HPrNRLF B 3 113 17^ 'it'. ^ A DIGEST OF THE DECISIONS OF THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN * < COVERING THE DECISIONS PUBLISHED IN VOLUMES I TO XV. INCLUSIVE, OF THE COMMISSION'S OFFICIAL REPORTS. 1 1 -1 JULY 20, 1905, TO FEBRUARY 4, 1915 COMPILED BY HAROLD L. GEISSE SECRETARY y OEFf. . r • t / 0^' {/^ MEMBERS OF THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN During the Period Covered by this Digest JOHN BARNES :....July 7, 1905, to Aug. 1, 1907 B. H. MEYER July 5, 1905, to Jan. 1, 1911 HALFORD ERICKSON July 21, 1905, to May 1, 19ia JOHN H. ROEMER August 6, 1907, to Feb. 1, 1915 DAVID HARLOWE Jan. 20, 1911, to Feb. 20, 1915 4 .. V ■ PREFACE. In the compilation of this digest the aim has been to state briefly and yet clearly the principles and facts set forth in the decisions of the Commission published in Volumes I to XV, inclusive, of the Commission's Reports. Where feasible the exact language of the Commission has been used. The general plan of the Index-Digest found at the back of each volume of the Reports has been followed, but several departures therefrom are to be noted. Wherever possible the repetition of paragraph headings has been ehminated and where a portion of a paragraph heading which is perti- nent recurs, it has been omitted and the ommission is indi- cated by a dash. The full paragraph heading and the sub- titles are, however ^ repeated at the beginning of the first paragraph on each left-hand page. The paragraph headings have also been shortened by the introduction , of a more detailed system of subheadings. The type used in the titles and headings has been selected with an idea of readily marking the various divisions and subdivisions. The inclu- sion of an index is deemed superfluous in that the subject titles are arranged alphabetically and supplemented by a system of detailed cross-references which, in fact, makes the digest an index. In the table of cases reported the cases are classified ac- cording to the kind of utility affected, and where more than one plant of a joint utility is concerned the case is listed in each of the classes affected. Corporate names containing the name of an individual are listed under both the given name and the surname. Names of municipal corporations are not listed under the prefix "City of," "Town of," etc. In the localities index the cases affecting a locality are listed alphabetically according to the kind of service fur- nished, i. e., electric railway, electric utility, express, etc. 362083 ABBREVIATIONS. Appl Application Exten Extension Invest Investigation R. C Wisconsin Railroad Commission Reports Stats Statutes 11 » DIGEST OF THE DECISIONS OF THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN JULY 20, 1905. TO FEBRUARY 4. 1915 > ABANDONMENT Of equipment of railroad, see Railroads, 1, 74-77; Warehouses, 3. Of line or track, see Street Railways, 5, 9-10. ABILITY OF COMMODITY TO PAY As element considered in making railroad rates, see Rates — Railroad, 106. ABSORPTION OF CHARGES Question of absorption immaterial in determining interstate or intrastate character of switching service, see Transportation, 6. Railroad switching charges, see Rates — Railroad, 311; Reparation, 97-99, 113. ACCIDENTS Installation of automatic air brakes for prevention of accidents, see Street Railways, 30. Liability for accidents, in joint use of street railway tracks, see Street Railways, 25. Prevention of accidents in joint use of street railway tracks, see Street Railways, 25. Report to Commission of accidents, see Railroad Commission, 99; Street Railways, 1. ) * ^ ^, I 6 Accounting. -^Compliance with accounting requirements ACCOUNTING I. COMPLIANCE WITH ACCOUNTING REQUIREMENTS. II. COST ACCOUNTING— DETERMINATION OF UNIT COSTS. a. In general. g. Joint utilities. b. Electric utilities. h. Railroads. c. Express companies. i. Street railways. d. Gas utilities. j. Telephone utilities. e. Heating utilities. k. Water utilities. f. Interurban railways. III.' UNIFORM ACCOUNTS, a. Electric utilities. I. COMPLIANCE WITH ACCOUNTING REQUIREMENTS. ELECTRIC UTILITIES. 1. Increase in rates deferred until accounting data of utility conform to standards prescribed by the Commission. In re AppL Neshkoro Lt. Sc P. Co., 1913, 13 R. C'. 52, 68. 2. Reduction in rates ordered notwithstanding uncertainty due to failure of utility to keep accounts required by law. City of Rhinelander v. Rhinelander Ltg. Co., 1912, 9 R. C. 406, 436. TELEPHONE UTILITIES. 3. Application for increase in rates dismissed because of lack of ac- counting data required by law. In re AppL Troy Sc Honey Creek Tel. Co., 1911, 6 R. C. 549; In re AppL State Long Distance Tel. Co., 1912, 8 R. C. 497, 503. 4. Increase in rates deferred until accounting data of utility conform to standards prescribed by the Commission. In re Appt. Plymouth Tel. ExcL, 1912, 9 R. C. 169, 178; In re AppL Platteville, Reivey & Ellenboro TeL Co., 1912, 10 R. C. 534, 542; In re AppL Peoples' Tel. Co., 1913, 11 R. C. 499, 506; In re AppL Deerfield TeL Co., 1913, 12 R. C. 672, 675. WATER UTILITIES. 5. Reasonableness of rates not finally determined because of lack of accounting data required by law. Fitzgerald et al. v. City of Tomahawk, 1911, 8 R. C. 40, 55; Lothrop el al. v. Village of Sharon, 1912," 8 R. C. 479, 482, 493-496. II. COST ACCOUNTING— DETERMINATION OF UNIT COSTS. a. IN GENERAL Apportionment of expenses over output, capacity and consumer expenses. 6. In making the apportionment of the numerous items of expenses over output, capacity and consumer expenses general outlines must be used with care, since local conditions may to a greater or less degree in- fluence the bases used. The nature of the power used, the character of the management and superintendence, the methods of accounting, and the efficiency and physical make-up of the plant are factors which enter largely into a consideration of the apportionment of expenses. City of Accounting. — Cost accounting. — Determ. of unit costs 7 Manitowoc v. Manitowoc El. Lt. Co., 1910, 5 R. C. 360, 376; In re Appl. Jefferson Mun. El. Lt. & W. Plant, 1910, 5 R. C. 555, 564. a. IN GENERAL — Continued Apportionment of expenses among the different departments or branches of the service — Indirect expenses. 7. It is a general cost accounting principle that indirect expenses common to two or more services or general in nature should be appor- tioned on the bas^s of the direct expenses to which they are most closely related. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1913, 12 R. C. 1. 32. b. ELECTRIC UTILITIES. Apportionment of expenses over output, capacity and consumer expenses. 8. In order that every consumer shall pay his just share of the ex- penses, it is necessary to apportion the expenses of the plant between the capacity and output costs and determine what part of each class of ex- pense shall be charged against the consumer. In re Appl. Jefferson Mun. El. Lt. cfc W. Plant, 1910, 5 R. C. 555, 564. Apportionments made in: In re Appl- La Crosse Gas & El. Co., 1907, 2 R. G. 3, 23; In re Appl. Fox R. Millg. vater) 98. Depreciation actually computed for each plant. City of Ripon v. Ripon Lt. 6c W. Co., 1910, 5 R. C. 1, 26. (Electric and water) 99. Depreciation apportioned on the basis of the value of the prop- erty and the nature of the equipment for each plant. In re Invest. Evans- ville Mun. El. Lt. & W. Plant, 1912, 11 R. C. 197, 203. 100. Depreciation actually computed for each plant. In re Appl. Columbus W. & Lt. Comm., 1913, 11 R. C. 449, 459. General expenses — (Electric and gas) 101. The fairest basis for the apportionment of the general expenses between two plants so situated as those involved in the case under con- sideration would seem to be their respective demand upon the manage- ment as measured by the direct expenses of each plant. State Journal Prtg. Co. et at. v. Madison Gas & El. Co., 1910, 4 R. C. 501, 592. (Electric, gas and heating) 102. Practice indicates that general expenses should be apportioned among the plants on the basis of the direct expense. City of Waukesha v. Waukesha G. & El. Co., 1913, 13 R. C. 100, 115. (Electric, gas and electric railway) 103. General expenses distributed in proportion to the total expenses. In re Men. & Mar. Lt. cS: Tr. Co., 1909, 3 R. C. 778, 814. 104f General expenses not directly chargeable to any of the three plants apportioned on the basis of overhead expenses. Lamb v. Eastern Wis. Ry. & Lt. Co., 1911, 6 R. C. 473, 483. (Electric, gas and water) 105. General expenses not directly chargeable to any of the three plants apportioned on the basis of the direct expenses. City of Ripon v. Ripon Lt. Sc W. Co., 1910, 5 R. C. 1, 26; Cunningham et at. v. Chippewa Falls W. Wks. WAYS, 38. BRANCIL LINE. Abandonment of Une of portion thereof, see Railroads, 1, 74-77. Branch line rates, see Rates — Railroad, 11. Adequacy of branch line service, see Train Service, 1-3. Operation of branch line, see Railroads, 85-90. Power of Commission to order operation of branch line, see Railroad Commission. 131. BREAD AND CAKE. Reasonableness of rates on bread and cake, see Rates — ^Express, 15. BREWERS' GRAINS. Reasonableness of rates on dried brewers' grains, see Rates — Railroad, 230. Butter and Eggs 39 BRICK. Reasonableness of rates on brick, see Rates — Railroad, 211-212. BRIDGED TELEPHONE SERVICE. See Rates — Telephone 62. BRIDGES. Bridge used by highway and railroad — Safety of. 1. Construction of new bridge ordered by the Commission, In re West Algoma Street Bridge in Oshkosh, 1912, 8 R. C. 441. Order modified in 9 R. C. 357. Toll bridge — Safety of. 2. Repairing of bridge ordered by the Commission. City of Sturgeon Bay V. Sturgeon Bay Bridge Co., 1911, 7 R. C. 727. BUILDING MATERIALS. Reasonableness of rates on building materials, see Rates — Railroad, 214, 226. BUILDING PURPOSES. Rates for water for building purposes, see Rates — Water, 2. BULK OF COMMODITIES. Bulk of commodities in relation to weight as element considered in mak- ing railroad rates, see Rates — Railroad, 151-152.. as matter considered in determining reasonableness of railroad rates, see Rates — Railroad, 194. BURNT SAND. Reasonableness of rate on burnt sand, see Rates — Railroad, 278. BUSINESS RATES. Business and residence rates for telephone utilities, see Rates — ^Tele- phone, 3-7. BUTTER AND EGGS. See also Eggs. Establishment of concentration rates for butter and eggs, see Rates — Railroad, 31-32. Labels on freight packages, regulations for, see Labels. 40 Cabbages CABBAGES. Railway car service for movement of crop, see Railroads, 80. CAKE. Reasonableness of rates on bread and cake, see Rates — Express, 15. CALLING CHARGES. Calling charges for telephone subscribers not having direct connection with long distance lines, see Rates — Telephone, 75. CANDLE POWER. Measurement of candle power in testing the performance of street lighting systems, see Electric Utilities, 30. CANNED GOODS. Reasonableness of switching rates for canned goods, see Rates — Rail- road, 312. CAPACITY COSTS. As element considered in making rates for electric utilities, see Rates — Electric, 34. for gas utilities, see Rates — Gas, 6. for water utilities, see Rates — Water, 40-46. CAPACITY EXPENSES. Apportionment of capacity expenses in the determination of unit costs for electric utilities, see Accounting, 8. for gas utilities, see Accounting, 44. for heating utilities, see Accounting, 63. for water utilities, see Accounting, 174-175. ' CAPACITY OF CARS. Minimum carload weights should be based upon practical loading ca- pacity of cars, see Weights, 4-7. CAPITAL STOCK. Interest on bonds and dividends on stock of railroad company apportioned between intrastate and interstate traffic, on basis of miles of road, see Accounting, 134. Requirement as to ownership of stock by telephone subscribers, see Tele- phone Utilities, 64. Car Storage Area 41 CAPITALIZATION. As matter considered in the valuation of public utilities, see Valuation, 21. Capitalization of amount claimed due for past services rendered by utility, in the determination of the value of property of public utilities, see Valuation, 22. Capitalization not usually a fair index of a reasonable valuation, see Valuation, 23. Franchise values, statutory prohibition against capitalization of franchises granted by a municipality at any greater sum than the amount paid therefore into the public treasury, see Valuation, 28-35. Monopoly privileges cannot be justly capitalized as against consumers, see Valuation, 33. Public utilities, what constitutes a reasonable return for public utilities, relation of return to capitalization, see Return, 18. Relation of nominal return to capitalization, addition of intangible value to capitalization, see Return, 14. CAR MILEAGE. Empty car mileage as matter considered in making railroad rates, see Rates — Railroad, 126-127. CAR SERVICE. Adequacy of ioterurban car service, see Interurban Railways, 9, 14-19. of street car service, see Street Railways, 27-48. Preference in furnishing cars, see Discrimination, 66-68, 85. Railway car service, see Railroads, 78-81. CAR SERVICE AND DEMURRAGE RULES. See also Demurrage Rules. Shippers responsible for demurrage charges due to failure to give proper shipping directions, see Reparation, 116. CAR SERVICE CHARGES. See Demurrage Charges. CAR STAKES. Failure to make allowance for car stakes as ground for refund, see Repara- tion, 107. CAR STORAGE AREA. Limitation of car storage area for protection of railroad crossings, see Railroads, 30. 42 Caretaker CARETAKER. Employment of caretaker to care for station building, see Station Fa- cilities, 13. CARLOAD FREIGHT. Charge imposed for carload freight, but not for less than carload freight, see Rates — Railroad, 50. Inadequate track facilities, for the transfer of carload and less than carload freight, see Switch Connections, 25. CARLOAD RATES. See Rates — Railroad, 12-14. CARLOAD WEIGHTS. See Weights. CARRIERS. See also Connecting Carriers. I. CARRIAGE OF GOODS. II. CARRIAGE OF PASSENGERS. III. CONTROL AND REGULATION OF COMMON CARRIERS. I. CARRIAGE OF GOODS. Loss of, or injury to goods — Carrier liable as insurer. 1. Common carriers are considered as insurers, and are under that responsibility; and to prevent litigation, and avoid the necessity of going into the examination of matters difficult to be unraveled, the law, very justly, in case of loss, presumes against them. The rule being so rigorous, they are entitled to demand, and do demand, a compensation for their services in full proportion, at least, to the risks incurred. (Baldwin v. American Express Co. 1859, 23 111. 202) Strauss v. American Express Co. et al, 1909, 3 R. C. 556, 564. 2. Having undertaken to carry a particular kind of property which requires an unusual service, common carriers must receive the same when offered for carriage, provided, of course, reasonable notice has been given to them so that they may be prepared to furnish the necessary equipment and that there is sufficient traffic of the character to warrant the service, but they cannot impose upon the shipper a contract exempting themselves from their legal liabilities as common carriers. Ellman v. I. C. R. Co., 1912, 9 R. C. 240. 247-248. Carriers. — Control and regulation of common carriers 43 II. CARRIAGE OF PASSENGERS. Passengers' effects — Articles constituting personal baggage. 3. It would seem, generally speaking, that anything that is ordinarily necessary for the convenience of the passenger while on his journey, or which is essential to the execution of some temporary employment or pleasure at his destination, is to be considered baggage. This also ac- cords with the view taken by the courts, although the line of demarcation between what is and what is not baggage is not distinct. Green v. C. M. Sc Si. P. R. Co., 1911, 8 R. C. 115, 117. 4. The rule of a street railway company requiring folded baby car- riages or carts to be wrapped or covered with cloth or paper when offered as baggage by passengers is unreasonable. The respondent is accordingly ordered to accept folded baby carriages or carts as baggage without re- quiring them to be wrapped or enclosed in cloth or paper. Martin v. S. W. R. Co., 1911, 8 R. C. 311, 315. III. CONTROL AND REGULATION OF COMMON CARRIERS. Duty of carrier to furnish certain minimum of service regardless of finan- cial conditions, see Railroads, 85-90. Power of state to regulate rates of carriers, see Railroad Commission, 92-94. Duty of common carriers to interchange traffic. 5. The Commission can compel railway companies to provide reason- able facilities for the interchange of traffic between their respective lines, but has no authority to compel interchange of traffic between land and water carriers. City of Ashland v. M. St. P. n. 1. Commission has no jurisdiction when complaint against a pubhc utility is filed in behalf of a municipality, but without express authority from the municipality. City of Sheboygan v. Sheboygan Lt. P. 64 ■ ''Dead Weighf a DEAD WEIGHT" As element considered in making rates for railroads, see Rates — Rail- , ROAD, 151-152. As matter considered in determining reasonableness of railroad rates, see Rates— Railroad, 187, 189, 194. Proportion of "dead weight" in carload as compared to less than carload freight, see Rates — Railroad, 12. DEALER'S LICENSE. See License. DEFINITIONS. See specific headings. DELAYS. Free time, allowance for delays, see Demurrage Rules, 1-8. Unnecessary delays as a result of inadequate track connections, see Switch Connections, 25, 27. DELEGATION OF LEGISLATIVE POWER. When action of legislature is not a delegation of power. 1. Action of legislature in authorizing administrative body to de- termine the facts as to the reasonableness of rates is not a delegation of legislative power. Buell v. C. M. & St. P. R. Co., 1907, 1 R. G. 324, 337- 345. DELIVERY AT DESTINATION. Discrimination between different transfer companies. 1. Receivers of freight have the right to designate the person who shall teafn their goods from the depot, and delivery orders given by them should be strictly observed and regarded as private communications. Cohn v. C. & N. W. R. Co., 1912, 8 R. C. 569, 576-578. Jurisdiction of Commission over delivery of interstate shipments upon their arrival within the state. 2. It seems that the power of the state to make regulations for the delivery of interstate shipments upon their arrival within the state comes within the second class of state legislation as classified in Covington etc. Bridge Co. v. Kentucky, 1894, 154 U. S. 204. Within this class fall those state enactments which were passed under the police power of the state in the absence of congressional action upon the subje t, and "which are local in their operation, although they may incidentally affect interstate commerce." Strauss v. American Express Co. et al., 1909, 3 R. C. 556, 572-573. Delivery Service Limits 65 Necessity of making personal delivery — Duty of telegraph com- panies. 3. It is the duty of a telegraph company which receives a message for transmission, directed to an individual at one of its stations, to deliver that message to the person to whom it is addressed, with reasonable diligence and in good faith. That is a part of its contract, implied by taking the message and receiving payment therefor. (Western Union Telegraph Co. V. James, 1896, 162 U. S. 650.) Strauss v. American Express Co. et al., 1909, 3 R. C. 556, 573. Place of delivery and necessity of making personal delivery — Duty of express companies. 4. In its application to express companies the rule that there must be an actual delivery to the proper person at his residence or place of business, is probably not without its exceptions in certain jurisdictions. Strauss v. American Express Co. et al.y 1909, 3 R. G. 556, 563. DELIVERY BY CARRIER. Place of delivery and necessity of making personal delivery — duty of ex- press companies, see Delivery at Destination, 4. I DELIVERY SERVICE. Express delivery. 1. Delivery service by express companies is not free. It is a part of the service covered by the rate. Strauss v. American Express Co. et al., 1909, 3 R. C. 556, 570. DELIVERY SERVICE LIMITS. Express delivery limits. 1. No injustice will be done to express companies by requiring them to extend equal service to all inhabitants residing in a municipality where they maintain messengers, wagons and horses for collecting and delivering goods. Strauss v. American Express Co. et at., 1909, 3 R. G. 556, 570. 2. There must be some limits to the area within which express com- panies may be required to deliver express and the boundaries of the muni- cipality are most satisfactory for this purpose. (Strauss v. American Exp. Co. 1909, 3 R. C. 556.) Heineman Lbr. Co. v. Wells Fargo Exp. Co., 1914, 13 R. G. 594, 596. Must not be arbitrary, 3. While it is true that some territorial limits, within which only the duty of collecting and delivering goods may prevail, must of necessity be prescribed at places where messengers and wagons are maintained for the purpose, nevertheless, in fixing such limits care must be taken that no undue or unjust disrcimination between customers shall result as a conse- quence thereof. Strauss v. American Express Co. et al., 1909, 3 R. G. 556, 568-569. 66 Demand DEMAND. Assessment of maximum demand, discrimination in assessment, see Dis- crimination, 10. Method of determining demand, see FIates — Electric, 6. DEMAND FACTOR. As element considered in making electric rates, see Rates — Electric, 27. Relation of demand to capacity of plant, see Electric Utilities, 17. DEMURRAGE RULES. Reasonableness of demurrage charges for delays caused by failure of rail- road company to properly fulfill its agreement to provide certain track facilities, see Reparation, 118. caused by floods, see Rates — Railroad, 42.' caused by infrequent mail service, or inclement weather, see Rates — Railroad, 44. Refund of demurrage charge accrued through negligence of carrier, see Reparation, 117. due to failure of shipper to give proper shipping directions, see Reparation, 116. ordered on basis of free time allowance under statute, see Repara- tion, 119. Shippers responsible for demurrage charges due to failure to give proper shipping directions, see Reparation, 115. Time allowed for unloading — -Allowance of additional compen- satory time. 1. To allow additional compensatory time for the time consignee is deprived of access to the cars, would result in discrimination and rebates of the worst character, which would be difficult to detect and more difficult to prove. The demurrage rules now in effect are adequate in most in- stances and equalize fairly well the loss of shippers and railroads occasioned by delays in unloading cars. Allen IJ)r. Co. v. C. M. & St. P. R. Co.j 1910, 6 R. C. 14, 16-17. Free time allowance — Modification under statute. 2. Section 1797-10/n of the Wis. Statutes which in substance provides that carload freight must on the average be moved seventy-five miles per day, ordered suspended for thirty days insofar as sugar beet traffic was concerned. In re Appl. C. M. & St. P. R. Co., 1911, 8 R. C. 101, 103; In re Appl. M. St. P. & S. S. M. R. Co., 1911, 8 R. G. 129, 130. Note. — Orders revoked shortly after being issued. In re Appl. C. M. '^ :;?.,; >\- ' .>^ > d. QUALITY OF SERVICE. — Continued. Performance of street lighting system. — Illumination measure- ments. 33. There is still considerable difference of opinion concerning which reference plane should be used in making tests of street illumination. It is safe to say that when no other observations are considered, there are disadvantages arising from the use of any particular plane. City of Sheboygan v. Sheboygan Ry. Sc El. Co., 1911, 6 R. C. 353, 376-377. 34. It appears that a comparison of light sources for street lighting purposes by the amount of illumination that is produced at a certain distance from the lamp leaves important factors unconsidered. In re Jt. Appl: Waupaca El. Lt. Sc Ry. Co. and Waupaca, 1912, 8 R. C. 586, 626. Substitution of 6.6 ampere a.c. enclosed for 9.6 d.c. open arcs. 35. It is the finding of the Commission that the city of Waupaca, under the circumstances, has not suffered such damage by reason of the substitution of the a. c. enclosed lamps for the d. c. open lamps as to entitle it to claim any reduction from the contract price of the street lighting service furnished it by the Waupaca El. Lt. & Ry. Co. from the time of the change in the installation of street lamps up to the present time. In re Jt. Appl. Waupaca El. Lt. Sc Ry. Co. and Waupaca, 1912, 8 R. C. 586; 9 R. C. 310, 318. ' Wattage measurements. 36. Wattage tests, although not indicative of the amount of light given by an arc lamp, are, when measured at the lamp, an indication of the condition of a series lamp's adjustment. City of Sheboygan v. Sheboy- gan Ry. & El. Co., 1911, 6 R. C. 353, 393. Wattage rating. 37. Illuminating engineers are by no means agreed that the wattage basis is the proper basis for rating arc lamps, but it appears, in view of the provisions of the existing contract, that it is the only practicable one for use. City of Whitewater v. Whitewater El. Lt. Co., 1910, 6 R. C. 132, 157-158. e. REQUIREMENTS AS TO SERVICE AND FACILITIES. In general. 38. Under sec. 1797/n-3 (ch. 499, laws of 1907), "Every public utility is required to furnish reasonably adequate service and facilities." State Journal Prtg. Co. et at. v. Madison Gas & El. Co., 1910, 4 R. C. 501, 623. Adequacy of service — In general. 39. While a utility is entitled to reasonable rates for the services it renders, it has not the right to exact more than this. It must also see that the services it renders are adequate and that they meet all reasonable requirements in this respect. It is important that the interests of the public it serves should be as fully protected as those of its own. In re Appl. La Crosse Gas Demand factor. 27. The plant must hold itself in readiness to furnish current whenever it is demanded. As electric current can not be profitably stored, the plant must not only be in constant operation, but its capacity must be equal to the greatest demand that is made upon it. These facts, in turn, tend to materially increase the cost of operation, first because the investment required is greater than would otherwise be the case, and again, because the plant cannot be closed down during those periods when little demand is made for current. In re Appl. Chippewa Val. Ry. Lt. Sc P. Co., 1908, 2 R. C. 311, 319; In re Men. & Mar. Lt. & Tr. Co., 1909, 3 R. C. 778, 825; In re Appl. Cumberland Mun. El. Lt. Plant, 1909, 4 R. C. 214, 219; State Journal Prtg. Co. et al. v. Madison Gas & El. Co., 1910, 4 R. C. 501, 662- 663; City of Ripon v. Ripon Lt. cfc W. Co., 1910, 5 R. C. 1, 28, 29; City of Manitowoc v. Manitowoc El. Lt. Co., 1910, 5 R. C. 360, 383; In re Appl. Jefferson Mun. El. Lt. & W. Plant, 1910, 5 R. C. 555, 563; City of Beloit V. Beloit W. G. & El. Co., 1911, 7 R. C. 187, 376; In re Invest. Mosinee EL Lt. Sc P. Co., 1914, 13 R. C. 712, 717. Injuries, damages and law expenses. 28. Unusual sums expended for injuries and damages and law expenses for particular years must, for rate-making purposes, be spread over a longer period, for rates based upon the costs of particular years in which extraordinary expenses have occurred would yield revenues con- siderably above what is required in normal years. In re Invest. Electric Rates in Oconto, 1913, 12 R. C. 584, 593. Rates-Electric. — Making rates — elements considered 245 Lamp renewals. 29. The installation of the tungsten street lighting system also necessitates an estimate of lamp renewals. From a great deal of data collected in this office it is safe to assume that the cost over a period of years for maintenance and renewals will be near to 80 cts. per 1000 burning hours. In re Columbus W. Sc Lt. Comm., 1913, 11 R. G. 449, 455. Long and short hour use. 30. Under the more usual methods of classifying the expenses it often happens that the rates computed for the short hour consumer become prohibitory, and in order to attract customers must be arbitrarily reduced. The losses sustained by thisreduction may have to be made up by raising other rates. It may not often be possible to trace the causes which make such arbitrary adjustment of the rates necessary to any improper classification of the expenses, but the fact that such adjustments may have to be made is apt to lead to doubts as to the accuracy of the method employed. In re AppL La Crosse Gas Sc EL Co., 1908, 2 R. C. 3, 26. 31. Generally speaking, the rates should, as far as practicable, be based upon cost. Short hour users are more costly to the plant than long hour users, and consequently should pay higher rates. Unless the rates charged in each case bear a rather close relation to the cost, there is apt to be discrimination as between the customers in this, that some among them are forced to contribute more than their share of the total income, while others are charged less than they should pay. Dodgeville v. Dodge- ville El. Lt. Sc P. Co., 1908, 2 R. G. 392, 412; In re Appl. North Milw. Lt. Sc P. Co., 1909, 4 R. G. 89, 99-100; Ross et al. v. Burkhardt Millg. Sc El. P, Co. 1910, 5 R. G. 139, 163; Harrington et al. v. T. M. E. R. Sc L. Co., 1910, 6 R. G. 64, 68; Superior Comm^l. Club et al. v. Superior W. Lt. Sc P. Co., 1912, 10 R. C. 704, 798; In re Appl. Ft. Atkinson W. Sc Lt. Comm., 1913, 12 R. C. 260, 302. 32. Examination reveals that the cost per unit of current is much greater for those who use their lights only a short time each day, than for those who use their lights for longer periods daily. The reason for this is found in the fact that the so-called constant expenses depend largely upon the installation or capacity, rather than upon the amount of current used. In re Appl. Medford Lt. Sc Htg. Co., 1908, 2 R. G. 421, 423; In re Appl. Cumberland Mun. El. Ltg. Plant, 1909, 4 R. G. 214, 226-227; State Journal Prtg. Co. et al. v. Madison Gas Sc El. Co., 1910, 4 R. G. 501,* 687- 688; City of Ripon v. Ripon Lt. Sc W. Co., 1910, 5 R. G. 1, 34; In re Appl. Darlington El. Lt. Sc W. P. Co., 1910, 5 R. G. 397, 414-415; In re AppL Jefferson Mun. EL Lt. Sc W. Plant, 1910, 5 R. G. 555, 569; City of Beloit v. Beloit W. G. Sc EL Co., 1911, 7 R. G. 187, 369; Electric Theater et aL v. Lodi EL Lt. Plant, 1911, 7 R. G. 745, 752. 33. Electric rates that are fixed without regard to the installation or the maximum demand of the consumers and the length of time the current is used by them, are likely to be discriminatory or inequitable. In re Men. Sc Mar. LL Sc Tr. Co., 1909, 3 R. G. 778, 830; City of Manitowoc v. Mani- towoc EL Lt. Co., 1910, 5 R. G. 360, 383; In re AppL Red Cedar VaL EL Co., 1911, 6 R. G. 717, 758, 759. 246 Rates-Electric. — Making rates — elements considered^ Cost of service — Output, capacity and consumer costs. 34. In general the cost of supplying electricity or electric current to the consumers is made up of two classes of expenses, one of which includes the so-called fixed, and the other the so-called variable expenses. The fixed expenses depend on the capacity or the maximum demand. The variable expenses depend upon the amount of energy or current produced or sold. The relation which these expenses bear to each other depends very largely upon the conditions under which each particular plant is operating. In re AppL La Crosse Gas & EL Co., 1907, 2 R. C. 3, 22; In re Appl. Fox River Millg. Sc P. Co., 1907, 2 R. C. 135, 138; In re Appl. Alma El. LI. Co., 1907, 2 R. C. 144, 147; In re Appl. Merrill Ry. & Ltg. Co., 1907, 2 R. C. 148, 156; In re Appl. Chippewa Val. Ry. Lt. & P. Co., 1908, 2 R. G. 311, 319; Dodgeville v. Dodgeville El Lt. Sc P. Co., 1908, 2 R. C. 392, 410; In re Men. & Mar. Lt. 6c Tr. Co., 1909, 3 R. C. 778, 825; In re Appl. Cumberland Mun. El. Lt. Plant, 1909, 4 R. C. 214, 226; State Journal Prtg. Co. et al. v. Madison Gas & El. Co., 1910, 4 R. C. 501, 687; City of Ripon V. Ripon Lt. Sc W. Co., 1910, 5 R. C. 1, 30; Ross et al. v. Burkhardt Millg. Sc El. P. Co., 1910, 5 R. C. 139, 163; City of Manitowoc v. Mani- towoc El. Lt. Co., 1910, 5 R. C. 360, 385; In re Appl. Jefferson Mun. Et. Lt. Sc \V. Plant, 1910, 5 R. C. 555, 570: In re Appl. Lancaster El. Lt. Co., 1910, 6 R. C. 53, 56; In re Appl. Durand Lt. S: P. Co., 1911, 6 R. C. 334, 339-340; In re Appl. Red Cedar Valley El. Co., 1911, 6 R. C. 717, 756; City ofBeloit v. Beloit W. G. Sc El. Co., 1911, 7 R. C. 187, 367; In re Invest. Evansville Mun. El Lt. Sc W. Plant, 1912, 11 R. C. 197, 204-205; In re Appl. Mt. Iloreb Ht. Lt. Sc P. Co., 1914, 13 R. C. 653, 660-661; Hood et al. V. Monroe El. Co., 1914, 14 R. C. 227, 232. As affected by stability of service. 35. Obviously, stabiHty of consumption is greatly to be desired by the management of an electric utility and is equally to the interest of con- sumers. Any large percentage of discontinued service during the year, re- sulting in a comparatively large number of consumers being served for less than twelve months per. year, is certain to have an adverse effect upon the apportionment of expenses as between classes and the appropriate rates. City of Ripon v. Ripon Lt. Sc W. Co., 1910, 5 R. C. 1, 37. Rate of return. 36. Request was made for an interest allowance only large enough to pay interest on the bonded indebtedness of the plant. Five per cent of the fair value has been used in our computations as a reasonable rate of return. In re Appl. Mun. El. Utility of Sun Prairie, 1914, 15 R. G. 189, 193. Taxes. 37. The probability that taxing officers will use the value placed by the Commission upon the property of the utility as the basis for assessing higher taxes against the utility should be taken into consideration in fixing rates for the services of the utility. Taxes are a legitimate expense of production and must be met from the revenues of the utility. City of Waukesha v. Waukesha G. Sc El. Co., 1913, 13 R. G. 100, 115-116. Raies-Elcclric. — Making rates — elements considered 247 38. Though the utility in the instant case for some reason had not paid any taxes up to date it is not likely that this situation will continue and allowance has therefore been made for taxes in determining normal expenses. In re Invest. Mosinee El. Lt. ik P. Co., 1914, 13 R. C. 712, 716. 39. It is clearly evident that some consideration should be given to the increase in taxes in fixing rates for service. Otherwise, the revenue from operation would be insufficient to meet the expense of running the plant. Cihj'of Watertown v. Wateriown G. & El. Co., 1914, 14 R. G. 604, 614. 40. In order to determine the true cost of service for which consum- ers of a municipal utility should pay there should be included ^n allowance for estimated taxes. A private plant would have to pay taxes, and if a mu- nicipal plant is exempted, taxes on other property holders throughout the city must be raised as a result. The resulting increase is as truly a cost of furnishing a utility service as is any other cost of operation. In re Appl. Ft. Atkinson W. cfc Lt. Comm., 1913, 12 R. G. 260, 285; In re Appl. Stough- ton Mun. El. Lt. System, 1909, 3 R. G. 484, 490; In re Appl. Cumberland Mun. El. Lt. Plant, 1909, 4 R. C. 214, 216-217; In re Appl. Village of Arcadia, 1912, 11 R. G. 216, 218; In re Appl. Columbus W. Sc Lt. Comm., 1913, 11 R. G. 449, 456-457; In re Appl. Mun. El. Utility of Sun Prairie, 1914, 15 R. G. 189, 193; In re Invest. Waterloo Mun. W. & El. Plant, 1914, 15 R. G. 534, 540. Wages and salaries. 41. Analysis of comparative data shows that the normal amount ex- pended for wages and salaries is about 40 to 45 per cent of the total oper- ating expenses, modified in individual instances by local conditions. City of Rhinelander v. Rhinelander Ltg. Co., 1912, 9 R. G. 406, 431-432. 42. There seems to be very little doubt that a part of executive officers' salaries should be considered in this instance as a part of the profits of the business. In other words, liberal expenditure for salaries which may be the means of obtaining efficient operation must be consid- ered as at least part of the premium allowable for the efUciency obtained. Hood et al. v. Monroe EL Co., 1^14, 14 R. G. 227, 231. Development and retention of business. 43. In making an adjustment in the rate schedule of a utility, increas- ing the rate to large power consumers is a serious matter, because there is always the likelihood of such customers finding it advantageous to use some other source of power. In the instant case we have given this matter careful consideration, and we believe that the rate prescribed is low enough to retain the business that the utility now has, and at the same time high enough to pay the additional costs involved in furnishing the service. In re Invest. Waterloo Mun. W. c^ El. Plant, 1914, 15 R. G. 534, 545. 44. While circumstances seem to furnish a strong argument for an increase in the apphcant's rates, it must be said, on the other hand, that the marketableness of the applicant's supply of power at rates much higher than those now charged has not been demonstrated before the Gommission, and, since ability to dispose of power in a somewhat limited 248 Rates-Electric. — Making rates — elements considered market constitutes as influential a force upon the value of the supply as any other factor, the establishment of rates regardless of such circum- stances is a delicate and difficult task which should, however, be limited by a reasonable maximum based upon the facts brought out in this case. In re Appl. Rhinelander Power Co. to Amend its Rates, 1915, 15 R. C. 783, 813. Economies in operation. 45. It is expected, and is quite generally found to be the fact, that in combined plants the rates of general expenses or management costs will be less than in the case of single utilities or plants operating a water, gas, electric, or electric railway property alone. A combination of utili- ties, such as this case presents, may offer many opportunities for economies not possible in a single utility. Where such economies are made possible, it would appear that while the public is entitled to some share in such benefits as may result from such economies, at the same time the com- pany is entitled to a reward for effecting the results described. City of Beloit v.Beloit W. G. & El. Co., 1911, 7 R. C. 187, 285. 46. A public utility which possesses an especially economical source of supply is not entitled to retain the entire saving effected by it, but a portion of the saving should be given to the public in the form of lower rates. In re Service and Rates Stevens Pt. Ltg. Co., 1914, 14 R. C. 350, 363, 364. Hours during which current is used. 47. Under any conditions, the range of hours of current use is as much a part of the schedule as the rates themselves. In re Appl. Merrill Ry. Sc Ltg. Co., 1907, 2 R. C. 148, 165. Relation between consumers and municipality. 48. The question as to whether the rates of a municipal utility must be such that the cost of service shall rest entirely upon the consumers is one which depends upon the circumstances for its answer, for the rates must be fair to the consumers as well as to the owners of the utility and the actual cost is not always the entire measure of fairness. In the instant case, in view of the fact that the citizens of the village have failed so largely to patronize their own utility, although they must have known that their undivided support was necessary to its success, it appears un- reasonable to load the entire loss of operation upon those who now use the service of the utility. In re' Appl. Browntown Man. Lt. Plant, 1914, 14 R. C. 560, 563. XV. MAXIMUM RATES. Establishment of. 49. Maximum rates for electric service established: In re Appl. Chippewa Val. Ry. Lt. cS: P. Co., 1908, 2 R. C. 311; 768; In re Invest. Milw. Electric Rates, 1912, 9 R. G. 541; In re Invest. Chippewa Val. Ry. Lt. & P. Co., 1912, 10 R. C. 692; 1913, 13 R. C. 19; 444; Hood et al. v. Monroe El. Co., 1914, 14 R. C. 227; Jones et al. v. Berlin Public Service Co., 1914, Raies-Electric. — Power rates 249 15 R. C. 121; In re Appl. Sun Prairie Miin. EL Plant, 1914, 15 R. C. 189; In re Appl. Manitowoc W. cfc El. Plants, 1914, 15 R. C. 212; In re Invest. Waterloo Mun. W. & El. Plant, 1914, 15 R. C. 534. XVI METER RATES Straight meter rates. 50. Uniform meter rates are, under normal conditions, indefensible in that they do not follow the cost of furnishing the service. Citij of Ripon V. Ripon Lt. Sc W. Co., 1910, 5 R. C. 1, 34; In re Appl. Fox River Millg. Sc P. Co., 1907, 2 R. C. 135, 139; In re Men. ' nearly independent of the length of haul, and the movement service, the cost of which varies almost directly with the distance. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1913, 12 R. C. 1, 34. Railroad cost. 4. Inasmuch as the express company directly bears practically all the terminal expenses, the railroad cost of handling shipments increases almost as fast as the distance, so that the railroad, if receiving the same per cent of charges on all shipments, derives more profit from the short than the the long hauls. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1913, 12 R. C. 1, 34. IV. MINIMU^f CHARGES. Purpose of charge. 5. Careful analysis of express operations reveals that a considerable expense is incurred, for every shipment, which is practically the same for 260 Rates-Express. — Minimum charges all whether the shipments weigh one ounce or fifty pounds, and whether they move between stations ten or a hundred miles apart. The shipment cost is the fixed mininjum cost of handling applying to all shipments. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1913, 12 R. G. 1, 36. V. REASONABLENESS OF RATES— MATTERS CONSIDERED IN DETERMINING REASONABLENESS. Competitive conditions. 6. While questions pertaining to classification and charges under competitive commercial conditions, when taken as a whole, may be of diminishing importance, and, in most respects, secondary to the cost of the service, they are in many instances important enough to vitally affect the rates of transportation. M. Carpenter Baking Co. et al. v. Wells Fargo cfc Co. e/ aZ., 1911, 8 R. C. 1, 11. • Cost of service. 7. One of the most important elements in determining the reasonable- ness of express rates is the cost of performing the service. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1913, 12 R. G. 1, 19. Number of packages. 8. The number of packages included in a shipment affects the cost of handling, but the charge for extra packages in a shipment can be made commensurate with the cost by proper rules in regard to aggregating. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1913, 12 R. G. 1, 36-37. Risk. 9. The insurance element as regards value and liability to damage is partly taken account of in the shipment, weight and weight-distance costs, so that for the ordinary shipment it need not be considered, and the additional cost for the shipments which are extraordinary in these regards can be taken care of through higher classification or by additions to the regular charges. In re Invest. Express-Rates, 1913, 12 R. G. 1, 37.* Shipment costs. 10. Shipment costs include the greater part of the express company costs and in addition a small part of the railroad costs. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1913, 12 R. G. 1, 37. Shipment and weight costs. 11. The shipment and weight costs are terminal costs except in a very small part. That is, they are costs which would accrue were the ship- ments to merely pass through th€ ordinary steps of the express service without moving any appreciable distance. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1913, 12 R. G. 1, 38. , Size of shipment. 12. The size of the shipment plays a very important part in determin- ing costs. In many respects it is of as great or greater importance than weight. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1913, 12 R. G. 1, 37. Rafes-Exprcss. — Reasonableness of in particular cases 261 Weight cost. 13. Weight cost includes only those items of cost which vary for different shipments in accordance with their weight without regard to the distance the shipments are carried. A considerable part of the ex- press company's expenses and a smaller part of the railroad's are of this nature. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1913, 12 R. G. 1, 37-38. Weight-distance cost. 14. The weight-distance cost includes all the costs in which distance is a factor. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1913, 12 R. C. 1, 38. VI. REASONABLENESS OF RATES IN PARTICULAR CASES. Rates in generaL 15. Petitioners allege exorbitant express charges between Wisconsin points on mixed shipments of baked goods consisting mostly of bread with a small proportion of cake. Respondent express companies formerly transported bread over their respective lines at. "general special" rates, about 20 per cent lower than their merchandise rates, and allowed the same rates on mixed shipments of bread and cake when bread comprised at least half the total weight. The general special rate is ordered rein- stated. M. Carpenter Baking Co. et al. v. Wetts Fargo Sc Co. et al., 1911, 8 R. C. 1, 15. 16. Complaint that the rates charged by the respondent express companies for the transportation of express matter between Milwaukee and other points in Wisconsin are grossly excessive, unreasonable and extortionate. The petitioner alleges unreasonable and discriminatory practices and conditions with respect to the schedule of graduated charges for shipments of less than 100 lb.; with respect to the classification of merchandise, under which multiples of the regular merchandise rates are charged upon certain classes of merchandise; with respect to the rules and regulations regarding the aggregating of weights and the prescribing of minimum weights according to the dimensions of packages; and with respect to the return of empty containers. The petitioner further alleges that the respondent companies have failed to provide reasonable joint rates; that their minimum charges are excessive; and that the ounce rates upon certain kinds of express matter are granted only subject to the unlawful and discriminatory condition that the charges on such shipments be prepaid. Respondent ordered to discontinue present rates and to put into efTect the rates approved by the Commission. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1913, 12 R. C. 1. 17. The date on which the order issued in this matter on May 20, 1913 (12 R. C. 1, 43), should become effective has been postponed from time to time pending the decision of the appeal from the order to the circuit court for Dane county and the making by the Commission of certain additional investigations. The latest postponement makes the order effective on February 1, 1914. The respondent express companies, however, desire to put into effect rates for temporar>^ use which will be in harmony with the interstate express rates recently established by the 262 Rates-Express. — Reasonableness of in particular cases Interstate Commerce Commission to become effective February 1, 1914. Held: Though the rates proposed by the express companies do not entirely agree with the Commission's ideas of what those rates should be, it is the opinion of the Commission that, in view of the fact that the rates as proposed will confer many benefits on the shippers of the state, these rates should be permitted to become effective for the time being with the exception of such as are higher than the interstate rates between the same blocks would be. In re Invest. Express Rates, 1914, 13 R. C. 666. 18. Complaint that the rate of 75 cts. per 100 lb. on laundry moving between Manitowoc and Green Bay is excessive. Held: The rate of 75 cts. is high for the short distance involved. If defects encountered in the Interstate Commerce Commission's plan of rates are due only to a rigid adherence to the method of computation, the defects should be remedied. The respondent is ordered to discontinue its charges under Scale No. 5 for the transportation of express matter between block 537, sub-block H, and block 538, sub-block 0, and substitute therefor the charges under Scale No. 2. Gray & Zenter v. American Express Co., 1914, 14 R. G. 817. Single package rule. 19. A rule of an express company, requiring that only commodities intended for a single consignee shall be shipped in a single package, is a reasonable regulation. Souvenir Novelty Co. v. American Exp. Co., 1907, 1 R. C. 731. RATES— GAS. Discounts for prompt payment of bills, see Rules and Regulations, 19. Discrimination in gas rates, see Discrimination. 28-29. I. FLAT rates. II. FUEL AND LIGHTING RATES. Ill MAKING RATES— ELEMENTS CONSIDERED. IV. METER RENTALS. V. MINIMUM CHARGES. VI. REASONABLENESS OF ADVANCE IN RATES IN PARTICULAR CASES. VII. REASONABLENESS OF RATES— MATTERS CONSIDERED IN DETERMINING REASONABLENESS. VIII. REASONABLENESS OF RATES IN PARTICULAR CASES. IX. RECONNECTION CHARGE. X. SERVICE CHARGES XL STREET LIGHTING RATES. I. FjLAT RATES. Generally undesirable. "^ i^ 1. Flat rates are seldom based on cost analysis, and hence it seems for the best interests of everyone to do away with them if possible. Lothrop V. Village of Sharon, 1912, 8 R. C. 479, 488. Rates-Gas. — Making rates — elements considered 263 II. FUEL AND LIGHTING RATES. Two-rate system. 2. The system of charging a higher rate for gas used for Hghting purposes than the charge for the product used for fuel purposes has been in efTect in a considerable number of cities and finds its defense in the theory that the rates should vary with regard to the value of the service furnished. We are inclined to believe that the logic by which this system of charging has been defended is founded upon incorrect reasoning. There is also a very pronounced tendency to depart from the two-rate system. In view of these facts there appears no reason why the two rates should be con- tinued in respondent's schedule and in the rates provided. City of Ripon V. Ripon Lt. & W. Co., 1910, 5 R. C. 1, 48; City of Racine v. Racine Gas Lt. Co., 1911, 6 R. C. 228, 319. III. MAKING RATES— ELEMENTS CONSIDERED. Cost of service. 3. As the earnings of the utilities are derived from the rates they are charging for services, it necessarily follows that the cost of the service is one of the leading elements that must be considered in fixing such rates. It is not the only element upon which the rates depend, but in this and many other cases it is the most important element. In re Appl. Manito- woc Gas Co., 1908, 3 R. C. 163, 171; State Journal Prtg. Co. v. Madison G. & El. Co., 1910, 4 R. C. 501, 740; City of Racine v. Racine Gas Lt: Co., 1911, 6 R. C. 228, 245. 4. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that the total cost of gas service per 1000 cubic feet consumed decreases with increased consump- tion. City of Beloit v. Beloit W. G. 'ing passengers free of charge is unlawful, and that the respondent should be required by law to charge reasonable rates for the transporta- tion of passengers, which rates must be published and filed in accordance with the provisions of sec. 1797-^1 of the Statutes. Streveler u. Marathon County R. Co., 1907, 1 R. C. 831, 840. XV. FREE OR REDUCED RATE SERVICE. When permissible. 51. The railway companies might, if they saw fit, contribute to the association in question a sum equal to the usual charge for the haulage of an advertising car, and this being so, there is nothing in the law to prevent the railway compani^ from making a contribution, by way of service, to the objects and purposes of the association, they being directly interested in and benefited by the colonization of northern Wisconsin, and having the right to contribute money or its equivalent for advertising purposes. Under the provisions of sec. 1, ch. 13, laws passed at the 1905 special ses- sion of the legislature, the occupants of such a car would be obliged to pay the regular rate of fare when traveling between points within Wisconsin. In re North Wisconsin Farmers Assn., 1906, 1 R. C. 175. 278 Rates-Railroad. — Group or blanket rates XVI. GROUP OR BLANKET RATES. In general. 52. The group system is more applicable to long than to short dis- tance traffic. It is also of greater importance to manufacturing than to agricultural industries. The former are usually located in certain well defined centers, which may be readily classified by groups. The latter, on the other hand, are more evenly distributed over the entire state and it is difficult in many cases to find any natural basis for such grouping. There are also many other differences between these two classes of industries which affect the situation in this respect. In re Rates on Live Stocky 1907, 1 R. C. 778, 813. 53. Rates that are strictly based on the cost of the transportation will vary with the length of the haul, though not in the same ratio. Owing to commercial and other conditions, this fact is often disregarded in rate making. This is the case when several stations in the same territory are placed in the same group, and when some fixed commodity or traffic from this group is given the same rate to any given market or markets. This method of adjusting the rates, while not scientific, is sometimes justifiable, especially when dealing with established conditions. Konrad Schreier Co. V. C. M. & St. P. R. Co. et al., 1910, 5. R. C. 668, 672. 54. In cases such as the one under consideration where it would se- riously disturb established conditions and injure productive capital, it is quite likely that the best interests of the greatest number are subserved by permitting existing group rate systems to remain in effect and by seeing to it that each producer secures such advantages in rates in his immediate neighborhood as those to which, because of his location, he is clearly and equitably entitled under this system of rate making. Waukesha Lime & Stone Co. v. C. M. & St. P. R. Co. et al., 1913, 11 R. C. 419, 422. 55. In a case involving Wisconsin points, Waukesha Lime station.s. b. Construction of lines. f. Telephone exchanges. c. Extension of lines. g. Through lines. d. Franchises or privileges. III. OPERATION. a. Bridged telephone service. d. Requirements as to service and b. Physical connection. facilities. c. Private branch exchange. e. Standards of service. IV. RIGHT OF WAY AND OTHER INTEREST IN LAND. V. TELEPHONE COMPANIES. I. CONTROL AND REGULATION IN GENERAL. Collateral undertaking when not affecting prejudicially the reason- able performance of its duties to the public. 1. Any undertaking or practice collateral to the public calling of a public utility, which does not in itself impair the ability of the utility to fully perform its public functions in every respect, is not within the con- templation of the regulative powers of the Commission. It is only when the public is prejudiced in the matter of rates, services or facilities by any such act, practice or collateral undertaking of a public utility that the Commission may step in and exercise its supervisory power to the end that such prejudice be removed. Fond du Lac Business Men's Assn. et al. V. Wis. Tel. Co., 1909, 4 R. C. 340, 349. Ordinance requiring removal of telephone poles from street. 2. Under the ordinance the complainant would be obliged either to violate its duty to the public by interrupting the service or submit to a cumulative penalty during the period required for performing the work beyond the time limit allowed. Held: That such legislation is not a proper exercise of the police power delegated to a municipality and such ordinance is null and void. Wis. Tel. Co. v. City of Green Bay, 1908. 3 R. C. 147, 162-163. Power of municipality to regulate location of poles within the streets or other public places. 3. All legislative grants to private corporations to occupy streets with electrical appliances are impliedly, if not expressly, subject to the police power of the municipality, both to dictate and to change the location of such plants. {Monongahela v. Monongahela El. Lt. Co., 1892, 4 Am. El. Cas. 53.) Wis. Tel. Co. v. City of La Crosse, 1911, 7 R. C. 435, 445. Telephone Utilities. — Establishm., consfr. and mainlen. 453 4. A city may not enforce an ordinance peremptorily directing a telephone company to relocate its poles in an impracticable manner, after the poles have been located and allowed, when it is neither averred nor shown that the existing location incommodes the public, nor that there was any good reason for the removal of the poles. {Hannibal v. Mo. o doubt control most of the traffic, but until they do, it is in the interest of public health and morals that this class of traffic should be encouraged, at least so long as it is not a burden on other travelers. The wholesale principle, too, enters into the considerations which lead to the sale of such tickets, as they are good for a specified number of rides between given points and the time within" which they can be used is limited. Buell v. C. M. Sc St. P. R. Co., 1907, 1 R. C.'502; Lieberman v. C. M. & St. P. R. Co., 1909, 3 R. C. 330, 332. Right of carrier to prescribe conditions of sale. 5. Ordinarily, the price of commutation tickets, the conditions upon which they are sold, and the distance from a given city to which com- mutation rates shall be extended, are matters within the discretion of the carrier. (Spring et al. v. B. & 0. R. Co. et al., 1900, 8 I. C. C. R. 443.) Lieberman v. C. M. & St. P. R. Co., 1909, 3 R. C. 330, 332. TILE. Establishment of joint rates on tile, see Rates — Railroad, 75. Reasonableness of rates on tile, see Rates — Railroad, 212. TILE AND BRICK. Establishment of joint rates on tile and brick, see Rates — Railroad, 75. Reasonableness of rates on tile and brick, see Rates — Railroad, 212. TOBACCO. Establishment of concentration rates on tobacco, see Rates — Railroad, 38. Reasonableness of rates on tobacco, see Rates — Railroad, 293. 468 Toilet Facilities TOILET FACILITIES. Installation of modern sanitary toilet facilities in station, see Station Facilities, 36. TOLL BRIDGE RATES. See Rates — Toll Bridge. TOLL BRIDGES. Rate of depreciation of toll bridge, see Depreciation, 45. TOLL DROPS. Rates for telephone toll drops, see Rates — Telephone, 74. TOLL RATES. See Rates — Telephone, 1^-11. TOLL STATION. Toll station changed into a rural station, see Telephone Utilities, 12. TON-MILE. When improper basis for rates. 1. Average rate per ton-mile for entire railway system not considered fair basis for making rates for sugar beets. Chippewa Sugar Co. et al. v. C. M. TRAFFIC CONDITIONS. As a factor in fixing minimum weights, see Weights, 9. As element considered in making railroad rates, see Rates — Railroad, 156-158. rates for street railways, see Rates — Street Railway, 11-12. rates for telephone utilities, see Rates — Telephone, 35-36. As matter considered in determining reasonableness of railroad rates, see Rates — Railroad, 196. TRAFFIC DIVERSITY FACTOR. Traffic diversity factor as matter considered in determining adequacy of service for street railways, see Street Railways, 28. 470 Traffic Officers TRAFFIC OFFICERS. Traffic officers to improve service of street railways, see Street Railways, 47. TRAIN CONNECTIONS. See Train Service, 8, 14. TRAIN MILEAGE. Revenue train mileage as basis for apportionment of operating expenses of railroad between intrastate and interstate traffic, see Accounting 132. TRAIN SCHEDULES. See also Train Service. Car schedules for street railways, see Street Railways, 43-44. Adjustment of train schedules to assure connections between branch and main line, see Train Service, 14-16. Adjustment of train schedules between connecting carriers to provide for interchange of traffic, see Train Service, 8. Adjustment of train schedules. 1. Train schedules should be so arranged as to afford the best accom- modations to the greater number of people. Jones v. C. M. 7,8A-95; In re Appleton Water Wks. Co., 1910, 6 R. C. 97, 120. 132. The methods to be followed in fixing the allowance which should be made for going value have not been very definitely fixed. In general, however, it may be said that there are two methods which have been used to a considerable extent. 1. The determination of the extent to which losses have actually been incurred in building up the business in question. 2. The cost of reproduction of the business. City of Green Bay v. Green Bay W. Co., 1913, 11 R. C. 236, 243. Valuation. — Of property of public utilities 513 133. Aside from an arbitrary percentage which must have some basis in fact, the measure of going value must be made either upon the basis of cost or upon the basis of an estimate of a reproductive value. Upon the basis of cost, instances frequently occur where past surpluses have offset and wiped out past losses. Upon the basis of a reproduced plant a going value will be developed in every case dependent largely upon the liberality of the estimate. City of Milwaukee v. T. M. E. R. Sc L. Co., 1912, 10 R. C. 1, 151. 134. The comparative plant method of estimating going value is a continuation of the appraisal or cost of reproduction theory of value and is based upon the assumption that an identical utility property shall have been reprc^duced at the present time, and estimates the expenditures probably made before the hypothetical or comparative plant shall have been placed upon an earning basis identical with the present property. The comparative plant basis is open to the objection that it is based upon a large number of varying assumptions, involving practically every factor in the calculation. City of Milwaukee v. T. M. E. R. e given, not only to the interests of the utility, but to the interests of the consumer and the public. These interests, however, as well as the conditions upon which they depend, vary so much from place to place that it is difficult, if not altogether impossible, to lay down specific rules for extensions of the plant and the business that can be generally applied. In a general way it can, of course, be said that extensions should be put in at the expense of the plant whenever they bid fair to become fairly remunerative. Because of varying conditions, however, the term "fair remuneration" may not always stand for like elements. Beloit W. G. Sc El. Co. v. City of Beloit, 1910, 5 R. C. 617, 623-624; City of Janesville v. Janesvilie Water Co., 1911, 7 R. C. 628, 689. Terms and conditions of extension. 11. In the matter of extending the mains of a water system, uniform regulations should be enforced. The persons desiring the extension of a main should be subjected to like terms and conditions. Beloit W. G. & El. Co. V. City of Beloit, 1912, 9 R. C. 250, 261; Webber et al. v. City of Lake Mills, 1913, 12 R. G. 577, 580. 12. Rates for extensions prescribed. In re Invest. Green Bay Water Co., 1913, 12 R. C. 734; In re Invest. Ashland Water Co., 1914, 14 R. C. 1. IV. MUNICIPAL ACQUISITION— TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE AND PURCHASE. a. COMPENSATION FOR PROPERTY. Compensation determined by Commission. 13. Compensation for property determined by Commission in the following cases of municipal acquisition of water utilities: In re City Water Co. of Sheboygan, 1909, 3 R. C. 371; In re Fond du Lac Water Co., 1910. 5 R. C. 482; In re Appleton Water Wks. Co., 1910, 6 R. C. 97; In re Lake Geneva Water & Lt. Co., 1911, 6 R. C. 403; In re Manitowoc Water Water Utilities. — Municipal acquisition; terms, etc. 529 Wks. Co., 1911, 7 R. C. 71; In re Fond du Lac Water Co., 1911, 8 R. C. 259; In re Manitowoc Water Wks. Co., 1911, 8 R. C. 266; In re Valuation of Whitewater Water Wks. Co., 1912, 10 R. C. 524; In re Purchase Oshkosh Water Wks. Plant, 1913, 12 R. C. 602; In re Purchase Antigo Water Co's Plant, 1913, 13 R. G. 156; In re Purchase Beaver Dam Water Co's Plant, 1913, 13 R. G. 169, 177; In re Purchase Janesville Water Wks. Plant, 1915, 15 R. G. 674. Compensation to cover property used and useful. 14. The law neither authorizes nor enables the city to purchase only such part of the plant as it may desire, nor can the company compel the city to acquire more property than is actually used and useful for the con- venience of the public. City of Mellen u. Mellen W. Sc Lt. Co., 1910, 5 R. C. 202, 204. b. POWER OF MUNICIPALITY TO ACQUIRE PUBLIC UTILITY. Action by municipal council — Regularity. 15. Objection was made that the action of the municipal council of the city of Fond du Lac to acquire the water works of the Fond du Lac Water Go. was void for the reason that such action was not expressed in the form of an ordinance or formal resolution. We apprehend that in the absence of any specific requirement as to the form of the action, any motion duly made, voted upon and recorded would be an effective de- termination of the matter under the statute. {Citij of Green Bay u. Brauns, 1880, 50 Wis. 204, 207.) In re Fond du Lac Water Co., 1910, 5 R. G. 482, 490. Capacity of city to incur indebtedness. 16. The argument on behalf of the company relative to the financial inability of the city to make the purchase is predicated on certain assump- tions that are more or less speculative, and hence not sufficient grounds for objection at this stage of the proceeding. Until the just compensation is ascertained it is impossible to determine even approximately the ability of the city to pay the same. Such compensation may be more or less than the tentative valuation, which merely forms the basis of the investigation. In re Racine W. Co., 1912, 10 R. G. 543, 553; In re Purchase Janesville Water Co's Plant, 1913, 13 R. G. 29, 30. Provision for compensation. 17. The law is well settled that when private property is appropriated by a municipality for public purposes such compensation must be actually made or the means provided whereby it can be certainly obtained. How- ever, the omission of any means for securing such compensation is not an infirmity of the act if such means otherwise exist and are sufficient for the purpose. In re Racine Water Co., 1912, 10 R. G. 543, 550; In re Purchase Janesville Water Co's Plant, 1913, 13 R. G. 29, 30. Submission of question to voters. 18. Questions often arise in respect to certain property which has ceased to be active or is only semi-active, as to whether the same is actu- \ 530 Water Utilities. — Municipal acquisition; terms, etc. ally used and useful for the convenience of the public within the meaning of the statute, and until these questions are determined it is not possible to give anything more than a general description of the plant, and even then a definite description would contain so much detail as to be of no practical value to the voters. The term "water works" is as comprehensive a term as could be employed. In re Racine Water Co., 1912, 10 R. G. 543, 547; In re Purchase Janesville Water Go's Plant, 1913, 13 R. G. 29, 30. b. POWER OF MUNICIPALITY TO ACQUIRE PUBLIC UTILITY. — Continued Right to determine question of acquisition — Where vested. 19. It was not until after the common council had adopted the report of the committee declaring the intention of the municipality to acquire the water works, that the legislature amended sec. 1797/n-80, thereby taking from the council and vesting in the voters of the municipality the right of determining whether the municipality shall acquire any public utihty. Unless, therefore, the action of the council prior to the amendment is ineffectual for any reason, such determination of the council must be held binding upon the municipality. Wis. Statutes, sec. 1797/n-80, as amended by eh. 213, laws of 1909. In re Fond du Lac Water Co., 1910, 5 R. G. 482,490. V. OPERATION. a. MANAGEMENT. \ Financial transactions. 20. It appears to be a good business policy to treat a municipal plant as an enterprise separate and distinct from the municipality itself and to have accounts kept accordingly. If this policy is followed the city should pay the utility at a reasonable rate for all service rendered the city, in order to avoid unjust discrimination in favor of the taxpayers of the city as against consumers; the utility, in turn, should pay the city a reason- able amount as taxes and as interest oil the city's equity in the property of the utility, in order to avoid unjust discrimination in favor of the consum- ers as against the taxpayers; and the city should provide all funds required for capital expenditures. In re Appl. Lake Mills Lt. & W. Comrn., 1912, 11 R. G. 160, 164; In re Appl. City of Sparta, 1913, 12 R. G. 532, 535-537. 21. In regard to the handling of moneys of the water department, attention is called to sec. 925-956 to 925-95c of the Statutes, which speci- fically provide for the administration of water works accounts. Gompli- ance with the provisions as outlined in the law referred to will, it is believed, relieve the present confusion regarding the handling of finances. In re Appl. Lake Mills Lt. & W. Comm., 1912, 11 R. G. 160, 163; Dennett et al. V. City of Sheboygan, 1914, 14 R. G. 634, 650. 22. Materials sold by a utihty should be sold at a price high enough to cover at least the cost of handhng in addition to the cost of the goods, and in the cost of handhng should be included not only such items as freight and cartage, but also the losses due to breakage, necessary waste and other costs of a similar nature. In re Invest. Waterloo Mun. W. ted to the character of the shipment. 13. It is the duty of a carrier, generally, to furnish a car adapted to the transportation of the commodity designated, and having such capacity that the minimum loading provisions will not result in an excessive charge for the carriage. This is true in the absence of any request on the part of the shipper for any particular kind or size of car. Loftus-Hubbard Elev. Co. V. W. C. R. Co., 1 R. C. 91; Albert Trostel & Sons v. W. C. R. Co., 1908, 2 R. C. 761, 762. Failure to furnish cars of required size — Substitution of box cars for flat cars. 14. It is the duty of a carrier, generally, to furnish a car adapted to the transportation of the commodity designated, and having such capacity that the minimum loading provisions will not result in an excessive charge for the carriage. This is true in the absence of any request on the part of the shipper for any particular kind or size of car. A Ibert Trostel & Sons v. \V. C. R. Co., 1908, 2 R. G. 761, 762. Substitution of larger cars. 15. When a shipper orders a car for a specific purpose the railway company should supply a car which will meet that purpose fully, without additional expense. Loftus-Hubbard Elevator Co. v. W. C. R. Co., 1906, 1 R. G. 91, 97; Franke Grain Co. v. C. & N. W. R. Co., 1908, 3 R. C. 182, 538 Weights. — Minimum carload weights 184; Colby Cheese Box & Silo Co. u. M. Si. P. & S. S. M. R. Co., 1914, 15 R. C. 469; Stevens v. C. ., 1912 Refund on shipment of coal IX 396 et al., Engesether y., 1912 Refund on shipment of vegetables VIII 504 r, Fagg & Taylor et al. v., 1909 Refund on shipment of grain Ill 370 , Fergot v., 1909 Refund on shipment of wood bolts IV 248 , Franke Grain Co. v., 1908 Refund on shipment of grain .'f. Ill 182 Cases Reported 597 Volume and Page Chicago . VIII 328 et al., Mears-Slayton Lbr. Co. v., 1911 Refund on shipment of lumber and establishment of joint rates VIII 247 et al., Menasha Paper Co. v., 1909 ^ • Refund on shipment of pulp wood Ill 620 , y., 1911 Refund on shipment of wood pulp VI 586 , Merrill Woodenivare Co. v., 1908 Refund on shipments of logs Ill 54 • , Milwaukee, County of, v., 1909 Switching charges Ill 377 ■ , Milwaukee Structural Steel Co. v., 1914 Refund on switching rates on building material XIII 673 et al., Milwaukee Western Malt Co. v., 1910 Refund from demurrage charges V 437 et at.. Mineral Point Zinc Co. p.,. 1911 Establishment of joint rates on zinc ore VII 583 , Mitchell Lewis Motor Co. v., 1913 Refund on shipment of auto gear frames XI , 709 , Moritz v., 1914 Refund on shipments of sand XIII 684 , Morse v., 1911 Refund on shipment of coal VI 531 — et al.. National Distilling Co. v., 1913 Rates on liquor, reasonableness of XI • 424 — et al.. National Mfg. Co. v., 1912 Rates on wagons, track connections IX 509 — et al.. National Refining Co. et al., v., 1911 Less than carload rates on petroleum products VI 326 — et al., Nelson-Berry Lbr. Co. v., 1907 Joint rates on slab wood, reasonableness of II 95 — , Nordberg Mfg. Co. y., 1915 Rates on sand, reasonableness of and refund XV 648 -, Northern Wood Co. v., 1913 Refund on shipment of wood XI 706 608 Cases Reported Volume and Page IX. RAILROAD CASES. i. Rates and Refunds. Chicago, M. & St. P. R. Co., Northwestern Iron Co. v., 1914 Rates on shipment of fuel oil, reasonableness of and refund , XIV . 577 et at., Oglebay, Norton & Co. y., 1913 Refund on shipments of iron ore XII 716 , Oshkosh Bottle Wrapper Co. v., 1909 Refund on shipments of bottle wrappers IV 333 , Oshkosh Fuel Co. v., 1911 Refund on shipments of fuel wood and slabs VI 199 - et at., Pabst Brewing Co. et at. v., 1913 Rates on beer, reasonableness of XIII 42 - et at., Parfrey v., 1910 Refund on shipment of empty cheese boxes and estab- lishment of joint rates on same IV 450; V 551 - et at., Parfrey Mfg. Co., The A. C, v., 1912 Refund on shipment of cheese boxes IX 517 — , Pennsylvania Coal So. Supply Co. v., 1914 Rates on coal, reasonableness of and refund XIV 746 - et al., Peshtigo Lbr. Co. v., 1914 Rates on cedar posts, reasonableness of and refund XIV 188 - v., 1914 Rates on logs, reasonableness of and refund XV 43 - et al.. Price v., 1909 Refund on shipments of lumber Ill 467 - et al.. Pulp & Paper Mfrs. Traffic Assn. i;., 1913 Rates on wood, reasonableness of XI 365 — v., 1914 Joint rates on pulp wood .....XIII 735 -, 1;., 1914 Rates on wood, reasonableness of XV 66 — , Rates on Sand, In re Invest., 1912 Rates on crushed stone, gravel and sand XI 98 — et at., Rhinelander Paper Co. v., 1911 Refund on shipment of pulp wood and restoration of joint rates VIII 58 — , v., 1912 Estabhshment of joint rates and refund on shipment of pulp wood IX 127 -, v., 1912 Authority of Commission to authorize specific refunds... X 632 — et al., Ringle et al. v., 1911 Reduction of rates on tile and brick VII 170 -, v., 1911 Joint rates on brick and tile VII 598 — , Rom Co. v., 1911 Refund on shipments of foundry patterns VIII 325 Cases Reported 609 Volume and Page Chicago, M. & St. P. R. Co., Ruder Brwg. Co. v., 1914 Rates on beer, reasonableness of and refund XIV 508 , Ruedebush i;., 1913 Refund on shipments of brick, switching rates XII 248 , v., 1914 Rates on brick, reasonableness of and refund XIV 92 -, Schneider v., 1909 Rates on ice, reasonableness of IV 71 — et al., Schreier (Konrad) Co. v., 1910 Joint rates on barley V 668 -, Schultz v., 1912 Refund on shipments of coal, feed and refuse X 370 — , Schwartz v., 1907 Rates on coal, reasonableness of II 75 — et al.t Schwoegler & Kelly v., 1910 Refund on shipments of stone and estabhshment of joint rates V 287 — , v., 1910 Refund on shipments of stone .....V 635 -, Shultis et al. v., 1908 Rates on milk and cream II 450 -, v., 1909 Rates on milk and cream Ill 425 — , Sinaiko Bros, v., 1910 Refund on shipments of scrap iron V 426 — et al., Somo River Lbr. Co. v., 1910 Refund on shipments of lumber IV 485 — et al.. Southern Wis. Cheese Men's Prot. Assn. v., 1906 Rates on cheese, reasonableness of I 143 — , Southern Wis. Sand & Gravel Co. v., 1913 Rates on sand and gravel and refund on shipments ..XIII 380 — et al.. Standard Lime ., 1912 Refund on shipment of pulp IX 400 , v., 1913 Refund on shipment of wood XI 417 , v., 1914 Refund on shipments of ground wood pulp XIII 690 et a/.. Week Lbr. Co. v., 1914 Rates on logs, reasonableness of and refund v XV 53 • , Western Ind. Constr. Co. v., 1911 Refund on shipment of steel rails VIII 309 , Wheeler-Timlin Lbr. Co. v., 1911 Refund on shipment of lumber VI 434 et al., Whittet v., 1909 Refund on shipments of lumber IV 195 , v., 1910 Refund on shipments of cordwood IV 480 , Winkler v., 1909 Rates on milk and cream, readjustment of Ill 425 et al., Wisconsin Box Co. et al. v., 1909 Concentration rates on rough lumber Ill 605 , u., 1909 Refund on shipments of lumber IV 271; 327 , v., 1910 Refund on shipments of lumber IV 768 Cases Reported 611 Volume and Page Chicago, M. & St. P. R. Co. et ai, Wisconsin Clay Mfrs. Assn. v., 1914 Establishment of joint rates on tile and on brick and tile.XIII 756 et al. Wis. Pulp CASES. i. Rates and Refunds. Yawkey-Bissel Lhr. Co. v. C. & N. W. R. Co., 1911 Refund on shipments of lumber VI 209 j. Station Facilities. Abbotsford, Village of, v. M. St. P. . V 110; 727 Vaudreuil Realty Co. v. C. St. P. M. & 0. R. Co., 1911 Spur track VI 661 Weeks Lbr. Co. u. C. XV 11 In re Extension Pewaukee-Sussex Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of line XV 57 • of St. Croix Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of line XV 241 In re Invest. Alleged Refusal of Oconto Rural Tel. Co. to Extend Service, 1914 Refusal to extend service XV 277 Alleged Violation of Law by Lisbon Tel. Co., 1914 , Extension of line XIV 131 In re Proposed Extension Chippewa County Tel. Co. in Town of Anson, 1914 , Extension of lines XIV 510 Clinton Tel. Co., 1913 Extension of line XIII 166 — — Cornell Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of line XIV 814 ( Cases Reported 675 Volume and Page In re Proposed Extension East Valley Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of line XIV 802 Ettrick Tel. Co., 1913 Extension of line XII 744 Fond du Lac Rural Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of line XIII 676 - Grange Hall Farmers Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of line XV 11 - Mattoon Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of line XIV 329 - Mayville Rural Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of line XIV 402 - Oak Ridge Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of line XV 166 —-Owen Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of line XIII 630 - Random Lake Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of line XIV 757 - St. Croix Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of line XV 241 - West Kewaunee & W. Tel. Co., 1914 Extension of lines .^ XIV 219 - Wis. Tel. Co., i914 Extension of lines .....XIV 396;441;510 In re Refusal Oconto Rural Tel. Co. to Extend Service, 1914 Refusal to extend service XV 277 Johnson et al. v. Lodi Tel. Exch., 1913 Rates and service and extension of lines XI 713 Lisbon Tel. Co., Alleged Violation of Law by. In re Invest., 1914 Extension of line XIV 131 Lodi Tel. Exch., Johnson et al. v., 1913 Rates and service and extension of lines XI 713 Mattoon Tel. Co., In re Proposed Extension, 1914 Extension of line XIV 329 Mayville Rural Tel. Co., In re Extension, 1914 Extension of line .* XIV 402 Oak Ridge Tel. Co., In re Proposed Extension, 1914 Extension of line XV 166 Oconto Rural Tel. Co., Refusal to Extend Service, In re, 1914 Refusal to extend service ....XV 277 Owen Tel. Co., In re, 1914 Extension of line XIII 630 Pewaukee-Sussex Tel. Co., In re Extension, 1914 Extension of line XV 57 Random Lake Tel. Co., In re Proposed Extension, 1914 Extension of line XIV 757 676 Cases Reported Volume and Page X. TELEPHONE CASES. c. Extensions. St. Croix Farmers Mut. Tel. Co., Tri-State Tel. Sc Teleg. Co. v., 1913 Extension of line XIII 437 St. Croix Tel. Co., In re Extension, 1914 Extension of line.. XV 241 State Long Distance Tel. Co. et al.. Eagle Tel. Co. v., 1914 Extension of lines and physical connection XIII , 597 Trego Tel. Co., Earl Tel. Co. v., 1914 Extension of line XIV " 457 Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Co. v. St. Croix Farmers' Mutual Tel. Co., 1913 Extension of line .....XIII 437 Western Crawford Co. Farmers' Mut. Tel. Co., In re Appl., 1914 Checking station, establishment of .....XIV 568 West Kewaunee & W. Tel. Co., In re Proposed Extension, 1914 Extension of lines XIV 219 Wis. Tel. Co. et al. Eagle Tel. Co. v., 1914 Extension of lines and physical connection XIII 597 , In re Proposed Extension, 1914 Extension of lines XIV 396; 441; 510 d. Physical Connection. Arena & Ridgeway Tel. Co. u. Mazomanie Tel. Co., 1914 Physical connection XV 390 Badger Tel. Co., Hawkins Creek Tel. Co. et al. v., 1914 Physical connection XIV 655 Belmont & Pleasant View Tel. Co. et al. v. White Oak Tel. Co., 1914 Physical connection and establishment of uniform service, rates, rules, etc XV 92 et al. V. Wis. Tel. Co. et al. 1914 Physical connection and establishment of uniform service, rates, rules, etc XV 92 Bergen Tel. Co., In re Appl. for Physical Connection between, and the Clinton Tel. Co., 1913 Physical connection XIII 249 Boscobel Tel. Co. v. Crawford Co. F. Mut. Tel. Co. et al, 1912 Physical connection and reasonableness of rates XI 32 Clinton 6c Bergen Tel. Cos., In re Physical Conn, between, 1912 Physical connection and toll rates X 598 Clinton Tel Co., In re Appl. for Physical Conn, between, and the Bergen Tel Co., 1913 Physical connection XIII 249 Cases Reported . 677 Volume and Page Crawford Co. Farmers* Mut. Tel. Co. et al. Boscobel Tel. Co. v., 1912 Physical connection and reasonableness of rates XI 32 Curtiss and Withee Tel. Co. v. Owen Tel. Co., 1914 Physical connection ...XIII 538 D. , 1914 Physical connection XIV 419^. Diamond Grove Tel. Co. u. Mineral Point Tel. Co.y 1914 Physical connection XV 185 Eagle Tel. Co. v. State Long Distance Tel. Co. et al., 1914 Physical connection, extension of lines XIII 597 Ettrick Tel. Co. v. La Crosse Tel. Co., 1913 Physical connection XII 68 Farmers Mut. Tel. Co. of Muscoda et al., Boscobel Tel. Co. v., 1912 Physical connection and reasonableness of rates XI 32 Farmers' Union Tel. Co. et al. v. Mt. Vernon Tel. Co., 1914 Physical connection XV 286 Fennimore Mut. Tel. Co. et al., Boscobel Tel. Co. v., 1912 Physical connection and reasonableness of rates XI 32 Hawkins Creek Tel. Co. et al. v. Badger Tel. Co., 1914 Physical connection XIV 655 Hickory Grove Farmers* Mut. Tel. Co. et at., Boscobel Tel. Co. v., 1912 Physical connection and reasonableness of rates XI 32 In re Appl. La Fayette County Tel. Co., 1914 Physical connection and estabUshment of uniform service, rates, rules, etc XV 92 Limy-Brook Tel Assn., 1912 Physical connection IX 189 of Monroe {A. E.) et al. for Physical Connection between the Clinton Tel. Co. and the Bergen Tel. Co., 1913 Physical connection XIII 249 In re Mineral Point Tel. Co., 1912 Physical connection and rates IX 285 In re Physical Conn, between Clinton Sc Bergen Tel. Cos, 1912 Physical connection and toll rates X 598 between the Clinton Tel. Co. and the Bergen Tel. Co., 1913 Physical connection XIII 249 Johnson et al. v. Readfield Tel. Co. et al., 1914 Physical connection XIV 102 Kelty Line et al, Boscobel Tel Co. v., 1912 Physical connection and reasonableness of i)ates XI 32 La Crosse Tel Co., Ettrick Tel. Co. v., 1913 Physical connection *....XII 68 et al. Winter v., 1914 Physical connection XV 36 678 Cases Reported Volume and Page X. TELEPHONE CASES. d. Physical Connection. La Fayette County Tel. Co. et at., Belmont & Pleasant View Tel. Co. et al. v., 1914 Physical connection, and establishment of uniform serv- ice rates, rules, etc XV 92 , In re Appl., 1914 Physical connection, and establishment of uniform serv- ice rates, rules, etc XV 92 Lindsey Farmers Tel. Co. et at.. State Aid Highway Comm. v., 1914 Physical connection XV 244 Linzy-Brook Tel. Assn., In re AppL, 1912 Physical connection IX 189 Mauston Elec. Service Co.y New Lisbon Mut. Tel. Co. v., 1913 Physical connection XII 213 Mazomanie Tel. Co.y Arena Sc Ridgeway Tel. Co. v., 1914 Physical connection XV 390 McGowan v. Rock County Tel. Co. et al., 1914 Physical connection XIV 529 Mineral Point Tel. Co., Diamond Grove Tel. Co. v., 1914 Physical connection XV 185 , In re AppL, 1912 Physical connection and rates -^. IX 285 Monroe, In re Appl. for Physical Conn, between the Clinton Tel. Co. and the Bergen Tel. Co., 1913 Physical connection XIII 249 ML Vernon Tel. Co., Farmers' Union Tel. Co. v., 1914 Physical connection , XV 286 New Lisbon Mut. Tel. Co. v. Mauston Elec. Service Co., 1913 Physical connection XII ^ 213 Owen Tel. Co., Curtiss and Withee Tel. Co. v., 1914 Physical connection XIII 538 , v., 1914 Physical connection XIV 419 Peoples Tel. Co. (The) et al., Boscobel Tel. Co. v., 1912 Physical connection and reasonableness of rates XI 32 • Pleasant Valley Tel. Co. et al., Boscobel Tel. Co. v., 1912 Physical connection and reasonableness of rates XI 32 Readfield Tel. Co. et al., Johnson et al. v., 1914 Physical connection XIV 102 Riverside Park Tel. Co. et al., Boscobel Tel. Co. v., 1912 Physical connection and reasonableness of rates XI 32 Rock County Tel. Co. et al., McGowan v., 1914 Physical connection XIV 529 Rough and Ready Tel. Co. et al., Boscobel Tel. Co. v., 1912 Physical connection and reasonableness of rates XI 32 Cases Reported 679 Volume and Page State Aid Highway Comm. v. Wis. Tel. Co et al.y 1914 Physical connection XV 244 State Long Distance Tel. Co. et at.. Eagle Tel. Co. v., 1914 Physical connection; extension of lines XIII 597 Tuffley Line et al., Boscobel Tel. Co. v., 1912 Physical connection and reasonableness of rates XI 32 Werley Tel. Co. et al, Boscobel Tel. Co. v., 1912 Physical connection and reasonableness of rates XI 32 Westford Tel. Co. et al. v. Badger Tel. Co., 1914 Physical connection.. XIV 655 White Oak Tel. Co., Belmont & Pleasant View Tel. Co. et al. v., 1914 Physical connection and establishment of uniform serv- ice rates, rules, etc XV 92 Winter v. La Crosse Tel. Co. et al., 1913 Physical connection XI 748 u. , 1914 Physical connection. .' XV 36 Wisconsin Tel. Co. et al., Belmont & Pleasant View Tel. Co. et al. v., 1914 Physical connection and establishment of uniform serv- ice rates, rules, etc XV 92 et al.. Eagle Tel. Co. v., 1914 Physical connection; extension of lines XIII 597 et al., McGowan v., 1914 Physical connection XIV 529 et al.. State Aid Highway Comm. v., 1914 Physical connection XV 244 ) et al.. Winter v., 1913 Physical connection XI 748 , v., 1914 Physical connection XV 36 e. Poles — Removal of. Burns v. La Crosse Tel. Co., 1911 Removal of telephone and electric poles VI 195 Green Bay, City of. Wis. Tel. Co. v., 1908 Ordinance requiring removal of telephone poles Ill 147 La Crosse, City of. Wis. Tel. Co. y., 1911 Removal of poles VII 435 La Crosse Gas & El. Co. et al., Burns v., 1911 Removal of telephone and electric poles VI 195 Wisconsin Tel. Co. v. City of. Green Bay, 1908 Ordinance requiring removal of telephone poles Ill 147 V. City of La Crosse, 1911 Removal of poles VII 435 680 ■ Cases Reported Volume and Page X. TELEPHONE CASES. f. Rates and Service. Arena Sz Ridgeway Tel. Co. v. Troy Sc Honey Creek Tel. Co. et al., 1914 Rates for switching service and use of trunk line XIII 763 V. ,1914 Rates for switching service and use of trunk line XV 315 Argyle Tel. Co., In re Appi, 1911 Telephone rates, increase in VI 617 Ashland Home Tel. Co., In re AppL, 1912 Telephone rates, increase in IX 489 Badger State Tel. Sz Teleg. Co., In re AppL, 1914 - Telephone rates, increase in XIV 407 Badger Teleg. & Tel. Co., In re AppL, 1910 Telephone rates, increase in toll rates .V 300 Badger Tel. Co. of Richland Center, In re, 1908 Telephone service and rates Ill 98 Ball, J. L., In re AppL, 1907 Telephone rates, increase in II 105 Beef River Valley TeL Co., In re AppL, 1913 Telephone rates, increase in XII 126 Berend v. Wis. TeL Co., 1909 Telephone service, regulation requiring deposit as pre- requisite for service IV 150 Big Hollow TeL Co. et al.. Arena & Ridgeway Tel. Co. v., 1914 Rates for switching service and use of trunk line XIII 763 , v., 1914 Rates for switching service and use of trunk line XV « 315 Black Earth Tel. Co. et al., Fesenfeld & Barber et al. v., 1909 Telephone service Ill 514 . v., 1909 Telephone service IV 111 Bloomer TeL Co., In re AppL, 1909 Telephone rates, increase in IV 259 Bottomley et al. v. C. M. Sz St. P. R. Co., 1914 Telephone facilities in railroad station XV 446 Brodhead TeL Co., AppL of Sec. 1797m-91, In re., 1907 Special contract rates II 113 , In re AppL, 1907 ^ Telephone rates, increase in II 113 , ,1912 . Telephone rates, increase in IX 383 Brooklyn Tel. Co., In re AppL» 1911 Telephone rates, increase in VI 573 Burlington, Brighton & Wheatland TeL Co. v. C. Sc N. W. R. Co., 1910 Telephone faciUties in railroad station IV 388 Cases Reported 681 Volume and Page Cascade Tel. Co., In re AppL, 1914 Telephone rates, increase in XIV 808 Casco & Brussels Tel. Co., In re AppL, 1913 Telephone rates, reasonableness of XI 760 Chicago <& A^. W. R. Co., Burlington, Brighton ...II 822 , In le AppL, 1911 Telephone rates and service ...VIII 92 , , 1913 Telephone rates, reasonableness of XI 499 of Dane County, In re AppL, 1908 Telephone rates, optional toll rates II 518 , — r-, 1909 Telephone rates, increase in Ill 452 et al., at Fall River, In re Invest., 1914 Telephone service XIV 793 et al.. Union TeL Co. v., 1912 Telephone rates, reasonableness of XI 42 — , , 1913 Telephone rates, reasonableness of XII 140 Pewaukee-Sussex Tel. Co., In re AppL, 1909 Telephone rates, increase in Ill 420 .- , , 1911 Telephone rates, increase in... VII 465 Piatt eville, Rewey Sc Ellenboro Tel. Co., Fox et al. v., \^\1 ^ Telephone rates, increase in VII 608 , In re, 1911 Telephone rates, increase in VII 608 , , 1912 Telephone rates, adjustment of X 534 ' et al. v. Lancaster El. Lt. Co., 1915 Interference of high voltage transmission hues XV 622 Plymouth Tel. Exch., In re AppL, 1912 Telephone rates, increase in IX 169 Portage Tel. Co., In re AppL, 1908 Telephone rates, increase in II 692 Pospichal et al. v. Muscoda Mut. TeL Co., 1915 Telephone service XV 578 Cases Reported ' 691 Volume and Page Prescott Tel. Exch., In re AppL, 1914 Telephone rates, increase in XIV 701 Price Tel. Co. et al., Tel. Toll Rates, In re Invest., 1914 Telephone toll rates and division of tolls XV 288 Princeton Bridged Tel. Service, In re Invest., 1914 Rates for bridged telephone service, reasonableness of.... XV 475 Pulaski Merchants* Sz Farmers' Tel. Co., In re Invest., 1912 Telephone service X 558 Purtell et al. v. Huhertus Tel. Co., 1914 Telephone service XV 152 Purves et al. v. Friendship Tel. Co., 1914 Relocation of exchange XV 530 Randolph Bros. Hotel Co. et al.. National Travelers* Assn, of Amer. v., 1910 Telephone rates, reasonableness of V 678 Random Lake Tel. Co., In re AppL, 1912 Telephone rates, increase in XI * 130 Rhinelander Mut. Tel. Co., In re AppL, 1908 Telephone rates, increase in II 427 Richland Center Farmers' Tel. Exch., In re AppL, 1912 Telephone rates, increase in IX 369 Ripon United Tel. Co., In re AppL, 1914 Telephone rates, increase in XIV 427 Rock County Tel. Co. et al., McGowan v., 1914 Rates for local and toll service, reasonableness of ."XV 378 Rockland TeL Co., In re AppL, 1913 Telephone rates, reasonableness of XI . 402 Sauk City Business Men's Assn. v. C. M. & St. P. R. Co., 1909 Telephone facilities in railroad station Ill 346 Standards for TeL Service in Wis., In re Invest., 1914 Telephone utilities, standards of service XV • 1 State Long Distance TeL Co., In re AppL, 1912 Telephone rates, increase in VIII 497 Theresa Union TeL Co., Grantman et at. v., Idl5 Telephone service XV 582 Tighe et aL v. Clinton TeL Co., 1908 Telephone rates, reasonableness of Ill 117 Tomah EL & TeL Co., In re AppL, 1908 Telephone rates, elimination of unjust discriminations.... 1 1 296 'Tomahawk Lt. Tel. VIII 399 , telephone utilities, physical connection XII 213 , train schedules, adjustment of between connecting carriers to provide for interchange of traffic IV 238 Campia to Rice Lake, refund on shipment of logs X 564 , station facilities, adequacy of '. X 430 Carlton to Bagley Jet., reduction of rates and refund on ship- ment of piling XI 108 Carson and Van Buskirk (between) to Superior, joint rates on logs XIV 703 Carryville from Fairchild, railroad construction, certificate of public convenience and necessity, granted VII 755 Cascade, telephone rates XIV 808 Casco, telephone rates IX 760 Cashton, electric utility, certificate ,of convenience and necessity II 677 , municipal acquisition of electric plant ...Ill 67 from Milwaukee, agricultural implements, refund on shipment Ill 114 , water rates '...XI 410 Cassville (highway near), relocation of highway, public necessity of '. XIII 86 , train service, adequacy of, speed of trains II 348 Catawba to Oshkosh, refund on shipment of wood VI 669 , station facilities, adequacy of I 53 Cazenovia from and to Wis. points, joint rates VI 693 to Ft. Atkinson, refund on shipments of lumber XII 219 — : — , telephone utilities, physical connection XIV 655 Cecil, telephone utilities, physical connection IX 189 Cedarburg, on proposed interurban line V 466 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 , telephone rates , VII 428 Cedar Falls, Oneida county, from Hixon, operation of rail- road line, continuation of XII 223 Cedar Grove, Sheboygan county, (Green Bay road), inter- urban railway crossing, protection of XII 712 Cedarville to Green Bay, refund on shipments of logs...- Ill 386 Charme, switch connections, establishment of II 79 Chase, town of, Oconto county, telephone service, with- drawal of X 558 Chelsea from Rib Lake, railroad rates VII 401 Cheney, station facilities, adequacy of I 254 Chetek, electric rates II 662; XI 227 Chili to Granton, refund on shipments of bolts Ill 518 Chilton, proposed interurban line V 466 , electric service, adequacy of ...II 326 , Hay ton, Kiel, New Holstein from Manitowoc, joint rates on barley, reasonableness of I 69 746 Localities Index Vol. and Page Chilton, NewHolstein, Kiel, Elkhart, from Manitowoc, joint rates, establishment of I 19 to Sheboygan, joint rates on barley established be- tween the d M. & St. P. R. and the G. & N. W. R V 668 , telephone rates V 212 Chippewa Falls, electric rates, flaming arc lamps IX 500 , electric, gas and water rates V 302 from Lublin, fates on logs, reasonableness of and refund II 607 , Menomonee Falls and Janesville from Wis. points, rates on sugar beets and beet pulp, reasonableness of I 258 Clark county, telephone rates XV 822 Clay Banks, town of. Door county, telephone rates, reason- ableness of XI 697 Clear Lake to Itasca, double minimum on mixed carloads of grains and seeds ....V 711 Cleveland, town of, (Rock crossing, about 2 miles north of Stratford) railroad crossing, protection of XIII 729 Clifton, telephone rates and service VIII 399 , telephone utilities, physical connection XII 213 Clinton, telephone rates Ill 117 — — , town of, telephone utility, extension of line XIII 166 , telephone utilities, physical connection X 598; XIII 250 , water rates XI 496 Clintonville to Ashland, refund on shipment of potatoes VI 667 from Elmhurst, refund on shipment of poles and posts... IX 185 from Galloway, concentration rates on poles and posts.. X 461 , station facilities XII 679 , telephone rates, increase in XV 552 Cobban to Eau Claire, refund on shipments of logs IV 319 to , rates on logs, reasonableness of and refund II 342 to Gilman, refund on shipments of bolts XII 134 — — , station facilities, adequacy of X 383 Cochrane, train service VIII 242 Colby, from Unity, reasonableness of rates, on logs, and re- fund : : XV 469 Coleman, train service, adequacy of I 720 Colfax, distribution of cars and service XIV 86 to Madison, refund on shipments of stone and establish- ment of joint rates V 287 to Madison, refund on shipments of stone V 635 Colgate (crossing 1}4 miles north), railroad crossing, pro- tection of XIII 623 Coloma, telephone rates XIV 594 Columbia, (1800 feet east of), railroad crossing, protection of. XI 79 —^ — Station, point east of railroad grade crossing, protection of VIII 733 , or Wedges Creek Jet. to "end of track" at Wedges Creek gravel pit, refund on shipment of construction material IV 412; VI 173 Localities Index 747 Vol. and Page Columbus, electric and water rates and water service XI 449 , Birdsey st. railroad crossing IX 576 , switching rates, and service XII 137 from River Falls, rates on seed peas, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 97 , station facilities....^ IX 576 , telephone rates and service IV 414 , telephone utilities, adequacy of service XIV 793 Combined Locks, Kimberly and Appleton from Itasca, rates on pulp wood, reasonableness of and refund II 250 — ^, from Wis. points on the C. & N. W. R., refund on shipments of logs and wood XI 144 Connor's Point (Superior) to Allouez, refund on shipment of lumber II 126 Corliss from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Corning to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of rye IX 62 Cottage Grove and McFarland, telephone toll rates between..III 452 Cotten to Rhinelander, reasonableness of rates on lumber, and refund XIV 754; XV 473 Cotter to Wausau, refund on shipment of logs : IX 281 Couderay to Superior, rates on lumber... V 95 County Line from Rockfield, reasonableness of rates on lime. . XIII 38 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Courtland, town, of, Columbia county, (Chestnut crossing) railroad crossing, protection of XII 501 Crandon from Antigo, reasonableness of rates on lumber I . 611 to Black Creek, refund on shipment of logs VIII 544 to Eau Claire, refund on shipment of empty fruit packages V 642 from Gagen and Atkins (Siding 234 between), refund on shipment of logs * • IX 57 — to Menasha, refund on shipments of lumber ^...IV 485 — to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of wood XI 400 — from Neopit, refund on shipment of lumber and estab- lishment of joint rate VIII 247' — to Port Washington, refund on shipments of wood Ill 594 from Schofield, refund on shipments of lumber Ill 467 Cross Plains, town of (Bollenbeck crossing) (John $choepp crossing), (Second Schulenberg crossing), railroad cross- ings, protection of XIV 343 Cuba City from Manitowoc, refund on shipments of coal....III 517 from Montfort Jet., train service, adequacy of X 500 Cudahy from Blue Mounds, refund on shipment of live stock IX 74 from Janesville, rates on shipments of grain, reason- ableness of, and refund XIV 79 from Milwaukee, refund on shipments of coal, coke, etc.VII 1 and Milwaukee from Wis. points, rates on live stock, reasonableness of I 778 from Silver Springs, reduction of rates on ice XI 171 748 Localitiesllndex Vol. and Page Cudahy from Waukesha, refund on shipment of gravel and crushed stone ." XIII 368 Cumberland, electric rates IV 214 Station, (crossing near), railroad grade crossing, pro- 16 tection of VIII 5 from Bibon, rates on logs, reasonableness of and re- fund : II 700 to De Forest, refund on shipment of vegetables VIII 504 from Grandview, rates on logs, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 287; XV 158 from Schneider's Spur, refund on shipments of logs V 645 , telephone rates Ill 576 Curtiss and Abbottsford to Menasha, rates on wood bolts, legality of ante-dated tariff I 108 , telephone utility, extension of line XIII 630 and Dorchester, telephone toll rates for nonsubscribers. Ill 586 and Stetsonville, telephone toll rates for nonsubscribers. Ill 586 , train service an(J station facilities VI 655 Cylon, town of, telephone utility, extension of XV 241 , village of, telephone utility, extension of line XV 241 D Dallas from Superior, refund on shipment of salt VI 499 Dane to Milwaukee, refund on shipments of grain .Ill 391 Darien, adjustment of electric rates XV 505 DarUngton, (dam across the Pecatonica river), regulation of level and flow of water X . 38(1 , electric rates XIII 344 , electric rates and service and Tv^ater rates V 397 , station facilities, adequacy of telephone service XV 446 , telephone utilities, physical connection, and establish- ment of uniform service, rates, rules, etc XV 92 , water rates and installation of meters ..VI 26, 408 Davis Spur to Green Bay. refund on shipments of logs Ill 385 Deans Spur to Arpin, rates on shipments of fuel wood, reasonableness of and refund XIV 752 Deansville, train service and station faciUties VI 504 De Forest from Dorchester, joint rates on slab wood, reason- ableness of II 95 from Cumberland, refund on shipment of vegetables VIII 504 De Pere, sale of interurban commutation tickets V 604 De Soto to Milwaukee, refund on shipments of grain IV 781 ■ , station facilities, power of Commission to abate nuisances ) XII 567 Deerfield, (2 miles west), (Henjum crossing), railroad cross- ing, protection of XII 676 from Edgerton, joint rates on lumber V 714 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Localities Index 749 Vol. and Page Deerfield and vicinity, telephone rates XII 672 Delafield, certificate of public convenience and necessity, electric utility XV 497 , telephone rates, reasonableness of XV 397 Delavan, adjustment of electric rates XV 505 to Fond du Lac, ice boat, refund on shipment Ill 504 , station facilities VI 565 , water rates XII 148 Denmark, extension of free storage period XV 405 Devils Lake, train service, adequacy of XV 435 Dewey, station facilities and train service XII 363 Diamond Bluff, stopping of limited passenger trains Ill 350 • , train service, adequacy of XIII 525 Dill, connecting carriers, track connections IX, 509; XV, 421 , train service V, 176; XV, 449 Dodgeville, electric service, adequacy of XIII 642 , street lighting rates, reasonableness of, adequacy of service II 392 (Division st.), railroad crossing, protection of IX, 367; XI, 151 (2% miles west of), Larson crossing, railroad crossing, protection of IX 520 (214 miles west of), Reeson crossing, railroad crossing, protection of IX 520 from Richland Center, empty cheese boxes, refund on shipment and establishment of joint rates IV 450 , telephone utilities, reapportionment of toll earnings... XV 60 and Mineral Point, telephone utilities, physical connection IX 285 , train schedules, failure of carrier to keep schedule for connections IX 319 and Madison, train service between VIII 320 and Martintown (between), train service, adequacy of X 572 Doering to Wausau, refund on shipment of logs IX 281 Donald from Fountain Spur, refund on shipments of logs.... Ill 63 Dooney's Siding, between Dodge and Arcadia, train service. XII 116 Door county, telephone service, adequacy of XV 375 Dorchester to De Forest, joint rate on slab wood, reason- ableness of II 95 , telephone rates Ill, 586; IX, 497 and Athens Curtiss, telephone toll rates between Ill 586 and Stetsonville, telephone toll rates Ill 586 Dousman from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime. XI 419 Dover, town of, Racine county, railroad grade crossing, protection of VIII 513 Dresser Jet. (1 mile southeast of), railroad crossing, change of location IX 339 Drummond from Marston Spur, refund on shipments of logs VII 12 Dudley Spur to Kenosha, refund on shipments of tanbark..IV 175 750 Localities Index Vol. and Page Dunfield to Kenosha, refund on shipments of tanbark IV 175 Dunham to Neillsville, refund on shipment of potatoes VI 667 Duplainville from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 , station facilities VI, 23; XII, 111 , train service XII 690 Durand, electric rates VI 334 from Waukesha, rates on shipment of ground lime- stone, reasonableness of and refund XIV 718 , water meters and services XI 169 Dwight, sidetrack facilities IV 117 , switch connections, spur track..... VI 501 strain service and switch connections I 191 E Eagle (farm crossing, 3 miles west), railroad crossing, protection of XV 272 , telephone rates, reasonableness of .....XV 397 Eagle Point, telephone utilities, changing of toll station to a rural station XV 454 Eagle River, electric rates VI 521 , station facilities, adequacy of XV 47 , telephone rates XIV 499 — ■ — , telephone utility, extension of line XIV • 457 East Appleton (Newberry St.), (Walter Ave.), railroad crossings, separation of grades IX 322 Eastman, telephone rates, reasonableness of XI 42 ■ , telephone utility, checking station, establishment of. XIV 568 and Bridgeport (between), telephone rates XII 140 and Prairie du Chien (between), telephone rates XII 140 East Milwaukee, street railway rates, fare limits X 358 East Troy, telephone rates, reasonableness- of XV 397 Eau Claire, streiet railway, relocation of track and adequacy of service XIV 713 , electric rates, revision of II 311 , electric rates, flaming arc lamps IX 500 , electric rates X, 692; XIII, 19, 444 (Chestnut St.), railroad crossing, protection of XIII, 74, 628 (Dewey St.), railroad crossings, separation of grades. ..XV >24 (Intersection of Drummond road with line of C. M. & St. P. R. Co.), railroad crossing, protection of XIV 104 (Intersection of Drummond road with line of C. St. P. M. & O. R. Co.), railroad crossing, protection of XIV 104 (Putman St.), railroad crossings, separation of grades.XV 24 to Wis. points on the C. St. P. M. & O. R. and M. St. P. & S. S. M. R., rates on concrete blocks IX 82 and Ashland, rates on coal, reasonableness of I 767 to Ashland, refund on shipment of corn IV 331 Localities Index 751 Vol. and Page. Eau Claire from Ashland, rates on pulp wood, reasonableness of II 129 from Beldenville, rates on lumber, reasonableness of and refund II 131 from Cobban, rates on logs, reasonableness of and refund II 342 — from Crandon, refund on shipment of empty fruit packages V 642 — from Hatch's Spur and Cobban, refund on shipments of logs IV 319 from Signor, refund on shipment of wood VIII 38 from Spring Valley, refund on shipment of lumber Ill 66 from Stinson Spur, refund on shipments of logs V 196 Villa from Wausau, street railway fare zones and rates of fare Ill 520 , water rates IX 134 Eau Galle, electric rates VI 334 Eden, spur track, construction of ^ IV 233 , switch connections IV 788 • , town of. Fond du Lac Co., spur track, construction of V, 110, 727; VII, 140 , telephone rates XI 114 , train service, adequacy of I 248 Edgerton, from Wis. points, refund, on shipments of cordwood IV 480 ' to Deerfield, joint rates on lumber V 714 from Elcho, refund on shipments of lumber IV 195 from Racine Jet., rates on vehicle springs VIII 36 Edgewater to Birchwood, refund on shipment of logs IX 482 Egg Harbor, telephone utility, certificate of public conveni- ence and necessity.. XIV 524 Eidsvold, train service, adequacy of XIV 462 Elcho, town of (134 miles north of Summit Lake) railroad crossing, protection of XIV 796 to Edgerton, refund on shipments of lumber IV 195 Elderon, telephone service XIII 23 Eleva, telephone rates VI 211; XIV 586 Elk Mound, electric rates IX 305 , electric rates, flaming arc lamps IX 500 - — — , (First Ave.) railroad crossing, protection of XI 654 Elkhart, Chilton, New Holstein and Kiel from Manitowoc, joint rates, establishment of I 19 to Sheboygan, joint rates on barley established between the C. M. & St. P. R. Co. and the C. & N. W. R. Co V 668 Elkhart Lake, proposed interurban line V 466 and Green Bay (between), train service, adequacy of. XIII 80 , water rates- XI 690 Elkhorn, telephone rates VIII 497 , telephone utilities, physical connection XIII 597 752 Localities Index Vol. and Page Ellenboro, town of. Grant Co. telephone rates and discrim- ination VII 608; X534 , telephone utilities, interference of high voltage trans- mission lines XV 622 Ellis Jet. to Ladysmith, refund on shipment of wood pulp VI 586 to Park Falls, reduction of joint rates and refund on shipment of pulp XI 699 Ellsworth from La Crosse, refund on shipment of beer IV 1 90 Elmhurst to Clintonville, refund on shipment of poles and posts IX 185 Elroy from Sparta, refund on shipment of coal IX 396 , station facilities, adequacy of XIII 646 , telephone rates and service VIII 399 , water and electric rates XIV 485 Elton, from Lenawa and Spurs 9 and 12 on the Washburn branch of the N. P. R., refund on shipments of logs IV 206 Embarrass to Neenah and Menasha, reasonableness of rates on wood bolts IV 248 Emerald from Superior, refund on shipment of coal VIII 683 , town of, telephone utility, extension of line XV 241 Endeavor, electric rates XIII 448 , train service, adequacy of I 724 Engle, station facilities, adequacy of XI 175 Escanaba, Mich, to Long Lake, refund on shipments of coal. XII 709 Ettrick, telephone rates II 358; XIV 405 , telephone utilities, physical connection XII 68 Evansville, electric and water rates XI 197 , telephone rates VI 606, 639 Fairchild, west of, railroad crossing, protection of XV 755 to Caryville, railroad construction, certificate of public convenience and necessity, granted ...VII 755 Fairwater, from Ladysmith, refund on shipments and reduc- tion of joint rates V 655 from Weyerhauser, refund on shipments and reduction of joint rates V 655 Fall Creek, railroad crossing, protection and restoration of I 310 Fall River, railroad grade crossing, protection of IV 778 , telephone rates and service VIII 92 , telephone rates, reasonableness of XI 499 , telephone utilities, adequacy of service XIV 793 , train service, adequacy of II 621 Farmington to Waupaca, (Wis. Veterans' Home), carrying of d freight by electric railway XV 656 Fence to Girard Jet., rates on cordwood, reasonableness of . ... 1 1 801 Localities Index 753 Vol. and Page Fennimore, telephone utilities, adequacy of service, interfer- ence of high voltage transmission lines XV 622 , water rates XII 194 Fenwood to Frances Creek, refund^on shipment of wood XI 269 Fernan, reasonableness of rates for telephone switching serv- ice and use of trunk line XV 315 Fernhaber crossing {}4 niile east of Schleisingerville), rail- road' crossing, separation of grades XI 86 Field, station facilities, adequacy of II 253 Fifield to Kimberly, cancellation of joint trainload rates on pulp wood VIII 105 Finley, station facilities, adequacy of XIII 617 Fitchburg (Fergin crossing), railroad crossing, protection of.XIII 403 Fond du Lac, crossing of electric road over steam road IV 127, 132 , proposed interurban line V 466 and Oshkosh, interurban railway rates and fare zones.... VI 473 (about 4 miles southeast), (Edgerton crossing) railroad crossing, protection of XII 123 from Wis. points, minimum carload weights and refund on shipment IX 228 from Wis. points on La Farge branch of G. M. & St. P. R. reduction of rates on lumber VIII 131 from nearby points to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of livestock VIII 532 from Delavan, ice boat, refund on shipment Ill 504 from Mattoon Ry. points, joint rates... V 531 and Oshkosh to Milwaukee, rates on coal, reasonable- ness of, and refund XIV 746 from Milwaukee, reasonableness of rates on beer XIII 42 to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of cheese VI 579 to Oshkosh, refund on shipments of fruit V 675 from Wausaukee, refund on shipment of wood XI 706 , telephone directories, advertisements in IV 340 from Oakfield, telephone rates XIII 726 , sleeping car service, adequacy of XV 606 and Janesville, train service between XII 74 and Watertown, train service between XII 74 , water works, municipal acquisition of V 482; VIII 259 Fontana electric rates V 171 , electric service, adequacy of XV 383 , telephone rates, reasonableness of XV 412 Forestville, Door county, station facilities, adequacy of I 223 Ft. Atkinson, electric and water rates .XII 260, 729 — (Madison Ave. West crossing), (Sherman Ave. West crossing), (South Fifth St.), railroad crossings, protec- tion of : XIII 69 (South Fifth St.), railroad crossing, protection of XV 250 from Cazenovia, refund on shipments of lumber XII 219 754 Localities Index Vol. and Page Ft. Atkinson from Oshkosh, motor boat, refund on shipment IV 498 from Rice Lake, rates on excelsior, reasonableness of, and refund ilV 225 — — , train service XII 74 Fosterville from Stratford, refund on shipment of hay XIII 468 Fountain Spur to Donald, refund on shipments of logs Ill 63 Foxboro, train service.... IV 121 Fox Lake, telephone rates and ser\dce VIII 92; XI 499 Fox River, telephone facilities in railroad station IV 388 Fox River Valley points, from Lake Michigan ports in Wis., group rates on coal VI 436 Frances Creek from Fenwood, refund on shipment of wood.XI 269 Franksville from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates, on lime XI 419 Frederic to Birchwood, refund on shipments of logs V 643 Fredonia, town of, Ozaukee county, railroad crossing, protection of XII 516 from Kiel, refund on shipment of cheese boxes... IX 278 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Freeport-Madison branch of the I. C. R. R., train service, adequacy of II 279 Freistadt, telephone rates....... VII 428 Fremont, telephone utilities, physical connection of XIV 102 Friendship, telephone rates and service VIII 399 , telephone utihties, relocation of exchange XV 530 G Gagen and Atkins (Siding 234 between) to Crandon, refund on shipment of logs IX 57 Gale, town of (Richard Jahn crossing), railroad crossing, protection of XIV 445 Galesville from La Crosse, refund on shipment of flour VI 207 , telephone utilities, physical connection XII 68 to La Crosse, telephone utility, toll rates.. XIII 25 and La Crosse (between), telephone utility, toll rates. XIV 180 Galloway to Clintonville, concentration rates on poles and posts ; X 461 Genesee, telephone rates, reasonableness of XV 397 Geneva, points about Lake Geneva, electric rates V ' - 171 , town of (intersection with road leading from Lake Geneva to Williams Bay), railroad crossing, protection of XIV 481 Genoa Jet., electric rates, reasonableness of XII 337 Germantown from' Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime.... XI 419 from Weyerhauser, refund on shipments and reduction of joint rates V 655 Gillett, town of, Oconto Co., railroad crossing, installation of. IX 535 Localities Index 755 Vol. and Page Gillett and Green Valley (point between), station facilities, installation of X • 495 , telephone utilities, physical connection IX 189 and Green Valley (point between on county road), train service, adequacy of XI 604 Gilman and Bellinger (siding between) to Stanley, refund on shipment of posts IX 64 from Cobban, refund on shipments of bolts XII 134 Gilmanton, electric rates XIV 152 Girard Jet. from Fence, rates on cordwood, reasonableness of II 801 Glasgow, Trempealeau county, telephone utility, extension of line XII 744 Glenbeulah to Ripon, refund on shipment of logs IX 484 Glidden, telephone rates XV 180 Glover, from Butternut, rates on shipments of cheese boxes, reasonableness of and refund XIV 761 Goodman to Pembine, refund on shipment of logs IX 41 to Tomahawk, refund on shipment of lumber VII 581 Goodnow to Merrill, refund on shipments of logs Ill 54 Goodrich to Athens, operation of branch railroad I 739; IV 455 Grafton from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 , telephone rates VII 428 Grand Rapids, electric utility municipal acquisition XV 258 (Fourth Ave. North crossing), railroad crossing, protection of XIII 395 (Third Ave. North crossing), railroad crossing, protection of XIII 395 from Wis. points, reduction of rates and refund on shipments of pulp wood IX 111 from Wis. points on the M. St. P. & S. S. M. R., reduction of rates on wood XI 393 from Gravel Pits, reasonableness of rates, on sand and gravel XV 482 from Lake Michigan ports in Wis. group rates on coal. VI 436 to Port Edwards, reasonableness of rates on "hog ' fuel," and refund .'...... XV 527 from Rhinelander, restoration of joint commodity rate VIII 58 from Star Lake, rates on logs, reasonableness of and refund II 773 — from Vesper, refund on shipment of brick IX 163 Grandview to Cumberland, rates on logs, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 287; XV 158 to Washburn, refund on shipment of wood bolts Ill 600 Granite from Milwaukee, refund on shipment of bags IX 182 Grant county, telephone utilities, physical connection, and establishment of uniform service, rates, rules, etc XV 92 , telephone rates XIV 407 756 Localities Index Vol. and Page Granton from Chili, refund on shipments of bolts Ill 518 Grantst)urg, extension of telephone service without author- ity from Commission XIII 437 , sAvitch connections IV 395 , train service and station facilities VII 764 , train service VIII 685 Granville, railroad crossings, protection of I 712 , town of (Cedarburg Plank Road), railroad crossing, protection of XI 612 from Rockfield, reasonableness of rates on lime ,...XIII 38 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on hme XI 419 Gravel Pit to Horicon, refund on shipment of fuel wood VI 199 to Grand Rapids, Waupaca and Scandinavia, reason- ableness of rates on sand and gravel XV 482 Green Bay, street railway, extension of line VII 715 , street railway, track curves and elimination of noise VIII 688 and Manitowoc (between), express rates on laundry XIV 817 , gas rates V 101 , gas and electric rates XII 324 , (Main street), (Mason street), (Monroe avenue), (Walnut street), railroad crossing, protection of XII 383 from Wis. points, refund on shipments of logs Ill 388 to Appleton, group rates on coal VI 436 to Appleton, refund on shipment of coke IV 171 from Cedarville, refund on shipments of logs Ill 386 from Davis Spur, refund on shipments of logs Ill 385 to Hobson, refund on shipment of groceries Ill 422 to Fox River Valley points, group rates on coal...., VI 436 from La Crosse, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 from Lake Michigan ports in Wis., group rates on coal... VI 436 from Long Lake, refund on shipment of piling X 639 to Long Lake, refund on shipments of coal XII 709 from Manawa, rates on cucumbers and onions, reason- ableness of and refund II - 340 from Mattoon Ry. points, joint rates.. : V 531 from Racine and Racine Jet., refund on shipment of springs and axles IX 180 to Wis. River Valley points, group rates on coal VI 436 to Wausau, group rates on coal VI 436 , switching charges, absorption of XIV 172 , ordinance requiring removal of telephone poles Ill 147 , train service, adequacy of XV 758 and Elkhart Lake (between), train service, adequacy of.XIII 80 -. water rates and service XI 236; XII 734; XV 84 Greenfield, town of, Milwaukee Co., (Janesville Plank Road) (Forest Home avenue), railroad crossing, protection of... XI 362 , town of, Milwaukee Co. (Kilbourn road) (Twenty- second ave.), railroad crossing, protection of XI 362 Localities Index 757 Vol. and Page Greenfield, town of, Milwaukee Co., (South Town Line road), railroad crossing, separation of grades IX 270 , town of, Milwaukee Go. (Twenty-fourth avenue) (Twenty-sixth avenue), railroad crossing XI 362 Green Grove, telephone utility, extension of line XIII 630 Green Lake from Ladysmith, refund on shipments of lumber and reduction of joint rates V 647 Green Valley and Gillette, (point between) station facilities, installation of X 495 — ■ — and Gillette, (point between on county road), train service, adequacy of XI 604 Greenville, station facilities, adequacy of XV 386 Greenwood, electric rates, minimum charges VI * 60 — , telephone utilities, adequacy of service XV 323 from Marshfield, train service, adequacy of I 720 Gresham, telephone utilities, increase in rates XV 552 Grimms to Wausau, refund on shipment of lime IX 160 H Hackley from Oakfield, refund on shipments of lime VII 149 Hamilton (300 ft. north of), railroad crossing, protection of. XI 95 Hamilton and Honey Creek to Menomonee Falls, reasonable- ness of rates on sugar beets, and refund XV 650 Hanley to Bagley Jet., reduction of rates and refund on ship- ment of piling XI 108 Hannibal to Boyd, refund on shipments of logs Ill 40 Hartford, town of, telephone utility, certificate of public convenience and necessity XIV 766 Hartland (Cottonwood ave.), railroad crossing, protection of XI 432 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Hatch's Spur to Eau Claire, refund on shipments of logs IV 319 Hatley to South Milwaukee, refund on shipments of cord- wood • VI 222 Hawkins to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of wood VIII 62 , switching rates on lumber, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 136 Hayton, Kiel, New Holstein and Chilton from Manitowoc, joint rates on barley, reasonableness of I 69 Hayward from Ashland, refund on shipment of lumber VII 14 from Hines, rates on train load shipments of logs, reasonableness of and refund II 390 Hazelhurst to Appleton and Kaukauna, refund on shipments of lumber VI 209 to Merrill, refund on shipments of logs Ill 54 Hazel Green, train service, adequacy of II 61 HeafFord Jet. to La Crosse, reasonableness of rates on Christ- mas trees and refund XII 95 758 Localities Index Vol. and Page Heafford Jet. from Mansori and Bradley, rates on shipment of bolts, reasonableness of and refund \..XIV 805 to Wausau, refund on shipments of logs IV 362 Heineman branch (point on) of C. & N. W. R. to Sheboygan, refund on shipment of tanbark XI 141 Heineman to Wausau, refund on shipment of logs IX 281 Helenville from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime... XI 419 Herman, town of, telephone utility, extension of line XIV 402 Ilewetts from Highland Jet. rates on stone tailings, reason- ableness of, and refund XIV 217 Highland to Wis. Points, on the C. & N.. W. R. and return, refund on shipment of beer and empty beer carriers XII 236 r- to Wis. points on the C. & N. W. R., establishment of joint rates on beer IX 76 and Mineral Point, (between) train service, adequacy of '...XI 643 Jet. to Hewetts, rates on stone tailings, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 217 Hilbert Jet. to Sheboygan, joint rates on barley established between the C. M. & St. P. R. Co. and the G. & N. W. R. Co ' V 668 Hillsboro from Madison, rates on shipments of wire fencing, barb wire, staples and nails, reasonableness of, and refund XII 756 , water rates and service VIII 85 Hillsdale to Osceola, refund on shipments of grain ...V 291 , station facilities .'. V 198 Hines to Hayward, rates on trainload shipments of logs, reasonableness of and refund II 390 Hinkle (between Kimball and Hurley), train service, ade- quacy of XV 502 Hintz, telephone utilities, physical connection IX 189 Hixon to Cedar Falls, operation of railroad line, continua- tion of XII 223 Hixton to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of oats *. V 430 Hoard, telephone utility, extension of line XIII 630 Hobson from Green Bay, refund on shipment of groceries. ...HI 422 Holcombe, town of, telephone utility, extension of line XIV 814 Holder and Stratford (between), rates on logs, reasonable- ness of, adequacy of train service and station facilities... I 831 Honey Greek {l}4 miles north of), (Cooper's crossing), railroad crossing, protection of XI 436 and Hamilton to Menomonee Falls, reasonableness of rates on sugar beets, and refund XV 650 Horicon from Gravel Pit, refund on shipment of fuel wood. .VI 199 from Milwaukee, reasonableness of rates on sand, and refund XV 164 ■ from , refund on shipments of slag XIII 640 from Neopit, petition for joint rates, and refund on shipments VIII 247 Localities Index 759 Vol. and Page Horicon from Waiisau, refund on shipment of lumber VI 434 , dredging of river XIII 603 , station facilities, adequacy of XIV 144 Hortonville, telephone rates and service IV 370 Ilotchkiss Spur from Lange Spur (2.1 miles between) (between Draper and Kaiser), rates on ties and rails, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 186 Howard, town of (1 mile west of Albertville), railroad crossing, protection of XIV 433 Hub City, telephone utilities, physical connection XIV 655 Hubertus, telephone utilities, adequacy of service XV 152 Hudson, electric rates and service V 139 from Wis. points, and destined to Manitowoc and Milwaukee, refund on shipments of grain IV 488 , rules and regulations governing meters Ill 138 Humbird (King St. crossing), railroad crossing, protection of X 434 Hurley to Mayville, refund on shipments of iron ore XII 716 from Milwaukee, refund on shipments of beer IV 766 , water rates and service XIV 291 Hustler, telephone rates and service VIII 399' , telephone utilities, physical connection XII 213 Hyde, telephone utilities, physical connection ...XV 390 Independence to Milwaukee, refund on shipments of oats and rye V 430 Ingram to Ladysmith, refund on shipment of slabs IX 39 Iowa county, telephone utilities, physical connection and establishment of uniform service, rates, rules, etc XV 92 Iron Ridge (Dodge Co.), railroad grade crossing, separation of grades VI 128,672 Iron River or Bibon from Lake Nebagamon (between) and other points from Winnebijou and Campbell's Mill, train service, adequacy of XV 599 Ironton to and from Wis. points, joint rates VI 693 Itasca to Combined Locks, Kimberly and Appleton, rates on pulp wood, reasonableness of and refund II 250 from Clear Lake, double minimum on mixed carloads of grains and seeds • V 711 Station (Superior) from East End yard, refund on shipment of crushed stone..... VI 219 Station (Superior) from East End yard, refund on shipment of crushed stone and establishment of switch- ing charge in place of distance tariff rate V 449 discriminatory leasing of grain elevator I 655 Ixonia and Watertown, towns of, Jefferson county (town road between), interurban railway service XII 404 760 Localities Index J Vol. and Page Jackson from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI - 419 Jacksonport, telephone utility, certificate of public con- venience and necessity XIV 524 Janesville, street railyray, abandonment of track IV 757 , interurban railways, routing of cars IX 502 (South Janesville), interurban railway rates VI 695 ^ , electric service .XII 57.0 (Rock river in), navigable waters, obstructions in stream XIV 190 , reasonableness of switching charges on gravel and sand X 436 from Wis. points on the G. M. & St. P. R., refund on shipment of grain X 377 to Wis. points on G. M. & St. P. R., refund on ship- ments of sand and gravel XIII 380 to Gudahy, rates on shipment of grain, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 79 — ^ — from La Grosse, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 from Mattoon Ry. points, joint rates V 531 — — , Menomonee Falls and Ghippewa Falls from Wis. points-, rates on sugar beets and beet pulp, reasonableness of I 258 ta Milwaukee, reasonableness of rates on rye, and refund XV 524 from Nekoosa, reasonableness of rates on rye, and refund ' XV 524 from Racine Jet., rates on vehicle springs VIII 36 from Rice Lake, refund on shipment of excelsior Ill 595 , Sparta, Madison & Watertown, from Wis. points on the G. B. & W. R., joint rates on tobacco, reasonableness of....: ; II 807 from Trempealeau, refund on shipment of buckwheat. XIV 771 — — , switching service I 590, 733; II 553 — — , absorption of switching charges XIII 783 , telephone rates, reasonableness of XV 378 , telephone utilities, physical connection XIV 529 and Fond du Lac, train service between XII 74 and Mineral Point (between), train service XI 569 , extension of water main XV 370 , water rates and service VII 628; XV 117 , water utility, municipal acquisition XIII 29; XV 674 Jarvis to Bagley Jet., reduction of rates and refund on ship- ment of piling XI 108 Jefferson, electric and water rates V 555 from Merrimac, refund on shipments of lumber waste.VIII 553 , train service XII 74 Localities Index 761 Vol. and Page JclTerson Jet. from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Jet. train service XII 74 Joel, station facilities, adequacy of XV 465 Jonesdale, train service, adequacy of .....X 512 Juda, station facilities, adequacy of telephone service XV 433 Junction city, reasonableness of rates on logs, and refund... XV 53 K Kaiser to Stoughton, refund on shipment of lumber XI 267 Kansasville (crossing near), railroad grade crossing, protec- tion of ...VIII 513 Kaukauna, proposed interurban line V 466 , electric utility, municipal acquisition XII 189 , electric service and facilities V 695 , electric and gas utility, municipal acquisition VIII 409 , railroad crossing, separation of grades.. IX 322 from Wis. points on the C. & N. W. R., refund on shipment of logs and wood XI 144 from Hazclhurst, refund on shipments'of lumber VI 209 from Lake Michigan ports in Wis., group rates on coal.. .VI 436 and Manitowoc (between), train service, adequacy of....X 590 Keesus from Rockfield, reasonableness of rates on hme XIII 38 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Kendall to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of oats XIII 182 Kennan to Phillips, reduction of rates and refund on ship- ments of wood XIII 687 Kenosha, interurban railway, adequacy of service XII 508 , (Prairie ave.) railroad crossing,- protection of XI 56'0 , electric rates VIII 119 , from Dunfield and Dudley Spur, refund on shipments of tanbark IV 175 from Mattoon Ry. points, joint rates V - 5'U from Milwaukee, refund on shipment of structural iron. .VI 540 , Racine and Milwaukee, from Rhinelander and Odanah, reasonableness of rates on lumber, and refund XV 575 from Rockfield, reasonableness of rates on lime XIII 38 from Scotts, refund on shipment of tanbark XI 537 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 , re-opening of switch track as a team track V 295 , station facilities, interurban railways XII 257 , water rates XV 426 Kewaunee from Birchwood, refund on shipment of lumber. IV 109 from Mellen, refund on shipments of lumber IV 772 Kiel, from Wis. points, refund on shipments of logs Ill 597 , Elkhart, Chilton and New Holstein from Manitowoc, joint rates, establishment of I 19 to Fredonia, refund on shipment of cheese boxes IX 278 762 Localities Index Vol. and Page Kiel, New Holstein, Chilton and Hay ton from Manitowoc, joint rates on barley, reasonableness of I ' 69 — — to Sheboygan, joint rates on barley established between the C. M. & St. P. R. Go. and the G. & N. W. R. G0....V 668 Kilbourn and Portage (between), station facilities, adequacy of I . 254 , train service XII 560 Kimberly from Wis. points on the G. & N. W. R. refund oh shipment of logs and wood XI 144 from Wis. points (Northern Wis.), refund on ship- ' ments of pulp wood VI 175 Appleton and Combined Locks, from Itasca, rates on pulp wood, reasonableness of and refund II 250 from Butternut, Fifield, and Park Falls, tancellation of joint trainload rates on pulp wood VIII 105 Kingston, spur track XIII 615 , telephone utilities, toll rates and division of tolls XV 288 Knapp, (2.6 miles southeast of), (Kasper crossing) railroad crossing, protection of XI 592 , (2.4 miles southeast of) (McGuUoch crossing), rail- road crossing, protection of XI 595 to New Richmond, rates on grain, reasonableness of and refund II 610 Knowles to Milwaukee, refund on shipments of flux stone IV 114 Knowlton, reasonableness of rateson logs, and refund XV 53. Krakow, station facilities, adequacy of II 275 Kurth, train service, adequacy of IX 513 i L La Grosse, interpretation of accounting terms in contract VIII 18 , street railway, abandonment of track Ill 292 , street railway, adequacy of service XV 174 , 25th and La Grosse streets, street railway service XIV 518 , electric service, adequacy of ...-. II 670 , electric rates, increase in II 3 — — , electric rates, payment of rates in advance IV 142 , electric, gas, and heating rates VIII 138 — -^j railroad crossing, separation of grades VIII 422 — (Mill street crossing), railroad crossing, protection of XIII 145 to Wis. points, less than carload rates on petroleum products VI 326 to Wis. points (southern and eastern), rates on .dried brewers' grains .- V 705 to Berlin, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 to Ellsworth and River Falls, refund on shipment of beer : IV 190 to Galesville, refund on shipment of flour VI 207 to Green Bay, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 Localities Index ' 763 Vol. and Page I.a Crosse from HealTord Jet. reasonableness of rates on Christmas trees and refund on shipment XII 95 to Janesville, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 to Markesan, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 from Menomonie, refund on shipment of brick IV 775 and Milwaukee, reasonableness of rates on bottles, and refund XV 82 to Minnesota Jet. rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 from New London, rates on slab wood, reasonableness of, and refund '. XIV 138 — , to Rice Lake, refund on shipment of beer VI 18 — , So. La Crosse to No. La Crosse, switching rates on scrap iron and refund on shipment XII 186 — to Thiensville, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 — to Troy Center, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 — from Vesper, reasonableness of rates on silos, and re- fund XV 442 — to Watertown, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 — to Winneconne, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 -, telephone rates II 546; XV 831 — , telephone poles removal of VII 435 — , telephone and electric poles, removal of VI 195 — , telephone utilities, physical connection XI 748; XII 68; XV 36 — and Galesville (between), telephone utility, toll rates... XIII 25; XIV 180 — , water service VII 27 Ladysmith, (Lake ave.) (Miner ave.) (Second st. f^ast) (Second st. west), railroad crossing, protection of XI 325, 554 , refund on shipment of lumber XI 276 to Wis. points (southern Wis.) refund on shipments of lumber and reduction of joint rates V 647, 655 to Ashland, refand on shipment of paper VIII 78 ^ — — to Beloit, refund on shipments of lumber and reduction of joint rates V 647, 655 from Ellis Jet., refund on shipment of wood pulp VI 586 to Fairwater, refund on shipments and reduction of joint rates - V 655 to Green Lake, refund on shipments of lumber and re- duction of joint rates V 647 from Ingram, refund on shipment of slabs IX 39 to Markesan, refund on shipments and reduction of joint rates V 655^ from McCann's Spur, rates on logs, reasonableness of and refund II 589 to Menasha, refund on shipment of pulp wood VIII 16 from Menasha, refund oH shipment of paper II 300 from Merrill, refund on shipment of pulp wood Ill 620 to North Prairie, refund on shipments and reduction of joint rates V 655 764 . Localities Index Vol. and Page Ladysmith to Princeton, refund on shipments of lurnber and reduction of joint rates V 647 from Rhinelander, refund on shipments of wood pulp.. IV 360 from Stiles, refund on shipment of wood pulp VI 586 to Tomah, refund on shipments and reduction of joint rates..^ V 655 to Wonewoc, refund on shipments of lumber and reduc- tion of joint rates .V 647 La Farge to Mt. Horeb, refund on shipment of lumber VI 528 to Watertown, refund on shipment of lumber VIII 131 LaFayette, town of, Chippewa Co., telephone rates XI 415 county, telephone utilities, physical connection, and establishment of uniform service rates, rules, etc XV 92 La Grange, telephone rates, reasonableness of XV 397 Lake from Milwaukee, refund on shipments of coal, feed and refuse X 370 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Lake Beulah (3 miles south of), (Heinebaugh crossing), railroad crossing, protection of XI 436 Lake Geneva, electric rates XII 337; XIV 381 , and immediate vicinity, electric rates, meter rental... VI 203 , points about Lake Geneva, electric rates V 171 , municipal acquisition of water works VI 403 Lake Michigan ports in Wis. to Wis. points in the Fox River Valley and the Wis. River Valley districts, group rates on coal VI 436 Lake Mills from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime.... XI 419 , telephone rates VI 187 , water mains, extension of XII 577; XIV 210 water and electric utilities, financial management XI 160 Lake Nebagamon to Iron River or Bibon (between), and other points from Winnebijou and Campbell's Mill, train service, adequacy of ; XV 599 , telephone service, adequacy of XV 50 Lake Park in Milwaukee, street railway service, adequacy of .IV 439 Lampson, station facilities, adequacy of IV 783; XV 489 Lancaster, electric rates, minimum charges VI 53 from Richland Center, refund on shipment of cheese boxes ; IX 517 , telephone utilities, interference of high voltage trans- mission lines XV 622 — — and Madison, train service between... VIII 320 Lange Spur to Hotchkiss Spur (2.1 miles between), (between Draper and Kaiser), rates on ties and rails, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 186 Lannon, demurrage charges on shipments of stone XIV 449 (two culverts immediately west of the "Wye" at Lannon), railroad crossing, protection of , XV 203 Laona to Wis. points, refund on shipments of lumber VII 774; VIII 697 Localities Index 765 Vol. and Page Laona, train service, adequacy of XV 758 Laona Jet. (east of), train service IX 45 La Prairie, town of (South Janesville crossing) (Woodman's crossing), railroad crossing, protection of XIII 440 Larsen, telephone rates and service XIII 363 Lauderdale Lake, telephone utiUties, physical connection XIII 597 Lavalle to and from Wis. points, joint rates VI 693 Lay ton Park from Waukesha, refund on shipment of gravel and crushed stone , XIII 368 Lebanon, town of. Dodge Co., railroad crossing VI 424 Lehigh, station facilities, adequacy of XV 585 Lenawa and Spurs 9 and 12 on the Washburn branch of the N. P. R. to Elton, refund on shipments of logs IV 206 Lewiston, station facilities, adequacy of. I 254 , station facilities and train service, adequacy of I 102 Lime Kilns, station facilities, adequacy of II 344 Lincoln, town of, Monroe Co., railroad crossing, restoration of X 531 Lisbon, town of, Waukesha Co., railroad crossing V 592 , town of, telephone utility, extension of line XIV 131; XV 57 Little Rapids to Stevens Point, refund on shipment of wood pulp VIII 64 Livingston, telephone rates XII 128 from Montfort Jet., train service, adequacy of X 500 Lodi, electric rates and meters VII 745 , telephone rates and service XI 713; XIV 157 Loganville, telephone rates and service XIV 157 Lohrville, station facilities VIII 699 Lomira, telephone service, adequacy of.. XV 582 London (1 ^ miles west) (Himley crossing) (Main street) (2 miles west) (Schroeder crossing), railroad crossings protection of XII 676 London from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Lone Rock from Menomonie, refund on shipment of brick XII 217 , telephone rates Ill 412 Long Lake, Washburn county, level and flow of water XV 708 from Escanaba, Mich., refund on shipments of coal XII 709 to Green Bay, refund on shipment of piling X 639 from Green Bay, refund on shipments of coal XII 709 Loyal, train service, adequacy of I 720 LubUn to Chippewa Falls, rates on logs, reasonableness of, and refund II 607 Lucas, town of (Kaspar crossing), railroad crossing, protec- tion of XI 592; XII 703 Lusk, station facilities, adequacy of IX 342 Luxemburg, railroad grade crossing, protection of IV 244 Lyons, railroad crossings, protection of X 499 766 Localities Index M Vol. and Page Madison, articles constituting personal baggage VIII 311 , authority to issue bonds f, II 47 , street railway service.. .VI 162; tX 1; XI 67, 762; XII 49, 167; XIV 598 , street railway rates and service XII 49 , ordinance for removal of poles and wires of electric utility ....XI 293 , gas and electric service XIII 518 , gas and electric rates VII 152; XIII 259 , gas and electric rates and service IV 501 , town of, (crossing at Sauk road near Highlands plat) railroad crossing, separation of grades ...XII 395 , town of (Summit crossing) (Tierman crossing) (Tillot- son crossing), railroad crossings, protection of XIII 608; XV 108 , refund on shipments of scrap iron V 426 , refund on shipment of steel rails VIII 309 from Wis. points, refund on shipments of butter and eggs Ill 337 to Belleville, MonticeUo and Monroe, car service, re- frigerator cars IX 240 from Colfax, refund on shipments of stone and estab- ment of joint rates V 287 from Colfax, refund on shipments of stone V 635 to Hillsboro, rates on shipments of wire fencing, barb wire, staples and nails, reasonableness of, and refund XII 756 from Mattoon Ry. points, joint rates V 531 from Milwaukee, refund on shipment of paper V 293 from Racine Jet. rates on vehicle springs VIII 36 from Rhinelander, refund on shipment of wood IV 478 , Sparta, Janesville and Watertown from Wis. points on the G. B. & W. R., joint rates on tobacco, reasonableness of II 807 , spur track XIII 409 , switching charge on scrap iron ...IV 432 , classification in telephone service Ill 440 and McFarland, telephone toll rates between Ill 452 , train service, adequacy of ^ I 615 Freeport branch of the I. C. R. R., train service, ade- quacy of II 279 and Lancaster, train service between VIII 320 and Portage, train service between XII 560 and Prairie du Chien (between), Sunday train service, adequacy of XV 652 and Verona, Mt. Horeb, Dodgeville, train service be- tween VIII 320 , water mains, extension of , X 447 Localities Index 767 Vol. and Page Madison, water rates Ill 299 , water rates and service V 731 Madras to Stevens Point, reasonableness of rates on logs, arid refund XV 53 Magnolia, station facilities XII 564 Maiden Rock, station facilities Ill 356 — — , train service IV 311 Malone to Milwaukee, through Fond du Lac, refund on shipment of live stock VIII 532 Manawa to Green Bay, rates on cucumbers and onions, reasonableness of and refund II 340 Manitowoc and Two Rivers, interurban railway rates VI 395 , electric rates and service V 360 , electric utility, municipal acquisition XIII 452 , electric and water rates XIV 697; XV 212 and Green Bay (between), express rates on laundry... XIV 817 , gas rates Ill 163; XIII 325 from Wis. points, with stoppage in transit at Hudson, refund on shipments of grain IV 488 , refund from charge for switching cars of coal XII 184 to Appleton, group rates on coal VI 436 to Chilton, Hay ton, Kiel, New Holstein, joint rates on barley, reasonableness of I 69 to Chilton, New Holstein, Kiel and Elkhart, joint rates, establishment of I 19 to Cuba City, refund on shipments of coal Ill 517 to Fox River Valley points, group rates on coal VI 436 from Mattoon Ry. points, joint rates V 531 to Milwaukee, refund on shipments of hay V 480 to Trevor, refund on shipment of coal .- Ill 339 to Wausau, group rates on coal VI 436 to Wis. River Valley points, group rates on coal VI 436 and Kaukauna, (between) train service, adequacy of X 590 , water rates and service X 387 , water works, municipal acquisition VII 71; VIII 266 , water rates, ownership of meters and service XIV 690 Manson and Bradley to HeaiTord Jet., rates on shipment of bolts, reasonableness of and refund XIV 805 Manson and Bradley to Merrill, rates on shipment of bolts, reasonableness of and refund XIV 805 Maple and Wiehe (between), switch connections, estab- ment of II 37 Marathon City, railroad grade crossing, protection of VIII 28 Marathon county, telephone rates XV 822 Marblehead, spur track.... VII 140 Marengo Jet., train service, adequacy of I 316 Marinette, electric rates Ill 778 , protection of railroad grade crossing V 455 , (Marinette crossing), railroad crossing, protection of.... XV 200 768 Localities Index Vol. and Page Marinette from Oconto, refund on shipment of lumber ...IX 37 from Pulaski, refund on shipment of oats V 432 to Stanley, rates on carload of box shooks, reasonable- ness of, and refund .XIV 84 , telephone rates IV 1 -, water rates VIII 334 Marion, telephone rates .....XIV 552 to Ashland, refund on shipment of potatoes VI 667 Markesan from La Crosse, rates on dried brewers' grains .V 705 from Ladysmith, refund on shipments and reduction of joint rate V * 655 telephone toll rates and- division of tolls XV 288 Marshall crossing near New Lisbon, railroad grade crossing, protection of VIII 511 Marshfield (Adler road), railroad crossing, protection of XII 59 , town of (Auburndale crossing), railroad crossings, protection of XV 207 (Becker Road), (East Fourth street), railroad cros- sing, protection of XII 59 , town of (Main St. near Hewitt station), railroad cros- sing, protection of XV 207 , town of (crossing 1% miles east of Marshfield), railroad crossing, protection of ; XV 207 (North Central ave.), railroad crossing, protection of....XII 59 (Vine St.), railroad crossing, protection of XIV 110 from Wis. points, refund on shipment of logs VI 571 to Sheboygan, rates on excelsior X 641 , Wausau, and intermediate stations, to Bolton, Bear Trap, and intermediate stations, reasonableness of rates on hay, and refunds on shipments XII 433 , telephone rates, extra charge for long distance connections VI 589 to Greenwood, train service, adequacy of I 720 Marston Spur to Drummond, refund on shipments of logs.. VII 12 Martintown and Dodgeville (between), train service, adequacy of X ' 572 Mattoon to Wis. points, joint and local rates, discrimination in car service, and railroad as carrier V 531 , telephone utility, extension of line XIV 329 Mansion, telephone rates and service VIII 399 , telephone utilities, physical connection XII 213 Mayville, dredging of river XIII 603 , electric rates and rules and regulations VII 59 , Rock River, level and flow of water XV 698 , rates on shipments of brick, reasonableness of, and refund... XIV 92 , refund on shipments of brick, switching rates XII 248 from Hurley, refund on shipments of iron ore XII 716 Localities Index 769 Vol. and Page Mayville to West A.llis, rates on shipment of fuel oil, reason- ableness of, and refund XIV 577 from Milwaukee, refund on shipment of scrap iron VI 205, 548 Mazomanie, .telephone service IV 111 , telephone rates and service XIV 157 , telephone utihties, physical connection XV 390 and Black Earth, telephone service Ill 514 McCann's Spur to Ladysmith, rates on logs, reasonableness of, and refund II 589 McCord, Brantwood and Tripoli to Rhinelander, reason- ableness of rates on wood, and refund XV 171 McFarland, telephone rates II 518; III, 452 and Cottage Grove, telephone toll rates' between Ill 452 and Madison, telephone toll rates between Ill 452 Mclnnis to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of tanbark XI 537 McNaughton, station facilities, adequacy of XV 326 Medford, electric rates II 421 — — from various points, rates on berry boxes, reason- ableness of I 44 , station facilities VIII 301 Meehan, station facilities, adequacy of X 626 Mellen to Kewaunee, refund on shipments of lumber IV 772 to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of lumber XII 239 — — , certificate of public convenience and necessity for water utility '. VII 579 , water service.....! V 202 water rates, reasonableness of X 651 Menasha, electric rates XIII 424 , proposed interurban line V 466 to Wis. points, reduction of rates on pulp wood IX 111 from Wis. points on the M. St. P. & S. S. M. R., reduction of rates on wood XI 393 from Wis. points on the M. St. P. & S. S. M. R., refund on shipments of logs and bolts XI 746 Neenah from Wis. points on W. C. R., rates on pulp wood, reasonableness of I 234 from Abbottsford and Curtiss, rates on wood bolts, legality of ante-dated tariff I 108 from Crandon, refund on shipments of lumber IV 485 from Embarrass, reasonableness of rates on wood bolts. IV 248 from Ladysmith, refund on shipment of pulp wood VIII 16 to Ladysmith, refund on shipment of paper II 300 and Oshkosh, from points in Wis. on the M. St. P. & S. S. M. R., reasonableness of rates on bolts, and refund .XV 178 Mendota (34 mile north of), railroad crossing, alteration of... IX 218 Menomonee, town of (two crossings lying partially in the town of Menomonee), railroad crossings, protection of... XIV 549 Menomonee Falls (crossing 1 mile west of Menomonee Falls), railroad crossing, protection of XV 203 25 770 Localities Index Vol. and Page Menomonee Falls (crossing 1.1 miles west of Menomonee Falls), railroad crossing, protection of XV 203 , from Honey Creek and Hamilton, reasonableness of rates on sugar beets, and refund XV 650 , Janesville and Chippewa Falls from Wis. points, rates on sugar beets and beet pulp, reasonableness of I 258 from Waukesh.a, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Menomonie, electric rates, flaming arc lamps IX 500 to La Crosse, refund on shipment of brick IV 775 to Lone Rock, refund on shipment of brick XII 217 from Waupun, refund on shipment of twine XIII 393 , station facilities, adequacy of XIV 123 (North Menomonie), train service and station facilities, adequacy of X 478 Menomonie Jet., station facilities, adequacy of XIV 123 Mentor, town of, Clark Co. (King st. crossing), railroad crossing, protection of X .434 Mequon from Rockfield, reasonableness of rates on lime XIII 38 — — , town of, Ozaukee Co., telephone rates VII 428 Merrill, street railway, extension of line V 418 • , electric rates, increase in II 148 , electric utility, standards of service VIII 270 , express delivery service XIII 594 from Goodnow, refund on shipments of logs Ill 54 frdm Hazelhurst, refund on shipments of logs Ill 54 to Ladysmith, refund on shipment of pulp wood.' Ill 620 from Manson and Bradley, rates on bolts, reasonable- ness of, and refund XIV 805 from Lake Michigan ports in Wis., group rates on coal VI 436 — — from Smith's Spur, refund on shipment of logs XI 725 from Star Laike, refund on shipment of logs V 596 from Velasco, refund on shipments of logs IV 770 from Velasco Jet., refund on shipment of logs XI 274 ^ from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on slaked lime, and refund XV 162 -, telephone rates, reasonableness of XII 490 Merrillan, village of (Pearl st. and Main st.), railroad crossing, protection of XIV 315 , station facilities, adequacy of XV 635 Merrimac to Jefferson, refund on shipments of lumber waste. .VIII 553 , station facihties and railroad crossing IX 50 Merton to Chestnut st., Milwaukee, ice rates IV 71 Middleton, spur track, switch connection, protection of XV 306 , telephone service XIII 399 and Verona (between), telephone utilities, physical connection XV 286 Mifllin, town of, Iowa county, electric utility, certificate of public convenience and necessity X 603 Localities Index 771 Vol. and Page Mifflin, telephone utilities, physical connection XV 185 Mignon from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Mikana, telephone utilities, refusal to extend service .XV 499 Milan, station facilities, adequacy of X 399 Millston (about 800 ft. northwest), (immediately southeast), railroad crossings, protection of XII 400 Milltown, station facilities and train service, adequacy of.... XI 627 Milton, electric rates, minimum charge XIV 206 , telephone rates VI 542 Milton Jet., electric rates, minimum charge XIV 325 -^ , (1 mile north of), Nelson highway, railroad crossing, protection of IX 379 — ■ — , telephone rates VI 542 Milwaukee to Wis. points, articles constituting personal bag- gage VIII 115 • to Wis. points, application of the Milwaukee & Fox River Valley R. Co. for certificate of public convenience and necessity V 466 and Oconomowoc, interurban railway between, appli- tion for a certificate of public convenience and necessity.... I II 288 r-, proposed interurban line V 466 , report of accidents, application of Ch. 362, Laws of ' 1905 to street railways I 178 — , (Wells street between Second and Fifth streets) joint use of tracks, public necessity and convenience of XIII 268, 299 — , street railway rates XI; XV 724 — and Calhoun (between), interurban rates, reasonable- ness of XIII 475 — and Brown Deer, interurban rates and car service be- tween VIII 734 — and Watertown, withdrawal of commutation rate be- tween Ill 330 — and Waukesha (between), interurban rates X 306 — and Wauwatosa (between), street railway service, adequacy of I 689 — and , rates (between), street railway fare limits, extension of single fare limits X 337 — and West Allis (between), suburban rates, reasonable- ness of XIII 475 — and (between), street railway fare limits, extension of single fare limits X 314 — , street railway, suburban rates XV 330 — , street railway, routing of cars VIII 295, 535; XIV 788 — , street railway service, adequacy of I 662; VII 19; XI 338, 430; XIII 178; XV 593 — to Brown Deer, interurban car service IX 534 — , Lake Park, street railway service, adequacy of IV 439 — , street railways, stopping of cars Ill 392 — , street railways, double transfers X 352 772 Localities Index Vol. and Page Milwaukee, electric rates IX 541;X613 , electric power rates for charging automobiles VI 64 , express delivery ser\4ce Ill 556 . to Wis. points reached by Wells Fargo & Co., Amer. Ex- ^ press Co., U. S. Express Co., National Express Co., Northern Express Co., The Adams Express Co., and ' Western Express Co XII 1 , gas rates, reasonableness of XII . 441 , heating rates, reasonableness of II 302 , issue of license to company to deal in securities XIV 140 , railroad crossing, separation of grades IX 193 , (Aldrich st. crossing of C. & N. W. R. by C. M. & St. P. R.), railroad crossing, protection of XI 147 — , (Auer avenue) railroad crossing, protection of ..XI -353 — , ("Beer Tracks" at Humboldt ave. and north to Keefe ave.), railroad crossing, protection of XI 353 — , (Booth street), railroad crossings, protection of XI 353 — , (Bremen street), railroad crossing, protection of XI 353 — , (Brown street), railroad crossing, protection of XI 350 — , (Burleigh street), railroad crossing, protection of .XI 353 — , (Center street, railroad crossing, protection of XI 350 — , (Chambers street), railroad crossing, protection of XI 353 — , (Cherry street), railroad crossing, protection of XI 350 — , (Clark street), railroad crossing, protection of XI 350 — , (Clinton street), railroad crossing, separation of grades IX 193 — , (Concordia avenue), railroad crossings, protection of. .XI 353 — , (east and west alley in block 10), railroad crossing, separation of grades IX 193 — , (east and west alley in block 34), railroad crossing, separation of grades IX 193 — , (Erie street), railroad crossings, protection of XI 344 — , (First ave.), railroad crossing, protection of... XI 360 — , (Florida street), railrpad crossing, separation of grades. IX 193 — , (Fratney street), railroad crossing, protection of XI 353 — , town of, Milwaukee county, (Green Bay road), rail- road crossing, protection of XI 615 — , (Greenfield ave.), railroad crossing, separation of grades IX 193 — , (Greenfield ave.) railroad crossing, protection of XI 344 — , (Humbolt ave.), railroad crossing, protection of XI 353 — , (Keefe ave.), railroad crossing, protection of XI 353 — , (Lake street), railroad crossing, separation of grades XI . 193 — , (Locust street), railroad crossing, protection of XI 353 — , (Maple street), railmad crossing, protection of XI 344 — , (Mineral street), railroad crossing, protection of XI 344 — , (Muskegoave.) railroad crossing, protection of IX 515 — , (National ave.), railroad crossings, protection of XI 344 — , (National ave.), railroad crossing, separation of grades. IX 193 Localities Index 773 Vol. and Page Milwaukee, (North ave.)> railroad crossing, protection of XI 353 , (north and south alley in block 16), railroad crossing, separation of grades IX 193 , (Oregon street), railroad crossing, separation of grades. IX 193 , town of, Milwaukee county (Port Washington road). railroad crossing, protection of XI 615 — , (Reed street), railroad crossing, separation of grades IX 193 — , (Second and Clybourn streets), railroad crossings, pro- tection of XI 344 — , (South Water street), railroad crossing, separation of grades ^ ' IX 193 — , (between Thirty-fifth street and Fond du Lac ave.), railroad crossings, protection of... XI 350 — , (Walker street), railroad crossing, separation of grades. IX 193 — , (Walnut street), railroad crossings, protection of XI 350 — , (Washington street), railroad crossings, protection of... XI 344 — , (Washington street), railroad crossings, separation of grades IX^ 193 — , discrimination between different transfer companies. ...VIII 569 — , Juneau park front, between Juneau ave. and Wis. st., nuisances due to switching etc IX 394 — , unloading points within city limits, computation of distance tariffs IX 347 — , spur track, construction of IV 426 — to Wis. points on the C. & N. W. R. and G. M. & St. P. R., reasonableness of rates on liquor XI 424 — from Wis. points on the C. B. & Q. R., joint rates on grain IV . 80 — from Wis. points on W. C. R., rates on ,tanbark, reasonableness of, and refund II 761 ^^ — to Wis. points, reduction of rates on boxes XI 101 — from points in southwestern Wis., rates on cheese, reasonableness of I 143 — from Wis. points, rates on grain, reasonableness of I 124 — from Wis. points, grain, minimum carload weights Ill 182 — ^ from Wis. points through Fond du Lac, refund on ship- ments of live stock ...r VIII 532 — to Wis. points, less than carload rates on petroleum products VI 326 — from Wis. points, with stoppage in transit at Hudson, refund on shipments of grain IV 488 — from Wis. points, refund on shipments of tanbark Ill 181 — to Wis. points, refund on shipments of vehicles and agricultural implements VII • 17 — , refund from demurrage charges due to error in ship- ping directions V 137 — , switching rates XIV 261; XV 564 — and the County Institutions near Wauwatosa, switch- ing charges between HI 377 774 Localities Index y Vol. and Page Milwaukee from Ablemans, refund on shipments of granite blocks XIII 669, 671 to Appleton, group rates on coal VI 436 to Beaver Dam, refund on shipment of foundry patteriis VIII 325 from Blue Mounds, refund onshipment of livestock IX 74 from Boehms, Mclnnis, Scott's Landing, and Teddy, refund on shipment of tanbark XI 537 to Cashton, refund on shipment of agricultural - implements Ill 114 , Chestnut St., from Merton, ice rates IV 71 from Corning, refund on shipment of rye IX 62 from Crandon, refund on shipment of wood XI 400 and Cudahy from Wis. points, rates on live stock, reasonableness of I 778 from Dane, refund on shipments of grain... Ill 391 from De Soto, refund on shipments of grain IV 781 to Fond du Lac, reasonableness of rates on beer XIII 42 from Fond du Lac, refund on shipment of cheese VI 579 to Fox River Valley points, group rates on coal VI 436 from Hawkins, refund on shipment of wood VIII ' 62 — — from Hixton, refund on shipment of oats V 430 to Horicon, refund on shipments of slag XIII 640 to Horicon, reasonableness of rates on sand, and refund XV 164 to Hurley, refund on shipments of beer IV 766 from Independence, refund on shipments of oats and rye V 430 from Janesville, reasonableness of rates on rye, and refund : XV 524 — from Kendall, refund on shipment of oats Ill 182 — to Kenosha, refund on shipment of structural iron VI 540 — from Knowles, refund on shipment of flux stone IV 114 — and La Crosse (between), reasonableness of rates on bottles, and refund ,. XV 82 — to Lake, refund on shipments of coal, feed and refuse. .X 370 — to Madison, refund on shipment of paper V 293 — from Manitowoc, refund on shipments of hay V 480 — from Mattoon Ry. points, joint rates V 531 — to Mayville, refund on shipment of scrap iron VI 205, 548 — from Mellen, refund on shipment of lumber.... XII 239 — to Necedah, refund on express shipments of baskets....III 342 — from Neenah, refund oji shipment of barley Ill 451 — to Oshkosh, reasonableness of rates on beer XIII 42 — from Oshkosh, refund on shipments of bottle wrappers. IV 333 — to Oshkosh, rates on cement, reasonableness of and refund : II 298 — from Oshkosh and Fond du Lac, rates on coal, reason- ablenessof, andrefund XIV 746 Localities Index 775 Vol. and Page Milwaukee from Owen, refund on shipment of grain XI 272 to Palmyra, rates on coal, reasonableness of II 791 to Portage, refund on shipments of coal VIII 542 from Portage, reasonableness of rates on sand and refund XV 648 from Portage, refund on shipments of sand XIIJ 684 , Racine and Kenosha from Rhinelander and Odanah, reasonableness of rates on lumber, and refund -. XV 575 — from Reedsville, refund on demurrage charges on shipment of hay IX 60 — from Richfield, rates on grain, and refund on shipments. XI II 375 — from Ridgeland, refund on shipment of buckwheat IX 43 — from Rockfield, reasonableness of rates on lime XIII 38 — and Sheboygan (between), reasonableness of rates on scrap iron XIII 366 — from Silver Springs, reduction of rates and refund on shipment of ice IX 101; XI 62 — to South Milwaukee, refund on shipments of beer IV 173 — from , refund on shipments of empty beer packages IV 403 — and , refund on shipments of coal and coke VIII 473 — to and Cudahy, refund on shipments of coal, coke, etc VII 1 — from , refund on shipments of hardware VIII 316 — from Stetsonville, refund on shipment of grain IX 468 — to Stevens Point, Granite and Amherst, refund on shipment of bags IX 182 — to Superior, refund on shipment of heating apparatus. XI I 699 — from Sussex, reasonableness of rates, on skimmed milk.XV 532 — to Troy Center, rates on coal, reasonableness of II 75 — from Waukesha, refund on shipment of beer VI 518 — from , rates on beer, reasonableness of V 546 — to , rates on shipments of bottles, reasonableness of and refund XIV 77 — from , refund on shipment of gravel and crushed stone XIII 368 — to , refund on shipment of scrap iron Ill 383 — from — — , refund on shipment of stone IX 167 — to Wausau, group rates on coal VI 436 — to Wauwatosa, refund on shipment of coal VIII 477 — to , refund on shipment of coal VI 531 — from Westboro, refund on shipments of tanbark XIII 378 — to West Milwaukee, switching rates on building material and refund on shipments XIII 673 — to Wis. River Valley points, group rates on coal VI 436 — (AUis), station facilities IV 161 — (between North Ave. and Folsom st,), station facihties, and train service XII 439 776 Localities Index Vol. and Page Milwaukee (northern section), station facilities and train service, adequacy of XI 333 , telephone rates from hotel rooms V 678; VI 432 , telephone service and facilities Ill 186 , telephone service, regulation requiring deposit as prerequisite for service IV 150 , telephone service, "silent number" phones ...XIII 587 to Seymour, railroad freight service ,.XIII 322 to Shiocton, railroad freight service XIII 322 to Black Creek, railroad freight service XIII 322 to , Shiocton and Seymour, train service, ade- quacy of IX 530 (State Fair Park), train service, adequacy of XV 110 , uniform accounts, water utilities VIII 406 , water meters, installation of XI 195 Mineral Point, railroad' crossing, restoration and mainten- nance of highway VIII 693 from points on G. & N. W. R., reasonableness of rates on cheese .XV 217 from Wis. points on the C. & N. W. R., C. M. & St. P. R. and M. Pt. & N. R., establishment of joint rates on zinc ore VII 583 , telephone rates IX 285; XV 182 , telephone switching rates ; XV 70 , telephone utilities, physical connection XV 185 , telephone utilities, reapportionment of toll earnings XV 60 and Dodgeville, telephone utilities, physical connec- tion IX 285 and Highland (between), train service, adequacy of... XI 643 — — and Janesville (between), train service, adequacy of XI 569 Minnesota Jet. from La Crosse, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 , train service VI 581 Minocqua and Tomahawk, from Wausau, rates on ship- ments of beer, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 508 from Wausau, reasonableness of rates on lumber and refund XV 521 from Wausau, reasonableness of rates on beer XIII 527 Mondovi from Richland Center, refund on shipments and joint rates on empty cheese boxes V 551 , train service on the Mondovi branch of the C. St. P. M. & O. R Ill 578 Monico to Black Creek, refund on shipment of logs VIII 544 Monroe, electric rates XIV 227 -- — (Main street), railroad crossing, protection of XIV - 176 (Payne street and Madison street), railroad crossing, protection of XIV 118 from Madison, car service, refrigerator cars IX 240 from Racine Jet., refund on shipments of springs IV 384 from , rates on vehicle springs VIII 36 Localities Index 111 Vol. and Page Monroe to West Bend, refund on shipment of scrap iron and establishment of joint rate : VIII 328 to , refund on shipment of scrap iron IV 268 Montello, train service, adequacy of I 724 and Packwaukee (between), train service, adequacy of ..II 355 Montfort Jet. to Benton, Cuba City, Livingston, Platteville and Rewey, train service, adequacy of X 500 Montfort, water rates and accounting precedure XI 278 Monticello, electric rates XI 265 , (about % miles north) (Woolen Mills crossing), rail- road crossing, separation of grades XII 749 from Madison, car service, refrigerator cars IX 240 , train service IX 389 Montpelier, town of, telephone utility, extension of lines XIV 219 Montrose, town of (Gribbin's crossing), railroad crossing, protection of XIII 613 Moorland (M. L. H. & T. crossing), interurban railway crossing, protection of XII 358 (C. & N. W. R. crossing), railroad crossing, protection of XII 358 Morehouse, train service Ill 262 Mormon Coulee Road (crossing near Calvert), railroad grade crossing, protection of VIII 519 Moseley, telephone utilities, physical connection IX 189 Mosinee, electric rates for pumping XIV 743 , electric rates, reasonableness of XIII 712 , station facilities, adequacy of XIV 553; XV 311 , telephone rates XIV 709 Mountain from Oakfield, refund on shipments of lime VII ■, 149 to Oshkosh, rates on logs, reasonableness of. II 116 Mt. Horeb, electric rates VI 44; XIII 653 (Sixth street), railroad crossing, separation of grades XII , 495 (1st, 2nd, 4th and 8th streets), railroad crossings, pro- tection of ; X 623 from La Farge, refund on shipment of lumber VI 528 , station facilities XII 369 and Madison, train service between VIII 320 Mt. Pleasant, town of, Green county (Woolen Mills cross- ing), railroad crossing, separation of grades XII 749 Mukwonaga (crossing % mile south) (crossing 0.9 mile south) (Front crossing), railroad crossings, protection of... XIII • 32 , telephone rates, reasonableness of XV 397 , warehouse site on railroad right of way XIV 251 Muscoda, toll bridge rates, reasonableness of XIII 47 , telephone rates, reasonableness of XI 666 , town of, telephone utilities, extension of line ..XV 166 , telephone utilities, adequacy of service XV 578 778 Localities Index IS I Vol. and Page Necedah from Milwaukee, refund on express shipments of baskets Ill 342 , telephone rates and service >. VIII 399 Neenah to Oshkosh, interurban passenger cars, heating facili- ties ' Ill 400 , interurban rates and fare zones VIII 709 , joint rates and interchange of traffic between street railway and interurban railway IV 471 , joint street railway rates between the Wis. Tr. Lt. H. & P. Co., and the Wis. El. R. Co VI 398, 690 , municipal acquisition of business of electric utility XV 626 , gas rates VII 477; VIII 251 , railroad grade crosgting, protection of VIII 463 — — from Wis. points on the M. St. P. & S. S. M. R., reduc- tion of rates on wood XI 393 Menasha from Wis. points on W. C. R., rates on pulp wood, reasonableness of I 234 to Wis. points, reduction of rates on pulp wood IX 111 — - — from Arpin, rates on shipment of fuel wood and fence ^ posts, reasonableness of and refund... XIV 707 from Embarrass, wood bolts, reasonableness of rates.. ..IV 248 from Lake Michigan ports in Wis., group rates on coal... VI 436 ■ to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of barley Ill 451 • , water rates and service , XI 119 Nekoosa from Wis. points on the M. St. P. & S. S. M. R., reduction of rates and refund on shipment of wood XI 393 from Rhinelander, restoration of joint commodity rate VIII 58 • from Wis. points, reduction of rates and refund on shipment of pulp wood IX 111 to Janesville, reasonableness of rates on rye, and refund XV 524 from Lake Michigan ports in Wis. group rates on coal.VI 436 Neillsville to Dunham, refund on shipment of potatoes VI 667 , telephone rates...! \ XIV 407 Neopit to Crandon, refund on shipment of lumber and establishment of joint rate VIII 247 to Horicon, petition for joint rates and refund on shipments VIII 247 Neshkoro, electric rates .- VIII 52 New Auburn, telephone rates IV 259 New Berlin, interurban car service, stopping of cars V 525 , town of (crossings at Moorland and Sunny Slope), railroad and interurban railway crossings, protection of . ... XI I 358 Newbold, station facilities, adequacy of XV 326 Newburg, proposed interurban line V 466 Localities Index 779 Vol. and Page New Glarus, electric rates XI 53 , train service IX 389 , water rates XI 711 New Holstein, grade crossing, protection of IV 364 , Chilton, Hay ton and Kiel from Manitowoc, joint rates on barley, reasonableness of I 69 , Kiel, Elkhart and Chilton from Manitowoc, joint rates, establishment of I 19 to Sheboygan, joint rates on barley established between the C. M. & St. P. R. Co. and the C. & N. W. R. Co V 668 , train service VI 5 New Lisbon (Marshall crossing near), railroad grade crossing protection of VIII 511 , telephone rates XV 280 , telephone rates and service VIII ' 399 , telephone utilities, physical connection XII 213 , train service VI 534 New London to La Crosse, rates on slab wood, reasonable- ness of, and refund XIV 138 from Watertown, refund on shipment of coke VIII 566 from Wausau, reasonableness of rates on lumber and wooden boxes XIII 772 from , refund on shipments of wooden boxes XIII 698 Jet., train service, adequacy of XV 588 New Richmond (Second st.), (Third st.), railroad crossings, protection of XV 752 from Knapp, rates on grain, reasonableness of and refund II 610 , station facilities, adequacy of XV 615 , station facilities and public convenience* and necessity for union station XIV 556 , telephone utility, extension of line XV 241 , Apple river in, franchise to construct water power dam XV 712 Newry, station facilities VI 1 , switch connections, establishment of II 66 North Fond du Lac, from Racine, reasonableness of .rates on coke XIII 694 , station facilities, adequacy of I 27, 60 North Freedom, Reedsburg and Ablemans to Basco, joint rates on grain, establishment of I 599 North Kaukauna, railroad crossings, separation of grades. ...IX 322 North Lake (1 mile east of), (Monsted crossing), railroad crossing, protection of..... XI 606 North Menomonie, train service and station facilities, adequacy of X 478 North Milwaukee, electric rates IV 89 780 Localities Index Vol. and Page North Milwaukee to Racine Jet., refund on shipment of auto gear frames XI 709 North Prairie from Ladysmith, refund on shipments and reduction of joint rates V 655 Norwalk, telephone rates XV 222 Norwood, town of, telephone utility, extension of line XIV 329 o Oak Center, railroad crossing, protection of XII 683 Oakfield to Hackley and Mountain, refund on shipments of lime '. VII 149 to Fond du jLac, telephone rates XIII 726 Oakwood from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime... XI 419 Oconomowoc and Milwaukee, interurban railway between, application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity Ill 288 (Main St.), railroad crossing, protection of XII 84 , water rates, minimum charge XIV 394 Oconto, electric rates XII 584 to Marinette, refund on shipment of lumber IX 37 , switch connections VIII 67 , regulations as to payment of rates V 691 , water meters, location of....: X 584 -, water rates VII 497; VIII 388 Odanah and Rhinelander to Milwaukee, Racine and Kenosha, reasonableness of rates on lumber, and refund. XV 575 to Sparta, refund of drayage charges VIII 507 Okauchee, station facilities, adequacy of II 88 Omdoll's crossing, between Palmyra and Whitewater, station facilities for milk shipments XII 696 Onalaska, street railway, service and station facilities VI 124 , telephone rates XV 831 Oostburg, telephone rates IV 407 Oregon, telephone rates Ill 534 , Waaler rates ". XI 548 Osceola, town of, railroad crossing, change of location IX 339 from Wis. points, refund on shipment of grain V 291 from Wis. points, refund on shipments of rye and barley IV 483 from Almena, refund on shipments of grain V 291 from Amery, Hillsdale and 'Poskin Lake, refund on shipments of grain V 291 to Rhinelander, rates on shipment of hay, reason- ableness of and refund XIV 759 from Ridgeland, refund on shipments of grain V 291 , switch connections, adequacy of I 166, 204, 608; XV 416 Oshkosh, safety of bridges VIII 441 Localities Index 781 Vol. and Page Oshkosh (West Algoma street bridge), highway bridge over which railway is operate^, safety of IX 357 , interurban rates and fare zones VIII 709 and Fond du Lac, interurban railway rates and fare zones VI 473 to Neenah, interurban passenger cars, heating facihties Ill 400 • , railroad grade crossings, protection of VIII 75, 291 • , town of (immediately south of depot at state hospital), railroad crossing, protection of XII ' 372 , demurrage charges on shipments of logs XIII 633 from Wis. points on La Farge branch of C. M. & St. P. R., reduction of rates on lumber VIII 131 from Catawba, refund on shipment of wood.. VI 669 and Fond du Lac to Milwaukee, rates on coal, reason- ableness of and refund XIV 746 to , refund 6n shipments of fruit V 675 to Fort Atkinson, refund on shipment of motor boat. ...IV 498 from Mattoon Ry. points, joint rates V 531 and Menasha, from points in Wis. on the M. St. P. & S. S. M. R., reasonableness of rates on bolts, and refund. ... XV 178 from Milwaukee, reasonableness of rates on beer XIII 42 ' from , rates on cement, reasonableness of and re- fund ■ II 298 to , refund on shipments of bottle wrappers IV 333 from Mountain, rates on logs, reasonableness of II 116 from Racine and Racine Jet., refund on shipment of springs and axles IX 180 from , refund on shipment of vehicle springs VIII 283 and Readfield from Shawano, rates on lumber, reason- ableness of II , 775 from Rice Lake, rates on pine trimmings, reasonableness of I 197^ to Ripon, refund on shipment of logs IX 484 , sleeping car service, adequacy of XV 606 , water utility, municipal acquisition XII 602 Osseo, telephone rates XII 126 Owen to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of grain XI 272 , telephone service XIII 538 , telephone utilities, physical connection XIV 419 P Packwaukee and Montello (between), train service, ade- quacy of II 355 Palmyra from Milwaukee, rates on coal, reasonableness of II 791 , (gravel pit near) switch connections IX 156 , telephone rates XV 397 Pardeeville, electric rates II 135 782 Localities Index Vol. and Page Park Falls from Ellis Jet., reduction of joint rate and refund on shipment of pulp XI 699 to Kimberly, cancellation of joint trainload rates on pulp wood VIII 105 , telephone rates XV 180 , water rates r. XV 284 Patzu, station facilities, adequacy of XI 318 Pembine from Goodman, refund on shipment of logs IX 41 Pepin, train service, adequacy of II , 765 Peshtigo, from Wis. points on the C. & N.W. R., rates on shipment of logs, reasonableness of and refund XIV 624 , from Brown's Spur and Bagley Jet., reasonableness of rates on logs, and refund XV 43 from Taylor Rapids, rates on cedar posts, reasonable- ness of, and refund XIV 188 Peterson's Spur to Ashland, refund on shipments of logs IV 193 Pewaukee from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 , telephone rates... Ill 420; VII 465 , telephone utility, extension of line XIV 131 ., train service XII 690 Phillips from Kennan, reduction of rates and refund on ship- ments of wood XIII 687 Phlox, telephone utility, extension of line XIV 329 Pittsville, train service, adequacy of , XIV 573 Plain, telephone rates VI 549; XIV 157 Platteville, telephone rates and discrimination VII 608; X 534 , telephone utilities, interference of high voltage trans- mission lines XV 622 fromMontfort Jet., train service, adequacy of X 500 Pleasant Prairie, town of (Spring Brook road at Bain sta- tion), railroad crossing, protection of XI 557 , town of (Bain station), station facilities, adequacy of.... XI 578 Plover (First street), railroad crossing, protection of XI 727 Plymouth, proposed interurban line V 466 , station facilities ; VII 770 , telephone rates .' IX 169 Polk, town of (Fond du Lac or Rothenbach crossing, north of Rugby Jet.), railroad crossing, protection of XI 575 , town of (north of Rugby Jet.), railroad crossing, pro- tection of XI 589 Policy, station facilities, adequacy of IX 342 Portage electric rates II 258 gas rates :?: XIII 136 (Cass street), railroad crossing, protection of XIII 749 from Wis.. points, concentration rates on butter and eggs Ill 1 to Milwaukee, reasonableness of rates on sand, and refund XV 648 — from ,frefund on shipments of coal VIII 542 Localities Index 783 Vol. and Page Portageto Milwaukee, refund on shipments of sand XIII G84 to Racine, refund on shipment of sand XIII 684 and Kilbourn (between), station facilities, adequacy of. . I 254 and Wyocena (sand and gravel bed between), spur track VI 556 , telephone rates II 692 aAd points wtsst, train service :...XII 560 and Madison, train service between XII 560 and Stevens Point (between), train service, adequacy of II 32, 92 Port Edwards from Wis. points, reduction of rates and re- fund on shipment of pulp wood IX 111 from Wis. points on the M. St. P. & S. S. M. R., re- duction of rates and refund on shipment of wood XI 393 from Grand Rapids, reasonableness of rates on "hog fuel", and refund XV 527 from Rhinelander, restoration of joint commodity rate.. VI 1 1 58 Port Washington (Park ave.) (Webster street), interurban railway crossings, protection of XII 550 , town of, Ozaukee county (Knellsville crossing), inter- urban crossing, protection of XII 550 from Antigo (Heinemann's Mill), refund on shipments of slabs and slabwood VI 222 from Crandon, refund on shipments of wood Ill 594 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Porter's Mills, station facilities, adequacy of XV ^ 8 Poskin Lake to Osceola, refund on shipments of grain V 291 Potter, station facilities XII 552 Prairie du Chien, electric rates and service XII 413 , telephone utility, checking station, establishment of. ..XIV 568 and Bridgeport (between), telephone rates XII 140 and Eastman (between), telephone rates XII 140 and Madison (between), Sunday train service, ade- quacy of XV 652 Prairie du Sac, municipal acquisition, electric utility...... XV 360 • , regulation of height of dam XV 471 from Richland Center, refund on shipment of lumber and reduction of rates VI 184 , telephone rates ,VI 549; XI 42 Prentice, train service, adequacy of XIII 790 Prescott, electric service IX 222 — ^ — , telephone rates XIV 701 Princeton, from Ladysmith, refund on shipments of lumber and reduction of joint rates V 647 , bridged telephone service v XV 475 Progress, train service VI 534 Pulaski to Marinette, refund on shipment of oats V 432 , telephone service, withdrawal of X 558 784 Localities Index Vol. and Page Quarry, station facilities and passenger rates I 285 R Racine (5 mile road north of), interurban railway crossing, protection of X 420 , interurban railway service XII 388 and Caledonia (between), interurban rates, commu- tation tickets XIII 475 — \ — , street railway service and rates XIV 148 , gas rates VI 228 (43^ miles north of),, railroad crossing, separation of grades... X 618; XIV 454 (Eleventh street), railroad crossing, protection of XII 407 (Maple street), railroad crossing, separation of grades at Mound ave XI 740; XIV, 783 (Mound ave.), railroad crossing, separation of grades .XI 740 (Ninth street), railroad crossing, protection of XII 407 (Rapids Road), railroad crossing, protection of ...IX 354 (Racine street), (Sixteenth street), (Tenth street), ' (Thirteenth street), (Twlefth street), railroad crossings protection of XII 407 , spur track, construction of XIV 114 , demurrage charges on shipments of stone XIV 449 from Beaver, refund on shipment of slabs VI 199 to Green Bay and Oshkosh, refund on shipment of springs and axles IX 180 , Kenosha & Milwaukee from Rhinelander and Odanah, reasonableness of rates on lumber, and refund XV 575 from Mattoon Ry. points, joint rates V 531 to North Foi)d du Lac, reasonableness of rates on coke... XIII 694 to Oshkosh, refund on shipment of vehicle springs VIII 283 from Portage, refund on shipment of sand XIII 684 from Rockfield, reasonableness of rates on lime XIII 38 to Stoughton, refund on shipment of vehicle springs.... VI 1 1 36 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 from , refund on shipment of gravel and crushed stone XIII 368 from Weyerhauser, refund on shipments and reduc- tion of joint rates V 655 -, water utility, municipal acquisition X 543 Racine Jet. from Beaver Dam, rates on castings, reason- ableness of and refund II 703 to Green Bay and Oshkosh, refund on shipment of springs and axles IX 180 Localities Index 785 Vol. and Page Racine Jet. to Janesville, Monroe, vStoughton, Edgcrton and Madison, rates on vehicle springs .' VIII 36 to Monroe and Stoughton, refund on shipments of springs IV 384 from North Milwaukee, refund on shipment of auto gear frames XI 709 from Rockfield, reasonableness of rates on lime XIII 38 ^om Waukesha, refund on shipment of gravel and crushed stone XIII 368 from , reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Raddison to Birch wood, reasonablesness of rates on logs' V 441 Randolph, town of Courtland (2}4 miles west), railroad crossing, protection of XII 501 , telephone rates XI 499 , telephone rates and service VIII 92 Random Lake {% mile south), railroad crossing, protection of XII 516 to Sheboygan, joint rates on barley established between the G. M. & St. P. R. and the C. & N. W. R V , 668 , telephone rates XI 130 , telephone utility, extension of line XIV 802 Readfield and Oshkosh from Shawano, rates on lumber, reasonableness of II 775 , station facilities, and train service XII 506 , telephone utilities, physical connection XIV 102 , train service, adequacy of XIV 247 from Wis. points, concentration rates on butter and eggs Ill 32 from Wis. points, refund on shipments of eggs Ill 335, 338 Reedsburg, Ablemans, North Freedom to Basco, joint rates on grain, establishment of I 589 Reedsville to Milwaukee, refund of demurrage charges on shipment of hay IX 60 Remington, town of, railroad crossing, construction of.. XV 609 Reserve, station facilities, adequacy of XIV 340 Rest Lake, regulation of level and flow of water XV 438 Rewey, telephone rates and discrimination VII 608; X 534 from Montfort Jet. train service, adequacy of X 500 Rhine, town of, railroad crossing, restoration and main- tenance of highway V 184 Rhinelander, electric rates IX 406; XV 783 from Wis. points, reasonableness of rates on pulp wood .VIII 105 , discrimination in switching rates on lumber XI 476 from Wis. points, reasonableness of rates on logs, and refund XV 569 from Wis. points, reduction of rates and refund on shipment of pulp wood IX 111 from Wis. points on the M. St. P. & _^S. S. M. R., reduction of rates and refund on shipment of wood XI 393 786 Localities Index Vol. and Page Rhinelander, rates on car stakes, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 204 , sw.itching rates on lumber, reasonableness of and refund XIV 82 to Armstrong Creek, refund on shipments of car stakes. XI 1 1 84 from Gotten, rates on shipment of lumber, reasonable- ness of, and refund XIV 754 from , reasonableness of rates on lumber, and refund XV 473 to Grand Rapids, Pt. Edwards, Nekoosa, and Stevens Point, and intermediate points, restoration of joint com- modity rate VIII 58 to Ladysmith, refund on shipments of wood pulp IV 360 to Madison, refund on shipment of wood IV 478 and Odanah to Milwaukee, Racine and Kenosha, reasonableness of rates on lumber and refund XV 575 from Osceola, rates on shipment of hay, reasonable- ness of and refund XIV 759 — — from Robbin's Railway Transfer, reasonableness of rates on lumber /. XV 388 from Robbin's Railway Transfer, reasonableness of rates on wood, and refund XV 171 to Rothschild, refund on shipment of pulp VIII 58 to Star Lake, refund on shipment of lumber VIII 125; XI 434 to Stevens Point, refund on shipment of print paper VI , 182 from Tripoli, McGord and Brantwood, reasonableness of rates on wood, and refund XV 171 to Wausau, refund on shipments of lumber IV 768 to Whitehall, refund on shipments of lumber V 729 , station facilities VIII 719 , telephone rates......... II 427 Rib Falls to Wausau, refund on shipments of lumber IV 356 Rib Lake to Chelsea, railroad rates VII 401 to Spirit Falls, operation of branch railroad IV 178; VII 401 from Spirit Falls, railroad rates VII ' 401 Rice Lake, electric rates VI 717 — ^ from Gampia, refund on shipment of logs X 564 to Ft. Atkinson, rates on excelsior, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 225 to Janesville, refund on shipment of excelsior Ill 595 from La Crosse, refund on shipment of beer VI 18 to Oshkosh, rates on pine trimmings, reasonableness of. I 197 to Superior, rates on shipment of excelsior, reasonable- ness of and refund XIV 544 to Waukesha, refund on shipments of excelsior XIII 635 Richfield, railroad grade crossing, protection of: VIII 287 — — (crossing 1 }4 miles north of Colgate), railroad crossing, protection of XIII 623 , town of (south of Rugby Jet.), railroad crossing, pro- tection of XI 586 Localities Index 787 Vol. and Page Richfield to Milwaukee, rates on grain, and refund on ship- ments XIII 375 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Richland Center, electric and water rates XIV 590 from Blue River, refund on shipment of rye VI 178 to Dodgeville, refund on shipment of cheese boxes, and establishment of joint rates IV 450 to Lancaster, refund on shipment of cheese boxes IX 517 to Mondovi, refund on shipments and joint rates on cheese boxes V 551 to Prairie du Sac, refund on shipment of lumber and reduction of rates VI 184 toStoughton, refund on shipment of lumber VIII 32 , telephone rates... IX 369 , telephone rates and service Ill 98 , telephone utilities, physical connection XIV 655 Richmond, town of (one mile east of Thornton), railroad crossing, protection of XIV 546; XV 309 Rickerd's spur to Washburn, refund on shipments of logs....V 666 Ridgeland to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of buckwheat.. IX 43 to Osceola, refund on shipments of grain V 291 Rio, telephone rates XI 499 , telephone rates and service... VIII 92 Ripon, electric, gas and water rates and service V 1 (Doty street) (East Fond du Lac street) (Fall street) (Fenton street) (Jackson street) (Scott street), railroad crossings, protection of XII 100 , telephone rates XIV 427 from Wis. points on the C. & N. W. R., refund on shipment of logs IX 484 from Oshkosh, Glenbeulah and Stratford, refund on shipment of logs "...IX 484 , station facilities, adequacy of XI 90 Ripon Jet., station facilities, adequacy of XI 90 River Falls to Columbus, rates on seed peas, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 97 from La Crosse, refund on shipments of beer IV 190 Robbin's Railway Transfer to Rhinelander, reasonableness of rates on wood, and refund 7. XV 171 to Rhinelander, reasonableness of rates on lumber : . . . .XV 388 Roberts, warehouse site on railroad's right of way V 207 Rock, town of, telephone utility, extension of lines XIV 396,441 Rock Elm, telephone utility, extension of line XV 11 Rockfield, from Wis. points, refund on shipments of wood. ...Ill 590 to Wis. points (designated) on C. & N. W. R., reason- ableness of rates on lime XIII 38 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Rockford, 111,, from Butternut, refund on shipment of lum- ber, legality of I 300 788 Localities Index Vol. and Page Rockland, town of, telephone rates XI 402 Rock river in Janesville, navigable waters, obstructions in stream XIV 190 in Mayville, level and flow of water XV 698 Romadka, train service VI 534 Rothschild from Bagdad, establishment of joint rates and refund on shipment of pulp wood XI 127 to Brokaw, refund on shipment of pulp IX 400; XIII 690 ■ from Rhinelander, refund on shipment of pulp VIII 58 Rugby Jet. (1st crossing north of), railroad crossing, pro- tection of ..^ XI 589 (north of), railroad crossing, protection of XI 575 —. — (south of), raifrjoad crossing, protection of XI 586 Russian to Wausau, refund on shipment of logs XI 281 s St. Cloud, station facilities XII 519 St. Croix Falls, town of (Pickey's crossing), railroad cross- ing, protection of XII 529 St. John, station facilities, adequacy of I 34 St. Joseph, town of, (about 1 }4 miles northeast of Burkhart), railroad crossing, protection of XI 737 Salem, railroad crossing, protection of XI 322 (1 mile east of), railroad crossing, protection of X 510 Sauk City, railroad telephone service, power of state to regulate Ill 346 , telephone rates VI 549 Saukville from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime... XI 419 Scandinavia and Waupaca from Gravel Pit, reasonableness of rates on sand and gravel XV 482 Schiocton from Milwaukee, train service, adequacy of IX 530 Schleisingerv^ille (^ mile east of), (Fernhaber crossing), railroad crossing, separation of grades XI 86 (1 mile east of). Mud Lake crossing, railroad crossing, protection of IX 528 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 from Weyerhauser, refund on shipments and reduc- tion of joint rates V 655 , station facilities VI 663 Schneider's Spur to Cumberland, refund on shipments of logs..V 645 Schofield, street railway rates and service., XV 246 to Crandon, refund on shipments of lumber Ill 467 Scott, town of, telephone utility, extension of line XIV 802 Scott's Landing to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of tan- bark XI 537 Scotts to Kenosha, refund on shipment of tanbark XI 537 to Sheboygan, refund on shipment of tanbark XI 537 Seeley to Washburn, refund on shipments of bolts XII 192 Localities Index 789 Vol. and Page Sevastopol, telephone utility, certificate of public con- venience and necessity XIV 524 Seymour from Milwaukee, railroad freight service XIII 322 from Wis. points on C. & N. W. R. reduction of joint rates VIII 544 , Sunday train service VIII 524 from Milwaukee, train service, adequacy of IX 530 Sharon, municipal acquisition of electric utility XV 238 , gas and water rates and installation of meters VIII 479 , water rates and service XIII 1 Shawano to Oshkosh and Readfield, rates on lumber, reasonableness of 1 1 775 to Western Siding, refund on shipment of salt VI 497 Sheboygan, certificate of public convenience and necessity... XIV 215 , electric rates and service II 249; VI 353 , electric street lighting rates XIV 208 , gas rates .^ ^ IX 439; XI 309 , railroad crossing facilities :....VIII 467 , and points on G. & N. W. R. and the C. M. & St. P. , R, (between), rates on peas and beans XV 641 from Adell, joint rates on barley established between the C. M. & St. P. R., and the G. & N. W. R V 668 from Algonac, Boehms, Bunkers and Scotts, refund on shipment of tanbark XI 537 to Appleton, group rates on coal VI 436 from Ghilton, joint rates on barley established between the G. M. & St. P. R. and the G. & N. W. R V 668 from Elkhart, joint rates on barley established between the G. M. & St. P. R. and the G. & N. W. R V 668 to Fox River Valley points, group rates on coal VI 436 from Heineman branch of G. & N. W. R., refund on shipment of tanbark XI 141 — — from Hilbert Jet., joint rates on barley established between the G. M. & St. P. R. and the G. & N. W. R V 668 from Kiel, joint rates on barley established between the G. M. & St. P. R. and the G. & N. W. R ...V 668 from Marshfield, rates on excelsior X 641 from Mattoon Ry. points, joint rates V 531 and Milwaukee (between), reasonableness of rates on scrap iron XIII 366 from New Holstein, joint rates on barley established between the G. M. & St. P. R. and the G. & N. W. R V 668 from Random Lake, joint rates on barley established between the G. M. & St. P. R. and the G. & N. W. R V 668 and Sheboygan Falls (between), reasonableness of rates on scrap iron XIII 366 from Waldo, joint rates on barley established between the G. M. & St. P. R. and the G. & N. W. R V 668 to Wausau, group rates on coal VI 436 790 Localities Index Vol. and Page •Sheboygan to Wis. River Valley points, group rates on coal.. VI 436 , water rates. V 434; XIV 634 , water works, municipal acquisition Ill 371 Sheboygan Falls, Green Bay road, railroad crossing, protection of IX ' 525 and Sheboygan (between), reasonableness of rates on scrap iron XIII 366 Shell Lake, station facilities, adequacy of telephone service.. XV " 33 Shennington, telephone utilities, physical connection XII 213 Shepley, station facilities, adequacy of XIII 427 Sheridan (550 feet west of depot), railroad crossing, protec- tion of , , XI 624 Sherman, town of, telephone utility, extension of line XIV 757, 802 Shiocton from Milwaukee, railroad freight service XIII 322 , telephone rates XI 180 Signer to Eau Claire, refund on shipment of wood VIII 38 Silver Springs to Cudahy, reduction of rates on ice XI 171 to Milwaukee, reduction of rates and refund on shipment of ice.... IX 101; XI 62 Smith's Spur to Merrill, refund on shipment of logs XI 725 Snells (crossing, just north of), reconstruction of culverts... XV 366 Snyders to Wis. points on C. & N. W. R., joint rates and service XII 761 Solon Springs to Superior, East End Station, refund on shipments of lumber and establishment of lower rate V 721 Somers, town of (Broesch road), inter urban railway crossing, protection of XII 377 , town of (Berryville road), (Burlington road), (Hansche road), railroad crossings, protection of XI 581 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Somerset (Stillwater road crossing), railroad crossing, protection of XI 730 South Janesville, interurban railway rates VI 695 South Milwaukee from Antigo (Heinemann's Mill), refund on shipments of slabs and slabwood VI 222 from Hatley, refund on shipments of cordwood VI 222 from Milwaukee, refund on shipments of beer IV 173 to , refund on shipments of beer packages IV 403 from , refund on shipments of coal, coke, etc VII 1 and , refund on shipments of coal and coke VIII 473 to y refund on shipments of hardware VIII 316 South Range, station facilities, adequacy of IX 477 South Superior, spur track Ill 283 Sparta (South Water St.), railroad crossing, protection of... XI 165 , track connections and switching charges IX 66 to Elroy, refund on shipment of coal IX 396 , Madison, Janesville, and Watertown, from Wis. points on G. B. & W. R., joint rates on tobacco, reasonableness of : II 807 Localities Index ' 791 Vol. and Page Sparta from Odanah, refund on drayage charges VIII 507 , station facilities, adequacy of X 556; XIII 679; XV 227 , water rates XII 532 Spencer (near Clark street), railroad crossing, protection of... XIV 108 (Clark street) (Main street), railroad crossings, pro- tection of XII 525 Spirit Falls and Rib Lake, operation of branch line and rail- road rates IV 178; VII 401 Spooner, telephone rates XIV 499 Springbrook, station facilities VIII 285 — — , telephone utility, extension of line XIV 457 , warehouse site on railroad right of way XII 557 Spring Green, telephone switching rates XIII 763; XV 315 » telephone rates VI 549 Spring Valley, electric rates XII 548 to Eau Claire, refund on shipment of lumber Ill 66 to Woodland, refund on shipment gf lumber XII 131 and Woodville (between), train service, adequacy of XIV 775 Stanley from Bellinger and Oilman (siding between), refund on shipment of posts IX 64 from Marinette, rates on carload of box shooks, reason- ableness of, and refund XIV 84 Stanton, town of, Dunn county (McCuUoch crossing), rail- road crossing, protection of XI 595 Star Lake to Grand Rapids, rates on logs, reasonableness of and refund .* II 773 to Merrill, refund on shipment of logs V 596 from Rhinelander, refund on shipment of lumber. ...VIII 125; XI 434 Star Prairie, town of (Apple River in), franchise to construct water power dam..: XV 712 Stetsonville to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of grain IX 468 , telephone rates Ill 586; IX 497 and Athens, telephone toll rates between Ill 586 and Curtiss, telephone toll rates for n onsubscribers Ill 586 and Dorchester, telephone toll rates for nonsubscribers ..III 586 , train service, adequacy of I 139 Stevens Point, electric rates, gas and electric service XIV 350 from Little Rapids, refund on shipment of wood pulp.. ..VIII 64 from Milwaukee, refund on shipment of bags IX 182 from Rhinelander, refund on shipment of print paper VI 182 from ; restoration of joint commodity rate VIII 58 and Portage (between), train service, adequacy of II 32, 92 , water rates and service VI 458 Stiles to Ladysmith, refund on shipment of wood pulp VI 586 Stiles, train service, adequacy of II 32 Stinson Spur to Eau Claire, refund on shipments of logs V 196 Stockbridge, proposed interurban line V 466 Stockton, industrial track XIII 620 Stoughton, electric rates Ill 484 792 Localities Index Vol. and Page wSloughton, refund of demurrage charge on shipment of lumber VII 388 from Kaiser, refund on shipment of lumber XI 267 from Racine, refund on shipment of vehicle springs VIII 36 from Racine Jet., rates on vehicle springs VIII 36 from , refund on shipments of springs IV ^ 384 from Richland Center, refund on shipment of lumber VIII 32 , station facilities, adequacy of X 486 Stratford, electric rates and service VIII 80 (Rock crossing, about 2 miles north), railroad cross- ing, protection of XIII 729 to Fosterville, refund on shipment of hay XIII 468 and Holder (between), rates on logs, reasonableness of. adequacy of train service and station facilities I 831 — to Ripon, refund on shipment of logs IX 484 train service, adequacy of * II 78 Strickland, station facilities, adequacy of II 514 Sturgeon Bay, toll bridge rates and repairs VII 727 (north from), telephone utility, certificate of public convenience and necessity XIV 524 Sullivan, town of (Jefferson street and Palmyra road), rail- road crossing, protection of XIV 320 , town of, (Radiske and Golden Lake crossings), rail- road crossings, protection of XIV 320 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Summit, station facilities, adequacy of II 575 , train service Ill 115 Sunnyside to Bayfield, rates on logs, reasonableness of and minimum weight ...XIV 2^3,601 — — , train service and station facilities, adequacy of XV 459 Sunny Slope (C. & N. W. R. crossing), railroad crossing, ^ protection of XII 358 (M. L. H. & T. crossing), interurban railway crossing, protection of XII 358 Sun Prairie, electric rates XV 189 , station faciUties, adequacy of XIV 332 , telephone rates and service VI 187, 647 Superior, street railway rates XI 1 , electric, gas and water rates, and water service X 704 , application of the M. St. P. & S. S. M. R. Co. for a certificate of convenience and necessity V 637 , construction of railroad, approval of specifications II 386 , railroad construction Ill 266 , railroad crossing, construction of II 362 , town of, railroad crossing, construction of XV 300 , railroad crossing, viaduct VI 674 , switching service, whether inter or intrastate VI 70 , refund of excess switching charges on grain VII 459 to Almena, Amery and Dallas, refund on shipment of salt VI 499 Localities Index 793 Vol. and Page Superior to Augusta, rates on coal, reasonableness of II 593 to Baldwin, Eau Claire and other points in N. W. Wis. on C. St. P. M. & Q. R., rates on coal, reasonableness of. ...I 767 from Bennett, rates on cordwood, reasonableness of.... 1 1 705 from Couderay, rates on lumber V 95 to Emerald, refund on shipment of coal '. VIII 683 , East End Station from Solon Springs, refund on shiprrtents of lumber and establishment of lower rate V 721 , East End Yard to Itasca Station, Superior, refund on shipment of crushed stone and establishment of general switching charge V 449 , East End Yard to Itasca Station, Superior, refund on shipment of crushed stone VI 219 from Milwaukee, refund on shipment of heating apparatus XII 699 from Rice Lake, rates on shipment of excelsior, reasonableness of and refund XIV 544 ■ to Washburn, reasonableness of rates on slaked lime, and refund XV 160 ,, switching charges on grain V 598 — — , station facilities, adequacy of telephone service II 822 , grain elevator, construction of I 658 , grain elevators, discriminatory leasing of I 619 Suring, telephone utilities, physical connection IX 189 Sussex to Milwaukee, reasonableness of rates on skimmed milk XV 532 from Rockfield, reasonableness of rates on lime XIII 38 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 , telephone utility, extension of line XIV 131 Sycamore to Bagley Jet., reduction of rates and refund on shipmen-t of piling XI 108 Sylvania, car service, adequacy of XI 634 T Taycheedah, telephone utility, extension of line XIII ' 676 Taylor Rapids to Peshtigo, rates on cedar posts, reason- ableness of, and refund XIV 188 Teddy to Milwaukee, refund on shijlment of tanbark ....XI 537 Theresa (4 miles south of), railroad crossing, protection of.X 493 , spur track ., XI 73 , telephone utilities, adequacy of service XV 582 , town of, telephone utility, extension of line XIV 402 Thiensville from La Crosse, rates on dried brewer's grains... .V 705 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Thompsonville, telephone rates IV 437 Thorp (Washington street), railroad crossing, protection of. ...XI 609 , station facilities, train service, and railroad crossing XI 153 Tigerton, telephone rates VII 426 , telephone rates XV 552 794 Localities Index Vol. and Page Tilden and Wheaton (between), Cameron crossing, (% mile southeast of Howard Siding), railroad crossing, protec- ^ tionof XV 667 Tisch Mills, telephone rates XII 169 Tom ah from Lady smith and Weyerhauser, refund on shipments and reduction of joint rates V 655 , station facilities IX 274 , telephone rates and ser\4ce II 296; VIII 399 Tomahawk from Goodman, refund on shipment of lumber... VI I 581 and Minocqua from Wausau, rates on shipments of beer, reasonableness of, and refund " XIV 508 from Wausau, reasonableness of rates on beer XIII 527' , telephone rates XIII 340 , water rates and service VIII 40 Town Road, between the towns of Watertown and Ixonia, Jefferson county, interurban railway service XII 404 Trego, telephone rates XIV 499 Trempealeau to Janesville, refund on shipment of buck- wheat : : XIV 771 Trevor from Manitowoc, refund on shipment of coal Ill 339 Tripoli, McCord and Brantwood to Rhinelander, reason- ableness of rates on wood, and refund XV 171 Troy Center from La Crosse, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 from Milwaukee, rates on coal, reasonableness of II 75 Truesdell from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime. XI 419 Turtle Lake, train service, adequacy of I 512 Two Rivers and Manitowoc, interurban railway rates VI 395 from^Wis. points, refund on shipments of bolts and logs IV 355 u Ulao from Rockfield, reasonableness of rates on lime XIII 38 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Underbill, telephone utilities, physical connection IX 189 Union Grove, sidetrack X 442 Unity to Colby, reasonableness of rates on logs, and refund. . . .XV 469 to Waukesha, refund on shipment of cordwood VIII 34 to Waukesha, refund on shipment of wood IX 165 , train service, adequacy of, railroad crossing, protection of XIII 430- V Valley Jet., station facilities, adequacy of XV 670 Van Buskirk and Carson (between), to Superior, joint rates on logs XIV 703 Vandyne (south), railroad crossing, protection of XI 733 to Milwaukee, through Fond du LaC, refund on shipment of live stock VIII 532 Localities Index 795 Vol. and Page Vaudreuil from Black River Falls, railroad construction, certificate of public convenience and necessity VII 741 to Black River Falls, switch connections VI 661 Vaughn, town of, water rates and service XIV 291 Velasco to Merrill, refund on shipments of logs IV . 770 Velasco Jet. to Merrill, refund on shipment of logs XI 274 Verona and Middleton, telephone utilities, physical connection XV 286 and Madison, train service between VIII 320 Vesper from Arbor Vitae, refund on shipment of lumber VI 21 to La Crosse, reasonableness of rates on silos, and refund : XV 442 to Grand Rapids, refund on shipment of brick IX 163 Victory, station facilities XII 555 , train service XIV 506 Vinland, interurban rates and fare zones VIII 709 Viola, water mains, extension of XIII 702 Viroqua from Wis. points on the C. M. & St. P. R. and L. C. & S. E. R., establishment of concentration rates and refund on shipment of tobacco XI 439 from Athens, refund on shipment of lumber XI 447 , water rates XI 330 w Wabeno to Wis. points on C. & N. W. R., group rates on lumber, reasonableness of I 520 Waldo Station (about IH miles northwest), railroad crossing, protection of XII 251 to Sheboygan, joint rates on barley established between the C. M. & St. P. R. and the G. & N. W. R V 668 Wales from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Walworth, electric rates V 171 , electric service XV 383 , telephone rates XV 412 Warrens (crossing 23^ miles west of), railroad crossing, restoration of X 531 Washburn from Ashland, refund on shipments of wood bolts. .I,V 465 from Bayfield, rates on logs, reasonableness of and refund .....XIV 289 from Beaver Spur, reasonableness of rates on bolts, and refund XV 294 from Grandview, refund on shipment of wood bolts Ill 600 from Rickerd's Spur, refund on shipment of logs V 666 from Seeley, refund on shipments of bolts XII 192 from Superior, reasonableness of rates on slaked lime, and refund XV 160 , water rates and installation of meters VI 74 Waterloo, telephone rates VI 187 796 Localities Index Vol. and Page Waterloo, water and electric rates, management XV 534 Watertown and Ixonia, town of (town road between), inter- urban railway service. ...y XII 404 -, street lighting rates XIV 604 from Wis. points on La Farge branch of C. M. & St. P. R., reduction of rates on lumber VIII 131' from La Crosse, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 from La Farge, refund on shipment of lumber VIII 131 fromMattoon Railway points, joint rates V 531 and Milwaukee, withdrawal of commutation rate be- tween Ill 330 — to New London, refund on shipment of coke VIII 566 — , Sparta, Madison and Janesville from Wis. points on the G. B. & W. R., joint rates on tobacco, reasonableness of :.... : II 807 — , station facilities IV 136 — , town of, telephone utility, interference of high voltage transmission lines XV 619 and Fond du Lac, train service between XII 74 , water rates XIV 669 Waukesha, interurban railway, service and station facilities, adequacy of XIII 89 and Milwaukee, interurban rates X 306 , gas and electric rates XIJI 100 (2 miles northeast of), (Stone crossing), railroad cross- ing, protection of XI 658 county, (crossing on North Lake branch line of G. M. & St. P. R.), railroad crossing, protection of XV 203 from Wis. points on the G. & N. W. R. and other lines, switching rates on slab wood, kiln wood and cordwood XIII 650 to Wis. points (designated) on G. & N. W. R., refund on shipments of gravel and crushed stone XIII 368 to Wis. points on the G. M. & St. P. R. and the G. & N. W. R., reduction of rates on crushed stone, gravel, lime and sand IX 347 to , (designated) on the G. M. & St. P. R. and the G. & N. W. R., reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 to on the G. M. & St. P. R. and the G. & N. W. R., reduction of rates on gravel, crushed stone and lime. ...IX 87 to on the M. St. P. & S. S. M. R. and other lines, joint rates on agricultural limestone XIII 471 from on the M. St. P. & S. S. M. R., switching rate on wood XIII 372 — , switching rates, reasonableness of, refund XIII 534 — to Black River Falls, rates on shipment of ground lime- stone, reasonableness of and refund XIV 579 — to Durand, rates on shipment of ground limestone, reasonableness of and refund XIV 18 Localities Index 797 Vol. and Page Waukesha to Merrill, reasonableness of rates on slaked lime and refund : XV 1C2 to Milwaukee, refund on shipment of beer VI 518 to , rates on beer, reasonableness of V 546 from , rates on shipments of bottles, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 77 from , refund on shipment of scrap iron Ill 383 to , refund on shipment of stone IX . 167 from Rice Lake, refund on shipments of excelsior XIII 635 from Unity, refund on shipments of wood VIII 34; IX 165 Waunakee, (Main street), railroad crossing, protection of.... XI I 380 Waupaca, electric and street railway rates V 190 (VJis. Veterans' Home) and Farmington, carrying of freight by electric railway XV 656 — , electric street lighting VIII 586; IX 310 — — , reasonableness of switching rates XI 485 — — and Scandinavia from Gravel Pit, reasonableness of rates on sand and gravel ...XV 482 Waupun to Menomonie, refund on shipment of twine XIII 393 W^ausau, street railway rates.\ V 114 — — to Eau Claire Villa, street railway fare zones and rates of fare Ill , 520 to W isconsin points on M. St. P. & S. S. M. R. (north of Hurley and west of Abbottsford to the state line), establishment of joint rates VII 41 from , concentration rates on lumber Ill 605 from , reasonableness of rates on lumber IV 256 from , refund on shipments of lumber IV 271 from , refund on shipments of lumber IV, 323, 327, 335, 337, 405, 457, 459, 461, 463 from Bushwell, refund on shipment of logs VI 217 from Cotter, Doering, Heineman and Russian', refund on shipment of logs IX 281 from Green Bay, group rates on coal VI 436 from Grimms, refund on shipment of lime IX 160 from Heafford Jet., refund on shipments of logs IV 362 to Horicon, refund on shipment of lumber VI 434 from Manitowoc, group rates on coal VI 436 -^ , Marshfield, and intermediate stations, to Bolton, Bear Trap, and intermediate stations, reasonableness of rates on hay, and refunds on shipments XII 433 from Milwaukee, group rates on coal VI 436 to Minocqua, reasdnableness of rates on lumber and re- fund XV 521 to , reasonableness of rates on beer XIII 527 to New London, reasonableness of rates on lumber and wooden boxes XI 1 1 772 — — to , refund on shipments of wooden boxes XIII 698 from Rhinelander, refund on shipments of lumber IV 768 798 Localities Index Vol. and Page Wausau from Rib Falls, refund on shipments of lumber IV 356 — — from Sheboygan, group rates on coal VI 436 to Tomahawk, reasonableness of rates on beer XIII 527 to — — and Minocqua, rates on shipment of beer, reasonableness of, and refund XIV 508 to Winchester, refund on shipment of hay ....XIII 468 , telephone rates and service XI 480 Wausaukee to Fond du Lac and Berlin, refund on shipment ■ of wood XI 706 Wautoma (Mount Morris ave.), railroad crossing, protection of IX 365 , telephone rates VI 419 Wauwatosa, interurban rates, reasonableness of XIII 475 and Milwaukee (between), street railway service, ade- quacy of I 689 and , street railway fare limits, extension of single fare limits X 337 , town of (Blue Mounds road), railroad crossing, sepa- ration of grades VII 760 , , (Burleigh street), railroad crossing, protection of..: VII 453 , , (Lisbon ave.), railroad crossing, protection of VII 625 , , (North ave.), railroad crossing, restoration of highway VII 709; IX 262 , (North Town Line road), railroad crossing, separation of grades IX 267 , (North Town Line road), railroad crossing, protection of VII 455 , (Potter av.), railroad crossing, protection of VII 451 , (South Line road), railroad crossing, separation of grades VII 737 , — — (Watertown road), railroad crossing, protection of VII 621 , County Institutions near, and Milwaukee, switching charges between Ill 377 from Milwaukee, refund on shipment of coal VI, 531; VIII, 477 Wauzeka {!% miles north of), railroad crossings, protec- tion of X 426 Waverley Beach and Brighton Beach (between), near Lake Winnebago, stopping of interurban cars XIV 811 Wayne, town of, Washington Co., railroad crossings pro- tection of X 493 Webster from Ashland, refund on shipments of lumber XII 701 Wedges Creek gravel pit, "end of track," from Columbia or Wedges Creek Jet., refund on shipment of construction material IV 412 Wedges Creek Jet. or Columbia, to "end o\ track," at Wedges Creek gravel pit, refund on shipment of con- struction material IV 412; VI 173 Localities Index 799 Vol. and Page Welcome, telephone rates XI 180 West Allis and Milwaukee (between), suburban rates, reasonableness of XIII 475 and Calhoun (between), interurban rates, reason- ableness of XIII 475 and Milwaukee, street railway, fare limits, extension of single fare limits X 314 (National ave.), railroad crossing, separation of grades. ..VII 493 from Mayville, rates on shipment of fuel oil, reason- ableness of, and refund XIV 577 from Waukesha, refund on shipment of gravel and crushed stone XIII 368 (State Fair Park), train service, adequacy of XV 110 West Bend from Monroe, refund on shipment of scrap iron and establishment of joint rates.... .........VIII 328 from Monroe, refund on shipment of scrap iron IV 268 from Rockfield, reasonableness of rates on lime XIII 38 from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 Westboro to Milwaukee, refund on shipments of tanbark,..XIII 378 Western boundary line of the state and Grantsburg, train service between VIII 685 Western Siding from Shawano, refund on shipment of salt... VI 497 West Kewaunee, town of, telephone utility, extension of lines XIV 219 West Milwaukee from Milwaukee, switching rates on building material and refund on shipments XII I 673 Westport, town of, railroad crossing, alteration of IX 218 West Rosendale, stopping of certain limited passenger trains. Ill 602 West Salem, switch connection, public convenience and necessity of track connections XV 254 , electric service, adequacy of XIII 637 W^eyauwega, station facilities and train service XII 54 Weyerhauser to Wis. points (southern Wis.), refund on shipments of lumber and reduction of joint rates V 647, 655 to Beaver Dam, refund on shipments and reduction of joint rates V 655 to Burlington, refund on shipments of lumber and reduction of joint rates V 663 to Fairwater, Germantown, Racine, Schleisingerville, and Tomah, refund on shipments and reduction of joint rates V 655 to Wonewoc, refund on shipments of lumber and reduction of joint rates V 647 Wheaton and Tilden (between), Cameron crossing {% mile southeast of Howard siding,) railroad crossing, protec- tion of XV 667 Whitehall, electric rates IX 479 from Rhinelander, refund on shipments of lumber V 729 Whitewater, electric rates XV 517 802 Localities Index Vol. and Page Wisconsin points on C. M. & St. P. R., to Janesville, refund on shipnrient of grain X 377 (designated), on the C. M. & St. P. R. and C. & N. W. R. from Waukesha, reasonableness of rates on lime XI 419 on La Farge branch of C. M. & St. P. R. to Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, and Watertown, reduction of rates on lumber VIII 131 (between), on C. M. & St. P. R., passenger rates. reasonableness of ...I 324 — on C. M. & St. P. R. from Janesville, refund on ship- ments of sand and gravel XIII 380 — on , reasonableness of rates on saw logs and bolts, and refund XV 645 — on and other 'lines, establishment of joint rates on tile and on brick and tile XIII 756 — on and L. C. '& S. E. R. to Viroqua, concen- tration rates and refund on shipment of tobacco XI 439 — on the Mineral Point division of the C. M. & St. P. R. and I. C. R. from Blanchardville, rates on wagons IX 509 — on the C. AI. & St. P. R. to Brokaw, refund on shipment of wood ; XI 417 — on the C. St. P. M. & O. R. concentration rates estab- lished VI 625 — on and M. St. P. & S. S. M. R., rates on con- crete blocks : .....IX 82 — (between) on C. St. P. M. & 0. R., passenger rates, reasonableness of I 510 — on G. St. P. M. & 0. R. to Ashland, concentration rates on wood, reasonableness of I 16 — on the G. B. & W. R. to Sparta, Madison, Janesville, Watertown, joint rates on tobacco, reasonableness of II 807 — on Marathon County R., carload rates for "jimmy" cars II 64 — on and the C. &N. W. R., joint rates, division of ...XII 170 -on andthe C. &N. W. R., joint rates X 409 — on , reasonableness of rates VII 392 — on Mattoon R., rates on logs and bolts, reasonableness of II 333 — on M. Pt. & N. R., rates on lead and zinc ore, reason- ableness of I 99 — on M. St. P. & S. S. M. R. and other lines from Waukesha, joint rates on agricultural limestone XIII 471 — on to Oshkosh and Menasha, reasonableness of rates on bolts and refund XV 178 — on (north of Hurley and west of Abbottsford to the state line), from Wausau, establishment of joint rates. VI I 41 — on to Burlington, refund on shipment of logs XI 492 — on to Menasha, refund on shipment of logs and bolts XI 746 Localities Index 803 Vol. and Page Wisconsin points (between) on M. St. P. & S. S. M. R. pas- senger rates, reasonableness of I 510 on M. St. P. & S. S. M. R. to Waukesha, switching rate on wood XIII 372 on to Nekoosa, Port Edwards, and Rhinelander, reduction of rates, and refund on shipment of wood XI 393 on to Grand Rapids, Menasha, Neenah, Ne- koosa, Port Edwards and Rhinelander, reduction of rates on wood XI 393 from Milwaukee, appHcation of the Milwaukee and Fox River Valley R. Co. for a certificate of public con- venience and necessity V 466 on W. C. R., minimum weights on hay, reasonableness of ..; I 91 on to Neenah-Menasha, rates on pulp wood, reasonableness of I 234 on — — to Milwaukee, rates on tanbark, reasonable- ness of and refund II 761 (northern Wis.) to Appleton, refund on shipments of pulp wood VI 175 to Gazenovia, joint railroad rates VI 693 to Ghippewa Falls, Menomonee Falls, and Janesville, rates on sugar beets and beet pulp, reasonableness of I 258 — ^ to Cudahy and Milwaukee, rates on live stock, reason- ableness of I 778 to Edgerton, refund on shipments of cordwood IV 480 to Fond du Lac, minimum carload weights and refund on shipment IX 228 to Grand Rapids, Port Edwards and Nekoosa, reduc- tion of rates and refund on shipment of pulp w^ood IX 1 11 to Green Bay, refund on shipments of logs Ill 388 • to Hudson, and destined to Manitowoc and Milwaukee, refund on shipments of grain..' IV 488 to Ironton, joint railroad rates VI 693 to Kiel, refund on shipments of logs Ill 597 (northern Wis.) to Kimberly, refund on shipments of pulp wood VI 175 (southern and eastern) from La Crosse, rates on dried brewers' grains V 705 from La Crosse, less than carload rates on petroleum products VI . 326 (southern Wis.) from Ladysmith, refund on shipments of lumber and reduction of joint rates V 647, 655 from Laona, refund on shipments of lumber VII 774 to and from Lavalle, joint railroad rates VI 693 to Madison, refund on shipments of butter and eggs Ill 337 to Manitowoc and Milwaukee, with stoppage in transit at Hudson, refund on shipments of grain IV 488 to Marshfield, refund on shipment of logs VI 571 804 Localities Index Vol. and Page Wisconsin points from Mattoon, joint and local rates, dis- crimination in car service V 531 to Menasha and Neenah, reduction of rates on pulp wood IX . Ill from Milwa«kee, articles constituting personal baggage VIII 115 from , reduction of rates on boxes XI 101 (southwestern), to Milwaukee, rates on cheese, reasonableness of I 143 to Milwaukee, rates on grain, reasonableness of I 124 ^to , minimum carload weights on grain Ill 182 from , less than carload rates on petroleum products VI 326 to , refund on shipments of tanbark Ill 181 from , refund on shipments of vehicles and agricultural implements VII 17 to Osceola, refund on shipments of grain V 291 to , refund on shipments of rye and barley IV . 483 to Portage, concentration rates on butter and eggs Ill I to Reedsburg, concentration rates on butter and eggs.. I II 32 to Reedsburg, refund on shipments of eggs Ill 335,338 to Rhinelander, reasonableness of rates on logs, and refund XV 569 to , reduction of rates and refund on shipment of pulp wood IX 111 ■ to ,• reasonableness of rates VIII 105 to Rockfield, refund on shipments of wood Ill 590 to Two Rivers, refund on shipments of logs and bolts.. IV 355 to Wausau, concentration rates on lumber Ill 605 to , reasonableness of rates on lumber IV 256 to — — , refund on shipments of lumber IV, 271, 323, 327, 335, 337, 405, 457, 459, 461, 463 (southern Wis.), from W^eyerhauser, refund on ship- ments of lumber and reduction of joint rates V 647, 655 Wisconsin River Valley points, from Lake Michigan ports in Wis., group rates on coal VI 436 Withee, electric rates XIII 704 , telephone utihties, physical connection XIV 419 Wonewoc from Ladysmith, refund on shipments of lumber and reduction of joint rates V 647 from Weyerhauser, refund on shipments of lumber 'and reduction of joint rates V. 647 , telephone rates and service VIII 399 Wood County, telephone utilities, physical connection XV 244 Woodland from Spring Valley, refund on shipment of lumber XII 131 Woodville and Spring Valley (between), train service, adequacy of XIV 775 \ Localities Index 805 Vol. and Page Wyocena, town of, certificate of public convenience and ^ necessity XI 552 and Portage (sand and gravel bed between), spur track.. VI 556 , telephone rates and service VIII • 92 , telephone rates XI 499 , train service, adequacy of ...I 532 Y Yolo, railroad crossing, protection of... X 528 ^■^*; ' ■* VC 352%" ■,';.■;; 1 1 .