1383 to investigate the reasonableness of such proposed rate or rates or discontinuance of rate or rates, and commission may there- upon proceed with all convenient speed with an investigation upon at least five days' notice to said common carrier, either upon its own initiative or upon complaint as to the reasonableness of said rate or rates, follow the procedure as near as may be, and make its order in the manner provided in section 22 of this act, such investigation to take precedence of all matters of a different nature pending before the commission. Puh. Acts iQii, no. ijg, sec. io{h). NEW HAMPSHIRE Whenever any schedule shall be filed with the commission imder paragraph (b) of this section stating new and higher rates, fares, charges or prices, which the railroad corpora- tion or public utility filing the same purposes to put into force, commission may investigate the reasonableness of such proposed rates, fares, charges or prices. Pending any such investigation and the decision thereon, commission may, by an order served 1384 upon the railroad corporation or public utility affected, suspend said schedule, and forbid the demanding or collecting of the rates, fares, charges or prices, covered by the schedule for such period or periods not to exceed six months in all as in the judg- ment of commission may be necessary for such investigation. Laws igii, ch. '164, sec. 7(c). 355 NEW JERSEY When any public utility shall increase any ex- isting individual rates, joint rates, tolls, charges or schedules thereof, as well as commutation, mileage and other special rates, or change or alter any existing classification, commission may either upon written complaint or upon its own initiative hear and de- termine whether the said increase, change or alteration is just and reasonable. The burden of proof to show that the said in- 1386 crease, change or alteration is just and reasonable shall be upon the public utility making the same. Commission may pending such hearing and determination order the suspension of the said increase, change or alteration until commission shall have ap- proved said increase, change or alteration, not exceeding three months. Commission shall approve any such increase, change or alteration upon being satisfied that the same is just and rea- sonable. Laws igii, ch. igj, sec. i7{h). SOUTH DAKOTA A provision substantially identical with the United States provision. Commission is authorized to enter upon a hearing concerning the "propriety or reasonableness" of the rates contained in the schedule. Notice to the carriers shall be by "delivering or mailing to the agents or officers of the car- rier or carriers designated in section 20 of this act affected thereby a statement in writing of its reasons therefor. " The last sen- 1386 tence reads: At any hearing involving an increase in the rates, fares or charges for transportation of passengers, property, ex- press or messages by telephone, the burden of proof to show that the increased rate or proposed rate is just and reasonable, shall be upon the common carrier and commission shall give prefer- ence to the hearing and determination of such question and decide the same as soon as possible. Sess. Laws 191 1, ch. 2oy, sec. 21. WASHINGTON Whenever any public service company shall file with commission any schedule, classification, rule or regtila- tion, the effect of which is to increase any rate, fare, charge, rental or toll theretofore charged, commission may, either upon its own motion or upon complaint, upon notice, enter upon a hearing concerning such proposed increase and the reasonable- ness and justness thereof, and pending such hearing and the de- cision thereon commission may suspend the operation of such rate, fare, charge, rental or toll for a period of 90 days from thel 1887 time the same would otherwise go into effect, and after a full! hearing commission may make such order in reference thereto as would be provided in a hearing initiated after the same had] become effective; Provided, that if any such hearing cannot be] 356 concluded within the period of suspension, as above stated, com- mission may, in its discretion, extend the time of suspension for a further period not exceeding 60 days. If commission shall at the conclusion of the hearing refuse to permit such increase, either in whole or in part, no supersedeas shall be granted in any action or proceeding brought to review the order of commission pending the final determination of such action by the superior court or, if appealed to the supreme court, by such supreme court. Laws igiiy ch. iij, sec. 82. WISCONSIN Whenever any person, firm, corporation, or association, or any mercantile, agricultural or manufacturing society, or any body politic or municipal organization, lodges a complaint with commission before any change or changes in any schedule, including schedule of joint rates, or in any classification, rule, regulation or practice, become effective as in this section pro- vided to the effect that such change or changes are unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory, commission shall give notice to the railroad or railroads complained of that complaint has been made, and proceed to investigate the same and order a hearing thereon in the manner provided for hearings in section 1797- 1 2 ; and commission may, in its discretion, stay such change or changes pending such investigation and the determination of the matters investigated by issuing an order to that effect at any time before said change or changes shall take effect as in this section provided. If upon such investigation the change or changes 1388 complained of shall be found unreasonable or unjustly dis- criminatory such change or changes shall not take effect if the same have been stayed and in case no such stay has been ordered and such change or changes have become effective pending such investigation commission may order the discontinuance of such change or changes. Commission may upon such investigation fix and order substituted for any such change or changes such rate or rates, joint rate or rates, fares, charges, classification, rule, regu- lation, practice or service, as the case may be, as it shall have determined to be just and reasonable and which shall be charged, imposed or followed in the future, and may make such orders re- specting such rule, regulation, practice or service as it shall have determined to be reasonable and which shall be observ^ed and fol- lowed in the futiu-e. Commission may exercise all the powers granted it by this section, of its own motion without formal com- plaint being filed by anyone. Laws 1905, ch. J62, sec. i/97-4(e), as amended by Laws iQog, ch. 355. 357 I. VALIDITY OF RATES AND CHARGES PRESCRIBED BY COMMISSION AND PERIOD OF ENFORCEMENT. UNITED STATES All orders of commission except orders for the payment of money shall take effect within such reasonable time • not less than 30 days and shall continue in force for such period 1389 of time not exceeding two years as shall be prescribed in the order of commission imless the same shall be suspended or modified or set aside by commission or by a court of competent jurisdiction. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 15. ALABAMA All rates, charges, classifications, rules and regulations adopted or acted upon by any transportation com- 1390 pany inconsistent with those prescribed by commission or in- consistent with those prescribed by any statute, shall be un- lawful. Code igoj, sec. 5651. All rates, fares, charges, classifications and joint rates and orders establishing rules, regulations, practices, or services fixed by commission shall be in force and shall be deemed prima facie 1391 reasonable and valid in any court wherein is properly drawn in question the reasonableness or validity thereof, and the burden shall be upon the party attacking said rates or orders to show that the same are invalid or unfair and unreasonable. Same, sec. ^68 J. ARKANSAS In all actions between private parties and rail- road companies brought under the law establishing a railroad commission and defining its powers and duties, the rates, charges, 1392 orders, rules, regulations and classifications prescribed by com- mission before the institution of such action shall be held, deemed and accepted to be reasonable, fair and just, and in such respects shall not be controverted therein. Kirby^s Digest igo4, sec. 6809. COLORADO Identical with par. 1389, except that "all orders of commission except orders for the payment of money" 1393 reads "all orders of commission." Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 75. FLORIDA The schedule of rates furnished by com- mission, certified by the chairman of commission, shall be ad- mitted in evidence without necessity for other proof, and shall in all suits brought against any railroad corporation wherein is in- 358 volved the rates of any such railroad corporation for the trans- 1394 portation of freight of any description, or charges for the trans- portation or use of any kind of car upon the tracks of any railroad or any of the branches thereof, or for transportation of any passenger or passengers or for any unjust discrimination in re- lation thereto, be deemed and taken in all courts of the state as prima facie evidence that the rates fixed in such schedule are just and reasonable. Gen. Stats. iqo6, sec. 28qq. All the rules and regulations made and prescribed by com- mission for the transportation of persons and property on the railroads subject to the provisions of this act, or to prevent unjust 1395 discrimination or other abuses by them, shall be deemed and held to be prima facie reasonable and just and are made prima facie evidence in the same manner the schedules are made prima facie evidence. Same, sec. 2goj. GEORGIA The schedules of rates for railroad corpora- tions made by commission shall in suits brought against such corporations wherein is involved the charges of any such corpora- 1396 tion for the transportation of any passengers or freight or cars or unjust discrimination in relation thereto, be deemed and taken in all courts of the state as sufficient evidence that the rates therein fixed are just and reasonable. Code igii, sec. 26 ji. Schedules prepared by commission shall not be taken as evidence, as herein provided, until schedules have been prepared and published for all the railroad companies now organized under the laws of the state or that may be organized at the time of the said publication. All schedules purporting to be printed and 1397 published as provided by law shall be received and held in all such suits as prima facie the schedules of commission without further proof than the production of the schedules desired to be used as evidence with a certificate of commission that the same is a true copy of the schedtde prepared by it for the railroad com- pany or corporation therein named, and that the same has been duly published as required by law. Same, sec. 26 j2. ILLINOIS The schedules made for railroad corporations (common carriers) by commission shall in all suits brought against such railroad corporations (common carriers) wherein is in any way involved the charges of any such railroad corporation 1398 (common carrier) for the transportation of any passenger or freight or cars or imjust discrimination in relation thereto, be deemed and taken in all courts of the state as prima facie evidence 359 that the rates therein fixed are reasonable maximiim rates. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. iji {railroad corporations), sec. ig8 {common carriers). All schedules shall be received and held in all such suits as prima facie the schedules of commission without further proof 1399 than the production of the schedules desired to be used as evidence with a certificate of commission that the same is a true copy of a schedule prepared by it for the railroad company or corporation (common carrier) therein named. Same. IOWA The schedules of reasonable maximum rates of charges for the transportation of freight and cars together 1400 with the classification of such freight now in effect shall remain in force until changed by commission according to law. Code iSgy, sec. 2ij8. In all actions brought against railway corporations (express companies) wherein there are involved the charges thereof for the transportation of any freight or cars (or property, in the case of express companies) or any unjust discrimination in relation 1401 thereto, the schedules of reasonable maximum rates of charges made by commission shall be taken as prima facie evidence in all courts that the rates fixed therein are reasonable and just maxi- mum rates. Same, sec. 2138 {railway corporations) sec. 2i6^{c) {express companies) . When a printed copy of the schedule of rates revised by com- mission is certified by commission as a true copy prepared by it for the railway company or corporation therein named and that 1402 notice thereof has been published as required by law, it shall be received in evidence in all actions as prima facie the schedule of commission. Same, sec. 2ij8. All decisions of commission with respect to rates entered on record of commission including any schedules and classifications fixed and determined by commission shall, when duly authen- ticated, be received and held in all suits brought against any 1403 railroad corporation or common carrier wherein is in any way involved the charges of any such corporation or common car- rier mentioned in said decisions in any of the courts of the state as prima facie evidence that the rates therein fixed are reason- able maximum rates the same as the schedule made by com- mission as provided in section 2138. Same, sec. 2 141. KANSAS Rates for water fixed by commission shall be 1404 binding upon the irrigation companies for one year from the date 360 of commission's decision and until the further order of commis- sion. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 4477. All orders, regulations, practices, services, rates, fares, charges, classifications, tolls and joint rates fixed by commission shall be in force and effect on and after 30 days from the making 1405 thereof and expiration of 30 days after service aforesaid, shall be prima facie reasonable unless or until changed or modified by commission or in pursuance of proceedings instituted in court as provided, in this act. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 18. All findings, rates, joint rates, fares, tolls, charges, rules, regulations, classifications and schedules fixed and established by commission shall be in full force and effect and all regulations, 1406 practices, services and acts prescribed or required by commission to be done or carried into effect unless otherwise found and de- termined or stayed by a court of competent jurisdiction. Same, sec. ig. See also pars, gij, gi6. LOUISIANA Every order or decision of commission, fixing and establishing a rate or charge for the transportation of passen- gers or freight, or for the transmission of messages or conversa- *^tions by telephone or telegraph, within the state, shall go into 1407 effect at such times as may be fixed by commission, and shall re- main in effect and be complied with unless and until set aside by commission, or by a final judgment of a court of competent juris- diction, rendered on final trial in a suit to set aside and annul the same. Const., art. 286. All orders of commission made and entered upon its records, respecting rates, charges, rules, regulations and classifications, affecting any railroad, express, telephone, telegraph, steamboat, or other water craft, or sleeping car company, or other individual, corporation or carrier, or requiring the performance of any act by 1408 any such railroad, express, telephone, telegraph, steamboat, or other water craft, or sleeping car company, or other individual, company or corporation, shall be operative and in full force and affect from and after the time fixed for the same to become effec- tive by commission, unless such orders be thereafter changed, altered, modified, or set aside by a court of competent jur- isdiction. Stats. igo8, no. 171, sec. i. MARYLAND The price fixed by commission shall be the maximimi price to be charged by any person or corporation for gas or electricity in any municipaHty or county until commission 361 shall upon complaint as provided in this section or by the cor- 1409 poration interested or upon its application for a new adjustment of rates or upon an investigation conducted by commission on its own motion, again fix the maximum price according to law of such gas or electricity. Laws ipio, ch. i8o, sec. j/. See also par. g2g. MASSACHUSETTS Orders of commission relative to the price of 1410 gas or electricity shall be binding upon all parties until further order of commission. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. 35. MICHIGAN The price fixed by commission for electricity, of which the corporation shall have notice, shall be the maximum 1411 price in any municipality imtil commission shall upon like com- plaint or upon the complaint of the person, firm or corporation engaged in furnishing such electricity, again fix the maximum price to be charged therefor. Pub. Acts igog, no. 106, sec. 7. When there are two or more rates in effect between the same points via the same route, the lowest published rate shall be the 1412 only legal rate applicable in the state. In the event a published through rate exceeds any combination of two or more local rates between the same points within the state the combination form- ing the lowest rate shall govern. Pub. Acts igog, no. 300, sec. g. All rates, fares, charges, classifications and joint rates fixed by commission and all regulations, practices and services pre- scribed by commission shall be in force and shall be prima facie 1413 lawful and reasonable until finally found otherwise in an action brought for the purpose pursuant to the provisions of section 26 of this act or until changed or modified by commission as pro- vided for in section 24 of this act. Pub. Acts igir, no. ijg, sec. 25. MINNESOTA The tariff made by commission shall be deemed prima facie reasonable in all courts and shall be in full force dur- 1414 ing the pendency of any appeal or other proceedings to review the action of commission in establishing the same. Rev. Laws igo5, sec. ig6g. The rates established under proceedings instituted on mo- 1416 tion of commission shall be in force during the pendency of any appeal or other proceedings to review the action of commission. Same, sec. igyo. See also par. gjg. MISSOURI A copy of the schedules made by commission certified by the secretary of commission shall, in proceedings 362 1416 wherein is involved the reasonableness and justness of the charges and rates of commission, be prima facie evidence that the rates therein fixed are reasonable and just. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. Ji8g. NEBRASKA The schedules of rates and charges fixed and prescribed by commission shall go into effect not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days within the discretion of commission, after the same have been completed and copies thereof mailed to the railway companies and common carriers affected thereby, 1417 and any or all rates therein contained shall be and remain in force and effect from and after said time unless modified, annulled or otherwise revised either in whole or in part by commission upon a hearing with respect thereto or until such rate or rates are finally adjudged to be unreasonable and unjust in a court of competent jurisdiction. Cobbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. lodj^. A copy or copies of the schedule of rates and charges fixed and prescribed by commission when duly authenticated shall be received in evidence in all courts in the state without further 1418 proof as prima facie evidence that the rates therein contained are those fixed by commission and that said rates are prima facie just and reasonable. Same. The decision of commission affirming, revising, annulling or modifying any or all rates complained of in the original schedule or in any subsequent schedule under investigation when duly authenticated shall be received in all suits brought against any railway company or common carrier or in any appeal prosecuted 1419 by any railway company or common carrier from said decision wherein is in any way involved the charges of any such railway company or common carrier in any of the courts of the state as prima facie evidence that the rates therein fixed are just and reasonable, the same as the original schedule made by com- mission. Same, sec. io6^j{c). Any rate or rates that have been revised or modified in schedule form and the schedules of any and all rates so modified or revised on hearing shall be in force and effect 30 days after the decision of commission was mailed to the railroad company, 1420 common carrier, person or persons or corporations affected thereby, and shall continue so imtil further modified, revised or annulled by commission or finally adjudged to be unreasonable and imjust. Same, sec. io6jj{d) . See also par. 1140. 363 NEVADA All rates, fares, charges, classifications and joint rates fixed by commission shall be in force and shall be prima facie lawful until changed or modified by commission or in pursuance of section i6 of this act. All regulations, practices and services prescribed by commission shall be in force and shall 1421 be prima facie reasonable imless suspended or found otherwise in an action brought for that ptirpose pursuant to the provisions of section i6 of this act or until changed or modified by com- mission as provided for in paragraph a, section 14 of this act. Stats, igoj, ch. 44, sec. 15, as amended by Stats, igog, ch, 121. All rates fixed by commission shall be deemed reasonable 1422 and just and shall remain in full force and effect until final de- termination by the courts upon appeal. Same, sec. 16. All rates,' fares, charges, classifications and joint rates fixed by commission shall be enforced and shall be prima facie lawful from the date of the order until changed or modified by com- mission or in pursuance of section 26 of this act. All regula- 1423 tions, practices and service prescribed by commission shall be enforced and shall be prima facie reasonable unless suspended or found otherwise in an action brought for that purpose pur- suant to the provisions of section 27 of this act or until changed or modified by commission itself upon satisfactory showing made. Stats, igii, ch. 162, sec. 25. NEW HAMPSHIRE The rates, fares and charges fixed and allowed by commission to be charged and collected by any railroad cor- poration and the charges allowed by it to be charged by any public utility shall be the rates, fares, charges or prices to be charged by the railroad corporation or by the public utility 1424 affected by the order of commission fixing the same for such period of time not exceeding two years as shall be prescribed in the order of commission imless the same shall be suspended or set aside by a coiirt of competent jurisdiction. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. ii{d). Nothing herein contained shall prevent a public utility at 142B any time from entering into a contract with a customer for a period exceeding two years at rates then lawful. Same. NEW YORK The price fixed by commission under this section or under subdivision five of section 66 shall be the maximum price to be charged by any person or corporation for gas or electricity for the service to be furnished and for a period 1426 to be fixed by commission in the order not exceeding three years 36*4 except in the case of a sliding scale and thereafter until com- mission shall upon its own motion or upon the complaint of any corporation, person or municipality interested, fix a higher or lower maximum price of gas or electricity to be thereafter charged. Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 72. See also par. gg4. NORTH CAROLINA A schedule of rates fixed by commission shall in suits brought against any company wherein is involved charges of any company for the transportation of any passenger 1427 or freight or cars or imjust discrimination in relation thereto, be taken in all courts as prima facie evidence that the rates therein fixed are just and reasonable rates. PelVs Revisal igo8, sec. 1112. All such schedules shall be received and held in all suits as prima facie evidence of the schedules of commission without further proof than the production of the schedules desired to be 1428 used as evidence with a certificate of the clerk of commission that the same is a true copy of the schedule prepared or ap- proved by it for the railroad company or corporation therein named. Same. NORTH DAKOTA A provision identical with par. 1398, except that ''the rates therein fixed are reasonable maximum rates" 1429 reads "the rates therein fixed are reasonable and just maximum rates." Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4343, as amended by Laws 1911, ch. 2^^, sec. 2. Also a provision identical with par. 1399, except that "and 1430 that notice of the same has been published as required by law," is added. Same. Any decisions with respect to rates made by commission and entered on record including any schedules and classifications shall, when duly authenticated, be received and held in all suits brought against any railroad, railroad corporation or common 1431 carrier wherein is in any way involved the charges of any such railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier in any of the courts of the state as prima facie evidence that the rates therein fixed are reasonable maximum rates the same as the schedule made by commission as provided in section 4343. Same, sec. 4346- OHIO All rates, fares, charges, classifications and joint rates fixed by commission shall be in force and be prima 1432 facie lawful for one year from the day they take effect or until 365 changed or modified by commission or by an order of a com- petent court in an action under the provisions of this chapter. Code igio, sec. 541. All regulations, practices and service prescribed by com- mission shall be in force and be prima facie reasonable unless 1433 suspended or found otherwise in an action brought for that pur- pose pursuant to the provisions of this chapter or until changed or modified by commission. Same, sec. 542. OKLAHOMA All rates, charges, classifications, rules and regulations adopted, or acted upon, by any transportation and 1434 transmission companies, inconsistent with those prescribed by commission, shall be unlawful and void. Const., art. ix, sec. 18. OREGON All rates, fares, charges, classifications and joint rates fixed by commission shall be in force and shall be prima facie lawful, and all regulations, practices and service 1435 prescribed by commission shall be in force and prima facie reasonable until finally found otherwise in an action brought for that piupose pursuant to the provisions of sections 32, 33, 34 and 35 of this act. Gen. Laws ipoy, ch. 5j, sec. ji. All rates, tolls, charges, schedules and joint rates fixed by commission shall be in force and shall be prima facie lawful and all regulations, practices and services prescribed by commission 1436 shall be in force and shall be prima facie lawful and reasonable until found otherwise in a suit brought for that purpose pur- suant to the provisions of sections 54, 55, 56 and 57 of this act. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. ^j. SOUTH CAROLINA Schedules made by commission shall in suits brought against any railroad corporation wherein is involved the charges of any such railroad corporation for the transportation 1437 of any passenger or freight or cars or unjust discrimination in relation thereto, be deemed and take in all of the courts of the state as sufficient evidence that the rates therein fixed are just and reasonable rates. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2og3. Schedules made or revised by commission shall not be taken as evidence as herein provided until schedules have been pre- pared and published as required by law for all the railroad com- panies now organized under the laws of this state or that may be organized at the time of said publication. All such schedules purporting to be printed and published as aforesaid shall be re- 1438 ccivcd and held in all such suits as prima facie the schedules of commission without further proof than the production of the 366 schedule desired to be used as evidence with a certificate of the railroad commission that the same is a true copy of the schedule prepared by them for the railroad company or corporation therein named and that the same has been duly published as required by law. Same. SOUTH DAKOTA The schedules made by om-m^^ssion shall in all suits brought against railroad corporations wherein is in any way involved the charges of any such railroad corporation for 1439 the transportation of passengers and freight or cars or unjust discrimination in relation thereto, be deemed and taken in all courts of the state as prima facie evidence that the rates and passenger fares therein fixed are reasonable and just maximum rates. Rev. Pol. Code igoj, sec. 4^0. All schedules made by commission shall be received and held in all such suits as prima facie the schedules of commission without further proof than the production of the schedule de- 1440 sired to be used as evidence with a certificate of commission that the same is a true copy of the schedule prepared by it for the railroad company or corporation therein named, and that notice of making the same has been published as required by law. Same. The schedules made by commission shall in all suits brought against common carriers wherein is in any way involved the charges of any such common carrier for the transportation of passengers, freight, cars, express or messages by telephone or un- 1441 just discrimination in relation thereto, be deemed and taken in all courts of the state as prima facie evidence that the rates and passenger fares therein fixed are reasonable and just maximum rates. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 20'/, sec. 20. All sched-ules made by commission shall be received and held in all suits as prima facie the schedule of commission without further proof than the production of the schedule desired to be 1442 used as evidence with a certificate of commission that the same is a true copy of the schedule prepared by it for the common carrier or corporation therein named and that notice of making the same has been given as required by law. Same. Any decision with respect to rates made by commission and entered upon record including any schedule and classification shall, when diily authenticated, be received and held in all suits 1443 brought against any common carrier wherein is in any way in- volved the charges of any such corporation or common carrier mentioned in said decision in any of the courts of the state as 367 prima facie evidence that the rates and fares therein fixed are reasonable maximtim rates and fares. Same, sec. 2j. See also pars. ii6^, iiyo, 1173. TEXAS In all actions between private parties and rail- way companies, the rates, charges, orders, rules, regulations and classifications prescribed by commission before the institution of such action shall be held conclusive and deemed and accepted to 1444 be reasonable, fair and just and in such respects shall not be con- troverted therein until finally found otherwise in a direct action brought for that purpose in the manner prescribed in articles 4565 and 4566. Sayles' Civ. Stats. iSgy, art. 4^64. VIRGINIA 1445 Identical with par. 1434. Const., sec. 156(b). WISCONSIN All rates, fares, charges, classifications and joint rates fixed by commission, shall be in force and shall be prima facie lawful and all regulations, practices and service pre- 1446 scribed by commission shall be in force and prima facie reasonable imtil finally foimd otherwise in an action brought for that pur- pose pursuant to the provisions of section 16 of this act. Laws 1905, ch. j62, sec. ijgy-i$. All rates, tolls, charges, schedules and joint rates fixed by the commission shall be in force and shall be prima facie lawful, and all regulations, practices and services prescribed by the com- 1447 mission shall be in force and shall be prima facie reasonable imtil finally fotind otherwise in an action brought for that purpose pursuant to the provisions of section i797m-64. Laws igoy, ch. 4gg, sec. iygym-63. 368 CHAPTER V Publicity of Rates SCOPE NOTE This chapter includes provisions prescribing publicity in the establishment and change of rates by utilities or commissions, and such grants oj power as authorize com- missions to render publicity in rate making elective. For provisions incidentally involving publicity oj rates, sched- ules or classifications on file with commissions, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For pro- visions prohibiting any rates other than those specified in published schedules or the remittance of any portion of such rates, and for those requiring the publication and filing with commissions of lists of persons to whom free or reduced rate or special service has been granted, see ch. vi, on discrimination in rates and service. For provisions indicating the principles to be observed in determining proper rates, see ch. iii, on basis of rate making. For provisions authorizing commissions to regulate or pre- scribe rates, see ch. iv, on establishment and change of rates. For provisions regulating rate making in prac- tice, see ch. vi, on discrimination in rates and service. For provisions prescribing general procedure to be fol- lowed in the exercise of commission authority, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For pro- visions prescribing general rules of enforcement and judicial review, see ch. xv, on enforcement. For general statement of scope and method, see introduction. ANALYSIS PAGE A. Filing of schedules 371 B. Matters to be contained in schedules 386 C. Publication and posting of schedules 390 D. The forms of schedules 402 E. Filing, publishing and posting of schedules as a condition precedent to the exercise of the right to do business 406 F. Publicity of changes by utilities in rates and schedules 408 G. Information as to specific rates 42 1 H. Filing of leases, contracts and arrangements 424 369 A. FILING OF SCHEDULES.' UNITED STATES Every common carrier shall file with com- mission and print and keep open to pubHc inspection schedules showing all the rates, fares and charges for transportation be- tween different points on its own route and between points on its own route and points on the route of any other carrier by railroad, 1448 by pipe line, or by water when a through route and joint rate have been established. If no joint rate over the through route has been established, the several carriers in such through route shall file, print and keep open to public inspection the sepa- rately established rates, fares and charges applied to the through transportation. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 6. In case of failure or refusal of any carrier, receiver or trustee to comply with the terms of any regulation adopted and pro- mtilgated, or any order made by commission under the provisions of this section, such carrier, receiver or trustee shall be liable to a 1449 penalty of $500 for each such offense and $25 for each and every day of the continuance of such offense, which shall accrue to the United States and may be recovered by civil action brought by the United States. Saw.e. Before any common carrier shall issue any interchangeable mileage tickets with special privileges, it shall file with com- mission copies of the joint tariffs of rates, fares or charges on which such joint interchangeable mileage tickets are to be based, together with specifications of the amoimt of free baggage per- mitted to be carried under such tickets, in the same manner as 1460 common carriers are required to do with regard to other joint rates by section 6 of this act; and all the provisions of said section 6 relating to joint rates, fares and charges shall be ob- served by said common carriers and enforced by commission as fully with regard to such joint interchangeable mileage tickets as with regard to other joint rates, fares and charges referred to in said section 6. Same, sec. 22. The wilful failure upon the part of any carrier to file and pub- lish the tariffs or rates and charges as required by law or strictly to observe such tariffs until changed according to law shall be a 1461 misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof the corporation offend- ing shall be subject to a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $20,000 for each offense. Elkins Act, sec. i. See also par. 152^. 'See also pars. 1653-1697. 370 ALABAMA Every common carrier shall cause to be printed or typewritten in plain type or characters, and shall file with commission within a reasonable time to be fixed by commission, and shall keep open to public inspection schedules showing all the rates, fares and charges for the transportation of property and passengers, and any service in connection therewith which it has 1452 established or which have been established by statute or by com- mission between all points in the state on its own route, and, when a through route and joint rate have been established, be- tween all points in the state on its route and all points in the state on the route of any other carrier by railroad or by water with which a through route and joint rate have been established. Code igoy, sec. 5521. See also par. 2086. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Every common carrier shall file with com- mission and shall print and keep open to public inspection schedules showing the rates, fares, charges and classifications for the transportation between termini within this state of persons and property from each point on its route to all other points there- on; and from each point upon its route to all points upon every other route leased, operated or controlled by it; and from each point on its route or upon any route leased, operated or con- 1453 trolled by it to all po'nts upon the route of any other common carrier, whenever a through route and a joint rate shall have been 'established or ordered between any two such points. If no joint rate over a through route has been established, the schedules of the several carriers in such through route shall show the separately established rates, fares, charges and classifications applicable to the through transportation. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. I4{a); Cat. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 14(a). Under such rules and regulations as commission may pre- scribe every public service corporation^ other than a common carrier shall file with commission within such time and in such form as commission may designate and shall print and keep open 1454 to public inspection, schedules showing all rates, tolls, rentals, charges and classifications collected or enforced or to be col- lected or enforced, together with all rules, regulations, contracts, privileges and facilities which in any manner affect or relate to 1 *' Public utility," in California. rates, tolls, rentals, classifications or service. Ariz. — Same, sec. i4{b); Cat. — Same, sec. 14Q)). Unless otherwise ordered by commission a schedule showing joint tariff, rate, toll, fare, contract, classification or charge need be filed with commission by only one of the parties to it; pro- 1465 vided that there is also filed with commission in such form as commission may require a concurrence in such joint tariff, rate, toll, fare, contract, classification or charge by each of the other parties thereto. Ariz. — Same, sec. 16,' Cat. — Same, sec. 16. Every common carrier and every telegraph and telephone corporation shall print and file or cause to be filed with commis- sion, schedules showing all the rates, fares, tolls, rentals, charges and classifications for the transportation of persons or property or the transmission of messages or conversations between all points within this state and all points without the state upon its 1456 route, and between all points within this state and all points without the state upon every route leased, operated or controlled by it, and between all points on its route or any route leased, operated or controlled by it within this state and all points without the state upon the route of any other common carrier or telegraph or telephone corporation, whenever a through route and joint rate shall have been established between two such points. Ariz.— Same, sec. 18; Cal. — Same, sec. 18. See also pars, jig, y22. COLORADO Substantially identical with par. 1448. Laws 1467 igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 6. ILLINOIS Each and every express company and carrier by express shall file with commission printed copies of all schedules 1458 and charges or amendments thereto that may be made or pro- mulgated from time to time, also all changes in said schedules, tariffs, classifications, regulations and rules as prescribed and defined by law. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. j/i. Any express company or carrier by express or any officer, representative, servant, agent, lessee, trustee or receiver of such express company or carrier by express knowingly failing or neg- lecting to obey any order made under the provisions of this sec- 1459 tion shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000 for each offense to be recovered in an action of debt in the name of the people of the state of Illinois, and there may be several counts joined in the same declaration. Each distinct violation shall be a separate offense, and in case of a continuing violation, the viola- tion for each day shall be deemed a separate offense. Same. 372 INDIANA The classification of freight on all railroads in this state shall be uniform, and every carrier shall print in plain type and file with commission, within 60 days after this act goes into effect, unless commission, for cause shown, shall extend such time, schedules which shall be open to public inspection, showing all rates and charges for the transportation of passengers and property, and for sleeping and parlor car service and accom- modations, and schedules of joint rates showing all joint rates, fares and charges for the transportation of passengers and prop- erty, and for sleeping and parlor car service and accommoda- 1460 tions, and of any service in connection with all such transporta- tion which it has established, and which are in force at that time between all points in this state upon its lines, or any line con- trolled or operated by it, upon its lines or any one or more con- necting lines, and such carriers shall file with commission within such time, the classification of freight in force on its line. Such carrier shall also file with commission schedules of all such rates which it shall adopt and put into effect after such date, and in the manner here provided, at least two days before the same becomes effective; provided that commission, upon a showing made, can put such new rates into effect at once. Acts igii, ch. 22 j, sec. i. Upon demand therefor by commission, every carrier shall file with commission any schedule of rates in force on its line for 1461 the carriage of passengers or property in interstate commerce to enable commission to perform the duties devolved upon it by this act, and any such schedule shall be filed within five days after the same has been demanded. Same. See also par. 1538. IOWA If passengers and freight pass over continuous lines or routes in this state, operated by more than one common 1462 carrier, and the several common carriers operating such lines or routes have established joint tariffs of rates, fares or charges for such continuous lines or routes, copies of such joint tariffs shall be filed with commission. Code iSgy, sec. 2128. If any common carrier shall neglect or refuse to file or pub- lish its schedule or tariff of rates, fares and charges, or any part of the same, it shall, in addition to the other penalties prescribed by law, be subject to a writ of mandamus to be issued by any dis- trict court of the state in the judicial district wherein its principal ofhce is situated, or wherein such offense may be committed. If such common carrier be a foreign corporation, then such writ 1463 may be issued by any district court in the judicial district where 3 73 it accepts traffic and has an agent to perform such service, to compel' compHance with the provisions of this section — such writ to issue in the name of the state at the relation or upon the petition of commission; and the failure to comply with its re- quirements shall be punishable as for contempt, and shall make said corporation liable to a penalty of $500 for each day's failure to comply therewith; and when such writ of mandamus shall be applied for, no bond shall be required. Same. See also par. i8y8. KANSAS All railroads shall furnish commission copies of all their schedules of rates, charges and classifications of freight, joint tariffs, and divisions of rates, and shall, in addition thereto, furnish commission with copies of all rules and regulations con- cerning the switching or transfer of freight and cars, and of rules providing charges therefor, and copies of all rules, orders or 1464 schedules fixing or providing for mileage, per diem, demurrage or storage charges, or for use of cars, loaded or empty, and of printed rules governing the action of employes in operating trains en- gaged in switching, passenger or freight traffic; and upon the adoption of any new clas ification, schedule of rates, rules or orders by any such railroad company, it shall within ten days thereafter furnish commission with copies thereof. Gen. Stats. igog, sec. 7174. Failure of any railroad company to furnish any of the things above provided within the time specified, shall subject such rail- 1465 road company to a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 for each day that such fai'ure and neglect shall continue, and each day of such continuance shall constitute a separate offense. Same. Every public utility and every common carrier shall publish and file with commission copies of all schedules of rates, joint rates, tolls, fares, charges, classifications and divisions of rates affecting Kansas traffic, either state or interstate, and shall fur- nish commission with copies of all rules, regulations and con- 1466 tracts between common carriers or public utilities pertaining to any and all services to be rendered by such public utility or com- mon carrier. Commission may prescribe reasonable rules and regulations regarding the printing and filing of all schedules, tariffs, and classifications of all rates, joint rates, tolls, fares, charges and all rules and regulations of such public utilities and common carriers. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 11. 374 KENTUCKY All railroad companies doing business in this state upon lines owned or leased by them shall, within 30 days after this act goes into effect, furnish commission copies of all 1467 their rates and tariffs then in force; and shall also furnish com- mission with copies of all rates and tariffs, or changes therein, thereafter made, at the date that the same are issued. Car- rolVs Stats, igog, sec. y8i. MARYLAND Every common carrier shall file with commis- sion and shall print and keep open to public inspection, schedules showing the rates, fares and charges for the transportation of passengers and property within the state between each point upon its route and all other points thereon; and between each point upon its route, and all points upon every route leased, oper- ated or controlled by it; and between each point on its route or 1468 upon any route leased, operated or controlled by it, and all points upon the route of any other common carrier, whenever a through route and joint rate shall have been established or ordered be- tween any two such points. If no joint rate over the through route has been established, the several carriers in such through route shall file, print and keep open to public inspection, the separately established rates, fares and charges applied to the through transportation. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 15. See also pars. 723, 1540. MICHIGAN Every common carrier shall file with com- mission and print and keep open to public inspection in each of its depots and offices, schedules showing all rates, fares and charges for transportation, both of passengers and property, be- tween different points on its own route, and between points on 1469 its own route and on the route of any other carrier, when a through route and joint rate have been established. If no joint rate over the through route has been established, the several car- riers in such through route shall file, print and keep open to public inspection the separately established rates, fares and charges applied to the through transportation. Puh. Acts igii, no. ijg, sec. io{a). Every common carrier shall within 90 days unless further time be granted by commission, file in the office of commission 1470 copies of all schedules of rates, including joint rates in force on its line or lines between points within the state on the date this act takes effect, not previously filed by such carrier with commission. Same, sec. io(i). 375 Any freight tariffs issued by common carriers relating to in- terstate traffic in this state or by any common carrier relating L471 either to interstate or to intrastate traffic wholly by water routes in this state shall be on order of commission filed in the office of commission within such time as such order shall prescribe. Puh. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. ji. It shall be the duty of each telephone company to file with commission a copy of each schedule. It shall be unlawful for any 1472 telephone company to neglect or refuse to have such schedule on file or to neglect or refuse to file a copy of same with com- mission. Pub. Acts igii, no. ij8, sec. ig. See also pars. 1542, 2132. MINNESOTA Every railroad company shall file with commis- 1473 sion copies of schedules and shall promptly notify commission of all proposed changes therein. Rev. Laws igo^, sec. 2014. Copies of all joint schedules of rates, fares or classifications 1474 shall also be filed with commission and be made public in the same manner as provided for the publication of tariffs. Same. MISSOURI Copies of the schedules, also of rules and regulations, if any, shall be filed with commission, and from the date of such filing the rates, fares and charges specified in such 1476 schedules, not being in excess of any statutory maximum rates now or that may hereafter be in force, shall be deemed the es- tablished rates, fares and charges of carriers until the same is changed as provided by law. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. jiSy. In all cases where freight passes over continuous lines or routes within this state, operated by more than one common car- rier, and the several common carriers operating such line or 1476 routes establish joint rates, fares or charges for such continuous lines or routes, copies of joint tariffs shall be filed with commis- sion and shall be published in such manner as may be directed by commission. SamCy sec. 3188. All railroad companies doing business in the state shall upon the request of commission furnish to commission copies of all its 1477 schedules of freight rates and charges, and all other papers and documents including bills of lading and contracts for transporta- tion of freight affecting in any way the transportation of freight within, into and from the state. Same, sec. 3252. Within 60 days after this article shall become a law, all ex- press companies or corporations doing an express carrying business over any of the railroads now operated, and which may 376. hereafter be operated in the state shall be and are required to file with commission a complete and specific schedule of their class- ifications of all matters and merchandise received by them for carriage and transportation, together with a detailed statement of their rates of charges in each of the classes into which their 1478 freight and express matter is divided; and if there be any rules or regulations which change, determine or affect any part of the aggregate of such rates and charges, such rules and regulations shall accompany such schedule; and if any two or more of such express companies doing business in this state have joint rules and regulations and charges for the exchange of articles of express or other matter so carried by them, the said rules and regulations and schedule of charges shall also be filed with commission within the time specified above. Same, sec. 328'/. See also pars, 8oq, 188 i. NEBRASKA All common carriers shall file with commission all freight and passenger schedules, classifications, rates, tariffs, and charges used by said common carrier and in effect on January i, 1907; both state, interstate and proportional charges. Any 1479 common carrier who shall fail, neglect or refuse to file the sched- viles, classifications, rates, tariffs and charges as provided herein shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and for each offense shall be fined in a sirni not to exceed $25,000. Cobhey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10653. If passengers and freight pass over continuous lines or routes in this state, operated by more than one railway company or common carrier, and the several companies or carriers operating such lines or routes have established joint tariffs, the same shall be filed with commission. Said joint rates, fares, and charges on such continuous lines shall be made public by said railway com- panies or common carriers when directed by commission, in so far as in the judgment of commission may be practicable, and 1480 commission shall also from time to time prescribe the measure of publicity which shall be given to any joint rates, fares, and charges, or to such part thereof as it may think practicable for such railway companies or common carriers to publish, and the places in which they shall be published. No railway company or common carrier, party to any such joint tariff, shall be liable for the failure of any other party thereto to observe and adhere to the rates, fares or charges thus made and published. Same, sec. 106 56 {a). Also a provision substantially identical with par. 1463, ex- 377 1481 cept that the amount of the penalty imposed is $i,ooo instead of $500. Same, sec. io6j6(b). All express companies shall file with commission a complete schedule of the rates and classifications charged for the trans- 1482 portation of money or merchandise within this state by such company, which was in force on the first day of January, 1907. Same, sec. iigyo. NEVADA Every railroad shall print in plain type, and file with commission within a time fixed b}^ commission, schedules which shall be open to public inspection, showing all rates, fares and charges for the transportation of passengers and property, 1483 and any service in connection therewith, which it has estab- lished and which are in force at the time between all points in this state upon its line, or any line controlled or operated by it, and the rates, fares and charges shown on such schedules as are in effect at the date this act takes effect. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 4. When passengers or property are transported over connecting lines in this state operated by more than one railroad and the several railroads operating such lines establish joint rates, fares 1484 and charges, a schedule of joint rates shall also in like manner be printed and filed with commission, and in every depot, station and office of such railroads where such passengers or property are received for transportation. Same. Every railroad shall file in the office of commission copies of 1485 all schedules of rates, including joint rates in force on its line or lines, between points within this state on the date this act takes effect. Same, sec. j6. See also par. 2152. NEW HAMPSHIRE Every railroad corporation and public utility shall file with commission and shall print and keep open to public inspection, schedules showing the rates, fares, charges and prices 1486 for the transportation of passengers and property or for any serv- ice rendered or to be rendered in such places, within such time and in such form and with such detail as commission may order. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. y(a). In the case of railroad corporations and public utilities subject to regulation by the interstate commerce commission, the requirements relative to the filing of schedules with com- 1487 mission and to the publication thereof shall conform as nearly as may be to the requirements of the interstate commerce com- mission under the provisions of the act of congress entitled, "An 378 act to regulate commerce," and the acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. Same, sec. y{h). NEW JERSEY Commission may require every public utility to file with it complete schedules of every classification employed 1488 and of every individual or joint rate, toll, fare or charge made, charged or exacted by it for any product supplied or service rendered within this state, as specified in such requirement. Laws igii, ch. ig^, sec. i6(d). NEW MEXICO Every transportation, transmission company or common carrier engaged in transportation of passengers and property from points in this state to points within, or beyond its limits, and from points in other states to points in this state, and every such interstate company or common carrier shall file with commission and shall print and keep open to the public inspection schedules showing the rates, fares, charges and classification for the transportation of persons and property within the state be- tween each point upon its route and all other points thereon ; and 1489 between each point upon its route and all points upon every other route leased, operated and controlled by it, and between each point on its route of any other common carrier, whenever a through route and joint rate shall have been established or ordered between any two such points. If no joint rate over a through route has been established, the several carriers in such through route shall file, print and keep open to the public in- . spection the separately established rates, fares, charges and classifications, applied to the through transportation. Laws IQI2, ch. y8, sec. i6. See also par. 154'/. NEW YORK A provision for common carriers identical with 1490 par. 1468. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 28. Before any common carrier shall issue mileage, excursion, school or family commutation, commutation, half fare or any other form of reduced rate passenger tickets, or joint inter- changeable mileage ticket, with special privileges, it shall file with 1491 commission copies of the tariffs of rates, fares or charges on which such tickets are to be based, together with the specifications of the amoimt of free baggage permitted to be carried under such joint interchangeable mileage ticket, in the same manner as common carriers are required to do with regard to other rates. Same, ^^^- 33(3)> ^s amended by Laws igii, ch. $40. 379 Commission may require every gas and electrical corpora- tion to file with commission and to print and keep open to public inspection schedules showing all rates and charges made, estab- lished or enforced or to be charged or enforced, all forms of con- 1492 tract or agreement and all rules and regulations relating to rates, charges or service used or to be used, and all general privileges and facilities granted or allowed by such gas or electrical cor- poration, but this subdivision shall not apply to state, municipal or federal contracts. Same, sec. 66(12). Commission may also establish such rules and regulations to 1493 carry into effect the provisions of this subdivision as it may deem necessary, and to modify or amend such rules or regulations from time to time. Same. Every telegraph and every telephone corporation shall print and file with commission schedules showing all rates, rentals and charges for service of each and every kind by or over its line between points in this state and between each point upon its line and all points upon every line leased or operated by it and between each point upon its line or upon any line leased or oper- 1494 ated by it and all points upon the line of any other telegraph or telephone corporation whenever a through service or joint rate shall have been established between any two points. If no joint rate over a through line has been established the several corporations in such through line shall file with commission the separately established rates and charges applicable where through service is afforded. Same, sec. 92(1). See also pars, yji, 1548, 16 jj. NORTH DAKOTA Every railroad, railroad corporation or com- mon carrier shall file with commission copies of its schedules of 1496 rates, fares and charges which have been established and pub- lished in compliance with the requirements of this article, and shall promptly notify commission of all changes made in the same. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4342. In cases where passengers and freight pass over continuous lines or routes in this state operated by more than one person or company and the several railroads, railroad corporations or com- 1496 mon carriers operating such lines or routes have established joint tariffs or rates or fares or charges for such continuous lines or routes, copies of such joint tariffs shall also in like manner be filed with commission. Same. If any railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier shall neglect or refuse to file or publish its schedules or tariff of rates, 380 fares and charges or any part of the same it shall in addition to other penalties herein prescribed, be subject to a writ of man- damus to be issued by any district court of this state in the judicial district wherein such offense may be committed. And if such railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier be a foreign corporation then such writ may be issued by any district court in the judicial district where such common carrier accepts traffic and i49'i has an agent to perform such service, to compel compliance with the provisions of this article, and such writ shall issue in the name of the state of North Dakota at the relation or upon the petition of commission; and failure to comply with its requirements shall be punishable as and for a contempt ; and shall make said railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier liable to a penalty of $500 for each day's failure to comply therewith, and when any such writ of mandamus shall be so applied for by commission, no bond shall be required of them by any court or judge in which or before whom any such application may be made. Same. See also par. 1882. OHIO Each railroad shall print in plain type and file with commission, within a time fixed by commission, schedules, which shall be open to public inspection, showing all rates, fares 1498 and charges for transportation of passengers and property, and any service in connection therewith, which such railroad has es- tablished and which are in force at such time between all points in this state upon its line, or any controlled or operated by it. Code igio, sec. /05. When passengers or property are transported over connect- ing lines in this state operated by two or more railroads, and such railroads establish joint rates, fares and charges, a schedule there- 1499 of, compiled as provided in the preceding section, shall be printed, filed with commission and filed in every depot, station and office of such railroad where passengers or property are received for transportation. Same, sec. ^oj. All freight tariffs issued by any railroad relating to inter- 1600 state traffic in this state shall be filed in the office of commission when issued. Same, sec. 563. Every public utility shall print and file with commission within 90 days after this act takes effect, schedules, showing all rates, joint rates, rentals, tolls, classifications and charges for 1601 service of each and every kind by it rendered or furnished, which were in effect at the time this act takes effect and the length 381 1502 1503 of time the same has been in force, and all rules and regulations] in any manner affecting the same. Laws igii, no. 32 j, sec. 18,] See also pars. yj2, 2iyj. OREGON Every railroad shall print in plain type an( file with commission within a time to be fixed by commission,] schedules which shall be open to pubHc inspection, showing all| rates, fares and charges for the transportation of passengers andj property, or use of union depot and terminals, and any service inl connection therewith, which it has established and which are in] force at the time between all points in this state upon its line, or] any line controlled or operated by it. Gen. Laws igoj, ch. 55,^ sec. 13. ' When passengers or property are transported over con- necting lines in this state operated by more than one railroad, and; the several railroads operating such lines establish joint rates, fares and charges, a schedule of joint rates shall also in like^ manner be printed and filed with commission and kept oil file in ■ every depot, station and office of such railroad where an agent is| maintained. Same. All freight tariffs issued by any such railroad relating toi interstate traffic in this state shall be filed in the office of com- mission within 30 days after the passage and publication ofj this act and all such tariffs thereafter issued shall be filed witl|.J commission when issued. Same, sec. 47. Every railroad * in this state shall within 30 days afterl the taking effect of this act, file in the office of commissionJ copies of all schedules of rates, including joint sates in force onl its line or lines, between points within this state, on the first day! of January, 1907, and all rates in force between such points at anyj time subsequent to said date. Same, sec. 62. Every public utility shall file with commission within a1 time to be fixed by commission, schedules which shall be open| to public inspection showing all rates, tolls and charges whichl it has established and which are in force at the time, for anyl service performed by it within the state or for any service in con-| nection therewith or performed by any public utility controlled] or operated by it. Gen. Laws 1911, ch. 2yg, sec. 25. Every public utility shall file with and as part of every sucl schedule all rules and regulations that in any manner affect the rates charged or to be charged for any service. Same, sec. 26. Every public utility shall also file with commission copies ofj interstate rate schedules and rules and regulations issued by it 01 to which it is a party. Same, 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 Where a schedule of joint rates or charges is or may be in force between two or more public utilities, such schedule shall in 1609 like manner be printed and filed with the commission and so much thereof as the commission shall deem necessary for the use of the public shall be filed in every such station or office as provided in section 27. Samef sec. 28. Every public utility shall, within a time to be fixed by commission, file in the office of commission, copies of all sched- 1510 ules of rates and charges including joint rates, in force on the first day of January, 191 1, and all rates in force at any time subsequent to said date. Same, sec. 77. See also pars. 12^4, 1322, 1325, 2181. RHODE ISLAND Identical with par. 1506. Acts igi2, ch. 795, 1511 sec. 48. SOUTH CAROLINA Every railroad corporation shall, at all times on request, furnish commission with the rates of transporting 1512 freight and passengers upon its road and other roads with which its business is connected. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 20J2. SOUTH DAKOTA Provisions for common carriers substantially 1513 identical with pars. 1495, 1496, 1497. Sess. Laws ign, ch. 20J ^ sec. 10. On or before July i , each express company doing business in this state shall file with commission a complete schedule of its classifications of property, and the rates and charges for the transportation of money or other property within this state, by 1514 such company, and its joint rates with other companies, as the same were in force on the first day of January, 1909, and shall on or before July i, 1909, have prepared and put in operation a new schedule of rates as established herein. Sess. Laws igog, ch. ijg, sec. 3. Any express company which shall fail, neglect or refuse to make and publish a schedule of its rates as provided herein shall be fined a sum not exceeding $2,000; and each day said company 1616 shall fail or refuse to establish the rates provided for herein shall constitute a separate offense; provided that any express company shall be notified of and have an opporttmity to correct any error in a schedule before an action is commenced to recover the fore- going penalty. Same, sec. 7. Every telephone company doing business in this state shall file with commission schedules or tariffs showing all rates and charges for the rent of any line or instrument and for the trans- 383 mission of messages and any service in connection therewith, 1616 between all points in this state upon its line or any line con- trolled or operated by it, and all rules and regulations that in any manner affect such rates or charges; and thereafter every tele-- phone company shall file with commission a copy of all proposed changes in any schedule of rates or charges, at least 30 days be- fore the same shall take effect. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 218, sec. 4. See also par. 1882. VERMONT Every railroad corporation shall file with com- mission and keep on file in all railroad offices in the state, schedules showing the rates or tariffs charged by such corporation for transportation of passengers and property between the different 1617 points on its own lines, and between the points on its own lines and those of all other common carriers with which it has a joint rate, and also showing the charge for any and all services of any and all kinds connected with such transportation. Pub. Stats. IQ06, sec. 4533. Every company shall file with commission within a time to be fixed by it, schedules which shall be open to public inspection, showing all rates, tolls, and charges which it has established and 1618 which are in force at the time, including joint rates, for any serv- ice performed, or any product furnished by it, within the state, and as a part thereof shall file the rules and regulations that in any manner affect the tolls or rates charged, or to be charged, for any such service or product. Laws igo8, no. 116, sec. 18. VIRGINIA Every transportation company shall submit to 1619 commission all of its schedules of rates, fares, and charges and of all changes made in the same. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. i2Q4c{8). WASHINGTON A provision for common carriers substantially 1620 identical with par. 1468. Laws 1911, ch. iiy, sec. 14. Every common carrier shall print and file or cause to be filed with commission schedules showing the rates, fares, charges and classifications for the transportation of persons and property be- tween all points within the state and all points without the state upon its route, and between each point within the state and all points without the state upon every route leased, operated or 1621 controlled by it, and between each point upon its route within the state and all points without the state upon the route of any com- mon carrier, whenever a through route and joint rate shall have been established between any two such points. If no joint rate over a through route has been established, the carrier operating 384 within this state shall print and file with commission the sepa- rately established rates, fares, charges and classifications applied to the through transportation. Same, sec. ly. Every gas, electrical and water company and every ware- houseman or wharfinger shall file with commission and shall print and keep open to public inspection schedules in such form as commission may prescribe, showing all rates and charges made, 162S established or enforced, or to be charged or enforced, all forms of contract or agreement, all rules and regulations relating to rates, charges or service, used or to be used, and all general privileges and facilities granted or allowed by such gas, electrical or water company or warehouseman or wharfinger. SamCy sees. 27 (gas, electrical and water company), 47 (warehouseman or wharfinger). Every telephone and telegraph conipany shall file with com- mission and shall print and keep open to public inspection at such points as commission may designate, schedules showing the rates, tolls, rentals, contracts and charges of such companies for mes- sages, conversations and services rendered and equipment and facilities supplied for messages and services to be performed within the state between each point upon its lines and all other points thereon, and between each point upon its line and all 1623 points upon every other similar line operated or controlled by it, and between each point on its line or upon any line leased, oper- ated or controlled by it and all points upon the line of any other similar company, whenever a through service and joint rate shall have been established or ordered between any two such points. If no joint rate covering a through service has been es- tablished, the several companies in such through service shall file, print and keep open to pubHc inspection the Sjeparately es- tablished rates, tolls, rentals, contracts and charges applicable for such through service. Same, sec. j6. WISCONSIN Provisions substantially identical with pars. 1502, 1503, 1504, 1506, 1507, 1509. Laws igoj, ch. 362, sees. 1624 1797-4, lygy-zi. Laws 1907, ch. 499, sees. iy9ym-2y, lygym- 28, i797m-3o{i). ' Every public utility shall, within 30 days after the pas- sage and publication of this act, file in the office of commission, 1625 copies of all schedules -of rates and charges including joint rates, in force on the first day of April, 1907, and all rates in force at any time subsequent to said date. Laws 190J, ch. 499, sec. iy9jm-ios{2) See also pars. 1282, 1330, 1333, 2224. 385 B. MATTERS TO BE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULES.! UNITED STATES The schediiles printed by any common car- rier shall plainly state the places between which property and passengers will be carried, and shall contain the classification of freight in force, and shall also state separately all terminal 1526 charges, storage charges, icing charges and all other charges which commission may require, all privileges or facilities granted or allowed and any rules or regulations which in any wise change, affect or determine any part or the aggregate of such rates, fares and charges or the value of the service rendered to the passenger, shipper or consignee. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 6. The names of the several carriers which are parties to any joint tariff shall be specified therein, and each of the parties thereto, other than the one filing the same, shall file mth com- 1627 mission such evidence of concurrence therein or acceptance there- of as may be required or approved by commission, and where such evidence of concurrence or acceptance is filed it shall not be necessary for the carriers filing the same to file also copies of the ' tariffs in which they are named as parties. Same. Commission may reject and refuse to file any schedule that 1628 is tendered for filing which does not provide and give lawful notice of its effective date, and any schedule so rejected by com- mission shall be void and its use shall be unlawful. Same. See also par. ijj8. ALABAMA The schedules shall plainly state the places in the state on its own line or any line controlled or operated by a 1629 common carrier and on any line with which a through route and joint rate have been established between which property and passengers will be carried, and shall contain the classification of freight in force. Code igoy, sec. 5521. The schedules shall contain all the rules and regulations that in any manner affect the rates or fare to be charged for the trans- portation of passengers and property and all charges for delay 1530 in loading or imloading cars, for track and car service or rental and for switching, demurrage, terminal and transfer service and for rendering any other service in connection with the transporta- tion of passengers and property. Same, sec. 5522. ARIZONA The schedules printed shall plainly state the places between which property and persons will be carried, and > See also pars. 1448-1525. 386 shall also contain the classification of passengers or property in force, and shall also state separately all terminal charges, storage charges, icing charges and all other charges which commission 1531 may require to be stated, all privileges or facilities granted or allowed, and all rules or regulations which may in any wise change, affect or determine any part or the aggregate of such rates, fares, charges and classifications, or the value of the serv- ice rendered to the passenger, shipper or consignee. Sess. Laws IQI2, ch. go, sec. 14(0). The names of the several public service corporations which 1632 are parties to any joint tariff, rate, fare, toll, contract, classifi- cation or charge shall be specified in the schedule or schedules showing the same. Same, sec. 16. ARKANSAS Schediiles shall state: First, the different kinds and classes of property to be carried; second, the different places between which property shall be carried; third, the rate of freight 1633 or express charges for carriage between such places, and for all services connected with the transportation of such property, from its receipt imtil it is delivered or forwarded. Kirhy^s Digest 1904, sec. 6803. CALIFORNIA Identical with pars. 1531, 1532, except that 1534 ''public utilities " is used instead of '^ public service corporations." Stats, fgii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sees. 14(a), 16. COLORADO Substantially identical with par. 1526. Laws 1536 1 910, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 6. ILLINOIS Schedules shall include and contain not only the rates, fares and charges to be charged, collected or received for the transportation of persons or property between points wholly within the state, but also shall state separately all terminal 1536 charges, storage charges, icing charges or other charges which commission may require, or privileges or facilities granted or allowed, and any rules or regiilations which in any wise change, affect or determine any part or the aggregate of such rates, fares or charges or the value of the services rendered to the passenger, shipper or consignee. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. ig8. See also par. 1570. The classification of freights is part of the schedule and must be pub- lished the same as the schedule. St. Louis & C. Ry. Co. vs. Blackwood, 14 III. App. 503- INDIANA Every schedule of joint rates filed shall name the carriers parties thereto, and the carrier publishing and filing 387 1637 the same shall procure the concurrence of the connecting carriers thereto and deliver copies thereof to the connecting carriers so named. Acts igii, ch. 225, sec. i. Every such carrier shall publish with and as a part of such schedule all rules and regulations that in any manner affect the rates charged or to be charged, for the transportation of passen- gers or property, and all switching, terminal and transfer service, 1638 or for rendering any other service in connection with the trans- portation of persons or property, and the said carriers, within, such time, shall file with commission copies of all switching tariffs and transfer charges in force at any terminal or jimction point upon its line in this state. Same. IOWA The schediiles shall plaiilly state the places upon the road of every common carrier between which passengers and property will be carried and shall contain the classifications 1639 of freight in force upon such road, stating separately any terminal charges and any rules and regulations which in any wise change, affect or determine any part of the aggregate of such rates, fares and charges. Code i8gy, sec. 2128. MARYLAND A provision substantially identical with par. 1640 1531; also a pro\dsion identical with par. 1527. Laws igio, ch,\ 180, sec. 15. • MICHIGAN • A provision identical with par. 1526, except that the following proviso is added : Provided that where loc£ 1641 switching tariffs are in effect at a competitive point, it shall sufficient if the schedules state that the terminal charges si be subject to the rules of such local switching tariffs. Puh^ Acts igii, no. ijp, sec. io{a). 1642 Also a provision identical with par. 1527. Same, sec. io{c). MINNESOTA Schedules shall plainly state the places between! which persons and property will be carried, shall show the class-j ification of freights, a distance tariff, a table of distances between' 1648 stations, and shall state, and shall state separately, the terminal charges, and any rules or regulations in any way affecting the Q-ggregate of such rates, fares and charges. Rev. Laws 1905, sec. . 2012, as amended by Laws iQoy, ch. jj/. See also par. 1582, MISSOURI Schedules shall contain the classifications of freight in force upon any railroad or railroads, and if there be any 1644 rules or regulations which change, determine or affect any part 388 of the aggregate of such rates, fares and charges, such rules and regulations shall accompany such schedule. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. jiSy. MONTANA See par. 1588. NEBRASBLA Identical with par. 1539. Cohhey's Annot. 1545 Stats. iQog, sec. 10656. See par. 1590. NEVADA The schedules printed shall plainly state the places upon its line or any line controlled or operated by it in the state between which passengers and property will be carried, and there shall be filed therewith the classifications of freight in force. Every railroad shall publish with and as a part of such 1546 schedvdes all rules and regulations that in any manner affect the rates charged or to be charged for the transportation of passengers or property, also its charges for delay in unloading or loading cars, for track and car service or rental, and for demiurage, switching, terminal or transfer service or for rendering any other service in connection with the transportation of persons or property. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 4. NEW MEXICO A provision substantially identical with par. 1547 1531; also a provision identical with par. 1527. Laws igi2, ch. y8, sees. 16, 18. NEW YORK A provision substantially identical with par. 1548 1531; also a provision identical with par. 1527. Laws igio, ch. 480, sees. 28 y 3o{i). The schedules of telegraph and telephone companies shall plainly state the places between which telephone or telegraph service or both will be rendered, and shall also state separately 1649 all charges and all privileges or facilities granted or allowed and any rules or regulations or forms of contracts which may in any wise change, affect or determine any part or the aggregate of the rates, rentals or charges for the service rendered. Same, sec. g2{i). NORTH DAKOTA A provision for railroads, railroad corpora- 1650 tions or common carriers substantially identical with par. 1539. Rev. Codes igo^, sec. 433g. OHIO Substantially identical with par. 1546. Code i»Bi 1910, sec. 506. 389 OREGON 1B6S 55, sec. 13. Identical with par. 1 546. Gen. Laws igoy^ ch. SOUTH DAKOTA Schedules printed by any common carrier shall plainly state the places between which property, passengers, express, or messages by telephone will be carried and shall con- tain the classification of freight and express in force upon such 1653 common carrier and shall also state separately all terminal charges, storage charges, icing charges, all privileges or facilities granted or allowed, and any rules or regulations which in any wise change, affect or determine any part or the aggregate of such rates, fares and charges. Sess. Laws igiiy ch. 207, sec. 10. See also par. 160Q. VIRGINIA The schedules printed shall plainly state the places upon its route between which property and passengers wiU be carried by any transportation company and shall contain the 1554 classification of freight in force, and shall also state separately the terminal charges, and any rules and regtilations which in any wise change, affect or determine any part or the aggregate of such rates, fares and charges. Pollard's Code, 1^04, sec. I2p4c{^). WASHINGTON A provision substantially identical with par. 1 531; also a provision identical with par. 1527; also a provision 1565 for interstate rates substantially identical with par. 1531; also a provision substantially identical with par. 1549; also a pro- vision for telephone and telegraph companies identical with par. 1527. Laws igii, ch. 117, sees. 14, 16, 17, 36, 38. See also par. 1623. WISCONSIN Identical with par. 1546. Laws igoj, ch. 362,^ 1566 sec. iyg7-4. C. PUBLICATION AND POSTING OF SCHEDULES.^ UNITED STATES Schedules shall be plainly printed in large type] and copies for the use of the public shall be kept posted in twoj public and conspicuous places in every depot, station or officej 1557 of common carriers where passengers or freight respectively are| received for transportation, in such form that they shall be] accessible to the public and can be conveniently inspected. These provisions shall apply to all traffic transportation andj facilities defined in this act. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 6. I See also pan. 1448-1525. Any common carrier receiving freight in the United States to be carried through a foreign coiintry to any place in the United States shall also in like manner print and keep open to public in- spection at every depot or office where such freight is received for shipment, schedules showing the through rates established and charged by such common carrier to all points in the United States 1558 beyond the foreign coimtry to which it accepts freight for ship- ment; and any freight shipped from the United States through a foreign coimtry into the United States the through rate on which shall not have been made public as required by this provision, shall before it is admitted into the United States from said foreign country, be subject to customs duties as if said freight were of foreign production. Same. ALABAMA Copies of schedules shall be kept posted for the use of the public in at least two pubHc and conspicuous places 1559 in, and filed at, every depot, station or office of common carriers where passengers or freight are received for transportation, in such form and place that they shall be accessible to the public and can be conveniently inspected. Code igoj, sec. 5523. In lieu of posting and filing its entire schedules at each depot, station or office where passengers and freight are received for transportation, common carriers may file and keep posted at each 1560 such depot, station or office, schedules of such of its rates, fares and charges as are applicable between such depot, station or office and all other points in the state on its road and on any road controlled or operated by it or with which a through route and joint rate have been established. Same. sec. 5524. Any person or corporation operating a railroad who fails to post and keep posted at all freight depots the tariff of rates for 1661 transporting freight, showing general and special rates for each class, shall on conviction be fined not less than $20 nor more than $100. Same, sec. j6go. ARIZONA Subject to such rules and regulations as com- mission may prescribe schedules shall be plainly printed in large type and a copy thereof shall be kept by every carrier readily accessible to and for inspection by the public in every station or office of such carrier where passengers or property are re- spectively received for transportation, when such station or 1562 office is in charge of an agent, and in every station or office of such carrier where passenger tickets or tickets for sleeping, parlor car or other train accommodations are sold, or bills of lading or 391 way bills or receipts for property are issued. Any or all of such schedules kept as aforesaid shall be immediately produced by such carrier for inspection upon the demand of any person. Sess. Laws ipi2, ch. go, sec. i4{a). ARKANSAS All persons or corporations engaged in the transportation of passengers or property shall keep posted up at 1563 every depot imder the control of or in use by such person or cor- poration in a conspicuous place therein, plainly and legibly printed schedules. Kirhy^s Digest, 1904, sec. 6803. Such schedules shall be posted at least five days before the 1664 same shall go into effect and the same shall remain in force until another schedule shall be posted. Same. CALIFORNIA Subject to such rules and regulations as com- mission may prescribe, schedules shall be plainly printed in large type and a copy thereof shall be kept by every common carrier readily accessible to and for inspection by the public in every 1666 station or office of such carrier where passenger tickets or tickets for sleeping, parlor car or other train accommodations are sold or bills of lading or way bills or receipts for property are issued. Any or all of such schedules shall be immediately produced by such carrier for inspection upon the demand of any person. Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. i4{a). COLORADO Substantially identical with par. 1557. Laws 1666 igio, sp. sess. J ch. 5, sec. 6. FLORIDA The railroad companies affected shall furnish at their own cost and shall put in conspicuous places, the sched- 1667 ules, rate sheets, etc., adopted by commission according to the rules and regulations made by commission. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 2903- GEORGIA Commission may require such publication by common carriers in newspapers of towns through which their 1668 lines extend of their schedules as may be reasonable and which the public convenience demands. Code igii, sec. 2663. ILLINOIS When any schedule shall have been made or revised commission shall have the same printed by the state printer imder the contract governing state printing, and com- mission shall furnish two copies of said printed schedule to the president, general manager, general superintendent or receiver of each common carrier doing business in the state. And every 392 1669 such connnon carrier so receiving any such schedule from com- mission shall cause same to be plainly printed and copies for the use of the public shall be kept in every depot, station or office of such carrier where passengers or property respectively are re- ceived for transportation in such form that they shall be accessible to the public and can be conveniently inspected. Revisal iQOQy ch. 114, sec. ig8. It shall be the duty of every express company and carrier by express to print in clear and legible type the schedules of rates and charges for the transportation of property, money, parcels, merchandise, packages and other commodities and things from every point in the state on its own line to every other point in the state on its own line or when in connection with any other express company or carrier by express to every other point of such other express company or carrier by express within the state where a 1670 joint rate has been established, and naming of such points in such schedules, and to post and keep displayed in each office or place of business of such express company or carrier by express within convenient access and for the inspection and use of the public dur- ing customary business hoiirs, such printed schedules of rates and charges and any amendment thereto, and in like manner to post or display any special rules or regulations, also the classifi- cation applying which may be promulgated by them or by order of said commission for the information of shippers. Same, sec. 370- Any express company or carrier by express, or any officer, representative, servant, agent, lessee, trustee or receiver of such express company or carrier by express, knowingly violating any of the provisions of this section shall upon conviction be fined in any sirni not less than $100 and not more than $500 for the first 1671 offense; and for the second offense and each subsequent offense shall be fined in any sum not less than $1,000 and not more than $5,000, to be recovered in an action of debt in the name of the people of the state, and there may be several counts joined in the same declaration. Each distinct violation shall be a separate offense and in case of the continuing violation, the violation for each day shall be deemed a separate offense. Same. INDIANA A copy of schedules, rules and regulations and switching tariff, for the use of the public, shall be filed and kept on file in every depot, station and office of railroads where 1672 passengers or freight are received for transportation, and where an agent is regularly maintained, and in such form and place 393 as to be accessible to the public and where they can be con- veniently inspected. Acts igii, ch. 22 j, sec. i. IOWA Every common carrier shall print and keep for public inspection schedules showing the rates, fares and charges 1673 for the transportation of passengers and property which it has established and which are in force at the time on its railroad. Code iSgy, sec. 2128. Such schedules shall be plainly printed in large type of at least the size of ordinary pica, and a copy for the use of the public 1674 shall be kept in every freight office and passenger station on such road where it can be conveniently inspected; and it shall keep a printed notice posted in every such freight office and passenger station indicating where therein the same can be found. Same. Joint rates, fares or charges on continuous lines shall be made public by common carriers when directed by commission in so far as in its judgment may be practical, and it shall from time to time prescribe the measvire of publicity which shall be given to 1676 such rates, fares and charges or to such part thereof as it may think practicable for such common carriers to pubHsh and the places in which they are to be published; but no common carrier party to any such joint tariff shall be liable for the failure of any other party thereto to observe and adhere to the rates, fares or charges thus made and published. Same. A printed copy of the schedules revised by commission shall 1676 be conspicuously posted by common carriers in each freight office and passenger depot upon all lines affected thereby. Same, sec. 2ij8. Every company or common carrier engaged in transporting property, money, parcels, merchandise, packages and other things shall print in clear and legible type -the schedules of rates for transportation of such property, money, parcels, mer- chandise, packages and other things so made by commission, and shall post in each of its offices or places of business where patrons 1677 visit for the purpose of making and receiving shipments, and keep displayed in each office or place of business within convenient access and for the inspection and use of the public during cus- tomary business hours such printed schedule of rates of charges and amendments thereto, and shall also post and display in similar manner any special rules and regulations which may be promulgated by them or commission for the information of their patrons. Same, sec. 2i6sd. 394 KANSAS The rules prescribed by commission and de- livered in writing to any person, firm, association or corporation engaged in the business of transporting oil by means of pipe lines 1678 shall be printed and posted up in a convenient, accessible and conspicuous place at each office, station or place of business where such oil is received or delivered. Gen. Stats, igog, sec, 3964- See also par. 7^5. MARYLAND Schedules shall be plainly printed; copies thereof for the use of the public shall be kept posted in public and conspicuous places in depots, stations and offices of every com- 1579 mon carrier where passengers or property are received for trans- portation in such manner as to be readily accessible to and con- veniently inspected by the public wherever and whenever so ordered by commission. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 15. MICHIGAN Schedules shall be printed plainly in large type, and copies for the use of the public shall be kept on file for public inspection in every depot, station or office of common carriers 1680 where passengers or freight respectively are received for trans- portation or where tickets are sold, in such form that they will be accessible to the pubHc and can conveniently be inspected. These provisions shall apply to all traffic and transportation facilities defined in this act. Pub. Acts igii, no. jjp, sec. io{a). Each telephone company within the state shall have on file and accessible to the public in its particular place of doing busi- ness, a schedule of the rates, charges and tolls made, charged or collected by said company for service rendered, furnished or per- 1681 formed and for joint services rendered, furnished or performed and at its exchange or toll station, a schedule of the rates, charges and tolls, made, charged, or collected by said company for serv- ices rendered, furnished or performed and for joint service ren- dered, furnished or performed in connection with such exchange or toll station. Pub. Acts igii, no. ij8, sec. ig. MINNESOTA Every company shall keep at every station or depot on its road convenient for and open to public inspection, 1682 schedules printed in large tjrpe showing all classifications, rates, fares and charges for transportation of freight and passengers in force at the time upon its road. Rev. Laws igoj, sec. 2012. Every such company shall keep posted in a conspicuous 1683 place at every such station accessible to shippers, notice that such schedules are so kept thereat. Same. S$e also par. g^y. 395 MISSISSIPPI Commission shall prescribe the mamier and designate the place of posting the tariffs of charges; and every railroad shall post within ten days after approval and keep posted in the manner and at a place designated by commission at each 1684 of its depots, its tariffs of charges for the transportation of pas- sengers and freight including joint charges with all connecting lines if so ordered together with commission's certificate of ap- proval and all classification notices and orders promulgated by commission and directed to be posted. Code igo6, as amended, sec. 4846. MISSOURI Every common carrier shall print and keep for public inspection schediiles showing the rates for freight which such carrier has established and which are in force at the time 1686 upon the railroad or railroads operated by it. Copies of such schedules and also all rules and regulations, if any, shall be kept posted in every depot or station upon such road in such place where the same can be conveniently inspected by every person interested in the same. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 31SJ. The manager of every public warehouse or public elevator shall be required within 30 days after the passage of this article and diiring the first week in January of each year thereafter, to 1686 publish in one or more of the newspapers published in the vicinity in which such warehouse or elevator is situated, a schedule of rates for the transferring, handliag or storing of grain in his warehouse or elevator during the enstdng year. Same, sec. 6yg4. See also par. 8og. / MONTANA When any schedules shall have been made or revised it shall be the duty of commission to cause notice thereof to be published for two successive weeks in some newspaper pub- lished in the city of Helena, which notice shall state the date of 1687 taking effect of such schedule and such schedule shall take ef- fect at the time so stated in such notice, and a printed notice of such schedule shall be conspicuously posted by such common carrier in each freight office and passenger depot upon its lines. Rev. Codes igoy, sec. 43yg. Each railroad shall display in a conspicuous place in each of 1688 its stations in the state a schedule printed in plain legible English type showing all classifications and rates fixed and established by commission. Same. Any failure or refusal on the part of any railroad to comply I68» with the provisions of this section shall subject such railroad to a penalty of not less than $ioo nor more than $500 for each day that such failure or neglect is continued. Same. NEBRASKA. Every railway company or common carrier shall print and keep for public inspection, schedules showing the 1690 rates, fares and charges for the transportation of passengers and freight which have been fixed and established and which are in force at the time upon its railroad or railroads. Cobbey's Annot. Stats. igoQj sec. 10656. Said schedules are to be plainly printed in large type of at least the size of ordinary pica, and a copy for the use of the public shall be kept in every freight office and passenger station 1591 on such road where it can be conveniently inspected, and such railway company or common carrier shall keep a printed notice posted in every such freight office and passenger station, indi- cating where therein the same can be foimd. Same. Said schedtiles shall have printed at the top thereof in black faced type the words ''Schedule A," ''Schediile B," etc., and shall also have printed thereon immediately following said words the date when such schediile or schedules went into effect, and when commission have revised, annulled or modified any rate or 1692 rates in said schedules so designated, said railway company or common carrier shall prepare another schedule showing the rate or rates so annulled, revised or modified iand the classification thereof, which shall be designated by printed words at the top thereof as ''Supplemental Schedule A," etc., and when the rate or rates therein set forth are in force and effect. Same. NEVADA Copies of schediiles shall be printed in plain large type at least the size of ordinary pica and shall be kept plainly posted for public inspection in at least two places in every depot where freights are received or delivered, and no such schedule shall be changed in any particular except by the sub- 1693 stitution of another schedule containing the substitutions above required, which substitute schedule shall plainly state the time when it shall go into effect and copies of which printed as aforesaid shall be posted as above provided at least five days before the same shall go into effect and shall remain in full force imtil an- other schedule shall be substituted. Comp. Laws igoo, sec. 10 j6. Two copies of schedules for the use of the public shall be filed and kept on file in every depot, station and office of railroads 1694 where passengers or freight are received for transportation in such form and place as to be accessible to the public and where'they can be conveniently inspected. Stats, igoy^ ch. 44^ sec, 4. 397 NEW YORK Schedules shall be plainly printed in large type and a copy thereof shall be kept by every carrier readily ac- cessible to and for convenient inspection by the public in every station or office of such carrier where passengers or property are respectively received for transportation when such station or 1696 office is in charge of an agent, and in every station or office of such carrier where passenger tickets for transportation or tickets covering sleeping or parlor car or other train accommodation are sold or bills of lading or receipts for property are issued. All or any of such schedules kept as aforesaid shaU be immediately pro- duced by such carrier for such inspection upon the demand of any person. Laws igio, ch. 480^ sec. 28. Telegraph or telephone corporation schedules shall be 1696 plainly printed and kept open to public inspection. Same, sec. 92 {i). See also pars. 1635, 1637. NORTH CAROLINA Commission shall publish the rates or a sum- mary thereof of common carriers in some convenient form for the 1697 information of the public, and quarterly thereafter the changes made in such schedules if they deem it advisable. PelVs Re- visal igo8, sec. nog. NORTH DAKOTA Provisions for railroads, railroad corporations or common carriers substantially identical with pars. 1573, 1574, 1575, 1576, except that ''shall be kept in every freight office and 1698 passenger station (depot) " reads ''shall be kept in every freight, express or receiving office or passenger station (depot). '* Rev. Codes igo5, sees. 433g, 4342, 4343^ as amended hy Laws igiit ch. 255y sec. 2. OHIO Two copies of schedules, in such form and place as to be accessible for inspection by the public, shall be filed and 1699 kept on file in every depot, station and office of all railroads where passengers or freight are received for transportation. Code igio, sec. 506. The schedules of every public utility shall be plainly printed and kept open to public inspection. Commission may establish rules and regulations for keeping such schedules open to public inspection, and may, from time to time, modify the same. A 1600 copy of such schedules or so much thereof as commission may deem necessary for the use and information of the public, shall be printed in plain type and kept on file or posted in such places and 398 in such manner as commission may order. Laws igii, no. j^j, sec. i8. OKLAHOMA In order to ascertain what the regvdar charges of such companies are, all railroad, express, telegraph and tele- 1601 phone companies doing business in the state are required to keep in all their offices in the state a schedule of the regular rates charged by them, which shall be open to the inspection of any person interested therein. Sess. Laws igo8, ch. ij, art. j, sec. j. Any agent of any railroad, express, telegraph or telephone company who shall fail or refuse to show the schedule of rates of said company to any person or persons interested therein, and 1602 allow him or them to examine the same, as provided in section 3, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than $100 nor more than $500. Same, sec. 5. OREGON Two copies of schedules for the use of the public shall be filed and kept on file in every depot, station and 1603 office of railroads where an agent is maintained, which schedule shall be in such form and place as to be accessible to the public and can be conveniently inspected. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 55, sec. 13. A copy of so much of the schedules of every public utility filed with commission as commission may deera necessary for the use of the public shall be printed in plain type and kept on file in 1604 every station or office of such public utility where payments are made by the consimiers or users, open to the public in such .form and place as to be readily accessible to the public and as can be conveniently inspected. Gen. Laws 1911, ch. 2yg, sec. 2j. PENNSYLVANIA See par. 1642. RHODE ISLAND A copy of so much of the schedules filed with commission as commission shall deem necessary for the use of the public shall be printed in plain type or typewritten and kept on 1605 file in every station or office of such public utiHty where payments are made by the consimiers or users, open to the public in such form and place as to be readily accessible and conveniently in- spected, and as commission may order. Acts igi2, ch. ^gj, sec. 48. SOUTH CAROLINA When any schedule shall have been made or revised, all railroad companies shall post at all their respective 1606 stations, a copy of said schedule for the protection of the people. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2ogj. 399 Any railroad corporation which shall fail to post at any of its stations a copy of the schedule of rates, as provided in this 1607 section shall be liable to a penalty of $ioo for each and every day in which it shall fail to post such schedule, to be recovered by any citizen who will sue therefor, one-half of such penalty to go to the state, the other half to the citizen suing for the same. Same. SOUTH DAKOTA When any schedule shall have been made or re- vised as provided by law, commission shall cause notice thereof to be published for two successive weeks in two public newspapers published, one in the county of Minnehaha and one in the county 1608 of Lawrence, in the state, which notice shall state the date of the taking effect of said schedule, and said schedule shall -take effect at the time so stated in such notice, and a printed copy of said re- vised schedule shall be conspicuously posted by any common car- rier in each freight office and passenger depot upon its line or lines. Rev. Pol. Code igoj, sec. 450. Every common carrier shall print and keep for public in- spection schedules showing the rates, fares and charges for the 1609 transportation of passengers, property, express and messages by telephone which any such common carrier has established and which are in force at the time upon its lines. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2oyy sec. 10. Such schedules shall be plainly printed in large type of at least the size of ordinary pica and a copy for the use of the public shall be kept in every freight office, passenger station, express 1610 office and telephone office of such common carrier where it can be conveniently inspected, and such common carrier shall keep a printed notice posted in every such freight office, passenger station, express office and telephone office indicating where therein such schedules can be foimd. Same. Joint rates, fares and charges on continuous lines filed with commission shall be made public by common carriers when di- rected by commission, filing in the office of commission correct examined copies of all contracts or agreements existing or here- 1611 after made affecting any state, interstate, or proportional charge or rate any part of which affects or goes to make up a rate charged in the state; but no common carrier party to such joint tariff shall be liable for the failure of any other common carrier party thereto to observe and adhere to the rates, fares and charges made and published. Same. A printed copy of the schedules revised by commission shall I6IS be conspicuously posted by common carriers in each freight 400 office, passenger depot, express office and telephone office upon their line or lines. Same, sec. 20. Copies of all existing schedules shall be posted in every station or exchange of every telephone company within the state and thereafter printed copies of all new schediiles shall be like- 1613 wise posted in every station of such telephone company within the state 30 days prior to the time the same shall take effect, and shall be accessible for public inspection. Sess. Laws igog, ch, 28g, sec. 6, as amended by Sess. Laws igii, ch. 218, sec. 4. TENNESSEE Every railway company shall keep a plain in- telligible schedule of freight rates and freight classifications from 1614 all points on its road printed and posted up in a conspicuous place accessible to the public, at every depot on its road. Code igo6, sec. 3062. It shall be the duty of railroad companies or other persons operating any railroad in the state to post at each of its depots, 1616 all rates, schedules and tariffs for the transportation of passengers and freights made or approved by commission with certificate of approval in some conspicuous place at the depot. Acts iSgy, ch. 10, sec. 22. TEXAS Each railroad company shall cause schedules of rates to be printed in type of a size not less than pica, and shall 1616 have the same posted up in a conspicuous place at each of its depots so as to be inspected by the public. Sayles^ Civ. Stats. i8g'/, art. 456'/. VERMONT Every railroad corporation shall post con- spicuously in all its depots, stations and offices in the state, a notice that its schediiles of rates are on file in said offices and can 1617 be seen on application to the person in charge, and such schedule may be inspected by any person upon application and without the assignment of any reason therefor. Puh. Stats. igo6, sec. 4533- Every express company shall post up in its usual place of business and in the post office and town clerk's office in the towns where it has a place of business, and keep exhibited in a convenient place, in conspicuous letters a printed tariff of charges 1618 for transportation of goods and chattels between points with which such express company has business or connection. Every telegraph company shall in like manner make known rates of charges for the transmission of telegraphic dispatches. Same, sec. 4865. 401 Every company shall keep on file in every station or office thereof where pajonents are made by consiimers or users, open to 1619 the public and in such form and place as to be readily accessible to inspection by the public, a copy printed in plain type of so much of its schedules as commission shall deem necessary. Laws iqo8, no. ii6, sec. ig. VIRGINIA Every transportation company shall print and keep open to public inspection, schedules showing the rates, fares 1620 and charges for the transportation of passengers and property which have been established and which are in force at the time upon its route. Pollard^ s Code 1904, sec. I2g4c{^). Such schediiles shall be plainly printed in large type and copies for the use of the public shall be posted or exhibited in two 1621 public and conspicuous places in every depot, station or office of such company where passengers or freight respectively are re- ceived for transportation, and in such form that they shall be accessible to the public and can be convenientlyinspected. Same. WASHINGTON A provision identical with par. 1595. Laws 1622 igii, ch. iiy, sec. 14. A schedtde shall be plainly printed in large type and a copy thereof shall be kept by every telephone and telegraph company readily accessible to and for convenient inspection by the public at such places as may be designated by commission, which sched- 1623 ule shall state the rates charged from such station to every other station on such company's line or on any line controlled and used by it within the state. All or any of such schedules kept as afore- said shall be immediately produced by such telephone or tele- graph company upon the demand of any person. Same, sec. 36. WISCONSIN A provision identical with par. 1594; also a i62i provision identical with par. 1604. Laws igo^y ch. 362, sec. iygy-4. Laws igoy, ch. 4gg, sec. i'jg'jm~2g. D. THE FORMS OF SCHEDULES. UNITED STATES Commission may determine and prescribe the form in which the schedules required by this section to be kept 1626 open to public inspection shall be prepared and arranged and may change the form from time to time if it shall be found expedient. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 6. 402 ALABAMA Commission may prescribe such changes in the form in which the schedules shall be issued by common carriers 1686 as may be found expedient. Acts igog, sp. sess., no. 201, sec, 1(5). ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA The form of every schedule shall be prescribed by commission and shall conform in the case of common car- riers subject to the act entitled "An act to regulate com- 1627 merce," approved February 4, 1887, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, as nearly as may be to the form of schedules prescribed by the interstate commerce com- mission under said act. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 14(0); Cat. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. i4{a). Commission may from time to time in its discretion deter- mine and prescribe by order such changes in the form of the sched- 1688 ules referred to in this section as it may find expedient, and modify the requirements of any of its orders, rules or regulations in re- spect to any matters in this section referred to. Ariz. — Same, sec. 14(c) ; Cat. — Same, sec. i4{c). See also par. 1454. COLORADO Commission may determine and prescribe the form in which the schedides required by this act to be kept open to the public inspection, shall be prepared and arranged and may 1689 change the same from time to time as may be deemed expedient, but the form of such schedule shall conform as nearly as practi- cable to the forms required by the interstate commerce commis- sion. Laws igio, sp. sess. ch. 5, sec. 7. INDIANA All schedules of rates shall be in such form as 1630 shall be prescribed by the interstate commerce commission. Acts igii, ch. 225, sec. i. MARYLAND The form of every schedtile shall be prescribed by commission, and shall conform as nearly as possible to the form of schedules required by the interstate commerce commis- sion under the act of congress entitled "An act to regulate com- 1681 merce," approved February 4, 1887, as amended by the act approved Jinie 29, 1906, and other amendments thereto. Com- mission shall have power from time to time, at its discretion, to determine and prescribe by order such changes in the form of such schedules as may be found expedient. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 15. 403 MICHIGAN Substantially identical with par. 1629. Pub. 1632 Acts, 191 1 y no. ijp, sees. io{d), io{e). NEVADA Commission may prescribe such changes in the form in which the schedules are issued by the railroad as may be I6S8 fotind expedient, and such schedules shall, as far as practicable, conform to the forms prescribed by the interstate commerce commission. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 4(d). Each public utility is required to conform its schedule of 1634 rates, tolls and charges to the classifications of service prescribed by commission for which schedules commission may, when neces- sary, prescribe the forms. Stats, igii, ch. 162, sec. ij. NEW HAMPSHIRE See par. i486. NEW YORK The form of every schedule shall be prescribed by commission and shall conform in the case of railroad corpora- tions as nearly as may be to the form of schedule required by the interstate commerce commission imder the act of congress entitled "An act to regulate commerce" approved February 4, 1887, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. Where any similar schediile is reqiiired by law to be filed with both com- 1636 missions they shall agree upon an identical form for such sched- ules. Commission may from time to time, in its discretion, deter- mine and prescribe by order such changes in the form of such schedules as may be found expedient, and modify the require- ments of this section in respect to publishing, posting and filing of schedules either in particular instances or by general order ap- plicable to special or peculiar circimistances or conditions. Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 28. Commission may prescribe the form of every schedule of gas and electric corporations and from tine to time prescribe by order such changes in the form thereof as may be deemed wise. 1686 Commission may also establish such rules and regulations to carry into effect the provisions of this subdivision as it may deem neces- sary, and modify or amend such rules or regulations from time to time. Same, sec. 66(12). Commission may prescribe the form of every telephone and telegraph schedule, and may from time to time prescribe, by 1637 order, changes in the form thereof. Commission shall also have power to establish rules and regulations for keeping such sched- ules open to public inspection and may from time to time modify the same. Same, sec. 92(1) , 404 OHIO Commission may prescribe such changes in the form in which schedules are issued by a railroad as may be found 1638 expedient. Such schedules, as far as practicable, shall conform to the forms prescribed by the interstate commerce commission. Code igio, sec. 511. Commission may prescribe the form of every schedule, and 1639 may, from time to time, prescribe, by order, changes in the form thereof. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 18. OREGON Commission may prescribe such changes in the 1640 form in which the schedules are issued by the railroad as may be found expedient. Gen. Laws igoj, ch. 53, sec. 17. Commission may prescribe such changes in the form in which 1641 the schedules are issued by any public utility as may be found to be expedient. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. 32. PENNSYLVANIA Commission may recommend the form in which schedules or tariffs of rates, fares, charges, and distribution of 1642 cars shall be posted and published, and make such change or changes therein, from time to time, as shall be found expedient. Laws igoy, no. 250, sec. 14. RHODE ISLAND Commission may determine and prescribe the form in which the schedules required by this section to be kept open to public inspection shall be prepared and arranged, pro- 1643 vided, that with respect to public utilities subject to the federal "act to regulate commerce,'* so called, the form of such sched- ules shall be that from time to time prescribed by the interstate commerce commission. Acts igi2, ch. yg^, sec. 48. WASHINGTON The form of every schedule shall be prescribed by commission and shall conform in the case of railroad companies as nearly as may be to the form of schedules required by the inter- 1644 state commerce commission under the act of congress entitled "An act to regulate commerce," approved February 4, 1887, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 14. WISCONSIN Identical with pars. 1640, 1641. Laws igoj, 1646 ch. J62, sec. iygy-4{d). Laws igoy, ch. 4gg, sec. iygym-j4. 405 E. FILING, PUBLISHING AND POSTING OF SCHEDULES AS A CONDITION PRECEDENT TO THE EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT TO DO BUSINESS. UNITED STATES No carrier shall engage or participate in the transportation of passengers or property unless the rates, fares 1646 and charges upon which the same are transported by said carrier have been filed and published in accordance with the provisions of this act. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 6. Under the interstate commerce act an initial carrier which has become a party to a joint through rate for transportation of property over its own and connecting lines from one point to another cannot accept goods for shipment between the same points via other lines at a less than that pub- lished rate. United States vs. Vacuum Oil Co., 153 Fed. 5g8. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA No common carrier shall engage or participate in the transportation of persons or property between points within 1647 this state imtil its schedules of rates, fares, charges and classifi- cations shall have been filed and published in accordance with the provisions of this act. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. iy{a){i); Cat. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. i'/{a){i). INDIANA It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any carrier to transport any passengers or property between points 1648 in this state, or to perform any other service as a common carrier i without first having filed with commission, a schedule of the rates which it proposes to charge for such service. Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. g{h). It is declared to be imlawful for any carrier to transport any passenger or property between points in the state or to perform any other service as a common carrier without first having filed with commission a schedule of the rates which it proposes to charge for any such service; provided that in special cases where it is necessary for property to be transported or other service as a common carrier to be tendered at once by such carriers, and no rates for the transportation of the same or such other service are applicable thereto and the emergency is such that a rate therefor 1649 cannot be published and filed according to law, commission may, upon the request of any interested carrier or shipper permit the carrier to transport such property or tender such service upon a rate or rates then determined by commission, or in its discretion commission may permit such transportation or other service, the 406 rate to be thereafter reasonably adjusted by the shipper and car- rier subject to the approval of commission; provided that said carrier shall as soon as possible after making such request of com- mission, file with it the schedule of rates covering the future trans- portation of such property or such other service performed as a common carrier. Acts igii, ch. 22 j, sec. i{b). MARYLAND No common carrier shall after November i, 1 9 10, engage or participate in the transportation of passengers, 1650 freight or property between points within the state imtil its sched- ules of rates, fares and charges shall have been filed and published in accordance with the provisions of this act. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 16. MICHIGAN Identical with par. 1646. Pub. Acts igii, no. 1661 ijg, sec. io(J). SOUTH DAKOTA Every telephone company must before com- mencing to charge, collect or receive any rate or charge for the transmission of any messages or for any service in connection therewith or for the rent of any line or instrument or facility of any kind, file with commission a full, true and correct schedule or tariff showing every such rate or charge and a correct examined copy verified by such telephone company, its officers or author- ized agents of every franchise and license granted to such com- pany by any municipality in this state or assigned to it by any grantee thereof and still remaining in force, as well as a true, full 1662 and correct copy of any contract or agreement entered into by such company with any municipality, telephone company or com- panies within 20 days after the granting or assignment of such franchise or license, or making of such contract or agreement. Such copies shall be duly certified as full, true and correct by the president, secretary or managing agent of such company. Pro- vided that all filings heretofore made with the board of telephone commissioners as required by chapter 239 of the Session Laws of 1907 shall in so far as they meet the requirements of this act be deemed as filed with the board of railroad commissioners at the time of taking effect of this act. Sess. Laws igog, ch. 28g, sec. 4, as amended by Sess. Laws igu, ch. 218, sec. 2, See also par. 3i2g, 407 F. PUBLICITY OF CHANGES BY UTILI- TIES IN RATES AND SCHEDULES. UNITED STATES No change shall be made in the rates, fares and charges or joint rates, fares and charges which have been filed and published by any common carrier in compliance with the re- quirements of this section, except after 30 days' notice to com- mission and to the public published as aforesaid, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedule then in force and the time when the changed rates, fares or charges will go into effect; and the proposed changes shall be 1653 shown by printing new schedules, or shall be plainly indicated upon the schedules in force at the time and kept open to public inspection; provided that commission may, in its discretion and for good cause shown, allow changes upon less than the notice herein specified, or modify the requirements of this section in respect to publishing, posting and filing of tariffs, either in par- ticular instances or by a general order applicable to special or peculiar circtimstances or conditions. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 6. ALABAMA No change shall be made by any common car- rier in the rates, fares and other charges or joint rates, fares and charges, which have been filed and published by it, or which are in force at the time, tmtil the proposed changes have been sub- mitted to and approved by an order of commission. After such 1664 approval such changes shall, before the same shall become effec- tive, be plainly indicated upon existing schedules or by filing and posting new schedules for a period of ten days prior to the time the same are to take effect; but commission may prescribe a shorter period within which such changes shall take effect. Code igpy, sec. 5525. "Whenever a change has been made and approved in any existing schedule of rates, fares and charges, or joint rates, fares and charges, a notice shall be posted by the common carrier in a conspicuous place so as to be accessible to the public and con- 1666 veniently inspected, in every depot, station or office where pas- sengers or freight are received for transportation, which is af- fected by said change or to which the same is applicable, stating the changes which have been made in the schedtde on file and specifying the class or commodity affected, the change made, and the date when such change shall take affect. Same, sec. $$26, See also par, 8g6. 4Q8 ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Unless commission otherwise orders no change shall be made by any public service corporation^ in any rate, fare, toll, rental, charge or classification, or in any rule, regulation or contract relating to or affecting any rate, toll, fare, rental, charge, classification or service, or in any privilege or facility, except after 30 days' notice to commission and to the public as herein provided. Such notice shall be given by filing with commission and keeping open for public inspection new schedules stating plainly the change or changes to be made in the schedule or schedules then in force, and the time when the change or changes will go into effect. Commission for good cause shown 1666 may allow changes without requiring the 30 days' notice herein provided for, by an order specifying the changes so to be made and the time when they shall take effect, and the manner in which they shall be filed and published. When any change is proposed in any rate, fare, toll, rental, charge or classification or in any form of contract or agreement or in any rule, regula- tion or contract relating to or affecting any rate, toll, fare, rental, charge, classification or service, or in any privilege or facility, attention shall be directed to such change on the schedule filed with commission by some character to be designated by commis- sion, immediately preceding or following the item. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 15; Cat. — Stats, igiiy ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 15. COLORADO No change shall be made in the rates, fares and charges, or joint rates, fares and charges, which have been filed and published by any common carrier in compliance with the requirements of this act except after 30 days' notice to commission and to the public published as aforesaid, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the 1657 schedule then in force and the time when the changed rates, fares or charges will go into effect; provided that commission may in its discretion and for good cause shown, allow changes upon less than the notice herein specified, or modify the require- ments of this act in respect to publishing, posting and filing of tariffs either in particular instances or by a general order applicable to special or peculiar circtmistances or conditions. Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. y. ILLINOIS No change in any schedule of rates or charges, or classification shall become effective until it has been filed with » "Public utility," in California. 409 commission, and until after five days shall have elapsed between 1658 the date of filing and the time when such rates are to become effective if the rates are to be reduced, and 30 days if the rates are to be advanced; provided, commission may, in its discretion and for good cause shown, allow changes upon less than the notice herein specified. Revisal iQog, ch. 114, sec. 370. INDIANA No change shall be made in any schedules or tariffs after the same have been filed, or in any classification of freight, except upon ten days' notice to commission, and all such changes shall be plainly indicated upon the schedule so filed or by filing new schedules in lieu thereof, ten days prior to the time same are to become effective; provided, commission upon appli- 1659 cation by any carrier, may prescribe a less time within which a reduction in any such rate may be made. Copies of all such new schedules so changing rates shall be filed in every depot at least two days before the same go into effect. All schedules of rates and all rules and regulations for the transportation of passengers and property which shall be adopted by commission, or which shall be ordered observed by any court, shall also be filed in such depots as herein directed. Acts igii, ch. 225, sec. i. IOWA No advance shall be made in the rates, fares and charges which have been established and published by any common carrier, except after ten days' public notice, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedule then in force at the time and kept for public inspection. Re- 1660 duction in such published rates, fares or charges may be made without previous public notice, but when made, notice thereof shall be immediately and publicly posted, and such changes made public by printing new schedules, or to be plainly indica- ted, upon the schedules at the time in force and kept for public inspection. Code iSgy, sec. 2128. KANSAS Whenever any common carrier or public utility shall desire to make any change in any rate, joint rate, toll, charge or classification or schedule of charges, or in any rule or regulation or practice pertaining to the service or rates of any such public utility or common carrier, such public utility or common carrier shall file with commission a schedule showing the changes desired to be made and put in force by such public utility or common carrier, and such changes shall be plainly indicated by proper reference marks in amendments or supple- 1661 ments to existing tariffs, schedules or classifications, or in new 410 issues thereof. No change shall be made in any rate, toll, charge or classification or schedule of charges, joint rates, or in any rule or regulation or practice pertaining to the service of rates of any public utility or common carrier, without the consent of commis- sion and within 30 days after such changes have been authorized by commission, then copies of all tariffs, schedules and classi- fications, and all rules and regulations, -shall be filed in every station, office or depot of every public utility and every common carrier in this state, for public inspection. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 20. A MARYLAND Unless commission otherwise orders, no change shall be made in any rate, fare or charge, or joint rate» fare or charge, which shall have been filed and published by a common carrier in compliance with the requirements of this act, except after 30 days' notice to commission and publication for 30 days, as required by section 25 of this act, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedule then in force, and the time when the changed rate, fare or charge will go 1662 into effect ; and all proposed changes shall be shown by printing, filing and publishing new schedules, or shall be plainly indicated upon the schedules in force at the time and kept open to public inspection. Commission, for good cause shown, may allow changes in rates without requiring the 30 days' notice and pub- lication herein provided for, by duly filing and publishing in such manner as it may direct, an order specifying the change so made and the time when it shall take effect; all such changes shall be immediately indicated upon its schedules by the common carrier. Laws igiOy ch. 180, sec. 15. MICHIGAN No change shall be made in the schedule of rates, fares or charges or joint rates, fares or charges which have been filed and published by common carriers in compliance with the requirements of this section, except after ten days' notice to commission and to the public published as aforesaid, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedule of rates, fares or charges or joint rates, fares or charges, then in force and the time when such changed rates, fares or charges or joint rates, fares or charges will go into effect, and no such rates, fares or charges or joint rates, fares or charges shall be discon- tinued except after giving such notice as is required for changing 1663 rates, fares or charges or joint rates, fares or charges; and the proposed changes in such rates, fares, or charges or joint rates, 411 fares or charges shall be shown by printing and filing new tariffs thereto or by showing such changes or discontinuance by issuing and filing of supplements in the regular manner now provided and keeping same open to public inspection; provided, that commission may, in its discretion and for good cause shown, allow changes upon less time than the notice herein specified, or modify the requirements in this section in respect to publishing, posting and filing of tariffs, either in particular instances or by a general order applicable to special or peculiar circumstances or conditions. Puh. Acts igii, no. i^g.^ec. io{b). See also par. q4^. MINNESOTA No change in the classification shall be made, and no change shall be made in the rates, fares and charges, which have been established and published by any common carrier, in compliance with section 2012, except after ten days' public notice, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedules then in force, and the time when the changed schedules will go into effect; and the proposed changes shall be shown by printing new schedtiles, or shall be plainly indicated i66i upon the schedules in force at the time and kept for public inspection. And no change shall be made in any schedule of rates or schedule of joint rates which has been in effect for 60 days, so as to raise the rates for transportation of grain, limiber, coal or live stock by change of rates or of classification, except upon the written order of commission allowing such change, made upon hearing and such notice to shippers as commission shall direct. Any company violating any provision of this section shall forfeit to the state $100 for each day such violation shall continue. Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 2013. All common carriers shall, whenever any new tariff or classi- fication or any amendment to any tariff or classification is pub- lished either by itself or commission, post in a conspicuous place 1666 in every depot where the public would be affected, a notice printed in large type stating that changes have been made, indicating upon what articles or commodities and where the new tariff classification or amendment may be seen. Acts igo^y ch. ij6, sec. 2. MISSOURI No railroad company shall advance its rates for carrying freight without having first given at least 20 days' 1666 notice of such change, by posting the schedule to which it is proposed to change the rates in at least three conspicuous places 412 on each of the freight and passenger depots belonging to the company proposing the change. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 3133. Any person or company operating a railroad in the state who shall fail to comply with the provisions of the preceding section shall for each offense forfeit $500 to the nse of the common school fund of the cotmty, to be collected by civil action in the 1667 circuit court of any county through which the road belonging to such person or company may run; such suit may be instituted by any person injured by such violation, or by the prosecuting attorney of the county where the suit is brought. Same, sec. 3134- No advance shall be made in the rates, fares and charges which have been established and published by any common carrier in compliance with the requirements of law, except after ten days' notice which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedule then in force, and the time when the increased rates, fares and charges will go into effect; and the pro- posed changes shall be plainly indicated upon the schedules in force at the time, and kept for public inspection in like manner as herein provided. Reductions in such published rates, fares 1668 and charges may be made without previous public notice, but whenever any such reduction is made, notice of the same shall be immediately publicly posted, and the changes made shall be immediately plainly indicated upon the schedules in force at the time and kept for public inspection, and copies of the schedules containing such changes shall be forthwith filed with commission. Such changed schediiles shall become the established schedules from the date of such public notice imtil changed as herein pro- vided for changing schedules of rates, fares and charges. Same, sec. 318'/. NEVADA No change shall be made in any schedule, in- cluding schedule of joint rates, or in any classification, except upon 30 days' notice to commission, and all such changes shall be plainly indicated upon existing schedules, or by filing new schedules in lieu thereof 30 days prior to the time the same are 1669 to take effect ; provided commission upon application of any rail- road, may prescribe a less time within which a reduction may be made. Copies of all new schedules shall be filed in every depot, station and office of such railroad ten days prior to the time the same are to take effect, unless commission shall prescribe a less time. Stats, igoj, ch. 44, sec. 4(a). Whenever a change is made in any existing schedule in- 413 eluding schedule of joint rates, a notice shall be posted by the i«70 railroad in a conspicuous place in every depot, station and office stating that changes have been made in the schedule on file, specif jdng the class or commodity affected and the date when the same will take effect. Same, sec. 4(b). See also par. g8i. NEW HAMPSHIRE Unless commission otherwise orders, no change shall be made in any rate, fare, charge or price, which shall have been filed and published by a railroad corporation or public utility 1671 in compliance with the requirements of this section except after 30 days' notice to commission and such notice to the public as commission within ten days after receipt of the notice aforesaid shall direct. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec.'/{h). NEW MEXICO Unless commission otherwise orders no change shall be made in any classification, rate, fare, charge, rule or reg- ulation which shall have been filed and pubhshed by such company or common carrier in compliance with the preceding section, ex- cept after 30 days' notice to commission and to the public pub- hshed as aforesaid, which shall plainly state the changes proposed 1672 to be made in the schedule then in force, and the time when the changed rate, classification, fare or charge will go into effect; and all proposed changes shall be shown by printing, filing and pub- lishing new schedules or shall be plainly indicated upon the schedules in force at the time and kept open to public inspection. Commission, for good cause shown, may by order allow changes in rates without requiring the 30 days' notice and the publi- cation herein provided for. Laws 1Q12, ch. ^8, sec. 77. NEW YORK A provision for common carriers identical with 1673 par. 1662. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 2g. Unless commission otherwise orders, no change shall be made in any rate or charge, or in any form or contract or agree- ment or a"ny rule or regulation relating to any rate, charge or service, or in any general privilege or facility, which shall have been filed and published by a gas or electrical corporation in compliance with an order of commission, except after 30 days' notice to commission and pubUcation for 30 days as required by 1S74 order of commission, which shall plainly state the changes pro- posed to be made in the schedule then in force and the time when the change will go into effect. Commission for good cause shown may allow changes without requiring the 30 days' notice under such conditions as it may prescribe. Commission shall 414 also have power to establish such rules and regulations to carry into effect the provisions of this subdivision as it may deem necessary, and to modify or amend such rules or regulations from time to time. Same, sec. 66(12). Unless commission otherwise orders no change shall be made in any rate, charge or rental, or joint rate, charge or rental which shall have been filed by a telegraph or telephone corporation in compliance with the requirements of this chapter, except after 30 days' notice to commission, which notice shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedule then in force and the time when the changed rate, charge or rental shall go 1676 into effect; and all proposed changes shall be shown by filing new schedules or shall be plainly indicated upon the schedules filed and in force at the time and kept open to public inspection. Commission, for good cause shown, may allow changes in rates, charges or rentals without requiring the 30 days' notice, under such conditions as it may prescribe; all such changes shall be immediately indicated upon its schedules by such telegraph or telephone corporation. Same, sec. Q2{2). NORTH DAKOTA No advance shall be made in the rates, fares and charges which have been established and published by any railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier in compliance with the requirements of this article, except after ten days' no- tice in writing to commission, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedules then in force and the time when the increased rates, fares or charges will go into effect; and the proposed changes shall be shown by printing new 1676 schedules, or shall be plainly indicated upon the schedules in force at the time and kept for public inspection. Reduction in such published rates, fares or charges may be made without previous notice, but whenever any such reduction is made, notice of the same shall immediately be publicly posted, and the change made shall immediately be made public by printing new sched- ules, or shall immediately be plainly indicated upon the sched- ules at the time in force and kept for public inspection. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4340. OHIO No change shall be made in any schedule, including schedule of joint rates, or in any classification, except upon ten days' notice to commission. All such changes shall be plainly indicated upon existing schedules, or' by filing new sched- 1677 ules ten days prior to the time they are to take effect, but com- 415 mission, upon application of any railroad, may prescribe a less time within which a reduction may be made. Copies of all new schedules shall be filed in every depot, station and office of such railroad ten days prior to the time they are to take effect, unless commission shall prescribe a less time. Code igio, sec. 508. When a change is made in an existing schedule including schedules of joint rates, the railroad shall post a notice in a con- 1678 spicuous place in every depot, station and office stating that changes have been made in the schedules on file, specifying the class or commodity affected and the date when such changes will take effect. Samey sec. ^og. Unless otherwise ordered by commission, no change shall be made in any rate, joint rate, toll, classification, charge or rental in force at the time this act takes effect, or as shown upon the schedules which shall have been filed by a public utility in compliance with the requirements of this act, or by order of com- mission, except after 30 days' notice to commission, which notice 1679 shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the sched- ule then in force, and the time when the change, rate, charge, toll, classification or rental shall go into effect; and all proposed changes shall be plainly indicated upon existing schedules, or by filing new schedules 30 days prior to the time they are to take effect, but commission may prescribe a less time when they may take effect. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 22. See also par. 1002. OREGON Provisions for railroads substantially identical 1680 with pars. 1677, 1678. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sees. 14, 75. No changeshall be made in any schedule, including schedules of joint rates, except upon ten days' notice to commission, and all such changes shall be plainly indicated upon existing schedules, 1681 or by filing new schedules in lieu thereof ten days prior to the time the same are to take effect; provided, that commission upon application of any public utility, may prescribe a less time within which a reduction may be made. Gen. Laws igii, . ch. 2yg, sec. 2g. Copies of all new schedules shall be filed in every station and office of such public utility where pa5mients are made by con- I68S sumers or users ten days prior to the time the same are to take effect, unless commission shall prescribe a less time. . Same, sec. JO. See also par. 1012. 416 RHODE ISLAND No change shall be made in the rates, tolls and charges which have been filed and published by any public utility, in compliance with the requirements of this section, except after 30 days' notice to commission and the public pub- lished as aforesaid, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedule then in force and the time when the 1683 changed rates, tolls or charges will go into effect; provided, that . commission may in its discretion and for good cause shown, allow changes within less time than required by the notice herein speci- fied, or modify the requirements of this section in respect to filing and publishing tariffs either in particular instances or by a general order applicable to special or particular circumstances or conditions. Acts igi2, ch. yg^, sec. 48. SOUTH DAKOTA No advance shall be made in the rates, fares and charges or in joint rates, fares and charges, which have been established and published by any common carrier, or established or ordered into effect at the time this act shall take effect by commission in compliance with the requirements of this section, except after 30 days' notice to commission and the public, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the sched- ules then in force, and the time when the increased rates, fares or charges are desired, and the proposed changes shall be shown by printing new schedules, or shall be plainly indicated upon the 1684 schedules in force at the time and kept for public inspection . Commission may suspend the proceedings of such application for 90 days after the date fixed for the first hearing, and no change shall go into effect until allowed by commission. Reduction in such published rates, fares or charges may be made without previous public notice, but whenever any such reduction is made immediate notice of the same shall be given to commission and the public posted and published as aforesaid, and the changes made shall immediately be made public by printing new sched- ules, or shall immediately be plainly indicated upon the schedules at the time in force and kept for public inspection. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 207, sec. 10. Every telephone company shall file with commission a copy of all proposed changes in any schedule of rates or charges, at 1685 least 30 days before the same shall take effect. Sess. Laws igog, ch. 28g, sec. 6, as amended by Sess. Laws igii, ch. 218, sec. 4. No rate or charge for the transmission of any message or for any other service in connection with any telephone line or ex- 1686 change shall be increased without the written consent of commis- 417 sion entered in the journal of its proceedings; provided, that all terminal fees for incoming or outgoing toll messages shall be uni- form.^ Same. VERMONT The rates, tariffs and charges scheduled and kept in offices shall not be increased, unless notice of the proposed increase is filed with commission and in such offices at least 30 1687 days prior to the time such increase is to take effect. But com- mission may, for good cause shown, modify the requirements of this section in particular instances, or by a general order applica- ble to special circimistances or conditions. Puh. Stats. igo6, as amended, sec. 4533. No change shall be made in any schedules, including sched- ules of joint rates, or in any rules or regulations, except upon ten days' notice to commission; and all such changes shall be plainly indicated upon existing schediiles, or by filing new sched- 1688 ules in lieu thereof ten days prior to the time the same are to take effect; provided, that commission upon application of any company subject to the provisions of this act, may prescribe a shorter time within which such reduction or change may be made. Laws igo8, no. 116, sec. 18. VIRGINIA No advance shall be made in the rates, fares and charges which have been established and published, until the same are submitted to and approved by commission, and when so advanced ten days' public notice thereof shall be given, which 1689 shall plainly state the changes made in the schedule then in force, and the time when the increased rates and fares and charges will go into effect; and the proposed changes shall be shown by print- ing new schedules, or shall be plainly indicated upon the sched- ules in force at the time, and kept open to public inspection. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. i2Q4c{6). WASHINGTON Unless commission otherwise orders no change shall be made in any classification, rate, fare, charge, rule or regulation which shall have been filed and published by a common carrier in compliance with the preceding section, except after 30 days' notice to commission and to the public, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedule then in force, and the time when the changed rate, classification, fare or charge will go into effect; and all proposed changes shall be shown »It is further provided that the maximum charge on each incoming or outgoing toll message shall not exceed five cents for any message originating or terminating in South Dakota, unless otherwise ordered by commission. Sess. Laws 1909, ch. 289, sec. 0, as amended by Sess. Lawi 1911, ch. 218, sec. 4* 418 by printing, filing and publishing new schedules or shall be plainly 1690 indicated upon the schedules in force at the time and kept open to public inspection. Commission, for good cause shown, may by order allow changes in rates without requiring the 30 days' notice and the publication herein provided for. When 'any change is made in any rate, fare, charge, classification, rule or regulation, the effect of which is to increase any rate, fare or charge then existing, attention shall be directed to such increase by some character on the copy filed with commission imme- diately preceding or following the item in such schedule, such character to be designated by commission. Laws igii, ch. ii'j, sec. 15. Unless commission otherwise orders, no change shall be made in any rate or charge or in any form of contract or agree- ment or in any rule or regulation relating to any rate, charge or service, or in any general privilege or facility which shall have been filed and published by a gas, electrical or water company in compliance with the requirements of the preceding section, except after 30 days' notice, which notice shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedtde then in force and the time when the change will go into effect; all proposed changes shall be shown by printing, filing and publishing new schedules, or shall be plainly indicated upon the schedules in force at the time and kept open to public inspection. Commission for good 1691 cause shown, may allow changes without requiring the 30 days' notice by duly filing, in such manner as it may direct, an order specifying the changes so to be made and the time when they shall take effect. All such changes shall be immediately in- dicated upon its schedules by the company affected. When any change is made in any rate or charge, form of contract or agree- ment, or any rule or regulation relating to any rate or charge or service, or in any general privilege or .facility, the effect of which is to increase any rate or charge then in existence, atten- tion shall be directed on the copy filed with commission to such increase by some character immediately preceding or following the item in such schedule, such character to be in form as desig- nated by commission. Same, sec. 28. Unless commission otherwise orders, no change shall be made in any rate, toll, rental, contract or charge, which shall have been filed and published by any telephone or telegraph company in compliance with the requirements of the preceding section, except after 30 days' notice to commission and the pub- 419 lication for 30 dajrs as required in the case of original schedules in the preceding section, which notice shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedule then in force, and the time when the changed rate, toll, contract or charge will go into effect; and all proposed changes shall be shown by printing, filing and publishing new schedules, or shall be plainly indicated 1692 upon the schedules in force at the time and kept open to public inspection. Commission for good cause shown may allow changes in rates, charges, tolls, rentals or contracts without requiring the 30 days' notice and publication herein provided for, by an order specifying the change so to be made, and the time when it shall take effect, and the manner in which the same shall be filed and published. When any change is made in any rate, toll, contract, rental or charge, the effect of which is to increase any rate, toll, rental or charge then existing, attention shall be directed on the copy filed with commission to such increase by some character immediately preceding or following the item in such schedule, which character shall be in such form as commission may des- ignate. Same, sec. 37. Unless commission otherwise orders, no change will be made in any rate or charge or in any form of contract or agreement or in any rule or regulation relating to any rate, charge or service, or in any general privilege or facility which shall have been filed and published by the wharfinger or warehouseman in compliance with the requirements of the preceding section, except by 30 days' notice to commission and publication for 30 days, which schedule shall plainly state the changes to be made in the sched- 1693 ule then in force and the time when the change will go into effect ; and all proposed changes shall be shown by printing, filing and publishing new schedules or shall be plainly indicated upon the schedules in force at the time and kept open to the public in- spection. Commission for good cause shown may allow changes without requiring the 30 days' notice by duly filing in such man- ner as it may direct an order specifying the changes so to be made and the time when it shall take effect; all such changes shall be immediately indicated upon its schedule by the warehouseman or wharfinger affected. Same, sec. 48. WISCONSIN No change shall be made in any schedule including schedule of joint rates, or in any classification, unless such change shall be first approved by commission, and all such changes shall be plainly indicated upon existing schedules, or by filing new schedules in lieu thereof, 30 days prior to the time 4^ 1694 same are to take effect. Copies of all new schedtiles shall be filed in every depot, station and office of such railroad at places to or from which the rates in such schedules apply, 30 days prior to the time the same are to take effect, unless commission shall prescribe a less time. Laws 1905, ch. 362, sec. lygy-z^ia), as amended by Laws igop, ch. 335 and Laws igii, ch. 160. Whenever a change is made in any existing schedule, in- cluding schediile of joint rates, a notice shall be posted by the 1695 railroad in a conspicuous place in every depot, station and office, stating that changes have been made in the schedules on file, specifying the class or commodity affected and the date when the same will take effect. Laws 1905, ch. 362, sec. lygy-^i})). All railroads to which an order applies shall make such changes in their schedule on file as may be necessary to make the 1696 same conform to said order, and no change shall thereafter be made by any railroad in any such rates, fares or charges, or in any joint rate or rates, without the approval of commission. Same, sec. iygj-i4{b). 1697 Also provisions for public utilities identical with pars. 1681, 1682. Laws igoy, ch. 499, sees. lygym-ji, iy9ym-'32. See also pars. 1045, 1054. G. INFORMATION AS TO SPECIFIC RATES. UNITED STATES If any common carrier after written request made on the agent of such carrier hereinafter referred to by any person or company for a written statement of the rate or charge applicable to a described shipment between stated places imder the schedules or tariffs to which such carrier is a party, shall refuse or omit to give such written statement within a reasonable time or shall misstate in writing the applicable rate, and if the person or company making such request suffers damage in con- 1698 sequence of such refusal or omission or in consequence of the mis- statement of the rate, either through making the shipment over a line or route for which the proper rate is higher than over another available line or route or through entering into any sale or other contract whereunder such person or company obligates himself or itself to make such shipment of freight at his or its cost, then the said carrier shall be liable to a penalty of $250, which shall accrue to the United States and may be recovered in 421 1699 a civil action brought by the United States. Act to Regulate Commerce,^ sec. 6. Every carrier by railroad shall keep at all times conspicu- ously posted in every station where freight is received for trans- portation the name of an agent resident in the city, village or town where such station is located to whom application may be made for the information by this section required to be furnished on written request; and in case any carrier shall fail at any time to have such name so posted in any station it shaU be sufficient to address such request in substantially the following form: "The Station Agent of the Company at ■ Station" together with the name of the proper post office, in- serting the name of the carrier company and of the station in the blanks, and to serve the same by depositing the request so addressed with the postage thereon prepaid in any post office. Same. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA A notice printed in bold type and stating that the schedules are on file with the agent and open to inspection by any person and that the agent will assist any person to 1700 determine from such schedules any rates, fares, rules or regu- lations in force, shall be kept posted by the carrier in two public and conspicuous places in every station or office. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2y ch. go, sec. i4{a); Cal. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess. , ch. I4y sec. 14(a). ILLINOIS Every express company and carrier by express shall post and keep displayed in each office or place of business of such express company or carrier by express within convenient access and for the inspection and use of the public during cus- tomary business hours, a printed notice stating that the agent 1701 will assist any shipper to determine from the schedule on file any rate or fare or rule in force; and every such express company or carrier by express shall quote rates that are lawfully in effect under such schedules in writing when requested and to be re- sponsible for the correctness of the same. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. j/o. INDIANA Every common carrier doing an intrastate business within the state upon written request therefor by any person who is a bona fide prospective shipper or receiver of freight or who has a bona fide interest therein made upon any 1702 general or local freight or station agent of such carrier by any 422 person, firm or corporation shall furnish and give a written state- ment of the rate or charge applicable to a described shipment between stated points or places in the state under the schedules or tariffs to which such carrier is a party within a reasonable time. Acts igii, ch. 184, sec. i. If such carrier shall refuse or omit to give such statement within a reasonable time or shall misstate in writing the appli- cable rate and if the person, firm or corporation making such re- quest suffers in consequence of such refusal or omission or in consequence of the misstatement of the rate either through mak- ing the shipment over a line or route for which the proper rate is higher than the rate over another available line or route or through entering into any sale, purchase or contract whereunder 1703 such person, firm or corporation obligates himself, themselves or itself or becomes obligated to make or receive such shipment of freight at his, their or its cost, then the said carrier shall be liable to a penalty of not less than $100 nor more than $250 which shall accrue to the state and be recovered together with the reasonable attorneys' fees in a civil action by commission, and shall also be liable to the person, firm or corporation injured for the amount of such injury together with six per cent, interest thereon from the date of such injury, and reasonable attorneys' fees. Same. No such liability shall be discharged by such carrier unless the same be approved by commission as being free from any attempt or purpose to evade any other law of the state; and if during the cotirse of any action upon such liability to the person injured it shall appear to the satisfaction of the coiirt or jury 1704 trying any such case that the parties have combined or agreed to obtain or allow any imdue advantage or rebate or preference to such injiu-ed person, upon a finding to that effect, such case shall be dismissed and the dismissal and finding reported by said court to commission and to the proper prosecuting attorney having jurisdiction of any offense therein involved. Same. Such dismissal shall be taken and deemed a final judgment 1706 and appeal may be taken therefrom or from any other judgment in any such case the same as in other civil cases. Same, sec. 2. No carrier making any settlement or payment upon the approval of commission or pursuant to a judgment or order of 1706 court imder these provisions shall be liable for any penalty or forfeiture or subject to any prosecution under any law of the state on account of the said payment or settlement. Same, sec. 3. Commission may require from any person, firm or corpora- 423 tion any information deemed by commission necessary to the determination of the question whether it shall give its approval to any such claim, and if the same be refused by the injured 1707 person, may decline said claim, and it shall not be sued upon thereafter; if such information be refused or request therefor evaded or the search for information by commission be made difficult by the carrier, commission shall endorse such fact on said claim and it shall thereafter support an action as if approved by commission. Same, sec. 4. NEW YORK A notice printed in bold type and stating that the schedules are on file with the agent and open to inspection by any person and that the agent will assist any such person to 1708 determine from such schedule any transportation rates or fares or rules or regulations which are in force, shall be kept posted by the carrier in two public and conspicuous places in every station or office. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 28. VERMONT The agent or other employe on duty in the office shall give any assistance desired in securing information 1709 from or in interpreting the schedules on file. Pub. Stats. igo6, sec, 4533. WASHINGTON A provision identical with par. 1708. Laws 1710 1911, ch. iijy sec. 14. A notice printed in bold type stating that the schedules are on file and open to inspection by any person, the places where same are kept, and that the agent will assist such person to de- 1711 termine from such schedules any rate, toll, rental, rule or regula- tion which is in force, shall be kept posted by every telephone and telegraph company in a conspicuous place in every station or office of such company. SamCy sec. 36. H. FILING OF LEASES, CONTRACTS AND ARRANGEMENTS. UNITED STATES Every common carrier shall file with com- mission copies of all contracts, agreements or arrangements 1712 with other common carriers in relation to any traffic affected by the provisions of this act to which it may be a party. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 6. ALABAMA Every railroad or common carrier shall file with commission within the time to be fixed by commission copies of all contracts which relate to the transportation of persons or 424 1713 property, or any service in connection therewith made or entered into by it with any other railroad, car company or equipment company, express or transportation company. Code igoy, sec. 5529- Every common carrier shall file with commission, within 30 days after any such contract or agreement shall be made, sworn copies of every contract, agreement or arrangement with any other common carrier or railroad corporation and of every spe- cial contract or agreement made with any shipper, or with any 1714 logging or lumber road, relating in any way to the transportation of passengers, freight or property, and shall within 60 days after the passage of this act, file with commission sworn copies of all such contracts, agreements or arrangements of such character as had been executed and were in force at the time of the passage of this act. Acts igoy, sp. sess., no. 17, sec. 8. See also par. 2ggg. ARKANSAS See par. 3004. ILLINOIS Each and every express company and carrier by express shall file with commission certified copies of all con- 1716 tracts or agreements now existing or hereafter entered into by or between him or it and any other express company or carrier by express or any railroad company or carrier by water operating within the state. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. jyi. IOWA A provision identical with par. 171 2. Code 1716 i8gy, sec. 2128. KENTUCKY Commission shall not be required to give pub- licity to any contracts, leases, or engagements obtained by them 1717 in their official capacity, if the interest of any company would thereby be injuriously affected, unless in the judgment of com- mission the public interest requires it. CarrolVs Stats, igog, sec. 831- MARYLAND Every common carrier shall file with commis- sion sworn copies of every contract, agreement or arrangement 1718 with any other common carrier or common carriers relatiag in any way to the transportation of passengers, property or freight. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 75. MASSACHUSETTS Every railroad corporation and street railway company shall, upon request, furnish to commission copies of all leases, contracts and agreements for transportation with express companies or otherwise to which such corporation or 425 1719 company is a party, and also with the rates for transporting freight and passengers upon its railroad or railway and other railroads or railways with which its business is connected. Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. i, sec. ij. See also par. 341 1. MICHIGAN Every common carrier whenever required by commission shall within a time to be fixed by commission, de- liver to commission for its use, copies of all contracts which 1720 relate to the transportation of persons or property or any service in connection therewith made or entered into by it with any other common carrier or any shipper or shippers, producers or con- simiers or other person or persons doing business with it. Puh. Acts igoQ, no. 300, sec. 2g{a). MINNESOTA Every company shall file with commission 1721 copies of all its traffic agreements or arrangements with other carriers. Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 2014. MISSISSIPPI Railroads, express, telegraph, telephone and sleeping car companies shall furnish commission with copies of all 1722 leases, contracts and agreements for transportation with each other. Code igo6, sec. 4848. See also par. 3013. MISSOURI See par. 14J7. NEVADA Every railroad, whenever required by com- mission, shall, within a time to be fixed by commission, deliver to commission for its use copies of all contracts which relate to the transportation of persons or property, or any service in connec- 1723 tion therewith made or entered into by it with any other railroad company, terminal company, depot company, equipment com- pany, car company, express or other transportation company, bridge company, or any shipper or shippers, producers or con- simiers, or other persons doing business with it. Stats, igoj^ ch. 44, sec. ip, as amended by Stats, igog, ch. 12 ij sec. 8(b). NEW YORK A provision substantially identical with par. 1724 1 7 18. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec, 30(2). Every telegraph and telephone corporation shall file with commission as and when required by it a copy of any contract^ agreement or arrangement in writing with any other telegraph or 1726 telephone corporation or with any other corporation, association or person relating in any way to the construction, maintenance or use of a telegraph or telephone line or service by or rates ^4 charges over or upon any such telegraph or telephone line. Same, sec. 92 {i). NORTH DAKOTA A provision for railroads, 'railroad corporations 1726 or common carriers identical with par. 171 2. Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 4342. OHIO When required by commission and within a time fixed by it, each railroad shall deliver to commission for its use copies of all contracts which relate to the transportation of persons or property or any service in connection therewith, made 1727 or entered into by such railroad with any other railroad, termi- nal, depot, car or equipment company, express or other trans- portation company, or any shipper or shippers, producers or consumers or other person or persons doing business with it. Code iQio, sec. 561. On demand of commission, each railroad shall furnish it copies of all leases, contracts and agreements with express, 1728 sleeping car, freight or rolling stock companies, or other com- panies doing business upon or in connection with such road. Same, sec. 603. Every public utility shall file with commission when and as required by it, a copy of any contract, agreement or arrangement, 1729 in writing, with any other public utility relating in any way to the construction, maintenance or use of its plant or property, or any service, rate or charge. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 11. OREGON Every railroad, whenever required by commis- sion, shall, within a time to be fixed by commission, deliver to commission for its use copies of aU contracts which relate to the 1730 transportation of persons or property, or any service in connec- tion therewith, made or entered into by it with any other rail- road, car company, equipment company, express or other trans- portation company, or any shipper or shippers, or other person or persons doing business with it. Gen. Laws iQoy, ch. 53, sec. 44. PENNSYLVANIA Every common carrier shall, on request, fur- nish to commission copies of aU contracts and agreements, leases, 1731 or other engagements entered into by it with any person or cor- poration. Laws igoy, no. 250, sec. ig. Commission shall not give publicity to such information, contracts, agreements, leases, or other engagements, if, in their \iz^ judgment, the public interests do not require it, or the welfare and 4^7 prosperity of the common carriers of the state might be thereby affected. Same. RHODE ISLAND See pars. 3777, 3778. SOUTH CAROLINA See par. 3019. SOUTH DAKOTA Identical with par. 171 2. Sess. Laws igiiy 17S3 ch. 207 y sec, 10. See also pars. j6ii, 1652, 3129. VIRGINIA Every person or corporation now operating, or that may hereafter operate a railroad in this state imder a con- 1784 tract of lease, shall have the same filed in the office of commission, within 30 days after the contract or lease is executed; or, if here- tofore made, within 30 days after this law goes into effect. Pol- lard's Code 1904, sec. I2g4d{^6). WASHINGTON Every common carrier shall file with commis- sion copies of every contract, agreement or arrangement with any 1735 other common carrier or common carriers relating in any way to the transportation of persons or property. Laws igiiy ch. 117^ sec. 16. 1786 Also a provision substantially identical with par. 1725. SamCy sec. 39. WISCONSIN Identical with par. 1730. Laws 190 j, ch. 362, 1787 sec. 1797-19, as amended hy Laws 1907, ch. 582. See also par. 3788. 4*8 CHAPTER VI Discrimination in Rates and Service SCOPE NOTE This chapter includes provisions regulating the mak- ing of rates and the furnishing of service in practice. These provisions define and prohibit unjust discrimina- tion in rates and service and indicate the kinds of special treatment which constitute justifiable discrimination. The chapter includes also grants of power authorizing com- missions to determine under what conditions such cir- cumstances exist as make discrimination justifiable. Provisions involving a refusal to serve because of race, business or profession have been excluded. For general requirement that utilities serve all applicants, see ch. vii, on service. For provisions indicating the principles to be observed in determining reasonable rates, see ch. iii, on basis of rate making. For provisions authorizing commissions to regulate or prescribe rates, see ch. iv, on establishment and change of rates. For provisions re- quiring publicity in the establishment and change of rates, see ch. v, on publicity of rates. For provisions regulating service, see ch. vii, on service. For provisions prescribing general procedure to be followed in the exer- cise of commission authority, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For provisions prescribing gen- eral rules of enforcement and judicial review, see ch. xv, on enforcement. For general statement of scope and method, see introduction. 429 ANALYSIS I. Unjust Discrimination Defined and Prohibited Pages A. Charging a greater or less compensation to one person than to another for a like and contemporaneous service 431 B. Charging rates other than those prescribed by law or specified in pub- lished schedules; refunding, remitting or rebating any portion of such rates; or extending privileges and facilities not uniformly open to all. 446 C. Charging a less compensation in consideration of the furnishing by util- ities of any part of the facilities incident to the service 463 D. Charging a less compensation in consideration of the size of the ship- ment or the extent of the service 465 E. Charging a greater compensation for a shorter than for a longer dis- tance service 466 F. Granting to any person, corporation, locality or particular description of service any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage, or sub- jecting the same to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or dis- advantage 482 G. Assisting or permitting patrons to secure special favors or advantages, or rates other than those lawfully established 492 H. Soliciting, accepting or receiving special favors or advantages, or rates other than those lawfully established 494 I. General duty of utilities not to discriminate as to charges or facilities. . . 503 II. Free or Reduced Rate or Special Service J. General prohibitions against offering, granting, soliciting or accepting free or reduced rate or special service, with exceptions thereto 512 K. Special prohibitions against offering, granting, soliciting or accepting free or reduced rate or special.service applicable to public officials or members of political organizations, with exceptions thereto 565 L. Publishing and filing of lists of persons to whom free or reduced rate or special service has been granted 574 430 I. UNJUST DISCRIMINATION DEFINED AND PROHIBITED. A. CHARGING A GREATER OR LESS COM- PENSATION TO ONE PERSON THAN TO ANOTHER FOR A LIKE AND CONTEMPO- RANEOUS SERVICE. UNITED STATES If any common carrier shall directly or indi- rectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device charge, demand, collect or receive from any person or persons a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property than it charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person or 1738 persons for doing for him or them a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind of traffic under sub- stantially similar circumstances and conditions, such common carrier shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination which is prohibited and declared to be tmlawful. Act to Regulate Com- merce, sec. 2. ALABAMA If any railroad or other common carrier or any agent or officer thereof shall directly or indirectly or by special rate, rebate, drawback or by means of false billing, false classi- fication, false weighing, false report of weights or by any device whatsoever charge, demand, collect or receive from any person, firm, company or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered by it for the transportation of persons or property or for any service in connection therewith 1739 than that prescribed in the published tariffs or than it charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person, firm, com- pany or corporation for a like service, such railroad or other common carrier so doing shall be deemed guilty of imjust dis- crimination which is prohibited and declared to be unlawful, and shall forfeit to the state and pay into the state treasury not less than $ioo nor more than $io,ooo for each offense. Acts IQOQ, sp. sess., no. 201, sec. i (8). ARKANSAS It shall be unlawful for any person or corpora- tion engaged alone or associated with others in the transporta- tion of passengers or property by railroad as freight or express 431 directly or indirectly to demand or receive from any person, firm, company or corporation any greater or less rate or amount of 1740 compensation than is demanded or received from any other person, firm, company or corporation for substantially similar and contemporaneous service, or to allow any person, firm, com- pany or corporation, directly or indirectly, any rebate, drawback or other advantage in any form, or to make any preference in furnishing cars or motive power. Kirby's Digest 1904, sec. 6804. COLORADO If any common carrier shall directly or indi- rectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device charge, demand, collect or receive from any person, corporation or persons a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of property than it 1741 charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person, corporation or persons for doing for him or them a like and con- temporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind of traffic under similar circumstances and conditions, such common carrier shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination which is prohibited and declared to be unlawful. Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 4. FLORIDA If any common carrier or any officer, agent or employe thereof shall directly or indirectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device charge, demand, collect or receive from any corporation, person or persons a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property than such common car- rier charges, demands, collects or receives from any other corpo- ration, person or persons for doing it or him or her or them a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind 1742 of traffic under substantially similar circumstances and condi- tions, such common carrier, officer, agent or employe shall be guilty of unjust discrimination which is prohibited and declared to be unlawfiil. And it shall be -unlawful for any corporation, person or persons to receive any simi of money, rebate or other thing of value directly or indirectly that is prohibited to be given, charged, demanded, collected or received by this act. Laws igoy, ch. 5621, sec. i. Any common carrier or corporation violating any provision or provisions of section one of this act shall, upon conviction thereof by a court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not less than $1,000, nor more than $25,000, and any officer, agent of 432 1743 employe of such corporation, or any other person, violating the provisions of this act, shall, upon conviction by a court of com- petent jurisdiction, be deemed guilty of a felony and confined in the state prison for a term of not exceeding five years. Same, sec. 2. INDIANA If any railroad directly or indirectly or by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device shall charge, demand, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered by it than it charges, demands, collects or receives 1744 from any other person, firm or corporation for doing a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind of traffic under substantially similar circumstances and conditions, such railroad shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination which is prohibited. Act igo^j, ch. 241, sec. ij. Any railroad company violating any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination and shall for such 1746 offense pay to the state a penalty of not less than $500 nor more than $5,000, to be recovered in a civil action instituted for that purpose in a court of competent jiuisdiction. Same, sec ij{d). IOWA If any common carrier shall directly or indi- rectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device charge, demand, collect or receive from any person or persons a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property than it 1746 charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person or persons for doing for him a like kind of traffic, such common car- rier shall be guilty of unjust discrimination which is prohibited and declared to be unlawful; but this section shall not be con- strued as prohibiting a less rate per 100 pounds in a carload lot than is charged, collected or received for the same kind of freight in less than a carload lot. Code i8py, sec. 2124. KANSAS No railroad company shall charge, demand or receive from any person, company or corporation for the trans- portation of any property or for any other service a greater or less sum than it shall at the same time charge, demand or receive from any other person, company or corporation for a like service from the same place or upon like conditions and imder similar 1747 circumstances; and all concession of rates, drawbacks and con- tracts for special rates shall be open to and allowed all persons, companies and corporations alike; nor shall it charge more for 433 transporting freight from any point on its line than a fair and just proportion of the price it charges for the same kind of freight transported from any other point. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 7214. See also pars. gi8, 18 15. KENTUCKY All railway, transfer, belt lines or railway bridge companies shall receive, unload, transport, haul, deliver and handle freight of the same class for all persons, associations 1748 or corporations from and to the same points and upon the same conditions in the same manner for the same charges and for the same method of payment. Const., sec. 21 j. Any person, association or corporation wilfully or knowingly violating any of the provisions of sections 213, 214, 215 or 216 shall, upon conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction, for the first offense be fined $2,000; for the second offense $5,000; and for the third offense shall thereupon ipso facto forfeit its 1749 franchise, privileges or charter rights; and if such delinquent be a foreign corporation it shall ipso facto forfeit its rights to do business in this state; and the attorney general of the common- wealth shall forthwith upon notice of the violation of any of said provisions, institute proceedings to enforce the provisions of the aforesaid sections. Same, sec. 21J. If any corporation engaged in operating a railroad shall directly or indirectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device charge, demand, collect or receive from any person a greater or less compensation for any service rendered in the 1760 transportation of passengers or property than it charges, de- mands, collects or receives from any other person for doing for him a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation! of a like kind of traffic, it shall be deemed guilty of unjust| discrimination. CarrolVs Stats, igog, sec. 817. LOUISIANA If any railroad, express, telephone, telegraph,' steamboat or other water craft, or sleeping car company di- rectly or indirectly or by any special rate, rebate or other devicej shall intentionally charge, demand, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service rendered by it than it charges, demands or receives j from any other person, firm or corporation for doing a like andj 1761 contemporaneous service, or shall violate any of the rates, charges, orders, rules or decisions of commission, such railroad, steamboat or other water craft, express, telegraph, telephone or sleeping car company shall forfeit and pay to the state not lessj 434 than $ioo nor more than $5,000, to be recovered before any court of competent jurisdiction at the suit of the state at the domicile of commission. Const., art. 286. MARYLAND No common carrier shall directly or indirectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device or method charge, demand, collect or receive from any person or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be 1762 rendered in the transportation of passengers, freight or property than it charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person or corporation for doing a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind of traffic under the same or substantially similar circumstances and conditions. Laws iQiOy ch. 180, sec. 16. Also a provision for gas or electrical corporations substan- 1763 tially identical with par. 1752. Same, sec. j/J^. MASSACHUSETTS A telegraph company shall receive, com- pute and transmit dispatches which may be received at its offices from another telegraph company or by mail at the same rates of charge as for dispatches which may be received for 1754 transmission from individuals on the same day and at the same place. A telegraph company which wilfully neglects or refuses to comply with the provisions of this (or the preceding) section shall forfeit not more than $100 to the company or person who sends or desires to send the dispatch. Reo. Laws ipo2, ch. 122, sec. 10. Every railroad corporation shall sell to an express mes- senger or to a person who conducts a local express business in its trains or cars a season ticket for his personal transportation at a price not exceeding that at which similar tickets are sold to pas- sengers upon receiving from him a release of all right, to whom- 1765 soever accruing, to damages or compensation for death or for any personal injury received by him while riding on such ticket. The supreme judicial court or the superior court shall have jiirisdic- tion to enforce the provisions of this section by injimction, man- damus or other siiitable process. Acts igo6, ch. 46 j, pt. ii. sec. 189. MICHIGAN If any common carrier or any agent or officer thereof shall directly or indirectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or by any means of false billing, false classification, 1766 false weighing or by any other device whatsoever charge, de- mand, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a 435 greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered by it for the transportation of persons or property or for any service in connection therewith than that prescribed in the public tariffs then in force, or established as provided herein, or than it charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person, firm or corporation for a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind of traffic under sub- stantially similar circumstances and conditions, or shall know- ingly and wilfully assist or wilfully suffer and permit such greater or less compensation to be charged, demanded, collected or re- ceived, such common carrier shall be deemed guilty of imjust discrimination which is prohibited and declared to be unlawful. Pub. Acts iQog, no. 300, sec. 16. If any telephone company shall directly or indirectly by spe- cial rate, rebate, drawback or other device charge, demand, col- lect or receive from any person or persons, firm or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service rendered, furnished or performed than it charges, demands, collects or receives from 1767 any other person or persons, firm or corporation for rendering, ftimishing or performing for him or them a like and contempo- raneous service, such telephone company shall be gmlty of im- just discrimination which is prohibited and declared to be imlaw- ful. Pub. Acts igii, no. ij8, sec. 4. See also par. 1820. MINNESOTA It shall be unlawful for any common carrier by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device to directly or indirectly charge, demand, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service 1768 rendered in the transportation of any property within the state than its regular established schediile of rates and charges for like and contemporaneous service for any other person or for the public generally; and such common carrier shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $5,000. Acts 1905, ch. 177, sec. i. MISSOURI If any common carrier shall directly or indi- rectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device charge, demand, collect or receive from any person or persons, firm or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service rendered in the transportation of any kind of property upon such railroad within the state than it charges, demands, collects 1769 or receives from any other person or persons, firm or corporation 436 for doing for him or them a like service in the transportation of a like kind of property tinder substantially like circumstances and conditions, such common carrier shall be deemed guilty of un- just discrimination which is prohibited and declared to be unlaw- ful. Rev. Stats, igop, sec. 3180. NEBRASKA No railroad company shall grant or allow to any person, company or association, upon the transportation of freight either directly or indirectly, any secret rate, rebate, draw- back, unreasonable allowance for use of cars or any imdue advan- tage whatever, nor directly or indirectly charge to or receive 1760 from any person or persons or association or corporation any greater or less stim, compensation or reward than is charged to or received from any other person or persons, association or corpo- ration for a like and contemporaneous service in the receiving, transporting, storing, delivering or handling of freights. Cohhey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10560. If any railway company or common carrier directly or indi- rectly through or by its agents, officers or employes by any spe- cial rate, rebate, drawback or other device shall charge, demand, » collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered 1761 by it than it charges, demands, collects or receives from any » other person, firm or corporation for doing a like and contempo- raneous service, the same shall constitute an imjust discrimina- tion which is forbidden and declared to be imlawful. Same, sec. 10662. Any railway company or common carrier violating any of the provisions of this section shall be gtiilty of a misdemeanor, 1762 and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $500, nor more than $5,000 for each offense. Same, sec. 10662(d). Any officer, agent or employe for or on behalf of any railway company or common carrier violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not less than $100 nor more than 1763 $5, 000 for each offense, or be committed to the county jail in the county wherein conviction was had for not less than ten days nor more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court. Same, sec. 10662(e). It shall be tinlawful for any telegraph company, association or organization engaged in the business of forwarding dispatches 1764 by telegraph to demand, collect or receive from any publisher or proprietor of a newspaper any greater sum for a given service than 437 it demands, charges or collects from the publisher or proprietor of any other newspaper for a like service, and the violation of the provisions of sections seven and eight of this act by any tele- graph company or association shall constitute a misdemeanor, and upon conviction said telegraph company or association shall be fined for each and every offense in any sum not less than $ioo nor more than $1000 with costs of prosecution, and in addition thereto such telegraph company or association shall be liable for all damages sustained by the person or parties in consequence of such discrimination. Same, sec. 11957. NEVADA If any railroad or any agent or officer thereof shall directly or indirectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or by means of false billing, false classification, false weighing or by any other device whatsoever charge, demand, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a greater or less compensa- tion for any service rendered or to be rendered by it for the trans- portation of persons or property or for any service in connection therewith than that prescribed in the published tariffs then in force or established as provided by law, or than it charges, de- nes mands, collects or receives from any other person, firm or corpo- ration for a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind of traffic under substantially similar circumstances and conditions, such railroads shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination which is prohibited and declared to be imlawful, and upon conviction thereof shall forfeit and pay into the state treasury not less than $100 nor more than $5,000 for such offense; and any agent or officer so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than S50 nor more than $1,000 for each offense. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 22. NEW YORK Provisions for common carriers and gas or 1766 electrical corporations identical with pars. 1752, 1753. Laws 1 910, ch. 480, sees, ji, 6^(2). Also a provision for telegraph or telephone corporations sub- 1767 stantially identical with provisions for common carriers and gas or electrical corporations. Same, sec. 91 {2). NORTH CAROLINA If any common carrier shall directly or indi- rectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device charge, demand, collect or receive from any person a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property than it charges, 4^ 438 1768 mands or collects or receives from any other person or persons for doing for him or them a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind of traffic tmder substantially similar circumstances and conditions, such person or corporation shall be upon conviction thereof fined not less than $i,ooo nor more than $5,000 for each and every offense. Pell's Revisal igo8, sec. 3749- See also par. 184Q. NORTH DAKOTA Every storage company or warehouseman shall receive, forward and store all property offered for such pur- poses by any person, persons or corporation impartially and at as low a rate of charge and in a manner and on terms and in quan- tities as favorable to the party offering such property as it or he at the same place receives, forwards and stores in the ordinary 1769 course of business, property of like description and in similar quantities offered by any other person, persons or corporation. No such storage company or warehouseman shall discriminate against any particular person, persons or corporation or subject I them or him to any undue and unreasonable prejudice or disad- vantage. Any court having jurisdiction shall have power to enforce the provisions of this article by injunction, or other smt- able process. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 226y. Every storage company or warehouseman who neglects or refuses to comply with the provisions of section 2267 shall forfeit 1770 for every such offense not less than $50 nor more than S500 to be recovered in an action by the party offering the property for storage. Same, sec. 2268. I It is unlawful for any ticket selling agent authorized and licensed by law or for any common carrier to charge, demand, collect, receive from or to sell, barter, transfer or assign to any person or persons, firm or company, corporation or association any tickets of any class whatever entitling the purchaser or holder thereof to transportation by the common carrier issuing 1771 such ticket or tickets for a greater or less sum or price than is charged, demanded, collected or received by any such ticket sell- ing agent or common carrier for a similar ticket or tickets of the same class. Any person, ticket selling agent or common carrier who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $1,000 for each offense. Same, sec. 4316. Also a provision for railroads, railroad corporations or com- 177? mon carriers substantially identical with par. 1 746. Same, sec. 433^- 439 OHIO If a railroad or an agent or officer thereof, by special rate, rebate, drawback or by means of false billing, false classification, false weighing or other device shaU charge, demand, collect or receive either directly or indirectly from any person, firm or corporation a greater compensation for services rendered or to be rendered by it for the transportation of persons or prop- erty or any service in connection therewith than that prescribed 1773 in the published tariffs then in force or established as provided by law, or a greater or less compensation than it charges de- mands, collects or receives from any other person, firm or cor- poration for a like and contemporaneous service in the trans- portation of a like kind of traffic under substantially similar cir- cumstances and conditions, it shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination which is prohibited and declared unlawful, and upon conviction thereof shall forfeit and pay into the state treasury not less than $ioo nor more than $5,000 for each offense. Code igio, sec. 564. Whoever being an agent or officer of a railroad violates an^ 1774 provision of the next preceding section shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 for each offense. Same, sec. 565, No public utility shall directly or indirectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device or method, charge, de mand, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation 1775 greater or less compensation for any services rendered or to rendered than it charges, demands, collects or receives from an] other person, firm or corporation for doing a like and contemp( raneous service tmder the same or substantially the same cirj cumstances and conditions. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 16. OREGON If any railroad or any agent or officer there shall directly or indirectly by any special rate, rebate, drawbac or by means of any false billing, false classification, false weigl ing or by any other device whatsoever charge, demand, collec or receive from any persons, firm or corporation a greater or les compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered by it fc the transportation of persons or property or for any service ii connection therewith than that prescribed in the publishe tariffs then in force or established as provided by law or than i| charges, demands, collects or receives from any other persot firm or corporation for a like and contemporaneous service und€ 1776 substantially similar circiimstances and conditions, such railrc shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination which is pi hibited and declared to be unlawful, and upon conviction the 440 shall forfeit and pay into the state treasury not less than $ioo nor more than $10,000 for each offense, and any agent or officer so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 for each offense; provided that com- mission may, for cause shown, and after investigation, in special cases permit the collection of a greater sum for the lesser than for the longer distance over the same line. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 48. If any public utility or any agent or officer thereof shall directly or indirectly by any device whatsoever or otherwise charge, demand, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service ren- dered or to be rendered by it in or affecting or relating to the transportation of persons or property by street railroad or to the production, transmission or delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power or the conveyance of telegraph or telephone messages or for any service in connection therewith than that prescribed in the published schedules or tariffs then in force or 1777 established as provided by law, or than it charges, demands, col- lects or receives from any other person, firm or corporation for a like and contemporaneous service imder substantially similar circumstances, such public utility shall be deemed guilty of imjust discrimination which is prohibited and declared to be imlawful, and upon conviction thereof shall forfeit and pay into the state treasury not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 for each offense; and such agent or officer so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100 for each offense. Gen. Laws 1911, ch. 2jg, sec. 6j. PENNSYLVANIA No railroad company or other common carrier engaged in the transportation of property shall charge, demand or receive from any person, company or corporation for the trans- portation of property or for any other service a greater sum than it shall charge or receive from any other person, company or corporation for a like service from the same place upon like con- ditions and under similar circumstances; and all concessions in rates and drawbacks shall be allowed to all persons, companies or corporations alike for such transportation and service upon like conditions imder similar circimistances and during the same period of time. Nor shall any such railroad company or common carrier make any undue or unreasonable discrimination between 441 individuals or between individuals and transportation com- panies or in the furnishing of facilities for transportation. Any violation of this provision shall make the offending company or common carrier liable to the party injured for damages treble the amount of injur}^ suffered. Purdon's Digest, ^^ Railroads,'* sec. 2 JO. RHODE ISLAND If any public utility or any agent or officer of a public utility shall directly or indirectly by any device whatso- ever or otherwise charge, demand, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered by it in or affecting or relating to the transportation of persons or property between points within the state, or the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power or the conveyance of telegraph or telephone messages or for any service in connection therewith than that prescribed in the published schedules or 1779 tariffs then in force or established as provided by law or than it charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person, firm or corporation for a like and contemporaneous service imder substantially similar circumstances and conditions, such public utility shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination which is prohibited and declared to be unlawful, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $200 nor more than $500 for each offense; and such agent or officer so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $500 for each offense. Acts igi2, ch. yg^, sec. jg. SOUTH DAKOTA No railroad corporation shall charge, demand or receive from any person, company or corporation for the transportation of coal or other fuel a greater simi than it shall at the same time charge, demand or receive from any other person, company or corporation for a like service from the same place ;^ 1780 and all concessions of rates, rebates, drawbacks and contracts! for special rates shall be open to and allowed to all persons, com- panies and corporations, and they shall charge no more for trans-l porting from any point on its line than a fair and just proportionj of the prices it charges for the same kind of freight transported! from any other point within the state. Rev. Pol. Code igoj^ sec, 475. If any common carrier shall directly or indirectly by any| special rate, rebate, drawback or other device, charge, demand,^ 442 collect or receive from any person or persons a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers, property, express, freight or mes- sages by telephone than it charges, demands, collects or receives 1781 from any other person or persons for doing him or them a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind of traffic, such common carrier shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination which is prohibited and declared to be unlawful; this section, however, is not to be construed as prohibiting a less rate per loo pounds in a carload lot than is charged, collected or received for the same kind of freight in less than a carload lot. Sess. Laws iQii, ch. 207, sec. 6. TENNESSEE If any common carrier shall directly or indi- rectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device charge, demand, collect or receive from any person or persons, firm or corporation a greater or less compensation for any services rendered in the transportation of any kind of property upon such railroad within the state than it charges, demands, collects 1782 or receives from any other person or persons, firms or corpora- tions for doing for him or them a like service in the transportation of a like kind of property under substantially like ciromistances and conditions, and if such common carriers make any preference between the parties aforesaid in furnishing cars or motive power for the purpose aforesaid, such common carrier shall be deemed guilty of imjust discrimination which is prohibited and declared unlawful. Acts iSgy, ch. 10, sec. 15. TEXAS If any railroad directly or indirectly or by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device shall charge, de- mand, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be 1783 rendered by it than it charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person, firm or corporation for doing a like and con- temporaneous service, such railroad shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination which is prohibited. Sayles' Civ. Stats. iSgy, art. 4574. Any railroad company violating any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination, and shall for each 1784 offense pay to the state a penalty of not less than $500 nor more than $5,000. Same, art. 4^74(4). If any officer, agent, clerk, servant or employe or any receiver or his servant, agent or employe of any railroad com- 443 pany shall directly or indirectly or by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device for and on behalf of such railroad com- pany, knowingly charge, demand, contract for, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a greater or less compensa- tion for any service rendered or to be rendered by any such rail- 1786 road company, than such railroad company, or its said officers, agents, clerks, servants or employes or receiver thereof, charges, demands, contracts for, collects or receives from any such person, firm or corporation for doing a like and contemporaneous service, such officer, clerk, servant or employe or receiver, his agents, servants or employes of such railroad company shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination and on conviction thereof shall be pimished by confinement in the state penitentiary for not less than two nor more than five years. Laws i8gp, ch. ii8, sec. i. No company shall directly or indirectly, by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device or exchange, demand, charge or collect or receive from any person, firm, association of persons or corporation, a greater or less or different compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of pas- sengers, property or messages, than it charges, demands, collects 1786 or receives from any other person, firm, association of persons or corporation for doing for him, them or it a like service, if the transportation or transmission is a like kind of traffic or service tmder substantially similar circumstances and conditions, and any such company violating the provisions shall be deemed guilty of p. misdemeanor, and for each offense on conviction shall pay into the state a penalty of $5,000. Laws 1907, ch. 42, sec. 4. VIRGINIA If any transportation company shall directly or indirectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device charge, demand, collect or receive from any corporation, person or persons a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property than it charges, demands, collects or receives from any other 1787 corporation, person or persons for doing for him or them a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind of traffic tmder substantially similar circumstances and condi- tions, such company shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimina- tion which is prohibited and declared to be imlawful. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. 12940(2). WASHINGTON Provisions for common carriers, gas, elec- 1788 trical or water companies, telegraph or telephone companies, and 444 wharfingers or warehousemen substantially identical with par. 1752, 1753- Laws igii, ch. iiy, sees. 20, 31, 41, 51. "WISCONSIN If any railroad or any agent or officer thereof shall directly or indirectly by any special rate, rebate, drawback or by means of false billing, false classification, false weighing or any other device whatsoever charge, demand, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a greater or less compensa- tion for any service rendered or to be rendered by it for the transportation of persons or property or for any service in con- nection therewith than that prescribed in the published tariffs 1789 then in force or established as provided by law or than it charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person, firm or corporation for a like and contemporaneous service, such railroad shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination which is pro- hibited and declared to be unlawful, and upon conviction thereof shall forfeit and pay into the state treasury not less than $100 nor more than $10,000 for each offense; and any agent or officer so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100 for each offense. Laws 1905, ch. j62, sec. iygy-22. If any public utility or any agent or officer thereof shall directly or indirectly by any device whatsoever or otherwise charge, demand, collect or receive from any person, firm or cor- poration a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered by it in or affecting or relating to the produc- tion, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power or the conveyance of telephone messages or for any service in connection therewith than that prescribed in the pub- lished schedules or tariffs then in force or established as pro- 1790 vided by law or than it charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person, firm or corporation for a like and con- temporaneous service, such public utility shall be deemed guHty of unjust discrimination which is prohibited and declared to be unlawful, and upon conviction thereof shall forfeit and pay into the state treasury not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 for each offense; and such agent or officer so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100 for each offense. Laws igoy, ch. 499, sec. lygym-Sg. 445 B. CHARGING RATES OTHER THAN THOSE PRESCRIBED BY LAW OR SPECIFIED IN PUBLISHED SCHEDULES; REFUNDING, RE- MITTING OR REBATING ANY PORTION OF SUCH RATES; OR EXTENDING PRIVI- LEGES AND FACILITIES NOT UNIFORMLY OPEN TO ALL. UNITED STATES No carrier shall charge, demand or collect or receive a greater or less or different compensation for the trans- portation of passengers or property or for any service in connec- tion therewith between the points named in the published tariffs than the rates, fares and charges which are specified in the tariff 1791 filed and in effect at the time, nor shall any carrier refund or remit in any manner or by any device any portion of the rates, fares and charges so specified, nor extend to any shipper or person any privileges or facilities in the transportation of passengers or property except such as are specified in such tariffs. Act to Regu- late Commerce, sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any common carrier that has issued or authorized to be issued any joint interchangeable mileage tickets to demand, collect or receive from any person or persons 1792 a greater or less compensation for transportation of persons or baggage under such joint interchangeable mileage tickets than that required by the rate, fare or charge specified in the copies of the joint tariff of rates, fares or charges filed with commission in force at the time. Same, sec. 22. ALABAMA No railroad company shall give or pay any rebate or a bonus in the nature thereof directly or indirectly, or do any act to mislead or deceive the public as to the real rates 1793 charged or received for freights or passage; and any such pay- ments shall be illegal and void, and these prohibitions shall be enforced by suitable penalties. Const., sec. 245. Any person or corporation operating a railroad who makes; and any person who knowingly accepts a lower transportatioi 1794 rate for person or freight than the published tariff must on con- viction be fined not less than $100 nor more than $5,000. Codi 1907, sec. ydSg. It shall be unlawful for any common carrier, its offi- cers, agents or employes to publish, exact, charge or 446 ceive any higher or greater rate than that^ prescribed by statute 1795 or than that which has been made the maximum rate by statute or than the rate prescribed by commission for the transportation of property or passengers, or to refuse to receive property or pas- sengers for transportation at such rates. Acts igog, sp. sess., no, ji, sec. i(i). Every common carrier which shall violate any of the pro- 1796 visions of this act .shall forfeit to the state of Alabama a sum not exceeding $ioo for each offense, to be determined by the court or judge trying the case. Same, sec. 1(2). Each exaction, charge or receipt of a fare for the trans- portation of a passenger or of the rate of compensation for the transportation of property in excess of the statutory rate or fare or the rate or fare established by commission, and each refusal to 1797 receive any property or passenger for transportation at such rates shall be a separate and distinct offense; and the act of any officer or other person acting within the scope of his official duties or employment in exacting or charging such excess rate or fare shall be in every case and be deemed to be the act of such com- mon carrier. Same, sec. i{j). Every officer, agent or employe of such common carrier, who shall violate, or who procures, aids or abets any violation 1798 of the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined a sum not exceeding $100 for each offense, to be determined by the court or judge trying the case. Same, sec. 1(4). A civil action to recover the forfeitures provided for in sec- tion (2) of this act may be brought at any time within two years from the date the offense was committed or forfeittues were incurred in the name of the state of Alabama in any court 1799 of competent jurisdiction in any county in which the carrier is engaged in business. In such action any number of forfeitiures incurred up to the time of commencing the same and not pre- viously recovered, or separate suits may be brought for each penalty or forfeiture, and the commencement of an action to recover a forfeiture shall not be, or be deemed to be, a waiver of the right to recover any other forfeitures. Same, sec: i(j). It shall be unlawful for any railroad or other common carrier to charge, demand, collect or receive a greater or less compensa- tion for the transportation of passengers or property or for any service in connection therewith, than is specified in such printed 1800 schedules including schedules of joint rates as may at the time 447 be in force, except as provided by law or commission, and the rates, fares and cliarges named therein shall be the lawful rates, fares and charges when approved by commission. Acts igog, sp. sess.y no. 201, sec. i(j). See also par. 1739. ARIZONA No common carrier shall charge, demand, col- lect or receive a greater or less or different compensation for the transportation of persons or property or for any service in con- nection therewith than the rates, fares and charges applicable to such transportation as specified in its schedule filed and in effect at the time; nor shall any such carrier refund or remit in 1801 any manner or by any device any portion of the rates, fares or charges so specified except upon order of commission as herein- after provided, nor extend to any corporation or person any privi- lege or facility in the transportation of passengers or property, except such as are regularly and uniformly extended to all corpo- rations and persons. Sess. Laws 1912, ch. go, sec. iy{a){2). Except as in this section authorized and provided, no public service corporation shall charge, demand, collect or receive a greater or less or different compensation for any product or com- modity furnished or to be furnished or for any service rendered or to be rendered than the rates, tolls, rentals and charges appli- cable to such product or commodity or service as specified in its schedules on file and in effect at the time, nor shall any such pub- lic service corporation refund or remit directly or indirectly in 1802 any manner or by any device any portion of the rates, tolls, rentals and charges so specified, nor extend to any corporation or persons any form of contract or agreement or any rule or regulation, or any facility or privilege, except such as are regu- larly and uniformly extended to all corporations and persons; provided that commission may by rule or order establish such exceptions from the operation of this prohibition as it may con- sider just and reasonable as to each public service corporation. Same, sec. 17 {h). ARKANSAS All agents of railroad and express companies are prohibited from charging, collecting or receiving pay for any goods, wares, packages, merchandise or any article whatever 1808 that may be sent or received by or through their respective offices in excess of the regular rates charged for the same. Kirby^s Di- gest igo4, sec. 666y. 448 CALIFORNIA Provisions identical with pars. 1801, 1802, except that ** public utility" is used instead of "public service 1804 corporation." Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sees. i'/a{2), iy(b). See also par. 4517. CONNECTICUT See par. 2315. FLORIDA If any railroad company or common carrier shall discriminate by way of rebate or otherwise directly or indi- rectly in favor of any consignor or consignee of freights within the state, by allowing him a reduction of the rate fixed by com- mission as reasonable and just, any other consignor or consignee of freights within the state shall have a right of action against the said railroad company or common carrier, and the amount of his damages shall be fixed by a jtiry, unless a jury shall be waived, and the measure of damages shall be such simi or simis of money as will fairly compensate the injury done to said last mentioned 1805 consignor or consignee. But in all such cases demand in writing on said railroad, railroad company or common carrier shall be made for the money damages sustained before suit is brought for recovery under this section, and all suits under this act shall be brought within 12 months after the commission of the alleged wrong or injury except in cases where commission has heretofore been or shall hereafter be by the refusal of such railroad or com- mon carrier to observe the rates, rules, schedules or regulations by commission compelled to resort to suits to enforce such rates, rules, schedules or regulations, and in such cases suits for such loss, damage or penalty may be brought within 12 months after the termination of such suits in favor of commission. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 2gio, as amended by Laws igog, ch. 5624. See also par. 1078. GEORGIA A provision identical with par. 1793. Const. , 1806 art. iv, sec. 2. No railroad company shall make or retain directly or indi- rectly any charge for storage or freight greater than that fixed by 1807 commission for each particular storage; nor shall they discrimi- nate directly or indirectly by means of rebates or any other device in any such charges between persons. Acts i8gi, no. 700, sec. j. See also par. loyg. ILLINOIS It shall be unlawful for any express company or carrier by express to charge, demand, collect or receive a greater or less or different compensation for the transportation of 449 property, money, parcels, merchandise, package and other com- modities and things or for any service rendered in connection therewith between points named in its schedules or tariffs, than the rates and charges which are specified in such schedules or 1808 tariffs filed and in effect at the time or as may be promulgated, amended or changed by order of commission, nor shall any express company or carrier by express refund or remit in any manner or by any device any portion of the rate or charge so specified, nor extend to any shipper, person or persons, firms, copartnerships, joint stock companies or corporations any privilege or facility in receiving, storing, handling or forwarding of property or other- wise not granted to another and not specified in such schedules or tariffs. Revisal igop, ch. 114, sec. jyo. INDIANA It is declared to be unlawful for any carrier to charge, demand or collect directly or indirectly for the trans- portation of passengers or property or for any other service per- formed by it as a common carrier any other or different rate or rates, charge or charges than the rate named and fixed in the 1809 schedules and tariffs required to be and filed with commission or to charge, demand or collect directly or indirectly for any such service any other or different rate or rates, charge or charges than that adopted by commission or ordered observed by any court. Acts iQii, ch. 225, sec. i{h). Every carrier which shall knowingly and wilfully charge, collect, demand or receive from any person, company, firm or corporation, directly or indirectly, a greater or less rate, charge or compensation for the transportation of persons or property or for any service performed or to be performed by any such carrier 1810 than that fixed and specified in the schedule of rates filed with commission, or the schedule of rates fixed and adopted by com- mission, or the schedule of rates ordered observed by any court of this state, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof in any court of this state having jurisdiction shall be fined in a sum not less than $500, nor more than $5,000. Acts iQoy, ch. 241, sec. 12(c). If any agent, officer or employe of any carrier shall in- tentionally, directly or indirectly, by any special rate, re- bate, drawback or by means of false billing, false classification, false weighing, or by any other device whatsoever, charge, de- mand, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered by any such company for the transportation of persons 450 1811 or property, or for any other service performed by such carrier, than that prescribed in the pubHshed tariffs then in force and on file with commission, or which have heretofore been estabHshed by such commission or ordered to be observed by any court, then and in such case any such agent, officer or employe shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $ioo nor more than $2,000, to which may be added im- prisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, in the dis- cretion of the court or jury trying the cause. Same, sec. 14(a). IOWA When any common carrier shall have estab- lished and published its rates, fares and charges, it shall not charge, demand, collect or receive from any person or persons 1812 a greater or less compensation for the transportation of pas- sengers or property or for any service in connection therewith than is specified in such published schedule of rates, fares and charges as may at that time be in force. Code i8gy, sec. 2128. It shall be unlawful for any express company or common carrier to charge, demand, collect or receive a greater compensa- tion for the transportation of property or for any service in con- nection therewith between the points named in such schedules 1813 than the rates and charges which are specified in the schedules made by commission and in effect at the time. Any such express company or common carrier, any officer, representative or agent of any express company or carrier who knowingly violates these provisions shall forfeit to the state the sum of $500 for each offense to be recovered as by law provided. Same, sec. 216 je. KANSAS It shall be unlawful for any railroad company or other common carrier to grant or for any consignor or consign- ee to receive any rebate or drawback or enter into any arrange- ment whereby such consignor or consignee shall directly or indi- rectly receive a lower rate for transporting freight than the rate fixed by the orders of commission or the published schedules of such railroad company. It shall be unlawful for any railroad company or other common carrier to grant any special privileges 1814 to any person, firm or corporation either in the way of preference in furnishing cars, side track facilities, sites for elevators, mills or warehouses or any other form of preference or discrimination. It shall be unlawful for any railroad company or other common carrier or any agent or employe thereof or for any person, firm or corporation to enter into any secret agreement with any firm, person or corporation for the purpose of giving any firm, person or 451 corporation any special privileges, favors or discriminations in favor of such firm, person or corporation. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 7181. If any railroad company shall make, charge or receive from any shipper a less rate for the transportation of freight than the rate authorized by commission, it shall make the same lesser rate to all persons for all like contemporaneous services in the transportation of like kinds of freight under substantially similar 1816 circumstances and conditions; and in case any such company shall make, charge or receive any such lesser rate from one per- son and a greater rate from another person, the latter may sue and recover the difference between the rate paid by him and such lesser rate, together with reasonable attorney's fees for recovering the same in any court of competent jurisdiction. Same, sec. 7196. Any device, subterfuge or arrangement by which any pas- senger received a concession, advantage, reduction or rebate not accorded to all other passengers, exclusive of the excepted 1816 classes elsewhere entimerated, shall be deemed a violation of law, and the officer, agent or employe of the railroad company granting or offering to grant or give, and the person soliciting or accepting the same, shall be punished as provided by law for a direct violation of the provisions of law. Same, sec. '/261. No common carrier or public utility shall knowingly or wil- fully charge, demand, collect or receive a greater or less compen- sation for the same class of service performed by it within the 1817 state or for any service in connection therewith than is specified in the printed schedules or classifications including schedules of joint rates, or demand, collect or receive any rate, toll, fare or charge not specified in such schedules or classification. Laws 1911, ch. 238, sec. 12. MARYLAND No common carrier shall charge, demand, col- lect or receive a greater or less or different compensation for transportation of passengers, freight or property or for any service in connection therewith, than the rates, fares and charges applicable to such transportation as specified in its schedules 1818 filed and in effect at the time; nor shall any such carrier refund or remit in any manner or by any device any portion of the rates, fares or charges so specified, nor extend to any shipper or person any privileges or facilities in the transportation of passengers or property except such as are regularly and uniformly extended to all persons and corporations under like circumstances. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 16. 452 i MICHIGAN A provision substantially identical with par. 1819 1791. Pub. Acts igii, no. ijq, sec. io{f). It shall be unlawful for any express company operating or doing business in the state, to charge or collect a greater amount for the transportation of merchandise or other property within the state than the rates and charges set forth and contained in 1820 the schedule of rates, tariffs and classifications on file at each station and office to or from which said rates, charges and classi- fications are intended to apply; a copy of which said schediile of rates, tariffs and classifications shall be filed with commission by issuing carrier or some duly authorized agent or representative of such carrier. Same, sec. 2j(a) . The maximum rate fixed by law shall not limit the right of any person, firm or corporation to supply electricity for a less rate if it charges all customers at the same rate for electricity simultaneously used under like conditions. No corporation or 1821 person engaged in the business of supplying electricity, shall be entitled to have, receive or recover a greater charge for electricity supplied to any customer than that fixed by commission after the same has been fixed as provided by law. Pub. Acts igog, no. 106, sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for any telephone company to make 1822 any other or different charge for service than that shown in its schedules. Pub. Acts igii, no. ij8, sec. ig. See also pars. 1412, 1756. MINNESOTA No carrier shall charge, demand, collect or receive for any service a greater or less sum than that fixed in its 1823 published schedules. Rev. Laws igo^, sec. 2015. See also par. 1758. MISSISSIPPI The track of every railroad which carries per- sons or property for hire is a public highway, over which all per- sons have equal rights of transportation for themselves and their property, and for passengers, freight and cars, on the pa3rment of reasonable compensation to the railroad for such transportation; and if any railroad corporation or person managing a railroad shall demand and receive unreasonable compensation for the serv- ice rendered in the transportation of passengers or freight or more than allowed by the tariff of rates fixed by commission, or by such person or corporation with its approval, or more than 1824 the rates specified in the bill of lading issued by authority of the railroad; or if any railroad shall for its advantage or for the 453 advantage of a connecting line, or for that of any person, locality or corporation, make any discrimination in transportation against any person, locality or corporation unless authorized by commis- sion, or if any railroad company shall charge more for a short haiil than for a long one under substantially similar circum- stances and conditions without the sanction of commission, such person or corporation in either case shall be guilty of extortion and may be punished therefor criminally besides being liable civilly. Code igo6, sec. 48JQ. The parties injiired may recover of the person or corporation guilty of extortion twice the amount of damages sustained by 1826 the overcharge or discrimination, as the case may be. Same, sec. 4840. Any railroad which shall commit extortion in rates, or by discrimination, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic- tion shall be punished by a fine not less than $100; but the rail- 1826 road cannot be punished criminally if its tariff of charges shall have been approved by commission and if the charge com- plained of be not variant from that allowed thereby. Same, sec. 4841. It is unlawful for any railroad to make or allow any rebate or reduction from the tariffs of charges fixed or approved by 1827 commission in favor of any person, place or corporation by a change in or deviation from the rates so fixed or approved, unless such change or deviation be first allowed by commission. Sa^ne, sec. 4844. If any railroad shall make any rebate, reduction or allowance in freight or passenger rates from the rates approved or fixed by commission, without its consent first had, or shall give to any 1828 person a free pass or ticket or transport him free of charge con- trary to law, or shall fail to make due report of free passes granted, such railroad shall in either case be guilty of a misde- meanor and on conviction shall be fined not less than $100. Same, sec. 4845. MISSOURI When any common carrier shall have estab- lished and published its rates, fares and charges in compliance with the provisions of law, the same not being in excess of any statutory maximvim rates now or that may be hereafter in force, it shall be unlawful for any such common carrier to charge, de- 1829 mand, collect or receive from any person or persons, a greater or less compensation for the transportation of property or for any service in connection therewith than is specified in such pub- 454 lished schedules of rates, fares and charges as may at the time be in force except as may be specifically permitted. Rev. Stats. igoQ, sec. jiSy. Any railroad corporation which shall fix, demand, take or receive from any person or persons any greater toll or compensa- tion for the transportation, receipt, handling or delivery of goods or merchandise in violation of the provisions of this article shall forfeit and pay for any such offense any sum not exceeding $i,ooo, 1830 and costs of suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee, to be taxed by any court where the same is held by appeal or otherwise, to be recovered by civil action by the party aggrieved, in any court having jurisdiction thereof; and any officer, agent or em- ploye of any such railroad corporation who shall knowingly or wilfully violate the provisions of this article shall be liable to the penalties prescribed in this section. Same, sec. 3211. In no instance shall any individual, company or corporation, lessee or other person charge or receive any greater rate of com- pensation for carrying freight or passengers than by law pro- vided, and any individual, company or corporation violating or in any way evading the provisions of this article shall forfeit all right to recover or receive any compensation whatever for the service rendered wherein such violation is attempted; and every agent of any such corporation, lessee or other individual operat- ing any railroad within the state who shall refuse to receive for transportation over the road for which he is agent in the usual 1831 way any of the articles provided for on account of the compensa- tion by law prescribed being too low, or receiving any such arti- cles of freight, shall charge or attempt to charge for the trans- portation of the same any greater sum than fixed by law or shall in any manner violate or attempt to violate or evade the pro- visions of this article, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall pay a fine of not exceeding $200 for each and every oifense, and the injured party shall have a right of action against such agent or against the railroad com- pany or other persons operating the railroad, or both, in which case he shall be entitled to recover three times the amount taken or received from him in excess of the rate prescribed by this arti- cle. Same, sec. 3248. 1832 Also a provision identical with par. 18 13. Same, sec. 328 8b. See also par. gji. MONTANA If any railroad directly or indirectly or by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device shall charge, de- 455 mand or receive from any person, firm or corporation a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of property than that fixed by commission 1833 for such service, such railroad shall be deemed guilty of extortion and shall forfeit and pay to the state not less than $500, nor more than $2,000 for each offense; provided that nothing herein shall be so construed as to prevent any railroad or railroad cor- poration from giving excursion rates to or from any point within or without the state. Rev. Codes igoy, sec. 4385. If any railroad or its agents or officers shall collect, charge, demand or receive from any person, company, firm or corporation a greater rate, charge or compensation than that fixed and estab- lished by commission for the transportation of freight, passengers or cars or for the use of any car on the line of its railroad or any 1834 line operated by it, or for receiving, forwarding, handling or storing any such freight car or for any other service performed or to be performed by it, such railroad and its agents and officers shall be deemed guilty of extortion and shall forfeit and pay to the state a sum not less than $500 nor more than $2,000. Same, sec. 4386. NEBRASKA If any railway company or common carrier by or through its officers, agents or employes shall charge, collect, demand or receive from any person or persons, company, firm or corporation a greater rate, charge or compensation than that fixed and established by commission for the transportation of freight, passengers or cars operated by such railway company or 1835 common carrier, or for receiving, forwarding, handling or storing any such freight or cars or for any other service performed or to be performed by said railway company or carrier, said railway company or carrier shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a siun of not less than $1,000, nor more than $5,000 for each offense. Cohhey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10661. If any officer, agent or employe for or on behalf of any rail- way company or carrier shall charge, collect, demand or receive from any person or persons, company, firm or corporation a greater rate, charge or compensation than that fixed and estab- lished by commission for the transportation of freight and pas- 1836 sengers or cars operated by said railway company or common carrier, said officer, agent or employe shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor and shall upon conviction thereof be fined a sum not less than $100, nor more than $5,000 or be imprisoned in the 456 county jail of the county wherein conviction was had not less than ten days, nor more than six months or both within the dis- cretion of the court. Same, sec. 1066 1 (a). Any officer, agent or employe of any railway company or common carrier who by means of false billing, false classification, false weighing or by any other device shall suffer or permit any person or persons to obtain transportation for propei:ty at less than the regular rates then in force on said line of said railway company or common carrier or any part thereof or who by means of false billing, false classification, false weighing or by any device 1837 whatsoever shall charge any person, firm or corporation for the transportation of property other than the rates fixed and estab- lished upon the line of said railway company or common carrier, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than $100 nor more than $5,000 or be imprisoned in the county jail in the county wherein conviction was had not less than ten days nor more than 30 days or both within the discretion of the court. Same, sec. 10662(f). When commission has reason to believe that any railway company, or common carrier, or any officer, agent or employe thereof, has been guilty of any misdemeanor or misdemeanors, commission shall immediately cause actions to be commenced and prosecuted against such railway companies, common car- riers, agents, officer or employes, as the case may be, which may be brought in the county of the state through or into which the line of the railway company or common carrier sued may extend, [ 1838 and in the case of a misdemeanor on the part of any officer, agent or employe as herein defined, shall be brought in the county where the misdemeanor was committed; said actions commenced shall be prosecuted in the name of the state and no such action shall be dismissed without trial unless commission and the attor- ney general consent thereto. Such actions shall have precedence to all other business except criminal cases, cases of similar nature, and such other actions as are herein provided for. Same, sec. 10663. All of the penalties herein provided, unless otherwise pro- vided for, shall be recovered and suits thereon shall be brought in the name of the state in the proper cotut having jurisdiction [ 1839 thereof in any county in this state to or through which said rail- way company or common carrier may be operating a road, by the attorney general, or under his direction. Same, sec. 10663(a). 1840 In all suits arising under this chapter the rules of evidence 457 shall be the same as in ordinary civil actions, except as other- wise provided herein. Same, sec. io66j{b). See also pars. iy62, lydj. NEVADA It shall be unlawful for any railroad to charge, demand, collect or receive a greater or less compensation for the transportation of passengers or property or for any service in 1841 connection therewith than is specified in the printed schedules including schedules of joint rates as may at the time be in force, and the rates, fares and charges named therein shall be the lawful rates, fares and charges until the same are changed as provided bylaw. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 4(c). It shall be unlawful for any public utility to charge, demand, collect or receive a greater or less compensation for any service performed by it within the state or for any service in connection therewith than is specified in the printed schedules including 1842 schedules of joint rates as may at the time be in force, or to de- mand, collect or receive any rate, toll or charge not specified in such schedules. The rates, tolls and charges named therein shall be the lawful rates, tolls and charges until the same are changed as provided by law. Stats. 1911, ch. 162, sec. 12. It shall likewise be unlawful for any public utility to grant any rebate, concession or special privilege to any consumer or user, which directly or indirectly shall have or may have the effect of 1843 changing the rates, tolls, charges or payments, and any violation of the provisions of this section shall subject the violator to the penalty prescribed in section ten of this act. This, however, shall not have the effect of suspending, rescinding, invalidating or in any way affecting existing contracts. Same. See also par. 1765. NEW YORK A provision for common carriers identical with 1844 par. 1 81 8. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 33(1). No gas or electrical corporation shall charge, demand, col- lect or receive a greater or less or different compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered than the rates and charges ap- plicable to such service as specified in its schedule filed and in effect at the time ; nor shall any such corporation refund or remit 1846 in any manner or by any device any portion of the rates or charges so specified, nor extend to any person or corporation any form of contract or agreement or any rule or regulation or any privilege or facility except such as are regularly and uniformly extended to all persons and corporations under like ciromistances. Same, sec. 66(12). 458 ft No telegraph or telephone company shall charge, demand, collect or receive a different compensation for any service ren- dered or to be rendered than the charge applicable to such service as specified in its schedule on file and in effect at that time. Nor shall any telegraph or telephone corporation refund or remit 1846 directly or indirectly any portion of the rate or charge so speci- fied, nor extend to any person or corporation any form of con- tract or agreement or any rule or regulation or any privilege or facility except such as are specified in its schedule filed and in effect at the time and regtilarly and uniformly extended to all persons and corporations under like circumstances for the like or substantially similar service. Same, sec. 92 {2). NORTH CAROLINA No railroad, steamboat, express or other trans- portation company engaged in the carriage of freight and no telegraph company or telephone company shall demand, collect 1847 or receive for any service rendered or to be rendered in the trans- portation of property or transmission of messages more than the rates appearing in the printed tariff of such company in force at the time such service is rendered, or more than is allowed by law. PelVs Revisal igo8, sec. 2642. Any railroad company violating any of the provisions of this act, or counseling, ordering or directing any employe, agent or servant to violate any provisions of this act by charging, de- manding or receiving any rate greater than that fixed by this act, 1848 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than $500 and not more than $5,000; and any agent, servant or employe of any railroad companv who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and on conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the coiut. Same, sec. 3761a. Any railroad company doing business in the state or officer or agent thereof who shall give to any person or shipper any ad- vantage over another person or shipper under like circumstances by way of any rebate or reduced rate not authorized by law or by commission, or which shall make charges for shipments of 1849 freight in violation of the provisions of law or shall wilfully discriminate in the matter of service in favor of one person or corporation against another under lil<:e circumstances, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and such corporation shall upon convic- tion be fined not less than $100, and such officer or agent shall be fined or imprisoned or both in the discretion of the court. Acts igoy, ch. 217, sec. 2. 459 NORTH DAKOTA A provision for railroads, railroad corporations 1860 or common carriers substantially identical with par. 1812. Rev. Codes I go 5, sec. 4341. OHIO No public utility shall charge, demand, exact receive or collect a different rate, rental, toll or charge for any services rendered or to be rendered than that applicable to such service as specified in its schedule filed with commission and in 1861 effect at the time. Nor shall any public utility refund or remit directly or indirectly any rate, rental, toll or charge so specified or any part thereof, nor extend to any person, firm or corporation any rule, regulation, privilege or facility except such as are speci- fied in such schedule and regularly and uniformly extended to all persons, firms and corporations under like circumstances for the like or substantially similar service. Laws igii, no. J2j, sec. 20. See also par. 1773. OKLAHOMA All agents of railroad and express companies doing business in the state are prohibited from knowingly charg- ing, collecting or receiving pay for any goods, wares, packages, 1852 merchandise or any article whatever that may be sent or received by or through their respective offices in excess of the regular rates charged for the same. Sess. Laws igo8, ch. 13, art. in, sec. i. All agents or operators for any telegraph or telephone com- pany doing business in the state are prohibited from knowingly 1863 charging, collecting or receiving pay for any message sent or received by them in excess of the regular rate charged for the same. Same, sec. 2. Any person who shall violate the provisions of sections one and two of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and 1864 upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than $25, nor more than $200. Same, sec. 4. OREGON Substantially identical with pars. 1841, 1842. 1866 Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 16. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 27g, sec. 31. See also pars. 1776, 1777. RHODE ISLAND See par. i77g. SOUTH CAROLINA A provision substantially identical with par. 1866 1807. Gen. Stats. igo2, sees. 1733, 2og^. If any railroad company shall violate the provisions of this chapter, either by exceeding the rates of storage prescribed, or by discr'minating, the person or persons so paying such over- charge or subjected to such discrimination shall have the right 460 to sue for the same in any court of this state having jurisdiction 1867 of the claim, and shall have all the remedies and be entitled to recover the same penalties and measure of damages as is pre- scribed in the case of overcharge of freight rates, upon making like demand as is prescribed in such case and after like failure to pay the same. Same, sees. 1734, 2og6. If any railroad corporation shall make any unjust discrimina- tion in its rates and charges of toll as compensation for trans- portation of passengers or freights of any description or for the use and transportation of any railroad car upon its said road or upon any of the branches thereof, or upon any railroad con- nected therewith which it has the right, license or permission 1858 to operate or control within the state, the same shall be deemed guilty of having violated the provisions of this chapter, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a simi not less than $100 nor more than $1 ,000. It shall be unlawful for any person so engaged as aforesaid or person engaged solely in the shipment or receiving of property directly or indirectly to allow or receive any rebate, drawback or other advantage in any form upon shipment made or services rendered or received by them as aforesaid. Same, sec. 2084. See par. 853. SOUTH DAKOTA When any common carrier shall have estab- lished and published its rates, fares and charges in compliance with the provisions of law, it shall be unlawful for such common carrier to charge, demand, collect or receive from any person or persons a greater or less compensation for the transportation of 1859 passengers' property, express and messages by telephone, or for any services in connection therewith than is specified in such published schedule of rates, fares and charges as may at the time be in force. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2oy, sec. 10. An express company which shall charge a different rate for transportation of any express than the charges established in 1860 this act shall upon conviction pay a fine of not less than $10, nor more than $500. Sess. Laws igog, ch. ijp, sec. 7. TENNESSEE It shall be unlawful for any person or corpora- tion to make any rebate or reduction from the published tariffs in favor of any person, locality or corporation which shall not be 1861 made in favor of all other persons, localities or corporations by change in such published rates except as may be allowed by com- mission. Acts i8gy, ch. 10, sec. 22. 461 Any person or corporation who shall make any reduction or rebate prohibited by this act without approval of commission 1862 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be iined not less than $ioo, nor more than $500. Same, sec. 23. TEXAS If any railroad company or its agent or officer shall charge, collect, demand or receive from any person, com- pany, firm or corporation a greater rate, charge or compensation than that fixed and established by commission for the transporta- tion of freight, passengers or cars or for the use of any car on the 1863 line of its railroad or any line operated by it or for receiving, forwarding, handling or storing any such freight or cars or for any other service performed or to be performed by it, such rail- road company and its said agent and officer shall be deemed guilty of extortion and shall forfeit and pay to the state a sum not less than $100 nor more than $5,000. Sayles^ Civ. Stats. 1897, art. 4573. Every express company which shall demand or receive a greater compensation than that which may be prescribed and fixed by commission for the transportation of any class or kind of prop- erty, money, papers, packages or things shall be deemed guilty 1864 of extortion and shall forfeit and pay to the state a sum not to exceed $500 for each offense; provided, that if it shall appear that such violation was not wilful, said company shall have ten days to refund such overcharges or damages in which case the penalty shall not be incurred. Commission shall sue for a recovery of same in the same manner as may be prescribed by law for like suits against railroad companies. Same, art. 4583. VIRGINIA When commission shall have either author- ized or prescribed and published any rates, fares and charges, it shall be unlawful for any company to charge, demand, collect or receive from any person or persons a greater or less compensa- 1865 tion for the transportation of passengers or property or for any service in connection therewith than is specified in such published schedule of rates, fares and charges so authorized or prescribed and published by commission unless or until changed by com- mission. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. I2g4c{7). WASHINGTON A provision for common carriers substantially identical with par. 181 8; also a provision for gas, electrical or 1866 water companies substantially identical with par. 1845; also a provision for telephone or telegraph companies substantially identical with par. 1846. Laws igii, ch. 117, sees. 18, 2Q, 40. 462 No wharfinger or warehouseman shall charge, demand, col- lect or receive a greater, less or different compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered than the rates charged ap- plicable to such service specified in its schedule filed and in effect 1867 at the time. Nor shall any such wharfinger or warehouseman directly or indirecth^ refund or remit in any manner or by any device any portion of the rate or charge so specified. No wharfinger or warehouseman shall extend to any person or cor- poration any form of contract or agreement or any rule or regu- lation or any privilege or facility except as are regularly and uniformly extended to all persons and corporations under like circumstances. Same, sec. 4Q. WISCONSIN Substantially identical with pars. 1841, 1842. Laws iQOj, ch. J62, sec. iyg'/-4{c). Laws 190J, ch. 4gg, sec- 1868 lygym-jj. See also pars. lySp, i/go. C. CHARGING A LESS COMPENSATION IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FURNISHING BY UTILITIES OF ANY PART OF THE FACIL- ITIES INCIDENT TO THE SERVICE. UNITED STATES If the owner of property transported directly or indirectly renders any service connected with such transporta- tion or furnishes any instrumentality used therein, the charge and allowance therefor shall be no more than is just and reason- able, and commission may, after hearing on a complaint or on 1869 its own initiative, determine what is a reasonable charge as the maximum to be paid by the carrier or carriers for the services so rendered or for the use of the instrumentality so furnished, and fix the same by appropriate order, which order shall have the same force and effect and be enforced in like nianner as the orders provided for under this section. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 15- ALABAMA No railroad, common carrier, agent or officer thereof shall demand, charge, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation a less compensation for transportation of 1870 property or for any service rendered or to be rendered by said railroad in consideration of said person, firm or corporation furnishing any part of the facilities incident thereto. Code igoy, sec. 5532. 463 MICHIGAN It shall be unlawful for any common carrier to demand, charge, collect or receive from any person, firm or cor- poration a less compensation for the transportation of property or for any service rendered or to be rendered by said common carrier in consideration of said person, firm or corporation fur- 1871 nishing any part of the facilities incident thereto ; provided that nothing shall be construed as prohibiting any common carrier from procuring any facilities or service incident to the trans- portation, and paying a reasonable compensation therefor. Pub. Acts iQog, no. 300, sec, 16. NEVADA, OHIO A provision for railroads identical with par. 1 87 1. Nev. — Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 22(a); Ohio — Code igio 1872 sec. 566. OREGON A provision for railroads substantially iden- 1873 tical with par. 1871. Gen. Laws 1907, ch. 53, sec. 48. It shall be unlawful for any public utility to demand, charge, collect or receive from any person, firm or corporation less com- pensation for any service rendered or to be rendered by said public utility in consideration of the furnishing by said person, firm or corporation of any part of the facilities incident thereto; provided nothing shall be construed as prohibiting any public utility from renting any facilities incident to the transportation 1874 of persons or property by street railroad, or to the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power or the conveyance of telephone messages, and paying a reason- able rental therefor, or as requiring any public utility to furnish any part of such appliances which are situated in and upon the premises of any constimer or user except telephone station equip- ment upon the subscriber's premises, and unless otherwise or- dered by commission meters and appliances for measurements of any product or service. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. 64. PENNSYLVANIA If the owner of property transported by com- mon carriers directly or indirectly renders any service connected with such transportation or furnishes any instrumentality used 1876 therein, the charge and allowance therefor shall not be more than is just and reasonable and commission may after hearing on a complaint determine what is a reasonable charge as the maximum to be paid by the carrier or carriers for the service so rendered or for the instrumentality so furnished. Laws igo^, no. 250, sec. g. WISCONSIN Identical with pars. 1871, 1874, except that 1876 in par. 1874 ''the transportation of persons or property by street 464 railroad" is omitted. Laws 1905, ch. 362, sec. i^gy-22{a). Laws igoj, ch. 4QQ, sec. lyg'jm-go, as amended by Laws igog, ch. 21 j. D. CHARGING A LESS COMPENSATION IN CONSIDERATION OF THE SIZE OF THE SHIPMENT OR THE EXTENT OF THE SERVICE. IOWA No common carrier shall charge, collect, de- mand or receive more for transporting a car of freight than it at the same time charges, collects, demands or receives per car for several cars of a like class of freight over the same railway, for the same distance, in the same direction; nor charge, collect, demand, or receive more for transporting a ton of freight than it charges, collects, demands, or receives per ton for several tons of freight under a carload of a like class over the same railway, 1877 for the same distance, in the same direction; nor charge, collect, demand, or receive more for transporting 100 pounds of freight than it charges, collects, demands, or receives per 100 for several hundred pounds of freight, under a ton, of a like class, over the same railway, for the same distance, in the same direction; and all such discriminating rates, charges, collections, or receipts, whether made directly or by means of any rebate, drawback, or other shift or evasion, shall be received as prima facie evidence of the unjust discrimination prohibited by this chapter. Code i8gy, sec. 2146. For the protection and development of any new industry within the state, such railway company may grant concessions or 1878 special rates for any agreed number of carloads, which rates shall first be approved by commission and a copy thereof filed in its office. Same. See also par. 1746. KENTUCKY When one or more carloads of freight shall be transported at the same time for different persons, and for each shipper a carload or more, such shipment shall be considered and taken as the same quantity of freight within the meaning of this law, and when less than a carload of freight, and over 5,000 1879 pounds, are transported at the same time for different shippers, and for each shipper 5,000 pounds, such shipment shall be con- sidered and taken as the same quantity of freight, and when over 500 pounds and less than 5,000 pounds are transported at the 465 same time for different shippers, and for each shipper said quan- tity of freight, such shipment shall be considered and taken as the same quantity of freight. Carroll's Stats, igog, sec. 8i8. MINNESOTA One carload of freight of any kind or class shall be transported at as low a rate per ton, and per ton per 1880 mile, as any greater number of carloads of the same kind and class from and to the same points of origination or destination. Rev. Laws igoj, sec. 2ooy. MISSOURI Substantially identical with pars. 1877, 1878. 1881 Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 3181. NEW HAMPSHIRE See par. iyg6. NORTH DAKOTA Provisions for railroads, railroad corporations or common carriers substantially identical with pars. 1877, 1878. 1882 Rev. Codes igo^, sec. 4370. See also par. 1772. OHIO See par. 732. SOUTH DAKOTA Provisions for common carriers (the transpor- tation of freight or express) substantially identical with pars. 1883 1877, 1878. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 207, sec. 28. WASHINGTON Nothing in this act shall be taken to prohibit a gas, electrical or water company from establishing a sliding scale 1884 of charges whereby a greater charge is made per unit for a lesser than a greater quantity for gas, electricity or water or any service rendered or to be rendered. Laws igii, ch. 117, sec. 32. E. CHARGING A GREATER COMPENSATION FOR A SHORTER THAN FOR A LONGER DIS- TANCE SERVICE. UNITED STATES It shall be unlawful for any common carrier to charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the transportation of passengers or of like kind of property for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line or route in the same direction, the shorter being included within the 1885 longer distance, or to charge any greater compensation as a through route than the aggregate of the intermediate rates; but this shall not be construed as authorizing any common carrier to charge or receive as great compensation for a shorter as for a longer distance. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 4. 466 upon application to commission such common carrier may in special cases after investigation be authorized by commission 1886 to charge less for longer than for shorter distances for the trans- portation of passengers or property; and commission may from time to time prescribe the extent to which such designated common carrier may be relieved from the operation of this section. Same. No rates or charges lawfully existing at the time of the pas- sage of this amendatory act shall be required to be changed by reason of the provisions of this section prior to the expiration of 1887 six months after the passage of this act, nor in any case where application shall have been filed before commission in accordance with the provisions of this section until a determination of such application by commission. Same. Whenever a carrier by railroad shall, in competition with a water route or routes reduce the rates on the carriage of any spe- cies of freight to or from competitive points, it shall not be per- 1888 mitted to increase such rates unless after hearing by commission it shall be foimd that such proposed increase rests upon changed conditions other than the elimination of water competition. Same. ARIZONA A provision for common carriers substantially 1889 identical with par. 1885. Sess. Laws IQ12, ch. go, sec. 24(a). No telephone or telegraph corporation shall charge or re- ceive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the trans- mission of any long distance message or conversation for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line or route in the same direction, the shorter being included within the longer 1890 distance, or charge any greater compensation for a through service than the aggregate of the intermediate rates or tolls sub- ject to the provisions of this act ; but this shall not be construed as authorizing any such telephone or telegraph corporation to charge and receive as great a compensation for a shorter as for a longer distance. Same, sec. 24(b). Upon application to commission a telephone or telegraph corporation may in special cases after investigation be author- ized by commission to charge less for a longer than for a shorter 1891 distance service for the transmission of messages or conversa- tions, and commission may from time to time prescribe the extent to which such telephone or telegraph corporation may be relieved from the operation and requirements of this section. Same, sec. 24(c). 467 ARKANSAS All individuals, associations and corporations shall have equal rights to have persons and property transported over railroads in the state, and no unjust or undue discrimina- tions shall be made in charges for or any facilities for trans- portation of freight or passengers within the state. Persons and 1892 property transported over any railroad shall be delivered at any station at charges not exceeding the charges for transportation of persons and property of the same class in the same direction to any more distant station, but exciirsion, immigration and com- mutation tickets may be issued at special rates. Kirby^s Digest igo4, sec. 6j22. It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation to demand or receive any greater amount of compensation for a similar amount and kind of property for receiving, storing, loading, un- loading, carrying or delivering the same under similar circum- 1893 stances and conditions for a shorter than for a longer distance, which includes the shorter distance; and the road of any person or corporation shall include all the railroads in use by it, whether owned or operated by it under a contract, agreement or lease by such corporation or with which it has a traffic contract. Same, sec. 6807. CALIFORNIA Provisions for common carriers substantially 1894 identical with pars. 1885, 1886. Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 24(a). Also provisions for telephone and telegraph corporations 1896 identical with pars. 1890, 1891. Same, sec. 2 4(b). ^ CONNECTICUT No railroad company shall charge or receive for the transportation of freight to any station on its road a greater sum than is at the time charged or received for the trans- portation of the like kind and quantity of freight from the same original point of departure and under similar circumstances to a station at a greater distance on its road in the same direction. * No discrimination in charges or facilities for transportation shall be made by any railroad or other transportation company between places' or persons, or in the facilities for the transportation of the same classes of freight or passengers within this state. It shall be unlawful for any railroad or other transportation company to charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the transportation of passengers or of like kind of property for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line or route in the same direction, the shorter being included within the longer distance, or to charge any greater compensation as a through rate than the aggregate of the intermediate rates. Provided, however, that upon application to commission provided for in this constitution such com- Eany may, in special cases, after investigation, be authorized by such commission to charge ;ss for longer than for shorter distances for the transportation of persons or property, and commission may from time to time prescribe the extent to which such company may be relieved from the prohibition to charge less for the longer than for the shorter haul. Commission shall have power to authorize the issuance of excursion and commutation tickets at special rates. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent com- mission from ordering and compelling any railroad or other transportation company to make reparation to any shipper on account of the rates charged to said shipper being excessive or discriminatory, provided no discrimination will result from such reparation. Const., art. xii, sec. 21. 468 Two or more railroad companies whose roads connect shall not charge or receive for the transportation of freight to any station 1896 on the road of either of them a greater siim than is at the time charged or received for the transportation of the like kind and quantity of freight from the same original point of departure and under similar circumstances to a station at a greater distance on the road of either of them in the same direction. In the con- struction of this section the simi charged or received for the trans- portation of freight shall include all terminal charges; and the road of a company shall include all the road in use by it whether owned and operated imder a contract or lease. Gen. Stats. iQ02y sec. 3772. GEORGIA See par. 783. ILLINOIS Provisions identical with pars. 1885, 1886. 1897 Revisal igog, 'ch. 114, sec. igi.^ 1 If any such railroad corporation shall charge, collect or receive for the transportation of any passenger, or freight of any description, upon its railroad, for any distance, within this state, the same or a greater amount of toll or compensation than is at the same time charged, collected or received for the transportation, in the same direction, of any pas- senger or like quantity of freight of the same class, over a greater distance of the same railroad or if it shall charge, collect or receive, at any point upon its railroad, a higher rate of toll or compensation for receiving, handling or delivering freight of the same class and quantity, than it shall, at the same time, charge, collect or receive at any other point upon the same railroad, or if it shall charge, collect or receive for the transportation of any pas- senger, or freight of any description, over its railroad, a greater amount as toll or com- pensation than shall, at the same time be charged, collected or received by it for the trans- portation of any passenger, or like quantity of freight of the same class, being transported in the same direction, over any portion of the same railroad, of equal distance or if it shall charge, collect or receive from any person or persons a higher or greater amount of toll or compensation than it shall, at the same time charge, collect or receive from any other person or persons for receiving, handling or delivering freight of the same class and like quantity, at the same point upon its railroad; or if it shall charge, collect or receive from any person or persons, for the transportation of any freight upon its railroad, a higher or greater rate of toll or compensation than it shall at the same time charge, collect or receive from any other person or persons, for the transportation of the like quantity of freight of the same class, being transported from the same point, in the same direction, over equal distances of the same railroad; or if it shall charge, collect or receive from any person or persons for the use and transportation of any railroad car or cars upon its railroad, for any distance, the same or a greater amount of toll or compensation than it at the same charged, collected or received from any other person or persons, for the use and trans- portation of any railroad car of the same class or number, for a like purpose, being transported in the same direction, over a greater distance of the same railroad; or if it shall charge, collect or receive from any person or persons, for the use and transportation of any railroad car or cars upon its railroad, a higher or greater rate of toll or compensa- tion, than it shall, at the same time, charge, collect or receive from any other person or persons, for the use and transportation of any railroad car or cars of the same class or number, for a like purpose being transported irom the same point, in the same direction, over an equal distance of the same railroad;" all such discriminating rates, charges, col- lections or receipts, whether made directly, or by means of any rebate, drawback, or other shift or evasion, shall be deemed and taken, against such railroad corporation, as prima facie evidence of the unjust discriminations prohibited by the provisions of this act; and it shall not be deemed a sufficient excuse or justification of such discriminations on the part of such railroad corporation, that the railway station or point at which it shall charge, collect or receive the same or less rates of toll or compensation, for the transportation of such passenger or freight, or for the use and transportation, of such railroad car the greater distance, than for the shorter distance, is a railway station or point at which there exists competition with any other railroad or means of transportation. This section shall not be construed so as to exclude other evidence tending to show discrimination in freight or passenger rates. The provisions of this section shall extend and apply to any railroad, the branches thereof, and any road or roads which any railroad corporation has the right, license or permission to use, operate or control, wholly or in part, within this state: provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent railroad corporations from issuing commutation, excursion or thousand mile tickets, as the same are now issued by such corporations. Rev. Stats. 1909, ch. 114, sec. 126. The following states have substantially identical provisions: Iowa, Code 1897 > sec. 2145; North Dakota,f/?ei'. Codes 1905, sec. 4369; South Carolina, Gen. Stats. 1902, sec. 20S5; South Dakota, Sess. Laws 1911, ch. 207, sec. 27. 469 INDIANA It shall be unjust discrimination for any car- rier to charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggre- gate for the transportation of like kinds of property or passengers for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line in the same direction, the shorter distance being included in the longer; provided, that in cases where two or more carriers have lines be- 1898 tween common points in the state and the line of one of such car- riers is shorter than the other, then the carrier having the longer line between any two such common points may meet the rates between such common points which are established by the route having the shorter line; provided there is bona fide an actual competition between such two routes for the business between such common points. Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. 13(c). Upon application to commission it may for the purpose of preventing manifest injury authorize any such carrier to charge less for longer than for shorter distances for transporting persons and property; provided, that no manifest injustice shall be im- 1899 posed upon persons, property and places at intermediate points; provided further that nothing herein shall be so construed as to prevent commission from approving what are known as "group rates" on any of the railroads in the state. Same. See also par. 1745. IOWA It shall be unlawful for any common carrier to charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the transportation of passengers or a like kind of property for a shorter than for a longer distance over its railroad, all or any 1900 portion of the shorter haul being included within the longer, and shall charge no more for transporting freight to or from any point on its railroad than a fair and just rate, compared with the price it charges for the same kind of freight transportation to or from any other point. Code iSgy, sec. 2126. KANSAS It shall be unlawful for any railroad company to charge a greater freight rate to haul any class of goods for a 1901 shorter distance than for a longer one in the same general direc- tion under like conditions and over the same system of road ex- cept by the consent of commission. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 7214, KENTUCKY It shall be unlawful for any person or corpora-^ tion owning or operating a railroad in this state or any commoi carrier to charge or receive any greater compensation in the ag- gregate for the transportation of passengers or of property of like kind under substantially similar circtimstances and conditioi 470 1902 for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same Hne in the same direction the shorter being included within the longer dis- tance; but this shall not be construed as authorizing any common carrier or person or corporation owning or operating a railroad in the state to receive as great compensation for a shorter as for a longer distance. Const., sec. 218. Upon application to commission such common carrier or person or corporation owning or operating a railroad in the state may in special cases after investigation by commission be au- thorized to charge less for longer than for shorter distances for 1903 the transportation of passengers or property; and commission may from time to time prescribe the extent to which such com- mon carrier or person or corporation owning or operating a rail- road in the state may be relieved from the operations of this sec- tion. Same. If any person owning or operating a railroad in this state or any common carrier shall charge or receive any greater compensa- tion in the aggregate for the transportation of passengers or property of like kind under substantially similar circumstances and conditions for a shorter than for a longer distance over the 1904 same line in the same direction, the shorter being included within the longer distance, such person shall for each offense be guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined not less than $100 nor more than $500, to be recovered by indictment in the Franklin circuit court or the circuit court of any county into or through which the rail- road or common carrier so violating runs or carries on its business. CarrolVs Stats, igog, sec. 820. Upon complaint made to commission that any railroad or common carrier has violated the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of commission to investigate the grounds of com- plaint, and if after such investigation commission deems it proper to exonerate the railroad or common carrier from the operation of the provisions of this section, an order in writing to that effect shall be made by commission, and a copy thereof delivered to the complainant and the railroad or common carrier, and the same shall be published as a part of the report of commission ; and after such order, the railroad or carrier shall not be prosecuted or .fined 1906 on account of the complaint made. If commission after inves- tigation fails to exonerate the railroad or carrier from the opera- tion of the provisions of this section, an order in writing to that effect shall be made by commission, and a copy thereof delivered to the complainant and the railroad and common carrier, and the 471 same shall be published as a part of the report of commission; and after such order, it shall be the duty of commission to furnish a statement of the facts, together with a copy of its order, to the grand jury of any county, the circuit court of which has juris- diction, in order that the railroad company or carrier may be indicted for the offense; and commission shall use proper efforts to see that such company or carrier is indicted or prosecuted. Same. LOUISIANA Commission shall prevent railroad, steamboat and other water craft, sleeping car, express, telephone and tele- graph lines of the state from charging any greater compensation 1906 in the aggregate for the like kind of property or passengers or express for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line unless authorized by commission to do so in special cases. Const. , art. 284. See also par. 7pp. MARYLAND No common carrier ^hall charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the transportation of passengers or of a like kind of property under substantially sim- ilar circumstances and conditions for a shorter than for a longer 1907 distance over the same line in the same direction, the shorter being included within the longer distance; but this shall not be construed as authorizing any such common carrier to charge and receive as great a compensation for a shorter as for a longer dis- tance or haul. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. ig. Upon application of a common carrier, commission may by order authorize it to charge less for longer than for shorter dis- tances for the transportation of passengers or property in special cases after investigation by commission, but the order must spec- 1908 ify and prescribe the extent to which the common carrier making such application is relieved from the operation of this section, and only to the extent so specified and prescribed shall any com- mon carrier be relieved from the operation and requirements of this section. Same. MASSACHUSETTS Substantially identical with par. 1896. Acts 1909 igo6, ch. 46 jy pt. ii, sec. igg. See also par. 2058. MICHIGAN A provision substantially identical with 'par. 1907; also a provision identical with par. 1886. Puh. Acts igog, 1910 no. 300, sec. g. See also par. 1412. 472 I MINNESOTA No carrier shall charge or receive any greater compensation for the transportation of passengers or of like kind or c'ass and quantity of property for a shorter than for a longer 1911 distance over the same line, the shorter being included within the longer distance; but this shall not be so construed as to authorize any carrier to charge or receive as great compensation for a short- er as for a longer distance. Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 201^. 1912 Also a provision substantially identical with par. 188.6. Same. No carrier shall charge or receive any greater compensation per ton per mile for the contemporaneous transportation of the same class of freight for a longer than for a shorter distance over 1913 the same line in the same general direction, or from the same orig- inal point of departure or to the same point of arrival; but this shall not be construed so as to authorize any carrier to charge a higher rate per ton per mile for a longer as for a shorter distance. Same. MISSISSIPPI See pars. 807, 1824, 1825, 1826. MISSOURI No railroad corporation organized or doing business in the state shall directly or indirectly charge or collect for the transportation of goods, merchandise or property on its said road for any distance any larger or greater amount as toll or compensation than is charged or collected for the transportation of similar quantities of the same class of goods, merchandise or property over a greater distance upon the same road, nor shall such corporation charge different rates for receiving, handling or delivering freight at different points on its road or roads con- 1914 nected therewith which it has a right to use, nor shall any such railroad corporation charge or collect for the transportation of goods, merchandise or property over any portion of its road a greater amount as toll or compensation than shall be charged or collected by it for the transportation of similar quantities of the same class of goods, merchandise or property over any other por- tion of its road of equal distance; and all such rules, regulations or by-laws of any railroad corporation as fix, prescribe or estab- lish any greater toll or compensation than is by law prescribed are declared to be void. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 3173, It shall be unlawful for any common carrier to charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the trans- 1916 portation of like kinds of property under similar circumstances and conditions for a shorter than a longer distance over the same line in the same direction; provided, however, that nothing con- 473 tained in this section shall apply to the carriage, storage or hand- ling of property either free or at reduced rates for the United States, for the State of Missouri or for any fair, exposition, re- ligious, scientific, benevolent or charitable purposes. Same, sec. 3185. MONTANA No railroad or transportation or express com- pany shall be allowed to charge, collect or receive under pen- alties which the legislative assembly shall prescribe, any greater 1916 charge or tolLfor the transportation of freight or passengers to any place or station upon its route or line than it charges for the transportation of the same class of freight or passengers to any more distant place or station upon its route or line within the state. Const., art. xv., sec. 7. NEBRASKA No railroad company shall demand, charge, collect or receive for the transportation of any merchandise or 1917 other property upon railroads for any specific distance a greater sum than it demands, charges, collects or receives for a greater distance. Cobbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. lojjg. If any railway company or common carrier through or by its officers, agents or employes shall charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for transportation of a like kind of 1918 property or passengers for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line, the same shall constitute an unjust discrim- ination which is prohibited. Same, sec. 10662(c). Upon application to commission any railroad may in special cases to prevent manifest injury be authorized by commission to charge less for longer than for shorter distances for transporting persons and property, and commission shall from time to time prescribe the extent to which such designated railway company 1919 or common carrier may be relieved from the operation of this provision; provided, that no manifest injustice shall be imposed upon any citizen at intermediate points; provided, further, that nothing herein shall be construed so as to prevent commission from making what are known as ''group rates" and "emer- gency rates" as provided by law on any line or lines of railway in the state. Same. It shall be unlawful for any telegraph company, its agents, or operators to demand, charge or receive from any individual, association or corporation a greater sum for the transmission and delivery of any telegram or message over a given distance than it demands, charges or receives for the transmission and delivery 474 1920 of any telegram or message containing an equal number of words over a greater distance; provided that dispatches transmitted during the night and dispatches for publication in newspapers may be forwarded and delivered at reduced rates; such rates must, however, be uniform to all patrons for the same services. Same, sec. 11956. See also pars. 1762, 1763. NEVADA Nothing in this act shall be construed so as to allow any railroad to charge more for a shorter than for a longer 1921 haul either for passengers or freight when the shorter haul is in- cluded within the longer, or to authorize commission to allow such charge to be made. Stats. iQoy, ch. 44, sec. 7, as amended by Stats. 190Q, ch. 121, sec. j. NEW HAMPSHIRE No railroad corporation shall charge or receive for the transportation of freight to any station on its road in the state a greater sum including terminal charges than is at the same time charged or received for the transportation for the like class and quantity of freight from the same original point of departure 1922 to a station in the state at a greater distance in the same direc- tion on its road. This provision shall apply to corporations operating two or more connecting railroads in the state as if the railroads belonged to or were operated by a single corporation. Pub. Stats., ch. 160, sec. 19. If any railroad corporation shall violate the provisions of the preceding section, it shall be fined not exceeding $500, and shall be liable to the party injured for all damages sustained by reason 1923 of such violation. No such action shall be maintained unless it is brought within two 3'^ears from the date of the violation. Same, sec. 20. NEW JERSEY No company shall charge or receive any greater rate of compensation for transportation of property be- 1924 tween way stations or between a terminal station and a way station than for transportation of such property between terminal stations. Laws igoj, ch. 257, sec. 44. NEW MEXICO No transportation or transmission company or common carrier shall charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the transportation as intrastate commerce of passengers or a like kind of property or for the transmission of 1925 the same kind of message between points in the state for a shorter than a longer distance over the same line or route in the same direction, the shorter being included within the longer dis- 475 tance; but this section shall not be construed as authorizing any such company or common carrier to charge or receive as great compensation for a shorter as for a longer distance; provided, that telegraph and telephone companies may in certain cases with the approval of commission, base their charges upon the air line distances instead of the distances actually traveled by the messages. Const., art. xi., sec. lo. Commission may from time to time authorize any such com- pany or common carrier to disregard the foregoing provisions of this section by charging such rates as commission may prescribe as just and equitable between such company or common carrier 1926 and the public, to or from any junction or competitive points or localities, or where the competition of points located without or within this state may necessitate the prescribing of special rates for the protection of the commerce of this state, or in cases of general epidemic, pestilence, calamitous visitations and other exigencies. Same. This section shall not apply to mileage tickets or to any spe- cial excursion or commutation rates; nor to special rates for 1927 services rendered in the interest of any public or charitable ob- ject, when such tickets or rates shall have been prescribed or au- thorized by commission, nor shall it apply to special rates for services rendered to the United States or this state. Same. NEW YORK Identical with pars. 1907, 1908. Laws igio, 1928 ch. 480, sec. j6. NORTH CAROLINA A provision substantially identical with par. 1929 1907. PeWs Revisal igo8, sec. iioy. Upon application to commission such common carrier may in special cases be authorized to charge less for longer than for shorter distances for the transportation of passengers or prop- erty; and commission may from time to time prescribe the extent to which such designated common carrier may be relieved from the operation of this section; provided, that nothing in these 19S0 provisions shall be taken as in any manner abridging or control- ling the rates of freight charged by any railroad in this state for conveying freight which comes from or goes beyond the boun- daries of the state and on which freight less than local rates on any railroad carrying the same are charged by such railroads. Same, NORTH DAKOTA It shall be unlawful for any railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier to charge or receive any greater 476 compensation in the aggregate for the transportation of passen- gers or of a like kind of freight or property for a shorter than for a longer distance over its railroads, all or any portion of the shorter haul being included within the longer; and said railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier shall charge no more for trans- porting passengers or freight to or from any point on its railroads than a fair and just rate as compared with the price it charges for the same kind of transportation to. or from any other point; pro- 19S1 vided, that all the provisions of this section shall apply to the transportation of passengers and all kinds of freight and property shipped and transported over one or more connecting lines; pro- vided, further, that such connecting lines shall transfer car lots without extra compensation, and shall transfer less than car lots at actual cost for such transfer; and provided, further, that rates charged be made and published by such connecting lines for such continuous shipment upon demand for any shipper or shippers and that such rates so made by two or more connecting lines shall be no greater in the aggregate than the rate would be if shipped continuously upon one line of road. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4335. OKLAHOMA No transportation or transmission company shall charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for transporting the same class of passengers or property or for transmitting the same class of messages over a shorter than a 1932 longer distance along the same line and in the same direction, the shorter being included in the longer distance, but this section shall not be construed as authorizing any such company to charge or receive as great compensation for a shorter as for a longer dis- tance. Const., art. ix., sec. 30. Commission may from time to time authorize any such com- pany to disregard the foregoing provisions of this section by charging such rates as commission may prescribe as just and equi- 1983 table between points or localities or where the competition of points located without this state may make necessary the pre- scribing of special rates for the protection of the commerce of this state. Same. This section shall not apply to mileage tickets or to any spe- cial excursion or commutation rates or to special rates for serv- ices rendered to this state or to the United States or in the interest of some public object, when such tickets or rates shall have been prescribed or authorized by commission. Same. OREGON See par. lyyd. 477 PENNSYLVANIA All individuals, associations and corporations shall have equal right to have persons and property transported over railroads and canals, and no undue or unreasonable dis- crimination shall be made in charges for or any facilities for 1936 transportation of freight or passengers within the state, or coming from or going to any other state. Persons and property trans- ported over any railroad shall be delivered at any station at charges not exceeding charges for transportation of persons and property of the same class in the same direction to any more dis- tant station; but excursion and commutation tickets may be issued at special rates. Const., art. xvii, sec. 3. SOUTH CAROLINA It shall be unlawful for any person or persons engaged in the transportation of property to charge or receive any greater compensation for carrying, receiving, storing, forwarding or handling articles of the same character and description for a shorter than a longer distance in one continuous carriage ; and the road of the corporation shall include all of the road in use by such corporation whether owned or operated under a contract or lease by such corporation; provided, that nothing in these provisions shall be construed as to require any corporation or combination 1936 of corporations to regulate their charges for shorter distances by their proportion of through rates between terminal or junctional competitive points; provided, further, that if one corporation should use, operate or otherwise control wholly or in part several lines or divisions of hitherto independent railroads within the state that commission may in its discretion conjointly with the said corporations fix different rates of toll or compensation for freight traffic on each of said hitherto independent lines or divi- sions. Gen. Stats, igoz, sec. 2086. Commission conjointly with the railroad companies shall 1937 have authority to make special rates for the purpose of develop- ing all manufacturing, mining, milling and internal improvements in the state. Same. See also par. 850. SOUTH DAKOTA It shall be unlawful for any common carrier to charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the transportation of passengers, express, freight, messages by telephone or of a like kind of property for a shorter than for a longer distance over its railway, express or telephone line, all or 1938 any portion of the shorter haul being included within the longer. And said common carrier shall charge no more for transporting 478 1939 freight, express or messages by telephone to or from any point on its lines than a fair and just rate as compared with the price it charges for the transportation of the same kind of freight, express or messages to or from any other point. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2oy, sec. 8. Also a provision identical with par. 1886. Same. See also par. 1161. TENNESSEE If any person owning or operating a railroad in the state or any common carrier shall charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the transportation of passengers or property of like kind under substantially like cir- 1940 cumstances and conditions for a shorter than a longer distance over the same line in the same direction, the shorter being in- cluded within the longer distance, such person or common carrier shall for each offense be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not less than $100 nor more than $500. Acts iSgy, ch. 10, sec. 18. Commission shall be empowered to suspend section 18 of this 1941 act when in their opinion the conditions are such that such sus- pension will be beneficial to the best interest of the people and all whom it may concern. Same, sec. 33. TEXAS It shall be unjust discrimination for any rail- road to charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggre- 1942 gate for the transportation of like kind of property or passengers for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same lines. Sayles' Civ. Stats. 189'/, art. 4^^4(3). Upon application to commission any railroad may in special cases to prevent manifest injury be authorized by commission to charge less for longer than for shorter distances for transporting persons and property, and commission shall from time to time prescribe the extent to which such designated railroad may be 1943 relieved from the operations of this provision; provided, that no manifest injustice shall be imposed upon any citizen at inter- mediate points; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be so construed as to prevent commission from making what are known as "group rates" on any line or lines of railroad in this state. Same. See also par. 1784. ''ERM ONT A railroad corporation whose railroad is located in the state shall not charge a larger sum for the transportation of freight, merchandise or passengers thereon for a less distance L944 to or from a way station on its road than is charged for a greater 479 distance; and in case of a violation of this provision the excess so charged may be recovered from such corporation by the party aggrieved in an action for money had and received with costs. Puh. Stats. igo6, sec. 4485.^ Two or more corporations whose roads connect shall not charge or receive for the transportation of freight to any station on the road of either of them a greater sum than is at the time charged or received for the transportation of the like class and quantity of freight from the same original point of departure to a 1946 station at a greater distance on the road of either in the same direction. This section shall not be construed as affecting the right of any railroad corporation to establish such rates on the freights shipped over its line in carload lots from poiats outside the state to poiats beyond the state as may seem for its best interests, and the sum charged or received for the transportation of freight shall include all terminal charges. Same, sec. 4487. The person or corporation violating a provision of the two preceding sections shall be liable to the party aggrieved for all 1946 damages sustained by reason of such violation, in an action on the case; but such sections shall not be so construed as to prevent the issuing of excursion, mileage and commutation tickets. Same, sec. 4488. A person or corporation that violates a provision of this 1947 chapter or any of the provisions of sections 4485 and 4486 shall be fined not more than $1,000 for each offense. Same, sec. 4541 » VIRGINIA Provisions identical with pars. 1925, 1927. 1948 Const., sec. 160. Commission may from time to time authorize any such company to disregard the foregoing provisions of this section by charging such rates as commission may prescribe as just and 1949 equitable between such company and the public to or from any jimction or competitive points or localities, or where the competi- tion of points located without the state may make necessary the prescribing of special rates for the protection of the commerce of this state. Same. It shall be unlawful for any transportation company to take, ; charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for; 1 Every joint stock company or corporation doing an express, parlor car or sleeping car business in this state shall be subject to the provisions of sections 448S and 4486, and of this chapter; and all references and provisions therein or herein contained as to rail- road companies shall be construed to extend and apply to corporations or joint stock com- panies operating express, parlor or sleeping car business within this state. Comftiission IS authorized and empowered to exercise the same authority, control and regulation over and in regard to such companies or corporations and their business, within this state, as is granted it by this chapter in respect to railroad companies. Ptib. Slats. 1906, sec. 4537- 480 the transportation of passengers of the same class or property along the same line in the same direction for a shorter than for a I960 longer distance, the shorter being included within the longer dis- tance; but this section shall not be construed as authorizing any such company to charge and receive as great compensation for a shorter as for a longer distance. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. I2Q4c{l). Upon application to commission any such company may in special cases after investigation by commission be authorized to charge less for longer than for shorter distances for the trans- portation of passengers or property, and commission may from 1951 time to time prescribe the extent to which such designated com- pany may be relieved from the operation of this section; provided, that nothing in these provisions shall be taken as in any manner abridging or controlling the rates of freight charged by any trans- portation company for conveying freight which comes from or goes beyond the boundaries of the state, and on which freight less than local rates on any transportation line carrying the same are charged by such company, but said company shall possess the same power and right to charge such rates for carrying such freight as they possessed before the passage of these provisions. Same. Nothing in these provisions shall prohibit railroad or steam- boat companies from making special passenger rates with excur- 1952 sion or other parties ; also rates on such freights as are necessary for the comfort of such parties subject to the approval of com- mission. Same. WASHINGTON No common carrier shall charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the transportation of persons or of a like kind of property for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same liae in the same direction, the shorter being included within the longer distance, or charge any I 1953 greater compensation as a through rate than the aggregate of the intermediate rates; but this shall not be construed as authoriziag any such common carrier to charge and receive as great a com- pensation for a shorter as for a longer distance or haul. Laws 1911, ch. iiy, sec. 22. Upon application of a common carrier, commission may by order authorize it to charge less for a longer than for a shorter distance for the transportation of persons or property in special cases after investigation by commission, but the order must 1964 specify and prescribe the extent to which the common carrier 481 making such application is relieved from the operation of this section, and only to the extent so specified and prescribed shall any common carrier be relieved from the operation and require- ments of this section. Same. No telephone or telegraph company shall charge or receive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the transmission of any long distance conversation or message of like kind for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line in the same direction within this state, the shorter being included within the 1966 longer distance, or charge any greater compensation for a through service than the aggregate of the intermediate rates; but this order shall not be construed as authorizing any such telephone or telegraph company to charge and receive as great a compensation for a shorter as for a longer distance. Same, sec. 44. Upon application of any telephone or telegraph company commission may by order authorize it to charge less for a longer than for a shorter distance service for the transmission of con- versation or messages in special cases after investigation, but the 1966 order must specify and prescribe the extent to which the tele- phone or telegraph company making such application is relieved from the operation of this section, and only to the extent so specified and prescribed shall any telephone or telegraph com- pany be relieved from the requirements of this section. Same. F. GRANTING TO ANY PERSON, CORPORA- TION, LOCALITY OR PARTICULAR DESCRIP- TION OF SERVICE ANY UNDUE OR UN- REASONABLE PREFERENCE OR ADVAN- TAGE, OR SUBJECTING THE SAME TO ANY UNDUE OR UNREASONABLE PREJUDICE OR DISADVANTAGE. UNITED STATES It shall be unlawful for any common carrier to make or give any undue or imreasonable preference or ad- vantage to any particiilar person, company, firm, corporation or locality, or any particular description of traffic in any respect 1967 whatsoever, or to subject any particular person, company, firm, corporation or locality or any particular description of traffic to any imdue or imreasonable prejudice or disadvantage in any respect whatsoever. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 3. 482 ALABAMA If any railroad company or other common carrier shall directly or indirectly make or give any undue or un- reasonable preference or advantage to any particular person, firm, corporation or locality or subject any particular person, firm or corporation or locality to any undue or unreasonable prejudice 1958 or disadvantage in any respect whatsoever, such railroad or com- mon carrier shall be guilty of imjust discrimination, which is prohibited and declared unlawful, and shall be liable to the state in a penalty of not less than $500 nor more than $5,000 for each offense. Code 1907, sec. 5540. ARIZONA No public service corporation shall as to rates, charges, service, facilities or in any other respect, make or grant any preference or advantage to any corporation or person, or subject any corporation or person to any prejudice or disadvan- 1969 tage. No public service corporation shall establish or maintain any unreasonable difference as to rates, charges, service, facilities, or in any other respect, either as between localities or as between classes of service. Commission shall have the power to deter- mine any question or fact arising under this section. Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. ig. CALIFORNIA A provision for public utilities identical with 1960 par. 1959. Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. ig. COLORADO It shall be unlawful for any common carrier to make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or advan- tage to any particiilar person, company, firm, corporation or locality or concerning any particular description of freight traffic, 1961 in any respect whatsoever, or to subject any particular person, company, firm, corporation or locality, or any particular freight traffic, to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage, in any such respect whatsoever; provided that perishable prod- ucts and live stock may be made special shipments and handled accordingly. Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 5. INDIANA It shall be an unjust discrimination for any railroad company to make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any particular person, firm, corpora- tion or locality, in connection with the transportation of any 1962 persons or property, or to subject any particular kind of traffic, or any particular person, place or locality to any undue or un- reasonable prejudice, delay or disadvantage in any respect whatsoever. Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. ijia). See also par. 1745. 483 IOWA It shall be unlawful for any common carrier to make or give any preference or advantage to any particular per- son, company, firm, corporation or locality, or any particular description of traffic, in any respect whatsoever, or subject any particular person, company, firm, corporation or locality, or any 1963 particular description of traffic to any prejudice or disad- vantage in any respect whatsoever; but this shall not be con- strued to prevent any common carrier from giving preference as to time of shipment of live stock, imcured meats or other perishable property. Code iSgy, sec. 212$. See also par. igoo. KANSAS It shall be unlawful for any railroad company or other common carrier to grant, any special privileges to any person, firm or corporation, either in the way of a preference in furnishing cars, side track facilities, sites for elevators, mills or warehouses, or any other form of preference, privilege or discrim- ination. It shall be unlawful for any railroad company or other 1964 common carrier, or any agent or employe thereof, or for any person, firm or corporation to enter into any secret agreement with any firm, person or corporation for the piupose of giving any firm, person or corporation any special privileges, favors or dis- criminations in favor of such firm, person or corporation. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. yi8i. See also par. 1747. KENTUCKY It shall be imlawful for any corporation to make or give any undue or imreasonable preference or advantage to any particular person or locality, or any particular description of traffic, in any respect whatever, in the transportation of a like 1966 kind of traffic; or to subject any particiilar person, company, firm, corporation or locality, or any particular description of traffic to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage. CarrolVs Stats, igog, sec. 818. See also par. 534. MARYLAND No gas or electrical corporation shall make or grant any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any person, corporation or locality, or to any particular description 1966 of service, in any respect whatsoever, or subject any particular person, corporation or locality or any particular description of service to any undue or imreasonable prejudice or disadvantage in any respect whatsoever. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 31M. No telegraph or telephone company shall make or give any 484 tinjust or undue preference or advantage in rates charged or de- manded, or in any other respect whatsoever, or subject any 1967 particular person, corporation or locality to any unfair prejudice or disadvantage, but shall furnish equal facilities to their patrons and transmit all messages in the order in which they are received. Same, sec. 40. See also pars. 537, 538, 539. MASSACHUSETTS A railroad corporation shall not in its charge for the transportation of freight, or in the conduct of its freight business, make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or 1968 advantage to or in favor of any person, firm or corporation, nor subject any person, firm or corporation to any luidue or unrea- sonable prejudice or disadvantage. Acts iqo6, ch. 463, pt. «, sec. 201. MICHIGAN A provision identical with par. 1957. Puh. 1969 Acts iQog, no. 300, sec. ly. It shall be unlawful for any telephone corporation to make or give any preference or advantage to any person, company, 1970 firm, corporation or locality, or subject any person, company, firm, corporation or locality to any prejudice or disadvantage in any respect whatever. Puh. Acts 1911, no. 138, sec. 5. MINNESOTA Substantially identical with par. 1957, except 1971 that "unequal or unreasonable" is used instead of "undue or unreasonable." Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 2009. MISSISSIPPI See pars. 382, 808, 1824, 1825, 1826. MISSOURI It shall be unlawful for any common carrier to make or give any undue or iinreasonable preference or advan- tage to any particular person, company or firm, corporation or locality, in the transportation of goods, wares and merchandise of any character, or to subject any particular person, firm, cor- poration or locality, or any particular description of traffic, to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage with respect to such transportation; and all such common carriers 1972 shall afford equal faciUties for the interchange of traffic between their respective lines and for receiving, forwarding and switching cars and delivering property to and from their lines and to and from other lines and places connected therewith, and shall not discriminate in their accommodation, rates and charges between such connecting lines and places. But this provision shall not be construed as requiring such common carriers to give the use 485 or their traffic or terminal facilities to other common carriers engaged in a similar business. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 3184. All express companies or corporations are prohibited from discriminating in favor of any particular shipper in any manner whatever, directly or indirectly, by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device, and it shall be unlawful for any such company or corporation to give any undue or luireasonable pref- erence or advantage to any particular person, company, firm, 1973 corporation or locality, or any particular description of traffic (or subject the same) to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage with respect to such transportation; and all such express companies or corporations shall afford equal facilities for the interchange of traffic between their respective lines and shall not discriminate in their accommodations, rates, classifications or charges between such connecting lines and places. Same, sec. 3289. See also par. 545. NEBRASBIA If any railway company or common carrier, through or by its officers, agents or employes, makes or gives any imdue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any particular person, company, firm, corporation or locality, or subjects any 1974 particular description of traffic to any undue or unreasonable prejudice, delay or disadvantage in any respect whatsoever, the same shall constitute an tmjust discrimination, which is pro- hibited. Cobbey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10662(a). See also pars. iy6i, 1^62, 1763, 2323. NEVADA Identical with par. 1957. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, 1976 sec. 23. NEW HAMPSHIRE No railroad corporation or public utility shall make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any person or corporation or to any locality or to any partic- ular description of service, in any respect whatsoever, or subject any particular person or corporation or locality or any particular description of service to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage, in any respect whatsoever; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not be taken to require absolute uniformity in the charges made and demanded by pub- i97« lie utilities when the circttmstances render any lack of uniformity reasonable, or be taken to prevent telephone, telegraph and cable companies from entering into contracts, subject to the approval of commission, with common carriers for the exchange of 486 services, or to affect existing contracts relating thereto; and pro- vided, further, that said provisions shall not be taken to prohibit a public utility from establishing differential rates or a sliding scale for the automatic adjustment of such charges if said rates or sliding scale, subject to the approval of commission, shall be reasonable and just. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. y{d). See also par. j4q. NEW JERSEY No public utility shall make or give, directly or indirectly, any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any person or corporation, or to any locality, or to any partic- 1977 ular description of traffic, in any respect whatsoever, or subject any particular person or corporation or locality, or any partic- ular description of traffic to any prejudice or disadvantage, in any respect whatsoever. Laws igii, ch. igjy sec. i8{d). NEW YORK A provision for common carriers substantially 1978 identical with par. 1957; also a provision for gas or electrical corporations identical with par. 1966. Laws igio, ch. 480, sees. 32, 65{3). No telegraph or telephone corporation shall make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any person, 1979 corporation or locality, or subject any particular person, corpora- tion or locality to any tmdue or unreasonable prejudice or disad- vantage, in any respect whatsoever. Same, sec. 91 {3). Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent any telegraph or telephone corporation from continmng to furnish the use of its lines, equipment or service under any contract or contracts in force at the date this article takes effect, or upon the taking effect of any schedule or schedules of rates subse- quently filed with commission, as hereinafter provided, at the rate 1980 or rates fixed in such contract or contracts; provided, however, that when any such contract or contracts are or become ter- minable by notice, commission shall have power in its discretion to direct by order that such contract or contracts shall be ter- minated by the telegraph or telephone corporation party thereto, and thereupon such contract or contracts shall be terminated by such telegraph or telephone corporation as and when directed by such order. Same, sec. 91 {4). See also pars, 551, 552, 553. NORTH CAROLINA If any common carrier shall, directly or in- directly, by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device, make or give any tmdue or tmreasonable preference or advantage 487 to any particular person, company, firm, corporation or locality, or any particiilar description of traffic, in any respect whatso- ever, or shall subject any particular person, company, firm, cor- 1981 poration or locality, or any particular description of traffic, to any undue or imreasonable prejudice or disadvantage, in any respect whatsoever, such person or corporation shall be, upon conviction thereof, fined not less than $i,ooo, nor more than $5,000 for each and every offense. PelVs Revisal igo8, sec. 3749- NORTH DAKOTA A provision for railroads, railroad corpora- tions or common carriers identical with par. 1963. Rev. Codes 1982 1905, sec. 4333. See also pars. 1769, lyjo, 1931. OHIO A provision for common carriers substantially 1983 identical with par. 1957. Code igio, sec. j6y. No public utility shall make or give any tmdue or imreason- able preference or advantage to any person, firm, corporation or 1984 locality, or subject the same to any undue or unreasonable preju- dice or disadvantage, in any respect whatsoever. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 17. The furnishing by any public utility of any product or serv- ice at the rates and upon the terms and conditions provided for in any existing contract executed prior to the passage of this act shall not be construed as constituting a discrimination or imdue or unreasonable preference or advantage within the meaning 1986 specified; provided, however, that when any such contract or contracts are or become terminable by notice, commission shall have power in its discretion to direct by order that such contract or contracts shall be terminated as and when directed by such order. Same, sec. 21. See also par. §59. OKLAHOMA See par. 326. OREGON If any railroad shall make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any particular per- son, firm or corporation, or shall subject any particular person, firm, or corporation, or particular description of traffic, to any tindue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage, in any respect 1986 whatsoever, such railroad shall be deemed guilty of imjust dis- crimination, which is prohibited and declared unlawful; provided this section shall not prohibit any railroad from giving necessary 488 preference to live stock and perishable freight over other freight. Gen. Laws iQoy, ch. 55, sec. 4Q. If any raikoad shall make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any particular locality, or shall sub- ject any particvilar locality to any undue or unreasonable preju- dice or disadvantage, in any respect whatsoever, such railroad 1987 shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination, which is pro- hibited and declared unlawful; provided this section shall not prohibit any railroad from giving any necessary preference to live stock and perishable freight over other freight. Gen. Laws igoQ, ch. p7, sec. i. If any public utility shall make or give any undue or im- reasonable preference or advantage to any particular person, firm or corporation, or to any particular locality, or shall subject any particular person, firm, corporation or locality to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage, in any respect what- 1988 soever, such public utiUty shall be deemed guilty of unjust dis- crimination, which is prohibited and declared unlawful. Any person, firm or corporation convicted of violating any of the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay into the state treasury not less than $100, nor more than $10,000 for each offense; and any agent or officer of any public utility, person, firm or corpora- tion so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100, nor more than $1,000 for each offense. Gen. Laws 1911, ch. 2jg, sec. 6^. See also pars. 748, 2325. PENNSYLVANIA See par. 1778. RHODE ISLAND If any public utility shall make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any partic- ular person, firm or corporation, or shall subject any particular person, firm or corporation to any undue or imreasonable preju- 1989 dice or disadvantage, in any respect whatsoever, such public utility shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined not less than $200 nor more than $500 for each offense. Acts 191 2, ch. 795, sec. 40. SOUTH CAROLINA No telephone company shall make any differ- ence in the rates at which they f Lunish telephones and telephone service to its patrons or subscribers at its different offices or places of business in the several cities or towns, more than is nec- essary on account of the difference in the cost of supplying such 489 telephones and telephone service, the number of its sub- 1990 scribers at its different offices or places of business being taken into consideration. Any telephone company which shall \dolate the provisions of this section shall pay a forfeit to each of its subscribers or patrons when it charges such higher rate double the difference between the rate so unlawfully charged and the rate which shoiild be charged, according to the provisions of this section, to be recovered by suit in any court of competent juris- diction. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2222. SOUTH DAKOTA Identical with par. 1963. Sess. Laws igii, 1991 ch. 20^, sec. 7. See also pars. lySo, 1938. TENNESSEE A provision substantially identical with par. 1992 1965. Acts iSgy, ch. 10, sec. ly. Any railroad corporation that shall be guilty of extortion or unjust discrimination, or of giving to any description of traffic 1993 any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage, shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum not less than $500 nor more than $2,000. Same, sec. 19. TEXAS It shall be an unjust discrimination for any railroad to make or give any undue or tinreasonable preference or advantage to any particular person, company, firm, corpora- 1994 tion or locality, or to subject any particular description of traffic to an}^ undue or unreasonable prejudice, delay or disadvantage, in any respect whatsoever. Sayles^ Civ. Stats. 1897, art. 4jy4(i). If any officer, agent, clerk, servant or employe, or receiver, or his agents, servants or employes, of any railroad company shall, for and on behalf of such railroad company, make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or any advantage to any particular person, company, firm, corporation or locality, as to any service rendered or to be rendered or performed by such rail- 1996 road company, or subject any particular description of traffic of such railroad company to any imdue or unreasonable prejudice, delay or disadvantage, in any respect whatever, such officer, clerk, servant or employe, or receiver, his agents, servants or em- ployes, of such railroad company, shall be deemed guilty of un- just discrimination, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by confinement in the state penitentiary for not less than two nor more than five years. Laws 1899, ch. 118, sec. i. See also par. 1784. 490 VIRGINIA A provision for transportation companies 1996 identical with par. 1957. Pollard's Code igo4, sec. I2g4c(j). See also par. 884. WASHINGTON A provision for common carriers substantially identical with par. 1957; also a provision for gas, electrical or 1997 water companies identical with par. 1966. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sees. 2iy JO. Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent any gas, electrical or water company from continuing to furnish its prod- uct or use of its lines, equipment or service under any contract or contracts in force at the date this act takes effect, or upon the taking effect of any schedule or schedules of rates subsequently filed with commission, as herein provided, at the rates fixed in such contract or contracts; provided that commission shall have 1998 power in its discretion to direct by order that such contract or contracts shall be terminated by the company party thereto, and thereupon such contract or contracts shall be terminated by such company as and when directed by such order; provided, further, that commission shall have no power to order the termination of any such contract relating to the f lunishing of water for irriga- tion or irrigation and domestic use, where such contract is based upon a consideration passing at the time of the execution of such contract. Same, sec. 34. 1999 Also a provision for telegraph or telephone companies iden- tical with par. 1980. Same, sec. 42. Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent any telegraph or telephone company from continuing to furnish the use of its line, equipment or service under any contract or contracts in force at the date this act takes effect, or upon the taking effect of any schedule or schedule of rates subse- quently filed with commission, as herein provided, at the rates 2000 fixed in such contract or contracts; provided, however, that com- mission shall have power in its discretion to direct by order that such contract or contracts shall be termuiated by the telephone or telegraph company party thereto, and thereupon such con- tract or contracts shall be terminated by such telephone or tele- graph company as and when directed by such order. Same^ sec. 43. 2001 Also a provision for wharfingers or warehousemen substan- tially identical with par. 1966. Same, sec. 50. WISCONSIN If any railroad shall make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any particular person, 4QI firm or corporation, or shall subject any particular person, firm 2002 or corporation to any undue or imreasonable prejudice or disad- vantage, in any respect whatsoever, such railroad shall be deemed guilty of imjust discrimination, which is prohibited and declared imlawful. Laws igoj, ch. j62, sec. iygy-2j. If any public utility shall make or give any undue or un- reasonable preference or advantage to any particular person, firm or corporation, or shall subject any particular person, firm or 2003 corporation to any imdue or imreasonable prejudice or disadvan- tage, in any respect whatsoever, such pubhc utility shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination, which is prohibited and declared unlawful. Laws igoy, ch. 4gQ, sec. lygym-gi. The furnishing by any public utility of any product or service at the rates and upon the terms and conditions provided for in any existing contract executed prior to April i, 1907, shall 2004 not constitute a discrimination within the meaning specified. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on convic- tion thereof shall be pimished by a fine of not less than $50, nor more than $1,000 for each offense. Same. G. ASSISTING OR PERMITTING PATRONS TO SECURE SPECIAL FAVORS OR ADVAN- TAGES, OR RATES OTHER THAN THOSE LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED. UNITED STATES Any common can-ier or whenever such common carrier is a corporation, any officer or agent thereof, or any person acting for or employed by such corporation, who, by means of false billing, false classification, false weighing or false report of weight, or by any other device or means shall knowingly and wil- fully assist or shall wilHngly suffer or permit any person or per- sons to obtain transportation for property at less than the 2005 regular rates then established and in force on the line of trans- portation of such common carrier, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof in any court of the United States of competent jurisdiction within the district in which such offense was committed, be subject to a fine of not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the coiut, for each offense. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 10. 492 ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA No common carrier or any officer or agent thereof or any person acting for or employed by it, shall by means of known false billing, classification, weight, weighing or report of weight or by any other device or means, assist, suffer or permit any corporation or person to obtain transporta- 2006 tion for any person or property between points within the state at less than the rates and fares then established and in force as shown by the schedules filed and in effect at the time. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 2j{a); Cat. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 2j{a). KANSAS See pars. 1816, 1^64. MARYLAND No common carrier or any officer or agent thereof or any person acting for or employed by it, shall assist, suffer or permit any person or corporation to obtain transporta- tion for any passenger, freight or property between points within 2007 the state at less than the rates then established and in force in accordance with the schediiles filed and published in accordance with the provisions of this act and the order of commission, by means of false billing, false classification, false weight or weighing or false report of weight or by any other device or means. Laws 1910, ch. 180, sec. ly. MINNESOTA It shall be imlawful for any common carrier directly or indirectly to offer or give any shipper in connection with or as an inducement or reward for receiving any property for transportation from any such shipper, any gift, gratuity or 2008 free pass whereby any passenger or freight shall thereafter be transported over the lines of such common carrier free or at any rate less than that offered to the public, and such common carrier shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination and shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding $5,000. Acts 1905, ch. 777, sec. i. NEW YORK Substantially identical with par. 2007. Laws 2009 1910, ch. 480, sec. 34. SOUTH DAKOTA Substantially identical with par. 2005. Sess. 2010 Laws igii, ch. 2oy, sec. 14. TEXAS Any officer or agent of any railroad, who, by means of false billing, false classification, false weight or by any other device, shall suffer or permit any person or persons to ob- tain transportation for property at less than the regular rates 2011 then in force on such railroad, or who, by means of false billing, 493 false classification, false weighing or by any device whatever, shall charge any person, firm or corporation more for the trans- portation of property than the regular rates, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof, fined in a sum not less than $ioo nor more than $i,ooo. Penal Code, art. iooq. VIRGINIA Any transportation company or officer or agent thereof, or any person acting for or employed by the same, who, by means of false billing, false classification, false weighing or false report of weight, or by any other device or means shall 2012 knowingly and wilfully assist or shall willingly suffer or permit any person or persons to obtain transportation for property at less than the regular rates then established and in force on the line of transportation of such company, shall be fined not less than $ioo nor more than $500. Pollard's Code 1Q04, sec. I2g4c{g). WASHINGTON Substantially identical with par. 2007. Laws 2013 igii, ch. iiy, sec. 2j. H. SOLICITING, ACCEPTING OR RECEIVING SPECIAL FAVORS OR ADVANTAGES, OR RATES OTHER THAN THOSE LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED. UNITED STATES Any person, corporation or company or any agent or officer thereof, who shall deliver property for transporta- tion to any common carrier or for whom as consignor or con- signee any such carrier shall transport property, who shall know- ingly and wilfully directly or indirectly, himself or by employe, agent, officer or otherwise by false billing, false classification, false weighing, false representation of the contents of the package or the substance of the property, false report of weight, false statement or by any other device or means whether with or with- out the consent or connivance of the carrier, its agent or officer, obtain or attempt to obtain transportation for such property at less than the regular rates then established and in force on the line of transportation; or who shall knowingly and wilfully di- rectly or indirectly, himself or by employe, agent, officer or otherwise by false statement or representation as to cost, value, nature or extent of injury or by the use of any false bill, bill of aou lading, receipt, voucher, roll, account, claim, certificate, affidavit, or deposition knowing the same to be false, fictitious or fraudu- 494 lent or to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement oi entry, obtain or attempt to obtain any allowance, refund or pay- ment for damage or otherwise in connection with or growing out of the transportation of or agreement to transport such property, whether with or \\dthout consent or connivance of the carrier, whereby the compensation of such carrier for such transportation either before or after payment shall in fact be made less than the regular rates then established and in force on the line of trans- portation, shall be deemed guilty of fraud, which is declared to be a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof in any court of the United States of competent jurisdiction, within the district in which such offense was wholly or in part committed, be subject for each offense to a fine of not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the court; provided, that the penalty of im- prisonment shall not apply to artificial persons. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 10. If any person or any officer or agent of any corporation or company shall by payment of money or other thing of value, solicitation or otherwise, induce or attempt to induce any com- mon carrier or any of its officers or agents to discriminate un- justly in his, its or their favor, as against any other consignor or consignee in the transportation of property, or shall aid or abet any common carrier in any such unjust discrimination, such person or such officer or agent of such corporation or company shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon convic- 2015 tion thereof in any court of the United States of competent juris- diction within the district in which such offense was committed, be subject to a fine of not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the court, for each offense; and such person, corporation or company shall also, together with said common carrier, be liable jointly or severally in an action to be brought by any consignor or consignee discriminated against in any court of the United States of competent jurisdiction for all dam- ages caused by or resulting therefrom. Same. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons or corporation to offer, grant or give or to solicit, accept or receive any rebate, concession or discrimination in respect to the transportation of any property in interstate or foreign commerce by any common carrier whereby any such property shall, by any device whatever, be transported at a less rate than that named in the tariffs pub- 495 S016 lished and filed by such carrier as is required by law or whereby any other advantage is given or discrimination is practiced. Every person or corporation whether carrier or shipper who shall knowingly offer, grant or give or solicit, accept or receive any such rebates, concession or discrimination, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than $i,ooo nor more than $20,000. Elkins Act, sec. i. ■ Any person or any officer or director of any corporation sub- ject to the provisions of this act, or the act to regulate commerce as amended, or any receiver, trustee, lessee, agent or person acting for or employed by any such corporation, who shall be convicted as aforesaid, shall, in addition to the fine herein pro- vided for, be liable to imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not exceeding two years, or both such fine and imprisonment, 2017 in the discretion of the court. Every violation of this act shall be prosecuted in any court of the United States having juris- diction of crimes within the district in which such violation was committed, or through which the transportation may have been conducted; and whenever the offense is begun in one jurisdiction and completed in another, it may be dealt with, inquired of, tried, determined, and punished in either jurisdiction in the same manner as if the offense had been actually and wholly committed therein. Same. In construing and enforcing the provisions of this section, the act, omission, or failure of any officer, agent, or other person acting for or employed by any common carrier or shipper acting within the scope of his employment, shall in every case be also deemed to be the act, omission, or failure of such carrier or shipper, as well as that of the person. Whenever any carrier 2018 files with commission or publishes a particular rate under the provisions of law, or participates in any rates so filed or pub- lished, that rate as against such carrier, its officers or agents, in any prosecution begun under this act shall be conclusively deemed the legal rate, and any departure from such rate, or any offer to depart therefrom, shall be deemed to be an offense under this section of this act. Same. Any person, corporation or company who shall deliver prop- erty for interstate transportation to any common carrier, or for whom as consignor or consignee any such carrier shall transport property from one state, territory or the District of Columbia to any other state, territory or the District of Columbia or foreign 496 country, who shall knowingly, by employe, agent, officer or other- wise, directly or indirectly by or through any means or device whatsoever, receive or accept from such common carrier any sum of money or any other valuable consideration as a rebate or off- set against the regular charges for the transportation of such property as fixed by the schedules of rates provided for by law, shall in addition to any penalty provided by this act, forfeit to S019 the United States a sum of money three times the amount of money so received, or accepted and three times the value of any other consideration so received or accepted, to be ascertained by the trial court ; and the attorney general of the United States is authorized and directed whenever he has reasonable grounds to believe that any such person, corporation or company has know- ingly received or accepted from any such common carrier any sum of money or other valuable consideration as a rebate or off- set as aforesaid, to institute in any court of the United States of competent jurisdiction a civil action to collect the said sttrn or sums so forfeited as aforesaid; and in the trial of said action all such rebates or other considerations so received or accepted for a period of six years prior to the commencement of the action may be included therein, and the amount recovered shall be three times the total amount of money, or three times the total value of such consideration, so received or accepted, or both as the case may be. Same. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA No person, corporation, or any officer, agent or employe of a corporation shall by means of false billing, false or incorrect classification, false weight or weighing, false repre- sentation as to contents or substance of a package, or false report or statement of weight, or by any other device or means, 2020 whether with or without the consent or connivance of a common carrier or any of its officers, agents or employes, seek to obtain or obtain such transportation for such property at less than, the rates then established and in force therefor. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 2j{a); Cat. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 2j(a). No person or corporation, or any officer, agent or employe of a corporation, shall knowingly, directly or indirectly, by any false statement or representation as to cost or value or the nature or extent of an injury, or by the use of any false billing, bill of lading, receipt, voucher, roll, account, claim, certificate, affidavit or deposition, or upon any false, fictitious or fraudulent state- 497 2021 ment or entry, obtain or attempt to obtain any allowance, rebate or payment for damage in connection with or growing out of the transportation of persons or property, or an agreement to trans- port such persons or property, whether with or without the con- sent or connivance of a common carrier, or any of its officers, agents or employes; nor shall any common carrier or any officer, agent or employe thereof knowingly pay or offer to pay any such allow- ance, rebate or claim for damage. Ariz. — Same, sec. 2j{b); Cat. — Same, sec. 2j{b). COLORADO If any person or officer or agent of any corpora- tion or company shall by payment of money or other thing of value, solicitation, or otherwise, induce any common carrier or any of its officers or agents to discriminate unjustly in its or their favor as against any other consignor or consignee in the trans- 2022 portation of property, or shall aid or abet any common carrier in any such unjust discrimination, such person or such officer or agent of such corporation or company shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof in any court of this state of competent jurisdiction, be subject to a fine of not exceeding $i,ooo; and such person, corporation or company shall also together with such common carrier be liable jointly or sever- ally to consignor or consignee discriminated against, for all dam- ages caused by or resulting therefrom. Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 10. INDIANA If any person or the agent or employe of any person or any member of any firm or any corporation or any offi- cer, agent or employe of any firm or corporation shall intention- ally accept or receive any rebate or concession in respect to the transportation of persons and property by any carrier wholly within this state, or for any other service performed by such car- rier in connection therewith whereby any such persons or prop- erty shall by false billing, false classification, false weighing or any other device whatsoever be transported at a less rate than 2023 that prescribed in the published tariffs then in force and on file with commission or which have theretofore been established by commission, or ordered to be observed by any court as provided in this act, then every such person shall be guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than $ioo nor more than $2,000, to which may be added imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, in the discretion of the court or jury trying the case. Acts 1907, ch. 241, sec. 14(b). 498 KANSAS See par. 1816. MARYLAND No person, corporation or any officer, agent or employe of a corporation who shall deliver freight or property for transportation within the state to a common carrier shall seek to obtain or obtain transportation for such property at less than the rates then established and in force therefor, by false 2024 billing, false or incorrect classification, false weight or weighing, false representation of the contents of a package or false report or statement of weight, or by any other device or means whether with or without the consent or connivance of the common carrier or any of its officers, agents or employes. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. ly. MICHIGAN It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation knowingly to accept or receive any rebate, concession or discrimination in respect to transportation of any property wholly in this state, or for any service in connection therewith 2025 whereby any such property shall by false billing, false classifica- tion, false weighing or any other device whatsoever be trans- ported at a less rate than that named in the published tariffs in force as provided by law or whereby any service or advantage is received other than is therein specified. Pub. Acts iqoq, no. 300, sec. 18. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con- 2026 viction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a tenn of not to exceed three months, or by both, in the discretion of court, for each offense. Same. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation di- rectly or indirectly to ask, demand or accept any rebate, draw- 2027 back or other device whereby he shall obtain telephone service for any less rate than that charged others in like circumstances. Pub. Acts igii, no. 138, sec. 4. MINNESOTA Any person who shall knowingly, either for himself or for any firm or corporation, directly or indirectly re- ceive from any common carrier any reduction of rate, rebate, 2028 gratuity or other favor as is declared by law to be an unjust dis- crimination by such common carrier, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor. Acts igoj, ch. 777, sec. i. MISSISSIPPI See par. 2194. 499 NEBRASKA. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to offer, grant or give, or to solicit, accept or receive any rebate, concession or service in respect to the transportation of any prop- erty within this state by any common carrier whereby any such property shall by any device whatever be transported at a less rate than that named in the tariffs published and filed by such 2029 carrier as is required by law or charged others for like service. Every person who shall offer, grant or give or solicit, accept or receive any such rebate, concession or service, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than $5,000. Cobbey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec, 12041. NEVADA A provision identical with par. 2025. Stats. 2030 igoy, ch. 44, sec. 24. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on sosi conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 for each offense. Same. NEW YORK 2032 sec. J4. Identical with par. 2024. Laws igio, ch. 480^ NORTH CAROLINA Any shipper or consignee of any freight in the state who shall knowingly accept any rebate or other considera- tion or service from any railroad company which is not allowed 2038 or given other shippers or consignees under like or similar circum- stances, and which is not allowed by law, shall be guilty of a mis-1 demeanor and fined or imprisoned, in the discretion of the court. Laws igoj, ch. 21J, sec. 2. OHIO Whoever being a person, firm or corporation knowingly accepts or receives a rebate, concession or discrimina-^ tion in respect to transportation of property wholly within thisj state, or for service in connection therewith, whereby such prop-] 2084 erty by false billing, false classification, false weighing or othc device is transported at a less rate than that named in the pub-l lished tariffs in force, or whereby any service or advantage isl received other than that therein specified, shall be fined not lesSfJ than $50 nor more than $1,000. Code igio, sec. 568. OREGON It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration knowingly to accept or receive any rebate, concession 01 discrimination in respect to transportation of any passenger property wholly within the state, or for any service in connection] 500 8036 therewith whereby any such property shall by any device what- soever be transported at a less rate than that named in the pub- lished tariffs in force, as provided by law, or whereby any service or advantage is received other than is specified by law. Gen. Laws iQoy, ch. jj, sec. 50. S036 Also a provision identical with par. 2031. Same. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation knowingly to solicit, accept or receive any rebate, concession or discrimination in respect to any servdce in or affecting or relating to the transportation of persons by street railroad, or to produc- tion, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or 2037 power or the conveying of telegraph or telephone messages within the state, or for any service in connection therewith whereby any such service shall by any device whatsoever or otherwise be ren- dered free or at a less rate than that named in the published schedules and tariffs in force as provided by law or whereby any service or advantage is received other than is specified by law. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. 66. 2038 Also a provision identical with par. 203 1 . Same. RHODE ISLAND It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration knowingly to solicit, accept or receive any rebate, con- cession or discrimination in respect to afny service in or affecting or relating to the transportation of persons or property, or affect- ing or relating to the production, transmission, delivery or fur- nishing of heat, light, water or power or the conveying of tele- 2039 phone or telegraph messages within the state, or for any service in connection therewith, whereby such service shall by any device whatsoever or otherwise, be rendered free or at a less rate than that named in the published schedules in force as provided by law, or whereby any service or advantage is received other than is specified by law. Acts 1912, ch. 795, sec. 41. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon 2040 conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $500 for each offense. Same. SOUTH DAKOTA A provision applicable to the transportation of '^ property or express freight" identical with par. 2014. Sess. 2041 Laws igii, ch. 207^ sec. 14. VERMONT A person who knowingly receives directly or indirectly the benefit of any rebate, any lower rate, fare or charge for transportation of persons or property or for any service con- 501 2042 nected therewith than is fixed by the schedule posted as provided by law, or any officer or employe of any railroad or transporta- tion company granting the same, or knowingly consenting there- to, shall be imprisoned not more than one year or fined not more than $i,ooo for each offense. Puh. Stats. igo6, sec. 4541. VIRGINIA Any person or any officer of any corporation or company who shall deliver property for transportation to any transportation company, or for whom as consignor or consignee any such transportation company or line shall transport property, who shall knowingly and wilfully by false billing, false classifica- tion, false weighing, false representation of the contents of the 2043 package or false report of weight, or by any other fraudulent device or means, whether with or without the consent or con- nivance of the carrier, its agent or agents, obtain transportation for such property at less than the regular rates then established and in force on the line of transportation, shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each offense. Pollard's Code igo4, sec. i2Q4c{io). If any person or any officer or agent of any corporation or company shall by payment of money or other things of value, solicitation or otherwise fraudulently induce any transportation company or any of its officers or agents to unjustly discriminate 2044 in his, its or their favor against any other consignor or consignee in the transportation of property, or shall aid or abet any trans- portation company in any such unjust discrimination, such per- son or such officer or agent of such corporation or company shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each offense. Same, sec. I2g4c{ii). WASHINGTON A provision substantially identical with par. 2046 2024. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 23. No person, corporation or any officer, agent or employe of a corporation shall knowingly or wilfully, directly or indirectly, by any false statement or representation as to the cost, value, nature or extent of injury, or by the use of any false billing, bill of lading, receipt, voucher, roll, account, claim, certificate, affi- davit or deposition, knowing the same to be false, fictitious or 2046 fraudulent or to be upon any false, fictitious or fraudulent state- ment or entry, obtain or attempt to obtain any allowance, rebate or payment for damage or otherwise in connection with or grow- ing out of the transportation of persons or property, or agreement to transport such persons or property, whether with or without 502 the consent or conmvance of such common carrier or any of its agents or employes, whereby -the compensation of such carrier for such transportation shall be in fact made less than the rates then established and in force therefor. Same. No person, corporation or any officer, agent or employe of a corporation who shall deliver property for transportation within the state to a common carrier, shall seek to obtain or obtain such 2047 transportation by any false representation, false statement or false paper or token as to the contents or substance thereof, where the transportation of such property is prohibited by law. Same. WISCONSIN Provisions applicable to the transportation of property identical with pars. 2035, 2031. Laws igo^, ch. j62, 2048 sec. iygy-24. Also provisions identical with pars. 2037, 2031, except that they do not apply to ''the transportation of persons by street 1049 railroad" nor to ''the conveying of telegraph messages." Laws igoy, ch. 4Qg, sec. i/gym-22. I. GENERAL DUTY OF UTILITIES NOT TO DISCRIMINATE AS TO CHARGES OR FACIL- ITIES.i ARKANSAS All persons or corporations shall furnish with- out discrimination or delay equal and sufficient facilities for the transportation of passengers, the receiving, loading and unload- ing, storage, carriage and delivery of all property of a like char- acter carried by him, them or it, and shall perform with equal expedition and at uniform rates the same kind of service con- 2060 nected with the contemporaneous transportation thereof. And it shall be unlawful for any person or corporation engaged as aforesaid to enter into any contract, or agreement, by changes of schedule, use of different cars or any other means or device, with intent to delay or prevent the shipment of such property from being continuous from the place of shipment to the place of desti- nation, whether carried on one or more railroads. Kirby's Digest igo4, sec. 6804. FLORIDA If any railroad, railroad company or other com- mon carrier shall make any unjust discrimination in its rates or charges of toll or compensation for the transportation of pas- • This division also includes certain miscellaneous prohibitions against discrimination in rates and service not classified elsewhere. sengers or freight of any description, or for the use and trans- 2061 portation of any railroad car upon any railroad or upon any of the branches thereof, or upon any railroad or steamship lines connected therewith, which it has the right, license or permission to operate, use or control within this state, the same shall be guilty of violating the provisions of this act, and upon conviction thereof shall be dealt with as provided by law. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 288g. GEORGIA, ILLINOIS If any railroad corporation shall make any unjust discrimination in its rates or charges of toll or compensa- tion for the transportation of passengers or freights of any de- scription, or for the use and transportation of any railroad car 2062 upon such road, or upon any of the branches thereof, or upon any railroads connected therewith which it has the right, license or permission to operate, control or use within the state, the same shall be deemed guilty of having violated the provisions of law and upon conviction thereof shall be dealt with as provided by law. Ga. — Code igii, sec. 262g; III. — Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. 125. IOWA When shipments of freight to be transported between different points within the state are required to be car- ried by two or more railway companies operating connecting 2063 lines, such railway companies shall transport the same at reason- able through rates, and shall at all times give the same facilities and accommodations to local state traffic as they give to inter- state traffic over their lines of road. Code iSgy, sec. 2154. KENTUCKY No railway, transfer, belt line or railway bridge company shall make any exclusive or preferential contract or arrangement with any individual, association or corporation, for 2064 the receipt, transfer, delivery, transportation, handling, care or custody of any freight, or for the conduct of any business as a common carrier. Const., sec. 214. See also par. iy4g. MASSACHUSETTS Every railroad corporation shall, subject to the provisions of section 201, give to all persons reasonable and equal terms, facilities and accommodations for the transporta- tion upon its railroad of themselves, their agents and servants 2066 and of their merchandise and other property, and for the use of its depot and other buildings and grounds; and at any point 504 where its railroad connects with another railroad it shall give reasonable and equal terms and facilities of interchange. Acts igo6, ch. 46 J, pL a, sec. ig6. The provisions of the preceding section shall apply to all persons engaged only in a local express business for the forwarding of express matter between points within the com- monwealth within trains or cars of any railroad corporation, and to persons desiring to engage therewith who obtain the recom- mendation of the railroad commission therefor, and who agree in writing to indemnify the corporation against all loss of and dam- age to any property which is carried by them on its trains. Such recommendation shall be given only after notice to all parties interested and a hearing thereon, and with regard among other considerations to the public interest. Such corporation may contract with one or more persons for the express service over its railroad or system, subject to the rights of such persons as may then be engaged in or shall have obtained the recommenda- 2056 tion aforesaid to conduct such local express business thereon between points within this commonwealth under the provisions of this section; and the terms, facilities and accommodations provided for such last named persons shall not be unreasonable or unequal, having regard to the amount and character of the service and also to such reasonable regulation of said business which may be for the public interest and the efficient operation of the railroad. The provisions of this section shall not deprive any railroad corporation of any right which it has under its charter or imder general laws, to perform all the transportation of property upon its railroad. The supreme court or the superior court shall have jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this section by injunction, mandamus or other suitable process. Same, sec. igy. Every railroad corporation shall promptly forward mer- chandise consigned to or directed to be sent over another railroad connecting with its railroad, according to the directions con- 2067 tained thereon or accompanying the same, and shall not receive and forward over its railroad merchandise consigned to or di- rected to be sent by a different route. Same, sec. igS. A railroad corporation which violates any provision of the four preceding sections, in addition to liability for all damages sustained by reason of such violation, shall for each offense for- feit $200, which shall be recovered in an action of tort to his own 2058 use by the party aggrieved, or to the use of the commonwealth 5c^5 by the attorney general or the district attorney of the district in which such violation was committed; but no such action shall be maintained imless brought within one year after the date of such violation. Same, sec. 200. MICHIGAN No railroad corporation shall in any manner discriminate in its rates of freight tariff in favor of any individual, company or corporation doing business over its line of road, and shall grant the same rights and privileges to all shippers, subject to the same rates and classification, without rebate or any other 2069 special privilege or rate not extended to all other shippers in the same class who ship a like quantity or quantities. Any railroad corporation refusing to comply with any of the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding $500. Comp. Laws i8gy, sec. 6266. It shall be unlawful for any express company operating and doing business in the state to discriminate in favor of or against any shipper or shippers, or to refuse or fail to receive and trans- port proffered merchandise or other property, providing such mer- chandise or other property is a proper subject for shipment by express and in proper condition at the time of presentation for shipment from any point where such express company shall SO6O maintain or conduct an office or station, or to and from any junc- tion point or points where the line of such express company inter- sects with the line of any other express company, or to or from any given terminal to any point on its own line, and the charge and compensation for the transportation of such merchandise or other property by two or more express companies shall not ex- ceed by 30 per cent, the maximum charge for the same distance on any one line, such maximum charge being determined as prescribed by law. Puh. Acts igii, no. ijg, sec. 2${b). MISSOURI Railways heretofore constructed or that may hereafter be constructed in this state are declared public highways and railroad companies common carriers. No railway company, corporation or association shall make any discrimination in charges or facilities in the transportation of freight or passengers between transportation companies and individuals, nor in the transportation of freight between commission merchants or other persons engaged in the transportation of freight and individuals, ao6i in favor of either, by abatement, drawback or otherwise, nor shall any such company, corporation or association, nor any lessee, manager or employe of any such company, corporation or asso- 506 ciation make any preference between the parties aforesaid in fur- nishing cars or motive power for the purpose aforesaid. Any company, corporation or association, or manager, lessee or em- ploye violating the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay to the parties injured the whole amount of such transportation charge, to be recovered before any court of competent jurisdic- tion. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 3174. Whenever any express company authorized to do business in the state shall desire to carry on their express business along and on the line of any railroad in the state and shall make application to the officers or managers of any railroad for cars, transportation and other proper facilities to carry on their said business, it shall be the duty of said railroad company to make such arrangement 2062 and provide such facilities as will enable said express company to carry on and transact its said express business and to receive and discharge freight, valuables, money, jewelry and other property entrusted to it for transportation at all the stations and stopping places on the line of said railroad, and it shall be no excuse for re- fusing such facilities that another express company is already furnished with facilities and is actually doing business on the said railroad. Same, sec. 3208. Any railroad company owning or operating a railway in this state that shall refuse or deny any of the rights and privileges granted to any other express company to the express company so applying for facilities to carry on their said business on and along the line of the said railroad, or shall charge, take from or receive any greater or different toll, charge or rent for the privilege of 2063 carrying on their said express business, or for like services than it • at the same time charges or receives from any other express com- pany, shall forfeit and pay for every such refusal, denial of facil- ities to carry on their said business, or for discrimination in favor of any one express company against another, any sttm not less than $500, nor more than $1,000, to be recovered by civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction. Same, sec. 32og. Commission is required to take jurisdiction of all violations of the provisions of sections 3208 to 3210 inclusive and see that competition in the express business is not prevented by the re- fusal of said railroad companies to provide facilities to more than one express company to carry on their express business on and along the line of the said railroads at the same time; and when- ever commission shall in any manner come into possession of information which in its judgment warrants prosecution of any 507 railroad company for preventing competition in the express busi- 2064 ness by refusing to grant facilities on equal terms, to two or more express companies on and along the line of their railway, or for the violation of any of the provisions of said sections, it shall be the duty of commission immediately to cause suits to be com- menced and prosecuted against such railroad company. Such suits may be instituted in any county in the state into or through which the line of the railroad company sued for violating said sections may run, and it is made the duty of the attorney general and of any prosecuting attorney in the state at the request of commission to commence and prosecute any actions commis- sion may desire to institute for the violation of any of the provi- sions of said sections. Same, sec. 3210. MONTANA All individuals, associations and corporations shall have equal rights to have persons or property transported on and over any railroad, transportation or express route in this state. No discrimination in charges or facilities for transporta- tion of freight or passengers of the same class shall be made by 2065 any railroad or transportation or express company between persons or places within this state. No railroad, express or transportation company, nor any employe, manager or other employe thereof shall give any preference to any individual, association or corpo- ration in furnishing cars or motive power or for the transportation of money or other express matter. Const., art. xv, sec. 7. NEBRASKA If any railway company or common carrier, through or by its officers, agents or employes, shall fail, refuse or neglect, under such regulations as may be prescribed by commis- sion, to receive and transport without delay or discrimination the passengers, tonnage and cars, loaded or empty, of any connecting line of railroad, and every railroad which shall under such regu- 2066 lations as may be prescribed by commission fail or refuse to trans- port and deliver without delay or discrimination any passengers, tonnage or cars loaded or empty destined to any point on or over the line of any connecting carrier, the same shall constitute an unjust discrimination which is prohibited; provided perishable freight of all kinds and live stock shall have precedence in ship- ment. Cobbey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10662(b). Every telegraph company and every press association en- gaged in the transmission, collection, distribution or publication of dispatches shall afford the same and equal facilities to all pub- 2067 lishers of newspapers and furnish the dispatches collected by them 508 for publication in any given locality to all newspapers there pub- lished on the same conditions as to payment and delivery. SamCy sec. 1 1958. Any press association, corporation, or organization violat- ing the foregoing section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall, for each and every offense, be fined in any sum not less than $100 nor more than $1,000, and in addi- SO68 tion thereto such association and the members thereof shall be jointly and severally liable for all damages sustained by the owner of any newspaper in consequence of such discrimination. ^ame, sec. 11959- See also pars. 1762, 1763. NEW JERSEY See par. 550. NEW YORK No preference for the transaction of the busi- ness of a common carrier upon its cars or in its depots or buildings or upon its grounds shall be granted by any railroad corporation 2069 to any one or two or more persons, associations or corporations competing in the same business or in the business of transporting property for themselves or others. Laws 1910, ch. 481, sec. 54. PENNSYLVANIA Any undue or unreasonable discrimination by any railroad company or other common carrier or any officer, superintendent, manager or agent thereof in charges for or in 2070 facilities for the transportation of freight within the state or com- ing from or going to any other state is declared to be unlawful. Purdon's Digest, ^^ Railroads, ^^ sec. 229. [SOUTH CAROLINA It shall not be lawful for any railroad company chartered by this state ^ to discriminate against any railroad com- pany which may connect with it, either at one of its terminal sta- tions or at any intermediate point on its line where said companies have stations and agents established, by neglecting or refusing to deliver with due diligence to said connecting road in the yard or on the track of the same of cars wholly or partly loaded with freight consigned to points on said connecting road or to points [2071 beyond its lines ; but in all cases where freight is to be delivered to a connecting road to complete its transportation, such delivery shall be made by the railroad which brought the freight to the 1 In the construction of the three preceding sections (2097-2099), the term " railroad company chartered by this state " shall be held to mean each railroad company holding its franchise under a separate charter granted by this state; and no ownership or shares of the capital stock of one corporation by another corporation, nor any lease, contract or other agreement between corporations or individuals, shall operate as a bar to the pro- visions of this chapter. Gen. Stats. 1902, sec. 2100. connecting point, and no additional charge shall be made therefor; provided, however, that said delivering road may demand of its connections payment of all charges which have accrued thereon, on or before delivery of said freight on the tracks or in the yards of its connecting road. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2og^. It shall not be lawful for any railroad company chartered by this state ^ to discriminate in favor of or against any railroad com- pany which may connect with it either at one of its terminal sta- tions or at an intermediate point on its lines where said companies have stations and agents established, as against any other railroad company which may connect with it at the same station or point by refusing either to receive freight for shipment or to issue through bills of lading at equal rates of freight for the same, to any one given destination, reached by any or all of said connect- 2072 ing roads or their connections for which freight is received, or through bills of lading are issued, to be forwarded by any other of such connecting roads at the same point; provided, however, if any of the said connections shall refuse to transport freight from its own terminus to the ultimate destination of said freight at the same rate as is charged by any other connections at the same point, then the initial road shall be released from the provisions , of this section, and the said connecting road shall not be entitled^ to the benefit of its provisions. Same, sec. 2og8. It shall not be lawful for any railroad company chartered by this state^ to discriminate in its rate of freight in favor of or against any railroad company which may connect with it either at one of 2073 its terminal stations or at any intermediate point on its line ; but in all cases the charges on freight of the same character having the same original point of shipment and the same destination shall be uniform to and from all lines making connection with the said railroad at the same point. Same, sec. 2ogg. SOUTH DAKOTA No person or telephone company shall unjustly discriminate either between persons or telephone companies in the switching, transfer or delivery of messages; nor shall such tele- phone company make different rates for its subscribers for the same class of service in any city or town where it is operating. 2074 Al such charges and rates shall be uniform to its subscribers for the same class of service. Any person or telephone company and any officer or agent of any telephone company violating any pro- vision of this section shall upon conviction thereof be pimished by a fine of not more than $200. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 218, sec. 6. > See footnote on preceding page. TENNESSEE No railway company shall charge more than the maximtim amoimt for freights allowed by its charter, nor shall any railway company unjustly discriminate against the way freights of any person or locality on the same 'road, or unjustly 8075 classify rates or luijustly discriminate against the different classes of freight shipped over its road, nor shall any railway company unjustly charge extortionate rates for the transportation of any freights over its road. Code igo6, sec. 3061. A railroad company that shall be guilty of a violation of the provisions of sections 3060-3062 shall be liable to the unjured 2076 party in the sum of $500, which may be sued for and recovered in any of the coiuts of this state having jurisdiction of the subject matter. Same, sec. 306 j. VERMONT A person or corporation operating a railroad shall give to all persons reasonable and equal terms, benefits, fa- cilities and accommodations for the transportation of themselves, their agents and servants and of merchandise and other property 8077 upon such railroad and for the use of the depots, buildings and grounds thereof, and, at any point where such railroad connects with another railroad, reasonable and equal facilities of inter- change. Pub. Stats. 1096, sec. 4486} as amended hy Laws igo8, no. 105, sec. I. A person or corporation operating a railroad in this state shall give to each station upon its line when so requested in writ- ing by 25 legal voters and freeholders of the town or village in which such station is situated the same and equal accommodations 2078 and facilities as to market days and market day rates of fare to and from such station, on any regular train upon the day of the week requested as is given by such person or corporation to any station upon its line. Same, sec. 4490. A violation of the preceding section shall be construed to be 20'i9 an unjust discrimination. A person or corporation violating such section shall be fined not more than $500. Same, sec. 4491. See also par. 1947. * See footnote, par. 1944. 5" II. FREE OR REDUCED RATE OR SPECIAL SERVICE. J. GENERAL PROHIBITIONS AGAINST OFFER- ING, GRANTING, SOLICITING OR ACCEPT- ING FREE OR REDUCED RATE OR SPECIAL SERVICE, WITH EXCEPTIONS THERETO. UNITED STATES No common carrier shall after January i, 1907, directly or indirectly issue or give any interstate free ticket, free pass or free transportation for passengers except to its employes and their families, ^ its officers, agents, surgeons, physicians and attorneys at law; to ministers of religion, traveling secretaries of railroad Young Men's Christian Associations, inmates of hos- pitals and charitable and eleemosynary institutions and persons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work; to indigent, destitute and homeless persons and to such persons when transported by charitable societies or hospitals, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation; to inmates of the national homes or state homes for disabled volunteer sol- diers, of soldiers' and sailors' homes, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge; to necessary care-, takers of live stock, poultry, milk and fruit; to employes on 2080 sleeping cars and express cars, and to linemen of telegraph and telephone companies; to railway mail service employes, post- office inspectors, customs inspectors, and immigration inspectors; to newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investigation in which the common carrier is interested, persons injured in wrecks and physicians and nurses attending such persons. Provided, that this provision shall not be con- strued to prohibit the interchange of passes for the officers, agents and employes of common carriers and their families; nor to prohibit any common carrier from carrying passengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitation; and provided further that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the priv- ilege of passes or franks or the interchange thereof with each other for the officers, agents, employes and their families of such 512 telegraph, telephone and cable lines, and the officers, agents, employes 1 and their famihes of other common carriers. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. i. Any common carrier violating this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and for each offense on conviction shall pay to the United States a penalty of not less than $ioo nor more than $2,000, and any person other than the persons excepted in this provision who uses any such interstate free ticket, free pass 1081 or free transportation shall be subject to a like penalty. Juris- diction of offenses under this provision shall be the same as that provided for offenses in an act entitled "An act to further regu- late commerce with foreign nations and among the states," approved February 19, 1903, and any amendment thereof. Same. Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent telephone, 2082 telegraph and cable companies from entering into contracts with common carriers for the exchange of services. Same. In time of war or threatened war preference and precedence shall upon the demand of the president of the United States be 2083 given over all other traffic to the transportation of troops and material of war, and carriers shall adopt every means within their control to facilitate and expedite the military traffic. Same, sec. 6. Nothing in this act shall prevent the carriage, storage or handling of property free or at reduced rates for the United States, state or municipal governments or for charitable pur- poses, or to or from fairs and expositions for exhibition thereat, or the free carriage of destitute and homeless persons transported by charitable societies, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation, or the issuance of mileage, excursion or com- mutation passenger tickets; nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit any common carrier from giving reduced rates to min- isters of religion or to municipal governments or for the trans- portation of indigent persons, or to inmates of the national homes 2084 or state homes for disabled voltmteer soldiers, and of soldiers' and sailors' orphan homes, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge, under arrangements with the boards of managers of said homes; nothing in this act shall be 1 Provided, that the term "employes" as used in this paragraph shall include fur- loughed, pensioned and superannuated employes, persons who have become disabled or in- firm in the service of any common carrier, and the remains of a person killed in the em- ployment of a carrier, and ex-employes traveling for the purpose of entering the service of any such common carrier; and the term "families" as used in this paragraph shall include the families of those persons named in this proviso, also the families of persons killed and the widows during widowhood and minor children during minority of persons who died while in the service of any such common carrier. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. j. construed to prevent railroads from giving free carriage to their own officers and employes, or to prevent the principal officers of any railroad company or companies from exchanging passes or tickets with other railroad companies for their officers and em- ployes ; and nothing in this act contained shall in any way abridge or alter the remedies now existing at common law or by statute, but the provisions of this act are in addition to such remedies; provided, that no pending litigation shall in any way be affected by this act ; provided, further, that nothing in this act shall prevent the issuance of joint interchangeable 5,000-mile tickets with spe- cial privileges as to the amoimt of free baggage that may be car- ried under mileage tickets of 1,000 or more miles. Same, sec. 22. 2086 The provisions of section ten of this act shall apply to any violation of the requirements of this proviso. Same. ALABAMA Nothing in this article shall prevent concen- tration, commodity, transit and other special contract rates, but all such rates shall be open to all shippers for a like kind of traffic 2086 under similar circumstances and conditions, and shall be subject to the provisions of this article as to the printing and filing of the same ; but all such rates shall be under the supervision and regu- lation of commission. Code igoy, sec. 5534. All street railway companies or persons or companies owning or operating street railways in this state, are authorized to furnish members of the police force and of the fire department and sani- tary inspectors of any city or town through or into which their lines nm, free or reduced transportation to and from their homes and to and from places to which their duties may call them; and to grant special or reduced rates to all pupils attending 2087 schools on or near such lines of railway for transportation be- tween their homes and such schools; provided, however, that be- fore free transportation or special or reduced rates are granted under the provisions of this act, said carrier shall file with com- mission a statement setting forth the terms and conditions upon which they grant such free transportation, special or reduced rates. Acts igoy, sp. sess., no. 20, sec. i. No common carrier whether a corporation, association, part- nership or person engaged in the business of a common carrier of passengers in this state, or the agent, officer, servant or em- ploye of such shall give, procure for or deliver to any person or accept any free passes, tickets or free transportation for any per- son, or give, make or allow any rebate, discoimt or reduction from such rates as are offered or given to the public at large, ex- S14 cept to its employes and their families, and employes recently discharged by or having quit the service of any common carrier, going home or going to another place to seek employment within six months after such quitting or discharge, its officers or agents, its surgeons or physicians and its attorneys at law and the imme- diate families of such persons, to ministers of reHgion, traveling secretaries of the Yoimg Men's Christian Association and the Young Women's Christian Association, inmates of hospitals and charitable and eleemosynary institutions, and persons exclu- sively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work, to indigent, destitute and homeless persons, and to such persons when trans- ported by charitable societies and hospitals and the necessary agents employed in such transportation, to inmates of the national home or state home for disabled volimteer soldiers, and of sol- diers' and sailors' homes, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge, and board of managers of such homes, to necessary caretakers of live stock, poultry and fruit, to employes of sleeping cars and express cars, and to linemen of tele- graph and telephone companies, to railway mail service em- ployes, postoffice, custom and immigration inspectors, to news- boys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investigation in which the common carrier is interested, persons injured in wrecks when being transported from the place of in- jury to their homes and places for treatment, and physicians and nurses attending such persons, and members of commission, and employes of such commission when traveling on official business; provided, that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the interchange of passes for the officers, agents and employes of common carriers and their immediate families, nor prohibit any comjnon carrier from carrying passengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitations. Acts igoy, sp. sess., no. gg, sec. i. Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the carry- ing, storage or handling by any common carrier of property free or at reduced rates for the United States or for the state of Ala- bama or for any municipality or for charitable purposes, or to and from fairs and expositions for exhibition thereat, or property shipped by or to its officers or employes for their own exclusive use or constimption or that of their immediate families; or prevent such common carrier from issuing excursion, mileage or com- mutation tickets, provided such excursion, mileage or commuta- tion tickets shall be obtainable by all persons applying therefor 515 under like circumstances and conditions. Nor shall anything S089 in this act be construed to prevent such common carriers from giving free transportation or reduced rates therefor. And it shall be lawful for any railroad company to give to or exchange passes or free transportation with the officers and employes of other railroads and of express companies and the immediate members of their families, and for any express company to carry free or at reduced rates the personal packages or property of its officers and employes and the officers and employes of railroad companies, for their own exclusive use or consumption or that of their immediate families. Upon the shipment of live stock or other property requiring the care of an attendant, the common carrier may furnish free transportation including return passage to the shipper or to some person or persons designated by him as attendant. Acts igog, sp. sess., no. 201, sec. 1(30). ARIZONA No common carrier shall directly or indirectly issue, give or tender any free ticket, free pass or free or reduced rate transportation for passengers between points within this state ex- cept to its employes ^ and their families, its officers, agents, stu-geons, physicians and attorneys at law; to ministers of religion, traveling secretaries of railroad Young Men's Christian Associations, in- mates of hospitals and charitable and eleemosynary institutions and persons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work; to indigent, destitute and homeless persons, and to such persons when transported by charitable societies or hospitals, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation; to inmates of the national homes or state homes for disabled volim- teer soldiers, and of soldiers' and sailors' homes including those about to enter and those returning after discharge, and boards of managers of such homes; to necessary caretakers of live stock, poultry, milk and fruit; to employes on sleeping cars, express 2090 cars and to linemen of telegraph and telephone corporations; to railway mail service employes, post-office, custom and immigra- tion inspectors; to newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investigation in which the common carrier is interested, persons injured in wrecks and physicians and muses attending such persons, when authorized by commission. Noth- ing in this act shall be construed to prohibit the interchange of passes for the officers, agents and employes of common carriers and their families; nor to prohibit any common carrier from car- * Th« definitions of the terms " emfdoyes " and ' ' families ' ' are identical with the definitions in United States provisions. See footnote, p. 84. Sess. Laws IQ12, ch. go, sec. /7(o)0)- S16 Tying passengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitations; and provided, further, that these provisions shall not be construed to prohibit all privileges of passes or franks or the exchange there- of with each other for the officers, agents, employes and their families of all common carriers subject to the provisions of this act. Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, Sec, iTMis)- Provided, further, that with the consent of commission every common carrier may transport free or at reduced rates contract- ors and their employes, material or supplies for use or engaged in carrying out their contracts with said common carriers for con- 2091 struction, operation or maintenance work or work incidental thereto on the line of the issuing carrier, to the extent only that such free or reduced rate transportation is provided for in the specifications upon which the contract is based and in the contract itself. Common carriers may also enter into contracts with each other for an exchange of service. Same. ARKANSAS Nothing shall be construed as to prevent any person or corporation operating a railroad in this state from is- suing or selling at reduced rates emigrant, excursion or commuta- 2092 tion tickets, or from carrying free or at reduced rates any property for schools, churches, fairs, expositions or charitable institutions, or for the state, or for the United States, or for any of the United States. Kirby^s Digest 1904, sec. 6805. Nothing shall prevent the carriage, storage or hatiling free or at reduced rates for any city, coimty or town government; or the free carriage of destitute or indigent persons, or ministers of the gospel; nor to prevent the railroads from giving free trans- 2093 portation or transportation at reduced rates to the inmates of hospitals, eleemosynary and charitable institutions, and nothing shall be construed to prevent railroads from giving free trans- portation to any railroad officer, agent or employe, attorney, stockholder or director of the railroad company. Same, sec. 6806. See also par. 18 02. CALIFORNIA No common carrier shall directly or indirectly • issue, give or tender any free ticket, free pass or free or reduced rate transportation for passengers between points within this state, except to its officers, agents, employes, ^ attorneys, phy- sicians and surgeons and members of their families; to ministers ^ The definitions of the terms " employes " and "families " are identical with the definitions in Unitdd Stales provisions. See footnote, p. 84. Stats, ion, ist. ex. ^ess., ch. 14, sec. 17(0) (j). of religion, traveling secretaries of railroad young men's religious associations, or executive officers, organizers or agents of railroad employes mutual benefit associations giving the greater portion of their time to the work of any such association, inmates of hos- pitals or charitable or eleemosynary institutions, and persons exclusively engaged in charitable or eleemos5rnary work; and persons and property engaged or employed in educational work or scientific research when permitted by commission; to the ex- ecutive officers of mercantile or promotion boards or bodies with- in this state when traveling in the performance of duties affecting the advancement of the business of such boards or bodies, or the 5094 development of trade or industry within or without this state, when authorized by commission; to hotel employes of season resort hotels, when authorized by commission; to indigent, desti- tute and homeless persons and to such persons when transported by charitable societies or hospitals, and the necessary agents em- ployed in such transportation; to inmates of the national homes or state homes for disabled volunteer soldiers and soldiers' and sailors' homes, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge; to necessary caretakers, going and return- ing, of live stock, poultry, milk, fruit and other freight imder uni- form and non-discriminatory regulations; to employes of sleeping car corporations, express corporations and telegraph and tele- phone corporations; to railway mail service employes. United States internal revenue officers, post-office inspectors, customs officers and inspectors and immigration inspectors when traveling in the course of their official duty; to newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investigation in which the carrier is interested, persons injured in accidents or wrecks and physicians and nurses attending such persons. Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec, I7{a){j). Provided, that no free ticket, free pass or free or reduced rate of transportation shall be issued, given or tendered to any officer, agent or employe of a common carrier who is at the same time a shipper or receiver of freight or an officer, agent or employe of a shipper or receiver of freight, unless such officer, agent or employe devotes substantially his entire time to the service of of such carrier; and provided further that the members of com- 5095 mission, their officers and employes shall be entitled when in the performance of their official duties to free transportation over the lines of all common carriers within this state; and provided, further, that passenger transportation may issue to the propri- S18 etors and employes of newspapers and magazines and the mem- bers of their immediate f amiUes in exchange for advertising space in such newspapers or magazines at full rates, subject, however, to such reasonable restrictions as commission may impose. Same. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to prohibit the issue by express corporations of free or reduced rate trans- portation for express matter to their officers, agents, employes, attorneys, physicians and surgeons and members of their fam- ilies, or the interchange of free or reduced rate transportation for passengers or express matter between common carriers, their officers, agents, employes, attorneys, physicians and surgeons and members of their families; provided, that such express matter be for the personal use of the person to or for whom such free or reduced rate transportation is granted, or of his family; nor to prohibit the issue of passes or franks by telegraph or telephone 2096 corporations to their officers, agents, employes, attorneys, phy- sicians and surgeons and members of their families, or the ex- change of passes or franks between such telegraph and telephone corporations or between such corporations and such common carriers, for their officers, agents, employes, attorneys, physi- cians and surgeons and members of their families; nor to prevent the carrying out of contracts for free or reduced rate passenger transportation heretofore made, founded upon adequate con- sideration and lawful when made; nor to prevent a common car- rier from transporting, storing or handling free or at reduced rates the household goods and personal effects of its employes, of persons entering or leaving its service and of persons killed or dying while in its service. Same. Every common carrier may transport free or at reduced rates persons or property for the United States, state, county or municipal governments, or for charitable purposes, or to provide relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitation, and property to or from fairs or expositions for ex- hibit thereat; also contractors and their employes, material or 2097 supplies for use or engaged in canying out their contracts with said carriers, for construction, operation or maintenance work or work incidental thereto on the line of the issuing carrier, to the extent only that such free or reduced rate transportation is provided for in the specifications upon which the contract is based and in the contract itself. Common carriers may also enter into contracts with telegraph and telephone corporations for an ex- change of service. Same, sec. iy{a){4). See also par. 1804. 519 COLORADO Nothing herein shall prevent the carriage or transporting free or at reduced rates, of the household goods or other personal property of officers, employes, agents in the em- ploy of such common carriers or the interchange of franks for the free transportation of personal property of officers, agents, at- S098 tomeys and employes ^ of common carriers and their families, or for the United States, the state or any political subdivision thereof, or any mimicipality thereof, or for charitable purposes, or to and from fairs and expositions for exhibitions thereat . Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 4. FLORIDA Nothing shall prevent common carriers from the carriage, storage or handling of property free or at reduced rates for charitable ptirposes or to and from fairs or expositions for exhibition thereat, or free carriage of destitute or homeless persons, transported by charitable societies, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation, or the issuance of mile- age, excursion or commutation or round trip passenger tickets, or from giving reduced rates to ministers of religion, or from giving free passes to their own officers or employes, and their 2099 immediate families dependent upon them, or to prevent the prin- cipal officers of any railroad company or companies from ex- changing passes or tickets with other railroad companies for their officers and employes, or free passes or reduced rates to persons in charge of live stock shipped from point of shipment to destina- tion and return, or from issuing second class tickets at a lower rate of fare than for first class tickets, for the holders of which second class tickets so issued only second class accommodations shaU be allowed. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 2gig. Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent telegraph companies from entering into contracts with common carriers for the exchange of services, nor to affect existing contracts re- lating thereto, nor to prohibit the privilege of passes or franks or 2100 the exchange thereof with each other for the officers, agents, em- ployes and their families of such telegraph companies, and the officers, agents, employes and their famiHes of other common carriers. Laws igii, ch. 6i8y, sec. j. It shall be lawful for common carriers including railroad com- panies to grant free passage or free tickets to the immediate fam- ilies of their physicians, siirgeons and salaried attorneys at law, 2101 dependent upon them, and to exchange free passes with other * The definitions of the terms "employes " and " families " are identical with the defini- tions in United States provisions. See footnote, p. 84. Laws 1910, sp. sess., ck. 5, sec. 4. 520 common carriers for the immediate families of their physicians, surgeons and salaried attorneys at law, dependent upon them. Laws 1 91 1, ch. 6229, sec. i. Any common carrier may transport at free or reduced rates material to be used by the state, by any county or by any mtmici- 2102 pality in this state for roads, streets or bridge purposes. Laws igii, ch. 62J1, sec. i. ILLINOIS Nothing shall be so construed as to prevent railroad corporations from issuing commutation, excursion or 2103 i,oQo-mile tickets, as the same are now issued by such cor- porations. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. 126. Nothing shall be construed to prohibit any express company or carrier by express from carrying or transporting free or at re- duced rates the personal property for the personal use of its offi- 2104 cers, agents and employes and their families, nor from exchanging such transportation with other express companies and carriers by express for themselves, their officers, agents and employes and their families. Same, sec. j/o. INDIANA No carrier shall directly or indirectly issue or give any free ticket, free pass or free transportation for passen- gers, freight or express or for service or accommodation in any sleeping car, parlor car or dining car, except to its employes and members of their families, and the widow and dependent mem- bers of the families of deceased employes, its officers, agents, sur- geons, physicians and lawyers and members of their families; to ministers of rehgion, traveling secretaries of Young Men's Chris- tian Associations, inmates of hospitals and charitable and elee- mosynary institutions, and persons exclusively engaged in chari- table and eleemosynary work; to aged, destitute and homeless persons, and to such persons when transported by charitable societies or hospitals, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation; to inmates of the national homes or state homes for disabled volunteer soldiers, and of soldiers' and sailors' homes, including those about to enter and those returning after discharge, and boards of managers of such homes; to necessary caretakers of live stock, potdtry, fruit and vegetables, during the transporta- tion of the same; to employes of sleeping cars, express cars and to linemen and other employes and officers of the telegraph and telephone companies when traveling on business incident to tele- 2106 graph or telephone construction, maintenance or operation; to railway mail service employes, to newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investigation in which the carrier is interested, persons injured or killed in railroad acci- dents, and their attendants and physicians and nurses attending such persons; to contractors and their employes while performing work, under written contract, on the line of the carrier by which the transportation is given, and to publishers of newspapers for printing and advertising performed imder written contract ; pro- vided, that no such exception shall apply to a public officer of this state, other than those mentioned and notaries public, and provided, that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the interchange of passes for the officers and agents and employes of such carriers and their families, nor to prohibit any such car- rier from carrying passengers, freight or express free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitations, nor to prohibit the free carriage by any such carrier of children less than five years old when ac- companied by an adult; provided, further, that the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any pass legally issued for the year 1907 or any part thereof heretofore issued and given, nor shall this provision apply to parties carried for the purpose of in- specting the carrier's lines with a view to investing in its securi- ties or the improvement of its property, or to policemen or other peace officers while in imiform within their respective towns and cities. Acts igoy, ch. 241, sec. ijie). See also par. 1745. IOWA .Nothing in this chapter shall apply to the transportation, storage or handling of property free or at reduced rates for the United States, this state, or municipal governments by common carriers, nor to charitable purposes, or to and from fairs and expositions for exhibition thereat, nor for the employes thereof or their families, or private property or goods for the fanuly use of such employes, nor from giving reduced rates to the quartermaster general of the state, for the transportation of officers or enlisted men of the Iowa national guard, when 2106 traveling under the orders of the commander in chief, or to min- isters of religion, nor from giving free transportation to their own officers and employes, and their families dependent upon them for support, nor to persons in charge of live stock being shipped from point of shipment to destination and return, nor to prevent the officers of any railway company from exchanging passes or tickets with other railroad companies; and nothing in this chap- ter shall in any way abridge or alter the remedies now existing at 522 common law or by statute, but the provisions thereof are in addi- tion to such remedies. Code iSgy, sec. 2150. The commissioners and their secretary shall be carried free* while performing their duties, on all railroads and trains in the 1107 state, and may take with them experts or other agents, who shall be carried free. Same, sec. 2 151. No common carrier of passengers shall directly or indirectly issue, furnish or give any free ticket, free pass or free transporta- tion for the carriage or passage of any person within this state except as permitted in the paragraph immediately following. Nor shall any common carrier in the sale of tickets for transporta- 2108 tion at reduced rates discriminate between persons purchasing the same, except the persons described in the paragraph imme- diately following. Nor shall any person accept or use any free ticket, free pass or free transportation ^ except the persons de- scribed in said paragraph. Same, sec. 2ijyf. The persons to whom free tickets, free passes, free transpor- tation and discriminating reduced rates may be issued, furnished or given are the following, to wit: (a) the officers, agents, em- ployes, attorneys, physicians and surgeons of such common car- riers of passengers whose chief and principal occupation is to render service to common carriers of passengers; (b) to the fam- ilies of the persons included in subdivision ''a" hereof; (c) the general officers of any such common carrier; (d) employes on sleeping cars, express cars and linemen of telegraph and telephone companies, railway mail service employes, post-office, customs and immigration inspectors, newsboys on trains, baggage agents ; (e) persons injured in wrecks and physicians and nurses attending such persons; (/) passengers traveling with the object of pro- viding reUef in cases of railroad accident, general epidemic, pes- tilence or other calamitous visitation; (g) necessary caretakers of hve stock, vegetables and fruit, including return transporta- S109 tion to forwarding agent; (h) the officers, agents or regularly ac- credited representatives of labor organizations, composed wholly of employes of railway companies; (i) inmates of homes for the reform or rescue of the vicious or unfortunate, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge, and boards of managers, including officers and superintendents of such homes; (j) superannuated and pensioned employes andmem- * The words "free ticket," "free pass," "free transportation" as used in this act shall include any ticket, pass, contract, permit or transportation issued, furnished or given to any person by any common carrier of passengers for carriage or passage for any other considera- tion than money paid in the usual way at the rate, fare or charge open to all whp desijre tp purchase. Code i8o7. sec. 2i57f. bers of their families and widows of employes who died while in the service of such common carriers; (k) employes crippled and disabled in the service of a common carrier of passengers; (l) policemen and firemen of any city wearing the insignia of their office within the limits of such city; (m) ministers of religion, traveling secretaries of railroad Young Men's Christian Asso- ciations, inmates of hospitals and charitable and eleemosynary institutions, and persons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work; {n) indigent, destitute and homeless per- sons while being transported by charitable societies or hospitals in such transportation; (o) school children to and from public or parochial schools; (p) the state fish and game warden and his car and necessary assistants therewith, when engaged in the per- formance of official duties. SamCy sec. 2i^yg. In any prosecution vuider this act if it is claimed that a free ticket, free pass or free transportation was wrongfully issued or given to physicians or surgeons, attorneys, agents, employes, it shall be incumbent upon the defendant to prove the character of the service rendered or to be rendered. The provisions of this act shall not be construed to prohibit the interchange of passes for the persons to whom free tickets, free passes or free trans- portation may be ftimished or given under the provisions of this 2110 sectiaa. Nothing in this act shall operate to repeal the provi- sions of section 2150 of the code so far as said section refers to the members of the national guard, nor shall it operate to repeal section 215 1 of the code. Nothing in this act shall be construed to invalidate any existing contract between a street railway com- pany and a city where a condition of a franchise grant requires the furnishing of transportation to policemen, firemen and city officers while in the performance of official duties. Same. No person within the purview of this act shall be privileged from testifying in relation to anything herein prohibited, but no am person having so testified shall be liable to any prosecution or punishment for any offense concerning which he was required to give his testimony. Same, sec. 2157 {it). Any common carrier, its officer, agent or representative vio- lating any of the provisions of this act shall be fined in a sum not less than $100 and not more than $1,000 for each offense, or in the discretion of the court shall be imprisoned in the county jail siia for not less than 30 and not more than 90 days; and any person other than the persons excepted in the preceding paragraph who accepts or uses any free ticket, free pass or free transportation 5«4 for carriage or passage within this state shall be subject to a like penalty. Same, sec. 2151%. KANSAS Any member of commission while acting in performance of his official dirties together with such attorney for commission, secretary, stenographers, accoimtant, expert or other agents whose services commission may deem to be important in the discharge of their duties, shall have the right of passing at all times over all the roads and on all railroad trains or any part thereof in this state free of charge. It shall be imlawful for any commissioner, attorney for commission, secretary or employe of HIS commission to receive or apply for any free transportation or re- duced rates for transportation, from any railroad company or other common carriers, their agents, servants or employes for any other person, during the term of his office or emplo3mient; and any person violating the provisions hereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than $50 nor more than $1,000; and upon conviction of any commissioner of such violation the governor shall declare his office vacant and shall appoint a successor thereto. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 7i6g. Nothing shall prevent the carriage, storage or handling of freight free or at reduced rates for the state or for city, county or town government, or for charitable purposes, or to and from fairs and expositions, for exhibition thereof, or the free car- riage of destitute, indigent persons, or the issuance of mileage or 2114 excursion passenger tickets; nor to prevent railroads from giving special rates or free transportation to the officers and members of the Kansas national guard, to ministers of religion, inmates of hospitals, eleemosynary or charitable institutions, or to any railroad officers, agents, employes, attorneys, witnesses attending court or before commission on behalf of such railroad company, stockholders or directors. Same, sec. 7177. It shall be imlawful for any railroad company to issue, give or offer to issue or give any free pass, ticket or transportation in any form to passengers for use upon the lines within this state, except its officers and directors, and employes ^ and their families; ^ ^The word "employe" as used in this act shall be construed to include all persons who devote their principal time, skill and energy to the service of the railroad company by which they are employed, and who receive a stated and remunerative salary therefor, and to exclude all others who do not depend primarily upon such employment for a livelihood, eiccept one local attorney, physician and surgeon in any one county, through or in which said railroad is- suing such pass has a line of road. Gen. Stats. 1909, sec. 7257. *The word "family" as used in this act shall be construed to include the employe, his wife and minor children, immediate members of his household and dependent on hun for support, and to exclude all others. Same, sec. 7258. the employes of express, telegraph or sleeping car companies and their families; a representative from each of the labor organiza- tions of employes of the railway companies; railway employes incapacitated by reason of disease or injury incurred or received in the employ of the company issuing such pass; ex-railway em- ployes who have been engaged in the employ of a railway com- pany continuously for 15 years and placed on the retired list; also messengers and clerks in the railway mail service; news agents S1I6 while selling papers, books, magazines, fruit, confectionery, etc., on the train; members of commission and their attorney, to- gether with all other officers and employes of commission; per- sons injured in wrecks or by accidents, and doctors, nurses and necessary attendants in caring for such injiu-ed persons, to be used only in visiting employes and their families or in accom- pan3dng employes to railroad hospitals; caretakers of stock, poultry or fruit in carload lots, to be used exclusively in accom- panying the same to destination and returning therefrom; sheriff and chief of police in cities of the first class; indigent, destitute or homeless persons whose dependent condition is certified to by mayor, commissioner of the poor or the chairman of the board of coimty commissioners, and it shall be unlawful for any person other than the above excepted persons to solicit, accept or use any such free pass, ticket or transportation. Same, sec. 7255. Any officer, agent or employe of any railroad company who issues, gives or deHvers or offers to issue or give any free pass, ticket or transportation to any person not authorized to accept and use the same by this act shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and pimished by a fine of not more than $100, or by imprisonment in the coimty jail not more than 30 days, or by 2116 both such fine and imprisonment; and any person not authorized by this act. to accept and use such pass, ticket or transportation who solicits for himself or others or accepts or uses the same, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100, or by imprisonment in the coimty jail not more than 30 days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. Same, sec. 7256. The terms of this act shall not be construed as prohibiting the issuance, acceptance or use of free passes, tickets or trans- 2117 portation during the prevalence of an epidemic, pestilence or catastrophe, when necessary to afford relief or to mitigate the evil effects of such calamitous visitation. Same, sec. 72$g. The provisions of this act shall not be construed as pro- 526 hibiting excursion rates open to the public generally, reduced fare to ministers of the gospel and those giving their entire time to religious benevolence or charitable work, or to the inmates 3118 of soldiers' homes, state or national, including those about to enter and those returning home after their discharge, and mem- bers in good standing in the Grand Army of the Republic; pro- vided, however, this act shall not afEect any rate now provided by law for the transportation of members of the Kansas national guard. Same, sec. J260. Rates different from those specified in the printed schedule or classification of rates may be charged by any public utility, street or interurban railway, by agreement with the customer, in cases of charity, emergency, festivity or public entertainment; 2119 provided, that any utility governed by the provisions of this act may grant to the officers, employes and agents of such utilities free or reduced rates or service upon like terms and in the same manner as is now provided by law relating to common carriers. Laws 1911, ch. 2j8, sec. 12. LOUISIANA Nothing herein shall prevent the raihroad, express, telegraph, telephone, steamboat or other water craft or other companies from serving free of cost or at reduced rates the state, or any city, parish or town government, or any chari- table purpose, or any order or exposition, or any destitute or 2120 indigent person, or the issuance of mileage or excursion tickets, nor to prevent railroads, steamboat or other water craft from giving free transportation to ministers of religion or inmates of hospitals or to railroad officers, agents, employes, attorneys, stockholders or directors unless otherwise provided by this con- stitution. Const. J art. 287. MAINE Railroad companies may sell excursion, retiim or other special tickets at less than the regular rates of fare, to 2121 be used only as provided on the ticket. Rev. Stats. 1903, ch. 52, sec. 2. This statute shall not apply to the issuance and interchange of passes, for passes for officers, agents, employes, surgeons, phy- sicians and attorneys of railroads and other carriers, and their families, or to police officers, or to members of fire departments in course of duty, but such officer, agent or person, if holding 2122 or receiving free or reduced rate transportation, shall not receive from the state or municipality any mileage or pay for personal transportation as such state or covinty or municipal official over 527 the steam or other railways over which he has free or reduced rate transportation. Puh. Laws iQoy, ch. 153, sec. 2, as amended by Pub. Laws igiiy ch. 4j, sec. 2. Any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions ai23 of this act shall be punished by a fine not less than $100 nor more than $500. Same^ sec. 3. MASSACHUSETTS Every railroad corporation which has a ter- minus in Boston shall upon the appHcation of 200 or more per- sons therefor furnish on each week day a morning train in and an evening train out for distances not exceeding 1 5 miles, or suitable 2124 cars attached to other trains, and reaching and leaving Boston about six o'clock in the forenoon and afternoon, or at such hours as may be fixed by commission; and for such trains, shall furnish season tickets good once a day each way for six days in the week, at a rate not exceeding for yearly tickets $3 a mile and for quarterly tickets $1 a mile. Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. ii, sec. i8y. Every railroad corporation which has a terminus in Boston shall fiurdsh such number of workingmen's trains, not less than two each way, as commission upon a petition for such trains filed with it shall in each case order. Such trains shall arrive at Bos- ton between six and half past seven o'clock in the morning and leave Boston between the same hours in the evening and special 2125 cars may be provided therefor. Season tickets good once a day each way for six days in the week shall be furnished for such trains at a rate not exceeding for yearly tickets $3 a hiile and for quarterly tickets $1 a mile. Trip tickets now issued shall be good on the two trains authorized by this section and shall not be withdrawn when the rate therefor be increased without the consent of commission. Same, sec. 188. A street railway company may provide cars for special serv- ice, and may make special rates therefor; and may make special 2126 rates for workingmen and working women on week days be- tween the hours of five and seven in the morning and five and seven in the evening, and for children attending school. Same, pt. iii, sec. g8. The rates of fare charged by street or elevated railway companies for the transportation of pupils of the public schools or public evening schools or private schools between a given point from or to which it is necessary for them to ride in traveling to or from the school houses in which they attend school and their 2127 homes, whether such school houses are located in the city or town in which the pupils reside or in another city or town, shall not S28 exceed one-half the regvilar fare charged by such street or ele- vated railway company for the transportation of other passengers between said points, and tickets for the transportation of pupils as aforesaid, good during the days or evenings on which said schools are in session, shall be sold by said companies in lots of ten each. A railway company which violates the provisions of this section shall forfeit $25 for each offense. Acts igo8, ch. 5^0, sec. I. MICHIGAN Any railroad corporation may make contracts for the conveyance of passengers upon designated trains for a specific distance at fixed times at such reduced rates of fare as the parties may agree upon. Tickets may be issued for such J128 passengers upon which shall be plainly printed the terms upon which they may be used. Such tickets shall not entitle the holder to ride upon any train hot therein designated or i^t any tiine beyond that stipulated therein. Comp. Laws iSgy, sec. 5255- No common carrier shall directly or indirectly issue or give any free ticket, free pass or free transportation for "passengers except to its employes or their families, its officers, agents, sur- geons, physicians or attorneys at law and members of their fami- lies; or to former railroad employes and members of their families, when such employes have become disabled in the railway service, or retired upon pensions, and to members of the families of de- ceased employes; to ministers of religion, traveling secretaries of railroad Yoimg Men's Christian Associations, persons en- gaged exclusively in charitable and eleemosynary work, to indi- gent, destitute and homeless persons and to such persons when transported by charitable societies or hospitals, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation; to inmates of the na- tional homes or state homes for disabled volunteer soldiers' and sailors' homes, including those about to enter and those return- ing home after discharge, boards of managers of such homes; to necessary caretakers of live stock, poultry, fruit and vegetables; 2149 to employes on sleeping cars and express cars; to linemen of tele- graph and telephone companies and others engaged in the care and operation of telegraph and telephone lines; to railroad postal employes, postoffice, customs and immigration inspectors; to newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investigation in which the common carrier is interested, persons injured or killed in accidents and members of the families of the same, and physicians and nurses attending such persons, 529 and dependent relatives of injured or deceased employes, and such other persons as commission may from time to time by spe- cial order designate; provided, that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the interchange of passes for the officers, agents, attorneys and employes of common carriers and their families; nor to prohibit any common carrier from carrying pas- sengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or otherwise calamitous visitation; pro- vided, fiu-ther, that nothing shall be construed to prohibit the ex- change of mileage for advertising in publications of general circu- lation. Pub. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. 5(a). Any common carrier wilfully violating this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and for such offense on con- 8130 viction shall pay to the state a penalty of not less than $100 nor more than $500, and any person other than persons excepted in this provision who uses any such free ticket, free pass or free transportation, shall be subject to a like penalty. Same. Nothing herein shall prevent the carriage, storage or hand- ling of freight free or at reduced rates for the United States, the state or any political subdivision thereof, or any mimicipality thereof, or for charitable piuposes, or to and from fairs and expositions for exhibition thereat, or household goods, or other personal property of railroad employes, or the interchange of franks for the free transportation of personal property of the 2131 officers, agents, attorneys and employes of common carriers and their families; nor to prohibit any common carrier from carrying property free with the object of providing relief in cases of gen- eral epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitations, or the issuance of mileage, commutation, excursion passengers' or party tickets; provided that such tickets shall be obtainable by all persons applying therefor under like circimistances and condi- tions without discrimination. Same, sec. 5(6). Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent concentra- tion, commodity, transit and other special contract rates, but all such rates shall be open to all shippers for a like kind of traffic 8182 imder similar circumstances and conditions, and shall be subject to the provisions of this act as to the printing and the filing of the same ; provided, all such rates shall be under the supervision and regulation of commission. Same, sec. 11. In time of war or threatened war preference and precedence shall upon the demand of the governor of the state be given over 2188 all other traffic to the transportation of troops and material of 530 war and carriers shall adopt every means within their control and facilitate and expedite the military traffic. Pub. Acts 191 1, no. 7jp, sec. 10(h). MINNESOTA Nothing shall prevent the carriage, storage or handling of property free, or at reduced rates for the United States, state or for any mtinicipal corporation thereof, or for charitable purposes, or for exhibition at fairs or expositions, or of stock for breeding purposes; or the issuance of mileage, excursion 2134 or commutation passenger tickets at rates equal for all or giving such reduced rates to ministers of religion, sisters of charity, mis- sionaries, students of any educational or inmates of any charitable institution; nor the free transportation of passengers when al- lowed by law. Rev. Laws igoj, sec. 2010. Nothing in this act shall apply to the carriage, storage Or handling by any common carrier of property free or at reduced rates for the United States, or the state of Minnesota, or for any J136 municipal government or corporation within the state, or for any charity, religious society or charitable ptirpose, or to or from fairs or expositions, or for stock breeding purposes, or for carrying seed grain. Laws 1905, ch. 176, sec. 4. From and after January i, 1908, it shall be unlawful for any person, association, copartnership or corporation or any repre- sentative thereof, to offer, give or in any manner fvimish to any person either for himself or another, any free pass or frank or any special privilege or reduction in rate withheld from any other person for the traveling accommodation or transportation of any person or property or the transmission of any message or commimication except to persons included within the classes hereinafter designated and limited, and it shaU also be unlawful for any person not included within the classes hereinafter excepted and limited to solicit or receive either for himself or another from any person, association, copartnership or corporation, or use in any manner or for any purpose any free pass or frank or special privilege withheld from any person for the traveHng accommo- dation or transportation of any person or property or the trans- mission of any message or communication; provided, however, that nothing contained in this act shall be construed to prohibit or to make imlawful the issuing or giving of any such free ticket, free pass or free transportation to any person or persons within the classes hereinafter excepted or limited or the acceptance or use of the same by persons within such classes, that is to say, officers, bona fide agents, surgeons, physicians, attorneys and 531 ^6 empfe}^ dt siieh raiiroad or other companies or persons affected %y this act, and dependent members of their families, the duly elected representatives of railroad labor organizations, children under 1 2 years of age, ministers of religion, secretaries of Yoimg Men's Christian Associations, persons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work, indigent, destitute and home- less persons, and such persons when transported by charitable Societies or hospitals or by public charity, and necessary agents iSiiployed in such transportation, inmates of national homes or state homes for disabled volimteer soldiers, inmates of soldiers' and sailors' homes, including those entering and returning from stich homes, and boards of managers of such homes, postoffice, customs and immigration inspectors; witnesses for such railroad companies attending any legal investigation in which said com- pany is interested; officials and linemen of telegraph and telephone companies; ex-employes retired from service on accoimt of age or because ctf disability sustained while in the service of said rail- foad company, and the dependent members of their families, or the widows or dependent children of employes killed while in the Service df such railroad company; necessary caretakers of live stock, poultry, vegetables and fruit including transportation to and from the point of delivery, employes on sleeping and express mrs, railway ihail service employes, newsboys on trains, baggage agents and persons injured in wrecks and physicians and nurses attending them; provided, that one trip pass for a discharged employe and his fanuly may be issued for use within 30 days of such discharge. Laws iQoy, ch. 44Q, sec. i. Provided, further, that the provisions of this act shall not be construed to prohibit and make -unlawful the interchange of passes and express and other franks for the officers, bona fide agents, surgeons, physicians, attorneys and employes and the dependent 2137 members of their families, of any person or company affected by this act, nor to prohibit any company affected by this act from doing any of the things prohibited hereby free, with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or ca- lamitous visitation. Same. Provided, further, that the provisions of this act shall not be construed to prohibit or make unlawful the interchange of pas- senger transportation and message service between such railroad SIS8 companies and telegraph companies; and provided, further, that the provisions of this act shall not be construed to prohibit or make unlawful the interchange between railroad, express, tele- 532 graph and telephone companies of the transportation of persons and property and the transmission of messages. Same. Provided, further, that no free transportation shall be issued or given to any person when such person is a member of, employed by or in any way connected with any political committee or can- S139 didate for or incumbent of any office or position under the constitution and laws of this state except as herein provided. Same. Any person, corporation or company or any officer or agent of such corporation or company violating any of the provisions tt40 of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding $ioo or by imprisonment in the county, jail for a period not exceeding go days. Same, sec. j. It shall be lawful for any railroad or transportation com- pany operating in this state, to transport, handle or store free or at reduced rates for the United States, the state or for any mtmic- sia ipal corporation thereof any stone, stonedust, gravel, sand or any other material to be used in building, improving or repairing public highways by any of the said entities c«: corporations here- in mentioned. Laws iQii, ch. 192, sec. i. See also par. 2008. MISSISSIPPI It is imlawful for any railroad to grant free passes or tickets, or passes or tickets at reduced rates to any person, or to transport or suffer any person to be transported free of charge or at reduced rates not applicable to all persons alike; but this shall not prevent the transportation free of charge or at reduced rates of persons and freight for a scientific, religious or benevolent purpose, or for an industrial exhibition, fair or asso- ciation of a public nature, nor shall such transportation of im- migrants, persons traveling with a view of locating immigrants and dependent and unfortunate persons ; nor shall it prevent the sale and issuance of mileage, excursion and commutation tickets, 2ii» nor the free carriage of the railroad's own officers and all persons bona fide in its employment at a salary or regular compensation, nor the exchange of passes or tickets with other railroads for their officers and employes, nor its free carriage of the class of persons known as railroad employes, all persons injured in railroad acci- dents, and all physicians and niu^es attendant upon injured per- sons ; nor the carriage free or at reduced rates of the members of families of officers and employes of the railroad. However, these exceptions are allowed on the condition that the railroad shall 533 report annually to commission aU free passes granted, by whom and for what reason granted. Code igo6, sec. 4844. See also par. 1828. MISSOURI Excursion or commutation tickets may be is- 2143 sued at special rates. Reo. Stats, igog, sec. 3174. See also par. igi5. MONTANA Excursion or commutation tickets may be issued and sold at special rates provided such rates are the same 3144 to all persons. Const., art. ocv, sec. 7. Nothing in any of the provisions of law of the state shaU be construed to prevent or shall prevent the carriage or storage or handling of property free or at reduced rates for the govern- ment of the United States or of the state of Montana, or the owner or owners of any fish hatchery within the state, or of any 8145 anglers' association organized and existing therein, whenever such property is being used for the exclusive piirpose of stock- ing or planting with fish or fish eggs the waters within the state of Montana; and nothing herein shall be construed to prevent or shall prevent the issuing of free transportation to, or the free carriage of, or selling tickets at reduced rates to, any and all persons while actually engaged in transporting fish or fish eggs for stocking or planting the waters of this state with such fish or fish eggs. Laws igii, ch. 108, sec. i. No common carrier of passengers shall directly or indirectly issue, furnish or give any free ticket, free pass or free transporta- tion 1 for the carriage or passage of any person within this state 2146 except as permitted in section two of this act. Nor shall any common carrier in the sale of tickets for transportation at re- duced rates discriminate between persons ptirchasing the same, except the persons described in section two of this act. Laws igii, ch. 136, sec. i. The persons to whom free tickets, free pass, free transporta- tion and discriminating reduced rates may be issued, furnished or given are the following, to wit : (a) the officers, agents, employes, attorneys, physicians and surgeons of such common carriers of passengers; (b) to the families of the persons included in sub- division *'a" thereof; (c) the general officers of any such common carrier; (d) employes of sleeping car and express car companies, and linemen of telegraph and telephone companies, railway mail service employes, postoffice inspectors, newsboys on trains, bag- *The definitions of the words "free ticket." "free pass," and "free transportation" are identical with the definitions in Iowa provisions. See footnote, p. 04. Laws igih ch, 136, sec. I. 534 gage agents; (e) persons injured in wrecks and physicians and niirses attending such persons; (/) passengers traveling with the object of providing relief in cases of railroad accident, general epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitation; (g) necessary caretakers of live stock, vegetables and fruit, including return 2147 transportation to forwarding station; (h) the officers, agents or regularly accredited representatives of labor organizations com- posed wholly of employes of railway companies; (i) inmates of homes for the reform or rescue of the unfortunate or vicious, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge, and boards of managers, including officers and super- intendents of such homes; (J) superannuated and pensioned em- ployes and members of their families and widows of such mem- bers; (k) employes crippled and disabled in the service of the common carrier of passengers; (l) policemen and firemen of any city wearing the insignia of their office within the limits of such city; (m) ministers of religion, newspaper employes in exchange for advertising, traveling secretaries of Young Men's Christian Associations, inmates of hospitals and charitable and eleemosy- nary institutions, and persons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work; (n) indigent, destitute and homeless persons while being transported by charitable societies or hos- pitals, and necessary agents, employed in such transportation; (o) school children to and from public or parochial schools; (p) commission and its necessary employes, while traveling on official duty. The provisions of this act shall not be construed to pro- hibit the interchange of passes for the persons to whom free tickets, free passes or free transportation may be furnished or given imder the provisions of this section. Nothing in this act shall be construed to invaHdate any existing contract between a street railway company and a city where a condition of a fran- chise grant requires the furnishing of transportation to police- men, firemen and officers while in the performance of official duties. Same, sec. 2. Any common carrier, its officers or agents or representa- tives violating any of the provisions of this act shall be fined in a sum of not less than $10 nor more than $300 for each offense, and 2148 any person other than the persons excepted in section two of this act who accepts or uses any free tickets, free pass or free trans- portation for carriage or passage within this state, shall be subject to a like penalty. Same, sec. 3. See also par, 18 jj. NEBRASKA Nothing in this act shall prevent the carriage, storage or handling of freight free or at reduced rates for the 2149 state or for any city, county or town government or for charitable purposes or to and from fairs and expositions for exhibition there- at. Cobbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10662(g). It shall be unlawful for any railroad company or corpo- ration owning or operating any line or lines of railroad in the state, or any officer or agent of any such company or corpora- tion to directly or indirectly issue or give to any person or persons any free ticket, free pass or free transportation in any form for the tragisportation of any passenger or passengers, on or over any line or lines of railroad or any part thereof so owned or operated by it in the state except to persons within the classes hereinafter designated and limited; and it shall also be unlawful for any person or persons not included within the classes hereinafter designated and limited to accept and use any such free ticket, free pass or free transportation in any form for traveling on and over any line or lines of railroad or any part thereof in the state. Provided, however, that nothing contained in this act shall be construed to prohibit or make unlawful the issuing or giving of any such free ticket, free pass or free transportation to any person or persons within the classes herein designated and limited, or the acceptance or use of the same by persc«is within such classes, ai50 viz.: officers, agents, bona fide employes the major portion of whose time is devoted to the service of such railroad company and the dependent members of their immediate families ; children under seven years of age ; officials and linemen of telegraph com- panies; ex-employes retired from service on account of age, or to their widows, or because of disabihty of employes sustained while in the service of said railroad company and the dependent mem- bers of their immediate families, or the widows or dependent children of all employes, who die while in the service of such rail- road company, or to transport the corpse of an employe dying in the service ; necessary caretakers of live stock, poiiltry, vegetables and fruit, including transportation to and from the point of de- livery; employes of sleeping car companies, and express com- panies, and railway mail service employes, newsboys on trains, baggage agents and persons injured in wrecks and physicians and nurses attending them. Provided, that one trip pass for a discharged employe and his family may be issued for use within 30 days of such discharge. Provided, further, that the provisions of this act shall not be construed to prohibit and make imlawful »4 the interchange of passes for the officers, agents and employes and the dependent members of their immediate families of other railroad companies; nor to prohibit any railroad company from carrying passengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or calamitous visitation. Same, sec. 10664. Any railroad company or corporation or any person or per- sons violating any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed 91S1 guilty of a misdemeanor, and for each offense on conviction thereof shall pay a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000. Same, sec. 10665. See also pars. 1762, 1763, ig20. NEVADA Nothing in this act shall be construed to pre- vent concentration, commodity, transit and other special con- tract rates, but all such rates shall be open to all shippers of a like kind of traffic imder similar circumstances and conditions, 2162 and shall be subject to the provisions of this act as to the printing and filing of the same ; provided all such rates shall be vmder the supervision and regulation of commission. Stats. 1907, ch. 44, sec. 6. Nothing herein shall prevent the carriage, storage or han- dling of freight free or at reduced rates for the United States, the state or any political subdivision thereof, or any municipality thereof, or for charitable purposes, or to and from fairs and expositions for exhibition thereat, or household goods and sup- plies, the property of employes, or the issuance of mileage, com- mutation or excursion passengers' tickets; provided, that the same shall be obtainable by any persons applying therefor, with- out discrimination, or of party tickets; provided that the same shall be obtainable by any person applying therefor under like 218S circumstances and conditions. This act shall not be construed as preventing railroads from giving free transportation xyr re- duced rates therefor to any minister of the gospel, constable in any coimty of the state, officer or agent of incorporated colleges, college professors, school teachers, students attending institu- tions of learning, regular agents of charitable societies when traveling upon the business of the society only, destitute or home- less persons, railroad officers, attorneys, directors, employes or members of their families, or bona fide ex-railroad employes of any steam or electric railroad in search of employment, or to pre- vent the exchange of passes with officers, attorneys or employes 55? of other railroads and members of their families. Stats, igoj, ch. 44, sec. 8, as amended by Stats, igii, ch. igi, sec. i. Upon any shipment of live stock or other property of such nature as to require the care of an attendant the railroad may furnish to the shipper or some person or persons designated by him, free transportation for such attendant, including return pas- 2154 sage to the point at which the shipment originated; provided, that there shall be no discrimination in reference thereto between such shippers, and commission shall have power to prescribe regiilations in relation thereto. Same, sec. 8{a), as amended by Stats, igii, ch. igi, sec. i. NEW HAMPSHIRE Season and mileage tickets may be sold at reduced rates; and special rates may be established for passengers 2155 who attend agricultural fairs and public meetings, for parties of pleasure, and for military and other organized bodies. Pub. Stats., ch. i6o, sec. 4. No person shall ride upon a car or train who has not paid or does not pay on demand the established rate except the following : Stockholders going to and returning from stockholders' meetings ; the directors, superintendent, treasurer and clerk of the proprie- 2166 tors of other railroads with which their road has connection; per- sons in charge of mails and expresses ; and poor persons and persons in misfortune who are imable to pay the fare, and others to whom passes have been granted by the proper officers. Same, sec. 5. No carrier ^ shall directly or indirectly issue or give any free ticket, free pass or free transportation for passengers between points within the state except to its officers and employes and their families, to its surgeons, physicians and attorneys at law,^ to ministers of religion, traveling secretaries of railroad Young Men's Christian Associations, inmates of hospitals and charitable and eleemosynary institutions, and persons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work; to indigent, destitute and homeless persons, and to such persons when transported by charitable societies or hospitals, and the necessary agents em- ployed in such transportation; to inmates of the national homes or state homes for disabled volimteer soldiers, and of soldiers' 2157 and sailors' homes, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge; to the officers and executive 1 The word "carrier" as used in this act shall be construed to mean all common carriers of passengers including railroads. Laws 1909, ch. 126, sec. i{i). 'The words "employes," "surgeons," "physicians" and "attorneys at law" as used in this act shall be construed to mean only such persons of each of such class as are in the employment of the carrier in the transaction of its business. The word "employe" as used in this act shall not be construed so as to include political legislative agents. Same, sec. 1(2). 538 board of the New Hampshire Veteran Association for the exclu- sive purpose of arranging for its annual reunions; to necessary caretakers of live stock, poultry, fruit and perishable property; to employes on parlor, sleeping, dining and express cars, and to linemen and other employes of telegraph and telephone com- panies; to railway mail service employes, postoffice, customs and immigration inspectors; to policemen and firemen while in dis- charge of their duties; to newsboys and venders on trains, bag- gage agents, witnesses attending any legal investigation in which the carrier is interested, persons injured in wrecks and physicians and nurses attending such persons; provided, that the foregoing provisions shall not be construed to prohibit the issue or giving of passes for the officers and employes of other railroads or com- mon carriers; nor to prohibit any carrier from carrying pas- sengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitation. Laws igog, ch. 126, sec. 2. No common carrier shall sell or furnish transportation to any newspaper publisher, his agents or employes at any special or reduced rates for services rendered or to be rendered, and all 2158 contracts for advertising between newspaper publishers and com- mon carriers shall be made at regular rates, and all payments under such contracts shall be made in full, and such contracts shall be open to inspection by the attorney general at all times. Same, sec. j. No carrier shall directly or indirectly issue or give trans- portation to any person at a special or reduced rate or otherwise 1169 with the purpose of evading the provisions of the preceding sections. Same. Any carrier or any officer or agent of a carrier violating any of the foregoing provisions shall on conviction be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000. Any person other than the per- l 2160 sons excepted from the provisions of the foregoing section, who uses any such ticket, free pass, free, special or reduced fare trans- portation shall upon conviction be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000. Same, sec. 6. No person shall be excused from testifying in a proceeding instituted against another person or corporation under the fore- going sections for the reason that he may thereby criminate him- \ 2161 self; but no testimony so given by him shall be used directly or indirectly as evidence against him in any prosecution, nor shall he be prosecuted thereafter for any offense so disclosed by him. Same, sec. y. I 539 NEW JERSEY Nothing in this act shall be construed to pre- vent the issue by any steam railroad, street railway, traction, canal, express, telephone or telegraph companies or other com- mon carriers of free passes or franks to their employes, officers, ai6i agents, surgeons, physicians, attorneys at law and their families, and the interchange between said public utilities and common carriers of passes or franks for their employes, officers, agents, surgeons, physicians, attorneys at law and their families. Laws igii, ch. ipj, sec. 41. NEW MEXICO See par. 1927. NEW YORK No common carrier shall directly or indirectly issue or give any free ticket, free pass or free transportation for passengers or property between points within this state except to its officers, employes, agents, pensioners, surgeons, physicians, attorneys at law and their families ; to ministers of religion, officers and employes of railroad Young Men's Christian Associations, inmates of hospitals, charitable and eleemosynary institutions and persons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work; and to indigent, destitute and homeless persons and to such persons when transported by charitable societies or hos- pitals and the necessary agents employed in such transportation; 2168 to inmates of the national homes or state homes for disabled vol- unteer soldiers, and of soldiers' and sailors' homes, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge, and to boards of managers of such homes; to necessary caretakers of property in transit; to employes of sleeping car companies, ex- press companies, telegraph and telephone companies doing busi- ness along the line of the issuing carrier; to railway mail service employes, postoffice, customs and immigration inspectors; to newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investigation or proceeding in which the common carrier is inter- ested; persons injured in accidents or wrecks and physicians and nurses attending such persons; to the carriage free or at reduced rates of persons or property for the United States, state or munici- pal government, or of property to or from fairs and expositions for exhibit thereat. Laws igiOy ch. 480, sec. 33(2). Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit the interchange of free or reduced transportation between common carriers of or for their officers, agents, employes, attorneys and surgeons, and their families, nor to prohibit any common carrier from carrying passengers or property free, with the object of pro- viding relief in cases of epidemic, general pestilence or other ca- 540 lamitous visitation; nor to prohibit any common carrier from transporting persons or property as incident to or connected with contracts for construction, operation or maintenance, and to the SIM extent only that such free transportation is provided for in the contract for such work; nor to prevent any common carrier from transporting children under five years of age free. Provided, further, that nothing in this chapter shall prevent the issuance of mileage, excursion, school or family commutation, commutation passenger tickets, half-fare tickets for the transportation of chil- dren under 1 2 years of age, or any other form of reduced passenger tickets, or joint interchangeable mileage tickets, with special privileges as to the amount of free baggage that may be carried under mileage tickets of j,ooo miles or more. Nor shall anything in this chapter prevent the issuance of passenger transportation in exchange for advertising space in newspapers at fvill rates. Same, sec. 33(3), as amended by Laws iqji, ch. 540. Nothing in this section or any other provision of law shall be deemed to limit the power of commission to require the sale of, and upon investigation prescribe reasonable and jiist fares as the maximum to be charged for, commutation, school or family com- mutation, mileage tickets over railroads or street railroads, joint 2169 interchangeable mileage tickets, round trip excursion tickets, or any other form of reduced rate passenger tickets over such rail- roads or street railroads; provided, that all special round trip excursion tickets, the sale of which is limited to less than 30 days, except round trip excursion tickets to the state fair and return during the holding thereof, shall be deemed exempt from such reg- ulation by commission. Same, sec. 33(4), as amended by Laws igii, ch. $40. No telegraph or telephone corporation shall directly or in- directly give any free or reduced service or any free pass or frank for the transmission of messages by either telephone or telegraph between points within the state except to its officers, employes, agents, pensioners, surgeons, physicians, attorneys at law and 2166 their families; to persons or corporations exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work and ministers of religions; to officers and employes of other telegraph, telephone, railroad and street railroad corporations. But this subdivision shall not apply to state, municipal or federal contracts. Same, sec. 92(3), as amended by Laws igii, ch. 124. NORTH CAROLINA Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the car- riage, storage or handling of property free or at reduced rates 541 for the United States, state or municipal governments or for charitable or educatioi;ial purposes; or for any corporation or association incorporated for the preservation and adornment of any historic spot, or to the employes or officers of such company or association while traveling in the performance of their duties, provided, they shall not travel further than ten miles one way on any one trip free of charge, or to or from fairs or exhibitions for exhibition thereat ; or the free carriage of destitute and homeless persons transported by charitable societies, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation, or the free transporta- tion of persons traveling in the interest of orphan asylums or homes for the aged and infirm, or any department thereof, or ex- confederate soldiers attending annual reunions, or the issuance of mileage excursion or commutation passenger tickets; or to pro- hibit any common carrier from giving reduced rates to ministers of religion, or to mimicipal governments for the transportation of indigent persons, or to inmates of national homes or state homes for disabled volimteer soldiers, or of soldiers' and sailors' orphan homes, including those about to enter and those retiiming 2167 home after discharge tmder arrangements with the board of man- agers of said homes; or furloughed, pensioned and superannuated employes, persons who have become disabled or infirm in the serv- ice of any such common carrier, and the remains of a person killed in the employment of a common carrier, and ex-employes traveling for the purpose of entering the service of any such com- mon carrier, and the families of those persons named; also the families of persons killed and the widows during widowhood and minor children during minority of persons who died while in the service of any such common carrier; or to prevent common car- riers from giving free carriage to their own officers and employes and members of their families, or to prevent the principal officers of any common carrier from exchanging passes, franks or tickets with other common carriers for their officers or employes and members of their families. Nothing in this section shall be con- strued to prevent or restrict transportation companies from con- tracting with newspapers for advertising space in exchange for transportation over their lines to such an extent as may be agreed upon between the two parties for said consideration. The com- missioners and their clerks shall be transported free of charge over the railroads and over transportation lines which are under the supervision of commission ; and when traveling on official bus- iness they may take with them experts or other agents whose 542 service they may deem temporarily of public importance. PeWs Revisal iqo8, sec. 1105. Any person or persons except those permitted by law who accept free transportation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined or imprisoned or both in the discre- tion of the court; and any railroad or its employes or agents 2168 giving free transportation of any kind whatsoever except that peimitted by law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on con- viction shall be fined not less than $500 or more than $2,000 for each offense. Acts igo8, ch. 144, sec. 4. See also par. 8jy. NORTH DAKOTA Nothing herein contained shall be so con- strued as to prevent railroad corporations from issuing commuta- S169 tion, exciu*sion or 1,000 mile tickets provided the same are issued alike to all applying therefor. Rev. Codes igo^, sec. 4369. Nothing in this article shall apply to the carriage, storage or handling of property free or at reduced rates for the United States or this state, or mimicipal governments or for charitable purposes or to and from fairs and expositions for exhibition thereat, or for the employes of such common carriers or their families, or private property or goods for the family use of employes of such common carriers, or the issuance of mileage, excursion or com- mutation passenger tickets. Nothing in this article shall be 2170 construed to prohibit any railroad, railroad corporation or com- mon carrier from giving reduced passenger rates to ministers of re- ligion, or-to prevent railroads from giving free carriage to their own officers and employes and their families or others and to persons in charge of live stock being shipped from the point of shipment to destination and retiim; and nothing in this article contained shall in any way abridge or alter the remedies now existing at common law, or by statute, but the provisions of this article are in addition to such remedies; provided that no pending litigation shall in any way be affected by this article. Same, sec. 4374. No common carrier shall directly or indirectly issue or give any free ticket, free pass or free transportation for passengers except to its employes and their families,^ its officers, bona fide agents, surgeons, physicians and attorneys at law on the pay roll of the common carrier; to ministers of religion, traveling secre- taries of railroad Young Men's Christian Associations, inmates of hospitals and charitable and eleemosynary institutions, and 1 The definitions of the 'terms " employes " and •' families " are identical with the defi- nitions in United States provisions. See footnote, p. 84. Laws 191 1* ch. 138, sec. i. 543 perscms exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work ; to indigent, destitute and homeless persons, and to such persons when transported by charitable societies or hospitals and the necessary agents employed in such transportation; to inmates of national homes or state homes for disabled volunteer soldiers, and of soldiers' and sailors' homes including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge, to necessary caretakers of liye stock, poultry, milk, fruit and vegetables; to employes on sleeping cars, express cars and to linemen of telegraph and telephone companies if operated in connection with said common carriers; to railway mail service employes, postoffice, customs and immigration inspectors; to newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investigation in which the common carrier is interested; to persons injured in wrecks and 1171 physicians and nurses attending such persons. Provided, further, that the provisions of this act shall not be construed to prohibit or make unlawful the transportation of city policemen, firemen, mail carriers and postmen on the street railways in the cities of this state. Provided, further, that the provisions of this act shall not be construed to make imlawful the granting of reduced home seekers' rates or the granting of round trip excursion rates to any class of persons, provided, that all persons of that class shall be allowed equal privileges in respect to such home seekers' or ex- cursion rates, but exctirsion rates shall not be allowed any per- sons or representatives of any political party to enable them to attend any political meeting either as delegates or otherwise. Provided, further, that the provisions of this act shall not be construed to make imlawful the granting of free transportation to persons engaged in the state geological survey, farmers' in- stitute lecturers, and persons rendering service on ''good farming special trains. " Provided, further, that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the interchange of passes for officers, s^gents and employes of common carriers and their families; nor to prohibit any common carrier from carrying passengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitation; and provided, further, that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the privi- lege of passes or franks or the exchange thereof with each other for the officers, agents, employes and their families of express companies and their officers, agents, employes and their families of other common carriers subject to the provision of this act. Laws jQii, ch. ij8, sec. i. 544 Any common carrier violating any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon con- viction thereof in any district court of this state of competent f 1172 jurisdiction, be subject to a fine of not more than $500 for each offense; and any person other than the persons excepted in this act who uses any such free ticket, free pass or free transporta- tion shall be subject to a like penalty. Same, sec. 2. OHIO Nothing in this chapter shall prevent concen- tration, commodity, transit or other special contract rates, but all such rates shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter as ai73 to their printing and filing, shall be open to all shippers for a like kind of traffic under similar circumstances and conditions, and shall be tinder the supervision and regulation of commission. Code 1910, sec. jij. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the carriage, storage or handling of freight free or at reduced rates for the United States, the states, any political subdivision or municipality thereof, for charitable purposes, to and from fairs and expositions 2174 for exhibition thereat, or household goods the property of rail- way employes; or the issuance of mileage, commutation or ex- cursion passenger tickets, if obtainable by any person applying therefor without discrimination, or of party tickets, if obtain- able by all persons applying therefor imder like circumstances and conditions. Same, sec. 515. No railroad company owning or operating a railroad wholly or in part within this state shall directly or indirectly issue or give a free ticket, free pass or free transportation for passengers except to its employes and their families, its officers, agents, surgeons, physicians and attorneys at law; to ministers of re- ligion, traveling secretaries of railroad Young Men's Christian Associations, inmates of hospitals and charitable and eleemosy- nary institutions, and persons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work; to indigent, destitute and homeless persons, and to such persons when transported by charitable so- ws cieties or hospitals, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation; to inmates of the national homes or state homes for disabled volunteer soldiers, and soldiers' and sailors' homes, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge, and boards of managers of such homes; to necessary caretakers of live stock, poultry and fruit ; to employes on sleep- ing cars, express cars, and to linemen of telegraph and telephone companies; to railway mail service employes, postoffice, custora 545 and immigration inspectors; to newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investigation in which the railroad is interested, persons injured in wrecks and physicians and nurses attending such persons. Same, sec. 516. The next preceding section shall not be construed to pro- hibit the interchange of passes for officers, agents and employes and their families, nor to prohibit any railroad company from 2176 carrying passengers free in order to provide relief in cases of general epidemics, pestilence or other calamitous visitation. Same, sec. 517. Any railroad company violating the provision of the pre- ceding three sections, for each offense shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $500, and any person other than the persons tin excepted in such sections who uses such free ticket, free pass or free transportation shall be subject to a like penalty. Same, sec. 518. Free service or service for less than cost shall not be fur- nished for the purpose of destroying competition, and such free 51178 service and every such charge is prohibited and declared unlaw- ful. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 16. Nothing in this act contained shall prevent any public utility or railroad from granting the whole or any part of its property for any public purpose, or granting reduced rate or free 1179 service of any kind to the United States government, the state government or any political division or subdivision thereof, or for charitable purposes or for fairs or expositions or to any officer or employe of such public utility or railroad or his family, and all contracts and agreements made or entered into by such public utility or railroad for such use, reduced rates or free service shall be valid and enforceable at law. Same, sec. 75. OKLAHOMA No railroad corporation or transportation or transmission company shall directly or indirectly issue or give any free frank or free ticket, free pass or other free transporta- tion for any use within the state except to its officers, agents, surgeons, physicians and attorneys at law; to ministers of religion, traveling secretaries for railroad Young Men's Christian Asso- ciations, inmates of hospitals ar^d charitable and eleemosynary institutions and persons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work, to indigent, destitute and homeless persons, and to such persons when transported by charitable societies or hospitals, and the necessary agents employed in such transporta- tion; to inmates of national homes or state homes for disabled 546 i volunteer soldiers, and of soldiers' and sailors' homes including, those about to enter and those returning home after discharge, and boards of managers of such homes; to members of volunteer fire departments and their equipage while traveling as such; to necessary caretakers of live stock, poultry and fruit ; to employes of sleeping cars, of express cars and to linemen of telegraph and telephone companies; to railway mail service employes, post- office, custom^ and immigration inspectors; to newsboys on ai80 trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investiga- tion in which the railroad company or transportation company is interested, persons injured in wrecks and physicians and nurses attending such persons; provided, that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the interchange of passes for the officers, agents and employes of common carriers and their families; nor to prohibit any common carriers from carrying passengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitation; nor to prevent them from transporting free of charge to their places of employment persons entering their service, and the interchange of passes to that end, and any railroad, transportation, or transmission com- pany or any person other than the persons excepted in this pro- vision who grants or uses any such free frank, free ticket, free pass or free transportation within this state shall be deemed guilty of a crime, and the legislature shall provide proper penal- ties for the violation of any provisions of this section by the railroad or transportation or transmission company or by any individual; provided that nothing herein shall prevent the legis- lature from extending these provisions so as to exclude such free transportation or franks from other persons. Const., art. ix, sec, jj. See also par. 1934. OREGON Nothing in this act shall be construed to pre- vent concentration, commodity, transit and other special con- tract rates, but all such rates shall be open to all shippers for a like kind of traffic tinder similar circumstances and conditions, 1181 and shall be subject to the provisions of this act as to the print- ing and filing of the same; provided, all such rates shall be under the supervision and regulation of commission. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. ig. Nothing herein shall prevent the carriage, storage or hand- ling of freight free or at reduced rates for the United States, the state, or any municipality thereof, or for charitable purposes, or 547 to and from fairs and expositions for exhibition thereat, or house- hold goods the property of railway employes, or commodities shipped by employes for their own exclusive use or consumption; or the issuance of mileage, commutation, party or excursion passengers' tickets provided the same shall be obtainable by all persons applying therefor imder Hke circumstances and con- ditions, or the sale of such tickets as were usually and customarily sold at reduced rates prior to January i, 1907, provided, the same are sold without discrimination to all persons applying there- for imder like circimistances and conditions. This act shall not be construed as preventing railroads from giving free trans- portation or reduced rates therefor to its officers, agents, sur- geons, physicians, employes and attorneys at law, or members of their families, or to former railroad employes or members of their families where such employes have become disabled in the railway service, or are unable from physical disqualification to continue in the service, or to members of the families of deceased railroad employes; or state and district officers of the state and coimty judges and sheriffs of the various coimties of the state in cases where the same is now or may hereafter be required by law; to ministers of religion, traveling secretaries of railroad Yoimg Men's Christian Associations, inmates of hospitals and 2182 charitable and eleemosynary institutions and persons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work, to officers or agents of incorporated colleges, to indigent, destitute and homeless persons, and to such persons when transported by charitable societies or hospitals, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation; to inmates of the national homes or state homes for disabled volunteer soldiers, and of soldiers' and sailors' homes, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge, and boards of managers of such homes; to employes on sleeping cars, express cars and to linemen of telegraph and tele- phone companies; to officers of the United States reclamation service; to United States live stock inspectors; to railroad mail service employes, postoffice, customs and immigration inspec- tors; to newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investigation in which the railroad is interested, persons injured in wrecks and physicians and nurses attending such per- sons; nor shall this act be construed to prevent the interchange of passes for the officers, agents or employes of common carriers and their families, nor to prevent any railroad from carrying pas- sengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general 548 epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitation. Upon any shipment of live stock, poultry, fruit or other property of such nature as to require the care of an attendant, the railroad may furnish to the shipper or some person or persons designated by him, free transportation for such piupose, including return passes to the point at which the shipment originated; provided, there shall be no discrimination in reference thereto between such ship- pers, and commission shall have power to prescribe regulations in relation thereto. Same, sec. 21. It shall be lawful for any railroad within the state to trans- port free or at reduced rates the national guard of the state or of other states, or volimteer or regular army of the United States, 2183 or military stores, property or equipments when such transporta- tion is necessary for military purposes, and such railroad shall not thereby be deemed guilty of an tmjust discrimination or an undue preference. Gen. Laws igii, ch. j6, sec. i. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the privilege of passes or franks or the exchange thereof with each other for the officers, agents, employes and their families of street railroads, telegraph, telephone and cable lines and the officers, agents and employes and their families of other street railroads, telegraph, telephone and cable lines and with the officers, employes and their families of railroad, express and sleeping car lines, tmion depots and other common carriers; provided, however, that nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent telephone, telegraph and cable companies from entering into contracts with common carriers for the exchange of services. Nothing herein shall prevent the transportation of persons or property or the 2184 production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power, or the conveying of telegraph or telephone mes- sages within this state free or at reduced rates for the United States, the state, or any municipality thereof, or for charitable purposes, or to employes of any such public utility for their own exclusive use and benefit, nor prevent any such pubHc utility from giving free transportation or service or reduced rates there- for, to its officers, agents, surgeons, physicians, employes and attorneys at law, or members of their families, or to former em- ployes of such public utilities or members of their families where such former employes have become disabled in the service of such public utility or are unable from physical disqualification to continue in the service, or to members of families of deceased employes of such public utility; to ministers of religion, inmates 549 of hospitals and charitable and eleemosynary institutions and per- sons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work. Gen. Laws igii, ch. zyg, sec. 63. See also par. 1935. PENNSYLVANIA No railroad, railway or other transportation company shall grant free passes or passes at a discoimt to any 2185 person except officers or employes of the company. Const., art. xvii, sec. 8. RHODE ISLAND A public utility may issue or give free trans- portation or service to its employes and their families, its officers, ai86 agents, surgeons, physicians and attorneys at law and to the officers, agents and employes and their families of any other public utility. Acts igi2, ch. 795, sec. 42(a). With the approval of commission, any public utiHty may give free transportation or service upon such conditions as such public UtiHty may impose, or grant special rates therefor to the state, to any town or city or to any water or fire district and to 2187 the officers thereof, for public purposes, and also to any special class or classes of persons not otherwise referred to in this section, in cases where the same shall seem to commission just and reason- able or required in the interests of the public, and not unjustly discriminatory. Same, sec. 42(b). With the approval of commission, any public utility opera- ting a railroad or street railroad may furnish to the publishers of 2188 newspapers and magazines and to their employes, passenger transportation in return foi advertising in such newspapers or magazines at full rates. Same, sec. 42(c). With the approval of commission, any public utility may 2189 exchange its service for the service of any other public utility furnishing a different class of service. Same, sec. 42(d). Any free frank, pass, transportation or service heretofore issued, given or authorized for use or enjoyment during the year 191 2 or any portion thereof shall remain lawful and of full ef- 2190 feet under the condition and during the period for which it was issued, given or authorized during the year 191 2. Same, sec. 42(e). SOUTH CAROLINA Nothing in this chapter shall apply to the car- riage, receiving, storing, handling or forwarding of property car- ried for the United States, or any state thereof at lower rates of 2|9i freight and charges than for the general public, or to the trans- portation of articles free or at reduced rates of freight for chari- SSo table purposes or to or from public fairs and expositions for ex- hibition. Gen. Stats. IQ02, sec. 2087. SOUTH DAKOTA No person, association, copartnership, railroad company, common carrier or corporation shall issue or give or offer to give to any person any free ticket, pass, frank or privi- lege of any kind which is withheld from any person for the travel- ing accommodation or transportation of persons or property, or 2192 the transmission or communication of any message or informa- tion for use within this state, nor give, issue or sell any such ticket, pass, frank or privilege to any person for a less or dif- ferent sum or consideration than is charged to any other person for a like or similar ticket, pass, frank, privilege or service. Sess. Laws iQoy, ch. 221, sec. i. Nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit common carriers from issuing and giving free personal transportation to their officers and employes and their families or to any officer or employe of any other railroad company and his family when such officer or employe is in good faith upon the regular pay roll of such company; their regularly employed and acting physicians; and attorneys at law in good faith upon their regular pay roll at a salary of not less than $500 per year; to ministers of religion and others engaged exclusively in charitable work; to inmates of national homes or state homes for disabled volimteer soldiers and sailors, including those about to enter and those returning home 2193 after discharge; to necessary caretakers of live stock in course of shipment and return; to employes on sleeping cars and express cars; linemen of telegraph and telephone companies and news- boys on trains; persons injured in wrecks and physicians and per- sons caring for or attending such persons; nor to prohibit the officer or employe of any telephone or telegraph company from communicating free of charge over the lines of his company, with any member of his immediate farrdly. But no such free trans- portation shall be issued or given to any person when such per- son is a member of, employed by, or in any way connected with any political committee or a candidate for or an incimibent of any office or position imder the constitution or laws or any ordinance of any municipality of this state. Provided, that common carriers shall not be prohibited from carrying persons free to provide relief from storm, flood, epidemic or other ca- lamity. Same, sec. 2. Nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit railroad 2194 companies from issuing excursion, commutation or long distance 551 tickets for transportation of persons at special rates, but any suck tickets shall be offered and sold at a uniform price, to all persons alike, without discrimination. Same, sec. j. No person other than those excepted in this act shall solicit* accept or use any free ticket, pass, frank or privilege as defined herein whether the same shall have been issued before or after the passage and approval of this act; 'and no person, association 2196 or corporation or representative or agent thereof shall accept for the transportation of persons or property, or the transmission or communication of any message or information, nor recognize as valid, nor honor in any manner any such free ticket, pass, frank or privilege. Same, sec. 4. Any violation of any of the above provisions shall be pun- ished by a fine of not more than $1,000 nor less than $200, or by 2196 imprisonment in the penitentiary not more than five years nor less than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Same, sec. 6. No person shall be privileged from testifying in relation to anything herein contained, but no such person shall thereafter be prosecuted for any offense concerning which he may have 2197 been required to testify, and the testimony so given shall not be used in the prosecution of any such person in any criminal action whatever, except in actions for perjury in giving such testimony. Same, sec. 7. Nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to pre- 2198 vent common carriers from issuing commutation, excursion or 1,000 mile tickets; provided, the same are issued alike to all ap- plying therefor. Session Laws igii, ch. 207, sec. 27. Nothing in this article shall apply to the carriage, storage or handling of property free or at reduced rates for the United States, or this state, or mimicipal governments, for charitable purposes or to and from fairs and expositions for exhibit thereat, or for the employes of such common carriers or their families, or private property or goods for the family use of the employes of such common carriers, or the issuance of mileage, exoirsion or commutation passenger and telephone tickets. Nothing in this article shall be construed to prohibit any common carrier from 2199 giving reduced rates to ministers of religion, or to prevent com- mon carriers from giving free carriage to their own officers and employes and their families dependent on such officer or employe for support, and to persons in charge of live stock being shipped from the point of shipment to destination and return, or to pre- 552 » vent the principal officers of any common carriers or companies from exchanging passes or tickets with other common carriers for their officers and employes; and nothing in this article shall in any way abridge or alter the remedies now existing at com- mon law or by statute, but the provisions of this article are in addition to such remedies. Same, sec. 32. TENNESSEE This act shall not prevent any railroad com- pany from transporting freight free or at reduced rates for any religious, charitable or benevolent purpose or for any industrial exposition, fair or association of a public nature, or for trans- porting immigrants into this state, or persons prospecting with a, view of locating or bringing immigrants into this state, or for J200 pleasure excursions. However, nothing in this act shall be con- strued so as to prevent the railroads of this state from giving special rates to encourage infant manufacturing industries and for the encouragement of any other new business or industry, or for the transportation of any perishable goods; provided, that such transportation shall be furnished without discrimination and imder such rules and regulations as commission may prescribe - Acts iSgy, ch. 10, sec. 24. TEXAS Nothing herein shall prevent the carriage, stor- age or handling by railroad companies in this state, or by their agents, officers, clerks, servants and employes, of freight free, or at reduced rates, for the state, or for any city or county or town government, or for charitable purposes, or to and from fairs and expositions for exhibition thereof, or the free carriage of destitute and indigent persons, or the issuance of mileage or excursion passenger tickets; nor to prevent railroads from giv- ing free transportation to ministers of religion or free transpor- aaoi tation to the inmates of hospitals, eleemosynary and charitable institutions, and to the employes of the agricultural and geo- logical departments of the state, or to the peace officers of this state; and nothing herein shall be construed to prevent rail- roads, their agents and employes and officers, from giving free transportation to any railroad officers, agents, employes, attor- neys, stockholders or directors, or to the commissioners, their secretaries, clerks and employes, or to any other officer or per- son not prohibited by law. Laws i8qq, ch. 118, sec. 2. Any court, officer or tribunal having jurisdiction of the offense mentioned in this act, or any district or county attorney, may subpoena persons and compel their attendance as witnesses 553 to testify as to the. violations of this act; and any person so sum- 2S02 moned and examined shall not be liable to prosecution for any violation of this act about which he may testify, and for any offense by reason of violations of this act; a conviction may be had upon the unsupported evidence of an accomplice or par- ticipant. Same, sec. j. It shall be the duty of every district judge in this state in whose court a grand jury shall be empaneled to charge said 2203 grand jury, whenever organized, to thoroughly investigate with reference to violations of this act. Same, sec. 4. If any steam or electric railway company, interurban railway company, or other chartered transportation company, express company, sleeping car company, telegraph or telephone company, or person or association of persons operating the same, or the receivers or lessees thereof, or any officer, agent or employe of any such company in this state, shall knowingly haul or carry any person or property free of charge or give or grant to any person, firm, association of persons or corporation, a free pass, frank and privilege or a substitute for pay or a sub- terfuge which is used or which is given to be used instead of the regular fare or rate for transportation, or any authority to per- mit whatsoever to travel or to pass or convey or transport any person or property free, or sell any transportation for an5rthing except money or for any greater or less rate than is charged to all persons under the same condition, over any railway or other transportation line or part of line in this state; or shall knowingly permit any person to transmit any message free in this state, or shall give any frank or right or privilege to transmit messages 2204 free in this state or property free of charge or for greater or less fare or rate than is charged other persons in this state for similar service; except such persons as are hereinafter exempted under the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in any action brought on this accoimt, and for that purpose, shall pay to the state the sirni of $5,000 for each and every act which violates the provisions of this section; and any person, president, director, officer, employe or agent of any such corporation or association of persons who shall sell any trans- portation for an5rthing except money, or knowingly give, grant, issue or cause to be issued a free pass, frank and privilege or any substitute for or in lieu thereof for the transportation of any per- son, article or thing or the sending or transmitting of any mes- sages over wire or other means of transmitting messages in this 554 state except to such persons as are hereinafter exempted from the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a felony under the laws of this state, and upon conviction for such act shall be punished by a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $2,000, and may in addition thereto in the discretion of the jury be imprisoned in the penitentiary for a term of not less than six months nor more than two years. Laws igoj, ch. 42, sec. i. The provisions of section one of this act shall not be held to prohibit any steam or electric or interurban railway company or chartered transportation company, or sleeping car company, or the receivers or lessees thereof, or persons operating the same, or the officers, agents or employes thereof from granting free or ex- changing free passes, franks, privileges, substitute or pay or other thing herein prohibited, to the following persons: The actual bona fide employes of any such coftipanies and the dependent members of their immediate families. The term employes shall be construed to embrace the following persons only: All persons actually employed and engaged in the service of any of such com- panies, including its officers, bona fide ticket, passenger and freight agents, physicians, surgeons and general attorneys who appear in courts of record to try cases and who receive a reasona- ble annual salary, and also ex-employes within foiu* months after leaving the service of any of such companies and while seeking emplo5nTient. Also persons actually employed on sleeping cars, express cars, linemen of telegraph and telephone companies, newsboys employed on trains; railway mail service employes, postc^ce inspectors, chairman and bona fide members of griev- ance committee of employes, bona fide custom and immigration inspectors employed by the government, the state health officer and one assistant, and federal health officers, also when live stock, poultry, fruit, melons or other perishable produce is shipped, the necessary caretakers while en route and return, also trip passes to the indigent poor when application therefor is made by any re- ligious or charitable organization, societies of charity, also persons injured in wrecks upon the road of any such company imme- diately after such injury and the physicians and nurses attend- ing such persons at the time thereof, also persons and property carried in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitations at the time thereof, or immediately thereafter. Also the state rangers, sheriffs or other bona fide elective peace officers whose duties are to include criminal processes, provided, that if any such railroad or transportation company shall grant to any 555 sheriff a free pass over its lines of railroad then it shall issue like free transportation to each and every sheriff in this state who may make to it written application therefor, and provided, further, that said sheriffs and other peace officers above mentioned using such free p^ses or transportation shall deduct the money value of the same at the legal rate per mile from any mileage accounts against the state and litigants earned by them in executing proc- esses when such pass was used or could have been used; also members of the live stock sanitary commission of Texas, not exceeding 12 in nimiber for any one year; provided, that nothing in this act shall prevent any such companies, receivers or lessees thereof, or the officers, agents or employes from granting to min- isters of religion reduced rates of half the regular fare, nor shall anything in this act prevent any such companies, their receivers or lessees from transporting free of charge any article being sent to any orphan home or other charitable institution; provided, further, that nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit any such companies, their receivers or lessees or officers, agents or servants from making special rates for special occasions or imder special conditions, but no such rate shall even (ever) be made without first obtaining authority from commission ; and provided, further, that no persons who hold any public office in this state shall at any time during their term of office be entitled to any such free pass or transportation, privilege or franks or substitute for fare or charges over any railway or other company mentioned in section one of this act, except employes operating trains when in the actual discharge of their duties as such and the officers here- inbefore exempted; provided, further, that nothing in this act shall prohibit any street railway company from transporting free of charge police officers and firemen in any city where said com- pany is authorized so to do by any ordinance or authority from the city coimcil from any such city; provided, however, that no person or persons beneficiaries of free transportation herein per- mitted shall ride on a free pass or enjoy free transportation to or from any political convention or on any political errand. That nothing in this act shall prohibit any express company from haul- ing or carrying free of charge the packages and property of its actual and bona fide officers, attorneys, agents and employes who are actually in the employment of any such company, its re- ceivers and lessees at the time when such free transportation or right thereto is given; and provided, further, that nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit any telegraph or telephone com- $$6 pariy from carrying and transmitting free of charge niessages of its bona fide officers, attorneys, agents and employes who are actually in the emplo3rment of such company, its receivers or lessees at the time when such free transportation or right thereto was given. Same, sec. 2. If any person shall present or offer to use in his own behalf any permit or frank whatsoever to travel, pass or to convey any person or property or message which has been issued to any other person or shall, knowing that he is not entitled under the. pro- visions of this act, apply to any railway, express, telegraph or 2206 telephone company, officer, agent, lessee or receiver thereof for any free pass, frank, privilege or a substitute for pay given or to be used instead of the regular fare or rate for transportation or for any other consideration except money, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be pimished by confinement in the county jail for not less than 30 days and not more than 12 months, and by a.fine of not less than $100 and not more than $1,000. Same, sec. s. No person other than the persons excepted in this act who uses any such free ticket, free pass or free transportation, frank or privilege over any railway or other transportation line or sleeping or express car, telegraph or telephone line mentioned in this act for any distance under the control and operation of either of said companies subject to the provisions of this act or under their authority, or shall knowingly and wilfully by any means or device whatsoever obtain, use or enjoy from any such company a less fare or rate than is charged, demanded, collected or received by any such company from any other person, firm, association of persons or corporations for doing for him, them or it a like service if the transportation or service is of a like kind of traffic or service imder substantially similar circumstances and conditions, such person or such officer or agent who acts for such corporation or company thus favored shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor and on conviction for each offense shall be fined not less than $100 and not more than $1,000. Same, sec. 6. Any director, officer, agent or any receiver, trustee, lessee or person acting for or employed by any company subject to the provisions of this act, who alone or with any other corporation, company, person or party shall wilfully do or cause to be done, or shall wilfully suffer or permit to be done, any act, matter or thing in this act prohibited or declared to be imlawful, or who shall aid or abet therein, or shall wilfully omit or fail to do any 557 act, matter or thing in this act required to be done, or shall cause or wilfully suffer or permit any act, matter or thing so directed, 2aQ8 required by this act to be done, not to be done, or shall aid or abet such omission or failure, or shall be guilty of any infraction of this act, or shall aid or abet therein, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction be subject to a fine of not less than $ioo nor more than $i,ooo, and if the offense for which any person shall be convicted imder this section shall be unlawful discrimination in rates, fares or charges for the trans- portation of passengers or property or the transmission of mes- sages, such person may in addition to the fines hereinbefore provided for, at the discretion of the jury, be imprisoned in the penitentiary for a term not less than six months nor more than two years. Same, sec. 7. Suits brought tmder this act for the recovery of penalties may be brought in any coiut in this state having jtu*isdiction of the subject matter in any coimty (i) where an act in violation of the provisions hereof is committed; (2) where such company or re- ceiver has an agent or representative; (3) where the principal office of such company is situated or such receiver or receivers S209 or either reside, and half of all moneys collected under the pro- visions of this act less the commission and expenses allowed by law, shall be paid into the state treasury and constitute a part of the general revenue of the state, and the remainder thereof shall be paid into the treasiuy of the county where such suit or suits may be maintained and constitute a part of the jury fund of such county. Same, sec. 8. It is made the duty of commission, the attorney general and the district and coimty attorneys of this state under the direction of the attorney general to see that the provisions of this act are enforced and obeyed, and penalties due the state MiQ are recovered and collected, and commission shall report to the attorney general all violations within their knowledge with the facts in their possession, and request him to institute or have in- stituted the proper proceedings for the recovery of any penalty that may be due the state. Same, sec. 9. In any investigation, suit or prosecution which may be had or instituted under the provisions of this act, the court or tribtmal in which the investigation, suit or prosecution is pending may compel all persons to attend and give testimony, and to produce sail such papers, books and documents as may be desired by the st^te, and no person shall be exempt from giving testimony there- SS8 in; provided, however, that no criminal action or proceeding shall be brought or prosecuted against such witness on account of any testimony so given or furnished by him. Same, sec. lo. If any provision or provisions of this aet which exempt or except any person, corporation or class or persons from the operation and effects of this act, or which authorize any such persons, corporations or class of persons to give, grant, issue, 2212 receive or accept free transportation or transportation at any rate other than is granted to any and all persons of this state, shall be held unconstitutional or invalid, such holding as to any such provision or provisions shall not invalidate any other por- tion of this act. Same, sec. ii. VERMONT Railroad companies may transport at special and reduced rates to and from a public agricultural exhibition or fair, animals or other property to be there publicly exhibited, and may transport at special and reduced rates to and from schools 2213 and other institutions of learning in this state students there at- tending, provided, that such rates shall be available to all who exhibit at such exhibitions or fairs or attend such schools or other institutions of learning. Pub. Stats. igo6, sec. 4486. No railroad shall directly or indirectly issue or give to any person a free ticket, free pass or transportation; nor shall any per- son use any free ticket, pass or transportation; provided, that this section shall not apply to the members of commission, the clerk and other employes of said commission, the employes of the railroad and their families or its officers, agents, servants, phy- sicians and attorneys and their families, traveling secretaries of railroad Young Men's Christian Associations, coimty secretaries of Young Men's Christian Associations, necessary caretakers of live stock, perishable farm and dairy produce, potdtry and fruit, employes of parlor, sleeping and express cars, linemen of tele- graph and telephone companies, railroad mail service employes, put postoffice inspectors, customs officers and immigration inspectors and their deputies, newsboys on trains, baggage agents, persons injured in wrecks and the nurses and physicians attending such persons; nor shall it apply to the interchange of passes between the officers, agents and employes of railroads and their families, nor to the canying of passengers free in cases of epidemic, pesti- lence or other calamitous visitations; nor shall it apply to the transportation of live fish for the purpose of stocking waters of this state or for propagation, and the necessary caretakers in charge thereof; nor shall it apply to the carrying of fire companies 559 and their equipment free or at special and reduced rates in case of conflagration ; nor to the transportation of freight or passengers when the same are being used or employed under order of any state officials in imparting instruction upon agriculture. Same, sec. 4532. This section shall not apply to the exchanges by the railroad companies of the state of the mileage books for advertising space in the newspapers of the state at regular published card rates, said advertising to include the publication of their time tables and such other bona fide advertising matter as shall be deemed 2216 proper. Mileages so used must be accounted for in the annual reports to commission and in the annual reports to the stock- holders of the respective roads issuing such mileages as though said mileages were sold for cash; and advertising bought with mileages must be vouchered and included in the advertising ex- pense accounts in said reports as though paid for in cash. Same. The rates of fare charged by street railway companies for the transportation of pupils of public or private schools between a given point from or to which it is necessary for them to ride in traveling to and from the school houses in which they attend school, and their homes, whether such school houses are located in the city or town in which the pupils reside or in another city 2216 or town, shall not exceed one-half the regular fare charged by such street railway company for the transportation of other passengers between said points, and the tickets for the transporta- tion of pupils as aforesaid, good during the days on which said schools are in session, shall be sold by such companies in lots of ten each or any multiple of ten as the purchaser desires. A rail- way company which violates the provisions of this section shall forfeit $25 for each offense. Laws 1910, no. 150, sec. i. See also par. 1946. VIRGINIA Nothing in this chapter shall apply to the car- riage, storage or handling of property free or at reduced rates when such rates have been authorized or prescribed by commis- sion for the United States, state or municipal government or for charitable purposes or to or from fairs and expositions for exhi- bition thereat, or the free carriage of homeless and destitute per- sons and the necessary agents employed in such transportation, or to mileage, exciirsion or commutation passenger tickets, or to persons in charge of live stock being shipped from the point of shipment to the point of destination and return. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit any transportation com- 560 i 8217 pany from giving reduced rates to ministers of religion or to in- digent persons or to inmates of the confederate homes or state homes for disabled soldiers and sailors or to disabled soldiers and sailors, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge, or carrying the same free; nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent transportation companies from giv- ing free carriage to their own officers, employes and members of their families or to any other person or persons to whom the giv- ing of such free carriage is not prohibited by the constitution of this state, or to prevent the principal officers of any transporta- tion company from exchanging passes or tickets with other transportation companies for their officers, employes and mem- bers of their families. Pollard's Code igo4, sec. i2Q4c(ij). See also pars. ig48, 1952. WASHINGTON No common carrier shall directly or indirectly issue or give any free ticket, free pass or free or reduced trans- portation for passengers between points within this state except its employes^ and their families, its officers, agents, surgeons, physicians and attorneys at law; to ministers of religion, traveling secretaries of railroad Yoimg Men's Christian Associations, in- mates of hospitals, charitable and eleemosynary institutions and persons exclusively engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work; to indigent, destitute and homeless persons and to such persons when transported by charitable societies or hospitals, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation, to inmates of the national homes or state homes for disabled volunteer sol- diers, and of soldiers' and sailors' homes, including those about to enter and those returning home after discharge ; to necessary care- takers of live stock, poultry, milk and fruit; to employes of sleep- ing car companies, express companies and to linemen of tele- graph and telephone companies; to railway mail service employes, postoffice, customs and immigration inspectors; to newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses attending any legal investiga- tion in which the common carrier is interested; to persons injured in accidents or wrecks and physicians and nurses attending such 2218 persons; to the national guard of Washington when on official duty, and students going to and retiiming from state institutions of learning; provided, that this provision shall not be construed to 1 Provided, that the term "employes" as used in this section shall include furloughed, pensioned and superannuated employes, persons who have become disabled or infirm in the service of any such common carrier, and the remains of a person killed or dying in the employ- ment of a carrier, those entering or leaving its service and ex-employes traveling for the pur- pose of entering the service of any such common carrier; and the term "families" as used in this section shall include the families of those persons named in this proviso, also the families of persons killed and widows during widowhood and minor children during minority of persons who died while in the service of any such common carrier. Laws 1911, ch. 117, sec. 18. S6i prohibit the interchange of passes for the officers, attorneys, agents and employes and their families of railroad companies, steamboat companies, express companies and sleeping car com- panies with other railroad companies, steamboat companies, express companies and sleeping car companies, nor to prohibit any common carrier from carrying passengers free with the object of providing relief in cases of general epidemic, pestilence or other calamitous visitation; and provided, further, that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the exchange of passes or franks for the officers, attorneys, agents, employes and their families of such telegraph, telephone and cable Hnes and the officers, at- torneys, agents, employes and their families of other telegraph, telephone or cable lines, or with railroad companies, express com- panies or sleeping car companies; and provided, further, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the issuance of mileage, commutation tickets or excursion passenger tickets; and pro- vided, further, that nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the issuance of free or reduced transportation by any street railroad company for mail carriers or policemen or mem- bers of fire departments, city officers and employes when engaged in the performance of their duties as such city employes. Laws iQii, ch. iiy, sec. i8. Common carriers may carry, store or handle free or at re- duced rates property for the United States, state, coimty or municipal governments, or for charitable purposes, or to and from tti9 fairs and exhibitions for exhibition thereat, and may carry, store or handle free or at reduced rates the household goods and per- sonal effects of its employes and those entering or leaving its • service, and those killed or dying while in its service. Same. Nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit the making of a special contract providing for the mutual exchange of service between any railroad company and any telegraph or telephone S210 company where the line of such telegraph or telephone company is situated upon or along the railroad right of way and used by both of such companies. Same. No gas, electrical or water company shall fiimish its product at free or reduced rates except to its employes ^ and their families and its officers, attorneys and agents; to hospitals, charitable and 1 Provided,. that the term "employes" as used in this paragraph shall include furloughed, pensioned and superannuated 6mployes, persons who have become disabled or infirm in the service of any such company; and the term "families" as used in this paragraph shall include the families of those persons named in this proviso, the families of persons killed or dying in tl^e service, also the families of persons killed and the widows during widowhood and the minor children during minority of persons who died while in the service of any of the com- panies named in this paragraph. Laws igiz, ch. 117, sec .29. 562 eleemosynary institutions and persons engaged in charitable and nui eleemosynary work ; to indigent and destitute persons ; to national homes or state homes for disabled volunteer soldiers and soldiers' and sailors' homes; and provided, further, that water companies may ftuTiish free or at reduced rates water for the use of the state or for any product in which the state is interested. Same, sec. 2q. No telephone or telegraph company shall directly or in- directly give any free or reduced service or any free pass or frank for the transmission of messages by either telephone or telegraph between points within this state except to its officers, employes, agents, pensioners, stirgeons, physicians, attorneys at law and their faroilies, and persons and corporations exclusively engaged SS28 in charitable and eleemosynary work and ministers of religion, Young Men's Christian Associations, Young Women's Chris- tian Associations; to indigent and destitute persons and to officers and employes of other telephone companies, telegraph com- panies, railroad companies and street railroad companies. Same, sec. 40. No wharfinger or warehouseman shall furnish dockage, wharfage or storage or free or reduced rates except to its employes ^ and their families and its officers, attorneys and agents; to hos- isj|9 pitals, charitable and eleemos3niary institutions and persons engaged in charitable and eleemosjoiary work; to indigent and destitute persons; to national homes or state homes for disabled volunteer soldiers and soldiers' and sailors' homes. Same, sec. 49. WISCONSIN Nothing in this act shall be construed to pre- vent concentration, commodity, transit or other special contract rates, but all such rates shall be open to all shippers for a like kind of traffic imder similar circimistances and conditions, and 2SS4 shall be subject to the provisions of this act as to the printing and filing of the same; provided, all such rates shall be tmder the su- pervision and regulation of commission. Laws 1905^ ch. 362^ sec. iJ9y-6. Nothing herein shall prevent the carriage, storage or hauling of freight free or at reduced rates for the United States, the state or any mimicipality thereof, or for charitable purposes, or to and 1 Provided that the term "employes" as used in this section shall include furloughed, I)ensioned and superannuated employes, persons who have become disabled or infirm in the service of such wharfinger or warehouseman; and the term "families " as used in this section shall include the families of those persons named in this proviso, also the families of persons killed or dying in the service, also the families of persons killed and the widows during widow- hood and the minor children during minority of persons who died while in the service of any such wharfinger or warehouseman. Laxos 1911, ch. 117, sec. 49. ' • from fairs and expositions for exhibition thereat, or household goods the property of railway employes, or commodities shipped by employes for their own exclusive use or consumption; or the issuance of mileage, commutation or excursion passengers' tickets, provided the same shall be obtainable by any person applying therefor without discrimination, or the party tickets, provided the same shall be obtainable by all persons applying therefor imder like circimistances and conditions; or the sale of such tickets as were usually and customarily sold at reduced rates prior to Jime 15, 1905, provided, the same are sold without discrimination to all persons applying therefor imder like cir- cimistances and conditions. Same, sec. iygy-8{i), as amended by Laws 1905, sp. sess., ch. 13. This act shall not be construed as preventing railroads from giving free transportation or reduced rates therefor to any minis- ter of the gospel, officers or agent of incorporated colleges, in- mates of soldiers' homes, regular agents of charitable societies when traveling upon the business of the society only, destitute and homeless persons, railroad officer, attorney, director, em- 2226 ploye, or members of their families, or to former railroad employes or members of their families where such employes have become disabled in the railway service or are unable from physical dis- qualification to continue in the service, or to members of fam- ilies of deceased railroad employes ; or to prevent the exchange of passes with officers, attorneys or employes of other railroads and members of their families ; provided, that no person holding any public office or position under the laws of this state .shall be given free transportation or reduced rates not open to the public. Same, sec. lygy-Siz), as amended hy Laws 190^, sp. sess., ch. ij. This act shall not be construed as preventing railroad com- panies from giving free transportation or reduced rates therefor to persons actually engaged for more than half of their time each year in the business of selling imimproved land within the state to settlers. No transportation hereimder shall be delivered to or used by any such person imtil commission upon application of such person and after investigation as it may deem necessary, 2227 shall have determined that such applicant is actually engaged in such business within the law and spirit of this provision, and shall have issued to such applicant a certificate to that effect. On or before the tenth day of each month every person holding a cer- tificate hereimder shall report to commission the miles traveled upon the railroads of the state under the provisions hereof diiring 364 I the preceding calendar month. Laws igog, ch. log, sec. lygy-S (5), as amended hy Laws igii, ch. 150. Upon any shipment of Hve stock or other property of such nature as to require the care of an attendant, the railroad may furnish to the shipper or some person or persons designated by him, free transportation for such attendant including return pas- 2228 sage to the point at which the shipment originated; provided there shall be no discrimination in reference thereto between such ship- pers, and commission shall have power to prescribe regulations in relation thereto. Laws igo^, ch. 362, sec. iygj-^(4), as amended by Laws igo^, sp. sess., ch. ij. Except as provided in this section no free transportation for 2229 intrastate traffic shall be given to any person by any railroad. Same, sec. lygySij), as amended by Laws igo^, sp. sess., ch. ij. K. SPECIAL PROHIBITIONS AGAINST OFFER- ING, GRANTING, SOLICITING OR ACCEPT- ING FREE OR REDUCED RATE OR SPECIAL SERVICE APPLICABLE TO PUBLIC OFFI- CIALS OR MEMBERS OF POLITICAL OR- GANIZATIONS, WITH EXCEPTIONS THERETO. ALABAMA No railroad or other transportation company or corporation shall grant free passes or sell tickets or passes at a discount, other than as sold to the public generally, to any mem- ber of the legislature or to any officer exercising judicial functions under the laws of this state ; and any such member or other officer receiving such a pass or ticket for himself, or procuring the same for another, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding $500, and at the discretion of the court trying the case, in addition to such fine, may be imprisoned for a term not exceeding six months, and upon conviction, shall be sub- ject to impeachment and removal from office. The courts having jurisdiction shall give the law specially in charge to the grand jtiries, and when the evidence is sufficient to authorize an indict- 2230 ment the grand jury must present a true bill. The circuit court or any court of like jurisdiction in any county into or through which such member or officer is transported by the use of such prohibited pass or ticket shall have jurisdiction of the case, pro- vided only one prosecution shall be had for the same offense, and 565 provided further that the trial and judgment for one offense shall not bar a prosecution for another offense, when the same pass or ticket is used; and provided further that nothing herein shall prevent a member of the legislature who is a bona fide employe of a railroad or other transportation company or corporation at the time of his election from accepting or procuring for himself or another not a member of the legislature, or officer exercising judi- cial functions, a free pass over the railroad or other transportation company or corporation by which he is employed. Const., sec. 244. ARKANSAS No railroad or transportation company shall grant any free pass in the cars or other modes of conveyance over the line of any such railroad or transportation company for any length of time or for any distance to any officer of the state, sssi legislative, executive or judicial, whereby any such officer may be transported for any length of time or for any distance over the line of any such railroad or transportation company, either free of charge therefor or for a less compensation than that demanded or received from the general public. Kirby's Digest 1904, sec. 6694. CALIFORNIA No railroad or other transportation company shall grant free passes or passes or tickets at a discount to any person holding any office of honor, trust or profit in this state; 2232 and the acceptance of any such pass or ticket by a member of the legislature or any public officer other than railroad commissioners shall work a forfeiture of his office. Const., art. xii, sec. 19. FLORIDA No railroad or other transportation company or common carrier shall grant a free pass or discoimt in the fare paid by the public generally to any member of the legislature, or 32S3 to any salaried officer of this state, and the legislature shall pro- hibit the granting or receiving such free pass or fare at a discount by suitable penalties. Const., art. xvi, sec. 31. Hn^IANA See par. 2105. KENTUCKY No railroad, steamboat or other common car- rier, under heavy penalty to be fixed by the general assembly, shall give a free pass or passes, or shall at reduced rates not com- mon to the public sell tickets for transportation to any state, dis- trict, city, town or county officer, or member of the general assem- bly or judge; and any state, district, city, town or county officer or member of the general assembly, or judge, who shall accept or use a free pass or passes, or shall receive or use tickets or transpor- tation at reduced rates not common to the public, shall forfeit his office. It shall be the duty of the general assembly to enact laws to enforce the provisions of this section. Const., sec. igy, MAINE No person holding any federal, state or county or mimicipal office shall request for himself or another, accept or use, any free transportation upon a steam or other railway, or any ticket or token which entitles him to transportation upon such railway for which he has paid a less price than is demanded of the public generally; and no officer, agent or employe of such railway corporation shall knowingly issue, deliver or offer to any M35 person hereinbefore mentioned, or to or for any other person at the request, soHcitation or proctirement of any federal, state or county or municipal officer, except for cases of charity, free trans- portation or any ticket or token which entitles him to trans- portation at a less rate of fare than is demanded of the public generally. Pub. Laws igoy, ch. 755, sec. i, as amended by Pub. Laws igog, ch. 72, sec. i.^ MASSACHUSETTS Any person who, being governor, lieutenant- governor, member of the coimcil, member or member-elect of the general court, justice of the supreme judicial court, justice of the superior court, judge of probate* justice of a police district or mu- nicipal cotirt, or a coimty commissioner, who requests for himself or another, accepts or uses any free pass upon a railroad, or any ticket which entitles him to transportation upon a railroad for which he has paid a less price than is demanded of the public 2236 generally, and an officer, agent or employe of a railroad corpora- tion who issues, delivers or offers to any person hereinbefore men- tioned, or to or for any other person at the request, solicitation or procurement of any such person, a free pass or any ticket which entitles him to transportation at a less rate of fare than is de- manded of the pubHc generally, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100, nor more than $1,000. Acts igod, ch. 463, pt. it, sec. igo. Street railway companies shall not give free tickets or passes to any state, cotmty or mimicipal official, or to any person in the employ of the commonwealth or of any county, city or town, ex- cept poHcemen, firemen and letter-carriers in uniform; but it may 2237 give them to the director of the company, or to any person who is connected with it in any executive capacity. A company which violates any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit for each ) ^db paragraph 3123. offense not less than $ioo, nor more than $500. Same, pt. in, sec. g8. MINNESOTA See par. 2139. MISSOURI No railroad or other transportation company shall grant or issue free passes or tickets, or passes or tickets at a discount, to members of the general assembly of the state, or members of the state board of equalization, or any state, county or municipal officer. Any railroad or other transportation com- pany violating the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay 2238 for each offense the sum of $200, which may be recovered in the name of the state in any court of competent jurisdiction, and shall be prosecuted by the prosecuting attorney of the county where the offense was committed, or the attorney general, and the amount recovered shall be paid into the county school fimd of said county. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. 4812. NEBRASKA It is declared to be imlawful for any street rail- way company, its officers or agents, in any state or village in this state, to carry any officer, either elected or appointed, of said city or viUage, except the chief and members of the fire department and policemen of said city or village, upon its cars free of charge, or for a smaller charge or price than it charges other patrons for simi- lar service, or to furnish to any such officer a free pass authorizing such person to ride or be carried free on the cars of any such street railway company,. or to furnish to any such officer free of charge any emblem or emblems upon metal or other substance whereby such officer may be carried free upon the cars of such street rail- way company, or to resort to any other means whereby any such 2239 officer may be enabled to ride free of charge, or for a less charge or price, than such company exacts from other customers for simi- lar service upon any such street railway company's cars. A vio- lation of any of the provisions of this section by a street railway company shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $200, nor more than $500 and the officer or agent of such company acting for the company in any such violation shall be punished by im- prisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than 30 days, nor more than six months; provided, that if any conductor in charge. of any street car shall, in obedience to any free pass, or by any other direction of the company or its managing officers, permit any person to ride free upon such car, such conductor shall not be deemed, by reason of such act, to have violated any of the provisions of this section. Comp. Stats, igoy, sec. i8g$. 568 If any officers, except the chief and members of the fire depart- ment and policemen, either elective or appointive, in any city or village in the state, shall accept and use any free pass from a street railway company in the city or village for which he is an officer, whereby such officer is enabled to be carried free of charge upon the cars of such street railway, or shall accept or use any emblem or emblems upon metal or other substance, whereby such officer is enabled to be carried free of charge upon the cars of any such street railway company, or shall resort to any other means whereby he, as such officer, shall be carried free of charge, or for 2240 a less price or charge than such company exacts from others for similar services, upon the cars of any street railway company, he shall for every such offense, upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than $ioo, nor more than $500, and by imprison- ment in the county jail for a period of not less than 30 days nor more than 90 days, and shall moreover forfeit his office at the time held by him; provided, that each time any such officer shall ride free upon any such street railway cars by reason or means of any free pass, emblem or emblems, or by resort to any other means, shall constitute a violation of the provisions of this section by such officer, and shall also be a violation of section 1895 by such street railway company. Same, sec. 1896. It is declared to be unlawful for any telephone company to furnish to any officer of any city or village in the state, whether such officer be elective or appointive, a telephone free of charge or for a price less than that charged other customers for similar service, or for any such officer to accept such telephone or tele- phone service free of charge or at a less price than shall be charged to other customers for similar service. Any violation of this sec- 2241 tion by a telephone company shall be pimishable by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500, and the officer or agent of any such telephone company acting or assisting in such violation shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 30 days nor more than six months, and any violation of this section by any officer of any such city or village shall subject him to a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $500, and by impris- onment in the county jail for a period of not more than 90 days, and he shall, upon conviction, forfeit the office held by him at the time of committing such offense. Same, sec. iSgy. NEVADA It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation engaged in business as a common carrier to give or furnish to any state, district, county or municipal officer of the 569 state, or to any person other than those mentioned in section . eight, any pass, frank, free or reduced rate transportation, or for . any such state, district, county or municipal officer to accept such 2242 frank, pass, free or reduced rate transportation. Any firm, per- son or corporation, or the agent thereof, or any state, district, county or municipal officer, violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than $ioo, nor more than $500, and in addition to such penalty, the office of any such state, district, coimty or municipal officer shall, upon his conviction, ipso facto become vacant. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 25, as amended by Stats, iqoq, ch. 121, sec. g. NEW HAMPSHIRE Any person who being governor, member of the executive council, member or member-elect of the general cotirt, justice of the supreme coiu-t, justice of the superior court, judge of probate, justice of a police or municipal court, county solicitor, coimty sheriff, county commissioners, or a' salaried state officer appointed by the governor and council, or elected by the legislature, whose transportation expenses are made by stat- ute a charge upon the state treasury, and for whose transportation authority is provided by law, who requests for himself or another, accepts or uses, any free pass upon a steam railroad, or any ticket 2243 which entitles him to transportation upon a steam railroad for which he has paid a less price than is demanded of the pubhc generally, and the officer, agent or employe of a steam railroad corporation who knowingly issues, delivers or offers to any per- son hereinbefore mentioned, or to or for any other person at the request, solicitation or prooirement of any such person, a free pass, or any ticket which entitles him to transportation at a less rate of fare than is demanded of the public generally, shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000. Laws iQoy, ch. 79y sec. i. Any person being or serving as a delegate to a political con- vention within the state, who requests, accepts or uses any free pass, or any ticket which entitles him to transportation upon any steam railroad in the state to or from the political convention in which he is to serve as a delegate, for which he has paid a less price than is at the time demanded of the public generally for Hke trans- 2244 portation; and any officer, agent or employe of a steam railroad corporation who issues, delivers or offers to any such person, knowing him to be a delegate, as aforesaid, free pass or any ticket which entitles him to transportation to or from the political con- vention in which he is to serve as a delegate, at a less rate of fare 57P than is at the time demanded of the public generally for like trans- portation, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $ioo nor more than $i,ooo. Samey sec. j. The inhibitions of this act shall not apply to any railroad official or employes or their families, or agents, surgeons, attorneys IMS at law, or witnesses attending any investigation or trial in which they are interested. Same, sec. 4. NEW JERSEY The governor, chancellor, vice chancellor, jus- tice of the supreme court, justice of the court of errors and appeals, secretary of state, state treasurer, state comptroller, clerk in chancery, clerk of the supreme court, adjutant general, 2246 quartermaster general, state librarian, state prison keeper and state superintendent of public schools, while traveling for the purpose of discharging the duties of their offices, and the members and officers of both houses of the legislature of this state, shall pass and repass free of charge on the railroad of any company organized under this act. Laws 1903, ch. 257, sec. 40. No public utility shall give, grant or bestow upon any local, municipal or county official any discrimination, gratuity or free service whatsoever, but nothing herein contained shall prevent M47 the entering into any public conveyance or in or upon the prop- erty of any such public utility by any such official in the pursuit of his public duties in connection with the particular conveyance or property so entered by him upon exhibiting his authority so to do. Laws igiiy ch. ig^, sec. i8{g). NEW YORK No public officer or person elected or appointed to a public office imder the laws of the state shall directly or in- directly ask, demand, accept, receive or consent to receive, for his own use or benefit, or for the use or benefit of another, any free pass, free transportation, franking privilege or discrimination in passenger, telegraph or telephone rates from any person or cor- poration, or make use of the same himself or in conjunction with another. A person who violates any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall forfeit his office ms at the suit of the attorney general. Any corporation, or officer or agent thereof, who shall offer or promise to a public officer or per- son elected or appointed to a public office any such free pass, free transportation, franking privilege or discrimination shall also be deemed giiilty of a misdemeanor and liable to punishment, ex- cept as herein provided. No person or officer or agent of a cor- poration giving any such free transportation, franking privilege 571 or discriinination hereby prohibited shall be prevented from tes- tifying in relation thereto, and he shall not be liable to civil or criminal prosecution therefor if he shall testify to the giving of same. Const., art. xiii, sec. 5. OHIO Upon the granting of franchises to traction companies throughout this state for the use of streets, roads, and highways for the transportation of passengers it must be provided 2249 as one of the considerations for such use of the public highways, that such traction companies shall carry free as passengers on any and all regular cars, policemen and firemen when on duty and in uniform. Code igio, sec. 9114. OREGON No public utility or any agent or officer thereof, or any agent or officer of any municipality constituting a public utility, shall offer or give for any purpose to any political commit- tee, or any member or employe thereof, to any candidate for or incumbent of any office or position under the constitution or laws, or under any ordinance of any municipality of the state, or 2260 to any person at the request or for the advantage of all or any of them, any pass, reduced rate, frank, or any privilege withheld from any person for any transportation, product or service pro- duced, transmitted, delivered, furnished or rendered, or to be transported, produced, transmitted, delivered, furnished or ren- dered by any public utility, or the conveyance of any telephone message or communication, or any free produce or service what- soever. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 279, sec. 62. No political committee and no member or employe thereof, no candidate for and no incumbent of any office or position under the constitution or laws, or under any ordinance of any town or municipality of the state, shall ask for or accept from any pub- lic utility, or any agent or officer thereof, or any agent or officer of any municipality constituting a public utility, or use in any manner or for any purpose any pass, reduced rate, frank or priv- 2261 ilege withheld from any person for any transportation, product or service produced, transmitted, delivered, furnished or rendered, or to be produced, transmitted, delivered, furnished or rendered by any public utility, or the conveyance of any telephone message or commimication. Any violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be punished by imprisonment in the state peniten- tiary for not more than five years nor less than one year, or by fine not exceeding $1,000 nor less than $200, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Same. 572 SOUTH DAKOTA See par. 2193, TEXAS See par. 2205. VIRGINIA No transportation or transmission company shall grant to any member of the general assembly, or to any state, coimty, district or municipal officer, except to members and officers of commission for their personal use while in office, any frank,^ free pass, free transportation or any rebate or reduction in the rates charged by such company to the general public for like services. For violation of the provision of this section the offend- S252 ing company shall be liable to such penalties as may be prescribed by law; and any member of the general assembly, or any such officer who shall while in office accept any gift, privilege or benefit as is prohibited by this section, shall thereby forfeit his office and be subject to such further penalties as may be prescribed by law; but this section shall not prevent a street railway company from transporting free of charge any member of the police force or fire department while in discharge of his official duties, nor prohibit the acceptance by any such policeman or fireman of such free transportation. Const., sec. 161. WASHINGTON No railroad or other transportation company shall grant free passes or sell tickets or passes at a discotmt, other 8253 than as sold to the public generally, to any member of the legis- lature or to any person holding any public office within the state. Const., art. xii, sec. 20. WISCONSIN No public utility or any agent or officer thereof, or any agent or officer of any municipality constituting a public utility shall offer or give for any purpose to any political commit- tee, or any member or employe thereof, to any candidate for or incumbent of any office or position under the constitution or laws, or under any ordinance of any municipality of the state, or to any 2254 person at the request or for the advantage of all or any of them, any frank or any privilege withheld from any person for any prod- uct or service produced, transmitted, delivered, furnished or rendered, or to be produced, transmitted, delivered, furnished or rendered by any public utility, or the conveyance of any telephone message or communication or any free product or service whatso- ever. Laws igoy, ch. 499, sec. iygym-88{i). iThe term "frank" shall be construed to mean any writing or token, issued by, or under authority of, a transmission company, entitling the holder to any service from such company free of charge. The provisions of this article shall always be so restricted in their application as not to conflict with any of the provisions of the Constitution of the United States, and as if the necessary limitations upon their interpretation had been herein expressed in each case. Const., sec. i6i. I 573 No political committee and no member or employe thereof, no candidate for and no incumbent of any office or position under the constitution or laws, or under any ordinance of any town or municipality of the state, shall ask for or accept from any public utility, or agent or officer thereof, or any agent or officer of any mu- nss nicipality constituting a public utility, or use in any manner or for any purpose any frank or privilege withheld from any person for any product or service produced, transmitted, delivered, fur- nished or rendered or to be produced, transmitted, delivered, fur- nished or rendered by any public utility, or the conveyance of any telephone message or communication. Same, sec. i jg'jm -88 (2) . Any violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than s^6 five yiears, nor less than one year, or by fine not exceeding $1,000, nor less than $200. Same, sec. i7gym-88{3). L. PUBLISHING AND FILING OF LISTS OF PER- SONS TO WHOM FREE OR REDUCED RATE OR SPECIAL SERVICE HAS BEEN GRANTED. m^ABAMA Every railroad shall on or before the ist day of September in each year, and oftener if required by commission, file with commission a verified list of all railroad tickets, passes or mileage books issued free or for other than for actual bona fide money consideration at full established rates during the preceding 2267 year ending June 30, together with names of recipients thereof, the amounts received therefor and the reason for issuing the same. This provision shall not apply to the sale of tickets at reduced rates authorized by the law or rates open to the public, nor to tickets, passes or mileage books issued prior to the passage of this act. Acts igoy, no. ^5, sec. 7. See also par. 208'/. ARIZONA Every common carrier shall on the first Mon- day in July of each year, and at such other time as may be re- quired by commission, file with commission a verified list of all tickets, passes, mileage books, franks or reduced rate transporta- 2268 tion issued for other than bona fide consideration at full estab- lished rates during the preceding year, together with names of the recipients thereof, the amoimt received therefor and the reason for issuing the same. This shall not apply to the sale of tickets at reduced rates open to the public. Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. i7{a){4). IOWA Every common carrier of passengers shall on or before the first day of February in each year file with the ex- ecutive council of the state a sworn statement showing the names of all persons within the state to whom during the preceding cal- endar year it issued, furnished or gave a free ticket, free pass, free 2269 transportation or a discriminating reduced rate, except to wage earners of common carriers in their ordinary employment, and families of such wage earners, and disclosing such further informa- tion as will enable the council to determine whether the person to whom it was issued was within the exception of this act. Code 1897 y sec. 2157J. MAINE It shall be the duty of all railway corporations within five days of issuance, to file with the secretary of state the name of every federal, state or coimty or municipal officer, except- 2260 ing police officers and members of fire departments, to whom free or reduced rate transportation is issued by said corporation, the kind of transportation, the time for which it is good and the rea- sons for so doing. Puh. Laws iQoy, ch. ijj, sec. 2, as amended by Pub. Laws 1911, ch. 4J, sec. 2.^ It shall be the duty of the secretary of state to keep in a suit- able book a record of all such free or reduced rate transportation 2261 so issued to any federal, state or county or municipal official which record shall be open at any time during office hours for public examination. Same. Michigan Every common carrier shall on or before the first day of February, 1910, and annually thereafter, and oftener if required by commission, file with commission a verified list of all free tickets, free passes and free transportation issued or given by it during the year ending December 31, preceding, together with the full names and addresses of recipients thereof and the ^62 reason for issuing the same; provided, that this section shall not be deemed to require the filing of the list of such free tickets, free passes and free transportation issued or given by such common carrier to its employes or their families, its officers, agents, sur- geons, physicians or attorneys at law and members of their fam- ilies, or the officers, agents, attorneys and employes of other common carriers and their families, except such list be specially ordered by commission. Pub. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. 2g(b). MISSISSIPPI Free or reduced rate service is allowed to cer- 2263 tain classes of persons on the condition that the railroad shall re- » See par. 2123. I 575 port annually to commission all free passes granted, by whom and for what reason granted. Code igo6, sec. 4844. See also pars. 1828, 2142, 2860. NEBRASKA It shall be the duty of railroad corporations and each of them to cause to be filed not later than the tenth day of each month with commission a monthly statement, giving the names and addresses of all persons to whom free tickets, free 2264 passes or free transportation have been given or furnished by said railroad corporation, specifying the kinds of emplo3rment in which such persons are engaged and designating under which of the ex- ceptions of law such free tickets, free passes or free transportation have been given or furnished said person. Cobbey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 10664. NEVADA Every railroad shall on the first Monday in January of each year, and oftener if required by commission, file with commission a verified list of all railroad tickets, passes and mileage books issued free or for other than actual bona fide money 2266 consideration at full established rates during the preceding year, together with the names of the recipients thereof, the amount re- ceived therefor, and the reason for issuing the same. This pro- vision shall not apply to the sale of tickets at reduced rates open to the public. Stats, igoj, ch. 44, sec. igia), as amended by Stats, igog, ch. 121. NEW HAMPSHIRE Every carrier shall keep a correct list of all passes by it issued, except those issued to its employes and their families, and exchange interstate passes issued under the laws of the United States. Such list shall contain the name of each person to whom a pass is issued and a general description of said pass. A copy of such list for the preceding year, in such form as the attorney general may prescribe, shall be filed with the 2266 attorney general for his use in the month of January in each year and shall be a public record open to public inspection under such regulations as the attorney general may prescribe. Such list, together with the books, records and papers of the carrier so far as relevant shall be open at all times to the inspection of the attorney general, who shall examine the same whenever he deems it necessary to the due enforcement of this act. Laws igog, ch. 126, sec. 5. OHIO On the first Monday in February in each year, and oftener if required by commission, each railroad shall file 576 with commission a verified list of all railroad tickets, passes and mileage books issued free or for other than actual bona fide money- consideration at full established rates during the preceding year, 2267 together with the names of the recipients thereof, the amount re- ceived therefor and the reason for issuing them. This provision shall not apply to the sale of tickets at reduced rates open to the public, or tickets, passes or mileage books issued to persons not residents of the state, or tickets, passes or mileage books issued free pursuant to authority conferred in this chapter. Code igio, sec. 562. OREGON Every railroad shall on the first Monday in February in each year, and oftener if required by commission; file with commission a verified Ust of all railroad tickets, passes and mileage books issued free or for other than actual bona fide money consideration at full established rates during the preceding year, together with the names of the recipients thereof, the amotmts received therefor, mileage thereof, and the reasons for issuing the 2268 same. This provision shall not apply to the sale of tickets at reduced rates open to the public, nor to tickets, passes or nuleage books issued to persons not residents of this state, nor to tickets, passes or mileage books issued prior to the passage of this act, and commission in its discretion may exempt any carrier from fur- nishing a statement of trip passes issued to persons regularly and exclusively in its employ, but such carrier shall preserve a record of all such passes, which shall be open to the inspection of commis- sion, for a period of two years after the issuance thereof. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 55, sec. 45. Commission may in. its discretion require to be filed with it by any public utility a list, verified under oath of the president, 2269 manager, superintendent or secretary of any public utility, of all free or reduced rate privileges granted by such public utility imder the provisions of this section. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. 6j. SOUTH DAKOTA Any person, association, copartnership, com- mon carrier or corporation, issuing or giving any free ticket, pass, frank or privilege permitted to be given by this act, shall on or before the tenth day of July and the tenth day of January of each year, file with commission a statement sworn to by the person or officer, agent, or attorney of the corporation making it, giving 2270 a list of all such free tickets, passes, franks or privileges issued or given under the provisions of this act during the six months pre- ceding the first day of the month in which statement is made, 577 with the date of issue, name of person to whom issued, and kind of free ticket, pass, frank or privilege issued; which statement commission shall include and publish in its annual report. Sess. Laws igoy, ch, 221, sec. 5. See also par. 3076. TEXAS Each and all companies, subject to the provi- sions of this act, their receivers and lessees, shall report annually on such dates as may be fixed by commission the name and resi- dence of each and every person to whom free transportation or right thereto was given to travel, or to have his property or mes- 2271 sage transported or transmitted over its transportation, express, sleeping car or railway or telegraph or telephone line; and any company violating the provision shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and for each offense on conviction shall pay to the state a penalty of $1,000. Laws igoy, ch. 42, sec. 5. WISCONSIN Substantially identical with par. 2268. Laws 2272 1905, ch. 362, sec. iygy-ig{a), as amended by Laws igo'j, ch. ^82. S78 J CHAPTER VII Service SCOPE NOTE This chapter includes provisions prescribing that adequate service and facilities he maintained and pro- vided for patrons and utilities, and such grants of power as authorize commissions to render these requirements elective. Provisions establishing by legislative enact- ment defined service standards or specific facilities, even when enforcement is left to commissions, have been ex- cluded. For provisions incidentally involving questions of service, see ch. iv, on establishment and change of rates. For provisions dealing with through routes for connecting carriers and physical connection between telephone and telegraph companies, see ch. iv, on establishment and change of rates. For provisions defining and prohibit- ing discrimination in service and facilities, see ch. vi, on discrimination in rates and service. For provisions regulating the safety of service and facilities, see ch. viii, on safety of operation. For provisions authorizing com- missions to enter upon the premises of utilities and examine their property and equipment, see ch. ii, on general powers of commissions. For provisions pre- scribing general procedure to be followed in the exercise of commission authority, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For provisions prescribing gen- eral rules of enforcement and judicial review, see ch. xv, on enforcement. For general statement of scope and method, see introduction. 579 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. ANALYSIS PAGE Reasonable and adequate service and facilities required 581 Requirement that utilities serve applicants 586 Payment of price as it affects duty to serve 590 Telephone companies required to serve telegraph companies 592 Telephone and telegraph companies required to serve connecting utilities of the same kind 593 Railroad, express and telegraph companies required to have telephone facilities 595 Joint use of plant, equipment and facilities 597 Rules, regulations, practices, methods and appliances 605 Repairs, construction, reconstruction, additions and other property changes 615 1. Utilities other than railroads and common carriers 615 2. Railroads and other common carriers 621 Character and kind of service and service standards 632 Regulation of meters 638 Free delivery limits of express, telephone and telegraph companies. . . . 647 580 A. REASONABLE AND ADEQUATE SERVICE AND FACILITIES REQUIRED. UNITED STATES It shall be the duty of every common carrier 2273 to provide and furnish transportation upon reasonable request therefor. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. i. All common carriers shall establish, observe, and enforce just and reasonable classifications of property for transportation, with reference to which rates, tariffs, regulations, or practices are or may be made or prescribed, and just and reasonable regula- tions and practices affecting classifications, rates or tariffs, the issuance, form and substance of tickets, receipts, and bills of lad- ing, the manner and method of presenting, marking, packing, and delivering property for transportation, the facilities for transpor- 2274 tation, the carrying of personal, sample, and excess baggage, and all other matters relating to or connected with the receiving, hand- ling, transporting, storing, and delivery of property which may be necessary or proper to secure the safe and prompt receipt, hand- ling, transportation, and delivery of property upon just and rea- sonable terms, and every such unjust and tmreasonable classifica- tion, regulation, and practice with reference to commerce between the states and with foreign coimtries is prohibited and declared to be unlawful. Same. ALABAMA Every transportation company shall furnish 2275 reasonably adequate service and facilities. Code igo^, sec. 5650. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Every public service corporation ^ shall furnish, provide, and maintain such service, instrumentalities, equipment, and facilities as shall promote the safety, health, comfort and 2276 convenience of its patrons, employes and the public, and as shall be in all respects adequate, efficient, just and reasonable. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. ijib); Cat. — Stats, ipii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 13Q)). FLORIDA See par. 243g. GEORGIA See par. 2440. ILLINOIS Every common carrier shall provide and fur- nish transportation as defined at reasonable rates upon an order 2277 made by commission, upon proper application and proper showing ^"Public utility," in California. S8i of the necessity therefor, upon a hearing before said commission. Remsal iQog, ch. 114, sec. igo. KANSAS Every common carrier and public utility gov- erned by the provisions of this act shall be required to furnish reasonable, efficient and sufficient service, joint service and facil- 2278 ities fo the use of any and all products or services rendered, fur- nished, supplied or produced by such public utility or common carrier. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 10. MARYLAND Every corporation, person, or common carrier performing the services designated shall furnish, with respect 2279 thereto, such service and facilities as shall be safe and adequate and in all respects just and reasonable. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. I J. Every gas and every electrical, corporation shall furnish and 2280 provide such service, instnmientalities and facilities as shall be reasonably safe and adequate and in all respects just and reason- able. Same, sec. 31]/^. Every telegraph or telephone company shall provide such 2281 service and facilities as shall be adequate, just and reasonable. Same, sec. 40. Commission shall require every telephone company to fur- 2282 nish its patrons reasonably good and adequate service in all re- spects. Same. MASSACHUSETTS Every street railway company shall furnish reasonable accommodations for the conveyance of passengers, and 2283 for every wilftd neglect to provide such accommodations shall for- feit not less than $5 nor more than $20. Acts igo6, ch. 46 j, pt. Hi, sec. g6. MICHIGAN Every common carrier is required to furnish reasonably adequate service and facilities and shall provide and 2284 furnish transportation of passengers and property upon reason- able requests therefor. Puh. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. 4(a). All persons, firms, associations and corporations doing a 2285 telephone business are required to furnish reasonably adequate service and facilities for the use of their lines by the public. Pub. Acts igii, no. ijS, sec. 5. NEBRASKA Every railroad corporation shall give to all persons and associations reasonable and equal terms for the transportation of any merchandise or other property of every 2286 kind and description, upon any railroad owned or operated by 582 such corporations, and for terminal handling the use of the depot and other buildings and grounds of such corporations. Cobbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. lo^jj. NEVADA Every railroad (and every public utility) is 2287 hereby required to furnish reasonably adequate service and facil- ities. Stats, igoj, ch. 44, sec. j. Stats, igii, ch. 162, sec. 5. NEW HAMPSHIRE The proprietors of every railroad shall fiimish to all persons reasonable and equal terms, facilities, and accom- modations for the transportation of persons and property over 2288 their railroad, and for the use of depots, buildings and grotmds in connection with such transportation, and for the interchange of such traffic at points of connection with other railroads. Pub. Stats., ch. 15Q, sec. i. Every railroad corporation and every public utility shall 2289 furnish such service and facilities as shall be reasonably safe and adequate and in all respects just and reasonable. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. 4. NEW JERSEY Commission may, after hearing, upon notice, by order in writing, require every public utility to furnish safe, 2290 adequate and proper service and to keep and maintain its prop- erty and equipment in such condition as to enable it to do so. Laws iQii, ch. iQ^, sec. lyib). No public utility shall adopt, maintain or enforce any regu- lation, practice or measurement which shall be unjust, unreason- able, unduly preferential, arbitrarily or unjustly discriminatory 2291 or otherwise in violation of law; nor shall any public utility pro- vide or maintain any service that is unsafe, improper or inade- quate or withhold or refuse any service which can reasonably be demanded and furnished when ordered by commission. Same, sec. i8{c). NEW YORK Every corporation, person or common carrier performing a service designated, shall furnish, with respect 2292 thereto, such service and facilities as shall be safe and adequate and in all respects just and reasonable. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 26. Every gas and every electrical corporation shall furnish and 2293 provide such service, instnmientalities and facilities as shall be safe and adequate and in all respects just and reasonable. Same, sec. 65. Every telegraph corporation and every telephone corpora- 583 2294 tion shall furnish and provide with respect to its business such in- strumentalities and facilities as shall be adequate and in all re- spects just and reasonable. Same, sec. gi{i). NORTH CAROLINA See pars. 314, 2456. NORTH DAKOTA All persons, corporations and companies doing a public telegraph business shall maintain sufficient wires and equipment to give prompt service and dispatch. All messages 2295 received in any telegraph office within the state must be de- livered promptly if it is within the power of a telegraph company to locate the party to whom the message is addressed. Laws 190'/, ch. 246, sec. I. Any person, company or corporation or any agent of the same who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be subject to a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 for 2296 each offense, and shall also be liable to the sender or receiver of the message on which violation was made, for all damages resulting from such delay and the criminal procedure is hereby made applicable for collecting fines under this act. Same, sec. 4. OHIO Each railroad shall furnish reasonably ade- 2297 quate service and facilities. Code ipio, sec. 504. Every public utility shall furnish necessary and adequate 2298 service and facilities which shall be reasonable and just. Laws 1911, no. j2^, sec. 14. Every public utility shall furnish and provide with respect 2299 to its business such instrumentalities and facilities as shall be adequate and in all respects just and reasonable. Same, sec. 15. See also pars. 1006, looy, 13^9. OREGON Every railroad is hereby required to furnish 2300 reasonably adequate service, equipment and facilities. Gen. Laws 190J, ch. 5 J, sec. 12. 2301 Every public utility is required to furnish adequate and safe service, equipment and facilities. Gen. Laws 191 1, ch. 2^9, sec. 7. RHODE ISLAND Every railroad corporation shall furnish rea- sonable and proper facilities and accommodations on the line of 2302 its road, within its limits, for the transportation of passengers and merchandise. Gen. Laws 1909, ch. 21 j, sec. 11. 8808 Every public utility is required to furnish safe, reasonable and adequate service and facilities. Acts 1912, ch. 795, sec. 38. 584 SOUTH CAROLINA Every railroad corporation shall furnish rea- sonable accommodations for the convenience and safety of pas- 2304 sengers; and every wilfiil neglect to provide the same shall for- feit not less than $5 nor more than $20, to be recovered in an action against such corporation. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2ij'/. VERMONT Every company shall be required to ftimish 2305 reasonably adequate service, accommodation and facilities to the public. Laws igo8, no. 116, sec. ii. WASHINGTON Every common carrier shall construct, fur- nish, maintain and provide safe, adequate and sufficient service facilities, trackage, sidings, railroad connections, industrial and commercial spurs and equipment to enable it to promptly, ex- 2306 peditiously, safely and properly receive, transport and deliver all persons or property offered to or received by it for transporta- tion, and to promote the safety, health, comfort and convenience of its patrons, employes and the public. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. g. All rules and regulations issued by any common carrier 2307 affecting or pertaining to the transportation of persons or property shall be just and reasonable. Same. Every gas, electrical and water company shall furnish and 2308 supply such service, instrumentalities and facilities as shall be safe, adequate and efficient, and in all respects just and reasonable. Same, sec. 26. All rules and regulations issued by any gas, electrical or 2309 water company affecting or pertaining to the sale or distribution of its products, shall be just and reasonable. Same. Every gas, electrical and water company shall construct and 2310 maintain such facilities in connection with the manufacture and distribution of its product as will be efficient and safe to its em- ployes and the public. Same. The service to be rendered any person, firm or corporation by any telephone or telegraph company shall be rendered and performed in a prompt, expeditious and efficient manner and the 2311 facilities, instnunentalities and equipment furnished by it shall be safe, kept in good condition and repair, and its appliances, in- strumentalities and service shall be modem, adequate, sufficient and efficient. Same, sec. jj. Every telephone and telegraph company shall provide and 2312 maintain suitable and adequate buildings and facilities therein, or connected therewith, for the accommodation, comfort, and convenience of its patrons and employes. Same. S8S Every wharfinger or warehouseman shall furnish and supply such wharves, docks, buildings, service, instrumentalities and facilities as shall be safe, adequate and efficient and in all re- spects just and reasonable. All rules and regulations issued by 2313 any wharfinger or warehouseman affecting or pertaining to the dockage, storage, handling and care of property shall be just and reasonable. Every wharfinger and warehouseman shall construct and maintain such facilities in connection with his warehouse, wharf, dock and structure as will be efficient and safe to its em- ployes and the public. Same, sec. 46. WISCONSIN Identical with par. 2287. Laws 1905, ch. 362, 2314 sec. 1797-3. Laws 1907, ch. 499, sec. 1797111-3. B. REQUIREMENT THAT UTILITIES SERVE APPLICANTS. UNITED STATES See par. 2273. CONNECTICUT If any water, gas, electric, or telephone com- pany ^ shall unreasonably fail or refuse to fiunish adequate service at reasonable rates to any person within the territorial limits within which such company has, by its charter, authority to fur- nish such service, such person may bring his written petition to commission alleging such failure or refusal. Thereupon commis- sion shall fix a time^and place for a hearing upon such petition, and shall mail notice thereof to the parties in interest at least one week prior to such hearing. Upon said hearing commission may, 2316 if it finds that such company has unreasonably failed or refused to furnish such person with adequate service at reasonable rates, prescribe the service to be furnished by such company to such person and the conditions imder which, and maximum rates or charges at which, such service shall be furnished. Such company shall thereafter furnish such service to such person in accordance with the conditions so prescribed and shall not thereafter demand or collect any rate or charge for such service in excess of the maxi- mum rate or charge so prescribed. Puh. Acts 191 1, ch. 128, sec. 24. See also par. 2338. LOUISIANA Commission may reqtiire and compel telegraph and telephone companies and corporations and all persons en- 1 Section 24 of chapter 128 of Public Acts igii, requiring a telephone company to furnish adequate service at reasonable rates, shall be so construed as to include telephone exchange areas. Pub. Acts 1911, ch. 266, sec. i. 586 gaged in doing a telegraph or telephone business to establish tele- graph offices or public telephone stations along existing lines, wherever the same may be reasonably necessary and convenient, 2316 for the purpose of receiving and delivering messages and conver- sation to be transmitted by telegraph or telephone and may re- quire and compel telegraph and telephone companies and corpor- ations, and persons engaged in such business, to deliver promptly all messages to be sent or transmitted by them. Stats. igo8, no. igg, sec. 2. MASSACHUSETTS Upon the petition in writing of any person who has a residence or place of business in a city or town in which a corporation or company is engaged in the manufacture or sale of gas or electricity for light, heat or power and who is aggrieved by the refusal or neglect of such corporation or company to supply him w^ith gas or electricity, commission may, after notice to the corporation or company to appear at a time and place therein 2317 named to show cause why the prayer of such petition should not be granted, issue an order directing and requiring the corporation or company engaged in the manufacture and sale of gas to supply the petitioner with gas for any of said purposes, or the corpora- tion or company engaged in the manufacture and sale of electric- ity to supply the petitioner with electricity for any of said pur- poses, upon such terms and conditions as are legal and reasonable. R&o. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. jj.^ A person or corporation owning, controlling or operating a telephone exchange or service in this commonwealth shall, upon application of an individual or corporation and the tender of the charges or rental usual or customary for the class of service re-, quired, without discrimination for the same class of service ren- dered, fvmiish such individual or corporation with the use o:' a tele- 2318 phone and telephone service and connection with their respective exchanges and the subscribers thereto, if the applicant sectues the rights necessary to make the connections applied for and pays to the telephone company in advance an amoimt siifficient to cover the actual cost of the extension, if said extension is more than one mile from any main exchange circuit of the said telephone com- pany. Acts igo6, ch. 4jj, sec. ij. See also par. 233g. MISSISSIPPI A telegraph or telephone company shall deliver all messages addressed to a person residing or having a place of busi- ^See footnote i, par. 276. S87 ness in any city, town, or village where it may have an office, or within one mile of its office; and if any telegraph or telephone company shall receive any message or matter for transmission, 2319 and shall fail, neglect or refuse, without good and sufficient eason, to transmit correctly or deliver the same within a rea- sonable time to the person addressed, such person or the person injured, shall be entitled to recover of the company in default the sum of $25 in addition to the damages for any injury. Laws igo8, ch. ^6, sec. i. A telegraph or telephone company shall transmit all writ- ten messages between points where it may have offices within the state, and if the telegraph or telephone company shall receive any message or matter at one of its offices in this state for transmission to a person addressed at a point where it has an office in the state, and shall fail, neglect or refuse, 2320 without good and sufficient reason, to transmit the same in a reasonable time to the office at the place of the person addressed, such person or the person injured shall be entitled to recover of the company in default the sum of $15 in addition to damages for any injury. But this section shall not apply to offices of telephone and telegraph companies in towns of less than 1,000 inhabitants where the telephone or telegraph companies do not employ and control the operator. Laws igo8, ch. y8, sec. i. // NEBRASKA. All telegraph companies and associations operating telegraph lines in this state shall transmit and for- ward all dispatches directed to newspapers, or private indi- 2321 viduals, or public officers with impartiality, in the order in which they are received, and use due diligence in their delivery with- out discrimination as to any person or party to whorri they may be directed. Cobbey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. iigS4- Every officer or employe of any telegraph company or asso- ciation engaged in the transmission of dispatches who shall wil- fully delay the transmission or delivery of any dispatch, or divulge the contents of any dispatch entrusted to his or her 2322 care, to any person except the party entitled to receive the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100 for each offense, or imprisonment of not less than 30 days nor more than three months in the county jail, at the discretion of the court. Same, sec. iigss. If any telegraph company, association or organization engaged in the transmission of telegraph dispatches from any 588 » place in this state, or the person having the control and man- agement thereof, refuse to receive dispatches from any person, • corporation, or any other telegraph company, or to transmit 2323 the same with fidelity and without unreasonable delay, it shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined for each and every offense in the sum of not less than S50 nor more than $100, and in addition be liable for damages to the person or corporation sustaining a loss by reason of such refusal or failure to so transmit. Same, sec. iigdo. NEW YORK See par. 2341. NORTH DAKOTA All messages left at the office of any telegraph office or the office of any railroad station where public service is maintained must be transmitted promptly, providing said mes- 2324 sage is prepaid by the sender. In no case must a message remain at the telegraph office or station unsent more than 30 minutes, except in case of accident to the lines, such as broken wire or dur- ing severe storms. Laws iQoy, ch. 246, sec. 2. OREGON If any agent, operator, or employe, in any tele- graph office, shall imreasonably and wilfully refuse or neglect to send any message received at such office for transmission, or shall imreasonably or wilfully postpone the same out of its order, or shall unreasonably and wilfully refuse or neglect to deliver any message received by telegraph, the person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be punished by a fine not to exceed $500, or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court; 2325 provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to require any message to be received, transmitted, or delivered, un- less the charges thereon shall have been paid or tendered, nor to require the sending, receiving, or delivery of any message cotmsel- ing, aiding, abetting, or encouraging treason against the govern- ment of the United States or of this state, or other resistance to the lawful authority, or any message calculated to further any fraudulent plan or purpose, or to instigate or encourage the per- petration of any unlawfiil act, or to facilitate the escape of any criminal or person accused of crime.. Gen. Laws 1862, p. gig, sec. II. VERMONT A person or corporation owning, controlling or operating a telephone exchange or service, on application of a person or corporation and tender of the charges or rental stmi, usual or customary for the class of service required, without 589 discrimination for the same class of service rendered, shall fur- nish the person or corporation so applying with the use of a tele- 2326 phone and telephonic service and connection with their respec- tive changes and subscribers thereto; provided, that such person or corporation secure the rights necessary to make the connections applied for and pays the telephone company in advance a suffi- cient sum to cover the actual cost of the extension, if such exten- sion is beyond one mile from a main exchange circuit of such tele- phone company. Puh. Stats. igo6, sec. 48^2. VIRGINIA See par. 2343. WASHINGTON Every gas, electrical or water company en- gaged in the sale and distribution of gas, electricity or water, shall, upon reasonable notice, furnish to all persons and corporations 2327 who may apply therefor and be reasonably entitled thereto, suit- able facilities for furnishing and furnish all available gas, elec- tricity and water as demanded. Laws 1911, ch. iiy, sec. 33. Every telephone company shall, upon reasonable notice, furnish to all persons and corporations who may apply therefor 2328 and be reasonably entitled thereto suitable and proper facilities and connections for telephonic commimication and furnish tele- phone service as demanded. Same, sec. 35. Statutes in a number of states declare the duty of jpublic utilities of various kinds to serve persons who apply for service of the kind which is professed. Railroads and other common carriers: MICHIGAN — Comp. Laws 1897, sec. 6235; MISSOURI— Rev. Siats. 1909, sec. 3107; WASHINGTON— Laws 1911, ch. 117, sec. 10. Terminal Companies: NEW YORK — Laws 1911, ch. 778, sec. 135. 2329 Wharfingers and Warehousemen: WASHINGTON— Laws 1911, ch. J17, sec. 32. Express Companies: ILINOIS — Revisal 1909, ch. 114, sec. 373; IOWA — Code i897> sec. 2165(f); MISSOURI— Rev. Stats. 1909. sec. 3288c; SOUTH DAKOTA— Sess. Laws 1909, ch. 159, sees. 2, 7. Pipe Line Companies: KANSAS— Gen. Slats. 1909, sees. 3062. 3965; NEW YORK— Laws 1909, ch. 219, sec. 30; OKLAHOMA — Const., art. 9, sec. 4. C. PAYMENT OF PRICE AS IT AFFECTS DUTY TO SERVE. ARIZONA See par. 2382. CALIFORNIA See par. 2385. CONNECTICUT See par. 2338. ILLINOIS The payment of charges of express companiiss or carriers by express may be demanded and received in advance 2330 of such forwarding or transportation, not in excess of the rates of charges shown in the tariffs or schedules and classification pro- vided for in this act. Revisal 1909, ch. 114, sec. 373. 590 MASSACHUSETTS A gas or electric light company may stop gas or electricity from entering the premises of any person who re- fuses to pay the amount due therefor or for the use of the meter or any other article hired by him from such company; and, for such purpose, the officers, servants or workmen thereof may, 2331 after 24 hoiu^' notice, enter his premises between the hours of eight in the forenoon and four in the afternoon and separate and take away such meter or other property of the company, and may disconnect any meter, pipe, wires, fittings or other works, whether they are the property of the company or not, from the mains, pipes or wires of the company. Rev. Laws 1Q02, ch. 58, sec. 16. A gas or electric light company shall not refuse to supply gas or electricity for any building or premises to a person applying 2332 therefor who is not in arrears to it for any gas or electricity pre- viously supplied to him because a bill for gas or electricity re- mains unpaid by a previous occupant of such building or premises. Same, sec. ly. A corporation which, being engaged in selling or distributing water, refuses or neglects to furnish or supply water to or for any building or premises for the reason that a water bill remains impaid by a previous owner or occupant of said building or 2333 premises shall, unless the person applying for water is in arrears to such corporation for water previously fiunished to or for said building or premises, or to or for any other building or premises, be punished by a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $20. Ads i8g8, ch. 168, sec. 10. See also pars. 2318, 2jjq. NEW YORK Upon the application, in writing, of the owner or occupant of any building or premises within 100 feet of any main laid down by any gas light corporation, or the wires of any electric light corporation, and payment by him of all money due from him to the corporation, the corporation shall supply gas or electric light as may be required for lighting such building or premises, notwithstanding there be rent or compensation in ar- rears for gas or electric light supplied, or for meter, wire, pipe or fittings, furnished to a former occupant thereof, imless such owner or occupant shall have imdertaken or agreed with the former occupant to pay or to exonerate him from the payment of such arrears, and shall refuse or neglect to pay the same ; and if for the space of ten days after such application, and the deposit 2334 of a reasonable simi as provided in the next section, if required, 591 the corporation shall refuse or neglect to supply gas or electric light as required, such corporation shall forfeit and pay to the applicant the sum of $io and the fiirther sum of $5 for every day thereafter during which such refusal or neglect shall continue ; provided, that no such corporation shall be required to lay service pipes or wires for the purpose of supplying gas or electric light to any applicant where the grotmd in which such pipe or wire is required to be laid shall be frozen, or shall other- wise present serious obstacles to laying the same; nor unless the applicant, if required, shall deposit in advance with the corpora- tion a sum of money siifficient to pay the cost of his portion of the pipe or wire required to be laid, and the expense of laying such portion. Laws igog, ch. 21Q, sec. 62. Every gas light and electric light corporation may require every person to whom such corporation shall supply gas or elec- tric light for lighting any building, room or premises, to deposit with such corporation a reasonable sum of money according to the ntimber and size of lights used or required, or proposed to be used, for two calendar months, by such person, and the quan- 2335 tity of gas and electric light necessary to supply the same, as se- curity for the payment of the gas and electric light rent or com- pensation for gas consumed, or rent of pipe or wire and fixtures, to become due to the corporation, but every corporation shall allow and pay to every such depositor legal interest on the sum deposited for the time his deposit shall remain with the corpora- tion. Same, sec. 63. See also par. 2341. NORTH DAKOTA See par. 2324. OREGON See par. 2325. VERMONT See par. 2326. VIRGINIA See par. 2343. D. TELEPHONE COMPANIES REQUIRED TO SERVE TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. CONNECTICUT, MASSACHUSETTS Every person or corporation owning, control- ling or operating a telephone exchange or service, shall, on appli- cation of any telegraph company, furnish such company with the 2336 use of a telephone or telephones, and telephone service, and con- nection with their respective exchanges and the subscribers 592 thereto, without discrimination between telegraph companies as to such connections, service, or use of instnmients furnished, or charges therefor, for the same class of service. Conn. — Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 3915; Mass. — Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 122, sec. 12. E. TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANIES REQUIRED TO SERVE CONNECTING UTILI- TIES OF THE SAME KIND.^ ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Every telephone and every telegraph corpora- tion operating in this state, shall receive, transmit and deliver, without delay or discrimination, the conversations and messages 2337 of every other telephone or telegraph corporation with whose line a physical connection may have been made. Ariz. — Sess. Laws 1Q12, ch. gOy sec. 22(b); Cat. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 22(b). CONNECTICUT Telegraph or telephone companies shall re- ceive dispatches for any person, and for other telegraph or tele- phone lines, and shall transmit them in the order in which they are received, on payment of their usual charges, under the penalty 2338 of $100 for every neglect so to do, to be recovered with costs by the party aggrieved; but arrangements may be made with pub- lishers of newspapers for the transmission of news out of its gen- eral order; and all communications for officers of justice shall take precedence of all other dispatches. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 3gi2. MASSACHUSETTS A telegraph company shall receive despatches from and for other telegraph companies and associations, and from and for any person; and, upon payment of the usual charges 2339 for transmitting dispatches according to the regulations of the company, shall transmit them faithfully and impartially. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 122, sec. g. See also par. 1754. NEBRASKA See par. 2323. NEW MEXICO All telephone and telegraph lines operated for 2340 hire shall receive and transmit each other's messages without delay or discrimination. Const., art. xi., sec. 16. iSee also pars. 1185-1204. 593 NEW YORK Every telegraph or telephone corporation shall receive dispatches from and for other telegraph or telephone lines or corporations, and from and for any individual, and on pay- ment of the usual charges by individuals for transmitting dis- patches as established by the rules and regulations of such cor- poration, transmit the same with impartiality and good faith and 2341 in the order in which they are received, and if it neglects or re- fuses so to do, it shall pay $ioo for every such refusal or neglect to the person or persons sending or desiring to send any such dis- patch and entitled to have the same so transmitted, but arrange- ments may be made with the proprietors or publishers of news- papers for the transmission for publication of intelligence of general and public interest out of its regular order. Laws igog, ch. 2IQ, sec. loj. OKLAHOMA All telephone and telegraph lines, operated for hire shall each, respectively, receive and transmit each other's 2342 messages without delay or discrimination. Const., art ix., sec. 5. VIRGINIA It shall be the duty of every telephone com- pany doing the business of transmitting and receiving messages for compensation in this state to receive dispatches and mes- sages from and for other telephone or telegraph companies or lines doing the business of receiving and transmitting messages for compensation, and from and for any person; and upon the payment of the established charges therefor, if demanded, to transmit the same faithfully and impartially, and as promptly as practicable, and in the order of delivery to the said company. For every failure to transmit a dispatch or message faithfully and impartially, and for every failure to transmit a dispatch or 2343 message as promptly as practicable, or in the order of its de- livery to the company, the company shall forfeit the sum of $100 to the person sending or wishing to send such dispatch or message; provided, however, not more than one recovery shall be had on one dispatch or message, and the recovery by one party entitled thereto shall be a bar to the recovery x>f the other . party. But nothing herein shall prevent any such company from giving preference to dispatches or messages on official busi- ness from or to officers of the United States or the state of Vir- ginia, or from making arrangements with proprietors or pub- lishers of newspapers for the transmission to them for publica- tion of intelligence of general and public interest out of its regular order. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. I2g4h. 594 ^ WASHINGTON Every telephone or telegraph company oper- ating in this state shall receive, transmit and deliver, without dis- 2344 crimination or delay, the messages of any other telephone or tele- graph company. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 45. F. RAILROAD, EXPRESS AND TELEGRAPH COMPANIES REQUIRED TO HAVE TELE- PHONE FACILITIES. KANSAS Every railway company, express company and telegraph company shall furnish reasonably adequate telephone 2345 connections between its offices, buildings and grounds, and the public telephone exchanges operated in the towns where the same are located. Laws igii, ch. ij6, sec. i. Commission may require and compel the furnishing of such service. Upon complaint to commission that any telephonic serv- ice with any railroad, telegraph or express company's, buildings, offices or grounds is inadequate or in any respect unreasonably or unjustly discriminatory or that such service cannot be had, com- 2346 mission shall investigate the same, and if upon investigation com- mission shall find that any telephonic service is inadequate or unreasonably or unjustly discriminatory or that such service cannot be had, it shall determine and by order fix a reasonable regulation, practice or service to be installed, imposed, observed and operated in the future. Same, sec. 2. Any common carrier which shall fail to comply with the order of commission in respect thereto shall be deemed guilty of a mis- 2347 demeanor and upon conviction in any court having jiirisdiction thereof shall be fined for each offense a stim not less than $100 nor more than $500 within the discretion of the court. Same, sec. j. NEBRASKA Provisions identical with pars. 2345, 2346. 2348 Cobbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sees. 10665 ^ 5> io66j x 6. Any common carrier which shall fail to comply with the order of commission in respect thereto shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction in any court having jurisdiction 2349 thereof, shall be fined for each offense a sirni not less than $100 nor more than $500 or be imprisoned in the coimty jail not less than ten days nor more than 30 days or both within the discretion of the court. Same, sec. 10665 ^ 7- NORTH DAKOTA Every railroad corporation or common carrier shall provide, furnish and maintain in all of their freight and ticket 595 2350 offices in all towns, cities and villages in this state, where there is a local telephone exchange and where such service is available, reasonable and adequate telephone connections for the use and benefit of its patrons. Laws igii, ch. 252, sec. i. Any railroad corporation or common carrier violating the provisions of this act shall be fined not less than $100 nor more 2351 than $200 for each offense, and it shall be the duty of the state's attorney upon orders from commission or upon complaint of any citizen, to commence and prosecute all actions necessary for the enforcement of this act. Same, sec. 2. VERMONT Every railroad corporation shall grant to every person, firm, joint stock company or corporation operating a pub- lic telephone line in the state and having at least 500 telephone connections, equal and reasonable terms, arrangements and facili- ties for the installation of telephone instruments on the lines, or connected with the telephone system of such person, firm, joint 2352 stock company or corporation, in all depots, station houses or offices of such railroad corporation in the state. A railroad cor- poration that violates the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than $1,000 and shall be further liable in an action on this statute for damages to the party injured thereby; but the provisions of this section shall not apply to street railways. Puh. Stats. 1Q06, sec. 448 g. VIRGINIA Every railroad company having a ticket office or freight office in any city or town where there are, at the time, one or more public telephone exchanges, or at any place where 2363 telephone connection may be had, on reasonably moderate terms, with one or more telephone exchanges not more than 25 miles dis- tant from such place, shall constantly maintain in each of such offices, direct telephone connection with each of such exchanges. Laws igo6, ch. 2g8, sec. i. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to require such railroad company to build a telephone line, it being intended to require such company to put telephones in its offices where it can 2354 obtain them as they may be obtained for other business offices in the same vicinity; such railroad company shall cause to be promptly answered all calls made over such telephone connection during business hours. Same. Through such telephone connection, such railroad company shall cause prompt and correct replies to be made to all reason- 2355 able and proper inquiries received over such connection during 596 I business hoiirs, concerning the passenger or freight service of such road. Same. WISCONSIN Every railroad company shall furnish reason- 2356 ably adequate telephonic connection with its offices, buildings and grounds. Laws igoy, ch. 614, sec. lygyg-i. Upon complaint to commission that any telephonic service with any railroad is inadequate or in any respect unreasonably or unjustly discriminatory or that such service cannot be had com- mission shall investigate the same and if upon investigation com- 2367 mission shall find that any telephonic service is inadequate or unreasonably or unjustly discriminatory or that such service cannot be had it shall determine and by order fix a reasonable regulation, practice or service to be installed, imposed, observed and followed in the future. Same, sec. iygyg-2. All orders made by commission under the provisions of this 2358 act shall have the same force and effect and an action may be commenced to vacate and set aside the same, as provided in chapter 362, laws of 1905. Same, sec. 17 97 g- 3. G. JOINT USE OF PLANT, EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Whenever commission, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint of a public service corporation^ affected, shall find that public convenience and necessity require the use by one public service corporation^ of the conduits, sub- ways, tracks, wires, poles, pipes or other equipment, or any part thereof, on, over, or under any street or highway, and belong- ing to another public service corporation, ^ and that such use will not resiilt in irreparable injury to the owner or other users of such condmts, subways, tracks, wires, poles, pipes or other equipment or in any substantial detriment to the service, and that such pub- 2359 lie service corporations^ have failed to agree upon such use or the terms and conditions or compensation for the same, commission may by order direct that such use be permitted, and prescribe a reasonable compensation and reasonable terms and conditions for the joint use. If such use be directed, the public service corpora- tion^ to whom the use is permitted shall be liable to the owner or other users of such conduits, subways, tracks, wires, poles, pipes, or other eqtiipment for such damage as may result therefrom to 1 "Public utility," in California. 597 the property of such owner or other users thereof. Ariz. — Sess. Laws, igi2, ch. go, sec. 41; Col. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 41. CONNECTICUT ^ When two or more street railway companies are operating in the same city or town, upon appHcation of any one of such companies the superior court or any judge thereof may, in its or his discretion, whenever pubHc convenience and necessity require, authorise such company to run its cars over the tracks of any other of such companies for a distance not exceeding one-half mile; and in case the only approach to any city or town upon a particular side is by means of a bridge or causeway, or both, for a greater distance than one-half mile, such court or judge may authorize any suburban railway company whose railway 2360 approaches such city or town upon such side, to use the tracks of any other company crossing each bridge or causeway, or both, from the place where such railways meet to some central point in such city or town, upon such terms as to manner of use, and upon the payment of such compensation, as such court or judge may deem just ; and such a court or judge may change or revoke such authorization upon the application of either company. No such company shall be allowed to use the tracks of another com- pany unless the length of track actually owned and operated by the first company exceeds the length of track to be so used. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 38^3. IOWA All persons, firms or corporations now or here- after owning or operating electric street railways in any city (in- cluding cities organized under special charter) or town, are hereby authorized and required to permit the use for interurban business only but not for local street railway business, of such of their terminals, tracks, poles and wires as are located in the streets, alleys and public places of said cities and towns, and such portions of their tracks, poles and wires as may cross property owned by said street railway companies in such cities and towns, by the passenger and combination baggage cars of interurban railway companies, for the transportation of passengers, mail, express and baggage; and said street railways shall fiimish to said 1 Commission shall have power, after notice to the corporations interested and public hearing, to require any public service corporation or corporations maintaining a line or lines of poles and wires in this state to change the location of such poles and wires in the public highways whenever public convenience or necessity requires such change and, in case two or more corporations are using or maintaining lines of poles or wires in the same street, to require the wires of such corporations to be strung upon one or more lines of poles to be owned and maintained by the corporations using the same as said commission shall determine. Pub. Ads iQii, ch. 230, sec. i. Any corporation failing to comply with any such order shall be liable to the penalties provided in sec. 35 of chapter 128 of the public acts of 191 1. Same. interurban railways, electric power for the operation of their cars and the transaction of their said business in said cities and towns, as to said tracks so furnished; but said street railways shall not be required to furnish electric power except during such hoiirs as their street railway cars may be in operation; nor shall ■ 1361 they be required to flu'nish such power where they have not power houses and machinery sufficient therefor; and they shall have the preference in the use of their own tracks and power so that their own cars shall not be delayed in transit; nor shall they be re- quired to furnish car houses or car bams or access thereto. Said interurban railways shall pay a reasonable compensation for the privileges and power that may be furnished them as above men- tioned under this act. If an agreement for the use of the facili- ties so furnished and the compensation for the same cannot be made between the interested parties, the question as to the amount of such compensation and the conditions under which said facilities shall be furnished, used and operated, shall be heard and determined by the commission on petition to the said com- mission by either party to the controversy, ten days' notice in writing of such petition being served upon the opposite party; and any order entered by said commission, or court upon appeal, shall be subject to modification or review from time to time, upon notice being given as herein provided. Code i8q^, sec. 2110c. Each party to the proceeding shall have the right to appeal to the district court of the county where the street railway in question is located from any order made by commission under this act, which appeal shall be taken 20 days from the date of the order appealed from, and shall be perfected by serving a notice of appeal upon the other parties to such proceeding and filing the same with the secretary of commission, and by filing within 20 days from the date of such order, a petition in the said district coiu-t, stating the facts and asking the court to determine the matter in controversy. Commission, shall, when such notice of appeal is filed with the secretary, forthwith certify to said district court a transcript of the papers and proceedings before commission, and its order thereon. The court, or a judge thereof, if the petition is filed in vacation, shall thereupon appoint a • commissioner to examine into the necessity of such proceeding, and report the facts and his recommendation in such time as the court or judge may direct, and as soon as possible thereafter the court or judge shall appoint a time and place for the hearing 2362 of such petition. The proceeding shall be in equity and subject 599 to all the rules of equity practice, except that the court shall require the issues to be made up at the first term after petition is filed and give the proceedings precedence over other civil business and try the same thereat if possible. The action shall be triable de nova upon said appeal, except that the question for compensation for the tracks, tolls, wires, terminals and power to be furnished shall first be tried to a jury in the same manner and with the same effect as jury trials in ordinary proceedings, and the jury shall assess, separately, compensation for power to be furnished, on such bases as the court shall direct. No such appeal shall suspend the order appealed from if the interurban railway company on whose behalf said order is made shall file such bonds for the payment of damages in courts as the district court to which such appeal is taken, or a judge thereof, may order and require. In all cases payment of the compensation awarded shall be made or secured to be made as commission or court may order and require before the interurban company desiring the use of the same shall be entitled thereto. Same^ sec. 2iiod, KANSAS See par. 2278. MAINE Whenever any railroad passenger station shall be erected or maintained in any city or town in this state, any railroad corporation having or using a track or passenger station within such city or town shall have the right to run its passenger trains to and from such station, over any railroad track or tracks leading thereto as herein provided, and to use the same for the purpose of delivering and receiving through passengers, under such reasonable terms and regulations, and over such tracks as 2363 may be agreed upon by the owner of such station, the railroad whose tracks are used in running to and from the same, and the railroad corporation so desiring its use for said purpose, and in case of disagreement, upon petition, notice and hearing thereon, the railroad commissioners shall fix and determine such terms, tracks and regulations. No corporation which shall deny, in any proceedings, the authority of commission to proceed and make the determination as herein provided, or which shall refuse to abide by its decision rendered therein, shall avail itself of the provisions of this section. Rev. Stats. iQoj, ch. 51, sec. 60. No corporation or person shall be permitted to construct or maintain any railroad for similar purposes over the street, roads or ways that may be lawfiilly occupied by a street railroad in 600 I any city or town, but any person or corporation lawfully operating 2364 any street railroad to any point to which the tracks of any other street railroad extend, may enter upon, connect with and use the same, on such terms and in such manner as may be agreed upon between the parties, or if they shall not agree, to be determined by commission upon application, notice and hearing therefor. Rev. Stats. 1903, ch. 55, sec. 21. MASSACHUSETTS If one railroad corporation occupies or uses, or has a right to occupy, enter upon and use, a station, railroad or grounds of an other, or any portion thereof, railroad commission upon petition of either party, and after notice to the other and a hearing shall determine the compensation to be paid for such occupancy and use. Its award shall be binding upon the parties 2365 thereto for five years and thereafter until it is revised or altered by said commission and upon the request in writing of a party affected thereby, filed within 30 days after the rendering thereof, the award shall be filed in the supreme judicial court which shall have jurisdiction to revise the same as if the award had been made by a commission appointed by said court. Acts 1906, ch. 463, pt. it, sec. 140. If a railroad constructed after April 8, 1872, meets another railroad which passes through the same city or town, the cor- poration by which either of said railroads is owned may, with the written consent of railroad commission and upon such terms as said commission upon hearing prescribes, enter its railroad upon, imite the same with and use the railroad of the other; and if a railroad corporation whose railroad was con- 2366 structed prior to said day is specially authorized to enter its railroad upon, unite the same with and use the railroad of an- other corporation, each of such corporations may enter upon, unite its railroad with and use the railroad of the other; but no locomotive engine or other motive power which is not owned and controlled by the corporation owning or lawfully operating the railroad shall be allowed to nm upon a railroad except with the consent of such corporation. Same, sec. 205. A street railway company^ may permit another street railway company to operate cars over its tracks to such extent and under 2367 such rules and regulations as railroad commission shall determine to be consistent with public safety. Acts igod, ch. 463, pt. in, sec. 36. 1 In the two preceding sections the word " company " or " companies " shall include every person, partnership, association, corporation and municipality engaged in the sale of incandescent electric Ught or electricity for incandescent lighting. Rev. Laws 1902, ch. 121, sec. 38. 601 Railroad commission may, upon the petition of a street rail- way company or of any interested party, after notice and a public hearing, determine the reasonable conditions which shall govern the interchange of traffic and cars between street railway com- panies, and may, wherever it is reasonable and consistent with the public interest, order a street railway company to receive and convey over its tracks the cars of another such company at such times and over such routes and upon such terms, including reasonable compensation, as commission may prescribe: pro- vided, however, that a street railway company shall have con- 2368 trol of and responsibility for the management and operation of all cars while upon its railway as fully as if it owned them. Said commission may also recommend such joint rates, fares and charges, as are consistent with the provisions of any special charter of any street railway company, specifying at the same time and in every instance the part of the joint rate, fare or charge to which each street railway company affected thereby shall be entitled, and may make such other recommendations as seem ap- propriate to the circtimstances of each particular case. The su- preme judicial court or the superior court shall have jurisdiction in equity to enforce any orders made by said commission under the provisions of this act. Acts igii, ch. 487, sec. i. MICHIGAN Hereafter it shall be unlawfiil without the specific permission of commission for any two or more express companies, doing business in this state, to maintain in any city or village a joint office or to employ the same person to act as joiat 2369 agent for the said companies; provided, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to offices maintained at railroad stations or junction points for the receipt and forwarding of ex- press matter. Puh. Acts 1911, no. 27J, sec. j. NEW HAMPSHIRE No railroad corporation shall be required to 2370 allow the use of any motive power other than its own, upon its railroad. Pub. Stats, ch. i^y, sec. 11. OHIO Every public utility having any equipment on, over or imder any street, or highway, shall, subject to the pro- visions of section 9103 of the general code, for a reasonable com- pensation permit the use of the same by any other public utility' 2871 whenever commission shall determine as provided in section 32 hereof that public convenience, welfare and necessity require such use, or joint use, and such use or joint use will not result in ; irreparable injury to the owner or other users of such equipment, 602 nor in any substantial detriment to the service to be rendered by such owners or other users. Laws 1911, no. J25, sec. 31. In case of failure to agree upon such use or joint use or the conditions or compensation for such use or joint use, any public utility may apply to commission, and if after investigation com- mission shall ascertain that the public convenience, welfare and necessity require such use or joint use and that it would not 2372 result in irreparable injury to the owner or other users of such property or equipment, nor in any substantial detriment to the service to be rendered by such owner or other users of such property or equipment, said commission shall by order direct that such use or joint use be permitted and prescribe reasonable conditions and compensations for such joint use. Same, sec. j2. Such use or joint use so ordered shall be permitted and such conditions and compensations so prescribed shall be the lawful conditions and compensation to be observed, followed and paid, 2373 subject to recourse to the courts by any interested party as pro- vided in this act. Any such order made by commission may be revoked or from time to time revised by commission. Same, sec. 33. OREGON Every public utility, and every person, asso- ciation or corporation having conduits, subways, street railway tracks, poles or other equipment on, over or under any street or highway shall for a reasonable compensation permit the use of 2374 the same by any public utility whenever public convenience or necessity require such use and such use will not restdt in irrep- arable injury to the owner or other users of such equipment nor in any substantial detriment to the service to be rendered by such owners or other users. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. 8. In case of failure to agree upon such use or the conditions or compensation for such use any public utility or any person, as- sociation or corporation interested may apply to commission, and if after investigation commission shall ascertain that public con- 2375 venience or necessity require such use and that it would not re- sult in irreparable injury to the owner or other users of such equipment, it shaU by order direct that such use be permitted and prescribe reasonable conditions and compensation for such joint use. Same. Such use so ordered shall be permitted and such conditions and compensation so prescribed shall be the lawful conditions and compensation to be observed, followed and paid, subject to recourse to the coiuts upon the complaint of any interested party 603 as provided in sections 54, 55, 56, 57 and 58 hereof, inclusive, and such sections so far as appHcable shall apply to any such suit arising 2376 on such complaint so made. Any such order of commission may be from time to time revised by commission upon application of any interested party or upon its own motion. All public utilities shall afford all reasonable facilities and make all neces- sary regulations for the interchange of business, or traffic car- ried or their product between them, when ordered by commission so to do. Same. WASHINGTON Whenever any order of commission shall re- quire joint action by two or more public service companies, such order shall specify that the same shall be made at their joint cost, and the companies affected shall have 30 days, or such further time as commission may prescribe, within which to agree upon the part or division of cost which each shall bear, and costs of operation and maintenance in the future, or the proportion of charges or revenue each shall receive from such joint service and the rules to govern futture operations. If at the expiration of 2377 such time such companies shall fail to file with commission a state- ment that an agreement has been made for the division or ap- portionment of such cost, the division of costs of operation and maintenance to be incvmred in the future and the proportion of charges or revenue each shall receive from such joint service and the rules to govern futiu-e operations, commission shall have authority, after further hearing, to enter a supplemental order fixing the proportion of such cost or expense to be borne by each company, and the manner in which the same shall be paid and se- cured. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 8j. WISCONSIN A provision identical with par. 2374, except 2378 that "street railway tracks" is omitted. Laws igoj, ch. 4gg, sec. iygym-4{i), as amended by Laws igii, ch. 546. In case of failure to agree upon such use or the conditions or compensation for such use, any public utility or person, asso- ciation or corporation interested may apply to commission and if after investigation commission shall ascertain that public con- venience and necessity require such use and that such use would 2379 not result in irreparable injury to the owner or other users of such equipment nor in any substantial detriment to the service to be rendered by such owner or other users of such equipment it shall by order direct that such use be permitted and prescribe reason- able conditions and compensation for such joint use. Same, sec. iyg^m-4{2), as amended by Laws igii, ch. 546. 604 Such use so ordered shall be permitted and such conditions and compensations so prescribed for such use shall be the lawful conditions and compensations for such use to be observed, fol- lowed and paid subject to recourse to the coiu*ts upon the com- plaiat of any interested party as provided in sections i797m-64 2380 to i797m-73, inclusive, and such sections so far as applicable shall apply to any action arising on such complaint so made. Any such order of commission may be from time to time revised by commission upon application of any interested party or upon its own motion. Same, sec. i;^gym-4{j), as amended by Laws igii, ch. 546. H. RULES, REGULATIONS, PRACTICES, METH- ODS AND APPLIANCES. ARIZONA Whenever commission, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint shall find that the rules, regulations, practices, equipment, appliances, facilities or serv- ice of any public service corporation, or the methods of manu- facture, distribution, transmission, storage or supply employed 2381 by it, are imjust, unreasonable, unsafe, improper, inadequate or insufficient, commission shall determine the just, reasonable, safe, proper, adequate or sufficient rules, regulations, practices, equipment, appliances, facilities, service or methods to be ob- served, fiunished, constructed, enforced or employed and shall fix the same by its order, rule or regtdation. Sess. Laws 1912^ ch. go, sec. ^5. Commission shall prescribe rules and regulations for the per- formance of any service or the furnishing of any commodity of the character furnished or supplied by any public service corpor- 2382 ation, and upon proper demand and tender of rates, such public service corporation shall furnish such commodity or render such service within the time and upon the conditions provided in such rules. Same. See also par. 2465. ARKANSAS Commission shall make such rules and regu- lations to be observed by all persons or corporations operating any railroad or engaged in transporting property as express or 2383 freight in respect to the receiving, hauling, transporting, stor- ing and delivering of freight and express as in its judgment the public convenience may require. Acts igoy, no. 422 y sec. j. As to all freight carried wholly within the state and the cars 60s used therefor commission may make and establish all needful rules and regulations, general and special, which may be different according to the circumstances and conditions to different rail- roads and localities and for different kinds and classes of freight and cars, providing for time, place and manner of demanding cars for or giving notice of shipment of such freight, and the time, place and manner and order in which same shall be furnished to shippers for the purpose of shipping freight between points in the state ; and may prescribe rules and regulations for the furnishing, exchanging and interchanging of cars, loaded and empty, by railroad companies as between each other; the time, place, terms and conditions upon which such cars shall be furnished and such interchange shall be made, and in the absence of an agreement of such railroad companies, the reasonable compensation to be paid by each railroad company for the use, loss, injury or destruction of the cars of another railroad company in the transportation of 2384 such freight; and the time within which, and the manner by which railroad companies shall give notice or make demand upon each other for cars to be furnished by one railroad company in exchange for loaded cars, or to have its cars returned, said com- mission, whenever it may deem same necessary in order to se- ciure the prompt transportation of freight and preservation of the property, shall be authorized to prescribe the minimum speed at which freight shall be moved when being transported between points within the state, including the time for transfer and de- livery between connecting railroads. It shall be the duty of every such railroad to conform to all the rules and regulations and orders of commission made in accordance with this act, and the failure of any such railroad company to observe the rules and regVdations of commission, or to comply with the provisions here- of, as to freight carried wholly within the state, shall be deemed an abuse subject to correction by commission, and shall subject such railroad company to the penalties hereinafter provided. Acts igoQy no. 277, sec. i. CALIFORNIA Provisions for public utilities identical with 2386 pars. 2381, 2382. Stats. 191 1, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 35, See also par. 2465, CONNECTICUT See par. 2437. FLORIDA Commission shall provide and prescribe all such rules and regulations as may be necessary to secure proper 2886 operation and the furnishing of such facilities and the prompt 606 I handling, transportation and delivery of all freights offered. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 28g6. GEORGIA Commission may make, prescribe, and enforce all such reasonable rules, regulations and orders as may be neces- sary in order to compel and require the several railroad companies to promptly receive, receipt for, forward and deliver to destina- 1387 tion all freights of every character which may be tendered or re- ceived by them for transportation; and as well such reasonable rules, regulations and orders as may be necessary to compel and require prompt delivery of all freights, on arrival at destination, to the consignee. Code igii, sec. 26^4. Commission may prescribe rules and penalties covering and requiring the prompt receipt, carriage, and delivery of freight, S388 the prompt furnishing of cars to shippers desiring to ship freight and rules and penalties for the transfer of cars through yards by connecting roads. Same, sec. 2664. INDIANA Commission shall adopt all necessary rules and regulations to govern car distribution and delivery, train service and accommodations and for car service or the transfer and 2389 switching of cars from one railroad to another at junction points, or where entering the same city or town. Acts 1Q07, ch. 241, sec. 3. Before any order shall be made by commission changing the rules or regtdations of any railroad or express company or other carrier or company respecting car service, the transfer or switch- ing of cars from one railroad to another, or respecting the loca- tion or construction of sidings and connections between roads, 2390 said commission shall give the company or companies affected by such proposed order not less than ten days' written notice of the time and place where the matters involved in said proposed order shall be considered; and such company shall be entitled to a hearing at the time and place specified in such notice and shall have process to enforce the attendance of its witnesses. Same, sec. 14. KANSAS See pars. 262, 742, qi8, 2497. LOUISIANA Commission may make and adopt any and all reasonable and just rules, regulations and orders, affecting or 2391 connected with the service and operation of telegraph and tele- phone companies and corporations and persons engaged in such business in the state. Stats. igo8, no. igg, sec. 2. 607 Commission shall adopt, make and change reasonable and 2392 just rules, regulations and orders affecting and concerning the service to be given and furnished by express, telegraph and tele- phone companies. Same, sec. j. MARYLAND Whenever commission shall be of the opinion, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, that the regulations, practices, equipment, appliances or services of any common carrier or other such corporation in respect to any services, transportation of persons, freight or property within the state, are unjust, imreasonable, unsafe, unreasonably improper or inadequate commission shall determine the just, reasonable, safe, reasonably adequate and proper regulations, practices, equip- 2393 ment, appliances and service to be in force and to be observed in respect to such transportation of persons, freight and property, and so fix and prescribe the same by order to be served upon every common carrier or other corporation to be bound thereby, and thereafter it shall be the duty of every such common carrier or other corporation to observe and obey each and every require- ment of every such order so served upon it, and to do every- thing necessary or proper in order to secure absolute compliance with and observance of every such order by all its officers, agents or employes. Laws igio, ch. i8o, sec. 2j. See also pars. 2423, 246g, 24^0. MASSACHUSETTS Whenever commission shall be of opinion, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, that the regulations, practices, equipment, appliances or service of any such carrier in respect to transportation of persons or prop- erty within the state are unjust, unreasonable, unsafe, improper 2394 or inadequate, commission shall determine the just, reasonable, safe, adequate and proper regulations, practices, equipment, ap- pliances and service thereafter to be in force, to be observed and to be used in such transportation of persons and property, and shall recommend the same by order to be served upon such car- rier. Acts igii, ch. '/55, sec. 2. 2896 Facilities fixed and determined by statute shall not be re- vised or regulated by commission. Same, sec. j. See also pars. 75^, 2^0;^. MICfflGAN See pars. 281, 284, 2425. NEVADA See pars, p;;, g'/8. NEW HAMPSHIRE See pars. 2452, 2480. 608 NEW JERSEY See pars. 2291, 2481. NEW MEXICO Commission shall make and enforce reason- able and just rules requiring the supplying of cars and equipment 2396 for the use of shippers and passengers. Const., art. xi, sec. j. NEW YORK Whenever commission shall be of opinion, after a bearing, had upon its own motion or upon complaint, that the regulations, practices, equipment, appliances, or service of any such common carrier, railroad or street railroad corpora- tion in respect to transportation of persons or property within the state are unjust, unreasonable, imsafe, improper or inadequate, commission shall determine the just, reasonable, safe, adequate and proper regulations, practices, equipment, appliances and 2397 service thereafter to be in force, to be observed and to be used in such transportation of persons and property and so fix and pre- scribe the same by order to be served upon every common car- rier, railroad and street railroad corporation to be bound thereby; and thereafter it shall be the duty of every common carrier, rail- road and street railroad corporation to observe and obey each and every requirement of every such order so served upon it, and to do everything necessary or proper in order to secure absolute compliance with and observance of every such order by all of its officers, agents and employes. Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 49(2). Whenever commission shall be of opinion, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, that the property, equip- ment or appliances of any such person or corporation are imsafe, inefficient or inadequate, commission shall determine and pre- 2398 scribe the safe, efficient and adequate property, equipment and appliances thereafter to be used, maintained and operated for the security and accommodation of the public and in compliance with the provisions of law and of their franchises and charters. Same, sec. 66{^). Whenever commission shall be of the opinion, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, that the rules, regulations or practices of any telegraph corporation or telephone corporation are imjust or imreasonable or that the equipment or service of any telegraph corporation or telephone corporation is inadequate, inefficient, improper or insufficient, commission shall determine the just, reasonable, adequate, efficient and proper regulations, practices, equipment and service thereafter 2399 to be installed, to be observed and used, and to fix and prescribe the same by order to be served upon every telegraph and tele- 609 phone corporation to be bound thereby, and thereafter it shall be the duty of every telegraph and telephone corporation to which such order is directed to obey each and every such order so served upon it and to do everythiag necessary or proper in order to secure compliance with and observance of every such order by all its officers, agents and employes according to its true latent and meaning.^ Same, sec. 97(2). See also pars. 2427, 248 j, 2520. NORTH CAROLINA Commission shall make reasonable and just 2400 rules for the handling of freight and baggage at stations. PelVs Revisal, igo8, sec. 10Q4. Commission shall make rules, regulations and rates govern- ing storage charges by railroad companies and other transporta- tion companies; and shall make rules govemiag railroad com- 2401 panics in the placing of cars for loading and unloading and in fixing time limit for delivery of freights after the same have been received by the transportation companies for shipment. Same, sec. iioo. See also par. 2558. OHIO Commission may enforce reasonable regula- tions for furnishing cars to shippers, switching, loading and un- 2402 loading them, and the weighing of cars and freight offered for shipment over any line of railroad. Code igio, sec. 521. Whenever commission shall be of the opinion, after hearing had upon complaint, as in this act provided, or upon its own in- itiative or complaint, served as in this act provided, that the rules, regulations, measurements, or practices of any public utility with respect to its public service are -unjust or unreasonable, or that the equipment or service thereof is inadequate, inefficient, 2403 improper or insufficient, or cannot be obtained, it shall determine the regulations, practices and service thereafter to be installed, observed, used and rendered, and fix and prescribe the same by order to be served upon the public utility. It shall thereafter be the duty of such public utility and all of its officers, agents and official employes to obey the same and do everything nec- essary or proper to carry the same into effect and operation. Laws igiiy no. 525, sec. 2q. See also pars. 2487, 2521. 1 Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed as giving to commission power to make any order, direction or requirement requiring any telegraph corporation or tele- phone corporation to perform any act which is unjust or unreasonable or in violation of any law of this state or of the United States not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 97(3). 6x0 OKLAHOMA See pars. 844, 846. OREGON Commission may make, establish, and alter either on its own motion or upon complaint, in the manner pro- vided in section 28, reasonable regulations and rules, not incon- 2404 sistent with the provisions of this section, for the delivery, switching, weighing, loading and unloading of cars, and enforce the same. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 55, sec. 26{p). See also pars. ^48, loij, loiy, 1022, ijog, 248^, 252^^. PENNSYLVANIA See par. 762. RHODE ISLAND If upon such a hearing and investigation had under the provisions of this act, commission shall find that any regulation, measurement, practice, act or service of any public utility is unjust, imreasonable, insufficient, preferential, unjustly discriminatory, or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions 2405 of this act, or that any service of any such public utility is inade- quate or that any service which can be reasonably demanded cannot be obtained, commission may substitute therefor such other regulations, measurements, practices, service, or acts, and make such order respecting, and such changes in such regulations, measurements, practices, service or acts, as shall be just and reasonable. Acts 1Q12, ch. ygj, sec. 22. Whenever commission shall believe that any regulation, 'measurement, practice or act whatsoever of such public utility affecting or relating to the conveyance of persons or property or any of the service in connection therewith or affecting or relating to the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power or any service in connection there- 2406 with is in any respect unreasonable, insufficient or unjustly dis- criminatory or that any service of such public utility is inadequate or cannot be obtained or is unsafe or the public safety is in danger thereby or that an investigation of any matter relating to a public utility should for any reason be made, commission may of its own motion summarily investigate the same with or with- out notice. Same, sec. 26. See also par. 1025, 2^2g, 2601. SOUTH DAKOTA See pars. 345, 346. TEXAS Commission may, as to all freight carried wholly within the state, and the cars used therefor, make and establish all needful rules and regulations, general and special, which may be different according to the circumstances and con- ditions of different railroads and localities and for different kinds 611 and classes of freight and cars, providing for the time, place and manner of demanding cars for, or giving notice of shipment of such freight and the time, place, manner and order in which the same shall be furnished to shippers for the purpose of shipping freight between points in the state; and prescribe rules and regulations for the furnishing, exchanging and interchanging of cars, 'oaded and empty, by railroad companies as between each other; the time, place, terms and conditions upon which such cars shall be furnished and such interchange shall be made, and in the absence of an agreement of such railroad companies, the reasonable compensation to be paid by each railroad company for the use, loss, injtiry or destruction of the cars of another rail- 2407 road company in the transportation of such freight; the time within which, and the manner by which, railroad companies shall give notice or make demand upon each other for cars to be . urnished by one railroad company in exchange for loaded cars, or to have its cars returned. Said commission, whenever it may deem same necessary in order to secure the prompt transporta- tion of freight and preservation of the property, shall be author- ized to prescribe the minimum speed at which freight shall be moved when being transported between points within the state, including the time for transfer and delivery as between connect- ing railroads. It shall be the duty of every such railway com- pany to conform to all of the rules and regulations and orders, of commission made in accordance with this act, and the failure of any such railroad company to observe the rules and regula- tions of commission or to comply with the provisions hereof as to freight carried wholly within the state, shall be deemed an abuse subject to correction by commission, and shall subject such railroad company to the penalties hereinafter provided. Laws igoj, ch. 184, sec. j. VERMONT See par. 349. VIRGINIA See par. 883. WASHINGTON Whenever commission shall find, after such hearing, that the rules, regulations, practices, equipment, appli- ances, facilities or service of any such common carrier in respect to the transportation of persons or property are iinjust, unrea- sonable, unsafe, improper, inadequate or insufficient, commission 2408 shall determine the just, reasonable, safe, adequate, sufficient and proper rules, regulations, practices, eqmpment, appliances, facilities or service to be observed, fiimished, constructed or 612 enforced and be used in the transportation of persons and prop- erty by such common carrier, and fix the same by its order or rtde as hereinafter provided. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 53. Whenever commission shall find, after hearing, that any rules, regulations, measiu-ements or the standard thereof, prac- tices, acts or service of any such gas, electrical or water company are unjust, unreasonable, improper, insufficient, inefficient or 2409 inadequate, or that any service which may be reasonably de- manded is not fiunished, commission shall fix the reasonable rules, regulations, measurements or the standard thereof, prac- tices, acts or service to be thereafter furnished, imposed, observed and followed, and shall fix the same by order, or rule, as herein- after provided. Same, sec. 54. Whenever commission shall find after such hearing that the rules, regulations or practices of any telegraph or telephone com- pany are unjust or unreasonable, or that the equipment, facilities or service of any telegraph or telephone company is inadequate, 2410 inefficient, improper or insufficient, commission shall determine the just, reasonable, proper, adequate and efficient rules, regula- tions, practices, equipment, facilities and service to be thereafter installed, observed and used, and fix the same by order or rule as hereinafter provided. Same, sec. 55. Whenever commission shall find, after such hearing, that the rules, regulations or practices of any wharfinger or warehouse- man are unjust or unreasonable, or that the equipment, facilities or service of any wharfinger or warehouseman are inadequate, 2411 inefficient, improper, insufficient or unsafe, commission shall determine the just, reasonable, proper, adequate, efficient and safe rules, regulations, practices, equipment, facilities and serv- ice to be thereafter installed, observed and used, and fix the same by order of commission as hereinafter provided. Same, sec. §6. Commission may provide by proper rules and regulations the time within which all railroads shall furnish, after demand therefor, all cars, equipment and facilities for the handling of freight in carload and less than carload lots, and receiving, gathering and transporting, after demand, of all express packages and the delivery thereof at destination, the distance that freight shall be transported each day after receipt, the time within which 2412 consignors or persons ordering cars shall load the same, and the time within which consignee and persons to whom freight may be consigned shall unload and discharge the same and receive 613 freight from the freight rooms, and provide the penalties to be paid to consignors and consignees for delays on the part of rail- roads to conform to such rules, and prescribe the penalty to be paid by consignors and consignees to railroads for failure to observe such rules. Same, sec. 59. Commission shall adopt, promulgate and issue rules and regulations covering the bulletining of trains, showing the time of arrival and departure of all trains, and the probable arrival and departure of delayed trains; the conditions to be contained in and become a part of contracts for transportation of persons and property, transmission and delivery of messages and con- versations, and the furnishing and supply of gas, electricity and water, and any and all services concerning the same, or connected therewith; the time that station rooms and offices shall be kept open; rules governing demurrage and reciprocal demurrage, and provide reasonable penalties to expedite the prompt movement of freight and release of cars, and generally such rules as pertain to the comfort and convenience of the public concerning the subjects treated of in this act. Such rules and regulations shall be promulgated and issued by commission on its own motion, 8413 and shall be served on the public service company affected there- by as other orders of conmission are served. Any public service company affected thereby, and deeming such rules and regula- tions, or any of them, improper, unjust, unreasonable, or con- trary to law, may within 20 days from the date of service of such order upon it file objections thereto with commission, specifying the particular grounds of such objections. Commission shall, upon receipt of such objections, fix a time and place for hearing the same, and after a full hearing may make such changes or modifications thereto, if any, as the evidence may justify. Com- mission may adopt rules to govern its proceedings, and regulate the mode and manner of all investigations and hearings ; provided, no person desiring to be present at such hearing shall be denied permission. Actions may be instituted to review rules and regu- lations promulgated under this section as in the case of orders of commission. Same, sec. 85. See also pars. 1044, 24g2, 2536, 2606. WISCONSIN If upon such investigation it shall be foimd that any regulation, meastirement, practice, act or service complained of is unjust, unreasonable, insufficient, preferential, unjustly dis- criminatory or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act, or if it be found that any service is inadequate or that 614 I 2414 any reasonable service cannot be obtained, commission may sub- stitute therefor such other regulations, measurements, practices, service or acts and make such order respecting, and such changes in such regulations, measurements, practices, service or acts as shall be just and reasonable. Laws igoj, ch. 4Qg, sec. lygjm- 46{2). Whenever commission shall believe that any service is in- adequate or cannot be obtained or that an investigation of any 2415 matter relating to any public utility should for any reason be made, commission may on its own motion simmiarily investigate the same with or without notice. Same, sec. ijgym-4g. Whenever, upon an investigation made under the provisions of this act, commission shall find any regulations, measurements, practices, acts or service to be unjust, unreasonable, insufficient, preferential, unjustly discriminatory or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this act ; or shall find that any service is inadequate or that any service which can be reasonably demanded cannot be obtained, commission shall determine and declare and 2416 by order fix reasonable measurements, regulations, acts, prac- tices or service to be furnished, imposed, observed and followed in the future in lieu of those found to be unjust, unreasonable, in- sufficient, preferential, imjustly discriminatory, inadequate or otherwise in violation of this act as the case may be, and shall make such other order respecting such measurement, regulation, act, practice or service as shall be just and reasonable. Same, sec. iyg'jm-6o{2). See also pars. 131 1, 24gj, 2537. I. REPAIRS, CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUC- TION, ADDITIONS AND OTHER PROPERTY CHANGES.^ I. Utilities other than Railroads and Common Carriers. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Whenever commission, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, shall find that addi- tions, extensions, repairs or improvements to, or changes in, the existing plant, equipment, apparatus, facilities or other physical property of any public utility ^ or of any two or more public utilities ^ ought reasonably to be made, or that a new structure or structures should be erected, to promote the security or con- * See also pars. 2562-2613. 2 "Public service corporation," in Arizona, 6XS • 2417 venience of its employes or the public, or in any other way to secure adequate service or facilities, commission shall make and serve an order directing that such additions, extensions, repairs, improvements or changes be made or such structure or structures be erected in the manner and within the time specified in said order. If commission orders the erection of a new structure, it may also fix the site thereof. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. j6; Cat. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 36. If any additions, extensions, repairs, improvements, or changes, or any new structtire or structures which commission has ordered to be erected, require joint action by two or more public utilities ^ commission shall notify the said public utilities ^ that such additions, extensions, repairs, improvements or changes or new structure or structures have been ordered and that the same shall be made at their joint cost, whereupon the said public utilities^ shaU have such reasonable time as commission may grant within which to agree upon the portion or division of cost 2418 of such additions, extensions, repairs, improvements or changes or new structure or structures, which each shall bear. If at the expiration of such time such public utihties ^ shall fail to file with commission a statement that an agreement has been made for division or apportionment of the cost of expense of such addi- tions, extensions, repairs, improvements or changes, or new struc- ture or structures, commission may, after further hearing, make an order fixing the proportion of such cost or expense to be borne by each public utility^ and the manner in which the same shall be paid or secured. Same. See also pars. 2j8i, 2j8^. CONNECTICUT Any town, city or borough within which or between which and any other town, city, or borough in this state, any public service company is furnishing service, or any ten pa- trons of any such company, may bring a written petition to com- mission alleging that the plant or equipment of such company is inadequate or unsuited to the public need. Thereupon commis- sion shall fix a time and place for a hearing upon such petition, and shall mail notice thereof to the parties in interest and give 2419 due public notice thereof at least one week prior to such hearing. Upon said hearing commission may, if it finds such plant or eqmp- ment to be inadequate or unsuited to the public need, order and prescribe such plant or equipment as shall be adequate and smtable, and fix a time within which said company shall con- > 'Public service corporation," in Arizona. * 616 struct such plant or obtain such equipment. It shall thereupon be the duty of such company to construct such plant or obtain such equipment within the time so fixed. Puh, Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 22. Whenever any resident of any town who owns and occupies real estate within such town, and within which town any tele- phone company is now operating or shall hereafter operate a telephone line, located not to exceed three-quarters of one mile, measured along a highway, distant from the real estate of such resident, shall present to such company a written petition, signed by 20 residents of such town who are subscribers to the telephone service of such company, requesting an extension of the service 2420 line of such company and the installation of a specified telephone service upon his premises, and shall obligate himself, with suffi- cient security for the performance of such obligation, to use and pay for said service for a period of five years thereafter, such com- pany shall, within 60 days thereafter, extend its service line and install upon the premises of such petitioner a telephone equip- ment similar to the equipment furnished subscribers for the same class as such petitioner, and for the same rate charged for such service within such town. Pub. Acts 1911, ch. 2y6, sec. i. If such company shall refuse or neglect to so extend its serv- ice line and install such telephone service, the petitioner may prefer his complaint to the superior coiu*t for the county within which such petitioner resides, alleging such refusal or neglect and summoning such company to appear before said cotirt to answer the allegations of said complaint. If said cotirt shall find that 2421 the cost of extending the lines of such company and installing a telephone equipment as specified in such petition is not excessive in proportion to such company's published rate charged for the class of service requested by the petitioner, said coiirt shall order such company to extend its service line and install the equipment requested by such petitioner, and may, in its discretion, tax costs against either party, and make such orders concerning the matter as said court deems just. Same, sec. 2. GEORGIA See par. 2440. KANSAS See pars. 265, 919. LOUISIANA See par. 2316. MARYLAND Commission may order such improvements as win best promote the public interest, preserve the public health and protect those using gas or electricity and those employed in 617 S4aa the maniifacture and distribution thereof, or in the maintenance and operation of the works, wires, poles, Hnes, conduits, ducts and systems in connection therewith. Laws igio, ch. i8o, sec. Commission shall investigate and ascertain, from time to time, the service supplied by such persons and corporations ; shall examine all the methods employed by such persons and corpora- tions supplying facilities for the transmission of intelligence by 2423 electricity, and may order such improvements as will best promote the public interest and protect those using telephones and those employed in the business thereof or in the maintenance and oper- ation of the works, wires, poles, lines and conduits maintained therein. Same, sec. 39(2). Commission shall require that every telephone ' company furnish to its patrons reasonably good and adequate service in all respects. If in the judgment of commission repairs or im- provements to or changes in any telegraph or telephone line, ap- ■ paratus, machinery, equipment or facilities, or any other prop- erty, used by any telegraph company or telephone company in connection with telegraphic or telephonic communication ought reasonably to be made, or any additions or alterations are neces- 2424 sary in order to promote the security or convenience of the public or employes, or in order to secure adequate service or facilities for telegraphic or telephonic commimications, commission shall, after a hearing either on its own motion or after complaint, make . and serve an order directing such repairs, improvements, changes, additions or alterations, to be made within a reasonable time and in a manner to be specified therein, and every telegraph and telephone company is hereby directed to make all repairs, im- provements, changes, additions or alterations required of it by any order of commission served upon it. Same, sec. 40. See also par. g28. MICHIGAN Commission may inspect and examine all such electrical apparatus already installed in any public highways, streets or places, and all such apparatus hereafter installed, and investigate from time to time the method employed by persons, firms, or corporations transmitting and supplying electricity, and 2426 may order such improvements in such method as it shall be neces- sary to secure good service and the safety of the public and of those employed in the business of transmitting and distributing such electricity, and of any persons liable to be injured by the 6x8 erection, maintenance and use of such apparatus. Pub. Acts igog, no. io6, sec. 5. See also par. 11 88. NEVADA See par. 2451. NEW HAMPSHIRE See par. 2480. NEW JERSEY Commission may, after hearing, upon notice, by order in writing, require every pubHc utiHty as herein defined, to estabHsh, construct, maintain and operate any reasonable ex- tension of its existing facihties, where, in the judgment of said commission such extension is reasonable and practicable and will 2426 furnish sufficient business to justify the construction and main- tenance of the same, and when the financial condition of the said public utility reasonably warrants the original expenditure re- quired in making and operating such extension. Laws igii, ch. igj, sec. 12(c). NEW YORK Whenever commission shall be of opinion, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, that the property, equipment or appliances of any gas or electric corporation are unsafe, inefficient or inadequate, commission 2427 shall determine and prescribe the safe, efficient and adequate property, equipment and appliances thereafter to be used, main- tained and operated for the security and accommodation of the public and in compliance with the provisions of law and of their franchises and charters. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 66{j). Whenever commission shall be of opinion, after a hearing had upon its own motion, or upon a complaint, that repairs or im- provements to or changes in any telegraph or any telephone line ought reasonably to be made, or that any additions should reason- ably be made thereto, in order to promote the convenience of the public or employes, or in order to secure adequate service or f acili- 2428 ties for telegraphic or telephonic communications, commission shall make and serve an order directing that such repairs, im- provements, changes or additions be made within a reasonable time and in a manner to be specified therein and every telegraph and telephone corporation is hereby required and directed to make all repairs, improvements, changes and additions required of it by any order of commission served upon it. Same, sec. g8. See also pars, ggj, 248 j. OHIO Whenever commission shall be of the opinion, after hearing had, as in this act provided, or upon its own initia- 619 tive or complaint, as in this act provided, that repairs, or improve- ments to the plant or equipment of any public utility, should reasonably be made, or that any additions thereto should reason- ably be made, in order to promote the convenience or welfare of the public or of employes, or in order to secure adequate service 2429 or facilities, commission may make and serve an appropriate order with respect thereto, directing that such repairs, improve- ments, changes or additions be made within a reasonable time, and in a manner to be specified therein. Every such public utility, its officers, agents and official employes shall obey such order and make such repairs, improvements, changes and addi- tions required of such public utility by such order. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. so. See also par. 1194. RHODE ISLAND Whenever commission shall find upon hearing and investigation under the provisions of this act, either on its own motion or upon complaint as hereinbefore provided, that the plant or equipment of any public utility is inadequate, insufficient, or unsuited to the public needs, or that repairs, improvements, or changes in such plant or equipment ought reasonably to be made^ 2430 or that an addition to, alteration, or extension of, the plant or equipment of any public utility ought reasonably to be made, commission may order that such repairs, improvements, changes, additions, alterations, or extensions to the plant or equipment be made within a reasonable time and in a manner to be specified therein, provided that any such order shall be subject to the right of appeal. Acts igi2, ch. 795, sec. 50. SOUTH DAKOTA Commission or any member thereof shall make such investigation and order such changes and betterments and 2431 improvements in telephone lines and exchanges as may be deemed necessary for the improvement of the telephone service and the convenience of the public. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 218, sec. 7. VERMONT See par. 351. WASHINGTON Whenever commission shall find after hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, that repairs or im- provements to, or changes in, any gas plant, electrical plant or water system ought to be made, or that any additions or exten- sions should reasonably be made thereto, in order to promote the 2432 security or convenience of the public or employes, or in order to secure adequate service or facilities for manufacturing, distribut- ing, or supplying gas, electricity, or water, commission may enter 620 an order directing that such reasonable repairs, improvements, changes, additions or extensions of such gas plant, electrical plant or water system b^ made. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. yo. Whenever commission shall find, after a hearing had on its own motion or upon complaint, that repairs or improvements to, or changes in, any telegraph or telephone line ought reasonably to be made, or that any additions or extensions should reasonably be 2433 made thereto in order to promote the security or convenience of the public or employes, or in order to secure adequate service or facilities for telegraphic or telephonic communications, commis- sion shall make and serve an order directing that such repairs, improvements, changes, additions or extensions be made in the manner to be specified therein. Same, sec. yi. Whenever commission shall find, after hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, that repairs or improvements to, or changes in, any dock, wharf or warehouse ought reasonably to be made, or that any additions or extensions should reasonably 2434 be made thereto in order to promote the security or adequate serv- ice or facilities for the receipt, storage or handling of freight, commission shall make and serve an order directing that such repairs, improvements, changes, additions or extensions shall be made in the manner specified therein. Same, sec. J2. See also pars. 1182, ii8j. 2. Railroads and other Common Carriers. ALABAMA If in the judgment of commission, repairs or improvements to or changes in any trains, switches, terminals or* terminal facilities, motive power, or any other property or device used by any common carrier, railroad or street railroad corpora- tion, in or in connection with the transportation of passengers, freight or property, ought reasonably to be made, or any addi- tions should reasonably be made thereto, in order to promote the security or convenience of the public or employes, or in order 2435 to secure adequate service or facilities for the transportation of passengers, freight or property, commission shall, after a hearing had either on its own motion or after complaint filed, make and secure an order directing such repairs, improvements, changes or additions to be made within a reasonable time and in a manner to be specified therein, and every common carrier, railroad and street railroad corporation, is required and directed to make all such repairs, improvements, changes and additions required of it 621 by any order of cormnission served on it. Acts igoy, sp. sess., no. 77, sec. I. See also pars. 242, yj6, yji. , CALIFORNIA See par. 2417. COLORADO If, in the judgment of commission, after a care- ful personal examination and investigation, and after hearing, or the opportunity for hearing, commission shall find that repairs, improvements, or increased facilities in respect to roadbeds, trackage, rolling stock, stations and depots, yards, terminal facilities, switches, signals, or any other element of the service of any common carrier, shall be necessary and within the reasonable power of any common carrier to make, or adopt, for the promo- 2436 tion of the security of persons as to life and limb, or for the con- venience and accommodations of the public in the shipping and handling of property, commission shall make such reasonable order requiring any common carrier to do any such thing deemed by commission to be proper in respect to such matters, within a reasonable time to be fixed by commission, as to them shall seem so necessary and so within such reasonable power of such com- mon carrier; and the orders of commission in such respect shall be enforced by the proper writs and orders of courts of competent jurisdiction. Laws iQio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 27. . CONNECTICUT Commission, subject to the right of appeal, as provided in section 3834,^ shall have exclusive jurisdiction and direction over the method of construction or reconstruction in whole or in part of every street railway in the state, the power of designing the kind and quality of track to be used and the method of laying the same, the kind, quality and finish of all material, 2437 tracks, wires, poles, conductors, fixtures and structures to be used in such construction, and the method and manner of applying motive power, and may make all orders necessary to the exercise of such power and direction, which orders shall be in writing and recorded in the records of commission. Every company oper- ating any street railway shall, at its own expense, comply with and carry out such orders. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 38 jo. Commission may at any time and on the complaint in writ- ing of five stockholders or creditors of any railroad assigning suf- ficient reason shall examine the railroad of such company and all its appurtenances, engines, and cars, and its by-laws and rules; 2438 and in such examination shall pass over the road at a rate not > Appeal to superior court. 622 exceeding six miles an hour, shall stop at each culvert, bridge and piling, and examine the same, and shall examine the rails and ties in every mile, after notifying the company in writing of the time of such examination. They shall notify the company to make all repairs required within a time limited. Same, sec. 3884. FLORIDA Commissioners may require any railroad, rail- road company or common carrier to properly operate its railroad or transportation line and to furnish all the necessary facilities 2439 for the convenient and prompt handling, transportation and de- livery of all freights offered along its line for transportation. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 28g6. GEORGIA Commission shall require all common carriers and other public service companies under their supervision to es- 2440 tablish and maintain such public service and facilities as may be reasonable and just, either by general rules or by special orders in particular cases. Code 1911, sec. 2663. ILLINOIS See par. j/j. • INDIANA Whenever commission shall secure reliable in- formation or complaint shall have been made, or, because of re- ports made by its inspectors, shall have reason to believe that any carrier does not keep its road or equipment in proper condition and repair for the security of its employes or the public, or that any carrier does not maintain adequate and suitable depots, buildings, platforms, switches, and side tracks for passengers and for the receiving, protecting, handling, forwarding and delivery of all freight offered for shipment or received at said stations, or that there is a dangerous defect in connection with the operation of any railroad or in any railroad bridge, culvert, curve, embank- ment, water tank, crane, frog, railroad or wagon road crossing, ties or tracks, motive power, stations, rolling stock, machinery or in any roadbed or ground used in connection with the operation of any railroad or any dangerous neglect or fault in the construc- tion, equipment or management of any railroad. Commission shall cause such investigation to be made as it may deem neces- sary, and when such investigation shall have been made, said 2441 commission shall make a report to the manager or superintendent of the railroad company. In said report and recommendations, commission shall make an accurate statement of the time such examination was made, of the exact location, character and ex- tent of such defects or omissions, if any such shall have been 623 found, and shall also recommend such reasonable changes and improvements, additions, buildings and accommodations, as are, in the opinion of commission necessary to remedy such faults, neglects, requirements or defects. Such recommendations shall set out specifically a reasonable time within which such improve- ments or changes or additions, shall be made by the railroad com- pany. And if they are not so made within said time so specified, then commission if it deem it best to do so, may commence pro- ceedings by mandamus, or other remedy, in some circuit or su- perior court having jurisdiction of the carrier to enforce compli- ance with its order. All courts shall give preference to such cases and shall hear and determine the same speedily to the end that the public interests may not suffer. Acts igii, ch. y6, sec. lib). IOWA When in judgment of commission any repairs are necessary upon its road, or any addition to its rolling stock, or addition to or change in its stations or station houses, or the equipment thereof for the health and convenience of the public, or change in its rate of fare for transporting freight or passengers, or change in the mode of operating its road or conducting its business, is reasonable and expedient in order to promote the security, convenience, and accommodation of the public, com- 2442 mission shall serve a notice upon such corporation, in the man- ner provided for the service of an original notice in a civil action, which notice shall be signed by its secretary, of the improvements and changes which it finds to be proper; and a report of such proceedings shall be included in its annual report to the governor, as provided in section 2 114; but nothing in this section shall be so construed as relieving any railroad com- pany from its present responsibility or liability for damage to person or property. Code iSg^, sec. 21 ij. KANSAS Whenever in the judgment of commission, it shall appear that any repairs are necessary upon its road, or any addition to its rolling-stock, or any addition to or change of its stations or station houses, or any change in its rates for trans- porting passengers or freight, or any change in the mode of operating its road and conducting its business, is reasonable and expedient in order to promote the security, convenience and 2443 accommodation of the public, said commission shall inform such corporations of the improvement and changes which it deems to be proper by a notice thereof in writing, which notice shall state the 624 time within which said improvements or changes are required to be made ; and if such orders are not complied with within the time stated in said notice, the attorney for commission shall forth- with file with the commission a complaint in writing, praying for an investigation of said matter. Gen. Stats. igoQ, sec. yi88. See also par. 26^. KIENTUCKY Whenever in the judgment of commission, after a personal examination of the same it shall appear that re- pairs are necessary upon any railroad, or when, from complaint made or its knowledge it shall have reason to believe that the tracks, bridges, tunnels or other structures of any company are in an unsafe or dangerous condition, or unfit for public travel, or that any additions to, improvements or changes in, the stations or terminal facilities are needed for the convenience and security of 2144 the public, commission shall give notice in writing to the company owning or operating such road of the repairs, improvements or changes it deems proper and necessar}^ and shall afford such cor- poration an opportunity to be heard in reference thereto; and if the company shall neglect or refuse to make such repairs, im- provements, or changes within a reasonable time after such hear- ing, commission shall lay the facts before the attorney general for his action and shall report the same fully to the next legislature. CarrolVs Stats, igog, sec. 8jo. MAINE A majority of commission or one member thereof annually between the first of April and October and at any other time on application or whenever they think necessary shall carefully examine the tracks, rolling stock, bridges, viaducts and culverts of all railroads; and shall annually in December make a 2446 report to the governor of their official doings, therein stating the condition of the road and rolling stock, with such facts as they deem of public interest or which he may require; and all persons managing railroads shall give commission such information as they at any time require. Rev. Stats. 1903, ch. 51, sec. 50. MARYLAND Provision substantially identical with par. 2435, except "repairs or improvements to or changes in any trains, switches, terminals or terminal facilities, motive power, or any other property or device" reads "repairs or improvements to 2446 or changes in any tracks, switches, terminals or terminal facilities, stations, motive power, or any other property, construction apparatus, equipments, facilities or device." Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 2j. 625 If in the judgment of commission any common carrier, rail- road or street railroad corporation does not possess or operate mo- tive power enough reasonably to accommodate the traffic, passen- 2447 ger and freight transported by or offered for transportation to it, commission may after hearing, either on its own motion or after complaint, make an order directing any such railroad or street railroad corporation to increase the number of its motive power. Same, sec. 24. MASSACHUSETTS Railroad and street railway inspectors shall, under the direction of commission, examine the roadbed, tracks, crossings, stations, rolling stock, machinery, equipments, appli- ances and grounds used in or in connection with the operation of railroads or street railways; and if they are considered by an inspector not to be in compliance with the requirements of law, 2448 or to be in such condition as to endanger the safety of the public or of employes, he shall so report in writing to commission, which, if it considers it necessary, shall give notice to the corporation or company, or to the persons who own or operate the railroad or street railway, of such failure to comply with the requirements of the law or of such defects, with such recommendation as it may consider necessary or proper. Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. i, sec. 56. If, in the opinion of commission, additional accommodations for the traveling public are required upon any street railway, it may, after due notice to the company and a hearing, make an order requiring such additional accommodations as it determines are just, and may alter, renew or revoke the order. A street rail- 2449 way company which, for more than one week after receiving notice in writing of such order, neglects to comply therewith, shall forfeit to the use of the city or town for which such additional accommodations are ordered, or if they are ordered for more than one city or town, to the use equally of such cities or towns, $100 for each day thereafter during which such neglect continues. Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. in, sec. gy. See also pars. 75^, ydi. MICHIGAN Upon the filing of complaint with commission and hearing thereon, commission is authorized to make full inquiry in the matter of station facilities, train service, name of station, etc., at the station in question, and make such orders in 2450 regard to the building of depots, interurban railway shelters, name of station, stopping of trains or cars, necessary sidings and other track accommodations as it shall deem for the public in- 626 terest and shall be just and reasonable. Puh. Acts igog, no. 300, sec. isia). MINNESOTA See par. 380. NEVADA Commission may also investigate the physical condition of all railroad property and in the interests of safety S451 or service may determine and order repairs, reinforcements or reconstruction of property. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 7, as amended by Stats, igog, ch. 121, sec. 5. NEW HAMPSHIRE Whenever commission shall be of the opinion, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, that any part of any railroad within the state, reasonably requires alter- ation or reconstruction or that the regulations, practices, equip- ment, appliances, or service of any railroad corporation in respect to transportation of persons or property within the state, are un- just, unreasonable, unsafe, improper or inadequate, commission shall notify the railroad in writing of its opinion and recommenda- tions in respect thereto and shall insert in its next report to the governor and council an account of its proceedings and recom- mendations. If the railroad shall unreasonably neglect or refuse to adopt the recommendations of said commission, the commis- 8452 sion may make an order as hereinafter prescribed in cases affect- ing the public safety. In any case where the safety of the public or of the employes of such railroad is concerned, commission may in the first instance determine the reconstruction or altera- tion reasonably required or the just, reasonable, safe, adequate and proper regulations, practices, equipment, appliances and serv- ice thereafter to be in force, or to be provided, and shall fix and prescribe the same by order to be served upon every railroad cor- poration to be bound thereby; and thereafter it shall be the duty of every such railroad corporation to observe and obey each and every reqtdrement of every such order so served upon it, and to do everything necessary or proper in order to secure absolute com- pliance with, and observance of every such order by all of its officers, agents and employes. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. nib). NEW YORK If in the judgment of commission, additional tracks, switches, terminals or terminal facilities, stations, motive power, or any other property, construction, apparatus, equipment, facilities or device for use by any common carrier, railroad or street railroad corporation in or in connection with the trans- portation of passengers or property ought reasonably to be pro- vided, or any repairs or improvements to or changes in any thereof 627 -^ in use ought reasonably to be made, or any additions or changes in construction should reasonably be made thereto in order to pro- 2453 mote the security or convenience of the public or employes, or in order to secure adequate service or facilities for the transporta- tion of passengers or property, commission shall, after a hearing either on its own motion or after complaint, make and serve an order directing such repairs, improvements, changes or additions to be made within a reasonable time and in a manner to be speci- fied therein, and every common carrier, railroad and street rail- road corporation is hereby required and directed to make all repairs, improvements, changes and additions required of it by any order of commission served upon it. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 50. If any repairs, improvements, changes or additions which commission has determined to order reqmre joint action by two or more of said corporations, commission shall, before entry and service of order, notify the said corporations that such repairs, improvements, changes or additions will be required and that the same shall be made at their joint cost, and thereupon the said corporations shall have 30 days or such longer time as commission may grant within which to agree, upon the part or division of cost 2454 of such repairs, improvements, changes or additions which each shall bear. If at the expiration of such time such corporations shall fail to file with commission a statement that an agreement has been made for a division or apportionment of such repairs, im- provements, changes or additions commission may, after further hearing, fix in its order the proportion of such cost, or expense to be borne by each corporation and the manner in which the same shall be paid and seciu-ed. But this section shall not be construed to authorize commission to require two or more railroad corpora- tions to unite in the erection of a imion station. Same. 2465 Also a provision identical with par. 2447. Same, sec. 51. NORTH CAROLINA Commission may require all transportation and transmission companies to establish and maintain- all such 2456 public service facilities and conveniences as may be reasonable and just. PelVs Revisal igo8, sec. 1066. OKLAHOMA See par. 843. PENNSYLVANIA See pars. 333, 763. SOUTH CAROLINA Whenever in the judgment of commission, it shall appear that repairs are necessary upon any railroad, or that any addition to the rolling stock, or any enlargement of, or im- 628 provement in, the stations or station houses, or any modification in the rates of fare for transporting freight or passengers, or any change in the mode of operating the road and conducting its busi- ness, is reasonable and expedient in order to promote the security, 2467 convenience and accommodation of the pubHc, it shall give in- formation, in writing, to the corporation of the improvements and changes which it adjudges to be proper, and if the said com- pany shall fail, within 60 days, to adopt the suggestions of com- mission, it shall take such legal proceedings as it may deem expedient, and shall have authority to call upon the attorney general to institute and^ conduct such proceedings. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2o6g. Upon the complaint and application of the mayor and alder- men or council of any city, town or county board of commissioners of any county within which any part of any railroad is located, commission shall make an examination of the condition and operation thereof. Before proceeding to make such examination in accordance with such application, said commission shall give to the applicants and the railroad corporation reasonable notice, in writing of the time and place of entering upon the same. If, 2458 upon such examination, it shall appear to commission that the complaint alleged by the applicant is well founded, it shall so adjudge, and shall inform the corporation operating such railroad of its adjudication, and the company failing for 60 days after such notice to remove the cause . of such complaint, it shall make re- port thereof to the general assembly for such action as it may deem expedient ; or if there be necessity for prompt action, it may take such legal proceedings as may be proper, and the attorney general shall institute and conduct such proceedings. Same, sec. 20J0. See also par. jjy. SOUTH DAKOTA Commission shall from time to time carefully examine and inspect the conditions of each common carrier in the state, and of its equipment, and the manner of its conduct and management, with reference to the safety, accommodation and convenience of the pubHc. And if any bridge, line, wire, facility or structure shall be deemed unsafe by commission it shall notify the common carrier immediately, and it shall be the duty of said common carrier to repair, or replace said bridge, line, wire, facility or structure, in such manner and of such material and within such time as said commission may order. Whenever in «469 the judgment of commission, it shall appear that any repairs are 629 necessary upon its road, or facilities, or any addition to its rolling stock, or any stations or any additions to or change of its stations or station houses or any change in its rates of fare transporting freight, passengers, express or messages, or any change in the mode of operating its line or lines or conducting its business is reasonable and expedient in order to promote the security, con- venience and accommodation of the public, commission shall in- form such common carrier of the improvements and changes which it adjudges to be proper, by notice thereof in writing and a report of the proceedings shall be included in the annual report of commission to the legislatitre. Sess. Laws iQii, ch. 2oy, sec. 2. TENNESSEE See par. 86g. TEXAS Commission shall see that each and every rail- road corporation, shall provide and equip itself with siifficient motive power and rolling stock or other equipment necessary to handle all passenger and freight traffic expeditiously and without delay. Commission may require of such common carriers the purchase of such rolling stock and motive power as will properly equip such common carrier and facilitate the movement of all traffic, passenger and freight, and that will supply the transporta- tion accommodations which such common carrier offers to per- form as an inducement to the public to travel or ship via the lines of such railroad company or common carrier. Commission may also approve liens or mortgages that may be given by such rail- road companies and common carriers to secure the purchase or lease price of any equipment or motive power which may be 2460 deemed by commission necessary for the proper discharge of its duty as a common carrier. If in the judgment and discretion of commission any railroad company which now has an excessive issue of bonds and stocks outstanding, has not sufficient passenger and freight eqmpment and motive power to handle the passenger and freight business of such common carrier and railroad com- pany, commission shall, after not less than five days' notice and hearing, issue an order requiring the purchase of such rolling stock as in the judgment and discretion of commission may be deemed necessary for the prompt, expeditious and comfortable trans- portation of freight and passengers over the line of such railroad company and common carrier, and in such case commission is authorized to -approve contracts or liens for the purpose of se- curing the purchase or lease price of such rolling stock, motive power and equipment. Laws igoy, ch. 155, sec. 2. Any railroad^company or common carrier failing to comply 630 with these provisions or to obey the orders of commission made in pursuance of the provisions hereof shall be deemed guilty of an abuse of their rights and privileges and upon conviction shall be 2461 subject to a fine of $ioo, for a violation or failure to comply with any order and each day that such railroad company or com- mon carrier neglects, fails, or refuses to comply with such orders shall constitute a separate offense. Same, sec. j. VIRGINIA If any railroad or other transportation com- pany, when directed by a valid order of commission, refuses or fails to make necessary repairs or additions to its rolling stock, or addition or improvement to its equipment, or any enlargement of or improvement in its stations, station houses, wharves, or 2462 landings, or any change in the mode of operating its road or transportation line, or in conducting its business, which the said commission deems reasonable and expedient in order to promote the security, convenience, and accommodation of the public, such company shall, in the discretion of commission, be fined not less than $ioo nor more than $i,ooo. Pollard's Code igo4, sec. I2p4c{2y). Whenever in the judgment of commission it shall appear that repairs are necessary upon any railroad, or that any addition to its rolling stock, or addition or improvement in the equipment of any other transportation line, or any enlargement of or im- provement in the stations or station houses, waiting rooms, wharves or landings, or any change in the mode of operating the road, or other transportation line and conducting its business, is reasonable and expedient in order to promote the security and accommodation of the public, it shall give ten days' notice in writing to the company or person operating the road, or other transportation line, of the improvements and changes which it 2463 adjudges to be proper, designating when and where the contem- plated action in the premises will be considered and disposed of, and such company or person shall be afforded a reasonable oppor- timity to introduce witnesses and to be heard thereon, and any such company or person failing or refusing to obey any valid order or requirement of commission in the premises within such reasonable time, not less than ten days, as shall be fixed in the order of commission, it may impose upon any such company or person the fines and penalties prescribed by the constitution and by law for its or his failure to obey the orders and requirements of commission and the requirements of the law, and enforce the 631 payments and collection thereof by its judgments and processes. Samey sec. ijija{2o). See also par. 883. WASHINGTON Whenever commission shall, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, find that additional tracks, switches, terminals, terminal facilities, stations, motive power or any other property, apparatus, equipment, facilities or device for use by any common carrier in or in connection with the transportation of persons or property ought reasonably to be pro- vided, or any repairs or improvements to or changes in any there- 2464 tofore in use ought reasonably to be made, or any additions or changes in construction should reasonably be made thereto, in order to promote the security or convenience of the public or employes, or in order to secure adequate service or facilities for the transportation of passengers or property, commission may after a hearing either on its own motion or after complaint make and serve an order directing such repairs, improvements, changes or additions to be made. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 64. See also par. 2408. J. CHARACTER AND KIND OF SERVICE AND SERVICE STANDARDS. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Commission may, after hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, ascertain and fix just and reason- able standards, classifications, regulations, practices, measiu-e- ments or service to be furnished, imposed, observed and followed by all electrical, gas and water corporations; ascertain and fix adequate and serviceable standards for the measurement of quan- tity, quality, pressure, initial voltage or other condition pertaining 2465 to the supply of the product, commodity or service ftunished or rendered by any such public utility;^ prescribe reasonable regu- lations for the examination and testing of such product, commod- ity or service and for the measurement thereof; establish reason- able rules, regulations, specifications and standards to secure the accuracy of all meters and appliances for measiu-ements; and provide for the examination and testing of any and all appliances used for the measurement of any product, commodity or service of any such public utility. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 46(a); Cal. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 46(a). The commissioners^ and their officers and employes may » " Public service corporation," in Arizona. 2 "Commission," in Arizona. 632 enter upon any premises occupied by any public utility/ for the purpose of making the examinations and tests and exercising any of the other powers provided for in this act, and set up and use on 2466 such premises any apparatus and appliances necessary therefor. The agents and employes of such public utility ^ shall have the right to be present at the making of such examinations and tests. Same, sec. 46(b). CONNECTICUT Commission may fix the standard of illu- minating and heating power, purity, and quality of gas, fix the initial efficiency of electric lamps furnished by electric companies, 2467 and investigate and make orders regarding the pressure at which gas, and the voltage at which electricity, shall be distributed. Pub. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. ig. KANSAS Commission may ascertain and prescribe for each kind of public utility stiitable and convenient standard com- mercial units of products in service. These shall be the lawful 2468 units for the purposes of this act. It shall prescribe reasonable regulations for examinations and testing of such products or serv- ice and for the measurement thereof. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 22. See also par. 24gy. MARYLAND Commission may investigate and ascertain from time to time, the quality of gas supplied by persons and cor- porations, examine the methods employed by such persons, cor- 2469 porations, in manufacturing, selling, delivering or supplying gas or electricity for light, heat, or power and in transmitting the same. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 31H. Commission may by order fix the standard illimiinating power and ptirity of gas, not less than that prescribed by law, both natural gas and gas to be manufactured, distributed or sold by persons, corporations, for lighting, heating or power purposes, and prescribe methods of regulation of the electric supply system as to the use for incandescent lighting, and fix the initial efficiency of incandescent lamps furnished by the persons, corporations, generating and selling electric current for lighting, and by order require the gas so manufactured, distributed or sold to equal the standards so fixed by it, and establish regulations as to pressure 2470 at which gas shall be delivered, for the purpose of determining whether the gas mantifactured, distributed or sold by such per- sons or corporations for lighting, heating or power piu-poses con- 1 "Public service corporation," in Arizona. forms to the standard of illuminating power and purity, and, of its own motion, examine and investigate the methods employed in bringing in, obtaining, manufacturing, delivering and supply- ing gas, and shall have access through its members or persons employed and authorized by it to make examinations and inves- tigations to all parts of the manufacturing plants owned, used or operated for the manufacture, transmission or distribution of gas or electricity by any such person or corporation. Same. Any employe or agent of commission who divulges any fact or information which may come to his knowledge during the 2471 course of any such inspection or examination, except in so far as he may be directed by the commission, or by a court or judge thereof, or authorized by law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Same. Commission, its agents, experts and inspectors may enter upon any premises occupied by any corporation to which the provisions of this act or any of them are applicable, for the pur- 2472 pose of making the examinations, inspections, valuations and tests contemplated as provided for in this act, and set up and use on such premises any apparatus and appliances and occupy rea- sonable space therefor for the purpose of said examinations, in- spections and tests. Same, sec. 50. See also par. g2j. MASSACHUSETTS Every gas light company which annually man- ufactures or sells more than 15 million cubic feet of gas shall, when required by gas and electric commission, provide and main- tain a suitable room at least a quarter of a mile from the gas works 2473 with a disc photometer and its appurtenances of a construction approved by commission which shall be open to the inspector and assistant inspectors on every working day from eight o'clock in the morning until six o'clock in the afternoon. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 58, sec. I J. The gas of every company which supplies more than 50 consumers, except gas made and used exclusively for heating, 2474 cooking, chemical and mechanical purposes, shall be inspected at least twice a year and as much oftener as the gas and electric commission may determine. Same, sec. 14. The gas shall be tested for illimiinating power by means of a . disc photometer and during such test shall be burned from thej burner best adapted to it which is at the same time suitable for domestic use and at as near the rate of five feet an hour as is\ practicable. Gas and electric comniission shall for the purpose] 634 1475 of establishing a standard of purity for gas and after a public hearing determine how many grains of sulphur and ammonia per ICO cu. ft. of gas may be permitted and may change such stand- ards from time to time after a public hearing; but not more than 30 grains of sulphur per 100 cu. ft. and no sulphtireted hydrogen shall be allowed. Same. If the gas of any gas company or of any city or town supply- ing gas is found on three consecutive inspections, or on three in- spections made within a period of 30 consecutive days, to give lefss light than 16 standard English candles, or upon such aver- 1476 aging of inspections as commission may prescribe, to be below the standard of purity fixed imder this act, unless such defect is in the opinion of commission due to imavoidable cause or accident, a fine of $100 shall be paid by such company, city or town into the treasury of the commonwealth. Same. If during the test the consumption of gas varies from five feet an hour, or the candle from 120 grains an hour, a proportion- ate correction shall be made for the candle power. Upon com- J1477 plaint and after notice and hearing commission may require a company to supply such gas as will give, when tested in the man- ner prescribed in this section, a light equivalent to such number of standard English candles, not less than 16, as commission may determine. Same. Commission shall, from time to time, ascertain what degree of purity can reasonably be required in gas made and supplied by corporations and companies engaged in the manufacture and 8478 sale of gas for light or heat, and shall report to the general coiirt, when, in its opinion, any change in the law relative thereto is desirable. Rev. Laws 1Q02, ch. 121, sec. 6.^ See also pars. 280, gjo, gji, 2501, 2508. MICHIGAN Commission may in its discretion order elec trie current for distribution to be delivered at a suitable primary 2479 voltage to any city, village or township through which a trans- mission line or lines may pass. Puh. Acts igog, no. 106, sec. 5. NEW HAMPSHIRE Commission may investigate and ascertain, from time to time, the quality of gas supplied by public utilities and the methods employed by such public utilities in manufac- 2480 turing or supplying gas or electricity for light, heat or power, or in transmitting telephone and telegraph messages, or supplying water, and after notice and hearing thereon may order all reason- 1 See footnote i, par. 276. able and just improvements and extensions in service or methods. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. 5(c). See also par. q8j. NEW JERSEY Commission may after hearing, by order in writing, fix just and reasonable standards, classifications, regula- 2481 tions, practices, measurements or service to be fiimished, imposed, observed, and followed thereafter by any public utility. Laws I pi I, ch. 7p5, sec. i6{e). Commission may after hearing, by order in writing, ascer- tain and fix adequate and serviceable standards for the measure- ment of quantity, quality, pressure, initial voltage or other con- 2482 dition pertaining to the supply of the product or service rendered by any public utility and prescribe reasonable regulations for examination and test of such product or service and for the meas- urement thereof. Same, sec. i6{f). See also pars. 2510, 2511. NEW YORK Commission shall investigate and ascertain from time to time, the quality of gas supplied by persons and cor- porations; examine or investigate the methods employed by such persons and corporations in manufacttuing, distributing and sup- plying gas or electricity for light, heat or power and in transmit- ting the same, and may order such reasonable improvements as 2483 will best promote the public interest, preserve the public health and protect those using such gas or electricity and those employed in the manufacture and distribution thereof; and have power to order reasonable improvements and extensions of the works, wires, poles, conduits, ducts and other reasonable devices, appar- atus and property of gas corporations, electrical corporations and municipalities. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 66(2). Commission may by order fix from time to time standards for the measurement of the purity or illuminating power of gas to be manufactured, distributed or sold by persons, corporations or municipalities for lighting, heating or power purposes, and pre- scribe from time to time the efficiency of the electric supply system, of the current supplied and of the lamps furnished by the persons, corporations or mtmicipalities generating and selling electric current, and by order require the gas so manufactured, distributed or sold to equal the standards so fixed by it, and pre- scribe from time to time the reasonable minimum and maximmn pressure at which gas shall be delivered by said persons, corpora- tions or mimicipalities. For the purpose of determining whether 636 5484 the gas manufactured, distributed or sold by such persons, cor- porations or municipalities for Hghting, heating or power purposes conforms to the standard of illimiinating power, purity and pres- sure, and for the ptirpose of determining whether the efficiency of the electric supply system, of the current supplied and of the -lamps furnished conforms to the orders issued by commission, commission may, of its own motion examine and investigate the plants and methods employed in manufacturing, delivering and supplying gas or electricity, and shall have access through its members or persons employed and authorized by it to make such examinations and investigations to all parts of the maniif acturing plants owned, used or operated for the manufactiuing, transmis- sion or distribution of gas or electricity by any such person, cor- poration or mimicipality. Same, sec. 66{ji). 5485 Also a provision identical with par. 2471. Same. See also pars, ggo, 2515, 2ji^. OHIO Commission shall ascertain and prescribe suit- able and convenient standard commercial units of the product or service of any public utility, when the character of its product or 5486 service is such that it can be determined, and such units shall be the lawful units for the purposes of this act. Laws igii, no. J25, sec. j6. Commission may ascertain and fix adequate and serviceable standards for the measurement of quality, pressure, initial volt- 2487 age or other condition pertaining to the supply or quality or the product or service rendered by any public utility and prescribe reasonable regulations for examination and testing of such product or service and for the measurements thereof. Same, sec. j8. See also pars. looj, 2521. OREGON Commission shall ascertain and prescribe for each kind of public utility suitable and convenient standard com- 2488 mercial units of product or service. These shall be lawful imits for the purposes of this act. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yg, sec. 21. Commission shall ascertain and fix adequate and ser\'iceable standards for the measiuement of quality, pressiire, initial volt- age or other conditions pertaining to the supply of the product or service rendered by any public utility and prescribe reasonable regulations for examination and testing of such products and service and for the measurement thereof. Same, sec. 22. See also pars. 2523, 2527. 637 RHODE ISLAND Commission may after having given any pub- lic utility concerned a reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard determine and fix by order the standard amount, quality, pressure, initial voltage and character of each kind of product or service to be furnished or rendered by any public utility, and 2490 standard condition or conditions pertaining to furnishing or ren- dering the same, and thereafter the public utility concerns shall furnish and render the same accordingly, but with and subject to the right of appeal given by section 34 hereof. Acts 191 2, ch. 795, sec. 45. ^ ^ 2491 Also a provision identical with par. 2489. Same, sec. 46. See also pars. 2529, 2601. VERMONT See par. 351. WASHINGTON Whenever commission shall find, after such hearing, that the illuminating or heating power, purity or pres- sure of gas, the efficiency of electric lamp supply, the voltage of the current supplied for light, heat or power, or the purity, vol- irnie and pressure of water, supplied by any gas, electrical or water company, as the case may be, is insufficient, impure, inade- 2492 quate or inefficient, it shall order such improvement in the manu- facture, distribution or supply of gas, in the manufacture, trans- mission or supply of electricity, or in the storage, distribution or supply of water, or in the methods employed by such gas, electri- cal or water company, as will in its judgment be efficient, ade- quate, just and reasonable. Laws 1911, ch. iiy, sec. 54. See also pars. 2409, 2jji, 2532, 2607. WISCONSIN Provisions identical with pars. 2488, 2489. 2493 Laws 1907, ch. 499, sees. ly 9^111-2 2, iy9ym-2j(i). Nothing contained in this section shall limit in any manner 2494 any powers or authority vested in municipal corporations, as pro- vided in section i797m-87. Same, sec. iy9ym-2j{j). See also pars. 2557, 2538. K. REGULATION OF METERS. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Any consimier or user of any product, commod- ity or service of a public utility ^ may have any appliance used in the measurement thereof tested upon paying the fees fixed by commission. Commission shall establish arid fix reasonable fees ^ ' Public service corporation," in Arizona. 638 I to be paid for testing such appliances on the request of the con- 2495 sumer or user, the fee to be paid by the consumer or user at the time of his request, but to be paid by the pubUc utiHty ^ and repaid to the consumer or user if the appHance is found defective or in- correct to the disadvantage of the consimier or user, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by commission. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 46(c); Col. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 46(c). See also par. 2465. CONNECTICUT Upon petition of any person and the payment by such person of a fee of $1 for each meter, commission shall cause to be inspected any electric, gas or water meter used in measuring electricity, gas, or water supplied to such petitioner. kThe company supplying electricity, gas, or water through such meter shall reimburse the petitioner for said fee if such meter be found to be more than two per cent, fast, in the case of a gas meter, 2496 or four per cent, fast, in the case of an electric or water meter, and shall not again use such meter until corrected, and approved by commission. Commission shall cause to be approved every electric, gas or water meter in which the error does not exceed two per cent, for gas meters or four per cent, for electric or water meters, and shall cause the same to be stamped with some suitable device and the date of approval. Piih. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 20. KANSAS Commission shall establish reasonable rules, regulations, specifications and standards to secure the accuracy 2497 of all meters and appliances for measurements, and every public utility is required to carry into effect all orders issued by commis- sion relative thereto. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 22. MARYLAND Commission shall appoint inspectors of gas and electric meters, whose duty it shall be to inspect, examine, prove and ascertain the accuracy of any and all gas meters used or intended to be used for measuring or ascertaining the quantity of illuminating or fuel gas, or natural gas, furnished by any gas cor- poration to or for the use of any person, and any and all elec- 2498 trie meters used or intended to be used for measuring and ascer- taining the quantity of electrical current furnished for light, heat and power by any electrical corporation to or for the use of any person or persons, and when found to be or made to be correct, the inspector shall stamp or mark all such meters and each of ^ "Public service corporation," in Arizona. them with some suitable device, which device shall be recorded in the office of the secretary of state. Laws igio, ch. i8o, sec. 31^. No corporation or person shall furnish or put in use any gas meter which shall not have been inspected, proved and sealed, or any electric meter which shall not have been inspected, approved, stamped or marked by an inspector of commission . Every gas and electric corporation shall provide and keep in and upon its premises 2499 a smtable and proper apparatus, to be approved and stamped or marked by commission, for testing and proving the accuracy of gas and electric meters furnished oy it for use, and by which apparatus every meter may and shall be tested, on the written re- quest of the consumer to whom the same shall be furnished and in his presence if he desires it. Same. If any consumer to whom a meter has been fiunished shall request commission to inspect such meter, commission shall have the same inspected and tested; if the same, on being tested, shall be found to be four per cent., if an electric meter, or two per cent., if a gas meter, defective or incorrect, to the prejudice of the con- 2600 sumer, the inspector shall order the gas or electrical corporation forthwith to remove the same and to place instead thereof a cor- rect meter, and the expense of such inspection and test shall be borne by the corporation; if the same, on being so tested, shall be found to be correct, the expense of such inspection and test shall be borne by the consumer. A uniform reasonable charge shall be fixed by commission for this service. Same, sec. 32. MASSACHUSETTS The unit of measure for the sale of illuminating gas by meter shall be the cubic foot, containing 62 321/1000 2601 pounds avoirdupois weight of distilled or rain water, weighed in air of the temperature of 62 degrees, Fahrenheit scale, the barom- eter being at 30 inches. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 58, sec. 8. Every gas light company with a capital paid in of $100,000 or more, and every other gas light company if required by the gas and electric commission, and all makers and vendors of meters shall set up at some convenient place upon their premises one or more meter provers of a size and type approved, tested and cali- 2602 brated by commission by means of which meters may be tested. A meter shall not be stamped correct if it varies more than two per cent, from the standard measure. Commission shall keep a correct record of all meters examined by its inspectors with their • proof at the time of inspection, which shall be open at all times for examination by the officers of any gas light company. Same, sec. g. 640 A gas company providing a meter for measuring gas sup- plied to a customer which has not been duly sealed and stamped 2503 shall be punished by a fine of $5 for every such meter in use, payable to the city or town in which the meter is situated. Same, sec. 10. Meters in use shall be tested by the inspector or by one of his assistants or a deputy on the request of the consumer or of the gas light company, in the presence of the consumer if desired, and with sealed apparatus. If he finds that the meter is correct, 2504 the person requesting the inspection shall pay the fees for such inspection and the expenses of removing the meter for the purpose of being tested, and the reinspection shall be stamped on the meter. If he finds that the meter is incorrect, the gas light com- pany shall pay such expenses and shall furnish a new meter with- out charge to the consumer. Same, sec. 11. Meters for measuring gas supplied to consimiers shall reg- ister the quantity of gas passing through them in cubic feet so that the number of cubic feet of gas consumed can be easily as- certained by the consimier thereof. No meter shall be used 2505 which may confuse or deceive the constimer in ascertaining the price he pays per 1,000 cu. ft. or the number of cubic feet con- sumed. No charge for the use of a meter during any portion of twelve consecutive months shall be made if the consumer during said time uses gas to the value of $7. Same, sec. 12. A customer of an electric lighting company or such company may apply to the gas and electric commission for an examination and test of any meter in use upon a customer's premises. Com- mission shall forthwith cause to be made by a competent and dis- interested person such examination and test of said meter, if any, as in its judgment is practicable and reasonable, and shall furnish to the company and to the customer a certificate of the result and expense thereof. If upon such examination it appears that the meter does not register correctly, commission may order the com- 2606 pany to correct or remove such meter and to substitute a correct meter therefor. All fees for examinations and tests shall in the first instance be paid by the person or company making applica- tion therefor; but if the examination or test is made at the re- quest of a customer and the meter is found to be incorrect be- cause too fast the company shall pay such fees to commission to be repaid by it to the applicant. A meter shall be deemed cor- rect for the purposes of this section if it appears from such ex- amination or test that it does not vary more than five per cent, 641 from the standard approved by commission. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. 36. The person designated to make such inspection may at any reasonable time enter upon any premises where the meter to be inspected is placed for the purpose of making the inspection. 2607 Commission may establish such rules and regulations, fix such standards, prescribe such fees, and employ such means and methods in, and in connection with, such examinations and tests of electric meters, as in its judgment shall be most practicable, expedient and economical. Same, sec. j/.^ • Commission may purchase such materials, apparatus and 2608 standard measuring instruments for examinations and tests as it may deem necessary. Same. Inspectors subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by gas and electric commission shall make the inspections of gas re- quired by section 14 of chapter 58 of the revised laws, and shall inspect, examine, ascertain and prove the accuracy of all meters which are to be used for measuring illuminating gas and are to be 2609 furnished to or for the use of any consumer or company, and shall seal, stamp or mark every such meter, if it be found to be correct, with some suitable device which shall be determined by commis- sion and recorded in the office of the secretary of the common- wealth. They shall also perform such other duties and make such reports of their doings as commission may require. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 228, sec. j. See also par. 2oy. NEW JERSEY Commission shall purchase such materials, ap- 2610 paratus and standard measuring instruments as it may deem nec- essary. Laws igii, ch. igj, sec. 8. Commission may after hearing, by order in writing, establish reasonable rules, regulations, specifications and standards, to se- 2611 cure the accuracy of all meters and appliances for measurements. Same, sec. i6{g). Commission may provide for the examination and test of any 2612 and all appliances used for the measuring of any product or serv- ice of a public utility. Same, sec. i6{h). Commission may by its agents, experts or examiners, enter upon any premises occupied by any public utility as herein de- 2613 fined, for the purpose of making the examinations and tests pro- vided for in this act and to set up and use on such premises any apparatus and appliances necessary therefor. Same^ sec. i6{i). » See footnote par. 2367. 642 Commission may fix the fees to be paid by any consumer or user of any product or service of a public utility, who may apply to commission for such examination or test to be made, and any 2614 constimer or user may have any such appliance tested upon the payment of the fees fixed by commission, which fees shall be re- paid to the consumer or user if the appliance be found defective or incorrect to the disadvantage of the consimier or user, and in that event, paid by the public utility. Same, sec. i6(j). NEW YORK Each commission shall appoint inspectors of gas meters whose duty it shall be when required by commission to inspect, examine, prove and ascertain the accuracy of any and all gas meters used or intended to be used for measuring or ascer- taining the quantity of gas for light, heat or power furnished 2615 by any person or corporation to or for the use of any person or persons and when found to be or made to be correct, the inspector shall seal all such meters and each of them with some suitable device, which device shall be recorded in the office of the secretary of state. Laws iQio, ch. 480, sec. 6y{i). No corporation or person shall furnish, set or put in use any 2516 gas meter which shall not have been inspected, proved and sealed by an inspector of commission. Same, sec. 6^(2). Each commission shall appoint inspectors of electric meters whose duty it shall be, when required by commission, to inspect, examine and ascertain the accuracy of any and all electric meters used or intended to be used for measuring and ascertaining the quantity of electric current furnished for light, heat or power by any person or corporation to or for the use of any person or cor- 2617 poration, and to inspect, examine and ascertain the accuracy of all apparatus for testing and proving the accuracy of electric meters, and when found to be or made to be correct the inspector shall stamp or mark all such meters and apparatus with some suitable device, which device shall be recorded in the office of the secretary of state. No corporation, person or municipality shall furnish, set or put in use any electric meter the type of which shall not have been approved by commission. Same, sec. 6y{j). Every gas and electrical corporation shall provide, repair and maintain such suitable premises and apparatus and facilities as 2618 may be required and approved by commission for testing and proving the accuracy of gas and electric meters furnished for use by it, and by which apparatus every meter may be tested. Same, sec. 67 {4). 643 If any consumer to whom a meter has been furnished shall request commission in writing to inspect such meter, commission shall have the same inspected and tested; if the same on being so tested shall be found to be more than four per cent, if an electric meter, or more than two per cent, if a gas meter, defective or in- 2519 correct to the prejudice of the consumer, the expense of such in- spection and test shall be borne by the corporation, if the same on being so tested shall be found to be correct within the limits of error prescribed by the provisions of this subdivision, the expense of such inspection and test shall be borne by the consumer. Same, sec. 6y(j). Commission shall prescribe such rules and regulations to 2620 carry into effect the provisions of this section as it may deem necessary, and shall fix uniform reasonable charges for the inspec- tion and testing of meters upon complaint. Same, sec. 6y{6). OHIO Commission may establish reasonable rules, regulations, specifications and standards to secure the accuracy 2621 of all meters and appliances for measurements, and every public utility is required to carry into effect all orders issued by commis- sion relative thereto. Laws igii, no. 32 j, sec. 38. Commission may provide for the examination and testing of any and all appliances used for the measurement of any product or service of a public utility. Any consumer or user may have any such appliance tested upon payment of the fees fixed by com- mission. Commission may declare and establish reasonable fees 2622 to be paid for testing such appliances on the request of the con- sumers or users, the fees to be paid by the consumer or user at the time the request is made, but to be paid by the public utility and repaid to the consumer or user if the appliance be found com- mercially defective or incorrect to the disadvantage of the con- simier or user. Same, sec. 3Q. OREGON Commission shall establish reasonable rules, regulations, specifications and standards to secure the accuracy of 2528 all meters and appliances for measurements, and every public utility is required to carry into effect all orders issued by commis- sion relative thereto. Gen. Laws 1911, ch. 2yg, sec. 22. Commission shall provide for the examination and testing of any and all appliances used for the measuring of any product or service of a public utility, and may provide by rule that no such appliance shall be installed and used for the measuring of any 2624 product or service of any public utility until the same has been 644 I I examined and tested by commission and found to be accurate. Commission shall declare and establish a reasonable fee govern- ing the cost of such examination and test which shall be paid to commission by the public utility. Same, sec. 2j. Commission shall declare and establish reasonable fees for the testing of such appliances on the application of the c'onsumer or user, the fee to be paid by the consumer or user at the time of his request, but to be repaid to the consimier or user by com- 2525 mission and to be paid by the public utility if the appliance be found defective or incorrect to the disadvantage of the con- sumer or user beyond such reasonable limit as may be pre- scribed by commission. All fees collected under the provisions of this section shall be paid by commission into the state treas-. ury. Same. Commission, its agents, experts, examiners or inspectors may enter upon any premises occupied by any public utility for 2526 the purpose of making any inspection, examination, or test pro- vided in this act, and set up and use in such premises any appar- atus and appliances and occupy reasonable space therefor. Same, sec. 24. Commission may purchase such materials, apparatus and 2527 standard measuring instruments for such examinations and tests as it may deem necessary. Same, sec. 25. Any person who shall destroy, injure, or interfere with any apparatus or appliance owned or operated by or in charge of com- mission or its agent, or any apparatus or appliance sealed by it, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction 2528 shall be punished by fine not exceeding $100 or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 30 days or both. Any public utility know- ingly permitting the destruction, injury to, or interference with any such apparatus or appliance, or with the seal affixed to any apparatus or appliance by direction of commission, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding $1,000 for each such offense. Same, sec. 70. RHODE ISLAND Provisions substantially identical with pars. 2629 2521, 2522, except that '' commission may" reads '^commission shall." Acts igi2, ch. yg^, sees. 46, 47. A meter shall be deemed correct for the purposes of this sec- 2530 tion if it appears from such examination or test that it does not vary more than two per cent, from the standard approved by commission. Same, sec. 47. WASHINGTON Commission may appoint inspectors of elec- tric meters whose duty it shall be when required by commis- 645 sion to inspect, examine, prove and ascertain the accuracy of any and all electric meters used or intended to be used for measuring and ascertaining the quantity of electric current furnished for light, heat or power by any public service company to or for the 2531 use of any person or corporation, and to inspect, examine and ascertain the accuracy of all apparatus for testing and proving the accuracy of electric meters, and when found to be or made to be correct the inspector shall stamp or mark all such meters and apparatus with some suitable device to be prescribed by the commission. No public service company shall furnish, set or put in use any electric meters the type of which shall not have been approved by commission. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 74. Commission may appoint inspectors of gas and water meters whose duty it shall be when required by commission to inspect, examine, prove and ascertain the acciu-acy of any and all gas and water meters used or intended to be used for measuring or ascer- 2532 taining the quantity of gas for light, heat or power, or the quan- tity of water furnished for any purpose by any public service company to or for the use of any person or corporation, and when found to be or made to be correct such inspectors shall seal all such meters and each of them with some suitable device to be pre- scribed by commission. Same. No public service company shall thereafter furnish, set or 2533 put in use any gas or water meter which shall not have been in- spected, proved and sealed by an inspector of commission under such rules and regulations as commission may prescribe. Same. Every gas, electrical and water company shall prepare and maintain such suitable premises, apparatus and facilities as may 2534 be required and approved by commission for testing and proving the accuracy of gas, electric or water meters furnished for use by it by which apparatus every meter may be tested. Same. Also a provision for gas, electrical and water companies 2635 substantially identical with par. 2519, except that a limit of error of two per cent, is provided for water meters. Same. Commission shall prescribe such rules and regulations to 2536 carry into effect the provisions of this section as it may deem necessary, and shall fix the uniform and reasonable charges for the inspection and testing of meters upon complaint. Same. WISCONSIN Provisions identical with pars. 2521, 2522. 2537 Laws igoj, ch. 4qq, sees. iyQym'-2j(2), iyQym-24(i), I'jg'jm- 24(2), i797m-24{3). 646 Commission may purchase such materials, apparatus and 2538 standard measuring instruments for such examinations and tests as it may deem necessary. Same, sec. i'/gym-2^. Commission, its agents, experts or examiners, may enter upon any premises occupied by any pubHc utility for the purpose 2539 of making the examination and tests provided in this act and set up and on such premises any apparatus and appHances and occupy reasonable space therefor. Same, sec. iyg'jm-26. Any person who shall destroy, injure or interfere with any apparatus or appliance owned or operated by or in charge of commission or its agent shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor 2540 and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100 or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 30 days or both. B Same, sec. lyg'jm-gji^i). wk Any public utility permitting the destruction, injury to, or ■L2541 interference with, any such apparatus or appliance, shall forfeit H| a simi not exceeding $1,000 for each offense. Same, sec. I'jgjm- 97^2). L. FREE DELIVERY LIMITS OF EXPRESS, TELE- PHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. ARKANSAS Commission is authorized and directed to de- fine the limits in cities in which express companies shall make free 2542 delivery of all express packages received by them. Acts igii, no. jj6, sec. 2. Any express company refusing to establish and maintain the offices or refusing to deliver free any express packages received by them within the limits fixed by commission shall be guilty of a misdemeanor for each failure or refusal to comply with the terms 2543 of this act or the orders of commission, and shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $100 for each offense, and each day that said company refuses to establish and maintain such offices and each refusal to deliver within the territory fixed by commission shall be a separate offense. Same, sec. 3. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Commission may provide the time within which express packages shall be received, gathered, transported and delivered at destination, and the limits within which express 2544 packages shall be gathered and distributed and telegraph and telephone messages delivered without extra charge. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 4j{b); Cal. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 45Q)). 647 ILLINOIS Commission may upon complaint or its own initiative, after notice to the express companies or carriers by ex- press affected, fix and determine the territory in any city or vil- lage having a population of 2,500 or more inhabitants according to the last preceding United States census within which territory such express companies and carriers by express shall thereafter deliver all merchandise, property, parcels, packages, money and other commodities and things transported by them to all con- signees within such territory at the place of address as directed on the package, parcel, commodity or thing transported and 2546 thereafter all such express companies and carriers by express shall deliver all merchandise, property, parcels, packages, money and other commodities and things transported by them, and each of them, to all consignees within such territory, at the place of ad- dress as directed on the package, parcel, commodity or thing transported. Any such express company or carrier by express, or any officer, representative, servant, agent, lessee, trustee or re- ceiver of such express company or carrier by express, who know- ingly violates any of the provisions of this section shall be fined in any stun not more than $100 to be recovered in an action of debt in the name of the people of the state of Illinois. Revisal ipOQ, ch. 114, sec. 57^. MISSISSIPPI See par. 2319. MISSOURI Commission may and shall upon the complaint of ten or more citizens of any incorporated city or town of the state, which now has or may hereafter have a population of 1,000 or more inhabitants according to the last preceding United States census fix and define and establish in any such city or town, by its order, the boundaries of a free delivery zone and require all express companies, to deliver such express matter transported between points wholly within the state to all consignees to whom the same is directed, living within the limits of such free delivery zone as established by said commission, as one continuous ship- 2546 ment and without an additional delivery charge being made there- for at the place of delivery; prescribe a uniform contract for the shipment of all express matter between points wholly within this state, and require the use of the same by all express companies doing business in the state; require all express companies, to paste conspicuously on each package received for shipment be- tween points wholly within the state, a label designed and read- ing, ''collect" or "paid," with ''amount," "weight," "date"; 648 make, promulgate and enforce all other necessary rules and regu- lations for the shipment of any express matter between points wholly within the state. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. J288(d). WASHINGTON Commission may by proper rules and regula- tions provide the extent of free gathering and distributing limits S947 for express packages in cities and towns. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 5p. 649 CHAPTER VIII Safety of Operation SCOPE NOTE This chapter includes grants of power authorizing commissions to regulate utilities with regard to the safety of the service rendered. Provisions prescribing by legis- lative enactment specific safety appliances and standards of safety, even when enforcement is left to commissions, have been excluded. For provisions incidentally involving questions of safety, see ch. iv, on establishment and change of rates, and ch. vii, on service. For provisions prescribing general procedure to be followed in the exer- cise of commission authority, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For provisions prescribing gen- eral rules of enforcement and judicial review, see ch. xv, on enforcement. For general statement of scope and method, see mtroduction. ANALYSIS PAGE A. General authority of commission with respect to safety of operation. . . 652 B. Authority of commission to examine, inspect or investigate equipment or facilities, to order repairs and safety appliances and to fix standards of safety 655 C. Duty of utilities to report or give notice of accidents, and authority of commission to investigate the same and make recommendations with respect thereto 674 651 A. GENERAL AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO SAFETY OF OPERA- TION.^ CONNECTICUT No part of any railroad or street railway shall be opened for public travel unless the company operating such 2548 railroad or street railway shall first obtain a certificate signed by commission that it is in a suitable and safe condition. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 3886. Commission shall, from time to time, recommend to the several companies operating steam railroads and street railways in the state, or to any of them, the adoption of such measures and 2549 regulations as such commission deems conducive to the public safety or interest; and shall report to the next general assembly any neglect on the part of any such company to comply with any such recommendation. Same, sec. jSgj. FLORIDA Commission shall make and adopt reasonable rules and regulations requiring railroad companies and other common carriers operating railroads wholly or in part in the state 2560 to maintain the roadbeds, rights of way, tracks, depots, rolling stock, and other fixtures and equipment of such railway lines within the state in a safe and proper condition. Laws igoy, ch. 5622, sec. 2. Commission shall require all railroad companies operating railroads, either in whole or in part within the state, to construct 2651 and maintain all their switches and switching devices in a safe manner and condition. Same, sec. j.. If any railroad company, or other common carrier, operating a railroad wholly or in part in the state, shall refuse to comply with any rule, order or regulation provided or prescribed by commis- sion under the authority of this act, or shall otherwise violate any 2552 of the provisions of this act, such company or common carrier shall thereby incur a penalty for each such offense of not more than $5,000 to be fixed, imposed and collected by commission in the manner provided in section 2908 of the general statutes of the state of Florida. Same, sec. 4. MAINE No passenger train shall be run over any new railroad, or over any railroad in process of construction, until commission has made an inspection of such railroad and granted - See also pars. 2273-2314, 2381-2464. 652 a certificate of its safety for public travel. Any person or cor- 2553 poration, -violating the provisions of this section, forfeits to the state $ioo for each offense, to be recovered in an action on the case, or by complaint and indictment; and the attorney general shall institute proceedings to recover the same. Rev. Stats. iQoj, as amended, ch. 51, sec. 57. No street railroad shall be operated for street traffic imtil commission has made an inspection of such railroad and granted a certificate of its safety for public travel. Any person or cor- ts54 poration violating the provisions of this section, forfeits to the state $100 for each offense, to be recovered in an action on the case, or by complaint and indictment, and the attorney general shall institute proceedings to recover the same. Rev. Stats. 1903, ch. 5j, sec. 20. MASSACHUSETTS No street railway or portion or extension thereof shall be opened for public use imtil railroad commission, after an examination, certifies that all laws relative to its con- struction have been comphed with, and that it appears to be in 1555 a safe condition for operation; but nothing herein contained shall be construed as compelling commission to grant such cer- tificate imtil the entire road included in the location of such rail- way, portion or extension has been completed. Acts 1906, ch. 46 J, pt. in, sec. 73. NEVADA Commission may determine and order the use of safety appliances in the interest of employes and the traveling public, such as crossing-gates, flagmen, bells, devices, etc., in- terlocking plants at railway crossings and all other modem safety devices. Commission may determine and order the man- ner in which any railroad, street railway, steam or electric rail- way, or other common carrier, may cross another railroad, street 2656 railway, whatever the motive power, at grade, or above or below grade, and shall prescribe the safety appliances and regulations that should be adopted at such crossings or at existing grade crossings of railroads, steam, electric, or other motive power railways for the protection of the public and the prevention of accidents. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. 7, as amended hy Stats. 1909, ch. 121, sec. J. NEW MEXICO Commission shall require all intrastate rail- ways, transportation companies or common carriers, to provide such reasonable safety appliances in connection with all equip- 2557 ment, as may be necessary and proper for the safety of its em- 653 ployes and the public, and as are now or may be reqmred by the federal laws, ndes and regulations governing interstate com- merce. Const. y art. xi, sec. 7. NORTH CAROLINA Commission may make any necessary and proper rules, orders and regulations for the safety, comfort and 2668 convenience of passengers, shippers or patrons of any public serv- ice corporation, and require the observance of the same by the company and its employes. Acts igoj, ch. 46Q, sec. i{a). SOUTH CAROLINA No railroad, branch, or extension of a railroad, shall hereafter be opened for public use until commission, after an examination, certifies that all laws relating to the construction 2559 thereof have been complied with, and that the road appears to be in a safe condition for operation, unless commission shall, after the ten days' written notice to it by said railroad company of such proposed opening, fail to make such examination and certificate. Gen. Stats. 1Q02, sec. 2ij6. WASHINGTON See par. 1044. WISCONSIN Upon the completion of the construction of any railroad or extension or branch thereof, under the specifica- tion as approved by commission, the applicant company shall, before operating said railroad, or extension or branch thereof, excepting for construction purposes, and before opening the same to public service, report the same to commission and commission shall thereupon inspect and examine said railroad, or extension or branch thereof, or cause the same to be inspected and examined, and if it shall be found that the same has been constructed in 2560 accordance with said specification as approved and is otherwise suitable and properly constructed so as to conserve and protect the public safety in the operation thereof, commission shall grant to said applicant railroad an order authorizing it to oper- ate the same, which order shall be presumptive evidence of the siifficiency of such construction. Said order shall specify in general terms the methods and conditions of such operation and it shall not be lawful for any such railroad or extension or branch thereof, to be operated till such order has been so granted and obtained. Laws igoy, ch. 4^4, sec. 1797-57^ as amended by Laws igog, ch. 47'j. Commission may establish reasonable rules, regulations, 2661 specifications, and standards for the installation, operation, an< maintenance of all safety devices and measures. Laws igii, ch, 2g7, sec. I7g7-gb. 654 B. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION TO EXAMINE, INSPECT OR INVESTIGATE EQUIPMENT OR FACILITIES, TO ORDER REPAIRS AND SAFETY APPLIANCES AND TO FIX STAND- ARDS OF SAFETY.^ ALABAMA See par. 24J. ARIZONA Commission may, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, by general or special orders, rules or regulations, or otherwise, require every public service corpora- tion to maintain and operate its line, plant, system, equipment, apparatus, tracks and premises in such manner as to promote and safeguard the health and safety of its employes, passengers, cus- tomers, and the public, and to this end prescribe, among other 2562 things, the installation, use, maintenance and operation of ap- propriate safety or other devices or appliances, including inter- locking and other protective devices at grade crossings or jimctions and block or other systems of signaling, establish uniform or other standards of equipment, and require the performance, of any other act which the health or safety of its employes, pas- sengers, customers or the public may demand. Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 42. ARKANSAS Commission shall, as often as it deems it neces- sary, carefully examine the condition of the several railroads of the state; and commission, whenever it has reasonable grotmds to believe either on complaint or otherwise that any of the tracks, bridges, or other structures of any railroads in the state, are in a condition which renders any of them dangerous or unfit for the transportation of passengers with reasonable safety, inspect and examine the same; and if on such examination in its opinion or in the opinion of a majority of commission, any such tracks, bridges, or other structures, or works, are unfit for the transportation of passengers with reasonable safety, it shall give to the superin- tendent or other executive officer of the company working or operating said defective tracks, bridges, or other structures, notice of the condition thereof, and of the repairs necessary to place same in safe condition; and may also order and direct the speed of trains over such dangerous and defective tracks, bridge, or other structure, until said repairs are made, and the time within 1 See also pars. 2417-2434. which the repairs shall be made by the company; and if any such superintendent or executive officer aforesaid, receiving such notice and order, shall wilfully neglect, for the period of two days after receiving such notice and order, to direct the proper sub- ordinate officers to move the passenger trains over such defective tracks, bridge, or other structure, at the speed prescribed by com- mission, or if any engineer, conductor or other employe of such company shall disobey such order of superintendent or officer 2563 whose duty it is to issue said order, every such superintendent, conductor, engineer, or other employe shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $500 or be imprisoned in the county jail of the proper county for a period not exceeding one year, or both, at the discretion of the court, and in case the disregard of the instruc- tions of commission shall cause any accident whereby human life shall be lost or passengers maimed or wounded, the said superin- tendent of the said company, and the engineer and conductor in charge of such train, shall severally be deemed guilty of a felony, and on conviction thereof shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary for a period of not less than two nor more than ten years, and commission may wholly stop the running of passenger trains over such defective track, bridge, or other structure; and it is hereby required, in case any company fails to repair such track, bridge, or other structure within the time required, to give notice to such fact in some newspaper having a general circulation along the line of said railroad, to the traveling public. And, further- more, commission may recover from said railroad company the sum of $1,000 for each day that expires after the time fixed by commission for the repair of such defective track, bridge, or other structure, for such neglect to repair the same, unless good and sufficient cause can be shown for such failure to repair such de- fective track, bridge, or other structure, to be recovered before any court having competent jurisdiction, for the use and benefit of the state, after paying the costs of the advertisement herein provided for. Acts igog, no. 16 j, sec. i. The provisions of this act shall be regarded as cumulative, and nothing herein shall be so construed as to repeal any other 2564 act now in force, nor to in any way ciirtail or limit the powers and duties of commission. Same, sec. 2. CALIFORNIA For public utilities, a provision identical with 2565 par. 2562. Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 42. 656 t I CONNECTICUT Commission shall examine the several rail- roads and street railways in the state once in each year, and oftener when it deems that public safety so requires, and shall make a like examination of any railroad or street railway within 2566 the limits of any town, when so requested in writing by the se- lectmen of such town or by the authorities having control and supervision of the streets and highways therein, and shall see that such railroads and railways are kept in suitable repair, and that the companies operating them faithfully comply with all provisions of law. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 3887. If, upon examination of any railroad or the affairs of any railroad company, commission shall be of opinion that such road is in such condition, or that the affairs of such company are so conducted, as to endanger public safety, or that the company has violated the law or refused to obey the directions of commission SS67 or of the superior court, or any judge thereof, it may within one year after said examination make application to any judge of such court for an injunction to restrain any person from exercising or attempting to exercise the duties of any officer in such company; and such judge may proceed thereon as the superior court may do on complaints for injunctions. Same, sec. 38 gy. Commission shall, so far as is practicable, keep fully in- formed as to the condition of the plant, equipment, and manner of operation of all public service companies, in so far as the safety of the public and of the employes of such companies may be involved, and may order such reasonable repairs or alterations in such plant or equipment, or such changes in the manner of operation, as may be reasonably necessary for public safety or for the health or safety of said employes. Pub. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 13. Any person or any town, city, or borough may make com- plaint, in writing, to commission, of any defects in any portion of the plant or equipment of any public service company, or of the manner of operating such plant, by reason of which the public 2569 safety or the health or safety of employes is endangered; and, if he or it so requests, the name of the complainant shall not be divulged unless in the opinion of commission the complaint is such that publicity is demanded. Same, sec. 14. Upon receipt of such complaint commission shall fix a time and place for hearing thereon, and shall give due notice thereof to all parties in interest, and shaU make such further investiga- tion into the alleged conditions as it shall deem necessary. If, 657 w upon such hearing, commission shall find the conditions to be 2670 dangerous to public safety or to the safety of employes, it shall make such order as may be necessary to remedy the same, and shall furnish a copy of such order to the complainant, upon re- quest. If commission finds that the complaint is not justified, it shall so notify the complainant in writing, by registered letter, specifying the reasons for such finding, and shall file a copy of such notification in the office of commission. Same, sec. 75. Every public service corporation shall comply, immediately, with any order of commission made in accordance with the provisions of the preceding section, and any company failing 2671 to comply with any such order shall be fined not more than $1,000 for each offense, and shall be liable in double damages for any injury or damage resulting to any person from such failure. Same, sec. 16. GEORGIA Commission shall upon complaint made, in- spect for itself, or through an agent, the railroads or any railroad or any part of any railroad in the state, and if the same is found in an unsafe or dangerous condition, require the same put and kept in such condition as will render travel over the same safe 2572 and expeditious; provided, that reasonable time be given the railroad authorities in which to accomplish the work or repairs that may be required or ordered; provided, that this act shall not limit or affect the liability of railroads in cases of damage to per- son or property. Acts i8gi, no. yio, sec. i.^ Any railroad failing or refusing to obey the orders of com- mission within the time allowed for said work, shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $5,000 to be recovered by a suit brought 2673 in the name of the state, in which suit the attorney general or solicitor general shall represent the state, and his fees shall be the same as now provided by law. Suits shall be brought in the county where the wrong or violation occurs. Same, sec. 2. ILLINOIS Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of commission by complaint or otherwise, that any railroad bridge or trestle, or any portion of the track of any railroad in the state is out of repair, or is in an unsafe condition, commission shall in- vestigate, or cause an investigation to be made of the condition; » Commission, upon complaint made, shall inspect for themselves, or through an agent any railroad or any part of any railroad in this state, and if the same is found in an unsafei or dangerous condition, it shall require the same put and kept in such condition as will| render travel over the same safe and expeditious; reasonable time shall be given the rail-j road authorities in which to accomplish the work or repairs required. This section shalll not limit or affect the liability of railroads in cases of damage to person or property. Cod*\ I Oil, sec. 26 3Q. 658 of such railroad bridge, trestle or tracks, and may employ such person or persons who may be civil engineer or engineers, as it shall deem necessary for the purpose of making such investigation, and whenever in the judgment of commission after such investi- gation, it shall become necessary to rebuild such bridge, track or trestle, or repair the same, commission shall give notice and in- formation in writing to the corporation of the improvements and changes which it may deem to be proper. And shall recommend to the corporation or person or persons owning or operating such railroad, that it, or he, or they, make such repairs, changes or improvements, or rebuild such bridge or bridges on such rail- road, as commission shall deem necessary to the safety of per- sons and property being transported thereon. And commission shall give such corporation or person or persons owning or opera- ting said railroad an opportunity for a full and fair hearing on the subject of such investigation and recommendation. And com- mission shall, after having given such corporation or person or persons operating such railroad an opportunity for a full hearing thereon, if such corporation or person shall not satisfy comcnis- sion that no action is required to be taken by it or them, fix a time within which said changes or repairs shall be made, or such 2574 bridges, tracks or culverts shall be rebuilt, which time commission may extend. It shall be the duty of the corporation, person, or persons, owning or operating said railroad to comply with such recommendations of commission as are just and reasonable. And the supreme court or the circuit court in any circuit in which said railroad may be in part situated, shall have power in all cases of such recommendations by commission to compel com- pliance therewith by mandamus. If any such corporation or person or persons owning or operating any such railroad shall, after such hearing, neglect or refuse to comply with the recom- mendation or recommendations of commission as to making any repairs, changes or improvements on any bridge, track or trestle, or to rebuild any bridge within the time fixed by commission therefor, commission shall report such neglect or refusal, to- gether with the facts in such case, touching the necessity for such repairs, changes or rebuilding to the attorney general of the state, who shall thereupon take such action as may be necessary to seciu-e compliance with such recommendations of commission. In an actions or proceedings brought by the attorney general to compel compliance with the recommendations of commission the findings of commission shall be prima facie evidence of the facts 659 therein stated, and the recommendation of commission shall be deemed prima facie just and reasonable. Nothing herein con- tained shall impair the legal liability of any railroad company for the consequence of its acts. And all existing remedies therefor are hereby saved to the people and to individuals. Revisal 1909, ch. 114, sec. 177a. IOWA Commission shall, from time to time, care- fully examine into and inspect the condition of each railroad, its equipment and the manner of its conduct and management within the state; shall make semi-annual examinations of its bridges and report the condition thereof to the company to 2576 which they belong; and if foimd by it unsafe it shall imme- diately notify the railroad company whose duty it is to put the same in repair, which shall be done by it within ten days after receiving such notice. If any corporation fails to perform this duty, commission may forbid and prevent it from running trains over the same while unsafe. Code i8q7, sec. 21 ij. KANSAS See par. 264. LOUISIANA Commission shall inspect railroads and re- quire them to keep their tracks and bridges in a safe condition M76 and enforce the same by having the penalties hereby prescribed inflicted through the proper courts having jurisdiction. Const., art. 284. MAINE A majority of commission or one member thereof annually between the first of April and October and at any other time on application or whenever they think neces- sary shall carefully examine the tracks, rolling stock, bridges, viaduct and culverts of all railroads; and shall annually in M77 December make a report to the governor of their official do- ings, therein stating the condition of the road and rolling stock, with such facts as they deem of public interest or which he may require; and all persons managing railroads shall give commission such information as they at any time request. Rev. Stats, igoj, ch. 5/, sec. 50. Every railroad corporation shall, when requested by com- mission, have an examination made of any iron bridge or other structure, by a competent and experienced mechanical engi- neer, who shall report to commission forthwith the results of his 2578 examinations, his conclusion and recommendations, and trans- 660 mit a copy of the same to the corporation. The report shall furnish such information in detail, and with such drawings and prints, as may be in writing requested by commission. Samey sec. 52. Every railroad corporation shall furnish all reasonable r 2679 facilities to commission for the prompt and faithful discharge of the duties prescribed under this chapter. Same, sec. 55. If commission at any examination, find the track, culverts, bridges or rolling stock in use so out of repair as to be unsafe for S680 travelers, it shall immediately notify the managers of said road of its condition, and the time in which the repairs shall be made; and may require them to reduce the speed of all trains until the repairs are made. Same, sec. 54. If said managers do not comply with such requirements, commission shall petition the supreme judicial court in any county where the railroad extends, setting forth its examination, the condition of the road, the notice and requirement, and re- fusal to comply; and shall notify the • attorney general or the attorney of such county, of the filing of said petition, one of whom shall appear and take charge of the proceedings in court. The court shall order a notice thereon and appoint a hearing; and after a hearing, may order such things to be done by the ' 2681 managers of the road as it deems necessary to secure the safety of travelers; and unless such managers execute a bond to the state, with sufficient sureties, for such sum as the court deems necessary to make the repairs, conditioned that they will, within the time fixed by the court, make the repairs or otherwise satisfy the court that they will be so made, the court shall issue an injunction on said corporation and its managers, prohibiting the running of any passenger trains over the portion of the road found to be unsafe, until the order has been complied with or revoked. Same, sec. 55. When, in the opinion of commission, the passage of passenger trains over any portion of a railroad would be attended with imminent danger, it may notify the president or superintendent of such road and order the immediate stopping of all passenger 2682 trains about to run over such portion thereof. If its order is not obeyed, commission shall at once apply to some justice of the supreme judicial coiut, who may, upon satisfactory proof of the necessity for such order, and without notice to said company, issue an injunction prohibiting the running of passenger trains over said road until further order of the court. Same, sec. 56. 661 Bridges erected by any municipality, over which any street railroad passes, shall be constructed and maintained in such man- ner and condition, as to safety, as commission may determine. Commission may require the officers of the railroad company and of the municipality to attend a hearing in the matter, after such notice of the hearing to all parties in interest as commission may deem proper. Said commission shall determine at such hearing 2583 the repairs, renewals or strengthening of parts, or if necessary, the manner of rebuilding such bridge, required, to make the same safe for the uses to which it is put. It shall determine who shall bear the expenses of such repairs, renewals, strengthening or re- building, or it may apportion such expense between the railroad company and the city or town, as the case may be, in such man- ner as shall be deemed by commission just and fair, and shall make its report as hereinafter provided. Same, sec. 75. Commission shall make a report in writing of its decision in all matters named in the three preceding sections, file the same in its office and cause a copy of such decision to be sent by mail to each of the railroad corporations, or the mimicipal officers of the cities or towns, as the case may be, interested therein. Such de- 2584 cision shall be final and binding upon all parties named, .unless an appeal therefrom shall be taken and entered in the next suc- ceeding term of the supreme judicial court, to be held in the county where the crossing or bridge is located, after 30 days from the date of the report. Same, sec. 'j6. If any appeal shall be taken as provided in the preceding section, the appellant shall within 30 days from the date of the filing of such decision, file in the office of commission, its reasons of appeal, and 14 days at least before the sitting of the appellate court, it shall cause a copy of such reasons, certified by the clerk of commission, to be served upon such other interested corpora- tion or mtinicipality. The presiding justice, at such term of 2585 court, shall make such order or decree thereon as law and justice may require. Exceptions may be taken to such order or decree. The final adjudication shall be recorded by the clerk of courts in the county where the crossing or bridge is located, and a copy of the same shall be certified by said clerk to commission for record in its office. Costs may be taxed and allowed to either party at the discretion of the court. Same, sec. 77. MASSACHUSETTS Commission shall have the general supervision of all railroads and railways, and shall examine the same, and commission shall keep itself informed as to the conditions of 662 railroads and railways and the manner in which they are operated with reference to the security and accommodation of the public, and as to the compliance of the several railroad corporations and street railway companies with their charters and the laws of the 2566 state. Commission may from time to time require railroad cor- porations and street railway companies to install and maintain at such places upon the railroad or street railway premises as it shall designate such block or other signals or devices as it shall ap- prove for the purpose of safeguarding public travel. The su- preme judicial court shall have jurisdiction in equity to enforce compliance with any order issued by commission imder authority of this section. Acts iqo6, ch. 46 j, pt: i, sec. 6. Railroad and street railway inspectors who are appointed under the provisions of section one, shall under the direction of commission, examine the roadbed, tracks, crossings, stations, rolling stock, machinery, equipments, appliances and groimds used in or in connection with the operation of railroads or street railways and if they are considered by an inspector not to be in 2687 compliance with the requirements of law, or to be in such condi- tion as to endanger the safety of the public or of employes he shall so report in writing to commission, which, if it considers it necessary, shall give notice to the corporation or company, or to the persons who own or operate the railroad or street railway, of such failure to comply with the requirements of the law or of such defects, with such recommendation as it may consider necessary or proper. Same, sec. 56. Every railroad corporation and street railway company shall, upon request of commission, and at least once in two years, cause an examination of its bridges and of the approaches thereto to be made by a competent engineer, who shall report the result of his examination, his conclusions and recommendations to the corporation or company, and it shall forthwith transmit a copy of the report to commission. Before a street railway company builds a bridge, it shall first submit the plans thereof to commis- 2588 sion for approval. Upon the completion of a new bridge, the railroad corporation or street railway company shall forthwith cause such examination and report to be made and transmitted to commission. The report shall furnish such information, in such detail and with such drawings or prints as may be requested in writing by commission. Said commission may make further examination of the bridge structure if necessary or expedient. The provisions of this section shall not exempt a corporation from 663 making other and more frequent examinations of its bridges and the approaches thereto. Same, sec. 58. MICHIGAN Whenever commission shall have reasonable grounds to believe, either on complaint or otherwise, that any of the equipment, cars, tracks, bridges or other structures of any common carrier of this state are in a condition which renders any of them dangerous or imfit for the transportation of passengers with reasonable safety or unreasonably endangering the em- ployes of such carrier, it shall inspect and examine, or cause to be inspected, examined and tested by some competent person or persons, and for that purpose it may employ some other person possessing especial knowledge and skill in the construction of railroads and bridges, as an expert, and if, on such examination, in its opinion any such equipment, cars, tracks, bridges or other structures be dangerous or imfit for the transportation of passen- gers with reasonable safety, or unreasonably endanger the em- ployes of such carrier, it shall give the superintendent or other executive officer of the corporation working or operating said de- fective, dangerous or imfit equipment, car, track or bridge or other structure, notice of the condition thereof, and of the re- pairs or changes necessary to place the same in a reasonably safe condition, and of the time within which such repairs or changes shall be made. It may also order and direct the rate of speed of passing trains or cars over such dangerous or defective track, 2S89 bridge or other structure, imtil the said repairs shall be made. If any superintendent or other executive officer aforesaid, receiving such notice or order to direct the proper subordinate officers of said corporation to run the passenger trains or cars over such de- fective track, bridge, or other structure, at the speed so pre- scribed by commission, or if any engineer, conductor or other employe of such company shall knowingly disobey such order, every such superintendent, officer, conductor or employe shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be ptmished as provided in section 43 of this act. Com- mission may wholly prohibit the running of passenger trains or cars over such defective, dangerous or unfit track, bridge or other structure, or the use of such dangerous, unfit or defective equip- ment or car, if said company shall neglect or without reasonable cause fail to make such repairs within the time prescribed by com- mission; and such company, for each and every day that ensues thereafter, and until such changes or repairs are made, shall for- feit and pay to the state the simi of $100. In case of the employ- 664 ment of an expert, as provided for in this section, commission shall issue a certificate, which shall set forth the amount of time said expert has been employed, and the pay he is to receive there- for, which certificate shall entitle the holder thereof to receive the amoimt mentioned therein in the same manner as other em- ployes of the state are paid. Puh. Acts igog, no. ^oo, sec. J4. See also par. 212. MISSISSIPPI Commission shall upon complaint by petition, or whenever it may have knowledge otherwise of any insecure bridge, trestle, tunnel, or roadbed, inspect the same, and, if necessary, procure the services of a competent engineer to ex- amine the same; and, after giving notice to the railroad, may de- clare such bridge, trestle, tunnel, or roadbed imsafe, and make such recommendations to the railroad relative thereto as it may 2590 deem proper; and after such bridge, trestle, tunnel, or roadbed be declared to be, in the judgment of commission, imsafe, and the same be not made safe, and any accident occtir arising out of such imsafe condition, then the finding of commission shall be prima facie evidence in any suit for damages against the railroad of ctil- pable negligence, and will justify ptmitive damages. The cost of examination by a competent engineer shall be paid as the ex- penses of commission are paid, after the allowance of the same by commission. Code igo6, sec. 486g. Commission, through its several members, shall inspect every railroad whenever it shall deem the same necessary, and it must inspect all the railroads once in each year, and the results must be entered upon the minutes of commission and embraced in its reports, and must embrace information as to the condition of 2591 the roadbed, bridges, trestles, rolling stock, and depots, with such other as commission may deem proper. Whenever com- mission shall find any roadbed, trestle, bridge, timnel, switch, or any part of a railroad track, or any rolling stock in actual use, in an unsafe condition, it shall direct the railroad company to make the necessary repairs. Same, sec. 4870. MISSOURI Identical with par. 2563. Rev. Stats, igog, 2592 sec. 32 jg. NEBRASKA Commission may examine into and inspect, from time to time, the condition of each railway, or common car- rier, its equipment, and the manner of its conduct and manage- ment with regard to the public safety and convenience in the state; and if any part thereof is found in an imsafe and dangerous 665 condition commission shall immediately notify the railway com- 2693 pany or common carrier whose duty it is to put the same in repair, which shall be done by it within a reasonable time after re- ceiving such notice, and if any railway company or common car- rier subject to the provisions of this act fails to perform this duty, commission may enjoin and prevent it from nmning trains over the same while in such unsafe and dangerous condition. Cob- bey^ s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. io6jo{i). NEW YORK Commission may, on the application of any railroad corporation, authorize it to use any other safeguard or device approved by commission, in place of any safeguard or de- 2594 vice hereinbefore required by this article, wh"ch shall thereafter be used in lieu thereof, and the same penalties for neglect or re- fusal to use the same shall be incurred and imposed as for a failure to use the safeguard or device hereinbefore required, in lieu of which the same is to be used. Laws igio, ch. 481, sec. 75. NORTH CAROLINA Commission shall from time to time carefully examine into and inspect the condition of each railroad, its equip- 2695 ment and facilities, in regard to the public's safety and conveni- ence ; and if any are foimd by it to be unsafe, it shall at once notify and reqmre the railroad company to put the same in repair. PeiVs Revisal igo8, sec. logj^j). NORTH DAKOTA Every railroad, bridge corporation, or ferry company doing business in the state shall make semi-annual re- ports in each year to commission as to the safety of their bridges and ferries. Whenever, in the judgment of commission, it shall appear that any railroad, railroad corporation or common car- rier fails n any respect or particular, to comply with the terms of its charter or the laws of the state, or whenever in its judgment any repairs are necessary upon its road, or any addition to its rolling stock, or any addition to or change of its stations or station houses, or any change in its rate or fares for transporting freight, property or passengers, or any change in the mode of 2596 operating its road and conducting its business, is reasonable and expedient in order to promote the security, convenience and ac- commodation of the public, said commission shall inform such railroad corporation of the improvements and changes which it adjudges to be proper, by a notice thereof in writing, to be served by leaving a copy thereof, certified by the commission's secretary, with any station agent, clerk, treasurer or any director of said 666 corporation, and a report of the proceedings shall be included in the annual report of commission to the governor. Nothing in this section shall be construed as relieving any railroad company or railroad corporation from its present responsibility or liability for damage to person or property. Rev. Codes iQO^, sec. 436^. See also par. jiy. OHIO If, on complaint or otherwise, commission has reasonable groimds to believe that any of the tracks, bridges, or other structures of a railroad are in a condition which renders them dangerous or unfit for the transportation of passengers, it shall forthwith inspect and examine them, and, if of opinion that they are imfit for the transportation of passengers with safety, it shall immediately give to the superintendent, or other executive officer of the company operating such road, notice of the condition 2597 thereof, and of the repairs or reconstruction necessary to place them in a safe condition. Commission may prescribe the time within which such repairs or reconstruction must be made, and the rate of speed for trains passing over such dangerous or de- fective track, bridge or other structure, imtil the repairs or re- construction required are made. If, of opinion that it is need- ful and proper, it may forbid the running of passenger trains over such defective track, bridge or other structure. Code igio, sec. 5S5. Whoever, being the superintendent or other executive officer of a company operating a railroad, receives from commission notice of a prescribed rate of speed for trains passing over a de- fective track, bridge or other structure, or forbidding the running of passenger trains over such defective track, bridge or other structure, neglects for two days after receiving such notice to S598 direct the proper subordinate officer to run the passenger trains over such defective track, bridge or other structure, at a speed not greater than that so prescribed, or, if the running of a passenger train is so forbidden, to stop running passenger trains over it, or, an engineer, conductor or other employe who knowingly disobeys such order, shall be fined not exceeding $500 or imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding one year, or both. Same, sec. 586. If the company operating such road neglects or without good cause fails to make the repairs or reconstruction prescribed by commission within the time limited by it, for each day that such repairs or reconstruction is delayed beyond the time prescribed, such company shall forfeit and pay to the state the sum of $100. Same, sec. j8y. 667 OREGON Commission shall from time to time, and as often as once each year, carefully examine and inspect the physical condition of each railroad in the state, its roadbed, stations, equipment, and the manner of its conduct and man- agement with reference to the safety of the public and the em- 2600 ployes of such railroad, and the convenience of the public, and shall report the result of its investigations to the railroad com- pany, together with its recommendations thereon; provided, that this section shall not be construed as repealing any existing law on the subject. Gen. Laws igoj, ch. 5j, sec. 22. See also par. 1022. RHODE ISLAND If upon hearing and investigation commission shall find that the regulations, practices, acts, plant or equip- ment, appliances, or service of any public utility, or any con- dition suffered, permitted or maintained by any public utility, is unsafe, or improper, or that the public safety is endangered 2601 thereby, commission shall by order determine the proper regu- lations, practices, acts, plant or equipment, appliances or service thereafter to be in force and to be observed, maintained and used by such public utility, and may by order require any dangerous or unsafe condition to be removed or remedied. Acts 191 2, ch. 7P5, sec. 23. Whenever any highway bridge over which a street railway is operated shall become unsafe for public travel, the public utility operating such railway shall pay the whole expense of repairing, strengthening, or reconstructing such bridge, if such bridge would be safe for public travel if such railway were not operated over it ; but if a reconstruction of such bridge or the construction of a new bridge is required for any other cause, or if such bridge w^ould be unsafe for public travel if such railway were not operated over it, then so much of the expense of repairing, strengthening, constructing, or reconstructing such bridge as may be equitable shall be paid by the public utility operating such railway. In the 2602 event of any disagreement between such public utility and the town or city bound by law to maintain any such bridge, as to the necessity of any repair or reconstruction thereof, or as to the character of such repair or reconstruction, or as to the apportion- ment of the expense of such repair or reconstruction, commission, upon application of any party in interest, and after due hearing, shall, subject to the provisions of section 34, make such orders as it shall deem necessary, in the interest of public safety, for the repair, strengthening, or reconstruction of such bridge, and shall 668 determine in accordance with the principle herein stated the portion of the expense of such repair, strengthening, or recon- struction which shall be borne by such public utility. Same, sec. 53. See also par. 1025. SOUTH DAKOTA If any bridge, line, wire, facility or structure, shall be deemed imsafe by commission, it shall notify the common carrier immediately, and it shall be the duty of said common car- rier to repair, or replace said bridge, line, wire, facility or structure, in such manner and of such material and within such time as com- mission may order. Whenever in the judgment of commission it shall appear that any common carrier fails, in any respect or particular, to comply with the terms of its charter or the laws of the state, or whenever in its judgment any repairs are necessary upon its road, or facilities, or any addition to its rolling stock, or any stations or any additions to or change of its stations or station houses or any change in its rates of fare transporting S603 freight, passengers, express or messages, or any change in the mode of operating its line or lines or conducting its business is reasonable and expedient in order to promote the security, con- venience and accommodation of the public, commission shall in- form such common carrier of the improvements and changes which it adjudges to be proper, by notice thereof in writing to be served by leaving, or mailing by registered letter, a copy thereof, certified by its secretary, to or with any station agent, clerk, treasurer, or any director of said common carrier and a report of the proceedings shall be included in the annual report of com- mission to the legislature. Nothing in this section shall be con- strued as relieving any common carrier from its present respon- sibility or liability for damage to person or property. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2oy, sec. 2.^ VERMONT See par. 405. VIRGINIA See par. 409. WASHINGTON If upon investigation commission shall find that the eqmpment or appliances in connection therewith, or the apparatus, tracks, bridges or other structures of any common car- rier are defective, and that the operation thereof is dangerous to the employes of such common carrier or to the public, it shall 1 Commission is hereby vested with full jurisdiction to require any common carrier doing business in this state to install any facility necessary for the safety, convenience and accommodation of the public including telegraph lines and instruments and operators therefor, and telephone lines and instruments. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 207, sec. 31. 669 immediately give notice to the superintendent or other officer of such common carrier of the repairs or reconstruction necessary 2604 to place the same in a safe condition, and may also prescribe the rate of speed for trains or cars passing over such dangerous or de- fective track, bridge or other structure until the repairs or re- construction required are made, and may also prescribe the time within which the same shall be made. Or if, in its opinion, it is needful or proper, it may forbid the running of trains or cars over any defective track, bridge or structure imtil the same be repaired and replaced in a safe condition. Laws igii, ch. iiy, sec. 65. 2606 There shall be no appeal from or action to review any order of commission made imder the provisions of this section. Same. Commission shall, as soon as practicable, after the taking effect of this act, designate the number, dimensions, location and manner of application of the appliance provided for herein, or such as may be prescribed by commission, and shall give notice of such designation to all railroad companies and street railroad companies by such means as commission may deem proper, and thereafter such number, dimensions, location and manner of ap- plication as designated by commission shall remain as the stand- ards of equipment to be used on all cars and locomotives subject to the provisions of this act. Commission may add to, change or modify said standards of equipment at any time or provide dif- ferent standards under different circumstances and conditions; provided, that commission may, upon full hearing, for good cause, extend the period within which any railroad or street railroad may comply with the provisions of this section with respect to the 2606 equipment of locomotives or cars actually in service at the date of the passage of this act. Commission is hereby given authority to fix the time within which such modification or change shall become effective or obligatory. After the time so fixed it shall be unlawful to use any car, motor, or locomotive which does not comply with the standards so prescribed by commission; pro- vided, that when any car, motor or locomotive shall have been properly equipped as provided in this act, and such equipment shall have become defective or insecure while such car, motor or locomotive was being used by such railroad company upon its line of railroad, such car, motor or locomotive may be hauled from the place where such equipment was first discovered to be defective or insecure to the nearest available point where such car, motor or locomotive can be repaired, without liability for the penalties imposed herein if such movement is necessary to 670 make such repairs, and such repairs cannot reasonably be made except at such repair point. Nothing in this proviso shall be construed to permit the hauling of defective cars by means of chains instead of drawbars in revenue trains, or in association with other cars that are commercially used, unless such defective cars contain live stock or perishable freight. Same, sec. 66. It shall be unlawful for any railroad company or street rail- road company to use or operate any car, motor, locomotive or train that is defective, or any car, motor, locomotive or train upon which any appliance, machinery or attachment thereto be- longing is defective, or to knowingly operate its train over any de- 2607 fective track, bridge or other structure, excepting in cases of emergency and imder proper precautions; provided, that this section shall not apply to boarding and outfit cars when moved as work trains, or to trains consisting wholly of logging trucks or of logging trucks and a passenger car or caboose at the rear end thereof, or of logging trucks, and not to exceed five freight cars at the rear end thereof. Same. It shall be the duty of the inspector of tracks, bridges, struc- tures, and equipment, and such deputies as may be appointed, to inspect all equipment, and appliances connected therewith, and all apparatus, tracks, bridges and structures, depots and facilities and accommodations connected therewith, and facilities and accommodations furnished for the use of employes, and make such reports of his inspection to commission as may be required. He shall, on discovering any defective equipment or appliances con- nected therewith, rendering the use of such equipment dangerous, immediately report the same to the superintendent of the road on which it is foimd, and to the proper official at the nearest point where such defect is discovered, describing the defect. Such inspector may, on the discovery of any defect rendering the use of any car, motor or locomotive dangerous, condemn such 2608 car, motor or locomotive, and order the same out of service imtil repaired and put in good working order. He shall, on discovering any track, bridge or structure defective or imsafe in any particu- lar, report such condition to commission, and, in addition thereto, report the same to the official in charge of the division of such railroad upon which such defect is foimd. In case any track, bridge or structure is f oimd so defective as to be dangerous to the employes or public for a train or trains to be operated over the same, the inspector is hereby authorized to condemn such track, bridge or structure and notify commission and the office in charge 671 of the division of such railroad where such defect is found of his action concerning the same, reporting in detail the defect com- plained of, and the work or improvements necessary to repair such defect. He shall also report to commission the violation of any law governing, controlling or affecting the conduct of public service companies in this state. Same, sec. 67. The inspector, or such deputies as may be appointed, shall have the right and privilege of riding on any locomotive, either on freight or passenger trains or on the caboose of any freight train, 2609 for the purpose of inspecting the track on any railroad in this state; provided, that the engineer or conductor in charge of any such locomotive or caboose may require such inspector to pro- duce his authority imder the seal of commission, showing that he is such inspector or deputy inspector. Same. The inspector, or such deputy inspector or inspectors as may be appointed, shall, when required by commission, inspect any street railroad, gas plant, electrical plant, water system, tele- phone line or telegraph line, and upon discovering any defective or 2610 dangerous track, bridge, structure, equipment, apparatus, ma- chinery, appliance, facility, instnmientality or building, rendering the use of the same dangerous to the public or to the employes of the company owning or operating the same, report the same to commission, and to the official in charge of such road, plant, sys- tem or line. Same. WISCONSIN If upon inspection and examination commis- sion shall deem that public safety requires the installation, operation, and maintenance of some suitable protective appliance at any grade crossing of the track or tracks of another steam railroad or of any other electric or street railway surface road by the track or tracks of said railroad or extension or branch thereof, 2611 commission may, before granting said order, after notice and hearing as provided in section 1797-12, order the installation, operation, and maintenance of such suitable protective appliance and by whom to be installed, operated, and maintained, and shall fix the proportion of the expense of constructing, main- taining, and operating such protective appliance which shall be paid by the owners of said tracks, respectively. Laws 1907, ch. 454, sec. 1797-57 ^ ^^ amended by Laws 1909, ch. 475. It shall be the duty of every railroad to adopt reasonably adequate safety measures and install, operate, and maintain reasonably adequate safety devices for the protection of life and property. If, after investigation, commission shall determine 672 that public safety requires the installation, operation, and main- 2612 tenance of a block system or other safety device or measure by any railroad, commission may, after notice and hearing as pro- vided in section 1797-12, order such railroad to install, operate, and maintain a block system, or other safety device or measure as may be necessary to render the operation of such railroad reasonably safe. Laws iQiiy ch. 2g'j, sec. lygy-ga. When a complaint is lodged with commission by the com- mon council of any city, the village board of any village, a mem- ber of a town board, or a supervisor of highways, or by five or more freeholders and taxpayers in any town, or five or more free- holders of the coimty in which such bridge is located, and who are users of such bridge or railway, to the effect that a bridge erected over a stream intersecting a public highway or highways upon which a railway is constructed and operated, is imsafe and dangerous to travelers over such highway or highways or bridge or railroad, and that public safety requires the alteration, the repair or" reconstruction of such bridge, or the substitution of an- other bridge therefor, commission shall give notice to the party or parties in interest, other than the petitioners, of the filing of such complaint, and to furnish a copy of the same to the party or parties in interest other than the petitioners, and to order a hear- ing thereon, in the manner provided for hearings in section 1797-12, and after such hearing the commission shall determine 2613 what alteration or repair or reconstruction of such bridge, and the approaches thereto, shall be made, or if it shall determine that public safety requires the substitution of a new bridge, it shall determine the character, manner of construction and location of such bridge and the approaches thereto. Commission shall fix the proportion of the cost and expense of such alteration, re- pair, reconstruction or substitution of a new bridge, including the damage to any person whose land is taken, and the special damage which the owner of any land adjoining the approaches to said bridge shall sustain by reason of such alteration, repair, reconstruction or substitution of a new bridge, to be paid by the railroad company and the city, village or town in interest. Commission may, in the absence of any petition therefor, when in its opinion public safety requires the alteration, repair or re- construction of any such bridge or the substitution of another bridge therefor, after notice and hearing, as provided in section 1797-12, proceed in like manner as upon a complaint duly filed. Laws igii, ch. ^go, sec. iygy-i2k. 673 C. DUTY OF UTILITIES TO REPORT OR GIVE NOTICE OF ACCIDENTS, AND AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE THE SAME AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS WITH RESPECT THERETO. UNITED STATES It shall be the duty of the general manager, superintendent, or other proper officer of every common carrier, engaged in interstate or foreign commerce^ by railroad to make to commission, at its office in Washington, District of Columbia, a monthly report, under oath, of all collisions, derailments, or other accidents resulting in injury to persons, equipment, or roadbed 2614 arising from the operation of such railroad imder such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by commission, which report shall state the nature and causes thereof and the circumstances connected therewith; provided that hereafter all said carriers shall be relieved from the duty of reporting accidents in their annual financial and operating reports made to commission. Accident Report Act igio, sec. i. Any common carrier failing to make such report within 30 days after the end of any month shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof by a court of competent S615 jurisdiction shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100 for each and every offense and for every day during which it shall fail to make such report after the time herein specified for making the same. SamCy sec. 2. Commission may investigate all collisions, derailments, or other accidents resulting in serious injury to person or to the property of a railroad occurring on the line of any common car- rier engaged in interstate or foreign commerce by railroad. Com- mission or any impartial investigator thereunto authorized by commission, may investigate such collisions, derailments, or other accidents aforesaid, and all the attending facts, conditions, and circumstances, and for that purpose may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, and require the production of books, papers, orders, memoranda, exhibits, and other evidence, 2616 and shall be provided by said carriers with all reasonable facili- ties; provided, that when such accident is investigated by a com- 1 The term " interstate commerce " as used in this act, shall include transportation from any state or territory or the District of Columbia to any other state or territory or the District of Columbia, and the term " foreign commerce," as used in this act, shall in- clude transportation from any state or territory or the District of Columbia to any foreign country and from any foreign country to any state or territory or the District of Colum- bia. Accident Report Act 1910, sec. 7. 674 I mission of the state in which it occurred, the interstate commerce commission shall, if convenient, make any investigation it may have previously determined upon, at the same time as, and in connection with, the state commission investigation. Said com- mission shall, when it deems it to the public interest, make reports of such investigations, stating the cause of accident, together with such recommendations as it deems proper. Such reports shall be made public in such manner as commission deems proper. Same, sec. j. Neither said report nor any report of said investigation nor any part thereof shall be admitted as evidence or used for any 2617 purpose in any suit or action for damages growing out of any matter mentioned in said report or investigation. Same, sec. 4. Commission may prescribe for such common carriers a 2618 method and form for making the reports hereinbefore provided. Same, sec. 5. ALABAMA Every person, corporation, company or asso- ciation operating a railroad shall give notice to commission of every accident happening on any portion of its line in this state, which is attended with death or maiming or other serious injury to the person of any one within five days thereafter, giving facts 2619 and circumstances of such accident, which any one or more of the commissioners may investigate, and the result of such injury, with such details as they may deem necessary shall be entered upon the record of the proceedings of commission. Code igoy, sec. 5666. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Commission shall investigate the cause of all accidents occurring within this state upon the property of any public service corporation ^ or directly or indirectly arising from or connected with its maintenance or operation, resulting in loss of life or injury to persons or property and requiring, in the judgment of commission, investigation by it, and may make such order or recommendation with respect thereto as in its judgment may seem just and reasonable; provided, that neither the order ^2620 or recommendation of commission nor any accident report filed with commission shall be admitted as evidence in any action for damage based on or arising out of the loss of life, or injury to per- son or property, in this section referred to. Every public service corporation^ is hereby required to file with commission, under such rules and regulations as commission may prescribe, a report 1 "Public utility," in California. of each accident so occurring of such kinds or classes as commis- sion may from time to time designate. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igiz, ch. go, sec. 44; Cal. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 44. COLORADO Every common carrier shall, whenever an acci- dent attended by bodily injury or loss of human life occurs in this 2621 state on its line of road or on its ground or in its yards, give imme- diate notice thereof to commission. Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 26. In the event of any such accident, commission, if it shall deem the public interest to require it, shall cause a suitable inves- 2622 tigation to be made forthwith, and shall give reasonable notice thereof to the person and common carriers primarily interested. Same. The expense of such investigation shall be certified by a ma- 2623 jority of commission and shall be audited and paid by the state in the same manner as other expenses are audited and paid. Same. Commission shall be empowered to make and enforce such 2624 rules as, in their judgment, will tend to prevent accidents in the operation of the railroads of this state. Same. CONNECTICUT Every railroad company shall, within 24 hours after the occurrence of any accident attended with personal injury, give notice of the same to commission in writing, who, upon receiving such notice or upon public rumor of such accident; 2626 may repair, or dispatch one of their nimiber, to the scene of said accident, and without charge, furnish any person injured, or the friends of any person killed, any information they may have ac- quired in relation to such accident, and the names of the persons from whom the same was obtained or by whom the same may be proved. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 3800. Every public service company shall, in the event of any acci- dent, attended with personal injury or involving public safety, which was or may have been connected with or due to the opera- tion of its plant or equipment, or caused by contact with its wires, notify commission thereof, by telephone or otherwise, as soon as 2626 may be reasonably possible after the occurrence of such accident. If said notice be given otherwise than in writing it shall be con- firmed in writing within five days after this occurrence of such accident. Any company failing to comply with the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than $500 for each offense. Pub. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. ly. 676 Commission shall examine into the causes of, and the circum- stances connected with, all fatal accidents occurring in the opera- tion of the plant or equipment of any public service company, and such other accidents, whether resulting in personal injury or not, as in its judgment, shall require investigation. Commis- 2627 sion shall make a record of the causes, facts, and circumstances of each accident, within one month thereafter, and as a part of said record shall suggest means, if possible, whereby similar acci- dents may be avoided in the future. Such record shall be open to public inspection at the office of commission and a copy thereof shall be mailed to the company affected thereby. Same, sec, i8. INDIANA Commission shall call together in convention, at least once in every year, the division superintendents and such other operating and dispatching officers and employes of the steam railroads of this state, as commission may deem best, and shall place before said convention the reports filed with commis- sion with reference to railroad accidents that have taken place 2628 during the year, together with such findings and conclusions thereon as commission shall have made, and said convention shall thoroughly investigate said reports, findings and conclusions and discuss the same with a view to taking such steps by com- mission, by such railroad companies and by their officers and em- ployes as may be necessary or expedient to prevent such accidents. Burns' Annot. Stats. igo8, as amended, sec. 5300. Every railroad company shall report to commission by telegraph or telephone as soon as possible after it has occurred, every accident and the general cause thereof, involving loss of life, or serious injury to passenger or employe, and within 20 days after such accident the company shall make a full report of the cause thereof to commission and commission shall investigate in such manner and by such persons, as it may deem best, the causes of any accident on any railroad involving loss of life, and every corporation at all times, shall furnish to commission, its appoint- ees, or its inspectors any information relative to such accidents. Such reports and information shall not be used in the trial of any 2629 suits for damages arising out of said accidents, and commission shall not give publicity to such information if in its judgment the public interests do not require it. After such investigation, com- mission shall make a report to the railroad company of its conclu- sion and recommendations regarding such accidents and the causes thereof, and the proper steps to be taken by the railroad company to prevent like accidents, and unless the railroad com- 677 pany shall in a reasonable time comply with and cany out said recommendations, commission shall make the same public, if it shall deem best so to do, by publishing the same in any newspaper or newspapers in the state, or in the locality where the accident took place. Acts igii, ch. yd, sec. i{a). IOWA Upon the occurrence of any serious accident upon any railroad within this state, which shall result in personal injury, or loss of life, the corporation operating the road upon which the accident occurred shall give immediate notice thereof to commission whose duty it shall be, if it deem it necessary, to 2630 investigate the same, and promptly report to the governor the extent of personal injuries, or loss of life, and whether the same was the result of mismanagement or neglect of the corporation on whose line the injury or loss of life occurred. Provided, that such report shall not be evidence or referred to in any case in any court. Code i8gy, sec. 2120k. KANSAS Every common carrier and every public utility shall, whenever an accident attended with loss of himian life or serious personal injury occurs upon its premises within this state, give immediate notice thereof by telegraph to commission. In the event of any such accident, commission, if it deem the public interest requires it, shall cause an investigation to be made forth- with, in connection with the labor commission, as now provided 2631 by law, which investigation shall be held in the locality of the accident, unless for greater convenience of those concerned it shall order such investigation to be held at some other place. Said investigation may be adjourned from place to place as may be found necessary and convenient. Commission shall season- ably notify an officer or agent of the public utility or common car- rier of the time and place of the investigation. Laws igii, ch. 238, sec. 32. KENTUCKY Notice of every accident which may occur and be attended with loss of life shall be given within five days there- after by the company operating the road on which the accident 2632 occurred to commission, and such company shall furnish commis- sion all information requested by it concerning the cause of the accident. CarrolVs Stats, igog, sec. yyj. MAINE Whenever a serious accident occurs within the state to any passenger or freight train on any railroad, whether any person be fatally injured or otherwise, notice thereof shall be 678 2633 given immediately by telegraph, if practicable, otherwise in writ- ing, by the officers of the company operating the railroad on which the accident occurred, to commission. Rev. Stats. 1903, ch. 52, sec. 66. In the event of any such accident, commission or the chair- man thereof, shall, if they or he deem the public interests require it, cause an investigation to be made forthwith by commission, which investigation shall be held in the locaHty of the accident, unless, for reasons touching the convenience of all concerned, commission shall order it to be commenced at some other place; but in either case, the investigation may be adjourned to some other suitable and convenient place. Commission or the chair- man thereof, shall seasonably notify the officers of the company, and also, if the accident shall have resulted fatally to one or more persons, the coimty attorney of the county where the accident oc- curred, of the time and place of the investigation. Commission £ 2634 may issue subpoenas for witnesses, and the testimony of each wit- ness shall be taken before a sworn stenographer and written out in full and signed by the witness either at the time of the investi- gation, or as soon thereafter as practicable. Prefixed to his sig- nature shall be a statement that the deposition has been carefully read by the witness, or carefully read to him, before signing. Im- mediately after the investigation commission shall make a special report, stating what it finds to be the cause of the accident, trans- mit copies thereof to such county attorney, and the railroad cor- poration concerned, and publish the same in its annual report. The taxable costs of the investigation shall be made up and cer- tified to the governor and coimcil by the board, and the same shall be paid by the state. Witnesses in all such cases shall be allowed the same fees as in the supreme judicial court. Same, sec. 6y. MARYLAND Commission shall investigate the cause of all accidents on any railroad or street railroad which result in loss of life or injury to persons or property, and which in its judgment shaU require investigation. Every common carrier is hereby required to give notice to commission of every accident happening 2635 upon any line of railroad or street railroad, owned, operated, con- trolled or leased by it, within 30 days after the happening of every such accident, or in such manner as commission may direct. Such notice shall not be admitted as evidence or used for any pur- pose against such common carrier giving such notice in any suit or action for damages growing out of any matter mentioned in said notice. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 22. 679 MASSACHUSETTS An inquest shall be held in all cases of death by accident upon a railroad, and the court or justice holding such in- quest or an inquest in case of death by accident upon a street 2636 railway shall give seasonable notice of the time and place thereof to commission. The attorney general or the district attorney may direct an inquest to be held in the case of death by any cas- ualty. Rev. Laws ipo2, ch. 24, sec. 11. If a magistrate has reason to believe that an inquest to be held by him relates to the death by accident of a passenger or em- ploye upon a railroad or of a traveler upon a public or private way at a railroad crossing, or to a death by accident connected with the operation of a street railway, he shall cause a verbatim report of the evidence to be made and sworn to by the person making it, and the report and the bill for services, after examination and 2637 approval in writing by such magistrate, shall be forwarded forth- with to commission. Such bill when approved by commission shall be forwarded to the auditor of accoimts and be paid by the commonwealth, assessed on the several corporations owning or operating the railroad or street railway on which the accident occurred and shall be collected in the manner provided in section ten of chapter 1 1 1 . The magistrate may, in his discretion, refuse fees to witnesses in the employ of the company upon whose rail- road the accident occurred. Same, sec. 14. Companies, persons and municipalities engaged in the manu- facture and sale of gas or electricity for light or fuel shall, within 24 hours, report, in writing, to commission every accident Caused by the gas or electricity manufactured or supplied by them, whereby an employe or other person is injured, killed or rendered insensible, stating the time, place and circumstances of 2638 the accident and such other facts relative thereto as commission may require. The chief of police of the city or town, and the medical examiner of the district, in which such accident occurs shall, in writing, report the same to commission. The chief of police shall so report within 24 hours, and the medical examiner within seven days, after he has notice thereof. The members of commission shall personally investigate all cases which re- quire investigation. Rev. Laws Jp02, ch. 121, sec. jq. Commission shall investigate the causes of any accident on 2639 a railroad or railway which results in loss of life; and of other accidents which, in its judgment, require investigation. Acts jgo6y ch. 463, pL iy sec. 11. An employe may make complaint in writing to commission 680 S640 of a defect in the ways, works, machinery or appHances of a raikoad or railway, and the name of the complainant shall not be diviilged. Same, sec. 12. An inspector shall, under the direction of commission, inves- tigate as promptly as may be any accident upon a railroad or street railway, or resulting from the operation thereof, which causes the death or imperils the life of a passenger, employe or 2641 other person, and shall report thereon to commission. He shall attend the inquest held in the case of any such death by accident, and may cause any person who has knowledge of the facts or cir- ctimstances connected with such death to be simimoned as a wit- ness to testify at the inquest. Same, sec. 57. Every railroad corporation and street railway company shall give immediate notice of an accident on its railroad or railway, which results in a loss of life, to the medical examiner of the county who resides nearest to the place of accident, and shall also, 2642 within 24 hours, give notice to commission of any such accident or of any accident of the description of accidents of which commis- sion may require notice to be given. For each omission to give such notice, the corporation or company shall forfeit not more than $100. Same, sec. 62. MICHIGAN Every common carrier shall, whenever an acci- dent occurs within this state upon its line or road or on its depot grounds or yards, give such notice thereof and make such report thereof to commission as the regulations of commission shall require. In the event of any accident commission, if it deem the public interests require it, shall cause an investigation to be made forthwith, which investigation shall be held within the locality of the accident, unless for greater convenience of those concerned it 2643 shall order the investigation to be held at some other place, and said investigation may be adjourned from place to place, as may be found necessary and convenient. Commission shall season- ably notify an officer of the company of the time and place of the investigation. The cost of such investigation shall be certified by the chairman of commission, and the same shall be audited and paid by the state in the same manner as other expenses are audited and paid and record or file of said proceedings and evidence shall be kept by commission. Puh. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. jj. MINNESOTA It shall be the duty of every railroad company operating a Hne of railroad in this state to report all accidents, wrecks or casualties occurring in this state to commission. This 681 is intended to include all accidents, wrecks or casualties occurring in the operation of trains or engines on said line or lines of railway within this state, and all other accidents or casualties of whatever natiire as may be required under rules adopted by commission. Any reports to commission herein required shall not be for public 2644 inspection. All accidents or wrecks occurring in the operation of trains or engines involving loss of life or personal injury, shall be immediately reported to commission by telegraph or telephone message, and the company shall forthwith send a written report in detail giving full particulars available in such form as commission may require. All other accidents, including accidents resulting in personal injury or death, other than train accidents, shall be reported to commission on the first day of each month, covering the preceding month. Laws 1905, ch. 122, sec. i, as amended by Laws ipoy, ch, 2go. Whenever any report is made to commission involving a wreck, accident or casualty, and commission deems it necessary, it shall forthwith examine into the causes and circumstances of the same, and it shall thereupon be the duty of commission to order such railroad company to comply with any reasonable requirement prescribed by commission, calculated to prevent 2645 the recurrence of any such wreck, accident or casualty, and it shall be the duty of commission to report to the legislature bien- nially a summarized statement of all wrecks, accidents or casual- ties reported, together with a recommendation of such additional legislation as it deems proper for the greater protection of pas- sengers and employes of railroad companies. Same, sec. 2, as amended by Laws igoy, ch. 290. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a 2646 fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1 ,000 or imprisonment in the coimty jail for not less than 30 days nor more than one year, or shall suffer both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Same, sec. 3. MISSISSIPPI It is the duty of the conductor and engineer, or one of them, of any railroad train to which an accident has hap- pened, attended with delay or serious personal injury, to immedi- ately telegraph the same to the clerk of commission, at the capitol, or if there be not a telegraph office where such accident occurs, as soon thereafter as they can reach such office. And it shall be the duty of the superintendent of every railroad whose train has 2647 suffered any such accident, within five days thereafter, to report in 682 writing to commission the full particulars thereof, giving the names of the persons killed or injured, if known, and amount and char- acter of property destroyed together with the cause of the acci- dent. It is the duty of the railroad to require such duties to be performed; and if any railroad whose train has suffered any such accident, shall fail to cause its conductor, engineer, and super- intendent to perform such duties, it shall forfeit the sum of $ioo to be recovered by any individual. Code igo6, sec. 4861. One or more of the commissioners shall visit promptly the scene of every accident to a railroad train accompanied by death or serious bodily injury to a himian being, and inquire into the 2648 facts and circumstances, and make a proper report thereof, to be recorded in the minutes and embraced in the annual report, with proper reference to the report of the superintendent. Same, sec. 4862. MONTANA Commission or some members thereof, to be deputed by it, shall investigate and make inquiry into every acci- dent occurring in the operation of any railroad in this state, 2649 resulting in death or injury to any person, of such gravity as to require the attention of a physician or surgeon, or in the destruc- tion of property greater in value than $2000. The testimony taken on any such hearing shall be transcribed and filed in the office of commission. Reu. Codes iQoy, sec. 4379. It is hereby made the duty of every railroad company operat- ing any line of railroad within this state promptly upon the occur- rence or in connection with the operation of its line within the 2650 state, of any accident such as is mentioned in the next preceding section, to report the same to commission, in which report shall be stated the time and place of the accident, the names of the per- sons killed or injured, and the value of any property destroyed. Same, sec. 4380. NEVADA Every railroad shall, whenever an accident attendant with loss of himian life occurs within this state, upon its line of road or on its depot grounds or yards, give immediate notice thereof to commission. In the event of any such accident, commission, if it deem the public interest requires it, shall cause "an investigation to be made forthwith, which investigation shall be held in the locality of the accident, unless, for greater conven- ience of those concerned, it shall order such investigation to be 2651 held at some other place, and said investigation may be adjourned from place to place as may be fotmd necessary and convenient. 683 Commission shall seasonably notify an officer or station agent of the company of the time and place of the investigation. The cost of such investigation shall be certified by the chairman of commis- sion, and the same shall be audited and paid by the state in the same manner as other expenses are audited and paid and a record or file of said proceedings and evidence shall be kept by commis- sion. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. jo. Every public utility shall, whenever an accident occurs in the conduct of its operation, causing death or personal injuries, 2662 give immediate notice thereof, to commission. If in its judgment the public interest requires it, commission shall cause an investi- gation to be made forthwith, at such place and in such manner as commission shall deem it best. Stats, igii, ch. 162, sec. 27. NEW HAMPSHIRE Commission shall investigate the causes of all accidents happening upon the railroads of the state resulting in the loss of life and of all other accidents so happening which in the opinion of commission ought to be investigated. Any such inves- 2663 tigation may be made by the fuU commission or by a single com- missioner, as commission may determine. If such investigation is made by a single commissioner, said commissioner for the purposes of the partictdar investigation shall have and exercise all the powers of the full commission. Laws 191 1, ch. 164, sec. 75. NEW JERSEY Commission may after hearing, upon notice, by order in writing, require every public utility to give such notice to commission as commission may by rule require of any and all accidents which may occur within this state upon the property 2664 of any public utility or directly or indirectly arising from or con- nected with its maintenance or operation, and to investigate any such accident and to make such order or recommendation with respect thereto as in its judgment may be just and reason- able. Laws igii, ch. 195, sec. iy{g). NEW YORK Each commission shall investigate the cause of all accidents on any railroad or street railroad within its district which result in loss of life or injury to persons or property, and which in its judgment shall require investigation. Every com- mon carrier, railroad corporation and street railroad corporation is hereby required to give immediate notice to commission of 2666 every accident happening upon any line of railroad or street railroad owned, operated, controlled or leased by it, within the territory over which such commission has jurisdiction in such manner as commission may direct. Such notice shall not be ad- 684 mitted as evidence or used for any purpose against such common carrier, railroad corporation or street railroad corporation giving such notice in any suit or action for damages growing out of any matter mentioned in said notice. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 47. NORTH CAROLINA Commission may investigate the causes of any accident on a railroad or steamboat which it may deem to require 2656 investigation, and any evidence taken upon such investigation shall be reduced to writing, filed in the office of commission, and be subject to public inspection. PeWs Revtsal 1Q08, sec. 1065. NORTH DAKOTA It shall be the duty of every railroad company operating a line of railway in this state to report to commission all accidents, wrecks, or casualties occurring in the operation of 2657 trains on said line or lines of railway within this state, coming within the knowledge of the company, wherein any person is either killed or injured, within reasonable time, not exceeding 60 days, in such form as commission may require. Laws igoy, ch. 20^, sec. I. Whenever any such report is made to commission it shall forthwith examine into the causes and circimistances of such wreck, accident or casualty, and it shall thereupon be the duty of commission to order such railroad company to comply with any reasonable requirements prescribed by commission calcu- 2658 lated to prevent the recurrence of any such wreck, accident or casualty, and it shall be the duty of commission to report to the legislature biennally a summarized statement of all wrecks, acci- dents or casualties that have come to its knowledge by reason of this act, together with a recommendation of such additional legis- lation as it deem proper for the greater protection of passengers and employes of such railroads. Same, sec. 2. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a 2659 fine of not less than $500 nor more than $2 ,000 or imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 30 days nor more than one year, or shall suffer both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Same, sec. 3. OHIO Whenever an accident attended with loss of human life occurs within this state upon the line of any railroad 2660 or on the depot grounds or yards thereof, such railroad shall give immediate notice thereof to commission. Code igio, sec. S73- In case of such accident, commission, if it deems the public interest requires it, shall cause an investigation to be made forth- 685 with which shall be held in the locality of the accident, unless, for greater convenience of those concerned, it shall order it held at 2661 some other place. Such investigation may be adjourned from place to place as it may be found necessary and convenient. Commission shall give reasonable notice to an officer or station agent of the company of the time and place of the investigation. Same, sec. 574. The cost of such investigation shall be certified by the chair- 2662 man of commission, and audited and paid by the state as other expenses. A record or file of the proceedings and evidence shall be kept by commission. Same, sec. ^yj. OREGON Every railroad shall, whenever an accident attended with loss of human life or limb, or with serious injury to person or property, occurs within this state upon its line of road or on its depot grounds or yards, give immediate notice thereof to commission, stating the particulars thereof; provided, that neither said report nor any part thereof shall be used as evidence or used for any purpose against such railroad so making such re- port in any suit or action for damages growing out of any matter mentioned in said report. In the event of any such accident commission, if it deem the public interest requires it, shall cause 2663 an investigation to be made forthwith, which investigation shall be held in the locality of the accident, unless, for greater conven- ience of those concerned, it shall order such investigation to be held at some other place, and said investigation may be adjourned from place to place as may be found necessary and convenient. Commission shall seasonably notify an officer or station agent of the company of the time and place of the investigation. The cost of such investigation shall be certified by commission and the same shall be audited and paid by the state in the same manner as other expenses are audited and paid. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 56. Every public utility shall, whenever an accident attended with loss of human life occurs within this state upon its premises, or directly or indirectly arises from or connected with its main- tenance or operation, give immediate notice thereof to commis- sion. In the event of any such accident commission, if it deem the public interest require it, shall cause an investigation to be 2664 made forthwith, which investigation shall be held in the locality of the accident, unless for greater convenience of those concerned it shall order such investigation to be held at some other place; and said investigation may be adjourned from place to place as 686 may be found necessary and convenient. Commission shall seasonably notify the public utility of the time and place of the investigation. Gen. Laws ipii, ch. 2yg, sec. /j. PENNSYLVANIA Commission shall investigate the cause of any accident on the lines or property of any common carrier, resulting in loss of life or injury to persons, within 30 days of the happen- ing of said accident, when, in their judgment, said accident shall require investigation; and shall advise said common carrier of the result of said investigation, within 60 days from the happen- 2665 ing of said accident, and shall include the result of said investiga- tion in their reports. Before making any such examination or investigation, under this section, reasonable notice shall be given to the corporation, person or persons, conducting and managing such common carrier, of the time and place of commencing the same. The general superintendent or manager of every com- mon carrier shall inform commission of any such accident imme- diately after its occurrence. Laws igoj, no. 2^0, sec. zj. RHODE ISLAND Every public utility shall, whenever any acci- dent attended with loss of human life, or serious injury occurs within this state, directly or indirectly arising from or connected with its maintenance or operation, give immediate notice thereof to commission. In the event of any such accident, commission, if it deem public interest requires it, shall cause an investigation to be made forthwith, which investigation shall be held in the lo- cality of the accident, unless for the greater convenience of those concerned, it shall order the investigation to be held at some other place ; and said investigation may be adjourned from place to place S666 as may be found necessary and convenient. Commission shall reasonably notify the public utility of the time and place of the in- vestigation. The notice herein required to be given shall not be admitted as evidence or used for any purpose against such public utility giving such notice, in any suit, action or proceeding brought for damages growing out of any matter mentioned in said notice; nor shall such notice be admitted as evidence or be used for any piirpose in any criminal proceeding brought against the public utility giving such notice, or against any of its officers, agents or employes, growing out of any matter mentioned in such notice. Acts 1Q12, ch. yg^, sec. 4Q. SOUTH CAROLINA Commission shall investigate the causes of any 2667 accident on a railroad resulting in loss of life, and of any accident 687 not so resiilting, which in their judgment, shall require investiga- tion.^Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2oyi. Every railroad corporation shall cause immediate notice of any accident which may occur on its road, attended with injury to any person, in such cases of accident attended with any injury to any person, as commission may by rules and regulations adopt- ed by it require the giving of such notices, to be given to a physi- cian most accessible to the place of accident and to commission by telegraph, telephone or such other means as may be the quick- est under the circumstances, at the same time that notice is given 2668 the officials of the road on which the accident occurred, and shall furnish immediate transportation for commission over its line to the place of accident, free of expense to commission, and if com- mission use another railroad to reach the place of accident, the corporation on whose line the accident occurs shall pay the expenses of transportation thereon, and shall also give notice in like manner of any accident falling within any description of accidents of which commission may by general regulation require notice to be given. For each omission to give such notice the cor- poration shall forfeit a sum not exceeding $500. Same, sec. 2ijy. SOUTH DAKOTA It shall be the duty of every railroad company operating a line of railroad in this state to report all accidents, wrecks or casualties occurring in this state to commission. This is intended to include all accidents, wrecks or casualties occur- ring in the operation of trains or engines on said line or lines of railway within this state, and all other accidents or casualties of whatever nature as may be required under rules adopted by com- mission. Any reports to commission herein required shall not be 2669 for public inspection. All accidents or wrecks occurring in the operation of trains or engines involving loss of life or personal injury, shall be immediately reported to the secretary of commis- sion by telegraph or telephone message, and the company shall forthwith send a written report in detail giving full particulars available in such form as commission may require. All other accidents, including accidents resulting in personal injury or death other than train accidents, shall be reported to commission on the first day of each month covering the preceding month. Sess. Laws igog, ch. 75, sec. i. Whenever any report is made to commission involving a wreck, accident or casualty, and commission deems it necessary, it shall forthwith examine into the causes and circumstances of 2670 the same, and it shall thereupon be the duty of commission to 688 order such railroad company to comply with any reasonable re- quirement prescribed by commission calculated to prevent the recurrence of any such wreck, accident or casualty. Same, sec. 2. Every person or corporation who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall 8671 be pimished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000, or imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 30 days nor more than one year, or shall suffer both such fine and imprison- ment in the discretion of the court. Same, sec. j. VERMONT The general superintendent or manager of a railroad doing business in this state shall inform commission in writing of every accident upon his road, resulting in loss of life or 2672 injury to any person, and of every collision and derailment of trains on the same, immediately after its occurrence. If such accident results in loss of life or serious injury to the person of a passenger, such information shall be given by telegraph. Pub. Stats. 1Q06, sec. 4608. Commission shall inquire into the cause of every accident on a railroad resiilting in loss of life, and, in its judgment, into any accident, collision or derailment of trains not so resulting. If, in its judgment, a public investigation is necessary in the interests of public safety, it shall fix a time and place of holding the same and shall summon the person or corporation operating such rail- road, the parties known to have been injured in the accident, and, if known, a representative or friend of a person killed thereby, to appear and give evidence regarding the cause of such accident. Commission shall also notify the state's attorney of the county in which the accident occurred, who shall investigate the cause of 2673 such accident, produce witnesses who can give evidence in regard to the same, and attend and represent the state at such hearing. All parties simimoned, and other persons interested, may appear and be made parties thereto, may produce witnesses or other evi- dence, and be represented by counsel. The person or corpora- tion operating the railroad shall produce, on notice from com- mission, all trainmen and other employes who can give perti- nent evidence in regard to the cause of the accident, free of expense to the state. Commission shall make public its de- termination in regard to the cause of the accident so investi- gated, and cause a permanent record thereof to be made. Same, sec. 46 og. The superintendent or manager of any line or plant, subject 689 to supervision under this act, shall immediately after its occur- rence notify commission in writing of any accident within this state upon such line or plant resulting in loss of life, or injury to any person which shall incapacitate him from engaging in his 2674 usual vocations. Commission shall inquire into the cause of every such accident, and if, in its judgment, a public investigation is necessary, it shall fix a time and place of holding the same, and thereupon proceed as provided in section 4609 of the Public Stat- utes relating to investigation of accidents upon railroads. Laws 1Q08, no. ii6y sec. 7. VIRGINIA Notice of every accident which occurs, at- tended with loss of life or injury to person, shall be given within 2676 five days thereafter by the company operating the railroad on which the accident occurred to commission, and such company shall furnish commission all information requested by it concern- ing the cause of the accident. Pollard'' s Code 1904, sec. I2g4d{^2). Commission may investigate the cause of any accident on 2676 any transportation line which, in its judgment, shall require inves- tigation. Same, sec. iSiJO'isy). WASHINGTON Every public service company is hereby re- quired to give immediate notice to commission of every accident resulting in death or injury to any person occurring on its lines, plant or system, in such manner as commission may prescribe. Commission may require reports to be made by any common car- 2677 rier of all wrecks, collisions or derailments occurring on the line of any such common carrier. Such notice shall not be admitted as evidence or used for any purpose against such public service company giving such notice in any suit or action for damages growing out of any matter mentioned in such notice. Laws 191 1, ch. iiy, sec. 6j. Commission is hereby authorized and directed to investigate all accidents that may occtir upon the lines of any common car- rier resulting in loss of life, to any passenger or employe, and may investigate any and all accidents or wrecks occurring on the line of any such common carrier, or any accident resulting in death or 2678 injury to any person occiuring in connection with the plant or sys- tem of any public service company. Notice of such investigation shall be given in all cases for a sufficient length of time to enable the public service company affected to participate in the hearing, and such notice may be given orally or in writing, in such manner as commission may prescribe. Same. 690 Such witnesses may be examined as commission may deem necessary and proper to thoroughly ascertain the cause of the ac- cident or wreck and fix the responsibility therefor. Such examina- tion and investigation may be conducted by the inspector or any 2679 deputy inspector, and such inspector or deputy inspector may ad- minister oaths, issue subpoenas and compel the attendance of witnesses, and when such examination is conducted by the inspec- tor or deputy inspector, he shall make a full and complete report thereof to commission. Same. WISCONSIN It shall be the duty of every railroad company to report to commission all collisions, derailments, or other acci- dents resulting in injur>^ to persons, equipment, or roadway aris- ing from the operation of such railroad. Commission shall issue such rules concerning the reporting of accidents as may be re- 2680 quired, and may also, if it deems that public interests require, cause an investigation of any accident. The cost of such inves- tigation shall be certified by the chairman of commission, and the same shall be audited and paid by the state in the same manner as other expenses are audited and paid. Laws igoj, ch. j62, sec. lypy-jo as amended by Laws igii, ch. 4^2. Every public utility shall, whenever an accident attended with loss of himian life occurs within this state upon its premises 2681 or directly or indirectly arising from or connected with its main- tenance or operation, give immediate notice thereof to commis- sion. Laws igoy, ch. 4g9, sec. iygym-ioi{i). In the event of any such accident commission, if it deem public interest require it, shall cause an investigation to be made forthwith, which investigation shall be held in the locality of the accident, unless for greater convenience of those concerned it 2682 shall order such investigation to be held at some other place ; and said investigation may be adjourned from place to place as may be found necessary and convenient. Commission shall season- ably notify the public utility of the time and place of the investi- gation. Same, sec. i'/Q'/m-ioi{2). 691 CHAPTER IX Accounts SCOPE NOTE • This chapter includes grants of power authorizing commissions to prescribe systems of accounts and to regu- late accounting practices. It includes provisions giving commissions the right of access to, and inspection of, the books and records of utilities only insofar as these rights are granted strictly for the purpose of regulating accounts. For provisions incidentally involving questions of ac- counts, see ch. x, on reports. For provisions requiring utilities to keep accounts of the rates and charges imposed by them pending judicial review of orders of commissions, see ch. xv, on enforcement. For provisions authorizing commissions to inspect the books, records and memoranda of utilities for general purposes of regulation, see ch. ii, on general powers of commissions. For provisions au- thorizing commissions to order the production of books, records and memoranda^ see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For provisions prescribing gen- eral procedure to be followed in the exercise of commission authority, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For provisions prescribing general rules of enforcement and judicial review, see ch. xv, on enforce- ment. For general statement of scope and method, see mtroduction. ANALYSIS Page A. General authority of commission to regulate accounts and prescribe ac- counting practices 694 B. Depreciation Accounts 707 C. Construction Accounts 709 D. Authority of commission to have access to books and records of utilities and to inspect or examine the same 710 693 A. GENERAL AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION TO REGULATE ACCOUNTS AND PRESCRIBE ACCOUNTING PRACTICES. UNITED STATES Commission may, in its discretion, for the pur- pose of enabling it the better to carry out the purposes of this act, 2683 prescribe a period of time within which all common carriers shall have, as near as rfiay be, a uniform system of accounts, and the manner in which such accounts shall be kept. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 20. Commission may, in its discretion, prescribe the forms of any and all accounts, records, and memoranda to be kept by car- 2684 riers, including the accounts, records, and memoranda of the movement of traffic as well as the receipts and expenditures of moneys. Same. Any person who shall wilfully make any false entry in the accounts of any book of accounts or in any record or memoranda kept by a carrier, or who shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, alter, or by any other means or device falsify the record of any such account, record, or memoranda, or who shall wilfully neglect or fail to make full, true and correct entries in such accounts, records or memoranda of all facts and transactions appertaining to the carrier's business, or shall keep any other accounts, records, or memoranda than those prescribed or approved by commission, 2685 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject, upon conviction in any court of the United States of competent jurisdiction, to a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000 or imprisonment for a term of not less than one year nor more than three years, or both such fine and imprisonment: provided, that commission may in its discretion issue orders specifying such operating, accounting, or financial papers, records, books, blanks, tickets, stubs, or documents of carriers which may, after a reasonable time, be destroyed, and prescribing the length of time such books, papers, or documents shall be preserved. Same. In case of failure or refusal on the part of any such carrier, receiver, or trustee to keep such accounts, records, and memor- anda on the books and in the manner prescribed by commission, or to submit such accotmts, records, and memoranda as are kept 2686 to the inspection of commission or any of its authorized agents or examiners, such carrier, receiver, or trustee shall forfeit to the United States the sum of $500 for each such offense and for each 694 and every day of the continuance of such offense, such forfeitures to be recoverable in the same manner as other forfeitures pro- vided for in this act. Same. \ ALABAMA Commission may, when it deems it advisable to do so, establish a uniform system of accounts to be used by common carriers, railroad and street railroad corporations and may prescribe the manner in which such accounts shall be kept. It may also, in its discretion, prescribe the form of accounts, records and memoranda to be kept, including the accounts, records and memoranda of the movement of traffic, as well as 2687 the receipts and expenditures of moneys. The system of ac- counts established by commission and the forms of accounts, records and memoranda prescribed by it as provided above, shall conform as near as may be to those from time to time estab- lished and prescribed by the interstate commerce commission, but commission may vary said systen and forms from time to time, in such manner, and require such additional accounts, records and memoranda to be kept, as it may deem expedient or necessary. Acts igo'j, sp. sess. no. 77, sec. j. In case of the failure or refusal on the part of any such com- mon carrier or railroad corporation to keep such accounts, records and memoranda as are prescribed in sections three and four of this act, or as have been or may be prescribed by commission, and in such manner as is prescribed, or to submit all such accounts, records, memoranda, books, documents and contracts as are kept, to the inspection and examination of commission, or any member thereof, or any of its authorized agents or examiners or em- 2688 ployes, or shall fail or refuse to furnish the information as re- quired in said sections to be furnished, such common carrier or railroad corporation shall forfeit to the state the sum of $100 for each such offense and for each and every day of the continuance of such offense; and the act of any director, officer, agent or other person acting for or employed by such carrier or railroad cor- poration, acting within the scope of his official duties, in such failure or refusal, shall be, and be deemed to be, the act of such common carrier or railroad corporation. Same, sec. 5. See also par. 2'/ 54. ZONA, CALIFORNIA Commission may establish a system of ac- counts to be kept by public service corporations ^ or classify said public service corporations ^ and establish a system of accounts for '"Public utility," in California. 69s each class, and prescribe the manner in which such accounts shall be kept. It may also in its discretion prescribe the forms of accounts, records and memoranda to be kept by such public 2689 service corporations,^ including the accounts, records and mem- oranda of the movement of traffic as well as the receipts and ex- penditures of moneys, and any other forms, records and mem- oranda w^hich in the judgment of commission may be necessary to carry out any of the provisions of this act. Ariz. — Sess. Laws IQI2, ch. go, sec. 48; Cal. — Stats. 191 1, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 48. The system of accounts, established by commission and the forms of accounts, records and memoranda prescribed by it shall not be inconsistent in the case of corporations subject to the pro- visions of the act of Congress entitled ''An act to regulate com- merce," approved February 4, 1887, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, with the systems and forms 2690 from time to time established for such corporations by the inter- state commerce commission, but nothing herein contained shall affect the power of commission to prescribe forms of accounts, records and memoranda covering information in addition to that required by the interstate commerce commission. The com- mission may, after hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, prescribe by order the accounts in which particular outlays and receipts shall be entered, charged or credited. Same. Where commission has prescribed the forms of accounts, rec- ords or memoranda to be kept by any public service corporation for ' any of its business, it shall thereafter be unlawful for such pub- lic service corporation^ to keep any accoimts, records or memo- 2691 randa for such business other than those so prescribed, or those prescribed by or under the authority of any other state or of tjie United States, excepting such accounts, records or memoranda as shall be explanatory of and supplemental to the accounts, records or memoranda prescribed by commission. Same. See also par. 4517. CONNECTICUT See par. 2796. FLORIDA In so far as the forms and methods of account- ing and of reports are prescribed imder the authority of this act, 2692 for corporations ^ engaged in interstate commerce, they shall con- form as near as may be to the forms and methods of accounting prescribed for such corporations by the interstate commerce commission. Laws 1911, ch. 6187, sec. 4. *" Public utility," in California. 2 Telegraph corporations. 696 GEORGIA Commission may, whenever it deems advis- able, prescribe, establish, and order a uniform system of accounts to be used by railroads and other corporations; the same to be as far as practicable in conformity with the system of accounts 2693 prescribed by the interstate commerce commission; examine all books, contracts, records, and documents of any person or cor- poration subject to its supervision, and compel the production thereof. Code iQii, sec. 266 j. IOWA Commission may prescribe uniformity in meth- 2694 ods of keeping accounts as near as may be and fix a time when such regulations shall take effect. Code i8gy, sec. 214J. KANSAS Any person who shall wilfully make any false entry in the accounts, books of account, records or memoranda kept by any common carrier or any public utility governed by the provisions of this act, or who shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, alter or by any other means or device falsify the record of any such account, book of accounts, record or memorandimi, or who shall wilfully neglect or fail to make full, true and correct entries of such accoimt, book of accounts, record or memorandimi of all facts and transactions appertaining to such common carriers or public utilities business, or who shall falsely make any statement 2695 required to be made to commission, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon the conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000, or by imprisonment of not less than one year nor more than three years, or by both fine and imprisonment; provided, that commission may in its discretion issue orders specifying such operating, accounting or financial papers, records, books, blanks, tickets, stubs or docimients, of carriers which may after a reasonable time be destroyed, and prescribing a length of time such books, papers, or documents shall be preserved; and provided further, that such orders shall be in harmony with those of the interstate commerce commis- sion. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. jy. MARYLAND Commission may, whenever it deems advis- able, establish, upon due and reasonable notice to all such corpo- rations, system of accoimts to be used by railroad and street rail- road corporations, or other common carriers, or may classify the said corporations and other carriers and prescribe a system of accounts for each class, and may prescribe the manner in which such accounts shall be kept. It may also, in its discretion, pre- scribe the form of accounts, records and memoranda to be kept 697 by common carriers, including the accounts, records and mem- 2696 oranda of the movement of traffic as well as the receipts and ex- penditures of moneys. The system of accounts established by commission and the form of accounts, records and memoranda prescribed by it as provided shall conform, as nearly as possible, to those from time to time established and prescribed by the interstate commerce commission under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to regulate commerce," approved February 4, 1887, as amended by the act approved June 29, 1906, and amendments thereto. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 25. When commission has prescribed the forms of accoimts, records and memoranda to be kept by such corporations, it shall 2697 be unlawful for them to keep any other accounts, records, or memoranda than those so prescribed, or those prescribed under the authority of the United States. Same. Commission may, in its discretion, prescribe uniform methods of keeping accounts, records and books, to be observed 2698 by the persons, gas and electrical corporations engaged in the manufacture, sale and distribution of gas and electricity for light, heat or power. Same, sec. 31%. Commission may, in its discretion, prescribe and require items, methods of keeping accounts, records and books to be 2699 furnished by the persons and corporations engaged in the fur- nishing of facilities for the transmission of intelligence by elec- tricity. Same, sec. jgij). See also par. 2y^g. MASSACHUSETTS Corporations and companies which are en- gaged in the manufactiu-e and sale of gas or electricity for light or heat shall have an office in the city or town in which their works are located, and shall keep in said office all the books and 2700 papers which are required by law to be kept within the com- monwealth, and also such books as may be required to show their receipts, expenditures, indebtedness and financial condition; and shall at all times, upon application, submit their books to the inspection of gas and electric commission. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. I2J, sec. 28.^ Corporations and companies which are engaged in the manufacture and sale of gas or electricity for light or heat shall keep their books and accounts in a form to be prescribed by gas and electric commission and the accounts shall be closed annually 2701 on June 30 so that a balance sheet of that date can be taken there- » See footnote i, par. 276. 698 from. Mantifacttuing companies in which the manufacture of gas is a minor portion of their business shall be required to keep accounts of the expenses and income of their gas business only. Same, sec. 2g} Persons or corporations engaged in the manufacture or sale of gas or electric light shall keep such records of their work at 2702 their manufacturing station, and in ifcspect to their distributing plant, as gas and electric commission may from time to time re- quire. Said records shall be in such form as commission may prescribe. Same, sec. jo. Every company engaged in the business of the transmission of intelligence by electricity within the commonwealth shall 2703 keep its books and accounts covering the business done within the commonwealth in a form approved by commission. Acts igo6, ch. 4 J J, sec. ii. Commission shall from time to time in each year examine the books and accounts of every corporation or company which operates a railroad or railway, and require them to be kept in a 2704 uniform manner and upon the system prescribed by commission. Statements of the doings and financial condition of the several corporations and companies shall be prepared and published at such times as commission shall consider expedient. Acts igo6, ch. 46 J, pt. i, sec. 15. A railroad corporation or street railway company which refuses to submit its books to the examination of commission or 2705 unreasonably neglects to keep its accounts in the method pre- scribed by commission, shall forfeit not more than $5,000 for every such refusal or neglect. Same, sec. 18. A railroad corporation shall keep its books and accounts in the manner prescribed by commission and shall at all times sub- 2706 mit its books to the inspection of commission or of any com- I mittee of the general court which may be authorized to inspect \ them. Acts igo6, ch. 46 j, pt. ii, sec. 248. Every street railway company shall keep its books and 2707 accounts in a tmiform manner, upon the system prescribed by commission. Acts igo6, ch. 46 j, pt. Hi, sec. 151. See also par. 2og. MICHIGAN Commission may in its discretion prescribe uniform methods of keeping accounts to be observed by all cor- 2708 porations engaged in such business of transmitting and supplying electricity. Pub. Acts igog, no. 106, sec. 6. 1 See footnote i, par. 276. 699 Commission shall have the power and authority and it is hereby made its duty to prescribe the manner and the form of accounts, records and memoranda and of keeping of same; and it shall be the duty of all telephone companies within the state to keep accoimts, books of accounts, records and memoranda in 2709 the manner and form prescribed by commission, and in no other manner and form: provided, however, that no such regulations shall be in duplication of or in addition to any regulations cover- ing the same subject matter made by the government of the United States or any municipality of this state. Puh. Acts igiiy no. ij8, sec. i8. MINNESOTA Commission may prescribe a uniform system of accounts and the manner of keeping the same and may designate 2710 from time to time to what account any items shall be charged. Rev. Laws igoj, sec. 1Q84. It shall be the duty of every railroad doing both intrastate and interstate freight business in this state, to keep its accounts so as to show, as far as practicable, the earnings derived from, and the expenses incurred in, handling such intrastate business in Minnesota. Commission shall have power, and it is hereby made its duty to prescribe the form in which such accounts shall be kept, and it may require such accounts for each operating division of such railroad wholly or partly within this state. In addition to all other information on the subject, such accounts shall show the total cost of operating the through trains, and 2711 the total cost of operating the local or distributing trains, on each operating division wholly or partly within this state, during the fiscal year to be fixed by said commission, and also the total number of tons of revenue and non-revenue freight, and the num- ber of said tons of each carried one mile on said through trains and on said local trains, respectively, and the number of said tons and ton miles of revenue and non-revenue freight carried on through or local trains, which are exclusively intrastate business. Said accoimts shall also show the gross tons and ton miles made by through and local trains on said divisions. Laws iQiiy ch. 327, sec. I. Said accounts shall also show the total revenue and non- revenue train and engine miles, and the total revenue and non- revenue car miles (said non-revenue car miles to be shown loaded and empty separately) produced by such railroad in the state on said operating divisions, and also the number of each of the above train, engine and car mileages produced in handling said through ■ 700 2712 trains and in handling said local trains, also the total locomotive miles produced in switching on each division, and such further information relating to the income or cost of the intrastate busi- ness, as commission may require. Commission may also require such accounts to be kept with reference to the intrastate passen- ger business of such carrier, and the train, car and engine mileage incurred in the passenger business in this state as it shall deem necessary. Same, sec. 2. NEBRASKA. Commission may, in its discretion, prescribe the forms of any and all accounts, records, and memoranda to be 2713 kept by carriers, including the accounts, records and memoranda of the movement of traffic as well as the receipts and expendi- tures of money. Cobbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. io6jo(r). NEVADA Every public utility shall keep and render to commission, in manner and form prescribed by commission uni- 2714 form and detailed accounts of all business transacted. Stats, .igii, ch. 162, sec. y. Every public utility engaged directly or indirectly in any other business than those mentioned in section three of this act, shall if required by commission, keep in like manner and form the 2716 accounts of all other such business, in which case all the provi- sions of this act shall apply with like force and effect to the books, accounts papers and records of such other business. Same, sec. 7(a). No public utility shall keep any other books, accounts, papers or records of the business transacted than those prescribed or approved by commission. Each public utility shall have an 2716 office within this state, and shall keep in said office all such books, accoimts, records or papers, none of which shall be removed at any time from the state except upon such conditions as may be prescribed by commission. Same. * NEW HAMPSHIRE Commission may, whenever it deems advis- able, establish a system of accounts and records to be used by railroad corporations and by public utilities for their business within this state and may classify the said railroad corporations and public utilities and prescribe a system of accounts for each 2717 class, and may prescribe the manner in which said accounts shall be kept; provided, however, that railroad corporations and pub- lic utilities shall not be required to keep any system of accounts and records which would conflict with any reqiiirements made of 701 them by the interstate commerce commission. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. 4. NEW JERSEY Commission may, in its discretion, require a uniform system of rendering accounts to commission by the rail- road companies, and order reports made in accordance with such 2718 system; provided, that such uniform system and all forms of accounts which may be required by commission shall conform to the system and forms prescribed by the interstate commerce commission. Laws igog, ch. i8g, sec. 4. Commission may, after hearing, upon notice, by order in writing, require every public utility to keep its books, records and accounts so as to afford an intelligent understanding of the co'n- duct of its business and to that end to require every such public 3719 utility of the same class to adopt a uniform system of accounting. Such system shall conform, in so far as in the judgment of com- mission is practicable, to any system adopted or approved by the interstate commerce commission. Laws igii, ch. igj, sec. NEW YORK Each commission may, whenever it deems ad- visable, establish a system of accounts to be used by railroad and street railroad corporations or other common carriers or may classify the said corporations and other carriers and prescribe a system of accounts for each class, and may prescribe the manner in which such accoimts shall be kept. It may also in its discre- tion prescribe the forms of accounts, records and memoranda to be kept by such corporations, including the accoimts, records and memoranda of the movement of traffic as well as the re- ceipts and expenditures of moneys. Notice of alterations by com- 2720 mission in the required method or form of keeping a system of accoimts shall be given to such persons or corporations by com- mission at least six months before the same are to take effect. The system of accounts established by commission and the forms of accounts, records, and memoranda prescribed by it as pro- vided above shall conform in the case of railroad corporations as nearly as may be to those from time to time established and prescribed by the interstate commerce commission under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled ''An act to regulate commerce" approved February 4, 1887, and the acts amenda- tory thereof or supplementary thereto. Laws 1910, ch. 480, sec. 52- Commission may, after hearing, prescribe by order the ac-i counts in which particular outlays and receipts shall be entered, ; 702 charged or credited. Where commission has prescribed the forms 2721 of accounts, records and memoranda to be kept by such corpora- tions it shall be unlaw^ful for them to keep any other accounts, records or memoranda than those so prescribed, or those pre- scribed by or under authority of the United States. Same. Each commission may, in its discretion, prescribe uniform methods of keeping accoimts, records and books, to be observed by gas and electrical corporations and by municipalities engaged in the manufacture, sale and distribution of gas and electricity for light, heat or power. It may also in its discretion prescribe, by order, forms of accounts, records and memoranda to be kept 2722 by such persons, corporations and mimicipalities. Notice of alterations by commission in the required method or form of keeping a system of accounts shall be given to such persons or corporations by commission at least six months before the same shall take effect. Any other and additional forms of accounts, records and memoranda kept by such corporation shall be sub- ject to examination by commission. Same, sec. 66(4). Commission may establish a system of accoimts to be used by telegraph and telephone corporations and are required to make annual reports to it or classify the said corporations, and prescribe a system of accounts for each class and may prescribe [ 1723 the manner in which such accounts shall be kept. It may also, in its discretion, prescribe the form of records to be kept by such corporation. Notice of alterations by commission in the re- quired method or form of keeping accounts shall be given to such corporations by commission at least six months before the same are to take effect. Same, sec. 95(2). See also pars. 455, 2j6y, 2y6S. OHIO Commission may establish a system of ac- counts to be kept by public utilities, or classify utilities and pre- scribe a system of accoimts for each class and prescribe the man- ner in which such accounts shall be kept. Such system shall when practicable conform to the system prescribed by the tax 1724 commission of Ohio. It may also, in its discretion, prescribe the form of records to be kept by public utilities, and commis- sion may require that no other records be kept except as may be required by the laws of the United States or as may hereafter be required by the laws of this state. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 12. Commission may, if it shall determine that any expendi- tures or receipts have been improperly charged or credited, order 703 OREGON Commission may, in its discretion, prescribe a uniform system of rendering accounts of business transacted in Oregon by all railroads within the meaning of section 1 1 of this act. Commission may also prescribe the manner in which such 2726 accounts may be kept, and the time within which such railroads shall adopt such system; provided, that all forms of accoimts which may be prescribed by commission shall conform as nearly as practicable to similar forms prescribed by federal authority. Gen. Laws iQoy, ch. jj, sec. 43. Every public utility shall keep and render to commission in the manner and form prescribed by commission uniform accounts of all business transacted. All forms of accounts which may be prescribed by commission shall conform as nearly as practicable to similar forms prescribed by federal authority. Every public utility engaged directly or indirectly in any other business than that of the transportation of persons or property by street rail- 2727 roads or the production, transmission or furnishing of heat, light, water or power or the conveyance of telephone messages shall, if required by commission, keep and render separately to commis- sion in like manner and form the accounts of all such other busi- ness, in which case all the provisions of this act shall apply with like force and effect to the books, accounts, papers and records of such other business. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2jg, sec. 11. Commission shall prescribe the forms of all books, accounts, papers and records required to be kept, and every public utility is required to keep and render its books, accounts, papers and records accurately and faithfully in the manner and form pre- 2728 scribed by commission and to comply with all directions of com- mission relating to such books, accounts, papers and records. No public utility shall keep any other books, accounts, papers or records of its public utility business transacted than those pre- scribed or approved by commission, except such as may be re- quired by the laws of the United States. Same, sec. 12. Each public utility shall have an office in one of the towns or cities in this state in which its property or some part thereof is located, and shall keep in said office all such books, accounts, 2729 papers and records as shall be required by commission to be kept within the state. No books, accounts, papers or records re- quired by commission to be kept within the state shall be at any time removed from the state, except upon such conditions, as may be prescribed by commission. Same, sec. 14. See also par. 2gij. 704 I SOUTH DAKOTA Commission may, in its discretion prescribe the forms of any and all accounts, records and memoranda to 2730 be kept by carriers, including the accounts, records, and memo- randa of the movement of traffic, as well as receipts and expendi- tures of money. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2oy, sec. 48. TEXAS Commission may prescribe a system of book- 2731 keeping to be observed by all the railroads, under the penalties prescribed in this article. Sayles' Civ. Stais. i8gy, art. 4571. VERMONT Commission on due notice and hearing may establish a uniform system of keeping railroad accoimts and making ajid publishing returns of the condition of railroads so as to conform so far as practicable to a uniform system in common with the other New England states, New York and Canada. Railroad corporations shall adopt the system of accounts and JI732 manner of makiQg returns established by commission and con- form to the same so far as is consonant with the method of busi- ness and connections of such railroad and the returns shall be made under oath. The system now in use may be followed by the persons and corporations operating railroads until commis- sion shall make changes in the direction of uniformity as afore- said. Puh. Stats. igo6, sec. 46 ij. WASHINGTON Commission may, in its discretion, prescribe the forms of any and all accounts, records and memoranda to be 2733 kept by public service companies, including the accoimts, rec- ords and memoranda of the movement of traffic, sales of its prod- uct, the receipts and expenditures of money. Laws igii, ch. Jiy, sec. 78. Commission may, in its discretion, prescribe the forms of any and all reports, accounts, records and memoranda to be fur- nished and kept by any public service company whose line or S734 lines extend beyond the limits of this state, which are operated partly within and partly without the state, so that the same shall show any information required by commission concerning the traffic movement, receipts and expenditures appertaining to those parts of the line within the state. Same. Commission may, in its discretion, for the purpose of en- abling it the better to carry out the provisions of this act, pre- ■ 1785 scribe the period of time within which all public service companies shall have, as near as may be, a uniform system of accounts, and the manner in which such accoimts shall be kept. Same. 70s WISCONSIN Commission may in its discretion prescribe a uniform system of rendering accounts of business transacted in Wisconsin by all railroads within the meaning of section two (in- cluding subdivisions a and b) of chapter 362, laws of 1 905 . Com- mission may also prescribe the manner in which such accounts shall be kept, and the time within which such railroad shall adopt such system; provided that all forms of accounts which may be 2736 prescribed by commission shall conform as nearly as practicable to similar forms prescribed by federal authority. Any railroad within the meaning of section two (including subdivisions a and b) of chapter 362 of laws of 1905, failing to comply with the provi- sions of this act shall be liable to the penalty provided for in sfec- tion 27 of chapter 362 of the laws of 1905. Laws 1905, sp. sess., ch. 13, sec. lygy-iS (d). Every public utility shall keep and render to commission 2737 in the manner and form prescribed by commission uniform ac- counts of all business transacted. Laws igoy, ch. 499, sec. lygy m-8{i). Every public utility engaged directly or indirectly in any other business than that of the production, transmission or fur- nishing of heat, light, water or power or the conveyance of tele- phone messages shall, if required by commission, keep and render 2738 separately to commission in like manner and form the accounts of all such other business, in which case all the provisions of this act shall apply with like force and effect to the books, accounts, papers and records of such other business. Same, sec. lygym-S {2). Commission shall prescribe the forms of all books, accounts, papers and records required to be kept, and every public utility is required to keep and render its books, accounts, papers and 2739 records accurately and faithfully in the manner and form pre- scribed by commission and to comply with all directions of com- mission relating to such books, accounts, papers and records. Same, sec. ijgym-g. No public utility shall keep any other books, accounts, papers 2740 or records of the business transacted than those prescribed or approved by commission. Same, sec. lygym—ii. Each public utility shall have an office in one of the towns, villages, or cities in this state in which its property or some part thereof is located, and shall keep in said office all such books, ac- 1741 counts, papers and records as shall be required by commission to be kept within the state. No books, accounts, papers or records 706 reqtdred by commission to be kept within the state shall be at any time removed from the state, except upon such conditions as may be prescribed by commission. Same, sec. lygym-iz. See also par. 2^41. B. DEPRECIATION ACCOUNTS. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Commission may, after hearing, require any or all public service coporations ^ to carry a proper and adequate depreciation account in accordance with such rules, regulations and forms of account as commission may prescribe. Commis- sion may, from time to time ascertain and determine and by order fix the proper and adequate rates of depreciation of the several classes of property of each public service corporation.^ Each public service corporation ^ shall conform its depreciation 2742 accounts to the rates so ascertained, determined and fixed, and shall set aside the moneys so provided for out of earnings and carry the same in a depreciation fund and expend such fund only for such purposes and under such rtdes and regulations, both as to original expenditures and subsequent replacement as commis- sion may prescribe. The income upon investments of moneys in such fund shall likewise be carried in such fund. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 4g, Cat. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 4g. NEW JERSEY Commission may, after hearing, upon notice, by order in writing, require every public utility to carry when- ever in the judgment of commission it may reasonably be re- quired, for the protection of stockholders, bondholders or credi- tors, a proper and adequate depreciation account in accordance with such rules, regulations and forms of account as commission may prescribe. Commission shall from time to time ascertain and determine, and by order in writing after hearing fix proper and adequate rates of depreciation of the property of each pub- lic utility, in accordance with such regulations or classifications, 8743 which rates shall be sufficient to provide the amounts required over and above the expense of maintenance to keep such property in a state of efficiency corresponding to the progress of the indus- try. Each public utility shall conform its depreciation accounts to the rates ascertained, determined and fixed, and shall set aside the moneys so provided for out of earnings and carry tlie same I "Public utility," in California. in a depreciation fund. The income from investments of moneys in such fund shall likewise be carried in such fund. This fund shall not be extended otherwise than for depreciation, improve- ments, new constructions, extensions or additions to the property of such public utility. Laws 1911, ch. 195, sec. 17 (/). OHIO Every public utility shall carry a proper and adequate depreciation or deferred maintenance account, when- ever commission after investigation shall determine that a de- preciation account can be reasonably required. Commission shall ascertain, determine and prescribe what are proper and adequate charges for depreciation of the several classes of prop- S7U erty for each public utility. The charge for depreciation shall be such as will provide the amovint required over and above the cost and expense of maintenance to keep the property of the pub- lic utility in a state of efficiency corresponding to the progress of the art or industry. Commission may prescribe such changes in such charges for depreciation from time to time as it may find necessary. Laws 1911, no. 325, sec. 51. The moneys for depreciation charges thus provided for shall be set aside out of the earnings and carried as a depreciation fund. The moneys in such fund may be expended in new construction, extensions or additions to the property of the public utility, or invested, and if invested, the income from the investment shall also be carried in the depreciation fund. Such fund and the pro- S746 ceeds thereof, may be used for the purpose of renewing, restoring, replacing or substituting depreciated property in order to keep the plant in a state of efficiency. Such fund and the proceeds or income therefrom shall be used for no purpose other than as provided in this section, except upon the approval of commis- sion. Same, sec. 52. OREGON, WISCONSIN Every public utility shall carry a proper and adequate depreciation account whenever commission after in- vestigation shall determine that such depreciation account can be reasonably required. Commission shall ascertain and de- termine what are the proper and adequate rates of depreciation of the several classes of property of each public utility. The rates S746 shall be such as will provide the amounts required over and above thjs expense of maintenance, to keep such property in a state of efficiency corresponding to the progress of the industry. Each public utility shall conform its depreciation accounts to such 708 rates so ascertained and determined by commission. The com- mission may make changes in such rates of depreciation from time to time as it may find to be necessary. Ore. — Gen. Laws ipii, ch.2/g, sec. ly; Wis. — Laws igoy, ch. 4gg, sec. iygyfn-ij{i). Commission shall also prescribe rules, regulations, and forms 1747 of accQimts regarding such depreciation which the public utility is required to carry into effect. Ore. — Same; Wis. — Same, sec. iygym-ij{2). ^ Commission shall provide for such depreciation in fixing the 1748 rates, tolls and charges to be paid by the public. Ore. — Same; Wis. — Same, sec. iygym-ij{j). All moneys thus provided for shall be set aside out of the earnings and carried in a depreciation fund. The moneys in this fimd may be expended in replacements,^ new constructions, ex- tensions or additions to the property of such public utility, or 1749 invested, and if invested the income from the investments shall also be carried in the depreciation fund. This fund and the pro- ceeds thereof shall be used for no other purpose than as provided in this section and for depreciation. Ore. — Same; Wis. — Same, sec. iygym-ij{4). C. CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTS. OHIO Commission shall keep informed of all new construction, extensions and additions to the property of such public utilities and may prescribe the necessary forms, regulations 2760 and instructions to the officers and employes of such public utili- ties for the keeping of construction accounts, which shall clearly distinguish all operating expenses and new construction. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 35. OREGON, WISCONSIN Commission shall keep itself informed of all new construction, extensions and additions to the property of such public utilities, and shall prescribe the necessary forms, 2761 regulations and instructions to the officers and employes of such public utilities for the keeping of construction accounts, which shall clearly distinguish all operating expenses and new construc- tion. Ore. — Gen. Laws igii,'ch. 2yg, sec. 18; Wis. — Laws igoy, ch. 4gg, sec. iygym-16. 1 "Replacements" occurs in Oregon only. D. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION TO HAVE ACCESS TO BOOKS AND RECORDS OF UTIL- ITIES AND TO INSPECT OR EXAMINE THE SAME. UNITED STATES Commission shall at all times have access to all accoimts, records and memoranda kept by carriers and it shall be unlawful for such carriers to keep any other accounts, recomds, or memoranda than those prescribed or approved by commis- 2762 sion, and it may employ special agents or examiners, who shall have authority under the order of commission to inspect and ex- amine any and all accounts, records and memoranda kept by such carriers. This provision shall apply to receivers of carriers and operating trustees. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 20. Any examiner who divulges any fact or information which may come to his knowledge during the course of such examina- tion, except in so far as he may be directed by commission or by a 2763 court or judge thereof, shall be subject, upon conviction in any court of the United States of competent jurisdiction, to a fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or both. Same. ALABAMA Commission, and any member thereof, shall at all times have access to all books, accounts, records, memo- randa, contracts and docimients kept by such common carrier, railroad corporation and street railroad corporation, wherever the same may be kept, whether within or without the state and may prescribe the accounts in ;tvhich particular outlays and re- ceipts shall be entered. Commission may designate any of its members or employes, or employ special agents or examiners, who shall thereupon, when so designated or employed, have authority under the orders of commission to inspect and examine, make analysis of and take copies from any and all accounts, 2764 records, memoranda, books, contracts and documents of such corporation, whether the same be kept within or without the state. The special agents or examiners, or employes designated or employed as above provided, shall have power to administer oaths, examine witnesses and receive evidence. Any special agent or examiner or other person employed by commission who divulges any fact or information which may come to his knowl- edge during the course of any such inspection or examination, except in so far as he may be directed by commission or by a 710 court or judge thereof, or as authorized by law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500. Acts igoj, sp. sess., no. 77, sec. 3. FLORIDA That the sum of $25,000 for the period ending June 30, 1 9 13, be, and the same is hereby appropriated to enable commission to audit, investigate and examine into the books, records, vouchers and accounts of the express companies, and of 2765 the railroad companies which are subject to its jurisdiction so that commission can have sufficient information to make rates and regulations upon the principles applied by law, and to de- fend suits brought against it by common carriers or to bring suits to enforce such rates and regulations. Laws igii, ch. 612Q, sec. i. Any part of the said appropriation not expended shall revert 2766 to the state treasury. Same. The comptroller is hereby authorized to draw his warrants 2767 upon requisitions of commission, to be audited by him, which warrants shall be paid out of the appropriation made in section one. Same, sec. 2. E[ANSAS Commission may examine and audit all ac- counts, and all items shall be allocated to the accounts prescribed by commission. The agents, accountants or examiners em- ployed by commission shall have authority under the direction 2768 of commission to inspect and examine any and all books, ac- counts, papers, records, property and memoranda kept by such public utilities and common carriers. The accoimts shall be closed annually on June 30 and a balance sheet of that date promptly taken therefrom. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 2g. MARYLAND Commission shall at all times have access to all accounts, records and memoranda kept by common carriers and other corporations, and may prescribe the accounts in which 2769 particular outlays and receipts shall be entered, and may desig- nate any of its officers or employes, who shall thereupon have authority under the order of commission to inspect and examine any and all accounts, records and memoranda kept by such cor- porations. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 25. Any employe or agent of commission who divulges any fact or information which may come to his knowledge during the 2760 course of any such inspection or examination, except in so far as he may be directed by commission, or by a court or judge thereof, or authorized by law, shall be guilty of misdemeanor. Same. 711 NEBRASBIA Commission shall at all times have access to all accounts, records and memoranda kept by carriers, and it shall be unlawful for such carriers to keep any other accounts, records, or memoranda than those prescribed or approved by 2761 commission, and it may employ special agents or examiners, who shall have authority under the order of commission to inspect and examine any and all accounts, records and memoranda kept by such carriers. This provision shall apply to receivers of car- riers and operating trustees. Cobbey's Annot. Stats, igog, sec. io6jo{r). Any railway company or common carrier or any person who may have in his or her possession any book, paper, document or record belonging to any railway company or common carrier who shall, upon proper demand, fail or refuse to exhibit to the com- missioners, or any of them, or any person authorized by said com- 2762 missioners to investigate the same, any book, paper, document or records of such railway company or common carrier, which is in the possession or under the control of said railway company or common carrier, or any officer, agent or employe thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined for each offense a sum not less than $i,ooo nor more than $5,000. Same, sec. 106 51. Any officer, agent or employe of any railroad company or any person who shall upon proper demand, fail or refuse to exhibit to the commissioners, or any of them, or any person authorized by said commissioners to investigate the same, any book, paper, document or records of such railway company or common car- 2763 rier, which is in the possession or under the control of such officer, agent or employe, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in any court having jurisdiction thereof, shall be fined for each offense a sum of not less than $100 nor more than $500, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than 30 days, or both within the discretion of the court. Same. NEVADA Any commissioner, or any person or persons authorized by commission, shall have the right to examine the 2764 books, accoimts, records and papers of any public utility, for the purpose of determining their correctness, and whether they are being kept in accordance with the rules and system prescribed by commission. Stats, igii, ch. 162, sec. y{c). NEW YORK Commission shall at all times have access to all accounts, records and memoranda kept by railroad and 712 street railroad corporations and by common carriers, and may 2765 designate any of its officers or employes who shall thereupon have authority under the order of commission to inspect and examine any and all accounts, records and memoranda kept by such corporations. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 52. Any employe or agent of commission who divulges any fact or information which may come to his knowledge during the course 2766 of any such inspection or examination except in so far as he may be directed by commission, or by a court or judge thereof, or authorized by law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Same. Commission may examine the accounts, books, contracts, records, documents and papers of any such corporation,^ person 2767 or municipality, and may, after hearing, prescribe by order the accounts in which particular outlays and receipts shall be en- tered, charged or credited. Same, sec. 66(g) . Commission shall at all times have access to all accounts, records and memoranda kept by telegraph and telephone cor- porations, and may designate any of its officers or employes who shall thereupon be authorized under the order of commission to inspect and examine any and all accounts, records and memoranda kept by any such corporation; and commission may, after hear- ing, prescribe by order, the accoimts in which particular outlays and receipts shall be entered, charged or credited. Any em- 2768 ploye or agent of commission who divulges any fact or informa- tion which may come to his knowledge during the course of any such inspection or examination except in so far as he may be directed by commission or by a court or judge thereof, or author- ized by law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any provision of law prohibiting the disclosure of the contents of telegraph mes- sages or the contents or substance of telephone communications shall not be deemed to prohibit the disclosure of any matter in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Same, sec. 95(2) . OHIO Commission shall, at all times, have access to all accounts kept by public utilities, and may designate any of its 2769 officers or employes to inspect and examine any and all such ac- counts. Laws iQii, no. J25, sec. 12. Except in his report to commission or when called on to tes- tify in any court or proceeding, any such employe or agent who shaU divulge any information acquired by him in respect to the transaction, property, or business of any public utility, while acting or claiming to act as such employe or agent shall be fined > Gas and electrical corporations. not less than $5o ^^^ not more than $ioo, and shall thereafter be disqualified from acting as agent, or in any other capacity under the appointment or employment of commission. Same, sec. I J. OREGON Commission shall provide for the examination 2771 and audit of all accounts, and all items shall be allocated to the accounts in the manner prescribed by commission. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2jg, sec. i6. The agents, accountants or examiners employed by com- 2772 mission shall have authority under the direction of commission to inspect and examine any and all books, accounts, papers, rec- ords and memoranda kept by such public utilities. Same. SOUTH DAKOTA Commission shall, at all times, have access to all accounts, records and memoranda kept by carriers and may 2773 employ special agents or examiners who shall have authority, under the order of commission, to examine any and all accounts, records and memoranda kept by any common carrier engaged in intrastate commerce. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2oy, sec. 48. WASHINGTON Commission shall at all times have access to all accounts, records and memoranda kept by public service com- panies, and may employ special agents or examiners, who shall 2774 have power to administer oaths and authority, under the order of commission, to examine witnesses and to inspect and examine any and all accounts, records and memoranda kept by such com- panies. Laws iQii, ch. iiy, sec. y8. WISCONSIN Identical with pars. 2771, 2772. Laws 190J, 2776 ch. 4gg, sees. iygym-i4{i)y i^Q^m-i4{2). 7H CHAPTER X Reports SCOPE NOTE This chapter includes grants of power authorizing commissions to require formal reports and elicit general information from utilities, and such provisions as impose upon commissions the duty of submitting to designated authorities reports of their own proceedings and of the business and management of utilities. Provisions pre- scribing the filing of reports by utilities with other bodies or officers than commissions or commissioners have been excluded. For provisions incidentally involving reports of utilities, see ch. ix, on accounts, and ch. iii, on basis of rate making. For provisions authorizing commissions to elicit general information by examining under oath the officers, agents or employes of utilities, see ch. ii, on general powers of commission. For pro- visions requiring utilities to report or give notice of accidents, see ch. viii, on safety of operation. For pro- visions requiring the publication and filing with com- missions of lists of persons to whom free or reduced rate or special service has been granted, see ch. vi, on dis- crimination in rates and service. For provisions pre- scribing general procedure to be followed in the exercise of commission authority, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For provisions prescribing gen- eral rules of enforcement and judicial review, see ch. xv, on enforcement. For general statement of scope and method, see introduction. 715 ANALYSIS Page A. Duty of utilities to make formal reports to commission and authority of commission to order such reports and prescribe the nature and form thereof 717 B. Authority of commission to furnish blank forms for reports and duty of utilities with respect thereto 753 C. Contents of annual reports of utilities as prescribed by statute . . . 763 D. Duty of utilities to furnish general information to commission and authority of commission to call for such information . . . .776 E. Duty of commission to submit reports, as prescribed, with regard to the business and management of public utilities and to make recommenda- tions with respect thereto 782 yt6 A. DUTY OF UTILITIES TO MAKE FORMAL REPORTS TO COMMISSION AND AUTHOR- ITY OF COMMISSION TO ORDER SUCH RE- PORTS AND PRESCRIBE THE NATURE AND FORM THEREOF. UNITED STATES Commission may require amiual reports from all common carriers, and from the owners of all railroads engaged S776 in interstate commerce as defined in this act ; prescribe the manner in which all such reports shall be made, and require from such carriers specific answers to all questions upon which commission may need information. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 20. The annual reports shall contain all the required statistics for the period of 1 2 months ending on Jime 30 in each year, or on December 31 in each year if commission by order substitute that 2777 period for the year ending Jime 30, and shall be made out imder oath and filed with commission at its office in Washington within three months after the close of the year for which the report is made, imless additional time be granted in any case by commis- sion. Same. If any carrier, person, or corporation subject to the provi- sions of this act shall fail to make and file said annual reports within the time above specified, or within the time extended by commission, for making and filing the same, or shall fail to make 2778 specific answer to any question authorized by the provisions of this section within 30 days from the time it is lawfully required to do so, such party shall forfeit to the United States the sum of $100 for each and every day it shall continue to be in default with respect thereto. Same. Commission may by general or special orders require said carriers, or any of them, to file monthly reports of earnings and expenses, and file periodical or special, or both periodical and special, reports concerning any matters about which commission is authorized or required by this or any other law to inquire or to 2779 keep itself informed or which it is required to enforce; and such periodical or special reports shall be under oath whenever com- mission so requires; and if any such carrier shall fail to make and file any such periodical or special report within the time fixed by commission, it shall be subject to the forfeiture last above provided. Same. 717 Said forfeitures shall be recovered in the manner provided for the recovery of forfeitures under the provisions of this act. Same. The oath required by this section may be taken before any 2781 person authorized to administer an oath by the laws of the state in which the same is taken. Same. ALABAMA Whether it be required by commission or not every railroad corporation, other than street railroad corpora- tions, shall make and keep a full, true and correct record, memo- randa or accoimt of the following facts, in addition to such others as may be required by law or by commission in such manner that full, true and correct information concerning the same may be 2782 furnished to commission at the end of each fiscal year and at the end of each quarter of the fiscal year, and may be included in the annual reports of said corporation to commission, and it shall be the duty of every such corporation to furnish such information to commission for any fiscal year and for any quarter of the fiscal year within 30 days after demand is made for the same by com- mission. Acts igoj, sp. sess., no. 17, sec. 4. Commission shall prescribe the form of the annual or other reports required to be made by common carriers, railroad and street railroad corporations. The form of such reports made by 2783 the railroad coporations shall conform as near as may be to that required from time to time of common carriers, by the interstate commerce commission, but commission may from time to time make such changes therein and additions thereto as it may deem proper. Same, sec. 6. When the reports of any common carrier, railroad corpora- 2784 tion or street railroad corporation is defective, or believed by commission to be erroneous, commission shall notify the corpora- tion to amend the same within 30 days. Same. The originals of the reports shall be preserved in the office 5786 of commission. Same. Commission may also require such corporations to file monthly reports of earnings and operating expenses within a 2786 specified time, and may require specific answers to questions upon which it may desire information, to be made in such monthly reports, or at any other time, or in any special, monthly or annual report. Same. 5787 All such corporations shall file the annual reports herein referred to with commission on or before September 30 in each 718 year. Commission may extend the time for making and filing such reports for a period not exceeding 60 days. Same. If any such corporation shall fail to make and file the annual report within the time above specified, or within the time as ex- tended by commission or shall fail to make specific answers to any questions, or fail to make and file the monthly reports when required by commission within 30 days from the time when it is required to make and file any such report or answer, such corporation shall 2788 forfeit to the state the sum of $100 for each and every day it shall continue to be in default with respect to such report or answers. Such forfeiture shall be recovered in an action brought by com- mission in the name of the state, in the circuit court or court of like jurisdiction of Montgomery county, and the amount recov- ered in such action shall be paid into the state treasury and cred- ited to the general fund. Same. See also par. 2688. ARIZONA Every public service corporation shall annually furnish to commission at such time and in such form as commis- sion may require a report in which the public service corporation shall specifically answer all questions propoimded by commission upon or concerning which commission may desire information. 2789 Commission may require any public service corporation to file monthly reports of earnings and expenses, and to file periodical or special, or both periodical and special reports concerning any matter about which commission is authorized by this or any other act to inquire or to keep itself informed, or which it is reqtiired to enforce. All reports shall be under oath when required by commission. Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 2g. ARKANSAS Every person or corporation operating any railroad or express company in this state shall make annual returns of the business of said railroad or express company to commission, which returns shall embrace all receipts and expen- ditures of said railroad or express companies in this state, and to be made according to forms furnished by commission for that 2790 purpose; said returns shall be made within 30 days after the end of each year to which they relate; and the first returns shall be furnished within 30 days after the passage of this act, imless ftirther time is granted by commission; said rettims shall be sworn to by some officer of said railroad or express company hav- ing knowledge of the matters therein stated. Kirby^s Digest igo4, sec. 6812. 719 Any such person or corporation who shall fail or refuse to make such returns shall be liable to a penalty of $50 for each day 2791 of such failure or refusal, such penalty to be recovered by action commenced in the name of the state in any court having juris- diction of the amount, such action to be prosecuted as hereinafter provided. Same. CALIFORNIA Provision for public utilities identical with 2792 par. 2789. Stats. iQii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 2q. CONNECTICUT Every railroad company shall make its annual returns strictly according to the forms provided, and if the offi- cers, trustees, or receivers find it impracticable to return all the items in detail as required, they shall state in their report the reasons why such details cannot be given; but no company shall be excused for not giving such details; because it does not keep 2793 its accoimts in such manner as will enable it to do so. When any such returns seem to commission defective or erroneous, it shall notify the company, trustees, or receivers making the same, and require the amendment of such returns within 1 5 days from the time of giving such notice under the same penalty as is pro- vided for refusing or neglecting to make returns. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 3820. The officers, trustees or receivers of every railroad company, which had leased a railroad upon terms by which the rental is based upon the earnings of the leased road, shall make returns to 2794 commission concerning the leased road, separate and apart from the business of the lessee, and in the same manner in which the officers of said leased railroad would be required to make returns had it not been leased. Same, sec. 3821. Every public service company shall make its annual reports strictly according to the forms provided, and if it shall find it impracticable to answer all the items in detail as required it shall state in its report the reasons why such details cannot be given; but no company shall be excused from giving such details for the reason that it does not keep its accounts in such manner as will 2795 enable it to do so. When any such report seems to commission defective or erroneous it may notify the company making the same, and require the amendment of such report within 1 5 days from the time of giving such notice, under the same penalty as provided for refusing or neglecting to make such report; and commission may examine the officers, agents, and employes, books, records, accounts, vouchers, plant, and equipment of such 7ao company, and may correct such items in such report as, upon such examination, commission may find ought to be corrected. Puh. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 26. Every person who shall wilfully make any false rettun or report to commission, or to any members thereof, or to any agent or any employe acting therefor, or who shall testify or affirm falsely to any material fact in any matter wherein an oath or affirma- tion is required or authorized, or who shall make any false entry or memorandum upon any accoimt, book, paper, record, report or statement of any company, or who shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, alter, or by any other means or device falsify or destroy the record 2796 of any such account, book, paper, record, report, or statement with the intent to mislead or deceive commission, or any member thereof, or any agent or employe acting therefor, or who shall wilfully obstruct or hinder commission, or any of its members, agents or employes, in the making of any examination of the accoimts, affairs, or condition of any company, and any person who, with like intent, aids or abets another in any of the acts hereinbefore set forth, shall be fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. Same, sec. 27. See also par. 2Q44. FLORIDA Every railroad, railroad company and common carrier incorporated or doing business in this state, or which hereafter shall become incorporated or do business in this state shall, annually on or before the first day of August, transmit to 2797 the office of commission a full and true statement, imder oath of the proper officers of said corporation, of the affairs of such cor- poration, company or common carrier as the same existed on preceding July i. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 2go6. Every officer, agent or employe of any railroad, railroad company or other common carrier who shall wilfully refuse to make and furnish any report required by commission as necessary 2798 to the purposes of this act, or who shall wilfully and unlawfully hinder, delay or obstruct the commission in the discharge of its duties imposed upon it, may be declared in contempt and pun- ished as provided for in section 2916. Same, sec. 2918. All common carriers shall make to commission annually, at such time as commission shall designate, and in accordance with 2799 such forms as commission shall prescribe, annual reports for the current year ending June 30 immediately preceding, which shall contain a statement of the organization, capitalization, traffic earnings and such other matters connected with their organiza- 721 tion and operations as commission shall require, which said report shall be verified by affidavits of the principal officers thereof, and commission shall tabulate and file said annual reports, and in- clude them in its annual report to the governor. Same, sec. 2g20. See also pars. 26 gz, 4ojg. GEORGIA Every officer, agent or employe of any railroad company who shall wilfully neglect or refuse to make and furnish any report required by commission, as necessary to the purposes of article, or who shall wilfully and unlawfully hinder, delay, or 2800 obstruct said commission in the discharge of the duties hereby imposed upon it, shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than $100, nor more than $500, for each offense, to be recovered in an action of debt in the name of the state. Code igii, sec. 2654. BLLINOIS Every railroad company or other common carrier incorporated or doing business in this state, or which shall hereafter become incorporated or do business under any general or special law of the state, shall, on or before September 30, in the 2801 year 191 1, and on or before the same day each year thereafter, make and transmit to commission, at its office in Springfield, a full and true statement, under oath of the proper officers of said corporation, of the affairs of the said corporation, as the same existed on preceding July i. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. 1J2. Commission m.ay m.ake and propound to common carriers any additional interrogatives, requiring information necessary 2802 to the proper discharge of the duties of commission arising under this act, which shall be answered by such companies in the same manner as those specified in the foregoing section. Same, sec. lyj. Sections 172 and 173 shall apply to the president, directors and officers of every common carrier now existing or which shall 2803 be incorporated or organized in this state, and to every lessee, manager and operator of any common carrier within the state. Same, sec. 1^4. Every owner, lessee or manager of ever}' public warehouse in this state shall furnish in writing, under oath at such times as 2804 commission shall require and prescribe, a statement concerning the condition and management of his business as such warehouse- man. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. 775. Every railroad company or other common carrier and every officer, agent or employe of any railroad company or other com- mon carrier, and every owner, lessee, manager or employe of any 722 warehouse, who shall wilfully neglect to make and furnish any report required in this act at the time required, or who shall wil- fully and unlawfully hinder, delay or obstruct commission in the discharge of the duties hereby imposed upon it, shall forfeit and 2806 pay a simi not less than Sioo nor more than $5,000 for each of- fense, to be recovered in an action of debt in the name and for the use of the people of the state; and every railroad company , or other common carrier, and every officer, agent or employe of any such railroad company, or other common carrier, and every owner, lessee, manager, or agent or employe of any public ware- house, shall be liable to a like penalty for every period of ten days it or he shall wilfully neglect or refuse to make such report. Same, sec. 182. Commission may call upon such express companies or car- riers by express for reports, and investigate their books in the same manner as may be provided by law for the regulation of 2806 railroad companies, which reports shall be furnished to com- mission on demand. All laws, rules and regtdations made and prescribed for the government of railroad, in so far as they are or may be applicable, shall be of equal force against all such ex- press companies or carriers by express. Same, sec. 375. INDIANA Every carrier shall annually on or before October i, file with commission, under the signature and oath of its principal accounting officer, a detailed report, in the form pre- scribed by commission, of all its financial and business operations in this state for the year ending on June 30 preceding, and such report shall embrace such other information and facts as shall be prescribed by the interstate commerce commission for reports of interstate carriers thereto, and such reports shall be in the 2807 form so prescribed, in so far as the same is applicable. Any carrier failing to make such report for 30 days after the same shall be due, unless the time therefor shall be extended by commission, shall forfeit and pay to the state the sum of $ioo for each and every day of such default, to be collected as provided in this act; provided, that the first report required to be made by an electric, interurbar^ or suburban railroad pursuant to this paragraph shall be for the year ending June 30, 1908. Burns^ Annot. Stats. igo8, sec. 5533(f)- IOWA Commission shall require annual reports from all common carriers to be made at the same time it makes report , isos to the executive council, to cover the same period, and pre- ; ■ = scribe the manner in which specific answers to all questions upon 723 which it may need information shall be made. Code iSgy, sec. 2143. Commission may also require of any and all common carriers such other reports, and fix the time for filing the same, as in its judgment shall be necessary and reasonable, which reports shall be in such form, and concerning such subjects, and be from such 2809 sources as it shall direct, except as otherwise provided herein. Any corporation, company or individual owning or operating a railway within the state, neglecting or refusing to make the re- quired reports by the date fixed, or fixed by commission, shall be subject to a penalty of $100 for each and every day of delay in making the same after the date thus fixed. Same. KANSAS To enable commission to make its report, the president or managing officer of each railroad or transportation company shall annually make to commission on September 1 5 of each year, such returns, in the form which it may prescribe, as will afford the inforriiation required for its said official report. 2810 Such returns shall be verified by the oath of the officer making them; and any corporation herein named whose returns shall not be made as herein prescribed by September 15, shall be liable to a penalty of $500 for each and every day after September 16 that such report shall be wilfully delayed or refused. Gen. Stats. iQog, sec. y2i8. Any person who shall wilfully and corruptly swear, testify or affirm falsely to any material matter, upon any oath or affirma- tion or declaration legally administered in any cause, matter or 2811 proceeding before commission or any member thereof, or in any return, answer or report required by this act to be made, shall be deemed guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, and shall be pun- ished by imprisonment in the penitentiary at hard labor for a term not exceeding seven years. Same, sec. 72 ig. Each common carrier and all public utilities shall, on or, before September 15, 191 2, and on or before the same day in eachj year thereafter, make and transmit to commission, at its officej 1812 in Topeka, Kansas, a full and true statement, under oath, of the proper officers of such corporation, of the affairs of such public^ utility or common carrier, for the period ending on Jtme 30 pre-i ceding. Laws 1911, ch. 2j8, sec. 24. Said detailed reports shall contain all the required statistics | S8IS for the period of 12 months, ending on June 30 of each year, and shall be made under oath, and filed with commission at Topeka> on or before September 15 then next following, unless an addi- 724 tional time shall be granted in any case by commission; and if any carrier, person or corporation shall fail to make and file such annual reports within the time above specified, or within the time extended by commission for making and filing the same, such party shall forfeit to the state the sum of $ioo for each and every day it shall continue to be in default -with respect thereto. Same. KENTUCKY Each officer, agent or employe failing or re- fusing to make, under oath, any report required by commission within the time required, or failing or refusing to answer fully, under oath, if required, any inquiry propounded by commission, or who shall, in any way, hinder or obstruct commission in the discharge of its duty, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall 2814 be fined for each offense not less than $500 nor more than $1,000, and commission shall prosecute the person offending; and the Franklin circuit court, or the circuit coiut of any county through which the railroad runs, the officer, agent or employe of which I has violated the provisions of this section, shall have jurisdic- * tion of such prosecution; and the commonwealth's attorney shalj prosecute all indictments, actions and proceedings under this t law. CarrolVs Stats, igog, sec. 828. Every railroad company shall, on or before September i, in each year, make and transmit to commission, at its office in 2816 Frankfort, imder oath of the president or manager of the com- pany, a full and true statement of the affairs of said company as the same existed on the first day of the preceding July. Wheeler^ s I Stais. igog, sec. 54og. MAINE Every railroad corporation shall, by Septem- I ber I, make an annual return to commission of its operations for * each year ending Jime 30, verified by the oath of its treasurer, 2816 which return shall be in the form reqtiired to be made for the same year to the interstate commerce commission with such additions for any year as may be prescribed before the beginning of the year by commission. Rev. Stats, igoj, ch. 5/, sec. 4g. Any railroad corporation wilfully neglecting to make such return, forfeits $1,000 to the state, to be recovered in an action 2817 on the case, or by complaint and indictment; and commission shall notify the attorney general of such neglect, who shaE prose- cute for the recovery of such forfeiture. Same. MARYLAND Commission shall prescribe the form of the annual reports reqviired imder this act to be made by common 725 carriers, railroads, street railroads, railroad corporations and street railroad corporations and all other corporations subject to the provisions of this act, and may from time to time make such changes therein and additions thereto as it may deem proper; provided, however, that if any such changes or additions require any alteration ii> the method or form of keeping the accoimts of 2818 such corporations, commission shall give to them at least six months' notice before the expiration of any fiscal year of any such changes or additions, and on or before June 30 in each year, shall furnish a blank form for such report. The contents of such report, and the form thereof, shall conform as nearly as possible to that required of common carriers imder the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to regulate commerce," ap- proved February 4, 1887, and the act amendatory thereof ap- proved Jime 29, 1906, and other amendments thereto. Laws iQio, ch. 180, sec. 21. Commission may require such report to contain information 2819 in relation to rates or regiilations concerning fares or freights, agreements or contracts affecting the same, so far as such rates or regulations pertain to transportation within the state. Same. When the report of any person or corporation is defective, 2820 or believed to be erroneous, commission shall notify it to amend the same within a time prescribed by commission. Same. The originals of the reports, subscribed and sworn to as pre- 3821 scribed by law, shall be preserved in the office of commission. Same. Commission may also require common carriers to file periodic 2822 reports of earnings and expenses within a specified time. Same. Commission may reqmre of all common carriers specific, 2823 answers to questions upon which commission may need in-j formation. Same. The annual report required to be filed by a common carrierj 2824 shall be so filed on or before September 30 in each year. Com-; mission may extend the time for making and filing such report forj a period not exceeding 60 days. Same. If such common carrier shall fail to make and file the annual! report within the time above specified, or within the time as ex-| tended by commission, or shall fail to make the specific answer to j any question, or shall fail to make the periodic reports when] required by commission as herein provided, within 30 days from;; the time when it is required to make and file any such report orj 3836 answer, such common carrier shall forfeit to the state the sumj 726 of $ioo for each and every day it shall continue to be in defatdt with respect to such report or answer. Such forfeiture shall be recovered in an action brought by commission in the name of the state. The amoimt recovered in any such action shall be paid to the state treasurer, except one-fourth thereof, which shall be paid to the mayor and city council of Baltimore. Same. Commission shall require every person and every gas or elec- 2826 trie corporation under its supervision to submit to it an annual report, verified by the oath of the president, treasurer or general manager thereof. Same, sec. 31%. Such reports shall be in the form, cover the period and be submitted at the time prescribed by commission. Commission may, from time to time, make changes and additions in such forms, giving to the persons, corporations and municipalities six months' notice before the time fixed by commission as the ex- 2827 piration of the fiscal year of any changes or additions which would require any alteration in the method or form of keeping their accounts for the ensuing year. When such report is defective or believed to be erroneous commission shall notify the person, corporation making such report to amend the same within 30 days. Same. Any such person or corporation which shall neglect to make any such report within the time specified by commission, or which shall fail to correct any such report within 30 days after notice shall be liable to a penalty of $100 and an additional penalty of 2828 $100 for each day after the prescribed time for which it shall neglect to file or correct the same, to be sued for in the name of the state. The amount recovered in any such action shall be paid to the state treasury, one-fourth thereof, however, shall be paid to the mayor and city coimcil of Baltimore. Commission may extend the time herein limited for cause shown. Same. Commission shall require every person and every telephone 2829 or telegraph corporation imder its supervision to submit to it an actual (annual?) report, verified by the oath of the president, treasurer, or general manager. Same, sec. jg. Such reports shall be in the form, cover the period and be submitted at the time prescribed by commission. Commission may, from time to time, make changes and additions in such 2830 forms, giving to the persons and corporation three months' notice before the time fixed by commission as the expiration of the fiscal year of any changes or additions which would require any altera- tion in the method or form of keeping their accoimts for ensuing 727 year. When any such report is defective, or believed to be erro- neous, commission shall notify the person or corporation making such report to amend the same within 30 days. Same. Any such person or corporation which shall neglect to make any such report within the time specified by commission, or which shall fail to correct any such report within 15 days after notice, shall be liable to a penalty of $100 and an additional pen- 2831 alty of $10 for each day after the prescribed time for which it shall neglect to file or correct the same, to be sued for in the name of this state. The amount recovered in any such action shall be paid into the state treasury and be credited to the general fund. Commission may extend the time herein limited for cause shown. Same. MASSACHUSETTS Corporations and companies engaged in the manufacture and sale of gas or electricity for light or heat shall annually on or before the second Wednesday of September, make 2832 to commission in a form prescribed by it, a return for the year ending on June 30, preceding, signed and sworn to by its president and treasurer and a majority of the directors. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. i2iy sec. ji.^ Each such gas or electric light corporation or company neg- lecting to make the annual return required by the preceding sec- tion, shall, for the first 15 days or portion thereof during which such neglect continues, forfeit $5 a day; for the second 15 days or any portion thereof, $10 a day; and for each day thereafter not 2833 more than $15 a day. If any company imreasonably refuses or neglects to make such return, it shall, in addition thereto, forfeit not more than $500 for each offense. All forfeitures recovered tmder the provisions of this section shall be paid into the treasury of the commonwealth and applied to the payment of the expenses of commission. Same, sec. 32. Every company engaged in the business of the transmission of intelligence by electricity, within the commonwealth shall annually, on or before October i, in each year after the year 1906, submit to commission a report of its doing for the year ending on 2884 such date or dates preceding as commission may designate, which report shall be in such form and detail as commission may from time to time prescribe, and shall be called the ''Annual Return. " Such return shall be sworn to by the treastirer and by the chief accounting officer of such company. Acts igo6, ch. 433, sec. 8. Any company engaged in the business of the transmission of » See footnote ijpar. 276. 728 intelligence by electricity neglecting to make the annual return required by the preceding sections shall, for the first 1 5 days or portion thereof during which such neglect continues, forfeit $5 a day; for the second 15 days or any portion thereof, $10 a day; and 8835 for each day thereafter a sum not exceeding $15 a day. If any company unreasonably refuses or neglec1:s to make such return, it shall, in addition thereto, forfeit not more than $500 for each offense. All forfeitures recovered tmder the provisions of this • act shall be paid in to the treasury of the commonwealth. Same, sec. p. Commission shall prescribe the form for the annual returns to be made by railroad corporations and street railway companies, may, from time to time, make changes and additions in such form, and shall give to the corporations and companies one year's 2836 notice of any changes or additions which require an alteration in the method or form of keeping their accounts. It may change the form of returns of railroad corporations to conform to the form of returns required by the interstate commerce commission, if it gives to such corpi^ratlons one month's notice of such change. Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. i, sec. 20. If a return is defective or appears to be erroneous, commis- sion shall notify the corporation or company to amend it within 2837 15 days. The original of each return or amended return, sub- scribed and sworn to by the directors, treasurer and chief account- ing officer of the corporation or company, shall be preserved in the office of commission. Same. ' The directors of a railroad corporation shall annually, on or before the first Wednesday of September, transmit to commission a report of their doings for the year ending on June 30 preceding which shall be called the annual return and which shall be sworn to by them and by the treasurer and the chief accounting officer of the corporation. Such return shall state whether any fatal accident or serious injury has occurred to a passenger or other S838 person upon the railroad during the year,- and, if so, the cause of such accident or injury and the circumstances under which it occurred; shall set forth copies of all contracts or leases made with other railroad corporations during the year, and specify the re- ceipts and expenditures under the same; and shall include a detailed statement of all particulars relative to the railroad, its business, receipts and expenditures during the year, in such form as shall be prescribed by commission under the provisions of section 20 of part I. Acts igo6, ch. 46 j^ pt. it, sec. 248. 729 The books of each corporation shall be so kept that returns may be made in exact conformity with the form so prescribed; 2839 and the accounts shall be closed on June 30 in each year, so that a balance sheet of that date can be taken therefrom and included in the return. Same. Every railroad corporation which neglects to make said annual return within the time prescribed in this section, or to amend said return within 1 5 days, when required by commission 2840 as provided in section 20, shall forfeit, for every such neglect, $50 for each day during which such neglect continues; and if such corporation unreasonably refuses or neglects to make said return, it shall forfeit for every such refusal or neglect not more than $5,000. Same. Every railroad corporation which operates a railroad within this commonwealth shall, within 50 days after the expiration of each quarter of the calendar year, transmit to commission a quarterly statemenW)f its business and financial condition, in 2841 such form and with such detail as commission may require, which shall at reasonable times be open to public inspection. A rail- road corporation which neglects to comply with the provisions of this section shall forfeit $50 for each day during which such neglect continues. Same, sec. 24g, Every railroad corporation shall, during the continuance of any lease which it has taken of the railroad of another corpora- tion, make all the returns required of the lessor; and during the continuance of such lease, the lessor shall not be required to make 2842 such returns, if, when requested by the lessee, the lessor fur- nishes all the information in its possession needed to make such returns; but if a railroad in this commonwealth is leased to a lessee in another state, the lessors in this commonwealth shall make the annual return. Same, sec. 250. The directors of every street railway company shall an- nually, on or before the first Wednesday of November, trans- mit to commission a return of the doings of the company for the year ending on September 30 preceding, which- shall be sworn to 2848 by themselves and by the treasurer and the superintendent of the company. Such return shall set forth copies of all leases and contracts made during the year with other companies and in- dividuals, and shall contain full and complete information upon the several items contained in the form prescribed by commission. Acts 1Q06, ch. 463, pt. in, sec. 151. A company which owns a leased railway shall be responsible 730 for the completeness and correctness of its annual return to the same extent as if the railway were in its own possession. If a re- 2844 turn is defective or appears to be erroneous, commission shall notify the company to amend it within 15 days. A company which neglects to make a return, or to amend it when notified so to do, shall forfeit $25 for each day during which such neglect continues. Same. Commission may make changes in and additions to the form of the returns required by the preceding section, if it gives to the 2845 several companies one year's notice of any such changes and ad- ditions as require an alteration in the method or form of keeping their accounts. Same, sec. 152. The lessee of a street railway shall make to the company which owns it the same annual return under oath of the opera- 2846 tions and business of the railway as is required of the company which owns it ; and, for failure so to do, shall be liable in an action of tort to said company for all the penalties prescribed by law for failure by it to make its annual return. Same, sec. 154. Every person, firm, association or corporation doing an ex- press business upon either a railroad or railway in this common- wealth shall annually, on or before the first Wednesday in Novem- ber, transmit to commission a return of his or its doings for the year ending on September 30 preceding, said return to be under oath of such person or of the financial officer or representative of 2847 such firm, association or corporation. The return shall set forth copies of all contracts made during the year with other per- sons, firms, associations or corporations doing a transportation or express business upon any railroad or railway in the common- wealth, and shall give complete information in reply to the questions presented in the form for such return which shall be prescribed by commission. Acts igo8, ch. ^gg, sec. i. If a return made under the provisions of the preceding sec- tion appears to be defective or erroneous, commission shall re- quire the person, firm, association or corporation making it to 2848 amend it within 15 days. A person, firm, association or corpo- ration neglecting to make a return as herein required or to amend it when requested so to do shall forfeit $25 for each day during » which such neglect continues. Same, sec. 2. The annual returns now required by law to be made to 2849 railroad commission shall be returns for the year ending Jime 30, and shall be transmitted to commission on or before September 30 upon blank forms of return to be furnished by commission on 731 or before June i, in each year. The time within which all re- turns are required by law to be made to commission may be ex- tended by commission to such date subsequent thereto as it may, for good cause shown, fix in any case. Acts igog, ch. j02, sec. i. See also par. 2588. MICHIGAN Every corporation incorporated under this act * shall, on or before May i, in the year 1882, and on or before the same day in each and every year thereafter, make and transmit tQ S850 commission at its office in Lansing, a full and true statement, imder oath, of the proper officers of said corporation, of the affairs of said corporation on December 31 preceding. Comp. Laws i8gy, sec. 6372. Commission may require of persons, firms or corporations ^ 2861 annually a verified report upon such form and giving such infor- mation as will enable commission to better discharge the duties imposed upon it hereby. Puh. Acts igog, no. 106, sec. 6. Every common carrier incorporated or doing business in this state, or which hereafter shall become incorporated or do busi- ness in this state, shall on or before October i, 1909, and on or before the same day each year th'ereafter make and transmit to commission at its office in Lansing a full and true statement, S85S under oath of the proper official of such corporation, of the affairs of such corporation relative to the state of Michigan for the year ending Jime 30 preceding, which statement for the state of Michigan shall be similar in character and detail to the annual report, if any, required to be made by such carriers to the inter- state commerce commission. Puh. Acts igog, no. joo, sec. jo. Commission may make and propound to such common car- rier subject to the provisions of this act, any other or additional interrogatories relating to the management of such corporation and to the condition of its respective road and rolling stock and S85S such other subjects as in its judgment may be necessary in order to gain full information in regard thereto. Every common carrier doing business in this state, shall, when so ordered by commission, report to commission its earnings from every source for the period designated in such order, and the proper blanks for that purpose shall be furnished by commission. Same, sec. 30. Each telephone company shall make on or before December I of each year upon blanks to be furnished by commission, a state- » An act to authorize the incorporation of companies for the construction of union railroad stations and depots, with the necessary connecting tracks, and the management of the same. * For the transmission of electricity. ment of its income and expense for the preceding fiscal year, 2854 amount of stock and other securities issued, investment in ex- changes, toll lines, real estate and such other information as com- mission may require, said statement to be made under oath of the president and secretary of the company. Pub. Acts igii, no. ij8y sec. ly. See also par. 2g^4. MINNESOTA On or before April i of each year, every rail- road company which has received lands from the state or the United States to aid it in the building of its road shall make to commission a full and complete return of all lands sold or con- 2865 tracted to be sold during the years ending December 31 pre- ceding, verified by the land commissioner or other proper officer of such company. All trustees or other persons to whom any such lands have been conveyed, or by whom such lands are held or otherwise, shall be subject to this vSection. Rev. Laws igojj sec. loii. Every carrier subject to supervision of commission shall annually, on or before September 30, unless additional time be granted, file with commission a report verified by such carrier, 2866 or by its president, vice-president, treasurer, comptroller, auditor, or receiver, in such form as commission may prescribe, covering the year ending June 30 next preceding. Same, sec. 1984. Any such carrier failing to comply with the provisions of this 2857 section or with any order of commission made thereimder shall forfeit, for each day's default, $100, to be recovered in a civil J:' action in the name of the state. Same. MISSISSIPPI All railroads and other common carriers are 2868 required to take notice of the time of making the returns and reports required by law. Code igo6, sec. 48 jj. Every railroad shall make quarterly returns to commission, within 40 days after the end of each quarter, of all receipts and 2859 expenditures of the railroads, and embracing such other proper matters as commission shall require. The returns shall be according to forms prescribed by commission. Same, sec. 4874. Every railroad shall make a report to commission, on blanks to be furnished by it, up to and including June 30 of each year within 60 days after that date, and to report therein fully as to 2860 all matters required by commission. The report shall give the name of each person transported free of charge and the consider- 733 ation for such free transportation, and the number of miles traveled. Samey sec. 4875. The annual reports and quarterly returns shall be sworn to by one or more officers of the railroad or of the persons operating it 2861 who has knowledge of their truth; and any person knowingly swearing falsely to any statement in any of said annual reports or quarterly retirms shall be guilty of perjiuy. Same, sec. 4876. If any railroad shall fail or refuse to make any annual report or quarterly return within the time prescribed, or to report or S862 return ftdly in the manner required, it shall forfeit the sirni of $50 for each day's delay, to be recovered in an action to be instituted by commission. Same, sec. 48JJ. Every express, telegraph (telephone?) and sleeping car com- pany doing business in or through this state shall make the like returns and reports as are required of railroads, of the like dates and within time prescribed for railroads, and on the forms pre- sses scribed by commission, and imder the like penalty on their several parts and on the parts of their officers, and shall, more- over, by any failure to comply with the law and the reasonable requirements of commission, forfeit its right to do business in this state. Same, sec. 48^8. MISSOURI The directors of every railroad company or corporation which is now or hereafter may be organized under the laws of this state, shall hold a meeting on the second Tuesday in March of each year, for the transaction of such business as may properly come before them at their office or place of business which shall have been established in this state, 30 days' notice having been given by publication in two or more newspapers hav- ing the greatest circulation in the county or city in which the office of such railroad company or corporation shall be situated. The general manager or other chief officer of every such railroad 2S64 company or corporation, and the manager or other chief officer of every railroad company or corporation organized under the laws of another state, and owning, leasing, operating or controlling a railroad within this state, shall, on or before October i, of each year, transmit to the office of commission a statement in detail of the affairs of such company or corporation as the same ex- isted on Jime 30 first preceding, and of the business operations of such company or corporation for the year ending Jtine 30 as aforesaid. Said statements must be certified to under oath of the proper officer of said company or corporation, and must be made out upon printed forms, of which forms two shall be furnished 734 by commission to each company or corporation, which printed : forms shall contain all interrogatories necessary to obtain a full ^ statement, in detail, of the organization, condition, business affairs and operations of such railroad company or corporation for the year ending June 30 as aforesaid. Rev. Stats, igog, sec. I 3o8g. The directors of any such railroad company who shall fail to hold such meeting, or neglect to make such report, or fail to 2865 transmit such report to the office of commission within the time prescribed by section 3089 hereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000. Same, sec. jogo. Every express company shall cause their agents and em- ployes to prepare and furnish a complete verified monthly state- ment of the amount of business done by each of their respective offices, both state and interstate, on blanks furnished by commis- sion, and which statements shall be filed in the office of comr 2866 mission. Any such express company, their agents or employes, who shall fail or refuse to furnish such statement, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than $100, nor more than $1,000 for each refusal or failure to furnish such statements; such fines to be recovered by the prosecuting attorney of the county where such office is located. Same, sec. 3288/. The directors of every express company or corporation which is now, or hereafter may be organized iinder the laws of this state shall hold a meeting upon the second Tuesday in March of each year, for the transaction of such business as may properly come before them, at their office or place of business, which shall have been established in this state, 30 days' notice having been given by publication in two or more newspapers having the greatest circulation in the county or city in which the office of such 2867 express company or corporation shall be situated. The general manager or other chief officer of every such express company or corporation, and the general manager or other chief officer of every express company or corporation organized under the laws of another state, and doing an express business in this state, shall, on or before October i, of each year, transmit to the office of commission a statement in detail of the affairs of such company or corporation as the same existed on June 30 first preceding, and of the business operations of such company or corporation for the year ending June 30 as aforesaid. Said 735 statements must be certified to under oath of the proper officers of said company or corporation, and must be made out upon printed forms, of which forms two shall be furnished by com- mission to each company or corporation, which printed forms shall contain all the interrogatories necessary to obtain a full statement, in detail, of the organization, condition, business affairs and operations of such express company or corporation for the year ending June 30 as aforesaid. Same, sec. 32g4. ■ The directors of any such express company who shall fail to hold such meeting, or neglect to make such report, or fail to 2868 transmit such report to the office of commission within the time prescribed by section 3294, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000. Same, sec. 32g^. Every owner, lessee and manager of every public warehouse or elevator shall furnish in writing, under oath, at such times as 2869 commission shall require and prescribe, a statement concerning the condition and management of his business as such ware- houseman or elevatorman. Same, sec. 6jgS. MONTANA Commission shall require verified annual re- ports from each and every railroad owning, operating or having any line of railroad in this state, prescribe the manner in which such reports shall be made, and may require specific answers to all questions upon which commission may desire information. It shall be the duty of the president or other officer in charge of such railroad to make such report and answers to commission. 2870 Commission may, at such other times as it may deem necessary, require such other information, statements or reports, as may be deemed necessary, and fix the time for filing of the same. Any railroad failing or refusing to make or file such annual report, or failing or refusing to furnish such additional information, state- ments or reports, as may be demanded by commission, shall for- feit the simi of $500 for each day that such refusal or neglect shall be continued. Rev. Codes igoy, sec. 4395. NEBRASKA Every common carrier shall, on August i, and annually thereafter, transmit to the office of commission 1871 a full and complete statement under oath of its proper officers, of the affairs of such common carrier, as the same existed on the first day of July next preceding. Cobbey's Annot. Stats. 1909, sec. 10657. 1872 If any common carrier shall neglect or refuse to file such: 736 statement with commission, it shall forfeit and pay for each such offense not less than $500 nor more than $5,000. Same, sec. io657{a). NEVADA Every railroad company shall, on or before September 15, 1907, and on or before the same day of each year thereafter, make and transmit to commission in its office in Nevada a full and true statement, under oath of the proper officer of such corporation, of the affairs of such corporation rela- 2873 tive to the state of Nevada, for the year ending on June 30, preceding, which statement for the state of Nevada shall be simi- lar in character and detail to the annual report required to be made by railroad companies to the interstate commerce com- mission, and such other and further information as may be re- quired by commission. Stats, igoj, ch. 44, sec. 20. The accounts of all such public utilities shall be closed annually on June 30, a balance sheet taken promptly therefrom, and full annual reports of the business be made to commission not later than September 15, following the closing of the ac- counts. The reports shall be made in such form as may be 2874 prescribed by commission, and shall contain all the information deemed by commission necessary for the proper performance of its duties. Commission may, at any time, call for desired information omitted from such reports, or not provided for there- in, whenever, in the judgment of commission, such information is necessary. Stats. 191 1, ch. 162, sec. 7(6). Any officer, agent or person in charge of the books, ac- counts, records and papers, or any of them, of any public utility, who shall refuse or fail for a period of 30 days to ftunish com- mission with any report required by the provisions of this act, and any officer, agent or person in charge of any particular books, accounts, records, or papers relating to the business of such public utility who shall refuse to permit any commissioner or 2876 other person duly authorized by commission to inspect such books, accounts, records, or papers on behalf of commission shall be subject to a fine of not less than $100 or more than $500, such fine to be recovered in a civil action upon the complaint of com- mission in any court of competent jurisdiction; and each day's refusal or failure on the part of such officer, agent or person in charge shall be deemed a separate offense, and be subject to the penalty herein prescribed. Same, sec. 8. Every annual report, record or statement required by this act to be made to commission shall be sworn to by the proper 737 officer, agent or person in charge of such public utility. Any 2876 intentionally false oath as to the correctness of such report, record or statement, shall be deemed perjury, and the person making such false oath shall, upon conviction, be punished as in the case of other perjuries. Same, sec. 2g. NEW HAMPSHIRE Every railroad corporation and public utility shall file with commission reports at such times, verified by oath in such manner, and setting forth such statistics and facts as may 2877 be required by commission. In the case of railroad corporations annual reports shall conform as nearly as may be to those required of common carriers by the interstate commerce commission. Laws iQii, ch. 164, sec. 8{a). If any railroad corporation or public utility shall neglect or refuse to make and file any report within a time specified by commission, or shall neglect or refuse to make specific answer to any question lawfully asked by commission, such railroad cor- 2878 poration or public utility shall forfeit to the state the sum of $100 for each and every day it shall continue to be in default with respect to such report or answer, unless it shall be excused by commission from making such report or answer or the time for making the same shall be extended by commission. Same, sec. 8{h). NEW JERSEY Commission may require every public utility to furnish annually a detailed report of finances and operations, 2879 in such form and containing such matters as commission may from time to time by order prescribe. Laws igii, ch. iqJ), sec. iy{e). Commission may require every public utility to file with commission a statement in writing, verified by the oaths of the president and secretary thereof, respectively, setting forth the name, title of office or position and post-office address, and the authority, power and duties of every officer, member of the board of directors, trustees, executive committee, superintendent, chief or head of construction and operation, or department, division 2880 or line of construction and operation thereof, in such form as to disclose the source and origin of each administrative act, rule, decision, order or other action of the corporation, and shall,| within ten days after any change is made in the title of, or author-j ity, powers or duties appertaining to any such office or positioi or the person holding the same, file with commission a like state ment, verified in like manner, setting forth such change. Samt^ $ec. 2 J. 738 NEW MEXICO Commission shall prescribe the form of all 2881 reports which may be required of corporation by this constitution or by law, and shall collect, receive and preserve such reports, and annually tabulate and publish them. Const., art. xi, sec. 6. Commission may at all times inspect the books, papers and records of all such companies and common carriers doing business 2882 in this state, and require from such companies and common carriers from time to time special reports and statements, under oath, concerning their business. Commission may administer oaths and certify to its official acts. Const., art. xi, sec. ii. NEW YORK Every common carrier, railroad and street railroad corporation shall file an annual report with commission • verified by the oath of the president, treasurer, general manager or receiver, if any, of such corporation, or by the person required 2883 to file the same. The verification shall be made by said official holding office at the time of the filing of the said report, and if not made upon the knowledge of the person verifying the same shall set forth the sources of his information and the grounds of his belief as to any matters not stated to be verified upon his knowledge. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 46. Commission shall prescribe the form of such reports and the character of the information to be contained therein, and may from time to time make such changes and such additions in regard to form and contents thereof as it may deem proper, and on or before June 30 in each year shall furnish a blank form for such annual reports to every such corporation and person. The contents of such report and the form thereof shall conform in the 1884 case of railroad corporations as nearly as may be to that re- quired of common carriers under the provisions of the act of congress entitled "An act to regulate commerce," approved February 4, 1887, and the acts amendatory thereof and supple- mentary thereto. Commission may require such report to ^ contain information in relation to rates or regulations concerning \^ fares or freights, agreements or contracts affecting the same, so \ far as such rates or regulations pertain to transportation within I the state. Same. When the report of any such corporation or person is de- 2885 fective, or believed to be erroneous, commission shall notify the corporation or person to amend the same within a time prescribed by commission. Same. 3880 The originals of the reports, subscribed and sworn to as pre- I 739 scribed by law, shall be preserved in the ofRce of commission. Same. The annual report required to be filed by a common carrier, 2887 railroad or street railroad corporation shall be so filed on or before September 30 in each year. Same. Commission may also require such corporations and persons to file periodic reports in the form, covering the period and at the 2888 time prescribed by commission. Commission may require of any such corporation or person specific answers to questions upon which commission may need information. Same. Commission may extend the time for making and filing such report for a period not exceeding 60 days. If such corporation or person shall fail to make and file the annual report within the time above specified or within the time as extended by com- mission, or shall fail to amend such report within such reason- '}- ; able time as may be prescribed by commission, or shall fail to make specific answer to any question, or shall fail to make the periodic reports when required by commission as herein pro- 2889 vided, within the time and in the form prescribed by commis- sion for the making and filing of any such report or answer, such corporation or person shall forfeit to the state the sum of $100 for each and every day it shall continue to be in default with respect to such annual report, amendment, answer or periodic report. Such forfeitiu-e shall be recovered in an action brought !>ti., ,by commission in the name of the people of the state. The ; ; amount recovered in any such action shall be paid into the state ^ T treasury and credited to the general fund. Same. Any railroad corporation or common carrier other than a street raih-oad corporation operating partly within the second - ' district and partly within the first district shall report to com- ^' ■ mission of the second district; but commission of the first dis- trict may, upon reasonable notice, require a special report from , 2890' such railroad corporation or common carrier. Any street rail- road corporation operating partly within the first district and partly within the second district shall report to commission of | r;l.':' the first district ; but commission of the second district may, upon reasonable notice, require a special report from suchi -^- street railroad corporation. Same. Commission shall require every person and corporation^ and every such person and corporation shall file with coi sion an annual report, verified by the oath of the president ■'* - ~ > Gas and diectric utilities. treasurer, general manager or receiver, if any, "thereof. 'The 2891 verification shall be made by said official holding office at the time of the filing of said report, and if not made upon the knowl- edge of the person verifying the same shall set forth the sources of his information and the groimds of his belief as to any matters not stated to be verified upon his knowledge. Same, sec. 66(6). Such reports shall be in the form, cover_^the period and be filed at the time prescribed by commission. Commission may, from time to time, make changes and additions in such forms. 2892 When any such report is defective or believed to be erroneous, commission shall notify the person, corporation or mimicipality making such report to amend the same within a time prescribed by commission. Same. Any such person or corporation or municipality which shall neglect to make any such report or which shall fail to correct any such report within the time prescribed by commission shall be liable to a penalty of $ioo and an additional penalty of $ioo for 2893 each day after the prescribed time for which it shall neglect to file or correct the same, to be sued for in the name of the people of the state. The amount recovered in any such action shall be paid into the state treasury and be credited to the general fund. Commission may extend the time prescribed for cause shown. Same. Commission may require of all such corporations, persons or mtmicipalities,^ specific answers to all questions upon which commission may need information, and may also require such corporation, persons or municipalities to file periodic reports in the form, covering the period and filed at the time prescribed by commission. If such corporation, person or municipality shall fail to make specific answer to any question or shall fail to make a periodic report when required by commission as herein pro- S894 vided within the time and in the form prescribed by commission for the making and filing of any such report or answer, such cor- poration, person or officer of the mimicipality shall forfeit to the state the sirni of $ioo for each and every day it shall continue to be in default with respect to such report or answer. Such for- feittire shall be recovered in an action brought by commission in the name of the people of the state. The amount recovered in any such action shall be paid into the state treasury and be credited to the general fund. Same, sec. 66{io). Every telegraph and every telephone corporation shall file 1 Gas and electric utilities. . 741 with commission an amiual report at a time and covering the yearly period fixed by commission. Such annual report shall be verified by the oath of the president, treasurer, general manager or receiver of any of such corporations, or by the person required 2896 to file the same. Verification shall be made by the official hold- ing office at the time of the filing of said report, and if not made upon the knowledge of the person verifying the same shall set forth in general terms the sources of his information and the grounds for his belief as to any matters not stated to be verified on his knowledge. Same, sec. 95{i). Commission shall prescribe the form of such reports and the character of the information to be contained therein and may, from time to time make such changes and additions in regard to form and contents thereof as it may deem proper, and shall 2896 furnish a blank form for such annual reports to every telegraph and every telephone corporation required to make the same. When the report of any telegraph or telephone corporation is defective or erroneous commission shall notify the corporation to amend the same within a time prescribed by commission. Same. The said reports shall be preserved in the office of commis- 2897 sion. Same. Commission may require of any telegraph or telephone cor- 2898 poration specific answers to questions upon which commission may desire information. Same. If any telegraph or telephone corporation shall fail to make and file its annual report as and when required or within such extended time as commission may allow or shall fail to make specific answers to any question within the period specified by commission for the making and filing of such answers, such corporation shall forfeit to the state the sum of $ioo for each and 2899 every day it shall continue to be in default with respect to such report or answer. Such forfeiture shall be recovered in an action brought by commission in the name of the people of the state. The amount recovered in any such action shall be paid into the state treasury and shall be credited to the general fund. Com- mission may, when it deems it advisable, exempt any telegraph or telephone corporation from the necessity of filing annual re- ports until the further order of commission. Same. See also pars, 455, 461, 465, 272;^, NORTH CAROLINA Every officer, agent or employe of any railroad, express or telegraph company who shall wilfully neglect or refuse 742 to make and furnish any report required by commission, for the purposes of this chapter, or who shall wilfully or unlawfully 2900 hinder, delay or obstruct commission in the discharge of the duties hereby imposed upon it, shall forfeit and pay $500 for each offense, to be recovered in an action in the name of the state. A delay of ten days to make and furnish such report shall raise the presumption that the same was wilftil. PelVs Revisal igo8, sec. io8g. The fiscal year for which all reports shall be made which 2901 may be required of any railroad or transportation company by commission under this chapter shall end on Jime 30. Same, sec. 1116. NORTH DAKOTA To enable commission to make its report, the president or managing officer of each railroad, railroad corpora- tion or common carrier shall annually make to commission on ■^ July 15, such returns in the form which it may prescribe as will afford the information required for its official report ; such returns 2902 shall be verified by oath of the officer making them, and any railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier whose return shall not be made as herein prescribed by July 1 5 shall be liable to a fine of $500 for each and every day after July 16 that such returns shall be wilfully delayed or refused. Rev. Codes 1905, sec. 4363. Commission may require of any and all railroads, railroad corporations and common carriers, such special reports, besides the annual report hereinbefore required, as in the judgment of commission shall be deemed necessary and reasonable. Such special reports shall be in such form and concerning such sub- jects and be from such sources as commission shall require, 2903 except as otherwise provided herein. The time when such special report shall be filed shall be fixed by commission. Any railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier which shall fail, neglect or refuse to make any of the special reports provided for herein by the date fixed by commission shall be subject to, and pay a penalty in the sum of $100 for each and every day of delay in making such reports after the date fixed. Same, sec. 4365- Commission shall require annual reports from all common carriers, prescribe the manner in which such reports shall be made, and require from such carriers specific answers to all questions upon which commission may need information. Such annual reports shall, in addition to the information required by 743 2904 section 4363 contain such information in relation to rates or reg- ulations concerning fares or freights and agreements, arrange- ments or contracts with express, telegraph or sleeping and dining car companies, fast freight lines and other common carriers, as commission may require, with copies of such contracts, agree- ments or arrangements. Same, sec. 4377. See also par. 2^g6. OHIO Within 30 days after the election of the directors of a railroad, or telegraph company, now doing busi- ness, or whose line is in process of construction, or which here- after may be organized in the state, the secretary of such com- panies shall make and forward to commission a list of the officers 2905 and directors thereof, giving the place of residence and post office address of each. If a change occurs in the organization of the officers or board of directors of a railroad or company, the secretary shall notify commission of such change and the resi- dence and post office address of each of the officers and directors. Code igio, sec. 602. On or before September 15, in each 3^ear, each railroad or telegraph company shall make and transmit to the commission a full and true statement under oath of the proper officers of such corporation, of the affairs of such corporation relative to the state of Ohio for the year ending on June 30, preceding. Such 2906 statement shall be similar in character and detail to the annual report required to be made by railroad companies to the inter- state commerce commission. Commission may submit addi- tional interrogatories to a railroad or telegraph company at any time. If such report is defective or erroneous, commission may require the railroad or telegraph company to correct or amend it within 15 days. Same, sec. 605. A railroad company or telegraph company violating a pro- vision of the preceding three sections shall forfeit and pay to the 2907 state $1,000, and $25 for each day such company refuses, neg- lects or fails to comply with a requirement of such sections, which forfeiture shall not release such company from the assessment provided in the next preceding section. Same, sec. 6oy. Every public utility shall file with commission, at such times and in such form as it niay prescribe, an annual report, duly verified, covering the yearly period fixed by commission. Commission shall prescribe the character of the information to be embodied in such annual report, and shall furnish to each pub- 2908 lie utility a blank form therefor. If any such report is defective 744 or erroneous, commission may order the same to be amended within a prescribed time. Such annual reports shall be preserved in the office of commission. Commission may at any time re- quire specific answers to questions upon which it may desire in- formation. Laws ipii, no. 325, sec. 50. OKLAHOMA The president or superintendent of every rail- road company and other public service corporation shall report annually under oath, and make such reports as may be required 2909 by law or order of commission, to commission of their acts and doings, which report shall include such matters relating to rail- roads and other public service corporations as may be prescribed by law. Const., art. ix, sec. 6. Commission may require from transportation and trans- 2910 mission companies from time to time special reports and state- ments tmder oath concerning their business. Same, sec. 18. OREGON Every railroad shall annually, on or before September 15, unless additional time be granted, file with com- mission a report verified by such railroad, or by its president, 2911 vice-president, treasurer, comptroller, . auditor, or receiver, managing partner, or agent, or owner, in such form as com- mission may prescribe covering the year ending June 30 next preceding. Gen. Laws iQoy, ch. 53, sec. 40. Any railroad failing to make such report shall forfeit to the 2912 state, for each day's default, $100, to be recovered in a civil action in the name of the state. Same. The accounts shall be closed annually on June 30 and a balance sheet of that date promptly taken therefrom. On or 2913 before the first day of August following, such balance sheet, together with such other information as commission shall pre- scribe, verified by an officer of the public utility, shall be filed with commission. Gen. Laws igii, ch. 2yp, sec. 15. PENNSYLVANIA Commission may require every common carrier to file with it a copy of its annual reports, as filed with the inter- state commerce commission; and as to all common carriers 2914 subject to this act, and not subject to the interstate commerce commission, may require that such common carriers file annual reports in the form prescribed by commission. Laws 1907, no. 250, sec. 12. SOUTH CAROLINA The several railroad companies shall be re- qixired to file in the office of commission, on or before August 3i> 745 in each and every year, a full and detailed schedule and report of the condition and operations of such road for the current year, ending on June 30, then immediately preceding. Such schedule and report shall be made in accordance with the following rules and form: I. All liabilities (including interest accrued on funded debt) shall be entered upon the books in the month when they are incurred, without reference to date of payment. II. Ex- penses shall be charged each month with such supplies, materials, etc., as have been used during that month, without reference to the time when they were purchased or paid for. III. No ex- penditure shall be charged to property accounts, except it be for actual increase in construction, equipments, or other property, unless it is made on old work in such a way as to clearly increase 2915 the value of the property over and above the cost of renewing the original structures, etc. In such cases, only the amoimt of increased cost shall be charged, and the amount allowed on account of the old work shall be stated. IV. Mileage of pas- senger and freight trains shall include only the miles shown to be run by distances between stations; allowances made to passenger or freight trains for switching, and all mileage of switch engines, computed on a basis of eight miles per hour for the time of actual service, shall be stated separately. V. Season ticket passengers shall be computed on the basis of 12 passengers per week for the time of each ticket. VI. Local traffic shall include all passengers carried on local tickets, and all freight carried at local tariff or special local rates. All other traffic shall be considered through. These niles to be subject to such changes thereof as have hereto- fore been or shall hereafter be made by commission under the authority conferred on them by section 2076 of this chapter. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 20JQ. Commission shall require the annual reports to be made by railroad companies in manner and form and at the time pro- vided for herein, and shall be authorized to require reports to be made of such other matters as it may deem expedient ; and it may 2916 from time to time, make such changes as it may deem proper in the form of report herein prescribed, giving the corporations one year's notice of any such changes or additions as require any alterations in the method or form of keeping their accounts. Same, sec. 2075. When the report received from any corporation is defective, or probably erroneous, commission shall notify the corporation to amend the same within 15 days. Commission shall prepare 746 such tables and abstracts of all the returns it shall deem expedient, 8917 and its annual report shall be transmitted to the governor of the state on or before the second Monday in November in each year, to be laid before the legislatiure. The originals of the report or reports, as amended, subscribed, and sworn to by the officers of the corporation, shall be preserved in the office of commission. Same. Every officer, agent or employe of any railroad company who shall wilfully neglect, or refuse to make, any report required by commission as necessary to the purposes of this chapter, or 2918 who shall wilfully and imlawfuUy hinder, delay or obstruct commission in the discharge of the duties imposed upon it, shall forfeit and pay a simi of not less than $ioo nor more than $i,ooo for each offense, to be recovered in any action in the name of the state as provided in section 21 17. Same, sec. 2078. Commission may make and propound to any of the railroad companies of this state any interrogatories additional to those 2919 contained in the schedule and report hereinbefore provided, which shall be answered by such companies in the same manner. Same, sec. zoyg. All railroad companies owning or operating a line of railroad situated in whole or in part within the limits of this state, shall 2920 deposit with commission a list containing the names and resi- dences of the president and board of directors of the railroad company owning or operating the said line of railroad. Same, sec. 2120. SOUTH DAKOTA Every owner or manager of such licensed warehouse or elevator, at such times as commission shall re- quire, shall furnish to commission in writing, under oath, a statement of the condition and management of his business as such warehouseman. Such report shall show the total number of bushels of each kind and grade of grain piu'chased and in store, 2921 and the number delivered out, and the number remaining in store at the date of the report. But no warehouseman shall be required to weigh the grain on hand more than once in each year; and the warehouseman shall, in addition to the statement herein, be required to furnish to commission any other information re- garding the business of his warehouse which commission may require. R&o. Pol. Code igoj, sec. 48^. Each railroad company owning or operating a line or rail- road in this state shall, on or before July i, in each year, make and file in the office of commission a detailed, itemized statement 747 or report showing the number and location of all elevators, warehouses and coal sheds on its line of railroad in this state, the amoirnt of ground space occupied by each with its value placed S922 thereon, the names of the persons or corporations owning said elevators, the names of the persons or corporations operating said elevators, the amoimt of rental paid for each elevator site to said railroad company, and if any of the owners of said elevators }• shall own the sites occupied, such reports shall show the name of ' such owner and the location of such elevator. Sess. Laws igog, ch. 28, sec. i. Commission may require of any and all railroad companies, subject to the provisions of this act, such other reports besides the annual reports hereby required, as in the judgment of com- mission shall be deemed necessary for its information, and shall fix the date for filing such report. Any corporation or person 2923 owning or operating a line of railroad in this state which shall fail, neglect, or refuse to make any of the reports provided for herein by the date fixed, or that fixed by commission, or who shall make a false report, shall be subject to and pay a penalty in the simi of $100 for each and every day of delay in making such re- ports, after the date fixed. Same, sec. 2. Every telephone company, whenever required by com- mission, shall by its president, secretary, or manager file with commission, a statement, imder oath, in such form as commis- sion may prescribe, showing the following facts: (i) The total number of miles of line owned, operated or leased by it within ! , the state; the number of miles of each separate line or division thereof, together with the number of separate wires thereon, and stating the counties through which the same extend or in which such company does business. (2) The number of miles in each cotmty, the number of stations and number of telegraph or tele- 2924 phone instruments used in each county. (3) The average num- ber of poles per mile used in constructing such lines. (4) The actual value of said wires, poles, instruments and all other proper- ty owned by it in this state, with the value of its franchises stated separately. (5) The number of offices maintained by the company in this state, and the total gross and net receipts of each office for the year ending April 30, preceding the making of said statement. (6) The number of miles of line built by said company in this state during each year, with the niunber of poles and miles of wire used therein and the actual cost of such "' line as built. Scss. Laws igog, ch. 28g, sec. 3. •748 Commission may call upon any telephone company or lessee, or operator of any telephone line or exchange, for such reports as it may deem necessary or proper for its information, and enforce 8925 all its orders and regulations in the same manner provided for the enforcement of its orders and regulations with reference to other common carriers. Same, sec. ii, as amended by Sess. Laws iQiiy ch. 218, sec. 7. Commission may require annual reports from all common carriers, fix the time and prescribe the manner in which such 2926 reports shall be made, and require from such carriers specific answers to all questions upon which commission may need in- formation. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 2oy\ sec. 24. All such reports shall be made to commission on or before 2927 September 15, of each year. Same.^ TENNESSEE Each and every railroad company, corpora- tion or individual, owning, operating or managing a railroad shall furnish to commission at its office in Nashville, the monthly, quarterly, and annual statements of the operations of their re- spective roads, if such reports are issued; if not, then they shall send such reports as may be issued at any special or regular time. The president or chief officer of each and every railroad company, 2928 corporation or individual, owning, operating or managing any railroad in this state, shall on or before the first day of February of each year, make and transmit to commission at its office in Nashville, imder oath of the president or chief officer of the com- pany, a full and true statement of the affairs of said company as the same existed on the first day of the preceding January, in accordance with the direction and schedules prepared and fur- nished by commission. Acts 1897, ^^- ^^y ^^^- ^^• Any officer, agent or employe, failing or refusing to make, . under oath, any report required by commission, within the time ' required, or failing or refusing to answer fully under oath, if 2929 required, any inquiry propounded by commission, or who shall, in any way, hinder or obstruct commission, in the discharge of its duties shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined for each offense not less than $500 nor more than $1,000. Same, sec. 13. 1 Commission is also hereby authorized to require of any and all common carriers, such other reports, besides the annual reports, hereby required, as in the judgment of commission shall be deemed just and reasonable. Such reports shall be in such form and ; concerning such subjects and be from such sources as commission shall require, except as otherwise provided herein. The time when such reports shall, be. filed shall be fixed by commission. Any common carrier and any corporation, company, or individual owning or operating a common carrier within this state which shall fail, neglect or refuse to make any of the reports provided for herein by the date fixed herein, or that fixed by commis- sion, shall be subject to and pay a penalty in the sum of |ioo for each and every day of delay in making such reports, after the date fixed. Sess. Laws igii, ch. 20T, sec. 26. 749 TEXAS Any incorporated express company with its principal office in another state, and doing business as such express company in this state, is hereby required to provide and keep in its general office in this state a copy of its charter, and to make full annual statements of the value of all its property, including alike statement of all its indebtedness,'andof all its annual receipts and expenditures as such express company to commission, at such time or times as may be prescribed by it ; which statement shall be certified to be correct, and shall be sworn to by the presi- dent and secretary, or general manager in Texas, of such company ; 8930 and such company shall permit any member or members of com- mission, or its authorized agent, to freely examine any and all books, papers and contracts in said office; and should any such company, or any person in charge of said office, refuse to per- mit such examination, this shall be sufficient ground for the withdrawal, by this state, of its privilege of doing business as such express company in this state; and it shall be the duty of the attorney general of the state to institute and conduct suits for that purpose in a court having jurisdiction in Travis County, in the state of Texas. Sayles^ Civ. Stats. iSgy, art. 2431 ' See also par. 4^0. VERMONT A corporation, which hereafter shall organize under the general law or by special statute and which is subject to supervision under No. 116 of the acts of 1908, immediately upon the granting of its charter, shall file with commission a copy of its articles of association and a copy of its certificate of paid up capital stock; and also immediately after its organization thereunder shall forward to commission a copy of the record of its 2931 organization containing the names and addresses of the directors and other officials of said company. And one, not a corporation, engaging in business which is subject to supervision under said act, numbered 1 16 of the acts of 1908, at the time of commencing such business shall file with commission a written statement giving the location, nature and extent of such business, together with the post office address of the owner, or owners, business manager and other officials. Laws igio, no. 145, sec. i. See also pars. 2^22, 3022, 3024, VIRGINIA Commission may require from transportation S9S8 and transmission companies from time to time, special reports and statements, under oath, concerning their business. Const., sec. iS6(J>). 75° Every domestic corporation and every foreign corporation ^ doing business within this state shall file in the office of commis- sion, after the first election of officers and directors, and annually thereafter, within 30 days after the time appointed for holding the annual election of directors, a report authenticated by the signature of the president or one of the vice-presidents or of sec- . retary of the corporation stating: (a) The name of the corpora- 2933 tion. (b) The location (county or city, street and number, if any there be) of its principal office in the state and the name of the agent upon whom process against the corporation may be served, (c) The character of its business, (d) The amount of its authorized capital stock, if any, and the amount actually issued and outstanding, (e) The names and addresses of the officers and directors of the corporation, and when their respec- tive terms of office expire, (f) The date, if any, appointed for the next annual meeting of the stockholders. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. iioje(jg), as amended by Laws igo6, ch. 17. If such report is not made and so filed, the corporation shall 2934 be subject to a fine of not less than S25 nor more than $100, to be imposed and judgment entered therefor by commission and en- forced by its process. Same. Every railroad, canal, turnpike or other internal improve- ment company, to the stock of which there has been a subscrip- tion on behalf of the state, shall, on or before the first day of Sep- tember in each year, make a report to commission, setting forth the condition of the work; the expenditures for such year, and 2935 receipts for the same time; and how much from each source of revenue. The report shall be accompanied by a list of the stock- holders in the company at the time of making the same, and shall give such other information respecting the affairs under the man- agement of those making it as commission may previous to the first day of September have requested. Same, sec. I2g4b{g). All persons having the management or superintendence of any work on any turnpike or other internal improvement, made on the state account, or of work undertaken partly on the state 2936 account and partly by others in the state (except such roads or turnpikes as have been transferred to the courts of the respec- tive counties through which they pass) shall annually, before September i make a report similar to that required by the pre- 1 The provisions of this chapter, except in those cases where, by the express terms of the provisions hereof, it is confined to corporations created under this act, shall be construed to apply to all corporations of this state organized or to be organized for any lawful purpose for which a corporation may be created under this act, but shall not be construed to enlarge the powers of corporations chartered under chapter four of this act. Pollard's Code IQ04 sec. ii05e{i). 7SI ceding section, so far as the same is applicable. Same, sec. i2g4b{io). Every officer, agent, or employe of any transportation com- pany who shall wilfully neglect or refuse to make and furnish any report lawfully required by commission for the purposes of this 2937 act or who shall wilfully or unlawfully hinder, delay or obstruct commission in the discharge of the duties imposed upon it by the constitution, or by law, connected with the objects and purposes of this act, shall be fined $500 for each offense. Same, sec. I2g4 c{22). WASHINGTON Every public service company shall annually furnish to commission a report in such form as commission may 2938 require, and shall specifically answer all questions propounded to it by commission, upon or concerning which commission may need information. Laws igii, ch. iij, sec. y8. Such detailed report shall contain all the required statistics for the period of 12 months ending on the last day of any particu- lar month prescribed by commission for any public service com- 2939 pany. Such reports shall be made out under oath and filed with commission at its office in Olympia within three months after the close of the designated year for which such report is made, unless additional time be granted in any case by commission. Same. Commission may require any public service company to file monthly reports of earnings and expenses, and to file periodical or special, or both periodical and special, reports concerning any 2940 matter about which commission is authorized or required by this or any other law, to inquire into or keep itself informed about, or which it is required to enforce, such periodical or special reports to be under oath whenever commission so requires. Same. See also par. 2734. WISCONSIN The account shall be closed annually on June 30 and a balance sheet of that date promptly taken therefrom. 2941 On or before the first day of August following, such balance sheet together with such other information as commission shall prescribe, verified by an officer of the public utility, shall be filed with commission. Laws igoy, ch. 4gg, sec. lygym-i^. Every corporation, foreign or domestic, authorized to trans- f ;^ act business in Wisconsin, shall, on request of commission, fur- nish a complete list of its stockholders and a statement of the amount of stock held in the corporation by each such stockholder, 752 2942 duly verified by the president or secretary of such corporation. Any corporation refusing or neglecting to furnish such list of stockholders for a period of 20 days after request therefor is made in writing shall be liable to the penalties provided for in section 27 of chapter 362 laws of 1905. Laws igo^j, ch. 582, sec. I7gy-i8{e). B. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION TO FURNISH BLANK FORMS FOR REPORTS AND DUTY OF UTILITIES WITH RESPECT THERETO. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA. Every public service corporation^ recei\'ing from commission any blanks with directions to fill the same shall cause the same to be properly filled out so as to answer fully and 2943 correctly each question propounded therein: in case it is unable to answer any question, it shall give a good and sufficient reason for such failure. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 28(b). Cat. — ■ Stats, igii, ist ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 28(b). ARK/VNSAS See par. 2jgo. CONNECTICUT Commission shall annually, on or before June 30 furnish to every public service company duplicate blanks for reports, in such form as commission may prescribe; provided, that such blanks for reports to be furnished by companies en- gaged in interstate commerce shall be in the form, if any, re- quired by the interstate commerce commission. All reports shall be for the year ending on June 3 o . Every such company receiving 2944 such blank forms shall return one of them to commission on or before September 15 next following, with all questions therein fully answered. Such report shall be signed an4 sworn to by the president or vice-president and treasurer of the company, or by a majority of the trustees or receivers, making the same. Every company which shall refuse or neglect to make such report shall . forfeit to the state $25 for each day of such neglect or refusal, . and commission shall report such forfeiture to. the state treasurer, who shall collect the same. Fub. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 25. See also pars. 2ygj, 2yg^. •INDIANA Commission may elicit all information deemed by it necessary to the hearing and consideration of any complaint made to commission and may elicit from any railroad company or companies, or any other person or corporation to be affected by !* • * "Public utility," in California. !■''-, 753 any such investigation, any and all information necessary to the consideration and determination of any and all questions over which commission shall have jurisdiction and for said purpose commission may submit blanks provided for the purpose of eliciting such information or may submit written interrogatories to such railroad company or companies or person or corporation, 2946 and said blanks shall be properly filled out and said interroga- tories so answered as to answer fully and correctly each question therein propounded, and in case they are unable to answer any question they shall give a satisfactory reason for their failure, and their said answers, duly sworn to by the proper officers of said company or corporation or by said person, shall be returned to commission at its office in the city of Indianapolis within the time fixed therefor by commission in its order, or commission may use such other means or methods of securing such informa- tion as may be deemed expedient by it. Acts igo^, ch. 241, sec. 10, as amended by Acts ipii, ch. 225, sec. 2. If any such carrier, its officer or employe, or any other per- son or corporation their agents or employes, as aforesaid, shall fail or refuse to fill out and return any blank or to answer any interrogatories as above required, or fail or refuse to answer any questions therein propounded, or give a false answer to any such question, or shall evade the answer to any such question, such carrier, officer, employe or person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, 2946 and shall on conviction thereof, be fined for each day he or it shall fail to perform such duty, after the expiration of the time aforesaid, a penalty of $500 and commission shall cause a prose- cution therefor in the proper court ; and a penalty of a like amount shall be recovered in a civil action from the railroad company or other corporation or employe when it appears that such officer or employe acted in obedience to the directions of such carrier in his failure to comply with the order of commission. Same, sec. io{a), as amended by Acts iQiiy ch. 225, sec. 2. KLANSAS Commission shall cause to be prepared suita- ble blanks, with questions calculated to elicit full information concerning the value and operation of railroads in the state and as often as it may be necessary furnish said blanks to each rail- road company operating lines of railroads in this state. Any such railroad company receiving from commission any such S947 blanks shall cause such blanks to be properly filled out, so as to answer fully and correctly each question therein propounded; and in case they are imable to answer any question they shall 754 I give a satisfactory reason for their failure, and said answer, duly sworn to by the proper officer of the company, shall be returned to commission at its office in the city of Topeka, within 30 days from the receipt thereof. Gen. Stats. iQog, sec. 7218. If any officer or employe of any such railroad company shall fail or refuse to fill out and return any blanks as above required, or fail or refuse to answer any questions therein propounded, or give'a false answer to any such questions where the facts inquired of are within his knowledge, or shall evade the answer to any such questions, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each offense, and each day he shall fail to perform such S948 duty after the expiration of the time aforesaid shall constitute a separate offense, and the attorney for commission shall cause a prosecution therefor in the proper court. If any such company shall direct, permit or request any such officer or employe to fail, evade or refuse to answer such questions, such company shall forfeit and pay to the state the sum of $500 per day for each day that such officer or employe fails to answer such questions, to be recovered in an action to be brought in the name of the. state by the attorney general in any court of competent jiirisdiction, to be paid into the school fund of the state. Same. KENTUCKY Commission shall furnish to each company in 2949 proper time blanks upon which to answer the questions pre- scribed by statute and such other questions as may be pro- poimded. Wheeler's Stats, igog, sec. 34og. MAINE Blank forms for annual returns shall be sea- 2960 sonably prepared and furnished to each railroad corporation by commission. Rev. Stats, igoj, ch. 51, sec. 4g. MARYLAND See par. 2818. MASSACHUSETTS Commission shall annually, on or before June 2961 15, furnish to railroad corporations, and annually on or before September 1 5 f tirnish to street railway companies, blank forms of returns. Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. ty sec. 20. Commission shall annually, on or before September 15, fur- 2952 nish blank forms for annual returns of street railway companies. Acts igo6, ch. 46 j, pt. Hi, sec. 152. See also par. 284g. MICHIGAN Commission ^all cause to be made suitable I96S blanks at the expense of the state, and forward the same to such 755 railroad corporations,^ upon which to make the reports required by this act. Comp. Laws iSgy, sec. 6 3'/ 2. It shall be unlawful for any officer, agent or employe of any common carrier to wilfully fail or refuse to fill out and return any blank or make any report as required by this act, or to wilfully fail or refuse to answer any questions therein propounded, or to knowingly or wilfully give a false answer to any such question 2954 or to evade the answer to any such question where the fact in- quired of is within his knowledge, or to, upon proper demand, wilfully fail or refuse to exhibit to any commissioner or any com- missioners, or any person authorized to examine the same, any book, paper, or account of such common carrier which is in his possession or under his control. Puh. Acts igog, no. joo^ sec. 20. Commission shall cause to be prepared for the purposes designated in this act blanks which shall conform as nearly as practicable to the forms prescribed by the interstate commerce commission, and shall when necessary furnish such blanks to each common carrier. Any common carrier receiving from com- mission any such blanks shall cause the same to be properly filled out so as to answer fully and correctly each question therein 2955 propounded, and in case it is tinable to answer any question it shall give a full and sufficient reason for such failure; and said answer shall be verified under oath by the proper officer of said common carrier and returned to commission at its office within the time fixed by commission. The making of a false affidavit or the filing of the same shall be deemed perjury and punishable as such under the statutes of Michigan defining perjury. Same, sec. 28(b). Commission shall cause to be made suitable blanks at the 2966 expense of the state, and forward the same to such common car- rier, upon which to make reports required by this act. Same, sec. 30. ''''''-'■ See also pars. 2853, 28^4. •IVIISSISSIPPJ See par. 2860. MISSOURI See pars. 2864, 2866, 2867.. NEBRASKA See pars. 647, 651. NEVADA Commission shall cause to be prepared suitable blanks for the purposes designated in this act, which shall con- g'u':: i'fonn as nearly as practicable to the forms prescribed by the in- •jfjJjT:OJ .^:S^ tiote i, par.. 28SO.. ' . ' terstate commerce commission, and shall, when necessary, fur- nish such blanks to each railroad. Any railroad receiving from commission any such blanks shall cause the same to be properly filled out so as to answer fully and correctly each question therein. 2957 propoimded, and in case it is unable to answer any question it shall give a good and sufficient reason for such failure, and said answer shall be verified imder oath by the proper officer of said railroad and returned to commission at its offices within the time fixed by commission ; the making of a false affidavit or filing of the same shall be deemed perjury and pimishable as such imder the statutes of Nevada defining perjury. Stats, igoj, ch. 44, sec. 18 (a). Any officer, agent or employe of any railroad who shall wil- fully fail or refuse to fill out and return any blanks as required by this act, or shall wilfully fail or refuse to answer any questions therein propoimded, or shall knowingly or wilfully give a false answer to any such questions, or shall evade the answer to any such question where the fact inquired of is within his knowledge, or who shall upon proper demand, wilfully fail or refuse to exhibit to any commissioner or any commissioners, or any person au- 2968 thorized to examine the same,*any book, paper or account of such railroad, which is in his possession or under his control, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 for each such offense, and a penalty of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 shall be recovered from the railroad foi* each such offense when such officer, agent or employe acted in obedience to the direction, instruction or request of such railroad or any general officer thereof. Same, sec. 27. Commission shall cause to be prepared suitable blanks for 2969 carrying out the purpose of this act, and shall, when necessary, furnish such blanks to each public utility. Stats, igii, ch. 162, sec. 7 {a). Any officer, agent or employe of any public utility who shall wilfully fail or refuse to fill out and return any blanks as required by this act, or shall wilfully fail or refuse to answer any questions therein propounded, or shall knowingly or wilfully give a false 2960 answer to any such questions, or shall evade the answer to any such question where the fact inquired of is within his knowledge^ or who shall upon proper demand wilfully fail or refuse to exhibit to any commissioner or any commissioners, or any person also authorized to examine the same, any book, paper or account of 757 such public utiKty which is in his possession or under his control shall be subject to the penalty prescribed in section 8 of this act. Same, sec. 2j. NEW YORK See pars. 2884, 2896, OHIO Commission shall cause blanks to be prepared suitable for the pmposes designated in this chapter which shall 2961 conform as nearly as practicable to the forms prescribed by the interstate commerce commission, and, when necessary, furnish such blanks to each railroad. Code 1910, sec. 556. A railroad receiving blanks from commission shall cause them to be properly filled, answering fully and correctly each question therein. In case it is unable to answer any question, 2962 such railroad shall give a good and sufficient reason therefor. Such answers shall be verified under oath by the proper officer of the railroad and returned to commission within the time fixed by it. The making or filing of a false affidavit shall be deemed per- jury and punishable as such. Same, sec. 557. Whoever, being an officer, agent or employe of a railroad company, wilfully fails or refuses to fill out and return a blank required by commission, or by law, or wilfully fails or refuses to answer a question therein propounded, or knowingly gives false answer to such question or evades the answer to it, if the fact inquired of is within his knowledge, or, upon proper demand, wil- fully fails or refuses to exhibit a book, paper or account of such 296S railroad, which is in his possession or under his control, to a mem- ber of commission or other person authorized to examine it, shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000, and a penalty of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 shall be recovered from the railroad for each such offense when such officer, agent or employe acted in obedience to the direction, instruction or request of such railroad or a general officer thereof. Same, sec. 570. See also par. 2908. OREGON Commission.shall cause to be prepared suitable blanks for the purposes designated in this act, which shall con- form as nearly as practicable to the forms prescribed by the inter- 2964 state commerce commission, and shall, when necessary, fvimish such blanks to each railroad. Any railroad receiving from com- mission any such blanks, shall cause the same to be properly filled out so as to answer fully and correctly each question thereip 758 propounded, and in case it is unable to answer any question it shall give a good and sufficient reason for such failure; and said answer shall be verified under oath by the proper officer of said railroad and returned to commission at its office within the time fixed by commission. Gen. Laws igoy, ch. 53, sec. 40. Any officer, agent or employe of any railroad who shall fail or wilfully refuse to fill out and return any blanks as required by this act, or shall fail or refuse to answer any questions therein propounded, or shall knowingly or wilfully give a false answer to any such question, or shall evade the answer to any such quCvStion, where the fact inquired of is within his knowledge, or who shall, upon proper demand, fail or wilfully refuse to exhibit to commis- sion or any commissioner, or any person authorized to exam- 2966 ine the same, any book, paper or account of such railroad, which is in his possession or under his control, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than Si, 000 for each such offense; and a penalty of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 shall be recovered from the railroad for each such offense when such officer, agent or employe acted in obedience to the direction, instruction or request of such railroad, or any general officer thereof. Same, sec. 52. Commission shall cause to be prepared suitable blanks for 2966 reports for carrying out the purposes of this act, and shall, when necessary, furnish such blanks for reports to each public utility. Gen. Laws igiij ch. 2yg, sec. ij. Any public utility receiving from commission any blanks with directions to fill the same, shall cause the same to be properly filled out so as to answer fully and correctly each question therein propounded, and in case it is unable to answer any question, it 2967 shall give a good and sufficient reason for such failure; and said answer shall be verified under oath by the president, secretary, superintendent or general manager of such public utility and re- turned to commission at its office within the period fixed by com- mission. Same, sec. 40. Any officer, agent or employe of any public utility who shall fail or refuse to fill out and retiu'n any blanks as required by this act, or shall fail or refuse to answer any question therein 2968 propounded, or shall knowingly or wilfully give a false answer to any such question or shall evade the answer to any such question where the fact inquired of is within his knowledge or who shall, upon proper demand, fail or refuse to exhibit to commission or 759 any commissioner or any person authorized to examine the same, any book, paper, account, record, or memorandum of such public utility which is in his possession or under his con- trol, or who shall fail to properly use and keep his system of accounting or any part thereof as prescribed by commission, or who shall refuse to do any act or thing in connection with such system of accounting when so directed by commission or its authorized representative, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $i,ooo for each offense. A penalty of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 shall be recovered from the public utility for each such offense when such officer, agent or employe acted in obedience to the direction, instruction or request of such public utility or any general officer thereof. Same, sec. 68. SOUTH CAROLINA Commission shall, on or before June i, in each 2969 year, furnish to the several railroads blank forms of such reports. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 20^5. TENNESSEE Commission shall cause to be prepared suit- able blanks with such questions calculated to elicit all informa- 2970 tion concerning railroads, and as often as may be necessary, furnish said blanks to each railroad company. Acts iSgj, ch. 10, sec. 8. Each railroad company receiving from commission any such blanks shall cause the same to be properly filled out, so as to answer fully and correctly each question therein propounded, and 2971 in case they are unable to answer any question, they shall give a satisfactory reason for their failure, and the said answer, duly sworn to by the proper officer of said company, shall be returned to commission at its office in Nashville within 30 days from the receipt of same. Same. TEXAS Commission shall cause to be prepared suitable blanks with questions calculated to elicit all information con- cerning railroads, and as often as it may be necessary furnish said blanks to each railroad company. Any railroad company receiving from commission any such blanks shall cause said 2972 blanks to be properly filled out so as to answer fully and correctly each question therein propounded, and in case they are unable to answer any question, they shall give a satisfactory reason for '' their failure; and the said answers, duly sworn to by the proper officer of said company, shall be returned to commission at its 760 office in the city of Austin within 30 days from tlie receipt thereof . Sayles^ Civ. Stats. i8g'/, art. 4571. If any officer or employe of a railroad company shall fail or refuse to fill out aad return any blanks as above required, or fail or refuse to answer any questions therein propounded, or give a false answer to any such questions, where the fact inquired of is within his knowledge, or shall evade the answer to any such questions, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall 2973 on conviction thereof be fined for each day he shall fail to perform such du^ after the expiration of the time aforesaid, a penalty of $500, and commission shall cause a prosecution therefor in the proper court; and a penalty of a like amount shall be recovered from the company when it appears that such person acted in obedience to its directions, permission or request in his failure, evasion or refusal. Same, art. 4^71(1). WISCONSIN Commission shall cause to be prepared suit- able blanks for the purposes designated in this act, which shall conform as nearly as practicable to the forms prescribed by the interstate commerce commission, and shall, when necessary,. fur- nish such blanks to each railroad. Any railroad receiving from 2974 commission any such blanks, shall cause the same to be properly filled out so as to answer fully and correctly each question therein propounded, and in case it is unable to answer any question it shall give a good and sufficient reason for such failure; and said answer shall be verified under oath by the proper officer of said railroad and returned to commission at its office within the time fixed by commission. Laws igoj, ch. J62, sec. i'/gy-i8{a). Any officer, agent or employe of any railroad who shall fail or wilfiilly refuse to fill out and return any blanks as required by this act, or shall fail or refuse to answer any questions therein propounded, or shall knowingly or wilfully give a false answer to any such question, or shall evade the answer to any such question, where the fact inquired of is within his knowledge, or who shall, upon proper demand, fail or wilfully refuse to exhibit to com- 2976 mission or any commissioner, or any person authorized . to examine the same, any book, paper or account of such railroad, which is in his possession or under his control, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 for each such offense; and a penalty of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 shall be recovered from the railroad for each such offense when such officer, agent or employe acted in obedi- 761 ence to the direction, instruction or request of such railroad or any general officer thereof. Samey sec. i'jgy-26. Commission shall cause to be prepared suitable blanks for 2976 carrying out the purposes of this act, and shall, when necessary, furnish such blanks to each public utility. Laws 1907, ch. 49 g, sec. lygym-io. Any public utility receiving from commission any blanks with directions to fill the same, shall cause the same to be prop- erly filled out so as to answer fully and correctly each question therein propounded, and in case it is unable to answer any ques- W77 tion, it shall give a good and sufficient reason for such failure; and said answer shall be verified under oath by the president, secre- tary, superintendent or general manager of such public utility and returned to commission at its office within the period fixed by commission. Same, sec. iygym-42 (2). Any officer, agent or employe of any public utility or of any municipality constituting a public utility as defined by this act who shall fail or refuse to fill out and return any blanks as re- quired by this act, or shall fail or refuse to answer any question therein propounded, or shall knowingly or wilfully give a false answer to any such question or shall evade the answer to any such question where the fact inquired of is within his knowledge or who shall, upon proper demand, fail or refuse to exhibit to commission 2978 or any commissioner or any person authorized to examine the same, any book, paper, account, record, or memoranda of such public utility which is in his possession or under his control or who shall fail to properly use and keep his system of accounting or any part thereof as prescribed by commission, or who shall refuse to do any act or thing in connection with such system of account- ing when so directed by commission or its authorized representa- tive, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1 ,000 for each offense. Same, sec. iygjm-g4. And a penalty of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 shall be recovered from the public utility for each offense when 2979 such officer, agent or employe acted in obedience to the direction, instruction or request of such public utility or any general officer thereof. Same, sec. iygym-g4 (2). 76;2 C. CONTENTS OF ANNUAL REPORTS OF UTILITIES AS PRESCRIBED BY STATUTE. UNITED STATES Annual reports of common carriers and owners of railroads engaged in interstate commerce shall show in detail the amount of capital stock issued, the amoimts paid therefor ,'and the manner of payment for the same; the dividends paid, the surplus fimd, if any, and the number of stockholders ; the fimded and float- ing debts and the interest paid thereon; the cost and value of the carrier's property, franchises, and equipments; the number of em- ployes and the salaries paid each class; the accidents to passen- gers, employes, and other persons, and the causes thereof; the 2980 amoimts expended for improvements each year, how expended, and the character of such improvements; the earnings and re- ceipts from each branch of business and from all sources; the operating and other expenses; the balances of profit and loss; and a complete exhibit of the financial operations of the carrier each year, including an annual balance sheet. Such reports shall also contain such information in relation to rates or regulations con- cerning fares or freights, or agreements, arrangements, or con- tracts affecting the same as commission may require. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 20. ALABAMA Whether demand is made or not a railroad cor- poration other than a street railroad corporation shall include such information in its annual reports, namely: (i) the cost of right of way; (2) the cost of grading and roadbeds; (3) the cost of bridges; (4) the cost of rails and ties; (5) the cost of terminals and buildings; (6) the cost of equipment, engines, freight cars, passenger coaches, miscellaneous; (7) the cost of all other prop- erty and values in detail; (8) the amount paid for improvements, for what paid, and to what accoimt charged; (9) the monthly revenues from passenger transportation; (10) the monthly revenues from freight transportation; (11) the monthly revenues from all other sources; (12) the monthly expenses of operating passenger trains; (13) the monthly expenses of operating freight trains; (14) the monthly expenses of operating mixed trains; (15) all other monthly expenses of operating railroad (beyond above items) including salaries, which are to be stated separately as are maintenance of way, and improvements; (16) tons of rev- enue freight, divided into products of agriculture, products of animals, products of mines, products of forests, manufacture, merchandise, miscellaneous, and fertilizers, carried from one 763 point within the state to another point within the state; (17) toils of revenue freight carried from points without the state to points within the state; (18) tons of revenue freight carried from points within the state to points without the state; (19) tons of revenue freight carried entirely through the state to destination beyond the state (tonnage under sub-divisions 17, 18 and 19 to be classi- fied as in 16) ; (20) tons of company or dead-head freight carried imder each of the conditions of sub-divisions 16, 17, 18 and 19; (21) the total revenue received from each of the classes of freight 3981 in sub-divisions 16, 17, 18 and 19; (22) the total number of ton- miles or miles one ton was carried in each of the classes of freight in sub-divisions 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20; (23) total number of revenue passengers carried from points and to points as named in sub-divi- sions 16,17,18 and 1 9 ; ( 24) total revenue from passenger transporta- tion in each class as named in sub-division 23 ; (25) total passenger f miles in each class as named in sub-division 23 ; (26) total number of dead-head or non-paying passengers in each of classes named in sub-division 23, and total number of dead-head passenger miles in each of such classes ; (27) total number of passenger trains operated entirely within the state, total number of freight trains op- erated entirely within the state, and total niunber of mixed trains operated entirely within the state ; (28) total tons of freight and to- tal number of passengers both revenue and dead-head (freight and "' passenger and revenue and dead-head stated separately) carried on each class of train; (29) total revenue from freight and passen- gers, stated separately, each class of train, total revenue from all other sources ; (30) total ton miles and total passenger miles in ^^ each class of train named in sub-division 27 ; (31) number of train miles and number of car miles for each class of train named in sub-division 27; (32) the cost of operation of each of the classes . . of trains named in sub-division 27, cost to. include, separately, fuel, water, oil, engine wages, train wages, miscellaneous; (33) the total number of trains in the state (freight, passenger and mixed '^- separately) which carry exclusively intrastate business; (34) fur- :t« nish for these trains information as indicated in sub-divisions 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32. Provided that commission may waive the keeping and furnishing of any of the above facts in this section required to be kept and furnished. Acts igoy, sp. sess., no. 17, sec. 4. ARKANSAS See par. 27go. FLORIDA The annual report of a railroad, railroad com- pany and common carrier shall specify: (i) the amotmt of capi- 764 tal stcx^k subscribed, the number of shares, and the par value thereof; (2) the names of the owners of its stock, and the amount owned by them respectively, and the residence of each stockholder as far as known; (3) the amount of stock paid in and by whom; (4) the amount of assets and liabilities; (5) the names and places of residence of its officers; (6) the amount of funded or bonded debt; (7) the amoimt of floating debt; (8) the estimated value of the roadbed, including iron and bridges; (9) the estimated value of rolling stock; (10) the estimated value of stations and buildings; (11) the estimated value of other property; (12) the length of single track on main line; (13) the length of double track on main line; (14) the length of branches, stating whether they have double or single track; (15) the aggregate length of siding and other tracks above enumerated ; (16) the number of tons of through freight carried during the year preceding the making of the report; (17) the number of tons of local freight carried during the same time; (18) the monthly earnings for the transportation of passengers during the same time; (19) the monthly earnings for the trans- portation of freight during the same time; (20) the amount of expenses inciirred in nmning and management of passenger trains, in the running and management of freight trains and in the run- ning and management of mixed trains during the same time ; (21) the expenses incurred in the running and management of the road, including the salaries or compensation of general officers for the same time which shall be reported separately in detail ; (22) the amoimt expended for repairs and removal of bridges, ties and iron; (23) the amoimt expended for other improvements not included in the last sub-division; (24) the amount expended for motive power, cars, stations, houses, and all other* buildings and fixtures, including all other expenditures in the management and running of said road; (25) the rate of fare for passengers for each month during the same time; through and way passen- gers separately; (26) the tariff of freights, showing the changes of tariff, if any, during the same time; (27) a copy of each pub- lished rate of fare for passengers and tariffs of freights, issued for the government of its agents during the same time, and whether the rate of fare and tariff of freight in such published lists are the same as those actually received by the company, and if not, what were received; (28) what express companies run on its roads and on what terms and conditions, and the kind of business done by them; (29) what freight and transportation companies run 76s on its roads and on what terms, and whether such freight and transportation companies use the cars of the railroad company, or cars furnished by themselves ; (30) whether the freight or cars of such transportation companies are given any preference in speed or order of transportation, and if so, what ; (31) number of free passes issued during same time and to whom; (32) what running or traffic arrangements it has with other railroad com- panies; (33) what amount of land was granted them by the state and by the United States; how much of said land has already been actually conveyed by deed; how much land is still due them; how much land has been sold, and what has been the gross receipts from such sales of land since granted by the state and the United States; and answer such additional interroga- tories as commission may make and propound to the said railroad and express companies and this section shall apply to the presi- dent, directors and general officers of every railroad and express company now existing, or which shall hereafter be organized and exist in this state, and to every lessee, manager, or operator of any railroad or express line within this state. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 2go6. ILLINOIS The annual report of railroad company or other common carrier shall specify: (i) the names of the owners of its stock, and the amount owned by them, respectively, and the resi- dence of each stockholder so far as known; (2) the amoimt of its assets and liabilities; (3) the names and place of residence of its officers ; (4) the amoimt of funded debt; (5) the amount of floating debt; (6) the estimated value of the roadbed, includ- ing iron and bridges; (7) the estimated value of rolling stock; (8) the estimated value of stations, buildings and fixtures; (9) the estimated value of other property; (10) the length of single main track; (11) the length of double main track; (12) the length of branches, stating whether they have single or double 2988 track; (13) the aggregate length of siding and other tracks not above enumerated; (14) the ntimber of miles run by passenger trains dining the year preceding the making of the report; (15) the number of miles run by freight trains during the same period; (16) the number of tons of through freight carried during the same time; (17) the number of tons of local freight carried during the same time; (18) the amount of expenses incurred in the running and management of passenger trains during the same time; (19) the amoimt of expenses incurred in the running and management of freight trains during the same time; also the 766 amount of expense mcurred in the running and management of mixed trains during the same time ; (20) all other expenses incurred in the running and management of the road during the same time, including the salaries of officers, which shall be re- ported separately ; (21) the amount expended for repairs of road and maintenance of way, including repairs and renewal of bridges and renewal of iron ; (22) the amount expended for improvement, and whether the same is estimated as a part of the expenses of operating or repairing the road, and, if either, which; (23) the amount expended for motive power and cars; (24) the amount expended for station houses, buildings and fixtures; (25) all other expenses for the maintenance of way; (26) all other expenditures, either for management of road, maintenance of way, motive power and cars, or for other purposes; (27) the rate of fare for passengers during same time, through and way passengers separately; (28) the tariff of freights, showing each change of tariff during the same time, copies of such tariffs to be filed with commission at date of issue; (29) a copy of each pub- lished rate of fare for passengers and tariff of freight, in force or issued for the government of its agents during the same time, copies of such tariffs to be filed with commission at date of issue; (30) whether the rate of fare and tariff of freight in such published lists are the same as those actually received by the com- pany during the same time; if not, what were received; (31) what express companies run on its road, and on what terms and on what conditions; the kind of business done by them, and whether they take their freights at the depots or at the office of such express companies ; (32) what freight and transportation companies run on its road, and on what terms; (7,7,) whether such freight and transportation companies use the cars of the road or the cars furnished by themselves; (34) whether the freight cars of such companies are given any preference in speed or order of transportation and if so, in what particular; (35) what run- ning arrangements it has with other railroad companies, setting forth the contracts for the same. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. 172. * IOWA Annual reports of common carriers shall show in detail the amount of capital stock issued, the amounts paid therefor, and manner of payment; the dividends paid; surplus fund, if any; number of stockholders; the funded and floating debts and the interest paid thereon; the cost and value of the carrier's property, franchises and equipment; the number of 767 locomotive engines and cars used in the state, and the number supplied with automatic safety couplers, and the kind and num- ber of brakes used, and the nimiber of each; the number of em- 2984 ployes and the salaries paid each class; and the amounts expended for improvements each year, how and where expended and the character of such improvements; the earnings and receipts from each branch of business and from all sources; the operating and other expenses; the balance of profit and loss, and a complete exhibit of the financial operations thereof each year, including an annual balance sheet. Such reports shall also contain such information in relation to rates or regulations concerning fares or freights, or agreements, arrangements or contracts with other carriers, and other statistics of the road and its transportation, as commission may require. Code iSgj, sec. 2143. KANSAS The annual report of a common carrier or a pub- lic utility shall show in detail the amount of the capital stock issued, the amount paid therefor, and the manner of payment for same; the dividends paid; the surplus fund, if any, and the ntimber of stockholders; the funded and floating debts, and the interest paid thereon ; the cost and value of the carrier's property, franchises and equipment; the number of employes and the salaries paid each class; the accidents to passengers, employes and other persons, and the causes thereof; the amounts expended 2985 for improvement each year, how expended, and the character of ' such improvements; the earnings and receipts from each branch of the business and from all sources; the operating and other •' expenses; the balance of profit and loss, and a complete exhibit of the financial operations of such common carrier and public utility, each year, including an annual balance sheet. Such reports shall also contain such information in relation to rates and regulations concerning fares, freights, agreements, arrange- ments and contracts affecting the same, as the commission may require. Laws igii, ch. 2^8, sec. 24. KENTUCKY The annual report of a railroad shall specify: (i) the amount of capital stock paid up, and the names of the owners thereof, and amounts owned by each, and the residence of each stockholder as far as known ; (2) the amount of its assets and liabilities; (3) the names and places of residence of its general officers; (4) the amount of cash paid to the company on account of the original capital stock; (5) the amount of the funded debt; (6) the amount of floating debt; (7) the estimated value of the .. 768 thereof; commission may also cause to be printed for eariy dis- tribution its annual reports. Same. Commission shall on or before December i, in each year, make a report which shall be transmitted to Congress, and copies of which shall be distributed as are the other reports transmitted to Congress. This report shall contain such information and 3030 data collected by commission as may be considered of value in the determination of questions connected with the regulation of commerce together with such recommendations as to additional legislation relating thereto as commission may deem necessary, and the names and compensation of the persons employed by commission. Same, sec. 21. See also par. 2616. ALABAMA On or before October 10, of each year, com- mission through the president thereof shall make to the governor for transmission to the legislature a report of its acts and doings for the year ending June 30, next preceding, setting forth such 3031 facts as will disclose the actual workings of the transportation system of this state and make such suggestions as to it may seem appropriate and for the best interests of the state. Such reports may be made public immediately upon the filing with the gov- ernor. Code igoy, sec. 5645. ARIZONA Commission shall make and submit to the governor on or before December i, of each year, a report con- taining a full and complete accotmt of its transa^^tions and pro- 3032 ceedings for the preceding fiscal year, together with such other facts, suggestions, and recommendations as it may deem of value to the people of the state. Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 12. ARKANSAS Commission shall make and submit to the governor annual reports, containing a full and complete account of the transactions of its office together with the information 3033 gathered by commission as herein required and such other facts, suggestions and recommendations as may be by it deemed necessary, which report shall be published as the reports of the heads of departments. Kirby's Digest igo4, sec. 6824. See also par. 6ig. CALIFORNIA Identical with par. 3032. Stats, igii, ist. ex. 3034 sess., ch. 14, sec. 12, \ COLORADO Whenever investigations shall be made by commission, it shall make a report in writing in respect thereto, 783 8035 which shall state the conclusions of commission, together with its decision, order or requirement in the premises. Laws igio, sp. sess., ch. 5, sec. 14. SO86 Also a provision identical with par. 3029.^ Same, CONNECTICUT Commission shall render on or before Decem- ber I, in each year a report to the governor stating the general conduct and financial condition of all public service companies as ascertained by commission from returns of the companies and 3037 examinations by commission, together with such other facts and recommendations as in opinion of commission will increase the public safety or be for the public interest, together with its reasons for such recommendations. Pub. Acts igii, ch. 128, sec. 28. ^ See also par. 2^4g. FLORIDA Commission shall by March i, in every year make to the governor annual reports of all transactions of its 3038 office including an itemized statement of penalties imposed and fines collected, and recommend from time to time such legisla- tion as it may deem advisable. Gen. Stats. igo6, sec. 2gij. See also par. 2jgg. GEORGIA Commission shall make to the governor an- 3039 nual reports of the transactions of its office, and recommend from time to time such legislation as it may deem advisable. Code igii^ sec. 2644. ILLINOIS Commission shall on or before December i, of each year, or oftener if required by the governor to do so, make a report to the governor of its doings for the preceding year, con- taining such facts, statements and explanations as will disclose the actual workings of the system of transportation of persons or property by common carriers within this state and of the ware- house business in their bearings upon the business and prosperity 3040 of the people of the state, and such suggestions in relation thereto as to it may seem appropriate, and particularly first, whether in its judgment the railroads can be classified in regard to rate of fare and freight to be charged upon them, and if so, in what manner; second, whether a classification of freight can also be made, and if so, in what manner. It shall also at such times as the governor shall direct examine any particular subject con- nected with the condition and management of railroads, other * "All courts of the United States and of the several states" reads "all courts of this state." 784 commission all information required by it concerning the con- dition, operation and management of such railroad, and the 3021 condition of its roadbeds, bridges and equipment. Commission shall not, unless required by law, give publicity to such informa- tion as may be obtained by it under the provisions of this chapter, except so far as it may be necessary in reports to the general assembly or in judicial proceedings. Pub. Stats. igo6, 4606. A person or corporation operating a railroad in the state that refuses commission access to the books, accounts or papers of such railroad so far as may be necessary imder the provisions of this chapter, or fails or refuses to furnish any returns, reports, or information lawfully required by commission, or wilfully hinders, delays or obstructs commission in the discharge of the 3022 duties imposed upon it, or fails within a reasonable time to obey a final order or decree of commission, shall be fined not more than $5,000 nor less than $500 with costs. A person who knowingly, imder oath, makes a false return or statement, or who knowingly, imder oath, when required by law, gives false information to commission; or who knowingly testifies falsely in any material matter before commission, shall be deemed to have committed perjury and shall be punished accordingly. Same, sec. 460J. A company owning or operating a plant, line or property, subject to supervision under this act shall, at all times, on request, furnish commission all information required by it concerning the condition, operation, management, expense of maintenance and 3023 operation, cost of production, rates charged for service or for products, contracts, obligations and financial standing of such company. Commission shall not, imless required by law, give publicity to such information so obtained by it, except as it may be necessary in reports to the general assembly, or in judicial proceedings. Laws 1Q08, no. 116, sec. 5. A company operating a plant or line subject to supervision under this act, that refuses commission access to its books, ac- counts or papers, so far as may be necessary under the pro- visions of this act, or fails or refuses to furnish any returns, reports or information lawfully reqiiired by commission, or wilfully hinders, delays or obstructs commission in the discharge of the 3024 duties imposed upon it, or fails, within a reasonable time to obey a final order or decree of commission, shall be fined not more than $5,000 nor less than $500. A person who knowingly, under oath, makes a false return or statement, or who know- ingly, under oath, when required by law, gives false information 781 to commission, or who knowingly testifies falsely in any material matter before commission, shall be deemed to have committed perjury, and shall be punished accordingly. Same, sec. 6. VIRGINIA Every railroad company or person operating a railroad in this state shall, at all times, on request, furnish to commission any information required by it, concerning the physical condition, management, or operation of its road, and 3025 particularly with copies of all of its time tables upon its road and other roads with which its business is connected; and any railroad refusing or failing to furnish any such information to com- mission shall, in the discretion of commission, be fined not less than $io nor more than $i,ooo. Pollard^ s Code 1904, sec. I294d{69). Commission may require all such corporations^ to furnish 3026 such reports to commission as may be provided by the consti- tution, or by law. Same, sec. ijijaiid). WISCONSIN Identical with pars. 3015, 3016, 3017. Laws 3027 igoy, ch. 499, sees. lygym-iS, iy9ym-42{i), iy9ym-42(j). See also par. 715. E. DUTY OF COMMISSION TO SUBMIT RE- PORTS, AS PRESCRIBED, WITH REGARD TO THE BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES AND TO MAKE RECOM- MENDATIONS WITH RESPECT THERETO. UNITED STATES Whenever an investigation shall be made by commission, it shall make a report in writing in respect thereto, which shall state the conclusions of commission, together with 3028 its decision, order or requirement in the premises; and in case damages are awarded, such report shall include the findings of fact on which the award is made. Act to Regulate Commerce, sec. 14. Commission may provide for the publication of its reports and decisions in such form and manner as may be best adapted for public information and use, and such authorized publications 3029 shall be competent evidence of the reports and decisions of com- mission therein contained in all courts of the United States and of the several states without any further proof or authentication 1 Corporations chartered under the laws of this state and all foreign corporations. 782 a part thereof to be copied for its information or for the infor- mation of the stockholders of such corporation or company. Same, sec. ij. Every person, firm, association or corporation doing an ex- press business upon a railroad or railway in this commonwealth shall, upon request, furnish to commission full information rela- soii tive to the character or conduct of such business, the service that is furnished and the rates that are charged, the names of the persons engaged in the business, and the relations existing with any other person, firm, association or corporation conducting a transportation or express business upon a railroad or railway. Acts igo8, ch. jgg, sec. j. Companies hereinbefore described shall hereafter furnish 3012 from time to time to gas and electric commission such information as commission may require. Acts iqo8, ch. 61'/, sec. 2. MISSISSIPPI Commission shall demand and require all proper information from railroads, express, telephone, telegraph, and sleeping car companies to enable its members to intelligently discharge their duties; and to require the same of all steamboats 3013 and other carriers, for statistical purposes. They shall furnish commission with all information required relating to the business of each, and the management, income, receipts, expenses, and expenditures thereof; and with copies of all leases, contracts, and agreements for transportation with each other. Code igo6, sec. 4848. See also pars. 2g2, 2gj, 2g4. NEBRASKA See pars. 648, 64g, 650, 651. OHIO Each public utility shall furnish to commission in such form and at such times as commission may require such 3014 accounts, reports and information as shall show completely and in detail the entire operation of the public utility in furnishing the imit of its product or service to the public. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 37. OREGON Each public utility shall fiunish to commission in such form and at such times as commission shall require, such accounts, reports and information as shall show in itemized detail: (i) the depreciation per imit; (2) the salaries and wages separately per unit; (3) legal expenses per imit; (4) taxes and rentals separately per unit; (5) the quantity and value of ma- terial used per unit; (6) the receipts from residuals, by-products, 779 3016 services or other sales separately per unit; (7) the total and net cost per unit; (8) the gross and net profit per unit; (9) the divi- dends and interest per unit; (10) the surplus or reserve per unit; (11) the prices per unit paid by consumers; and in addition such other items, whether of a nature similar to those hereinbefore enumerated or otherwise, as commission may prescribe in order to show completely and in detail the entire operation of the public utility in furnishing the unit of its product or service to the public. Gen. Laws iqii, ch. 279, sec. ig. Every public utility shall furnish to commission all informa- tion required by it to carry into effect the provisions of this act 3016 and shall make specific answers to all questions submitted by commission. Same, sec. 40. Whenever required by commission, every public utility shall deliver to commission any or all maps, profiles, contracts, reports of engineers, and all documents, books, accoimts, papers 3017 and records or copies of any or all of the same, with a complete inventory of all its property, in such form as commission may direct. Same. See also par. 6j6. PENNSYLVANIA Every common carrier shall, on request, furnish commission any necessary information required by com- mission concerning the rates of freight, for transporting freight 3018 and passengers upon its road and other roads with which its business is connected, and the condition, management, and opera- tion of its road. Laws igoy, no. 2^0, sec. ig. • SOUTH CAROLINA Every railroad corporation shall, at all times, on request, furnish commission any information required by it concerning the condition, manageraent and operation of its rail- 3019 roads, and particularly with copies of time tables, and also with the rates of transporting freight and passengers upon its road and other roads with which its business is connected. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 20^2. Commission shall further have, at all times, access to the list of stockholders of every corporation operating a railroad, 3020 and may, in its discretion, at any time, cause the same to be copied, in whole or in part, for its own information or for the information of persons owning stock in such corporation. Same^ sec. 2081. VERMONT A person or corporation owning or operating a railroad in this state shall, at all times, upon request, furnish 780 I state the sum of $ioo for each and every day it shall continue to be in default with respect to such abstract or list of vouchers or receipts and such copy of particular vouchers or receipts de- manded. Such forfeiture shall be recovered in an action brought by commission -in the name of the state in the circuit court or court of like jurisdiction of Montgomery county, and the amount recovered in such action shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the general fund. Acts igoy, sp. sess., no. 77, sec. 7. ARIZONA All public ser\dce corporations and corpora- tions whose stock shall be offered for sale to the public shall make 3001 such reports to commission, under oath, and provide such in- formation concerning their acts and operations as may be re- quired by law, or by commission. Const., art. xv, sec. 13. Every public service corporation shall furnish to commission in such form and such detail as commission shall prescribe all 3002 tabulations, computations and all other information required by it to carry into effect. any of the provisions of this act, and shall make specific answers to all questions submitted by commission. Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 28. Whenever required by commission, every public service corporation shall deliver to commission copies of any or all maps, profiles, contracts, agreements, franchises, reports, books, ac- 3003 counts, papers and records in its possession, or in any way re- lating to its property or affecting its business, and also a com- plete inventory of all its property in such form as commission may direct. Same, sec. 28(c). See also par. 6oj. ARKANSAS Every person or corporation operating a rail- road or express company having an agent or office in the state shall, upon notice to do so, fvimish commission with all informa- tion required to enable commission to perform its duties relative to the management of their respective lines and connecting lines, 3004 and particularly with copies of all leases, contracts and agree- ments with other lines, express companies or sleeping car com- panies, and shall furnish all such information as to the number of persons employed in the different departments of their serv- ice and the wages paid the same, as commission may require. Kirhys Digest, sec. 681 1. CALIFORNIA Provisions for public utilities identical with 3005 pars. 3002, 3003. Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sees. 28(a), 28(c). See also par. 620. Ill KANSAS Each public utility shall furnish to commis- sion, in such form and at such time as commission shall require > such accotmts, reports and information as shown in itemized de- tail; (i) the depreciation per unit; (2) the salaries and wages, separately , per unit ; (3) legal expenses per-unit; (4) taxes and rentals, separately, per unit ; (5) the quantity and value of material used per unit ; (6) the receipts from residuals, by-products, serv- 3006 ices or other sales, separately, per unit; (7) the total and net cost per unit; (8) the gross and net profit per unit; (9) the divi- dends and interest per unit; (10) surplus or reserve per unit; (11) the prices per imit paid by consimiers; and, in addition, such other items, whether of a nature similar to those hereinbefore enumerated or otherwise as commission may prescribe in order to show completely and in detail either the operation of the public utility or common carrier in furnishing the unit of its product or service to the public. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 23. MAINE See pars. 2445, 2^j'j,' 257^. MARYLAND See pars. 631, 633. MASSACHUSETTS Every corporation and company engaged in the manufacture and sale of gas or electricity for light or heat shall at all times, upon request, furnish any information required 3007 by commission relative to its condition, management and opera- tion, and shall comply with all lawful orders of commission. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. 31.^ In addition to the annual return required by section eight, every such company shall at times, upon request, furnish to commission any information required by commission concerning 3008 the condition, management and operation of its business, or con- cerning its rates or the facilities afforded by it to the public therein, and shall comply with all lawful orders of commission, and commission may at all reasonable times have access to the books of such company. Acts igo6, ch. 433, sec. 10. Every railroad corporation and street railway company shall, upon request, furnish to commission any information which may 3009 be required by it relative to the condition, management and operation of the railroad or railway. Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. tit, sec. 13. Commission shall at all times have access to the list of stockholders of every corporation or company which operates a 8010 railroad or railway, and may at any time cause the said list or 1 See footnote i, par 276. earnings and receipts from each branch of business, and from all 2997 sources, the operating and other expenses; the balance of profit and loss, and a complete exhibit of the financial operations of the carrier each year, including an annual balance sheet, and copies of all reports made by any station agent or other agent of said common carrier in the state to the auditor of said corporation. Such reports shall also contain such information in relation to rates or regulations, concerning fares or freights or agreements, arrangements or contracts with other common carriers as com- mission may require. Such reports shall also contain such other statistics of the carrier and of its transportation business for the year ending upon June 30 of each year, as commission shall re- quire. Sess. Laws iQii, ch. 2oy, sec. 24. See also par. 2g24. WASHINGTON The annual report of a public service company shall show in detail the amount of capital stock issued, the amounts paid therefor and the manner of payment for same, the dividends paid, the surplus fund, if any, and the number of stockholders, the funded and floating debts and the interest paid thereon, the cost and value of the company's property, fran- chises and equipment, the number of employes and the salaries paid each class, the accidents to passengers, employes and other persons and the cost thereof, the amounts expended for im- provements each year, how expended and the character of such improvements, the earnings or receipts from each franchise or business and from all sources, the proportion thereof earned from business moving wholly within the state and the proportion 2998 earned from interstate traffic, the nature of the traffic movement showing the percentage of the ton miles each class of commodity bears to the total ton mileage, the operating and other expenses and the proportion of such expense incurred in transacting busi- ness wholly within the state, and the proportion incurred in transacting interstate business, such division to be shown ac- cording to such rules of division as commission may prescribe, the balances of profit and loss, and a complete exhibit of the financial operations of the carrier each year, including an annual balance sheet. Such report shall also contain such information in relation to rates, charges or regulations concerning fares, charges or freights, or agreements, arrangements or contracts affecting the same, as commission may require. Laws igii, ch. 177, sec. y8. \ VIRGINIA See par. 2933. 775 D. DUTY OF UTILITIES TO FURNISH GEN- ERAL INFORMATION TO COMMISSION AND AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION TO CALL FOR SUCH INFORMATION. ALABAMA The managers of railroads shall furnish com- mission with all information required by it relative to the man- agement of their respective lines, and with copies of all leases, contracts, and agreements made by them with express, sleeping car, or other companies to which they are parties, or affecting 2999 such lines, and commission shall have, at all times, access to the list of stockholders of every corporation operating a railroad in this state, and it may, at any time, cause the same to be copied, or any part thereof, for its own information or for the informa- tion of persons owning stock in such corporation. Code igoy, sec. 5664. Every railroad and street railroad corporation shall keep an abstract or list showing the facts hereinafter provided, of every receipt or voucher or other record or instrument, evidencing the payment of money by the corporation, and to file with com- mission on or before the last day of each month an abstract or • list of all such vouchers or receipts, covering all disbursements for the month preceding. Such abstract or list to be filed with com- mission, shall be sworn to by the auditor or comptroller of the corporation, or such other officer as may be designated by com- mission and shall show the following facts with respect to each receipt or voucher: (i) the nimiber; (2) the date; (3) the amount; (4) to whom paid; (5) for what purpose expended; (6) to what account charged. When commission makes demand for the same it shall be the duty of such corporation, within the time specified in the demand, to furnish to commission a copy of any particular voucher or receipt, together with all indorsements 3000 thereon, verified by the affidavit of the person making said copy. The time for filing such abstract of vouchers or receipts may be extended by commission for a period not exceeding 15 days. If any such corporation shall fail to make and file said ab- stracts or lists of vouchers or receipts within the time above speci- fied or within the time as extended by commission, or shall fail to furnish commission with a sworn copy of any particular voucher or receipt when demanded as aforesaid and within the time specified in the demand, such corporation shall forfeit to the 776 of freight and the monthly earnings for the transportation of passengers on each main Hne and branch line; (15) the amount of expenses incurred in running passenger trains on each main line and branch line and the amount of expense incurred in running 2994 freight and mixed trains on each main line and branch line; (16) the expense incurred in the management of the road, including the compensation of general officers, which shall be reported itemized in detail; (17) the amount expended for repairs, in- cluding maintenance of roadbed, repairs, and renewals of bridges, ties, iron and the amount expended for other improvements not included in the previous enumeration; (18) the amount expended for motive power, cars, station and warehouses, shops, repairs upon cars and locomotives and all other expenses of the oper- ating department; (19) if a railroad, what express companies run on its road and on what terms and conditions and the kind of business done by the express company; (20) the number of free passes or free tickets, and franks issued, and to whom and what relation the recipient bears to the road; (21) what operating or traffic arrangement it has with other companies, attaching a copy of any contract or contracts for such arrangements; (22) what amount of land was granted to the company, or its assignors, immediate or remote; by the state or United States; how much of said land has been conveyed by deed and the amount realized from the sale thereof and how much of said land is now held; (23) the amoimt received by the company, or its assignors, immediate or remote; from municipalities or^other sources as a bonus or to aid in the building of any railroad; (24) the number of employes killed and the number of employes injured by accident, and the cause or causes of such accidents; (25) the number of other per- sons killed or injured by accident, and the causes of such acci- dent; (26) an itemized statement of the amount of all damage paid on account of injuries to or the death of persons by reasons of accidents, stating in separate items the amounts paid on account of inquiries or the death of employes, passengers and other persons; (27) such other information as may be required by commission. Cobbey^s Annot. Stats, igog, sec. 106 jy. NEW YORK The annual report of a gas or electric corpo- ration shall show in detail : (a) the amoimt of its authorized capi- tal stock and the amount thereof issued and outstanding; (b) the amoimt of its authorized bonded indebtedness and the amoimt of its bonds and other forms of evidence of indebtedness issued and outstanding; (c) its receipts and expenditures during 773 the preceding year; (d) the amotmt paid as dividends upon its 2996 stock and as interest upon its bonds; (e) the names of its officers and the aggregate amoiint paid as salaries to them and the amount paid as wages to its employes; (f) the location of its plant or plants and system, with a full description of its property and franchises, stating in detail how each franchise stated to be owned was acquired; and (g) such other facts pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the plant and system, and the affairs of such person or corporation as may be required by commission. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 66{6). OREGON The annual report of a railroad shall show in detail the amount of capital stock issued; the amount and manner of payment therefor; the dividends paid, the surplus fund, if any; the number of stockholders, the fimded and float- ing debts, and the interest paid or due thereon; the cost and value of all the railroad's property, franchises and equipments; the number of employes and officers, and the salary and wages paid each class; the amounts expended for improvements, how ex- pended, and the character of such improvements; the earnings and receipts from each branch of business and from all other 2996 sources; the operating and other expenses; the balance of profit or loss; and a complete exhibit of the financial operations of the year, with an annual balance sheet, the amotmt of land re- ceived as grants from the state and from the United States; the amount of land sold and the average price received per acre; the amoimt unsold and its average appraised value per acre; in- formation in regard to rates and regulations concerning fares and freights; agreements, arrangements, or contracts with express, telegraph, sleeping and dining car companies, fast freight lines and other railroads and common carriers, and such other mat- ters as commission may require. Gen. Laws igoy^ ch. 53, sec. 40. SOUTH DAKOTA The annual report of a common carrier shall show in detail the amount of the capital stock issued, the amounts paid therefor, and the manner of the payment of the same; the dividends paid; the surplus fund, if any, and the number of stockholders; the funded and floating debts and the interest paid thereon; the cost and value of the carrier's property, franchises and equipments, and the actual cost per mile in building the road or line; the number of employes, and the salaries paid each class; the amounts expended for improvements each year, how and where expended, and the character of such improvements; the 774 • the amount of its authorized capital and its indebtedness and financial condition, on such date or dates as commission may designate. Acts iqo6, ch. 4J3, sec. 8. MICHIGAN The annual report of a union station and depot company^ shall specify; (i) the amount of capital stock sub- scribed and by whom; (2) the names of the owners of its stock, the amounts owned by them respectively and the residence of each stockholder so far as known; (3) the amount of stock paid in and by whom; (4) the amount of its assets and liabilities; (5) the names and places of residence of its officers; (6) the amount of cash paid to the corporation on account of the original capital stock; (7) the amount of funded debt; (8) the amount of floating debt ; (9) the cost of its real estate, including rights of way for tracks; (10) the cost of depots, buildings and fixtures; (11) the cost of all other property; (12) the length of single main track; (13) the length of double main track; (14) the aggregate length of 8991 sidings and other tracks not above enumerated; (15) its monthly earnings from all sources respectively during the year; (16) the amount of expense incurred in operating its business and main- taining its property during the year; (17) all other expenses in- curred by it, includiQg the salaries of officers, which shall be re- ported separately; (18) the amount expended for repairs and ex- tension of tracks, including repairs and renewal of bridges and renewal of iron during the year; (19) the amount expended for improvements during the year; (20) the amount expended for depot, station houses, buildings, and fixtures during the year; (21) all other expenses during the year; (22) what arrangements it has with other railroad corporations for use of its depot and : other property, setting forth the contract for the same. Comp. Laws i8g'/, sec. 6jy2. Commission may make and propound to such corporations such other or additional interrogatories as in its judgment may 2992 be necessary, in order to gain f\ill information in regard to the business of said corporations and the management thereof. Same, sec. 6jyj. MINNESOTA The annual report of a carrier shall show in detail the amount of capital stock issued; the amount and man- ners of payment therefor; the dividends paid; the surplus-ltm^, if any; the number of stockholders; the funded and flirting debts, and the interest paid or due thereon; the cost and value of all the carrier's property, franchises and equipments; the nimi- 1 See note i, par. 2850. 771 ber of employes and officers, and the salary or wages paid each class; the amounts expended for improvements, how expended and the character of such improvements; the earnings and re- ceipts from each branch of business and from all other sources; 2993 the operating and other expenses; the balance of profit or loss; and a complete exhibit of the financial operations of the year, with an annual balance sheet, the amount of land received as grants from the state and from the United States; the amount of such land sold and the average price per acre; the amount un- sold and its average appraised value per acre; information in re- gard to rates and regulations concerning fares and freights; agreements, arrangements, or contracts with express, telegraph, sleeping and dining car companies, fast freight lines, and other common carriers, with copies of such contracts, agreements or arrangements; and such other matters as commission may re- quire. Rev. Laws 1905, sec. IQ84. NEBRASKA The annual report of a common carrier shall show: (i) the amoimt of the capital stock subscribed, thenimiber of shares and the par value of the same; (2) the names of the owners of its stock and the amount owned by them respectively; (3) the amoimt paid into the treasury of the common carrier for and on account of the issuance of the stock, the dates of such payments and by whom paid; (4) the amotmt of outstanding bonds of the company, the date and purpose of their issuance, and the rate of interest thereon; (5) the names and places of residence of the officers of the company, with the amount of the annual salary of each; (6) the amount of the floating debt of the company, with the purpose for which the debt was incurred; (7) the value of the roadbed, including iron and bridges, the value of rolling stock, stations, buildings, locomotives and all other property; (8) the length of single track on the main line and the length of double track on the main line; (9) the length of branch lines, stating whether they are double or single track; (10) the aggregate length of side tracks, spurs, switches and terminals on or connected with each main line or branch line; (11) the number of tons of through freight carried during the year preceding the making of the report and the number of tons of local freight car- ried during the same time; (12) the number of tons of freight car- ried on each main line designating in separate items, the local and through freight; (13) the number of tons of freight carried on each branch line, designating in separate items the local and through freight; (14) the monthly earnings for the transportation 772 roadbed, including iron and bridges; (8) the estimated value of rolling stock ; (9) the estimated value of stations, buildings, and fixtures; (10) the estimated value other property; (11) the length of single main track; (12) the length of double main track; (13) the length of branches stating length of single and of double track; (14) the aggregate length of siding and other tracks not above enumerated; (15) the nimiber of miles run by passenger trains during the year preceding the making of the report; (16) the nimiber of miles run by freight trains during the same period; (17) the number of tons of through freight carried, and the number of tons of local freight during the same period; (18) the monthly earnings for the transportation of passengers during the same time; (19) the monthly earnings for the trans- portation of freight during the same time; (20) the monthly earnings from all other sources respectively; (21) the amount 2986 of expenses incurred in running of passenger trains during the same time; (22) the expense incurred in running freight trains, and in running mixed trains during the same time; (23) all other expenses incurred in the management of the road, including the salaries of the officers, which shall be reported separately; (24) the amount expended for repairs of the road and maintenance of way, including repairs and renewals of bridges and renewals of iron; (25) the amount expended for improvements, and whether the same is estimated as a part of the expenses of opera- ting or repairing the road; and if either, which ? (26) the amount expended for motive power and cars; (27) the amoimt expended for station houses, buildings and fixtures; (28) all other expenses for maintenance of way; (29) all other expenses for other purposes; (30) the number of tons of freight carried one mile; (31) the amount received per ton per mile; (32) the average distance each ton was hauled, and the average cost of hauling a ton of freight one mile; (33) what freight and transportation companies run on its road, and on what terms, and whether such transportation companies use the cars of the railroad company, or cars furnished by themselves; (34) whether the freight or cars of such transpor- tation companies are given any preference in speed or order of transportation ; and, if so, in what particular ? Commission may propound any additional interrogatories, which shall be answered by such company in the same manner as those specified in the foregoing section. Wheeler's Stats, iqoq, sec. 54og. MARYLAND The annual report of a gas or electric company shall show in detail; (i) the amount of its authorized capital 769 stock and the amount thereof issued and outstanding; (2) the amount of its authorized bonded indebtedness and the amount of its bonds and other forms of evidence of indebtedness issued and outstanding; (3) its receipts and expenditures during the preceding year; (4) the amount paid as dividends upon its stock 8987 and as interest upon its bonds; (5) the names and amounts paid as salary to each officer, and the amounts paid as wages to its employes; (6) the location of its plant or plants and system, with a full description of its property and franchises, stating in detail how each franchise stated to be owned was acquired; and (7) such other facts pertaining to the operating and maintenance of the plant and system and the affairs of such person or corporation as may be required by commission. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. The annual report of a telephone or a telegraph company shall show in detail : (a) the amount of its authorized capital stock and the amount thereof issued and outstanding; (b) the amount of its authorized bonded indebtedness and the amount of its bond and other forms of evidence of indebtedness issued and outstanding; (c) its receipts and expenditures during the pre- ceding year; (d) the amount paid as dividends upon its stock and S988 as interest upon its bonds; (e) the name of and the amount paid as salary to each officer, and the amount paid as wages to its em- ployes; (f) the situation of its plant or plants and system, with a full description of its property and franchises, stating in detail how each franchise stated to be owned was acquired; and (g) such other facts pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the plant and system, and the affairs of such person or corpora- tion, as may be required by commission. Same, sec. jp. MASSACHUSETTS The annual report of a gas or electric corpo- ration shall contain: the amount of its authorized capital, its indebtedness and financial condition on June 30 preceding, its 1989 income and expenses during the preceding year, its dividends paid out and declared, a list of the names of all its salaried officers, and the amount of the annual salary paid to each, and the balance sheet of its accounts as of said preceding June 30. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. ji.^ The annual report of a company engaged in the business of the transmission of intelligence by electricity shall include a state- ment of its business, receipts and expenditures within the com- S990 monwealth during the year, its dividends paid out and declared, 1 See footnote i, par. 276. 770 CHAPTER XI Franchises SCOPE NOTE This chapter includes grants of power authorizing commissions to regulate competition between utilities by requiring certificates of convenience and necessity to be issued by commissions as a condition precedent to the acquisition of new franchise privileges or to the exercise of franchise privileges previously granted. It also in- cludes the Wisconsin law on indeterminate franchises. Provisions of general corporation law defining the fran- chise rights of utilities and prescribing the procedure to be followed in their exercise have been excluded. For pro- visions incidentally involving questions of franchise, see ch. xii, on stock and bond issues, and ch. xiii, on inter- corporate relations. For provisions prescribing general procedure to be followed in the exercise of commission authority, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For provisions prescribing general rules of enforcement and judicial review, see ch. xv, on enforce- ment. For general statement of scope and method, see introduction. ANALYSIS A. Certificates of convenience and necessity 800 1 . New undertakings or extensions of existing undertakings 800 2. The exercise of franchise privileges previously granted 820 3. Conditions precedent to the issue of certificates 822 B. Relations between state commissions and municipalities 823 C. Indeterminate franchises and right of municipality to purchase 837 799 A. CERTIFICATES OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY. I. New Undertakings or Extensions of Existing Undertakings. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA No street railroad corporation, gas, electrical, telephone or water corporation shall henceforth begin the con- struction of a street railroad, or of a line, plant or system or of any 8087 extension of such street railroad, or line, plant or system without having first obtained from commission a certificate that the present or future public convenience and necessity require or will require such construction. Ariz. — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 5o{a); Col. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. jo{a). This section shall not be construed to require any such cor- poration to secure such certificate for an extension within any city and county or city or town within which it shall have there- tofore lawfully commenced operations, or for an extension into 3088 territory either within or without a city and county or city or town, contiguous to its street railroad, or line, plant or system and not theretofore served by a public utility of like character, or for an extension within or to territory already served by it, necessary in the ordinary course of its business. Same. If any public utility in constructing or extending its line, plant or system shall interfere or be about to interfere with the operation of the line, plant or system of any other public utility, 3089 already constructed, commission, on complaint of the public utility claiming to be injuriously affected, may, after hearing, make such order and prescribe such terms and conditions for the location of the lines, plants or systems affected as to it may seem just and reasonable. Same. CONNECTICUT No street railway shall be built or extended from one town to another in the highway so as to parallel any other street railway or any railroad imless authorized by special charter prior to January i, 1893, or by the superior court or a judge thereof, after an application and finding in the manner hereinafter provided, that public convenience and necessity re- quire the building of such railway, nor shall any street railway be built or extended under the provisions of any charter or amendment of a charter granted after the close of the session of the general assembly in 1897, so as to parallel any other street 800 sary, which report shall be published as the reports of the heads of departments. Sayles^ Civ. Stats. iSgy, art. 4^^1(2). See also pars. 68 j, 686, 2210. VERMONT Commission shall biennially report to the general assembly, giving its proceedings tmder this chapter, and include therein such statements, facts and explanations as will disclose the actual working of the system of railroad transporta- tion in its bearing upon the business and prosperity of the state, and such suggestions in respect thereto, or to the condition, affairs or conduct of any of such railroads, or the general railroad 3079 policy of the state, or the amendment of its laws, or any new legislation, as it deems appropriate, also statements showing the receipts and expenditures of each railroad in this state for the two preceding years, from what source such receipts were de- rived, and for what such expenditiires were made, also the con- dition of each road and its equipment, and such other matters as commission deems appropriate and important for the in- formation of the general assembly. Puh. Stats. igo6, sec. 4614. The report required to be made by commission under section 4614 of the public statutes relating to railroads, shall include the 3080 report of commission under this act, to be of the same general scope and character as required in case of railroads. Laws igo8, no. 116, sec. 75. See also pars. 2215, 3021. VIRGINIA Commission shall make annual reports to the governor of its proceedings, in which reports it shall recommend, from time to time, such new or additional legislation in reference 3081 to its powers or duties, or the creation, supervision, regulation or control of corporations, or to the subject of taxation, as it may deem wise or expedient, or as may be required by law. Const., sec. i56{i). Commission shall, annually, on January i, publish a com- pilation of the statute laws governing common carriers together with a compilation of the rules and regulations prescribed for their government by commission, and shall furnish a sufficient number of copies to each railroad company or transportation company, or persons operating the same, to enable such com- 3082 pany or person operating the same to post and keep posted conspicuously in every passenger and freight depot of the com- pany a copy of such laws, rules and regulations; and every such company, or person operating the same, is hereby required to 797 see that such copies, when furnished by commission, are posted and kept posted in the manner prescribed. Pollard^ s Code igo4, sec. I3i3a{4i).^ WASHINGTON Commission shall make and submit to the governor an annual report containing full and complete accounts of the transactions and proceedings of its office, together with 3083 the information gathered by commission as herein required, and such other facts, suggestions and recommendations as may be by it deemed necessary, which report shall be published as the re- ports of the heads of departments. Laws igii, ch. iij, sec. 6. WISCONSIN Commission shall publish annual reports show- ing its proceedings and showing in tabular form the details per 3084 unit as provided in section lygym-iS for all the public utilities of each kind in the state, and such monthly or occasional report, as it may deem advisable. Laws igoy, ch. 4gg, sec. lygym—igii). Commission shall also publish in its annual reports the value of all the property actually used and useful for the convenience of the public and the value of the physical property actually 3080 used and useful for the convenience of the public, of every public utility as to whose rates, charges, service or regtilations and hearing has been held by commission under section i797m-45 and 1797m— 46 or the value of whose property has been ascer- tained by it under section i797m-5. Same, sec. i'/gym—ig{2). Commission is hereby authorized to print and publish for distribution in * * * volumes of convenient size, bound in buck- ram, or other substantial material, its opinions and decisions, which shall be suitably indexed, for convenient reference to the subjects treated therein. Not to exceed 2,500 copies of any vol- imie shall be so published. Commission is likewise authorized to 3086 print for distribution in pamphlet form a suitable number of its opinions and decisions as the same are from time to time an- nounced. Commission shall, on or before the first Monday in December, in each year, make a report to the governor for the preceding year, containing such information, suggestions, or recommendations as it may deem proper. Laws igoy, ch. 582, sec. 1797-3711, as amended by Laws igii, ch. 22g. See also pars. 708, 4254. 'Commission shall, on or before December i in each year, tabulate and publish in statistical form such reports made to it in pursuance of the constitution and laws of this state, as required by subsection (a) of section 156 of the constitution proper, and shall, on the same date in each year, make report to the governor as reauired oy subsection one of said section, to be by him laid before the general assembly at each regular session thereof. Pollard's Code 1904, sec. ijijaijx). 798 ment of its laws, or the condition, affairs, or conduct of any common carriers, as may seem to them appropriate; (4) drafts of all bills suggested or recommended by them, and the reasons therefor; (5) such tables and abstracts of all reports of all the common carriers as it may deem expedient; (6) a statement in detail of the traveling expenses and disbursements of commission, its clerks, marshal, and experts. Laws igoy, no. 2^0, sec. 21. See also pars. 66^, 7<5j, 2665. RHODE ISLAND Commission shall make an annual report to the governor for transmittal to the general assembly on or before 3073 January 15, in each year, which shall contain copies of all orders passed and issued by it, and any information in the possession of commission which it shall deem of value to the general assembly and the people of the state. Acts 1Q12, ch. ygj, sec. g. SOUTH CAROLINA Commission shall make an annual report to the legislature of its official acts, including such statements, facts and explanations as will disclose the actual working of the sys- tem of railroad transportation in its bearing upon the business and prosperity of the state; and suggestions as to the general railroad policy of the state, or as to any part thereof, or as to the 3074 condition, affairs or conduct of any of the railroad corporations as may seem to it appropriate, with a special report of all acci- dents, and the causes thereof for the preceding year. And it shall also recommend such legislation as in its judgment may be necessary to seciu'e just and reasonable rates for the transporta- tion of passengers and freights and for the prevention of imjust discrimination. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 2074. See also pars. 400, 24J8, 2giy. SOUTH DAKOTA Commission shall on or before November 15, in each year make a report to the governor of its doings for the preceding year containing such facts, statements and explana- tions as will disclose the workings of the system of railroad trans- portation in this state and its relation to the general business and prosperity of the citizens of this state, and such suggestions and recommendations in respect thereto as may to it seem appro- priate. Such report shall also contain as to every railroad com- pany doing business in this state: (i) the amoimt of its capital stock; (2) the amoimt of its preferred, if any, and the amoimt of its preferment; (3) the amotmt of its funded debt and the rate of interest; (4) the amount of its floating debt; (5) the cash and present value of its road and equipment in this state, including 795 permanent way, buildings and rolling stock, all real estate used exclusively in operating the road, and fixtures and conveniences 3076 for transacting its business; (6) the estimated cash value of all property owned by such railroad company in this state, with a schedule of the same, not including lands granted in aid of its construction; (7) the number of acres situated in this state originally granted in aid of the construction of its said road by the United States or by this state; (8) the ntmiber of acres of said land remaining unsold; (9) a list of the officers and directors, with their respective places of residence; (10) such statistics of the road and of the transportation and business for the year within this state as may in the judgment of commission be necessary and proper for the information of the legislature, or as may be re- quired by the governor. Such reports shall exhibit and refer to the condition of the railroad company on July i, of such year, and the details of its transportation business transacted during the year ending June 30; (11) the average amount of tonnage that can be carried over each road within the state with one en- gine of given power. Rev. Pol. Code 1903, sec. igj. The report of commission shall contain consolidated state- ment of the conditions of the railroads operating in this state, but shall not print the reports of the several roads at large, nor 3076 shall a list of free tickets and passes, issued by the several roads to the citizens of this state, which are required to be filed in the office of commission, be published. Sess. Laws igog, ch. 2go, sec. 7. See also pars. 22^0, 24^9. TENNESSEE Commission shall, annually, on January 6 make a report to the governor of all matters relating to its office for the preceding year, and such as will disclose the practical 8077 workings of the railroads in this state, and such suggestions in relation thereto as it may deem necessary and proper, together with the minutes of all its meetings and shall have printed and lay before each legislature 500 copies of its reports for the two preceding years. Acts iSgy, ch. 10, sec. 31. TEXAS Commission shall make and submit to the governor annual reports containing a full and complete account of the transactions of its office, together with the information 8078 gathered by commission as herein required, and such other facts, suggestions, and recommendations as may be by it deemed neces- 796 conveniences for transacting its business; (i8) the estimated value of all other property owned by such corporation with a schedule of the same, not including lands granted in aid of its construction; (19) the nimiber of acres originally granted in aid of construction of its road by the United States or by this state, the ntimber of acres of such land remaining unsold; (20) a classi- fied list of its officers and directors, with their respective places of residence and the salaries paid to each class; (21) the number of its employes, classified, and the salaries paid each class; (22) the average amoimt of tonnage that can be carried over each road in the state with an engine of given power. Such additional statistics of the road and of its transportation business for the year as may, in the judgment of commission be necessary and proper for the information of the legislative assembly, or as may be required by the governor. Such reports shall exhibit and refer to the condition of such corporation and the details of its transportation business transacted during the year ending June 30. Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 4363. Commission shall report in writing its findings to the gov- 3066 emor within ten days after the close of each session. Laws igog, ch. ig^, sec. 4. See also pars, jgj, gg6, ggj, 2sg6, 2658. ^ OHIO On or before January i, of each year, com- mission shall make to the governor a report of the affairs and conditions of the railroads and telegraph companies having lines 3067 in the state, and also of accidents on railroads resulting in injuries to persons and the circimistances and causes thereof. Commission shall include in its report such other information and such suggestions and recommendations as in its opinion are of importance to the state. Code igio, sec. 614. Commission shall annually as early as December 15, make and deliver to the governor, a full report of the operation and execution of all laws which it is herein required to administer, 3068 for the year ending November 15, twenty-five hundred copies of which shall be printed in book form for the use of the general assembly and the public. In addition thereto, it shall make such recommendations to the general assembly as it may from time to time deem proper. Laws igii, no. 32 j, sec. 84. OKLAHOMA Commission shall make annual reports to the governor of its proceedings, in which reports it shall recommend from time to time, such new or additional legislation in reference 3069 to its powers or duties, or the creation, supervision, regulation 793 or control of corporations, or to the subject of taxation, as it may deem wise or expedient or as may be required by law. Const., art. ix, sec. 25. See also par. 66$. OREGON Commission shall report to the governor an- nually on or before December 15, and at any other times re- quired by him, its doings for the preceding year, with such facts, statements and explanations as will show the actual workings of the system of railroad transportation of the state, its bearings on the business and prosperity of the people, and such sugges- 8070 tions relative thereto as it shall deem proper. It shall also recommend to the governor any amendment of the railroad laws which it shall deem advisable, and, when directed by the gover- nor, shall investigate any matter subject to its supervision and report thereon. All such reports shall be transmitted to the legislative assembly by the governor as soon as practicable. Gen. Laws igoj, ch. 55, sec. 46. The annual report of commission to the governor shall show its proceedings under this act, and shall also show the details per imit as provided in section 19 hereof for all the public utilities of each kind in this state, together with such other facts and suggestions relative thereto as commission shall deem advisable. 8071 Commission shall also publish in its annual reports the value of all property actually used and useful for the convenience of the public, of every public utility as to whose rates, charges, service or regulations any hearing has been held by commission, or the value of whose property has been ascertained by it as provided in this act. Gen. Laws igii, ch. zyg, sec. 20. See also pars. 4gi, 66g. PENNSYLVANIA Commission shall make an annual report,^ on or before the second Monday of January in each year, to the governor, and a duplicate thereof shall be filed with the secretary of internal affairs, which shall contain; (i) a record of its meetings, and an abstract of its proceedings during the preceding year; (2) the result of any examination or investigation made by it; (3) such statements, facts, and explanations as will disclose the actual workings and operations of common carriers in their 8072 relations to the business and prosperity of the state; and such suggestions as to the general policy of the state, or he amend- • Two thousand five hundred copies of the report with report of the common carriers of the state, shall be printed as a public document of the state, bound in cloth, for the use of commission and to be distributed by it, in its discretion, to the officers of the common carriers and other persons interested therein. Laws 1907, no. 230, sec. 21. 794 road in the state with an engine of given power. Said report to exhibit and refer to the conditions of said railway companies on July I, of each year, and the details of its transportation business transacted during the year ending June 30. Cobbey's Annot. Stats. iQOQ, sec. io6jo{o). See also pars. 652, 654. NEVADA The regular reports of commission shall be made to the governor annually as soon after December 31 in 3059 each year as may be feasible in order to bring the report down to that date. Stats, igoy, ch. 44, sec. j2, as amended by Stats, iqoq, ch. 121, sec. 10. Public service commission shall make and publish annual reports for each calendar year showing its proceedings, which 3060 reports shall, as nearly as may be, conform in a general way to those of the railroad commission of this state, and be made at the same time. Laws igii, ch. 162, sec. g. NEW HAMPSHIRE Commission shall file with the secretary of state on or before December i , its biennial report to the legisla- ture, which shall contain an account of its doings dining the years, a statement of the expenses incurred by it, such statistical and 3061 other information with regard to railroads and public utilities in the state as commission may deem of public interest and such suggestions and recommendations as to needed legislation, or other matter, affecting railroad corporations and public utilities as commission may think will promote the public good. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. 20. See also par. 24^2. NEW JERSEY Commission shall report annually, on or be- 3062 fore January i, to the governor,^ making such recommendations as it may deem proper, which report shall be laid before the next succeeding legislature. Laws igii, ch. igj, sec. 14. NEW YORK Each commission shall make an annual re- port to the legislature on or before the second Monday of Jan- uary in each year, which shall contain copies of all orders issued by it, and any information in the possession of commission which it shall deem of value to the legislature and the people of the 1 Commission shall furnish its secretary such of its findings and decisions as, in its judg- ment, may be of general public interest; the secretary shall compile the same for the purpose of publication in a series of volumes to be designated " Reports of the board of public utility commissioners of the state of New Jersey, '' which shall be published in such form and man- ner as may be best adapted for public information and use, and such authorized publica- tions shall be competent evidence of the reports and decisions of commission therein contained without any further jjroof or authentication thereof. The contents of said reports shall not be under the supervision or control of the official state editor. Laws iQiii ch. lOSf sec. 7. 791 3063 state. Five hxindred copies of each report, together with ab- stracts of the reports to such commission of corporations and persons subject to its supervision, in addition to the regular number prescribed by law, shall be printed as a public document of the state, bound in cloth for the use of commission and to be distributed by it in its discretion to corporations and persons interested therein. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. i6{i). NORTH CAROLINA Commission shall make to the governor an- nual reports of its transactions, and recommend from time to 3064 time such legislation as it may deem advisable under the pro- visions of this chapter, and the governor shall have 1,000 copies of such report printed for distribution. PeWs Revisal igo8, sec. my. NORTH DAKOTA Commission shall, on or before the first Monday in December in each year, make a report to the governor of its doings for the preceding year, containing such facts, state- ments and explanations as will disclose the workings of he system of railroad transportation in this state, and its relation to the general business and prosperity of the citizens of the state, and such suggestions and recommendations in respect thereto as may to it seem appropriate. Said report shall also contain, as to every railroad, railroad corporation or common carrier doing business in this state: (i) the total number of miles of main line and branches owned or operated; (2) the total number of miles of main line and branches owned or operated in each county within this state; (3) the total mileage of side tracks within each county or taxing district in this state; (4) the amount of its capital stock issued; (5) the amount paid therefor; (6) the manner of the pay- ment of the same; (7) the dividends paid; (8) the surplus fimd, if any; (9) the number of stockholders; (10) the amoimt of its preferred stock, if any, and the condition of its preferment; (11) the amotmt of its funded debt and the rate of interest paid thereon; (12) the amount of its floating debt and the interest paid thereon; (13) the amount expended for improvements each year, and how and where expended, and the character of the im- 3066 provements made ; (14) the earnings and receipts from each branch of its business and from all sources; (15) the operating and other expenses ; (16) the balances of profits and losses ; (i 7) the cost and actual present cash value of its franchises, road and equipment, including permanent way, buildings and rolling stock, all real estate used exclusively in operating the road, and all fixtures and 792 MINNESOTA Commission shall report to the governor an- nually on or before December i, and at other times if required by him, its doings for the preceding year, with such facts, state- ments, and explanations as will show the actual working of the system of railroad transportation of the state, in its bearings on the business and prosperity of the people, and such sugges- 3062 tions relative thereto as it shall deem proper. It shall also biennially recommend to the governor any amendment of the railroad and warehouse laws which it shall deem desirable, and when directed by the governor, shall investigate any matter subject to its supervision, and report thereon. All such reports shall be transmitted by the governor to the legislature as soon as practicable. Rev. Laws 1905, sec. 1985. See also par. 2645. MISSISSIPPI Commission shall make a report every two years to the legislature of all its acts and doings for the two pre- ceding years, ending on the prior September 30. The reports 3053 shall give all necessary and proper information concerning the operations of the railroads of the state and its transportation facilities, and embrace such suggestions as commission deems proper. Laws 1908, ch. 84, sec. i. . See also pars. p5, 2591, 2648. MISSOURI Commission shall, on or before December 31 of each year, transmit to the governor of this state a report ^ of its official acts for the year ending on June 30 as aforesaid, and the said report shall contain a condensation of statistics tabulated 3064 from the returns of the several railroad companies, together with all such information and recommendations concerning the regu- lation of the railroads of this state as commission may deem to be of public interest and importance. Rev. Stats. 1909, sec. 3089. Commission shall in its annual report to the governor in- clude a condensation of statistics, tabulated from the returns of the several express companies, together with all such informa- 3066 tion and recommendations concerning the regulations of the express companies doing business in this state as commission may deem to be of public interest and importance. Same, sec. 3294- Commission shall, on or before January i, of each year, 1 The annual reports of commission made to the governor, as is now or as may hereafter be provided by law, shall be printed at the expense of the state in the manner provided by law for the printing of other public docimients. Three thousand copies are hereby authorized to be printed and bound annually under the direction of commission, and to be by it prop- erly distributed throughout the state. Rev. Stats, iqoq, sec. 3257. make a report to the governor of its doings for the preceding 3086 year, to contain such facts as will disclose the actual working of the system of the warehouse business of this state as contem- plated by this article, and such suggestions thereto as to it may appear pertinent. Same, sec. 6Siy. MONTANA Commission shall make and submit to the governor annual reports containing a full and complete account of the transaction of its office, together with such facts, sug- gestions and recommendations as may be by it deemed neces- 3057 sary, which report shall be published as the reports of other departments of the state. The said report shall contain a state- ment as to the number of accidents investigated by commission as herein provided, and the number of persons killed or injured in them and generally the cause of such accidents. Rev. Codes, iQoy, sec. 4396. NEBRASKA Commission shall annually, on or before the first Monday in December, make a report to the governor of its doings for the preceding year, containing such facts, statements and explanations as will disclose the workings of railroad sys- tems of this state, and their relations to the general business and prosperity of the citizens thereof, with such suggestions and recommendations in respect thereto, as may to commission seem appropriate. Said report shall also contain, as to every rail- road corporation doing business in this state; (i) the amount of its capital; (2) the amount of its preferred and common stock, if any, and the condition of each; (3) the amoimt of its fimded debt and the rate of interest; (4)the amount of its floating debt; (5) the cost and actual present cash value of its road equipment, in- cluding permanent way, buildings and rolling stock, and all real estate used exclusively in operating the road, and fixtiu-es and conveniences for transacting its business; (6) the estimated value 8068 of all other property owned by it, with schedule of the same, not including lands granted in aid of its construction; (7) the number of acres originally granted by the United States or this state in aid of the construction of said road; (8) the number of acres of such land remaining unsold; (9) a list of its officers and directors with their respective places of residence; (10) such statistics of the road and of its transportation business for the year as may, in the judgment of commission, be necessary and proper for the in- formation of the legislature or as maybe required by the governor; (11) the average amoimt of tonnage that can be carried over each .790 degrees of curves on its road in Kansas; (14) such additional statistics of the road of its business in Kansas for the year as may in the judgment of commission be necessary and proper for the information of the legislature, or as may be required by the governor or the legislature. Gen. Stats, igog, sec. 72iy. See also pars. 627, gij. KENTUCKY Commission shall annually, on December i, make a report to the governor of all matters relating to its office for the preceding year, and such as will disclose the practical 3044 workings of the railroads in this state, and such suggestions in relation thereto as it may deem necessary and proper, and shall have printed and lay before each legislature within the first ten days of its session 500 copies of its reports for the preceding two years. Carroll's Stats, igog, sec. 834. See also pars, igo^, 2444. MAINE See pars. 2445, 2^77, 2578, 2634. MARYLAND ' Commission shall make an annual report to the governor and to the general assembly on or before the second 3045 Monday of January in each year, which shall contain copies of all orders passed and issued by it, and any information in the possession of commission which it shall deem of value to the legislature and the people of the state. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 8. See also par. 630. MASSACHUSETTS Commission shall annually, on or before the first Wednesday in January, transmit to the secretary of the commonwealth a report to the general court of its doings, with such suggestions as to the condition of affairs or conduct of S046 corporations and companies which are engaged in the manu- facture and sale of gas or electricity for light or heat as may be appropriate, with such abstracts of the returns required by section 31 as it considers expedient and an abstract of the ac- cidents reported to it imder the provisions of section 39. Rev. Laws, igo2, ch. 121, sec. 7.^ Highway commission, shall annually, on or before the first Wednesday in January, transmit to the secretary of the com- monwealth a report to the general court of all proceedings imder 3047 the provisions of this act during the period covered by the report, together with such suggestions as to the condition or conduct of companies engaged in the transnaission of intelligence by elec- 1 See footnote i, par. 276. 787 tricity as commission may deem expedient. Acts igo6, ch. 433 sec. 4. Commission shall make an annual report, which shall be transmitted to the secretary of the commonwealth, on or before the first Wednesday in January, and be laid before the general court. The report shall include such statements, facts and explanations as will disclose the actual working of the system of railroad and railway transportation in its bearing upon the 3048 business and prosperity of the commonwealth, such suggestions as to its general railroad and railway policy, or any part thereof, or the condition, affairs or conduct of any railroad corporation or street railway company, as may seem to it appropriate, such tables and abstracts of all the returns required to be made by a corporation or company, as it considers expedient, and a report of any proceedings taken imder the provisions of section nine. Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. i, sec. 5. Railroad commission shall on or before January 15, of each year transmit to the bank commissioner a list of all street railway 3049 companies which appear from the returns made by said companies to have properly paid, without impairment of assets or capital stock, the dividends required by the preceding section. Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. Hi, sec. 148. Railroad commission shall prepare tables and abstracts of the returns of the several companies, and transmit said returns 3050 and tables and abstracts to the secretary of the commonwealth at the time and in the manner provided in section five, of part 1. for the transmission of the returns of railroad corporations. Same, sec. 1^3. See also pars. 75^, y6i, 2^04, 3442. MICHIGAN Commission shall, on January i, of each year, render to the governor a full and complete report of all such find- ings, decisions, determinations and investigations, together with a statement of all moneys expended by it or on its order, and of all salaries paid by or to it. It shall include in such report such 3061 recommendations as it shall desire to make on the conduct of railroad business in the state of Michigan, and such portion or abridgment of the reports of the various railroad corporations made to it as it shall deem to be of interest to the general public. Not more than 1,500 copies of this report shall be published, except by special authority of the board of state auditors. Puh» Acts iQOQy no. joo, sec. 48, See also pars. 48Q, 4220. 788 common carriers and warehouses, and report to him in writing its opinion thereon with its reasons therefor. Revisal igog, ch. 114, sec. iy6. INDIANA Commission shall make an annual report to the governor which shall be transmitted to him on or before the first Wednesday in January. The report shall include such state- ments, facts and explanations as will disclose the actual working of the system of railroad transportation in its bearing upon the business and prosperity of the state; such suggestions as to its general railroad policy or any part thereof or the condition, affairs or conduct of any railroad corporation as may seem to it 3041 appropriate, and such tables and abstracts of all the returns re- quired to be made by railroad corporations as it considers ex- pedient. Such report shall also include a complete accoimt of the transactions and proceedings of commission, together with a full detailed statement of its receipts and expenditures, and shall be published as the reports of other state officers and boards. Commission shall also publish, with annotations, for the in- formation of the public the laws of this state concerning the car- riers subject to this act. Acts igo'j, ch. 241, sec. io{b). IOWA Commission shall annually on or before the first Monday in December make a report to the governor of its doings for the preceding year, containing such facts, statements and explanations as will disclose the working of such systems of railroad transportation in the state, and their relation to the general business and prosperity of the citizens thereof, with such suggestions and recommendations in respect thereto as may to commission seem appropriate. Said report shall also contain, as to every railroad corporation: (i) amount of its capital; (2) amount of its preferred stock, if any, and the condition of its preferment; (3) amount of its funded debt and the rate of inter- est; (4) amount of its floating debt; (5) cost and actual present cash value of its road equipment, including permanent way, buildings and rolling stock, all real estate used exclusively in operating the road, and all fixtures and conveniences for trans- 3042 acting its business; (6) estimated value of all other property owned by it, with a schedule of the same, not including lands granted in aid of its construction; (7) number of acres originally granted it by the United States or this state in aid of the con- struction of its roads; (8) nimiber or acres of such land remaining 785 unsold; (9) list of its officers and directors, with their respective places of residence; (10) such statistics of the road and of its transportation business for the year as may, in the judgment of commission, be necessary and proper for the information of the general assembly or as may be required by the governor; (11) average amount of tonnage that can be carried over each road in the state with an engine of given power. Which report shall exhibit and refer to the condition of such corporation on the first day of July of each year, and the details of its transportation business transacted during the year ending June 30. Code iSgy, sec. 2114. See also pars. 757, 2442, 2630. KANSAS Commission shall, on or before the first Mon- day in December in each even numbered year, make a report to the governor of its acts and proceedings for the preceding years, containing such facts, statements and explanations as will dis- close the working of the system of railroad transportation in this state, and its relations to the general business and prosperity of the citizens of the state, and such recommendations in respect thereto as may seem appropriate. Said report shall also contain, as to every railway corporation: (i) amount of its capital stock and the amoimtpaid on the same; (2) amount of its preferred stock, if any, and the condition of its preferment ; (3) amount of its funded debt and the rate of interest; (4) amount of its floating debt; (5) amount of gross income from the operation of its road in Kansas, with the specific items and sources of such income, as far as practicable; (6) items of gross expense incurred in the operation of its road in Kansas; (7) the net income from the operation of its road in Kansas; (8) number of miles of road, 3043 single and double track being stated separately ; also the number of miles of side tracks and switches, with the location of the same, owned and operated by it in Kansas ; (9) actual cost and also the actual present cash value of its road and equipment, including permanent way, buildings, and rolling stock, all real estate used exclusively in operating the road, and all fixtures and conveniences for transacting its business in the state of Kansas; (10) estimated value of all other property owned or held by such corporation in Kansas, with a schedule of the same, including the lands granted in aid of its construction; (ii) list of all its officers and directors, with their respective places of residence; (12) average amount of tonnage that can be carried over each road in the state with an engine of given power; (13) maximum grade and number and 786 railway in any town, or any railroad in any town except within the limits of a city, until the company desiring to build or ex- tend its railway shall have applied to the superior court or judge thereof, and obtained, in the manner hereinafter provided, a finding that public convenience and necessity require the con- 3090 struction of such railway. Any company intending to build or extend such railway shall make an application to the .superior court or a judge thereof for a finding that public convenience and necessity require the construction of such railway; and such court or judge shall thereupon fix a time and place to hear such application, and shall cause notice to be served, at least twelve days before the day of hearing, upon any railroad company or companies and any street railway company or companies that may be affected by the construction of such road, and upon the se- lectmen of any town, the mayor of any city, or the warden and burgesses of any borough within whose limits it is proposed to build such railway. Such court or judge shall hear the parties and determine whether public convenience and necessity re- quire the construction of such railway, in whole or in part, and the decision of such court or judge shall be final and conclusive upon the parties. Gen. Stats. igo2, sec. 3846. KANSAS No common carrier or public utility shall transact business in the state until it shall have obtained a cer- tificate from commission that public convenience will be promoted by the transaction of said business and permitting said applicants 3091 to transact the business of a common carrier or public utility. This section shall not apply to any common carrier or public utility governed by the provisions of this act now transacting business in this state. Laws igii, ch. 2j8, sec. 31. MAINE Said directors (of a proposed railroad) shall present to the railroad commission a petition for approval of said articles of association, accompanied with a map of the pro- posed route on an appropriate scale. The railroad commission shall, on presentation of such petition, appoint a day for a hear- ing thereon, and the petitioners shall give such notice thereof as 3092 said commission deems reasonable and proper, in order that all persons interested may have an opportunity to appear and be heard thereon. If the railroad commission, after notice and hearing the parties, finds that all the provisions of sections one and two have been complied with, and that public convenience requires the construction of such railroad, said commission shall 801 indorse upon said articles a certificate of such facts and the approval of the board in writing. Rev. Stats, igoj, ch. 51, sec. j. Every (railroad) corporation organized under the foregoing provisions, before commencing the construction of its road, shall present to the railroad commission a petition for approval of location, defining its courses, distances and boundaries accom- panied with the map first presented, and with a profile of the line on the relative scales of profile paper in common use, and with a report and estimate prepared by a skilful engineer from 8093 actual survey. The railroad commission shall, on presentation of such petition, appoint a day for a hearing thereon, and the petitioners shall give such notice thereof as said commission deems reasonable and proper, in order that all persons interested may have an opportunity to appear and object thereto. If the railroad commission, after hearing the petition, approves the proposed location, the corporation may proceed with the con- struction thereof Same, sec. 6. Every (street railway) corporation organized under the foregoing provisions before commencing the construction of its road, shall present to the railroad commission a petition for approval of location defining its courses, distances and bound- aries, accompanied with a map of the proposed route on an appropriate scale with the written approval of the proposed route and location as to streets, roads or ways of the municipal officers of the cities and towns in which such railroad is to be constructed in whole or in part, and with a report and estimate prepared by a skilful engineer. * * * Said commission shall upon presentation of such petition appoint a day for a hearing thereon and the petitioner shall give such notice thereof as said commission deem reasonable and proper, in order that all per- sons interested may have an opportunity to appear and object thereto. At such hearing any person interested may appear in 3094 person or by counsel. The railroad commission, after hearing the petition, shall, if they approve such location, subject to the provisions of section 12, then determine whether a public con- venience requires the construction of such road and make a certificate of such determination in writing which certificate shall be filled with their clerk within 30 days after such hear- ing. * * * If the commission approve such location and find that public convenience requires the construction of such road, the corporation may proceed with the construction of such road, provided that it first files with the clerk of county com- 802 missioners for the county in which said street raikoad is to be located, a copy of the location and plan aforesaid and another copy of the same with the commission. Any extension of or addition to or variation from the location of any street rail- road organized under the provisions hereof, may be made in accordance with and subject to the foregoing provisions. . . . Rev. Siats. 1903, ch. jj, sec. 7. MARYLAND No common carrier, railroad or street railroad corporation, shall begin the construction of a railroad or street railroad or any extension thereof, or exercise any franchise or right under any provision of the railroad law, or of any other 3095 law, not heretofore lawfully exercised without having first ob- tained the permission and approval of commission. Commis- sion shall have power to grant the permission and approval when- ever it shall, after due hearing, determine that such construction or such exercise of a franchise or privilege is necessary or con- venient for the public service. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. 26. No gas or electrical corporation shall begin construction or exercise any right or privilege imder any franchise hereafter granted without first having obtained the permission and ap- proval of commission. No mimicipality except the mayor and 3096 city coimcil of Baltimore shall build, maintain and operate for other than municipal purposes any works or systems for the manufacture and supplying of gas or electricity for lighting pur- poses without a certificate of authority granted by the com- mission. Same^ sec. jj, MASSACHUSETTS In a city or town in which a gas company ex- ists in active operation, or in which a person owns or operates works for the manufactiu-e and sale of gas for Hght or heat, no other gas company, nor any other persons, shall dig up and open 3097 the streets, lanes and highways of such city or town, for the pur- pose of laying gas pipes therein, without the consent of the mayor and aldermen, or selectmen, granted after notice by publication or otherwise to all parties interested and a public hearing before them. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. 25. In a city or town in which a company, corporation or person is engaged in the manufacture or sale of electric light no other person, firm or corporation shall lay, erect, maintain or use, over or imder the streets, lanes and highways of such city or town, 3098 any wires for the transmission of electricity for light, heat or power except wires used for heat or power by street railway 803 companies, without the consent of the mayor and aldermen of such city or selectmen of such town granted after notice to all parties interested and a public hearing. Same, sec. 26. Any corporation, company or person aggrieved by the de- cision of the mayor and aldermen of a city or selectmen of a town, under the provisions of the two preceding sections, may, 3099 within 30 days from the notice of said decision, appeal therefrom to the gas and electric light commission, and said commission shall thereupon give due notice and hear all parties interested, and its decision thereon shall be final. Same, sec. 27. In consenting to the laying, erectiag, maiataining or using by a company incorporated or authorized to distribute and sell electricity exclusively for power, of any wires for the transmission of electricity over or under streets, lanes and highways as provided in section 26 of chapter 121 of the revised laws, the mayor and aldermen of a city or the selectmen of a town 3100 may, in addition to the provisions of law governing such com- panies, impose such other terms, limitations and restrictions as the public interest may, in their judgment, require, and upon an appeal therefrom, pursuant to section 2 7 of said chapter, the gas and electric light commission may, in addition to its present au- thority under said section, affirm, amend, alter or add to the terms, limitations and restrictions so imposed as the public interest: may in its judgment require. Acts igo8, ch. 6iy, sec. i. After compliance with the provisions ^ of sections 13 to 16, inclusive, and within 30 days after the first publication of notice of the agreement of association therein required, the directors therein named shall apply to the railroad commission for a 8101 certificate that public convenience and necessity require the construction of a railroad as proposed in such agreement. If said commission refuses to issue such certificate, no further proceedings shall be had, but the application may be renewed after one year from the date of such refusal. Acts igo6, ch. 46 J, pt. a, sec. 18. If they (the directors of the proposed railroad corporation and the aldermen of a city or the selectmen of a town) fail so to agree (as to the route through any city or town), the direc- tors may petition the railroad commission to fix the route in said city or town; and said commission, after notice to said sios board of aldermen or selectmen, shall hear the parties, and fix the route in such city or town and make a certificate setting 1 Sections i3lto i6 provide for the formation by general law of railroad corporations, 804 forth the route as fixed by it, which shall be certified by its clerk to the directors. The costs of the petition shall be paid by the directors. All variations from the route first proposed shall be made upon the map. Same, sec. 21. When it is shown to the satisfaction of the railroad commis- sion that the requirements of this chapter preliminary to the incorporation of a railroad corporation have been complied with, and that an amount sufficient in its judgment to pay all dam- ages immediate or consequential which may be occasioned by laying out, making and maintaining the railroad, or by taking any land or materials therefor, has in good faith been paid in cash to the treasurer, and when said commission is satisfied by a bond, or such other assurance of good faith as it may consider necessary and require, that said amount will remain in the sios hands of said treasurer until it is drawn out for the lawful ex- penditures of the corporation, the clerk of said commission, upon its order, shall annex to the agreement of association a certificate stating that such requirements have been complied with. The directors shall thereupon file the agreement of asso- ciation, with all the certificates annexed thereto, in the office of the secretary of the commonwealth; who, upon the payment to him of a fee of $50, shall receive and preserve the same in form convenient for reference and open to public inspection, and shall thereupon issue a certificate of incorporation substantially in the following form. . . . Same, sec. 24. A railroad corporation shall not locate or begin to construct its railroad or a branch or extension thereof, or enter upon and use land or other property, except for making surveys, until a sworn estimate of the total cost of constructing the same, pre- pared by its chief engineer, has been submitted to the railroad commission and approved by it; nor until said commission is satisfied that an amount of the capital stock of the corporation equal to at least 50 per cent, of such estimated cost has been actually subscribed by responsible parties without any condi- tion which invalidates the subscription, and that 20 per cent, of the par value of each share has been actually paid in; and that the authority and consent required by section 82 have been obtained; nor until the clerk of said commission, upon its 3104 order, has filed a certificate with the secretary of the common- wealth that the provisions of this section have been complied with; nor until the corporation has paid to the secretary a fee of $50 for filing such certificate. The supreme judicial court 805 shall have jurisdiction in equity, if said commission certifies a location before ascertaining that the authority and consent ^ required by section 82 have been obtained. The certificate of a master in chancery or a justice of a court of record for the county in which a subscriber resides that he owns property in his own name equal in value, above all encumbrances, to the amount of his subscription shall be conclusive evidence of his responsibility. If said commission refuses its approval to an estimate or a subscription list so submitted, it shall in writing state its reasons therefor in detail at the time and shall include them in its next annual report. Same, sec. 71. The board of aldermen of a city or the selectmen of a town are authorized on petition to grant original locations of tracks for street railways when in their opinion public necessity and convenience so require, and they may '^ prescribe how the tracks shall be laid and the kind of rails, poles, wires and other appli- ances which shall be used, and, in addition, to the general pro- visions of law governing such companies, and in respect of 3i05 matters not treated of in such provisions, impose such other terms, conditions and obligations, incidental to and not incon- sistent with the objects of a street railway company, as the public interests may in their judgment require; but no such location shall be valid until the railroad commission, after public notice and a hearing, shall certify that such location is consistent with the public interests." Acts igo6, ch. 463, pt. Hi, sec. 7, as amended by Acts igog, ch. 41'/, sec. i. If railroad commission requires an alteration in such loca- tion before certifying that the same is consistent with the public interests, said commission shall notify the board of aldermen or selectmen granting such location of such alteration; and there- after said board of aldermen or selectmen may amend vSuch 3106 location in accordance with such alteration; . . . and there- after the railroad commission may, as a part of the original proceedings before it, certify that such location so amended is consistent with the public interests. * * * A location granted by a board of aldermen or selectmen, but refused certification hereunder by the railroad commission, or not accepted as here- inbefore provided, shall be void. Same. When it is shown to the satisfaction of the railroad commis- sion that the requirements of this act preliminary to incorpora- tion of a (street railway) company have been complied with, 1 Section 82 requires the consent of county commissioners to the manner in which highways are to be crossed. 806 3107 and that Icx^ations have been obtained for a railroad between the termini and substantially over the route set forth in the agreement of association, the clerk of said commission, upon its order, shall annex to the agreement of association a certificate stating such fact. . . . Same, sec. g. A street railway constructed upon private land shall not be opened for public use until the railroad commission, after an examination, certifies that all laws relative to its construction and all requirements of said commission have been complied with, and that it appears to be in a safe condition for opera- 3108 tion. Said company may, at any time after the opening of a street railway for public use, order such changes and improve- ments to be made in the construction and operation of any part thereof upon private land as in its judgment may be necessary for public safety in the use thereof; and such order shall be complied with by the street railway company. Same, sec. 44. Provision is also made to the effect that if a street railway company desires to use private land and if on application it obtains the approval of the board of aldermen of a city or of the selectmen of a town in which it desires to take such land, it may apply to the railroad commission for approval of the ad- judication of the board of aldermen or of the selectmen as to the necessity and reasons for taking land or rights in land in 3109 every city or town in which such adjudication has been made. If the railroad commission after public notice and a hearing at which all persons or corporations alleging that they would be injured by the construction of the railway shall be deemed to be interested parties and entitled to be heard, grant the certifi" cate as prayed for, the petitioner may take in any city or town in the manner provided in the following section, any land or rights in land, the taking of which has so been approved by such commission. Same, sec. 46. The board of aldermen of a city or the selectmen of a town, after the expiration of one year from the opening for use of a street railway in their city or town, and after public notice and a hearing as provided in section seven, if the public necessity and convenience in the use of the streets so require, may, for 3110 good and sufficient reasons to be stated in the order therefor, revoke the location of a street railway in any highway or street in said city or town; but unless, within 30 days after such order of revocation, the company consents thereto in writing, such 807 order shall not be valid until approved by the railroad commis- sion after public notice and a hearing. Same, sec. 66. After compliance with the provisions of section one and of the two preceding sections (relating to agreements of associa- tion), and within 30 days after the first publication of notice of the agreement of association therein required, the directors (of an electric railroad company) therein named shall apply to the railroad commission for a certificate that public convenience and necessity require the construction of a railroad as proposed in such agreement. With such application said directors shall file a map of the railroad showing the cities and towns through which it will pass, the principal highways, railways, railroads, navigable streams and tide waters to be crossed, and the extent sill to which the route of the railroad will be fixed upon private land or will be located longitudinally upon public ways and places. They shall also file a general profile of the railroad showing the grades, and shall submit an estimate showing in reasonable detail the cost of construction. The directors shall also furnish such additional maps and information as said com- mission may require. Prior to the decision of said commission the directors may change or modify the route in any city or town in whole or in part either at the suggestion of said com- mission or otherwise. If said commission refuses to issue such certificate, no further proceedings shall be had, but the appli- cation may be renewed after one year from the date of such refusal. Acts igo6, ch. 516, sec. 5. It is further provided that the railroad commission with the approval of the board of aldermen of a city or the select- 3112 men of a town may fix the right of way of an electric railroad company. Same, sec. 7, as amended by Acts igoy, ch. 428, sec. 2, and Acts igo8, ch. 450. An electric railroad company ^ shall act as a common car- rier of baggage, express matter and freight in such cases, upon such parts of its railroad, and to such extent, in any city or town as, after public notice and a hearing . . . the board of aldermen or the selectmen or those exercising the powers of such board or of selectmen, in such city or town shall by order 8118 approve; provided, however, that a company shall actually engage in the business of a common carrier under authority of ' Authority for street railway companies to become common carriers of newspapers, baggage, express matters and freight suDJect to the approval of the railroad commission is conferred by acts 1907, ch. 402, sec. i. Such authority may be revoked or terminated at any time in any city or town or upon any part of the street railway by the board of alder- men or .selectmen with the approval of the railroad commission. 808 this act only in such of the cases upon such of the parts of its raihoad and to so much of the extent, approved as aforesaid, as the railroad commission shall certify, after public notice and a hearing that public necessity and convenience re- quire; . . . Same, sec. lo. MICHIGAN Any person, copartnership or corporation de- siring to obtain a franchise to construct a telephone system in any mimicipality, shall apply to said railroad commission for a cer- tificate of public convenience and necessity, and said commission may grant or withhold said certificate after a public hearing and siu investigation upon the merits of the application in the manner provided herein for the holding of public hearings and investi- gation on complaint, and no such person, copartnership or cor- poration shall be granted a franchise in any municipality in the state of Michigan to construct a telephone system until they have received a certificate of public convenience and necessity herein provided for. Puh. Acts igii, no. 138, sec. 7. NEW HAMPSHIRE Without having first obtained permission of commission no railroad corporation shall begin the construction of an extension of its railroad or of any branch thereof, and the commission shall grant such permission, whenever, after due hearing, it shall determine that such construction or extension S115 would be for the public good and not otherwise. If the petition shall be granted, the railroad corporation shall file in the office of secretary of state a copy of the petition and of the order of com- mission thereon. Authority granted imder the provisions of this section may only be exercised within two years after the same is granted, and shall not be exercised thereafter. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. 12(a). No public utility shall commence the business of trans- mission of telephone or telegraph messages or of supplying the public with gas, electricity or water, or shall engage in such busi- ness or begin the construction of a plant, line, main or other apparatus or appliance intended to be used therein in any city or town in which at the time it shall not already be engaged in such business, or shall exercise any right or privilege imder any franchise hereafter granted in such town, without first having obtained the permission and approval of commission. Com- 3116 mission shall grant such permission whenever it shall, after due hearing, determine and find that such engaging in business, such construction or such exercise of the right, privilege or franchise 809 wotdd be for the public good and not otherwise; and may pre- scribe such terms and conditions upon the exercise of the priv- ilege granted under such permission as it shall consider for the public interest. Authority granted tmder the provisions of this section may only be exercised within two years after the same shall be granted and shall not be exercised thereafter. Same, sec. ijia). NEW YORK Without first having obtained the permission and approval of the proper commission no railroad corporation, street railroad corporation or common carrier shall begin the construction of a railroad or street railroad, or any extension thereof, for which prior to the time when this act becomes a law a certificate of public convenience and necessity shall not have been granted by commission or where prior to said time said cor- poration or common carrier shall not have become entitled by virtue of its compliance with the provisions of the railroad law to begin such construction; nor except as above provided in this section shall any such corporation or common carrier exercise 3117 any franchise or right imder any provision of the railroad law, or of any other law, not heretofore lawfully exercised, without first having obtained the permission and approval of the proper commission. Commission within whose district such construc- tion is to be made or within whose district such franchise or right is to be exercised, shall have power to grant the permission and approval herein specified whenever it shall, after due hearing, determine that such construction or such exercise of the fran- chise or privilege is necessary or convenient for the public serv- ice. And if such construction is to be made or such franchise to be exercised in both districts, the approval of both com- missions shall be secured. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. jj. Held, that if the commission found that public necessity and con- venience required the construction of a proposed railroad, it had no authority to deny a certificate upon the ground that the franchise con- tract with a municipality was not a wise one. People ex. rel. South Shore Traction Co. vs. Willcox et al., ig6 N. Y. 212. No gas or electrical corporation shall begin construction of a gas or electric plant without having first obtained the permis- 8118 sion and approval of commission of each district within which any part of the work of construction is to be performed. Same, sec. 68. No such corporation shall exercise any right or privilege 3119 under any franchise hereafter granted without first having ob 810 tained the permission and approval of the proper commission. Same. Commission within whose district such construction is to be made, or within whose district such right, privilege or fran- chise is to be exercised shall have power to grant the permission siso and approval herein specified whenever it shall, after due hear- ing, determine that such construction or such exercise of the right, privilege or franchise is necessary or convenient for the public service. Same. No mimicipality shall build, maintain and operate for other than municipal purposes any works or systems for the manu- 3121 factiH-e and supplying of gas or electricity for lighting purposes without a certificate of authority granted by the commission. Same. No telegraph or telephone corporation hereafter formed shall begin construction of its telephone or telegraph lines without 3122 first having obtained the permission and approval of com- mission and its certificate of public convenience and necessity, after a hearing had upon such notice as commission may pre- scribe. Same, sec. pp(i). No railroad corporation formed after May i8, 1892, under the laws of this state shall exercise the powers conferred by law upon such corporations or begin the construction of its road until the directors shall cause a copy of the certificate of incor- poration to be published in one or more newspapers in each county in which the road is proposed to be located, at least once a week for three successive weeks, and shall file satisfactory proof thereof with the public service commission; nor until the commission shall certify that the foregoing conditions have been complied with, and also that public convenience and a necessity require the construction of said railroad as proposed in said cer- tificate of incorporation. The foregoing certificate shall be ap- plied for within six months after the completion of the three weeks' publication hereinbefore provided for. If a certificate is refused no fiuther proceedings shall be had before said com- mission, but the application may be renewed after one year from the date of such refusal. Prior to granting or refusing said certificate the commission shall have a right to permit errors, omissions or defects to be supplied and corrected. After a re- fusal to grant such certificate the commission shall certify a 3123 copy of all maps and papers on file in its office and of the findings of the commission when so requested by the directors aforesaid. 811 Such directors may thereupon present the same to the appellate division of the supreme court of the department within which said road is proposed in whole or in part to be constructed, and said appellate division shall have power, in its discretion, to order said commission, for reasons stated, to issue said certificate and it shall be issued accordingly. Such certificate shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state, and a copy thereof, certified to be a copy by the secretary of state, or his deputy, shall be evidence of the fact therein stated. Nothing in this section shall prevent any such railroad corporation from causing such examinations and surveys for its proposed railroad to be made as may be necessary to the selection of the most advan- tageous route; and for such piupose by its officers or agents and servants, entering upon the lands or water of any person, but subject to the responsibility for all damages which shall be done thereto. The certificate provided for in this section shall not dispense with the permission and approval provided for in sec- tion 53 of the public service commissions law. Laws igio, ch. 481, sec. g. Whenever application is made by a street surface railroad company for a certificate of public convenience and a necessity as required by the provisions of section 9, and it shall appear to the public service commission, after examination of the pro- posed route of the applicant company that public convenience and a necessity do not require the construction of said railroad as proposed in its certificate of incorporation but do require the construction of a part of the said railroad, the commission may issue its certificate for the construction of such part of the said railroad as seems to it to be required by public convenience and a necessity. In case any railroad company which shall here- after obtain the certificate of the commission that public con- venience and a necessity require the construction of the whole or a part of the said railroad shall fail to begin such construction within two years from the date of the issuing of said certificate, the commission may inquire into the reason for such failure and 8124 the said commission may revoke said certificate if it shall appear to it to be in the public interest so to do. Any street siurface railroad company which proposes to extend its road beyond the limits of any city or incorporated village by a route which will be practically parallel with a street surface railroad already constructed and in operation shall first obtain the certificate of the commission that public convenience and a necessity require 813 the construction of such extension as provided in the case of a railroad corporation newly formed. Before making application for such certificate the corporation shall cause to be advertised the route of the proposed extension in one or more newspapers in each coimty in which such extension is to be constructed, at least once a week for three successive weeks, and shall file satis- factory proof of such publication with the commission. Nothing in this section shall prevent street railroad companies from mak- ing extensions within the limits of cities or incorporated villages upon compliance with the provisions of law now applicable thereto. Same, sec. lo. Whenever it shall be made to appear to the public service commission that any steam railroad corporation, which has ob- tained from it or from the board of railroad commissioners a certificate under section 9 of this chapter since 1894, and whose road is less than ten miles in length, and was to be built 3125 in the counties of Saratoga and Washington, shall not have completed its construction and put it in operation within three years after obtaining such certificate, the said commission, on notice to such corporation, shall have the power to revoke the said certificate and consent and thereupon the corporate ex- istence and power of such railroad corporation shall cease and determine. Same, sec. 11. OHIO No telephone company shall exercise any per- mit, right, license or franchise that may hereafter be granted to own or operate a plant for the furnishing of any telephone serv- ice thereunder in any municipality or locality where there is in 3126 operation a telephone company furnishing adequate service unless such telephone company first secures from commission a certificate after public hearing of all parties interested that the exercise of such license, permit, right or franchise is proper and necessary for the public convenience. Laws igii, no. j2^, sec. 54. SOUTH DAKOTA No railroad hereafter constructed in this state shall parallel any other line of railroad, already constructed, within eight miles of the same, for a greater distance, in every 3127 100 miles which it may build, than ten miles, exclusive of its trackage in any corporate city or town, without first having, on notice to such competing road, obtained from the commission permission so to do. Sess. Laws igoy, ch. 21^, sec. i. Any railroad company desiring to construct a line of rail- road in this state, and having otherwise complied with all laws in 813 force relevant thereto, may file with the commission a plat of such road proposed to be constructed, stating the principal points through which it is desired to construct such road, and 3128 thereupon the commission may, if satisfied that such road is de- sirable, and that there is probability of the same being con- structed, grant a permit to such company to construct such road; and thereupon all the provisions of section i of this act shall apply to any other railroad which may seek to build into the same territory. Same, sec. 2. Every telephone company must, before commencing to charge, collect or receive any rate or charge for the transmission of any messages or for any service in connection therewith, or for the rent of any line or instrument, or facility of any kind, file with the commission, a full, true and correct schedule or tariff showing every such rate or charge and a correct, examined copy verified by such telephone company, its officers or authorized agents, of every franchise and license granted to such company by any municipality in this state or assigned to it by any grantee thereof and still remaining in force, as well as a true, full and correct copy 8129 of any contract or agreement entered into by said company with any mtmicipality, telephone company or companies, within 20 days after the granting or assignment of such franchise or license, or making of such contract or agreement. Such copies shall be duly certified as full, true and correct by the president, secretary or managing agent of such company. Provided, that all filings heretofore made with the board of telephone commissioners, as required by chapter 239 of Session Laws of 1907, shall in so far as they meet the requirements of this act, be deemed as filed with the commission at the time of taking effect of this act. Sess. Laws iQop, ch. 28g, sec. 4, as amended by Sess. Laws 1911, ch. 218, sec. 2. VERMONT The state may, at any time during the con- tinuance of the charter of a railroad corporation, after the ex- piration of 20 years from the opening of its railroad for use, pur- chase of the corporation the railroad, and the franchise, property, 8180 rights and privileges of the corporation, by paying it therefor such sum as will reimburse the amount of capital paid in, with a net profit thereon of ten per cent, per annum from the time of the payment thereof by the stockholders to the time of such purchase. Fuh. Stats. igo6, sec. 4328. Before the articles of association are thus filed, the persons who have subscribed them shall petition the public service com- 814 mission to hold a public hearing in the county where the pro- posed corporation is to have its principal office, to determine whether the construction of the proposed railroad will promote the general good of the state, and also whether they have complied with the provisions of the statute for the formation of a railroad corporation by voliintary association. Said commission shall thereupon appoint a time and place in such coimty for hearing the petition, and make an order for the publication of the sub- stance of the petition and of the time and place of the hearing 3131 three weeks consecutively in a newspaper published in the coimty, or, for want thereof, in an adjoining county, the last pub- lication to be at least 12 days before the day appointed for the hearing. The state's attorney of the county shall represent the state at the hearing. If, after the hearing, said commission finds and adjudges that the construction of the proposed railroad will be promotive of the general good of the state, and that the associates have complied with the provisions of the statute for the formation of a railroad corporation by voluntary association, it shall give the associates a certificate, under its hand and seal, to that effect, which shall be attached to and be recorded with the articles of association by the secretary of state. Same, sec, 4338. WISCONSIN No railroad corporation hereafter organized shall exercise the powers conferred upon it by the laws of Wiscon- sin, nor begin the construction of any proposed line of railroad in this state, until it shall have obtained from the railroad com- 3132 mission of Wisconsin, a certificate that public convenience and necessity require the construction of said railroad as proposed in the articles of association of said railroad company, and such certificate shall constitute the license from this state to the com- pany to build its said proposed railroad. Laws igoy, ch. 4^4, sec. 1797-39. Application for the foregoing certificate shall be made within 3133 six months from and after the publication of the articles of asso- ciation of the company applying in the manner hereinafter set forth. Same, sec. 1797-40. No railroad corporation shall make application for such cer- tificate imless it shall have caused a copy of its articles of asso- ciation to be published in one or more newspapers in each coimty 3134 in which the road is proposed to be located at least once in each week for two successive weeks and within six months next prior to the time of making such application, and shall file satisfactory 815 proof thereof with the said railroad commission. Same, sec 1797-41- Nothing in this act shall prevent any railroad corporation from causing such examination and surveys for its proposed 3136 railroad to be made as may be necessary in order to select the best and most advantageous route, and for that purpose to enter upon the lands of any owner, but subject to responsibility for any damage that may be done thereto. Same, sec. 1797-42. Every application for a certificate of convenience and necessity imder the provisions hereof shall be accompanied by complete maps and profiles of the line of the proposed road, which maps and profiles shall be filed with the application by 8136 said railroad commission. Prior to the granting or refusing of said certificate the commission shall have the right to permit errors, omissions or defects in the application, maps and pro- files to be supplied or corrected, and also to permit changes in the proposed route to be made where the same are deemed desirable. Same, sec. 1797-43. If any railroad company heretofore organized shall hereafter desire to extend its line or lines of railroad in this state or to build extensions or branches connected therewith, or to construct any unconstructed portion of its authorized line of railroad, or any line of railroad whatever for which the right-of-way and local consents and franchises have not been procured, it shall, before beginning construction thereof, make application to the railroad 3137 commission for a certificate of convenience and necessity author- izing the construction of such extension or branch or lines in the manner hereinbefore provided; except that it shall not be neces- sary to publish the articles of association of such railroad but only to publish the notice of hearing of such application at least once in each week for two successive weeks preceding such hearing in one or more newspapers in each coimty in which said exten- sion, branch or line is to be built. Same, sec. 1797-44. Upon receiving an application imder the provisions of this act, the railroad commission shall forthwith set a time and place for the hearing of such application, which time shall not be less than three weeks nor more than eight weeks from the date of filing such application, and the place shall be at the city of Madison, or at some place along the line of the proposed railroad 3188 if the commission shall deem the latter more convenient. The commission shall thereupon give to the applicant a notice of the time and place of said hearing, which notice shall be published 816 by the applicant at least once each week for two successive weeks preceding such hearing in one or more newspapers in each county in which the road is proposed to be located, and satisfactory proof of such publication shall be filed by the applicant with said railroad commission. Same, sec. ijgj-4^. At such hearing or any adjournment thereof the commis- sion shall carefully consider such application and shall hear such applicant by counsel or agents in support thereof and any S1S9 person or corporation in person or by coimsel or agents in oppo- sition thereto and upon demand of the applicant or any person or corporation appearing in opposition, take evidence and testi- mony orally or by deposition in support of the application or in opposition thereto. Same, sec. ijgy-46. AH provisions of chapter 362 of the laws of 1905,^ or any act amendatory thereof, relating to the subpoenaing of witnesses, the production of books, docimients and papers, the adminis- tration of oaths, punishment for disobedience of an order of the commission or any commissioner, or of a subpoena, or for refusal S140 of a witness to be sworn or to testify, witness fees, the payment thereof, taking depositions, the keeping of a record of the pro- ceedings, the taking of testimony, transcribing copies of evidence and testimony, or relating to the •procedure before said com- mission not inconsistent with this act, shall apply to all pro- ceedings imder this act. Same, iygj-4y. Upon the conclusion of the hearings of said application as above provided, said commission shall carefully consider all the evidence submitted, and if the said commission, or a majority of them, shall find that the proposed railroad would be a public convenience and that a necessity requires the construction of said proposed railroad, the said railroad commission shall forth- with grant and issue to the applicant a certificate that public convenience and a necessity require the construction of said railroad as proposed. Such certificate shaU be filed in the office of the secretary of state, and a copy thereof, certified to by the secretary of state, shall be evidence of the facts therein stated. 3141 Said commission shall also approve the map showing the proposed route of said railroad and shaU file the same in their office. The applicant shall cause a copy of such map certified by the secretary of said commission to be a copy of the original, with the seal of said commission affixed, to be filed in the office of the register of deeds in each county in which said railroad shall be located. 1 Railroad commission law. 817 The filing of said certificate with the secretary of state and the filing of a copy of said map showing said proposed route as above provided, shall be a condition precedent to the right of said appli- cant railroad to institute and maintain condemnation proceedings for the acquirement of land for the right of way, stations and other necessary uses of said railroad. SamCy sec. i'jgy-4S. If upon the conclusion of said hearing of said application said commissioners or a majority of them shall find and determine that said proposed railroad is not a necessity or is not required by public convenience either because already existing railroads or other means of transportation adequately provide for the neces- sities and requirements of the public, or for any other reason, 3142 then said railroad commission shall refuse to grant said certificate and shall make such refusal a matter of record in the proceed- ings, stating their reasons for such refusal, and shall give the applicant a copy of such refusal. If said certificate is refused no further proceedings shall be had before said railroad commission in the matter, but the application may be renewed after two years from the date of such refusal. Same, sec. i'/q'/-4q. Any railroad corporation or other party in interest, having appeared before said commission upon the hearing of such appli- cation and being dissatisfied with the action of the railroad com- mission in granting or refusing to grant such certificate, may file written notice thereof with said commission, whereupon said commission shall immediately certify and deliver to and file with the clerk of the circuit court of Dane county the application and all maps, profiles, testimony, evidence, depositions and all other records, papers and proceedings on file in its office relating to said application and a copy of its findings and decision thereon, which shall constitute a record in said court in said manner. The party filing such written notice of dissatisfaction with the com- mission shall thereupon and upon such record be entitled to an order to show cause, to be granted by the presiding judge at any time within thirty days after the filing of said record with said clerk. Said order to show cause shall be served upon all per- 8143 sons and corporations who have appeared before the railroad com- mission in such matter in such manner as shall be prescribed by said presiding judge. Upon the hearing of such order to show cause the court shall examine said record, findings and decisions and determine the legality of the proceedings before said com- mission and of the order of said commission and the grounds thereof and shall have power to enter such judgment or order as 8i8 may be proper and just. An appeal from the order or judgment of the circuit court may be taken by any party aggrieved thereby to the supreme court of this state by the service of a notice of such appeal upon all parties or their attorneys who appeared in the circuit court in such matter and on the clerk of such court within thirty days from the date of the service upon such party of a copy of such order or judgment. Such appeal shall be perfected and proceedings stayed by the service and filing of an under- taking on such appeal as is now provided by law in cases of appeal from an order. Samey sec. lygj-^o. This section gives no power to the commission to authorize the building of a part only of a railroad which it has certified to be required by public convenience and necessity. Eastern Ry. Co. v. McCord, 136 Wis. 24g. Whenever an application is made by a railroad company for a certificate of public convenience and necessity, as required by this act, and it shall appear to the railroad commission after an examination of the proposed route of the applicant company that 3144 public convenience and a necessity do not require the construc- tion of said railroad as proposed in its application, but do require the construction of a part of said proposed railroad, the said rail- road commission may issue a certificate for the construction of such part of said proposed railroad as seems to them to be re- quired by public convenience and necessity. Same, sec. lygy-si- In case any railroad company hereafter obtaining a certifi- cate from the railroad commission that pubHc convenience and a necessity reqtiire the construction of the whole or part of its 'proposed railroad shall fail to begin such construction within one 3145 year from the date of the issuing of said certificate, or having begun such construction, shall fail to prosecute the same, the railroad commission may inquire into the reasons for such failiire and may revoke the said certificate, if it shall appear after notice and hearing that such failure is unreasonable. Same, sec. ijgy-^2. The provisions of this act shall apply to all steam, electric and other surface railroads in this state, except construction or 3146 extension of electric railroads in cities, and to railroads for the construction of which municipal aid has heretofore been voted and now available upon completion. Same, sec. lygj-SS- Under sections 1797-43 to 1797-53, the right to construct a railroad is now exclusively referable to the certificate of public convenience and necessity under these sections. State, vs. Railroad Com., 140 Wis. 145- 819 upon receiving the certificate of public convenience and necessity, the apphcant railroad shall before commencing con- struction of its railroad or any extension or branch thereof, submit to the railroad commission a condensed specification of the kind and character of construction that it proposes to install, which specification shall show the kind, quality and weight of the rail proposed to be used,, the mode of construction, character, 8147 quality and strength of all bridges, culverts and viaducts, in- cluding abutments and approaches proposed to be built, the grade of and proposed method of draining the road-bed, and kind of power to be used and the power plant and appliances to be employed in power production, and such other saHent facts relating to the construction of said proposed railroad as the com- mission under the rules to be prescribed by them may require. Samey sec. i'jg'j-^4. Upon receiving the specification required by the foregoing section, the said railroad commission shall examine the same and shall hear the applicant railroad in support thereof, shall sug- gest and require modifications of said specification if in their judgment the public safety so demand, shall visit and inspect the said proposed line of railroad or extension or branch thereof, if deemed desirable, and shall otherwise investigate and determine 3148 that the proposed construction will be adequate for securing and protecting the public safety in the operation of said proposed rail- road or extension or branch thereof, and thereupon the said com- mission shall grant to said applicant railroad an order approving said specification as amended — ^if the same shall be amended — and authorizing the construction of said proposed railroad or extension or branch thereof in accordance therewith. Same, sec. 1797-55- See also par. 320J. 2, The Exercise of Franchise Privileges Previously Granted. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA No street railroad corporation, gas, electrical, telephone or water corporation shall exercise any right or priv- ilege under any franchise or permit heretofore granted but not 8149 heretofore actually exercised, or the exercise of which has been suspended for more than one year, without fif st having obtained from commission a certificate that public convenience and necessity require the exercise of such right or privilege. Ariz, — 820 Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 5o{h); Cal. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 50Q)). When commission shall find, after hearing, that a public utility! has heretofore begun actual construction work and is prosecuting such work in good faith, uninterruptedly and with reasonable diligence in proportion to the magnitude of the SI60 undertaking, under any franchise or permit heretofore granted but not heretofore actually exercised, such public utility ^ may proceed, under such rules and regulations as commission may prescribe, to the completion of such work and may, after such completion, exercise such right or privilege. Same. This section shall not be construed to validate any right or 8161 privilege now invalid or hereafter becoming invalid under any law of this state. Same. MARYLAND No gas or electrical corporation shall begin construction or exercise any right or privilege under any fran- S162 chise heretofore granted but not heretofore actually exercised without first having obtained the permission and approval of commission. Laws igio, ch. 180, sec. jj. NEW HAMPSHIRE No public utility shall commence the business of transmission of telephone or telegraph messages or supplying the public with gas, electricity or water, or shall engage in such business or begin the construction of a plant, line, main or other 8153 apparatus or appliances intended to be used therein in any city or town in which at the time it shall not already be engaged in such business, or shall exercise any right or privilege under any franchise heretofore granted but not heretofore actually exer- cised in such town, without first having obtained the permission and approval of commission. Laws igii, ch. 164, sec. 13(a). NEW YORK No gas or electrical corporation shall exercise any right or privilege under any franchise heretofore granted but 8164 not heretofore actually exercised or the exercise of which shall have been suspended for more than one year without first having obtained the permission and approval of the proper commissions. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 68. OHIO No telephone company shall exercise any per- mit, right, license or franchise that may have been heretofore granted but not actually exercised to own or operate a plant for the furnishing of any telephone service thereunder in any munic- 1 "Public service corporation," in Arizona. 821 3165 ipality or locality where there is in operation a telephone com- pany furnishing adequate service unless such telephone company has secured from commission a certificate after public hearing of all parties interested that the exercise of such license or such permit, right or franchise is proper and necessary for the public convenience. Laws igii, no. j2$, sec. 54. J. Conditions Precedent to the Issue of Certificates. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA Before any certificate may issue imder this section, a certified copy of its articles of incorporation or charter, if the applicant be a corporation, shall be filed in the office of commission. Every applicant for a certificate shall file in the office of commission such evidence as shall be required by com- mission to show that such applicant has received the required consent, franchise or permit of the proper county, city and 3156 county, municipal or other public authority. Commission shall have power, after hearing, to issue such certificate, as prayed for, or to refuse to issue the same, or to issue it for the construc- tion of a portion only of the contemplated street railroad, line, plant or system, or extension thereof, or for the partial exercise only of said right or privilege, and may attach to the exercise of the rights granted by such certificate such terms and conditions as in its judgment the public convenience and necessity may require. Ariz. — Sess. Laws ipi2, ch. go, sec. jo{c); Cat. — Stats. iQiiy ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 5o{c). If a public utility! desires to exercise a right or privilege under a franchise or permit which it contemplates securing, but which has not as yet been granted to it, such public utility ^ may apply to commission for an order preliminary to the issue of the certificate. Commission may thereupon make an order declar- 3157 ing that it will thereafter, upon application, under such rules and regulations as it may prescribe, issue the desired certificate upon such terms and conditions as it may designate after the public utility 1 has obtained the contemplated franchise or permit. Upon the presentation to commission of evidence satisfactory to it that such franchise or permit has been secured by such public utility 1 commission shall thereupon issue such certificate. Same. MARYLAND Before such certificate shall be issued a certi- fied copy of the charter of such gas or electrical corporation shall be filed in the office of commission, together with a verified * " Public service corporation," in Arizona. 822 statement of the president and secretary of the corporation 3158 showing that it has received the required consent of the proper municipal authorities. If the certificate of authority is refused, no further proceedings shall be taken before commission, but a new application may be made therefor after one year from the date of refusal. Laws igio, ch. i8o, sec. jj. NEW YORK Before such certificate shall be issued a cer- tified copy of the charter of such gas or electrical corporation 3159 shall be filed in the office of commission together with a verified statement of the president and secretary of the corporation showing that it has received the required consent of the proper municipal authorities. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 68. Before any such certificate shall be issued there must be filed in the office of commission by the telegraph or telephone 3160 corporation applicant therefor a verified statement showing that the required consent of the proper municipal authorities has been obtained. Same, sec. gp(i). WISCONSIN See par. 3141. B. RELATIONS BETWEEN STATE COMMIS- SIONS AND MUNICIPALITIES. CALIFORNIA Every private corporation, and every indi- vidual or association of individuals, owning, operating, manag- ing, or controlling any commercial railroad, interurban railroad, street railroad, canal, pipe line, plant, or equipment, or any part of such railroad, canal, pipe line, plant or equipment within this state, for the transportation or conveyance of passengers, or express matter, or freight of any kind, including crude oil, or for the transmission of telephone or telegraph messages, or 3161 for the production, generation, transmission, delivery or fur- nishing of heat, light, water or power or for the furnishing of storage or wharfage facilities, either directly or indirectly, to or for the public, and every common carrier, is hereby declared to be a public utility subject to such control and regulation by commission as may be provided by the legislature, and every class of private corporations, individuals, or associations of indi- viduals hereafter declared by the legislature to be public utilities shall likewise be subject to such control and regulation. Const., art. xii, sec. 2j, as amended Oct. 10, igii. 823 Commission shall have and exercise such power and juris? diction to supervise and regulate public utilities, in this state and to fix the rates to be charged for commodities furnished oi sie2 services rendered by public utilities as shall be conferred upor it by the legislature, and the right of the legislature to confer powers upon commission respecting public utilities is hereby declared to be plenary and to be unlimited by any provision of this constitution. Same. From and after the passage by the legislature of laws con- ferring powers of commission respecting public utilities, all powers respecting such public utilities vested in boards of super- visors, or municipal counvSels, or other governing bodies of the several counties, cities and counties, cities and towns, in this state, or in any commission created by law and existing at the time of the passage of such laws, shall cease so far as such powers shall conflict with the powers so conferred upon commission; provided, however, that this section shall not affect such powers of control over any public utility vested in any city or county or incorporated city or town as, at an election to be held pur- suant to laws to be passed hereafter by the legislature, a majority 8183 of the qualified electors voting thereon, of such city and county, or incorporated city or town, shall vote to retain, and until such election such power shall continue unimpaired; but if the vote so taken shall not favor the continuation of such powers they shall thereafter vest in commission as provided by law; and provided, further, that where any such city and county or incor- porated city or town shall have elected to continue any powers respecting pubHc utilities, it may, by vote of a majority of its qualified electors voting thereon, thereafter surrender such powers to commission in the manner to be prescribed by the legislature ; or if such municipal corporation shall have surrendered any powers to commission, it may, by like vote, thereafter reinvest itself with such power. Same. Nothing in this section shall be construed as a limitation S164 upon any power conferred upon commission by any provision of this constitution now existing or adopted concurrently here- with. Same. This act shall not affect such powers of control over any public utility vested in any city and county or incorporated city or town as, at an election to be held purvSuant to laws to be hereafter passed by the legislature, a majority of the quali- fied electors voting thereon of such city and county, or incor- 824 porated city or town, shall vote to retain, and until such elec- tion such powers shall continue unimpaired in such city and county or incorporated city or town; but if the vote so taken shall 3165 not favor the continuation of such powers they shall thereafter vest in the commission; provided, that where any such city and county or incorporated city or town shall have elected to con- tinue any powers respecting public utilities, it may, by a vote of a majority of its qualified electors voting thereon, thereafter sur- render such powers to the commission in the manner to be pre- scribed by the legislatiu*e ; or if such municipal corporation shall have surrendered any powers to the commission, it may, by like vote, thereafter reinvest itselt with such power. Siats. igii, I St. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 82. Any city and county, or incorporated city or town, may re- tain its powers of control vested therein respecting any one or more classes of public utilities and may thereafter surrender such 8166 powers to the railroad commission of the state of California, hereinafter called the railroad commission, or may reinvest itself with such powers as it may have surrendered to the railroad com- mission, all as in this act provided. Stats. loii, isi. ex. sess., ch. 40, sec. I. The term "municipal corporation, " as used in this act shall be construed to mean a city and county, or an incorporated city 3167 or town. The term ''legislative body, " as used in this act, shall be construed to mean the board of supervisors, municipal council, commission or other legislative or governing body of a municipal corporation. Same, sec. 2. The terms "railroad corporation," "street railroad corpor- ation," "common carrier," "gas corporation," "electrical cor- poration," "water corporation," "telephone corporation," 3168 "telegraph corporation," "wharfinger," "warehouseman" and "public utility," as used in this act, shall severally have the same meaning as is given to them, respectively, in section two of the act known as the "public utilities act." Same, sec. j. The question whether any mtmicipal corporation shall re- tain its powers of control respecting one or more classes of public utilities may be submitted to the qualified electors of such municipal corporation, as provided in this act, either at a general municipal election or at a special election held therein. Such question may be so submitted, either in pursuance of an ordinance of intention adopted by a vote of three-fifths of all the members of the legislative body of such mimicipal corporation, declaring 825 that the public interest requires the submission of, and that it is the intention of such legislative body to submit, such question to a vote of the qualified electors of such municipal corporation, or in pursuance of a petition of qualified electors of such munic- ipal corporation, as hereinafter provided. Such ordinance of intention or such petition as the case may be, shall contain the 3169 propositions proposed to be so submitted, as set forth in section six of this act. Such petition shall be signed by qualified electors of such municipal corporation, equal in number to ten per cent, of such qualified electors, computed upon the total ntimber of votes cast in such municipal corporation for all candidates for governor at the last preceding general election prior to the filing of such petition at which a governor was elected But if, by the certificate of the clerk, such petition, or such petition together with a supplemental peti- tion, is shown to be sufficient, the clerk shall forthwith present the same to the legislative body of such municipal corporation. The sufficiency or insufficiency of such petition shall not be sub- ject to review by such legislative body. After the election held in pursuance of such petition, the sufficiency of such petition in any respect shall not be subject to judicial review or be otherwise questioned Same, sec. 4. Upon the adoption of such ordinance of intention, or the presentation as aforesaid of such petition, as provided in section four of this act, the legislative body of such mimicipal corpora- tion shall, by ordinance, order the holding of a special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of such municipal corporation the propositions set forth in such ordinance of intention or in such petition, as the case may be, which prop- ositions shall be those set forth in section six of this act, or such legislative body shall, by ordinance, order the submission of such propositions at a general mimicipal election, as hereinafter pro- 8170 vided. Such special election shall be held not less than 20 days nor more than 60 days after the adoption of the ordinance of intention provided for in section four of this act, or the presenta- tion of such petition to said legislative body; provided, that if a general municipal election shall occur in said municipal corpora- tion not less than 20 days nor more than 60 days after the adop- tion of said ordinance of intention or the presentation of said petition to said legislative body, said propositions may be sub- mitted at such general municipal election, in the same manner as other propositions are required by law to be submitted at gen- 826 eral municipal elections in such municipal corporation Same, sec. 5. If it shall appear from the result of such election, as so declared, that a majority of the qualified electors of such munic- ipal corporation voting on any proposition submitted, as provided in section five of this act, shall have voted to retain the powers of control of such municipal corporation respecting any particular class of public utility, such municipal corporation shall be deemed to have elected to retain such powers of control respecting such class of public utility, and such powers shall be exercised by such mimicipal corporation imtil the same may be surrendered as hereinafter provided ; and if it shall appear from the result of such election, as so declared, that a majority of such qualified electors so voting on any such proposition shall have voted not to retain 3171 such powers respecting any class of public utility, such municipal corporation shall be deemed to have elected not to retain such powers of control respecting such class of public utility, and such power of control shall thereafter vest in and be exercised by the railroad commission as provided by law Immediately upon the filing of such certified copy of such order in the office of the railroad commission, the powers of control theretofore vested in such municipal corporation over any class or classes of public utilities which a majority of the qualified electors of such munic- ipal corporation voting thereof shall have voted not to retain, as shown by such order, shall thereupon vest in and be exercised by the railroad commission, imtil such municipal corporation shall reinvest itself with such powers of control as hereinafter provided. Same, sec. 7. Any mimicipal corporation which shall have voted to re- tain the powers of control vested therein respecting any class or classes of public utilities, or which may have reinvested itself with 8172 such power, as hereinafter provided, may thereafter surrender its powers of control as to such class or classes of public utilities at a general municipal election or a special election therein, called for that purpose Same, sec. 8. Any mimicipal corporation that shall have surrendered to the railroad commission powers of control respecting any class of public utility may thereafter reinvest itself with such powers by a vote of the qualified electors thereof taken at a general munic- ipal election or at a special election The provisions of sections four, five and seven of this act, in so far as applicable, shall apply to elections called, conducted and held under the pro- 827 visions of this section and to general municipal elections at which such propositions shall be submitted. If it shall appear from the result of such election, declared as provided in said section seven, that a majority of the qualified electors of such municipal cor- poration voting on any proposition submitted as provided in this section shall have voted to reinvest such municipal corporation with powers of control respecting any particular class of public utility, such mimicipal corporation shall be deemed to have re- 8173 invested itself with such powers, and upon the filing in the office of the railroad commission of a certified copy of the order de- claring the result of such election the powers of control with which such municipal corporation shall have voted to reinvest itself, as shown by such order, shall cease to be exercised by the railroad commission, and shall vest in and be exercised by such municipal corporation and if it shall appear from the result of such election, as declared, that a majority of the qualified elec- tors of such municipal corporation voting on any such proposition, as provided in this section, shall have voted not to reinvest such mimicipal corporation with powers of control respecting any par- ticular class of public utility, such powers of control shall con- tinue in and be exercised by the railroad commission; provided, that such municipal corporation may thereafter reinvest itself with such powers of control at any subsequent election at which such question may be again so submitted imder the provisions of this act. Same, sec. g. The holding of a special election or elections, or the sub- mission of propositions at any general municipal election, under any of the provisions of this act, shall not be construed to pre- clude the holding of a subsequent special election or elections or 8174 the subsequent submission of propositions at a general municipal election or elections, on the question of the retention, surrender or reinvestment by a municipal corporation of its powers of con- trol respecting any class or classes of public utilities, as in this act provided; provided, that no more than one such special elec- tion shall be held within any period of 12 months. Same, sec. 10. GEORGIA See par. 255. KAJ^SAS The power and authority to control and regu- late all public utilities and common carriers situated and operated 8175 wholly or principally within any city or principally operated for the benefit of such city or its people shall be vested exclusively in such city subject only to the right to apply for relief to com- mission. Laws iQii, ch. 2j8, sec. j. 838 A public utility which owns or operates a separate equipment, plant or machinery for any of the specified purposes in two or more cities is not within this exception. State vs. Wyandotte County Gas Company, Supreme Court of Kansas, no. 18221, November, igi2. Every municipal council or commission shall have the power and authority, subject to any law in force at the time, to con- tract with any public utility or common carrier, situated and operated wholly or principally within any city or principally operated for the benefit of such city or its people, by ordinance or resolution, duly considered and regularly adopted: (i) As to the quality and character of each kind of product or service to be furnished or rendered by any public utility or common car- rier, and the maximimi rates and charges to be paid therefor to the public utility or common carrier furnishing such product or service within said municipality, and the terms and conditions, not inconsistent with this act or any law in force at the time, imder which such public utility or common carrier may be per- mitted to occupy the streets, highways or other public property within such municipality. (2) To require and permit any pubhc S176 utility or common carrier to make such additions or extensions to its physical plant as may be reasonable and necessary tor the benefit of the public, and may designate the location and nature of such additions and extensions and the time within which such shall be completed, and the terms and conditions under which the same shall be constructed. (3) To provide a reasonable and lawful penalty for the non-compliance with the provision of any ordinance or resolution adopted in pursuance with the provisions hereof; provided, however, that no ordi- nance or resolution granting or extending any right, privilege or franchise shall be in force or effect until 30 days after the same shall have been duly published; nor if any complaint be made, as hereinafter provided for, shall said ordinance or resolution be in effect while any proceedings to review before said com- mission or action or appeal in any court in relation thereto shall be pending. Same, sec. 33. Upon any complaint being made, within 15 days after the publication of any such ordinance or resolution, to the commis- sion by any such public utility or common carrier, or by ten or more taxpayers of any such municipality a bond to pay the costs « of the hearing having first been filed by the complainant with and approved by the said commission, that any right, ^"privilege or franchise granted, or ordinance or resolution or part '^of_ any 829 ordinance or resolution adopted, by any municipal council or commission is unreasonable, or against public policy, or detri- mental to the best interests of the city, or contrary to any pro- visions of law, the commission shall set a date for the hearing of such complaint, not less than ten days after date of filing thereof, and shall cite the parties interested to appear on the date named, which date shall be not less than ten days after the fixing of the date of the hearing, and on that date, or at a time agreed upon by the interested parties, or a date fixed by the commission, the com- plainant shall present such evidence as they or it may have in support thereof, and show why such complaint should be sus- tained, and the commission may inquire into the allegations in such complaint, and may subpoena witnesses, and take testi- 3177 mony to ascertain the truth of the allegations contained therein in contemplation of bringing an action as hereinafter provided; and if said commission shall find that any provision of any such ordi- nance or resolution is imreasonable, or against the public wel- fare or public interest, or has reason to believe that the same may be contrary to law, said commission shall within ten days ad- vise and recommend such changes in the ordinance or resolution as may be necessary to meet the objections set forth in the com- plaint and protect the public interest, and to remove any un- reasonable provision therefrom; and if such municipal council or commission shall not within 20 days thereafter amend such ordi- nance or resolution to conform to the recommendations of said commission, the commission may, in the name of the state of Kansas, within 30 days after such finding, commence proceedings against such municipal council or commission and common car- rier or public utility in any court of competent jurisdiction, to set aside any ordinance or resolution, or part thereof, because of its unreasonableness or illegality, or because the same is not for the promotion of the welfare and best interests of said municipal- ity, which action and proceedings shall be in conformity with the provisions of this act. Same. KENTUCKY See par. 1187. MAINE Said street railroads shall be constructed and maintained in such form and manner, and with such rails and upon such grade as the municipal officers of the cities and towns where the same are located may direct, and whenever in the judgment of such corporation it shall be necessary to alter the grade of any city, town or county road, said alterations shall be HT8 made at the sole expense of said corporation with the assent and 830 I in accordance with the directions of said municipal officers. The said corporation may at any time appeal from the decisions of such municipal officers determining the form and manner of the construction and maintenance of its railroad and the kind of rail to be used, to the commission who shall upon notice hear the parties and finally determine the questions raised by said appeal. Rev. Stais. 190J, ch. 55, sec. ig. The municipal officers of any town may make at all times such regulations as to the mode of use of tracks of any street railroad, the sprinkling and watering in cities by any street rail- road of the space between and one foot beyond the outer rails of said tracks for the purpose of laying the dust, the rate of speed 3179 and the removal and disposal of snow and ice from the streets, roads and ways, by any street railroad corporation, as the public safety and convenience may require. Any street railroad cor- poration may appeal from the decision of such mtinicipal officers making any regulation under this section to the commission, who shall upon notice hear the parties and finally determine the questions raised by said appeal. Same, sec. 25. NEVADA See par. 304. NEW JERSEY No privilege or franchise hereafter granted to any public utility by any political subdivision of this state shall be valid imtil approved by commission, such approval to be given when, after hearing, commission determines that such 3180 privilege or franchise is necessary and proper for the public con- venience and properly serves the public interests, and com- mission shall have power in so approving to impose such con- ditions as to construction, equipment, maintenance, service or operation as the public convenience and interests may reasonably require. Laws igii, ch. igj, sec. 24. NEW YORK If in any city of the first or second class there now exists or shall hereafter be created a board, body or officer having jurisdiction of matters pertaining to gas or electric 3181 service, such board, body or officer shall have and may exercise such power, jurisdiction and authority in enforcing the laws of the state and the orders, rules and regulations of the commission as may be prescribed by statute or by the commission. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. 77. OHIO Any mimicipal corporation in which any public utility is established may by ordinance at any time within one year before the expiration of any contract entered into imder 831 the provisions of sections 3644, 3982 and 3983 of the general code between the municipality and such public utility with re- 8182 spect to the rate, price, charge, toll or rental to be made, charged, demanded, collected or exacted for any commodity, utility or service by such public utility or at any other time authorized by law proceed to fix the price, rate, charge, toll or rental that such public utility may charge, demand, exact or collect therefor for an ensuing period as provided in said sections. Laws igii, no. 325, sec. 46. Thereupon commission upon complaint in writing of such public utility or upon complaint of one per cent, of the electors of such mimicipal corporation, which complaint shall be filed 3183 within 60 days after the passage of such ordinance, shall give 30 days' notice of the filing and pendency of such complaint to the public utility, and the mayor of such municipality of the time and place of the hearing thereof and which shall plainly state the matters and things complained of. Same. If any public utility shall have accepted any rate, price, charge, toll or rental fixed by ordinance of such municipality the same shall become operative imless within 60 days after such acceptance there shall have been filed with commission a com- plaint signed by not less than three per cent, of the qualified 8184 electors of such municipality. Upon such filing commission shall forthwith give notice of the filing and pendency of such complaint to the mayor of such municipality and fix a time and place for the hearing thereof. Commission shall at such time and place proceed to hear such complaint and may adjourn the hearing thereof from day to day. Same. The filing of the complaint by a public utility, as herein pro- vided, shall be taken and held to be the consent of such public utility to continue to furnish its product or service and devote its 8185 property engaged therein to such public use during the term so fixed by ordinance, or by the provisions of this act. Parties thereto shall be entitled to be heard represented by counsel and to have process to force the attendance of witnesses. Same. No such complaint or appeal to commission shall suspend, vacate or set aside the rate, price, charge, toll, or rental fixed by ordinance unless such public utility shall elect to charge the rate, price, charge, toll or rental in force and effect immediately prior to the taking effect of the regulation complained of and appealed •from and shall give an undertaking in such amounts as commis- sion shall determine. The imdertaking shall be filed with com- 832 3186 mission and shall be payable to the state of Ohio for the use and benefit of the consumers affected by the regulation in question. The condition of the tmdertaking shall be that such public utility shall refund to each of its constimers, public or private, the amount collected by it in excess of the amount which shall finally be determined it was authorized to collect from such consimiers. Commission shall make all necessary orders in respect to the form of such undertaking and the manner of making such refunders. Same, sec. 47. If commission after such hearing shall be of the opinion that the rate, price, charge, toll or rental so fixed by ordinance is or will be tmjust or unreasonable or insufficient to yield reasonable compensation for the service, commission shall fix and determine the just and reasonable rate, price, charge, toll or rental to be 8187 charged, demanded, exacted or collected by such public utility during the periods so fixed by ordinance, which shall not be less than two years, and order the same substituted for the rate, price, charge, toll or rental so fixed by ordinance, or commission may find and declare that the rate, price, charge, toll or rental so fixed by ordinance is just and reasonable, and ratify and con- firm the same. Same, sec. 48. No such rate, price, charge, toll or rental so determined by commission shall become effective or valid until after commis- 3188 sion shall have ascertained and determined the valuation upon which such price, charge, toll or rental is based as provided in this act. And such valuation so determined shall be at all time open to public inspection. Same. Thereupon commission shall make inquiry and investigation with respect to the ability of such public utility to furnish its prod- uct during such period. If it be found that it is able so to do com- 3189 mission shall order the public utility in question to continue to furnish the same for the period and at the rate, price, charge, toll or rental so fixed and determined, and such public utility shall continue to furnish its product as provided in such order. Same. This act shall not apply to any rate, fare or regulation now or hereafter prescribed by any municipal corporation granting a right, permission, authority or franchise to use its streets, 3190 alle^^s, avenues or public places, for street railway or street railroad purposes, or to any prices so fixed imder sections 3644, 3982 and 3983 of the general code, except as provided in sec- tions 46, 47 and 48 of this act. Same, sec. 49. The coimcil of any mimidpality shall have the power 833 upon filing of an application therefor by any person, firm or corporation, to require of any public utility, by ordinance or otherwise, such additions or extensions to its distributing plant within such municipality as shall be deemed reasonable and necessary in the interest of the public, and subject to the pro- visions of section 9105 of the general code to designate the loca- tion and nature of all such additions and extensions, the time 3191 within which they must be completed, and all conditions under which they must be constructed and operated. Such require- ments and orders of the council shall be subject to review by commission. The council and commission in determining the practicability of such additions and extensions, shall take into consideration the supply of the product furnished by such public utility available, and the returns upon the cost and expense of constructing said extension and the amount of revenue to be de- rived therefrom, as well as the earning power of the public utility as a whole. Same, sec. 55. OREGON Every municipality shall have power: (i) To determine by contract, ordinance or otherwise the quality and character of each kind of product or service to be furnished or rendered by any public utility furnishing any product or service within said municipality and all other terms and conditions not inconsistent with this act upon which such public utility may be permitted to occupy the streets, highways or other public property within such municipality, and such contract, ordinance or other determination of such municipality, shall be in force and prima facie reasonable. Upon complaint made by vsuch public utility or by any qualified complainant as provided in section 41, the commission shall set a hearing as provided in section 42 and if it shall find such contract, ordinance or other determination to be unreasonable, such contract, ordinance or other determination shall be void; provided, however, that no ordinance or other municipal regulation shall be reviewed by 8192 the commission under the provisions of this section which was prior to such review enacted by the initiative or which was prior to such review referred to and approved by the people of said municipality, or while a referendum thereon is pending. (2) To require of any public utility by ordinance or otherwise such modifications, additions and extensions to its physical equip- ment, facilities or plant or service within said municipality as shall be reasonable and necessary in the interest of the public, and to designate the location and nature of all such additions and 834 extensions, the time within which they must be completed, and all conditions under which they must be constructed subject to re- view by the commission as provided in this section. (3) To provide for a penalty for non-compliance with the provisions of any ordinance or resolution adopted pursuant to the provisions hereof. (4) The power and authority granted in this section shall exist and be vested in said municipalities, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. Gen. Laws igii, ch. zyg, sec. 61. RHODE ISLAND Every franchise granted to any public utility by any town or city and all contracts, ordinances, rules, regu- lations and orders entered into or made by any town or city regulating the use and enjoyment of rights and franchises granted to any public utility imder the provisions of any general or special 8193 law, shall be subject to the continuing control of the commis- sion in the exercise of the powers enumerated in this act, and dur- ing the existence thereof, every such franchise, contract, ordi- nance, rule, regulation and order shall be deemed to include, and be subject to, the exercise by the commission of any and all of the powers of regulation provided for in this act. Acts igi2, ch. 7g5, sec. 51. The use and enjoyment of all rights and franchises granted tinder the^provisions of this chapter shall be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations and orders, controlling the ex- tent and quality of construction and service to be maintained by the corporation to which such rights are granted, and prescribing the location and arrangement of its tracks, poles, wires or con- duits, and their appurtenances, as are, or may be from time to time, enacted by the town or city councils. In case any such S194 regulation or enactment shall seem to any such corporation to be imreasonable, such corporation, within 30 days after the same has been passed, may complain to the commission setting forth that such regulation or order is not reasonable in the premises; and thereupon said commission shall proceed to hear and de- termine the matter in accordance with the provisions of the public utilities act; subject, however, to the right of appeal to the supreme coiirt therein contained. Gen. Laws, ch. gi, sec. 5, as amended by Acts igi2, ch. yg^, sec. 52. VERMONT Nothing in this act or previous statutes shall be construed as giving the public service commission power to prevent or restrict competition or limit the number of persons S199 or companies who may engage in the business of furnishing light, 835 heat, power, or any other business subject to supervision under the provisions of this act in any town. Acts igo8, no. ii6, sec. 23- See also par. 3130. WASfflNGTON See par. 1044. WISCONSIN Every municipal council shall have power: (i) To determine by contract, ordinance or otherwise the qual- ity and character of each kind of product or service to be furnished or rendered by any public utility furnishing any product or serv- ice within said municipality and all other terms and conditions not inconsistent with this act upon which such public utility may be permitted to occupy the streets, highways or other public property within such municipality and such contract, ordinance or other determination of such municipality shall be in force and prima facie reasonable. Upon complaint made by such public utility or by any qualified complainant as provided in section i797m-43, the commission shall set a hearing as provided in ' sections i797m-45 and i7Q7m-46, and if it shall find such 3196 contract, ordinance or other determination to be unreavSonable, such contract, ordinance or other determination shall be void. (2) To require of any public utility by ordinance or otherwise such additions and extensions to its physical plant within said mimicipality as shall be reasonable and necessary in the interest of the public, and to designate the location and nature of all such additions and extensions, the time within which they must be completed and all conditions under which they must be constructed subject to review by the commission as provided in subdivision i of this section. (3) To provide for a penalty for non-compliance with the provisions of any ordinance or resolu- tion adopted pursuant to the provisions hereof. (4) The power and authority granted in this section shall exist and be vested in said municipalities anything in this act to" the contrary not- withstanding. Laws iQoy, ch. 4gg, sec. lygym-Sy. See also pars. 24g4, j2o6, 32og, 321 1, 321^, 3216, 3226, 3228, 3233. 836 C. INDETERMINATE FRANCHISES AND RIGHT OF MUNICIPALITY TO PUR- CHASE. MASSACHUSETTS If, when a city or town votes to establish a municipal lighting plant, any person or corporation engaged at the time of the first vote required by sections two and three of this chapter in the business of generating or distributing gas or electricity for sale for lighting purposes in such city or town shall elect to sell in the manner hereinafter provided, the city or town shall purchase of him or it such portion of his or its plant and property within the Hmits of such city or town as is suitable for and is used in connection with such business. Such purchase shall be required to include both a gas and electiic lighting plant only if a single corporation owns or operates both such plants. If the main gas works or the central electric light- ing station lie within the city or town limits, such city or town shall purchase the whole of such plant and the property used in connection therewith, lying within such limits, at its fair mar- ket value for the purposes of its use; but no portion of such plant shall be estimated at less than its fair maiket value for any other purpose, including, as an element of value (locations or similar rights and) the damages, if any, caused by the sever- ance of any portion of such plant lying outside such city or town limits, if they are not purchased by the city or town, and excluding any mortgage or other encumbrance or lien to which such plant or any part thereof may be subject at the time of such purchase. The city or town may require the plant and property to be transferred to it free of any mortgage or lien unless the commissioners appointed under the provisions of the S197 following section otherwise determine. Such value shall be estirnated without enhancement on account of future earning capacity or good will or of exclusive privileges derived from rights in the public streets. If the main gas works or central electric lighting stations of such plant lie without the city or town limits, the city or town shall purchase only that portion of the plant or property within its limits, estimating its value as above provided, but without allowance of damages on account of severance of plant. No city or town shall be required to buy any apparatus or appliances which are covered by letters patent of the United States or embody a patentable invention unless a 837 complete right to use the same and all other apparatus or appli- ances necessary for its use, to such extent as such city or town shall reasonably require, shall be assigned or granted to it at a cost as low as it would be to the person or corporation whose plant is purchased. No city or town shall be required to buy any property unnecessarily added to a plant after the passage of its first vote under the provisions of sections two or three, nor any property except such as would be suitable for the ordi- nary business of the vendor. If any property or plant which the city or town would be entitled or required to buy would not be available to it if purchased, by reason of liens, interests of third parties, private contracts or other causes whereby the city or town would be at a greater disadvantage in its use than the vendor, it may be released from buying the same, or it may be allowed an equitable discount from the purchase price as the commissioners provided for in the following section determine. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. J4, sec. lo. The owner of any plant for the manufacture or distribu- tion of gas or electricity for light, heat or power in the city or town, who desires to sell the same under the provisions of this chapter, shall within 60 days after the passage of the final vote of the city or town required by section three of this chapter, file with the clerk of the city or town a good and sufficient con- veyance duly executed of such parts of his plant as defined in section ten of this chapter as he desires to sell, together with a detailed schedule of the plant included in the conveyance and a statement of the price which he is willing to accept in pay- ment for the same. Upon the filing of this conveyance the property thereby conveyed shall vest in the city or town, which shall be entitled to the immediate possession and use of the property conveyed; and the owner shall surrender possession of S198 the same upon request. A city by vote of the city council, and a town by vote of the selectmen, may agree with the owner upon the price to be paid for the plant conveyed; but said agreement as to price shall not be binding in towns until ratified by a majority vote at a town meeting called for action thereon; but if the city or town does not agree with the owner as to such price, or notifies him within 30 days after the filing of the con- veyance that it is dissatisfied with the contents thereof, either as including property which ought not to have been included or as not including property which ought to have been included, either party may, within 60 days after the filing of the convey- 838 ance, apply to the supreme judicial court for the county in which the city or town is situated for the appointment of commis- sioners to determine what property ought to have been included in the conveyance and the value thereof. Same, sec. ii, as amend- ed by Acts 1905, ch. 410, sec. i. If a city or town acquires a gas or electric lighting plant, 3199 the right of any person or corporation from whom such plant was acquired to manufacture and distribute gas or electricity within its limits shall cease. Same, sec. I'j. No city or town having within its limits the main gas works or the central electric lighting station, or the major portion of the wires, poles, conduits or pipes used in connection with any such works or plants, shall, except for a violation of the terms or conditions upon which the same were granted or for a vio- lation of law respecting the exercise thereof, revoke any rights granted to any person or corporation engaged in the business of manufacturing or distributing gas or electricity for sale for lighting purposes, after the introduction of the first vote author- 3200 izing the establishment of a municipal lighting plant in a city council under the provisions of section two or after the calling of a town meeting under a warrant including an article on the pas- sage of such vote, until the proceedings so begun have been finally determined by granting or denying authority to estab- lish such plant. After the passage and ratification of both votes required by sections two or three, no city or town, except as hereinbefore provided, shall revoke any rights, locations or licenses granted to any such person or corporation. Same, sec. WISCONSIN No license, permit or franchise shall be granted to any person, copartnership or corporation to own, operate, manage or control any plant or equipment for the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power in any municipality, where there is in operation imder an indeterminate permit, as provided in this act, a public utility engaged in similar service, and no telephone exchange for fur- nishing local service to subscribers within any village or city shall be installed in such village or city by any public utility, other than those already furnishing such telephone service therein, where there is in operation in such village or city a public utility engaged in similar service, without first securing 3201 from the commission a declaration after a public hearing of all parties interested, that public convenience and necessity require 839 such second public utility. This subsection shall not prevent or impose any condition upon the extension of any telephone line from any town into or through any city or village for the purpose of connecting with any telephone exchange in such city or village or connecting with any other telephone line or system. Any public utility operating any telephone exchange in any city or village shall, on demand, extend its lines to the limits of such city or village for the purposes mentioned and subject to the conditions and requirements prescribed in section i797m-4 and i797m-3o. Laws 1907, ch. 499, sec. lygym-y^^i), as amended hy Laws 1911, ch. 546.^ Any existing permit, license or franchise which shall con- tain any term whatsoever interfering with the existence of such 3202 second public utility is hereby amended in such a manner as to permit such municipality to grant an indeterminate permit for the operation of such second public utility pursuant to the pro- visions of this act. Laws iQoy, ch. 499, sec. i'/9'/m-'/4{2). No municipality shall hereafter construct any such plant or equipment where there is in operation imder an indeterminate permit as provided in this act, in such municipality a public utility engaged in similar service, without first securing from 3203 the commission a declaration, after a public hearing of all parties interested, that public convenience and necessity require such municipal public utility. But nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing a municipality acquiring any existing plant by piirchase or by condemnation as hereinafter provided. Same, sec. iy9ym-y4{;^. Nothing in this section shall be construed so as to prevent the granting of an indeterminate permit or the construction of 3204 a municipal plant where the existing public utility is operating without an indeterminate permit as provided in this act. Same, sec. iy9'/m-74{4). No license, permit or franchise to own, operate, manage or control any plant or equipment for the production, transmission, 3205 delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water or power shall be hereafter granted, or transferred except to a corporation duly organized under the laws of the state of Wisconsin. Same, sec. 1797^-75- ' All licenses, permits and franchises to own, operate, manage, or control any plant or equipment for the production, transmission, delivery, or furnishing or heat, light, water, or power in any municipality, heretofore granted or attempted to be granted to any public utility by or by virtue of any ordinance pending or under consideration in the municipal council of any municipality at the time of the obtaining of an indeterminate permit by any other public utility operating therein, are hereby validated and confirmed and shall not be affected by the provisions of subsection i of section i797m-74 of the statutes. Laws iQii, ch. 14, sec. I. 840 Every license, permit or franchise hereafter granted to any pubUc utility shall have the effect of an indeterminate permit subject to the provisions of this act, and subject to the pro- vision that the mimicipality in which the major part of its property is situate may purchase the property of such public utility actually used and useful for the convenience of the public 3206 at any time as provided herein paying therefor just compensa- tion to be determined by the commission and according to the terms and conditions fixed by said commission. Any such mimicipality is authorized to purchase such property and every such public utility is required to sell such property at the value and according to the terms and conditions determined by the commission as herein provided. Same, sec. ijgym-j6. Every license, permit, or franchise granted prior to July II, 1907, by the state or by the common coimcil, the board of aldermen, the board of trustees, the town or village board, or any other governing body of any town, village, or city, to any corporation, company, individual, association of individuals, their lessees, trustees, or receivers appointed by any court what- soever, authorizing and empowering such grantee or grantees to own, operate, manage or control any plant or equipment, or any part of a plant or equipment within this state, for the con- veyance of telephone messages, or for the production, trans- 8207 mission, delivery, or furnishing of heat, light, water, or power, either directly or indirectly, to or for the public, is so altered and amended as to constitute and to be an "indeterminate per- mit" within the terms and meaning of sections lygym-i to i797m-io8, inclusive, of the statutes of 1898, and subject to all the terms, provisions, conditions, and limitations of said sec- tions i797m-i to i797m-io8, inclusive, and shall have the same force and effect as a license, permit, or franchise granted after July II, 1907, to any public utility embraced in and subject to the provisions of said sections i797m-i to i797m-io8, inclusive, except as provided by section i797m-8o. Same, sec. lygym-yy, as amended by Laws igog, ch. 180, and Laws igii, ch. 5g6. No franchise heretofore surrendered by any corporation of this state in the manner and within the time provided by section i797ni-77. and no indeterminate permit based thereon, shall be declared invalid by reason of any defect, irregularity, or invalidity in such franchise whatsoever, provided that such franchises shall not have been obtained by fraud, bribery, or corrupt practices ; that when such franchise was granted no officer of the rnunic- 3208 ipality granting the same was directly or indirectly interested in such franchise or in thg corjKfration obtaining same; and that the corporation having the same shall have prior to the surrendering of said franchise in good faith purchased or constructed any street o^ interurban railway, water works, gas or electric light plant, or other public utility or any part thereof by such franchise authorized; and subject to the foregoing exceptions, every such franchise and permit is hereby legalized and confirmed. Laws igii, ch. 217, sec. i. 841 Any public utility accepting or operating under any license, permit or franchise hereafter granted shall, by acceptance of any such indeterminate permit be deemed to have consented to a future purchase of its property actually used and useful for the convenience of the public by the mimicipality in which the major 3209 part of it is situate for the compensation and under the terms and conditions determined by the commission, and shall thereby be deemed to have waived the right of requiring the necessity of such taking to be established by the verdict of a jviry, and to have waived all other remedies and rights relative to condemna- tion, except such rights and remedies as are provided in this act. Laws igoj, ch. 4gg, sec. lygym-yS. Any mimicipality shall have the power, subject to the pro- visions of this act, to construct and operate a plant and equip- 3210 ment or any part thereof for the production, transmission, de- livery, or furnishing of heat, light, water or power. Same, sec. iygym-yg{i). Any mimicipality shall have the power, subject to the pro- visions of this act, to purchase by an agreement with any public 3211 utility any part of any plant, provided, that such purchase and the terms thereof shall be approved by the commission after a hearing as provided in' sections lygym-Si and iyg'jm.-S2. Same, sec. lygym-ygiz). Any municipality shall have the power, subject to the pro- visions of this act to acquire by condemnation the property of any public utility actually used and useful for the convenience of 3212 the public then operating under a license, permit or franchise ex- isting at the time this act takes effect, or operating in such municipality without any permit or franchise. Same, sec. lygym- Any municipality shall have the power, subject to the pro- visions of this act, to acquire by purchase as provided in this 3213 act, the property of any public utility actually used and useful for the convenience of the public operating under any indeterminate permit as provided herein. Same, sec. lygym-ygi^)- If the municipality shall have determined to acquire an existing plant then operated under ... an indeterminate permit provided in section lygym-yy, by a vote of a majority of the electors voting thereon at any general, municipal, or special election at which the question of the purchase of such plant shall have been submitted, such municipality shall bring an action in the circuit court against the public utility as defendant praying 84? the court for an adjudication as to the necessity of such taking S814 by the municipaHty, in which action the complaint shall be served with the summons. The public utility shall serve and file its answer to such complaint within ten days after the service thereof, whereupon such action shall be at issue and stand ready for trial upon ten days' notice by either party. Unless the parties thereto waive a jury, the question as to the necessity of the taking of such property by the municipality shall be as speedily as possible submitted to a jury. Same, sec. lyg^m-So, as amended by Laws igog, ch. 21 j and Laws igii, ch. ^g6. If the municipality shall have determined to acquire an existing plant in the manner provided in the preceding section, and the public utility owning such plant shall have consented to the taking over of such plant by the mimicipality by acceptance of an indeterminate permit as provided herein, or, in case such public 3216 utility shall not have waived or consented to such taking, if the jury shall have foimd that a necessity exists for the taking of such plant, then the municipality shall give speedy notice of such determination and of such consent or such verdict of a jury to the public utility and to the commission. Laws igoy, ch. 4gg, sec. lygym-Si, as amended by Laws igog, ch. 21 j. The commission shall thereupon proceed to set a time and place for a public hearing upon the matters of the just compen- sation to be paid for the taking of the property of such public utility actually used and useful for the convenience of the public, and of all other terms and conditions of the purchase, and sale, and shall give to the municipality and the public utility in- terested, not less than thirty days' notice of the time and place when and where such hearing will be held, and such matters con- sidered and determined, and shall give like notice to all bond- holders, mortgagees, lienors, and all other persons having or claiming to have any interest in such public utility, by publica- tion of such notice once a week for not less than three successive weeks in at least one newspaper of general circulation printed in the English language and published in the county in which such public utility is located, which publication shall be caused 8216 to be made by the municipality. Within a reasonable time, not exceeding one year, after the time fixed for such hearing in such notice, the commission shall, by order, fix and determine and certify to the mimicipal coimcil, to the public utility and to any bondholder, mortgagee, lienor or other creditor appearing upon S^ch hiring, just compensation to be paid for the taking of the 843 property of such public utility actually used and useful for the convenience of the public and all other terms and all conditions of sale and purchase which it shall ascertain to be reasonable. The compensation and other terms and the conditions of sale and purchase thus certified by the commission shall constitute the compensation and terms and conditions to be paid, followed, and observed in the purchase of such plant from such public utility. Upon the filing of such certificate with the clerk of such munic- ipality the exclusive use of the property taken shall vest in such municipality. Laws igoj, ch. 4gg, sec. i'/gym-82, as amended by Laws igii, ch. 662. Any public utility or the municipality or any bondholder, mortgagee, lienor or other creditor of the public utility, being dissatisfied with such order, may commence and prosecute an 3217 action in the circuit court to alter or amend such order or any part thereof, as provided in sections i797m-64 to i797m-73, inclusive, and said sections so far as applicable shall apply to such action. Laws igoj, ch. 4gg, sec. lygym-S^, as amended by Laws igii, ch. 662. If the plaintiff shall not establish to the full satisfaction of the court that the compensation fixed and determined in such order is imlawful or that some of the terms or conditions fixed 3218 and determined therein are in some particulars unreasonable, the compensation, terms and conditions fixed in said order shall be the compensation, terms and conditions to be paid, followed and observed in the purchase of said plant from such public utility. Laws igoy, ch. 4gg, sec. iygym-84. If the plaintiff shall establish to the full satisfaction of the court and the court shall adjudge that such compensation is unlawful or that some of such terms or conditions are imreason- 3219 able, the court shall remand the same to the commission with such findings of fact and conclusions of law as shall set forth in detail the reasons for such judgment and the specific particulars in which such order of the commission is adjudged to be un- reasonable or unlawful. Same, sec. lygym-S^. If the compensation fixed by the previous order of the com- mission be adjudged to be unlawful, the commission shall forth- 3220 with proceed to set a re-hearing for the re-determination of such compensation as in the first instance. Same, sec. lygym- 86(^1). The commission shall forthwith otherwise alter and amend 8221 such previous order with or without a re-hearing as it may deem 844 necessary so that the same shall be reasonable and lawfiil in every partictdar. Same, sec. i'jgjm-S6{2). The term "municipal council '* as used in this act shall mean and embrace the common coimcil, the board of aldermen, the 3222 board of trustees, the town or village board, or any other gov- erning body of any town, village or city wherein the property of a street railway company or any part thereof is located. Laws igoy, ch. 578, sec. iygyi-i{\). The term "municipality" as used in this act shall mean 3223 any town, village or city wherein property of a street railway company or any part thereof is located. Same, sec. iygyt-i{2). The term "indetermiaate permit" as used in this act shall mean and embrace every grant, directly or indirectly from the state, to any street railway company, of power, right or privilege 3224 to own, operate, manage or control any street railway plant or equipment or any part thereof within this state, which shall con- tinue in force imtil such time as the municipality shall exercise its option to purchase as provided m. this act or vmtil it shall be otherwise termiaated according to law. Same, sec. i'/gp-i{j). 3226 The term "commission" as used in this act shall mean the railroad commission of Wisconsin. Same, sec. i'/gp-i{4). Every license, permit or franchise hereafter granted to any street railway company shall have the effect of an indeterminate permit subject to the provisions of this act, and subject to the provision that the municipality in which the major part of its property is situated may piu-chase the property of such street railway company actually used and useful for the convenience 3226 of the public at any time as provided herein, paying therefor just compensation to be determined by the commission and ac- cording to the terms and conditions fixed by said commission. Any such municipality is authorized to purchase such property, and every such street railway company is required to sell such property at the compensation and according to the terms and conditions determined by the commission as herein provided. Same, sec. iygyt-2. Any street railway company operating under an existing license, permit or franchise shall, upon filing at any time prior to the expiration of such license, permit or franchise, with the derk of the municipality which granted such franchise and with the commission, a written declaration legally executed that, it surrenders such license, permit or franchise, receive by opera- 8221 tion of law in lieu thereof, an indeterminate permit as provided 845 in this act; and such street railway company shall hold such pennit under all the terms, conditions and limitations of this act. The filing of such declaration shall be deemed a waiver by such street railway company of the right to insist upon the fulfillment of any contract theretofore entered into relating to any rate, fare, charge or service regulated by sections 1 797-1 to 1797-38 of the statutes, as amended. Same, sec. lygjt-^. Any street railway company accepting or operating under any license, permit or franchise hereafter granted, except where such license, permit or franchise is for an extension of any line or system constructed or authorized at the time this act shall go into effect, and which license, permit or franchise for such extension shall expire at the same date as the license, permit or franchise under which such line or system is then being operated, shall, by acceptance of any such indeterminate permit be deemed 83S8 to have consented to a future purchase of its property actually used and useful for the convenience of the public, by the munic- ipality in which the major part of it is situate for the compensa- tion and imder the terms and conditions determined by the commission, and shall thereby be deemed to have waived the right of requiring the necessity of such taking to be established by the verdict of a jury, and to have waived all other remedies and rights relative to condemnation by such mimicipality, ex- cept such rights and remedies as are provided in this act. Same, sec. i'/g7t-4. At any time within three years prior to the expiration of the term of the license, permit or franchise under which any street railway is operating at the time this act goes into effect, any ssa9 municipality shall have the power, subject to the provisions of this act, to acquire by condemnation the property of any street railway company, actually used and useful for the convenience of the public. Same, sec. ijgyt-^{^i). Any municipality shall have the power, subject to the pro- visions of this act, to acquire by purchase as provided in this act, siso the property of any street railway company actually used and useful for the convenience of the public operating imder any in- determinate permit as provided herein. Same, sec. lygyt-sijz). If the municipality shall have determined to acquire an existing plant then operated under a license, permit or franchise existing at the time this act takes effect, such mimicipality shall bring an action in the circuit court against the street railway company as defendant praying the court for an adjudication as 846 to the necessity of such taking by the municipaHty, in which 8231 action the complaint shall be served with the summons. The street railway company shall serve and file its answer to such complaint within ten days after the service thereof; whereupon such action shall be at issue and stand ready for trial upon ten days' notice by either party. All such actions shall have pre- cedence over any civil cause of a different nature pending in such court. Same, sec. iygyt-6. If the municipality shall have determined to acquire an existing plant and the street railway company owning such plant shall have consented to the taking over of such plant by the municipality by acceptance of an indeterminate permit as 3232 provided herein; or, in case such street railway company shall not have consented to such taking if the jury shall have found that a necessity exists for the taking of such plant, then the municipality shall give speedy notice of such determination and of such con- sent or such verdict of a jury to the street railway company and to the commission. Same, sec. lygyt-y. The commission shall thereupon after public hearing and within three months from the receipt of such notice and upon notice to the municipality and the street railway company in- terested, by order fix and determine and certify to the municipal coimcil and to the street railway company, just compensation to be paid for the taking of the property of such street railway company actually used and useful for the convenience of the 3233 public, and all other terms and all conditions of sale and pur- chase which it shall ascertain to be reasonable. The compen- sation and other terms and the conditions of sale and purchase thus certified by the commission shall constitute the compen- sation and terms and conditions to be paid, followed and ob- served in the purchase of such plant from such street railway company upon the filing of such certificate with the clerk of such municipality, the exclusive use of the property taken shall vest in such municipality. Same, sec. lygyt-S. Any street railway company or the municipality being dis- satisfied with such order, may commence and prosecute an action 3234 in the circuit court to alter or amend such order or any part thereof as provided in sections i797m-64 to i797m-73 inclusive of the statutes, and said sections so far as applicable shall apply to such action. Same, sec. lygyt-g. If the plaintiff shall not establish to the full satisfaction of the court that the compensation fixed and determined in such 847 order is unlawful or that some of the terms or conditions fixed and 3236 determined therein are in some particulars imreasonable, the compensation, terms and conditions fixed in said order shall be the compensation, terms and conditions to be paid, followed and observed in the purchase of said plant from such street railway- company. Same, sec. ijgyt-io. If the plaintiff shall establish to the full satisfaction of the court and the court shall adjudge that such compensation is un- lawful or that some of such terms or conditions are unreasonable, 3236 the court shall remand the same to the commission with such findings of fact and conclusions of law as shall set forth in detail the reasons for such judgment and the specific particulars in which such order of the commission is adjudged to be unreason- able or imlawful. Same, sec. lygp-ii. If the compensation fixed by the previous order of the com- 3237 mission be adjudged to be unlawful, the commission shall forth- with proceed to set a re-hearing for the re-determination of such compensation as in the first instance. Same, sec. iygyt-i2{i). The commission shall forthwith otherwise alter and amend 3238 such previous order with or without a re-hearing as it may deem necessary, so that the same shall be reasonable and lawfiil in every particular. Same, sec. iyg^t-i2{2). 848 CHAPTER XII Stock and Bond Issues SCOPE NOTE This chapter includes grants of power authorizing commissions to regulate the capitalization of utilities. Provisions of general corporation law prescribing rules to be observed in stock and bond issues have been excluded. For provisions authorizing commissions to ascertain the valuation of utility property, see ch. iii, on basis of rate making. For provisions involving the purchase and sale of the stocks and bonds of utilities, see ch. xiii, on inter- corporate relations. For provisions prescribing general procedure to be followed in the exercise of commission authority, see ch. xiv, on commission procedure and practice. For provisions prescribing general rules of enforcement and judicial review, see ch. xv, on enforce- ment. For general statement of scope and method, see introduction. 849 ANALYSIS PAGE A. Right to issue stock and create lien a special privilege 851 B. State does not guarantee stocks or bonds 851 C. Authority to issue stocks, bonds and other evidences of indebtedness; purposes; application to commission 852 D. Power of commission to authorize issues 868 E. Character of investigation by commission 872 F. Proceedings for obtaining certificate and conditions of its issue 874 1. Issues for money only 874 2. Issues for other than money 875 G. Limitations on application of acts 877 H. Utilities authorized to issue notes for limited periods without certificate 878 I. Issue of stocks or bonds for franchises or property of other public util- ities 880 J. Capitalization of reorganized utilities 880 K. Unauthorized issues void 882 L. Application of proceeds of issues 883 M. Duty of utilities to account to commission for disposition of proceeds. 885 N. Certificate of authorization required to be recorded 885 O. Contract for consolidation or lease shall not be capitalized 886 P. Franchises not to be capitalized 886 Q. Capital of consolidated corporations 888 R. Manner in which railroads and street railways may increase capital issues for special purposes designated 889 S. Stock or scrip dividends 893 T. Sale of stock to stockholders and auction clause 893 U. Penalties for violations of capitalization provisions 902 850 A. RIGHT TO ISSUE STOCK AND CREATE LIEN A SPECIAL PRIVILEGE. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA The power of public utilities^ to issue stocks and stock certificates and bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness and to create liens on their property situated 8239 within this state is a special privilege, the right of supervision, regulation, restriction and control of which is and shall continue to be vested in the state, and such power shall be exercised as provided by law and under such rules and regulations as com- mission may prescribe. Ariz. — Sess. Laws IQ12, ch. gOy sec. 52{a)y Col. — Stats. iQii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. 52{a). KANSAS The power to create liens on corporate prop- erty situated within the state of Kansas by companies trans- acting the business of common carriers, as defined in the laws of this state, and public utilities governed by the provisions of this act in this state is a special privilege, the right of super- vision, regulation, restriction and control of which shall be 8240 vested in the state, and such power shall be exercised accord- ing to law, and the provisions of this act shall apply to all com- panies organized under the laws of other states of the Union and of foreign countries, as well as to domestic corporations, transacting business in this state as a common carrier or as a public utility governed by the provisions of this act. Laws iQii, ch. 238, sec. 24a. WISCONSIN The power to create liens on corporate property by public service corporations in this state is a special privilege, 8241 the right of supervision, regulation, restriction and control of which shall be vested in the state, and such power shall be exercised according to the provisions of these statutes. Laws IQII, ch. 593, sec. 1753-2. B. STATE DOES NOT GUARANTEE STOCKS OR BONDS. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA No provision of this act and no deed or act done or performed imder or in connection therewith shall be held or construed to obligate the State of Arizona (California) to pay * '* Public service coiporation," in Arizona. 8si 3242 or guarantee in any manner whatsoever any stock or stock cer- tificate or bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness author- ized issued or executed under the provisions of this act. Ariz- — Sess. Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 52{g), Cat. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. S^ig)- C. AUTHORITY TO ISSUE STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER EVIDENCES OF INDEBT- EDNESS; PURPOSES; APPLICATION TO COMMISSION. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA A public utility^ may issue stocks and stock certificates, and bonds, notes and other evidences of indebted- ness payable at periods of more than 12 months after the date thereof for the following purposes and no others, namely, for the acquisition of property, or for the construction, completion, ex- tension or improvement of its facilities, or for the improvement or maintenance of its service, or for the discharge or lawful refimd- ing of its obligations, or for the reimbursement of moneys act- ually expended from income or from any other moneys in the treasury of the public utility^ not secured by or obtained from the issue of stocks or stock certificates, or bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of such public utility, ^ within five years next prior to the filing of an application with the commis- sion for the required authorization, for any of the aforesaid pur- poses except maintenance of service and replacements, in cases 3243 where the applicant shall have kept its accoimts and vouchers for such expenditures in such manner as to enable the commis- sion to ascertain the amount of moneys so expended and the purposes for which such expenditure was made; provided, that such public utility,^ in addition to the other requirements of law, shall first have secured from the commission an order author- izing such issue and stating the amoimt thereof and the purpose or purposes to which the issue or the proceeds thereof are to be applied, and that, in the opinion of the commission, the money, property or labor to be procured or paid for by such issue is reasonably required for the purpose or purposes specified in the order, and that, except as otherwise permitted in the order in the case of bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, such purpose or purposes are not, in whole or in part, reasonably chargeable to operating expenses or to income. Ariz. — Sess. * " Public service corporation," in Arizona. 852 Laws igi2, ch. go, sec. 52(6); Cal. — Stats, igii, ist. ex. sess., ch. 14, sec. j2(b). GEORGIA Each of the companies or corporations over which the authority of commission is extended by law shall be required to furnish said commission a list of any stocks and bonds, the issuance of which is contemplated and it shall be un- lawful for any of said companies or corporations to issue stocks, bonds, notes, or other evidences of debt, payable more than 1 2 months after the date thereof, except upon the approval of said comjnission, and then only when necessary and for such amount as may be reasonably required for the acquisition of property, 3244 the construction and equipment of power plants, car-sheds and the completion, extension, or improvements of its facilities or properties, or for the improvement or maintenance of its service, or*for the discharge or lawful refunding of its obligations or for lawful corporate piirposes fallingwithin the spirit of this provision, the decision of the commission to be final as to the validity of the issue. Before issuing such stocks, bonds, notes, or other evi- dence of debt, as above mentioned, such corporations or com- panies shall secure an order from the commission authorizing such issue, the amount thereof, and the purpose and use for which the issue is authorized. Code igii, sec. 2665. Any commissioner or any employe of said commission who shall disclose or impart to anyone, except when legally called upon by a court of competent jurisdiction, any fact, knowledge 3246 of which was obtained in his official capacity from or through any proceeding filed with the said commission under this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: Provided, that this shall not apply to such facts or information obtained through public hear- ings or such as are not confidential in their nature. Same. KANSAS A public utility or common carrier may issue stocks, certificates, bonds, notes or other evidences of indebted- ness, payable at periods of more than 12 months after the date thereof, when necessary for the acquisition of property, for the purpose of carrying out its corporate powers, the construction, completion, extension or improvements of its facilities, or for the improvements or maintenance of its service, or for the dis- 3246 charge or lawful refunding of its obligations, or for such other purposes as may be authorized by law; provided, and not other- wise, that there shall have been secured from the commission a certificate stating the amoimt, character, purposes and terms on 853 which such stocks, certificates, bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness are proposed to be issued, as set out in the appHca- tion for such certificate, and that the statements contained in such application have been ascertained to be true. Laws igu, ch. 2j8, sec. 25. MARYLAND A common carrier, railroad corporation, street railroad corporation, or other corporation subject to the pro- visions of this act (or a gas or electrical corporation), organized or existing, or hereafter incorporated, under or by virtue of the laws of the state of Maryland, may issue stocks, bonds, notes or other evidence of indebtedness, payable at periods of more than 12 months after the date thereof, when necessary for the acquisition of property, the construction, completion, extension or improvement of its facilities, or for the improvement or maintenance, extension or improvement of its facilities (or for the construction, completion, extension or improvement of its plant or distributing system in the case of gas or electrical 3247 corporations), or for the improvement or maintenance of its service, or the discharge or lawful refunding of its obligations; pro- vided, and not otherwise, that there shall have been secured from commission an order authorizing such issue, and the amount thereof, and stating that, in the opinion of the commission, the use of the capital to be secured by the issue of such stocks, bonds or other evidence of indebtedness is reasonably required for the said purposes of the common carrier, railroad corporation, street railroad corporation or such corporations (or for the said pur- poses of the corporation in the case of gas or electrical corpora- tions). Laws 1 910, ch. 180, sec. 27 (common carrier, railroad and street railroad corporations), sec. 34 {gas and electrical corpora- tions), sec. 41 (telephone and telegraph companies), sec. 42 (water, heat, refrigerator and power companies). MASSACHUSETTS Railroad corporations and street railway com- panies shall issue only such amounts of stock and bonds, coupon notes and other evidences of indebtedness payable at periods of more than 12 months after the date thereof, and gas^ and elec- tric light^ companies, corporations established for and engaged in the business of transmitting intelligence by electricity, aque- duct and water companies, shall issue only such amount of stock • No gas company, unless specially authorized, shall issue any bonds at less than the par value, nor for an amount exceeding its capital actually paid in and applied to the pur- I>oses of its incoiporation. Rev. Laws 1902, ch. 121, sec. 10. 2 No bonds shall be issued by any corporation furnishing electricity for light or power for an amount exceeding its capital then actually paid in and applied to the purposes Qf the corporation. Some, sec. 12. 854 8148 and bonds, as the railroad commission in the case of railroad corporations or street railway companies, the gas and electric light commission in the case of gas or electric light companies, may from time to time vote, or the commissioner of corpora- tions in the case of other corporations hereinbefore specified may from time to time determine, is reasonably necessary for the pur- pose for which such issue of stock or bonds has been authorized. Rev. Laws 1Q02, ch. log, sec. 24.^ The supreme judicial court or the superior court shall have jurisdiction in equity, upon the application of the railroad com- mission, the gas and electric light commission, the commissioner 8249 of corporations, respectively, of the attorney general, of any stockholder or of any interested party, to enforce the provisions of the three preceding sections and all lawful orders and decisions, conditions or requirements of said boards or commissioner made in pursuance thereof. Same, sec. 27. Any corporation which is organized under the laws of this commonwealth and is authorized to erect and maintain poles, wires or other fixtures in, over or imder streets and highways for the purpose of furnishing electricity for light or power may secure the payment of bonds issued by it by a mortgage of its franchise in connection with its corporeal property, so that all persons who acquire any poles, wires or fixttires by virtue of such mortgage shall have the same rights and be subject to the 3260 same obligations relative to their erection, care and mainte- nance as the corporation would have had or been subject to if the mortgage had not been made. Such mortgage and all bonds shall be authorized by vote of a majority in interest of the stockholders of the corporation at a meeting called for that purpose; and the rate of interest on such bonds shall not exceed six per cent, per annum. No bonds shall be issued by any such corporation for an amount exceeding its capital then actually paid in and applied to the purposes of the corporation. Rev. Laws igo2, ch. 121, sec. 12. A railroad corporation shall issue only such amoimts of stock and bonds, coupon notes and other evidences of indebted- ness payable at periods of more than 12 months after the date 3251 thereof, as railroad commission may from time to time determine to be reasonably necessary for the purpose for which such issue of stock or bonds has been authorized. Acts igo6y ch. 463, pt. it, sec. 65. * This section is repealed so far as it applies to railroad corporations and street railway companies. 85s The supreme judicial court or the superior court shall have jurisdiction in equity upon the application of railroad commis- sion, of the attorney-general, of any stockholder, or of any in- 32S2 terested parties, to enforce the provisions of the two preceding sections^ and all lawful orders and decisions, conditions or re- quirements of said board made in pursuance thereof. Same, sec. 67. Upon the petition of a street railway company for authority to reduce its capital stock, presented in accordance with a vote of the stockholders at a meeting called for the purpose, the railroad commission may, after a hearing and such examination of the financial condition of the company, as it considers necessary, authorize such reduction to be made, if it appears to be consistent with the public interests and with the limitations imposed by general or special laws. A certificate of the amount of the reduc- tion and of any terms and conditions imposed shall be forthwith 3263 filed by commission in the office of the secretary of the common- wealth. When such reduction is made, no money or other prop- erty shall be paid or transferred to the stockholders unless spe- cially authorized by said commission, and by a vote of the directors of the company taken by yeas and nays at a meeting called for the purpose. The directors who vote therefor shall be jointly and severally liable for the debts or contracts of the company which exist at the time when the capital stock is re- duced, to the extent of the money or property paid or trans- ferred to the stockholders. Same, pt. Hi, sec. 104. A street railway company shall issue only such amounts of stock and bonds, coupon notes and other evidences of indebted- 3264 ness payable at periods of more than 12 months after the date thereof, as the railroad commission may from time to time de- termine to be reasonably necessary for the purpose for which such issue of stock or bonds has been authorized. Same, pt. Hi, sec. loy. The supreme judicial court or the superior court shall have jurisdiction in equity, upon the application of the board of rail- 8268 road commission, of the attorney-general, of any stockholder or of any interested party, to enforce the provisions of the two pre- ceding sections^ and all lawful orders and decisions, conditions 'Section 66 provides that a railroad corporation, unless expressly authorized by its charter or by special law, shall not issue bonds, coupon notes or other evidence of indebt- edness, payable at periods of more than 12 months after the date thereof, to an amount which exceeds in the whole the amount of its capital stcok at the time actually paid in. 2 Section 108 provides that a street railway company, unless expressly authorized by its charter or by special law, shall not issue bonds, coupon notes or other evidences of in- debtedness, payable at periods of more than 12 months after the date thereof, to an amount which exceeds in the whole the amount of its capital stock at the time actually paid in. 856 or requirements of said commission made in piirsuance thereof. Same, pt. Hi, sec. log. In computing the amount of capital stock of a railroad cor- poration, electric railroad, street railway or elevated railway company for the purpose of determining the maximum amount of bonds, coupon notes or other evidences of indebtedness, payable at periods of more than 12 months after the date thereof, under the provisions of sections 48, 57, 66 of part II, or of section 108 of part ill, of chapter 463 of the acts of 463 and under any similar provisions of any special acts limiting the amount of such securities, which a railroad corporation, an electric railroad, a vStreet railway or elevated railway company may issue, to the amount of its capital stock at the time actu- 3266 ally paid in, there shall be added to the par value of the capital stock all cash premiums paid into the corporation on all shares issued by such corporation or company subsequent to July 9, 1894, under the provisions of chapter 462 of the acts of 1894 or of any similar provisions of law, and the maximimi amount of such bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness which such corporations or company, unless expressly authorized by its charter or by special law, may issue with the approval of railroad commission, shall be limited to the aggregate amount of its issued and outstanding capital stock, determined as pro- vided in this act, and actually paid into its treasury. Acts igo8, ch. 620, sec. I. MICHIGAN Any corporation or association, except munic- ipal corporations, organized and existing, or which may here- after be organized or authorized to do business under the laws of this state, or any lessee or trustee thereof, or any person or per- sons owning, conducting, managing, operating, or controlling any plant or equipment used wholly or in part in the business of transmitting messages by telephone or telegraph, producing or furnishing heat, light, water or mechanical power to the public, 3267 directly or indirectly, and any railroad, interurban railroad or other common carrier may issue stocks, bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness payable at periods of more than 12 months after the date thereof, when necessary for the acquisition of property, the construction, completion, extension or improve- ment of facilities or for the improvement or maintenance of service or for the discharge or lawful refundiag of obligations: Provided, that there shall have been secured from commission an order authorizing such issue and the amount thereof, and stating 857 that in the opinion of commission the use of the capital or property to be acquired to be secured by the issue of such stock, bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, is reasonably required for the purposes of such person, corporation or associa- tion. Any such person, corporation or association desiring authority to issue stocks, bonds, notes or other evidences of in- debtedness shall make written application therefor to the said commission in such form as commission may require: Provided that the provisions of this act shall apply to all stock, shares, bonds or notes issued to or taken by the incorporators or their agents, assigns or trustees of any such corporation or association in the first instance. Pub. Acts igii, no. lyy, sec. i. NEBRASKA. A common carrier or public service corporation organized, and incorporated or hereafter incorporated, under or by virtue of the laws of Nebraska, may issue stocks, bonds, notes or other evidence of indebtedness payable at period of more than 12 months after the date thereof, when necessary for the acquisition of property, the construction, completion, extension or improvement of its facilities, or for the improvement or main- sass tenance of its service or for the discharge or lawfiil refunding of its obligations, provided, and not otherwise, that there shall have been seciu*ed from commission an order authorizing such issue and the amount thereof and stating that in the opinion of com- mission the use of the capital to be secured by the issue of such stock, bonds, notes or other evidence of indebtedness is reason- ably required for the said purposes of the corporation. Acts IQOQ, ch. io8, sec. i. NEW HAMPSHIRE No railroad corporation or public utility shall issue any stock, bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness 8S59 payable more than 12 months after the date thereof, without first proctiring an order of commission authorizing the same. Laws iQii, ch. 164, sec. 14(0). NEW JERSEY No public utility as herein defined shall here- after issue any stocks, stock certificates, bonds or other evidences 8360 of indebtedness payable in more than one year from the date thereof imtil it shall have first obtained authority from com- mission for such proposed issue. Laws igii, ch. ig^, sec. 18(e). NEW YORK A common carrier, railroad corporation or street railroad corporation (or a gas or electrical corporation) organized or existing, or hereafter incorporated, imder or by virtue of the laws of this state, may issue stocks, bonds, notes or 858 other evidence of indebtedness payable at periods of more than 12 months after the date thereof, when necessary for the acquisi- tion of property, the construction, completion, extension or im- provement of its facilities (or plant or distributing system in the case of gas or electrical corporations), or for the improvement or maintenance of its service or for the discharge or lawful refunding of its obligations or for the reimbursement of moneys actually expended from income, or from any other moneys in the treasury of the corporation not secured by or obtained from the issue of stocks, bonds, notes or other evidence of indebtedness of such corporation within five years next prior to the filing of an appli- cation with the proper commission for the required authoriza- tion, for any of the aforesaid purposes except maintenance of service and except replacements in cases where the applicant shall have kept its accounts and vouchers of such expenditure in such manner as to enable commission to ascertain the amount of moneys so expended and the purposes for which such expendi- 8261 ture was made; provided, and not otherwise, that there shall have been secured from the proper commission an order authorizing such issue, and the amount thereof and stating the purposes to which the issue or proceeds thereof are to be applied, and that, in the opinion of the commission, the money, property or labor to be procured or paid for by the issue of such stock, bonds, notes or other evidence of indebtedness is or has been reasonably re- quired for the purposes specified in the order, and that except as otherwise permitted in the order in the case of bonds, notes and other evidence of indebtedness, such purposes are not, in whole or in part, reasonably chargeable to operating expenses or to in- come. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the commission from giving its consent to the issue of bonds, notes or other evi- dence of indebtedness for the reimbursement of moneys hereto- fore actually expended from income for any of the aforesaid purposes, except maintenance of service and replacements, prior to five years next preceding the filing of an application therefor, if in the judgment of the commission such consent should be granted; provided application for such consent shall be made prior to January i, 191 2. Laws igio, ch. 480, sec. ^5 {common carrier, railroad and street railroad corporations), sec. 6g (gas and electrical corporations). Held, that in the case of a gas and electrical corporation the commission has no power to withhold approval of an issue of securities merely to prevent competitor from entering the field of an existing company. People vs. Public Service Commission, 122 N. Y. S. 641. 859 As the public service law leaves the management of its affairs with the corporation except in so far as clearly affected, it was held, that the commission had no right to refuse approval of an issue of securities to refund legal obligation, in the manner pro- vided by the statute, upon the ground that the debt was greater than should have been incurred for the purpose. People ex. rel. Delaware and Hudson Company vs. Stevens, igy N. Y. i. Under section 55 the commission is not justified in refusing to consent to the issue of securities by a railroad corporation un- der a plan of reorganization after foreclosure because the value of the mortgaged property and amount of new capital to be sub- scribed is less than the amount of securities to be issued. People ex. rel. Third Ave. Railway vs. Public Service Commission, 203 N. Y. 299. The commission has no power to permit an issue of securities not permitted by the terms of the statute upon condition that outstanding stock of the utility be canceled; but can simply de- termine whether the proposed issue of stock is in accordance with the statute. People ex. rel. Binghamton L., H. &f P. Co. vs. Stei Commission shall have power to subpoena witnesses and enforce their attendance before the commission, through any district court or the supreme court of the state, and through such court to punish for contempt. Const., art. xi, sec. 7- 947 proof by affidavit of the facts for an order returnable in not less than two nor more than five days directing such person to show cause before the justice who made the order, or any other justice of the supreme court, why he should not be committed to jail; 3647 upon the return of such order the justice before whom the matter shall come on for hearing shall examine under oath such person whose testimony may be relevant, and such person shall be given an opportunity to be heard; and if the justice shall determine that such person has refused without reasonable cause or legal excuse to be examined, or to answer a legal and pertinent ques- tion, or to produce a book or paper which he was ordered to bring, he may forthwith, by warrant, commit the offender to jail, there to remain imtil he submits to do the act which he was so required to do or is discharged according to law. Same. 3548 Also provisions substantially identical with par. 3517. SamCy sees. 45{i), 94(1). Each commission may within its jurisdiction compel, by sub- poena duces teorni, the production of any accotmts, books, con- tracts, records, docimients, memoranda and papers. In lieu of requiring production of originals by subpoena duces tecum com- 3549 mission or any commissioner may require sworn copies of any such books, records, contracts, documents and papers or parts thereof, to be filed with it. Commission may require of all such corporations, persons or mimicipalities, specific answers to ques- tions upon which commission may need information. Same, sec. 66{io). 3650 Also a provision substantially identical with par. 3518. Same, sec. 66{ii). See also pars. 175, 434, 435, 3300, 3761. NORTH CAROLINA Commissioners may examine all officers, ageni and employes of such companies, individuals, firms or corpora*] tions, and all other persons under oath or otherwise, and comj 8661 the production of papers and the attendance of witnesses obtain the information necessary for carrying into effect and other- wise enforcing the provisions of this chapter. PelVs Revisal igoSi sec. 1064. Commission may compel the attendance of witnesses, 3662 quire the examination of persons and parties, and compel th< production of books and papers, and punish for contempt, as by law conferred upon the superior courts. Same, sec. 1067. See also par. 3764, 948 NORTH DAKOTA Commissioners may require the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books, papers tariffs, schedules, contracts, agreements and documents relating to any matter under investigation-, and to that end may invoke 3653 the aid of any court of competent jurisdiction in this state in requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books, papers and documents under the provisions of this section. Rev. Codes igoj, sec. 4353. Any court of this state within the jurisdiction of which such inquiry is carried on, shall in case of contumacy, or refusal to obey a subpoena, or other process issued to any railroad, rail- road corporation or common carrier or person subject to the provisions of this article, or other persons, issue an order re- quiring such railroad, railroad corporation, common carrier or other person to appear before commissioners (and produce books 3564 and papers if so ordered), and give evidence touching or in re- lation to the matter in question; and any failure to obey such order of the court shall be punished by such court as a con- tempt thereof; the claim that any such testimony or evidence may tend to criminate the person giving such evidence shall not excuse such person or witness from testifying; but such evidence or testimony shall not be used against such person on the trial of any criminal proceeding. Same, sec. 4354. 3666 Every commissioner may administer oaths and affirmations in any proceeding pending before commission. Same, sec. 4362. OHIO Each of the commissioners may administer 3656 oaths, certify to official acts, issue subpoenas, compel the at- tendance of witnesses, and the production of papers, books, accounts, documents and testimony. Code igio, sec. 530. If a person disobeys an order of commission or a commis- sioner, or a subpoena, or if a witness refuses to testify to any matter regarding which he may be lawfully interrogated, on application of a commissioner, the court of common pleas of a county or a judge thereof shall compel obedience by attachment 3657 proceedings for contempt, as in the case of disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena issued from such court, or a refusal to testify therein. Commission also shall have the powers vested in justices of the peace or notaries public to compel wit- nesses to testify and to produce books and papers. Same, sec. 531. By order or subpoena, served on a railroad as a summons is 949 served in a civil action in the court of common pleas, commission may require at such time and place within this state as it desig- nates the production of books, papers or accounts relating to any 3558 matter which is the subject of complaint or investigation, kept by such railroad in any office or place outside of this state, or verified copies thereof, in order that an examination of such books, papers or accounts may be made by commission or under its direction. Such subpoena may issue to a sheriff of any county^ of the state. Same, sec. ^jg. A railroad failing or refusing to comply within a reasonable time with such order or subpoena from commission shall forfeit 3559 and pay into the state treasury for each day it so fails or refuses, not less than $ioo nor more than $i,ooo, to be recovered in a civil action in the name of commission. Same, sec. 560. Whoever being an officer, agent or employe of a railroad company refuses to answer a question propounded to htm by a member of commission in the course of an examination authorized.; 3560 by this chapter shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $500. The property of the railroad company of which he is an officer, agent or employe shall be liable to be taken in execution [ to satisfy the fines and costs in such cases. Same, sec. 6og. See also pars. 4jg, 440, 3300. OKLAHOMA In all matters pertaining to the public visita-; tion, regiilation, or control of corporations, and within the juris-j diction of commission, it shall have the powers and authority oi a court of record, to administer oaths, to compel the attendanc of witnesses, and the production of papers, to punish for con| tempt any person guilty of disrespectful or disorderly conduct ii the presence of commission while in session, and to enforce com| pliance with any of its lawful orders or requirements by ad| 3561 judging and by enforcing its own appropriate process against th< delinquent or offending party or company (after it shall have been duly cited, proceeded against by due process of law befoi commission sitting as a court, and afforded opportunity to in