THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES » i THE WILD GEESE OTHER BOOKS BY STANLEY J. WEYMAN The House of the Wolf The New Rector The Story of Francis Cludde A Gentleman of France Under the Red Robe My Lady Rotha Memoirs of a Minister of France The Red Cockade The Man in Black Shrewsbury The Castle Inn Sophia Count Hannibal Li Kings' Byways The Long Night The Abbess of Vlaye Starvecrow Farm so THE STRUGGLE DEPICTED ITSELF TO MORE THAN ONE " THE WILD GEESE BY STANLEY J. WEYMAN Illustrated by W. H. Margetson New York Doubleday, Page & Company 1909 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, INCLUDING THAT OF TRANSLATION INTO FOREIGN LANGUAGES, INCLUDING THE SCANDINAVLAN COPYRIGHT, 1908, 1909, BY STANLEY J. WEYMAN PUBLISHED, FEBRUARY, 1909 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. On Board the "Cormorant " Sloop 3 II. MORRISTOWN • 16 III. A Scion of Kings ■ • 26 IV. "Stop Thief!" . , » 39 V. The Mess-room at Tralee • • 53 VI. The Maitre d'Armes . • 66 VII. Bargaining . « • 81 VIII. An After-dinner Game i • 92 IX. Early Risers • 105 X. A Council of War • • _ 119 XL A Message for the Young Master 134 XII. The Sea Mist • • 148 XIII. A Slip • • 162 XIV. The Colonel's Terms . • • 174 XV. Femina Furens • « 188 XVI. The Marplot • • 202 XVII. The Limit .... • • 215 XVIII. A Counterplot • < 230 XIX. Peine Forte et Dure . • • 244 VI THE WILD GEESE CHAPTER TAGt. XX. An Unwelcome Visitor . . .257 XXI. The Key 273 XXII. The Scene in the Passage . . . 286 XXIII. Behind the Yews . . . .297 XXIV. The Pitcher at the Well . . .312 XXV. Peace 320 ILLUSTRATIONS " So THE Struggle Depicted Itself to More Than One ! " . . . . . Frontispiece PAGE "'Who Loves Me, Follows Me! — Across the Water'" 102 "Then.with A Queer Sobbing Sound, She Fainted" 170 " She Lunged with all the Force of Her Strong Young Arm " . ..... 194 THE WILD GEESE CHAPTER I ON BOARD THE " CORMORANT*' SLOOP MIDWAY in that period of Ireland's history dur- ing which, according to historians, the dis- tressful country had none — to be more precise, on a spring morning early in the eighteenth century, and the reign of George the First, a sloop of about seventy tons' burthen was beating up Dingle Bay, in the teeth of a stiff easterly breeze. The sun was two hours high, and the gray expanse of the bay was flecked with white horses hurrying seaward in haste to leap upon the Blas- quets, or to disport themselves in the field of ocean. From the heaving deck of the vessel the mountains that shall not be removed were visible — on the northerly tack Brandon, on the southerly Carntual; the former sunlit, with patches of moss gleaming like emeralds on its breast, the latter dark and melancholy, clothed in the midst of tradition and fancy that in those days garbed so much of Ireland's bog and hill. The sloop had missed the tide, and, close hauled to the wind, rode deep in the ebb, making little way with each tack. The breeze hummed through the rigging. The man at the helm humped a shoulder to the sting of the spray, and the rest of the crew, seven or eight in 4 THE WILD GEESE number — tarry, pigtailed, outlandish sailor men — crouched under the windward rail. The skipper sat with a companion on a coil of rope on the dry side of the skylight, oblivious alike of the weather and his diffi- culties, his eyes fixed on his neighbour, in wondering, fatuous admiration. "Never?" he murmured respectfully. "Never," his companion answered. "My faith!" Captain Augustin rejoined. He was a cross between a Frenchman and an Irishman. For twenty years he had carried wine to Ireland, and returned laden with wool to Bordeaux or Cadiz. He knew every inlet between Achill Sound and the Head of Kinsale, and was so far a Jacobite that he scorned to pay duty to King George. "Never? My faith!" he repeated, staring, if possible, harder than ever. "No," said the Colonel. "Under no provocation, thank God!" "But it's drole," Captain Augustin rejoined. "It would bother me sorely to know what you do." "What we all should do," his passenger answered gently. "Our duty. Captain Augustin. Doing which, we have no more to fear, no more to question." " But west of Shannon, where there is no law ? " Augus- tin answered. "And in Kerry — where we '11 be, the saints helping, before noon — what with Sullivans, and Mahonies, and O'Beirnes, that wear coats only for a gentleman to tread upon, and would sooner shoot a friend before breakfast than spend the day idle, par ON BOARD THE 'CORMORANT" 5 ma foi, I 'm not seeing what you '11 be doing there, Colonel." "A man may protect himself from violence," the Colonel answered soberly, "and yet do his duty. What he may not do — is this: He may not go out to kill another in cold blood, for a point of honour, or for revenge, or to sustain what he has already done amiss! I hope I make myself clear, Captain Augustin?" he added courteously. He asked because the skipper's face of wonderment was not to be misread. And the skipper answered, "Quite clear!" meaning the reverse. Clear, indeed? Yonder were the hills and bogs of Kerry — lawless, impenetrable, abominable — a realm of Tories. On the sloop itself was scarce a man whose hands were free from blood. He, Augustin, mild-mannered as any smuggler on the coast, had spent his life between fleeing and fighting, with his four carronades ever crammed to the muzzle, and his cargo ready to be jettisoned at sight of a cruiser. And this man talked as if he were in church! Captain Augustin cast a wild eye at the straining, shrieking rigging; the sloop was lurching heavily. But whether he would or jio, his eye fluttered back and rested, fascinated, on the Colonel's face. Indeed, from the hour, ten days earlier, which had seen him mount the side in the Bordeaux river. Colonel John Sullivan had been a subject of growing astonishment to the skipper. Captain Augustin knew his world tolerably. In his 6 THE WILD GEESE time he had conveyed many a strange passenger from strand to strand, had talked with them, learned their secrets, and more often their hopes. But such a man as this he had never carried. A man who had seen outlandish service; but who neither swore, nor drank above measure, nor swaggered, nor threatened. Who would not dice, nor game — save for trifles. Who, on the contrary, talked of duty, had a peaceful word for all, openly condemned the duello, and was mild as milk and as gentle as an owl. Such a one seemed the fabled "phaynix," or a bat with six wings, or any other prodigy which the fancy, Irish or foreign, could conceive. Then, to double the marvel, the Colonel had a servant, a close-tongued fellow, William Bale by name, reputed an Englishman, who, if he was not like his master, was as unlike other folk. He was as quiet-spoken as the Colonel, as precise, and as peaceable. He had even been heard to talk of his duty. But while the Colonel was tall and spare, with a gentle eye and a long, kindly face, and was altogether of a pensive cast, Bale was short and stout, of a black pallor, and very forbidding. His mouth, when he opened it — which was seldom — ■ dropped honey. But his brow scowled, his lip sneered, and his silence invited no confidence. Such being the skipper's passenger, and such his man, the wonder was that Captain Augustin's astonish- ment had not long ago melted into contempt. But it had not. For one thing, a seaman had been hurt, and the Colonel had exhibited a skill in the treatment of ON BOARD THE "CORMORANT" 7 wounds which would not have disgraced an experienced chirurgeon. Then in the bay the sloop had met with half a gale, and the passenger, in circumstances which the skipper knew to be more trying to landsmen than to himself, had maintained a serenity beyond applause. He had even, clinging to the same ring-bolt with the skipper, while the south-wester tore overhead and the gallant little vessel lay over wellnigh to her beam-ends, praised the conduct of the crew. "This is the finest thing in the world," he had shouted, amid the roar of things, "to see men doing their duty! I would not have missed this for a hundred crowns!" "I 'd give as much to be safe in Cherbourg," had been the skipper's grim reply as he watched his mast. But Augustin had not forgotten the Colonel's coolness. A landsman, for whom the trough of the wave had no terrors, was not a man to be despised. Indeed, from that time the skipper had begun to find a charm in the Colonel's gentleness and courtesy. He had fought against the feeling, but it had grown upon him. Something that was almost affection began to mingle with and augment his wonder. Hence the patience with which, with Kerry on the beam, he listened while the Colonel sang his siren song. "He will be one of the people called Quakers," the skipper thought, after a while. "I've heard of them, but never seen one." Unfortunately, as he arrived at his conclusion, a cry from the steersman roused him. He sprang to his feet. 8 THE WILD GEESE Alas! the sloop had run too far on the northerly tack, and simultaneously the wind had shifted a point to the southward. She had been allowed to run into a bight of the north shore and a line of foam cut her off to the eastward, leaving small room to tack. She might still clear the westerly rocks and run out to sea, but the skipper saw that this was doubtful, and with a seaman's quick- ness he made up his mind. "Keep her on! — keep her on!" he roared. "Child of the accursed! We must run into Skull haven! And if the men of Skull take so much as an iron bolt from us, and I misdoubt them, I '11 keel-haul you! I '11 not leave an inch of skin upon you!" The man, cowering over the wheel, obeyed, and the little vessel ran up the narrowing water — on an even keel. The crew were already on their feet, they had loosened the sheet, and squared the boom; they stood by to lower the yard. All — the skipper with a grim face — stood looking forward, as the inlet narrowed, the green banks closed in, the rocks that fringed them approached. Silently and gracefully the sloop glided on, until a turn in the passage opened a small land-locked haven. At the head of the haven, barely a hundred yards above high-water mark, stood a ruined tower — the Tower of Skull — and below this a long house of stone with a thatched roof. It was clear that the sloop's movements had been watched from the shore, for although the melancholy waste of moor and mountain disclosed no other habitation, ON BOARD THE "CORMORANT" 9 a score of half-naked, barefoot figures were gathered on the jetty; while others could be seen hurrying down the hillside. These cried to one another in an unknown tongue, with shrill voices, which vied with the screams of the gulls swinging overhead. "Stand by to let go the kedge," Augustin cried, eyeing them gloomily. "We are too far in now! Let go! — let go!" But the order and the ensuing action at once redoubled the clamour on shore. A dozen of the foremost natives flung themselves into crazy boats, with consummate skill and daring. When they were within hail, a man, wearing a long frieze coat, and a fisherman's red cap, stood up in the bow of the nearest. "You will be coming to the jetty. Captain?" he cried in imperfect English. The skipper scowled at him, but did not answer. "You will come to the jetty, Captain," the man repeated in his high, sing-song voice. "Sure, and you 've come convenient, for there 's no one here barring yourselves." "And you're wanting brandy!" Augustin muttered bitterly under his breath. He glanced at his men as if he meditated resistance. "Kerry law! Kerry law!" the man cried. "You know it well. Captain! It's not I'll be answerable if you don't come to the jetty." The skipper, who had fared ill at Skull once before, knew that he was in the men's power. True, a single discharge of his carronades would blow the boats to 10 THE WILD GEESE pieces; but he could not in a moment warp his ship out through the narrow passage. And if he could, he knew that the act would be bloodily avenged if he ever landed again in that part of Ireland. He swore under his breath, and the steersman, who had wrought the harm by hold- ing on too long, wilted under his eye. At length he yielded, sulkily gave the order, the wind- lass was manned, and the kedge drawn up. Fenders were lowered, and the sloop slid gently to the jetty side. In a twinkling a score of natives swarmed aboard. The man in the frieze coat followed more leisurely, and with such dignity as became the owner of a stone-walled house. He sauntered up to the skipper, a leer in his eye. "You will have lost something the last time you were here, Captain ?" he said. " It is not I that will be respon- sible this time unless the stuff is landed." Augustin laughed scornfully. "The cargo is for Crosby of Castlemaine," he said. And he added various things which he hoped would happen to himself if he landed so much as a single tub. "It 's little we know of Crosby here," the other replied; and he spat on the deck. "And less we '11 be caring, my dear. I say it shall be landed. Here, you, Darby Sullivan, off with the hatch!" Augustin stepped forward impulsively, as if he had a mind to throw the gentleman in the frieze coat into the sea. But he had not armed himself before he came on deck, the men of Skull outnumbered his crew two to pne, and, though savage and half-naked, were furnished ON BOARD THE "CORMORANT" 11 to a man with long, sharp skenes. If resistance had been possible at any time, he had let the moment pass. The nearest justice lived twelve Irish miles away, and had he been on the spot he would, since he was of necessity a Protestant, have been helpless — unless he brought the garrison of Tralee at his back. The skipper hesitated, and while he hesitated the hatches were off, and the Sullivans swarmed down like monkeys. Before the sloop could be made fast, the smaller kegs were being tossed up, and passed over the side, a line was formed on land, and the cargo, which had last seen the sun on the banks of the Garonne, was swiftly vanishing in the maw of the stone house on the shore The skipper's rage was great, but he could only swear, and O'Sullivan Og, the man in the frieze coat, who bore him an old grudge, grinned in mockery. "For better custody, Captain!" he said. "Under my roof, bien! And when you will to go again there will be the dues to be paid, the little dues over which we quarrelled last time! And all will be rendered to a stave!" "You villain!" the Captain muttered under his breath. "I understand!" Turning — for the sight was more than he could bear — he found his passenger at his elbow. The Colonel liked the proceedings almost as little as the skipper. His lips were tightly closed, and he frowned. "Ay," Augustin cried bitterly — for the first instinct of the man who is hurt is to hurt another — "now you see what it is you 've come back to! It 's rob, or be V 12 THE WILD GEESE robbed, this side of Tralee. I wish you well out of it! But I suppose it would take more than this to make you draw that long hanger of yours?" The Colonel cast a troubled eye on him. "Beyond doubt," he said, "it is the duty of a man to assist in defending the house of his host. And in a sense and measure, the goods of his host" — with an uneasy look at the fast-vanishing cargo, which was leaping from hand to hand so swiftly that the progress of a tub from the hold to the house was as the flight of a swallow — "are the house of his host. I do not deny that," he con- tinued precisely, "but " "But in this instance," the sea-captain struck in with a sneer, contempt for the first time mastering wonder. "In this instance," the Colonel repeated with an unmistakable blush, "I am not free to act. The truth is. Captain Augustin, these folk are of my kin. I was born not many miles from here" — his eye measured the lonely landscape as if he compared it with more recent scenes — "and, wrong or right, blood is thicker than wine. So that, frankly, I am not clear that for the sake of your Bordeaux, I 'm tied to shed blood that might be my forbears'!" "Or your grandmother's," Augustin cried, with an open sneer. "Or my grandmother's. Very true. But if a word to them in season " "Oh, hang your words," the skipper retorted disdainfully. ON BOARD THE "CORMORANT" 13 He would have said more, but at that moment it became clear that something was happening on shore. On the green brow beside the tower a girl mounted on horseback had appeared; at a cry from her the men had stopped work. The next moment her horse came cantering down the slope, and with uplifted whip she rode in among the men. The whip fell twice, and down went all the tubs within reach. Her voice, speaking, now Erse, now Kerry English, could be heard upbraiding the nearest. Then on the brow behind her appeared a man who looked gigantic against the sky, and who sat a horse to match. He descended more slowly, and reached the girl's side as O'Sullivan Og, in his frieze coat, came to the front in support of his men. For a full minute the girl vented her anger on Og, while he stood sulky but patient, waiting for an opening to defend himself. When he obtained this, he seemed to the two on the deck of the sloop to appeal to the big man, who said a word or two, but was cut short by the girl. Her voice, passionate and indignant, reached the deck, but not her words. "That should be Flavia McMurrough!" the Colonel murmured thoughtfully, "and Uncle Ulick. He's little changed, whoever 's changed! She has a will, it seems, and good impulses!" The big man had begun by frowning on O'Sullivan Og. But presently he smiled at something the latter said, then he laughed; at last he made a joke himself. The girl turned on him; but he argued with her. A 14 THE WILD GEESE man held up a tub for inspection, and though she struck it pettishly with her whip, it was plain that she was shaken. O'Sullivan Og pointed to the sloop, pointed to his house, grinned. The listeners on the deck caught the word " Dues! " and the peal of laughter that followed. Captain Augustin understood naught of what was going forward. But the man beside him, who did, touched his sleeve. "It were well to speak to her," he said. "Who is she?" the skipper asked impatiently. "What has she to do with it?" "They are her people," the Colonel answered simply — "or they should be. If she says yea, it is yea; and if she says nay, it is nay. Or, so it should be — as far as a league beyond Morristown." Augustin waited for no more. He was still in a fog, but he saw a ray of hope; this was the chatelaine, it seemed. He bundled over the side. Alas! he ventured too late. As his feet touched the slippery stones of the jetty, the girl wheeled her horse about with an angry exclamation, shook her whip at O'Sullivan Og — who winked the moment her back was turned — and cantered away up the hill. On the instant the men picked up the kegs they had dropped, a shrill cry passed down the line, and the work was resumed. But the big man remained; and the skipper, with the Colonel at his elbow, made for him through the half- naked kernes. He saw them coming, however, guessed their errand, and, with the plain intention of avoiding them, he turned his horse's head. ON BOARD THE "CORMORANT" 15 But the skipper, springing forward, was in time to seize his stirrup. "Sir," he cried, "this is robbery! Nom de Dieu, it is thievery!" The big man looked down at him with temper. "Oh, by heaven, you must pay your dues!" he said. "Oh yes, you must pay your dues!" "But this is robbery." "Sure it 's not that you must be saying!" The Colonel put the skipper on one side. "By your leave," he cried, "one word! You don't know, sir, who I am, but " "I know you must pay your dues!" Uncle Ulick answered, parrot-like. "Oh yes, you must pay your dues!" He was clearly ashamed of his role, for he shook off the Colonel's hold with a pettish gesture, struck his horse with his stick, and cantered away over the hill. ''Vaurien!" cried Captain Augustin, shaking his fist after him, but he might as well have sworn at the moon. CHAPTER II MORRISTOWN IT "WAS not until the Colonel had passed over the shoulder above the stone-walled house that he escaped from the jeers of the younger members of this savage tribe, who, noting something abnormal in the fashion of the stranger's clothes, followed him a space. On descending the farther slope, however, he found himself alone in the silence of the waste. Choosing without hesitation one of two tracks, ill- trodden, but such as in that district and at that period passed for roads, he took his way along it at a good pace. A wide brown basin, bog for the most part, but rising here and there into low mounds of sward or clumps of thorn-trees, stretched away to the foot of the hills. The tower on the shoulder behind him had been raised by his wild forefathers. Soil and sky, the lark which sang overhead, the dark peat-water which rose under foot, the scent of the moist air, the cry of the curlew, all spoke of the home which he had left in the gaiety of youth, to return to it a grave man, older than his years, with gray hairs flecking the black. No wonder that he stood more than once, and, absorbed in thought, gazed on this or 16 MORRISTOWN 17 that, on crag and moss, on the things which time and experience had so strangely diminished. The track, after zig-zagging across a segment of the basin, entered a narrow valley, drained by a tolerable stream. After ascending this for a couple of miles, it disclosed a view of a wider vale, enclosed by gentle hills. In the lap of this nestled a lake, on the upper end of which some beauty was conferred by a few masses of rock partly clothed by birch trees, through which a stream fell sharply from the upland. Not far from these rocks a long, low house stood on the shore. The stranger paused to take in the prospect; nor was it until after the lapse of some minutes, spent in the deepest reverie, that he pursued his way along the left-hand bank of the lake. By-and-by he was able to discern, amid the masses of rock at the head of the lake, a gray tower, the twin of that Tower of Skull which he had left behind him; and a hundred paces farther he came upon a near view of the house. "Two and twenty years!" he murmured. "There is not even a dog to bid me welcome!" The house was of two stories, with a thatched roof. Its back was to the slopes that rose by marshy terraces to the hills. Its face was turned to the lake, and between it and the water lay a walled forecourt, the angle on each side of the entrance protected by a tower of an older date than the house. The entrance was somewhat pretentious, and might — for each of the pillars sup- ported a heraldic beast — have seemed to an English 18 THE WILD GEESE eye out of character with the thatched roof. But one of the beasts was headless, and one of the gates had fallen from its hinges. In like manner the dignity of a tolerably spacious garden, laid out beside the house, was marred by the proximity of the fold-yard. On the lower side of the road, opposite the gates, half a dozen stone steps, that like the heraldic pillars might have graced a more stately mansion, led down to the water. They formed a resting-place for as many beggars, engaged in drawing at empty pipes; while twice as many old women sat against the wall of the forecourt and, with their drugget cloaks about them, kept up a continual whine. Among these, turning herself now to one, now to another, moved the girl whom the Colonel had seen at the landing-place. She held her riding- skirt uplifted in one hand, her whip in the other, and she was bareheaded. At her elbow, whistling idly, and tapping his boots with a switch, lounged the big man of the morning. As the Colonel approached, the man and the maid turned and looked at him. The two exchanged some sentences, and the man came forward to meet him. "Sir," he said, not without a touch of rough courtesy, "if it is for hospitality you have come, you will be wel- come at Morristown. But if it is to start a cry about this morning's business, you Ve travelled on your ten toes to no purpose.'* The Colonel looked at him. " Cousin Ulick," he said, " I take your welcome as it is meant, and I thank you for it." MORRISTOWN 19 The big man's mouth opened wide. "By the Holy Cross!" he said, "if I 'm not thinking it is John SuUi- vanl" "It is," the Colonel answered, smiling. And he held out his hand. Uncle Ulick grasped it impulsively. "And it's I'm the one that 's glad to see you," he said. "By heaven, I am! Though I did n't expect you! And faith, I 'm not sure that you will be as welcome to all, John Sullivan, as you are to me." "You were always easy, Ulick," the other answered with a smile, "when you were big and I was little." "Ay? Well, in size we're much as we were. But — Flavia!" The girl, scenting something strange, was already at his elbow. "What is it?" she asked, her breath coming a little quickly. "Who is it?" fixing her eyes on the newcomer's face. Uncle Ulick chuckled. "It's your guardian, my jewel," he said. "No less! And what he'll say to what 's going on I '11 not be foretelling!" "My guardian?" she repeated, the blood rising abruptly to her cheek. "Just that," Ulick Sullivan answered. "It's John Sullivan back from Sweden, and as I 've told him, I 'm not sure that all at Morristown will be as glad to see him as I am." Uncle Ulick went off into a peal of Titanic laughter. But that which amused him did not appear to amuse 20 THE WILD GEESE his niece. She stood staring at Colonel Sullivan as if she were far more surprised than pleased. At length, and with a childish dignity, she held out her hand. "If you are Colonel John Sullivan," she said, in a thin voice, "you are welcome at Morristown." He might have laughed at the distance of her tone, but he merely bowed, and with the utmost gravity. "I thank you," he answered. And then, addressing Ulick Sullivan, "I need not say that I had your communication," he continued, "with the news of Sir Michael's death and of the dispositions made by his will. I could not come at once, but when I could I did, and I am here. Having said so much," he went on, turning to the girl with serious kindness, "may I add that I think it will be well if we leave matters of business on one side until we know one another?" "Well, faith, I think we'd better," Ulick Sullivan chuckled. "I do think so, bedad!" The girl said nothing, and restraint fell upon the three. They turned from one another and looked across the lake, which the wind, brisk at sea, barely ruffled. Colonel Sullivan remarked that they had a little more land under tillage than he remembered, and Ulick Sullivan assented. Again there was silence, until the girl struck her habit with her whip and cried flippantly, "Well, to dinner, if we are to have dinner I" She turned, and led the way to the gate of the forecourt. The man who followed was clever enough to read defiance in the pose of her head and resentment in her M O R R I S T O W N 21 shoulders. When a beggar-woman, more importunate than the rest, caught hold of her skirt, and Flavia flicked her with her whip as she would have flicked a dog, he understood. There were dogs in the stone-paved hall; a hen, too, finding its food on the floor and strutting here and there as if it had never known another home. On the left of the door, an oak table stood laid for the midday meal; on the right, before a carved stone chimney-piece, under which a huge log smouldered on the andirons, two or three men were seated. These rose on the entrance of the young mistress — they were dependents of the better class, for whom open house was kept at Morristown. So far, all was well; yet it may be that on the instant eyes which had been blind to defects were opened by the presence of this stranger from the outer world. Flavia's voice was hard as she asked old Darby, the butler, if The McMurrough was in the house. "Faith, I believe not," said he. "His Honour, nor the other quality, have not returned from the fishing." "Well, let him know when he comes in," she rejoined, "that Colonel John Sullivan has arrived from Sweden, and," she added with a faint sneer, "it were well if you put on your uniform coat. Darby." The old butler did not hear the last words. He was looking at the newcomer. "Glory be. Colonel," he said; " it 's in a field of peas I 'd have known you! True for you, you 're as like the father that bred you as the two covers of a book! It 's he was the grand gentleman! 22 THEWILD GEESE I was beyant the Mahoney's great gravestone when he shot Squire Crosby in the old churchyard of Tralee for an appetite to his breakfast! More by token, he went out with the garrison officer after his second bottle that same day that ever was — and the creature shot him in the knee — bad luck to him for a foreigner and a Protes- tant — and he limped to his dying day!" The girl laughed unkindly. "You 're opening your mouth and putting your foot in it, Darby," she said. "If the Colonel is not a foreigner " "And sure he couldn't be that, and his own father's son!" cried the quick-witted Irishman. "And if, bad luck, he 's a Protestant, I '11 never believe he 's one of them through-and-through black Protestants that you and I mean ! Glory be, it 's not in the Sullivans to be one of them!" The Colonel laughed as he shook the old servant's hand, and Uncle Ulick joined in the laugh. "You're a clever rogue. Darby," he said. "Your neck '11 never be in a rope, but your fingers will untie the knot! And now, where '11 you put him?" Flavia tapped her foot on the floor; foreseeing, perhaps, what was coming. "Put his honour?" Darby repeated, rubbing his bald head. "Ay, sure, where '11 we put him? May it be long before the heavens is his bed! There 's the old master's room, a grand chamber fit for a lord, but there 's a small matter of the floor that is sunk and lets in the rats — bad cess to the dogs for an idle, useless pack. MORRISTOWN 23 The young master's friends are in the south, but the small room beyant that has the camp truckle that Sir Michael brought from the ould wars: that 's dry and snug! And for the one window that 's airy, sure, 't is no draw- back at this sayson." "It will do very well for me, Darby," the Colonel said, smiling. "Well," Darby answered, "I 'm not so sure where 's another. The young masther " "That will do. Darby!" the girl cried impatiently. And then, "I am sorry. Colonel Sullivan," she continued stifHy, "that you should be so poorly lodged — who are the master of all. But doubtless," with an irrepressible resentment in her voice, "you will be able presently to put matters on a better footing." With a formal curtsey she retreated up the stairs, which at the rear of the hall ascended to a gallery that ran right and left to the rooms on the first floor. Colonel Sullivan turned with Uncle Ulick to the nearest window and looked out on the untidy forecourt. "You know, I suppose," he said, in a tone which the men beside the fire, who were regarding him curiously, could not hear, "the gist of Sir Michael's letters to me?" Uncle Ulick drummed with his fingers on the window- sill. "Faith, the most of it," he said. "Was he right in believing that her brother intended to turn Protestant for the reasons he told me?" "It's like enough, I'm thinking." "Does she know? The girl?" 24 THEWILDGEESE "Not a breath! And I would not be the one to tell her," Uncle Ulick added, with some grimness. "Yet it may be necessary?" Uncle Ulick shook his fist at a particularly importu- nate beggar who had ventured across the forecourt. "It 's a gift the little people never gave me to tell unpleasant things," he said. "And if you '11 be told by me. Colonel, you '11 travel easy. The girl has a spirit, and you '11 not persuade her to stand in her brother's light, at all, at all! She has it fast that her grandfather wronged him — and old Sir Michael was queer-tempered at times. The gift to her will go for nothing, you '11 see ! " "She must be a noble girl." "Never a better!" "But if her grandfather was right in thinking so ill of his grandson?" "I'm not saying he wasn't," Uncle Ulick muttered. "Then we must not let her set the will aside." Ulick Sullivan shrugged his shoulders. "Let?" he said. "Faith! it's but little it'll be a question of that! James is for taking, and she's for giving! He's her white swan. Who 's to hinder?" "You." "It's easiness has been my ruin, and faith! it's too late to change." "Then I?" Uncle Ulick smiled. "To be sure," he said slily, "there's you, Colonel." "The whole estate is mine, you see, in law," MORRISTOWN 25 "Ay, but there 's no law west of Tralee," Uncle Ulick retorted. "That 's where old Sir Michael made his mistake. I 'd not be knowing what would happen if it went about that you were ousting them that had the right, and you a Protestant He 's not the great favourite, James McMurrough, and whether he or the girl took most 'd be a mighty small matter. But if you think to twist it, so as to play cuckoo — though with the height of fair meaning and not spying a silver penny of profit for yourself, Colonel — I take leave to tell you he 's a most unpopular bird." "But, Sir Michael," the Colonel answered, "left all to me to that very end — that it might be secured to the girl." "Sorrow one of me says no! " Ulick rejoined. " But " "But what?" the Colonel replied politely. "The more plainly you speak the more you will oblige me." But all that Ulick Sullivan could be brought to say at that moment — perhaps he knew that curious eyes were on their conference — was that Kerry was "a mighty queer country," and the thief of the world would n't know what would pass there by times. And besides, there were things afoot that he 'd talk about at another time. Then he changed the subject abruptly, asking the Colonel if he had seen a big ship in the bay. "Wliat colours?" the Colonel asked — the question men ask who have been at sea. "Spanish, maybe," Uncle Ulick answered "Did you sight such a one?" But the Colonel had seen no big ship. CHAPTER HI A SCION OF KINGS THE family at Morristown had been half an hour at table, and in the interval a man of more hasty judgment than Colonel Sullivan might have made up his mind on many points. Whether the young McMurrough was offensive of set purpose, and because an unwelcome guest was present, or whether he merely showed himself as he was — an unlicked cub — such a man might have determined. But the Colonel held his judgment in suspense, though he leaned to the latter view of the case. At their first sitting down the young man had shown his churlishness. Beginning by viewing the Colonel in sulky silence, he had answered his kinsmen's overtures only by a rude stare or a boorish word. His companions, two squireens of his own age, and much of his own kidney, nudged him from time to time, and then the three would laugh in such a way as to make it plain that the stranger was the butt of the jest. Presently, over- coming the reluctant impression which Colonel John's manners made upon him, the young man found his tongue, and, glancing at his companions to bring them into the joke, "Much to have where you come from, Colonel?" he asked. 26 ASCIONOFKINGS 27 "As in most places," the Colonel replied mildly, "by working for it, or earning it after one fashion or another. Indeed, my friend, country and country are more alike, except on the outside, than is thought by those who stay at home." "You Ve seen a wealth of countries, I 'm thinking?" the youth asked with a sneer. "I have crossed Europe more than once." "And stayed in none?" "If you mean " "Faith, I mean you 've come back!" the young man exclaimed with a loud laugh, in which his companions joined. "You '11 mind the song" — and with a wink he trolled out, "In such contempt, in short, I fell Which was a very hard thing. They devilish badly used me there, For nothing but a farthing. " You 're better than that. Colonel, for the worst we can say of you is, you 's come back a penny!" "If you mean a bad one, come home," the Colonel rejoined, taking the lad good-humouredly — he was not blind to the flush of indignation which dyed Flavia's cheeks — "I '11 take the wit for welcome. To be sure, to die in Ireland is an Irishman's hope, all the world over." "True for you. Colonel! " Uncle Ulick said. And " For shame, James," he continued, speaking with more stern- ness than was natural to him. "Faith, and if you talked abroad as you talk at home, you 'd be for having a pistol- 28 THE WILD GEESE ball in your gizzard in the time it takes you to say your prayers — if you ever say them, my lad ! " "A\Tiat are my prayers to you, I'd like to know?" James retorted offensively. "Easy, lad, easy!" The young man glared at him. "^Miat is it to you," he cried still more rudely, "whether I pray or no ?" "James! James!" Flavia pleaded under her breath. "Do you be keeping your feet to yourself!" he cried, betraying her kindly manoeuvre. "And let my shins be! I want none of your guiding! More by token, miss, don't you be making a sight of yourself as you did this morning, or you '11 smart for it. What is it to you if O'SuUivan Og takes our dues for us — and a trifle over ? And, sorra one of you doubt it, if ]Mounseer comes jawing here, it 's in the peathole he '11 find himself! Never the value of a cork he gets out of me: that 's flat! Eh, Phelim?" " True for you, McMurrough! " the youth who sat beside him answered, winking. " We '11 soak him for you." "So do vou be taking a lesson, ]Miss Flawy," the young Hector continued, "and don't you go threatening honest folk w^ith your whip, or it '11 be about your own shoulders it '11 fall ! I know w^hat 's going on, and when I want your help, I'll ask it." The girl's lip trembled. "But it's robbery, James," she murmured. "Hang your robbery!" he retorted, casting a defiant eye round the table. "They '11 pay our dues, and what they get back w^ill be their own!" ASCIONOFKINGS 29 "And it 's rich they '11 be with it!" Phelim chuckled. "Ay, faith, it 's the proud men they 'II be that day!" laughed Morty, his brother. "Fine words, my lad," Uncle Ulick replied quietly; "but it's my opinion you'll fall on trouble, and more than '11 please you, with Crosby of Castlemaine. And why, I 'd like to know ? 'T is a grand trade, and has served us well since I can remember ! Why can't you take what 's fair out of it, and let the poor devil of a sea-captain that 's supplied many an honest man's table have his own, and go his way ? Take my word for it, it 's ruing it you '11 be, when all 's done. "It's not from Crosby of Castlemaine I'll rue it!" James McMurrough answered arrogantly. "I '11 shoot him like a bog-snipe if he 's sorra a word to say to it! That for him, the black sneak of a Protestant!" And he snapped his fingers. " But his day will soon be past, and we '11 be dealing with him. The toast is warming for him now!" Phelim slapped his thigh. "True for you, McMur- rough! That's the talk!" "That 's the talk!" chorussed Morty. The Colonel opened his mouth to speak, but he caught Flavia's look of distress, and he refrained. "For my part," Morty continued jovially, "I 'd not wait — for you know what! The gentleman's way 's the better; early or late, Clare or Kerry, 't is all one! A drink of the tea, a peppered devil, and a pair of the beauties is an Irishman's morning!" 30 THEWILDGEESE "And many 's the poor soul has to mourn it — long and bitterly," the Colonel said. His tender corn being trod upon, he could be silent no longer. "For shame, sir, for shame!" he added warmly. Morty stared. "Begorra, and why?" he cried, in a tone which proved that he asked the question in perfect innocence. "Why?" Colonel John repeated. For a moment, in face of prejudices so strong, he paused. " Can you ask me when you know how a many life as young as yours — and I take you to be scarcely, sir, in your twenties — has been forfeit for a thoughtless word, an unwitting touch, a look; when you know how many a bride has been widowed as soon as wedded, how many a babe orphaned as soon as born ? And for what, sir ? " "For the point of honour!" The McMurrough cried. Morty, for his part, was dumb with astonishment. "The point of honour?" the Colonel repeated, more slowly, "what is it? In nine cases out of ten the fear of seeming to be afraid. In the tenth — the desire to wipe out a stain that blood leaves as deep as before! " "Faith, and you surprise me!" Phelim cried with a genuine naivete that at another time would have provoked a smile. "Kerry '11 more than surprise you," quoth The McMur- rough rudely, "if it 's that way you '11 be acting! Would you let Crosby of Castlemaine call you thief?" "I would not thieve!" the Colonel replied. There was a stricken silence for a moment. Then The ASCIONOFKINGS 31 McMurrough sprang to his feet, his querulous face flushed with rage, his arm raised. But Ulick's huge hand dragged him down. "Easy, lad, easy," he cried, restraining the young man. " He 's your guest ; remember that!" "And he spoke in haste," the Colonel said. "I with- draw my words," he continued, rising and frankly holding out his hand. " I recognize that I was wrong. I see that the act bears in your eyes a different aspect, and I beg your pardon, sir." The McMurrough took the hand, though he took it sullenly; and the Colonel sat down again. His action, to say nothing of his words, left Phelim and Morty in a state of amazement so profound that the two sat staring as if carved out of the same block of wood. If Colonel John noticed their surprise he seemed in no way put out by it. " Perhaps," he said gently, " it is wrong to thrust opinions on others unasked. I think that is so! It should be enough to act upon them one's self, and refrain from judging others." The Colonel was a Sullivan and an Irishman, and it was supposed that he had followed the wars. Whence, then, these strange words, these unheard-of opinions? Morty felt his cheek flush with the shame which Colonel John should have felt; and Phelim grieved for the family. The gentleman might be mad; it was charitable to think he was. But, mad or sane, he was like, they feared, to be the cause of sad misunderstanding in the country round. The McMurrough, of a harder and less generous nature 32 THEWILD GEESE than his companions, felt more contempt than wonder. The man had insulted him grossly, and had apologized as abjectly; that was his view of the incident. He was the first to break the silence. "Sure, it 's very well for the gentleman it 's in the family," he said dryly. "Tail up, tail down, 's all one among friends. But if he '11 be so quick with his tongue in Tralee Market, he '11 chance on one here and there that he '11 not blarney so easily! Eh, Morty?" "I 'm fearing so, too," said Phelim pensively. Morty did not answer. " 'T is a queer world," Phelim added. "And all sorts in it," The McMurrough cried, his tone more arrogant than before. Flavia glanced at him, frowning. "Let us have peace now," she said. "Peace ? Sorrow a bit of war there 's like to be in the present company!" the victor cried. And he began to whistle, amid an awkward silence. The air he chose was one well known at that day, and when he had whistled a few bars, one of the buckeens at the lower end of the table began to sing the words softly. It was a' for our rightful king We left fair Ireland's strand! It was a' for our rightful king We e'er saw foreign land, my dear, We e'er saw foreign land! "My dear, or no, you '11 be doing well to be careful!" The McMurrough said, in a jeering tone, with his eye on the Colonel. ASCIONOFKINGS 33 "Pho!" the man replied. "And I that have heard the young mistress sing it a score of times!" "Ay, but not in this company!" The McMurrough rejoined. Colonel John looked round the table. "If you mean," he said quietly, " that I am a loyal subject of King George, I am that. But what is said at my host's table, no matter who he is, is safe for me. Moreover, I 've lived long enough to know, gentlemen, that most said is least meant, and that the theme of a lady's song is more often — sunset than sunrise! " And he bowed in the direction of the girl. The McMurrough's lip curled. "Fair words," he sneered. "And easy to speak them, when you and your Protestant Whigs are on top!" "We won't talk of Protestants," Colonel John replied; and for the first time his glance, keen as the flicker of steel, crossed The McMurrough's. The younger man's eyes fell. The cudgels were taken up in an unexpected quarter. "I know nothing of Protestants in general," Flavia said, in a voice vibrating with eagerness, " but only, to our sorrow, of those who through centurieshave robbed us ! Who,notcon- tent, shame on them ! with shutting us up in a corner of the land that was ours from sea to sea, deny us even here the protection of their law! Law? Can you call it law which denies us all natural rights, all honourable employments; which drives us abroad, divides son from father, and brother from brother; which bans our priests, and forbids our worship, and, if it had its will, would leave no Catholic from Cape Clear to Killaloe ? " 34 THEWILDGEESE The Colonel looked sorrowfully at her, but made no answer; for to much of what she said no answer could be made. On the other hand, a murmur passed round the board; and more than one looked at the stranger with compressed lips. "If you had your will," the girl con- tinued, with growing emotion; "if your law were carried out — as, thank God! it is not, no man's heart being hard enough — to possess a pistol were to be pilloried; to possess a fowling-piece were to be whipped; to own a horse, above the value of a miserable garron, were to be robbed by the first rascal who passed! We must not be soldiers, nor sailors," she continued; " nay" — with bitter irony — "we may not be constables nor gamekeepers! The courts, the bar, the bench of our fatherland, are shut tons! We may have neither school nor college; the lands that were our fathers' must be held for us by Protestants, and it's I must have a Protestant guardian! We are outlaws in the dear land that is ours; we dwell on suffer- ance where our fathers ruled ! And men like you, aban- doning their country, abandoning their creed " "God forbid!" the Colonel exclaimed, much moved himself. "Men like you uphold these things!" "God forbid!" he repeated. "But let Him forbid, or not forbid," she retorted, rising from her seat with eyes that flashed anger through tears, "we exist, and shall exist! And the time is coming, and comes soon — ay, comes perhaps to-day! — when we who now suffer for the true faith and the rightful King will raise A SCION OF KINGS 35 our heads, and the Faithful Land shall cease to mourn and honest men to pine! And, ah" — with upraised face and clasped hands — "I pray for that day! I pray for that day! I " She broke off amid cries of applause, fierce as the bark- ing of wolves. She struggled for a moment with her overmastering emotion, then, unable to continue or to calm herself, she turned from the table and fled weeping up the stairs. Colonel John had risen. He watched her go with deep feeling; he turned to his seat again with a sigh. He was a shade paler than before, and the eyes which he bent on the board were dark with thought. He was unconscious of all that passed round him, and, if aware, he was heedless of the strength of the passions which she had unbridled — until a hand fell on his arm. He glanced up then and saw that all the men had risen, and were looking at him — even Ulick Sullivan — with dark faces. A passion of anger clouded their gaze. With- out a word spoken, they were of one mind. The hand that touched him trembled, the voice that broke the silence shook under the weight of the speaker's feelings. "You '11 be leaving here this day," the man muttered. "I?" the Colonel said, taken by surprise. "Not at all." "We wish you no harm, but to see your back." The Colonel, his first wonder subdued, looked from one to another. "I am sure you wish me no harm," he said. "None, but to see your back," the man repeated, while 36 THE WILD GEESE his companions looked down at the Colonel with a strange fixedness. "But I cannot go," the Colonel answered, as gently as before. "And why?" the man returned. The McMurrough was not of the speakers, but stood behind them, glowering at him with a dark face. "Because," the Colonel answered, "I am in my duty here, my friends; and the man who is in his duty can suffer nothing." "He can die," the man replied, breathing hard. The men who were on the Colonel's side of the table leant more closely about him. But he seemed unmoved. "That," he replied cheer- fully, " is nothing. To die is but an accident. Who dies in his duty suffers no harm. And were that not enough — and it is all," he continued slowly, "what harm should happen to me, a Sullivan among Sullivans? Because I have fared far and seen much, am I so changed that, coming back, I shall find no welcome on the hearth of my race, and no shelter where my fathers lie ? " "And are not our hearths cold over many a league? And the graves " "Whisht!" a voice broke in sternly, as Uncle Ulick thrust his way through the group. "The man says well! " he continued. "He's a Sullivan " "He 's a Protestant!" "He is a Sullivan, I say!" Uncle Ulick retorted, "were he the blackest heretic on the sod! And you, would you A SCION OF KINGS 37 do the foul deed for a woman's wet eye ? Are the hearts of Kerry turned as hard as its rocks ? Make an end of this prating and fooHshness! And you, James McMurrough, these are your men and this is your house ? Will you be telling them at once that you will be standing between him and harm, be he a heretic ten times over ? For shame, man ! Is it for raising the corp of old Sir Michael from his grave ye are?" The McMurrough looked sombrely at the big man. " On you be the risk," he said sullenly. "You know what you know." "I know that the seal in the cave and the seal on the wave are one !" Ulick answered vehemently. "Whisht, man, whisht, and make an end! And do you, John Sulli- van, give no thought to these omadhauns, but come with me and I '11 show you to your chamber. A woman's tear is ever near her smile. With her the good thought treads ever on the heel of the bad word!" "I have little knowledge of them," Colonel John answered quietly. But when he was above with Uncle Ulick, he spoke. "I hope that this is but wild talk," he said. "You cannot remember, nor can I, the bad days. But the little that is left, it were madness and worse than madness to risk! If you 've thought of a rising, in God's name put it from you. Think of your maids and your children! I have seen the fires rise from too many roofs, I have heard the wail of the homeless too often, I have seen too many frozen corpses stand for milestones by the road, I have 38 THE WILD GEESE wakened to the creak of too many gibbets — to face these things in my own land!" Uncle Ulick was looking from the little casement. He turned, and showed a face working with agitation. *' And you, if you wore no sword, nor dared wear one ? If you walked in Tralee a clown among gentlefolk, if you lived a pariah in a corner of pariahs, if your land were the hand- maid of nations, and the vampire crouched upon her breast, what — what would you do, then ?" "Wait," Colonel John answered gravely, "until the time came." Uncle Ulick gripped his arm, "And if it came not in your time?" "Still wait," Colonel John answered with solemnity. "For believe me, Ulick Sullivan, there is no deed that has not its reward ! Not does one thatch go up in smoke that is not paid for a hundredfold." "Ay, but when? When?" "When the time is ripe." CHAPTER IV "stop thief!" A CANDID Englishman must own and deplore the fact that Flavia McMurrough's tears were due ^ to the wrongs of her country. Broken by three great wars waged by three successive generations, defeated in the last of three desperate struggles for liberty, Ireland at this period lay like a woman swooning at the feet of her captors. Nor were these minded that she should rise again quickly, or in her natural force. The mastery which they had won by the sword the English were resolved to keep by the law. They were determined that the Irishman of the old faith should cease to exist; or, if he endured, should be nemo, no one. Confined to hell or Connaught, he must not even in the latter possess the ordinary rights. He must not will his own lands or buy new lands. If his son, more sensible than he, "went over," the father sank into a mere life-tenant, bound to furnish a handsome allowance, and to leave all to the Protestant heir. He might not marry a Protestant, he might not keep a school, nor follow the liberal professions. The priest who confessed him was banished if known, and hanged if he returned. In a country of sportsmen he might not own a fowling-piece, 89 40 THE WILD GEESE nor a horse worth more than five pounds; and in days when every gentleman carried a sword at his side, he must not wear one. Finally, his country grew but one article of great value — wool: and that he must not make into cloth, but he must sell it to England at England's price — which was one-fifth of the continental price. Was it wonderful that, such being Ireland's status, every Roman Catholic of spirit sought fortune abroad; that the wild geese, as they were called, went and came unchecked; or that every inlet in Galway, Clare, and Kerry swarmed with smugglers, who ran in under the green flag with brandy and claret, and, running out again with wool, laughed to scorn England's boast that she ruled the waves ? Nor was it surprising that, spent and helpless as ihe land lay, some sanguine spirits still clung to visions of a change and of revenge. The Sullivans of Morristown and Skull were of these; as were some of their neighbours. And Flavia was especially of these. As she looked from her window a day or two after the Colonel's arrival, as she sniffed the peat reek and plumbed the soft distances beyond the lake, she was lost in such a dream; until her eyes fell on a man seated cross-legged under a tree between herself and the shore. And she frowned. The man sorted ill with her dream. It was Bale, Colonel John's servant. He was mending some article taken from his master's wardrobe. His elbow went busily to and fro as he plied the needle, while sprawling on the sod about him half a dozen gossoons watched him inquisitively. "STOP THIEF" 41 Perhaps it was the suggestive contrast between his dihgence and their idleness which irritated Flavia; but she set down her annoyance to another cause. The man was an Enghshman, and therefore an enemy: and what did he there ? Had the Colonel left him on guard ? Flavia's heart swelled at the thought. Here, at least, she and hers were masters. Colonel John had awakened mixed feelings in her. At times she admired him. But, admirable or not, he should rue his insolence, if he had it in his mind to push his authority, or interfere with her plans. In the meantime she stood watching William Bale, and a desire to know more of the man, and through him of the master, rose within her. The house was quiet. The McMurrough and his following had gone to a cocking- match and race-meeting at Joyce's Corner. She went down the stairs, took her hood, and crossed the courtyard. Bale did not look up at her approach, but he saw her out of the corner of his eye, and when she paused before him he laid down his work and made as if he would rise. She looked at him with a superciliousness not natural to her. "Are all the men tailors where you come from?" she asked. " There, you need not rise." "Where I came from last," he replied, "we were all trades, my lady." "Have you been a soldier long?" she asked, feeling herself rebuffed. "Twenty-one years, my lady." "And now you have done with it." "It is as his honour pleases." 42 THEWILDGEESE She frowned. He had a way of speaking that sounded uncivil to ears attuned to the soft Irish accent and the wheedling tone. Yet the man interested her, and after a moment's silence she fixed her eyes more intently on his work. "Did you lose your fingers in battle ?" she asked. His right hand was maimed. " No," he answered — grudgingly, as he seemed to answer all her questions — "in prison." " In prison ? " she repeated ; "where ? " He cast an upward look at his questioner. "In the Grand Turk's land," he said. "Nearer than that, I can't say. I 'm no scholar, my lady." " But why ? " she asked, puzzled. " I don't understand." "Cut off," he said, stooping over his work. Flavia turned a shade paler. " Why ?" she repeated. "'One God, and Mohommed His prophet' — could n't swallow it. One finger!" the man answered jerkily. "Next week — same. Third week " "Third week?" she murmured, shuddering. "Exchanged." She lifted her eyes with an effort from his maimed hand. "How many were you?" she inquired. "Thirty-four." He laughed drily. "We know one another when we meet," he said. He drew his waxed thread between his finger and thumb, held it up to the light, then looked askance at the gossoons about him, to whom what he said was gibberish. They knew only Erse. The day was still, the mist lay on the lake, and under it the water gleamed, a smooth pale mirror. Flavia had seen "STOP THIEF" 43 it so a hundred times, and thought naught of it. But to-day, moved by what she had heard, the prospect spoke of a remoteness from the moving world which depressed her. Hitherto the quick pulse and the energy of youth had left her no time for melancholy, and not much for thought. If at rare intervals she had felt herself lonely, if she had been tempted to think that the brother in whom were centred her hopes, her affections, and her family pride was hard and selfish, rude and overbearing, she had told herself that all men were so; that all men rode rough- shod over their women. And that being so, who had a better right to hector it than the last of the McMurroughs, heir of the Wicklow kings, who in days far past had dealt on equal terms with Richard Plantagenet, and to whom, by virtue of that never-forgotten kingship, the Sullivans and Mahonies, some of the McCarthys, and all the O'Beirnes, paid rude homage? With such feelings Sir Michael's strange whim of disinheriting the heir of his race had but drawn her closer to her brother. To her loyalty the act was abhorrent, one that could only have sprung, she was certain, from second childhood, the dotage of a man close on ninety, whose early years had been steeped in trouble, and who loved her so much that he was ready to do wrong for her sake. Often she differed from her brother. But he was a man, she told herself; and he must be right — a man's life could not be ruled by the laws which a woman observed. For the rest, for herself, if her life seemed solitary she had the free air and the mountains; she had her dear land; above 44 THEWILDGEESE all, she had her dreams. Perhaps when these were real- ized — and the time seemed very near now — and a new Ireland was created, to her too a brighter world would open. She had forgotten Bale's presence, and was only recalled to every-day life by the sound of voices. Four men were approaching the house. Uncle Ulick, Colonel John, and the French skipper were three of these; at the sight of the fourth Flavia's face fell. Luke Asgill of Batterstown was the nearest justice, and of necessity he was a Protestant. But it was not this fact, nor the certainty that Augustin was pouring his wrongs into his ears, that affected Flavia. Asgill was distasteful to her, because her brother affected him. For why should her brother have relations with a Protestant? Why should he, a man of the oldest blood, stoop to intimacy with the son of a "middleman," one of those who, taking a long lease of a great estate and under- letting at rack rents, made at this period huge fortunes? Finally, if he must have relations with him, why did he not keep him at a distance from his home — and his sister ? It was too late, or she would have slipped away. Not that Asgill — he was a stout, dark, civil-spoken man of thirty-three or four — wore a threatening face. He greeted Flavia with an excess of politeness which she could have spared; and while Uncle Ulick and Colonel John looked perturbed and ill at ease, he jested on the matter. "The whole cargo?" he said, with one eye on the Frenchman and one on his companions. "You're not for stating that, sir?" "STOP THIEF" 45 "All the tubs," Augustin answered in a passion of earnestness. "The saints be between us and harm! " Asgill responded. "Are you hearing this, Miss Flavia? It's no less than felony that you 're accused of, and I 'm thinking, by rights, I must arrest you and carry you to Batterstown." "I do not understand," she answered stiffly. "And The McMurrough is not at home." "Gone out of the way, eh?" Asgill replied with a deprecatory grin. "And the whole cargo was it, Captain?" "All the tubs, perfectly!" "You'd paid your dues, of course?" "Dues, mon Dieu! But they take the goods!" "Had you paid your dues?" "Not already, because " "That 's unfortunate," Asgill answered in a tone of mock condolence. "Mighty unfortunate!" He winked at Uncle Ulick. "Port dues, you know. Captain, must be paid before the ship slips her moorings." "But " " Mighty unfortunate ! " "But what are the dues?" poor Augustin cried, dimly aware that he was being baited. "All, you're talking now," the magistrate answered glibly. " Unluckily, that 's not in my province. I 'm made aware that the goods are held under lien for dues, and I can do nothing. Upon payment, of course " "But how much? Eh, sir? How much? How much?" 46 THEWILDGEESE Luke Asgill, who had two faces, and for once was minded to let both be seen, enjoyed the Frenchmen's perplexity. He wished to stand well with Flavia, and here was a rare opportunity of exhibiting at once his friendliness and his powers of drollery. He was therefore taken aback, when a grave voice cut short his enjoyment. "Still, if Captain Augustin," the voice interposed, "is willing to pay a reasonable sum on account of dues?" The magistrate turned about abruptly. "Eh?" he said. "Oh, Colonel Sullivan, is it?" "Then, doubtless, the goods will be released, so that he may perform his duty to his customer." Asgill had only known the Colonel a few minutes, and, aware that he was one of the family, he did not see how to take it. It was as if treason lifted its head in the camp. He coughed. "I'd not be denying it," he said. "But until The McMurrough returns " "Such a matter is doubtless within Mr. Sullivan's authority," the Colonel said, turning from him to Uncle Ulick. Uncle Ulick showed his embarrassment. "Faith, I don't know that it is," he said. "If Captain Augustin paid, say, twenty per cent, on his bills of lading " "Ma foi, twenty per cent.!" the Captain exclaimed in astonishment. "Twenty — but yes, I will pay it. I will pay even that. Of what use to throw the handle after the hatchet?" "STOP THIEF" 47 Luke Asgill thought the Colonel very simple. "Well, I 've nothing to say to this, at all!" he said, shrugging his shoulders. "It 's not within my province." Colonel John looked at the girl in a way in which he had not looked at her before; and she found herself speaking before she knew it. "Yes," she cried impulsively; "let that be done, and the goods be given up!" "But The McMurrough?" Asgill began. "I will answer for him," she said impulsively. "Uncle Ulick, go, I beg, and see it done." "I will go with you," Colonel Sullivan said. "And doubtless Mr. Asgill will accompany us, to lend the weight of his authority in the event of any difficulty arising." Asgill's countenance fell. He was between two stools, for he had no mind to displease Flavia or thwart her brother. At length, "No," he said, "I 'II not be doing anything in The McMurrough's absence." Colonel John looked in the same strange fashion at Flavia. "I have legal power to act, sir," he said, "as I can prove to you in private. And that being so, I must certainly ask you to lend me the weight of your authority." "And I will be hanged if I do!" Asgill cried. There was a change in his tone, and the reason was not far to seek. "Here's The McMurrough!" They all turned and looked along the road which ran by the edge of the lake. With James McMurrough, who was still a furlong away, were the two O'Beirnes. They came slowly, and something in their bearing, even at that distance, awoke anxiety. 48 THEWILD GEESE "They 're early from the cocking," Uncle Ulick mut- tered doubtfully, "and sober as pigs! What 's the mean- ing of that? There 's something amiss, I 'm fearing." A cry from Flavia proved the keenness of her eyes. "Where is Giralda?" she exclaimed. "Where is the mare ? " "Ay, what have they done with the mare ?" Uncle Ulick said in a tone of consternation. "Have they lamed her, I 'm wondering ? The garron Morty 's riding is none of ours." "I begged him not to take her!" Flavia cried, anger contending with her grief. Giralda, her gray mare, ascribed in sanguine moments to the strain of the Darley Arabian, and as gentle as she was spirited, was the girl's dearest possession. "I begged him not to take her!" she repeated, almost in tears. " I knew there was danger." "James was wrong to take her up country," Uncle Ulick said sternly. "They 've claimed her!" Flavia wailed. "I know they have! And I shall never recover her! Oh, I 'd far rather she were dead!" Uncle Ulick lifted up his powerful voice. "Where 's the mare?" he shouted. James McMurrough shrugged his shoulders; a moment later the riders came up and the tale was told. The three young men had halted at the hedge tavern at Brocktown, where their road ran out of the road to Tralee. There were four men drinking in the house, who seemed to take no notice of them. But when The McMurrough and his "STOP THIEF" 49 companions went to the shed beside the house to draw out their horses, the men followed, challenged them for Papists, threw down five pounds in gold, and seized the mare. The four were armed, and resistance was useless. The story was received with a volley of oaths and curses. "But by the Holy," Uncle Ulick flamed up, "I 'd have hung on their heels and raised the country!" "Ay, ay! The thieves of the world!" "They took the big road by Tralee," James McMur- rough explained sulkily. "What was the use?" "Were there no men working in the bogs?" "There were none near by, to be sure," Morty said. " But I 'd a notion if we followed them we might light on one friend or another — 't was in Kerry, after all!" "'T was not more than nine miles English from here!" Uncle Ulick cried. "That was just what I thought," Morty continued with some hesitation. "Just that, but " And his eye transferred the burden to The McMurrough. James answered with an oath. "A nice time this to be bringing the soldiers upon us," he cried, "when, bedad, if the time ever was, we want no trouble with the Englishry! What 's the use of crying over spilled milk? I '11 give you another mare." "But it '11 not be Giralda!" Flavia wailed. "Sure it 's the black shame, it is!" Uncle Ulick cried, his face dark. "It's enough to raise the country: Ay, I say it, though you 're listening, Asgill. It 's more than blood can stand!" 50 THEWILDGEESE "No one is more sorry than myself," Asgill replied, with a look of concern. "I don't make the laws, or they 'd be other than they are!" "True for you," Uncle Ulick answered. "I 'm allow- ing that. And it is true, too, that to make a stir too early would ruin all. I 'm afraid you must be making the best of it, Flawy! I 'd go after them myself, but the time 's not convenient, as you know, and by this they 're in Tralee, bad cess to it, where there 's naught to be done. They '11 be for selling her to one of the garrison officers, I 'm thinking; or they '11 take her farther up country, maybe to Dublin." Flavia's last hopes died with this verdict. She could not control her tears, and she turned and went away in grief to the house. Meantime the hangers-on and the beggars pressed upon the gentry, anxious to hear. The McMurrough, not sorry to find some one on whom to vent his temper, turned upon them and drove them away with blows of his whip. The movement brought him face to face with Captain Augus- tin. The fiery little Frenchman disdained to give way, in a trice angry words passed, and — partly out of mischief, for the moment was certainly not propitious — Asgill repeated the proposal which Colonel John had just made. The Colonel thus challenged stood forward. "It's a fair compromise," he argued. "And if Captain Augustin is prepared to pay twenty per cent. " "He'll not have his cargo, nor yet a cask!" The "STOP THIEF" 51 McMurroiigh replied with a curt, angry laugh. "Loss and enough we 've had to-day." "But " " Get me back the mare," the young man cried, cutting the Colonel short with savage ridicule. "That's all I have to say." "It seems to me," Colonel John replied quietly, "that those who lose should find. Still " checking the young man's anger by the very calmness of his tone, "for Captain Augustin's sake, who can ill bear the loss, and for your sister's sake, I will see what I can do." The McMurrough stared. "You ?" he cried. " You ?" "Yes, I." "Heaven help us!" the young man laughed aloud in his scorn. But Colonel John seemed no way moved. "Yes," he replied. "Only let us understand one another" — with a look at Uncle Ulick which made him party to the bargain. "If I return to-morrow evening or on the following day — or week — with your sister's mare " "Mounseer shall have his stuff again to the last penny- worth," young McMurrough returned with an ironical laugh, "and without payment at all! Or stay! Perhaps you '11 ouy the mare?" "No, I shall not buy her," Colonel John answered, "except at the price the man gave you." "Then you '11 not get her. That 's certain! But it 's your concern." 52 THE WILD GEESE The Colonel nodded, and, turning on his heels, went away toward the house, calling William Bale to him as he passed. The McMurrough looked at the Frenchman. He had a taste for tormenting some one. "Well, monsieur," he jeered, "how do you like your bargain ?" "I do not understand," the Frenchman answered. " But he is a man of his word, ma foi! And they are not — of the common." CHAPTER V THE MESS-ROOM AT TRALEE EARLY in the saddle, Colonel Sullivan rode east- ward under Slieve Mish, with the sun rising above the lower spurs of the mountain, and the lark saluting the new-born radiance with a song attuned to the freshness of the morning. Bale rode behind him, taciturn, comparing the folds of his native Suffolk hills with these greener vales. They reached the hedge tavern, where the mare had been seized, and they stayed to bait their horses, but got no news. About eight they rode on; and five long Irish miles nearer Tralee, they viewed from the crest of a hill a piece of road stretched ribbon-like before them, and on it a man walking from them at a great pace. He had for companion a boy, who trotted beside him. Neither man nor boy looked back, and it did not seem to be from fear of the two riders that they moved so quickly. The man wore a loose drugget coat and an old jockey-cap, and walked with a stout six-foot staff. Thus armed he should have stood in small fear of robbers. Yet when Colonel John's horse, the tread of its hoofs deadened by the sod road, showed its head at his shoulder, he turned a face of more vivid alarm than seemed necessary. And he crossed himself. 53 54 THE WILD GEESE Colonel John touched his hat. " I give you good morn- ing, good man," he said. The walker raised his hand to his cap as if to return the salute, but lowered it without doing so. He muttered something. "You will be in haste?" Colonel John continued. He saw that the sweat stood in beads on the man's brow, and the lad's face was tear-stained. " I 've far to go," the man muttered. He spoke with a slight foreign accent, but in the west of Ireland this was common. "The top of the morning to you." Plainly he wished the two riders to pass on, but he did not slacken his speed for a moment. So for a space they went abreast, the man, with every twenty paces, glancing up suspiciously. And now and again, the boy, as he ran or walked, vented a sob. The Colonel looked about him. The solitude of the valley was unbroken. No cabin smoked, no man worked within sight, so that the haste of these two, their sweating faces, their straining steps, seemed portentous, "Shall I take up the lad ? " Colonel John asked. Plainly the man hesitated. Then, " You will be doing a kindness," he panted. And, seizing the lad in two powerful arms, he swung him to the Colonel's stirrup, who, in taking him, knocked off the other's jockey-cap. The man snatched it up and put it on with a single movement. But Colonel John had seen what he expected. " You walk on a matter of life and death ? " he said. MESS-ROOM AT TRALEE 55 "It is all that," the man answered; and this time his look was defiant. "You are taking the offices, father?" The man did not reply. " To one who is near his end, I suspect ?" The priest — for such he was — glanced at the weapon Colonel John wore. "You can do what you will," he said sullenly. "I am on my duty." "And a fine thing, that!" Colonel John answered heartily. He drew rein, and, before the other knew what he would be at, he was off his horse. "Mount, father," he said, "and ride, and God be with you!" For a moment the priest stared dumfounded. "Sir," he said, "you wear a sword! And no son of the Church goes armed in these parts." "If I am not one of your Church I am a Christian," Colonel John answered. "Mount, father, and ride in God's name, and when you are there send the lad back with the beast." "The Mother of God reward you!" the priest cried fervently, "and turn your heart in the right way!" He scrambled to the saddle. "The blessing of all " The rest was lost in the thud of hoofs as the horse started briskly, leaving Colonel John standing alone upon the road beside Bale's stirrup. "It's something if a man serves where he's listed," Colonel John remarked. Bale smiled. " And don't betray his own side," he said. He slipped from his saddle. 56 THEWILDGEESE " You think it 's the devil's work we 've done ?" Colonel John asked. But Bale declined to say more, and the two walked on, one on either side of the horse. They had trudged the better part of two miles when they came upon the horse tethered by the reins to one of two gate-pillars. Colonel John got to his saddle, and they trotted on. Notwithstanding, it was late in the afternoon when they approached the town of Tralee. As the Colonel eyed the mean houses which flanked the entrance to the town, he recognized that if all the saints had not vouchsafed their company, the delay caused by the meeting with the priest had done somewhat. For at that precise moment a man was riding into the town before them, and the horse under the man was Flavia McMur- rough's lost mare. Colonel John's eye lightened as he recognized its points. With a sign to Bale he fell in behind the man and followed him through two or three ill-paved and squalid streets. Presently the rider passed through a loop-holed gateway, crossed an open space surrounded by dreary buildings which no military eye could take for aught but a barrack yard. The two still followed — the sentry staring after them. On the far side of the yard the mare and its rider vanished through a second arch- way, which appeared to lead to an inner court. The Colonel went after them. Fortune, he thought, had favoured him. But as he emerged from the tunnel-like passage he raised MESS-ROOM AT TRALEE 57 his head in astonishment. A din of voices, an outbreak of laughter and revelry, burst in a flood of sound upon his ears. He turned his face in the direction whence the sounds came, and saw three open windows, and at each window three or four flushed countenances. His sudden emergence from the tunnel, perhaps his look of surprise, wrought an instant's silence, which was followed by a ruder outburst. "Cock! cock! cock!" shrieked a tipsy voice, and an orange, hurled at random, missed the Colonel's astonished face by a yard. The mare which had led him so far had disappeared, and instinctively he drew bridle. He stared at the window! "Mark one!" cried a second roisterer, and a cork, better aimed than the orange, struck the Colonel sharply on the chin. A shout of laughter greeted the hit. He raised his hat. "Gentlemen," he remonstrated, "gentlemen " He could proceed no further. A flight of corks, a renewed cry of "Cock! cock! cock!" a chorus of "Fetch him, Ponto! Dead, good dog!" drowned his remon- strances. Perhaps in the scowling face at his elbow the wits of the — th found more amusement than in the master's mild astonishment. "Who the deuce is he ?" cried one of the seniors, raising his voice above the uproar. "English or Irish?" "Irish for a dozen! " a voice answered. " Here, Paddy, where 's your papers?" "Ay, be jabers!" in an exaggerated brogue; "it's the 58 THEWILDGEESE broth of a boy he is, and never a face as long as his in ould Ireland!" "Gentlemen," the Colonel said, getting in a word at last. "Gentlemen, I have been in many companies before this, and " "You shall be in ours!" one of the revellers retorted. And "Have him in! Fetch him in!" roared a dozen voices, amid much laughter. Half as many young fellows leaped from the windows, and surrounded him. "Who-whoop!" cried one, " Who- whoop ! " "Steady, gentlemen, steady!" the Colonel said, a note of sternness in his voice. "I 've no objection to joining you, or to a little timely frolic, but " "Join us you will, whether or no!" replied one more turbulent than the rest. He made as if he would lay hands on the Colonel, and, to avoid violence, the latter suffered himself to be helped from his saddle. In a twinkling he was through the doorway, leaving his reins in Bale's hand. Boisterous cries of "Hallo, sobersides!" and "Cock, cock, cock!" greeted the Colonel, as, partly of his own accord and partly urged by unceremonious hands, he crossed the threshold. The scene presented by the apartment matched the flushed faces which the windows had framed. A corner of the table had been cleared for a main at hazard; but to make up for this the sideboard was a wilderness of broken meats and piled-up dishes, and an overturned card-table beside one of the windows had strewn the floor with cards. MESS-ROOM AT TRALEE 59 Here, there, everywhere on chairs, on hooks, were cast sword-belts, neckcloths, neglected wigs. A peaceful citizen of that day had as soon found himself in a bear-pit; and even the Colonel's face grew a trifle longer as hands, not too gentle, conducted him toward the end of the table. " Gentlemen, gentlemen," he began, "I have been in many companies, as I said before, and " "A speech! Old Gravity's speech!" roared a middle- aged, bold-eyed man, who had suggested the sally from the windows, and from the first had set the younger spirits an example of recklessness. "Hear to him!" He filled a glass of wine and waved it perilously near the Colonel's nose. " Old Gravity's speech ! Give it tongue ! " he cried. "The flure's your own, and we 're listening." Colonel John eyed him with a slight contraction of the features. But the announcement, if ill-meant, availed to procure silence. The more sober had resumed their seats. He raised his head and spoke. "Gentlemen," he said — and it was strange to note the effect of his look as his eyes fell first on one and then on another, fraught with a dignity which insensibly wrought on them. "Gentlemen, I have been in many companies, and I have found it true, all the world over, that what a man brings he finds. I have the honour to speak to you as a soldier to soldiers " " English or Irish ?" asked a tall sallow man — sharply, but in a new tone. "Irish!" 60 THE WILD GEESE "Oh, be jabers!" from the man with the wineglass. But the Colonel's eye and manner had had their effect, and "Let him speak!" the sallow man said. "And you, Payton, have done with your fooling, will you?" "Well, hear to him!" "I have been in many camps and many companies, gentlemen," the Colonel resumed, "and those of many nations. But wherever I have been I have found that if a man brought no offence, he received none. I am a stranger here, for I have been out of my own country for a score of years. On my return you welcome me," he smiled, "a little boisterously perhaps, but I am sure, gentlemen, with a good intent. And as I have fared else- where I am sure I shall fare at your hands." "Well, sure," from the background, "and have n't we made you welcome ? " "Almost too freely," the Colonel replied, smiling good- humouredly. "A peaceable man who had not lived as long as I have might have found himself at a loss in face of so strenuous a welcome. Corks, perhaps, are more in place in bottles " "And a dale more in place out of them!" from the background. "But if you will permit me to explain my errand, I will say no more of that. My name, gentlemen, is Sullivan, Colonel John Sullivan of Skull, formerly of the Swedish service, and much at your service. I shall be still more obliged if any of you will be kind enough to inform me who is the purchaser " MESS-ROOM AT TRALEE Gl Payton interrupted him rudely. " We have had enough of this!" he cried. "Sink all purchasers, I say!" And with a drunken crow he thrust his neighbour against the speaker, causing both to reel. How it happened no one saw — whether Payton himself staggered in the act, or flung the wine wantonly; but somehow the contents of his glass flew over the Colonel's face and neckcloth. Half a dozen men rose from their seats. "Shame!" an indignant voice cried. Among those who had risen was the sallow man. "Payton," he said sharply, "what did you do that for?" " Because I choose, if you like ! " the stout man answered. " What is it to you ? I am ready to give him satisfaction when he likes, and where he likes, and no heel-taps! And what more can he want ? Do you hear, sir ? " he continued in a bullying tone. "Sword or pistols, before breakfast or after dinner, drunk or sober, Jack Payton 's your man. It shall never be said in my time that the — th suffered a crop-eared Irishman to preach to them in their own mess- room! You can send your friend to me when you please. He '11 find me!" The Colonel was wiping the wine from his chin and neckcloth. He had turned strangely pale at the moment of the insult. More than one of those who watched him curiously, noting the slow preciseness of his movements, expected some extraordinary action. But no one looked for anything so abnormal as the course he took when he spoke. Nothing in his bearing 62 THEWILDGEESE had prepared them for it; nor anything in his conduct which, so far, had been that of a man of the world not too much at a loss even in the unfavourable circumstances in which he was placed. ''I do not fight," he said. "Your challenge is cheap, sir, as your insult." Pay ton stared. He had never been more astonished in his life. "You do not fight? Heaven and earth! and you a soldier!" "I do not fight." "After that, man! Not — after " "No," Colonel John said between his teeth. And then no one spoke. A something in Colonel John's tone sobered the spectators, and turned that which might have seemed an ignominy into a tragedy in which they all had their share. For the insult had been so wanton, that there was not one of the witnesses whose sympathy had not been with the victim. Payton alone was moved only by contempt. "Heavens, man!" he cried, finding his voice again. "Are you a Quaker? If so, why do you call yourself a soldier?" "I am no Quaker," Colonel John answered, "but I do not fight duels." "Why?" "If I killed you," the Colonel replied, eyeing him steadily, " would it dry my neckcloth or clean my face ? " " No! " Payton retorted with a sneer, " but it would clean your honour! It would prove, man, that, unlike the MESS-ROOM AT TRALEE 63 beasts that perish, you vakied something more than your Ufe!" "I do." "What?" Payton asked with careless disdain. "Among other things, my duty." Payton laughed brutally. "Why, by the powers, you are a preacher!" he retorted "Hang your duty, sir, and you for a craven ! Give me acts, not words ! It 's a man's duty to defend his honour, and you talk of your neck- cloth! There 's for a new neckcloth!" He pulled out a half-crown and flung it, with an insulting gesture, upon the table. " Show us your back, and for the future give gentle- men of honour a wide berth! You are no mate for them!" The act and the words were too strong. A murmur rose — for if Payton was feared he was not loved ; and the sallow-faced man, whose name was Marsh, spoke out. "Easy, Payton," he said. "The gentleman " "The gentleman, eh?" " Did not come here of his own accord, and you 've said enough, and done enough! For my part " "I didn't ask for your interference!" the other cried insolently. 'Well, anyway " 'And I don't want it! And I won't have it; do you hear. Marsh?" Payton repeated menacingly. "You know me, and I know you," "I know that you are a better fencer and a better shot than I am," Marsh replied, shrugging his shoulders, "and << (( 64 THE WILD GEESE I daresay than any of us. We are apt to believe it, anyway. But " "I would advise you to let that be enough," Payton sneered. It was then that the Colonel spoke — and in a tone some- what altered. "I am much obliged to you, sir," he said, addressing the sallow-faced man. " I crave leave to say one word only, which may come home to some among you. We are all, at times, at the mercy of mean persons. Yes, sir, of mean persons," the Colonel repeated, in a tone so determined that Payton, in the act of seizing a decanter to hurl at him, hesitated. "For any but a mean person," Colonel John continued, drawing himself up to his full height, "finding that he had insulted one who could not meet him on even terms, would have deemed it the same as if he had insulted a one-armed man, or a blind man, and would have set himself right by an apology." At that word Payton found his voice. "Hang your apology!" he cried furiously. " By an apology," the Colonel repeated, fixing him with eyes of unmeasured contempt, "which would have lowered him no more than an apology to a woman or a child. Not doing so, his act dishonours himself only, and those who sit with him. And one day, unless I mistake not, his own blood, and the blood of others, will rest upon his head." With that word the speaker turned slowly, walked with an even pace to the door, and opened it, none gainsaying him. On the threshold he paused and looked back. Something, possibly some chord of superstition in his MESS-ROOM AT TRALEE 65 breast which his adversary's last words had touched, held Pay ton silent: and silent the Colonel's raised finger found him. " I believe," Colonel John said, gazing solemnly at him, "that we shall meet again." And he went out. Payton turned to the table, and with an unsteady hand filled a glass. "Sink the old Square-Toes!" he cried. "He got what he deserved! Who '11 throw a main with me?" "Thirty guineas against your new mare, if you like ?" " No, confound you," Payton retorted angrily. " Did n't I say she was n't for sale?" CHAPTER VI THE MaTtRE d'aRMES BEYOND doubt Colonel John was, as he retired, as unhappy as a more ordinary man might have been in the same case. He knew that he was no craven, that he had given his proofs a score of times. But old deeds and a foreign reputation availed nothing here, and it was with a deep sense of vexation and shame that he rode out of the barrack-yard. Nor were his spirits low on this account only. He knew that he could only get the mare from those who held her by imposing himself upon them; and to do this after what had happened seemed impossible. If he was anxious to recover the mare, his anxiety did not rest there. Her recovery was but a step to that influence at Morris- town which would make him potent for good; to that consideration which would enable him to expel foolish counsels, and silence that simmering talk of treason which might at any moment boil up into action and ruin a countryside. The story would be told, must be told: it would be carried far and wide; and he had come off so ill, had cut so poor a figure, that after this he could hope for nothing from his personal influence here or 66 THE MAITRE D'ARMES 67 at Morristown. Nothing, unless he could set himself right at Tralee. He brooded long over the matter and at length hit on a plan, promising, though distasteful. He called Bale, and made inquiries through that taciturn man. Next morning he sat late at his breakfast. He had learned that the garrison used the inn much, many of the officers calling there for their "morning"; and the information proved correct. About ten he heard heavy steps in the stone- paved passage, spurs rang out an arrogant challenge, and voices called for Patsy and Molly. By and by two officers, almost lads, sauntered into the room and, finding him there, moved with a wink and a grin to the window. They leaned out, and he heard them laugh; he knew that they were discussing him before they turned to the daily fare — the neat ankles of a passing colleen, the glancing eyes of the French milliner over the way, or the dog-fight at the corner. The two remained thus until presently the sallow-faced man sauntered idly into the room. He did not see the Colonel at once, but the latter rose and bowed. Marsh, a little added colour in his face, returned the salute — with an indifferent grace. It was clear that, though he had behaved better than his fellows on the previous day, he had no desire to push the acquaint- ance farther. Colonel John, however, gave him no chance. Still standing, and with a grave, courteous face, "May I, as a stranger," he said, "trouble you with a question, sir?" 68 THEWILDGEESE The two lady-killers at the window heard the words and nudged one another, with a stifled chuckle at their com- rade's predicament. Captain Marsh, with one eye on them, assented stiffly. "Is there any one," the Colonel asked, ''in Tralee — I fear the chance is small — who gives fencing lessons ?" The Captain's look of surprise yielded to one of pitying comprehension. He smiled — he could not help it; while the young men drew in their heads to hear the better. "Yes," he answered, "there is." "In the regiment, I presume?" "He is attached to it temporarily. If you will inquire at the Armoury for Lemoine, the maitre d'armes, he will oblige you, I have no doubt. But " "If you please?" the Colonel said politely, seeing that Marsh hesitated. " If you are not a skilled swordsman, I fear that it is not one lesson, or two, or a dozen, will enable you to meet Captain Payton, if you have such a thing in your mind, sir. He is but little weaker than Lemoine, and Lemoine is a fair match with a small-sword for any man out of Lfjndon. Brady in Dublin, possibly, but " he stopped abrujjtly, his ear catching a snigger at the window. "Still," the Colonel answered simply, "a long reach goes for much, I have heard, and I am tall." Captain Marsh looked at him in pity, and he might have put his compassion into words, but for the young bloods at the window, who, he knew, would repeat the conversa- THE MAITRE D'ARMES 69 tion. He contented himself, therefore, with saying rather curtlv, "I be here it goes some wav." And he turned stiffly to go out. But the Colonel had a last question to put to him. "At what hour," he asked, "should I be most likely to find this — Lemoine at leisure?" "Lemoine?" "If you please." INIarsh opened his mouth to answer, but found himself anticipated by one of the youngsters. "Three in the afternoon is the best time," tne lad said bluntly, speaking over his shoulder. He popped out his head again, that his face, swollen by his perception of the jest, might not betray it. But the Colonel seemed to see nothing. " I thank you," he said, bowing courteously. And reseatinii himself, as Marsh went out, he finisned his breakfast. The two at the window, after exploding once or twice in an attempt to stifle their laughter, drew in their heads, and, still red in the face, marched solemnly past the Colonel, and out of the room. His seat, now the window was clear, commanded a view of the street, and presently he saw the two young bloods go by in the com- pany of four or five of their like. They were gesticulating, nor was there much doubt, from the laughter with which their tale was received, that they were retailmg a joke of signal humour. That did not surprise the Colonel. But when the door opened a moment later, and Marsh came hastily into the 70 THEWILDGEESE room, and with averted face began to peer about for some- thing, he was surprised. "Where's that snuff-box!" the sallow-faced man exclaimed. Then, looking about him to make sure that the door was closed. "See here, sir," he said awkwardly, "it 's no business of mine, but for a man who has served as you say you have, you 're a very simple fellow. Take my advice and don't go to Lemoine's at three, if you go at all." "No?" the Colonel echoed. " Can't you see they '11 all be there to guy you ?" Marsh retorted impatiently. The next moment, with a hasty nod, he was gone, He had found the box in his pocket. Colonel Sullivan smiled, and rose from the table. "A good man," he muttered. " Pity he has not more courage." The next moment he came to attention, for slowly past the window moved Captain Payton himself, riding Flavia's mare, and talking with one of the young bloods who walked at his stirrup. The man and the horse! The Colonel began to under- stand that something more than wantonness had inspired Payton's conduct the previous night. He had had an interest in nipping inquiry in the bud; and, learning who the Colonel was, had acted on the instant, and with con- siderable presence of mind. The Colonel remained within doors until five minutes before three o'clock. Then, attending to the directions he had received, he made his way to a particular door a little within the barrack gate. THE MAITRE D'ARMES 71 Had he glanced up at the windows he would have seen faces at them; moreover, a suspicious ear might have caught a scurrying of feet, mingled with stifled laughter. But he did not look up. He did not seem to expect to see more than he found, when he entered — a great bare room with its floor strewn with sawdust and its walls adorned here and there by a gaunt trophy of arms. In the middle of the floor, engaged apparently in weighing one foil against another, was a stout, dark man, whose light and nimble step gave the lie to his weight. Certainly there came from a half-opened door at the end of the room a stealthy sound as of rats taking cover. But Colonel John did not look that way. His whole attention was bent upon the maitre d'armes, who bowed low to him. Clicking his heels together, and extending his palms in the French fashion. " Good morning, sare," he said, his southern accent unmistakable. "I make you welcome." The Colonel returned his salute less elaborately "The maitre d'armes, Lemoine?" he said. "Yes, sare, that is me. At your service!" " I am a stranger in Tralee, and I have been recom- mended to apply to you. You are, I am told, accustomed to give lessons." "With the small-sword?" the Frenchman answered, with the same gesture of the open hands. "It is my profession." " I am desirous of brushing up my knowledge — such as it IS. "A vare good notion," the fencing-master replied, his 72 THEWILDGEESE black, beady eyes twinkling. " Vare good for me. Vara good also for you. Always ready, is the gentleman's motto; and to make himself ready, his high recreation. But, doubtless, sare," with a faint smile, "you are pro- ficient, and I teach you nothing. You come but to sweat a little." "At one time," Colonel John replied with simplicity, "I was fairly proficient. Then — this happened!" He held out his right hand. "You see?" "Ah!" the Frenchman said in a low tone, and he raised his hands. "That is ogly! That is vare ogly! Can you hold with that?" he added, inspecting the hand with interest. He was a different man. "So, so," the Colonel answered cheerfully. " Not strongly, eh ? It is not possible." "Not very strongly," the Colonel assented. His hand, Hke Bale's, lacked two fingers. Lemoine muttered something under his breath, and looked at the Colonel with a wrinkled brow. "Tut — tut!" he said, "and how long are you like that, sare?" "Seven years." "Pity! pity!" Lemoine exclaimed. Again he looked at his visitor with perplexed eyes. After which, "Peste!" he said suddenly. The Colonel stared. "It is not right!" the Frenchman continued, frowning. "I — no! Pardon me, sare, I do not fence with les estropies. That is downright! That is certain, sare. I do not do it." THEMAITRED'ARMES 73 If the Colonel had been listening he might have caught the sound of a warning cough, proceeding from the direc- tion of the inner room; but he had his back to the half- opened door. " But if," he objected, " I am willing to pay for an hour's practice?" "Another day, sare. Another day, if you will." "But I shall not be here another day. I have but to-day. By and by," he continued with a smile as kindly as it was humorous, " I shall begin to think that you are afraid to pit yourself against a manchoi!" "Oh, la! la!" "Do me the favour, then," Colonel John retorted. "If you please?" Against one of the walls were three chairs arranged in a row. Before each stood a boot-jack, and beside it a pair of boot-hooks; over it, fixed in the wall, were two or three pegs for the occupant's wig, cravat, and cane. The Colonel, without waiting for a further answer, took his seat on one of the chairs, removed his boots, and then his coat, vest, and wig, which he hung on the pegs above him. "And now," he said gaily, as he stood up, "the mask!" He did not see the change, but as he rose, the door of the room behind him became fringed with grinning faces. Pay ton, the two youths who had leaned from the window of the inn, a couple of older officers, half a dozen subalterns, all were there. The more grave could hardly keep the more hilarious in order. The stranger who fought no duels, yet thought that a lesson or two would make him a 74 THEWILDGEESE match for a dead-hand hke Payton — was ever such a promising joke conceived ? The Frenchman made no further demur. He took his mask, and proffered a choice of foils to his antagonist, whose figure, freed from the heavy coat and vest of the day, seemed more supple than the Frenchman had expected. "A pity, a pity!" the latter said to himself. "To have lost, if he ever was professor, the joy of life!" "Are you ready?" Colonel John asked. "At your service, sare," the maiire d'armes replied. The two advanced each a foot, they touched swords, then saluted with that graceful and courteous engagement which to an ignorant observer is one of the charms of the foil. As they did so, and steel grated on steel, the eavesdroppers in the inner room ventured softly from ambush — like rats issuing forth. They were on the broad grin when they came out. But it took them less than a minute to discover that the enter- tainment was not likely to be so extravagantly funny as they had hoped. The Colonel was not, strictly speaking a tyro; moreover, he had, as he said, a long reach. He was no match indeed for Lemoine, who touched him twice in the first bout and might have touched him thrice had he put forth his strength. But he did nothing absurd. When he dropped his point, therefore, at the end of the rally, and turning to take breath came face to face with the gallery of onlookers, the best-natured of these felt rather foolish. But Colonel John seemed to find nothing sur- prising in their presence. He saluted them courteously THE MAITRE D'ARMES 75 with his weapon. "I am afraid I cannot show you much sport, gentlemen," he said. One or two muttered something — a good day, or the Hke. The rest grinned unmeaningly. Payton said noth- ing, but, folding his arms with a superior air, leaned frowning against the wall. " Parbleu," said Lemoine, as they rested. "It is a pity. The wrist is excellent, sare. But the pointing finger is not — is not!" "I do my best," the Colonel answered, with cheerful resignation. "Shall we engage again?" "At your pleasure." The Frenchman's eye no longer twinkled; his gallantry was on its mettle. He was grave and severe, fixing his gaze on the Colonel's attack, and remaining blind to the nods and shrugs of his patrons in the background. Again he touched the Colonel, and, alas! again, with an ease he could not mask. Colonel John, a little breathed, and perhaps a little chagrined also, dropped his point. Some one coughed, and another tittered. "I think he will need another lesson or two," Pavton remarked, loudlv enough for all to hear. The man whom he addressed made an inaudible answer. The Colonel turned toward them. "And — a new hand," Payton added in the same tone. Even for his henchman the remark was almost too much. But the Colonel, strange to say seemed to find nothing offensive in it. On the contrary, he replied to it. 76 THE WILD GEESE "That was precisely," he said, "what I thought when this" — he indicated his maimed hand — "happened to me. And I did my best to procure one." " Did you succeed ?" Payton retorted in an insolent tone. "To some extent," the Colonel replied, in the most matter-of-fact manner. And he transferred the foil to his left hand. "Give you four to one," Payton rejoined, "Lemoine hits you twice before you hit him once." Colonel John had anticipated some of the things that had happened. But he had not foreseen this. He was quick to see the use to which he might put it, and it was only for an instant that he hesitated. Then "Four to one?" he repeated. "Five, if you like!" Payton sneered. "If you will wager," the Colonel said slowly, "if you will wager the gray mare you were riding this morning, Sir Payton uttered an angry oath. "What do you mean ?" he said. "Against ten guineas," Colonel John continued care- lessly, bending the foil against the floor and letting it spring to its length again," I will make that wager." Payton scowled at him. He was aware of the other's interest in the mare, and suspected that he had come to town to recover her. And caution would have had him refuse the snare. But his toadies were about him, he had long ruled the roost, to retreat went against the grain; while to suppose that the man had the least chance against THE MAITRE D'ARMES 77 Lemoine was absurd. Yet he hesitated. "What do you know about the mare?" he said coarsely. "I have seen her. But of course, if you are afraid to wager her, sir " Pay ton answered to the spur. "Bah! Afraid?" he cried contemptuously. "Done with you!" "That is settled," the Colonel replied. "I am at your service," he continued, turning to the maitre d'armes. "I trust," indicating that he was going to fence with his left hand, "that this will not embarrass you?" "No! But it is interesting, vare interesting," the Frenchman replied. "I have encountered les gauchers before, and " He did not finish the sentence, but saluting, he assumed an attitude a little more wary than usual. The foils felt one another, and ''Oh, va, va!" he muttered. "I under- stand the droll!" For half a minute or so the faces of the onlookers reflected only a mild surprise, mingled with curiosity. But the fencers had not made more than half a dozen serious passes before this was changed, before one face grew longer and another more intent. A man who was no fencer, and therefore no judge, spoke. A fierce oath silenced him. Another murmured an exclamation under his breath. Payton's face became slowly a dull red. At length, "Ha!" cried one, drawing in his breath. And he was right. The maitre d'armes' button, sliding under the Colonel's blade, had touched his opponent. At once, Lemoine sprang back out of danger, the two 78 THE WILD GEESE points dropped, the two fencers stood back to take breath. For a few seconds the Colonel's chagrin was plain. Then he conquered the feeling, and smiled. "I fear you are too strong for me," he said. "Not at all," the Frenchman made answer. "Not at all! It was fortune, sare. I know not what you were with your right hand, but you are with the left vare strong, of the first force. It is certain." Payton, an expert, had been among the earliest to dis- cern the Colonel's skill. With a sudden sinking of the heart, he had foreseen the figure he would cut if Lemoine were worsted; he had endured a moment of great fear. But at this success he choked down his apprehension. One more hit, one more success on Lemoine's part, and he had won the wager! But he could no longer bear himself carelessly. While he faltered, seeking for a gibe and finding none, the two combatants had crossed their foils again. Their tense features, their wary movements, made it clear that they played for a victory of which neither was confident. Apart from the wager, it was clear that if Lemoine had not met his match, the Captain had; and doubtless many in the room, on whose toes Payton had trodden, felt secret joy, pleased that the bully of the regiment was like to meet with a reverse and a master. Whatever their thoughts, a quick rally riveted all eyes on the fencers. For a moment thrust and parry followed one another so rapidly that the untrained gaze could not THE MAITRE D'ARMES 79 distinguish them or trace the play. The spectators held their breath, expecting a hit with each second. But the rally died away again, neither of the players had got through the other's guard; and now they fell to it more slowly, the Colonel, a little winded, giving ground, and Lemoine pressing him. Then, no one saw precisely how it happened, whiff- whaff, Lemoine's weapon flew from his hand and struck the wall with a whirr and a jangle. The fencing-master wrung his wrist. " Sacre!" he cried, between his teeth, unable in the moment of surprise to control his chagrin. The Colonel touched him with his button for form's sake, then stepped rapidly to the wall, picked up the foil by the blade, and courteously returned it to him. Two or three cried "Bravo," but faintly, as barely compre- hending what had happened. The greater part stood silent in sheer astonishment. Payton remained dumb with mortification and disgust. Lemoine, indeed, the person more immediately con- cerned, had eyes only for his opponent, whom he regarded with a queer mixture of approval and vexation. "You have been at Angelo's school in Paris, sare?" he said, in the tone of one who stated a fact rather than asked a question. "It is true," the Colonel answered, smiling. "And learned that trick from him?" " I did. It is of little use except to a left-handed man." " Yet in play with one not of the first force it succeeds twice out of three times," Lemoine answered. "Twice 80 THE WILD GEESE out of three times, with the right hand. Ma foil I remember it well! I offered the master twenty guineas, monsieur, if he would teach it me. But because" — he held out his palms pathetically — "I was right-handed, he would not." "I am fortunate," Colonel John answered, bowing, "in being able to requite your good nature. I shall be pleased to teach it you for nothing, but not now. Gentle- men," he continued, giving up his foil to Lemoine, and removing his mask, "gentlemen, you will bear me witness I trust, that I have won the wager?" Some nodded, some murmured an affirmative, others turned toward Payton, who nodded sullenly. How willingly at that moment would he have laid the Colonel dead at his feet, and Lemoine, and the whole crew, friends and enemies! " Oh, hang you! " he said, " Take the mare, she 's in the stable!" At that a brother officer touched his arm, and drew him aside. The intervener seemed to be reminding him of something; and the Colonel, not inattentive, caught the name "Asgill" twice repeated. But Payton was too angry to care for minor consequences. He shook off his adviser with a rough hand. "What do I care?" he answered, "He must shoe his own cattle!" Then, with a poor show of hiding his spite under a cloak of insouciance, he addressed the Colonel. "The mare is yours," he said. "Much good may she do you!" And he turned on his heel and went out of the armoury. CHAPTER VII BARGAINING IT WAS perhaps because Flavia often sought the tower beside the waterfall at sunset, and he had noted the fact, that Luke Asgill's steps bore him thither on an evening three days after the Colonel's departure for Tralee. Asgill had remained at Morris- town, though the girl had not hidden her distaste for his presence. But to all her remonstrances The McMurrough had replied, with his usual churlishness, that the man was there on business — did she want to recover her mare, or did she not ? And she had found nothing more to say. But the most slavish observance on the guest's part, and some improvement in her brother's conduct — which she might have rightly attributed to Asgill's presence — had not melted her. Be that as it might, Asgill did not find her at the tower. But he thought that she might still come, and he waited, sitting low, with his back against the ruined wall, that she might not see him until it was too late for her to retreat. By and by he heard footsteps mounting the path; his face reddened, and he made as if he would rise. But the face that rose above the brow was not Flavia's, but her brother's. And Asgill swore. 81 82 THEWILDGEESE The McMiirrough understood, grinned, and threw him- self on the ground beside him. " You '11 be wishing me in the devil's bowl, I'm thinking," he said. "Yet, faith, I 'm not so sure — if you 're not a fool. For it 's certain I am you '11 never touch so much as the sole of her foot without me." "I 'm not denying it," the other answered sulkily. "So it's mighty little use your wishing me away!" The McMurrough continued, stretching himself at his ease. "You can't get her without me; nor at all, at all but on my terms! It would be a fine thing for you, no doubt, if you could sneak round her behind my back! Don't I know you 'd be all for old Sir Michael's will then, and I might die in a gutter, for you! But an egg, and an egg 's fair sharing." "Have I said it was any other?" Asgill asked gloomily. "The old place is mine, and I 'm minded to keep it." "And if any other marries her," Asgill said quietly, "he will want her rights." "Well, and do you think," the younger man answered in his ugliest manner, "that if it were n't for that small fact, Mister Asgill " "And the small fact," Asgill struck in, " that before your grandfather died I lent you a clear five hundred, and I 'm to take that, that 's my own already, in quittance of all! " "Well, and wasn't it that same I'm saying?" The McMurrough retorted. "If it were n't for that, and the bargain we 've struck d' you think that I 'd be letting my sister and a McMurrough look at the likes of you ? No, BARGAINING 83 not in as many midsummer days as are between this and world without end!" The look Asgill shot at him would have made a wiser man tremble. But The McMurrough knew the strength of his position. "And if I were to tell her ? " Asgill said slowly. "What?" "That we 've made a bargain about her." "It's the last strand of hope you'd be breaking, my man," the younger man answered briskly. "For you 'd lose my help, and she 'd not believe you — though every priest in Douai backed your word!" Asgill knew that that was true, and he changed his tone. "Enough said," he replied pacifically. "Where '11 we be if we quarrel ? You want the old place that is yours by right. And I want — your sister." He swallowed some- thing as he named her; even his tone was different. " 'T is one and one. That 's all." "And you 're the one who wants the most," James replied cunningly. "Asgill, my man, you 'd give your soul for her, I 'm thinking." "I would." "You would, I believe," he continued, with a leer, "you 're that fond of her I '11 have to look to her! Hang me, my friend, if I let her be alone with you after this. Safe bind, safe bind. Women and fruit are easily bruised." Asgill rose slowly to his feet. "You scoundrel!" he said in a low tone. And it was only when The McMur- 84 THEWILDGEESE rough, surprised by his movement, turned to him, that the young man saw that his face was black with passion, so menacing, that he also sprang to his feet. "You scoun- drel!" Asgill repeated, choking on the words. "If you say a thing like that again I '11 do you a mischief. Do you hear?" "What in the saints' names is the matter with you?" The McMurrough faltered. "You 're not fit to breathe the air she breathes!" Asgill continued, with the same ferocity. "Nor am II But I know it. And you don't! Why, man," he continued, still fighting with the passion that possessed him, "I would n't dare to touch the hem of her gown without her leave. I would n't dare to look in her face if she bade me not! She 's as safe with me as if she were an angel in heaven! And you say — you; but you don't understand!" "Faith and I don't," The McMurrough answered, his tone much lowered. "That 's true for you! " "No," Asgill repeated. "But don't you talk like that again, or harm will come of it. I may be what you say, but I would n't lay a finger on your sister against her will — no, not to be in Paradise!" "I thought you did n't believe in Paradise," the younger man muttered. "There 's a Paradise I do believe in," Asgill answered. "But never mind that." He sat down again. Strange to relate, he meant what he said. Asgill was as unscrupulous a man as the time in which he lived and the class from which he sprang could show. He had risen BARGAINING 85 to his present station by crushing the weak and cajoUng the strong, and he was prepared to maintain his ground by means as vile and a hand as hard. But he loved; and somewhere in the depths of his earthly nature a spark of good survived, and fired him with so pure an ardour that at the least hint of disrespect to his mistress, the whole man rose in arms. "Enough of that!" Asgill repeated after a moment's pause. While he did not fear, it did not suit him to break with his companion. "And, indeed, it was not of your sister I was thinking when I said where 'd we be if we quarrelled. For it 's not I '11 be the cuckoo to push you out, McMurrough, lad. But a man there is will play the old gray bird yet, if you let him be. And him with the power and all." "D'you mean John Sullivan?" "I mean that same, my jewel." The young man laughed derisively. "Pho!" he said, "you '11 be jesting. For the power, it 's but a name. If he were to use, were it but the thin end of it, it would run into his hand! The boys would rise upon him, and Flawy 'd be the worst of them. It 's in the deep bog he 'd be, before he knew where he was, and never 'd he come out, Luke Asgill! Sure, I 'm not afraid of him!" "You 've need to be!" Asgill said, soberly. "Pho! It takes more than him to frighten me! Why, man, he 's a soft thing, if ever there was one! He '11 not say boh! to a goose with a pistol in its hand!" 86 THEWILDGEESE "And that might be, if you were n't such a fool as ye are, McMurrough!" Asgill answered. "I say he might not harm you, if you had not the folly we both know of in your mind. But I tell you freely I '11 be no bonnet to it while he stands by. 'T is too dangerous. Not that I believe you are much in earnest, my lad. What 's your rightful king to you, or you to him, that you should risk aught ? But whether you go into it out of pure devilment, or just to keep right with your sister " "Which is why you stand bonnet for it," McMurrough struck in, with a grin. "That 's possible. But I do that, my lad, because I hope naught may come of it, but just a drinking of healths and the like. So, why should I play the informer and get myself misliked ? But you — you may find yourself deeper in it than you think, and quicker than you think, while all the time, if the truth were told" — with a shrewd look at the other — "I believe you 've little more heart for it than myself." The young man swore a great oath that he was in it body and soul. But he laughed before the words were out of his mouth. "I don't believe you," Asgill said, coolly. "You know, and I know, what you were ready to do when the old man was alive, and if it had paid you properly. You 'd do the same now, if it paid you. So what are the wrongs of the old faith to you that you should risk all for them? Or the rights of the old Irish, for the matter of that? This being so, I tell you, it is too dangerous a game to play for BARGAINING 87 groats. While John SuIHvan 's here, that makes it more dangerous. I '11 not play bonnet!" " What '11 he know of it, at all, at all ?" James McMur- rough asked contemptuously. "With a Spanish ship off the coast," Asgill answered, "and you know who likely to land, and a preaching, may be, next Sunday, and pike-drill at the Carraghalin to follow — man, in three days you may have smoking roof-trees, and 'twill be too late to cry 'Hold!' Stop, I say, stop while you can, and before you 've all Kerry in a flame!" James McMurrough turned with a start. "How did you know there was pike-drill?" he cried, sharply, "I did n't tell you." "Hundreds know it." "But you!" McMurrough retorted. It was plain that he was disagreeably surprised. "Did you think I meant nothing when I said I played bonnet to it?" "You know a heap too much, Luke Asgill!" "And could make a good market of it ? "Asgill answered, coolly. "That 's what you 're thinking. It's heaven's truth I could — if you 'd not a sister." "And a care for your own skin." "Faith," Asgill answered with humorous frankness, "and I 'm plain with you, that stands for something. But that I 've not that in my mind — I 'm giving you proof, James McMurrough. Is n't it I am praying you to draw out of it in time, for all our sakes ? If you mean nothing but to keep sweet with your sister, you 're playing with fire, 88 THEWILDGEESE and so am I ! And for the rest, if you are fool enough to be in earnest, which I '11 never believe, you 've neither money, nor men, nor powder." "You know a heap of things, Asgill," James McMur- rough answered disdainfully. "I do. And more by token, I know this!" Asgill retorted. He had risen to depart, and the two stood with their faces close together. "This!" he repeated, clapping one hand on the other. "If you 're a fool, I 'm a bigger. Or what would I be doing ? Why, I 'd be pressing you into this, in place of holding you back! And then when the trouble came, and you 'd to quit, my lad, and no choice but to make work for the hangman or beg a crust over seas, and your sister 'd no more left than she stood up in, and small choice either, it 's then she 'd be glad to take Luke Asgill, as she '11 barely look at now! Ay, my lad, I 'd win her then, if it were but as the price of saving your neck! There's naught she'd not do for you, and I 'd ask but herself." James McMurrough stared at him, confounded. For Asgill spoke with a bitterness as well as a vehemence that betrayed how little he cared for the man he addressed — whether he swung or lived, begged or famished. His tone, his manner, his black look all made it plain that the scheme he outlined was no sudden thought, but a plan long conceived, often studied, and put aside with reluc- tance. James shuddered, and his countenance changed. A creature of small vanities and small vices, worthless, selfish, and cruel, but as weak as water, he quailed before BARGAINING 89 this view of a soul darker than his own. It was with a poor affectation of defiance that he made his answer, " And what for, if it 's as easy as you say, don't you do it?" he stammered. Asgill groaned. "Because — but there, you would n't understand! Still, if you must be knowing, there 's ways of winning would be worse than losing!" The McIMurrough's confidence began to return. "You 're grown scrupulous," he sneered, half in jest, half in earnest. Asgill's answer flung him down again. "You may thank your stars I am!" he replied, with a look that scorched the other. "Well — well," McMurrough made an effort to mutter — he was thoroughly disconcerted — "at any rate, I'm obliged to you for your warning." "You will be obliged to me," Asgill replied, resuming his ordinary manner, "if you take my warning as to the big matter; and also as to your kinsman, John Sullivan. For, I tell you, I 'm afraid of him." "Of him?" James cried, "Ay, of him. Have a care, have a care, man, or he '11 out-general you. See if he does n't poison your sister against you! See if he does not make this hearth too hot for you! As long as he 's in the house there 's danger. I know the sort," Asgill continued shrewdly, "and little by little, you '11 see, he '11 get possession of her — and it 's weak is your position as it is, my lad." "Pho!" 90 THEWILDGEESE *"T is not 'phoM And in a week you '11 know it, and be as glad to see his back as I should be to-day!" "What, a man who has not the spirit to go out with a gentleman!" "A man, you mean," Asgill retorted, showing his greater shrewdness, "who has the spirit to say that he won't go out!" "Sure, and I 've not much opinion of a man of that kind," McMurrough exclaimed. "I have," Asgill replied. "I'd not have played the trick about your sister 's mare, if I 'd known he 'd be here. It seemed the height of invention when you hit upon it, and no better way of commending myself. But I misdoubt it now. Suppose this Colonel brings her back?" "But Payton 's stanch." "Ah, I hold Payton, sure enough," Asgill answered, "in the hollow of my hand, James McMurrough. But there 's accident, and there 's what not, and if in place of my restoring the mare to your sister, John Sullivan restored her — faith, my lad, I 'd be laughing on the other side of my face. And if he told what I '11 be bound he knows of you, it would not suit you either!" "It would not," The McMurrough replied, with an ugly look which the gloaming failed to mask. "It would not. But there 's small chance of that." "Things happen," Asgill answered in a sombre tone. "Faith, my lad, the man 's a danger. D' you consider," he continued, his voice low, "that he 's owner of all — in law; and if he said the word, devil a penny there 'd be for BARGAINING 91 you! And no marriage for your sister but with his good will." McMurrough's face showed a shade paler through the dusk. "\^Tiat would you have me do?" he muttered. "Quit this plan of a rising, and give him no handle. That, anyway." "But that won't rid us of him?" McMurrough said, in a low voice. "True for you. And I '11 be thinking about that same. He 's no footing yet, and if he vanished 't would be no more than if he 'd never come. See the light below ? There! It 's gone. Well, that way he 'd go, and little more talk, if 't were well plotted." "But how?" The McMurrough asked nervously. "I will consider," Asgill answered. CHAPTER VIII AN AFTER-DINNER GAME EASINESS, the failing of the old-world Irishman, had been Uncle Ulick's bane through life. It was easiness which had induced him to condone a baseness in his nephew which he would have been the first to condemn in a stranger. Again it was easiness which had beguiled him into standing idle while the brother's influence was creeping like strangling ivy over the girl's generous nature. But, above all, it was easiness which had induced Uncle Ulick to countenance in Flavia those romantic notions, now fast developing into full-blown plans, which he, who knew the strength of England and the weakness of Ireland, should have been the first to nip in the bud. He had not nipped them. Instead, he had allowed the reckless patriotism of the young O'Beirnes, and the simu- lated enthusiasm — for simulated he knew it to be — of the young McMurrough to guide the politics of the house and to bring it to the verge of a crisis. For he, too, was Irish! He, too, felt his heart too large for his bosom when he dwelt on his country's wrongs. On him, too, though he knew that successful rebellion was out of the question, Flavia's generous indignation, her youth, her enthusiasm, wrought powerfully. AN AFTER-DINNER GAME 93 At this point had arrived John Sullivan, a man of experience. His very aspect sobered Uncle Ulick's mind. The latter saw that only a blacker and more hopeless night could follow the day of vengeance of which he dreamed; and he sat this evening — while Asgill talked on the hill with The McMurrough — and was sore troubled. Was it, or was it not, too late ? Meanwhile, Flavia sat on a stool on the farther side of the blaze, brooding bitterly over the loss of her mare; and he knew that that incident would not make things more easy. For here was tyranny brought to an every-day level; oppression that pricked to the quick! But the cup was full and running over, and the oppressors should rue it! A short day, and they would find opposed to them the despair of a united people and an ancient faith. Something like this Flavia had been saying to him. Then silence had fallen. And now he made answer. "I 'm low at heart about it, none the less," he said. "War, my girl, is a very dreadful thing." "And what is slavery?" she replied. There were red spots in her cheeks and her eyes shone. "But if the yoke be made heavier, my jewel, and not lighter?" "Then let us die!" she answered. "Let there be an end! But let us die free! As it is, do we not blush to own that we are Irish? Is not our race the handmaid among nations? What have we to live for? Our souls they will not leave us, our bodies they enslave, they take our goods! What is left. Uncle Ulick?" she continued, passionately. 94 THEWILDGEESE " Just to endure," he said, sadly, "till better times. Or what if we make things worse ? Believe me, Flawy, the last rising " "Rising!" she cried. "Rising! Why do you call it that ? It was no rising! It was the English who rose, and we who remained faithful to our king. It was they who betrayed, and we who paid the penalty for treason!" " Call it what you like, my dear," he answered, patiently, "'tis not forgotten." "Nor forgiven!" she cried fiercely. "True! But the spirit is broken in us. If it were not, we should have risen three years back, when the Scotch rose. There was a chance then. But for us by ourselves there is no chance and no hope.'* "Uncle Ulick!" she answered, looking fixedly at him, " I know where you get that from! I know who has been talking to you, and who" — her voice trembled with anger — "has upset the house! It 's meet that one who has left the faith of his fathers, and turned his back on his country in her trouble should try to make others act as he has acted and be false as he has been false! Caring for nothing himself, cold, and heartless " He was about to interrupt her, but on the word the door opened and her brother and Asgill entered. She dashed the tears from her eyes and was silent. " Sure, and you 've got a fine colour, my girl," The McMurrough said. "Any news of the mare?" he con- tinued, as he took the middle of the hearth and spread his skirts to the blaze. Then, as she shook her head despon- AN AFTER-DINNER GAME 95 dently, " Bet you a hundred crowns to one, Asgill," he said, with a grin, " Cousin SuUivan don't recover her!" "I could n't afford to take it," Asgill answered, smiling. "But if Miss Flavia had chosen me for her ambassador in place of him that 's gone " "She might have had a better and could n't have had a worse!" James said, with a loud laugh. "It's supper- time," he continued, after he had turned to the fire, and kicked the turfs together, "and late, too! Where 's Darby ? There 's never anything but waiting in this house. I suppose you are not waiting for the mare ? If you are, it 's empty insides we 'II all be having for a week of weeks." "I 'm much afraid of that," Uncle Ulick answered, as the girl rose. Uncle Ulick could never do anything but fall in with the prevailing humour. Flavia paused half-way across the floor and listened. "What 's that?" she asked, raising her hand for silence. "Didn't you hear something? I thought I heard a horse." "You did n't hear a mare," her brother retorted, grin- ning. "In the meantime, miss, I 'd be having you know we 're hungry. And " He stopped, startled by a knock on the door. The girl hesitated, then she stepped to it, and threw it wide. Con- fronting her across the threshold, looking ghostly against the dark background of the night, a gray horse threw up its head and, dazzled by the light, started back a pace — then blithered gently. Before the men had grasped the truth, Flavia had sprung across the threshold, her arms 96 THEWILDGEESE were round her favourite's neck, she was covering its soft muzzle with kisses. "The saints defend us!" Uncle Ulick cried. "It is the mare!" In his surprise The McMurrough forgot himself, his role, the company, and swore. Fortunately Uncle Ulick was engrossed in the scene at the door, and the girl was out- side. Neither heard. Asgill's mortification was a hundred times deeper, but his quicker brain had taken in the consequences on the instant, and he stood silent. "She's found her way back!" The McMurrough exclaimed, recovering himself. " Ay, lad, that must be it," Uncle Ulick replied. "She *s got loose and found her way back to her stable, heaven be her bed ! And them that took her are worse by the loss of five pounds!" "Broken necks to them!" The McMurrough cried viciously. At that moment the door which led to the back of the house and the offices opened, and Colonel John stepped in, a smile on his face. He laid his damp cloak on a bench, hung up his hat and whip, and nodded to Ulick. "The Lord save us! Is it you've brought her back?" the big man exclaimed. The Colonel nodded. "I thought" — he looked toward the open door — "it would please her to find the creature so!" The McMurrough stood speechless with mortification. AN AFTER-DINNER GAME 97 It was Asgill who stepped forward and spoke. "I give you joy, Colonel Sullivan," he said. "It is small chance I thought you had." "I can believe you," the Colonel answered quietly. If he did not know much, he suspected a good deal. Before more could be said, Flavia McMurrough turned herself about and came in and saw Colonel Sullivan. Her face flamed hotly as the words which she had just used about him recurred to her; she could almost have wished the mare away again if the obligation went with her. To owe the mare to him! But the thing was done, and she found words at last. "I am very much obliged to you," she said, " if it was really you who brought her back." "It was I who brought her back," he answered, hurt by her words and manner, but hiding the hurt. "You need not thank me, I did it very willingly." She felt the meanness of her attitude, and " I do thank you!" she said, straining at warmth, but with poor success. " I am very grateful to you, Colonel Sullivan, for the ser- vice you have done me." "But wish another had done it!" he answered, with the faintest tinge of reproach in his voice. " No! But that you would serve another as effectively," she responded. He did not see her drift. And "What other ?" he asked. "Your country," she replied, and went out into the night, to see that the mare was safely disposed. The four men looked at one another, and Uncle Ulick 98 THEWILDGEESE shrugged his shoulders as much as to say, "We all know what women are!" Then, feeling a storm in the air, he spoke for the sake of speaking. "Well, James," he said, "she's got her mare, and you Ve lost your wager. It 's good-bye to the brandy, anyway. And, faith, it '11 be good news for the little French captain. John Sullivan, I give you joy. You '11 amend us all at this rate! Sure, and I begin to think you 're one of the Little People!" "About the brandy," The McMurrough said curtly, "things are by way of being changed, I 'd have you know. I 'm not going to forego a good ship " "No, no, a bet's a bet," Uncle Ulick interposed, hurriedly. "Mr. Asgill was here, and " "I'm with you," Asgill said. "Colonel Sullivan's won the right to have his way, and it 's better so too, and safer. Faith, and I 'm glad." "Well, it 's not I '11 tell O'Sullivan Og," James McMur- rough retorted. " It 's little he '11 like to give up the stuff, and, in my opinion," he added sullenly, "there's more than us will have a word to say to it before it 's given up. But you can judge of that for yourselves." "Mr. Crosby, of Castlemaine " "Oh! It 's little he '11 count in a week from this!" "Still, no doubt Colonel Sullivan will arrange it," Asgill answered, smoothly. It was evident that he thought The McMurrough was saying too much. "Sure, he 's managed a harder thing." There was a gleam in his eye and something sinister in the tone; but the words were hearty, and Colonel John AN AFTER-DINNER GAME 99 made no demur. Darby, entering at that moment with a pair of lights in tall candlesticks — which were silver, but might have been copper — caused a welcome interruption. A couple of footboys, with slipshod feet and bare ankles, bore in the meats after him and slapped them down on the table; at the same moment the O'Beirnes and two or three more of the "family" entered from the back. Their coming lightened the air. Questions were asked: Where 'd the Colonel light on the cratur, and how 'd he persuade the rogues to give her up? Colonel John refused to say, but laughingly. The O'Beirnes and the others were in a good humour, pleased that the young mis- tress had recovered her favourite, and inclined to look more leniently on the Colonel. "Faith, and it 's clear that you 're a Sullivan ! " quoth one. "There 's none like them to put the comether on man and beast!" This was not much to the taste of The McMurrough or of Asgill, who, inwardly raging, saw the interloper found- ing a reputation on the ruse which they had devised for another end. It was abruptly and with an ill grace that the master of the house cut short the scene and bade all sit down if they wanted their meat. "What are we waiting for?" he continued querulously. "Where 's the girl? Stop your jabbering, Martin! And Phelim " "Sure, I believe the mare's got from her," Uncle Ulick cried. "I heard a horse, no farther back than this moment." "I 'm wishing all horses in Purgatory," The McMur- 100 THEWILDGEESE rough replied angrily. "And fools too! Where's the wench gone ? Anyway, I 'm beginning. You can bide her time if you like!" And begin he did. The others, after looking expectantly at the door — for none dared treat Flavia as her brother treated her — and after Asgill had said something about waiting for her, fell to also, one by one. Presently the younger of the slipshod footboys let fall a dish and was cursed for awkwardness. Where was Darby? He also had vanished. The claret began to go round. Still, neither Flavia nor the butler returned. By and by the Colonel — who felt that a cloud hung over the board as over his own spirits — saw, or fancied that he saw, an odd thing. The door — that which led to the back of the house — opened, as if the draught moved it; it remained open a space, then in a silent, ghostly fashion it fell to again. The Colonel laid down his knife, and Uncle Ulick, whose eyes had followed his, crossed himself. "That's not lucky," the big man said. "The saints send it 's not the white horse of the O'Donoghues has whisked her off!" "Don't be for saying such unchancy things, Mr. Sulli- van!" Phelim answered, with a shiver. "What was it, at all, at all?" "The door opened without a hand," Uncle Ulick explained. "I'm fearing there's something amiss." "Not with this salmon," James McMurrough struck in contemptuously. Uncle Ulick made no reply, and a moment later Darby AN AFTER-DINNER GAME 101 entered, slid round the table to Uncle Ulick's side, and touched his shoulder. Whether he whispered a word or not Colonel John did not observe, but forthwith the big man rose and went out. This time it was James McMurrough who laid down his knife. "What in the name of the Evil One is it?" he cried, in a temper. "Can't a man eat his meat in peace, but all the world must be tramping the floor?" "Oh, whisht! whisht!" Darby muttered, in a peculiar tone. James leaped up. He was too angry to take a hint. "You old fool!" he cried, heedless of Asgill's hand, which was plucking at his skirts. "What is it? What do you mean with your ' whishts ' and your nods ? What " But the old butler had turned his back on his master, and gone out in a panic. Fortunately at this moment Flavia showed at the door. "The fault's mine, James," she said, in a clear, loud tone. And the Colonel saw that her colour was high and her eyes were dancing. "I could n't bear to leave her at once, the darling! That was it; and besides, I took a fear " "The pastern 's right enough," Uncle Ulick struck in, entering behind her and closing the door with the air of a big man who does not mean to be trifled with. "Sound as your own light foot, my jewel, and sounder than James's head! Be easy, be easy, lad," he continued, with a trifle of sternness. " Sure, you 're spoiling other men's meat, and forgetting the Colonel's present, not to speak of Mr. Asgill, that, being a justice, is not used to our Kerry tantrums!" 102 THEWILDGEESE Possibly this last was a hint, cunningly veiled. At any rate, The McMurrough took his seat again with a better grace than usual, and Asgill made haste to take up the talk. The Colonel reflected; nor did he find it the least odd thing that Flavia, who had been so full of distress at the loss of her mare, said little of the rescuer's adventures, nor much of the mare herself. Yet the girl's whole aspect was changed in the last hour. She seemed, as far as he could judge, to be in a state of the utmost excitement; she had shaken off the timidity which her brother's temper too often imposed on her, and with it her shyness before strangers. All the Irish humour in her fluttered to the surface, and her tongue ran with an incredible gaiety. Uncle Ulick, the O' Beirnes, the buckeens, laughed frank admiration — sometimes at remarks which the Colonel could not understand, sometimes at more obvious witti- cisms. Asgill was her slave. Darby, with the familiarity of the old servant, chuckled openly, and more than one dish rolled on the floor without drawing down a rebuke. Even her brother regarded her with unwilling amusement. Could the change in her spring from the recovery of the mare, of which she said scarce a word ? Colonel John could hardly believe it; and if such were the case, she was ungrateful, for the recoverer of her favourite she had no words, and scarce a look. Rather, it seemed to him that there must be two Flavias: the one shy, modest, and, where her country was not assailed, of a reserve beyond reproach; the other Flavia, a shoot of the old tree, a ■ R ,\ 4 T i ■•■- N' . WHO LUVKS MK, FOLLOWS Mk! ACKOSS THE WATEK AN AFTER-DINNER GAME 103 hoyden, a castback to Sir Michael's wild youth and the gay days of the Restoration Court. He Hstened to her drollery, her ringing laugh, her arch sayings, with some blame, but more admiration. Listen- ing with a kindlier heart, he discerned that at her wildest and loudest Flavia did not suffer one light or unmaidenly word to pass her lips. He gave her credit for that; and in the act he learned, with a reflection on his stupidity, that there was method in her madness; ay, and meaning — but he had not hitherto held the key to it — in her jests. On a sudden — he saw now that this was the climax to which she had been leading up — she sprang to her feet, carried away by her excite- ment. Erect, defiant — nay, triumphant — she flung her handkerchief into the middle of the table, strewn as it was with a medley of glasses and flasks and disordered dishes. "\Yho loves me, follows me!" she cried, a queer exulta- tion in her tone "across the water!" They pounced on the kerchief like dogs let loose from the leash — every man but the astonished Colonel. For an instant the place was a pandemonium, a Babel. In a twinkling the kerchief was torn, amid cries of the wildest enthusiasm, into as many fragments as there were men round the table. "All! — All!" she cried, still standing erect, and hound- ing them on with the magic of her voice, while her beauti- ful face blazed with excitement. "All— but you?" — with which, for the briefest space, she turned to Colonel 104 THEWILDGEESE John. Her eyes met his. They asked him a defiant question: they challenged the answer. "I do not understand," he replied, taken by surprise. But indeed he did understand only too well. "Is it a game?" The men were pinning the white shreds on their coats above their hearts — even her brother, obedient for once. But at that word they turned as one man to him, turned flushed, frowning faces and passionate eyes on him. But Flavia was before them. " Yes, a game ! " she cried, laugh- ing, a note too high. "Don't you know the Lady's Kerchief?" "No," he said soberly; he was even a little out of countenance. "Then no more of it," Uncle Ulick cried, interposing, with a ring of authority in his voice. " For my part, I 'm for bed. Bed! We 're all children, bedad, and as fond of a frolic! And I 'm thinking I 'm the worst. The lights Darby, the lights, and pleasant dreams to you! After all — " ' The spoke that is to-day on top To-morrow's on the ground.' Sure, and I '11 swear that 's true!" "And no treason!" The McMurrough answered him, with a grin. "Eh, Asgill?" And so between them they removed Colonel John's last doubt — if he had one. CHAPTER IX EARLY RISERS IT WAS plain — whatever was obscure — that the play of the Lady's Kerchief was a cover for matter more serious. Those who had taken part in it had scarcely deigned to pretend. Colonel John had been duller than the dullest if he had not seen in the white shreds for which the men had scrambled, and which they had affixed with passion to their coats, the White Cockade of the Pretender; or found in Uncle Ulick's couplet — "The spoke that is to-day on top To-morrow 's on the ground " one of those catchwords which suited the taste of the day, and served at once for a passport and a sentiment. But Colonel John knew that many a word was said over the claret which meant less than nothing next morning; and that many a fair hand passed the wine across the water- bowl — the very movement did honour to a shapely arm — without its owner having the least intention of endanger- ing those she loved for the sake of the King across the Water. Consequently he knew that he might be wrong in dot- ting the i's and crossing the t's of the scene which he had witnessed. Such a scene might mean no more than 105 106 THEWILDGEESE a burst of high spirits: in nine cases out of ten it would not be followed by action, nor import more than that sing- ing of "'Twas a' for our rightful King!" which had startled him on his arrival. In that house, in the wilds of Kerry, sheer loyalty could not be expected. The wrongs of the nation were too recent, the high seas were too near, the wild geese came and went too freely — wild geese of another feather than his. Such outbursts as he had wit- nessed were no more than the safety-valves of outraged pride. Colonel John leaned upon such arguments; and, dis- appointed and alarmed as he was by Flavia's behaviour, he told himself that nothing was seriously meant, and that with the morning light things would look more cheerful. But when he awoke, after a feverish and disturbed sleep, the faint grisly dawn that entered the room was not of a character to inspirit. He turned on his side to sleep again ; but in the act he discovered that the curtain which he had drawn across the window was withdrawn. He could discern the dark mass of his clothes piled on a chair, of his hat clinging like some black bat to the whitewashed wall, of his valise and saddle-bags in the corner — finally of a stout figure bent, listening, at the door. An old campaigner. Colonel John was not easily sur- prised. Repressing the exclamation on his lips, he rose to his elbow and waited until the figure at the door straightened itself, and, turning toward him, became EARLY RISERS 107 recognizable as Uncle Ulick. The big man crossed the floor, saw that he was awake, and, finger on lip, enjoined silence. Then he pointed to the clothes on the chair, and brought his mouth near the Colonel's ear. "The back-door!" he whispered. "Under the yews in the garden! Come!" And leaving the Colonel staring and mystified, he crept from the room with a stealth and lightness remarkable in one so big. The door closed, the latch fell, and made no sound. Colonel John reflected that Uncle Ulick was no romantic young person to play at mystery for effect. There was a call for secrecy, therefore. The O'Beirnes slept in a room divided from his only by a thin partition; and to gain the stairs he must pass the doors of other chambers, all inhabited. As softly as he could, and as quickly, he dressed himself. He took his boots in his hand; his sword, perhaps from old habit, under his other arm; in this guise he crept from the room and down the dusky staircase. Old Darby and an underling were snoring in the cub, which in the daytime passed for a pantry, and both by day and by night gave forth a smell of sour corks and mice; but Colonel John slid by the open door as noise- lessly as a shadow, found the back-door — which led to the fold-yard — on the latch, and stepped out into the cool, dark morning, into the sobering freshness and the clean, rain-washed air. The grass was still gray-hued, the world still colourless and mysterious, the house a long black bulk against a slowly lightening sky. 108 THEWILDGEESE Colonel John paused on the doorstep to draw on his boots, then he picked his way delicately to the leather-hung wicket that broke the hedge which served for a fence to the garden. On the right of the wicket a row of tall Florence yews, set within the hedge, screened the pleas- aunce, such as it was, from the house. Under the lee of these he found Uncle Ulick striding to and fro and biting his finger-nails in his impatience. He wrung the Colonel's hand and looked into his face. "You '11 do me the justice, John Sullivan," he said, with a touch of passion, " that never in my life have I been over- hasty? Eh? Will you do me that?" "Certainly, Ulick," Colonel John answered, wondering much what was coming. "And that I 'm no coward, where it 's not a question of trouble?" "I '11 do you that justice, too," the Colonel answered. He smiled at the reservation. The big man did not smile. "Then you'll take my word for it," he replied, " that I 'm not speaking idly when I say you must go." Colonel John lifted his eyebrows. " Go ? " he answered. "Do you mean now?" "Ay, now, or before noon!" Uncle Ulick retorted. "More by token," he continued with bitterness, "it's not that you might go on the instant that I 've brought you out of our own house as if we were a couple of rapparees or horse-thieves, but that you might hear it from me who wish you well, instead of from those who may be '11 not put it EARLY RISERS 109 so kindly, nor be so wishful for you to be taking the warn- ing they give." "Is it Flavia you 're meaning?" " No; and don't you be thinking it," Uncle Uhck rephed with a touch of heat. "Nor the least bit of it, John Sullivan! The girl, God bless her, is as honest as the day, if " "If she 's not very wise!" Colonel John said, smiling. " You may put it that way if you please. For the matter of that, you '11 be thinking she 's not the only fool at Morristown, nor the oldest, nor the biggest. But the blood must run slow, and the breast be cold, that sees the way the Saxons are mocking us and locks the tongue in silence. And sure, there 's no more to be said, but just this — tliat there 's those here you '11 be wise not to see! And you 'II get a hint to that end before the sun 's high." "And you 'd have me take it?" "You 'd be mad not to take it!" Uncle Ulick replied, frowning. "Is n't it for that I 'm out of my warm bed, and the mist not off the lake?" "You 'd have me give way to them and go?" "Faith and I would!" "Would you do that same yourself, Ulick?" "For certain." "And be sorry for it afterward!" " Not the least taste in life! " Uncle Ulick asseverated. "And be sorry for it afterward," Colonel John repeated quietly. "Kinsman, come here," he continued, with unusual gravity. And taking Uncle Ulick by the arm he 110 THEWILDGEESE led him to the end of the garden, where the walk looked on the lake and bore some likeness to a roughly made terrace. Pausing where the black masses of the Florence yews, most funereal of trees, still sheltered their forms from the house, he stood silent. Here and there on the slopes which faced them a cotter's hovel stood solitary in its potato patch or its plot of oats. In more than one place three or four cottages made up a tiny hamlet, from which the smoke would presently rise. To English eyes, the scene, these oases in the limitless brown of the bog, had been wild and rude; but to Colonel John it spoke of peace and safety and comfort, and even of a narrow plenty. The soft Irish air lapped it, the distances were mellow, memories of boyhood rounded off all that was unsightly or cold. He pointed here and there with his hand, and with seeming irrelevance. "You 'd be sorry afterward," he said, "for you 'd think of this, Ulick. God forbid I should deny that even for this too high a price may be paid. But if you play this away in wantonness — if that which you are all planning come about, and you fail, as they failed in Scotland three years back, it is of this, it is of the women and the children under these roofs that will go up in smoke, that you '11 be thinking, Ulick, at the last! Believe me or not, this is the last thing you '11 see! It 's to a burden as well as an honour you 're born where men doff caps to you; and it 's that burden will lie the black weight on your soul at the last. There's old Darby and O'Sullivan Og's -yvife — and Pat Mahony and Judy Mahony's four sons, and the three Sullivans at the landing, and Phil the crowder EARLY RISERS 111 and the seven tenants at Killabogue — it 's of them, it 's of them" — as he spoke his finger moved from hovel to hovel — "and their hke I 'm thinking. You cry them and they follow, for they 're your folks born. But what do they know of England or England's strength, or what is against them, or the certain end? They think, poor souls, because they land their spirits and pay no dues, and the justices look the other way — they think the black Protestants are afraid of them! While you and I, you and I know, Ulick," he continued, dropping his voice, " 't is because we lie so poor and distant and small, they give no heed to us! We know! And that 's our burden." The big man's face worked. He threw out his arms. "God help us!" he cried. " He will, in His day! I tell you again, as I told you the hour I came, I, who have followed the wars for twenty years, there is no deed that has not its reward when the time is ripe, nor a cold hearth that is not paid for a hundredfold!" Uncle Ulick looked sombrely over the lake. "I shall never see it," he said. "Notwithstanding, I '11 do what I can to quiet them — if it be not too late." "Too late?" " Ay, too late, John. But anyway, I '11 be minding what you say. On the other hand, you must go, and this very day that ever is." "There are some here that I must not be seeing?" Colonel John said, shrewdly. "That 's it." 112 THEWILDGEESE " And if I do not go, Ulick ? What then, man ? ' ' "Whisht! Whisht!" the big man cried in unmistak- able distress. " Don't say the word! Don't say the word, John, dear." "But I must say it," Colonel John answered, smiling. "To be plain, Ulick, here I am and here I stay. They wish me gone because I am in the way of their plans. Well, and can you give me a better reason for staying ?" What argument Ulick would have used, what he was opening his mouth to say, remains unknown. Before he could reply the murmur of a voice near at hand startled them both. Uncle Ulick's face fell, and the two turned with a single movement to see who came. They discerned, in the shadow of the wall of yew, two men, who had just passed through the wicket into the garden. The strangers saw them at the same moment, and were equally taken by surprise. The foremost of the two, a sturdy, weather-beaten man, with a square, stern face and a look of power, laid his hand on his cutlass — he wore a broad blade in place of the usual rapier. The other, whom every line of his shaven face, as well as his dress, proclaimed a priest — and perhaps more than a priest — crossed himself and muttered something to his companion. Then he came forward. "You take the air early, gentlemen," he said, the French accent very plain in his speech, "as we do. If I mistake not," he continued, looking with an easy smile at Colonel John, "your Protestant kinsman, of whom you told me. EARLY RISERS 113 Mr. Sullivan ? I did not look to meet you, Colonel Sul- livan ; but I do not doubt you are man of the world enough to excuse, if you cannot approve, the presence of the shepherd among his sheep. The law forbids, but " still smiling, he finished the sentence with a gesture in the air. "I approve all men," Colonel John answered, quietly, "who are in their duty, father." "But wool and wine that pay no duty?" the priest replied, turning with a humorous look to his companion, who stood beside him unsmiling. "I'm not sure that Colonel Sullivan extends the same indulgence to free- traders. Captain Machin." Colonel John looked closely at the man thus brought to his notice. Then he raised his hat courteously. "Sir," he said, "the guests of the SuUivans, whoever they be, are sacred to the Sullivans." Uncle Ulick's eyes had met the priest's, as eyes meet in a moment of suspense. At this he drew a deep breath of relief. "Well said," he muttered. "Bedad, it is some- thing to have seen the world!" " You have served under the King of Sweden, I believe ? " the ecclesiastic continued, addressing Colonel John with a polite air. He held a book of offices in his hand, as if his purpose in the garden had been merely to read the service. "Yes." "A great school of war, I am told ?" "It may be called so. But I interrupt you, father, and 114 THEWILDGEESE with your permission I will bid you good morning. Doubdess we shall meet again." "At breakfast, I trust," the ecclesiastic answered, with a certain air of intention. Then he bowed and they returned it, and the two pairs gave place to one another with ceremony, Colonel John and Ulick passing out through the garden wicket, while the strangers moved on toward the walk which looked over the lake. Here they began to pace up and down. With his hand on the house door Uncle Ulick made a last attempt. "For God's sake, be easy and go," he muttered, his voice unsteady, his eyes fixed on the other's, as if he would read his mind. "Leave us to our fate ! You cannot save us — you see what you see, you know what it means. And for what I know, you know the man. You '11 but make our end the blacker." "And the girl?" Uncle Ulick tossed his hands in the air. "God help her!" he said. "Shall not we too help her?" "We cannot." "It may be. Still, let us do our duty," Colonel John replied. He was very grave. Things were worse, the plot was thicker, than he had feared. Uncle Ulick groaned. "You '11 not be bidden ?" he said. "Not by an angel," Colonel John answered steadfastly. "And I 've seen none this morning, but only a good man whose one fault in life is to answer to all men ' Sure, and I will!'" EARLY RISERS 115 Uncle Ulick started as if the words stung him. "You make a jest of it!" he said. "Heaven send we do not sorrow for your wilfulness. For my part, I 've small hope of that same." He opened the door, and, turning his back upon his companion, went heavily, and without any attempt at concealment, past the pantry and up the stairs to his room. To answer "Yes" to all comers and all demands is doubtless, in the language of Uncle Ulick, a mighty con- venience and a great softener of the angles of life. But a time comes to the most easy when he must answer "No," or go open-eyed to ruin. Then he finds that, from long disuse, the word will not shape itself; or, if uttered, it is taken for naught. That time had come for Uncle Ulick. Years ago his age and experience had sufficed to curb the hot blood about him. But he had been too easy to dictate while he might, and to-day he must go the young folks' way, seeing all too plainly the end of it. But Colonel John was of another kind and another mind. Often in the Swedish wars had he seen a fair country-side changed in one day into a waste, from the recesses of which naked creatures with wolfish eyes stole out at night, maddened by their wrongs, to wreak a horrid vengeance on the passing soldier. He knew that the fairest parts of Ireland had undergone such a fate within living memory. Therefore he was firmly minded, as one man could be, that not again should the corner of Kerry under his eyes, the corner he loved, the corner entrusted to him, suffer that fate. 116 THEWILDGEESE Yet, when he descended to breakfast, his face told no tale of his thoughts, and he greeted with a smile the unusual brightness of the morning. Nor, as he sunned himself and inhaled with enjoyment the freshness of the air, did any sign escape him that he marked a change. But he was not blind. Among the cripples and vagrants who lounged about the entrance he detected six or eight ragged fellows whose sunburnt faces were new to him and who certainly were not cripples. In the doorway of one of the two towers that fronted him across the court stood O'Sullivan Og, whittling a stick and chatting with a sturdy idler in seafaring clothes. The Colonel could not give his reason, but he had not looked twice at these two before he got a notion that there was more in that tower this morning than the old ploughs and the broken boat which commonly filled the ground floor, or the grain which was stored above. Powder? Treasure? He could not say which or what; but he felt that the open door was a mask that deceived no one. And there was a stir, there was a bustle in the court; a sparkle in the eyes of some as they glanced slyly and under their lashes at the house, a lilt in the tread of others as they stepped to and fro. Some strange change had fallen upon Morristown, and imbued it with life. He caught the sound of voices in the house, and he turned about and entered. The priest and Captain Machin had descended and were standing with Uncle Ulick warming themselves before the wood fire. The McMurrough, the O'Beirnes, and two or three strangers — EARLY RISERS 117 grim-looking men who had followed, a glance told him, the trade he had followed — formed a group a little apart, yet near enough to be addressed. Asgill was not present, nor Flavia. "Good morning, again," Colonel John said. And he bowed. "With all my heart. Colonel Sullivan," the priest answered cordially. And Colonel John saw that he had guessed aright: the speaker no longer took the trouble to hide his episcopal cross and chain, or the ring on his finger. There was an increase of dignity, too, in his manner. His very cordiality seemed a condescension. Captain Machin bowed silently, while The McMur- rough and the O'Beirnes looked darkly at the Colonel. They did not understand : it was plain that they were not in the secret of the morning encounter. "I see O'Sullivan Og is here," the Colonel said, address- ing Uncle Ulick. "That will be very convenient." " Convenient ?" Uncle Ulick repeated, looking blank. "We can give him the orders as to the Frenchman's cargo," the Colonel said, calmly. Uncle Ulick winced. "Ay, to be sure! To be sure, lad," he answered. But he rubbed his head, like a man in a difficulty. The Bishop seemed to be going to ask a question. Before he could speak, however, Flavia came tripping down the stairs, a gay song on her lips. Half way down, the song, light and sweet as a bird's, came to a sudden end. "I am afraid I am late!" she said. And then — as 118 THEWILDGEESE the Colonel supposed — she saw that more than the family party were assembled: that the Bishop and Captain Machin were there also, and the strangers — and, above all, that he was there. She descended the last three stairs silently, but with a heightened colour, moved proudly into the middle of the group, and curtsied before the ecclesiastic till her knee touched the floor. He gave her his hand to kiss, with a smile and a mur- mured blessing. She rose with sparkling eyes. " It is a good morning! " she said, as one who having done her duty could be cheerful. "It is a very fine morning," the Bishop answered In the same spirit. "The sun shines on us, as we would have him shine. And after breakfast, with your leave, my daughter, and your brother's leave, we will hold a little council. What say you, Colonel Sullivan ?" he continued, turning to the Colonel. "A family council? Will you jom us : The McMurrough uttered an exclamation, so unex- pected and strident, that the words were not articulate. But the Bishop understood them, for, as all turned to him, " Nay," he said, " it shall be for the Colonel to say. But it 's ill arguing with a fasting man," he continued genially, "and by your leave we will return to the matter after breakfast!" "I am not for argument at all," Captain Machin said. It was the first time he had spoken. CHAPTER X A COUNCIL OF WAR THE meal had been eaten, stolidly by some, by others with a poor appetite, by Colonel John with a thoughtful face. Two men of family? but broken fortunes, old Sir Donny McCarthy of Dingle, and Timothy Burke of Maamtrasna, had joined the party — under the rose, as it were, and neither giving nor receiv- ing a welcome. Now old Darby kept the door and the Bishop the hearth; whence, standing with his back to the glowing peat, he could address his audience with eye and voice. The others, risen from the table, had placed them- selves here and there where they pleased. The courtyard, visible through the windows, seethed with an ever-increas- ing crew of peasantry, frieze-coated or half bare, who whooped and jabbered, now about one of their number, now about another. The Irish air was soft, the hum of voices cheerful; nor could anything less like a secret council, less like a meeting of men about to commit themselves to a dark and dangerous enterprise, be well imagined. But no one was deceived. The courage, the enthusiasm, that danced in Flavia's eyes were reflected more darkly and more furtively in a score of faces, within the room and 119 120 THEWILDGEESE without. To enjoy one hour of triumph, to wreak upon the cursed EngHsh a tithe of the wrongs, a tithe of the insults, that their country had suffered, to be the spoke on top, were it but for a day, to die for Ireland if they could not live for her. Could man own Irish blood, and an Irish name, and not rise at the call ? If there were such a man, oh! cowardly, mean, and miserable he seemed to Flavia McMurrough. Much she marvelled at the patience, the consideration, the argu- ments which the silver-tongued ecclesiastic brought to bear upon him. She longed to denounce him, to bid him begone, and do his worst. But she was a young plotter, and he who spoke from the middle of the hearth with so much patience and forbear- ance was an old one, proved by years of peril, and tem- pered by a score of failures; a man long accustomed to play with the lives and fortunes of men. He knew better than she what was at stake to win or lose; nor was it without forethought that he had determined to risk much to gain Colonel Sullivan. To his mind, and to Machin's mind, the other men in the room were but tools to be used, puppets to be danced. But this man — for among soldiers of fortune there is a camaraderie, so that they are known to one another by repute from the Baltic to Cadiz — was a coadjutor to be gained. He was one whose experi- ence, joined with an Irish name, might well avail them much. Colonel John might refuse, he might be obdurate. But in that event the Bishop's mind was made up. Flavia ACOUNCILOFWAR 121 supposed that, if the Colonel held out he would be dis- missed, and so an end. But the speaker made no mistake. He had chosen to grip the nettle danger, and he knew that gentle measures were no longer possible. He must enlist Colonel Sullivan, or — but it has been said that he was no novice in dealing with the lives of men. "If it be a question only of the chances," he said, after some beating about the bush, "if I am right in supposing that it is only that which withholds Colonel Sullivan from joining us " *'I do not say it is," Colonel John replied very gravely, "But to deal with it on that basis: while I can admire, reverend sir, the man who is ready to set his life on a desperate hazard to gain something which he sets above that life, I take the case to be different where it is a ques- tion of the lives of others. Then I say the chances must be weighed." "However sacred the cause and high the aim?" "I think so." The Bishop sighed, his chin sinking on his breast. "I am sorry," he said, "I am sorry," "That we cannot see alike in a matter so grave? Yes, sir, so am I." "No. That I met you this morning." "I am not sorry," Colonel John replied, stoutly refusing to see the other's meaning. " For — hear me out, I beg. You and I have seen the world and can weigh the chances. Your friend, too, Captain Machin" — he pronounced the name in an odd tone — "he too knows on what he is 122 THEWIl^DGEESE embarked and how he will stand if the result be failure. It may be that he already has his home, his rank, and his fortune in foreign parts, and will be little the worse if the worst befall." "I?" Machin cried, stung out of his taciturnity. "Let me tell you, sir, that I fling back the insinuation!" But the Colonel proceeded as if the other were not speaking. "You, reverend sir, yourself," he continued, "know well on what you are embarking, its prospects, and the issue for you if it fail. But you are by your pro- fession and choice devoted to a life of danger. You are willing, day by day and hour by hour, to run the risk of death. But these, my cousin there" — looking with a kind eye at Flavia — "she " "Leave me out!" she cried, passionately. And she rose to her feet, her face on fire. " I separate myself from you ! I, for my part, ask no better than to suffer for my country! " "She thinks she knows, but she does not know," the Colonel continued quietly, unmoved by her words. "She cannot guess what it is to be cast adrift — alone, a woman, penniless, in a strange land. And yet that at the best — and the worst may be unspeakably worse — must be her fate if this plot miscarry! For others, The McMurrough and his friends yonder" — he indicated the group by the window — "they also are ignorant." The McMurrough sprang to his feet, spluttering with rage. "Speak for yourself!" he cried "They know nothing," the Colonel continued, quite unmoved, "of that force against which they are asked to A COUNCIL OF WAR 123 pit themselves, of that stolid power over sea, never more powerful than now!" "The saints will be between us and harm!" the eldest of the O'Beirnes cried, rising in his wrath. "It 's speak foT yourself I say too!" "And I!" "And I!" others of the group roared with gestures of defiance. One, stepping forward, snapped his fingers close to the Colonel's face. "Thatforyou! — thatforyou!" he cried. "Now, or whenever you will, day or night, and sword or pistol! To the devil with your impudence, sir; I 'd have you know you 're not the only man has seen the world. The shame of the world on you, talking like a school- master while your country cries for you, and 't is not your tongue but your hand she 's wanting!" Uncle Ulick put his big form between Colonel John and his assailant. "Sure and be easy!" he said. "SirDonny, you 're forgetting yourself! And you, Tim Burke! Be easy, I say. It 's only for himself the Colonel's speaking! " "Thank God for that!" Flavia cried in a voice which rang high. They were round him now, a ring of men with dark, angry faces, and hardly restrained hands. But the Bishop intervened. "One moment," he said, still speaking smoothly and with a smile. "Perhaps it is for those he thinks he speaks!" And the Bishop pointed to the crowd which filled the forecourt. "Perhaps it is for those he thinks 124 THEWILDGEESE he speaks!" he repeated in irony — for of the feeling of the crowd there could be no doubt. Colonel John replied, "It is on their behalf I appeal to you. For it is they who foresee the least, and they who will suffer the most. It is they who will follow like sheep, and they who like sheep will go to the butcher! Ay, it is they," he continued with deeper feeling, and he turned to Flavia, "who are yours, and they will pay for you. Therefore," raising his hands for silence, "before you name the prize, sum up the cost! Your country, your faith, your race — there are great things, but they are far off and can do without you. But these — these are that fragment of your country, that handful of your race which God has laid in the palm of your hand, to cherish or to crush, and " "The devil!" Machin ejaculated with sudden violence. Perhaps he read in the girl's face some shadow of perplexity. "Have done with your preaching, sir, I say! Have done, man. If we fail " "You must fail!" Colonel John retorted. "You will fail! And failing, sir, his reverence will stand no worse than now, for his life is forfeit already! While you " "What of me? Well, what of me?" the stout man cried truculently. His brows descended over his eyes, and his lips twitched. "For you, Admiral Cammock " The other stepped forward a pace. "You know me?" "Yes, I know you." There was silence for an instant, while those who were ACOUNCILOFWAR 125 in the secret eyed Colonel Sullivan askance, and those who were not gaped at Cammock. Soldiers of fortune, of fame and name, were plentiful in those days, but seamen of equal note were few. And with this man's name the world had lately rung. An Irishman, he had risen high in Queen Anne's service; but at her death, incited by his devotion to the Stuarts, he had made a move for them at a critical moment. He had been broken, being already a notable man; on which he had entered the Spanish marine, and been advanced to a position of rank and power. In Ireland his life was forfeit, Great Britain counted him renegade and traitor. So that to find himself recognized, though grateful to his vanity, was a shock to his discretion. "Well, and knowing me?" he replied at last, with the tail of his eyes on the Bishop, as if he would gladly gain a hint from his subtlety. "What of me?" "You have your home, your rank, your relations abroad," Colonel Sullivan answered firmly. " If a descent on the coast be a part of your scheme, then you do not share the peril equally with us. We shall suffer, while you sail away." " I fling that in your teeth! " Cammock cried. " I know you too, sir, and " "Know no worse of me than of yourself!" Colonel Sulli- van retorted. "But if you do indeed know me, you know that I am not one to stand by and see my friends led blind- fold to certain ruin. It may suit your plans to make a diversion here. But that diversion is a part of larger 126 THE WILD GEESE schemes, and the fate of those who make it is Httle to you." Cammock's hand flew to his belt, he took a step forward, his face suffused with passion. "For half as much I have cut a man down!" he cried. "May be, but " "Peace, peace, my friends," the Bishop interposed. He laid a warning hand on Cammock's arm. "This gentle- man," he continued smoothly, "thinks he speaks for our friends outside." "Let me speak, not for them, but to them," Colonel Sullivan replied impulsively. "Let me tell them what I think of this scheme, of its chances, of its certain end!" He moved, whether he thought they would let him or not, toward the window. But he had not taken three steps before he found his progress barred, "What is this?" he exclaimed. "Needs must with so impulsive a gentleman," the Bishop said. He had not moved, but at a signal from him The McMurrough, the O'Beirnes and two of the other young men had thrust themselves forward. "You must give up your sword. Colonel Sullivan," he continued. The Colonel retreated a pace, and evinced more surprise than he felt. " Give up — do you mean that I am a prisoner?" he cried. He had not drawn, but two or three of the young men had done so, and Flavia, in the back- ground by the fire was white as paper — so suddenly had the shadow of violence fallen on the room. "You must surrender!" the Bishop repeated firmly. ACOUNCILOFWAR 127 He too was a trifle pale, but he was used to such scenes and he spoke with decision. "Resistance is vain. I hope that with this lady in the room " "One moment!" the Colonel cried, raising his hand. But as The McMurrough and the others hesitated, he whipped out his sword and stepped two paces to one side with an agility no one had foreseen. He now had the table behind him and Uncle Ulick on his left hand. "One moment!" he repeated, raising his hand in deprecation and keeping his point lowered. "Do you consider " "We consider our own safety," Cammock answered grimly. And signing to one of the men to join Darby at the door, he drew his cutlass. "You know too much to go free, sir, that is certain." " Ay, faith, you do," The McMurrough chimed in with a sort of glee. ' ' He was at Tralee yesterday, no less. We '11 have the garrison here before the time!" "But by the powers," Uncle Ulick cried, "ye shall not hurt him! Your reverence! " — the big man's voice shook — "your reverence, this shall not be! It's not in this house they shall murder him, and him a Sullivan! Flavia! Speak, girl," he continued, the perspiration standing on his brow. "Say ye '11 not have it. After all, it 's your house! There shall be no Sullivan blood spilt in it while I am standing by to prevent it!" "Then let him give up his sword!" Cammock answered doggedly. "Yes, let him give up his sword," Flavia said in a small voice. 128 THEWILDGEESE "Colonel Sullivan," the Bishop interposed, stepping forward, "I hope you '11 hear reason. Resistance is vain. Give up your sword and " "And presto!'' Cammock cried, "or take the conse- quences!" He had edged his way, while the Bishop spoke, round Ulick and round the head of the table. Now, with his foot on the bench, he was ready at a word to spring on the table, and take the Colonel in the rear. It was clear that he was a man of action. "Down with your sword, sir," he cried, flatly. Colonel John recognized the weakness of his position. Before him the young men were five to one, with old Sir Donny and Timothy Burke in the rear. On his flank the help which Ulick might give was discounted by the move Cammock had made. He saw that he could do no more at present. Suddenly as the storm had blown up, he knew that he was dealing with desperate men, who from this day onward would act with their necks in a noose, and whom his word might send to the scaffold. They had but to denounce him to the rabble who waited outside, and, besides the Bishop, one only there, as he believed, would have the influence to save him. Colonel John had confronted danger many times; to confront it had been his trade. And it was with coolness and a clear perception of the position that he turned to Flavia. "I will give up my sword," he said, "but to my cousin only. This is her house, and I yield myself" — with a smile and a bow — "her prisoner." Before they knew what he would be at, he stepped for- ACOUNCILOFWAR 129 ward and tendered his hilt to the girl, who took it with flaccid fingers. "I am in your hands now," he said, fix- ing his eyes on hers and endeavouring to convey his mean- ing to her. For surely, with such a face, she must have, with all her recklessness, some womanliness, some tender- ness of feeling in her. "Hang your impudence!" The McMurrough cried. "A truce, a truce," the Bishop interposed. "We are all agreed that Colonel Sullivan knows too much to go free. He must be secured," he continued smoothly, "for his own sake. Will two of these gentlemen see him to his room, and see also that his servant is placed under guard in another room ?" "But," the Colonel objected, looking at Flavia, "my cousin will surely allow me to give " "She will be guided by us in this," the Bishop rejoined with asperity. "Let what I have said be done." Flavia, very pale, holding the Colonel's sword as if it might sting her, did not speak. Colonel Sullivan, after a moment's hesitation, followed one of the O'Beirnes from the room, the other bringing up the rear. When the door had closed upon them, Flavia's was not the only pale face in the room. The scene had brought home to more than one the fact that here was an end of peace and law, and a beginning of violence and rebellion. The majority, secretly uneasy, put on a reckless air to cover their apprehensions. The Bishop and Cammock though they saw themselves in a fair way to do what they had come to do, looked thoughtful. Only Flavia, shaking 130 THEWILDGEESE off the remembrance of Colonel John's face and Colonel John's existence, closed her grip upon his sword, and in the ardour of her patriotism saw with her mind's eye not victory nor acclaiming thousands, but the scaffold, and a death for her country. Sweet it seemed to her to die for the cause, for the faith, to die for Ireland! True, her country, her Ireland, was but this little corner of Kerry beaten by the Atlantic storms and sad with the wailing cries of seagulls. But if she knew no more of Ireland than this, she had read her story; and naught is more true than that the land the most downtrodden is also the best beloved. Wrongs beget a passion of affection; and from oppression springs sacrifice. This daughter of the windswept shore, of the misty hills and fairy glens, whose life from infancy had been bare and rugged and solitary, had become, for that reason, a dreamer of dreams and a worshipper of the ideal Ireland, her country, her faith. The salt breeze that lashed her cheeks and tore at her hair, the peat reek and the soft shadows of the bogland — ay, and many an hour of lonely communing — had filled her breast with such love as impels rather to suffering and to sacrifice than to enjoyment. For one moment she had recoiled before the shock of impending violence. But that had passed; now her one thought, as she stood with dilated eyes, unconsciously clutching the Colonel's sword, was that the time was come^ the thing was begun — henceforth she belonged not to herself, but to Ireland and to God. Deep in such thoughts, the girl was not aware that the A COUNCIL OF WAR 131 others had got together and were discussing the Colonel's fate until mention was made of the French sloop and of Captain Augustin. "Faith, and let him go in that!" she heard Uncle Ulick urging. " D' ye hear me, your reverence ? 'T will be a week before they land him, and the fire we '11 be lighting will be no secret at all at all by then." "May be, Mr. Sullivan," the Bishop replied — "may be. But we cannot spare the sloop." "No, we'll not spare her!" The McMurrough chimed in. "She 's heels to her, and it 's a godsend she '11 be to us if things go ill." "An addition to our fleet, anyway," Cammock said. "We 'd be mad to let her go — just to make a man safe; we can make safe a deal cheaper!" Flavia propped the sword carefully in an angle of the hearth, and moved forward. "But I do not understand," she said timidly. " We agreed that the sloop and the cargo were to go free if Colonel Sullivan — but you know!" she added, breaking off and addressing her brother. " I it dreaming you are ? " he retorted, contemptuously. "Is it we '11 be taking note of that now?" "It was a debt of honour," she said. "The girl 's right," Uncle Ulick said, "and we '11 be rid of him." "We '11 be rid of him without that," The McMurrough muttered. "I am fearing, Mr. Sullivan," the Bishop said, "that it is not quite understood by all that we are embarked upon 132 THEWILDGEESE a matter of life and death. We cannot let bagatelles stand in the way. The sloop and her cargo can be made good to her owners — at another time. For yoiir relative and his servant " "The shortest way with them!" some one cried. "That's the best and the surest!" "For them," the Bishop continued, silencing the inter- ruption by a look, "we must not forget that some days must pass before we can hope to get our people together. During the interval we lie at the mercy of an informer. Your own people you know, but the same cannot be said of this gentleman — who has very fixed ideas — and his servant. Our lives and the lives of others are in their hands, and it is of the last importance that they be kept secure and silent." "Ay, silent 's the word," Cammock growled. "There could be no better place than one of the towers," The McMurrough suggested, "for keeping them safe, bedad!" "And why '11 they be safer there than in the house?" Uncle Ulick asked suspiciously. He looked from one speaker to another with a baffled face, trying to read their minds. He^^was sure that they meant more than they said. "Oh, for the good reason!" the young man returned contemptuously. "Isn't all the world passing the door upstairs? And what more easy than to open it?" Cammock's eyes met the Bishop's. "The tower '11 be best," he said. "Draw off the people, and let them be ACOUNCILOFWAR 133 taken there, and a guard set. We 've matters of more importance to discuss now. This gathering to-morrow, to raise the country — what 's the time fixed for it?" But Flavia, who had listened with a face of perplexity, interposed. "Still, he is my prisoner, is he not ? " she said wistfully. "And if I answer for him?" "By your leave, ma'am," Cammock replied, with deci- sion, "one word. Women to women's work! I'll let no woman weave a halter for me!" The room echoed low applause. And Flavia was silent. CHAPTER XI A MESSAGE FOR THE YOUNG MASTER JAMES McMURROUGH cared little for his country, and nothing for his Faith. He cared only for himself; and but for the resentment which the provisions of his grandfather's will had bred in him, he would have seen the Irish race in Purgatory, and the Roman faith in a worse place, before he would have risked a finger to right the one or restore the other. Once embarked, however, on the enterprise, vanity swept him onward. The night which followed Colonel Sullivan's arrest was a night long remembered at Morris- town — a night to uplift the sanguine and to kindle the short-sighted, nor was it a wonder that the young chief — as he strode among his admiring tenants, his presence greeted with Irish acclamations, and his skirts kissed by devoted kernes — sniffed the pleasing incense, and trod the ground to the measure of imagined music. The tri- umph that was never to be intoxicated him. His people had kindled a huge bonfire in the middle of the forecourt, and beside this he extended a gracious welcome to a crowd of strong tenants. A second fire, for the comfort of the baser sort, had been kindled outside the gates, and was the centre of merriment less restrained; 134 MESSAGE FOR THE MASTER 135 while a third, which served as a beacon to the valley, and a proclamation of what was being done, glowed on the platform before the ruined tower at the head of the lake. From this last the red flames streamed far across the water; and now revealed a belated boat shooting from the shadow, now a troop of countrymen, who, led by their priest, came limping along the lakeside, ostensibly to join in the services of the morrow, but in reality to hear something and to do something toward freeing old Ireland and shaking off the grip of the cursed Saxon. In the more settled parts of the land, such a summons as had brought them from their rude shielings among the hills would have passed for a dark jest. But in this remote spot the notion of overthrowing the hated power by means of a few score pikes did not seem preposterous, either to these poor folk or to their betters. Cammock, of course, knew the truth, and the Bishop. But the native gentry saw nothing hopeless in the plan. That plan was first to fall upon Tralee in combination with a couple of sloops said to be lying in Galway Bay; and afterward to surprise Kenmare. Masters of these places, they proposed to raise the old standard, to call Connaught to their aid, to cry a crusade. And faith, as Sir Donny said, before the Castle tyrants could open their eyes, or raise their heads from the pillow, they 'd be seeing themselves driven into the salt ocean! So, while the house walls gave back the ruddy glare of the torches, and the barefooted, bareheaded, laughing colleens damped the thatch, and men confessed in one 136 THEWILDGEESE corner and kissed their girls in another, and the smiths in a third wrought hard at the pike-heads — so the struggle depicted itself to more than one! And all the time Cammock and the Bishop walked in the dark in the garden, a little apart from the turmoil, and, wrapped in their cloaks, talked in low voices; debat- ing much of Sicily and Naples and the Cardinal and the Mediterranean fleet, and at times laughing at some court story. But they said, strange to tell, no word of Tralee, or of Kenmare, or of Dublin Castle, or even of Connaught. They were no visionaries. They had to do with greater things than these, and in doing them knew that they must spend to gain. The lives of a few score peasants, the ruin of half a dozen hamlets, what were these beside the diver- sion of a single squadron from the great pitched fight, already foreseen, where the excess of one battleship might win an empire, and its absence might ruin nations ? And one other man, and one only, because his life had been passed on their wider plane, and he could judge of the relative value of Connaught and Kent, divined the trend of their thoughts, and understood the deliberation with which they prepared to sacrifice their pawns. Colonel Sullivan sat in the upper room of one of the two towers that flanked the entrance to the forecourt. Bale was with him, and the two, with the door doubly locked upon them and guarded by a sentry whose crooning they could hear, shared such comfort as a pitcher of water and a gloomy outlook afforded. The darkness hid the medley of odds and ends which littered their prison; but the inner MESSAGE FOR THE MASTER 137 of the two slit-like windows that lighted the room admitted a thin shaft of firelight that, dancing among the uncovered rafters, told of the orgy below. Bale, staring morosely at the crowd about the fire, crouched in the splay of the window, while the Colonel, in the same posture at the other window, gazed with feelings not more cheerful on the dark lake. He was concerned for himself and his companion. But he was more gravely concerned for those whose advo- cate he had made himself — for the ignorant cotters in their lowly hovels, the women, the children, upon whom the inevitable punishment would fall. He doubted, now that it was too late, the wisdom of the course he had taken ; and, blaming himself for precipitation, he fancied that if he had acted with a little more guile, a little less haste, his remonstrance might have had greater weight. William Bale, as was natural, thought more of his own position. "May the fire burn them!" he muttered, his ire excited by some prank of the party below. "The Turks were polite beside these barefoot devils!" "You'd have said the other thing at Bender," the Colonel answered, turning his head. " Ay, your honour," Bale returned; " a man never knows when he is well off." His master laughed. "I 'd have you apply that now," he said. "So I would if it were n't that I 've a kind of a scunner at those black bog-holes," Bale said. "To be planted head first 's no proper end of a man, to my thinking; 138 THEWILDGEESE and if there 's not something of the kind in these raga- muffins' minds I 'm precious mistaken." "Pooh, man, you 're frightening yourself," the Colonel answered. But the room was dank and chill, the lake without lay lonely, and the picture which Bale's words called up was not pleasant to the bravest. " It 's a civilized land, and they 'd not think of it!" "There's one, and that's the young lady's brother," Bale answered darkly, "would not pull us out by the feet! I '11 swear to that. Your honour 's too much in his way, if what they say in the house is true." "Pooh!" the Colonel answered again. "We're of one blood." "Cain and Abel," Bale said. "There's example for it." And he chuckled. The Colonel scolded him anew. But having done so he could not shake off the impression which the man's words had made on him. While he lived he was a constant and an irritating check upon James McMurrough. If the young man saw a chance of getting rid of that check, was he one to put it from him ? Colonel John's face grew long as he pondered the question; he had seen enough of James to feel considerable doubt about the answer. The fire on the height above the lake had died down, the one on the strand was a bed of red ashes. The lake lay buried in darkness, from which at intervals the cry of an owl as it moused along the shore rose mournfully. But Colonel John was not one to give way to fears that might be baseless. "Let us sleep," he said, shrugging his MESSAGE FOR THE MASTER 139 shoulders. He lay down where he was, pillowing his head on a fishing-net. Bale said nothing, but examined the door before he stretched himself across the threshold. Half an hour after dawn they were roused. It was a heavy trampling on the stairs that awakened them. The door was quickly unlocked, it was thrown open, and the hairy face of O'Sullivan Og, who held it wide, looked in. Behind him were two of the boys with pikes — frowsy, savage, repellent figures, with drugget coats tied by the sleeves about their necks. "You 'II be coming with us, Colonel, no less," Og said. Colonel John looked at him. "Whither, my man?" he asked coolly. He and Bale had got to their feet at the first alarm. "Och, sure, where it will be best for you," Og replied, with a leer. "Both of us?" the Colonel asked, in the same hard tone. "Faith, and why'd we be separating you, I'd be asking." Colonel John liked neither the man's tone nor his looks. But he was far above starting at shadows, and he guessed that resistance would be useless. "Very good," he said. "Lead on." " Bedad, and if you 'II be doing that same, we will," O'Sullivan Og answered, with a grin. The Colonel and Bale found their hats — they 'd been allowed to bring nothing else with them — and they went down the stairs. In the gloom before the door of the tower 140 THEWILDGEESE waited two sturdy fellows, barefoot and shock-headed, with musqiietoons on their shoulders, who seemed to be expecting them. Round the smouldering embers of the fire a score of figures lay sleeping in the open, wrapped in their frieze coats. The sun was not yet up, and all things were wrapped in a mist that chilled to the bone. Nothing in all that was visible took from the ominous aspect of the two men with the firearms. One for each. Bale thought. And his face, always pallid, showed livid in the morning light. Without a word the four men formed up round their prisoners, and at once O'Sullivan Og led the way at a brisk pace toward the gate. Colonel John was following, but he had not taken three steps before a thought struck him, and he halted. " Are we leaving the house at once ? " he asked. "We are. And why not, I 'm asking." "Only that I 've a message for the McMurrough it will be well for him to have." "Sure," O'Sullivan Og answered, his manner half wheedling, half truculent, " 't is no time for messages and trifles and the like now. Colonel. No time at all, I tell you. Ye can see that for yourself, I 'm thinking, such a morning as this." "I'm thinking nothing of the kind," the Colonel answered, and he hung back, looking toward the house. Fortunately Darby chose that minute to appear at the door. The butler's face was pale, and showed fatigue; his hair hung in wisps; his clothes were ill-fastened. He threw MESSAGE FOR THE MASTER 141 a glance of contempt at the sleeping figures lying here and there in the wet. Thence his eyes travelled on and took in the group by the gate. He started, and wrung his hands in sudden, irrepressible distress. It was as if a spasm seized the man. The Colonel called him. "Darby," he cried. "Come here, my man." O'Sullivan Og opened his mouth; he was on the point of interposing, but he thought better of it, and shrugged his shoulders, muttering something in the Erse. "Darby," the Colonel said, gravely, "I've a message for the young master, and it must be given him in his bed. Will you give it?" "I will, your honour." "You will not fail?" "I will not, your honour," the old servant answered earnestly. "Tell him, then, that Colonel Sullivan made his will as he passed through Paris, and 't is now in Dublin. You mind me. Darby?" The old man began to shake — he had an Irishman's superstition. "1 do, your honour. But the saints be between us and harm," he continued, with the same gesture of distress. "Who 's speaking of wills ?" "Only tell him that in his bed," Colonel John repeated, with an urgent look. "That is all." "And by your leave, it is now we'll be going," Og interposed sharply. "We are late already for what we 've to do." 142 THEWILDGEESE "There are some things," the Colonel rephed with a steady look, "which it is well to be late about." Then, without further remonstrance, he and Bale, with their guard, marched out through the gate, and took the road along the lake — that same road by which the Colonel had come some days before from the French sloop. The men with the firelocks walked beside them, one on either flank, while the pikeman guarded them behind, and O'Sullivan Og brought up the rear. They had not taken twenty paces before the fog swal- lowed up the party; and henceforth they walked in a sea of mist, like men moving in a nightmare from which they cannot awake. The clammy vapour chilled them to the bone; while the unceasing wailing of seagulls, borne off the lough, the whistle of an unseen curlew on the hillside, the hurtle of wings as some ghostly bird swept over them — these were sounds to depress men who had reason to suspect that they were being led to a treacherous end. The Colonel, though he masked his apprehensions under an impenetrable firmness, began to fear no less than that — and with cause. He observed that O'Sullivan Og's followers were of the lowest type of kerne, islanders in all probability, and half starved; men whose hands were never far from their skenes, and whose one orderly instinct consisted in a blind obedience to their chief. O'Sullivan Og himself he believed to be The McMurrough's agent in his more lawless business; a fierce, unscrupulous man, prospering on his lack of scruple. The Colonel could augur nothing but ill from the hands to which he had been MESSAGE FOR THE MASTER 143 entrusted; and worse from the manner in which these savage, half-naked creatures, shambHng beside him, stole from time to time a glance at him, as if they fancied they saw the winding-sheet high on his breast. Some, so placed, and feeling themselves helpless, isolated by the fog, and entirely at these men's mercy, might have lost their firmness. But he did not; nor did Bale, though the servant's face betrayed the keenness of his anxiety. They weighed indeed the chances of escape: such chances as a headlong rush into the fog might afford to unarmed men, uncertain where they were. But the Colonel reflected that it was possible that that was the very course upon which O'Sullivan Og counted for a pretext. And, for a second objection, the two could not, so closely were they guarded, communicate with each other. After all, The McMurrough's plan might amount to no more than their detention in some secret place among the hills. Colonel John hoped so. He could not but think ill of things; of O'Sullivan Og's silence, of the men's stealthy glances, of the uncanny hour. And when they came presently to a point where a faintly marked track left the road, and the party, at a word from their leader, turned into it, he thought worse of the matter. Was it his fancy — he was far from nervous — or were the men beginning to look impatiently at one another ? Was it his fancy, or were they beginning to press more closely on their prisoners, as if they sought a quarrel? He imagined that he read in one man's eyes the question " When ? " and in another's the question " Now ? " And a 144 THEWILDGEESE third, he thought, handled his weapon in an ominous fashion. Colonel John was a brave man, inured to danger, one who had faced death in many forms. But the lack of arms shakes the bravest, and it needed even his nerve to confront without a quiver the fate that, if his fears were justified, lay before them: the sudden, violent death, and the black bog-water which would swallow all traces of the crime. But he did not lose his firmness or lower his crest for a moment. By and by the track, which for a time had ascended, began to run downward. The path grew less sound. The mist, which was thicker than before, and shut them in on the spot where they walked, as in a world desolate and apart, allowed nothing to be seen in front; but now and again a ragged thorn tree or a furze bush, dripping with moisture, showed ghostlike to right or left. There was nothing to indicate the point they were approaching, or how far they were likely to travel; until the Colonel, peering keenly before them, caught the gleam of water. It was gone as soon as seen, the mist falling again like a curtain ; but he had seen it, and he looked back to see what Og was doing. He caught him also in the act of looking over his shoulder. Was he making sure that they were beyond the chance of interruption ? It might be so; and Colonel John wheeled about quickly, thinking that while O'Sullivan Og's attention was directed elsewhere, he might take one of the other men by surprise, seize his weapon and make a fight for his life and his MESSAGE FOR THE MASTER 145 servant's life. But he met only sinister looks, eyes that watched his smallest movement with suspicion, a point ready levelled to strike him if he budged. And then, out of the mist before them, loomed the gaunt figure of a man walking apace toward them. The meeting appeared to be as little expected by the stranger as by Og's party. For not only did he ^ring aside and leave the track to give them a wider berth, but he went by warily, with his feet in the bog. Some word was cried to him in the Erse; he answered, for a moment he appeared to be going to stop. Then he passed on and was lost in the mist. But he left a change behind him. One of the fire-lock men broke into hasty speech, glancing, the Colonel noticed, at him and Bale, as if they were the subjects of his words. O'Sullivan Og answered the man curtly and harshly; but before the reply was off his lips a second man broke in vehemently in support of the other. They all halted; for a few seconds all spoke at once. Then, just as Colonel John was beginning to hope that they would quarrel, O'Sullivan Og gave way with sullen reluctance, and a man ran back the way they had come, shouting a name. Before the prisoners could decide whether his absence afforded a chance of escape, he was back again, and with him the man who had passed in the bog. Colonel John looked at the stranger, and recognized him; and, a man of quick wit, he knew on the instant that he had to face the worst. His face set more hard, more firm — if it turned also a shade paler. He addressed his 146 THEWILDGEESE companion. "They've called him back to confess us," he muttered in Bale's ear. "The devils! " Bale exclaimed. He choked on the word and worked his jaw, glaring at them; but he said no more. Only his eyes glanced from one to another, wild and full of rage. Colonel John did not reply, for already O'SuUivan Og was addressing him. "There 's no more to it," The McMurrough's agent said, bluntly, "but you've come your last journey. Colonel, and we '11 go back wanting you. There 's no room in Ireland from this day for them that 's not Irish at heart! Nor safety for honest men while you 're walking the sod. But " "Will you murder us?" Colonel John said. "Do you know, man," he continued, sternly, "what you do ? What have we done to you, or your master?" "Done ?" O'SuUivan Og answered with sudden ferocity. "And murder, say you ? Ay, faith, I would, and ten thou- sand like you, for the sake of old Ireland ! You may make your peace, and have five minutes to that — and no more, for time presses, and we 've work to do. These fools would have a priest for you" — he turned and spat on the ground — "but it is I, and none better, know you are Protestants, and 't would take more than that to make your souls!" Colonel John looked at him with a strange light in his eyes. "It is little to you," he said, "and much to me. Yet think, think, man, what you do. Or if you will not, here is my servant. Spare his life at least. Put him, if MESSAGE FOR THE MASTER 147 you please, on board the French sloop that 's in the bay—" "Faith, and you 're wasting the little breath that is left you," the ruffian answered, irritated rather than moved by the other's calmness. "It 's to take or leave. I told the men a heretic had no soul to make, but " " God forgive you ! " Colonel John said, and was silent; for he saw that remonstrance would not help him, nor prayer avail. The man's mind was made up, his heart steeled. For a brief instant, something, perhaps that human fear which he had so often defied, clutched Colonel John's heart. For a brief instant human weakness had its way with him, and he shuddered — in the face of the bog, in the face of such an end as this. Then the gracious faith that was his returned to him: he was his grave, unyielding self again. He took Bale's hand and begged his forgiveness. "Would I had never brought you!" he said. "Why did I, why did I? Yet, God's will be done!" Bale did not seem able to speak. His jaw continued to work, while his eyes looked sideways at Og. Had the Irishman known his man, he would have put himself out of reach, armed as he was. "But I will appeal for you to the priest!" Colonel John continued; "he may yet prevail with them to spare you." "He will not!" O'SuUivan Og said, naively. CHAPTER XII THE SEA MIST FATHER O'HARA looked at the ,two prisoners, and the tears ran down his face. He was the man whom Colonel Sullivan and Bale had over- taken on their way to Tralee. He was a merciful man and with all his heart he wished that, if he could do no good, God had been pleased to send him another way through the mist. " What can I do ?" he cried. " Oh, what can I do ?" "You can do nothing, father," O'Sullivan Og said grimly. "They 're heretics, no less! And we 're wasting your time, blessed man." He whispered a few words in the priest's ear. The latter shuddered. " God forgive us all ! " he wailed. "And most, those who need it most! God keep us from high place!" "Sure and we 're in little peril!" O'Sullivan Og replied. Colonel John looked at the priest with solemn eyes. Nor did aught but a tiny pulse beating in his cheek betray that he was listening, watching, ready to seize the least chance, that he might save, at any rate, poor Bale. Then "You are a Christian, father," he said gravely. "I ask nothing for myself. But this is my servant. He knows nothing. Prevail with them to spare him!" 148 THE SEA MIST 149 Bale uttered a fierce remonstrance. No one under- stood it, or what he said, or meant. His eyes looked askance, like the eyes of a beast in a snare — seeking a weapon, or a throat! To be butchered thus! Perhaps Colonel John, notwithstanding his calm cour- age, had the same thought, and found it bitter. Death had been good in the face of silent thousands, with pride and high resolve for cheer. But here in the mist, unknown, unnoticed, to perish and be forgotten in a week, even by the savage hands that took their breath! Perhaps to face this he, too, had need of all his Christian stoicism. "My God! My God!" the priest said. "Have pity on these two, and soften the hearts of their murderers!" "Amen," said Colonel John, quietly. "Faith, and 't is idle, this," O'Sullivan Og cried, irrita- bly. He gave a secret sign to his men to draw to one side and be ready. "We 've our orders, and other work to do. Kneel aside, father, 't is no harm we mean you. But you 're wasting breath on these same. And you," he continued, addressing the two, "say what prayer you will, if you know one, and then kneel or stand — it 's all one to us — and, God willing, you '11 be in purgatory and never a knowledge of it!" "One moment," Colonel John interposed, his face pale but composed, "I have something to say to my friend." "And you may, if you '11 play no tricks." "If you would spare him " "'T is idle, I say! Sorra a bit of good is it! But there, 150 THEWILDGEESE ye shall be having while the blessed man says three Pater- nosters, and not the least taste of time beyond!" Colonel John made a sign to the priest, who, bowing himself on the wet sod, covered his eyes with his hand and began to pray. The men, at a sign from O'SuUivan, had drawn to either side, and the fire-lockmen were handling their pieces, with one eye on their leader and one on the prisoners. Colonel John took Bale's hand. "What matter, soon or late?" he said, gently. "Here or on our beds we die in our duty. Let us say, hi manus tuas " "Popish! Popish!" Bale muttered, shaking his head. He spoke hoarsely, his tongue cleaving to his mouth. His eyes were full of rage. "Into Thy Hands!" Colonel John said. He stooped nearer to his man's ear. "When I shout, jump and run ! " he breathed. "I will hold two." Again he lifted his head and looked calmly at the threatening figures standing about them, gaunt and dark, against the curtain of mist. They were waiting for the signal. The priest was half way through his second Paternoster. His trembling tongue was stumbling, lagging more and more. As he ended it — the two men still standing hand in hand — Colonel John gripped Bale's fingers hard, but held him. "What is that?" he cried, in a loud voice — but still he held Bale tight that he might not move. "What is that ? " he repeated. On the ear — on his ear first — had fallen the sound of hurrying feet. They strained their eyes through the mist. THESEAMIST 151 ''And what '11 this be ?" O'Sullivan Og muttered suspi- ciously. "If you budge a step," he growled, "I 'II drive this pike " "A messenger from The McMurrough," Colonel John said. If he was human, if his heart, at the hope of respite, beat upon his ribs as the heart of a worse man might have beaten, he did not betray it save by a light in his eyes. They had not to wait. A tall, lathy form emerged from the mist. It advanced with long leaps, the way they had come. A moment, and the messenger saw them, pulled up, and walked the intervening distance, his arms droop- ing, and his breath coming in gasps. He had run apace, and he could not speak. But he nodded — as he wiped the saliva from his parted lips — to O'Sullivan Og to come aside with him; and the two moved off a space. The others eyed them while the message was given. The suspense was short. Quickly O'Sullivan Og came back. "Ye may be thankful," he said, drily. "Ye 've cheated the pikes for this time, no less, and 't is safe ye are." " You have the greater reason to be thankful," Colonel John replied solemnly. "You have been spared a foul crime." "Faith and I hope I may never do worse," Og answered, hardily, "than rid the world of two black Protestants, an' them with a priest to make their souls! Many 's the honest man 's closed his eyes without that same. But 't is no time for prating! I wonder at your honour, and 152 THE WILD GEESE you no more than out of the black water! Bring them along, boys," he continued, "we 've work to do yet!" " Laus Deo!" the priest cried, lifting up his hands. "Give Him the glory!" "Amen," the Colonel said softly. And for a moment he shut his eyes and stood with clasped hands. " I thank you kindly, father, for your prayers!" he said. "The words of a good man avail much!" No more was said. For a few yards Bale walked unsteadily. But he recovered himself and, urged by O'SuUivan's continual injunctions to hasten, the party were not long in retracing their steps. They reached the road, and went along it, but in the direction of the landing- place. In a few minutes they were threading their way in single file across the saucer-like waste which lay to land- ward of the hill overlooking the jetty. "Are you taking us to the French sloop ?" Colonel John asked. "You '11 be as wise as the lave of us by and by!" Og answered sulkily. They crossed the shoulder near the tower, and strode down the slope to the stone pier. The mist lay low on the water. The tide was almost at the flood. Og bade the men draw in one of the boats, ordered Colonel Sullivan and Bale to go into the bow, and the pikemen to take the oars. He and the two fire-lock men took their seats in the stern. "Pull out, you cripples," he said, "and there '11 be flood enough to be bringing us back." THESEAMIST 153 The men bent to the clumsy oars, and the boat slid down the inlet, and passed under the beam of the French sloop, which lay moored farther along the jetty. Not a sign of life appeared on deck as they passed; the ship seemed to be deserted. Half a dozen strokes carried the boat beyond view of it, and the little party were alone on the bosom of the water, that lay rocking smoothly between its unseen banks. Some minutes were spent in stout rowing, and soon the boat began to rise and fall on the Atlantic rollers. " 'T is more deceitful than a pretty colleen," O'Sullivan Og said, "is the sea-fog, bad cess to it! My own father was lost in it. Will you be seeing her, boys ?" "Ye '11 not see her till ye touch her!" one of the rowers answered. "And the tide running?" the other said. "Save us from that same!" "She's farther out by three gunshots!" struck in a fire-lock man. "We'll be drifting back, ye thieves of the world, if ye sit staring there! Pull, an' we '11 be inshore an' ye know it." For some minutes the men pulled steadily onward, while one of the passengers, apprized that their destination was the Spanish war-vessel, felt anything but eager to reach it. A Spanish warship meant imprisonment, possibly the Inquisition, persecution, and death. When the men lay at last on their oars, and swore that they must have passed the ship, he alone listened indifferently. "'Tis a black Protestant fog!" O'Sullivan cried. "Where '11 we be, I wonder?" 154 THEWILDGEESE "Sure, ye can make no mistake," one answered. "The wind 's light off the land." "We '11 be pulling back, lads." "That 's the word." The men put the boat about, and started on the return journey. Suddenly Colonel John, crouching in the bow, vv^here was scant room for Bale and himself, saw a large shape loom before him. Involuntarily he uttered a warn- ing cry, O 'Sullivan echoed it, the men tried to hold the boat. In doing this, however, one man was quicker than the other, the boat turned broadside on to her former course, and before the cry was well off O'Sullivan Og's lips, it swept violently athwart a cable hauled taut by the weight of a vessel straining to the flow of the tide. In a twinkhng the boat careened, throwing its occupants into the water. Colonel John and Bale were nearest to the hawser, and managed to seize it and cling to it. But the first wave washed over them, blinding them and choking them; and, warned by this, they worked themselves along the rope until they could twist a leg over their slender support. That effected, they shouted for help. But their shouts were merged in the wail of despair, of shrieks and cries, that floated away into the mist. The boat, travelling with the last of the tide, had struck the cable with force, and was already drifting a gunshot away. Whether any saved themselves on it, the two clinging to the hawser could not see. Bale, shivering and scared, would have shouted again, THESEAMIST 155 but Colonel John stayed him. "God rest their souls!" he said solemnly. "The men aboard can do nothing. By the time they '11 have lowered a boat it will be done with these." "They can take us aboard," Bale said. "Ay, if we want to go to Cadiz gaol," Colonel John answered slowly. He was peering keenly toward the land. "But what can we do, your honour?" Bale asked with a shiver. "Swim ashore." "God forbid!" "But you can swim?" "Not that far. Not near that far, God knows!" Bale repeated with emphasis, his teeth chattering. "I'll go down like a stone." "Cadiz gaol! Cadiz gaol!" Colonel John muttered. "Is n't it worth a swim to escape that?" "Ay, ay, but " "Do you see that oar drifting? In a twinkling it will be out of reach. Off with your boots, man, off with your clothes, and to it! That oar is freedom! The tide is with us still, or it would not be moving that way. But let the tide turn and we cannot do it." "It's too far!" "If you could see the shore," Colonel John argued, "you 'd think nothing of it! With your chin on that oar, you can't sink. But it must be done before we are chilled." 156 THEWILDGEESE He was stripping himself to his underclothes while he talked : and in haste, fearing that he might feel the hawser slacken and dip — a sign that the tide had turned. Already Colonel John had plans and hopes, but freedom was needful if they were to come to anything. "Come!" he cried, impulsively. "Man, you are not a coward. Come!" He let himself into the water and after a moment of hesitation Bale followed his example, let the rope go, and with quick, nervous strokes bobbed after him in the direction of the oar. Colonel John deserved the less credit, as he was the better swimmer. He swam long and slow with his head low, and his eyes watched his follov/er, A half minute of violent exertion, and Bale 's outstretched hand clutched the oar. It was a thick, clumsy imple- ment, and it floated high. Colonel John bade him rest his hands on it, and thrust it before him lengthwise, swim- ming with his feet. For five minutes nothing was said, but they proceeded slowly and patiently, trusting — for they could see nothing — that the tide was still seconding their efforts. Colonel John knew that if the shore lay, as he judged, about half a mile distant, he must, to reach it, swim slowly and reserve his strength. Though a natural desire to decide the question quickly would have impelled him to great exertion, he resisted it. At the worst, he reflected that the oar would support them both for a short time. They had been swimming for ten minutes, as he cal- THE SEA MIST 157 culated, when Bale, who floated higher, cried joyfully that he could see the land. Colonel John made no answer, he needed all his breath. But a minute later he too saw it loom low through the fog; and then, in some minutes afterward, they felt bottom and waded on to a ledge of rocks which projected a hundred yards from the mainland eastward of the mouth of the inlet. The tide had served them well by carrying them a little to the eastward. They sat a moment on the rocks to recover their strength; and then, stung to action by the chill wind, which set their teeth chattering, they got to their feet and scrambled painfully along the rocks until they reached the marshy bank of the inlet. A pilgrimage scarcely less painful, through gorse and rushes, brought them at the end of ten minutes to the jetty. Here all was quiet. If any of O'SuUivan Og's party had saved themselves they were not to be seen, nor was there any indication that the accident was known on shore. While Colonel John had been picking his way, his thoughts had not been idle; and now, without hesitation, he made along the jetty until the masts of the French sloop loomed beside it. He boarded the vessel by a plank and looked round him. There was no watch on deck, but a melancholy voice piping a French song rose from the depths of the cabin. Colonel John bade Bale follow him — they were shivering from head to foot — and descended the companion. The singer was Captain Augustin. He lay on his back 158 THEWILDGEESE in his bunk, while his mate, between sleep and waking, formed an unwilling audience. " Tout mal chausse, tout mal vetu," sang the Captain in a doleful voice, *' Pauvre marin, d'oureviens-tu ? Tout doux! Tout doux." With the last word on his lips, he called on the name of his Maker, for he saw two half-naked, dripping figures peering at him through the open door. For the moment he took them, by the dim light for the revenants of drowned men; while his mate, a Breton, rose on his elbow and shrieked aloud. It was only when Colonel John called them by name that they were reassured, lost their fears, and recognized in the pallid figures before them their late passenger and his attendant. Then the cabin rang with oaths and invocations, with mon Dieu! and ma foi! Immediately clothes were fetched, and rough cloths to dry the visitors and restore warmth to their limbs, and cognac and food — for the two were half starved. While these comforts were being administered, and half the crew, crouching about the companion, listened, Colonel John told very shortly the tale of their adventures, of the fate that had menaced them, and their narrow escape. In return he learned that the Frenchmen were virtually prisoners. "They have taken our equipage, cursed dogs! " Augustin explained, refraining with difficulty from a dance of rage. The rudder, the sails, they are not, see you ? They have locked all in the house on shore, that we may not go by THE SEA MIST 159 night, you understand. And by day the ship of war beyond, Spanish it is possible, pirate for certain, goes about to sink us if we move! Ah, sacre nom, that I had never seen this land of swine!" "Have they a guard over the rudder and the sails?" Colonel John asked. "I know not. What matter?" " If not, it were not hard to regain them," Colonel John said, with an odd light in his eyes. "And the ship of war beyond? What would she be doing?" " While the fog lies ? " Colonel John replied. "Nothing." "The fog ?" Augustin exclaimed. He clapped his hand to his head, ran up the companion and as quickly returned. "There is a fog," he cried, "like the inside of Jonah's whale! For the ship beyond I snap the finger at her! She is not! Then forward, mes braves! Yet tranquil! They have taken the arms!" "Ay?" Colonel John said, still eating. "Is that so? Then it seems to me we must retake them. That first." "What, you?" Augustin exclaimed. "Why not?" Colonel John responded, looking round him, a twinkle in his eye. "The goods of his host are in a manner of speaking the house of his host. And it is the duty — as I said once before." " But is it not that they are — of your kin ?" "That is the reason," Colonel John answered cryptically and to the skipper's surprise. But that surprise lasted a 160 THEWILDGEESE very short time. "Listen to me," the Colonel continued. "This goes farther than you think, and to cure it we must not stop short. Let me speak, and do you, my friends, listen. Courage, and I will give you not only freedom but a good bargain." The skipper stared. "How so?" he asked. Then Colonel John unfolded the plan on which he had been meditating while the gorse bushes pricked his feet and the stones gibed them. It was a great plan, and before all things a bold one; so bold that the seamen, who crowded the foot of the companion, opened their eyes. Augustin smacked his lips. "It is what you call mag- nifiqiie!" he said. "But," he shrugged his shoulders, "it is not possible!" "If the fog holds?" " But if it — what you call — lifts ? What then, eh ? " "Through how many storms have you ridden?" the Colonel answered. "Yet if the mast had gone?" ' ' We had gone 1 V raiment! ' ' "That did not keep you ashore." Augustin cogitated over this for a while. Then, "But we are eight only," he objected. "Myself, nine." "And two are eleven," Colonel John replied. "We do not know the ground." "I do." The skipper shrugged his shoulders. "And they have treated you — but you know how they have treated you," Colonel John went on, appealing to the lower motive. THESEAMIST 161 The group of seamen who stood about the door growled seamen's oaths. "There are things that seem hard," the Colonel con- tinued, "and being begun, pouf! they are done while you think of them!" Captain Augustin of Bordeaux swelled out his breast. "That is true," he said. "I have done things like that." "Then do one more!" The skipper's eyes surveyed the men's faces. He caught the spark in their eyes. " I will do it," he cried. "Good!" Colonel John cried. "The arms first!" CHAPTER XIII A SLIP FLAVIA McMURROUGH enjoyed one advantage over her partners in conspiracy. She could rise on the morning after the night of the bonfires with a clear head. Colonel John had scarcely passed away under guard before she was afoot, gay as a lark and trilling like one, for on this day would they begin a work the end of which no man could see, but which, to the close of time, should shed a lustre on the name of McMurrough. No more should their native land be swept along, a chained slave in the train of a more brutal, a more violent, and a more stupid people! From this day Ireland's valour should be recognized for what it was, her wit be turned to good uses, her old traditions be revived in the light of new glories. The tears rose to the girl's eyes, her bosom heaved, as she pictured the fruition of the work to be begun this day and with clasped hands and prayerful eyes sang her morning hymn. The tears gushed from her eyes and with an overflowing heart she thanked heaven for the grace and favour that assigned her a part in the work. It was much — may she be forgiven! — if, in the first enthusiasm of the morning, 162 A SLIP 163 she gave a single thought to the misguided kinsman whose opposition had exposed him to dangers at which she vaguely guessed. She lived in a dream, but a golden dream, and when she descended to the living-room her lips quivered as she kissed the Bishop's hand and received on her bent knees his episcopal blessing. "And on this house, my daughter," he added, "and on this day!" "Amen!" she murmured in her heart. True, breakfast, and the hour after breakfast, gave some pause to her happiness. The men's nerves were on edge with potheen and they had not been at table five minutes before quarrelling broke out. The Spanish officer who was in attendance on Cammock came to words with one of the O'Beirnes, who resented the notion that the Admiral's safety was not sufficiently secured by the Irish about him. The peace was kept with difficulty, and so much ill-feeling survived the outbreak that Cammock thought it prudent to remit two-thirds of the sailors to the ship. This was not a promising beginning, where the numbers were already so scanty that the Bishop wondered in his heart whether his dupes would dare to pass from words to action. But it was not all. Some one spoke of Asgill, and of another justice in the neighbourhood, asserting that their hearts were with the rising, and that at a later point their aid might be expected. "The Evil One's spawn!" cried Sir Donny, rising in his place, and speaking under the influence of great 164 THEWILDGEESE excitement. "If you're for dealing with them, I'm riding! No Protestants! I 'd as soon never wear sword again as wear it in their company." "You 're not meaning it, Sir Donny!" Uncle Ulick said. "Faith, but if he 's not, I am!" cried old Tim Burke, rising and banging the table with his fist. " 'T is what I 'm meaning, and not a bit of a mistake! Just that!" Another backed him, with so much violence that the most moderate and sensible looked serious and it needed the Bishop's interference to calm the storm. "We need not decide one way or the other," he said, " until they come in." Probably he thought that an unlikely contingency. "There are arguments on both sides," he continued, blandly. "But of this at another time. I think we must be moving, gentlemen. It grows late." While the gentry talked thus at table, the courtyard and the space between the house and the lake began to present, where the mist allowed them to be seen, the lively and animated appearance which the Irish, ever lovers of a crowd, admire. Food and drink were there served to the barefoot, shock-headed boys drawn up in bodies under their priests, or under the great men's agents; and when these matters had been consumed one band after another moved off in the direction of the rendezvous. This was at the Carraghalin, a name long given to the ruins of an abbey situate in an upland valley above the waterfall. The orders for all were to take their seats in an orderly fashion and in a mighty semicircle about a well-known rock situate a hundred yards from the abbey. Tradition A SLIP 165 reported that in old days this rock had been a pulpit, and that thence the Irish Apostle had preached to the heathen. The turf about it was dry, sweet, and sheep bitten; on either side it sloped gently to the rock, while a sentry posted on each of the two low hills which flanked the vale was a sufficient surety against surprise. It was not until the last of the peasants had filed off that the gentry began to make their way in the same direction. The buckeens were the first to go, while the last to leave were the Admiral and the Bishop, honourably escorted, as became their rank, by their host and hostess. Freed from the wrangling and confusion which the presence of the others bred, Flavia regained her serenity as she walked. There was nothing, indeed, in the face of nature, in the mist and the dark day, and the moisture that hung in beads on thorn and furze, to cheer her. But she drew her spirits from a higher source, and, sanguine and self-reliant, foreseeing naught but success, stepped proudly along beside the Bishop, who found, perhaps, in her presence and her courage a make-weight for the gloom of the day. "You are sure," he said, smiling, " that we shall not lose our way?" "Ah! and I am sure," she answered, "I could take you blindfold." "The mist " " It stands, my lord, for the mist overhanging this poor land, which our sun shall disperse." "God grant it!" he said. "God grant it, indeed, my 166 THEWILDGEESE daughter!" But, do what he would, he spoke without fervour. They passed along the lake edge, catching now and then the shimmer of water on their right. Thence they ascended the steep path that led up the glen of the water- fall to the level of the platform on which the old tower stood. Leaving this on the right, they climbed yet a little higher, and entered a deep driftway that, at the summit of the gorge, clove its way between the mound behind the tower and the hill on their left, and so penetrated presently to the valley of the Carraghalin. The mist was thinner here, the nature of the ground was more perceptible, and they had not proceeded fifty yards along the sunken way before Cammock, who was leading, in the company of The McMurrough, halted. *'A fine place for a stand," he said, looking about him with a soldierly eye. "And better for an ambush. Especially on such a morning as this, when you cannot see a man five paces away." "I trust," the Bishop answered, smiling, "that we shall have no need to make the one or to fear the other." "You could hold this," Flavia asked eagerly, "with such men as we have ? " "Against an army," Cammock answered. "Against an army!" she murmured as, her heart beat- ing high with pride, they resumed their way, Flavia and the Bishop in the van. "Against an army!" she repeated fondly. The words had not fully left her lips when she recoiled. A SLIP 167 At the same moment the Bishop uttered an exclamation, Cammock swore and seized his hilt, The McMurrough turned as if to flee. For on the path close to them, facing them with a pistol in his hand, stood Colonel Sullivan. He levelled the pistol at the head of the nearest man, and though Flavia, with instant presence of mind, struck it up, the act helped little. Before Cammock could clear his blade, or his companions back up his resistance, four or five men of Colonel John's following, flung themselves on them from behind. They were seized, strong arms pinioned them, knives were at their throats. In a twink- ling, and while they still expected death, sacks were dragged over their heads and down to their waists, and they were helpless. It was well, it was neatly done; and completely done, with a single drawback. The men had not seized Flavia, and, white as paper, but with rage, not fear, she screamed shrilly for help — screamed twice. She would have screamed a third time, but Colonel Sullivan, who knew that they were scarcely two furlongs from the meeting-place, and from some hundreds of merci- less foes, did the only thing possible. He flung his arms round her, pressed her face roughly against his shoulder, smothered her cries remorselessly. Then raising her, aided by the man with the musket, he bore her, vainly struggling — and, it must be owned, scratching — after the others out of the driftway. The thincr done, the Colonel's little band of Frenchmen knew that they had cast the die and must now succeed 168 THEWILD GEESE or perish. The girl's screams, quickly suppressed, might not have given the alarm; but they had set nerves on edge. The prick of a knife was used — and often — to apprize the blinded prisoners that if they did not move they would be piked. They were dragged, a seaman on either side of each captive, over some hundred paces of rough ground, through the stream, and so into a path little better than a sheep-track which ran round the farther side of the hill of the tower, and descended that way to the more remote bank of the lake. It was a rugged path, steep and slippery, dropping precipitously a couple of feet in places, and more than once following the bed of the stream. But it was traceable even in the mist, and the party from the sloop, once put on it, could follow it. If no late comer to the meeting encountered them, Colonel John, to whom every foot of the ground was familiar, saw no reason, apart from the chances of pursuit why they should not convey their prisoners to the sloop. All, however, depended on time. If Flavia's screams had not given the alarm, it would soon be given by the absence of those whom the people had come to meet. The missing leaders would be sought, pursuit would be organized. But, with peril on every side of them, Flavia was still the main, the real difficulty. Colonel Sullivan could not hope to carry her far, even with the help of the man who fettered her feet, and bore part of her weight. Twice she freed her mouth and uttered a stifled cry. The Colonel only pressed her face more ruthlessly to him — his men's lives depended on her silence. But the sweat stood on A SLIP 169 his brow; and, after carrying her no more than three hundred yards, he staggered under the unwilling burden. He was on the path now and descending, and he held out a little farther. But presently, when he hoped that she had swooned, she fell to struggling more desperately. He thought, on this, that he might be smothering her; and he relaxed his hold to allow her to breathe. For reward she struck him madly, furiously in the face, and he had to stifle her again. But his heart was sick It was a horrible, a brutal business, a thing he had not foreseen on board the Cor- morant. He had supposed that she would faint at the first alarm; and his courage, which would have faced almost any event with coolness, quailed. He could not murder .the girl, and she would not be silent. No, she would not be silent! Short of setting her down and binding her hand and foot, which would take time, and was horrible to imagine, he could not see what to do. And the man with him, who saw the rest of the party outstripping them, and as good as disappearing in the fog, who fancied, with every step, that he heard the feet of merciless pursuers overtaking them, was frantic with impatience. Then Colonel John, with the sweat standing on his brow, did a thing to which he afterward looked back with great astonishment. " Give me your knife," he said, with a groan, "and hold her hands! We must silence her, and there is only one way!" 170 THEWILDGEESE The man, terrified as he was, and selfish as terrified men are, recoiled from the deed. "My God! "he said. "No!" "Yes!" Colonel John retorted fiercely. "The knife! — the knife, man! And do you hold her hands!" With a jerk he lifted her face from his breast — and this time she neither struck him nor screamed. The man had half-heartedly drawn his knife. The Colonel snatched it from him. "Now her hands!" he said. "Hold her, fool! I know where to strike!" She opened her mouth to shriek, but no sound came. She had heard, she understood; and for a moment she could neither struggle nor cry. That terror which rage and an almost indomitable spirit had kept at bay seized her; the sight of the gleaming death poised above her paralyzed her throat. Her mouth gaped, her eyes glared at the steel; then, with a queer sobbing sound, she fainted. "Thank God!" the Colonel cried. He thrust the knife back into the man's hands, and, raising the girl again in his arms, "There 's a house a little below," he said. "We can leave her there! Hurry, man! — hurry!" He had not traversed that road for twenty years, but his memory had not tricked him. Less than fifty paces below they came on a cabin, close to the foot of the waterfall. The door was not fastened — for what, in such a place, was there to steal ? — and Colonel John thrust it open with his foot. The interior was dark, the place was almost windowless; but he made out the form of an old crone who, nursing her knees, crouched with a pipe in her 1 THEN, WITH A QIEEK FOBBING t^Ul.NU .SHE EAi.NTEU A SLIP 171 mouth beside a handful of peat. Seeing him, the woman tottered to her feet with a cry of alarm, and shaded her bleared eyes from the inrush of daylight. She gabbled shrilly, but she knew only Erse, and Colonel John attempted no explanation. "The Lady of the House," he said, in that tongue. And he laid Flavia, not ungently, but very quickly, on the floor. He turned about without another word, shut the door on the two, and hurried along the path at the full stretch of his legs. In half a minute he had overtaken his companion, and the two pressed on together on the heels of the main oarty. The old beldame, left alone with the girl, viewed her 'ith an astonishment which would have been greater if le had not reached that age at which all sensations become ulled. How the Lady of the House, who was to her both ower and Providence, came to be there, and there in that s ite, passed her conception. But she had the sense to loosen the girl's frock at the neck, to throw water on her face, and to beat her hands. In a verv few minutes Flavia, who had never swooned before — fashionable as the exercise was at this period in feminine society — sighed once or twice, and came to herself. "^Miere am I ?" she muttered. Still for some moments she continued to look about her in a dazed way; at length she recognized the old woman, and the cottage. Then she remembered, with a moan, what had happened — the ambuscade, the flight, the knife. She could not turn whiter, but she shuddered and closed 172 THEWILDGEESE her eyes. At last, with shrinking, she looked at her ciress. "Am I — hurt?" she whispered. The old woman did not understand, but she patted Flavia's hand. Meanwhile the girl saw that there was no blood on her dress, and she found courage to raise her hand to her throat. She found no wound. At that she smiled faintly. Then she began to cry — for she was a woman. But, broken as she was by that moment of terror, Flavia very quickly overcame her weakness. She rose, she understood, and she extended her arms in rage and grief and unavailing passion. She would that the villains had killed her! She would that they had finished her life! Why should she survive, except for vengeance? For not only were her hopes for Ireland fallen; not only were those who had trusted them- selves to The McMurrough perishing even now in the hands of ruthless foes; but her brother, whom her prayers, her influence, had brought into this path, he too was snared, of his fate also there could be no doubt! She felt all that was most keen, most poignant, of grief, of anger, of indignation. But the sharpest pang of all — had she analyzed her feelings — was inflicted by the con- sciousness of failure, and of failure verging on the ignomin- ious. The mature take good and evil fortune as they come; but to fail at first setting out in life, to be outwitted in the opening venture, is a mishap which sours the magnanimous and poisons young blood. She had not known before what it was to hate. Now A SLIP 173 she only lived to hate: to hate the man who had shown himself so much cleverer than her friends, who, in a twinkling, and by a single blow, had wrecked her plans, duped her allies, betrayed her brother, made her name a lau";hino;-stock, robbed Ireland of a last chance of freedom! Who had held her in his arms, terrified her, mastered her! Oh, why had she swooned? Why had she not rather, disregarding her womanish weakness, her womanish fears, snatched the knife from him and plunged it into his treacherous breast? CHAPTER XIV THE colonel's TERMS CAMMOCK and the Bishop, certain only that they were in hostile hands, and hurried, bhnd and helpless, to an unknown doom, might have been pardoned had they succumbed to despair. But they did not succumb. The habit of danger, and a hun- dred adventures and escapes, had hardened them; they felt more rage than fear. Stunned for a moment by the audacity of the attack, they had not been dragged a hun- dred yards before they began to calculate the chances. If the purpose of those into whose hands they had fallen were to murder them they would have been piked on the spot. On the other hand, if their captors' object was to deliver them to English justice, weeks, if not months, must elapse before they stood at the bar on a capital charge; much water must flow under the bridges, and many a thing might happen, by force or fraud, in the interval. So, half-stifled and bitterly chagrined as they were, they did not waste their strength in a vain resistance. With the third of the prisoners it was otherwise. The courage of the Irish is more conspicuous in the advance than in the retreat; and even of that joy in the conflict, which is their birthright and their fame, Flavia had taken 174 THE COLONEL'S TERMS 175 more than her woman's share. Li James McMurrough's mean nature there was small room for the generous passions. Unlike his sister, he would have struck the face of no man in whose power he lay; nor was he one to keep a stout heart when his hands were bound. Conscience does not always make cowards. But he knew into whose hands he had fallen, he knew the fate to which he had himself consigned Colonel John, and his heart was water, his hair rose, as he pictured in livid hues the fate that now awaited himself. As he had meant to do to the other, it would be done to him! He felt the cruel pike rend the gasping throat. Or would they throw him, bound and blind as he was, into the sullen lake — yes, that was it! They were carrying him that way, they were taking him to the lake. And once and twice, in the insanity of fear, he fought with his bonds until the blood came, even throwing himself down, until the men, out of patience, pricked him savagely, and drove him, venting choked cries of pain, to his feet again. After the second attempt he staggered on, beaten, hopeless. He was aware that Colonel John was not with them, and then, again, that he was with them; and then — they were on the wide track now between the end of the lake and the sea — that they were proceeding with increased caution. That might have given a braver man hope, the hope of rescue. But rescue had itself terrors for The McMur- rough. His captors, if pressed, might hasten the end, or his friends might strike him in the m^lee. And so, with 176 THEWILDGEESE every furlong of the forced journey, he died a fresh death. And the furlongs seemed interminable. But at last he heard the fall of the waves on the shore, the men about him spoke louder, he caught a distant hail. Laughter and exclamations of triumph reached him, and the voices of men who had won in spite of odds. Then a boat grated on the pebbles, he was lifted into it, and thrust down in the bottom. He felt it float off, and heard the measured sound of the oars in the thole-pins. A few moments elapsed, the sound of the oars ceased, the boat bumped something. He was raised to his feet, his hands were unbound, he was set on a rope-ladder, and bidden to climb. Obeying with shaking knees, he was led across what he guessed to be a deck, and down steep stairs. Then his head was freed from the sack, and, sweating, disheveled, pale with exhaustion and fear, he looked about him. The fog was still thick outside, turning day into twilight, and the cabin lamp had been lit and swung above the nar- row table, filling the low-browed, Dutch-like interior with a strong but shifting light. Behind the table Colonel John and the skipper leant against a bulkhead; before them, on the nearer side of the table, were ranged the three captives. Behind these, again, the dark, grinning faces of the sailors, with their tarred pigtails and flashing eyes, filled the door- way; and, beyond doubt, viewed under the uncertain light of the lamp, they showed a wild and savage crew. As James McMurrough looked, his hopes, which had risen during the last few minutes, sank. Escape, or chance of THE COLONEL'S TERMS 177 escape, there was none. He was helpless, and what those into whose hands he had fallen determined, he must suffer. For a moment his heart stood still, his mouth gaped, he swayed on his feet. Then he clutched the table and steadied himself. "I am — giddy," he muttered. "I am sorry that you have been put to so much incon- venience," Colonel John answered civilly. The words, the tone, might have reassured him if he had not suspected a devilish irony. Even when Colonel John proceeded to direct one of the men to open a port- hole and admit more air, he derived no comfort from the attention. But steady! Colonel John was speaking again. "You, too, gentlemen," he said, addressing Cammock and the Bishop, " I am sorry that I have been forced to put you to so much discomfort. But I saw no other way of effecting my purpose. And," he went on with a smile, "if you ask my warranty for acting as I have acted " "I do!" the Bishop said between his teeth. The Admiral said nothing, but breathed hard. "Then I can only vouch," the Colonel answered, " the authority by virtue of which you seized me yesterday. I give you credit, reverend father, and you, Admiral, for a belief that in creating a rising here you were serving a cause which you think worthy of sacrifice — the sacrifice of others as well as of yourselves. But I tell you, as frankly, I feel it my duty to prevent that rising; and for the moment fortune is with me. Now I need hardly say," 178 THEWILDGEESE Colonel John continued, with an appearance almost of bonhomie, "that I do not wish to go further than is neces- sary. I might hand you over to the English authorities. But far be it from me to do that! I would have no man's blood on my hands. And though I say at once I would not shrink, were there no other way of saving innocent lives, from sending you to the scaffold " "A thousand thanks to you!" the Bishop said. But, brave man as he was, the irony in his voice masked relief; and not then, but a moment later, he passed his handker- chief across his brow. Cammock said nothing, but the angry, bloodshot eyes which he fixed on the Colonel lost a little of their ferocity. "I say, I would not shrink from doing that," Colonel John continued mildly, "were it necessary. Fortunately for us all, it is not necessary. I must provide against your immediate return. I must see that the movement which will die in your absence is not revived by any word from you. To that end, gentlemen, I must put you to the inconvenience of a prolonged sea-voyage." " If I could speak with you in private ? " the Bishop said. "You will have every opportunity," Colonel John answered, smiling, "of speaking to Captain Augustin in private." "Still, sir, if I could see you alone I think I could con- vince you " "You shall have every opportunity of convincing Cap- tain Augustin," Colonel John returned, smiling more broadly, " and of convincing him by the same means which THE COLONELS TERMS 179 I venture to think, reverend sir, you would employ with me. To be plain, he will take you to sea for a certain period and at the end of that time, if your arguments are sufficiently weighty, he will land you on the French shore. He will be at the loss of his cargo, and that loss I fear you will have to make good. Something, too, he may charge by way of interest, and for your passage." By this time the sailors were on the broad grin. "A trifle, perhaps, for landing dues. But I have spoken with him to be moderate, and I doubt not that within a few weeks you. Admiral Cammock, will be with your command, and the reverend father will be pursuing his calling in another place." For a moment there was silence, save for a titter from the group of seamen. Then Cammock laughed — a curt, barking laugh. "A bite!" he said. " If I can ever repay it, sir, I will! Be sure of that!" Colonel John bowed courteously. The Bishop took it otherwise. The veins on his fore- head swelled, and he had much ado to control himself. The truth was, he feared ridicule more than he feared danger, perhaps more than he feared death; and such an end to such an enterprise was hard to bear. " Is there no alternative ? " he asked, barely able to speak for the chagrin that took him by the throat. "One, if you prefer it," Colonel Sullivan answered suavely. "You can take your chance with the English authorities. For myself, I lean to the course I have suggested." 180 THEWILDGEESE " If money were paid down — now ? Now, sir ? " "It would not avail." "Much money?" "No." The Bishop glared at him for a few seconds. Then his face relaxed, his eyes grew mild, his chin sank on his breast. His fingers drummed on the table. "His will be done!" he said — "His will be done! I was not worthy." His surrender seemed to sting Cammock. Perhaps in the course of their joint adventures he had come to know and to respect his companion, and felt more for him than for himself. " If I had you on my quarter-deck for only half an hour," he growled, "I would learn who was the better man! All, my man, I would!" "The doubt flatters me," Colonel John answered, viewing them both with great respect; for he saw that, bad or good, they were men. Then, " That being settled,'* he continued, "I shall ask you, gentlemen, to go on deck for a few moments, that I may say a word to my kinsman." "He is not to go with us ?" "That remains to be seen," Colonel John replied, a note of sternness in his voice. Still they hesitated, and he stood; but at last, in obedience to his courteous gesture, they bowed, turned — with a deep sigh on the Bishop's part — and clambered up the companion. The seamen had already vanished at a word from Augustin, who him- self proceeded to follow his prisoners on deck. "Sit down!" Colonel Sullivan said, the same sternness THE COLONEL'S TERMS 181 in his voice. And he sat down on his side of the table, while James McMurrough, with a sullen look but a beating heart, took his seat on the other. The fear of immediate death had left the young man ; he tried to put on an air of bravado, but with so little success that if his sister had seen him thus she had been blind indeed if she had not discerned, between these two men seated opposite to one another, the difference that exists between the great and the small, the strong and the infirm of purpose. It was significant of that difference that the one was silent at will, while the other spoke because he had not the force to be silent. "What are you wanting with me?" the young man asked. "Is it not you," Colonel John answered, with a piercing look, "will be wanting to know where O'Sullivan Og is — O'Sullivan Og, whom you sent to do your bidding this morning." The young man turned a shade paler, and his bravado fell from him. His breath seemed to stop. Then, "Where?" he whispered — "where is he?" "Where, I pray, heaven," Colonel John answered, with the same solemnity, "may have mercy upon him." "He is not dead?" The McMurrough cried, his voice rising on the last word. " I have little doubt he is," the Colonel replied. " Dead, sir! And the men who were with him — dead also, or the most part of them. Dead, James McMurrough, on the errand they went for you." 182 THEWILDGEESE The shock of the news struck the young man dumb, and for some moments he stared at the Colonel, his face colourless. At length, "All dead ? " he whispered. " Not all?" "For what I know!" Colonel John replied. "Heaven forgive them!" And, in half a dozen sentences, he told him what had happened. Then: "They are the first fruits," he continued sternly; "God grant that they be the last fruits of this reckless plot! Not that I blame them, who did but as they were bid. Nor do I blame any man or any woman who embarked on this with a single heart, for the sake of an end which they set above their own lives. But — but" — and Colonel John's voice grew more grave — "there was one who had not a single heart. There was one who was willing to do murder, not in blind obedience, nor for a great cause, but to serve his own private interest." "No! no!" the young man cried, cowering before him. "It is not true!" "One who was ready to do murder," Colonel John con- tinued pitilessly, " because it suited him to remove a man! " "No! no!" the wretched youth cried, almost grovelling before him. "It was all of them! — it was all!" "It was not all!" Colonel John retorted; but there was a keenness in his face which showed that he had still some- thing to learn. "It was — those two — on deck!" The McMurrough cried eagerly. "I swear it was! They said — it was necessary." THE COLONEL'S TERMS 183 "They were one with you in condemning! Be it so! I beheve you! But who spared?" "I!" The McMurrough cried, breathlessly eager to exculpate himself. "It was I alone. I! I swear it! I sent the boy!" "You spared ? Yes, and you alone! " the Colonel made answer. "You spared because you learned that I had made a will, and you feared lest that which had passed to me in trust might pass to a stranger for good and all! You spared because it was to your interest, your advan- tage! I say, out of your own mouth you are condemned.'' James McMurrough had scarcely force to follow the pitiless reasoning by which the elder man convicted him. But his conscience filled the hiatus, and what his tongue did not own his colourless face, his terrified eyes, confessed. "You have fallen into our hands," Colonel John con- tinued, grave as fate. "Why should we not deal with you as you would have dealt with us ? No ! " — the young man by a gesture had appealed to those on deck — "no! They may have consented to my death ; but as the judge condemns, or the soldier kills; you, for your private profit and advantage. Nevertheless, I shall not deal so with you. You can go as they are going — abroad, to return, I hope, a wiser man. Or " "Or — what?" the young man cried hurriedly. "Or you can stay here," Colonel John continued, "and we will treat the past as if it had not been. But on a condition." 184 THEWILDGEESE James's colour came back. "What '11 you be want- ing?" he muttered, averting his gaze. "You must swear that you will not pursue this foolish plan further. That first." "What can I be doing without themf" was the sullen answer. "Very true," Colonel John rejoined. "But you must swear also, my friend, that you will not attempt anything against me, nor be party to anything." "What'd I be doing?" "Don't lie!" the Colonel replied, losing his temper for a single instant. "I 've no time to bandy words, and you know how you stand. Swear on your hope of salvation to those two things, and you may stay. Refuse, and I make myself safe by your absence." The young man had the sense to know that he was escaping lightly. He was willing enough to swear that he would not pursue that enterprise further. But the second undertaking stuck in his gizzard. He hated Colonel John — for the past wrong, for the past defeat, above all for the present humiliation. "I'm having no choice," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "Very good," Colonel John answered curtly. And, going to the door, he called Bale from his station by the hatchway, and despatched him to the Bishop and to Admiral Cammock, requesting them to do him the honour to descend. They came readily enough, in the hope of some favour- able turn. But the Colonel's words quickly set them right. THE COLONEL'S TERMS 185 "Gentlemen," he said politely, 'T know you to be men of honour in private life. For this reason I have asked you to be present as witnesses to the bargain between my cousin and myself. Blood is thicker than water: he has no mind to go abroad, and I have no mind to send him against his will. . But his presence, after what has passed, is a standing peril to myself. To meet this difficulty he is ready to swear by all he holds sacred, and upon his honour, that he will attempt nothing against me, nor be a party to it. Is that so, sir?" the speaker continued. "Do you willingly, in the presence of these gentlemen, give that undertaking?" The young man, with averted eyes and a downcast face, nodded. "I am afraid I must trouble you to speak," Colonel John said. "I do," he muttered, looking at no one. "Further, that you will not within six months attempt anything against the government?" Colonel John continued. "I will not." "Very good. I accept your word, and I thank these gentlemen for their courtesy in condescending to act as witnesses. Admiral Cammock and you, reverend father," Colonel John continued, "it remains but to bid you fare- well, and to ask you to believe " — the Colonel paused — "that I have not pushed further than was necessary the advantage I gained." "By a neat stroke, Colonel Sullivan," the Bishop replied, 186 THE WILD GEESE with a rather sour smile, " not to say a bold one. But one, I 'd have you notice, that cannot be repeated." "Maybe not," the Colonel answered. 'I am content to think that for some time to come I have transferred your operations, gentlemen, to a sphere where I am not con- cerned for the lives of the people." "There are things more precious than lives," the Bishop said. "I admit it. More by token I 'm blaming you little — only you see, sir, I differ. That is all." With that Colonel Sullivan bowed, and left the cabin, and The McMurrough, who had listened to the colloquy with the air of a whipped hound, slunk after him. On deck the Colonel and Augustin talked apart for a moment, then the former signed to the young man to go down into the boat, which lay alongside with a couple of men at the oars, and Bale seated in the stern-sheets. After the lapse of a minute or two Colonel John joined him, and the rowers pushed off, while Augustin and the crew leant over the rail to see them go, and to send after them a torrent of voluble good wishes, A very few strokes of the oars brought the passengers to land. Bale stayed to exchange a few words with the seamen, while Colonel John and The McMurrough set off along the beach. And astonishment filled the young man, and grew as they walked. Did Colonel John, after all that had happened, mean to return to Morristown? to establish THE COLONEL'S TERMS 187 himself calmly — he, alone — in the midst of the con- spirators whose leaders he had removed ? It seemed incredible! For though he, James McMur- rough, thirst for revenge as he might, was muzzled by his oath, what of the others ? Still the Colonel walked on by his side. And now they were in sight of Skull — of the old tower and the house by the jetty, looming large through the dripping mist. At last Colonel John spoke. " It was fortunate that I made my will as I came through Paris," he said. CHAPTER XV FEMINA FURENS COLONEL JOHN had run little risk of being wrong in taking for granted that the meeting at the CarraghaHn, mysteriously robbed of the chiefs from over-seas, would disperse; either amid the peals of Homeric laughter that in Ireland greet a monster jest, or, in sadder mood, cursing the detested Saxon for one more added to the many wrongs of a downtrodden land. Had Flavia escaped, her courage and enthusiasm might have supported the spirits of the assemblage and kept it together. But Uncle Ulick had not the force to do this: much less had old Timothy Burke or Sir Donny. Their views were more singular than cheerful. "Very like," Sir Donny said, with a fallen under-lip, "the ould earth's opened her mouth and swallowed them. She 's tired, small blame to her, with all the heretics bur- dening her and tormenting her." "Whisht, man!" the other answered. "Be easy; you 're forgetting one 's a bishop. Small chance of the devil's tackling him, and like enough the holy water and all ready to his hand!" "Then I 'm not knowing what it is," the first pronounced hopelessly. X88 FEMINAFURENS 1S9 "There you speak truth, Sir Donny," Tim Burke answered. "Is it they can be losing tlieir way in the least taste of fog there is, do you think ? " "And the young hidy knowing the path, so that she 'd be walking it blindfold in the dark!" "I 'm fearing, then, it will be the garr'son from Tralee," was Uncle Ulick's contribution. "The saints be between us and them, and grant we '11 not be seeing more of them than we like, and sooner!" "Amen to that same!" replied old Timothy Burke, with an uneasy look behind him. There was nothing comforting in this. The messengers sent to learn why the expected party did not arrive had as little cheer to give; they could learn nothing. An hour went by, a second and part of a third ; messengers departed and came, and presently something like the truth got abroad. Still the greater part of the assemblage, with Irish patience, remained seated in ranks on the slopes of the hills, the women with their drugget shawls drawn over their heads, the men with their frieze coats hanging loose about them. But a time came, about high noon, when the assemblage — and the fog — beran at last to melt. Sir Donnv was gone, and old Tim Burke of Maamtrasna. They had slipped homeward, by little-known tracks across the peat hags ; and, the spirit all gone out of them, had turned their minds to oaths and alibis. They had been in trouble before, and were taken to know; and their departure sapped the O'Beirnes' resolution, whose uneasy faces as 190 THEWILDGEESE they talked together spread the contagion. An hour after Sir Donny had shpped away, the movement which might have meant so much to so many was spent. The slopes about Carraghalin had returned to their wonted solitude; where hundreds had sat a short hour before the eagle hovered, the fox turned his head and scented the wind. Doubtless, in the minds of some, a secret thankfulness that, after all, they were not required to take the leap, relieved the disappointment. They were well out of an ugly scrape. Well clear of the shadow of the gallows — always supposing that no informer appeared. It might even be the hand of Providence, that had removed their leaders, and held them back. They might think them- selves happy to be quit of it for the fright. But there was one who found no such consolation; to whom the issue was pure loss, a shameful defeat, the end of hopes, the defeat of prayers that had never risen to heaven more purely than that morning. Flavia sat with her eyes on the dead peat that cumbered the hearth, and in a stupor of misery refused to be com- forted. Of her plans, of her devotion, of her lofty resolves, this was the result. She had aspired, honestly and earn- estly, for her race downtrodden and her faith despised, and this was the bitter fruit. Nor was it only the girl's devotion to her country and to her faith that lay sore wounded: her vanity suffered, and perhaps more keenly. The enterprise that was to have glorified the name of McMurrough, that was to have raised that fallen race, that was to have made that distant province blessed among FEMINAFURENS 191 the provinces of Ireland, had come to an end, derisive and contemptible, before it was born. Her spirit, fearing before all things ridicule, dashed itself against the dreadful fact. She could hardly believe that all was over. She could hardly realize that the cup was no longer at her lip. But she looked from the window; and, lo, the courtyard which had hummed and seethed was dead and silent. In one corner a knot of men were carrying out the arms and the powder, and were preparing to bury them. In another, a woman — it was Sullivan Og's widow — sat weeping. "You must kill him!" she cried, with livid cheeks and blazing eyes. "If you do not, I will!" Uncle Ulick, who beyond doubt was one of those who felt more relief than disappointment, stretched his legs uneasily. He longed to comfort her, but he did not know what to say. "You must kill him!" she repeated. "We '11 talk of that," he said, "when we see him." "You must kill him!" the girl repeated passionately. "Or I will! If you are a man, if you are an Irishman, if you are a Sullivan, kill him, the shame of your race! Or I will!" "If he had been on our side," Uncle Ulick answered soberly, "instead of against us, I 'm thinking we should have done better." The girl drew in her breath sharply, pierced to the quick by the thought. Simultaneously the big man started, but for another reason. His eyes were on the 192 THEWILDGEESE window, and they saw a sight which his mind declined to beheve. Two men had entered the courtyard — had entered with astonishing, with petrifying nonchalance, as it seemed to him. For the first was Colonel Sullivan. The second — but the second slunk at the heels of the first with a hang-dog air — was James McMurrough. Fortunately Flavia, whose eyes were glooming on the cold hearth, had her back to the casement. Uncle Ulick rose. His thoughts came with a shock against the possi- bility that Colonel John had the garrison of Tralee at his back. But, although The McMurrough had all the appearance of a prisoner, Ulick thrust away the notion as soon as it occurred. To clear his mind, he looked to see how the men engaged in getting out the powder were tak- ing it. They had ceased to work, and were staring with all their eyes. Something in their bearing told Uncle Ulick that the notion which had occurred to him had occurred to them, and that they were prepared to run at the least alarm. "His blood be on his own head!" he muttered. But he did not say it in the tone of a man who meant it. "Amen!" she cried. The words fell in with her thoughts. By this time Colonel Sullivan was within four paces of the door. In a handturn he would be in the room, he would be actually in the girl's presence — and Uncle Ulick shrank from the scene which must follow. Colonel John was, indeed, and plainly, running on his fate. Already F E M I N A F U R E N S 193 the O'Beirnes, awakening from their trance of astonish- ment, were closing in behind him with grim faces; and short of the garrison of Tralee the big man saw no help for him; well-nigh — so strongly did even he feel on the matter — he desired none. But Flavia must have no part in it. Let the girl be clear of it! The big man took two steps to the door, opened it, slipped through, and closed it behind him. His breast as good as touched that of Colonel Sullivan, who was on the thres- hold. Behind the Colonel was James McMurrough; behind James were the two O'Beirnes and two others, of whose object, as they cut off the Colonel's retreat, no man who saw their faces could doubt. For once, in view of the worse things that might happen in the house, Ulick was firm. "You can't come in!" he said, his face pale and frowning. He had no word of greeting for the Colonel. "You can't come in!" he repeated, staring straight at him. The Colonel turned and saw the four men with arms in their hands spreading out behind him. He understood. "You had better let me in," he said gently. "James will talk to them." "James " "You had better speak to them," Colonel John continued, addressing his companion. "And you, Ulick " "You can't come in," Ulick repeated grimly. James McMurrough interposed in his harshest tone. "An end to this!" he cried. "Who are you to bar the 194 THEWILDGEESE door, Ulick! And you, Phelim and Morty, be easy a minute till you hear me speak." Ulick still barred the way. "James," he said, in a voice little above a whisper, "you don't know " "I know enough!" The McMurrough answered violently. It went sadly against the grain with him to shield his enemy, but so it must be. " Curse you, let him in!" he continued, fiercely; they were making his task more hard for him. "And have a care of him," he added anxiously. "Do you hear? Have a care of him!" Uncle Ulick made a last feeble attempt. " But Flavia," he said. "Flavia is there and " "Curse the girl!" James answered. "Get out of the road and let the man in! Is this my house or yours?" Ulick yielded, as he had yielded so often before. He stood aside. Colonel John opened the door and entered. The rest happened so quickly that no movement on his part could have saved him. Flavia had heard their voices in altercation — it might be half a minute, it might be a few seconds before. She had risen to her feet, she had recognized the voice of one of the speakers — he had spoken once only, but that was enough — she had snatched up the naked sword that since the previous morning had leaned in the chimney corner. As Colonel John crossed the threshold — oh, dastardly audacity, oh, insolence incredible, that in the hour of his triumph he should soil that threshold ! — she lunged with all the force of her strong young arm at his heart. With such violence that the hilt struck his breast and