o CO o PRICE 10 CENTS. THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. HA.ND-BOOK No. 1. MODERN PAINTINGS IN THE WESTERN GALLERIES. PUBLISHED BY THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. PRICE 10 CENTS. THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. BL^JSTD-BOOK No. 1. MODERN PAINTINGS IN THE WESTERN GALLERIES. PUBLISHED BY THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. 410 CATHARINE LORILLARD WOLFE, DAUGHTER OF JOHN DAVID WOLFE AND DOROTHEA ANN LORILLARD HIS WIFE, WAS BORN IN NEW YORK CITY, MARCH STH, 1828. SHE DIED IN THIS CITY, APRIL 4TH, 1887. Miss Wolfe was descended from an old Lutheran family in Saxony, whence her great grandfather, John David Wolfe, came to this country before the year 1729. He died in 1759, leaving four children, of whom the eldest was David. David Wolfe lived till near the end of a long life of eighty-eight years in the old family residence on Fair, now Fulton Street, and this, with other city real estate has remained in the possession of the family to the present time. In the war of the revolution, David Wolfe and his brother Christopher served their country with credit. After the war David and his younger brother, John Albert, were partners as hardware merchants in this city, and about 1816 they were succeeded in business by Christopher, son of John Albert, and John David, son of David. John David Wolfe, (born July 24, 1792), retired from active business in the prime of his life. Thereafter he devoted his large wealth and judicious labors to benevolent purposes, largely in the foundation and encouragement of educational, charitable and religious institutions. He was devoutly attached to the Episcopal church, was for some time vestryman of Trinity parish; afterward vestryman, and at the time of his death, senior warden of Grace church. His memory is perpetuated in many noble institutions, not only in his native city but in various and remote parts of the country. Some of these were foundations laid by himself alone, others by him in association with generous men who were imbued with like spirit. The gifts and noble works of these men have made the fame of the merchant princes of New York J 4: CATHARINE LORILLARD WOLFE. an enduring and priceless possession to their successors, their city and the world. Mr. Wolfe's charities were always without ostenta- tion, and his private gifts were undoubtedly larger than those which were known. Churches and church foundations of benev- olence and education in all parts of the country received his never failing aid. St. Johnland on Long Island, the Sheltering Arms in this city, the High School at Denver in Colorado, the Diocesan School at Topeka in Kansas, the Theological Seminary in Ohio, these and many other institutions bear witness to his munificent heart and hands. He was warmly attached to the New York Historical Society in whose important work and collections he was a free contributor of means and an active personal laborer. He was one of the founders of the American Museum of Natural History in this city, and was its first President when he died, May 17, 1872, in the eightieth year of his age, leaving but one child, Catharine Loriilard, surviving him, who succeeded to the large property. Miss Wolfe was endowed with a mind of remarkable power, cultivated by education, reading and extended travel. Her biography cannot be written here. She devoted herself and her large and largely increasing wealth to the widest and most effective charity, governing herself in her gifts by careful examination and calm judgment, where personal investiga- tion could be made, and where that was not possible, displaying her superior ability in the selection of sound and trustworthy advisers, on whom she relied with confidence. The catalogue of her specific charities would be much longer than this catalogue of her collection of paintings. Her catholic disposition in these may be gathered from the names of a few such objects of her larger appropriations, as Union College at Schenectady, St. Luke's Hospital in New York, the noble charities at St. Johnland on Long Island, the American Chapel at Rome in Italy, the Italian Mission in Mulberry Street, New York, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Grace Church in New- York City, to which she gave the chantry and other buildings, The Wolfe Expedition to Asia, the Home for Incurables at Ford- ham, the Diocesan House in Lafayette Place, New York the list must stop abruptly. There is not space to enumerate half of her recorded gifts, in sums varying from twenty to two hundred CATHARINE LORILLARD WOLFE. 5 thousand dollars. But those who should form an estimate of Miss Wolfe's benevolence from the mere magnitude and number of her gifts, would fail to appreciate her inner life and character. She was constant and unfailing in personal charities among those who were suffering. She visited the poor, and her presence always carried with it the atmosphere of purity and kindness in which she lived. She educated young girls; she had always large numbers of beneficiaries; she sought out opportunities to relieve the poor and those who were in trouble or sorrow. When she was absent in Europe she did not forget home benevolence. A friend tells of her sending to him in New York, from her boat on the Nile, $25,000 in a check, to be distributed in charities. Nor did she, while devoting so much of her life to good works, fail in any degree to fulfill the duties of that position in the social world to which she was called by her wealth and her accomplish- ments. She recognized those duties, and performed them with grace and dignity as the accomplished hostess in her own house, and the always welcome guest in others. Those who knew her best admired and loved her most. She had from early life cultivated her affection for the fine arts, and before her father's death had purchased several paint- ings which are in the present catalogue. Her taste was excellent, and her judgment strengthened by study and very thorough acquaintance with the works of old and modern artists. She had therefore, great enjoyment in gathering around her, in her city residence, examples of masters in the modern schools, a work which was continued steadily from year to year through her life, and in which she was happy in her reliance for advice and assistance on her kinsman John Wolfe, Esq., through whom most of her selections .were made. Nevertheless she exercised a completely independent taste, which decided her, after thorough Acquaintance with a painting, whether to retain or reject it. The collection which is here catalogued is therefore an absolute record of the educated and refined taste of the lady whose name it bears. Miss Wolfe had a constant interest in the Metropolitan Museum of Art to whose collections she had been a large contributor, and of which she was one of the patrons. Her interest in Art History had been exhibited s' only before her death by her gift CATHARINE LORILLARD WOLFE. to the American School at Athens, and by her payment of the expenses of an expedition to Asia, for the purpose of exploration, with reference to future work of excavation among the buried remains of Ancient Art. By her last will she disposed of more than a million dollars in money and objects of art, for the perpetuation of those works of Christian charity and centres of education of the people to which her father and herself had so wisely and faithfully contributed. Her gifts to the Museum of Art illustrate the judicious considera- tion which had characterized all her generosity. Taking into consideration, as few have ever done, the fact that in a museum without an endowment, dependent on its members for its current expenses, every new gift entails increased expense on the institu- tion, she not only gave to the museum her collection of paint- ings, but added an endowment of $200,000, the income to be used for the preservation and increase of the collection. The following is an extract from the section of her will, making these provisions: '"I give and bequeath to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, chartered by the State of New York and located in the City of New York, all articles of the following descript on which may belong to me at the time of my decease and be. then situated or remaining in the City of New York, namely: my entire col- lection of modern oil paintings, with their frames, and also my water color drawings with their frames, which paintings include the original portrait of my late father, John D-vid Wulfe, by Huntington, and my own portrait by Alexander Cabanel, all which works of art by this section of my will disposed of shall be properly selected, and scheduled by my executors, and shall thereafter and within six months after my decease be delivered by them to said Metropolitan Museum of Art as its own absoluce property, and subject to its absolute disposal, but with the desire and hope on my part that the same may be had, held and exhibited by that institution for the enjoyment and recreation of all who m^y frequent its rooms, and also with a view to the education and cultivation of the public taste for the fine arts.^ This gift, however, is upon express condition that the trustees and managers of said institution shall provide and set apart exclusively for the said collection a suitable, well-lighted fire-proof apartment, gallery or separate space, where the paintings and water color drawings herein mentioned shall be properly arranged and displayed; and provided also, that said collection shall be designated and continue to be known as the "Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection." And in order to provide for the better preservation of the said paintings and drawings, and the future increase of said collection, I give and bequeath to my executors the sum of two hundred thousand dollars in money (or in stocks or securities deemed by them to be of that value) upon trust, to be held and kept invested in United States or State stocks or bonds in good credit, or other securities, strictly approved for the investment of trust funds, and to receive the interest or income thereof and apply the net amount of the same as it shall from time to time accrue to the use of the said Metropolitan Museum of Art during the lives of David Wolfe Bishop and Louie L. Lorillard, two of said executors, and the life of the survivor of them to the intent that such income shall be applied from time to time by said institution for such judicious repairs as may be necessary to the said works of art, and any surplus thereof to- be expended for the purchase or acquisition of other original modern oil paint- ings, either by native or foreign artists, but only for works e>f acknowledged merit and superior excellence, both in subject and execution, in the departments cf art known as figure, landscape and genre subjects, and which shall become additions to the original collection hereby bequeathed, and shall continue to be part of the collection designated and known as aforesaid." WESTERN GALLERY, S. CATHARINE LORILLARD WOLFE COLLECTION, NOTE. When the picture has been dated by the artist, the year is given. Whether painted on wood (''panel") or canvas, it is so stated. The sizes repre- sent the " sight " or painted surface, and in every case the first figure indicates the width in inches. 1. CABANEL, ALEXANDRE. Portrait of Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe. Painted from Sittings at Paris. 1876. Canvas, 42x67. 2. HUNTINGTON, DANIEL. Portrait of John David Wolfe. The father of Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe. 1871. Canvas, 37x43. 3. BONHEUR, KOSA. A Limier-Briquet Hound. From the H. D. Newcomb collection. 1877. Canvas, 18x15. 4. PRETER, EMILY. Fruit. Flowers, etc. Canvas, 16x12. 5. LEIGHTON, SIB FREDERICK. Head of a Woman, "Lucia." Pur- chased in London. Canvas, 10x14. 6. BARKER KORFF, A. H. Bric-a-Brac. From the John Wolfe col- lection. Wood, 6x8. 7. DOMINGO, y MARQUES D. FRANCISCO. Interior with Figures. Painted to order. Wood, 8xG. 8. LELOIR, Louis. Choosing the Dinner. Purchased in Paris. 1872. Canvas, 18x12. 9. CONINCK, P. L J. DE. Italian Children at a Fountain. Painted to order. Canvas, 42x60. 10. DUPRE, JULES. The Hay Wagon. From the late Wm. T. Blodgett collection. 1876. Canvas, 18x14. 11. DECAMPS, A. G. The Night Patrol at Smyrna. From the collect- ion of Mr. John Taylor Johnston. 1876. Canvas, 36x29. 8 METEOPOUTAN MUSEUM OF AKT. 12. KNAUS, LUDWIG. Old Woman and Cats. From the collection of the late Baron Strausberger, Berlin, 1873. 1868. Canvas, 30x26. 13. VAN MARCKE, EMILE. The Mill. Painted to order. 1875. Canvas, 78x59. J14. FRERE, THEODORE. Cairo; Evening. Painted to order. Canvas, 42x29. 15. BONNAT, LEON. Egyptian Fellah Woman and Child. From studies made at the opening of the Suez Canal. Salon 1870. Purchased from the John Wolfe collection, 1882. 1870. Canvas, 39x72. 16. BRION, GUSTAYE. Return from the Christening. Painted to order. 1874. Canvas, 62x43. 17. WAHLBERG, ALFRED. A Day in October, near Waxholm, Sweden. Painted to order. Salon 1873. 1873. Canvas, 02x39. 18. MUNKACSZT, MILHALY. A Pawnbroker's Shop. Painted to order. Salon 1874. 1874. Wood, 86x62. 19. VIBERT, JEHAN G. The Reprimand. Painted to order. Salon 1874. 1874. Canvas, 32x20. 20. BARQUE, CHARLES. A Bashi Bazouk. Purchased in Paris. 1875. Canvas, 12x18. 21. BERNE BELLECOUR, E. P. The Intended. Painted to order. Salon 1874. 1874. Canvas, 31x20. 22. TROYON, CONSTANT. Holland Cattle. Purchased by Mr. John Wolfe, out of E. Gambart's exhibition in New York, 1860. Purchased by Mr. Wm. T. Sanford from the John Wolfe collection in 1863, and at the sale of Mr. Sanford's pictures, 1876, purchased by Miss Wolfe. Canvas, 58x39. 23. ACHENBACH, OSWALD. Near Naples; Moonrise. Purchased in Berlin. Canvas, 55x39. 24. FRERE, THEODORE. Jerusalem from the Environs. Painted tc order. Canvas, 42x29. 25. MERLE, HUGHES. Falling Leaves. Purchased by Miss Wolfe'? father 1872. Canvas, 40x68. CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS. 9 26. WORMS, JTTLES. The Fountain of the Bulls; Granada. Painted to order. Salon 1877. 1877. Canvas, 28x19. 27. BONHETJR, ROSA. Weaning the Calves. 1879. Canvas, 32x25. 28. KAULBACH, WILHELM. Crusaders before Jerusalem. The in- tention of the artist was to express symbolically the idea that Christianity has become the triumphant religion of the universe ; in the middle and extreme distance can be seen the city of Jerusalem with its domes and palaces, the crusaders coveted goal; somewhat removed, some crusaders contemplate the city from a hill-top, a group of eminent knights, ecclesiastics, bishops and crusade preachers; on another hill to the right can be seen the army of crusaders commanded by Godfrey cf Bouillon, who holds uplifted in both hands, a crown, symbol of the divine right of the Kings of Jerusalem; near him are Boemond and Tancredi, soldiers who had distinguished themselves in the memorable battles the crusaders fought with the Saracens. The ground is covered with the enemy's dead. On the foreground in the middle, are Peter of Amiens on his knees, with eyes turned towards the Holy city and offering to God prayers of thanks- giving. Behind him a group of penitents lying on the ground or scourging themselves; above, borne on clouds, is seen the divine apparition of the Redeemer accompanied by the Holy Virgin and sur- rounded by the Saints and Martyrs. Godfrey of Bouillon bearing on his head a crown of thorns, offers the crown of the Holy Land to the Saviour, the real King of Jerusalem. Near Peter of Amiens is a group of fervent psalmists of the Christian faith, followed by the Knights in magnificent armor. The Troubadour of the middle ages, so closely associated with the romances of the Crusaders, here also finds his place. The beautiful Armida, borne seated on a litter draped with laurel branches, is carried by Moors, while her Knight, Rinaldo, leads the way to the city, as pious, and beautiful, she lifts her gaze to the heavenly apparition. Canvas, 74x61. 29. ESCALLIER, ELEONORE. A Pannier of Flowers. Painted to order. Salon, 1873. Canvas, 22x28. 30. LE FEBVRE, JULES. " Graziella " a Girl of Capri. Painted to order. 1878. Canvas 43x78. 81. Voi/rz, FREDERICK. Landscape and Cattle. Purchased in Munich. 1868. Wood, 13x10. 82. KAEMMERER, F. H. Study of a Girl's Head. Canvas, 6x9. 10 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF AKT. 33. MADEAZO, RAIMUNDO DE. Girls at a Window. Purchased i n Paris. Canvas, 23x28. 34. VON KAMBEBG, A. G. Meeting- on the Lake. Purchased in Munich. 1869. Canvas, 36x44. 35. MABCHAL, CHAS. R Morning in Alsace. Purchased from the artist. Salon 1873. 1873. Canvas, 57x30. 36. PILOTY, CARL THEODOB VON. The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. Book of Matthew, Chapter 25. Painted to order. 1884. Canvas, 70x40. 37. LAMBEBT, Louis E. Cat and Kittens. Painted to order. Canvas, 28x34. 38. DESGOFFE, BLAIZE. Objects of Art; Vase in Rock Crystal, XVI century, Agates and Enamels, Poignard of Philippe II, Collarette of Louis XIII, etc., etc. Salon 1874. (The original objects are in the collection at the Louvre, and were selected for the artist by Miss Wolfe.) 1874. Canvas, 36x28. 39. DATJBIGNY, CHAS. F. On the Seine; Morning. Painted to order. 1871. Wood, 27x16. 40. KOBEBT-FLEUBY, TONY. A Musical Cardinal. Wood, 17x21. 41. CHAVET, VICTOB JOSEPH. In Full Dress. 1873. Canvas, 7x9. 42. DTJVEBGEB, THEOPHILE. Feeding the Bird. Purchased in Paris. Wood, 9x12. 43. DIAZ, NABCISSE. Study of Trees. Purchased in Paris. Wood, 10x14. 44. SCHBEYEB, ADOLPHE. Arabs on the March. Canvas, 37x22. 45. LE Koux, HECTOB. Roman Ladies at the Tomb of their An- cestors. Purchased from the artist. Canvas, 35x19. 46. DEVEDEUX, Louis. The Pride of the Harem. Purchased from tho artist. Canvas, 26x30. 47. GiiAiZE, PIEBBE. Before the Mirror. Purchased in Parift. 1873. Canvas, 29x39. CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS. 11 48. GEROME, J. L. E. Prayer in a Mosque ; old Cairo. Purchased in Paris. Canvas, 29x35. 49. MAKART, HANS. The Dream after the Ball. Painted to order, 1882. Canvas, 37x60. 50. WAPPERS, BARON GUSTAVUS. Confidences. Painted from the daughters of the artist, for Mr. John Wolfe ; sold from his collection in 1863 to Mr. Wm. T. Sanford and repurchased from his sale 1876, for Miss Wolfe. 1853. Canvas, 37x44. 51. STEVENS, JOSEPH. Surprise. 1853. Canvas, 30x27. 52. COT, PIERRE A. The Storm. Painted to order. Salon, 1880. 1880. Canvas, 60x90. 53. BONNAT, LEON Roman Girl at a Fountain. Painted to order, 1875. Canvas, 65^x37. 54. VEBBOECZHOVEN, EUGENE. Interior with Sheep. 1860. Wood, 32x23. 55. CHAPLIN, CHARLES. " Haidee " (Byron.) Purchased in Paris. 1873. Canvas, 25x39. 56. PASINI, ALBERT. Entrance to a Mosque. Purchased in Paris. 1873. Canvas, 27x34. 57. BOUSSEAU, THEODORE. River Landscape. Purchased in Paris. 1852. Wood, 10x8. 58. DIAZ, NARCISSE. Edge of a Forest. Purchased in Paris. Wood, 11x9. 59. COROT, JEAN B. C. Ville d'Avray, near Paris. Canvas, 31x20. 60 TROTON, CONSTANT. Study of a White Cow. From Troyon's sale. Canvas, 29x23. 61. ESCALLIER, ELEONORE. Chrysanthemums. Painted to order. Canvas, 23x27. 62. BROWN, JOHN Louis. Fox Hunters. 1866 Wood, 4x6. 12 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. 63. LEIXDIB, Louis. In His Cups. 1872. Water Color, 14x20. 64. FOBTUNY, MARIANO. Camels Reposing; Tangier, 1865. From the collection of the artist, M. Gerome. Purchased in Paris. Water Color, 14x8. 65. MEISSONEER, J. L. E. The Sign Painter. Purchased in Paris. 1872. Water Color, 7x9. 6. LEI.OIR, Louis. Wandering Minstrel; Old Nuremberg. Painted to order. 1873. Water Color, 14x20. 67. BOUGHTON, GEO. H. A Puritan Girl. Wood, 11x15. 68. DIAZ, NABCISSE. Landscape. Purchased in Paris. Wood, 13x9. 69. BOLDINI, G. Female Figures ; Gossip. 1873. Wood, 9x7. WESTERN GALLERY, R. Continuation of the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection. 70. MEISSONIER, J. L. E. The Brothers Adrien and William Van de Velde. From the Laurent-Richard collection, Paris, 1878. 185G. Wood, 8x10. 71. GEROME, J. L. Boy of the Bischari Tribe. Canvas, 8x10. 72. KAULBACH, F. A. Girl's Head. Purchased in Munich. Wood, 9x12. 73. DELORT, CHAS. E. The Casque. Purchased in Paris. 1872. Canvas, 14x20. 74. GALLATT, Louis. The Minstrel Boy. 1867. Canvas, 15x18. 75. BRETON, JULES. Peasant Girl Knitting. Purchased in Paris. Canvas, 18x22. 76. COUTURE, THOS. The Idle Student. Painted to the order of Mr. John Wolfe; sold from his collection in 1863 to Mr. Wm. T. Sanford,. and repurchased from his sale 1876, for Miss Wolfe. About 1855. Canvas, 38x50. 77. ACHENBACH, ANDREAS Sunset after a Storm; Coast of Sicily, From the John Wolfe collection, 1863. 1853. Canvas, 42x32. 78. JACQUET, GUSTAVE. Female Head. Canvas, 17x21. 79. PRETER, JOHANN W. Grapes, Plums, Nuts, etc. Painted to order. 1874. Canvas, 16x13. 80. HAMON, JEAN L. An Etruscan Vase Seller. From the collection- of Mr. John Wolfe, 1863. Canvas, 16x19. 81. BRETON, JULES. Religious Procession in Brittany. Purchased in 1873 from the collection of the late Baron Strausberger, Berlin. The Brittany peasantry are almost as wild as their country, excessively quaint in their costume, wearing broad-brimmed hats and flowing hair, and in some districts trunk hose of the l6th century: They are usually spare and wiry in their persons, are almost unchanged in their manners, customs and habits, and old legends and superstitions still retain their hold on the popular mind. Of ancient monuments of different ages there is no lack in Brittany, and above all of Celtic remains ; those extraordinary masses of rough unhewn stones are supposed to be in some way connected with the 14 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. religion of the Druids. Brittany appears to have been the sacred land of the Gauls, the centre of their worship to which the various nations and tribes repaired on pilgrimages at stated times to pay their devotions. Their mysterious influence is not yet by any means effaced from the minds of the lower orders of Brittany. The influence of paganism lingered long in these remote wilds, indeed the inhabitants of Ouessant are said to have been idolaters until within two hundred years. Hence has arisen a strange jumble of paganism and Romanism. Heathen divinities were replaced by saints, of which the number in Brittany exceeds that of any part of Romish Europe. Almost every church has its strange legend, and every saint his special patronage, and on his fete day a pilgrimage or Pardon is celebrated, when indulgence for past sins is obtained. These pardons or festivals often are nearly equivalent to the German Kirchweich, the Flemish Kermes, and the Irish Wake. The pardon St. Mathurin held at Lamballe on Whit Sunday is much frequented by pilgrims, who dance the old Breton dances. The pardon celebrated four times a year at Rumegol near Le Faou is attended with very curious ceremonies. These pardons take place at fixed periods around about certain churches, but often in uncultivated fields, where tents are erected and where the fete continues for several days and is attended by thousands of the peasantry of both sexes The most important of these pardons are those of St. Anne d' Auray, and of St Anne de Palud, which last is the most picturesque of all, and takes place at the sea-side. The one represented in M. Breton's picture is held at Kergoat, near Douarnenez and Quimper. 1869. Canvas, 72x51. S2. MARCHAL, CHAS. F. Evening in Alsace. Purchased from the Artist. Salon 1873. 1873. Canvas, 57x36. 83. DEFBEGGEB, FRANZ. German Peasant Girl. Purchased from the artist. 1880. Wcod, 16x21. 84. KOEK-KOEK, B. C. Winter Landscape; Holland. 1833. Wood, 17x14. 85. FBEBE, EDOUABD. Visit of a Sister of Charity. Painted to order 1877. Wood, 16x19. 86. BOUGUEEEAU, WM. A. Brother and Sister. Purchased by Miss Wolfe's father. 1871. Canvas, 34x50. 87. GEAEB, KARL. Interior of the Cathedral of Fribourg, Germany Painted to order. 1874. Canvas, 40x31. CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS. 15 88. COMTE, PIERRE C. Lady at her Toilet, XVI. Century. From the John Wolfe Collection, 1882. Wood, 12x16. 89. TOTJLMOUCHE, AUGUSTE. Homage to Beauty. Painted to order. 1874. Canvas, 18x24. 90. HAGHE, Louis. Guard Room ; The Toast. From the John Wolfe collection, 1863. Wood, 21x16. 91. MEISSONIER, J. L. E. A General and Adjutant (Shores of Antibes). From the collection of the late Baron Strausberger, Berlin, 1873. 1869. Wood, 10x8. 92. DIAZ, NABCISSE. The Holy Family. From the collection of the late Baron Strausberger, Berlin, 1873. 1853. Wood, 9x12. 93. VmLEGAS, JOSEF. Examining Arms. Purchased in Paris. 1870. Wood, 12x14. 94. FICHEL, EUGENE. Waiting an Audience. Purchased in Paris, 1873. Wood, 31x19. 95. HEBERT, ANTOINE E. A Girl's Head. Purchased in Paris. Canvas, 14x18. 96 LECLAIBE, VICTOR Apple Blossoms in a Vase. 1873. Wood, 15x25. 97. DUPRE, JULES. The Old Oak. Canvas, 25x32. 98. HENNINGS JOHAN FREDERICK. Heidelberg by Moonlight. Purchased in Berlin. Canvas, 70x40. 99. KOEK-KOEK, B C. Sunset on the Rhine. Painted to the order of John Wolfe, Esq. Purchased at the sale of this collection in 1863 by Mr. John Taylor Johnston, and at the sale of his gallery in 1876 was bought by Miss Wolfe. 1853. Canvas, 41x31. 100 DETAILLE, EDOUARD. Skirmish between Cossacks and the Im- perial Body Guard, 1814. Salon, 1870. Purchased from the collection of the late Ed'd Matthews, Esq. 1870. Canvas. 32x39. 16 METEOPOLITAN MUSEUM OF AET. 101. VERNET, HORACE. Horses. Study for large picture "Roman Corso." Canvas, 21x19. 102. SEITZ, ANTOINE. The Discussion. Purchased in Munich. 1869. Wood, 15x11. 103. VOLLON, ANTOINE. A Farm Yard. Purchased in Paris, Canvas, 45x37. 104. TRAYER, JEAN B. Ribbon Peddler. Purchased in Paris. 1873. Canvas, 23x29. 105. DAUBIGNY, CHAS. F. On the River Oise; Evening. Painted to order. 1874. Wood, 27x15. 106. WORMS, JULES. Letter of Recommendation. Painted to order. Canvas, 28x19. 107. YIBEBT, JEHAN G. The Startled Confessor. Canvas, 25x32. 108. HENNEB, JEAN J. A Bather. Painted to order. Canvas, 28x37. 109. WAHLBERG, ALFRED. Port of Waxholm ; (Moonlight) near Stockholm, Sweden. Painted to order. Salon 1873. 1873. Canvas, 54x32. 110. STEVENS, ALFRED. The Japanese Robe. Painted to order. Canvas, 25x30. 111. Kico, MARTIN. Canal of Venice. Canvas, 26x19. 112. MAX, GABRIEL. The Last Token. A Christian Martyr. Pur- chased at Munich. Canvas, 46x66. 113. ISABET, Louis G. E. A Banquet Hall. Purchased in Paris. 1873. Canvas, 36x28. 114. BIEFSTHAL, WILHELM. A Wedding Procession in the Bavarian! Tyrol. Purchased in Berlin. 1866. Canvas, 43x27. 115. SCHENCK, AUGUSTE. " Lost " Souvenir of Auvergne. Painted to order. Salon 1873. Canvas, 96x60. 116. DE COCK, CESAR. Landscape ; Spring. Painted to order. 1878. Canvas, 52x33. 117. CABANEL ALEXANDRE. The Schulammite. The voice of my beloved ! Behold he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skippirg upon CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS. 17 the hills * * * * he standeth behind the wall * * * * my beloved spake, and said unto me, rise up my love, my fair one and come away. Song of Solomon, 2d chap. 8th vers* Painted to order. Salon 1876. 1875. Canvas, 42x56. 118. FROMENTIN, E. Arabs Crossing a Ford. Purchased from the artist. 1873. Wood, 24x19. 119. MEYER VON BREMEN. The Letter. Purchased in Berlin. 1873. Canvas, 19x25. 120. ZIEM, FELIX. Inundation of the Piazza of St. Mark, Venice. Purchased in Paris. Canvas, 26x32. 121. KNAUS, LUDWIG. The Holy Family. (Repose in Egypt.) Painted to the order of the late Empress of Russia, but for some reason not taken, and was purchased by Miss Wolfe from the artist in Berlin. 1876. Wood, 31x43. 122. EOTBET, FERDINAND. The Game of Cards. Painted to ord*** Canvas, 22x18. 123. MESGRINY, FRANK DE.- River Scene. Painted to order. Canvas, 22x14. 124. WrLLEMS, FLORENT. Preparing for the Promenade. Vienna Ex- hibition, 1873. Purchased from the artist. Wood, 19x25. 125. BERNE-BELLECOUR, E. P. Soldier in the Trenches. 1873. Water Color, 4x6. 126. DUEZ, ERNEST. The Bouquet. Water Color, 8x12. 127. LELOIR, MAURICE. "Opportunity Makes the Thief." Painted to order. 1882. Water Color, 18x12. 128. FALERO, Luis. Twin Stars. 1881. Water Color, 9x16. 129. DORE, GUSTAVE. The Retreat from Moscow. From the John Tayler Johnston collection, 1876. 1865. Water Color, 38x28. 130. VIBERT, JEHAN G. The First Babe. Purchased from the artfst. 1872. Water Color, 17x14. 18 METKOPOLITAN MUSEUM OF AET. 131. LELOIR, MAURICE. The Drink of Milk. Painted to order. 188-2. Water Color, 18x12. 132. SIMONETTI, ATILMO The Rendezvous. 1871 Water Color, 9x13. 133. SIMONETTI, ATLLLIO. The Flower. 1872. Water Color, 10x14. 131. JORIS, P. Italian Court Yard and Figures. Water Color, 14x21. 135. LAMI, EUGENE Louis. Interior of a Museum. 1853. Water Color, 20x13. 136. KICHARDS, WM. T. A Rocky Coast. Purchased from the artist. 1877. Water Color, 36x22. 137. DKTAILLE, EDOUARD. French Cuirassier. 1872. Water Color, 10x13. 138. VIBERT, JEHAN G. Palm Sunday in Spain. Painted to order. 1873. Water Color, 14x20. 139. LELOIR, Louis. Female Figure, Painted to order. 1882. Water Color, 9x13. 140. SCHREYER, ADOLPHE. "Abandoned." On the Marshes of the Danube. Purchased in Paris. Water Color, 22x11. 141. SIMONETTI, ATILUO. Amateur of Paintings. 1872. Water Color, 9x13. 142. BIDA, ALEXANDRE. The Massacre of the Mamelukes. " The Viceroy of Egypt, wishing to crush at one blow the warlike Mamelukes who were making havoc among his people on the first day of May, 1811, convened under a false pretext, their leaders. They were to meet in the old Palace of Cairo, and these proud Mamelukes in gorgeous robes, and golden helmets shining in the sun, rode up the strange narrow street cut out of the solid rock, where in this narrow defile, conscienceless Mehemet laid his trap. When the brilliant procession arrived at the gate " El Azale," the soldiers cried " Treason " as they saw each house filled with Albanians armed with long guns. The Mamelukes surrounded by impassable walls, fell like ripe corn under a hail of bullets, a confused mass of men and beasts : the horses neighing in their fright bounded through pools of blood over the bodies of the wounded, while the conquerors of a hundred battles, now conquered, shook their clenched fists at the terrible walls. Death passed over them like a whirlwind, not sparing one out of the five hundred horsemen." Water Color, 25x37.' 143. ZAMACOIS, EDOUARD. Sleeping Hunter. Wood, 6x5. (The preceding 143 numbers comprise the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection,) IN THE CENTRE OF GALLERY, T. TVIAROCHETTI, BARON CHARLES. Washington. Preliminary Study in bronze of the colossal equestrian statue that was destroyed by fire in the New York Crystal Palace of 1853, SOUTH-WEST STAIRWAY (The following twenty-one numbers represent the Oil Paintings on the Stairway. ) 144. FAGNANI, J. Euterpe ; the Muse of Music. 145. FAGNANI, J. Clio ; the Muse of History. 146. FAGNANI, J. Terpsichore; the Muse of the Dance. 147. FAGNANI, J. Thalia; the Muse of Comedy. 148. FAGNANI, J. Urania ; the Muse of Astronomy. 149. FAGNANI, J. Calliope ; the Muse of Eloquence. 150. FAGNANI, J. Polyhymnia ; the Muse of Lyric Poetry. 151. FAGNANI, J. Melpomene ; the Muse of Tragedy. 152. FAGNANI, J. Erato : the Muse of Poetry. Nos. 144-132 inclusive were presented to the Museum by an Association of Gen- tlemen in 1873. 153. BENVEXUTI. PIETRO. Persecution of the Ugolino Family. (See Dante's " Divine Comedy.") Presented by MR. MORRIS K. JESUP, 1884 154. TIEPOLO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA. The Crowning with Thorns. 155. HEYDEN, JAN VAN DER. A Quay at Leyden. 156. GRAY, HENRY PETERS. The Wages of War. THE MUSEUM 157. MULLER, CARL. The Holy Family. Presented by MR. WILLIAM SCHAUS, 1884. 158. DEKKER, CORNELIS, andOsTADE, ADRIAN VAN. A Dutch Landscape. 159. NEEFS, PIETER, THE ELDER, and TENIERS, DAVID, THE ELDER. Interior of Antwerp Cathedral. 160. KENSETT, J. F. Passing Away of the Storm. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 161. LINGELBACH, JOANNES. Dance of Peasants. 162. BOUCHER, FRANCIS. The Rescue of Arion from the Waves. 163. VAN TILBORGH, GILLES. Visit of a Landlord to a Tenant. 164. BEERSTRAATEN, ALEXANDER . De Schreyerstoren ; Amsterdam. WESTERN GALLERY, V. 165. COLMAN, S. Venice Moonrise. 24x30. Presented by MR. GEORGE I. SENEY, 1887.. 166. KENSETT, J. F. The Old Pine. Darien, Conn. 27x34. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 167. KENSETT, J. F. Lake George. 2ifx36. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 168. MANET, EDOUARD. Boy with a Sword. 352 X 5J- Presented by MR. ERWIN DAVIS. 169. GIFFORD, R. SWAIN. Near the Coast. One of the four prize paintings of the Prize Exhibition of the American Art Association, 1885. Awarded by lot to The Metro- politan Museum of Art, in consideration of the prize money sub- scribed by citizens of New York. 170. STUART, CHARLES GILBERT. Portrait of David Sears, Esq. 23x26. Presented by SEVERAL GENTLEMEN. 171. KENSETT, J. F. Autumn Sunset. 14x18. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 172. KENSETT, J. F. Sea and Rocky Shore. 30x18. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874, 173. WHITE, EDWIN. The Antiquaiy. 26|x2i|. Presented by MRS. EDWIN WHITE. 174. BONNAT, LEON. Portrait of John Taylor Johnston, Esq., First President of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Dated 1880. 42x50 J. Presented by THE TRUSTEES, 1880, 175. CROPSEY, JASPER F. Landscape. 47^x32 J. Bequeathed by MRS. SARAH ANN LUDLUM, 1877. 176. KENSETT, J. F. A Study Near Darien. 30x17! . Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 177. LEROLLE, HENRY. The Organ Rehearsal. 141x91. Presented by MR. GEORGE I. SENEY, 1887. 178. ISRAELS, JOSEF. Expectation. 52^x70!. Presented by MR. GEORGE I. SENEY, 1887. 179. DURAND, ASHER B. Landscape. 48x32^. Bequeathed by MRS. SARAH ANN LUDLUM, 1877, CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS. 21 180. NOTER, DAVID DE, and JULES GOUPIL. A Dining Room. 35x24!. Bequeathed by MR. STEPHEN WHITNEY PHCENIX, 1881. 181. KENSETT, J. F. Eaton's Neck, L. I. 36x18. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 182. HELLQUIST, C. G. Peder Sonnavater and Master Knut's Oppro- brious Entry into Stockholm, in 1526. (These two Swedish Bishops had sought refuge after their unsuccessful rebellion in Dalame, against Gustavus I., with the Archbishop Olaf, in Tronheim ; but the latter treacherously betrayed them to the King's servants, who, dressing them in rags, and putting a crown of straw on Sonnavater's head, and a mitre of birch-bark on Knut's, mounted them on starving horses, and brought them through Upsala to Stockholm in a Shrove- tide procession, amidst jeers and insults. They were led to the market-place, and, after drinking to the executioner's health, were broken on the wheel.) Dated 1870. 92x65$. Presented by MR. WM. H. OSBORN, 1880. 183. BISI, LUIGI. Cathedral of Milan. 48.1x61. Bequeathed by MR. STEPHEN WHITNEY PHCENIX, 1881. 184. MACLAREN, WALTER. Capri Life. The Embroiderers. 32x21. Presented by MR. GEORGE HAYWARD, 1876. 185. PECHT, PROF. Portrait of Richard Wagner. Painted to order for the late King Louis II. of Bavaria. 44^x5 1 . Presented to the Museum by MR. FREDERICK LOESER. 186. BONHEUR, MLLE. MARIE ROSA. The Horse Fair. 197^x93^. Presented by MR. CORNELIUS VANDERBILT, 1887. Mile. Rosa Bonheur made her Debut at the Paris Salon of 1841, to which she sent two small pictures of sheep, goats and rabbits. She exhibited each following year except 1851-52. In 1853 she exhibited her masterpiece, the now famous "Horse Fair." The subsequent history of this Painting is given in the fol- lowing extract from a letter written to Mr. S. P. Avery by Mr. Ernest Gambart, the original purchaser of the picture, formerly of London, and now retired from business and living at Nice : "I will give you the real history of the ' Horse Fair ' now in New York. It was painted in 1852 by Rosa Bonheur, then in her thirtieth year, and exhibited in the next Salon. Though much admired, it did not find a purchaser. It was soon after exhibited at Ghent, meeting again with much appreciation, but was not sold, as art did not flourish at the time. In 1855, the picture was sent by Mile. Rosa Bonheur to her native town of Bordeaux and exhibited there. She offered to sell it to the town at the very low price of 12,000 francs ($2,400). While 22 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. there I asked her if she would sell it to me and allow me to take it to* England and have it engraved. She said ; 'I wish my picture to remain in France. I will once more impress on my countrymen my wish to sell it to them for 12,000 francs. If they refuse, you can have it, but if you take it abroad you must pay me 40,000 francs.' The town failing to make the purchase I at once accepted these terms, and Rosa Bonheur then placed the picture at my disposal. I ten- dered her the 40,000 francs and she said : ' I am much gratified at your giving me such a noble price, but I do not like to feel that I have taken advantage of your liberality. Let us see how we can combine in the matter. You will not be able to have an engraving made from so large a canvas. Suppose I paint you a small one of the same subject, of which I will make you a present.' Of course I accepted the gift, and thus it happened that the large work went trav- elling over the kingdom on exhibition, while Thomas Landseer was making an engraving from the quarter-size replica. " After some time, in 1857 (I think), I sold the original picture to Mr. Wm. P. Wright, New York (whose picture gallery and residence were at Weehauken, N. J.), for the sum of 30,000 francs, but as he claimed a share of the profits of its exhibition in New York and other cities, he really paid me only 22,000 francs for it. I offered to re- purchase the picture in 1870 for 50,000 fiancs, but ultimately I un- derstood that Mr. Stewart paid a much larger price for it on the dis- persion of Mr. Wright's gallery. The quarter-size replica, from which the engraving was made, I finally sold to Mr. Jacob Bell, who^ bequeathed it, in 1859, to the nation, and it is now in the National Gallery in London. A second, still smaller replica, was painted a few years later, and was re-sold some time ago in London for ^"4,000 ($20,000). There is also a smaller water-color drawing, which was sold to Mr. Bolckow for 2,500 guineas ($12,000), and is now an heir- loom belonging to the town of Middleborough. That is the whole history of this grand work. The Stewart canvas is the real and true original, and only large size ' Horse Fair.' " Once in Mr. Stewart's possession, it never left his gallery until the auction sale of his collection, March 25, 1887, when it was pur- chased by Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt for the sum of $53,500, and pre- sented to The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Hamerton calls Rosa Bonheur 'the most accomplished female painter who ever lived, 'and adds: 'She is a pure and generous woman as well, and can hardly be too much admired, whether we regard her as woman or artist. She is simple in her tastes and habits of life, and many stories are told of her generosity to others.' " 187. WOOD, T. W. War Episodes The Contraband, The Volunteer, The Veteran. 17^x27^. Presented by MR. CHARLES SMITH, 1884^ CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS. 23 188. MAY, EDWARD HARRISON. The Brigand. 37l x 54 Presented by SEVERAL GENTLEMEN, 1887. 189. HOFFER, F. Decadence of Rome. A copy of the large picture now in the Luxembourg, in Paris ; made about 1850, and retouched by Couture himself. 83^x50. Presented by MR. L. P. EVERARD, 1880. 190. WEED, C. M. In the Study. 20x22 \. Bequeathed by MR. STEPHEN WHITNEY PHCENIX, 1881. 191. GAY, WALTER. "Les Fileuses." Paris Salon, 1885. 41x41. Presented by A FRIEND. 192. CLAYS, PAUL JEAN. Celebration of the Freedom of the Port of Antwerp, 1863. 78x48^. Presented by THE ARTIST and an ASSOCIATION OF GENTLEMEN, 1881. 193. DupREjULiEN. The Balloon. 78x953. Presented by MR. GEORGE I. SENEY, 1887. 194. KENSETT, J. F. Sunrise, from Contentment Island. 18x13!. Presented by Mr. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 195. KENSETT, J. F. After Sunset. 29']xi6|. Presented by Mr. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 196. KENSETT, J. F. Rocks at Darien. igjxiif. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 197. ISRAELS, JOSEF. The Bashful Suitor. 6 7i x 45l- Presented by MR. GEORGE I. SENEY, 1887. 198. ARTIST UNKNOWN. Catharine de Medicis, presenting to her son, Charles IX., for signature, the Edict for the Massacre of St. Bartholomew. 472 X 392- Bequeathed by MR. STEPHEN WHITNEY PHCENIX, 1881. 199. Rico, MARTIN. An Italian Garden. I4|x23j. Bequeathed by MR. STEPHEN WHITNEY PHCENIX, 1881. 200. GAEL, ALOIS. A Recruiting Scene in the Austrian Tyrol. 75x46^. Presented by MESSRS. WIMMER & Co., of Munich, 1882. 201. JETTEL, EUGENE. A Marsh in North Holland. Purchased by Prince Demidoff, at the International Paris Exhibition of 1878. Purchased at the San Donato Sale of the Demidoff Collection. 48x43^. Presented by MR. CHARLES SKDELMEYER of Paris, 1883. 202. DEMONT, ANDRIEN Louis. The Old Man's Garden. From the Salon of 1884. 59x44.}. Presented by MR. GEORGE!. SENEY, 1887. 203. JONES, BOLTON. Spring. Presented by MR. GECTRGE I. SENEY, 1887. 24 METKOPOLITAN MUSEUM OF AKT. 204. FULLER, GEORGE. " Nydia." (Bulwer's " Last Days of Pompeii.") 31x49. Presented by MR. GEORGE I. SENEY, 188;. 205. GLISENTI, A. The Hunter's Story. The picture represents one of the peculiar customs of a certain part of Italy the collection of a bounty of eggs from neighbors keeping hens, by one who has killed a fox. 74^x45^. Presented by MRS. EMMA KEEP SCHLEY, 1887. 206. PILOTY, CARL THEODOR Vox. Thusnelda at the Triumphal Entry of Germanicus into Rome. Painted to order for the late A. T. Stewart, Esq. At the request of Emperor William, was exhibited in Berlin before being sent to this country. The large painting now in the Munich Gallery was painted subsequent to the above. The following description is by the painter, Piloty : The Emperor Tiberius, surrounded by his Courtiers (Favorites, Councillors, Lictors, Senators and Roman Women,) has taken his place upon a tribune under a spread canopy, in order that the tri- umphal procession of Germanicus may pass before him. Germanicus appears in the background upon a triumphal car, accompanied by his five sons, surrounded by Trophies of Victory, and is greeted by the applause and acclamations of the people, who are to be seen at the Arch of Triumph. In front of the car, reaching from the middle distance to the foreground of the picture, are the German Captives being led in chains. As principal figure of this group and of the picture, walks Thusnelda, in the costume of the Germans, with her son, Tumelicus (a child of three years), accompanied by a nurse and an attendant. Before her is the Priest, Libes. coupled (chained) together with War- riors, escorted by Roman Soldiers, who insult them. Behind Thus- nelda are to be seen her brothers, leaders of the Cherusker, chained together, with bears, etc., etc. The foreground to the left is occupied by populace of Rome, who mock and insult Thusnelda. Thusnelda, having been forcibly carried away from her hus- band, Arminius a German Prince, by her father Segestes, was, from reasons which appeared to him advantageous for his own personal interests and the condition of the Germans, betrayed and delivered into the hands of the Romans. In the picture, Tiberius has selected Segestes to stand before the steps of his throne and has forced him to witness the shame of his own daughter ; he is mocked by the Senators sitting near him, they point to the prisoners below. Strabo describes, as an eye-witness, this event ; he, as well as Tacitus, although Romans, express plainly their sympathy for the CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS. 25 devotion and love of country exhibited by Thusnelda, whose person- ality will ever be a poetical subject for an artist. 77x512. Presented by MR. HORACE RUSSELL, 1887. 207. BOILVIN, EMILE. Louis XI. at Prayer. 45^x338. Bequeathed by MR. STEPHEN WHITNEY PHCENIX, 1881. 208. WYANT, A. H. View in County Kerry. 40x25!. Presented by MR. GEORGE I. SENEY, 1887. 209. KENSETT, J. F. Study, Coast of Darien. 29.1, xi4f. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 210. ALEXANDER, J. W. Portrait of Walt Whitman. Presented by MRS. JEREMIAH MILBANK. WESTERN GALLERY, U. 211. MARR, CARL. Gossip. 65^x41. Presented by MR. GEORGE I. SENEY, 1887. 212. SCHRADER, JULIUS. Baron Alexander von Humboldt. Painted from life at the age of 89 years. 52x62^. In the year 1857, the late Mr. Albert Have meyer, of this city, being then in Berlin, called on Baron von Humboldt and requested him to sit to the eminent artist, Julius Schrader, for his portrait. The Baron was obliged to decline the frequent and urgent solicita- tions of his many admirers for a similar favor, but having in the United States many personal friends and acquaintances whom he thought would be gratified to see a good portrait of himself, cheer- fully consented to sit ; and taking from his table a number of sketches made by himself, he selected one having in the background Chimborazo, and said, " I will be painted sitting here," designating the spot with Chimborazo in the distance. The artist commenced the picture at once, and at its completion the Baron expressed him- self as delighted with it. This was th. LANG, Louis. A Country Girl. 33^x26^. * 256. KENSETT, J. F. After Sunset. I7fxi4. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 2">7. KENSETT, J. F. A Foggy Day. 45x30. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 258. KENSETT, J. F. Sunset near Darien. ^t^Si- Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 259. JOHNSON, EASTMAN. Sandford R. Gifford. 31^x26^. Presented by MR. RICHARD BUTLER, 1888. 260. INNESS, GEORGE. Autumn Oaks. 29^x20. Presented by MR. GEORGE I. SENEY, 1887. 261. ESCOSURA, LEON Y. An Auction Sale in Clinton Hall, New York, 1876. 3ix2i|. Presented by THE ARTIST, 1881. 262. EAKINS, THOMAS. The Chess Players. Dated 1888. 15^x1 1 J. Presented by THE ARTIST, 1881. 263. KENSETT, J. F. View near Lake George. 13x9^. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 264. ELLIOTT, CHARLES LORING. Portrait of the Artist. 24x29. Presented by MR. ROBERT HOE, 1888. 265. KENSETT, J. F. Newport Rocks. 48x30!. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 266. PLASSAN, ANTOINE EMILE. Table Supplies. 8Jx6. Bequeathed by MR. STEPHEN WHITNEY PHOENIX. 32 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. 267. BARGUE, CHARLES. Footman Sleeping. 10x131. Bequeathed by MR. STEPHEN WHITNEY PHCENIX. 268. DANNAT, WM. T. " Un Quatuor." (A Quartette.) 90ix92|. Presented by MRS. WM. H. DANNAT, 1886, 269. KENSETT, J. F. Sunrise on Long Island Sound. 48x31. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874.. 270. FRERE, CHARLES THEODORE. Departure from Jerusalem for Jaffa. 9x12. 271. HAMON, JEAN L. Among the Flowers. 145x9. 272. MANET, EDOUARD. Girl with a Parrot. 50x7 if. Presented by MR. IRWIN DAVIS. 273. VEDDER, ELIHU. The Sentinel. 8x141. 274. MEYER VON BREMEN. The Grandmother. 12^x15^. Bequeathed by MR. STEPHEN WHITNEY PHCENIX, 1881^ 2^5. L'ENFANT DE METZ. Going to Market. 12x151. 276. LHERMITTE, LEON AUGUSTIN. The Vintage. From the Paris Salon of 1884. 8ix97f. Presented by MR. WILLIAM SCHAUS, 1887. 277. MILLET, FRANCIS D. A Cosy Corner. 22 2 X 35- Presented by Mr. GEORGE I. SENEY, 1887,, 278. WENTWORTH, MRS. C. E. Portrait of Major General Geo. B. Mc- Clellan. Paris Salon, 1886. I5fx2of. Presented by SEVERAL GENTLEMEN, 1887. 279. KENSETT, J. F. Twilight in the Cedars. 14x17!. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874.. 280. HERMANN-LEON, CHARLES. The Hunter. 571x84. Presented by MRS. EDWARD P. KENNARD, nee WILHELMINA SCHAUS,. 1887. 281. HARPIGNIES, HENRI. Moonrise. 631x331. To illustrate the lines by Victor Hugo " La campagne, les bois, les ombrages charmants, Les larges clairs de lune au bord des flots dormants." Painted by order of Messrs. Arnold and Tripp, of Paris, and pre- sented by them, 1886. IN THE CENTRE OF GALLERY, U. BARYE, Louis ANTOINE. Centaur and Lapith. (Bronze.) THE MUSEUM. NORTHWEST STAIRWAY. 282. BROWNING, ROBERT BARRETT. The Meuse from Bouvigne. Belgium. Presented by MRS. BLOOMFIELD MOORE, 1882. 283. WUST, ALEXANDER. A Mountain Torrent in Norway. Presented by MRS. HENRY G. NORTON, 1882. 284. KENSETT, J. F. Twilight in the Cedars. Presented by MR. THOMAS KENSETT, 1874. 285. UNKNOWN ARTIST. Modern German Eurydice. 286. COLUS, ALPHONSE. The Entombment. Presented by MR. L. A. LANTHIER, 1884. DECORATIVE PAINTINGS ON THE WEST WALL OF THE GRAND HALL. 287. KNAUS, LUDWIG. Peace. 68x136 inches. Presented by MR. JACOB H. SHIFF, 1888. 288. MAKART, HANS. Diana's Hunting Party. 31x14 feet. Presented by MRS. ELLEN JOSEPHINE BANKER, 1888. 289. RICHTER, GUSTAV. Victory. 68x136 inches. Presented by MR. JA^COB II. SHIFF, 1888. DECORATIVE PAINTING ON THE EAST WALL OF THE GRAND HALL. 290. CONSTANT, JEAN JOSEPH BENJAMIN. Paris. Born in Paris, 1845, Pupil of Cabanel. Medals, 1875, '76, '78, Legion of Honor, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1884. Gold Medal, Exposition Uni- verselle, 1889. Justinian in Council. Painted and exhibited at Paris Salon, 1888. Justinian I. '(Flavius Anicius Justinianus) surnamed the great, a Byzantine Emperor, born at Tauresium, a village near Sardica (now Sophia) in Bulgaria, in 482, or 483 ; died, 565. He was the son of a poor barbarian family, but his elevation was promoted by his uncle Justin I. who, shortly before his death in 527, adopted him as Co- Emperor. The political event of his reign may be summed up in the wars of Belisarius and the eunuch Narses, who obtained successes over the Persians in the East, and the Vandals and Goths in Italy, and in the terrible sedition which broke out at Constantinople in 532. The glory of his reign is the famous digest of Roman law, known generally as the Justinian Code, which was compiled out of the Gre- gorian, Theodosian, Hermogenian codes, by the ablest lawyers of the empire, under the genius of the juris-consult, Tribonian. Their labors consist I. of the " Statute Law," or Justinian Code, properly so called. II. " The Pandects," a digest of the decisions and opinions of former magistrates and lawyers these two compilations consisted of matter that lay scattered through more than two thousand volumes, now reduced to fifty. III. " The Institutes," an abridgment in four books, containing the substance of all the laws in elementary form. IV. The laws of modern date, including Justinian's own edicts, col- lected into ope volume, and called "The New Code." These labors which a Caesar had not been able to accomplish, were completed by the year 541. Besides this important work of imperial reform, Jus- tinian was a great builder and engineer, and works of public utility were kept constantly in progress in all parts of the empire. He was remarkable for his temperance and chastity, and not less for his great learning and diligent application to business. Presented by MR. G. MANNHEIMER, 1890. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX Artists represented in Hand-book, No. I. ACHENBACH, OSWALD. Dtisseldorf. Pupil of his Brother. Medals, 1859, '61, '63. Legion of Honor, 1863. Born at Hesse Cassel, 1827. ACHENBACH, ANDREAS. Diisseldorf. Pupil of Schirmer. Medals, 1839, '55, '67. Legion of Honor, 1864. Knight of Order of Leopold. Member of the Berlin, Antwerp and Amsterdam Academies. Born at Hesse Cassel, 1815. ALEXANDER, JOHN \V. Born at Pittsburgh, 1856. Studied at Munich, Paris and in Italy. Medal at Munich. BAIXERAS, VERDAGUER DIONISCO. Spanish. Native of Barcelona. Pupil of its Academy and of M. A. Rigalt. BAKER, GEORGE A. Born at New York, 1821. Pupil of his father, who was a miniature painter. Studied in Europe, 1844-46. N. A., 1851. Died, 1 88 1. BAKKER KORFF, A. H. The Hague. Pupil of Hague Academy. Born, 1824. Died, 1882. BARGUE, CHARLES. Born at Paris. Pupil of Gerome. Medals for Lithography, 1867, 1868. Lied in 1883. BEERSTRAA.TEN, ALEXANDRE. Second half of the I7th century. Dutch School; Landscape painter. Flourished probably in Amster- dam. Identified by Havard, with Jan B., but wrongly so. BENVENUTI, PIETRO. Born at Arezzo, January 8, 1769. Died at Florence, February 3, 1844. History painter. Studied in Florence after Andre del Sarto, and in Rome after Raphael; adhered in his earlier works to the manner of David, but developed an independent style, and, with Camucini, was looked upon as one of the first of modern painters. Lived after 1805, in Florence, where he became Director of the Academy. BERNE- BELLECOUR, ETTIENNE P. Paris. Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1869, '72. Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born at Boulogne, 1838. 36 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF AKT. BIDA, ALEXANDRE. Paris. Pupil of Delacroix. Medals, 1848, '55, '67, '78. Legion of Honor, 1855. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Born at Toulouse, 1813. BISI, LUIGI. Born at Genoa, 1814. Member of the Milan Academy and Director of the School of Landscape Painting. Died, 1869. BOILVIN, EMILE. French. Born at Metz. Pupil of Pils. BOLDINI, G. Born at Ferrara, Italy. Resides at Paris. BONHEUR, FRANCOIS AUGUSTS. Born at Bordeaux, 1824. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. BONHEUR, MLLE. MARIE ROSA. Paris. Born at Bordeaux, March 22, 1822. Pupil of her father, Raymond B. Bonheur. Began by copying in the Louvre, afterwards made studies and sketches near Paris. Her first two pictures, exhibited at Bordeaux, 1841, attracted much atten- tion, and were followed by others which established her world-wide fame. During the Franco-Prussian War, her studio and residence at By, adjoining the Forest of Fontainebleau, were respected by special order of the Crown Prince of Prussia. Since 1848 she has been di- rector of the Paris Free School of Design for Young^Girls, which she founded. " Exempt " from Jury of Admission by special decree, July 27th, 1853. Elected member of Antwerp Institute, 1878. Medals, 1845, '48, '55, '67 (Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1865, personally delivered by the Empress Eugenie. Leopold Cross, 1880. Commander's Cross of Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic, 1880, &c., &c. BONNAT, LEON JOSEPH FLORENTIN. Paris. Born at Bayonne, 1833. Pupil of Frederick Madrazo of Madrid and of Cogniet at Paris. Medals, 1861, '63, '67. Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal of Honor, 1869. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Member of the Institute of France, 1881. Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1882. BOUCHER, FRANCIS. Born at Paris (1704-1770). One of the most mannered of French painters. He was appointed principal painter to Louis XV, in 1765. He was also superintendent of the tapestry manu- factory at Beauvais. His pictures are of a decorative type. BOUGHTON, GEORGE H. Born in England, 1834. His family went to Albany, N. Y., 1837. Studied at Albany. First exhibited at the National Academy of Design, New York, in 1858. Made an Acad- emician, 1871. Associate Member of the Royal Academy, 1879, and of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colors, London, 1887,, where he is now resident. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 37 BOUGUEREAU, WILLIAM A. Paris. Pupil of Picot. Prize of Rome, 1850. Medal, 1857. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1859. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1867. Member of the Institute of France, 1876. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Grand Medal of Honor, 1885. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1885. Born at La Rochelle, 1825. BRETON, JULES. Paris. Pupil of Devigne and Drolling. Medals, 1855. '57' '59i ' OI - Legion of Honor, 1861. Medal of the First Class and Officer of the Legion of Honor, at the Exposition Universelle, 1867. Medal of Honor, Salon, 1872. Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Member of the Institute of France, 1886. Order of St. Stanislaus of Russia. Corresponding Member of the Academies of Vienna, Stock- holm and Madrid. Born at Courrieries, 1827. BRION, GUSTAVE. French. Born at Rothau, 1824. Died 1877. Pupil of Geurin. Medals, 1853, '69, '61, '63, '67. Legion of Honor, 1863. Grand Medal of Honor, 1868. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. BROWN, JOHN LEWIS. Born at Bordeaux, 1829. Medals, 1865, '66, '67. BROWNING, ROBERT BARRETT. Son of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Studied at Antwerp. First Exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1878. CABANEL, ALEXANDRE. Paris. Pupil of Picot. Prize of Rome, 1845. Medals, 1852, '55. Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1863. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1864. Grand Medals of Honor, 1865, '67, '78. Professor in the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Com- mander of the Legion of. Honor, 1884. Born at Montpelier, Sep- tember 28, 1823. CHAPLIN, CHARLES. French. Paris. Born at Andelys, 1825, Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux Arts and Drolling. Medals, 1851, '52, '65. Legion of Honor, 1865. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1877. CHAPMAN, JOHN GADSBY, N. A. (Am.) Born at Alexandria, Va., 1808. National Academy of Design in 1836. Went to Italy in 1848, settling in Rome, where he resided until 1890, when he returned to New York. Died 1890. CHAVET, VICTOR JOSEPH. Pupil of Revoil and Roqueplan. Born at Aix, 1822. Medals, 1853, '57. Legion of Honor, 1859. CLAIRIN, GEORGES JULES VICTOR. Paris. Born at Paris, 1843. Pupil of Picot and Pils, and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Medals, 1882. 38 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. CLAYS, PAUL JEAN. Brussels. Born at Bruges, Belgium, 1819. Pupil of Gudin, Paris. Medal, Brussels, 1851. Medals, Paris, 1867 (Exposi- tion Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1875. Medal, 1878 (Exposition Uni- verselle). Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Commander of the Order of Charles III. COLMAN, SAMUEL. Born at Portland, Maine, 1833. After 1860, studied two years at Paris and in Spain. Subsequently at Paris, Rome and Dresden. N. A., 1862. First President of the American Society of Water-colors. COMTE, PIERRE C. Paris. Pupil of Delaroche and Robert Fleury. Medals, 1852, '53, '55, '57, '67. Legion of Honor, 1857. Born at Lyons, 1823. CONINCK, PIERRE LOUIS JOSEPH DE. Born at Meteren (Nord), 1828, Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1866, '68, '73. CONSTANT, JEAN JOSEPH BENJAMIN. (Fr.) Born at Paris, 1845. Medals, 1875 and 1876. Pupil of Cabanel. COROT, JEAN B. C. Paris. Pupil of Bertin. Medals, 1838, '48, '55, '67.. Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born at Paris, 1796. Died, 1875. COT, PIERRE A. Pupil of Bouguereau. Medals, 1870, '72. Born at Bedarieux, 1837. Legion of Honor, 1874. Died, 1883. COUTURE, THOMAS. French. Born at Senlis, Oise, 1815. Died, March 31, 1874. Pupil of Gros and Delaroche. Medals, 1844, '47, '55. Legion of Honor, 1848. CROPSEY, JASPER F. Born at Staten Island, 1823. N. A., 1851. DANNAT, WILLIAM T. Born New York, 1853. Educated at the Royal Academy, Munich, and at Paris. Pupil of Munkacsy. Medal at Salon, 1883. " Hors Concours," Exposition Universelle, 1889. Member of International Jury, Legion of Honor, 1889. DAUBIGNY, CHARLES F. Paris. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1848, '53 '55> '57 '59' ' 6 7- Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born at Paris, 1817. Died, !78. DAVIS, CHARLES II. Born at Amesbury, Mass., 1858. Studied at Boston and Paris. DECAMPS, ALEXANDRE G. Paris. Pupil of Pujol. Medals, 1831, '34. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1839. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1851. Born at Paris, 1803. Died, 1860. DE COCK, CESAR. Paris. Born at Ghent, Belgium. Medals, 1867, '69. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 39 DEFREGGER, FRANZ VON. Munich. Pupil of Munich Academy un- der Piloty, 1860. Medal 1878. Honorary Member of the Munich, Vienna and Berlin Academies. Ennobled in 1880. Born at Stron- ach, Bavarian Tyrol, 1835. DEKKER, CORNELIS. Lived in the r;th century. His works are well finished, his perspective correct, and though his tone of co'or is some- times dark, he relieves it by silvery skies. The figures in some of his pictures were painfed by Adrian Van Ostnde, born at LubecV (1610- 1685). One of the most excellent among the Dutch genre painters. DELORT, CHARLES E. Paris. Pupil of GeTome. Medals, 1875, '82. Born atNimes, 1841. DEMONT, ADRIEN LOUIS. Paris. Pupil of Emile Breton. Medals, 1879, '82. DESGOFFE, BLAIZE. Paris. Pupil of Flandrin and Bouguereau. Med- als, 1861, '63. Legion of Honor, 1878. Born at Paris, 1830. Died, 1886. DETAILLE, JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD. Paris. Born at Paris, 1848. Favorite pupil of Meissonier. Exhibited at Salon, ii. 1868, his " Halt of Infantry," which received much praise, and in 1869 the " Rest During the Drill at Camp St. Maur," which established his reputation as one of the most popular military painters of the day. Medals, Paris, 1869, '70, '72. Legion of Honor, 1873 ; Officer of the same, 1881. Medal of Honor, 1888. DEVEDEUX, LOUIS. Born at Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-dome, 1820 Pupil of Delaroche and Decamps. DE VRIENDT, JULIEN. Antwerp. DIAZ DE LA PENA, NARCISSE VIRGILE. Born at Bordeaux, August 21, 1808, of Spanish parents. Studied at Paris. Pupil of Sigalon. First Medal in 1844, after exhibiting thirteen years at the Salon. Medals, 1846, '48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Died, 1876. DOMINGO y MARQUES D. FRANCISCO. Born at Valencia. Spain. 1843. Pupil of the Royal Academy San Carlos, of Valencia. Pen- sioned by his native town, he studied at Rome, 1868-69. Received a first-class medal at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts, Madrid 1871. Was appointed Professor in the Academy at Valencia; made Com- mander of the Order of Don Carlos III,, 1876; and received the Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, 1883. The municipality of Valencia named a street after him in 1887. Member of the Royal Academy at Antwerp, 1888. Has resided for several years in Paris. 40 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. DORE, LOUIS GUSTAVE PAUL. Paris. Born at Strasbourg, 1832. Went to Paris, 1845. Legion of Honor, 1861. Honorable mention Sculpture, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1879. Died, 1883. DUEZ, ERNEST. Paris. Pupil of Pils. Medals, 1874, '79. Legion of Honor, 1880. Born at Paris, 1843. DUPRE, JULES. French. Born at Nantes, 1812. As a boy studied de- sign in the Porcelain Manufactory of his father. Debut at the Salon of 1831. Medal, Paris, 1833. Legion of Honor, 1849. Medal, Expo- sition Universelle, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. DUPRE, JULIEN. Born, Paris, March i;th, 1851. Landscape and gen- eral painter. Pupil of Pils, Lehmann and Lang6e. Medals, 3d class, 1880; 2d class, 1882. DURAND, ASHER B. Born in New Jersey, 1796. Died, 1886. One of the original members of the National Academy of Design. DUVERGER, THEOPHILE E. Paris. Medals, 1861, '63, '65. Born at Bordeaux, 1821. EAKINS, THOMAS. Born at Philadelphia, 1844. Pupil of Gerome and the Beaux Arts at Paris. Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and Philadelphia Artists' League. ELLIOTT, CHARLES LORING. Born at Scipio, N. Y., 1812 ; died at Al- bany, 1868. Son of an Architect. Pupil of Trumbull and Quidor. As- sociate of National Academy, 1845. Academician, 1846. ESCALLIER, ELEONORE. Paris. Pupil of Ziegler. Medal 1868. Born at Poligny, Jura. ESCOSURA, LEON Y. Born at Oviedo, the Capital of the Austurias, Spain, 1834. Studied at the Royal Museum at Madrid, and with Gerome, at Paris. King Amadeus of Spain conferred upon him the Cross of Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, and Commander of the Order of Charles III. He is also Chevalier of the Order of Christ, of Portugal. Resides at Paris. FAGNANI, JOSEPH. Born at Naples. Deceased. FALERO, LUIS. Paris. FICHEL, EUGENE BENJAMIN. Paris. Pupil of Delaroche and Drolling. Medals, 1857, '61, '69. Legion of Honor, 1870. Born at Paris, 1826. FORTUNY, MARIANO. Deceased. Rome. Born at Reus, Catalonia, Spain, June u, 1838. Pupil of the Barcelona Academy. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. Prize of Rome, from Spain, 1858. Died at Rome, 1874. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 41 FRERE, CHARLES THEODORE. Paris. Pupil of Cogniet and Roque- plan. Medals, i848, '65. Born at Paris, 1815. Died, 1888. FRERE, PIERRE EDOUARD. Paris. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1851, '5 2 > '55- Legion of Honor, 1855. Born at Paris, 1819. Died, 1886. FROMENTIN, EUGENE. Paris. Pupil of Cabat. Medals, 1849, '57, '59, '67. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1869. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born at La Rochelle, 1820. Died, 1876. FULLER GEORGE. Boston. Associate of National Academy of Design, 1857. Member, Society of American Artists. Born, 1822 ; died, 1884. GAEL, ALOIS. Born, 1845, in the Tyrol. Pupil of the Bavarian Royal Academy and of Piloty. Professor of the Royal Academy, Munich. GALLAIT, LOUIS. Brussels. Pupil of the Tournay Academy. Medals, 1835, '48. Legion of Honor, 1841. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Oak, Holland, and Prussian Order of Merit. Honorary Member of the Royal Academy, London. Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Member of the Brussels, Antwerp, Berlin and Munich Academies. Born at Tournay, Belgium, 1810. Died, 1887. GAY, EDWARD. Born in Ireland, 1837. Pupil of James Hart, at Albany, N. Y. After 1862 studied in Germany under Schirmer and Lessing. In 1867, opened a studio at N. Y., A. N. A., 1870. Prize of $2,000 in the Competitive Exhibition of the American Art Association, 1887, for the landscape, Broad Acres. GAY, WALTER. Born at Boston, Mass. Pupil of Bonnat. Hon. mention Salon 1885. Medal at Salon 1888, and at Exposition Universelle, i8Sg. GEROME, JEAN LEON. Paris. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1847, '48, '55. Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1865. Honorary Member R. A., London. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, 1874. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. M dal, Sculpture, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878. Professor in the School of Beaux Arts. Born at Vesoul, 1824. GIFFORD, R. SWAIN, N. A. Born in 1840. Passed his youth at New Bedford ; studied under Albert Van Beest, the Dutch marine painter, and opened a studio in Boston in 1864. Came to New York in 1866. Was elected an associate of the National Academy in 1867, N. A. in 1878. . "Near the Coast" was one of the four prize paintings of the Prize Exhibition of the American Art Association, 1885. 42 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. GLAIZE, PIERRE PAUL LEON. French. Born at Paris, 1842. Pupil of his father and of G6rome. Debut at the Salon of 1859. Medals in 1864, '66, '68, '78. Legion of Honor, 1877, and has received various public commissions from the French Government and municipalities. GLISENTI, A. Florence. GRAEB, KARL. Berlin. Pupil of Gerst. Painter to the Court, 1851, Great Gold Medal, 1854. Professor of Berlin Academy, 1855. Member of Berlin Academy, 1860. Member of Amsterdam and Vienna Academies. Born at Berlin, 1816. Died, 1884. GRANET, FRANCOIS MARIA. Born at Aix, 1775. Pupil of Constan- tine and David. Many years at Rome. Died, 1849. GRAY, HENRY PETERS. Born at New York (1819-1877). Began the study of Art under Huntington in 1839, afterwards went to Rome and Venice. He painted portraits and genre subjects in New York from 1843 to 1846. GYSIS, NICHOLAS. Born at Isle of Tinos, Greece, 1842. Pupil of Piloty. Since 1874, resides in Munich. HAGHE, LOUIS. London. Pupil of Barriere. Medals, 1834, '55. Ex- President of Institute of Painters in Water Colors. Member of the Antwerp Academy. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Born at Tour- nay, Belgium, 1806. Died, 1885. HAMON, JEAN L. Paris. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1853, '55, '67. Legion of Honor, 1855. Born at Plouha, 1821. Died, 1874. HARPIGNIES, HENRI. Born at Valenciennes, 1819. He was a pupil of Achard; he visited Italy, then made his debut at the Salon of 1853. He first attracted attention in the exhibition of 1861 by "The Edge of a Wood," on the banks of the Allier. In 1866 his "Evening on the Roman Campagna " received a medal, and was purchased for the Lux- embourg. He was also awarded medals in 1868, '69. Legion of Honor, 1875. Medal (Exposition Universelle) 1878. Officer Legion of Honor, 1883. HEBERT, ANTOINE AUGUSTE ERNEST. Paris. Pupil of Delaroche. Prize of Rome, 1839. Medals, 1851, '55, '67. Legion of Honor, 1853. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Member of the Institute of France, 1874. Born at Grenoble, 1817. HELLQUIST, C. G. Born at Kungsor, 1851. Pupil of Lefebvie. Munich. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 43" HENNERJEAN J. Paris. Pupil of Drolling and of Picot. Prize of Rome, 1858. Medals, 1863, '65, '66. Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878- Born at Bernwiller, 1829. HENNINGS, JOHAN FRIEDRICK. Munich. Pupil of Oswald Achen- bach. Born at Bremen, 1838. HERMANN-LEON, CHARLES. Born at Havre, France. Medal, 3rd class, 1873. Medal, 2nd class, 1879. HEYDEN, JAN VAN DER. Born at Govinchem (1637-1712). He finished his works with exquisite care, and the figures were often supplied by Van Derveld and other painters. HOFFER, F. Pupil of Thos. Couture. HUBNER, KARL WILHELM. Born, Konigsberg, 1814 ; died, Dusseldorf, 1879. Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy. Visited America, 1874. Member of the Academy of Amsterdam. HUNTINGTON, DANIEL. Born at New York, 1816. Educated at Hamil- ton College. Pupil of Prof. S. F. B. Morse, and of G. P. Ferrero, Rome. Exhibited first in 1836, at the National Academy of Design, N. Y. Elected Associate in 1838, and Academican in 1840. President from 1862 to 1869, and from 1877 to 1891. INNESS, GEORGE. Born at Newburg, New York, 1825. Pupil of Regis Gignoux. N. A., 1868. In Italy, 1871-1875. ISABEY, LOUIS G. E. Paris. Pupil of his father. Medals, 1824, '28, '55. Legion of Honor, 1832. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852. Born at Paris, July 22, 1804. Died, 1886. ISRAELS, JOSEF. Dutch. Born at Amsterdam, 1824. Studied at Amster- dam and at Paris under Picot. Resident of Amsterdam, and subse- quently at The Hague. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Legion of Honor, 1867. Medals, 1867 '68. Officer Legion of Honor, 1878. Medals at Philadelphia. JACQUET, GUSTAVE. Paris. Pupil of Bouguereau. Medals, 1868, '75, '78. Legion of Honor, 1879. Born at Paris, 1846. JETTEL, EUGENE. Born at Vienna, 1847. Pupil of Albert Zimmerman. Gold Medal at Munich International Exhibition, 1879. JOHNSON, EASTMAN. New York. Born at Lovel, Maine, 1824. Studied at Dusseldorf, 1849-1851. Resided at The Hague four years. Returned from Europe and settled at New York, 1860. Member of the National Academy of Design, 1860. JONES, BOLTON. New Y..rk. Born at Baltimore, 1848. Studied at Paris, 1876 1880. A.N.A., 1881. N. A., 1883. 44 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. JORIS, P. Born at Rome, 1843. Pupil of Fortuny. KAEMMERER, F. H. Born at The Hague, Holland. Pupil of Gerome. Paris Medal, 1874. Legion of Honor, 1889. XAULBACH, FRIEDRICH A. Munich. Pupil of his father. Gold Med- al, Berlin, 1884. Order of the Bavarian Crown, 1885. Member of the Berlin Academy. Born at Hanover, 1850. KAULBACH, WILHELM. Munich. Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy and of Cornelius. Medal, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1855. Officer of the Le- gion of Honor, 1867. Commander of the Order of Francis Joseph. Grand Commander of the Order of St. Michael. Director of the Munich Academy. Born, 1805, at Arolsen, Westphalia. Died at Munich, 1874. KENSETT, JOHN F. Born at Cheshire, Conn., 1818. Died, 1873. Exhi- bited at the Royal Academy, London, in 1850. N. A., 1849. 1CNAUS, LUDWIG. Born at Weisbaden, 1829. Pupil of the Dusseldorf Academy. Medals, 1853, '55, '57, '59. Legion of Honor, 1859. Grand Medal of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal, Vienna, 1882. Medal, Munich, 1883. Professor in the Academy, Ber- lin. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885. Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, Antwerp and Christiana. Hon- orary Member of the Royal Academy, London, 1886. KOEK KOEK, BAREND C. Amsterdam. Pupil of his father and of Schelhout. Medals, 1840, '43. Chevalier of the Order of The Lion, of Netherland, and Leopold, of Belgium. Medals at Amsterdam and The Hague. Born at Middleburg, Zeeland, Oct. 11, 1803; died at Cleves, April 5, 1862. KOLLER, GU1LLAUME. Vienna. Born, 1829 ; died, 1887. Pupil of the Vienna and Dusseldorf Academies. LAMBERT, LOUIS EUGENE. Paris. Pupil of Delacroix. Medals, 1865, '66, '70, '78. Legion of Honor, 1874. Born at Paris, 1825. LAMI, EUGENE LOUIS. Born at Paris, 1800. Pupil of Gros and H. Ver- net. Entered school of Fine Arts, Paris, 1817. Legion of Honor, 1857; Officer, 1862. Medal, 1885. LANG, LOUIS, N. A. Born at Wurtemburg, 1814. LECLAIRE, VICTOR. Born at Paris, 1830. Pupil of his brother M. L. Leclaire. Medals, 1879, '81. Died, 1885. LEFFJ3VRE, JULES. Paris. Pupil of Cogniet. Prize of Rome, 1861. Medals, 1865, '67, '70. Legion of Honor, 1870. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. First-class Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Medal, Amsterdam, 1883. Grand Medal of Honor, 1886. Born at Tournan, Seine, 1834. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 45- LEIGHTON, SIR FREDERICK. London. Pupil of Berlin and Florence Academies. Studied at Rome in 1842, '43, under Filippo Mali. Medal, 1859. Associate of Royal Academy, 1864. Royal Academician, 1869, President of Royal Academy, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Baronet of the United Kingdom, 1885. Corresponding Member .of the Institute of France. Medal of Honor, Antwerp Exhibition, 1885. Member of the Academies of St. Luke and Florence. Born at Scar- borough, 1830. LELOIR, LOUIS. Paris. Pupil of his father. Medals, 1864, '68, '70. Legion of Honor, 1876. Second Class Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born at Paris, 1843. Died, 1883. LELOIR, MAURICE. Born at Paris, 1853. Pupil of his brother. Medal,. 1878. LEROLLE, HENRY. Paris. Medals, 1879, ' 8o - LE ROUX, HECTOR. Paris. Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1863, '64, '74. Legion of Honor, 1877. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born. at Verdun, Meuse, 1829. LHERMITTE, LEON AUGUSTIN. French. Born at Mont Saint Pere, (Aisne). Pupil of Lecoq de Bois Baudran. Medals, 3rd class, 1874. Medal, 2nd class, 1870, Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1884. LINGELBACH, JOANNES. Bora at Frankfort-on-the-Main (1625-1687). He spent a long time in Italy, where he made many studies. He loved to represent scenes in which he could introduce many figures, such as fairs, markets, etc. MACLAREN, WALTER. English. MADRAZO, RAIMUNDO DE. Paris. Pupil of his father. Medal, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1878. Born at Rome, 1841. MAGRATH, WILLIAM. Washington, D. C. Born in Ireland, 1835. As- sociate National Academy of Design, 1874. Member of same, 1876. Member Society of Painters in Water Colors. MAIGNAN, ALBERT. Born at Beaumont, France. Pupil of Noel and Luminais. Medal, 3rd class, 1874 ; 2nd class, 1876 ; 2nd class, 1879. MAKART, HANS. Vienna. Pupil of Piloty. Medals, Venna, 1857. '82. Grand Medal of Honor, Paris, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1878. Pro- fessor at Vienna Academy, 1879. Honorary Member of the Acad- emies of Vienna, Berlin and Munich. Born at Salzburg, 1840. Died, 1884. MANET, EDOUARD. French. Born Paiis, 1833. MARCHAL, CHARLES F. Paris. Pupil of Drolling and Dubois. Medals, 1864, '66, '73. Born at Paris, 1825. Died, 1877. 46 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. MAROCHETTI, BARON CHARLES, 1805-1868. Born at Turin, Italy. Studied at Paris under Busio and in the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Ex- hibited first at the Paris Salon in 1827, obtaining a medal. Legion of Honor, 1831. Removed to London, 1848; R. A., 1861. Among his important works are " Richard Coeur de Leon " for the Court of the New Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament); and other noted bronze statues in Great Britain. His colossal equestrian statue of Washington, in plaster, of which the bronze in the Museum is a pre- liminary study, was destroyed by fire in the New York Crystal Palace of 1853. MARR, CARL. Born at Milwaukee. Now at Munich. Pupil of Dietz. MAUVE, ANTON. Dutch. Pupil of P. F. Van Os. Medal at the Phila- delphia Centennial. MAX, GABRIEL. Munich. Pupil of the Vienna Academy, 1859, and of Piloty. Gold Medals, Berlin and Munich. Honorary Member of Munich Academy. Born at Prague, 1840. MAY, EDWARD HARRISON. Born in England, 1824. Died at Paris, 1887. To America when a child. Pupil of Huntingdon and of Couture, in Paris. Medal, 1855. N. A., 1876. MEISSONIER, JEAN LOUIS ERNEST. Paris. Born at Lyons, February 21, 1815. He went to Paris when quite young, and was, for a time, a pupil of Leon Cogniet. First exhibited at the Salon in 1836. His picture, " La Rixe" (1855), was purchased by Napoleon III., and pre- sented to the late Prince Albert, of England. Medals, Paris, 1840, '41, '43, '48. Grand Medal of Honor, 1855 (Exposition Universelle). One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867 (Exposition Universelle). Grand Medal of Honor (Exposition Universelle), 1878. Legion of Honor, 1845. Officer of the same, 1856; Commander, 1857; Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Member of the Institute of France, 1868. Honorary Member of the Royal Academy, London. MERLE, HUGHES. Paris. Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1861. '63. Legion of Honor, 1866. Born at Saint Marcellin, 1823. Died, 1888. MESGRINY, FRANK DE. Paris. Pupil of Worms and Rico. Born at Paris. MEYER, JEAN GEORGES. Called from his birthplace, "Meyer von Bremen." Born 1813. Pupil of Sohn. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850. Medals at Berlin and Phila- delphia. Died at Berlin, 1886. MICHEL, GEORGES. French. Born, 1763 ; died, 1843. BIOGBAPHICAL INDEX. 47 MILLET, FRANCIS D. American. Born at Mattapoisett, Mass., 1846. Pupil of the Royal Academy of Antwerp, gaining the silver and gold medals of Honor in 1872 and '75. Has painted in the United States, Belgium, England, Italy, France and Austria. Was the American Art- Juror at the Paris Exposition of 1878, and has distinction as a journalist in America and Europe. MULLER CARL. Born at Darmstadt, 1818. Deceased. Pupil of his father, and of Sohn. Professor of the Dusseldorf Academy. MUNKACSZY, MILHALY. Paris. Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy. Medals, 1870, '74. Legion of Honor, 1877. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Created an Austrian Baron, 1882. Member of the Austrian Order, Litteris et Artibus, 1887. Born in the Village of Munkacs, Hungary, 1846. KEEPS, PIETER, and TENIERS, DAVID, the Elder. Neefs, born at Antwerp (1570-1651). Excelled in painting the interior of churches, which were often enlivened by figures executed by the hand of TENIERS the Elder, who was born at Antwerp (1582-1640). He was the most eminent genre painter of Belgium. KOTER, DAVID DE. PASINI, ALBERT. Paris. Pupil of Ciceri. Medals, 1859, '63, '64, '68. Legion of Honor, 1868. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle. 1878. Honorary Professor at Parma and Turin Academies. Born at Busseto. PECHT, PROF. Munich, PELOUSE, LEON GERMAIN. Born at Pierrelay, Seine-et-Oise, France. Medal, 2nd class, 1873. Medal, ist class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. PICKNELL, WILLIAM L. Born in Vermont, 1852. Went to Europe in 1874, studying with Geo. Inness in Rome two years ; later, for a few months, under G6rome in Paris. He has lived in and painted in Brittany, working under Robert Wylie until the time of that artist's death. PILOTY, CARL THEODOR VON. Born at Munich, October I, 1826. Died there, July 21, 1886. Son of, and first instructed by, the lithog- rapher Ferdinand Piloty; then, pupil of Munich Academy under Schnorr, and later under his brother-in-law, Karl Schorn. In 1856, became Professor of Munich Academy. From 1874, Director of same. Medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867, &c., &c. PLASSAN, ANTOINE EMILE. Born at Bordeaux. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Medal at Centennial Exhibition. PREYER, EMILY. Dusseldorf. Pupil of her father, J. W. Preyer. 48 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. PR EVER, JOHAXX W. Dusseldorf. Pupil of Dxisseldorf Academy. Born at Rheydt, 1803. REXOUF. EMILE. Born at Paris. Pupil of Boulanger, Jules Lefebvre and Carolus Duran. Medal, 2nd class, 1880. RICHARDS, WILLIAM T. Philadelphia. Pupil of Weber. Honorary Member, National Academy. X. Y. Medals, Philadelphia, 1876, Temple Fund, 1885. Born, 1833. RICHTER, GUSTAV KARL L. Born at Berlin, 1823. Studied at Berlin, 1844, Paris, with Coignet 1846, and Rome 1847-9. Visited Egypt, 1861, and the Crimea, 1873. Member of the Berlin Academy, and Vienna and Munich. Medals, Berlin, Brussels, Vienna, 1873, Paris. 1855. 57. '59. Generally known as a popular portra.ii painter. Died 1884. RICO, MARTIX. Born at Madrid. Spain. Pupil of F. Madrazo. Medal, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1878. Resides at Paris. RIEFSTHAL, WILHELM. Munich. Pupil of Schirmer and Academy at Berlin. Professor in the Carlsruhe Art School. Member of the Ber- lin and Munich Academies. Gold Medal, Berlin, 1864, Vienna. 1873. Born at Xeustrelitz, Germany, 1827. ROBERT-FLEURY, TONY. Born at Paris, 1838. Pupil of Paul Dela- roche and Cogniet. Medals, 1866, '67, '70, '78. Medal of Honor, 1870. Legion of Honor, 1873. ROUSSEAU, THEODORE. Paris. Pupil of Lethiere. Medals. 1834. '49, '55. Legion of Honor, 1858. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. Diploma to Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Unh-erselle, 1878. Born at Paris, 1812. Died, 1867. ROYBET, FERDIXAND VICTOR LEOX, Paris. Pupil of Lyons School of Fine Arts and Vibert. Medal, 1866. Born at Uzes, Gard., France, 1840. SCHAUS, FERDIXAXD. Prof., German. Resident at Berlin. Medal at the Philadelphia Centennial. SCHEXCK, AUGUSTE FREDERIC ALBRECHT. Paris. Pupil of Cog- niet. Medal, 1865. Chevalier of the Order of Christ, of Portugal, and Isabella the Catholic. Legion of Honor, i887. Born in the Duchy of Holstein, 1828. SCHRADER, JULIUS. (Ger.) Born at Berlin. 1815. Professor and Mem- ber of the Academic Senate of the Academy of Berlin. Medal at Paris, 1855. SCHREYER, ADOLPHE. Paris. Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1828. Belonging to a distinguished family, this artist enjoyed every advan- tage of travel and instruction. In 1855 he followed the regiment commanded by Prince Taxis, to the Crimea. Meda'.s 4. '65, BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 49 '67 (Exposition UniterttelleY, Brussels Exposition, 1863, and Vienna Exposition, 1873. In 1862 he was made Painter to the Court of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Cross of the Order of Leo- pold, 1864. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam, and Honorary Member of the Deutches Nochstiff. Officer of the Star of Roumania, 1888. SEITZ, ANTOINE. Munich. Born at Rotham-sand, near Nuremberg, 1830. Pupil of Munich Academy, and of Fliiggen, at Munich. Pro- fessor and Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Munich. Gold Medals at Munich and Vienna. Chevalier of the Bavarian Order of St. Michael. SIMONETTI, CAVALIERE ATTILIO. Rome. Pupil of Fortuny. STEVENS, ALFRED. Born at Brussels, 1828. Pupil of Navez at Brussels and Roqueplan at Paris. Medal at Brussels, 1850; Paris, 1853, '55, '57> ' 6 7, and Exposition Universelle, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1863; Officer, 1867; Commander, 1878. Commander of the Order of Leo- pold, 1855 ; Grand Officer, 1881. Member of the Order of Francis Joseph and Bavarian Order of St. Nicholas. Commander of the Orders of St. Michael, of Bavaria, and of Ferdinand, of Austria. STEVENS, JOSEPH. Born at Brussels, 1822. Medals, 1852, '55, '57. Legion of Honor, 1861. STUART, CHARLES GILBERT. Born at Newport, Rhode Island, 1754-1828. TENIERS, DAVID, the elder. Born, Antwerp, 1582. Died, Antwerp, 1649 TIEPOLO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA. Born at Venice, April 16, 1696. Died at Madrid, March 27, 1770. Venetian School ; pupil of Gregorio Lazzarini, afterwards influenced by Giovanni Battista Piazzetta, and still more by Paolo Veronese, whose equal he was reputed to be, in the decadence of Venetian Art, though he was far from being so as a colorist. He has been rightly called the last decorative painter of the Venetian School. TOULMOUCHE, AUGUSTE. Born at Nantes, 1829. Pupil of Gleyre. Medals, 1852, '59, '61, '78. Legion of Honor, 1870. TRAYER, JEAN B. Paris. Pupil of his father and Lequin. Medals, l %S3i '55- Born at Paris, 1824. TROYON, CONSTANT, deceased. Paris. Born at Sevres, 1810. Hia parents wished him to be a painter of porcelain, but after a time spent in the manufactory at Sevres, he studied under Riocreux, and became a painter of landscapes and animals. Medals, Paris, 1838, '40, '46, '48, '55. Legion of Honor, 1849. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Died, 1865. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Unltertelle, 1878. 50 METEOPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. ULRICH, CHARLES F. Born at New York, 1858. Pupil of Loefftz and of Lindenschmidt, at Munich. A. N. A. Received a prize of $2500 in the Competitive Exhibition of the American Art Association, 1886. VAN MARCKE, EMILE. Paris. Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1867, '69, '70. Legion of Honor, 1872. First-class Medal, 1878. Born at Sevres, 1827 VEDDER, ELIHU, N. A. Born New York, 1836. VERBOECKHOVEN, EUGENE JOSEPH. Brussels. Pupil of his father. Medals at Paris, 1821, '24, '41, '55. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael, of Bavaria, and Christ, of Portugal. Decorated with the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies ofr Belgium, Antwerp and St. Petersburg. Born at Warneton, Belgium, 1799. Died, Jan. 19, 1881. VERNET, EMILE JEAN HORACE. Born at Paris, 1789. Died, 1863. Pupil of his father, Carle. Medal, 1812. Legion of Honor, 1814. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1825. Member of the Institute of France, 1826. Director of the French Academy at Rome, 1827. Com- mander of the Legion of Honor, 1842. Grand Medal of Honor, 1855. Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1862. VIBERT, JEHAN GEORGES. Paris. Pupil of Barrias. Medals, 1864, '68. Legion of Honor, 1870. Third-class medal, Exposition Universelle,. 1878. Officer Legion of Honor, 1882. Born at Paris, 1840. VILLEGAS, JOSEF. Born in Spain. Pupil of Fortuny. Resides at Rome. VOLLON, ANTOINE. Paris. Pupil of the Lyons Academy. Medals, 1865, '68, '69, 78. Legion of Honor, 1870. Officer of the Legion of, Honor, 1870. Born at Lyons, 1833. VOLTZ, FRIEDRICK. Munich, Pupil of the Munich Academy. Royal Bavarian Professor. Medals at Berlin, 1855, '61. Great Wurtemberg Art Medal. Member of the Academies of Berlin and Munich. Cheva- lier of the Orders of Red Eagle and St. Michael. Born at Nordlingen, 1817. Died, 1886. VON RAMBERG, ARTHUR G. Munich. Pupil of Dresden Academy. Member of Berlin and Vienna Academies. Chevalier of the Order of St. Michael. Professor in the Weimar Art School and Munich. Academy. Born 1819. Died, 1875. WAHLBERG, ALFRED. Born at Stockholm, 1834. Pupil of the Academy at Dusseldorf, and of Corot at Paris. Medals, 1870, '72, '78, Legion of Honor, 1878. Member of the Stockholm Academy, and of the; Order of Vasa. Officer, 1878. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 51 WAPPERS, BARON GUSTAVUS. Born at Antwerp, 1803. Died at Paris, 1874. Pupil of Van Heyrens and Van Bree. Legion of Honor, 1842. Officer, 1855. Made Baron, 1845. Order of the Red Eagle, 1847. WEBB, C. M. Diisseldorf School. WEIR, JULIAN ALDEN. Born at West Point, N. Y., 1852. Son and Pupil- of Prof. R. W. Weir, and with Gerome at Paris 1872-6. Honorable mention, Paris Salon. Associate of National Academy of Design, 1885. Academician 1886. WENTWORTH, MRS. CECELIA E. New York. WHITE, EDWIN. N. A. Born, 1817 (1877). Studied at Paris, Rome, Florence and Dusseldorf. His works are largely historical in character. Among them may be mentioned "Washington Resigning his Commis- sion," now at Annapolis ; " Washington Reading the Burial Service over the Body of Braddock," and "The Requiem of De Soto." WILLEMS, FLORENT. Paris. Born at Liege, Belgium, Jan. 8, 1823. Medal, Brussels, 1843. At Paris, 1844, '46, '55. Legion of Honor, 1853. Officer, 1864. Commander, 1878. Medals, 1867, '78, Exposi- tion Universelle, Paris. Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold. Commander of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria. WOOD, THOMAS W. President of the National Academy of Design, 1891, to the present time. WORMS, JULES. Paris. Pupil of Lafosse. Medals, 1867, '68, '69. Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal, Exposition UniverseUe, 1878. Born at Paris, 1832. WUST, ALEXANDER. American. Born, 1837 ; died, 1876. WYANT, A. H. American. Born in Ohio, 1839. For some years at Dusseldorf ; subsequently at London ; settled at New York after 1864. N. A., 1869. Died, 1893. WYLIE, ROBERT. Native of the Isle of Man. Born, 1838. To America when a child. Became a carver in wood and ivory. Studied painting at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Removed to Paris 1863. Settled in 1865 in Brittany, where he died in 1877. Obtained 2nd class medal at Paris Salon, 1872. ZAMACOIS, EDOUARDO. Born at Bilboa, Spain, 1842. Died, Munich, 1870. Pupil of Meissonier. Debut, Salon, 1863. Medal, 1867. Diploma to deceased artists, Exposition UniverseUe, 1878. ZIEM, FELIX. Paris. Pupil of Dijon Academy. Medals, 1851, '52, '55. Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Bora at Beaune, Cote d'Or, 1821. * INDEX. Nos. Achenbach, Oswald 23 Achenbach, Andreas 77 Alexander, J. W 210 Baixeras, V 254 Baker, George A 213 Bakker Korff, A. H 6 Bargue, Charles 20, 267 Beerstraaten, Alexandre 164 Benvenuti, Pietro 153 Berne-Bellecour, E. P 21, 125 Bida, Alexandre 142 Bisi, Luigi 183 Boilvin, Emile 207 Boldini, G , 69 Bonheur, Fran9ois Auguste 221 Bonheur, Rosa 3, 27, 18G Bonnat, Lon 15, 53, 174 Boucher, Francis 162 Boughton, Geo. H 67, 226 Bouguereau, Wm. A 86 Breton, Jules 75, 81 Brion, Gustave 16, 233 Brown, John Lewis 62 Browne, Wm. Garl 230 Browning, Robert Barrett 282 Cabanel, Alexandre 1, 117 Chaplin, Charles 55 Chapman, J. G 210 Chavet, Victor Joseph 41 Clairin, Georges 235 Clays, Paul Jean 192 Colman, S 165 Colus, Alphonse 286 Comte, Pierre C 88 Coninck, P. L. J. De 9 Constant, Jean Joseph Benjamin 290 ii. INDEX. Corot, Jean B. C 59 Cot, Pierre A 52 Couture, Thos 76 Cropsey, Jasper F 175 Dannat, Wm. T 268 Daubigny, Chas. F 39, 105 Davis, Charles II 217 Decamps, A. G 11 De Cock, Cesar 11C Defregger, Franz 83 Dekker, Cornelis 158 Delort, Chas. E 73 Demont, Adrien Louis 202 Desgoffe, Blaize 38, 234 D6taille, Edouard 100, 137, 242 Devedeux, Louis 46 De Vriendt J 247 Diaz, Narcisse 43, 58, 68, 92 Domingo, y Marques Francisco 7 Dore, Gustave 129 Duez, Ernest 126 Dupr6, Jules 10, 97 Dupre, Julien 193 Durand, Asher B 179 Duverger, Theophile 42 Eakins, Thomas 262 Elliott, Charles Loring 232, 264 Escallier, Eleonore 29, 61 Escosura, L6on y ." 261 Fagnani, J 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152 Falero, Luis 128 Fichel, Eugene 94, 248 Fortuny, Mariano 64, 220 Frere, Theodore 14, 24, 270 Frere, Edouard 85 Fromentin, E 118 Fuller, George 204, 215, 227 Gabl, Alois 200 Gallait, Louis 74 Gay, Edward 214 Gay, Walter 191 G6rome, J. L 48, 71 Gifford, R. Swain 169 Glaize, Pierre 47 Glisenti, A 205 INDEX. in. Graeb, Karl 87 Granet, Frar^ois Maria 225 Gray, Henry Peters 156 Gysis, Nicholas 239 Haghe, Louis 90 Hamon, Jean L 80, 271 Harpignies, Henri 281 Hebert, Antoine A. E 95 Hellquist, C. G 182 Hennings, Johan Frederick 98 H&nner, Jean J 108 Hermann-L6on, Charles 280 Heyden, Jan Van Der 155 HofFer, F 189 Hubner, Karl Wilhelm 218 Huntingdon, Daniel 2 Inness, George 241, 260 Isabey, Louis G. E 113 Israels, Josef 178, 197 Jacquet, Gustave 78 Jettel, Eugene 201 Johnson, Eastman 259 Jones, Bolton 203 Joris, P 134 Kaemmerer, F. H 32 Kaulbach, Wilhelm 28 Kaulbach, F. A 72 Kensett, J. F., 160, 166, 167, 171, 172, 176, 181, 194, 195, 196, 209, 231, 236 240, 256, 257, 258, 263, 265, 269, 279, 284 Knaus, Ludwig -. 12, 121, 287 Koek-Koek, B. C 84, 99 Koller, Guillaume 250 Lami, Eugene Louis 135 Lambert, Louis E 37 Lang, Louis 255 Leclaire, Victor 96 L'Enfant de Metz 275 Le Febvre, Jules 30 Leighton, Sir Frederick 5 l^loir, Louis 8,63, 66, 139 Leloir, Maurice 127, 131 Lerolle, Henry 177 Le Roux, Hector 45 Lhermitte, Leon Augustin 276 Lingelbach, Joannes 161 IV. INDEX. Maclaren, Walter 184' Madrazo, Raimundo de 33 Magrath, Wm 244 Maignan, Albert 237 Makart, Hans 49, 288 Manet, Edouard 168, 272 Marchal, Chas. F 35, 82 Marr, Carl 211 Mauve, Anton 238, 243 Max, Gabriel .112 May, Edward Harrison 188, 228 Meissonier, J. L. E 65, 70, 91, 216 Merle, Hughes 25 Mesgriny, Frank de 123 Meyer von Bremen 119, 249, 274 Michel, Georges 253 Millet, Francis D 277 Muller, Carl 157 Munkacszy, Milhaly 18 Neefs, Pieter 159 Noter, David de .180 Ostade, Adrian van 158 Pasini, Albert 56 Pecht, Prof 185 Pelouse, Le"on-Germain 245 Picknell, Wm. L 223 Piloty, Carl Theodor von 36, 206 Plassan, Antoine Emile 266 Preyer, Emily 4 Preyer, Johann W 79 Renouf , Emile 224 Rethel 229 Richter, Gustav 289 Richards, Wm. T 136 Rico, Martin Ill, 199 Riefsthal, Wilhelm 114 Robert-Fleury, Tony 40 Rousseau, Theodore 57 Roybet, Ferdinand 122 Schaus, Ferdinand 252 Schenck, Auguste 115 Schrader, Julius 212 Schreyer, Adolphe .. . 44, 140 Seitz, Antoine 102 Simonetti, Attilio 132, 133, 141 INDEX. v, Stevens, Alfred , 110' Stevens, Joseph 51 Stuart, Charles Gilbert 170 Teniers, David, the elder 159 Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista 154 Toulmouche, Auguste 89 Trayer, Jean B 104 Troyon, Constant 22, 60- Ulrich, Charles F 251 Unknown 198, 285 Van Marcke, Emile 1$ Van Tilborgh, Gilles 163 Vedder, Elihu 275 Verboeckhoven, Eugene 54 Vernet, Horace 101 Vibert, Jehan G 19, 307. 130, 138" Villegas, Josef 93 Vollon, Antoine 103 Voltz, Frederick 31 Von Ramberg, A. G 34 Wahlberg, Alfred 17, 109 Wappers, Baron Gustavus 50- Webb, C. M 190 Weir, J. Alden 222 Wentworth, Mrs. C. E 278: White, Edwin 173 Willems, Florent 12 Wood, T. W 1ST Worms, Jules 26, 106 Wust, Alexander 283 Wyant, A. H 208 Wylie, Robert 246- Zamacois, Edouardo 143 Ziem, Felix 120: ShcVton, Call*. YC 10305 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUN 8 20W DD20 6M 9-03