At. uk. ... . i ...t .n;i> H.L re UC-NRLF GIFT OF AHTHU3 P. 3TOVEH UNIVERSITY FARM TABLES SHOWING LOSS OF HEAD DUE TO FRICTION OF WATER IN PIPES. BY EDMUND B. WESTON, C. E. Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers; Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Great Britian. EZDITIOUNT. NEW YOKK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY 23 MURRAY AND 27 WARREN STREETS 1898 OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BRANCH OF THE COPYRIGHT, 1896, BY D. VAN NOSTRAND Co. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. ABOUT twenty years ago, when the author first commenced to make a practical application of hydraulic formulas, he was unable to find one for calculating the loss of head due to the friction of water flowing in pipes, that he had not heard criticised more or less unfavorably by hydraulic engineers. This unsatisfactory state of affairs led him to commence to make special investigations upon the subject, and to collect original data of an experimental nature relating to the same, in order to prove to his own satisfaction, if possible, if any of the formulas that he was familiar with, were reliable for general use, and, if not, to endeavor to construct one. The data of five hundred and twenty ex- periments, that had been made by twenty-six different investigators, were obtained. A careful study of these experimental data con- it, 5-70 II. vinced the author that the same formula would not apply to all cases, and that in order to make an intelligent investigation, it would be necessary to divide the data into the three following classes, viz., that which had been obtained with pipes hav- ing very smooth interior sides similar to lead and brass pipes, that which had been obtained with pipes having interior sides similar to new cast- iron pipes, and that which had been obtained with pipes having interior sides similar to old cast-iron pipes whose interior sides had become roughened by oxidation. The result of this division, was the construc- tion by the author of a new formula* for the flow of water in pipes having very smooth interior sides similar to lead and brass pipes, and his coming to the conclusion that two formulas* constructed by an eminent French Civil Engineer, the late Henry Darcy, were very well adapted for pipes having interior sides similar to new cast-iron pipes. The formula for smooth pipes by the author T * Transactions Am. Society Civil Engineers, Vol. XXII., 1890. m. which was used in computing Table No. 1, was constructed from the results o two hundred and thirty-eight experiments, that were made with twenty-seven different pipes, having very smooth interior sides, ranging from one-half inch to three and one-fourth inch in diameter. The formulas for new cast-iron pipes, etc., by Darcy, which were used in computing Table No. 2, were verified by the author by comparing them with the results of one hundred and forty- eight experiments that were made with twenty- five different pipes, having interior sides similar to new cast-iron pipes, ranging from three and one-quarter inch to ninety inch in diameter. A general formula was not discovered which would satisfactorily apply to old cast-iron pipes having interior sides that had become roughened by oxidation and it was not possible to con- struct one from the limited data at hand. The author has, however, given in Table No. 2, a series of multipliers which can be used, for preliminary work, in connection with the table, for very approximately estimating the increase in the loss of head due to friction which may IV. take place in pipes that have been in service five or more years. These multipliers have been recently computed by a modification of one of Darcy's formulas for new pipes by the author, in which a formula by Darcy for old pipes and the results of a number of experi- ments made with pipes that had been in service from about two to about seventeen years were taken into consideration. Darcy's formulas for new pipes are safe and reliable formulas for determining the size of water mains. It is the opinion of some engineers, that they represent more accurately the flow of water in pipes that have been in service a short time than they do the flow of water in absolutely new and clean pipes. The only criticism of moment, which is likely to be made in regard to an engineer who uses Darcy's formulas for new pipes, for determining the size of supply and distribution pipes, is, that his estimates of cost are too high. A criticism of this kind, however, generally helps the reputation of an engineer, as it is apt to give the impression that he is a safe man. The V. engineer, on the contrary, who tries to figure out the size of a pipe to the lowest possible limit on account of first cost, if the pipe does not come up to the capacity for which it was intended, is very likely to be blamed for having made a mistake, and his well meant intentions relative to first cost, are, in the majority of cases, ridiculed instead of being praised. A first edition of each of the tables, which were arranged and computed under the personal direction of the author, was first published as an appendix to an Annual Report of the City Engineer of Providence, R. I. ; viz., Table No. 1, in 1890, and Table No. 2, in 1888. The tables were reprinted in 1892, by permission, by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the use of its Students in Civil Engineering. The tables have been revised and enlarged by the author since the above mentioned editions were published, and this edition contains the tables as revised and enlarged. EDMUND B. WESTON. PROVIDENCE, R. I., April, 1896. CONTENTS. . PAGE. Table No. 1, Showing the Loss of Head due to the Friction of Water in Pipes having very Smooth Interior Sides similar to Lead and Brass Pipes, including a des- cription, examples and a supplementary table 1 Table No. 2, Showing the Loss of Head due to the Friction of Water in Pipes having Interior Sides similar to New Cast-iron Pipes, including a description, examples and two supplementary tables 75 TABLE No. 1, SHOWING THE LOSS OF HEAD DUE TO THE FRIC- TION OF WATER IN PIPES HAVING VERY SMOOTH INTERIOR SIDES SIMILAR TO LEAD AND BRASS PIPES. This table shows the Loss o Head due to the Friction of Water flowing in Pipes having very Smooth Interior Sides similar to Lead and Brass Pipes, under different conditions of Velocity and Discharge, or the Inclination neecessary to maintain the given Velocity and Discharge. The table also gives the Head required to pro- duce the given Velocity, and the Loss of Head due to the Orifice of Influx. The table includes pipes of >-inch, %-inch, %-inch, 1-inch, l/i-inch ? IK-inch, 2-inch, 2K- inch and 3-inch in diameter. The mean internal diameter of the pipe, that each page of the table refers to, is given at the head of each page. The first column of the table gives the mean 2 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. velocity, in feet per second, of the water flowing in the pipe. The second column gives the head required to produce the velocity in the first column, calculated by the laws of falling bodies, inde- pendent of friction, loss of head due to influx, and other retarding causes. The following ex- pression was used in calculating the results in this column : v 2 Head required to produce velocity = ^-' ^j The third column gives the discharge in U. S. gallons per minute, and the fifth column the discharge in U. S. gallons per twenty-four hours, when the water is flowing in the pipe with the velocity given in the first column. The fourth column gives the loss of head, or the resistance, per 100 feet, arising from the friction of the water against the interior sides of the pipe, when the velocity of flow is the same as the velocity in the first column, and the discharge the same as the discharge in the third and fifth columns. This loss of head is also equivalent to the inclination, or slope, on FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 3 which it would be necessary to lay the pipe in order to maintain the given velocity and dis- charge. The results in this column were com- puted by Weston's formula.* The formula, which must only be applied to pipes liaving interior sides similar to lead and brass pipes from one-half inch to three and one-half inches in diameter, is as follows : = (0.0126+ 0-0315 -'O-MVI^. V ^ v I d 20 In which h = the loss of head due to friction, in feet. d = the internal diameter of the pipe, in feet. t? = the velocity per second, in feet. I = the length of the pipe, in feet. 20 = 64.324. When the mean velocity, discharge, and diameter of the pipe are constant, the loss of head due to friction is directly and simply as the length, consequently the loss of head * Transactions, Am. Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. XXII., 1890. 4 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. due to friction for any length of pipe can be readily determined from the table. The sixth column gives the loss of head due to the entrance of the water into the pipe, with the velocity in the first column, when the edges of the inlet end of the pipe are square and flush with the face of a wall or partition. The fol- lowing formula was used in calculating the results in this column : tf Loss of head due to influx = 0.505 -^-. *9 If the pipe is connected with a reservoir, in the manner mentioned in the description of the sixth column, and laid below the hydraulic grade line, the sum of the results given in the second, fourth, and sixth columns, is the total head, or the head that will be required to generate the velocity in the first column, and the discharge in the third and fifth columns. The table can also be used to ascertain approximate losses of head due to friction, and the velocities corresponding to the same, beyond the highest limits of the table, by the application FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 5 of the following rule : the diameter and length of the pipe being constant, the loss of head varies as the square of the velocity and con- versely the velocity as the square root of the loss of head. The results obtained in this manner, in connection with the table, will neces- sarily be approximate, as the coefficient of friction included in the formula used in com- puting the table, is dependent upon both the diameter and the square root of the velocity. The results obtained by determining the loss of head due to friction, by the square of the velocity,, will be in excess of what the formula will give : for a loss of head of 3,000 feet, due to friction,. in a pipe 100 feet long, for the diameters given in the table, it would average about eight per cent, more ; and the results obtained by deter- mining the velocity by the square root of the loss of head due to friction, will not be as much as the formula will give : for a velocity corres- ponding to a loss of head of 3,000 feet, due to friction, in a pipe 100 feet long, for the diameters given in the table, it would average about four per cent. less. For a loss of head less than 3,000 () FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. f eet, due to friction, in a pipe 100 feet long, and its corresponding velocity, the error in a result obtained in this manner would be pro- portionally less. It should be borne in mind, however, that in determining a loss of head due to friction or a velocity, beyond the limits of the table by using the square of the velocity or the square root of the loss of head due to friction, that in each instance the highest velocity or loss of head due to friction (for each diameter) given in tlie table must be used as the base of computation, in order to obtain the most reliable result. Following the table there is a supplementary table of theoretical velocities which is to be used in conjunction with the table, for obtaining approximate results, when the results desired are beyond the highest limits of the results given in the table. It may seem in first looking over the table, as though it contained in some instances losses of head due to friction which extend far beyond the range of practical application, especially in regard to pipes of small diameter. This would undoubtedly be the fact if the table was only FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 7 intended to cover lengths of pipe of 100 feet or over, such, however, as has previously been explained, is not the case, the table having been arranged for determining results for pipes less than 100 feet in length as well as for pipes more than 100 feet in length. For instance, the total head from the table corresponding to a velocity of 50 feet, for a ^-inch pipe 100 feet long, = 1,573 + 39 -f 20, = 1,632 feet, and it might be said with very good reason that a pipe of this size discharging under such a high head as 1,632 feet would never be met with in actual experi- ence, unless, possibly, in a most exceptional case ; but a ^-inch pipe 10 feet long discharging under a total head of 1,573 -*- 10, + 39 + 20 = 216 feet, is not such an unusual occurrence. One of the principal objects, that was borne in mind when the table was being arranged, was to make it, as far as was practicable, so that even exceptional problems could be readily solved. In using the table when other lengths of pipe than 100 feet are to be taken into consideration, as well as for cases when the results desired 8 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. are beyond the highest limits of the table, it will probably be necessary, in some instances, especially for a person who is not in the habit of making hydraulic calculations, to make several trials before the correct result is ob- tained. A little practice, however, will perceiv- ably facilitate the use of the table. The following examples illustrate a number of ways in which the information contained in the table can be applied, for obtaining results which are not given in the table : Positive results can be obtained in the man- ner shown by examples Nos. 1, 2 and 3, as the rule applied in order to obtain them, is : when the mean velocity, discharge, and diameter of the pipe are constant, the loss of head due to friction is directly and simply as the length of the pipe. Approximate results, only, how- ever, can be obtained in the manner shown by examples Nos. 4 and 5, as the results will be beyond the highest limits of the table and the rule applied in order to obtain them : the diameter and length of the pipe being constant the loss of head due to friction varies as the FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. square of the velocity and conversely the velocity as the square root of the loss of head due to friction, is, in the present instance, for reasons previously mentioned, an approximate rule. EXAMPLE No. 1. Question. What will be the diameter of a pipe which will supply a boiler, carrying 60 pounds of steam to the square inch, 50,000 gal- lons of water per 24 hours, the elevation of the reservoir which will supply the water being 167 feet above the boiler and the length of pipe 100 feet? Answer. The loss of head in this case must not exceed 167 139 (which is the head equivalent to- 60 pounds), = 28 feet. The table shows that a, IM-inch pipe will deliver 49,680 gallons of water per 24 hours, under a total head of 27.40 feet (25.50, + (~=) 1.26, + (f-x 0.505 = ) 0.64). This result checks within 0.60 of a foot (28 27.40), which is as near as can be ob- 10 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. tained from the table. Therefore a pipe 1M- inch in diameter is the pipe required. EXAMPLE No. 2. Question. What will be the diameter of a pipe which will supply a boiler, the conditions being the same as given in the question for Example No. 1, with the exception, that the quantity of water required is 40,000 gallons and the length of the pipe 40 feet? Answer. The ratio of the lengths used in computing the table, to the given length, 100 ~, = 2.5, 2.5 x 28 = 70 feet. The table shows that the discharge of a 1-inch pipe corresponding to a friction head of 60.10 feet is 44,640 gallons of water per 24 hours, the in- 40 verse ratio of the lengths, s , = 0.4, 0.4 X 60.10 1UU = 24.04, 24.04, + (|L = ) 2.49, + (j- X 0.505 =) 1.26, = a total head of 27.79 feet. This result checks within 0.21 feet (28 27.79), which is as near as can be obtained from the table. FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 11 Therefore a pipe 1-inch in diameter is the pipe required. EXAMPLE No. 3. Question. What will be the discharge from a reservoir in gallons per minute, through a 1- inch pipe 200 feet long, under a total head of 300 feet? Answer. The ratio of the length used in computing the table to the given length, 100 ~" = 0.50, 0.50 X 300 = 150 feet. The table zuu shows that the discharge of a 1-inch pipe corresponding to a friction head of 143.91 is 50.00 gallons per minute ; the inverse ratio of 200 the lengths, ^ = 2.0, 2.0 x 143.91 = 287.82, JLuU 287.82,+(=) 6.48 + (~ x 0.505 = ) 3.27, = a total head of 297.57 feet. This result checks within 2.43 feet (300 297.57), which is as near as can be obtained from the table. There- fore a pipe 1-inch in diameter and 200 feet long, under a total head of 300 feet, will discharge 50.00 gallons of water per minute. 12 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. EXAMPLE No. 4. Question. What will be the approximate discharge from a reservoir 7 in gallons per minute, through a 3-inch pipe 100 feet long under a total head of 500 feet ? Ansiver. The friction head given in the table opposite to the velocity of 50 feet is 233 feet, and the total head, 233, -f (TT+TT- x 0.505 =\ 59, = 292 feet. As a total head of 292 feet will produce a velocity of 50 feet, assume 70 feet as the increased velocity which would be produced by 500 feet, the given total head. The supplementary table of theoretical velocities v* shows that ^- for a velocity of 70 is 76 feet and %9 ~ x 0.505 = 38 feet, 76 + 38 = 114 feet, 500 114 = 386 feet, which is to be used as an assumed friction head 5 the square root of the assumed friction head 386 divided by the square root of 233, the friction head taken from the table, corresponding to 50, the highest velocity, ^ = 1-29, 1.29 X 50 (the velocity from FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 13 the table), = 64.5 feet, which is the resultant velocity, -~- + ~ X 0.505 for a velocity of 64.5, is found by the aid of the supplementary table of theoretical velocities to be 98 feet, 98 + 386 (the assumed friction head for a velocity of 70 feet), = a total head of 484 feet. If the assumed velocity had been the actual velocity this 484 would have been equal to 500 the given total head, and the resultant velocity 64.5 the same as 70, the assumed velocity, and as their differences are so great (500 484 = 16 and 70 64.5 = 5.5), it will be necessary to make, at least, one more trial. For the second trial assume a velocity of 66 feet. The supplementary table of theoretical v* v 2 velocities shows that -^ |--?r~ X 0.505 for a vel- 20 *9 ocity of 66 is 102 feet, 500 102 = 398 feet; the square root of the assumed friction head 398 divided by the square root of 233, the fric- tion head taken from the table corresponding to 50, the highest velocity, = 1.31, 1.31 X 14 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 50 (the velocity from the table), = 65.5 feet v* v 2 which is the resultant velocity, -~ h o~ X 0.505 j i/ for a velocity of 65.5 is found by the aid of the supplementary table of theoretical velocities to be 101 feet, 101 + 398 (the assumed friction head for a velocity of 66 feet), = a total head of 499 feet. This result is sufficiently near as the total heads check to within 1 foot (500 499) and the velocities to within 0.5 feet (66 65.5). To obtain the discharge in gallons per minute, multiply 1,104 (the gallons per minute given in the table corresponding to a velocity of 50), by 1.31 (the ratio of the square roots of the friction heads), 1,104x1.31 = 1,446 gallons. There- fore a 3-inch pipe 100 feet long, under a total head of 500 feet will discharge 1,446 gallons per minute. EXAMPLE No. 5. Question. What will be the approximate dis- charge from a reservoir, in gallons per minute, through a 3-inch pipe 10 feet long, under a total head of 300 feet? FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 15 Answer. The inverse ratio of the length used in computing the table to the given length, - 100 , = 0.10, 233 feet is the friction head given in the table opposite to the velocity of 50 feet, 233 X 0.10= 23.3 feet, the friction head in a pipe 10 feet long corresponding to a velocity of 50 feet, and the total head, 23.3 + f~r X 0.505 = 59, = 82.3 feet. As a total head of 82.3 feet will produce a velocity of 50 feet, assume 100 feet as the increased velocity which would be pro- duced by 300 feet, the given total head. The supplementary table of theoretical velocities, shows that 77- for a velocity of 100 is 155 feet 9 and |- X 0.505= 78 feet, 155 + 78 = 233 feet, 300 233 = 67 feet, which is to be used as an assumed friction head; 67 multiplied by the 100 vatio of the lengths, -j^-, = 10, = 670 feet; the square root of the assumed friction head 670 divided by the square root of 233, the friction head taken from the table corresponding to 50 ; 16 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 25 88 the highest velocity, = ^r^ = 1 - 7 ? *- 7 x ^ ( tne velocity from the table), = 85 feet which is the 22 'V 1} resultant velocity, -~- + o~ X 0.505 for a veloc- ity of 85 is found by the aid of the supplemen- tary table of theoretical velocities to be 169 feet, 169 + 67 (the assumed friction head for a ' velocity of 100 feet in a pipe 10 feet long), = a total head of 236 feet. If the assumed velocity had been the actual velocity, this 236 would have been equal to 300 the given total head, and the resultant velocity 85 the same as the assumed velocity 100, and as their differences are so great (300236 = 64 and 100 85 = 15), it will be necessary to -make, at least, one more trial. For the second trial assume a velocity of 96 feet. The supplementary table of theoretical 2 2 velocities shows that -^ |- ^ X 0.505 for a velocity of 96 is 215 feet, 300 215 = 85 100 feet, 85 X -^r> = 850 feet; the square root of FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 17 the assumed friction head 850 divided by the square root of 233, the friction head taken from the table corresponding to 50, the highest veloc- oq i ity, = ,-|^-, = 1.91, 1.91 X 50 (the velocity JLo.^u from the table), = 95.5 feet, which is the result- v* v* ant velocity, -^ \- -^X 0.505 for a velocity of &9 ty 95.5 is found by the aid of the supplementary table of theoretical velocities to be 214 feet, 214 -{- 85 (the assumed friction head for a velocity of 96 feet in a pipe 10 feet long), = a total head of 299 feet. This result is sufficiently near as the total heads check to within 1 foot (300 299) and the velocities to within 0.5 feet (96 95.5). To obtain the discharge in gallons per minute, multiply 1,104 (the gallons per minute given in the table corresponding to a velocity of 50), by 1.91 (the ratio of the square roots of the friction heads), 1,104x1.91 = 2,109 gallons. Therefore a 3-inch pipe 10 feet long, under a total head of 300 feet, will discharge 2,109 gallons per minute. FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 19 DIAMETER ONE-HALF INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.41 0.00 0.25 0.37 360 0.00 0.82 0.01 0.50 1.13 720 0.01 1.23 0.02 0.75 2.21 1,080 0.01 1.63 0.04 1.00 3.53 1,440 0.02 2.04 0.06 1.25 5.14 1,800 0.03 2.45 0.09 1.50 6.94 2,160 0.05 2.86 0.13 1.75 9.19 2,520 0.06 3.27 0.17 2.00 11.45 2,880 0.08 3.68 0.21 2.25 13.95 3,240 0.11 4.08 0.26 2.50 16.83 3,600 0.13 4.49 0.31 2.75 19.78 3,960 0.16 4.90 0.37 3.00 22.93 4,320 0.19 5.31 0.44 3.25 26.62 4,680 0.22 5.72 0.51 3.50 30.15 5,040 0.26 6.13 0.58 3,75 33.93 5,400 0.30 6.54 0.66 4.00 38.30 5,760 0.34 6.94 0.75 4.25 42.41 6,120 0.38 7.35 0.84 4.50 47.17 6,480 0.42 7.76 0.94 4.75 51.68 6,840 0.47 8.17 1.04 5.00 56.53 7,200 0.52 8.58 1.14 5.25 61.80 7,560 0.58 8.99 1.26 5.50 66.94 7,920 0.63 9.40 1.37 5.75 72.53 8,280 0.69 9.80 1.49 6.00 78.48 8,640 0.75 20 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEK ONE-HAL! INGE. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 10.21 1.62 6.25 84.79 9,000 0.82 10.62 1.75 6.50 90.90 9,360 0.89 11.03 1.89 6.75 97.14 9,720 0.96 11.44 2.03 7.00 103.52 10,080 1.03 11.85 2.18 7.25 110.03 10,440 1.10 12.25 2.33 7.50 117.58 10,800 1.18 12.66 2.49 7.75 124.39 11,160 1.26 13.07 2.66 8.00 131.30 11,520 1.34 13.48 2.82 8.25 138.99 11,880 1.43 13.89 3.00 8.50 146.85 12,240 1.51 14.30 3.18 8.75 154.12 12,600 1.61 14.71 3.36 9.00 163.09 12,960 1.70 15.11 3.55 9.25 171.22 13,320 1.79 15.52 3.74 9.50 179.74 13,680 1.89 15.93 3.95 9.75 188.42 14,040 1.99 16.34 4.15 10.00 197.25 14,400 2.10 16.75 4.36 10.25 207.27 14,760 2.20 17.16 4.58 10.50 215.34 15,120 2.31 17.57 4.80 10.75 225.76 15,480 2.42 17.97 5.02 11.00 233.74 15,840 2.54 18.38 5.25 11.25 244.53 16,200 2.65 18.79 5.49 11.50 254.24 16,560 2.77 19.20 5.73 11.75 265.46 16,920 2.89 19.61 5.98 12.00 275.48 17,280 3.02 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 21 DIAMETEE ONE-HALF INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 20.02 6.23 12.25 285.63 17,640 3.15 20.42 6.48 12.50 297.16 18,000 3.27 20.83 6.75 12.75 305.97 18,360 3.41 21.24 7.01 13.00 318.13 18,720 3.54 21.65 7.29 13.25 328.79 19,080 3.68 22.06 7.57 13.50 341.36 19,440 3.82 22.47 7.85 13.75 354.16 19,800 3.96 22.88 8.14 14.00 363.30 20,160 4.11 23.28 8.43 14.25 376.11 20,520 4.25 23.69 8.72 14.50 387.38 20,880 4.41 24.10 9.03 14.75 400.91 21,240 4.56 24.51 9.34 15.00 412.42 21,600 4.72 24.92 9.65 15.25 426.34 21,960 4.88 25.33 9.97 15.50 440.48 22,320 5.04 25.74 10.30 15.75 452.38 22,680 5.20 26.14 10.62 16.00 466.55 23,040 5.36 26.55 10.96 16.25 478.67 23,400 5.53 26.96 11.30 16.50 493.57 23,760 5.71 27.37 11.65 16.75 508.70 24,120 5.88 27.78 12.00 17.00 521.17 24,480 6.06 28.19 12.35 17.25 536.67 24,840 6.24 28.59 12.71 17.50 548.96 25,200 6.42 29.00 13.07 17.75 564.82 25,560 6.60 29.41 13.45 18.00 580.90 25,920 6.79 22 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PlPrifc DIAMETEK ONE-HAL! INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge ia U. S. Gallons per 24= Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 29.82 13.82 18.25 593.89 26,280 6.98 30.23 14.21 18.50 610.33 26,640 7.17 30.64 14.60 18.75 623.50 27,000 7.37 31.05 14.99 19.00 640.30 27,360 7.57 31.45 15.38 19.25 656.90 27,720 7.77 31.86 15.78 19.50 670.35 28,080 7.97 32.27 16.19 19.75 687.72 28,440 8.18 32.68 16.60 20.00 701 .32 28,800 8.38 33.09 17.02 20.25 719.03 29,160 8.60 33.50 17.45 20.50 736.96 29,520 8.81 33.91 17.88 20.75 755.11 29,880 9.03 34.31 18.30 21.00 773.02 30,240 9.24 34.72 18.74 21.25 787.11 30,600 9.46 35.13 19.19 21.50 805.81 30,960 9.69 35.54 19.64 21.75 820.01 31,320 9.92 35.95 20.09 22.00 839.04 31,680 10.15 36.36 20.55 22.25 858.29 32,040 10.38 36.76 21.01 22.50 877.28 32,400 10.61 37.17 21.48 22.75 896.96 32,760 10.85 37.58 21.96 23.00 911.59 33,120 11.09 37.99 22.44 23.25 931.58 33,480 11.33 38.40 22.92 23.50 951.80 33,840 11.58 38.81 23.42 23.75 966.62 34,200 11.83 39.22 23.91 2400 987.15 34,560 12.08 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 23 DIAMETER ONE-EALP INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, lO^Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 39.62 24.40 24.25 1,007.38 34,920 12.32 40.03 24.91 24.50 1,028.34 35,280 12.58 40.44 25.42 24.75 1,049.51 35,640 12.84 40.85 25.94 25.00 1,070.90 36,000 13.10 41.26 26.47 25.25 1,092.51 36,360 13.37 41.67 26.99 25.50 1,107.85 36,720 13.63 42.08 27.53 25.75 1,129.76 37,080 13.90 42.48 28.05 26.00 1,151.34 37,440 14.17 42.89 28.60 26.25 1,166.81 37,800 14.44 43.30 29.15 26.50 1,189.22 38,160 14.72 43.71 29.70 26.75 1,211.85 38,520 15.00 44.12 30.26 27.00 1,234.69 38,880 15.28 44.53 30.83 27.25 1,250.35 39,240 15.57 44.93 31.38 27.50 1,272.91 39,600 15.85 45.34 31.96 27.75 1,296.25 39,960 16.14 45.75 32.54 28.00 1,319.80 40,320 16. 43 46.16 33.13 28.25 1,343.56 40,680 16.73 46.57 33.72 28.50 1,359.44 41,040 17.03 46.98 34.31 28.75 1,383.48 41,400 17.33 47.39 34.91 29.00 1,407.74 41,760 17.63 47.79 35.51 29.25 1,431.60 42,120 17.93 48.20 36.12 29.50 1,456.27 42,480 18.24 48.61 36.73 29.75 1,481.15 42,840 18.55 49.02 37.36 30.00 1,506.24 43,200 18.87 24 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE ONE-HAL! INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce Discharge in U. 8. Gallons Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, Discharge in U. S. Gallons Loss of Head in Ft. due to the per Second. this Velocity. per Minute. per 100 Ft. 24 Hours. Orifice of Influx. 49.43 37.98 30.25 1,531.54 43,560 19.18 49.84 38.62 30.50 1,547.78 43,920 19.50 50.25 39.26 30.75 1,573.35 44,280 19.82 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 25 DIAMETEE IIVE-EIGHTH INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. i Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per 24 Hours. LOPS of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.42 0.00 0.40 0.31 576 0.00 0.84 0.01 0.80 0.94 * 1,152 0.01 1.25 0.02 1.20 1.80 1,728 0.01 1.67 0.04 1.60 2.90 2,304 0.02 2.09 0.07 2.00 4.26 2,880 0.03 2.51 0.10 2.40 5.75 3,456 0.05 2.93 0,13 2.80 7.43 4,032 0.07 3.35 0.17 3.20 9.51 4,608 0.09 3.76 0.22 3.60 11.48 5,184 0.11 4.18 0.27 4.00 13.72 5,760 0.14 4.60 0.33 4.40 16.42 6,336 0.17 5.02 0.39 4.80 19.03 6,912 1.20 5.44 0.46 5.20 21.73 7,488 0.23 5.86 0.53 5.60 25.01 8,064 0.27 6.27 0.61 6.00 28.05 8,640 0.31 6.69 0.70 6.40 31.39 9,216 0.35 7.11 0.79 6.80 35.16 9,792 0.40 7.53 0.88 7.20 38.76 10,368 0.45 7.95 0.98 7.60 42.64 10,944 0.50 8.37 1.09 8.00 47.05 11,520 055 8.78 1.20 8.40 51.08 12,096 0.61 9.20 1.32 8.80 55.33 12,672 0.66 9.62 1.44 9.20 60.22 13,248 0.73 10.04 1.57 9.60 64.99 13,824 0.79 26 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEK IIVE-EIGHTH INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 10.46 1.70 10.00 69.89 14,400 0.86 10.88 1.84 10.40 74.91 14,976 0.93 11.29 1.98 10.80 79.90 15,552 1.00 11.71 2.13 11.20 85.95 16,128 1.08 12.13 2.29 11.60 91,35 16,704 1.16 12.55 2.45 12.00 96.85 17,280 1.24 12.97 2.62 12.40 102.93 17,856 1.32 13.39 2.79 12.80 108.64 18,432 1.41 13.80 2.96 13.20 114.83 19,008 1.50 14.22 3.14 13.60 121.92 19,584 1.59 14.64 3.33 14.00 127.95 20,160 1.68 15.06 3.53 14.40 135.40 20,736 1.78 15.48 3.73 14.80 141.62 21,312 1.88 15.90 3.93 15.20 148.66 21,888 1.98 16.31 4.14 15.60 155.63 22,464 2.09 16.73 4.35 16.00 163.75 23,040 2.20 17.15 4.57 16.40 171.20 23,616 2.31 17.57 4.80 16.80 178.76 24,192 2.42 17.99 5.03 17.20 186.44 24,768 2.54 18.41 5.27 17.60 194.24 25,344 2.66 18.82 5.51 18.00 201.93 25,920 2.78 19.24 5.75 18.40 211.04 26,496 2.91 19.66 6.01 18.80 219.20 27,072 3.03 20.08 6.27 19.20 227.47 27,648 3.17 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 27 DIAMETEE PIVE-EIGHTH INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in TJ. S. Gallons Minute. Lot-* of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 20.50 6.53 19.60 237.08 28,224 3.:-JO 20.92 6.80 20.00 245.59 28,800 i 3.44 21.33 7.07 20.40 255.31 29,376 3.57 21.75 7.35 20.80 262.64 29,952 3.71 22.17 7.64 21.20 272.88 30,528 3.86 22.59 7.93 21.60 281.79 31,104 4.01 23.01 8.23 22.00 292.37 31,680 4.16 23.42 8.53 22.40 302.88 32,256 4.31 23.84 24.26 24.68 25.10 8.84 9.15 9.47 9.79 22.80 23.20 23.60 24.00 312.15 323.24 332.71 344.13 32,832 33,408 33,984 34,560 4.46 4.62 4.78 4.95 25.52 10.12 24.40 353.80 35,136 5.11 25.93 10.45 24.80 365.26 35,712 5.28 26.35 10.79 25.20 377.19 36,288 5.45 26.77 11.14 25.60 385,03 36,864 5.63 27.19 11.49 26.00 397.21 37,440 5.80 27.61 11.85 26.40 409.57 38,016 6.98 28.03 12.21 26.80 422.13 38,592 6.17 28.44 12.57 27.20 434.57 39,168 r,.;;r, 28.86 12.95 27.60 445.01 tt\744 6.54 29.28 13.33 28.00 i 458.06 40,320 1 (5.73 29.80 13.81 28.40 471.82 40,896 6.97 30.12 14.10 28.80 482.01 41,472 7.T2 28 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEK HVE-EIGKTH INGE. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. IS. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 30.54 14.50 29.20 492.76 42,048 7.32 30.95 14.89 29.60 '506.08 42,624 7.52 31.37 15.30 30.00 519.91 43,200 7.73 31.79 15.71 30.40 530.91 43,776 7.93 32.21 16.13 30.80 545.03 44,352 8.15 32.63 16.55 31.20 559.34 44,928 8.36 33.05 16.98 31.60 573.83 45,504 8.58 33.46 17.41 32.00 588.16 46,080 8.79 33.88 17.84 32.40 599.59 46,656 9.01 34.30 18.29 32.80 614.55 47,232 9.24 34.72 18.74 33.20 626.09 47,808 9.46 35.14 19.20 33.60 641.33 48,384 9.69 35.56 19.66 34.00 656.75 48,960 9.93 35.97 20.11 34.40 671.98 49,536 10.16 36.39 20.59 34.80 687.77 50,112 10.40 36.81 21.06 35.20 699.69 50,688 10.64 37.23 21.55 35.60 715.75 51,264 10.88 37.65 22.04 36.00 727.76 51,840 11.13 38.07 22.53 36.40 744.08 52,416 11.38 38.48 23.02 36.80 760.20 52,992 11.62 38.90 23.52 37.20 776.88 53,568 11.88 39.32 24.04 37.60 793.75 54,144 12.14 39.74 24.55 38.00 806.08 54,720 12.40 40.16 25.07 j 38.40 823.21 55,296 12.66 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 29 DIAMETEK IIVE-EIGHTH INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in IT. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 40.58 25.60 38.80 835.61 55,872 12.93 40.99 26.12 39.20 852.58 56,448 13.19 41.41 26.66 39.60 870.14 57,024 13.46 41.83 27.20 40.00 887.88 57,600 13.74 42.25 27.75 40.40 905.80 58,176 14.01 42.67 28.31 40.80 918.46 58,752 14.29 43.09 28.87 41.20 936.63 59,328 1458 43.50 29.42 41.60 954.54 59,904 14.86 43.92 29.99 42.00 973.06 60,480 15.14 44.34 30.56 42.40 991.76 61,056 15.44 44.76 31.15 42.80 1,004.66 61,632 15.73 45.18 31.73 43.20 1,023.60 62,208 16.03 45.59 32.31 43.60 1,042.26 62,784 16.32 46.01 32.91 44.00 1,061.55 63,360 16.62 46.43 33.51 44.40 1,081.02 63,936 16.92 46.85 34.12 44.80 1,100.67 64,512 17.23 47.27 34.74 45.20 1,12049 65,088 17.54 47.69 35.36 45.60 1,133.70 65,664 17.86 48.10 35.97 46.00 1,153.28 66,240 18.16 48.52 36.60 46.40 1,166.48 66,816 18.48 48.94 37.24 46.80 1,186.76 67,392 18.80 49.36 37.88 47.20 1,207.22 67,968 19.13 49.78 38.52 47.60 1,227.85 1 68,544 19.45 50.20 39.18 48.00 1,248.66 69,120 19.78 30 FRICTION OP WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETER TEREE-POURTE INGE, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.36 0.00 0.50 0.18 720 0.00 0.73 0.01 1.00 0.61 1,440 0.00 1.09 0.02 1.50 1.19 2,160 0.01 1.45 0.03 2.00 1.90 2,880 0.02 1.82 0.05 2.50 2.80 3,600 0.03 2.18 0.07 3.00 3.66 4,320 0.04 2.54 0.10 3.50 4.81 5,040 0.05 2.90 0.13 4.00 5.98 5,760 0.07 3.27 0.17 4.50 7.45 6,480 0.08 3.63 0.20 5.00 8.78 7,200 0.10 3.99 0.25 5.50 10.49 7,920 0.12 4.36 0.30 6.00 12.29 8,640 0.15 4.72 0.35 6.50 14.02 9,360 0.17 5.08 0.40 7.00 16.05 10,080 0.20 5.45 0.46 7.50 18.03 10,800 0.23 5.81 0.52 8.00 20.24 11,520 0.27 (5.17 0.59 8.50 22.44 12,240 0.30 6.54 0.66 9.00 25.00 12,960 0.34 (5.90 0.74 9.50 27.24 13,680 0.37 7.26 0.82 10.00 30.02 14,400 0.41 7.63 0.91 10.50 32.73 15,120 0.4G 7.99 0.99 11.00 35.57 15,840 0.50 8.35 1.08 11.50 38.50 16,560 0.55 8.71 1.18 12.00 41.52 17,280 0.60 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 31 DIAMETEE THKEE-rOUKTE INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 9.08 1.28 12.50 44.71 18,000 0.65 9.44 1.39 13.00 47.88 18,720 0.70 9.80 1.49 13.50 51.36 19,440 0.75 10.17 1.61 14.00 55.06 20,160 0.81 10.53 1.72 14.50 58.19 20,880 0.87 10.89 1.84 15.00 61.95 21,600 0.93 11.26 1.97 15.50 65.60 22,320 1.00 11.62 2.10 16.00 69.86 23,040 1.06 11.98 2.23 16.50 73.54 23,760 1.13 12.35 2.37 17.00 77.39 24,480 1.20 12.71 2.51 17.50 81.97 25,200 1.27 13.07 2.66 18.00 86.26 25,920 1.34 13.44 2.81 18.50 90.31 26,640 1.42 13.80 2.96 19.00 94.74 27,360 1.50 14.16 3.12 19.50 99.75 28,080 1.57 14.52 3.28 20.00 104.36 28,800 1.66 14.89 3.45 20.50 109.19 29,520 1.74 15.25 3.62 21.00 114.54 30,240 1.83 15.61 3.79 21.50 118.80 30,960 1.91 15.98 3.97 22.00 123.86 31,680 2.00 16.34 4.15 22.50 128.84 32,400 2.10 16.70 4.34 23.00 134.58 33,120 2.19 17.07 4.53 23.50 140.61 33,840 2.29 17.43 4.72 24.00 145.09 34,560 2.39 32 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEK THKEE-FOUETE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 10U Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 17.79 4.92 24.50 151.15 35,280 2.48 18.16 5.13 25.00 157.50 36,000 2.59 18.52 5.33 25.50 162.10 36,720 2.69 18.88 5.54 26.00 168.46 37,440 2.80 19.24 5.75 26.50 174.95 38,160 2.91 19.61 598 27.00 180.79 38,880 3.02 19.97 6.20 27.50 186.49 39,600 3.13 20.33 6.43 28.00 193.28 40,320 3.24 20.70 6.66 28.50 198.24 41,040 3.36 21.06 6.90 29.00 205.20 41,760 3.48 21.42 7.13 29.50 212.27 42,480 3.60 21.79 7.38 30.00 218.49 43,200 3.73 22.15 7.63 30.50 225.77 43,920 3.85 22.51 7.88 31.00 231.91 44,640 3.98 22.88 8.14 31.50 239.59 45,360 4.11 23.24 8.40 32.00 247.19 46,080 4.24 23.60 8.66 32.50 252.14 46,800 4.37 23.97 24.33 8.93 9.20 33.00 i 260.11 33.50 267.98 47,520 48,240 4.51 4.65 24.69 9.48 34.00 275.97 48,960 ! 4.79 25.05 9.76 34.50 284.08 49,680 4.93 25.42 10.05 35.00 292.53 5C,400 5.07 25.78 10.33 35.50 297.57 51,120 5.22 26.14 10.62 36.00 305.94 51,840 5.36 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 33 DIAMETER THKEE-rOURTH INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. (iallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 26.51 10.93 36.50 312.91. 52,560 5.52 26.87 11.22 37.00 321.47 53,280 5.67 27.23 11.53 37.50 330.14 54,000 5.82 27.60 11.84 38.00 337.28 54,720 5.98 27.96 12.15 38.50 346.13 55,440 6.14 28.32 1 12.47 39.00 355.10 56,160 6.30 28.69 : 12.80 i 39.50 ! 364.44 56,880 6.46 29.05 ; 13.12 40.00 373.65 57,600 6.63 29.41 13.45 i 40.50 382.96 58,320 6.79 29.78 13.79 41.00 390.45 59,040 6.96 30.14 14.12 41.50 | 399.95 59,760 7.13 30.50 14.46 42.00 409.56 60,480 7.30 30.86 14.81 42.50 416.92 61,200 7.48 31.23 15.16 43.00 426.98 61,920 7.66 31.59 15.51 43.50 434.40 62,640 7.83 31.95 15.87 44.00 444.35 63,360 8.01 32.32 16.24 44.50 454.70 64,080 8.20 32.68 16.60 45.00 462.23 64,800 8.3S 33.04 16.97 45.50 472.47 65,520 8.57 33.41 17.35 46.00 483.11 66,240 S.7<; 33.77 17.73 46.50 | 493.58 66,96C 8.95 34.13 34.50 18.11 18.50 47.00 504.16 47.50 515.15 67,680 9.15 68,400 9.34 34.86 18.89 48.00 522.93 69,120 9.54 34 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE THKEE-FOUKTE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. 35. 22 Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Minute. KJQ^t Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 19.28 48.50 ; 533.79 i 69,840 9.74 35.58 19.68 49.00 541.61 70,560 9.94 35.95 20.09 49.50 552.93 71,280 10.15 36.31 : 20.50 50.00 564.06 72,000 10.35 36.67 20.90 50.50 575.30 72,720 10.56 37.04 21.33 51.00 586.97 73,440 10.77 37.40 21.75 51.50 598.44 74,160 10.98 37.76 22.17 52.00 606.47 74,880 11.19 38.13 22.60 52.50 618.41 75,600 11.41 38.49 23.03 53.00 630. 14 76,320 11.63 38.85 23.46 53.50 641.99 77,040 11.85 39.22 23.91 54.00 654.27 77,760 12.08 39.58 24.35 54.50 662.44 78,480 12.30 39.94 24.80 55.00 674.55 79,200 12.52 40.31 25.26 55.50 687.10 79,920 12.76 40.67 25.71 56.00 699.43 80,640 12.99 41.03 26.17 56.50 711.87 81,360 13.22 41.39 j 26.63 57.00 724.41 82,080 13.45 41.76 2/7 ** 57.50 733.09 82,800 13.69 ^2.12 27.58 58.00 745.78 83,520 13.93 42.48 28.05 58.50 758.59 84,240 14.17 42.85 28.54 59.00 767.29 84,960 14.42 43.21 29.03 59.50 780.23 85,680 14.66 43.57 29.51 60.00 793.29 86,400 14.90 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 35 DIAMETEE THREE-FOURTH INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in IT. S. Gallcns per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 43.94 30.02 60.50 806.82 87,120 15.16 44.30 30.51 61.00 820.09 87,840 15.41 44.66 31.01 61.50 828.52 88,560 15.66 45.03 31.52 62.00 842.30 89,280 15.92 45.39 32.03 62.50 855.82 90,000 16.17 45.75 32.54 63.00 869.45 90,720 16.43 46.11 33.05 63.50 883.19 91,440 16.69 46.48 33.59 64.00 897.42 92,160 16.96 46.84 34.11 64.50 905.92 92,880 17.22 47.20 34.63 65.00 919.90 93,600 17.49 47.57 35.18 65.50 934.37 94,320 17.77 47.93 35.71 66.00 948.57 95,040 18.04 48.29 36.25 66.50 962.87 95,760 18.31 48.66 36.81 67.00 977.69 96,480 18.59 49.02 37.36 67.50 992.20 97,200 18.87 49.38 37.91 68.00 1,006.83 97,920 19.14 49.75 38.48 68.50 1,015.82 98,640 19.43 60.11 39.04 69.00 1,030.57 99,360 19.71 36 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE ONE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. . Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.41 0.00 1.00 0.17 1,440 0.00 0.82 0.01 2.00 0.53 2,880 0.01 1.23 0.02 3.00 1.04 4,320 0.01 1.63 0.04 4.00 1.65 5,760 0.02 2.04 0.06 5.00 2.43 7,200 0.03 2.45 0.09 6.00 3.29 8,640 0.05 2.86 0.13 7.00 4.38 10,080 0.06 3.27 0.17 8.00 5.45 11,520 0.08 3.68 0.21 9.00 6.64 12,960 0.11 4.08 0.26 10.00 8.04 14,400 0.13 4.49 0.31 11.00 9.44 15,840 0.16 4.90 0.37 12.00 10.93 17,280 0.19 5.31 0.44 13.00 12.73 18,720 0.22 5.72 0.51 14.00 14.47 20,160 0.26 6.13 0.58 15.00 16.26 21,600 0.30 6.54 0.66 16.00 18.35 23,040 0.34 6.94 0.75 17.00 20.31 24,480 0.38 7.35 0.84 18.00 22.68 25,920 0.42 7.76 0.94 19.00 24.83 27,360 0.47 8.17 1.04 20.00 27.15 28,800 0.52 8.58 1.14 21.00 29.66 30,240 0.58 8.99 1.26 22.00 32.27 31,680 0.63 9.40 1.37 23.00 34.95 33,120 0.69 9.80 1.49 24.00 37.80 34,560 0.75 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 37 DIAMETER ONE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge inU. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 10.21 1.62 25.00 40.84 36,000 0.82 10.62 1.75 26.00 43.76 37,440 0.89 11.03 1.89 27.00 46.75 38,880 0.96 11.44 2.03 28.00 49.81 40,320 1.03 11.85 2.18 29.00 53.18 41,760 1.10 12.25 2.33 30.00 56.83 43,200 1.18 12.66 2.49 31.00 60.10 44,640 1.26 13.07 2.66 32.00 63.74 46,080 1.34 13.43 2.82 33.00 67.12 47,520 1.43 13.89 3.00 34.00 70.91 48,960 1.51 14.30 3.18 35.00 74.77 50,400 1.61 14.71 3.36 36.00 79.12 51,840 1.70 15.11 3.55 37.00 83.06 53,280 1.79 15.52 3.74 38.00 86.73 54,720 1.89 15.93 3.95 39.00 90.90 56,160 1.99 16.34 4.15 40.00 95.14 57,600 2.10 16.75 4.36 41.00 99.97 59,040 2.20 17.16 4.58 42.00 104.37 60,480 2.31 17.57 4.80 43.00 108.85 61,920 2.42 17.97 5.02 44.00 113.26 63,360 2.54 18.38 5.25 45.00 118.48 64,800 2.65 18.79 5.49 46.00 123.17 66,240 2.77 19.20 5.73 47.00 128.60 67,680 2.89 19.61 5.98 48.00 133.44 69,120 3.02 38 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE ONE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 20.02 6.23 49.00 138.33 70,560 3.15 20.42 6.48 50.00 143.91 72,000 3.27 20.83 6.75 51.00 148.94 73,440 3.41 21.24 7.01 52.00 154.86 74,880 3.54 21.65 7.29 53.00 160.02 76,320 3.68 22.06 7.57 54.00 166.14 77,760 3.82 22.47 7.85 55.00 172.37 79,200 3.96 22.88 8.14 56.00 176.77 80,640 4.11 23.28 8.43 57.00 183.00 82,080 4.25 23.69 8.72 58.00 188.46 83,520 4.41 24.10 9.03 59.00 195.04 84,960 4.56 24.51 9.34 60.00 200.61 86,400 4.72 24.92 9.65 61.00 207.38 87,840 4.88 25.33 9.97 62.00 214.26 89,280 5.04 25.74 10.30 63.00 220.01 90,720 5.20 96.14 10.62 64.00 226.90 92,160 5.36 26.55 10.96 65.00 232.76 93,600 5.53 26.96 11.30 66.00 240.01 95,040 5.71 27.37 11.65 67.00 247.36 96,480 5.88 27.78 12.00 68.00 253.39 97,920 6.06 28.19 12.35 69.00 260.92 99,360 6.24 28.59 12.71 70.00 266.85 100,800 6.42 29.00 13.07 71.00 274.56 102,240 6.60 29.41 13.45 I 72.00 282.38 103,680 6.79 FRICTION OF WATER IX SMOOTH PIPES. 39 DIAMETEE ONE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 29.82 13.82 73.00 288.65 105,120 6.98 30.23 14.21 74.00 296.64 106,560 7.17 30.64 14.60 75.00 302.99 108,000 7.37 31.05 14.99 76.00 311.16 109,440 7.57 31.45 15.38 77.00 319.22 110,880 7.77 31.86 15.78 78.00 327.60 112,320 7.97 32.27 16.19 79.00 336.09 113,760 8.18 32.68 16.60 80.00 342.69 115,200 8.38 33.09 17.02 81.00 351.34 116,640 8.60 33.50 17.45 82.00 360.10 118,080 8.81 33.91 17.88 83.00 366.83 119,520 9.03 34.31 18.30 84.00 375.53 120,960 9.24 34.72 18.74 85.00 384.56 122,400 9.46 35.13 19.19 86.00 393.70 123,840 9.69 35.54 19.64 87.00 400.58 125,280 9.92 35.95 . 20.09 88.00 409.88 126,720 10.15 36.36 20.55 89.00 419.28 128,160 10.38 36.76 21.01 90.00 428.56 129,600 10.61 37.17 21.48 91.00 438.17 131,040 10.85 37.58 21.96 92.00 445.26 132,480 11.09 37.99 22.44 93.00 455.02 133,920 11.33 38.40 22.92 94.00 464.90 135,360 11.58 38.81 23.42 95.00 474.88 136,800 11.83 39.22 | 23.91 96.00 484.97 138,240 12.08 40 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE ONE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to j produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. isr s 39.62 24.40 97.00 491.98 139,680 12.32 40.03 24.91 98.00 502.21 141,120 12.58 40.44 40.85 25.42 25.94 99.00 100.00 512.55 142,560 | 12.84 523.00 ; 144,000 13.10 41.26 26.47 101.00 533.55 145,440 13.37 41.67 26.99 102.00 540.97 146,880 13.63 42.08 27.53 103.00 551.67 148,320 13.90 42.48 28.05 104.00 562.20 149, 760" 14.17 42.89 28.60 105.00 573.11 151,200 14,44 43.30 29.15 106.00 584.12 152,640 i 14.72 43.71 29.70 107.00 591.67 154,080 15.00 44.12 30.26 108.00 602.82 155,520 15.28 44.53 30.83 109.00 614.08 156,960 15.57 44.93 31.38 110.00 625.16 158,400 15.85 45.34 31.96 111.00 636.62 159,840 16.14 45.75 32.54 112.00 644.28 161,280 16.47 46.16 33.13 113.00 655.88 162,720 16.73 46.57 33.72 114.00 667.58 164,160 17.03 46.98 34.31 115.00 679.39 165,600 17.33 47.39 34.91 116.00 691.30 167,040 17.63 47.79 35.51 117.00 698.76 168,480 17.93 48.20 36.12 118.00 710.80 169,920 18.24 48.61 36.73 119.00 722.94 171,360 18.55 49.02 37.36 120.00 735.19 172,800 18.87 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 41 DIAMETEE ONE INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 49.43 : 37.98 121.00 747.54 174,240 19.18 49.84 i 38.02 122.00 759.99 175,680 19.50 50.25 j 39.26 123.00 772.55 177,120 19.82 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETER ONE AND ONE-FOUBTE INCH, Mean Velocity of Wciter in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. h. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.39 0.00 1.50 0.12 2,160 0.00 0.78 0.01 3.00 0.37 4,320 0.00 1.18 0.02 4.50 0.74 6,480 0.01 1.57 0.04 6.00 1.19 8,640 0.02 1.96 0.06 7.50 1.75 10,800 ; 0.03 2.35 2.75 0.09 0.12 9.00 10.50 2.41 3.14 12,960 : 0.04 15,120 0.06 3.14 0.15 12.00 3.91 17,280 0.08 3.53 0.19 13.50 4.84 19,440 0.10 3.92 0.24 15.00 5.78 21,600 0.12 4.31 0.29 16.50 ; 688 23,760 0.15 4.71 0.34 18.00 7.98 25,920 0.17 5.10 0.40 19.50 9.24 28,080 0.20 5.49 0.47 21.00 10.53 30,240 0.24 5.88 0.54- 22.50 11.82 32,400 0.27 6.27 0.61 24.00 13.32 34,560 0.31 6.67 0.69 25.50 14.81 36,720 0.35 7.06 0.77 27.00 16.44 38,880 0.39 7.45 0.86 28.50 18.06 41,040 0.44 7.84 8.24 0.96 1.06 30.00 31.50 19.91 21.69 43,200 45,360 0.48 0.53 8.63 1.16 33.00 23.45 47,520 0.58 9.02 1.26 34.50 25.50 49,680 0.64 9.41 1.38 36.00 27.49 51,840 0.70 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 43 DIAMETER ONE AND ONE-FOURTH INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. h. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 9.80 1.49 37.50 I 29.67 ' 54,000 0.75 10.20 1.62 39.00 ! 31.99 56,160 0.82 10.59 1.74 40.50 34.14 58,320 0.88 10.98 1/87 42.00 36.35 60,480 0.95 11.37 2.01 43.50 38.78 62,640 1.01 11.76 2.15 45.00 41.07 64,800 1.09 12.16 2.30 46.50 43.92 66,960 1.16 12.55 2.45 48.00 46.54 69,120 1.24 12.94 2.60 49.50 48.98 71,280 1.31 13.33 2.76 51.00 51.71 73,440 1.40 13.73 2.93 52.50 54.86 75,600 1.48 14.12 3.10 54.00 57.73 77,760 1.57 14.51 3.27 55.50 60.33 79,920 1.65 14.90 3.45 57.00 63.29 82,080 1.74 15.29 3.63 58.50 66.29 84,240 1.84 15.69 3.83 60.00 69.81 86,400 1.93 16.08 4.02 61.50 72.93 88,560 2.03 16.47 4.22 I 63.00 76.11 90,720 2.13 16.86 4.42 64.50 79.33 92,880 2.23 17.25 4.63 66.00 83.05 95,040 2.34 17.65 4.84 67.50 86.48 97,200 2.45 18.04 5.06 69.00 90.34 99,360 2.56 18.43 5.28 70.50 93.78 101,520 2.67 18.82 5.51 72.00 97.26 103,680 2.78 44 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE ONE AND ONE-rOUETH INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 19.22 5.74 73.50 101.44 105,840 2.90 19.61 5.98 75.00 105.03 108,000 3.02 20.00 6.22 ; 76.50 108.65 110,160 3.14 20.39 6.46 78.00 112.93 112,320 3.26 20.78 6.71 79.50 116.65 114,480 3.39 21.18 6.97 81.00 121.18 116,640 3.52 21.57 7.23 82.50 124.99 118,800 3.65 21.96 7.50 84.00 129.55 120,960 3.79 22.35 7.77 85.50 134.19 123,120 3.92 22.75 8.05 87.00 137.49 125,280 4.06 23.14 8.32 88.50 142.25 127,440 4.20 23.53 8.61 90.00 146.26 129,600 4.35 23.92 8.90 91.50 151.14 131,760 4.49 24.31 9.19 93.00 156.11 133,920 4.64 24.71 9.49 94.50 161.29 136,080 4.79 25.10 9.79 96.00 166.43 138,240 4.95 25.49 10.10 97.50 171.64 140,400 5.10 25.88 10.41 99.00 175.93 142,560 5.26 26.27 10.73 100.50 181.27 144,720 5.42 26.67 11.06 102.00 185.77 146,880 5.58 27.06 11.38 103.50 191.25 149,040 5.75 27.45 11.71 105.00 196.80 151,200 5.92 27.84 12.05 106.50 201.27 153,360 6.08 28.24 12.40 108.00 207.10 155,520 6.26 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 45 DIAMETEE ONE AND ONE-FOUETH INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 28.63 12.74 109.50 211.63 157,680 6.44 29.02 13.09 111.00 217.44 159,840 6.61 29.41 13.45 112.50 223.32 162,000 6.79 29.80 13.81 114.00 227.96 164,160 6.97 30.20 14.18 115.50 234.12 166,320 7.16 30.59 14.55 117.00 240.21 168,480 7.35 30.98 14.92 118.50 246.37 170,640 7.53 31.37 15.30 120.00 252.61 172,800 7.73 31.76 15.68 121.50 257.43 174,960 7.92 32.16 16.08 123.00 263.95 177,120 8.12 32.55 16.47 124.50 268.81 179,280 8.32 32.94 16.87 126.00 275.29 181,440 8.52 33.33 17.27 127.50 281.85 183,600 8.72 33.73 17.69 129.00 288.65 185,760 8.93 34.12 18.10 130.50 295.37 187,920 9.14 34.51 18.51 132.00 300.38 190,080 9.35 34.90 18.94 133.50 307.21 192,240 9.56 35.29 19.36 135.00 314.12 194,400 9.78 35.69 19.80 136.50 319.38 196,560 10.00. 36.08 20.24 138.00 326.39 198,720 10.22 36.47 20.68 139.50 333.49 200,880 10.44 36.86 21.12 141.00 340.66 203,040 10.67 37.25 21.57 142.50 347.90 205,200 10.89 37.65 22.04 144.00 353.30 207,360 11.13 46 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE ONE AND ONE-POUETE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U.S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U.S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 38.04 22.50 145.50 360.66 209,520 11.36 38.43 22.96 147.00 368.09 211,680 11.59 38.82 23.43 148.50 373.35 ! 213,840 11.83 39.22 23.91 150.00 381.09 216,000 12.08 39.61 24.39 151.50 388.70 218,160 12.32 40.00 24.87 153.00 396.39 220,320 12.56 40.39 25.36 154.50 404.16 222,480 12.81 40.78 25.85 156.00 409.52 224,640 13.06 41.18 26.36 157.50 417.59 226,800 13.31 41.57 26.87 159.00 425.54 i 228,960 13.57 41.96 27.37 160.50 433.56 231,120 13.82 42.35 27.88 162.00 441.66 j 233,280 14.08 42.75 28.41 163.50 447.32 235,440 14.35 43.14 28.93 165.00 455.51 237,600 14.61 43.53 29.46 166.50 463.79 239,760 14.88 43.92 29.99 168.00 472.13 241,920 15.14 44,31 30.52 169.50 480.56 244,080 15.41 44.71 31.08 171.00 489.27 246,240 15.69 45.10 31.62 172.50 497.85 248,400 15.97 45.49 32.17 174.00 506.49 250,560 16.25 45.88 32.72 175.50 512.07 j 252,720 16.53 46.27 33.28 177.00 520.82 254,880 16.81 46.67 33.86 ! 178.50 529.86 257,040 17.10 47.06 34.43 180.00 538.75 259.200 17.39 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETER ONE AND ONE-FOURTH INCH, Mean "Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. is. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 47.45 35.00 181.50 547.72 261,360 17.68 47.84 35.58 183.00 553.34 263,520 17.97 48.24 36.18 184.50 562.64 265,680 18.27 48.63 36.77 186.00 571.77 267,840 18.57 49.02 37.36 187.50 580.98 270,000 18.87 49.41 37.95 189.00 590.26 272,160 19.17 49.80 38.56 190.50 599.61 274,320 19.47 50.20 39.18 192.00 609.29 276,480 19.78 48 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETER ONE AND ONE-HALF INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice, of Influx. 0.36 0.00 2.00 0.08 2,880 0.00 0.73 0.01 4.00 0.27 5,760 0.00 1.09 0.02 6.00 0.54 8,640 0.01 1.45 0.03 8.00 0.85 11,520 0.02 1.82 0.05 10.00 1.24 14,400 0.03 2.18 0.07 12.00 1.69 17,280 0.04 2.54 0.10 14.00 2.23 20,160 9.05 2.90 0.13 16.00 2.77 23,040 0.07 3.27 0.17 18.00 3.46 25,920 0.08 3.63 0.20 20.00 4.10 28,800 0.10 3.99 4.36 0.25 0.30 22.00 24.00 4.87 5.72 31,680 34,560 0.12 0.15 4.72 0.35 26.00 6.54 37,440 0.17 5.08 0.40 28.00 7.48 40,320 0.20 5.45 0.46 30.00 8.42 43,200 0.23 5.81 0.17 0.52 0.59 32.00 34.00 9.49 10.51 46,080 48,960 0.27 0.30 6.54 6.90 0.66 0.74 36.00 38.00 11.70 12.85 51,840 54,720 0.34 0.37 7.26 0.82 40.00 14.09 57,600 0.41 7.63 0.91 42.00 15.35 60,480 0.46 7.99 0.99 44.00 16.75 63,360 0.50 8.35 1.08 46.00 18.21 66,240 0.55 8.71 1.18 48.00 19.53 69,120 0.60 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 49 DIAMETER ONE AND ONE-HALP INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons, per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 9.08 1.28 50.00 21.12. 72,000 0.65 9.44 1.39 52.00 22.61 74,880 0.70 9.80 1.49 54.00 24.25 77,760 0.75 10.17 1.61 56.00 25.98 80,640 0.81 10.53 1.72 58.00 27.58 83,520 0.87 10.89 1.84 60.00 29.20 86,400 0.93 11.26 1.97 62.00 31.06 89,280 1.00 11.62 2.10 64.00 33.08 92,160 1.06 11.98 2.23 66.00 34.81 95,040 1.13 12.35 2.37 68.00 36.80 97,920 1.20 12.71 2.51 70.00 38.98 100,800 1.27 13.07 2.66 72.00 ! 41.00 103,680 1.34 13.43 2.80 74.00 42.85 106,560 1.42 13.80 2.96 76.00 45.00 109,440 1.50 14.16 3.12 78.00 ; 47.38 112,320 1.57 14.52 3.28 80.00 49.56 115,200 1.66 14.89 3.45 82.00 51.84 118,080 1.74 15.25 3.62 ! 84.00 54.38 120,960 1.83 15.61 3.79 ; 86.00 56.67 123,840 1.91 15.98 3.97 i 88.00 59.07 126,720 ! 2.00 16.34 4.15 ! 90.00 ! 61.43 j 129,600 2.10 16.70 i 4.34 92.00 ! 64.17 132,480 2.19 17.07 4.53 94.00 66.68 135,360 2.29 17.43 4.72 96.00 69.52 138,240 2.39 50 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE ONE AND ONE-HALF INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. IS. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 17.79 4.92 98.00 72.03 141,120 2.48 18.16 5.13 100.00 75.06 144,000 2.59 18.52 5.33 102.00 | 77.64 146,880 2.69 18.88 5.54 104.00 80.24 149,760 2.80 19.24 5.75 106.00 83.33 152,640 2.91 19.61 5.98 108.00 86.09 155,520 3.02 19.97 6.20 110.00 89.28 158,400 3.13 20.33 6.43 112.00 \ 92.53 161,280 3.24 20.70 6.66 114.00 94.86 164,160 3.36 21.06 6.90 116.00 98.19 167,040 3.48 21.42 7.13 118.00 101.57 169,920 3.60 21.79 7.38 120.00 104.52 172,800 3.73 22.15 7.63 122.00 108.00 175,680 3.85 22.51 7.88 124.00 110.91 178,560 3.98 22.88 8.14 126.00 114.59 181,440 4.11 23.24 8.40 128.00 118.22 184,320 4.24 23.60 8.66 130.00 121.22 187,200 4.37 23.97 8.93 132.00 125.05 190,080 4.51 24.33 9.20 134.00 128.84 192,960 4.65 24.69 9.48 136.00 131.92 195,840 4.79 25.05 9.76 138.00 135.79 198,720 4.W 25.42 10.05 140.00 139.84 201,600 5.07 25.78 10.33 142.00 143.00 204,480 1 5.22 26.14 , 10.62 144.00 147.02 207,360 5.36 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 51 DIAMETEE ONE AND ONE-HALP INCH, Mean Velocity of Wat-r in Ft. pel- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in IT. S. Gallons per Minute. LOPS of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifuv of Influx. 26.51 10.93 146.00 150.34 210,240 5.52 26.87 11.22 148.00 154.45 213,120 5.67 27.23 11.53 150.00 158.61 216,000 5.82 27.60 11.84 152.00 162.95 218,880 5.98 27.96 12.15 154.00 167.23 221,760 6.14 28.32 12.47 156.00 171.57 224,640 6.30 28.69 12.80 158.00 175.06 227,520 6.46 29.05 13.12 160. CO 179.48 230,400 6.63 29.41 13.45 162.00 183.95 233,280 6.79 29.77 13.78 164.00 187.38 236,160 6.96 30.14 14.12 166.00 192.07 239,040 7.13 30.50 14.46 168.00 196.68 241,920 7.30 30.86 14.81 170.00 200.17 244,800 7.48 31.23 15.16 172.00 205.00 247,680 7.66 31.59 15.51 174.00 208.51 250,560 7.83 31.95 15.87 176.00 213.29 253,440 8.01 32.32 16.24 178.00 218.26 256,320 8.20 32.68 16.60 180.00 223.15 259,200 8.38 33.04 16.97 182.00 228.09 I 262,080 8.57 33.41 17.35 184.00 233.23 264,960 8.76 33.77 17.73 186.00 236.86 267,840 8.95 34.13 18.11 188.00 241.94 270,720 9.15 34.50 18.50 190.00 247.21 273,600 9.34 34.86 18.89 192.00 252.40 276,480 9.54: 52 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETER ONE AND ONE-HAL! INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1(10 Ft. Discharge inU. 8. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 35.22 19.28 194.00 257.64 279,360 9.74 35.58 19.68 196.00 261.36 282,240 9.94 35.95 20.09 198.00 266.82 285,120 10.15 36.31 20.50 200.00 272.19 288,000 10.35 36.67 20.90 202.00 277.62 290,880 10.56 37.04 21.33 204.00 283.25 293,760 10.77 37.40 21.75 206.00 288.78 296,640 10.98 37.76 22.17 208.00 292.59 299,520 11.19 38.13 22.60 210.00 298.36 302,400 11.41 38.49 23.03 212.00 304.02 | 305,280 11.63 38.85 23.46 214.00 309.73 308,160 11.85 39.22 23.91 216.00 315.66 311,040 12.08 39.58 24.35 218.00 319.53 313,920 12.30 89.94 24.80 220.00 325.37 316,800 12.52 '40.30 25.25 222.00 331.26 319,680 12.75 40.67 25.71 224.00 337.37 322,560 12.99 41.03 26.17 226.00 343.37 325,440 13.22 41.39 26.63 228.00 349.42 328,320 13.45 41.76 27.11 230.00 353.53 331,200 13.61) 42.12 27.58 232.00 359.65 334,080 13.93 42.48 28.05 234.00 365.83 336,960 14.17 '42.85 28.54 236.00 372.23 339,840 14.42 i 43.21 29.03 238.00 378.51 342,720 14. 6G *43.57 29.51 240.00 382.48 345,600 14.90 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 53 DIAMETER ONE AND ONE-HALE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second . Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge 1 iiiU. 8. Gallons per 1 Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice oi Influx. 43.94 30.02 ! 242.00 389.00' 348,480 15.16 44.30 30.51 244.00 395.40 351,360 15.41 44.66 31.01 I 246.00 401.86 354,240 15.66 45.03 31.52 248.00 408.54 357,120 15.92 45.39 32.03 ! 250.00 415.10 360,000 16.17 45.75 32.54 252.00 421.71 362,880 16.43 46.11 33.05 ; 254.00 428.37 365,760 16.69 46.48 33.59 ; 256.00 435.28 368,640 16.96 46.84 34.11 258.00 439.32 371,520 17.22 47.20 34.63 j 260.00 446.10 374,400 17.49 47.57 35.18 262.00 453.12 377,280 17.77 47.93 35.71 ! 264.00 460.00 380,160 18.04 48.29 36.25 266.00 466.94 383,040 18.31 48. (5(> 36.81 268.00 471.17 385,920 18.59 49.02 37.36 270.00 478.17 388,800 18.87 49.38 37.91 272.00 485.22 391,680 19.14 49.75 38.48 ; 274.00 492.52 394,560 19.43 50.11 39.04 1 276.00 499.67 397,440 19.71 54 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE TWO INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. a. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to ! Friction, per 100 Ft. i Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.41 0.00 4.00 0.07 ! 5,760 0.00 0.82 0.01 8.00 0.23 11,520 0.01 1.23 0.02 12.00 0.45 17,280 0.01 1.63 0.04 16.00 ' 0.72 23,040 0.02 2.04 0.06 20.00 1.08 28,800 0.03 2.45 0.09 24.00 1.47 34,560 0.05 2.86 0.13 28.00 1.96 40,320 0.06 3.27 0.17 32.00 2.45 46,080 0.08 3.68 0.21 36.00 2.99 51,840 0.11 4.08 0.26 40.00 3.63 57,600 0.13 4.49 0.31 44.00 4.27 63,360 0.16 4.90 0.37 48.00 4.97 69,120 0.19 5.31 0.44 52.00 5.79 74,880 0.22 5.72 0.51 56.00 6.59 80,640 0.26 6.13 0.58 60.00 7.43 86,400 0.30 6.54 0.66 64.00 8.38 92,160 0.34 6.94 0.75 68.00 9.30 97,920 0.38 7.35 0.84 72.00 10.38 103,680 0.42 7.76 0.94 76.00 11.40 109,440 0.47 8.17 1.04 80.00 12.45 115,200 0.52 8.58 1.14 84.00 13.73 120,960 0.58 8.99 1.26 88.00 14.93 12(5,720 0.63 9.40 1.37 92.00 16.15 132,480 0. 69 9.80 1.49 96.00 17.47 138,240 0.75 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE TWO INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of He ad in Ft. due to Friction, per 1(10 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 10.21 1.62 100.00 18.86 144,000 0.82 10.62 1.75 104.00 20.20' 149,760 0.89 11.03 1.89 108.00 21.68 155,520 0.96 11.44 2.03 112.00 23.07 161,280 1.03 11.85 2.18 116.00 24.62 167,040 1.10 12.25 2.33 120.00 26.32 172,800 1.18 12.66 2.49 124.00 27.96 178,560 1.26 13.07 2.66 128.00 29.64 184,320 1.34 13.48 2.82 132.00 31.36 190,080 1.43 13.89 3.00 136.00 33.11 195,840 1.51 14.30 3.18 140.00 34.91 201,600 1.61 14.71 3.36 144.00 36.94 207,360 1.70 15.11 3.55 148.00 38.76 213,120 1.79 15.52 3.74 152.00 40.67 218,880 1.89 15.93 3.95 156.00 42.61 224,640 1.99 16.34 4.15 160.00 44.58 230,400 2.10 16.75 4.36 164.00 46.84 236,160 2.20 17.16 4.58 168.00 48.89 241,920 2.31 17.57 17.97 4.80 5.02 172.00 176.00 51.26 53.31 247,680 253,440 2.42 2.54 18.38 5.25 180.00 55.46 259,200 2.65 18.79 5.49 184.00 57.63 264,960 2.77 19.20 5.73 188.00 60.18 270,720 2.89 19.61 5.98 192.00 62.77 276,480 3.02 56 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETER TWO INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 20.02 6.23 196.00 65.05 282,240 3.15 20.42 ! 6.48 200.00 67.68 288,000 3.27 20.83 I 6.75 204.00 70.02 293,760 3.41 21.24 | 7.01 208.00 72.80 299,520 3.54 21.65 7.29 ! 212.00 75.20 305,280 3.68 22.06 ! 7.57 216.00 78.08 311,040 3.82 22.47 7.85 220.00 81.01 316,800 ! 3.96 22.88 8.14 224.00 83.50 322,560 i 4.11 23.28 8.43 228.00 86.45 328,320 4.25 23,69 i 8.72 232.00 88.99 334,080 4.41 24.10 9.03 236.00 | 92.10 339,840 4.56 24.51 9.34 240.00 | 94.70 345,600 i 4.72 24.92 i 9.65 244.00 97.90 351,360 4.88 25.33 25.74 26.14 9.97 10.30 10.62 248.00 252.00 256.00 101.14 357,120 103.83 362,880 107. OS 3()8,640 5.04 5.20 5.36 26.55 10.96 260.00 109,81 374,400 5.53 26.96 11.30 i 264.00 113.22 380,160 5.71 27.37 11.65 i 268.00 i 116.69 385,920 5.88 27.78 12.00 272.00 119.50 391,680 6.06 28.19 12.35 276.00 123.05 397,440 6.24 28.59 12.71 280.00 126.57 403,200 6.42 29.00 13.07 284.00 130.22 408,960 6.60 29.41 13.45 288.00 \ 133.93 414,720 6.79 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. ")? DIAMETEE TWO INCH, Mean , H. ad in DisM , harffft Velocity Ft. re- in w ^rSci o ^ S^ond. Velo'Sy. Mi '' te ' Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per IdO Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 'J9.N2 13.8-2 292.00 130:36 420,480 (>. ( JS 30.23 14.21 296.00 140. 05 426,240 7.17 30.64 ; 14.60 300.00 144.49 432,000 7.37 31.05 14.99 304.00 148.38 437,760 7.57 31.45 15.38 308.00 152.23 443,520 7.77 31.86 15.78 i 312.00 155.28 449,280 7.97 32.27 16.19 316.00 159.30 455,040 8.18 32.68 16.60 320.00 163.38 460,800 8.38 33.09 17.02 324.00 167.50 466,560 s.r.o 33.50 17.45 ; 328.00 171.08 472,320 S.Nl - 33.91 17.88 332.00 174.83 478,080 9.03 34.31 18.30 336.00 ! 178.98 483,840 i).24 34.72 18.74 340.00 i 182.16 489,600 9.46 35.13 19.19 344.00 i 186.49 495,360 9.09 35.54 19.64 348.00 190.87 501,120 9.92 35.95 20.09 352.00 195.30 506,880 10.15 36.36 20.55 356.00 199.78 512,640 10.38 36.76 21.01 360.00 204.20 518,400 10.01 37.17 21.48 364.00 208.78 524,160 10.85 37.58 21.96 368.00 ! 212.09 529,920 11.09 37.99 22.44 372.00 216.74 535,080 11.33 38.40 22.92 376.00 221.45 541,440 11.58 38.81 23.42 380.00 226.20 547,200 11.83 39.22 23.91 384.00 231.00 551,1)00 12.08 58 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETER TWO INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge iii U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per K 10 Ft. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Oriiiceof Influx. 39.02 i 24.40 388.00 234.28 558,720 12.32 40.03 24.91 392 00 239.15 564,480 12.58 40.44 25.42 390.00 244.07 570,240 12.84 40.85 25.94 400.00 249.05 576,000 13.10 41.20 26.47 404.00 254.07 581,760 13.37 41.07 26.99 408.00 259.15 587,520 13.63 42.08 27.53 412.00 264.27 593,280 13.90 42.48 28.05 416.00 269.32 599,040 14.17 42.89 28.00 420.00 272.83 604,800 14.44 43.30 29.15 424.00 278.07 610,560 14.72 43.71 29.70 428.00 283.36 616,320 15.00 44.12 30.20 432. 00 288.70 622,080 15.28 44.53 30.83 436.00 292.24 027,840 15.57 44.93 31.38 440.00 297.51 033,000 15.85 45.34 31.90 444.00 302.97 039,360 16.14 45.75 32.54 448.00 308.47 645,120 16.43 40.10 33.13 452.00 314.03 650,880 16.73 40.57 33.72 456.00 319.63 656,640 17.03 40.98 34.31 .460.00 325.28 662,400 17.33 47 39 34.91 464.00 330.99 668,160 17.63 47.79 35.51 468.00 334.47 673,920 17.93 48.20 36.12 472.00 340.23 679,680 18.24 48.61 36.73 476.00 346.04 685,440 18.55 49.02 37.30 480.00 351.90 691,200 18.87 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 59 DIAMETER TWO INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. 484.00 Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the 19.18 49.43 37.98 357.82 696,960 49.84 38.62 488.00 361.46 702,720 19.50 50.25 39.26 492.00 367.43 708,480 19.82 60 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE TWO AND ONE-HALF INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. h. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.39 0.00 6.00 0.05 8,640 0.00 0.78 0.01 12.00 0.15 17,280 0.00 1.18 0.02 18.00 0.31 25,920 0.01 1.57 0.04 24.00 0.50 34,560 0.02 1.96 0.06 30.00 0.75 43,200 0.03 2.35 0.09 36.00 1.04 51,840 0.04 2.75 0.12 42.00 1.36 60,480 0.06 3.14 0.15 48.00 1.71 69,120 0.08 3.53 0.19 54.00 2.12 77,760 0.10 3.92 0.24 60.00 2.53 86,400 0.12 4.31 0.29 66.00 3.02 95,040 0.15 4.71 0.34 72.00 3.53 103,680 0.17 5.10 0.40 78.00 4.10 112,320 0.20 5.49 0.47 84.00 4.66 120,960 0.24 5.88 0.54 90.00 5.26 129,600 0.27 6.27 0.61 96.00 5.93 138,240 0.31 6.67 0.69 102.00 6.61 146,880 0.35 7.<><; 0.77 108.00 7.36 155,520 0.39 7.45 0.86 114.00 8.08 164,160 0.44 7.84 0.96 120.00 8.90 172,800 0.48 8.24 1.06 126.00 9.73 181,440 0.53 8.63 1.16 132.00 10.56 190,080 0.58 9.02 1.26 138.00 11.47 198,720 0.64 9.41 1.38 144.00 12.42 207,360 0.70 FRICTION OP WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 61 DIAMETER TWO AND ONE-HALF INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. . Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Dischar ge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 9.80 1.49 150.00 13.40 216,000 0.75 10.20 1.62 156.00 14.44 224,640 0.82 10.59 1.74 162.00 15.48 233,280 0.88 10.98 1.87 168.00 16.55 241,920 0.95 11.37 2.01 174.00 17.56 250,560 1.01 11.76 2.15 180.00 18.68 259,200 1.09 12.16 2.30 186.00 19.97 267,840 1.16 12.55 2.45 192.00 21.16 276,480 1.24 12.94 2.60 198.00 22.37 285,120 1.31 13.33 2.76 204.00 23.60 293,760 1.40 13.73 2.93 210.00 25.04 302,400 1.4S 14.12 3.10 216.00 26.33 311,040 1.57 14.51 3.27 222.00 27.65 319,680 1.65 14.90 3.45 228.00 28.99 328,320 1.74 15.29 15.09 3.63 3.83 234.00 240.00 30.36 31.96 336,960 345,600 1.84 1.93 16.08 4.02 246.00 33.57 354,240 2.03 16.47 4.22 252.00 35.02 362,880 2.13 16.86 4.42 258.00 36.48 371,520 2.23 17.25 4.63 264.00 38.19 380,160 2.34 17.65 4.84 270.00 39.75 388,800 2.45 18.04 5.06 276.00 41.53 397,440 2.56 18.43 5.28 282.00 43.09 406,080 2.67 18.82 5.51 288.00 44.67 414,720 2.78 2 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE TWO AND ONE-HAL! INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pei- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 19.22 5.74 294.00 46.59 423,360 2.90 19.61 5.98 300.00 48.50 432,000 3.02 20.00 6.22 306.00 50.15 440,640 3.14 20.39 6.46 312.00 52.12 449,280 3.26 20.78 6.71 318.00 53.81 457,920 3.39 21.18 6.97 324.00 55.90 466,560 3.52 21.57 7.23 330.00 57.63 475,200 3.65 21.96 22.35 7.50 7.77 336.00 342.00 59.74 61.88 483,840 492,480 3.79 3.92 22.75 8.05 348.00 64.11 501,120 4.06 23, U 8.32 354.00 66.33 509,760 4.20 23.53 8.61 360.00 68.17 518,400 4.35 23.92 8.90 366.00 70.45 527,040 4.49 24.31 9.19 372.00 72.76 535,680 4.64 24.71 9.49 378.00 74,72 544,320 4.79 25.10 9.79 384.00 77.10 552,960 4.95 25.49 10.10 390.00 79.52 561,600 5.10 25.88 10.41 396.00 81.97 570,240 5.26 26.27 10.73 402.00 84.46 578,880 5.42 26.67 11.06 408.00 86.52 587,520 5.58 27.06 11.38 414.00 89.07 596,160 5.75 27.45 11.71 420.00 91.65 604,800 5.92 27.84 12.05 426.00 93.70 613,440 6.08 28.24 12.40 432.00 96.41 622,080 6.26 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 63 DIAMETEK TWO AND ONE-HALP INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. . Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per 24 Hoiirs. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 28.63 12.74 438.00 99.Q9 630,720 6.44 29.02 13.09 444.00 101.81 639,360 6.61 29.41 13.45 450.00 104.56 648,000 6.79 29.80 13.81 456.00 106.69 656,640 6.97 30.20 14.18 462.00 109.57 665,280 7.16 30.59 14.55 468.00 111.72 673,920 7.35 30.98 14.92 474.00 114.59 682,560 7.53 31.37 15.30 480.00 117.49 691,200 7.73 31.76 15.68 486.00 120.43 699,840 7.92 32.16 16.08 492.00 123.49 708,480 8.12 32.55 16.47 498.00 125.71 717,120 8.32 32.94 16.87 504.00 128.74 725,760 8.52 33.33 17.27 510.00 131.81 734,400 8.72 33.73 17.69 516.00 134.99 743,040 8.93 34.12 18.10 522.00 138.13 751,680 9.14 34.51 18.51 528.00 140.42 760,320 9.35 34.90 18.94 534.00 143.61 768,960 9.56 35.29 19.36 540.00 146.83 777,600 9.78 35.69 19.80 546.00 150.18 786,240 10.00 36.08 20.24 552.00 153.48 794,880 10.22 36.47 20.68 558.00 156.82 803,520 10.44 36.86 21.12 564.00 160.19 812,160 10.67 37.25 21.57 570.00 163.60 820,800 10.89 37.65 22.04 576.00 166.07 829,440 11.13 64 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETER TWO AND ONE-EALP INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 38.04: 22.50 582.00 169.53 838,080 11.36 38.43 22.96 588.00 173.02 846,720 11.59 38.82 23.43 594.00 176.56 855,360 11.83 39.22 23.91 600.00 180.21 864,000 12.08 39.61 24.39 606.00 182.64 872,640 12.32 40.00 24.87 612.00 186.26 881,280 12.56 40.39 25.36 618.00 189.91 889,920 12.81 40.78 25.85 624.00 193.59 898,560 13.06 41.18 26.36 630.00 197.41 907,200 13.31 41.57 26.87 636.00 199.88 915,840 13.57 41.96 27.37 642.00 203.64 924,480 13.82 42.35 27.88 648.00 207.45 933,120 14.08 42.75 28.41 654.00 211.38 941,760 14.35 43.14 28.93 660.00 215.26 950,400 14.61 43.53 29.46 666.00 217.75 959,040 14.88 43.92 29.99 672.00 221.67 967,680 15.14 44.31 30.52 678.00 225.63 976,320 15.41 44.71 31.08 684.00 229.72 984,960 15.69 45.10 31.62 690.00 233.75 993,600 15.97 45.49 32.17 696.00 237.81 1,002,240 16.25 45.88 32.72 702.00 241.90 1,010,880 16.53 46.27 33.28 708.00 246.03 1,019,520 16.81 46.67 33.86 714.00 250.30 1,028,160 17.10 47.06 34.43 720.00 254.50 1,036,800 17.39 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 65 DIAMETEE TWO AND ONE-HALF INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired 1 o produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Lioss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 47.45 47.84 35.00 35.58 726.00 732.00 258.74 261.30 1,045,440 1,054,080 17.68 17.97 48.24 36.18 738.00 265.69 1,062,720 18.27 48.63 36.77 744.00 270.00 1,071,360 18.57 49.02 37.36 750.00 274.35 1,080,000 18.87 49.41 37.95 756.00 278.73 1,088,640 19.17 49.80 38.56 762.00 283.15 1,097,280 19.47 50.20 39.18 768.00 287.72 1,105,920 19.78 66 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETER THEEE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.36 0.00 8.00 0.03 11,520 0.00 0.73 0.01 16.00 0.11 23,040 0.00 1.09 0.02 24.00 0.21 34,560 0.01 1.45 0.03 32.00 0.34 46,080 0.02 1.82 0.05 40.00 0.51 57,600 0.03 2.18 0.07 48.00 0.70 69,120 j 0.04 2.54 0.10 56.00 0.93 80,640 ! 0.05 2.90 0.13 64.00 1.16 92,160 I 0.07 3.27 0.17 72.00 1.45 103,680 0.08 3.63 0.20 80.00 1.73 115,200 0.10 3.99 0.25 88.00 2.07 126,720 0.12 4.36 0.30 96.00 2.44 138,240 0.15 4.72 0.35 104.00 2.80 149,760 0.17 5.08 0.40 112.00 3.21 161,280 0.20 5.45 0.46 120.00 3.62 172,800 0.23 5.81 0.52 128.00 4.09 184,320 0.27 6.17 0.59 136.00 4.55 195,840 0.30 6.54 0.66 144.00 5.05 207,360 0.34 6.90 0.74 152.00 5.57 218,880 0.37 7.26 0.82 160.00 6.13 230,400 0.41 7.63 0.91 168.00 6.70 241,920 0.46 7.99 0.99 176.00 7.30 253,440 0.50 8.35 1.08 184.00 7.93 264,960 0.55 8.71 1.18 192.00 8.59 276,480 0.60 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 67 DIAMETEE THEEE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 9.08 1.28 200.00 9.28 288,000 0.65 9.44 1.39 208.00 9.97 299,520 0.70 9.80 1.49 216.00 10.69 311,040 0.75 10.17 1.61 224.00 11.45 322,560 0.81 10.53 1.72 232.00 12.20 334,080 0.87 10.89 1.84 240.00 12.98 345,600 0.93 11.26 1.97 248.00 13.72 357,120 1.00 11.62 2.10 256.00 14.61 368,640 1.06 11.98 2.23 264.00 15.53 380,160 1.13 12.35 2.37 272.00 16.41 391,680 1.20 12.71 2.51 280.00 17.38 403,200 1.27 13.07 2.66 288.00 18.27 414,720 1.34 13.43 2.80 296.00 19.18 426,240 1.42 13.80 2.96 304.00 20.13 437,760 1.50 14.16 3.12 312.00 21.20 449,280 1.57 14.52 3.28 320.00 22.16 460,800 1.66 14.89 3.45 328.00 23.16 472,320 1.74 15.25 3.62 336.00 24.30 483,840 1.83 15.61 3.79 344.00 25.46 495,360 1.91 15.98 3.97 352.00 26.52 506,880 2.00 16.34 4.15 360.00 27.56 518,400 2.1(1 ^16.70 4.34 368.00 28.79 529,920 2.19 17.07 4.53 376.00 30.08 541,440 2.29 17.43 4.72 384.00 31.17 552,960 2.39 68 FRICTION OP WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETER THREE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to product; this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 17.79 4.92 392.00 32.47 564,480 2.48 18.16 5.13 400.00 33.84 576,000 2.59 18.52 5.33 408.00 34.98 587,520 2.69 18.88 5.54 416.00 36.35 599,040 2.80 19.24 5.75 424.00 37.75 610,560 2.91 19.61 5-98 432.00 38.98 622,080 3.02 19.97 6.20 440.00 40.42 633,600 3.13 20.33 6.43 448.00 41.89 645,120 3.24 20.70 6.66 456.00 43.17 656,640 3.36 21.06 6.90 464.00 44.68 668,160 3.48 21.42 7.13 472.00 .46.22 679,680 3.60 21.79 7.38 480.00 47.54 691,200 3.73 22.15 7.63 488.00 49.12 702,720 3.85 22.51 7.88 496.00 50.41 714,240 3.98 22.88 8.14 504.00 52.09 725,760 4.11 23.24 8.40 512.00 53.74 737,280 4.24 23.60 8.66 520.00 55.42 748,800 4.37 23.97 8.93 528.00 57.17 760,320 4.51 24.33 9.20 536.00 58.90 771,840 4.65 24.69 9.48 544.00 60.27 783,360 4.79 25.05 9.76 552.00 62.04 794,880 4.93 25.42 10.05 560.00 63.89 806,400 5.07 25.78 10.33 568.00 65.30 817,920 5.22 26.14 10.62 576.00 67.14 829,440 5.36 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 69 DIAMETEE THREE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. 8. (Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 26.51 10.93 584.00 69.05 840,960 5.52 26.87 11.22 592.00 70.94 852,480 5.67 27.23 11.53 600.00 72.85 864,000 5.82 27.60 11.84 608.00 74.37 875,520 5.98 27.96 12.15 616.00 76.32 887,040 6.14 28.32 12.47 624.00 78.30 898,560 6.30 28.69 12.80 632.00 79.85 910,080 6.46 29.05 13.12 640.00 81.87 921,600 6.63 29.41 13.45 648.00 83.91 933,120 6.79 29.77 13.78 656.00 85.97 944,640 6.96 30.14 14.12 664.00 88.12 956,160 7.13 30.50 14.46 672.00 90.24 967,680 7.30 30.86 14.81 680.00 92.39 979,200 7.48 31.23 15.16 688.00 94.61 990,720 7.66 31.59 15.51 696.00 96.19 1,002,240 7.83 31.95 15.87 704.00 98.39 1,013,760 8.01 32.32 16.24 712.00 100.68 1,025,280 8.20 32.68 16.60 720.00 102.94 1,036,800 8.38 33.04 16.97 728.00 105.22 1,048,320 8.57 33.41 17.35 736.00 107.59 1,059,840 8.76 33.77 17.73 744.00 109.21 1,071,360 8.95 34.13 18.11 752.00 111.55 1,082,880 9.15 34.50 18.50 760.00 113.98 1,094,400 9.34 34.86 18.89 768.00 116.38 1,105,920 9.54 70 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. DIAMETEE THEEE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge inU. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 35.22 19.28 776.00 118.79 1,117,440 9.74 35.58 19.68 784.00 121.23 1,128,960 9.94 35.95 20.09 792.00 123.77 1,140,480 10.15 36.31 20.50 800.00 126.26 1,152,000 10.35 36.67 20.90 808.00 128.77 1,163,520 10.56 37.04 21.33 816.00 131.39 1,175,040 10.77 37.40 21.75 824.00 133.95 1,186,560 10.98 37.76 22.17 832.00 135.66 1,198,080 11.19 38.13 22.60 840.00 138.33 1,209,600 11.41 38.49 23.03 848.00 140.95 1,221,120 11.63 38.85 23.46 856.00 142.66 1,232,640 11.85 39.22 23.91 864.00 145.39 1,244,160 12.08 39.58 24.35 872.00 148.08 1,255,680 12.30 39.94 24.80 880.00 150.78 1,267,200 12.52 40.30 25.25 888.00 153.51 1,278,720 12.75 40.67 25.71 896.00 156.34 1,290,240 12.99 41.03 26.17 904.00 159.12 1,301,760 13.22 41.39 26.63 912.00 161.93 1,313,280 13.45 41.76 27.11 920.00 164.84 1,324,800 13.69 42.12 27.58 928.00 167.69 1,336,320 13.93 42.48 28.05 936.00 170.57 1,347,840 14.17 42.85 28.54 944.00 172.41 1,359,360 14.42 43.21 29.03 952.00 175.32 1,370,880 14.66 43.57 29.51 960.00 178.25 1,382,400 14.90 FRICTION OF WATER IN SMOOTH PIPES. 71 DIAMETER THREE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 100 Ft. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 43.94 30.02 968.00 181.29 1,393,920 15.16 44.30 30.51 976.00 184.28 1,405,440 15.41 44.66 31.01 984.00 187.28 1,416,960 15.66 45.03 31.52 992.00 190.40 1,428,480 15.92 45.39 32.03 1,000.00 193.46 1,440,000 16.17 45.75 32.54 1,008.00 195.24 1,451,520 16.43 46.11 33.05 1,016.00 198.32 1,463,040 16.69 46.48 33.59 1,024.00 201.52 1,474,560 16.96 46.84 34.11 1,032.00 204.65 1,486,080 17.22 47.20 34.63 1,040.00 207.81 1,497,600 17.49 47.57 35.18 1,048.00 211.08 1,509,120 17.77 47.93 35.71 1,056.00 214.29 1,520,640 18.04 48.29 36.25 1,064.00 217.52 1,532,160 18.31 48.66 36.81 1,072.00 219.39 1,543,680 18.59 49.02 37.36 1,080.00 222.65 1,555,200 18.87 49.38 37.91 1,088.00 225.93 1,566,720 19.14 49.75 38.48 1,096.00 229.33 1,578,240 19.43 50.11 39.04 1,104.00 232.66 1,589,760 19.71 Supplementary Table of Theoretical Velocities, to be Used in Obtaining Results Beyond the Highest Limits of Table No. 1. V w* 2flr V V* 20 V 2 *, V V* *ff 49.5 38 70.4 77 86.4 116 99.9 155 50.1 39 70.9 78 86.8 117 100.2 156 50.7 40 71.3 79 87.2 118 100.6 157 51.3 41 71.8 80 87.6 119 100.9 158 52.0 42 72.2 81 87.9 120 101.2 159 52.6 43 72.6 82 88.3 121 101.5 160 53.2 44 73.1 83 88.6 122 101.8 161 53.8 45 73.5 84 89.0 123 102.1 162 54.4 46 74.0 85 89.4 124 102.5 163 55.0 47 74.4 86 89.7 125 102.8 164 55.6 56.2 56.7 48 49 50 74.8 75.3 75.7 87 88 89 90.1 90.4 90.8 126 127 128 103.1 103.4 103.7 104.0 165 166 167 168 57.3 51 76.1 90 91.1 129 104! 3 169 57.8 52 76.5 91 91.5 130 104.6 170 58.4 53 76.9 92 91.8 131 104.9 171 59.0 54 77.4 93 92.2 132 105.3 172 59.5 55 77.8 94 92.5 133 105.6 173 60.0 56 78.2 95 92.9 134 105.9 174 60.6 57 78.6 96 93.2 135 106.2 175 61.1 58 79.0 97 93.6 136 114. 200 61.6 59 79.4 98 93.9 137 120. 225 62.1 60 79.8 99 94.3 138 126. 250 62.7 61 80.3 100 94.6 139 133. 275 63.2 62 80.6 101 95.0 140 139. 300 63.7 63 81.0 102 95.3 141 150. 350 64.2 64 81.4 103 95.6 142 160. 400 64.7 65 81.8 104 96.0 143 170. 450 65.2 66 82.2 105 96.3 144 179. 500 65.7 67 82.6 106 96.6 145 188. 550 66.2 68 83.0 107 97.0 146 197. 600 66.7 69 83.4 108 97.3 147 212. 700 67.1 70 83.8 109 97 6 148 227. 800 67.6 71 84.2 110 98.0 149 241. 900 68.1 72 84.5 111 98.3 150 254. 1,000 68.5 73 84.9 112 98.6 151 311. 1,500 69.0 74 85.3 113 98.9 152 359. 2,000 69.5 75 85.7 114 99.3 153 401. 2,500 69.9 76 86.1 115 99.6 154 440. 3,000 72 75 TABLE No. 2, SHOWING THE LOSS OP HEAD DUE TO THE FRIC- TION OF WATER IN PIPES 'HAVING INTERIOR SIDES SIMILAR TO NEW CAST-IRON PIPES. This table shows the Loss of Head due to the Friction of Water flowing in Pipes having In- terior Sides similar to New Cast-Iron Pipes, under different conditions of Velocity and Dis- charge, or the Inclination necessary to maintain the given Velocity and Discharge. The table also gives the Head required to produce the given Velocity, and the Loss of Head due to the Orifice of Influx. The table includes pipes of 4-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch, 10-inch, 12-inch, 16-inch, 20-inch, 24- inch, 30-inch, 36-inch, 48-inch and 60-inch in diameter. The mean internal diameter of the pipe, that each page of the table refers to, is given at the head of each page. 76 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. The first column of the table gives the mean velocity in feet per second, of the water flowing in the pipe. The second column gives the head required to produce the velocity in the first column, calculated by the laws of falling bodies, inde- pendent of friction, loss of head due to influx, and other retarding causes. The third column gives the discharge in U. S. gallons per minute, and the fifth column the discharge in U. S. gallons per twenty-four hours, when the water is flowing in the pipe with the velocity in the first column. The fourth column gives the loss of head, or the resistance, per 1,000 feet, arising from the friction of the water against the interior sides of the pipe, when the velocity of flow is the same as the velocity in the first column, and the dis- charge the same as the discharge in the third and fifth columns. This loss of head is also equivalent to the inclination, or slope, on which it would be necessary to lay the pipe in order to maintain the given velocity and discharge. The results in this column were computed by FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 77 two formulas, of H. Darcy, given on pages 254, 258 and 368 of his work, entitled, Reclicrclws experimentales relatives au mouvement de l j eau dans les tuyaux. These formulas have been reduced to English measures, under the folio wing forms: h= I 0.017379 + 0.0015965 + 0.0040723 + 0.000020816\ JL.^. ~JT- \\d 20 . a I h = ( 0.0198920 4- 0.00166573 V 4'sr V / d 2g a In which h = the loss of head due to friction, in feet. d = the internal diameter of the pipe, in feet. v = the velocity per second, in feet. I = the length of the pipe, in feet. 2g = 64.324. The first formula was used for velocities of flow less than 0.33 feet per second, and the 78 FlilCTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. second formula, which is generally known as " Darcy's Formula," for velocities of flow in- cluding and exceeding 0.33 feet per second. When the mean velocity, discharge, and di- ameter of the pipe are constant, the loss of head due to friction is directly and simply as the length, consequently the loss of head due to friction for any length of pipe can be readily determined from the table. The sixth column gives the loss of head due to the entrance of the water into the pipe, with the velocity in the first column, when the edges of the inlet end of the pipe are square and flush with the face of a wall or partition. The following formula was used in calculating the results in this column : v* Loss of head due to influx = 0.505 -^- . %g If the pipe is connected with a reservoir, in the manner mentioned in the description of the sixth column, and laid below the hydraulic grade line, the sum of the results given in the second, fourth, and sixth columns, is the total head, or the head that will be required to gene- FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 79 rate the velocity in the first column, and the discharge in the third and fifth columns. Although the table has been computed to such limits that, by the use o the rule relative to the length of the pipe, nearly all of the results that will generally be required in ordinary prac- tice can be directly obtained from the table, it is possible that at times exceptional cases will arise and results may be desired which will be beyond the highest limits of the table. For cases of this kind the table can also be used by the application of the following rule : the diameter and length of the pipe being con- stant, the loss of head varies as the square of the velocity and conversely the velocity as the square root of the loss of head. Positive results can be obtained in this manner, as the coefficient of friction included in the formula used in computing the highest losses of head due to friction given in the table, is simply dependent upon the diameter and not upon both the diameter and the square root of the ve- locity as in Weston's formula for very smooth pipes, that was used in computing table No. 1. 80 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. Following the table there are two supple- mentary tables : A and B. Supplementary table A, is a table of the- oretical velocities which is to be used in con- junction with the table when the results desired are beyond the highest limits of the results given in the table. " Supplementary table B, has been given, mainly, for conveniently computing additional results, if it should be desired, for the different columns of the table, beyond the highest results now contained in the table. It can also be used for obtaining positive results for all velocities above 0.33 feet per second. Two ways that it can be used advantageously are shown in ex- amples Nos. 4 and 5. The loss of head due to friction per 1,000 feet, which may take place in pipes that have been in service five or more years, for velocities above 0.33 feet per second, can be very approx- imately estimated, for preliminary work, by multiplying the loss of head due to friction given in the fourth column of the table by the following multipliers, which were computed by a FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 81 modification of " Darcy's Formula" by the author, in which a formula by Darcy for old pipes and the results of a number of experiments made with pipes that had been in service from about two to about seventeen years were taken into consideration : Number of Years of Service of the Pipes. Multipliers. Number of Years of Service of the Pipes. Multipliers. 5 1.16 55 2.72 10 1.31 60 2.88 15 1.47 65 3.03 20 1.63 70 3.19 25 1.78 75 3.35 30 1.94 80 3.50 35 2.11 85 3.66 40 2.25 90 3.82 45 2.41 95 3.97 50 2.57 ICO 4.13 In using the table when other lengths of pipe than 1,000 feet are to be taken into consider- 82 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. ation, as well as for cases when the results desired are beyond the highest limits of the table, it will probably be necessary, in some instances, especially for a person who is not in the habit of making hydraulic calculations, to make several trials before the correct result is obtained. A little practice, however, will per- ceivably facilitate the use of the table. The following examples illustrate a number of ways in which the information contained in the table can be applied for obtaining results which are not given in the table : EXAMPLE No. 1. Question. What size of pipe will be required to furnish a district with 38,000,000 gallons of water per 24 hours, under 150 feet head j the point of delivery being located 50,000 feet from the resevoir which will supply the water, and its elevation 173 feet below the water line of the same! Answer. The loss of head in this case must not exceed 173 150 = 23 feet. The table FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 83 shows that two 48-inch pipe will deliver the amount of water required with a loss of head of 21.63 feet, viz. : The friction head shown in the table for a 48-inch pipe 1,000 feet long corresponding to a discharge of 38,000,000 gal- lons + 2 = 19,000,000 gallons, is 0.43 feet, and for a length of 50,000 feet = 21.50 feet, 21.50 + / 0.09 = - } + ( 0.04 = 0.505 -- ) = 21.63 V *g /. -:\ &g / feet. Four 36-inch pipe will also deliver this amount with a loss of head of 23.10 feet, viz. : The friction head shown in the table for a 36- inch pipe 1,000 feet long corresponding to a dis- charge of 38,000,000 gallons -r- 4 = 9,500,000 gal- lons, is 0.46 feet, and for a length of 50,000 feet = 23.00 feet, 23.00 + ( 0.07 == -|^-) + ( 0.03 = 0.505 ^-} = 23.10 feet. EXAMPLE No. 2. Question. What will be the discharge from a reservoir, in gallons per minute, through a 4- 84 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. inch pipe 1,800 feet long, under a total head of 150 feet? Answer. The ratio of the length used in computing the table to the given length, - , = 1 oOO 0.56, 0.56 X 150 = 84 feet ; the discharge of a 4-inch pipe corresponding to a friction head of 82.40 feet, which is the nearest to 84 feet, is 330 gallons per minute ; the inverse ratio of the lengths, =^, = 1.8, 1.8 X 82.40 = 148.32 feet, 148.32 + ( 1.10 + ( 0.50 = 0.505 ~ \ = 149.98 feet. Therefore a 4-inch pipe 1,800 feet long, under a total head of 149.98 feet, will dis- charge 330 gallons per minute. EXAMPLE No. 3. Question. What will be the discharge from a reservoir, in gallons per minute, through a 4- inch pipe 500 feet long, under a total head of 150 feet? Answer. The ratio of the length used in FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 85 1000 computing the table, to the given length, , = 2, 2 x 150 = 300 feet ; the discharge of a 4. inch pipe corresponding to a friction head of 300.32 feet, which is the nearest to 300 feet, is 630 gallons per minute ; the inverse ratio of the lengths, =0.5, 0.5x300.32 = 150.16 luUU? feet, 150.16 + (4.02:=^ \ + ( 2.03=0.505^ = a total head of 156.21 feet. This total head is too large, however, (156.21 150 = 6.21). For a second trial take the friction head the next lower in the table, 290.86 feet, which corresponds to a discharge of 620 gallons per ^00 minute, -~ , = 0.5, 0.5 x 290.86 = 145.43, 1UUU 145.43 + ( 3.90 = --) -f ( 1.97 = 0.505 ~ \ 2g / V 2g = 151.30 feet. Therefore a 4-inch pipe 500 feet long, under a total head of 151.30 feet, will discharge 620 gallon per minute. 86 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. EXAMPLE No. 4. Question. What will be the total head re- quired to cause water to flow from a reservoir, at a rate of 20,000,000 gallons per 24 hours, through a 16-inch pipe 1,000 feet long! Answer. The largest discharge given in the table for a 16-inch pipe is 8,064,000 gallons per 24 hours, and the velocity opposite to this discharge 8.94 feet. The velocity corresponding to a discharge of 20,000,000 gallons = 20,000,000 feet, or by supplementary table 13, 14.4.0 = 13,889 gallons per minute, --- 22.16. The friction head given in the table opposite to a velocity of 8.94 and a discharge of 8,064,000 = 19.69 feet. The friction head due to a velocity 22 17 2 of 22.17 = -- X 19.69 = 121.09 feet, or by supplementary table B, = 13,889 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 87 gallons per minute, ' ^ = v, v* X 0.24649 = U^O. I U 121.06. v* v* -~ |- -~ X 0.505 given in the table opposite to a velocity of 8.94 and a discharge of 8,064,000 (1.24 + 0.63) = 1.87 feet, 1.87 x 22 17 2 2 =11.50 feet, or by supplementary table O.cTT 20 000 000 B, - = 13,889 gallons per minute, = v, v*x (0.01555 + 0.007851) =11.49. Therefore the total head required is 121.09 + 11.50 =132.59 feet. EXAMPLE No. 5. Question. What will be the total head re- quired to cause water to flow from a reservoir, at a rate of 40,000,000 gallons per 24 hours, through a 36-inch pipe 50,000 feet long ? Answer. The largest discharge given in the table for a 36-inch pipe is 28,800,000 gallons per 88 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 24 hours, and the velocity opposite to this dis- charge = 6.30 feet. The velocity correspond- ing to a discharge of 40,000,000 gallons 40,000,000 28^00^00 X 6.30 = 8.76 feet, or by supple- mentary table B, ^rj~ = 27,778 gallons 27,778 per minute, =8.76. The friction head given in the table opposite to a velocity of 6.30 and a discharge of 28,800,000 = 4.21 feet. The friction head for a length of 1,000 feet, due to a velocity Q a/?2 pf 8.76 = ^5- x 4.21 = 8.13 feet, or by u.oU supplementary table B, ^'^ffi 00 = 27,778 27 778 gallons per minute, ' = v, v* X 0.10597 = 8.13. The friction head for a length of 50,000 feet, is the inverse ratio of the length used in computing the table to the given length multiplied by the friction head for a length of ^0 000 1,000 feet, = ^r^h X8.13 = 406.50 feet. FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 89 tf v * h o- X 0.505 given in the table opposite to if & a velocity of 6.30 and a discharge of 28,800,000 (0.62 + 0.31) = 0.93 feet, 0.93 x|^* = 1.80 40,000,000 feet, or by supplementary table B, '-14.4.0 27 778 27,778 gallons per minute, 01 70 fio ~ v > v * x (0.01555 + 0.007851) =-1.80. Therefore the total head required is 406.50 + 1.80 = 408.30 feet. EXAMPLE No. 6. Question. What will be the discharge from a reservoir, in gallons per minute, through a 12- inch pipe 1,000 feet long under a total head of 200 feet? Answer. The friction head given in the table, for a 12-inch pipe, opposite to the velocity of 10 feet is 33.56 feet, and the total head, 33.56, + ~ + ~~ x a505 = 2>35 > = 35<91 f eet * As a 90 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. total head of 35.91 feet will produce a velocity of 10 feet, assume 20 feet as the increased velocity which would be produced by 200 feet, the given total head. The supplementary table v* of theoretical velocities A. shows that -^j % v 2 for a velocity of 20 is 6.2 feet and -~- X 0.505 = 3.13 feet, 6.2 + 3.13 = 9.33 feet, 2009.33= 190.67 feet, which is to be used as an assumed friction head ; the square root of the assumed friction head 190.67 divided by the square root of 33.56, the friction head taken from the table, corresponding to 10, the highest velocity, iq 01 i, = 2.39, 2.39x10 (the velocity from the table), = 23.9 feet, which is the resultant veloc- v* v* ity, 9-+ o-X 0.505 for a velocity of 23.9, is ^9 -9 found by the aid of the supplementary table of theoretical velocities A, to be 13.39 feet, 13.39 + 190.67 (the assumed friction head for a velocity of 20 feet), = a total head of 204.06 feet. If the assumed velocity had been the FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 91 actual velocity this 204.06 would have been equal to 200 the given total head, and the resultant velocity 23.9 the same as 20, the assumed velocity, and as their differences are so great (204.06200=4.06 and 23.920 = 3.9), it will be necessary to make, at least, one more trial. For the second trial assume a velocity of 23.5 feet. The supplementary table of theoretical v' 2 v* velocities A, shows that -~ |- -~ X 0.505 for a velocity of 23.5 is 12.94 feet, 200 12.94 = 187.06 feet; the square root of the assumed friction head 187.06 divided by the square root of 33.56, the friction head taken from the table corresponding to 10, the highest velocity, = -F-^r-=2.36, 2.36x10 (the velocity from the o. i y table), = 23.6 feet which is the resultant velocity, v* v 9 o- + o- X 0.505 for a velocity of 23.6 is found by the aid of the supplementary table of the- oretical velocities A, to be 13.09 feet, 13.09 + 187.06 (the assumed friction head for a velocity of 23.5 feet), = a total head of 200.15 feet. 92 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. This result is sufficiently near as the total heads check to within 0.15 foot (200.15 200) and the velocities to within 0.1 feet (23.6 23.5). To obtain the discharge in gallons per minute, multiply 3,525 (the gallons per minute given in the table corresponding to a velocity of 10), by 2.36 (the ratio of the square roots of the friction heads), 3,525x2.36 = 8,319 gallons. There- fore a 12-inch pipe 1,000 feet long, under a total head of 200 feet will discharge about 8,319 gallons per minute. EXAMPLE No. 7. Question. What will be the discharge from a reservoir, in gallons per minute, through a 12- inch pipe 100 feet long, under a total head of 50 feet! Answer. The inverse ratio of the length used in computing the table to the given length, 100 -, = 0.10, 33.56 feet is the friction head given in the table, for a 12-inch pipe, opposite to the velocity of 10 feet, 33.56x0.10 == 3.36 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 93 feet, the friction head in a pipe 100 feet long corresponding to a velocity of 10 feet, and the total head, 3.36 + (- +-|^ x 0.505 = \ 2.35,= y J ' 5.71 feet. As a total head of 5.71 feet will produce a velocity of 10 feet, assume 28 feet as the increased velocity which would be produced by 50 feet, the given total head. The supple- mentary table of theoretical velocities A, shows tf that -~- for a velocity of 28 is 12.2 feet and -- x 0.505 = 6.16 feet, 12.2 + 6.1618.36 feet, ~9 50 18.36=31.64 feet, which is to be used as an assumed friction head j 31.64 multiplied by the 1 000 ratio of the lengths, -^r, = 10, = 316.4 feet; the square root of the assumed friction head 316.4 divided by the square root of 33.56, the friction head taken from the table corresponding to 10, 17 70 the highest velocity, = r~~= 3.07, 3.07x10 o. i j (the velocity from the table), = 30.7 feet which is the resultant velocity. T -4--^- X 0.505 for 94 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. a velocity of 30.7 is found by the aid of the supplementary table of theoretical velocities A, to be 22.12 feet, 22.12 + 31.64 (the assumed friction head for a velocity of 28 feet in a pipe 100 feet long), = a total head of 53.76 feet. If the assumed velocity had been the actual velocity, this 53.76 would have been equal to 50 the given total head, and the resultant veloc- ity 30.7 the same as the assumed velocity 28, and as their differences are so great (53.76 50 = 3.76 and 30.7 28, = 2.7), it will be necessary to make, at least, one more trial. For the second trial assume a velocity of 29.5 feet. The supplementary table of the- f o 1)^ oretical velocities A. shows that -^r- +-~-X 0.505 2# 2g for a velocity of 29.5 is 20.32 feet, 50 20.32 1000 = 29.68 feet, 29.68 X -=^ , = 296.8 feet ; the square root of the assumed friction head 296.8 divided by the square root of 33.56, the friction head taken from the table corresponding to 10, the highest velocity, = 4^ = 2.98, 2.98 X 10 o. / y FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 95 (the velocity from the table), = 29.8 feet, which V* V* is the resultant velocity, - + - X 0.505 for *9 ty a velocity of 29.8 is found by the aid of the supplementary table of theoretical velocities A, to be 20.77 feet, 20.77 + 29.68 (the assumed friction head for a velocity of 29.5 feet in a pipe 100 feet long), = a total head of 50.45 feet. This result is sufficiently near as the total heads check to within 0.45 foot (50.45 50) and the velocities to within 0.3 feet (29.8 29.5). To obtain the discharge in gallons per minute, multiply 3,525 (the gallons per minute given in the table corresponding to a velocity of 10), by 2.98 (the ratio of the square roots of the friction heads), 3,525 x 2.98 = 10,505 gal- lons. Therefore a 12-inch pipe 100 feet long, under a total heacf of 50 feet, will discharge about 10,505 gallons per minute. FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 97 DIAMETEE TOUK INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge inU. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.26 0.00 10 0.12. 14,400 0.00 0.51 0.00 20 0.30 28,800 0.00 0.77 0.01 30 0.68 43,200 0.00 1.02 0.02 40 1.21 57,600 0.01 1.28 0.03 50 1.89 72,000 0.01 1.53 0.04 60 2.72 86,400 0.02 1.79 0.05 70 3.71 100,800 0.03 2.04 0.06 80 4.84 115,200 0.03 2.30 0.08 90 6.13 129,600 0.04 2.55 0.10 100 7.57 144,000 0.05 2.81 0.12 110 9.16 158,400 0.06 3.06 0.15 120 10.90 172,800 0.07 3.32 0.17 130 12.79 187,200 0.09 3.57 0.20 140 14.83 201,600 0.10 3.83 0.23 150 17.02 216,000 0.12 4.09 0.26 160 19.37 230,400 0.13 4.34 0.29 170 21.87 244,800 0.15 4.60 033 180 24.52 259,200 0.17 4.85 0.37 190 27.32 273,600 0.18 5.11 0.41 200 30.27 288,000 0.20 5.36 0.45 210 33.37 302,400 0.23 5.62 0.49 220 36.62 316,800 0.25 5.87 0.54 230 40.03 331,200 0.27 6.13 0.58 240 43.58 345,600 0.29 98 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETER TOUE INGE. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 6.38 0.63 250 47.29 360,000 0.32 6.64 0.69 260 51.15 374,400 . 0.35 6.89 0.74 270 55.16 388,800 0.37 7.15 0.79 280 59.32 403,200 0.40 7.40 0.85 290 63.63 417,600 0.43 7.66 0.91 300 68.10 432,000 0.46 7.91 0.97 310 72.71 446,400 0.49 8.17 1.04 320 77.48 460,800 0.52 8.43 1.10 330 82.40 475,200 0.56 8.68 1.17 340 87.47 489,600 0.59 8.94 1.24 350 92.69 504,000 0.63 9.19 1.31 360 98.06 518,400 0.66 9.45 1.39 370 103.59 532,800 0.70 9.70 1.46 380 109.26 547,200 0.74 9.96 1.54 390 115.09 561,600 0.78 10.21 1.62 400 121.06 576,000 0.82 10.47 1.70 410 127.19 590,400 0.86 10.72 1.79 420 133.47 604,800 0.90 10.98 1.87 430 139.90 619,200 0.95 11.23 1.96 440 146.49 633,600 0.99 11.49 2.05 450 153.22 648,000 1.04 11.74 2.14 460 160.11 662,400 1.08 12.00. 2.24 470 167.14 676,800 1.13 12.26 2.33 480 174.33 691,200 1.18 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 99 DIAMETEE TOUK INCH. >.oaii of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. s. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 12.51 2.43 490 181.67 705,600 1.23 12.77 2.53 500 189.16 720,000 1.28 13.02 2.64 510 196.80 734,400 1.33 13.28 2.74 520 204.61 748,800 ! L3s 13.53 2.85 530 212.54 763,200 1.44 13.79 2.96 540 220.64 777,600 1.49 14.04 3.07 550 228.89 792,000 1.55 14.30 3.18 560 237.29 806,400 1.60 14.55 3.29 570 245.84 820,800 1.66 14.81 3.41 580 254.54 835,200 1.72 15.06 3.53 590 ! 263.39 849,600 1.78 15.32 3.65 600 272.39 H64,000 1.84 15.57 3.77 610 281.55 878,400 1.90 15.83 3.90 620 290.86 892,800 1.97 16.08 4.02 630 300.32 907,200 2.03 16.34 4.15 640 309.92 921,600 2.10 16.60 4.28 650 319.68 1)36,000 2.16 16.85 4.41 (',60 329. (JO 950,400 2.23 17.11 4.55 670 339.66 964,800 2.30 17.36 4.69 (ISO 349.SS 979,200 2. 37 17.62 4.82 C9() 360.24 993,600 2.44 17.87 4.97 700 370.76 1,008,000 2.51 18.13 5.11 710 381.43 1,022,400 2.r>s 18.38 5.25 720 392.25 1,036,800 2.r.~> 100 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETER TOUE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second, Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity., Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 18.04 5.40 730 403.22 1,051,200 2.73 18.89 5.55 740 414.34 1,065,600 2.80 19.15 5.70 750 425.62 1,080,000 2.88 19.40 5.85 760 437.04 1,094,400 2.96 19.66 6.01 770 448.62 1,108,800 3.03 19.91 6.17 780 460.35 1,123,200 3.11 20.17 6.32 790 472.23 1,137,600 3.19 20.43 6.49 800 484.26 1,152,000 3.28 20.68 6.65 810 496.44 1,166,400 3.36 20.94 6.81 820 508.77 1,180,800 3.44 21.19 6.98 830 521.26 1,195,200 3.53 21.45 7.15 840 533.89 1,209,600 3.61 21.70 7.32 850 546.68 1,224,000 3.70 21.96 7.49 860 559.62 1,238,400 3.78 22.21 7.67 870 572.71 1,252,800 3.87 22.47 7.85 880 585.95 1,267,200 3.96 22.72 8.03 890 599.34 1,281,600 4.05 22.98 8.21 900 612.89 1,296,000 4.15 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 101 DIAMETEE SIX INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.28 0.00 25 0.09 36,000 0.00 0.57 0.00 50 0.23 72,000 0.00 0.85 0.01 75 0.52 108,000 0.01 1.13 0.02 100 0.93 144,000 0.01 1.42 0.03 125 1.45 180,000 0.02 1.70 1.99 0.04 0.06 150 175 2.09 2.85 216,000 252,000 0.02 0.03 2.27 0.08 200 3.72 288,000 0.04 2.55 0.10 225 4.70 324,000 0.05 2.84 0.12 250 5.81 360,000 0.06 3.12 0.15 275 7.03 396,000 0.08 3.40 0.18 300 8.36 ! 432,000 0.09 3.69 0.21 325 9.82 ! 468,000 0.11 3.97 0.24 350 11.38 i 504,000 0.12 4.25 0.28 375 13.07 540,000 0.14 4.54 0.32 400 14.87. 576,000 0.16 4.82 0.36 425 16.79 612,000 0.18 5.11 0.41 450 18.82 648,000 0.21 5*39 0.45 475 20.97 684,000 0.23 5.67 0.50 500 23.23 720,000 0.25 5.96 0.55 525 25.62 756,000 0.28 6.24 0.61 550 28.11 792,000 0.31 6.52 0.66 575 30.73 828, 6 102 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE SIX INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. 7.09 Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. h. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons 24 Hours. Loss of Head ii* Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.78 625 36.30 900,000 0.40 7.37 0.85 650 39.26 936,000 0.43 7.66 0.91 675 42.34 972,000 0.46 7.94 0.98 700 45.54 1,008,000 0.50 8.23 1.05 725 48.85 1,044,000 0.53 8.51 1.13 750 52.27 1,080,000 0.57 8.79 1.20 775 ! 55.82 1,116,000 0.61 9.08 1.28 800 59.48 1,152,000 0.65 9.36 1.36 825 63.25 1,188,000 0.69 9.64 1.45 850 67.14 1,224,000 0.73 9.93 1.53 875 71.15 1,260,000 0.77 10.21 1.62 900 75.28 1,296,000 0.82 10.49 1.71 925 79.52 1,332,000 0.87 10.78 1.81 950 83.87 1,368,000 0.91 11.06 1.90 975 88.35 1,404,000 0.96 11.35 11.63 2.00 2.10 1,000 1,025 92.93 97.64 1,440,000 1,476,000 1.01 1.06 11.91 2.21 1,050 102.46 1,512,000 1.12 12.20 2.31 1,075 107.40 1,548,000 1.17 12.48 2.42 1,100 112.45 1,584,000 1.22 12.76 2.53 1,125 117.62 1,620,000 1.28 13.05 2.65 1,150 122.90 1,656,000 1.34 13.33 2.76 1,175 128.31 1,692,000 1.40 13.61 2.88 1,200 133.82 1,728,000 1.46 FRICTION OP WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 103 DIAMETEK SIX INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. H. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 13.90 3.00 1,225 139.46 1,764,000 1.52 14.18 3.13 1,250 145.'21 1,800,000 1.58 14.47 3.25 1,275 151.08 1,836,000 1.65 14.75 3.38 1,300 157.06 1,872,000 1.71 15.03 3.51 1,325 163.16 1,908,000 1.78 15.32 3.65 1,350 169.37 1,944,000 1.84 15.60 3.78 1,375 175.70 1,980,000 1.91, 15.88 3.92 1,400 182.15 2,016,000 1.98; 16.17 4.06 1,425 188.71 2,052,000 2.05 16.45 4.22 1,450 195.39 2,088,000 2.13 16.73 4.35 1,475 202.19 2,124,000 2.20 17.02 4.50 1,500 209.10 2,160,000 2.27 17.30 4.65 1,525 216.13 2,196,000 2.35 17.59 4.81 1,550 223. 27 2,232,000 2.43 17.87 4.96 1,575 230.53 2,268,000 2.51 18.15 5.12 1,600 237.91 2,304,000 2.59 18.44 5.28 1,625 245.40 2,340,000 2.67 18.72 5.45 1,650 253.01 2,376,000 2.75 19.00 5.61 1,675 260.74 2,412,000 2.84 19.29 5.78 1,700 268.58 2,448,000 2.92 19.57 5.95 1,725 276.54 2,484,000 3.01 19.85 6 13 1,750 284.61 2,520,000 3.09 20.14 6.31 1,775 292.80 2,556,000 3.18 20.42 6.48 1,800 301.10 2,592,000 3.27 104 FRICTION OP WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE SIX INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 20.71 6.66 1,825 309.53 2,628,000 3.37 20.99 6.85 1,850 318.07 2,664,000 3.46 21.27 7.04 1,875 326.72 2,700,000 3.55 21.56 7.22 1,900 335.49 2,736,000 3.65 21.84 7.42 1,9-25 ! 344.38 2,772,000 3.74 22.12 7.61 1,950 353.38 i 2,808,000 3.84 22.41 7.81 1,975 362.50 2,844,000 3.94 22.69 8.00 2,000 1 371.73 2,880,000 4.04 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 105 DIAMETER EIGHT INCH. IViean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orilice of Influx. 0.16 0.00 25 0.03 36,000 0.00 0.32 0.00 50 0.08 72,000 0.00 0.48 0.00 75 0.12 108,000 0.00 0.64 0.01 100 0.21 144,000 0.00 0.80 0.01 125 0.33 180,000 0.00 0.96 0.01 150 0.48 216,000 0.01 1.12 0.02 175 0.65 252,000 0.01 1.28 0.02 200 0.85 288,000 0.01 1.44 0.03 225 1.08 324,000 0.02 1.60 0.04 250 1.33 . 360,000 0.02 1.76 0.05 275 1.61 396,000 0.02 1.91 0.06 300 1.92 432,000 0.03 2.07 0.07 325 2.25 468,000 0.03 2.23 0.08 350 2.61 504,000 0.04 2.39 0.09 375 2.99 540,000 0.05 2.55 0.10 400 3.40 576,000 0.05 2.71 0.11 425 3.84 612,000 0.00 2.87 0.13 450 4.31 648,000 0.06 3.03 0.14 475 4.80 684,000 0.07 3.19 0.16 500 5.32 720,000 0.08 3.35 0.17 525 5.86 756,000 0.09 3.51 0.19 550 6.44 792,000 0.10 3.67 0.21 575 7.03 828,000 0.11 3.83 0.23 600 7.66 864,000 0.12 106 FRICTION OF WATER IN OAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETER EIGHT INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to pro luce this Velocity. Discharge in U. s. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 10UO Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 3.99 0.25 625 8.31 900,000 0.13 4.15 0.27 650 8.99 936,000 0.14 4.31 0.29 675 9.69 972,000 0.15 4.47 0.31 700 10.42 1,008,000 0.16 4.63 0.33 725 11.18 1,044,000 0.17 4.79 0.36 750 11.97 1,080,000 0.18 4.95 0.38 775 12.78 1,116,000 0.19 5.11 0.41 800 13.61 1,152,000 0.20 5.27 0.43 825 14.48 1,188,000 0.22 5.43 0.46 850 15.37 1,224,000 0.23 5.58 0.49 875 16.29 1,260,000 0.25 5.74 0.51 900 17.23 1,296,000 0.2C 5.90 0.54 925 18.20 1,332,000 0.27 6.06 0.57 950 19.20 1,368,000 0.29 6.22 0.60 975 20.22 1,404,000 0.30 6.38 0.63 1,000 21.27 1,440,000 0.32 6.54 0.67 1,025 22.35 1,476,000 0.34 6.70 0.70 1,050 23.45 1,512,000 0.35 6.86 0.73 1,075 24.58 1,548,000 0.37 7.02 0.77 1,100 25.74 1,584,000 0.39 7.18 0.80 1,125 26.92 1,620,000 0.41 7.34 0.84 1,150 28.13 1,656,000 0.42 7.50 0.87 1,175 29.37 1,692,000 0.44 7,66 0.91 1,200 30.63 1,728,000 0.46 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 107 DIAMETEK EIGHT INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. clue to the Orifice of Influx. 7.82 0.95 1,225 31.02 1,764,000 0.48 7.98 0.99 1,250 33.24 1,800,000 0.50 8.14 1.03 1,275 34.58 1,836,000 0.52 8.30 1.07 1,300 35.95 1,872,000 0.54 8.46 1.11 1,325 37.34 1,908,000 0.56 8.62 1.15 1,350 38.77 1,944,000 0.58 8.78 1.20 1,375 40.22 1,980,000 f 0.61 8.94 1.24 1,400 41.69 2,016,000 0.63 9.10 1.29 1,425 43.19 2,052,000 0.65 9.26 1.33 1,450 44.72 2,088,000 0.67 9.41 1.38 1,475 46.28 2,124,000 0.70 9.57 1.43 1,500 47.86 2,160,000 0.72 9.73 1.47 1,525 49.47 2,196,000 0.74 9.89 1.52 1,550 51.10 2,232,000 0.77 10.05 1.57 1,575 52.77 2,268,000 0.79 10.21 1.62 1,600 54.45 2,304,000 0.82 10,37 1.67 1,625 56.17 2,340,000 0.85 10.53 1.72 1,650 57.91 2,376,000 0.87 10.69 1.78 1,675 59.68 2,412,000 0.90 10.85 1.83 1,700 61.47 2,448,000 0.93 11.01 1.88 1,725 63.29 2,484,000 0.95 11.17 1.94 1,750 65.14 2,520,000 0.98 11.33 2.00 1,775 67.02 2,556,000 1.01 11.49 2.05 1,800 68.92 2,592,000 1.03 108 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEK EIGHT INGE, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge inU. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 11.65 2.11 1,825 70.85 2,628,000 1.07 11.81 2.17 1,850 72.80 2,664,000 1.09 11.97 2.23 1,875 74.78 2,700,000 1.12 12.13 2.29 1,900 76.79 2,736,000 1.15 12.29 2.35 1,925 78.82 2,772,000 1.18 12.45 2.41 1,950 80.88 2,808,000 1.21 12.61 2.47 1,975 82.97 2,844,000 1.25 12.77 2.53 2,000 85.08 2,880,000 1.28 12.93 2.60 2,025 87.22 2,916,000 1.31 13.08 2.66 2,050 89.39 2,952,000 1.34 13.24 2.73 2,075 91.59 2,988,000 1.37 13.40 2.79 2,100 93.80 3,024,000 1.41 13.56 2.86 2,125 96.05 3,060,000 1.44 13.72 2.93 2,150 98.33 3,096,000 1.48 13.88 3.00 2,175 100.63 3,132,000 1.51 14.04 3.07 2,200 102.95 3,168,000 1.55 14.20 3.14 2,225 105.30 3,204,000 1.58 14.36 3.21 2,250 107.68 3,240,000 1.62 14.52 3.28 2,275 110.09 3,276,000 1.66 14.68 3.35 2,300 112.52 3,312,000 1.69 14.84 3.42 2,325 114.98 3,348,000 1.73 15.00 3.50 2,350 117.47 3,384,000 1.77 15.16 3.57 2,375 119.98 3,420,000 1.81 15.32 3.65 2,400 122.52 3,456,000 1.84 FRICTION OF WATER IN OAST-IRON PIPES. 109 DIAMETER EIGHT INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce Discharge in U. S. Gallons Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, Discharge in U. S. Gallons Loss of Head in Ft. due to the per Second. this Velocity. Minute. lOOOFt. 24 Hours. Orifice of Influx. 15.48 3.72 2,425 125.09 3,492,000 1.88 15 64 3.80 2,450 127.68 3,528,000 1.92 15.80 3.88 2,475 130.30 3,564,000 1.96 15.96 3.96 2,500 132.94 3,600,000 2.00 16.12 4.04 2,525 135.62 3,636,000 2.04 , 16.28 4.12 2,550 138.31 3,672,000 2.08 , 16.44 4.20 2,575 141.04 3,708,000 2.12 16.60 4.28 2,600 143.79 3,744,000 2.16 110 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE TEN INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. je- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.10 0.00 25 0.01 36,000 0.00 0.20 0.00 50 0.03 72,000 0.00 0.31 0.00 75 0.06 108,000 0.00 0.41 0.00 100 0.07 144,000 0.00 0.51 0.00 125 0.11 180,000 0.00 0.61 0.01 150 0.15 216,000 0.00 0.71 0.01 175 0.21 252,000 0.00 0.82 0.01 200 0.27 288,000 0.01 0.92 0.01 225 0.35 324,000 0.01 1.02 0.02 250 0.43 360,000 0.01 1.12 0.02 275 0.52 396,000 0.01 1.23 0.02 300 0.61 432,000 0.01 1.33 0.03 325 0.72 468,000 0.01 1.43 0.03 350 0.83 504,000 0.02 1.53 0.04 375 0.96 540,000 0.02 1.63 0.04 400 1.09 576,000 0.02 1.74 0.05 425 1.23 612,000 0.02 1.84 0.05 450 1.38 648,000 0.03 1.94 0.06 475 1.54 684,000 0.03 2.04 0.06 500 1.70 720,000 0.03 2.14 0.07 525 1.88 756,000 0.04 2.25 0.08 550 2.06 792,000 0.04 2.35 0.09 575 2.25 828,000 0.04 2.45 0.09 600 2.45 864,000 0.05 FRICTION OP WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. Ill DIAMETEK TEN INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. H. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orific't- of Influx. 2.55 0.10 625 2.66 900,000 a. 05 2.66 0.11 650 2.88 936,000 0.05 -2.76 0.12 675 3.11 972,000 0.06 2.86 0.13 700 3.34 1,008,000 0.06 2.96 0.14 725 3.58 1,044,000 0.07 3.06 0.15 750 3.83 1,080,000 0.07 3. 17 0.16 775 4.09 1,116,000 0.08 3.27 0.17 800 4.36 1,152,000 0.08 3.37 0.18 825 4.64 1,188,000 0.09 3.47 0.19 850 4.92 1,224,000 0,09 3.57 0.20 875 5.22 1,260,000 0.10 3.68 0.21 900 5.52 1,296,000 0.11 3.78 0.22 925 5.83 1,332,000 0.11 3.88 0.23 950 6.15 1,368,000 0.12 3.98 0.25 975 6.48 1,404,000 0.12 4.09 0.26 1,000 6.82 1,440,000 0.13 4.19 0.27 1,025 7.16 1,476,000 0.14 4.29 0.29 1,050 7.51 1,512,000 0.14 4.39 0.30 1,075 7.88 1,548,000 : 0.15 4.49 0.31 1,100 8.25 1,584,000 0.16 4.60 0.33 1,125 8.63 1,620,000 0.17 4.70 0.34 1,150 9.01 1,656,000 0.17 4. HO 0.36 1,175 1 9.41 1, 692,000 0.18 4.JM) 0.37 1,200 9.S1 1,728,000* 112 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE TEN INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 5.00 0.39 1,225 10.23 1,764,000 0.20 5.11 0.41 1,250 10.65 1,800,000 0.20 5.21 0.42 1,275 11.08 1,836,000 0.21 5.31 0.44 1,300 11.52 1,872,000 0.2-2 5.41 0.46 1,325 11,96 1,908,000 0.2:5 5.51 0.47 * 1,350 12.42 1,944,000 0.24 5.62 0.49 1,375 12.88 1,980,000 0.24 5.72 5.82 0.51 0.53 1,400 1,425 13.36 13.84 2,016,000 2,052,000 0.28 0.27 5.92 0.55 1,450 14.33 2,088,000 0.28 6.03 0.56 1,475 14.83 2,124,000 0.28 6.13 0.58 1,500 15.33 2,160,000 0.29 6.23 0.60 1,525 15.85 2,196,000 0.30 6.33 0.62 1,550 16.37 2,232,000 0.31 6.43 0.64 1,575 16.91 2,268,000 0.32 6.54 0.66 1,600 17.45 2,304,000 0.34 6.64 0.69 1,625 18.00 2,340,000 0.35 6.74 0.71 1,650 18.55 2,376,000 0.36 6.84 0.73 1,675 19.12 2,412,000 0.36 6.94 0.75 1,700 19.70 2,448,000 0.38 7.05 0.77 1,725 20.28 2,484,000 0.39 7.15 0.80 1,750 20.87 2,520,000 0.40 7.25 0.82 1,775 21.47 2,556,000 0.41 7.35 0.84 1,800 22.08 2,592,000 0.42 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 113 DIAMETEK TEN INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in II. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 7.46 0.86 1,825 22:70 2,628,000 0.44 7.56 7.66 0.89 0.91 1,850 23.32 1,875 23.96 2,664,000 0.45 2,700,000 | 0.4(> 7.76 0.94 1,1)00 24.60 2,736,000 0.47 7.86 0.96 1/J25 25.25 i 2,772,000 0.49 7.97 0.99 1,950 25.91 2,808,000 0.50 8.07 1.01 1,975 26.58 2,844,000 C 51 8.17 1.04 2,000 27.26 2,880,000 0.52 8.27 1.06 2,025 27.94 2,916,000 0.54 8.37 1.09 2,050 28.64 2,952,000 0.55 8.48 1.12 2,075 29.33 2,988,000 0.56 8.58 1.14 2,100 30.05 3,024,000 0.58 8.68 1.17 2,125 30.77 3,060,000 0.59 8.78 1.20 2,150 31.50 3,096,000 0.61 8.88 8.99 1.23 1.26 2,175 2,200 32.24 3,132,000 32.98 ' 3,168,000 0.62 0.03 9.09 1.28 2,225 33.74 3,204,000 0.65 9.19 1.31 2,250 34.50 3,240,000 0.66 9.29 1.34 2,275 35.27 , 3,276,000 0.68 9.40 1.37 2,300 36.05 3,312,000 0.69 9.50 1.40 2,325 36.84 3,348,000 0.71 9.60 1.43 2,350 | 37.63 3,384,000 0.72 9.70 1.46 2,375 38.44 3,420,000 0.74 9.80 1.49 ' 2,400 39.25 3,456,000 0.76 114 FRICTION OF WATER IX ('AST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETER TEN INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, iooo e rt. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 9.91 1.53 2,425 40.07 3,492,000 0.77 10.01 1.56 2,450 40.90 3,528,000 0.79 10.11 1.59 2,475 41.74 3,564,000 0.80 10.21 1.62 2,500 42.59 3,600,000 0.82 10.31 1.65 2,525 43.45 3,636,000 0.84 10.42 1.69 2,550 44.33 3,672,000 0.85 10.52 1.72 2,575 45.21 3,708,000 0.87 10.62 1.75 2,600 46.07 3,744,000 0.89 10.72 1.79 2,625 46.96 3,780,000 0.90 10.83 1.82 2,650 47.86 3,816,000 0.92 10.93 1.86 2,675 48.76 3,852,000 0.94 11.03 1.89 2,700 i 49.68 3,888,000 0.96 11.13 1.93 2,725 50.60 3,924,000 0.97 11.23 1.96 2,750 51.54 3,960,000 0.99 11.34 2.00 2,775 52.48 3,996,000 1.01 11.44 2.03 2,800 53.43 4,032,000 1.03 11.54 2.07 2,825 54.39 4,068,000 1.05 11.64 2.11 2,850 55.35 4,104,000 1.06 11.74 11.85 2.14 2.18 2,875 2,900 56.33 57.31 4,140,000 4,176,000 1.08 1.10 11.95 2.22 2,925 58.30 4,212,000 1.12 12.05 2.26 2,950 59.30 4,248,000 1.14 12.15 2.30 2,975 60.31 4,284,000 1.1* 12.26 2.34 3,000 61.33 4,320,000 1.18 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 115 DIAMETER TWELVE INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.07 0.00 25 0.01, 36,000 0.00 0.14 0.00 50 0.01 72,000 0.00 0.21 0.00 75 , 0.03 108,000 0.00 0.28 0.00 100 0.04 144,000 0.00 0.35 0,00 125 0.04 180,000 0.00 0.43 0.00 150 0.06 216,000 0.00 0.50 0.00 175 0.08 252,000 0.00 0.57 0.01 200 0.11 288,000 0.00 0.64 0.01 225 0.14 324,000 0.00 0.71 0.01 250 0.17 360,000 0.00 0.78 0.01 275 0.20 396,000 0.00 0.85 0.01 300 0.24 432,000 0.01 0.92 0.01 325 0.28 468,000 0.01 0.99 0.02 350 - 0.33 504,000 01 1.06 0.02 375 0.38 540,000 0.01 1.13 0.02 400 0.43 576,000 0.01 1.21 0.02 4-25 0.49 612,000 0.01 1.28 0.03 450 0.55 648,000 0.01 1.35 0.03 475 0.61 684,000 0.01 1.42 0.03 500 0.67 720,000 0.02 1.49 0.03 525 0.74 . 756,000 0.02 1.56 0.04 550 0.82 792,000 0.02 1.63 0.04 575 0:89 828,000 0.02 1.70 0.05 600 0.1)7 864,000 0.02 116 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETER TWELVE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.03 1.77 0.05 625 1.05 900,000 1.84 0.05 650 1.14 936,000 0.03 1.91 0.06 675 1.23 972,000 0.03 1.99 0.06 700 1.32 ! 1,008,000 0.03 2.06 0.07 725 1.42 1,044,000 0.03 2.13 0.07 750 1.52 1,080,000 0.04 2.20 0.08 775 1.62 1,116,000 0.04 2.27 0.08 800 1.73 1,152,000 0.04 2.34 0.09 825 1.84 1,188,000 0.04 2.41 0.09 850 1.95 1,224,000 0.05 2.48 0.10 875 2.07 1,260,000 0.05 2.55 0.10 900 2.19 1,296,000 0.05 2.62 0.11 925 | 2.31 1,332,000 0.05 2.69 0.11 950 2.44 ! 1,368,000 0.06 2.77 0.12 975 2.56 | 1,404,000 0.06 2.84 0.13 1,000 2.70 1,440,000 0.06 2.91 0.13 1,025 2.83 1,476,000 0.07 2.98 0.14 1,050 2.97 1,512,000 0.07 3.05 0.14 1,075 3.12 1,548,000 0.07 3.12 0.15 1,100 3.26 1,584,000 0.08 3.19 0.16 1,125 3.41 1,620,000 0.08 3.26 0.17 1,150 3.57 1,656,000 0.08 3.33 0.17 1,175 3.72 1,692,000 o.os 3.40 0.18 1,200 3.88 ! 1,728,000 0.09 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 117 DIAMETEE TWELVE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in IT. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge inU. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 3.48 0.19 1,225 4.05 1,764,000 0.09 3.55 0.20 1,250 4.21 1,800,000 0.10 3.62 0.20 1,275 4.39 1,836,000 0. 10 3.69 0.21 1,300 4.56 1,872,000 0.11 3.76 0.22 1,325 4.74 1,908,000 0.11 3.83 0.23 1,350 4.92 1,944,000 0.12 3.90 0.24 1,375 5.10 1,980,000 0.12 3.97 0.25 1,400 5.29 2,016,000 0.12 4.04 0.25 1,425 5.48 2,052,000 0.13 4.11 0.26 1,450 5.67 2,088,000 0.13 4.18 0.27 1,475 5.87 2,124,000 0.14 4.26 0.28 1,500 6.07 2,160,000 0.14 4.33 0.29 1,525 6.27 2,196,000 0.15 4.40 0.30 1,550 6.48 2,232,000 0.15 4.47 0.31 1,575 6.69 2,268,000 0.16 4.54 0.32 1,600 6.91 2,304,000 0.16 4.61 0.33 1,625 7.12 2,340,000 0.17 4.68 0.34 1,650 7.34 2,376,000 0.17 4.75 0.35 1,675 7.57 2,412,000 0.18 4.82 0.36 1,700 7.80 2,448,000 0.18 4.89 0.37 1,725 8.03 2,484,000 0.19 4.96 0.38 1,750 8.26 2,520,000 0.19 5.04 0.39 1,775 8.50 2,556,000 0.20 5.11 0.41 1,800 8.74 2,592,000 0.20 118 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETER TWELVE INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pei- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. b. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. 8 . Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the :>rificeof influx. 5.18 0.42 1,825 8.98 2,628,000 0.21 5.25 0.43 1,850 9.23 2,664,0i0 0.22 5.32 0.44 1,875 9.48 2,700,000 0.22 5.39 0.45 1,900 9.74 2,736,000 0.23 5.46 0.46 1,925 9.99 2,772,000 0.23 5.53 0.48 1,950 10.26 2,808,000 0.24 5.60 0.49 1,975 10.52 2,844,000 0.25 5.67 0.50 2,000 10.79 2,880,000 0.25 5.74 0.51 2,025 11.06 2,916,000 0.26 5.82 0.53 2,050 11.34 2,952,000 0.27 5.89 0.54 2,075 11.61 2,988,000 0.27 5.96 0.55 2,100 11.90 3,024,000 0.28 6.03 0.57 2,125 12.18 3,060,000 0.29 6.10 0.58 2,150 12.47 3,096,000 0.29 6.17 0.59 2,175 12.76 3,132,000 0.30 6.24 0.61 2,200 13.06 3,168,000 0.31 6.31 0.62 2,225 13.35 3,204,000 0.31 6.38 0.63 2,250 13.65 3,240,000 0.32 6.45 0.65 2,275 13.96 3,276,000 0.33 6.52 0.66 2,300 14.27 3,312,000 0.33 6.60 0.68 2,325 | 14.58 3,348,000 0.34 6.67 0.69 2,350 14.90 3,384,000 0.35 6.74 0.71 2,375 15.22 3,420,000 0.36 6.81 0.72 2,400 15.54 3,456,000 0.36 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 119 DIAMETEK TWELVE INGE. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. clue to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 6.88 0.74 2,425 15.86 3,492,000 0.37 6.95 0.75 2,450 16.19 3,528,000 0.38 7.02 0.77 2,475 16.52 3,564,000 0.39 7.09 0.78 2,500 16.86 3,600,000 0.39 7.16 0.80 2,525 17.20 3,636,000 0.40 7.23 0.81 2,550 17.54 3,672,000 0.41 7.30 0.83 2,575 17.89 3,708,000 0.42 7.38 0.85 2,600 18.23 3,744,000 0.43 7.45 0.86 2,625 18.59 3,780,000 0.44 7.52 0.88 2,650 18.94 3,816,000 0.44 7.59 0.90 2,075 19.30 3,852,000 0.45 7.66 0.91 2,700 19.66 3,888,000 0.4& 7.73 0.93 2,725 20.03 3,924,000 0.47 7.80 0.95 2,750 20.40 3,960,000 0.48 7.87 0.96 2,775 20.77 3,996,000 0.49 7.94 0.98 2,800 21.15 4,032,000 0.50 8.01 1.00 2,825 21.53 4,068,000 0.50 8.08 1.02 2,850 21.91 4,104,000 0.51 8.16 1.04 2,875 22.29 4,140,000 0.52 8.23 1.05 2,900 22.68 4,176,000 0.53 8.30 1.07 2,925 23.08 4,212,000 0.54 8.37. 1.09 2,950 23.47 4,248,000 0.55 8.44 1.11 2,975 23.87 4,284,000 0.56 8.51 1.13 3,000 24.28 4,320,000 0.57 120 FRICTION OF WATER IN OAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEK TWELVE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. s. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 8.58 1.14 3,025 24.68 4,356,000 0.58 8.65 1.16 3,050 25.09 4,392,000 0.59 8.72 1.18 3,075 25.51 4,428,000 0.60 8.79 1.20 3,100 25.92 4,464,000 0.61 8.86 1.22 3,125 26.34 4,500,000 0.62 8.94 1.24 3,150 26.76 4,536,000 ! 0.63 9.01 1.20 3,175 27.19 4,572,000 0.64 & 08 1.28 3,200 27.62 4,608,000 0.65 9.15 1.30 3,225 28.05 4,644,000 0.66 9. 22 1.32 3,250 28.49 4,680,000 0.67 9.29 1.34 3,275 28.93 4,716,000 . 0.68 9.36 9.43 1.36 1.38 3,300 3,325 29.37 | 4,752,000 29.82 4,788,000 0.69 0.70 9. 50 1.40 3,350 30.27 4,824,000 , 0.71 9.57 1.43 3,375 30.72 4,860,000 0.72 9.65 1.45 3,400 31.18 4,896,000 0.73 9.72 1.47 3,425 ' l 31.64 4,932,000 0.74 9.79 1.49 3,450 32.10 ! 4,968,000 0.75 9.S6 1.51 3,475 32.57 5,004,000 0.76 9.93 1.53 3,500 33.04 5,040,000 j 0.77 10.00 1.56 3,525 33.56 j 5,076,000 0.79 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 121 DIAMETEE SIXTEEN INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.08 0.00 50 0.01 72,000 0.00 0.16 0.00 100 o.oi 144,000 0.00 0.24 0.00 150 0.02 216,000 0.00 0.32 0.00 200 0.04 288,000 0.00 0.40 0.00 250 0.04 360,000 0.00 0.48 0.00 300 0.06 432,000 0.00 0.56 0.00 350 0.08 504,000 0.00 0.64 0.72 0.01 0.01 400 450 0.10 0.13 576,000 648,000 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.01 500 16 720,000 0.00 0.88 0.01 550 0.19 792,000 0.01 0.96 0.01 600 0.23 864,000 0.01 1.04 0.02 650 0.27 936,000 0.01 1.12 0.02 700 0.31 1,008,000 0.01 1.20 0.02 750 0.35 1,080,000 0.01 1.28 0.03 800 0.40 1,152,000 0.01 1.36 0.03 850 0.45 1,224,000 0.01 1.44 0.03 900 0.51 1,296,000 0.02 1.52 0.04 950 0.57 1,368,000 0.02 1.60 0.04 1,000 0.63 1,440,000 0.02 1.68 0.04 1,050 | 0.69 1,512,000 0.02 1.76 05 1,100 0.76 1,584,000 0.02 1.84 0.05 1,150 0.83 1,656,000 0.03 1.91 0.06 1,200 0.90 1,728,000 0.03 122 FRICTION OP WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE SIXTEEN INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, 10(X) e Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 1.99 0.06 1,250 0.98 1,800,000 0.03 2.07 0.07 1,300 1.06 1,872,000 0.09 2.15 0.07 1,350 1.15 1,944,000 0.04 2.23 0.08 1,400 1.23 2,016,000 0.04 2.31 0.08 1,450 1.32 2,088,000 0.04 2.39 0.09 1,500 1.41 2,160,000 0.04 2.47 0.10 1,550 1.51 2,232,000 0.05 2.55 0.10 1,600 1.61 2,304,000 0.05 2.63 0.11 1,650 1.71 2,376,000 0.05 2.71 0.11 1,700 1.81 2,448,000 0.06 2.79 0.12 1,750 1.92 2,520,000 0.06 2.87 0.13 1,800 2.03 2,592,000 0.06 2.95 0.14 1,850 2.15 2,664,000 0.07 3.03 0.14 1,900 2.27 2,736,000 0.07 3.11 0.15 1,950 2.39 2,808,000 1 0.08 3.19 0.16 2,000 2.51 2,880,000 0.08 3.27 0.17 2,050 2.64 2,952,000 0.08 3.35 0.17 2,100 2.77 3,024,000 0.09 3.43 0.18 2,150 2.90 3,096,000 0.09 3.51 0.19 2,200 3.04 3,168,000 0.10 3.59 0.20 2,250 3.18 3,240,000 0.10 3.67 0.21 2,300 3.32 3,312,000 0.11 3.75 0.22 2,350 3.47 3,384,000 0.11 3.83 0.23 2,400 3.62 3,456,000 0.12 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 123 DIAMETER SIXTEEN INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 3.91 0.25 2,450 3.77 3,528,000 0.12 3.99 0.25 2,500 3.92' 3,600,000 0.13 4.07 0.26 2,550 4.08 3,672,000 0.13 4.15 0.27 2,600 4.24 3,744,000 0.14 4.23 0.28 2,650 4.41 3,816,000 O.H 4.31 0.29 2,700 4.58 3,888,000 0.15 4.39 0.30 2,750 4.75 3,960,000 0.15 4.47 0.31 2,800 4.92 4,032,000 0.16 4.55 0.32 2,850 5.10 4,104,000 0.16 4.63 0.33 2,900 5.28 4,176,000 0.17 4.71 0.34 2,950 5.46 4,248,000 0.17 4.79 0.36 3,000 5.65 4,320,000 0.18 4.87 0.37 3,050 5.84 4,392,000 0.19 4.95 0.38 3,100 6.03 4,464,000 0.19 5.03 0.39 3,150 6.23 4,536,000 0.20 5.11 5.19 0.40 0.42 3,200 3,250 6.43 6.63 4,608,000 4,680,000 20 0.21 5.27 0.43 3,300 6.84 4,752,000 0.22 5.35 0.44 ! 3,350 7.05 4,824,000 0.22 5.43 0.46 3,400 7.26 4,896,000 0.23 5.51 0.47 3,450 7.47 4,968,000 0.24 5.58 0.49 3,500 7.69 5,040,000 0.25 5.66 0.50 3,550 7.91 5,112,000 0.25 5.74 0.51 3,600 8.14 5,184,000 0.26 124 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETER SIXTEEN INCH, Mean Velocity Of Water in Ft. p*r Second. Head ia Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 5.82 0.53 3,650 8.36 ; 5,256,000 0.27 5.90 0.54 3,700 8.59 5,328,000 0.27 5.98 0.56 3,750 8.83 5,400,000 ; 0.28 6.06 0.57 3,800 9.07 5,472,000 0.29 6.14 0.59 3,850 9.30 5,544,000 0.30 6.22 0.60 3,900 9.55 5,616,000 0.30 6.30 0.62 3,950 9.80 f 5,688,000 0.31 6.38 0.63 4,000 10.05 5,760,000 0.32 6.46 0.65 4,050 10.30 5,832,000 0.33 6.54 0.67 4,100 10.55 5,904,000 0.34 6.62 0.68 4,150 10.81 5,976,000 0.34 6.70 0.70 4,200 11.07 6,048,000 0.35 6.78 0.72 4,250 11.34 6,120,000 0.36 6.86 0.73 4,300 11.61 6,192,000 0.37 6.94 0.75 4,350 11.88 6,264,000 0.38 7.02 0.77 4,400 12.15 6,336,000 0.39 7.10 0.78 4,450 12.41 6,408,000 0.40 7.18 0.80 4.500 12.71 6,480,000 0.40 7.26 0.82 4,550 13.00 6,552,000 0.41 7.34 0.84 4,600 13.28 6,624,000 0.42 7.42 0.86 4,650 13.57 6,696,000 0.43 7.50 0.88 4,700 13.87 6,768,000 0.44 7.58 0.89 4,750 14.16 6,840,000 0.45 7.66 ; 0.91 4,800 14.46 6,912,000 0.46 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 125 DIAMETEE SIXTEEN INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. 7.74 Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in IT. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head iu Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.93 4,850 14.77. 6,984,000 0.47. 7.82 0.95 4,900 15.07 7,056,000 0.48 7.90 0.97 4,950 15.38 7,128,000 0.49 7.98 0.99 5,000 15.69 7,200,000 0.50 8.06 1.01 5,050 16.01 7,272,000 0.51 8.14 1.03 5,100 16.33 7,344,000 0.52 8.22 1.05 5,150 16.65 7,416,000 0.53 8.30 1.07 5,200 16.97 7,488,000 0.54 8.38 1.09 5,250 17.30 7,560,000 0.55 8.46 1.11 5,300 17.63 7,632,000 0.56 8,54 1.13 5,350 17.97 7,704,000 0.57 8.62 1.15 5,400 18.31 7,776,000 0.58 $.70 8.7S 1.18 1.20 5,450 5,500 18.65 18.99 7,848,000 7,920,000 0.59 0.61 8.86 1.22 5,550 19.34 7,992,000 0.62 8,94 1.24 5,600 19.69 8,064,000 0.63 126 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE TWENTY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 10<)() Ft. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of He^ad in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.05 0.00 50 0.00 7-2,000 0.00 0.10 0.00 100 0.01 144,000 0.00 0.15 0.00 150 0.01 210,000 0.00 0.20 0.00 200 0.01 288,000 0.00 0.26 0.00 250 0.02 360,000 0.00 0.31 0.00 300 0.03 432,000 0.00 0.36 0.00 350 0.03 504,000 0.00 0.41 0.00 400 0.03 576,000 0.00 0.46 0.00 450 0.04 648,000 0.00 0.51 0.00 500 0.05 720,000 0.00 0.56 0.00 550 0.06 792,000 0.00 0.61 0.01 600 0.07 864,000 0.00 0.66 0.01 650 0.09 936,000 0.00 0.71 0.01 700 0.10 1,008,000 0.00 0.77 0.01 750 0.11 1,080,000 0.00 0.82 0.01 800 0.13 1,152,000 0.01 0.87 0.01 850 0.15 1,224,000 0.01 0.92 0.01 900 0.16 1,296,000 0.01 0.97 0.01 950 0.18 1,368,000 0.01 1.02 0.02 1,000 0.20 1,440,000 0.01 1.07 0.02 1,050 022 1,51-2,000 0.01 1.12 0.02 1,100 0.25 1,584,000 0.01 1.17 0.02 1,150 0.27 1,656,000 0.01 1.23 0.02 1,200 0/29 1,728,000 0.01 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 127 DIAMETEK TWENTY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pel- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in II. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft, due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in IT. S. Gallons 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 1.28 0.03 1,250 0.32. 1,800,000 0.01 1.33 i 0.03 1,300 0.34 1,872,000 0.01 1.38 0.03 1,350 0.37 1,944,000 0.01 1.43 0.03 1,400 0.40 2,016,000 0.02 1.48 0.03 1,450 0.43 2,088,000 0.02 1.53 0.04 1,500 0.46 2,160,000 0.02 1.58 0.04 1,550 0.49 2,232,000 0.02 1.63 0.04 1,600 0.52 2,304,000 0.02 1.69 0.04 1,650 0.55 2,376,0(iO 0.02 1.74 0.05 1,700 0.59 2,448,000 0.02 1.79 0.05 1,750 0.62 2,520,000 0.03 1.84 0.05 1,800 0.66 2,592,000 0.03 1.89 0.06 1,850 0.70 2,664,000 0.03 1.94 0.06 1,900 0.73 2,736,000 0.03 1.99 0.06 1,950 0.77 2,808,000 0.03 2.04 0.06 2,000 0.81 2,880,000 0.03 2.09 0.07 2,050 0.85 2,952,000 0.03 2.14 0.07 2,100 0.90 3,024,000 0.04 2.20 0.08 2,150 0.94 3,096,000 0.04 2.25 0.08 2,200 0.98 3,168,000 0,04 2.30 0.08 2,250 1.03 3,240,000 0.04 2.35 0.09 2,300 1.07 3,312,000 0.04 2.40 0.09 2,350 1.12 3,384,000 0.05 2>45 0.09 2,400 1.17 3,456,000 0.05 128 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE TWENTY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pei- Second. 2.50 Yt r Discharge quired to ! (^ a ii on g I produce I this MirmtP Velocity. Iwction? &aio* Wo^t. 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to tbe Orifice of Influx. 0.10 2,450 1.22 3,528,000 0.05 2.55 0.10 2,500 1.27 3,600,000 0.05 2.60 0.11 2,550 1.32 ' 3,672,000 0. 05 2.66 0.11 2,600 1.37 : 3,744,000 0.06 2.71 2.76 2.81 0.11 2,650 0.12 ! 2,700 0.12 2,750 1.43 1.48 1.54 3,816,000 3,888,000 3,960,000 0.06 0.06 0.06 2.86 0.13 2,800 1.59 4,032,000 0.06 2.91 0.13 2,850 1.65 4,104,000 0.07 2.96 0.14 2,900 1.71 4,176,000 0.07 3.01 0.14 2,950 1.77 4,248,000 0.07 3.06 0.15 3,000 1.83 4,320,000 0.07 3.11 0.15 3,050 1.89 4,392,000 0.08 3.17 0.16 3,100 1.95 4,464,000 0.08 3.22 0.16 3,150 2.02 4,536,000 0.08 3.27 0.17 3,200 2.08 ' 4,608,000 0.08 3.32 0.17 3,250 2.15 4, (580,000 0.09 3.37 0.18 3,300 2.21 4,752,000 0.09 3.42 0.18 3,350 2.28 4,824,000 0.09 3.47 0.19 3,400 2.35 4,896,000 0.09 3.52 0.19 3,450 2.42 4,968,000 0.10 3.57 0.20 3,500 2.49 5,040,000 0.10 3.63 0.20 3,550 2.56 5,112,000 0.10 3.68 0.21 3,600 2.63 5,184,000 0.11 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 129 DIAMETER TWENTY INCH, Mean Velocity Of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 3.73 0.22 3,650 2.71" 5,256,000 0.11 3.78 0.22 3,700 2.78 5,328,000 0.11 3.83 0.23 3,750 2.86 5,400,000 0.12 3.88 3.93 0.23 0.24 3,800 3,850 2.93 3.01 5,472,000 5,544,000 0.12 0.12 3.98 0.25 3,900 3.09 5,616,000 0.12 4.03 0.25 3,950 3.17 5,688,000 0.13 4.09 0.26 4,000 3.25 5,760,000 0.13 4.14 0.27 4,050 3.33 5,832,000 4.19 0.27 4,100 3.42 5,904,000 0.14 4/24 4.29 0.28 0.29 4,150 4,200 3.50 3.58 5,976,000 6,048,000 0.14 0.14 4.34 0.29 4,250 3.67 6,120,000 0.15 4.39 6.30 4,300 3.76 6,192,000 0.15 4.44 0.31 4,350 3.84 6,264,000 0.15 4.49 0.31 4,400 3.93 6,336,000 0.16 4.54 0.32 4,450 4.02 6,408,000 0.1(5 4.60 0.33 4,500 4.11 6,480,000 0.17 4.65 0.34 4,550 4.21 6,552,000 0.17 4.70 0.34 4,600 4.30 r>,()24,rr;) 0.17 4.75 0.35 4,650 4.39 6, r, ( ,)i ;,oo;) O.IB 4.80 0.36 4,700 4.49 (5,768 000 0. IN 4.85 0.37 4,750 4.58 (1,840,000 0.18 4.90 0.37 4,800 4.(>7 9,9:U),000 0.39 7.10 0.78 6,950 <).S1 H),OOS,000 0.40 7.15 0.79 7,000 9.96 10, 080, 000 0.40 7.20 0.81 7,050 1010 10,152,000 0.41 7.25 0.82 ! 7,100 I 10.24 10,224,000 0.41 7.30 0.83 7,150 10.39 10,296,000; 0.42 7.35 O.S4 7,200 10.53 10,368,000 0.42 132 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEK TWENTY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce Discharge in U. S. Gallons Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, Discharge in U. S. Gallons Loss of Head in Ft. due to the per Second. this Velocity. Minute. per 1000 Ft. per 24 Hours. Orifice of Influx. 7.40 0.85 7,250 10.68 10,440,000 0.43 7.46 0.86 7,300 10.83 10,512,000 0.44 7.51 0.88 7,350 10.98 10,584,000 0.44 7.56 0.89 7,400 11.13 10,656,000 0.45 7.61 0.90 7,450 11.28 10,728,000 0.45 7.66 0.91 7,500 11.43 10,800,000 0.46 FRICTION OP WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 133 DIAMETEE TWENTY-IOUE INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pel- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce, this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head iu Ft. dut to tllr Orifice of Influx. 0.04 0.00 50 o.oo. 72,000 ().()() a 07 0.00 100 0.00 144,000 ().()() 0.11 0.00 150 0.01 216,000 0.00 0.14 0.00 200 0.01 288,000 0.00 0.18 0.00 250 0.01 360,000 0.00 0.21 0.00 300 0.01 432,000 0.00 0.25 0.00 350 0.02 504,000 0.00 0.28 0.00 400 0.02 576,000 0.00 0.32 0.00 450 0.02 648,000 0.00 0.35 0.00 500 0.02 720,000 0.00 0.39 0.00 550 0.02 792,000 0.00 0.43 0.00 600 0.03 864,000 0.00 0.46 0.00 650 0.03 936,000 0.00 0.50 0.00 700 0.04 1,008,000 0.00 0.53 0.00 750 0.05 1,080,000 0.00 0.57 0.01 800 0.05 1,152,000 0.00 0.60 0.01 850 0.06 1,224,000 0.00 0.64 0.01 900 0.07 1,296,000 0.00 0.67 0.01 950 0.07 1,368,000 0.00 0.71 0.01 1,000 0.08 1,440,000 0.00 0.74 0.01 1,050 0.09 1,512,000 0.00 0.78 0.01 1,100 0.10 1,584,000 0.00 0.82 0.01 1,150 0.11 1,656,000 0.01 0.85 0.01 1,200 0.12 1,728,000 0.01 134 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEK TWENTY-POUK INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. 0.89 Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. 0.01 Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 1,250 0.13 1,800,000 0.01 0.92 0.01 1,300 0.14 1,872,000 0.01 0.96 0.01 1,350 0.15 1,944,000 0.01 0.99 0.02 1,400 0.16 2,016,000 0.01 1.03 0.02 1,450 0.17 2,088,000 0.01 1.06 0.02 1,500 0.18 2,160,000 0.01 1.10 0.02 1,550 0.19 2,232,000 0.01 1.13 0.02 1,600 0.21 2,304,000 0.01 1.17 1.21 0.02 0.02 1,650 1,700 0.22 0.23 2,376,000 2,448,000 0.01 0.01 1.24 0.02 1,750 0.25 2,520,000 0.01 1.28 0.03 1,800 0.26 2,592,000 0.01 1.31 0.03 1,850 0.28 2,664,000 ; 0.01 1.35 0.03 1,900 0.29 2,736,000 ! 0.01 1.38 0.03 1,950 0.31 2,808,000 0.02 1.42 0.03 2,000 0.32 2,880,000 0.02 1.45 0.03 2,050 0.34 2,952,000 0.02 1.49 0.03 2,100 0.36 3,024,000 0.02 1.52 0.04 2,150 0.37 3,096,000 0.02 1.56 0.04 2,200 0.39 3,168,000 0.02 1.60 0.04 2,250 0.41 3,240,000 ! 0.02 1.63 0.04 2,300 0.43 3,312,000 0.02 1.67 0.04 2,350 0.45 3,384,000 0.02 1.70 0.05 2,400 0.47 3,456,000 0.02 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 1 :>5 DIAMETEE TWENTY-fOUE INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. 1 Discharge ill U. s. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, - per 1000 Ft. 0.49 Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.02 1.74 0.05 2,450 3,528,000 1.77 0.05 2,500 0.51 3,600,000 0.02 1.81 0.05 1.84 0.05 2,550 2,600 0.53 0.55 3,672,000 3,744,000 0. 03 0.03 1.88 0.05 2,650 0.57 3,816,000 0.03 1.91 O.OG 2,700 0.59 3,888,000 0.03 1.95 O.OG l 2,750 0.61 1.99 0.06 2,800 0.6-4 3,960,000 4,032,000 0.03 0.03 2.02 0.06 2,850 0.66 4,104,000 0.03 2.06 0.07 2,900 : ().(> 4,176,000 0.03 2.09 0.07 ; 2,950 0.70 4,248,000 0.03 2.13 0.07 3,000 0.73 4,320,000 0.04 2.16 0.07 3,050 0.75 4,392,000 0.04 2.20 0.08 3,100 0.78 4,464,000 0.04 2.23 0.08 3,150 0.80 4,536,000 0.04 2.27 0.08 3,200 0.83 4,608,000 0.04 2.30 0.08 3,250 0.86 4,680,000 0.04 2.34 0.09 3,300 0.88 4,752,000 0.04 2.38 0.09 3,350 0.91 4,824,000 0.04 2.41 0.09 3,400 0.94 4,896,000 | 0.0~> 2.45 0.09 3,450 0.97 4,968,000 ().().""> 2.48 0.10 3,500 0.99 5,040,000 0.05 2.52 0.10 3,550 1.02 5,112,000 0.05 2.55 0.10 3,600 1.05 5,184,000 | 0.05 136 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETER TWENTY-POUR INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 2.59 0.10 3,650 1.08 5,256,000 0.05 2. 02 0.11 3,700 1.11 5,328,000 0.05 2.66 0.11 3,750 1.14 5,400,000 0.06 2.69 0.11 3,800 1.17 5,472,000 0.06 2.73 0.12 3,850 1.20 5,544,000 0.06 2.77 0.12 3,900 1.23 5,616,000 0.06 '2. SO 0.12 3,950 1.26 5,688,000 0.06 2.84 0.13 4,000 1.30 5,760,000 0.06 2.87 0.13 4,050 1.33 5,832,000 0.06 2.91 0.13 4,100 1.36 5,904,000 0.07 2.94 0.13 4,150 1.40 5,976,000 0.07 2.98 0.14 4,200 1.43 6,048,000 0.07 3.01 0.14 4,250 1.46 6,120,000 0.07 3.05 0.14 4,300 1.50 6,192,000 0.07 3.09 0.15 4,350 1.53 6,264,000 0.07 3.12 0.15 4,400 1.57 6,336,000 0.08 3.16 0.15 4,450 1.60 6,408,000 0.08 3.19 0.16 4.500 1.64 6,480,000 0.08 3.23 0.16 4,550 1.68 6,552,000 0.08 3.26 0.17 4,600 1.71 6,624,000 0.08 3.30 0.17 4,650 1.75 6,696,000 0.09 3.33 0.17 4,700 1.79 6,768,000 0.09 3.37 0.18 4,750 1.83 6,840,000 0.09 3.40 0.18 4,800 1.87 6,912,000 0.09 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 137 DIAMETEE TWENTY-POUK INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000. Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 3.44 0.18 4,850 1.91 6,984,000 0.09 3.48 0.19 4,900 1.94 ' 7,056,000 0.09 3.51 0.19 4,950 1.98 7,128,000 0.10 3.55 0.20 5,000 2.03 7,200,000 0.10 3.58 0.20 5,050 2.07 7,272,000 0.10 3.62 0.20 5,100 2.11 7,344,000 0.10 3.65 0.21 5,150 2.15 7,416,000 0.10 3.69 0.21 5,200 i 2.19 7,488,000 0.11 3.72 0.22 5,250 2.23 7,560,000 0.11 3.76 0.22 5,300 2.28 7,632,000 0.11 3.79 0.22 5,350 2.32 7,704,000 0.11 3.83 0.23 5,400 2.36 7,776,000 0.12 3.87 0.23 5,450 2.41 7,848,000 0.12 3.90 0.24 5,500 2.45 7,920,000 0.12 3.94 0.24 5,550 2.50 7,992,000 0.12 3.97 0.25 5,600 2.54 8,064,000 0.12 4.01 0.25 5,650 2.59 8,136,000 0.13 4.04 0.25 5,700 i 2.63 8,208,000 0.13 4.08 0.26 i 5,750 2.68 8,280,000 0.13 4.11 0.26 5,800 2.72 8,352,000 0.13 4.15 0.27 5,850 2.77 8,424,000 0.14 4.18 0.27 5,900 2.82 8,496,000 0.14 4.22 0.28 5,950 2.87 8,568,000 0.14 4.26 0.28 6,000 2.92 8,640,000 0.14 138 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETER TWENTY-FOUE INCH, Mean Velocity Of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 4.29 0.29 6,050 2.96 8,712,000 0.14 4.33 0.29 6,100 3.01 8,784,000 0.15 4.36 0.30 6,150 3.06 8,856,000 0.15 4.40 0.30 6,200 3.11 8,928,000 0.15 4.43 0.31 6,250 3.16 9,000,000 0.15 4.47 0.31 6,300 3.22 9,072,000 o.ift 4.50 0.32 6,350 3.27 9,144,000 0.1 ft 4.54 0.32 6,400 3.32 9,216,000 0.1G 4.57 0.33 6,450 3.37 9,288,000 0.16 4.61 0.33 6,500 3.42 9,360,000 0.17 4.65 0.34 6,550 3.48 9,432,000 0.17 4.68 0.34 6,600 3.53 9,504,000 0.17 4.72 0.35 6,650 3.58 9,576,000 0.17 4.75 0.35 6,700 3.64 9,648,000 0.1& 4.79 0.36 6,750 3.69 9,720,000 0.18 4.82 0.36 6,800 3.75 9,792,000 0.18 4.86 0.37 6,850 3.80 9, 864,000 : 0.19 4.89 0.37 6,900 3.86 9,936,000 0.19 4.93 0.38 6,950 3.91 10,008,000 0.19 4.96 0.38 7,000 3.97 10,080,000 0.19 5.00 0.39 7,050 I 403 10,152,000 0.20 5.04 0.39 7,100 4.08 10,224,000 0.20 5.07 0.40 7,150 4.14 10,296,000 0.20 6.11 0.41 7,200 4.20 10,368,000 0.20 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 139 DIAMETEE TWENTY-FOUR INCH. Mean Velocity of Wuter in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in IT. H. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 5.14 0.41 7,250 4.26 10,440,000 0.21 5.18 0.42 7,300 4.32 10,512,000 0.21 5.21 0.42 7,350 4.38 10,584,000 0.21 5.25 0.43 7,400 4.44 10,656,000 0.22 5.28 0.43 7,450 4.50 10,728,000 0.22 5.32 0.44 7,500 4.56 10,800,000 0.22 5.35 0.45 7,550 4.62 10,872,000 0.23 5.39 0.45 7,600 4.68 10,944,000 0.23 5.43 0.46 7,650 4.74 11,016,000 0.23 5.40 0.46 7,700 4.80 11,088,000 0.23 5.50 5.53 0.47 0.48 7,750 7,800 4.87 4.93 11,160,000 11,232,000 0.24 0.24 5.57 0.48 7,850 4.99 11,304,000 0.24 5.60 0.49 7,900 5.06 11,376,000 0.25 5.64 0.49 7,950 5.12 11,448,000 0.25 5.67 0.50 8,000 5.18 11,520,000 0.25 5.71 0.51 8,050 5.25 11,592,000 0.26 5.74 0.51 8,100 5.32 11,664,000 0.26 5.78 0.52 8,150 5.38 11,736,000 0.26 5.82 0.53 8,200 5.45 11,808,000 0.27 r>.,sr> 0.53 8,250 5.51 11,880,000 0.27 5.89 0.54 8,300 5.58 11,952,000 0.27 5.92 0.55 8,350 5.65 12,024,000 0.28 5.96 0.55 8,400 5.72 12,096,000 0.28 140 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEK TWENTY-POUK INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 5.99 0.56 8,450 5.78 12,168,000 0.28 6.03 0.56 8,500 5.85 12,240,000 0.29 ti.06 0.57 8,550 5.92 12,312,000 0.29 6.10 0.58 8,600 5.99 12,384,000 0.29 6.13 0.59 8,650 6.06 12,456,000 0.30 6.17 0.59 8,700 6.13 12,528,000 0.30 6.21 0.60 8,750 6.20 12,600,000 0.30 6.24 0.61 8,800 6.27 12,672,000 0.31 6.28 0.61 8,850 6.34 12,744,000 0.31 6.31 0.62 8,900 6.42 12,816,000 0.31 6.35 0.63 8,950 6.49 12,888,000 0.32 6.38 0.63 9,000 6.56 12,900,000 0.32 6.42 0.64 9,050 6.63 13,032,000 0.32 6.45 0.65 9,100 6.71 13,104,000 0.33 6.49 0.65 9,150 6.78 13,170,000 0.33 6.52 0.66 9,200 6.86 13,248,000 0.33 6.56 0.67 9,250 6.93 13,320,000 0.34 6.60 0.68 9,300 7.01 13,392,000 0.34 6.63 0.68 9,350 7.08 13,464,000 0.35 6.67 0.09 9,400 7.16 13,536,000 0.35 6.70 0.70 9,450 7.23 13,608,000 0.35 6.74 0.71 9,500 7.31 13,680,000 0.3C> 6.77 6.81 0.71 0.72 9,550 9, 600 7.39 7.47 13,752,000 13,824,000 0.30 0.36 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 141 DIAMETEK THIKTY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pel- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. s. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per 24 Hours. 144,000 Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.05 ! 0.00 100 ' 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 200 0.00 '2SS,000 0.00 0.14 (1.00 300 0.01 -32,000 0.00 0.18 0.00 400 0.01 576,000 0.00 0.23 0.00 500 0.01 720,000 0.00 0.27 0.00 GOO 0.02 864,000 0.00 0.32 0.00 700 0.02 1,008,000 0.00 0.36 0.00 800 ! 0.02 1,152,000 0.00 0.41 0.00 900 i 0.02 1,296,000 0.00 0.45 0.00 1,000 | 0.03 1,440,000 0.00 0.50 0.00 1,100 0.03 1,584,000 0.00 0.54 0.59 0.00 0.01 1,200 1,300 0.04 0.04 1,728,000 1,872,000 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.01 1,400 0.05 2,016,000 0.00 0.68 0.01 1,500 0.06 2, 160, 000 0.00 0.73 0.01 1,600 0.07 2,304,000 0.00 0.77 0.01 1,700 0.08 2,448,000 0.00 0.82 0.01 1,800 0.09 2,592,000 0. 01 0.86 0.01 1,900 0.10 2,736,000 0.01 0.91 0.01 2,000 i 0.11 2,880,000 0,01 0.95 0.01 2,100 0.12 3,024,000 0.01 1.00 0.02 2,200 0.13 3,168,000 0.01 1.04 0.02 2,300 0.14 3,312,000 0.01 1.09 0.0-2 2,400 0.15 3,456,000 0.01 142 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE THIETY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft . per Second. 1.13 Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.02 2,500 0.16 j 3,600,000 0.01 1.18 0.02 2,600 0.18 3,744,000 0.01 1.23 0.02 2,700 0.19 3,888,000 0.01 1.27 0.03 2,800 0.21 4,032,000 0.01 1.32 0.03 2,900 0.22 4,176,000 0.01 1.36 0.03 3,000 0.24 4,320,000 0.01 1.41 0.03 3,100 0.25 4,464,000 0.02 1.45 0.03 3,200 0.27 4,608,000 0.02 1.50 0.03 3,300 0.29 4,752,000 0.02 1.54 0.04 3,400 0.30 4,896,000 0.02 1.59 0.04 3,500 0.32 5,040,000 0.02 1.63 0.04 3,600 0.34 5,184,000 ( 0.02 1.68 0.04 3,700 0.36 5,328,000 0.02 1.72 0.05 3,800 0.38 5,472,000 0.02 1.77 0.05 3,900 0.40 5,616,000 0.02 1.82 0.05 4,000 0.42 5,760,000 0.03 1;86 0.05 4,100 0.44 5,904,000 0.03 1.91 0.06 4,200 0.46 6,048,000 0.03 1.95 0.06 4,300 0.49 6,192,000 0.03 2.00 0.06 4,400 0.51 6,336,000 0,03 2.04 0.06 4,500 0.53 6,480,000 0.03 2.09 0.07 4,600 0.56 6,624,000 0.03 2.13 0.07 4,700 0.58 6,768,000 0.04 2.18 0.07 4,800 0.61 6,912,000 0.04 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 143 DIAMETER THIETY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 2.22 0.08 4,900 0.63 7,056,000 0.04 2.27 0.08 5,000 0.66 7,200,000 0.04 2.31 0.08 5,100 0.69 7,344,000 0.04 2.36 0.09 5,200 0.71 7,488,000 0.04 2.41 0.09 5,300 0.74 7,632,000 0.05 2.45 0.09 5,400 0.77 7,776,000 0.05 2.50 0.10 5,500 0.80 7,920,000 0.05 2.54 0.10 5,600 0.83 8,064,000 0.05 2.59 0.10 5,700 0.86 8,208,000 0.05 2.63 0.11 5,800 0.89 8,352,000 0.05 2.68 0.11 5,900 0.92 8,496,000 0.06 2.72 0.12 6,000 0.95 8,640,000 0.06 2.77 0.12 6,100 0.98 8,784,000 0.06 2.81 0.12 6,200 1.01 8,928,000 0.06 2.86 0.13 6,300 1.05 9,072,000 0.0(> 2.90 0.13 6,400 1.'08 9,216,000 0.07 2.95 0.14 j 6,500 1.11 9,360,000 0.07 3.00 0.14 6,600 1.15 9,504,000 0.07 3.04 0.14 6,700 1.18 9,648,000 0.07 3.09 0.15 6,800 L22 9,792,000 0.07 3.13 0.15 6,900 1.25 9,936,000 0.08 3.18 0.16 7,000 1.29 10,080,000 0.08 3.22 0.16 7,100 1.33 10,224,000 0.08 3.27 0.17 7,200 1.37 10,368,000 0.08 144 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE THIETY INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 3.31 0.17 7,300 ' 1.40 10,512,000 0.09 3.36 0.18 7,400 1.44 10,656,000 0.(M 3.40 0.18 7,500 1.48 10,800,000 0.01) 3.45 0.18 7,600 1.52 10,944,000 0.09 3.49 ! 0.19 7,700 1.56 ; 11,088,000 0.10 3.54 0.19 7,800 1.60 '11,232,000 0.10 3.59 0.20 ; 7,900 1.64 11,376,000 0.10 3.63 0.20 8,000 1.69 11,520,000 0.10 3.68 0.21 8,100 1.73 11,664,000 0.11 3.72 0.22 8,200 1.77 11,808,000 0.11 3.77 0.22 8,300 1.81 11,952,000 0.11 3.81 0.23 i 8,400 1.86 i 12,096,000 0.11 3.86 0.23 8,500 | 1.90 12,240,000 0.12 3.90 0.24 8,600 1.95 12,384,000 ; 0.12 3.95 0.24 8,700 1.99 12,528,000 0.12 3.99 0.25 8,800 2.04 112,672,000! 0.13 4.04 0.25 8,900 2.09 12,816,000 0.13 4.09 0.26 9,000 2.13 12, 960, 000 | 0.13 4.13 0.27 9,100 2.18 13,104,000 0.13 4.18 0.27 9,200 2.23 13,248,000 0.14 4.22 0.28 9,300 2.28 13,392,000 0.14 4.27 0.28 ' 9,400 2.33 13,536,000 0.14 4.31 0.29 9,500 2.38 13,680,000 0.15 4.36 0.30 9,600 2.43 13,824,000 0.15 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 145 DIAMETEE THIETY INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pel- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 4.40 0.30 9,700 2.48 13,968,000 0.15 4.45 0.31 ( .),soo ! 2.53 14,112,000 0.16 4.49 0.31 9,! MM) 2.5s 14,256,000 0.16 4.54 0.32 10,000 2.63 14,400,000 0.16 4.58 0.33 10,100 a.69 14,544,000 0.16 4.63 0.33 10,200 2.74 14,688,000 0.17 4.68 0.34 10,300 2.79 14,832,000 0.17 4.72 0.35 10,400 2.85 14,976,000 0.17 4.77 0.35 10,500 2.90 15,120,000 0.18 4.81 0.36 10,600 2.96 15,264,000 0.18 4.86 0.37 10,700 3.02 15,408,000 0.19 4.90 0.37 10,800 3.07 15,552,000 0.19 4.95 0.38 10,900 3.13 15,696,000 0.19 4.99 0.39 11,000 3.19 15,840,000 0.20 5.04 0.39 11,100 3.25 15,984,000 0.20 5.08 0.40 11,200 3.30 16,128,000 0.20 5.13 0.41 11,300 3.36 16,272,000 0.21 5.17 0.42 11,400 3.42 16,416,000 0.21 5.22 0.42 11,500 3.48 16,560,000 0.21 5.27 0.43 11,600 3.54 16,704,000 0/2-2 5.31 0.44 11,700 3.61 16,848,000 0.22 5.36 0.45 11,800 3.67 16,992,000 0.23 5.40 0.45 11,900 3.73 17,136,000 0.23 5.45 0.46 12,000 3.79 17,280,000 0.23 146 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE THIRTY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Telocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. 3.86 Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 5.49 0.47 12,100 17,424,000 0.24 5.54 0.48 12,200 3.92 17,568,000 0.24 5.58 0.48 12,300 3.98 17,712,000 0.24 5.63 0.49 12,400 4.05 17,856,000 0.25 5.67 0.50 12,500 4.12 18,000,000 0.25 5.72 0.51 12,600 4.18 18,144,000 0.26 5.76 0.52 12,700 4.25 18,288,000 0.26 5.81 0.52 12,800 4.32 18,432,000 0. 26 5.86 0.53 12,900 4.38 18,576,000 0.27 5.90 0.54 13,000 4.45 18,720,000= 0.27 5.95 0.55 13,100 4.52 18,864,000 0.28 5.99 0.56 13,200 4.59 19,008,000 0.28 6.04 0.57 13,300 4.66 19,152,000 0.29 6.08 0.58 13,400 4.73 19,296,000 0.29 6.13 0.58 13,500 4.80 19,440,000 0.29 6.17 0.59 13,600 4.87 19,584,000 0.30 6.22 0.60 13,700 4.94 19,728,000 0.30 6.26 0.61 13,800 5.02 19,872,000 0.31 6.31 0.62 13,900 5.09 20,016,000 0.31 6.35 0.63 34,000 5.16 20, 160,000 1 0.32 6.40 0.64 14,100 5.24 20,304,000 0.32 6.45 0.65 14,200 5.31 20,448,0001 0.33 6.49 0.65 14,300 5.39 20,592,000 I 0.33 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 147 DIAMETEE THIETY-SIX INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pei- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.03 0.00 100 0.00 144,000 0.00 0.06 0.00 200 0.00 288,000 0.00 0.09 0.00 300 0.00 432,000 0.00 0.13 0.00 400 0.00 576,000 0.00 0.16 0.00 500 0.01 720,000 0.00 0.19 0.00 600 0.01 864,000 0.00 0.22 0.00 700 0.01 1,008,000 0.00 0.25 0.00 800 0.01 1,152,000 0.00 0.28 0.00 900 0.01 1,296,000 0.00 0.32 0.00 1,000 0.02 1,440,000 0.00 0.35 0.00 1,100 0.02 1,584,000 0.00 0.38 0.00 1,200 0.02 1,728,000 0.00 0.41 0.00 1,300 0.02 1,872,000 0.00 0.44 0.00 1,400 0.02 2,016,000 0.00 0.47 0.00 1,500 0.02 2,160,000 0.00 0.50 0.00 1,600 0.03 2,304,000 0.00 0.54 0.00 1,700 0.03 2,448,000 0.00 0.57 0.00 1,800 0.03 2,592,000 i 0.00 0.60 0.01 1,900 0.04 2,736,000 0.00 0.63 0.01 2,000 0.04 2,880,OCO j 0.00 o.<;<; 0.01 2,100 0.05 3,024,000 1 0.00 0.69 0.01 2,200 0.05 3,168,000 0.00 0.72 0.01 2,300 0.06 3,312,000 0.00 0.76 0.01 2,400 0.06 3,456,000 0.00 148 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE THIKTY-SIX INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, .per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.79 0.01 2,500 0.07 I 3,600,000 0.00 0.82 0.01 2,600 0.07 3,744,000 0.01 0.85 0.01 2,700 0.08 3,888,000 ! 0.01 0.88 0.01 2,800 0.08 4,032,000 0.01 0.91 0.01 2,900 0.09 4,176,000 0.01 0.95 0.01 3,000 0.09 ; 4,320,000 0.01 0.98 0.01 3,100 , 0.10 4,464,000 0.01 1.01 0.02 3,200 0.11 4,608,000 0.01 1.04 0.02 3,300 0.11 4,752,000 0.01 1.07 0.02 3,400 0.12 4,896,000 0.01 1,10 0.02 3,500 0.13 5,040,000 0.01 1.13 0.02 3,600 0.14 5,184,000 0.01 1.17 0.02 3,700 0.14 5,328,000 0.01 1.20 0.02 3,800 0.15 5,472,000 0.01 1.23 0.02 3,900 0.16 5,616,000 0.01 1.26 0.02 4,000 0.17 5,760,000 0.01 1.29 0.03 4,100 0.18 5,904,000 0.01 1.32 0.03 4,200 0.19 6,048,000 0.01 1.36 0.03 4,300 0.19 6,192,000 0.01 1.39 0.03 4,400 0.20 6,336,000 0,02 1.42 0.03 4,500 0.21 6,48Q,000 0.02 1.45 0.03 4,600 0.22 6,624,000 0.02 1.48 0.03 4,700 0.23 6,768,000 0.02 1.51 0.04 4,800 0.24 6,912,000 0.02 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 149 DIAMETER THIRTY-SIX INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. 1 Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 1.54 0.04 4,900 0.25 7,056,000 0.02 1.58 0.04 5,000 0.26 7,200,000 0.02 1.61 0.04 5,100 0.27 7,344,000 0.02 1.64 0.04 5, -200 0.28 7,488,000 0.02 1.67 0.04 5,300 0.30 7,632,000 0.02 1.70 0.05 5,400 0.31 7,776,000 0.02 1.73 0.05 5,500 0.32 7,920,000 0.02 1.77 0.05 5,600 0.33 8,064,000 0.02 1.80 0.05 5,700 0.34 8,208,000 0.03 1.83 0.05 5,800 0.35 8,352,000 0.03 1.86 0.05 5,900 0.37 8,41)6,000 0.03 1.89 0.06 6,000 0.38 8,640,000 0.03 1.92 0.06 6,100 0.39 8,784,000 0.03 1.95 0.06 6,200 0.40 8,928,000 0.03 1.99 0.06 6,300 0.42 9,072,000 0.03 2.02 0.06 6,400 0.43 9,216,000 0.03 2.05 0.07 6,500 0.44 9,360,000 0.03 2.08 0.07 6,600 0.46 9,504,000 0.03 2.11 0.07 6,700 0.47 9,648,000 0.04 2.14 0.07 6,800 0.49 9,792,000 0.04 2.17 0.07 6,900 0.50 9,936,000 0.04 2.21 0.08 7,000 0.52 10,080,000 0.04 2.24 0.08 7,100 0.53 10,224,000 0.04 2.27 0.08 7,200 0.55 10,368,000 0.04 150 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE THIETY-SIX INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U.S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. duo to the Orifice of Influx. 2.30 0.08 7,300 0.56 10,512,000 0.04 2.33 0.08 7,400 0.58 10,656,000 0.04 2.36 0.09 7,500 0.59 10,800,000 0.04 2.40 0.09 7,600 0.61 10,944,000 0.05 2.43 0.09 7,700 0.62 11,088,000 0.05 2.46 0.09 7,800 0.64 11,232,000 0.05 2.49 0.10 7,900 0.66 11,376,000 0.05 2.52 0.10 8,000 0.67 11,520,000 0.05 2.55 0.10 8,100 0.69 11,664,000 0.05 2.58 0.10 8,200 0.71 11,808,000 0.05 2.62 0.11 8,300 0.73 11,952,000 0.05 2.65 0.11 8,400 0.74 12,096,000 0.06 2.68 0.11 8,500 0.76 12,240,000 0.06 2.71 0.11 8,600 0.78 12,384,000 0.06 2.74 0.12 8,700 0.80 12,528,000 0.06 2.77 0.12 8,800 0.82 12,672,000 0.06 2.81 0.12 8,900 0.83 12,816,000 0.06 2.84 0.13 9,000 0.85 12,960,000 0.06 2.87 0.13 9,100 0.87 13,104,000 0.06 2.90 0.13 9,200 0.89 13,248,000 0.07 2.93 0.13 9,300 0.91 13,392,000 0.07 2.96 0.14 9,400 0.93 13,536,000 0.07 2,99 0.14 9,500 0.95 13,680,000 0.07 3.03 0.14 9,600 0.97 13,824,000 0.07 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 151 DIAMETER THIETY-SIX INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pei- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.07 3.0(5 0.15 9,700 0.99. 13,968,000 3.09 0.15 9,800 1.01 14,112,000 0.07 3.12 0.15 9,900 1.03 14,256,000 0.08 3.15 0.15 10,000 1.05 14,400,000 0.08 3.18 0.16 10,100 1.07 14,544,000 0.08 3.22 0.16 10,200 1.10 14,688,000 0.08 3.25 0.16 10,300 1.12 14,832,000 0.08 3.28 0.17 10,400 1.14 14,976,000 0.08 3.31 0.17 10,500 1.16 15,120,000 0.09 3.34 0.17 10,600 1.18 15,264,000 0.09 3.37 0.18 10,700 1.21 15,408,000 0.09 3.40 0.18 10,800 1.23 15,552,000 0.09 3.44 0.18 10,900 1.25 15,696,000 0.09 3.47 0. 19 11,000 1.27 15,840,000 0.09 3.50 0.19 11,100 1.30 15,984,000 0.10 3.53 0.19 11,200 1.32 -16,128,000 0.10 3.5G 0.21) 11,300 1.34 16,272,000 0.10 3.59 0.20 11,400 1.37 16,416,000 0.10 3.62 0.20 11,500 : 1.39 16,560,000 0.10 3.CG 0.21 11,600 1.42 16,704,000 0.11 3.69 i 0.21 11,700 1.44 16,848,000 11 3.72 0.22 11,800 1.47 16,992,000 0.11 3.75 0.22 11,900 1.49 17,136,000 0.11 3.78 0.22 12,000 1.52 17,280,000 0.11 152 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEK TEIBTY-SIX INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, loocfrt. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 3.81 0.23 12,100 1.54 17,424,000 0.11 3.85 0.23 12,200 1.57 17,568,000 0.12 3.88 0.23 12,300 1.59 17,712,000 0.12 3.91 0.24 12,400 1.62 17,856,000 0.12 3.94: 0.24 12,500 1.64 18,000,000 0.12 3.97 0.25 12,600 1.67 18,144,000 0.12 4.00 0.25 12,700 1.70 18,288,000 0.13 4.03 0.25 12,800 1.72 18,432,000 0.13 4.07 0.26 12,900 1.75 18,576,000 0.13 4.10 0.26 13,000 1.78 18,720,000 0.13 4.13 0.27 13,100 1.81 18,864,000 0.13 4.16 0.27 13,200 1.83 19,008,000 0.14 4.19 0.27 13,300 1.86 19,152,000 0.14 4.22 0.28 13,400 1.89 19,296,000 0.14 4.26 0.28 13,500 1.92 19,440,000 Q.H 4.29 0.29 13,600 1.95 19,584,000 0.14 4.32 0.29 13,700 1.98 19,728,000 0.15 4.35 0.29 13,800 2.01 19,872,000 0.15 4.38 0.30 13,900 2.03 20,016,000 0.15 4.41 0.30 14,000 2.06 20,160,000 0.15 4.44 0.31 14,100 2.09 20,304,000 0.16 4.48 0.31 14,200 2.12 20,448,000 0.16 4.51 0.32 14,300 2.15 20,592,000 0.16 4.54 0.32 14,400 2.18 20,736,000 0.16 FRICTION OP WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 153 DIAMETEK THIRTY-SIX INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pei- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in II. 8. Gallons per Minute. 14,500 Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. 2.21 Discharge in II. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. 20, 880, (MM) Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 4.57 0.32 0.16 4.60 0.33 14,600 2. '24 : 21,024,000 0.17 4.63 0.33 14,700 2.28 21,168,000 0.17 4,r>0 0.34 14, SOO ; 2.31 21,312,000 0.17 4.70 0.34 14,1)00 2.34 21,456,000 0.17 4.73 0.35 15,000 2.37 21,600,000 0.1S 4.70 0.35 15,100 2.40 21,744,000 0.1S 4.70 0.30 15,200 I 2.43 21,888,000 0.1* 4.82 0.3C) 15,300 ; 2.40 22,032,000 0.18 4.85 0.37 15,400 2.50 22,176,000 O.IK 4.89 0.37 15,500 2.53 22,320,000 0.19 4.92 0.38 15,600 2.56 22,464,000 0.19 4.95 0.38 15,700 2.60 22,608,000 0.19 4.98 0.39 15,800 2.63 22,752,000 0.19 5.01 0.39 15,1)00 2.66 22,896,000 0.20 5.04 0.40 16,000 2.70 23,040,000 0.20 5.07 0.40 16,100 2.73 23,184,000 0.20 5.11 0.41 16,200 2.76 23,328,000 0.20 5.14 0.41 16,300 2.80 23,472,000, 0.21 5.17 0.42 16,400 2.83 23,616,000 0.21 5.20 42 16,500 2.87 23, 760, 000 i 0.21 5.23 0.43 16,600 2.90 23,904,000 0.21 5.26 0.43 16,700 2.94 24,048,000 0.22 5.30 0.44 16,800 2.97 24,192,000 0.22 154 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. JDIAMETEE THIETY-SIX INCH. Mean Head in ,,. , Los* of Loss of YeW-ity Ft. rt- ^u*i5 Head iu Head in of Water quired to ( "n' ^ Ft. duo to . l? ft iions Ft. due in Ft. produce. Friction, ; to the per this ^' t:i per Orifice of Second. ! Velocity. U ' 1000 Ft. " aiS ' 1 Influx. 5.33 0.44 16,900 3.01 : 24,336,000 0.22 5.3(5 0.45 17,000 3.04 24,480,000 0.23 5.39 0.45 17,100 3.08 24,624,000 0.23 5.42 0.46 17,200 i 3.11 24,768,000 0.23 5. 45 0.46 17,300 |. 3.15 24,912,000 0.23 5.48 0.47 17,400 3.19 25,056,000 0.24 5.52 0.47 17,500 3.22 25,200,000 0.24 5.55 0.48 17,600 3.26 25,344,000 0.24 5.58 0.48 17,700 3.30 25,488,000 0.24 5.61 0.49 17,800 3.34 25,632,000 0.25 5.64 0.49 17,900 3.37 25,776,000 0.25 5.67 0.50 18,000 3.41 25,920,000 0.25 5.71 0.51 18,100 3.45 26,064,000 0.26 5.74 0.51 18,200 3.49 26,208,000 0.26 5.77 0.52 18,300 3.53 26,352,000 0.26 5.80 0.52 18,400 3.56 ! 26,496,000 0.26 5.83 0.53 18,500 3.60 ^ 26, 640, 000 0.27 5.S6 0.53 18,600 3.64 '26,784,000 0.27 5.89 0.54 18,700 3.68 26,928,000 0.27 5.93 0.55 18,800 3.72 j 27, 072, 000 0.28 5.1)6 0.55 18,900 3.76 27,216,000 0.28 5.99 0.56 19,000 3.80 27,360,000 0.28 C.02 0.56 19,100 3.84 27,504,000 0.28 6.05 0.57 19,200 3.88 27,648,000 0.29 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETER THIRTY-SIX INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge inU. & Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 6.08 0.58 19,300 3.92, 27,792,000 0.29 6.11 0.58 19,400 3.96 27,936,000 0.29 6.15 0.59 19,500 4.00 28,080,000 0.30 6.18 0.59 19,600 4.04 28,224,000 0.30 6.21 0.60 19,700 4.09 28,368,000 0.30 6.24 0.61 19,800 4.13 28,512,000 0.31 6.27 0.61 19,900 4.17 28,656,000 0.31 6.30 0.62 20,000 4.21 28,800,000 0.31 156 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE POKTY-EIGHT INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pel- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 10(10 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.04 0.00 200 0.00 288,000 0.00 0.07 0.00 400 0.00 576,000 0.00 0.11 0.00 600 0.00 864,000 0.00 0.14 0.00 800 0.00 1,152,000 0.00 0.1S 0.00 1,000 0.01 1,440,000 0.00 0.21 0.00 1,200 0.01 1,728,000 0.00 0.25 0.00 1,400 0.01 2,016,000 0.00 0.28 0.00 1,600 0.01 2,304,000 0.00 0.32 0.00 1,800 0.01 2,592,000 0.00 0.35 0.00 2,000 01 2,880,000 0.00 0.39 0.00 2,200 | 0.01 3,168,000 0.00 0.43 0.00 2,400 0.01 3,456,000 0.00 0.46 0.00 2,600 0.02 3,744,000 0.00 0.50 0.00 2,800 0.02 4,032,000 0.00 0.53 0.00 3,000 0.02 4,320,000 0.00 0.57 0.01 3,200 0.03 4,608,000 0.00 0.60 0.01 3,400 0.03 4,896,000 0.00 0.64 0.01 3,600 0.03 5,184,000 0.00 0.67 0.01 3,800 ! 0.04 5,472,000 0.00 0.71 0.01 4,000 J 0.04 5,760,000 1 0.00 0.74 0.01 4,200 0.04 6,048,000 0.00 0.78 0.01 i 4,400 0.05 6,336,000 0.00 0.82 0.01 4,600 0.05 6,624,000 0.01 0.85 0.01 4,800 0.06 6,912,000 0.01 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 157 DIAMETER FORTY-EIGHT INCH, Mean Velocity of "Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.89 0.01 5,000 0.06 7,200,000 0.01 0.1)2 0.01 5,200 0.07 ' 7,488,000 0.01 0.9G 0.01 5,400 0.07 7,776,000 0.01 0.99 0.02 5,600 0.08 8,064,000 0.01 1.1)8 0.02 5,800 0.08 8,352,000 0.01 1.06 0.02 6,000 0.09 8,640,000 001 1.10 0.02 6,200 0.10 8,928,000 0.01 L.13 0.02 MOO 0.10 9,216,000 0.01 1.17 0.02 6,6oo 0.11 9,504,000 0.01 1.21 0.02 6,800 0.11 9,792,000 0.01 1.24 0.02 7,000 0.12 10,080,000 0.01 1.28 0.03 7,200 0.13 10,368,000 0.01 1.31 1.35 0.03 0.03 7,400 7,600 0.14 0.14 10,656,000 10,944,000 0.01 0.01 1.38 0.03 7,800 0.15 11,232,000 0.02 1.42 0.03 8,000 0.16 11,520,000 0.02 1.45 0.03 8,200 0.17 11,808,000 0.02 1.49 0.03 8,400 0.18 12,096,000 0.02 1.52 0.04 8,600 0.18 12,384,000 0.02 1.56 0.04 8,800 0.19 12,672,000 0.02 1.60 0.04 9,000 0.20 12,960,000 0.02 1.63 0.04 9,200 0.21 13,248,000 0.02 1.67 0.04 9,400 0.22 13,536,000 0.02 1.70 0.05 9,600 0.23 13,824,000 0.02 158 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETER FORTY-EIGHT INCH, Mean Velocity ofWater in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.0-2 1.74 0.05 9,800 0.24 14,112,000 1.77 1.81 0.05 0.05 10,000 10,200 0.25 0.26 14,400,000 14,688,000 0.02 0.03 1.84 0.05 10,400 0.27 14,976,000 0.03 1.88 0.05 10,600 0.28 15,264,000 0.03 1.91 0.06 10,800 0.29 15,552,000 0.03 1.95 0.06 11,000 0.30 15,840,000 0.03 1.99 0.06 11,200 0.31 16,128,000 0.03 2.02 2.06 2.09 0.06 0.07 0.07 11,400 11,600 11,800 0.32 0.33 0.35 16,416,000 16,704,000 16,992,000 0.03 0.03 0.03 2.13 0.07 12,000 0.36 17,280,000 0.04 2.16 0.07 12,200 0.37 17,568,000 0.04 2.20 0.08 12,400 0.38 17,856,000 0.04 2.23 0.08 12,600 0.39 18,144,000 0.04 2.27 0.08 12,800 0.41 18,432,000 0.04 2.30 2.34 0.08 0.09 13,000 13,200 0.42 0.43 18,720,000 19,008,000 0.04 0.04 2.38 0.09 13,400 0.45 19,296,000 0.04 2.41 0.09 13,600 0.46 19,584,000 0.05 2.45 0.09 1 13,800 0.47 19,872,000 Q.05 2.48 0.10 14,000 0.49 20,160,000 ().();"> 2.52 0.10 14,200 0.50 20,448,000 <>.(lf> 2.55 0.10 14,400 0.51 20,736,000 0.05 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 159 DIAMETER FOKTY-EIGHT INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. H-ad in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1UOO Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 2.59 0.10 14,600 0.53 21,024,000 0.05 2.62 0.11 14,800 0.54 21,312,000 0.05 2.66 0.11 15,000 0.56 21,600,000 0.06 2.70 0.11 15,200 0.57 21,888,000 0.06 2.73 0.12 15,400 0.59 22,176,000 0.06 2.77 0.12 15,600 0.60 22,464,000 0.06 2.80 0.12 15,800 0.62 22,752,000 0.06 2.84 0.13 16,000 0.64 23,040,000 0.06 2.87 0.13 16,200 0.65 23,328,000 0.06 2-91 0.13 16,400 0.67 23,616,000 0.07 2.94 0.13 16,600 0.68 23,904,000 0.07 2.98 0.14 16,800 0.70 24,192,000 0.07 a 01 0.14 17,000 0.72 24,480,000 0.07 3.05 0.14 17,200 0.73 24,768,000 0.07 3.09 0.15 17,400 0.75 25,056,000 0.07 3.12 0.15 17,600 0.77 25,344,000 0.08 3.16 0.15 17,800 0.79 25,632,000 0.08 3.19 0.16 18,000 ! 0.80 25,920,000 0.08 3.23 0.16 18,200 0.82 26,208,000 0.08 3.26 0.17 18,400 : 0.84 26,496,000 0.08 3.30 0.17 18,600 0.86 26,784,000 0.09 3.33 0.17 18,800 0.88 27,072,000 0.09 3.37 0.18 19,000 0.90 27,360,000 0.09 3.40 0.18 19,200 0.91 27,648,000 0.09 160 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE FOKTY-EiaHT INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pel- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 3.44 0.18 19,400 0.93 27,936,000 0.09 3.48 0.19 19,600 0.95 28,224,000 0.09 3.51 0.19 19,800 0.97 28,512,000 0.10 3.55 0.20 20,000 0.99 28,800,000 0.10 3.58 0.20 20,200 1.01 29,088,000 0.10 3.62 0.20 20,400 1.03 29,376,000 0.10 3.65 0.21 20,600 1.05 29,664,000 0.10 3.69 0.21 20,800 1.07 29,952,000 0.11 3.72 0.22 ; 21,000 1.09 30,240,000 0.11 3.76 0.22 21,200 1.12 30,528,000 0.11 3.79 0.22 21,400 1.14 30,816,000 0.11 3.83 0.23 j 21,600 1.16 31,104,000 0.12 3.87 0.23 21,800 1.18 31,392,000 0.12 3.90 0.24 22,000 1.20 31,680,000 0.12 3.94 0.24 22,200 1.22 31,968,000 0.12 3.97 0.25 22,400 1.25 32,256,000 0.12 4.01 0.25 22,600 1.27 32,544,000 0.13 4.04 0.25 22,800 1.29 32,832,000 0.13 4.08 0.26 ! 23,000 1.31 ; 33, 120,000 0.13 4.11 0.26 23,200 1.34 33,408,000 0.13 4.15 0.27 23,400 1.36 33,696,000 0.14 4.18 0.27 23,600 1.38 33,984,000 0.14 4.22 0.28 23,800 1.41 34,272,000 0.14 4.26 0.28 24,000 1.43 34,560,000 0.14 FRICTION OP WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 161 DIAMETEE POETY-EIGHT INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pel- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge inU. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 4.29 0.29 24,200 1.45. 34,848,000 0.14 4.33 0.29 24,400 1.48 35,136,000 0.15 4.3G 0.30 24,600 1.50 35,424,000 0.15 4.40 0.30 24,800 1.53 35,712,000 0.15 4.43 0.31 25,000 1.55 36,000,000 0.15 4.47 0.31 25,200 1.58 36,288,000 0.16 4.50 0.32 25,400 1.60 36,576,000 0.16 4.54 0.32 25,600 1.63 36,864,000 0.16 4.57 0.33 25,800 1.65 37,152,000 0.16 4.61 0.33 26,000 1.68 37,440,000 0.17 4.65 0.34 26,200 1.70 37,728,000 0.17 4.68 0.34 26,400 1.73 38,016,000 0.17 4.72 0.35 26,600 1.76 38,304,000 0.17 4.75 0.35 26,800 1.78 38,592,000 0.18 4.79 0.36 27,000 1.83 38,880,000 0.18 4.82 0.36 27,200 1.84 39,168,000 0.18 4.86 0.37 27,400 1.86 39,456,000 0.19 4.89 0.37 27,600 1.89 39,744,000 0.19 4.93 0.38 27,800 1.92 40,032,000 0.19 4.96 0.38 28,000 1.95 40,320,000 0,19 5.00 0.39 28,200 1.97 40,608,000 0.20 .5.04 0.39 28,400 2.00 40,896,000 0.20 5.07 0.40 2S, (',()() 2.03 41,184,000 0.20 5.11 0.41 28,800 2.06 41,472,000 0.20 162 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEK POETY-EIGHT INCH. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 5.14 0.41 29,000 2.09 41,760,000 0.21 5.18 0.42 29,200 2.12 42,048,000 0.21 5.21 0.42 29,400 2.14 1 42, 336, 000 0.21 5.25 0.43 29,600 2.17 42,624,000 0.22 5.28 0.43 29,800 2.20 : 42,912,000 0.22 5.32 0.44 30,000 2.23 43,200,000 0.22 5.35 0.45 30,200 2.26 43,488,000 0.23 5.39 0.45 30,400 2.29 43,776,000 0.23 5.43 0.46 30,600 2.32 44,064,000 0.23 5.40 0.46 30,800 2.35 44,352,000 0.23 5.50 0.47 31,000 2.38 44,640,000 0.24 5.53 0.48 31,200 2.42 44,928,000 0.24 5.57 0.48 31,400 2.45 45,216,000 0.24 5.60 0.49 31,600 2.48 45,504,000 0.25 5.64 0.49 31,800 2.51 45,792,000 0.25 5.67 0.50 32,000 2.54 46,080,000 0.25 5.71 0.51 32,200 2.57 46,368,000 0.26 5.74 0.51 32,400 2.60 46,656,000 0.26 5.78 0.52 32,600 2.64 46,944,000 0.26 5.82 0.53 32,800 2.67 47,232,000 0.27 5.85 0.53 33,000 2.70 47,520,000 0.27 5.89 0.54 33,200 2.74 47,808,000 0.27 5.92 0.55 33,400 2.77 48,096,000 0.28 5.96 0.55 33,600 2.80 48,384,000 0.28 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 163 DIAMETEE FOETY-EIGHT INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pel- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, lOooW Discharge in U. S. Gallons 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 5.99 0.56 33,800 2.83 ' 48,672,000 0.28 0.03 0.56 34,000 2.87 48,960,000 0.29 6.06 0.57 34,200 2.90 49,248,000 0.29 6.10 0.58 34,400 2.94 49,536,000 0.29 6.13 0.59 34,600 2.97 49,824,000 0.30 6.17 0.59 34,800 3.01 50,112,000 0.30 6.21 0.60 35,000 3.04 50,400,000 0.30 164 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE SIXTY INGE. Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. s. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Lo ss of He ad in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.05 0.00 400 0.001 576,000 0.00 0.09 0.00 800 0.002 1,152,000 0.00 0.14 0.00 1,200 0.003 1,728,000 0.00 0.18 0.00 1,600 0.004 2,304,000 0.00 0.23 0.00 2,000 0.006 2,880,000 0.00 0.27 0.00 2,400 0.008 3,456,000 0.00 0.32 0.00 2,800 0.010 4,032,000 0.00 0.36 0.00 3,200 0.010 4, 608, 000 : 0.00 0.41 0.00 3,600 0.010 5,184,000 0.00 0.45 0.00 4,000 0.013 5,760,000 0.00 0.50 0.00 4,400 0.016 6,336,000 0.00 0.54 0.00 4,800 0.019 6,912,000 0.00 0.59 0.01 5,200 0.022 7,488,000 0.00 0.64 0.01 5,600 0.025 8,064,000 0.00 0.68 0.01 6,000 0.029 8,640,000 0.00 0.73 0.01 6,400 0.033 9,216,000 0.00 0.77 0.01 6,800 0.037 9,792,000 0.00 0.82 0.01 7,200 0.042 10,368,000 0.01 0.86 0.01 7,600 0.047 10,944,000 0.01 0.91 0.01 8,000 0.052 11,520,000 0.01 0.95 0.01 8,400 0.057 12,096,000 0.01 1.00 0.02 8,800 0.063 12,672,000 0.01 1.04 0.02 9,200 0.069 13,248,000 0.01 1.09 0.02 9,600 0.075 13,824,000 0.01 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 165 DIAMETEK SIXTY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pei- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 1.13 0.02 10,000 o.oai 14,400,000 0.01 1.18 0.02 10,400 o.oss 14,97'), (MM) 0.01 1.23 0.02 10,800 0.094 15,552,000 0.01 1.27 0.03 11,200 0.10-2 10,128,000 0.01 1.32 0.03 11,600 0. 101) 1(5,704,000 0.01 1.36 0.03 1-2,000 0.117 17,280,000 0.01 1.41 0.03 12,400 0.124 17,856,000 0.02 1.45 0.03 12,800 0.133 18,432,000 0.0-2 1.50 0.03 13,200 0.141 19,008,000 0.0-2 1.54 0.04 13,600 0.150 19,584,000 0.02 1.59 0.04 14,000 0.159 20,160,000 0.02 1.63 1.68 1.72 0.04 0.04 0.05 14,400 14,800 15,200 0.168 0.177 0.187 20,736,000 21,312,000 21,888,000 0.02 0.02. 0.02 1.77 0.05 15,600 0.197 22,464,000 0.02 1.82 0.05 16,000 0.207 23,040,000 0.03 1.86 0.05 16,400 0.218 23,616,000 0.03 i.9i 0.06 16,800 0.229 24,192,000 0.03 1.95 0.06 17,200 0.240 24,768,000 0.03 2.00 0.06 17,600 0.251 25,344,000 o.oa 2.04 0.06 18,000 0.262 25,920,000 o.oa 2.09 0.07 18,400 0.274 26,490,000 0.03 2.13 0.07 18,800 0.286 27,072,000 0.04 2.18 0.07 19,200 0.298 27,648,000 0.04 166 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETER SIXTY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 2.22 0.08 19,600 0.311 28,224,000 0.04 2.27 0.08 20,000 0.324 28,800,000 0.04 2.31 O.OS 20,400 0.337 29,376,000 0.04 2.36 0.09 20,800 0.350 29,952,000 0.04 2.41 0.09 21,200 0.364 30,528,000 0.05 2.45 0.09 21,600 0.378 31,104,000 0.05 2.50 0.10 22,000 0.392 31,680,000 0.05 2.54 0.10 22,400 0.406 32,256,000 0.05 2.59 0.10 22,800 0.421 32,832,000 0.05 2.63 0.11 23,200 0.436 33,408,000 0.05 2.68 0.11 23,600 0.451 33,984,000 0.06 2.72 0.12 24,000 0.466 34,560,000 0.06 2.77 0.12 24,400 0.482 35,136,000 0.06 2.81 0.12 24,800 0.498 35,712,000 0.06 2.86 0.13 25,200 0.514 36,288,000 0.06 2.90 0.13 25,600 0.531 36,864,000 0.07 2.95 0.14 26,000 0.547 37,440,000 0.07 .3.00 0.14 26,400 0.564 38,016,000 O.Q7 3.04 0.14 26,800 0.582 38,592,000 0.07 3.09 0.15 27,200 0.599 39,168,000 0.07 3.13 0.15 27,600 0.617 37,744,000 0.08 3.18 0.16 28,000 0.635 40,320,000 0.08 3.22 3.27 0.16 0.17 28,400 28,800 0.653 0.672 40,896,000 41,472,000 0.08 0.08 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 167 DIAMETEK SIXTY INCH. Mean Velocitv of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in IT. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 3.31 0.17 29,200 0. 690 42,048,000 0.09 3.30 0.18 29,600 0.709 42,624,000 0.09 3.4!) 0.18 30,000 0.729 43,200,000 0.09 3.4.") 0.18 30,400 0.748 43,776,000 0.09 3.40 0.19 30,800 0.768 44,352,000 0.10 3.54 0.19 31,200 0.788 44,928,000 0.10 3.59 0.20 31,600 0.809 45,504,000 0.10 3.63 0.20 32,000 O.S29 4(5,080,000 0. 10 3.68 0.21 32,400 0.850 46,656,000 0.11 3.72 0.22 32,800 0.871 47,232,000 0.11 3.77 0.22 33,200 O.S92 47, 80S, 000 0.11 3.81 0.23 33, (UK) 0.914 48,384,000 0.11 3.86 0.23 34,000 0.936 48,960,000 0.12 3.90 0.24 34,400 0.958 49, 536, 000 0.12 3.95 0/24 34,800 0.981 50,112,000 0.12 3.99 0.25 35,200 1.003 50,688,000 0.12 4.04 0.25 35,600 1.026 51,264,000 0.13 4.08 0.26 36,000 1.049 51,840,000 0. 13 4.13 0.27 36,400 1.073 52,416,000 0.13 4.18 0.27 36,800 1.097 52,992,000 0.14 4.22 0.28 37,200 1.120 5:>,568,(MM) 0.14 4.27 0.28 37,600 1.145 54,144,000 0.14 4.31 0.29 38,000 1.169 54,720,000 0.14 4.36 0.30 3S,400 1.194 55,296,000 0.15 168 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEK SIXTY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 4.40 0.30 38,800 1.219 55,872,000 0.15 4.45 0.31 39,200 1.244 56,448,000 0.16 4.49 0.31 39,600 1.270 57,024,000 0.16 4.54 0.32 40,000 1.296 57,600,000 0.16 4.58 0.33 40,400 1.322 58,176,000 0.16 4.63 0.33 40,800 1.348 58,752,000 0.17 4.68 0.34 41,200 1.374 59,328,000 0.17 4.72 0.35 41,600 1.401 59,904,000 0.17 4.77 0.35 42,000 1.428 60,480,000 0.18 4.81 4.86 0.36 0.37 42,400 42,800 1.456 1.483 61,056,000 61,632,000 0.18 0.19 4.90 0.37 43,200 1.511 62,208,000 0.19 4.95 0.38 43,600 1.539 62,784,000 0.19 4.99 0.39 44,000 1.568 63,360,000 0.20 5.04 0.39 44,400 1.596 63,936,000 0.20 5.08 0.40 44,800 1.625 64,512,000 0.20 5.13 0.41 45,200 1.654 65,088,000 0.21 .5.17 0.42 45,600 1.684 65,664,000 0.21 5.22 0.42 46,000 1.713 66,240,000 0.21 5.27 0.43 46,400 1.743 66,816,000 0.22 5.31 0.44 46,800 1.773 67,392,000 0.22 5.36 0.45 47,200 1.804 67,968,000 0.23 5.40 0.45 47,600 1.835 68,544,000 0.23 5.45 0.46 48,000 1.866 69,120,000 0.23 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. 169 DIAMETER SIXTY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. per Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per luoo Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons 24 Hours. Loss of Head it* Ft. due to the Oriiicr of Influx. 5.49 ! 0.47 48,400 1.897 ( <; 5,72 0.51 50,400 2.057 72,576,000 0.26 5.76 0.52 50,800 2.090 73,152,000; 0.2fi 5.81 0.52 51,200 2.123 73,728,000 0.2(i 5.86 ; 0.53 51,600 2.156 74,304,000 0.27 5.90 0.54 52,000 2.189 74,880,000 0.27 5.95 0.55 52,400 2.223 ! 75,456,000 0.28 5.99 0.56 5-2,800 2.257 ; 76,032,000 0.2H 6.04 0.57 53,200 2.292 76,608,000 0.29 6.08 0.58 53,600 2.326 77,184,000; 0.29 6.13 0.58 54,000 2.361 77,760,000 i 0.29 6.17 0.59 i 54,400 2.: > ) < ,x; 78,336, 000 O.JJO 6.22 0.60 54,800 2.432 78,912,000 0.3G 6.26 0.61 55,200 2.467 79,488,000 0.33 6.31 0.62 55,600 2.503 80,064,000 0.31 6.35 0.63 56,000 2.539 80,640,000 0.32 6.40 0.64 - 56,400 2.576 81,216,000 0.32 6.45 0.65 56,800 2.612 81,792,000 0.33 6.49 0.65 57,200 2.649 82,368,000 0.33 6.54 0.(>6 57,600 2686 82,944,000 0.3:? 170 FRICTION OF WATER IN CAST-IRON PIPES. DIAMETEE SIXTY INCH, Mean Velocity of Water in Ft. pel- Second. Head in Ft. re- quired to produce this Velocity. 0.67 Discharge in U. 8. Gallons per Minute. 58,000 Loss of Head in Ft. due to Friction, per 1000 Ft. Discharge in U. S. Gallons per 24 Hours. Loss of Head in Ft. due to the Orifice of Influx. 0.34 6.58 2.724 83,520,000 6.63 O.<18 58,400 2.762 84,096,000 0.34 6.67 ().6 ( J 58,800 2.799 84,672,000 0.35 6.72 0.70 6.76 0.71 59,200 59,600 2.838 2.876 85,248,000 85,824,000 0.35 0.36 6.81 0.72 60,000 2.915 86,400,000 0.36 6.85 0.73 60,400 2.954 86,976,000 0.37 6.90 0.74 60,800 2.993 87,552,000 0.37 6.94 0.75 61,200 3.033 88,128,000 0.38 6.99 0.76 61,600 3.072 88,704,000 0.38 7.04 0.77 62,000 3.112 89,280,000 0.39 7.08 o.7a 62,400 3.153 89,856,000 0.39 7.13 0.79 62,800 3.193 90,432,000 0.40 7.17 0.80 63,200 3.234 91,008,000 0.40 7.22 0.81 63,600 3.275 91,584,000 0.41 7.26 0.82 64,000 3.317 92,160,000 0.41 7.31 0.83 64,400 3.358 92,736,000 0.42 7.35 0.84 64,800 3.400 93,312,000 0.42 Supplementary Table A, of Theoretical Velocities, to be Used in Obtain* ing Results Beyond the Highest Limits of Table No, 2, <2g=64.4.) V v 2 2? V V* 20 9 V 2 20 V w* 2j 6.06 .57 8.10 1.02 13.2 2.7 26.0 10.5 6.11 .58 8.18 1.04 13.4 2.8 26.6 11.0 6.17 .59 8.26 1.06 13.7 2.9 27.2 11.5 6.22 .60 8.34 1.08 13.9 3.0 27.8 12.0 6.28 .61 8.41 1.10 14.1 . 3.1 28.4 12.5 6.32 .62 8.49 1.12 14.3 3.2 28.9 13.0 6.37 .63 8.57 1.14 14.5 3.3 99.5 13.5 6.42 .04 8.64 1.16 14.8 ' 3.4 30.0 14.0 0.47 .65 8.72 1.18 15.0 3.5 30.5 14.5 6.52 .66 8.79 1.20 15.2 3.6 31.1 15.0 6.57 .67 8.87 1.22 15.4 3.7 31.6 15.5 6.61 .68 8.94 1.24 15.6 3.8 32.1 16.0 6.66 .69 9.01 1.26 15.8 3.9 32.6 16.5 6.71 .70 9.08 1.28 16.0 4.0 33.1 17.0 6.76 .71 9.15 1.30 16.4 4.2 33.6 17.5 6.81 .72 9.21 1.32 16.8 4.4 34.0 18.0 6.86 .73 9.29 1.34 17.2 4.6 34.5 18.5 6.91 .74 9.36 1.36 17.6 4.8 35.0 19.0 5.95 .75 9.43 1.38 17.9 5.0 35.4 19.5 6.99 .76 9.49 1.40 18.3 5.2 359 20.0 7.04 .77 9.57 1.42 18.7 5.4 36.3 20.5 7.09 .78 9.63 1.44 19.0 5.6 36.8 21.0 7.13 .79 9.70 1.46 19.3 5.8 37.2 21.5 7.18 .80 9.77 1.48 19.7 6.0 37.6 22.0 7.22 .81 9.83 1.50 20.0 6.2 38.1 22.5 7/26 .82 9.90 1.52 20.3 6.4 38.5 23.0 7.31 .83 9.96 1.54 20.6 6.6 38.9 23.5 7.35 .84 10.0 1.56 20.9 6.8 39.3 24.0 7.40 .85 10.1 1.58 21.2 7.0 39.7 24.5 7.44 .86 10.2 1.60 21.5 7.2 40.1 25.0 7.48 .87 10.3 1.65 21.8 7.4 40.9 26.0 7.53 .88 10.5 1.70 22.1 7.6 41.7 27.0 7.57 .89 10.6 1.75 22.4 7.8 42.5 28.0 7.61 .90 10.8 1.80 22.7 8.0 43 2 29.0 7.65 .91 10.9 1.85 23.0 8.2 43.9 30.0 7.70 .92 11.1 1.90 23.3 8.4 44.7 31.0 7.74 .93 11.2 1.95 23.5 8.6 45.4 32.0 7.78 .94 11.4 2.0 23.8 8.8 46.1 33.0 7.82 .95 11.7 2.1 24.1 9.0 46.7 34.0 7.86 .96 11.9 2.2 243 9.2 47.4 35.0 7.90 .97 12.2 2.3 24.6 9.4 48.1 i 36.0 7.94 .98 12.4 2.4 24.8 9.6 48.8 37.0 7.98 .99 12.6 2.5 25.1 9.8 49.5 38.0 8.03 1.00 12.9 2.6 25.4 10.0 50.1 39.0 EDITION. One Volume, 8vo, Illustrated, 600 Pages. Price, $6.OO. SEWAGE DISPOSAL IN THE UNITED STATES. BY GEO. W. EAFTEK, M, Am, Soc, 0, R, and M. N, BAKER, Ph. B,, Associate Editor "Engineering News." D, VAN NOSTRAND CO., v PUBLISHERS, 23 Murray and 27 Warren Sts,, New York. ** Copies sent prepaid on receipt of price. THIRTEENTH EDITION. Revised, Enlarged, and New Tables and Illustrations added. 1 Vol., Octavo, 644 PP'> &00 Illustrations. Fine Cloth Binding, $5.OO. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON RELATING TO THE Hydrology, Hydrodynamics, and Practical Construction of Water-Works in North America, With Numerous TABLES AND ILLTJSTEATIONS. By J. T, PANNING, 0, E,, Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. D. VAN NOSTRAND CO., PUBLISHERS, 23 Murray and 27 Warren Sts., New York, *** Copies Sent by Mail on Receipt of Price. Fourth Edition, 1896. 1 Vol., 400 Pages; 30 Full-page Plates, and 75 Illustrations in Text. Price $6.00. Sewerage and Land Drainage. BY George E. 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