THE ANNALS OF MANCHESTER: A CHRONOLOGICAL EECOKD FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE END OF 1885. EDITED BY WILLIAM E. A. AXON. JOHN HEYW( DeaNSGATE AND RlDGEFIKLD, .M \ ' ■ AMi 1 I, P I , i I B : INUS, LONDON. DA ) TO GEORGE MILNER, President of the Manchester Literary Chtb, WHO HAS EARNED AN HONOURED PLACE AMONGST MANCHESTER WORTHIES OF THE PRESENT, THIS RECORD OF THE WORK OF THE MANCHESTER WORTHIES OF THE PAST IS DEDICATED. PEEFACE. THE volume now offered to the public, as a revised edition of the Man- chester Historical Recorder, is virtually a new work, owing to the many changes and additions that have been made by the present editor. The book in its different editions has had a curious history. The utility of a concise chronological record of Manchester history appears first to have been practically recognised by James Butterworth, whose Tabula Mancuniensis—& mere pamphlet — appeared in 1829. The next effort was made by William Ford, and then — ten years later — Mr. Charles Henry Timperley, a man of great industry and wide reading, compiled the Annals of Manchester, a little book which is highly to be commended for its usefulness. Various editions have since appeared, bringing down the record to a later period, but without any attempt at systematic revision or the incorporation of the abundance of fresh material amassed by the labours of subsequent investigators. The following list is the completest I have been able to make of the forerunners of the present volume :— Tabula Mancuniensis ; or a Chronological Table of Events, comprising within the compass of a few pages the history of the town and neighbourhood of Manchester, from the remotest period to the present time. . . . By James Butterworth. . . . Manchester : Printed by J. Bradshaw, 34, Church Street, 1829 ; 8vo pp. 16. In the Manchester Free Library there is a little book, believed to be unique, with a MS. title : Ford's Chronological Series of Events in Manchester, 1833. This is made up of proof slips and cuttings from the Stockport Advertiser, in which the articles appeared. The dates are 1301-1822 inclusive. This work of William Ford's does not appear to have been published, but may have formed the basis of Timperley's Annals. Annals of Manchester: Biographical, Historical, Ecclesiastical, and Commercial, from the earliest period to the close of the year 1S39. By C. H. Timperley. Manchester : Bancks and Co., Exchange Street, 1839. ISino, pp. 108. The Manchester Historical Recorder : or a concise Biographical, Ecclesi' astical, and Commercial History of the Rise and Progress of the lown and Neighbourhood, from the earliest period to the close of tin //< ar 1845. By a Native of the Town. Manchester : Horsefield and Davies, Printers, Riding's Court, St. Mary's Gate and Deansgate. 18mo, pp. iv. 156. This is described in the preface as the second edition. Records Historical, Municipal, Ecclesiastical, Biographical, Commercial, and Statistical of Manchester, from the earliest period, revised and corrected to the present time. By E. Waugh and T. Fawcett. Published for the Pro- prietors by F. Wilde, 9, Half Street, and James Ainsworth, 93, Piccadilly, Manchester; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., London, 1851. 18mo. vi., 174. The Manchester Historical Recorder: being an Analysis of the Municipal, iv Preface. Ecclesiastical, Biographical, Commercial, and Statistical History of Man- chester from the earliest period, chronologically arranged. Revised and corrected to the present time. Manchester : John Heywood, 141 and 143' Deansgate. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1874. Those who have the curiosity to compare this new edition with its prede- cessors will find that the greater portion has been completely rewritten, and that in every page there have been alterations and corrections. It is impossible in a volume dealing with such a mass of dates and data to avoid mistakes, but it is hoped that the care that has been exercised will have prevented any serious errors. Several of the proof sheets have been read by Mr. J. E. Bailey, F.S.A., and Mr. C. W. Sutton, whose kindness for this service and for various useful suggestions I gratefully acknowledge. Mr. David Kelly, of Stretford, kindly placed an annotated copy of the Recorder at my disposal, and has also favoured me with various items of information. Mr. Robert Wood, of Rusholme, also lent me his annotated copy. The custodians of the various public libraries of Manchester and Salford have treated me with great indulgence, and I have also to return cordial acknowledgments to Dr. Richard Garnett, of the British Museum. The history of Manchester is important, not only to its citizens but to all those who care to trace the development of modern civilisation. Its greatness in the present century sometimes leads to forgetfulness of the fact that it is one of the oldest communities in the land, and has had an unbroken existence from Roman and pre-Roman days. The long chain of events which have trans- formed the ancient village into one of the greatest commercial centres of the world are not only important in this connection, but are also interesting in themselves. The annals of the city and district contain many quaint, picturesque, and romantic incidents. The Annals of Manchester attempts to give, in chronological order, a brief and pithy analysis of the history of Manchester from the earliest times to the present day. The sale of several successive issues of the Manchester Historical Recorder has sufficiently shown the value and usefulness of such 'a manual. This edition contains, it is hoped, the most essential data in regard to the general, ecclesiastical, municipal, and commercial history of Manchester and Salford. Statistical information has been included, and biographical sketches given of the worthies of the place. The arrangement by dates has been retained, as affording the greatest facility for research, whilst not materially interfering with a general view of the changes, social, national, religious, and commercial, in which Manchester has had a share, and often an important one. In this way the reader has brought before him the prehistoric settlement ; the Roman station ; the Saxon village ruined by the Danes ; the Norman barony ; the mediaeval manor ; the early manufacturing town ; the Puritan stronghold where the first blood of the Civil Wars was shed ; the town which gave so many to the fatal rebellion of 1745 ; and the busy district which saw the rise of the modern cotton trade and the development of the factory system. Particulars are also given of the struggle for local government, parliamen- tary reform, free trade, and the other great changes of the present century, to which Manchester has contributed in so large a measure. INTRODUCTION. MANCHESTER, the great centre of the cotton manufacture, is a corporate and Parliamentary borough, and was elevated to the dignity of a city in 1847, by being constituted the see of a bishop, and by royal proclamation in 1853. It is situated on the river Irwell, in the hundred of Salford, and county of Lancaster, and is distant from London 188 miles by the London and North- western Railway, 189 by the Midland, 1881 by the Great Northern, and 3H from the port of Liverpool. According to the census of 1881, the municipal borough of Manchester contained 341,414 inhabitants, and the Parliamentary borough, which includes the townships of Harpurhey, Newton, Bradford, and Beswick, contained 393,585. In 1885 the city boundary was extended to include Rusholme, Bradford, and Harpurhey, and the population of the municipal borough was thus raised to 373,583, and of the Parliamentary borough to 404,823. The limits of the municipal and Parliamentary borough of Salford are identical, and the population at the census of 1881 was 176,235. The following outline of the history of the city is condensed from an article contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica by the editor of this volume : — Very little is known with certainty of the early history of Manchester. It has, indeed, been conjectured, and with some probability, that at Castlefield there was a British fortress, which was afterwards taken possession of by Agricola. It is, at all events, certain that a Roman station of some importance existed in this locality, and a fragment of the wall still exists. The period succeeding the Roman occupation is for some time legendary. As late as the 17th century there was a floating tradition that Tarquin, an enemy of King Arthur, kept the castle of Manchester, and was killed by Launcelot of the Lake. Early mention of the town, in authentic annals, is scanty. It was probably one of the scenes of the missionary preaching of Paulinus ; and it is said (though by a chronicler of comparatively late date) to have been the residence of Ina, King of Wessex, and his queen Ethelberga, after he had defeated Ivor, somewhere about the year 089. Nearly the only point of certainty in its history before the Conquest is that it suffered greatly from the devasta- tions of the Danes, and that in 923 Edward, who was then at Thelwall, near "Warrington, sent a number of his Mercian troops to repair and garrison it. In Domesday Book, Manchester, Salford, Rochdale, and Radcliffe are the only places named in South-East Lancashire, a district now covered by populous towns. Large portions of it were then forest, wood, and waste lands. Twenty- one thanes held the manor of Salford among them. The church of St. Mary and the church of St. Michael, in Manchester, are both named in Domcsda j . and some difficulty has arisen as to their proper identification. Most anti- quaries have considered that the passage refers to the town only, whilst others vi Introduction. think it relates to the parish, and that, while St. Mary's is the present Manches- ter Cathedral, St. Michael's would be the present parish church of Ashton-under Lyne. Manchester and Salford are so closely allied that it is impossible to disassociate their history. Salford received a charter from Ranulph de Blundeville, in the reign of Henry III., constituting it a free borough, and Manchester, in 1301, received a similar warrant of municipal liberties and privileges, from its baron, Thomas Gresley, a descendant of one to whom the manor had been given by Roger of Poictou, who was created by William the Conqueror lord of all the land between the rivers Mersey and Ribble. The Gresleys were succeeded by the De la Warres, the last of whom was educated for the priesthood, and became rector of the town. To avoid the evil of a non- resident clergy, he made considerable additions to the lands of the church, in order that it might be endowed as a collegiate institution. A sacred guild was thus formed, whose members were bound to perform the necessary services of the parish church, and to whom the old baronial hall was granted as a place of residence. The manorial rights passed to Sir Reginald West, the son of Joan Greslet, and he was summoned to Parliament as Baron de la Warre. The West family, in 1579, sold the manorial rights for £3,000 to John Lacy, who, in 159G, resold them to Sir Nicholas Mosley, whose descendants enjoyed the emoluments and profits derived from them until 1845, when they were purchased by the Town Council of Manchester for £200,000. The lord of the manor had the right to tax and toll all articles brought for sale into the market of the town ; but, though the inhabitants were thus to a large extent taxed for the benefit of one individual, they had a far greater amount of local self- government than might have been supposed, and the Court Leet, which was the governing body of the town, had, though doubtless in a somewhat rudimentary form, nearly all the powers and functions now possessed by municipal corpora- tions. This court had not only control over the watching and watering of the town, the regulation of the water supply, and the cleaning of the streets, but also had power, which at times was used freely, of interfering with what would now be considered the private liberty of their fellow-citizens. Some of the regulations adopted, and presumably enforced, sound grotesque at the present day. Under the protection of the barons the town appears to have steadily increased in prosperity, and it early became an important seat of the textile manufactures. Fulling mills were at work in the 13th century ; and documentary evidence exists to show that woollen manufactures were carried on in Ancoats at that period. An Act passed in the reign of Edward VI. regu- lates the length of cottons called Manchester, Lancashire, and Cheshire cottons. These, notwithstanding their name, were probably all woollen textures. It is thought that some of the Flemish weavers who were introduced into England by Queen Philippa of Hainault were settled at Manchester ; and Fuller has given an exceedingly quaint and picturesque description of the manner in which these artisans were welcomed by the inhabitants of the country they were about to enrich with a new industry, one which, in after centuries, has become perhaps the most important industry in the country. The Flemish weavers were, in all probability, reinforced by religious refugees from the Low Countries. Leland, writing in 1638, decribes Manchester as the "fairest, best builded, quickest, and most populous town of Lancashire." In 1641 we hear of the Manchester people purchasing linen yarn from the Irish, weaving it, Introduction. vii and returning it for sale in a finished state. They also brought cotton wool from Smyrna to work into fustians and dimities. The right of sanctuary had been granted to the town, but this was found to be so detrimental to its industrial pursuits that, after very brief experience, the privilege was taken away. The college of Manchester was dissolved in 1547, but was re-founded in Mary's reign. Under her successor the town became the head-quarters of the commission for establishing the reformed religion. In the civil wars the town was besieged by the Royalists under Lord Strange, but was successfully defended by the inhabitants under the command of a German soldier of fortune, Colonel Rosworm, who complained with some bitterness of their ingratitude to him. An earlier affray between the Puritans and some of Lord Strange's followers is said to have occasioned the shedding of the first blood in the disastrous struggle between the King and Parliament. The year 1089 witnessed that strange episode, the trial of those concerned in the so-called Lan- cashire plot, which ended in the triumphant acquittal of the supposed Jacobites. That the district really contained many ardent sympathisers with the Stuarts was, however, shown in the rising of 1715, when the clergy ranged themselves to a large extent on the side of the Pretender, and was still more clearly shown in the rebellion of 1745, when the town was taken possession of by Prince Charles Edward Stuart, and a regiment, known afterwards as the Manchester regiment, was formed and placed under the command of Colonel Francis Townley. In the fatal retreat of the Stuart troops the Manchester contingent was left to garrison Carlisle, and surrendered to the Duke of Cumberland. The officers were taken to London, where they were tried for high treason and beheaded on Kennington Common. The variations of political action in Manchester had been exceedingly well marked. In the 16th century, although it produced both Catholic and Protestant martyrs, it was earnestly in favour of the reformed faith, and in the succeeding century it became indeed a stronghold of Puritanism. Yet the descendants of the Roundheads, who defeated the army of Charles I., were Jacobite in their sympathies, and by the latter half of the 18th century had become imbued with the aggressive form of patriotic sent iment known as Anti- Jacobinism, which showed itself chiefly in dislike of reform and reformers of every description. A change was, however, imminent. The distress caused by war and taxation, towards the end of the last and the beginning of the present century, led to bitter discontent, and the anomalies existing in the Parliamentary system of representation afforded only too fair an object of attack. While single individuals in some portions of the country, had the power to return members of Parliament for their pocket boroughs, great towns like Manchester were entirely without representation. The injudicious conduct of the authorities, also, led to an increase in the bitterness with which the working classes regarded the condition of society in which they found themselves compelled to toil with very little profit to themselves. Their expressions of discontent, instead of being wisely regarded as symptoms of disease in the body politic, were looked upon as crimes, and the severesl efforts were made to repress all expression of dissatisfaction. This foolish policy of the authorities reached its culmination in the affair of Peterloo, which may be regarded as the starting point of the modern Reform agitation. This was in 1819, when an immense crowd assembled on St. Peter's FiekU (l-ovt Vlll Introduction. covered by the Free Trade Hall and warehouses) to petition Parliament for a redress in their grievances. The authorities had the Riot Act read, but in such manner as to be quite unheard by the mass of the people, and drunken yeomanry cavalry were then turned loose upon the unresisting mass' of spectators. The yeomanry appear to have used their sabres somewhat freely ; several people were killed and many more injured, and although the magistrates received the thanks of the Prince Regent and the ministry, their conduct excited the deepest indignation throughout the entire country. Naturally enough, the Manchester politicians took an important part in the reform agitation, and when the Act of 1832 was passed, the town sent as its representatives the Right Hon. C. P. Thomson, Vice-President of the Board of Trade, and Mr. Mark Philips. With one notable exception, this was the first time that Manchester had been represented in Parliament since its barons had seats in the House of Peers in the earlier centuries. In 1654 Mr. Charles Worsley and in 1656 Mr. R. Radcliffe were nominated to represent it in Cromwell's Parliaments. "Worsley was a man of great ability, and must ever have a conspicuous place in history as the man who carried out the injunction of the Protector to "remove that bauble," the mace of the House of Commons. The agitation for the repeal of the corn-laws had its head-quarters at Manchester, and the success which attended it, not less than the active interest taken by its inhabitants in public questions, has made the city the home of various projects of reform. The "United Kingdom Alliance for the Suppression of the Liquor Traffic" was founded there in 1853, and during the continuance of the American war the adherents both of the North and of the South deemed it desirable to have organisations to influence public opinion in favour of their respective causes A charter of incorporation was granted in 1838; a bishop was appointed in 1817 ; and the town became a city in 1853. The Lancashire cotton famine, caused by the civil war in America, produced much distress in the Manchester district, and led to a national movement to help the starving operatives. The relief operations then organised are amongst the most remarkable efforts of modern philanthropy. The spinning of cotton and the manufacture of various fabrics from that article are the staple of the Manchester district. There are also calico-printing works, in a wide circuit round Manchester, of great magnitude, and the ware- houses established in the city in connection therewith are of corresponding extent ; while the bleach and dye works, for miles round, furnish employment to numerous hands. The manufacture of an infinite variety of articles com- prised in the general term of " smallwares" engages a large amount of capital, and many of the mills are of large dimensions. Ironfounding and the manu- facture of stationary and locomotive steam engines, together with machine and tool making, are branches of great importance, employing immense power and expenditure. Many chemical works are on an extensive scale, and in the vicinity are paper mills. The merchants and manufacturers of Manchester have commercial relations with all parts of the world. Manchester contains some fine public buildings, the most noteworthy being the Royal Exchange, Assize Courts, Royal Infirmary, Free Trade Hall. Royal Institution, the Town Hall, the Owens College, and the Post Office. The new Town Hall is one of the most spacious and elegant struc- Introduction. ix tures in Europe, and is probably the largest in the world devoted to civic purposes. Besides public edifices, there are many warehouses of gigantic size, foremost among which stands the magnificent warehouse of Messrs. S. and J_ Watts. Many new streets have been formed of late years, and others widened for the immense traffic constantly passing along them. Nearly in the centre of the city is Albert Square, in which stands the new Town Hall and the memorial erected to the late Prince Consort. Deansgate, an ancient thorough- fare of many centuries' existence, has been transformed into a broad and handsome street. The charitable institutions of the city are numerous, affording relief and consolation to the poor and indigent. The educational machinery of Man- chester and Salford ranges from excellent elementary schools to the Victoria University, empowered to grant degrees alike to men and women. Schools for the Deaf and Dumb and an Asylum for the Blind are likewise provided ; whilst the foundations of Bishop Oldham, Humphrey Chetham, and Benjamin Nicholls remain as monuments worthy of imitation. The government of Manchester, previous to the charter of incorporation being granted, was vested in a boroughreeve, two constables, and other officers, elected or appointed at the Court Leet of the Lord of the Manor. The corporate body, under the municipal charter, consisted of a mayor, fifteen aldermen, and forty-eight councillors. This number has increased, since the incorporation of Rusholme, Bradford, and Harpurhey into the city, to nineteen aldermen and fifty-seven councillors. The first election took place on the 14th December, 1838, and on the loth Mr. Thomas Potter, afterwards knighted, was elected to the civic chair, and the following year le-elected. A stipendiary magistrate sits daily at the City Court, Minshull Street, for the disposing of petty offences, or committal to the sessions or assizes of more serious offenders. Salford also has a stipendiary magistrate, who sits at the Town Hall. Assizes are held thrice during the year, and sessions every six weeks. APPENDICES TO INTBODUCTION. LIST OF THE BOROUGHRBEVES OP MANCHESTER. 1552-3 Robert Becke (d. between Sept. 30, 1556, and April 21, 1557). 1553-4 1554-5 Nicholas Sydall. 1555-6 William Hardey (d. between Sept. 30 and March 29, 1556). 1556-7 Peter Cowopp. 1557-8 Richard Owen. 1558-9 1559-60 John Gee (d. 1589). 1560-1 Richard Galley. 1561-2 Thomas Harrison. 1562-3 Edward Rilstone. 1563-4 Thomas Willott. 1564-5 1565-6 George Pendleton (draper). 1566-7 James Chorlton. 1567-8 John Davy. 1568-9 Christopher Grant. 1569-70 Edward Hanson. 1570-1 Ralph Proudlove. 1 571-2 William B iguley. 1572-3 John Birch. 1573-4 John Radcliffe. 1574-5 Humfrey Haughton. 1575-6 George Birch. 1576-7 John Gee. 1577-8 John Gee. 1578-9 Robert Langley. 1579-SO Thomas Goodier. 15S0-1 Henry Gee. 1581-2 Thomas Becke (son of Robert). 1582-3 Henry Pendleton. 15S3-4 George Travis, sen. 1584-5 George Proudlove. 1585-6 Richard Sorocold. 15S6-7 Robert Langley. 1587-8 Roger Hardey. 1588-9 Roger Bexwick. 15S9-90 Richard Moreton. 1590-1 George Travis. 1591-2 Anthony Mosley. 1592-3 John Gee. 1593-4 Humfrey Haughton. 1594-5 Robert Langley. 1595-6 George Tipping. 1596-7 Oswald Moseley. 1597-S Thomas Goodier, sen. 159S-9 Richard Nugent. 1599-1600 Richard Fox. 1600-1 Nicholas Hartley. 1601-2 William Radcliffe. 1602-3 Robert Langley. 1603-4 George Tipping. 1604 Alexander Radclyffe (to Easter, 1606). April 1606 Robert Goodier (to October). Oct. 1606-7 William Stanley. 1607-8 Oswald Mosley, jun. 1608-9 Francis Pendilton. 1609-10 Lawrence Langley. 1610-11 Adam Smith. 1611-12 Robert Robinson. 1612-13 William Radclyffe. 1613-14 Thomas Brownsword. 1614-15 Francis Mosley. 1615-16 William Spark. 161617 Francis Pendleton. 1617-1S Alexander Radclyffe. 1618-19 James Fox. 1619-20 Richard Fox. 1620-1 Edward Marler. 1621-2 Stephen Radley. 1622-3 William Radclyffe. 1623-4 Henry Keley. 1624-5 Henry Johnson. 1625-6 Thomas Lancashire. 1626-7 Richard Halliwell. 1627-S James Fox. 1628-9 George Clarke. 1629-30 William Cooke. 1630-1 John Hartley. 1631-2 Rowland Mosley. 1632-3 William Bell. 1633-4 John Beswick. 1634-5 John ftfarler. 1635-6 Francis Mosley. 1636-7 Samuel Tipping. 1637-8 John Radclyffe. 1638-9 Edward Johnson. 1639-40 Geoffrey Croxton. 1640-1 Michael Dickonson. The Records are missing from 1641 to 1647. Appendices to Introduction. XI B0R0UGHREEVE3 OF Oct. 1647-8 Thomas Lancashire. 1648-9 John Marler. April 1650 Nicholas Hawett. Oct. 1650-1 Edward Johnson. 1651-2 Richard Radcliffe, Esq. 1652-3 William Jackson. 1653-4 Henry Dickonson. 1654-5 Robert Marler. 1655-6 James Lancashire. 1656-7 Michael Buxton. 1657-S William Byroni (of Manchester, at. 43, 1664). 1658-9 Thomas Illingworth. April 1660 Henry Dickonson. Oct. 1660-1 Robert Hill. 1661-2 Nicholas Mosley. 1662-3 Thomas Becke. 1663-4 John Lightbowne, Esq. 1664-5 Richard Meare. 1665-6 John Hartley, Esq. The Records are missing from 1666 to 166S. 1669-70 Michael Buxton. 1670-1 John Alexander. 1671-2 John Holbrooke. 1672-3 Edward Bootle. 1673-4 John Moxon. 1674-5 Joseph Higham. 1675-6 Humfrey Marler. 1676-7 John Sandiford. 1677-8 Richard Fox. 1678-9 Samuel Dickonson. 1679-SO William Hunter. 1680-1 William Byrom. 1681-2 Laurence Gardner. 1682-3 1683-4 Thomas Shawe. 1684-5 Matthew Bootle. 10S5-6 16S6-7 Robert Illingworth. The Records are missing from 1GS7 to 1730. 1731-2 Jeremiah Bradshaw. 1732-3 Richard Davenport. 1733-4 Robert Bowker. 1734-5 Thomas Birch. 1735-6 Richard Millington. 1736-7 Jonathan Lees. 1737-S James Edge. 1738-9 Edward Byrom. 1739-40 Samuel Clowes (of Broughton, d. July, 1773). 17401 Roger Sedgwick. 1741-2 John Stott. 1742-3 John Stockport. 1743-4 Jeremiah Bower. MANCHESTER— Continued. Oct. 1744-5 John Hawks well. 1745-6 John Fielden. 1746-7 Abraham Hawarth. 1747-8 William Clowes. 1748-9 Miles Bower. 1749-50 John Dickenson. 1750-1 Robert Livesey. 1751-2 John Moss. 1752-3 Thomas Johnson. 1753-4 Samuel Ridings. 1754-5 Joseph Alexander. 1755-6 Jonathan Patten. 1756-7 Thomas Parrott. 1757-8 Thomas Tipping, sen. 175S-9 James Greatrex. 1759-60 John Markland. 1760-1 Thomas Battersbee. 1761-2 Edward Byrom. 1762-3 Thomas Chadwick. 1763-4 Thomas Tipping. 1704-5 John Hardman. 1765-6 James Hodson. 1766-7 Charles Ford. 1767-8 James Borron. 1768-9 William Edge. 1769-70 Robert Gartside. 1770-1 Samuel Clowes, jun. (d. January 1801, son of Samuel, 1739). 1771-2 Thomas Stott. 1772-3 John Heywood. 1773-4 Edward Borron. 1774-5 Benjamin Bower. 1775-6 Thomas Marriott. 1776-7 Daniel Whitaker. 1777-8 Joseph Ryder. 177S-9 William Bullock. 1779-80 Thomas Chadwick. 17S0-1 Benjamin Luke Winter. 1781-2 Nathaniel Philips. 1782-3 Lawrence Gardner. 1783-4 Thomas Johnson. 1784-5 William Houghton. 17S5-6 Thomas Starkio. 17S6-7 John Kearsley. 17S7-S George Barton. 17SS-9 James Billings. 1789-90 Edward Place. 1790-1 Thomas Walker. 1791-2 Nathan Crompton. 17'.'l*-;; JamPS Ackers. 1793-4 James Entwistlo. 17'.'4-5 Thomas Richardson. 1795-6 Henry Farrington. 1796-7 Joseph Hardman. 1797-s John Poole. 179S-9 William Myers. 1799-1S0O Charles Frederick Br 1 S00-1 John Tetlow. Xll Appendices to Introduction. BOROUGHREEVES OF MANCHESTER— Continued. Oct. 1801-2 1S02-3 1S03-4 1S04-5 1805-6 1S06-7 1807-8 1S0S-9 1S09-10 1S10-11 1811-12 1812-13 1813-14 1S14-15 1815-16 1816-17 1817-18 1S1S-19 1S19-20 1S20-1 1S21-2 1822-3 1823-4 Joseph Tliackery Samuel Smith. Edward Hobson. James Hibbert. William Fox. Joseph Seddon. William Starkie. Richard Rushworth. John Ratcliffe. Thomas Fosbrooke. Richard Wood. Jeremiah Fielding. Thomas Hardman. Hugh Hornby Birley. Wm. Johnson Edensor. Joseph Green. T. Scholes Withington. Edward Clayton. Thomas Sharp. James Brierley. The same reappointed. Thomas Worthington. Gilbert Winter. Oct. 1S24-5 S. Grimshaw. 1S25-6 WiUiam Lomas. 1826-7 George Neden. 1827-8 Charles Cross. 1S28-9 David Bannerman. 1829-30 Bulkeley Price. 1830-1 James Burt. 1831-2 Benjamin Braidley. 1832-3 The same reappointed. 1833-4 R. C. Sharp. 1S34-5 Edmund Buckley. 1S35-6 John Macvicar. 1S36-7 John Hyde. 1837-8 John Brown. 1838-9 Thomas Evans. 1839-40 John Brooks. 1S40-1 David Ainsworth. 1841-2 Richard Birley. 1842-3 John Woollam. 1S43-4 The same reappointed. 1S44-5 John Burgess. 1845-6 Alexander Kay, the last Borough- reeve of Manchester. LIST OP THE MAYORS OF MANCHESTER. 1. Sir Thomas Potter, Knight (died March 20, 1845) 183S-9, 1839-40 2. William Nield (died April 4, 1S64) 1840-1, 1841-2 3. James Kershaw, M.P. Stockport (died April 27, 1S64) 1 842-3 4. * Alexander Kay (died May 16, 1863) 1843-4, 1844-5 5. William Benjamin Watkins (died June 24, 1864) 1845-6 6. Sir Elkanah Armitage, Knight (died November 26, 1S76) 1846-7, 1847-S 7. Sir John Potter, Knight, M.P. (died October 25, 1S5S) 1848-9, 1849-50, 1S50-51 8. Robert Barnes (died December 25, 1871) 1851-2, 1852-3 9. Benjamin Nicholls (died March 1, 1S77) 1853-4, 1854-5 10. Sir James Watts, Knight (died April 6, 1S7S) 1855-6, 1856-7 11. Ivie Mackie (died February 23, 1S73) 1857-8, 1858-9, 1859-60 12. Matthew Curtis 1S60-1, 1875-6 13. Thomas Goadsby (died February 16, 1S66) 1861-2 14. Abel Hey wood 1862-3, 1S76-7 15. John Marsland Bennett 1863-4, 1864-5 16. William Bowker (died April 7, 1S6S) 1865-6 17. Robert Neill 1866-7, 1867-8 18. John Grave 186S-9, 1869-70, 1870-1 19. William Booth (died September 16, 1883) 1871-2, 1872-3 20. Alfred Watkin (died June 23, 1875) 1873-4 21. John King, jun 1874-5 22. Charles Sydney Grundy 1877-8, 1878-9 23. Henry Patteson 1879-80 24. Sir Thomas Baker, Knight (died April 17, 1SS6) 1880-1, 1S81-2 25. John Hopkinson 1SS2-3 26. Philip Goldschmidt 1SS3-4 27. John James Harwood 1884-5 28. Philip Goldschmidt 1885-6 * Last Boroughreeve. Appendices to Introduction. xm LIST OF THE BOROUGHREEVES OP SALFORD. 1732 Peter Gueat. 1733 Richard Berry. J^5 | Charles Bramwell. 1736 Adam Crouchley. 1737 John Wilcoxon. 173S Roger Nield. 1739 James Dean 1740 Thomas Nield. 1741 William Bell. 1742 James Massey. 1743 Thomas Wilcoxon. 1744 William Barlow. 1745 Roger Birch. 1746 Thomas Hulme. 1747 Thomas Wilcoxon. 174S John Withington. 1749 Charles Bramall, jun. 1750 Samuel Worthington. 1751 Richard Barrow. 1752 Samuel Horridge. 1753 John Mellor. 1754 Thomas Nightingale. 1755 Charles Mills. 1756 John Cooke. 1757 John Bury. 175S Thomas Gorton. 1759 John Booth Gore. 1760 Robert Gorton. 1761 Richard Bury. 1762 Benjamin Richardson. 1763 John Leech. 1764 William Christopher. 1765 Francis Baxter. 1766 Henry Birtles. 1767 James Cockerill. 176S Joseph Barrett. 1769 Robert Parrin. 1770 Peter Wright. 1771 Thomas Shorrocks. 1772 Thomas Barrow. 1173 William Leaf. 1774 Miles Dixon. 1775 William Loxhani. 1776 Edward Hobson. 1777 William Barrow. 1778 Thomas Chesshyre. 1779 James Cook. 1780 John Barrow. 17S1 James Bury, jun. 1782 James Holland. JIjjH Thomas Walker. 1785 Richard Gorton. 1786 Daniel Eddleston. 17S7 Benjamin Makin. 1788 Thomas Partington. 17S9 Edward Hobson. 1790 Richard Harrison. 1791 James Kay. 1792 Joseph Harrop. 1793 George Walker. 1794 Jonathan Beever. 1795 Robert Hindley. 1796 George Clowes. 1797 Dauntsey Hulme. 1798 John Broom. 1799 John Boardman. 1S00 John Atkinson. 1801 William Beck. 1S02 Nat. Kirkham. 1803 Nat. Shelmerdine. 1804 David Locke. 1805 Thomas Holland. 1806 William Norris. 1807 James Hall. 180S B. H. Green. 1809 George Gould. 1810 William Tate. 1811 William Hutchinson. 1812 Henry Burgess. 1813 Thomas O. Gill. 1814 Robert Hindley. 1815 John Heygate. 1816 Richard Bindloss. 1817 Joseph Buckley. 181S John Greenwood. 1819 John E. Scholes. 1S20 Jerry Lees. 1821 Nat. Shelmerdine. 1S22 James Leech. 1823 Thomas Marriott. 1824 Benjamin Booth. 1825 George Jones. 1826 Thomas Heywood. 1827 William Hatton. 1828 Josiah Collier. 1829 John Bradshaw Wanklyn. 1830 James Kerr. 1S31 William Hill. 1832 John Dugdale. 1833 Lot Gardner. 1834 William Jenkinson. 1835 James Hall, jun. 1836 James Garratt Frost. 1837 Elkanah Armitage (afterwards Sir Elkanah Armitage, Kt.) 1538 John Loeming. 1539 Thomas Bazley (afterwards Sir Thomas Bazley, Bt.) 1840 George H. Hall. 1841 Holland Hoole. 1842 William Lockett. 1S43 Robert Chadwick. 1844 William Lockett, the last Boroughreeve and first Mayor of Salford. XIV Appendices to Introduction. LIST OP THE MAYORS OP SALFORD. William Lockett (died July 7, 1S56) 1S44-5 John Kay (died April 26, 1871) 1845-6 Robert Parren Livingstone (died September 11, 1S53) 1846-7 William Jenkinson (died February 28, 1862) 1847-8 Edward Ryley Langworthy, M.P. (died April 7, 1S74) 184S-9, 1S49-50 Thomas Agnew (died March 21, 1871) 1850-1 Frank Ashton (died March 7, 1885) 1851-2, 1852-3 William Ross (died 1873) 1S53-4, 1854-5 Stephen Heelis (died 1871) 1855-6, 1S56-7 William Harvey (died December 25, 1870) 1857-8, 185S-9 James Woods Weston (died April 22, 1S77) 1859-60, 1S60-1 James Worrall 1S61-2 William Pearson (died 1873) 1862-3, 1863-4 Wright Turner (died 18S0) 1864-5, 1S65-6 Henry Davis Pochin 1866-7, 1867-8 Thomas Davies (died October 18, 1S85) 186S-9, 1S69-70, 1S70-1 Thomas Barlow (died 1S85) 1871-2, 1872-3 Richard Harwood 1873-4, 1874-5, 1875-6 Francis Harrison Walmsley 1876-7, 1877-8 William Robinson 187S-9, 1879-80, 1S80-1 Richard Husband 1881-2, 1882-3 Charles Makinson 18S3-4, 1S84-5 James Farmer 18S5-6 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS BOROUGH OF MANCHESTER. Charles Worsley, of Piatt, first Representative, by order of Oliver Cromwell, July 10th, 1654. Richard Radcliffe, of e Pool, August 12th, 1656. 1832— Dec. 13 & 14. Votes. Mark Philips (l) 2923 Right Hon. C. P. Thomson (l) 2068 Samuel Jones Loyd (l) 1S32 John Thomas Hope (c) 1560 William Cobbett (l) 1305 1S35— Jan. 8 & 9. Right Hon, C. P. Thomson (l) Mark Philips (l) B. Braidley (c) Sir Charles Wolseley (l) 1835— April 28 'ce, keeper of the church, but never held the barony. Robert married Hawise, daughter of John de Eurgh, and made grants of land to the Abbey of Stanlaw and to Whalley Abbey. He died 1282 [1283-4, Dugdale] when about 30 years old ; whereupon Amadeus de Savoy had the cus- tody of the manor of Manchester, with its members, during the minority of Thomas, son and heir. (Dugdale.) 1281. The rental of Salford, with water-mill, toll and stallage of the market and fair, and pleas and perquisites of the court, amounted to £12 16s. 6|d. The assize rent of Burgh ton was £2 8s.; of Ordesall £1 12s. The pleas and perquisites of the court of the wapentake amounted to £4 7s. 3d. See an extract from the rent-roll of Edward, Earl of Lancaster, in Harland's Mamcestre. 1282. Thomas Greslet, who succeeded to the barony, was only three years old at the time of his father's death, and during his minority was the ward of Amadeus of Savoy, a royal favourite, who acted as the proxy of Prince Edward of Carnarvon at his marriage with the Princess Isabella of France. The first notice of a court in Manchester occurs in the inquisitions held before the escheator and sheriff this year. These inquisitions give many details as to the possessions of the lord of Manchester. The fulling mill is said to be worth £1 6s. 8d.; the oven 10s. ; the Rectory of Manchester valued at 200 marks per annum =£133 6s. 8d. The annual value of the entire manor of Man- chester, which extended far beyond the town, is calculated to have been nearly equal to £6,000 of modern money. 1291. Pope Nicholas IV. caused a valuation to be made of the ecclesiastical livings in England, when Manchester was valued at £53 6s. Sd., and Prestwich at £18 13s. 4d. 1295. Hugh of Mamcestre and William of Gaynesburgh were sent as ambassadors to the French King to vindicate the claim of Edward I. to the lands of Aquitakie. Hugh was a man of learning and distinction, and was professor and doctor of divinity, and Provincial of the Dominican Preachers in England. An impostor having claimed that miracles had been performed at the tomb of Henry III., Mamcestre detected the fraud and w^rote an exposure of it, which he dedi- cated to Edward I., entitled " De Fanaticorum Deliriis " (or the Dotages of Fanatics). " I could wish," says Fuller, "some worthy divine would resume this subject." But it is doubtful if Hugh of Manchester belonged to Lanca- shire, and some regard him as a native of Warwickshire. The question is dis- cussed in the second volume of the Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society. Henry de Ancotes gives an acre of land and a messuage in Ancoats to Alexander le Tinctore [the dyer], of Manchester. Another deed, probably of the same date, mentions Robert, son of Robert son of Simon Tinctore. It is 1301] Annals of Manchester. 13 thus clear that dyeing was carried on in the town at least as early as the middle of the thirteenth century. " What fabrics," asks Mr. Harland, " were then dyed in Manchester ? The oldest textile fabric of England was woollen cloth ; for even in the time of the Romans a manufactory of woollen cloths was estab- lished at Winchester for the use of the emperors. The English woollen manu- facture is mentioned in 1185, but it was not extensive till 1331, when the weaving of cloth was introduced by John Kempe and other artisans from Flanders. These were then called Kendal cloths and Halifax cloths ; and blankets were first made in 1340. But it is stated that the art of dyeing woollens was first brought from the Low Countries to England in 1608, prior to which the English cloths were usually sent white to Holland, dyed there, and returned to England for sale. So late as the year 1625 two dyers of Exeter were flogged for teaching their art in the north of England. The old records now under consideration prove indisputably that the trade of a dyer was carried on in Manchester in the thirteenth century. As early as 1311 an inqui- sition post mortem specified a fulling mill at Colne ; thus showing that the woollen manufacture had its seat in this county nearly thirty years before the introduction of the Flemish artizans by Edward III. It may be that the Man- chester dyers of the thirteenth century operated upon linen cloths, which were first manufactured in England by Flemish weavers in 1253. However this may be, it is clear that the manufacture of woollens existed in Lancashire at the very early period when our dyers plied their trade in Manchester and Ancotes; and there seems some reason for supposing that every process in the manufac- ture of coloured woollens was carried on in this neighbourhood at the early period now under notice." (Collcctarea.) There was a fulling mill on the Irk at least as early as 1282. By the Salford Charter no one could exercise the calling of fuller anywhere in the wapentake except in the town of Salford. 1301. The charter granted to his burgesses by the lord of the manor of Manchester is a document of such importance that it seems desirable to state its provisions in full, since it is the instrument which decided the method of municipal government for many centuries. The following translation is that adopted by Mr. Harland. The charter has been elaborately annotated by that writer in his Mamcestre, and by Dr. Hibbert Ware in his Foundations of Manchester. [Charter.] "Know [all] present and to come that I, Thomas Grelle, have given and granted, and by this my present charter have confirmed, to all my burgesses of Mamecestre. To wit : " (1) That all the burgesses shall pay for every one of their burgages twelve pence by the year for [or in lieu of] all service. " (2) And if the reeve of the town [prefectus ville] shall challenge [or make claims against] any burgess of any plea, and the challenged shall not come on the day, nor any one for him, into the Lagh-mote, he is in forfeiture twelve pence to the said lord. And the said lord shall have his plea [or action] against him in the Porteman-mote. " (3) Also, if any burgess shall implead any burgess of [or for] any debt, and he [the debtor] shall acknowledge the debt, the reeve may appoint him a day, 14 Annals of Manchester. [1301 to wit, the eighth ; and if he shall not come at the day he shall pay twelve pence for forfeiture of the day to the aforesaid lord ; and he shall pay the debt, and to the reeve eight pence. " (4) And if any one maketh complaint of anything, and shall not find surety and bondsmen, and afterwards is willing to withdraw his complaint, he shall be without forfeiture. " (5) Also, if any burgess in the borough shall wound any burgess on the Lord's Day, or from noon on Saturday until Monday, he shall be in forfeiture of twenty shillings. And if on Monday, or on the other days of the week, he shall wound any one, he shall fall into [or incur] the penalty of twelve pence towards the afpresaid lord. " (6) Also, if any burgess shall quarrel [or strive, certaverit] with any one, and, through anger, shall strike him, without bloodshed, and shall be able to return to his house without challenge of the reeve or his servants, he shall be free from the plea from the reeve. And if he shall be able to sustain [or justify] the assault against him on whom he committed it, he shall do well. But if, nevertheless, by the counsel of his friends, he make peace with him, this also [he may do] without forfeiture to the reeve. " (7) Also, if any one shall be impleaded in the borough of any plea, he need not make answer either to burgess or villein, save in his Porteman-mote, nor even to a vavasour, except to a plea that belongeth to the King's Crown, and in one for robbery [or theft, latrocinio]. " (8) Also, if any one accuse another burgess of theft [latrocinio] the reeve may attach him [the accused] to make answer in the lord's court, and to abide [its] judgment. "(9) Also, if any shall be impleaded of his neighbour, or of any one, and shall be in suit [or in attendance] three days, if he shall have testimony of the reeve and of his neighbours of the Porteman-mote that his adversary hath de- faulted [been absent] on those three days, after that he shall give no answer to him upon that plea. " (10) Also, the aforesaid burgesses shall follow [do suit at] the mill of the aforesaid lord and his oven [or bake-house], paying to the aforesaid mill and to the aforesaid oven the customs as they ought and are wont to do. " (11) Also, the burgesses ought, and have power, to choose the reeve of themselves, whom they will, and to remove the reeve. " (12) Also, no one can put his neighbour to his oath unless he have suit of some [elamorcn] [against him]. " (13) Also, no one can receive [in purchase] anything within the town save by the view of the reeve. " (14) Also, it shall be lawful for any one to sell or give his land, which is not of inheritance, if he shall fall into necessity, to whomsoever he will, unless his heir will buy it. But the heir ought to be the nearest [or first] to have the buying of it of him. " (15) Also, every one can sell [land] of his inheritance, whether more or less, or the whole, by consent of his heir. And if, perchance, the heir be un- willing, nevertheless if he [the burgess] shall fall into necessity, it shall be law- ful for him to sell what is of his inheritance, whatever age the heir may be. " (16) Also, the reeve ought to deliver [or give possession] to every burgess 1301] Annals of Manchester. 15 and to the farmers [or renters] their shops [or sheds] in the market place, and the reeve ought therefor to receive one penny, to the use of the aforesaid lord. " (17) If a burgess or a farmer will stand in the shops [or sheds] of the mer- chants, he ought to agree to pay [or, perhaps, pay beforehand, pacare] to the aforesaid lord as much as a stranger. And if he stand in his proper shop [or shed], then he is to give nothing to the aforesaid lord. " (18) Also, the burgesses may fatten their swine which are nearly fattened in the woods of their lord, except in the forests and parks of the aforesaid lord, until the term [or time] of pannage. And if they will, at the aforesaid term, withdraw it shall be lawful for them, without licence of the lord. And if they will make stay there for the term of pannage, for the pannage they shall satisfy *he aforesaid lord. "(19) Also, if any one shall be impleaded before the day of the Lagh-mote, and shall then come, it behoveth him to answer, and he ought not to essoin [excuse] himself without forfeiture. And if he shall then [on the Lagh-mote day] be first impleaded, then he shall have the first day [i.e., in which to answer]. " (20) Also, the burgesses may arrest [namare] men, whether knights, or priests, or clerks, for their debts, if they shall be found in the borough. " (21) Also, if necessity fall that any one sell his burgage, he may receive [or rent] another burgage of his neighbour. And every burgess may deliver [i.e., let or give possession of] his burgage to his neighbour, by the view of his co-burgesses. " (22) Also, it may be lawful for the aforesaid burgesses to deliver [convey or give possession of, tradere] their own proper chattels to whomsoever they will, within the fee of the aforesaid lord, freely, without licence from the afore- said lord. " (23) Also, if a burgess lend [commodaverit, i.e., lend things to be returned in kind] anything to a man villein in the borough, and the term [of the loan] thereof shall expire in the borough, he may take a distress upon [the goods of] the villein, and by his distress may certify him. And he may restore the dis- tress [or goods distrained] by [or on the security of] bondsmen, even to the end of eight days, and then the bondsmen may return either the distress or the money. " (24) Also, a burgess, of whomsoever he shall buy or sell within the fee of the aforesaid lord, shall be free from toll. And if any one of another shire [or town] shall come who ought to pay customs, and shall depart with the toll, withholding it from the reeve or from other of his [servants], he shall be in forfeiture twelve pence to the use of the lord. And he shall pay his toll. " (25) And if any one shall lend to another anything without witness, he [the borrower] need not make any answer unless he [the lender] shall have witness [or evidence, testimonium]. And if he [the lender] shall have witness, he [the borrower] may deny it by the oaths of two men. " (26) Also, whoso breaketh the assise, whether of bread or of ale, he shall be in forfeiture of twelve pence to the use of the lord. "(27) Also, if any one shall wound another in the borough, the reeve ought to attach him, if he be found outside his house, by surety and bondsmen. " (28) Also, every one ought to be, and may be, at plea [or impleaded] for 16 Annals of Manchester. [1301-1309 his wife and family ; and the wife of every one may pay his rent to the reeve, and follow a plea [or attend a suit] for her husband, if he shall, perchance, be elsewhere. " (29) Also, if any villein shall make claim of anything of burgesses, they [the burgesses] ought not to make answer to him unless he shall have the suit of [or from] burgesses or other lawful [or law-worthy] men. " (30) Also, a burgess, if he shall have no heir, may bequeath his burgage and his chattels when he dies wheresoever he shall please, saving, however, the lord's service. " (31) Also, if any burgess die his wife ougbt to remain in the house, and there she may have necessaries as long as she wills to be without a husband, and the heir with her. And when she will marry she shall depart. And the heir shall remain there as the lord. "(32) Also, if a burgess die his heir shall give no other relief to the afore- said lord save arms of some [or whatsoever] kind. " (33) If a burgess sell his burgage and willeth to depart from the town, he sball give to the lord four pence, and he may go freely whithersoever he will. " (34) Moreover, all the pleas aforesaid shall be determined before the steward by the enrolment of the clerk of the aforesaid lord. " (35) And all the aforenamed liberties, I, the aforesaid Thomas, and my beirs, will hold to the aforesaid burgesses and their heirs for ever ; saving to me and my heirs reasonable tollage, when the lord the King shall make tollage Upon his free boroughs throughout England. And that this donation and grant may be ratified and established, I have confirmed this writing by the affixing [thereto] my seal. These being witnesses : — foirs John Byron, ) _ . , J- Knights. )N, ) "Richard Byron, " Henry de Trafford, • " Richard de Hulton, " Adam de Prestwyche, " Roger de Pilkington, " Geoffrey de Chaderton, " Richard de Moston, " John de Prestwyche, " And others. " Given at Mamecester the fourteenth day of May, in the year of the Lor a one thousand three hundred and one ; and in the year of the reign of King Edward, son of King Henry [i.e., Edward I.] the twenty-ninth." 1307. Thomas de Gresley summoned to Parliament, March 10, and invested with the Order of the Bath. 1309. For some unexplained cause Thomas de Greslet, with several Lancashire gentlemen, went to reside with his only sister Joan, the wife of Sir John la Warre, Baron of Wickwar, in Gloucestershire. Here he executed a deed by which, in return for an annuity of 100 marks =£G6 13s. 4d., he formally granted 1311-1340] Annals of Manchester. 17 to Sir John and his wife the manor of Manchester, and the advowsons of the churches of Manchester and Ashton. Notwithstanding this transfer of his baronial rights he continued to be regarded as the lord of Manchester, and, as such, was summoned to serve in the wars and in parliament from 1307 to 1313, the year of his death. The matter is further complicated by the fact that La Warre alienated the barony in 1310-11 to the abbey of Dore, in Herefordshire. 1311. The "Great De Lacy inquisition," and the Birch Feodary, both of which are full}- translated in Harland's Mamcestre, give particulars as to the tenants of the manor of Manchester. 1313. Thomas de Greslet died without issue. The name of this family is variously spelled, Greslet, Gresley, Greslei, Gredle, and Gredley. 1320. A survey of the manor was taken in this year. The document, not quite perfect, is printed with a translation by Mr. Harland. 1322. In this year there was an " Extent" of the manor, which was then held of the Duchy of Lancaster. Two separate and different copies of this document are printed by Mr. Harland. The demesne in Manchester contained about 3,550} statute acres of arable land. There were 38 acres of heath land, and 85 more claimed by the tenants by prescription. There were 32G acres of pasture land. Mamcestre had woods and moors of Tutbury, which on account of their great size and diversity were not measured. The wood of Alport with its aeries of hawks, herons, and eagles, bees' honey, and the like issues, was worth os. 8d. The wood of Bradford was being destroyed, and comprised a mile in circuit. The park of Blakely, seven miles in circuit, was valued at 53s. 4d., and contained two deer leaps " of the grant of Kings." The woods of Horewith and Openshagh, the wastes of Curmesall and Denton, the lord's mill, the common oven, and the fulling mill of Manchester are also named. Annual amount of the tolls and stallage for the markets and fairs of Man- chester was £G 13s. 4d. 1325. John la Warre, ninth baron of Manchester, again obtained possession of the manor, which reverted to him as an escheat from the Abbey of Dore, in 1325-26. 1330. " About 1330 lived Thomas Langford, the famous historian, a Dominican friar, of Chelmsford in Essex, who is supposed to be one of the Langfords of the Hough."— Hollinworth's Mancuniensis. 1340. Parliament gave to Edward III. a subsidy of ninths, that is, the ninth lamb, fleece, and sheaf, for two years. Foreign merchants, not dwelling in cities 18 Annals of Manchester. [1347-1366 or boroughs, were assessed at no more than a fifteenth on their goods and movables. The Hundred of Salford contained no one who was liable to the fifteenth. The jury of assessors also returned the ninth, or at a sum much too low to please the commissioners. Instead of 80 marks it was placed at about 35J marks. 1347. John la Warre died 9th May, 1347. He was a soldier who saw a great deal of active service. He went with the expedition to Flanders in 1297. He was constantly engaged in the Scotch wars. In 1340, when the French were defeated in the great naval battle off Sluys, La Warre was present. He also fought with distinction at Cressy. Roger la Warre, the tenth baron, was the grandson of the ninth baron. He was a warrior like his grandfather, and at Poitiers was one of the knights to whom the French king surrendered. He was twice married, and left two sons, and a daughter who became the wife of Thomas, Baron West. Roger died in 1370. 1348. A destructive pestilence spread over England. The labours of husbandry were neglected ; no courts of justice were opened ; and Parliament was prorogued. 1351. Henry "the Good," Earl of Derby, created first Duke of Lancaster, with the same jura regalia as the Earls Palatine of Chester had ever enjoyed. The Duchy became consequently a petty kingdom, and some of its original regula- tions are yet in force. 1352. "A Commission was granted by the Bishop of Lichfeeld for the dedication of the chappell yard of Didsbury, within the parish of Manchester, for the buriall of such as died of the Pestilence in that hamlet, and in neigboring hamlets, in the chappell-yard there, because of their distance from the parish church of Manchester." 1359. The bailiffs of the Duke of Lancaster having annexed certain inhabitants, commissioners were appointed to inquire whether Roger la Warre held, as he asserted, the town as a borough and market town. The inquiry was held at Preston, when John de Radeclif and twelve others declared on oath that Roger did not hold Manchester as a borough, but that he and his predecessors had held it from a time to which memory goeth not as a market town. The result would be that the town was no longer free from suit to the county and wapentake. 1366. The Sheriff of Lancashire, after returning two knights for the shire, adds : " There are no cities or burghs within this county from which any citizens or burgesses can or were wont to come, by reason of their inability, low condition, 1368-14221 Annals of Manchester. 19 or poverty." Lancaster and Preston had been represented sundry times before, in the reigns of Edwards I., II., and III. ; but from this date to the reign oi Edward IV. no I'eturns were made from the county. 1368. The earliest record relating to "the Old Bridge," or, as it seems originally to have been called, "the Salford Bridge," is the will of Thomas del Bothe, who is described as an opulent yeoman, resident at Barton, in the parish of Eccles, and of whom it is stated that he built a chapel on Salford Bridge, where prayers were wont to be made, as usual in those times, for the repose of the soul of the founder. His will directs the gift to the bridge of Salford of £30, payable in the three years next following his death in equal portions. 1370. John la Warre, at the age of twenty-six, became the eleventh baron of Manchester. He took a share in the wars of Gascony, and died, unmarried, 27th July, 1398. 1371. Thomas la Warre was presented to the vacant living of Ashton-under-Lyne. 1373. About this date Thomas la Warre is believed to have resigned his living of Ash ton and to have been inducted as rector of Manchester. 1375. John la Warre, Lord of Manchester, granted to Nicholas de Longford the manor of Withington, on condition of finding one judge for the lord's court. {Mamcestre.) 1382-3. Richard II. gave a special dispensation to John la Warre, Lord of Wakerley and Baron of Manchester, by which he was not required to attend Parliament during the remainder of his life. (Mamcestre.) 1398. Thomas la Warre, who on the death of his brother became the twelfth baron of Manchester, was a priest, and rector of Mamcestre. He alienated his barony and estates from his heir-at-law, and settled them upon his half-sister Joan, wife of Thomas, Lord West, and her issue. 1422. The collegiation of the parish church is thus described by ITollinworth : — "This Thomas being Lord of the manor and parson of the church, as well as Patron, considering that the Parish was large and populous, and that the former Hectors, some neuer, did reside, bethoughte himself as well for the greater honor of the place, as the better edification of the people, to erect a Collegiate church in Manchester: to that purpose hee procured licence from Henry the 5th, dated Anno reg. 9, May 22, vnder the scale of the Dutchy for appropriation of the Rectory and foundation of the Colledge, for which 200 20 Annals of Manchester [1422 markes were payd into the Hanaper or Exchequer of the Chancery. Then the Parishioners, viz. : — "Churchwardens: Lawrence Hulme, Henry Bulkeley. Knights: John le Byron, Johannes de RadclifFe. Gentlemen : Edmund Trafford, John de Booth, Badulph Longford, Thurstan de Holland, Jacob Strangewayes, Robert de Hyde, Robert de Booth, Otho de Reddich, Johannes de Barlow, Radulph de Prestwich, Petrus de Workeslie, Jacob de Hulme, Joannes de Hulton, William de Birches, John Bamford, Laurentius de Barlow, Galfridus Hopwood, Galfridus de Hilton, William de Highfeeld. " And all and every Parishioners gathered together at the sound of the bell, and the community and university of the sayd parish, so farre as this might any way concerne them, did for themselves, their heires and successors, give their free assent and consent thervnto, and draw up a writing to that purpose, sealed with the deeds of the Deane of Manchester and aboue twenty other seales " Then the sayd Thomas de la Warre made a deed of gift and feoffment oi his lands and Rectory of Manchester to Thomas, Bishop of Durham (who was allso chauncelor of England, and amongst other his good workes founded two schools at Place-greene, one of Grammer, and the other of MusickeV John Heneye, Richard Lombard, Parson of Holtham church, and Richard Firth. " This Thomas, Bishop of Durham, &c, founded a Collegiate Church ; consisting of one Keeper or Master, eight fellowes chaplaines, foure clerkes, and sixe choristers, in honor of St. Mary (to whom this Parish church was formerly dedicated, and of St. Dyonyse, Patron St. of France, and St. George, Patron St. of England (the sayd Thomas de la Warre being partly a French-man and partly an Engliah-man) ; and having first resigned by Proxy, made to William Brinkley, cannon of Litchfeeld, and to Thomas Clerke, Chaplaine. "This was allso confirmed first, by Richard Crosby, Prior of the convent of Coventry, and Henry Hallsall, Archdeacon of Chester, and then by William, Bishop, and Thomas Strelton, Deane, and the chapter, at Litchfeeld. "Then Thomas de la Warre presented to William, Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield, John Huntingdon to bee the Master or Keeper of the sayd Colledge ; find the sayd Thomas, Bishop of Durham, &c, did give, grant, and confirmed vnto the sayd John Huntingdon five Messuages and ten Acres of land, which were parcells of the manor of Manchester, one Messuage with the appur- tenances with one acre and twenty foure Pearches, called Barrons hull and Barrons yerde ; eight acres of land in Neder Aldport ; one messuage in Gorton greene, of eleven pearches ; another in Heaton, of eleven pearches. "This John Huntingdon, Batchelor in Degrees, and Rector of Assheton- vnder-lyme, was warden neere forty years, a man learned in the learning of those times, very devout and magnificent, hee built the Chancel or Quire, in the midst whereof and iust before the high altar, as then it stood, hee lyes buried with the suitable inscription, Domine dilexi decorem domus tuae. His Rebus or name-devyse (a custome borrowed from the French) is to bee seene on either side of the Middle arch, as it looketh Eastward : on the Syde is an Huntsman with dogges whereby hee thought to expresse the two former Billables of his name ; Hunting ; on the other syde, a vessell called a Tonne, which being joined together makes Huntington ; which is as good or better than Morton, A. B. of Canterbury, a man of a prudent and publique Spirit, was 1422] Annals of Manchester. 21 content to use, viz. Mor uppon a tonne, and sometimes a mulbery Tree, called in Latine, Moras, coming out of a tonne, to express his name of Morton. " About this time, or not long before, for ought appeares ended, the present large and stately stone buildinge, which we call the Church, being formerly a vast wooden building not much vnlike (save that probably it was more adorned) to the Boothes where the Court Leete, Court Baron, of the Lord, and the quarter Sessions, are now kept. Credible tradition sayth the one part of the sayd wooden building was removed to Oardsall, another part to Clayton ; but the maine body was remooved to Trafford, which is standing to this day, and now called the greate Barne. Who did most in the building of it is not cer- tainly known, but the names and amies of the Stanleys Wests, Radcliffes of Radcliffe (some remainder of the Alabaster Statues (as it is sayd) of twoo of them are yet on the North Syde of the Quire), Byrons, Radcliffes of Oardsall, and others now or lately in the windowes, doe witness their assistance : oneiy one Richard Bexwick did many workes of piety and charity towards the Master and fellowes, and for the decent and honorable reparation and amend • ment of the sayd Quire and body of the sayd church ; and other Parishioners doubtless did freely contribute thereunto ; hence is that vulgar mistake that Didsbury church is more ancient than Manchester, which ammounts to no more truth (if so much) than that the present structure of Didsbury chappell is more ancient than the present structure of Manchester church, asallso their Font was much bigger, because when dipping of children and baptizing of Heathens grew most out of vse, then the Baptisteries were lesse or lesse. " The windowes were richly painted, the east window of the South Isle had Michael and his Angells ; the nine orders of Angells fighting with the Dragon and his Angells: the East window of the North Isle had St. # Austen and St. Ambrose singing Te Deum laudamus, and the other windowes represented some canonical or Ecclesiasticall story. In the middle Stanchion evry window, especially in the twenty-four vppermost windowes, was the picture of the Virgine Mary. But at the uppmost end of the Outmost North ally, neere to Strangewaies chappell, was a very rich window, whereby way described our Saviors arreignement and crucifixion, with some pictures of the Trinity with these verses : tOob thai lis of might]] most <$abur anb Son anb JQoIn (Dost <&!>{£ gr* ginb lutpc tbanr sonlis ont of (nil £ hat mabc tbns fonnbo as tic man se 3a tuorsbjujje oi the Srcnitc. ,|hnt gobt cnbinge . . . % gs bimbo gaff anj} tbijngc. "In this corner vnder this window, its probable there stood an altar, and that it was a place of much devotion, it is sayd it was for the count rey. "In the chappell, where morning sermons were wont to bee preached, called St. George his chappell, belonging now to John Radcliffe, of Oardsall, Esquire, was the Statue of St. George on horseback, hanged up ; his horse was * Forte, give them grace to do welL t Forte, give them. t Forte, That to 22 Annals of Manchester. [1427-1465 lately in the Sadlers shop. The Statues of the Virgin Mary, and St. Dyonyse, the other Patron Saints, were uppon the two highest pillars next to the Quire, vnto them men did bow at their corning into the church." The reasons for the collegiation of the church have been fully investigated and stated in the supplement to Hibbert Ware's Foundations of Manchester. 1427. Thomas la Warre, rector of Manchester, lord of the manor, founder of the Collegiate Church, died without issue 1426-27, and was buried at Swineshead Abbey. 1428. Sir Reginald West, who was born in 1394, appointed Sir Edmund Trafford, William Chauntrell, and Thomas Overton, his attorneys, to receive seizin for him of and in the manor of Manchester, and the advowson and patronage of the church. 1451. Sir Reginald West died 27th August, 1451. He made one, if not two pil- grimages to Palestine. He had also made a pilgrimage to Rome. He was succeeded by his son, Sir Richard West. 1457. John Huntington, D.D., first warden of the College, died November 11, and was buried at the east end of the choir. His rebus is still to be seen upon the eastern side of the middle arch of the choir. On the left-hand side of the arch is a huntsman with dogs, and on the right-hand side a vessel called a tonne or tun ; and these devices put together represent the name of Hunting- ton. "Dr. Huntington was learned in the learning of those times : one very devout, magnificent, and of public spirit. He was the mover and contriver of that great work of erecting the stone church now in being, of which he built the choir and aisles." Sir Edmund Trafford of Trafford died. He was in the confidence of Henry VI., whose dreams of avarice he fanned by visions of the philosopher's stone, and of the possibility of changing all the baser metals into gold and silver. On the 7th of April, 1446, the King granted a patent to this Trafford and to Sir Thomas Ashton, setting forth that certain persons had maligned them with the charac- ter of working by unlawful arts, and might disturb them in their experiments, and, therefore, the King gave them special lease and licence to work and try their art and science, lawfully and freely, in spite of any statute or order to the contrary. The King, in issuing this commission, was overriding the pro- vision of 5 Henry IV., c. 4, and if Sir Edmund succeeded in finding the aurum potabile he carried the secret with hirn to the grave. 1459. John Booth appointed warden. He was deprived by Edward IV. in 1465. He was a younger brother of Booth, of Barton. 1465. Sir Ralph Langley, clerk (second son of Langley, of Agecroft), rector of 1470-1486] Annals of Manchester. 23 Prestwich, appointed warden. Resigned July 27, 1481. He zealously continued the improvements of the church began by Warden Huntington, and gave a clock and chimes. He was buried at Prestwich. 1470. About this time Warwick, the king-maker, came in hot haste to Man- chester to ask help from his brother-in-law, the Lord Stanley, who then had a dwelling in the Aldport. 1471. Somewhere between 1471 and 1484 the Abbot of Abingdon came to Man- chester in company with the Collector of the Apostolic Chamber and Gold Hall, from whom who would might buy plenary indulgences as effectual as if their purchasers had performed the pilgrimage to Rome, and had been there on the great day of the church's jubilee. The occasion for which the money was needed was said to be the defence of the Christian world against the Turks. 1473. The "Rental" of Thomas West, Lord of Mamcestre, son and heire of Lord la Warre, and Ellinor his consort, made at Mamcestre, May 1, 13 Edward IV., which is in the year 1473. There are some difficulties, however, as to the date, and it is just possible that it may refer to the 23rd year of Edward IV., that is, 1507-8. There appears then to have been about 150 burgages in the town. 1475. Thomas West, eighth Baron de la Warre and fifteenth lord of Manchester, obtained special livery of his lands in September, 1475, though then a minor. 1476. Sir Richard West, fourteenth baron of Manchester, is said to have died 10th March, 1476, though according to another account he was summoned to parliament in January, 1497. He was a staunch partizan of the House of Lan caster, and in 1400 had a grant of £10 per annum from the forfeited possessions of Richard Duke of York. In 1403 he had a grant authorising him to go beyond the seas. 1481. James Stanley appointed warden. He was a younger son of Thomas, Lord Stanley, created in 1485 Earl of Derby by Henry VII. Sir Ralph Langley, former warden of the Cathedral, died July 27th. 1485. James Stanley, D.D., archdeacon of Richmond and warden of Manchester, died. (Hollinworth.) He was succeeded by James Stanley, afterwards Bishop of Ely. 1486. A tenement lying at " Salford bryge ende open the west syde," mentioned in a deed executed 10th November. (Palatine Note-book, vol. v., p. 132.) 2.4) Annals of Manchester. [1493-1509 1493. The tenement at Salford Bridge-end named in a deed 1 February (Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., p. 132). See under date 1486. 1495. Henry VII. visited the Earl of Derby at Latham, and they afterwards came by Warrington to Manchester. At Latham a curious incident occurred. Earlier in the year took place the execution of Sir William Stanley, the Earl of Derby's brother, who ten years earlier had placed the tottering crown on Henry's brow at Bosworth field. The King and the Earl stood on the leads of the house to view the country. "The Earl's fool was in company, who, observing the King draw near to the edge of the leads, not guarded with business, he stepped up to the Earl, and, pointing down to the precipice, said, ' Tom, remember Will !' " The King made a hasty exit, and left the fool to lament the failure of his lord to avenge the death of his brother. 1505. "Care was taken for the reparation of the chappell standing on Salford Bridge, built, as it is sayd, by Thomas del Booth, in Edward III.'s time. He certainely gave £30 towards the building of Salford Bridge ; and it was very usual on greater bridges to build chappells, in which they did pray for the soules of their founders. This chappell is now converted to a prison for Man- chester and Salford." (Hollinworth's Mancuniensis.^ 1506. Richard Beswick erected the Jesus Chapel on the south side of the south aisle of the choir of the Collegiate Church. (Hollinworth.) The next Trafford Chapel, he says, was built by Thomas del Booth, who gave it. to Hugh Scholes, chaplain, who gave it to Sir John Trafford. The highest chapel was probably built by the Byrons. In the Strangeways chapel there was " a pardon " under a picture of the Resurrection of Christ from the Sepulchre. The pardon, five paternosters, five aves, and a creede, is xxvj. thousand, and xxvj. days of pardon. (Hollinworth.) A similar pardon, brass, at Macclesfield has excited much attention, and it has been suggested that it may be the one removed from Manchester. (See Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., pp. 127, 154, 225.) 1508. The chapel near to the porch of the Collegiate Church was built by Mr. William Galley, a merchant of Manchester, who died in 1508, aod is buried in this chapel. (Hollinworth.) 1509. Robert Cliffe, Bachelor in Degrees, appointed Warden. Sir James Stanley, Warden of Manchester, promoted to the bishopric of Ely. Jortin, in his Life of Erasmus, says: "At this time he (Erasmus) refused a large pension, and larger promises, from a young illiterate English- man, who was to be made a bishop, and who wanted to have him for a pre ceptor. This youth seems to have been James Stanley, son of the Earl of Derby, and son-in-law to Margaret, the King's mother, and afterwards made 1512-1526] Annals of Manchester. 25 Bishop of Ely by her interest. However, it appears that the young gentleman, though ignorant, had a desire to learn something, and to qualify himself in some measure for the station in which he was to be placed." 1512. Chorlton Chapel erected about this time. 1513. Sir James Stanley, Warden of Manchester and Bishop of Ely, in conjunc- tion with others of his family, commenced the erection of the large chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist, and the small chantry adjoining to it, now called the Derby Chapel. 1514. Sir Edmund TrafFord of Trafford died. In the same year he had been created a Knight of the Bath by Henry VIII. 1518. George West, a kinsman of West, Lord La Warre, appointed warden of the college. 1519. Hugh Oldham, Bishop of Exeter, the founder of the Free Grammar School, died June 15. He was born, it is believed, in Crumpsall, and was educated both at Oxford and Cambridge, but took his degree of doctor of divinity at the latter place. He was a great patron of learning, and an extensive benefactor of Corpus Christi College. Having fallen under the displeasure of Leo X. for refusing to abide by his decision in a case of dispute between himself and the Abbot of Tavistock, he was excommunicated. The Free Grammar School was founded in pursuance of his will. To this good work the venerable prelate was moved, "considering," as the statutes say, "the bringing up of children in their adolescence, and to occupy them in good learning therein, when they should come to age and virility, whereby they may better know, love, honour, and dread God and His laws ; and that the liberal science or art of grammar iss the ground and foundation of all other liberal arts and sciences ; and for the good mind which he did bear to the county of Lancaster, where the children had pregnant wits, but had been mostly brought up rudely or idly, and not in virtue, cunning, education, literature, and in good manners." The original income was about £29 per annum. Details of its history and founder may be found in Hibbert Ware's Foundations of Manchester, Espinasse's Lancaslii re. Worthies, Edwards' Manchester Worthies and their Foundations, and Smith's Admission Registers of the Manchester Grammar School. 1520. St. Mary's Chapel, at the east end of the choir of the Collegiate Church, Ouilt by Sir George West, warden. Martin Briam, a famous clothier. (Sec under date 1120.) 1526. Thomas West, eighth Lord La Warre and fifteenth Lord of Mamcestre, 2G Annals of Manchester. [1532-1535 died about January, 1525-6, as his will was proved in February. He was a favourite of Henry VII., who rewarded his aids by grants from the forfeited estates of " Jockey of Norfolk," slain at Bosworth Field. He was created a Knight of the Bath in 1489. He served with the army in Flanders in 1491, and in 1490 had a large share in the suppression of the rebellion in Cornwall. He was made a K.G. in 1510, and was installed at Windsor on the same occasion as the King of Portugal. At the famous Battle of the Spurs, in 1513, his valour earned him the distinction of knight banneret. He escorted Charles V. from Graveline to England in May, 1522. He was succeeded by his eldest son Thomas, ninth Baron de la Warre. James Stanley, Bishop of Ely and Warden of Manchester College, died March 22, and was buried on the north side of Derby Chapel. He is said to have died excommunicated. Fuller, adverting to his place of residence, observed : " He blamed not the prelate for passing the summer with his brother, the Earl of Derby, in Lancashire, but for living all the winter at Somersham with one who was not his sister, and who wanted nothing to make her his wife save marriage." In 1513 tbe Bishop of Ely sent his natural son, John Stanley, with his own retainers, to assist Sir Edward Stanley in the Battle of Flodden Field. Here young Stanley is believed to have been knighted. Notwithstand- ing his prowess, he appears to have been " sicklied o'er with a pale cast of thought," his favourite mottoes being those of the preacher who declares vanitas vanitatum, omnia vanitas. In 1523 he became engaged in a dispute with one of the Leghs, of Adlington, who had married the daughter of a mistress of Cardinal Wolsey. That haughty prelate summoned Sir John to London, and committed him to the Fleet until he surrendered his lease. Sir John founded a chantry in the church of Manchester, and arranged his estates for the benefit of his wife and child. Then by mutual consent a divorce was pronounced between him and Dame Margaret, and he became a monk of the order of St Benedict in the Abbey of Westminster. His wife, when the divorce was arranged, intended to enter a nunnery, but anticipating the sentiment of a once popular song, she altered her mind and married Sir Urian Brereton. When Stanley settled his property, he directed that his son was not to be married until he was 21, and then he was to choose his own wife by the advice of the Abbott of Westminster and Edmund Trafford. 1532. St. Lawrence's (originally St. James's), Denton, built about this time; chancel added 1800 ; gallery erected, 1728 ; pewing renewed, 1768 ; various restorations, 1791. 1533. Sir Edmund Trafford the 2nd died. He was born in 1485, and was one of the first feoffees of Manchester Grammar School. 1535. The clear revenue of the Collegiate Church was returned,to the First Fruits Office, 26 Henry VIII., as £213 10s. lid. George ColL'ar appointed Warden. 1538-15481 Annals of Manchester. 27 1538. Manchester visited by John Leland, the antiquary, who thus describes it : " Mancestre, on the south side of the Irwel river, stondeth in Salfordshiret, and is the fairest, best buildid, quikkest, and most populus tounne of all Lau- castreshire, yet is in hit one Paroch Chirch, but is a College, and almost ihorowhowt doble ilyd ex quadrato lapide durissimo, wherof a goodly 0[uarre is hard by the towne. There be divers stone bridges in the towne, but the best of iii arches is over Irwel. This bridge dividith Manchestre from Sal- ford, the wich is a large suburbe to Manchestre. On this bridge is a praty little chapel. . . . And almost ii flyte shottes withowt the towne beneth on the same syde of Irwel yet be seene the dikes and fundations of Old Man Castel (Ould Manchester in Burton's transcript of Leland's MSS.) yn a ground now inclosid. The stones of the ruines of this castel were translatid towards making of Briddges for the Toune." {Itinerary.) Birch Chapel, Rusholme, built about this time, dedicated to St. James ; registers commenced, 1752 ; roof raised and edifice lengthened, 1753 ; repairs, &c, 1803 ; improved and an organ added, 1811 ; new church erected, 1845-6, cost £1,300 ; consecrated, July, 1846 ; returned a district chapelry, 1850 ; constituted a rectory, 1854. 1540. The bishopric of Chester founded. John Bird, D.D., was translated from Bangor to fill the new see, which was formed of the archdeaconries of Chester and Richmond. Manchester had previously been in the diocese of Lichfield. The Collegiate Church of Manchester (in common with twenty-seven other places, principally collegiate) obtained the right of sanctuary, constituting it a " place of privilege and uicion for term of life, to all offenders and malefactors, of whatsoever quality, kind, or nature their offence might be, for which saide offences and crimes the peine and punishment of death should ensue by the statute laws and customs of the realme" other than murder, rape, burglary, highway robbery, or wilfully burning any house or barn. (32 Henry VIII.) 1541. "An acte touchinge the translation of the privilege of sanctuary from Manchester to Westchester" (Chester). From this it appears that the privilege of sanctuary had proved detrimental to the good order of the town, and is therefore taken away. The town is represented as "well inhabited for a long time, and the King's subjects well set a work in the making of clothes as well of linen as of woollen." 1547- The collegiate clergy dissolved by Edward VI. The warden, Sir Georgt- Colliar, was deprived for denying the King's supremacy. The college house was, together with some of the lands, taken into the possession of the King and sold to the Earl of Derby, who provided three or four ministers to supply the service of the church. (Ilollinworth's Mancuniensis.) 1548. Sir Alexander Itadcliffe, of Ordsall, died, aged 72. He was High Sheriff of 28 Annals of Manchester. [1550-1554 Lancashire in 1547. In 1524 he was a feoffee of Manchester Grammar School. What is believed to be his brass, a palimpsest, is described by Rev. E. F. Letts in Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., p. 77. Blackley Chapel, dedicated to St. Peter, built about this period; sold to the inhabitants by Sir John Byron, of Newstead, in May, 1611 ; entirely rebuilt at a cost of £245, 1736 ; enlarged 1741 ; taken down 1844, and built to the north of the former one, cost £3,300. 1550. Stretford Chapel built about this time. For further particulars see Mr- J. E. Bailey's Old Stretford. A general muster of troops was ordered by the Queen. Salford Hundred consisted of 394 harnessed {i.e., with armour), 649 unharnessed soldiers. 1552. An Act passed " for the true making of woollen cloth." It directs " that all the cottons called Manchester, Lancashire, and Cheshire cottons, shall be in length twenty-two yards, and that all clothes called Manchester rugs, or Man Chester frizes, shall contain in length thirty-six yards, &c." An Act of Parliament passed by which the Manor of Manchester, the advowson of the Church and various other possessions of Thomas Lord La Warre were settled upon himself in tail with remainder to his half brother, Sir Owen West ; to the heirs male of his late brother Sir George West ; and to the right heirs of Sir Thomas West, late Lord La Warre, his father. The first recorded meeting of the Court Leet was held in October. The minute-book begins with the year 1552, when the Lord of the Manor was Sir Thomas West, ninth Lord La Warre. The steward is not named until a subse- quent entry, but was probably that great and powerful nobleman, Edward, third Earl of Derby. It is one of the oddities of sixteenth century life to find a magnate of his standing and position — he was certainly the most powerful person in the county — holding this office. The names of the householders who had to serve as a jury are given, as well as those of the officials. There was a borough-reeve elected by the burgesses and holding a position of responsibility closely approaching to that of the mayor of a modern city. There was a catch- pole, whose functions were those of bailiff of the Court. There were two constables, whose honorary but sometimes onerous duty was to secure the peace of the town, prosecute offenders, put down unlawful games, make a faithful presentment of all " bloodsheds, outcries, affrays, and rescues," and see that archery practice was duly enforced on the sometimes unwilling townsmen. For this purpose there were archery butts in Market Stead Lane, at Aldport, and at Collyhurst. The pillory is not named, though it may have existed ; but the decision for the erection of stocks is recorded in 1569. But if archery had become unpopular, bowling was a favourite recreation, and giddy-gaddy or cats pallet, a now obsolete game, could only be put down by the terrors of fine and dungeon. The markets had to be looked after, and for this purpose there were four "market lookers" for corn, two for fish and fleshmeat, and five for white meats, which Mr. Earwaker explains as veal, pork, lamb, &c, but which are much more likely to have been milk, butter, and vegetables. Two officers were charged to keep the Market Place clean, and on one occasion 1552J Annals of Manchester. 29 two women were appointed. There were appraisers to value various kinds of goods, and "sealers" of leather, who had to make sure that all skins were properly dressed and duly stamped in accordance with the statute. There were laws against buying in the market and selling at a higher price on the same day, and the injunctions against forestallers are repeated. Standards by which to test weights and measures were provided. Strangers might not buy before a certain time. A couple of ale founders, or ale conners, had not only the duty of certifying the liquor for the use of the King's lieges, but were also entrusted with the oversight of the sale of bread. There were two byrlamen for Market Stead Lane, two more for Deansgate, and four for Milngate, Withynge Greue (Withy Grove), Hanging Ditch, Fennel Street, " and so to Irk's Bridge." The duties of these officers were to see that the rules and regulations made by the Court were duly carried out in their several districts, and that they did not always attend to their duty is clear from these records, when they are some- times charged with allowing swine in the street and other faults of omission. The meaning of the name is doubtful, but it has been suggested that it is equivalent to bye-law men. To see that the streets were kept clean and in good order was the duty of certain other citizens, whose title of "scavengers" need not lead us to suppose that they actually did the work themselves. There were two for Market Stead Lane, two for Deansgate and St. Mary's Gate, three for the " Old Market Steele," two for Smithy Door, three for Hanging Ditch and Long Millgate, two for Fennel Street, and four for Milngate and Hunt's Bank. Finally there were five afferators or affecrers, whose duty was to assess the amount of the penalties to be inflicted by the Court as fines. Such was the Court which assembled in October, 1552. Those important persons "the myse leyers" and "myse" gatherers, who had to make and collect the local rates, are not named in this Court roll, but they occur in sub- sequent entries. There was also at a later date a swineherd, who each morn- ing conducted the porkers of the town by the sound of the horn to the common at Collyhurst, and brought them back again at nightfall. The jury found that a burgess had encroached upon the King's highway in the erection of a house, and he is admonished not to "ditch, pale, or hedge any^further there unless he have the licence of the twelve men." Who were the "twelve men" is not stated, but they appear to have been the jury of an inferior or smaller court, which met more frequently, but of whose proceedings there are no records. Perhaps, however, it is merely a general way of indicating the Court Leet jury, which would consist of not less than twelve. Another burgess is ordered to make a stone wall so that his dunghill shall not affect his neigh- bour's watercourse. Several orders are more or less anticipatory of recent action of the Health Committee in relation to the "pail system." A water- course that has apparently been diverted must, emphatically, "goo the same weye as hit hathe bene orderede afore," and less than two months are allowed for the change, on pain of a fine of twenty pence. Another man's palings are too high, and are ordered to be cut down four inches. A burgess who has a field in Toad Lane has allowed the ditch to become unpleasant, and he is there- fore admonished it, and the word lias the appearance of indicating that the authorities are firmly resolved to have that ditch made clean. The same man who had not observed the " building line" is directed to " dyche the 30 Annals of Manchester. [1553-1555 lyche anends his feldes ende in Newton Lane," and the like injunction is laid upon another negligent farmer. A penalty of one penny is to be inflicted upon •ill persons who suffer their geese to be put in the Market Stead. House- holders in St. Mary's Gate having neglected to keep the "street end" clean, the landlord is informed that he must cause his tenants to do this cleansing "or do it himself." Extracts from the Court Leet Eecords from 1552 to 1602 have been edited by Mr. John Harland for the Chetham Society, and the Eecords are now being printed in full for the corporation, under the editorial charge of Mr. J. P. Earwaker. The first volume appeared in 1885. 1553. Queene Mary refounded the Colledge, restored allmost all the lands (the Earle of Derby still keeping the Collegiate house, and some other small things), appointed one master or keeper, eight fellowes chaplaines, foure clerkes, and sixe choristers, and did allso confirme and re-establish .he statutes of the first foundation, and placed George Colliar in his wardenship againe. This George Colliar came along with Dr. Pendleton to John Bradford to dispute with him, anno 1555. 1554. Making of " dawbe," which was used in the construction of the raddle and laub houses, was a great source of trouble, and there are numerous references to it. 29 March. ( Earwaker' s Records.) Thomas, ninth Baron La Warre and sixteenth lord of Manchester, died 25th September, 1584, leaving no issue. William West, the son of the half brother of the last Baron La Warre, became lord of Manchester, in accordance with the act of 1552. An order in Council, dated May 22, states that "George Charleton, of Manchester, goldsmithe, suspected of coyning, was this day committed to the ftleete." There was a great deal of counterfeit coining going on at this time all over England, and a nest of coiners was found at Bunbury, in Cheshire. 1555. The Court Leet Jury had quarrels to deal with. The wife of Robert Ker- shawe gives "a piece of her mind " to John Spenser, and tells him that he is no honest man, but " a recetter of theves," which John repeats to the jury, who remit the punishment of the woman to the steward of the manor. 16th October. (Earwaker's Records.) John Bradford, a native of Manchester, suffered martyrdom in the cause of Protestantism at Smithfield, London. He is supposed to have been born about 1510, and to have been one of the earliest pupils at the Manchester Grammar School. He was secretary to Sir John Harrington, the treasurer of the King's Camps and Buildings, and after his conversion to the reformed faith, made restitution for some real or fancied wrong he had then committed. In 1548 he entered Catherine Hall, Cambridge, and became M.A. In 1551 he was one of the chaplains of Edward VI., and in the following year visited and preached in his native county. On the accession of Mary he saved a Roman priest from the fury of a London mob. " Ah, Bradford," said one. 1555] Annals of Manchester. 31 " thou savest one that will help to burn thee." On 15th August, 1553, he was arrested on a charge of sedition, and after lingering in prison was brought to Smithfield, where he was burnt at the stake. John Leaf, a tallow chandler's apprentice, was burned at the same time. Great influence was exercised by the publication of a volume, entitled Letters of Maister John Bradford, a Faythfull Minister and a syngular pyllar of Christe's Church; by whose greate trauiles and diligence in preaching and planting the syncerity of the Gospel, by ivhose most godly and innocent lyfe, and by whose long and payneful im- prisonments for the maintenance of the truth, the Kyngdome of God icas not a little advanced ; who also at last most valiantly and cheerfully gaue Jiis blood for the same. The 4 day of July. In the year of our Lord 1555. One of the ministers who held disputations with Bradford in prison was Warden Colliar ; another was Pendleton, " who," says Hollinworth, " was, in King Henries dayes, a Papist ; in King Edward's days hee recanted in Manchester being one of the preachers there, mainteined out of the revenues of the then dissolved colledge), and became an earnest assertor and preacher of the Gospell : in Queene Maries dayes, meeting with Mr. Saunders in the country (about Coventry it's like, where Mr. Saunders lived, and Dr. Pendleton Avent that very way to London), and discoursing of the persecutions then arising, Saunders complaining that though his spirit was ready to suffer, his flesh was weake, and loth to tast of that bitter cup. Pendleton being a fat bigg man, ouer-selfe-confidently sayd, ' I will see the vtmost dropp of this grease of mine molten away, and the last gobbet of this flesh consumed to asshes, before I will forsake God and his truth.' But the issue prooued otherwise when they came to London. Saunders bouldly preached Christ, opposed antichrist, and sealed his doctrine with his bloud at Coventry. ' Pendleton,' sayth Mr. Fox, ' changed his tippet, preached popery, and, being learned, was a greate disputer for it above ; and was sent, or of his owne accorde came downe to Manchester and other places to recant his recantation, and to preach vp popery, which occasioned Mr. Bradford to admonish his Christian friends and countrymen to beware of him.' This Mr. Bradford came downe, in King Edward's dayes, into the countrey, preached the word of God (as Dr. Pendleton then allso did, in Manchester ; and allso at Eccles, Prestwich, Midleton, Radclifl'e, Assheton vnderlyme, Stopport, Mottrime, Wimsley, Boulton, Bury, Wigan, Liverpoole) and the City of Westchester. And God gave good successe to the ministry of the word ; and both raysed vp to himselfe, and preserved a faithful people in Lancashire, especially in and about Manchester and Bolton, some names of whom wee find in Mr. Fox, his Acts and Monuments. Their minister, I con- ceive, was Father Travers, in King Edward's dayes the minister of Blakeley, and outed in Queene Maries dayes, and Sir Thomas Hall, who lived near onto, and much counselled Mr. Bradford's mother. It is commonly and credibly reported that one Ryder, of Smedley, was imprisoned for, that hee, in King Edward's dayes, was one that pulled a popish priest out of the pulpit, that a preacher might goe vp. It is reported and believed that John Bradford, preaching in Manchester in King Edward's dayes, tould the people, as it were, by a prophetical spirit, that because they did not readily embrace the Word of God, the Masse should bee sayd againe in that church, and the play of ' U.iliin Hood ' acted there, winch accordingly came to passe in Queene Maries reigne. 32 Annals of Manchester. [1556-1557 The imprisonment of the sayd Mr. Bradford, the conferences hee had, the exa- mination of him, and his being burned for the reformed religion at London (though it was at first intended hee should have bin burned at Manchester), and how Woodroffe, the Sheriffe of London, struck Roger Bexwick, his brother-in-law, then living in Manchester, as hee was speaking with Mr. Brad- ford, and the hand of God vpon the sayd Woodroffe, and many other things are fully related by Mr. Fox, to whom I referre the reader." Bradford's Writings have been collected by the Parker Society, with a bio- graphical notice by Aubrey Townsend (Cambridge, 1848-53, 2 vols.); Fuller's Worthies; Froude's History of England; Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies should also be consulted. There are several portraits of John Bradford, some of them dissimilar in character — one from a picture in the Chetham Library, Manchester, engraved by J. Jenkins, which has no resemblance to the other three ; another from a painting in Pembroke College, Cambridge ; a third prefixed to his writings, as published by the Religious Tract Society ; and a fourth from a painting in possession of Mr. Blythe, painted by C. Jansen and engraved by Thos. Trotter. There is a portrait of him in the Heroologia, which is called by Evans the original print, and engraved by S. Pass. 1556. The burgesses were bound to have their corn ground at the manorial mill, which had been granted to the Free Grammar School, and as some of them evaded the monopoly, it was ordered that frequent warning should be given in the church. 30th September. (Earwaker's Records.) 1557. George Colliar, warden, died, of whom it is stated by Fox, the martyrologist, that although a rigid Catholic, " he does not appear to have aided persecution." Lawrence Vaux, B.D., appointed warden, but opposing the Reformation tvas deprived by Queen Elizabeth. He was a strenuous Catholic, " so wonderful," Bays Hollinworth, "did God hide his people in Lancashire." His example and influence appear to have opposed a powerful obstacle to the reception of the reformed religion in this county. He was born at Blackrod, near Chorley, and was a laborious, learned, and devout divine ; but for his adherence to the Catholic faith was cast into prison, in London, where he is believed to have died in great necessity. He was the author of a Catcchisme, published at Antwerp in 1573, which has been reprinted by the Chetham Society, with a biographical notice by Mr. T. G. Law. The testimony of Hollinworth, who was a hearty hater of Rome, is that " he was laborious, learned, and in his way devout and con- scientious." Further, "he was a man well beloved and highly honoured by many in Manchester ;. yea, by the generality." The bakers having taken their stand to sell bread in a situation that was deemed inconvenient, it was ordered that when they appeared in the forbidden spot a pennyworth of bread should be taken from each of them and given to the poor. 30th September. (Earwaker's Records.) Henry Pendleton, D.D., died circa 1557. He was born at Manchester about 1521, and was the author of two of the homilies and other writings. He was 1558-15631 Annals of Manchester. 33 one of those who attempted to reconcile Bradford to the Church of Rome, having been himself a stout Protestant in King Edward's days. 1558. William Birch, M.A. (a younger brother of Thomas Birch, of Birch Hall), appointed warden. Resigned at the request of Queen Elizabeth. He died at Stanhope, in the bishopric of Durham, 1572. 1559. Thomas Herle, a native of Cornwall, chaplain to Queen Elizabeth, appointed warden. He was deprived in 1578, for mismanagement of the funds of the college. His alienations did not deprive him of the favour of the Queen, who granted him a pension upon his retirement. Thomas Herle is described as "a subservient tool and a selfish man ; who, indeed, if a Protestant, had always changed with the princes of these changeable times." He rarely visited Manchester, having a dispensation for his absence. 1560. The Court Leet ordered that no one should brew to sell unless they had two honest beds for the accommodation of travellers. The sign of a hand was to be shown when ale was to be had, and when the tap was dry the hand was withdrawn. Those who could provide four beds must have a sign, but were left to their own choice in the selection. 2nd October. (Earwaker's Records.) Numerous libels against Queen Elizabeth, and those who favoured her proceedings, were circulated in Manchester and neighbourhood. The Privy Council issued a proclamation for the suppression of one, called " Leycester's Commonwealth." 1561. The Court Leet ordered that no manner of persons shall sell ale above 4d. out and Gd. in the house ; in default, 6s. 8d. fine. Also those that brew to sell ale and keep no inn, shall have a sign of the hand, which, so long as they have ale to sell, shall be put forth ; and when they have none, to be taken in. They shall deny no person ale for their money if the hand be out, under a fine of Gs. 8d. October 21. 1562. The College became a prison for "heretics," Catholics, and "recusants," Puritans, or those who refused to acknowledge Elizabeth head of the church. The condition of the prison and prisoners is described in Peck's Desiderata Curiosa. 1563. Richard Kyrshaw appointed common wayte (minstrel) by the Court Leet. This is the first mention we have of waytes as officials of the town. Sep- tember 30. It was customary for each place to have its musicians, who some- times performed outside their own town. Various instances of this are given in the Shuttlcworth Accounts, published by the Chetham Society. The Man- chester waits (in the Court Lot Rrvonls) attended the wt'dding parties and otherwise discoursed sweet music for the burgesses. Their emoluments were C 3-1 Annals of Manchester. ti564-i567 the gifts of those who heard them, and probably most of their income came from marriage feasts. The tendency to extravagance at the moment of entry upon matrimony was severely repressed by the Court Leet by orders that not more than fourpence a head should be paid at a wedding dinner. In the other Ales or " Drinking in assembly " we may see the survival of still older customs, which doubtless were not infrequently detrimental to the peace of the town. They were prohibited, but Ales for highways, bridges, and churches were allowed. At these social meetings collections were made after the fashion of the charity dinners. (Harland's Court Leet.) 1564. Sir Edmund Trafford the third died. He was born in 1507, and was knighted by the Earl of Hertford in Scotland. He was with Henry VIII. at the siege of Boulogne. 1565. Elias, the Manchester Prophet, died 25th February in prison at London. His real name was Ellis Hall, and he was born at Manchester in 1502, where his father was a carpenter. Having prospered in business, he began to see visions, and in 1562 went to London, where he attempted to have an interview with the Queen. He was arrested, condemned to the pillory, and whipped by two ministers at Bedlam. His Boole of Visions, a MS. in metre, was in the library of the son of Archbishop Parker. (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) There was allso an act of parliament concerning the Aulnegers' fees, and that hee should have deputies within the seueral townes of Manchester, Boul- ton, Blackburne, Bury. (Hollinworth's Mancuniensis.) " There was a sore sickness in Manchester and about it, of which very many died." (Hollinworth's Mancuniensis.) The keepers of bakehouses were ordered by the Court Leet not to store gorse or kiddes for fuel " within two bays" of the ovens. 2nd Oct. (Earwaker's Records.) The ale-house keepers appeared to have been fined one penny each indiscri- minately. (Earwaker's Court Leet Records.) 1566. It was enacted at the Court Leet that all manner of weights should be made according to the statutes, and sealed with the town seal. October 2. (Harland's Court Leet.) 1567. Some leather-dressers, having begun operations in wet-dressing of leather near the well and washing-place, are admonished by the Court Leet to remove. October 1. (Earwaker's Records.) Randall Lyghe and Richard Wirrall appointed wettes (minstrels) of Man- chester. The Court Leet record states : " They shall play morning and evening together, and that they shall not absent themselves without license of the steward and twenty of the persons at least." Ootober 1. 568-1572] Annals of Manchester. 35 1568. The watching of the town appears to have been a compulsory service, and each watchman was expected to have "a jack, a sallet, and a bill." At the opening of the fair every burgess was expected to attend the steward in armour or to provide a substitute "well furnished" with bill and halbert. October 16. Earwaker's Records.) It was forbidden by the Court Leet jury to cast carrion or anything else hurtful into the river Irk. October 16. (Earwaker's Records.) 1569. The jury of the Court Leet ordered that there shall not be "any rogg or cottons wet openly in the stretes." (Earwaker's Court Leet Records, vol. i.) 1570. From a letter written 4th May by the Archbishop to Cecil, it appears that the warden of Manchester desired to relinquish the trust, " to be converted to some college in Cambridge, who might hereafter send out some preachers to inhabit that quarter, and also by the rest of the revenues maintain some students." It was suggested that the collegiate estates might be annexed to St. John's College, Cambridge. (Baker's History of St. John's, edit, by Mayor, p. 589.) A search made throughout Lancashire and the other parts of the kingdom for vagrants, rogues, gipsies, &c. The result was the apprehension of 13,000 "masterless men." (Baines's Lancashire, 1868, vol. i., p. 169.) 1571. There was an enquiry into the state of the Collegiate Church by Archbishop Grindal, held 8th June, in the Chapter-house. Some curious evidence was given of the habits of the clergy and condition of the church. Two of the Collegiate body went about the town with a handbell, moving the people to works of mercy ; while the choiristers fetched the dead to the church from their houses with handbells and singing. There were pictures in the church which the churchwardens had never defaced, and the old shrines were not removed. One of the Fellows was accustomed to go to an alehouse in sermon time in his surplice, and even kept an alehouse himself. There had been no change of churchwardens since the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's reign. (MS. Report, in the hands of Mr. J. E. Bailey.) Sir Richard Hall, one of the Fellows of the Collegiate Church, " ministered a dormatory" to divers persons, who all died after taking the same ; and the same fate followed those whose veins he cut. "When he should serve God, he runneth abowte his phisicke and surgerye, and ys altogether unlearned." This individual added to his other employments that of Bursar to the College. (MS. in Mr. J. E. Bailey's hands.) 1572. The occupiers of the houses and shops about the Conduit were ordered by the Court Leet to keep clean the streets in and about the Conduit, under a fine of 6d. "By virtue or presence of an act of parliament, in the first yeare of Edward 36 Annals of Manchester. [1572-1573 the Sixth, the Colledge of Manchester was dissolved, and the lands and revenues belonging to it were taken into the king's hands, and were by him demysed to Edward, Earle of Derby ; and the house called the Colledge and some lands in Aldport were then or soone after (as it is sayd) sould to the sayd Earle, who was carefull, as our fathers have tould us, to provide very well for three or foure ministers officiating in the church. "Anno 1572, by inquisition vppon oath it was allso found, that the Earle of Derby had bought of the Prince, Over, Allport, and three burgages in the Milnegate and Fenelstreete, being chauntry lands ; and, indeede, severall chauntries belonged to the parish church of Manchester, which had their severall endowments ; one wherein Sir William Trafford was last incumbent, another called Cheetam's chauntry, wherein Sir James was last incumbent, besydes others." (Hollin worth's Mancuniensis.) The Court Leet appoint nine officers to see that the swine in the streets were duly sent to Collyhurst waste. April 10. 1573. • The following entry is made in the Court Leet records : " The most of the jury do think thirty alehouses and inns to be sufficient in Manchester." March 26. (Harland's Court Leet.) The Court Leet direct that alehouse keepers shall not allow any unlawful gaming in their houses or gardens. March 26. The jury of the Court Leet "doth present John Skilliekorne, plumber, to be a common easing-dropper, a naughty person, such a one as doth abound in all misorders ; therefore we desire that he may be avoided the town, and have such punishment as unto such doth appertain." March 26. (Harland's Court Leet Records, vol. i., p. 131.) The first register for the parish of Manchester commenced in this year. The first entry is the burial of Robert Fisher, August 1. The first baptism was Ellen, daughter of William Darby, August 3. And the first marriage between Nicholas Cleaton and Ellen Pendleton. The Court Leet fixed hours for servants, &c. Apprentices, men servants, and women servants were not to be out later than nine in summer and eight in winter. Servants and children were prohibited from attending the wedding feasts. September 20. (Earwaker's Records.) The Court Leet records state that "Mr. Steward (Ralph Hurlestane) ordered that any unlucky tippler who was found drunk should pass the night in the dungeon and pay 6d. to the poor ; if the drunkard could not pay the fine the publican had to pay it for him." September 20. (Earwaker's Records.) The Court Leet order that if any alehouse keeper, man or woman, be found drunken in their own house or elsewhere, he or she shall be punished by imprisonment for one night, and from thenceforth discharged from alehouse keeping. September 20. (Harland's Court Leet.) "Injunctions and orders concerning the Colledge Church of Manchester were given to the Master or Warden ; and the rest, some by the Archbishop of Yorke, and other the Queene Majesties commissioners, for causes ecclesias- tical, within the province of Yorke, anno 1573, about residence of the warden and fellowes, diligent and constant preaching every Sunday in the church of 1574-1578] Annals of Manchester. 37 Manchester, or in one of the chappells of Stretford, Chorlton, Diddesbury, Gorton, Denton, Newton, and Blakeley." (Hollinworth's Mancunicnsis.) Newton Heath Chapel built about this time ; enlarged, 1738 ; rebuilt, 1814. 1574. The lord of the manor having enclosed the common of Collyhurst, the ■enclosure was put downe the same night. As a compromise he "lett to such as chose to give for it iiiis. the aker by yeares, and twenty shillings fine afore- hand." (Hollinworth's Mancuniensis.) From Warden Herle the Traffords of Trafford received, about 1574, some ambiguous leases of the tithes of Stretford, Trafford, and half of Chorlton, which were ultimately decided to mean possession for ninety-nine years after twenty-one years. This transaction is probably the origin of the right of the family to nominate one churchwarden and two sidesmen, and to appoint the parish clerk of Manchester. When Peploe was warden these leases were the occasion of much trouble, and it was with great difficulty that the Fellows obtained their surrender. At a Court Leet held April 15 " the jury doth present of themselves that George Marshall, the 10th April, made a fray upon Thomas Aspinall, and gave him two blood-wipes in the head." (Harland's Court Leet, vol. i., p. 136.) 1575. Twenty-two old " croste grotes" were found in digging the ground within the house of George Bolton, Salford. April 7. (See Harland's Court Leet, and Earwaker's Records, where a mistake of the former is corrected.) 1577. The Court Leet order James Smith, capper, and William Savage, the catch- poll, to attend the Parish Church on Sundays and holidays to note who wore hats contrary to law. April 11. (Harland's Court Leet.) The town of Manchester gave £40 to the rebuilding of Crossford Bridge which was undertaken at their petition. The county assessment for the same was £200. (Hollinworth's Mancuniensis.) 1578. Queen Elizabeth dissolved the foundation of the Collegiate Church, which had consisted of one warden, eight fellows, four chaplains, and six choristers ; and gave the college a new charter of foundation for one warden, four fellows, two chaplains, four musicians, two clerks, and four choristers. The warden to be elected by the Crown, and the others on vacancy, by the warden and fellows. The style was changed to the College of Christ, July 28. John Wolton, or Woolton, appointed warden; John Mallayns, Alexander Nowell, Oliver Carter, and Thomas Williamson, fellows ; Robert Barber and Thomas Richardson, chaplains ; and Robert Leigh, Charles Leigh, Philip Gosnett, and John Glover, singing men. The salary of the warden was four shillings per day ; each fellow, sixteenpence ; each chaplain, sixpence three farthings; each chorister, four- pence halfpenny ; and each singing boy, twopence halfpenny. The warden to forfeit 30d. and each fellow Sd. for every day's absence. " About this time the Bishop of Chester erected, and his successors 38 Annals of Manchester. [1579-1580 encouraged a publicke exercise to bee held at Manchester, the second Thursday in every month, and nominated some grave, godly, learned ministers to bee moderators, and to preach in their courses in the afternoone ; and commanded all parsons, vicars, curates, readers, schoolemasters, within the Deanery of Manchester, to bee present at the sayd exercise, and to bee ready in the after- noone to bee more privately conferred with, examined, instructed, and directed by the sayd nominated moderators ; and to obey and observe their orders and directions vppon paine of censure. The names of the moderators were Mr. Shaw, of Bury ; Mr. Carter, of Manchester ; Mr. Assheton, of Midleton ; Mr. Williamson, of Manchester ; Mr. Langley, of Prestwich." The churchwardens of Manchester demand nine pounds from the inhabi- tants "for destroying crowes." (Hollinworth.) Sir William West, then Lord of the Manor, attempted to wrest the privi- lege of the inhabitants of Manchester from choosing the boroughreeve, the steward choosing John Gee, and the town Robert Langley. (Harland's Court Leet.) A number of exiles from the Low Countries are believed by some to have settled in Manchester about this time, but the evidence is scanty. (Wheeler's Manchester, p. 25.) 1579. Perhaps in anticipation of a water famine, it was ordered in 1579 that no vessel larger than a woman could carry full of water should be brought to the Conduit, and but one from each house, and that the applicants should "have their cale," or wait their turn. It was unlocked at six in the morning and locked at nine in the evening. (Harland's Court Leet.) The manor of Manchester sold by the Wests to John Lacye, a mercer, of London, for £3,000, May 15. (See under date 1596.) "Description of a moste dreadfull and meruclous Monster born in Man- chester, upon Tusdaye, being the fourteenth [18th] of August last past, 1579.' This is an account of a sort of Siamese twin which is referred to in the register of burials, 19th of August, as "a mayde child and a monsterous mm childe wantinge boeth neck, head, and armes." (Palatine Note-book, vol. iii., p. 269.) In an assembly of Ecclesiastical Commissioners (including Henry, Earl of Derby ; Henry, Earl of Huntington ; and William, Bishop of Chester) held at Manchester, they issued an order against pipers and minstrels making and frequenting bear-baiting and bull-baiting on the Sabbath days, or upon any other days ; and also against superstitious ringing of bells, wakes, and com- mon feasts ; drunkenness, gaming, and other vicious and unprofitable pursuits. (Hollinworth.) 1580. In Robert Hitchcock's Politic Plat, published 1 January, 1580, Rouen is said to be "the chiefest vent" for "Welsh and Manchester cottons, Northern kerseys, whites, lead, and tin." The old compulsion of baking at the lord's oven had become obsolete, but the Court Leet jury requested "all loving neghbours" to bake with the tenant who rented the disestablished oven. April 7. (Earwaker's Records.) 1581-1584] Annals of Manchester. 39 John Woolton, warden, promoted to the See of Lincoln, and "William Chadderton, D.D., Bishop of Chester, appointed Warden of the College, in commendam, June 5. Translated to the bishopric of Lincoln in 1594, and resigned his office of warden. Lord Burleigh thanks the Earl of Derby for reforming abuses in the Manchester College. A commission held in Lancashire for trying Popish recusants. A new jail built in Manchester at Hunt's Bank, called the " New Fleet,'' and the expense was for a time supported by fines imposed on the more wealthy of the prisoners, and by the proceeds of a parochial assessment, amounting to eightpence per week on every parish throughout the diocese of Chester. 1581. Sir John Southworth and others imprisoned in the New Fleet, at Man- chester, for "obstinate adherence to Popery." 1582. A Godln and Learned Sermon, containing a charge and instruction for all unlearned, negligent, and dissolute Ministers, preached at Manchester, in Lancastershire, before a great and xoorshipfull audience, by occasion of certain j)ar sons there at the present, appointed (as then) to be made ministers. By Simon Harward. London, 1582. (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings, p. 219.) Mr. Robert Worsley, keeper of the gaol of Manchester, made an offer "that on condition of being allowed the proceeds of the 'jail tax' for one whole year, he would at his own proper charges build a workhouse, sufficient to afford employment to all the rogues, vagabonds, and idlers in the county." Dec. 3. 1583. The number of alehouse keepers and bakers in Manchester was declared by the Lord of the Council to be excessive, and orders given for the suppression of a number of them. 1584. At the Assizes at Lancaster, James Bell, a native of Warrington ; John Finch, a native of Eccleston ; and James Leybourne were found guilty of being Cathol'c recusants. The two former were executed at Lancaster, and their heads exposed on the summit of the Collegiate Church, April 20. The persecu- toi of the Roman Catholics was very bitter. Details are given in Challoner's Memoirs of Missionary Priests, and in Foley's English Province of the Society of Jesus, ii., 143. They were arrested at Manchester and imprisoned in the house known as Radcliffes of the Pool— the ancient seat of the RadclillV family, the site of which is indicated by the name of Poolfold. An engraving of Radcliffe Hall is given in the Palatine Note-book, vol. iii., p. 265. It has been said that Leybourne was executed at Manchester, but this appears to be a mistake. "No single women were allowed in the town unless they were under the guardianship of their relatives, or in others' employ." May !». (Harland's Court Leet.) The Court Leet ordered that single women should not be allowed to be "at their own hand," either to rent a house or exercise a trade, " to the great hurt 40 Annals of Manchester. [1585-1588 of the poor inhabitants having wife and children." May 9. (Earwaker's Bccords.) 1585. The Conduit was regarded as a special ornament of the town, and whilst subscriptions were collected for its maintenance and repair, it was forbidden in 1585 to wash clothes, scour vessels, or cleanse "meats of beasts" or calves at this, the chief source of the water supply of the town. " The English Benedictins beyond the seas began to bestirre themselves fcr continuation of their order, Abbot Fecknam being dead, and there being but one left; viz., Father Sigebert Buckley, and therefore, before his death, pro- vision was made of others to succeede. Nine were chosen : five in Valladolid, in Spaine, and foure in Rome ; of which foure, one Father Anselme, of Man- chester, was one." (Fuller's Eccles. Hist.) Edward Rishton died at St. Manhew. He was, according to Fuller, born in Lancashire, and fled from Oxford to Douai, where he graduated M.A., and then went to the English College at Rome and was ordained in 1583. He came to his native country as a mission priest, and was imprisoned for three years. He caught the infection of plague in Lorraine, and carried it to St. Manhew, where he died. 1586. Hollinworth states that "there was a greate dearth in this country, inso- much that in Manchester, a peny white loafe weighed but six or eight ounces, one peny boulted bread ten or eleven ounces, ryebread ten ounces, browne bread, about fouret eene ounces ; and the Bishop of Chester and others pitying the condicion of the poore, did order that the peny white bread should weigh nine ounces of troy weight ; boulted bread, ten ; browne bread, fifteene ; jannocke, thirteene ; oate cake, fifteene ounces. That euery baker haue his marke, according to the statute ; that their bread bee wholesome and wel baked ; that they sell but onely twelve to the dozen ; that no loaves bee made, but either of jd., ijd., iiijd., at the farthest; that these orders bee duely observed, both by inhabitants and forreiners." Camden describes Manchester as surpassing the neighbouring towns in elegance and populousness. " There is," says he, "a woollen manufacture, a market, a church, and a college." The Court Leet records contain the following memorandum, circa, 1586 : — " That holle fiftene of the said town of Manchester and the hamell or hamella [hamlet] de Bulhangs [?] due to the Queen's majesty, at every holle fiftene granted, ys the some of Thre powndes Seyven shyllynges." (Harland's Court Leet Records, vol. i., p. 1G7.) 1588. A letter was sent 15th March from two justices at Lancaster Assizes — Clenche and Rodes — to the deputy-lieutenants, directing them to inquire as to the too great number of bakers and alehouse-keepers in Manchester, and to suppress such as were not needed. " There died of the parishioners in one moneth of Aprill, neere seventy persons." (Hollinworth.) The Court Leet jury ordered that no person should be allowed to buy any 1589-1590] Annals of Manchester. 41 fruit before nine o'clock in the forenoon ; if any were bought they were not to sell the same day under a fine of 2s. October 3. (Harland's Court Leet.) A great panic in Manchester, caused by a rumour that a large army of Papists had actually marched as far as Swinton Moor to attack the town. The townspeople "betook themselves to such armes as they had," and Bishop Chaderton, who was then Warden, caused the flesh shambles to be removed to Salford Bridge. (Hollinworth's Mancunicnsis.) Printing was introduced into Manchester by itinerant printers, who in the interests of Puritanism issued fierce attacks upon the bishops from secret presses, first at Kingston in Surrey, then at Fawsley in Northamptonshire, and then at Newton Lane, Manchester, where printers and press were seized by Fernando, fifth Earl of Derby. The mystery attaching to the Martin Mar- prelate tracts has never been fully cleared. " Ha' ye any work for the Cooper ? " had appeared, and at Manchester they were printing "Ha' ye any more work for the Cooper?" No copies of the sheets actually printed off appear to have been preserved. (See Notes and Queries, 4th Series, iii., 97, and vii., 64 ; and Axon's Manchester Libraries.) Against the Spanish Armada, Manchester was required to contribute 38 narquebusiers, 38 archers, and 144 men for bills and pikes. The county 2,375 men. In the charter granted by Queen Elizabeth to the Collegiate Church, the Manchester population is stated at 10,000, but whether this means the town or the parish is not certain. 1589. Sir John Radcliffe, of Ordsal, buried in the Collegiate Church 11th February, aged 53. Five of his sons died on the battlefield — four at an early age. One of his two daughters died of grief for the death of her brethren. Sir John was suspected of being a secret adherent to the Roman communion. Robert Asnal, of Gorton, slaine with a bull at a stake. (Hollinworth's Mancuniensis.) 1590. A commission held in Manchester for the punishment of Popish recusants. Chorlton Hall demised by Edmund Trafford, Esq., to Ralph Sorocold for £320. It was the seat of the Minshulls, or Mynsales, in the reign of Henry I. ; and in 1544 it was sold by Ellis Hey, of Monk's Hall, in Eccles, to Thomas Minshull, apothecary, in Manchester, for £300; but it is reported to have been sold at a later period for £00,000 or £70,000. Sir Edmund Trafford the fourth died. He was born in 152G. His first wife was a sister of Queen Catharine Howard, his second a daughter of Ralph Leicester, of Toft. He was a staunch Protestant, and is credited with special act ivity against the partisans of the old faith. Sir Edmund was High Sheriff of Lancashire in 15G5, 1571, and 15S0. John Piers, Archbishop of York, held a visitation of the diocese of Chester in the church of Manchester on the last day of May, when the Fellows of the College were admonished for not using the surplice. The correspondence which followed is printed in Chetham Miscellany, vol. v. A document, signed by Peter Shaw, Oliver Carter, and other preachers, 42 Annals of Manchester. [i59i-i5£5 gives an account of the state, civil and ecclesiastical, of the county, in which they complain of the presence of Jesuits and priests, daily masses, private marriages, old festivals and fasts observed, fairs, markets, mayames, &c, held on the Sabbath, unruly behaviour in church, "popish superstition used in the burial of the dead," corruption in churchwardens, sidesmen, and parish clerks ; inconvenient state of churches and chapels, contentions about seats, and other matters. (Chethani's Miscellany, vol. v.) " The Lord visited the town with a sore pestilence ; there died of the parishioners, in one monthe of Aprill, near seventy persons." (Hollinworth's Mancuniensis. ) 1591. No person was allowed to buy fruit but upon the market day, and in the open market ; the inhabitants not to buy before nine o'clock, strangers at ten, and not before ; in default one-half the fruit went to the lord, and the other to the officers. (Harland's Court Leet.) The Court Leet jury presented that "greses, or stairs, descending to the water of Erwell, is in great decay." The inhabitants were assessed to repair the same. October 1. 1592. No meat was allowed to be dressed or eaten within the town or liberties of Manchester on fast days under pain of ten shillings for every householder so Dffending. October 5. (Harland's Court Leet.) 1593. John "Wolton, or "Woolton, Bishop of Exeter, and late warden of the Collegiate Church, died at Exeter, March 13. He was born at Wigan (others say Whalley) about 1535, " and was," says Bishop Goodwin, who had married his daughter, " a pious, painful, and skilful divine." His Christian Manual, 1576, was reprinted by the Parker Society in 1851. Another of his works is The Castell of Christians, 1577 ; New Anatomie of the Whole Man, 1576. (Wood's Athen. Oxon., vol. i., p. 600 ; Sutton's Lancashire Authors.) 1594. " The sicknesse " or plague stated to have broken out at Clough House, Fails worth. (Hollin worth.) 1595. John Dee, M.A., installed with great solemnity warden of the Collegiate Church, February 20. Dr. Dee had frequent quarrels with the fellows of the college, and in 1604 quitted the town, but he held his preferment till his death in 1608. The Court Leet jury ordered that no person was to be allowed to use butter or suet in cakes or bread ; fine 20s. No baker or other person to be allowed to bake said cakes, &c. ; fine 20s. No person to be allowed to sell the same ; fine 20s. October 8. (Harland's Court Leet.) "William West, Lord la Warr, died 30th December. The story of this noble- man's life is a strange one, and there are some difficulties of date not easily to 1596-1599 Annals of Manchester. 4o be understood. It is said that, having been adopted by his uncle. Sir Thomas West, he was in too great haste to inherit, and prepared poison for the des- patch of the old man, who was so incensed that he appealed to parliament, which in 15 IS debarred William from succeeding to his uncle's honours. This is not easily reconciled with the act of 1552. William West had sufficient ability and good fortune as a soldier to be able to live down this accusation, whether it were true or false. He served at the siege of St. Quentin, in Picardy, and was knighted at Hampton Court, 156S, and created by patent Lord de la Warr. In 1569 an act of parliament granted him full "restitution in blood." 1596. The manor of Manchester sold by John Layce, mercer and citizen of London, for £3,500, to Sir Nicholas Mosley, Knt., March 23. Sir Nicholas Mosley had been Sheriff of London in 1591, and was Lord Mayor in 1599. He built Hough End (generally called the Old Hall), near Chorlton, upon a place where a tenement occupied by his father had stood, and in which his son was born. This hall became the family seat for several generations, but was finally abandoned for Rolleston, in Staffordshire. (See under 1579.) Eight officers were appointed to see that no fleshmeat was eaten on Fridays and Saturdays, and twelve for the overseeing of them that put butter, cream, or suet in their cakes. September 30. (Harland's Court Leet Records.) 1597. Dr. Dee, warden, with Sir Ralph Barber and Robert Talsley, clerk of Man- chester Church, with divers of the town, of divers ages, completed the peram- bulation to the bounds of Manchester parish. This survey of the town took six days to accomplish. May 4th. (Dee's Diary.) "Manchester town described and measured by Christopher Saxton, July 10. (Dee's Diary.) Saxton left on the 14th. The following entry from the Court Leet records shows the rural character of the town : " Richard Nugent hath purchased two messuages or tenements, one barn, two gardens, one orchard, one acre of land, one half acre of meadow, and one half acre of pasture, &c, lying by the Mylne Bridge." October G. The Court Leet jury order " that no foreigner nor any other stranger shall sell or measure any corn upon any other day than the Saturday and Monday, and that to be after the bell rings." (Harland's Court Leet.) 1598. The College gate, towards Hunt's Hall, fell down, together with part of the wall, January 22. (Dee's Diary.) Captain William Radcliffe, son of Sir John and brother of Sir Alexander Radcliffe, of Ordsal, was slain in the fight at Blackwater, when the English were defeated by Tyrone. 1599. In August Sir Alexander Radcliffe, of Ordsal. was slain when Tyrone defeated the English forces at Cunley Hills. Sir Alexander was knighted at the sack of Cadiz. 20th June, 1590. His bravery is mentioned by Sir John 44 Annals of Manchester. [1600-1605 Harrington. Margaret Radcliffe was a favourite maid of honour of Queen Elizabeth, and sorrow for the death of her brother shortened her life, which ended 10th November. Another sister, Anne, died soon after at the age of 18. Edmund and Thomas Radcliffe, twin sons of Sir John Radcliffe, of Ordsal, died of fever whilst on military service in Flanders. On raising men to suppress the rebellion in Ireland, the magistracy of Manchester were cautioned not to send any vagabonds or disorderly persons, but young men of good character, who were well skilled in the use of the hand-gun. 1600. The Court Leet directed that no person was allowed to weigh any yarn or other stuff but by the standard weights of the town. October 2. (Harland's Court Leet.) The principal streets of Manchester appear, from the Court Leet records, to have been the Old and New Market Stids or places, Market Stid Lane, and Alport Town, Meale Gate, Withingreave, Hanging Ditch, Smithy Door, and so to Salford Bridge, Fennel Street, Toad Lane, Hunt's Bank, Mylve Gate, and the Mylners Lane. October 2. 1603. A letter was addressed to Sir Robert Cecil by Nicholas Mosley and other leading laymen and clergymen, in which they complain that the Warden Dee and the Fellows of the College, with one exception, are non-resident, and they ask that a fellowship or the wardenship should be conferred upon William Bourne, who had a yearly pension from those " well-affected to religion." (Palatine Note-book, vol. i., p. 48.) 1604. In PasquiVs Jests there are two stories told of " Merry Andrew of Man- chester." One of these stories is given in the Palatine Note-book, vol. iii., p. 192, and has since been modernised as a dialogue for school entertainments in the Rev. J. A. Atkinson's "Merry AndrewjDf Manchester" (Manchester, 1884). 1605. Oliver Carter, B.D., died in March. He was a native of Richmondshire and wrote An Ansiver unto certain Popish Questions, 1579. Hollinworth states that he fell sick as he was preaching of God's providing a succession of godly ministers. Mr. William Bourne went up into the pulpit and preached on the same text. One of Carter's sons was an Irish bishop. In consequence of the detection of the Gunpowder Plot, Sir Nicholas Mosley and Richard Holland wrote to the Constables of Manchester, Nov. 20, enjoining watch and word to be duly kept. All strangers who were suspected of complicity were to be examined before the next justice of peace. (Palatine JSiote-book, iii., 257.) The plague visited Manchester, and about a thousand died. The chaplain of the Collegiate Church, Mr. Kirke, his wife, and four children all perished. The Rev. William Bourne continued to preach throughout the visitation, "in the towne," says Hollinworth, " so long as he durst by reason of the unruliness of 1607-1608] Annals of Manchester. 45 infected persons and want of government, and then he went and preached in a field near to Shorter's Brook, the townspeople being on one side of him and the country people on the other." Six acres of land on Collyhurst were devoted to cabins for the reception of plague patients, who were also buried there. This appropriation of the land was the compromise of a dispute between the burgesses, who regarded it as a common, and the lord of the manor, who had begun to enclose it. He also agreed to pay £10 yearly for the benefit of the poor. (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) 1607. Anthony Mosley, of Ancoats, died 25th March, aged 70. He is buried in the Collegiate Church. He refused to serve the office of constable in 1603 for fear of the plague. He bought the Ancoats estate from Sir John Byron. Thomas Cogan, or Coghan, buried at Manchester Church, 10th June. He was a native of Chard, and was born about 1545. He was educated at Oxford, and was Fellow of Oriel College, 1563, M.A. in 1566, and M.B. in 1574, and in that year he became High Master of Manchester Grammar School, which position he held until about 1600. He married a lady of position, Ellen, widow of Thomas Willott, who survived her second husband, and died in 1611. Cogan was the author of The Well of Wisedome, 1577, The Haven of Health, 1584, and a selection for the use of schoolboys of Cicero's letters, which appeared in 1602. His will, with a biographical notice, is given in The Palatine Note-book, vol. iii., p. 77. 1608. William Chadderton, D.D., Bishop of Lincoln, and late Warden of Man- chester, died at Southoe, Hunts, 11th April. He was born at Nuthurst, and educated at Cambridge, where he was Regius Professor. He was favourable to Puritanism, but was placed in power by Queen Elizabeth as a check upon the Romanists, who were strong in the north. He removed his residence from Chester to Manchester, and with the Earl of Derby, who was then frequently resident at Aldport, exercised great authority as joint commissioners for promoting the reformation. The bishop had a sort of council of ministers, and daily morning and evening lectures and monthly exercises were set on foot. (Woods' Athcn., Oxon, vol ii., p. 4S2 ; Peck's Desiderata Curiosa.) John Dee, M.A., Warden of the Collegiate Church, died at his residence, at Mortlake, in Surrey, in the utmost poverty, aged 81 years. He was born in London, July 13, 1527. He was celebrated for his learning and for his interest in the occult sciences. A folio volume published in 1659 by Meric Casaubon chronicles his intercourse with the world of spirits. His Diary lias been printed by the Camden Society, but somewhat inaccurately, and the portions relating to Manchester have been carefully re-edited by Mr. J. E. Bailey. His autobiographical tracts have been reprinted by the Chetham Society. His mathematical and philosophical tracts are exceedingly rare and sometimes very obscure. It is thought that during his continental travels he was in the employment of the Queen, and sent home intelligence of what he learned abroad. Richard Murray, D.D , rector of Stopford (Stockport) and Dean of St. 46 Annals of Manchester. [1608 Buriens, in Cornwall, appointed warden. The story of this remarkable man is thus told by Hollinworth : — "After the death of Dr. Dee, the sayd William Bourne being as was sayd, an approoued divine, and having allso married a kinswoman of the Cecylls Lords Burgley, was in a faire likelyhood of being warden, and had a grant for it, but hee was hindred, partly by his nonconformity (onely a lease of tythes for three lives of about thirty pounds per annum was given him), and partly by the potency of some Scottish lords at court, which got the wardenship for Richard Murray, D.D., who was likewise Parson of Stockport, Deane of St. Buriens, in Cornewall, and had some civill honors descending to him by in- heritance from his Scottish ancestors — one of honorable descent, competently learned, zealous for the dignity of his place as warden, but not laudable other- wayes. Hee seldome preached — onely twise in Manchester— once in Gen. i. 1 In the beginning, &c. Another time in Rev. xxii. 20 ; Come, Lord Jesus, &c. So it was sayd that hee in preaching begunne and ended the bible, nor was hee verry skillfull in it. Preaching once before King James vppon Rom i. 16 ; I am not ashamed of the gospell of Christ. When hee came to kisse the King's hand, his Majesty sayd, Thou art not ashamed of the gospell of Christ, but by , the gospell of Christ may bee ashamed of thee ! Hee was a greate Pluralist, and yet was a mighty hunter of other Ecclesiasticall dignityes and benefices. Hee was very iealous of being poysoned by his servants, if they were discontented at him : hee make them tast before he would eate or drinke. When hee was abroad, he liued very obscurely, lodging rarely in the best innes, or two journeyes together in the same inne ; but at Manchester hee liued in greater state, accounted himselfe (as indeed by his place he was) the best man in the parish. Hee required the fellowes, chaplaines, singing men, choristers to goe before him to church, and some gentlemen followed after : hee demaunded his seate from the Bishop of Chester when hee was sett in it, saying, My Lord, that seate belongs to the warden ; and because hee would not sitt below the bishop, hee remooued in to the body of the church, and in the afternoone hee came timely enough to take his owne seate, and so the bishop was forced to seek another seate. In his time the Quire part of the church grew very ruinous, the revennues of the Colledge were leased out by his meanes. Hee purposely abstained from taking the oath mencioned in the Queene's letters patents, concerning his not receiuing of the Colledge revenues, saue for the dayes in which hee did resyde. The fellow- ships and other places were either not furnished with men, or the men with meanes, herevppon many and grieuous complaints were made by the parishioners against him to King Charles, who comitted the whole matter to William, Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Lord Coventry, of Alsbrough, Lord Keeper of the Greate Seale ; Henry, Earle of Manchester, Lord Keeper of the Privy Seale, that they might enquire further into the matter. Afterward hee comitted it to the examination of Commissioners, in causes ecclesiasticall, which after mature deliberation and examination, proceeding in due forme of law, and having summoned the sayd Richard Murray, personally to answer for himselfe, did not onely remooue the sayd warden from his place, but pronounced him to have bin no warden from the first, and that the colledge had either a weake foundation or none at all." 1309-1616j Annals of Manchester. 47 1609. From a partnership deed dated 4th January, 1609-10, between George Tipping and George Chetham, it appears that the goods sent from Manchester to London for sale were Stopport clothe, cotton yarne, or cotton wool, frizes, whites, ruggs, and bayes. (Palatine Note-book, vol. i., p. 127.) 1612. Sir Nicholas Mosley died. He was a prosperous merchant, and managed the exportation of goods from London which were manufactured under the direction of his brother Anstrey at Manchester. He was Lord Mayor of London in 1599, and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth. He became Lord of the Manor of Manchester in 1596, and in 1604 was High Sheriff of Lancashire. He is buried in Didsbury churcn. His character has been drawn as an energetic trader and pious Christian, and also as one careless how his money was gained and living and dying a miser. (Mosley's Family Memorials ; Axon's Lanca- shire Gleanings.) His son Rowland succeeded as Lord of the Manor. 1613. William Barlow, D.D., Bishop of Lincoln, died at Buckden, September 7, said to have been born at Barlow Hall, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. He was the author of Vita et Obitu Richardi Cosin, 1598; Sermon at Paul's Cross, 1600; Sum of the Conference at Hampton Court, 1604. Baines says tbat he was one of the Barlows of Barlow, but this seems very doubtful. 1614. Dame Alice Caesar died 23rd May. She was a daughter of Christopher Grene, of Manchester, and when widow of John Dent, merchant, of London, married, 10th April, 1596, as his second wife, Sir Julius Ceesar, who was suc- cessively Master of the Rolls and Chancellor of the Exchequer. He survived her, dying 26th April, 1636. They are both buried in Great St. Helen's, Bishop- gate Street, London. (Lodge's Life of Sir Julius Cozsar, 1827.) 1615. John White, D.D., died. He was a native of St. Neots, and brother of Franer's White, Bishop of Ely. He was Vicar of Eccles, Fellow of the Collegiate Church, and author of The Way to the True Church, 1610 ; Defence of the Way to the True Church, 1614. His works were collected in 1624 by his brother. (Wood's Athen. Ox., vol. iii., p. 238; Fuller's Worthies.) 1616. Rowland Mosley, Lord of the Manor, died. He had a lawsuit with the townsfolk as to the waste of Collyhurst. (Mosley's Family Memorials.) He left a son, Edward, one year old, to succeed him. "Anno 1016 was an extraordinary flood, called from the day Lambard's Fiood, in which the water suddenly rose many yards plumme above the ordi- nary course, that men stood upon Salford Bridge, and laded up water with a little piggin. It is a easy matter with God to drowne a towne ; yea, a world." (Hollinworth's Mancuniensis.) 48 Annals of Manchester. [1617-1622 1617. James I. visited Lancashire, and the famous Book of Sports was the answer to a petition presented to him at Houghton Tower in August. The proclama- tion was drawn up by Bishop Morton at Preston, and the King altered it from the style of a bishop to that of a king, and issued it from the court at Green- wich. It has several times been printed. (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) His Majesty, in this memorable document, proceeds to state that "for his good people's lawful recreation, his pleasure is that, after the end of divine service, his good people be not disturbed, letted, or discouraged from any law- ful recreation, such as dancing, either men or women ; archery (for men), leaping, vaulting, or any such harmless recreation ; nor from having of May- games, Whitson-ales, and morice dances, and the setting up of May-poles, and other sports therewith used, &c." And he " bars from this benefit and liberty all such known recusants, either men or women, as will abstain from coming to church." This proclamation gave great offence to the Puritans. 1620. The fifth Sir Edmund Trafford died. He was thrice High Sheriff of Lanca- shire. In 1584 there was a levy of 200 men for the service of the Queen in her Irish wars, and that the Lancashire lads might not be committed to strange captains, who "for the most part" had not used their soldiers "with the love and care that appertained " one of their own shire, Edmund Trafford, eldest son of Sir Edmund Trafford, Knight, was appointed their commander. Two years later an entry in the Court Leet book shows that the town paid £16 to Mr. Trafford and Mr. Edmund Assheton for the "makeing of soldiers into Ireland." In 1603, when James made his progress into England, a number of gentlemen were "graced with the honour of knighthood" at York. Amongst these was Edmund Trafford, who, like his father, was a hater of Roman Catholics, and employed a spy named Christopher Bayley to ferret them out. His first wife was a Booth, of Barton. In a second marriage he espoused a Lady Mildred Cecil, the second daughter of the Earl of Exeter A daughter received the name of Cecilia, and a son the name of Cecil, in honour of the mother's family. Leonard Smethley, arms painter and deputy herald, resident in Manchester, writes to the College of Heralds letters complaining of those who refused to pay the fees, and describing the funds of Sir Alexander Barlow, Sir Edmund Trafford, and others. These letters, with others of Randal Holmes ranging 1620-22, are printed in the Chetham Miscellany, vol. v. 1622. Oswald Moseley, of the Garret, died. His first wife was a daughter of Rev. Richard Gerrard, from one of whose family he bought the Garret Hall estate. His daughters married against his wishes, and his two eldest sons died before. The estate was inherited by his son Samuel, who, in 1631, sold it and went to live in Ireland. His descendants include Dr. Benjamin Moseley, Thomas Moseley, Lord Mayor of York in 1687, Rowland Moseley, Sheriff of York in 1702. He has had also some notable descendants in America. (Mosley's Family Memorials ; Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) 1623-1627] Annals of Manchester. 49 1623. The Charter of Manchester, granted in 1301 by Thomas de Gresley, enrolled, at the request of the burgesses, in the records of the Chancery of Lancaster, September 16. (Harland's Mamcestre, vol. ii., p. 240.) 1624. In the Court Leet records the jury find that William Butler had pur- chased of Sir John Sucklinge, knight, Anthony Abdye, of London, merchant, and William Sparke, gent., certain burgages or tenements in the St. Marye Gate, Deansgate, and Toad Lane, within the town of Manchester ; and Butler was ordered to come to do his suit and service to the manorial lord. Sir John Suckling was the father of the poet. (Palatine Note-book, vol. i., p. 197.) Ralph Cud worth, D.D., died this year. He was " the second son of Ralph Cudworth, of Wernith Hall, near Manchester, esquire, chief lord of Oldham, was bred Fellow of Emanuel College, in Cambridge, a most excellent preacher, who continued and finished some imperfect works of Mr. Perkins, and after his decease supplied his place in St. Andrew's, in Cambridge. He was at last presented by the college to the parish of Aller, in Somersetshire." (Fuller's Worthies.) His more famous son, Dr. Ralph Cudworth, was born at Aller. 1625. Sir Henry Montague received from Charles I. the title of Earl of Manchester, which was altered to that of Duke 1719. The first bearer of the title was the author of a once popular devotional volume entitled Manchester al Mondo, 1033, which went through nine editions. It was reprinted in 1SS0, with a bio- graphical introduction by Mr. J. E. Bailey. The Earl of Manchester had no connection with the town from which he took his title, except that of sending an occasional present of game. 1627. Sir John Radcliffe, of Ordsal, was slain at the Isle of Rhe 5th November, ne was then 46 years of age. Some verses addressed to him by Ben Jonson refer to the fatalities that had overtaken his family : — How like a column, Radcliffe, left alone For the great mark of virtue, those being gone Who did, alike with thee, thy house upbear, Btand'at thou, to show the times what you all were. Two bravely in the battle fell, and dy'd Upbraiding rebel arms and barbarous pride ; And two that would have fallen, as great as they, The Belgic fever ravished away. Thou, that art all their valour, all their spirit, And thine own goodness to increase thy merit — Than those I do not know a whiter soul, Nor could I, had I seen all Nature's roll — Thou yet remain'st unhurt, in peace and war, Though not unprov'd ; which shows thy fortunes are Willing to expiate the fault in thee, Wlu-rewith, against thy blood, they offenders be It is said that Radcliffe had quarrelled with his wife and, when fatally wounded, wrote a letter to her, which the Duke of Buckingham kept from her. U 50 Annals of Manchester. [1630-1632 She was Alice, daughter of Sir John Byron, of Newstead. (Earwaker's Local Gleanings, No. 302.) Samuel Bispham, " Doctor in Phisicke," resident in Salford, but apparently- had another house at Great Lever when, in 1631, he attended Bishop Bridgman, who had sickened during the plague time at Wigan. Bispham was a graduate of Leyden and of Oxford. From Salford he went to London, and in 1643 went on an embassy to France, Genoa, Florence, and Venice, in which he boasts that he spent £7,000 and lost £10,000. In 1660 he was a petitioner as " the only sur- viving physician of the late King." His son Thomas, also a doctor of medicine, was the author of Iter Australe, a Latin poem, printed at Oxford in 1658. The entries relating to the Bispham family in the Manchester registers range from 1576 to 1634. (Palatine Note-book, vol. iii., pp. 8, 73.) 1630. Oswald Mosley, of Ancoats, died, aged 47. From 1613 to his death he was steward of the Court Leet. 1631. " The Lord sent his destroying angell into an inne in Manchester, on which died Richard Merriott and his wife, the master and dame of the house, and all that were in it, or went in it for certaine weekes together. At last they burned or buried all the goods in the house ; and yet, in midst of judgment, did God remember mercy, for no person else was that yeare touched with the infection." (Hollinworth's Mancuniensis.) Fair Em, the Miller's Daughter of Manchester, with the love of William the Conqueror. A pleasant comedy, as it was sundry times acted in the Honourable City of London by the Right Honourable the Lord Strange's servants. (London, 1631.) This play, which mentions Manchester, Chester, and the Traffords, has been wrongfully attributed to Robert Green. It has been reprinted by Professor Delius, 1874 ; by Richard Simpson (School of Shakspere), 1878 ; and by Drs. Warnke and Proescholdt, 1883. A ballad on the subject was licensed in 1581, and the play, though perhaps not printed, was in existence in 1591. It has even been supposed that Shakspere had some share in the authorship. (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) 1632. " Daniel Baker, M.A., rector of Assheton-on-Mercy Banke, and Fellow of the Colledge, having on Good Friday (as it is called) administered the Lord's Supper, and being (as it is feared) somewhat overcharged with drinke, in Salford, was found dead in the morning in the water under Salford Bridge. Whether hee fell downe of himself e, being a tall man, and the battlements then but low, or whether hee was cast downe or put over the bridge, is not certainely knowne to this day." (Hollinworth's Mancuniensis.) Sir Cecil Trafford abjured the reformed faith, and became a Roman Catholic. He had been a great persecutor of the recusant Catholics. In his zeal for the reformed religion he attempted to convert a kinsman, Francis Downes, of Wardley, but the fresh consideration of the controversy between the Anglican and Roman Churches led him to join the communion of the latter. A paper fixed upon the south door of the Collegiate Church with shoe- 1633-1635] Annals of Manchester. 51 maker's wax. It was taken down by the churchwardens, who sent a copy to London, which is preserved in the Harleian MS. 2176, f. 7. It is obscurely worded, but appears to be a Puritan incitement to insurrection. Mr. J. P. Rylands regards it as an evidence that "the idea of taking away the King's life existed in some minds at least seventeen years before he was brought to trial." (See Baines' Lancashire, old ed., and Palatine Note-book, vol. i., p. 89.) The MS. was endorsed by some official "Apeece of Paracelsus his plaster, or a little melancholike treason extracted from a distracted and simple soul." 1633. "On New-Yeare's-Day, the Mosse being of a greate breadth, and foure or five yards deepe, rose up out of his place, and trauelled towards the house of James Knowles, and environed it about, carried a large stone trough before it, and boar downe trees that stood in the way, but being afterward somewhat broken with a row of trees before the sayd James Knowles' house, it filled the brookes and riuers, slew the fish, blackend the water, made some fruitful land barren." 1634. Sacred Trinity Church, Salford, founded by Humphrey Booth, a prosperous merchant of Salford. Hollinworth gives the following account : — "Humfrey Booth, of Salford, laid the foundation of Trinity chappell, in Salford, and of his owne cost (save that about two hundred pounds was giuen by seuerall persons :— Sir Alexander Radcliffe, of Oardsall, twenty pounds; Henry Wigley, twenty pounds ; Robert Pendleton, twenty or forty pounds ; Charles Ilaworth, ten pounds ; John Hartley, twelve pounds ; John Gaskell, five pounds ; George Scholes, ten pounds ; Ralph Bayley, five pounds ; and Dthers lesser summes ;) did finish it, and endow it with twenty pounds lands per annum : the said Humfrey Booth, being, by God's blessing on his trading, made rich, gaue allso to the poore of Salford, the first lands that he bought to the value of twenty pounds per annum, and payd it duely all his life time. Hee being in greate weakenesse, earnestly desired that hee might Hue to see the chappell finished, which hee did, but immediately after the solemne dedi- cation of it, by the Bishop of Chester, hee more apparently weakened, then hee earnestly begged that he might partake of the Lord's Supper there, and then hee would not wish to Hue longer. It pleased God to revive him in such a measure, as that hee was able to goe to the chappel constantly till hee was partaker of the supper (which could not bee done for some moneths after the consecration) in the chappell, and was neuer able to goe forth after, nor scarce to get home. Hee was a man just in his trading, generous in entertainment of any gentlemen of quality that came to the towne, though meere si rangers to him, bountifull to the church and poore, faithfull to his friend, and we hope, God gaue him both repentance for, and remission of his sinns, in the blood of Jesus." 1635. Richard Murray, D.D., removed from the wardenship upon a petition from the inhabitants, for destroying the revenues, and allowing the church to fall into decay. See under date 1G08. 52 Annals of Manchester. [1637-1639 Humphrey Chetham, high sheriff, was ordered by Charles I. to levy £3,500 upon the county for a vessel of 350 tons, towards which Salford Hundred paid £490, Liverpool paid £25, Lancaster £25, and Wigan £50. The sheriff was taken sharply to account for levying more than the specified amount, in order to reimburse himself for the cost of collection, and was told that it was a " Starre Chamber business." The population of the Parish of Manchester in the charter of the Collegiate Church at 20,000 persons. 1637. A gallery first erected in the Collegiate Church by Humphrey Booth, mer- chant, of Salford, founder of Sacred Trinity Church, Salford. 1638. Charles I. granted a new charter of foundation to the Collegiate Church. September 30. In this charter the salary of the warden was £70 per annum ; each fellow, £35 ; each chaplain, £17 10s. and marriage fees ; each singing man, £10 ; and each singing boy, £5. The foundation members were : Richard Heyrick, warden ; William Bourne, Samuel Boardman, Richard Johnson, and Peter Shaw, fellows ; Edmund Hopwood and Robert Brown, chaplains ; William Leigh, John LeLgh, Peter Starkey, and Charles Leigh, singing men. Sir Edward Mosley died at Rolleston Hall, at the age of 70. He was attorney-general of the Duchy of Lancaster, and bought the Rolleston estates. He was succeeded by his nephew Edward, lord of the manor of Manchester and son of Rowland Mosley. (See under date 1616.) The Collegiate Church, which had been suffered to fall into decay, under- went great repairs. 1639. The Transit of Venus over the sun 24th November. It was observed by Jeremiah Horrox, at Hoole, who has described it in. his Venus in Sole Visa. He communicated his expectation of the circumstance to his friend William Crabtree, of Broughton, that he also might look out for a phenomenon which would not recur for more than a century. Crabtree looked, but the sky was overcast and he was unable to see anything. But a little before sunset, namely, about thirty -five minutes past three, certainly between thirty and forty minutes after three, the sun burst forth from behind the clouds. He at once began to observe, and was gratified by beholding the pleasing spectacle of Venus upon the sun's disc. Rapt in contemplation, he stood for some time motionless, scarcely trusting his own senses through excess of joy. He was born 1610 and baptised 29th June. He was a " clothier "—apparently a prosperous merchant of the seventeenth century. He married, in 1633, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Pendleton. His mathematical and astronomical attainments were of a very high order — as is evidenced by his correspondence with Horrox, and by the warm testimony of Sir Edward Sherburne in his annotations upon Manilius. There is a translation of Horrox's Latin discourse on the Transit by the Rev. A. B. Whatton (London, 1869). A paper by Mr. J. E. Bailey, giving biographical and bibliographical particulars, appeared in the Palatine Note- book, vol. ii., p. 253 ; vol. iii., p. 17. 1641-1642] Annals of Manchester. 53 1641. Edward Barlow, Roman Catholic priest (Father Ambrose, O.S.B.), executed as a recusant, at Lancaster, September 10th. He was born at Manchester in 1585, and was son of Alexander Barlow of Barlow. He was educated at Douay and Valladolid. He was sent as a mission priest, and for twenty-four years laboured chiefly in his native county, where he was revered by those of his own faith for the sanctity of his life. He was arrested on Easter day by a minister and his congregation who left their own service to hunt the priest. He was tried at Lancaster Assizes for recusancy, and was executed September 10. Some curious extracts from a letter to his brother, Dr. Rudesind Barlow, are given in Challoner's Missionary Priests. An interesting reference to vegetable cotton, the soft substance forming the covering or envelope of the seeds of the gossypium, or cotton plant, as an article used in manufacture, appears in a small treatise published at London in 1641, entitled " The Treasure of Traffic," written by Lewis Roberts, who says that "the town of Manchester buys the linen yarn of the Irish in great quantity, and, weaving it, returns the same again to Ireland to sell. Neither doth her industry rest here, for they buy cotton wool in London, that comes from Cyprus and Smyrna, and work the same into fustians, vermilions, dimities, and other such stuffs, which they return to London, where they are sold ; and thence not seldom are sent into foreign parts, which have means on far easier terms to provide themselves of the first material." The news of the so-called Irish Massacre excited almost consternation, and the Lancashire Protestants were afraid of similar trouble at home, where the Roman Catholics were very numerous. Application was made to Lord Strange, the lord-lieutenant, for arms and ammunition. Magazines were formed in various parts of the county, and at Manchester a room of the college was set apart and stocked with ten barrels of gunpowder and a proportionate quantity of match. 1642. The struggle between the King and the Parliament was drawing to a point when the arbitration of the sword alone was possible. The people of Man- chester, led by Heyrick, the warden, made their "Protestation," 28th Feb., in the form drawn up by the Long Parliament in May, 1641. The list of names appended is found in the Palatine Note-book, vol. i., p. 80. The original is amongst the MSS. of the House of Lords. The King left London for York, where he was joined by many of the nobility. King and Parliament each tried to secure the counties to their side. The memorable petition in favour of peace was drawn up by Richard Heyrick, warden of Manchester, and presented by him and James Bradshawe as a deputation to Charles I., at York. It was signed by sixty-four knighl and esquires, fifty-five divines, seven hundred and forty gentlemen, and about seven thousand freeholders and others. Amongst the deputat ion was t lie after- wards celebrated John Bradshaw, president of the High Court of Justice. The King, in his reply, given 6th June, declared himself equally opposed to Popish superstitions on the one side, and to schismatical innovation and confusion on the other. Upon this evasive reply the town of ."Manchester declared in 54 Annals of Manchester. U642 favour of the Parliament. The solemn League and Covenant was subscribed to by the Puritans in Manchester, at whose head was Warden Heyrick, who was also the head of thirty gentlemen appointed to superintend the fortifica- tions of the town against the King's troops. The parties divided themselves at the county meeting on Preston Moor. There Sir John Girlington read the king's " Commission of Array," addressed to him as High Sheriff of Lancashire. James, Lord Strange, son and heir apparent of William, Earl of Derby, was by the king appointed one of the commissioners, and lord-lieutenant of the counties of Lancaster and Chester, to put it into execution. Whilst the High Sheriff seized the magazine at Preston, Lord Strange did the same at Liverpool. Alexander Rigby, as Commissioner for the Parliament, hurried to Manchester to prevent the same accident there. The townspeople asked for its removal to a place of safety, and when Sir A. Radcliffe and Thomas Prestwich came to seize for the King the ten barrels of gunpowder, which were stored in a room of the college, they found that it had been removed by Assheton, of Middleton. Lord Strange inarched upon the town and demanded the mili- tary stores, which were refused. The train bands turned out to protect them, and Lord Strange's proposal that the stores should be placed under the charge of magistrates of both parties was refused, and he retired. The king now ordered that part of the ammunition should go to Bury, part to Rochdale, and that part should remain at Manchester. To allay the feeling of the Protestants he announced that no recusants should serve in his army. This proclamation was read at the Cross in Manchester, and Lord Strange then withdrew to Bury. At this point there is said to have happened an affray between his men and the townspeople, but the narrative is very confused and doubtful. Th ; Parliamentarians refused the offered terms, but some of the inhabitants offered to purchase an equal amount for the royal service, and invited Lord Strange to a banquet. He came with a great retinue as lord-lieutenant and accompanied by the high sheriff, who read the king's proclamation of array. The Royalists paraded the streets, exclaiming, "The town's our own." The Par- liamentarians armed the pikemen and musketeers for fear of an attack. Whilst Lord Strange was at dinner, Captains Holcroft and Birch, firm Parliamen- tarians, with their forces entered the town, and beat to arms. A skirmish ensued, and Richard Perceval, a linen weaver, of Kirkmanshulme, was slain. This is believed to have been the first blood shed in the Civil War, which may be said to have begun at Manchester 15th July. Lord Strange withdrew into Cheshire. These events, perhaps, decided the king to give up his intention of raising his standard in Lancashire, but the selection of Nottingham gave great umbrage to our local gentry. Lord Strange's action at Manchester led to his impeachment for high treason 14th September. In spite of the King's pro- clamation Lord Strange enlisted many Roman Catholics, and with the men so raised intended to revenge himself for his previous defeat at Manchester. The burgesses on their side were not idle, but put themselves in a posture of defence. The military operations of Manchester were under the direction of Lieut.-Colonel John Rosworm, a German soldier of experience, whom Lord Strange vainly desired to gain over. The town's forces were under the com- mand of Captain Ratcliffe, of Pool Fold, and 150 auxiliaries furnished by the Asshetons, of Middleton, were commanded by Captain Bradshawe. As early 1642] Annals of Manchester. 55 as 22nd September the town was threatened by the Royalists, and Manchester was formally besieged by Lord Strange and Lord Molineux, on Sunday, Sept. 25, with an army consisting of 4,000 foot, 200 dragoons, 100 light horse, and seven pieces of cannon. After a struggle of some days the besiegers abandoned the attempt, with the loss of 200 men, the besieged having lost only four killed and four wounded. Lord Strange's various proposals for disarming the bur- gesses were all rejected by them, and Lord Strange's artillery was answered by galling musketry fire from the Roundheads stationed in and about the churchyard. The Rev. William Bourne, the venerable Puritan minister, greatly encouraged the defenders. The houses, however, were much damaged, and great plunder was said to have been carried away by the Royalists. The town was immediately more completely fortified. Salford remained royalist. Alport Lodge was the headquarters of the Earl of Derby during the siege. Alport Park and Over Alport contained 95 acres, and comprised all the land between Irwell and Tib, and between Medlock and Quay Street. (There is a notice of it by Sir Oswald Mosley in Palatine Note-book, vol. i., p. 120.) Captain Standish, of Duxbury, a Royalist, was killed by a bullet from the tower of the Collegiate Church, whilst looking out of the door of Robert Widdow's house, in Salford, Sept. 29, upon which his soldiers ran away. Another royalist loss was Colonel Cutbert Clifton " slain at Manchester." (Challoner's Missionary Priests.) According to a notice of later date, Law- rence Holker, a Royalist, was imprisoned at Manchester during the siege, and his estates were sequestered. {Gentleman 's Magazine, 1793, p. 1059.) Lord Strange, by the death of his father, was now Earl of Derby. The resistance of Manchester had disheartened him, and he was probably not sure whether his Lancashire tenantry, whom he had recruited, would fight against the towns- men, with whom they would have many common sympathies. On October 1, after an exchange of prisoners, he raised the siege and withdrew. Parliament prohibited the feoffees of Manchester Grammar School from renewing a lease of the town's mills to Mr. Prestwiche, on the ground that he was a Rovalist. Early in November new fortifications were added to the town. Under the Speaker's warrant, four pieces of brass ordnance, commanded by Ralph Assheton, were ordered for its protection. The garrison was felt as a disagreeable tax upon the persons of the Puritans, and it was presently deter- mined that the estates of the "delinquents" were the most proper treasury wherefrom to defray the charge of its maintenance. They were taxed accordingly. Sir Alexander Radcliffe, knight, of Ordsall, who had been an active loyalist at the siege of Manchester, was taken prisoner in Essex, and committed to the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms, November 2, and sent to the Tower, November 9. Sir Cecil Trafford, who was styled an Arch-papist, fell into the hands of the Parliamentarians at Manchester, December 2. Two companies of the Manchester Regiment embarked in " foreign " service, and marched to Wigan, where they suffered a defeat by the Royalists. Acting upon Rosworm's advice, they determined to recover their reputation, and at the battle of Chowbent the Manchester Regiment obtained "a splendid victory " over the Royalists, December 24. The siege of Manchester was an important event in the great struggle between the King and the Parliament. The successful defence made by the 5Q Annals of Manchester. [1643 townspeople encouraged the resistance of the Puritans and gave them heart for what seemed an unequal contest. The decided adherence of the people of Manchester to the parliamentary side caused it to be said—" That had not this town stood firmly to the king and parliament, the whole country would have been brought into subjection to the oppression and violence of the cavaliers." Throughout the Civil War the Manchester train bands acted a conspicuous part. In a publication bearing the title of Jehova Jireh, God in the Mount; or, England's Parliamentary Chronicle, the Parliamentarians of Manchester are eulogised "as the honest-hearted and most courageous Manchesterians ; the principal men in the kingdom, next to the most famous 1 and renowned citie of London, that fight most prosperously for God and true religion." The details of the siege of Manchester, a very small affair if judged »y modern military ideas, are given in Dr. George Ormerod's Memorials of the Civil War in Lancashire, published by the Chetham Society, which includes the narrative of Col. Rosworm, entitled Good Service Ill-rewarded ; in which he complains with much bitterness that the Manchester Puritans did not pay him according to their contract. Palmer's Siege of Manchester ; Hibbert Ware's Foundations, and Beamont's Civil War in Lancashire, published by the Chetham Society, contain many particulars of interest, mainly from parliamentary writers. Several curious pamphlets appeared this year relating to Manchester. The best known are Manchester's Joy for Derby's Overthrow, and Lancashire's Valley of Achor [by John Angier], giving an account of the sieges of Manchester, Bolton, &c. A number of the contemporary tracts are preserved in the Manchester Free Library, and in the Chetham Library, as well as in the Thomasson collection in the British Museum. 1643. Manchester was made the headquarters of the Parliamentary army, under Sir Thomas Fairfax, January 12, who remained there till the 21st, when, with 2,500 foot and 28 troops of horse, he marched to the relief of Northwich. Sir John Seaton, a Scottish knight, major-general of the Parliament's forces in Lancashire, made Manchester his headquarters, and, attended by Colonel Holland, Captain Booth, Sergeant-Majors Birch and Sparrow, with three companies of foot, marched from Manchester to besiege Preston, Feb. 10, which town surrendered after two hours' fighting. Captain Booth was the first to scale the walls, with the cry of "Follow me, or give me up for ever." The three Manchester troops "distinguished themselves eminently." A ship with supplies for the King was wrecked on the sands and the stores seized by the Roundheads. The Earl of Newcastle, when at Bradford in July, as the King's general, proposed to the town terms of surrender, but the proposal was firmly rejected. The Earl, finding that nothing was to be gained, took another route and went to Hull, and thus put an end to the military affairs of the place. July. William Bourne, B.D., Fellow of the Collegiate Church, died. He was a native of Staffordshire and a graduate of St. John's College, Cambridge. He was an earnest, pious, and learned Puritan, and was exceedingly popular with the parishioners. (See Hollinworth's Mancuniensis andHalley's Lancashire.) 1641-1645] Annals of Manchester. 57 He had a controversy in 1631 with Richard Johnson, another Fellow of the Collegiate Church, as to the nature of sin. In consequence, a Roman Catholic priest published a tract against both disputants, which Avas answered by Hollinworth. Master John Shawe appointed to preach every Friday. The town then con- tained many Puritan fugitives. Shawe was promised £50, but "never got a penny." Shawe was at this time vicar of Lymme, and has left a very curious autobiography. {Memoirs of Mr. John Shawe, edited by Rev. J. R. Boyle, Hull, 1882 ; Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) 1644. The siege of Lathom House commenced February 28th, and was persisted in for three months. The besiegers were commanded by Sir Thomas Fairfax, and his officers were Manchester gentlemen. The heroic defence by Charlotte de la Tremoville, Countess of Derby, gives that lady a place amongst the heroines of history. 1645. A pestilence visited the town ; and from an ordinance of parliament, July 9, it appears that it raged with such violence that for many months none had been permitted to come in and go out of the town. The ordinance says : " Most of the inhabitants living upon trade are not only ruined in their estates, but many families are like to perish for want who cannot be sufficiently relieved by that miserably wasted country." The parliament voted a grant of £1,000 "for the relief of Manchester," and directed a collection to be made in all the churches and chapels of the metropolis for the same purpose. December. The proceeds were forwarded hither to John Hartley, of Strangeways Hall. Rev. Samuel Byland buried at the Collegiate Church 16th July. He was a native of the town, and was baptised 1st January, 1618-19. His will is printed in Earwaker's Local Gleanings, No. 594. The several members of the family are known. There is a halfpenny token of the elder brother, who was a grocer. Walter Balcanquell, D.D., died at Chirk Castle 25th December, and is buried in Chirk Church. He was a native of Scotland and chaplain of James I. On the death of Oliver Carter he was elected Fellow of the Collegiate Church, but had ceased to hold that position in 1638, when the new charter was granted. He was Dean of Durham in 1639, but was reduced to poverty by his zeal for the Royalist cause. He wrote The Statutes of Harlot's Hosintal ; A Sermon Preached at St. Mary's, Spittle, 1623 ; The Honour of Christian Churches, 1633 ; Rise and Progress of the Troubles in Scotland, 1639. In the curious case of Swinneston versus Mosley, in 1647, one of the witnesses testified that the plaintiff, Mrs. Anne Swinnerton, had told him that she had received £300 for withdrawing a charge of rape that she had preferred against Dr. Balcanquell. " This doctor," said the witness, " I knew to be a reverend man, and to my Icnouledgc is long since dead and in heaven." (Harlcian Mis- cellany, ed. Park, iii., p. 501.) There is some doubt whether Balcanquell resided in Manchester, but as his name passed into a phrase to describe an odd-looking man, it may be supposed that he was not entirely unknown here. A full notice of Balcrmquell is given in the Raines MSS., vol. xli., p. 179. 58 Annals of Manchester. [1646-1649 Robert Burnell "came to be sexton of Manchester Church. The rates of graves in alleys, in the parish part, except middle alley and two cross alleys, were five shillings for a man or woman, and two shillings and sixpence for a child, and ten groats for a child, and six shillings and eightpence for a man or woman." In 1649 they were doubled. 1646. Richard Bradley, a Jesuit priest, arrested and " committed close prisoner at Manchester, and died of the gaol disease before he was brought to his trial.'' (Challoner's Missionary Priests.) In Gillow's Bibliographical Dictionary the date of his death is given as 20th or 30th July, 1645. Bradley was born at Bryning in 1605. Lancashire formed into an ecclesiastical province, and its spiritual affairs consigned to the several presbyteries. October 2. The " Presbyterical Classis" for the county hold their first meeting at Preston. Richard Heyrick, warden of Manchester, was one of the representatives of Lancashire in the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. 1647. George Fox began to preach his doctrine. " And I heard," he says, " of a woman in Lancashire that had fasted two and twenty days ; and I travelled to see her ; but when I came to her I saw that she was under a temptation, and when I had spoken to her what I had from the Lord I left her ; her father being one high in profession. And passing on I went among the professors at Duckenfield and Manchester, where I stayed awhile and declared the truth among them." (Fox's Journal.) 1648. A flood, caused by " a sudden and terrible rain." July. (Hollin worth.) The Harmonious Consent of the ministers of Lancashire published. It is a fierce protest against toleration as soul-murther. An address to the parlia- ment. This intolerant document was principally levelled against the Indepen- dents, who were rising rapidly into religious and political notoriety. (Halley's Lancashire.) The Presbyterian divines and Committee of Sequestrators held their county meeting at Manchester. In this county 145 persons were fined to the amount of £28,109 lis. 4d. Among them were John Byrom, of Salford, £201 16s. 6d. ; Edward Byrom, of Salford, £2 6s. 8d. ; Adam Bowker, of Salford, £16 13s. ; Peter Bowker, of Manchester, £12; Sir Edward Mosley, of Hough's End, £4,874 ; Nicholas Mosley, of Ancoats, £170 ; Francis Mosley, and Nicholas, his son, of Collyhurst, £200 ; Henry Pendleton, of Manchester, £80 ; Alexander Potter, of Manchester, £4 0s. 5d. ; Sir T. Prestwiche, and Thomas, his son, of Hulme, £330 ; Ferdinand Stanley, of Broughton, £150 ; John Rogerson, of Manchester, £4 8s. 4d. Manchester College seized and converted into a military magazine and prison for delinquents. 1649. The Parliament's proclamation prohibiting any person from being styled King of England was read in the Market Place 6th February, at four o'clock in the afternoon. (Earwaker's Local Gleanings, No. 319.) 1650-1651] Annals of Manchester. 59 " There were observed by hundreds of people in the Market Place of Man- chester, three perheli (mock suns), about ten o'clock before noon, which vanished away one after another, so that at eleven none were seen. I saw two of them myself." 26th Feb. (Hollinworth's Mancuniensis.) The Independents having obtained the ascendency over their rivals, the Presbyterians, one of their first acts was to appoint a Committee of Sequestra- tion, which seized all the church lands in this parish, dissolved the collegiate body, and appropriated its revenues. Heyrick, the warden, who resisted the administrators of these resolutions, was brought into subjection by Colonel Birch, of Birch Hall, who forcibly entered the chapter house of the Collegiate Church, which the warden had barricaded, broke open the chest, and destroyed many writings. Parliament granted to the warden £100 a year, and £80 per) annum to each of the fellows out of the public treasury. The soldiery destroyed many deeds, and an effigy of Bishop Oldham, in the Free Grammar School. The Independents, says Hollinworth, "set up a meeting in the College." November 5. The College was taken from the Earl of Derby, and turned into a prison, along with the chapel on the Old Bridge. A Solemn Exhortation made and published to the several Churches of Christ, within the Province of Lancaster, 4to, published by Thomas Smith, of Manchester. 1650. The birthday of Charles II. celebrated by the Lancashire Presbyterian ministers, who refused to observe the fast ordered by Parliament. (Halley's Lancashire, p. 279.) " The ministers and others in the towne and parish being assembled to fast and pray, for preuenting of a new warre : the towne and country being generally non-engagers were disarmed by the gouernor of Liuerpoole." In a description of Manchester and Salford, annexed to apian of the towns, as they appeared in this year, it is stated — " The people in and about tne town are said to be in general the most industrious in their callings of any in the northern parts of the kingdom. The town is a mile in length, the streets open and clean kept, and the buildings good. The trade is not inferior to that of many cities in the kingdom, chiefly consisting in woollen friezes, fustians, sackcloths, mingled stuffs, caps, inkles, tapes, points, &c, whereby not only the better sort of men are employed, but also the very children by their own labour can maintain themselves; there are besides all kinds of foreign mer- chandize brought and returned by the merchants of the town, amounting to the sum of many thousands of pounds weekly." In this account it is asserted the parish contained 27,000 communicants. " In Blakeley, neere Manchester, in one John Pendleton's ground, as one was reaping, the come being cut, seemed to bleede ; drops fell out of it like to bloud : multitudes of people went to see it, and the strawes thereof, though of a kindly colour without, were within reddish, and as it were, bloudy." 1651. James, Earl of Derby, beheaded at Bolton, October 15. When besieging Manchester he succeeded to the titles and estates on the death of his father, 60 Annals of Manchester. ri652-i653 September 20, 1642. The character of the "Great Stanley" has been variously interpreted, but his warmest eulogist can hardly clear him from the bloody stains of the Bolton massacre. For details of his life the reader should consult The Stanley Papers (Chetham Society), and Cumming's Great Stanley. Charles II. on his route from the north is sometimes said to have passed through Manchester, but Hollinworth, whose memorandum has probably caused the mistake, merely says that he passed through the county. After the battle of Worcester, when Charles II. was defeated by Cromwell, Heyrick, the warden of Manchester, the Rev. Mr. Herle, Rev. Richard Johnson, Rev. John Angier, Rev. Richard Hollinworth, Rev. Mr. Harrison, with Messrs. Gee, Lathom, Taylor, and Meek, ministers and elders of Presbyterians in Manchester, and who had taken an active part in the plots against the Commonwealth, were seized and conveyed to London, where they were im prisoned. Heyrick with difficulty escaped a capital punishment; and the whole, after many weeks of suspense, were allowed, on paying serious fines, to return to their respective homes. When the proclamation of the Parliament against Charles Stuart, King of Scots, was being read it was torn in pieces by Captain Bexwicke. (Hollin- worth's Mancuniensis.) 1652. The town was dismantled of its fortifications. (Hollinworth.) 1653. The Council of State ordered, 29th June, on a petition from the inhabitants, that the gathering of the tithes should be forborne till further order. Humphrey Chetham, founder of the hospital and library which bears his name, died October 12, in his 74th year, and was buried in the Chetham chapel of the Collegiate Church. He was born at Crumpsall, and baptised at the Collegiate Church, July 10, 1580, and is said to have received his education at the Free Grammar School. His wealth was chiefly derived by supplying the London markets with fustians. He thus acquired opulence ; whilst his strict integrity, his piety, and works of charity secured him the respect and esteem of those around him. " He was," says Fuller, " a diligent reader of the Scrip- tures, and of the works of sound divines ; a respector of such ministers as he accounted truly godly, upright, sober, discreet, and sincere. He was High Sheriff of the County of Lancaster, anno 1635, discharging that office with great honour, insomuch that every good gentleman of birth and estate did wear his cloth at the assize, to testify their unfeigned affection for him." But some of them complained of his assumption of a coat of arms which brought him into trouble with the Heralds' College. During his life he had "taken up and maintained fourteen boys of the town of Manchester, six of the town oi Salford, and two of the town of Droylsden, in all twenty-two." By his will, bearing date December 16, 1651, he directed that the number of boys should be increased to forty ; bequeathing the sum of £7,000 for the purchase of an estate, the profits of which were to be applied to the support of this establishment. The operations of this benevolent institution have been since greatly extended by judicious management, and due attention to the views of the founder. In 1845 the number of boys was augmented to one hundred, namely, Manchester 1654] Annals of Manchester. 61 35, Salford 15, Droylsden 8, CrumpsallS, Bolton 25, Turton 12. The " Hospital" is under the direction of twenty-four feoffees, and a resident governor. He also bequeathed £1,000 for the purchase of books, and £100 for a building as the foundation of a public library, for the augmentation of which he devised the residue of his personal estate. The property left by Chetham, for the use and augmentation of the library, and for the board, &c, of the librarian, amounts to about £700 per annum. Donations have been made from time to time (the first of which was in 1694, by the Rev. John Prestwich, Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, of books to the amount of £50), so that the collection now amounts to upwards of 30,000 volumes. Any person who chooses, whether resident or not, on going to the Chetham library, is at liberty to read in a room provided for that purpose. Chetham further left two hundred pounds "to purchase godly English books to be chained upon desks in the churches of Manchester, Bolton, Turton, Gorton, and Walmersley." His principal residences were at Clayton Hall, near Manchester, and Turton Tower, near Bolton. William Crabtree, the astronomer, is believed to have died in 1652 or 1G53. (See under date 1639.) 1654. Sir Alexander Radcliffe, of Ordsal, K.B., was buried in the Collegiate Church 14th April. He was made a Knight of the Bath at the coronation of Charles I., when only 17. He was a staunch cavalier, and in 1642 was im- prisoned in the Tower for assisting the Earl of Derby in the siege of Man- chester. He was 46 years old at the time of his death. His son Robert was slain on Bowdon Downs in a duel, which he had forsed upon Sir Samuel Daniel. Charles Worsley, of Piatt, returned as first representative of Manchester to the House of Commons. Cromwell had thus the credit of recognising the growing importance of a town which already far exceeded in wealth and populousness many of the places represented in parliament. 19th July. William Malone, Rector of Seville, died. "Anno 1592, was borne ir- Manchester, William, the son of Simon Malloone, a young man of preg nant witt; hee was tempted by some Irish merchants (with whom the towne then and long after till the Rebellion broke out, anno 1649, did driue a greate and gainefull trade) to goe beyond sea, seduced from the reformed to the Romish religion, of which hee became one of the most earnest and able assertors ; hee made the reply to Archbishop Vssher's answer to the Jesuites' challenge, but hee was ouermatched, his adversarie being more eminently learned, and having evidence of truth on his syde. Malloune caused his reply to bee dispersed in Manchester ; lice afterward went to Rome, and was Master of the Irish Colledge there. Dr. Hoyle rejoined to his reply.' (Hollinworth's Mancuniensis.) The feoffees of Humphrey Chetham's charity purchase the " College," now known as "Chetham's Hospital." The building, which succeeded to the Baron's Hall, was occupied by the clergy of the Collegiate Church till 1017, when it fell into the hands of the Earl of Derby, but was again taken from his family during the Commonwealth. In 1656 the boys were first Lodged there, but the purchase was not completed till after the Restoration, from the cele- brated Charlotte de la Tremouille. 62 Annals of Manchester. [1656-1657 Samuel Bolton, D.D., died. He was born at Manchester in 1606 and) educated at Cambridge. He was a man of note amongst the Puritans, and wrote A Guard of the Tree of Life, 1647, and other works. 1656. Charles Worsley, of Piatt, died 12th June, aged 35. He was the son of Ralph Worsley, and was born at Piatt in 1622, and in 1644 became a captain in the Parliamentary army. After the execution of Charles I. he was promoted to the rank of lieut. -colonel. In 1650 he went with his regiment into Scotland to help Cromwell, but arrived too late to be of service. In 1652 he was appointed to the command of Cromwell's own regiment of foot, and in October of that year he proceeded to London. On the 20th April, 1653, Cromwell forcibly dissolved the Rump Parliament, when Worsley, with some soldiers, cleared the House and took the mace away, and caused the House to be locked up. He kept the mace in his possession, and on the 8th July, 1653, the Barebone's Parliament ordered the Sergeant-at-Arms to repair to Lieutenant-Colonel Worsley for the mace, and bring it to the House. In September, 1654, when a parliamentary representative was first given to Manchester, he was elected, and thus became the first member for Manchester. The parliament was dismissed in January, 1655. In October, 1655, he was appointed Major-General, with powers equal to those of a viceroy, of a district consisting of Lancashire, Cheshire, and Stafford- shire. He was summoned to a conference with Cromwell in May, 1656, but died soon after his arrival at St. James's Palace, where apartments had been assigned to his family. He was buried in Henry VII.'s Chapel, in Westminster Abbey, 13th June, and his remains escaped the outrages inflicted on the other republican leaders. (Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies ; Booker's Birch Chapels, vol. i.) Richard Ratcliffe, of the Lodge, in Pool Fold, returned a member of Parliament for Manchester, August 12. " September 11, 1656. Mr. Richard Heyrick was prisoner in London ; and Mr. Herle, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Angier, Mr. Hollinworth, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Gee, Mr. Latham, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Meeke." Richard Hollinworth, fellow of the Collegiate Church, and author of Mancuniensis, died November 11, when a fast and prayer was offered for guidance as to his successor, who was the Rev. Henry Newcome. Hollin- worth was born in Manchester in 1607. (See Manchester Foundations, vol. i.) 1657. The Censures of the Church Revived published. It is signed " John Har- rison, Moderator," and dated Manchester, January 11, 1658. It is a defence of the Presbyterian Classis and its jurisdiction in the controversy with Rev. Isaac Allen, minister of Prestwich, who strenuously objected to the eldership and retained as much as he could of the forms of the Episcopal Church. (Halley's Lancashire, p. 303 ; Baker's Memorials, p. 136.) George Fox again visited Manchester, and as the sessions were being held, many country people were in the town. Fox was assailed in the meeting with clods and stones, and finally he was taken into custody by the peace officers and brought before the magistrates, whom he rebuked, and was allowed to 1658-1659] Annals of Manchester. 63 depart on the following day. " The Lord hath since raised up a people in the town to stand for His Name and truth over those shabby professors." (Fox's Journal.) Sir Edward Mosley, lord of the manor, died. He was born in 1615, and was an ardent Royalist, and in 1640 received a baronetcy from Charles I. In 1642 he was High Sheriff of Staffordshire. During the siege of Manchester his house (Alport Lodge) was burned down. He is said to have spent £20,000 in the Cavalier cause. He was one of the Royalist prisoners captured at Middle- wich by Brereton. His estate was sequestered, a fine of a tenth, amounting to £4,874, was levied. He was tried upon a capital charge brought against him by a woman, but was acquitted. He was succeeded by his son Sir Edward. (Mosley's Family Memoirs.) 1658. Rev. Robert Meeke died 17th January. He was a native of Skipsey, near Bridlington, and in 1650 became the minister of the Salford Chapel (Sacred Trinity), built and endowed by Humphrey Booth. He was an active member of the Presbyterian Classis, and was one of the ministers sent prisoner to Liverpool by the Independents. Newcome speaks in high terms of his " dear friend and brother," the " sincere Meeke." He wrote The Faithfull Scout, 1645. 1659. The Presbyterians and Independents of Manchester united, and a docu- ment showing the terms of agreement was drawn up and signed July 13. This " accommodation" was the result of the dissatisfaction with the Rump Parlir- ment, the imprisonment of some members of the Classis, and the sale of the College and its land to Mr. Wigan, who had turned Baptist and preached in its barn. The futile " Cheshire Rising," under Sir George Booth, of Dunham, caused great excitement. His tenantry and those of other sympathisers had been openly drilled. On July 31, after Henry Newcome had preached, Stockport announced that "the Quakers had risen," and that the trained bands were to meet at Warrington on the Tuesday following. Five hundred men left Man- chester, where Sir George raised the cry for a free Parliament. August 5 was observed as a day of humiliation in Manchester, as they were afraid of Lilburne marching on the town, but the imprisonment of "a bloody Anabaptist" prevented him from knowing that the trained bands were absent. The Royalist rising was entirely unsuccessful, and the final defeat at Winning- ton Bridge, 19th August, was fatal. Fugitives arrived on the next day, and command of the town was taken by Colonel Birch and Colonel Lilburne, who was offended by Heyrick's sermon on the Sunday, and ordered Henry Rooth, the Independent minister, to officiate in the latter part of the day. Although the Cheshire Rising failed it showed the insecurity and unpopularity of tho Government with Presbyterians and Independents as well as Episcopalians. (Fuller details of the Cheshire Rising will be found in Baines's Lancashire ; Halley's Lancashire; Hibbert- Ware's Foundations; Martindalc's Autobio- graphy; and Newcome's Diary.) 64 Annals of Manchester. [1660-1663 1660. The Presbyterians were greatly elated at the prospect of the Restoration. On May 6 Newcome prayed for the King " by periphrasis," but a meeting of the congregation resolved that Charles II. should be proclaimed, and May 12 New- come prayed for him without any periphrasis. The town lost its right of returning members of Parliament by the Restoration ; it was re-enfranchised in 1832. The Lancashire " Presbyterical Classis " was dissolved on the restoration of Episcopacy. Its final meeting was held August 14, after an existence of fourteen years. Richard Radcliffe died October 9. He was elected M.P. for Manchester in Cromwell's Parliament of 165G. 1661. The coronation of Charles II. celebrated by processions, dinners, &c, April 23. The conduit ran claret instead of water. Warden Heyrick preached on the divine right of kings to govern. "God save the king" was his text, and the sermon was printed. A full account of these festivities is given in an account written by Mr. William Heawood, who was steward of the manor, which was printed in 1841. 1662. The "Act of Uniformity" passed, August 2. By this act two thousand ministers were deprived of their livings in the church. About seventy clergy- men were ejected in this county. Warden Heyrick refused to submit, and also resisted every attempt to remove him from the Collegiate Church, which he con- sidered as a life-estate given to him in lieu of a debt owing to his family by the crown. Charles II. appointed Dr. Woolley to the wardenship ; but the nomi- nation was subsequently revoked at the request of Heyrick's friend at court, the Earl of Manchester. Henry Newcome and Christopher Richardson, fellows of the Collegiate Church, retired, and began to preach privately to congrega- tions in the town. In this neighbourhood the other sufferers were R. Holbrook, Salford ; R. Birch, Birch Chapel ; T. Holland, Blackley ; E. Jones, vicar of Eccles ; W. Leigh, Gorton Chapel ; P. Aspinall, Heaton ; G. Thompson, Hey- wood ; and J. Walker, Newton Heath. Manchester, on account of its Nonconformist population, was the resort of many of the ejected ministers, as is shown by Newcome's Diary. 1663. Some persons in authority in Manchester are said to have tried to hatch a pretended conspiracy in order to get into their power the persons and estates of the Independents, Presbyterians, Anabaptists, and Fifth-Monarchy men in Lancashire and Cheshire. The information on this subject is contained in a very rare tract, Eye-Salve for England ; or, the Grand Trap-pan detected. By Evan Price (London, 1667). In this narrative Price states that Nicholas Mosley, a magistrate, came to him 22nd February and offered him £1,000, or a tenth of the forfeited estates, to swear evidence against those implicated in a conspiracy against the Government. Price refused, and was arrested and committed to 1664-16671 Annals of Manchester. 65 Lancaster Assizes, where the judges also tried to induce him to turn King's evidence. He was said to have been the secret messenger of the conspirators. The High Sheriff, he says, renewed Mosley's offer. One of the leaders of the alleged plot was Lord Delamere, but Mosley having acknowledged in an unguarded moment that the name of that nobleman had been first named to Price by the judges, Lord Delamere began an action against Mosley, which was stopped by a letter from London ordering the justices to apologise. Lord Delamere insisted upon the release of Price, who was accordingly set at liberty at the Lent Assizes of 1664. In August, 1665, he was again arrested, but after a short imprisonment released. (Earwaker's Local Gleanings, vol. iii., pp. 361, 421.) . 1664. Sir William Dugdale, Norroy King at Arms, visited Lancashire to hold a visitation. He was at Manchester 8th, 9th, and 10th September. The court appears to have been held at the King's Head, Salford. A book, entitled A Guide to Heaven from the Word, said to have been "printed at Smithy Door." The title is given in one of Ford's catalogues, but the book is unknown. (Earwaker's Local Gleanings, No. 115.) 1665. Sir William Dugdale again visited Lancashire to complete his visitation. He was at Manchester 10th and 11th March. The court was again held at the King's Head, Salford. The Visitation has been edited by Rev. F. R. Raines for the Chetham Society. The feoffees of Chetham's Hospital made a body corporate under a Charter granted by Charles II., November 10. 1666. Sir Edward Mosley, second baronet, lord of the manor, died at the age of 27. In 1661 he was returned M.P. for the borough of St. Michael, Cornwall. There was a lawsuit about his will, but in the end the Rolleston estates came into the possession of the Mosleys of Ancoats. The particulars of his rental of his Lancashire estates are thus given : Manor of Heaton Norris, £149 ?s. ; Manor of Withington and its members, £402 Is. ; Berry Lands, £10 ; old chief rents of Withington, £1 6s. ll^d. ; tithes of Withington, £211 2s. 3d. ; Alport Lodge ground, £44 17s. ; Alport fields, £53 13s. ; Manor of Manchester, £212. Within Didsbury : Hough or Old Hall demesne, £300; Hough's End, £140; tithes of .Hough .demesne, £10. Total, £1,534 8s. 2td. 1667. John Booker died in April of dysentery, and was buried in the Church of St. James, Duke's Place, London. He was born in Manchester, April 23, 1601, and apprenticed to a mercer in London ; but.turned his attention to astronomy and astrology, in which he became so efficient as to be appointed licenser of all such books as related to mathematics or the celestial sciences. It is said by Lilly that " he had a curious fancy in judging of thefts, and was quite as successful in resolving love questions." He wrote The Bloody Irish Almanac, 1643 ; The E 66 Annals of Manchester. [1669-1672 Butch Fortune-teller brought to England, 1667, and various other almanacs. The Rev. Oliver Heywood notes in his Diary that he stayed at Mr. Hulton's, at Manchester. " They have a foolish custom after twelve o'clock to rise and ramble abroad, make garlands, strew flowers, &c, which they call Bringing in May. I could sleep little that night by reason of the tumult ; the day after being May the 1st, I went to Denton." Nicholas Stratford, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, at the age of 34, appointed warden. In conjunction with the fellows, he framed a new statute for the college, which permitted the two chaplains to be absent forty days in the year ; the four singing men, twenty days each ; and the four singing boys, twelve days each. May 6. Richard Heyrick, B.D., Warden of the Collegiate Church, died August 6, aged 67 years, and was buried near to the altar of the Collegiate Church, over which he had presided during the greater part of the most turbulent periods of English history. He was descended from the ancient family of the Herricks, at Beaumanor, in Leicestershire, and educated at Oxford. He was appointed Warden of Manchester in 1636, obtained for him in reversion by his father, in lieu of a debt owing to his family by the Crown. He was a Presbyterian, and continued to hold his post during the Commonwealth, but was greatly in favour of the Restoration, which proved so disastrous to his party. The King granted the wardenship to Dr. John Woolley, but Heyrick's resistance was so effectual that no attempt was made at dispossession, and he remained warden until his death. He wrote Queen Esther's Resolve, 1646, and other sermons. Fuller details of his career are given in Hibbert- Ware's Foundations and Halley's Lancashire. 1669. A gallery built in Manchester Church for the use of the boys of Chetham's Hospital. There is an engraving and map of the gallery in the Foundations of Manchester, vol. i., pt. ii., pp. 248, 342, and the bishop's licence for its erection is printed in the Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., p. 33. 1671. John Worthington, D.D., died at Hackney 26th November. He was born at Manchester 8th February, 1617, and educated at the Grammar School and at Emanuel College, Cambridge, of which he was Fellow ; was created B.D. in 1646 and D.D. in 1655. He was chosen Master of Jesus College in 1657, but resigned the appointment, and elected Vice-Chancellor of the University, which he held until 1660. He held several livings in succession, and was curate of St. Benet Fink during the plague of London. He wrote A Form of Sound Words, 1673 ; Great Duty of Self-Resignation, 1691, and other works. He had an extensive correspondence with Samuel Hartleb and other scholars at home and abroad. His Diary and Correspondence, published by the Chetham Society, a valuable contribution to the history of literature and learning. 1672. On the King's declaration of indulgence fifteen licences were taken out for meetings of Protestant Dissenters. The indulgence was cancelled by Parlia- ment 7th March. (Earwaker's Local Gleanings, vol. iii., p. 441.) 1673-1675] Annals of Manchester. 67 Nicholas Mosley died in October, aged 61. He was the eldest son of Oswald Mosley, of Ancoats (see under date 1630). He was a Royalist, and paid a fine " for delinquency." He wrote a Treatise of the Passions and Faculties of the Soul of Man, 1653. Although a strict Episcopalian, he was on friendly terms with Newcome, Martindale, and other ejected ministers. (Mosley, Family Memoirs ; Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) 1673. An act was passed for confirming the sale of the manor of Hulme, and certain lands in the parish of Manchester, to Sir Edward Mosley, by the Prest- wiche family. 1674. A petition, signed by 341 persons, was presented to Lord Derby for the removal of John Hartley, of Strangeways, from the commission of the peace. The document is printed in the Palatine Note-booh, vol. iii., p. 37, and vol iv., p. 87, with various biographical particulars. The complaints against him are for wrongful assessments, withholding 40s. per annum left by his father for the repair of the conduit, &c. There had been a previous quarrel between Hartley and John Alexander, one of the constables, who had been his tenant. 1675. The Rev. John Prestwich, B.I>., died 30th July. He was born about 1607, and was third son of Edmund Prestwich, of Hulme, and younger brother of Sir Thomas Prestwich, Bart. He was educated at Oxford, where he entered Braze- nose College in 1622-3 as a commoner, migrating to All Souls' College where he took his master's degree, and in 1631 became a Fellow. He proceeded as B.D. and became Senior Fellow early in 1641-2. Some time before April, 1653, there was an effort made in Manchester to form a public library for the use of the town, the suggestion being most probably due to Prestwich, who promised to give his own collection to the town, on conditions that a convenient room was found to keep it in. The Jesus Chantry was given up by Mr. Henry Pendleton for the reception of the books, and a rate was levied in 1656 for fitting it up. The books have all long since disappeared. (Palatine Note-book, vol. ii., p. 181.) Rev. Joshua Stopford died 3rd November. He was born in Lancashire about the year 1636. He entered Brazenose College, Oxford, at Michaelmas, 1654, being then aged 18; and he matriculated from that college 25th July, 1655, as pleb.fil. He took the degree of B.A. 23rd February, 1657-8. He came into notice in Manchester on 22nd July, 1658, in connection with the Morning Lectureship at the Old Church, which was held at 6 o'clock a.m. Henry New- come formed an unfavourable opinion of him, and described him as "a young confident man, just come from the University." During some part of the following year Stopford was resident in Magdalen College, Oxford, but on the 31st July he was again in Manchester, when he preached in favour of the "Cheshire Rising," under Sir George Booth, and though ho escaped from any ill consequences on its failure, it gave him a claim to preferment at the Restora- tion, and he became prebendary of Dunnington and rector of All Saints', York. 68 Annals of Manchester. [1677-167S He was the author of The Ways and Methods of Rome's Advancement, 1671, and Pagano Papismus, 1675. (Palatine Note-book, vol. i., p. 157, and p. 219.) Stopford, on one occasion having preached strongly against cock-fighting, was bound over by the justices to keep the peace. Richard Johnson, M.A., Fellow of the College, and first librarian of Chetham's Library, died about 1675. He was born at "Welch Whittle, and was sometime Senior fellow of King's College, Cambridge. He had a controversy with Rev. William Bourne on the nature of sin, and was regarded as a Romanizer by the extreme Puritans. During the Civil War he was imprisoned and led through the streets in mock triumph on a " sorry nag." He was deprived of his Fellowship,, but returned at the Restoration. Chetham in his will left £60 to his loving friend Richard Johnson, preacher at the Temple, and he was named as a feoffee in the charter of 1675. (See note in Worthington's Diary, ii., 238.) 1677. John Angier died 1st September. He was born at Dedham, Essex, 8th October, 1605, and had a boyish ambition to be a preacher. At Emanuel College " he fell off to vain company," but under the care of John Rogers and John Cotton became a Puritan. He married Ellen Winstanley, of Wigan, and a visit to her Lancashire relations induced him to break off an intended emigration to New England, and to settle at Ringley Chapel. He was ordained without sub- scription, and remained a Nonconformist. After the death of his first wife he married Margaret Mosley, of Ancoats. He was Presbyterian minister of Denton, but on refusing allegiance to the Commonwealth was carried prisoner to Liverpool. The universal respect in which the old man was held saved him from any great persecution after the Restoration. His house at Manchester was licensed as a dissenting preaching place in 1672. He is buried at Denton. He wrote An Helpefor Better Times, 1647, and was the author of the anony- mous Lancashire's Valley of Achor, 1643— an important historical tract. (Dictionary of National Biography, vol. i.) 1678. Nathaniel Paget, M.D., died in January. He was the son of Rev. Thomas Paget, incumbent of Blackley and rector of Stockport, in Cheshire, but was born in Manchester. He was M.A. Edinburgh, but proceeded M.D. at Leyden 3rd August, 1639, and was incorporated at Cambridge on his Leyden degree 3rd June, 1642 ; and then settled in London. He was dead on the 21st January, 1678-9. (Munk's Boll of the Boyal College of Physicians, vol. i., p. 224.) Ralph Brideoake, D.D., Bishop of Chichester, died. He was born at Cheet- ham Hill in 1614. He was educated at the Grammar School and at Brazenose College, and in 1636 was created M.A. His only writings are some Latin com- mendatory verses (Wood's Athenaz Oxon, vol. iv., p. 859), but some literary help given to Dr. Jackson, President of Corpus Christi College, procured him the Mastership of the Manchester Grammar School. He was chaplain at Lathom House during the siege, and his earnestness in trying to save the life of his master, the Earl of Derby, brought him the favour of Lenthall, the Speaker, who made him chaplain. On the Restoration he became Rector of Standish, 1679-1684] Annals of Manchester. 69 and by the influence of the King's mistress, the Duchess of Portsmouth, he was appointed Bishop of Chichester in 1675, where he died, and is buried in St. George's Chapel. His devotion to the Stanleys in their evil fortunes is creditable to him, but otherwise he was a pliant and self-seeking courtier. 1679. Several pamphlets published about Charles Bennet, a child three years old, who, it is asserted, " did speak Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, though never taught these languages, and at his own earnest request was taken from Manchester to be introduced to the King." Nothing more is known of this infant Mezzofanti. Sarah, Duchess of Somerset, appoints by her will sixteen scholarships in Brazenose College, Oxford, and the same number in St. John's College, Cam- bridge, and directed that the scholarships should be elected by turns for ever out of Manchester School and the free schools of Hereford and Marlborough. She was the second daughter of Sir Edward Alston, Kt. She married, firstly, George Grimston, eldest son of Sir Harbottle Grimston, of Bradfield, Essex, Bart. He died in 1655, before his father, and his widow was married to John Seymour, fourth Duke of Somerset, who died 1675. The Duchess of Somerset then married Henry Hare, Lord Coleraine, by whom she was survived. She had no issue, and was buried in Westminster Abbey November 2, 1692. She left her property principally in charities. The residue went to her eldest sister's grandson, the Hon. Langham Booth, son of the Earl of Warrington. (See Hibbert- Ware's Foundations, vol. iii.) Le Neve says that she lived apart from Lord Coleraine severall years, being of a covetous humour, and left nothing to the Lord Coleraine. 1680. Alms-houses, Millar's Lane, were erected at the cost of £309 10s. 2d. Rev. Edward Richardson, B. A., died. He was a son of Thomas Richardson, of Grindlow, and in 1658, at the age of 24, he was ordained minister of Stretford by the Manchester Classis. He was also a chaplain of the Collegiate Church, and in 1660 preached the morning (six o'clock) sermon. He was ejected in 1663, and became a Presbyterian teacher at Little Hilton. (Bailey's Old Stretford, pp. 39, 40.) 1682. Ralph Thoresby visited Manchester in company with Rev. James Illing- worth, B.D., President of Emanuel College, Cambridge, June. (Thoresby's Diary, vol. i., p. 119.) See under date 1684. 1684. Richard Wroe, Fellow of the College/appointed Warden, May 1, being the first Fellow so promoted. Rev. John Tilsley, M.A., died December 12. He was born in 1614 and educated at Edinburgh University. His first professional employment was at Deane Church, as curate to the Rev. Alexander Horrocks. On January 4, 1642-3, he married Margaret, daughter of Ralph Chetham, brother of Humphrey the benefactor. Tilsley was with Sir John Seaton when he captured Preston, in Amounderness, and he wrote in a letter, which was published, an account 70 Annals of Manchester. [1685-1687 of the capture, included in the Civil War Tracts. On the 10th August, 1643, he was appointed Vicar of Deane. On December 13, 1644, he was one of twenty- one ministers for ordaining ministers in the county of Lancaster. Tilsley took the Covenant and became a Presbyterian. In 1646 he published A True Copie of the Petition of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred and upwards of the Well- affected Gentlemen, Ministers, Freeholders, and others of the County Pala- tine of Lancaster. He was ejected from his benefice for refusing " The Engagement" of 1650, but was soon restored. By the will of Humphrey Chetham Tilsley was made one of the feoffees of his proposed hospital, and was also nominated one of the persons to purchase godly English books. By the Act of Uniformity he was ejected from his benefice, but he preached in various towns occasionally till his death. {Memoir of the Rev. John Tilsley, by J. E. Bailey, Leigh, 1884, not published.) Ralph Thoresby again visited the town, where his sister Abigail was at Madame Frankland's boarding school. {Diary, vol. ii., p. 176.) Her husband's academy was for the education of Nonconformist ministers. Rev. Jeremiah Marsden, alias Balphson, died in Newgate. He was the second son of Ralph Marsden, and was born in 1626, and was sent to Man- chester Grammar School ; but there he had a too rigid master, and the Civil "War commencing, we are told that he improved but little. About 1647 he became a pensioner at Christ's College, Cambridge. On his father's death at Neeston, June 30, 1648, Marsden turned schoolmaster for a living, and in 1654 became a preacher. In 1658 he received a call to Kendal, where he stayed nine months, and then went to Hull, and afterwards to Ardsley, near Wakefield. He was ejected from thence in 1662. After many removes he was invited to Lothbury, and was there seized for preaching and confined in Newgate. He was known in and about London by the name of Ralphson, and under that name was written against by Richard Baxter in 1684, who did not go to the length of his rigorous separatist principles, which regarded the parochial wor- ship of the Church of England as idolatrous. He wrote an autobiography, which remains unprinted. (Calamy's Ejected Ministers, vol. ii., p. 796, and cont. pp. 2, 942.) Nicholas Stratford, D.D., Warden of the College, resigned and became preacher of Aldermanbury, London. An organ was built by the celebrated Father Smyth in the choir of the Collegiate Church. 1685. Rev. Jeremiah (or Jeremia) Scholes died 27th April, 1685. He was baptised 14th June, 1629, and educated at Emanuel College, Cambridge, where he graduated M.A. He was appointed curate of Stretford, 1655, and in 1659 was vicar of Norton, in Derbyshire, but was ejected in 1662. He returned to Man- chester, where he died, and was buried in the graveyard of the Collegiate Church. There are many references to him in Henry Newcome's Diary. There is a notice of him in the Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., p. 30. The porch of the Collegiate Church built at the parish charge. 1687. The Dissenters began to hold their meetings "in the public time," that is, 1688-1690] Annals of Manchester. 71 at the ordinary hours of divine service on the Sunday. July 31. (Baker's Memorials, p. 12.) 1688. The revolution in favour of William, Prince of Orange, excited no popular demonstrations in Manchester, as it did in most other parts of the kingdom ; nor did King William visit it on his route to Ireland, when he sailed from Liverpool. Proposals were issued for publishing a work entitled Briganta Lancets- teriensis Restaurata, by Richard Kuerden, M.D., a laborious topographer and antiquary, who descended from an ancient family at Kuerdon, near Preston. The publication was never accomplished ; and the manuscript, written in an obscure hand, in five volumes folio, is still in Chetham's Library. The more important portions have been transcribed by Palmer and utilised by later historians. In the reign of William and Mary, the taxable property in Manchester was rated at £4,375 ; and the first assessment for the land-tax, at 4s. in the pound, produced £875. 1689. John Birtenhead, "a great student,"|buried;in thefCollegiate Church yard, 23rd February, 1688-9. 1690. "About the year 1690, the manufacturers and traders having accumulated capital, began to build modern brick houses in place of those of wood and plaster, which had prevailed so generally since the former era of improve- ment, in the reign of Elizabeth. The manufacturers, even those in an extensive line of business, who took apprentices from amongst the sons;of the respectable families in the neighbourhood, used to be in their warehouses before six o'clock in the morning, accompanied by their children of sufficient age, and by their apprentices. At seven they returned to breakfast, which consisted of one large dish of water-porridge poured into a bowl, at the side of which stood an equally capacious bason of milk, and the master and apprentices, each with a wooden spoon in his hand, without loss of time, and without ceremony, dipped into the bowl, and then into the milk-bason ; and as soon as the mess was finished they all returned to their work. Though our ancestors were watchful over the expenditure of the living, there was a great deal of cost in the interment of the dead. In Warden Wroe's time, these funeral expenses were carried to a great extent ; but the warden, by the exercise of his influence, prevailed upon the inhabitants to apply the money usually spent in this way for the relief of the poor, and in some years there was a sum accumulated to the amount of nearly £800." This year is memorable in the annals of the Free Grammar School for a juvenile rebellion which broke out upon some cause of discontent, and lasted for a fortnight ; during which time the young insurgents, who had taken possession of the school, to the exclusion of the masters, were supplied by some of the inhabitants with beds and victuals, as well as with firearms and ammunition, but in the end were compelled to surrender. 72 Annals of Manchester. [1692-1695 1692. James Chetham died. He was born in Manchester, 1640; and was the author of The Angler's Vade Mecum, 1681. In Dunton's Athenian Mercury, No. 29, vol. vi., a question is asked as to the value of the MS. Anglice Sanctce et Catholicce, Auctore D. V. Edwardo Bradshaw de Mancestria, Anglo, Sacrse Theologise Candidato, Catholico Romano. The author was the second son of Roger of Bradshaigh of Haigh, and is sometimes called " The Deaf." (Palatine Note-book, vol. i., p. 221.) 1693. Rev. James Illingworth, B.D., died, August, 1693. He was a Fellow of Emanuel College, Cambridge, but was ejected in 1662. He gave the portraits of Whitaker, Nowell, Bolton, and Bradford to the Chetham Library. He is the author of A Genuine Account of the Man whose Hands and Legs Rotted Off, 1678. Sir Edward Mosley, of Hulme, died, aged 77. He was one of Cromwell's Scotch justices, and was knighted by William III. in 1689. The last baronet had entailed the family estates upon the son of Edward Mosley, of Hulme, but as a compromise, Rolleston and the manor of Manchester were secured to Nicholas. Sir Edward was unfortunate in his children ; his sons died early and his daughter became the wife of the spendthrift Sir John Bland. (Mosley's Family Memoirs ; Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) A prescriptive claim set up by Oswald Mosley, acting for the lord of the manor (Sir Edward Mosley), for a toll of twopence per pack on all goods of the description called Manchester wares brought within the manor (not necessarily in the markets), except of the burgesses there, was held bad by the Court of King's Bench, upon error from a judgment in the County Palatine of Chester, the court holding that every prescription to charge a subject with a duty must impart a benefit or recompense to him, or else some reason must be shown why a duty is claimed. Warrington v. Mosley (sic), 4 Modern Reports, 319 ; 1 Holt, 673-4. (Mosley's Family Memoirs.) 1694. The first religious service was held in the newly-erected Cross Street Chapel 24th June. The building operations occupied twelve months. (Baker's Memorials, p. 15.) Sir Roland Stanley, Sir Thomas Clifton, and others tried at the Sessions House, Manchester, 20th October, on a charge of conspiracy and treason. The assizes were adjourned by special commission from Lancaster for this purpose. Sir Giles Eyres was the presiding judge. The witnesses for the existence of a Lancashire plot were shown to be perjured, and the accused were acquitted. (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) It is nevertheless certain that many of the gentry were gravely disaffected. Ainsworth's novel of Beatrice Tyldesley deals with this incident. 1695. Rev. Henry Newcome, M.A., died 17th September. This learned and pious divine was the son of a clergyman in Huntingdonshire. His mother was one 1696-1700] Annals of Manchester. 73 of the Salford family of Williamson. In 1644 he entered St. John's College, Cambridge, and after taking his B.A. degree, married, about the age of 20, Elizabeth Mainwaring, and through her interest became rector of Gaws worth in 1650, and in 1655 was chosen as successor of Hollinworth in the Collegiate Church. He is often called Fellow, but there was no Chapter, as the church revenue was sequestered and the college practically dissolved. He was favourable to the Restoration, and preached a sermon Usurpation Defeated and David Restored, 1660. The new charter of Charles II. did not name him, but he was allowed to preach until 31st August, 1662. He continued in Man- chester until the passing of the infamous Five Mile Act in 1665, when he was forced to remove to Worsley, but in 1670 again came to live in the town, and, after some persecution, obtained a licence in 1672 to preach in his own house or adjacent barn in the Cold House. This had to be discontinued in 1676, but he still taught in the homes of his adherents, and in 1687 began again to preach publicly. Amongst the smaller annoyances was the breaking of the windows of the barn chapel by Sir John Bland whilst Newcome was preaching. In 1693 the Cross Street Chapel was erected, and the Revolution having given the Non- conformists some peace, the last days of Newcome were not made bitter by persecution. He wrote The Sinner's Hope, 1660 ; Plain Discourse about Rash and Sinful Anger, 1693, and other works. His Diary has been edited by Thomas Heywood, F.S.A., and his Autobiography by Rev. Richard Parkinson, and both published by the Chetham Society. He is buried in the aisle of Cross Street Chapel. There is a portrait of this founder of Manchester Noncon- formity in the Lancashire Independent College, which is engraved in the Manchester Socinian Controversy and in Sir Thomas Baker's Memorials of Cross Street Chapel, where there is a full list of his writings. From an indenture made of this year it would appear that the fee with an apprentice to a Manchester manufacturer was £60, the youth serving seven years. 1696. Mrs. Shuttleworth's Charity was founded ; by it the interest of £50 was to be given to the poor people in Deansgate. 1697. Dame Jane Meriel Mosley died 8th July. She was one of the founders of Nonconformity in Manchester, and left £50 for the poor of Cross Street Chapel. She was the daughter of Mr. Richard Saltonstall, of Huntwick, and married Edward Mosley, who was knighted in 1689, and died in 1695. Her father and mother were resident in Manchester, and are buried at Didsbury. (Baker's Memorials, p. 64.) The Nonconformist Chapel, Blackley, was built. 1698. Thoresby again visited Manchester and laments that his friends, Newcome, Tilsley, Martindale, Blingworth, were all dead, and that none remained whom he knew. (Diary, vol. ii., p. 322.) 1700. Tapestry to cover the altar-screen of the Collegiate Church given by Mr. 74 Annals of Manchester. [1701-1706 Samuel Brooke, February 24. The tapestry represents the offering of the early Christians, mentioned in Acts iv., 34, and the death of Ananias and Sapphira. The initial letters V. M., H. W., and G. K. are those of the makers, and the date, 1661, indicates the time of its manufacture. Nathaniel Edmondson, a woollen draper in Manchester, caused the marble pavement in front of the altar of the Collegiate Church "to be laid at his own expense." 1701. Rev. Francis Mosley, M.A., died at Bowdon 3rd June. He was a son of Oswald Mosley, of Ancoats, and was educated at Emanuel College, Cambridge. He was successively minister of Stretford and Rector of Wilmslow. (Bailey's Old Stretford, pp. 40, 41.) 1702. Rev. Nathaniel Scholes died of palsy 2nd October, 1702. He was a son of the Rev. Jeremia Scholes (see under date 1685). He was minister at Newton Heath and at Macclesfield. He was a great friend of Henry Newcome. (Ear- waker's East Cheshire, vol. ii., p. 511 ; Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., p. 30.) He was one of the believers in the Surey impostor. In the household book of a respectable tradesman of Manchester there is for the first time a charge of 10s. for tea and coffee. (Aikin's Country Round, Manchester.) 1703. The first calendarer ("Kalendar") mentioned in the parish registers is Timothy Bancroft, who had a child baptised 1st March. 1705. Rev. John Chorlton died 16th May. He was born at Salford in 1666, and at the age of 22 became the assistant of the Rev. Henry Newcome. Matthew Henry testifies to his readiness of expression, great sincerity, and serious piety. (Baker's Memorials, p. 18.) He is buried in the Collegiate Church. At the Academy, under his direction, many were educated for the ministry. (Ibid., p. 61 ; 140.) Mr. Samuel Haward died. His funeral sermon was preached at St. Mar- garet's, Lothbury, 24th September, by the Rev. Peter Newcome, M.A., vicar of Hackney. Haward was a Lancashire man, and left bequests for a dole of bread at Salford, and for a sermon with distribution of twenty Bibles, and woollen cloth at Oldham. (Palatine Note-book, vol. iii., p. 89.) 1706. Four large silver flagons presented to the Collegiate Church, Sunday, April 4th ; the four old ones of pewter given to Gorton, Stretford, Newton, and Didsbury. Rev. George Ogden, Vicar of Ribchester and Fellow of the Collegiate Church, died, aged 70. Six bells of the Collegiate Church were recast into eight. 1707-1712] Annals of Manchester. 75 1707. Nicholas Stratford, Bishop of Chester, a former warden of the Collegiate Church, died September 12. Dr. Stratford was Dean of St. Asaph, Prebendary of Lincoln, and had the living of Llanroost, in Wales. Having married a daughter of the Bishop of Rochester, he was appointed warden of Manchester at the age of 34. The close of his wardenship, in 1684, was marked by political and religious distractions. Persecutions became fierce. Stratford, to his honour, alleviated the suffering, and prevented, as far as he could, the persecution of the Dissenters in Manchester. He was the author of A Dissuasive from Revenge, 1684 (this he dedicated to the people of Manchester), A Discourse of the Pope's Supremacy, 1688, and other writings. 1708. An act of Parliament passed for the erection of St. Ann's Church and building St. Ann's Square, when it was enacted " that the square should be thirty yards wide, to afford space for the purpose of holding 'Acres Fair,'" then a cornfield. 1709. The foundation stone of St. Ann's Church, St. Ann's Square, was laid by Lady Ann Bland, of Hulme Hall, May 18. It was dedicated to St. Ann in compliment to the lady who laid the foundation stone, and who was the greatest contributor to its erection. (See under date 17th July, 1712.) A Compendious Character of the Celebrated Beauties of Manchester, written in the year 1709, appears in Heywood's Letters and Editions, 1726. The writer says that " many scandalous pamphlets and scurrilous lampoons " had appeared reflecting upon the ladies. Heywood's notice is reprinted in Earwaker's Local Gleanings, No. 494. 1710. Rev. Peter Birch, D.D., died. He was son of Thomas Birch, of Birch, and although of a Presbyterian family conformed and graduated at Oxford. He was chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons. Two of his sermons were printed. (Booker's History of Birch.) 1712. St. Ann's Church was consecrated by Sir "William Dawes, Bishop of Chester, 12th July. (Bardsley's Memorials of St. Ann's.) Rev. Charles Owen, in his Scene of Delusion Opened, alludes to the secret meetings of some prophets, probably a remnant of the "French prophets"— the refugee Camisards— and "the providential check" which they had received. A manuscript containing Bemarkables and Observables, in the life of Edward Harrald, &perruquier, or barber-surgeon, in the years 1712 to 1715, was presented in 1882 to Chetham's Library by Mr. Robert McD. Smith, of St. Mary's Gate. Some extracts from it appeared in the first volume of Harland's Collectanea. Harrald's time was mostly passed at church and at the alehouse, and he varied his business of curling wigs by dealing in books. Mr. Harland omitted the diarist's outlines of the sermons of the Manchester preachers, 76 Annals of Manchester. [1713-1716 which appear to be well summarised, the peculiarities of individual style being preserved. 1713. Kev. Samuel Angier died 8th November. He was born at Dedham 28th August, 1639, and was a nephew of John Angier, to whom he acted as assistant at Denton. He was ordained at the house of Robert Eaton, in Deansgate, in 1672, at what was probably the first Nonconformist ordination in England. On the death of his uncle, the Warden of Manchester appointed the Rev. John Ogden, but great difficulty was experienced in dispossessing Angier, who retired to Dukinfield, where, in 1689, he became minister of a dissenting congregation, who, in 1708, built a chapel for him. In his latter years he was almost blind. (Dictionary of National Biography, vol. i.) 1714. Dr. Nathaniel Banne, physician and feoffee of Chetham's College, died, and was buried at St. Ann's Church. 1715. The Jacobites on the birthday of the Pretender, 10th June, under the lead of Tom Syddall, a blacksmith, caused a riot, and damaged the houses of the loyal inhabitants, and did much mischief at the Dissenting Chapel (in Cross Street) of which they left only the walls standing. There were riots also at Monton, Blackley, Stand, Failsworth, and other places. Some of the deposi- tions are printed in the Palatine Note-book, vol. ii., p. 240. The rioters were tried at Lancaster in August. (See under date 11th February, 1716.) Parlia- ment granted £1,500 as compensation for the damage done by the mob to Cross Street Chapel, which was repaired and made ready for use in the spring of 1716. 1716. Thomas Syddall executed 11th February. He was a blacksmith, and headed the mob which partially destroyed the Cross Street Chapel in 1715. For this, he with others was sentenced to the pillory and imprisonment in Lancaster Castle, but was released by the army of the Jacobite rebellion. He joined the forces of the Old Chevalier and was taken prisoner at Preston fight. He was tried at Liverpool, and sent for the death penalty with five other rebels, William Harris, Stephen Seager, Joseph Porter, and John Finch, to Man- chester. It is traditionally stated that Knott Mill was the place of execution. The Sheriff's "charge at Manchester on executing Sydall, &c," was £8 10s. (Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., p. 93.) Rev. James Cunningham, A.M., died in London, September 1. He was the assistant of Mr. Chorlton at Cross Street Chapel, and was associated with him in the conduct of a Nonconformist Academy. After Mr. Chorlton's death a prosecution was instituted against him for keeping this academy, and in 1712 he resigned the Manchester pastorate and became minister of a congregation in London. (Baker's Memorials, p. 20.) He published The Everlasting High Priest, 1705, and other sermons. Nathaniel Gaskell died 20th November, aged 63. He was the grandfather of Lord Clive, and left the interest of £50 for the poor of Cross Street Chapel, 1717-1719] Annals of Manchester. 77 and £4 per annum for teaching poor children to read the Bible. (Baker's Memorials, 70.) General Willis passed through Manchester with the army under his com- mand against the Scottish rebels. 1717. Rev. Eliezer Birch died 12th May, 1717. He was a native of Manchester, but had been for twenty years minister of Dean Row, and had also had a charge at Yarmouth before he became, in 1712, minister of Cross Street Chapel. (Baker's Memorials, p. 21.) He is buried in the chapel yard. 1718. Richard Wroe, D.D., Warden of the Collegiate Church, died January 1. He was born at Heaton Gate, in the parish of Prestwich, August 21, 1641, and educated at Jesus College, Cambridge, where he proceeded D.D. in 1688. He was appointed fellow of the college March 9, 1674. His happy talent of preach- ing in the pulpit gave him the distinguishing character of " Silver-tongued Wroe." He had an interest in natural philosophy, and was a correspondent of Flamsteed. He wrote The Beauty of Unity, 1682 ; Bighteousness Encouraged, 1684. There is a portrait, with a biography and bibliography, in the Palatine Note-book, vol. ii., p. 133. "One of the earliest burials in St. Ann's was that of John Best. His epitaph runs thus : ' John, son of Luke Best, of Manchester, limner, buried November y e 7tb, 1718.' " (Bardsley's Memorials, p. 31.) Stretford Chapel was rebuilt. Samuel Peploe, Vicar of Preston, a Whig, was appointed warden by George I., but Dr. Francis Gastrell, Bishop of Chester, being a Tory, refused to confirm him in his office. The charter directed that the warden should have a degree in divinity, and when the Archbishop of Canterbury gave Peploe a Lam- beth diploma the bishop still refused on the pretext of the insufficiency of this degree. It was not till three years after the nomination of Peploe that the Court of King's Bench decided in this matter. The decision was in favour of the Crown. (See under 1722.) It is said that Peploe owed his advance in the Church to the following circumstance : Being required to perform divine service before the Pretender, at Preston, in 1715, he had the courage to pray for the reigning family. The clergy, who were chiefly Jacobites, were frequently at war with him, and whilst their sermons preached the divine right of kings, his were eulogies of the glorious Revolution. (Hibbert-Ware's Foundations ; Halley's Lancashire.) 1719. The first book printed in Manchester was " Mathematical Lectures," read to the Mathematical Society, by John Jackson. It was printed by Roger Adams, Parsonage, and sold by William Clayton, at the Conduit. The first Manchester newspaper was the Manchester Weekly Journal, containing the freshest advices, both foreign and domestic, to be continued weekly, printed and sold by Roger Adams, at the lower end of Smib] (Smithy) Door, price Id. No. 325, dated March 15th, 1725, was in the possession of the 78 Annals of Manchester. ri720-i724 late Mr. John Yates, of Bolton. It was discontinued 1726. The printer after- wards went to Chester (see 1749). 1720. Oswald Mosley, of Rolleston, in the county of Stafford, lord of the manor, created a baronet, June 18. An Act (7 George I. cap. 15) was passed for making the Irwell and Mersey navigable to Liverpool, 8th December. 1721. Rev. Mr. Barrow died 4th March at an advanced age. He was Head Master of the Grammar School about 40 years. The rivers Irwell and Mersey made navigable to Liverpool for vessels of 50 tons, June 6. A post from Manchester to London and the North three times a week ; eight days required to effect the interchange of letters. 1722. Dr Gastrell, Bishop of Chester, having refused to admit Samuel Peploe, B.D.,' of Lambeth, to the wardenship of Manchester College, the cause was tried first at Lancaster Assizes, on the 13th of August, 1722. The argument in favour of the Archbishop's right was conducted with great learning and skill. The hearing occupied fifteen hours. A prescriptive right was made out to general satisfaction, and a statutable right also as far as there was occasion to go into the Act of Parliament. But the jury of gentlemen gave a verdict to the right in general, without fixing it on any single foot. It was then carried by appeal before the King's Bench, and there decided in favour of the Archbishop's right, May 22, 1725. (Notes and Queries, iii., 276. Blackstone Comm., i., 381. Edit., 1829.) 1724. Rev. Robert Meeke died 31st May. He was born at Salford 30th Dec, 1656, where his father was minister of Sacred Trinity Church. (See under date 17th January, 1658.) His mother was Catharine Hyde, of Hyde Hall. Little is known of his early life, but in 1685 he was appointed, at the age of twenty-eight, minister of the ancient chapelry of Slaithwaite, where he continued nearly forty years. The chapel was rebuilt by his exertions in 1719, and in 1721 he founded the Sleathwaite Free School. He was buried in Slaithwaite chapel. He kept a diary, and extracts from 1689 to 1694 have been printed. (See Extracts from the Diary of Rev. Robert Meeke by H. F. Morehouse. London, 1874.) 11 George I. Act for repairing and widening the road from Sherbrook Hill, near Buxton and Chapen in the Frith, to Manchester. 12th November. Mrs. Ann Hinde died, aged 70. She was the daughter of William Page, a Manchester merchant, and wife of the Rev. John Hinde, Fellow of the Collegiate Church. She founded the "Green Gown School" at Manchester and Stretford for clothing and educating poor children. (See Bailey's Old Stretford and Clarke's School Candidates, intro. pp. xiii.-xvi.) Dr. William Stukeley published his "Itinerarium Curiosum," in which Manchester is described as "the largest, most rich, populous, and busy village 1725-1729] Annals of Manchester. 79 in England, having about 2,400 families." This must probably include the whole parish. He further says, " They have looms which work 24 laces at once, which were stolen from the Dutch." 1725. On the death of Bishop Gastrell, 24th November, Dr. Peploe, the warden, was promoted to the see of Chester, retaining at the same time the wardenship in commendam. William Baguley, of Oakenbottom and Kersley, died 31st December, aged 56. He was the founder of a school for poor children at Breightmet and another at Manchester. s» 1726. The living of Didsbury was vested in Dame Ann Bland, of Hulme Hall, December 12, for advancing £200 for the Queen Ann's Bounty. It was customary to place oak boughs on "the top of the steeple " (tower) of the parish church in commemoration of the Restoration. Bishop Gastrell having appointed Mr. Assheton to a vacant chaplainship in the Collegiate Church, the warden (now Bishop of Chester) opposed the appointment, and succeeded in obtaining from the Crown the nomination of Mr. Whittaker, who accordingly was sworn in under protest on the part of the fellows. Mr. Assheton appealed to the Court of King's Bench and obtained a mandamus which overruled the right of the bishop to visit himself as warden. Mr. Assheton thus succeeded in being appointed. An Act of Parliament was afterwards passed, appointing the king as a visitor of the Collegiate Church, when the wardenship was held in commendam. 1727. A collection of curious papers was published in this year relating to Mr. Assheton, who was justly suspected of disaffection to the House of Hanover. There is also Mr. Assheton's reply. The writers in this controversy were John Byrom and Mr. Kenyon. The clergy of the old church were somewhat notorious for their Jacobite sympathies. The author of A Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain, by a Gentleman, 1727, which has been attributed to Defoe, says that "within a few years past Manchester has doubled its number of inhabitants, so that, taking in all its suburbs, it contains at least 50,000 people." 1728. 2 George II. Act to impower His Majesty to visit the Collegiate Church of Manchester, during such time as the wardenship of the said Church, or shall be held in commendam with the Bishopric of Chester. 21st January. 1 George II. cap. 11. Act to enable Thomas Brown, gentleman, to grant building leases of his estate in the town of Manchester. 1729. Rev. William Hudlestone, formerly a Benedictine Missionary, preached a recantation sermon 21st September, before Bishop Peploe, in the Collegiate Clinrch. The sermon has been printed. lie was a native of Cambridgeshire, 80 Annals of Manchester. [1730-1733 but belonged to a Lancashire family which had already given several priests to the Church of Rome. Hudleston's sermon is noticed in Earwaker's Local Gleanings, No. 628. The old Exchange, Manchester, built at the charge of Sir Oswald Mosley. The character of the inhabitants of Manchester at this time is described to be "of a good sort, being pretty much of the old English temper, hearty and sincere in their affections and expressions, given to hospitality ; very kind and civil to their friends, but very stiff and resolute against their enemies." The establishment of races on Kersal Moor caused some controversy. The project is strongly censured in a pamphlet attributed to John Byrom. Dr. Peploe at the same time denounced assemblies, and prohibited clergymen from attending them. 1730. Rev. Thomas Wroe died 21st September, 1730. He was a son of Warden Wroe, and was baptised at Manchester 26th January, 1702-3. He took his degree of M.A. at Brazenose College, Oxford, and was a Fellow of the Collegiate Church. (Fish wick's History of Garstang, p. 183.) The Manchester Gazette published by Henry Whitworth, December 22 ;.the first number. The title was changed to the Manchester Magazine, which was sold for threehalfpence, 1737. The title was again changed by his son Robert to the Advertiser and Weekly Magazine. Its last number appeared March 25, 1760. The small tithes of the Parish of Manchester amounted to £110 per annum. Hugh, twelfth Lord Willoughby de Parham, died, aged 77. He was con- nected with Cross Street Chapel, though not apparently resident nearer than the Old Hall, Worsley. (Baker's Memorials, p. 67.) The history of the Willoughby peerage is a curious one. 1731. '"An act was passed to prevent the stealing of linen, fustian, and other wares from the fields where they are whitening or drying. It received royal assent May 17. A proposal for the establishment of a public workhouse for Manchester was defeated by the violence of party feeling. The High Churchmen and Jacobites were afraid that the control would be in the hands of the Whigs and Presby- terians, and so refused to comply. 1732. The first meeting house of the Society of Friends, which was in Jackson's Row, fell into disuse. 1733. The fly shuttle for the handloom weaver invented by John Kay, of Bury. May 26. Rev. John Wesley visited Manchester in May to see the Rev. Mr. Clayton. He was in the town again in June, and, on the 3rd, preached at the Old Church, Salford Chapel, and St. Ann's Church. Henry Gore died. He was a native of Manchester, had some reputation as a mathematician, and was the author of The Elements of Sound Geometry. 1734-1736] Annals of Manchester. 81 1734. Lady Barbara Fitzroy died January 4. The following inscription is in the choir of the Collegiate Church, where she was interred :— Lady Barbara Fitzroy, Eldest Daughter of the Most Noble Charles Duke of Cleveland and Southampton, Died Jan. 4th, 1734. Nothing is known of the reasons which induced her to select Manchester as her place of residence. Her property was left to an adopted child, "William Dawson. (Foundations of Manchester.) A charity school for boys and girls, " children of poor Protestant Dissenters, not excluding others," founded in connection with Cross Street Chapel. The girls' school was given up in 1805, and the boys' school in 1815, on the foundation of the Lancasterian School. (Baker's Memorials, p. 29.) Lady Ann Bland, lady of the manor, died. She was the daughter of Sir Edward Mosley, of Hulme Hall, which she decorated with altars and other Roman antiquities. She was a leader of society and the chief founder of St. Ann's Church, which was built partly as a protest against the Stuart sympathies of the High Church clergy of the Cathedral. (Mosley's Family Memoirs; Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) She was succeeded by her second cousin, Sir Oswald Mosley. (See under date 1751.) 1735. The south side of St. Ann's Square, King Street, and Ridgefield first built upon. Bishop Peploe strictly enforced the payment of fines called " absence money," much to the discontent of the Fellows of the Collegiate Church, who were thus compelled to be punctual in residence. "Manchester," says Chamberlayne, "is a town of very great trade for woollen and linen manufacture." 1736. 10 George II. cap. 9. Act for making navigable the river or brook called Worsley Brook, from Worsley Mill, in the township of "Worsley, to the river Irwell. 1st February. The Rev. Nathaniel Bann died September 9. He was a native of Man- chester, where his father was a physician and feoffee of Chetham's Hospital. He was baptised at the Collegiate Church 14th December, 1671, and became librarian of Chetham's Library in 1G93, and was the first rector of St. Ann's Church. Some of his MSS. are preserved in Chetham's Library. (Bardsley's Memorials.) The register of the baptisms, marriages, and burials of St. Ann's Church commenced December 11. What is known as the " Manchester Act " passed the Houses of Parliament. This statute (9 George II., c. 4) says that as great quantities of stufis made of linen yarn and cotton wool had been manufactured, printed, and painted, and the industry was a branch of the ancient fustian manufacture of Great Britain, the manufacture was therefore permitted, "provided that the warp thereof be F 82 Annals of Manchester. [1737-1740 entirely linen yarn." (Statutes at Large, Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies, i., 229 ; ii., 62.) Ann Butterworth, widow of Thomas Butterworth, died. Her mother was one of the Mosleys of Ancoats. She left £500 to the trustees of the Cross Street Chapel, the interest to be applied in binding poor Protestant children appren- tice. She was buried in the chapel. (Baker's Memorials.) The Manchester Journal was published by A. Schofield. 1737. The existing registers of Chorlton Chapel begin this year. The townspeople were bound to have their grain ground at the manorial Boke-mill, which had become the property of the Grammar School. The management of the School Mills provoked the following epigram, written by John Byrom, against two trustees of the School Mills :— Bone and Skin, two millers thin, Would starve us all or near it ; But be it known to Skin and Bone, That Flesh and Blood can't bear it. "Bone" (Mr. Dawson) was a surgeon, and "Skin" (Mr. Yates) an attorney. (See Byrom!s Remains, vol. i., p. 562.) The title of Whitworth's Manchester Gazette was changed to the Man- chester Magazine. It was sold at threehalfpence. 1738. Rev. John Wesley in Manchester, March 16-19, and was " refreshed and strengthened " by intercourse with Rev. John Clayton " and the rest of our friends here." Mr. Wesley preached at Salford Chapel and at St. Ann's. This was immediately after his return from America. Lewis Paul's roller spinning machine was patented June 24. The Lancashire Journal published weekly by John Berry at the Dial, near the Cross. The contents of several numbers are described in the new edition of Baines's Lancashire, i., 329 ; Axon's Manchester Libraries, p. 155 ; Local Notes and Queries of Manchester Guardian, 6th July, 1874 ; Palatine Note-book, vol. ii., p. 205. Rev. George Whitfield preached twice in Manchester, December 3 (? 24). Samuel Peploe, Bishop of Chester and Warden of Manchester, resigned the latter position in favour of his son, Samuel Peploe, jun., L.L.D., Chancellor, and Prebendary of Chester, Archdeacon of Richmond, and Rector of Worthenden and Taxall ; and to which benefices was added, in 1742, the rich living of Tatten- hall, in Chester. The Bishop Warden had been on bad terms with the Fellows of the Collegiate Church, and the appointment of his son enabled him to use his episcopal power as visitor. An investigation of the affairs of the college since 1718 resulted in the submission and apology of the clergy. 1740. About this time Manchester merchants began to give out warps and raw cotton to the weavers, receiving them back in cloth, and paying for the carding, roving, spinning, and weaving. The weaving of a piece containing twelve 1741-1745] Annals of Manchester. 83 pounds of eighteenpenny weft occupied a weaver about fourteen days, and he received for the weaving 18s. ; spinning the weft, at 9d. per lb., 9s. ; picking, carding, and roving, 8s. A Baptist Chapel built in Withy Grove. It was rebuilt 1826. 1741. St. Thomas's Chapel, Ardwick, consecrated November 10. It is now a per- petual curacy, in the presentation of the Dean and Canons of Manchester. A plan of Manchester and Salford, surrounded with views of public buildings and the principal residences of the town, was published by Caslon and Berry. A spinning engine with rollers was constructed by John Wyatt, and " turned by two or more asses." It was in use in the Upper Priory, Birming- ham. Another of the like construction, containing 250 spindles, turned by water, was at Northampton, the property, in part, of Edward Cave, the pro- jector and proprietor of the Gentleman's Magazine. 1742. The parish organ in the Collegiate Church built. 1743. The import of cotton wool amounted to 1,132,2881b. The quantity retained for home consumption was 1,091, 41Slb. East India yarns used in Lancashire up to this time for the finer kinds of goods. 1744. The name of Mercy De Foe occurs in the register of burials, 29th April, 1744. There is a story that the young Pretender visited Manchester in disguise, and stayed at Ancoats Hall, in the summer of 1744. It is said that a young woman recognised this mysterious guest in the leader of the Highland army of the following year. There is no real evidence of the visit. (Cf. Aston's Metrical Records, Mosley's Family Memoirs, and Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) 1745. John Kay and Joseph Stell invented " a loom for working and weaving of tapes, &c." April 18. In Marchant's History of the Rebellion, he says: "Manchester stands near the conflux of the Irk with the Irwell, and is so much improved in this and the last century above its neighbours, that though it is not a corporation, nor sends members to Parliament, yet, as an inland town, it has perhaps the best trade of any in these north parts, and surpasses all the towns hereabouts in buildings and number of people, and its spacious market-place and college. . . . . The fustian manufactures, called Manchester cottons, for which it has been famous for almost one hundred and fifty years, have been very much improved of late by some inventions of dyeing and printing with the great variety of other manufactures, known by the name of Manchester goods, as ticking, tapes, filleting, and linen cloth, enrich not only the town but the whole parish, and render the people industrious. As the Hague in Holland is deservedly called the most magnificent village in Europe, Manchester, with 84 Annals of Manchester. 174E equal propriety, may be styled the greatest mere village in England, for 'tis not so much as a town, strictly speaking, the highest magistrate being a constable or headborough ; yet it is more populous than York, Norwich, or most cities in England, and as big as two or three of the lesser ones put together." The "rising of the forty -five" was a memorable event in the annals of Manchester, where the adherents of the Stuarts were very numerous. It was the custom of the leaders to dine together at a small public-house near Didsbury. After the cloth was removed a large bowl of water was placed on the table, when every gentleman rose, and holding his glass over the water drank "The King." "■ This is not a toast I should have expected to be drunk here," said a new guest. " Tush," said his friend, " are we not drinking ' The King over the water ?' " On the news of the insurrection in Scotland a subscription amounting to £1,966 3s. was raised for a troop to be placed at the disposal of Edward Lord Derby for resisting the army of the young Pretender. "Warden Peploe was the only subscriber amongst the clergy of the Collegiate Church. The Stuart partizans included some of the leading gentlemen of the town, the clergy of the Collegiate Church, nearly all of whom, except Dr. Peploe (who laboured singly and unceasingly in defence of George II.), were zealous Jacobites, and took every occasion to promote disaffection from the pulpit, and to influence their hearers on behalf of the Pretender ; and lastly, Dr. Deacon and his band of Nonjurors, who was decidedly the most active in the insurrection, and whose three sons joined the Pretender. Corporal Dickson and his sweetheart, with a drummer belonging to the Pretender's army, took military possession of Man- chester, November 28. A party of the inhabitants resolved upon " taking him prisoner, dead or alive." A fight ensued, the issue of which was that, the Jacobite party defending Dickson and the drummer, the assailants were repulsed, and during the rest of the day they paraded the streets in triumph, and obtained about one hundred and eighty recruits, to don white cockades. In the evening the vanguard of the army entered the town, and the main body, under the command of Prince Charles Edward (the young Pretender), began to enter Manchester about ten o'clock in the morning, November 29. The troops marched into St. Ann's Square whilst the funeral service was being performed over the grave of the Rev. Joseph Hoole. Some of the officers joined decorously in the service. The Prince arrived about two in the afternoon, and took up his residence at the house of Mr. John Dickenson, in Market Street Lane, after- wards known as the Palace Inn, and now the Palace Buildings. The Prince, in marching through Salford, was met by the Rev. John Clayton, who, falling on his knees, prayed for the divine blessing upon him. The Old Pretender was proclaimed as James III., and there were public illuminations, November 29. Some of the adherents of the Prince went to the printing office of Mr. Whit- worth, proprietor of the Magazine, and compelled Thomas Bradbury, a journeyman (in the absence of his master), to print several manifestoes and other papers. The Prince went to service on the Sunday at the Collegiate Church. The sermon was preached by Thomas Cappock, whom the Prince had appointed his chaplain, November 30. After service the "Manchester Regiment," which numbered about 300 men, was reviewed by the Prince Charles Edward in the Churchyard. The rebels left the town on their march to the South, 1st December. They marched to Derby, where a retreat was 1746] Annals of Manchester. 85 decided upon, and the rebel army re-entered on their retreat to the North, December 8. The Pretender levied a contribution of £5,000 upon the inhabi- tants of Manchester, and took old James Bayley prisoner, but let him go on condition that he would raise one-half of the money, or surrender himself again a prisoner. He went to the Old Coffee House, and it was arranged that he and John Dickenson should give promissory notes, payable in three months, to such persons as would advance them money to meet the demand. By this method the £2,500 was paid within the specified time, December 10. At the surrender of Carlisle to the Duke of Cumberland, December 24, the following officers of the Manchester Regiment fell into the hands of the Royalists : Colonel Francis Townley ; Captains James Dawson, George Fletcher, John Sanderson, Peter Moss, Andrew Blood, David Morgan ; Lieutenants T. Deacon, Robert Deacon, Thomas Chadwick, John Beswick, John Holker, Thomas Furnival ; Ensigns Charles Deacon, Samuel Maddock, Charles Gaylor, James Wilding, John Hunter, John Brettagh ; Adjutant Syddall, and Thomas Cappock. Of the non-commissioned officers and privates there were only ninety-three remaining. The officers were sent in waggons to London, and the subordinates were thrown into the prisons of Carlisle, Penrith, and Kendal. Before they were marched to the metropolis the former were confined in the town gaol, and the privates in the cathedral of the first-named place. The story of the " forty- five " has given rise to a considerable literature. The local details are given in Byrom's Diary, and the Foundations of Manchester. Various depositions as to the behaviour of the rebels in Manchester and the neighbourhood are printed, with annotations by Mr. J. P. Earwaker, in the Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., p. 70. See also an article by Sir Thomas Baker in the Palatine Note-book, vol. iii., p. 19. There is a MS. diary of a Manchester man who was in the Pretender's army, and taken prisoner at Carlisle. It is in Chetham's library. It is sometimes styled James Miller's journal, but the question of its author- ship is discussed in The Reliquary, April, 1871. Rev. Joseph Hoole, M.A., died November 27. He was. educated at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and had been vicar of Haxey before his appoint- ment as rector of St. Ann's in 1736. He wrote a Guide to Communicants, 1739. He was buried at St. Ann's, 29th November, and some of the Jacobite rebel officers joined in the funeral service. Mr. Hoole's Sermons were published in 1747. (Bardsley's Memorials.) Kersal Moor races were discontinued probably through the influence of John Byrom. 1746. Rev. Joshua Bayes died April 24. He was the son of Rev. Saiimel Bayes, one of the ejected ministers of 1602, who settled in Manchester. Joshua Bayes is said by Wilson to have been born in 1671, but according to his tombstone he died in his 52nd year. He was minister of the Lather Lane Church, and the author of The Church of Rome's Doctrine and Practice with relation to the Worship of God in an Unknown Tongue, 1735, and several other sermons. He contributed the portion on Galatians to the continuation of Henry's Com- mentary. There is a portrait of him in Wilson's Dissenting Churches, iv., 396. In Rose's Biographical Dictionary (vol. iii., p. 397) he is stated, but on what authority is not said, to have been a native of Sheffield. 86 Annals of Manchester. [1746 The trial of the officers of the Manchester Regiment commenced at London July 1G. Captain Fletcher was vainly urged to turn King's evidence, but Ensign Maddock was less unbending. The inquiry lasted three days, ter- minating in the conviction of all the prisoners. There was, of course, no doubt that they were guilty of treason, though their treason had its spring in mistaken loyalty. Moss and Holker effected their escape from Newgate. The national thanksgiving for the suppression of the rebellion was celebrated 9th October, when the mob took vengeance upon the houses of Deacon and Syddall because the unhappy father and the hapless widow had not illuminated their windows in token of rejoicing. Colonel Francis Townley, Captains Thomas Theodorus Deacon, James Dawson, John Beswick, George Fletcher, Andrew Blood, David Morgan, and Lieutenant Thomas Chadwick and Adjutant Thomas Syddall, officers in the Manchester Regiment of rebels, were executed on Kennington Common with all the cruel inflictions to which persons guilty of high treason were sub- ject, July 30. After the execution the heads of Captain Deacon, Adjutant Syddall, and Lieutenant Chadwick were brought down to Manchester and stuck upon the Exchange, August 3. Dr. Deacon was the first to gaze upon the remains of his son, and, though bowed with age and adversity, he subdued his parental sorrow so far as to salute the ghastly head, and to express his rejoicing that he had possessed a son who could firmly suffer martyrdom in the Stuart cause. On the other hand they were scoffed at as " the gods spiked upon the Exchange," and as "Tyburn gods." The Rev. Thomas Cappock, the reputed Bishop of Carlisle, was brought to trial in that city. He was taken into court robed in his gown and cassock ; and being found guilty of high treason he was drawn, hanged, and quartered October 18. He was a native of Manchester, and received his education at the Free Grammar School. He received the appointment of chaplain to Prince Charles at Manchester. He afterwards turned quartermaster, but again assuming the priestly garb is doubtfully said to have been appointed by the Pretender to the see of Carlisle. Some particulars of Cappock, or Coppock, will be found in Earwaker's Local Gleanings, Nos. 304, 317, 325. James Bradshaw, lieutenant of the rebel "Manchester Regiment," was - xecuted at Kennington Common, November 28. His speech from the scaffold is reported in the Palatine Note-book, vol. iii., p. 275. Biographical particulars of Captain James Bradshaw are given in Earwaker's Local Gleanings, Nos. 195, 202, 219. The magistrates held regular sittings at "The Dangerous Corner," and compelled the disaffected or the doubtful to take oaths of allegiance to the reigning monarch. The assembly-room, the private ball, the Exchange, the place of worship, were made arenas for exhibition of party rancour. At church the Jacobites offered negative allegiance to James III. by refusing to join in the church prayers for his antagonist, George II. The following verse, since so famed, was penned by John Byrom at this time : — God bless the King ! I mean our faith's defender ! God bless (no harm in blessing) the Pretender ! But who Pretender is, or who is King- God bless us all— that's quite another thing ! 1747-1749] Annals of Manchester. 87 1747. Mr. Fowden, the Constable of Manchester, and Mr. Ogden, the younger, were tried at Lancaster for high treason, but acquitted, as it was proved that they acted under the compulsion of the rebels. April. "Methodism" now began to take an organised form in the town. Some young men "began a society and took a room." The " room " was a small apartment in a house built upon a rock on the banks of the Irwell, on the north side of Blackfriars Bridge, at the bottom of a large yard, known by the name of the " Rose and Crown yard," and which was filled with wood-built thatched cottages. The house containing the " preaching room" was three storeys high. The ground floor was a joiner's shop ; the rooms in the middle storey were the residence of a newly-married couple ; the garret was the " room," and was itself also the home of a poor woman, who there plied her spinning wheel, while her husband, in the same apartment, flung the shuttle. Such was the cradle of Methodism in Manchester. The room being too small to hold all the people, Wesley preached at the Cross. Few persons joined the society at first in this town ; its members were suspected of being emissaries of the Pretender. The Rev. John "Wesley himself was indecorously treated by the multitude, for, preaching at Salford Cross in this year, he looked with great apprehension on the " unbroken spirits" around him, one of whom threatened to " bring out the engine" and play it upon him. The story of the early progress of Methodism is told in Everett's Methodism in Manchester and the Neighbourhood, p. 58. Rev. Thomas Cattell died. He was chaplain and fellow of the Collegiate Church, and wrote some unpublished poems. He is the supposed author of a tract on the Manchester races, 1733, and of Human Laws Obligatory upon the Conscience, 1733. There is a long account of him in the Raines MSS. 1748. Robert Duckinfield died in May, aged 63 years. He was a younger son of Sir Robert Duckinfield, and was High Sheriff of Lancashire in 1741. (Baker's Memorials, p. 78.) Lewis Paul's carding machine was patented, August 30. The town was still greatly agitated by the political controversy between the friends and foes of the Hanoverian Government. This is shown in Jacobite and Nonjuring Principles Examined, in a Letter to the Master Tool of the Faction in Manchester, by J. Owen, &c, Manchester, 1748. The writer was a Nonconformist minister at Rochdale. The pamphlet was addressed to John Byrom, and ran through two editions. 1749. Many of the unfortunate rebel "Manchester Regiment" removed from Southwark Gaol for transportation, January 11. The heads of Deacon, Syddall, and Chadwick stolen from the top of the Exchange. January. The Jacobite controversy was further continued in a volume entitled Manchester Vindicated. A complete collection of the papers jiublished in defence of that town, in the Chester Courant, with those on the other side of the question, printed in the Manchester Magazine, or elsewhere, which are 88 Annals of Manchester. [1750-1752 unanswered in the said Chester Courant. Chester : Printed by and for Elizabeth Adams. 324 pages. 24mo. The publisher was the widow of Roger Adams, and mother of Orion Adams, both well-known printers. The volume itself contains some of Byrom's writing, and is full of curious and interesting matter. The import of cotton wool amounted to 1,658,3651b. ; the quantity retained for home consumption, 1,327,3671b. 1750. An attempt was made to introduce hackney coaches in the town, but the extremities of the town being within the distance of a few minutes' walk the novelty was not eagerly received, and the scheme failed as sedan-chairs were generally considered preferable. The Methodist Chapel, Birchin Lane, was built. 1751. Hulme Hall sold by the Bland family to G. Lloyd, Esq. Sir Oswald Mosley, lord of the manor, died. He was the eldest son of Oswald Mosley of Ancoats and Rolleston, who in 1720 declined a baronetcy, which was then accepted by his son. In 1693 he tried, unsuccessfully, to impose a tax upon each pack of Manchester wares brought into the manor. (Mosley's Family Memoirs ; Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) A school was endowed by Samuel, Thomas, and George Birch in the town- ship of Ardwick. 1752. The Manchester Weekly Journal, published on the first Tuesday in January, by Orion Adams. Its existence was short. Kev. Adam Banks, M.A., Fellow of the Collegiate Church, died February 16, aged 51. He was buried in the church, where there is a monument to his memory. Right Rev. Samuel Peploe, D.D., Bishop of Chester, died at Chester 21st February. Born in Shropshire in 1668, he owed his advancement in the church to his steady adherence to the House of Hanover, and to the courage and ability he displayed against the Jacobites. His appointment as Warden of Manchester was unsuccessfully contested by the local clergy, with whom he was always on bad terms. When he resigned in favour of his son the power of the sovereign, as temporary visitor of the college, reverted to the bishop, and he exercised his authority. He demanded an investigal ion into the whole affairs of the college from the year 1718, and entering the chapter house on a day fixed for a public court of inquiry " he denounced the fellows and chaplains as void of honour, void of common honesty, and void of grace, and charged them with a wilful intention to wrong the college." The fellows and chaplains made submission. He was buried in Chester Cathedral, over which he had presided for twenty- seven years. (Foundations of Manchester, vol. ii.) The first number of the Manchester Mercury was published by Joseph Harrop, March 3. It was issued every Tuesday at the sign of the Printing Press, opposite the Exchange, at number nine. This paper obtained a good circulation by meeting the mail at Derby and bringing the news express to 1753J Annals of Manchester. 89 this town. The title was changed to Harrop's Manchester Mercury and General Advertiser. In 1764 he issued with it a New History of England, in supplements, ultimately extending to 778 pages, to encourage the sale of his newspaper. In an address at the end of the work he says it cost him one hundred guineas. Joseph Harrop died 20th January, 1804. The paper was carried on by his son James up to his death, February 22, 1823. It was still carried on until August 31, 1825, when it was sold to Mr. J. E. Taylor, who changed its name to the Manchester Mercury and Ttiesdays General Advertiser. The last number issued was 3,672, which appeared on the 28th December, 1830, after an existence of 77 years and 10 months. The following is the editorial article with which this paper was ushered into existence : "To the Public,— Having been greatly encouraged to publish a weekly newspaper, I lately advertised that I intended Speedily to proceed upon that design ; and having now procured a new set of types to print with, I have here begun to execute it. I shall take care to answer the proposals in my advertisement by the contents of the paper, and a favourable reception will, I hope, enable me to do it with success. Though in a time of general peace, a great dearth of foreign advices may be urged as a discouragement to my undertaking at this juncture ; yet the friendly excitement that I have had, and the honest desire of employment in my proper calling, in the place of my nativity, are motives excusable, at least for attempting in a private station, to bespeak the encourage" ment of the public, to whom I propose to give all the satisfaction that I can, and no just cause of offence whatsoever. Such of my countrymen and others who intend me the favour of their subscriptions, shall have the paper delivered at their house with all due care and expedition by, their obliged humble servant, "Joseph Harrop." A new market cross was erected from the designs of Oliver Nab. March 6. John Wesley visited Manchester March 26. He spent three days in a searching examination of the members of the Manchester Society, and found reason to believe " that there was not one disorderly walker therein." The Manchester Infirmary founded. It owes its origin more particularly to Mr. Joseph Bancroft, and Mr. Charles White, an eminent surgeon. The first house to carry on the purpose of the charity was in Garden Street, Shudehill, and was opened June 24. The time of holding Acres Fair was changed from the 20th and 21st of September to the 1st and 2nd of October. Sacred Trinity Chapel, Salford, taken down and rebuilt as a stone edifice of the Doric order, with a Gothic steeple, having six bells, and a clock with four faces. 1753. Dr. Thomas Deacon died February 16. He lies buried beneath a tomb near the north-east corner of St. Ann's churchyard, with the following inscription : " Here lie interred the remains (which through mortality are at present corrupt, but which shall one day surely be raised again to immortality and put on incorruption) of Thomas Deacon, the greatest of sinners and most unworthy of primitive bishops, who died 16th February, 1753, in the 56th year of his age." He was one of the obscure sect of Nonjurors, amongst whom he was a bishop, 90 Annals of Manchester. [175 J but practised with success as a physician. He founded for himself an episcopal chapel in Manchester, which he styled "The True British Catholic Church.", He published a Collection of Devotions and some writings in defence of the Nonjurors. (Sutton's Notice of Dr. Deacon, 1879.) His library was sold by auction March 19. Mr. James Bayley, senior, died April 6. He was taken prisoner by the Pretender in 1745. The Mersey and Irwell Navigation Company issued the following advertise- ment, April 27 : " The proprietors of the rivers Mersey and Irwell give notice that they will for the future carry goods and merchandise for those persons who employ their flats, in summer as well as winter, at the following prices, viz., from Bank Key to the key at Manchester at 6d. per hundred, from the 1st of May to the 11th of November ; and at 7d. per hundred, from the 11th of November to the 1st of May ; and from the key at Manchester to Bank Key at 4d. per hundred at all times. N.B. — There are good convenient warehouses at both keys, and great care will be taken of all goods that come up or go down that river." May 8. Coach to be hired by Joseph Barrett, or Mr. Hanforth. in Market Street Lane, Manchester — may constantly be heard of to carry passengers to any part of England at the most reasonable rate. — Harrop's Mercury. The shock of an earthquake was felt at Manchester June 8. The foundation stone of St Mary's Church was laid by the Revs. Messrs. Assheton, Moss, and Foxley, July 16. The Act for building the church is 26 George II. cap. 45. The Theatre, in Marsden Street, built, and opened December 3; finally closed May 12, 1775. The first place employed as a theatre was a temporary structure of timber at the bottom of King Street. Sir Oswald Mosley executed a deed of conveyance of land for the erection of the Infirmary. December 4. A man named Grindret, or Grindrod, poisoned his wife and two children, September 15 ; executed at Lancaster, and gibbeted at the end of Cross Lane, Pendleton. An amusing story of his alleged "ghost" forms the subject of one of Ainsworth's ballads. In a trial at Lancaster between the warden and fellows of the Collegiate Church and the weavers, the former demanding 4d. each loom in lieu of tithes, at Easter, a verdict was given for the weavers. Rev. John Wesley visited Manchester. A cotton reel invented by Mr. Earnshaw was destroyed. From this year until the end of 1757 the price of food was unusually high. 1754. The Manchester Journal, No. 1, issued March 2. It was printed by J. Schofield and M. Turnbull (brother to the original publisher of this paper in 1736), Fountain Court, at the back of the Exchange, and was sold at their shop, Deansgate, every Saturday morning. No price is mentioned. It was discon- tinued in 1756. The passing of the Marriage Act led to the discontinuance of the solemnisa- tion of marriage at St. Ann's Church. The last one under the old law was celebrated March 19. 755-1756] Annals of Manchester. 91 The first stone of the Manchester Infirmary was laid by Mr. Miles Bower, sen., May 20. The institution was opened in 1755. Upwards of £4,000 was expended on the erection. The "flying coach " between Manchester and London occupied four days and a half in the journey. A school and school-house were erected and endowed by Mr; Thos. Fletcher, in Levenshulme. It was rebuilt in 1824. A remarkable phenomenon, " resembling a large ball of fire, with a tail to it, was seen hovering in the air." It was probably a comet. 1755. Mr. Thomas Johnson, of Manchester, was appointed High Sheriff January 27. Mr. James Hilton, sen. (commonly called Captain Hilton), died at his house in Shudehill, February 9. Mr. Thomas Samuel Mynshull, of Chorlton Hall, died February 28. Mr. Jeremiah Bowers, a hatter, died, leaving a fortune of £40,000. An interesting tract, entitled Friendly Advice to the Poor, "was written and published at the request of the late and present officers of the town of Manchester," by the Eev. John Clayton, A.M. It gives some curious informa- tion as to the social condition of the town, and especially of the poorer classes, at this period. A reply to it appeared under the title of Sequel to the Friendly Advice to the Poor of Manchester, by Joseph Stot, Cobbler. It is uncertain whether this name indicates a veritable son of St. Crispin or is only a pseu- donym, but the latter seems the more probable. 1756. Mr. Miles Bower, hatter, and one of the constables of the town, died Feb. 23. The war against France was popular, and its proclamation was celebrated by a public procession, June 5. Sir Thomas Grey Egerton, M.P. for Newton, died at Heaton House, July 8. The effigy of Admiral Byng was carried through the town with a halter about its neck, and an inscription on its back. In the evening it was shot. September 17. St. Mary's Church, situated between the river Irwell and the higher part of Deansgate, was consecrated September 29. It is a Doric edifice, with a spire steeple 186 feet high. The ornamental pulpit in this church was the gift of the congregation to the Rev. John Gatliffe, M.A., fellow of the Collegiate Church, the first rector ; and the organ was the gift of Mr. Holland Ackers. Rev. William Shrigley died November 1, aged 62. He was chaplain of the Collegiate Church. The Rev. Thomas Foxley, on the death of the Rev. John GatlifFe, fellow of the Collegiate Church, was presented to the rectory of St. Mary's, November 13. By the first attempt at an enumeration of the population of Manchester and Salford there were estimated to be 19,839 persons in the two towns. Cotton velvets are said to have been first made at Bolton by Mr. Clarke. 92 Annals of Manchester. [1757-1759 As the result of an action by the warden and fellows of the Collegiate Church against the Traffords of TrafFord, the chapter recovered certain leases which had been improperly granted. The Manchester Circulating Library was instituted. 1757. Mr. Thomas Houghton, J.P., a feoffee of Chetham's Hospital, and formerly Governor of the Isle of Man, died at his house in Deansgate, March 18. A serious food riot occurred at Shudehill. Four of the rioters killed and fifteen wounded. This disturbance was known as the "Shudehill Fight." Earlier in the day the rioters destroyed a cornmill at Clayton. November 15. Mr. James Bayley, junior, was appointed High Sheriff. Sir Oswald Mosley, second baronet, lord of the manor, died, and was suc- ceeded by the Rev. Sir John Mosley. (See under date 1779.) Samuel Birch, J.P., died at Ardwick. Rev. Henry Brook, M.A., Fellow of the Collegiate Church, died. He wrote on Christian Peaceableness, 1741. There is a notice of him in the Dictionary of National Biography. A Celt and Roman bulla of gold found in deepening the canal near the econd lock of the Irwell. 1758. Mr. Robert Booth, of Salford, died June 21. Lewis Paul's improved spinning machine was patented. June 29. Mr. Thomas Newton, bookseller, died. Ellen Hayfield died at the reputed age of 104 years. 32 George II. cap. 61. Act for discharging the inhabitants of the town of Manchester from the custom of grinding their corn and grain, except malt, at certain water cornmills in the said town called the School Mills, and for making a proper recompense to the feoffees of such mills. The first carriage set up in Manchester by any person actually in business was that of Madame Drake, who lived in Long Millgate. 1759. Mr. Peter "Worsley died at Piatt Hall, January 17. Mr. Peter Antrobus, governor of Chetham's Hospital, died June 19. The Duke of Bridgewater obtained an act (32 George II. cap. 2) to enable him to cut a navigable canal from Worsley to Salford, near Manchester, and to carry the same to or near Hollins Ferry, in the County of Lancaster. The capture of Quebec was celebrated by public illuminations, &c, October 23. Rev. John Wesley visited Manchester. In his diary he says : " Wretched magistrates, by refusing to suppress, had encouraged the rioters, and had long occasioned tumults, but some were now of a better spirit." In this year oats were 2s. the bushel of 451b., wheat 5s. the bushel of 701b., meal 20s. the load, "jannock" 151b. for Is., malt 23s. the load, a goose cost 15d., cheese about 3d. the pound, beef 2d. the pound, neck of mutton 9d., land 40s. or 45s. the Cheshire acre ; a weaver's cottage, with a two-loom shop, rented at 40s. or 45s. the year. 1760-1761] Annals of Manchester. 93 1760. The flying machines from Manchester to London occupied three days in the journey, which was " performed, if God permit, by John Hanforth, Matthew Howe, Samuel Glanville, and William Richardson. Fare, inside, £2 5s. ; out- side, half price." March 3. 33 George II. cap 2. Act to enable the most noble Francis Duke of Bridge- water to make a navigable cut or canal from or near Worsley Mill, over the river Irwell, to the town of Manchester, and to or near Longford Bridge, in the township of Stretford. 24th March. The Rev. Thomas Crouchley, one of the fellows of the Collegiate Church, died June 1. A musical entertainment was given in the garden of the Infirmary. The proceeds were added to the funds of the charity, June 18. Rev. Thomas Moss died at Crumpsall, 17th July. He was born in 1712, and was author of a Sermon at the Collegiate Church, Manchester, for the support of the Infirmary, 1754. (Manchester Foundations, ii., 305J September. Barton Aqueduct commenced. (See 1761.) The races on Kersal Moor, after fifteen years' disuse, were renewed Oct. 1. (Procter's Our Turf, &c.) The manufacture and dyeing of ginghams, damasks, moreens, &c. was greatly improved by the inventions of Mr. Mather. There was a theatre held at the Riding School, Salford, at this time. Manchester began to be famous for its cotton manufacture. The entire value of the cotton goods made was £200,000 per annum. About this period, according to Aikin, the manufacturers of this town began to treat their apprentices in a somewhat different manner to what they had hitherto done. The apprentices had allotted to them the use of a back parlour, with a fire, and had tea twice a day. It had been usual for the manu- facturer and his apprentices to be in the warehouse by six in the morning ; at seven they had breakfast, which consisted of one large dish of oatmeal porridge and another of milk ; each with a wooden spoon in his hand, without loss of time dipped into the dish, and thence into the milk pan, and as soon as it was finished they all returned to their work. At this period the dinner hour in Manchester was twelve o'clock, and ladies paid afternoon visits at two, and then repaired to the four o'clock prayers at the Old Church. The drop box invented by Robert Kay, of Bury, son of the inventor of the picking peg, or fly shuttle, about this date. 1761. The first English " Navigation Canal," extending from Worsley to Man- chester, was opened, June 17. Its originator, the Duke of Bridgewater, is rightly called " The Father of Inland Navigation in England." Mrs. Dorothy Byrom died at Kersall Cell in her 81st year. September. Rev. Thomas Foxley, M.A., died at Manchester, October 17. He was born in Manchester, October, 1714, and was a fellow of the Collegiate Church, and first rector at St. Mary's Church. He was the author of a consecration sermon on The Antiquity and Importance of Public Worship, 1750. 94 Annals of Manchester, [1762-1763 The coronation of George III. was celebrated with great rejoicings. He was proclaimed at the Market Cross, 4th November. Edward Crane was the author of Poetical Miscellanies, published at Man- chester this year. Nothing appears to be known of his personal history, and the book, though curious— it includes a tragedy on the crime of Miss Blandy the parricide— does not possess any merit. The first Blackfriars Bridge was built of wood by a company of comedians, for the purpose of enabling the inhabitants of Manchester the more readily to cross the river to the Riding School in Water Street, Salford, which they occu- pied as a theatre. Cannon Street Independent Chapel was erected. John Byrom records in his Diary that the Rev. John Newton, on the 20th April, 1762, came to Man- chester " upon account of the opening of the new Meeting (i.e., Meeting House) at the upper end of this Croft to-morrow and to see some Ministers and friends with whom he was acquainted." Byrom's house was at the corner of Hunter's Lane and Hanging Ditch, near the Old Church. By the "Croft" is meant Cannon Street, of which Hunter's Croft was the old name. The first minister was the Rev. Caleb Warhurst. Rev. John "Wesley visited Manchester. 1762. The Manchester Chronicle; or, Anderton's Universal Advertiser, came out in June. It was printed and published by Thomas Anderton, at the Shak- spere's Head, near the Market Cross. The price was 2d. Riots were renewed, in consequence of the high price of corn. July. The secret of dyeing turkey-red introduced by John Wilson, of Ainsworth. Rev. John Wesley visited Manchester. The weighing machine at Alport Town erected. The declaration of war against the King of Spain was proclaimed in the Market Place by Thomas Chadwick, the boroughreeve, who was attended by a procession of magistrates. 1763. The parish registers record the baptism of John, son of William Jordan, callique printer, of Little Green, September 4th. This Mr. Jordan is said to have been the first calico printer in the district. A notice of his house and descendants is given in the Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., p. 140. John Byrom, M.A., F.R.S., died September 26. He was born at Kersal in 1691. His father, a linen draper of Manchester, sent him to Cambridge, where he graduated M.A. and became Fellow of Trinity College ; but declining to take orders he resigned this provision, and soon after married his cousin, Miss Elizabeth Byrom, against the consent of both families. Being without a profession, and pressed by the res angustm domi, he repaired to the metropolis, and supported himself by teaching shorthand, of which he had invented the best system then before the public. In 1723 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and in the following year he succeeded, by the death of his elder brother, to the family estate, whenhe returned to Manchester, where he remained till his death. Byrom was a mystic, but a man of wit as well as 1763] Annals of Manchester. 9; virtue. Two posthumous editions of his Poems have appeared, and they are also included in Chalmers's collection of the English Poets. Byrom is compara- tively unknown at the present day, but his Colin and Phoebe was once one of the most popular pieces in the language, and his carol of Christians, Awake! is still so. His diary, written in his own shorthand, has been deciphered and published by the Chetham Society, and is valuable for its local information and for the glimpses it gives of the literary life of London and Cambridge in the early part of last century. The Rev. Charles Downes, fellow of the Collegiate Church, died October 28. " Last week a very curious and elegant clock, made by Mr. Hindley, of York, was compleatly finished and affixed in our collegiate church. It is allowed, by all judges, to be the best constructed thing of the kind ever seen in this country, and gives great satisfaction to the whole parish." (Harrop's Mercury, Dec. 13.) Mr. Thomas Percival died at Royton Hall. He was born at Royton Hall, 1st September, 1719. He was the author of A Letter occasioned by the late Disputes betwixt the Check-Makers of Manchester and their Weavers, Halifax, 1759 ; and was probably the author of A Letter to the Clergy of Manchester occasioned by Mr. Oiven's Remarks on Deacon, etc., 1748. His genealogical and antiquarian papers remain in MS. The Lancashire Magazine was published and printed by T. Anderton, at the Shakspere's Head, near the Market Cross. Buildings were erected as a workhouse in Miller's Lane, and also a prison, but were eventually taken down. A project which was called the " Chorlton Rant " suggested that Manchester should be a borough, under a royal charter. It was proposed that the corpoiation should consist of one-third of High Churchmen, one-third of Low Churchmen, and the other third of Protestant Dissenters. But the High Churchmen anticipating a union of the other two-thirds, and " not liking that the mace should be taken on Sunday to a conventicle," opposed the bill, and celebrated their success with great exultation. This victory of party spirit was a misfortune for the town, which had now outgrown its antiquated form of local government. Bleaching was generally introduced into the district about this date. The first spinning jenny is said to have been constructed by Thomas Highs, a reed maker, at Leigh, and so named after his beloved and favourite daughter, Jane. There has been much controversy as to the origin of the various cotton machines. (Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies). In this year only eight Hats (vessels so called) were employed in the trade between Manchester and Liverpool. The trust deed for the Wesleyan Chapel in Manchester provided that " during their lifetime Wesley, his brother, and Grimshaw, of Haworth, and others should have the use of the said chapel ; and that, after their death, the trustees should permit such persons to preach in it as were appointed by the yearly conference, provided always that such persons preach no other doctrine than is contained in Wesley's Notes upon the New Testa d many 98 Annals of Manchester. [1768-1769 years in Russia, 1775, which are highly commended by Nichols. (Literary Anecdotes, vol. iii., p. 209.) A flood occurred October 8. An additional burial ground was acquired in the place called Back o' th' Church. It adjoined the College garden, and was closed in February, 17S8. The Manchester Agricultural Society was founded. The spinning jenny improved upon by James Hargreaves, of Blackburn. He was the inventor of the crank and comb, an engine of singular merit for facilitating the progress of carding cotton. 1768. Mr. John Wainwright, who was appointed organist of the Collegiate Church, May 12, 1767, died in January. He composed the tune to Byrom's " Christians, Awake !" (Manchester Guardian Local Notes, No. 259 ; City News Notes and Queries, i., 231.) The shock of an earthquake was felt at Manchester, February 2. The first stone of St. John's Church laid by Edward Byrom, April 28. This church, situated between Higher and Lower Byrom Street, is a modern Gothic structure, with a tower steeple, containing a musical peal of eight bells, and a clock which faces four ways. The church was founded by Edward Byrom, and consecrated July 7, 1769. By the Act of Parliament for building this church, the presentation of the first and second incumbents was vested in the founder and his heirs. A petition was signed by many of the inhabitants for presenta- tion to the House of Lords in favour of the bill for the erection of St. John's. It is printed in the Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., p. 81. Christian VII., King of Denmark, visited Manchester, and lodged at the Bull's Head, in the Market Place, September 2. Mr. Thomas Butterworth Bayley, of Hope Hall, appointed high sheriff. 1769. Cornet Roger Aytoun (better known as " Spanking Roger"), of Inchdarnie, Fifeshire, was married to Mrs. Barbara Mynshull, of Chorlton Hall, February 2nd. He died in 1810. The lady, whose estates he thus acquired, was greatly his senior. Edward Chetham, of Turton, Clayton, and Smedley, and the last direct male descendant of that family, died February 19, and was buried in the Chetham Chapel in the Collegiate Church. Mrs. Elizabeth Byrom, sister to Dr. Byrom, died in her 86th year, Feb. 24. Mr. Richard Arkwright took out his first patent for the making of mule yarn by means of rollers, and erected a mill at Nottingham. 3rd July. Sir Thomas Egerton, of Heaton, married, at Middleton, to Miss Eleanora Assheton, one of the co-heiresses of Sir Ralph Assheton, of Middleton, Sept. 12. 9 George III. cap. 60. Act to enable Edward Byrom, Esq., to complete a building intended for a new church (St. John's, Deansgate) in the town of Manchester, and for making the same a perpetual cure and benefice, and for other purposes. 8th November. Rev. John Seddon, M.A., died 22nd November. He was born at Lomax Fold, near Bolton, and was educated at the University of Glasgow. In 1739 he 1770-1771] Annals of Manchester. 99 became assistant-minister at Cross Street Chapel, and was the first to preach Unitarian doctrine in that place. He married a daughter of Rev. J. Motters- head. He is buried under the vestry. He was the author of Discourses on the Person of Christ, 1793. (Baker's Memorials, p. 143.) The Rev. John Clowes was presented to the rectory of St. John's by Edward Byrom in December. The painted windows of St. John's Church were executed by William Peckett, of York. Mr. Doming Rasbotham was appointed High Sheriff. 10 George III. cap. 51. Act to enable the trustees of the estates devised by William Hulme, Esq., to grant building leases thereof, and to increase the number of exhibitioners in Brasennose College, Oxford, founded by the said testator, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1770. Sarah Barlow died at the reputed age of 101 years, September 16. The peal of bells cast by Lester and Pack, of Whitechapel, for St. John's Church, Deansgate, rung for the first time 30th November. The health of the district was affected by an epidemic of ulcerous sore throat. A day school was attached to St. John's Church, and, besides being endowed by Mr. Edward Byrom, was aided by other gifts, as well as by the olfertory money. The first volume of Whitaker's History of Manchester was published. The second appeared in 1775. A "Subscription Library for Promoting General Knowledge" was estab- lished. It was revived in 1802. The Gentlemen's Concert Club was originated at a tavern in the Market Place. (See under dates 1775 and 1S31.) The manufacture of ginghams, &c, was greatly improved by the inven- tions of Mr. Meadowcroft. 1771. Sir Ashton Lever, of Alkrington, appointed high sheriff. February. The Rev. Radclyffe Russell, rector of Easingwold, in Yorksbire, died, at his house in Manchester, March 21. PrescoWs Manchester Journal, No. 1, was issued. It was printed and published every Saturday by John Prescott, in Old Millgate ; price 2d. Mar. 23. Rev. Joseph Mottershead died Nov. 4. He was born near Stockport, Aug_ 17, 1688, and was ordained as a Nonconformist minister at the age of twenty. After preaching at Kingsley and Nantwich— where Matthew Henry died at his house— he succeeded Mr. Birch at Cross Street. He was buried at the chapel near Mr. Newcome's grave. There is a portrait of him in Sir Thomas Baker's Memorials, p. 27. He is the author of Religious Education begun and carried on in Three Catechisms, 1748, and other works. (Ibid., 142.) In December a notice was issued : " With the approbation and concurrence of the magistrates, we, the boroughreeves and constables, request the shop- keepers and innholders of this town, who have not already taken down their 100 Annals of Manchester. [1772 signs, to do the same as soon as possible, and place them against the walls of their houses, as they have been long and justly complained of as nuisances. They obstruct the free passage of the air, annoy the passengers in wet weather, darken the streets, etc., all which inconvenience will be prevented by a com- pliance with our request, and be manifestly productive both of elegance and utility. Thomas Scott, Benjamin Bower, John Bell." The natural result ot this request was the entire removal, in most cases, of the obnoxious sign- boards, and the adoption of numbered houses. Manchester was the first in the country, after London, to fall upon this device. (Bardsley's Memorials, p. 402.) Mr. Richard Arkwright erected a mill at Cromford, Derbyshire. 1772. Daniel Newton, a native of Oldham, who was apprenticed to a grocer in Manchester, made a vow to eat only bread and water from March to October. A clergyman having vainly tried to persuade him from this course of action, his master, in September, sent the boy to the Lunatic Asylum, then forming part of the Infirmary. From thence the clergyman obtained his release, and on being taken home he fell into a sleep which lasted for six weeks. In this trance he had visions of another world. Such is the narrative given in Walker's Extraordinary Warnings from the Invisible World, which is quoted in the Manchester Guardian Local Notes and Queries No. 1237. John Wesley visited Manchester April 5. He " drank tea at Am. O." (pro- bably Adam Oldham's), and remarks : " But how was I shocked ! The children that used to cling about me, and drink in every word, had been at a boarding school. There they had unlearned all religion, and even seriousness, and had learned pride, vanity, affectation, and whatever could guard them against the knowledge and love of God. Methodist parents who would send your girls headlong to hell, send them to a fashionable boarding school." (Tyerman's Life of Wesley, vol. iii., p. 120.) Mr. James Brindley died at his house, Turnhurst, near Golden Hill, Stafford- shire, in his fifty-sixth year, September 27. The life of this famous engineer has been graphically told by Dr. Samuel Smiles in his Lives of the Engineers. To his skill and genius was due the successful construction of the Bridge- water Canal, which had so important an influence upon the fortunes of Lancashire. Passage boats were established by the Duke of Bridgewater. They carried passengers upon his canal from Manchester to within two miles of Warrington. October 1. Mr. Robert Whitworth died Oct. 27. He was for many years a well-known printer, and was the publisher and proprietor of the Manchester Magazine. Mr. Jeremiah Clarke, the inventor of cotton velvet, died at Bolton, December 9. Mr. John Lees, a Quaker, of Manchester, invented the feeder in the manufacture of cotton. Mr. John Kay, of Bury, received a present of 200 guineas from the Man- chester manufacturers for his invention of a double jenny, which was exhibited in the Exchange. 1773] Annals of Manchester, 101 Mrs. Elizabeth Raffalrl, author of The Experienced English Housekeeper, published the first Manchester and Salford Directory. (See under date 1781.) A police office was first established at Manchester on the recommendation of Sir John Fielding. It was opened at the offices of Messrs. Chippendall and Milne, in Bow Street. 1773. The Duke of Bridgewater's Canal locks at Runcorn opened. The rise from the river Mersey was 90 feet. January 10. A comedy was performed, entitled The Generous Rival; or, Beauty in Distress, written by a gentleman of Manchester. It was founded upon a story which was related at the Debating Society's room, at the Angel Inn, Market Place. Marcb 1. Philip Astley, the equestrian, paid his first professional visit to Man- chester, of which town he claimed to be a native, March 2. Astley is generally regarded as a native of Newcastle, but he had relations in Manchester. Helen Holker abjured the Protestant faith at the Maison des Nouvelles Catholiques, Rouen, April 13. She was then 14, and was the daughter of Laurence Holker, of Manchester. (Palatine JVofc book, vol. iv., p. 135.) See under date 1780 for notice of tbe Lancashii'e Holkevs settled in France. Mr. Edward Byrom, the founder of St. John's Church, died April 19, aged 49 years. Mr. Byrom was a zealous Churchman, and much attached to ^11 its ceremonies. He gave a silver mace to be carried before the officiating clergy- man, from tbe vestry to tbe reading desk, and from tbe preacher's pew to the pulpit. He was the son of Jobn Byrom, F.R.S. An enumeration of the houses and inhabitants of the town and parish of Manchester was made from an actual survey, and deposited by Rev. John Whitaker, April 27, in the College Library. The total of the enumeration was as follows : — Houses. Families. Males. Females. Married. Wives. Widows. 3,402 866 2,371 5,317 1,099 2.525 10.54S 2,248 6,942 11,933 2,517 6.S44 7,721 1,775 432 89 1,064 14J The Russian Princess Czartoriski, Duchess of Oldenburgh, visited Man- chester, May 21. A stage coach now ran from the Spread Eagle, Salford, to Liverpool, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and returned on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. May 24. No. 1 of a History of Manchester was published. It was announced to be completed in twenty-two numbers, 8vo, at (id. each, and with a supplement, in thirty-six numbers, 4to, at 6d. each, and to be sold by Harrop, Newton, and Clarke. June. Mr. Samuel Clowes, of Broughton Hall, died at Smedley, July 31. Francis Reynolds, of Strange ways Hall, M.P. for Lancaster, Clerk of the Crown, and Provost Marshal of Barbadoes, died August 8. He was the father of the first Lord Ducie. 102 Annals of Manchester. [1774 The Rev. John Clayton, fellow of the Collegiate Church, and known as the " Jacobite Churchman," died on the 25th of September. He was the son of William Clayton, a bookseller in Manchester, was born in 1709, and educated at the Grammar School and at Brazennose College, Oxford. In 1732 he was introduced to Wesley, and became a prominent member of the Oxford Methodists. In 1733 he left Oxford and came to Manchester. In 1740 he was appointed one of the chaplains, and in 1760 elected a fellow of the Collegiate Church. He distinguished* himself as the master of a private academy in Salford, and his pupils erected in the Cathedral a monument to his memory. He was the author of Friendly Advice to the Poor, published in 1755. Mr. George Williamson, who had been a chorister and singing man for 70 years at the Collegiate Church, died, aged 84. September. Mrs. Bent's Charity was founded December 31. It consists of the interest of £50 to be given to poor housekeepers. A crank and comb to take wool from the cards in a continuous fleece was invented about this time by either James Hargreaves or Richard Arkwright. A considerable amount of annoyance and difficulty felt in relation to the currency of bank notes for small amounts. The "Diligence" coach left Manchester for Liverpool at six a.m., and the passengers breakfasted at Irlam, dined at Warrington, drank tea at Prescot, and reached Liverpool at nightfall. Mr. Otho Cooke, one of the feoffees of Chetham's Hospital, and many years treasurer of the Infirmary, died. 1774. A cattle market was established in Salford, and held at the same place as the fair. February 26. " On Friday last Rebecca Mee, of Manchester, single woman, was convicted before Thomas Butterworth Bayley, Esq., of embezzling and purloining three pounds weight of combed wool, the property of Mr. Ottwell Kershaw, and was committed to the house of correction, to be kept to hard labour for fourteen days, and to be once publicly whipped at the Market Place, in Manchester." (Harrop's Mercury, September 6, 1774.) Pleasure boats began to ply on the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal, October 9. Sir Jonathan Briggs was buried on the north side of the Collegiate Church, December 3. He was the last member of a Middlesex family, and claimed the title of baronet. During his residence in Manchester he was an officer of excise. St. Chad's Roman Catholic Chapel, Rook Street, built. The adherents of the Church of Rome had long been obliged to worship in secret, and a dyehouse in Blackfriars was used by a priest, who came once a month from Macclesfield. Father Helme then obtained premises in Roman Entry Church, and these were succeeded by the Rook Street Chapel. It was disused in 1847. Codrus, a tragedy, by Doming Ramsbottom, J.P., was performed once at the Theatre Royal, and afterwards printed. The House of Correction, Hunt's Bank, was rebuilt. When John Howard visited Manchester he found twenty-one prisoners confined in it. 1775-177S] Annals of Manchester. 103 An Act of Parliament, by which a duty was imposed on printed, painted, and stained cottons, declares the manufacture of cotton goods to be lawful. 1775. Mr. Abraham Clarke, bookseller, died May 20. The Theatre Royal, in Spring Gardens, was built and opened June 5. The first stone was laid of the Gentlemen's Concert Room in Fountain Street, by Edward Greaves, Esq., of Culcheth, August 24. 10 George III. cap 55. Act to enable the trustees of certain charity lands belonging to the poor of Salford to grant building leases thereof. 6th October. Mr. Richard Arkwright took out another patent for carding, drawing, and roving frames. The ducking-stool was still in use. It was an open-bottomed chair of wood, placed upon a long pole, balanced on a pivot, and suspended over a sheet of water at Pool Fold. It was afterwards suspended over the Daub-holes— the Infirmary pond— and was used for the purpose of punishing scolds and dis- orderly women. In the course of a debate in the House of Lords, the Bishop of London opposed the passing of the bill for a theatre, on the grounds that Manchester was a manufacturing town, and nothing could be more destructive to the wel- fare of the place than the introduction of such an institution. On the other hand, the Earl of Carlisle supported the project for a theatre, because the town had become the seat of Methodism. He said : " I know not of any way so effectual to eradicate that dark, odious, and ridiculous enthusiasm as by giving to the people cheerful, rational amusements, which may operate against their methodistical melancholy." The bill passed. " An Act for enabling His Majesty to license a playhouse in the town of Manchester, in the County Palatine of Lancaster" is reprinted in Earwaker's Local Gleanings, vol. iii., p. 311. A public subscription for the improvement of the town by the widening of St. Mary's Gate, the passage between the Exchange and St. Ann's Square, and the making of a street on the easterly side of Old Millgate, realised £10,771 3s. Cd. (Earwaker's Local Gleanings, No. 274.) An act (16 George III. cap. 63) was obtained for widening several streets near the centre of the town and for opening new streets. Several curious gold and silver coins were dug up in Castle Field. 1776. Mr. Sylvanus Hibbert died in January. He was the author of A Brief Inquiry into the State After Death (Manchester, 1771). A portrait, which looks like a caricature, is prefixed. The author was an advocate of cremation, and ends his pamphlet — Bury mo not, for heaven's sake ! In hopes that I may rise ; If that the object of my wish, Why not now mount the skies? Particulars of this able but eccentric man are given in Hihbert-Ware's Life of Samuel Hibbert-Ware. 104 Annals of Manchester. [1777 St. Thomas's Chapel, Pendleton, erected at the expense of Samuel Brierley It had been originally occupied by the Wesleyan Methodists, but was conse- crated July 6. It was rebuilt in 1831. Dr. Thomas White died July 20th, aged 81 years. A monument to him was erected at Sale by his son, Dr. Charles White, in 1790. (Palatine Note-book, vol. i., p. 113.) James Heywood died in London 23rd July. He was born at Cheetham Hill in 1686, and was a linen draper in London. He was author of Poems and Letters on Various Subjects, 1726. This volume includes a list of the ladies who were most celebrated for their beauty in Manchester. (Drake's Essays on the Tatler, iii., 331.) (See under date 1709.) The " Old Bridge " was made wider by taking down " The Dungeon " and extending the piers and arches. Until that period it was highly dangerous for foot passengers to meet a carriage ; and it was often a work of labour, for persons not very active, to get over the bridge on a market-day, as they were often obliged to take refuge from vehicles in the angular recesses on both sides of the bridge. (See also under date 1778.) The conduit, which was on the western side of the Old Exchange, ceased to flow, in consequence of the destruction of the spring (at the upper end of King Street), from which it had been supplied. The evacuation of New York by the American " Rebels," as the colonial patriots were still called, was celebrated in Manchester by the ringing of bells, public processions, &c. 1777. John Phillip Kemble, the actor, made his first appearance at the Theatre Royal, January 29th. John Bradshaw, for many years an active magistrate in the town, died March 4. Lady Lever, widow of Sir Darcy Lever, and mother of Sir Ashton Lever, died at Culshaw, in her 74th year, August 31. The shock of an earthquake was felt at Manchester, Middleton, Maccles- field, Preston, Wigan, Ashton, Stockport, and other places. The bells of the old church and of St. Mary's were set ringing by the force of the shock. Sept. 14. Bishop Porteous wrote A Letter to the Inhabitants of Manchester, Macclesfield, and adjacent parts on occasion of the late Earthquake, Chester, 1777. Another pamphlet appeared, entitled Observations and Reflections on the late Earthquake. By a gentleman of this town. Manchester, 1777. (Axon's Cheshire Gleanings.) A three days' musical festival, held in September, is believed to be the earliest of its kind in England. Green dye, for cotton, was invented by Mr. B. Williams. A grand stand was erected on Kersal Moor. A cupola on the tower of St. Ann's Church was taken down and replaced by a spire. It was soon after removed. Considerable street improvements were effected. Exchange Street was formed, by pulling down a pile of old buildings, called the "Dark Entry," forming a narrow footway which led from Market Place to St. Ann's Square. 1778] Annals of Manchester. 105 The streets, which were improved by the acts of 1776 and 1777, had long been felt to be a disgrace to the town. The Manchester people distinguished themselves by their loyal zeal in a foolish and unavailing attempt to coerce the American colonies. There was a subscription which amounted to £8,075, for the purpose of raising the cele- brated " Seventy-Second Regiment," to serve in America during the war. They were sent to Gibraltar instead, where they fought with great bravery during the siege of that place. The regiment consisted of 1,082 men. The people of Manchester were much elated at this display of military ardour. In an ode, written on this occasion by the Rev. John Whitaker, they are thus eulogised : — But Britain in this race of fame, Which of thy daughter-towns may claim, The greatest share of glory for the whole ? 'Tis Manchester that claims the share, "lis Manchester re-urged the war, 'Tis Manchester re-awaked the British soul. On the return of the regiment in 1783 they were received with enthusiasm, and their colours were deposited with much ceremony in the Collegiate Church, from whence they were removed to Chetham College. The Manchester Free Grammar School, Long Millgate, was rebuilt. Samuel Clowes, of Broughton, was appointed high sheriff. 1778. Samuel Ogden, D.D., Woodwardian professor in the university of Cam- bridge, and vicar of Davenham, in Wiltshire, died March 23, in the 62nd year of his age, and was interred in St. Sepulchre's Church, Cambridge. He was born at Manchester in 1716, and educated at the Free Grammar School, from whence he proceeded, in 1733, to Cambridge. In 1744 he became master of the Free Grammar School at Halifax, but resigned in 1753 in order to reside at Cambridge. In private life Dr. Ogden was greatly beloved, but in his appear- ance and outward demeanour there is said to have been something uncouth. He was a man of extensive erudition. On the accession of George III. he produced congratulatory poems in Latin, English, and Arabic. This gave rise to the following epigram : — When Ogden his prosaic verse In Latin numbers drest, The Roman language prov'd too weak To stand the critic's test. The English rhyme he next essayed, To show he'd some pretence ; But, ah ! rhyme only would not do — They still expected sense. Enraged, the Doctor swore he'd place On critics no reliance ; So wrapt his thoughts in Arabic, And bade them all defiance. James Hargreaves, the inventor of the spinning-jenny, died at Hockley, Nottingham, in April. He was originally a weaver, of Stand Hill, near Black- burn, and in 1767 invented the spinning-jenny. In 1768 he went to Nottingham, 108 Annals of Manchester, [1779-1780 and in 1770 patented the jenny. He entered into partnership with Mr. Thomas James, and they erected a small mill at Hockley, where he died in moderate circumstances. Mrs. Elizabeth Byrom, relict of Dr. John Byrom, died at Kersal Cell, December 21. Samuel Bayley, of Booth Hall, died March 5, 1778. He was the son of "old" James Bayley, and was born December 31, 1717. The old chapel, Salford Bridge, built by Thomas del Booth, and afterwards converted into a dungeon, was taken down for the purpose of widening the bridge. 1779. Mr. Roger Sedgwick, banker, died January 17. Mr. Philip Brown, M.D., died at his house in Marsden Square, June 17. Mr. Humphrey Trafford, of Trafford, died at York, July 1, and the estates passed to the Traffords of Croston. The Bev. Sir John Mosley, third baronet, lord of the manor, died 23rd September, and with him the baronetcy became extinct. He was a man of very eccentric habits, and owing to an early disappointment in love had so great an aversion to womankind that his orders to his housekeeper were given through a grated partition. (Mosley's Family Memoirs ; Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) He was succeeded by John Parker Mosley. (See under date 179S.) Serious riots occurred in Manchester, and throughout Lancashire, on the introduction of machinery for spinning, October 9. The riots were continued during the following year. Mr. Samuel Crompton, of Hall-i'th'-Wood, near Bolton, invented a com- bination of the jenny and the water-frame, called a mule, for spinning, which he gave to the public. Rev. Robert Gore died at the age of 31. He was a native of Liverpool, and in 1770 became minister of Cross Street Chapel. He was buried in the vestibule of the chapel. (Baker's Memorials, p. 47.) There was only one stage coach each week from Manchester to London, and one to Liverpool twice a week. The Manchester and Liverpool Museum; or, The Beauties of all the Magazines Selected, is the title of a periodical printed by and for T. Jefferson, Manchester, and issued monthly. The publication of a satirical work, entitled Characteristic Strictures ; or, Upivards of One Hundred of the Principal Portraits in Manchester, &c, gave offence to many who were lampooned. The book was anonymous, but the author was the Rev. Thomas Seddon. (See under date 1796.) Sir Thomas Egerton, of Heaton Park, raised, at his own expense, a regiment of 400 men, who were called the Royal Lancashire Volunteers. 1780. The following notice was issued 4th July : " The ladies' stand on Kersal Moor will be opened on Wednesday next for the accommodation of ladies and gentle- men of the town and neighbourhood of Manchester, where coffee, tea, choco- late, strawberries, cream, &c, will be provided every Wednesday and Friday 17S1] Annals of Manchester. 107 during the strawberry season. By the public's most obliged and humble servant, Elizabeth Raffald." (Palatine Note-book, vol. i., p. 143.) A riot arose in July owing to the indignation of the people on account of some military floggings. (See under date 1781.) An old man, who died this year, remembered the site of St. Ann's Church and Square a cornfield. The old name of the locality was Acres Field. The old Chorlton Chapel, taken down in the preceding year, replaced by a brick structure, and dedicated to St. Clement. Cotton was picked, batted, slubbed, and wound on one spindle up to this period. The average import of cotton wool per year at this period was 6,766,G131b. and the official value of British cotton goods of all kinds exported in this year was £355,060. The manufacture of muslins was introduced. 1781. Mr. Henry Whittaker, schoolmaster, of Salford, died March 1. The Wesleyan Chapel in Oldham Street opened, March 30, by Rev. John Wesley, who records in his diary that " the whole congregation behaved with the utmost seriousness." Mrs. Raffald died of spasms, after an hour's illness, 19th April. Elizabeth Whittaker was born at Doncaster, and in 1748 entered service as housekeeper, and when with Lady Elizabeth Warburton, of Arley Hall, in that capacity, met the head gardener, Mr. John Raffald, to whom she was married at Great Budworth, 3rd March, 1763. In eighteen years she had sixteen daughters. They came to Manchester, and finally settled at the King's Head, Salford. In 1769 appeared The Experienced English Housekeeper, which went through many editions. Baldwin, the London publisher, is said to have paid her £1,400 for the copyright in 1773. In 1772 she issued the first Manchester Directory, and it was re-issued in 1773, and again in 1781— the year of her death. A work on midwifery is said to have been completed in MS., and it is said that her hus- band, who did not share the business ability of his wife, sold it in Loudon, but whether it was published is not known. At one time she gave lessons to young ladies in cookery and other branches of domestic economy. She is also said to have helped in the continuance of Harrop's newspaper and in the com- mencement of Prescott's, and that but for her aid Manchester would have been left without a newspaper. An account of her busy life is given in Harland's Collectanea, vol. i., p. 119 ; vol. ii., p. 144 ; Palatine Note-book, vol. L, p. 141. The first number of the Manclicstcr Chronicle was printed and published by Charles Wheeler, in Hunter's Lane, Cannon Street, June 23. The paper was conducted by Charles Wheeler and by his son John. It was discontinued June 23, 183S, but was revived by Josiah Leicester, under the heading of the Man- chester Chronicle arid Salford Standard, January 5, 1839, 4, St. Ann Street. It finally ceased December 31, 1S12. A new market opened 28th July in Pool Fold. It was discontinued in 1S03. Under date of 1782 will be found an account of the trial action brought agaius,t the promoters of this scheme. 108 Annals of Manchester. [1732 Samuel Peploe, junior, LL.D., Warden of the Collegiate Church, died October 22, aged 82 years, and was buried at Chester. He was much respected by the clergy both at Manchester and at Chester, as he resided at both places, and was remarkable for his attendance on public worship. He was succeeded by the Rev. Richard Assheton, D.D. Mr. Robert Thyer died at Manchester 27th October. This learned man was born at Manchester, February, 1708-9, and was Librarian of Chetham's College. He is often mentioned in Byrom's Journal, and was the editor of Samuel Butler's Remains. (Grammar School Register, i., 39.) There were 2,519 houses in Manchester assessed to the house tax. The Manchester and Blackpool diligence set out from the Royal Oak, in the Market Place, every morning at six o'clock ; arrived at the Red Lion Inn, in Preston, at noon ; met the Lancaster, Penrith, and Carlisle diligence, and went to Forshaw's at Blackpool. Fare to Blackpool, 15s. " The journey performed by Pickford and Co., d.v." The foundation of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society belongs to this year. It arose from conversational meetings held at a tavern by a number of gentlemen interested in literature and science. The history of the society and its labours has been told by Dr. Angus Smith in A Centenary of Science in Manchester. (London, 1883.) Public Baths were erected near the Infirmary. Home patients were admitted to the benefit of the Infirmary. James Artingstall, who had been condemned to be hanged at Lancaster for his share in the riot at Manchester in July, 1780, received a pardon. Mr. Richard Arkwright brought nine actions, in this year, against certain manufacturers for the infringement of his patent for the carding, drawing, and roving machines. An association of Lancashire spinners was formed to defend the actions. " Mr. Fildes, in the same year in which Raikes began his work at Gloucester, opened a Sunday School in a Manchester cellar, a second in a garret, and a third in the first room in Manchester built expressly for Sunday School pur- poses, a room erected at Mr. Fildes' own expense, behind his own dwelling- house, in the neighbourhood of London Road." (Tyerman's Life of Wesley, vol. iii. p. 350.) 1782. A panic was created in Manchester by the circumstance of 7,012 bags of cotton having been imported between the months of December and April. Sir John Parker Mosley, lord of the manor, brought an action in the Court of King's Bench against Mr. T. Chadwick and Mr. Holland for setting up 144 meat stalls in Pool Fold, in July, 1781, in violation of his prescriptive rights : decided in his favour June 19, after being twice argued at Westminster, upon a special verdict found for the plaintiff at Lancaster Assizes. Mosley v. Chadwick, 3 Douglas's Reports, 117 : 7 Barn, and Cress. 47 (note). Mr. Richard Wainwright, Mus. Doc, died, 15th July. The inhabitants of Manchester raised a corps of 150 volunteers to serve during the war in America. Thomas B. Bayley was the Lieutenant- Colonel 1733] Annals of Manchester. 109 Commandant; George Lloyd was the Major, and his wife presented the regiment with colours, worked by the ladies of Manchester. The officers' commissions, dated September 24, were presented to them in St. Ann's Square. November 18. An Act passed for building the New Bailey Prison. (See under dates 1787, 1816, and 1872.) The Manchester Printing Society, for the publication of the writings and doctrine of Swedenborg, was instituted. Mr. Oswald Mosley, the heir of Sir J. P. Mosley, came of age. The event was celebrated by a ball given to four hundred of the nobility, gentry, and prin- cipal inhabitants of the district. Lord North visited Manchester, and dined with the gentlemen of the town at the Bull's Head. Particulars of the " Volunteers of the Manchester Military Association " are given in Earwaker's Local Gleanings, Nos. 159, 165, 187. An act (22 Geo. III. cap. 60), was passed to prevent the seducing of artificers or workmen employed in printing calicoes, cottons, muslins, and linens, or in making or preparing blocks, plates, or other implements used in that manu- factory, to go to parts beyond the seas; and to prohibit the exporting to foreign parts of any such blocks, plates, or other implements. This act imposed a pen- alty of £100, or twelve months' imprisonment, for enticing any workman engaged in calico printing to go beyond the seas. 1783. Mr. Edward Greaves, one of the feoffees of Chetham's Hospital, died at Culcheth, aged 75, January 28. Rev. Joseph Hoole died 4th Feb. He was a son of Rev. Joseph Hoole, rector of St. Ann's, and was educated at the Grammar School, and at Oxford, where he was Vice-President of Magdalene College. Mrs. Roger Aytoun, of Chorlton Hall, died February 20. She was the widow of a rich apothecary, Thomas Minshull, and married "Spanking Roger" Aytoun, of Inchdarnie, a man very much younger than herself. A fatal duel was fought with swords between Captain Mouncey of the 79th Regiment, and Cornet Hamilton, in Spencer's Tavern, in the Market Place, March 21. The former was killed. The quarrel originated in a dispute as to the respective qualities of two dogs. Mr. Hamilton was acquitted by a coroner's jury, and Mr. Mouncey had a public funeral at St John's Church. The foundation stone of the New Bailey Bridge was laid May 6; the bridge was opened for passengers and carriages in 1785 ; the toll taken oft", January 31, 1803. It was owned by subscribers, who, during eighteen years, received toll, which repaid them for the capital invested and seven and a half per cent. The toll for the last year was let for £1,150. Rev. John Wesley visited Manchester, May 17. Here he had an enormous sacramental service, at which thirteen or fourteen hundred communicants were present. " Such a sight," says he, "as, I believe, was never seen in Manchester before." " I believe," he adds, "there is no place but London where we have so many souls so deeply devoted to God." The Description of Manchester, by a native of the town, price one shilling, was printed by Charles Wheeler, June 24. 110 Annals of Manchester. [1784 Mr. Thomas Tipping, of Ardwick, died July 12. The Manchester Regiment (the 72nd) returned from Gibraltar, and were presented with five shillings each, together with their pay and arrears, 30th August, and were disbanded 9th September. Mrs. Phoebe Byrom, sister to the late Mr. John Byrom, died September 28, aged 85 years. An air balloon ascended from the Infirmary gardens, and alighted at Cromford, Derbyshire. One shilling was the charge for admittance to witness the ascent, and the proceeds were devoted to the benefit of the Infirmary. Mr. Titus Hibbert, writing to a Prussian correspondent as to the trade of the town, says: "The greatest quantity of foreign yarn is imported from Hamburg and Bremen, Dantzig and Konisberg, and the greatest part of it, by far, is manufactured at Manchester, and by the manufacturers who live in the country and lesser towns, near enough to come weekly to Manchester, which they do, to buy yarn and cotton and sell goods ; the rest at Blackburn, Preston, Wigan, Walton, Nottingham, etc." (Mrs. Hibbert Ware's Life of Samuel Hibbert Ware.) The river Tib was covered over with a culvert. 1784. Father Thomas Falkner, S.J., died at Plowden Hall, Salop, January 30, aged 77. He was born in Manchester, where his father was a surgeon. He was educated at the Grammar School, and practised as a surgeon in Manches- ter. About 1731 he was sent out as surgeon on a slave-ship to Africa, and from thence to Buenos Ayres. Here he was converted to Roman Catholicism and entered the Society of Jesus as a noviciate, May 5, 1732, and after his ordination entered on his missionary labours. In 1768 he was expelled, along with the other Jesuits, from South America. He afterwards removed to Plowden Hall, Shropshire. He was the author of A Description of Pata- gonia, editions of which appeared in German in 1775, in French in 1787, and in Spanish in 1835. (Gillow's Bibliographical Dictionary of English Catholics.) Samuel Kay, M.D., died 23rd February, aged 76. He was the first physician of the Manchester Infirmary, and was notable for his benevolence. (Baker's Memorials, p. 56.) Rev. John Wesley again visited Manchester, in March. Mr. Ralph Markland, lieutenant in the 23rd Regiment, died at Chorlton Hall, August 31. Mr. Joseph Younger, one of the patentees of the Manchester theatre, died near Liverpool, September 4. Ann Lee died at Watervliet, New York, 8th September, aged 48 years and six months. She was born at Toad Lane, Manchester, 29th February, 1736, and was daughter of John Lee, a blacksmith. She married in 1762, Abraham Stanley, or Standerin, and had several children who died young. She joined a small religious sect, a remnant of the French prophets (see under date 1712), and became a leader. She was accepted as "Ann the Word," and with some followers emigrated to America, where she was the foundress of the Shakers, who adopted a communistic life and the rule of celibacy. Her followers are remarkable for their honesty and industry. There is an extensive literature 17S5J Annals of Manchester. Ill relating to the Shakers, whose official name is the " United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing." (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) The boroughreeve and constables issued an address, August 10th, recom- mending the establishment of Sunday schools. A meeting was held 28th September, at the Bull's Head, and a committee was formed with Sir John Parker Mosley as president. Churchmen, Dissenters, and Roman Catholics served on this committee, and it was not until 1800 that sectarian disputes caused a rupture. This plan of joint management was copied in many other parts of the kingdom. Rooms were hired in dwelling-houses and the teachers were paid. The first building exclusively appropriated to the purpose of a Sunday school is said to be the cottages in Gun Street, Ancoats, which were the gift of Simeon Newton. Admiral Lord Hood and his family visited Manchester. Fustian tax of one penny per yard imposed upon all bleached cotton manufactures, if under the value of three shillings per yard, and twopence if exceeding that value. This tax was in addition to the already existing duty of threepence per yard. Deputations were sent from various towns, and the manufacturers were heard by counsel at the bar of the House; and in the following year Mr. Pitt brought in a bill which repealed the new duties of 1784 on linen and cotton manufactures. 1785. Rules were drawn up for the government of Sunday schools in Manchester, at a meeting in the Manchester Hotel, at which Sir John Mosley presided. January 3. The magistrates authorised the constables to prevent cock-fighting and the throwing of cocks during Shrove Tide. February 15. Mr. Stanley, M.P. for the county, presented a petition to the House of Commons from the manufacturers and inhabitants of Manchester against the commercial regulations between Great Britain and Ireland. March 11. The thermometer was from 1 to 18i degrees below the freezing point from October 18, 1781, to March 15, except 26 days. Power-loom weaving was invented by the Rev. Dr. Edmund Cartwright, of Hollander House, Kent, by whom a patent was taken out on the 4th of April. In 1787 he patented an improved invention, and in 1809 he received a Parlia- mentary grant of £10,000. He was brother to the celebrated Major Cartwright, and died at Hastings on the 25th of October, 1832. Mr. Garrow, as counsel for the fustian manufacturers, was called to the bar of the House of Commons, when he spoke for two hours. April S. Many thousands of weavers from Oldham and its vicinity, who had been thrown out of employ owing to the tax on manufactures, visited Manchester. April 12. Mr. Thomas Walker and Mr. Thomas Richardson, the delegates, arrived express with the intelligence that the repeal of the tax upon fustians had been moved by Mr. Pitt, seconded by Mr. Fox, and carried without a division. The delegates alighted at the Bull's Head, in the Market Place, which was filled with people. Aft or a short speech by Mr. Walker they were placed upon two chairs and carried through the streets. April 21. 112 Annals of Manchester. [1786 The gentlemen and ladies appeared with favours in token of the repeal of the fustian tax, April 22. Mr. Sadler ascended in his balloon, 12th May, from a garden behind the Manchester Arms Inn, Long Millgate. It was then a private house. The Fustian Tax Repeal Act received the royal assent, May 13. The fustian tax repealed through the endeavours of Mr. Thomas Walker and Mr. Thomas Richardson, who were presented with a silver cup each. The victory was celebrated by public processions. May 17. Mr. Sadler made his second balloon ascent, but on alighting was obliged to let it drive with the wind. May 19. Jane Diggle, of Kersal Moor, died June 12. She had her coffin and suit made thirty years before she died. A dinner was given to Thomas Stanley, M.P., at the Manchester Hotel, August 27. This was to celebrate his share in the repeal of the Fustian Act. A musical festival was held in the Concert Hall, Fountain Street, Sept. 1. Thomas Reynolds, second Baron Ducie, of Tortworth, died at Woodchester Park, September 11. Lord Robert Spencer, Sir Frank Standish, Charles James Fox, and Mr. Grenville visited Manchester, and dined with the local adherents of the Liberal party. September 15. The Rev. John Bennett preached a sermon in aid of Sunday schools, 2nd October. The following is a copy of the title-page :— The Advantages of Sunday Schools : A discourse preached for the benefit of that useful and excellent charity, St. Mary's Church, in Manchester, on Sunday, the 2nd of October, 1785 ; to which is prefixed some account of the origin, design, and progress of this institution. Published by order of the chairman of the committee. By the Rev. John Bennett, secretary to the society. Printed by J. Wheeler, and sold by J. Clark and all the booksellers in Manchester. (4to, pp. 20.) The scholastic session of the College of Arts and Sciences was opened with a lecture by Dr. Charles White, October 8. Rev. Abel Ward died, at Neston, 9th October. He was a graduate of Queen's College, Cambridge, and in 1745 became Rector of St. Ann's. A strong advocate and defender of the Protestant succession, the authorities recognised the value of his aid by a succession of preferments. He preached against Popery and Jacobitism, and in 1751 became Archdeacon of Chester, after which he was only occasionally resident in Manchester. He wrote The Duty of rendering to all their Dues considered, a sermon. (Manchester, 1750.) (Ear- waker's Local Gleanings, No. 664.) Peter Mainwaring, M.D., died, aged 91. He bequeathed his books to the Manchester Infirmary, where they became the nucleus of the present library. A German named Baden was tried at Lancaster, and fined £500, for having visited Manchester and seduced cotton operatives to go to Germany. The privileges of the spinning-jenny, which had partly been thrown open in 1783, were, in this year, wholly given to the public, when cotton mills began to increase as well as the population. 1786] Annals of Manchester. 113 It was estimated by Mr. Pitt that the population employed in the cotton trade generally was 80,000. Cylindrical calico printing was invented by a Scotchman named Bell, and was first successfully applied at Masney, near Preston, by Messrs. Livesey, Hargreaves, Hall, and Company. 1786. A main of cocks was fought at the Royal Exchange betwixt the gentlemen of Lancashire and Cheshire for £5 a battle and £200 the main. Cheshire won by eight battles. January 3, 6, 7, 8, 9. A fire broke out in the New Market Hall, Pool Fold, and entirely consumed the upper part of the building, January 10. Manchester Academy instituted 22nd February. The first session was opened 14th September by an address from Rev. Thomas Barnes. Dr. Thomas Percival was the first chairman. In 1803 it was removed, and became Man- chester College, York ; in 1S-10 it returned to its birthplace as Manchester New College, and in 1853 was removed to London, still retaining the name of Man- chester New College. John Holker, Chevalier of the Order of St. Louis, and inspector-general of the woollen and cotton manufactures of France, died at Rouen, 28th April. He was born at Stretford, and baptised there 14th October, 1719. His parents were married at Manchester in 1715, and the name is found frequently at Monton. He was a " calendarer," joined the rebels in 1745, and was taken prisoner at Carlisle. When in Newgate awaiting trial a fellow-prisoner found a means of escape from the same cell, but Holker was too bulky to pass through the ' ' straightgate." The generous comrade returned, and the two in company enlarged the hole and both escaped. Holker was concealed for six weeks by a woman who kept a green stall, but eventually escaped to France, where he entered the army, and retired on a pension of 600 francs in 1755. He had previously, in connection with partners, erected a velvet factory at Rouen, and in 1758 he retired with a fortune. He was inspector-general of foreign manu- factures from 1755 until his death. In 1766 he established chemical works and introduced leaden chambers for the manufacture of sulphuric acid. He is said to have visited England secretly to induce English artisans to settle in France. He was nominated a Chevalier de St. Louis, 27th September, 1770. This remarkable life is given with the fullest detail in communications by Mr. J. G. Alger in the Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., pp. 47, 111. John Collier, better known as " Tim Bobbin," died, at Milnrow, 14th July. He was born at Urmston, and baptised at Flixton 6th January, 1708-9. The greater part of his life was passed at Milnrow, where he was schoolmaster. In 1746 he published a View of the Lancashire Dialect, which has since passed through almost innumerable editions. It cannot be supposed to represent faithfully the folk-speech of any particular district, but it preserves many uncommon words and idioms which Collier had picked up in various parts. There is a great deal of humour in his writings, but he is coarse and sadly wanting in refinement. Collier wrote in verse and prose, and dabbled in archaeology. His Curious Remarks on the History of Manchester and More Fruit from the Same Pannier are severe criticisms on Whitaker's History of li 114 Annals of Manchester. [1787-17S3 Manchester. In these he is thought to have been aided by Richard Towneley, of Belfield. Collier was also a painter, and published a volume of caricatures, entitled Human Passions Delineated. He is buried in Rochdale Churchyard. A rule was adopted 6th September by the joint committee of Sunday schools that writing should not henceforward be taught in the schoolroom. The bigotry and cruelty of such a regulation at a time when the means of education were so scanty needs no comment. James Holland was hanged at Bolton-le-Moor, for croft breaking, Sept. 12. Mr. Josiah Birch, for many years treasurer to the Manchester Infirmary, died September 29. Sir John Parker Mosley served the office of High Sheriff of the County Palatine of Lancaster. He was accompanied from his seat at Ancoats by an immense retinue of his friends and neighbours, and the conviviality attending it was long celebrated in their private discourse. (Mosley's Mosley Family.) A man was tried at Lancaster and fined £200 for having had in his possession a quantity of machinery with a view to export it to the Emperor of Germany, and for also having seduced workmen to go abroad with it. 1787. The foundation stone of the New Bayley, or Prison for the Hundred of Salford, laid May 22 by Thomas Butterworth Bayley. It was opened for prisoners April, 1790. Large additions were made to it in 1816, but in 1872 it was sold to the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company in consequence of the erection of the gaol in Strangeways. A meeting was convened at the Manchester Hotel, by the Boroughreeve, for the purpose of establishing fixed market days, June 19. The Collegiate Church broken into and two surplices and the poor box stolen, June 22. The Rev. John Wesley held the annual conference of the ministers in his Connexion, at Manchester, in July. 150 preachers attended. Mr. John Tipping died at his house, Ardwick Green, August 19. The Bishop of Chester consecrated a new burial ground in Ashley Lane, 21st September. It was closed in 1816, and after a period of neglect was covered and is now known as St. Michael's Flags. A flood in the Irwell which lasted for seven days carried away a portion of Salford Bridge. The Rev. Robert Kenyon, incumbent of Salford Chapel, one of the feoffees and also librarian of the Chetham College, died, aged 45. Muslin manufacture developed rapidly through mule spinning, and 500,000 pieces were manufactured in Great Britain. The value of exported cotton goods, in this year, amounted to £1,101,457. This was immediately after Arkwright's patent had been declared invalid. It is stated that only forty-two spinning factories existed in Lancashire. 1788. Sir Ashton Lever, Knt., of Alkrington, died at the Bull's Head Inn, Man- chester, February 1. Having as a young man shot a " white sparrow," it formed the starting point of an important but very miscellaneous collection of 17381 Annals of Manchester. 115 objects of natural history and archeology, known as the Leverian Museum. Financial difficulties induced Sir Ashton to part with this collection, and Par- liament authorised a lottery for the purpose in 1785. The winner afterwards disposed of it by public auction in 1806, when the sale occupied 65 days. It has been surmised that Sir Ashton's death was due to poison self -administered. Mr. Thomas Burchell died ISth March. He was for several years the con- ductor of the Gentlemen's Concert. Mr. Aulay Macaulay died March 19, 1788. He was a tea dealer in St. Ann's Square, and was also the author of a system of shorthand which does not possess any great merit. (Guardian Notes and Queries, June 12, 1876.) The centenary of the Revolution of 1688 was celebrated in a variety of ways. The military fired a, feu dejoic in St. Ann's Square. " On the 29th [March] a most daring murder and robbery was committed near Miles Platting, on the York road, on the person of Mr. Worthington, the York carrier, who had scarcely left the house where he had stayed to drink than he was shot dead, and his watch and purse taken from him, though so near three men on the road before him as to be heard to beg for life. A man has been apprehended on suspicion, but discharged for want of evidence." (Gentle- man's Magazine, vol. lviii., p. 355.) Mr. Henry Sedden died in March. He was buried at the Collegiate Church, of which he had been sexton for 30 years. The Rev. John "Wesley preached in Oldham Street Chapel, 13th April. He was then in his 86th year. St. Michael's Church, Angel Street, was built by the Rev. Humphrey Owen, M.A., Chaplain of the Collegiate Church, and consecrated July 23, 1789. The pre- sentation was vested in the heirs of the founder for sixty years, and afterwards in the warden and fellows of the Collegiate Church. Foundation stone laid May 20. Hey wood's Bank established in St. Ann's Street, May 26 ; afterwards known as Hey wood Brothers and Co. It was amalgamated with the Manchester and Salford Bank, of which it is the St. Ann's Street Branch. Mr. John Wilson, Captain in the 72nd, or Manchester Volunteers, died June 24. St. James's Church, George Street, was built by the Rev. Cornelius Bayley, D.D., and consecrated August 18. The presentation was vested in the heirs of the founder for sixty years, and then in the warden and fellows of the Collegiate Church. The total number of scholars in Sunday schools of Manchester and Salford was estimated 4,000 in August. The Congregational Chapel, Mosley Street, was opened 24th September. (See under date 1819.) The foundation stone of St. Peter's Church, Mosley Street, which was founded by the Rev. Samuel Hall, M.A., was laid 11th December tin's year. It was consecrated September 6, 1794. The presentation was vested in twenty-one trustees for sixty years from the date of the consecration deeds, and afterwards in the wardens and fellows of the Collegiate Church. The 116 Annals of Manchester. [1789-1790 church was built from the design of Mr. James Wyatt. The altar piece is a " Descent from the Cross," attributed to Annibal Carracci. From an enumeration made at Christmas it appeared that Manchester had 5,916 houses, 8,570 families, and 48,821 persons. In Salford there were 1,260 houses, and an estimated population of 7,566. A meeting was held in Manchester to consider the great depression of the cotton manufacture, arising from the "importation of Indian goods;" and Government was solicited to allow a drawback as an encouragement to the export of English products. It was estimated that the cotton manufacture employed 159,000 men, 90,000 women, and 101 children. The art of bleaching with oxymuriatic acid was introduced by Mr. Thomas Henry. 1789. The Rev. Richard Millward, LL.B., one of the chaplains at the Collegiate Church, died April 15. Three boat loads of coal, the first that came from Worsley, arrived at Bank Top, April 20. The Theatre Royal, in Spring Gardens, was burnt down, June 19 ; rebuilt and opened, February, 1790. Mr. John Wheeler died 16th October. He was formerly of the Manchester Theatre, and was the father of Charles Wheeler, the original proprietor of the Manchester Chronicle. Mr. Duncan Smith died 16th December. He was for more than forty years a writing master in Manchester. There were great public rejoicings on the recovery of George III. from his insanity. The Unitarian Chapel in Mosley Street was erected. It was taken down in 1836. Mr. Oswald Mosley, eldest son of Sir J. P. Mosley, died, aged 22. He married the daughter of the Rev. Thomas Tonman, and left four orphans, of whom Oswald succeeded to the title. (See under date 179S.) The Baptist Chapel, St. George's Road (now Rochdale Road), was built. The first volume of the Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philo- sophical Society was printed, at Warrington, by W. Eyres. A German translation of it appeared. The Lancashire Humane Society was established. The first steam engine for spinning cotton is said to have been erected in Manchester for Mr. Drinkwater. 1790. Mr. James Hall, surgeon, of King Street, died February 11. The Theatre Royal was rebuilt after the fire of 1789, and reopened in February. On Easter Sunday, the Rev. John Wesley preached twice, and held a sacra- mental service at which there were about sixteen hundred communicants. This was his last visit to Manchester. Manchester Lying-in Hospital, founded May 6, by Charles White, F.R.S., and his son, Dr. White, and Messrs. Edward and R. Hull. Patients were 1790] Annals of Manchester. 117 attended at their homes until a house near Salford Bridge was taken in 1795. The Bath Inn, Stanley Street, was bought for £1,000, and converted into an hospital, 1796. This was sold by auction May 5, 1822. The Hospital had then removed to North Parade, St. Mary's, October 10, 1821. The foundation stone of the new hospital was laid by the Bishop of Manchester, September 3, 1855, and opened October 10, 1856. An Act of Parliament (30 George III. cap. 81) was obtained for the pur- pose of "providing a new poorhouse for, and for the better relief and govern- ment of, the poor of the township of Manchester, in the county of Lancaster." 21st June. Oxford Road, from St. Peter's Church, was opened July 12. The organ at Trinity Chapel, Salford, was opened, August 9th. It was built by Schultz, of London. Mr. Thomas Taylor, lieutenant in the 72nd, or Manchester Volunteers, died August 16. James Macnamara hanged 11th September, on Kersal Moor, for a burglary committed in the house of Mr. Cheetham, at the sign of the " Dog and Part- ridge," Stretford, in January. He was executed on the large hill. The " Manchester Constitutional Society " established, to " effect a reform in the representation of the people in Parliament." October. Rev. Humphrey Owen died 14th November. He was born at Aberystw ith in 1723, and after graduating at St. John's College, Oxford, became Chaplain of the Collegiate Church, but acted as the substitute of Rev. Abel Ward, at St. Ann's, after 1751 until 1789, when he was appointed the first rector of St. Michael's, Angel Meadow, in the erection of which he had been largely instru- mental. (Bardsley's Memorials, p. 89.) A large building, situated near Hanover Street, fell down, owing to the springing of an arch in the foundation. The upper part was used as a cotton mill, and at the time there were twenty-two persons at work, several of whom were killed, and others seriously hurt. December 21. The lord of the manor brought an action in the Court of King's Bench, claiming by prescription a weekly market on Saturdays for the sale of flour and oatmeal and other goods. The case was tried at the Lancaster Summer Assizes, when the plaintiff was nonsuited, but a rule for a new trial having been obtained was made absolute after argument. It does not appear whether the plaintiff ultimately succeeded. Mosley v. Pierson, 4 Term Reports (Dumford v. East), 104. The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Gravel Lane, Salford, Avas built. The House of Correction, Hunt's Bank, was taken down. Manchester paid in postages £11,000, which was a larger amount than any (it her provincial town. The Sessions Court, attached to the New Bailey Prison, was erected. Mr. Kenrick Price, of Manchester, died at Liverpool, lie was a t.a dealer, and the last Bishop of the Nonjurors in the neighbourhood. Power looms were introduced into Manchester by Mr. Grimshaw. (Butter- worth.) The cotton spinners of Lancashire and Scotland solicited permission of fcha 118 Annals of Manchester [1791 Government to incorporate themselves into a " Company of Traders," with privi- leges similar to those enjoyed by the East India Company, with whom, it seems, they considered themselves otherwise unable to compete. 30 George III. cap. 68. Act for making and maintaining a navigable canal from Manchester to or near Presto-lee-Bridge, in the township of Little Lever, and from thence by one branch to or near the town of Bolton, and by another branch to or near the town of Bury, and to Weddell Brook, in the parish of Bury 1791. A fire in Blakely Street resulted in the death of a woman and four children, April SO. The first stone of the Manchester Workhouse, Strangewaj's, was laid by Mr. Leaf, a magistrate, July 2-1. It was opened February 14, 1793. Mr. Edward Hall died, at his house in King Street, 25th September, He was for 38 years one of the surgeons to the Royal Infirmary, and was an active promoter of the Lying-in Hospital. Mr. Doming Rasbotham died 7th Nov. He was born in 1730 and served the office of High Sheriff in 1769. His extensive collections for the history of the county were written in Byrom's shorthand. He married Sarah, daughter of James Bayley. He wrote Codrus, a tragedy, and a variety of pieces in prose and verse. He was also an amateur artist. (Baines, new edition, i., 542.) The first printed catalogue of Chetham's Library issued with the title : Bibliotheca Chcthamensis : sive Bibliothecce publicce Mancuniences ab Hum- fredo Chetham armigero fundatce Catalogus, exhibens libros in varias classes pro varietate argumenti distribiitos. Editit Johannes JRadcliffe, bibliothecce su2~)radictm custos. 2 vols. Svo. Continuations have since appeared. A Poetical Satire on the Times (London, printed for the author, in the year 1791) contains many curious references to Manchester men and manners. (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) The lord of the manor brought another action claiming by prescription a weekly market on Saturdays for the sale of flour and oatmeal, and succeeded in establishing his right. Mosley v. Norris (not reported). The Manchester Strangers' Friend Society was established, chiefly by the exertions of the Rev. Dr. Adam Clarke. The Manchester Humane Society was established. The first meeting held August 25th, and was presided over by Lord Grey de Wilton. An Act of Parliament was obtained for the purpose of lighting, watching, and cleaning the town ; and for levying a police tax of Is. 3d. in the pound, upon the rent of the houses, to defray the expenses. Under this act the commissioners consisted of the boroughxeeve and constables for the time being, the warden and fellows of the Collegiate Church, and the owners and occupiers of any buildings of £30 a year value, under whose control the conjoint towns of Manchester and Salford were placed. An Act was passed for the making of the Bury and Bolton Canal. John Imisson died. "It may not be amiss to mention the ingenious Imisson, who, among other pursuits, made some progress in the art of letter- 1792] Annals of Manchester. 119 founding, and actually printed some popular novels at Manchester, with wood- cuts cut by himself." (Lemoine's Typographical Antiquities, 1797, p. 81.) He was also an optician in Manchester, and published there The School of Arts. 31 George III. cap. 43. Act for vesting the settled estate of Samuel Clowes the younger, Esquire, in the county of Lancaster, in himself, in fee simple, and for settling an estate of greater value, in the same county, in lieu thereof, and in exchange for the same, and for enabling the said Samuel Clowes to grant building leases of the. estate hereby settled. 1792. 32 George III. cap. 69. Act for cleansing, watching, and regulating the streets, lanes, passages, and places within Manchester and Salford, and for widening and rendering more commodious several of the said streets, lanes, and passages, and for other purposes therein mentioned, January 31. Reprinted, 1842. Mr. Thomas Walker, upon the expiration of his office of boroughreeve, pub- lished the first account which had ever appeared of the different charities which had been under his official management and distribution, February 15. Special services were held in February in various Lancashire churches, when the collections in aid of the Manchester Charities amounted to £4,887 16s. 1M. The Manchester Herald, No. 1, March 31, was printed and published by Messrs. Faulkner and Birch, in the Market Place, price 3jd. It ceased March 23, 1793. The Police Act for Manchester and Salford came into force, June 24. "On Monday, July 30, the morris dancers of Pendleton paid their annual visit to Salford. They were adorned with all the variety of colours that a pro- fusion of ribbons could give them, and had a very showy garland." (Ritson's Robin Hood.) The second Manchester Subscription Library was established 29th August. The Assembly Rooms, Mosley Street, were opened September 20. There were 100 subscribers at £50. A further call of £20 was made. The Assembly Rooms were sold by auction for £9,000 in 1850, and warehouses built upon the site. (See under date 1795). The office of the Manchester Herald, in the Market Place, was destroyed by a political mob, December 10, 1793. The Manchester Herald ceased March 23, 1793. The following curious handbill was circulated : "Violent Dissolution, being the Exit of Mons. Herald, of Manchester, a near relative to Mons. Argus, of London, who expired on Saturday last, to the great regret of the Jacobins, Painites, &c, but particularly to the Black Cat." It advocated Liberal principles, and so its publishers became the objects of persecution. They were obliged to find refuge in a foreign land. Two of the pinnacles of the Collegiate Church tower fell, one into the churchyard, and the other through the roof and gallery to the floor of the nave. The Antiquary, September, 1884, contains an account of a journey to Manchester and Liverpool made by Mr. William Phillips, of Worcester. He was a visitor to his brother, Mr. Thomas Phillips, of Manchester, the father of Sir Thomas Phillips, of Middle-Hill. The Bridgewater Canal excited his admiration. 120 Annals of Manchester. [1793 A Provincial Conference of the New Church (Swedenborgian) held at Salford. (Hindmarsh's Rise, &c, p. 140.) A Dispensary was erected adjoining the Infirmary. The Exchange was taken down, and the site marked by a stone pillar and posts. An Act (32 George III. cap. 84) was obtained for cutting a canal from Man- chester to Ashton-under-Lyne and Oldham. An Independent Chapel erected in Cannon Street- The site is now covered by warehouses. 1793. The effigy of Paine was burnt by the populace, January. 33 George III. Act for more effectually repairing, widening, and improving certain roads leading to and from the towns of Salford, Warrington, Bolton, and Wigan, and to certain places called the Broad Oak, in Worsley, and Dux- bury Stocks, and also the road from a place called the South Sea, in Pendle- bury, to Agecroft Bridge, and from thence to Hilton Lane to Dawson Lane End, and also from Agecroft Bridge over Kersal Moor to Singleton Brook. June 17. Thomas White, M.D., died 19th June. Thomas Quincey, father of Thomas de Quincey, died at Greenheys, 18th July. He was born in 1754 and was the author of an anonymous Short Tour in the Midland Counties, London, 1775 (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings, p. 285). He settled in Manchester before 1780, and was a haberdasher who in 1783 gave up the retail to confine himself to the wholesale trade. He is also called a West India Merchant. (Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies.) There are few passages more impressive than De Quincey's description of the home-coming of the father already dying of consumption in his thirty-ninth year. The New Jerusalem Church, Peter Street; was opened, 11th August, by Rev. William Cowherd and Rev. Joseph Proud. St. Clement's Church, Lever Street, was built by the Rev. E. Smyth, and opened for divine service on Christmas Day. The Salford Workhouse was built in Greengate. An act was obtained for cutting the Haslingden canal. 33 George III. cap. 21. Act to enable the company of proprietors of the canal navigation from Manchester to or near Ashton-under-Lyne and Oldham, to extend the said canal from a place called Clayton Demesne, in the township of Droylsden, to a place on the turnpike road in Heaton Norris, opposite to the house known by the sign of the Three Boars' Heads ; and from or nearly from a place called Taylors Barn, in the township of Reddish, to Denton, at a place called Beat Bank, adjoining the turnpike road leading between Stockport and Ashton-under-Lyne, and also from the intended aqueduct, at or near a place called Stake Leach, at Hollinwood. 33 George III. cap. 50. Act to empower William Churchill Dickenson, Esquire, to grant building leases, renewable leases, and to make conveyances in fee of and upon all or any part of the estates at Chorlton Row, devised by the will of John Dickenson, Esquire, deceased, situate near the town of Manchester. 1794-1795] Annals of Manchester. 121 33 George III. cap. 58. Act to enable John Trafford, Esquire, and other persons after his death, to grant leases of the estates devised by the 'will of the late Humphrey Trafford, Esquire, situate in the counties of Lancaster and Chester, for building, and also to grant leases of certain waste moss lands in the said counties, other parts of the said devised estates. 1794. Mr. Tate presented to the trustees of the Infirmary a portrait of Mr. James Massey, the first president of that institution, February. 34 George III. cap. 37. Act for altering an Act, passed in the seventh year of the reign of His late Majesty King George I., intituled " An Act for making the rivers Mercy and Irwell navigable from Liverpool to Manchester, by incorporating the proprietors of the said navigation, and to declare their respec- tive shares therein to be personal estate." March 28. 34 George III. cap. 78. Act ;for making and maintaining a navigable canal from the Calder navigation, at or near Sowerby Bridge wharf, in the parish of Halifax, to join the canal of his grace the Duke of Bridgewater, in the parish n t Manchester, and also certain cuts from the said intended canal. April 4. The Regiment of Independent Manchester Volunteers was incorporated in the 53rd, or Duke of York's Brigade, at Chatham, April. St. Stephen's Church, Salford, was built by the Rev. Nicholas Mosley Cheek, and consecrated July 23. St. Mark's Church, Cheetham Hill, founded by the Rev. E. Ethelston ; finished by his son, the Rev. C. W. Ethelston, fellow of the Collegiate Church, and consecrated July 24. The colours of the Royal Manchester Volunteers were consecrated in St. Ann's Church by the Rev. Thomas Seddon, chaplain to the regiment, August 24. The corps subsequently became the 104th regiment. The Roman Catholics of the district built St. Mary's Chapel, Mulberry Street, from the proceeds of a subscription. The loyal associations in Manchester and Salford formed themselves into a corps for home defence. The poor rate for Manchester, at five shillings in the pound, produced £9,270 14s. The post-horse duty for the district was let for £7,640. The business of the post-office in Manchester was conducted by Miss Willet (post-mistress), with the assistance of two clerks. An act obtained for cutting the Manchester and Huddersfield canal. 34 George III. cap. 66. Act to enable the trustees of certain lands in Man- chester, called Mayes' Charity Lands, to convey in fee, or grant leases under reserved yearly rents. 1795. Ann Bayley, widow of Daniel Bayley, and daughter of Thomas Butter- worth, died March 9th, aged 82. The Manchester Gazette was printed and published by T. Bowden and William Cowdroy, in St. Mary's Gate. March. 122 Annals of Manchester. [1795 Rev. Rowland Sandford, A.B., died at Harrogate, 24th June. He was junior curate of St. Ann's, but on the death of Archdeacon Ward in 1785 became rector. He was an earnest promoter of Sunday schools. (Bardsley's Memorials.) (See under date 1817.) There was some rioting from the scarcity of corn. In view of further anticipated disturbances an order was given that all public-houses be closed by seven in the evening. Persons appearing in the streets after nine o'clock were liable to be called upon to give account of themselves. July 31. Timothy Wood died 29th September. He was the keeper of the Hare and Hounds public-house, and was well known as the huntsman of the Manchester hounds. The Manchester Billiard Club was formed in the Assembly Rooms, Mosley Street, December 11. It was discontinued December 13, 1850. As a protest against the conduct of the authorities in putting down public meetings for the discussion of political grievances, it is said that a "Thinking Club" was formed at the Coopers' Arms, and that at the first meeting there were 300 present, and " silence prevailed for one hour." December 28. The shock of an earthquake was felt at Manchester in December. The Duke of Bridgewater's canal completed at a cost of £220,000. James Brindley was the engineer of this remarkable undertaking, the story of which has been told by Dr. Smiles in his Lives of the Engineers. The Friends' Meeting house in Mount Street was built. The locality was then practically suburban, St. Peter's Fields, the site of Peter Street and the Free Trade Hall, being an open space. The meeting house was rebuilt in 1828. A pamphlet entitled an Appeal to the Inhabitants of Manchester and its Neighbourhood, was published. It was a protest against the Convention Bills for limiting the freedom of the press and the right of public meeting, and was signed by George Lloyd, George Philips, Samuel Greg, Dr. John Mitchell, and others. (Hibbert- Ware's Life ofS. Hibbert-Ware, p. 242.) Mr. Robert Peel, the founder of the fortunes of the Peel family, died at Ardwick Green, aged 79. He is buried in St. John's Church. 35 George III. cap. 53. Act to enable the trustees of certain lands in Man- chester, Crumpsall, and Tetlow, called Clarke's Charity Lands, to make leases for years upon rack rents, and also to grant building leases and make convey- ances in fee of and upon all or any part of the said lands under reserved yearly rents, 35 George III. cap. 62. Act for amending an Act passed in the tenth year of the reign of His present Majesty, intituled an "Act to enable the trustees of the estates devised by William Hulme, Esquire, to grant building leases thereof, and to increase the number of Exhibitioners to Brasennose College, in Oxford, founded by the said testator, and for other purposes therein men- tioned;" and to enable the trustees to convey in fee or grant leases for lives or for long terms of years with or without covenants for renewal, under reserved yearly rents, the said Trust Estates, and to enable the trustees to apply the trust monies in making such allowance to the Exhibitioners as may be thought proper, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 17961 Annals of Manchester. 123 1796. Mr. James Massey, many years president of the Infirmary, died at Rostherne, Cheshire, January 2. Mr. Thomas Battye published A Disclosure of Parochial Abuse, Artifice, &c, in the Town of Manchester. January 25. This is one of several tracts in which the author gives some curious particulars as to the management of the affairs of the town. Mr. John Shaw, master of the punch house in Smithy Door, died January 26, aged 83. He was well known for his eccentricities, one of which was to turn out all his customers at eight o'clock in the evening ; if any of them were obstinate his servant Molly, with her mop and pail, would come, and if this did not serve he would order a servant to bring him a whip. He had occupied the above house upwards of fifty-eight years. There is an interesting notice of him in Harland's Collectanea. Mr. George Swindells, printer and publisher, died March 1, aged 36. A riot took place in the Theatre Royal during the singing of " God save the King," March 7. The day after the playbills had the following heading : " ' God save the King' will be sung at the end of the farce, to give the Non. Cons, time to retire." Mr. John Chadwick, sen., patron and supporter of Sunday schools, died at Longsight, March 26. Mrs. Mary Peel, widow of Robert Peel, of Ardwick, and daughter of Edmund Haworth, of Blackburn, died, March. Mr. William Clowes, son of Samuel Clowes, Broughton, died at Glandon, Derbyshire, May 15. Rev. Thomas Seddon died, 17th May, on his passage to the West Indies as chaplain of the 104th Regiment. He was born at Eccles in 1753, and matricu- lated at Oxford, but did not take any degree, although he styled himself M.A. From 1777 until his death he was curate of Stretford, and in 1779 published, anonymously, a work entitled Characteristic Strictures, which, in the form of a criticism upon a supposed exhibition of portraits, contains satirical remarks upon the public personages of the district. Like some other satirists, he was not remarkable for good conduct, and whether at Stretford, Wigan, or Lydgate, seems to have been in constant trouble. Another work, Letters to an Officer in the Army (Warrington, 1786) is of some interest. Mr. Alexander Eason died 27th May, aged 61. He was born in 1735, and in early life he travelled with Lord Moira, and afterwards was surgeon to the Marquis of Drogheda's dragoons. He gave much of his time to the poor of Manchester, and a tablet to his memory, the proceeds of a penny subscription, was placed in the Collegiate Church, where he is buried. He died of paralysis resulting from dislocation of the spine, caused by the stumbling of his horse when riding to see a patient, Miss Yates, of Clugh, an aunt of Sir Robert Peel. (Smith's Centenary, p. 128.) Robert Darby, M.D., physician to the Infirmary, died July 30. Sir John Prestwich, of Prestwich and Hulme, died at Dublin, August 15. His claim to the baronetcy was not universally allowed. lie was the author of A Dissertation on Mineral, Animal, and Vegetable Poisons, 1775, and of 124 Annals of Manchester. [1797 Respublica, 1777. He left a MS. History of Liverpool which has never been printed. He was the son of Sir Elias Prestwich who died in 1785. (Gentleman's Magazine, lxv., 879, 967.) There is a rude portrait of Sir John amongst Barritt's MSS. at Chetham's Library. The Stockport, Bolton, and Rochdale Volunteers were reviewed on Kersal Moor, August 25. A constable, sent to serve a warrant in the neighbourhood of Newton, was compelled by the people to eat the offensive document. Two well-known dwarfs, Thomas Allen and "Lady" Morgan, exhibited themselves here. She was 39 years old, and weighed 181b. The gentry, clergy, and tradesmen pledged themselves, in a series of resolutions, advertised in the newspapers, to reduce the use of wheat flour at least one-third. Pies and puddings ceased to appear on the tables of some of the middle classes. The working classes were already on the verge of starvation. 1797. The formation of the Manchester and Salford Volunteers decided at a meeting at the Bull's Head, February 28. John Drinkwater, M.D., died 16th March. This physician was the father of General Drinkwater, the author of the History of the Siege of Gibraltar. The 1st and 2nd battalions of Manchester and Salford Volunteer Infantry drawn out for the first time. March. In Trinity Church, Salford, there is a white marble monument, with the following inscription — " Sacred to the memory of Thomas Drinkwater, Major of His Majesty's 62nd Regiment of Foot, who perished at sea, on his return from the West Indies, the 23rd of April, 1797, aged 32 years. " Thrice had his foot Domingo's island prest, 'Midst horrid wars and fierce barbarian wiles ; Thrice had his blood repell'd the yellow pest That stalks, gigantic, through the Western Isles Returning to his native shores again. In hopes t'embrace a father — brother — friends, Alas ! the faithless ratlin snaps in twain, He falls, and to a watery grave descends." " Major Drinkwater was the second 3on of John Drinkwater, M.D., and Eliz. Andrews, his wife, who are buried in the centre aisle of this chapel ; and this monument was erected by his only surviving brother, Lieutenant-Colonel Drinkwater, as an affectionate tribute to his memory." The Manchester and Salford Volunteers completely equipped and incor- porated, June 3. Mr. John Tipping, son of Joseph Tipping, died at Claxby, Lincolnshire, July 3. Mr. Jeremiah Bardsley died, aged 90 years, July 5. He is described as the oldest Methodist in the town. The volunteers, in St. Ann's Square, fired a salute on the anniversary of the King's birthday. July 5. 17981 Annals of Manchester. 125 Margaret Redmay, wife of Thomas Redmay, sexton of St. Mary's Church, was killed by falling from the belfry of the steeple of that church, September 16. She was 65 years of age, and was assistant sexton over forty years. There were riots owing to the high price of corn and flour in November. Mr. Orion Adams died in great poverty near Chester. He was the son of Roger Adams, and was born in 1717, and in 1752 started the Manchester Weekly Journal, but was not a successful man of business. Little is known of his adventurous career. He is said to have "walked from London to Chester in his 70th year, with a heart as light as his pocket." At the finish his employ- ment was that of distributing playbills for a company of strollers. Mr. River Jordan, when a boy attending the school kept by Henry Clarke in Salford, used to ride on a pony past the top of Cross Lane, where Grind- rod's body still hung on the gibbet. (Palatine JSi ote-book, iv., p. 140.) The instructions to the constables as to the licensing of alehouse-keepers set forth that the licences are forfeited if the holders allow mountebanks or quack doctors to perform on their premises, if there is bull-baiting or horse- racing, if there is tippling on the Lord's day, if there is drinking after nine at night, or if there is any " club or society" for money, clocks, watches, or furni- ture. (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings, p. 72.) Mrs. Dorothy Byrom, daughter of Mr. John Byrom, died. The Amphitheatre, in Chatham Street, was opened by Mr. Handy, whose numerous company of equestrians (except himself and two or three who went by Holyhead) were lost on their passage from Liverpool to Dublin. A House of Recovery for sick and fever patients was opened in Aytoun Street. Admiral Lord Duncan's victory over the Dutch was celebrated with great rejoicings. Mr. Thomas Battye published Th.e Reel Basil Book ; or, Parish Register of Arrears for the Maintenance of the Offspring of Illicit Amours, in which there are some curious revelations of the management of local affairs. 37 George III. cap. 71. Act for enlarging the permanent powers of Act passed in the twenty-fourth year of His late Majesty King George II. for repairing the road from Crossford Bridge to the town of Manchester, and for mending the road from Crossford Bridge aforesaid to a certain place in Altrincham, in the county of Chester. 1798. Colonel Ackers' Regiment of Manchester and Salford Volunteers were drawn out at Piccadilly, and presented with their colours by Mrs. Hartley, February 14. Rev. Maurice Griffiths, D.D., died 25th February, aged 77. He was rural dean, rector of St. Mary's, and fellow of the Collegiate Church. Rev. John Gatliffe was appointed to the vacant fellowship, March 12. St. George's Church, St. George's Road, was opened for divine service April 1. It was subsequently occupied by ministers of Lady Huntingdon's connection. It was not consecrated until Januai'3' 17, 1818. The site was taken by the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company and the church was rebuilt in Oldham Road. 12(5 Annals of Manchester. P-799 38 George III. cap. 32. Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Canal Navigation from Manchester to or near Ashton-under-Lyne and Oldham, to finish and complete the same, and the several cuts and other works author- ised to be made and done by them by the several Acts passed for that purpose, and for amending the said Acts and granting to the said company further and other powers. May 26. Colonel Ford's Manchester and Salford Light Horse Volunteers assembled opposite the house of Thomas Johnson, in High Street, to receive their colours, which were the gift of Mr. Johnson, and presented by Mrs. Ford. October 25. There were riots owing to a failure in the crops of corn. December 16. The authorities offered premiums to such persons as brought each day the largest quantity of wheaten flour or oatmeal to the Manchester market. Sir John Parker Mosley, baronet, lord of the manor, died, aged 67. He was the youngest son of Nicholas, the third son of Nicholas Mosley, of Ancoats. When a young man he was a hatter, and was assisted by his relatives out of financial difficulties arising from a passion for cock-fighting. He was after- wards equally remarkable for his steady and upright conduct. In later life he was esteemed "a Methodist." In 1781 he received a baronetcy — the third granted to the family. He was high sheriff in 1786, and soon after ceased to reside at Ancoats Hall. (Mosley's Family Memoirs. Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) He was succeeded by his grandson, Sir Oswald Mosley. (See under date 1871.) Lord Nelson's victory at the Battle of the Nile was celebrated by a proces- sion of the authorities and military, and by public dinners and illuminations. Seven persons were standing in a wooden shed which projected over the river near the New Bailey, and were looking at a coach and horses which had been lost at Stannyhurst Old Bridge the previous night, and on their passage down the flood had stuck fast between an arch of New Bailey Bridge, when the floor gave way, and those who were upon it were precipitated into the river. A boy and girl were saved, but a man and five women were drowned. A list of the members of the Royal Manchester and Salford Light Horse Volunteers is printed in Earwaker's Local Gleanings, No. 63. 1799. Mr. John Markland, of Ardwick, died 17th January. He was the father of Mr. Markland, high sheriff, of a Lancashire family. 39 George III. cap. 25. Act for more effectually repairing and improving the roads from Manchester, through Oldham to Austerlands, in the parish of Saddleworth, and from Oldham to Ashton-under-Lyne, and from Oldham to the village of Royton. May 10. The officers of Col. Ackers's regiment of volunteers presented their Colone' with a large silver vase and four goblets. May 29. Colours were presented to the first battalion of the Manchester and Salford Volunteers, of which Thomas Butterworth Bayley was the Colonel. On this occasion a sermon was preached by the Rev. Samuel Hall, who was the chaplain of the corps, June 4. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chapel, Lloyd Street, was built, and opened for worship, June 13. 1800] Annals of Manchester. 127 39 George III. cap. 64. Act for continuing for twenty-one years, and from thence to the end of the then next Session of Parliament, the term and enlarging the powers of an Act passed in the thirty-third year of the reign of His present Majesty, intituled an Act for repairing, widening, altering, diverting, and turning the road from Ardwick Green to the Bridge at the Cornmills at Wilmslow. July 1. Mr. Peter Clare died 30th July. He was an ingenious clock-maker and mechanic, and was the father of Peter Clare, the friend of Dalton. Mr. Matthew Wilkinson, steward to the trustees of the Free Grammar School, died in August. Mr. Samuel Clowes, jun., of Broughton, died Oct. 5. He was Lieut.-Colonel of the Royal Lancashire Volunteers. The authorities of the town entertained at dinner Colonel Stanley and the officers of the First Lancashire Militia, on their return from Ireland. Nov. 23. Messrs. Robinsons' factory, opposite the New Bailey, was burned down, resulting in damage estimated at £12,000. Soup shops were opened owing to the high price of provisions and the destitute condition of the operatives. A general fast was proclaimed. The first and second battalions of Man- chester and Salford Volunteers were drawn out for the first time, and marched to church. Colonel Bayley commanded the first battalion, and Colonel Silvester the second. The following volunteer corps were reviewed by Major-General Nichols, viz., Colonel Ford's Light Horse, Colonel Ackers' s Infantry, Colonel Thomas B. Bayley's First Battalion, and Colonel Silvester's Second Battalion. 1800. Salisbury's factory, at Knot Mill, was destroyed by fire. A young woman lost her life by this disaster. January 29. Mr. Jonathan Pollard's factory, in Ancoats, burnt down, February 3. Mr. Alexander Gilbody died 31st March, aged 78. He was for 64 years boat- builder to the Mersey and Irwell Navigation Company. At a meeting, oth May, of the General Committee of Sunday Schools it was decided that a certain number of the rooms should be henceforth called Church of England schools, and to be governed by the clergy and their friends, and t hat the same right belong to the Dissenters with respect to the other schools. Dr. Cornelius Bayley is regarded as the chief author of this separation. (Bardsley's Memorials, pp. 121-5.) 39 and 40 George III. cap. 24. Act for amending the several Acts passed for making, finishing, and completing the Canal Navigation from Manchester to or near Ashton-under-Lyne and Oldham, and the several cuts and other works authorised to be made and done by the company of proprietors of the said Canal Navigation, and for granting to the said company further and other powers. May 16. 39 and 40 George III. cap. 36. Act for better enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Rochdale Canal to raise money for completing the said canal, and to vary the line of the said Canal, and to alter, explain, and amend 128 Annals of Manchester. [1801 the Act passed in the thirty-fourth year of the reign of His present Majesty, for making the said canal. May 30. Richard Assheton, D.D., died 6th June. He was warden of the Collegiate Church, Manchester, and rector of Middleton. He was born at Middleton, August 16, 1727. The Bible Christian Church, King Street, Salford, was opened 28th Sept. A fire, by which warehouses in Hodson Square were burnt down Decem- ber 10, caused damages to the extent of £50,000, exclusive of the buildings. Dean's cotton factory, Oxford Road, was destroyed by fire, December 30. The damage was estimated at £13,000. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Great Bridgewater Street, built. Dr. John Mitchell published The First of the New Exposition of the Reve- lation of the Apostle John, by J. M., M.D. (London, 1800). He was a believer in the millennium. (Hibbert Ware's Life of S. Hibbert Ware, p. 241.) Thomas Blackburne, LL.D., appointed warden. Mr. James Ackers, of Lark Hill, Salford, having been appointed high sheriff, was escorted from his residence by the whole corps of volunteers and a numerous assemblage of gentry, &c, of the town and neighbourhood, forming a procession of upwards of a mile in length. Margaret Macaulay, a well-known beggar, died at the reputed age of 101. 1801. Isaac Perrins died 6th January, in consequence of injuries received whilst trying to save life and property at a fire. He was noted for his success in the prize-ring; but was defeated by Thomas Johnson in 17S9. At one time he was leader of a country choir, at another manager of a Birmingham manufactory, and at still another period was a publican in Manchester. At the close of his career he was the conductor of the fire engines in Manchester. This son of Anak was of a mild disposition, and when challenged to fisticuffs by G, F. Cooke, the actor, calmly picked him up in his arms like a child, and carried him into the street. (Procter's Turf, p. 74.) Littlewood and Kirby's cotton mill, which stood on the banks of the Med- lock, was destroyed by fire, when twenty-three persons lost their lives. January 27. Mr. Holland Ackers, of Lark Hill, Salford, died, 17th April, aged 56. The children attending the Church of England Sunday schools walked in procession, Whit Monday, May 6, to the Collegiate Church, where Warden Blackburne preached a special sermon. This was the beginning of the popular Whit-week procession. (Bardsley's Memorials, p. 126.) Union Public Corn Mills founded May 14 by John Tetlow, boroughreeve of Manchester. The cotton factory of Wareham and Company, Bury Street, Salford, was destroyed by fire May 20. The damage was estimated at £2,000. Mr. Richard Hall died 1st June. He was surgeon to the Manchester and Salford Volunteers, and was buried with military honours in the family vault in the Ducie Chapel, in the Collegiate Church. Mr. Samuel Clowes, of Broughton Old Hall, died June 17, aged 34. 1802] Annals of Manchester. 129 41 George III. cap. 96. Act for continuing for twenty-one years, and from thence to the end of the then next Session of Parliament, the term and altering and enlarging the powers of an Act passed in the thirty-third year of the reign of His present Majesty, intituled, an Act for repairing, widening, altering, diverting, and turning the road from Hurdlow House, through Buxton, in the county of Derby, and Stockport, in the county of Chester, to Manchester. June 20. The Court Leet jury presented eleven owners of factories for not consuming the smoke in the mill chimneys. They were fined respectively £100, but the fines were respited to allow time for the chimneys to be altered. June. The Peace of Amiens was celebrated in Manchester by illuminations, pro- cessions, &c, October 4. Miss Elizabeth Byrom, of Kersal Cell, daughter of JohnByrom, F.R.S., died December 2. Mr. Peter Drinkwater, of Irwell House, Agecroft, died on his journey to London, December 2. The Presbyterian Chapel, New Windsor, Salford, was erected. It was rebuilt 1817. Bolton and Bury Canal opened to Salford. Colonel Silvester's regiment of Manchester and Salford Volunteers were presented with colours. They were consecrated in the Collegiate Church by the Rev. C. W. Ethelston, chaplain of the regiment. The Scramble Club formed at " Old Froggart's," the Unicorn Inn, Church Street. It was removed successively to the Garrick's Head Inn, Fountain Street ; the Spread Eagle, Hanging Ditch ; and the Blackfriars Inn, where it remained till 181S, when it migrated to the Clarence Hotel. Jonathan Peel, cousin of the first Sir Robert Peel, gave the name in a joke to this club, which included many well-known citizens. The Independent Chapel, Jackson's Lane (now Great Jackson Street), Hulme, was built. The population of Manchester, including Ardwick, Cheetham, Chorlton, and Hulme, at the first census, was 75,275. That of Salford including Brough- ton, 14,477. 1802. A great storm caused great destruction of property ; a cotton factory was blown down at Pendleton, and one of the dial plates of St. Ann's clock was forced out. January 21. Colonel Ackers's Regiment of Manchester and Salford Volunteers was dis- banded ; the colours were deposited in the Collegiate Church, March 10. Lord Wilton's Regiment of Lancashire Volunteers returned from Ireland, where they had been stationed for five years. May 13. The non-commissioned officers and privates of Lord Wilton's Regiment were entertained at dinner by their colonel, in the College Yard. After dinner they "chaired" him several times round the yard, and from thence into St. Ann's Square. May 22. The first and second battalions of the Manchester and Salford Volunteers were disbanded. They were drawn up in Camp Field, when the thanks of the 1 130 Annals of Manchester. [1802 House of Commons and the inhabitants of the town, for their services, were read to them. The colours were deposited at the house of Colonel J. L. Phillips, at Mayfield, June 1. Thomas Sowler died 5th June. He was a printer and bookseller, and grandfather of Thomas Sowler, the founder of the Manchester Courier. Mr. Thomas Butterworth Bayley, F.R.S., died at Buxton, June 24. He was son of Daniel Bayley, and was born at Manchester in 1744. Almost as soon as he attained his majority he was appointed a Justice of the Peace, and became perpetual Chairman of Quarter Sessions. In 1768 he was High Sheriff. He was one of the founders of the Manchester Agricultural Society, Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, and of a Society for the purpose of effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade. He laid the first stone of the New Bailey Prison, which is said to have been so named in his honour by the unanimous vote of the Bench of Magistrates, but this has been denied. Mr. Bayley was author of Observations on the General Highway and Turnpike Acts, 1773 ; Charge delivered to the Grand Jury on the Opening of the New Bayley Court House, at the Quarter Sessions at Manchester, April 22nd, 1790 ; Thoughts on the necessity and advantage of Care and (Economy in Collecting and Preser- ving different substances for Manure, 1795, 2nd edition, 1796, third, 1799, and an essay On a cheap and expeditious method of draining land, which was printed in Hunter's Georgical Essays. Bayley was colonel of the regiment of Manchester and Salford Volunteers; he was a trustee of Cross Street Chapel, and of St. John's Church, Deansgate. Dame Frances Lever, relict of Sir Ashton Lever, died at Alkrington, July 21. Col. Thomas Stanley and Mr. John Ireland Blackburne, representatives of the county, were entertained at a public dinner by the inhabitants of Man- chester, July 22nd. Mr. James Ogden, "Poet Ogden," died 17 th Aug. He was born at Manchester in 1718, and was by trade a fustian shearer, but afterwards became master of a school connected with the Collegiate Church. He wrote The British Lion Rous' d, Manchester, 1762 ; The Revolution, Manchester, 1790 ; Emanuel ; or, Paradise Regained, Manchester, 1797 ; Sans Culotte and Jacobine, Man- chester, 1800. None of these writings possess merit. He was the father of William Ogden the Radical reformer. (Procter's Literary Reminiscences.) Shawcross and Barnes's factory, in Portland Street, was burned down, September 7. The damage was estimated at £20,000. The Rev. John Pope died, 28th Oct. He was minister of a Dissenting congregation at Blackley. Mr. William Sudlow died in October. He was a music-seller in Hanging Ditch, and the father of John Sudlow, organist of the Collegiate Church. 43 George III. cap. 3. Act for continuing the term and altering and enlarging the powers of an Act passed in the thirty-eighth year of the reign of His present Majesty, intituled, An Act for more effectually repairing, widening, altering, and improving the road from the town of Manchester, by a place called the White Smithy, in the township of Crumpsall, to the town of Rochdale, and also the road from the said place called the White Smithy, by a 1803] Annals of Manchester. 131 place called Besses-of-the-Barn, to the town of Bury, and also from the said place called Besses-of-the-Barn to Radcliffe Bridge, and also the lane called the Sheepfoot Lane, in the township of Prestwich, so far as the same relates to a certain district of road therein described, called the Manchester district. December 29. The Philanthropic Society was founded. Colonel Ford's Regiment of Light Horse Volunteers were disbanded, and the colours deposited at Claremont. The Lancashire Commercial Clerks' Society was established. 42 George III. cap. 95. Act for enabling the guardian of Elizabeth Henrietta Phillips, Spinster, an infant, to sell and convey in fee farm her undivided fourth part, or join with the owners of the other shares, in selling and conveying in fee farm the entirety of several plots or parcels of land in Manchester, under yearly reserved rents, for the purpose of building upon. 1803. The Manchester Telegraph and Weekly Advertiser, No. 1, January 1, price sixpence, was printed and published by James Edmonds and Co., Bow Lane. The last toll at the New Bailey Bridge was paid off, January 31. Francis Egerton, Duke of Bridgewater, died 8th March. He was born 20th May, 1736, and succeeded to the title on the death of his brother in 1748. An early disappointment in love is said to have led him to retire to his Lancashire estate, where he conceived the idea of a canal navigation. In the carrying out of this enterprise he had the advantage of the help of James Brindley, an engi- neering genius of the first class. The story of the construction of the Bridgewater Canal is told in Dr. Smiles's Lives of the Engineers, and in Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies. The Duke of Bridgewater contributed £100,000 to the "loyalty loan." His canal property and coalmines at the time of his death were realising from £50,000 to £80,000 a year. The title became extinct, but the canal property was entailed on Lord Francis Egerton, the second son of the Marquis of Stafford. Mr. Robert Walker died at Little Moss, May 6. He was born at Carrington Barn, Audenshaw, July 27, 1728, and was a handloom weaver. Like many others of that calling he was a keen politician, and Burke's reference to the " swinish multitude " excited his indignation, and some pieces in the dialect, first written on a slate hanging by the side of his loom, appeared in the Man- chester Gazette, and were reprinted in 1796 under the title of Plebeian Politics. His portrait is prefixed to a later edition of this witty little book. He is buried in Ashton Churchyard. The Philological Society, instituted by Dr. Adam Clarke for the cultivation of literature in general, and the diffusion of useful knowledge, September 23. The Tou-nsman, No. 1, appeared December 7. The editor of this theatrical paper was the eccentric James Watson, better known as " The Doctor." Colonel Joseph Hanson was presented at court, and was, it is said, com- manded by George III. to appear with his hat on, and in the regimentals of the Manchester Rifle Regiment, of which he was the commander, December 21. The Argus, No. 1, published by Joseph Aston. 132 Annals of Manchester. [1304 The following volunteer corps were raised in Manchester in the course of this year : Manchester Light Horse Volunteers, Shakspeare Philips, Colonel ; Ackers's Volunteers, James Ackers, Colonel; Silvester's Volunteers, John Silvester, Colonel; St. George's Corps, John Cross, Colonel; Fourth Class Volunteers, G. Philips, Colonel ; Hulme Volunteers, Major Pooley ; Pendleton Volunteers, Captain Abbot ; Trafford Volunteers, Lieutenant-Colonel Cooke ; Loyal Masonic Volunteer Rifle Corps, Joseph Hanson, Colonel. Kennedy's factory in German Street was burned down, and one of the firemen killed. A market opened in Bridge Street. The officers of the Manchester and Salford Volunteer Regiments were each presented with a gold medal, as a testimony of gratitude from their fellow- townsmen for their patriotic services. Pickfords, the carriers, offered to place at the disposal of Government, should they be required, 400 horses, 50 wagons, and 28 boats. The cost of equipping a Manchester Light Horse Volunteer was £25 8s. 6d. 1804. Mr. Joseph Harrop died 20th January, aged 67. He was a native of Manchester, and a printer and bookseller, as well as proprietor of the Manchester Mercury. He was succeeded in business by his son, James Harrop. High floods in the Irwell did considerable damage in January. James Robinson was married to Ann Hilton, at St. John's Church, by the Rev. John Clowes, February 6. This was the first marriage celebrated in that church, notwithstanding the right granted and confirmed thirty-five years before, by the Act of Parliament on which the church was founded. Mr. Thomas Furnival died 22nd February, aged 66. He was the governor of the House of Correction, Hunt's Bank. 44 George III. cap. 9. Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Rochdale Canal more effectually to provide for the discharge of their debts, and to complete the whole of the works to be executed by them in pursuance of the several Acts passed for making and maintaining the said canal. March 23. The Hay Market was fixed in Bridgewater Street, and the Shudehill Potato Market removed to St. John's Market, March 24. The last was afterwards established in Smithfield Market and Oldham Road, adjoining the Lancashire and Yorkshire Goods Station. The Rev. John Clowes preached a sermon on the occasion of the presenta- tion of colours to the First Battalion, Fourth Class, of Manchester and Salford Volunteers, April 2. There was a grand review of the local Volunteer Corps, consisting of 5,816 men, on Sale Moor, in Cheshire, by the Duke of Gloucester and his son, Prince "William, April 12. The stand fell, and one person was killed. This is referred to in Mrs. Linnaeus Banks's Manchester Man. Mr. Nathaniel Wood died 1st June, aged 60. He was a patten maker ic Hanging Bridge, and was known by the nickname of "Patten Nat." A wag 1804] Annals of Manchester. 133 wrote the following doggerel upon him at the public-house he used to frequent in Salford : — " Patten Nat, he is so fat, That he can hardly walk, With sitting here, and drinking beer, And hearing puppies talk. " There is a portrait of Nat in the Scrap Album at Chetham's College. There was a public procession to Ardwick Green, to celebrate the birthday of George III., June 4. 44 George III. cap. 49. Act for more effectually amending the road leading from the New Wall, on the Parade, in the township of Castleton, in the parish of Rochdale, through Middleton, to the Mere Stone, in the township of Great Heaton, and to the town of Manchester, June 5. Mr. Ralph Whitehead died 10th June. He was the leader of the band of the Fourth Class of Manchester and Salford Volunteers. The British Volunteer, No. 1, June 30, was printed and published by James Harrop, in the Market Place, price 6d. A duel was fought on Kersal Moor between Major Phillips, commander of the Manchester and Salford Cavalry, and Mr. Jones, a private in the same corps, July 9. Rev. Doming Rasbotham died 18th July. He was a fellow of the Collegiate Church. Colonel John Leigh Philips and Colonel Joseph Hanson met upon Kersal Moor, to fight a duel, but were arrested and bound over to keep the peace, July 25. The roof of the Bible Christian Church, King Street, Salford, fell in, August 23. Reverend John Johnson died 22nd September. He was born near Norwich and after hearing a sermon preached in one of the chapels of the Countess of Huntingdon he was one of the first six students ordained in the plan of secession. He settled at Wigan, and preached ac Chorley and Bretherton where there was a riotous disturbance which led to a trial at the Quarter Sessions. He next moved to Tyldesley, and then visited America, and had a stiff legal contest, in which he was worsted, as to the Orphan House founded by AVhitfield. Returning to England he was imprisoned for debts contracted in erecting the chapel at Tyldesley. He came to Manchester and secured St. George's Church, which had been built for Anglican services, but had not been consecrated, and the builder having become insolvent it passed into the hands of the creditors. Here he gathered an appreciative audience. On one occasion he preached three sermons in Hebrew to the Jews of Manchester. He left various MS. works, some in shorthand, and published The Lcvitc's Journal; and a prospectus of a universal language. The Rev. William Roby preached his funeral sermon, which was printed. The Duke of Gloucester, accompanied by his son, Prince William, inspected the whole volunteer force of the town at Ardwick ; after which they paid a visit to Chetham's Hospital, September 30. Colonel Cross's Regiment, known as the St. George's Corps of Manchester and Salford Volunteer Infantry, was disbanded in September. 134 Annals of Manchester [1505 Mr. George Lloyd, barrister, died October 12. Mr. Griffith Cheese died 10th November. He was organist of the Collegiate Church, and a musical composer. He is buried in the Collegiate Church. Mr. Gerard Bancks died in November. He was a printer and bookseller, and an officer in the volunteers. The Rochdale and Halifax Canal to Knot Mill was opened December 20. The Rochdale Canal was opened. The committee came from Rochdale to Manchester in two boats, accompanied by the band of the 1st battalion of the Manchester and Salford Volunteers, and on the same evening a boat loaded with goods came from Rochdale to Manchester, and proceeded through to Liverpool next morning. December 21. The Manchester Guide, price 6d., by Joseph Aston. It gives a concise view of the state of the town at this date. The Rev. R. H. Whitelocke was appointed postmaster in the place of Mr. James Harrop, printer. St. Luke's Chapel, Bedford Street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, was built by the Rev. E. Smyth. It was consecrated 1858, and rebuilt 1865. It is now a parish and rectory. From returns it appears that in Manchester and Salford there were the following volunteer companies : — Men. Volunteer Cavalry, Major Shakespeare Phillips 138 Volunteer Artillery, Colonel Earl Wilton 113 Royal Manchester and Salford Volunteers, Colonel Ackers 1,017 2nd Battalion Royal M. & S., Lieut.-Colonel Sylvester 1,057 St. George's Volunteers, Colonel Cross 300 Hulme Volunteers, Major Pooley 190 Swinton, Captain Bullock 83 Pendleton, Captain Ablett 110 Fourth-class Manch. and Salf. Volunteers, Lieut.-Col. G. Philips.. 386 Trafford Volunteers, Lieutenant-Colonel Cooke 845 First Regt. Manch. and Salf. Volunteers, Lieut.-Col. Phillips... "j 1 } V Heaton Norris Volunteers, Captain Dale Failsworth Pikemen, Captain Birch 192 Manchester, Salford, Bury, and Stockport Rifle and Pikemen, Lieutenant-Colonel Hanson 676 There is a list of the companies and officers in Earwaker's Local Gleanings, where the numbers of the men are in some cases slightly different. The order-book of the Royal Manchester and Salford Volunteers during their march from Bolton to Preston and return is printed in Earwaker's Local Gleanings, Nos. 182, 189, 196. 1805. The Mail was printed and published by Joseph Aston, No. 1, January 1. Price sixpence. The factory of G. Ollivant, in Bury Street, Salford, was destroyed by fire, January 7. The factory of T. Rowley and Co., Oldfield Lane, destroyed by fire, Feb. 26. 1805] Annals of Manchester. 135 The factory of John Read, at Islington, Ancoats, was destroyed by fire February 26. The factory of "Wood and Foster, at Garratt, destroyed by fire, March 1. The damage was estimated at £20,000. 45 George III. cap. 4. Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Canal Navigation from Manchester to Bolton and to Bury to raise money to complete the same. March 12. 45 George III. cap. 11. Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Canal Navigation from Manchester to or near Ashton-under-Lyne and Oldham, more effectually to provide for the discharge of their debts and to complete the said canal and the cuts and works thereto belonging. March 18. 45 George III. cap. 38. Act for enabling Thomas Barrow, Esquire, and the person and persons for the time being respectively entitled to the freehold in possession of and in the moiety of certain estates in Manchester, under the will of William Barrow, deceased, to grant and convey the same moiety in fee simple for building upon, or otherwise improving the same, reserving rents, or to make building leases thereof, or to join with the owner or owners, for the time being, of the other moiety thereof, in making such grants and convey- ances or leases respectively. May 17. Ann Smith, a woman 30 years old, was murdered in Oak Street, May 31. Mary Jackson was tried at Lancaster for the crime, but acquitted. Two cousins of the name of Faulkner, belonging to Colonel Hanson's Rifle Corps, were practising at the target, in the grounds attached to Strangeways Hall, when one of them going behind the mark was shot through the body by the other. June 7. 45 George III. cap. 59. Act to empower the Justices of the Peace within the Division or Hundred of Salford to raise a sum of money to be paid by way of salary to the Chairman of the Quarter Sessions for the said Hundred. June 27. The factory of Messrs. Buchan and Shaw, at Higher Ardwick, destroyed by fire. July 14. Rev. Mosley Cheek died 18th July. He was the founder of St. Stephen's Ohurch, and chaplain of the New Bailey. There were great public rejoicings on Ardwick Green for the victory oi Trafalgar. Subscription was made for the relief of those who had lost relatives in the engagement. November 21. The volunteers attended the thanksgiving services 5th December. Hindley's cotton factory, George Leigh Street, Ancoats, was burned down December 20. Thackary and Son's cotton factory, at Garratt, destroyed by fire Dec. 22. The officers of the Manchester and Salford Rifle Corps presented to Joseph Hanson, their colonel, a sword, a brace of pistols, and a pike. Mr. Charles Gough, of Manchester, died upon the mountain of Helvellyn. His remains were not discovered till three months afterwards, when they were found guarded by a faithful terrier bitch, his constant attendant during fre- quent solitary rambles through the wilds of Cumberland and Westmoreland. 136 Annals of Manchester. U80G This melancholy incident was made the subject of a poem by Sir Walter Scott, ending with the verses : — " When a prince to the fato of the peasant has yielded, The tapestry waves dark round the dim-lighted hall With scutcheons of silver the coffin is shielded, And pages stand mute by the canopial pall : Through the courts, at deep midnight, the torches are gleaming, In the proudly-arched chapel the banners are beaming, Far adown the long aisle sacred music is streaming, Lamenting a chief of the people should fall. But meeter for thee, gentle lover of nature, To lay down thy head like the meek mountain lamb, When, 'wilder'd, he drops from some cliff huge in stature And draws his last sob by the side of his dam. And more stately thy couch by this desert lake lying, Thy obsequies sung by the gray plover flying, With one faithful friend but to witness thy dying, In the arms of Helvellyn and Cathedicam." Mr. W. M. Craig attempted the formation of a Manchester Academy for the Promotion of Fine Arts, but the attempt failed. The factory of Messrs. Lee and Phillips, Salf ord, was lighted with gas. This was the first use of the new light in this district. 1806. The Portico, Mosley Street, was opened January 20. Cost £7,000. In the case of Mosley v. Stonehouse and Bailton, which was tried in the King's Bench 11th February, the lord of the manor, as plaintiff, sought to com- pel defendants to serve the office of constable, to which they had been appointed. They claimed exemption as the holders of certificates known as Tyburn tickets, and their claim was allowed. By 10 and 11 William III., c. 23, those who obtained the conviction of a person charged with a capital offence were entitled to exemption from parochial offices. This was repealed 58 Geo. III. c. 70. 46 George III. cap. 2. Act for making and maintaining a road from Great Bridgewater Street, in Manchester, across the Biver Irwell, through Salford, to Eccles, and several branches of road to communicate therewith. March 22. In making the new road from Manchester to Middleton the workmen discovered a number of bones and a lead coffin in Collyhurst Clough. They are supposed to be the remains of persons who died of the plague in 1605, when a piece of land containing six acres was given by Mr. Bowland Mosley, lord of the manor, as a burial-place for those who died of this disease. It was also intended to erect cabins and build upon for the relief and harbour of infected persons whenever the plague should appear in the town. March. Mr. Joseph Barlow, governor of Chetham's Hospital, died April 9, aged 72. Mr. Charles Lawson, M.A., died 19th April, aged 78 years. He was for fifty-eight years master of the Free Grammar School. A monument, designed by Bacon, is placed over the entrance into the chapter-house of the Collegiate Church, with an inscription expressive of the estimation in which he was held. There is a notice of him in Smith's Grammar School Register. De Quincey has left a vivid account of the state of the school under Lawson's management. 1806] Annals of Manchester. 137 The first stone of the Exchange was laid by Mr. George Phillips, July 21. (See also under dates 1809 and 1872.) 46 George III. cap. 20. Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Rochdale Canal more effectually to provide for the discharge of their debts, and to amend the several Acts passed for making and maintaining the said canal. April 21. Mr. "William Tate, an eminent portrait painter of this town, died at Bath, June 2. He is said to have been born at either Manchester or Liverpool, was a pupil of Wright, of Derby, and exhibited twelve portraits at the Society of Artists, London, between 1771 and 1804. 46 George III. cap. 63. Act for more effectually improving the roads from Manchester, through Oldham, to Austerlair's, in the parish of Saddleworth, and from Oldham to Ashton-under-Lyne, and from Oldham to the village of Royton. June 9. 46 George III. cap. 83. Act to extend the powers given to and vested in the Trustees of certain lands in Manchester, Crumpsall, and Tetlow, in the county of Lancaster, called Clarke's Charity Lands, by an Act made in the thirty-fifth year of the reign of His present Majesty, intituled, An Act to enable the Trustees of certain lands in Manchester, Crumpsall, and Tetlow, called Clarke's Charity Lands, to make leases for years upon rack rents, and also to grant building leases, and make conveyances in fee of and upon all or any part of the said Lands, under reserved yearly rents. June 20. 46 George III. cap. 84. Act for enabling the Guardians of Francis Outram, an infant, or of the persons, for the time being, entitled to the freehold in pos- session of the moiety of certain estates situate in or near Ancoats Lane, Man- chester, during their minorities, to carry into execution certain contracts entered into with the several persons therein named for sale of part thereof, and also for enabling such guardians to convey the residue in fee simple for building upon, reserving rents, or to make building leases thereof; or to join with the owners, for the time being, of the other moiety of the same estates in carrying into execution such contracts, and in making such conveyances or leases respectively, and for other purposes therein mentioned. June 20. Mrs. Julia Young, wife of the highly-talented tragedian Mr. Charles Mayne Young, then one of the managers of the Theatre Royal in this town, died July 11. She was buried at Prestwich, and upon the gravestone are some lines written by Joseph Aston. The spot was one which she selected when walking there with her husband. Some interesting particulars are given in the Life of C. M. Young, by his Son, the Rev. Julian Young. The Lancashire Union of Independent Churches was founded at Mosley Street Chapel, September 23. Messrs. Norton and Co.'s dyehouse, at the Wallness, was burned down October 9 ; damages £2,000. Banns of marriage were published in St. Mary's Church for the first time, October 19. The Methodist New Connexion Chapel, Broad Street, Pendleton, was built. Robert Southey visited Manchester. In his Letters of Espriella he has given a curious account of his experience? 138 Annals of Manchester. [1807 Broughton Bridge built by Mr. Samuel Clowes. The passage over was free to bis tenants in Broughton, but for other passengers a toll was levied. Theatre Royal, Fountain Street, erected. 1807. Julius Leuchte, leader of the band at the Gentlemen's Concert, died Jan. 16. The Bev. John Lever died February, aged 75. He was the brother of Sir Ashton Lever, of Alkrington. The Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Institution of England established at the Star Hotel, Deansgate. Colonel Taylor, of Moston, was elected Grand Master. February. Mr. Francis Duckinfield Astley, of Dukinfield, was appointed High Sheriff for Cheshire, and passed through Manchester 12th April, with a splendid caval- cade, accompanied by the Rifle Corps. The Rev. Jeremiah Smith, D.D., of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, appointed master of the Free Grammar School, May 6. The Theatre Royal, Fountain Street, was opened July 12, with the comedy of Folly as it Flies and Rosina, under the management of Mr. Macready. The rent was £2,000 a year. There was a riot between the Orangemen and the Irish, in High Street, July 13. 47 George III. stat. 2, cap. 81. Act to alter, amend, explain, and enlarge the powers of the several Acts passed for making and maintaining the Rochdale Canal Navigation. August 8. As three boys were sliding upon the ponds in Strangeways Park, the ice broke and they were let into the water, when two were saved by Mr. David Law, jun. The other was drowned. November 29. The Independent Chapel, Grosvenor Street, was opened in December. James Massey, who was a prisoner in the New Bailey, charged with an unnatural crime, hanged himself, and was buried near the " distance chair " on Kersal Moor ; from whence he was afterwards removed and buried in the ditch at the place where Grindrod was gibbeted, and was finally interred near the Salford weighing machine. The payment of cock penny abolished by the feoffees of the Free Grammai School. The Independent Methodist Chapel, Shaw Street, Salford, was opened. The Baptist Chapel, York Street, was built. The first packet boat from the New Bailey Bridge commenced sailing to Runcorn. John Lancaster died at Mere 10th August. He is said to have been the first to open a Sunday school in Manchester. He was a shoemaker in a cellar in London Road, where he started a school in 1785. {Manchester Guardian Local Notes and Queries, No. 984.) Rev. George Walker, F.R.S., died in London in 1807. He was born at Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1735, and after preaching to Dissenting congregations at Durham and Yarmouth became mathematical teacher at Warrington. In 1794 he was master at Nottingham, but came to Manchester as a professor at 1808J Annals of Manchester. 139 the Manchester Academy. He was president of the Literary and Philosophica' Society, and the author of the Dissenter's Plea, and various essays on ethic; and belles-lettres. (Smith's Centenary, p. 18G.) Mr. Joseph Hanson resigned the command of the Manchester Loyal Masonic Rifle Volunteers. 1808. A dispute between the weavers and their employers respecting the rate of wages led to a riot, May 24, 25. Lieutenant-Colonel Hanson appeared on the field and endeavoured to pacify the weavers. One weaver was killed by the militarv. 48 George III. cap. 43. Act for the more easy and speedy recovery of small debts within the parish of Manchester. May 27. 48 George III. cap. 127. Act for enabling Sir Oswald Mosley, Baronet, to grant certain lands and hereditaments, in the parish of Manchester, for the purposes of the Manchester Public Infirmary, Dispensary, Lunatic Hospital or Asylum, and for vesting the property and effects belong to the said Charity in Trustees for the benefit thereof. June 18. The Rev. John Darby died August 31, aged 71. He was for upwards of forty years second master of the Free Grammar School, and on the death of Mr. Lawson refused the head mastership on the ground of ill-health. Mr. Nathaniel Philips, of Stand, in Pilkington, died September 29, aged 82. A servant woman committed suicide by poison, and was buried at New Cross, September 22. The Rev. John Whitaker died at Ruan Rectory, 30th October. He was the son of Mr. James Whitaker, and was born at Manchester and baptised at the Collegiate Church. He entered the Grammar School 7th January, 1744-5 ; and was exhibitioner to Brasenose, Oxford, 1752. He matriculated oth March, 1752, and became Lancashire Scholar of Corpus Christi College 2nd March, 1753, and fellow 21st January, 1763. He took his degrees as follows : B.A. 24th October, 1755 ; M.A. 27th February, 1759 ; and B.D. 1st July, 1767. He was elected a F.S.A. 10th January, 1771. He lived near Salford Bridge, circa 1772. He was successively curate of Bray, Berkshire, and curate of Newton Chapel ; he was morning preacher at Berkeley Chapel, November, 1773, to January, 1774 ; and Rector of Ruan Lanyhorn 22nd August, 1777, to the time of his death. He married Jane, daughter of the Rev. John Tregenna. He is best known by his History of Manchester, 1771-75, which, if disfigured by dogmatism and untenable tbeories, is a work of great importance and erudition. A full list of his numerous writings is given in the liibliothcca Conubicnsis of Boase and Courtney, and in I'ti fafim Note-book, vol. i., p. 77, where a miniature portrait by II. Bone is engraved. Mr. John Thornton, drawing-master, died November 9. Rev. James Bayley, M.A., senior fellow of the college, died November 13. He was son of James Bayley, high sheriff in 1757, and was born in 1710. lie was educated at the Grammar School, and was Hulme exhibitioner at I Irasenose College, Oxford, in 1762. He was rector at St. Mary's Church, and was elected fellow of t lie Collegiate Church, October 14.1773. (Smith's Grammar School 140 Annals of Manchester. [1809 Register, vol. i., p. 31.) The Rev. C. Johnson, of Wilmslow, was elected in his place, December 12. Mr. Nathan Meyer Rothschild settled in Manchester, as agent to his father t Frankfort, in purchasing cotton goods for the Continental market. He was only resident for a few years. Sir Oswald Mosley offered to sell the manor of Manchester to the inhabi- tants for £90,000, but the negotiations failed. £70,000 was offered, and refused. A petition, signed by 50,000 persons, was sent from Manchester against the "Orders in Council," passed in retaliation of Bonaparte's Berlin and Milan decrees. Manchester and Salford Court of Requests was established. The Manchester and Salford Waterworks Company established. The length of iron main pipes laid down was upwards of seventy miles, and the daily consumption of water was about 1,400,000 gallons. Reservoirs were made at Bradford, Beswick, Gorton, and Audenshaw. The Shudehill Pits partially filled up, and a Methodist chapel built upon a part of their site in Swan Street, but converted into shops and dwelling- houses in 1823. The Circus, in Chatham Street, was taken down and dwelling-houses erected on the site. The Regent Bridge, Regent Road, was opened. A toll was taken until 1848, when it was made free. The Bradford reservoir was demolished. 1809. The newsroom was opened at the Exchange 2nd January. The Rev. John Clowes, of Broughton Hall, was elected a fellow of the Collegiate Church, February 11. Mr. Joseph Hanson, of Strangeways Hall, was sentenced in the Court of King's Bench to six months' imprisonment, and a fine of £100, May 12, for his share in the conflict between the weavers and their masters. A "penny sub- cription " was raised, to which there were thirty-nine thousand six hundred contributors. Hanson was justly popular with the working classes. 49 George III. cap. 192. Act for more effectually supplying with water the inhabitants of the towns of Manchester and Salford. June 20. The dining-room of the Exchange was opened 4th June. Mr. Samuel Clowes, of Broughton Hall, was appointed high sheriff of the county. The lessee of the Theatre Royal, the elder Macready, found himself in financial straits. His son, afterwards so famous as an actor, although only a youth of sixteen, was practically manager of his father's company. The youth saw his father arrested by the sheriff's officer. " When I found him actually a prisoner," he says, "my fortitude gave way, and I burst into tears." For W. C. Macready's later connection with the town see under date 1849. The Swedenborgian Conference was to have been held in Manchester, but, "from unforeseen circumstances of an unpleasant nature," did not take place. A conference, summoned by the Rev. William Cowherd, was held, and resulted 1810] Annals of Manchester 141 in the formation of the Bible Christian Church. (Hindmarsh's Rise of New Jerusalem Church, p. 190.) The Manchester Exchange Herald, No. 1, September 30, was printed and published by Joseph Aston, St. Ann Street. Mary Leatherbarrow, said to be 106 years of age, died at Hulme. A large pile of warehouses, situated in Crompton Court, was burnt down, April 13. Bradbury, the clown, opened the new Amphitheatre in Spring Gardens, September. The Ladies' Jubilee School, Strangeways, was founded October 24. (See under date 1810.) The Jubilee, to commemorate the fiftieth year of the reign of George III., celebrated with processions, balls, and fireworks, October 25. The fine whole-length portrait of Colonel Stanley, painted by Lawrence, was presented by James Ackers and Thomas Johnson, and placed in the Exchange room. November. The scutching machine introduced into Manchester by Mr. James'Kenncdy. 1810. The Manchester Auxiliary Bible Society was established January 4. Mr. Thomas Henshaw, of Oldham, died March 4. He left £20,000 for a Blind Asylum, £1,000 to the Infirmary, £1,000 to the Lunatic Hospital, and £500 to the Ladies' Jubilee School. Rev. Thomas Barnes, D.D., died at Ferneysides, Little Lever, 27th June. He was born at Warrington, 13th February, 1747, and educated at Warrington Grammar School and Warrington Academy. In 1768 he became minister at Cockey Moor, and in 1780 was appointed co-pastor of Cross Street Chapel. He was one of the founders of the Literary and Philosophical Society, and a leader in the intellectual and philanthropic movements of the time. There is a portrait of him in Sir Thomas Baker's Memorials, and a list of his writings. He is buried in the Chapel Yard. The Rev. John Gresswell, who for many years filled the office of school- master at the Chetham Hospital, died July 14. A dinner given to Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith by the authorities of the town, September 6. William Wilkinson Westhead born 26th September. He was known as the "Manchester gigantic boy." (See under date of September 5, 1825.) Major-General Roger Aytoun (" Spanking Roger"), of Chorlton Hall, died at Inchdarney, in Scotland, October 23. Rev. Ralph Harrison died 4th November. He was a descendant of Cuthbert Harrison, of Kirkham, but was born at Chinley, in Derbyshire, and was educated at the Warrington Academy, and in 1771 became minister of Cross Street Chapel. There is a silhouette portrait of him in Sir Thomas Baker's Memorials. He is the author of Institutes of English Grammar, 1777 ; Sacri d Harmony : Psalm Tunes, 1786. His Sermons were collected, with a memoir by Rev. John Holland, and published in 1813. The Royal Lancasterian Free School, Manchester, founded by public 142 Annals of Manchester. [1811 subscription, was opened, November 23, in Marshall Street, Oldham Road. It was transferred to the Manchester School Board in 1880. The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Great Bridgewater Street, was opened. Hackney coaches established in Manchester. Brown's Chantry, dedicated to St. George, on the north side of the Collegiate Church, was purchased by the parishioners for £900. The Ladies' Jubilee School, in Strangeways, had its origin in 1806, in the benevolence of several ladies. In 1809 a house was procured in Broughton Lane, and ten girls were educated. Over the centre door of the present build- ing is the following inscription : " Jubilee Female Charity School, erected 1810, by public subscription, in commemoration of the 50th year of His Majesty George IH." Shortly after the completion of the building the number of girls was increased to thirty. The children are instructed in reading and writing, in knitting, sewing, and in the duties of kitchen and house servants. Joseph Allen, portrait painter, settled in Manchester and painted a great number of portraits. He was a native of Birmingham. He retired from Manchester to Buxton, where he died. A painting by Old Parry, representing Manchester Market Place in 1810, is preserved at Agecroft Hall. It is described by Sir Thomas Baker in the Palatine Note-book, vol. iii., p. 231. 1811. The Manchester Philanthropic Society established January 1. Wood and Foster's cotton factory, at Garratt, was destroyed by fire, January 3. William Thomas Lewis, comedian, died January 13, aged 65. He was a native of Ormskirk, his father being an actor, and his grandfather a clergyman. He went on the stage when very young, and early distinguished himself. He made his first appearance in London, October 13, 1776. In 17S2 he became deputy manager of Covent Garden Theatre. In 1803 he retired from this position, and eventually became joint proprietor of the Liverpool and Manchester Theatres. (Gentleman's Magazine, January, 1811, p. 90.) Rev. Thomas Bancroft, M. A., Vicar of Bolton, died at Bolton, 5th February. He was born at Manchester, 1756, and wrote Prolusiones Poetical, 178S, and other works. (Grammar School Register, vol. i., p. 103.) Mr. John Prescott, printer of the Manchester Journal, died, near Leigh, April 13, aged 79. Mr. Joseph Hanson died 3rd September. He was born at Manchester, 1774. He was the author of Defence of the Petitions for Peace, 1808. After retiring from business he lived at Strangeways Hall, and was imprisoned for taking sides with the weavers in a dispute with their employers. (See under date 1809.) Mr. Thomas Philips, father of Sir George Philips, Bart., died, aged 83. Mr. Samuel Chetham Hilton, of Moston, was appointed High Sheriff. Mr. Joseph Hanson, in giving evidence before the House of Commons on the petition from the Manchester weavers, stated the number of spinners to be 9,000, and the number of weavers at 12,000, the latter earning lis., and the former averaging 7s. per week when fully employed. The Lodge in Pool Fold taken down. This was the ancient house formerly 1812] Annals of Manchester. 143 known as " Radcliffes of the Pool," and at one time used as a prison for Roman Catholic recusants. The population of Manchester, including Ardwick, Cheetham, Chorlton and Hulme, at the second census, was 89,054. That of Salford, including Broughton, 19,939. 1812. Haigh, Marshall, and Tidswell's warehouse, High Street, was destroyed by fire, Sunday, February 9. Rev. Cornelius Bayley, D.D., died at Manchester, 2nd April. He was founder and minister of St. James's Church. He wrote a Hebrew Grammar, and took an active part in the promotion of Sunday schools. The Sweden- borgian minister Hindmarsh, who knew him well, says that he was a disbeliever in the Newtonian astronomy, against which he urged Jos. x. 12, and 2 Kings xx. 10, 11. He thought a knowledge of the Hebrew language a good introduction to that of the angels of heaven, since it was the tongue spoken by God and His prophets. One of his sermons ended with the following odd meta- phor in the expression of a wish that " the waters of strife may be quenched in the ./ire of divine love." (Hindmarsh's Rise of Hew Jerusalem Church, p. 136.) A meeting for proposing a loyal address to the Prince Regent was called by the authorities at the Exchange, but the meeting was postponed. The irritation thus caused finally led to a riot, in which great damage was done. April 8. There were food riots in April. The ringleaders were apprehended, and on the 13th June eight persons were executed at Lancaster — four for mill burning, three for breaking into a house merely to obtain some food, and a woman for stealing some potatoes at Bank Top. National Schools, on Dr. Bell's system, opened in Granby Row, 20th April, and in Bolton Street, Salford, 26th June. The Wiltshire, Buckinghamshire, Louth, and Stirling militia regiments, numbering about 3,000, were encamped on Kersal Moor, and were reviewed by General Ackland, June 4. The camp was visited in August by the Duke of Montrose. Thirty-eight men— named William Washington, Thomas Broughton, Thos. Cooke, John Haigh, Thomas Wilkinson, Charles Oldham, James Knott, Chas. Wciolling, Robert Thornley, Simon Simmons, William Coppock, John Oldham, Aaron Marvel, John Haworth, Err Oldham, John Kershaw, Charles Smith, Thomas Ilarsnett, John Knight, Thomas Cannavan, Joseph Tilney, John Godley, Daniel Jevens, Stephen Harrison, Edward M'Ginnes, James Hepworth, Rycroft Hepworth, James Lawton, Robert Slack, Randle Judson, Edmund Newton, Aaron Whitehead, James Buckley, John Newton, James Boothby, Edward Phillips, James Greenwood, and Isaac Birch— who had assembled at a public-house in Ancoats Lane were taken up and tried for administering the Luddite oath, June 11. After remaining in prison for three months they were tried at Lancaster and acquitted, August 28. Mr. Sadler, the aeronaut, ascended in a balloon from St. George's Field, June 29. 144 Annals of Manchester. 1813 The tomb of Sir James Stanley, fourth warden of the Collegiate Church, and Bishop of Ely, was reopened after an interval of 287 years since his interment. The bishop died excommunicated, and a suspicion was thereby excited that the body would not be found buried within the pale of the church. This conjecture was confirmed. June. Mr. James Cooke, solicitor, of Salford, died August 7. He was a captain in Ackers's First Regiment, and afterwards colonel of the Trafford and Hulme Volunteers. Right Hon. George Canning entertained at dinner at the Star Inn, Manchester, October 31. The company numbered about 300. Mr. Samuel Crompton made a survey of all the cotton districts in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and obtained an estimate of the number of spindles then at work upon the principle of his invention. There were between four and five millions. He obtained a Parliamentary grant of £5,000 in full, without fees or charges. In 1829 about seven millions of his spindles were at work. The Society for Converting the Jews to Christianity was instituted. The Religious Tract Society was established. The Church Tract Society was instituted. Mr. Edward Greaves, of Culcheth, was appointed high sheriff. 1813. Mr. Charles White, M.D., F.R.S., died 20th February. This eminent surgeon was born in Manchester, October 4, 1728. He was one of the founders of the Manchester Infirmary, and, in addition to some professional writings, was the author of a suggestive book on Gradations in Man and Animals, 1799. Par- ticulars of his life are given in Smith's Centenary, in Smith's Grammar School Register, and in a notice by Thomas White in the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, series 2, vol. iii. Mr. Edward Erastus Deacon, M.D., died March 14. Bennett's factory, Great Newton Street, destroyed by fire, March 16. Messrs. Naylor and Co.'s warehouse, with others, in the New Market Buildings, destroyed by fire, April 1. 53 George III. cap. 20. Act for enlarging the powers of an Act of His present Majesty for supplying with water the towns of Manchester and Salford. April 1, Rev. John Dauntesey, of Agecroft Hall, died April 24, aged 78. The Manchester Pitt Club was established, May. The Manchester Police Bill received the Royal assent, June 11. 53 George III. cap. 72. Act for the more effectual administration of the office of a Justice of the Peace within Manchester and Salford, and to provide, by means of a rate, a competent salary to a Justice of the Peace acting within the said townships, and to enable the Constables of Manchester and Salford to take recognizances in certain cases. June 22. Mr. William Yates died July 10, at Spring Side, near Bury, in his 74th year. He was a partner with the first Sir Robert Peel. The Temple of the New Jerusalem Churo-h— the followers of Swedenborg— in Bolton Street, Salford, was opened September 19. isiij Annals of Manchester. 145 Rev. Samuel Hall, M.A., died, 22nd September. He was probably a native of Ashton, and in 1777 became curate of St. Ann's, where he continued until 179^ when he became rector of St. Peter's, which was indeed partly built for him. Mr. Hall was chaplain of the local volunteers, and, in deference to the Dissenting members of the corps, he omitted the Athanasian creed. This lost him his expected election as a Fellow of the Collegiate Church, but secured him the incumbency of St. Peter's. He published two collections of hymns (see Bardsley's Memorials, pp 168-174). He was one of the guardians of De Quincey. 54 George III. cap. 1. Act to continue and amend two Acts of the thirty- eighth and forty-third years of His present Majesty for more effectually repairing that part of the roads from Manchester to Rochdale, Bury, and Rat- cliffe Bridge, which is called the Manchester district, and for making and maintaining a new branch of road to communicate therewith. December 6. Mr. William David Evans, barrister, was appointed the first stipendiary magis-trate for Manchester and Salford, at a salary of £1,000 per annum, payable in the proportion of seven-eighths from the township of Manchester, and one-eighth from the township of Salford. A poem, entitled A Prospect of Manchester and its Neighbourhood from Chamber upon the rising grounds adjacent to the Great Northern Road, was published anonymously at Manchester, but is known to be the production of Kinder "Wood, a surgeon. The Rev. J. H. Mallory was elected a Fellow of the Collegiate Church, in the place of the Rev. Croxton Johnson, 1814, deceased. 1814. Miss Lavinia Robinson was found drowned in the Irwell, near the Mode Wheel, February 8. This young lady, who possessed superior mental accomp- lishments, as well as personal beauty, was engaged to Mr. Holroyd, a surgeon, but on the eve of her intended marriage she disappeared from her home in Bridge Street, December G, and, owing to the long frost, her body remained under the ice for a long period. It appears most probable that the rash act of the "Manchester Ophelia" was due to a quarrel in which her betrothed had repeated some slanderous statements made respecting her. There, was how- ever, a strong suspicion that she had met with foul play. The slanders were shown to be baseless, and the feeling against Mr. Holroyd was so strong that he had to leave the town. (Procter's Bygone Manchester, pp. 2G8, 209; City Neivs Notes and Queries, vol. i., p. 2G5.) Mr. Peter Cross, for many years master of the Portico, died March 1. The successes of the British army on the Continent were celebrated by pro- cessions, balls, and illuminations, April 18. 54 George III. cap. 32. Act for rebuilding the Chapel of Newton, in the parish of Manchester. May 4. Mr. John Vint died 13th May, aged 60 years. He was a nat ive of Newcastle- ou-Tyne, and had been the editor and conductor of Ilarrops Manchester Mercury and British Volunteer newspapers. In connection with the Sunday school Whit-week festivities t he Church Com- mission ordex - ed "a number of cakes tu ' ■• baked, at Id., for the children," to be K 146 Annals of Manchester. [1814 eaten before starting in St. Ann's Square. This is apparently the origin of " buns and milk." The excursions originated about this time from a desire to keep the young people away from Kersal Moor Races on Whit- Wednesday. (Bardsley's Memorials, p. 127.) The Society of Arts awarded to Miss Halstead, of Manchester, their gold medal for a painting of fruit and flowers, June 7. She was the daughter of a Manchester attorney. Mr. John Leigh Phillips died June 23, aged 53. He was a liberal promoter of bibliography and the arts, and his collection of books, paintings, engravings, &c, was dispersed by auction at Manchester in 1815, and realised £5,474 15s. 3d. His natural history collection formed the basis of the Manchester Natural History Society's Museum. 54 George III. cap. 205. Act for amending two several Acts of the tenth and thirty-fifth years of the reign of His present Majesty, relating to the estates devised by William Hulme, Esquire, and to enable the trustees thereof to apply the trust monies in making an allowance to, and provision for, the Exhibitioners of certain Exhibitions founded by the testator, in Brasennose College, Oxford, and also in founding and supporting a Lecture in Divinity in the said College, and to incorporate the said trustees, and for other purposes therein mentioned. July 14. Several houses and part of a soapery, at Hunt's Bank, fell into the river Irwell, when three persons were drowned, July 29. Mr. Cornelius Leigh died 5th August, aged 56. He was for upwards of half a century connected with Harrop's Manchester Mercury and British Volunteer newspapers. Mr. William Cowdroy died, Aug. 10, aged 62 years. He was proprietor and editor of the Manchester Gazette, a facile writer, with a certain graft of humour, and his wit was directed by public spirit and patriotism. As conductor of the Manchester Gazette, his light punning paragraphs were greatly appreciated, and his columns frequently supplied the newspapers with wit and humour on current topics. Many of his compositions, with changes of name and date, were often revived at intervals of five or six years. He left four sons, all printers, and two daughters. Mr. Francis Duckinfield Astley, of Dukinfleld Lodge, was installed Grand Master of the Masons for the counties of Lancaster and Chester, in the two orders of Knight Templars and Royal Arch Masons. The ceremony took place at the Dog Inn, Deansgate, August 10. The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Brunswick Terrace, Pendleton, opened August 29. The Manchester branch of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge was instituted, August. Thomas Egerton, first Earl of Wilton, died at Heaton House, September 23, aged 65. He was elevated to the peerage May 15, 1784, by the title of Baron Grey de Wilton, of Wilton Castle, in the county of Hereford. His lordship married, in 1769, Eleanor, youngest daughter and co-heiress of Sir Ralph Assheton, baronet, by whom he had several children, but one only survived, namely, Eleanor, who married, in 1794, Robert Viscount Belgrave, afterwards 1815] Annals of Manchester. 147 Marquis of Westminster. In consequence of the decease of Lord Grey df Wiltons elder children, his lordship obtained a new patent 26th of June, 1801. creating him Viscount Grey de Wilton and Earl of Wilton, with special remainder to the second, and to all the younger sons successively, of his daughter, by her then husband, or to her male issue by any future husband. He was succeeded in his title and estates by Thomas Egerton, second Earl of Wilton, second son of the Marquis of Westminster by the above marriage. His lordship was a liberal benefactor to the various charitable institutions in Manchester. He was buried in the family vault in Prestwich Church, Oct. 8. Thomas Hollingsworth died at Liverpool in October. He was an actor of good repute, and was styled the Father of the Manchester and Liverpool Theatres. The first watchman was appointed for Chorlton Row, now Chorlton-upon- Medlock, in October. A panic occurred in the Methodist Chapel, Oldham Street, and occasioned the death of two females and the serious injury of others, December 9. Considerable damage was done by a violent storm in Manchester and the neighbourhood, December. Rev. Timothy Priestley died, aged 80. He was the brother of the famous Joseph Priestley. He was for a time minister of the Congregational Church in Hunter's Croft, now Cannon Street, but his relations with his congregation were not happy, and he finally left Manchester for London. He is buried in Bunhill Fields. (Jones's Bunhill Memorials ; Halley's Lancashire, p. 520.) The Ducie Bridge (so called in compliment to Lord Ducie, the proprietor of the land) was opened. A toll was taken until 1830, when it was removed upon payment of £800 by the Improvement Committee. The Manchester Magazine ; or, Chronicle of the Times, was published monthly by Joseph Hemingway and Martin Began, price Is. Discontinued 1S16. 1815. The Bishop of Chester consecrated a burial ground in Walker's Croft Jan. 1st. This land was acquired by the Manchester and Leeds Railway in 1S44, and is now wholly covered by Victoria Station. Mr. John Ferriar, M.D., died, Feb. 4, aged 51. He was the son of the Rev. Alexander Ferriar, and was born at Oxnam, near Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, (in the 21st or 22nd of November, 1761. In 1781 he took his degree of M.D. at Edinburgh, and the following year he was married to Miss Barbara Gair. About the year 17S5 Dr. Ferriar settled in Manchester, and became physician to the Royal Infirmary. He was a member of the Literary and Philosophical Society, and contributed to the Memoirs. He was an ardent lover of literature, and his Illustrations of Sterne are evidences of fine taste and extensive reading. He wrote also Medical Histories, 1792 ; An Essay Towards a Theory of Apparitions, 1813, and other writings. His Bibliomania has been reprinted in the Palatine Note-book. Details of Ferriar's life and writings are given in the Palatine Note-book, vol. ii., pp. 05, 100, 127, 12U ; Axon's Lancashire Gleanings ; Smith's Centenary, p. 174. 148 Annals of Manchester. [1815 Conscience, a tragedy, by Mr. Joseph Aston, was performed at the Theatre Royal, February 8. It is founded upon one of Miss Lee's Canterbury Tales. Mr. Nathaniel Heywood died 6th April. In conjunction with his elder brother, Benjamin Arthur Heywood, he established Heywood's Bank. He is buried in Cross Street Chapel. (Baker's Memorials, p. 109.) Missionary societies were established at Manchester by the Wesleyan Methodists February 22, and by the Church of England April 10. On Whit-Monday, when the children of the Sunday schools were at the Collegiate Church, a cry was raised that the roof was coming in, and in the panic which ensued one child was killed and five injured. This led to the aban- donment of the gathering, which was not resumed until 1819. Mr. Robert Barber died June 10. He was the organist of St. Ann's Church for upwards of 30 years. A General Swedenborgian Conference held in Peter Street Chapel Aug. 14-17. Rev. R. Hindmarsh presided. It was decided to establish a Missionary Society. Mr. Joseph Budworth Palmer, F.S. A., died 4th September. He was born in Manchester about 1759. His father, Joseph Budworth, was the landlord of the Palace Inn, and sent the boy to the Grammar School. He was one of the volunteers who were at the siege of Gibraltar. In 1792 he published A Fort- night's Rambles to the Lakes, which went through several editions. He was the first to describe the " Beauty of Buttermere." He married a rich Irish heiress, Miss Palmer, of Palmerstown, and assumed his wife's name. His only daughter, Emma, was the mother of the Duchess de Grammont, the Countess of Dundonald, and Mr. W. A. Mackinnon, M.P. (Smith's Grammar School Register, vol. L, p. 150 ; Nichol's Literary Anecdotes, vol. vii., part ii., p. 644.) Mr. John TrafTord, of Trafford Park, died October 29, and was interred in the familv vault in the Collegiate Church. Mr. Robinson Foxley, M.D., died at his house in King Street, November 8. The Archdukes John and Louis of Austria visited Manchester, November. Mr. Nehemiah Roby, father of the Rev. William Roby, died December, aged 79. The value of the property in the town was assessed at £405,986. The galleries and pews of the Collegiate Church were rebuilt, and other repairs effected, at a cost of nearly £20,000. The Auxiliary Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews estab- lished in Manchester. The Marquis of Anglesea passed through Manchester on his route to Brad- ford, to procure a substitute for the leg he lost at the battle of Waterloo The Manchester Golf Club formed by Mr. W. Mitchell, of Holt Town. In this year the township of Manchester was rated at £308,634; Ardwick, £11,241; Cheetham, £8,651; Chorlton, £19,839; and Hulme, £9,422. The export of twist legalised by Parliament, at which time the consumption of cotton amounted to 99,306,343 pounds. The Eye Institution was opened in King Street. It has since removed to 35, Faulkner Street, 1822; St. John's Street, Deansgate, 1874; and to Oxford Road, 1886. Bibliograiihiana, is the title of a collection of original literary contri- 1316] Annals of Manchester. 149 butioss to Aston's Exchange Herald. The work was published for private distribution. It consisted of 24 numbers. The principal contributors were Messrs. F. R. Atkinson, Nathan Hill, and William Ford, bookseller. Of a con- tinuation, which appeared in the Stockport Advertiser, only ten copies were printed. 1816. There was a great flood in the Irwell, January 5 and 6. Eleanor, Countess of Wilton, died at Heaton House, February 3, aged 67. The shock of an earthquake was felt March 17. Eev. William Cowherd died at Salford, 24th March. He was born at Cam- forth, Lonsdale South of the Sands, in 1763. He became curate of St. John's Church under the Rev. John Clowes, but when the Manchester disciples of Swedenborg formed a separate communion he was appointed the first minister of the chapel opened in Peter Street in 1793. Afterwards he formed the deno- mination of Bible Christians, and erected a chapel in King Street, Salford, where, in 1809, he made abstinence from animal food and intoxicants a con- dition of church membership. He was a contributor to the Neio Jerusalem Journal, and the author of Liturgy of the Lord's New Church, Manchester, 1793 ; Facts Authentic in Science and Religion towards a new Translation of the Bible, Salford, 1816 ; Select Hymns, Manchester, 1800 and 1818 ; Letters on Religious Subjects, Salford, 1820 (a portion only is his). He was also the trans- lator of Swedenborg's Doctrine of the Neiv Jerusalem concerning Faith, which was printed by the Manchester Printing Society, and editor of a translation made by three of his pupils of the Prodromos, Manchester, 1795. Mr. Robert Hindmarsh states that Mr. Cowherd claimed " the same kind of revelation as was given to Emanuel Swedenborg before him," and regarded himself as the " greatest and most extraordinary man living." This testimony is not without suspicion of controversial bias. A portion of his library is preserved in the Bible Christian Church, Cross Lane, Salford, the King Street chapel having been abandoned. (Axon's Manchester Libraries; Hindmarsh's Rise of the New Jerusalem Church; The Dawn, July 24, 1884; and Williams's Ethics of Diet, p. 259.) He is buried under a tomb in Christ Churchyard, King Street, Salford, with the following inscription : " William Cowherd, the founder and minister of Christ Church, Salford, died 24th of March, 1S16, aged 53 years. At his request is inscribed, ' All feared, none loved, and few understood.' " This has given rise to some misapprehension, for the words are merely adapted from a veroe of Pope :— " He who would save a sinking land All fear, none love, few understand." 56 George III. cap. 12. Act for altering, amending, and extending the powers of two Acts of His present Majesty's reign, for supplying with water the inhabitants of the towns of Manchester and Salford. April 11. Mr. Thomas Battye died 16th April. His Red Basil Book and other tracts on parochial affairs contain some very curious evidences as to the social con- dition of Manchester at the beginning of the century. Mr. William Godwin was in Manchester on April 30, and visited Thomas Walker. With this " venerable old gentleman" he spent " a delightful day" at Longford Hall, Stretford. 150 Annals of Manchester. [1816 A free registry for " the encouragement of faithful female servants " opened in Chapel Walks, May 1. Mr. Samuel Mottram died. He was the deviser of a plan for the dissemi- nation of the views of Swedenborg by men who took covered hand-barrows of books, some for sale and some for gratuitous distribution. It has been suggested that this was the origin of the system of colportage, since so extensively employed by the Bible Society. {The Dawn, 8th May, 1884.) Mr. Nathaniel Milne, coroner for this division, and clerk to the magistrates, died May 19. Elected to the coronership in 1787, he was succeeded by his son, John Milne, Esq., who was elected June 10, 1816. Mr. Isaac Clarke, bookseller, died June 18, aged 73. Mr. Thomas Henry, F.R.S., died June 18, aged 82. This eminent chemist and philosopher was born at "Wrexham October 26, 1734, where he received his education, and served an apprenticeship to a surgeon-apothecary. He first settled at Oxford ; in 1759 he removed to Knutsford, where he married ; and in 1764 removed to Manchester, where he continued to reside, " universally beloved for his conciliating qualities and private worth," during his long life. 56 George III. cap. 62. Act for building a bridge across the river Irwell from the township of Salford to Strangeways, in the township of Cheetham, and for making proper avenues thereto. June 20. Mr. Henry Atherton, barrister-at-law, of Lincoln's Inn and Manchester, died, August 17, aged 76. He married a daughter of Edward Byrom, and his daughter was the late Miss Eleanora Atherton. Mr. Charles Taylor, M.D., died, August 24, at Hammersmith. He was a native of Manchester, and became secretary to the Society of Arts. Henry Crabb Robinson's Diary for September has this entry : " Strolling into the Old Church at Manchester, I heard a strange noise, which I should elsewhere have mistaken for the bleating of lambs. Going to the spot, a dis- tant aisle, I found two rows of women standing in files, each with a babe in her arms. The minister went down the line, sprinkling each infant as he went. I suppose the efficiency of the sprinkling — I mean the fact that water did touch — was evidenced by a distinct squeal from each. Words were mut- tered by the priest in his course, but one prayer served for all. This I thought to be a christening by wholesale, and I could not repress the irreverent thought that, being in the metropolis of manufactures, the aid of steam or machinery might be called in. I was told that on Sunday evenings the cere- mony is repeated." The Radical Reformers held meetings in St. Peter's Field October 28, and again December 30. A meeting in St. Peter's Field, " to take into consideration the present state of the country," November 4. " Married, yesterday, at the Collegiate Church, by the Rev. C. D. Wray, John Braham, Esq., of Tavistock Square, London, to Frances Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late George Bolton, Esq., of Ard wick." (Harrop's Mercury, Nov. 19, quoted in Palatine Note-booh, vol. i., p. 71.) The Albion Cotton Mills, situated in Great Bridgewater Street, were burnt down, December. Damage £25,000. 181?; Annals of Manchester. 151 Mr. John Bradshaw, F.S.A., of Darcy Lever, died in December. He was a magistrate for the county division, a feoffee of Chetham's Hospital, and Lieut. - Colonel of the Bolton Local Militia. His death was occasioned by the over- turning of the Blackburn mail at Pendleton. The Market Cross, pillory, and stocks were removed from the Market Place, and the Obelisk, on the site of the old Exchange, taken down. This latter was called Nathan Crompton's Folly, having been erected during his serving the office of boroughreeve. The value of a Tyburn ticket, in Manchester, was from £350 to £400, whilst in London they sold for £23. The holders of these tickets were exempt from rilling any public office in the town. The day police consisted of a deputy constable and four beadles ; the night police numbered 53. The Ladies' Bible Society was formed. Mrs. Ward, wife of the manager of the Theatre Royal, took leave of the stage in the character of Elvira, in Pizarro. 1817. The Grand Duke Nicholas, afterwards Emperor of Russia, visited the town, January 3. Manchester Courier, No. 1, January 4, printed by Messrs. Howarth, Cowdroy, and Rathbone. St. George's Church, Oldham Road, was consecrated by Dr. G. H. Law, Bishop of Chester, Jan. 17. A meeting of the inhabitants of Manchester was held to consider the " necessity of adopting additional measures for the maintenance of the public peace," January. Mr. Thomas Walker died at Longford 2nd February. He was born 3rd April, 1749, and his father was a Bristol merchant, who settled in Manchester. In 1784 he led the successful opposition of the Manchester manufacturers to Pitt's " Fustian Tax." He was founder of the Constitutional Society, which desired the removal of the Test and Corporation Acts. In 1790 he was boroughreeve. Two years later his warehouse was attacked by a " Church and King mob." In 1794 he was prosecuted for conspiracy, but the evidence was so plainly per- jured that the charge was abandoned. In his latter years he approved of the imposition of the Corn Law. (Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies.) Mr. William Dunstan, governor of the New Bailey Prison, died February 20. He was succeeded by his son, Thomas Dunstan, who was elected March 5. The first stone of the Strangeways Bridge was laid by Mr. W. D. Evans, 29th February. It crosses the Irwell near the top of Greengate, Salford, which place it connects with Strangeways. It was built by subscription, and a toll was taken for many years, except from the tenants of Lord Ducie. The second general meeting of the Manchester Radicals (Blanketeers) held at St. Peter's Field, " to petition the Prince Regent for redress of grievances.'' The intention was to proceed to London to present the petition in person. Each man had a blanket with him, as a protection against the weather on the road. The meeting was dispersed by the military, March 10. Two hundred persons were arrested. 152 Annals of Manchester. [1817 Elijah Dixon arrested on suspicion of high treason, March 12, and detained till November following, when he was discharged. A notice of his death appears under date of 187G. The cotton-spinning factory at Knot Mill, in the occupation of Messrs. Brown, Stones, Scholick, Armstrong, Stubbs, and Frost, was destroyed by fire, Sunday morning, March 16. The damage was estimated at £20,000. Rev. James Daniel Burton died 24th March. He was born at Manchestei 25th July, 1784. He became a Wesleyan minister, and was the author of A Guide for Youth, 1814. Margaret Marsden, aged 76, and Hannah Partington, a young woman, were murdered in the house of Mr. Thomas Littlewood, at Pendleton, April 26. (See under date 8th September.) 57 George III. cap. 22. Act for amending an Act of His present Majesty for rebuilding Newton Chapel. May 23. Catherine Prescott died 2nd June at the reputed age of 108. She was a native of Denbigh, resided in George Leigh Street, and retained her faculties in a wonderful degree, having learned to read, without the aid of spectacles, partly in the Lancasterian School and partly in St. Clement's Sunday School, after she was one hundred years old. She was buried at St. Mark's, Cheetham Hill, in a grave presented to the family by the Rev. C. W. Ethelston. The evidence of her longevity is not beyond dispute. An interesting notice of her appears in Braidley's Sunday School Memorials. Mr. John Taylor died in Salford, June 3, aged 65. He was educated at the Dissenting Academy of Daventry, under the late Dr. Ashworth, and was retained in the above academy as classical tutor for several years. He was subsequently stationed at Walmsley Chapel, in this county, and at Ilminster, in Somersetshire, as minister of Unitarian congregations. Some time after- wards, owing to a change in his opinions, he joined the Society of Friends, and for sixteen or seventeen years he was head master of the school belonging to that body in this town, which office he resigned owing to an attack of paralysis in 1811. It was this complaint which eventually caused his death. His son, John Edward Taylor, was the first editor and proprietor of the Manchester Guardian. 57 George III. cap. 47. Act for making and keeping in repair a carriage road from the township of Manchester to Newton Chapel, with a branch to the river Medlock, in the township of Droylsden. June 16. Mr. William Grant, the father of William, Daniel, and John Grant, died June 29th, aged 84. 57 George III. cap. 58. Act for building a bridge across the river Irwell, from Water Street, in the township of Salford, to St. Mary's Gate, in the township of Manchester, and for making proper avenues thereto. Blackfriars Bridge. June 27. Martha Routh, of Manchester, died 18th July, at London, whither she had gone to attend the yearly meeting. She was aged about 77, and had been many years a minister in the Society of Friends. (Northern Star.) There was a violent thunderstorm in Manchester and neighbourhood. Two men were killed at Pendleton, and many were hurt at other places. July. 1818] Annals of Manchester. 153 James Ashcroft, the elder ; James Ashcroft, his son ; David Ashcrof t, his brother ; and William Holden, son-in-law to the elder Ashcroft, were executed 8th September, at Lancaster, for the murder and robbery at Mr. Littlewood's, at Pendleton. They all died declaring their innocence. An account of the trial is given in Criminal Trials, vol. vi., p. 243. Thomas Armstrong, aged 34, was hanged at Lancaster 20th September for setting fire to his factory at Knot Mill. He is said to have been previously in peril of his life as one of the mutineers of the Nore. John Thorp, born at Wilmslow, 1742, but after some stay in London became, in 1767, a resident in Manchester, where he was a minister of the Quaker body, and died 30th September. His Letters, addressed to various friends on religious subjects, were published, with a memoir by John Bradshaw (Liverpool, 1S34). (Smith's Catalogue.) St. Saviour's Church Schools, Chorlton-on-Medlock, built. A small volume printed with the title of Bibliographiana, by a Society of Gentlemen, originally published in the Manchester Exchange Herald in the years 1815 and 1816 (Manchester, printed by Joseph Aston, No. 4, St. Ann's Street) ; only 24 copies printed. The articles were written by W. Ford, J. Midgeley, and others. There is an annotated copy in the Manchester Free Library. Of a second series only ten copies were printed. The Manchester Gas Works were erected in Water Street. A Welsh Wesleyan Chapel was erected in Parliament Street. Blackfriars Bridge, a wooden structure, was taken down. The burial ground attached to St. Stephen's Church, Salford, was conse- crated by Dr. G. H. Law, Bishop of Chester. An amateur performance for the benefit of the Lying-in Hospital produced £26S. The Water Works Company substituted iron pipes for those of stone which had been previously used. The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Chancery Lane, Ardwick, was built. Mr. John Kennedy estimated the number of spindles in Great Britain at 6,545,833, and the number of operative spinners at 110,763. The fly frame and the tube frame introduced into Manchester by Mr. John Cheeseborough Dyer, from America, who took out patents for them in 1825 and 1829. 1818. The Manchester Observer, No. 1, January 3, was printed and published by the proprietor, Thomas Rogerson. This paper changed hands many times, and was discontinued June 21, 1821. Mrs. Sarah Bowden died January 29, in her 92nd year. She possessed a clear recollection of the year 1745 (at which time she was 18 years of age), when Prince Charles Edward entered the town. There were two brothers and two sisters living at one time, whose united ages averaged SO years each. The Savings Bank opened in Cross Street January 31. Messrs. Smith and Ingle's paper works, at Throstle Nest, were burnt down February !. 154 Annals of Manchester. [1813 A meeting held in St. Peter's Field for the purpose of petitioning for Par- liamentary Reform, March 9. 58 George III. cap. 4. Act for continuing the term and altering and enlarging the powers of an Act of His present Majesty's reign, for improving the road from Manchester to Rochdale, and other roads therein mentioned, so far as relates to the Bury and Ratclifle Bridge District of road therein men- tioned, and for making two new branches of road to communicate with the said district of road. March 17. 58 George III. cap. 6. Act for making and maintaining a turnpike road from near the town of Manchester to Hyde Lane Bridge, in the county of Chester. March 17. 58 George III. cap. 9. Act for continuing the term and altering and enlarging the powers of an Act passed in the thirty-third year of His present Majesty's reign, for repairing the road from Manchester to Salter's Brook. March 17. 58 George III. cap. 12. Act for more effectually repairing and improving the road from Ardwick Green, near Manchester, to the bridge at the cornmills, near "Wilmslow. March 17. Mr. James Norris was appointed stipendiary magistrate, on the resigna- tion of Mr. W. D. Evans. March. Henry Clarke, LL.D., died April 30. He was the son of Thomas Clarke, of Salford, and was born there in 1743. The University of Edinburgh compli- mented him with the degree of Doctor of Laws. On the 29th of April he was seized with apoplexy, and died the next day, at Islington, near London, in his 76th year, leaving a widow and a family of two sons and four daughters. Dr. Clarke was acquainted with Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French ; distinguished himself in mathematics ; was an excellent penman and draughtsman ; had an extraordinary knowledge of perspective ; was an expert mechanic ; and a compiler of and contributor to various scientific and literary works. He was at one time an unsuccessful candidate for the position of master of the village school at Stretford, and wrote a satirical tract, entitled the School Candidates, which has been reprinted with a full biographical and bibliographical memoir by Mr. J. E. Bailey. In 1S02 he became professor of history and experimental philosophy at the Military College, Sandhurst. 58 George III. cap. 86. Act for building a chapel of ease in the township of Pendleton and parish of Eccles. St. Matthew's. June 10. Mr. Adam Murray died at Rose Hill June 26, aged 52. Mr. Charles Terry, for many years governor of Chetham's Hospital, died in June. The fiftieth anniversary of the induction of the Rev. John Clowes to the rectory of St. John's was celebrated by his congregation July 7. When Messingham Church was rebuilt some fragments of stained glass from Manchester were placed in the windows. (Academy, 19th July, 1884 ; Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., pp. 116, 135.) 1819] Annals of Manchester. 155 Mr. Thomas Cooke died July 26. He was born in Sheffield March 20, 1763. His Views of the Science of Physiognomy was published posthumously in 1819. There was a general turn-out of the spinners, colliers, and weavers for an advance of wages. Mr. Gray's factory was attacked, and one man was killed, September 9. Henry Jones died at Wrexham 19th September. He was formerly a gunner in the 72nd or Manchester Volunteers, and so distinguished himself by his daring at the siege of Gibraltar that he was afterwards styled " Harry the Devil." Mrs. Fry visited the New Bailey Prison, October 3. Maximilian, Archduke of Austria, visited Manchester. He stayed at the Bridgewater Arms. October 22. An amateur performance at the Theatre Royal for the benefit of the House of Recovery, October 30, produced £300. The Spectator, No. 1, was printed by Thomas Wilkinson, November 7. Mr. Ashworth Clegg died 13th November. He was born 16th May, 174S, and was educated at the Manchester Grammar School, and was one of the pro- moters of the Manchester Academy. There is a portrait of him in Sir Thomas Baker's Memorials. To his nephew, Sir Samuel Clegg, is due the merit of the first application of gas to the illumination of a town. Bennett Street Sunday School was erected to accommodate 2,687 pupils. St. Mark's Day and Sunday School, Cheetham Hill, was established. An Act obtained for cutting a road from Ardwick Green to Gorton. Mr. George Crossley appointed governor of Chetham's Hospital. He resigned in 1841. St. Ann's Churchyard was enclosed with an iron palisading. 1819. The stone structure to replace the wooden erection of Blackfriars Bridge was begun by Mr. Thomas Fleming, January 4th. A general meeting of the Radicals was held in St. Peter's Field January 18th. There was another meeting on June 21. Political bitterness led to a riot in the Theatre Royal between Henry Hunt and his friends and the Earl of Uxbridge and some officers of the 7th Light Dragoons, January 23. The Manchester Vagrant Office established January 28. John Grimshaw died, Feb. 18. He was organist of St. John's Church and a musical composer. (City News Notes and Queries, 1238.) The Lock Hospital was opened in Bond Street March 1. It was afterwards removed to Deansgate. Mr. Robert son's factory, in Newton Lane (now Oldham Road), was burned down March 3. Thomas Gresswell, schoolmaster to the Chetham Hospital, died March 8. Mr. Samuel Jones died 17th March. His father, John Jones, tea dealer and banker, married a daughter of the Rev. J. Mottershead. Samuel Jones was educated at the Warrington Academy, and soon after the death of his father gave, up the tea business, which was at 104, Market Street, and removed the 156 Annals of Manchester. [1819 bank to 12, King Street. His sister Sarah married Lewis Loyd, the father of Lord Overstone. Samuel Jones bequeathed £5,000 to Manchester College, York, for the augmentation of the stipends of Dissenting ministers. (Baker's Memorials, p. 95.) 59 George III. cap. 22. Act for providing that the several highways within the parish of Manchester shall be repaired by the inhabitants of the respective townships within which the same are situate. April 8th. The inhabitants of Oldham Street presented a petition on 12th April to the magistrates, in which they complain of "profane and debauched ballad singing by men and women." The nuisance was therefore abated. The Recorder, No. 1, May 6, was printed by John Leigh, in the Market Place, and edited by Joseph Macardy. To the consternation of the orthodox and loyal committee of the Church of England Sunday Schools, many of the boys were sent to the Whit-Monday procession in drab-coloured hats, then the symbol of Radicalism. These badges of Liberalism were therefore prohibited. (Bardsley's Memorials, p. 135.) Wardle's Manchester Observer was published weekly. No. 9 is dated Saturday, June 5. 59 George III. cap. 56. Act for more effectually maintaining and amending the road from Crossford Bridge to the township of Manchester. June 14th. 59 Geo. III. cap. 105. Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Canal Navigation from Leeds to Liverpool to make a navagable cut, and also a collateral branch or railway from their said canal at Biennis Bridge, near Wigan, to join the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal at Leigh, Lancashire, and to amend the several Acts relating to the said Leeds and Liverpool Canal, and an Act for making the Rochdale Canal, so far as relates to certain powers therein given to the late Duke of Bridgewater. June 21st. A meeting of the Radicals was held June 21st, on St. Peter's Fields, when delegates were appointed for a general reform union. To check this reforming tendency, a meeting of the inhabitants was called by the boroughreeve, Mr. E. Clayton, July 9, and resolutions were adopted declaratory of a determination to co-operate in the preservation of the public peace. The Watch and Ward was re-established, and a meeting of the Reformers called for the same date was prohibited. The Radicals were advised that the legality of appointing a "legislatorial attorney" was doubtful, and the intention of doing so was abandoned, but Mr. Henry Hunt made a public entry into the town. The Independent Chapel, Chapel Street, Salford, was opened July 25. The 16th of August is memorable in the annals of Manchester for the fatal Peterloo. Soon after nine o'clock the open space of St. Peter's Fields began to fill, and processions of the Reformers from all parts of the town and the surrounding districts marched in with banners and flags. A hustings had been erected on a site near where the south-east corner of the Free Trade Hall now stands. There were about sixty thousand present, including many women and children. At the last moment the magistrates decided to arrest Mr. Henry Hunt and those acting with him in the conduct of the meeting. Many special constables had been sworn, and near the field were stationed six troops of the 15th Hussars, a troop of horse artillery with two guns, the greater part of the 1819] Annals of Manchester. 157 31st Infantry, some companies of the 8Sth regiment, the Cheshire Yeomanry, over 300 strong, and about forty of the Manchester Yeomanry. As Hunt began to speak, the Manchester Yeomanry, hot-headed young men who were more or less intoxicated, drew their swords, and dashed into the crowd which they attacked recklessly. They were soon completely hemmed round by the mass of human beings against whom they had thrown themselves. The hussars now dashed forward to their rescue, and with such force that fugitives in their efforts to escape were literally piled up to a considerable height above the level of the field. The yeomanry thus extricated again rode into the crowd, cutting and slashing wherever there was an opportunity. No reliable evidence was ever brought forward that the Riot Act was publicly read before the dis- persal of the crowd by the yeomanry and military. Eleven persons were killed and several hundreds wounded. Many of these were women. The object of the meeting, dispersed in this bloody fashion, was to petition for Parliamentary reform. When the reports of the outrage appeared in the London papers the feeling of indignation throughout the country was intense. The Manchester magistrates met on the 19th, and published resolutions purporting to have been adopted at a public meeting ; but a protest against their proceedings received 4,800 signatures in a few days. Nothwithstanding this, Lord Sidmouth, on the 27th, conveyed to the magistrates the thanks of the Prince Regent for their action in the " preservation of the public peace I" On the same day Hunt and others were brought up at the New Bailey Court House, and committed for trial at Lancaster Assizes on a charge of conspiracy. Elizabeth Gaunt, who had been in the carriage with Hunt, and had been wounded and trampled on the field, was discharged. Meetings were held in London, Glasgow, York, and many other towns, where the action of the magistrates was denounced. English literature owes the Masque of Anarchy to Shelley's indignation at the butchery of the people at Peterloo. When Parliament met in November, Earl Grey moved an amendment to the Address in condemnation of the Manchester massacre, but the votes were 34 for and 159 against. In the Commons 150 voted for an inquiry and 381 against an inquiry. Nevertheless, the effect of Peterloo was very important, for it united the Reformers of all classes, and was the beginning of the movement which carried into law the Reform Bill of 1832. The Patriot, No. 1, price 2d., was printed by Joseph Aston, August 2S. Mr. Thomas James Hatfield died 2nd October, aged 31, and was buried at Cross Street Chapel. He had collected a valuable library, which was sold by auction. Sir Thomas Baker describes his book-plates (Memorials, p. 112). The building of the Infantry Barracks, Regent Road, began November 1. William Cobbett was prevented by the authorities from passing through Manchester, on his way from Liverpool to London, on his return from America, November 30. The prohibition was due to Cobbett's intention to carry through the town the bones of Thomas Paine, which he had brought over with him from the United States. (Wheeler's Manchester, p. 119.) The Congregational Chapel, Mosley Street, enlarged. This congregation afterwards migrated and formed the Cavendish Street Chapel. The Hulme Philosophical Institution founded at Christ Church Schools, Hulme. The promoters were James Gaskell, Rowland Detrosier, and others. 158 Annals of Manchester. [1820 It was afterwards united to the Sunday school there, and known as Christ Church Institute. The Collegiate Churchyard was enclosed with iron railings, and a faculty obtained from the Bishop of Chester prohibiting interments therein for a period of 31 years. Rev. Peploe Ward, D.D., died. He was the son of Archdeacon Ward, of St. Ann's, and was educated at the Grammar School and at Cambridge, and was rector of Beeton, Cottenham. Mr. James Banks Robinson, R.N., died at his house, Cheetwood, in his 71st year. He was fifty years in the service, and fought in twelve general engage- ments, amongst which were those of the Nile and Trafalgar, when he acted as pilot to the fleet. Few men ever passed a more chequered life, or witnessed more hairbreadth escapes. He commenced his career with Bruce, the traveller, and was also the first of the party of midshipmen who ascended to the top of Pompey's Pillar, and partook of a bowl of punch. The Manchester Racecourse was improved. The Rev. John Markland, M.A., of Bicester, county of Oxford, eldest son of Robert Markland, of Mabfield, died December 15. 1820. Messrs. Clay and Cullingworth's and Messrs. Hudson and Price's ware- houses, in Marsden Square, were burned down, January 22. The Rev. W. R. Hay presented, in January, to the valuable living of Roch- dale, as a reward for his services in putting down the demand for reform, and especially for the forcible dispersal of the Peterloo meeting. He was deservedly an object of general detestation in Manchester. Mr. Thomas Knight, one of the managers of the Manchester and Liverpool Theatres Royal, died at his seat, Manor House, Shropshire, February 4. The printer of the Manchester Observer was fined £250 for a libel on Thomas Fleming, February 12. George IV. proclaimed in Manchester by Mr. Thomas Sharpe. There was a procession, and a feu dejoie was fired at Ardwick Green by the 15th Hussars, the 31st Infantry, and the Manchester Yeomanry to celebrate the accession of George IV., February 7. Mr. Nathaniel Gould died March 10. He bequeathed several large sums to the various charities in Manchester. The trial of the Radical leaders, for the meeting at Peterloo, began March 16, at Lancaster Assizes, before Mr. Justice Bayley. Henry Hunt was sentenced to two years and six months' imprisonment; whilst Joseph Johnson, Joseph Healey, and Samuel Bamford were condemned to one year's imprison- ment. Bamford, in his Life of a Radical, has left a graphic account of the trial and of his prison experiences. Hunt issued periodical Letters from Mart- Chester Gaol, and complained bitterly of his treatment. Mr. Joseph Clarke, bookseller, died March 22, aged 81. John Dunn was hanged at Lancaster 27th March for the murder of Mar- garet Grimes at Manchester. 1820] Annals of Manchester. 159 All Saints' Church, Oxford Road, was consecrated April 12. It was founded by the Rev. Charles Burton, LL.D., who became the rector of the church. Mr. Francis Ridings, for thirty years principal horn player at the theatre, died April 14. The anniversary of George IV.'s birthday was observed by the civil and military authorities of the town, who went in procession to Ardwick Green, and a, feu dejoie was fired, April 24. Mr. John Okey died May 10. He was adjutant of the first regiment of Man- chester Volunteer Infantry, and subsequently of the Local Militia, commanded by Colonel Silvester. The keystone of Blackf riars Bridge was laid by J. E. Scholes, boroughreeve of Salford, 17th June. The bridge was opened 1st August by Thomas Fleming. Mr. James Watson, commonly called the "Doctor," a man of some literary power but of eccentric habits, was drowned in the river Mersey, near Dids- bury, June 24. Some of his humorous pieces were published under the title of the Spirit of the Doctor, 1820. He was editor of The Gleaner, Salford, 1S0G. 1 George IV. cap. 58. Act to repeal an Act made in the fifty-eighth year of His late Majesty, for building a chapel of ease in the township of Pendleton and parish of Eccles. July 8. The Law Library, Marsden Square, was established July 21. Rev. William Hawkes died 1st August. He was born in Birmingham lOtb February, 1759, and was for 31 years minister of the Mosley Street Unitarian Chapel. There is a Sketch of fits Character by J. Corrie, and a notice in the Monthly Repository, 1814, p. 596. St. Augustine's Catholic Chapel, Granby Row, was opened September 27. Cost £10,000. The architect was John Palmer. Mr. Otho Hulme died October 8. He was founder of the firm of O. Hulme and Sons. Rev. Rowland Broomhead died October 12. He was born at Stannington, 27th August, 1751, and studied in the English College at Rome, and on his ordination preached before Clement XIV. In 1778 he was appointed to the mission in Manchester and the district, and under his guidance St. Mary's, Mulberry Street, and St. Augustine's, Granby Row, were built. When he came to Manchester the Roman Catholics numbered 1,000; when he died, about 40,000. A Brief Memoir of him was published. There are two engraved portraits. He was buried at St. Augustine's. M p. Samuel Taylor, of Moston, died 23rd October, aged 48. He was a magis- trate, and lieutenant-colonel of the Manchester and Salford Rifle Regiment of Volunteers, and also Grand Master of the Orangemen of Great Britain from 1807 till his death, when he was succeeded by the Duke of York. A monument is erected to his memory in the Collegiate Church. Thomas Barritt died October 29, aged 77. He was born in Withy Grove, where he carried on the business of a saddler, but devoted all his leisure to archaeological pursuits, and accumulated a library and a valuable collection of antiquities. The regard felt for him is well expressed by Mr. Joseph Aston in :; memorial card which was printed at the time : — 160 Annals of Manchester. J820 HERE RESTETH THE REMAINS OF THOMAS BARRITT, A PROFOUND ANTIQUARIAN AND A GOOD MAN. He died honoured and respected by all ranks of society, October 20, 1S20, aged 77 years. In Mancunium lived a man 'who knew Much of old time, and much of ancient lore ; Strange and scarce books had he, and curious coins, Medals and painted glass, and pondrous arms ; Helmets and breastplates, gauntlets vast, and shields Of many kinds, proof against bloody war : Swords without number, of all murdering shapes, And one, which erst had grac'd a prince's thigh, More valued than the rest— and more rever'd 3y him who owned it, and by all his friends. He was vers'd in heraldry, and could tell How all the thanes, and all the knights, and squires, Within his shire, had sprung from times remote. * And famed too, was he, for his industry ; For aye at work, for much his business called ; And yet full many a picture did he paint, Pedigrees copied, branch and root, and carvings made Of antique shapes ; and almost beyond belief, Helmets and shields, to rival Greece and Rome ; Stealing from sleep the time to give them form : Nay once, grappling Patience, he made a suit of mail, With thousand upon thousand links, for the love He bore to ancient arms ; for he was curious As the searching air, which pries, without a blush, Into things scarce, or sacred, or profane. Barritt was thrice married, his last wife dying in 1825. In early life he had the misfortune to lose a leg, and had recourse to one of cork. He was interred by torchlight, and his remains were attended to the grave by thirty or forty of the most respectable inhabitants of the town. The bulk of his manuscripts were purchased by the feoffees of Chetham's College ; his collection of ancient arms, armour, and other antiquities, were disposed of by lottery; his collection of ancient stained glass pictures, together with his drawings, were purchased by the late Mr. "W. Ford; and his books, &c, were sold by auction by Mr. Thomas Dodd. A MS. volume of verse, compiled by Barritt, for his two boys in 1807, is described in Papers of the Manchester Literary Club, vol. ii., p. 156 There is a notice of him in the Dictionary of National Biography. There was a partial illumination of the town to celebrate the withdrawal of the Bill of Pains and Penalties against Queen Caroline, November 20. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel erected in Grosvenor Street, Chorlton-upon- Medlock. In Blackwood's Magazine for December there is printed "A Prologue Spoken before a Private Theatrical Performance in Manchester." This private theatre was in the house of Mr. Thomas Ainsworth, in King Street, and the youthful performers included "W. H. Ainsworth, J. R. Stephens, and others. The prologue was written by James Crossley. {Manchester Guardian Local Rotes and Queries, No. 1065.) The Manchester Chamber of Commerce was established for the promotion of measures calculated to benefit and protect the trading interests of its mem- bers, and the general trade of the town and neighbourhood of Manchester. L821] Annals of Manchester. 161 The Salford Gas Works, Clowes Street, was erected by Messrs. Appleby, Clay, and Fisher. From these works Salford was supplied by contract until December, 1831. The Church Building Commissioners submitted to a parish meeting an offer to build three new churches if the parish would pay for sites by a church rate ; but the inhabitants, by a majority of 720 votes against 418, refused the rate. A meeting was held in the Manor Courtroom, Brown Street, to move addresses to George IV. and Queen Caroline, expressive of indignation as to the proceedings against the queen. Mr. Baxter presided, the boroughreeve having previously refused to call a public meeting. December 4. A counter- demonstration of the High Church party was held in the large room of the Police Office, 9th December, when a loyal address to the king was adopted. Dr. Samuel Hibbert Ware, of Edinburgh (formerly of Manchester), was presented by the Royal Society of Arts with their large gold medal, for his discovery of cliromate of iron in one of the Shetland Isles. All Saints' Church, Chorlton-on-Medlock, consecrated. Mr. Hugh Hornby Birley gazetted as major of the Manchester Yeomanry, vice T. J. Trafford, resigned. The silk-throwing mill of Mr. Vernon Boyle, erected 1819-20, is said to have been the first to be completed and brought to perfection in Manchester. 1821. William Sandford died January 10. He was senior churchwarden of Manchester in 1815, and one of the constables in 1818. He was father of the Rev. G. B. Sandford. There were great rejoicings at Heaton Hall to celebrate the majority of the Earl of Wilton in January. The premises of Messrs. Buxton and Sons, builders, &c, in Oxford Road, were burned down in January. William Ogden died, February 3. He was a letterpress printer, and the last surviving son of the well-known " Poet Ogden." Mr. Ogden, in his poli- tical principles, was a determined Jacobin and a Radical Reformer. During the temporary suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act he was arrested as a state prisoner, and underwent several examinations before the Privy Council, but was ultimately discharged. His treatment was the subject of a debate in the House of Commons, in the course of which Canning was said, but erroneously, to have sarcastically called him the "revered and ruptured Ogden." This phrase raised great indignation amongst the Radicals. Rev. Samuel Taylor, Wesleyan Methodist minister, died at Plymouth Dock, 20th February. He u as born near Manchester, 5th May, 1768, and was the com- piler of an Index to Minutes of Conference from 1744 to 1816 (1817), and of an Abridgment of the Life of Philip Henry (1818). Mr. James Currie died, February 24, aged 81. He was for many years- newsman from this town to Wigan. Dr. White's house, which stood on the site now occupied by the old Town Hall, was pulled down. February. 162 Annals of Manchester. [1821 Joseph Nadin, who had been upwards of twenty years deputy-constable at Manchester, resigned in March, and was succeeded by Stephen Lavender, of London. 1 and 2 George IV., cap. 18. Act for more effectually repairing and im- proving the roads from Hurdlow House, through Buxton, in the county of Derby, and Stockport, in the county of Chester, to Manchester, and other roads therein mentioned in the said counties. April 6th. Mr. Thomas Hoyle, senior, calico printer, Mayfield, died April 9, aged 82. Sir Walter Scott, Bart., visited Manchester, April 9. A colony of rooks established themselves in a small garden at the top of King Street, belonging to Mrs. Hall. April. Manchester Guardian, No. 1, May 5, price 7d., printed and published by John Edward Taylor and Jeremiah Garnett. 1 and 2 George IV., cap. 47. Act to alter and amend several Acts passed for more effectually supplying with water the inhabitants of the towns of Manchester and Salford, and for further extending the powers and provisions of the said Acts. May 7th. The changing of the £1 and £2 notes began at the Bank of England May 10. The place was constantly crowded. The amount of notes exchanged for gold up to June 30 exceeded £420,000, upwards of four tons weight. The Rev. Miles Wrigley, M.A., died May 12, aged 75. He was for twenty- eight years incumbent of St. Michael's Church. Mr. Richard Rushforth, of Hunt's Bank, died May 24. He was a liberal promoter of the fine arts. His fine collection of books, prints, and pictures was dispersed by auction. Mr. Edward Hall Thorpe, lieutenant in the navy, and son of Mr. Thorpe surgeon, of this town, died May 26, on his return from Madrid. A meeting was convened by the Chamber of Commerce in the Police Office, to take into consideration the propriety of a petition to Parliament to amend the Stamp Duties Act. May. The shambles at Newton Lane (now Oldham Road) were removed to the new market in Shudehill, and the New Cross taken down. It is commemorated in the name given to the district. May. Ralph Nixon, who had formerly been a master manufacturer of this town, committed to prison for robbing the Turk's Head, Shudehill. May. A meeting of leypayers in the Police Office, to take into consideration Mr. Scarlett's Poor Law Bill, June 1. A young man severely crushed between the wheel of a carrier's cart and the wall in the narrow part of Market Street, June 4. Mr. Samuel Waller, a Methodist local preacher, indicted at the New Bailey Sessions for preaching in the highway at Ashton-under-Lyne, and sentenced to three months' imprisonment, June 23. 1 and 2 George IV., cap. 126. Act to improve Market Street, in the town of Manchester, and approaches thereto, and to amend an Act passed in the 57th year of His late Majesty's reign, for building a bridge across the river Irwell from Water Street, in the township of Salford, to St. Mary's Gate, in the town- ship of Manchester. July 2. 1321] Annals of Manchester. 163 Colonel Thomas Ilderton Ferriar died at Valencia, Columbia, 17th July. He was a son of Dr. John Ferriar, and had the command of the British Legion at the battle of Carabobo, 24th June, which broke the power of Spain in the New World. It was the coolness and decision of the British volunteers that secured the victory. Colonel Ferriar died of wounds then received. (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) The coronation of George IV. was celebrated July 19 by processions of trades, which included upwards of 40,000 persons. In the afternoon the following articles were given away, viz., 25 oxen, 60 sheep, 29,000 pounds of bread, and 400 barrels of strong ale. Mrs. Sarah Cowdroy died 21st July, aged 65. She was the relict of William Cowdroy, founder of the Gazette. At the first meeting held under the Market Street Improvements Bill about 10 commissioners qualified, July 23. Mr. James Murray, M.D., of Medlock Bank, died July 29. Mr. Reddish, a bookseller, was imprisoned for selling a copy of the Political Dictionary. July. Mr. William Freer, glass manufacturer, of St. Ann's Square, died Aug. 11. The second anniversary meeting of the Radical Reformers was held in the Union Rooms, George Leigh Street. They walked to St. Peter's Field, and thence to Christ Church, Hulme (the Bible Christian Church), where several children were baptised in the name of Henry Hunt. August 16. The dislike felt for local banknotes led to their refusal by many of the principal inhabitants, September 1. An explosion took place at Mr. Robert Andrew's works, Green Mount, Harpurhey, September 11. Mr. Thomas Andrew, turkey-red dyer, Harpurhey, died, aged 86, Sept. 14. Daintry, Ryle, and Co.'s Bank removed from Macclesfield and opened in Norfolk Street, Manchester. September. The Manchester Express commenced to run. It left London at 4 p.m. and arrived here on the following morning. It only carried two passengers. Oct. 1. Mr. George Evans Aubry, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, appointed clerk to the Improvement Commissioners, October 18. A subscription was begun for Sir Robert Wilson on his dismissal from the army, October 22. Sir Robert having connived at the escape of Lavalette from Paris after the Peace of 1815, had incurred the displeasure of the Prince Regent, and his conduct at the funeral of Queen Caroline having completed his disgrace at head-quarters, he was dismissed from the army. After the lapse of a few years he was restored to rank and position. Acres Fair removed to the new market, Shudehill. October. Rev. Peter Hordern, B.A., appointed librarian of Chetham College, on the resignation of the Rev. J. T. Allen. October. Writs were served on Messrs. Birley, Withington, Tebbutt, Oliver, and Meagher, for assaults committed at St. Peter's Field on the 10th of August, 1819. October. Mr. William C. Macready played in the character of " Hamlet" for the first time here in the Theatre Royal, Fountain Street, November 3. 164 Annals of Manchester. [1821 St. John's Church, Deansgate, was newly roofed (the old roof having proved faulty) and beautified throughout, at the expense of Miss Byrom, the daughter of the founder. It was reopened November 4th. Rev. Joshua Brookes, M.A., died November 11, in the 68th year of his age. He was the son of a shoemaker, and was born at Cheadle Hulme, and baptised 19th May, 1754. He was educated at the Free Grammar School ; and was appointed chaplain to the Collegiate Church in March, 1791 ; and during the period of thirty-one years is supposed to have baptised, married, and buried more persons than any other clergyman in the kingdom. He was a man of great eccentricity, with many failings, but few if any vices. He had a considerable acquaintance with books, and left a good library behind him. Many ludicrous stories are told of him. He figures conspicuously in Mrs. Banks's novel of The Manchester Man, and is mentioned in Parkinson's Old Church Clock. Mr. Evans, in his notes to the fifth edition, has given a full account of this kind- hearted but eccentric divine. His bookplate is described in the Palatine Note- book, vol. i., p. 69. He is buried in the Collegiate Church near the Corporation Seats. Thomas, second Earl of Wilton, was married, at Knowsley, to Lady Mary Margaret Stanley, daughter of the twelfth Earl of Derby, November 29. A reduction of 3s. 4d. per ton on the carriage of cotton from Liverpool to Manchester by the Duke's Canal and the Old Quay Company. November. Northern Express and Lancashire Daily Post, No. 1, December 1, printed at Stockport, and published in Manchester, for Henry Burgess. This was the second attempt to establish a daily newspaper out of London. Sir William David Evans, Kt., died at Bombay, December 4. He was a native of London, and was born in 1767. He was called to the bar and practised as a barrister at Liverpool and Manchester from 1794 to 1814, when he was appointed stipendiary magistrate of Manchester. In 1817 he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and in 1819 became Recorder of Bombay. He was the author of various legal works. {Gentleman's Magazine, 1822.) Mr. William Jones, of the firm of Jones, Loyd, and Co., bankers, died December 24, at Broughton Hall. The " Tent Methodists' " Chapel, in Canal Street, Ancoats, was opened December 25. Mr. Joseph Farington, R.A., died at Parr's Wood, near Manchester, Dec. 30th, and was buried at Manchester. He was born at Leigh, 21st November, 1747. (Redgrave's Artists of the English School.) Mr. William Blackburn, of Manchester, went to superintend the cotton mill at Dover, New Hampshire. This was the beginning of the cotton manufacture at Great Falls. (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings, p. 143.) An Act was obtained for widening Market Street, King Street, Nicholas Croft, Toad Lane, and Poole Lane. This improvement was completed in 1F36. By the third Parliamentary census the fourteen districts of the township of Manchester contained 16,653 inhabited houses, occupied by 22,839 families, which consisted of 51,520 males and 56,496 females ; total, 108,016. The total population of the townships constituting the parish of Manchester was 187,031. 1822] Annals of Manchester. 165 The number of publications of the banns of matrimony in the Collegiate Church of Manchester was 2,191. The whole fees (including publication of banns and marriage fee, then 3s. 6d.) were paid at the time the names of the parties intending to be married were inserted in the banns' book. The number of marriages solemnised after the publication of banns during the same year was 1,924. The fee (3s. 6d.), which included the publication of banns, was thus divided, viz., lOd. each chaplain, Is. 8d. ; 9d. each clerk, Is. 6d. ; Id. each chorister, 4d. — 3s. 6d. The Catholic, edited by Rev. N. Gilbert, formerly of Antigua, changed to The Catholic Phoenix, 1822 ; edited by Mr. Grimes, surgeon ; printed by Mr. Joseph Pratt, Bridge Street. A requisition, signed by nearly 400 leypayers of the parish, was presented to the churchwardens to convene a meeting to induce the commissioners to forego the erection of three or four new churches in the town. Captain Richard Crompton, second son of Nathan Crompton, of this town, died at Lisbon, December 1. This gentleman volunteered from the 1st battalion of the Lancashire Militia in the 9th Regiment of Foot. He was at the battle of Vimiera, and subsequently town adjutant of Lisbon. The population of Manchester, including Ardwick, Cheetham, Chorlton, and Hulme, at the third census was 126,031. That of Salford, including Broughton, 26,552. 1822. A saw mill belonging to Messrs. D. Bellhouse and Son wilfully set on fire and destroyed, January 9. The Manchester Iris, No. 1, February 2, printed and published by Henry Smith ; ceased February 27, 1823. Henry Smith served his apprenticeship with William Cowdroy, jun. He died July 11, 1838, aged 44 years. Mr. William Cowdroy, jun., proprietor and printer of the Manchester Gazette, died March 10, aged 47. Messrs. Hugh Hornby Birley, major of the Manchester Yeomanry Cavalry ; Richard Withington, captain; Alexander Oliver, private, and Edward Meagher, trumpeter in the same corps, were tried at Lancaster in March, under an action of assault and wounding on the 10th of August, 1819, Thomas Redford, a journeyman hatter ; but after a trial of five days a verdict was given for the defendants. This was an attempt to bring to account those who were responsible for the Peterloo massacre. Elizabeth, relict of George Ormerod, and mother of Dr. Ormerod, died May 13, aged 69. 3 George IV., cap. 14. Act for lighting and watching, and for regulating the police within the township of Chorlton Row. May 15. The County Court first held in Manchester, by adjournment from Preston, May 23. Smithfield Market, Shudehill, was opened in May. The Manchester Society for the Promotion of Natural History established June 30. The Museum, late in Peter Street, was opened May 18, 1835. The collect inn is now at the Owens College. The improvement in .Market Street was commenced in June. 166 Annals of Manchester. [1823 The foundation stone of the Town Hall, King Street, was laid by Mr. James Brierley, boroughreeve, August 10. It was finished 1825. The cost of land was £6,500 ; of building, £28,035 ; finishing the large room, £5,012 ; making a total outlay of £39,547. The style of architecture is taken from the Temple of Erecthus at Athens, and the dome in the centre is after the model of the Tower of the Winds. In the niches in front are figures of Solon and Alfred, and in the attic are medallion portraits of Locke, Solon, and Judge Hale. The building measures 134 feet in front, and 76 feet in depth. The increase of municipal business led to the vacation of the old Town Hall in 1877, and it is now used for the Central Free Reference Library. St. Matthew's Church, Liverpool Road, founded August 12 ; consecrated September 24, 1S25. It will accommodate 2,000 persons. It is of modern Gothic architecture, and has a lantern tower and spire, the height of which is 132 feet. It is built upon part of the site of the ancient Roman town of Mancunium. Sir Charles Barry was the architect. A General Swedenborgian Conference held at Bolton Street Temple, Salf ord, August 14-17. (Hindmarsh's Rise, Sec, p. 375.) The death of " Old Billy " excited a great deal of interest. " Billy" was a horse belonging to the Mersey and Irwell Navigation, and when he died, 27th November, was in the 62nd year of his age. A lithograph was published, showing " Old Billy," with Henry Harrison, who had known the animal for fifty-nine years. Rusholme Road Cemetery was opened. A dome added to St. Peter's Church. Mosley Street. The Female Penitentiary opened in Rusholme Road. The New Quay Company begun by John Brettargh and two others, with a capital of £30,000. The Wesleyan Tract Association was instituted. The manufacture of gros de Naples and figured sarcenets introduced intc Manchester. (Wheeler's Manchester.) 1823. Rev. Thomas Blackburne, D.C.L., warden of the Collegiate Church, and rector of Thelwall, died January 10, aged 67. He was born at Orford Hall, and educated at Westminster School and Trinity College, Oxford. He was presented to the wardenship of Manchester in 1800. It is said of his brother John that he "was forty-six years the representative in Parliament for the county of Lancaster, and during the whole of that period he only asked and received two favours of the Government which he supported, viz., the wardenship of Man- chester for his second, and the office of distributor of stamps for his third brother." Mr James Harrop died 22nd February, at Broughton Priory, aged 66 years He was the son of Joseph Harrop, the founder of the Manchester Mercury, and succeeded to the conduct of that paper. He was postmaster for several years, but lost that appointment in 1806. Rev. Thomas Jackson Calvert, D.D., installed warden of the Collegiate Church, March 8. 1824] Annals of Manchester. 167 Mr. Samuel Dawson died 11th March, aged 70. He was one of the earliest of those who followed the Swedenborgian teachings of Mr. Clowes. He was for many years leader of the Bolton Society. He is buried at Prestwich. (Dr. Bayley, in The Dawn, March 27th, 1884.) Mr. David William Paynter died March 14. He was the son of a Manchester solicitor, and received his education at the Grammar School. He wrote the History of Godfrey Ranger, 1813 ; Eurypilus, a tragedy, 1816 ; and Muse in Idleness, 1819. The last named was somewhat savagely handled by a critic in Blackwood's Magazine. His tragedy of King Stephen was performed in 1S21, after many unavailing efforts. Mr. Paynter died at the age of 32, and is buried in Blackley Churchyard. By a decree made in the Rolls Court, London, all lands in the parish of Manchester (with but few exceptions) were subjected to the payment of one- tenth of all the hay, milk, and potatoes produced within it, and one-tenth of the value of agistment of barren cattle, besides corn. March. The agricul- tural lands within the parish contained 15,000 acres. Mr. William Green died at Ambleside 28th April. He was born in Man- chester in 1761, and was an artist and author of Guide to the English Lakes, Mountains, and Scenery, 1819. He was an accomplished artist, and his drawings helped to make the Lake District known. He was a friend of Wordsworth and Southey. (Manchester School Register, vol. ii., p. 6; vol. iii., p. 321.) The ball and cross on the spire of St. Mary's Church were lowered to the ground by Philip Wooton, May 10. Mr. Richard Whitfield Ashworth died at Cheltenham 23rd May. He was born at Strawberry Hill, Salford, about 1800, and wrote Leisure Hours (poems), which were printed in 1843. (Grammar School Register, vol. iii., p. 66.) 4 George IV., cap. 107. Act for amending the road leading from the New Wall, on the Parade, in Castleton, in the parish of Rochdale, through Middleton to the Meerstone, in Great Heaton, and to the town of Manchester, and for diverting certain parts of the said road. June 17th. 4 George IV., cap. 115. Act to alter, amend, and enlarge the powers of the several Acts passed for more effectually supplying with water the inhabitants ot the towns of Manchester and Salford. June 27th. The Royal Manchester Institution, for the promotion of literature, science, and the arts, inaugurated at a general meeting of the inhabitants, held in the Exchange room, October 1. The building in Mosley Street, begun in 1825 and completed in 1830, was erected at a cost of £30,000. Sir Charles Barry was the architect. The institution was originally projected by Thomas Dodd, auctioneer and connoisseur. It is now the City Art Gallery. Acres Fair was removed from St. Ann's Square to Campfield. 1824. A covered market opened in London Road February 14. The site is now covered by the railway station. The treadmill was introduced into the New Bailey Prison February 18. Christ Church (Bible Christians), Every Street, opened February 29. 168 Annals of Manchester. [1824 Mr. Matthew Falkner died at Burnley 8th March. He was born in 1738. He was the proprietor of the Manchester Herald, 1792. {Manchester School Register, vol. ii., p. 7.) 5 George IV., cap. 10. Act for more effectually repairing and improving the roads from Hurdlow House, county of Derby, to Manchester, county of Lancaster, and other roads in the said counties and in the county palatine of Chester. March 23rd. Mr. Edward Greaves, of Culcheth Hall, died March 29, aged 62. He was high sheriff of the county in 1812. A monument by Chantry is erected to his memory in the Collegiate Courch. The Primitive Methodist Chapel opened in Jersey Street. April. There were labour riots, occasioned by the masters having increased the hours of labour from eleven to twelve hours. April. A company for a double railway between Liverpool and Manchester was formed May 20. The capital was in 4,000 shares of £100 each. George Stephen- son was engineer. The Bill was lost in committee June 1, 1825. 5 George IV., cap. 95. Act for lighting, cleaning, watching, and improving the township of Hulme, and for regulating the police thereof. June 3rd. 5 George IV., cap. 143. Act for making and maintaining a turnpike road from the road leading from Manchester to Bolton, to communicate with the road from Bury to Bolton. June 17th. Hugh Prichard publicly sold his wife, aged 26, for 3s. June. The Baptist Chapel, Great Mount Street, was opened August 29. The Mersey and Irwell Navigation Company presented to the Manchester Museum the head of "Old Billy," a horse which was said to have been in their service 62 years, August 30. The fall of an iron beam at the factory of Mr. Nathan Gough, Oldfield Lane, caused the death of nineteen persons and the injury of nineteen others. Oct. 16. The Unitarian Chapel, Greengate, Salford, was erected, and was opened on Christmas Day. An Act of Parliament (5 George IV. cap. 133) passed for supplying Man- chester with gas. The merit of originating the gasworks is due to Mr. G. W. Wood, M.P., and Mr. Thomas Fleming. A covered market established in Brown Street. Mr. John Houtson died at Ava. He was a native of Lawder, Roxburghshire, but came to Manchester at an early age, and engaged unsuccessfully in com- merce. After becoming bankrupt he went out as part of a colony to Fernando Po. Afterwards he accompanied Giovanni Belzoni on his expedition to Central Africa, closing the eyes of the dead traveller, and brought back his rins and last message to his wife. Houtson then took passage to Ava, where he died a few days after his arrival. He was an early friend of Sir William Fairbairn, whohas given an account of him in his autobiography. (Pole's Life of Fairbairn.) The Floral and Horticultural Society was established. The Humane Society, for the recovery of persons apparently drowned or dead, was reorganised. Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel erected in Cooper Street. 18251 Annals of Manchester. 169 Mr. Dauntesey Hulme presented £10,000 to the General Infirmary (subject to a life annuity). 1825. The Infirmary clock was lighted with gas January 1, at the expense of Mr. Richard Ormerod, of Manchester. The Manchester Courier, No. 1, January 1, printed and published by Thos. Sowler, No. 4, St. Ann's Square. The first editor was Alaric Watts, a brilliant young man, whose name was then well known in the literary world. His connection with the paper was very brief. He writes to his wife, 24th April, 1826 : " I have sold my half copyright of the Manchester Courier for £500." Mr. Watts was born in London 16th March, 1797, and died at London 5th April. 1864. (Alaric Watts: A Narrative of his Life, by his son, A. A. Watts, London, 1884.) A sixpenny omnibus began to run 1st January between Market Street and Pendleton. This was started by John Greenwood, of Pendleton, and was the beginning of the local omnibus system. (City Ncivs Notes and Queries, vol. i., p. 167.) • Rev. Edward Smyth died at Chorlton Hall, Feburary 6, aged 76. He was a son of Archbishop Smyth, of Dublin. He came to Manchester, where he built St. Clement's Church, in 1793, and St. Luke's, in 1804. He became paralysed in 1817. He is buried in St. Luke's Churchyard. (Manchester School Register, vol. iii., p. 71.) The Deaf and Dumb School, Stanley Street, Salford, opened February 9. The Infant School, Buxton Street, London Road, opened February 14. This was the first infant school established in Manchester, and its foundation was due to the Society of Friends. The Union Club was established. The house in Mosley Street was opened March 21, 1836. The Police Act (6 George IV. cap. 5) for the township of Ardwick passed the Legislature March 23. The Mechanics' Institution, Cooper Street, was founded, and held its first meeting March 30. The building in Cooper Street cost £6,600, and was the first building erected in England for the purpose. The institution removed to David Street in 1857. A peal of ten bells was opened in the Collegiate Church on Easter Monday. 6 George IV. cap. 51. Act for making and maintaining a road from Great Ancoats Street, in the town of Manchester, to join a diversion of the Manches- ter and Salter's Brook road, in Audenshaw, in the parish of Ashton-under-L\ ae, and two branches of road communicating therewith. May 2. 6 George IV. cap. 83. Act for more effectually improving the roads from Manchester, through Oldham, to Austerlands, in the parish of Saddleworth, and from Oldham to Ashton-under-Lyne, and from Oldham to Rochdale. May 20. 6 George IV. cap. 112. Act to enlarge the powers of an Act of His late Majesty's reign, to empower the Justices of the Peace within the Hundred of Salford to raise a sum of money to be paid by way of salary to the chairman of the Quarter Sessions for the said Hundred. June 10. 170 Annals of Manchester [1825 6 George IV. cap. 20. Act for enabling the trustees in the will of Dorothy Clowes, widow, deceased, to grant leases of the estates thereby devised for building upon or improving the same. June 10. The Rev. James Pedley, M.A., died 28th June, in his 79th year. He was for forty years incumbent of St. Thomas's, Pendleton, and for the same period one of the assistant masters of the Free Grammar School. Manchester Advertiser, No. 1, July 2, printed by Joseph Pratt, for Stephen Whalley. This paper was given away, its revenue being derived solely from advertisements. Chorlton Row Infants' School was established August 22. The foundation stone of the Salford Town Hall and Market laid August 30, by Lord Bexley. The building was enlarged in 1847, 1848, and 1853. A new wing was added in 1860-62, when the wing built in 1848 was taken down. The Jews' Synagogue, Halliwell Street, Long Millgate, was consecrated September 2. William Hone, who visited Bartholomew Fair, London, 5th September, gives a picture and description of William Wilkinson Westhead, the Man Chester gigantic boy, who was born 26th September, and baptised at the Collegiate Church 12th October. He was then 5ft. 2in. high, measured 5ft. round the body, 27in. across the shoulders, and weighed 22 stone. (Wood's Giants and Dwarfs, p. 212.) St. Philip's Church, Salford, consecrated September 21. The Parliamentar j grant for the building of this church was £14,000. Mr. George Nicholson died at Stourport, November 1. He was born at Brad- ford, in Yorkshire, in 1760, but resided successively at Manchester, Poughnill, and Stourport. As a printer he was remarkable for the cheapness and beauty of the publications which came from his press. He was also the author and compiler of a variety of -works— Stenography, Advocate and Friend of Woman, On the Conduct of Man to Inferior Animals, The Primeval Diet of Man,, &c. He was himself a vegetarian. (Further particulars are given in Williams's Ethics of Diet.) Mr. George Calvert died November 14. He was a surgeon, and was the son of Mr. Charles Calvert, of Oldham Street and Glossop Hall. He was the author of a treatise on Diseases of the Rectum, and for three years in succession gained the Jacksonian Prize of the Royal College of Surgeons. Born in Man- chester, 1795. The premises of Messrs. Sharp, Roberts, and Co. destroyed by fire, which was believed to be the work of an incendiary. The Diorama, Cooper Street, was built. It has since been taken down. The annual value of property in Manchester was £334,737, and in Salford £74,979. The Provincial Portable Gas Works Company, Hulmefield, was formed, but the project was abandoned in 1829. A Fire Engine Department established under Captain Anthony. A Bill was introduced into Parliament for the construction of a ship canal from Manchester to the mouth of the Dee, at an estimated expense of £1,000,000, to be raised in 10,000 shares at £100 each. The scheme was thrown out by the Parliamentary Committee. 1826] Annals of Manchester. 171 The Independent Chapel in Rusholme Road was opened. The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Rusholme Road, was erected. The Baptist Chapel, Oak Street, was built. The Wesleyan Chapel, Oxford Street, was built. Mr. Richard Roberts (of the firm of Sharp, Roberts, and Co.), took out a patent for a self-acting mule now generally in use ; a second patent was taken out in 1830. The invention owed its existence to a strike, when the difficulty of obtaining manual labour induced an appeal from the manufacturers to Mr. Roberts to invent a mechanical substitute. W. Harter undertook silk weaving in Manchester. There were estimated to be 20,C00 power-looms in Manchester parish, 104 spinning factories in the town, and 110 steam engines. 1826. Ann, relict of the late Mr. Henry Atherton, barrister, and daughter of the late Mr. Edward Byrom, died January 9, aged 75. Mr. Thomas Price, a fustian manufacturer, was murdered, at mid-day, Feb. 10th, in his warehouse in Marsden Square. The premises were also set on fire. James Evans, his warehouseman, was tried for the crime, but acquitted. Miss Ellen Turner was brought to Manchester by Edward Gibbon Wake- field, March 7. In conjunction with his brother William, his sister Frances, and Edward Thevant, he abducted the young lady, who was an heiress, from a school at Liverpool, obtaining possession of her by means of a forged letter, sum- moning her to see her stepmother. This story they afterwards varied. She was brought to the Albion Hotel, Manchester, and from thence taken to Gretna Green, where a form of marriage was gone through. She was taken to London, and then to Calais, where she was rescued by her uncle. The Wakefields were tried at Lancaster Assizes, in March, 1827, and on May 14th, 1827, Edward was sentenced to three years' imprisonment in Newgate and William to three years* imprisonment in Lancaster Castle. The marriage, which had not been con- summated, was dissolved by Act of Parliament. Edward Gibbon Wakefield's useful after-life was a striking contrast to this disgraceful affair. His services to the Australian Colonies were very great. He died at Wellington, New Zealand, May 16th, 1862. Mr. John Shore, well known for his benevolent character, died at Ardwick, March 16, aged 84. 7 George IV., cap. 16. Act for more effectually repairing and improving the roads from Manchester to Salter's Brook, and for making and maintaining several extensions or divisions of road, and a new branch of road to communi- cate therewith. March 22nd. The Manchester and Liverpool Railway Bill passed through the House of Lords, May 1. The draining of Chat Moss (the first point of operation) w r aa commenced in June. The first shaft of the Liverpool Tunnel was opened in September, and the earthwork, comprising the cuttings and the embanking along the whole line, was begun in January, 1827. The last joining between the several lengths of the line was completed in June, 1828. 7 George IV., cap. 49. Act for making and maintaining a railway or tram- 172 Annals of Manchester. 51826 road from the town of Liverpool to the town of Manchester, with certain branches therefrom. May 5th. 7 George IV., cap. 81. Act for making and maintaining a road from the top of Hunt's Bank, in the town of Manchester, to join the present Manchester and Bury turnpike road in Pilkington. May 5th. Mr. Joseph Parry, an able painter of marine subjects, died May 11. He was born at Liverpool, in 1744, and is generally known as "Old Parry." Elizabeth Bate, aged 28, murdered at the Jolly Carter, a public-house at Winton, near Patricroft, May 22. Alexander and Michael M'Keand, dealers in linen and tea, at Manchester, were convicted of the murder August 18, and hanged at Lancaster August 21. Michael's body was given to the surgeons of Lancaster for dissection, and Alexander's was sent to the Manchester Infirmary for the same purpose, but was first publicly exhibited. (Procter, Bycgone Manchester, p. 52.) 7 George IV., cap. 99. Act for making and maintaining a railway or tramroad from Manchester to Oldham, with a branch from Failsworth Pole to or near Dry Clough, in the township of Royton. May 26th. 7 George IV., cap. 138. Act for more effectually repairing and improving several roads leading to and from the town of Salford, through Pendleton, and other places therein mentioned, and several other roads therein mentioned, for making and maintaining certain diversions or new lines of road to com- municate therewith. May 26. Owing to the great commercial distress, riots occurred in May. The mobs attacked several factories, and an attempt was made to destroy by fire that of Mr. Hugh Beever. So alarming was the state of affairs in Manchester that it more than once occupied the attention of the Cabinet, and troops were marched into the most unquiet districts. Several of the rioters were tried and convicted. Mr. William Howe, auctioneer, generally known by the nickname of "Lord Howe," died at Leamington, June 16. His popular designation was due to an anecdote in circulation that he had accepted some public reference to the famous admiral as intended for himself. Mr. Thomas Dunstan, governor of New Bailey Prison, died July 7, aged 32, and was succeeded by his brother, Mr. Richard Dunstan. A general Swedenborgian Conference held in the Peter Street Chapel, August 8-12. Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, of King Street, died August 9, aged 86. She was a descendant of an ancient and honourable family of this town. There was a trial in the Court of King's Bench between Sir Oswald Mosley, the lord of the manor, and Mr. John Walker, a fishmonger, for an infraction of the manorial rights. The lord claimed to be entitled to a market for the sale of fish on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, and a right to oblige fish- mongers within the manor to make sales of their wares within the market and pay stallage. Verdict for the plaintiff, August 17. A rule nisi for a new trial having been obtained, was discharged by the Court of King's Bench after argument. {Mosley v. Walker, p. 7 ; Barnewall and CresswelVs Reports, p. 40.) The foundation stone of St. George's Church, Hulme, was laid September 7^h. It was consecrated December 9, 1828. The erection of this church was by 1827J Annals of Manchester. 173 a Parliamentary grant of £14,000, but the whole cost was £20,000. The ground was presented by Wilbrahani Egerton, of Tatton. Mr. David H. Parry, an artist of considerable local celebrity, died Sept. 15. He was born at Manchester in 1793, and was one of the original projectors of the Royal Institution. He bade fair to hold an exalted rank in his profession. The Manchester Branch Bank of England was opened in King Street September 26. Henry Hardie, M.D., died October 6. Mr. Joseph Whittingham Salmon died, at Nantwich, 15th October, in the 79th year of his age. He was for a time the amanuensis of Rev. John Clowes, of St. John's Church. (Hindmarsh's Rise of the New Jerusalem Church, p. 66.) He was the author of various works. Mr. George Tomlinson, surgeon, died November 19, aged 62. He was a well-known and extensive collector of books, &c, and works of art. Rev. Joseph Proud died. He was the author of a Selection of Hymns, 1790. In 1793 he was joint minister with Mr. Cowherd, of the Swedenborgian Temple, Peter Street, but removed to London. In 1815 he was appointed, by the Swedenborgian Conference at Manchester, as missionary minister. The Welsh Independent Chapel in Gartside Street was openei. Infant School, Saville Street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, founded. This was the second infant school in Manchester, and was established by the joint liberality of persons of all denominations. The suspension bridge near Broughton Ford opened. A toll was levied. A bridge was erected over the Irk at Hunt's Bank. Four large Wesleyan Methodist Chapels were opened in Manchester. The accommodation thus provided was sufficient for 6,000 persons. The chapels were in Oxford Street, Oldham Road, Ancoats, and Irwell Street, Salford. The Independent Chapel, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, was opened. Mrs. Sarah Richardson, widow, died at the Mount, Dickenson Street. She was said to be 101 years old. She was a native of Warrington, and was grand, great-grand, and great-great-grand mother to 153 descendants. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Newton Heath, was built. Independent Chapel, Rusholme Road, built. 1827. Mr. James Touchett died January 1, aged 84. The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Irwell Street, Salford, opened Jan. 30. Rough Robin, the Manchester pugilist, died, February, at the age of 26. He fought battles in the prize ring without a defeat. (Procter's Our Turf, &c, p. 84.) 7 and 8 George IV., cap. 9. Act for more effectually repairing and main- taining the road from Hulme across the river Irwell, through Salford to Eecles, and a branch of road communicating therewith. March 21st. 7 and 8 George IV., cap. 21. Act for amending and enlarging the powers and provisions of an Act relating to the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. April 12th. 7 and 8 George IV., cap. 68. Act for effectually repairing and otherwise 174 Annals of Manchester. [1827 improving the road from the end of Ardwick Green, near Manchester, to Hyde Lane Bridge, in the county of Chester. May 28th. 7 and 8 George IV., cap. 9. Act to enable the trustees of the estates devised by William Hulme, Esquire, to appropriate certain parts of the accumulated funds arising from the said estates in the purchase of advowsons, and for other purposes therein mentioned. May 28th. Mr. James Ackers, of Lark Hill, Salford, died May 28, aged 71. 7 and 8 George IV., cap. 23. Act for enabling the trustees of the undivided moiety late of John Leech, deceased, in certain land in the town of Manchester, to concur with the parties entitled to the other moiety thereof in making partition thereof, and to sell all or any part of the said land, in the said town of Manchester, in consideration of perpetual chief rents, to be reserved, issuing out of such, land. June 14th. The Rev. John Haddon Hindley, M.A., librarian of Chetham's Library, died at Clapham, 17th June. He was born at Manchester, October, 1765, and translated the Odes of Hafiz from the Persian. (School Register, vol. i., p. 205.) Samuel Crompton, the inventor of the self-acting mule, died in King Street, Great Bolton, June 26th, at the age of 74. He was born at Hall-i'th'-Wood, Bolton, and, after receiving a fair education, worked as a weaver in his mother's house. He was a man of amiable character, with a tinge of mysticism, par- ticularly fond of music — he was a good player on the violin — and not very well adapted for the rough world with which he had to deal. His mechanical genius led him to the invention of the mule. It was constructed with great secrecy, and, after five years of toil, was in 1770 a success. It enabled him to produce yarn of a quality that made him the object of an inquisitive persecu- tion, which did not hesitate at espionage. He made his invention public on the faith of promises which were ruthlessly broken. After many struggles and discouragements he received a Parliamentary grant of £5,000 — a sum ludicrously inadequate, when the wealth-producing nature of his invention is considered. Crompton struggled on under depression and discouragement, whilst the industry which he had benefitted grew with amazing rapidity. (G. J. French, Life of Crompton ; Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies.) Rev. John Hugh Worthington died at Leicester 4th July, at the early age of 24. He had been chosen co-pastor with Rev. J. G. Robberds in July, 1825. He was the betrothed of Harriet Martineau, and the causes why she did not visit him during his last illness at Manchester and Leicester have been variously stated. (See Harriet Martineau's Autobiography ; Mrs. Fen- Avick Miller's Harriet Martineau, 1884 ; and a correspondence in the Daily News of December, 1884, and January, 1S85.) In a letter, which appeared 30th December, Dr. James Martineau gives a fine portraiture of Worthington. The Salford and Pendleton Royal Dispensary, in Chapel Street, was opened September 10. The races at Heaton Park began, September 25. Until 1835 no professional ^ockeys were allowed to take part. Mr. Charles Wheeler died, September 26. He was born at Manchester, 1756, and was the inaugural proprietor and editor of the Manchester Chronicle. (Manch. Coll., vol. ii. p. 110.) 1S28] Annals of Manchester. 175 Mr. Richard Thompson (late of Manchester), a magistrate and one of the deputy-lieutenants of the county, died at Lancaster, November 29. Maurice de Jongh, of Manchester, patented a self-acting mule. Dec. 4. Mr. Nathan Jackson died, Dec. 17. He was for many years in the com- missariat department under Sir Robert Kennedy, whom he accompanied with the British army in Spain and France. He was brother to Messrs. R. and C. Jackson, solicitors, of this town, and was descended from Dr. Cartwright, Bishop of Chester. The Botanical and Horticultural Society was established. St. John's Charity and Sunday Schools, Gartside Street and St. John's Place, were erected. St. Matthew's Sunday School, Liverpool Road, was erected. Rev. Thomas Ward died, aged 71. He was a son of Archdeacon Ward, and tvas educated at the Grammar School and at Cambridge. He was Vicar of Nester and Rector of Handley. Rev. William Priestley died at Devizes. He was the son of Rev. Timothy Priestley and nephew of Rev. Dr. Priestley. He was born at Manchester, 1768, and was Independent pastor at Fordingbridge. On the death of the Rev. William Johnson, the first incumbent of St. George's-in-the-Fields, Oldham Road, the Rev. James White, M.A., was appointed. He was born at Nottingham in 1788, and was the younger brother of Kirke White, the poet, whom he survived nearly eighty years. He remained in Manchester until 1841, and interested himself in the promotion of Sunday schools and infant schools. He was the originator, in 1831, of the Manchester Clerical Book Club. He died at Sloley House, Scotton, Norfolk, in March, 1885. 1828. Mr. Joseph Gleave, printer, bookseller, and periodical publisher, died February 16, aged 55. A new vessel, the " Emma," was launched, in the presence of a large crowd and amidst great rejoicings, at the New Quay Company's Docks, Feb. 28. Some hundreds out of curiosity had gone on board, but the vessel had hardly touched the river when she swamped, and they were all thrown into the river. About forty were drowned and many more injured. (Procter's Byegone Manchester). 9 George IV., cap. 7. Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway to alter the line of the said railway, and for amending and enlarging the powers and provisions of the several Acts relating thereto. March 26th. The Infant School in Bombay Street, Salford, was opened April 7. Mr. Charles Knight visited Manchester in the interests of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. In his Passages of a Working Life he says : "It was not an inviting place for a stranger to wander about in, but I soon found willing guides and cordial friends. It was not always very easy to interest the busy millowners in the objects for which I came amongst them. Some were too absorbed in their ledgers to hear long explanations ; others were wholly indifferent to matters which had no relation to the business of their lives. I persevered, and, chiefly by the exertions of a very earnest man, Mr. George William Wood, a local association was formed, on 176 Annals of Manchester. ti828 the 6th of June, of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge." Mr. Knight visited Manchester several times in subsequent years. Mr. John Farris died July 4, aged 74. He was formerly a sergeant- major of the 72nd (Manchester) Regiment, and lost a leg at the siege of Gibraltar. 9 George IV., cap. 117. Act to amend several Acts for cleansing, lighting, watching, improving, and regulating the towns of Manchester and Salford July 15th. One of the arches of a bridge— Hanging Bridge— discovered in the course 3f excavations. It had been concealed for an unknown period. July. Mr. Joseph Smethurst, formerly deputy-constable of Salford, died Aug. 9. Mr. William Leonard Kilbie died August 10. He was one of the Man- chester beadles, and had served as a dragoon in the battles of Corunna and "Waterloo. A grand musical festival and fancy dress ball was held. It began 7th October and lasted for a week. The proceeds (£5,000) were devoted to the public charities. The festival was held in the nave of the Collegiate Church, and the evening concerts in the Theatre Royal, Fountain Street. The Manchester Times, No. 1, Saturday, October 17, printed and published by Archibald Prentice. The Manchester and Salford Advertiser, No. 1, Saturday, November 15. St. George's, the mother church of Hulme, was consecrated December 9, by Dr. J. B. Sumner, Bishop of Chester. The architect was Mr. Goodwin. A new Fish Market was opened December 22. It was built upon the site of the old butchers' shambles. Mr. C. A. Cowdroy died at Sandbach, in the county of Chester, December 28th. He was formerly one of the proprietors of the Manchester Courier, which began in 1817. At the Spring Assizes at Lancaster, judgment was given in a tithe case pending between the warden and fellows of the Collegiate Church and their lessee, Mr. Joule, they claiming tithe in kind on hay, milk, potatoes, the agistment of ley cattle, gardens, &c. It was decided that the parishioners were liable to all these demands, except the tithe in kind on gardens, orchards, poultry, &c. All Saints' Sunday School, Clarendon Street, was built by subscription. The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel in Harpurhey was built. Mr. Francis Marcellus Hodson died, aged 66. He was for a time minister of the Swedenborgian church in Peter Street. At another period he was in the habit of riding from Manchester to Accrington to conduct the Sunday services there, and from his text at the opening of the chapel (Deut. xxii. 6) he was known as the " Bird's-Nest Fellow." He had a chapel in Ancoats, and for their use compiled a volume of hymns. He left Manchester for Hull, where he preached at the Dagger Lane Chapel, but returned to his native home to die. He was the author of the Encyclopaedia Mancuniensis. The Cannon Street Congregational Chapel rebuilt at a cost of £1,800. (See under date 1861, September 12.) The Bank of Manchester in Market Street was opened. 1829] Annals of Manchester. 177 The declared value of all the cotton goods exported from Great Britain was £36,824,270. The Manchester Improvement Committee was formed. By this body a great number of alterations, more or less extensive, were effected. There were 8,000 looms for silk and 4,000 for mixed goods at work in and about Manchester. St. Philip's Church, Broken Bank, Salford, was, by authority of the Eccle- siastical Commissioners, constituted a district parish church, 1829. Miss Frances Hall, of King Street, died January 4, in her 84th year. This venerable lady was the last survivor of a family which, for more than a century, had been distinguished in this town. At the period of 1745 the family took an active part on the side of Charles Edward ; and he presented them with an original portrait of his father, painted by Belle, the French artist, and which was disposed of, along with other curious Jacobite relics, on the death of this lady. She left the following munificent bequests, viz., to the Manchester Infirmary, £11,000; House of Recovery, £11,000; Lying-in-Hospital, £11,000, and the Ladies' Jubilee School, £11,000. She is commemorated by an elegant monument in Byrom's Chapel of the Collegiate Church, erected in 1834. Mr. John Leigh Bradbury, calico printer, died January 4. He was the author of several very useful inventions, among which was a mode of printing calicoes both sides alike, another for silk-throwing, and another for the manu- facture of pins. The Ardwick and Ancoats Dispensary was opened in January. Mrs. Martha Wright, relict of Mr. Thomas Wright, and last surviving member of an ancient family resident in Broughton, died February 26, aged 82 She left several large sums of money to various local charities. The New Mechanics' Institution, Brazennose Street, commenced March 25. Mr. Dauntesy Hulme died April 27, aged 85. He was remarkable for his extensive contributions to the various charities of the town. During his life he presented the sum of £10,000 to the Infirmary, and at his death another £10,000. The Manchester and Liverpool District Bank was established in Spring Gardens, April 30. Serious riots, through commercial distress, May 5. The weaving factories of Mr. T. Harbottle, Messrs. Twiss, and Mr. Jas. Guest, were attacked, and their contents entirely destroyed ; that of Messrs. Parker was burnt down. Many provision shops were forcibly entered on the same day. A deputation from Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, and other towns had an interview with the Duke of Wellington and other Ministers for the purpose of advocating free trade to India and China. May 9. 10 George IV., cap. 35. Act for enabling the Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company to make an alteration in the line of the said railway, and for amending and enlarging the powers and provisions of the several Acts relating thereto. May 14th. 10 George IV., cap. 114. Act for more effectually repairing and otherwise M 178 Annals of Manchester. [1829 improving the roads from Hurdlow House, in the county of Derby, to Man- chester, and other roads therein mentioned. June 1st. Mr. Thomas Holland, schoolmaster, died June 12. He was born at Man. Chester, 29th October, 1760, and was joint author with his brother, the Rev. John Holland of Exercises for the Memory and Understanding, 1798. (Monthly Repository, 1829, p. 721.) Mr. William Rowlinson, aged 22, was drowned in the Thames, June 22. He was a young man of considerable promise, as is shown by various contributions which he made to The Phoenix and other Manchester journals. One of his pieces, Sir Gualter, is reprinted in Procter's Literary Reminiscences (p. 103). At the time of his death Rowlinson was employed by Messrs. Pigott to collect, material for their directories. He is buried in Bisham Churchyard, Berkshire. Mr. Alexander Wood, editor of the Manchester and Salford Advertiser, died August 3. Mr. Gavin Hamilton, one of the surgeons of the Infirmary, died August 25, aged 74. His wife was Miss Ward, daughter of T. A. Ward, of the Theatre Royal. There were high floods in the Irwell, August 27. St. Andrew's Church, Travis Street, Ancoats, was founded September 14, and consecrated October 6, 1831. It was erected by the Church Building Com- missioners at an expense of £14,000. Charlestown (Pendleton) Independent Sunday School commenced in a cottage in Ashton Street. September. A dinner was given to Mr. Robert Peel in Manchester. There were 500 persons present. October 6. Mr. Thomas Stott, a native of this town, and formerly captain of the 29th Foot, died at Quebec, October 29, aged 62. Mr. Richard Hartley, of Salford, died 22nd November. He was a well- known change-ringer, and was commonly known as Major Hartley. Mr. David Bannerman, Mosley Street, died, December 1. Colonel John Ferriar died of dysentery at Pasto, near Carthagena, Columbia. He was a son of Dr. John Ferriar, and on the deach of his brother, Colonel Thomas Ilderton Ferriar, after the battle of Carabobo, succeeded to the command of the British Legion. When his old leader, Paez, headed a revolt against Bolivar, the men under Ferriar's command remained faithful by his influence. He had the decoration of the Orden del Libertador, and at the time of his death was military governor of the province of Coro. (Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) The Manchester Phrenological Society was instituted in Faulkner Street. An Act (9 George IV., cap. 117) recites that "whereas the said towns of Manchester and Salford are respectively very large and populous, and form two townships separate and distinct from each other in all matters of local arrange- ment ; and soon after the passing of the first recited Act (32 Geo. III.) the com- missioners thereby appointed divided, and formed two distinct bodies, and from that time have so continued to act and to put the first recited Act in force for each town separately and respectively, and the rates authorised by the said first recited Act to be assessed and raised have been and now are 1830] Annals of Manchester. 179 raised by separate and distinct assessments within each of the said towns, and applied exclusively to the uses of the town in which they were and are respectively assessed and raised ; and whereas the said towns of Manchester and Salford, and more particularly the former, having greatly increased since the passing of the said first recited Act, and being still increasing in trade, population, and extent of buildings, cannot conveniently be regulated by one body of commissioners acting separately as aforesaid." The police of the town Avas therefore divided, and persons qualified as prescribed by the 32nd Geo. III. were constituted commissioners for executing that Act in Salford alone, by the name of " the commissioners for better cleansing, lighting, watching, and regulating the town of Salford." At the same time the constitution of the Manchester body was remodelled. 1830. Rev. William Roby died at Manchester, January 11. He was born at Wigan, March 23, 1766. He was a man of great distinction amongst the Con- gregationalists, and was the author of Lectures on Revealed Religion; and various sermons and pamphlets. (McAll's Funeral Serinon and Memoir, 183S). Mr. J. C. Dyer effected considerable improvements in the method of roving. His method was patented February 27. Mr. Matthew Mason, for 23 years governor of Manchester Workhouse, died March 11. 11 George IV. cap. 8. Act for better cleansing, lighting, watching, regula- ting, and improving the town of Salford. March 19. Mr. Robert Barnard died, March 21. He was of Coalbrookdale, Shropshire, and afterwards of Manchester. He was author of The Leisure Hour Improved, 1809 ; Memoirs of Francis, commonly called St. Francis, de Sales, 1814 ; and of A Wreath from the Wilderness, 1816. (Smith's Friends' Books.) 11 George IV. and 1 William IV. cap. 23. Act for more effectually repairing and improving the road from Chorlton Row, near Manchester, to the bridge at the cornmills at Wilmslow. April 8. Mr. Joseph Nelson, the manager of Mr. Baines's improvements at Chat Moss, and the first successful improver of that waste, died there, April 14, aged 84. Twelve persons were drowned near the railway bridge, in the Irwell, by the upsetting of a boat. April 24. Mr. Francis Woodiwis, currier, of Fennel Street, died May 1, aged 72. He was a man of penurious habits, by which he amassed a fortune of nearly £100,000. A Temperance Society formed 12th May, with a pledge against the use of ardent spirits. (WinskuTs Tempt ranee Rejormation, p. 23.) Mr. Charles Robinson was found shot in Oxford Road, May 20, on his returning home from Manchester. The murderer was never detected, but it was regarded as a trade outrage. The foundation stone of Christ Church, Acton Square, Salford, was laid May 28 ; consecrated November, 1831. The first rector was the Rev. Hugh Stowell, M.A. 180 Annals of Manchester. [1830 11 George IV. cap. 47. Act to amend several Acts for supplying the town of . Manchester with gas, and for regulating and improving the same town. May 29. The first Co-operative Congress was held in May. Mr. Foster Ellis, of Hulme, died June 5, aged 85. He was forty years in the army, having entered the service in 1775, and was orderly to General Elliot at the siege of Gibraltar. The first Sir Robert Peel, Bart., though not connected by birth with the town of Manchester, claims notice as one of the most active, intelligent, and successful merchants who frequented her markets, and where, in 1788, he carried on the business of a banker. He was born at Peel Fold, near Black- burn, April 25, 1750, and died at Drayton Manor, in Staffordshire, June 8, 1830, having accumulated by integrity and industry upwards of two millions ster- ling. His eldest son, the late Sir Robert Peel, was born at Chamber Hall, Bury, in 1788. Sir Robert Peel procured the patronage of the king for the Manchester Infirmary, and since that period it has been called the Royal Infirmary. Sir Robert Peel left to the Infirmary and Lunatic Asylum in Man- chester, and to the Lying-in Hospital of Salford, £100 each. Mr. Richard Roberts invented an improvement in the self-acting mule for the spinning of cotton, which was patented July 1. Mr. Edward Hobson, of this town, died at Bowdon, September 7. Mr. Hobson, though in humble life, had, by perseverance, aided by good natural talents, become a thoroughly skilful botanist, mineralogist, geologist, and entomologist. His Musci Britannici (of which, from the nature and extent of the work, a very few copies were issued) stands a recognised monument of his soundness in that particular and intricate portion of the science of botany, as the general reference made to the work by Sir W. J. Hooker and Dr. Taylor will testify. Upon other subjects of natural history he was in cor- respondence with many eminent authors, and his investigations and opinions were much respected. Rev. Charles Wickstead Ethelstone, M. A., died at Crumpsall, September 14. He was born at Manchester 24th March, 1767, and was Fellow of the Collegiate Church and incumbent of St. Mark's, Cheetham Hill. He wrote The Suicide, and other Poems. (Manchester School Register, vol. ii., p. 4.) The Manchester and Liverpool Railway was opened September 15, in the presence of the Duke of Wellington, attended by a great number of nobility and gentry, and amidst the loud greetings of many thousands of spectators. The Right Hon. William Huskisson was unfortunately killed atParkside, near Newton-le-Willows, which threw a gloom over the festivities of the day. The cost of the whole undertaking, up to June, 1830, was £820,000. There is a graphic account of the opening day in Fanny Kemble's Records, and another in F. H. Grundy's Pictures of the Past. The engineering details are given in Smiles's Life of George Stephenson. St. Thomas's Church, Pendleton, founded September 23, and consecrated October 7, 1831. Chorlton-upon-Medlock Town Hall, Grosvenor Square, was commenced October 13, and finished October 13, 1831. Mr. Isaac Blackburne, distributor of stamps, and brother to Mr. John Blackburne, M.P., of Hale, died December 17, aged 72. 1831 j Annals of Manchester. 181 Harrop's Manchester Mercury, which commenced March 3, 1752, expired December 28, after an existence of 79 years. "The Associate was a small Manchester newspaper of the 1830 period, the prettiest named and best printed and most varied in its contents of any paper of that species." (Holyoake's History of Co-operation, vol. ii., p. 14.) The Sunday School in connection with Charlestown Independent Chapel opened in Shemwell Street. St. Thomas's Sunday Schools, Ardwick, built. The Manchester Gentlemen's Glee Club established. United Trades Co-operative Journal published. (Holyoake's History of Co-operation, vol. i., p. 151.) There was a co-operative scheme projected for the cultivation of Chat Moss. {Ibid, p. 155.) The Foreign Library was founded. The duty on printed cottons was reduced. The number of yards of goods printed in Great Britain was 130,053,520 ; the amount of capital in the trade was estimated at £56,000,000, employing 330,400 persons in factories alone. 1831. The Voice of the People, No. 1, January 1, was printed by John Hampson. The year opened with great apprehensions of a turn-out of the factory operatives, but although thirty thousand were on strike in the Ashton district the example was not followed in Manchester. A great sensation was caused by the murder of Mr. Thomas Ashton, of Werneth, who was found, January 3, dead by the roadside, having been shot through the breast. The murderers were not detected for three years, when one of them turned king's evidence, and it was then found to be a trade outrage. Three men had been hired tc shoot him, and received £10 for doing the deed. The motive was not private vengeance, for Mr. Ashton was an amiable young man, but a desire to intimidate the masters generally. The trial took place at the autumn assizes, Chester, 1834, and two men were sentenced to be hung, but owing to a dispute between the sheriffs of the city and of the county the execution was delayed. The two men were eventually hung in London some months later. Petitions for representatives in Parliament adopted January 20. Mr. Louis Schwabe obtained a patent for certain processes and apparatus for preparing and beaming yarns of cotton, linen, &c, so that any design, device, &c, may be preserved when woven into cloth. January -!_'. Mr. William Massey, eldest son of the late Mr. John Massey, of this town, died at Tunis, February 27. He was a young man of considerable talent as a linguist. 1 William IV. cap. 7. Act for more effectually maintaining the road from Crossford Bridge to the town of Manchester, and for making a branch road to communicate therewith. March 11. The body of Moses Ferneley, who was executed at Lancaster for the murder of his stepson at Hulme, was sent to the Manchester Infirmary for dis- section, March 14. 182 Annals of Manchester. 1831 Ashton Worrall and William Worrall were executed, at Lancaster for the murder of Sarah M'Lellon, at Failsworth, March 14. 1 William IV. cap. 16. Act to authorise the raising of further monies foi supplying the town of Manchester with gas. March 15. The Bazaar in Deansgate was erected, and opened March 22. It was pulled down in 1872 to make way for the Deansgate improvements ; and upon the site fine shops have been erected, now (1886) in the occupation of Messrs. Kendal, Milne, and Co. Hulme Dispensary was established, March 28. The first concert of the Manchester Choral Society was held in the Exchange dining-room, March 30. Rev. James Gatlifl" died at Gorton, and was buried in the chancel of Gorton Chapel, April 30. He was born at Manchester about 1763, and edited Wogan's Essays on the Proper Lessons in the Liturgy of the Church of England, with a Life of Wogan, third edition, 1817, 4 vols. {Manchester School Register, i. 184.) Ram Mohun Roy visited Manchester, and was shown through various establishments, April 13. 1 WillTam IV. cap. 51. Act for amending and enlarging the powers and provisions of the several Acts relating to the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. April 22. Mr. Benjamin Heywood, of Manchester, returned as one of the representa- tives of the county, May 10. The Rev. John Clowes, M.A., died May 28, at Leamington, in his 88th year. He was for sixty -two years rector of St. John's Church. Born on the 31st October, 1743, he was the fourth son of Mr. Joseph Clowes, barrister, and was educated at the Free Grammar School, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was highly distinguished as a classical scholar, and became a fellow of the college. He was the first rector of St. John's, and refused more than one offer of high preferment in the Church. In the spring of 1773 he became acquainted with the theological writings of Baron Emanuel Swedenborg, and from that time he dedicated all the energies of his powerful mind to the publication of those doctrines, both in the pulpit and by the press. During the Latter part of his life he resided principally at Warwick. A full list of his writings would contain about two hundred entries. He has left an interesting autobiography, and a life of him by Mr. Theodore Crompton has also been published. Some interesting references to Mr. Clowes will be found in Hind- marsh's Rise and Progress of the New Jerusalem Church. There is a memorial of him by Flaxman in St. John's Church. A Socialist Congress was held in May for the purpose of establishing a community. A dinner given to Mr. John Wilson Patten and Lord Stanley, the repre- sentatives of the county, at the Exchange Room, June 17. The Botanical and Horticultural Gardens, Old Traffbrd, opened June 21. They cover a space of sixteen acres in extent. The payment from the gas profits to the Improvement Committee was £6,908 15s. 2d. June. Robert Bowker, who had been confined for many weeks in the New Bailey, on a charge of feloniously making use of money, to the extent of several thou- 18311 Annals of Manchester. 183 sand pounds, belonging to the churchwardens, was discharged on bail amount- ing to the sum of £800. June. The Rev. W. Huntington succeeded, in June, to the rectory of St. John's, upon the death of the Rev. John Clowes. Mr. Richard Bradley died at Bradford Colliery, July 6, aged 95. He was born at Stoneyhurst, and at the age of fifteen he came to Manchester, where he was taught to weave on the Dutch loom. He resided under the same roof and was in the same employ for seventy-one years. A Medical Vapour Bath Institution was opened July 28. Robert Bradbury, a celebrated clown, died July 28. He was originally a cabinet-maker at Liverpool, and, under the management of Mr. Riley, the author of The Itinerant, then the lessee of the Liverpool Theatre, made his debut as clown. He was possessed of prodigious strength, and some of his feats were more calculated to terrify than amuse his auditors. Mr. Nathaniel George Phillips, eldest son of Mr. John Leigh Phillips, of Mayfield, died August 1, at Childwall, near Liverpool. Mr. Phillips was an amateur artist of great taste and skill ; he executed a consider- able number of etchings, consisting principally of views of old halls, &c, in Lancashire and Cheshire, as well as many miscellaneous subjects. Messrs. Fairbairn and Lill ie's foundry and millwright establishment burnt down, August 6. The damage was estimated at £8,000. Lord Hill, Commander-in-Chief, reviewed upon Kersal Moor the various troops stationed in this district, amounting to upwards of 3,000 men. He was accompanied by Generals Sir H. Bouverie, Macdonald, and Sir Willoughby Gordon. August 11. 1 and 2 William IV. cap. 59. Act for making a railway from Manchester to Sheffield. August 23. 1 and 2 William IV. cap; 60. Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Canal Navigation from Manchester to Bolton and to Bury to make and maintain a railway from Manchester to Bolton and to Bury upon or near the line of the said canal navigation, and to make and maintain a collateral branch to communicate therewith. August 23. The coronation of William IV. was celebrated by a procession of the various trades, and the Sunday school children of all denominations, amounting to upwards of 30,000. In the evening there were displays of fireworks. The day was rather unfavourable. September 8. St. Andrew's Church, Travis Street, was consecrated October 6. The Chorlton-upon-Medlock Dispensary opened, October 13. Mr. Robert Southey came to the town in October on a visit to the Rev. James White, brother of Kirke White, then at St. George's Church, Oldham Road. On this occasion he made the acquaintance of Mr. Charles Swain, with whose poems and individuality he was " much pleased." Mr. Ralph Wright, of Flixton, died November 16, aged 80. He was the senior magistrate of this division. His attempt to close up an ancient footpath led to considerable litigation, and was the immediate cause of the formation of the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Footpaths. (Prentice's Manchester, pp. 290 and 292.). Mr. Jacob Chatterton, of the Wool pack public-house, Pendleton, died 184 Annals of Manchester. [1832 November 25. He was the first individual interred in the new burial-ground attached to St. Thomas's Church. Mr. Thomas Dean died at Shrewsbury, Dec. 13, aged 76. He was one of the celebrated Manchester Volunteers, or 72nd, which distinguished itself at Gibraltar. Christ Church, Salford, was consecrated. It was enlarged in 1847. Christ Church Sunday School, Hulme Street, was erected. A turn-out of spinners, occasioned by low wages and a scarcity of provisions. The Lancashire Co-operator, or Useful Classes Advocate. The editor was Mr. E. T. Craig, but the periodical did not live long. (Holyoake's History of Co-operation, vol. i., p. 180.) The title was altered to Lancashire and York- shire Co-operator. Mr. L. Harris was appointed singing-master at the Collegiate Church. The suspension bridge at Broughton gave way at the time the 60th Rifle Corps were passing over it, forty or fifty of whom were precipitated into the river. No lives were lost, but six of the men were very seriously hurt. The Cemetery in Irwell Street, Salford, was opened. The Concert Hall, Peter Street, was opened. Toll Lane, leading from Deansgate into St. Ann's Square, widened. The Rothesay Castle steamer was lost on Dutchman's Bank, near Great Orme's Head, on her passage from Liverpool to Beaumaris, and out of 105 persons only 21 were saved. Many families in this town and neighbourhood had to mourn the loss of their relatives. Jonathan Dade and Isaac Holland were apprehended for forging Bank of England notes. They were two of an extensive gang that had been carrying on operations for years. The population of Manchester, including Ardwick, Cheetham, Chorlton, and Hulme, at the fourth census was 181,768. The population of Salford, including Broughton, 42,375. The Scotch Presbyterian Church founded in St. Peter's Square. 1832, Messrs. Tatlock and Love's factory, in Spear Street, was burnt down, January 2. The damage was estimated at £8,000. Messrs. Broadhurst, Curran, Ashmore, and Gilchrist apprehended for holding political meetings on the "Sabbath-day," January 3. They were sen- tenced to twelve months' imprisonment in Lancaster Castle. Mr. Henry Liverseege, painter, died January 13, aged 29. He was born in Manchester in 1803. At a very early age he showed an extraordinary love for art. His designs at eleven or twelve years of age were indeed surprising. Had his life been prolonged, there is no doubt but that he would have risen to the highest rank in his profession. A volume of engravings after his paintings appeared in 1832, and this was republished in 1875, with a life by his friend and pupil, Mr. George Richardson. Liverseege is buried at St. Luke's, Chorlton- upon-Medlock, where there is a memorial tablet. Mr. James Finley, stonemason, died January 25. He was the operative builder of the railway bridge over the Irwell. 1832) Annals of Manchester. 185 Mr. Thomas C. Hewes, an eminent mechanic, died January 25. Messrs. Bancks and Co. published a large plan of Manchester and Salford, January. Mr. Charles Hughes, one of the Manchester 72nd Regiment, under General Elliot, at the siege of Gibraltar, died February 15, aged 77. St. Patrick's Catholic Chapel, Oldham Road, was opened February 29. Mr. Goodier and six of his workmen killed by the explosion of a steam boiler, in Pool Fold, March 23. 2 and 3 William IV. cap. 28. Act for effectually repairing and improving the roads leading from Barton Bridge into the Manchester and Altrincham turnpike road. April 3. 2 William IV. cap. 36. Act for widening and improving a part of London Road, in the parish of Manchester, and also for effecting improvements in the streets and other places within the town of Manchester. April 9. St. George's Sunday School, Oldham Road, was erected. The first stone was laid April 23. Mr. James Down, surgeon, late of Leicester, died at Kersal Lodge, May 2. He was the inventor and patentee of a valuable method of purifying gas. A meeting of 50,000 persons was held on St. Peter's Field, to obtain the restoration of the Grey administration, May 14. The district suffered from a visitation of Asiatic cholera. On May 17 a man named James Palfreyman, living in Somerset Street, Dalefleld, was seized with symptoms of malignant cholera. The case was reported to the Board of Health. The cholera spread to various other Lancashire towns. In Manchester its ravages were chiefly confined to the district of Angel Meadow, Deansgate, Portland Street, Little Ireland, and Bank Top. The deaths from cholera in 1831-3 in Manchester were 674 ; in Salford, 216 ; in Chorlton, 34. The services of the medical profession were freely rendered in checking the disease, but the prejudices of the people were strongly against them, and an attack was made September 3 on the Swan Street Hospital, when the head of a boy, severed from the body, probably in the course of a post-mortem, was exhibited by his infuriated relatives. 2 and 3 William IV. cap. 46. Act for enabling the Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company to make a branch railway, and for amending and enlarging the powers and provisions of the several Acts relating to such railway. May 23. The Rev. J. H. Mallory, M.A., rector of Mobberley, and one of the fellows of the Collegiate Church, died May 25. The Kersal Moor Races of Whitweek this year are graphically described in Procter's Our Turf, &c. By the passing of the Reform Bill, June 7,;Manchester became entitled to two representatives and Salford to one. By an Act (2 William IV. cap. 90) passed June 23, for "improving ami regulating" the township of Chorlton (which bears a close resemblance in all its main features as to paving, watching, soughing, &c, to the Acts affecting Manchester), the said township is hereafter to bear the new designation of " Chorlton-upon-Medlock." Mr. John Milne, coroner for this district, died June 28. 186 Annals of Manchester. [1832 2 and 3 William IV. cap. 69. Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Manchester, Bolton, and Bury Canal Navigation and Railway to alter some parts of the said canal navigation, to alter and amend the line of the said railway, to make further collateral branches thereto, and for amending the powers and provisions of the Act relating to the said canal and railway. June 1. Mr. John Bradshaw, watchmaker, Deansgate, died July 3, aged 67. Mr. Edward Brown, one of the celebrated Manchester Volunteers at the siege of Gibraltar, died at Stand, July 24, aged 74. The organ at St. Andrew's Church, Travis Street, built by Renn, was opened July 29. The first number of a satirical paper called the Squib published in July. The passing of the Reform Bill, and the enfranchisement of Manchestei and Salford, was celebrated by a magnificent procession of the authorities, trade societies, &c, August 9. Mr. Charles Green ascended in a balloon. The Rev. Adam Clarke, D.D., died August 26, at London. He was born at Moybeg, Londonderry, and having joined the Methodist body, was in 1791-92 appointed to the Manchester circuit, and in conjunction with Samuel Bradburn instituted in that year the Strangers' Friend Society. We learn that at this time there was at least one student of alchemy in the town with whom Hand, of Dublin, a noted adept, desired the doctor to put him in communication. The people were somewhat boisterous in their devotion. "I can do," he says "with the Liverpool ' Amens,' but at Manchester they are like cart wheels among watch works." He was appointed to Manchester again in 1803, and formed the Philological Society, of which he was president. Several of his communications to this association are printed in his works. In 1805 he became superintendent of the London circuit. In 1815 he settled at Nullbrook, near Liverpool, but fre- quently visited Manchester. There are many matters of local interest men- tioned in Everett's Adam Clarke Portrayed. Dr. Clarke's father is buried at St. Thomas's, Ardwick. Mr. W. S. Rutter elected to the coronership of this district, August. Mr. William Ford died at Liverpool, Oct. 3. He was born in Manchester in 1771, and was intended for the medical profession, but became a bookseller, for which his unrivalled bibliographical knowledge specially fitted him. His cata- logues are still highly prized by collectors. He was one of the contributors to Bibliographiana. There are notes of him in the Manchester Grammar School Register, and Earwaker's Local Gleanings, Nos. 90, 111, 144. Rev. Richard Jones died November 22, in the 62nd year of his age. He was minister of the Swedenborgian Temple, Peter Street, for nearly thirty years, and rendered his services gratuitously. (Hindmarsh's Rise of New Jerusalem Church, pp. 215, 436.) He was the author of a Friendly Address to the Receivers of the Doctrines of the New Jerusalem Church (Manchester, 1805), and wrote under the signature of "Discipulus" in the Intellectual Repository. The first number of a satirical paper called the Bullock Smithy Gazette published, November 24. The first election for the borough of Manchester took place December 13 and 14. The following were the numbers at the close of the poll : Mr. Mark Philips, 2,923 ; Right Hon. C. P. Thomson, 2,068 ; Mr. Samuel Jones Loyd, 1,832 ; 1333] Annals of Manchester. 187 Mr. John Thomas Hope, 1,560 ; Mr. William Cobbett, 1,305. The expenses of the election were £729 2s. 6d. The first election for the borough of Salford took place December 13 and 14. The numbers at the close of the poll were : Mr. Joseph Brotherton, 712 ; Mr. Wm. Garnett, 518. The expenses of the election were '250 15s. 6d. Mr. J. T. Hope was entertained at a public dinner in the Theatre Royal, ecember 24. It was attended by 730 gentlemen. A public dinner was held at the Theatre Royal, to celebrate the return of r. Mark Philips and the Right Hon. Charles P. Thomson, as the two first presentatives of Manchester, December 27. The total number of children attending the day schools in Manchester and lford in the month of December was 17,000. By the Reform Act, Lancashire was divided into North and South, each urning two representatives. Gasworks at Holt Town erected. Todd Street, or Toad Lane, improved at a cost of £1,401 16s. The revenue of the Post Office in Manchester was £53,510 8s. 4d. The inhabitants of Salford decided to purchase Mr. Appleton's gasworks, hich he offered for £6,000. The froi t of the Infirmary was cased with stone. The Baptist Chapel, George Street, was opened. There were from 12,000 to 14,000 looms, and ten throwing mills, giving employment to about 3,000 hands. The number of mills at work in Manchester and adjoining townships was: Silk mills, 16; cotton mills, 96; woollen or worsted mills, 4; flax mills, 2. A new throstle frame was invented by Mr. Robert Montgomery, of John- ston, Scotl md. The duty on cotton produced £600,000. The Poor Man's Advocate and the Peoples Library were both published in Manchester, and edited by Mr. John Doherty, of whom there is a slight notice in Johnson's Manchester Catalogue. 1833. Mr. Robert Stephenson, of Worsley, died January 17, aged 79. He was one of the gallant 72nd Regiment at Gibraltar, and was the first man who struck his pick into the rock as a miner. The Scotch Kirk, St. Peter's Square, was opened by Dr. Muir, of Edinburgh, February 3. The building was designed by Mr. Johnson, and cost £7,500. Mr. Michael Ward, M.D., died Feb. 21. He was a native of Manchester, was a former surgeon to the Manchester Infirmary, and the oldest resident medica' practitioner in the town. A fire broke out in the Medlock Paper Mill, occupied by Messrs. Schofield, March 1. The Manchester and Salford District Provident Society was established,, M rch. 3 and 4 William IV. cap. 18. Act for more effectually repairing and 188 Annals of Manchester. [1833 improving the road from the end of Ardwick Green to Mottram-in-Longden- clale, in the county of Chester. April 2. Rev. John Dean, D.D., Prircipal of St. Mary Hall, Oxford, and Rector of Oulde, in Northamptonshire, died April 12. He was a native of Manchester, and was educated at the Free Grammar School, from which he went to Brazenose College, Oxford, where he obtained a fellowship, and afterwards held the office of tutor for many years. Dr. Dean held for some time the pre centorship of St. Asaph, with the sinecure rectory of Corwen. {Gentleman's Magazine, May, 1833, p. 468.) An inquest held in Salford on the body of Corporal Daniel Maggs, of the 83th Regiment, who was shot by Private John Roach. The murderer was subsequently hanged at Lancaster, May 1. Mr. Alexander Wilkinson, late publisher of the Manchester Advertiser, died May 16. 3 and 4 William IV. cap. 57. Act to amend an Act passed in the seventh year of the reign of His late Majesty King George IV., for repairing the roads from Manchester to Salter's Brook, and for making several roads to communi- cate therewith, and also for making a certain new extension or diversion of the said roads, instead of a certain extension or diversion by the said Act authorised to be made. May 17. The Due d'Orleans, accompanied by several distinguished French officers, visited Manchester, on his route for London, May 24. A poll was taken in May, at the Town Hall, when the levying of a church. rate was defeated. The numbers were : For the motion, 3,513; against the rate, 3,514. Mr. Stephen Lavender, deputy-constable of this town for twelve years, died June 12. He was elected in 1821, previous to which he was a Bow Street officer. Mr. Lavender was one of the officers ordered to arrest the Cato Street conspirators, and was close to Smithies when he was shot. He afterwards traced Thistlewood to an obscure lodging, and he only escaped with his life by flinging himself on the bed in which Thistlewood lay, who was in the act of firing a pistol at him. Mr. John Thorpe died at his house in King Street, July 2, aged 69. He had filled the office of surgeon to the Manchester Infirmary during a period of 28 years. Mr. Joseph Sadler Thomas, upon the death of Mr. Lavender, was appointed deputy-constable of Manchester, July 25. Chorlton-upon-Medlock was lighted with gas, July 27. There was a high flood in the Irwell, August 1. Rev. Richard Hutchins Whitelocke, of Chorlton-cum-Hardy, died Aug. 14. For many years he was the postmaster of this town. The feoffees of the Free Grammar School applied to the Court of Chancery for the appropriation of the surplus funds of the charity to some useful pur- pose. The Court authorised the expenditure of a sum not exceeding £10,000 in the erection of a new school and a house for the high master. August. M. Alphonse Thiers, the celebrated historian, afterwards President of the French Republic, visited Manchester, accompanied by several other distin- guished persons, September 15. 1833] Annals of Manchester. 189 Mrs. Fletcher died October 3, whilst on her way from Sholaporeto Bombay. She is better known by her maiden name of Maria Jane Jewsbury, and although not a native of Manchester was long resident here. Her first, and indeed the only, volume of poems she published was her Lays of Leisure Hours. She wrote also, besides many articles in the annuals and other periodicals of the day, a series of papers entitled Oceanides, composed during her passage with her husband to the East Indies, and published in the Athenccum of the years 1831-2. Of her prose works the first was Phan- tasmagoria; or, Essays on Life and Literature; her next, Letters to the Young, which had an extensive circulation ; her third and last, The Three Histories, which was also popular, and contains, under the garb of fiction, much of her own feeling and experience. Many of her poems, signed with her initials, are to be found in the earlier volumes of the Athenmum and the Manchester Guardian. The members of the Chamber of Commerce presented to Mr. Hugh Hornby Birley and Mr. George William Wood, their first and second presidents, two splendid silver tureens, weighing 240 ounces each, as tokens of i*espect for their valuable services. Among the guests were the Earl of Kerry and Lord Molyneux. November 26. Mr. John Ralston, of Brazennose Street, died November. He was an artist of considerable talent, as many of his latter paintings will testify. Rev. W. Manning Walker died, at Manchester, 23rd December. He was born at Yarmouth 16th February, 1784, and was a Dissenting minister— first Unitarian, then Independent— at Preston from 1802 to 1821. In 1822 he was appointed chaplain of Rusholme Road Cemetery, a position which he retained until his death. Several of his sermons were printed. Manchester was visited with a tremendous storm of wind, which did great damage in various parts of the town. The high chimney at Mr. Langley's works, Sandywell, Salford, was blown down. December 31. Mr. Charles Henry Wheeler died at Winchester. He was born in 1800, and at an early age showed literary ability. He wrote A Sketch of the Rev. Josiah Streamlet (Joshua Brooks) for Blackwood's Magazine, 1821, and contributed other articles-to that periodical. (Manchester School Register, vol. iii., pp. 52, 290.) The improvement of Hunt's Bank commenced. Palatine Stables opened, March, 1837. The road opened, June 5, 1838. Gateway to Chetham's Hospit al finished, April, 1S39, and the road completed, September 21, 1839. The Rev. Richard Parkinson appointed a fellow of the Collegiate Church, in place of Rev. John Clowes. The value of land in various parts of the town may be estimated from the fact that the Improvement Committee of Manchester paid for 222 yards of land in the Parsonage, £444; for 55 yards 4 inches in Lower Mosley Street, £82 10s.; for 7 yards 32 inches in Great Ancoats Street, £10, and another plot of 45£ yards, £45 10s.; for 174 yards in Little Peter Street, £59 8s.; for 9 yards 16 inches in Pool Fold, £50; for 7 yards in Fountain Street, £30; for 21 square feet in Spring Gardens, £100. The import of cotton wool was 303,656,a371b., and the duty £473,011. The Manchester Statistical Society was established. 190 Annals of Manchester. [lszi 1834. The Northern and Central Bank of England opened in Brown Street, January 13. It has since been given up. The Salf ord Commissioners of Police purchased the Town Hall and Market from the proprietors for £3,000, January 30. A fire broke out in Newall's Buildings, Market Street, which destroyed about £5,000 worth of paintings that were being exhibited there, together with various other property. January. Mr. Thomas Joseph Trafford appointed high sheriff of the county, Feb. 3. The procession which accompanied him on entering upon the functions of his office passed through Manchester August 8. The first society on a purely "total abstinence" basis is said to have been formed at Oak Street, 26th February (Winskill's Temperance Reformation, p. 61) ; but it is more probable that the society did not originate until 17th September of this year, and that it was not an exclusively teetotal organisa- tion, although it is sometimes said to have been the first of that kind in the United Kingdom. Its claim to priority has been disputed. The date of the abandonment of the pledge of " moderation" for that of total abstinence is believed to be February, 1835. Rev. Moses Randall, chaplain of the Collegiate Church, died March 5, aged 65. Mr. Thomas Wroe was appointed comptroller to the Manchester Police Commissioners, March 19. Mr. William Vaughan, master of the Manchester School for the Deaf and Dumb, died March 24, aged 45. Mr. John Shuttleworth was appointed distributor of stamps for this district, March. The new Police Court, New Bailey, opened May 5. Dimensions, 38 feet by 50 feet, and 20 feet in height. Commercial Bank of England, Mosley Street, commenced May 12. Prince Jerome Bonaparte, ex-King of Westphalia, accompanied by several distinguished foreigners, visited Manchester, May 20. A Convent of the Presentation Order (nuns) was founded adjacent to St. Patrick's Catholic Chapel, Livesey Street, May 22. Mr. John Sharpe, F.R.S. and F.S.A., died at Richmond, Surrey, May 28. He was formerly a member of the firm of Sharpe, Eccles, and Cririe, solicitors, of this town. Mr. H. B. Bingham appointed Master of the School for the Deaf and Dumb, May. Mary Leigh died June 6, aged 82. By her former marriage she was known by the name of Polly Smith, of the Old Sun Tavern, New Market, Market Street. The foundation of the new Manchester and Liverpool District Bank, Spring Sardens, laid by Mr. Robert Barbour, June 20. The Rev. Thomas Gaskell, incumbent of Newton Heath, died June 20. Sir Daniel Bayley, K.H., died 21st June, and was buried at Tottenham. Ha was the eldest son of Mr. Thomas B. Bayley, J.P., F.R.S., and was born Sept. 1834] Annals of Manchester. 191 14, 1766, and educated at the Manchester Grammar School and at the Warring- ton Academy. At an early age he was sent to a mercantile house in St. Peters- burg, and subsequently became a partner in the firm of Thornton and Melville. In consequence of great pecuniary losses he retired from business, and in 1812 was appointed Consul-General at St. Petersburg, and agent to the Russia Com- pany. He was knighted 20th June, 1815, in consequence of valuable intel- ligence and advice as to Russian affairs during the war with Napoleon. During the absence from Russia of Earl Cathcart, the English Ambassador, he was charge d'affaires, and for the services thus rendered Sir Daniel was made a knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order. Sir Daniel was a member of the Manchester Agricultural Society, and was twice married. By the fall of three buildings in Long Millgate two boys and a girl were killed, July 7. The riots occurred between Orangemen and Catholics, July 13, 14. The Manchester police van, capable of holding eighteen persons, first came into use for the conveyance of prisoners between the lockups and the New Bailey, July 26. A tremendous thunderstorm in the neighbourhood of Manchester did much damage. Two men were killed at Newton Heath, and a woman at Prestwich, by the lightning. July 30. Dr. R. B. Grindrod held a series of temperance meetings at Miles Platting in July, and the result was the establishment of a teetotal society. It was at one of its gatherings that the Rev. F. Beardsall signed the pledge, 6th Sep- tember. " It seems clear that the Miles Platting Total Abstinence Society was the first general public and exclusively teetotal society in England." (Winskill. ) A meeting was held in the Exchange dining-room to celebrate the termi- nation of slavery in all the British colonies, August 1. Mr. John Lever, of Alkrington Hall, near Middleton, died Aug. 21, aged 66. Elizabeth Smith shot by her husband, an artilleryman, near the Cavalry Barracks, Hulme, August 24. The corner stone of the Methodist New Connexion Chapel, Peter Street, was laid August 27. Iturbide, the ex-Emperor of Mexico, accompanied by General O'Leary, visited Manchester, August. They were the guests of Mi-. Junius Smith, of Strangeways Hall. The old club-house in Mosley Street was sold to Mr. John Dugdale for £7,500, being twice the amount at which it had been valued a few years earlier. August. Mr. Francis Mallalieu, of this town, was appointed a stipendiary magis- trate at Barbadoes in August. At the poll the struggle of the Dissenters of Manchester against the half- penny church-rate ended in the refusal of the rate by a majority of 1,122. There were 5,857 for and 7,019 against the payment of the rate. September 3. A branch of the Manchester and Rochdale Canal, from Maden Fold to Heywood, was opened September 10. A subscription started for the erection of a Blind Asylum in Manchester, March 13. About 24,000 square yards of land were purchased at Old Trafford, September 19. 192 Annals of Manchester. [1834 The first legal proceedings in Lancashire under the new Factory Act were taken September 24. A Temperance Conference held in Manchester, at which there were fifty delegates present. September 24. Mr. Ducrow opened the Theatre Royal with equestrian performances, Sep- tember 27 ; closed November 19. Manchester October Races originated, October 17. Edward, twelfth Earl of Derby, died at Knowsley, October 21, in his 83rd year. His lordship filled the office of lord-lieutenant of this county for nearly 59 years. He was born September 18, 1752, and succeeded his grandfather, Edward, the eleventh earl, 24th February, 1776. He was succeeded by his only son, Lord Stanley, who had been called to the House of Lords in 1S32 by the title of Baron Stanley of Bickerstaffe. Mr. James Harrop, eldest son of the late Joseph Harrop, of the Man- chester Mercury, died October 27. Mr. William Sergeant, of Cornbrook Bank, and of the firm of Sergeant and Milne, solicitors, died October 27. Mr. Archibald Prentice, proprietor of the Manchester Times, was charged at the sessions with publishing a libel on Mr. Thomas Sowler, proprietor of the Courier. The jury, after being locked up eight hours, found the defendant "guilty of writing and publishing, but not with a malicious intent," and the chairman decided that this amounted to an acquittal. October 29. Mr. Taylor's shop and workshops, situated in Mason Street, Swan Street, destroyed by fire. The damage was estimated to be from £2,000 to £3,000. October 31. A splendid Aurora Borealis visible from Manchester, November 3. Mr. James Bruce, who was master of the Exchange twenty-four years, died November 19, aged 79. The silent system adopted in the New Bailey. November. Town Hall Buildings, King Street, commenced. Frontage finished December, 1839. The number of streets in the town estimated at 2,000, and of houses at 40,837. Manchester paid in postages £60,621 lis. 6d. The Market Street improvement completed ; and, from a summary of receipts and expenditure of the commissioners to the end of this year, the sum of £232,925 14s. had been expended. To Mr. Thomas Fleming the town of Manchester was indebted for his zeal and activity both in originating and in carrying out this most valuable and important improvement of a great public thoroughfare. Dr. Grindrod began a Juvenile Temperance Society in the Mechanics' Institute, Cooper Street. The name " Band of Hope " was not adopted by these organisations until 1845, and is said to have been suggested by Mr. Carlisle, of Dublin. (Winskill's Temperance Reformation, p. 255.) A day school attached to the Scotch Church, established upon the plan of the Edinburgh Sessional School, and under the care of the minister and the Kirk Session. 1835] Annals of Manchester. 193 The population of Manchester was 200,000, of whom 15,000 lived in cellar dwellings. The quantity of cotton retained in England for home consumption was 295,684,997 pounds. The export of cotton yarn amounted to 76,478,468 pounds. The quantity of yarn spun in England was 241,731,118 pounds. 1835. Rev. Robert Hindmarsh died, at Gravesend, January 2, aged 76. He was a printer, who embraced the Swedenborgian doctrine, and who, when the disciples decided to form a separate church, was chosen by lot as the "Ordaining Minister." He was for a time minister of the New Jerusalem Temple, Salford, which was built for him in 1813. He had previously preached in Clarence Street, Princess Street, from July 7, 1811. He resigned his position April 2, 1824, when a silver cup was presented to him. He wrote Rise and Progress of the New Jerusalem Church (London, 1861), and many con- troversial writings. He translated and published various of the works of Swedenborg. Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Watt, Colonel Commandant of the Trafford and Hulme Local Militia, died, in Hollis Street, London, January 8th. Mr. Robert Haldane Bradshaw, of Worsley Hall, died at Woodman's, Hert. fordshire, January 8, aged 76. He was the acting manager of the Duke of Bridge water's Trust. The election for the borough of Manchester, January 8 and 9. The follow- ing were the numbers at the close of the poll : Right Hon. C. P. Thomson, 3,355; Mr. Mark Philips, 3,163; Mr. Benjamin Braidley, 2,535; Sir Charles Wolseley, bart, 583. The election for the borough of Salford took place, January 8 and 9. The following were the numbers at the close of the poll : Mr. Joseph Brotherton, 795 ; Mr. John Dugdale, 572. Mr. Thomas Clayton, the last male representative of the ancient family of the Claytons, of Little Harwood, died February 12, at Carr Hall, near Black- burn, aged 80. In early life he held successively the rank of captain and major in the regiment of Royal Lancashire Volunteers, commanded by the late Earl of Wilton, and upon the resignation of that nobleman he was appointed to suc- ceed him. Colonel Clayton served with the regiment in Ireland for niany years, and continued to command it until it was disbanded in 1802. Namick Pacha, the Turkish ambassador, visited Manchester, February 12. The moderation pledge of the Temperance Society abandoned February 26, and a new society formed on the basis of total abstinence. Mr. Henry Bailey, deputy constable of Cheetham, was drowned in the Irwell in endeavouring to rescue a little boy named Trees, who had fallen into the river, March 11. A subscription, which amounted to £1,641 8s. 7d., was raised for the benefit of Bailey's family. Bailey's body was found, September 12, in the river, near Barton Bridge. The election for the borough of Manchester, April 28 and 29. The following were the numbers at the close of the poll : Right Hon. C. P. Thomson, 3,205 ; Mr. B. Braidley, 1,839. Mr. Charles Tavare" died, May 28, aged 63. This gentlemau, who was uncle x 194 Annals of Manchester. [1835 to Swain, the poet, was conversant with nine languages, and deeply read* in the literature of continental Europe. Mr. John Philips, lieutenant R.N., last surviving son of Mr. John Leigh Philips, died at Liverpool, June 2. A tremendous thunderstorm burst over Manchester and neighbourhood. A man was killed at Ardwick ; several hurt in Hulme, June 3. 5 and 6 William IV. cap. 30. Act to amend the Acts relating to the Man- chester, Bolton, and Bury Canal Navigation and Railway, and to make a branch railway to Bolton. June 17. Mr. William Cobbett, M.P. for Oldham, died June 18, aged 73. He contested Manchester in 1832, but was defeated, though few men had greater influence with the working men of this district. He was an extraordinary "self-made man," and nothing can exceed the strength and vigour of his English. Anne, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Barritt, the antiquary, died June 21. A man employed on the erection of a large chimney at the gas- works in Salford, was killed by falling from the top, a height of 75 yards, June 22. The first committal of a Manchester prisoner to Kirkdale Gaol for trial at the South Lancashire Assizes was on June 30. Lord Brougham delivered an address to the members of the Mechanics' Institution, July 21. The Adelphi Swimming Baths, Salford, opened July 29. The first South Lancashire Assizes commenced at Liverpool, before Lord Chief-Justice Tindal and Lord Abinger, August 15. Prisoners from this dis- trict had previously been sent for trial to Lancaster. The shock of an earthquake was felt in Manchester and the vicinity August 20, at three o'clock a.m. Catherine Green was murdered by her husband, August 21. The "Independent Order of Rechabites" formed at Meadowcroft's Temper- ance Hotel, Bolton Street, Salford, August 25. This is a friendly society for teetotallers, which has had a very prosperous career. Mr. John Youil, brewer and landlord of the Hen and Chickens, lectured against teetotalism, which was then being advocated by Dr. R. B. Grindrod. Mr. Youil's lecture was printed in a pamphlet, now rare. The preface is dated Oldham Street, Aug. 29, 1825. The first stone of the Collegiate Church Sunday School, Todd Street, was laid September 14. Mr. John Mackay Wilson died October 2, at Berwick. He was the author of Talcs of the Borders, and for several years editor of the Berwick Adver- tiser. Mr. Wilson was for some time resident in Manchester, where his Tales of the Borders were first published. Their popularity is attested by numerous editions. There was a review and sham fight on Kersal Moor, October 3. The Manchester Athenaeum was established, October 28, chiefly by the exertions of Mr. Richard Cobden, Mr. William Langton, and Mr. James Hey- wood, F.R.S. The Manchester and Salford Institution for the Treatment of the Skin was opened November 16. 1836] Annals of Manchester. 191 The Associated Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Oldham Road, was opened November 22. Mr. Thomas A. Ward died at his house, Chatham Street, December 1, aged 86. Mr. "Ward was formerly joint manager, with the late Mr. Lewis, of the Manchester and Liverpool Theatres. Mr. William Robert Whatton, F.R.S., F.S.A., died at Manchester, Dec. 5. He was born at Loughborough, February 17, 1790, and was a surgeon in Man Chester from 1815 to 1835. He was author of the third volume of History of the Foundations of Manchester, 1828-33, of the biographies in Baines's Lancashire and of various pamphlets and papers. He was the librarian of the Literary and Philosophical Society. (See Gentleman's Magazine, December, 183G, p. 661, for an account of the family.) The Salford Gas Works, in Lamb Lane, were erected. The Tent Methodists discontinued their chapel in Canal Street, Ancoats, and sold it to Mr. Robert Gardner for £3,200. It was consecrated in 1837 as St. Jude's Church. J. B. Pomfret, secretary to the Manchester Infirmary, absconded with between four and five hundred pounds belonging to that institution. The annual value of property in Manchester was assessed at £573,0S5. The total annual value for the borough of Salford was £185,543. According to the Parliamentary return, the total number of power-looms employed in the manufacture of silk in Manchester and Salford was 300. The total number throughout the United Kingdom was 1,716. The quantity of cotton retained in Great Britain for home consumption was 330,829 pounds. The export of cotton yarn amounted to 82,457,885 pounds. The total quantity of yarn spun in England was 248,114,531 pounds. The declared value of cotton manufactures exported was £15,300,922 ; and of yarn, £4,704,823. The Independent Chapel, Oxford Road, was begun. 1836. Mr. Thomas Walker, M. A., died at Brussels, Jan. 20, of pulmonary apoplexy. He was born at Barlow Hall, October 10, 1784, and his father was the well- known Whig boroughreeve. (See under date 1817.) He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated M.A., and in 1812 was called to the bar at the Inner Temple. He left Manchester and was appointed stipen- diary magistrate at Lambeth. In 1835 he started a periodical, The Original, which continued weekly for six months. It was published in book form, and in 1874 a new edition appeared edited by Blanchard Jerrold. Mr. Daniel Lynch, druggist, of Market Street, died January 23, aged 69. He was the Deputy Grand Master of the Freemasons of the Manchester district. By an accident at the chapel belonging to the Wesleyan Methodist Association, Oldham Road, several persons were killed and wounded. January 25. An immense stone wall, forming the new road, Hunt's Bank, fell Into I lie river, and destroyed the works belonging to Messrs. Collier and Co., on the Salford side, January 31. 196 Annals of Manchester. [1836 Mr. Robert Tinker, the original promoter, and for forty years proprietor of Vauxhall Gardens, Collyhurst, died February 1, aged 70. Mr. Henry Hunt died at Acresford, Hants, Feb. 13. He was born at (Jpbaven, Wilts, in 1773, and was an opulent farmer before he turned Radical Reformer. He was the chairman of the Peterloo meeting, and was in con- sequence imprisoned for three years in Ilchester gaol. His printed Letters from that institution are curious and instructive. He was elected M.P. for Preston in 1830, re-elected in 1831, but defeated in 1832. There are some interesting particulars about Hunt in Bamf ord's Life of a Radical. Mr. Edward Carbutt, M.D., one of the physicians to the Manchester Infirmary, &c, and the author of a series of clinical lectures which were delivered to the pupils of the above institution, died February 25. The first stone of the School for the Deaf and Dumb, and of Henshaw's Blind Asylum, Old Trafford, laid by Mr. William Grant, March 23. The build- ing was designed by Mr. Richard Lane. Mr. James Bohanna, a man long to be remembered as having for years walked at the head of the procession on the king's birthday, died March 28. He was born in the year 1761. In 1777 he enlisted in the 72nd Regiment, or Manchester Volunteers, and served with that gallant corps at the protracted siege of Gibraltar, under General Elliot. On each returning anni- versary of the raising of the siege of that place he visited the College to see once more the colours of his regiment, which were then there. Rev. Peter Hordern, incumbent of Chorlton-cum-Hardy, and formerly librarian at Chetham's Hospital, died March 28. Manchester Improvement Committee obtained a renewal of its powers for three years, after strong opposition, March 30. The new Union Club-house, in Mosley Street, was opened March 31. The Union Bank of Manchester, Brown Street, established March 31. The South Lancashire Bank, York Street, was established April 7. Mrs. Sarah Henshaw, widow of Mr. Thomas Henshaw, of Oldham, founder of the Manchester School for the Deaf and Dumb, died April 8, at Stone Wall, Cheetham. 6 William IV. cap. 16. Act to enlarge the powers of several Acts for effecting improvements in the streets and other places within the town of Manchester. April 22. A bazaar and ball was held in aid of the School for the Deaf and Dumb, April. The nett proceeds were £3,848. Captain John Grimshaw, 103rd Foot, died May 21, at Cowes, Isle of Wight, aged 54. Mr. Richard Entwisle died on May 30. He was born in Manchester in September, 1771, his father being James Entwisle, boroughreeve in 1794. Richard Entwisle was a highly accomplished man, an excellent musician, and good linguist. His eldest surviving son was William Entwisle, M.P. Of 63,623 persons employed in mills in the parish of Manchester, 35,283 were females; 37,930 were above the age of 18 years, and 16,965 were below the age of 15. The estimate was made in May. The Methodist Association Chapel, known as the Tabernacle, in Grosvenor Street, was opened June 3. 1336J Annals of Manchester. 197 St. Luke's Church, Cheetham Hill, was founded June 6, but not conse- crated until October 6, 1839. It is Gothic, from a design by Mr. T. W. Atkinson. The tower and spire together are 170 feet in height. The Act of Parliament (6 and 7 William IV. cap. Ill) for constructing the Manchester and Leeds (now Lancashire and Yorkshire) Railway received the royal assent, July 4. 6 and 7 William IV. cap. 115. Act for making and maintaining a navigable Canal to connect the Rochdale Canal and the river Irwell, in the township of Manchester, July 4. St. John the Evangelist's Church, Higher Broughton, was founded July 6, by the Rev. John Clowes, who liberally gave the land and endowment. It was opened January 7, 1838, and consecrated October 5, 1S39. A silver star was presented to Mr. Henry Anderton, the teetotal poet, at a meeting held in Hulme, August 6, presided over by Mr. James Gaskill. He was one of the most popular speakers in the early days of temperance advocacy. He died at Bury, June 21, 1855, aged 46 years. Manchester and Salford Bank, Mosley Street, established in August. Mr. William Henry, M.D., died Sept. 2, aged 61 years. He was a native of Manchester, and finished his education at Edinburgh, where he was the friend and associate of Brougham, Jeffrey, Macintosh, and a number of others wbo, like himself, attained a high degree of celebrity. He was intended for the medical profession, but, owing to delicate health, he relinquished it. Soon after leaving the university he delivered in Manchester several courses of lec- tures on chemistry. The notes of these lectures ultimately led to the publi- cation of a small volume on the science which in successive editions gradually became a detailed and excellent treatise on the subject, and was remarkable for the precision of its information and for the elegance of its style. Dr. Henry was interred September 7, in the burial ground of Cross Street Chapel. His purely scientific writings are chronicled in the Catalogue published by the Royal Society. (Baker's Memorials, p. 99.) The first stone of the Female Penitentiary, Embden Place, Greenheys, was laid by Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart., president, September 9. It was opened September 7, 1837. The Manchester Musical Festival and Fancy Dress Ball, held September 13. resulted in a profit of £1,320, which was distributed among the public charities. Madame Maria Felicita Garcia Malibran de Beriot died September 23. She was the eldest daughter of a Spanish tenor singer, Manuel Garcia, and was born at Paris in 1808, and made her debut at the London Opera in 1825. In the following year she went to America, where she married M. Malibran, an elderly gentleman from whom she was soon separated. Her fame as a vocalist was unrivalled. In 1836, after a divorce from her former husband, she married M. de Berjot, a Belgian violinist. She came to Manchester September 11, to sing in connection with the Musical Festival, and probably owing to vocal exertions which were imprudent for one in her condition, she was taken, after an evening concert at the Theatre Royal,>'ith an illness which proved fatal. She was buried at the Collegiate Church, Manchester, Oct. 1, but the body was exhumed Dec. 20, and re-interred at Brussels, Jan. 1, 1837. A Funeral Sermon 198 Annals of Manchester, [1836 by Canon Parkinson was printed, and contains, in an appendix, details of her illness and death. The stamp duty upon newspapers was reduced to one penny, September, When the newspapers of Manchester were reduced from sevenpence to four- pence. The Banksian Society was dissolved in September. It was an association of botanists, chiefly artisans, who had held meetings for seven years. It was resuscitated as the Natural History Class of the Mechanics' Institution. A branch of the National Provincial Bank of England was established in Mosley Street, September. Mr. John Hallam, of the Legs of Man Inn, Portland Street, died October 17. He had a local reputation as a comedian. Mr. Thomas Bury, fustian shearer and woollen cord finisher, died October 31, aged 78. He was the founder and first finisher of moleskins. Captain Benjamin Wild, late paymaster of the 29th Regiment, in which he served upwards of 24 years, and shared in its glories and perils in Spain and Portugal, died November 9, aged 54. St. Saviour's Church, Plymouth Street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, consecrated November 11. The cost of the structure was £6,000. Mr. Thomas Appleby, the founder and originally proprietor of the Salford Gas "Works, died November 12. Mr. Moses Hughes, the well-known performer on the oboe, died November 26. He was born at Downholland, between Wigan and Ormskirk. After serving an apprenticeship in Liverpool, he came to this town, where he resided upwards of fifty years, deservedly respected. Mr. John Ratcliffe, formerly of this town, died at Cheltenham, December 2, at an advanced age. He served the office of boroughreeve in 1809-10. The Imperial Bank of England, King Street, was established in December. It suspended payment April 30, 1839. Messrs. Faulkner and Co.'s factory, Jersey Street, Ancoats, destroyed by fire, December. The total number of day scholars in Manchester and Salford was 24,676 December. The day police of Manchester consisted of 41 men. The night police numbered 116. At this date the five following individuals were living in this town who had served at the siege of Gibraltar: George Bennett, Turner Street; William Smith, Loom Street ; and Giles Retford, Pendleton (blind), served in the 72nd ; John Entwistle, Camp Street, served in the 97th Bath Volunteers ; and Joseph Walker, John Street, Salford, served on board the Ocean, 90 guns, and at the siege as a sergeant. Rev. W. J. Kidd appointed to the living of St. Matthew's Church, by the Warden and Fellows of the Collegiate Church. An accident by which two were killed and seventy injured was occasioned by the fall of the flooring of a recently-erected building in Oldham Road, where a temperance meeting was being held. Dr. Stanley, afterwards Bishop of Nor- wich, visited the sufferers and himself became an abstainer, but returned to the use of wine by order of his medical attendant. 1837] Annals of Manchester. 199 The number of brewers, victuallers, and beer retailers in the "Manchester Collection" was 4,574. According to a Parliamentary return, the power looms in the United Kingdom numbered 117,151, viz., Manchester, 15,9G0; Bury, 9,901 ; Blackburn, 4,256 ; Ashton, 4,018 ; in Yorkshire, 7,809 ; in Cheshire, 22,913 ; Middlesex, 368 ; Scotland, 17,721 ; Wales, 1,938 ; Ireland, 1,516. 1837. The Corn Exchange, Hanging Ditch, was opened January 7. The cost of the building was £4,000. The area of the room is nearly 600 square snrds. A malicious explosion of gas at Mrs. Kempshead's shop in Market Street, January 7, caused damage to the extent of £3,000. A public subscription was opened for her benefit. Mr. John Henry Perkins, first superintendent of the Lancasterian School in this town, died January 21, aged 63. The new school and high master's house, belonging to the Free Grammar School, completed at an expense of £7,500. Opened January 30. The house was subsequently converted into the Cathedral Hotel. Mr. John Atkinson Kansome, senior surgeon to the Manchester Royal Infirmary, died February 10, in his 58th year. Mr. Ransome was born at Nor- wich, March 4th, 1779 ; served his apprenticeship at Lynn, and came to Man- chester in 1805. Rev. Henry Gillow died February 25, aged 41. He was ordained priest December 21, 1821, and immediately afterwards took charge of the St. Mary's Mission, in Mulberry Street. He was a very zealous Catholic priest, and was chairman of the Catholic School Committee, which was the means of opening schools in the town and its environs. (Gillow's Bibliographical Dictionary, English Catholic.) The first public sale of raw silk in Manchester is said to have been held April 4. Great distress prevailed amongst the working classes on account of bad trade and the dearness of food. April. St. Jude's Church, Canal Street, Ancoats (late a chapel belonging to the Tent Methodists), was opened, April. The Victoria Park Company incorporated under an Act of Parliament (7 William IV. and 1 Vic. cap. 31), May 5 ; opened July 31. The park contains 140 acres, and is situated in the townships of Rusholme, Moss Side, and Chorlton-upon-Medlock. 7 William IV. and 1 Victoria, cap. 21. Act for making a railway from Sheffield to Manchester. May 5. 7 William IV. and 1 Victoria, cap. 24. Act for enabling the Manchester and Leeds Railway Company to vary the line of such railway, and for amending and enlarging the powers and provisions of the Act relating thereto. May 5. 7 William IV. and 1 Victoria, cap. 27. Act for enabling the Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company to raise more money, and for amending and enlarging the powers and provisions of the several Acts relating to the said rail- way. May 5. 200 Annals of Manchester. 1337 The third Socialist (Co-operative) Congress was held in the Social Insti- tution, Great George Street, Salford, in May. Mr. Benjamin Robert Haydon visited the town in order to advocate the establishment of a School of Design. He was here in May and June. He writes in his diary : " Manchester in a dreadful condition as to art. No School of Design. The young men drawing without instruction. A fine anatomical figure shut up in a box ; the housekeeper obliged to hunt for the key. I'll give it them before I go." (See under date 21st January, 1838, and 25th March, 1839.) 7 William IV. and 1 Victoria, cap. 43. Act for effectually amending the roads from Manchester, through Oldham, to Austerlands, in the county of York, and from Oldham to Ashton-under-Lyne, and from Oldham to Rochdale, and other roads, and for making and maintaining new lines to communicate therewith. June 8. Fire at Mr. Fairweather's factory, Cambridge Street, June 10. The damage was estimated at £2,000. The accession of Queen Victoria was proclaimed in this town, June 20. The School for the Deaf and Dumb, and Henshaw's Blind Asylum, Old Trafford, opened with procession, June 21. 7 William IV. and 1 Victoria, cap. 69. Act for making a railway from Man- chester to join the Grand Junction Railway, in the parish of Chebsey, in the county of Stafford, to be called " The Manchester and Birmingham Railway," with certain branches therefrom. June 30. Mr. Robert Owen's periodical The New Moral World transferred to Man- chester (vol. iii. printed by John Gadsby, vol. iv. by Abel Heywood ; vol. vii. was printed at Leeds). From 10th June, 1837, to 8th November, 1845, it was edited by Mr. G. A. Fleming. (Holyoake's History of Co-operation, vol. i., p. 219.) The Grand Junction Railway, connecting Manchester with Birmingham and London, was opened July 4. The Cattle Market, Cross Lane, Salford, was opened July 12. 1 Victoria, cap. 112. Act for enabling the Directors of the Manchester Gas Works to purchase lands, buildings, and apparatus for the extension of their works. July 12. The Parliamentary election for the borough of Salford was held July 26, when the following were the numbers at the close of the poll : Mr. Joseph Brotherton, 889 ; Mr. Wm. Garnett, 888. The Parliamentary election for the borough of Manchester, July 27, when the following were the numbers at the close of the poll : Right Hon. C. P. Thomson, 4,127 ; Mr. Mark Philips, 3,759 ; Mr. William Ewart Gladstone, 2,324. Mustapha Rechid Bey Effendi, the Turkish Ambassador, and suite, visited Manchester and inspected several of the manufactories, August 18. The new Asylum for Female Penitents, in Embden Place, Greenheys, opened September 7. The "Old Bridge" over the Irwell closed, for the purpose of being taken down, and one of wood opened for foot-passengers, September 7. Manchester General Cemetery, Harpurhey, was opened in September. Ihe first interred was a still-born child ; the second was Marian Segate Watt, aged nine years, September 7. 1837] Annals of Manchester. 201 The foundation stone of the Unitarian Chapel in Upper Brook Street was laid September 8. The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Cheetham Hill, was opened Sep- tember 15. Presbyterian Church, Mill Street, Ancoats, opened September 24. Mr. John Stanley Gregson died of consumption, at Brixton, 2nd Oct. He was within a month of 37. He was educated at the Moravian School, Fairfield. Owing to a disappointment in love, he is said to have enlisted as a private soldier, but was bought off. This has been denied. He was set up as a book- seller in Market Street, and was the author of Gimcrackiana and The Code of Common Sense, both published at Manchester in 1833. He also wrote the oration delivered by the Chetham College boys when describing the curiosities formerly shown to the visitors. (Manchester Guardian Local Notes and Queries.) Mr. George Hibbert, F.R.S., F.S.A., died, 8th Oct. He was a son of Robert Hibbert, who was constable of Manchester in 1759, and was an alderman of London. From 1806 to 1812 George Hibbert was M.P. for Seaham. He was a member of the Roxburghe Club, and the sale of his library in 1829 was famous in the bibliomania. (Baker's Memorials, p. 90.) Mr. Charles Green ascended in the Royal Nassau balloon, October 16, 23, and November 4, from the Gas Works, Lamb Lane, Salford. Mr. James Butterworth, author of a History of Manchester, and several other local historical works, died November 23, at Busk, near Oldham, aged 60. There is a notice of him in the Dictionarrj of National Biography. The Manchester Society for Promoting National Education was established in November. The Evangelical Friends' Meeting House, Grosvenor Street, Chorlton-upon Medlock, was opened December 17. There was a very high flood in the Irwell, December 20. Mr. Shaw (an auctioneer), Mr. Hall, and two other gentlemen were rescued from the most imminent danger of being drowned in the floods, near Cheadle, by the courageous conduct of Henry Wrigley, the driver of an omnibus. December 20. Charles Phillips, M.D., one of the physicians to the Manchester Infirmary, died December 24. Rev. Jeremiah Smith, D.D., rector of St. Ann's, and high master of the Free Grammar School, resigned both appointments. Rev. Robinson Elsdale, D.D., second master, appointed high master of the Grammar School. Mr. James Patrick died. He was for many years the printer of Patrick's Correct Card of the races. The Manchester Architectural Society founded. A fire at Messrs. Smith and Raw.son*s mil], Hope Street, Oldfield Road, December, caused damage to the extent of about £3,000. Samuel D. Scott, known as " The Juniper," took two leaps off the warehouse of Messrs. Shanklin, Manlcy, and Co., near the New Bailey Bridge, into the Irwcll. In the first leap be descended feet first into the water, and in the second leap head downward The height would be from 65 to 70 feet. 202 Annals of Manchester. U83S- Mr. W. James, formerly of Warwick, the original projector of the Liver- pool and Manchester Railway, died at the Plas Newydd, Cornwall, aged 66. The Independent Chapel, Liverpool Street, Oldfield Road, was founded. Mr. Campbell, an actor at the Queen's Theatre, was accidentally shot by the property man whilst performing the character of Mr. Felton, in the drama of Lilian, the Show Girl. The subscription for his widow realised £120 10s. 6d. 1838. Mr. James Norris, chairman of the Salford Quarter Sessions, died January 19, aged 63 years, and was buried in the Derby Chapel, in the Collegiate Church. Mr. Benjamin Robert Haydon lectured on the formation of a School of Design, 25th January. He records in his Diary meeting Fairbairn and others at dinner. " Liked Fairbairn much— good steam-engine head." A visit to his works is described. The Night Asylum for the Destitute Poor, Smithfield, was opened, Feb. 5. Manchester School of Design was formed in February. The first stone on the Manchester side of Victoria Bridge was laid by Mr. Elkanah Armitage, boroughreeve of Salford, March 3. Fire at the Oxford Road Twist Company's factory, in the occupation of Messrs. Cooke and Hyde, March 7. The damage was estimated at £6,000. A petition for a charter of incorporation, bearing 15,831 signatures, was forwarded from Manchester for presentation to Her Majesty's Privy Council, March 11. Mr. Daniel Maude, barrister, appointed stipendiary magistrate for Man- chester, March 19. Mr. John Frederick Foster, stipendiary magistrate, appointed chairman of ;he Quarter Sessions. March. The Ardwick Cemetery was opened April 13. The Manchester and Bolton Railway was opened May 24. The length was ten miles, and the cost £650,000. The Rev. Rowland Blaney, incumbent of Birch Chapel, died at Longsight, May 30, aged 84. Zoological Gardens, Higher Broughton, were opened May 31. The fourth Socialist Congress was held in May at Manchester. 1 Victoria, cap. 25. Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Manchester, Bolton, and Bury Canal Navigation and Railway to raise more money, and for amending the powers and provisions of the several Acts relating thereto. June 11. The Unitarian Chapel, Strangeways, was opened June 17. The Sunday School was opened June 24. Mary Moore, aged 48, was found murdered at mid-day, at Withington, June 20. George Hodges was tried on the charge of committing the murder at the following assizes at Liverpool, and acquitted. Salford Mechanics' Institution was opened June 23. Its first president was Mr. John Frederick Foster. South Lancashire Bank, York Street, opened June 23. The coronation of Queen Victoria was celebrated June 28. 1838] Annals of Manchester. 203 The foundation stone of the Hope Street Schools, Oldfield Road, Salford, was laid June 28. Joseph Corbett Peel, cashier at the Bank of Manchester, absconded with a large sum of money belonging to the bank. He was pursued and arrested a< Rotterdam by Sawley, the Manchester officer, and transported for seven years. June. The first stone of the Salford side of Victoria Bridge laid by Mr. J. Brown, boroughreeve of Manchester, July 2. The Mersey and Irwell Navigation Company started a steamer upon the river for passengers. She carried 150 passengers, was 12-horse power, 60 feet long, and was called " The Jack Sharp." July 4. Marshal Soult visited Manchester July 20, and was entertained at a dinner in the Union Club House, Mosley Street. Rev. Robert Stephens McAll, pastor of the Independent Church in Mosley Street, died at Swinton, 27th July. He was born at Plymouth, 4th August, 1792. His Discourses on Special Occasions, with a life by Wardlaw, were issued in two volumes in 1846. Mr. Benjamin Heywood, banker, and president of the Mechanics' Insti- tutions, created a baronet, July. Mr. Thomas Hardman, of Richmond House, Higher Broughton, died Aug. 16, aged 60. His valuable collection of paintings, portraits, books, prints, and coins was sold by auction, by Winstanley, in October the same year. Messrs. Macintosh and Co.'s patent cloth factory, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, was destroyed by fire, August 25, when three lives were lost. Mr. H. Powell accidentally killed at the New Bailey, September 12. The junction of the Bridgewater Canal with the river Irwell, near Hulme Hall, by means of locks, completed and opened September 20. The Manchester Journal, No. 1, September 22, was printed and published by Joseph Macardy. A great meeting was held on Kersal Moor, September 24, to demand the six points of the Charter. The attendance was estimated by the Morning Post at 300,000. Mr. Fergus O'Connor, M.P., Rev. James Rayner Stephens, and others addressed the assembly, which elected Bronterre O'Brien to represent Manchester in the Convention that met at London in February, 1S39. (Gammage's History of Chartism, p. 69.) The first meeting for the formation of the Anti-Corn Law Association, was held at the York Hotel, September 24. The last races at Heaton Park, September. The Manchester Cup was won by the Earl of Wilton. The race for the Heaton Park Stakes was remarkable for the fall of Harkaway and Cruikseen. (Procter's Our Turf, &c, p. 62.) Mr. Andrew "Ward, professor of music, died October 6, aged 49. At the age of eighteen Mr. Ward was the leader of the band of the Theatre Royal, and was the first to introduce into Manchester Logicr's system of teaching music. Miss Eleanor Byrom, daughter of Edward Byrom, founder of St. John's Church, died October 8, aged 82 years. With a large fortune, she inherited a generous and loving heart, which prompted her to acts of charity and bene- ficence. She left about £4,000 to different charities in t his town. Miss Byrom was buried in the Byrom Chapel of the Collegiate Church. 204 Annals of Manchester. [1839 The centres of the arch of "Victoria Bridge washed down by a flood, October 16. Mr. Gannon, the contractor, in endeavouring to secure them, had his leg broken. Mr. A. W. Paulton delivered his first lecture against the Corn Laws in the Corn Exchange, October 25. The Ancoats Lyceum, Great Ancoats Street, was opened, October. ' The royal charter constituting Manchester a borough received, Nov. 1. The sum of £20,000 was raised at a meeting held in the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Oldham Street, November 7, for the purpose of commemorating the centenary of the founding of that religious body by the Rev. John Wesley. Carpenters' Hall, Garratt Road, opened November 12. This building, which cost about £4,500, was erected at the sole cost of the journeymen whose name it bears. The Chorlton-upon-Medlock Lyceum was opened December 8. The election of councillors for the fifteen wards into which Manchester was divided by the charter, December 14. Mr. John Hyde was the returning officer. At the first meeting of the Council, Mr. Thomas Potter was appointed mayor and Mr. Joseph Heron town clerk. December 15. The Manchester Chamber of Commerce sent a petition to Parliament to abolish the Corn Laws. December. A volume of Social Hymns for the Use of the Friends of a Rational System of Society was published at Salf ord. The compiler or author was Mr. G. A. Fleming. 1839. Manchester Chronicle and Salf ord Standard published Jan. 5 by Joseph Leicester, 4, St. Ann's Street. This revival of Wheeler's Chronicle lasted until December 31, 1842. The centres of the arch of Victoria Bridge, and the octagon chimney, 164 feet 7 inches high, at Mr. Paton's works, Cornbrook, thrown down during the tremendous gale, January 7. The latter was reared May 28, 1836. Rev. Samuel Knight died January 17. He was for some time curate at St. James's, where he succeeded Dr. C. Bayley as incumbent, but in 1816 he became vicar of Bradford. {Palatine Note-book, vol. 3, p. 147.) A great Anti-Corn-Law dinner held in the Corn Exchange, January 23. Mr. Darcy Lever, of Alki'^.gton, near this town, died at his house, Heriot Row, Edinburgh, January 22. He was the last direct male representative of the ancient family of Lever, of Great Lever, Darcy Lever, and Little Lever, but latterly of Kersal, Collyhurst, and Alkrington Halls. Mr. Lever, like his grandfather, Sir Darcy, and his uncle, Sir Ashton, was a liberal promoter of literature, science, and the arts. Mr. William Bateman, of Pendleton, died January 25, aged 73. He was the original founder and zealous supporter of the Deaf and Dumb Institution of this town. Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte visited Manchester, and inspected vai'ious manufactories and public buildings, January 29. Dr. William Hibbert died January 31, at Shukar Ghars, a jungle in Scinde. He was an officer of the Queen's Royals, and having gone out shooting with 1839] Annals of Manchester. 20i two other officers, and the jungle having been set on fire to force the -wild animals from the covert, the wind changed and the three unfortunate men were surrounded by the flames, in which they perished. There was some sus- picion of treachery. Dr. Hibbert, who was only 26 years of age, was a son of Dr. Hibbert- Ware. Elizabeth Potts, widow, daughter of James Barnes, of this town, died Feb. 3, in the Manchester Workhouse, at the alleged age of 102. She was born in May, 1737, and baptised at the Collegiate Church in September, it is said, of the same year. A fire occurred at the Manchester Cotton Mills, in Miller Street, in the occupation of Mr. Beaver, February 19. Mr. Fergus O'Connor, M.P., was arrested in Manchester, and tried at York Assizes, March 16, for seditious libel in the publication of three speeches in the Northern Star, one of them delivered at Manchester by William Dean Taylor, He was found guilty, and was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment in York Castle. George Whittaker, aged 33, attempted to murder his wife in Club Bow, Oldham Boad, March 17. He received sentence of death August 14, but this was commuted to transportation. The key-stone of the arch of Victoria Bridge was set by Mr. Humphrey Trafford, March 23. Benjamin Bobert Haydon visited Manchester for the purpose of apprentic- ing his son Frank, as an engineer, to Fairbairn. He took lodgings for his boy at 99, Mill Street, Ancoats. March 25. Mr. James Chapman, attorney, appointed first coroner for the borough of Manchester, April 8. Colonel John Ford, formerly of Claremont, near this town, died April 15, at Abbeyfield, near Sandbach, Cheshire. He was colonel of one of the Manchester Volunteer regiments, and also one of the feoffees of Chetham's Hospital. Anti-Corn Law Circular, No. 1, April 17, was published by the Anti-Corn- Law Association. Mr. J. F. Foster was appointed recorder of the borough of Manchester April 18, but resigned in May. 2 Victoria. Act for effecting improvements in the streets and other places within and contiguous to the town of Manchester. April 19. A contribution entitled "A Week in Manchester" appeared in Blackwood! 8 Magazine for April, and was immediately replied to in a pamphlet called A Feiv Days at Manchester, by Whitewood and Co., Manchester.- The Hope Street Schools, Oldfield Boad, were opened in April, The Manchester Institution for the Illustration and Encouragement of Practical Science was established in April. The Ladies' Bazaar for the benefit of the Female Penitentiary, May S and 9, realised £1,000. Mr. Thomas Cooper, M.D., LL.D., died at Columbia, South Carolina, May 11. Born at London October 22, 1759, he was educated at Oxford, was called to the bar, and also studied medicine. His democratic principles led him to France, and his four months in Paris he afterwards declared to be the happiest period of bis life. Here he learnt a process for makiug chlorine from common salt, and 206 Annals of Manchester. [1839 settled in Manchester as a bleacher. He became obnoxious to the Government for his liberal sentiments, and his house, with that of Mr. Thomas Walker, was attacked in a " Church and King" riot in 1790. He left England with Dr. Priestley, and in 1795 he established himself as a lawyer in Pennsylvania. In 1799 he was imprisonedjand fined for a libel on President John Adams. In 1806 he became a land commissioner and afterward a judge, but was removed in 1811 on a charge of arbitrary conduct. He was professor of chemistry at two colleges, and wrote numerous works on politics and law. Major-General Daniel Seddon, the youngest surviving son of the late Mr. John Seddon, of Acres Barn, died May 18, in Paris, aged 78. Seddon, who was educated at the Grammar School, entered the army and was several years in the East Indies, and one of the few who survived thirteen months' imprison, ment in the dungeon of Chiteledroog. He afterwards served in Russia and Egypt ; and during the rebellion in Ireland he received the thanks of the county of Antrim for his defence of the town of Antrim from the rebels. Sword in hand, at the head of 26 dragoons, he charged the rebels, who had posted themselves to the number of 500 in the principal street. He was one of the only three who survived. He was afterwards appointed inspecting field officer in the northern district, and had the rank of major-general conferred upon him for training Portuguese troops. Manchester and Leeds Railway was opened as far as Littleborough, June 4. 2 Victoria, cap. 17. Act to enable the trustees of the estates devised by William Hulme, Esquire, to appropriate certain parts of the accumulated fund arising from the said estates towards the endowment of benefices, the building of churches, and for other purposes. June 14. The police, organised by the new corporation of the borough, commenced their duties, Monday, June 17. Mr. Richard Beswick appointed head constable of the borough of Manches- ter, at a salary of £400 per annum, June 17. The Borough Police Court, Brown Street, was opened June 18. It was previously the Manor Court Room. The Salford Lyceum held its first general meeting, June 19. Victoria Bridge was opened, with a grand procession, June 20. Outside the north battlement, in the panel over the key-stone, is this inscription: "This bridge was built at the expense of the inhabitants of the hundred of Salford, upon the site of Salford Old Bridge, of three Gothic arches, erected in the year of our Lord one thousand three hundred and sixty-five. The first stone was laid in the first year of the reign of Queen Victoria, and the bridge was opened on the twentieth of June, in the third year of her reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and was, by Her Majesty's permission, called 'Victoria Bridge.'" Total cost £20,800. The first vehicle that crossed the bridge was a wagon belonging to Messrs. Lupton and Adamthwaite, brewers, Cook Street, Salford, Mr. John Ogden, attorney, appointed first clerk of the peace for the borough of Manchester, June 24. The first Quarter Sessions for the borough of Manchester was held June 26, before Mr. Robert Baynes Armstrong, recorder. 2 and 3 Victoria. Act to enable the Manchester and Birmingham Railway 1839] Annals of Manchester. 207 Company to vary and extend the line of their railway, and to amend the Act relating thereto. July 4. The warehouse of Messrs. Nathans, Lloyd Street, was destroyed by fire, July 17. The damage was reckoned at £12,000. The first stone of the Hall of Science, Campfield, was laid August 5. The first Manchester cab was made by Mr. "W. H. Beestou, of Tib Street, for Mr. William White, of Spear Street, who began to ply from Piccadilly, August 5: The " Chartist holiday" began August 12. There were riots in Manchester and the vicinity. A fire in a warehouse in Dickenson Street, occupied by Saalfield and Co., August 15, caused damage to the extent of £20,000. 2 and 3 Victoria, cap. 87. Act for improving the police in Manchester for two years, and from thence until the end of the then next Session of Parliament. August 26. Manchester Police Bill received the royal assent, August 27. Sir Charles Shaw, Knt., appointed commissioner, at a salary of £700 per annum, September. He took possession of the old and new police establishments, October 17. A full-length statue of Dr. John Dalton, by Chantrey, placed in the entrance-hall of the Royal Institution, August. Several of the Chartist leaders were tried at Chester Assizes in August. At Liverpool, Edward Kiley was convicted of military training and rioting near Manchester. Messrs. Bronterre O'Brien, R. J. Richardson, Rev. W. V. Jackson, and others, were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. The Unitarian Chapel, Brook Street, opened September 1. At the election for the borough of Manchester (under the precept of Mr. T. Evans, boroughreeve), 5th September, the following were the numbers at the close of the poll : Mr. Robert Hyde Greg, 3,096 ; Rt. Hon. Sir George Murray, knight, 2,969 ; Colonel Peyronnet Thompson, 93. At the election for the borough of Manchester, held 6th September, under the precept of Mr. Thomas Potter, the mayor of the borough, the following were the numbers at the close of the poll : Mr. Robert Hyde Greg, 3,421 ; Right Hon. Sir George Murray, 3,156. The clock of St. Ann's Church was lighted with gas, September 23. The Heaton Park Races were "removed" to Liverpool in September. The Herald of the Future, No. 1, October 5, No. 6 (and last), March 7, 1S40. The editor was George Frederick Mandley. (See under date 1S63). It includes contributions by J. C. Prince, and articles introducing him to the public. The six numbers were made up into a volume, but no author's name was attached. Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart., lord of the manor, laid the first stone of All Souls' Church, Every Street, Ancoats, October 26. He generously gave land and property to the amount of £1,400 towards its erection and endowment. The Manchester and Salford Junction Canal, connecting the river Irwell, near the Old Quay, with the Rochdale Canal, near the Albion Mills, was opened October 28.' The Manchester Geological Society held its first annual meeting, October 31. The Rev. Dr. Elsdale, high master of the Grammar School, resigned, and the Rev. J. W. Richards was appointed his successor, October. 208 Annals of Manchester, F1839 Mr. Thomas Potter re-elected mayor of Manchester, November 9. Mr. William Murdock died November 22, at Handsworth, near Birming- ham, aged 86. This was the gentleman who first introduced gas into Man- chester, having commenced with Messrs. Philips and Lee's factory, in Salford, in 1803. Gas was first publicly exhibited in England by Messrs. Boulton and Watt, Soho Works, Birmingham, on the rejoicings for the peace of Amiens in 1802. The Rev. William Robert Hay died December 10, at the rectory house, Ackworth, aged 78. His father, the Hon. Edward Hay, was the third son of George Henry, seventh Earl of Kinnoul, by Abigail, youngest daughter of the celebrated Harley, Earl of Oxford. He received his education at Oxford, and during the early part of his life devoted himself to the study of the law, and when a barrister on this circuit, in 1793, married Mrs. Astley, relict of the late Mr. John Astley, of Dukinfield. She was the daughter of Mr. Wagstaffe, of this town. Mr. Hay now entered into holy orders, and was presented to the rectory of Ackworth, in Yorkshire, by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan- caster. In the year 1803 he succeeded Mr. Thomas Butterworth Bayley as chairman of the Quarter Sessions for the Hundred of Salford, which office he held until 1823, when he retired. Mr. Hay was presented to the vicarage of Rochdale by the Archbishop of Canterbury, at the solicitation of the Govern- ment, as a reward for the very active services he rendered during the stormy period of 1818-19, and especially for his share in the Peterloo massacre. There is a life of him in Howorth's Lives of the Vicars of Rochdale. John Shawcross, for twenty-four years principal clerk to the Manchester Police, died December 17, aged 66. The general committee of the Church of England Sunday Schools was dis- solved December 26. At this time only eight out of twenty-two churches were connected with the Union. (Bardsley's Memorials, p. 135.) St. Luke's Church, Cheetham Hill Road, was built by subscription. The Athenteum, Bond Street, opened. The building was designed by Sir Charles Barry, and cost nearly £9,000. (See also 1837.) Post-office and other rooms added to the Exchange, of which the area alto- gether was over 5,506 feet. The Exchange was rebuilt in 1872. The Social Pioneer printed by Abel Hey wood. The Chartist demonstration held on Kersal Moor was estimated by the Northern Star to have been attended by half a million people. This was, of course, a gross exaggeration, but it was larger than its predecessor of Sept. 2o, which was said to number 300,000. (Gammage's History of the Chartist Move- ment, p. 125.) The Regenerator, a weekly, published at Manchester, to which Prince and Procter were contributors. (Procter's Literary Reminiscences.) The first edition of Fcstus was published anonymously in Manchester, where the author (Mr. Philip James Bailey) was then resident. (Book Lore, vol. L, p. 23.) The length of main pipes laid down by the Manchester Gas Company since the Gas Act of 1824 was stated to be 75 miles 426 yards. St. Luke' Church was consecrated. St. John the Evangelist's Church, Broughton, consecrated. 1840] Annals of Manchester. 209 1840. An Anti-Corn Law Banquet held in the Free Trade Hall, Peter Street, January 13, being the first public meeting held in that building. About 4,000 persons attended. Mr. Daniel O'Connell, M.P., visited Manchester, and took part in the banquet. The Irwell overflowed 24th January. Captain Sleigh, chief of police, finding that some cottages were surrounded by water, constructed a raft out of palings and a gate, and succeeded in rescuing the inhabitants. For this he received the medal of the Royal Humane Society. A Conservative festival was held in Chorlton-upon-Medlock, January 27. The Operative Conservatives of Salford gave a dinner to Sir George Murray and Mr. William Garnett, February 3. The first anniversary dinner of the Manchester Law Association was held at the Blackfriars Inn, February 7. The Manchester petition for church extension, with 10,298 signatures attached, was forwarded for presentation by Sir Robert Inglis, February 14. Mr. Jonathan Hatfield died, at Naples, 25th February. He was the son of Mr. Jonathan Hatfield, merchant, of Cheetham, and was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. He was a lover of art, and resided in Italy for some years before his death, and presented to the Royal Institution casts from sculpture, which cost £2,000. (Baker's Memorials, p. 104.) Mr. Henry Wyatt, an artist of distinguished excellence, died February 27, aged 45. Mr. Wyatt was a native oi Thickbroome, near Leicester, and a pupil of Lawrence's. From 1817 to November, 1819, he was painting portraits at Birmingham ; he then removed to Liverpool and Manchester, where he con- tinued till 1825, when he removed to London, but in 1837 he returned to Man- chester to paint the portraits of a few friends, when he was seized with an illness which proved fatal. His remains were interred at Prestwich, a locality to which he was particularly attached. Mr. Michael Wilson died, February 27, aged 77. He was a furniture broker, and the author of some of the songs in The Songs of the Wilsons. The Victoria Gallery of Science was opened for the exhibition of model3 and the delivery of lectures, March 2. Messrs. Hilton and Bradshaigh and Messrs. Brookes and Dugdale's ware- houses, situate in Palace Street and Callendar Street, were destroyed by fire, March 4. The damage was reckoned at £7,100. Rev. William Nunn, M.A., incumbent of St. Clement's Church, died 9th March. He was a native of Colchester, and was born May 13, 1786. After several country curacies, he came to Manchester, where the living of St. Clement's was purchased for him. He was very active as a clergyman, and acquired great influence. Several of his sermons have been printed. His Memoirs, edited by Rev. R. Pym, appeared in 1842. Mr. James Bottomley died at Cheetwood, March 15, aged 73. He had been a lieutenant in the 15th Foot, and was the engraver of a number of interesting local prints. Mr. George Beswick, one of the 72nd, or Manchester Volunteers, who served at the siege of Gibraltar, died at Bolton, March 25, aged 79. O 210 Annals of Manchester. [1840 A building situated in Little Lever Street, and occupied by Mr. Jones, Mr. Johnson, and Messrs. Elce and Co., as machine shops, was destroyed by fire March 31. The damage was £6,000. 3 Victoria, cap. 15. Act to enable the Manchester and Salford Junction Canal Company to raise a further sum of money, and to alter, amend, and enlarge some of the powers and provisions of the Act relating to the said canal. April 3. A poll took place for the election of churchwardens, there being two lists presented, one by Mr. George Clarke and the other by Mr. Richard Cobden, which terminated in favour of Mr. Clarke's list by a majority of 4,178, the numbers being— for Mr. Clarke's list, 9,942 ; for Mr. Cobden's list, 5,764. April. Messrs. Renshaw and Co.'s flax mill, Adelphi, Salford, was destroyed by fire, May 3. The damage was estimated at £2,000. Mr. Adam Mort, of Davyhulme, one of the few surviving heroes of the 72nd, who served at the siege of Gibraltar, died May 31, aged 89. The Manchester and Birmingham Railway was opened to the public as far as Stockport, June 4. Rev. Thomas Calvert, D.D., warden of the Collegiate Church, died June 4, aged 65. He was born at Newsham, near Preston, and his father's name was Jackson, but in 1819 he assumed the name of Calvert in consequence of a fortune left him by a friend of that name. Dr. Calvert was a pupil of Wilson at Clitheroe, and thence proceeded to St. John's College, Cambridge, where he was fourth wrangler. Lord Liverpool admired his preaching, and presented him to the rectory of Wilmslow, but the right of the Crown to this patronage was con- tested, and it was found to be vested in the family of Trafford of Trafford, who were Roman Catholics. When the wardenship fell vacant it was offered to him. Several of his sermons have been printed. Dr. Calvert succeeded to the wardenship upon the death of the late Dr. Blackburne in 1823. He was interred in the Collegiate Church, June 11. Mr. W. Clarke, bookseller, Market Place, died at his residence, Plymouth Grove, June 15. The Right Hon." Thomas Reynolds, Earl Ducie, F.R.S., F.S.A., died at his seat, Woodchester, near Cirencester, June 22, aged 65 years. The Hon. and Rev. William Herbert, LL.D., B.D., was installed into the wardensliip of the Collegiate Church upon the death of Dr. Calvert, July 9. Mr. W. S. Rutter, the coroner for the district, appeared at the Borough Court to answer a charge of assault upon Mr. Chapman, the coroner for the borough, and was held to bail to answer the charge at the sessions. July 14. A meeting of Chartist delegates held 20th July, at which it was resolved to organise the "National Charter Association of Great Britain." The Manchester delegate, William Tillman, was appointed secretary. (Gammage's History of the Chartist Movement, p- 199.) 3 and 4 Victoria, cap. 30. Act for the more equal assessment of police-rates in Manchester, Birmingham, and Bolton, and to make better provision for the f Mce in Birmingham, for one year, and to the end of the then next session of Parliament. July 23. Two nephews of the King of Ashantee visited the town, and inspected the various manufacturing establishments and public buildings. July. 1840] Annals of Manchester. 211 The title of the warden and fellows of the Collegiate Church of Man- chester was, by an Act of Parliament, changed to that of dean and canons, August 11. The Chartist leaders, Dr. Peter Murray MacDouall, and John Collins, on their release from Chester Castle Prison, entered Manchester in procession 22nd August, and were entertained at dinner in Carpenters' Hall, under the chairmanship of the Rev. James Scholefield. (Gammage's History of the Chartist Movement, p. 202.) Mr. Thomas Jewsbury, the father of Miss M. J. Jewsbury (Mrs. Fletcher) and of Miss G. E. Jewsbury, died August 28, aged 79. The Old Quay Company commenced the deepening of the river Irwell up to Victoria Bridge, so as to enable vessels of 300 tons to come into the centre of the town, but the project was never fully carried out. August. A new Post Office, under the Borough Court in Brown Street, was opened for public business, September 7. • Mr. Jeremiah Fielding died, September 7, aged 64. In 1S12 he filled the office of boroughreeve of Manchester. The first stone of the Lancashire Independent College at Withington was laid by Bev. Dr. Raffles, of Liverpool, September 23. A large scaffolding erected for the convenience of visitors gave way, and many ladies were severely bruised, but fortunately none were killed. Mr. John Walton, for upwards of 50 years drawing master in this town, died at Croydon, in Surrey, September 30, aged 79. The Manchester and Leeds Railway was opened from Leeds to Hebden Bridge, October 9. The Mormon missionaries and disciples in Manchester claimed to possess " the gift of tongues," and one of them was put to the test, 12th October. Elder James Mahon having declared to Mr. Thomas Taylor, of the Mason Street Saw- mills, that he was willing to appear before anyone who might be selected, and convince them of his inspiration, a formal meeting was held. Some Hebrew was read to him, which he could not understand. He then spoke what he declared to be Hebrew, but the teacher of languages, who was the referee, declared that there was not a word of Hebrew in his jargon,— See An Account of the Complete Failure, &c, by Thomas Taylor (Manchester, 1810). A large building, situated in Peter Street, belonging to Mr. Hobson, carrier, but occupied by various tenants, was destroyed by fire, October 15. The damage thus caused was between £4,000 and £5,000. Mr. David Bellhouse, builder, died October IS, aged 77. Mr. William Neild elected to the mayoralty, being the second mayor, November 9. The following placard was posted in the town of Manchester : " The bell- man of Manchester and Salford.— Not ice is hcr;/ given, that William Sher- man, post-office keeper, of New Windsor, Salford, and of No. 3, Old Millgate, Market Pkice, Manchester, is duly appointed to the office of bellman of the towns of Manchester and Salford; the appointment of which exclusively belongs to Arabella Penelope Eliza Hoare, wife of Peter Richard Hoare, of Kelsey Park, in the county of Kent, esquire, as one of the descendants of the Chetham family, formerly of Clayton Hall and Turton Tower, in this 212 Annals of Manchester. i8«, county. Any person found trespassing after this notice upon his rights and privileges will be prosecuted.— Barrett, Ridgway, and Ford, solicitors for Mr. and Mrs. Hoare.— Norfolk Street, Nov. 17, 1840." (Palatine Note-book, vol. ii., p. 221.) All Souls' Church, Ancoats, was consecrated November 18. It was erected at a cost of £4,000. The first stone was laid October 25, 1839. The first incum- bent was the Rev. Samuel Warren, who had been expelled from the Wesleyan Connexion, as the result of the Fly-sheets controversy. He was the father of Mr. Samuel Warren, Q.C., the novelist. The Union Carrying Company's warehouses, Piccadilly, destroyed by fire, and the damage was estimated at £30,000. December 20. The first election of guardians under the new Poor Law took place Dec. 29. Mr. Charles Cudmore, professor of music, and composer of the Martyr of Antioch, an oratorio, died December 29, aged 53. The marriage of Queen Victoria was celebrated by public dinners at various places in Manchester and Salford, and the several public and private insti- tutions were thrown open to the public. In the evening there was a partial illumination, The Derby Chapel, in the Collegiate Church, was repaired and new roofed at the expense of the Earl of Derby. Mr. Thomas Potter received the honour of knighthood upon presenting an address of congratulation, adopted by the Town Council, to the Queen, on her escape from assassination by Oxford. 1841. Richard Dunstan, Governor of the New Bailey, resigned January 9, and was succeeded by Mr. Boult, March 11. A bazaar held in the Town Hall, in aid of the Salford, Chorlton, and Ancoats Lyceums, January 11, 12, 13, and 14. The proceeds amounted to £1,012 9s. 8d. Mr. Patrick M'Morland, artist, for many years resident in this town, died January 26, at Everton, aged 99. Messrs. Crafts and Stell's warehouse, George Street, together with other warehouses and private dwellings, were destroyed by fire, February 8. The damage was estimated at £1,800. Mr. Edward Clive Bayley, son of T. B. Bayley, died at St. Petersburg, Feb. 22, aged 65. His only son was the late Sir Edward Clive Bayley, K.C.S.L, who was born in St. Petersburg in October, 1821. He entered the Indian Civil Service in 1842. After holding various offices, he was, in March, 1862, made Home Secretary to the Government of India, and in 1873 was appointed an ordinary member of the Supreme Council, which position he resigned in April, 1878. He was created K.C.S.L on January 1, 1877, and died April 30, 18S4. (Journal of Royal Asiatic Society, 1834, pp. 3 to 5.) The validity of the charter for the incorporation of Manchester was con- firmed by the judges of the Court of Queen's Bench. February 22. Mr. William Sharp, George Street, died February 23, aged 87. An ancient ford, near Broughton Bridge, was reopened by the surveyors of Salford and Broughton, February 27. 1841] Annals of Manchester. 213 Manchester and Leeds Railway was opened throughout, March 1. Mr. Hamer Hargreaves died March 5. This gentleman left upwards of £1,000, together with his valuable collection of music and musical instruments, for the formation of " The Hargreaves Choral Society." The first concert was given in the Wellington Rooms, Peter Street, November 25. William Hampson attempted to murder Frances Bostock, a woman with whom he cohabited, by cutting her throat. The wounds subsequently caused her death, March 8. He was transported for life. Mr. Thomas Leeming Grundy, the well-known engraver in line, died March 10, in Camden Town. Mr. Grundy was born at Bolton, January 6, 1S0S, and served his apprenticeship in Manchester, from whence he went to London for improvement, and subsequently engraved many fine plates. 4 Victoria, cap. 8. Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Man- chester and Salford Waterworks to raise a further sum of money, and to amend the Acts relating thereto. April 6. Commodore Sir Charles Napier visited Manchester on his return to this country from the East, and attended a public dinner at the Town Hall, April 21. Mr. Benjamin Oldfield, of the White Bear, Piccadilly, died April 26. It was said of him that he " might not inaptly be styled the Peter Pindar of Lan- cashire. His wit was keen and brilliant, his humour rough, but full of living nature. Had he been possessed of the advantages of a good education and more refined society in early life, he would have left a name in literature." Bradshaw's Manchester Journal, No. 1, was published May 1. It was edited by George Falkner. Mr. Thomas Sharp, senior partner in the firm of Sharp, Roberts, and Co., died May 20. His remains were accompanied to the grave by 600 of the work- men of the firm, and by 150 of the principal gentry of the town. The seventh Socialist Congress (which was the second of the Universal Community Society of Rational Religionists) was held in May, and extended over seventeen days. A riot occurred between the Anti-Corn Law Leaguers and the Chartists, at a meeting held by the former party in Stevenson Square. June 2. At the election for Salford, July 2, when Mr. Joseph Brotherton was again returned, the numbers were : Mr. J. Brotherton, 990 ; Mr. W. Garnett, 873. Lord Francis Egerton and the Hon. Richard Bootle Wilbraham returned, without opposition, as representatives for South Lancashire, July 7. Part of a wing of Messrs. Kelly and Gilmour's factory, in Bradford Road, fell down. Four men were killed. July 9. Messrs. Daintry, Ryle, and Co.'s bank stopped payment in July. Mr. Lin Dillon died August 21, aged 80. Mr. Thomas Joseph Traflbrd, of Trafford Park, created a baronet, Aug. 21. The first stone] was laid of St. Bartholomew's Church, Regent Road. It was the first of ten new churches erected in this neighbourhood. The ground was given'by Mr. Wilbraham Egerton. The style is Norman, after the design of Messrs. Starke; and Cullley, of Manchester. August 30. Lieutenant-Colonel the Hon. George Berkeley Molyneux, brother to the Earl of Sefton, died August 27, at London. This gentleman having expressed a wish to be interred where the 8th Hussars (his regiment) were then quar- ^14 Annals of Manchester. ri84i tered, his remains were brought to this town, and were buried at St. George's Church, Hulme, September 3. The first stone was laid of St. Matthias's Church, Broughton Road, Salford, September 6. The style is Norman. The church was designed by Mr. E. "Walters. Charles Poulett Thomson, Lord Sydenham, died in Canada, 19th September. He was born in 1799, and was M.P. for Manchester 1832-39. He was then made Governor-General of Canada, and on 19th August, 1840, was created Baron Sydenham, but died before he could take his seat in the House of Lords. The foundation stone of the National and Infants' School, Miller Street,, laid September 29. The ground was given by Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart. The lower part is known as Leadenhall Market. The erection cost about £1,400, towards which Government gave £418, the National Society £250, and the rest was raised by subscription. Mr. R. Goldsmith was the architect. A cartload of petitions, sent from Manchester, praying the Queen not to prorogue Parliament till the distress of the people was taken into consideration, October 7. Mr. J. S. Thomas, late deputy-constable of Manchester,' died October 11. By the bursting of a steam boiler at Messrs. Elce and Co.'s works, Jersey Street, eight men were killed and several others wounded. October 13. The first stone was laid of St. Silas's Church, Higher Ardwick, Octo- ber 15. It was designed by Messrs. Starkey and Cuffiey, and is in the Norman style. The foundation stone was laid by Mr. Hugh Hornby Birley of a church dedicated to St. Simon and St. Jude, Granby Row. It was designed by Mr. E. Walters, and is in the early English style of architecture. October 28. Mr. George Condy, barrister-at-law, editor and joint proprietor of the Manchester and Salford Advertiser, and one of the Commissioners of Bank- ruptcy, died November 4. Mr. Condy had the reputation of an accomplished scholar. He was a critic and dramatist, as well as a politician. John Pollitt, aged 52, and George Pollitt, brothers, were interred at Rusholme Road Cemetery, November 16. They were followed to the grave by their venerable father, William Pollitt, of Dyche Street, who was said to have attained the age of 104. He was accompanied by his great-great-grandson, aged 21 years. A meeting of 120 delegates from various parts of the kingdom was held in Manchester " to consider the best means which should be taken previous to the reassembling of Parliament to promote the repeal of the Corn Laws." November 17. The foundation stone of Holy Trinity Church, Hulme, laid, December 2, by the Hon. and Rev. William Herbert. It was consecrated June 28, 1843, by Dr. Sumner, Bishop of Chester! The architects were Mr. (afterwards Sir) Gilbert Scott and Mr. MofFatt. The cost of erection, over £18,000, was defrayed by Miss Eleanora Atherton. The Bridgewater Viaduct, Knot Mill, opened, December 3. Dr. William Fleming performed the ceremony by driving over the road in his carriage. 1841] Annals of Manchester. 21 5 John Massey died in the workhouse, New Bridge Street, and was buried at St. Mark's, Cheetham Hill, 6th December. He was born 29th January, 1774, and was by trade a builder, but had some reputation as a teacher of music. He is said to have written about 26 psalm and hymn tunes. (City News Notes and Queries, vol. i., p. 270.) Some of his compositions appear in Holford's Voce de Mclodia. A calender house, situated in Bateman's Buildings, Deansgate, was burned down December 31. The damage was estimated to be between £4,000 and £5,000. Mr. Luke Hadfleld appointed Governor of Chetham's Hospital on the resignation of Mr. George Crossley. A fire at the Beehive Cotton Mill, Jersey Street, caused damage to the extent of £14,000. Mr. Mark Philips and Mr. Thomas Milner Gibson were returned as repre- sentatives of Manchester. The numbers polled for the respective candidates were as follows : Philips, 3,695 ; Gibson, 3,575 ; Sir George Murray, 3,115 ; "W. Entwistle, 2,692. June 30. The Wesleyan Conference which met at Manchester this year resolved that unfermented wine should not be used for the sacrament ; that no chapel should be used for total abstinence meetings ; and that no preacher should go into another circuit to advocate total abstinence without first obtaining the con- sent of the superintendent. This bigoted and foolish action was, according to the epigrammatic phrase, worse than a crime — it was a blunder— and led to much controversy and unpleasant feeling. The policy it indicated has since been to a large extent reversed. On the release of the Chartist leaders O'Conor and O'Brien, they entered Manchester in procession. Two vessels were towed by the Jack Sharp steamer to Victoria Bridge. These, which were laden with oats, cotton, &c, were the first to arrive after the deepening of the river. The names of the vessels were the Lingard and the Mary. A subscription was raised for celebrating the birth of the Prince of "Wales ; but owing to the great distress existing among the working classes the amount (£2,800) was expended in blankets, coverlets, and flannel, and distri- buted by ticket to the most deserving. 6,500 tickets were issued. The first meeting at which Christian ministers appeared in any numbers to advocate the repeal of the Corn Laws was on the occasion of a tea party given to Mr. George Thompson in the Corn Exchange. There were 1,267 public-houses and beerhouses in Manchester and Salford. Mr. Thelwell, silversmith, St. Ann's Square, charged with being concerned in the robbery of his own premises, he being then bankrupt. After several examinations he was discharged. The amount of property stolen was nearly £3,000. The population of the municipal borough of Manchester at the fifth census was 2135,162 ; that of the Parliamentary borough was 212,983. The population of Salford, including Broughton, was 53,200, and of the Parliamentary boroimh 60,624. Mr. James Clough, M.D., died at Torquay. He was born in Manchester in 1771. He was the author of Observations on Pregnancy and the Diseases Incident to that Period. 1796. 216 Annals of Manchester. [1842 1842. By a fire at Messrs. Parr, Curtis, and Co.'s machine works, Store Street, damage was done to the extent of £9,000. January 4. Mr. John Dickenson died January 11, at his residence, Mistley Hall, Essex. The family of Dickenson, of Birch, of whom the deceased was the survivor , had been long connected with this town. Their residence was formerly in Market Street ; and when Prince Charles Edward arrived here in 1745 it was selected for his head-quarters. Mr. Dickenson married Mary, the only child of the Hon. Charles Hamilton, of Northampton, by whom he had one daughter, who married, in 1815, General Sir W. Hamilton, Bart., K.C.B., and died in 1837, leaving seven surviving children. Mr. James Brierley, of Mossley Moss Hall, near Congleton, and formerly of Ardwick, died January 13. He acted for many years as a magistrate for this town, and served the office of boroughreeve two years consecutively, 1820-21. Mr. John Fletcher, twenty-five years one of the directors of the Gentlemen's Concerts in this town, died January 16. A building in Alum Street, Great Ancoats Street, was destroyed by fire January 24. The damage was about £1,500. A great Anti-Corn-Law Bazaar was held at the Theatre Royal, which had been fitted up for the purpose. The proceeds amounted to £9,000. January 31. Owing to the great distress existing among the working classes, the Society of Friends opened a large soup kitchen in Bale Street. January. The Phonographic Journal issued, January. This was the first phonetic paper ever issued. Mr. Isaac Pitman gave the following account, at a meeting held in the Town Hall in 1868: "Although phonography itself was not born here, the Phonetic Journal was. In the winter of 1841 I was teaching classes and lecturing in this city, and being in the office of Messrs. Bradshaw and Blacklock, two very good men whom I am happyjto see here to-night (Mr. John Barnes and Mr. Timothy Walker), who were then in the office, said : ' "We can do something to promote" your object in this way. If you will write a page of shorthand on a particular kind of paper, with a particular kind of ink, which we will supply, we will produce you an exact printed copy of it.' I did not know it could be done. I knew nothing of lithography then. I wrote it in Mr. Bradshaw's counting-house, and they directly put it upon the stone, and brought me a facsimile of my own writing. I took a sheet of transfer paper home to my lodgings, wrote out the first number of the Phonographic Journal, as it was then called, which you see here [exhibiting to the audience the Journal for 1842], and they printed a thousand copies for me. I circulated several hundred of them during the remainder of my stay in Manchester, sent some to my London publisher, and took the rest to Glasgow." Mr. William Grant, of Spring Side, a magistrate and deputy-lieutenant of the county, died Feb. 28, aged 72. Mr. Grant's benevolence was well known and extensively felt by hundreds of his poorer townsmen. His portrait, and that of his brother, have been well drawn by Mr. Dickens, as the "Brothers Cheeryble," in Nicholas Niclcleby. A petition, praying for a repeal of the Corn Laws, was despatched to 1842] Annals of Manchester. 217 London, signed by 75,000 women, and at the same time 1,300 other petitions were sent, emanating from as many different firms in this town. February. A parcel containing 1,500 sovereigns and £500 in notes was stolen from the Blackburn coach, February. It was the property of Messrs. Cunliffe, Brooks, and Co., bankers. The robbers were convicted and transported for life. Ann, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Ainsworth, of this town, and mother of Mr. W. Harrison Ainsworth, died March 15, at Kensal Green, near London. She was the only daughter of the Rev. Ralph Harrison, formerly one of the ministers of Cross Street Chapel. Mr. Fergus O'Connor, M.P., laid the foundation of a monument to the momory of Mr. Henry Hunt, the Radical Reformer, in Mr. Scholefield's Chapelyard, Every Street, Ancoats. March 25. Batty's Circus, Great Bridgewater Street, was burned down March 26. Three men were killed by the bursting of a steam boiler at Messrs. Gisborne and Wilson's printworks, Pendleton, April 4. 5 Victoria, sess. 2, cap. 1. Act to extend the provisions of an Act of the 48th of King George the Third relative to the Manchester Royal Infirmary, Dis- pensary, and Lunatic Hospital or Asylum, and to incorporate the trustees thereof. April 22. Mr. Donald Fraser, formerly quarter-master of the Lancashire militia, died April 22, aged 72. The Manchester and Birmingham Railway was opened from Stockport to Sandbach, May 10. Rev. Francis Beardsall died June 25th on board a vessel bound for New York, and his body was committed to the waters. He was born at the Tontine Inn, Sheffield, September 6th, 1799, and educated at the Baptist Theological Academy. In 1834 he became pastor of the General Baptist Chapel, Oak Street, and having signed the temperance, pledge, Sept. 6th, became a leader of the teetotal movement. He manufactured an unfermented wine for sacramental use, and wrote a treatise on Scripture Wines, and a Temperance Hymn Book, Df which many thousands have been sold. He was co-editor with Rev. Joseph Barker of the Star of Temperance. Intending to visit the United States, Mr. Beardsall embarked for New York, May 13th, 1842, but suffered much during the protracted voyage, and did not reach the American shore. He was a man of unselfish and ardent temperament, who did much good in a too short life. The merchants of Manchester presented an address at the Town Hall to the Hon. Edward Everett, the American ambassador, who was staying with Mr. Alexander Henry at the Woodlands, June 25. St. Matthias's Church, Broughton Road, Salford, was consecrated June- 27. St. Bartholomew's Church, Regent Road, was consecrated June 27. St. Simon's and St. Jude's Church, Granby Row, was consecrated June 28. St. Jude's Church, Canal Street, Ancoats, was consecrated June 28. The build- ing, a plain brick one, and previously in the occupation of the Tent Methodists, has since been pulled down, and a stone edifice erected in Mill Street. The site of the old building was afterwards devoted to the day and Sunday schools. The twelfth annual meeting of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science was held in this town, with Lord Francis Egerton as president. The sittings terminated June 30. 218 Annals of Manchester. [1842 Giles Bedford, aged 90, died at Pendlebury, July 9. He was at the siege of Gibraltar, in the 72nd Regiment, or Manchester Volunteers, from September 12, 1779, to February, 1783. James Russell, a pugilist, killed in a fight with the " Chequer Lacl," July 11th. Russell was born at Manchester, April 23, 1819. He is buried in the Cheetham Hill Cemetery. (Procter's Our Turf, &c, p. 86.) Mr. Richard Potter, formerly M.P. for Wigan, and brother to the late Sir Thomas Potter, died at Penzance, July 13. The distress in the manufacturing district led to a great strike. Thousands of men flocked into Manchester, August 9, with banners and bludgeons, and for three days turned the workpeople out of the mills. On the 12th there was a meeting of 358 Chartist delegates of the factory districts held at Man- chester, when 320 voted for the continuance of the strike until the Charter was repealed. Another meeting was held on the loth, and on the 16th the delegates were dispersed by the police. The original reason for this gathering was the completion of a monument to Henry Hunt. John Lord, who for upwards of forty years was a bellringer at Trinity Church, Salford, died August 10, aged 77. Manchester and Birmingham Railway was opened throughout, August 10. The total cost of the railway was about £1,890,000. 5 and 6 Victoria, cap. 117. Act to amend and continue until the first day of October, 1842, the Acts regulating the police of Manchester, Birmingham, and Bolton. August 12. The Salford old police office was sold for £40 and a chief rent of £21, Aug. 24. There were alarming riots in Manchester and neighbourhood, arising from want of employment and dearness of food. August. There was a six weeks' strike of the factory operatives. It began in August. (City Neivs Notes and Queries, vol. i., p. 292.) Francis Bradley was executed September 3, at Liverpool, for the murder of his wife in Goulden Street, Manchester. Messrs. Kendal, Milne, and Faulkner, of the Bazaar, Deansgate, first lighted their establishment with the Bude light, September 4. The first Manchester and Salford Regatta was held on the river Irwell September 12. Mr. Peter Ewart died at the Royal Dockyard, Woolwich, Sept. 15, in conse- quence of a severe injury inflicted by the sudden breaking of a chain, while he was superintending the removal of a large boiler. He was born at Troquain Manse, Dumfriesshire, but came to Manchester before 1798, when he was elected a member of the Literary and Philosophical Society, of which he became vice- president in 1812. In 1835 he became chief engineer and inspector of machinery in "Woolwich Dockyards. (Literary and Philosophical Memoirs, 3rd series, vol. vii., p. 121.) Messrs. Lockwood and Thornton's cotton mill, Blackfriars Street, Salford, was burned down September 17. The damage was about £18,000. The control of the whole of the borough police force was transferred to the Corporation by Sir Charles Shaw, whose term of office expired September 30. Sir Charles was appointed by Government during the dispute as to the legality of the charter of incorporation. 1S42] Annals of Manchester. 219 St. Silas's Church, Ashton Old Road, was consecrated October 10. Messrs. Ellis and Norton's machine shop, opposite the New Bailey Prison, was burnt down October 15. The damage was estimated at £14,000. Captain Willis was appointed Chief Superintendent of the Manchester Police, at a salary of £450, and Mr. Beswick was retained as Superintendent of the Detective Force, at a salary of £350. October 24. Sir John Cross died at London Nov. 5. He was born at Scarborough in 1768, and having been appointed Attorney -General for the county palatine, resided in Manchester from 1S04 to 1819. He wrote The Papal Supremacy, &c, 1826, and A Treatise on the Alien Laws. (Annual Register, 1842, p. 300 ; Legal Observer, vol. xxv., p. 88.) The large lamp, which then stood opposite to the Exchange, was lighted with the Bude light, November 23. The animals, &c, of the Manchester Zoological Gardens, Higher Broughton, were sold by auction, November 23. The Rev. Joshua Lingard, M.A., first rector of St. George's Church, Hulme, died Nov. 29, aged 44. He was born in Manchester in 1798, and was in early life a contributor to the Manchester Iris. There is a sketch of him in the Manchester School Register, and his portrait is prefixed to his posthumous manual on The Holy Communion and Eucharistical Office. As curate and rector he was for fifteen years minister of St. George's. Mr. John Knowles became lessee of the Theatre Royal, which was placed under the management of Mr. Roxby, in November. The tollbar near the Manchester Workhouse was removed, after an existence of twenty-four years, December 5. The Rev. John Morton, D.D., incumbent of St. Clement's Church, Chorlton- cum-Hardy, died December 27. In Higson's Gorton Historical Recorder it is stated that the Bishop of Chester took a dislike to Mr. Morton's appearance, and on that ground alone refused his first application for ordination in 1817. The Manchester Chronicle discontinued December 31. This was the oldest existing journal in the town, having been established in 1781. A Manchester claimant to the estates of Sir Andrew Chadwick had a curious correspondence with Sir Charles G. Young, Garter-King-at-Arms. These letters are printed in the Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., p. 61. The history of this extraordinary litigation is given in Reports on the Estate of Sir Andn n Chadwick, by Edward Chadwick and James Boardman, to which is prefixed the Life and Ilistory of Sir Andrew Chadwick, by John Oldfield Chadwick. (Manchester, 1881.) Mr. Thomas Cooper arrested for attending the Manchester Chartist Con- ference, and also on a charge of arson. On the latter indictment he was tried and acquitted at Stafford. The Mayor and Town Clerk of Manchester attended divine service at the Collegiate Church. This is the first time that the Corporation was recognised by the Churchwardens. The seats formerly used by the boroughreeves were now assigned to the mayor. The Bank of Manchester stopped payment. The losses were stated at £SOO,000 ; the liabilities £713,0S2. The failure of this bank created a panic, and 220 Annals of Manchester. [1343 the shareholders suffered immense loss. Burdekin, the manager, absconded to America. Mr. Thomas Cooke, Pendleton, appointed high constable of the Salford Hundred. St. Matthias's Church, Salford, was consecrated. It was enlarged in 1863. 1843. Mr. James Emerson Tennant, M.P., was entertained at dinner at the Albion Hotel, and was presented with a splendid service of plate, consisting oi 106 pieces, and weighing '.upwards of 3,000 ounces, January 27. It emanated from a subscription entered into by the calico printers of Great Britain (which amounted to £1,850), as an acknowledgment of his untiring services in procuring the bill for the copyright of designs. Messrs. Clayton and Gladstone's warehouse, Norfolk Street, was destroyed by fire, January 28. The damage was £20,000. The Free Trade Hall was opened January 30. The Anti-Corn-Law banquet then held was attended by numerous M.P.'s and delegates from all parts of the kingdom. This was followed by a variety of meetings connected with Free Trade. The dimensions of the hall were — length, 135ft. 8in.; breadth, 102ft 6in.; containing an area of 14,000 square feet. Mr. William Bobinson, Governor of the Manchester Workhouse, died February 2. Mr. James Pigot, of the firm of Pigot and Slater, the indefatigable compiler of the National Directories, died February 15, aged 74. Mr. William Garnett, of Lark Hill, Salford, and Quermore Park, Lancaster, was appointed High Sheriff. When he set off from Lark Hill to attend the Assizes, February 25, there was a procession consisting of sixty carriages, con- taining several hundred gentlemen of all shades of politics, accompanied by the town officers. An amateur performance took place for the benefit of the Boyal Infirmary, March 14. The proceeds amounted to £349 5s. One of the pieces played was written for the occasion by the Bev. Hugh Hutton, of Birmingham, and was entitled St. Augustine's Eve. A tea-party was given March 15, in honour of Mr. Isaac Pitman, the inventor of phonography. Mr. John Hull, M.D., F.L.S., died at Tavistock Square, London, March 17. He was born at Poulton in 1764, and graduated at Leyden 1792. He settled in Manchester, where he was Physician to the Lying-in Hospital. He was a good botanist, and wrote The British Flora, 1799, and several medical treatises. (Munk's Boll of the Royal College of Physicians.) He is buried at Poulton- le-Fylde. The shock of an earthquake was felt in Manchester and neighbourhood, March 17. Mr. Fergus O'Connor and 58 other Chartists were tried at Lancaster Assizes, March 21. John Chesshyre, Vice-admiral of the White, died at Swansea, March 27, aged 85. Admiral Chesshyre was a native of Manchester, and was the brother of the late Mr. Edward Chesshyre. He was made lieutenant in 1781, commander 18431 Annals of Manchester. 221 in 1794, and post captain in 1799. He commanded the Plover sloop of war, and captured the Erin-go-Bragh French privateer, of ten guns, in the North Sea, October 28, 1798. During part of the war he was employed in the Sea Fencibles. Mr. John Young died March 29, aged 79. He was believed to be the oldest Sunday school teacher and visitor in the kingdom, having entered as a teacher in the Sunday schools of the Church of England in this town in 1786. The Chetham Society formed in March, with the object of printing the most rare historical works, as well as all manuscript matter relative to the histories of the two counties palatine of Lancaster and Chester. The printing has been done from 1843 to the present time (1886) by Messrs. Simms and Co., on whom it reflects the greatest credit. The first president was Mr. Edward Holme, M.D. The first stone was laid by Mr. William Garnett, high sheriff, of the Man- chester Union Moral and Industrial Training School, in the township of Swin- ton, April 2. The building is in the Elizabethan style, from a design by Messrs. Tattersall and Dixon. Mr. D. Bellhouse was the builder. The grounds, including site of buildings, are 23 acres in extent. The front is 458 feet in length, and the building will accommodate 1,500 children, but is capable of considerable enlargment. The cost was about £20,000. Mr. Richard Arkwright, only son of the late Sir Richard Arkwright, the inventor and improver of spinning machinery, died at Willersley, Derbyshire, April 23. He was the richest commoner in England, and, it is stated, left personal and landed property to the amount of ten or eleven millions, the foundation of which immense sum was made in the cotton trade by his father. The Manchester Independent College, at Withington, was opened by the Rev. Dr. Raffles, April 26. The Rose light was put up in St. Ann's Square in March, and first lighted May 1. It took its name from its inventor, Mr. Thomas Rose, at that time superintendent of the Manchester Fire Brigade. The first stone of St. Thomas's Church, Red Bank, was laid by J. C. Harter, Esq., May 5. It is in the Early English style of architecture, and was designed by Mr. Moseley, of London. The cost was £3,000. Rev. John Grundy died at Bridport, May 9. He was born at Hinckley, in Leicestershire, 1781, and in 1810 became minister at Cross Street Chapel. He left Manchester in 1824 for Liverpool, where he was a colleague of the Rev. James Martineau. There is a portrait of him in Sir Thomas Baker's Memorials. He wrote Evangelical Christianity Considered, 1814, and other works. 6 Victoria, cap. 17. Act for transferring to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough of Manchester certain powers and property now vested in the Commissioners for cleansing, lighting, watching, and regulating the town of Manchester. May 9. A desperate attack was made upon Messrs. Pauling and Hemf rey's premises, Eccles New Road, May 16, by an armed party of turnouts. Several of the men were taken up, tried, and underwent various terms of imprisonment. Riots occurred between several soldiers of the 15th Regiment and the police, in Oldham Road, May 23. 222 Annals of Manchester. [1843 The first great meeting of the Lancashire and Cheshire "Workmen's Singing Classes was held at the Free Trade Hall, June 10. There were 1,500 performers, , led by Mr. John Hullah, the inventor of the system. A meeting took place at Newton, to oppose the education clauses in the proposed new Factory Bill, June 12. It was attended by 270 delegated Dissenting ministers from all parts of Manchester. Trinity Church, Stretford Road, was consecrated June 28. The Rev. Thos. Todd was the first incumbent. The surveyors of highways laid down wood pavement in St. Ann's Square. June. Messrs. Nightingale and Co.'s warehouse, in Zara Street, Granby Row, was destroyed by fire July 10. The damage was £9,000. The celebrated Father Mathew arrived in Manchester, and preached at St. Patrick's Chapel, Livesey Street, upon the occasion of the opening of the new organ, built by Messrs. Gray and Davison, of London, July 19. A tea party was given in his honour at the Free Trade Hall, when 3,000 persons attended. He administered the temperance pledge to many thousand persons. July 21. Mr. Thomas Arkell Tidmarsh died at Manchester, July 30. He was born in 1819. His poetical writings have never been collected, but the specimens given by Procter show him to have had talent of a very high order. (See Procter's Literary Reminiscences, p. 84, and Gems of Thought.) 6 and 7 Victoria, cap. 91. Act for more effectually repairing the road from the New "Wall on the parade in Castleton, in the parish of Rochdale, through Middleton, to the mere stone in Great Heaton, and to the town of Manchester, and for making a diversion in the line of such road. August 1. The Pendleton coalpits of Mr. J. P. Fitzgerald and Mr. John Knowles were flooded, August 2. The loss to the former was estimated at £50,000. Mr. John Dyer, formerly editor of the Manchester Chronicle, died at London, August 4. Rev. Adam Hurdus died at Cincinnati, August 30, in his 84th year. He was born near Manchester, entered the Swedenborgian ministry in 1816, and was the first to preach the new church doctrines west of the Alleghany Mountains. (Hindmarsh's Rise, &c, p. 379.) Mr. John Sanderson presented £2,000 to the Lunatic Asylum, and £136 to various other charities in the town. He had been keeper of the above asylum sixty years. Being in bad health, he resigned his situation, and adopted this method of disposing of his savings in order to avoid paying legacy duty. August. A newsroom at the Albion Hotel, for the use of the Manchester Gentlemen's Glee Club, opened September 7. Rev. Charles Panton Myddleton, M.A., Curate of St. Mary's, Manchester, died September 10. He was a native of Prescot, was born in 1767, and published a Sermon in Defence of Sunday Schools, 1798, Poems, &c. {Manchester School Register, vol. ii., p. 67.) A great musical meeting held at the Free Trade Hall, Peter Street, September 11 and 12. Mr. S. N. Cooper, rule maker, of Miller Street, died September 13. He was the first to introduce rule making into Manchester. 1843] Annals of Manchester. 223 Manchester made into an archdeaconry, the first archdeacon being the Rev. John Rushton, Incumbent of Padiham. September. One of the old parish registers discovered at Messrs. Cooke, Beever, and Darwell's offices, in Salford, September. This register had been missing for upwards of sixty years. It contains the baptisms, deaths, and marriages from October, 1G53, to July, 1662. A bazaar held in the Free Trade Hall, in aid of the Manchester Athenaeum, October 2 ; and on the following Thursday was held, in the same place, a soiree, which was presided over by Mr. Charles Dickens. The proceeds were £1,820. The speeches at the successive soirees were collected into one volume in 1877. Mr. George William Wood, M.P., died October 3. His decease, which was almost instantaneous, occurred in the rooms of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, of which he was vice-president. Mr. Wood was the son of the late Rev. William Wood, F.L.S., of Leeds, by Louisa Anne, daughter of Mr. Samuel Oates, and was born July 26, 1781. He was destined for a commer- cial life, and was placed, at an early age, in the house of Philips, Oates, and Co., of Leeds. Soon after the commencement of the present century he was introduced by Sir George Philips, then of Sedgeley, to the house of Messrs. Thomas Philips and Co., of Manchester, with whom he remained till 1809. During the war he formed one of a deputation from Manchester and other towns for obtaining a revocation of the Orders in Council. Through a long series of years Mr. Wood took a very active part in the affairs of this town. The Savings Bank, the Royal Institution, of which he conceived and developed the earliest idea, and the embellishment of the principal thoroughfare of the town, bear witness of the untiring energies of his mind. About the year 1827 an idea was generally entertained in favour of conferring upon Manchester the privilege of sending members to Parliament, and the bill for this purpose was prepared almost solely by Mr. Wood. He was elected M.P. for South Lancashire, December 18, 1832, and sat till 1834, but was defeated in 1835. He sat for Kendal, July 25, 1837, re-elected June 3, 1841, and represented that con- stituency until his death. Mr. Thomas Lingard, for many years agent to the Old Quay Company, died October 4, aged 70. The coming of age of Mr. Alfred Nield, eldest son of Alderman Nield, was celebrated with great festivities at the Mayfield Printworks, October 19. The high floods in the Irwell caused the temporary footbridge near the New Bailey to be washed down, October 28. Mr. James Hall, of Sunnyside, Ordsall, died November 1, in his 9fith year. Mr. Hall was born March 1, 1749. He was originally in humble circumstances, from which he raised himself to affluence. In 1785 he took a very active part in the repeal of the fustian tax. Mr. Hall, at his sole expense, erected Regent Bridge over the Irwell, which was opened to the public in 1S08, and which will ever remain a monument of his high spirit and liberality. The Due de Bordeaux and his suite visited Manchester, November 10. Mr. George Catlin visited the town with his exhibition of Ojibiway Indians, November 13. The sum of £12,606 was subscribed at a free trade meeting in Manchester, November 14. 224 Annals of Manchester. [1844 The Rev. John Gatliffe, senior canon of the Collegiate Church, and rector of St. Mary's, Parsonage, died at Brinkworth Hall, near York, November 22, aged 80. (Parkinson's Old Chvrch Clock, p. 87.) A large chimney at Messrs. Clemson and Co.'s dyeworks, Red Bank, was blown down, November 22. Mr. Joseph Maiden, an eminent animal painter, died November 26, aged 31. A soiree held in the Town Hall, to celebrate the Saturday half-holiday granted by the merchants, &c, of Manchester, to the persons in their employ- ment, November 27. Mr. James Normansell, for seventeen years an officer in the Salford police force, died December 8, aged 60. In early life he was in the Royal Horse Artillery. A five-act tragedy, by Mr. Thomas Smelt, acted at the Theatre Royal, Fountain Street, December 20 and 28. It was not successful. Lord Francis Egerton purchased the Old Quay Carrying Company's concern for the sum of £400,000, being at the rate of £800 per share, December 21. The Rev. Robert Cox Clifton elected a Canon of the Collegiate Church, in the place of Mr. Gatliffe, deceased. Mr. Sims Reeves became a member of the stock company at the Theatre Royal, Fountain Street, and remained there till the theatre was burned down in 1844. Chetham's Hospital was new roofed and thoroughly repaired. The Health of Towns Commission visited Manchester. 1844. The Manchester and Leeds Railway extension line to Hunt's Bank opened January 1. Mr. John Edward Taylor, proprietor and principal editor of the Guardian newspaper, died January 6, aged 52. Mr. Taylor was born at Ilminster, in the county of Somerset, on the 11th of September, 1791. His father, Mr. John Taylor, undertook the education of his son, who was originally intended for the medical profession, but was placed with an estimable gentleman in the manufacturing business, and before he was of age his indentures were given up to him, and he was admitted into the concern as a partner. Mr. Taylor first appeared in public business in 1810, as secretary to the Lancasterian School in this town, and in 1812 he took a very active part in the discussions which so much agitated the public mind at that period. Cowdroy's Manchester Gazette was at that time the only organ of the Liberal party, and after a number of occasional contributions the columns of that paper were unreservedly thrown open to Mr. Taylor. From 1816 to 1819 every intelligent account of the political transactions of the district was regarded with the liveliest interest, and such accounts were abundantly furnished by the labours of Mr. Taylor. The elabo- rate pamphlet written by him on the political proceedings of 1819, and the melancholy affair of the 16th of August, furnished a striking proof of the calm and rational manner in which he could treat the most exciting topics of dis- cussion. In 1819 Mr. Taylor was subjected to a prosecution for libel, which arose through an imputation cast upon him at a public meeting, which was perfectly groundless ; and after some effi rts to procure an explanation, he 18441 Annals of Manchester. 225 resented the imputation in a letter addressed and sent to the party by whom it had been uttered, and this letter formed the ground of the action for libel, which was tried at Lancaster, March 29, 1819. On this occasion Mr. Taylor defended himself personally, with great ability, and with complete success; and the trial was remarkable as being the only one upon record in which the defendant indicted for libel was permitted to give evidence in justification of his statements. In 1820, a number of gentlemen of Liberal politics determined to establish a newspaper advocating their views of political and local events. They urgently requested Mr. Taylor to become the editor, to which he con- sented ; and in order to carry out their object, a subscription was raised in 1821 of £1,000, chiefly in loans of £100 each. This sum being entrusted to Mr. Taylor's management, formed the original capital invested in the establishment of the Guardian, the first number of which appeared May 5, 1821. Mr. Taylor was at all times an active and untiring advocate of public improvements in the town, many of which owe their origin to him. Mr. George Wallis appointed master of the School of Design, upon the resignation of Mr. John Zephaniah Bell, January 15. Colonel John Drinkwater-Bethune, C.B., formerly captain in the 72nd Regiment of Royal Manchester Volunteers, and the author of the History of the Siege of Gibraltar, died January 16, at Thorncroft, Surrey, aged 81. Colonel Drinkwater was the son of Dr. Drinkwater, of Salford, and was born near Latchford, June 9, 1762. He received his education at the Manchester Grammar School, and at the age of fifteen entered the army, receiving a commission in the 72nd Regiment, raised in this town. Though so young an officer, he adopted the plan of keeping a faithful account of every particular connected with his military service, and especially with the memorable attack on Gibraltar. From these memoranda he was enabled, on his return home, to publish that graphic History of the Siege of Gibraltar (which has become a military classic. He wrote also an account of the battle of Cape St. Vincent, at which he was present. This contains some anecdotes of Nelson. Drinkwater was nearly, if not the last, of the surviving heroes of Gibraltar. The Rev. William Gadsby died January 27, at the age of 71. He was for 38 years minister of the Baptist Chapel, Rochdale Road. This worthy preacher occupied a very warm place in the affections of the people, and in spite of some eccentricities he was generally admired for his abilities and respected for the sincerity of his efforts to benefit those around him. Mr. Jesse Lee, of Hulme, died, February 17. He was a native of Rochdale, where he was born Jan. 4, 1791, but came to this town in early life He was particularly conversant with the history of all the old Lancashire families. He also particularly excelled in copying old prints with the pen, in such a manner as to render it difficult to distinguish the original. Mr. Lee had prepared for publication a new edition of Tim Bobbin's works, containing a great quantity of original information, as well as the addition of nearly 700 words used in this part of Lancashire. His MS. collections are now in the Manchester Free Library. He published an annotated edition of Scacombe's House of Stanley. Mr. Robert Philips, father of Mr. Mark Philips, M.P. for Manchester, died March 14. at the Park, aged Si. The father of Mr. Philips was the second of r 226 Annals of Manchester. [1844 three brothers, John, Nathaniel, and Thomas, who were all partners in business. Thomas was born in 1728, and died in 1811, at the age of 83. Sir George Philips, Bart., was his son. Nathaniel, the father of the deceased, was born in 1726, and died in 1808 ; and the subject of this notice was born April, 1760. Mr. Philips married Miss Needham, a sister of Mr. Matthew Needham, of Lenton, near Nottingham, but had long been a widower at the time of his death. Mr. Philips was one of the original founders of the Manchester Deaf and Dumb School and Asylum, to which he was a munificent contributor— indeed, there are few local charitable institutions which had not received the advantage of his counsel and contributions. He was the oldest member of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, having entered in 1783. He was also a liberal benefactor to the Manchester New College, having given upwards of £500 to that institution, of which he was president during the years 1834-1837. His remains were interred at Stand Presbyterian Chapel, March 20. The premises of the Christian Knowledge Society, in Ridgefield, were destroyed by fire, together with the stock of Bibles, &c, March 14. Mr. William Vaughan died at Manchester, March 24. He was born in 1790, and became first master of the Manchester Deaf and Dumb School. He was author of a Vocabulary for the Deaf and Dumb, March, 1828. (North of England Magazine, vol. 1, p. 98, 1842.) A man was killed at the works of the Albert Bridge, by the breaking of a beam which supported the crane used in lowering the stones into their places, March 27. Mr. John Burn, well known as the author of Bum's Commercial Glance, and formerly of Manchester, died March 27, aged 68. A grand musical festival was held at the Free Trade Hall, April 8 and 9. The borough of Salford received a charter of incorporation April 16. Mr. William Locket was appointed first mayor. The grant of heraldic arms and supporters is dated November 5 and 6. The first stone was laid of the Presbyterian (Covenanting) Church, in Ormond Street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, May 2. This was the first place of worship erected in England by this particular branch of the Scotch Presby- terians. It was designed by Mr. A. Nicholson, and is capable of seating 400 persons. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway extension line opened to Victoria Station, Hunt's Bank, May 4. The Hon. Richard Bootle-Wilbraham, M.P., eldest son of Lord Skelmers- dale, and one of the representatives in Parliament of South Lancashire, died May 5. Mr. Wilbraham was born October 27, 1801. In 1832 he married Miss Jessie Brooke, third daughter of Sir Richard Brooke, Bart., by whom he had issue several children. His eldest son succeeded as Lord Skelmersdale in 1853 and was in 1880 created Earl of Lathom. He was elected for South Lancashire in 1835. The Theatre Royal, Fountain Street, was destroyed by fire, May 7. Mr. Isaac Crewdson died May 8, aged 64. He was born at Kendal in 1780, but in early youth came to Manchester, and for many years resided at Ardwick. In 1836 he retired from business, and devoted his time and talents to the benefit of his fellow-men. In aid of this object he published an abridgment of Baxter'* X844I Annals of Manchester. 227 Saints' Best, of which 30,000 copies were circulated. In 1835 he appeared as an author. His Beacon to the Society of Friends gave rise to controversy, the result of which was that Mr. Crewdson and many of his friends withdrew them- selves from that society. He joined the communion of the Anglican Church. St. Thomas's Church, Red Bank, was consecrated, May 13. An election for South Lancashire, May 27 and 28, caused by the death of Mr. Wilbraham. The candidates were Mr. William Brown, of Liverpool, in the Free Trade interest, and Mr. William Entwisle, of Rusholme, a Conserva- tive, and the following were the numbers at the close of the poll : Mr. William Entwisle, 7,562 ; Mr. Brown, 6,984. Mr. William Mullis, for upwards of [thirty years sub-librarian at the Chetham Hospital, died June 1, aged 67. He was the author of A Brief Account of Chetham s Foundation. 7 Victoria, cap. 33. Act for opening certain streets and otherwise improving the town of Salford, and for amending an Act passed in the 11th year of His Majesty King George IV., for better cleansing and improving the said town of Salford. June 6. 7 and 8 Victoria, cap. 30. Act to alter and amend an Act of the fifty-third year of King George the HI., for the appointment of a stipendiary magistrate to act within the township of Manchester and Salford. July 4. 7 and 8 Victoria, cap. 31. Act for the warehousing of foreign goods for home consumption at the borough of Manchester. July 4. The first cargo of goods for bonding in Manchester arrived October 19, and consisted of wines and spirits, the property of Mr. Duncan Gibb, the gentleman who was the principal instigator of the Bill. The goods were conveyed by a flat called the Express. 7 and 8 Victoria, cap. 40. Act for the good government and police regula- tion of the borough of Manchester. July 4. 7 and 8 Victoria, cap. 41. Act for the improvement of the town of Man- chester. July 4. 7 and 8 Victoria, cap. 43. Act to enable the President, Treasurers, Deputy- Treasurers, Benefactors, and Subscribers, of and to the Manchester Royal Infirmary, Dispensary, and Lunatic Hospital, or Asylum to enlarge the said Infirmary, and to purchase and hold land for the erection of a new Lunatic Hospital or Asylum. July 4. 8 Victoria. Act for making a railway from the Manchester and Bolton Railway, in the Parish of Eccles, to the Parish of Whalley, to be called the Manchester, Bury, and Rossendale Railway. July 4. The tenth annual conference of the British Temperance Association was held July 9, 10, and 11. Mr. John Bright resigned the presidency, to which he had been elected in 1842. A dinner given to Mr. John Knowles, jun., at the Queen's Hotel, July 15, on which occasion his friends presented him with a handsome silver cup and two silver salvers, in acknowledgment of his energetic and successful efforts to revive the national drama in Manchester. Mr. Knowles was the lessee of the late Theatre Royal before it was bun. Act for vesting in the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Company the canal navigation from Manchester to or near Ashton-under-Lyne and Oldham. July 22. 11 and 12 Victoria, cap. 94. Act for vesting in the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Company the Sheffield Canal. July 22. 11 and 12 Victoria, cap. 101. Act to alter, amend, and enlarge the powers and provisions of the Manchester Corporation Waterworks Act, 1847. July 22. At the July sessions of the Central Criminal Court, Williams, Jones, Francis Looney, and other Chartists were tried. Mrs. Henry Burdett died at London in July. She was the elder sister (Fanny) of Charles Dickens. Her husband was a distinguished operatic singer, but having conceived conscientious objections to the stage, he settled in Man- chester as a teacher of music. Both husband and wife were members of the Congregational Church at Rusholme Road, and conductors of the choir there. They were visited by the elder Mr. and Mrs. Dickens, as well as by Charles Dickens, who, from their little deformed child Harry, took his first idea of Paul Dombey. Fanny Dickens is buried in Highgate Cemetry. (Forster's Life of Dickens ; Griffin's Memories of the Past, pp. 165-210; Dickens's Letters.) The rumours and alarming events connected with the Chartists and Irish Confederates about this time induced the magistrates of Manchester to take strong measures for breaking up the secret clubs and organisation of these two bodies. At ten o'clock on the night of August 3 a force of three hundred police constables was concentrated at the Oldham Road Station, and there formed into five divisions under the command of Captain Willis, Mr. Beswick, and the different superintendents of the Manchester force. These bodies of police- made a simultaneous visit to the Chartist clubrooms in the neighbourhood of Ancoats and Oldham Road, and arrested the following persons : James Leach, Thomas Whittaker, Henry Ellis, Daniel Donovan, John Joseph Finnigan, Patrick Devlin, Michael Corrigan, George Rogers, Thomas Rankin, Joshua Lemon, Henry Williams, George Webber, George White, Thomas Dowlin, and Samuel Kearns. The Roman Catholic Cathedral Church of St. John the Evangelist, in Salford, opened August 9. Eight Roman Catholic bishops— Dr. Briggs, Dr. Wareing, Dr. Wiseman, Dr. Brown, Dr. Morris, Dr. Sharpies, Dr. Devereux, Dr. Daniel Devereux— the Rev. Dr. Milley, the Rev. Wm. Cobb, father pro- vincial of the Society of Jesus in England, and one hundred and thirty priests, tooii t>art in the ceremonial of the clay. The Earl of Arundel and Surrey, the Hon. Charles Langdale, Count D' Alton, the Hon. Thomas Stonor, Sir William Lawson, Sir Thomas and Lady de Trafford, and a large number of Roman Catholic gentry were present. Dr. Wiseman preached. At the close of the services upwards of 300 ladies and gentlemen partook of a cold collation in the large room of the Salford Town Hall. 11 and 12 Victoria, cap. 5. Act to authorise grants in fee and leases for 1848] Annals of Manchester. 247 long terms of years, for building purposes, of the denied estate of Mr. John Newton, deceased, situate at Gorton, in the parish of Manchester. August 14. 11 and 12 Victoria, cap. 14G. Act for altering and amending an Act passed for maintaining the road from Crossfield Bridge to Manchester, and a branch connected therewith. August 14. 11 and 12 Victoria, cap. 145. Act for continuing the term of an Act passed in the eighth year of the reign of King George IV., intituled an Act for more effectually repairing and maintaining the road from Hulme across the river Irwell, through Salford, to Eccles, and a branch of road communicating there- with, so far as relates to the road from Hulme to Eccles, for the purpose of enabling the trustees to pay off the debt now due on the said roads. August 14. Alderman William Burd died at his house in Higher Broughton, August 18, aged 59. He had been one of the aldermanic body since the incorporation of the town, and in that capacity he represented successively the Cheetham and the New Cross Wards. Mr. Burd was an ardent reformer, and a zealous sup- porter of the principles of civil and religious liberty, and he took an active interest in the operations of the Anti-Corn Law League. Jenny Lind again visited the town, and appeared as Lucia, September 9th, and as Amina on the 11th. In this and in a preceding visit she was sup- psrted by F. Lablache. Forty-six Chartist leaders and orators were indicted for conspiracy, and a true bill found against the whole by the grand jury of the South Lancashire Assizes at Liverpool, and bench warrants issued for their apprehension. The best known of the prisoners was Dr. P. M. M'Douall, who was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. The remaining trials did not come on until December, when various sentences of imprisonment were passed. August 22. Robert Houdin, the conjurer, at the Theatre Royal, from August 22 to September 6. He gives a very amusing account of his first appearance in Manchester in his Memoirs, vol. ii., pp. 137-147. Mr. Russell Scott Taylor, B.A., died at his house, the Laurels, September 1G, aged 25. He was the eldest son of the late Mf. John Edward Taylor, and was one of the proprietors and editors of the Manchester Guardian, with which journal he had been actively connected since the death of his father. He was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him, for his amiable disposition and intellectual acquirements. Previous to his attendance at the London University, where he took the degree of B.A. in the session of 1845, he was honourably distinguished on various occasions at the examinations of the Man- chester College. The Duchess of Cambridge and suite visited Heaton Park, the seat of the Earl of Wilton. There was a grand review in the park of all the troops stationed at Manchester, September 22. The inscription stone of the Borough Gaol, Hyde Road, laid by Mr. Elkanah Armitage, mayor, October 9. An elegant candelabrum presented to Major-General Wemyss, at the residence of Mr. Elkanah Armitage, The Priory, Pendleton, November 8, as a public testimony of his services as military commander of the district from 1836 to 1842. 248 Annals of Manchester. [1848 Colonel George Hibbert, C.B., died in London, November 12, at the age of 56. He joined the 40th regiment (the old X L's), at Toulouse in 1814 and fought at Waterloo. Mr. Hibbert commanded his regiment in Afghanistan in 1838-42 with ability that led the Duke of Wellington to place his nephew, Dr. Hibbert- Ware's son, amongst the candidates for a commission without purchase, which he accordingly received. He was wounded in the Crimean War. Colonel Hibbert was appointed C.B. in 1842. He was buried at Ardwick Cemetery with military honours. (Life of S. Hibbert-Ware ; Falatine Note-book, vol. i., p. 37.) The Gaythorn Cotton Works, belonging to Mr. James Fernley, cotton spinner, were destroyed by fire, November 15. Damage, £21,000. Arthur Sidney Matthews, the son of Mr. Samuel Matthews, surgeon, died November 29, aged 4 years and 9 months. He was an infant prodigy, remark- able for the largeness of his body and the rapid development of his mental powers. Mr. Samuel Hibbert-Ware, M.D., died December 30. He was born at Man- chester, April 21, 1782, and was the son of Mr. Samuel Hibbert, a merchant. He achieved distinction alike as geologist and archaeologist. He served for six years as lieutenant of militia. After graduating M.D. at Edinburgh, he visited the Shetland Islands, of which he published an account in 1820. He resided for some years at Edinburgh, but the later part of his life was spent at Hale Barns near Bowdon. In 1837 he assumed, by royal licence, the name of Ware, as representative of the family of Sir James Ware, the historian of Ireland. His principal work is the History of the Collegiate Church of Manchester (forming part of the work known as the Foundations of Manchester), and the Memorials of the Rebellion of Lancashire in 1715. The Life and Corresp>on- dence of the late- Samuel Hibbert-Ware, by Mrs. Hibbert-Ware, Manchester, 1882, contains a full account of his scientific and literary labours, and much interesting information as to the affairs of the locality in the century following the rebellion of 1745. A briefer notice of him, with a portrait, is given in the Palatine Note-book, vol. i., p. 37. He is buried at Ardwick Cemetery. The Regent Bridge, Salford, which since its opening in 1808 had been a pay bridge, was made free of toll. Mr. Ernest Jones was arrested at Manchester on a charge of sedition, for the words of a speech at the Chartist meeting on Kennington Common. A large Chartist meeting held in the Hall of Science, attended by some 3,000 people. The object was to hear from Fergus O'Conor a reply to some charges made against him, in connection with the land scheme, by some of his associates and by Alexander Somerville in the Manchester Examiner. The meeting was enthusiastically in favour of O'Conor. (Gammage's History of the Chartist Movement, p. 310.) It was probably in 1848 that a small book appeared entitled Original Hymns for the Use of the People called Nazarenes, wherein the Spirituality or Lnternal Signification of the Sacred Scriptures are laid open. By J. Stuart, junior. Printed at the Nazarene office, 14, Foster Street, Ardwick. The author of this curious work is perhaps the Joseph Stuart, of Foster Street, who is described as a portrait painter in the Manchester Directory of 1S48. 1849] Annals of Manchester. 249 1849. The Salford Borough Museum and Library, Peel Park, was opened to the public, January 9. The circumstances of its foundation are detailed in Edwards's Free Town Libraries. A great meeting of the Liberal electors was held in the Free Trade Hall, January 10, for the consideration of the question of financial reform and retrenchment, and for deciding upon the best means of speedily and effectively reducing the enormous expenditure of the country. Five thousand five hundred persons were present. Messrs. Cobden, Bright, and the Hon. T. M. Gibson addressed the meeting. It was resolved to co-operate with the Liver- pool Financial Reform Association and other bodies in their efforts to reduce the expenditure to at least the standard of 1835. Three men were killed by the fall of one of the South Junction Railway arches at the bottom of Gloucester Street, behind Little Ireland. January 20. Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Arbuthnot died January 26, aged 72. He was born in 1776, entered the army as an ensign in the 29th Foot in 1794, and served in the Gape of Good Hope, in the Peninsula. He was twice wounded. He was created a K.C.B. in 1815. In 1826 he was sent to Portugal in command of a brigade. He afterwards commanded a district in Ireland, and having attained the rank of Lieutenant-General, in 1838, was appointed general in command of the Northern Midland Districts, which command he retained till his death. Sir Thomas had a considerable military reputation, and the good opinion which the Duke of Wellington entertained of his judgment and efficiency was proved by his having selected him for the newly-constituted com- mand at Manchester at a time when the Chartists were causing a good deal of anxiety in this country. A memoir of Arbuthnot will be found in the Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 2, p. 67. A banquet was held at the Free Trade Hall, January 31, in celebration of the final repeal of the Corn Laws. Upwards of three thousand persons were present, including twenty Members of Parliament and two hundred merchants and persons of influence. Mr. George Wilson presided. The new church of St. Simon, Springfield Lane, was consecrated by the Bishop of Manchester, February 26. This was the first parish church erected under Sir Robert Peel's Act. The architect was Mr. Richard Lane, and the cost was £6,010. Earl Cathcart was appointed to the military command of the Northern District, and arrived in Manchester March 1. The incumbency of the new church of St. John the Evangelist, Broughton, presented to the Rev. Frank Bovvcher Wright, of Handborough, near Oxford, by the trustees, March 2. The Manchester Exchange was opened by a full-dress ball in aid of the funds of the Public Baths and "Washhouses. March 18. A meeting, convened by the mayor, was held a1 i he Tffw n Hall " to consider the propriety of petitioning Parliament in favour of the establishment of a general system of secular education in this country, to be supported by local rates, and mana e\ local authorities elected by the ratepayers specially for that purpose.'.' March 29. 250 Annals of Manchester. [1849 Mr. George Henry Lewes was in Manchester in March and April. In addi- tion to lecturing on " Speculative Philosophy " at the Athenaeum, he appeared as Shylock, at the Theatre Royal, March 10, and in his own play, The Noble Heart, on April 16 and 19. His conception of Shylock— that of the vindication of his oppressed race — was not regarded as a success. James Robinson, "the Ebony Phenomenon," a well-known pugilist, died of cholera June 11, in his twenty-first year. He is buried in Rusholme Road Cemetery. " A real genius in his profession " is the verdict of Procter. (Our Turf, &c, p. 87.) The town was again visited by Asiatic cholera. The first death occurred in Redfern Street, Miller Street, June 11. The cholera was prevalent in September. Broughton Silk Mills, Broughton Road, completely destroyed by fire, June 16. The damage to stock and building was estimated at £40,000. Mr. Robert Rose, the " bard of colour," died in St. Stephen Street, Salford, June 19. He was a West Indian creole, born in 1806, and long resident in Manchester. He wrote The Coronation, 1838, a variety of occasional verses. Some amusing particulars are given of him in Procter's Literary Reminiscences and Lithgow's Life of J. C. Prince, p. 134. Sir Robert Peel died at his residence, Whitehall, July 2, from injuries received by a fall from his horse. He was born on the 5th of February, 1788, at Chamber Hall, Bury, near Manchester. His career belongs to English history, and it is not necessary here to detail the career of a statesman who preferred the claims of the nation to those of his party. His name will ever be associated with the Repeal of the Corn Laws, and with the establishment of Free Trade. Day and Sunday schools in connection with Cavendish Street Chapel were opened July 5. Mr. John Greaves, justice of the peace and a deputy lieutenant of the county of Lancaster, died at his residence, Irlam Hall, July 8. The Manchester Law Clerks' Friendly Society was established in July. Manchester Temperance Reporter. No. 1 of this periodical was issued in August. About a score of weekly numbers followed. It was edited by Mr. Samuel Pope (afterwards Q.C.). The contributors included Alexander Somer- ville, Edwin Waugh, J. C. Prince, and others. (City News Notes and Queries, vol. i., p. 201). The Revds. James Everett, Samuel Dunn, and William Griffiths were expelled from the Wesleyan Connexion by the Conference then sitting in Oldham Street Chapel. August. A meeting convened by the Mayor was held in the Town Hall to condemn the interference of the Russian and French Governments in the affairs of Hungary and Rome. August 9. The foundation stone of a new Wesleyan school, in connection with Ebenezer Chapel, Red Bank, was laid by Mr. Francis Parnell. August 10. The Rev. James Bardsley appointed to *-he incumbency of the new St. Philip's Church, Bradford Road, by the trustees, August 13. Colonel Walters arrived in town commissioned to undertake the command of the Royal Engineers in the Manchester district, August 21. Rev. Samuel Wood, B.A., Unitarian minister, died at London, August 23. 1849] Annals of Manchester. 251 He was born at Manchester, January 1, 1797. He was the author of Prayers for Sunday Schools, etc. ; Bible Stories, 1831 ; Scripture Geography ; The Convent and the Railway ; a Sermon, 1845. (Christian Reformer, November, 1819.) The Rev. William Shelmerdine died, August 30, aged 90. He had been for sixty years a preacher of the Gospel in connection with the Wesleyan Methodists. The foundation stone of the Temperance Hall, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, was laid by Mr. William Morris, September 1. A dreadful thunderstorm occurred in Manchester and the neighbourhood, September 1. The Episcopal Chapel in Heathfield, Greenheys, put up for sale by auction, by Mr. George Robins, of London, at £3,000, but there was not a single bid in advance, and the salii could not be effected. September 4. John Richardson, of Ardwick, was killed by being stabbed with two pieces of red-hot iron by a blacksmith named Lee, September G. The foundation stone of the Presbyterian Church and Schools, Grosvenor Square, was laid September 12. In accordance with the plan laid down by the Vice-Chancellor of England, in his decree of January 10, new trustees of the Manchester Grammar School were selected from persons residing in the town of Manchester. The following gentlemen were the members of the new trust : Sir Elkanah Armitage, Messrs. John Mayson, E. R. Langworthy, R. N. Philips, Robert Barbour, Thomas Hunter, W. B. Watkins, Oliver Heywood, C. H. Rickards, Thomas Armstrong. John Peel, and J. C. Harter. September. Mr. W. C. Macready made his farewell appearance at the Theatre Royal in the character of Hamlet on October 9. He delivered a farewell address, which was interrupted by frequent applause. On the day preceding, an address was presented to him by the Manchester Shaksperean Society. His father was lessee 1806-9. When Macready had made his name as an actor he performed in the town in 1823, 1824, 1828, 1S30, 1833-35, 1845-49. There are many references to the town in his Reminiscences. Mr. John Brooks died at his residence, Clarendon House, Cheetham Hill, Oct. 27. He was the son of Mr. Wm. Brooks, of the firm of Cunliffe and Brooks, bankers, and brother of Mr. Samuel Brooks, of Whalley House, Manchester, the successor of their father in the bank. He was born at Whalley in 1786, and began business as a calico printer in 1S09, in partnership with Mr. Butterworth Mr. Brooks's experience gave him an advantage in the discussion of commercial politics over men more practised in eloquence — as, for instance, his examinat ion of Lord Stanley, at Lancaster, in 1841, silenced his lordship on mercantile statistics for several years after. His mode of speaking, and embodying his speeches with facts, was original and forcible, and strikingly characteristic of the blunt plainness and truthfulness of the man. He was one of the earliest and most zealous members of the Council of the Anti-Corn-Law League, and till its dissolution continued to be one of the hardest workers. In May, is is. being impaired in health, by the unresting strain upon his physical and mental energies, he went for change to the United States, but returned without deriving permanent benefit. lie was not only liberal with his purse and his 252 Annals of Manchester. 11850 personal services for favourite political measures and men, but tolerant of other men's opinions. He was remarkably generous to his dependents. On one occasion, information reached him that he had lost the sum of £70,000, lent to a person who seemed to have large property, and who assured him it was unin- cumbered. It turned out that the property was mortgaged to its full amount when the assurance was made. Mr. Brooks went to his warehouse chagrined, and told his manager that he had been so deceived that he was resolved to cease to lend money — to stop his charities— and spend nothing. While he was yet speaking, a woman with some ragged children were observed in the passage. Apparently unconscious of what he had said, he ordered a shilling to be given. The clerk reminded him of his resolution. " Well, well," said he, " but don't begin with this woman and her children." He never did begin such a change Death only closed the charities of a life that was as benevolent as it was manly and upright. Mr. John Isherwood died, October 29. He was possessed of a pure bass voice of rare compass, a refined taste, and correct judgment, and lacked nothing but the necessary practice to place him in the highest rank of vocalists. He was among the best glee singers of his day, and for many years devoted himself gratuitously to the services of the Choral Society and Glee Club of this town. Mr. Benjamin Rawlinson Faulkner died in London. He was born at Man- chester in 17S7, where he was a portrait painter, and exhibited at the Royal Academy. Harriet Martineau visited Manchester, and was the guest of Mr. S. D. Darbishire. {Autobiography, vol. iii., p. 354.) 1850. A lady, named Novelli, residing in Higher Broughton, was murdered by her brother-in-law, Mr. A. Novelli, who was insane, and who afterwards hung himself from the bed-post. January 20. A meeting of the Financial and Parliamentary Reform Association was held in the Free Trade Hall, January 29, under the presidency of Mr. G. Wilson. A hurricane of a more destructive nature than any known in England for many years visited this neighbourhood, February 5. A fire at All Saints' Church, Oxford Road, destroyed the greater part of the structure, February 6. The fire arose from the burning of Christmas decorations in the stove. Some embers lodging in the flue are thought to have set fire to the wooden workplate. The damage caused was between £3,000 and £4,000. An engraving of the disaster is given in the Illustrated London News, Febru- ary 16. The church was reopened September 26. Temperance Reporter and Journal of Useful Literature, No. 1, February 9. Five or six numbers appeared. The editors were Samuel Pope and Joseph Johnson. (City News Notes and Queries, vol. i., p. 201.) Bateman's Buildings, Deansgate, were destroyed by fire, March 9. The damage was estimated at £2,000. The Manchester Poor Law Union dissolved March 25. It was replaced by a Board of Guardians elected annually. The first election was in May. 1850] Annals of Manchester. 253 Lord John Russell and Lady Russell visited Manchester, April 2. During their stay of four days they visited the principal works, and addresses were presented to them by the Corporations of Manchester and Salford. They were the guests of Sir Benjamin Heywood, Bart., Claremont. St. Philip's Church, Bradford, was consecrated by Bishop Lee, April 5. The architect was Mr. E. H. Shellard, and the cost of erection £4,230. It has 1060 sittings. The Hall of Science, Campfield, purchased by Alderman John Potter (Mayor of Manchester), for £1,200, for the purpose of a Free Library. April. Mr. Francis Philips died May 6. He was born at Manchester, September 27, 1771. He was the author of History of Johnny Shuttle and his Cottage : a Tale Interesting to the Inhabitants of Manchester, 1809; Exposure of the Calum- nies against the Magistrates and Yeomanry, 1819, &c. (Gentleman's Maga- zine, August, 1850, p. 217.) The North of England Tulip and Horticultural Show held in the Corn Exchange, May 28. This is said to have been the first show of the kind held in Manchester. The Orion steamship was wrecked on her passage from Liverpool to Glasgow, when Mr. John Roby, of Rochdale (author of the Traditions of Lan- cashire), and 40 other persons were lost. A narrative of this disaster was published, written by the Rev. Joseph Clarke, M.A., of Stretford, one of the survivors. June. A meeting was held in the Town Hall, July 8, for the purpose of considering the propriety of a monument in memory of Sir Robert Peel. Mr. Benjamin Stott died at Manchester, July 26. He was born at Man- chester, November 24, 1813, and after being educated at Chetham's College was apprenticed to a bookbinder, in which trade he worked all his life. He was author of Songs for the Million (with memoir), Middleton, 1843. Two sermons were preached in St. John's Catholic Church, Salford, July 28, by Dr. Wiseman, previous to his setting out for Rome to receiye a cardinal's hat from the Pope. 13 and 14 Victoria, cap. 41. Act to authorise the division of the parish of Manchester in several parishes, and for the application of the revenues of the Collegiate and Parish Church, and for other purposes. July 29. Rev. Robinson Elsdale, D.D. (Oxford, 1S3S), died at Wrington, August 8, aged 67. Dr. Elsdale was the son of Captain Robinson Elsdale, the hero and partly the author of Captain Marryat's Privatcersman. Dr. Elsdale was born March 26, 1783, and became second master and in 1838, or 1837, head master of the Manchester Free Grammar School, but failing health compelled Ids retire- ment in 1840. In addition to his scholastic work Dr. Elsdale performed that of a parisli priest, having been successively curate of Cheetham Hill and Chorlton, and from 1819 to his death was incumbent of Stretford. (Manchester School Hcgister, vol. iii., p. 8.) 13 and 14 Victoria. Act to enable the Council of the borough of Manchester to determine their liability to defray the expenses of customs in respect of goods warehoused in the said borough, and to authorise the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to direct the discunt inuanee of the further warehousing of goods in such warehouses without payment of duty. August 1 I. 254 Annals of Manchester. [i850 The seventh meeting of the British Archaeological Association was held in the Town Hall, August 19, and five following days. Mr. James Heywood, M.P., F.R.S., and F.S.A., presided. Mr. Charles Kenworthy died July 31. He was born in Manchester, Sept. 12, 1773, and was a pattern-maker by trade. His first poetical fancies were printed in the Manchester Gazette. In 1808 he published a pamphlet of poetry and politics, entitled A Peep into the Temjrfe. This was followed by other small ventures. In 1847 he issued his scattered verses under the title of Original Poems on Miscellaneous Subjects. He is buried at Rusholme Road Cemetery, and on his gravestone is the epitaph, " Here slumbers Sorrow's child." (Proc- ter's Reminiscences, p. 108.) Mr. A. J. Scott, Professor of English Language in the London University, was appointed first principal of the Owens College, October 22. A conference of delegates, from various parts of England, on Secular Education, held in the Mechanics' Institution, Cooper Street, October 30. A public meeting, in connection with Secular Education, was held in the Corn Exchange, Hanging Ditch, October 31. At a conference of the Lancashire Public School Association, November 1, the name of the association was changed to the National Public Schools Association. The Royal Museum in Peel Park formally opened by the Mayor of Salford, in the presence of Mr. Joseph Brotherton, M.P., and other influential gentle- men, November 4. The National Public Schools Association held its first meeting under its new name, November 4. At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, November 7, it was resolved to send out Mr. Alexander Mackay on a mission to India, to ascertain the real obstacles preventing an ample supply of cotton from that country. The Protestant inhabitants of Manchester held a meeting in the Free Trade Hall, November 21, to consider what steps should be taken in regard to the territorial designations adopted by the Roman Catholic prelates. The action of the Papacy was denounced as an unwarrantable aggression, and the Ecclesi. astical Titles Bill was passed in hot haste. The Church Reform Association dissolved November 24. It was formed March 12, 1847. Mr. Thomas Wilson died at Woodhouses, November, aged 62. He was a silk weaver at Middleton, who engaged in discussion with Richard Carlile and other Freethinkers. Wilson was a Swedenborgian, and shortly before his death gave a series of theological lectures in Hulme, which have been printed. {The Daivn, July 17, 1884.) The extension of the Manchester Exchange was completed in November. The cost was £86,000. Mr. William Sturgeon died Dec. 8. He was born in 1783, at Lancaster where his father was an idle shoemaker. At one time he was an artilleryman, and a terrific thunderstorm turned his curiosity in the direction of electrical science, and his discoveries were of great importance. He was "without doubt the originator of the electro-magnet." He came to Manchester in 1838 to super- intend the Victoria Gallery of Practical Science, which failed. Throughout his 1351] Annals of Manchester. 255 life, labour and poverty were his lot, and at last a Government pension of £50 was granted to him, but he only enjoyed it for a year and a quarter. He founded and conducted the Annals of Electricity, in ten volumes. In 1S49 his scientific papers were collected in a large quarto volume. (Smith's Centenary, p. 266.) The Hon. Abbott Lawrence, United States Minister, visited Manchester, December 16. A ball in aid of the Salford and Pendleton Dispensary realised £764. The Manchester Borough Gaol, in Hyde Road, was completed. Springfield Lane Bridge was built. A fire occurred at Messrs. Westhead and Co.'s, Piccadilly. A fireman was killed, and another died shortly afterwards, from the injuries he received. The damage was estimated at £90,000. The private carriages in Manchester and Salford numbered 1,009, drawn by 1,300 horses. There were 64 omnibuses, drawn by 387 horses ; 974 horses for riding, and 2,108 draught horses ; 187 hackney coaches and cabs, drawn by 408 horses— making a total of 1,260 public and private vehicles, drawn by 3,877 horses. A Chartist meeting was held in the People's Institute, at which it was resolved to adopt a proposal of O'Conor's for a conference to be held in this city on New Year's Day following. This suggestion had been opposed by Mr. Ernest Jones, who lectured frequently in Manchester at this time. 1851. A meeting was held in the Mechanics' Institution, January 2, to consider the subject of co operation and associative labour. The Kev. T. G. Lee pre- sided, and the Kev. F. T. Maurice, Mr. Thomas Hughes, Mr. Lloyd Jones, and others addressed the gathering. The model statuettes sent in competition for the monument to Sir Robert Peel were exhibited in the Royal Institution, January 3. The mill of Messrs. "Wallace, Watchurst, and Thompson, in Chepstow Street, was destroyed by fire, January 10. The damage was about £30,000. Canon Stowell delivered a lecture on the Papal Aggression, in the Free Trade Hall, January 16. Two floors fell in the warehouse of Messrs. Ormrod and Hardcastle, in Pall Mall, January 20, and caused serious damage. The Oddfellows' Secular School in Faulkner Street was established, Jan. 20. Mr. Robert Thorpe, surgeon to the Manchester Infirmary, died January 21, aged 63. He was a son of J. Thorpe, surgeon. Mr. J. S. Heron, late secretary to the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, died January 25. ( The Cbartist Conference was held January 26, but only four localities were represented. Sir Henry R. Bishop gave two lectures on music, in the large room of the Town Hall, February 11 and 13. A boiler explosion occurred on the premises of Mr. C. Hunt, Miller's Lane, Greengate, Salford, February 20. A public meeting of working men was held in the Free Library (late Hall 256 Annals of Manchester. [1851 of Science), Campfleld, February 26, for the purpose of hearing an explanation of the origin and progress of the institution, &c. A fox was caught in a lane adjoining Peel Park, Salford, February 27, having been hunted by men and dogs out of the park. Dr. R. G. Latham commenced a course of lectures at the Royal Institution on " The Ethnology of the British Colonies and Dependencies." February 28. About 280 of the seamen who were "on strike" at Liverpool visited this town, March 5. The Owens College was opened March 12. It was founded, in accordance with the will of Mr. John Owens, for the education of young persons of the male sex in such branches of learning and science as were then and may be hereafter usually taught in the English Universities. The first principal was Mr. A. J. Scott, and the first home of the college was in a house at the junction of Quay Street and Byrom Street. A boiler explosion occurred at the steam sawmills of Mr. Thomas "William- son, in Riga Street, March 25. Nine persons were killed. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of manslaughter against the owner and his engineer, Thomas Egerton, April 10. Mr. "W. B. Carpenter, M.D., commenced a course of lectures in the Royal Institution on " Microscopic Research." March 28. According to the return of the Parliamentary census, issued March 31, the borough of Manchester contained 303,358 inhabitants. By the same return there were 53,697 houses, and the annual value of property was given at £1,204,241. At the Chartist Convention, which met 31st March, in London, Manchester was represented by Mr. Feargus O'Conor, M.P., and Mr. G. J. Mantle. Samuel ("Sam") Rutter died, April 12, at his birthplace, Bank Top, in the 28th year of his age. He was a pugilist, of whom Bell's Life remarked : " Sam has fought twenty battles in the P.R., and never lost the battle money." He is buried in Rusholme Road Cemetery. (Procter's Our Turf, Sec, p. 71.) A great meeting in the Free Trade Hall was held on Parliamentary Reform, April 19. Mr. G. Wilson presided. Captain James "West, of the American steamship Atlantic, was enter- tained at dinner at the Albion Hotel, April 19. Greenheys United Presbyterian School was opened April 20. Mr. George Dawson, M.A., of Birmingham, delivered the first of a course of lectures at the Mechanics' Institution on "The Mythology of Nations." April 25. The Methodist New Connexion Chapel, Bury New Road, Strangeways, was opened April 26. The foundation stone of St. Paul's Church, Kersal Moor, was laid by Colonel Clowes, April 2S. A meeting was held in the Town Hall, King Street, April 30, for the pur- pose of advocating a half -holiday for milliners and dressmakers. The bishop presided. The Diocesan Church Building Society was instituted May 1. Mr. Henry Day died May 1. He was a surgeon, and took a warm interest in the Mechanics' Institute, of which he was a director and honorary secretary. 1S51] Annals of Manchester. 257 14 Victoria, cap. 10. Act for relief to the several townships in the parish of Manchester from the repair of highways not situate within such townships respectively. May 20. The Manchester Jews' School, Cheetham Hill Road, inaugurated May 22. The foundation stone was laid of a Baptist Chapel in Great George Street, Salford, May 29. Mr. George Viney died, May. He was born in Brownlow Street, Drury Lane, London, in 1774, and after an adventurous life as a sailor, he settled in Man- chester, where he died, an earnest member of the congregation of Rev. William Gadsby, whose Calvinistic doctrines he had adopted in their extremest form. He saw the famous sinking of the French ship " Vengeur." Previous to the building of the Salford Dispensary, Viney practised medicine, for which he had no doubt that his seafaring life and carpenter's trade had excellently prepared him. The story of his career is told in autobiographical form in The Sailor, the Sinner, the Saint: The JS/otable and Eventful Life of George Viney, late of Manchester (London, 1853). This was edited from his papers by John Bosworth. He is buried in Irwell Street Chapel graveyard. 14 Victoria, cap. 41. Act to continue the term of the Act of the sixth year of George IV., cap. 51 (local), so far as relates to the turnpike road between Manchester and Audenshaw, in the parish of Ashton-under-Lyne, and to make better provision for the repair of the road, and for other purposes. June 5. The foundation stone of St. Mark's Church, City Road, Hulme, was laid, June 16, by Mr. John Sharp. The consecration took place on Ascension Day, May 10, 1852. The architect was Mr. E. H. Shellard, of Manchester. The ecclesiastical district of St. Mark's was formed in 1846 under " Peel's Act." The church was the first erected after the passing of the Manchester Rectory Division Act. A storm of thunder and lightning visited the neighbourhood June 22. Charlotte Bronte paid a two-days' visit to Manchester at the end of June. staying with Mr. Gaskell. (See under date April, 1S53.) A meeting was held in the Town Hall, July 17, to memorialise the Foreign Secretary for the exertion of his influence for the liberation of Kossuth. 14 and 15 Victoria, cap. 79. Act for the further amendment of the Acts relal Lng to the Manchester Corporation Waterworks. July 21. Cardinal Wiseman consecrated two Roman Catholic bishops in St. John's. Salford, July 25. The bishops elect were Rev. Dr. Turner, St. Augustine's, ami Rev. Dr. Errington, St. John's, Salford. The Teetotaller, edited by Joseph Johnson. The price of this monthly was one halfpenny, hut it came to an end in July, when nearly forty pounds had b en lost by the venture. {City News Notes and Queries, vol. i.. p. H(i-!.> 11 and 15 Victoria, cap. 119. Act for paving, lighting, cleansing, and other- wise improving the several townships and places in the borough <>f Man- chester, and amending and consolidating the provisions of existing local Acl - relating thereto. August 1. Thunderstorms, accompanied by heavy showers of rain, visited this neigh- bourhood, August 6. Mr. Joseph Adshead's plan of Manchester, showing the municipal divisions, in 24 maps, was completed. August 9. It 258 Annals of Manchester. [1851 Mr. John Elliott Drinkwater Bethune died at Calcutta, August 12. He was eldest son of Colonel John Drinkwater Bethune, and was born 12th July, 1801, and educated at Cambridge. He was called to the bar, and in 1848 was appointed fourth ordinary member of the Supreme Council of India. Tbis office he retained until his death. His greatest achievement in India was the establishment of a school in European hands for native females of the higher classes. He was author of The Maid of Orleans, translated from Schiller, Svo, 1835 ; and Specimens of Swedish and German Poetry Translated. A soiree of the friends of the Manchester and Salford Boroughs Educational Bill, in the Town Hall, August 28. Eifty-two Sardinian workmen visited Manchester, September 14, 15, and 16. Presentation of a service of plate of the value of 1,000 guineas to Mr. John Potter, Mayor of Manchester. September 22. A deputation of the National Parliamentary and Financial Reform Asso- ciation held a meeting in the Free Trade Hall, September 27. The inaugural address of Mr. A. J. Scott, as Principal of Owens College, was delivered in the large room of the Town Hall, October 3. The Liverpool and Manchester Agricultural Society held their show at Manchester, October 8. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert visited Manchester, October 10. The Royal party stayed at Worsley New Hall, where they arrived October 9. In her diary for that date the Queen says : " From one o'clock in the morning Albert was very unwell— very sick and wretched— and I was terrified for our Man- chester visit. Thank God ! by eight o'clock he felt much better, and was able to get up. ... At ten we started for Manchester. The day was fine and mild and everything to a wish. Manchester is called seven miles from Worsley, but I cannot think it is so much. We first came to Pendleton, where, as everywhere else, there are factories, and great preparations were made. School children were there in profusion. We next came to Salford, where the crowd became very dense. It joins Manchester, and is to it, in fact, as Westminster to London. . . . The mechanics and workpeople, dressed in their best, were ranged along the streets, with white rosettes in their button- holes ; both in Salford and Manchester a very intelligent but painfully unhealthy-looking population they all were, men as well as women. We went into Peel Park before leaving Salford, the mayor having got out and received us at the entrance, where was indeed a most extraordinary and, I suppose, totally unprecedented sight— S2,000 school children, Episcopalians, Presby- terians, Catholics (these children having a small crucifix suspended round their necks), Baptists, and Jews (whose faces told their descent), with their teachers. In the middle of the park was erected a pavilion, under which we drove, but did not get out, and where the address was read. All the children sang "God Save the Queen" extremely well together, the director being placed on a very high stand, from which he could command the whole park. We passed out at the same gate we went in by, and through the principal street of Salford, on to Manchester, at the entrance of which was a magnificent arch. The mayor, Mr. Potter, who went through the proceedings with great com- posure and self-possession, beautifully dressed (the mayor and Corporation bad till now been too Radical to have robes), received us there, and presented me 1851] Annals of Manchester. 259 with a beautiful bouquet. We drove through the principal streets, in which there are no very fine buildings— the principal large houses being warehouses — and stopped at the Exchange, where we got out and received the address, again on a throne, to which I read an answer. The streets were immensely full, and the cheering and enthusiasm most gratifying. The order and good behaviour of the people, who were not placed behind any barriers, were the most complete we have seen in our many progresses through capitals and cities — London, Glasgow, Dublin, Edinburgh, &c. — for there never was a run- ning crowd. Nobody moved, and therefore everybody saw well, and there was no squeezing. We returned as we came, the sun shining brightly, and were at Worsley by two." The next day Her Majesty wrote in her diary : " The mayor (now Sir John Potter, he having been knighted after presenting the Manchester address) told me last night that he thinks we saw a million of people between Manchester and Salford. There are 400,000 inhabitants in Manchester, and everyone says that in no other town could one depend so entirely upon the quiet and orderly behaviour of the people as in Manchester. You had only to tell them what ought to be done, and it was sure to be carried out." On the 11th of October the Queen passed through Manchester on her Avay from Worsley to the south. (Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, vol. ii., chap. 43.) A grand ball in honour of the Queen's visit was given in the Royal Exchange, October 13. Mrs. Bexter, an American lady, delivered a lecture on " Bloomerism and Dress Reform," in the Mechanics' Institution, October 16. The furniture, decorations, &c, used on the occasion of the Queen's visit were sold, October 29, and realised £328. The original cost was £800. Louis Kossuth, ex-Governor of Hungary, visited Manchester, November 11, and was received with the acclamations of the people. The Earl of Shaftesbury visited Manchester, November 20. An address was presented to him by the factory operatives for his own services in the passing of the Ten Hours Bill. Messrs. Richard Birley, John Morley, and Thomas Clegg, ex-churchwardens of Manchester, were presented with a service of plate, in recognition of services rendered in obtaining the Parish of Manchester Division Act. The presenta- tion was made at a dinner at the Queen's Hotel, November 23. Mr. Peter Clare, F.R.A.S., died November 24. He was born in Manchester, and in 1810 became a member of the Literary and Philosophical Society, and soon became a member of Council. In 1841 he became F.R.A.S. He was an active opponent of slavery, and was a member of the Society of Friends, in whose burying-ground in Mount Street lie was buried. lie wrote a number of scientific papers. (Literary and Philosophical Society Translations, 2nd ser., vol. x., p. 203.) A meeting of the General Council of the National Public Schools Associa- tion was held, December 1. A meeting of tin- friends of the Manchester and Salford Educational Bill was held in the Free Trade Sail, December 2. A conference and public meeting on the s-ubject of Parliamentary reform was held, December 3. 260 Annals of Manchester. [1852 A conference of delegates was held at the Spread Eagle, December 3, to consider the proposed Reform Bill of Lord John Russell. A public meeting in the Free Trade Hall, December 3, declared in favour of household suffrage, triennial Parliaments, redistribution of seats, and the ballot. A deputation from the Manchester and Salford Committee of Education waited upon Lord John Russell, December 4, in reference to the Education Bill. The total number of day scholars in Manchester and Salford was 33,663. December. The population of the municipal borough of Manchester at the sixth census was 303,382, and that of the Parliamentary borough 316,213. The population of municipal Salford was 63,850, and of Parliamentary Salford 85,108. 1852. A meeting of the unemployed machinemen and labourers was held in the People's Institute, Heyrod Street, Ancoats, January 19. A meeting was held in the Town Hall in advocacy of an ocean penny postage, January 20. The project was explained by Mr. Elihu Burritt, "the learned blacksmith," and received warm approval. A meeting, presided over by Mr. George Wilson, was held in Newall's Buildings, to consider the proposals of the Government for Parliamentary reform. January 20. A meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall, to petition against the Govern- ment grant to Maynooth, January 22. Father Gavazzi delivered several orations at the Free Trade Hall. January. In consequence of heavy rains having fallen for several days, the rivers overflowed their banks, February 5, causing considerable damage. Lower Broughton Road, Great Clowes Street, Hough Lane, and other streets in the neighbourhood were flooded, and their inhabitants on returning from work had to be taken home in boats. The lower part of Peel Park was covered with water to a depth of four feet. The Medlock, Irk, Mersey, Goyt, and Black Brook also overflowed and did considerable damage. A Musical Festival in the Free Trade Hall began February 23, and lasted five days ; after which the hall was closed previous to being pulled down to make room for the new Free Trade Hall. A public meeting was held in the Town Hall, February 26, to take into consideration the relief of the sufferers by the Holmfirth catastrophe. A subscription was commenced at this meeting. In consequence of fears that the Conservative Government would resort to Protectionist measures, a meeting of the Council of the Anti-Corn-Law League was held in Newall's Buildings, March 2. Mr. G. Wilson was in the chair, and the subscriptions promised amounted to £27,520. A meeting of the Council of the League was held in Newall's Buildings, March 2. Mr. George Wilson presided, and it was resolved to reconstitute the Anti-Corn-Law League, under the rules and regulations by which that body was formerly organised, and £27,700 was subscribed, within half-an-hour, by the meeting towards carrying out the objects of the revived league. Among the speakers were Messrs. R. Cobden, M.P., T. Milner Gibson, M.P., James 1352] Annals of Manchester. 201 Hey wood, M.P., Alderman Harvey, John Bright, M.P., Henry Ash worth, and James Kershaw, M.P. A great fire occurred at Messrs. Cooper Brothers, patent candle manu- facturers, Hatton's Court, Chapel Street, Salford, April 13. Mr. Thomas Ingham died, April 26, aged 50 years. He was the son of a Wesleyan minister, and was educated at the Edinburgh University, and owing to his scanty means passed three of the vacations as surgeon to a whaling vessel. He settled in practice at North Shields, but lost the modest fortune he had amassed, and Avith broken health came to Manchester as the resident medical officer of the Fever Hospital. He had been three years resident at the time of his death. He is buried at Ardwick Cemetery. The Peel statue, in Peel Park, Salford, was inaugurated May 8. A public meeting was held in the Corn Exchange, May 20, and adopted a memorial to the Queen for the periodical inspection of nunneries. St. Paul's Church, Kersal, consecrated by Bishop Lee, May 29. E. H. Shellard was the architect, and the cost of erection £5,000. Signor Giuseppe Lunardini, an aeronaut, was killed during an ascent from Belle Vue Gardens, June 3. Mr. John Knowles allowed the gratuitous use of the Theatre Royal for six nights' performances, and having paid all expenses, the gross receipts were given to the local charities. A committee was formed, and this Dramatic Festival commenced on June 7. Among tbe performers, who gave their services gratuitously, were Miss Helen Faucit and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dillon. The total receipts were £970. Lady Potter, widow of Sir Thomas Potter, died June 19. She was the daughter of Mr. Thomas Bay ley, of Booth Hall, and was born March 1, 1777. The town and neighbourhood were visited by a severe thunderstorm, June 21. Mr. Cyrus Armitage died at his house, in Ormond Street, on June 24, aged 71. He was born at Failsworth, and was a cotton manufacturer in Dukinfield. He wrote Some Account of the Family of the Armitagcs, from 1G62 to the present time, London, 1850; and also the hymn commencing "When sickness, sorrow, grief, and care." (Christian Reformer, 1852, p. 515.) Mrs. Cyrus Armitage died April 14, aged 72. Their son, Cyrus Armitage, junior, late of Ceylon, died at his father's house, on December 14, aged 31. Mr. Thomas Wilson died July 6. He was the son of Michael Wilson (see under date February 27, 1810), and was educated at Chetham College. He was apprenticed to a firm of smallware manufacturers. In 1S28 he went into part- nership with his brother William, as manufacturers of hat trimmings. The firm failed in 1812, but eventually paid a good dividend. He was the most able and prolific song writer of his family. (Ilarland's Soikjs of tin Wil.suns.) Mr. John Bright and the Right Hon. Thomas Milner Gibson were elected as members of Parliament for Manchester; and Mr. Joseph Brotherton was elected member for Salford. July 8. A Vegetarian banquet was held in the Salford Town Hall, July 22. Mr. James Simpson presided. Four men were killed in Ridgeway Street, Bradford Road, during a terrific thunderstorm, August 10. 262 Annals of Manchester. [1852 Richard Davies died August 10, aged 56. He is buried at Harpurhey Cemetery. His fight with Young Dutch Sam in 1827 made him famous, though he was defeated. In his later years he kept the Coach and Horses in Todd Street, where Brassey, the pugilist, died suddenly in 1845. At the poll for the establishment of a Free Library, taken August 14, the adoption of the Act was sanctioned. Only forty adverse votes were cast. A grand banquet was held at the Athenaeum, in aid of the Guild of Litera- ture and Art, August 31. Sir E. B. Lytton, Messrs. Charles Dickens, Charles Knight, and James Crossley were amongst the speakers. A marble statue of the late Mr. Thomas Fleming was erected in the Cathedral, to commemorate his long and valuable services in promoting the improvement and prosperity of the town. September 14. At a meeting held in the Town Hall, September 28, a resolution was adopted to erect a statue of the Duke of Wellington in Manchester. The medals awarded at the Great Exhibition to the Manchester exhibitors were distributed. September. The Manchester Public Free Library, Campfield, opened. This library was established by public subscription in the third year of the mayoralty of Mr. John Potter, who was the most active person in its formation. The building, originally known as the Hall of Science, was built by the working classes at an outlay of more than £5,000, but was purchased with freehold for its present use for the sum of £2,147, which, with an additional outlay of £4,816 6s. 2d. for repairs, alterations, and furnishing, made a total of £6,963 6s. 2d. The number of volumes in the reference department at the time of opening was 16,013, and in the lending department 5,300, making a total of 21,300 in the library. Mr. Edward Edwards, of the British Museum, was appointed librarian. A meeting of the friends of the Irish Church Missions to the Roman Catholics was held in the Corn Exchange, October 5. The twelfth annual meeting of the Manchester and Salford Protestant and Reformation Society was held in the Free Trade Hall, October 21. A grand banquet of the Free Traders and Reformers was held in the Free Trade Hall, November 2. A severe shock of earthquake was felt in Manchester and the neighbourhood, November 9. Sir Thomas Joseph de Trafford, first Baronet, died November 10. He was buried at the Manchester Cathedral, November 19, and succeeded by his son Sir Humphrey de Trafford. Mr. John Easby died November IS, aged 40. He was a frequent contributor to periodicals, and had in his time played many parts as journalist, actor, and local preacher. Some details of his career are given in his Scenes from the Life, of a Green-Coated Schoolboy, 1851. (Procter's Manchester Streets, p. 224.) He is buried at Ardwick Cemetery, Rev. George Benjamin Sandford, M.A., died at Southport, December 9. He was born at Manchester, January 19, 1811, being the youngest son of William Sandford. (See under date 1821.) After attending the Grammar School he went to Brasenose College, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. on May 9, 1833, and M.A. on March 10, 1836. Mr. Sandford was Hulmeian Exhibitioner in 1832, and in 1835 became curate to Rev. T. Blackburne, successively Vicar of Eccles 1853] Annals of Manchester. 263 and Prestwich. In 1840 he was presented to the perpetual curacy of Church Minshull, Cheshire. Mr. Sandford was author of a number of religious works, and also of a history of his parish of Church Minshull, which is a model of what a country parson could do towards a complete history of places and families. Mr. Sandford married Felicia, daughter of the Rev. J. Smith, D.D. One son, a clergyman, survived him. New bye-laws for the regulation of hackney carriages within the borough of Manchester came into operation, December 10. New omnibuses were introduced, which were larger and more commodious than those previously in use. They were without doors, and were drawn by three horses abreast. A conference, to consider the re-organisation of the Chartist body, sat for five days at Manchester, which was represented by William Grocott and E. Clark Cropper. Richard Baines, author of Budget of Comicalities, died about 1852. (Procter's Manchester Streets.) 1853. The Manchester and Salford "Waterworks Company dissolved, January 4. A public dinner was given in the Town Hall to the Hon. J. R. Ingersoll, American Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of St. James's, January 7. A meeting of the Peace Society was held in the Free Trade Hall, January 28, Mr. George Wilson in the chair. The trustees of the Manchester Infirmary held a meeting respecting the site for the Peel statue, February 3. A Social Reform and Free Trade soiree was held in the Free Trade Hall, February 3. The foundation stone of a new chapel connected with the Manchester Domestic Mission laid on the west side of Rochdale Road, February 14. Mr. John Bill died at Farley, Staffordshire, February 16. He was the son of Mr. John Bill, one of the surgeons to the Infirmary, and was educated at the Grammar School. He was a barrister, but did not practice, and having inherited an estate from his uncle, was noted for his charity and also for his eccentricity. He wrote The English Party's Excursion to Paris, to which is added a Trip to America, 1850. The shop of Mr. Howard, jeweller, Market Street, was robbed at mid-day, March 7. Another extensive robbery committed at the shop of Mr. Ollivant, jeweller, corner of Exchange Street, March 9. I Manchester was created a city by Royal charter, March 29. Charlotte Bronte visited Manchester and stayed with her friend Mrs. Gaskell, at the close of April. Mrs. Gaskcll has left an interesting account of the susceptibility to music, and of the nervous dread of strangers, which she showed. (Gaskell's Life of Bronte.) " William Starkie, actor, died April 10, 1853, aged 51," is the epitaph in Harpurhey Cemetery on the grave of a warper, who was a favourite strolling performer. Procter has given a notice of him in Our Turf, Stage, mid Ring, p. 25. The ratepayers of the townshio of Broughton held a meeting at the Griffin 264 Annals of Manchester. [1853 Inn, Lower Broughton, April 20, to consider the bill for incorporating the townships of Broughton and Pendleton with that of Salford. A bazaar was opened in the Exchange Rooms, April 26, in aid of the fund for promoting the ocean penny postage. Cardinal Wiseman gave a lecture on Art, in the Corn Exchange, April 27. The Northern and Midland Counties Chess Association held a meeting in the Exchange, May 6. The United Kingdom Alliance for the total and immediate suppression of the Liquor Traffic was formed June 1. The inaugural meeting was held October 26. The movement did not at first command the adhesion of even teetotallers, but its growth has since been very remarkable. Its founder was Nathaniel Card, who died March 22, 1856 (see under that date). The secretary appointed was Mr. Thomas Holliday Barker, who was born at Peterborough, July 6, 1818, and was apprenticed to a wine and spirit merchant, but after hearing a lecture by John Cassell, the Manchester Carpenter, in 1836, he signed the pledge. He has lived in Manchester since 1844. A conversazione was held at the Athenaeum, June 1, "for the purpose of arriving at some safe conclusion about table turning." The Rev. H. H. Jones presided, and Dr. Braid, after a series of experiments had been gone through, expressed his belief that the turning of the tables was to be explained by Dr. W. B. Carpenter's theory of idea meter power. A public meeting held in the Town Hall, June 8, to hear addresses from several gentlemen on the Wesleyan "mediation movement," which had for its object to explain the differences between the Conference and the reformers and the efforts that had been made to heal them. 16 and 17 Victoria. Act to authorise the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the City of Manchester to make certain new streets, and to amend the Acts relating to the said city, and for other purposes. June 8. 16 "Victoria, cap. 32. Act for the extension of the boundaries of the Municipal Borough of Salford, and for other purposes. June 14. Mr. Thomas Jarrold, M.D., died at Greenhill Street, Greenheys, June 24. He was born in 1769, and was the author of Dissertations on Man, in answer to Malthus, 1806 : Instinct and Reason, 1836 ; Anthropologia, &c. He is buried in the Congregational graveyard, Grosvenor Street, PiccadiHy. 16 and 17 Victoria, cap. 102. Act to repeal an Act for making and main- taining a road from the top of Hunt's Bank, in the town of Manchester, to join the Manchester and Bury turnpike road in Pilkington, in the county of Lancaster, and to substitute other provisions in lieu thereof. July 8. A meeting was held in the Corn Exchange, July 27, presided over by Mr. R. N. Philips, at which petitions were adopted in favour of the Sunday opening of the Crystal Palace. Mr. Salis Schwabe died at Glyn Garth, on the Menai Straits, July 23, in his 54th year. He was buried at Harpurhey Cemetery July 30, and was followed to the grave by the Bishop of Manchester and many of the leading persons of the city. 16 and 17 Victoria, cap. 135. Act for more effectually repairing and improving several roads leading to and from the town of Salford, through Pendleton, and other places in the county of Lancaster. August 4. 1854] Annals of Manchester. 265 16 and 17 Victoria, cap. 122. Act to render valid certain marriages in the Church of the Holy Trinity in the township of Hulme and parish of Manchester. August 20. Mr. George Bradshaw died at Christiania, Norway, September 6, aged 53. He was the head of the firm of Bradshaw and Blacklock, publishers of the Railway Guides which have given the name of the benevolent Quaker printer world-wide currency. The cause of his death was an attack of cholera. Mr. J. B. Gough lectured in the Lever Street Chapel, September 22. The district suffered from severe gales of wind, September 25. The new building of the Salford Free Library and Museum was opened, October 1. The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone (then Chancellor of the Exchequer) and Mrs. Gladstone visited Manchester, October 10. Inauguration of the statue of Sir Robert Peel, in front of the Infirmary, October 12. Mr. W. E. Gladstone took part in the proceedings. A marble statue of Humphrey Chetham, by Theed, was placed in the Cathedral at the cost of Mr. George Pilkington (formerly one of the blue coat boys in the College), at a cost of £1,000. October. A public meeting was held in the Corn Exchange to express the sympathy of the inhabitants of Manchester with Turkey in her struggle with Russia. November 16. St. Stephen's Church, Chorlton-on-Medlock, was consecrated by Bishop Lee, December 30. The architect was Mr. E. H. Shellard, and the cost of erection £3,300. It was enlarged in 1863. Mr. Thomas Gibbons, head gardener of Peel Park, was drowned in the Irwell, whilst endeavouring to save a woman who had attempted to drown herself. He was 48 years of age, and left a widow and three children, for whose benefit there was a subscription. Mr. Francis Nesbitt McCron died in the hospital at Geelong. He was born at Manchester in 1809, but was educated by a clergyman near Cork, and was intended for the profession of a surgeon, but he abandoned this for the stage, but left it at the instance of his friends in 1840 to settle in Ireland. In less than a year he eloped, and with his wife went to Port Jackson, where he landed in January, 1841. Unable to find commercial employment he again went on the stage, and " from that time till his death held undisputed sway '> in the colony. In 1848 he went to San Francisco, where he became for a time a gold-digger. He returned to Sydney in 1852, and thence to Victoria, where he was seized with illness when performing " William Tell" at Geelong. He was carried off the stage, and died in the hospital at the age of 41. A monu- ment was placed over his grave in 1856 by G. V. Brooke. (Heaton's A uslraliaa Dictionary of Dates, 1879, p. 271). McCron's stage name was Nesbitt. 1854. In consequence of the heavy snowstorms which occurred at this time, railway and other traffic was much impeded, January 6. Rev. William Parr Greswell died Januaryil2. He was born at Chester, 1765, and was incumbent of Denton for sixty-three years. He wrote Memoirs of Angelus Poliiianus, and others, 1801"; Parisian Typography, 1818 ; 266 Annals of Manchester. [1854 Monastery of St. Werburgh, a poem, 1823 ; Early Parisian Greek Press, 1833. (Booker's Denton — Chethani's Miscellany, vol. 2. — p. 109.) A public meeting of the National Public Schools Association was held in the Mechanics' Institution, Cooper Street, January 18. Rev. Oswald Sergeant, M.A., Minister of St. Philip's, Salford, and Canon of Manchester, died February 12. He was born at Manchester, May 28, 1800. He published A Funeral Sermon on the Death of T. Calvert, D.D., with brief Memoir, and various other sermons and tracts. The warehouse of Messrs. Rylands and Sons, New High Street, was destroyed by fire, March 1. Rev. John Gooch Robberds died April 21. He was born at Norwich, May 19, 1789, and educated at the Grammar School there, and at Manchester New College, York. In 1810 he became co-pastor of Cross Street Chapel. There is a portrait of him in Sir Thomas Baker's Memorials. He wrote Christian Festivals and Natural Seasons, which appeared posthumously in the year of his death. Many of his separate sermons were also printed. The Old Factory, Miller's Lane, Shudehill, was entirely destroyed by fire, April 28. The Bishop of Manchester laid the corner stone of the new building intended for a day school for the boys of St. Matthew's Church, May 24. 17 Victoria, cap. 20. Act to repeal an Act of the fifty-third year of King George III., cap. 72, and an Act of the eighth year of Her present Majesty, cap. 21, and for making provision for the appointment and for renumeration of a Stipendiary Justice for the division of Manchester, and of clerks to such Justice and the Justices for the borough of Salford, and for other purposes. June 2. 17 and 18 Victoria. Act for enabling the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the City of Manchester to widen certain streets in and otherwise improve the said city ; to raise a further sum of money, and for other purposes. June 2. A meeting was held in the Town Hall, July 13, to determine what measures should be taken to further the objects of the International Exhibition at Paris in 1855. The Manchester and Salford Temperance Society held a meeting in the Friends' Meeting House, Mount Street, July 21, when resolutions were passed in favour of closing public-houses on Sundays. An Anti-Slavery meeting was held in the library hall of the Athenaeum, August 1. Rev. John William Whittaker, D.D., Vicar of Blackburn, died there August 3. He was born at Manchester, 1790. He was the author of Inquiry into the Interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures, 1819-20; Statutes and Charter of Rivington School, 1S37; Sermon to the Chartists, 1S39; other works, sermons, pamphlets, and papers. (Gentleman's Magazine, October, 1854, p. 396.) Rev. R. M. Master was admitted Archdeacon of Manchester, September 2. The foundation stone of St. Paul's Church, Stretford Road, Hulme, was laid, September 2, by Dr. J. P. Lee, Bishop of Manchester. The church was opened for divine service, by licence, on June 20, 1855, but was not consecrated until January 10, 1856. This has been called the Working Man's Church, for the reason that the cost of building was defrayed almost entirely by members of the humbler classes. 1855] Annals of Manchester. 2G7 Mr. James Sheridan Knowles, who, after attaining distinction as a dramatist, had turned his attention to theology, gave the first of a series of lectures on Popery> in Lever Street Chapel, September 4. Much damage was done to property by heavy storms of wind, October 17 and 18. An extensive fire broke out in the warehouse of Messrs. F. H. Theode and Co., Smithy Lane, Lower King Street, October 25. Mr. W. C. Macready, the tragedian, gave readings from the poets, in the Mechanics' Institution, November 18. A public meeting was held at the Town Hall, December 18, for the purpose of establishing the Manchester and Salford Baths and Laundries Company. Canon Stowell gave a lecture in the Mechanics' Institution, December 18, on " The Causes of Poverty, &c, among the Working Classes." Rev. Jeremiah Smith, D.D., died at Brewood, Staffordshire, December 21. He was born at Brewood, July 22, 1771. He was for many years High Master of Manchester Grammar School, and the author of A Vindication of Defensive War, a sermon before the North Worcester Volunteers, 1805. (Manchester School Register, vol. iii., p. 2.) 17 and 18 Victoria. Act for the extension of the Manchester Corporation Waterworks and for other purposes, and of which the short title :'s "The Manchester Corporation Waterworks Act, 1854." 1855. The Town Hall, Cheetham, was opened, January 5. A soiree was given to the members of Parliament for Manchester, in the Corn Exchange, January 19. Mr. G. Wilson presided. A testimonial was presented to Mr. J. C. Harter, in the shape of a portrait, to remain in the boardroom of the Infirmary, February 22, and a copy of the same was presented to the members of Mr. Harter's family. A meeting in favour of peace with Russia was held in NewalFs Buildings, February 27, which was followed by several others, extending over a period of many weeks. The final meeting of the Manchester Committee of the Patriotic Fund was held April 13. The Rev. James Scholefield died at Every Street, April 24. He was born at Colne Bridge, near Hudd jrsfield, in 1790, and having adopted the views of the Bible Christians, preached for many years in the Round Chapel, Every Street. For the last forty-four years of his life he was a vegetarian. His pamphlet on "Vegetarianism," published about 1851, was translated into Ger- man by Emil Weilshaeuser, under the title of Dcr Mcnsch — Kcin Raubthu r (Berlin: Grieben). He was a Radical Reformer, and was tried at Lancaster Assizes March 21, 1843, for allowing the Chartist Conference of 1S42 to be held in his chapel. He was acquitted. Sir H. G. W. Smith distributed medals, at the Regent Road Barracks, Salford, June 4, to those officers and men of the 51st Regiment who fought in the Burmese war. Colours were presented to this regiment by Lady Wiltshire. June 6. 18 and 19 Victoria. Act for enabling the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of 268 Annals of Manchester. [isss the city of Manchester to make a new street from Manchester, across the Irwell, into Salford, and authorising arrangements with the Corporation of Salforcl in reference thereto, and for other purposes. June 15. A great open-air meeting was held in Stevenson Square for the purpose of re-organising the Chartist movement, July 15. M. A. C. G. Jobert died at Ste. Foy, July 17. He was a native of France, and a pupil of Hauy, but settled in Manchester as a teacher of languages. Having become partially paralysed in the organs of speech, he sought relief by travel, but his constitution was shattered. His widow, an English lady, was left destitute, and in aid of a fund for her Mr. B. Waterhouse Hawkins, F.G.S., lectured in Manchester, December 18. Jobert was the friend of Cuvier and Murchison, and wrote Philosoiriiie de la Geologie and other works. The statue of Dr. Dalton, in front of the Royal Infirmary, was inaugurated, July 26. A beerhouse-keeper in Pendleton, named Booth, caused the death of a woman named Behan, who lived with him, by beating and kicking her. August 7. A robbery was committed at the Manchester Stamp Office, Cross Street, August 8, when property to the amount of £1,700 was stolen. A conversazione of the Manchester Photographic Society was held at the Royal Institution, August 10. The foundation stone of St. Mary's Hospital, in Quay Street, was laid by the Bishop of Manchester, September 3. The foundation stone of the new Manchester Workhouse was laid by Mr. C. H. Rickards, September 5. The chancel of St. John's Roman Catholic Church was opened Sept. 27. Mr. John Kennedy, author of Miscellaneous Papers, 1849, died at Man- chester, October 30. He was born at Knockmalling, Kirkcudbright, July 4, 1769, but resided at Chowbent and Manchester from 1784. He came to Man- chester in 1791 and began business. The firm of Sandford, McConnel, and Kennedy were machine makers and mule-spinners, and Mr. Kennedy made some improvements in Crompton's mule. He realised a large fortune. He was a man of scientific tastes, and read a number of papers before the Literary and Philosophical Society. There is a memoir of him by Sir W. Fairbairn in Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 3rd series, vol. i., p. 147. The inaugural dinner of the Railway Club took place at the Clarence Hotel, Spring Gardens, November 2. The Bishop of Manchester commenced his second visitation of the diocese, December 5. A destructive fire broke out in High Street and Marsden Square, Dec. 5. At a meeting held in the Town Hall the erection of a statue to James Watt, in front of the Royal Infirmary, was resolved upon, December 11. The Church of St. John the Evangelist, Miles Platting, was consecrated by Bishop Lee, December 27. The architect was Mr. G. Shaw, and the cost of erection £5,000. Margaret Oldham died in the workhouse. She claimed to be the first Sunday scholar in Manchester, and stated that in 1780 Molly Scholes, the 1856] Annals of Manchester. 269 keeper of a dame's school in Press House Steps, Blackfriars, told her pupils that she was about to open the school on Sunday for religious instruction, and promised the first comer a slice of currant bread ! Margaret, going early, found one Betty Hyde a step in advance, but pulled her back by the hair, and claimed the prize. Molly contented them by giving each a slice. (Manchester Guardian Local Notes and Queries, No. 894.) 1856. Mr. James Heywood, M.P., F.R.S., delivered a lecture in the Athenaeum, on " Administrative and Academic Reform." January 14. A public meeting held in the Town Hall to promote the Nightingale Fund, January 17. The first number of Photographic Illustrations, by Members of the Manchester Photographic Society, was published by George Simms in January. A public meeting to oppose the Government Police Bill was held in the Salford Town Hall, February 27, convened by the mayor, Mr. S. Heelis, who presided. A petition against the Bill was adopted. Mr. Nathaniel Card died at Manchester, March 22. He was born at Dublin in 1805, and was a member of the Society of Friends. When the cholera was raging in his native city, in 1831-2, he visited and relieved the afflicted at the peril of his own life. He settled in Manchester, where he was highly esteemed, and represented Cheetham Ward in the city Council from November, 1854, until his death. Having heard an address in which Dr. F. R. Lees spoke of the success of the prohibitory liquor law in Maine, he determined to attempt to organise a movement for the same purpose in England. From this arose the " United Kingdom Alliance for the Total and Immediate Suppression of the Liquor Traffic." (See under date June 1, 1853.) The first game of chess by telegraph in England was played between the Chess Clubs of Liverpool and Manchester, March 28. Mr. John Armitage died at his residence in Manchester on April 17, aged 48. He was the son of Mr. Cyrus Armitage, and was born at Failsworth, September 27, 1807, and shortly after he came of age he accepted an engagement under Messrs. Philips, Wood, & Co., and was sent by them to their branch establish- ment in Rio Janeiro. While here he wrote a History of Brazil from 1808 to 1831, which was published in two volumes. He returned to England, and in 1S3G proceeded to Ceylon, where he was a merchant, and member of the Legislative Council. The climate of Ceylon had, however, injured his health, and on August 30, 1855, he sailed for England. Before he left Ceylon he w as presented with an address and a testimonial of silver plate. On his rel urn he established himself in Manchester, and was interred at Dukiulield Old .Chapel. (Christian Reformer, 1S5G, p. 317.) Canon Stowell lectured in the Corn Exchange before the members of the Manchester and Salford Reformation Society, on the Maynooth Grant . April 21. The annual Whitsuntide procession of the children of the Church of England Sunday Schools, May 12. The number in the procession was 1 1 .7 1!). A meeting of the subscibers to the guarantee fund for the Exhibition of 1857 was held in the Town Hall, May 20. 270 Annals of Manchester. [1856 There were great rejoicings and demonstration in consequence of peace being proclaimed between England and Russia, May 29. "William Entvvisle, M.P., died May 30. He was born at Rusholme, February 3, 1S09. He was the author of pamphlets on education, March, 1851-3. Mr. Richard Gardner, M.P., died June 4. He was born at Manchester in 1814. He was educated at the Manchester Grammar School, and was M.P. for Leicester from 1847 unLil his death. (School Register, iii. 198.) A meeting was held in the Town Hall, June 27, for the purpose of opening a subscription list for the relief of the sufferers by the recent floods in France. Bands of music were placed in the public parks of Manchester and Salford to play for the recreation of the people on Sundays. The opposition on the part of the Sabbatarian public was so strongly expressed that the experiment was soon abandoned. June 29. Mr. William Lockett died at Lytham, July 7, in his 79th year. He was the first mayor of Salford. St. Thomas's Church, Paddington, Salford, was consecrated by Bishop Lee, July 26. Mr. E. H. Shellard was the architect, and the cost of the erection was £5,000. The formal ceremony of laying the base for the first pillar of the building for the Art Treasures Exhibition at Old Trafford was performed by Mr. Thomas Fairbairn, August 13. The statue of the Duke of Wellington, in front of the Infirmary, was inaugurated, August 30. The Exhibition of Art Manufactures at the new building of the Mechanics' Institution, David Street, was opened, September 9. The spire of the Independent Chapel in Bury New Road, Broughton, fell, doing damage to the amount of £1,000, September 24. The new Free Trade Hall was inaugurated October 8. Mr. George Wilson presided. The cost of the building was £40,000. St. Mary's Hospital, in Quay Street, was formally opened by the Countess of Wilton, who presided. October 10. An accident occurred at the Exhibition building, Old Trafford, by which one man was killed and several were seriously injured, October 31. A meeting in favour of the abolition of capital punishment was held in the Free Trade Hall, November 20. Rev. David Howarth died, December 25th, aged 67. He was the successor of Mr. Hindmarsh as minister of the Swedenborgian Temple, Bolton Street, Salford. (Hindmarsh's Rise, p. 420.) Rev. William Stewart, M.A., died at Hale, December, aged 72. He was born at Manchester, and was perpetual curate of Hale, near Childwall. He was the author of Memorials of Hale (pamphlet), Liverpool, 1848. (Procter's Manchester Streets, p. 129.) Baths and washhouses were opened in Greengate, Salford. Public washhouses and baths were opened in Miller Street. Manchester Lectures delivered before the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. (London, J. F. Shaw ; Manchester, Durham.) This volume contains lectures by Rev. J. Baldwin Brown, Rev. J. B. Owen, Canon Stowell, Rev. 1857] Annals of Manchester. 271 Luke Wiseman, A. J. Scott, Rev. W. Arnot, Rev. Berkeley Addison, and Rev. Alexander Thomson. 1857. Mr. Joseph Brotherton, M.P., died suddenly, January 7, whilst in an omnibus on his way from Pendleton to Manchester. He was born May 22, 17S3. at Whittington, near Chesterfield, but his father removed to Manchester in 1789 and became a successful cotton spinner. The son became a partner, but retired, in 1819, in order to devote himself to public work. He was an advocate for factory legislation, for Parliamentary reform, and for Free Trade. He oelonged to the Bible Christian Church, whose members abstain from intoxi- cants and animal food. He was one of the committee who helped the sufferers from the Peterloo massacre. It was largely owing to his influence that Salford was enfranchised, and h • was elected its first representative, and held that position until his death. In Parliament he had great influence, and as chairman of the Private Bills Committee was remarkable for the steady integrity and ability of his course. He was minister of the Bible Christian Church and con- ducted the services there on the last Sunday of his life. He was buried at the Salford Cemetery, January 14, and the public funeral testified to the universal respect in which he was held. There is a bust of him in the Manchester Town Hall, and a bronze statue by Mr. Matthew Noble in Peel Park, Salford. On the pedestal are the words which have been called Brotherton's motto: "My riches consist not in the extent of my possessions but in the fewness of my wants." Mr. William Harper died, Jan. 25. He was born in Manchester in 1806, and was author of The Genius and other poems, 18-10 ; Cain and Abel, 1844 ; and Memoir of Benjamin Braidley. Mr. Harper was closely identified with Bennett Street School. Mr. E. R. Langworthy was elected without contest M.P. for Salford, in place of the late Mr. Brotherton, February 2. A public meeting in favour of the ballot was held in the Free Trade Hall, February 25. Francis Egerton, Earl of Ellesmere, died at his town residence, Bridgewater House, London, February 18. He was buried at Worsley, February 26. The general election was one of unusual interest and bitterness, and resulted in the general defeat of the " Manchester School." The Salford election was held on March 2, when Mr. W. N. Massey defeated Sir E. Armitage. The Manchester poll was on the 28th, and resulted in the rejection of Mr. John Bright and his colleague, Mr. Milner Gibson, and the election of Sir John Potter and Mr. J. Aspinall Turner. The figures were : Manchester— Potter, 8,368; Turner, 7,854; Gibson, 5,588; Bright, 5,458. Salford -Massey, 1,880; Armitage, 1,264. The defeat of Mr. Bright was regarded with deep regret by men of all parties in the country. The great event of the year was the Exhibition of the Art Treasures of the United Kingdom, at Old Trafford, which demonstrated the wealth of the British artistic possessions. The Exhibition was opened by Prince Albert, May 5. The Queen, the Prince Consort, the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred, the Princess Royal and Princess Alice, and the Prince Frederick William of 272 Annals of Manchester. [1857 Prussia, arrived at Patricroft, and drove to Worsley Hall, the residence of the Earl of Ellesmere, June 29, and on the following day visited the Exhibition. Visitors from all parts of the world came to see the art treasures. Prince Napoleon and suite arrived in Manchester and paid a visit to the Exhibition, July 13. Nathaniel Hawthorne was there one day and saw Tennyson strolling through, but did not speak, as they, like the heroes of Gilbert's ballad of "Etiquette," "had not been introduced." The Exhibition closed October 17. It had been open one hundred and forty-two days, of which two, the opening day and that of the public visit of Her Majesty the Queen, were reserved for the holders of two-guinea season tickets. The total number of paying visitors during the season was 1,053,538; of ticket-holders, 283,177; making a total of 1,336,715. The receipts were £110,588 9s. 8d., being £304 14s. 4d. over the expenditure. The Exhibition gave rise to an extensive literature, of which the most important were the Companions, edited by Tom Taylor; Waring's Examples, a sumptuous folio; Burger's Tresors cV Art ; and The Art Treasures Examiner. A tolerably complete collection of the books relating to the Exhibition, including several in the Lancashire dialect, will be found in the Manchester Free Reference Librarv. Prince Albert visited Peel Park, May 6, and there inaugurated Noble's statue of Queen Victoria. Mr. John Moore, F.L.S., died at Hulme, May 10. He was 83 years old, and had been president of the Royal Manchester Institution, of the Natural History Society, and of the Literary and Philosophical Society, to whose Memoirs he contributed a biography of Edward Hobson. There is a brief account of his investigations as to the potato disease in Smith's Centenary. The members of the Manchester Entomological Society held their first meeting at Mr. Rickett's Temperance Hotel, Great Bridgewater Street, June 17. Mr. Thomas Bellot, M.R.C.S., died, June. He was born at Manchester in 1807, and was an accomplished Chinese and Oriental scholar. He wrote Sanskrit Derivation of English Words, 1856, &c. {Dictionary of National Biography.) Mr. William Bradley died July 4. He was born at Manchester, January 16, 1801, and was left an orphan at the age of three. At sixteen he advertised himself as a "portrait, miniature, and animal painter," and executed portraits at one shilling a piece. Mather Brown, then living in Manchester, gave him some lessons, and he developed remarkable powers as a portrait painter. He went to London, when about twenty-one, and painted the portraits of Macready, Gladstone, and many other public men. He returned to Manchester in 1847, in broken health, and died there in poverty ten years later. (City News Notes and Queries, vol. i.) The Manchester and Salford Reformatory, situated in Blackley, was opened August 6. 20 and 21 Victoria. Act to make better provision for the burial of the dead in the city of Manchester, and for enabling the Corporation to purchase certain lands and effect certain improvements in that city. August 10. 20 and 21 Victoria, cap. 132. Act to give further powers to the mayor, aldermen, and burgesses of the borough of Salford with respect to burial pur- 1858J Annals of Manchester. 273 poses, and to authorise arrangements with respect to lands in and near Mar- borough Square, in Salford. August 10. Considerable damage was done to property by the rivers Irwell and Med- lock overflowing, in consequence of the heavy rains, August 13 and 14. The annual meeting of the Chess Association was held in Manchester, August. The Report of this famous gathering is now scarce. (Katalog der Schach-Bibliothek der Hcrr R. Franz, 1885.) The Salford Borough Cemetery, New Barnes, Eccles New Road, was opened September 1. Its area is about 21 acres, apportioned as follows : Church of England and Dissenters, 8.| acres each ; Roman Catholics, 4 acres. The members of the Church of England, the Dissenters, and the Roman Catholics have each a mortuary chapel. Mr. John B. Gough lectured on total abstinence in the Free Trade Hall. September 1. His lecture was afterwards printed. Mr. Joshua Radford, secretary to the Royal Infirmary, died September 5. Dr. David Livingstone visited Manchester, September 9. The great African traveller was received by the Chamber of Commerce at the Town Hall in the morning, and a welcome was also given to him in Grosvenor Street Chapel in the evening. Collections were made at the various churches and chapels in aid of the Indian Relief Fund on October 7, the day appointed as a day of fasting and humiliation. Mr. Charles Hulbert died near Shrewsbury, Oct. 7. He was a native of Manchester, and was born 18th Feb., 1778. He was printer, publisher, editor, and author. He wrote History of Shrewsbury, 1837; Cheshire Antiquities, 1838 ; Memoirs of Seventy Years of an Eventful Life, 1852, and a great number of other works, chiefly compilations. {Obituary, by his son, 1867.) Mr. John Taylor died at Liverpool, Dec. 9. He was born at Paisley, but lived at Manchester and Liverpool the greater part of his life. He was the author of a translation of Ovid's Fasti, 8vo, 1839; and of Claudian Sketches (poems). He was also an art critic. (Manchester School Register, vol. ii., p. 180.) A robbery of bank-notes of the amount of £3,160 took place in the Corn Exchange, December 10. A foreigner, who gave the name of Browness, was taken into custody the same clay. The whole of the stolen notes were found upon him. The Siamese Ambassadors visited the city, December 13. Mr. Archibald Prentice died December 24, at Park View, Plymouth Grove, aged 65. He was the son of a Scotch farmer, and, in 1815, settled in Man- chester, where he took an active part in public affairs, and was one of the advanced Liberals. He started the Manchester Times, which, by amalgama- tion with another paper, became the Manchester Eocaminer and Times. He wrote Historical Ski ■h-hes of Manchester, 1851; History of the Anti-Corn Law League, 1853* and other works. 1858. A testimonial, consisting of a valuable timepiece and a box containing three hundred sovereigns, was presented to Captain Willis, upon his resignation of his position as chief constable, January 11. S 274 Annals of Manchester. [1858 Rev. Richard Parkinson, D.D., died January 28, at the Priory of St. Bees. He was of yeoman stock, and was born at Woodgates, Chipping, and after an early education at Brabin's School went on to Hawkshead Grammar School and St. John's College, Cambridge. He became master of Lea School, near Preston, edited the Preston Pilot, became theological tutor of St. Bee's College, of which he was afterwards principal, and in 1830 Rector of Whitworth, near Rochdale. In 1833 he was elected a Fellow of Manchester Church. He is the author of several volumes on theology, but is best remembered by his Old Church Clock, which was published in 1843. The fifth edition appeared in 1880, and by the copious annotations of its editor, Mr. John Evans, has become an important book of local history. The new warehouse belonging to Messrs. Watts, in Portland Street, was opened for business, March 16. The cotton spinning and doubling mill of Messrs. Lewis and Williams, Minshull Street, was destroyed by fire, causing damage which was estimated at about £20,000, March 20. The Synagogue of British Jews, in York Street, Cheetham Hill Road, was consecrated, March 25. A meeting on Parliamentary Reform was held in the Salford Town Hall, March 31. The mayor, Mr. W. Harvey, presided. A public dinner given to Sir James Brooke, K.C.B., Rajah of Sarawak, at the Queen's Hotel, Piccadilly, April 21. Mr. Ivie Mackie, mayor, presided. A meeting of the Cotton Supply Association was held in the Town Hall, May 14, for the purpose of encouraging the culture of cotton in our East Indian possessions. The annual Whitsuntide procession of the scholars of the Church of England Sunday Schools took place, May 24. The number of scholars was 11,9S5. 21 Victoria, cap. 24. Act for enabling the Justices of the County of Lan- caster to erect or provide Assize Courts in or near Manchester, and for other purposes. June 14. 21 Victoria, cap. 25. Act for enabling the Corporation of the City of Man- chester to raise further sums of money, and for other purposes. June 14. 21 Victoria, cap. 37. Act for the more effectual management and repair of the road from Manchester, through Hyde, to Mottram-in-Longdendale, county of Chester. June 14. Rev. Jabez Bunting, D.D., died June 16 at his house, 30, Myddelton Square, London. He was born at Newton Lane, Manchester, May 13, 1779, and was taken by his mother to Oldham Street Chapel to receive Wesley's blessing. For fifty-nine years he was a minister of the Methodist Connexion, and had occupied every position of prominence in it. For many years he was the most representative man of that great religious organisation. He was educated by Dr. Percival, and had for his early religious friends Dr. Adam Clarke and Dr. Coke. The first volume of a Life of Dr. Bunting, by his son, Mr. T. P. Bunting, appeared in 1859. There are several portraits of him. Mr. Thomas Edmondson died June 22. When booking clerk at the Milton Station, on the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, he devised the ticket system now in general use. He afterwards removed to Manchester, where he founded ticket-printing establishments. 1858] Annals of Manchester. 271 Rev. John Clunie, LL.D., died June 23. He was born at London, April 9, 1784, and was the Principal of Leaf Square and Seedley Grove Academies, 1812 to 1837. He was the author of a Funeral Sermon for Rev. William Roby, 1830, and other pamphlets. 21 and 22 Victoria. Act providing for the separate incorporation of the overseers of the several townships of Manchester, Ardwick, Chorlton- upon-Medlock, and Hulme, for specific purposes, for the levying and collection of rates, for the extinguishing the exemption of gasworks from rates. June 28. A boiler explosion occurred at Messrs. Sharp, Stewart, and Co.'s Atlas "Works, Great Bridgewater Street, July 2, when seven persons were killed and five seriously injured. 21 and 22 Victoria, cap. 87. Act for amending the Acts relating to the Manchester Corporation Waterworks. July 12. The statue of the late Mr. Joseph Brotherton, M.P., was inaugurated in Peel Park, Salford, August 5. The cost was defrayed by public subscription. The annual show of the Manchester and Liverpool Agricultural Society was held at Longsight, September 9. Mr. Ernest Jones, the Chartist leader, who had now settled in Manchester, gave a lecture on Parliamentary Reform, in Heyrod Street, September 27. St. George's Church, Charlestown, was consecrated by Bishop Lee, Oct. 2. The architect was Mr. E. H. Shellard, and the cost of erection £7,000. It was enlarged in 18G2. The Duke of Cambridge visited Manchester, October 9. Rev. Samuel Hall, M.A., died October 21. He was the eldest son of the Rev. Samuel Hall, of St. Ann's, and was educated at the Grammar School, and St. John's College, Cambridge. When perpetual curate of Billinge he abandoned his Calvinistic views, and, becoming a Universalist, resigned his position in the Church of England. Lord John Russell delivered an address at the Manchester Athenaeum soiree, held in the Free Trade Hall, October 21. Mr. John Young Caw, F.S. A. (Scotland), died Oct. 22. He was born at Perth about 1810. He was the author of works on banking, a paper on Goldsmith's Deserted Village, and another on Ecclesiastical Affairs in Manchester. (Dictionary of National Biography.) St. John the Baptist's Church, Embden Street, Hulme, built from the designs of Mr. E. H. Shellard, was consecrated October 23. It was built by sub- scription, one of the principal subscribers and workers being Mr. Herbert Birley. Sir John Potter, M.P., died at his residence, Beech House, Pendleton, October 25, in the 1 1th year of his age. He was the son of Sir Thomas Potter, and look an important part in the public life of the town. He was 1 1n- founder of the Manchester Free Library, and an interesting sketch of him is given in Edwards's Free Toivn Libraries. When the Moderate Liberals deserted the "Manchester School" their choice fell upon Sir John, who defeated Mr. Bright at the election of 1857. He was buried at Ardwick Cemetery October 30, when the respect felt by his fellow-citizens was shown by a public funeral. St. Mary's Church, Hulme, was consecrated November 13. The building was begun in 1S53. The spire was completed July 26, ISoG, and ascends to the 276 Annals of Manchester. [1859 height of 224 feet 4 inches ; above this is a vane 18 feet high, making a total altitude of 242 feet. This beautiful church owes its origin to the munificence of the late Mr. Wilbraham Egerton, of Tatton Park, who died in 1856. The cost was £16,000. The architect was Mr. J. C. Crowther. Mr. Thomas Bazley was elected M.P. for Manchester, in the place of Sir John Potter, deceased, November 17. Mr. Robert Owen died Nov. 17. He was born at Newtown, Montgomery- shire, May 14, 1771, asd after being a draper's assistant became manager of a cotton mill at Manchester, where he distinguished himself by business ability and care for the workpeople. He married the daughter of Mr. David Dale, and his mills at New Lanark, near Glasgow, became models to which visitors came from all parts of the world. He became the apostle of Socialism, and devoted to its advocacy both time and money in an unstinted degree. He had great qualities, and some foibles, but his generosity and disinterestedness were never questioned, even by his slanderers. Thousands of the working classes embraced his doctrine as harbingers of a better day, but the failure of several attempts to establish communities checked its progress, and the agitation gradually ceased. The modern co-operative movement is perhaps the most important legacy that Socialism has left. The story of the Socialist agitation, which had many adherents in Manchester, must be sought in the lives of Owen, by Sargant, and by Booth ; in Owen's numerous writings ; and in Holyoake's History of Co-operation. St. Luke's Church, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, was consecrated by Bishop Lee, December 4. It was built in 1804, at a cost of £2,500. In 1865 it was rebuilt, at a cost of £7,000, and was consecrated by Bishop Lee, July 1, 1865. Rev. Henry Halford Jones, F.R.A.S., died December 21. He was a native of Brownsover, near Rugby, where he was born June 6, 1787. He was the author of Philosophy of Education, 1837, and other tracts. (Monthly Notices, R. Astro. S., xxx. 119.) Mr. Robert Wilson Smiles appointed librarian of the Manchester Free Libraries, on the resignation of Mr. Edward Edwards. Mr. Smiles resigned in 1SG2. The lectures delivered by the Rev. Arthur Mursell on Sunday afternoons began to excite attention. The earlier lectures were delivered at the Heyrod Street Institution, and their popularity led to their continuance at the Free Trade Hall. Several series were printed, and had a large sale. Some of the lectures gave rise to considerable controversy, and there is quite a pamphlet literature about them. Of most of these tracts there are copies in the Man- chester Free Library. There are several details of interest in the Manchester City News Notes and Queries, vol. i., pp. 320, 324. 1859. The cotton waste warehouse of Mr. Perry, situate in Blossom Street, Great Ancoats Street, was destroyed by fire, January 7. A fire took place in the shop of Mr. Owen, toy dealer, Oldham Street, January 11. The damage was between £3,000 and £4,000. A testimonial, consisting of an elegant silver centrepiece, was presented to 1859" Annals of Manchester. 277 Mr. Thomas Bazley, M.P., by the members of the Chamber of Commerce, January 12. A man named Robinson, the keeper of a beerhouse in Albert Street, murdered his wife, then attempted to set the house on fire, and finally hanged himself, February 1. A conference of Reformers favourable to the general principles of Mr. Bright's Representation of the People Bill, was held in the Free Trade Hall February 1. Mr. Thomas Kibble Hervey died at Kentish Town, Feb. 27. He was the son of Mr. James Hervey, of Oldham Street, and was born in Paisley about 1802. He was a popular poet, and editor of the Athenceum. His best known piece is the "Convict Ship." There is a memoir prefixed to an edition of his poems published at Boston, U.S., 1866.' Mr. James A. Turner, M.P., was entertained at a public dinner in the Free Trade Hall, March 4. A public meeting, convened by the Mayor, of the Reformers of Lancashire, was held in the Town Hall, March 17. A meeting of Temperance Reformers, held under the auspices of the Manchester and Salf ord Temperance Advocates Society, in the Corn Exchange, on Good Friday, April 22, for the presentation of an address to Dr. Frederic Richard Lees. This was an expression of sympathy at a time when there was much controversy between various sections of Temperance Reformers. — OVinskill's Temperance Reformation, p. 324.) Rev. William Turner died at Manchester, April 24, aged 97. He was author of an Essay on Crimes and Punishments read to the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 1784. For fifty-nine years he was pastor of the Hanover Square Unitarian Chapel, Newcastle-on-Tyne. The poll for the election of members of Parliament for the boroughs of Manchester and Salford was taken April 30. Mr. Thomas Bazley and Mr. James Aspinall Turner were returned for Manchester, and Mr. William Nathaniel Massey for Salford. The figures were: Manchester— Bazley, 7,545; Turner, 7,300; Hey wood, 5,499; Denman, 5,235. Salford— Massey, 1,919; Ashworth, 1,787. April 30. The annual Whitsuntide procession of the scholars of the Church of England Sunday Schools took place June 13. The number of scholars who took part in the procession was 12,212. The foundation stone of St. Peter's Church, Oldham Road, was laid by Mr. John Keymer, June 25. The Act 22 and 23 Victoria, cap. 19, to enable the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough of Salford to raise a further sum of money for improving their gasworks, and for other purposes. July 21. Two boys and a man were drowned in a pit at Moss Side, July 26. The boys were bathing in the pit, when they sank in the mud, and the man in attempt- ing to save them sank along with them. The factory operatives of Manchester presented to the Countess of Shaftes- bury a marble bust of her husband. August 6. The first corps of Volunteers was formed in June, and having been accepted by Government, became the 6th Lancashire Regiment. August 12. 278 Annals of Manchester. [ir50 Mr. James Simpson, J.P., of Foxhill, died September 3. He was born at Clitheroe July 9, 1812, and in 1813 married Miss Hannah Harvey, the daughter of Alderman Harvey, of Salford. He was a zealous Reformer, interested himself in the work of the Anti-Corn-Law League, the Temperance movement, and was the founder of the Vegetarian Society. (Winskill's Temperance Refor- mation, p. 315.) Mr. Richard Renshaw died at Iowa Falls, U.S.A., September 5. He was born at Manchester 1769, and was the author of a Voyage to Cape of Good Hope, 1804. There is a portrait of the author prefixed to this work. Rev. Cort Huthersal, M.A., died at Leamington, September 14. He was oorn at Manchester, and was the author of Synopsis of the Various Adminis- trations for the Government of England, 1706-1742. (Manchester School Register, vol. iii., p. 44.) Mr. John Ashton Nicholls, F.R.A.S., died September 18. He was the only son of Alderman Benjamin Nicholls, and was born at Chorlton-on-Medlock, March 25, 1823. He took an active interest in science and philanthropy, and his early death was felt to be a great loss to the community. There is an obelisk to his memory in Great Ancoats Street. A Selection of Letters written by him was edited by his mother and printed in 1862. There is a notice of him in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astron. Society, xx. 131. A Funeral Sermon and Memoir, by Rev. W. Gaskell, appeared shortly after his death. Mr. Robert Stephenson, the eminent engineer, died October 12, aged 56. In 1827 he was engaged in the first line of railway from Manchester to Liverpool. The members of the Cotton Supply Association and their friends assembled in the Town Hall to meet the Right Hon. James Wilson, previous to his departure for India, and to discuss matters connected with the trade of India, October 4. Mr. John Bolton Rogerson died in the Isle of Man, October 15th. He was born at Manchester, January 20, 1809, and was for many years a leading spirit in the literary coteries of the city. He wrote Rhyme, Romance, and Reverie? 1840; A Voice from the Town, 1842; Musings in Many Moods, 1859, and other poetical works. There is a portrait of him in Procter's Literary Reminiscences. The Right Hon, B. Disraeli, M.P., distributed the prizes to the successful competitors of the evening class examinations of the Union of Lancashire and Cheshire at the Mechanics' Institution, at the Free Trade Hall, November 1. The Bishop of Manchester consecrated the Church of St. Catherine, Colly- hurst Road. It provided 876 sittings. November 5th. Mr. George Wilfred Anthony died at Manchester, November 14, aged 49 years. He was a native of Manchester, and had more than a local reputation as an art critic. He was one of Liverseege's executors, and himself an artist of talent. He wrote chiefly under the pseudonym of "Gabriel Tinto." {Procter's Lit. Rem., p. 68.) Mr. Frank Stone, A.R.A., died in London, November 18. He was born in Manchester, August 26, 1800, and acquired distinction as a painter of historical and domestic subjects, and in portraiture. A great meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall, November 21, to take :_S60] Annals of Manchester. 279 steps for raising money to equip and arm Volunteer Riflemen. The sub- scriptions for that purpose amounted to £3,190. Mr. Thomas de Quincey died at Edinburgh, December 8, 1859. He was born August 5th, 1785. There has been some doubt as to his birthplace ; but it may now be regarded as settled that it was not Greenheys, but Princess Street, in the house since known as the Prince's Tavern. (Mr. John Evans in Papers of the Manchester Literary Club, vol. v., pp. 214-5; Palatine Note-Book, vol. i., p. 49.) This remarkable man was doubtless the most distinguished of the natives of Manchester who have entered upon the thorny path of literature. Of his early years he has left an account of singular interest in the Confessions of an English Opium Eater, and in the Autobiographic Sketches. His father was Thomas Quincey, a Manchester merchant, who died when his son was only five years old. De Quincey was educated at Bath and Manchester Grammar Schools. He ran away from school, and, later, he ran away from college, and his devotion to literature went hand in hand with the opium habit, from which, however, he made several temporary escapes. He contributed to the London Magazine and various other periodical publications, and was probably the most brilliant magazine writer of the century. The papers which have been selected extend to sixteen volumes, and there are others which have not been collected. He married, in 1816, Margaret Simpson, the daughter of a Westmoreland farmer. His wife died in 1837, and his later years were tenderly cared for by his daughters. His fame must rest chiefly upon the Opium Eater, of which there have been many editions. The fire, subtlety, and pathos of the work give it a charm to be felt if not described. There is a notice of his life in Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies, and a separate biography has been published by Dr. A. H. Japp. A characteristic sketch of his manner, but with some exaggeration, is given in Burton's Book-Hunter, where he figures as " Thomas Papaverus." He is buried in the Greyfriars Church at Edinburgh. There are several engraved portraits of him. Rev. James Panton Ham resigned the co-pastorate of Cross Street Chapel, to which he was appointed October 8, 1855, to become the minister of Essex Street Chapel, London. During his stay in Manchester he preached a sermon on the Sabbath Controversy, which was printed. There is a portrait of him in Sir Thomas Baker's Memorials. The Manchester and Salford Equitable Co-operative Society was founded by a band of young men known as the "Roby Brotherhood," from their association with the Sunday School of Roby Chapel. They opened a store in Ancoats, June 4th. The progress of the society is recorded under date November 8, 1884. 1860. St. Peter's, Oldham Road, was consecrated by Bishop Lee, January 14. Mr. J. Holden was the architect, and the cost of erection was £4,500. The Rev. Canon Stowell delivered an address to the Manchester Rifle Volunteers, in the Free Trade Hall, January 19. The Hanover Mills, Buxton Street, London Road, were destroyed by lire, February 2. The premises contained 20,000 spindles and 138 carding engines. The damage was estimated at about £25,000. 280 Annals of Manchester. (1£63 The Prince of Orange visited Manchester, February 24. Mr. James Braid, M.R.C.S.Edin., died in Manchester, March 25, at the age of 65. He was a native of Fifeshire, and received his education at Edinburgh University. He came to Manchester soon after beginning his career as a medical man, and became distinguished for his special skill in dealing with some dangerous and difficult diseases. In 1841 he entered into the investi- gation of animal magnetism, which at the time he believed to be wholly a system of collusion or illusion. His researches, however, led to the discovery of a reality in some of the phenomena, though he differed from the mesmerists as to their causes. Similar phenomena of abnormal sleep and peculiar con- dition of mind and body were found to be self -induced by fixedly staring on any inanimate object, the mental attention being concentrated on the act. This proved that the peculiar condition did not arise from any magnetic influence passing from the operator into the patient, as alleged by the mesmerists. Mr. Braid read a paper on his discovery to the members of the British Association, at Manchester, in 1842, and subsequently published several works on the subject. The most important of these is the treatise which he entitled Neurypnology; or, the Rationale of Nervous Sleej), considered in relation to Animal Magnetism, illustrated by numerous cases of its suc- cessful application in the relief and cure of diseases (1843). This discovery of an artificial somnambulism he appropriately designated " neuro-hypnotism," afterwards shortened to "hypnotism," a term which has come into universal use. Mr. Braid and his writings were much derided by the mesmerists and others, but his suggestion is now generally accepted, and has been taken up in France, where the system is sometimes called " Braidism," and in Germany and other countries. The curative qualities of hypnotism are, indeed, much more recognised on the Continent than in England. (Dictionary of National Biography.) 23 Victoria, cap. 4. Act for supplying with gas the township of Droylsden and other places adjacent thereto, in the parishes of Manchester and Ashton- under-Lyne. April 3. A portion of the roofing of the Victoria Railway Station fell in, April 3, but fortunately no person was injured. Mr. John Bright, M.P., delivered an address to a meeting of Reformers, in the Free Trade Hall, April 12. As the result of a police raid, six keepers of betting-list houses in Thomas Street and neighbourhood were taken into custody, and a fine of £100 was imposed. April 23. The foundation-stone of a Greek Church, in Higher Broughton, was laid by the Rev. B. Moros, May 8. 23 and 24 Victoria. Act for enabling the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of the city of Manchester to effect further improvements in the said city, and for other purposes. May 15. Mr. William Butterworth Bayley died, at St. Leonard's, May 20. He wa3 sixth son of Mr. Thomas B. Bayley, F.R.S., of Hope, and was educated at Eton, Cambridge, and Fort William College. He entered the Bengal Civil Service, and in 1S19 became Chief Secretary to the Government of India. In 1825 he was appointed a member of the Council, and in March, 1828, on the departure i860; Annals of Manchester. 281 of Lord Amherst, Mr. Bayley, as senior member of the Government, became Acting-Governor-General of India, a post which he held several months, and then resumed his seat as a member of Council. He resigned his seat on the Council 11th November, 1830, and coming to England, became, in 1833, Deputy- Chairman, and in the following year Chairman, of the East India Company. He retired from public life shortly after the Mutiny. His son, Sir Stewart Colvin Bayley, K.C.S.I., has also filled various important offices in India. Apparently the only published work of Mr. W, B. Bayley is his thesis pro- nounced at Fort William College, in 1802. The annual Whitsuntide procession of scholars of the Church of England Sunday schools took place May 28. The number of scholars who joined in the procession was 11,033. The Manchester Racing Committee celebrated by a public dinner the cen- tenary of the Kersal Moor Races. This was the centenary of the revival, for they were held at the same place from 1730 to 1745, after which they were dis- continued for fifteen years. 23 Victoria, cap. 93. Act to alter and amend the several Acts relating to the Manchester Corporation Waterworks, and for other purposes. June 14. Mr. Robert Barnabas Brough died at Manchester, June 26. He was born in London in 1828, but in early life was engaged as a clerk in a commercial house in Manchester, and afterwards in Liverpool, where he edited the Liver- pool Lion. He became a successful writer of burlesque, and was the author of several novels and of some poems of unusual excellence. These have not been collected, but the best are given at the end of his novel of Miss Brown. A biographical notice by Mr. G. A. Sala is prefixed to his Marston Lynch. The first number of the Co-operator was published in June. Mr. Edward Longfield was the first editor. He was succeeded by Mr. Henry Pitman, who conducted it for nine years, when it gave place to the Co-operative News. The Field Naturalists' Association was formed in June. A testimonial, consisting of a service of silver of the value of 400 guineas, was presented to Mr. Daniel Maude, police magistrate of Manchester, July 5. Mr. Charles Southwell died August 6. He was the youngest of thirty-six brothers and sisters, and came into notice as an advocate of Socialism and Freethought, for which he was at one time imprisoned at Bristol. In 1819 he was the editor of the Lancashire Beacon, which was published at the Hall of Science, Campfield. In it Southwell mentions the Christian Beacon pub- lished in Manchester, and of which he oxultingly records the decease. Of his owni?cacon twenty-three weekly numbers appeared, mostly undated. The last was issued December 28. There is a copy in the Manchester Reference Library. Afterwards he left England for New Zealand, where he is said to have acted as the editor of a Wesleyan newspaper. He died, however, as lie had lived, an Atheist. (Holyoake's History of Co-operation, vol. i., pp. 239, 243, 371.) 23 and 2 ! Victoria, cap. 69. Act to enable the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England to apply certain funds towards the repairs of the Cathedral or Collegiate Church of Manchester. August 6. The four companies of the Salford Volunteers were presented with silver bugles by the ladies of the borough, September 15. 282 Annals of Manchester. [1361 A railway collision took place at Ordsal Lane Station, September 17, by which six persons were injured. The Deaf and Dumb School for Infants, at Old Trafford, was inaugurated, September 26. St. Philip's Church, Chester Street, Hulme, was consecrated. It was erected at the cost of the Messrs. Birley, and the Rev. Robert Birley was the first rector. The architects were Messrs. Shellard and Brown. September 29. Mr. Henry Irving made his first appearance at the Theatre Royal, Sep- tember 29. The piece was The Spy, and the character that of Adolphe, a young carpenter. Rev. Joseph Clarke, M.A., died, Feb. 25, at Stretford, of which place he was the incumbent. He was born in 1811, and was the author of The Wreck of the Orion, and was one of the passengers by that ill-fated steamer. A boiler explosion took place at the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company's waggon shops, Miles Platting, October 26. Three persons were fatally injured. The Duke of Argyll visited Manchester, November 6. He distributed the prizes at the meeting of the Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes. A meeting of the friends of voluntary education was held in the Free Trade Hall, November 13. Bartholomew Onley, the keeper of a betting-list house, in Thomas Street, was fined £100, November 26. The Empress of the French paid a visit to Manchester, November 30. She visited the principal warehouses and manufactories, and received an address from the Corporation. The Salford Natural History Society was formed, November. In consequence of the heavy rains, the river Medlock overflowed its banks, December 6, causing much inconvenience and loss to property-owners. The Co-operative Printing Society was formed. Public baths and washhouses were opened in Leaf Street, Stretford Road, Hulme. The Assembly Room, Mosley Street, was sold, and a new one built in York Street, Cheetham Hill, at a cost of £14,000. 1861. On the first of January appeared The Dawn: a Journal of Social and Religious Progress, published by J. W. Farquhar, of New Corporation Street. It was discontinued with the 24th number, December 1, 1862. The writers were chiefly Mr. Thomas Robinson, of Newton Heath, and Mr. Edward Brotherton. A fire at the Greengate cotton waste mill of Mr. Peter Andrew, January 10, caused damage to the amount of £7,000. The Bee Hive Cotton Mills, situate in Jersey Street and Bengal Street, were destroyed by fire, January 11. The damage was estimated at £25,0C0. A conference on Indian affairs was held in the board room of the Chamber of Commerce, January 31. Mr. Charles Henry Timperley died at London, January. He was born at Manchester about 1795, and was a printer, who afterwards devoted himself to 1861] Annals of Manchester. 283 literature. He wrote a Dictionary of Printers, 1839; Annals of Manch ester , 1839 ; Songs of the Press, 1845, &c. These show great industry and ability. (Procter's Streets, p. 186 ; Reliquary, vol. xiv. p. 143.) A boiler explosion happened at the paper works of Messrs. Dickinson, situate in Elm Street, Water Street, near Regent Road, February 4. Three persons died from injuries they received. A fire broke out amongst warehouses off High Street, February 8, doing damage to the amount of £10,000. Mr. Joseph Adshead died at Withington, Manchester, February 15. He was born in 1800, and was a member of the Manchester Corporation. He wrote The Wreck of the Bothesay Castle, 1831 ; Prisons and Prisoners, 1S45 ; and a number of pamphlets on social and local politics. Representatives of the different Chambers of Commerce of Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool, and other towns met at the Westminster Palace Hotel, February 19, to adopt a petition to Parliament, to amend the laws relating to land in India for the growth of cotton. The foundation-stone of St. Paul's Church, Chorlton-on-Medlock, was laid by the Rev. E. Birch, March 9. Mrs. E. Hadfield died March 23. She was a Quakeress, and author of Sprays from the Hedgerows (poems), 1850. A town's meeting was held in the Manchester Town Hall, March 28, when resolutions in favour of Parliamentary Reform were adopted. The annual Whitsuntide procession of the scholars of the Church of England Sunday Schools took place May 20. The number of scholars in the procession was 13,142. The colours which formerly belonged to the first battalion of the Indepen- dent Manchester and Salford Volunteers of 1803, and which for a long time had been deposited in St. John's Church, were presented to the 5th or Press Com- pany of the 3rd Manchester Rifle Volunteers, June 1. The officers of the 2nd Regiment of Manchester Rifle Volunteers, and other friends of Lieutenant-Colonel Deakin, entertained that gentleman at dinner, at the Albion Hotel, June 3, and presented him with an equestrian portrait of himself, as a testimony of their esteem and regard. A very extensive fire broke out at the works of Messrs. Parr, Curtis, and Madeley, Chapel Street, Great Ancoats, June 15, doing damage to the amount of about £80,000. Mr. Eaton Hodgkinson, F.R.S., died at Eaglesfield House, Higher Brough- ton, June 18. He was born Feb. 26, 1789, at Adderton, Great Budworth, where his father, a farmer, died when the boy was six years old. He was sent to the Northwich Grammar School, where the injudicious severity, not to say brutality, of the schoolmaster, produced a nervous tremour of the hands and speech which in after life was a serious disadvantage. In 1811 he persuaded his mother to embark in the pawnbroking business in Manchester. Here he found congenial society, and was able to pursue those scientific and mathe- matical studies which were the passion of his life. I [e \\ as appointed Professor of the Mechanical Principles of Engineering at University College, London, and travelled a good deal on the Continent. His researches had ehiefiy refer- ence to the strength of materials and allied subjects. He contributed largely 284 Annals of Manchester. [1861 to the transactions of learned societies, and was himself enrolled in the ranks of the Royal Society, the Geographical Society, the Royal Irish Academy, the Royal Institute of British Architects, &c. A memoir of him by Mr. Robert Rawson appeared in the Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 3rd series, vol. ii. p. 145. Alfred, a patriotic play, by Martin Farquhar Tupper, was first acted at the Queen's Theatre, June 25. The leading part was taken by Walter Montgomery. The author was present on the first night. The play was printed for private circulation and afterwards published. 24 and 25 Victoria, cap. 75. Act for the Manchester and Wilmslow Turn- pike Roads. June 28. Mr. William Willis, bookseller, died July 20, in his 54th year. He was of humble extraction, but for some years carried on a prosperous trade ; but, although helped pecuniarily by his brother, he was not permanently successful. He was the publisher of several cheap books, such as Seacome's House of Stanley, Hollinworth's Mancuniensis, &c. At one time he was a staunch Radical and follower of Fergus O'Connor, and his shop was an arena for political discussion. In later years he joined the Church of Rome, and became a strong Conservative, but his new associates were not always able to prevent him from arguing in favour of his earlier views and against his later convic- tions. He was the stormy petrel of vestry meetings, and on one occasion was appointed churchwarden of the Collegiate Church, but the election was invalid, as he had not paid his rates. An account of this eccentric character, written by Mr. Joseph Johnson, appears in The Manchester Catalogue, December, 1883. The friends and supporters of Mr. John Cheetham held a meeting at the Free Trade Hall, July 23, to promote the election of that gentleman as M.P. for South Lancashire. Rev. Robert Cox Clifton, M.A., died at Somerton Rectory, July 30, aged 51. He was rector of Somerton and canon of Manchester, and wrote several pamphlets on matters connected with the ecclesiastical, educational, and sanitary affairs of the locality. At the meeting of the Salford Town Council, August 7, an agreement with Messrs. Greenwood and Haworth was sanctioned in relation to their laying down, on " Haworth's Patent Perambulating Principle," an iron tramway, for the passage thereon of omnibuses, to be moved by horse power upon and along the following roads and streets, commencing at a point near Cross Lane, and proceeding thence over Windsor Bridge, along the Crescent, Crescent Parade, Bank Parade, Whitecross Bank, Chapel Street, and New Bailey Street, towards and to Albert Bridge, in Salford. Mr. Thomas Witlam Atkinson, architect and traveller, died at Lower Walmer, August 13. He was a native of Yorkshire, and in early life was a stone carver, but settled in Manchester as an architect. He gave up his pro- fession in order to travel, and was almost the first to open out the regions of Eastern Russia. He wrote Oriental and Western Siberia; Explorations, 1858 ; Travels in the Region of the Upper and Lower Amazon, 1860. His widow published Recollections of Tartar Steppes, J863, and his daughter is the writer of Lives of the Queens of Prussia. 1S61] Annals of Manchester. 285 A fire broke out in the old Irk Cotton Mills, August 17, doing damage to the amount of several thousand pounds. A dramatic licence was granted to Mr. H. B. Peacock for the Free Trade Hall, August 20. About 300 carters employed by the various carriers struck for an earlier cessation from labour, August 29. The thirty-first meeting of the British Association was held in Manchester, beginning September 4. The President was Sir William Fairbairn. The Congregational Church, Chorlton Road, was opened September 12. The following statement of the history of the church was placed in a cavity in the foundation-stone which was laid July 7, I860: "Cannon Street Chapel was built in 1756. The first minister was the Bev. Caleb Warhurst, who came here with the congregation from Cold House to one meeting north of Shude- hill. He continued minister up to the time of his death on November 5, 1765. The second minister was the Bev. Timothy Priestley (brother of the philoso- pher of the same name), of Kipping, near Halifax, who sustained the pastorate for nineteen years, and afterwards removed to London. The Bev. David Bradbury, from Bamsgate, accepted the invitation of the church on the 14th of August, 1785, and resigned the same in 1795. He was succeeded by the Bev. William Roby, from Wigan, in September, 1795. Mr. Boby left for Grosvenor Street Chapel in December, 1807. The Bev. William Marsh, of Dukinfielcl, was the next pastor. He accepted the charge on the 3rd July, 1808. and resigned the same in September, 1812. The Bev. William Evans, of Aylesbury, undertook the charge on the 25th April, 1813, and held it until 29th September, 1817. The Church was without a pastor for nearly two years, when the Bev. Bobert Allott, of Eastwood, Yorkshire, accepted the office on 25th July, 1S19. He resigned on 2nd August, 1822. Again, for nearly two years, the church was without a pastor. In September, 1S24, the Bev. John Whitridge. of Oswestry, accepted the pastorate, resigning on the 23rd September, 1827, On the 7th October, in the same year, the Bev. Samuel Bradley, from Mosley Street Chapel, entered on the pastorate, which he resigned on April 14th, 1844. On the 19th May of the same year, the Bev. James Dean, of Topsham, was invited to the pastorate, which he resigned on the 1st October, 1847. The Bev. William Parkes, of Lancashire Independent College, received and accepted an invitation from the church, and commenced his labours on the 9th July, 1848. He resigned the pastorate on the 23rd September, 1855. The Bev. Jam s Bruce, of Bamford, became pastor in June, 1856, and resigned in September, 1859. In December of the same year, the Bev. Professor Newth, of Lancashire Independent College, consented to accept the office of preacher, which be holds at this time. Built in 1756, Cannon Street Chapel was rebuilt in 1828 at a cost of £1,800. [n consequence of the prevailing tendency of the worshippers to reside in the suburbs, the congregation had been growing less for some years. The office-bearers have made attempts to devise some plan by which to meel the difficulty caused by this condition of matters, and eventually it was resolved to seek the benefit of the Charitable Trusts Act, the Commissioners under which, on the 11th November, 1856, gave power to sell the property. A sale was effected on 2nd March, 1860, when the property was disposed of for the sum of £2,800." 286 Annals of Manchester. [1862 A meeting of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, the Cotton Supply Association, and the Manchester Cotton Company Limited, was held in the Town Hall, September 19, for the purpose of meeting Rt. Hon. S. Laing, pre- vious to his return to India as Finance Minister. There were 43,500 persons receiving parochial relief in the fourth week of September. An alarming fire occurred in the waste warehouse situate in the Old Factory Yard, Miller Street, Shudehill, October 3. The damage was estimated at from £10,000 to £12,000. The cotton mills began to run short time in October. Mr. Benjamin Dockray died, at Lancaster, November 4. He was born at Manchester in 1786, and was author of Remarks upon Catholic Emancipation. 1817, and Egeria, or Casual Thoughts and Suggestions, 1831-40. Mr. John Hall, M.R.C.S., died at Congleton, November 27. He was a son of the Rev. Samuel Hall, of St. Ann's, and was born October 9, 1785. He was the father of Mr. Charles Radcliffe Hall, M.D. A dinner was given to the Hon. Captain Denman, at the Palatine Hotel, by the Rifle Volunteers, December 5. St. James's Church, Hope, was consecrated by Bishop Lee, December 14. Mr. W. Scott was the architect, and the cost of erection £8,500. There was a general cessation of business in the city on December 23, the day of the funeral of the Prince Consort. Mr. Absalom Watkin died December 23. He was born in London, June 27, 1787. He came to Manchester, at the end of the last century, to be a clerk with his uncle, Mr. John Watkin, a cotton broker. Thus began a career which was identified with the political, social, and commercial progress of Manchester. In conjunction with Mr. John Taylor, he wrote The Club, in the Manchester Iris, afterwards reprinted in a separate form. His letter to Mr. John Bright—and Mr. Bright's reply — in relation to the Crimean war, attracted universal attention. His son, Sir Edward Watkin, has printed the first part of a biography, Absalom Watkin, Fragments, No. 1, Manchester, 1868. The population of Municipal Manchester at the seventh census was 338,722, and of the Parliamentary Borough 357,979. The population of Salford was 102,449, both for the Municipal and for the Parliamentary Boroughs. 1862. A fire broke out in the buildings which front Market Street and High Street, January 2, and great damage was caused. A meeting was held in the Town Hall, and a subscription commenced for raising a monument in Manchester to the memory of the late Prince Consort, January 6. Great distress prevailed among the labouring classes of Manchester and Lancashire generally, owing to the slackness of trade. January. Messrs. Kershaw and Co. commenced granting relief to their workpeople. January. A fire broke out in the tanyard of Mr. Nelson, Red Bank, February 14, which did damage estimated to be between £6,000 and £7,000. 1862] Annals of Manchester. 287 A fire broke out on the premises of Messrs. Nichols, Morris, and Co., Pic- cadilly, February 19, doing damage to the amount of several thousand pounds. Mr. James Rigby, of Salford, died March 6, at the age of 56, "having never tasted animal food." He was the faithful friend and secretary of Robert Owen, whose last days he soothed. He first came into notice from his exertions in behalf of the Ten Hours Bill. (See further in Holyoake's History of Co-opera- tion, vol. i., p. 370 ; Holyoake's Life and Last Days of Robert Owen, London, 1871.) Mr. James Collier Harter died at his residence, Broughton New Hall, March 2, in his 74th year. He was for fourteen years treasurer of the Man- chester Infirmary, and was also connected with most of the principal charities in the city. He was buried at St. John's, Higher Broughton, March 15. A railway van, 16ft. long and 8ft. wide, was made in twelve hours at the Ashbury Works, Ashton Old Road, Openshaw, March 25. St. Paul's Church, Chorlton-on-Medlock, was consecrated March 29 by Bishop Lee. Messrs. Clegg and Knowles were the architects, and the cost of erection was £4,300. Mr. Robert Brandt, Judge of the Manchester County Court, died at his residence in Pendleton, April 15, aged 66 years. Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Chancellor of the Exchequer, visited the city, April 23, and distributed the prizes in the Free Trade Hall to the successful students of the Lancashire and Cheshire Union of Institutes. On the following day he addressed a meeting at the Town Hall. A meeting of the resident gentry was called by the Mayor (Mr. Thomas Goadsby), to consider the propriety of forming a relief committee. April 29. A great meeting of the unemployed operatives of this city took place in Stevenson Square, April 29 There were from 2,000 to 3,000 persons present. Mr. Evan Mellor, land agent, was murdered, at his office in St. James's Square, by William Taylor, May 16. The three children of the latter were also found dead the same day at his residence, Britannia Buildings, Strangeways. Rev. Samuel Warren, LL.D., died at Manchester, May 23. He was a Wesleyan minister, but left that body in consequence of the Fly Leaves con- troversy, and afterwards became incumbent of All Souls' Church, Ancoats. He was author of Chronicles of Wesleyan Methodism, 1827 ; Sermons on Various Subjects, 1833 ; and other books and pamphlets. His son, Samuel Warren, Q.C., was the author of Ten Thousand a Year. A meeting, convened by Mr. Thomas Goadsby, mayor, to consider the pro- priety of adopting a scheme for granting loans to unemployed operatives. May. The Board of Guardians had some 400 or 500 men at work, in return for relief to the extent of 2s. Od. for man and wife, and 5s. to 6s. per week for large families. May. The annual procession of the scholars of the Church of England Sunday schools took place, June 9. The number of scholars in the procession was about 9,700. Mohammed Said Pasha, Viceroy of Egypt, visited this city, July 8. £17,000 subscribed in five days by noblemen and members of Parlia- ment for the Lancashire distress. The sum finally amounted to £52,000. July 19. 288 Annals of Manchester. [1882 25 and 26 Victoria, cap. 205. Act for consolidating and amending the Acts relating to the Corporation of Salford, for extending their powers, and for other purposes. August 7. £30,000 received from Australia on account of Lancashire Relief Fund, September 7. Mr. Alexander Henry died, October 4. He was a native of Ireland, but passed his early life in Philadelphia. At the age of 21 he came to Manchester, and was the founder of the firm of A. and S. Henry. He was M.P. in the Liberal interest for South Lancashire from December, 1847, to July, 1852. He was an ardent reformer. His son, Mr. John Snowden Henry, was afterwards Conservative M.P. for South-East Lancashire. Another son, Mr. Mitchell Henry, who was educated for the medical profession, in which he had already gained distinction, entered I arliament as a Liberal. (Baker's Memorials, p. 123.) Captain Thomas Brown, who was for twenty-two years curator of the Natural History Museum, died October 8. He was born at Perth in 1785, and educated at the Edinburgh High School. When about twenty years old he joined the Forfar and Kincardine Militia, of which he became captain in 1811. When quartered at Manchester he edited Goldsmith's Animated Nature for Mr. Gleave. The regiment having disbanded, he invested his money in a Fife- shire flax mill, which was burned down before it was insured. He then became a professional author, and wrote numerous scientific works. In 1840 he was appointed curator of the Museum in Peter Street, and retained the position until his death. Mr. John Burton Bondeau died, in reduced circumstances, at Manchester, October 10, aged 37. He was an indefatigable collector of curious and scarce books and tracts, and wrote some bibliographical papers and communications. Most of his collection passed into the hands of Mr. James Crossley, and were dispersed at the sale of the Crossley library. The new Court of Becord, Salford, was opened October 23. Mr. Bichard Cobden, M.P., addressed a meeting of the members of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, on international maritime law, October 24. Belief Committees were organised at Barton-upon-Irwell, Chorlton, and Salford. October. A pastoral from Cardinal Wiseman, November 30, in reference to the Lan- cashire distress, and urging efforts for its relief, was issued. The expenditure for eight weeks of Central Executive Committee for out- door relief was £13,734 2s. 4d. ; Belief Committee, £19,157 6s. 4d. December 7. Bev. William Brocklehurst Stonehouse, M.A., D.C.L., died at Owston, Lincolnshire, December 18. He was born at Manchester, 1792, and was the author of History and Topography of the Isle of Axholme, 1839. (Manchester School Register, iii. 40.) The Mansion House Committee grant £55,000 for the relief of the Lan- cashire distress, December 19. The contributions received during the week amounted to £23,400. At a county meeting in Cheshire. £30,000 was received for the Lancashire distress, December 30. 1863] Annals of Manchester. 289 The Industrial Partnerships Record published. It "was edited by Messrs. E. O. Greening and Robert Bailey Walker. The title was changed to Social Economist, when Mr. G. J. Holyoake became joint editor. Rev. William Metcalfe died at Philadelphia, in the 75th year of his age. He was a native of Orton, in Westmoreland, and having adopted the faith of the Bible Christians, he became assistant in Cowherd's academy at Salford in 1811. In 1817 he emigrated to Philadelphia, where he founded the Bible Christian Church still existing there. In 1S30 he converted Silvester Graham and Dr. W. Alcott. He was the editor of the Moral Reformer, the Library of Health, the Temperance Advocate, Independent Democrat, and American Vege- tarian. He was a delegate to " The World's Peace Convention " in 1851, and in 1S55 he became the minister of the Bible Christian Church, Salford, and had the melancholy duty of preaching the funeral sermon of his friend Brotherton. He was the author of various pamphlets. Futher particulars of his life are given in Williams's Ethics of Diet (Manchester, 1883), p. 260; Memoir of William Metcalfe, by his son (Philadelphia, 1866). Mr. Andrea Crestadoro, Ph.D., was appointed chief librarian of the Man- chester Free Libraries on the resignation of Mr. R. W. Smiles, who had been appointed in 1S58. A Ladies' Relief Committee was formed by Mrs. Goadsby and others. The unemployed operatives were drafted into schools, and set to teach each other. For particulars of the Cotton Famine and the relief of the distress caused by it, see under date December 4, 1865. 1863. Mr. George Frederick Mandley died at Exmouth, January 11. He was born in London, March 19, 1809, and was intended for the legal profession. When quite a lad he attracted the notice of Cobbett and became associated with other Radicals, and the " Boy Orator " was not unknown as a speaker at Blackhcath and other gatherings. His indentures were cancelled, and about 1S28 he established himself as a commission merchant and shipper in Man- chester. He threw himself with great ardour into political life, and was a valued ally of Mr. Brotherton in the Salford election contests. Having joined the Socialists, he drew up the rules for the management of the Hall of Science in Campfield. In 1834 he was High Chief Ranger of the Foresters, and drew up a constitution for that important friendly society. He was in correspondence with Robert Owen, Lord George Bentinck, and many well-known politicians, and it is a matter of regret that by his express directions the bulk of the letters received by him— and other MSS. — were destroyed. Mr. Bradshaw is believed to have received from him the suggestion for the first railway guide. He was an accomplished amateur actor, a theatrical critic, a lover of art, and a friend of most of the local literary men of his time. From about 1810 to 1846 he was superintendent of births, marriages, and deaths. His trade reports gave a new development and importance to that class of documents. Many of his communications to periodical literature were signed "Quintus Hortensius." It is not possible now to identify his numerous anonymous pamphlets, but T 290 Annals of Manchester. [1863 Tractarianism no Novelty; Popular Phrenology, 1862; and The Herald of the Future, a periodical issued at Manchester in 1839, came from his pen. Mr. Edward Loyd died at Croydon, January 30, aged 63. He was the brother of Mr. Lewis Loyd, the banker, and presented several bronzes after the antique to the Royal Institution. His son, Mr. Lewis Loyd, was high sheriff of Surrey, 1863. (Baker's Memorials, p. 109.) The George Griswold arrived in the Mersey, from New York, with a cargo of provisions for the distressed operatives of Lancashire, February 9. The vessel was received with a royal salute. The Bank of Manchester Limited was broken open and about £1,000 stolen, February 14. The foundation stone of St. Michael's Church, Lavender Street, Hulme, was laid, March 10, by Dr. Lee, Bishop of Manchester. The consecration of the church took place May 14, 1864. The district was formed in 1860, when it was placed under the care of the Rev. J. N. Pocklington. The church, rectory, and schools were built by members of the Birley family. The architect was Mr. Medland Taylor. There were public rejoicings in Manchester and Salford in celebration of the marriage of the Prince of Wales, March 10. The Emigration Aid Society was established in April, and 1,000 operatives from Lancashire left for New Zealand, April 30. Mr. Alexander Kay died May 16, at Wimbledon Park, Surrey. He was born in 1792, and was a solicitor in extensive practice, and having entered the City Council he was Mayor of Manchester in 1843-44 and 1844-45. He took an active interest in the charities of the town, and was the author of Address to the Members of the Town Council of Manchester, 1845 ; pamphlets on Hulrne's Charity, etc., 1845-55. The annual Whitsuntide procession of the scholars of the Church of England Sunday Schools was on May 25. The number of scholars in the procession was 15,541. A meeting was held in favour of Mr. Somes's Sunday Closing Bill, June 1: An anti-slavery conference was held June 3. Rev. Henry Crewe Boutflower died at West Felton, Salop, June 4. He was born at Salford, October 25, 1796, and gained the Hulsean essay prize in 1817. He left materials for a History of Bury. (Grammar School Register, vol. iii., p. 3.) A conference of representatives of Boards of Guardians was held in Man- chester, to consider the Public Works Bill, June 19. The state of trade in Manchester was thus stated on June 20 — Factory operatives working 4,242, receiving relief 9,104; joiners working 196, receiving relief 573 ; mechanics working 317, receiving relief 803 ; shopkeepers working 36, receiving relief 108 ; colliers working 4, receiving relief 13 ; agricultural and other outdoor labourers working 390, receiving relief 959 ; domestic servants working 200, receiving relief 95; various other trades working 1,596, receiving relief 3,523. Total 22,160. June 20. Rev. Moncure D. Conway, B.D., gave his first public address in England at the Free Trade Hall, June 21. The Southern sympathisers caused great disturbance in the hall. He was the son of a Virginia slaveowner, and having 1863] Annals of Manchester. 291 become an Abolitionist, came to this country to advocate the cause of the North. He was afterwards for a number of years minister of South Place Chapel, Finsbury. 26 and 27 Victoria. Act for enabling the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of the town of Manchester to construct new works and acquire additional lands in connection with their waterworks, to extend their limits of supply, tc improve Piccadilly in Manchester, and for other purposes. June 22. The foundation stone of the Masonic Hall, Cooper Street, was laid July 2G. Mr. James H. Caldwell died September 11, aged 70. He was an actor and theatrical manager in England and America, and made his debut (as a child) at the Manchester Theatre. He settled in 1816 in America, where he died. His granddaughter, Miss Mary G. Caldwell, in 1884, gave $300,000 to found a Catholic University in America. Mr. Edward Stephens, M.D., F.R.C.S., died September 14. He was born at Manchester, 1804, and received his education at the Manchester [Grammar School. He was the author of Introductory Address to the Students of the Manchester Royal School of Medicine, 1845 ; &c. (Lancet, November 28, 1863 Manchester School Register, vol. iii., p. 155.) The shock of an earthquake was felt in Manchester, October 6. A public meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall to welcome the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, October 9. Mr. Beecher came to England to advocate the cause of the American Union. His speeches, delivered whilst in this country, were collected and published in a volume. A review of the Manchester Volunteers was held in Heaton Park, Oct. 10. A meeting of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts was held in the Corn Exchange, October 12. The Dean of Manchester presided, and the Bishop of Oxford, who had preached on behalf of the Society, on Sunday, at the Catbedral, was the principal speaker. A crowded meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall under the presidency of the Hon. Algernon Egerton, M.P. A meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall, to form an association for the abolition of capital punishment, October 13. The Church Congress was held in the Free Trade Hall, October 13, 14, and 15. The Bishop of Manchester was the president. Mr. John Ashton Yates died at the Park, Prestwich, November 1. He was born at Liverpool in 1782. He was the author of On the Distresses of the Country, Liverpool, 1815; Colonial Slavery, 1827; Essays on Currency, 1827; Present Dcf>rcssion of Trade, 1841. (Proceedings of Literary and Philo- sophical Society of Liverpool, vol. xix., p. 4.) The Liberation Society held its annual conference, November 18, at the Free Trade Hall, under the presidency of Mr. James Sidebottom. In the evening a public meeting was held, of which Mr. Hugh Mason was chairman. Mr. James Bagot died November 20. He was a well-known street character, and generally styled "Chelsea Buns." There is a notice of him in the Man- chester Gruardian, May 21, 1872, and in Procter's liycgone Manchester. A severe gale caused great damage in Manchester, December 3. George Victor Townley, a resident of Hendham Vale, was found guilty, at the Derby Assizes, of the murder of a young lady to whom he had been engaged 1 292 Annals of Manchester. [isci to be married, but who had broken off the engagment. The murder was committed at Ingwell Grange, near Derby, December 12. He was afterwards reprieved, on the plea of insanity, and committed suicide whilst in the asylum. The Council of the United Kingdom Alliance adopted the draft of a " Permissive Prohibitory Liquor Bill." (See under date March 22, 1864.) The Manchester and Salford Temperance Union was formed. Mr. Thomas Nicholson died at Woodhouse. He was born at Hunslet, near Leeds, in 1805, and lived the greater part of his life in Manchester. He was author of A Peal for the People, 1819 ; The Warehouse Boy of Manchester, 1852; The Thunderstorm, 1861; and other poems and sketches. (Procter's Memorials of Byegone Manchester, p. 208.) 1864. The Manchester City News, No. 1, Saturday, January 2, was published by Charles Gowen Smith. The amount of loan sanctioned by the Poor Law Board for the city of Manchester for the several purposes, as provided for by the Public Works Act, 1S63-64— £25,000, January 11; £130,000, January 14. The Education Akl Society was established in Manchester, February. Its principal founder was Mr. Edward Brotherton. A lire at Messrs. Roby and Harwood's caused damage estimated at £8,000. March 4. Stamp Collectors' Advertiser, No. 1, March 15, was published by C. and II. Gloyn, Acomb House; printed by A. I. Jones, Cavendish Street, afterwards by A. Ireland & Co., Pall Mall. Its existence was a very short one. The Permissive Bill of the United Kingdom Alliance was introduced in the House of Commons by Wilfrid Lawson and Thomas Bazley, March 22. Alderman William Neild died suddenly in one of the committee rooms of the Town Hall, April 4. He was born near Bowdon, in 1789, and having married a daughter of the founder, became a partner in the firm of Messrs. Thomas Hoyle and Sons, calico printers. He was one of the foremost of those who obtained for Manchester its civic charter, and was one of the first aldermen appointed. He was interested in education, and was chairman of the trustees of the Owens College. He is buried in Bowdon Churchyard. A Reform conference, under the presidency of Mr. George Wilson, was held in Manchester, April 10. The Albert Memorial Church, Queen's Road, Miles Platting, was conse- crated April 25. The architect was Mr. J. Lowe. The sittings number 665. The cost was £4,400. Mr. John Shuttleworth died April 26. He was born at Strangeways in 17SS and for many years was a leader amongst the advanced reformers of the town. He was one of the first aldermen elected, but retired in 1860. He held the office of distributor of stamps. He was an effective speaker and writer. His last public appearance was when reading a paper at the British Association, in 1861, on the Manchester Gasworks. Mr. James Kershaw, M.P., died at his residence, Manor House, Streatham, April 27. He was born in Manchester in 1795, and was the head of the firm of 1864] Annals of Manchester. 293 Messrs. Kershaw, Sidebottom, and Berry. He was a member of the Corporation, t*nd in 1847 was elected M.P. for Stockport, which he represented until his death. He was an office-holder in Dr. Halley's Independent Church ; and in Parliament, as a silent member, gave his support to the Liberal party. (Gentleman's Magazine, June, 1884, p. 809.) The Consecration of St. Michael's Church, Hulme, took place May 14. (See under date March 10, 1863.) The annual Whitsuntide procession of the children of the Church of England Sunday Schools was held May 16. The number of scholars was about 13,883. The foundation stone of the Memorial Hall, Albert Square, was laid by Mr. Alderman Mackie, June 15. There was a strike of workmen engaged in building the new County Prison, Strangeways, in June. The first Assizes for the hundred of Salford were held in the Assize Courts, Manchester, July 25. The corner stone of the new tower to the Cathedral was laid by Bishop Lee, August 4. Mr. George Darling died August 4. He was for nineteen years super- intendent of the Rusholme Boad Sunday School, where a tablet has been placed to his memory. He is buried in Ardwick Cemetery. (Griffith's Memories of the Past, p. 228.) Lord Stanley presided at the annual dinner of the Warehousemen and Clerks' Association, at the Queen's Hotel, October 31. Mr. John Heywood died October 7. He was born in 1804, and was a brother of Alderman Abel Heywood. He was the founder of a large bookselling, printing, and publishing business. He was elected a member of the City Council in March, 1860, but was defeated in November, 1861. He was chairman (it the Chorlton Guardians. The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Chancellor of the Exchequer, visited Manchester, October 14, and distributed the prizes gained at Oxford Local . liddle-class Examinations. Bev. Richard Bassnett, M.A., incumbent of Gorton, died, October 20. He was born at Manchester in 1799, and wrote Reflections on Liturgical Reforms, 1S33. {Grammar School Register, vol. iii., p. 49.) The statue of the late Prince Consort, by Matthew Noble, was inaugurated in Peel Park, Salford, November 7. Alderman John Marsland Bennett, who was elected Mayor of Mancln November 9, was on the same day elected Mayor of Ardwick. By custom a mayor is appointed for the manors of Upper and Lower Ardwick. The manor was purchased by Alderman Bennett, in 1869. Mr. James Heywood Markland, D.C.L., F.R.S., died at Bath, December 28. He was born in Manchester, December 7, 17S8. This distinguished antiquary was the author of Chester Mysteries, 181S; Remarks on English Churclics, Third edition, 1813; Prayers and Life of Bishop Ken; and other works and papers, chiefly on archaeology and ecclcsiology. (Gentleman's Magazine, vol. xviii, 1865, p. 619.) The house at Crumpsall, known as "Oldham's tenement," and believed to 294 Annals of Manchester. [1865 be the birthplace of Bishop Oldham, was demolished. A description with photographs was privately printed, by Mr. (afterwards Sir) Thomas Baker. The Manchester Cotton Company Limited was wonnd up, and the plant in India sold. The Wholesale Co-Operative Society was established. The Hunt's Bank Bridge was built. It is constructed of iron and is of one span. The Prince's Theatre, Oxford Street, was built. The property belonged to a joint-stock company. 1865. Mr. Richard Buxton died January 2. He was born at Prestwich, January 15, 1786, and was one of the most remarkable of the local self-taught botanists. ile wrote a Guide to Flowering Plants near Manchester, 1849, of which a second edition appeared in 1859. Prefixed to it is an autobiographical sketch of great interest. A great Reform meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall, February 1. Mr. George Wilson presided. Three thousand pounds worth of jewellery was stolen from Mr. Howard's shop in Market Street, February 4. Mr. John Cheetham was elected M.P. for Salford, February 13, in place of Mr. Massey, who had resigned. Mr. Massey was born in 1809, and first entered Parliament in 1852 as M.P. for Newport, Isle of Wight. After resigning his seat for Salford, he went to India as Finance Minister, but returned in 1S6S, and in 1872 became M.P. for Tiverton, a borough which he represented until his death, which occured in London, October 25, 1881. He wrote a History of England during the Reign of George III, 4 vols., London, 1855-63. The Art Workmen's Exhibition was opened at the Royal Institution, February 20. Lord Houghton gave an address. Mr. John Cassell died at London, April 2. He was born at Manchester, January 23, 1817. He was one of the pioneers of temperance, as well as the founder of one of the greatest publishing firms in the United Kingdom. His early circumstances were so humble that his parents were too poor to give him anything beyond the most rudimentary school education, but, like many other Manchester worthies, he triumphed over circumstances. As a carpenter's apprentice, he saw much of the evil effects of drinking among his fellow-work- men; and after hearing one of the Preston advocates of temperance, Mr. Thomas Swindlehurst, he signed the pledge, which proved a stepping-stone to fame and fortune. Shortly afterwards, in 1835, Mr. Joseph Livesey visited Manchester, and, in his Autobiography, thus describes John Cassell: "I remember him well, when lecturing in Mr. Beardsall's Chapel, Oak Street, standing on the right just below, or on the steps, of the platform, in his working attire, with a fustian jacket and a white apron on. He was then an apprentice, and, without serving his time, he left Manchester, a raw, unculti- vated youth." He left it in search of work, and eventually found his way to London. Here his earnestness as a speaker on the temperance platform secured him an engagement. He travelled for a number of years, chiefly through the southern counties, and was known as "the Manchester carpenter." 1865] Annals of Manchester. 29 ! Among his converts were the Rev. Charles Garrett and Mr. T. H. Barker, secretary of the United Kingdom Alliance. At the time Mr. Garrett heard him (1840) he is described [as "long, thin, and cadaverous," but he appears to have been a most effective lecturer. His connection with the temperance movement laid the foundation for the establishment of an extensive business in tea and coffee ; and the immense packet tea trade owes its first development to John Cassell. This business proving unprofitable, he confined his attention to the issue of cheap literature. He was introduced by Lord Brougham to the members of the Social Science Congress, at Bradford, "as one whose services to the cause of popular education entitled him to a place in the front rank of English philanthropists." John Cassell had an ambition to represent the people's cause in Parliament, but his mind was so burdened with the cares of his gigantic business that he had never had time for work other than temperance. In addition to his public advocacy, he published periodicals for the promotion of temperance. No biography of Mr. Cassell has yet appeared. Mr. Richard Cobden died April 2. He was born at Dunford, Midhurst, in 1804, but having entered a commercial career became a Manchester manu- facturer. He took an active share in local work, and was appointed alderman on the formation of the Corporation. His chief mission was the repeal of the Corn Laws and the establishment of the principles of Free Trade. He was the central figure of the Anti-Corn Law League, and his speeches had greater effect than those of any one else, as Sir Robert Peel acknowledged, in convincing that statesman and the nation of the necessity of the change. Mr. Cobden was in Parliament from 1841 to 1857, when, like many other Liberals, he was defeated. He was, however, elected for Rochdale in 1859, and, after declining a seat in the Cabinet offered him by Lord Palmerston, he negotiated the commercial treaty with France in 1SC0. .His Political Writings have been collected. There is an excellent Life of Cobden, by John Morley, and various other biographical sketches have appeared of the great apostle of Free Trade. After the repeal of the Corn Laws, a national testimonial amounting to over £t30,000 was presented to Cobden. The Princess Imperial of Brazil and her husband visited Manchester, April 4. A meeting was held in the Town Hall, April 18, for the purpose of founding a Cobden memorial. The Cathedral was broken into and the mace and contents of three poor boxes stolen. May 1. The fall of the Gaythorn Mill caused the death of three men, May 4. A National Reform Conference was held in the Free Trade Hall, May 15, Mr. George Wilson in the chair. The annual procession of the scholars of the Church of England Sunday Schools was held June 5. The scholars numbered 12,071. 28 Victoria, cap. 90. Act for enabling the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of the city of Manchester to construct new streets, enlarge markets, improve the channel of the river Medlock, and to effect further improvements in the said city, and for other purposes. June 19. 28 and 29 Victoria, cap. 145. Act for enabling the mayor, aldermen, and citizen of the city of Manchester to construct new works in connection with their waterworks, and for other purposes. June 29. 296 Annals of Manchester. [1865 Mr. John Cheetham was re-elected M.P. for Salford, without opposition, July 12. At the general election, July 13, Mr. Bazley and Mr. Jacob Bright were the accepted Liberal candidates, but Mr. Edward James, Q.C., appeared as an independent Liberal and Mr. Abel Heywood as an advanced Liberal. Mr. Bazley and Mr. James were elected. At the close of the poll the figures stood as follows : Bazley, 7,909 ; James, 6,698 ; Bright, 5,562 ; Heywood, 4,242. The shop of Mr. McFerran, jeweller, was broken into July 18, and valuables to the amount of £13,000 stolen. Rev. William Birley, M.A., died at Salford, July. He was born February 16, 1813, and was curate of Singleton, and afterwards incumbent of Chorlton- cum-Hardy, and rector of St. Stephen's, Salford. He wrote a Letter on Man- Chester and Salford Education Bill, 1S51. St. Luke's Church, Weaste, was consecrated by Bishop Lee, August 5. Mr. G. G. Scott was the architect, and the cost of erection was £6,500. Sir Benjamin Heywood, Bart., F.R.S., died August 11, aged 71. He was the founder of the Manchester Mechanics' Institution. In 1831 he was elected M.P. for the county of Lancaster, and was created a baronet in 1838. There is a portrait of him, by William Bradley, in the Mechanics' Institution. (Baker's Memorials, p. 115.) The Rev. Hugh Stowell, M.A., rector of Christ Church, Salford, and Canon of Manchester, died October 8, in the 68th year of his age. Mr. Stowell was born in 1799, at the Parsonage, Douglas, Isle of Man. He married, in 1828, the eldest daughter of Mr. Richard Ashworth, barrister, of Pendleton, by whom he had a family of three sons and six daughters. He was one of the most prominent leaders of the Evangelical party in England. He was the author of Pleasures of Religion, and other Poems, 1832, and various sermons and pamphlets. There is a Life of Stowell by J. B. Marsden. He is buried at Christ Church, Salford. Sir Sydney Cotton presented new colours to the regiment of the Scots Greys, stationed at Hulme Barracks, October 10. The Queen of the Sandwich Islands visited Manchester, October 27. The Manchester Committee for the Shakspere Tercentenary founded a scholarship of £40 in the Owens College, and two scholarships of £20 in the Free Grammar School, November 8. Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell died November 13. Her maiden name was Stevenson. She became the wife of the Rev. William Gaskell, M.A., the minister of Cross Street Chapel. In 1848, by the publishing of Mary Barton, she acquired a sure place as a writer of English fiction. Her other writings include North and South, Cranford, Lizzie Leigh, and Wives and Daughters. She also wrote the Life of Charlotte Bronte, and some statements in the first edition led to its withdrawal amid considerable controversy. Mrs. Gaskell's home in Manchester was visited by numerous celebrities ; and she gave her aid and influence to many good works. She is buried at Knutsford Presbyterian Chapel. Mr. Felix John Vaughan Seddon died at Moorshedabad, November 25. He was born at Pendleton in 179S, and became professor of Oriental languages at King's College, London. He was the author of An Address on the Languages 1865] Annals of Manchester. 297 and Literature of Asia, 1835, and various Oriental works. (Manchester School Register, vol. ii., p. 244.) The final meeting of the Council of the Cotton Relief Fund was held December 4, under the presidency of the Earl of Derby, who not only sub- scribed £5,000 but gave his valuable time and influence to the work of the Relief Fund. The black days of the cotton famine will not readily be forgotten, though less of the distress was visible in Manchester than in the smaller towns. The war of the secession made it evident that the supply of the raw material for the staple industry of Lancashire would be precarious, but few anticipated the long continuance of the struggle, and the consequent sufferings of the unemployed. When Mr. Thomas Goadsby, as Mayor of Manchester, convened a meeting in the Town Hall, April 29, 1862, the situation was so little understood that it was decided not to take any action. Another meeting was called within a month, and adjourned for a week. In the interval a committee was formed with Mr. John William Maclure as its honorary secretary. Ten Manchester gentlemen gave £100 each, and the Rev. E. Walker, then incumbent of Cheltenham, but formerly of St. Jude's, Manchester, had collected £384, in his church, for relief purposes. On July IS), 18G2, a meeting was held at Bridgewater House, London, of noblemen and members of Parliament connected with Lancashire, and a committee formed, which eventually collected £52,000. The Manchester Executive was enlarged, and the Bridgewater House committee and also the Liverpool committee sent their funds to it. The meetings of the general committee were now little more than formal, but at one of them, November 3, 1862, Mr. Richard Cobden, M.P., spoke, and with a prophetic instinct urged the executive to bolder action, declaring that whilst the subscriptions had then only reached £80,000, a million would be needed to carry the operatives through the crisis. He therefore urged that an active canvass for subscriptions should be undertaken. This advice was adopted at a later date. The county meeting was summoned by the Earl of Sefton for December 2, and was a great and influential gathering. About £70,000 were promised at this meeting. In order to obviate difficulties as to "labour test," Mr. Thomas Evans— one of a work- men's deputation to the Manchester Guardians— suggested an education test, and this led ultimately to the establishment of the adult elementary schools throughout the district. In these schools might be three generations of the same family engaged in a common attempt to master the difficulties of the alphabet. To these were added sewing schools for the girls. The report of t lie Executive Committee, adopted at the final meeting, contained the following paragraph: "At the meeting of the general committee in March last, a hope was expressed that it might be possible, during the summer months, on irely to discontinue the distribution of relief through the local committees. This anticipation, the central executive committee is happy to state, lias been fully realised, and since June 19 last no grants have been made to any district. Your committee trusts that it will not be necessary to resume the distribution of relief; but in the still exceptional state of the cotton trade, it is thought more prudent to defer the consideration of the disposal of the balance remaining in the treasurer's hands. Ii is with no little satisfaction that your committee contemplates the extraordinary crisis which has been passed through since 298 Annals of Manchester. [1865 1862. There has actually been a diminution of crime under circumstances when, from compulsory idleness and poverty, an increase might have been expected. Notwithstanding the gloomy forebodings of those who, in the early part of the distress, expressed their opinion that the distribution of relief through exceptional channels would tend to a permanent increase of pauperism in the district, returns from twenty-eight unions prove that the pauperism of the cotton district has been reduced to the ordinary level. As the last week in November, 1862, was the time when almost the largest number of persons were in receipt of relief, returns have been obtained from the guardians for the corresponding week in November, 1865; and the following figures show the numbers relieved by them at that time in 1861 and 1S65, and by the guardians and relief committees in 1862, 1863, and 1864 : 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1S65. Ashton-under-Lyne . 1,827 ... 56,363 ... 23,568 ... 20,638 ... 1,417 Barton-on-Irwell 663 ... 3,910 ... 1,230 ... 1,220 ... 896 Blackburn 4,110 ... 38,104 ... 9,457 ... 10,012 ... 4,0S3 Bolton 3,200 ... 19,525 ... 8,013 ... 6,543 ... 3,166 Burnley 1,503 ... 17,502 ... 13,046 ... 16,948 ... 1,557 Bury 1,782 ... 29,926 ... 10,048 ... 15,113 ... 2,932 Chorley 1,350 ... 7,527 ... 3,409 ... 2,471 ... 1,155 Chorlton 2,042 ... 15,367 ... 9,984 ... 5,694 ... 3,993 Clitheroe 624 ... 1,379 ... 976 ... 1,138 ... 547 Fylde(The) 633 ... 1,282 ... 1,086 ... 771 ... 699 Garstang 567 ... 1,026 ... 696 ... 807 ... 45S Glossop 221 ... 7,605 ... 6,752 ... 3,263 ... 195 Haslingden 946 ... 17,346 ... 3,340 ... 7,108 ... 1,243 Lancaster 903 ... 1,129 ... 1,025 ... 901 ... 7S9 Leigh 636 ... 2,722 ... 1,091 ... 901 ... 806 Macclesfield 2,158 ... 5,609 ... 2,775 ... 2,429 ... 2,310 Manchester 4,678 ... 52,477 ... 13,818 ... 9,035 ... 5,046 Oldham 1,622 ... 28,851 ... 8,371 ... 9,164 ... 1,892 Preston 4,S05 ... 49,171 ... 17,489 ... 13,226 ... 2,377 Prestwich 601 ... 4,794 ... 1,958 ... 1,078 ... 593 Rochdale 2,060 ... 24,961 ... 8,132 ... 6,243 ... 1,789 Saddleworth 237 ... 2,414 ... 1,287 ... 988 ... 261 Salford 2,507 ... 16,663 ... 5,600 ... 3,600 ... 2,265 Skipton 1,902 ... 2,635 ... 1,856 ... 2,030 ... 1,354 Stockport 1,674 ... 34,612 ... 10,661 ... 8,593 ... 1,189 Todmorden 795 ... 7,590 ... 1,689 ... 2,696 ... 66S Warrington 1,131 ... 1,992 ... 1,416 ... 1,458 ... 1,220 Wigan 2,360 ... 14,959 ... 11,527 ... 5,S55 ... 3,538 Total 47,537 '..'. 458,441 '.'.'. 170,268 '.'.'. 149,923 '.'.'. 48,267 Your committee cannot refrain from expressing at this opportunity its highest sense of the credit due to the local committees for the result it is now able to record ; the self-denial, energy, and judgment which these bodies have brought to bear upon their labours cannot be over-estimated." The table on page 299 shows the progress of the work of relief. 1865] Annals of Manchester. 299 Numbers Out of Work, Numbers Rclieve'd, and Proiiortions of Persons Believed to those entirely Out of Work. 1S62. Out of Work. Relieved. June 129,77-1 July 153,774 — August 216,437 September 277,198 October 371,496 November 244,616 458,441 1S7 per cent. December 247,230 485,434 196 1S63. January 228,992 451,343 197 February 239,751 432,477 180 March 240,466 420,243 174 April 215,522 362,076 168 May 191,199 289,975 151 „ June 168,038 255,578 152 July 178,205 213,444 129 August 171,535 204,6 3 119 September 160,835 184,136 114 „ October 154,219 167,678 10S „ November 159,117 170,268 107 „ December 149,038 180,298 120 „ 1SG4. January 15S,653 202,785 127 „ February 153,804 203,168 132 „ March 148,920 180,027 120 April 124,828 147,2S0 117 May 116,550 116,088 99 „ June 105,161 100,071 95 July 101,508 85,910 84 August 102,090 83,063 81 September 135,821 92,379 68 „ October 171,568 136,26S 78 November 153,295 149,923 97 December 126,977 130,397 102 1865. January 114,488 119,544 104 February 115,727 125,885 108 March 113,791 111,008 97 April 104,571 95,703 91 May 80,001 75,784 SS The following excellent summary is quoted from Dr. Watts : "The books of the Central Executive show thirty-nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight separate entries of subscriptions up to the end of December, 1864, convoyed in eighty-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-four letters, which letters, in December, 1S62, and January, 1863, came to hand at the rate of eight hundred per day. The letters despatched up to the end of December, 1SG1. were one bundled 300 Annals of Manchester. [1865 and fifty-five thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, besides five hundred and eighty-two printed documents, which numbered one hundred and sixty-five thousand seven hundred and twenty-four copies. The total sum dealt with in the balance sheet of December 31, 1864, is £931,398 Is., of which amount £13,510 7s. is set forth as " promised but not collectable." In some instances the donors have themselves, after partial payment, fallen victims to the crisis; in others, payment is probably refused upon the plea that money is not needed; and we hope that the men whose conscience will allow them to enjoy the reputation of having given, whilst the money is still in their own purses, are very few indeed. The total sum distributed in relief by the central executive through the various committees was £841,809. To this the Mansion House committee added £419,692, besides sending £53,531 to committees in Ashton- under-Lyne district, which were not recognised by the central executive ; and the various committees themselves made local collections amounting to£297,008, and received direct from other sources £49,659. To the amount of local sub- scriptions is to be added about £80,000 collected in Manchester, and paid direct by the collecting committee into the funds of the general committee. Thus the total sum of money distributed by committees was £1,661,679, in addition to which there passed, in food and clothing, through the hands of the central executive, sixteen thousand five hundred barrels of flour, nine hundred and ninet* -seven barrels of beef, bacon, &c, five hundred barrels of biscuits, four hundred and ten cases of fish, two hundred and twenty-eight sacks of potatoes, carrots, turnips, &c, two hundred and twenty-five deer, with many hundreds of pheasants, hares, rabbits, &c, twenty eight chests of tea, two and a half pipes and one hundred and eight dozen of wine, eleven thousand five hundred and nineteen tons of coal, and eight hundred and ninety-three bales of clothing, blankets, and clothing materials. The whole of these contributions in kind were valued at £111,968, making the total amount of public subscriptions £1,773,647. Large contributions of clothing and materials for clothing passed also through the Mansion House committee, but of the value of these no accurate estimate seems to have been made. The balance sheet of the central executive to December 31, 1S64, shows the receipt of twenty-five thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine separate individual donations, amounting to £242,865 12s. 8d. ; collections at three thousand and ninety-three churches and chapels, £53,265 6s. 9d.; collections from five thousand four hundred and three parishes, £65,517 8s. 2d.; collections amongst the workpeople of one thousand four hundred and eighty-four firms, £15,715 0s. 4d. Collecting committees were organised in one thousand two hundred and forty-one places in connection with the central committee in Manchester, exclusive of the committees in connection with the Mansion House fund; and the exertions of those who remitted to Manchester resulted in the sum of £497,782 15s. Id. So that, deducting from the individual donations the above-named £80,000 paid in by the Manchester collecting committee, we find that about three-fifths of the fund resulted from regular organisation and sustained effort, one-sixth from spontaneous individual benevolence, one-seventh from collections in places of worship, and about one-sixtieth from the working people employed by various firms. Looking to the localities from which the subscriptions cime, we find every quarter of the globe represented, illustrating at once the immense field 1866] Annals of Manchester. 301 covered by the Anglo-Saxon race, and how impossible it is for either space or time to separate man from home sympathies or home interests." Much fear and some anger was expressed by the newspapers from time to time that Lancashire was not doing its duty. The returns of the honorary secretary, compared with the balance sheet, show that the collections by local committees, including the Manchester collecting committee, were equal to forty-one per cent of the whole central fund, and to twenty-four per cent of the total sum, including the amount distributed by the Mansion House committee. The reader will form his own conclusions as to whether a district containing about ten per cent of the population of England and Wales, whilst suffering under such a paralysis as the cotton famine, which destroyed one-half of its principal industry and inflicted a large extra burden of poor-rates, did its duty by finding twenty-four per cent of the relief fund, in addition to the immense amount wbich is known to have been distributed in private charity, but which cannot be reduced into statistical shape. During the continuance of the cotton famine the death rate actually decreased. The good conduct of the operatives was the theme of general praise, and was only broken by the riots at Stalybridge, due largely to injudicious treatment of a local committee. This outbreak, on March 19, was not quelled until the arrival of a company of Hussars from Manchester. The disturbances were renewed on March 21 and spread to Ashton, where it was promptly suppressed by the authorities. The Public Works Act was passed in L862, and about £1,000,000 was expended under it in the cotton district. At the tinal meeting of the general committee thanks were voted to Lord Derby, the president, to Sir J. P. Kay-Shuttleworth, and to Mr. J. W. Maclure, the honorary secretary of the fund ; and it was decided to present a handsome testimonial to Mr. Maclure. The principal sources of information respecting the distress in Lancashire are The Facts of the Cotton Famine, by Dr. John Watts, 1860; Home Life of the Lancashire Factory Folk in the Cotton Famine, by Edwin Waugh, 18G7 ; History of the Cotton Famine, by Arthur Arnold, 1864; and the official publications of the Relief Fund. St. Mark's Church, Gorton, was built. 1866. The Memorial Hall, Albert Square, was opened January 18, in commemora- tion of the two thousand Nonconformist Ministers ejected from the Church of England in llii ;_'. A great meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall, January 30, under the auspices of the National Reform Union. Mr. George Wilson presided. The Union and Emancipation Society was dissolved and the final soiree li Id at the Town Hall, January 22. Mr. T. B. Potter, M.P., presided, and Professor Goldwin Smith gave an address on the Civil War in America. A portion of the roof of the London Road Station fell, January 22, killing two men and wounding several others. Mr. John Gray Bell died, February 16. He was born in 1823, and, after some experience as bookseller and publisher in London, settled in Manchester. The early numbers of his second-hand book catalogue, styled TheBibliographer's Manual, contain literary notes. He also compiled a Genealogical Account oj t.'ie Desa inln nts of John of Gaunt, of whom he was one. 302 Annals of Manchester. 1866 Mr. Thomas Goadsby died February 16. He was mayor of Mancnester in 1361-2. The second Art Workmen's Exhibition was opened February 26. Mr. Robert Buchanan died at Bexhell, Sussex, March 4. He was born at Ayr, in 1813, but for some years was a prominent Socialist lecturer in Man- chester, where most of his writings were published, and where he was prose- cuted for the Sunday meetings at the Hall of Science. He was the father of Mr. Robert Buchanan, the poet and novelist. There is a notice of him in the Dictionary of National Biograx>hy. At a meeting of the committee of the Cobden Memorial Fund, March 5, it was decided to erect a statue to his memory. Mr. Edward Brotherton died March 23. He was born in 1814, and in early e was engaged in the silk trade, but forseeing that the commercial treaty with France was likely to bring to an end the prosperity of his business, he retired with a competence, which, however moderate according to modern ideas, was adequate to his simplicity of life. After a year of Continental travel, he devoted himself to the work of popular education. He saw that the existing agencies for the instruction of the children of the poor were quite unequal to the task. The letters of E. B. in the Manchester newspapers excited great attention, and led to the formation of the Education Aid Society, which gave aid to all parents too poor to pay for the education of their children. The experiment of what the voluntary system can do was tried in a way and to an extent not previously attempted, and the result was to find that such was the apathy and indifference of a large proportion of the parents, that nothing but compulsion in one form or other could briug their children within the reach of education. It was this demonstration, which Mr. H. A. Bruce, afterwards Lord Aberdare, called the "thunder-clap from Manchester," that paved the way for the Education Act of 1870. Brotherton's zeal and devotion to the cause was unbounded. He had patience, a winning grace of manner, a candour only too rare in controversy, and an unselfish devotion to the public good. In the course of his visitations amongst the poor he caught a fever, of which he died after a few days' illness, at Cornbrook, and was buried at the Wesley an Cemetery, Cheetham Hill. There is a portrait of him in the Man- chester Town Hall. Besides many contributions to periodicals, he wrote Mormonism Exposed, 1846 ; Spiritualism, Sivedenborg, and the New Church, London, 1860. (This pamphlet has reference to the claims of the Rev. Thomas Lake Harris to a seer ship similar to that of Swedenborg— claims which were vehemently denied by many members of the "New Church signified by the New Jerusalem in the Revelation," as the Swedenborgian congregations are officially styled. Brotherton prints a letter from Dr. J. J. Garth Wilkinson as to identity of the phenomena of respiration in Swedenborg and Harris. From this it will be seen that Brotherton was a disciple of Swedenborg, with a tendency to belief in spiritualistic phenomena.) The Present State of Pojiular Education in Manchester and Scdford, 1864. This is the substance of seven letters by E. B., reprinted from the Manchester Guardian, January 1, 1864. Mr. Charles Dickens gave readings at the Free Trade Hall, April 12. So spontaneous was the enthusiasm of the Manchester audience, that, accustomed as Mr. Dickens was to the most genial, hearty, and vociferous greetings, this 1866] Annals of Manchester. 303 affected him deeply — indeed, he was always so susceptible to a popular tribute of this kind that it took him some moments to recover himself sufficiently either to commence or continue the reading. (Dolby's Charles Dickens as I Knew Him, page 16.) 29 Victoria, cap. 1. Act to enable the proprietors of the Manchester Royal Exchange to pull down and rebuild the same, and for other purposes with respect to the said Exchange. April 23. The first annual meeting of the Manchester Volunteers Aid Society was held April 25. The object was to assist in paying the expenses of the volunteers. Rev. Cecil Daniel Wray, M.A., Canon of Manchester, died April 27. He was born in 1778, and was the author of The Street Politicians, 1817, and of other tracts and sermons. {Manchester School Register, vol. iii., page 93.) Mr. John Bright addressed a meeting of the National Reform Union, in the Free Trade Hall, May 1. Mr. John Critchley Prince died at Hyde, May 5. He was born at Wigan, June 21, 1808, where his father was a reedmaker. A collected edition of his poetical works appeared in 1882 under the editorial care of Dr. G. A. Douglas Lithgow, who has also written an excellent biography. Prince's intemperate habits was a chief cause of the misery of his very unhappy life. It may be doubted if his reputation as a poet will endure, but his verses have had great popularity, and from their healthy tone have had an exceedingly beneficial influence. He was resident in Manchester during a portion of his career. (Axon's Cheshire Gleanings.) Dr. Lithgow's edition of the Poems contains a very full account of Prince's life in Manchester, and of the condition of local literature. Mr. Procter's Literary Reminiscences also include a sketch of the "Bard of Hyde." Prince is buried in St. George's Church, Hyde. 29 and 30 Victoria. Act for enabling the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of the city of Manchester to erect a Town Hall, Police Court, and other buildings, to acquire additional lands, and for other purposes. May 18. The annual Whitsuntide procession of the Church of England Sunday schools was held May 21. The scholars numbered 12,342. By an extensive fire at the warehouses of the London and North West era Railway Company, near Ordsal Lane, damage estimated at from £200,000 to £300,000 was done. May 23. The Stamp Office, Cross Street, was broken into and about £10,000 worth of stamps stolen. May 28. At the year ending June there were 337 carriages plying from the stands within the city ; 518 drivers were licensed ; 758 art [cles found in the cabs were n by tlie drivers to the Town Hall ; of these 397 were restored to owners. .*:_' I was given to drivers for delivering up the articles. There were 22 stands in the township, and 74 licensed proprietors. The Huline Free Library, Stretford Road, was opened June 15. The extent of sewerage constructed in Manchester up to June 24, 1866, was, main sewers, 95 miles 476 yards ; cross sewers and eyes, 147 miles yards. Total area of streets paved and sewered, 1,009,673 yards, at a cost of £326,397. A large and commodious swimming bath was opened at the Mayfield Baths, July 2. The dimensions were 75 feet in length by 37 in width, and varying in depth from 4 to 6 feet. 304 Annals of Manchester. [1866 An amateur dramatic performance was given at the Athenaeum, in aid of the Critchley Prince Fund, July 5. At the meeting of the Board of Guardians a report was read from Mr. Robert Rawlinson, C.B., in which he advised the Board in respect to the arrangements for a new fever hospital at Crumpsall, and the preparations to meet a possible visitation of cholera. Appended to one report was an interest- ing extract from an unpublished MS. of Robert Southey. July 5. Thirty-second annual conference in connection with the British Temper- ance League, in the Friends' Meeting House, Mount Street, July 8, 10, 11. It was presided over by Mr. Joseph Thorpe. The Manchester Artillery Volunteers were inspected at Old Trafford, by Colonel Cox, July 14. The directors of the Alexandra Hall Company were summoned at the City Police Court for issuing false statements, to induce the public to take shares in that undertaking, July 16. The statement complained of was that nearly the whole of the capital had been subscribed. The summons was withdrawn. A town's meeting, convened by Mr. Wright Turner, mayor of Salford, was held in the Salford Town Hall, July 18. Resolutions in favour of Parliamen- tary reform were adopted. The foundation stone of the Egerton Schools, Regent Road, was laid by the Hon. Wilbraham Egerton, M.P., afterwards Lord Egerton of Tatton, July 28. The Maharajah of Johore visited Manchester, August 2. A testimonial from the working men was presented to Mr. James Smith, tli- agent of the Manchester and Salford District Provident Society, for his exertions during the cotton famine, August 3. 29 and 30 Victoria, cap. 322. Act to amend an Act of the 17th year of the reign of Her present Majesty, cap. 20, and to enable the Justices of the Division of Manchester to provide Courts and other necessary buildings, and to increase the rate authorised to be levied by the said Act of the 17th year of Her present Majesty, and to increase the remuneration of the Stipendiary Justice for the said Division, and for other purposes. August 6. A meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall, August 10, under the auspices of the Reform League, for the purpose of protesting against the exclusion of the people from the Metropolitan Parks, reasserting the principles of the Reform League, and praying Her Majesty to dismiss the Tory ministry. The chairman was Mr. Edward Hooson. A meeting of the merchants' executive committee, for shortening the hours of labour of carters, &c, was held in the Town Hall, August 16. James Burrows was executed at the New Bailey Prison, Salford, for the murder of John Brennan, a servant of his father's, August 25. At a meeting of the City Council, it was decided to invite the Queen to visit Manchester on her return from Scotland, for the purpose of inaugurating the Memorial to the late Prince Consort, September 5. Rev. Charles Burton, D.C.L., F.L.S., died of typhus fever at Durham, where he was on a visit, September 6. He was born at Middleton in 1793, and educated at the University of Glasgow and St. John's College, Cambridge, where he graduated-LL.B. in 1822, and was incorporated at Magdalen College, 1866! Annals of Manchester. 305 Oxford, in 1829, receiving the degree of D.C.L. He built the church of All Saints', Oxford Road, cf which he was the incumbent 1820-1S66. He was considered an eloquent preacher. Amongst his numerous works are : Middleton, an Elegiac Poem, Glasgow, 1820, printed for private circulation ; The Bardead, Manchester, 1823 ; Servant's Monitor, Manchester, 1826 ; Lectures on the Millennium, London, 1841 (he thought it probable that it would begin in 1868 !) ; Lectures on the World before the Flood, Manchester, 181-1 ; Lectures on the Deluge, Manchester, 1845. The foundation stone of St. Gabriel's Church, Erskine Street, Hulme, was laid September 11, by the Hon. Wilbraham Egerton, M.P., afterwards Lord Egerton, of Tat. ton. The church, which is built entirely of brick, from the designs of Messrs. Medland and Henry Taylor, was consecrated February 6, 1869. Lord Egerton, of Tatton, gave £3,500 towards the edifice, the Birley family presented £1,500, and the Manchester Church Building Society made a considerable grant. The tower has not yet been completed. A great open-air demonstration at Campfield of the Northern Branch of the Reform League was held, September 24. Mr. John Bright addressed a meeting in the Free Trade Hall in the evening. The Manchester and Salford Volunteers were reviewed at Harpurhey, by Colonel Erskine, September 29. The magistrates of Manchester repealed a rule that had been enforced for twenty-three years, requiring the closing of the local theatres during Passion- week, October 2. The tenth annual congress of the Social Science Association was held in Manchester and opened with service in the Cathedral, October 3. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Canon Richson. In the evening addresses were delivered at the Free Trade Hall by the Earl of Shaftesbury (the president) and other distinguished persons. On the 5th a working man's meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall in connection with the Social Science Association, when addresses were delivered by the Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G., Lord Brougham, and other members of the association. On the 9th there was a banquet at the Assize Courts. The Free Library, Rusholme Road, was opened October 6. The Earl of Shaftesbury and other members of the Social Science Association took part in the proceedings. The festival of the cathedral choirs took place in the Manchester Cathedral, October 18. The first of tbe Manchester Science Lectures was delivered in the Car- penter's Hall, Brook Street, October 31, by Trofessor H. E. Roscoe. Seven series of tliese lectures were given, the last discourse being delivered Pecember 3, 1879 (see under that date). The workmen employed at thu Manchester Gas Works struck for an advance of wages, November 7. Rev. William Maclardie Bunting died in London, November 13. IK' was the eldest son of Dr. Jabez Bunting, and was burn at Manchester, November 23, 1803. lie was educated at Woodhouse Grove School, and became a minister of the Wesleyan Connexion, succeeding bis father in the Manchester Circuit in 1S27. There is a biographical notice of him by his brother, Mr. T. P. u 306 Annals of Manchester. (1866 Bunting, prefixed to a memorial volume'of selections from his sermons, letters, and poems. A portrait forms the frontispiece. Great damage was done in Manchester and Salford by the unprecedented floods in the rivers Irwell and Medlock, November 17. Rev. Francis Russell Hall, D.D., rector of Fulborne, died November 18, aged 78. He was a son of the Rev. Samuel Hall, of St. Ann's, and was born at Manchester, May 17, 1788. He was educated at the Grammar School and at St. John's College, Cambridge. He wrote Hints to Young Clergymen, 1843, and other works. (Manchester School Register, ii. 215.) A great Reform banquet was held in the Free Trade Hall, November 20, Mr. George Wilson presiding. About 1,000 gentlemen sat down to dinner. Mr. Thomas Heywood, F.S.A., died at Hope End, near Ledbury, Hereford- shire, November 20. He was the third son of Mr. Nathaniel Hey wood, and his eldest brother was Sir Benjamin Heywood, Bart. He was born in Manchester September 3, 1797. He was the author of The Earls of Derby, and the Verse Writers of the 16th and Ylth Centuries ; The South Lancashire Dialect; and edited several volumes for the Chetham Society. He was boroughreeve of Salford in 1826. In 1840 he was High Sheriff of the county of Hereford. (Manchester School Register iii., page 74, and Baker's Memorials, page 116.) Mr. Tr avers Madge died at Norwich, March 22. He was born in that city October 12, 1823, and was the son of the Rev. Thomas Madge, minister of the Octagon Chapel. He was chiefly educated at Manchester New College, and became a zealous and earnest teacher in the Lower Mosley Street Schools. He was intended for the ministry, but from the " Christian Brethren " he acquired an aversion to a paid ministry, and he became a printer. After a stay at home and in Cornwall, he returned to Manchester in 1848, and the influence of his beautiful personal character soon made him a power for good in the schools. He edited the Sunday School Penny Magazine, and interested himself in temperance work and other agencies for the benefit of the poorer classes. For a brief time he held the post of home visitor to the (Unitarian) Mission to the Poor. In 1851 failing health obliged him to leave Manchester, but he returned in 1859, and worked in connection with a home mission, and was especially useful in the time of the cotton famine. Failing health forced him to leave the city, and after an interval in "Wales he went home to Norwich to die. The pathetic story of his life is told in Travers Madge ; a Memoir, by Brooke Herford, Manchester, 1867. A testimonial consisting of a silver centrepiece and a sum of £800 was presented to Mr. J. W. Maclure, by the members of the Central Executive Relief Committee, for his able services, gratuitously rendered, during the cotton panic of 1862-5, December 6. On December 18 he was presented with a silver salver and a sum of £5,000, the proceeds of a general subscription in Lancashire and Cheshire, for his exertions during the cotton panic. A meeting was held in the Town Hall, and a proposition carried, to raise a sum of £10,000 for the endowment of a chair of engineering at the Owens College, December 11. Free Lance, No. 1, was published December 22. Its first editor was Mr. John Howard Nodal, but it underwent many changes, and had a varied career. Four men, Batt, Leeson, and two Douglasses, were tried at Liverpool 1867] Annals of Manchester. 307 Assizes for a robbery at the Stamp Office, Manchester, December 11 and 12. The prisoners, whilst confined after trial at the New Bailey, Salford, gave information which led to the recovery of £8,000 of the stolen property. Batt was sentenced to ten years' penal servitude, and the other three to fifteen years' penal servitude. Country Words, a weekly periodical published by John Hey wood. It was edited by Charles Hardwick, but stopped at the seventeenth number. A meeting in connection with the National Temperance League was held at the Free Trade Hall, under the presidency of Mr. George Cruikshank, the famous artist. Mr. Elijah Ridings gave an introductory address— which was afterwards printed— on Free Discussion, to the Manchester Discussion Forum. 29 and 30 Victoria. Clauses relating to the establishment of the proposed Manchester Corporation Savings Bank, with the sections of the Savings Banks Acts intended to be incorporated. 1867. A town's meeting was held under the presidency of Mr. R. Neill, the mayor, January 21, when resolutions in favour of prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sunday were unanimously adopted. The Albert memorial in Albert Square was formally presented to the citizens of Manchester by Mrs. Goadsby, widow of Alderman Goadsby, at whose expense the memorial was erected, January 23. A meeting was held in the mayor's parlour, February'l, at which it was proposed to raise from £100,000 to £150,000 for the extension of the Owens College. Subscriptions of £18,000 were announced to the building fund, and £6,000 to the engineering fund. Mr. James Beardoe, of Ardwick Green, died February 13. He was well known as a collector of pictures and antiques. An explosion occurred at the gasworks, Rochdale Road, March 10, when seven men were severely injured. A volunteer bazaar was held in the Free Trade Hall, April 30. The object was to obtain funds for building armouries, drill sheds, &c. The Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons was held in the Salford Town Hall, by Mr. Stephen Blair, P.G.M. of East Lancashire, May 2. A testimonial was presented to Dr. John Watts, in recognition of his many public services, May 8. Mr. John Clowes Grundy, picture and print dealer, Exchange Street, died May 19, aged GO. 30 Victoria, cap. 36. Act for enabling the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of the city of Manchester, to extend their waterworks and the limits of their water supply, to make a new street in Ardwick and other improvements, to acquire additional lands, and for other purposes. May 31. 30 Victoria, cap. 58. Act for altering, amending, and extending the pro- visions of the Salford Improvement Acts, 1862, for authorising the extension of the gasworks, the construction of a new street, the raising of further moneys, and for other purposes. May 31. The Northern Department of the Reform League convened a conference, 308 Annals of Manchester. [1867 which was held in the mayor's parlour, May 31, under the presidency of Alderman Carter, of Leeds. The Clinical Hospital and Dispensary for Children, Park Place, York Street, Cheetham, was opened in May. The Angel Meadow burial-ground was asphalted and converted into an open-space playground in May. A combined Reform demonstration, consisting of a procession of trades and societies, and an open-air meeting was held in a field near Stretford Road, June 1. A conference of the Lancashire Conservative Association was held in the Town Hall, June 27. Among the speakers were Mr. W. B. Ferrand and Mr. Pope Hennessey. The Ven. Robert Mosley Master, Archdeacon of Manchester, died at Black- pool, July 1. He was born at Croston, of which his father was rector, February 12, 1794, educated at Winwick, Eton, and Oxford, where he took his degrees (B.A. 1815, M.A 1817). In 1817 he was ordained, and after some minor preferments became successively incumbent of Burnley, perpetual curate of Leyland, and rector of Croston. He was appointed Archdeacon of Manchester in September 2, 1854, an office he retained until his death. Mr. William Lloyd Garrison was entertained to tea by the United Kingdom Alliance, July 4, and mentioned that before he began his anti-slavery labours he was the editor of the " first temperance paper ever started in the world." This was in 1827. He also addressed a great temperance gathering during his stay in Manchester. Mr. Charles Bradbury died July 7. His library and collection of antiquities were sold by auction. The Right Rev. William Higgin, D.D., Bishop of Derry, died July 12. He was born at Lancaster, September 27, 1793, and entered the Manchester Grammar School in 1810, from whence he proceeded to Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1817. Having been ordained, he became curate of Clifton. In 1820 he was appointed chaplain of the Richmond General Penitentiary. In 1S28 he became rector of Roscrea, and vicar-general of Killaloe. In 1844 he was appointed Dean of Limerick, and five years later was consecrated bishop of that see. He was translated to Derry in 1853. Dr. Higgin was the author of a few books, a list of which will be found in the School Register, vol. iii. p. 65. About forty of the Belgian Volunteers visited Manchester, July 22. Rev. Richard Durnford, M.A., was admitted Archdeacon of Manchester, July 23. The Volunteers of Manchester and neighbourhood and the 8th Hussars were reviewed by Sir J. Garvock, in Heaton Park, August 17. The Oxford Local Examination prizes were distributed by Lord Granville, in the Free Trade Hall, August 27. A Parliamentary commission to inquire into the trade outrages committed in Manchester and neighbourhood, commenced sitting at the Assize Courts, September 4. The final sitting was held September 21, when it was adjourned. The police-van stopped and broken into by a band of armed Fenians, September 18. The prisoners, among whom were Colonel Kelly and Captain Deasey (two Fenian head-centres), were liberated, and the policeman in charge (Sergeant Brett) was shot. 2867] Annals of Manchester. 309 Mr. James Aspinall Turner, M.P., died September 28, aged 70 years. He was chosen member of Parliament for Manchester at the memorable election of 1857, when Mr. John Bright was rejected. He retired in 1865. In his earlier years he was an ardent student of entomology. A great banquet to Her Majesty's Ministers in the Free Trade Hall, Oct. 17. The Earl of Derby (Premier), Lord Stanley, and Sir John Pakington were present. A special commission for the trial of the Fenian prisoners concerned in the Hyde Road outrage was opened at the Assize Courts by Justices Mellor and Blackburn, October 26. The Cattle Fair resumed at Knot Mill, after being suspended for three years during the cattle plague. A market for milch cows was also resumed near Oak Street. October. Mr. Edwin James, Q.C., one of the M.P.'s for Manchester, died November 3. The Fenian convicts, Allen, Gould, and Larkin, were executed in front of the New Bailey, Salford, for the murder of Police-Sergeant Brett, November 23. Mr. Jacob Bright elected M.P. for Manchester in place of Mr. James, Q.C., deceased, November 26. His opponents were Messrs. J. M. Bennett and Mitchell Henry. At the close of the poll the votes recorded were : Bright, 8,160; Bennett, 6,420 ; Henry, 643. It is worthy of note that at this election a woman, whose name had by mistake been put on the register, actually voted. She voted for Jacob Bright, and was, it was said, the first woman who ever voted at a parliamentary election. The Rural Deaneries rearranged in this diocese by the Bishop and Rursi Deans. The deanery of Manchester consisted of twenty churches. November. Great funeral processions were held in many places for the Fenians hung at Manchester, December 8. Mr. Joseph Morton died December 29. He was born February 10, 1810, and was an eminent actuary. He was one of the founders of the Manchester Glee Club. After his removal to London he became connected with the Briton Insurance Company, from which he had a pension. (Baker's Memorials, p. 122.) Rev. John Hannah, D.D., died at Manchester, December 29. He was born at Lincoln in 1792, and in 1812 became theological tutor at the Wesleyan College, Didsbury. He was president of the Conference in 1S42 and 1851, and twice represented the Wesleyan Conference at the American General Conference. At the time of his death he was the oldest member of the " legal hundred." The Wholesale Fish Market was opened in Great Ducie Street, St rangeways. A Swimming School established in Barrack Street, Chester Road, Hulme. Newall's Buildings, which had been the official house of the Anti-Corn Law League, was with other buildings, demolished, to make room for the New Exchan The Subscription Library, established in 1765, was sold by auction in Newall's Buildings. It was the oldest library in Manchester. Miss Susanna Georgiana Lloyd presented to Chetham's Hospital some dags used at a dinner gives in 1788, to commemorate the revolution of 1688. Her letter, which gives some particulars of the family, is printed in the Palatine Safe-book, vol. iv., p. 2J0. Lieutenant-Colonel C. G. Gordon, the famous " Chinese " Gordon, was for a few months resident at the Queen's Hotel during the survey for the Redistri- 310 Annals of Manchester. [1863 bution Bill. He interested himself in the work of the Dark Lane Ragged School, and in the visitation of the slums by the City Mission. Some letters addressed by him to Mr. James Johnson, one of the missionaries, are printed in the report of the City Mission for 1884. In one he says, " Remember me to all my friends, the lads of Dark Lane." A new street was cut to Smithfield Market from the corner of High Street, and called New High Street. 1868. Mr. James Fallows (of the firm of Fallows and Keymer) died at Sunny Bank, Longsight, January 1. He left £17,000, free of duty, to be distributed as follows : Ladies' Charity School, £500; British and Foreign Bible Society, £500; Manchester Royal Infirmary, £1,000; Sallord and Pendleton Dispensary, £500; Church Pastoral Aid Society, £1,000; Henshaw's Blind Asylum, £1,000; Man- chester City Mission, £1,000; Manchester Deaf and Dumb Schools, £1,000; Manchester Diocesan Church Building Society, £10,000; and to each of tbe following Church Sunday Schools £100 : St. John's ; St. James's, Birch ; Holy Trinity, Rusholme ; St. Saviour's and St. Stephen's, Chorlton-upon-Medlock. Dr. Mark died January 2, and was interred at St. Luke's, Cheetham. For his efforts in the popularisation of music, "Dr. Mark and his Little Men,", should be remembered. Two thousand special constables were sworn in as a precaution in the event of Fenian disturbances, January 2 and 3. An inquest was held before Mr. Edward Herford on six persons killed by the explosion of a boiler at Messrs. Chapman and Holland's, dyers, Ashley Lane, caused by the corrosion of the plates, January 3. A number of cotton spinners and manufacturers opened the Free Trade Hall as an Exchange, January3, on account of the subscription to the Exchange being increased from two to three guineas. The additional charge was abandoned. A Destitute Children's Dinner Society formed at the instigation of Mr. Andrew Hamilton, of Manchester, January 6. A meeting of cottage occupiers was held in the Hulme Town Hall, January 6, to petition Parliament for the repeal of the ratepaying clauses of the Reform Act, and to form a House Occupiers' Association. The sum of £470 presented by Mr. H. Nixson to the Manchester Branch of the National Lifeboat Institution, for a boat to be stationed at Abergele. Jan. 7. It was decided at the City Council to apply to Parliament for the amalgamation of the Manchester and Salford Court of Record, January 8. A fire at St. Paul's Church, Turner Street, January 12, was caused by an over-heated flue. The damage caused was but slight. A conference of the Lancashire and Cheshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes, with Mr. B. Samuelson, at the Trevelyan Hotel, on Technical Education. Alderman Rumney presided. January 14. The Manchester and Chester Diocesan Church of England and Ireland Temperance Society held their first meeting in the Town Hall, King Street, January 14. Mr. Robert Whitworth presided. Sixty clergymen had given in their adhesion, ten thousand tracts had been circulated, and five thousand nine hundred members enrolled. 1868] Annals of Manchester. 311 A conference on National Education commenced its first day's sitting in the Town Hall, January 15. The Hon. H. Austin Bruce, M.P. (afterwards Lord Aberdare) presided. The Conference was almost unanimously in favour of compulsory rating for education. The second day's proceedings were presided over by Mr. W. E. Forster, M.P., when there was a majority in favour of compulsory education. A special meeting of the governors of Henshaw's Blind Asylum was held in the Town Hall, King Street, January 16, in reference to certain charges made against the Board of Management. Mrs. Brett (widow of Sergeant Brett) was granted twenty-one shillings per week for life ; and at her death, £300 to be paid to her children. January 17. The Manchester Diocesan Church Association held its first meeting in the Free Trade Hall, January 17. Professor A. Goering delivered an address at the National Reform Union Offices, Market Street, on the Electoral and Agrarian Systems of Prussia, January 21. Mr. George Wilson presided. A meeting of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce was held in the Town Hall, at which Professor Leone Levi, of King's College, London, delivered an address on Foreign Competition and Technical Education. January 22. A conference of the Systematic Beneficence Society was held in the Town Hall, King Street, January 27. Mr. James Barlow, mayor of Bolton, presided. The Manchester Natural History Society held its last meeting, January 29^ after an existence of over fifty years. Its last act was to hand its valuable museum and building, together with a handsome endowment, to an interim commission, with a view to an ultimate reorganisation, as a free museum, with especial privileges for students connected with the Owens College, to which institution the museum was subsequently removed. The estimated value of the collection was £20,000. A town's meeting of the inhabitants of Salford was held in the Town Hall, February 3, to consider the action of the Rector of Sacred Trinity Church regarding the charities of Humphrey Booth the younger. The mayor (Mr. H. D. Pochin) presided. Mr. John Maybury, superintendent of the E Division (detective depart- ment), resigned February 5. He had been thirty years in the service, and retired with a pension of £125 a year. Mr. Charles Ashmore, many years a member of the Town Council of Man- chester, died at his residence, Cheetham, February 5. The Cotton Supply Association Council gave a banquet at the Queen's Hotel, February 7, to Mr. L. R. Ashburne, from Khandeish, and Major R. T. Clark. Mr. Thomas Bazley, M.P., presided. The ceremony of christening the twelfth lifeboat contributed by Man- chester and vicinity to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution was perfornu d in Peel Park, February 8. A town's meeting, on the Irish Church question, was held in the Town Hall, King Street, February 10. The meeting declined to pronounce an opinion in favour of disendowing tbe Established Church in Ireland. The National Reform Union held a conference in the Town Hall, in reference to the redistribution of seats in Parliament, &C, February 11. 312 Annals of Manchester. [1868 A meeting of the Poor Law Guardians, delegated from various Unions, was held at the Clarence Hotel, to consider the propriety of the cost of the relief of the poor being partly cast on the national funds. February 11. A Manchester Temperance Electoral Association inaugurated at the Trevelyan Hotel, February 14. Ven. John Rushton, D.D., Archdeacon of Manchester, died, February 21. Mr. John Reid, manager of the Branch Bank of England, presented with an address, silver tea service, and a purse of £3,000, February 24. The Manchester Unity of the Independent Order of Oddfellows presented a lifeboat to the Royal Lifeboat Institution, to be stationed at Cleethorpes, and named the "Manchester Unity," February 29. Mr. John Leigh appointed officer of health for Manchester, March 4. The assizes of the Salford Hundred commenced at the Assize Courts, Strangeways, March 9. A conference of Boards of Guardians from various parts of the country was held at the Clarence Hotel, March 10, at the instance of the select vestry of Liverpool, to consider the question of Government aid in the main- tenance and care of the sick in workhouse hospitals. William Dodd, treasurer of the Manchester Operative House Painters' Association, was sentenced to five years' imprisonment for embezzling £800. March 11. Timothy Faherty sentenced to death, March 12, at the Assizes, for the murder of Mary Hanmer, at Droylsden, on Christmas Day, and was executed April 4, in front of the New Bailey Prison, Salford. The Charity Commissioners declined to order an official inquiry respecting the management of Henshaw's Blind Asylum, March 12. A farewell dinner was given at the Palatine Hotel, March 12, in honour of Mr. H. W. Lord, United States Consul for Manchester, on his resigning that office, which he had held for several years. The mayor, Mr. R. Neill occupied the chair. A deputation of the local Members of Parliament and others waited upon the Attorney-General, March 13, to protest against the alienation of the charity of Humphrey Booth the younger, in Salford. Mr. James Teare died at the Trevelyan Hotel, March 16. He was born at Cronk-e-Shogle, Ryehill, Kirk Andreas, in the Isle of Man, February, 1S04. He was a shoemaker, and settled at Preston with a brother. Being an earnest Wesleyan he was much distressed by the prevalent intemperance, and in 1832 was one to embrace the new doctrine of teetotalism. He was an earnest advocate, and is said to have travelled two hundred thousand miles, and to have addressed more than eight thousand meetings. He is buried at Harpurhey Cemetery. A sum of £100 he left as a prize, which resulted in the issue of Bacchus Dethroned; the first Teare Prize Essay, by Frederick Powell, with memoir and extracts/rom the speeches of the late James Teare, by Dr. F. B. Lees, London, 1869. He was the author of Early History of Teetotalism. William Phearson Thompson and Patrick Mulliday charged with the murder of Police-Sergeant Brett, and were sentenced to death March 17; reprieved during Her Majesty's pleasure, March 21; committed to penal servitude for life, April 1. 1868] Annals of Manchester. 313 Mr. Edward Coathupe appointed superintendent of the Detective Depart- ment, March 19. A special meeting of the governors of Henshaw's Blind Asylum was held in the Town Hall, King Street, March 23, to receive a communication from the Charity Commissioners in reference to the charges made against the Board of Management by Dr. Crompton. An influential deputation waited upon the First Lord of the Treasury, March 24, to ask for a grant to the Owens College. Mrs. Goadsby presented £500 to the Manchester School of Art, March 24. Mr. Thomas Forrest died at Leicester, March 25, aged 73 years. He came to Manchester as a journeyman printer, and was the founder of the extensive business afterwards carried on by Messrs. Johnson and Bawson, and by Messrs. Johnson and Son, and2Messrs.]Bawson and Co. (Baker's Memorials, p. 129.) A meeting of the Manchester Ladies' Literary Society was held in the Boyal Institution, March 25, the president, Miss L. E. Becker, in the chair. The Congregational Day and Sunday Schools connected with Hope Chapel, Liverpool Street, Salford, were erected March 26. The Bishop of Tennessee delivered an address in the Athenaeum, on Education, March 26. A demonstration of the Protestant working men of Manchester was held in the Free Trade Hall, March 31, in opposition to Mr. Gladstone's proposal to disestablish the Irish Church, Mr. G. Anderton in the chair. Owens College Magazine, No. 1, March, published by H. H. Tubbs, 21a, King Street. Mr. Alfred Waterhouse's designs for the New Town Hall were formally adopted by the City Council, April 1. A Liberal meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall, April 1, in support of Mr. Gladstone's resolutions for disestablishing the Irish Church. Mr. Hugh Mason presided. John Howarth, shopkeeper, Cross Street, was sentenced to five years' penal servitude for receiving postage stamps from boys, knowing them to have been stolen, April 4. Two men, named Faherty and Weatherill, were executed in front of the New Bailey, Salford, April 4, the first for the murder of a young woman at Droylsden, and the latter for the murder of the Rev. Mr. Plow, at Todmorden. Mr. E. C. Delavan, of New York, was entertained at breakfast by the United Kingdom Alliance, as a veteran in the Temperance cause, April 0. Alderman William Bowker died at his residence, Old Trafford, April 6, aged 54 years. He was interred at Sale Cemetery on the 11th. A meeting of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners was held at the Hulme Town Hall, April 8, to inaugurate an institution for the instruc- tion of its members in technical education. Mr. R. Neill, the mayor of Manchester, presided. The meeting was addressed by Mr. John Scott Russell, of London. The foundation stone of a new workhouse for the Prestwich Union was laid at Crumpsall, April 23. Mr. John Harland, F.S.A., died at his residence, Brkleoak Street, 314 Annals of Manchester. [1868 Cheetham Hill, April 23, and was interred at Rusholme Road Cemetery, April 28. He was born at Hull in 1806, but having become an expert stenographer was engaged as chief reporter on the Manchester Guardian. Mr. Harland's contributions to local archaeology were numerous and varied. He edited the new edition of Baines's Lancashire, many volumes of the Chetham Society, and contributed a great number of antiquarian papers to the local press. He was one of the original members of the brotherhood of Eosicrucians, a society having for its object antiquarian research, especially connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. He wrote Lancashire Folk-Lore and Traditions of Lancashire, in conjunction with Mr. T. T. Wilkinson, who prefixed to the last named a biographical sketch. Mr. Samuel Johnson died May 1, aged 85 years. He was born at Coventry in 1783. In early life he was sent to the mill, but became successively a school' master, then a spinner, then a book canvasser, and then an old bookseller. He was the publisher and printer of a number of cheap books. There is an account of him in W. T. Johnson's Manchester Catalogue, No. 2. The foundation stone of a Wesleyan Chapel was laid in Sussex Street, Lower Broughton, by Mr. Richard Haworth, May 9. The cost was £5,000. Thomas Donoghue murdered his wife by stabbing her, May 20. He after- wards stabbed himself, and was taken to the Salford Royal Dispensary. The exhibition of pictures and works of art in the Peel Park Museum was inaugurated by a soiree. The invitations were issued by Alderman H. D. Pochin, mayor of Salford, and Mrs. Pochin, May 27. The National Flower Show held at the Botanical Gardens, Old Trafford, commenced May 29. The completion of the rebuilding of the tower of the Cathedral was celebrated in the morning of May 31 by the attendance at divine service of the Mayor and Corporation. About £28,000 had been expended in this and other works of restoration in connection with the edifice of late years. The tower is as nearly as possible a facsimile of the old one. The height from the ground is one hundred and thirty-nine feet ; the walls are five feet thick ; and externally the tower is forty feet square up to the battlements. The carving and decorations were carried out by Mr. J. W. Graham, from the designs of Mr. Holden, South King Street. The large window in the western end of the tower has been placed there in memory of the late Mr. Harter. Professor Stanley Jevons, of the Owens College, delivered a lecture at the Co-operative Hall, Upper Medlock Street, March 31, ou "Trade Societies." Mr. Adam Murray presided. The annual procession of the Church of England Schools and Ragged Schools was held June 1. There were 32 schools and 14,563 scholars in the procession. Mr. John Rhodes, of Stevenson Square, was robbed of bank notes and bills to the value of £1,500, in a beerhouse in Hilton Street, Port Street, June 11. A public meeting, presided over by the mayor, was held in the Town Hall, June 12, in aid of the Manchester Southern Hospital for the Diseases of Women and Children. The Rivers Pollution Commissioners met in the Manchester Town Hall, June 17, and at the Salford Town Hall on the following day. 1868] Annals of Manchester. 315 The Provincial Assembly of Unitarian ministers and congregations of the counties of Lancaster and Chester was held in Upper Brook Street Chapel, June 18. The Lancashire and Cheshire Branch of the British Medical Association held a meeting at the Royal Institution, Mosley Street, June 19. The foundation stone of a Wesleyan Chapel in Whalley Range was laid by Mr. Richard Haworth, June 20. The estimated cost was £7,300. A deputation from the Manchester Cotton Supply Association had an interview with Lord Stanley at the Foreign Office, in reference to the Suez Canal, June 20. A meeting was held of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, June 24, at which a deputation attended from the Manchester and Salford Trades Council, to obtain the co-operation of the Chamber in establishing a court of arbitration for this district. The twenty-fifth sessional anniversary of the Lancashire Independent College was held in the institution, June 25. The Rev. Alexander Thomson in the chair. A meeting convened by the Manchester Church Defence Association was held in the Free Trade Hall, in support of the Irish Church, June 30. An Act was passed for the publication of cotton statistics. The forwarders of cotton were required by it to make monthly returns to the Board of Trade, which are to be published. There is a penalty not exceeding £20, if forwarder omit to comply with requirements. June. An entertainment at the Athenaeum, July 4, on behalf of two orphan boys, sons of Mr. John Naull Allen, for some time past connected with the Man- chester Press, who died November 2, 1867. The Salford Hundred Quarter Sessions, formerly held at the New Bailey, was held for the first time in the Assize Courts, July 6. A meeting of blind people was held in the Hulme Town Hall, July 7. Mr. J. Morgan presided. Dr. Crompton spoke upon the expediency of establish in an industrial institution for the blind. The foundation stone of the City Police and Sessions Court in Minshull Street was laid by the mayor, Mr. R. Neill, July 10. The building is of the Gothic style, and was designed by Mr. T. Worthington, of this city. " Madam Beswick" was buried at Harpurhey Cemetery, July 12. This lady it is said, from fear of being buried alive, directed her body to be embalm* d under the direction of her physician, Dr. Charles White. This modern mummy was for many years in the Natural History Museum, Peter Street, and on the dispersal of that collection Madam Beswick was committed to the earth. (Manchester Guardian Notes and Queries.) 31 and 32 Victoria. Act to amalgamate the Court of Record for the hundred of Salford, and the Court of Record for the trial of civil acta w ithin the city of Manchester, and to constitute the said amalgamated court the Court of Record for the hundred of Salford, with extended powers, and to regulate the practice and procedure therein, and for other purposes. .Inly 13. A meeting of phonographers and friends of spelling reform held in the Town Hall, July 14, to welcome Mr. Isaac Pitman, the inventor of phonography. Professor Greenbank presided. A full report was printed in pamphlet form. 316 Annals of Manchester. [1868 The Lancashire Cotton Famine Memorial Window in the Guildhall, London, was uncovered July 15. The window, which was raised by penny subscriptions in Lancashire, was placed at the east end of the hall, as a memorial of the efforts made by the Lord Mayor's Committee to relieve the distress brought upon Lancashire by the cotton famine. The tiers contain historical subjects of the City of London, Lancashire worthies, &c. Several local gentlemen were present at the unveiling of the window by Colonel Wilson-Patten, M.P. The work was executed by Messrs. Clayton and Bell. The highest score at Wimbledon was made by Corporal Peake of the First Manchester Rifle Volunteers, July 21. Mr. Stephen Temple, Q.C., Attorney-General for the County Palatine, died at Lancaster, July 27. A dreadful accident at the Victoria Music Hall (Ben Lang's), Victoria Bridge, July 31, resulted from a false alarm of fire. In endeavouring to escape from the building twenty-three persons were crushed to death on the stairs, and many others sustained serious injuries. The foundation stone of St. Stephen's Church, City Road, Hulme, was laid by the Earl of Ellesmere, August 7. This was the last church consecrated by Bishop Lee. The ceremony was performed December 18, 1869. The architects were Messrs. Medland and Henry Taylor. With the exception of a small grant from the Manchester Church Building Society, the cost of the^ church was defrayed by Messrs. Hugh, Herbert, and Arthur Birley, by whom also the schools and parsonage were erected. The Institution of Engineers held their first annual meeting in the Town Hall, August 7. St. Matthew's Church, Ardwick, was consecrated by Bishop Lee, August 15. Mr. J. M. Taylor was the architect, and the cost of erection was £6,000. A fire occurred at the works of Mr. J. Lancaster, dyer, Harpurhey, August 22, and caused damage to about £5,000. Several men were seriously injured and one killed in the yard of Messrs. Bowden, Edwards, and Foster, Brook Street, August 25. Prizes and certificates awarded to the Manchester students, in connection with the Oxford Local Examination, were distributed at the Free Trade Hall, by Dr. Frederick Temple, September 11. The Mayor presided. At a review and sham fight at Heaton Park seven thousand volunteers and regulars were reviewed by Major-General Sir John Garvock, September 12. At the Revision Court, held in the Town Hall, September 15, Mr. Hosack, the revising barrister, gave his decision against the claim of 5,750 women to be placed upon the list of parliamentary voters. The foundation stone of the Dispensary for Sick Children, Gartside Street, was laid by the Bishop of Manchester, September 18. The Manchester Conference promoted by the Church Association com- menced its sittings in the Town Hall, October 6. Mr. Robert Gladstone presided. The ethnographical collections and miscellaneous curiosities of the late Natural History Society, Peter Street, were sold by auction, October 8. Mr. Charles Dickens gave the first of a series of farewell readings in the Free Trade Hall, October 10. 1868] Annals of Manchester. 317 The foundation stone of a Jews' School in Derby Street, Cheetham Hill, was laid by Mr. E. Nathan, October 15. The Salford and Pendleton Royal Hospital received a cheque fcr £1,200 from the Mansion House, being a portion of the balance of the relief fund, October 15. A fire took place at Messrs. J. and C. Brennand's printworks, Kersal Moor, October 16. The damage was estimated at from £S,000 to £10,000. The foundation stone of the new Town Hall, Albert Square, laid by the mayor, Mr. Robert Neill, October 26. Nearly the whole of the Corporation were present, and at the close of the proceedings one hundred and seventy guests had a dejeuner in the Town Hall. The Marquis of Salisbury was entertained at the Queen's Hotel, on the evening of October 27, by the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Alderman Bennett presided. Addresses were previously presented to the Marquis at the Town Hall by the Chamber of Commerce and the Cotton Supply Association, October 27. A meeting took place at the Town Hall, to receive the report of a committee which had been appointed to promote the extension of the Owens College. October 30. A meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall, under the presidency of Mr. R. Neill, November 4, in celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Saturday half-holiday. The first general Parliamentary election under the Reform Act of 1867 took place November 17. The numbers polled for the respective candidates were as follows: Mr. Hugh Birley (Conservative), 15, 4S6; Sir Thomas Bazley (Liberal), 11,192; Mr. Jacob Bright (Liberal), 13,514; Mr. Hoare (Conservative), 12,6S4; Mr. Ernest Jones (Liberal), 10,662 ; Mr. Mitchell Henry (Liberal), 5,236. The three first-named gentlemen were returned as the representatives of Man- chester. The election for the borough of Salford also took place on the same day, and resulted in the return of Mr. C. E. Cawley and Mr. W. T. Charley, the numbers at the close of the poll being: Mr. Cawley (Conservative), 6,312 ; Mr. Charley (Conservative), G,1S1 ; Mr. John Cheetham (Liberal), 6,141 ; Mr. Henry Rawson (Liberal), 6,018. Mr. Hawksley presented a report to the Salford Town Council upon the flood in the Irwell, November. He proposed a tunnel thirty feet in diameter and two miles in length, from Mode Wheel to near Agecroft Bridge. The estimated cost was £125,000. A man name Michael James Johnson murdered Patrick Nurney by stabbing him with a knife, at Cambridge Arms Inn, Regent Road, Salford, December 26. Mr. Benjamin Dennison Naylordied December 27, aged 70 years. He was the son of Benjamin Naylor (see under date April 12, 1846), and having devoted himself to scientitic study became a proficient in astronomy. The telescope erected by him at his residence at Dunham Massey was sold after his death to Sir George Airy, and used in observing the transit of Venus, at Kerguelen's Land in 1871. -Mr. Xaylor was a feoffee in Chetham's Hospital. ^Baker's Memorials, p. 120.) The Court of Record of the city of Manchester and the Court of Record of SI 8 Annals of Manchester. [1869 the hundred of Salford were amalgamated. The Salford Court of Record is one of the oldest institutions in the county, and dates from Saxon times. Mr. Edmund Buckley, of Higher Ardwick, Manchester, sometime M P. for Newcastle-under-Lynie, was created a Baronet. The difference caused by the passing of the Household Suffrage Act is shown by the following statement of the register in 1868 and in the preceding year:— 1868. 1867. Manchester Borough 47,911 25,130 Manchester County 2,276 (1868-9)... 2,263 Salford Borough 14,827 5,960 Salford County 1,067 790 Will-o'-the-wisp, a comic and satirical journal, was issued on Wednesday. JSTo. 12, and apparently the last, being dated December 1. Beginning with No. 7 the paper contained cartoons and sketches by Mr. Randolph Caldecott. 1869. Mr. Ernest Jones, barrister-at-law, died January 26, aged 50 years. He was of aristocratic birth, and was the godson of the King of Hanover (Duke of Cumberland), but became a popular and zealous supporter and advocate of advanced Liberal opinions ; and had taken a leading part in the Chartist move- ment. He was imprisoned in 1848, and the harshness with which he was treated led to a debate in Parliament. He was an orator unrivalled for his comintin^of the audience, and his poetry is often of fine quality. He wrote The Woou Spirit; Corayda; Battle-Day, &c. His finest effort is The Painter of Florence. He was interred at Ardwick Cemetery, and his remains were followed to their final resting-place by some thousands of his political friends and admirers. St. Gabriel's Church, Hulme, was consecrated, February 6. A great flood in the Irwell did considerable damage to property, February 7. A fire atTar-paraffin oil shop in Rochdale Road, February 22, resulted in the death of Mary and Thomas Mitton— mother and son— the latter being the occupier of the house. The Hon. Reverdy Johnson, the American Minister at the Court of St. James's, received addresses at the Town Hall from the Corporation of Man- chester and from the Chamber of Commerce, February 25. Mr. John A. Russell, Q.C., was appointed Judge of County Court, February. The shock of an earthquake was felt in Manchester and neighbourhood, March 15. In some parts the doors and windows were slightly shaken by the vibration ; a chimney was thrown down at Newchurch, and the walls were cracked at the Haslingden Railway Station. Mary, widow of the Rev. Jonathan Crowther, died at Higher Broughton, March 15, aged 95. She received her first ticket of membership in the Metho- dist Connexion from the hands of John Wesley in 1790. Her husband was President of the Conference in 1819. She is buried at Kersal. Mr. James Hervey Slack, solicitor, formerly of Manchester, was acciden- tally drowned in the river Dee, March 16. Alderman Thomas Ashworth, of Salford, died suddenly, March 20. Mr. 18S9] xLnnais of Manchester. 319 ^ Ashworth had always taken a lively interest in the educational movements in the borough, and was instrumental in the formation of the Mechanics' Insti- tution, Pendleton. (Baker's Memorials, page 128.) Michael James Johnson executed at the County Prison, Strangeways, for the murder of Patrick Nurney, at a beerhouse in Regent Road, Salford, March 29. > The manor or lordship of Higher and Lower Ardwick, comprising the manorial rights of the township, held for many generations by the Birch family, and purchased in 1835 by Mr. H. Weesh Burgess, of Hampstead, was sold by him, together with the Old Manor Estate, to Alderman Bennett. March. Mr. F.-J. Headlam, the stipendiary magistrate, began his duties at the City Police Court, Bridge Street, May 6. The Stowell Memorial Church, Salford, was consecrated by Bishop Lee, May 14. Mr. J. M. Taylor was the architect, and the cosi of erection was £-.000. The Rev. Dr. John Cumming, of London, visited Manchester, and delivered a lecture in the Free Trade Hall, on " The Signs of the Times," May 25. The corner stone of the Gesu (Church of the Holy Name), Oxford Road, was laid by Dr. Turner, Roman Catholic Bishop of Salford, June 10. The Church of the Ascension, Broughton, was consecrated by Bishop Lee, July 3. Mr. J. M. Taylor was the architect, and the cost of erection was £1,850. 32 and 33 Victoria, cap. 5. Act for authorising the leasing, selling, exchanging, and partitioning of estates in the parish of Manchester. July 12. 32 and 33 Victoria. Act for enabling the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the City of Manchester to purchase additional lands for the purpose of their waterworks, to widen and alter Deansgate, to acquire additional lands, and to raise further moneys, and for other purposes. July 12. The Prince and Princess of Wales visited Manchester and Salford, July 20. They were the guests of the Earl of Ellesmere, and on their way to Manchester visited the Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Old Tratford. Addresses were presented to them by both corporations. Mr. W. S. Rutter, solicitor, and coroner for Salford, died at his residence, Ford View, Lower Broughton, July 29, aged 77 years. Mr. Rutter filled the office of coroner for this division of the county for 37 years. Mr. H. L. Trafford, stipendiary magistrate for the borough of Salford and the petty sessional division of Manchester, died August 1. Mr. Trafford filled the office of stipendiary magistrate for nearly 25 years. Mr. F. Price was elected coroner for the Salford division, August 31. Mr. John Jennison died September 20, in the SOth year of his age. He was the originator and proprietor of the Belle Vue Gardens, which he began in 1S36, and which have for many years been the favourite resort of not only the pleasure- seekers of Manchester and the neighbourhood but of the manufacturing districts of the surrounding counties ; and, in the face of many difficulties, he worked on, by degrees enlarging and beautifying the grounds. Mr. John Lamartine Barker died October 9. He was the son of Mr. Thomas H. Barker, secretary of the United Kingdom Alliance, and was born at Man- 320 Annals of Manchester. [1869 Chester in 1848. After a brilliant career at the Owens College, where he was Shuttleworth scholar, he died at the beginning of his University career. He was the author of Political Economy of the Liquor Traffic, Manchester, 1867. There is a notice of him in the Owens College Magazine for 1S69. Edward Geoffrey Stanley, fourteenth Earl of Derby, died at Knowsley, October 23. He was born at Knowsley, March 29, 1799, and was returned M.P.for Stockbridge, and in 1826 he was returned for Preston. In the Canning and Goderich administrations he was Under Secretary for the Colonies, then he became Chief Secretary for Ireland, and on seeking re-election at Preston Was defeated by Henry Hunt, but he found a seat at Windsor. After being seven years in opposition he became, in 1841, Colonial Secretary, and was sum- moned to the House of Lords as Baron Stanley of Bickerstaffe, in September, 1814. On Sir R. Peel proposing the repeal of the Corn Laws, Lord Stanley retired from the Cabinet, and in 1S46 appeared as head of the Protectionist party. In 1851 he became Earl of Derby, and in February, 1852, he became Prime Minister. The same year he resigned, and was leader of the Opposition until February, 185S, when he formed his second administration, but resigned June 11, 1859. In 1866 he again became Premier, and with Mr. Disraeli passed the Reform Bill of 1867. In February, 186S, Lord Derby resigned his office and retired into private life. During the Cotton Famine Lord Derby was chairman of the Central Relief Committee. His translation of Homer appeared in 1867. Sir John lies Mantell, stipendiary magistrate of the Salford Hundred, took the usual oaths, and qualified as justice for the county, at the Salford Hundred Sessions, October 25. Mr. Robert Barnes, formerly mayor of Manchester, presented the trustees of the Royal Infirmary with the sum of £10,000. October. The Rev. Dr. Munroe, of the Scotch Presbyterian Church, Grosvenor Square, died November 1, aged 73 years. He was for thirty-seven years connected with the Grosvenor Square Scotch Church congregation. The Union Chapel, Oxford Road, opened November 15, the Rev. Alexander M'Laren minister. The building is in the Lombardo-Gothic style of architecture, and will accommodate about one thousand three hundred persons. St. Stephen's Church, Hulme, was consecrated December IS, by Bishop Lee. The Right Rev. James Prince Lee, D.D., first Bishop of Manchester, died at Mauldeth Hall, Burnage, December 24, aged 65 years. He was the son of Mr. Stephen Lee, secretary and librarian to the Royal Society. He was born in 1804, and received his education at St. Paul's School, and afterwards at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he obtained a Craven scholarship, and subsequently became a fellow of his college. He graduated B.A. in high honours in 1828, and took his M.A. degree in 1831. At Cambridge, as in earlier youth, he greatly distinguished himself by his classical attainments ; but in mathematics he was less successful, and this characteristic inequality of mental power seems to have remained with him through life. His memory for and command of language was always conspicuous, and it was to the circumstance of his being one of the best Greek scholars of his time that he owed the attainment of a fellowship of Trinity College. In 1830 he married the daughter of Mr. George Penrice, and in that year he became an assistant master at Rugby 1870] Annals of Manchester. 321 School, under the late Dr. Arnold. After spending eight years at Rugby, Dr. Lee was appointed to the head mastership of King Edward's Grammar School, at Birmingham, which he held for ten years, quitting it only on his elevation to the episcopate. In September, 1847, when the see of Manchester was created, and the Collegiate Church elevated to the rank of a cathedral, the premier selected Dr. Lee to be the first Bishop of Manchester. He was nominated to the see on October 23, 1847, elected on November 17, and the royal assent to the election followed on December 13. The election was confirmed on January 11, 184S, and on the 23rd of the same month the Bishop was consecrated at Whitehall, the officiating prelates being the Archbishop of York and the Bishops of Chester and Worcester. During his twenty-one years' occupancy of the see, the bishop was noted for the attention he paid to the business of the diocese. From the formation of the diocese down to his lordship's death nearly one hundred and thirty churches were consecrated by him, providing between eighty and ninety thousand sittings, a large proportion of which were free. The sum which had been expended in this work up to the close of 186S amounted to £421,800, exclusive of endowments and cost of sites. During the same period of time seventeen churches had been built and consecrated in lieu of former churches, at a cost of £57,000, exclusive of the value of sites, and a large number of new district parishes and ecclesiastical districts had been formed. At the close of 18G8 Dr. Lee had held sixty-three ordinations, at which he had ordained four hundred and seventy-one priests and five hundred and twenty- two deacons. Dr. Lee's remains were interred at St. John's Church, Heaton Mersey, December 31. His library was bequeathed to the Owens College. Some uncharitable references, in his will, to a daughter caused a painful sensation. Mr. Edward Hooson died December 11, in his forty-fifth year. He was president of the Lancashire Reform League, and a well-known political leader of the working classes. Alderman Thomas Dilworth Crewdson died at Baden, in Germany, December 12, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. Mr. Crewdson had been a member of the Manchester Board of Guardians about twenty-five years, and was for above thirty years treasurer of the City Mission. He was also a county and city magistrate. He was a man of refined culture and literary tastes, and for several years had been a member of the Rosicrucian Society. The foundation stone of St. John the Evangelist's Church, Cheetham Hill, was laid by Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Loyd, of Tillesden, Hawkhurst, Kent. The estimated cost of site and building was £10,000. 1870. Rev. Nicholas Melland Germon died January 17. He was born at Man- chester, May 23, 1828, his father being Rev. N. Germon, of the Free Grammar School, which he entered in 1836, and then finished his education at Oxford. lie was ordained priest in 1S54, and served several curacies, and eventually became Vicar of Newchurch-in-Pendle, where he died. He was author of Plain L'.i />ositio7i of the Nicene Creed : two Sermons preached in St. Peter's Church, Manchester, 1864. (School Register, vol. iii. p. 273.) Sir John Bowring, LL.D., F.R.S., &c, visited Manchester, January 27. 322 Annals of Manchester. [1270 The Rev. James Fraser, M.A., having been presented by the Crown to the bishopric of Manchester, was elected by the Dean and Chapter, January 31. Lycurgus, Archbishop of Syra, Tenos, and Milos, visited Manchester, February 5, and preached on the following day at the Greek Church, Higher Broughton. A farewell reading by Charles Dickens given in the Free Trade Hall, Feb. 6. "After," says Dolby, "we had passed an enjoyable and quiet Sunday at the Queen's Hotel, Manchester, and as by a wonderful circumstance it did not rain, we drove to Alderley Edge, the fresh air reviving the chief wonderfully." (Charles Dickens as I Knew Him, p. 393.) On their return a telegram was waiting announcing the death of Dickens's friend, Sir James Emerson Tennant. The Rev. James Fraser, D.D., consecrated Bishop of Manchester, March 25, at the Manchester Cathedral, by the Archbishop of York and the Bishops of Chester and Ripon. An attempt was made, April 30, to blow up the house of Mr. Edward John- son, at Levenshulme, and at the same time it was found that his timber-yard in Chapel Street was on fire. This was supposed to be the work of trade unionists, to whom Mr. Johnson was obnoxious as a maker of machine-bricks. The occurrence led to a debate in the City Council and to a question in the House of Commons. Mr. Peter Joynson died at the residence of his son, Taurogo House, Aber- gele, May 5, aged 82. Mr. Joynson was the senior member of the Manchester Royal Exchange, and his recollections of the city extended as far back as the period when there was only one carriage and pair to be seen in our streets. The foundation stone of Holt Town Ragged School was laid May 28, by Mr. George Bedson. The building accommodates 500 scholars, and the estimated cost was £900. Rev. George Henry Greville Anson, M.A., admitted archdeacon of Man- chester, May 30. The schools adjoining Richmond Congregational Church, Broughton Road, Salford, were opened June 3. The building contains a lecture-hall and ten class-rooms, and also a commodious and well-ventilated room for the infant class, and cost £3,500. The annual procession of scholars, teachers, and friends connected with the Church of England Sunday schools, June 4. The number of children who took part in the procession was 15,167. General S. F. Cary, whilst on a visit to Manchester, was initiated as a Rechabite, June 4, at the Trevelyan Hotel. The Co-operative Congress was held June 6, 7, and 8, at the Memorial Hall. Mr. Walter Morrison, the president, occupied the chair on the first day, and was succeeded by Rev. W. N. Molesworth, Mr. J. T. Hibbert, and Mr. Lloyd Jones. Mr. James Bennett died at Brighton, June 10. He was a native of Manchester, being born within the precincts of the " Old Church," of which he became a chorister. He went to London, where he attracted some notice, and thence to Italy to complete his musical training. He was professor of singing at the Royal Academy of Music, and a gentleman of the Chapel Royal. He wrote A Practical Introduction to Part and Sight Singing, London 1843, i8;o] Annals of Manchester. 323 and Elementary Exercises for the Cultivation of the Voice, London (folio). He was the first producer of Rossini's Stabat Mater. Baboo Keshub Chunder Sen, the Hindoo reformer, addressed a meeting in the Free Trade Hall, June 24. Mr. Edward Hardcastle, presided. Many clergymen of the Established Church were present ; and nearly every body of Protestant Dissenters was represented. The subject of Sen's address was the mission of the Brahmo Somaj and the condition of India generally. On June 25th he was entertained by the United Kingdom Alliance at the Trevelyan Hotel, and on the 26th preached at the Unitarian Free Church, Strangeways. Mr. W. T. Blacklock died at Hope Field, Eccles, 29th June. He was a member of the firm of Messrs. Bradshaw and Blacklock. His death, which was sudden, occurred on the morning of the marriage of his second daughter. He was a director and one of the largest shareholders in the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company. He was a magistrate for the county, and took an active part in the administration of its magisterial business. He also took a prominent part in the various charitable and religious institutions in Manchester, being treasurer of the local branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society, the Religious Tract Society, and of the Clinical Hospital ; and our city missions and ragged schools lost by his death a good friend. The Wesleyan Chapel, Regent Road, Salford,was opened June 30. This chapel, which was built from the designs of Mr. Webster, architect, will seat 850 worshippers. The estimated cost was £4,000. The Excelsior Printing and Bookbinding Works, Hulme Hall Road, was opened July 4. This establishment, the property of Mr. John Heywood, publisher of this work, is one of the largest of the kind in the provinces, and employs upwards of 750 individuals. 33 and 34 Victoria, cap. 2. Act for the Extension of the Owens College, Manchester, and other purposes, 4th July. 33 and 34 Victoria, cap. 129. Act for amending [and^extending the pro- visions of the Acts relating to the Borough of Salford, for authorising certain street improvements, and for other purposes, 14th July. Mr. Samuel Dukinfield Darbishire died 5th August, aged 74 years. He was one of the founders of the Manchester Athenaeum, and of Manchester New College. He was Councillor for All Saints' Ward in the first Town Council. On retiring from practice as a solicitor he settled at Pendyffryn, Carnarvonshire, of which county he was High Sheriff in 1855. (Baker's Memorials, p. 114.) The Alexandra Park at Moss Side was opened August 6th. It has an area of 62 acres. Rev. John Livesey, M.A., died at Sheffield, August 11. He was born at Ardwick, May 17th, 1803, his father being Mr. John Livesey, a warehouseman. He entered the Manchester Grammar School in 1819, graduated at St. John's College, Cambridge— B.A. 1827, M.A. 1830. He was ordained deacon and was curate at Trinity Church, Cambridge; in 1828 he was ordained priest. He became incumbent of St. Philip's Church, Sheffield, in 1831, and held that position until his death. He was author of several pamphlets and sermons. {School Register, vol. iii. p. 142.) The wife of Patrick Durr, an Irish labourer, was murdered by her husband, 324 Annals of Manchester. [1870 in Brighton Street, Red Bank, August 18. The murder was accomplished by strangulation, which was effected with a cord about three feet in length. The crime was witnessed by a son, a boy of 14, whose testimony was the chief evidence. The Growler, No. 1, Saturday, August 27th. "Owing to constitutional weakness no further growls were emitted." No. 2 never appeared. Miss Eleanora Atherton, of Kersal Cell and Quay Street, died September 12, in the 89th year of her age. Miss Atherton was a descendant of the Byrom family. She was a large contributor to the various charitable and religious institutions in Manchester. Holy Trinity Church, Stretford Road, was built at her sole cost. St. James the Less, Little Newton Street, Ancoats, was consecrated September 21. Mr. T. Risley was the architect. Sittings 750. Cost £2,800. The foundation stone of the new buildings of the Owens College was laid by the Duke of Devonshire, September 23. The college is to accommodate 600 day students, in addition to the evening classes. The sum of £100,000 was placed at the disposal of the committee, £67,000 of which was available for the erection of the building. The building and site were estimated to cost £90,000. Mr. A Waterhouse was the architect. Mr. Jeremiah Garnett died at Sale, September 27, in the 77th year of his age. Mr. Garnett was born October 2, 1793, at Wharfeside, Otley, the residence of his father, Mr. William Garnett, who was a paper manufacturer of that place. He came to Manchester about 1814, and formed his first connection with the newspaper world by entering the office of Wheeler's Chronicle, and in 1821 he transferred his services to the 'Manchester Guardian, which was • commenced in that year. He was commissioner of police under the old government of Manchester, and co-operated actively, in bringing about the incorporation of the town in 1838. In January, 1844, he was elected as councillor for St. Ann's Ward, filling up £he vacancy caused by the death of his partner, Mr. John Edward ; Taylor. Mr. Garnett, however, only acted for the remainder of Mr. Taylor's term of office, which expired on November 1, 1S15. Mr. Garnett succeeded to a leading share in the direction of the Manchester Guardian on the decease of his partner, the original founder and editor of the paper, in January, 1844. Little more than four years later, the early death of Mr. Russell ScottlTaylor left the editorship-in-chief exclusively in his hands. He finally retired from 1 ; all active duties in connection with his office at the beginning of 1861. (Manchester City News, October 1, 1870; Sphinx, vol. iii. p. 349.) The Queen's Theatre, Bridge Street, opened November 5, with a new play, entitled "Insured at Lloyd's." A branch Free Library, in Greengate, Salford, opened November 7. This branch was the first offshoot of the Peel Park Library. The building contract, including fixtures, was £1,308. The election of a School Board for Manchester, to carry out the provisions of the Education Act in the city, took place November 24. There were forty- four candidates for the fifteen seats. At the first meeting Mr. Herbert Birley was elected Chairman. The first election of the School Board for Salford took place November 30. 1870] Annals of Manchester. 325 There were twenty-four candidates for the fifteen seats. At the first meeting Mr. Herbert Birley was elected Chairman. The schools in connection with Salem Chapel, Strangeways (Methodist New Connexion), were completed in November. The cost was £2,600. Mr. John Sudlow died, December 4, at New Holme, Whalley Range, aged 50. He was a member of the firm of Messrs. Ainsworth, Crossley, & Sudlow, and was Churchwarden of Manchester in 1861, 1862, and 1863. He was a prominent Conservative, and took an active part in the elections for South Lancashire. On December 19 a banquet was given at the Clarence Hotel, Manchester, to Mr. James Ashbury, whose yacht Cambria won the ocean race across the Atlantic against the Dauntless. Dr. Peter Royle presided, and upwards of eighty gentlemen were present. Alderman William Harvey, of Salford, died December 24, aged 83. He was at one time a partner with his cousin, Mr. Joseph Brotherton, M.P. He had been an active member of the Anti-Corn Law League, was president of the Vegetarian Society, and chairman of the Executive Council of the United Kingdom Alliance. He was Mayor of Salford in 1857-8 and 1858-9. At the City Coroner's Court, held December 27, no fewer than eleven cases were investigated. Verdicts of "Accidental death" were returned in each case. Mr. George Wilson, chairman of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, died suddenly in a railway carriage, whilst on his way to Liverpool, December 29. Mr. Wilson was a native of Hathersage, where he was born in April, 1808. His father, who was a corn miller, removed to Manchester in 1813, where the son was eventually apprenticed to a corn merchant. Subse- quently Mr. Wilson became a manufacturer of starch and gum, but this business not proving successful, he relinquished it, and devoted his attention to the management of telegraphs and railways. Mr. Wilson entered public life at a very early age, and at the first Parliamentary election, in 1832, played a very prominent part. The return of Mr. Charles Poulett Thomson, in con- junction with Mr. Mark Philips, is said to have been largely due to Mr. Wilson's exertions. His next efforts were directed to the work of obtaining a charter of incorporation for Manchester, and Mr. Wilson, as one of the first- elected councillors, represented St. Michael's Ward in the Town Council from 1839 to 1842. Before his municipal term of office terminated, his connect ion with the Free Trade agitation had commenced, and in 1811 he was elected chairman of the Anti-Corn-Law League, a position he occupied until the repeal of the Corn Laws and the dissolution of the association in 1816. As an evidence of his activity in this capacity, it is stated that he attended no fewer than 1,361 meetings in various parts of the country ; and, as a reward fur Ins services, a testimonial of £10,000 was presented to him. His chief energies after the repeal of the Corn Laws were devoted to the electoral affairs of the, city and county, and to the organisation and labours of the National Reform Union, of which association he was the chairman. lie was the chairman of the Man- chester Board of Directors of the Electric Telegraph Company, and was largely instrumental in the development of the telegraph system in this part of the country. lie was buried at Ardwick Cemetery, January 2, 1871. Mr. Richard Parker, clerk to the Prestwich Board of Guardians, died 326 Annals of Manchester. [1871 December 31, aged 55 years. Mr. Parker acted for some years as a relieving officer in the Manchester Poor Law Union. He is buried at St. Mark's Church. The masons' strike, which lasted for thirteen months, came to an end by the submission of the men. A great fire in Barrack Street, Chester Road, Hulme, caused damage which was estimated at £10,000. 1871. Miss Woodiwis, daughter of Mr. Francis Woodiwis, died January 2. She is said to have increased her fortune from £100,000 to £250,000 by her penu- riousness. Her father left her £100,000 about 1830. He was a currier in Fennel Street. A gentleman bought some leather from him, and, requesting to have the parcel sent to his office, laid down twopence for the person who took it. The old boy said very quietly " I'm not busy just now, so I'll take it myself," which he did, and coolly pocketed the twopence. Mr. Christopher Temple, Q.C., judge of the Salford County Court Circuit, died January 23, aged 85. Mr. David Morris, F.G.S., died January 27, aged 51. He was a member of the Salford Town Council, and distinguished by his zealous efforts for popular education. He is buried at Ardwick Cemetery. Rev. J. C. Paterson, M.A., died February 3, aged 45. He was minister of St. Andrew's Free (Presbyterian) Church, Oxford Road. Lion, the "Salford Fire Dog," died in January. He saved several lives, and was a great favourite with the firemen. In December, 1863, the members of the brigade presented him with a collar, on which was engraved — " When duty calls I must obey, so onward let me jog ; For my name is Lion, the Salford firemen's dog." Lion attended three hundred and thirty-two fires. (City News, February 4, 1871.) A fire at the cotton mill of Messrs. Shaw, Jardine, and Co., in Elizabeth Street, Butler Street, February 4, is estimated to have caused damage to the extent of between £50,000 and £60,000. Mr. John Drummond Morton, secretary to the National Reform Union, died at Sale Moor, February 9. He was born at Manchester in 1830, and edited the Manchester Review, 1858, and wrote critical and political essays. He is buried at Salford Cemetery. Sir Charles Shaw died Feruary 22. Sir Charles was born in 1795, and entering the army, served in Spain and Belgium, and was at the battle of Waterloo. In 1831 he joined the liberating army of Portugal in the Azores, and commanded a regiment during the whole of the civil war in Portugal. In 1S35 he was appointed Brigadier-General of the British Auxiliary Legion in Spain. In 1839 he was appointed by the Government as Chief Commissioner of Police in Manchester and Bolton, a position which he held till 1842. He was knighted in 1838, and was also a Knight Commander of the Portuguese Order of the Tower and Sword, and Knight Commander of San Fernando of Spain. Mr. Charles Davelin, or Davlin, died at Bolton in February. He was born at Carlisle about 1793, and was a handloom weaver. He wrote Gilbart, a poem on the evils of intemperance, published at Preston by Joseph Livesey in 1838, 1871] Annals of Manchester. 327 and The Democrat, which was dedicated to Fergus O'Connor. (Temperance Spectator, 1866; Lithgow's Life of J. C. Prince, p. 113 ; Papers of the Man- chester Literary Club, vol. v., p. 265.) A curious incident occurred at the Manchester Assizes, March 9. Mr. W. T. Charley, then M.P. for Salford, wrote a letter to the newspapers reflecting upon the verdict of the jury in a case tried on March 7. Mr. Justice Willes having called him into court he apologised and withdrew the letter. Mr. Thomas Agnew died March 24, at his house, Fairhope, Eccles, aged 76 years. He was born at Liverpool in 1794, and was a fellow-student of Gibson the sculptor. He came to Manchester at the age of fifteen, and entered the shop of Zanetti, the picture dealer, and in 1816 became a partner. The fame of the house of Agnew is known wherever there are British artists. He was for many years a member of the Salford Corporation, and was mayor at the time of the Queen's visit in 1851 to Peel Park and its Museum, of which he was one of the principal promoters. He was greatly interested in Sunday schools, and took an active part in the establishment of day schools, those in connection'with the Bolton Street Swedenborgian Temple being the first of their kind in Salford. He was an ardent disciple of Swedenborg. A notice of his services to the art world is given in the Art Journal for 1861. (See also notice in Intellectual Repository, May 1871, vol. xviii., p. 253, and the Dawn, April 14, 1884.) There is a portrait of him in the Peel Park Museum. A new Roman Catholic Church, dedicated to the Patronage of St. Joseph, and situated in Craven Street West, Regent Road, Salford, was opened on Sunday, March 26, by Bishop Turner. The building is in the Gothic style, and is constructed of red bricks with stone dressings. It will accommodate about one thousand persons, and cost about £1,200. A meeting was held, March 29, in the Mayor's Parlour, for the establishment of a " National Union for the Suppression of Intemperance," but the proposal was rejected because the ground was already occupied. (See under date December 18.) It was, however, started, and a periodical, The National Union Chronicle, founded as its organ. Mr. Robert Scarr Sowler, Q.C., died at Stand, near Manchester, April 23, aged 56 years. Mr. Sowler was called to the bar in 1842, was called within the bar of the County Palatine of Lancaster in 1858, and was made full Q.C. in 1S66. In the same year he became one of the Masters of the Bench of the Middle Temple. Mr. Sowler was one of the counsel for the prosecution of the Fenians at the special commission held in Manchester in 1867. He was formerly very active in the political controversies of the North of England, not only as a political speaker in the Conservative cause, but as editor for many years of the Manchester Courier. He was the eldest son of Mr. Thomas Sowler, founder of that journal. Mr. Joseph Cheesborough Dyer died May 3. He was born at Stonnington Point, a small town in Connecticut, November 15, 1780, and at an early age showed mechanical aptitude. He made his first visit to Manchester in 1 but did not settle there until 1816. He was one of the founders of the ISorth American Review. He was concerned in patents for the carding engine in 1811; the roving frame in 1825; and a great variety of other inventions He an ardent political reformer, and in 1830 was one of the deputation 328 Annals of Manchester. [1871 appointed to take the contributions of Manchester to the wounded in the French Revolution of July. In 1832 he established machine-works at Gamaches, Somme, which ultimately resulted in a loss of £120,000. He was one of the original promoters of the Manchester Guardian and of the Bank of Manchester. When the bank failed, Dyer estimated his loss at £96,000. In 1839 he built Mauldeth Hall, but after his great losses sold it and lived at Burnage with his two sons, Frederick N. Dyer, author of The Slave Girl, and Wilson Dyer, the artist, who died in 1867. J. C. Dyer was the friend of Fulton, and one of his contributions to the Literary and Philosophical Society is an interesting paper on the " Introduction of Steam Navigation." (Smith's Centenary, p. 298.) Early in the year the temperance order of the Free Templars of St. John was introduced to the city. A demonstration was held May 13. Con- ferences were held with a yiew to union with the Independent Order of Good Templars. This was accomplished. (Winskill's Temperance Reforma- tion, p. 479.) Sir Oswald Mosley, second baronet and last lord of the manor, died May 25. He was educated at Rugby and Oxford, where he was a gentleman commoner of Brazenose College, and took the M.A. degree in 1806. He was elected M.P. for Portarlington 1806, Winchilsea 1807, Midhurst 1816. After the Reform Bill he sat for North Staffordshire, 1832-37. He wrote A Short Account of the British Church, The History of Tutbury, and Family Memoirs. He had 9 strong interest in natural history, and contributed some interesting papers to the Zoologist. In 1845 he sold the manorial rights to the Corporation of Manchester for the sum of £200,000. (Mosley's Family Memoirs; Axon's Lancashire Gleanings.) The number of children who took part in the annual procession of Church of England Sunday Schools was 15,609, May 29. The foundation stone of the new schools for St. George's Church, Chester Road, Hulme, was laid by the Bishop of Manchester, May 31. The schools accommodate upwards of one thousand children, and the cost was estimated at £4,000. Lord Egerton subscribed £1,000 towards their erection, and the Bridge- water trustees made a grant of the site upon which the schools were erected. Mr. A. Darby shire was the architect. The corner stone of the Manchester Abattoirs and Dead Meat Market, Water Street, was laid by the mayor, Alderman Grave, June 8. A destructive fire at Messrs. McConnel's mill, in Jersey Street, June 24, caused damage to the extent of £100,000, and also resulted in the death of a stoker named Hartley Braithwaite, whose hand was cut whilst assisting the firemen, and who died from exhaustion caused by loss of blood. The Religious Institute, Corporation Street, was opened June 28. This building was erected for the use of the Bible Society, the Religious Tract Society, and the City Mission. The cost of the site, £3,100, was raised by public subscription, whilst that of the building, £4,000, was entirely borne by Mr. John Fernley. 34 and 35 Victoria. Act for enabling the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of the city of Manchester to acquire additional lands, to raise further moneys, and for other purposes. June 29. 34 and 35 Victoria, cap. 110. Act to confer additional power upon the 1871] Annals of Manchester. 329 Corporation of Salford in reference to the drainage and improvement of the borough, and for other purposes. July 13. Mr. Charles F. Anthony died July 21, in his 68th year. He was the oldest professor of music in the city, and acted as musical critic for many years. He was a native of Birmingham. The one hundred and twenty-eighth Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Connexion was held in the Wesleyan Chapel, Oldham Street, Manchester, and began July 26. The Rev. John H. James, D.D., was elected president. At the sessions of July 29 and 31 the case of Rev. Thomas Hughes was under dis- cussion, and he was not reappointed, but placed on the list of supernumeraries, for publishing a book in which he called in question the rule making "class- membership " the basis of Blethodist communion. Dom Pedro II., Emperor of Brazil, visited Manchester, July 27. The foundation stone of the Barnes Convalescent Home, the munificent gift of Robert Barnes, Esq., was laid July 29, by Mr. Hugh Birley, M.P., the treasurer to the Royal Infirmary. The Bishop of Manchester had prepared a special service for and officiated at the stone-laying. Rev. Joseph Fox died at Manchester, August 10. He was born at Leeds, July 2, 1793, and was Independent minister at Bolton, 1818-26, and author of Four Sermons on Christian Duties, Bolton, 1824; Lecture on Modern Soclnianism, delivered in Duke's Alley Chapel, Bolton, 1S24. The Church of St. John the Evangelist, Cheetham Hill, was consecrated by Bishop Fraser, August 10. The architects were Paley and Austin, and the cost of erection £12,000. Mr. Henry Blacklock died at his residence, Park House, Didsbury, August 19, aged 52. Mr. Blacklock was the only surviving partner of the firm of Bradshaw and Blacklock, the publishers of Bradshaiv's Eailicay Guide. Mr. Stephen Heelis, solicitor, and for some time Mayor of Salford, died at his residence, Grasmere, August 26, in the 70th year of his age. Mr. Heelis was an active politician on the Conservative side, and for many years a leading member of the Salford Corporation. During the second year of his mayoralty Salford was honoured with two royal visits, on one of which occasions the honour of knighthood was offered to him, but which he declined from private considerations. He was one of the founders of the Law Association, of which he was president in 1843, and again in 1867. Various local institutions and charities had the benefit of Mr. Heelis's professional assistance, and he was a subscriber to many. He took a leading part in the formation of the Salford Volunteer Corps, to whose funds, in the early period of its existence, he liberally subscribed. In private life he was highly esteemed. Mr. Thomas Ballantyne died at London in September. He was born at Paisley in 1806, but was for a time a resident journalist connected with the Manchester Examiner. He wrote the Corn-Law Repealer's Handbook, 1S41 ; Essays in Mosaic, &c. He was originally a w caver. The Co-oj)erative News began September 2. Its first editor was Mr. Walker, afterwards the Rev. Robert Bailey Walker. He was succeeded as editor by Mr. J. C. Farn, and he in turn by Mr. S. Bamford. The Reform Club, King Street, was opened with groat eclat October 19. There was a dinner at the clubhouse, to which 240 gentlemen sat down. A 330 Annals of Manchester. ri87i banquet was also held in the Free Trade Hall. Earl Granville presided on both occasions. There were several noblemen, M.P.'s, and local influential gentle- men present on the occasion. At the General Council Meeting of the United Kingdom Alliance, October 17, it was decided to raise a guarantee fund of £100,000, for the next five years' work. Rev. Patrick Thomson, M.A., died November 8. He was born at Lochel, near Dundee. His father was the Rev. Alexander Thomson. Patrick Thomson entered Marischal College, Aberdeen, and in his 18th year took the degree of M.A. In 1830 he settled as nNinister of Newington Chapel, Liverpool. In 1832 he removed to Edmonton, near London, and shortly afterwards to Chatham. In 1851 he became minister of Grosvenor Street Chapel, and remained here until 1865, when he again removed this time to Bristol. He was afterwards minister at Leominster and Rochester. His publications were mostly sermons, but in 1850 he published a volume entitled The Soul: its Nature and Destinies. Mr. John Higson died at Lees, December 13. He was born at Gorton, July 25, 1825, and was author of the Gorton Historical Recorder, 1852, the History of Droylsden, 1859, and many topographical articles in local papers. A conference of temperance reformers was held December 18 at the Waste Dealers' Exchange, when resolutions were passed condemnatory of the " National Union for the Suppression of Intemperance." Mr. Robert Barnes died at Fallowfield, December 25. He was born in Man- chester in 1800, and was intended for the bar, but instead entered into partner- ship with his brother Thomas as cotton spinners. Having realised a fortune, he bought Harefield, Herts, and went to reside there, but returned to Man- chester, where he devoted himself to works of charity. In 1848 he was elected a member of the Corporation, and in 1851 was mayor. He retired from the City Council in 1857. The Barnes Home, the Barnes Samaritan Charity need only be named as proofs of the liberality of this merchant prince. Mr. Barnes was a Wesleyan, but his only son, a young man of great promise, died whilst preparing for Anglican orders. His daughter inherited the benevolence as. well as the wealth of her father. The Greenheys Congregational Church formed. A building in Wood Street, erected for the services of the Church of England, was purchased by Mr. Woodward, and used for several years as a school and preaching room, under the care of Chorlton Road Church. Mr. Woodward presented the Wood Street School to trustees, together with additional land, upon which a new church was built by subscription, the foundation stone being laid by Sir James Watts, on February 26, 1870. The new church cost £4,000, and was opened for public worship on December 7, 1870, under the pastoral care of the Rev. Wm. Scott, now of Ipswich. It became a separate church by resolution of the members of Chorlton Road Church, passed on the 28th June, 1871, on the application of ninety-five members, then worshipping at the new church in Greenhill Street. The populations of the Municipal and Parliamentary Boroughs of Man- chester at the eighth census were respectively 355,655 and 383,843; those of Salford, 124,805 and 124,801. Elder Frederick William Evans lectured at the Temperance Hall, Grosvenor 1872] Annals of Manchester. 331 Street, on the " American Shakers," amongst whom he was a representative man. The sect was founded by Ann Lee, the Manchester prophetess. Rev. Robert Moffatt, the African missionary, was present at a meeting of the London Missionary Society in the Free Trade Hall. He referred, in speaking, to the fact that it was from Manchester he was sent into the mission field. Mr. Edward Herford, coroner for Manchester, and Dr. E. J. Syson, medical officer for Salford, gave evidence, June 12, before a select committee of the House of Commons as to the nature and extent of "baby-farming" in their districts. They were both of opinion that criminal practices of the Waters type did not prevail. Subsequently Mr. Herford gave evidence as to the use of opiates in drugging children to sleep. Lord Justice James delivered judgment on appeal in the action "Roskellv. Whitworth," in which it was sought to restrain Sir Joseph Whitworth from using the steam-hammer at his works in Chorlton Street in such a manner as to cause a nuisance to the clergy of St. Augustine's Church, Granby Row. An injunction was granted against Sir Joseph Whitworth. 1872. A storm of unusual violence occurred in Manchester and neighbourhood, January 4. The wind blew with great violence and hail fell heavily. Light- ning and thunder followed, the flashes succeeding each other with great rapidity and were very vivid. St. Mary's Church, Higher Crumpsall, was struck by the electric fluid, and the entire of the internal portion of the sacred edifice was thereby reduced to a shapeless mass of debris. The damage was estimated at about £2,500, which was covered by insurance. The branch library for Cheetham and adjacent districts— the fifth of the Manchester branches— was opened by the Mayor of Manchester, January 29. Rev. Louis Henry Mordacque, M.A., incumbent of Haslingden, died January 30. He was the son of Mr. L. A. J. Mordacque, of Manchester, and was born May 10, 1824. He was the translator of Salverte's History of Names, 1862-4, in 2 vols. Lieutenant-Colonel G. E. Brown-Westhead, of the 31st Regiment, died at Malvern Wells, February 8, aged 42. He was the eldest son of Mr. J. P. Brown- Westhead, M.P., and distinguished himself in the Crimea. Mr. Martin Schunck died, February 22. He was the son of Herr Karl Schunck, a major in the army of Hesse, and was born at Schluchtern, November 11, 1789, but settled in Manchester in 1808, where he resided during the remainder of his life, and was a successful merchant. Rev. George John Ficcope, M.A., died at Yarwell, Northamptor. shire, February 22. He was born at Manchester, 1818, where his father was rector of St. Paul's Church ; entered the Grammar School, 1832, and proceeded to Oxford, where he graduated B.A. 1842 and M.A. 1845. From 1849 to 18G4 he was curate of Brindle ; in that year he was preferred to the curacy of Yarwell, of which he had sole charge until his death. He was editor of three vols, of Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories for Chetham Society. He was a zealous antiquary. His various MS. collections were presented to Chetham Society. (School Register, vol. iii. p. 241.) A special thanksgiving service for the recovery of the Prince of Wales was 332 Annals of Manchester. [1872 held in the Cathedral, February 26. A sermon was preached by the Bishop of Manchester ; and the military forming the garrison, together with the various regiments of volunteers, attended the service. Special thanksgiving services were also held in several of the district churches throughout the city and neighbourhood. Mr. Charles Samuel Simms died, February 27, at Higher Broughton. He was born at Bath, January 17, 1809, and educated at the Grammar School of that town. Be began business at Wigan as a printer and bookseller, and the editions for private circulation of the Lives of the Lindsays and other writings of the late Earl of Crawford and Balcarres were printed by him. Mr. Simms settled in Manchester, where he printed the publications of the Chetham and Spenser Societies. He was the author of a Translation of the First Book of Homer's Iliad (1866), and of a volume of verse entitled Footprints (1861), both of which were printed for private circulation. A biographical notice, written by Mr. James Crossley, appeared in the Manchester Courier, March 2. A serious fire occurred in Allen's Buildings, Victoria Street, March 10. Great damage was done to property belonging to various parties carrying on business in the premises, amounting in the aggregate to about £15,000. Mr. Samuel Bamford, the Reformer, and author of the famous Passages from the Life of a Badical, died April 13, aged 84. Samuel Bamford was born at Middleton, February 28, 1788. He learned weaving when a youth, passed a short time as sailor on board a coaster voyaging between London and Shields, was a warehouseman in Manchester, and a weaver again in Middleton. He played a prominent part in the agitation for Parliamentary Reform between 1815 and 1819 ; was present as the leader of the Middleton contingent of Reformers at Peterloo ; was tried at York, along with " Orator Hunt" and others, on a charge of "conspiracy to alter the legal frame of government and consti- tution of these realms, and with meeting tumultuously at Manchester ;" was condemned to twelve months' imprisonment in Lincoln Castle ; was afterwards a newspaper reporter for London and district journals ; was seven years (1851-58) a clerk in the Board of Inland Revenue Office at Somerset House ; and, Anally, when seventy years old, settled down at Moston, where he spent the last fourteen years of his life. In addition to his prose writings, Bamford was the author of a small volume of poems, which he modestly entitled Homely Rhymes. He is buried at Middleton Church, where there is a monument to his memory. The annual procession of children attending the various Church of England Sunday schools in Manchester numbered 15,443. May 20. Mr. William Romaine Callender, J.P., died at his residence, The Elms, Didsbury, May 24, aged 78 years. Mr. Callender was intimately associated with the public affairs of Manchester at the commencement of its history as a municipality. He began life as a draper's assistant, in which capacity he came to Manchester from Birmingham about 1815. After serving two houses as salesman, he was made, in 1822, a partner in one of them. He was subse- quently the founder and senior partner of the firm of Callender, Bickham, and Company, in Mosley Street, and afterwards he took Mr. Dodgshon, and his two sons (Mr. W. Romaine Callender, jun., and Mr. Pope Callender) into partner- ship, and carried on business in Charlotte Street. Under the firm of Callender and Sons he afterwards entered into a large spinning business, and purchased 1872] Annals of Manchester. 333 the mills of the late Mr. Robert Barnes, in Jackson Street, London Road, and also the mills of Mr. (afterwards Sir Thomas) Bazley, M.P., near Bolton. Mr. Callender took an active part in local politics and municipal affairs. He was for some years a member of the City Council for St. James's Ward, and was elected as alderman, but resigned that office after holding it for a few 3-ears. In politics he was a Whig or Moderate Liberal, and he was a member of the election committee of Mr. C. Poulett Thomson, who was returned to Parlia- ment in 1832 with Mr. Mark Philips, in the contest against Mr. Loyd, Mr. Hope, and Mr. Cobbett. Subsequently Mr. Callender was identified with the late Mr. Alderman Neild, Mr. Cobden, and Mr. Alexander Kay in the struggle for the incorporation of Manchester, and he was also a member of the com- mittee of the Manchester Reform Association for many years, until it was determined in 1846-47 to bring forward Mr. Bright as candidate for Manchester. Mr. Callender, not approving of Mr. Bright's nomination, left the association, and took no very active part in politics afterwards. He was a liberal subscriber to the principal charities and public institutions of the town, and was a trustee of the Royal Infirmary and the Manchester Grammar School. He was a Congregationalist. A destructive fire broke out at the cotton warehouse of Mr. E. Butterworth, Union Street, Ancoats, May 26. The damage was estimatedfat £15,000. The Right Hon. B. Disraeli, accompanied by his wife, Viscountess Beacons- field, visited Manchester, April 1. On the following day a demonstration upon an extensive scale took place at Pomona Gardens, where Mr. Disraeli received addresses from 124 of the Lancashire Conservative, Constitutional, and Orange Associations. It was estimated that the number in the great hall was between 25,000 and 30,000, and there was another large crowd in the open air numbering probably 10,000 or 15,000 more. On the Wednesday evening a monster meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall, upon which occasion the right hon. gentleman delivered an address. There were upon the platform the Earls of Derby and Ellesmere and 28 members of Parliament, besides a large number of local gentlemen. On the following day Mr. Disraeli received a deputation of factory operatives at the residence of Mr. W. R. Callender, Ashbourne House, Victoria Park, whose guest he was. Mr. Disraeli then visited the Con- servative Club, St. James's Square, where he lunched with about 100 of the members, and subsequently received two deputations. He afterwards visited Peel Park and some of the manufactories of the town. On April 5 he took his departure for London. Mr. Charles Allen Duval died, June 14, at Alderley. He was born about 1808, and was a portrait painter, and also contributed to tke No7-th of England Magazine, and wrote pamphlets on the American War. 35 and 30 Victoria. Act for enabling the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of the city of Manchester to make new streets, with a bridge over the river Irwell, and to acquire additional lands for cemetery and other purposes, and for making further provision respecting the borrowing of money by them, and for other purposes. June 27. The most disastrous flood which ever visited Manchester and neigh- bourhood occurred July 13. The flood of 1S66 along the banks of the Irwell inflicted probably as great a loss within the limits of its ravages, but on this 334 Annals of Manchester. [1872 occasion the inundation was more widely extended, and laid a vastly larger tract of country under water. The rainfall of the previous week was enormous, and an ordinary month's rain fell on the 12th and 13th alone. The Irwell, which is an unusually rapid river, rose many yards above its ordinary level. Portions of Peel Park were flooded, and the racecourse, near Throstle Nest, was also inundated, but no serious injury was done. Far different was the state of affairs along the course of the Medlock, and it was on the banks of this river that the effects of the rainstorm were felt most disastrously. The water began to rise about eleven o'clock, but it was past twelve before it attained the dimensions of an irresistible flood, and then it bore all before it. At Medlock Vale, some three miles beyond Bradford-cum-Beswick, the fields were covered on either side, and two bridges were washed away. At Messrs. Taylor and Boyd's calico printworks, Clayton Bridge, the river rose twelve feet above its ordinary level, and one of the lodge embankments gave way. A weir at Lord's Brook, at the end of Green's Lane, was washed down, and persons going along the lane were obliged to get over into the field, the ordinary road being quite impassable. Several tons of earth were washed on the line of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, near Clayton Bridge Station, and for some hours the traffic had to be carried on by means of one line of rails only. Beyond the bridge, near Messrs. Wood and Wright's Clayton Vale printworks, the river burst its banks, and the destruction caused at the works was terrific. Two bridges were destroyed, a weir partially washed away, the walls of the white- room, in which 20,000 pieces of calico were stored, fell, and the goods and machinery were carried into the water. Machinery was damaged, dyes destroyed, the boiler fires extinguished, and the whole place devastated. By the time the flood had reached the Manchester City Cemetery, near the Philips Park, Bradford, it had grown in volume and power. About noon it broke through a wall of stone which bounds the cemetery on one side, and rushed with tremendous force across the Boman Catholic portion of the graveyard. The result was indescribably distressing and ghastly. Coffins were washed out of the earth and dashed to pieces against the weir of the adjoining print- works, and the corpses were then swept down the stream. The number of bodies thus disturbed has not been accurately ascertained, but more than fifty were recovered. From Philips Park to Fairfield Street the ravages of the flood continued, and at this latter point the inundation, besides injuring the works along the banks, penetrated the houses of the poorer people. Near Holt Town Bridge a row of cottages was undermined, and the tenants had to fly to save their lives. In Ancoats, near Palmerston Street, where the river winds through a densely-populated district, the water rose to the bedrooms, and rafts had to be used to rescue the inmates. Similar scenes were witnessed in Ardwick, and in the street in which the Mayfield Baths are situated. Great injury was inflicted upon the works in this neighbourhood. Along the entire course of the river through the city the damage done to machinery and other property was very considerable, and the scenes witnessed amongst the poor working classes residing on its banks were of a most distressing nature, many of the unfortunate denizens of the low-lying districts having to be rescued through their bedroom windows. In some of the manufactories the water rose to the height of fifteen feet. At the junction of the Medlock with the Irwell, 1872] Annals of Manchester. 335 at Knot Mill, the water accumulated in large volumes. Much of it passed over to the Bridgewater Canal, and so flooded the wharves that two barges laden with coal were lifted from the canal, and, when the water subsided, were deposited on the wharf near one of the goods warehouses. Only one life was, however, lost, but many hairbreadth escapes were encountered. The Right Rev. William Turner, D.D., Bishop of Salford, died July 13. He was born at Whittingham, near Preston, in 1799, where his father was a solicitor. After studying at Ushaw he went to the English College at Rome, and on his return was present at the opening of St. Augustine's Church in Granby Row. In 1826 he was ordained and laboured in various parts of Lancashire. In 1832 he volunteered to take the post of the priests who died, in the visitation at Leeds, of cholera. When the Roman Catholic hierarchy was re-established Dr. Turner was the first appointed Bishop of Salford, and was consecrated in St. John's Cathedral, July 25, 1851, by Cardinal Wiseman. Dr. Turner was buried at Salford Cemetery, and the funeral sermon was preached by Archbishop Manning. His successor to the see of Salford was the Right Rev. Herbert Vaughan, D.D. A railway collision occurred on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway near Agecroft, August 3. Four lives were lost, and several persons seriously injured. Captain Thomas Henry Mitchell, governor of the Salford Hundred County Gaol, in Strangeways, died suddenly, Aug. 17, aged 72 years. He held the office of governor for twenty-four years. He was a strict disciplinarian, and discharged the duties of his office to the entire satisfaction of the visiting justices. Captain Mitchell entered the army as a private in the Grenadier Guards at the age of sixteen, and was promoted to the post of sergeant in that division of the service. Then he was transferred as ensign to the 60th Rifles, in which corps he ultimately became a captain. He was interred at the Salford Cemetery. Mr. Francis Taylor died August 27. He was born at Beverley, in 1818, but at an early age entered the warehouse of Messrs. Potter and Norris, in which he ultimately became a partner. As chairman of the Home Trade Association he urged upon the Government the introduction of a parcel post— many years, of course, before its adoption. He was instrumental in the assembling of the Educational Conference of 1867, and was consulted by Mr. W. E. Forster in the preparation of the Education Act of 1867. Mr. Robert Rumney died at Springfield, Whalley Range, August 28. He was born at Kirkby Lonsdale in 1811, came to Manchester, and after some years became a partner with Mr. Hadfield in his chemical works, the firm becoming Hadfield and Rumney. In 1856 Mr. Rumney was elected councillor for Ardwick Ward, and, with the exception of a brief interval, he held that position till he became an alderman in 1S66. He was also a member of the first School Board, and a J. P. for Manchester. In politics he was a Liberal, and was for a time opposed to the National Education Bill, but was afterwards converted. Arthur Orton, the claimant to the Tichborne title and estates, visited Man- chester, September 20. This chief of modern impostors, together with a number of his abettors and supporters, addressed a multitude of his admirers in the Free Trade Hall, who paid prices for their admission varying from sixpence to half-a-crown. 336 Annals of Manchester. [1873 The Japanese Ambassadors arrived in Manchester, October 4, and visited various manufactories in the city, also the Royal and Prince's Theatres, the Assize Courts, and City Gaol. The Rev. Herbert Vaughan, D.D., was consecrated Roman Catholic Bishop of Salford, October 29, at St. John's Cathedral, Salford. A dreadful case of murder and suicide occurred in School Street, Lower Broughton, November 20. A man named Robert Tebbutt, whilst visiting an acquaintance of the name of William Garstang, was shot by the latter. Garstang then put the pistol to his own mouth and shot himself. Death in both cases was instantaneous. Rev. Robert Lamb, M.A., died at Haycarr, near Lancaster, December 24. He took his degree of M.A. at Oxford in 1840. After serving two curacies he was presented to the living of St. Paul's, TurnerStreet, in 1849, and remained there till 1871. He was a constant contributor to Fraser's Magazine, under the pseudonym of "A Manchester Man." He was author of Sermons on Passing Seasons and Events; Free Thoughts, being Selections from Articles contributed to Fraser's Magazine, 2 vols. ; and two volumes of sermons entitled The Crisis of Youth. Rev. George Hull Bowers, D.D., died at Leamington, December 27. He was born in 1794, and educated at Clare College, Cambridge. He was the originator of Marlborough School and of Haileybury College. He held the deanery of Manchester from 1847 until his resignation, September 26, 1871 . His works are Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, 1830 ; A Scheme/or the Foundation of Schools for the Sons of Clergymen and others, 1842 ; Sermons preached at St. PauVs, Covent Garden, 1849 ; Open Churches, with Endow- ments, preferable to Pew Rents, Manchester, 1855. On his retirement from the office of Dean of Manchester he retired to Leamington, where he died. He was twice married. One of his daughters, Georgiana Bowers, has distinguished herself by successful pictures of hunting and country life in Punch. Some of these have been issued in book form. He bequeathed £300 for the support of special Sunday evening services at the Manchester Cathedral. There is a window and a brass to his memory in that cathedral, and a portrait, by Charles Mercier, is at Rossall College. Michael Kennedy executed at the Salford Hundred County Prison, Strange- ways, for the murder of his wife, Ann Kennedy, December 30. 1873. St. Martin's Church consecrated by Bishop Fraser, January 6. Messrs. Price and Linklater were the architects, and the cost of erection was £3,500. Mr. John Fernley died at Southport, January 16, aged 76 years. Mr. Fernley was a munificent contributor to the various Wesleyan institutions, the donor of the school at Southport for the daughters of Wesleyan ministers, and the founder, at his sole cost, of the Religious Institute, in Corporation Street, for the use of the Bible Society, the City Mission, and the Religious Tract Society. Rev. Edward Mathews died at Manchester in January. His father was an engraver, of Bristol, who removed to Oxford, where Edward, the sixth of his family, was born March 12, 1808. At the close of his apprenticeship he emigrated to New York, and became a student of the Hamilton Theological Institution 1873] Annals of Manchester. 337 there. An anti-slavery lecture, by Rev. Beriah Green, led to a riot, encouraged by the pro-slavery faculty of the college. Mathews became a Baptist minister, and gave the greater part of his life to the cause of temperance and the emanci- pation of the negro. His autobiography gives a vivid picture of the state of public feeling on the slavery question, both in the Northern and Southern States. He was frequently mobbed and ill-treated by pro-slavery ruffians. He agitated the matter so persistently that, when his pony was seen at a town where the Baptist Association was held, it would be said, "Ah! here is Mr. Mathew's pony ; now we shall have to meet that slavery question again." In conjunction with Rev. A. T. Foss he drew up Facts for Baptist Churches on the anti-slavery question, and was sent as a missionary to Virginia and Ken- tucky. In the latter state, for preaching to a coloured congregation, he was thrown into a pond ten times in succession, in order to extort a pledge that he would never visit it again. In 1851 he returned to England to arouse the feeling of the churches against slavery. When he entered his father's shop in Oxford he was not recognised. He contributed to many English newspapers and periodicals on the subject he had so much at heart. Mrs. Stowe, in her novel of Bred, has given a portrait of Mathews under the name of " Father Dickson." He is buried in Ardwick Cemetery, Jan. 18. (See Autobiography of Rev. E. Mathews, Bristol, 1866 ; Alliance Neivs, 1873, pp. 53 and 76.) The new market, provided by the Manchester Corporation, for the accom- modation of wholesale dealers in fish, game, and poultry, was formally opened by the Mayor, in the presence of a large assembly, including several members of the Corporation, February 14. The style of architecture is Gothic, and the building was erected from designs by Messrs. Speakman and Son, at a cost of £4-2,000. Mr. Ivie Mackie (of the firm of Findlater and Mackie) died February 23, aged 68. Mr. Mackie had always a warm interest in the municipal business of the city, and in 1847 was elected to represent Exchange Ward in the City Council. He was elected for that ward four times in succession, and in 1856 he was chosen alderman, and was assigned to New Cross Ward. In 1S57 Mr. Mackie was elected to the civic chair, which he occupied for three successive years. He was a munificent contributor to the various local charities, and presented the city with the excellent clock in the steeple of St. Peter's Church. Mr. Joseph Jordan, F.R.C.S., died at Hampstead, March 31. Pie was born in Manchester, 1786. He was a man of eminence in the medical profession, and was the author of Traitement des Pscudarthroses, Paris, 1860. Ralph Waldo Emerson visited Manchester, and for two days in May was the guest of Mr. Alexander Ireland, and had thus an opportunity of meeting again some of the friends and acquaintances of 1S17-8. (Ireland's Emerson.) Mr. J. F. W. Tatham was elected medical officer of health for the borough of Salford, June 11. Nassr-ed-Din, the Shah of Persia, visited Manchester June 27. He was accompanied by his chief ministers. An address was presented to him at the Town Hall by the Corporation. The Shah also visited the manufactory of Mr. Haworth, Salford. Mr. Daniel Stone, F.C.S., died at Cheadle, in June. He was born at Man- W 338 Annals of Manchester. [1873 Chester in 1821. He was at one time hon. secretary of the Mechanics' Institute, and lecturer on chemistry at the School of Medicine. He was the author of Ihe Rochdale Co-operative Stores — a Village Address, and pamphlets on chemistry and medicine. Mr. William Winstanley Hull died August 28. He was the son of Mr. John Hull, M.D., and was born March 15, 1794, at Manchester. He was edu- cated at the Grammar School, and at Brasenose College, Oxford. He was called to the bar in 1820, and continued to practise until 1846. Mr. Hull was the author of a number of works relating to the Church of England. (School Register, vol. iii., p. 36.) Mr. John Meadowcraft died August 28. He was born at Salford in 1826, and educated at the Grammar School. At the age of eight he entered the Cathedral Choir, and his life was devoted to the improvement of church and popular music. (City News Notes and Queries 1462, 1480.) Mr. William Gibb died at Hunter's Quay, Argyllshire, September 8. He was a native of Ayr, where he was born in 1800, but came to Manchester in 1832, where he remained until his retirement in 1866. It was to his energy that the town was chiefly indebted for the establishment of bonded warehouses. He was a member of the Town Council from 1847 to 1859, and contested Stock- port in 1857 and Bolton in 1863 as a Conservative. A subscription portrait, painted by Daniel Macree, R.S.A., is in the Royal Exchange. Mr. Gibb was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and chairman of the Manchester Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. A fire at the Athenaeum, Bond Street, September 24, caused damage esti- mated at £12,000. The new Owens College, Oxford Road, was opened to the students Oct. 7. The first stone of this building was laid by the Duke of Devonshire, the pre- sident of the College, September, 1870. The structure, designed by Mr. Alfred Waterhouse, is of the Domestic-Gothic style, and formed one side of what was ultimately designed to become a quadrangle, with a facade fronting Oxford Road. It consists of — (1) the basement, which contains the chemical theatre, museum, and lecture laboratory, six rooms for natural philosophy, students' common and examination rooms, engineeiung classrooms, engineering and geological museums, lavatories, &c, for the students, and numerous store- rooms ; (2) a ground floor, on which are located the boardroom, secretary and clerks' rooms, lecture-rooms and apparatus-rooms for natural philosophy, large arts classroom, engineering rooms and drawing office, mathematical lecture- room, entrance to the chemical theatre, lavatories, porters' rooms, and store- rooms ; (3) a first floor, containing arts classrooms, natural history classrooms and museum, rooms for the principal and professors, students' reading-room, the library, freehand drawing-room, several classrooms, professors' common room, lavatories, &c. ; and (4) spacious attics, which are used as a temporary museum. Behind this, the main building, is the chemical laboratory block, which is said to be the most complete building of its kind in the kingdom. In and fronting Coupland Street the medical school has been erected. Amongst those present at the opening ceremony were the Duke of Devonshire, Mr. Thomas Ashton, Mr. A. Waterhouse, the Bishop of Manchester, Mr. H. Cole, the College staff, and many leading citizens. 1873] Annals of Manchester. 339 A branch free library, Regent Road, Salford, was opened October 7, by the mayor. The cost was about £3,000. Mr. George Ormerod, D.C.L., F.R.S., died at his seat, Sedbury Park, near Chepstow, October 9. He was born at Manchester, October 20, 1785, and educated at Brasenose College, Oxford, where he graduated M.A. in 1807, and D.C.L. in 1818. His chief work is The History of the County Palatine and City of Chester, 3 vols., 1S19. In addition to this he wrote a number of works, which were privately printed. One of these, Parentalia, is an account of his own family. The second triennial election for a School Board for Manchester took place November 12. There were twenty-one candidates for the fifteen seats. The second election of the Salford School Board took place November 25. There were seventeen candidates for the fifteen seats. Mr. Herbert Birley was again elected chairman of the two bodies. Mr. Mark Philips, the first M.P. for Manchester under the first Reform Act, died at his residence, Welcombe, Stratford-on-Avon, December 23, aged 73 years. He was born November 4, 1800, at the Park, near Manchester. His father, Mr. Robert Philips, was a prosperous merchant, at that time a partner in the old-established firm of J. and N. Philips and Co. On the completion of his school education at Nottingham he was sent to the Manchester College, York, and there pursued his studies from 1816 to 1818. He also spent two years at the Glasgow University. In 1825 Mr. Philips was actively engaged in commercial undertakings in Manchester, and became chairman of the New Quay Company, then newly established. The first time he took a public part i i politics is said to have been at a meeting in Manchester, on August 19, 1826. It was held to express opinions on the sufferings of the working classes, and the evils of the Corn Law, and in opposition to timid men of the Liberal side who regarded such a movement as dangerous to the public peace. From that time forth his name was to be found in the lists of similar local gatherings. On June 7, 1832, the Reform Bill became law, and Manchester was enfranchised, and admitted to a share in the government of the country. The first election took place in the December following. The Conservatives put forward their claims in Mr. John Thomas Hope, the Radicals in Mr. William Cobbett, the Whigs in Mr. Samuel Jones Loyd, and the Reformers in Mr. Mark Philips and Mr. Charles Poulett Thomson. The poll opened with great spirit, and resulted in the return of Mr. Philips and the Right Hon. C. P. Thomson. In 1817 Mr. Philips, after representing Manchester for fifteen years, retired into privat.- life, and purchasing an estate in Warwickshire, was soon immersed in the duties and interests of a country life. At the Manchester election in 1857 .Mr. Philips joined the opposition which threw out Mr. Gibson and Mr. Bright, but he did not desert the Liberal party, and his last public appearance in Man- chester was at the banquet in the Free Trade Hall, in October, 1871, to celebrate the opening of the Manchester Reform Club. He was a liberal supporter of all the charitable and educational institutions of the city, and of the scheme for establishing public parks, one of which is named in his honour. A Temperance conference held in the Free Trade Hall, when it was decided to start "The United Templar Order." This was in consequence of some con- 340 Annals of Manchester. [1874. troversy in the Independent Order of Good Templars. (Winskill's Temperance Reformation, p. 483.) The Art Union of Great Britain, which had its offices in Manchester, was dissolved by the Board of Trade refusing to continue its sanction after July 15, in consequence of the dissatisfaction expressed at its management, and two commissioners were appointed to inquire and report. The Art Union began in 1860. 1874. Mr. John Griffiths died January 5. He was born October 11, 1797, and was a hatter, in Deansgate. For nearly fifty years he was a superintendent of the Roby Sunday Schools. There is a memorial tablet in the Roby Chapel. Mr. James Whittle died at Douglas, Isle of Man, January 19. He was editor of the Manchester and Salford Advertiser, from 1830 to 1832 ; and author of an Address on the State of the Cotton Trade, Manchester, 1829 ; and other pamphlets. The Parliamentary election for the city of Manchester and borough of Salford took place February o. Messrs. Hugh Birley, W. R. Callender, and Sir Thomas Bazley were returned for Manchester, and Messrs. C. E. Cawley and W. T. Charley were returned for Salford. The numbers at the close of the poll were— Manchester : Mr. Birley 19,984, Mr. Callender 19,649, Sir Thomas Bazley 19,325, Mr. Jacob Bright 18,727. Salford : Mr. Cawley 7,003, Mr. Charley 6,987, Mr. Lee 6,827, Mr. Kay 6,709. The two gentlemen taking precedence in both boroughs represented the Conservative interest. A Synagogue for Spanish and Portuguese Jews, York Street, Cheetham, was consecrated May 6, by the chief Rabbi, the Rev. Dr. Artom, of London. The Mayor of Manchester and Sir Joseph Heron, town clerk, were among the strangers present on the occasion. The Rev. William Huntington, M.A., rector of St. John's Church, Deans- gate, died May 13, aged 77 years. Mr. Huntington was born in Hull in 1797, and was one of the few remaining representatives of a family which had settled in Yorkshire several centuries ago, and whose ancestors had filled the honourable offices of mayors and sheriffs of their native town in the reigns of Henry VII. and Edward VI. He was appointed curate of St. John's by the first rector, the Rev. John Clowes, in 1828. At his death, in 1831, Miss Byrom, the daughter of the founder of the church, presented him to the rectory ; and these two clergymen have, between them, occupied the office of rector of St. John's for 105 years. (Literary Club Papers, vol. v., p. 123.) Rev. Charles Richson, M.A., died at his residence Shakspere Street, Ardwick, May 15. He was born at Highgate, Middlesex, 1806, and was Rector of St. Andrew's, Manchester, from 1844 till his death, and also senior Canon of the Cathedral. Canon Richson was author of pamphlets on educational, sanitary, and theological subjects, and of lesson books in drawing, writing, etc. St. James's Church, Collyhurst, was consecrated by Bishop Fraser, May 20. This church is built on the site of Collyhurst Old Hall. The church is built in the Early English style of architecture, from plans by Mr. J. Lowe, of St. Ann's Square. The tower and spire, at the north-west angle, have a total height of 168 feet, and above the belfry, visible from a considerable distance,, 1874] Annals of Manchester. 34il is an illuminated clock, with four dials. The church affords accommodation for upwards of 800 worshippers, more than half of which is unappropriated. The land, church, and other buildings, were the gift of Mr. Charles P. Stewart, of the Atlas "Works, Manchester, and cost £27,000. The number of children taking part in the annual procession of Church of England Sunday schools, May 25, was 14,519. An accident occurred on the premises of Messrs. Wren and Hopkinson, millwrights and machinists, Temple Street, Chorlton-on-Medlock, June 4. A travelling crane fell, killing one man and seriously injuring several others. The foundation stone of the first Board School, Vine Street, Hulme, laid June 11, by Mr. Herbert Birley, chairman of the Manchester School Board. A fire broke out at the carriage manufactory of Messrs. Cockshoot and Com- pany, New Bridge Street, June 18. Owing to the inflammable nature of the materials used in the paint-room, the premises were soon reduced to a heap of ruins. The damage was estimated at between £30,000 and £35,000. There was a great procession and demonstration of trade unionists at Pomona Gardens, June 20. This demonstration of unionism and co-operation was to express sympathy for, and extend practical assistance to, the " locked- out " agricultural labourers of the south-eastern districts. About 15,000 took part in the procession, which was accompanied by bands of music and banners, and presented a gay and imposing appearance. After parading the principal streets of the city, a meeting on a gigantic scale was held in the Pomona Gardens, the numbers present being estimated at between 50,000 and 00,000 Six platforms were erected, and addresses delivered in advocacy of the prin- ciples of trade unionism by the members of the various branches of industry represented. A violent thunderstorm, accompanied by an unusually heavy downpour of rain, broke over Manchester, June 24. During the height of the storm, which was about half-past eleven o'clock, the steeple of Christ Church, Salford, was struck by the lightning, and although not demolished, necessitated an entire restoration. The large chimney at the machine works of Messrs. Evan Leigh, Son, and Company, Miles Platting, was also struck by lightning. The chimney rises to a height of about 70 yards, and is surmounted by a coping of terra- cotta 40 feet in circumference. The lightning struck the coping of the chimney, and after breaking about half of it off, entered the chimney and escaped by making a breach about 12 yards from the top. This breach was about 12 yards long and four wide in the broadest part. The broken coping and bricks were hurled with great force in all directions, and some of them were afterwards found on the railway at a distance of 60 yards from the base of the chimney. A large portion of the roof was; smashed in, and three men were injured by the falling slates and bricks. St. Alban's Church, Cheetwood, was consecrated by the Bishop of Man- chester, June 29. This church was erected in 1864, at a cost of £7,000. Mr. W. B. Hodgkinaon, councillor for St. Ann's Ward, attended the meeting of the City Council on i he Wednesday as usual, but on returning to his office he was seized with an apoplectic fit, and died next day. July 1. The Manchester Aquarium was opened on July 19 for the first time on Sunday. More than 800 visitors passed through the turnstiles, being the largest 342 Annals of Manchester. [1874 number of admissions on any day (Whitsun-week excepted) since the Aquarium had been open to the public. A Parliamentary return, issued July 20, showed that during the three years ending March 31st the number of forms and documents sent from Manchester to London for the purpose of being stamped was 6,521,900, as against 2,507,454 from Liverpool. At a meeting of the committee of the Hospital Sunday and Saturday Fund, on July 23, it was resolved to distribute £7,800 among the different charities. Fifteen hundred people visited the Aquarium on Sunday, July 26, being 700 more than on the previous Sunday. A private meeting, summoned by the Bishop, Dean, and Canons of Man- chester, was held on July 29, to consider the advisability of providing a new Cathedral. Several objections were raised to any interference with the present Cathedral, it being the old Parish Church of Manchester ; but ultimately a resolution was passed to the effect that it was desirable to erect a Cathedral for the diocese on a new site. Another resolution authorised the Bishop to appoint a committee in order to ascertain the feeling of the diocese, and to devise the best means for giving effect to the first resolution, the whole question as to design and site being left open. The Bishop appointed all the gentlemen present as a committee, with power to add to their number. During July a scheme was completed for the establishment of provident dispensaries, and it was decided to establish about six in different localities, preference being given to those which were furthest removed from the existing medical institutions. It was calculated that the alteration of premises, pro- vision of appliances, and loss for first few years would cost about £150, and an appeal was therefore made for £500 and a guarantee fund of £1,000 for three years. Each member was to pay one penny per week during health and sick- ness, and twopence per family was to be the highest charge for any children under thirteen years of age. Mr. Richard Hope, councillor for St. Luke's Ward, died, August 1, after a protracted illness, aged 62. Entering the Council in March, 1S66, as represen- tative of Ardwick Ward, he held that position for three years, when he was successfully opposed on the ground of non-residence. In 1872, however, a vacancy occurred in St. Luke's Ward, to fill which Mr. Hope was elected by a substantial majority, although he was absent on account of ill health. For some time also he was Poor Law Guardian, and subsequently Overseer for the township of Chorlton-on-Medlock. The Manchester and Salford Regatta was revived on August 3, 4, and 5. Sir William Fairbairn died, August 18, at Farnham, in Surrey. He was born February 19, 1789, at Kelso, and was apprenticed as a mechanical engineer at Percy Main Colliery. He was a hard student, and made the most of somewhat scanty opportunities. In 1813 he came to Manchester, and in 1816 married on an income of 30s. a week, and in 1817 began business on his own account. His success was very great, and the works in Ancoats and Millwall acquired a world-wide fame. His scientific labours were not unrecognised. The Universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge gave him the degree of LL.D., and the Institute elected him a corresponding member. He had the Cross of the Legion of Honour from the French Emperor, and after 1874] Annals of Manchester. 343 declining a knighthood in 1861 he was made a baronet in 1869. His residence, the Polygon, Ardwick, during the last fifteen years of his life, was visited by many distinguished guests ; amongst them were the Chevalier Bunsen, Sir David Brewster, Lord Rosse, Lord Brougham, Lord Granville, Lord Houghton, Lord Shaftesbury, the Earl of Derby, Sir E. Sabine, Mrs. Gaskell, &c. Fairbairn's chief works are Useful Information to Engineers, 1856-66 ; Iron, its History, &c, 1861 ; Mills and Millwork, 1863. He was buried at Prestwich Church, and the public funeral was attended by some 50,000 people. There is a statue of him in the Manchester Town Hall. Full details of his career are given in the Life of Sir William Fairbairn, by William Pole, F.R.S., London, 1S77. Smith's Centenary, p. 257, and Baker's Memorials, p. 131, should also be consulted. A shocking murder and suicide was committed at the Prince's Club, Chapel Walks, Manchester, August 25. The murderer was Mr. Herbert Barge, who deliberately, and without any apparent cause, shot Mr. Alexander Maclean with a revolver. He then put the weapon to his own head and shot himself. Both gentlemen were well known in commercial circles, and highly respected. Mr. Barge is supposed to have committed the deed during an access of insanity. £40,000 damage was estimated to have been caused by a fire in a timber yard in TrafTord Street, Gaythorn, August 26. "The Roll Call," by Miss Thompson, was exhibited in Manchester towards the end of August. A peculiar local interest attached to this picture on account of its being originally a commission from Mr. C. J. Galloway, of Manchester. Owing to the manner in which this picture was praised at the Royal Academy dinner by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge, it attracted much public attention. Indeed, the Prince was anxious to purchase it of Mr. Galloway, who was, however, so well pleased with his bargain that he declined, but when the Queen expressed a wish to become the owner he could not help retiring in accordance with the etiquette in such matters. Mr. Galloway accordingly replaced the picture in Miss Thompson's hands, and she let Her Majesty have it, at the same time agreeing that Mr. Galloway should have her next Academy picture. The Baptist Theological College, in Brighton Grove, Rusholme, was opened on September 2, the Rev. H. R. Dowson, principal of the institution, in the chair. The first attempt at founding this college was made at Chester, but when the proprietor found that they were Nonconformists and Baptists he refused to let them occupy the building. Chamber Hall, Bury, being available, a start was made there in October, 1866, with five students. The place falling into decay, however, they contemplated the plan of erecting a building better suited for the purpose. In migrating to Manchester they had the advantages of being near one of the most important cities of England, whilst lu-ing in the country ; and an especial advantage was the convenient distance from the Owens College. The foundation stone of a new church in Victoria Park was laid by Sir W. R. Anson, Bart., September 13. The building is in the Early English style of architecture, from designs of Mr. Redmayne, of Manchester. The church is dedicated to St. Chrysostom, and the cost estimated at £12,000. 344 Annals of Manchester. [1874 Mr. J. Ogden Fletcher, M.D., surgeon at the Manchester City Gaol, died on September 14. Prior to his appointment to the gaol, where he had been for about eight years, he was surgeon to the police force for sixteen years. Dr. Fletcher was author of several works, had been president of the Manchester Medical Society, and was formerly lecturer at the Chatham Street School oi Medicine. He was also physician to the M. S. & L. Railway Co., and had an extensive private practice. He was in comparatively good health in the after- noon and evening, but was taken ill somewhat suddenly about 9 p.m., and expired before a medical man could arrive. Mr. R. J. Lowes, of Hulme, died September 17, aged 56. A native of Carlisle, and son of the eminent engraver, his business career began in the office of the Carlisle Journal, but coming to Manchester to extend his experience, he met with such encouragement that he stayed here. First in the employment of Messrs. Thomson, bookseller, then on the staff of the Mai • Chester Times, he ultimately settled in a Manchester export house. He was one of the earliest founders of the Salford Lyceum, afterwards the Salford Mechanics' Institution. It is said that to him mainly is the Saturday half- holiday owing, and certainly his efforts for it were strenuous. As soon as his pecuniary circumstances would permit, he commenced the publication of the Manchester Argus, and a periodical called the Lancashire Witches, but unfortunately these ventures proved failures, and he was compelled to return to commerce. In 1868 Mr. Lowes was appointed hon. secretary to the committee for celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Saturday half -holiday, which closed its labours by handing a cheque for £4,000 to the Treasurer of the Manchester Warehousemen and Clerks' Orphan School, thus freeing that institution of debt. Mr. Lowes was an earnest Liberal, and took an active part in the great Anti-Corn-Law League Bazaar, held in the old Theatre Royal, Fountain Street. A railwav collision took place between Victoria and Salford Stations on September 19. It occurred through a passenger train running into a goods train which was stationary (the signal being against it), and although no one was killed seven passengers and the guard were severely injured. The first annual meeting of the recently-enlarged^Manchester and District Union of Elementary Teachers was held on September 19, in Lower Mosley Street Schools. Mr. Charles Swain died at his residence, in Prestwich Park, September 22, aged 71 years. He was born at Manchester, January 4, 1S03. His father was a native of Knutsford, and his mother of Amsterdam. He received his education from the Rev. William Johns, who conducted an academy of considerable repute in George Street. Mr. Swain left school at the age of fifteen, after receiving a very liberal education, and was placed in the dyeworks of Mr. Tavar6, a maternal uncle, who was in partnership with Mr. Horrocks ; and although the work must have been most disagreeable to him he continued at it for fourteen years. He subsequently commenced business as a bookseller, but after the lapse of two years he abandoned that trade for engraving, which from that time to his death he pursued with assiduity and success, interrupted only, as regards his personal attendance to it, by the decline of his health in 1874] Annals of Manchester. 34; old age. The business which he had so long possessed on his own account was originally a branch of that of Messrs. Lockett and Co., from whom he bought it, after having been for a time a member of their firm. Mr. Swain's first contri- bution appeared in the pages of the Manchester Iris, on April 15, 1822, and was entitled To Thalia. In 1825 he contributed a poem— The Escaped Convict— -to the Literary Gazette, and subsequently his name was attached to many pieces which appeared in the Monthly Magazine and other periodicals ; and in 1827 he published a collection of his contributions under the title of Metrical Essays on Subjects of History and Imagination, which went through two editions in a short time. In 1S30 he issued his Beauties of the Mind, which met with con- siderable success, and which, in 1832, he published in a revised and enlarged form, under the title of The Mind, and other Poems. In the same year he pro- duced Dryburgh Abbey, in which he paid a graceful tribute to the memory of Sir Walter Scott, whose death had just occurred. In the following year Mr. Swain wrote a short and graceful prose memoir of his intimate friend Henry Liverseege, the artist, whose early death was so 'much lamented. Swain's later works were Dramatic Chapters, which came out in 1847; English Melodies, in 1819 ; The Letters of Laura d'Auverne, and other Poems, in 1853 ; and Art and Fashion, in 1863. This last included poetical sketches of painters. All this time Swain's poems had ,been contributed separately to the Annuals and other periodicals, with one of which— Jerdan's Literary Gazette — he was thus connected for thirty years. His reputation will rest chiefly upon his lyrical pieces. Amongst those which have been favourites, when set to music, are The Betrothed, Past the Hour, Near Thee, and Passing thy Door. There was an unobtrusive though evident tone of religious feeling in his verses, which gave such beautiful little pieces as The Heart's Music an additional claim to appreciation. His poem of The Mind was dedicated to Soul hey, the poet- laureate. Swain made his acquaintance about this time, when Southey was in Manchester visiting the Rev. James White (a brother of Kirke White), then at St. George's, Oldham Road. Southey's reported exclamation of delight at the poem has often been quoted : " If ever man was born to be a poet, Swain was ; and if Manchester is not yet proud of him she will be." An American edition of his poems was one proof of their popularity in the New World. Hawthorne, when invited to a public entertainment given to Mr. Swain, wrote in a letter of apology, that, among his countrymen, many of Swain's songs were "household words." Mr. Swain, some years ago, delivered a series of able lectures on poetry, at the Royal Institution and at the Manchester Athenaeum. His style of speaking was very chaste and elegant, and he possessed much genial humour. He wis married in 1827, and four daughters survived him. He is buried at Prestwich Church. In accordance witli a memorial to the Secretary of State praying that the churchyard of St. John's, Deansgate, might be closed and disused as a place of sepulture, an inquiry was held on September 23rd by Dr. Philip Holland, Government Inspector. Evidence was given to show that the statements in the memorial as to the burial-ground being full of bodies, and as to offensive smells, etc., were wrong, and that the burials were fast dec sreasing, having fallen from 200 three years before to 70 during 1873. The inspector said he should make his report in due course, but he did not think a new order would 346 Annals of Manchester. [1874 be made so long as the present one was obeyed, and the burials brought to a close as soon as possible. There was a great revival of the second part of Shakspere's Henry IV. at the Prince's Theatre, September 28, Mr. Phelps appearing as both the King and Justice Shallow. This part of Shakspere's play, which is rarely repre- sented, had not been seen in Manchester for at least 30 years, if ever before. During September the Commissioners of Inland Revenue established a branch stamping office in Manchester for the northern district, great delay and expense, with consequent inconvenience, having been caused by the previously necessary transmission of all documents to and from Somerset House. The building, in fourteenth century English Gothic style, is in a central position in Mount Street. At the close of October the first of the six projected provident dispensaries was opened at Ardwick Green. The medical school at the Owens College openedjOctober 2, by Professor T. H. Huxley, F.R.S., who gave the inaugural address and distributed prizes to the students. Mr. John Mitchell died in Manchester, October 7. He was born in Montrose in 1803, and was author of Manual of Punctuation, Manchester, 1859. He was for some time librarian of the Ancoats Branch of the Manchester Free Libraries. Mi-. John Bowes died at Dundee, October 23. He was born at Swinside, Coverdale, Yorkshire, June 12, 1804, but passed the greater part of his life in Scotland. He was for a time resident in Manchester and Liverpool, and was for more than fifty years a preacher and chiefly an open-air evangelist. He had discussions with Lloyd Jones on Socialism, with Charles Southwell on Atheism, with G. J. Holyoake on Christianity, with T- H-31ilner on Baptism. He wrote a number of books in exposition of his views. His autobiography (Dundee, 1872) contains many references to Manchester. The Owens College Shakspere Society founded, November 6, the object being the study of Shakspere and the language and literature of his period, by means of readings, papers, and discussions. A conference convened by the British Temperance League of ministers of all denominations was held November 24 and 25. There was an attendance of about 1,000 ministers. Mr. Pierre Boyer, an eminent French engineer, who was born in Manchester in 1794, and served under Stephenson, the two Fairbairns, Rennie, and others, died early in December. Mrs. Trafford Whitehead died at Manchester in December. She was the author of The Grahames of Bessbridge House; Dyalborough, 1866 ; and Poems. A destructive fire broke out about two o'clock on Tuesday morning, December 29, at "Westhead's mill, Brook Street. The damage was estimated at from £20,000 to £40,000. In 1786 there were but four Manchester firms engaged in the shipping trade, but these had risen to 53 in 1825 ; 123 in 1850 ; and a total of 430 in 1874. The proceeds of the sales of real property in Manchester and neighbourhood during the year reached the large sum of £1,171,472, as compared with £904,080 in 1873 and £728,897 in 1872. The highest price per yard obtained during the year was in the case of three shops in the Market Place. Their 1875] Annals of Manchester. 347 site was 207 square yards, and the purchase money was £10,600, being at the rate of about £80 4s. per yard. 1875. The first exhibition of Works of Art in Black and White organised by the Manchester Literary Club. (Papers of Manchester Literary Club, vol. ii., p. 162). Mr. Charles Calvert, manager of the Prince's Theatre, was entertained to dinner on Monday, January 4, at the Queen's Hotel, by a number of gentlemen connected with art, literature, and commerce. Mr. Tom Taylor, M.A., editor of Punch, presided. Mr. Calvert had held the position of manager for ten years, and his term of office had been distinguished especially by a series of Shaksperian revivals. Mr. Eobert Milligan Shipman died on Saturday, January 16, aged 57. A native of Hinckley, in Leicestershire, where he was born in 1817, he came to Manchester in 1845, as managing clerk to Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders. In 1848 he was taken into partnership by Messrs. Sale and Worthington. As a lawyer he was especially distinguished for his knowledge of bankruptcy law and practice. He was a director of the Manchester Athenteum, and hon. sec. to the committee of the Model Secular School. Mr. Shipman was a Liberal and a Unitarian, and was chairman of the Unitarian Home Missionary Board. Dr. Edward Vaughan Kenealy and Mr. Guildford Onslow, M.P., addressed crowded meetings at the Free Trade Hall on January 18 and 19. The trial of the Claimant was the subject, and at the second meeting a petition to Parlia ment was adopted, praying for the release of the Claimant, the removal of the judges who tried him from the Bench, and the abolition of the Society of Gray's Inn. Lord Chief Justice Cockburn visited Manchester on Thursday, January 21, and was the guest of Sir E. Watkin, M.P., at Northenden. On Friday he visited the Town Hall, where he was presented with an address by the Corporation. Subsequently the Lord Chief Justice, the Marquis and Marchioness of Salisbury, Mr. Roebuck, M.P., and Miss Roebuck, inspected the loan collection of pictures and other works of art at the Athenaeum, visited the Owens College, and went on 'Change. Next day the Marquis of Salisbury received an address from the Chamber of Commerce, and afterwards, in the company of the Lord Chief Justice and others, visited Peel Park, where they lunched with the Mayor of Salford. On the afternoon of Friday, January 22, the Manchester Chamber of Commerce entertained the Marquis of Salisbury and other guests to luncheon at the Queen's Hotel. A grand soiree to celebrate the reconstruction and renovation of the Athe- nseum, was held on Friday, January 22, at the Free Trade Hall. The Right Hon. Sir A. E. Cockburn, Lord Chief Justice of England, presided, and u'ave an address on the objects of the Institution. The Marquis of Salisbury also addressed the meeting. A large meeting in favour of Disestablishment was held in the Free Trade Hall, January 20. Mr. Blackburne, the celebrated chess player, visited Manchester on January 348 Annals of Manchester. [1875 30, and played blindfolded against ten members of the Athenaeum Chess Club, with the result that he lost one game, won five, and four were drawn. The Theatre Royal passed into the hands of a limited company during the week ending January 30th. A meeting was held on February 8, for the purpose of formally organising in the city a Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Throat. Professor William Smith, F.R.C.S., died suddenly at his consulting rooms in Mosley Street, February 10, aged 60 years. Mr. Smith was appointed dispensing surgeon to the Infirmary in 1847 and surgeon in 1849. He was a lecturer at the Pine Street School of Medicine, and on the amalgamation of that institution with the medical department of the Owens College he was appointed to the chair of general anatomy and physiology. A Board of Trade inquiry at the Town Hall, with regard to the objections to new tramways, February 13. Mr. Robert Hyde Greg died at his house, Norcliffe, near Styal, February 21. Mr. Greg was the son of Samuel Greg, and was born in King Street in 1795, and finished his education at the Edinburgh University, and afterwards spent two years in Greece and Italy. In 1821 he was one of the commissioners for widening Market Street. In 1824 Mr. Greg married Miss Philips, sister of Mr. Mark Philips, and in 1832 he was chairman of the committee for promoting the candidature of his brother-in-law. In 1839 he himself was elected M.P. for Manchester, and remained representative till 1841. During the Corn Law agitation he rendered great assistance to the League. For the last forty years of his life he had lived retired at Norcliffe. He was buried at Dean Row Chapel. A special meeting of the Manchester Literary Club was held at the Free Reference Library in Campfield, to examine a portion of the rare books in the collection, and to hear an address about them by Mr. Wm. E. A. Axon. This was the first exhibition of the kind out of London. The exhibition of Mr. Frederick James Shields' pictures, at the Royal Institution, opened by a conversazione, on Wednesday, February 24. The exhibition was held in consequence of Mr. Shields leaving Manchester, and some 170 pictures, the work of about twenty years, were exhibited. He was entertained at dinner at the Queen's Hotel, March 3. A report of the pro- ceedings was published in pamphlet form. A deputation from the Chamber of Commerce waited on the Chancellor of the Exchequer on March 4, in order to call attention to the defective post-office accommodation in Manchester. When the building in Brown Street was erected in 1840, the population of Manchester and Salford, and their suburbs, was about two hundred thousand, and the postages collected during a year about £52,000. Prior to 1861 the upper part had been used as the police court of the borough, but the needs created by the money-order and savings bank swallowed this portion of the building. Since 1861 the number of clerks had doubled, letter carriers and sorters had increased from 117 to 272, the weekly delivery of letters had risen from 401,000 to 927,000, the letters posted had increased from 485,000 to 1,134,000, and the money-orders from 295,000 to 364,000. The sale at Manley Hall, the residence of Mr. Sam Mendel, commenced March 15 and lasted four days, the total sum realised being about £18,000. During the week ending March 20 a new system, by Mr. Joseph Challender, 1875J Annals of Manchester. 349 of Manchester, of lighting public clocks was brought into use. By means of a reflecting apparatus, two gas jets were made to throw as much light on the dial as the eight or nine previously used. A trial was made upon All Saints' clock with such success that St. Thomas's, Ardwick Green, was adapted to illumination. The work was executed by Messrs. Arnold and Lewis, of St. Ann's Square, who added a piece of machinery so that the clock gradually turned on the gas as darkness came on and also turned it off as daylight appeared. Mr. Sidney Potter died, March 21, aged 69. He was a calico printer, and represented All Saints' Ward in the Town Council from 1844 to 1S50. His widow, Louisa, daughter of Mr. Samuel Kay, published in 1879 a charming volume of Lancashire Memories. (Baker's Memorials, page 125.) The first of a series of promenade concerts at the Prince's Theatre was held on March 24, under the guidance of M. Riviere. A banquet in aid of the Royal Albert Asylum was held in the Hall of the Assize Courts on Tuesday, March 30. The new line between Manchester and Bolton, in connection with the London and North Western Railway system, was opened on April 1. The line is 12| miles long, and cost, including stations, about £140,000. The first Pullman car between London and Manchester arrived by the Midland Railway at the London Road Station on April 1, shortly after 10, having left St. Pancras Station at 5-15 a.m. Alfred Thomas Heap, a quack doctor, of Hyde Road, convicted of the murder of a young woman, Margaret M'Kivett, and sentenced to be hanged, April 2. The first prize meeting of the Manchester Rifle Association took place on the ranges at Astley on April 3. The performance of Much Ado About Nothing by the Athenaeum Dramatic Reading Society took place in the new lecture hall at the Athenaium, April 6. A bazaar and fancy fair, on behalf of the Sick Children's Hospital, was held at the Free Trade Hall on April 6 and following days, and realised £21,o5(>. Mr. Thomas Wright, the Prison Philanthropist, died April 14. He was born at Manchester, September 20, 1789, but was of Scotch extraction. His mother was an attender at Cross Street Chapel, but joined the Wesleyans, and at a Sunday school of that body he was educated. He was apprenticed as an ironfounder, and after a brief period of indifference he became a zealous Con,:Tcgationalist, and for more than half a century was a deacon in the Grosvenor Street (Piccadilly) Chapel. A discharged convict happened to be employed at the same workshop, and Thomas Wright undertook to guarantee his good behaviour by a deposit of £20, but the order for his discharge was by accident not countermanded, and he left the town. Wright followed, and overtook the wretched fugitive, and brought him back. In this way his attention was directed to prison inmates, and in 1838 he obtained permission to visit the Salford prison. He became the prisoners' friend, and obtained honest employment for many who would otherwise have become habitual criminals. One of the ticket-of-leave men for \\ horn he obtained the post of a scavenger for the Manchester Corporation was afterwards ordained as a clergy- man. The value of Mr. Wright's labours led the Government to offer him the 350 Annals of Manchester. [1875 post of travelling inspector of prisons at a salary of £800. This he declined, but in 1852 accepted a testimonial of £3,248 (partly sunk in an annuity), the result of a voluntary subscription. This enabled him to give up his situation in the foundry, and to devote his entire time and energy to the reclamation oi criminals. It is creditable to his sagacity that as long ago as 1856 he saw the necessity of compulsory education. The noble simplicity of his life, the earnestness with which he obeyed the injunction to " remember those in bonds," impressed all who knew him. When the apostolic figure was removed by death there were thousands to mourn for one who had been a friend to the friendless. He is buried at Birch Church. Further details of his career are given in McDermid's Life of Thomas Wright, Manchester, 1876. A conference of local boards was held at the Town Hall on April 14, for the purpose of trying to come to some arrangement by which the assistance of the Corporation fire brigade might be afforded to the out townships in case of fire. Owing, however, to one or two boards objecting to the charge they would have to pay, nothing was decided. The memorial stones of two new schools of the Manchester School Board were laid April 15, one in Every Street, Ancoats, and one in Chester Street, Ardwick. The second great international show of horses, mules, and donkeys, opened May 7, at the Pomona Gardens. The committee of the Hospital Sunday and Saturday Fund distributed £7,200 amongst the different charities, being £600 less than the previous year. MayS. The second exhibition organised by the Society for the Promotion of Scientific Industry was opened in a temporary building erected for the purpose, near Queen's Road, Cheetham, on May 14. The exhibition was one for the display of appliances for economy of labour. The distribution of prizes in connection with the voluntary examination of Sunday school teachers and scholars of the Cathedral Rural Deanery took place at the Town Hall, King Street, May 14. A fifth Provident Dispensary was established in Ashton New Road, Beswick, May 29. Mr. Matthew Brougham, for twenty-three years a member of the City Council, died May 31, aged 73. He entered the council in November, 1851, as the representative of St. John's Ward, and retained his seat until 1854. In 1856 he was again elected, and he continued to represent the ward until November, 1S68, when he was made an alderman. He remained in the council until November, 1874, when he retired. During his connection with the cor- poration he served on most of the committees, and notably on the Markets Committee, of which he was chairman. Mr. Thomas Lawton, of Whaley Bridge, died June 1, aged 42. Originally an elementary schoolmaster, he became visiting agent and organiser of the Lancashire and Cheshire Union of Institutes, which position he held for four- teen years. To his zeal and untiring industry many of the smaller towns and villages of both counties owe the establishment of their mechanics' institutions, and to him mainly is due the origination of science classes working under the direction of the Science and Art Department, for the benefit of the artisan class 1875] Annals of Manchester. 351 in the whole of this populous district. Prior to his death Mr. Lawton had put forth a scheme for the foundation of a central science school in Manchester, and had enlisted the co-operation of several large employers of labour in the neighbourhood. Mr. Richard Baverstock Brown Cobbett, solicitor, died at Wilmslow, June 3, aged 61. Born 1804, Mr. Cobbett attained great repute as a pleader early in his professional practice, when he defended some of the Chartists and others. Mr. Cobbett was secretary to the Council of the Manchester Political Union, which got up the great demonstration on Kersal Moor in 1S38. He was author of some legal pamphlets. He was a son of Mr. William Cobbett, M.P., the famous Radical. Grand fetes were held at Manley Hall, June 4 and 5. The attractions con- sisted of the bands of the. Grenadier Guards and Scots Fusilier Guards, illumi- nation of the large fernery, and the roses and rhododendrons in full bloom. The third annual meeting of the Manchester Aquarium Company, June 14. A dividend of ten per cent, was declared, and £500 carried forward as a reserve fund. The first athletic festival under the auspices of the Northern Counties Olympian Association commenced on Monday, June 14, and continued all the week. A painful sensation caused by the announcement of the failure of Messrs. Alexander Collie and Co., of Aytoun Street, Manchester, and London, with liabilities estimated at about £3,000,000, June 16. The head of the firm sub- sequently absconded to Spain. A new society, under the title of the Manchester Phonetic Shorthand Writers' Association, held its first meeting during the week ending June 26, at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, Piccadilly. Alderman Alfred Watkin died, June 23. He was the son of Mr. Absalom Watkin, and brother of Sir E. W. Watkin, Bart. He entered the City Council, on November 1, 1858, became alderman March 10, 1869, and served the office of mayor during 1873-4. 38 and 39 Victoria, cap. 101. Act to confer additional powers on the Cor- porat ion of the Borough of Salf ord, for the improvement and good government of the said borough, and for the laying down of tramways in and near thereto, and for the raising of further moneys, and for other purposes. June 29. The members of the Liverpool Architectural and Archaeological Society visited Manchester, July 3, on the occasion of their annual excursion. Captain C. H. Lane, Governor of the City Gaol since its erection in 1850, died on July 4, aged 75. His father, an old naval captain, was governor of Dartmoor Gaol when it was used for the detention of French prisoners of war. The sou, who was born at Lympstone, near Exeter, entered the army when 16, and be- came successively paymaster of his regiment and then captain. After 33 years' service he left the army to occupy the position in which lie died. A town's meeting was held at the Town Hall on July 5, in support of the Sunday Closing Bills for England and Ireland before the House of Commons, and a petition to Parliament for the suppression of the sale of intoxicating drinks on the Sunday adopted. A meeting of citizens was held in the mayor's parlour on July 7, for the 352 Annals of Manchester. [1875 purpose of adopting means for the relief of sufferers by the recent inundations in France, and over £320 was promised in the room. Seyyid Barghash, Sultan of Zanzibar, visited Manchester on July 8 and 9. Amongst other objects of interest he was shown the Egerton cotton mills, Peel Park, the Assize Courts, the Royal Exchange, Messrs. Hoyle's printworks, the new Town Hall, and Manley Hall. Rev. Henry Ollerenshaw, Congregational minister at Hull, died at Hull, July 13. He was born in Manchester, January 27, 1819, and was editor of the Hull and East Riding Magazine. {Congregational Year Book, 1876.) 38 and 39 Victoria. Act for enabling the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of the city of Manchester to extend their waterworks, and to make street improvements, for consolidating the assets and liabilities of the sevei'al town- ships of the city, and for other purposes. July 19. A portrait of Mr. W. R. Callender, M.P., was presented to the Athenseum on July 28, by a committee formed for the purpose. Mr. Callender had been honorary secretary for sixteen years. The commission for the portrait was placed in the hands of Mr. William Percy, of Manchester. A rifle match took place at Carlisle on July 31, between twenty members of the First Manchester and twenty of the First Lanark (Glasgow) Volunteers. In the end the Scotchmen won by 37 points, thus reversing the previous year's record, when Manchester won by 28 points. The sixth Provident Dispensary having been opened in Livsey Street, a meeting was held on August 6, in the Bennett Street Schools, for the purpose of expounding the principles and advantages of the system. Saturday, August 7th, and the following Thursday and Friday, will be noted for the heavy thunderstorms which took place. Flashes of lightning followed one another with appalling rapidity, whilst the thunder resembled the roar of a battery of huge guns. Considerable damage was done to property by the lightning, and in one instance, where it struck a house, it passed along the gas pipes and set the carpet, which was being taken up, on fire. A joiner working near, who ran to assist in extinguishing the flames, was knocked down by a second discharge, but not seriously hurt. During the week ending August 14 the new Manchester and Stockport line of the Midland Railway was opened for traffic. The sixty-eighty annual conference of the Swedenborgians, or New Church, was held in Manchester during the week ending August 14, under the presi- dency of the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Bayley, of London. Rev. John Hyde, minister of the New Church (Swedenborgian), Peter Street, died August 18. He was born at London, ^February 26, 1833. At one time he was a member of the Mormon Church at London, but abandoned that creed and wrote a book against the Mormon doctrines. He was also the author of Lectures on the Resurrection, on Swedenborg, on the Serpent that Beguiled Eve, The Child's Catechism. He wrote a considerable number of hymns, and compiled the supplement to the New Church Hymn Book, besides writing a number of tracts. He was also the author of several successful papers on education, and his essay on "International Arbitration," read at a conference in the Manchester Town Hall, was pronounced by a high authority to be one of 1875] Annals of Manchester. 353 the most exhaustive considerations of the subject ever written. (Intellectual Repository, October, 1S75.) Mr. Murray Gladstone died suddenly at his residence, Penmaenraawr, August 23. He was born in Liverpool. In early life he was a civil engineer, but in 1844 became a junior partner in the firm of Ogilvy, Gilanders, and Co., and went to Calcutta to assume the direction of the business of that branch of his firm. About 1850 he returned to England and became head of the Man- chester branch of Gladstone, Latham and Co. He was a trustee of the Infirmary, and from September, 1861, to June, 1S64, was treasurer of that institution. He was a governor of the Owens College, a feoffee of the Grammar School, and chairman of the Royal Exchange. Until a few years before his death he resided in Higher Broughton, and his house, with some alterations, became the Bishop's Court. The seventh annual meeting of the members of the Iron and Steel Institute of Great Britain was held in Manchester on September 7 and following days. A congress of homceopathic practitioners was held at the Palatine Hotel on September 9, under the presidency of Dr. Boyes. The Baroness Burdett Coutts paid a visit to Manchester on September 10, on the inauguration by her of the drinking fountain at New Cross, erected at her expense. The opportunity was taken to present an address from the City Council, and to entertain her ladyship at luncheon. Mr. Joseph Barker died at Omaha, Nebraska, September 15. He was born in 1806, at Bramley, near Leeds, and after self -education became a notable man amongst the Wesleyans, whom he left for the Methodist New Connexion. Afterwards he was the founder of a sect of " Barkerites," then a Quaker, then a Unitarian, then a free-thinker, then an atheist. He was an ardent politician, and in 1848 was arrested and confined for a night in the borough gaol of Man- chester. He was tried at Liverpool Assizes, but a nolle prosequi was entered and he escaped. In 1851 he settled in the United States, where he was an active abolitionist. He returned to England in 1S60, and after associating with the Secularists, returned to Christianity, and became a local preacher amongst the Primitive Methodists. In his last residence in England he was an advocate of the South in the War of the Secession. His last years were spent in Nebraska. Mr. Barker was for many years a frequent lecturer in Manchester, and though, we believe, never permanently resident, was exceedingly well known in the town. The Life of Joseph Barker, edited by his nephew, J. T. Barker (London, 1SS0), is the best account of his career, but it is marred by oonie inaccuracies and suppressions. At a meeting of the Manchester French Inundations Relief Committee, held on September 15 at the Town Hall, King Street, the mayor, as treasurer, reported that a sum of £1,598 had been collected. A serious collision took place at Miles Platting on September 24, the 1-40 p.m. express from Leeds to Liverpool being, by a defective point, turned on to a line along which a goods train was coming, the result being considerable damage to rolling-stock and serious injuries to several passengers. A bazaar in aid of Mr. Birch's Orphanage at Corubrook was opened on September 30 at the Free Trade Hall. It was originally intended to hold it in 354 Annals of Manchester. [1875 a large tent in the playground of the Orphanage, but the gale of the previous Sunday blew the tent down. The first number of a new periodical, the Athenceum Gazette, appeared October 1. It was intended as an organ of all the societies connected with that institution, but it did not have a long existence. A conference of delegates from Band of Hope Unions was held under the auspices of the Lancashire and Cheshire Union, in the drawing-room of the Free Trade Hall, October 2. Representatives were present from the chief towns, and papers were read and discussed on Band of Hope work. A town's meeting was held in the Town Hall, King Street, on October 8, to protest against the circular of the Admiralty instructing commanders of English vessels to restore slaves to their "owners." Mr. Charles James Stanley Walker died October 12. He was the son of Mr. Thomas Walker, boroughreeve in 1791, and was born February 25, 1788. He began early in life to take an interest in the Reform question. In 1838 he was elected councillor for New Cross Ward, and on December 15, 1838, he was chosen alderman for the same ward. In 1S41 he became a member of the Board of Guardians, and from 1S43 to 1855 he was chairman of the board. He resigned the latter office and also his aldermanship in order that he might devote all his time to his magisterial duties. He was a J P. for Lancashire and Manchester. Professor F. W. Newman delivered a lecture at the Athenaeum on the "Re-organisation of English Institutions," October 15. A meeting of the justices was held on October 21 for the purpose of electing a governor for the City Gaol, and, out of eight selected candidates, Captain H. M. Borton, deputy governor, Convict Prison, Portsmouth, was elected. Mr. W. S. Lawn, secretary to the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, died very suddenly on October 29. He was present at the annual meeting of the Household Stores Association in the Memorial Hall, and having just concluded a speech was observed to faint. A doctor who was present tried the usual means to restore consciousness, but in about ten minutes it was announced that life was extinct. The Pantechnicon, in Egerton Street, Hulme, was totally destroyed by fire on October 30. The fire raged for seven hours in spite of the efforts of the brigade, and damage estimated at between £60,000 and £70,000 was done. Mr. Humphrey Nichols died on October 31. Mr. Nichols was born in 1791, and while still a minor the position [of clerk to the Collegiate Church was purchased for him for £1,400. He was remarkable for the very erratic manner in which he gave his money to the various charities, not infrequently giving notes for hundreds of pounds without any covering to the servant, desiring him to give them to his master — the secretary, or the treasurer, or institution he desired to benefit. He is believed to have given during his life-time about £87,000. Mr. C. A. Seymour, the leader of Mr. C. Halle's orchestra, died November 1. He was born in 1810, and became leader of Queen Adelaide's private band. On the accession of Queen Victoria, Mr. Seymour accepted the leadership of the Gentlemen's Concerts. The first Diocesan Conference ever held in this diocese commenced on 1S76] Annals of Manchester. 355 November 4, at the Town Hall. The conference consisted of 426 members, official and elected, of whom 153 were clergy and 273 laity. Mr. Joseph Chattwood died November 24. He was the first president of the Manchester Literary Club. He is buried at Prestwich Church. In connection with the Literary Club a valuable exhibition of works of art in black and white and monochrome was held on November 24 and three follow- ing days at Mr. Hamer's Gallery, St. Ann's Passage. Tbis was the first public exhibition of the kind in Manchester. Mr. Thomas Jones, B.A., F.S.A., died at Southport November 29. He was born at Underbill, Margam, near Neath, Gloucestershire, in 1S10. He was educated at Cowbridge Grammar School, and went first to Cambridge and then to Jesus College. Oxford, where he took the B.A. degree in 1832. His excessive shyness would have been a bar to success either in the Church or at the Bar, but, fortunately, in 1845 he was appointed librarian of Chetham's Library, a position which he retained until his death. His extensive reading is shown by the various contributions to Notes and Queries of Bibliothecarius Chet- hamensis. He edited for the Chetham Society a Catalogue of the Popery Tracts in the Chetham Library (1S59-65), and had made collections for a life of Dr. John Dee. (See Papers of the Manchester Literary Club, vol. ii., p. 59.) The first annual social celebration of St. Andrew's Day by the Manchester and Salford Caledonian Club took place on November 30, at the Falstaff Waste Exchange, when about 200 persons sat down to supper. A special meeting of the city magistrates was held on November 30, when Captain Anstruther, of the Perth prison, was appointed governor of the City Gaol, in place of Captain Borton, who was appointed six weeks before but had resigned. At the close of the ordinary meeting of the City Council, on December 1, the statue of Oliver Cromwell was presented to the citizens of Manchester by Alderman Heywood, on behalf of Mrs. Heywood. The statue was the work of Mr. Noble, and was presented by Mrs. Heywood in memory of her late husband, Alderman Goadsby. Sir Stafford Northcote, M.P., Chancellor of the Exchequer, addressed a crowded meeting at the Free Trade Hall on December 6. A conference of the members and friends of the National Reform Union Avas held in the Free Trade Hall on December 15, and was followed by a public meeting in the evening. The copper ball on the summit of the Albert Square tower of the New Town Hall was placed in position by the Mayor (Alderman Curtis) on December 28. The ball is about 2ft. Sin. in diameter, and has a number of spikes projecting from the surface about seven inches in length, and weighs 2cwt. 221b. The base weighs lOst. Sib., and the height from the bottom of.thelbase to the top of the ball is 5ft. 9iin. 1876. A monster "spelling bee" was held in the Free Trade Hall on January 17, when £30 was oflered in prizes and upwards of 400 competitors took part. The annual presentation of prizes to the Third Manchester Rifle Volunteers by the Countess of Ellesmere took place at the Free Trade Hall, January 19. 356 Annals of Manchester. t i876 A stormy town's meeting was held at the Town Hall on January 20, to protest against the amended slave circular issued by the Admiralty, and ultimately a resolution was carried calling upon the Government to entirely cancel the instructions. Mr. William Romaine Callender, one of the representatives of the city in Parliament, died on January 22, aged 51. For some time he had been suffering from rheumatic neuralgia and prostration of the nervous system, but, in accordance with medical advice, was on his way to the south of France, when the prostration so increased that he stayed at St. Leonard's-on-the-Sea, and died in that town. He was the eldest son of the late Mr. William Romaine Callender, and was from his youth connected with his father's business, a merchant and manufacturer, which was greatly extended of late years by the purchase of other mills. Mr. Callender was the chairman of the South-East Lancashire Conservative Association, and connected with numerous societies and clubs in aid of the objects of his party. As a Freemason, he was deputy- provincial grand master for Lancashire, and grand master of the Mark Masons of England. For twenty years he was honorary secretary of the Atheneeum, succeeding Mr. John Ashton Nicholls. A liberal supporter of the medical charities of the city, he was a deputy treasurer of the Royal Infirmary, president of the Southern Hospital for the Diseases of Women and Children, and treasurer of the Northern Counties Hospital for Incurables. He was one of the first officers of the 1st Manchester Volunteers, was a member of the Manchester School Board for three years, and was a vice-president of the United Kingdom Alliance. He was treasurer of the Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes from its reconstruction in 1862, and was a liberal con- tributor to its funds. He also became a director of the Cobden Mill Co-operative Company, at Sabden, thus associating himself somewhat with the co-operative movement. He was a magistrate and deputy-lieutenant of Lancashire, and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. In 1874 he was returned with Mr. Birley at the general election, it being the first time that Manchester had returned two Conservative members since its enfranchisement. He was buried at St. John's Church, Heaton Mersey, on January 29. A suit, brought by the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of the city of Manchester, against Messrs. Christopher Peverley, and Thomas Blakey and their tenants for an infringement of the Corporation market rights, was heard in London before George Little, Esquire, Q.C., the Vice-Chancellor of the County Palatine of Lancaster, on seven days in the month of January. On the 24th April the Vice-Chancellor gave judgment in favour of the Corporation, on the question of the defendants having, in effect, set up a rival market, but he also held that the old manorial market rights were entirely superseded by the Manchester Markets Act, 1846. The case is reported on the latter point in Law Reports 22, Chancery Division, 294 (note.) Mr. Evan Leigh died in Manchester, February 2, 1876. He was a native of Ashton-under-Lyne, where he was born in 1871. He was well known as a practical man of science, and was the author of an important work on The Science of Modem Cotton Spinning, 1872. A Bill was introduced in the House of Commons to enable the Postmaster- General to obtain a site for the extension of the Manchester Post Office. Feb. 15. l57 j] innate of Manchester. 3.57 The election for a representative in the House of Commons in room of the late Mr. Callencler took place on February 17, the candidates being Mr. Jacob Bright (L.), and Mr. Francis Sharpe Powell (C.) The official declaration was Bright 22,770, and Powell 20,985. The vote polled by Mr. Bright was then the largest ever given to a candidate by a borough constituency in the United Kingdom, and Mr. Powell then stood second. The annual meeting of the Manchester School of Art took place at the Royal Institution on March 15. Alderman Heywood stated that a gentleman had expressed a willingness to place £100,000 in the hands of the Corporation for the purposes of an art gallery. A large fire broke out early on Friday morning, March 17, at a warehouse in Sackville Street, Portland Street, and owing to the high wind considerable damage was done. Signor Salvini, the great Italian actor, performed [at the Queen's Theatre during the week ending March 18. A stormy town's meeting was held March 31 to consider the Royal Titles Bill, and the following resolution was passed : " That this meeting deeply regrets the proposal to advise Her Most Gracious Majesty to add the title of Empress of India to that of the Queen of these realms, as prejudicial to the true dignity of the Crown, repugnant to the national sentiments, and injurious to the interests of the people of the British Empire." 39 Victoria, cap. 3. Act to enable Her Majesty's Postmaster-General to acquire a site for the extension of the Manchester General Post Office. April 7. At a meeting of the City Council, on April 12, it was decided that "all fairs now holden in the city be discontinued," and the passing of this resolution involved the stoppage of Knot Mill Fair. August 3. The annual conference of the Sunday school teachers of Lancashire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire was held in Manchester on April 14, when Sir Charles Reed, chairman of the London School Board presided, and gave an address. Mr. George Southam, F.R.C.S., died at his residence, Oakfield House, Pendleton, on April 24. He was born in 1S1G, and he was for thirty years one of the surgeons of the Royal Infirmary. Mr. Southam was the author of some medical treatises. (Manchester School Register, vol. iii., p. 226.) Mr. Samuel Greg died at Bollington, near Macclesfield, May 14. He was born in King Street, Manchester, September G, 1804. He was author of Scenes from the Life of Jesus, 1869, and of several miscellaneous works. A collection of his papers was published after his death, under the title of A Layman's Legacy,wii h an interesting memoir, and a preface by Dean Stanley. (Unitarian Herald, May 26, 1876.) The Rev. Charles Brierley Garside died at Posillippo, Naples, May 21. He was the son of Joseph Garsi shop in Hanging Ditch. For some reason he was not successful, and rel inquishing business on his own account he entered into the employment of Mr. Banks, the old bookseller, and subsequently that of Mr. Thompson, in Market Street. For twenty years Mr. Ford was in the employment of Messrs. Capes, Dunn, and Pilcher, who engaged him for making catalogues of libraries for sale. He also catalogued and arranged a number of private libraries. Mr. Ford was buried in the Salford Borough Cemetery. (Palatine Xute-Book, vol. ii., p. 155.) A garden party, promoted by the British calico printers, took place at the Botanical Gardens, Old Traflbrd, on June 21. Over live thousand persons were present, and the ladies were dressed in British printed calicoes. A meeting of mayors of manufacturing towns was held at the residence of Mr. Daniel Adamson, the Towers, Didsbury, to consider the practicability of constructing a tidal waterway between Liverpool and Manchester, June 27. S90 Annals of Manchester, [18S2 Mr. Joseph Aloysius Hansom died June 29. He invented the "Hansom" cab, and in conjunction with his son, Mr. Joseph Hansom, executed the Church of the Holy Name, at Manchester. The Dalton Hall of Residence in Victoria Park opened by Sir J. W. Pease, Bart., M.P. The hall was erected by the Society of Friends for the use of students attending the Owens College. July 3. Venerable Archdeacon Anson appointed residentiary canon of the Man- chester Cathedral, in the room of Canon Gibson deceased. July 11. Mr. Ralph Milner, " the Oldfield Road Doctor," died, July 14. 45 and 46 Victoria, cap. 203. Act to enable the mayor, alderman, and citizens of the city of Manchester to acquire and maintain an Art Gallery, and for the regulation thereof, to execute works for the purposes of their water- works, to amend and extend the provisions of the local Acts relating to the city of Manchester, and for other purposes. August 10. Professor William Stanley Jevons was drowned whilst bathing at Bexhill, on the coast of Sussex, on August 14. Mr. Jevons was born in Liverpool in 1S35, and educated at the Mechanics' Institution of that city and at the Univer- sity of London. In 1854 he was appointed assayer to the Australian Royal Mint at Sydney, which position he held for five years. In 1859 he recommenced his studies at London University, and in 1862 graduated M.A. with first class honours. In 1863 he was appointed tutor to the Owens College, and in 1866 professor of logic and philosophy at the same institution. In 1869 he was elected president of the Manchester Statistical Society. In 1872 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and in 1874 a Fellow of the Statistical Society of London. In 1874 and 1875 he was examiner for the Moral Science Tripos at Cambridge, and in the latter year the Senatus Academicus of the Edinburgh University conferred upon him the honorary degree of LL.D. In 1876 he was appointed examiner in logic and moral philosophy in the London University. In the same year he resigned his professorship at the Owens College. His published writings were many and important, some of them having been translated into other languages. The chief among them are Pure Logic, 1864; Elementary Lessons in Logic, 1874 ; Theory of Political Economy, 1871 ; Principles of Science, 1874 ; Logic and Political Economy, in Macmillan's series of Science Primers, and The State in Belation to Labour. He also contributed largely to numerous periodicals, and was one of the reviewers of the Academy. His remains were interred in the Hampstead Cemetery, London, August 18. A posthumous work, Methods of Social Reform, and a biography have appeared. A complimentary dinner was given at the Brooklands Hotel, by his Man- chester admirers, to Mr. George Jacob Holyoake, prior to his departure for America. Dr. R. M. Pankhurst presided. August 17. A cottagers' flower show was held in Peel Park, August 18. This is believed to be the first exhibition of the kind held under municipal auspices. It was arranged by the Salford Parks and Libraries Committee. A conference of miners' delegates was opened in the Mechanics' Institute, August 29. Mr. Thomas Burt, M.P., presided. Mauldeth Hall was opened as a Hospital for Incurables, September 15. Mr. Christopher Barker died September 17. He was born at Alnwick, 1882] Annals of Manchester. odl Northumberland, in 1815, and wrote an interesting volume on The Associative Princiiile during the Middle Ages, 1859. He was a compositor in the employ- ment of Messrs. A. Ireland and Co. for twenty-two years. The Earl of Wilton opened an Art and Industrial Exhibition in St. James's Hall, Oxford Street, September 20. Mr. James Huson-More died, September 26. He was born in Salford in 1844, was educated for the medical profession, and had the qualifications of L.R.C.P.Ed. and F.R.C.S. He travelled in Africa and Australasia, and was a man of great ability, the promise of whose career was destroyed by an early death. He was one of the original members of the Manchester Scientific Students' Association, and was present at its "coming of age soiree." Mr. Thomas Higson, clerk to the Manchester city justices, died at his residence at Alderley, September 29. He was born May 22, 1S04, and educated a the Manchester Grammar School. He was articled to his father, and in 1820 began to practise as an attorney. In 1839 he was appointed clerk to the Man- chester city magistrates, and in 1S49 clerk to the visiting justices of the borough gaol. The latter position he resigned in 1878. Professor Henry Roscoe, F.R.S., gave the first of a series of lectures on Sunday afternoons, at the New Islington Hall, Ancoats, October 1. These lectures were arranged by the Ancoats Recreation Committee organised by Mr. Charles Rowley, jun. A Conservative demonstration was held at the St. James's Hall, October 7. Salford Union Infirmary was erected at Hope, at a cost of £00,000, and was formally opened by Mr. Thomas Dickins, chairman of the Salford Board of Guardians, October 19. Vice-Chancellor Greenwood performed the ceremony of conferring the first degrees of the Victoria University, in the Manchester Town Hall, November 1. The Pulpit Record and Mutual Improvement Society Parliamentary Debating Society Chronicle, No. 1, November 4 ; Id. weekly. Capelton and Co., printers. The last number appeared April 2S, 1883. A fire broke out at the warehouse of Messrs. G. Hodgkinson and Son, in Princess Street, November 17. In the Court of Appeal, London, Nov. 26 and 27, the Master of the Rolls and Lord Justices Cotton and Bowen had before them the case of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Corporation of Manchester v. Lyons, an appeal by the plain- tills from the decision of Vice-Chancellor Bristowe against their claim in the action to restrain the defendants from infringing the market rights claimed by the Corporation. The primary ground of action was disturbance of the market rights of the Corporation, who were successors in title to the Lord of the Manor of Manchester, and contended t hat t he old manorial rights purchased by them still existed in the Corporation, only confirmed and codified by the Manchester Markets Acts passed in 1810. Their lordships held that the Act of 1846 had in fad created a new market in place of the old manorial market the Corporation had.'purchased from the Lord of the Manor. On the second point of disturbance of the market by the defendants there was no evidence of such disturbance in this case. Accordingly the defendants were not liable, as alleged, and tbe appeal was dismissed with costs. A meeting in support of evicted tenants in Ireland was held in the Salford 3^2 Annals of Manchester. [1882 Town Hall. Among the speakers were Mr. F. H. O'Donnell, M.P., and Mr. M. J. Kenny, M.P. December 4. At a town's meeting held in the Salford Town Hall under the presidency of the Mayor, resolutions in favour of the Ship Canal project were adopted. December 8. A meeting was held at the Town Hall, Manchester, for the purpose of con- sidering the question of establishing a home for the widows or unmarried daughters of professional men and merchants who have been left by the death of a parent, husband, or otherwise with inadequate means. Resolutions approving of the opening of a "Home" in Higher Broughton were passed. December 11. The Right Rev. Alfred Ollivant, D.D., Bishop of Llandaff, died December 16. He was born at Manchester, August 16, 1798, was Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge and Vice-Principal of Lampeter College, and in November, 1817, was appointed to the bishopric of Llandaff. A special general meeting of the members of the Manchester Mechanics' Institution was held December 27, when the new rules submitted by the Directors for the government of the Technical School about to be established in connection with the Institution were considered and adopted. Mr. George Falkner, typographer and lithographer, died December 31. He was born at Edinburgh in 1817, his father, Mr. Andrew Falkner, being one of the masters of the High School. Mr. G. Falkner was apprenticed to the printing trade in his native city, and afterwards employed in the Government Printing Office in London. In 1841 he came to Manchester, and began an active literary career in connection with Mr. George Bradshaw, acting as editor of Bradshaw' s Manchester Journal, which was first published in May of that year. He subsequently commenced business on his own account, as an artistic printer, and it was not long before he was at the head of an extensive business. In 1852 he published his own Notes on Algiers, and in 1882 A Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Loreto. He was a frequent con- tributor to the local papers. He was for many years a member of the Council of the Manchester Royal Institution, and the scheme was his which transferred that institution to the Corporation. He died on the day before that on which the transfer was officially made. Some remarkable incidents in the history of local journalism occurred during the year. The North limes began July 25, as a penny evening paper, in the interests of the Conservative party. The Latest News was started from the same office, September 11, as a halfpenny morning paper. The proprietors of the Evening News started the Morning News, September 14, and the pro- prietors of the Evening Mail started the Morning Mail on the same date. The North Times became a halfpenny evening paper September 25. This batch of daily papers did not prove long-lived, for the North Times and the Latest News came to an end December 15, and were followed on December 30 by the Morning Mail and Morning News — as soon as it was clear that their new rivals had been disposed of. The unsuccessful attempt to float the North Times was said to have caused a loss of £16,000 to its proprietors. 1883] Annals of Manchester. 393 1883. The Malagasy ambassadors visited Manchester on January 2 and 3, and the Mayor entertained them at a public soiree. The Manchester Ship Canal Bill was declared, on January 22, by the examiner of Private Bills in the House of Commons, to have failed to comply with the standing orders of Parliament. The Right Rev. Richard Roskell, Catholic prelate, died at Whitewell, January 27. He was born August 15, 1817, and appointed successively to St. Augustine's and St. Patrick's, Manchester ; and to the Cathedral. Salford ; first provost and vicar general of the diocese of Salford ; he was consecrated Bishop of Nottingham, September 21, 1853 ; translated to Abdera, July 5, 1875. The last services in the Oldham Street Wesleyan Chapel, previous to its demolition, were held February 1. The chapel was erected in the life-time of Rev. John Wesley. Mr. Charles Leigh Clare, J.P., died at his residence, Higher Broughton, February 10, in the fifty-third year of his age. He was largely engaged as a merchant in the African trade, and for some years a director of the Chamber of Commerce. In philanthropic and social reform movements he was a devoted worker. He was honorary secretary of the Prisons Conference, which consists of the visiting justices of county prisons. The Ship Canal Bill allowed to proceed by the Standing Orders Committee of the House of Commons. March 2. Mr. James Gascoigne Lynde died March 15, aged G7 years. He was a native of the South of England, but in 1857 came to Manchester as City Surveyor, which position he retained until his resignation in March, 187'.). Among the more notable undertakings carried out under his supervision were the widening of Deansgate, the improvement of the river Medlock, and the construction of the Corporation Gasworks at Bradford Road. He prepared the plans for laying out Alexandra Park, and those for the Southern Cemetery. The Queen's Road Viaduct, the Smedley Road Bridge crossing the river Irk, the Waterloo Bridge which crosses the Irwell in Strangeways, the Irwel] Street Bridge in connection with the Quay Street improvement, and the Prince's Bridge which provides communication between Manchester and Salford by way of Hampson Street, Oldfield Road, were all constructed from his designs. Mr. Lynde was one of the oldest members of the Institution of Civil Engineers, having completed his fiftieth year of membership; he was a Fellow of the Geological Society of London, and a member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. A supplementary Royal Charter was granted, which authorised the Victoria University to confer medical degrees. March 20. General Lord Wolseley visited Manchester on March 28 and 29 for the purpose of being present at the founding of the Wolseley Masonic Lodge. He was also entertained at a banquet in the Manchester Town Hall. The Very Rev. Canon James Wilding died April 1. lie was born at Yealand, November, 1820; ordained and appointed to the Salford Cathedral, December 19, 1846; Granby Row, November, 1851; Missionary Rector and Dean, November, 1859. 394 Annals of Manchester. [18S3 The High Sheriff, Mr. Thomas Ashton, publicly escorted from his residence at Didsbury to meet the Judges of Assize on their arrival in the city. April 14. Alderman Thomas Baker received the honour of knighthood at Osborne, April 20. Mr. John Townsend, formerly Councillor for St. Clement's Ward, 1862-77, died at Blackpool, April 27, aged 58. Mr. E. Crompton Potter, Manchester merchant, died at Brighton on May 6. He was the son of Mr. Edmund Potter, calico printer, of Manchester, and Dinting Vale Works, and was born at Manchester, July 22, 1830. He was educated at the Chorlton High Schoool, Dover Street, and at the Manchester New College, Grosvenor Square, and at the age of twenty-one became a partner in the firm of E. Potter and Co. For some years previous to his death the main responsibilities of the business rested upon Mr. E. C. Potter. The Unitarian Chapel at Dinting was built and endowed by the firm, and Mr. Potter was a liberal donor to the Unitarian chapels at Gee Cross, Piatt, and in Brook Street, Chorlton. He was a very competent connoisseur and art collector, having one of the finest collections of cloissone ware in the kingdom. Among the pictures at his residence, Rusholme Hall, was the " Welsh Funeral " of David Cox. Believing in the educational power of art exhibitions, he was always ready to assist in such objects both with money and loans of pictures. Mr. Robert Holt, bookseller, of Shudehill, died at his residence, 1, Kirk- mans, Prestwich, on May 8, aged 53. He left bequests to the Chetham Library and to the Owens College. No. 1 of the Textile Recorder issued May 15. A meeting of ratepayers of the parish of Manchester was heia to authorise the application for a faculty to make alterations and restorations at the Cathe- dral. May 28. The premises of Messrs. Baerlein and Co., Blackfriars Street, were struck by lightning and set on fire on June 9. The damage was estimated at about £20,000. Mr. F. W. Pullen died at his residence in Urmston, June 13. He was born in 1828, and a considerable portion of his life was spent in Manchester and Liver- pool, in the service of the firm of Messrs. W. and S. Caine and Co. Mr. Pullen was an admirer of the writings of Mr. John Ruskin, and in the hope of help- ing forward his work, Mr. Pullen in 1879 became associated with a number of other friends in the formation of the Ruskin Society. The Manchester centre was followed by similar groups at Glasgow, Sheffield, Birmingham, and elsewhere. Mr. Pullen was the honorary secretary, and afterwards chair- man of the committee of this organisation. He had previously been a corres- pondent of Mr. Ruskin, and some of his letters appear in " Fors Clavigera." A few members of the society, including Mr. Pullen, met Mr. Ruskin at the St. George's Museum, Sheffield. The society desired to have a motto, and Mr. Pullen sought Mr. Ruskin's help. In reply he wrote : " It is curious that with your note came another (which won't be answered), asking for an autograph and for my motto— also curious that I've just marked in Plato a motto which I am thinking of taking for all my books in future editions—' ^evdos 8e alSo'i ko.1 diKi) vefxear^Tov KaracpvcLv.' (I've run Kara (pvcni' into one word, because I took 188cS] Annals of Manchester. 395 it for my first disguised name.)— Always gratefully yours, J. Ruskin." Mr. Pullen was interested in the fate of St. Mark's, at Venice, and when alarm was excited at the proposed alterations organised the meeting held in the Man- chester Town Hall, 26th November, 1879. Mr. Pullen's life as a public man was exclusively confined to action for the spreading of the influence of Mr. Buskin's ideas, and that chiefly, if not entirely, in their social relations. To this task he brought transparent candour and honesty, unbounded enthusiasm, and no mean power of exposition. The Osborne Street Corporation Baths were opened by the Mayor, June 14. Mr. Joseph Simpson, formerly alderman of Manchester, died at Stanford Rivers, June 22. The British calico printers' second garden party was held at the Botanical Gardens, June 23. Mr. Peter Spence, J.P., F.C.S., died at Erlington House, Old Trafford, July 5. He was born at Brechin in 1S06, and, having received a fair education, became an active worker in the temperance cause. He turned his attention to chemistry, and patented a series of processes which revolutionised the alum manufacture. The Pendleton Alum Works, founded by Mr. Spence, was removed from that place in 1S57, after a remarkable legal contest at Liverpool Assizes in that year. They were then continued at Newton Heath. As an employer he was just and liberal. He was a Congregationalist, and an advanced Liberal in politics, but declined all invitations to contests for a seat in Parliament. He was the author of several scientific memoirs. The Salford Sewage Works at Mode Wheel were formally opened July 6. The Earl of Shaftesbury visited Manchester on July 7, for the purpose of laying a corner-stone of an addition to the Boys' Refuge in Strangeways. During his stay an address was presented to his lordship by a large number of operatives in the Free Trade Hall, as an acknowledgment of his endeavours to reduce the hours of labour amongst the working people. He remained in Man- chester until the 10th, and was the guest of the Mayor at the Town Hall. The Manchester Ship Canal Bill passed the third reading in the House of Commons, July 12. The foundation stone of the new museum at Queen's Park laid by the Mayor, July 14. Mr. John Pooley, formerly alderman of Manchester, died August 1, ag,ed 82. Mr. James Crossley, F.S. A., died at Stocks House, Cheetham Hill Road, on August 1. He was born at Halifax, March 31, 1800, his father being a merchant of moderate position. He was educated at Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, at Skircoat, in Halifax, where he obtained a good knowledge of the classics* At the age of sixteen he came to Manchester, and was articled to Mr. Thomas Ainsworth, solicitor, father of Mr. Ainsworth, the novelist. In this business he afterwards became a partner, and later the principal, when the firm was known as that of Crossley and Sudlow. Some yens before his death he retired from professional life. But it was chiefly as a man of letters and as a book collector that he was one of the most remarkable men of the city of his adoption. Even in his teens he was able to write mature and polished articles for Blackwood. In the December number of 1820 is an article of his on the Literary Characters of Bishop Warburton and Dr. Johnson, and later 396 Annals of Manchester. 1883 numbers contained articles from his pen which Dr. Johnson himself might have been proud of. In 1820 he became a principal contributor to the Retro- spective Revieiv, which was then launched with the aid of some of the leading writers of the day. Subsequently he gave valuable assistance to Mr. J. G. Lockhart in the preparation of the Quarterly Review. The great feature of Mr. Crossley's life was the formation of the Chetham Society. This society, whose first formal meeting was held in the Chetham College on March 23, 1843, was originally suggested by Mr. Crossley, who, at the death of Dr. Holme in 1847, became its second president, which office he held until his death. For this society he edited vol. i. of The Diary and Correspondence of Dr. John Worthington, Potts' s Discovery of Witches in the County of Lancaster, etc. Among his intimate friends was his fellow clerk, Mr. W. H. Ainsworth, who was indebted to him for suggesting the idea of more than one of his novels. In his younger days he was prominent among the Tory politicians, and was always ready to aid the cause with a polished and brilliant speech. He was also president of the Spenser Society, and was more or less identified with all the educational and literary movements of Manchester from 1830 until his death. In 1877 he was elected honorary librarian of Chetham's Library. As a book collector he amassed a collection of some ninety thousand volumes, including the most complete collection of De Foe's works then in the possession of one person. His literary knowledge was deep and wide, his memory a storehouse, and his command of language remarkable. Rev. Robert Moffat, D.D., died at Leigh, Kent, August 7. He was born at Inverkeithing in 1795, and when employed as a gardener, at High Leigh, decided to become a missionary. For this purpose he joined the missionary college at Manchester, under Mr. Roby, and was sent out in 1816. His labours amongst the Bechuanas form one ,of the most interesting chapters in the history of missions. The Manchester Ship Canal Bill was rejected by the House of Lords* Committee, August 9. The Manchester City Art Gallery, hitherto known as the Royal Institution, in Mosley Street, was opened by Lord Carlingford, on August 31. Mr. William Evans, founder of the Manchester Evening News, died at New Mills, September 1, aged 58 years. Mr. Hugh Birley, M.P., died at his residence, Moorlands, Didsbury, on September 9. He was born at Blackburn, October 21, 1817, and was educated at Winchester School. Coming to Manchester, he became a partner in the firm of Messrs. Charles Mackintosh and Co., indiarubber manufacturers, and the originators of the waterproof garment of the same name. Early in life he began to manifest an active interest in religious institutions, and his donations given at various times to found churches in Manchester and neighbourhood amounted to not less than £100,000. To the erection of St. John the Baptist, St. Michael's, St. Philip's, St. Stephen's, and St. Mark's, in Hulme; St. Matthew's, Ardwick ; St. Clement's, Longsight ; St. Paul's, Chorlton-on-Med- lock; Holy Innocents', Fallowfield; St. Martin's, Manchester; St. John's, Longsight ; St. James the Less, Ancoats ; and St. Luke's, Miles Platting, he was either the chief or a large contributor, while he was also identified with numerous benevolent institutions. He was a magistrate for the county of 1383] Annals of Manchester. 397 Lancaster, and was appointed a deputy-lieutenant in 1S74. From 1868 until his death he was M.P. for Manchester as a Conservative. In 1S57 he published a small volume of poetry entitled The Outward Bound : an Overland Voyage in 1S43 and IS44. He was buried at Didsbury Church. Mr. Henry Ogden, formerly councillor for Exchange "Ward (1858-64), died at Midhurst, September 15, aged 67 years. Alderman William Booth, J.P., of Cornbrook, died at Pensarn, North Wales, September 16. He was born in 1812. He was first elected a member of the City Council in 1859 to represent St. George's Ward. In 1868 he was elected an alderman and assigned to St. George's, and afterwards to Medlock Ward. In 1871 he was elected mayor, and again in 1872. His connection with the Sunday schools of St. Peter's Church was almost life-long. He was a member of the Chorlton Board of Guardians from 1858 to 1861, For some years he was chair- man of the Stretford Gas Company. He possessed a large private library, which was sold after his death. The Manchester Technical School, which was established in connection with the Mechanics' Institute in Princess Street, was opened by Mr. Oliver Heywood, J. P., on September 27. Mr. John Standring, formerly councillor for St. George's Ward (1815-S), died in September, at Bowdon, aged 78. A contested election for two city auditors was held October 1. Only nine hundred and seventy-three votes were recorded as follows : Joseph Scott 765, William Milne 105, John Kingsley 90. Mr. Milne resigned his office two days afterwards, and Mr. Frank Hollins was elected October 18 without a contest. The election of a Member of Parliament in place of Mr. Hugh Birley, deceased, took place October 4. The votes were : Mr. W. H. Houldsworth, (C.) 18,18S ; Mr. R. M. Pankhurst (R.) 6,216. There was no official candidate put forward by the Liberal party. Mr. John Slater, violoncellist, died at his residence, at Cheadle, on October 17. He was born in Manchester in 1798. He was a zealous floriculturist. Mr. Edmund Potter, F.R.S., J. P. and D.L. of the county of Derby, died at his residence, Campfield Place, Hatfield. He was born at Ardwick in 1 and passed through an apprenticeship of seven years. He went to Dinting Vale when he was 25 years of age, and in partnership with another young man commenced business as a calico printer. The tax on prints was so heavy, how- ever, that the business at first was not remunerative. In 1830 he and others interested in the manufacture endeavoured to obtain a repeal of this tax ; but it was not until the advent of Lord Grey's ministry that the imposition was removed. In 1836 the Dinting Vale printing business began to show signs of success, and ultimately became one of the largest printing establishments in the world. From 1861 until 1874 Mr. Potter represented Carlisle in Parlia- ment as a Liberal. He was the author of numerous pamphlets, including History of Calico Printing, Limited Liability, etc. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in recognition of the scientific knowledge which he showed in the development of calico printing. Be was also president, from 1858 to 1860, of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Henry Julius Leppoc, J. P., died at his residence, Kersal Crag, Higher Broughton. October 30. He was born at Brunswick on September 9, 398 Annals of Manchester. [1883 1807, and in 1834 came to Manchester to manage a branch of the firm of Messrs. Michaelis & Samson, of Leipsic. The style of the firm in Manchester was that of Samson and Leppoc, and he directed its affairs until 1870, when he retired. For some years he was a director of the Chamber of Commerce. Money and time he gave liberally to nearly every charity in the neighbourhood. The Eye Hospital, the Barnes Charity, and the Deaf and Dumb Institution were under weighty obligations to him ; as were the Athenaeum, the Mechanics' Institution, and the Model Secular School founded in Manchester in 1854. As a magistrate* and as, for many years, chairman of the Board of Guardians, he rendered great services to the public. His family name was originally Coppell. Mr. William Lockett, chairman of the Newton Heath Local Board, died November 14, aged 59. Count Ferdinand de Lesseps visited Manchester from the 16th to the 19th of November. The principal motive of his visit was that he might ascertain the views of the citizens of Manchester with regard to the Suez Canal. Numerous addresses of a complimentary character were presented to him during his visit. Lord Overstone, formerly of the banking firm of Jones, Lloyd, and Co., of Manchester and London, died, November 18, aged 87. He was an unsuccessful candidate for Manchester in 1832. An action was brought in the Chancery of Lancashire by Mr. Henry Lawlor to restrain the Corporation from charging their market tenants with tolls on goods sold in addition to rent for ground occupied. Vice-Chancellor Bristowe heard the case on October 22 and 23, and on November 20 gave judg- ment in favour of the plaintiff. This decision caused a complete revolution in the mode of managing the Corporation markets. The Deanery of Manchester was accepted by the Very Rev. John Oakley, Dean of Carlisle, November 20. Mr. Richard Haworth, J. P., died on November 30, at his residence, Mersey Bank, Didsbury. He was born at Bury in 1820, and was the son of a poor artisan. At the age of twelve he was employed in the mill of Messrs. Open- shaw and Co. From this position he rose to be the head of a large cotton spinning firm, whose mills are situated in different parts of Manchester. He was chairman of the Equitable Fire Insurance Company, and of the Lanca- shire and Yorkshire Accident Insurance Company. He was a member of the first Manchester School Board, and an influential member of the Wesleyan body. Mr. Joseph Binyon Forster died December 2, in his fifty-second year, after a long and painful illness. He was the leader of a party of dissident members of the Society of Friends, who held meetings at the Memorial Hall. He was the editor of the Manchester Iriend, 1871-2. Mr. Isaac Slater died at his house in Fallowfield, December 3. He was a self-made man, and was born in Great Ancoats Street in 1803, and was appren- ticed about the year 1817 to Mr. James Pigot, engraver and copperplate printer, in Fountain Street. Mr. Pigot established himself in 1795 in Bark Street, and as Mr. Slater succeeded him he was entitled to speak of his business as dating from the last century. Early in the present century Mr. Pigot compiled and published a Manchester directory in conjunction with Messrs. R. and W. Dean, 18 : 3 ] Annals of Manchester. 399 booksellers, Market Street. Subsequently Mr. Pigot began tbe issue of a Man- chester directory on his own account. Tbe directory for 1813, which was one of the later directories prepared in conjunction with Messrs. R. and W. Dean, is not larger than a handbook. Technically it would perhaps be described as a crown 8vo, and it contains three hundred pages, with about twelve thousand names, including many repetitions. Mr. Slater, some years after the completion of his apprenticeship, entered into partnership with Mr. Pigot, and the firm, after undergoing several changes, became Pigot and Slater. About the year 1840, on the retirement of Mr. Pigot, Mr. Slater became the sole proprietor. From an early date the work of issuing directories was left largely with Mr. Slater, and under his skilful management it grew rapidly. About the year 1821 the firm issued a directory of Lancashire and also a directory of London. Some county directories were afterwards undertaken, as well as directories of the larger provincial towns of the three kingdoms. Mr. Slater retired a few years before his death from the active control of the business, which has devolved upon his son, Mr. J. W. Slater. Mr. Slater married Miss Ellen Wetherall, who died in 1S73. Mr. Nicholas Kilvert, Councillor for St. John's Ward (from 186S to 1877), died at Ashton-on-Mersey, December 4, aged 61. The Crown Prince of Portugal, the Duke of Braganza, visited Manchester on December 5. His visit was limited to one day. Mr. John Thomas Pellett, ex-alderman of Salford, died December 6, aged 67. The Miles Platting Ritual Case, Heywood v. The Bishop of Manchester, tried before Baron Pollock. December 10 and 11. (See under date January 22, 1884.) - A great storm raged in Manchester and elsewhere, December 11 and 12. The Right Hon. Sir Charles Hall died, at Farnham Chase, December 12. He was born at Manchester in 1814, and was the son of a merchant, who lost most of his fortune by the failure of a bank. Mr. Hall entered an attorney's office, but soon after entered as a student of the Middle Temple, and by hard study acquired a high reputation as a lawyer. His arguments are regarded as models of legal learning and acumen. He never " took silk,'' and his earnings latterly were said to be over £10,000 per annum. In 1873 he was appointed Vice-Chancellor, a post which he resigned after a paralytic attack in June, 1882. Mr. Thomas Ashton, M.D., died at his residence, Norwood, Altrincham, on December 15. He was born in Manchester in 1800, his father beinu- a well- known baker and flour merchant near the Mosley Hotel. He studied, and in 1S32 graduated, at Leyden. In 1841 he became a Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, London, and subsequently took his degree of M.D. He commenced to practise in Manchester, where he soon obtained an extensive connection, which he retained until his retirement in middle life. He was the author of Visits to the Museum of the Natural History Society, and The Sabbath and the Sunday. (Baker's Memorials, p.J130.) Captain Henry Anthony Bennett, J. P., died December 21, aged 64. Mr. John Ashton died December 27, at his residence at YVhalley Range. He was born in 1810. By his ability he won a partnership, in 1845, iu the busi- 400 Annals of Manchester. 11S84 ness of Mr. John Curtis, currier, and in 1869 he became the principal proprietor of the business. He represented the Cheetham Ward in the City Council from 1865 until 1880, when he was elected an Alderman and assigned to the St. James's Ward. Failing health induced him to resign his aldermanship in 1883. The Ristori Performance given in December in aid of the Manchester and Salford Medical Charities realised £213. 1884. The Limners' Club, in Ridgefield, established by artists some six or seven years previously, was dissolved, and the bulk of the members were, on January 3, admitted to membership in the Arts Club, Albert Square. The Very Rev. B. M. Cowie, D.D., Dean of Manchester, was installed as Dean of Exeter on January 6. A meeting of railway shareholders was held in the Manchester Town Hall, on January 8, to protest against undue State interference with railways. Alderman J. M. Bennett occupied the chair, and was supported by Lord Brabourne, Lord Alfred Churchill, and others. A deposit of £277,950 in Consols was made with the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, by the Provisional Committee of the Manchester Ship Canal Scheme, January 12. The Manchester Trades Journal, a monthly periodical, was first published during the week ending January 12. Professor John Stuart Blackie, of Edinburgh, lectured in the Manchester Town Hall, January 15, on " Christianity and the Land Laws." The Japanese Ambassador, Jushi-i-Mori, accompanied by his wife, Madame Mori, arrived in Manchester on a private visit, Jannary 15.. On the following day the Ambassador was shown over the mills of Sir Elkanah Armitage and Sons, and the printworks of Messrs. T. Hoyle and Sons, and was also, with Madame Mori, entertained at luncheon by the Mayor in the Town Hall. Mr. Archibald Winterbottom died at his residence, the Lymes, Eccles Old Road, on January 18. He was born at Saddleworth, and at the age of fifteen walked from that village to Manchester to begin his commercial life in the house of Messrs. Henry Bannerman and Sons. At nineteen years of age he was made manager of a department, and at thirty taken into the partnership of the firm. In 1853 he opened a warehouse on his own account, but in 1869- was compelled by commercial reverses to arrange with his creditors. He next purchased a mill at Weaste, and thenceforth his success was great. In 1882 he realised his hope of discharging in full all the liabilities in his name which amounted to about £20,000. As a token of the regard in which they held this action, his creditors presented him with an illuminated address and a service of plate, at Bradford, Yorkshire, on February 8, 1883. He was one of the earliest promoters of the National Public School Association, and of the Model Secular School, and took much interest in educational and social movements. He was interred in the family vault at the Unitarian Chapel, Stand, January 23. A meeting of the professors and other gentlemen interested in education was held at the Owens College, January 19, to promote co-operation between the Victoria University and the schools of the neighbouring counties. 1884] Annals of Manchester. 401 Mr. Claude Duval, for nine years one of the French masters of the Man- chester Grammar School, died, January 20. He was interred in the Southern Cemetery on the 25th. He was the author of Fanny, and other Poems. Mr. John Burder, secretary to the Bishop of Manchester and Registrar of the diocese, died January 21. He was born in London in 1821, and educated at a private school in the same city. His remains were interred at l restwich on the 25th instant. Mr. William Morris, the poet, lectured at the Memorial Hall, on January 22, on the subject of "Art under Plutocracy." Judgment was given on January 22, in the Queen's Bench Division, against Sir Percival Heywood, in his suit to compel the Bishop of Manchester to institute the Bev. H. Cowgill into the living of St. John the Evangelist's, Miles Platting. Mr. Thomas Brittain died at his residence, at Urmston, on January 23. He was a native of Sheffield, where he was born in 1806. Although the greater part of his life was passed in active business, yet he was for many years a prominent member of the Manchester Mechanics' Institution, the Field Naturalists' Society, and other societies of a literary or scientific character. He was, for one term, president of the Microscopical Society, and upon his retirement from that body an address, signed by 120 members, was presented to him in recognition of his services in the promotion of microscopical study. On the formation of the Crypotgamic Society he became one of its vice- presidents. For two years he was a town councillor of Manchester. He also took a leading part in the erection of the Aquarium near Alexandra Park. He was one of the oldest members of the Manchester Chess Club, and in 1882 he published a small book entitled Whist: How to Play and how to Win, and another on Micro-Fungi. The K ght Hon. J. G. Hhaw-Lefevre, M.P., H.M. Chief Commissioner of Works, was the principal guest at a soiree held at the Manchester Reform Club, on January 23. Mr. Shaw-Lefevre delivered an address on the occasion. Mr. Thomas Worthington, Alderman of Manchester, died on January 23, at his residence at Swinton, in the 74th year of his age. He was, it is believed, educated for the medical profession, but commenced business as a merchant in Mosley Street, and was subsequently appointed registrar of births and deaths for St. George's District, Rochdale Road. He first entered the City Council in 1851, and continued to sit until 1860. He was again elected in 1863, and remained a member of the Council from that time until his death, being chosen an alderman in 1871. His remains were interred at the Harpurhey Cemetery on the 26th. The Right Hon. W. E. Forster, M.P., addressed a meeting of the National Reform Union, in the Free Trade Hall, January 25. A crowded audience was present. Mr. Arthur James Balfour, M.P., the second Conservative candidate for the representation of Manchester, was publicly introduced to the constituency at a banquet given in his honour at the Conservative Club, Cross Street, January 25. Tbe Irwell Street Working Men's Institute, Salford, was opcued by Mr. Alderman T. Davies on January 21 and 26. Al 402 Annals of Manchester. [18 st Mr. J. Woodbury Craig, a native of Manchester, and for over thirty years editor of Bradshaiv's Railwag Guide, died at the age of fifty-two, during the week ending January 26. Improvements in the gas-lighting of Chapel Street, New Bailey Street, and Regent Road, Salford, were effected during January. Mr. Zachary Pritchard, for fourteen years the art master of the Manches- ter Grammar School, died February 3, at the age of forty. He was a native of Macclesfield. Jensen's cantata, The Feast of Adonis, was performed for the first time in Manchester, by the Athenaeum Musical Society, February 18. The Corporation of Manchester decided on February 21 to subscribe £10,000 to the Manchester Ship Canal Scheme. A bazaar was opened in the Salford Town Hall, on February 21, in aid of a fund for the restoration of St. Stephen's Church, St. Stephen Street, Salford. Mr. Edward Westhead died at Hastings on February 22, in the 74th year of his age. He was a well-known merchant, and younger brother of Mr. Joshua Procter Brown- Westhead, M.P. Mr. Westhead was born in George Street, Manchester, in 1810. His father, Mr. Edward Westhead, with Mr. James Wood, was one of the original founders of the old Manchester firm of small- ware and fringe manufacturers, Messrs. Wood and Westheads, afterwards Messrs. J. P. and E. Westhead and Co. At an early age he entered his father's business, in which, as seen, he became a partner with his elder brother, but from which he retired several years prior to his death. Like his father, Mr. West- head was best known in Manchester as a prominent Wesleyan Methodist, and in early life was one of the first members of Grosvenor Street Chapel, Chorlton- on-Medlock. Upon the erection of Oxford Road Chapel, Mr. Westhead, with his father, brothers, Mr. James Wood, Mr. T. Percival Bunting, the late Alder- man Chappell, Alderman Barnes, and other Methodists residing on the south side of Manchester, became the leading members of that congregation. Owing to the munificence of the deceased gentleman and his relatives, one of the largest, if not the largest, amount raised in aid of the "Wesleyan Centenary Fund" in any circuit in the kingdom — viz., £8,438 lis. Sd. — was subscribed in the then Third Manchester (Grosvenor Street) Circuit. In all matters per- taining to the interests and advancement of Methodism Mr. Westhead was always a warm and active friend. In the establishment of the Wesleyan Theological Institution at Didsbury, in the work of Sunday schools, and in the Wesleyan Missionary Society he evinced a very lively interest. Mr. Westhead, who married a daughter of Alderman Chappell, resided for some years at Croston Tower, Alderley Edge, but on retiring from business went to live at Surbiton, in Surrey. The music of Purcell's opera, King Arthur, was given for the first time in Manchester, at the Concert Hall, by the Fallowfleld Choral Society and the band of the Manchester Amateur Dramatic Society, February 25. The Right Hon. Thomas Milner Gibson died on his yacht, at Algiers, on February 25. He was born at Trinidad in 1807, and was the son of Major Gibson of the 37th Regiment of Foot. He was educated at Charterhouse and Cambridge, being the thirty-sixth wrangler of his year. In 1832 he married the only daughter of Sir T. G. Cullum. In 1837, being a warm supporter of 18841 Annals of Manchester. 403 the Tory party, he was elected Parliamentary representative of Ipswich. In 1839 he accepted the Chiltern Hundreds, and lost his seat for Ipswich. In 1840 he became, and afterwards continued to be, one of the leaders of the Anti-Corn Law League. In 1841 he was returned for Manchester, in the Whig interest, and held his seat for the city until 1857. He was Vice-President of the Board of Trade from 1846 to 1848, during the ministry of Lord John Russell. He was identified in an especial manner with the crusade against taxes on knowledge, and in 1861 received a suitable acknowledgment from those whom he had benefited by his successful efforts to abolish the newspaper stamp and the paper duty. He was elected member for Ashton-under-Lyne in 1857, and appointed President of the Board of Trade, with a seat in the Cabinet, in 1859. This office he resigned in 1866. He withdrew from political life after losing his seat for Ashton at the general election of 1868. A demonstration of the unemployed of Manchester and Salford was held at Pomona Gardens, February 25. About 5,000 persons were present. A conference of persons interested in the provision of open spaces for the recreation of the people of Manchester was held in the Manchester Town Hall, February 26. Lord Brabazon was among those present. A new operetta, entitled The Trumiieter's Daughter, the music of which was composed by Mr, H. M. Lenz, of Manchester, was produced for the first time in Manchester, at the Arts Club, Albert Square, on February 27. At a meeting of the ratepayers of Salford, convened by the mayor, it was resolved to apportion to the Manchester Ship Canal Scheme a sum of one penny in the pound on the rateable value of the borough. February 27. The Rev. Thomas Steele died at Eccles, February 29. He was born in Salford, November 16, 1848, and was ordained in Rome on June 15, 1878. He was curate at the Catholic Church of Oldham. At the end of 1830 he went as Rector to St. Mary's, Bacup. He was a member of the School Board of Bacup and Newchurch-in-Rossendale. The Guatemala Consulate was abolished in Manchester early in March. The House of Lords Committee on the Manchester Ship Canal Bill began its sittings on March 11. The case of " Hankinson and another v. Barningham and others," known as "The Pendleton Will Case," in which £400,000 were in dispute, was brought before the Probate Court on March 12, and compromised on March 14. M is. Goldschmidt, mayoress of Manchester, died suddenly at her residence, Oldenburg House, Rusholme, on March 13. The collection of pictures and other objects of art formed by Mr. E. Compton Potter was sold in London on March 22. The sale realised £37,619. The Ducie Bridge temporary station was closed on March 29. Lord Ernest Hamilton delivered an address at the annual meeting of the Salford Constitutional Association, in the Salford Town Hall, on March 31. Mr. John Harding, J.P. and D.L. of Herefordshire, died at Leamington, April 1. He was born at Manchester in 1803. He began business as a manu- facturer of sewing cotton in Dawson's Croft, Deansgate, and subsequently erected the Springfield Mills, Salford. He retired from business in 1861. He was High Sherill' of Herefordshire in 1876. Mr. Henry James Byron died, April 12, aged 49. He was the son of 404 Annals of Manchester. [188 4. Mr. Henry Byron, of Port au Prince, and was born at Manchester in January, 1835. Intended for the bar, he became, at the age of 18, an actor, and afterwards was a prolific and successful dramatist. His earliest work, now excessively rare, was published in Manchester ; a copy is in the public library. The author of Our Boys was also a novelist, but the real scene of Byron's triumph was the theatre, and not the circulating library. Irwell Foundry, the premises of Messrs. H. and J. Ellis, in Hanley Street, Salford, was seriously damaged by fire on April 17. About one hundred and fifty workmen were thrown out of work through the accident. A dramatic performance was given at the Prince's Theatre, on April 22, in aid of the Ben Brierley Testimonial Fund. Signor T. Salvini, the Italian tragedian, appeared at the Prince's Theatre during the week ending April 26. Mr. William Bennett, a well-known Salford solicitor, died April 29. He was born in 1823. The Very Rev. John Oakley, D.D., was installed Dean of Manchester, April 30. Mr. E. Kirk Norris, of Myrtle Grove, Northenden, bequeathed by will, proved in April, to the Manchester Royal Infirmary £1,000, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, £500 ; the General Hospital, Pendlebury, £500 ; Royal Asylum for Imbeciles, Lancaster, £500 ; the Manchester Certified Industrial School, Ardwick Green, £500 ; the Manchester Branch Certified Industrial School, Sale, £500 ; Henshaw's Blind Asylum, £500 ; Manchester School for the Deaf and Dumb, £500 ; Manchester Warehousemen and Clerks' Orphan Schools, Cheadle Hulme, £500 ; Chester Diocesan Training College, Chester, £500 : Chester Diocesan Training College, Warrington, £500 ; Church Pastoral Aid Society, £500 ; Additional Curates Society, £500 ; and the Church Missionary Society, £500. Mr. James Sorbie, calico printer, of Manchester, left by will, proved in April, to the Manchester Royal Infirmary, £300; Henshaw's Blind Asylum, £100; Deaf and Dumb Institution, Old Trafford, £100 ; Northern Counties Hospital for Chronic and Incurable Diseases, £100; Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, £100; United Kingdom Alliance, £100; Manchester Ragged and Certified Industrial Schools, £50; Ministers and Elders of Dairy, N.B., for the poor, £1,000 ; Minister of Dairy for the Sunday School Library, £50. The new portion of the Victoria Station, the premises of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, was opened on May 1. The dimensions of the enlarged station are, length 725 feet, breadth 656 feet, and area 52,844 yards. It has now thirteen platforms, and four carriage and two foot approaches, of which the principal are those leading from Corporation Street and Strangeways. The platforms are connected by subways. The new part was designed by the chief engineer of the company, Mr. William Hunt, and is estimated to have cost, exclusive of land, about £170,000. Mr. Robert Angus Smith, Ph.D., F.R.S., died at Colwyn Bay, May 12. He was born near Glasgow in 1817, and studied chemistry at Geissen, under Liebig, from 1839 until 1841. In 1844 he settled in Manchester. In 1857 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and was sometime President of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. In 1873 he was appointed Inspector-General of alkali works for the United Kingdom. His published works were many, and 1884] Annals of Manchester. 405 included a Life of John Dalton, and the History of the Atomic Theory up to his Time; Air and Rain; Centenary of Science in Manchester. His remains were interred in St. Paul's Churchyard, Kersal. There is a biographical sketch of himin the Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philoso2)hical Society. The Manchester Ship Canal Bill was passed by the House of Lords Com- mittee on May 23. The will of Mr. Asa Lees, of Ashton-under-Lyne, who died May 20, was proved during August, and included, among other bequests, two of £10,000 each to the Lancashire Independent College and the Owens College. Mr. J. Holden, the architect of Prestwich Lunatic Asylum and of the former restorations of the Manchester Cathedral, died in May, at the age of eighty-one. The Rev. Thomas Rothwell Bently, M.A., Honorary Canon of the Man- chester Cathedral, and rector of St. Matthew's, Campfield, for forty-four years, died June 2. He was born in London in 1S0G. He was one of the first members of the committee for the establishment of the Free Library at Campfield, and was also closely connected for over thirty years with the management of St. Mary's Hospital, Quay Street. He was interred in the vault beneath St. Matthew's Church. St. James's Theatre, Oxford Street, was opened June 2. Mr. Charles Hadfield, author and journalist, died June 4, in his sixty-third year. He was a native of Glossop, but came to Manchester while young. Although originally trained to the business of house-painting, his tastes led him to adopt the profession of literature. He was a frequent contributor to numerous local papers, and was successively editor of the Manchester City News, Warrington Examiner, and Salford Weekly News. Rev. William Gaskell, M. A., died, June 11. He was born in 1805, and in 1828 became one of the ministers of Cross Street Chapel, a position which he held until his death. The lectures on the Lancashire dialect which he pub- lished in 1854 were first read as notes to the Literary and Philosophical Society. He found little time for original authorship beyond the preparation of his dis- courses, which he read from shorthand notes. He published in 1839 a small volume of Temperance Rhymes, which had considerable popular approval, and in 1859 a volume of Life and Letters of Mr. John Ashton Nicholls, and many sermons on special occasions. He is buried in the chapel yard at Knutsford, by the side of his wife, the authoress of Mary Barton. A great demonstration, in favour of the Manchester Ship Canal Bill, was held at Pomona Gardens, June 21. It was estimated that about fifty thousand persons were present. The Salford, Pendleton, and Broughton Reporter, formerly issued as the Pendleton Reporter, was published June 28. (See under date April 19, 1879.) The Rev. Henry M. Birch, M.A., Canon of Ripon Cathedral, and for- merly Rector of Prestwich, near Manchester, died at Windsor, June 29, in his sixty-fourth year. He was at one time the tutor of the Prince of Wales, and was always a welcome guest at Sandringham, even when he no longer held that office. His remains were interred in Prestwich Churchyard. The Exchange Station, erected by the London and North Western Railway Company, in lieu of the quarters which they had previously occupied at Hunt's Bank, was first opened in June. The building, which was designed by Mr. 406 Annals of Manchester. U8;4 Francis Stevenson, the engineer-in-chief of the comprny, is in the modern classical style, having a length of S00 feet, a breadth of 250 feet, and an area of 200,000 feet. It has two approaches, one from Chapel Street, Salford, the other from Victoria Street, Manchester. Placed, as it is, directly opposite the west end of the Cathedral, and on the Salford side of the Irwell, it occupies a commanding position, and improves, in no small degree, the general appearance of that part of the city. The Queen's Park Museum, erected by the Manchester Corporation at a cost of £6,000, was opened by the Right Hon. A. J. Mundella, M.P., July 5. The new Higher Grade Board School, in Deansgate, was opened by the Right Hon. A. J. Mundella, M.P., July 7. The building is of the early Gothic style, and was erected at a cost of £30,000. Mr. George Anderton, for some time a town councillor of Manchester, a director of the Victoria Building Society, and otherwise well-known in Man- chester, died at Southport, July 13. Mr. Thomas Hayes found dead in the Bridgewater Canal, near Patricroft, July 16. He was born about 1818, and was for many years engaged in the old book trade, and amassed property amounting to about £16,000. In 1857 he married, and subsequently adopted Mr. William Tatham, then a boy of about 14, whom he educated. He made a draft of a will, by which he left his property to his wife for life, after which Mr. Tatham was to receive £10,000, the remainder to go to the founding of two scholarships at the Owens College, Manchester. As the will could not be found, his next-of-kin claimed, and the case was tried April 16, 1885. Mr. Hayes was careless about his papers, and it was therefore assumed that he had destroyed the document. After evidence in support of Mr. Tatham's case, counsel for defendant intimated that he did not feel in a position to further contest the case, and the court accordingly pronounced for the will, allowing the defendant his costs out of the estate. Rev. Charles Marshall, M.A., Rector of Harpurhey, died July 23. He was born at Ely, 1820, and educated at St. Bees, 1843, but received the M.A. degree from the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1850, and became Rector of Harpurhey in 1S54. In 1882 he edited The Latin Prayer Book of Charles II. A great Liberal demonstration was held at Pomona Gardens, July 26. The Marquis of Hartington and the Right Hon. John Bright addressed the meet- ing. About 20,000 persons were present. The Manchester Ship Canal Bill was rejected by the Select Committee of the House of Commons, August 1. Miss A. C. Clough, niece of Mr. James Crossley, died early in August. She was the writer of Cranleigh of Cranleigh and other sketches. 47 and 48 Victoria, cap. 215. Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board relating to the borough of Abervon, the Local Government Districts of Brighouse, Denton and Haughton, and the city of Manchester. August 7. A great Conservative demonstration was held at Pomona Gardens, August 9. The Marquis of Salisbury and Lord R. Churchill addressed the meeting. Mr. Warwick Brookes died August 11, in the seventy-third year of his age. He was born in Salford, and at an early age apprenticed as a pattern-designtr, 1884] Annals of Manchester. 407 In 1849 he began to exhibit at the Royal Institution, by sending a series of sketches illustrating the Journal of a Poor Vicar. His sketches and studies of children were his speciality, and were always an attraction at the Institution. In 1S68 he was elected a member of the Manchester Academy of Fine Arts. In 1871 he was, upon the recommendation of Mr. Gladstone, placed upon the Civil List, " in consideration of his talent as an artist," and from that time received the annual pension of £100. His remains were interred at Brooklands Cemetery on August 16. Mr. William Rayner Wood, J.P., and a deputy-lieutenant, died at his residence, Singleton Lodge, Bury Old Road, August 20. Mr. Wood was born on August 26, 1811, at Piatt, and in 1822 he entered the Grammar School in this city. He was prepared by the late Rev. John James Tayler, B.A., for Man- chester College, York, which he entered as a lay student in 1829, and pursued his studies there three years, and for a long series of years afterwards he filled various offices in connection with that institution. He was always most sedulous in the discharge of his magisterial duties. Some yeai's ago he was a member of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial Asso- ciation. In these capacities and as a director of the Manchester Savings Bank, he rendered valuable service to his native city. Impaired health for some time interfered with the discharge of those public duties to which through a long period of years he devoted himself with remarkable zeal. In 1S41 he married Sarah Jane, daughter of the late Mr. James M'Connel, of Manchester. Rev. Peter Rathbone Berry died at Fleetwood, August 31, at the age of thirty-nine. He was a native of Warrington, and in 1874 became Congre- gational minister at Fleetwood, and in 1877 accepted the pastorate of the New Windsor Congregational Church. He is buried at Salford Cemetery. The will of the late Mr. R. Clayton Mercer, of Accrington, proved during August, included the following bequests : To the Victoria University £1,000, to the Manchester Eye Hospital £500, to the Manchester Infirmary £500. Mr. Sam Mendel died, in his seventy-third year, at Balham, September 17. He was born in Liverpool, but was brought to Manchester while very young. His first employment was in the warehouse of Mr. B. Liebert, of Bow Street, and, on behalf of his employer, he subsequently travelled to Hamburg and Sout h America. He next began business on his own account, and in a few yens became one of the leading merchants in Manchester, being frequently styled the "Merchant Prince." His residence, Mauley Hall, Whalley Range, was a magnificent establishment. In his latter years Mr. Mendel resided at Chislehurst. Mr. John Hardy, a gentleman well-known as an active member of several scientific societies in Manchester, died September 15, in his sixty-seventh year. The new offices of the Manchester Diocesan Church Building Society, in South King Street, were opened on September 29. The building, which La of late Gothic style, was erected at a cost of about £11,000. The Manchester City Lantern, a weekly satirical journal, ceased to lie published in September. The Cheshire Lines Railway Company opened a new line from Manchester to Southport. September. The new General Post Office of Manchester was opened in September. 40S Annals of Manchester. [1884 This building, erected from the designs of Mr. Williams, surveyor to H.M. Board of Works, at a cost of about £120,000, is one of the most imposing structures in the city. It is in the modern classical style, with separate fronts, one in Spring Gardens, the other in Brown Street, and is built of brown Port- land stone. The extreme length is 246 feet, breadth 122 feet, and area 3,334 yards. The contractors were Messrs. Robert Neill and Sons. The Manchester Ratepayers' Association was inaugurated October 16. The objects of the association were "to protect the ratepayers, and to use all legiti- mate means to secure economy and efficiency in the conduct of municipal and parochial affairs." Mr. Henry M. Stanley, the celebrated African explorer, visited Manchester during the week ending October 25. On the 21st he delivered an address on the Congo trade to the members of the Chamber of Commerce, and on the 22nd, in the Free Trade Hall, delivered another on geographical science, to the members of the Manchester Athenaeum and of the new Manchester Geographical Society. Mr. Robert Ramsbottom, the eminent pisciculturist, died, October 26, in Manchester, at the house of his son, after two days' illness, the cause of death being bronchitis. He had a world-wide reputation as an angler and piscicul- turist. He wrote The Salmon and its Artificial Propagation. He was 74 years of age, and a native of Lower Darwen. He is buried at Clitheroe Cemetery. The Bradford-cum-Beswick Tollbar was removed October 31. The first number of the Medical Chronicle, a Manchester monthly journal, was published in October. Mr. John F. Robinson, for some time the naturalist assistant to the curator of the Owens College Museum, died at Frodsham, November 1. He was the author of a book on British Bee Farming. Mr. William Harrison, F.S.A., died at his residence, Rockmount, Kirk German, Isle of Man, November 2. Mr. Harrison was the son of Mr. Isaac Harrison, and was born at Green Bank, Salford, on December 11, 1802. Having acquired a fortune in mercantile pursuits he retired in 1842 to the Isle of Man. He was a member of the Old House of Keys from 1856 till its dissolution in 1867, and was made a magistrate in 1872. He was one of the founders of the "Manx Society," and edited fifteen of the thirty-one volumes issued by that body. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Manchester and Salford Co-operative Society was celebrated by a tea party at Belle Vue, November 8, when ten thousand persons were present. The principal speakers were Dean Oakley, Sir E. W. Watkin, and Mr. Daniel Adamson. The foundation of the society is recorded under date June 4, 1859. The total sales up to September 22, 1884, had been £2,912,984. The Co-operative Hall, Downing Street, with branch stores in Great Ancoats, Cheetham Hill, Chapel Street, Salford, Oldham Road, Chester Road, Stretford Road, Gorton, Moss Lane West, Ashton New Road, Longsight, Hyde Road, Higher Openshaw, Strangeways, Rochdale Road, Regent Road, and Denmark Road had been opened. A grand military bazaar was held in the St. James's Hall, during the week ending November 15, in aid of the First Manchester Rifle Volunteers. Miss Thackeray, a well-known Salford lady, died November 16, in her eighty-fifth year. 1884] Annals of Manchester. 409 Rev. William Knox died November 19. He was born at Canterbury, December 8, 1818, and after some years spent as a land surveyor he became a minister, first amongst the Wesleyans and then with the Congregationalists. At the time of his death he was pastor of Chapel Street Chapel, Salford, and Nonconformist chaplain of the Salford Cemetery. The evening before he died he preached a funeral sermon for an aged member of the congregation, and on giving out the hymn "Abide with me," mentioned that it was written after an evening service and within a few hours of its author's death. Mr. Knox died in like manner. He is buried in the Salford Cemetery. Kay Howarth and H. H. Swindells were executed in Strangeways Gaol, November 24, for the murder of Mr. R. Dugdale. Miss Susanna Winkworth died November 25, at Clifton, Bristol. She was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Henry Winkworth, of Manchester. Her name is well known in the literary world by her translations of Neibuhr's Life and Letters, the Theologia Germanica of Dr. John Tauler, with additional notices of his life and times, the continuation of the Life of Luth< /• begun by Archdeacon Hare, and Professor Max Midler's beautiful little book entitled German Love. She was in early life the pupil of the late Rev. W. Gaskell and the Rev. Dr. Martineau, and in later life the friend of the Hares, Maurice, Charles Kingsley, the Rev. Canon Percival, and more especially of Baron Bunsen. Seeing her remarkable power of apprehending and rendering into forcible Englsh the subtle workings of the German theological mind, Bunsen entrusted to her the translation of his Signs of the Times and his God in History. She was the elder sister of Catherine Winkworth, the author of Lyra Germanica. Devoted from her earliest days to practical work among the poor, and always aiming at methods which should help without pauperising, she was among the first in Bristol to grapple with the problem which has lately occupied so much public attention, the provision of wholesome dwellings for the labouring classes in great cities. For some years she rented houses and let them out in tenements, and afterwards formed the company which built the well-known Jacob's Well industrial dwellings in a poor part of Bristol. Work- ing on the lines which Miss Octavia Hill has made so familiar to the public, she continued the management of this property to the time of her death. She was a governor of the Red Maids' School in Bristol, and a member of the council of Cheltenham Ladies' College. Mr. John Goodier, registrar and superintendent of the Consolidated Stock and Registered Bonds Department of the city of Manchester, died November ^(i, aged 50 years. He was born and educated at Macclesfield, and entered the employment of the Corporation of Manchester in January, 1851, when he \\ as appointed a clerk in the Waterworks Office. Previous to that time he was in the service of the old waterworks company, whose undertaking was purchased by the Corporation. In August, 1854, he was transferred to the City Treasurer's Department, where he became cashier ; and in September, 1876, he was placed at the head of the newly-formed Consolidated Stock and Registered Bonds Department. He wrote some letters under the pseudonym of "Statist," and read a paper on "Municipal Finance" before the Manchester Statistical Society. Mr. Samuel Robinson died at Wilmslow, December 8, at the age of ninety- one. He was born at Manchester, and educated at Manchester New College, 410 Annals of Manchester. [1884 and although almost throughout his life engaged in business pursuits, yet obtained a high position in literature by his translations from the German and Persian, which included Schiller's William Tell ; Schiller's Minor Poems ; Specimens of the German Lyrics ; Persian Translations, in six volumes ; A Century of Ghazels ; and Persian Poetry for English Readers. Mr. George Bedson died at Bradford House, Manchester, December 12. He was born at Sutton Coldfield, near Birmingham, and was brought up to the iron trade, and left South Staffordshire for Warrington, and after some years came to Manchester, where he was connected with Messrs. Johnson Brothers, of the Bradford Ironworks, of which, to the very last, and for a period of over thirty years, he was the technical manager. He greatly benefitted this estab. lishment by the invention, among other matta s, of his patent continuous wire rolling mill. This not only revolutionised the English wire mills but was also successful in the United States, and has been to the advantage of all the telegraphic companies of the world, as it enabled them to obtain wire in exceedingly long lengths, without the troublesome joints which were formerly necessary. Mr. Bedson was an advanced Liberal. He was a member of the Bradford Local Board, of which he was for some time chairman. He was buried in the churchyard at Marple. Mr. George Webster Napier died at Merchistown, Alderley Edge, December 13. He was an enthusiastic bookseller, and was born at Manchester in January, 1825. He read before the Manchester Literary Club, in February, 1879, a paper on the authorship of Imitatio Christi, and in favour of the claims of Gerson. He exhibited at the same time his valuable collection of the editions of the work, including the E. P. printed at Augsburg about 1471. Mr. Napier was buried at Alderley. His valuable library was sold by auction. Mr. Henry Beecroft Jackson died at his residence, Basford House, Old Trafford, December 20. He was born at Etruria, in Staffordshire, December 2G> 1810. At fourteen years of age he came to Manchester, and remained in the service of his uncle, Mr. Jonathan Jackson twelve years. Subsequently he accepted an engagement with Mr. W. Crossley, York Street, ship- ping merchant, and upon Mr. Crossley's death became sole proprietor of the business, in which he acquired a fortune. Though baptised and brought up in the Church of England, after he had been in Man- chester several years, finding some of his warmest friends in that connexion, he became a Wesleyan Methodist, [but left that body after the expulsion of Messrs. Everett, Dunn, and Griffiths, and again attached himself to the Church of England. He was one of the first members of the board of finance of this diocese, and for several years one of the vice-presidents of the Manchester Diocesan Church Building Society. He was also a trustee of St. Paul's Church, Hulme, an earnest member of the committee of the Manchester City Mission, took a deep interest in the Young Men's Christian Association ; was formerly a deputy treasurer, and latterly a member of the board of management of the Manchester Royal Infirmary, and a member of the committee oi management of the Royal Lunatic Asylum at Cheadle. He was a friend of education- and for five years, 1873-74 to 1878-79, placed £250 annually at the disposal of the council of the Owens College for the promotion of evening classes. He also gave a donation of £1,000 to the extension scheme of the Owens College. He took an 1885] Annals of Manchester. 411 active part in promoting the candidature of Mr. Mitchell Henry for the repre- sentation of this city in the elc jtions of 1867 and 186S, being chairman of Mr. Mitchell Henry's committee. Since then, and in consequence of his attitude on t hose occasions, Mr. Jackson had been asked to become a candidate for Man- chester ; he had also been asked to stand for his native county, but declined both invitations. He is buried at St. Paul's, Kersal. The order of lay deacons was first put into force in the diocese of Man- chester on December 21. The nature of the order is that those ordained to it perform, without pay, most of the usual clerical duties, and are allowed at the same time to carry on their secular callings. The Comedy Theatre, in Peter Street, was opened on December 22. The building, which is of Italian Gothic style, was erected and furnished at a cost of £15,000, and has accomodation for two thousand persons. The sixty-seventh annual meeting in connection wiih the Manchester and Salford Savings Bank was held on December 23, the Bishop of Manchester presiding. The following table shows the gradual increase of the business of the bank since its establishment in 1818 :— At November 20. No. of Depositors. Balance due to Depositors. 1818 446 £4,618 14 51 1823 2,195 68,343 3 5 1833 7,479 217,497 16 9\ 1313 17,866 488,824 19 2 1853 24,731 857,963 4 1 1863 48,795 1,287,132 13 1 1873 52,702 1,455,606 17 9 1883 67,665 2,058,369 17 8 1884 70,883 2,236,530 9 8 The corn mills of Messrs. H. Bender and Co., Stanley Street, Salford, took fire on December 26. The damage was estimated at from £15,000 to £20,000. Mrs. Charles Leigh Clare died in December. She bequeathed £10,000 to the Boys and Girls' Homes, and smaller sums to various other local charities. 1885. Mr. Val Prinsep distributed the prizes to the students of the Manchester School of Art. January 6. A case came before the Manchester Police Court, which involved the question of the charges made by the Corporation for the services of the Fire Brigade. The stipendiary magistrate decided that the claim was excessive, and reduced it from £31 to £4 10s. This was a test case. January 9. Mr. Daniel Noble, M.D., an eminent physician, died at his residence, Oxford Road, January 12. He was born at Preston on the 1st of January, 1810, and in 1834 began a successful career in Manchester. He was an M.D. of St. Andrews 1853, an F.R.C.P.Lond. 1859, and in 1860 received from St. Andrew's University the degree of Honorary M.A. During the typhus epidemic of 1847 he placed the city under great obligations to him for the energy with \\ Inch he endeavoured to suppress the growth of that fever. In 1859 he was appointed a magistrate for Lancashire. He wrote numerous works, including The Brain and its Physiology, The Human Mind in its Relations with the Brain and 412 Annals of Manchester. [1835 the Nervous System, and The Epidemic Fever of lSJpt. He was offered, but declined, the position of J. P. He was buried at the Salford Cemetery. Hon. T. H. W. Pelham, a commissioner, and Captain M. W. Skinner, an assistant-commissioner, under the Redistribution of Seats Bill, held an inquiry at the Manchester Town Hall as to the proposed boundaries of the six divisions of the Parliamentary borough. January 13. Hon. T. H. W. Pelham and Captain Skinner held an inquiry at the Salford Town Hall respecting the three divisions of the Parliamentary borough. January 14. The library of the late Dr. R. Angus Smith was presented to the Owens College, January 15. A meeting of the trustees of Manchester New College was held at the Memorial Hall, when the retirement of Dr. Martineau was announced, January 15. Mr. Robert Barbour died at Bolesworth Castle, January 17, in his 88th year. He was a native of Renfrewshire, but came to Manchester in 1815, and was one of the group of Scotchmen who built the first Scotch Presbyterian Church in St. Peter's Square. He amassed a large fortune in the Manchester trade, and was a liberal contributor to charitable and ecclesiastical purposes. On one occasion he gave £12,000 for the foundation of a professorship in the Presbyterian College in London. The Earl of Wilton died at Egerton Lodge, Melton Mowbray, January 19. He was born 25th November, 1833, and was educated at Eton and Oxford. After a brief service he retired from the army, but took a warm interest in the volunteer movement. He was in the House of Commons, but after his defeat at Bath he was called to the House of Lords by the style of Baron Grey de Redcliffe. He married, in 1855, Lady Elizabeth Craven, who survived him. He was buried at Prestwich Church. Mr. Henry Franks died, Sunday, January 25. He was a man of great -ability but erratic conduct. He contributed to many of the local periodicals, but his best work is to be found in the Papers of the Manchester Literary Club, in which appeared essays on " The Waste of Intellect among' the Jews," &c. Mr. Thomas Hornby Birley, J.P., died at Seedley Castle, Pendleton, January 26. He was born at Didsbury, 11th May, 1815, and was the senior partner in the firm of Messrs. Charles Macintosh and Co. He took an active interest in charitable organisations and in the work of the Church of England. He declined a baronetcy offered by Lord Beaconsfield. The first meeting of the Manchester Geographical Society was held at the Athenaeum, .January 27. Mr. J. F. Hutton presided, and Lord Aberdare was present as the representative of the Royal Geographical Society. The result of the poll on the City Extension Bill was declared. There were 25,657 votes for and 1,301 against. January 27. Mr. Tom Nash, M.A., barrister, died by his own hand, January 28, aged 40 years. He was educated at the Manchester Grammar School and at Balliol College, Oxford. After taking his degrees he spent some time as .tutor a Oxford, and at Rossall College, near Fleetwood. He there began to read for the bar, and became a contributor to the Echo and other papers. He was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn in 1872, joined the Northern Circuit, and obtained an i885j Annals of Manchester. 413 extensive practice in Manchester. He took an active interest in politics, and wrote a series of letters on political subjects under the name of "Tom Palatine." He was also the author of A Long Love and other Tales, published in 1881. He was selected as the Conservative candidate for the representation of Stock- port, but withdrew his candidature on removing to London in 18S2. Mr. John Curtis, better known by his theatrical name of John Curtis Cowper, died at his residence, Barnes, Surrey, January 30. He was born in 1S25, at Port Street, Manchester, where his father was a painter, decorator, and builder. He was an early member of the Manchester Athenceum, and at one time a very active director. In 1846 he married a daughter of Mr. William Carruthers, of Carruthers and Co., cotton spinners, Ancoats, and was one of a circle of young men which included Hepworth Dixon, Sir John Holker, John Ashton Nicholls, and W. Romaine Callender, M.P. When the Manchester Shaksperean Society was formed Curtis joined it and played in several amateur performances. His theatrical tastes did not harmonise with his business avocations— he was in the wholesale and retail American provision trade— and in 1856 he went upon the stage in a professional capacity. In this new line of life he acquired a high and well-deserved reputation, especially in what are termed character parts. At a meeting of Irishmen in the Free Trade Hall, February 1, Mr. John O'Leary vigorously denounced the Irish dynamiters, in spite of some expres- sions of sympathy for them amongst his audience. A largely-attended meeting of Roman Catholics was held in the New Islington Hall, Ancoats, February 3, in support of the Catholic Voluntary School Association. The object of the association was to obtain the removal of grievances to which it was considered Catholic schools were subjected as compared with Board schools. Addresses on the subject were delivered by Canon Liptrott, who presided, and several of the clergy, and resolutions In accordance with the purpose of the meeting were unanimously passed. A conference was held at the Manchester Town Hall on railway rates and charges. Twenty-six corporations of Lancashire and Cheshire were repre- sented. Alderman J. J. Harwood, Mayor of Manchester, presided. Feb. 10. Rev. Capel Wolseley died at Southport, February 10. He was the rector of Sacred Trinity, Salford. Mr. Wolseley, who was born at Glenarm, October 10,. 1S14, was first cousin to Lord Wolseley. A bust of Dr. John Watts was presented to the Manchester Reform Club, February 17. The Earl of Dunraven delivered an address, at the Hulme Town Hall, on " The Depression of Trade," February 17. Mr. Gilbert Yorston died at Urmston, February 22, aged 68 years. He was at one time a member of the Salford Town Council, and was for a series of years chairman of the Board of Guardians. Mr. Matthew Bateson Wood, solicitor, died at Fallowfield, February 22,. aged 62 years. He was a native of Liverpool, where his father, a Wesleyan minister, was stationed at the time < f his birth. Mr. Wood was educated at the Grammar School, and had a successful professional career. He gave much time to the work of the medical charities, and was the originator of the Concerts for Workpeople. He was also president of the Manchester Chess 41 -i Annals of Manchester. [1885 Club. He is buried at Birch Church. His eldest sister, Mrs. Mary Ann Everett Green, has earned a high reputation for her historical researches. At a meeting of the Manchester School Board, February 23, a letter from Mr. James Croston was read announcing his resignation. This having been accepted, Mr. George Milner, the Rev. John Henn, and the Rev. Joseph Nunn successively rose to announce their resignations. Mr. Nunn did not subse- quently persevere in his withdrawal. A meeting of owners and ratepayers of Bradford was held, February 23, to consider the proposed amalgamation with Manchester. The resolution in favour was carried by 55 to 38 hands. Alderman Thomas Steven Muirhead died at Prestwich, February 24, aged 58 years. He was a native of Edinburgh, where he was born in 1827. He had been a member of the Manchester Corporation since 1867. The Welshmen residing in Manchester celebrated St. David's Day on February 28 by dining together at the Queen's Hotel. Mr. Osborne Morgan, Q.C., M.P., presided. A meeting of owners and ratepayers of Newton Heath respecting incorpor- ation with Manchester was held on March 6, when a vote was passed in favour of amalgamation. Major Frank Ashton died at Twickenham, March 7, aged 63 years. He was born at Manchester, June 12, 1S20. He was mayor of Salford, 1851-3. His interest in the volunteer movement led to his appointment, in 1859, as the first captain of the Sixth Lancashire (First Manchester) Rifle Volunteers, of which he was afterwards Major. Rev. James White, M.A., died at Sloley House, Scotton, Norfolk, on March 9, in the 97th year of his age. He was the youngest brother of Henry Kirke White, and in 1827 was licensed to the Church of St. George's-in-the- Fields, Oldham Road. He left Manchester in the summer of 1841. The inquiry into the merits of the amended Ship Canal scheme was commenced by a Select Committee of the House of Lords, March 12. Sir Thomas Bazley, Bart., died at Lytham, March 17, aged 87 years. He was born at Gilnow, near Bolton, and educated at the Bolton Grammar School. In the commercial world he was well known as the proprietor of factories for the spinning of fine cotton and lace thread. In connection with his public career it may be mentioned that he was formerly boroughreeve for Salford, and at one time a member of the Manchester Town Council. In 1845 he was elected president of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. He was one of the royal commissioners of the Great Exhibition of 1851. In 1858 he was elected M.P. for Manchester ; this honour was repeated at the general elections in the years 1859 1865, 1868, and 1S74. In 1869 he was created a baronet for his public services. He is buried at St. John's, Deansgate. At a meeting held March 17 in the Mayor's Parlour at the Manchester Town Hall, Mr. Ben Brierley was presented with a testimonial to mark the esteem in which his life and writings are held in Lancashire and elsewhere. The testimonial consisted of a cheque for £650 (contained in an old stocking), and it was handed to Mr. Brierley by the Mayor. Mr. Brierley, in returning thanks, gave some interesting details of his literary career. A Local Government Board inquiry was held at the Town Hall, respecting a 1885] Annals of Manchester. 41 i proposed provisional order to alter or amend certain powers of the Corporation. March 25. A poll was taken in Newton Heath on proposed amalgamation with Manchester, March 25. The votes for amalgamation, 845; against, 1,227 majority against, 382. Professor Morrison Watson, M.D., F.R.S., died March 25, aged 39. He was born at Montrose, and graduated at Edinburgh in 18G7. In 1874 he was appointed Professor of Anatomy at the Owens College, and at the time of his death was dean of the medical department. He was the author of numerous contributions to scientific societies and journals. His most important work was a report on the Anatomy of Spheniscidce, forming the seventh volume of the Reports of the Challenger Expedition. Mr. A. J. Balfour, MP., delivered an address March 25 before the members of the Debating Society of the Manchester Athenasum on the subject of " Politics and Political Economy," Mr. George Candelet died at Cheadle Hulme, March 30. He was secretary of the Manchester Licensed Victuallers' Association, and Parliamentary agent of the Licensed Victuallers' Defence League. A national testimonial showed the value which the trade placed upon his services as their recognised champion* He is buried at All Saints', Cheadle Hulme. A poll was taken in Rusholme with respect to the incorporation of that district with Manchester, March 31. The votes for incorporation were 896 ; against, 465 ; majority, 431. The National Reform Union held its annual meeting April 1. In the even- ing there was a public meeting at the Free Trade Hall, at which the principal speaker was the Earl of Rosebery. Mr. James Whitehead, M.D., died at his house, Fairlands, Sutton, Surrey, in his seventy-fourth year. He was a native of Oldham, but was long resident in Manchester. After studying in this city he gained experience in the hospitals of London and Paris. He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Eng., 1845; M.D. St. And., 1850; and M.R.C.P.Lon., 1859; and was a member of various learned societies, both British and foreign. He was lecturer on Obstetrics at the Royal School of Medicine, Manchester, before its union with the Owens College, and some years ago held the position of senior officer in ordinary at St. Mary's Hospital, and also that of demonstrator of anatomy. Amongst his published works are Diseases of the Uterine System, Hereditary Diseases, The Wife's Domain, The Rate of Mortality in Manchester, &c. He contributed various papers to the medical journals, including those on "Division of Muscles in Spinal Distortion," and "A Case of Caesarian Opera- tion," which appeared in the Medical Gazette in 1810-41. Dr. Whitehead was a founder, in conjunction with the late Dr. A. Schoeff-Merei, of the .Manchester Clinical Hospital. He is buried at Ardwick Cemetery. Mr. T. H. Drew died suddenly April 7. He was seized with illness, supposed to be heart disease, while walking near the Royal Infirmar\ . and died shortly afterwards. Mr. Drew took a prominent part some years ago in the agitation against the alteration made by Dean Cowie in the Cathedral services, and was for several years junior churchwarden. Rev. Edmund Martin Geldart, M.A., disappeared from the tidal boat from 416 Annals of Manchester. [1886 Newhaven to Dieppe, April 10. Although born in Holloway, his childhood and youth were passed in Manchester, where his father was the secretary of the City Mission. He was educated at the Grammar School, and took orders in the Anglican Church, but afterwards joined the Unitarian denomination, and was minister of the East Croydon Church, where his views on Socialism led to his resignation. This is said to have preyed upon his mind. He wrote a clever book of autobiography, entitled A Son of Belial, and several works relating to the language and literature of Modern Greece, on which he was an acknow- ledged authority. When a youth at the Grammar School he was the editor of the Weekly Entomologist, which was printed at Bowdon. Mr. Smith Phillips Robinson died at Bank Place, Salford, April 12, in his 77th year. He was the honorary secretary of the Anti-Corn Law League, and in that position showed remarkable powers of organisation. He withdrew from public life>fter the elections of 1857, and largely, it is believed, in conse- quence of the attacks then levelled against him. He is buried at Stand Unitarian Church. Mr. John Stordy died, April 13, aged upwards of 70 years. He had been a member of the Chorlton Board of Guardians since 1866, and in 1883 was elected chairman. He is buried at St. Luke's, Cheetham. A conference was held in the Manchester Town Hall, under the presidency of Lord Aberdare, to consider the subject of elementary education under healthy conditions, April 14, 15, and 16. The papers and proceedings were published in book form. The Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Ship Canal Bill came to a decision, April 15, on the engineering evidence. At the close of Mr. Pember's address, in which he asked their lordships to come to the conclusion that the engineering objections to the bill had failed, the Committee consulted vn private, and then announced that they had decided to allow the bill to proceed. The Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain received, at the Board of Trade, a deputation from che Manchester Chamber of Commerce on the subject of trade marks, particularly as regards the cotton trade, April 16. They complained Hiat the working of the Manchester office under the new conditions had been unsatisfactory, and asked that all applications prior to registration should be tally dealt with in Manchester. The Earl of Carnarvon visited the Manchester Conservative Club, April 16, and there delivered a speech. At the Manchester Assizes, April 18, the Grand Jury, in the course of the day, made a presentment with regard to the accommodation at the Assize Courts for prisoners awaiting trial. They suggested that the whole of the questions raised in the charge of Mr. Justice Wills, which related both to the nature of the accommodation and the mode in which it had been used, should be made a subject of special inquiry at the Quarter Sessions. A conference of representatives of working men's clubs, trade unions, co-operative societies, and others was held at the Owens College, April 18, under the auspices of the Manchester and Salford Working Men's Club Asso- ciation, to consider the arrangements made by the council of the association for extending its scheme of lectures to the working classes next winter, some- 1885] Annals of Manchester. 417 what on the lines of the London Social and Political Education League. About 300 delegates were in attendance. Mr. Goschen, M.P., delivered an address. The American papers recorded the death, on April 19, by suicide, of Dr. David Stern, a well-known preacher and writer of the "reformed" branch of the Jewish Church. Dr. Stern was a native of Manchester, but was chiefly educated in Poland. About 1873 he went to the United States, where he acquired the character of a hard student, but was regarded as somewhat vacil- lating and uncertain. His views became more and more "radical," so that he was looked upon as drifting to agnosticism. He went to the Southern States, but only to raise up enemies. Afterwards he stayed for a time at Peoria, Illinois, and then at St. Louis, where he edited the Jewish Tribune and started a series of Sunday lectures. Both the paper and the lectures were continued at Wilkesbarre, where he preached for four or five years, but eventually he gave up the pastorate there in consequence of his broadening views. He also for a time lectured on alternate Sundays in the Reformed Jewish Church of Philadelphia. A similar experiment in New York, although it attracted a considerable share of attention, was not permanently successful. On the 18th of April he arrived at the Wyoming Valley Hotel from Philadelphia, and before going to bed chatted pleasantly with the night clerk. Next morning, at ten o'clock, the chamber-maid found his door locked, and she heard groans. The clerk was called and broke the door open, and found Dr. Stern lying on the bed, apparently lifeless. Two empty vials and a third half empty stood on a table near by. They were labelled laudanum. Physicians were hastily summoned, but their efforts were fruitless, and he died at 9-10 a.m. the next morning. Mr. Holt S. Hallett addressed a meeting of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, April 21, on the commercial opportunities offered by the Shan States, which he has recently been exploring. Mr. James Curtis Emerson, for many years manager of the Queen's Theatre, was entertained to dinner at the Queen's Hotel on his retirement, in consequence of the expiration of the lease. Mr. J. W. Maclure presided. April 23. The application of the Manchester Corporation to insert in the City Extension Bill an additional provision to incorporate the district of Rusholme was opposed before the Standing Orders Committee of the House of Lords by the Withington Local Board. The Committee decided to allow the bill to pro- ceed with the additional provision. April 28. The Souih Manchester Gazette was established in April. Professor C. M. Woodward, Principal of the Manual Training School at St. Louis, gave an address at the Technical School on " Manual Training," as a part of national education. May 1. The Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Manchester City Extension Bill decided to exempt Newton Heath from the operation of the measure, May 4. The Ship Canal Bill passed tin' House of Lords Committee, after an inquiry which had lasted thirty days, May 7. Mr. George Walker, J.P., merchant, died at Llanrhos, aged 7(5. He was Bl 418 Annals of Manchester. [1885 a native of Derbyshire, but came at an early age to Manchester, where he made a fortune. Mr. Thomas William Tatton, of Wythenshaw Hall, died, aged 68. The Manchester Ship Canal Bill was read a third time and passed in the House of Lords. May 12. Colonel Bridgford, of the First Manchester Rifle Volunteers, was gazetted a Companion of the Order of the Bath. May 12. Signor Michele Alessio Raspi, the celebrated bassoon player, died at his house in Moss Side, May 14. Signor Raspi's last engagement was with Herr Richter. He was born at Asti, in Piedmont, July 16, 1813. His first important engagement was, in 1843, as principal bassoon player in the Royal Chapel and Chamber, at Turin, of King Carlo Alberto, a position which could only be obtained by a severe competitive examination. During his residence in Turin he enjoyed the friendship of both King Carlo Alberto and of his son, King Victor Emmanuel. Previously to coming to England he passed two or three years in Paris, where he had the honour of playing in private to Rossini, who so much admired his execution that he gave him a warm recommendation to the late Sir Michael Costa. Arrived in London, he was engaged as principal bassoon player at Her Majesty's Theatre and at most of the leading Metropolitan concerts, a position which he occupied for some years. In 1857 he came to Manchester with Mr. Charles Halle, and from that period until the close of the season of 1883 was principal bassoon player in Mr. Halle" s band. During the last two seasons he had filled the same position in Mr. De Jong's band. He is buried at the Southern Cemetery. Mr. Sigismund J. Stern, J.P., died at his residence, East Grove, Little Barnet, Hertfordshire, May 15. He was a son of Mr. James Stern, of Frankfort- on-the-Maine, where he was born in 1807, and came to Manchester about 1830. He was shortly admitted a partner, on the firm he represented becoming Messrs. Leo Schuster Brothers and Co. This position he held for nearly half a century. He was one of the first members of the Council of the Cotton Relief Fund, one of the first promoters of the now historical Art Treasures Exhibition at Old Trafford in 1857, being, with Sir T. Fairbairn, Sir J. Heron, Mr. Thomas Ashton, Mr. William Entwisle, and Mr. Edmund Potter, a member of the executive committee, and a very liberal donor to the guarantee fund. The police made a raid on the Betting Clubs in Manchester, May 20. There was a second raid on May 22. Mr. James Hall, of St. Mary's Gate, died May 24, aged 67 years. He was well-known as an active Freemason. He is buried in the Salford Cemetery. The annual procession of Church Sunday Schools took place on Whit- Monday, May 25, when the number of children was computed at 23,082. Over five thousand persons visited the Art Gallery, in Mosley Street, on May 25, between ten a.m. and six p.m. Mr. John Thorburn, M.D., died May 26. He was born at Huddersfield in 1834, but whilst still a boy his parents came to Manchester. He was educated at the High School and University of Edinburgh. Afrer graduating in 1855 — his thesis was Surgical Feiier—he acted as resident at the Edinburgh Hospital and at Brompton, but in 1858 settled in Manchester, where he became connected with the Chorlton-upon-Medlock Dispensary and the Clinical Hospital. In 1866 1885] Annals of Manchester. 419 he was appointed physician to the Southern Hospital and lecturer on obstetrics in the Royal School of Medicine, which afterwards became the Medical Depart- ment of the Owens College with Dr. Thorburn as a professor, as well as of the Victoria University. In 1873 he became obstetric physician to the Royal Infirmary. He took an active part in the work of the medical societies, and was a member of the College of Physicians, at the beginning of May he was elected fellow, but had not been admitted, His Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Women was issued just before his death. He married, in 1860, the daughter of his father's partner, Mr. John Anderson. His eldest son, Dr. William Thorburn, had just completed a brilliant university career at the time of his father's death. Mr. Joseph Sidebotham, J.P., F.R.A.S., F.S.A., died at Bowdon, May 30, aged 02 years. After a successful career as a calico printer, he retired in 1877 and devoted himself to those scientific pursuits which had previously occupied his leisure. He was the author of several astronomical memoirs, and was for years an active member of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. The trial of the men arrested at the betting clubs was begun, June 2, at the City Police Court. A conference of representatives of Miners' Permanent Relief Societies was held in Manchester, June 2, to consider a proposal of the committee of the Hartley Relief Fund (Northumberland) to make their surplus fund of over £20,000 the groundwork of a national fund. A committee was appointed to confer with the Hartley committee, and to prepare a scheme for the distribution of the accruing interest of such a national fund with a view to aid the different permanent societies. A Conservative demonstration was held at the Ardwick Conservative Club, June 3, under the presidency of Mr. S. Chesters-Thompson, at which were present amongst others Lord F. Hamilton, Mr. W. H. Houldsworth, M.P., and Mr. A. J. Balfour, M.P. At a meeting of the Manchester City Council, June 3, the mayor (Alderman Harwood) presiding, a discussion took place with reference to the salary of Sir Joseph Heron, the town clerk, Alderman Heywood moving that his proposal t ) surrender £500 per annum be approved. He stated that in 1877 Sir Joseph Heron was, by a resolution of the council, appointed at a salary of £2,500 per annum, which he was then receiving, consulting town clerk, on the under- standing that he would retain the office and continue to discharge the formal duties of the town clerk until other and final arrangemenl s were made by the council. To Alderman lleywood's resolution an amendment was moved by Alderman Walton Smith, to the effect that the matter be referred back to the committee, with an expression of the opinion of the council that the amount to be paid to the town clerk should not exceed £1,500 per annum. On a division the amendment was approved by 32 to 15. At a special meeting of the Salford Town Council, June 3, a resolution was passed unanimously authorising the Watch Committee to frame bye-laws with a view of preventing " the cries of persons vending newspapers or other Articles in the streets, especially on the Lord's Day.'" Several more cases arising out of the raids by the Manchester police on 420 Annals of Manchester. [1885 local betting clubs were disposed of by the stipendiary magistrate at the City Police Court, June 3. At the City Police Court, June 4, Mr. Headlam heard more charges under the Betting Houses Act against a large number of persons connected with 15 out of the 23 clubs upon which simultaneous raids were made by the police a fort- night ago. There were convictions in connection with every club, and numerous fines were imposed, the total fines and extra costs amounting to nearly £1,000. The Manchester City Extension Bill came before the Examiner of Private Bills in the House of Commons, June 4, and on the ground that certain notices were lodged behind time it failed to comply with the standing orders. The Bill was accordingly remitted to the standing orders committee. The Manchester Ship Canal Bill was read a second time in the House of Commons. June 4. Hon. Auberon Herbert delivered an address in the Co-operative Hall, Downing Street, on " The Widest Possible Liberty," on Sunday, June 7. At the City Police Court, June 8, the stipendiary had before him twenty- four persons who were arrested in the "raid" on betting clubs in this city. The defendants were members of the Ellesmere Club, and the case was adjourned to June 9, when they were committed to the Manchester Assizes. The twenty-second annual meeting of the Gas Institute of Great Britain was opened in Manchester, June 9, under the presidency of Mr. Thomas New- bigging, C.E. In the absence of the Mayor of Manchester, the members had a few words of welcome addressed to them by Mr. Alderman Bailey. The read- ing and discussion of papers on subjects pertaining to the gas industry was afterwards proceeded with. The meeting extended over four days. The city stipendiary, on June 9, reduced a charge made by the Manchester Corporation for the services of the Eire Brigade at a fire which occurred in May, 1884, on premises in Bridgewater Place, High Street, from £73 10s. to £26 10s. Mr. Headlam was of opinion that the higher sum, arrived at by a percentage scale based upon the value of the property endangered by the fire, was an unreasonable demand, and he fixed the amount to be paid in accordance with the time scale drawn up after the passing of the Improvement Act of 1866. In another case, relating to a fire in Fennel Street, he regarded the sum charged by the Corporation, £25 10s., as not unreasonable, and therefore did not interfere with it. Mr. Thomas Bond died June 11, at Chorlton-on Medlock. About three weeks before his death he was struck down by paralysis. From this attack he never rallied, and he died at the age of 77. He had been a prominent figure amongst Manchester Liberals for many years. Along with Mr. Hicks, of Leeds, the late Mr. George Wilson, and others, he assisted in forming the National Reform Union. The Union and Emancipation Society was started at his house, and under his auspices all the elaborate arrangements were made for the first Free Trade Hall meeting, which led to the formation of the society. Mr. Bond was an enthusiastic temperance reformer, a teetotaller of forty-eight years' standing, and one of the earliest members of the United Kingdom Alliance. He was the son of a Reformer who suffered for his principles during the troubled political times of 1819, being one of seven ratepayers who signed a IS85] Annals of Manchester. 42] requisition to the boroughreeve praying him to call a meeting to petition Par- liament to repeal the corn laws. He is buried at Rusholme Road Cemetery. Mr. H. H. Johnston, the well-known African traveller, delivered an address to the members of the Manchester Geographical Society upon the Com- merce of the East Coast of Africa, June 12. The golden jubilee of the Right Rev. Monsignor Croskell, D.D., Domestic Prelate to His Holiness Leo XIII., Provost of the Cathedral Chapter and Vicar General of the Diocese of Salford, was celebrated June 15 at St. John's Cathedral, Salford. The eighty-ninth annual conference of the Methodist New Connexion com- menced June 15 in the Salem Chapel, Strangeways. The Rev. A. McCurdy (the chapel fund secretary) was elected president. The annual missionary meeting •of the denomination was held at the Free Trade Hall in the evening, under the chairmanship of the Mayor of Manchester (Mr. Alderman J. J. Harwood). By an explosion at the Clifton Hall Colliery, Pendleton, 17G lives were lost. June 18. At a conversazione given on June 26, by the Mayor and Mayoress of Man- chester, at the Town Hall, a number of addresses were presented to Colonel A. D. Shaw, United States Consul, from the various Christian and philanthropic institutions in the city and neighbourhood, in whose work he has taken a deep interest and an active part during his residence in Manchester. 48 and 49 Victoria, cap. 72. Act for extending the time for completing certain of the tramways of the Manchester, Bury, Rochdale, and Oldham Steam Tramways Compan3\ July 16. 18 and 49 Victoria, cap. 107. Act to confirm certain provisional orders of the Local Government Board relative to the . . . City of Manchester . . . July 22. 4S and 49 Victoria, cap. 126. Act to extend the boundaries of the city of Manchester, and for other purposes. July 22. The Pendleton Public Baths opened by the Mayor of Salforrl, July 24. Mr. Henry Arthur Forsyth, senior partner in the firm of Messrs. Forsyth Brothers, music sellers, died July 23. For at least three generations — in fact since the origin of the firm — a member of Mr. Forsyth's family had been intimately connected with Messrs. John Broadwood and Sons, the pianoforte makers. Previous to settling in Manchester Mr. Forsyth himself had been an active manager for Messrs. Broadwood. Following his younger brother (Mr. James Forsyth), who had come to Manchester at the instance of Mr. Charles Halle, the deceased, about the time of the Art Treasures Exhibition, commenced business with his brother as music sellers in St. Ann Street, Deans-ate. Shortly afterwards they became agents of Mr. Charles Halle's concerts. Mr. Forsyth is buried at Brooklands. A town's meeting was held July 27, at the Manchester Town Hall, under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr. Alderman Harwood), " for the purpose of giving expression to the views of the citizens upon the necessity of more effectual measures for the protection of women and girls.'' A public inquiry was held before .Mi-. Richard Smith, special commissioner, respecting the boundaries of the new wards added to the city. July 31, The Royal Assent was given to the Manchester Ship Canal Bill, August 6. 422 Annals of Manchester. [1885 Mr. William Gough Birchby died August 10. He was born in 1850, and ■was educated under the care of the Rev. Thomas Mackereth, whom he succeeded as head-master of the New Jerusalem Schools, Irwell Street, Salford. He was a successful teacher, and devoted much of his leisure to scientific pur- suits, and was a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society. Mr. Birchby was a Swedenborgian, and occasionally supplied the pulpit of the New Jerusalem Church at Worsley, Wigan, and other places. He was the honorary secretary of the Vegetarian Society. Mr. Birchby, who had been in failing health for some time, died at Eskdale, and was buried at Euxton. At an adjourned meeting of the Manchester City Council, held August 12, a resolution was adopted congratulating the citizens on the passing of the Ship Canal Bill, and assuring Mr. Daniel Adamson and his colleagues of the council's high appreciation of the services rendered by them through three sessions of Parliament. A meeting of the subscribers to the fund which has been used in obtaining Parliamentary powers to construct a ship canal between Liverpool and Man- chester was held August 19, in the Manchester Town Hall. Mr. Daniel Adamson (chairman of the Provisional Committee) presided, and explained that the Provisional Committee agreed to purchase the Bridgewater Canal and the rights of the proprietors of the Irwell and Mersey Navigation on the urgent recommendation of their leading counsels. Mr. W. Agnew, M.P., moved the adoption of a resolution thanking Mr. Adamson and the Provisional Committee for the extraordinary energy and perseverance which they have displayed in regard to the enterprise. In doing so, Mr. Agnew remarked that it was a scandal upon Parliamentary institutions and a reflection upon the common sense of the people that a matter like the Ship Canal Bill should have to go through an ordeal before no less than six Committees of Parliament. What had occurred in that instance was likely to have some influence in setting in motion forces that would compel Parliament to deal .with such matters in a more common-sense and business-like fashion. The resolution was adopted. The jubilee of the Independent Order of Rechabites was celebrated in Salford, August 29. The Rechabites formed a teetotal friendly society in Salford in 1835. In the jubilee year they had one hundred thousand members — all pledged abstainers. It was intimated at the monthly meeting of the Royal Infirmary Board, August 31, that Her Majesty had, on the advice of the Chancellor of the Duchy, directed that a sum of £3,000 should be paid out of the estate of the late Mr. Samuel Fletcher, formerly a pawnbroker in Great Ancoats Street, who died intestate, by way of an endowment to be specially conferred on the Barnes Convalescent Home at Cheadle. In order to perpetuate the memory of the person out of whose property it has been made, the Chancellor directs that the endowment shall bear the name of the " Samuel Fletcher Endowment." At the Manchester Licensing Sessions, September 9, the licences of several well-known houses were withdrawn, on the ground that the holders had been convicted of offences against the Betting-houses Act. In addition to the various forfeitures which were enforced, a considerable number of persons were warned in most emphatic terms of the consequences that must follow if they allowed betting men to frequent their houses. 1885] Annals of Manchester. 423 The Salforcl police, September 10, made a raid on all the clubs known to be in existence merely for betting purposes. The police also visited a number of beerhouses, where they had good reason to suspect that betting was being carried on. Twenty -two persons were arrested, and taken to the Town Hall, where they were charged, and then released on bail. A conference of elective auditors was held at the Town Hall, September 26. Mr. J. F. B. Firth,. M. P., presided. The Cheetham Park was opened by the mayor (Alderman Harwood). It is six acres in extent, and cost £15,000. The townships of Bradford and Harpurhey and Rusholme Local Board District were added to the city, under the provisions of the Manchester City Extension Act, 1885. September 30. Between September, 1884, and September, 18S5, 1,163 persons were arrested in Manchester for drunkenness. Of these 111 were not bond-fide residents. The Trades and Friendly Societies of the district celebrated the passing of the Manchester Ship Canal Act by a grand procession, and by meetings at Belle Vue Gardens and Alexandra Park, October 3. In spite of the unfavour- able weather, the demonstration was large and enthusiastic. A great meeting was held in the Free Trade Hall, October 5, when Mr. Pember, Q.C., and Mr. H. M. Stanley, were the principal speakers. A banquet was given by the Mayor of Manchester to the promoters of the Ship Canal Act, October 6. A reading-room for boys was opened at the Rochdale Road Branch Free Library, October 12. At a meeting of the Salford Town Council, held October 16, a resolution was proposed asking that the Corporation should subscribe to the capital of the Ship Canal Company by taking up shares therein to an extent not exceeding twenty-five thousand shares of £10 each, and that application should be forth- with made to Parliament for the necessary powers. After discussion, however, the motion was withdrawn in favour of an amendment to the effect that the Corporation should consider the expediency of taking up shares to an extent not exceeding the number proposed in the original resolution, when the rate- payers expressed their opinion that such a course was desirable. Alderman Thomas Davies died at Pendleton, October 18, aged 75 years. He first entered the Salford Council in 1853, and remained a councillor for three years. He was again elected in November, 1859, and was thrice mayor— in 1S68-69-70. He was chairman of the Libraries and Parks Committee, and took a prominent part in all municipal affairs. He was officially conned ed with the Irwell Street Wesleyan Chapel, where he not unfrequently preached. Mr. William Hughes died at Cheetwood, Oct. 19, aged 65 years. He was a native of Liverpool, where he was born in 1821, but his family removed whilst he was very young. He was educated at the Manchester Grammar School and the Mechanics' Institution, and throughout his life took the warmest interest in the question of elementary education. He was elected on the first Manchester School Board, and retained his connection with that body until his death. He was an active member of the New Church (Swedenborgian) denomination. Few men did more good or were more beloved by all. He is buried at St. Paul's, Kersal. 424 Annals of Manchester. [1885 Mr. F. H. Cowen delivered an address at the annual meeting of the local branch of the Society of Professional Musicians, October 21. Mr. William H. J. Traice died at Leamington, October 21. He was for a number of years a familiar figure in the literary and artistic circles of Man- chester. As organising master of the science classes of the Bridgewater Trust, and subsequently as agent of the Lancashire and Cheshire Union of Institutes, he did good service. He was a frequent contributor to the local press. Mr. John Slagg, M.P., delivered an address, at the Junior Reform Club, on "Poverty in India," October 22. This led to a prolonged controversy with Sir James Fergusson. The Right Rev. James Fraser, D.D., Lord Bishop of Manchester, died at Bishop's Court, Higher Broughton, October 22. He was born in 1818 at Prest- bury, near Cheltenham, but he was a cadet of the family of Fraser of Darris. He was educated at Bridgnorth and Shrewsbury Schools, and proceeded to Oxford University, where he had a brilliant career. He was a Fellow of Oriel from 1840 to 1847, and having entered holy orders received the college living of Cholderton. This, and the position of Chancellor of Salisbury Cathedral, he resigned in 1860, when he became rector of Ufton Nervet. He was an assistant commissioner of the Royal Commission on Education, in 1858-60, and of the School Inquiry Commission of 1865. For the latter he examined and reported on the Canadian and American schools. In 1867 he reported for the Agricultural Children's Commission in the counties of Gloucester, Norfolk, Essex, and Sussex. On the death of Bishop Lee, in December, 1869, Mr. Fraser was nominated to the see of Manchester. Into the work of the diocese he threw all the energy of his nature, and whilst very strictly maintaining " church lines" he was glad of opportunities of co-operation with those of other creeds, and so earned the title of "Bishop of all denominations." When the Social Science Congress was held in Manchester, in 1879, the Bishop was called upon to preside. He married Miss Duncan on January 15, 1880. The occasion was seized to present him with a testimonial, which included a bust, by Mr. Warrington Wood, for the Town Hall ; a portrait, by Sir John Millais, for Mrs. Fraser ; and a sum of money for the foundation of a scholarship at the Owens College. The diocese prospered greatly under his care, and the only untoward incident in his episcopate was the Miles Platting case, with its train of mis- understandings and bitter feeling. The bishop had great powers as a preacher and speaker, and his quick sympathy with that which was good gave him a hold upon the sympathies of all. He is buried at Ufton Nervet. At a public meeting of the ratepayers of Salf ord, held October 28, a resolution was carried approving of the proposal that the Town Council should contribute the sum of £250,000 towards the capital of the Ship Canal Company. The pro- ceedings were not entirely unanimous. Meeting of the members of the Manchester Athenfeum in celebration of the jubilee of that Institution was held on October 28. Mr. Samuel Ogden was in the chair. The proceedings were opened by Mr. John Slagg, M.P., introducing to the meeting Mr. A. E. Fitzgerald, senior Vice-President of the Athenaeum, who thereupon presented to Mr. Ogden, his (Mr. Ogden's) portrait, painted in oil by Mr. G. Perkins, and with it an address, handsomely bound up with the signatures of the subscribers to the portrait. Speeches were then 1885J Annals of Manchester. 425 made by Mr. Ogden, Alderman Harwood, Sir H. Roscoe, Mr. James Heywood, Bishop Vaughan, Principal Greenwood, Mr. Oliver Heywood, Mr. J. F. Hulton, and Professor Boyd Dawkins. The first elections of councillors for Bradford, Harpurhey, and Rusholme Wards was held November 1. A conference of sanitary authorities on the subject of cholera was held in Manchester Town Hall, November 3. The poll for the election of the Salford School Board was taken November 4. There were sixteen candidates for the fifteen seats. The poll for the election of the Manchester School Board was taken Nov- ember 5. There were twenty candidates for the fifteen seats. The result was declared on November 6. Mr. Randall H. Alcock died suddenly at his residence, Hudcar,'Didsbury, November 9. Mr. Alcock was a cotton manufacturer at Hudcar, Bury, for many years, and had a large acquaintance with the details of the cotton industry. He also took an interest in botany, and was the author of Botanical Names for English Readers, 1884. He was a fellow of the Linnaean Society, and was founder and president of the Bury Natural History Society. The Salford Town Council decided, November 11, to promote a bill in Parliament which would authorise them to subscribe £250,000 to the capital of the Ship Canal Company. A great fire broke out in warehouses in Portland Street and Princess Street, in premises occupied by Messrs. L. Behrens, November 12. The damage was estimated at £150,000. The City Art Gallery was first lighted by electricity, November 16. The first Parliamentary election for Salford, after its division into three constituencies under the Seats Act, 1884, was held November 25, and resulted in the return of Mr. B. Armitage (L.) for West Salford, Mr. W. Mather (L.) for South Salford, and Mr. Edward Hardcastle (C.) for North Salford. The first Parliamentary election in Manchester, after the division of the city into six constituencies, under the Seats Act, 1884, was held November 20. The result was the return of Mr. A. J. Balfour (C.) for East Manchester, Mr. J. F. Hutton (C.) for North Manchester, Sir James Fergusson (C.) for North- East Manchester, Mr. W. H. Houldsworth (C.) for North-West Manchester, Sir H. E. Roscoe (L.) for South Manchester, and Lord F. C. Hamilton (C.) for South-West Manchester. Rev. Joseph Nunn elected chairman of the new Manchester School Board at its first meeting, November 30, thus displacing Mr. Herbert Birley, who had occupied the position from the formation of the Board in 1870. St. Andrew's Day was celebrated by the Manchester Scotchmen at the Victoria Hotel. Lord Balfour occupied the chair at the dinner. November 30. The Manchester City Council [authorised the acceptance of tenders for works in connection with the Thirlmere Water Scheme, December 1. The Manchester City Council authorised the purchase of Carrington Moss for the purposes of the Health Committee, December !). The new premises of the Schiller-Anstalt, in Nelson Street, were formally opened by the Mayor of Manchester, December 18. Mr. Edmund John Syson died at St. Ives, December 29, aged 45. He was 426 Annals of Manchester. [1885 educated at Queen's College, Birmingham, and was L.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. of Edinburgh. From 1868 to 1873 he was medical officer of health for Salford, and took an active part in the sanitary work of the district. On resigning his appointment he went to Rotherham, and afterwards settled at St. Ives in private practice. He wrote The Cry of the Children and various other papers and pamphlets. Mr. Edward J. Poynter, R.A., delivered an address to the students of the Manchester School of Art, December 30. Miss M. D. Mutrie died December 30. She was a native of Manchester, and contributed ,'paintings of fruit to the Royal Academy in 1851, and in 1854 removed to London, where she died. (Athenceum, January 9, 1886.) The honour of knighthood was conferred upon Dr. William Roberts, F.R.S., of Manchester, December 30. At a meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Manchester Cor- poration, it was resolved not to oppose the bill which is being promoted by the Corporation of Bolton with regard to the jurisdiction of the Salford Hundred Court of Record. The object of the bill is to exempt the town of Bolton from the jurisdiction of the court in regard to claims for sums of £5 and under. On the recommendation of the Incorporation Sub-committee compensation was. granted to several officials of the Rusholme, Bradford, and Harpurhey Local Boards, whose services had been dispensed with in consequence of the incorpora- tion of those districts with Manchester. December 31. Ai3DE]srr>A. 1530. In the calendar of State Papers (Henry VIII.) are some entries relating to the Cardinal's College, Oxford, and amongst them—" To Benbow coming from Manchester to be master of the choristers, May 29, 10s." 1574 {circa). The following is an extract from a letter addressed by Warden Herle to the Lord Treasurer about the year 1571: "Almighty God preserve your Lordship. On Midlent Sunday last, as our preacher (who is a Bachelor of Divinity) was riding to preach at one of the chapels of the parish, being distant from the Parish Church four miles, one William Smyth, of the parish of Manchester, met him on the way, and taking his horse by the bridle, drew his dagger and beat and wounded him with three wounds, and if his horse had not broke out of the hand of the said Smyth, of likelihood he had slain him." Booker says that Warden Herle here refers to Oliver Carter, B.D. (Booker's Blackley, p. 65. Strype's Annals, vol. ii., p. 318, edit. 1725.) 1613. The people of Manchester gave a mastiff dog for the use of the Royal Beargarden in London, and agree to supply one each year. (Warner's Dulwich College Catalogue, 1881, p. 79.) The Keepers had a commission, which empowered them to seize suitable dogs, but they were sometimes roughly handled in the execution of their office. 1624. Mr. George Marshall granted all his lands and tenements to Mr. William Sparke and others, in trust to apply the rents, etc., to the relief of poor people within the town of Manchester. These rents amounted, in 1750, to £12 per annum. In 1781 the property was sold to the Improvement Com- missioners, and the purchase money, £2,250, invested in three per cent consols, yielding annually £07 10s. lOd. (Edwards's Worthies, p. 09.) 1630. Mr. George Clarke enfeoffed in Humphrey Chetham and others houses and land in Manchester, Crumpsall, and Tetlow, in trust that the clear yearl] rents should be for ever and wholly dispensed in the relief <>f poor and needy persons in Manchester, according to the judgment and direction of tl i boroughreeve and constables. According to Mr. Walker, the property, at the date of gift, produced the clear annual sum of £100. In 1790-01 it produced £320 0s. Od. (Edwards's Worthies, p. 70.) 428 Annals of Manchester. [addenda 1653. Mr. Thomas Smith was buried at the Collegiate Church, February 27. . In January, 1637-38, Thomas Smith, who is described as a " buckbinder," had a daughter baptised at the Collegiate Church. This Thomas Smith had been a bookseller iu Barnstaple for four or five years, but not finding sufficient trade there, he came to Manchester, "where there had beene a bookseller formerly, but by his misdemeanour ran himselfe so deeply into men's debts that he was forced to depart." There he claimed that he had so behaved himself and furnished the place with "all sorts of Latin and English bookes allowed by authority to be sold, that he hath gayned ye custome both of town and countrey." His shop is named on the title-pages of Lancashire's Valley of Achor, 1643, and other Civil War tracts. (Dredge's Devon Booksellers and Printers, Plymouth, 1885.) 1785. Mr. George Bell, M.D., died February 3. He was born in Dumfriesshire in 1755, educated at the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, and graduated M.D. in 1777. In March, 1781, he removed to Manchester, and became a memberof the Literary and Philosophical Society on December 12, the same year. A memoir of him, by Dr. Currie, will be found in the Literary and Philosophical Society Memoirs, vol. ii., p. 382. 1789. Mr. James Walker, M.D., F.R.S., of Springhead, near Hull, died February 22, aged 70 years. His father, James Walker, was a merchant in Manchester. 1790. Messrs. Grimshaw, of Gorton, erected a factory at Knot Mill for the introduction of power-looms into Manchester, which was burnt down before they commenced work. 1792. Sir Richard Arkwright, knight, of Willersley Castle, Derbyshire, died August 26. He was born at Preston in 1732, and was brought up as a barber. After struggling through various adversities, he availed himself of other men's inventions in the cotton manufacture, by which he is said to have acquired a fortune of nearly a million sterling within the space of twenty-two years. In 17S6 he was high sheriff of Derbyshire, and was knighted by the King on presenting an address in his official character. His claims as an inventor have been warmly contested, but there is no doubt as to the power of organisation by which he practically created the factory system. The Rev. Thomas Aynscough died at the age of seventy. He was for thirty-two years a fellow of the Collegiate Church. A pamphlet appeared entitled The Necessity of a Speedy Reform in Parlia- ment, Manchester, 1792, by George Philips (first baronet). Ford wrote on his copy that the author was "said to be greatly assisted by Dr. Ferriar." {Palatine Note-book, vol. iv., p. 174.) It advocates woman suffrage. addenda] Annals of Manchester. 429 1794. The Rev. Richard Assheton died January 18. He was senior fellow of the Collegiate Church. Messrs. Thomas Walker, "William Paul, Samuel Jackson, James Cheetham, Oliver Pearsall, Benjamin Booth, and Joseph Collier were indicted at the Lancaster Assizes, April 2, for a treasonable conspiracy. The chief evidence was that of an informer named Dunn, whose perjury was so manifest that the accused were acquitted April 3. Dunn was tried in June and sentenced to the pillory and two years' imprisonment. 1817. Mr. Joseph Jordan founded the School of Anatomy, which was afterwards incorporated with the Royal School of Medicine and Surgery, founded in 1S21. 1824. Mr. James Wroe died. He was an old bookseller, and started the Manchester Observer, which brought him into prison. He was an advanced Radical. The Royal School of Medicine and Surgery was established in Pine Street. Previous to this there had been lectures on anatomy and physiology delivered by Dr. Charles White and others. 1828. The Friends' Meeting House, Mount Street, was rebuilt. 1838. Mr. Thomas Carlyle spent a day or two in October with a sister, who had married a Mr. Banning, in Manchester. The account he gives of his night experiences is curious: "I was just closing my senses in sweet oblivion when the watchman, with a voice like the deepest groan of the Highland bag- pipe, or what an ostrich corncraik might utter, groaned out Groo-o-o-o close under me, and set all in a gallop again. Groo-o-o-o ; for there was no articulate announcement at all in it, that I could gather. Groo-o-o-o, repeated again and again at various distances, dying out and then growing loud again, for an hour or more. I grew impatient, bolted out of bed, flung up the w indow. Groo-o-o-o. There he was advancing, lantern in hand a few yards off me. ' Can't you give up that noise?' I hastily addressed him. ' You are keeping a person awake. What good is it to go howling and groaning all night, and deprive people of their skip .'' He ceased from that time— at least I heard no more of him. No watchman, I think, has been more astonished for some time hack. At five in the morning all was as still as sleep and darkness. At half-past live all went off like an enormous mill-race or ocean-tide. Boom-m-m, far and wide. It was the mills that were all starting then, and creishy (greasy) drudges by the million taking post there. I have heard few sounds more impressive to me in the mood I was in." (Froude's Carlyle in Londun, vol. i., pp. 147-8.) 430 Annals of Manchester. [addenda 1848. Mr. George Stephenson died August 12. In 1825 he was appointed chief engineer of the projected Liverpool and Manchester Railway, made the preliminary surveys, and in 1826 began the construction of the road, which occupied four years. 1850. The Assembly Rooms, Mosley Street, sold by auction for £9,000. (See under date 1792.) 1852. At the meeting of the Manchester Town Council, held on June 16, the follow- ing letter was read from Mr. A. Megson: "103, Market Street, Manchester, May 11th, 1852. Worshipful Sir,— I am instructed by Mr. Watts, of London, to communicate his desire to present to the town of Manchester a large picture entitled ' The Good Samaritan,' which he exhibited, a short time ago, at the Royal Exhibition, in London, and respectfully dedicated to Mr. Thomas Wright, the prison philanthropist, of Manchester. Mr. Watts does not wish it to be accepted as a work of art, but as a testimony of his high esteem for the exemplary and praiseworthy character of that humble individual. — I remain, worshipful sir, your most obedient servant, Albert Megson." 1853. Rev. John Booth Strettles died March 23. He was born at Rochdale, October 11, 1795, and was educated at the Manchester Grammar School. He was intended for the Anglican Church, but his parents having in 1809 joined the Bible Christian Church, King Street, Salford, Mr. Strettles finished his education under the Rev. William Cowherd, and became minister of the church conjointly with Mr. Brotherton. 1856. General Gabriel Gordon died at Higher Ardwick Lodge, Manchester, August 7, aged 93 years. He entered the army as ensign in 1781, became lieutenant-colonel in 1S02, major-general in 1814, lieutenant-general in 1830, and general in 1816. (Hardwicke's Biography, 1856, p. 162.) 1868. The Salford Chronicle, No. 1, published Otober 24. 1871. The Roman Catholic Home for Female Penitents, Victoria Park, was opened by Mr. John Grave, Mayor of Manchester, July 23. The building is of Gothic design, and the estimated cost, exclusive of furniture, was about £6,000. The Bishop of Clifton took part in the proceedings. Mr. William Prowting Roberts died, September 21, aged 65. He was author of The Haswell Colliery Explosion, 1844; What is a Traveller? 1855, and other pamphlets. He took an active part in politics, and was an advanced Liberal, but was perhaps best known as the Miners' Attorney-General. addenda] Annals of Manchester. 431 A serious fire occurred, October 2, at the Albert Mill, Hope Street, Salford, the property of Messrs. Tysoe and Hope. The damage was estimated at £15,000. 1872. Sir Thomas Phillips, Bart, M.A., F.R.S., died February 6, at Chelten- ham. He was born at Cannon Street, Manchester, in 1792, and was the illegitimate son of Mr. Thomas Phillips. He became a great book collector, and his mansion at Middle Hill was famous for its valuable MSS. He set up a private press, at which numerous tracts and fragments were printed. As he had no son the title became extinct at his death. (Herald and Genealogist, vol. viii., p. 349.) Rev. John James Tayler died at London, May 28. He was born at Newington Butts, Aug. 15, 1797, was a minister of the Unitarian Chapel, Upper Brook Street, and professor in Manchester New College. He wrote a Retrospect of Religious Life in England, 1S45, and other works. (Letters of J. J. layler, embracing Ids Life, by J. H. Thorn, 1872. 2 vols.) Bev. Elijah Hoole died in London, June 17. He was born at Manchester, February 3, 1798, and was educated at the Grammar School. He went to India as a missionary, and translated the Bible into the Tamil language, and wrote a Personal Narrative of Missions, and other works. (Manchester School Register, vol. iii., pp. 44, 290.) Mr. Jesse Percy Stokes, journalist, died at Manchester, October 1. He was born in 1808, and was the author of Two Christmas Pajicrs, Manchester, 1858. Mr. Elijah Ridings died October 18. He was born at Failsworth, November 27, 1802, and was the tenth of his parents' fifteen children. He had a hard struggle with poverty all his life, was present at Peterloo, and took an active part in the reform agitation. He was the author of The Village Muse and Streams from an Old Fountain. 1873. Dr. Frederick Crace Calvert died October 24, aged 54 years. He was born near London, but for many years had lived in Manchester, where he enjoyed a high reputation as an analytical chemist. Mr. Thomas Turner, F.R.C.S., died at Manchester, December 17. He was born at Truro, August 16, 1793, and lived in Manchester for 57 years. He wrote an Address to the Inhabitants of Lancashire on the Medical Profession, 1825. A Memoir of him was published in 1875. 1874. The Manchester Aquarium, in Alexandra Road, Moss Side, opened May 21. 1876. Rev. John Relly Beard, D.D., died at Ashton-on-Mersey, November 22. He was born at Southsea in 1800, but in 1825 came to Manchester as minister of the Unitarian Chapel, Greengate ; afterwards removed to New Bridge Street, Strangeways. After 18G5 he was minister of the Sale Unitarian Church. He was an earnest worker in the cause of education, and the author of a long series of theological writings. 432 Annals of Manchester. [addenda 1877. Mr. Joshua Procter Brown Westhead died, July 25. He was the son of Mr. Edward Westhead, a smallware and fringe manufacturer. He was bom on April 15, 1807, in Faulkner Street, Manchester, and became a partner with his father. He was a promoter of the early railways, and in 1847, for his services, he was presented with a service of plate of the value of £2,400 by the shareholders of the Manchester and Birmingham Railway. In 1846 Mr. West- head removed from Manchester to Lea Castle, near Wolverley, Worcestershire, and in 1847 was elected M.P. for Knaresborough, as a Liberal. At the contested election of 1S50, all three candidates having received an equal number of votes, Mr. Westhead withdrew. In 1850 he assumed the surname of Brown before that of Westhead, and in 1861 became vice-chairman of the London and North- western Railway. In 1857 he was elected M.P. for York, and sat till 1865, when he was defeated. In 1868 he was re-elected for York, but in 1870 he was compelled by ill-health to resign his seat, as also his office of vice-chairman of the London and North- Western Railway Company. 1878. Mr. George Venables Vernon, F.R.A.S., died, January 11. There is a notice of his scientific work in the Monthly Notices of Boyal Astronomical Society, vol. xxxix., p. 238, 1879. Mr. William Hepworth Dixon died at London, December 27. He was born in Ancoats, and in hie early life was employed in a factory. He left Man- chester in 1846, and in 1853 became the editor of the Athenceum, a post which he resigned in 1869. He was the author of lives of Howard, Penn, and Robert Blake, of Boyal Windsor, Her Majesty's Tower, Spiritual Wives, and other works. He was offered and refused a baronetcy. INDEX Page Abattoirs 32S Abbot, Captain 132 Abdye, Anthony 49 Aberdare, Lord 311, 410 Abiuger, Lord 194 Abney, Captain W. de W . . 373 Academy of Fine Arts, Pro- posed 136 Accidents : At Ormrod & Hardcastle's 255 W. M. Chapel, Oldham St. 195 Fallot flooring, OldhamRd. 19S Fatal, at Kelly & Gilmore's 213 Man killed at Albert Brge. 22(3 Three men killed 249 Ackers, Holland 91, 128 Ackers, James.. . . 125, 126, 127 128, 129, 182, 141, 1T4 Ackland, General 143 Acreage of M. & S xvi, xvii Acres Fair. .89, 107, 163, 167, 359 Adams, Elizabeth 88 Adams, Orion 88, 125 Adams, Roger 77, 88, 125 Adamson, Daniel 389, 408 Addison, Rev. Berkeley . . 271 Addy, Mark 366 Adshead , Joseph 283 Adshead's Plan of M'chester 257 Adult Deaf & Dumb Instn. 363 Advertiser and Weekly Mag. 80 Agnew, Thomas xiv, 327 Agricultural Society 98 Ainsworth, Mrs. Ann .... 217 Ainsworth, David xii Ainsworth, Thomas . . 160, 217 Ainsworth, W. H..160, 217, 386 Ainsworth, W. II., Dinner to 3S3 Albany, Duke of, visited . . S85 Albert Bridge 229 Albrt.Brg.,FallofhouBes879,380 Albert Memorial.. 2S6, 304, 807 Albert Mill tire 1 31 Albert Park 362 Albert, PruceConsrt. 271, 272,286 Albert, Prince, Statue of . . 293 Albert, Prince, Visit of 268 Albion Bridge Mills fire .. 286 Albion Cotton Mills burned I iO Aleock, Randall H., died.. 425 Alehouses. :;:;,. 34, 35,36,39,40, 125 Alexander, John xi Alexander, Joseph xi Alexandra Hall Company. . 304 Alexandra Park 328 Alexandra Park drink.fntn. 859 Alfred played at Queen's Th. 284 Alfred, Prince 271 Alico, Princess 271 Alison, Sir A 242 Allegiance, Oath of 86 Allen, — , Executed 309 Allen, Rev. Isaac 62 Allen, Bishop John 231 Allen, J. N 815 Allen, Joseph 142 Cl Page Allen, Rev. J. T 163 Allen, Thomas, exhibited.. 124 Allen's Buildings on fire . . 332 AUott, Rev. Robert 285 Almshouses, Miller's Lane.. 69 Altar Cloth 74 Alum Street, fire at 216 Ambery, C. C 243 Amburgh's Stud s 'Id 231 American War Volunteers.. 108 Amphitheatre 125, 141 Ancoats Hall S3 Ancoats 137 Ancoats Lyceum 204 Ancoats, Sunday lectures . . 391 Ancotes, Henry de 12 Anderton, George .... 313, 406 Anderton, Henry 197 Anderton, Thomas 94, 95 Andrew, Jonathan 232 Andrew, Rt. , explosion .. 163 Andrew, Thomas 163 Andrews, Eliz 124 Andrew's, Greengate, fire at 282 AngelMeadowBurialGround 30S Angier, Rev. John, 56, 60, 62, 6S Angier, Rev. Samuel 76 Anglesea, Marquis of, visit 14S Anselme, Father 40 Anson, Ven. G. H. G. ..322, 390 Anson, Sir W. R 343 Anstruther, Captain 355 Anthony, OF 329 Anthony, Captain 170 Anthony, G. W 278 Anti-Corn Law Circular. . . . 205 Anti-Corn Law: Bazaars, ■216, 234; League, 203, 235, 309 ; Banquets, 204, 209, 243; League re-constitu'd, 260; Riot with Chartists, 213; Lecture, 204; Peti- tion from Chmbr. of C. 204 Anti-Slavery 266, 290 Antrobus, Peter 92 Appleby & Co.'s Gas Work I I Appleby, Thomas, died. . . . 198 Apprentice's Fee 7:; Apprentices' Treatment .. 98 Aquarium. .341, 842, 363,364, 181 Arbitration Courts 815 Arbuthnot, Sir Thomas .. 249 Arch, Joseph Archdeaconry of Manchstr. 228 Architectural Society .... 201 Arctic Expedition 861 Ardwick&Ancoata 1 •) Ardwiek Cnsrv. Club bazaar 886 Ardwiek, Corporation of . . 96 Ard wick Manor 819 Ardwiek, Mayor of 298 Ardwiek Police Act 169 Argus 181, 844 Argyll, Duke of 282 Arkwright, Sir B 9.8, 100 102, 103, 108, 221. 128 Arkwright, Mr. R 221 Page Armada, Contribtn. against 41 Armitago, Benjamin 425 Armitage, Cyrus 261, 269 Armitage, Sir Elkanah, xii, xiii 202, 247, 251, 271, 360 Armitage, John 269 Armstrong, R. B 206, 235 Armstrong, Thomas 251 Armstrong,Thomas,hanged 153 Arnot, Rev. W 271 Art & Industrial Exhibition 391 Art GaUery. . . 357, 382, 418, 425 Art Gallery Act 390 Arthur, King 4 Artingstall, James 108 Artom, Rev. Dr 340 Arts Club 373 Art Exhibition 368 Art Treasures Exhb.. 269,270,271 Art Treasures Ex., Accident 270 Art Union of Groat Britain 340 Art Workmen's Exhib..294, 302 Arundel, Earl of 246 Ashantee, King of 210 Ashburne, L. R : 1 1 1 Ashbury, James 325 Ashcroft, James, sen. , 168 Brewers, Number of 199 Brian, Martin 8, 25 Brick houses built 71 ike, Bishop Ralph. . 68 Bridgman, Bishop 50 Bridges ; Areh of Hanging Bridge discovered, 176 ; 436 Index. Page Broughton, 13S; Bro'ghtn Suspension opened, 173 ; Broughton Suspension gave way, 1S4 ; Hunt's Bank, 173 ; Salford to Strangewys Act 150 Bridgewater, Francis,Dkof 131 Bridgewater Viaduct 214 Bridgwater Canal 92, 93, 1S2, 203 Brierley, Ben, Testimonial 404 414 Brierley, James xii, 1(50 Brierley, James, J.P 216 Briggs, Dr.,V.A 240,246 Briggs, Sir Jonathan 102 Briggs, Thomas 234,379 Bright, Jacob 296, 309, 317 340, 357 Bright, John 227, 240, 249 261, 271, 2S0, 303, 305, 361 365, 366, 367, 373, 375, 406 Brindley, James ..100, 122, 131 British Archa?ological Assn. 254 British Association 217, 285 British Med. Assn., 315; Conference 364 British Temperance Assn.. 227 British Temperance League 304 British Volunteer 133 Brittain, Thomas 401 Bronte, Charlotte, 257, 263 ; Visits Manchester 238 Bronte, Emily 23S Bronte, Rev. Patrick 23S Brook, Rev. Henry 92 Brooke, Sir James 274 Brooke, Samuel 73 Brookes & Dugdale's, fire at 209 Brookes, Rev. Joshua .... 164 Brookes, Warwick 406 Brooks, John xii, 251 Brooks, Sarnuel 251 Brooks, William 251 Broom, John xiii Broomhead, Rev. Rowland 159 Brotherton, Edwd. 2S2, 292, 302 Brotherton, Joseph, 271 ; elected M.P., 193, 200, 213, 254, 261, 275, 325 Brough, Robert B 2S L Brougham, Lord 194, 305 Brougham, Matthew 350 Broughton Bridge built . . 138 Broughton Ford 212 Broughton, Incorporation with Salford 263 Broughton Silk Mills de- stroyed by fire 250 Broughton, Thomas 143 Brown, Dr. V. A 240, 246 Brown, Edward 1S6 Brown, John xii 203 Brown, Rev. J. B 270 Brown, Dr. Philip 106 Brown, Robert 52 Brown, Thomas 79 Brown, Capt. Thomas .... 288 Brown, Sir W., M.P. ..227, 241 Browness arrested 273 Brownsword, Thos x Brown-Westhead, J.P 331 402, 432 Brown-Westhead, Lt-Col. G.E 331 Bruce, H. A 311 Bruce, Rev. James 192, 2S5 Buchan ronation,64; proclaimd, 6 1 ; supposed visit 60 Charles Ed. Stu trt, Prince. 216 Charlestown Independi Sunday School 178, 181 Charleton, Geo., suspected of coining 30 Charley, sir W. T 317, 327 ::' Charter of Manchester en- rolled in Chancery of Lancaster 49 Charter of Incorporation .. 202 204, 212 Charter of Salford 10 Chartists.. 207, 208, 210, 211, 218 215, 244, 245, 246, 217 248, 255, Chat Moss drain, d, 171 ; Co-operatic e scheme, 181; [mpi I 179 Chatterton, Jacob 183 Chatt I 'i'h intrell, William 22 .. Mosley .. I Cheeryble Brothers .... Cheese, Griffith 1S4 I'l tli nn. .1 ones 129 Cheetham.Jno •ham, Sarah 42:; n Ball .. . 267 Buns" " i aeahire Rising " 63 Chess 264, 269, 27.; Chesshyre, Edw 220 byre, Admiral John., 2 !0 Chesshyre, Thomas xiii Page Chester Bishopric founded. 27 Chetham, Edward 93 Chetham, Humphrey, 52, 60 ; Statue 265 Chetham, James "2 Chetham's Hospital and Library .. 60, 61, 65, lis, 224 Chetham Society founded.. 221 Chimney Accidents L94,224, 230 Cholera 185, 250, 425 Choral Society 182 Choristers 427 Chorlton Chapel 25, S2 Chorlton Hall 41 Chorlton, James x Chorlton, Rev. John 71 Chorlton-on-Medlock Cfor- merly Chorlton Row) Improvement Acts, 120, 165, 181, 185; Gas, 1S8 ; Infants' School, 170 ; Lyceum, 204 ; Town Hall, ISO : Watchman, 147 ; ■■ Kant" 95 Chowbent, Battle 55 Christ Church Institute 157-158 enings at ( >M Church l." 1 Christian Knowl. Soc, Lire 226 Christian VII. visits Manr. 98 i 'hristi ■in. Prince, visited M 385 mas Cards 360 Christopher, William xiii S.ND Cbu I ban's, Cheetwood. . . Memorial 292 All Saints' 159, 161, 252 All Souls', Ancoats... 207, 212 ats Wesley. m Meth.. 17:! SI .Andrew's Pres.,LloydSt.l26 ii- ivisStreet, 17s, IS:'.: organ opened .. 186 St, Ann's 00, 104 St Anne's, Newton Heat i it'dW.M.,01dhm.Rd.l95 St. Augustine's, Catholic. 159 Baptist, (it. George St. is;, 257 „ Gt. Mount Street. 16S ,, Oak Street 171 „ Rochdale Road .. 116 ,, Withv Grove York Street .... 138 St. Barnabas's,01dhamRd. 230 St. Bartholomew's, Regent i: iad 213, 217 St. Benedict's, Ardwick.. 879 Bible 128, L33 167 Birch Chapel, Rusholme.. 27 Blackley 2S I tlackley Nonconformist .. 73 St. Bride's, Brooks's Bar Brunswii k Wea., Pendltn. 380 Cannon St. Congr. .94, I ,6, 285 Cathedral (see Collgt. Ch.) St. Catherine. Collvhurst Rd.278 St. Chads, Roman CathoL 102 Chorlton 107 Christ, Acton Square. .179, 184 St. Chrysostom.Vict. Pai I h oi thi iscnsn.Brtn. 319 chinch ot Name 319 St. Clement's 107 ,, Brou •!. ton!. i ,, I enheys .. 381 ,, Lever Street.. 120 ,, Ordsal 369 ■ .('h (see Col. Ch.) Cngrgtnl., M osley St., after- wards in CavendishSt, 115,157 Page Churches t, Martin's 336 St. Mary's, l'eansgate..90, 91 ,, Ball and Cross.. 167 ,, I- lok 368 ,, Hulme 275 ,, First banns .... 137 R.C.,Mulberry8t. 121 Palmerston St.. 363 Ardwick.. 316 ,, Liverpool Head 166 r dfeton 154, 169 St. Matthias's, salford, 214,217 ,, consecrated .. 220 Methodist, Birchin Lane.. 88 Meth B.BBI I norSt. 196 list, swan Street .. 140 Meth. New Con., Broad St. 137 438 Index. Page Churches & Chapels— eont. Meth. New Con., Peter St. 191 „ Strngwys. 256 St. Michael's, Angel St — 115 „ Hulme 293 Lavender St.. 290 New Jerusalem, Peter St.. 120 Newton Chapel, Act for rebuilding 145 Newton Heath 37 Oldham Road Wes. Meth. 173 Oldham Street Wesleyan.. 893 St. Patrick's, R.C 1S5, 236 St. Paul's, C.-on-M.. . .283, 287 ,, Kersal 256, 261 „ Stretf ord Road . . 266 ,, Turner Street, 90,310 St. Peter's, Mosley Street, 115; Dome added 166 St. Peter's,01dhamRd., 277,279 StPhilips's, Bradford, 250, 253 , , Chester Street 282 ,, Salford.. .. 170, 177 Presbyterian, GrosvenorSq. 251 „ MillSt.,Ancts. 201 „ New Windsor. 129 ,, Ormond Street 226 Prim. Meth., Jersey St. .. 168 Richmond Indpnt. Salford 236 R.C.Cthdrl., Salford, 03: nd. 246 R. O, Cheetham Hill Rd.. 240 Sacred Trinity, Salford . . 51 Salford Bridge 24 St. Saviour's, C.-on-M 198 Scotch Kirk, St. Peter's Sq, 187 Scotch Pres., St. Peter's Sq. 184 St. Silas's, Ashton Old Rd. 219 ,, Higher Ardwick 214 St. Simon's, Salford 232 ,, Springfield Lane 249 St. Simon aveii]iort, Rd xi David's Day, St 414 Davies, Rd 262 Davies.Ald. T. xiv, 373, 401, 423 Davlin, Charles 827 Daw, John x " Dawbe Making" SO i (awes, Bishop, sir W 75 Hawkins, Prof. B 425 282 Dawson, Geo., M.A.. ..236, 256 Dawson, ('apt. James, oxe- . 86; Epigram.. 82 Dawson, Samuel 167 Day, Henry Hay Nurseries SS4 Deacon, Charles 85 Di con, Edward Erastus, M.D lit n, Rt 85 Deacon, T. T. B ted 86 Deacon, Dr. Thomas, si, 86, 89 Deacons, Lay 411 440 Index. Page Deaf and Dumb Schools . . . 169 190, 196, 200, 282 Deaf <& Dumb Institution 204 Deakin, Colonel 2S3 Dean, Act appointing first. 211 Dean, Rev. James xiii, 285 Dean, John, D.D 1S8 Dean, Thomas 184 Dean's Factory burnt down 128 Deansgate 49, 182, 319 Deansgate School 406 Dearth in Manchester .... 40 Deasey, Captain 308 Debts Recovery Act 139 Dee, Dr. John .... 42, 43, 44, 45 De Foe, D., describes Manr. 79 De Foe, Mercy 83 De Lacy Inquisition 17 Delamere, Lord 65 Delavan, E. C 313 Denman, Captain 277, 286 De Quincey, Thomas. . 120, 279 Derby Chapel, Coll. Cb... .. 212 Derby, Charlotte, Countess of 57, 61 Derby, Earls of 24, 27, 28 30, 36, 38, 39, 41, 59, 192 297, 301, 309, 320, 375, 3S4 Description of Manchester . . 109 Destitute Children's Dinner Society 310 Detrosier, Rowland 157 Devereux, Dr. Daniel 246 Devlin, Patrick 246 Devonshire, Duke, 324, 338, 376 Dialect Society 361 Dickens, Charles. .223, 246, 262 302, 316, 322 Dickens, Fanny 246 Dickenson, John, xi, 84, 120, 216 Dickenson, W. C 120 Dickins, Thomas 391 Dickinson's, Boiler explos. 283 Dickonson, Henry xi Dickonson, Michael x Dickonson, Samuel xi Dickson, Corporal 84 Didsbury IS, 79 Diggle, Jane 112 Dillon, Charles 261 Dillon, Lin 213 Diocesan Church Associate. 311 Diocesan ChrchBld.Soc, 256,407 Diocesan Churchman 373 Diocesan Conference 354 Diocesan Temperance Soc. 310 Diorama, Cooper Street . . . 170 Directory, First 101 Dirt Fair 359 Disestablishment Meeting. 347 Dispensaries.. 120, 182, 183, 255 342, 346, 350, 352 Dispensary for Sick Chldrn. 316 Dissenters 71 Dissenters (see Churches and Chapels) Distress among Working Classes 199, 214, 218, 374 Dixon, Elijah 152, 359 Dixon, Miles xiii Dixon, W. Hepworth.. 230, 432 Dockray, Benjamin 286 " Doctor " Watson 159 Dodd, Thomas 167 Dodd, William 312 Dog, A faithful 136 Dog Lion, The Salford Fire 326 Dogs for Bear Garden 427 Page Doherty, John 187 Domesday Book on M. & S. 7 Donoghue, T., Murder by. . 314 Donovan, Daniel 244, 246 Dore Abbey 17 Dowlin, Thomas 246 Down, James 185 Downes, Rev. Charles 95 Downes, Francis 50 Dowson, Rev. H. R 343 Drake, Madam 92 Drew, T. H 415 Drinking Fountain at New Cross, 353; Alexandra Pk 359 Drinkwater, Mr 116 Drinkwater, Gen. John . . 125 Drinkwater, John, M.D. . . 124 Drinkwater, Peter 129 Drinkwater, Major Thos.. 124 Drinkwater-Bethune, Col. John 225, 258 Drinkwater-Bethune, J. E. 258 Drop Box Invented 93 Drowning of three persons at Moss Side 277 Drownings in the Irwell . . 179 Droylsden Gas Act 280 Drunkenness , 423 Ducie Bridge 147 Ducie Bridge Station 403 Ducie, Thomas, Lord 112 Ducie, T. Reynolds, Earl.. 210 Duckinfield, Robert S7 Ducking Stool 103 Ducrow, Mr 192 Duels 109, 133 Dugdale, John .. xiii, 191, 193 Dugdale, Sir William 65 Duncan, Miss A. E. F 374 Duncan, Lord, victory over Dutch celebrated 125 Dunckley, Hy. , Testimonial 370 Dunn the Informer 429 Dunn, Mr 233 Dunn, John, hanged 158 Dunn, Rev. Samuel 250 Dunraven, Earl of 413 Dunstan, Richard 212 Dunstan, Thomas 151, 172 Dunstan, William 151 Durnford, Ven. R 308 Purr, P., murders his wife 323 Duval, Claude 401 Duval, C. A 333 Dwarfs 124 Dyeing in Manchester . . 12-13 Dyer, John 222 Dyer, John Cheeseborough 153 179, 327 Dyson, Paul, drowned 243 Early Closing 236 Earnshaw, Mr 90 Earthquakes 90, 98, 104, 122 149, 194, 220, 262, 291, 318 Easby, John 262 Eason, Alexander 123 East India Yarns 83 Eastern Question 366, 367 Eaton, Robert 76 Eaves Dropping 36 Ebony Phenomenon 250 Ecclesiastical Commissnrs. 38 Eddleston, Daniel xiii Edensor, W. J xii Edge, James xi Page Edge, William xi Edinburgh, Duke of, visit to Manchester 385 Edmonds &■ Co., James 131 Edmondson, Nathaniel 74 Edmondson, Thomas 274 Education Aid Society, 292, 302 ; Manches. & Salford Bill, 258, 260: Factory Bill Education Clauses, 222; Conferences, 311, 410 ; National Society, 201 ; Secular, 249, 254 ; Volun- tary 282 Edwards, Edward 262, 276 Edwin Conquers Mnchstr. , and is baptised at York.. 4 Egerton (see Wilton & Grey de Wilton) 146 Egerton, Hon. Algernon . . 291 Egerton, Lord F 213, 217 224, 229, 271 Egerton Schools, RegentRd. 304 Egerton, Thomas 256 Egerton, Sir Thomas, 91, 98, 106 Egerton, Hon. Wilbraham 213 276, 305 Elce & Co's Works, Boiler Bursting 214 Elections, Parliam'tary (see Parliamentary Elections) Elias, the Manchester Prophet 34 Elizabeth, Queen, Libel9 agst. Ellesmere, Countess of ... . 355 Ellesmere, Earl of .. ..316, 319 Ellesmere, Francis Earl of 271 Ellis & Norton's Fire 219 Ellis Foster 181 Ellis Henry 246 Elsdale, Rev. R., D.D 201 207, 253 Emerson, J. Curtis 417 Emerson, R. W 242, 337 Emigration Aid Society .. 290 " Emma," Loss of the . ..175 Engineering Chairat Owens College 306 Entomological Society 272 Entwisle, James xi, 196 Entwisle, Richard 196 Entwisle, Wm., M.P... 196, 215 227, 270 Entwistle, John 198 Errington, Rt. Rev. Bishop of 257 Erskine, Col 305 Estates Parliamentary Act 319 Estcourt, John Hart 860 Ethelburga, at Manchester 4 Ethelfrith conquers South Lancashire : 4 Ethelston, Rev. C. W. . 1 21 , 129, 180 Ethelston, Rev. E 121 Eugene, Empress, Visit of.. 283 Evans, F. W 330 Evans, James 171 Evans, Thomas xii, 207, 297 Evans, William 396, 285 Evans, Sir W. D., 151, 154, 164; Appt. Stipendiary.. 145 Eveleighfc Son's fctry. brnt. 233 Evening News 396 Eveiett,Hon.E., Address to 217 Everett, Rev. James 250 Ewart, Ensign Charles 235 Ewart, Peter 218 Examiner 235- Index. 441 Page Exchange, 80, 120, 137, 140, 143, 208, 249, 254, 303, 300; Free Trade Ha 1 used as Exchange 310 Exchange Station 405 Exhibtn. of Art Manufctrs. 270 Exhibition, Great 202 Exiles 38 Explosion at Rochdale Hoad Gaswks, 307; at Andrew's works, 163 ; at Salford Brrcks, 379;Gas,atKemp- head's, 199; Fatal, in Pool Fold 185 " Extent " of Manor 17 Eye Institution 14S Factory Act 102, 222 Faherty, Timothy, exc, 312, 313 Fairbairn, Sir T 270 Fairbairn, Sir W.. .202, 285, 342 Fair k'm 50 Fairfax, Sir Thomas .... - r >6, r >7 Fairs 9, 10, 357, 359 Fairwcather, Mr., fire at his factory 200 Falkner, A 392 Falkner, (ieorge 213, 392 Falkner, Matthew 168 Falkner, Rev. Thomas 110 Fallows, .lames 310 Fancy Dress Hill 233 Farington, Joseph, I!. A. .. 164 Fanner, .lames xiv Fain, J. C 329, 384 Farrington, Ilenry xi Farris, John 170 Fasts 42, 100, 127 Faucit, Helen 201 Faulkner & Co.'s factory, Jersey St., burned down. 198 Faulkner, — , shot by bis cousin 135 Faulkner, li. R 252 Faulkner, George 287 Fawcett, Ilenry :;7'.' Feast of Adonis 402 Feeder invented 100 Fell, William 243 Female Penitentiary.. L66, 197 Pcniauism : Arrest and res- cue from police, 308 ; trial fur shool in/, Brel t . 309 ; execution, 309 : funeral processions, 309 ; special constables, 810 ;suppo i I outrage 379 i i sson, sir .1 124-425 Ferneley, .Muses 181 Fernley, .lames 248 Fernley, John 828, 336 Ferrand, W. B Ferriar, Rev. Alex 147 Ferriar, Colonel John .... 178 Ferriar, Dr. John. 1 17, 163, 17s Ferriar, Colonel T. .1.. 163, 17s i published 208 Fever Hospital, Crumpsall. 804 Field Naturalist Associate. 2S1 Fielden, John xi Fielden, Samuel "s.-, Fielden, Thomas 2:::. Fielding, Jeremiah. . . . xii, 21 1 Fielding, Sir John mi Figaro 878 Fildes, Mr ins ** Page Financial Reform 249,252 Finch, John 39, 76 Finley, James 184 Fitmigan, J. J 246 Fires : Albert Mill, Hope St., 431 ; Albion Bridge Mills, 236 ; Albion Cotton Mills, Great Bridgewater Street, 150 ; All Saints' Church, 252 ; Allen's Buildings, 332 ; Alum St. , 216 ; Andrew's Greengate Cotton Waste Mill, 282; Athenajum, 338 ; Baerlein & Co.'s, Blackfriars St., ."04 ; Barrack St., Hulme, 326; Bateman's Buildgs., Deansgate, 252 ; Batty's Circus, 217 : Beaver's Cot- ton Mills, Miller St., 205; Bee Hive Cotton Mills, 215, 282 ; Behren's, Port- land St., 425; Bellhouse and Sons' Saw Mill, 165; Bennett's Factory. Great Newton St., 144; Blakely Street, US; Brennand's, Kersal Moor, 317; Brough- ton Silk Mills, 250; Bu- chan (fe Shaw's Factory, Hr. Ardwick, 185 ; But- terworth's Warehouse, Union St., 383 ; Buxton & Son's Premises, Oxford 1M., 161; Calendar House, Bateman's Buildgs , 215 ; Christian Knowldg. Soc, 226; Clay and Culling- worth's, and Hudson and Price's Warehouses, Mars- den Sq , 158 ; Clayton k, < i ladstone's Warehouse, 220; Cockshoot A Co.'s Carr'go Wks., 841; Cooper Bros.', 261 : Crafts and Stell's, George St., 212 ; Croom and Wliittaker's, Hargreaves street, 241 ; Dean's Factory, 12s; Ellis and Norton's, 219 : Eve- leigh h Son's, Greene, ite, 238 ; Factory, Knot Mill, 152 ; Fairbairn it Eillie's Foundry, 183 : Fair- weal lier's Faet v,( lambdg st, 200; Fatal, al Holt Town, 859 ; Paulkener A Factory, Jei ey St., Gaytborn Cotton Works, 248 : George St, 280 ; Grimshaw s, Knot Mill, 42S; HaUth, Mar- shall, & TidswcH's Ware- house, High >tre ( t. 1 IS ; Hanover Mills, Buxton St., 279 . Hi lam's, Meal Bt, 380; Hilton a: Brad- fa ii h's and Brook Dugdalc's, 2oo ; llindlcy's Factory, Ancoata, Hoi, son's, Peter St., 21 1 ; Hod kinson A Son, Prin cess St . 391 : I fodson i 18; M i lotton Mill , Irwell Bl Igs, 229; Irwell Found] y. mi: Ji ihnson's Timber Yard, 322 ; Eft u- nedy's Factory, 1 12 : caster'sWks.,Harpurhey, 316 ; Lewis & Williams's Mill, Minshull St., 274; Littlewood and Kirby's Cotton Mill, 128; Lock- wood & Thornton's, 21S ; L. and N. W. Ry. Co.'s, Ordsal La., 303 ; Machine Shops in Little Lever St., 210; Macintosh & Co.'s Factory, 203 ; Market St., 241 ; Market St. and High St., 286; McConnel'sMill, Jersey St., 32S; Medloek Paper .Mill, 187 ; Mouncey and Steadman, 240 ; Nathan's W'house, Lloyd St., 207; Naylor & Co.'s Warehouse, 144 ; Neill & Sons', Lower Broughton, 38S; Nelson's Tanyard, Red Bank, 286 ; Newall's Buildings, Market Street, 100 ; New Market Hall, 113 ; Nichols, Morris, A Compy., Piccadilly, 287 ; Nightingale ; Ox- Eord Eload Twist Co., 202; Pantechnicon, 354 : Par- allin i >il Shop, Rochdale Rd., 318 ; Parr, Curtis, & Co., 216, 283 : Perry's Cot- ton Waste Warehouse, 276; Pollard's Factory, 127 ; Read'sFactory, Islington, 135 ; Render 9 Halliwell, Richard x Halstead, Miss 146 Ham, Rev. James Panton.. 279 Hamilton, Andrew 310 Hamilton, Cornel 109 Hamilton, l.oril E 403 Hamilton, Lord P 119 Hamilton, Lord F. C 425 Hamilton, Gavin 178 Hampson, John 181 Hatnpson, William 218, Mr L25 Banforth, John 90, 9 1 Li i , M .. murdi red, 812, 313 Hannah. Kcv. John, D.D.. 309 Hanovei St., Fall of builds . LI*! Banover Mills, Buxton St., destroy ed by lire 279 B J. A 390 II. uis. in, Bdw x llansi in Geo: - 370 ii - n. Col. ■' 139, i 12; Dui I i tm |n isoned, I '." ; At Courl 181 Iw 32 Bardcastle, William Bardey, Roger x l v. V\ mi x II oil. II in >. M.D L78 1 108 1 1 nihil. m. John xi hi. Joseph xi Ho dm in. I ii.mi i- .... xii, 208 Bardwick, Charles 807 Hardy, John In," 1 1 1 1 res -.I tamer ... I Bargreaves, James, 98, ioj, LOS Page Harland, John 313 Harmonious Content 58 Harper, William 271 llarpurhey Incorprtn., 423, 425 Harrald, F.lward, Diary .. 75 Harris, |,,, Binging Master at the Collegiitc Church 184 Harris, William 76 Harrison, Rev. Cuthbert . . 141 Harrison, Isaa ■ 408 Harrison, Rev John .... 60. 62 Harrison, Rev. Ralph ..111, 217 Harrison, Richard xiii Harrison, Stephen 143 1 larrison, Thomas x Harrison, T. F 243 Harrison, William 40S Barrop,J.,89,132,133,134,166,192 Barrop, John 358 Harrop, Joseph. . xiii, S8, 89, 96 132, 166, 192 Barrop'sManch. Mercury, 80, 1S1 Harry the Devil 155 Harsnett, Thomas II:; Hartcr, J. C . 233, 251, 267, 2S7 Hatter, W 171, 236 Hartington, Lord 373, 406 Hartley, Mrs 125 Hartley, lohn 57 Hartley, John . x, xi Hartley, John, J.F., Peti- tion for removal from Commission of the Peace 67 Hartley, Nicholas x Hart ley, Richard 17S Harvcy.AM.W. xii, 261, 27 1. 3 i llarw 1, Simon, sermon.. 39 Harwood, J. J. xii, 41:;, 121, 123 425 Barwood, Rd xiv Baslam's, Meal St., Fire at 880 ll.itii. id, Jonathan 209 Hatfield, Thomas James .. 157 Hats 37, L56 I [atton, Win xiii Baughton, Humphrey.... x Baward, Samuel 71 Bawarth, Abraham xi Bawcroft, J. Mowbray 380 Bawett, Nicholas xi Haulers. Rev. William.. .. 159 Hawkins, Justice I [awkswell, John xi H worth, Edmund 123 Haworth, John L43 Haworth, Richard ::i i, 31 Bawthorne, Nathaniel .... 272 Hay, Re\ W. R 15S, 20S ii..-. Market Baydon, B. R. hi, Irank I [ayes, rhoni i^ 95 Hayfield, Ellen mi, F. .1 819 Bealey, « Ih is., shop on Bn . 158 I ■,. ,• \ t ..ii Towns Commissn 224 Heap, \n. i '.. Murder by. Bearne, Rev, Daniel n ton Park races, lTi ; rem i I William ; . Stephen., xiv, 21 9 Bell, How to send girls to. 100 II. 147 11. mi. Rev. John 414 Hennessey, Sir J. Pope.. 444 Index. Page Henry, Alexander .... 217, 28S Henry, J. S 288 Henry, Mitchell.. 28S, 309, 317 Henry, Thos., F.R.S... 116, 150 Henry, Wm., M.D 197 Henry VII. visits M' Chester 24 Henshaw, Mrs. Sarah 196 Henshaw, Thomas.. .. 141, 196 Henshaw 's Blind Asylum opened.. .. 200, 311, 312, 313 Hepworth, James 143 Hepworth, Rycroft 143 Herald of the Future 207 Heralds' Fees 48 Herbert, Auberon 420 Herbert, H. W 239 Herbert, Dean Wm., 210, 214, 239 Herford, Edward 331 Herle, Thomas, Warden 33,60,62 Heron, James Holt 241 Heron, Sir J. 204, 241, 340, 419 Hervey, James 277 Hervcy, Thomas Kibble . . 277 Hewes, Thomas C 185 Hewitt, Richard Porter . . 241 Hey, Ellis 41 Heygate, John xiii Heyrick, Rd 52, 53, 58, 59 60, 62, 64, 66 Heywood Abel. . . .xii, 277, 293 296, 360, 364, 366 Heywood, Mrs. Abel 355 Hey wood, Sir B. . . 1S2, 203, 229 253, 296, 306 Heywood, Benj. Arthur .. 148 Heywood, James, F.R.S... 75 104, 194, 254, 260, 269, 425 Heywood, John xi, 293 Heywood, John, jun 323 Heywood, Nathaniel ..148, 306 Heywood, 251, 397, 425 Heywood, Rev. 66 Heywood, Thomas xiii, 306 Heywood, Sir T. P 401 Heywood's B'nk established 115 Hibbort, Aid. George 201 Hibbert, Col. George C.B.. 24S Hibbert, Jas xii Hibbert, J. T 322 Hibbert, Rt 201 Hibbert Samuel 248 Hibbert, Sylvanus 103 Hibbert, Titus 110 Hibbert, Dr. Wm 204 Hibbert-Ware, Dr. Samuel 248 Higgin, Bishop, Wm 308 Higham, Joseph xi Highs, Tho. (see Hayes, T.) Highways Repair Relief Act 257 Higson, John 330 Higson, Thomas 391 Hilal, Prince, visits Man- chester 234 Hill, Henry xi Hill, Lord 183 Hill, Nathan 149, 153 Hill, Sir Rowland 230 Hill, Wm xiii Hilton&Bradshaigi's,fire at 209 Hilton, Ann 132 Hilton, Capt. James 91 Hilton, Samuel C 162 Hinde, Mrs. Ann 78 Hinde, Rev. John 78 Hindley, Mr 95 Hindley, Rev. Jno. Haddon 174 Hindley's Factory, Ancoats, burned down 135 Page Hindley, Robert xiii Hindmarsh, Rev. R. . . 148, 193 Hoare, 317 Hoare, A. P. E., Claim to appoint bellman 211 Hobson, Edward., xii, xiii 180 Hodges, George 202 Hodgkinson & Son, Fire at warehouse of 391 Hodgkinson, Eaton 283 Hodgkinson, W. E 341 Hodgson, Henry 383 Hodson, Francis Marcellus. 176 Hodson, James xi Hodson Square, Fire in . . 128 Holbrook, Rev. R 64 Holbrooke, John xi Holden, J 405 Holden, William, executed 153 Holker, Helen 101 Holker, Chev. John 113 Holker, John S5, 86 Holker, Sir John 389 Holker, Lawrence 55, 101 Holland, Col 56 Holland, Isaac, apprehend. for forgery 184 Holland, James, hanged . . 114 Holland, James xiii Holland, Rev. John 17S Holland, Richard 44 Holland, Rev. T 64 Holland, Thomas xiii, 178 Holland, Mr 109 Hollingsworth, Thomas . . 147 Hollins, F 397 Hollinworth, Rev. R 60, 62 Holme, Edw., M.D 221, 243 Holmfirth Catastrophe, public meeting 260 Holroyd, Mr 145 Holt, David 236 Holt, David 375 Holt, Robert 395 Holyoake, G. J., 289 ; com- plimentary dinner 390 Home for Widows of Pro- fessional men 392 Homoeopathic Practit'ners' Congress 353 Hone, William 170 Hood, Rev. E. Paxton 3"2 Hood, Lord, visits Manches. Ill Hoole, Rev. Elijah 431 Hoole, H xiii, 230 Hoole, Rev. Joseph 84, 85 Hoole, Rev. Joseph 109 Hooson, Edward 304, 321 Hope Infirmary opened . . 391 Hope, J. T., dinner to 187 Hope, Richard 342 Hope St. Schools, opd. 203, 205 Hopkinson, John xii, 366 Hopwood, Edmund 52 Hordern, Rev. Peter ..163,196 Horridge, Samuel xiii Horrox, Jeremiah 52 Horse Show in Pomona . . 350 Horticultural Exhibition . . 3S2 Horton <5i Co's Warehouse fell down 230 Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Throat 348 Hospital Sunday and Fund 97 119, 342, 350 Houdin, Robert 247 Houghton, Lady 232 Houghton, Lord 294 Page Houghton, Thomas 92 Houghton, William xi Houldsworth, W. H.. ..387, 397 419, 425 Houtson, John 16S House of Correction . . 102, 117 House of Recovery. . . . 125, 155 Houses, number 108 Howard, John 102 Howard, Mr 263 Howard, Mr., jewellery stolen from 294 Howard, R. Baron, M.D. .. 244 Howarth, Cowdroy, and Rathbone 151 Howarth, Rev. David 270 Howarth, John 313 Howarth, Kay, executed . . 409 Howe, Matthew 93 Howe, William 172 Hoy, J 244 Hoyle, Thomas, sen 162 Hudlestone, Rev. Wm 79 Hudson ■■ Art . . 379 Joynson, Peter ! !2 Judson, Kan, lie 143 Jumper, 8. D, Scott, the .. 201 Junior Conservative Club.. 861 Kay, Alexander .. xii, 28 Kay, .lames x'ii lohn xiv, 80, E Kay, Joseph I ! ert 98 i ir, Samuel 110 Kay-Shuttlewoith, Sir. I. P, 801 6 :. 869 I, S miuel Kearsley, John xi Ki 1, iy, Henry x Kelly iV- Gilmour'sfac, acct 213 Kelly, CoL, liberated 308 Page Kemblo, J. P., first app'rnc. 104 Kempshead, Mrs., Explos'n at her shop 199 Kendal, Milne, & Faulkner 218 Kencaly, Dr. E. V 347 Kennedy, James 141 Kennedy, John 153, 208 Kennedy, Michl, hanged.. 336 Kennedy's factory burned.. 132 Kenny, M. J 392 Kenworthy, Charles 254 Kenyon, Mr 79 Kenyon, Rev. Robert 114 Kerr, James xiii Kersal Moor — duel, 133 ; Chartists, 203, 20S ; Grand Stand, 104 ; Execution, 117 ; Burial, 13S ; Races, SO, 85, 93, 100, 140, 236, 2S1; Reviews .. 124, 148, 194 Kershaw, James., xii, 261, 292 Kershaw, John 143 Kershaw, U 102 Kershawe, Mrs. Robert 30 Keymer, John 277 Kidd, Rev. J. W 19S Kilbie, Wm. Leonard .... 170 Kilvcrt, Nicholas 399 King of England, proclama- tion against that style . . 5S Klmj Arthur 402 King John xii King's Head, Salford 05 Kingsley, John 397 King St. [mprovem't Act.. 164 Kirkc, Mr., died of plague.. 44 Kirkhani, Nat xiii Knight, C 175, 262 Knight, John m:> Knight, Rev. Samuel 204 Knight, Thomas 158 Knot Mill, 6 ; Covered .Market. 362 ; Fair .. 357, 359 Knott, James 14:'. Knowles, James 51 Knowles, John.. ..219, 222, 284 261, 375 Knowles, John, jun 227 Knowles, J. Sheridan .... 267 Knox, Rev. William 409 Kossuth, Louis 257,259 Kuerden, Rd., M.D 71 Kyrshaw, Rd., the wayte.. 33 J., buys manor of M. 3,8 ic, formed . . LSI | Lli School, l ii, l 12 ' Literary Society . . 318 visitors to Weaste workhouse ppointed .. 887 l.aing, Right Hon. S 286 Sir Launcelol du. ... 4 l.amb, Rev. Robert 336 I. imbetb I legreea 77, 7s • ■ itor 184 . i-i Lanes. Comm'l Clerks' Boc. 181 I, incashire Sero 229 II unialie Society . . 1 10 not 82 U 95 jhire a palatine .... 18 •• Lancashire Plol " 72 Lanes. Pub. Boh) Ass,,,,. 241, 254 Lanes, in. Indep. Church, Lancathax Witcha 446 Index. Page Lancashire, James xi Lancashire, Thomas . . . . x, xi- Lancaster, John 138 Lancaster's Wks, Harp'rhey 316 Laneasterian School 376 Land Emancipation Union 387 Land League suppression . . 384 Land value 189 Lane, Captain C. H 351 Lane, Richard 106, 249 Lang's Music Hall, Accid'nt 316 Langdale, Hon. Charles . . 216 Langford, Thomas 17 Langley, Lawrence x Langley, Sir R., Warden. 22, 23 Langley, Rob x Langton, William 3S3 Langton, William 194 Langworthy, E. R xiv, 251 271, 369 Larkin executed 309 Latest News 392 Latham, A. G 3S6 Latham, Dr. R. G 256 Latham, Mr 60, 62 Lathom, Earl of 226 Lathom House. Seige of . . 57 Lavender, Stephen .... 162, 188 La Warre, Sir John .... 16, 17 La Warre, R., 10th baron. . 18 La Warre, J., 11th baron. 18, 19 La Warre, T., 12th brn. 19, 20, 22 La Warre, Thos. W., Lord.. 30 Law Association Dinner .. 209 Law Clerks' Friendly Soc . . 250 Law, David, jun 13S Law, Dr. G. H, 153 Law Library 159 Lawlor, Henry 398 Lawn, W. S 354 Lawrence. Hn. A., visits M. 255 Lawrence, Sir T 141 Lawson, Rev. Charles .... 136 Lawson, Sir W 246,374 Lawton, James 143 Lawton, Thomas 350 Layce, John 43 Leach, James 244, 246 Leadenhall Market 214 Leaf. William xiii Leaf, Mr 118 League newspaper 243 Leake, R. A 372 Leatherbarrow Mary 141 Leather Dressers 34 Lee, Ann Ill Lee, Henry, M.P 340, 382 Lee, Jesse 225 Lee, Dr. J. P., Bp. of Men., 241 243, 245, 249, 253, 256, 261, 266 268, 270, 275, 276, 279, 2S6, 287 290, 291, 293, 296, 316, 319, 320 Lee, Rev. T. G 255, 383 Lee, — , blacksmith, mur- ders Richardson 251 Lee and Phillips light their factory with gas 136 Leech, James xiii Leech, John xiii Leech, J., Act for sale of land 174 Leeming, John xiii Lees, Asa 405 Lees, Dr. F. R 277 Lees, Jerry xiii Lees, John 100 Lees, Jonathan xi Leicester, Joseph 204 Leicester, Josiah 107 Page Leigh, Charles 37, 52 Leigh, Cornelius 146 Leigh, Evan 356 Leigh, John 52 Leigh, John 156, 312 Leigh, Mary 190 Leigh, Robert 37 Leigh, William 52, 64 Leland, J., description of M. 27 Lemon, Joshua 246 Leppoe, H. J 397 Lesseps, Count F. de, visits 398 Leuchte. Julius biS Lever, Sir A., 99,104,114,130,138 Lever, Sir Darcy 104, 204 Lever, Dame Frances 130 Lever, John 191 Lever, Rev. John 138 Lever, Lady 104 Leverian Museum 115 Levi, Prof essor Leone .... 311 Lewes, G. H 250 Lewis, W. T 142 Lewis, Mr 195 Lewis and Williams, Mill, Minshull Street, on fire . . 274 Leybourne, James 39 Leypayers : Meeting, 162 ; Against new Churches . . 166 Liberal Association \ 363 Liberal Club, Greengate . . 372 Liberal Club, Ordsal 379 Liberal Demonstration.... 406 Liberal Dmstn. at Pomona. 373 Liberation Society 291 Libraries : Manchstr. Free, 253, 255 ; Poll, 262 ; Camp- field, 262; Deansgate, 3SS; Cheetham, 366; Chorlton, 305 ; Hulme, 303 ; Refer- ence, 34S, 361, 366, 370 ; Boys' room , Rochdale Rd . , 423; Sunday opening, 367, 369 ; Peel Park, 249, 254 ; Greengate, 324 ; Kegent Road, 339 ; Mchester. Cir- culating, 92; Subscription, est., 119 ; sold, 309; Asso- ciation, 373 ; Authorities mtng., 383 ; Public, form- ed by John Prestwich . . 67 Licensed Victuallers' Socty. 246 Liebig, Prof., Justus von, visited Manchester 229 Life Boats presntd., 310, 311, 312 Lightbowne, John xi Lilburne, Colonel 63 Limners' Club 400 Lind, Jenny 241, 247 Linen 27 Lingard, Rev. Joshua .... 219 Lingard, Thomas 223 Lion, Salford Fire dog .... 326 Literary and Philosopieal Society founded 10S, 116 Little, Rev. W. J. K 3S2 Littlewood, Thomas, mur- der at the house of . . 152, 153 Littlewood and Kirby's Cot- ton Mill burnt 12S Liverpool Architectural & Archaeological Society . . . 351 Liverpool and Manchester Agricultural Society .... 258 Liverseege, Henry 184 Livesey, Rev. John 323 Livesey, Robert xi Livingstone, R. P xiv Page Livingstone, Dr. David, visits Manchester 273 Lloyd, George, 88, 109, 122, 134 Lloyd, Susanna G 309 Lock Hospital opened .... 155 Locke, David xiii Lockett, Wm xiii, xiv Lockett, William 226, 270 Lockett, Wm 398 Lockwood and Thornton's, Fire at. 218 Lomas, Geo. Edmund .... 375 Li >m:is, Wm xii London Road Station 381 ; Fall of roof 301 Longfield, Edward 281 Longford, Nich. de, grantee of Withington 19 Long Millgate, Fatal fall of buildings in 191 Looms at work in Man- chester 171, 177, 187 Lord, Hon. H. W 312 Lord, John 218 Louis of Austria, Archduke, visits Manchester 148 Lover, Samuel 234 Lowe, J 292, 340 Lower Broughton first lighted with gas 238 Lowes, R. J 344 Loxham, Wm xiii Loyd, Col. Edward .. ..290, 321 Loyd, Lewis 156, 290 Loyd, S. J 398 Luddite Oaths 143 Lunardini, SignorG., killed 261 Lunatic Asylum 242 Lunatic Hospital 97 Lycurgus, Archbishop .... 322 Lyghe, Randall, the Wayte. 34 Lying-in Hospital .... 116, 153 Lynch, Daniel ' 195 Lynde, J. G 393 Lytton, Sir E. B 262 Ly tton , Earl 387 IKE Macardy, Joseph 156, 203 Macaulay, Aulay 115 Macaulay, Margaret 129 MacDouall, Dr. P. M 211 Macfadyen, Rev. J. A 380 Macintosh & Co., Factory on Fire 203 Mackay, Alex 254 Mackie, Aid. J., xii, 274, 293, 337 Maclean, Alexander 343 Maclure, J. W., 297, 301, 306, 417 Macnamara James, hanged 117 Maoready, W. C. . . 138, 140, 163 251, 267 Macvicar, John xii Maddock, Samuel 85, 86 Madge, Rev. Thos 306 Madge, Travers 306 Mail 134 Mainwaring, Peter, M.D.. 112 Maggs, Corp. Dan., Inqston 188 Magna Charta signed by R. Gresley 9 Mahon, Elder James 211 Makin, Benjamin xiii Makinson, Charles xiv Malagasy Ambassadors .... 393 .Maiden, Joseph 224 Malibran, Madame 197 Index. 447 Tage Mallalieu, Francis 191 Mallayns, John 37 Mallory, Rev. J. H 145, 1S5 Malone, Rev. William .... 61 Manchester : Academy, 113; Value in 12S2, 12 ; Act for regulating the town, 176 ; " Manchester Act" passd. .si : Act for cleansing and lighting, 97 ; Sketch of History, v ; Sold to La Warre, 16; Earl of, 49; Conquered by Edwin, 4 ; Conquered by Saxons, 3; Assembly, 97 ; Borough or market town, IS ; Created a city by Ro3'al Charter, 263 ; Described by Chamberlayne, 81 ; Described by Defoe, 79; Described by Stukeley, 78 ; Description of in 1650, 59 ; Description of, S3 ; Disfranchised, 64 ; Dis- mantled, 60 ; Ecclesias- tical Valuation, 12; Extent of, 6 ; Improve- ment Acts, 257; Improve- ment Committee, 177; In Domesday, 6; Leland's description, 27 ; New college, 113 ; Parish Division Act, 253 ; 1'lan of, 83 ; Printing Sucicty, L09 : Rebuilt & garrisoned 5, 6 ; Rcgt. , 55 ; Regt. rebel, 84, 85, 87; 72nd Regt, 105, 110; School", Defeat of, 271 ; Taxable property, 71 ; Manchester Advi rtist r, 170 : Manches- ter al Mondo, 19 ; Man Chester a/ad Liverpool Museum. 106 ; Manchester and Salford Advertiser, L76; Manchester Chronicle, 94, lor, -jr.« ; Manchester Chronicle and Salford Standard, 107, 204 ; Man- chester City News, 292; Man- chester Cow U r, L51, 169 ; Manch. Exchanyi Herald, ill; Manchesti r Frii /"/, 80, L21; Manch Gv • dian, L62, 221 ; Manch. Quid* , i:; i ; tfanclu -'■ r // i aid. 119; Manclu U r Iris, L65; Mam h Jo 1,90,203; Manchester I Y.M.C.A., 270; Manch. Mat ' '• ' '"> 872 ; Manclu ■■< r tf< rcury, 88, .v, 96 ; Mam < r, I, 156, 1 58 ; Ma •■ In U r Manch. r- , 181 Manch. '/'■ m- Reporter, 250; Manch .1 ro ; Manch. Trades Journal, 400; Manchester Weekly To i rnal 77, 88 M mchester, Hugh of 12 Manehei ter, Jo :pli 371 Mandley, a. r 2i Manloy Hall Manners, Lord John .... Page Manning, Cardinal 383 Manor Court Room 206 Manor of Manchester, 17, 43, 140 172, 232, 236 Mantell, Sir J. 1 320 Mantle, G. J 256 Manual Training 417 Manufacturers, Habits of 71 Marchant's Description of Manchester S3 Mark, Dr 310 Markets .. 89, 107, 10S, 114, L32 142, 167, 16S, 176, 237, 239 Market rights, 117, 118, 356, 363 367, 391, 398 Market St. Improvements, 162 163, 164, 165, 192 Market St., Man crushed in 162 Markham, Capt. C. K 361 Markland, Lieut. Ralph .. 110 Markland, .lames Hoywood 293 Markland, John xi, 126 Markland, Rev. John .... 158 Markland, Robert 158 Markland, Thomas 240 Mailer, Edw X Marler, Humfrey xi Marler, John x, xi Marler, Robert xi Marriages in Holy Trinity ( Inn ch, Act to rmlr. valid 265 Marriott, Joshua 9Ci Marriott, Thomas xi, xiii Marsden, Rev. Jeremiah .. 70 Marsden, Marg., mrdrd., 152,153 Mars en, Ralph 70 Marsden, William 245 Marsh, Rev. William 285 Marshall, Rev. Charles ... . 406 Marshall, George 37. I !7 Marshall, Miss 232 Marston. Rev. C. D 359 Martineau, Harriet, Visit of '.^'i Martineau, Rev. James.. .. 112 Marvel, Aaron 1 13 Mason, Hugh 291, 313 Mas. in, Matthew I7;i Masons' 81 tike 326 Masonic I till. I 'ooper St. . . 291 Massey, .lames. ... xiii, 121, 123 Massey,Jas.,comitd suicide 138 Massey, John 181, 215 Massey, William 181 M , ey, W. X., 271, 277,29 Massie, Dr. J. W 211 r, Vi n. R. M.. Mull,, matical A- ctures .... 77 Mather, Willi tm 372, 125 Mather, William 875 ' itli.r 222 .1 i lie 1 C. J \| .i hews, B Matthews, Arthur Sidney. . 24s Matthi ■ F 3.75 Matthews, Samuel 248 M m; . . D inicl 202 Mauldeth Hall Hospital for 1 1 durables Maun. I I'. I) M iximilian, Archduke of Au-i i ia, viBii M Maximus, Emperor 3 May, Di in in.; iu iry, John 311 i mis, Pri- \.t ..." 121 13 iths Maynooth Grant 260, 269 Page Mayor of M'chester attends Collegiate Church 219 Mayors of Manchester .... xii Mayers of Salford xiv Mayson, John 251 M'All, Rev. P.. S 203 M'Connel's Mill on fire.... 328 M'( Iron, F. N 265 M'Curdy, l!ev. A 421 M'Ferran, Mr., robbed 296 M'Ginnes, Edward 148 M'Kcima executed 301 M'Kerrow, Kev. W., D.D.. 36S M'Kivett, Marg., murdered 349 M Daren, Alex 320 M'l.ellen, Sarah, murdered 1S2 M'Morland, Patrick 212 Meadowcroft, Mr '.\'.) Me adowcroft, John 33S Meagher, Edward 165 Meagher, T. F 244 Meare, Richard xi Meat on fast days 42 Mechanics' lust! 169,177,392,397 Medical Chronicle 40S Medloek Paper Mill lire .. 187 Mec, Rebecca 102 Meek, Mr 60, 6 ' Meeke, Rev. Robert 68, 78 Mellor, Evan, murdered .. 287 Mellor, John xiii Memorial Hall 293, 301 Mendel, Sam 34S, 407 Mercer, R. C, Will of 407 Merriott, Richd.. and wife. 50 M. rry Andrew of Munch . . -It M«r. Overstone, Lord 398 Overton, Thomas 22 Owen, Rev. Charles 75 Owen, Lev. Humphrey 115, 117 < Iwen, John, Fire 385 Owen, Rev. J 87 Owen, Rev. J. B 270 Owen, Richard x Owen, Robert 200, 276 Owen, Mr., Fire at toyshop. 276 Owens College . . . 238, 2.'. t 256, 25\ 806, 307, 313, 317 323, :;24. :;:!*, :;n;, :;s7, 412 Owens College Magazim .... 313 Owens, John 237,256 Owens, Owen 237 < Oxford Road opened 117 Oxford Rd. Twist Co., Fire. 202 Packet to Runcorn emmed. 138 Page, Rev. J. A 376 Page, William 78 Paget, Nathaniel, M.D.... 68 Paget, Rev. Thomas 6S Paine, T.. effigy burned, 120; Bones of 157 Pakington, Sir John 309 Palin, Captain W. D. .. 380, 389 Palmer, John 159, 238 Palmer, Joseph B 148 Panic 108 Panic in Wesleyan Cha] i 1. Oldham Street 147 Pankhurst, R. M 390, 397 Pantechnicon 354 Tapal Aggression 254, 255 Papists rumoured about to attack Manchester 41 Parcel Post 335 Paris International Exhib. 266 Parish Clerk appointed by Traffords 37 Parish of Manchester Divi- sion Act 259 Parish Hcgistersol I ,11 i h. 223 i. d 825 Parkes, Rev. William.. .. Parkinson, Rev. Rich., 189, Parks Committee 232 Parks, Mc t ropolitan, Ex- clusion hnn 301 Parks, Public Meeting 229 Parks, Put. lie. opene I .... 238 Parliamentary Elections, xiv xv, Jtvi, 186, Is;, i ;, 2io 261, 271, 276, 277, ■: : 17, 840, ,", 427. Parliamentary Members .. IS Parliamentary Ri foi m, .' 274, 27.'., ! Parliamentary R on Benta tives, Petitions for l - 1 Parnell, C. S i' 11, Francis Parochial A.1 123 Parr,< urtis, simps opened 127 South Lancas. Bank .. 196 South Manchester Qazettt .. . 417 Southam, Geo., F.R.C.S. . Southey, Robert 137, l>:; Si luthern Hosp. for I Heeaees of Women and Children.. .''1 1 Southwell, Charles 281 Southworth, Si]- John .... :','.) Bowler, !.'. 8., Q.0 827 Sowler, Thomas 180 . Thomas 169, L92 Sowler, Thomas : ,27 Sparke, William x, 19 Sparrow, Sergeant-Mujor . . 66 Sjx ctator 155 Speed, Joseph 210 Spelling Hoc Spence, J. M 869 Spence, Peter 36 '. Spencer, Ld. R. visits Man. 112 Spenser, John 30 Spindles, Number of 153 Page Spinning with rollers 83 Spinning factories, No. of.. 114 Spinning machine imprvd. 92 Spinning jenny .... 95, 98, 112 Spinning j'ny, double, inv'd 100 Springfield Lane Bridge . . . 379 Sguib 186 Stamp Collectors' Advertiser. 292 Stamp Duties Act 162, 198 Stamp Office in Manchester 346 Stamp Office rob'd, 268, 303, 306 Stamped Documents, No. of 342 Standish, Captain 55 Standish, Sir F., visits Man. 112 St. Andrew's Day 355, 425 St. Andrew's Society Standring, John 897 Stanley, Abraham 110 Stanley, Bishop E 198 Stanley, Ferdinando, fined 58 Stanley. II. M 408, 123 St.tnley, Jas., Warden and Bishop.... 23, 24, 25, 26, 1 14 Stanley, Sir J., at Flodden. 26 Stanley, Lord 23 Stanley, Lord, Dinner to.. 182 Stanley, Lord 293 Stanley, Lord 309 Stanley, Lady Mary M . . .. 164 Stanley, Sir Rowland .... 72 Stanley, Col. Thomas, M.P. Ill 112, 127, 130, 141 Stanley, Wm x Stanley, Sir William 24 St. Ann's Churchy'd enclsd 155 St. Ann's Church 75 St. Ami's Ch. Register com. 81 Stanway, J. H., absconds.. 233 St arkey, Peter 52 Starkie, Thos xi Starkie, Wm xii Starkie, William Statistical Society 189, 381 St. Bede's College si riem.-nt'.- i i, .; 153 Steam Engine foi Spi i g 116 Steam Hammer 331 Steamer for passengers on the Irwell 203 Steele, Rev. Thos si. 1!, Joseph Stephens, Edward, M..D. .. Stephens, Prof. Geo Stephens, Rev. J. R. .. 16 i, 370 Stephenson, Geo K'S, 480 SI ephenson, i.'t . of Worsley 187 nsoii, Robert 27S Stern, Mr. David 417 Stem, Sigismund J lis Stewart, C. P 841 Stewart, Rev. Wm 270 ho 8 i liarv Justice- . . - Stipend! try M ap- points i ". 114, 145 Theatre 405 I iy Hill .. 155 St. Mary's CI) ip il, ColL Ch. 25 st. Mary's Gal 49 31 M - i! pital....268, 270 Stockport, John xi Stocks remov'd fr, mi ilarket Place 151 Jesse P 431 Stone, Daniel 337 454 Index. Page Stone, Frank, A.R. A 278 Stonehouse, Rev. W. B. . . 288 Stonor, Hon. Thomas 246 Stopford, Rev. Joshua .... 67 Stordy, John 416 Storms 129, 147, 152, 189 191, 194, 204, 251, 252, 257, 261 265, 267, 291, 331, 339, 341, 352 Stot, Joseph 91 Stott, Benjamin 253 Stott, David 243 Stott, John xi Stott, Captain Thomas 178 Stott, Thomas xi Stowell, Rev. Hugh.. ..179, 255 267, 269, 270, 296 St. Peter's Field, Meetingsatl50 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158 Strange, Lord, Attack of... 54 Strangers' Friend Society... 118 Strangeways Bridge 151 Strangeways Chpl., Col. Ch. 24 Strangeways County Prison 293 Strangeways Park Ice acci. 138 Stratford, Bishop Nicholas. 75 Stratford, Rev. Nicholas, 66, 70 Street Acts, 205,227,264, 267, 268 Street Signs taken down . . 99 Streets Improvements, 103, 104 105, 164, 266 Streets, Number of 192 Stretf ord Chapel 28, 77 Strettles, Rev. J. B 430 Strikes : Oakum Pickers, 155 221, 245 ; 181, 184, 218 285, 293, 305, 326, 361, 368 Stuart, Charles, Young Pre- tender 83 Stuart, John 366 Stuart, J., jun 248 Btukeley, Dr. W., Descrip- tion of Manchester 79 Sturgeon, William 254 Subscription Library 99 Sucklinge, Sir John 49 Sudlow. John 130 Sudlow, John 325 Sudlow, William 130 Suet in bread 42, 43 Suez Canal 315 Suffield, Lord 97 Suicide buried at New Cross 139, 239 Sumner, Bishop 214 Suns, Mock 59 Sunday Bands in the Parks 270 Sunday Closing, 266.290,307, 351 Sunday Crying of Papers. . 419 Sunday Opening.. 264, 341, 342 367. 369 Sunday Schools .. 10^, 111, 112 127, 145, 148, 155, 17S 181, 194, 20S, 350, 357 Sunday Scholar, First .... 268 Sunday Scholars and White Hats 156 Sund ty Scholars, No. of . . 115 Sunday School Processions (see Whitsuntide) Survey of Manor of Mch. .17, 43 Sutton, C. W 372 Sutton, Henry 242 Swain, C 194, 344 Swallow, Charles 366 Swedenborgians .. 109, 120, 140 148, 166, 352 Swimming Baths in the Adelphi opened 194 Page Swimming School, Barrack Street, Chester Road 309 Swindells, George 123 Swindells, H. H 409 Swine 36 Swineshead Abbey, Grants to 8, 9 Swinton Moor 41 Swinton Schools 235 Sydall, Nicholas x Syddall, Thos. executed . . 76 Syddall, Thos. jr., 85 ; exe. 86 Sydenham, Ld. (see Thom- son, C. P.) 214 Syson, Dr. E. G 331, 425 Systematic Beneficence Soc. 311 T Table Turning 264 Talfourd, Serjeant 234 Talsley, Robert 43 Tarquin , Sir 4 Tate, William .... xiii, 121, 137 Tatham, Dr. J. F. W 337 Tatton, T. W 41S Tavard, Charles 193 Taxes 17 Tayler, Rev. J. J 431 Taylor, Cbarles, M.D 150 Taylor, Edmund 232 Taylor, Francis 335 Taylor, John 152 Taylor, John 273 Taylor, Rev. John 224 Tavlor, J. E., sen 89 Taylor, John Ed. . .153, 162, 224 Taylor, J. M 316, 319 Taylor, Medland 290 Taylor, M. and H 316 Taylor, Russell Scott 247 Taylor, Col. Samuel. . ..138, 159 Taylor, Rev. Samuel 161 Taylor, Tom 347 Taylor, Lieutenant Thomas 117 Taylor, Thomas 211 Taylor, William, murderer. 287 Taylor, Mr 60, 62 Taylor's shop dstryd. by fire 192 Tea introduced 74 Teachers' Union 344 Teare, James 312 Tebbutt, Robert, murdered 336 Technical Education . . 310, 311 313, 387 Technical School 392, 397 Teetotalism .. 190, 191, 193, 194 (see also Temperance) Teetotaller 257 Temperance : Conference, 192,245; Demonstration, 383; Electoral Associtn., 312 ; Hall, C.-on-M., 251 ; League Conference, 346 ; Meeting, Free Trade Hall, 307 ; Reformers' Meeting, 277 ; Temperance Reporter and Journal of Useful Literature, 252 ; Society formed, 179 ; Society of Mnchstr. & Salford, 266 ; Juvenile Societies, 193 ; Union 292 Templar, Benjamin 371 Temple, Christopher, Q.C.. 326 Temple, Bishop F 316 Temple, Stephen 316 Ten Hours Bill 235 Page Tennant, Sir J. E 220 Tennessee, Bishop of 313 Tennyson, Lord A 272 Terry, Charles 154 Testa de Nevill o Tetlow, John xi, 128 Textile Recorder 394 Thackary and Son's Cotton Factory burned down . . 135 Thackery Joseph x:i Thackeray, Miss 408 Theatres, Early 90, 93, 94 Theatres — Comedy, 411 ; Royal,103,13S J 140,192,234, 348 ; Burned down, 116, 226; Fire during Perform- ance, 235 ; Riots, 123, 155 ; St. James's 405 Theatres in Passion Week.. 305 Theft from a Coach 217 Thelwell, Mr 215 Tlieode