University of California. OIPt^T OF" /xtJll^J. . ^f J- ERRATA AND ADDENDA ^3^^''-^'>; Page. Cut. Class. Heading. 3. 1 D 8 /or 'Palaantology'' read "Palaeontology.'' 3. 1 E3 " " Zoophiles" •' "Zoophytes." IN PART I. 7. 2 C 8 BuTLEK. /or " Remlniscenses" read "Eemi- iiiscences." D 2 for "MuLLER." read " MtJLLKR." 9. 9. 10. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 21. 21. 21. 22. 23. 83. 24. 25. 26. 27. «8. 80. 81. 82. 84. 85. o5. 38. 40. 43. 43. 45. D 3 " ' Coses." " " Coues. D5" 'Parker." " "Pakkes." D 5 " " ScHELLUM." read "'Sohellen." D 8 " ' Symond." " "Symonds." E 4 Duncan, transpose the whole of the title to the ne.xt line, and substitute "Dunhar" for the dash before "Bees" in the third title. " Bennett." read " Bknnet." "TaNGUEREL." ' "TANQtTEREI,." "McDolTOAL." '' " Macdougall." "Wakefield." " "Wakelby." Allen, /"or "Oottoge." ^'eai/ "Cottage." "Ferguson." read "Fergusson." History, for " Process." read " Processes." F 2 for F 5 " G 6 " G 7 " Q 8 8" U H 1 omit "UoiiitRTT." and the title following the heading. 2 H S/or " Breakfast." read "Breakfast." 2 H8 Uoltzapkkl. /or "H 8628" reod" H 8626." 2 12 Crouciier. /or " Directory." read "Direc- tions." 2 12 HuMi'UREY. /or " Daguerrotypc." read " Da- guereotype. 2 I 7 /or "Stephens." reijd "Stei'iien." 1 18 Wheeler. for "Sportoscrapiana." read " Sportascrapiana." "Pollock." read •' Pollok. Si'ENCKR. Faerv Queen." read "Spenser. Faery Queen.", "Bkranger." read "Bebanger," •'GuNDEKODK, Bettina." read "Gunderode, Bettine." 84. 1 Ml Mblmotu. /or "Fitzoborne's." read "Fitz Osborne's." M l/«r "Skvigne." read "Srvigne." M2 llooD. fur "Up the Kiver." read "Up the Rhine." M 2 /or "My Opinion." read " My Opinions." K 1/or K 1 " " K 4 /or Ml " M5 " "Adams." (3d. Title) read "Andrews." M 9 ■' "Duykinok" read "Duyokinck." N 2 " "Landsdorff." read "Langsdorff. N 3 ■' •' Anderson." read "Andersen," N 7 " "Clark." read "Clarke." Page. 47. 47. 49. 42. 49. 49. 50. 51. 52. 52. 52. 52. 53. 54. 57. 59. 00. 61. 61. 64. 64. 66. 07. 69. 70. 71. 72. 72. 72. 74. 79. 79. 80. 85. 85. 86. 87. 87. 89. 92. 93. Col. Class. Heading. O 2 O 2 O 9 O 9 P 1 P 1 Stalky." ClIEMIKK." Gerrakd.' 6 7 /or 7 " P P P P8 P 8 P 9 Q Q9/0?' K 1 K 1 R 2 for R 2 S 2 /or S 2 "Gctslab'P.'' read ''Gctzlaff." "Lookhardt."' read "Lockhart."" "RoBisoN." read "Robinson." read "Stanley." read "Oiienier." read " Gerard." P 2 " "English Expedition," &c., read "Eng- lish. Expedition, &c." Bahrow. for " Pitcairns' " read " Pitcairn's." "DucAN." reod " Duncan." "IIkkot." read "Heriot." ■"Da a." read "Dana." 'Fa court." read " Fancourt." " Hassaureck." read," Hassaurek." PoussiN. /or " U 714" read "Q714.'' ■Hi-WKES." read "Hawks.'" GOLDE." " "GOBDE."' Saunders, /or " Memoirs"' reaii "Memo- ries." Thbbaud."' read "Thebaud. " Young, for "v. 7"' read "v. 6." Anderson." read "Andersen." March, /or " Andalusies" read "Andalu- sias."" T for "Lemprierrb."' rea.7 " Lempribre." T3 BuKKK. M//>^r "Character"' add "i'rior."' T 3 for "Girdner." read 'Uaidiner." T3 Henry, Patrick, for "T3196'" read "T 4190.'" ITS for "HoLDiN, KoBT."' read " IIoudin, Robt."' 1 T3 Irving, after "Life of add •'■ Oliphant.'" 2 line 14. for ".Milton." read "Middleton." 1 lines 2a and 26 should be transposed, and for " T 3229" in line 25 read " T 3329." Paulding, for " T 3344"' read " T.4344." Peter, the Cruet, for '■' Merimee."' read ' Ml'.rimee.^^ Walton, for •' Wotten" read " Wotton." SiDDONS. for ^^ Baden''' read " Boaden.''' marderson." read "Anderson." 'Sone." read "Stonb." ' Sullivan." read " Sulivan." " Wood." ?'eaf/ ""WooLSON." • " WoLsBY." read " Woolsky." ' Wedobwood." read " Wedgwood."' Grbppo. for " Champollyon" read " Chain- pollion."' 1 and 2 for CLASS T. read CLASS X. 1X7 West, /or "Son" read "Man." 2X9 Halb. /or "Home" rearf" Homes." T 8 T 3, T 8 T 5 T 6/or T 8 U 9 U 9 V 1 W 2 1 I 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 W 9 15 Page. Col. Class. Heading. 95. 2 T2 Grbppo. /oj- "Champollyon." read "Cham - poUion." 96. 1 Y 2 for ','SiMMONDS." read "Simmons." 98. 2 T 6 CoxE. /or "Appollos'' read " ApoUos." 98. 2 Y 6/ur "Flbtciibree." read "Fletchebe." 99. 1 Y 6 Maitland. omit "&." "99. 1 Y6 NOYES. /or "Y 6699" read "Y 6700." 93. 2 Y7 Church. /or "Influence" read "Influences." 101. 2 Y8 Fish. /(/r "Public" reud "Pulpit." 101. 2 Y 8/or "Kknnbt." read "Kennett." 101. 2 Y S " "Massillon and Bourdalue" read " Mass- ILLON and Bourdaloue." 102. 1 Z /or "Ely and Storrs" read "Ely and Thomas." 103. 1 Z 2 " "Berkley." read "Berkeley." 103. 2 Z 2 " Greg, /or "Cristendom" read "Christen- dom." 104. 2 Z 3/or "Mitchell" read "Mitchel." 104. 2 Z3 " "Trout." read "Prout." IN PART II. Paae. Col. Heading. 107. 2 Action, for "Boole, R." ?ea/ "Boote, E." betieeen " Addisonian Miscellany " anil " Au- DKE8SE8 " insert " Adriatic. Adams, W. U. D. Queen of the. S .3004." too. 1 Alcipiibon. for "Berkley, G." read "Berke- ley, G." 110. 2 America. Oickeson, M. W. /or "T 8826" read "T8825*" 111. 1 " for " Duykinck, E. and G. L." read ■' Duyck- inck, E. A. and G. L." 112. 2/or "America " read "America (North)." 113. 2 '• between "Stuart, J." and "Trollope, A." insert " Sutcliff', K. Travels in. Q429." 112. 2 America (South), omit from "Samuels, E. A." to"P 9384." 118. 2 America (Spanish), /cr "Hassan reck, F." read " Hassaurek, F." 118. 1 Amoor. Collins, F. for "N 2009" read "O 3097." 113. 1 " Tilley.H. A. /or "Pacific "read "Pacific." 115. 1 for " APOCnrfYPHA." lead "Apocrypha " and /or " Apochrypbal " read " Apocryphal." 115. 2 Architecture, /or "Lefebre, M." read "Lefe- bre, M." 116. 2/or "ARNiM,Bettina von." reod "ARNi>i,Bettine von." 119. 1 Atonement, for "Barrow, A." read "Barnes, A." 119. 2 for " Autocrat at the" read "Autocrat of the." 120. 1 Ballads, /or "Gary, A ice." read "Gary Alice." 121. 1 Bayard, /or Berville" read "Berville, M. de." 121. 1/or " B«domarchai8" read " Bbaumarchais." 121. 2 " "Beranoeb. read "Beranger." 121. 2 Berban, the. for " Y 6699" read " Y 6700." 122. 1 Bible, for "Mitchell, 0. M." read "Mitchel, O. M!" 123. l in "Biography." the following omissions are to be inserted : Arago, P. Biographies of Scientific men. T 3014 Bellchambers, E. General B. Dictionry. T 85 Cooper, T. New Biographical Dictionary. T 100 Godwin, P. Cyclopedia of. T 171 Lempriere, J. Universal B. T 658 Platts, J. Universal B.. T 713 ■ Tuckerman, II. T. Biographical and Critical Essays T 769 128. 2 Canada. Ae«»/)eera "Murray, A. M." and "San- son,J." insert " Russell, W. H. Canada. P 7381." 181. 1 Chbmistrt. /or "Pennington, J." read " Pen- ington, J." 131. 2 " Wells, D. A. for " Prinuiples " read " Principles." 131. 2 " /or " Brande, W. J. "read" Brande,W.T." 135. 1 Church, the. Noyes, J. H. for " Y 6699 " read " Y 6700." 135. 2/or " Cl at Land " read "Clay Lands." 136. 1 bettceen " Clothing." and " Club-Foot." insert "Club and Drawing Room. Hay, C. TS191." 136. 2 Columbia River, /or "0 2103" read" Q 2103.' 139. 1 for "Cooper, Mrs. Alary." read "Cooper, Mrs. Mary." 189. 2 COURSB of Time, /or "Pollock, R." read "Pol- lok, K. " 140. 2 Crcsaubs. /«r"Robson, W. " read " Michaud, J. F." 141. 2 CnviBR. \st. title, fur "Z3109" read "T 3109." 141. 2 /or "Ctolop.kdia." reaJ "Cyclop.kdias'" 142. 1 Obath. /"or "Phillips, a. P. W." reof/" Philip, A. P. W.' Page. 145. Col. 1 14s 2 146. 146. 146 150. 155. 2 152. 1 1.53. 153. 153. 155. 155. Heading, Domestic Economy, for "Cassel." read "Cas- sell." DONNB, John, for " "Wotten Henry " read "Wot- ton, Henry." 2 for " Dreamthorpe " read "Dreamthobp." 2 Dyeing. 5tk. title, /or "Dying" read "Dyein<' " 2 Love, T. for " H 6664 ■' read " H 4664." "' 1 Engineering. Whilden, J. K. for " G 480" read '•G44S0."' "England. Biography, helireen "Doran, Dr.'''' and "Forster, J." insert'-' Earle, J. C. English Premiers from Walpole to Peel" T3131." England. History, between ''Pike, L. 0.''^ and "St. John, J. M." insert " Robinson, J. Hume and Smollett's History of England Abridged, li 1376." England. Gascoigne, G, /or "K 1598" read " K 1598.*" " Pnttenham, G, for "K 716" read "K 716.*" "for " Wedgewood, H.'" read " Wedgwood, H." " " "Lvly, J."' read " Lyly." England. Travels, for " Olmstead, F. L." read ''Olmsted, F. L." Epistles, for " Y 45" re'e^ "Y4582." Europe for " Robinson, J." read "Eobison, J." Europe. Tnivels. bettreen "Adalbert, Prince and " Benedict, E. C." insert " Baird R Visit to Northern E. R 3023." ' ' " for " Fiske, W." read "Fisk, W." Faery Queen, for " Spencer, E." 7ead "Spenser, Faith, for " F.: a Series of Diseourses" I'ead " F.: a Series of Discourses " 1 Flakders. for " R 604 " read "Na 3604." 1 Flbtcbbr, Mary, for " T 3152" i-ead " T 5152 " 2 Florida. Sprague, J. T. for " Q 9752 ' read "Q5752." 2 IPRAycE.— History. 6e/trefn " Froiss.irt aS'jV. J." and "Gurney, J. H." insert" Grant J Constable of. T8174." 2 between "From the Oak, &c." and "Fruit" msert " Frontiers. McCall, G. A. Letters from the. Q666." 2 " "Golden Dagon" awd "Golden Dreams" insert " Golden Deeds. Yonge, Charlotte M Book of. T8498." " "Golden Dreams" and "Golden Lo^end" insert " Golden Gate. Saxon Isabella. "Five Years within the. Q 93S7."' Great Britain.— ///s/ory. for " Benton, E. P " read "Brenton, E. P." 1 between " Grbat Events." and " Great Facts" insef't " Great Exhibition. Arnold, H. P. 81015" 1 Greater Britain, /"or "N 3121" ?'eod "N 3573 " 1 for " Grenada " read " Granada." 1 Health, /or "Rlack, ,I. R." read "Black, J. E." 2 History — the followinrr omissions are to be in- serted : Blanc, L. Historv of Ten Y'ears. [S 1527 "] — Croly, G. Histt/rical Sketches. [T 8105."] Ewald, A. C. Last Century of Univeasal II [T7140."] Herodotus. History of. [N5618."] Justin's History of the World. [N 5235."] Newbery, J, History of the History. [N 4829."] Schiller, F. von. Historical Works. [N4396."] 173. 2 for " Historic and Literary Celebrities. " read " Historical and Literary Celebrities." 178. 1 History (Ancient). Rollin, C. omit "of." 173. 2 History (Sacred). Turner, S. /or "Y 3419" read "Z:541 9." 174. 2 /»r "Horatio and Lactitia" rend " Horatio and Laetltia." 175. 1 Horse, fo)- "Flemming, G." read "Flemin"- G." " 176. 1 Hull, Gen. Wm. Forbes, J, G. /or "Y 9594" read "V 9594." 177. 1 for "Ideal or Intellectual World." read "Ideal or Intelligible World." 177. 1 Iliad, omit " Tr. by Bryant, W. O. K 8627." 179. 2 Intellect, /or "Paine, H." read "Taine, H." 179. 2 Intellectual Obserser. for "C 6634" read "C6634*" 180. 1 Ireland, /or "Thebaud, A. J."' read " Thu- baud, A. .1." 181. 2 Ireland. 6e/ipeen " Carr, J." a^^d "Elizabeth, Charlotte." insert " Chatterton, Lady. Rambles in the South of. R 2084." 181. 2 Iron, for " Scrivener, H." read " Scrlvenor, H." 182. 2 Jefferson, Themas. Randall H. 8. /or "S 4637" read "T 4229" 182. 2 Jeffrey, Z,ord Francis. o/njV /Vowi " Linn, W " /o"T4229"' 155. 2 157. 1 157. 1 159. 1 169. 1 169. 2 160. 2 162. 166. 167. 1 168. 168. 169. 170. 172. 16 Page. Col. 182. 183. . 1&3. 184. Ifor 2 Ifor Heading. "Judaism." read "Judaism." JuRY-MKN. /"?• "V4484" read "V518i" " Kasiujhab" rent? "Kashghar." i Kentucky, beiwr-en " Arthur and Carpenter " and " Forwood, W.S." insert '* Collins, L. ; Historical Slietches of. Q 9558 ' ' i 184. 2 KNOwtKDGK. Dicli, T. for "Science" read i "Society." ! "Lkistkr, Jacob." »'eac? "Letsler, Jacob." j Letters, /or " Allien, J." j-ear^ " Aikin, J." ' Life (Physical), fur "Kitchiner, W." read \ "KltchBner, W.*^' Logic. omit the second dash before "Port- Koyal L. " Logic, /or " Watts, J. " read "Watts, L" " LnccA, Gaudentia di " read " Lucca, 6au- do itio di." Ma'jhinkry. for " Clarke, D. K." read " Clark, D. K." Mails, befire " Lewins, W." insert "Ilolbrook, | J. Ten Years aiAong the Mail Ba^s. T 8210" Man. Ewbank, T. a/"ier " to the " a*/ " Worid" " /.;/■ "Smith, 0. P." read "■ Amy th, C P." 2/ur "Meclanic's Magazine." read "Mechanic's Magazine." Mechanics, for "Foncaud, E" read " Fou- caud, E " ' Medicine, /or 'Billings, A." read •'Billing, A." " Mkriam, Maria, rt." read " .Merian Maria, S." Milton, J. for " M 4503 " read " M 4503* " Mineralogy, omit the second d ish before ' Ru- mentary." Minn \y Sotor. for " Featherstoncha«gh, G. W." read ' Keatherstonhaugh, O W." MoN«v. Money Market. a//er " Science " a(?. 4. Electricity, Galvanism, Heat, Ac. D. 5. Chemistry. D. 6. Astronomy. D. 7. Meteorology and Physical Geography. D. 8. Geology and Palsentology. D. 9. Mineralogy. Cla§§ Fj, — Natural History. E. General Works. E. 1. Botany. E. 3. Zoology — General Works. E. 3. Zoophites and Mollusks. E. 4. — — Insects. E. 5. Fishes. E. 6. Reptiles. E. 7. Birds. E. 8. Mammalia. E. 9. Ethnology. C1r§S F. — Medical Science. F. General Works. F. 1. Anatomy and Physiology. F. 3. Hygiene. F. 3. Materia Medica. P. 4. Pathology — General Works. F. 5. Special Diseases. F, 6. Surgery. F. 7. Obstetrics. F. 8. Special Systems, F. 9. Veterinary Science. ClSlS§ Cr. — Engineering, G. General Works. G. 1, Machinery and Millwork. G. 3. Steam Engine, G, 3, Mining and Metallurgy. G, 4. Civil Engineering. i G. 5. Surveying and Mensuration. ■ G. 6. Milit«ry Science. G. 7. Naval Science, G. 8. Architecture aud Building, \ G, 9, Carpentry and Masonry, > Class H. — Agriculture, Manufactures AND Commerce. H. General Works, H, 1. Agriculture, H. 3. Horticulture. H. 3. Preparation of Food and Domestic Economy H. 4. Textile Fabrics. H. 5. Dress Making, H, 6. Pottery, Porcelain, Jewelry, tory C 2354 School of Arts, Science and Manufactures.. C 2736 School of Wisdom and Arts C 23f»i Sears. Guide to Knowledge C 2739 Information for the People C 2739 New Pictorial Library C 2739 Wonders of the World C 2739 TiMBS. Notable Things of our own Time.. C 2412 Pleasant Half Hours for the Family Circle C 2442 Popular Errors.. C 2442 Shelf No. Wells. Things not Generally Known C 2473 Williams. Inventions and Discoveries . . . C 2790 Zell's Popular Encyclopaedia C 2900* C. 6.— Periodical Literature— Eng^lisb. American Journal of Science and Arts C 6505* Annual of Scientific Discovery C 6011 Appleton's Journal C 6803 Atlantic Monthly Q 6511 Baird. Annual Record of Science and In- dustry c 6023 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine C 6527 British Almanac, and Companion to the Al- manac for 1873 C 6058 British Quarterly Review C 6535* Casquet c 6078 CORNHILL Magazine C 6561 Draper. Year Book of Nature and Popu- lar Science c 6126 Edinburgh Review c 6580* Harper's New Monthly Magazine C 6612 Household Words c 6628 Household Narrative c 6628 HowiTT. Journal of Literature and Popular Progress c 6628 Intellectual Observer c 6634* Knickerbocker Magazine c 6649 London Journal c 6855 London Quarterly Review C 6664* Mechanic's Register c 6678 Museum of Foreign Literature and Science. C 6694 National Almanac and Annual Record for 1863 C6327 North American Review C6700* Parterre c q'^qq Putnam's Monthly c 6716 Student and Intellectual Observer C 6756* TiMBS. Year Book of Facts in Science and Art.. C6442 Westminster Review c 6785* Wood's Almanack for 1811 C 6490 C. S.— Collected Works— Individual Authors. Addison. Works c 8004 Bacon. Works c 8023 Bolingbroke, Lord Viscount. Works of. . C 8530 Burke. Works c 8540 Butler. Reminiscenses. [Miscell. Works.] C 8069 Class C— GENERAL WORKS. 8 Class D — NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Shtlf No. Channing. Works C 8082 DeFoe. Novels and Miscellaneous Works. C 8116 Works C 8594 Frederick II., King of Prusda. Posthu- uioiis Works C 8594 Genin. Selections from the Writings of. . . C 8598 Gessner. Works C 8165 Gibbon. Miscellaneous Works C 8600 HAMii/roN. Works C 8610 Official and C^Oier Papers C 8610 Jefferson. Memoir, Correspondence and Miscellanies C 8633 Johnson. Works C 8333 and C 8640 KiNGSLEY. Selections from the Writings of. C 8244 Legake. Writings of G 8658 Milton. Treasures from the Prose Writ- ings of C8636 Shelf No. More, Hannah. Works of C 8316 Scott. Miscellaneous Prose Works C 8397 Smith, A. Works C 8413 Smith, Sydney. Works C 8413 Sterne. Works C 8431 Works C 8753 Story. Miscellaneous Writings C 8754 Swift. Works 8431 Tocqueville. Memoir, Letters and Re- mains C 8443 Washington. Writings C 8780 Woodbury. Writings of C 8794 C. 9.— Collected Works— Several Autbors. Arber. English Reprints. 30v. Class D.— MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Shelf No. !>.— General Works. Adams. Natural and Experimental Philoso- phy D 503 ALliEN. Philosophy of the Mechanics of Nature D 504 BiNGLEY. Useful Knowledge E 43 Blair. Natural and Experimental Pliiloso- phy D 44 Brewer. Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar D 57 Brown. Philosophy of Physics D 537 BuCKE. Beauties 1273 Elements of Geometry D 1273 Potter. Mathematics D 1356 Rorert. Ready Reckoner D 1375 SiMSON. Conic Sections I) 1407 Tate. Modern Camldst D 1760 Ward. Young Mathematician's Guide D 1779 Watson. Plain and Solid Geometry 1469 Witter's Improved Interest Tables D 1792 I*. 2.— Pliysics— Oeneral. ArnOTT. Elements of Physics I) 2509 Cooley. Easy Experiments in Physical Sci- ence D 2100 Natural Philosophy D 2100 Desciianel. Natural Philosophy D 2572 Faraday. Various Forces of Matter 1)2)44 Frick. Physical Technics D 2594 GuiLLE.MlN. Forces of Nature 1) 26ii7 Helsham. Natural Philosophy D 2616 HiGGiNS. Naturnl and Experimental Phil- or^ophy T) 2202 Hunt. Elementary Pliysics D 2217 MULLER. Physics and Meteorology D 2693 Renwick. II lustrations of Natural Philoso- phy D2369 SOMERVILLE. Connection of the Physical Sciences D 24l4 Stewart. Physics D 2421 TOMLlNSOn. Introduction to Natural Phi- losophy D 2444 2 Shelf N«. Tyndall. Fragments of Science D 770 Wells. Natural Philosophy D 3473 Science of Common Things D 2473 D. 3.— Physics— Special. Baker. Microscope Made Easy D 3033 Ball. Experimental Mechanics D 3514 Bennett. Mechanics and Experimental Data D3532 Box. Practical Hydraulics D 3055 Brewster. Kaleidoscope D 3057 Microscope D 3534 Optics D 3057 Stereoscope D 3057 BuCKMASTER. Mechanical Physics D 3063 Burn. Mechanics and Mechanism D 3066 Byrne Mechanics D 8070 CJONES. Mwhanical Philosophy D 3561 Courtenay. Mechanics D 3563 Davis. Preparation and Mounting of Micros- copic Objects ." D 3115 Glaisuer. Travels in the Air D 3602* Goblet. The.iry of Siglit D 3603 Hart. Mechanics D 3613 JamiesON. Mechanics for Practical Men. .. D 8636 Mechanics of Fluids D 3636 Kyan. Elements of Light I) 3653 Lees. Acoustics, Light and Heat D 3264 Marion. Wonders of 0|)tiea D 3;.'88 Wonderiul Baloon At^cents D 3288 Mitchell, Young, and Lnray. Mechanical Philosophy, . 4.~Eleclricity, Galvanism^ ICcatt Sec, Adams. Electriciiy D 4004 Baiie. Wonders of Eleetricity D 4023 BakeWELL. Electric Science I) 4514 HiiiD. Electricity and Gal virilism I) 4043 Brewster. M.ignetism D 4(J57 Cazin. Phen(imeua and Laws of Heat D 4u79 Class D.— NATURAL PHILOSPHY. 10 Class D.— NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Shelf No. Davis. Magnetism D 41 15 FONVIELLE. Thunder and Lightning D 4155 Francis. Electrical Experiments D 4594 Harris. Galvanism, Animal and Voltaic Electricity D 4187 Rudimentary Electricity D 4187 Rudimentary Magnetism D 4187 HiGGlNS. Alphabet of Electricity D 4202 Lyon. Lightning Conductors D 4275 Martine. Construction and Graduation of Thermometers T> 4289 Maxwell. Theory of Heat D 4294 Noad. Indnctorium; or, Induction Coil... D 4332 Lectures on Eleetricity D 4699 Manual of Electricity T> 4699 Phipson. Phosphorescence D 4351 Spencer. Electography. See Griffin. Scientific Miscellany D 606 Sturgeon. Galvanism D 4426 Tyndall. Diamagnetism and Magne-Chrys- tallic Action D 4770 Heat as a mode of Motion , , , ^ D 4770 "Molecular Physics. .. ,^m.m> *t,v. D 4770 D. 5.— die^trtisfVyY ACCUM.^ Analysis of Minerals D 5003 — — Treatise on Gaslight! D 5502 BeiIStein. Qualitative Chemical Analysis. D 5034 BtoXAM, Laboratory Teaching. D 5046 BOLLEY. Technical Analysis D 5049 Booth and Morfit. Encyclojjaidia of Chem- istry D5531 Brande. Arts connected with Chemistry. . D 504ij Chaptal. Elements of Chemistry. D 5550 C0Q?;e._ Chemical Physics D 5560 CoOPEli. Introductory Lecture [to a Course of Chemistry] D 5560 Cooper. Gas Lights D 5560 DODD. British Manufaclui-es — Chemical... H 124 Draper. Text Book of Chemistry D 5126 Elderhorst. Blow Pipe Analysis D 5135 Eliot and Storer. Inorganic Chemistry... D5135 EwBiijj, Elements of Chemistry: D 5584 P^ARADAY. Chemical History of a Candle. . D 5144 Chemical Manipulation D 5586 Researches in Chemistry and Physics. . D 586 Fownes. Elementary Chemistry D 5156 Rudimentary Chemistry D 5156 Fresenius. Instructions in Chemical Ana- lysis D5157 Qualitative Chemical Analysis D 5594 — — Quantitative Chemical Analysis D5594 Galloway. First Steps in Chemistry D 5161 GilE60kY. Organic Chemistry; D 5175 Griff'i'n. Course of Chemical Experiments; D 5176 Hbnry. Experimental Chemistry D 5617 Hodges. Lessons in Chemistry D 5208 Shelf No. Hoffmann. Chemical Analysis Applied to Medical Chemicals D 5625 Howard. Practical Chemistry D 5214 HUGGINS. Spectrum Analysis applied to the Heavenly Bodies D 5215 Instruction in the Use of the Blow Pipe. . D 5223 Johnson. Chemistry of Common Life D 5233 Kemshead. Inorganic Chemistry D 5240 Kent. Farmers Handbook H 1241 Knapp. Chemical Technology D 5649 Lavoisier. Elements of Chemistry D 5657 LlEBlG. Analysis of Organic Bodies. See Griffin. Scientific Miscellany D 606 Animal Chemistry D 5268 Letters on Chemistry D 5268 LoCKYER. Spectroscope and its Applica- tions D 5272 Macquer. Elements of Chymistry D 5666 Marcet. Conversations on Chemistry D 5288 Miller. Inorganic Chemistry D 5305 Morfit and Muckle. Chemical and Phar- maceutic Manipulations D 5316 Murray. System of Chemistry D 5694 Napier, Chemistry Applied to Dyeing H 4696 NOAD. Chemical Manipulation and Analysis. D 5699 OtolLA. Practical Chemistry D 5703 Parker. Chymieal Catechism D 57ofe\ Peckston. Gas Lighting D5707 Penington. Chemical and Economical Es- says D 5346, : R)e!nwiCK. First Principles of Chemistry. . . D 5369^^ RosCOe; Chemistry D 537$.^ Elementary Chemistry D 5378 ' Schellum. Spectrum Analysis D 5734* ScofIpern.' Elementary Chemistry of In- organic Bodies D 5397 Thomson. Cyclopaedia of Chemistry D 5438 First Principles of Chemistry D 5763 History of Chemistry D 5438 System of Chemistry D 5763 Thorpe. Inorganic Chemistry, D 5439 Turner. Elements of Chemistry D 5449, ; Wagner. Chemical Technology D 5777r,j Watts. Organic Chemistry D 5469 Wells. Principles and Application of Che- mistry D5473 Williams. Combustion of Coal and Pre- vention of Smoke D 5484 YOUMANS. Class-Book of Chemistry D 5498 Dw 6.— Astrononouiy. Carey. Astronomy D 0075 Chambers. Descriptive Astronomy D 6550 DenisOn. Astronomy without Mathematios. 1)6118 Dick. Celestial Scenery D 6121 Drew. Manual of Astronomy D 6126 Ennis. Origin of the Stars D 6137 Class D.— NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. H Class D — NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Shelf No. EwiNG, Practical Astronomy D 6140 Ferguson. Introduction to Astronomy, . . . D 6147 Flammarion. Marvels of the Heavens . . . D 6152 Stories of Infinity D 6152 Grant. History of Physical Afitronomy. . . D 6604 GuiLLEMlN. Wonders of the Moon D 6178 The Sun D 6178 Herschel. Outlines of Astronomy D 6618 • Treatise on Astronomy J) 6198 Hind. Solar System D 6204 KiRKWOOD. Comets and Meteors D 6345 Laplace. System of the World D 6656 Looms. Practical Astronomy D 6664 Main. Rudimentary Astronomy D 6285 MiTCHEL. Planetary and Stellar Worlds. . D 6310 Narrien, Origin and Progress of Astronomy D 6696 NicnOL. Architecture of the Heavens D 6330 Solar System D 6330 Phillips. Letters on Astronomy T> 6351 Plummer. Introduction to Astronomy, . . . D 6354 Plurality of Worlds. D 6354 Proctor. Essays on Astronomy D 6715 Familiar Essays, Natural Phenomena, Agassiz. Geolosjinal Sketches. D 8005 Ansted. Earth's History D 8011 Ansted, Tennant and Mitchell. Geology, Mineralogy, and Chrystallography . . . D 8011 Bakewell. Introduction to Geology D 8514 Buckland Geology and Mineralogy D 8538 (^OMET, The ; or, the Earth in Varied Phases. D 8098 Cozzens Geological History of Mauhattan Island D8562 CUVIER. Theory of the Earth D 8565 Dawson. Story of the Earth and Man. . . . D 8115 Davies. Answer to Hugh Miller D 8115 r)E LA Beche. Geological Observer D 8571 FiGUiER. World before the Deluge D 8149 Class D.— NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 12 Class E.— NATURAL HISTORY. Shelf No. Geikie. Story of a Boulder D 8l64 Goodrich. Wonders of Geology D 8172 Gray and Adams. Elements of Geology. . . D 8174 Hartwig. Subterranean World D 8613* HilIj. New Theory of the Formation of the Earth D 8203 KiNAHAN. Handy-Book of Rock Names. . . D 8244 Lee. Elements of Geology D 8264 Lord, Geognosy D 8273 Lyell. Elements of Geology D 8275 Principles of Geology D 8665 Macparlane. Coal Regions of America. . . D 8279 Mantell. Medals of Creation D 8287 Wonders of Geology D 8287 Miller. Foot Prints of the Creator D 8305 Old Red Sandstone D 8305 Rambles of a Geologist among the Heb- rides. See Miller. Cruise of the Betsy R 2305 Mitchell. Geology of North America. See CuviER. Theory, — inineralog^y. Ansted, Tennant and Mitchell. Geologj^ Mineralogy and Chrystallography D 8011 Bristow. Glossary of Mineralogy D 9058 BuCKLAND. Geology and Mineralogy, with Reference to Natural Theology D 8538 Chapman. Characters of Minerals D 9083 Practical Mineralogy D 9550 Collins, First Book of Mineralogy D 9097 COMSTOCK. History of the Precious Metals. D 9098 Emanuel, Diamonds and Precious Stones. D 9l36 Ernl Mineralogy Simplified J) 9138 Feuchtwanger. Treatise on Gems D 9148 Griffin. Chrystallography with its Appli- cation to Mineralogy. See Griffin. Scientific Miscellany D 606 Jameson. Mineralogy, according to the Na- tural History System D 9227 Jones. Treasures of the Earth D 9234 King. Natural History of Gems D 9244 Kobell. Discrimination of Minerals. See Griffin. Scientific Miscellany D 606 Sketches from the Mineral Kingdom. See SCHOUW. The Earth, Ac E 394 Moore. Ancient Mineralogy D 9315 Overman. Practical Mineralogy D 9840 Phillips. Treatise on Mineralogy D 9711 Rudimentary Treatise on Mineralogy D 9380 SOWERBY. Popular Mineralogy D 94l6 Varley. Mineralogy D 9458 Class E.— NATURAL HISTORY. Shelf No. E!.~GeneraI "Works. Adams. Circle of the Year E 4 Everyday Objects E 4 AOASSIZ, Methods of Study in Natural His tory E 5 Bingley. Useful Knowledge E 42 Buckland. Curiosities of Natural History. E 63 Buffon. Natural History of Man, the Globe, and Quadrupeds E 63 BuRKHARD. Philosophy of Natural History, E 66 Christmas. Echoes of the Universe E 88 Clinton. Discourse before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York, , E 556 Cunningham, Natural History of the Strait of Magellan E 107 SholfKo. Darwin. Researches into Natural History and Geology during a Voyage Round the World E 114 De Vere. Leaves from the Book of Nature. E 120 Flagg. Studies in the Field and Forest E 152 Goldsmith. History of the Earth and Ani- mated Nature E 603 GOSSE. Romance of Natural History E 173 Hardwicke's Science Gossip E 612 Hartwig. Tropical World E 613* Howitt. Book of the Seasons E 214 Country Year Book E 214 HuTTON. Book of Nature Laid Open E 219 Huxley. Lay Sermons' and Reviews E 219 Jesse. Gleanings in Natural History E 332 Class E.— NATURAL HISTORY. 13 Class E.— NATURAL HISTORY. Shelf No. Lankestku. Half-Hours with the Micros- cope E 260 Lemonniek. Synopsis of Natural History. E 658 Napiek. Book of Nature and Book of Man. E 696 Nichols.- Fireside Science E 380 Noyce. Outlines of Creation E 333 Pouchet. The Universe E 714* Reason Why ; or, Natural History E 366 RUSCHENBERGER. First Books of Natural History E 381 SCHOUW. Earth, Plants and Man E 894 Smith and Dallas. System of Natural His tory E 412 SOMERVILLE. Molecular and Microscopic Science E 414 Tatlor. Half Hours in tlie Green Lanes. . E 434 TiMBS. Curiosities of Animal and Vegetable Life E 442 Wood. Common Objects of the Microscope. E 490 Common Objects of the Sea Shore E 490 E. 1. --Botany. Archer. Popular Economic Botany E 1014 Balfour. First Book of Botany E 1024 Beauties and Wonders of Vegetable Life. . E 1033 Catlow. Popular Field Botany E 1079 Cooke. Structural Botany E 1100 COULTAS. What may be Learned from a Tree E 1561 Darlington. American Weeds and Useful Plants E1114 FiGUiER. Vegetable World E 1589* Flagg. Woods and By- Ways of New En- gland E1152 Flint. Grasses and Forage Plants E 1591 Gray. Botanical Text Book E 1604 Botany of the Northern U, S E 1174 Grindon. Echoes in Plant and Flower Life E 1176 Phenomena of Plant Life E 1176 Uemsley. Handbook of Hardy Trees, Shrubs and Herbaceous Plants E 1616 Hibbard. Seaweed Collector E 1202 Lindley. Introduction to Natural System of Botany E 1661 Vegetable Kingdom E 1661 Lindley and Moore. Treasury of Botany., E 1269 Macmillan. Holidays on Highlands, in Search of Alpine Plants E 1282 Marion. Wonders of Vegetation E 1288 Nave. Handy Book to Collection of Algae, Ac E 1327 Richard. Botanical Dictionary E 1372 RUSCHENBERGER. Elements of Botany. See Ruschenberger. Natural History. . E 381 SCHLEiDEN. Pootry of the Vegetable World. E 1391 SCOFFERN. Outlines of Botany. E 1738 Sprague. Plants of the U S E 1752 Shelf No. Sumner. Physiological and Systematic Bot- any E 1428 Trees, Plants and Flowere E 1446 Vegetable Physiology E 1459 Wakefield. Introduction to Botany E 1463 WcOD. Lessons in Botany E 1490 E. 2.— Zoology— ^General. Agassiz and Gould. Principles of Zoology. E 2005 Bastian. Beginning of Life E 2029 Beale. Mystery of Life F 1031 Catlow. Popular Scripture Zoology E 2079 Chadbourne. Instinct E 2082 Clark. Mind in Nature E 2555 Dallas. Natural History of the Animal Kingdom E 2112 Darwin. Expression of the Emotions in Man, Ac E 2114 Origin of Species E 2114 Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication E 2114 Edwards. Life Beneath the Waters E 2134 Eraser. Seaside Naturalist E 2157 GODMAN. American Natural History E 2603 Goldsmith. Natural History, Abridged.. . E 2171 and E 2603 GossE. Evenings at the Microscope E 2173 Life in its Lower, Intermediate and Higher Forms E 2173 Grant. Comparative Anatomy E 2604 Greenwood. "Wild Sports of the World. . E 2175 Hamley. Our Poor Relations E 2184 Harbison. Elements of Zoology E 2186 Hartwig. Sea and its Living Wonders. . . E 2613 HiNTON. Life in Nature E 2204 Huxley. Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals E 2219 On the Origin of Species E 2219 Jones. Animal Creation E 2234 KiRBY. History, Habits and Instincts of An- imals E 2647 Lawrence. Lectures on Zoology, §«« NATf - KALIST'S Library, v. 23 E 2327 MlG^llLiVRAY. British Quadrupeds. See Naturalist's -Library, v. 17 B 2327' MABtiif. Natural History of Mbmraiferous Animals E 8678 Morgan. Arhericaft' Beaver and' his Works. E8690 Morris, Dogs and their Doings E 8690 Natural History of Quadrupeds. E8327 Pennant, Hrstdry of Quadrupeds. E" 8708* ROMER'. Anecdotal and Descriptive Natural - History ■H«877- RtJSOHENBERGER. Elements of Mamraal- ogy. See RUSCHENBERGER. Natural Histoiy E 381 Smith. Dogs. See Naturalist's Library, V. 18-19. R2827 Horses. See Naturalist's Library, V- 20 E'2327 Introduction to Mammalia. See Natu- URAList's Library, v. 15. E 2327 SWAINSON, Natural History and Classifi- cation of Quadrupeds E,8430 Watebhouse. Marsupialia or Pouched An- imals. See Naturalist's Library, v. 24 E2327 YOUATT. Cattle ; their Management, Ac. , H 1779 The Dog E 8799 E. 9.- Ethnology. Argyll. Primeval Man E 90l4 Baldwin. Pre-Historic Nations E 9024 Blumenbach. Anthropological Treatises. . E 9528 Broca. Hybridity in the Genus Hopio E 9535 | Bt*CHNER. Man in the Past, Present and Future E'9538 * Shelf No. Cabell, Testimony of Science to Unity of Mankind E 9071 Darwin. Descent of Man E 9114 Earl. Native Races of the Indian Archi- pelago E 9131 Evans. Ancient Stone Implements tfec. of Great Britain E 9584 FiGuiER. Human Race. ' E 9589 Primitive Man E 9589*- FONTAINE. How the World was Peopled. . E 9155 ' GOBINEAU. Diversity of Races. E 9171 GregoIre; Ffl^aUies- and- Literature of Ne- groes E 9605 Huxley, Man's PtaM'ib Nttture, E 9219 '• Knox. Races of Men. E 9250 ' Latham. Man and' his Migrations E 9262' Nitive Racesof the Russian Eftipire. . . E 9262 Varieties of the Human Race. See Orr. Principles of Physiology E 2839^- LaweeSce. Natural History of Man E 9657 Lesley. Man's Origin and Destiny E 9265 LuBBOCit; Origin- of "Civilization E 9664 Pi'e-Historic Times. E 9664 Lytell. Antiquity of Man E 9665 M'Causland. Adam and the Adamite E 9277' Builders of Babel £927^) Mahaffy. Primitive Civilization E 9285 '' Milton. Stream of Life on Our Globe E 9306 MuDiE. Man in his Physical Structure E 9320 NOTT and Gliddon. Types of Mankind E 9700 Page. Man ; Where, Whence and Whither. E 9341' PtCKERiNG. Races of Man E 9352 Poole. Genesis of the Earth and of Mftn . . E 9353" • Prichard. Natural History of Man E 9715 Physical History of Man E 9715 Reid. Odd People E 9367 ; Smith. Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species E 9747 Smith. Natural History of the Human Spe- cies E9412 ' Smyth. Antiquity of Intellectual Man E 9412 Smyth. Unity of the Human Race E 9412 Stevens. Flint Chips E 9753 Tylor. Early History of Mankind E 9770 Primitive Culture E 9770 Verity. Changes in the Nervous System by Civilization E 9775 VoGT. Lectures on Man E 9776 Wood. Natural History of Man, E 9898 Class F.— MEDICAL SCIENCE. 16 Class F.— MEDICAL SCIENCE. Class F.— MEDICAL SCIENCE. Shelf No. F.— General Works. Alcott. Library of Health F 7 Galen. Writings, See Hippocrates. Writ- ings F 622 Hippocrates. Works F 622 Writings F 622 Holmes. Currents and Counter-Currents in Medical Science F 210 HONIGBERGER. Thirty-five Years in theEast. O 5627 Hospital Days F 628 Jeaffreson. Book about Doctors F 229 Lyons. Hospital Practice F 275 Mayne. Lexicon of Terms in Medical and General Science F 677 Miller. Medical Works F 683 New York City. Report of Board of Health F 697* F. 1.— Anatomy and Pliysiology. Agnew. Practical Anatomy F 1005 Angkll. Animal Physiology F 1010 Baillie. Morbid Anatomy F 1023 B.4LL. Aiiiiiial Economy F 1024 Beale. Protoplasm ; or, Life, Matter and Mind F1031 Mystery of Life F 1031 BeaU-MONT Physiology of Digestion F 1033 Bell. Nervous System of the Human Body •••■••• F 1531 Bell. The Hand ; its Mechanism and Vital Endowments. See KiDD. Adapta- tion, «fec Z3646 BOSTOCK. Physiology F 1531 Bowman. Ph^-slolugica! Anatomy and Phy- siology of Mm F 1533 Cleland. Animal Physiology : , F 1093 CoMBE. Constitution of Man. . F 1098 and F 1559 Comings Class Book of Physiology F 1098 COMSTOCK. Outlines of Physiology F 1098 Craigie, General and Patiiological Anat- "iny F 1573 Cutter. Anaioniy,Pliyeiology, and Hygiene. F 1109 Dalton. Physi<.logv and Hygiene F 1112 Deane. Waste and Supply in the Human System..... F 1116 DUAPEU. Huitvi" Physiology F 1576 DUFFEY. What Women Should Know F 1128 Edwards. Influcnco of Pliysical Agents on Life F 1580 Flint. Physiology of Man F 1591 GOADBY. Vegetable and Animal Physiology. F 1603 Gr.vuam Science of Human Life F 1174 Grindon. Life; its Nature, Varieties, «S;c.. F 1176 GriscoM. Animal Meihanism and Physiol- ogy F 1176 Shelf No. Hammond. Physiological Memoirs F 1610 HewsoN. Properties of the Blood F 1621 Humphry. Human Foot and Hand F 1216 Human Skeleton F 1630 Huxley. Physiology and Hygiene F 1219 Lankester. Comparative Longevity F 1260 Lawrence. Lectures on Physiology E 9657 Lawson. Popular Physiology F 1262 Le Pileur. Wonders of the Human Body. F 1264 Lewes. Physiology of Common Life F 1267 Magendie. Human Physiology F 1670 Mann. Knowledge of Life [Physiology]. . . F 1287 Moore. Use of the Body in Relation to the Mind F 1315 Noble. Brain and its Physiology F 1322 Napheys. Physical Life of Woman F 1326 Nichols. Human Physiology F 1330 Our Earthly House and its Builder F 1340 Richardson. Elements of Human omy F1721 RusCHENBERGER. Anatomy aud Physiology. See RUSCIIENBERGER. First Books of Natural History E 381 SwEDENBOKG. Economy of the Animal Kingdom F 1758 ThOMS. Iluuian Longevity F 1438 TuiiK and Henfrey. Anatomical Manipula- tion F 1448 Walker. Beauty F 1464 Walker. Philosophy of the Eye F 1404 Wilson. Human Anatoniy F 1790 V. 2.— Hygiene. Alcott. Life and Health F 2007 Young Mother F 2007 Baird. Management of Health . . F 2023 Bartholow. Disinfection F 2029 Bazar Book of Health F 2030 Beale. Laws of Health F 2031 Beard. Eating and Drinking F 2032 Stimulants and Narcotics F 2032 Bell, Regimen and Longevity. F 2035 Bellows. How not to be Sick F 2035 Philosophy of Eating F 2035 Bennett. Nutrition in Health and Disease. F 2036 Berners. First Lessons on Health F 2037 Black. Teh Laws of Health F 2044 BlackWELL. Laws of Life, with llt-ference to Physical Edu^tntion of Girls F 2044 BrigKAM. Influence of Mentnl Cultivation and Excitemene upon Health F 2058 Influence of Religion npon Health F 2ti58 BrintON. Food and its Digesiion F 2058 Calkins. Opium and the Opium Appetite. F 2u72 Class F.— MEDICAL SCIENCE. 17 Class F.— MEDICAL SCIENCE. Shelf No. Carpenter. Physiology of Temperance. . . F 2076 Cati-IN. Mal-Respiratioa and its Effects. . . F 2548 Cheyne. Health and Long Life F 2085 Clark. Sight and Hearing F 2092 COALE. Hints on Health F 2095 Combe. Phyfiology applied to Health F 2098 Physiology of Digestion F 2098 Principles of Physiology F 2559 COOLEY. Toilet in Ancient and Modern Times F2100 Use of Perfumes, Cosmetics, Ac F 2100 Cornaro. Means of Obtaining a Long and Healthy Life F 2101 Cutter. Anatomy, Physiology and Hyg'ene. F 1109 Dress and Care of the Feet F 2126 Ellis Avoidiible Causes of Disease, Insanity and Deformity F 2135 Eyre. Stomach, and its Difficulties F 2140 Fiske. Tobacco and Alcohol F 2151 FiTcFL Uses of the Lungs F 2151 GillscOM. Uses and Abuses of Air F 2176 Hall. Health by Good Living F 2183 Sleep F 2183 HiNTON. Health and its Conditions F 2204 Hitchcock. Diet, Regimen and Employ- ment F2207 Hufeland. Art of Prolonging Life F 2215 Inman. Preservation of Health F 2223 Jacques. Hints towards Physical Perfection. F 2226 James VI. and I. Counterblast to Tobacco. See James VI. and I., Essays of Pren tise in Poesie K 1636 Johnson. Economy of Health F 2233 Kitchener. Directions for Invigorating and Prolonging Life F 2245 Lane. Mysteries of Tobacco F 2260 Lankester. Food F 2260 Letheby. Food F 2266 Lewis Weak Lungs F 2267 Mitchell. Wear and Tear F 2310 MOOUE. Health, Disease and Remedy F 2315 MUSSEY. Health : its Friends and its Foes. . F 2324 Paris. Diet F 2706 PartON. Smoking and Drinking F 2343 Pereira. Food and Diet F 2708 Pettenkofer. Relations of the Air to the Clothes we Wear. Ac. F 2348 Ricketson. Means of Preserving Health and Preventing Diseases F 2372 Secret of Long Life F 2399 Smith. Foods F 2412 Smith. Philosophy of Health. . .F 2412 and F 2747 Tarbei-l. Soiu-ces of Health, (fee F 2433 TiCKNOR. Philosophy of Living F 2441 Truman. Food and its Influence on Health and Disease. F 2447 Warren. Preservation of Health F 2466 Shelf No. Wilson. Healthy Skin F 2484 WiNSLOW. Light: its Influence on Life and Health F2485 YOUMANS. Alcohol, and the Constitution of Man F2498 F. 3.— Materia Medlca. Barton. Materia Median Railway Bri.lges, G 4023 Brees. Civil Enyrineering G 4534 Brown First Locomotive in America G 4537 BURNELL. Hydraulic Engineering G 4066 Byrne. Pocket-Book for Railroad and Civil Engineers G 4070 COLBURN. Gas Works of London G 4097 COLBURN and Maw. Water Works of Lon- don G 4558 POOKE. Telegraphic Rail ways G 4560 Dempsey. Drainage of Towns and Build- ings G4118 Tubular and Iron Girder Bridges G 4118 DOBSON. Foundations and Concrete Works. G 4124 EastoN. Street and Horse Power Rail- ways G 4579 Francis. Strength of Cast Iron Pillars G 4594 Frisl Rivers and Torrents G 4157 Gillespie. Principles of Road-Making. . . G 4600 GLAS(iOW Mechanic's Magazine G 4602 Gordon. Elemental Locomotion and Inter- Communication with Steam Car- riages G 4604 Haupt. Bridge Construction G 4613 Henck Field-Book for RailRoad Engi- neers G 4195 Hewson. Principles of Embanking Lands. G 4621 HOLLEY. American and European Railway Practice G 4843 HOLLEY and Fisher. Progress of the Econ- omy of Steam Power on Common Roads in the U. 8. See YoUNG. Econ- omy of Steam Power, &c G 4498 Hughes. Treatise on Waterworks G 4215 ISHERWOOD. Engineering Precedents for Steam Machinery G 4640 Jervis. Construction r Enfjineer Troops G 6128 Dyckman. American Militia Officers Manual. G 6130 Field Exercises of the [English] Army G 6149 Qardnek. Dictionary- of the Army of the U. S G 6163 GiLHAM. Instructions lor the Militia of the U. S G6167 Halleck. Military Art and Science G 6183 Hardee. Rifle and Light Infantry Tactiei». G 6186 HAVEf.oCK. Three Main Mditary Questions. G 6613 Infantry Tactics [..f the U. S ] G 6223 Instruction for Field Artillery G 6223 JOMINI. Art of War G 6233 Kinsman. Cadrt Life at West Point G 6244 Lendy Elements of Foitification G 6264 Machi.wel. Art of War G 6666 Macaui-EY. Field Foriificaiion G 6276 McClei.lan. Armies of Europe G 6666 Manual of Bayonet Exercise G 6277 Regulations for the Field Service of the U. S. Cavalry G 6277 McDoUGAL. Theory of War G 6278 Nolan. Cavalry ; iu History and Tactics. . G 6332 Regulations for the Army of the U.S. 1857. G 6367 Same. 1861 G 6720 Regulations for the Field Exercise and the Manoeuvres of Infantry G 6720 Rules and Articles of War G 6380 Scott. Infantry Tactics G 6397 Smith. Monthly Military Repository G 6412 Smyth. Regulations for the Infantry of the United State." G 6747 Soyer. Culinary Campaign H 3416 Steuben. Order and Discipline of the U. S. Troops G6421 Stevens. Disci|)line of the Artillery of the United States G 6421 ViELE. Handbook for Active Service G 6460 Wraxall. Naval and Military Resources of the Principal European Nations. .. G 6492 G. 7.— Naval St lence. Adams. Lighthou.^es and Lightships. Blunt. American Coast Pilot , Boyd. Manual for Naval Cadets Brady. Kedge Anchor; or, Young Sailor's Assistant Clerk. Naval Tactics Cooper. Naval History of the United States Cotterill and Little. Ships and Sailors, Ancient and Modern Dahlgren. Shells and Shell Guns Dana. Seaman's Friend G7004 G7528 G 7055 G7534 G7556 G7560 G7102 G7687 G7113 ShPlf No. Derrick. Rise and Progress of the Royal Navy G 7824 Douglas. Naval WarfHre with Steam. . . . G 7575 EVERS. Tlfetiry and Pr.ictice of Naviga- tion G 7140 Nautical Astronomy G 7140 Furlong. American Const Pilot G 7596 Grantham. Iron Ship BuiMing G 7174 Griffiths. Ship Builder's Manual G 7606 Kipping. Masting. Must-Making, and Rig- ging of Ships G7344 Sails and Sailmaking G 7244 Malham. Naval Gazetteer G 7672 Marshall. History of the United States Naval Academy G 7288 Meade. Naval Architecture and Ship Building G 7678 Nystrom. Technological Education, and the Construction of Screw Propellers. G 7335 Peake. Naval Architecture G 7345 PiDDiNGTON. Sailor's Horn Book for the Law of Storms G 7712 Rainey. Ocean Steam Navigation G 7718 Reed. Our Iron Clad Ships G 7720 Smeaton and Lighthouses G 7411 Sommerfeldt. Construction of Ships. . . . G 7414 Stevenson. History, Construction, entry G 9870 ViOAT. Calcareous Mortars and Cements.. G 9776 Class H.— TECHNOLOGY. 23 Class H.— TECHNOLOGY. Class H.— AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURES AND COMMERCE. Shelf No. H.— General Works. American Inbtilute of the City of New York. Tiaiisiict ions H 505 8tii Aniinai Rep.>i-t of the H 505 AUT ami Iiulustry in tiie Exil)ition 1853 54.. H IG BkcKM.vnx. llisioiy of Inventions and Dis- coveries H 34 and H 520 Bishop. History of Ameriean Manufactures from lOOS'to 18G0 H 52G .Catalogue of the Industrial Department of the London Exil.ition in 18G2 H 8I6 COOLEY. Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts. H 560 Dick. Cyclopajiia of Practical Receipts. ,. H 573 DODD. British Manufactures H 124 Curiosities of Industry and the applied Sciences H 574 Days at the Factories H 124 EwBANK. World a Workshop H 140 Fessenden. Register of Arts H 588 FOUCAUD. Book of Illustrious Mechanics.. H 156 Fyfe. Tiiumphsof Invention and Discovery H 160 HiSTOKY of the Process of Manufacture and Uses of Printing Ac H 206 Inquire Within for anything you want to know H 223 Invention and Discovery H 223 LanKESTEU. Uses of Animals in Relation to the Induitry of Man H 260 Mackenzie. Five Thousand Receipts H 669 Potter. Principles of Science, applied to Arts H 356 Reports of Anisans selected to visit the Paris E.^hil.ition H 722 Results of the [London] E.\hibition H 370 SiMMONDS. Waste Products and Undevel- oped Suhstances H 407 Taylor. Scenes of Wealth H 434 Troup. Harmony of Siience and Scripture. H 447 Ure. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines H 773 Same. Supplement H 773 Improvements in Art, Manufactures and Mines H 773 H. 1. — Agriculture. AjiLEN. American Farm Book H 1008 I>omestic Animals H 1008 American Agricnltu- ist , 6699* Bement. American Poulterer's Companion. H lo35 BoussiNGAULT. Rural Economy H 1054 BitACKETT, Farm Talk H 1()56 Browne. American Bird Fancier H 1061 BUEL. Farmer's Companion H 1063 Shelf No. Burn. Modern Farming n jQgg BURNHAM. New Poultry Book n 1066 Caird. English Agriculture in 1850-51. . . H I543 CliAPTAL. Chymibtry Applied to Agricul- *"^« ni083 CoBBETT. Cottage Economy H 1095 Complete Grazier jj jggg Dana. Muck Manual for Farmers H 1113 Dempsey. Drainage of Districts and Lands. II 1118 Donaldson. Clay Lands and Loamy Soils. 11 1124 Eastwood. Cultivation of the Cranberry. . H 1131 Enfield. Indian Corn ; its Value, Culture and Uses _ _ _ H 1 1 ^7 Farming by Inches II j]^^ Flagg. Three Seasons in European Vine- y''''^^ H1152 Fleming. Practical Horseshoeing jj 1152 Flint. Milch Cows and Dairy Farming. . . H 1591 Greeley. What I Know of Farming H 1175 Harazthy. Grape Culture. Wines and Wine Making Higig Hewitt. Coffee; its History, Cultivation, '^'^ 'h1621 HuiSH. Bees; their Natural History and Management jj 1215 Johnson, C. W. Farmer's Encyclopedia. . H 1640 Johnson, S. W. How Crops Grow H 1233 Rural Economy jj -toQQ Johnston, J. F. W. Agricultural Chemistry and Geology jj jggg Application of Chemistry and Geology to Agriculture jj J233 Kent. Farmer's Handbook jj 1241 Klippart. Wheat Plant , jj 1246 Langstroth. Hive and Honey Bee H 1260 LiEBiG. Natural Laws of Husbandry H 1268 Livingston. Essay on Sheep jj J271 Mechl How to Farm Profitably H 1296 Miles. Horse-Shoeing jj iqqa Mitchell. My Farm of Edgewood H 1310 Rural Studies. jj jgjQ Morris. How to get a Farm jj 13J7 Ten Acres Enough jj 1317 Olcott. Sorgho and Imphee H 1337 Olmsted. Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England j{ 1337 Our Farm of Four Acres g jg^Q Peard. Practical Water Farming H 1345 Pettigrew. Plandy Book of Bees H 1348 Porter. Nature and Properties of the Su- gar Cane u 171^ QuiNBY. Mysteries of Bee-Keeping H 1361 QuiNCY. Soiling of Cattle H 1361 Reed. History of Sugar jj jgg^ Class H.— TECHNOLOGY. 24 Class H.— TECHNOLOGY. Sh»lf No. Roosevelt. Five Acres too Much H 1377 RUKAL Economy ; or, Pra<'tifal Husbaudrv. H 1880 Saunders. Domestiu Poultry H 1387 Sugar Cane. Cultivation of tlie H 1757 Thomas. Farm Im|)letnei)ts H 1438 Thomson. Rest-arclies on the Food of Ani- mals II 1438 TULU. HnrseHoeing Ilushaniiry H 17G9 Vegetable Siilistances used for Food H 1459 Walden. Soil Culture H 1464 Wakdeu. Hedges and Evergreens H 1465 Waking. Agriculture H 1465 Draining for Prttfit, Ac H 1465 YOUATT. Cattle: tlieir Management, . 1437 That lover of mine. By [Maurice F. Egan] Ii. 1437 That wife of mine. By the author of ' That husband of mine' Ii. 1437 ' Theo.' A love story. By Mrs. Frances H. Burnett I.. 1066 There she blows 1 or, the log of the Arethusia. By Capt. W. H. Macu I.. 7283 Thcuriet, Andre. Gerard's marriage Ii. 1437 Godson of a marquis li. 1437 They all do it ; or, Mr. Miggs of Danbury and his neighbors, iiy J. M. Bailey. (" The ' Dan- bury News' man ") M. 2022 Thomas, Annie. [Now Mrs. Pender Cudlip.j False colors Ii. 1763 Tliorne, Kate. Nelly's teachers and what they learned Ii. 7439 Through a needle's eye. By Hesba Stretton. [pseud, of Hannah Smith] Ii. 1412 Time of roses. By Geraldine .B««. (H. R. S.).L: lOm To the sun ? a journey through planetary space. By Jules Verne Ii. 1459 t/ole. — Same aB Pi. 1 o/ Jits ' Hector Servadac' Tom: a home story. By Geo. L. Chaney Ii. 7082 Tom's wife 1 and how he maniiged her. [By Geo. D. Tallman.] 1.. 1444 ' Too good for hmi.' By Florence Marryat. [Mrs. Ross Church.] Ii. 1553 To love and to be loved. By A. S. .Boe Ii. 1375 Too rich. By Adolph Streckfuss Ii. 1425 To-wer of Percemont. By George Sand, [pseud. o/ Madame A. L. A. D. Bitdevant.] Ii. 1128 Townsend, Virginia F. Breakwater series : Boy fromBramley Ii. 7445 Trafton, Adeline. His inheritance Ii. 1446 Trollope, Anthony. Is he Popenjoy ? {Frank- lin Sq. Library, No. 1.) Ii. 1890 Trowbridge, J. T. Bound in honor ; or, a har- vest of wild oats Ii. 7447 His own masiter I< . 7447 True love rewarded. By A. S. ^oe Ii. 1375 True to his flag. By Julia A. Mathews. (Vol. 6 of her Drayton Hall series.) Ii. 7293 True man, A. By M. C. Stirling. (In Two tales of married life.) Ij. 1770 True to him ever ; [anon.] Ii. 1447 Turning wheel. The By Paul Cobden. (Vol. 3 (/Ai« Beckoning series.) Ii. 7095 Twells, i/r«. J. H . Mill of the gods... I.. 14.50 Souci I.. 1450 Twice lost : a story of shipwreck, etc., in Austra- lia. By Wm. H. G. Kingston , Ii. 7244 Twoltisses, By Hawley /S»iar(! li. 1411 Fiction and Juvenile Literature— Concluded. CLASS NO. Two orphans. By E. G. Walraven Ii. 1778 Two tales of married life Ii. 1770 Numeh : Hard to bear. By Georgiana M. Cralk. A true man. By M. C. StliUug. Two ways to matrimony; or, false pride ; [a«on.].I<. 1450 Tytler, Ann Frazer. Leila ; or, the island in England and at home L. 7451 Ulbach, Louis. Madame Gosselin L. 1453 Uncommercial traveller. By Chas. Dickens. Lond., w. «?. D°. Chas. Dickens ed. {With Aw American notes.) ^. 121 Under the waves ; or, diving in deep water. By R. M. Ballantyne. .. L,. 7024 Until the day-break. By Mrs. J. M. D. Bartktt. (Birch Arnold) Ii. 1029 Vaughan, Frank. Kate Weathers ; or, scat- tered by the tempest Ii. 1458 Verne, Jules. Hector Servadac Ii. 1775 Off on a comet : sequel to ' To the sun?' Ii. 1459 Note. — Same as Pt. 2 of 'Hector Servadac' To the sun ? a journey through planetary space Ii. 1469 A'o(e. — Same as Pt. 1 of ' Hector Seivadac' Veronique. By Florence Marryat. [Mrs. Ross Church.] Ii. 1553 Villamaria. Fairy circles : tales and legends of giants, dwarfs, etc Ii. 7460 Fairyland tales of dwarfs, fairies, etc Ii. 7460 Vine t a, the phantom city. By E. Werner li. 1475 Virginia : a Roman sketch ; [anon.] {R.R.S.)l: 1460 Viva. By Mrs. Forrester Ii. 1156 Voyage of the ' Steadfast.' By W. H. G. King- ston li. 7244 "Wait and hope ; or, Ben Bradford's motto. By Horatio Alger, jr. (Vol. A of his Brave and bold series.) L. 7007 AValford, L. B. Pauline Ii. 1464 Walraven, E. G., adapter. Two orphans ; or, the depth of a sister's love li. 1778 ■Walw^orth, Mansfield T. Hotspur li. i464 "Warner, A. B. My brother's keeper Li. j465 "Warner, Charles D. Being a boy 1.. 7455 "Warner, Susan. Diana L, i465 Pine needles I,. i465 VVashburn, Katharine S. Italian girl I,. i467 "Watch and ward. By Henry James, jr Ii. i227 W^endler, Emma. Peccavi I,. 1474 "Werner, E. Broken chains L. 1785 Bound by his vows ; or, at the altar Ii. i475 Vineta, the phantom city Ii. 1475 "What he cost her. By Jas. Payn Ii. 1706 "Wheaton, Campbell. SLs sinners ; or, school days in Bantam Valley Ii, 7479 "W^hitcher, Mrs. F. M. Widow Spriggins, Mary Elmer, and other sketches Ii. 1481 "Whittaker, Frederick. Cadet button : a novel of American army life Ii. 1481 "Who will win ? By Paul Cobden. (Vol. 1 of his Beckoning series.) Ii. 7095 Widows Spriircins. By Mts.E. M. Whitcher Ii. 1481 "Wild love and other tales. By Freidrich Baron de La Matte Fuuque Ii. 1259 "Wings of course. By Marie E. Field Ii. 7149 Winslow, M. E. Saved by sympathetic kind- ness and the grace of God Ii. 7485 "Winstowe. By Mrs. Leith-Adatns Ii. 1658 "Wise, Daniel. Ben. Blinker L.. 7486 "Wolf at the door. [Vo name series.] Ii. 1489 "Woman against woman. By Florence Marryat. [Mrs. Ross Chureh.] Ii. I553 "Wonder-world stories. By Marie Pabke and Margery Deane, collectors Ii. 7341 "Wood, Mrs. Henry. East Lynne Ii. 1490 "World well lost. By Mrs. E. Lynn Zjntow Ii. I66I "Wraxall, .Sir Lascelles. Golden-hair : a tale of the Pilgrim fathers li. 1492 "Wreck of the ' Grosvenor ; ' [anon.] I,. 1795 Year worth living. By Wm. M. Baker I.. 1023 Young Musgrave. By Mrs. Oliphant Ii. 1702 Young Rick. By Julia A. Eastman 1,. 7131 Young trail hunter series. See Cozzens, Sam- uel W. Young wrecker of the Florida reef. By Rich. M. Bache I... 7022 Young wife's story. By Harriet Bowra li. 1533 Zoe : the history of two lives. By Geraldine E. Jetosbiiry It. 1639 Zoe ; or, the Quadroon's triumph. By Mrs. Eliz. D. Livermore .Ii. 1271 10 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, NEW YORK CITY. PART 2.— GENERAL LIST (EXCLUSIVE OF FICTION). AFRICA. CLASS NO. Castellane, Count P. de. Military life in Algeria. Lond., 1853. 2 v. D° P. 1078 De Licon, E. The Khedive's Egypt. N. Y., 1878. D° ? P. S117 Fleming, F. KajQfraria and its inhabitants. 2d. ed. London, IS.M. D° P. 5158 Gillmore, P. The freat thirst land : a ride through Natal, Transvaal, etc. Lond. and v.p.,n.d. 0° P. 5601 He^rett, J. P. European settlements on the west coast of Africa. Lond., 1862. D° . . .P. 4301 CLASS NO. King, W. A. Campaigning in Kafflrland, 1851-2. Lond., 1853. D° P. 5244 Klunzinger, C. B. Upper Egj'pt : its people and its products. N. Y., 1878 [18771. 0°.P. 2648 McCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is. N. Y., 1877. 0°.P. 2666 Rolilfki, G. Adventures in Morocco. Lond., 1874. 0° P. 1725 Sala, G. A. Stanley in Africa. Lond., 1878. (Bound with III. liond. News. Russia and Turkey.) S. 8945 AMERICA. Anderson, R. B. America not disc, by Colum- bus : historical sketch of the discovery of America by the Norsemen. Newed., Chi- cago, 1877. B" P' 7010 Bonelli, L. H. de. Travels in Bolivia. Lond., 1854. 2v. D° P. 9050 Bo^^'en, B. P. America discovered by the Welsh in 1170 A. D. Phila., 1876. D° P. 7055 Canada, Backwoods of; [anon.] New ed. Lond., C. Kniqht, 1846. S° P- 7074 Carleton, G. W. Our artist in Cuba. 50 draw- ings on wood. N.Y.,1865. D° P. 8076 Dance, C. D. Recollections of four years in Venezuela. Lond., 1876. D° P. 9113 Knox, J. P. Historical account of St. Thomas, W. I. N. Y., 1852. D° P. 8250 Norton, C. L., and Habberton, J. Canoeing inKanuckia. N. Y., 1878. D° P. 7333a Parknian, J. Count Fronteuac and new France under Louis XIV. Bost., 1877. 0°.P. 7706a Warner, C. D. Baddeck and that sort of thing. Bost,, 1874. S° P. 74656 See also : United States. ASIA AND OCEANICA. Addison, C. G. Damascus and Palmyra : a journey to the East. Phila., 1838. 2 v. D°.0. 9004 State and prospects of Syria under Ibraham Pasha. (In his Dunmscua, etc. v. 2.) O, 9004 Atkinson, M7S. Recollections of Tartar steppes and their inhabitants. Lond., 1863. 1)°..0. 3018 Benjamin, S. G. W. The Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. N. Y., 1878 0° P. 6522 Bingbam, IL Twenty-one years in the Sand- wich Islands. 2ded. Hartf., 1848. 0°...P. 6525 Bryce, J. Transcaucasia and Ararat. Lond. , 1877. D° O. 8062 Carnarvon, Earl of. Recollections of the Dru«es of theLebanon. 2d ed. Lond., 1860. D°..0. 9076 Cbasseaud, G. W. Druses of Lebanon : their manners, customs, and history. Lond., 1855. 0° O. 9551 Conwell, R. H. Why the Chinese emigrate. Bost. and N. Y.. 1871. D° O. 2099 Doolittle, J. Social life of the Chinese. N. Y., 1876. 2v.inone. D° O. 2124 Kden, C. IL China, historical and descriptive. Lond., 1877. D" O. 3134 — India, historical and descriptive, Lond., 1876. D°. O. 5134 Japan, historical . and descriptive. Lond., 1877. D° O. 2134a SUenborougb, Lord. History of [his] In- dian administration. Ed. by Lord Col- chester. Lond., 1874. O'' O. 5581 Grant, J. Cassell's ill. history of India. Lond. and v. p., [1878.] 2 v. Q" O. 5836 Gray, J. H. China : a history of the laws, man- ners, and customs of the people. Lond.. 1878. 2y. 0° O. 2604 Hutton, J. Central Asia, from the Aryan to the Cossack. Lond., 1875. 0° O. 3631 +Illiistrated London news. Welcome home number. Prince of Wales in India. Lond. [1877.] V.° (Bound^vithQ&\-d,G.A. India and the Prince of Wales.) O. 5977 Knight, Capt. Diary of a pedestrian in Cash- mere and Tibet. Lond., 1863. 0° O. 3649 niartineau, H. British rule in India. Lond., 1857. S° O. 5288 Murray, A. W. Forty years' mission work in Polynesia and New Guinea, 1835-75. Lond., 1876. D° P« 6323 Palgrave,W. G. Year's journey through central and eastern Arabia, 1862-3. 7th ed. Lond., 1873. D° O. 7342 Polo, Marco. Travels, amended and enl. Notes by Murray. N. Y. , 1874. S° O. 355 Prejevalsky, N. Mongolia, the Tangut country, and norihern Tibet. Lond., 1876. 2v. 0° O. 3715 Roberts, Emma. East India voyager ; or, ten minutes' advice to the outward bound. Lond., 1839. D° O. 5375 tSala, G. A. India and the Prince of Wales. Lond., [1877.] F° O. 5977 Note. —Published liy the ' HI. London Nowb.' Taylor, B., compiler. Central Asia : travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet, and central Asia. N. Y., 1874. D° O. 3434 "Wells, T. Letters on Palestine. 2d. ed. Bost., 1846. D° O. 9473 'Williams, C. Through Burmah to western China in 1863. Edinb. and Lond., 1868. DO O. 4484 Wright, Lectures on India, t.p.w. 0° O. 5796 BIOGRAPHY. 1. Collective. Atkinson, Emma W. Memoirs of the queens of Prussia. Lond., 1858. 0° T. 5511 Beeton's dictionary of universal biography. 2d ed. Lond., [/Jre/". 1870.] D° T. S4 British dramatist. Lives of. Phila., 1846. 2 v. inone. D° T. 3058 t. Life and writlnK" of Wm. Shakeapeare, by T. CampbeU. — Memoirs of Ben Jonson, by W. GlRbrd. S. Lives of Beaumont and Fletcher, by G. Darley. — Lives of Miigglnger »ud Ford, by H. Coleridge. — Blo- graph. and crlt. notices of Wycherley, Congreve, Van J3rugb,and Farqubar, by L. Bunt. Clarke, J." F. Memorial and biographical Bketches. Bost., 1878. D° T. 92 Oimleri(« ; .lohn Alblou Andrew. — Jas. Freeman. — Cbas gumner. — Theodore Parker. —Samuel Gridley Howe. — William Ellery Chanulnic. —Walter Channiug. — Ezra Styles Gannett.- Samuel Joseph May. — Susan Diniock. — Geo. Keats. — Kobert J. BrecklujidKe. — Geo D Prentice. — Junius Brutus Booth. — WashiuKton and tlie secret of his Inlluence. — Sliakspere. — Jean Jacques Rouiseau. — Heroes of one country town.— William Hull. Cobb, J. F. and Page, H. A. Noble workers. Bost. [cop. 1876.] D° T. VantenU : John Coleridge Patterson.— Charles KnlKlit. — Bobt. Chambers. — Sir Henry Lawrence. — John Jay. t- Patrick Henry. — L» Fayette. — Bobert Fulton. 95 BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER, 1878. 11 Biography, Collective-Continued. _,j , „ CLASS NO. Iiidmiindg, H. WeU-spent lives. Lond., 1878. D" T. 134 CS>ri(eti«s : The poet: Wm. Wordsworth. — Tlie (ten- era! : Sir Henry Havelock. — The philosopher : Michael Faraday. — The Hdmlral : Sir Edward Parrv. — The statesman : Wm. Wllberforce. — The physician : Dr. Jas. Hope. —The schoolmaster : Dr. Arnold. —The explorer : David Livingstone. — The geologist : Prof. Sedjrwlck. — The Burgeon : Sir Charles Bell. —The lawyer : Sir Samuel KomlUy. — The man of business : Geo. Moore. Godt^in, P. Cyclopredia of biography. New ed. to 1877. K. Y., 1878. O" T. 603 Howells, W. D., edito?: Autobiograpliies. Sre hftlow in ' i. Individual' the following names: Balreuth. Prederica Sophia Wilhelmina, princess royal of Prussia, Margravine of. — Clbbon, Edward. — Coldoni, Carlo. — H«pb«-rt of Cherbury, liori.— Marmontel* Jean Frangols. Laurie, W. F. B. Sketclies of distinguished Anglo-Indians. Lond., 1875. D° T. 3262 CmUetits : Sir Alex. Burnes. — Jas. Bnrnes. — Sir Henry Lawrence. — John H. Colvin. — Brig. Gen. Jas. G. Neill. — Maj. Gen. Wm. Beaton. —Col. Wm. H. Sykes. — Maj. Gen. Albert Fytche. — Maj. Gen. Wm. H. Miller. — Sir Arthur P. Phayre.— Sir John W. Kaye. — Anglo- Indian periodical literature. liennox, Lord Wm, Pitt. Drafts on my memory: being men I have known, etc. Lond., 1866. 2v. 0° T. 36585 My recollections from 1806 to 1873. Lond., 1874. 2v. 0° T. 3658a Lives of eminent persons. Lond., 1833. 0°....T. 663 Contents : Galileo. — Kepler. — Newton. — Mahomet — Wolaey.- Sir E. Coke. — Lord Somerg. — Caxton.— Blake.— Adam Smith. — Niebuhr. -Sir C. Wren.— Michael Angelo. Macgillivray, W. Lives of eminent zoologists from Aristotle to Linnaeus. Edinb., 1834. S" T. 280 Contents: Aristotle. — Pliny the elder. — Gesner, Belon, Salviani, Rondelet, and Aldrovandi.— Jontton, . Goedart, Redl, and Swamnierdam. — Ray. — Reanmnr. — Linneens. Olipbant, Mrs. Foreign classics for English readers C. 9337 See Literature . {Collected Works.) Rn^sell, W. Extraordinary men : their boy- hood and early life. New ed. Lond. and N. Y. [pre/. 1858.] D° T. 381 Contentt : Michael Angelo. — Martin Lnther. — Shaks- pere.- Oliver Cromwell. — Moliire. — Blaise Pascal. — Duke of Marlborongh. — Peter the Great. — Franklin. — Mlrabeau. —Mozart. — Sir Samuel Romllly. — Nelson. — Robert Burns.- Sir Thos. Lawrence. — Wllkle — Na- poleon Bonaparte. — Lord Byron.— Duke of Wellington. — Sir Robert Peel. — Louis Philippe. — Dr. Wm. E. Ohau- Ding. — Sheridan. — Wm. Cobbett. — Jean Paul Richter. tSiipreme court of theU. S.: a series of biogra- phies. Wash., 1877. Q°. portraits T. 4886 S-vreetser, M. F., editor. Artist biographies. See helou; the following names In Michael Angelo. — Rembrandt, nolds. Sir Joshua. 2. InOividual,^ Paul. — Rejr- tTbomas, J. Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and my thology. Phila., 1877. T. 888 2. Individual. Adams, John Quincy. Memoirs from 1795 to 1848. Vol. 12, (1844-48.) Ed. by C. F. Adams. Phila.,1877. 0° T. 4503 Addison, Joseph. Life and writings of. By 'LorAMacaulay. N. Y., 1878. T. (H.n.S.)..T. 3004 Albert, prince conso7-t of Queen Victoria. Life of. By T.Martin. Vol.3. N. Y., 1878. D°.T. 3007 Amot, Jiev. Wm., Scotch divine. Autobiography, and memoir by Mrs. A. Fleming. N. Y., 1878. [1877.] D° T. 3015 Baireuth, Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, prin- cess royal of Prussia, Margravine of. Memoirs. Ed. by W. D. Houells. Bost.,1877. 2v. S°. (Autobiographies, vols. 1, 2.) T. 5023 Barrow, Sir John. Autobiographical memoir. Lond., 1847. 0° T. 3517 Beattie, James. Life of. By Sir W. Forbes. Edinb., 1807. 3vol8. 0° T. 3519 Becket, Thomas. Life and times of. By J. A. Frmde. N. Y., 1878. D" T. 3034 Biography, Individual— Continued. CLASS NO. Beethoven, Lndwig von. Life of. Ed. by I. Moscheles. Bost, \jaref., Lond., 1841.] S°.T. 3034 Contents : Biography, by Schindler. — Correspondence with his friends. ^ Remarks on his musical works. — Life and characteristics, by Dr. H. Dorlng. By mchard TVaffner. Indianap., 1872. D°... I. 6463a Bentley, Richard. Life of. By J. H. Monk. 2ded. Lond., 1833. 2 vols. 0° T. 3522 Bernard, St., Abbot of Clairvaux, a. d. 1091- 11S3. Life of. By J. C. Moi-ison. Lond., 1877. D° T. 3037 Black Hawk, the great Indian Chief of the West. Life of. Cin., 1854. S° T. 4044 Bliss, Philip P. Memoirs of. Ed. by D. W. Whittle. N. Y. and v. p., 1878. 0° T. 4527 Brown, John. Memoirs of. By F. B. Sanborn. Cone, 1878. O" T. 4537 Brninmell, Geo., commonly called ^ Beau Brumniell.' Life of. By Capt. Jesse. Lond., 1844. 2vols. D° T. 3062 Bnrleigli, Lord [and] John Hampden. By Lord Macaulay. N.Y., 1878. T. (.ff. If. /S'.)...T. 3184 Bntler, Benj. F. Life and opinions of. By W. L. Mackenzie. Bost., 1845. 0°. {Bound with his Life of Martin Van. Bnren) T. 4774 Byron, Lord, and some of his cotemporaries. By lu. Hunt. 2d ed. Lond., 18-^8. 2 vols. 0° T. 3542 [and] John Milton. By "Lor A Macaulay. N. Y., 1878. T. {H.U.8.) T. 3306 Cabot. Geo. Life and letters of. By H. C. Lodge. Bost., 1877. 0° T. 4543 Cavour, Co^mt Camillo. Life of. By C. de Ma- zade. N. Y., 1877. 0° .T. 3548 Charlemagne or Karl the great, Emperor. Life of. By Eginhard : tr. by Glaister. Lond., 1877. D° T. 3084 Chatham, Wm. Pitt, earl of. By Lord Macau- lay. N. Y., 1878. T°. (//. H.S.) T. 3084 Chopin, Frederic. Life of. By F. Liszt. 4th ed. Bost., w. cf. S" T. 3087 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Life and letters of. By B.'R.Abeken. Lond.. 1854. D° T. 1090 Clarke. Adam. Life of. By 8. Dunn. Lond., 1863. J>° T. 3092 Clinton, Henry Fynes. Literary remains, con- sisting of an autobiography, and literary journal. Ed. by C. J. F. Clinton. Lond., 1854. T>° T. 3094 Clive, Lord. By Lord Macaulay. N. Y., 1878. T. {H.H.S.) T. 3094 Crom-well, Oliver. Life of. By J. T. Headley. N.Y.,1852. D° T. 3105 Life, etc., of. By E. H. KudXtMonW-Hunessen. N.Y.,1877. T°. {H.H.S.) T. 3105 Cnshman, Charlotte : her letters and memoirs of her life. Ed. by Emma Stebbins. Bost., 1878. 0° T. 5565 Dickens, Charles. Life of. By J. Forster. Bost., 1875. 3 vols, in two. D° T. 3121 Life of. By R. S. Mackenzie. Phila., [cop. 1370]. J)° T. 3121 Ed-vi-ard, Thos. Life of a Scotch Naturalist. By H. Smiles. N.Y.,1877. D° T. 3134 Elltvood, Thos. Lives of Lord Herbert of Cher- bury and. Ed. by W. D. Howells. Bost., 1877. S° T. 214 Emmet, Robt. Life of. By R. R. Madden. N. Y., 1868. D° T. 3136 Enimet, Thos. Addis. Memoir of. {With pre- ceding work.) T. 3136 Firth, Frank R., the young engineer. Memoir of. Introd. by E. E. Hale. Bost. and N. Y., 1874. D° T. 4150 Foster, John. Life and correspondence of. By 3.'E.. Ryland. Lond., 1875. 2 vols. D°..T. 3156 Frederic the great. By Lord Macaulay. N. Y., 1878. T°. {H.H.S.) T. 3157 Proehel, Friedrich. Reminiscences of. By B. von Mar enholz- Billow . Bost. and N. Y., 1877. S° ■ T. 3158 Sketch of the life of. By Emily Shir^. { With the preceding tcork) T. 8158 Gama, Vasco da. Voyages and adventures of. By G. Towle. (Vol. 1, of his Young folks' series.) T. 3101 G-arrick, David. Life of. By A. Murphy. Lond., 1801. 2 vols. 0° T. 3597 Olbben, Edward. Memoirs of. Ed. by W. D. H&wells. Bost., 1877. 8° T. 3166 1'2 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, NEW YORK CITY. Biography, Individual— Continued. CLASS NO. Goethe, J. W. von. Conversations with Ecker- mann and Soret. Tr. by Oxenford. New ed. Lond.,1875. D° M. 3171 ■ Correspondence between Schiller and, from 1794 to 1805. Tr. and ed. by L. Dora Schmitz. Vol. 1, (1794-97). Lond., 1877. D° M. 1392 By A. Hayicard. Phila., n. d. D°. (Vol. 3 o^' Olipliaiit, ilfrs. For. Classics, ete.).C. 9337 Goldoiii, Carlo. Memoirs of. Ed. by W. D. Howells. Bost., 1877. S° T. 3171 Goldsmitlii, Oliver. Life of. By J. Forster. 5thed. Lond., 1871. 2 vols. D° T. 3171 Grant, Ulysses S. Military history of, 1861-5. By K.Badeau. Vol.1. N. Y., 1868. 0°.T. 4604 Grote, George. Personal life of. By Mrs. Har- riet &ro^e. Lond., 1873. 0° T. 3606 Hampflen, John. By Lord Macaulay. N. Y., 1878. T°. {II. II. S.) T. 3184 Handel, Geo. Priedrich. Life of. By V. Schoelcher. Lond., 1857. 0° T. 3611 Hastlns's, Warren. By Lord Macaulay. N. Y., 1878. T". (II.II.S.) T. 3189 Haydn, Franz Joseph. Life of H. [and] Mo- zart, with observations on Metastasio. By L. A. C. Bornbet Ipseitd. of H. M. Beyle]. Bost., 1839. D° T. 3191 Haydon, Benj.Robt. Correspondence and table- talk ; with a memoir. By F. W. Haydon. Bost., 1877. 2 vols. 0° T. 3615 Heine, Heinrich, Life of. By W. Sligand. Lond., 1875. 2 vols. 0° T. 3615 Henry IV., the great, king of France. Memoirs of, and of the court of France. [By W. H. Ireland.] Lond., 1824. 2 vols. 0° T. 3617 Herbert of Cherbury, Lord. Lives of, and Thos. Ell wood. Ed. by W. D. Howells. Bost., 1877. S° T. 214 Hook, Theodore E. Life and remains of. By R. K.H.Barham. Newed. London, 1877. D°.T. 3212 Ho-ward, Philip Thos., cardinal Of Norfolk, b. 1629, d. 1694. Life of. By P. C. F. R. Palmer. Lond., 1867. 0° T. 3628 Hoy t, Jesse. Lives and opinions of B. F. Butler, and. By W. L. Mackenzie. Bost., 1845. 0°. {Bound with his Life of Martin Van Buren.) T. 4774 Hutton, Ulrich von : his life and times. By D. F. Strauss. Lond., 1874. D° T. 3219 Irving, Rev. Edw. Biographical sketch of, incl. notices and extracts from his writings. Lond., 1801. 0° T. 3634 Joan of Arc : or, the maid of Orleans. By J. Michelet. N. Y., 1877. S° T. 5233 Jolin son, Samuel. By Lord Macaulay. N. Y., 1878. T". {H.H.8.) T. 3233 Josepliine, Empress. Life of. By P. C. Headley. Bost., 1876 {cop. 1856]. D° T. 5234 Keats, John. Letters to Fanny Brawne, 1819-20. [Ed.] with notes by Forman. N.Y., 1878. S°.T. 3238 Kearney, Philip, Maj. Gen. U. S. vols. Per- sonal and military history of. By J. W. HePeyster. N. Y., 1869. 0° T. 4643 Kingsley, Chas. His letters and memorials of his life. Ed. by his wife. Abridged. N. Y., 1878. O" T, 3646 lieislit Medora : a history and an autobiography. Lond., 1869. D° T. 5264 IJeo X. Life of. By W. Roscoe. Ed. and rev. by T. Roscoe. Lond., 1876. 2 vols. 0° T. 3658 liessiiie, Gotthold Ephruim. By 3. bime. Bost., 1877. 2 vols. 0° T. 3659 Lincoln, Abraham. Life of. By 3. B.. Barrett. N.Y.,1865. 0° T. 4661 Iiovejoy, Rev. Elijah P. Memoir of. By J. C. and O. Lov^oy. K. Y., 1838. D° T. 4273 M'Do-wall, Rev. Jno. R., the martyr of the seventh cotninandment. Memoir and re- mains. N.Y.,1838. D" ..T. 4278 Macliiavelli, Niccolo. By Lord Macaulay. N. Y., 1878. T°. {H.H.S.) T. 3280 Marinontel, Jean Francois. Memoirs of. Ed. by W. D. Howells. Bost., 1878. 2 vols. S°.T. 3288 Martin, John. Life and remains. By Dinah M. Mulock [now Mrs. D. M. Craik]. N. Y., 1878. D° T. 3289 Mnry, gueen of Scots. Life of. By Mias Benger. Lond., 1823. 2 vols. D° T. 5289 Mendelssolin-Bartlinldy, Felix. Life of. By W.A.Lampaduis. Bost. [cop. 1865]. 8°.T. 3299 -^ — Reminiscences of. By E. Polko. N. Y., 1869. D° T. 3299 Biography, Individual— Continued. ° CLASS NO. Micliael Angelo, Buonarotti. By M. F. Sweet- ser. Bost., 1878. S°. (Vol. 1 of his Artist biographies) T. 3303 Milton, John. By Lord Macaulay. N. Y., 1878. T°. (//. //. S.) T. 3306 Life of. (1608-60.) By D. Masson. Lond., 1859-77. 5 vols. 0° T. 3683 Life and writings. By H. J. Todd. Lond., 1826. 0° T. 3683 Minto, Sir Gilbert Elliott, \st earl of. Life and letters of. Ed. by Nina, countess of Minto. Lond., 1874. 3 vols. 0° T. 3684 Montaigne, the essayist : a biography. By B. St. John. Lond., 1858. 2 vols. D° T. .3314 Mozart, Johann C. W. A. Life of Haydn and. By L. A. C. Bombet {2)seud. of H. M. Beyle). Bost., 1839. D" T. 3191 Mfiller, Geo., A life of trust : being a narrative of the Lord's dealings with. "Written by himself. N. Y., 1878. D" T. 3321 Murphy, Francis, Life and work of. By G. T. Fe7ns. N. Y. and Cinn., 1878. D^ {With Bro-wn, T. W. Minnie Hermon.) !<• 1061 Musset, Alfred de. Biography of. By P. de Mussel. Bost., 1877. D° T. 3324 Napol«-on Bonaparte. Life of . By V. C. Headley. Bost., 1876. [cop. 1856.] D" T. 3326 Napoleon IlL, the man of his time. Lond., n.d. D" T. 3326 1.— story of [his] Hfe. By J. M. HasweU. X. — The same story as tuld by popular carica- turists. Life of. By B. Jerrold. Vols. 1-3. Lond., 1874-7. 3 vols. 0° T. 3696 Public and private history of. By S. M. Smucker. Phila., 1859. D° .T. 3326 Court and social life in France under. By F. M. Whiiehurst. Lond., 1873. 2 vols. 0°.S. 1788 OcHino, Bernardino, of Siena: a contribution towards the history of the Reformation. ByK.Benrath. N. Y., 1877. 0° T. 3703 O'Connell, Daniel. Life of. By Sister M. F. Cusack. N. Y., [cop. 1872.] . 0° T. 3702 Pascal, Blaise. By Principal Tulloch. Phila., n. d. D° (Vol. 2 of Oliplianl, Mrs. For. classics, cfc.) C. 9337 Peter the great. By J. L. Motley. N. Y., 1877. T°. {H.H.S.) T. 3348 Petrarcli [Petrarca] Francesco. By Vi. Reeve. Phila., ft. ci. D° (Vol. 4o/01ipliant, Mrs. For. classics, «te.) C. 9837 Pitt, Wm. By Lord Macaulay. N. Y., 1878. T°. {H.H. S.) T. 3353 Pius IX.: the story of his life to 1850. By A. Legge. Lond.,1875. 2 vols. 0° T. 3712 Q,uincy, josiah. Life of. By E. Quincy. Bost., 1868. D° T. 4361 Rallies, Robt. : a history of the origin of Sunday schools. By A. Gregory. Lond., 1877. 8° T. 3362 Recamter, Madame. Memoirs and correspond- ence of. By Isaphene M. Luyster. 8th ed. Bost, 1874. S° T. 5366 Red Jacliet. {Sa-go-ye-wat-ha.) Life of. By W. L. Stone. With memoir of author. Alb., 1866. 0° T. 4720 Rembrandt van Ryn, Paul. By M. F. Sweetser. Bost., 1878. S°. (Vol. 2 of his Ariist bio- graphies.) T. 3368 Reynolds, Dr. Henry A. Life and work of. By G. T. Ferris. N. Y. and Cin., 1878. D.° (?Ji(!/t Brown, T. W. Minnie Her- mon.) li. 1061 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. By M. F. Sweetser. Bost, 1878. S°. (Vol. 3 0/ Ai,< Artist bio- graphies.) T. 3370 Rosa, Salvator. Life and times of. By Lady Morgan. Lond., 1824. 2 vols. 0° T. 3727 Roscoe, William. Life of. By H. Roscoe. Lond., leaS. 2vols. 0° T. 3727 Sa-go-ye-'wat-ha. See Rt., 1873. 0° R. 2565 Dickens, C. Child's history of England. Lond. n. d. D°. (Bound with his Mystery of Edwin Drood. Chas Dickens edition.) L. 1121 Dixon, W. H. History of two queens : 1. Catha- rine of Aragon. 2. Anne Boleyn, [1485- 15.36]. Lond., 1873. 4 vols. 0° R. 1574a Fox, C. J. History of the reign of James II. (With Carrel, A. Counter-revolution, etc.) R. 1178 Green, J. R. History of the English people. Vols. 1,2. N. Y., 1878. 2 Vols. 0° R. 1605a Gaernsey, A. H. The Spanish armada, 1587- 88. N. Y., 1878. T°. (H. II. S.) R. 11786 Ouizot, M. Monk ; or, the fall of the republic and restoration of monarchy in 1660. Lond., 1851. S° R. 1151 Hare, A. J. C. Walks in London. N. Y., 1878. 2vol8. inone. D° R. 1186 tHume, D. and Smollett T. History of England [to 1760.] Continued to [1851] by T. Gas- pey. Lond. and N. Y., n. d. 8 vols. Q°.R. 1844 Ingulphiis. Chronicle of the Abbey of Croj'- land. With continuation by Peter of Blois, «te. Tr. by Riley. Lond., 1854. D°..R. 1223 James I., King of Dngland, Secret history of the court of. Edinb., 1811. 2 vols. 0°..R. 1636a Contents: I. Osborne's traditional memoiis [of queen Elizabeth]. — II. Sir Antliony Weldon'i court and char- acter of king Jame« [and king Charlea I. — Perfect descrlpt. of Scotland]. — III. Aulicus crquinarlee. — IV. Sir Edward Peyton's divine cataetrophy of Ihe house of Stuart. Jennings, L. J. Field paths and green lanes: country walks in Surrey and Sussex. N. Y.. 1878. D° R. 1280 liCcky , W. E. H. History of England in the 18th century. N. Y., 1878. 2 vols. D" R. 1263 Lemon, M. Up and down the London streets. Lond., 1867. 0° R. 1668 Morris, E. E. Epochs of modern history: age of Anne. Bost. and t;. p., 1877. S° R. 1817 Orridge, B. B. Citizens of London and their rulers, 1060-1867. Lend,, 1867. 0° R. 1708 Pawli, R. Pictures of Old England. Camb., 1861. D° R. 1344 ContenlK : Canterbury and tbe worship of St. Thomas Becket. — Monks and mendicant friars. — Parliaineut In the fourteenth century. — England's earliest rela- tions to Austria and Prussia. — The emperor Lo'ils IV. and kinic Edward III. — Hanseatlc steel-yard in Lon- don. — Two poets, Gower and Chaucer. — John Wicklit. — King Henry V. and king Sigismund. — Duke Hum- phrey of Gloucester. — London In the middle ages. — The maid of Orleans. Pearson, C. H. English history in the four- teenth century [A. d. 1307-1419]. N. Y. [pr^/. Melbourne, 1875]. S° R. Powell, F. Y. Early England to the Norman conquest. N. Y., 1877. T°. (U. H. S.)... R. Rowley, J. Rise of the [English] people and growth of parliament, a. u. 1215-1485. N. Y., 1877. T°. (H.H.S.) R. Settlement of the constitution, a. d. 1689- 1784. N. Y., 1878. T°. [H.H.S.) R. Rush, R. Court of London from 1819 to 1825. Ed. by B.Rush. Lond., 1873. 0° R. Scott. Sir W. Tales of a grandfather, being the history of Scotland to a. d. 1745-6. Edinb., 1872. 2 vols. B" R. Stanhope, Earl, editw. Miscellanies [rela- ting to English history.] 2d ed. Lond.. 186:3. D° R. Stanley, A. P. Historical memorials of West- minster Abbey. 4th ed. Lond., 1876. 0°.R. Tancock, O. W. England during the American and European wars, 1735-1820. N. Y., 1878. T°. (H. H.S.) R. t 'War'frick, Sir P. Memoirs of the reign of Charles I., with a continuation to the res- toration of Charles II., [1625-60]. Lond., 1701. D° R. IVillonghby, Lady. Diary of the reign of Charles I. [to! the Restoration, [1605-85], Lond., 1873. [Fiction.] R. 1345 1356 1379 1379a 1728 2397 1421 1753a 1433 1466 1484a France. Copping, E. Aspects of Paris. Lond., 1858. Corwin, Col. 6. In France with the Germans. Lond., 1872. 2 vols. D" S. Heroes, philosophers, and courtiers of the time of Louis XVL Lond., 18«3. 2 vols. D''..S. Hugo, V. History of a crime. N. Y., 1878. 2 vols. 0° S. Seme. N. Y., 1876. Q°. (Franklin Sg. Li- brary, No. 2.) S. Sliclielet, J. Historical View of the French Revolution. Lond., 1864. D° S. Robinson, G. T. Betrayal of Metz. Lond., 1874. D" S. AVhiteliurst, F. M. Court and Social Life in France under Napoleon III. Lond., 1873. 2 vols. 0° S. Wilier t, P. F. Reign of Louis XI., [a. d. 1422- 83.] N.Y.,n.d. 8° S. 1100a 1101a 1197 1629 1844 1303a 1375 17886 1484 14 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, NEW YORK CITY. Europe— Continued. Germany and other Teutonic Countries. _ , CLASS NO. Kden, Lizzie S. Lady's glimpse of the late war in Bohemia. Lond., 1867. D° S. 6134 My holiday in Austria. Lond., 1869. D° . . .R. 4134, T. C. History of the Netherlands. Newed. Lond., 1830. S° R. 8174 Havaril,H. Picturesque Holland. Lond., 1876. 0° R. 8613 Lower, M. A. Wayside notes in Scandinavia. Lond., 1874. D° R. 3273 Mayliew, H. German life and manners as seen in Saxony. Lond., 1864. H vols. 0° . . . .R. 4677 One year abroad. By the author of ' One Sum- mer.' Bost., 1877. S° R. 4338 Peake, Eliz. History of the German emperors and their contemporaries. Phila., 1874. 0° R. 4707 Sime, J. History of Germany. N. Y., 1875. S° R. 4407 Switzerland and the Swiss; [anon.] N. Y., 1877. D° R. 9431a Voss, Sophia Marie, countess of. Sixty -nine years at the court of Prussia, [a. d. 1746-84.] Lond., 1876. 2 vols. D° R. 4461 W^arlng, G. E., jr. Bride of the Khine : 200 miles in a Mosel row-boat. Bost., 1878. S° R. 4465 Vonge, Charlotte M. Stories of German history. Lond., 1878. S° R. 4498 Italy. Crawford, Mabel S. Life in Tuscany. Lond., 1859. D° S. 3104 Hare, A. J. C. Walks in Florence. 5th Amer. ed. N. Y., 1875. D" S. 3186& MacFarlane, C. Glance at revolutionized Italy. Lond., 1849. 2 vols. D° S. 3279 Popular customs, sports, and recollections of the South of Italy. Lond., 1846. S° S. 3279a Malleson, G. B. Studies from Genoese history. Lond., 1875. D° S. 3286 Mlgnaty, Margaret A. Sketches of the histori- cal past of Italy. Lond., 1876. 0° S. 3682 Peniberton, H. History of Monaco. Lond., 1867. D° S. 3346 Story, W. W. Castle St. Angelo, and The evil eye. Lend., 1877. D°.... S. 3424a JVofe. — Addltioiml chapters to [his] ' Roba di Roma.' • Russia and Poland. Bnllocfc, W. H. Polish experiences during the insurrection of 1863-4. Lond. and Camb., 1864. D° S. 5064 G-athrie, Mrs. Through Eussia. Lond., 1874. 2vols. D° S. 4180 Hell, X. H. de. Travels in the steppes of the Caspian Sea, the Crimea, etc. Lond., 1847. 0° S. 4616 Johnstone, H. A. M. B. Trip up the Volga to the fair of Nijni-Novgorod. Phila., [piff. 1875]. D° S. 4233 Kelly, W. K. History of Russia [to a. d. 1875]. Lond., 1875. 2vol8. D° S. 4239 Klapka, Gen. 6. War in the East from 1853 to 1855. Lond., 1855. D° S. 4246 Kooh, C. The Crimea and Odessa. Lend., 1855. D° S. 4951 Europe— Concluded. CLASS NO. Sloltke, Count. Letters from Russia. N. Y., 1878. T°. {H.U.8.) S. 4:312 Pictorial history of the Russian war, 1854-6. Edinb. and Lond., 1856. 0° S. 4712 Russia. Is Russia wrong? By a Russian lady. Lond., 1877. D° S. 43815 Russians of to-day. By the author of 'The member from Paris.' N. Y., 1878. Q°. {Franklin Sq. Lib., No.Z.) S. 4876 Spain. Bldwell, C. T. The Balearic Islands. Lond., 1876. D° S. 9039 Field, Kate. Ten days in Spain [in 1873]. Bost., 1875. T)° S. 2149 Furley, J. Among the Carlists. Lond., 1876. D° S. 2160 Rose, H. J. Untrodden Spain and her black country. Lond., 1875. 2vol8. 0° S. 2727 Turkey and Greece. Amicis, E. de. Constantinople. N. Y., 1878. D° S. 8009 Barker, E. B. B., editor. Syria and Egypt under the last live Sultans of Turkey. Lond., 1876. 2vols. 0° S. 8516 A'oTe..— Compiled from the letters and journals of Mr. Consul-General John Barker. Boyle, F. Narrative of an expelled correspondent. [Eusso-Turkan war, 1877-78.] Lond. 1877. 0° S. 8533 Bryce, J. Constantinople. N. Y., 1878. T°. {H. H.S.) S. 8062 Campbell,!). Turks and the Greeks. Lond., 1877. D° S. 8073a Creasy, 6'trE. History of the Ottoman Turks. N.Y. 1877. D° S. 8104 Note, — Mainly abridfced from von'HHmiiier'H * History of the Ottoman Kmpire.' Denton, W. Servia and the Servians. Lond., 1862. D° S. 9118 Daily News, London. War corresp. of the war bet. Russia and Turkey [to the fall of KarsJ. 2ded. Lond., 1878. D° S. 8111 Same. From the fall of Kars to the peace. Lond., 1878. D° S. 8111 Farley, J. L. Modern Turkey. Lond., 1872. 0°.S. 8586 Harrison, J. A. Greek vignettes : a sail in the Greek Seas [in] 1877. Bost., 1878. S°....S. 7187 Holland, T. E. Treaty relations of Russia and Turkey, 1774-1853. Lond., 1877. D° S. 8210 + Illustrated London News. Russia and Tur- key. Lond., 1877. F° S. 8945 Jacob, S. and others. History of the Ottoman empire. 2d ed. Lond. and Glasg., 1854. D°. S. 8226 Keppel, G. Journey across the IJalcan, 1829-30. Loud., 1831. 2vol8. 0° S. 8643 Mackenzie, G. M. and Irby, A. P. Travels in the Slavonic provinces of Turkey-in-Eu- rope. Lond., 1877. 0° S. 9669 Norman, C. B. Armenia and the campaign of 1867. Lond. and ». J9., n. rf. 0° S. 8700 ScKem, A. J. War in the East bet. Russia and Turkey. N. Y. and Cin., [cop. 1878]. 0°. m.. . S. 8734 Wyse, T. Impressions of Greece. Lond., 1871. 0° S. 7797 FINE ARTS AND AMUSEMENTS. Amusements. Alden, W. L. The canoe and the flying proa. N. Y., 1878. T". {H.II.8.) 1.7007 Batty, J. H. How to hunt and trap. N. Y., 1878. D° I. 7029 Book of parlour games. Phila., 185.3. D° I. 9051 Bro-wn.J. J. American angler's guide. 5th ed. N.Y.,1876. 0° I. 7537 Ooppertli-walte, R. H. Tha turf and the race- horse. Lond., 1865. D° I. 7100 Hoffmann, L. Modem magic : a practical trea- tise on the art of conjuring. Lond. and N. Y., 1877. D° 1. Norris, T. American angler's book. Phila., [cop. 1865L 0° I. Planclie, F. D., compiler. Evening amusements for every one. Phila., n. d. D° J» Pole,W. Theory of whist. 8th ed. Lond., 1876. S".!. Steedman, C. Manual of swimming. Lond., 1873. S° I. Warner, CD. In the wilderness. Bost., 1878. S°.I. 9209 7700 9354 9355 7420 7467 BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER, 1878. 15 Fine Arts— Continued. Fine Arts. {General works.) CLASS NO. Allen, G. Physiological sesthetics. N. Y., 1877. D° T. 8a Bellars, W. The fine arts and their uses. Lond., 1876. D° I. 35 HamertoM. P. G. Thoughts about art. New ed. Bost.,1876. D° I. 184a Juiuesoii, Mrs. Legends of the Madonna in the flnearts. Bost., 1877. S° I. 2276 fliiibke, W. Outlines of the history of art. Ed. by C.Cook. N. Y., 1878. 2 vols. 0°....I. 664 Macvicar, J. G. Philosophy of the beautiful. Edinb., 1855. D° I. 383 Schlegei, F. von. Esthetic and miscellaneous works ; tr. by Millington. Lond., 1875. D" I. Contenlv : Descrlptiou of paiiitlugg in Paris and tile Netherlands in 1S02-4. — Principles of Gotliic aichitec- ture. — Study of romantic poetry and genius. — Modern German paintings. — Roniauiic fictions of the Middle Ages. — Miscellaneous essays. — Limits of the beautiful. — Language and philosophy of the Indians. Sbairp, J. C. Poetic interpretation of natui-e. N.Y.,1877. D° I. 391 403 Music. Cro-west, p. Book of musical anecdote. Lond., 1878. 3vols. D° I. 6105 Daniell, W. H. The voice and how to use it. Bost., 1873. S° I. 6113 Eiigel, C. Musical myths and facts. Lond., 1876. 3 vols. O" I. 6583a Hullali, J. Music in the house. Phila., n. d. D° I. 6215 Lobe, J. C. Catechism of music. Phila., n. d. S° I. 6272 Pangeron'n A B C of music. Best., [cop. Phila., 1846.] 0° I. 6705 Rice, LL. What 18 music ? N. Y., 1875. D°...I. 6373 Taylor, P. Primerof piano-forte playing. N. Y., 1878. S°. (Science priTnen, vol. 12.) I. 6434 Taylor, S. Science of music : or, physical basis of musical harmony. N. Y., 1875. D° I. 6434a "Wagner, R. Beethoven ; tr. by Parsons. In- dianap., 1872. D° I. 6463a Wiecls, P. Piano and Song. Bost., 1875. D"..!. 6483 Fainting and Dra°w-iug. Barry, C. A. How to draw. N. Y., n. d. [cop. Bost., 1870.] D° I. 3028 Primer of design. Bost. and N. Y., 1878. S°. .X. 3038a £ianzi, L. History of painting in Italy. New ed. Lond., 1852-74. 3 vols. D° I. 4360 Fine Arts— Concluded. „ „ CLASS NO. Mason, Rev. W. Observations on Sir Joshua [Reynolds'] method of coloring. (In Reynolds, Sir J., Notes, etc., on pic- tures.) I. 4728 Parton, J. Caricature and other comic art in all times and many lands. N.Y.,1877. 0°..I. 706 Reynolds, Sir J. Notes and observations on pictures, chiefly of the Venetian school. Ed. by W. Cotton. Lond., 1859. 0° I. 4722 Rollxn,H. J. Studio, field, and gallery: a manual of painting. N. Y., 1878. D° I. 4377 Rowbotham, T. Art of sketching from na- ture. Rev. by Susan N. Carter. N. Y., 1878. S° I. 3379 IStotliert, J. French and Spanish painters. Phila., 1877. Q° I. 4885 Viardot, L. Wonders of Italian art. N. Y., 1874. S° I. 4460 IVilliams, W. Art of landscape painting in oil colors. Ed. by Susan N. Carter. N. Y., 1878. S° I. 4484 Pottery, Forcelain, and Sculpture. tEUiott. C. W. Pottery and porcelain. N. Y., 1878[1877]. 0° I. 5581 Flaxman, J. Lectures on Sculpture. New ed. Lond., 1874. D° I. 5153 Hall, H. B. The bric-a-brac hunter ; or, chapters on chinamania. Lond., 1875. D° I. 5183 liock-ivood, M. S. Hand-book of ceramic art. N.Y.,1878. S° I. 5273 Nicliols, G. W. Potterj', how it is made, its shape and decoration. N.Y.,1878. I)°..I. 5330 tPrime, W. C. Pottery and Porcelain of all times and nations. N.Y.,1878. 0° I. 5715 Pliotography, Engraving and Miscellaneous. Ayres, G. B. How to paint photographs in water colors and in oil. 4th ed. N. Y., 1878. D° I. 3020 fCoolt, C. The house beautiful : essays on beds and tables, efc. N.Y.,1878. 0° I. 8560 tDeVlnne, T. L. The invention of printing. N.Y.,1876. 0° .1. 1573 tHall, H. B., etcher. Presidents of the U. S. [18 etchings.] N.Y.,1877. P° I. 2937 Lea, M. C. Manual of photography. 2d ed. Phila.. 1871. 0° I. 2658 Mackellar, T. American printer : a manual of typography. Phila., 1876. D° 1. 1281 Rnskin, J. Ariadne Florentina : lectures on wood and metal engraving. N. Y., 1875. D° I. 2331 See also: Useful mrtn {Architec(u7'e). HISTORY AND TRAVELS (GENERAL). (Including the modern history of the Jews). Ancient History. Ammianus Marcellinus. Roman history [a. D. 353-78] ; tr. by Yonge. Lond., Bohn, 1863. D° N. 9009 Cesnola, L. P. di. Cyprus : its ancient cities, tombs and temples. 3d ed. N. Y., 1878. 0= N. 5549 Costa, L da. Israel and the Gentiles : contribu- tions to the history of the Jews [to 1848]. Lond., 1850. 0° S. 7561 Ciirteis, A. M. History of the Roman empire, A. D. 395-800. Phila., 1875. S° IV. 9108 Felton, C. C. Greece, ancient and modem. Bost., 1877. 2 vols, in one 0° IV. 8588 Frankl, Dr. The Jews in the east. Lond., 1859. 2 vols. D^ -. IV. 7157 FyJTe, C. A. History of Greece. Lond., 1875. S°. (History irrimers.y. 2.) IV. 8160 GoodricU, S. G. Pictorial history of ancient Rome. Phila., 1870. D° IV. 9172 Gahl, E. and Koner, W. Life of the Greeks and Romans, described from antique monuments. N. Y., 1876. 0° IV. 5607 Herodotus. Literal version by Cary. Lond., 1S77. D° S, 5197 liawrence, E. The Jews and their persecutors. N.Y.,1877. T°. (H.H.S.) N. 7262 Lord, J. Ancient states and empires. N. Y., 1869. 0° N. 5664 Merivale, C. General history of Rome, b. c. 753-A. D.476. N.Y.,1876. D° ...BJ. 9300c Rawlinson, G. Origin of nations. N. Y., 1878. D° N. 5365a fRecords of the past : being English transla- tions of the Assyrian and Egyptian monu- ments. Vols. 1-9. Lond., 1874-7. 9 vols. D° N. 5366 Note. — Vols. 1, 3, .'i, 7, 9 contain Assyrian, and vols, 2, 4, 6, h, Esyptlan texts. fScbliemann, H. Mycenae ; narrative of re- searches and discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns. Pref. by Gladstone. N. Y., 1878. 0° N, 8735 t Troy and its remains. Ed. by P. Smith. Lond., 1875. 0° N. 5735 Seisis, J. A. A miracle in stone : or, the great pyramid of Egypt. Phila., [coj). 1877.] D°.N. 6399 Thirlwall, C. History of Greece [b. c. 1384- 146]. Lond., [ywe/. 18a5]. 8 vols. S°....]V. 8437 Tliwcydides. History of the Peloponnesean war ; tr. by Dale, Lond., 1875. 3 vols. D°.N. 8440 16 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, NEW YORK CITY. History and Travels— Continued. CLASS NO. IVilking, A. S. Phcenicia and Israel. Lond., 1871. D° N. 5483 Eoman antiquities. N. Y. 1878. S. {His- to?y primers, v. 4.) ^' 9483 Xenophon. Cyropaedia ; or, institutions of Cyrus, and The Hellenica or Grecian his- tory ; tr. by Watson and Dale. Lond., 1876. D°... N. 5495 Ethnology. Brace, C. L. Races of the old world : a manual of ethnology. N. Y., 18T1. 0° E. 9533 Foster, J. W. Prehistoric races of the U. S. 3d ed. Chicago, 1874. 0= E. 9594 Maclean, J. P. Manual of the antiquity of man. N.Y., 1875. D= E. 9382 Q,uatrefaee8, A. de. Natural history of man. N.Y., 1875. D° E. 9361 Soutbiall, J. C. Epoch of the mammoth, and apparition of man upon the earth. Phila., 1878. D° : E. 9416 Toplnard, P. Anthropology. Loud., 1878. D.E. 9444 Van Evrie, J. H. Negroes and Negro 'Slavery': the first an inferior race, the latter its normal condition. N.Y.,1863. D°.E. 9458 Wake, C. S. Chapters on man. With an out- line of a science of comparative psychol- ogy. Lond., 1868. D° E. 9463 Historical Miscellany. Bardsley, C. W. English surnames : their sources and significations. 2d ed. Lond., 1875. D= T. Blanc, C. Art in ornament and dress. N. Y., 1877. 0° T. Clark, H. Introduction to heraldry. 18th ed. by Planche. Lond., 1873. D° ...T. Coin book. The : comprising a history of coin- age, etc. ; [anon.] Phila., 1871. O" T. Dentmin, A. 111. history of arms and armour. Lond., 1877. I>° T. Dyer, T. F. British popular customs, present and past. Lond., 1876. D= T. Frost, T. Secret societies of the European revo- lution, 1776-80. Lond., 1876. 2 vols. ()°.T. Pinkerton, A. The Molly Maguires and the detectives. N. Y., 1877. D^^ T. Tegg, W., compiler. The knot tied : marriage ceremonies of all nations. Lond., 1877. S'^.T. One hour's reading : remarkable customs, epithets, «te. Lond., 1877. S= T. "Whitmore, W. II. Elements of heraldry. Bost., 1866. 0° T. 6026 8527 6091 6557 8118 8130 9595 9353 8435a 84356 6788 Travels and Geography. Clioules, J. O. Young Americans abroad ; or, vacation in Europe. Bost., 1874. S° * a. 3087 Field, H. M. [Travels around the world.] N.Y.,1877. 2vols. D° BT. 3149 1. From the lakes of KlUariiey to tlie Qoldeu Horn. ». Prom Kgjpt to Japau. Oreat bonanza : ill. narrative of adventure and discovery in gold mining, the oil regions, etc. By Oliver Optic, [W. T. Adams,] and others. Bost., 1876. 0° X. 3605 Grove, G. Geography. N. Y., 1877. S°. (His- tory primers, V. 3.) ". 1177 MacFarlane, C. Romance of travel : the East. Lond., 1846. 2 vols, in one. S° Nl>. 3279 Nugent, Lord. Lands classical and sacred, [i. «., Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land.] Lond., 1846. 2 vols. S° Nb. 3334 Persons, places and things : stories of adven- ture, sketches of travel, and description of places. By popular writers. Phila., 1878. 6" sr. 3708 OmtenU: Wanderings with VhRlI. By E. O.Bruce. Walks and visits In Wordsworth's country. By K. Yarnell. — Six months among cannibals.— An adventure Ju Japan. — Our floor of Are. By B. O. Bruce. — An African falrhaven. —Pictures from Spain. By Edward King. — The Trianon palaces. By Marie Hnwiand. — JoBephine and Malmalson. By Marie Howluud. — Crumbs from the Khlne land. By Alice Oray. — Travels In the air. — Glimpses of Polynesia. — An escape from Siberia. — Australian eceuea and adventures. — Two weeks In the Carllst country. By C. Buckland. — Quaint craft. By W. L. O'Grady. — The golden eagle aod his eyrie. By W. A. BalUie-Orobman.. History and Travels— Concluded. CLASS NO. Russell, W. H. Diary in the East during the tour of the prince and princess of Wales. Lond., 1869. 2 vols, in one. 0° Nb. 3728 Tozer, H. F. Classical geography. N. Y., 1877. S ° . ( Literature primers, v. 4) N . 1445 "Wanderings in four continents. Phila., 1878. 0° N. 3778 Contents : Up the Parana and In Paraguay. —Sketches of India. — ViHit to the Dolomites. —A tourist's para- dise. — In the valleys of Peru. — Glimpses of Coustan- tinopie. — Montenegro. — The Tartar and bis home. — Lapland. — Siberia. Universal History. Alison, A. History of Europe from 1789 to 1815. 9th ed. Edinb. and Lond., 1853-5. 13 vols. D° N. 4007 Bro-wning, O., editor. Historical handbooks. AsfMoicBt Bridtje, C, French Literature [M. 90581. — fVillert, P. F., Louis XI. [8. U84]. — C'lirteis, A. M., Koinau empire. [N. 9108J. — Pearson, C. H , Kug. hist. XIV. ceutury. [K. 1345.] Freeman, E. A. General sketch of history. N. Y., [cop. 1876.] S° N. 41576 — ' — , editor. Historical course for schools. Namely : General sketch of history. [N. 4167] and Sitnc, J. History of Germany. [K. 4407.] History of Europe. N. Y., 1877. S°. {His- tory irrimers, v. 1.) BT. 4157a Glennie,J. S. Stuart. Pilgi'im memories': travel and discussion in the birth countries of Christianity With Buckle. N. Y., 1875. OMV. 602 Green, J. R., editor. History primers. As foUmcs: Freeman, K. \. Hist, of Europe. [N. 4157.] fyge, C. A. Hist, of Greece. [N. 8160.) — towe, G. Geography. [N. 1177.] Wilkins, A. S. Koraan anti- quities. [N. 9483.] Hegel, G. W. F. Philosophy of history; tr. by Sibree. Lond., 1872. D° ^- 192 Labberton, R. H. Outlines of history. 4th ed. Phila., 1876. ob. D° N. 4654 Mcrryweatlier, F. S. Glimmerings in the dark ; or, lights and shadows of the olden time. Lond., 1850. D° N. 4301 Mills, C. History of the Crusades. With memoir. 4thed. Lond., 1828. 2 vols. 0= N. 46836 Putnam, G. P. World's progress : a dictionary of dates. Rev. by Perkins. N. Y., 1877. 0° T. 7716 Q,uackenbos, J. D. ill. school history of the world. N.Y.,1877. D° IV. 4361 Rosse, J. W. Blair's chronological tables revised and enl. to A. D. 1856. Lond., 1856. D°..T. 7378 Shimeall, R. C. Our bible chronology, historic and prophetic, critically examined. N.Y., 1867. Q° T. 7881 Theories of nistory with special reference to the Positive philosophy. Lond., 1862. 0°.1V. 762 Thierry, A. Historical essays and Narratives of the Merovingian era. Phila., 1845. 0°...N. 4762 Times (London). Annual summaries [1851-75]. Lond., 1876. S° »• 4442 Voyages. Brassey, Mrs. Anne. Around the world in the yacht, ' Sunbeam.' N. Y., 1868. 0°....1V. 2534 fBucaniers of America, History of [to 1695]. 3ded. Lond., 1704. D= IV. 2063 Campbell, Lord G. Log-letters from the ' Chal- lenger.' 2ded. Lond. and N.Y.,1877. D°.N. 2073a tDavis, C. H. North Polar expedition, U. S. ship Polaris, Capt. Hall commanding. Wash.,1876. Q° N. 2823 Senior, W. By stream and sea : a book for wan- derers and anglers. Lond., 1877. D^ N. 2400 Spry, W. J. J. Cruise of her majesty's ship 'Challenger.' N.Y.,1877. 1>° IV. 2419 Thomson, Sir C. W. Voyage of the ' Chal- lenger': the Atlantic. N. Y., 1878. 2vol8. Qo.. N. 2763 Thornbury. W. The Buccaneers ; or, the monarchs of the main. Lond., 1858. D°.0. 2439 See also: Africa ;—jVmerica ;— Asia and Oceanica;— Europe;— .United States. BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER, 1878. 17 LANGUAGE AND RHETORIC. CLASS NO, Farrar, F. Language and languages, being ' Chapters on language ' and ' Families of speech.' N. Y., 1878. D° W. 144a Peile, J. Philology. N. Y., 1877. S°. {Litera- twepi-imers, v. 3) "W. 345 Whitney, W. D. Oriental and linguistic stu- dies. Second series. N. Y., 1875. D°.W.9481 Contents : British in India. — Chins and llie Cliinege. — China and the west. — Miilier's ' Chips from a Geiman worlcflhop.' — Cox's * Aryan niytliology.' — Alford'a ' Qneen'8 Knglish.' — How shall we 8i)eU? — Klements of English pronunciation. — Relation of vowel and conso- nant. — Bell's ' Visible speech.' ■ — Accent In Sanskrit. — Lunar zodiac of India, Arabia, and China. Euglish Language. BroTirii, G. Institutes of English grammar. N.Y., 1877. D° W.SOei Hill, A. S. General rules for punctuation. Camb., 1877. D° W. 2203 Morris, R. English grammar. Lond., 1875. S°. (Literature primers, v. 1.) "W". 2317 and Bo-wen, H. C. English grammar exer- cises. N. Y., 1878. S°. (Litei-aiure pri- mers, t\ 7.) W. 2317a Q.nacken'bos, G. P. English grammar. N. Y., 1877 [cop. 1862]. D° "W. 2361a Turner, J. A. Handbook of punctuation. New ed. Phila., 1877. S° W.2449 Whately, R. Selection of English synonyms. New ed. Bost. and Camb., 1860. D°. . . . W. 2478 Phonography and Shorthand. Burns, E. B. Phonic shorthand. N. Y., 1876. D° W.1066 Gould, M. T. C. Art of shorthand writing. Rev. ed. Phila., 1858. S° W. 1173 Graliam, A.J. Phonographic odds and ends. -N.Y.[pref. 1857]. B° W. 1174d Iiindsley, D. P. Elements of tachygraphy. 5th ed. Bost., 1876. D° W. 1269 Pitman, I. Manual of phonography. 9th ed. Lond., 1852. S° W.1353a Rhetoric and Elocution. CLASS NO. Baker, G. M., editor. Reading club and handy speaker. Bost., 1876-8. 5vol8. S° M. 5033a Bascom, J. Philosophy of rhetoric. N. Y. and Chicago, [cop. 1872]. D° M. 5029a Boyd, J. R. Elements of English composition, N. Y., Chicago, and New Orleans, 1876. D° M. 5055 Calkins, N. A., arid Adams, W. T., editors. Universal speaker : a collection of speeches, dialogues, and recitations. Bost., [cop. 18591. D° ...M.5072 Campbell, L. J., and Root, O., compilers. Co- lumbian speaker. Bost. and N. Y., 1876. S° M. 5073 Cicero, M. T. On oratory and orators, with his letters on Quintns and Brutus ; tr. by ^Watson. Lond., 1871. D" M. 5090a Coppee, H. EleQients of Thetoric. 10th ed. Phila., 1869. D° M. 5100a Dallas, E. S. The gay science [e. g. Criticism]. Lond., 1866. 2 vols. 0° M. 5568 Fitzgerald, P. A. Exhibition speaker. N. Y., 1871 [cop. 1858]. D= M. 5151 Gilmonr, J. H. Outlines of the art of expres- sion. 3d ed. Bost, 1876. D° M. 5167 Seller, Emma. The voice in speaking. Phila., 1875. D° M. 5399 Speeches. Cicero, M. T. Orations; tr. by Yonge. Lond., 1872. 4 vols. D° M. 6090a Cobden, R. Speeches on questions of public policy. Ed. by J. Bright and J. E. T. Rogers. Loud., 1878. I)° M. 6095 Demosthtenes. Orations ; tr. with notes by Kennedy. Lond., 1873. 5 vols. D° M. 6118a Kverett, E. Orations and speeches. 6th ed. Bost., 1860. 3vols. 0° M. 6584 I^o-vre, R. Speeches and letters on reform. Lond., 1867. D° M. 6273 LITERATURE. Bibliography. t Adams, W. D. Dictionary of English litera- ture, 2d ed. Lond. and v. p. 11878]. 0=" M. 7504 t Boston Public Library. Lower Hall. Class list of English prose fiction, etc. With notes for readers. 6th ed. Bost., 1877. Q° M. 8811a Catalogue of the Roxbury branch. With notes for readers. Bost., 1876. Q° M. 8811c + Brooklyn Mercantile Library. Bulletin of books added, Nos. 1-10 (Nov. '69-Oct. 76). Brooklyn, 1869-76. 0° M. 85366 + Class list of English prose fiction, etc. 3d ed. Brooklyn, 1877. 0° M. t Report, 1st, 3d— 5th, 7th, 8th, 12th— 18th. Brooklyn, 1859-76. 0» M. t Cornwall Circulating Library. Catalogue Fishkill Landing, 1878. D° M. 8101 t Harlem Library. Catalogue. [Compiled C. H. Botsford.] N. Y., 1878. Q= M. 8838 tliibrary Journal. Vols. 1, 2. (Sept., 1876- Feb., 1878). N.Y., 1877-8. 2vols. Q=...M. 8a55 \ London Conference of Librarians, 1877. Trans- actions and proceedings. Lond., 1878. Q°.M. 8856 t Malcom, H. Index to the principal works in religions literature. 2d ed. Phila., 1870. 0° M. 7672 + Putnam's Sons, G. P. Library companion : a quarterly continuation of ' The best read- ing.' Vol. 1. (Mch. 31— Dec. 31, 1877.) N. Y., 1878. 0° M. 7716a t Q,uincy Public Library. Catalogue. Bost., 1875. Q° M. 8872 t Turner Free Library. {Randolpli, Mass.) Cata- logue. [By W. E. Foster.] Bost., 1877. Q° M. 8890 t U. S. Dep't of the Interior. Alphabetical cata- logue of the library. Wash., 1877. 0° . . . M. 8778 Collected Works. Bacon, p. Works. Ed. by Spedding, Ellis, and Heath. N. Y., 1872. 15 vols. D°...M. 23 Vols. *'S. Philosophical tcorkii : 'Vol. 1. Life by W. Rawley. — Preface to the phllosoph, works, by R. L. Ellis. — Pt. 1. Parts of the ' Inslaurntio mrignn ' : Novum organuni. *. Parasceve ad historlam natu* ralem et experlmentaleni. — De angmentis scientlarum, 3. De augmenti'', continued. — HIstoria veutarnm. — HIstori* vliai et mortis. 4. HIstoria densl et rarl.— Inqiilslllo de magnete. — Topica inqnlsltlnnia de luce et lumlne. — Sylva sylvarum. 5. Sylva sylvaruni, contin- ued. — Scalu Intelleclus. Pt. 2. Wmks connected with the * Instil urotio Tntgna' : Cogitationes de natura rernm. — De fiuxu et refluxu maris. — De puncipus atqne orlginibUB, etc — New atlantls. — Magnalla naturie. ^- Pt. 3. JVorks designed for parts of the ' tnstauratio ' : Cogi- tationes de scientia humaua, O. Valerius terminus. -- Advancement of learning. — Filum labyrlnthl. — De interpretatlone naturae. — Proa-mlnm. V. Tempoils partus masculua. — Partis inslauratiouis secunda; dell- neatlo et argumentum. — Bedarguilo philnsnphlarum. — Cogltata et visa de interp. naturte. — Inqulsitio de legl- tima de motu. — Calor et frigus, — Hlstoila aoni et au- dltus. — Pluenomena universi. — Descrlptio globi intel- lectualis. — Thema cu;li. — De Interpretatlone naturte sentential XII. — Aphorlsmi et conselia. — Physiolog. and medical leniatns. "%*ols, 8-tO. Tratishitimisof the philosophical works: H- Pt. 1. The great Instauiatloo. — New organon. — Preparative towards a natural and experimental his- tory. — Dignity and advancement of learning. ©• Dignity, etc. continued. — Natural and experimental his- tory. lO. Nat and Kxp. hist, continued. Pt. 2. Thoughts on the nature of things. — On the ebb and flow of the sea. — On i)rinclple8 and origius. Pt. 3, Descrip- tion of the Intellectual globe. — Theory of the heavens. "Vols, f f-t5. Literary and professional works : *€• History of the reign of Henry VII. — Beginning of the history of Henry VIII. — Beginning of the history of Great Britain. — In felicem memorlam Ellzabethte An- glian reittna^. D£. In Henrlcum prlnctpcm W^alllGB eloglnm. — Same, tr. into English. — Imago JulU Cteia- ruB. — Same, translated, ^Essays. — De sapicntia vete- rum. 13. De saplentia, continued. — Same, translated. — Advertisement touching a holy war. — Of the true greatness of Oreat lirltaln. — Colours of good and 18 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, NEW TORK CITY. Liter ature— Continue d. CLASS NO. evil. — Helps for tlie Intellectual powers. — Short notes for civil conversation. — Apotbegms. 14. Promus of formularies and elegancies. — Keilgious writings. — Prqfessumal works: mnximB ol the law. — Readings on the statute of uses. — Use of the law. 15. Discourse upon the Coniniission of Bridewell. — Arguments of law. — Preparation for the union of laws. — Answers to questions touching the office of constables. — Ordi- nances in chancery, — Index. Same. Popular ed. based [on] Spedding, Ellis, and Heath. N. Y., 1877. 2 vols. D".M. 22a 1. Philotophical writings : Pt. 1, Life by Wm. Rawley. — General preface to the phllosoph. writings, by R. E. Ellis. — Preface to the Novum organum, by K. E. Ellis. Pt. 2, The great instauration. — The new orga- num. — New atlantls. Pt. 3, Valerius terminus. — Ad- ▼aucenient of learning. — Index. a. Literary and rMgiout works : Pt. 1, History of the reign of Henry VII. — Kegiiining of the reign of Henry VJII. — Besinning of tlie history of Great Britain. —In fellcem memuriam Eiizabettilse, Angliai reginje. Pt. 2, Jm Henricum principem Waliise elogium. — Imago clvilis Julli Ciesaris. — Additions and corrections in a MS. copy of Camden's 'Annaies.' — ■ Essays, or counsels civil and moral. Pt. 3, Advertisement touching a holy war. ^Of the true greatness of Great Britain. — Colours of good and evil. — Letters and discourse to Sir Henry Savill touch- ing helps for the intellectual powers. — Short notes for civil conversation. — Conlesslon of faith. — Meditationes sacrse. — Prayers. ^Translation of certain psalms. — Index. Browne, Sir T., Works. Ed. by S. Wilkin. Lond., 1852. 3 vols. D° M. 61 1- — Vulgar errors [Books, I.-IV.] a. — Snme [Books, V.-VIL] — Religlo medlcl. — Garden of Cyrus. 3. — Urn burial. — Christian morals. — Miscel- lanies. — Correspondence, etc Burlingame, E. L., editor. Current discussion, a collection from the chief English essay- ists on questions of the time. Vols. 1, 2. N.y.,1878. 2vols. D" C. 9066 1. International politics: I. Tlie Russians, tlie Tnrks, and the Bulgarians. By Archlb. Forbes.— IL Turkey. By Viscount Stratford de RedclllTB. — III. Montenegro. By the Et. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. — IV. Political destiny of Canada. —By Prof. Goldwln Smith —V. Prussia in tlie 19th century. By Prof. J. 8. Blackle. — VI. Future of Egypt. By Edward Dicey. — VII. The slaveowner and the Turk. By Prof, Goldwiu Smith. — Vlll. Stability of the British empire In India. By Prof. Sidney J. Owen, — IX. Relations of the English people to the Rneso-Turkish war. By Edw, A. Freeman, *. Questions of belief : I. The sonl and future life. By Fredk. Harrison, — II. A modern symposium (1), The soul and future life. By 1(. H. Hutton, Prof. Huxley, Lord Blatchford, Hon. Roden Noel, Lord Seiborne, W. R. Greg, Rev. Baldwin Brown, Dr. W, G. Ward. — III. A modern symposium (2.) Influence upon morality of a decline in reli({ious belief. By Sir Jas. Stephen, Lord Seiborne, J^s. Martineau, Frederic Harrison, the Dean of St, Paul's, Duke of Argyll, Prof. Clifford, Dr. W. G, Ward, Prof, Huxley, R. H. Hutton, — IV. Course of modern thought. By G. H. Lewes, — V. Condition and prospects of the church of England, By Tiios. Hughes. — VI, Is life worth living 7 By W. H. Mallock. Charles, M7'S. Selections from her writings. Lond., 1877. D° M. 3085 Collins, £ev. W. L., editor. Ancient classics for English readers : supplementary series. Vols. 1-6. Edinb. and Lond., 1876-8. 6 vols. D° C. 9098 1. LIvy, By Rev. W. L. Collins. a. OvId. By Rev. A. Church. 3. Catullus, Tlbulius, and Propertius, By Rev. J, Davis. 4. Demosthents, By Rev. W. L. Collins. 5. Aristotle. By Sir A. Giant. audet,E. Henrlette L. T. Patrick, Mary. Clirlstlne Brownlee's ordeal L. 8. BrotJc, L, A beautiful 1890. 1844, 4876. 1838. Olipliant, Mrs., editor. Foreign classics for English readers. Vols, 1^, Phila., n. d. D° C. 9387 f . Voltaire, By Col. Hamley. 8. Pascal, By Principal Tulloch, 3. Goethe, By A Hayward, 4. Petrarch, By Henry Reeve, Cyclopaedias. tEncyclopeedia Britannica. 9th ed, (Amer. repr.) Vols. 6, 7. Phila., 1877. 2 vols. Q°.C. 2828a Miller, Annah de Pui, compiler. ' Who and What ' : a compendium of general infor- mation. Phila., 1878. D° C 2305 •I- Johnson's new universal cyclopa;dia. [Ed. by] F. A. P. Barnard and A. Guyot. Vol. 4, (S— Appendix) N. Y. and v. p., 1878. [1877], Q° C. 2847 Essays and Miscellany, Arnold, M, Essays in criticism. 3d ed. Lond., 1875. D° M. 4015 Ctynients : Functions of criticism at the present time. — Literary Influence of arademles. — Maurice de Guerin. — Henrlch Heine. — Pagan and mediseval religious senti- ment. — A Persian passion play. — Joubert. — Spinoza and the bible. — Marcus Aurellus. Barnes, A. Miscellaneous essays and reviews. N.Y.,1855. 2vol8. D° M. 4088 t. Analogy of Religion by J. Butler. — Christian min- istry. By C. Bridges. — Works ol Lord Bacon.— How can the sinner be made to feel his guilt ? — Episcopacy tested by scripture, by H. U. Onderdonk. — Scriptural argu- ment on the episcopal controversy. — Position of the evangelical party in the episcopal cliuich. a. Ancient commerce of western Asia. — Relation of theology to preaching. — Position of the Christian scholar. — Progress and tendency of science. ^ Desire of reputation. — Choice of a profession.— Practical preach- ing. — Literature and science of our country. — Law of paradise. — Thoughts on theology. BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER, 1878. 19 Literature— Continued. CLASS NO. BombaugU, C. C. Gleanings for the curious. Hartf., 1875. 0°... M. 3530 Bfovrn, H. S. Twelve lectures to the men of Liverpool. Liverp. 1858. D° M. 4060 Brovi'iie, VV. H., compiler. Heart throbs of gifted authors. Phila., 1878. D° M. 3061 ESmerson, R. W. Miscellanies. Rev. ed Bost., 1876. S° M. 4136c Contents: The American SchoUr. — Address to the Senior cUss In Divinity College, Cambi idse. — Literary ethics, — Metliod of natnre. — Man the rerorraer. — Lec- ture on the times, — The conservative. — The Iranscen- deutallst. — The young American. Societ J' and Solitude. Bost., 1876. D° M. 4136d Ointents : Society and solitude. — Civilization. — Art. — Eloquence. — Domestic life. — Farming. — Works and days. — Books. — Clubs. ■ — Courage. — Success. ~ Old age. Fields, J. T. Underbrush. Bost., 1877. S°....M. 4149 Contents : My friend's library. — A peculiar case. — Familiar letter to housebreakers. — Our village dog- matist. — A watch that ' wanted cleaning.' — Bother- some people. — IMeasant gluists. — The I'ettibone line- age. — Betting home agaiu. ^ How to rough It. — Aa iild-time sclioiar. — Diamonds and pearlti. — The author of ' Paul and Virginia.' — If 1 were a boy again. Habbei-tou, J., editor. The tatler, guardian, and freeholder, by Addison and Steele [condensed]. N. Y., 1878. D° M. 41816 King, T. S. Substance and show, and other lectures. Bost., 1877. D° M. 4244 Oontentg ; Substance and show ; or, facts and forces. — Laws of disorder. — Socrates. — Sight and insight. — Hildebrand. — Music. — Existence and life. — The earth and the mechanic arts. — Daniel Webster. — Books and reading. — Privilege and duly of patriotism. — lutel- lectual duties of students in their academic yeam. Knight, C. A volume of varieties. Lond. 1844. S° Iiandor, W. S. Imaginary conversations. 4th and 5th series. Bost., 1877. 2 vols. D'.M. 1260 4. Dialogues of literary men, co;i/inu«d. — Oialognes of famous women. — Miscellaneous dialogues. 5. MIscellaueous dialogues, cfmclvded. :3»i. 1249a liowell oflfering, the. Selections from. 1844. S° Lond.. .M. 12736 Nate. — ' Wholly composed by the factory glrla of an American city.' Mathews, W. Great conversers, and other essays. 7th ed. Chicago. 1877. D° M. 4293a ODntenta : Great conversers. — Literary clubs. — Epi- grams. — Popular fallacies. — Faces. — Compulsory morality. — Power of trilies. — Peep into literary work- shops. — French traits. — Pleasantry in literature. — Our dual lives. — Merry saints. — One book. — Pulpit oratory. — Originality In literature. — Is literature ill- paid 7 — Curiosities of criticism. — Timidity in public Speaking. — Noses. — Battle of Waterloo (with map). — Index. Parker, T. Critical and miscellaneous writings. 2ded. Bost., 1856. D° M. 4343 Contents : A lesson lor the day. — German literature. — Lite of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. — Truth against the world. — Thoughts on labor-. — Discourse of tlie transient and permanent In Clirlstlanlty. — The Pharisees. — On the education of the laboring classes. — How to move the world.— Primitive Cbilstlanity. — Strauss' ' Life of Jesua.' — Thoughts on theology. Literature— Concluded, CLASS NO. Burdette, R. J. Rise and fall of the moustache, and other ' Hawk-Eyetems.' Burlingt., 1878. D° M. 2066 Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain). Punch, brothers, punch ! and other sketches. N. Y., [cop. 1878]. S= M. 2093a Goethe, J. W. von. Conversations with Ecker- mann and Soret. Tr. by Oxenford. New ed. Lond., 18T5. D"= M. 3171 Kelly, W. K. Proverbs of all nations. Andover, 1869. S'' M. 3239 lie wis, C. B. {" M. Quad, the ' Detroit Free PrefS'' man.") 'Quad's odds.' Detroit, 1875. 0° M. 2660 Josiah Allen's wife as a P. A. and P. I. Sam- antha at the CentenniaL Hartf., 1878. D°.M. 2234 Pilpay. Fables. Rev. ed. N. Y., 1872. S°....M. 3353 Rowley, Hon. Hugh, jJseud. Sage stuffing for green goslings ; or, saws for the goose and saws for the gander. Lond., 1872. ©"...M. 2379 Shaw, H. W. Josh Billings : his works, com- plete. N. Y.,1876. D^ M. 2402a Spence, J. Anecdotes of books and men. Notes and life by Singer. Lond., 1820. 0= M. 8750 ^*§>S5 W., compiler. The cruet stand. Lond., [1877?] S^ M. 2435 Thompson, M. M. Doestick's letters and what hesays. Phila., [co/>. 1855]. D=' M. 2438a Treasnre-tfove series : the choicest humor by the great writers. Ed. by R. H. Stoddard. Vols. 1-4. Bost., 1875. 4 vols. S° M. 2446 f. Burlesque. S. Travesty. 3. story. 4. Extravaganza* Valentine, W. Budget of wit and humour. N. Y.,n. d. D° M. 2457 "Whitcher, Frances M. Widow Bedott papers. N. Y., icop. 1855]. D° M. 2480 Humorous Works, and Anecdotes. jC^sop, G. Washington, [pseud, of Geo. T. Lani- gan]. Fables out of the ' World.' 111. by Church. N.Y.,1878. S° M. 2005 Alden, W". L. Shooting stars as observed from the 6th col. of the [N. Y.] 'Times.' N. Y., 1878. 8=- . M. 2007a Avery, S. P. cdkctar. Harp of a thousand strings. N. Y. , [co/j. 1858] . D° M. 2020 Bailey, J. M. (" The ' Danbmy News' man''). They all do it ; or, Mr. Miggs of Danbury and his neighbors. Bost. and N. Y., 1877. S° M. 3022 Book of 1,000 comical stories, [containing : (1) ' A plate of chowder ' and (2) ' Laughing gas']. N. Y., [co;?. 18591. D° M. 2051 Browne, W. H., compiler. Witty sayings by witty people. Phila., 1878. D° M. 2061 Literary History. Bridge, Christiana. History of French litera- ture. Lond. and v p., 1874. S° Jtt. 9058 Kote. — Adapted from the French of M. Demogeot. Brooke, S. English literature. N. Y., 1878. 8°. {Literature primers, v. 2.) M. 9060 Jacox, F. The literary life : or, aspects of author- ship. N. Y., w. d. D° M:. 9226 James, H., jr. French poets and novelists. Lond., 1878. D° M. 9227 Contents: Alfred de Musxett. — Theophlle Gautier, — Charles Baudelaire. — Honore de Balzac. — Balzac's let- ters. — Geo. Sand. — Chas. de Bernard and Gustave Plau- beit. — Ivan Tiirgi'nlefT. — The two AmpSres. — Madame de Sabran. — Merlmee's letters. — The Th6atre Fran^ais. Jebb, R. C. Greek literature. N. Y., 1678. S°. {Literature p^-imers, v 6.) M. 9229 Knight, C. Shadows of the old booksellers. London, 1865. D° M. 9249 Contents : Thos. Guy. — John Duntnn. — Jacob Tonson. — Thos. Gent.— Tlie Tonsons; Lintotts ; Cnrli:— Samuel RIcliardson. — Wm. Hutton. — Edward Cave; Ralph Orlfflth.— Robt. Dodsley.- Andrew Millar ; Cadell and Strahan.— John Newberry.— The Chapter CoSfee House. — Jag. Lacklngton. Appendix: The market of litera- ture. liawrence, E. English literature primers : Romance period. N. Y., 1878. T°. {ff. H. 8.) M. 92626 Primer of Greek literature. N. Y., 1877. T". {H.H.8.) M. 9262 Primer of Latin literature. N. Y., 1877. T°. {H.H. S.) M.9268a Primer of mediaeval literature. N. Y., 1878. T°. {H.ILS.) M. 926a(J Morley, H. First sketch of English literature. 4th ed. honi. undv. p., n. d. B' M. 9316 Taine, H. A. History of English literature. Abridged by J. Fiske. N. Y., 1877. D°..M. 9431 Underwood, F. H. Handbook of English literature : American authors. Bost., 1875. D° M. 9454a Same; British authors. Bost., 1874. D°..M. 9454 Van Laan, H. History of French literature. Vol.3. N. Y., 1877. D° M. 9774 See also : Fiction ;— Periodicals {Literary) ; — -Poetryand Drama. 20 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, NEW YORK CITY. MEDICAL SCIENCE. Hygiene and Physiology. CLASS NO. Ancell, H. C. How to take care of our eyes. 1878. 8° F. 2010 Flint, A., ^"r, Physiology of man. 2d ed. Vols. 4.5. N.Y.,1875, 2 vols. 0° F. 1591 1. Nervous aystem. a. Special senses. — Generation. — General index. Source of Muscular power. N. Y., 1878. S°.F. 1152 Foster. M. Test book of physiolog^y. 2d ed. Lond., 1878. O^ F. 1593 Fowler, O. S. Creative and sexual science. Phila. and v. p. [cop. 1875] . O^ F. 7594 Hawels, Mrs. H. R. Art of beauty. N. ¥., 1878. D° F. 2190 Kltto, J. The lost senses. Lond., 1875. 2 vols. inone. S° F. 1245 f. Deafness. «. Blinduesa. Mtclielet, M. J. Love (' L' Amour ') ; tr. by J. W. Palmer. N.Y.,1875. D° F. 7303 Mitchell, S. W. Fat and blood : and how to makethera. Phila., 1877. S' F. 2310a Reade, C. The coming man. N. Y., 1878. T°. (H. H.S.) F. 1366 Sozinskey, T. S. Personal appearance and the culture of beauty. Phila., 1877. D° F. 2416 CLASS NO. Studley, Mary J. What our girls ought to know. N. Y., 1878. D° F. 1426 Yoatli's health-book ; [anon.] JN. Y., 1878. T°. (H.H.S.) F . 2498a Pathology. Arlt, F. von. Injuries of the eye and their medico-legal aspect. Pliila., 1878. D° — F. Bostwick, H. Nature and treatment of seminal diseases, impotency, etc. 8th ed. N. Y., 1855. D° F. Earle, P. History, etc., of Bloomingdale Asy- lum for the Insane. N. Y., 1848. 0° F. Forbes, Si?' J. Nature and art in the cure of disease. 2d ed. Lond., 1858. D° F. Hammond, W. A. Cerebral hyperismia. N.Y., 1878. D° F. HoMre, J. W. The breath and the diseases which give it a fetid odor. N. Y., 1874. D° F. Slanual of nursing prepared for the training school attached to Bellevue Hospital. N. Y., 1878. S° F. Maylie-w, E. Illustrated horse doctor. Phila., 1866. 0° F. Tuke, D. H. Insanity in ancient and modern life. Loud., 1878. D° F. Wylie, W. G. Hospitals : their history, organi- zation, and construction. N. Y., 1877. 0°.F. 6014 7052 5579 4157 5184 5214 4287 9677 5448 4797 MENTAL AND MORAL SCIENCE. Education. American girl, and her four years in a boys' col- lege. By Sola, [pseud, of Olive S. L. AndersonJ N. Y., 1878. 1)° X. 7009a Brewster, G. Lectures on education. Colunib., 1833. O" X. 7534 Brouglinm, H., Lord. Two discourses of the objects. 1. Of science ; 2. Of political science. Lond., 1846. S°. {Bound with his Dialogues on instinct.) E. 2060 Capes, W. W. University life in ancient Athens. N.Y.,1877. T^ (H.H.S.) X. 7074 Clarke, E. H. Building of a brain. Bost., 1874.X. 7092a Hale, E. E. What career ? ten papers on the choice of a vocation and the use of time. Bost., 1878. S° X. 7182 Johonnot, J. Principles and practice of teach- ing. N.Y., 1878. D" X. 7133 Kennedy, J. School and the family. N. Y., 1878. S° X. 7241 Martlneaa, Harriet. Household education. Bost., 1877. S° X. 7289 Mallinger, J. B. I'he University of Cam- bridge from the earliest times to 1535. Camb., 1873. O" X. 7693 tNew^ York City and County. Board of Educa- tion. 36th report for 1877. N.Y., 1878. 0°.X. 76976 t Journal. 1877. N. V., 1877. 0° - X. 7697a Porter, N. Addresses at inauguration of, as president of Yale College. N.Y., 1871. 0=.X. 7714 tlTeiisselat-r Polytechnic Institute. Annual register, 1855-77. Troy, 18.5.5-7. 3 vols. 0°.X. 7721 Royce, S. Deterioration and race education. N.Y., 1878. D° X. 7379 Stokes, W. Divine origin of mnemonics. Lond., 1866. T° X. 7423 Memory. 13th ed. Lond., [/^ref. 1866.] S°.X. 7423a Todd, J. Student's manual. Rev. ed. Northamp., 1876. D° X. 7443a tUnited Stales. Bureau of Education. Re- port of commissioner for 1876. Wash., 1878. 0° X. 7773 Wiese, Dr. L. German letters on English educa- tion. Lond.,1877. D" X. 7482 History of Philosophy. BoMren, P. Modern philosophy from Descartes to Schopenhauer. N. Y., 1877 X. 1533 Diogenes Laertes. Lives and opinions of eminent philos.)pher8 ; tr. by Yonge. Lend., 1853. D° X. 1122 Lange, F. A. History of materialism. Vol. 1. Bost., 1877. 0° X. 1656 Ziewes, G. H. History of philosophy from Thalesto Comte. Lond., 1871. 2 vols. O^.X. 1660 Logic. Coppee, H. Elements of logic. Rev. ed. Phila.,1877. D° X. 6100 Crilbart, J. W. Logic for the million. With appendix on the philosophy of language. Lond., 1865. 0° X. 6601 Kidd, R. B. Primary principles of reasoning. Lond., 1856. D° X. 6243 Wilson, W. D. Elementary treatise on logic. 3ded. N.Y.,1877. D° X. 6484 Metaphysics Bascom, J. Comparative psychology. N. Y., 1878. D°... .... X. 30296 Bo-wne, B. P. Philosophy of Herbert Spencer. [against.-] N. Y., 1874. D° X. 3055 Cicero, M. T. Academic questions. Treatise de flnibus, and Tusculan disputations ; tr. by Yonge. Lond., 1875. D° X. 2090 Hatighton, G. C. Prodromus ; or, the first principles of reasoning. Lond., 1839. 0°.X. 3613a Journal of speculative philosophy. Ed. by W. T. Harris. Vols. 8-10. (1874-6). St. Louis, 1874-6. 3vols. 0° X. 640 Hazard, R. G. Freedom of the mind in willing. N. Y., 1866. D° X. 3191 Jolinsou, A. B. Physiology of the senses. N. Y.,1856. D°.... X. 3232 Kant. I. Critique of pure reason ; tr. by Mei- klejohn. Lond., 1876. D° X. 8236 Ijewes, G. H. Problems of life and mind. Second series : physical basis of mind. Bost., 1877. D° X. 3267a Alandsley, H. "Physiology of mind. N. Y., 1877. D° -X. 3394 Oersted, H. C. Soul in nature [and other essays]. Lond., 1852. D° X. 3336 Payne, G. Elements of mental and moral sci- ence. N.Y.,1829. O" X. 3706 Shields. C. W. Final philosophy ; or, perfect- ible knowledge issuing from the harmony of science and religion. N. Y., 1877. 0°.X. 3742 BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER, 1818. 21 Mental and Uoral Science— Continued. Moral Philosophy. CLASS NO. Beadle, J. H. Woman's war on whiskey. Cine, 1874. D° X. 9031 Behaving ; or, papers on children's etiquette. By the author of ' Ugly girl papers.' Bost., [cop. 1877.1 S° X. 90346 Cicero, M. T. Three hooks of offices, etc., tr. by Edmonds. Lond., 1875. D° X. 2090a Oontentt : Offices. — Lteliua, an essay on friendship. — Cato major, an essay on old age. — Paradoxes. — Sclplo's dream. — Letter to Quintus on the duties of a magis- trate. Cobbe, Frances P. Studies new and old of ethical and social subjects. Lond., 1865. D° X. 9095 Contents: Christian ethics and the ethics of Christ. — Self-development and self-abnegation. — Sacred books of the Zoroastria>i8. — - Pliilosophy of the poor-laws. — Rights of man and the claims of brutes. — Morals of literature. — Hierarchy of art. — Decemnoren ariaulsm. — Hades. Gaines, G. American girl of the period ; her ways and views. Phila., 1878. S° X. 9161 Grote, G. Fragments on ethical subjects. Lon- don, 1876. 0° X. 8606a Cdntetits : Origin and nature of ethical sentiment. — Philosophy of morals. — Ancient systems of moral philosophy. •— Idea of ethical philosophy. — Ethics of Aristotle. —Politics of Aristotle. t Marine Society. [History, charter, etc.] N. Y., 1877. 0° X. 8673 Mathews, W. Getting on in the world ; or, hints on success in life. Chicago, 1877. D° X. 9393 Payne, G. Elements of mentaland moral sci- ence. N.Y.,1829. 0° X. 3706 Pitman, R. G. Alcohol and the state : a discus- sion of the problem of law as aoplied to the liquor traffic. N. Y., 1877. D° X. 9353 Seneca. Morals; [tr.] by L'Estrange. 6th Amer.ed. Phila., 1871. S° X. 2400 Slnicox, Edith. Natural law : an essay in ethics. Bost., 1877. 0° X. 8746 Vandersloot, J. S. The true path ; or, the Murphy [temperance] movement. Phila., and tJ.jO., 1877. D" X. 9458 Mental and Moral Science— Concluded. „, , CLASS NO. Ward, Mrs. H. O. Sensible etiquette of the best society. Phila., 1878. D° X. 9465 Superstitions, Occult Sciences and Anthro- pology. Bla-vatsky, H. P. Isis unveiled ; a master-key to the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology. N. Y., 1877. 2 vols. „ ,,^ 0° X. 5527 isritten, Emma H. Ghost land ; or, researches into the mysteries of occultism. Bost., 1876. 0° X. 5535 Cahagnet, L. A. Celestial telegraph; or, se- crets of the life to come revealed through magnetism. 2d Amer. ed. N. Y., 1851. D° X. 5071 Carpenter, W. B. Mesmerism, spiritualism, etc., historically and scientifically consid- ered. N. Y., 1877. D° X. 5076 Clarice, E. H. Visions : a study of false sight (pseudopia). With memor. sketch by O. W.Holmes. Bost., 1878. D^ ...X. 4092 Doten, Lizzie. Poems from the inner life. Bost., 1864. D° K. 1125 Fairfield, F. G. Ten years with spiritual me- diums. N. Y., 1875. D° X. 5143 Fernald, W. M. View at the foundations ; or, first causes of character. Bost., 1865. D° .X. 4147 Galton, F. Hereditary genius. N. Y., 1877. D° X. 4161 Holmes, O. W. Mechanism in thought and mor- als. 4th ed. Bost., 1877. D° X. 4210 lice, F. G., editor. More glimpses of the world unseen. Lond., 1878. B° X. 5265 Le-wis, J. B. and Bombaugh, C. C. Remark- able stratagems and conspiracies to defraud Life Ins. Companies. N. Y., 1878. D°...X.5267 Mahan, A. Phenomena of spiritualism scienti- fically explained. Lond., 1875. D° X. 5285 PerUlns, F. B. My three conversations with Miss Chester. [Fiction.] L.. 1347 Sewall, T. Examination of phrenology. Wash., 1837. O" X. 4741 NATURAL HISTORY. Goodrich, S. G. Pictorial natural history. New ed. Phila., 1872. D° E. Gray, A. Darwiniana: essays and reviews per- taining to Darwinism. N. Y., 1877. D°..K. Huxley, T. H. American addresses [on evolu- tion]. N. Y.. 1877. D" E. Letourncau, C. Biology. Lond., 1878. D°..E. AVallace, A. B. Tropical nature and other essays. Lond., 1878. 0° E. Contents : Climate and ptiysi<'al aspects of the Equa- torial zone. — Equatorial vegetation. — Animal life In the tropical forests. — Humming birds as illustrating the luxuriuusn.'ss of tropical nature. — Colours of ani- mals and sexual selection. — Colours of plants and the colour-sense. — By-paths In the domain of biology. — Distribution of animals as Indicating geographical changes. 172 174 219 266 778 Botauiy. tBerlceley, M. J. Introduction to cryptogamic botany. Lond., 1857. 0° E. 1523 Darvirin, C. Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. N. Y., 1877. D° E. 11146 Pratt, Anne. The field and the woodland. 3d ed. Lond., 1847. S°. (Bound with her Flowers and their associations) E. 1357 Flowers and their associations. Lond., 1846. S° E. 1357 fRhind, W. History of the vegetable kingdom. Rev. ed. with supplement. ///. Lond., and v.p., 1874. 0° E. 1723 tia2hi, J. Text-book of botany. Oxf., 1875. 0° E. 1729 Zoology. Agassiz, L. Structure of animal life. N. Y., 1874. 0° E. 2503 . Brougham, H. Lord. Analytical view of the researches on fossil osteology. (With hit Dialogues on instinct) E. 2060 Dialogues on instinct. Lond., 1844. S°. ...E. 2060 Carpenter, W. B. Zoology. New ed., by Dallas. Lond., 1876. 2 vols. D° E. 2076 Cu-vier, Baron. The animal kingdom. Additions by Carpenter and Westwood. New ed. Bost., 1878. Q," E. 2822 Drummond, W. H. Large game and natural history of south and south-east Africa. Edinb., 1875. 0° E. 2576 Entomology, Curiosities of. Lond., n. d. 0°.E. 4581 Enierton, J. H. Structure and habits of spiders. Salem. 1878. S° E. 4136 Gentry, T. G. The house sparrow at home and abroad. Phila., 1878. 0° E. 7598 Half-hours in the deep. N. Y., 1876. D° E. 2182 Huxley, T. H. Anatomy of invertebrate^ ani- mals. N. Y., 1878. D° E. 2219 fJones, T. R. Cassell's book of birds. Lond., andv. p., n. d. 4 vols, in two. Q.°. (400 Engravings and numerous colored plates) . . E. 7847 tKnight, C. Pictorial museum of animated nature. Lond. and N. Y., n. d. 2 vols, in one. Q°. (4000 wood engravings and numerous steel plates.) E. 2850 f. — HamniHlta and birtis. S.— Keptiles, ttshes, niolluaca, and iniiecls. Manton, W. P. Taxidermy without a teacher. So, Framingham, 1876. S° " E. 2887 22 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, NEW YORK CITY. Natural History— Continued. CLASS NO. Martin, W. C. L. History of the dog. Lond., 1845. S°. (Bound with his Hist, of the horse.) E. 8289 History of the horse. Lond., 1845. S°....E. 8389 Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism: a treatise on terrestrial and aerial locomotion. N. Y., 1874. D° E. 2288 Mlnot, H. D. Land-birds and game-birds of New England. Salem, 1877, 0° E. 7684 Natural History— Concluded. CLASS KG. Murray, A. Economic entomology. Aptera. Lond., n.d. D° E. 4323 Rennie, J. Bird architecture. New ed. Lond., 1844. S° E. 7368 Bird miscellanies: illustrative of [their] ha- bits and faculties. Lond. , 1847. S° E . 7369 PERIODICALS. tPettengill, S. M. & Co. Newspaper directory and advertisers' hand-book for 1878. N. Y.,1878. 0° C. 8709 Literary and Miscellaneous. Appleton's journal. New series. Vols. 3, 4. (July, 1877— June, 1878.) N. Y., 1877-8. 2 vols. 0° ...C. 6508 Atlantic monthly. Vols. 1-7. (Nov., 1857— June, 1861.) Bost., 1858-61. 7 vols. 0°..C. 6511 Same. Vols. 40, 41. (July, 1877— June, 1878.) Bost., 1877-8. 2vols. 0° C. 6511 tBaldwin'8 monthly. [Vols. 12-15.] 1876-7. N. Y., 1876-7. Q° C. 6805 Blacltwood'8 Edinburgh magazine. Vols. 121- 123. (Jan. 1877— June, 1878.) N. Y., 1877-8. 3vols. O^ C. 6527 fBritisIi quarterly review. Amer. reprint, Vols. 65, 66. (Jan.— Oct., 1877.) N. Y., 1877. 2 vols, in one. 0° C. 6535 CItambers' Edinburgh journal. Ed. by W. & R. Chambers. New series. Vols. 1-20. (1844-53.) Edinb. and Lond., 1844-54. 20 vols. 0° C. 6550 Cliambers' journal of popular literature, science and arts. Conducted by W. & R. Cham- bers. Vols. 1-20. (1854-63.) Lond. and Edinb., 1854-63. 20 vols, in ten. 0° C. 6550a Cliatterbox for 1875-6. Ed. by J. E. Clarke. N.Y., 1875-6. 2vol8 0° C. 6551 Cornhtill magazine. Vols. 1, 3. Lond., 1860-1. 2 vols. 0° C. 6561 i-Edinburgli review. Amer. reprint. Vols. 145, 146. (Jan.-Oct., 1877.) N. Y., 1877. 2 vols, in one. 0° C. 6580 Every boy's annual for 1878. Ed. by E. Rout- ledge. Lond. and N. Y. , 1878. 0° C 6584 Harper's magazine. Vols. 55, 56. (June, 1877 — May, 1878) N. Y., 1877-8. 2 vols. 0°...C. 6612 Journal of speculative philosophy. Ed. by W. T. Harris. Vols. 8-10. (1874-6.) St. Louis, 1874-6. 3 vols. 0° X. 640 Knicker1>oclEer, The. Vols. 1, 13, 23, 34 and 43. N. Y., 1823-54. 5 vols. 0° O. 6649 tliibrary journal. Vols. 1, 2. (Sept., 1876— Feb., 1878.) N. Y., 1877-8. 2 vols. Q°. . .M. 8855 Ijlpptncott's magazine. Vols. 1-21. Phila., 1868-78. 21 vols. 0° C. 6661 tliondon quarterly review. Amer. reprint. Vols. 143, 144. (Jan.— Oct., 1877.) N. Y, 1877. 2vol8.inone. 0° C. 6664 +Magazine of American history. Vol.1. (Jan. —Dec, 1877.) N. Y. and Chicago, 1877. 0° C. 6670 tWation, The. Vol. 26. (Jan.— June, 1878.) N.Y.,1878. Q° C. 6866 tNational quarterly review. Ed. by D. A. Gor- ton. New series. Vol. 1. (July — Oct., 1877.) N.Y.,1877. 0° C 6696 tVortli American review. Vols. 1-4, 6, 8—97, 103,124-6. Bost., 1815-78. 99 vols. 0=..C. 6700 General index to vols. 1-25. (1815-27.) Bost., 1829. 0° C. 6700 Putnam's monthly magazine. Vols. 2, 4. (July, 1853— Dec, 1854.) N. Y., 1853-4. 2 vols. 0° C. 6716 Scribner's monthly. Ed. by J. G. Holland. Vol. 15. (Nov., 1877— Apl., 1878.) N. Y., 1878. 0° C. 6739 tWestmlnster review. Amer. reprint. Vols. 107, 108. (Jan.-Oct., 1877.) N. Y., 1877. 2 vols, in one. 0° C. 6785 Scientific and Technological. tAnierican journal of science and arts. Ed. by J. D. Dana and others. 3d series, vols. 13- 15. New Haven, 1877-8. 3 vols. 0° C. 7505 tAmerican architect and building news. Vols. 2, 3. (Jan. 1877— June, 1878.) Bost., 1877. 2 vols. Q° C. 7802 tAinerlcan agriculturist. Vols. 35, 36. For 1876-7. N.Y., 1876-7. 2 vols, in one. Q,°.C. 7802a Baird, S. P., edito?: Annual record of science and industry for 1874-7. N. Y., 1875-8. 4 vols. D° C. 7023 tGardener's monthly and horticulturist. Vol. 19. Phila., 1877. 0° C. 7597 tiron ; a new series of the ' Mechanic's Maga- zine.' Vols. 9, 10. (Jan.— Dec, 1877.) Lond., 1877. 2 vols. F° C. 7945 National almanac and annual record for 1864. Phila. and v. p., 1864. D° C. 7327 tPolyteclmic review. Vols. 3, 4. Phila., 1877. 2 vols, in one. F° C. 7972 tPopulai- science monthly. Conducted by E. L. Youmans. Vols. 10-12. (Nov., 1876 — Apl., 1878.) N. Y., 1877-8. 3 vols. 0°...C. 7714 t Same. Supplement. Nos. 1-12. N. Y., 1877-8. 2 vols. 0° C. 7714a tScientific American. Vols. 20-23, 26, 27, 36, 37, 38. N. Y., 1869-78. 9 vols. F° C 7979 t Same. Supplement. Vols. 3-5. N. Y., 1877-8. 3 vols. F° C. 7979a fSmitlisonian institution. Annual report for 1876. Wash., 1877. 0= C. 4747 United States. Patent Office. Official gazette. Vols. 11, 12. Wash., 1877. 2 vols. Q°. C. 7891 and C. 7891t PHYSICAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS. Estes, D., editor. Half-hour recreations in popu- lar science, let series. Bost., [cop. 1874.] D° D. CbnUnU : Proctor, R. A. Strange iliiicuveries rr8|i«ct- Ing the aurora ; ReceiitsoUr resoarohes. — Vir'^how, K. Craulal aflliiltitis of man and the ape. — Spectrum aiialy- iiis explained and Its uses tu Kuience illUHtrated. By Prors. Schellen, Roscoe, and Hug^lns, — Spectrum analysiii discoveries by Profs. Schellen, Young, and others. — Nebulee, comets, meteoric showers. By H. Schellen and others. — Dana, J. D. Corals and coral islands. — Carpenter. W. B. Unconsci'iUs action of the brain. Epidemic delusions. — Scientlfi'- miscellany. Wlncbell, A. Geology of the atani. — Huxley, T. H. On yeast. — Tlce,J. U. Relations bet. matter and force. — Tylor, G. B. The stone age. — Richardson, Dr. Theory of nervous ether. — Toads In the hole. — Hunt, T. S. Origin of metalliferous deposits. — Rotundity of the earth. —Richardson, Dr. Phenomena of sleep. — Animal life at great depths In the sea. — Russian me- 138 tallurglcal works. — Hunt, B. Coal as a reservoir of power. — Meade, Hon. H. Hot sprinns in New Zealand. — Cliflord, Prof. Aloms. — Dove, H. W. Circulation of the waters on the surface of the earth. — What is actluUm ? Huxley, T. D., Roscoe,H. E., and Stuart, B., editors. Science primers, continued : 10. JevoHs, W. S. Political economy U. 4232 11. Spencer, W. G. Inventlonal geometry. .. ». 1417 •SB. Taylor, F. Primer of Planofoite playing..!. 6434 Mancliester science lectures for the people. 8th series, 1876-7. Lond. and N. Y., 1877. D°.D. CoiUenta : R.iscoe, Prof. Whut the earth is composed of. — Willlanison W. C. Succession of life on the earth. — Lockyer, J. W. Wuy the earth's chemistry Is as It l8. 287 BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER, 1878. 23 Physical Science— Continued. CLASS NO, Sontli Kensfngtoii Museum. Conferences held in connection with the collection of scientific apparatus. 1876. N. Y., n.rf. D°.D. 416 Note.— iB divided lulo three Bectloni : (1.) Chemis- try ; ,(2.) Biology ; (3.) Pliysiral geography, geology, mineralogy, and meteorology. tWyltle, J., editor. Circle of the sciences. Lond. and N.Y., »t. rf. 4 vols in two. Q°..D. 899 «. Introd. di«cour«e on the objects, pleasures, and advantages of science, bv Lord Brouglmm. — 1. Heat. — 2. Light. —3. Electiicity —4. Magnetism and eleclro-magnelinm. — 5. Acousiics. —6. Chemistry.— 7. Mathematics. —8, 9. Mechanical philosophy and xpplled mechKiilcs. — 10. Astioimmy. — 11. Navigation and nautical astronomy. — 12. Meteorology. a. 1. Comparative physiology. — 2. Compaiative anatomy, osteology. —3. Zoology. — 4. Ethnology.— 5. Botany. — 6. Cr>slallogr«phy. — 7. Mineralogy. — 8. Oeography. — 9, 10. Geology and applied geology. Astronomy. liocliyer, J. N. Star-gazing : past and present. Lond.,1878. 0°. D- 6663 We-wconib, S. Popular astronomy. N. Y., 1878. 0° D. 6697 Ormatli waite. Lord. Astronomy and geology compared. N. Y., 1872. S° D. 6339 Proctor, R. Myths and marvels of astronomy. N. Y., 1877. 0° D« 6716 Geology and Mineralogy, etc. Collins, J. H. Mineralogy. Vol. 1. General principles. N.Y. [inef. 1877.] S" D. 9097a Huxley, T. H. Physiography : an introduction to the study of nature. 2d ed. N. Y., 1878. D°.... O. 7219 lie Coiite, J. Elements of geology. N. Y., 1878. O" »• 8658 IVicIiolsoii, ii. A. Ancient life-histories of the earth. N. Y., 1878. D° ». 8330 Orniatliwalte, L07'd. Astronomy and geology compared. N. Y., 1872. S° D. 6339 Sonrel, L. Bottom of the sea. Tr. and ed. by Rich. N.Y.,1875. S° D. 7415 Physical Science— Concluded. CLASS NO. fWheeler, G. M. U. S. geographical surveys west' of the 100th' meridian. "Vol. 4. Pa- leontology. Washr, 1877. Q° Q,. 897 Mathematics. Adams, J. Q. Report [on the metric system.] (m• 1417 Physics. liockyer, J. N. Studies in spectrum analysis. N.Y.,1878. D" »• 5272a Mayer, A. B. and Bernard, C. Light, N. Y., 1877. D° D. 3295 Prescott, G. B. The speaking telephone, talk- ing phonograph, and other novelties. N.Y.,1878. 0° »• 4715 Q,nacken1)os, Q. P. Natural philosophy. N.Y., 1877. D° O. 2361 Radau, R. Wonders of acoustics. Rev. by Ball. N. Y., 1872. S° D. 3362 TUorpe, F. E. Manual of inorganic chemistry. Vol. 2. The metals. New ed. N. Y., n. d. SO D. 5439 See also : Periodicals (Scientijlc.) POETRY AND DRAMA. Drama. Aristophanes. Comedies; tr. by Hickie. Lond., 1874. 2 vols. D° K. 8014 t. The Acharnlans. — The knights. — The clouds. — The wasps. — Peace. — The birds. S. LyslBtrata. — The thesmoplioriazusa;. — The frogs. — The eccleslazusaj. — I'lutus. Blaz de Bury, Madame. Moliere and the French classical drama. Lond., 1846. S^.K. 4045 Racine and the French classical drama. Lond., 1845. S°. {Bound with the irre- ceding^ " • 4045 Donaldson, J. W. Theatre of the Greeks : a treatise on the history and exhibition of the Greek drama. London, 1875. D° K. 8124 Do-wden, E. Shakespeare. N. Y., 1878. S°. {Literature iwimers, vol. 5.) K- 2125 Dryden, J. Dramatick works. Lond., 1762-3. 6vols. S° K.2127 1. Essay of dramatick poesy. — Tlie wild gallant.— The rival ladles. — The Indian queen. — Tlie Indian emperor ; or, the conquest of Mexico. S. Secret love ; or, the maiden queen. — St. Martin Har-all ; or, the felgn'd Innocence. — The tempest ; or, the enchanted Island. — Evening's love ; or, the mock astrologer. — Tyranntck love ; or, the royal martyr. 3. Almanzor and Almahlde ; or, the conquest of Granada. — Marriage ii la mode. — The assignation ; or, love In a nunnery. — Amboyna ; or, the cruelties of the Dutch to the English mercliants. 4. The state of innocence, and the fall of man. — Aureug-Zebo ; or, the great mogul. — All for love ; or, the world well lost. — Llmberham ; or, the kind keeper. — (Kdlpus. 5. Troilus atid Cresslda. — The Spanish fryar. — The Duke of Guise. — Vindication of the ' Duke of Oulae.' — Albion and .\lbianus. e. Don Sebastian, king of Portugal. — Amphltrjon ; or, the two Soslas. — Cleomenes the Spartan hero. — King Arthur. — Luye triumphant. Fitxfferald, P. Romance of the English stage. Lond., 1874. 2 vols. 0° K. 2591 Ho-wells, W. D. A counterfeit presentment : comedy. Bost., 1877. S° K. 2214a Jacox, F. Shakespeare diversions : a medley of motley wear. N.Y., 1876. 0° K. 2636 liewes, G. H. On actors and the art of acting. N.Y.,1878. D" K. 267 The Spanish drama : Lope de Vega and Cal- deron. Lond., 1846. S°. {Bound with Dennis, G. The Cid.) K. 5158 Plantns. Comedies ; literally tr. by Riley. Lond., 1875. 2 vols. D" K. 8354 1. Trlnummus; the three pieces of money. — Milesglorhisus : the braggart captain. — Bacchldes ; or, the twin sisters. — Stlchus ; or, the parasite rebuffed. — Pseudoius ; or, the cheat. — Menajchiml : or, the twin brothers. — Alularia ; or, the ass dealer. — Curculio ; or, the forgery. «. Amphitryon ; or, Jupiter In disguise. — Kudena ; ihe tisheiman's rope. — Mercator ; ihe merchant.— Clstellaria ; or, the casket. —Trucnlentus ; tlie churl. — Persa ; the Persian. — Casina ; or, tlie stratagem de- (eated. — Pcenulus ; the young Cartliagenlan.— Epidl- cus ; or, the lortuiiate discovery. — Mosteliarla; or, the haunted house. — Fragments. — Index. [*Plays by various authors], v. p. and v. d. S° . .K. 2354 Contents : Love laughs at locksmiths. — The piize. — Whistle for it : a comic drama. By Hon. G. Lnmb — Lock and key. — Of age to morrow ; a musical entertain- ment. — The caravan ; or, the driver and his dog : a serio-comic romance. By P. Reynolds. — The romp : a musical entertainment. By Mr. Blckerstall. — The weathercock. — Sprigs of laurel. tRepertoire g^nfiral dn theatre Fran9ais. Paris, 1818. 67 vols. D". {Vols. SS, 60, 65 want- ing.) K.4370 Vols. 1-«T. TMatre du premier ordre: V. 1-5, P. Cornellle. 6-10, J. Baclne. 11-13, Creblllon. 14- 17, Voltaire. J8-23, Moliere. 24-7, Regnard. S8-Cf . Theatre du sectnd ordre: V. 28-34, Tragedies. 35-51, Comedies en vers. M-65, ComCdleB en prose. 66-7, Drames. 24 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, NE^VT YORK CITY. Poetry and Drama— Continued. CLASS NO. Rolfe, W. J. edito)'. Shakespeare's ' As you like it,' with notes. N. Y., 1878. S° K. 2402a Romeo and Juliet, Travesty on. St. Louis, 1877. 0° K. 2726 Sclilegel, A. W. vou. Dramatic art and litera- ture ; tr. by J. Black. Kev. by Morrison. Loud., 1876. D" K- 391 Shakespeare, W. Dowden, E. Shakespeare. N.Y., 1878. S°. {Literature primers, vol.h)JS-' 212S Jacox, F. Shakespeare diversions : a med- ley of motley wear. N. Y., 1875. 0° K. 2636 Rolfe, W. J., editor. Shakespeare's ' As you like it,' with notes. N. Y., 1878. S° K. 2402a Weiss, J. Wit, humor, and Shakespeare. Bost.. 1876. D° K. 2472 See also : Biography (2. Individual {Shake- speare']). Wagner, E. The Nibelung's ring ; tr. by For- man. Lond.,1877. D° K- 3463 Weiss, J. Wit, humor, and Shakespeare. Bost., 1876. D° K. 2472 Poetry. Alden, J. Studies in Bryant. N. Y., 1877. S°. (Literature primers, vol. 8.) K. 1007a * Britisli poets. Works of. With lives of the authors, by E. Sanford and R. Walsh. Vols. 3, 5-8, 11, 13-19, 22. Phila., 1819. 14 vols. S° K. 1058 3. Shakespeare and Jonsoii. S. Drummontl, Beaumont, Giles and Pliineas Fletrher, Raleigh, Duvenant, UabiuKton, Suckling, Crathaw, Cutton, Cartwrlght, Brome, Sher- burne, Herrick, Wither, Brown. 0. Oowley, Waller, Denham. ■?■-«. Milton. 14. Dryden. 13. Parnell, Phillips, Earl of Dorset, Stepney, Walsh, Smltli, Duke, King, Sprat, Montagu, Bowe. 14. Addison, Oarth, Huglies, Sheffield, Congreve, Fenton, Pattlaon. 15. Prior, Blackraore. 1«. Gay. 1'5'. TIckfll, Lord Lansdowne, Yalden, Green, Ham- mond, Somervile. 18. SwlIU 18. Savage and Dyer. as. Thomson. Besaiit, W. Studies in early French poetry. Bost., 1877. D° K. 4087 Bro-wiiing, Eliz. B. iarlier poems, 1826-33. N. Y., 1878. S° K. 1061 Carroll, L. Hunting the snark. Lond., 1876. D° K. 1077 Chapman, G., translator. Homer's Batracho- myomachia, hymns and epigrams, etc. Notes by Hooper. Lond., 1858. S° K. 8083 Note ; Contains also transiations of HeHioiVa ' Works and days ;' Muswun * Hero and Leauder j' and JuvenaVft 'Filth satire.' Dante Alighieri. Divine comedy ; tr. by Long- fellow. Bost., 1873. 3 vols. S° K. 6113 1. Inferno. S. Purgatorio. 3. Paradise. Poetry and Drama— Concluded. CLASS NO. Dennis, G. The Cid : founded on the earlier poetry of Spain. Lond., 1845. S° K. 5118 Doten, Lizzie. Poems from the inner life. Bost., 1864. D° K- 1125 Eliot, George, [pseud, of Marian J. Lewes.] How Lisa loved the king. Bost., 1869. S°. it. 1135a Legend of Jubal. Bost., 1874. S° li- 11356 Spanish Gypsy. Bost., 1877. D= K. 1135c Forestier, A. Echoes from mist-land ; or, the Nibelungen lay revealed. Chicago, 1877. D= K. 3156 Gilbert, W. S. Fifty ' Bab ' ballads. TZit. Lond., 1877. D° K. 1167 Goethe, J. W. von. Poems ; tr. by Bowring. 2ded. Lond., 1874. D° K. 3171 Homer. Iliad ; tr. by Bryant. Bost., 1875. 2 vols. S° K. 8211c Same ; tr. by Caldcleugh. Phila., 1870. D°.K. 821l6f Same ; tr. by Chapman. Notes by Hooper. 2ded. Lond., 1865. 2 vols. S° K. 8211ti Same; tr. by Cowper. 2d ed. by Johnson. Lond., 1802. 2 vols, in one. 0° K. 8627a Odyssey ; tr. by Chapman. Notes by Hooper. 2d ed. Lond., 1874. 2 vols. S° K. 82110 Same ; tr. by Cowper. 2d ed. by Johnson. Lond., 1802. 2 vols, in one. 0° K. 86276 Batrachomyomachia, etc. See Chapman, G° Church, Rev. A. J. Stories from Homer. N.Y.,1878. D° L,. 1089 Hood, T. the younger. Poems, humorous and pathetic. With memoirs. Lond., 1877. D° K. 12126 Iceland, C. G. Hans Breitman's ballads. Phila., [cop. 1871]. D"^ K. 1264a Liongfellow, H. W. Keramos and other poems. Bost., 1878. S° K. 1273 editor. Poems-of places : Greece and Tur- key in Europe. Bost., 1878. S" K. 1273 Same : Russia. Bost., 1878. S° K. 1273 Miller, J. Baroness of New York. N. Y., 1877. D° K. 1304 Outcropping^ : being selections of California verse. San Francisco, 1866. D° K. 1340 Ovidins Naso. Metamorphoses ; tr. by Riley. Lond., 1876. D° K. 8340 Propertiiis, Felronius and Johannes sec- ■undus ; tT.hyKeWy. Lond., 1854. D°...K:. 8358 Contentt: Elegies of Propertlus. — Satyriccn of Petro- nius Ari'iter. — Kisses of .Johannes secundus. — Love epistles of A ristajnot us. Stedman, E. C. Poetical works. Bost., 1874. D° K. 1422 Swinburne, A. C. Poems and ballads : second series. N.Y.,1878. D° K. 1432 Theocritus, Bionawrf Slosclius. Idylls awe? War songs of Tyrtaeus. Literally tr. by Banks, with metrical versions by Chapman. Lond., 1876. D" K. 8437 Virgllius Maro, P. Works : literally tr. by Davidson. Rev. by Buckley. Lond., 1875. D° K. »ma POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. Commerce. Banfield, T. C. Industry of the Rhine. Lond., 1846. 2vols.inone. S° U. 8025 1. Agiiculture. SS. Matiufactnrcs. Craik, G. L. History of British Commerce. Lond., 1844. 3 vols, in one. S° U. 8104 Jones, T. Book-keeping and accountantship. N. Y.,1875. [cop. 1853.] 0° H. 9640 fLindsay, W. S. History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce. Lond., 1874. 4 vols. 0° tJ. 8661 Mettenlieimer, H. J. Safety book-keeping, an Exposition of book-keeper's frauds. Cmc, 1875. S° H. 9802 +Mational Board of Trade. Proceedings of the 9th annual meeting in Milwaukee, Augt., 1877. Chicago, 1877. 0° U. 8696 tMe-wr If orh Chamber of Commerce. 20th annual report for 1877-8. N. Y., 1878. 0° V. 8697 tNeiir York Produce Exchange. Report, (June 1, '76, to Dec. 31, '77.) N. Y., 1878. 0°. ..U. 8697a 'Wright, E. Politics and mysteries of Life In- surance. Bost. and N. Y., 1873. D° IJ. 84i Finance. Johnson, A. B., and others. Banker's common- place book. N. Y., 1870. D° U. 7233 Iiinderman, H. R. Money and legal tender in the U.S. N.Y.,1877. D" IT. 7269 Mann, C. A. Paper money, the root of evil. N. Y., 1872. D° U. 7287 IVewcomb, S. A B C of finance. N. Y., 1878. T°. (H.H.S.) V. 7329a Poor, H. v. Money and its laws : embracing a history of monetary theories. N. Y., 1877. 0° V. 7714 Walker, F. A. Money. N. Y., 1878. 0° IT. 7778 Government and Politics. Alden, J. Science of Government. N.Y.,[cop. 1866.1 D° ...XJ. 1007 fCongressional record : proceedings of the 45th Congr. 1st eess. Vol.6. Wash., 1877. Q°.U. 2821 Liorimer, G. C. The great conflict : a discourse concerning Baptists and religious liberty Bost., 1877. S" U, 278 BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER, 1878, 26 Polit and Social Science— Continued. CLASS NO. McKnlght, D. A. Electoral system of the U. S. Phila., 1878. 0° V. 1669 McMillan, D. C. Elective Franchise in the U.S. N.Y.,1878. D° U. 1282 +Ne-w York State. Documents of the assembly ; 99th session. Alb., 1877. 8 vols. 0° 11.2697 t Dociiments of the senate ; 99th session. Alb., 1877. 7 vols. 0° U. 26976 + Journal of the assembly ; 99th session. Alb. , 1876. 0° IJ. 2697a t Journal of the senate ; 99th session. Alb., 1876. 0° V. 2697c Nordliofl', C. Politics for young Americans. N.Y.,1877. S° tJ. 333 Paine, T. Political writings. Bost., 1870. 2 vols. 0° IT. 705 t. Sketch of [his] lite. — Common sense. — Epistle to the Quakers. — The crisis, etc X. Prospects on the Rubicon. — Bights of man. — First principle of government, elc Ro88, D., editor. Opinions of the European press on the Eastern question. Lond., 1836. 0°.U. 727 SlinrtleflT, J. B. Govertimental instructor. 3d ed. by Camp. N. Y. [cop. 1871.] S° U. 1404 Stnbbs, W. Constitutional history of England. Vol.3. Oxf., 1878. D° IT. 426 Thompson, J. P. The U. S. as a nation : lec- ture on the Centennial of American inde- pendence. Bost., 1877. D° IT. 1438a tUnited States. Message of president and selections from accompanying documents. (Abridged.) 2d sess. 44th, and 2d sess. 45th Congress. Wash., 1876-7. 2 vols. 0°....V. 2773p La'w. Bishop, 6. Every woman her own lawyer. N.Y., [cop. 1858.] D° V. Boone, Anna B. Increase of crime and its cause. Bost., 1872. D" V. Bovee, M. A. Reasons for abolishing capital punishment. Chicago, 1873. D° V. Clark, E. C. Early Roman law. The regal period. Lond., 1872. D" V. tConnecticnt. Charter granted by Charles II. New Lond., 1750. Q° V. Cashing, L. S. Rules of proceeding and debate. Rev. by E. L. Cushing. Bost., 1877. 8°.V. Dean, A. Birant & Stratton's commercial law for business men. N. Y., 1864. 0° V. Dumas, A. Celebrated crimes. Lond., 1843. C.V. Contents : The Borgiaa. — Countess of Saint-Geran. — Joan of Naples. — Nisldla. — Harchlnness of IJrlnvlI- liers. — The Cencl. — Marchioness de Oanges. — Karl Lad wig Sand. — Vaninka.— Urban Orandler. l.aveleye, E. de. Primitive property ; tr. by Marriott. Lond., 1878. O" V. Markby, W. Elements of law. 2d ed. Oxf., 1874. D° V. Same. Supplement. Oxf,, 1875. D° V. Moir, J. M., editor. Capital punishment. Based on Mittermaier's ' Todesstrafe.' Lond., 1865. D° V. Montaga, B. Opinions of different authors upon the punishment of death. Lond., 1809-13. 3vols. 0° V. Morse, J. T., Jr. Famous trials, Bost., 1874. D°.V. Contents: The Ticlibome claimant, — Troppniann. — Prince Pierre Bonaparte. — Mrs. Whartou. — The Me- teor. — Mrs. Fair. fNew York State. Laws passed at 100th session of legislature. Alb., 1877, 2 vols. 0°...,V. Note. — Vol. 2 contains tiie revised 'Code of civil pro- cedure.' Robinson, W. S. Warrington's manual [of par- liamentary law]. Bost., 1875. S" V. Tracy, W, Hand-book of law for business men, 3ded. N,Y,,1876. 0° V. "Whiting, W, War powers under the constitu- tion of the U, S. 43d ed. Bost., 1871, 0°.V. 43 7051 7054 2092 4820 108 6570 9577 2657 288 288a 7311 7688 9317 4697 375 6768 3788 Polit and Social Science— Concluded. Political Economy. , „ CLASS NO. Ash worth, H, Recollections of Richard Cobden and the anti corn-law league. Lond., f j)ref. 1876]. D° .......V. 4017 Bolles, A. S. Conflict between labor and capital, Phila., 1876. D° U. 4049 Dacus, J. A. Annals of the great strilces in the U. S. [in 1877]. Chicago, 1877. D° tJ. 4111 Hale, E. E. Back to back : a story of to-day : N.Y.,1878. T.° (H.H.S.) Fiction. li. 1182 Ho-we, J. B. Monetary and industrial fallacies. Bost., 1878. 0° U. 4628 Political economy of Great Britain, the U. S. and France in the use of money. Bost., 1878. 0° V. 7628 Ho-well, G. Conflicts bet, capital and labour. Lond., 1878. D° tJ. 4214 Jervis, J. B. The question of labour and capital. N.Y.,1877. D° V, 4231 Jevons, W. S. Political economy. N. Y., 1878. S°. {Science primers, vol. 11.) U. 42.32 Knight, C. Capital and labour, including ' The results of machinery.' Lond., 1845. S°. (Bound with his ' Volume of varieties,'). . . M. 1249 Pinkerton, A. Strikers, communists, tramps, and detectives. N.Y.,1878. D° U. 4353 Stnrtevaiit, J. M. Economics ; or, the science ofwealth. N.Y.,1877. D° U. 4426 "Walker, F. A. The wages question. N. Y., 1876. 0° U. 4778a Social Science. Charities of France in 1866. Bost., 1867. 0°...TJ. 9551 Ellis, W, Thoughts on the future of the human race, Lond., 1866. D° U. 9135a Fletcher, J. Studies on slavery. Natchez, 1852. 0° U. 9591 Holland, J. G. Nicholas Mintum : a study [of pauperism] in a story, N. Y,, 1877. D° 1210 Jay, W, Miscellaneous writings on slavery. Bost. and D. ;j., 1853. D° V. 9228 Liiefde, J. de. Six months among the charities of Europe. Lond., 1865. 2 vols. D" U. 9268 Michelet, M. J. Woman (La femme). N, Y., 1874. D.° V. 9303 New republic. The ; or, culture, faith, and phil- osophy in an English country house. [By W. H. Mallock]. 3d ed., Lond., 1877, 2 vols, D° U. 9329 tBTe-w York City. Board of Police Justices. Annual report for 1876-7. N. Y., 1877-^. 2 vols. 0° U. 9697c Nordhotr, C. Communistic societies of the U. S. N.Y.,1875. 0° U. 9700 Pro-slavery argument. Phila., 1853. D° U. 9358 Kote. — Essays in fnvor of slavery, by Cliancellor Har- per, Geo. Hammond, Dr. Sims, and Prof. Dew. Stephen, C. E. Service of the poor. Loud, and N. Y., 1871. D^ V. 94S1 Yonge, Charlotte M. Womankind. N. Y. and Lond., 1877. D» V. 9498 Statistics. ^Financial Reform Association. Financial re- form almanack for 1878. Lond., 18?'8. 0°.U. 6590 tHanford, A. Texas state register for 1878. Gal- veston, 1878. D= U. 6185 Martin, F. Statesman's year-book for 1877-8. Lond., 1877-8. 2 vols. D" .....U. 6289 National Almanac and annual record for 1864. Phila. and v. p., 1864. B° C. 7327 +New York State. Census for 1875. By C. W. Seaton, Alb., 1877. Q° V. 6866 THEOLOGY. BibUcal. Abbott, L. Acts of the apostles. With notes and illustration. N. Y., 1876. 0° Y. S501e Agnilar, G, Women of Israel. N. Y., 1876. 2 vols, D° Y. 8006 Airy, G. B. Notes on the earlier Hebrew scrip* tures. Lond., 1876. 0° Y. 2608 Alexander, A, Canon of the old and new testa- ment ascertained. New ed, Phila. [«^. 1851]. D= Y. 8007< Barnes, A. Notes on the Acts of the apostles, and the Epistle to the Romans. Rev. by Cumming, Lond., 1860. I>° Y. 2038rt — • — Notes on 1st Epistle to the Corinthians. N. Y.,1859. D" Y. 30286 26 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, NEW YORK CITY. Theology— Continned. CLASS NO Barnes, A. Notes on 2d Corinthians and Epistle to the Galatians. N. Y., 1859. D° Y. 2028c Notes on the Epistles to the Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. N. Y., 1859. D° T. 2028d Notes on the Gospels. N. Y., 1857. 2 vols. D°... Y. 2028 Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews. N. Y.,1850. D° Y. 2028/ Notes on the Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude. N. Y., 1859. D° Y. 2028.9 Notes on the Book of revelations. N. Y., 1859. D° Y. 2028A Notes on the Epistles to the Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus and Philemon. N. Y., 1859. D° Y. 2028e tBauer, c. Paul the apostle, his life and work, his epistles and doctrines. Ed. by Zeller. 2d [Eng.] ed. by Menzies. Lond., 1876. 2 vols. 0° Y. 2518 Blrkg, T. R. First elements of sacred prophecy. Lond., 1843. D° Y. 2043 Bleek, P. Introduction to the old testament. Ed. by J. Bleek and A. Kamphausen. Lond., 1875. 2 vols. D° Y. 2045 t Lectures on the Apocalypse ; ed. by David- son. Lond., 1875. 0° Y. 2527 tCassell, Petter & Oulplii, pitblishe)-s. Bible dictionary. Lond., n. d. 2 vols, in one. Q° Y. 2816 Contril>ntlons towards a harmony of the gos- pels ; lanon.] Lond. and Edin., 1848. 0°.Y. 2559a Dykes, J. O. Abraham the friend of God. N. Y., 1877. D° Y. 2130 Xiivald, G. H. A. von. Commentary on the prophets of the Old Testament. Lond. and Edinb., 1875-6. 2 vols. 0° Y. 2584 • - Y661, * Amos, Hoeua,' and * Zakharya,' chap. Ix.-xl. S. Yesaya, ' Obadya, and Hiklia. Farrar, F. W. Life of Christ. N. Y., 1875. 2vols. 0° Y. 2586 Furiiegg, W. H. Power of spirit manifest in Jesus of Nazareth. Phila., 1877. D° Y. 2160 GauMsen, L. Canon of the Holy Scriptures. BoBt., [cop. 1862]. D° Y. 2163a + Geikle, C. Life and words of Christ. N. Y., 1878. 2vols. 0° Y. 2598 God\rin, J. H. Epistle to the Romans : a new transl. with notes. Lond. , 1873. D° Y. 2171 Gospel for the 19th century ; [anon.] 2d ed. Lond. and v. p. {jfrref. 1877] . 0° Y. 2604 Haley, J. W. Alleged discrepancies of the Bible. Andover, 1876. D° Y. 2182 Hodge, C. Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. 19th ed. N. Y., 1878. D° Y. 9208 fjamieson, R., Fausset A. R., and Brovi^ii, D. Commentary, critical, experimental, and practical, on the old and new testa- ments. Phila., [pre/. Glasg., 1868]. 6 vols. 0° ....Y. 1686 t. GeneaU — Deuteronomy, by R. Jamieson. a. JoBbna — Esther, by R. Jamieson. 3. Job — Isaiah, by A. R. Fausset. 4. Jeremiah — Malachi, by A. K. Fausset, 5. Matthew — John, by D. Brown. «. Acts — Romans, by D. Brown ; 1 Corinthians — Revelations, by A. B. Fausset. tKltto, J. Illustrated family bible, with notes. Introductions by T. R. Birks. Lond., n. d. 2vols. Q° Y. 1849 Liyon, W. P. Millennial studies ; or, what saith the scriptures concerning the kingdom and advent of Christ? Lond. [pre/. 18561. D°.Y. 2276 91'Caul, A. Testimonies to the divine authority and inspiration of the holy scriptures, in reply to J. F. Stephen. Lond., 1862. D°.Y. 2277 McClelland, A. Manual of sacred interpreta- tion. N. Y., 1842. S" Y. 22776 tM'Clintock, J., and Strong. J., editor*. Cy- clopeedia of biblical, theological, and eccle- siastical literature. "Vols. 6, 7. (Me— Pes.) N.Y., 1876-7. 2 vols. O" Y. 2666 Macdonaltl, D. Introduction to tiie Pentateuch. Edinb., 1861. 2 vols. 0° Y. 2667o Macduff, J. R. Brighter than the sun : a life of our lord for the young. N. Y., 1878. 0°.Y. 26676 Mahan, M. Palmoni ; or, the numerals of scrip- ture a proof of inspiration. N. Y., 1864. D° Y. 2S Theology— Continned. CLASS KO. Miles, H. A. Birth of Jesus. Bost., 1878. S° Y. 2304 Oort, H., and Hooykas, J. Bible for learners. Vols. 1, 2. Bost., 1878. 2 vols. D" Y. 2338 1. Introduction. — The generations before Moses. — From Moses to David. S. From David to tlie supremacy of the Mosaic law. tOverbeck, Introduction to the Acts. From De Wette's Hand-book. (Prefixed to Zeller, E., Acts of the apostles) Y. 2800 Renan, E. The apostles. N. Y., 1869. D°....Y. 2369 Taylor, W. M. Daniel the beloved. N. Y., 1878. D° Y. 2434a Tlsckendorf, C. Origin of the four gospels. Bost., [cop. 1867]. S° Y. 2442 tZeller, E. Acts of the apostles critically investi- gated, tr. by Dare. Lond., 1875. 2 vols. 0° Y. 2800 Devotional, Practical and Miscellaneous. Brown, J. B. Battle and burden of life. N. Y., 1876. D° Y. 7061a Carvosso, W., Methodist class-leader. Memoir of. Written by himself. N. Y., 1846. S° Y. 7077 Clarke, J. P. Go up higher ; or, religion in common life. [Sermons]. Bost., 1877. D° Y. 8092 Kingsley, C. All Saints day and other ser- mons ; ed. by Harrison. N. Y., 1878. D° Y. 8244 Mnklenberg, W. A. Evangelical Catholic papers. St. Johnland, 1877. 2 vols. 0°.Y. 5692 1. Hints on Catholic union. — Exposition of the memorial of sundry presbyters to the House of bishops. — What the memorialists want. — What the memorialists do not want. — A fuitlier communication on the memorial. — A word for good Friday. — Letters to a friend. — Clirist and the bible ; not the btble and Christ. — Su),');estlons for the formation of an Evangeli- cal Catholic tjnion. — The Lord's supper in its relation to Christian union. — St. Johnland : a retro-prospectus. — A directory for the ' Church of the Testimony of Jesus ' at St. Johnland, L. I. ft. Plea for Cliristlan hymns. — The rebuke of the Lord : sermon alter the great fire In N. Y., 1835. — Address : laying of corner-stone nf St. Paul's College, L. J. — Address : laying of corner-stone of the Church of the Holy Communion, N. Y. — Plea for a church hospital In the city of N. Y. — Sketch of the history of St. Luke's Hospital, and pastoral notes, 1871. — Pro- testant sisterhoods. — Sermon at reopening of the Church of Augustus. — Lecture on congregational sing- ing. — One way of keeping Lent, and the claims of holy week. — The three crosses. — The woman and her aocusers. — The Church a brotherhood. — Six sermons. Saphlr, A. The hidden life : thoughts on com- munion with God. N. Y., [jrref. 1877]. D° Y. 7385 Shedd, W. G. T. Theological essays. N. Y., 1877. 0° Y. 5742 Contenit : Method and Influence of theological stu- dies. — Nature and Influence of the historic spirit. — Idea of evolution defined and applied to history. — Doctrine of original sin. — The atonement a satisfac- tion for the ethical nature of both Ood and man. — Symbols and Congregationalism. — Clerical education. Simons, M. L. 'The gospel awakening': ser- mons, etc, of Moody and Sankey. Chicago, 1877. D° Y. 8407 Stanley, A. P. Addresses and sermons. Lond., 1877. D° Y. 8421 Contents : Study of greatness. — Hopes of theology. — Succession of spiritual life. — Principles of Christian- ity. — The two great commandments. Taylor, J. J. Last series of Christian aspects of faith and duty : discourses. Bost., 1877. D° Y. 8434 IValker, J. B. Living questions of the age. [rev. ed.] Phila., 1877. D" Y. 5465 IVilllams, H. T. Wonders of prayer : record of authenticated answers to prayer. N. Y., 1877. D" Y. 7484 Doctrinal and Controversial. Auiberley, Visco^inf. Analysis of religious belief. Lond., 1876. 2vols. O" Z. 2505A Bates, W. Four last things : death, judgment, heaven and hell, practically considered. Burlington, 1832. O' Y. 6518 BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER, 1878. 21 Theology— Continued. CLASS NO. Beecher, E. History of opinions on the doc- trine of retribution. N. Y., 1878. D°...Y. 6034O Bixby, J. T. Similarities of physical and reli- gious knowledge. N. Y.,1876. D» Z. 3043a Blackie, J. S. Natural history of Atheism. N. Y.,1878. D^ Z. 2044 Boartliuaii, G. D. Studies in the creative week. N. Y.,1878. D° Z, 3048a Board man, H. A. The 'higher life' doctrine of sanctiftcation tried by the word of Grod. Phila. [co/A 1877]. D° V. 6048 Burr, E. F. Ad fldem ; or, parish evidences of the bible. Bost., 1876. D° Z. 3066a Butler, J. Analogy of religion, natural and re- vealed, to the constitution and course of nature. With introd. essay by Barnes. N. Y., 18-35. D" Z. 3069a Campbell, S. M. Story of creation. Bost., 1877. D° .Z. 3073 Capes, J. M. To Kome and back. Lend., 1873. D° Z. 1074 Clirlst : His nature and work : a series of dis- courses. N. Y.,1878. D° Y. 6088 Omtentt : Crosby, H. God ever active In Christ. — Bellows, H. W. Sacrlflclal element la ChrlBtlanlty. — Toss, C. D. The four gospels. — Morgan, W. P. Christ's espousal of the lost. — Anderson, T. D. Christ's sauc- tloa to the authority of revelation. — Armitage, T. Jesus : His self-introspection. — Newton, K. H. Christ's law of co-operation. — Waslihurn, E. A. Life of Christ the proof ot His divine revelation. — Giles, C. Who was Jesus Christ ? — Kogers, E. P. Magnetism of the cross. Robinson, C. S. A live coal from off the altar. — Bevan, L. D. Witness of Jesus to Himself. —Chapln, E. H. Conditions of religious life. Clirlstlieb, T. Best methods of counteracting modern infidelity. N. Y., 1874. D= Z. 8088 Clarke, J. Cause and origin of evil. Lond., 1720-1. 2 vols. D° Y. 6092c Cook, J. Boston Monday lectures : Biology. Bost., 1877. U° Z. 3100 Same. Orthodoxy. Bost., 1878. D° Z. 3100a Same. Transcendentalism. Bost., 1878. D°.Z. 31006 Da-wson, J. W. Origin of the world, according to revelation and science. N. Y., 1877. D° Z. 3115a Deiuent, R. S. Ingersoll, Beecher, and dogma. Chicago, 1878. D° Z. 2118 Farrar, P. W. Eternal hope : five sermons. N. Y.,1878. D° Y. 6144 Foumlations of our faith : ten papers by Profs. Auberlen, Gess, and others. Lond., 1863. D° Y. 6156 Omitents: Introd. by Prof. Kiggenbach. — What Is faith? by the same. — Gess, W. P. Nature or God. — Stahelln, E. Sin, its nature and consequences. — Au- berlen, Prof. The old testament dispensation and the heathen world. — Kiggeiibach, Prol. The person of Jesus Christ. — Gess, W. P. Christ's atonement for sin. — Aiiherlen, Prof. Keeurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. — Preiswerk, S. The holy spirit and the Christian church. — Stockmeyer, Dr. Doctrine of Justi- fication by faith. — Stiihellu, E. The luture : 1. Im- mortality of the soul. 2. Eternal life. Fisher, G. P. Beginnings of Christianity: state of the Roman world at the birth of Christ. N.Y., 1877. 0° Y. 3590 Supernatural origin of Christianity. New ed. N. Y. 1875. O" Z. 3591 Jfo(p.— Controverts the theories of Kenan, Strauss, and the Tubingen school. Frotliingkam, O. B. The rising and the setting faith, and other discourses. N. Y., 1878. D° Z. 2158c Contents : Mission of the radical preacher. — The rising and the setting faith. —Unbelief ot the believers. — Why does the popular religion i)revall ?— Fornml religion and life. — The sectarian spirit. — The dogma of hell. — The higher 8eDtlraents.--Attitudes of unbelief. — Otilce of prayer. — The American gentleman. — The American lady. t Froutle, J. A. Nemesis of faith. Lond., 1849. D° Z. 2158<7 Graff, J. F. ' Greybeard's ' lay sermons : a sum- mary of the doctrines of holy scripture. Phila., 1877. S° Y. 6174 Crreg, W. R. Creed of Christendom : its found- ations contrasted with its superstructure. 5th ed. Bost,, 1877. 2 vols. O'^ Z. 2605 Hale, Lucretia P. The Lord's supper and its ob- servance. Boat., 1877. S°. .,,,Y. 6183 Theology--Contmued. CLASS NO. Harper, Mrs. St. John (Eckel). St. Peter's bride. N. Y., 1878. D° Z. 1186 Hedge, F. H. Ways of the spirit, and other essays. Bost., 1877. D° Z. 2198 Hndson, C. F. Debt and grace as related to the doctrine of a future life. 4th ed. Bost., 1868. D° Y. 6215 Hunt, L. Agrippa ; or, the evangelists : histori- cal point of view. N. Y., 1857. 0° Z. 2630 Ingergoll, R. G. The gods, and other lectures. N. Y., 1876. S° Z. 8223 Conlenta : Oration on the gods. — Oration on Thos. Paine.— Arraignment of the church. — Heretics and Heresies. — Oration on Humboldt. Inquiry concerning the causes of moral evil. Lond., 1856. S°.- Y. 6223 James, H. Secret of Swedenborg. Bost., 1869. 0° Z. 4636 Kip, W. I. Church of the apostles. N. Y., 1877. D° Y. 6244a Liee, J. D. Mormonbishop. Mormonism unveiled; or, [his] life and confessions. St. Louis andt). p. 1877. 0° Z. 4658 Manning, H. E. Vatican decrees in their bear- ing on civil allegiance. N. Y., 1875. D°.Z. 1287 ^oU. — Reply to Gladstone. Moehler, J. A. Symbolism : or, the doctrinal differences bet. Catholics and Protestants ; tr. with memoir by Robertson. 3d ed. N. Y., [pre/. Wurzburg, 1843]. D° Z. 1.311 Monk, Maria. Further disclosures concerning the Hotel Dieu nunnery of Montreal. N. Y., 1837. S° Z. 1313 Keander, A. History of Christian dogmas. Lond., 1872. 2 vols. D° Y. 6328 Nelson, D. Cause and cure of infidelity. N. Y., 1837. D° Z. 2328 \e-wman, J. H. Letters on Mr. Gladstone's recent expostulation. N. Y., 1875. D°. (Bound with Manning, H. E. Vatican decrees, etc.) . . Z. 1287 Seymour, M. H. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. N. Y., 1849. D" Z. 1401 Spencer, I. S. Evidences of divine revelation in a letter to a judge. Bost. [co/>. 1865]. S°.Z. 3417 Stenkouse, T. B. H. The RocKy Mountain saints ; a history of the Mormons. N. Y., 1873. 0° Z. 4753 Steplien, L. Essays on freethinking and plain- speaking. N.Y.,1877. D° Z. 2420 Strauss, D. F. Old faith and the new : a con- fession. N.Y.,1874. D° Z. 2425 Supernatural religion : an inquiry into the reality of divine revelation. Vol. 3. 2d ed. Lond., 1877. 0° Z. 2757 To'wnsend, L. T. Intermediate world. Bost., 1878. S° Y. 6445 Trevern, J. F. M. Amicable discussion on the church of England and the Reformation ingeneral. N.Y.,w.rf. D° Z. 1446 Vatican council. Decrees and canons. {Bound with Manning, H. E. Vatican decrees, etc.) Z. 1287 AValker, J. B. Doctrine of_the holy spirit. Chicago, 1874. D". ; Y. 6464a • Philosophy of the plan of salvation. Chicago, 1877. D' Y. 64646 Walwortli, C. A. and Burr, W. H. Doctrine of hell ventilated : a discussion. N. Y., 1873. S° Y. 6464/ IVard, A. N. Male;; life amongj^the Monnons. Phila. [cop. 1863.J D° Z. 4465 "Ward, Maria. Female life among the Mormons. Phila. \cop. 1866.] D° Z. 4466 Abaters, N. R. Through Rome on : a merrioir of Christian and extra-Christian experience. N. Y., 1877. D" Z. 2468 "Wkite, A. D. Warfare of science. N.Y., 1877. D° , Z. 2481 Wilkinson, J. J. G. On human science.'good and evil, and on divine revelation. Phila., 1876. 0° Z. 4790 "Wiseman, N. Connexion between science and revealed religion. Andover, 1837. 0°....Z. 3791 Witliro-w, W. H. The catacombs of Rome, and their testimony relative to primitive Christianity. N. Y., 1875. D° Y. 3487 28 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, NEW YORK CITY, Theology— Continned. Ecclesiastioal History. CLASS NO. Barlng-Gonlcl, S. Lives of the saints. "Vols. 7-12. (July— Dec.) Lend., 1874-7. 6 vols, ineight. D° Y. 3026 Xote, — Vols. 7, 10, 11 are each In two parta. Beard, C. Port Eoyal : a contribution to the history of religion and literature in France. Lond., 1873. 2 vols. D° Y. 3082 Benratli, K. Bernardino Ochino of Siena : a contribution towards the history of the Reformation. N. Y., 1877. O" T. 3702 tBranclt, G. History of the Reformation in the Low Countries. Abridged. Lond., 1725. 2 vols. D° Y. 3056 Daiirignac, J. M. S. History of the Society of Jesus. Cine, 1865. 2 vols. D° Y. 3114 | Kdiivartls, J. Hist, of the work of redemption : \ an outline of church history. N. Y., n. d. S° Y. 3134 Fisher, G. P. Beginnings of Christianity : state of the Roman world at the birth of Christ. N. Y., 1877. 0° Y. 3590 History of the Jesuits ; [anon.] Lond., 1816. 2 vols. 0° Y. 36240 Merle d' Anbi^ne, J. H. History of the Refor- mation in Europe in the time of Calvin. Vols. 1-7. N.Y., 1873-7. 7 vols. D°....Y. 3800a Vols, t, S. Geneva and France. — . 1872.] 0°....Q,. 9666 Mysteries and miseries of the great metropolis. [N. Y. city.] By 'A. P.,' the amateur vagabond. N. Y.. 1875. 0° Q,. 9695 Russell, w. Harper's N. Y. class-book. N. Y., 1847. D° Q,. 9881 tStlles, H. R. History of the city of Brooklj'n. Brooklyn, 1867-70. 3 vols. 0° Q,. 9753a Stone, W. L. Centennial history of N. Y. city. N.Y.,1876. 0° Q,. 9754 Stone, W. L. History of N. Y. city [to 1872.] N.Y.,1872. 0° a> 9754a Oregon. Nlcolay, C. G. Oregon territory : a geograph. and physical account. Loud., 1846. S". {Bound with Canada, Backwoods of.) . . P. 7074 Pennsylvania. fKtting, p. M. Historical account of the old Statehouse of Pennsylvania, now known as Independence Hall. Bost., 1876. 0°..Q,. 9533 tPennsylvania archives. 2d series. Ed. by J. B. Linn and W. H. Egle. Vols. 5, 6. Harrisb., 1877. 2 vols. 0° Q,. 9708a Sypher, J. R. School history of Pennsylvania. Phila., 1868. J)° Q,. 9431 USEFUL ARTS. Agriculture and Domestic Economy. Cooking receipts from 'Harper's Bazar.' N. Y., 1877. T. (H.H.S.) H. 3100 tHoogb, F. B. Report upon forestry. Wash., 1878. O" H. 1628 Hibberd, S. Amateur rose book. New ed. Lond., 1874. D° H. 2202 tlowa State Agricultural College. Seventh biennial report for 1876 and 1877. Des Moines, 1877. O" H. 1634 Jobnson, Mrs. S. O. Every woman her own flower gardener. 5th ed. N. Y., 1875. D.H. 2233a Architecture and Building. Bicknell, A. J. & Co., publishers. One hundred architectural designs. N.Y.,1878. 0°...G. 8524 tHatfield, R. G. Theory of transverse strains. N. Y., 1877. 0° G. 8613 Holly, H. H. Modern dwellings in town and country, N, Y., 1878. 0° G. 8626 Mr. Ghim's dream [of a new sjrstem of con- structing and navigating sailing vessels]. N. Y., 1878. D° G. 7309 Stratton, E. M. World on wheels ; or, carriages, with their historical associations. N. Y., 1878. 0° H. 8755 White, W. H. Manual of naval architecture. Lond., 1877. 0° G. 7778 t'Woortwarrt, G. E., and Tboiiipson, E. G. National architect: containing 1000 original designs for dwelling houses. N. Y., [cop. 1869). Q° G. 8898 Mechanic Arts and Engineering. Amateur mechanic's workshop. By the author of the ' Lathe and how to use it.' Lond., 1875. 0° G. 1505 Clark, D. K. Elementary treatise on steam and the steam engine. Lond., 1875. S° G. 2092 — Rules, tables, and data for mechanical en - gineers. Lond,, 1877, 0° G. 4555 30 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, NEW YORK CITY. Usefal Arts— Continaed. CLASS KO. Fitzgerald, W. Boston machinist, a school for the apprentice and advanced machinist. N. Y., 1876. S° G. 1151 Forney, M. N. Catechism of the locomotive. N. Y., 1877. D° G. 8156 Gore, G. Art of electro-metallurgy. Lond., 1877. S° G. 3173 Liiikin, J. Boy engineers : what they did and how they did it. N. Y., 1878. D° G. 1274 tN. Y. State. Annual report of Canal Com- missioners [for 1875] . Alb., 1876. 0°....G. 4697 Nystrom, J. W. New treatise on steam engi- neering. N.Y.,1876. 0° G. 2701 Percy, J. Metallurgy : introduction, refractory materials, and fuel : rev. ed. Lond., 1875. 0-~ G. 3708 Raymond, R. "VV. Statistics of mines and min- ing west of Rocky Mountains. Wash., 1877. 0° G. 3719 Robinson, J. R. Explosions of steam boilers : how they are caused and prevented. Bost., 1870 D° G. 2375 Rose, J. Pattern maker's assistant. N. Y., 1878. D°. G. 1377 TTseful Arts— Concluded. CLASS NO, Tompkins, E. Principles of machine construc- tion : an application of geometrical draw- ing. Ed. by H. Evers. Vol. 1. Text. N. Y., [pr«/-. 1878]. S° G. 1444a Same. Vol.2. Plates. N. Y., 1878. Q°...G. 1889 Useful companion and artificer's assistant. N. Y., [cop. 1876.] 0° H. 774 Military and Naval Science. Adams, Maj. C. Great campaigns in Europe, from 1796 to 1870. Ed. by Capt. C. C. King. Edinb. and Lond., 1877. 0° G. 6503 tUnited States. Life-saving Service. Annual report for year ending June 30, 1877. Wash., 1877. 0° G. 7773a Upton, E. Arms of Asia and Europe. N. Y., 1878. 0° G. 6773 Infantry tactics. Kev. ed. N. Y., 1877. S^.G. 6455 See also : Periodicals {Scientific and tech- nological. EXTRACTS FROM THE BY-LAWS. ABTICLE IV. Sec. 6. The following persons are entitled to the gratui- tous use of the Library and Reading Room for one year, on the presentation of a certificate (blank forms of which can be obtained at the Library desks) signed by their employer or some other responsible person, and approved by some Member of the General Society of Mechanics and Trades- men : or in lieu of getting the certificate signed by a mem- ber, can leave a deposit wiih the Librarian equal to the value of the book taken out. FmsT. — All persons, under twenty years of age, employed as Apprentices, and all Females, employed by Mechanics and Tradesmen in their business. Skcond.— All other persons, under sixteen years of age, employed at any business not properly included in tiie previous class. Sec. 7. The following persons may be admitted to the privileges of the Library and Reading Room, on the presen- tation of a proper certificate (as explained in Sec. 6) and the payment of the following snms : First. — Journeymen Mechanics ; Teachers or Students in Schools or Academies ; Youths over sixteen years of age in the offices of Lawyers, Physicians or Artists ; Salesmen and Saleswomen ; Clerks ; and other suitable persons, on the payment of two dollars per annum. Second. — Mechanics or Tradesmen, Artists, Merchants and other persons in business on their own account, on the payment of three dollars per annum. See. 8. Members of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, and Widows of deceased members, are en- titled to take books from the Apprentices' Library them- selves, or to authorize one of their minor children to do so in their names, without charge ; but a member or Widow may not transfer this right to any other person. A Reading Room (designated as the Mechanics' Reading Room) is pro- vided exclusively for members of the Society. Sec. 9. Teachers of the Mechanics' and Tradesmen's Society's School, while so employed, shall be entitled to the privileges of the Library, without charge. Sec. 10. Any person entitled to take books from the Apprentices' Library may, during the hours appointed for the Library to be open, receive from the Librarian either one folio, one quarto, one octavo or one duodecimo volume; but if the work be an octavo or duodecimo, and consist of more than one volume relating to the same subject, then he may take the whole set, if it consist of not more than two octavo or three duodecimo volumes ; but he shall not be allowed to detain the set, or a part of a set, for a longer time tlian is allowed for a single volume. Sec. 11. All books taken out may be retained three weeks. Sec. 12. When a book is returned, it may be renewed once (that is, taken out again by the same person), except- ing new publications, which shall not be renewed until they have been three months in the Library ; and no book shall be renewed unless it is first returned to the Library, or a written request to that effect transmitted to the Libra- rian by the person wishing to renew the book. Sec. 13. No book shall be reserved by the Librarian for ANT person whatever. Sec. 14. Any person who shall detain a book or set of books longer than the time allowed by these Regulations, shall forfeit and pay to the Librarian one cent per day for each volume so detained. Sec. 15. If any book is detained one month beyond the time limited by the regulations, a notice of its delinquency, with the value and fine, shall be sent to the Reader's Guarantee. If the Guarantor or Reader shall fail within one week from the date of such notice to return the book to the Library, it shall then be placed In the hands of the Library collector, and an additional penalty of twenty cents shall be imposed. Sec. 16. Any person who shall lose, or mutilate, or deface by writing or marking, or otherwise injure any book or furniture, shall make the same good to the Librarian, and also be nmenable to the State Law ; and if the book so lost or injured be one of a set, shall pay to the Librarian the full value of said set, and will thereupon be entitled to the remaining volumes. Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the readers to report promptly to the Librarian any changes in their own address or in that of their Guarantors. Sec. 18. Readers shall not be entitled to take out books from the Library so long as any dues, fines, forfeitures, &c., remain unpaid, that have been demanded of them by the Librarian, and until they shall have niiide good all loss or damage occasioned by them or through their negligence. Sec. 19. No person shall lend any book or publication belonging to the Library, to any one not of their own family and residing with them. Sec. 20. Books returned are to be handed to the person in attendance, with a list of the names and numbers of the books desired. When a book is taken from the shelves the applicant will repair to the desk, and will there receive the book in turn. Sec. 21. If any inattention or incivility occur on the part of any of the employes, the readers are requested to report the same promptly to the Librarian. Sec. 22. 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