70 / AVIATION ENGINES JOHN C, CHADWFCK LIEUT. (J.G.) U,S.N, R,P UC-NRLF E77 137 IMC, NEW YOHK, AVIATION ENGINES JOHN C. CHADWICK LIEUTENANT (J.G.) U. S. N. R. F. Published by Authority of the Secretary of the Navy PUBLISHED BY EDWIN N. APPLETON, INC. ONE BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY / COPYRIGHT, 1919 BY EDWIN N. APPLETON, INC. '"THE author wishes to express his thanks and appreciation to the following concerns who furnished photographs and other material making possible the writing of this book: The Zenith Carburetor Co., Detroit, Mich. The Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. The Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Corp., Garden City, L. I. The Manufacturers' Aircraft Association, New York City. 416880 CONTENTS PAGE Introductory 9 Nomenclature 10 Definitions 14 Principle of Operation of a Four-Stroke Cycle Engine 15 Valve Location 17 Propeller Drive 18 Multi-Cylinder Arrangement 20 Cooling 22 Radiators 22 Water Circulation 22 Water Pumps 23 Operation of Cooling System 23 Lubrication 24 Carburetion 26 Effects of Improper Carburetion 33 Electricity and Magnetism 35 Induction 35 Ignition 36 Magnetos 41 Dixie Magneto 42 Timing 44 Emergency Repairs 49 Engine Characteristics Liberty 51 Liberty-Delco Ignition System 62 Order of Teardown U. S. N. Liberty Motor School... 72 Teardown U. S. N. Liberty Motor School 73 Hispano Suiza 79 Curtiss Model OXX6 83 Materials of Construction 86 Trouble Charts . . 88 PREFACE IN writing this book the author has endeavored to set forth the underlying principles of the Internal Combustion Engine as used in Aviation. The actual engines discussed are those that were used most widely by the United States Naval Aviation Corps during the recent war. They may be taken as very representative and highly efficient engines cover- ing the field of American aviation in general at the present time. The Rotary Engine is not discussed, since its use was discontinued by our Navy, although it was widely used in light foreign planes, particularly those of French design. The author has endeavored to set forth in non-technical language and without the use of mathematics, the main features of the principles employed in any internal combustion gasoline engine, and show their adaptation, in the three engines speci- fically discussed : the Liberty, Curtiss model OXX, and Hispano Suiza. The purpose of this book is to give anyone desiring to operate an airplane, a fundamental understanding of engines as used. It is founded on the course of instructions as given at the U. S. Naval Aviation Detachment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Training Pilots for service. It is not intended for purposes of design, criticism or recommendation, but simply for instruction of the average individual, assuming he knows nothing of a gas engine. For books pertaining to the mathematics of design, the author recommends: Judges "High Speed Internal Combustion Engines." "The Gasoline Motor," by P. M. Heldt. AVIATION ENICINES INTRODUCTORY Engines used in Aviation are all of the internal combustion type. By internal combustion is meant that the combustion or burning of the fuel takes place in the engine itself. The fuel used is gasoline (hydro carbon), and when mixed with air becomes highly explosive. The mechanical parts of the engine consist of a cylinder, piston, connecting rod and crank shaft. The explosive mixture is drawn into the cylinder, one end of which is closed by the cylinder head, and the other end plugged by the piston. The explosive mixture is ignited by an electric spark and the ex- pansion of the burning charge causes the piston to move down in the cylinder, just as the charge of powder in a gun causes the projectile to move down the barrel of the gun. As the motion desired to turn a propeller (which is used for the pro- pulsion of the aeroplane) is rotary, the travel of the piston is converted into rotary motion by connecting the piston to a crank shaft, with a connecting rod. The motion of the piston then becomes reciprocating, up and down in the cylinder. An internal combustion engine is, therefore, an engine that obtains its power from the rapid combustion and consequent expansion of some inflammable gas; and must have, in addition to the parts named above, ports and valves, whose opening and closing are so controlled as to admit the explosive gas into, the cylinder and to expel the burnt gas. The degree of heat gen- erated by the explosion of a charge is extremely high in fact higher from the melting point of some metals, and it can 9 therefore- l be seen: t *K& continued series of explosions would SOQYI c^u&e4;he^eKlne,to, become heated to such an extent that it ^couki\ L nt)t ^pe'r^o It, is .therefore necessary to keep the temperature of the engine within safe working limits, and for this purpose a cooling system becomes necessary. The engine must be very carefully oiled, and for this purpose a lubricating system is necessary. As the fuel used is hydro carbon, a device must be used to convert the hydro carbon into a combustible gas. The device is called a carburetor and is referred to as the carburetion system. After the gas had been introduced into a cylinder, some means for igniting it must be provided in order that it may explode. This apparatus is called the igni- tion system. It can be seen from the above that there are four systems that are absolutely necessary in the construction of an internal combustion engine. NOMENCLATURE There are of course a great many parts to an engine besides those mentioned or alluded to in the introductory. The names of the various parts are in the most part self-explana- tory. It has been shown that it is necessary to have a cylinder in which the explosion and expansion of gases may take place, and in which the piston may travel. It is necessary to have an intake valve and port so that incoming gases may be admitted properly to the cylinder. This makes necessary an intake manifold, or pipe, for conducting the gases from the carburetor to the intake port. Likewise it is necessary to have an exhaust valve and port, and in many cases an exhaust manifold to carry away the exhaust gases. The piston must then be fastened to the connecting rod. This is done by means of the piston pin and, in order that steel may not meet steel, a fine bronze or brass sleeve is placed in- side the hole of the upper end of the connecting rod. This is 10 known as a bushing. The lower, or big end of the connecting rod, is then fastened to the crank shaft. Again so that steel surfaces will not be in contact a bearing of softer metal is used. In this case, for ease of assembly and because of the larger surface, a bronze or brass shell, which is split, is lined with babbit or white metal and provides the rubbing surface. This is known as the connecting rod bearing. The crank shaft is the revolving part of the engine and consequently it must be supported. This is done by means of bearings placed in webbing of the crank base, and these bear- ings are known as main bearings. The crank shaft receives its power from the piston and connecting rod. Consequently it must have offsets or throws so that the heretofore straight line motion may become rotary. The part of the crank shaft which rests in the main bearings is known as the journal. The part to which the connecting rod is attached is called the crank pin and the parts connecting the two are called the cheeks. Now it is necessary to have the valves actuated at the proper moments. This is done primarily by means of the cam shaft. This is a shaft upon which cams or eccentrics are placed. The shaft revolves, being geared to the crank shaft. Then when the high part or toe of the cam hits the lever or valve actuating mechanism, the valve is forced off its seat and remains open as long as the high point of the cam stays in position. The valve is opened always against the action of a spring, which closes it as soon as the cam is in a position to permit. Following is a summary of the important parts of an engine. A glance at the accompanying cuts \vill show their assembly and co-ordination. Cylinder: That part of the engine in which combustion and expansion occurs; and in which the piston reciprocates. Valves and Valve Ports: Located in cylinder head to allow control of incoming: and exhaust gases. 11 End View Cross Sections. A- CYLINDER S- PISTON C -CONNECTING ROD D-CRAMK PIN F-MAIIN BEARING G- THRUST i. H-CRANK CASE I - SUMP J- CAM SHAFT K- ROCKS R L- VALVE SPRING N - C O- WATER JACKET P- PISTON PIN < 'bn ^ o W " 54 including, valves and valve springs, weighs only approximately twenty pounds. From this it is possible to obtain some realiza- tion of the machining done. The cylinder extends considerably below the holding down flange, giving increased strength to the assembly. The in- formation of the combustion chamber is hemispherical with the valves and spark plugs located symmetrically in the head. The cylinder is upset at the combustion chamber, so that am- ple clearance may be afforded for the large valves used. The outside of the cylinder is flanged, so that additional cooling surface is provided. On account of the high compression used, it is necessary to provide extremely efficient cooling. This is done by the use of a pump of large capacity (one hundred gallons per minute at maximum speed). Also the water enters the jackets at the side, causing a swirling rapid circulation. It also flows freely over the combustion chamber and around the valves. From the top of the jackets it enters jackets surrounding the intake manifolds, so that the incoming gases are heated. From these manifolds it passes through the main water heater, back to the radiator. The cam shafts are of the over head type of special and improved design, being well lubricated and yet practically oil tight. They are driven by tower shafts, which derive their motion from timing gears in the crank case. The lubrication system is essentially one of the forced feed principal. The engine is of the dry sump type. The oil being carried in outside reservoirs. It is therefore necessary to supply two oil pumps, one for delivery of oil through the system, and one for return back to the reservoirs. These two pumps are of the rotary gear type, and are both included in one assembly. The oil goes from the reservoirs to the delivery pump by gravity. From there it goes past a pressure relief valve, (regulated to fifty pounds maximum pressure) to the main oil duct which runs the length of the engine, along the 55 o tf I o K ij w ^ L!D ^ w Ce> .^ S -o 3 ^ W S H ^ 56 < -z s ^ < o u -J-. y g I O *- bottom of the sump. From this duct it goes to the seven main crank shaft bearings, through leads in the webbing. Oil enters the first six crank journals and flows to the crank pins, through holes in the cheeks. Thus lubrication is provided for connecting rod bearings; cylinder walls; etc. The part of this oil not actually consumed, falls back into the sump, with the propellor end of the engine up, it flows direct to the re- turn pump, and thence to the reservoirs. With the propellor end down it collects in a small well near this end of the sump, and goes to the return pump by means of a suction duct, provided for the purpose. Part of the oil is conducted around the main bearing at the propellor end, and goes through out- side leads, to the cam shaft. It flows through these provid- ing lubrication. From here it flows down through the cam shaft drive housings, over the timing gears, to the return pump. There is, practically speaking, only one difference between the Liberty engines, as used by the Army and Navy. The former use a higher compression than the latter. This is accomplished by means of a dome topped piston, as against a flat-topped piston. The horse-power developed in the low compression engines, ranges 375-400. While that of the high compression is from 425-450. The weight of both engines is approximately eight hundred and twenty-five pounds (825 Ibs.) and the maximum speed from 1650 to 1800. The crank shaft used is a drop forging, having seven bearings and being two and five-eighth inches in diameter. The crank shaft bearings are carried in the webbing between the crank case and the sump; thus making a very rigid con- struction, and giving better constructional alinements. The connecting rods are of the "I" beam type twelve inches between centers. They are of the forked type, so that no offsetting of the cylinder banks is required. The left rods are forked, and the right plain. The piston pin is a seamless steel tube, and is a drive fit into the bosses of the aluminum piston. They are of the full floating type, being held in place 58 ^11 J in *o ^ < o ~ * 5 ^ P ^. s E Q 5 S 'S F-*^ ^ r-s 81-1 Woo 2 " 3 S'o ^ u W .c a M ffi o H K by piston pin retainers. These are small pieces of aluminum, shaped to conform with the piston surface. They are placed in the outer side of each boss, so that while the piston pin is free to move, in both the bosses and the connecting rod, its lateral motion is constrained. By this method of con- struction the danger of the piston pin breaking loose, and scoring the cylinder walls, is done away with. The following paragraphs describing the carburetors used in the Liberty engine are reprinted from an article written by the Zenith Carburetor Company. "The carburetors used on Liberty engines are of Zenith manufacture and are of duplex, or double, type, and known as their Model US-52. Each barrel is of 52 mm. inside diameter and as two carburetors are used on each 12-cylinder engine there is, in effect, one complete carbureting chamber for each three cylinders." "As synchronism is essential, it is necessary that each car- bureting chamber supplies the same amount of a fuel mixture that is itself composed of equal proportions of fuel vapor and air with any given throttle openings. Obviously, all four throttle valves must operate in unison." "To accomplish this result it is necessary that each fuel orifice and choke tube shall deliver the same amount of fuel and air under a given suction. The choke tubes, commonly called venturi or chokes, are designed so as to offer the least resistance to passage of the air, and are therefore of a perfect stream line in section. At present, the carburetor setting for the 12-cylinder Liberty engines calls for a No. 31 choke. This means that the throat diameter, or the inside diameter of the choke at its narrowest point, is exactly 31 mm. This is checked by the use of "go" and "no go" ball gauges, and is held accurate within limits of .006"." "The main jet sizes now used are, for the high compres- sion Army engines, No. 140, and for the IOW T compression Navy engines, No. 145. The jets are numbered according to 60 the diameter in 1.100th of a mm. of the fuel orifice, and they are calibrated and carefully gauged for size by means of ac- tual flow of water through them from a height which is kept constant by an automatic level device in the testing tank. The testing is done automatically by an electric and clock device which causes the water passing through the jet to flow into a cubic centimeter graduate for exactly one minute, when the water is diverted, also automatically, into a drain for a period of l /2 minute of time, during which interval another jet is placed in the machine for testing. From experiment and cal- culation it is known that a 1 40-100 mm. jet will flow 335 cu. cm. of water in one minute from a head of 1 meter. The tolerance allowable is 4 cu. cm. over and 1 cu. cm. under. The larger "over" limit is used because the graduate will not always be perfectly drained. The same method of numbering and calibrating is used in the case of the compensating jets. The present setting calls for, in the case of the Army engine, a Xo. 150 Compensator, and, for the Navy engine, a No. 155 Compensator." A starting and idling device is incorporated in the con- struction of the carburetor which works only when the throttle valves are in nearly closed position. This device consists of the "idling tube" which is drilled at its lower and with a 1 mm. drill for the measuring of the fuel, and at its upper end, with four 1 mm. holes for the measuring of the air; and of a "priming tube" which projects down to about 1 mm. from the bottom of the "idling tube," and which forms a passage for the mixture of fuel and air to the "priming hole" which enters the carbureting chamber at the lower edge of the throttle valves. It should be noted that, as the relative position of the throttle valve and the priming hole determines the suction on the idling device, and consequently the quality of the idling mixture, the throttle valves should all be fitted within very narrow limits and that, when completely closed, the top of the valves should just cover the priming holes. If this point 61 is noted, it is obvious that the throttle valves will all open in unison and thus be in synchronism. The wide-open posi- tions of the valves will take care of themselves and are, relatively, not so important as the closed positions. As a matter of fact, after the throttle valves are three-quarters of the way open, further opening will not have such influence on. the power or action of the engine. When the throttle valves are opened, the suction on the jets overcomes the suction at the priming holes, and the fuel is therefore drawn through the jets and the idling device is automatically put out of action. An adjustment is incorporated in the carburetor for the purpose of conserving the fuel supply by taking advantage of the lesser demand for fuel due to the decrease in air density met with in higher altitudes. The purpose is accomplished by "putting a brake" on the fuel supply thru the jets. The carburetor fuel bowl normally has atmospheric pressure existing within it, and this pressure is reduced by placing it in communication, thru a suitable channel and adjustable valve, with the inside of the carburetor barrel, where a low pressure condition exists during the run- ning of the engine. By thus reducing the pressure on the jets, their flow is decreased to a point where it compensates for the lesser weight of air being drawn into the carburetor, a proper air-gas mixture ratio is maintained, and wastage fuel eliminated. LIBERTY-DELCO IGNITION SYSTEM The ignition system as used on the Liberty engine is of Delco design, and made by the Dayton Engineering Labor- atories of Dayton, Ohio. It is a battery generator system and primarilly operates on the principle of the battery system, as described previously. The system consists essentially of six units, viz: two 62 THE LIBERTY ENGINE MODEL B Showing the incorporation of a reduction gearing enabling higher engine speeds and consequently increased Horse Power Output. The gearing keeps the propeller speed down to an efficient range. 63 distributor heads, storage battery, generator, switch, and volt- age regulator. Both distributor heads are identical and con- tain the breaker mechanism, condensor, induction coil, and distributor. The distributor segments, coils and secondary terminals, are encased in Baekelite so that they are fool proof. Also the coils are protected from dampness and consequent deterioration. This Baekelite assembly fastens to the rest of the head by clamps and thumb screws which act as coil ter- minals. Also contained in the entire assembly are the breaker mechanism, condenser, and distributor arm. The battery supplies the current for starting and is a four cell three volt storage type. The generator is a four pole, shunt wound, direct current machine, so arranged that at engine speeds of 650 r.p.m. and over it generates sufficient current to supply ignition and charge the battery. The volt- age regulator is used so that the charging rate may be kept constant and not increase excessively due to the increase of engine speeds. It operates on the Tyrrel principle by fluctuat- ing the generator field strength rapidly and consequently keep- ing the voltage output at what may be taken as a constant value. The switch assembly is a combination of two switches ; one to control the left hand distributor head, which is placed on the timing gear end of the left hand cam shaft; the other to control the right hand head located correspondingly on the right hand cam shaft. The switch is so arranged as to con- trol the circuits to each of the distributors, and generator to battery circuit. It also includes an ammeter which has proven very useful since it tells the condition of the ignition system at all times. The ammeter shows the charging rate of the generator, or the discharging rate of the battery whenever either or both switches are on, and at all engine speeds. Each distributor is connected to give twelve sparks every two revolutions of the crank shaft, thus firing one spark plug in each of the twelve cylinders. The advantage of this is more positive and 64 complete ignition, providing both sparks occur at the same instant, as they must be timed to do. This also provides a larger safety factor, since the engine will run with only one spark plug in each cylinder firing, the only effect being a slight drop in r.p.m. The breaker mechanism, instead of having only one set of breaker points, has two sets, w r hich are arranged in parallel and termed accordingly the parallel breakers. The advantage is again safety factor and the additional path for current flow when the points are together for an extremely short in- terval, as is the case at high engine speeds. Naturally two breaker points offer less resistance to the current flow than would one. The use of the safety factor is apparent in that one set of points may stick open, or become entirely inoper- ative for some reason, and yet the other set will carry the load and the engine will operate without hindrance ; the only difference being a slightly less intense spark at high speed. In a battery ignition system the source of current, being always constant, will cause induction to take place whenever the primary circuit is broken, regardless of the direction of rotation, as it is very often necessary, particularly when crank- ing by the propeller, to rock the motor. It may be readily seen that sane means be used to prevent ignition occurring, so that the danger of a back kick may be eliminated. This is accomplished by means of an auxiliary or third breaker point. This is also incorporated in the distributor, and is con- nected in parallel with the parallel breakers. It is so placed and timed, so that when the engine is rotated in the proper direction it will open slightly before the main points, thus causing no hindrance to the proper break. A small resistance unit is connected in series with the third breaker. \Yhen rotation in the improper direction occurs, the main points open first and the third point remaining closed, pro- vides a connection to the ground. Due to the resistance unit the primary current is so weakened in value that \vhen the 65 third point does open the induction caused is not strong enough to produce a spark. It must be noted, however, that this does not prevent the occurrence of one spark due to cranking with the spark in the advanced position. Consequently it is possible, as in any engine, to obtain a back kick, if the spark is not retarded when starting. It is, however, impossible for counter rotation to occur to more than this extent. The cam that operates the breakers has twelve lobes, and rotates at cam shaft speed. These lobes are spaced 22.5 and 37.5 apart. This unequal spacing is brought about by the angle between cylinder banks (45) which causes unequally spaced power impulses, consequently, unequally spaced sparks must be delivered. The battery is a storage type having four cells, its voltage when fully charged is approximately nine volts and must never be allowed to become discharged. The battery is tested with a hydrometer syringe, and the specific gravity of the electrolyte should be 1.280 to 1.310 for a full charge. To test battery with hydrometer, lay battery on side until electrolyte has run into the top chamber, then suck it out with hydrometer. The battery is of the non-spillable type, and differs from the ordinary automobile battery only in that respect. As the generator is only intended to keep the bat- tery fully charged, and not to recharge a discharged battery, a battery that shows a hydrometer reading of 1.225 or less should be taken off and charged from an external source. The generator requires no attention except for an oc- casional oiling. The regulator has one adjustment, and should not be in- terferred with. The charging rate of the generator is 1.5 to 3 amperes, and should only be adjusted with a fully charged battery, and by someone familiar with the regulator. The switch contains the ignition resistance units which are connected in series with the distributors. The function of these resistance units is to control the flow of current when the engine is being started or is running slow. If the engine 66 is stopped and one switch is thrown on (either one), the battery, is connected to the distributor controlled by that switch. If the breaker contacts have closed, there would be a very heavy discharge of current, which would soon weaken the battery. To overcome this the resistance unit is used, and it will only allow a discharge of 4 to 5 amperes (registered on amperes meter), which is all the current necessary for ignition. The engine is always started with one switch (either one) "on" and both switches should not be thrown "on" until the engine is running 650 r.p.m. or faster. With one switch on the battery is supplying the current, and the ampere meter will show a discharge; with both switches on and an engine- speed of 650 r.p.m. or faster, the generator is supplying the current, and the ampere meter will show "charge." It can be seen from the above, that with both switches on and an engine-speed of less than 650 r.p.m., the battery would be supplying the current for both distributors, and that the battery would also be discharging through the generator. The result would be a heavy drain on the battery, which would soon result in its being damaged, or completely exhausted. Con- ditions such as this are always indicated by a heavy "dis- charge" on the ampere meter and should be avoided by throw- ing "off" one switch. In order that the operation of the switch may be made clear, a diagram showing three positions of the switch is shown on the preceding page. Figure 1 shows the right switch in the position "on" for starting. The right switch moves the two blades G, and H, on and off the three contacts. These two blades are con- nected together. It can be seen that current will flow from the battery connected at A, through the ampere meter, then through the two blades, and out through the resistance unit (crooked line) to the right distributor connected at D. 67 68 Figure 2 shows the left switch in the position "on" for starting, and the same conditions prevail as in figure 1. ex- cept that the two blades E, and F, are insulated from each other, so that current flows through each blade independent of the other. It will be noticed in figures 1 and 2 that the ampere meter shows a discharge of approximately 4.5 amperes. The meter should always have a discharge of approximately 4.5 amperes, with engines stopped and one switch "on" pro- vided the breaker points in the distributor are closed. Figure 3 shows both switches "on/' and the meter indi- cating "charge." This condition is indicated for engine speeds of over 650 r.p.m. as the generator is now supplying the current. The generator circuit is completed from C through the blade F to blade H, from this blade the current can be traced to both distributors and to the batterv. 69 70 71 ORDER OF TEARDOWN U. S. N. LIBERTY MOTOR SCHOOL 1. Distributor head and high tension wire conduit. 2. Drain all oil. 3. Distributor mechanism. 4. Oil pipes. 5. Camshaft assembly. 6. Generator. 7. Mark carburetor and intake headers. 8. Water pipes and hose. 9. Breathers. 10. Carburetors. 11. Intake headers. 12. Propeller hub. 13. Cylinders. 14. Oil pump assembly and pump cover. 15. Water pump assembly. 16. Two camshaft drive shaft gear assembly. 17. Oil pump driving gears. 18. Water pump driving gears and shaft assembly. 19. Piston pin retainers. 20. Pistons. 21. Upper half crankcase. 22. Crank assembly. 23. Connecting rods and thrust bearing. NOTE: Each part to be thoroughly oiled to resist rust, and each part (where there is opportunity of mixing up) to be tagged. 72 TEARDOWN U. S. X. LIBERTY MOTOR SCHOOL 1 DUAL IGNITION SYSTEM: (a) Each distributor fires one plug in each cylinder through- out entire cylinders. (fr) Right distributor fires plugs on gear side of cylinder while the left fires the propeller side. (c) Disconnect high tension conduit which is attached to outlet water header by cap screws with no washers. (d) Remove the twelve insulated wires fastened to spark plugs, being careful not to spring ball-clips. Rubber ferrules on end, must be in perfect condition to assure perfect insulation. (c) Remove distributor heads held by wire clips along with the conduit. Care should be taken to bind the brushes with a rag or rubber band to prevent any breakage. 2 CAMSHAFT HOUSING ASSEMBLIES : (a) Remove distributor tie rod found in upper holes with boss down. (6) With spanner wrench remove collars on camshaft housings. A felt washer should be inserted in each collar to prevent oil leakage. (c) Loosen castle nuts on the twelve studs of each cam- shaft housing. Plain washers arc found under each nut. (d) Disconnect oil pipes leading to camshaft before re- moving camshaft assemblies which are marked either right or left. (f) Male splines on jack-shaft marked by a groove in one tooth. (f) Female spline carried two niches on collar. Both splines must coincide for timing. 73 3 GENERATOR: (a) Held by three castle nuts on studs. Plainwashers. Oil paper gaskets are found between generator pad and scat. (fr) Only one bearing in generator. (c) Power connections not marked. (d) Splines must fit closely to prevent any back lash (conic out rather hard). 4 CARBURETORS : (a) Unfasten carburetor tie-rod. Purpose of rod to make carburetors work simultaneously. (b) Watch taper pins that lock tie-rod. (c) Be careful of pins. Easily lost. (d) Two copper asbestos washers separate each carburetor from manifold. (c) Although interchangeable, mark each carburetor pro- peller end and gear end. (/) Each carburetor held by two anchor bolts with plain washer fastened to hot water intake header. 5 HOT WATER INTAKE HEADER: (a) Held by four castle Huts with washers at each end, having also two oil paper gaskets. (b) This parts, with carburetor, removed practically at the same time, holding one in each hand. 6 MANIFOLD OR INTAKE HEADERS: (a) Four in number, each held by six studs, castle nuts and washers, paper gaskets between each. (b) Each manifold stamped on exhaust port flange pro- peller end R. or L. and gear end R. or L. as the case may be. (c) Remove that manifold with with smallest bearing sur- face first. Found hire to be right side. (d) Inspect manifolds for loose cores which rattle. 74 7 WATER SYSTEM: (a) Remove both outlet water pipes from pump. Right side is longer than left. (b) Remove inlet water headers; both pipes are inter- changeable (hose hands). (c) Remove outlet water pipes of cylinders. Loosen all hose bands attached to cylinder. (d) Three flanges attached to each manifold and held there by two cap screws through each flange having driller heads (paper gaskets between manifolds and each flange). (e) Centrifugal water pump held by four studs with castle nuts. Paper gaskets separate pump pad and seat. (/) Pump intake points to the left, plugged hole found at the bottom. 8 BREATHERS (CRANKCASE) : (a) Held by two studs washers and castle nuts, has paper gasket between, also baffle plate screen. (b) On propeller end the three way distributor for oil fast- ened by two castle nuts, washers and has an oil paper gasket. 9 CYLINDERS (12): (a) Start from gear or propeller end and remove flange nuts between each cylinder. Six other castle nuts serve to hold skirt flange to cylinder pad. (fr) Paper gaskets between cylinder pads and flanges are cut to cover three cylinders. (c) Remove one spark plug before pulling cylinder off pis- ton to relieve vacuum. 10 PISTONS: (a) Bind studs at base of cylinder pad to prevent scratch- ing of pistons. 75 (b) With pliers remove piston pin retainers. (c) Drive out piston with brass plug, pounding it gently. (d) Piston pin should only he driven far enough to clear pin housing. (e) Each piston is marked right or left and its numerical position. (/) Allow rings in grooves to remain untouched. (g) Rings are common split type with two right and one left. The splits being set at 180 degrees apart. (/*) While removing piston pin, hold piston firmly so as not to throw connecting rods out of line. 11 GENERATOR AND CAMSHAFT ASSEMBLIES: (a) Remove gear case cap held by six cap screws drilled for wiring, no washers. (b) Remove jackt shaft assemblies held by four studs and castle nuts. (f) Should have a paper gasket between crank case and pad. (d) Each shaft marked right or left on the beveled gear, (r) Ball race retainers in assembly. (/) These shafts must be removed before generator shaft, as gears of former prevent removal of latter. REMOVE GENERATOR DRIVE SHAFT: (a ) Duty: to drive generator and two jack shafts. (b) Construction: With key-way in shaft for jack shaft gear and two spacing sleeves to hold it where it belongs. (c) Bevel gear has twenty-two teeth. 12 TIMING: (a) When No. 1 and No. 6 are 10 degrees past dead center, splines should be placed in line with center of cylinder. 76 13 REMOVAL OF LOWER CRAXKCASE: (a) Loosen fourteen nuts on anchor bolts, a plain washer is found beneath each. (b) Turn crankcase over allowing an anchor flange to rest on wooden blocks mounted on frame. (c) Remove two through bolts on each end of base. Also two anchor bolts nuts were found at propeller end and removed. Remove oil pump held by ten castle nuts with washers. A paper gasket found between. (J) Remove fifty hexagon head holding upper and lower crankcases together. (e) Lift off lower part of crankcase. 14 REMOVAL OF SPOOL GEAR: (a) Loosen set screw which holds assembly in place. (b) With case upright drive assembly through. (c) Upon measuring it it is found to be tapered .0007" over a distance of 2y 2 ". 15 FORK AXD PLAIX EXD COXXECTIXG RODS: (a) End play of connecting rod allowed .006", found to be as great as .016". (6) Babbitt metal bearing surface on fork rods- bronze on plain end. REASOX : (f ) Plain end rod is removed first by turning shaft to allow it to let go easily upon removing nuts. ( O I u G ~ ^ 2 "3 3 o, o iif ^ o a "E^ 2 I | G ill 2 v< JiJi ^ & U 2 llliMM lllliffi CJ ^ ;;;'.'.!;! '. "rt . IH 1 %'.'.'. 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Pistons expanding seizing Pistons expanding seizing , tc G E : 'o i : i o o, = I : - 1 1 I i 1 d | w g a 8 be s -2 S, 1 1 I 122 Jj S '3 E -o ~ E J3 Jrf ^ O U o cd 5, L) i-t U CJ 3 c3 cd cd cd U J J e ^ 1 Sj 6, r? o In a .S Jiw o -5 c 'o o rt 1 ^ || cd pq O 91 flj (J -M O > - *j ^ 'a'o a>^* v- rt ^ . ftg - C C O C 1) ^ tn 25 ^, ,*j 5 o < en tn C bo bo SP-5 "S w ^ J'^? S"42 H H< U H << S ', ^ rt ft o : |^^ i-. ^ \ {/i o 3 : ^ 3 rt O "a a s 2 1 ''(I li f . wire n lefective 1 u lls-fl Islj l| ll-g S-o'l rt V 1 PH CM J tj tS 92 INDEX Page Advanced Spark 47 Reasons for 4< Effects of 4 i Advanced Timing 4^ After Firing 15 Causes of 34 Air Bled Jet 32 Air Cooling 22 Air Gap 3! Altitude Adjustment 30 Reasons for 31 Effects of 31 Aluminum Pistons 86 Angle Between Banks 21, 53 Ammeter 64 Ampere 35 Armature 41 Auxiliary Air Valve 2 Babbit 87 Back-fire, Definition of 15 Causes of 34 Back Kick 15 Bakelite 64 Battery Ignition 36, 62 Bearing 11 Construction of 87 Berling Magneto 41 Bore 14 Bosch Magneto 41 Breaker Cam 38 Breaker Mechanism 37 Breaker Points 38 Adjustment 39 Bushing 11 Construction of 87 Cam Shaft . ..11-14 Cap Jet 29 Carburetion 2fi Carburetor, Curtiss 86 Hispano-Suiza 82 Liberty 60 Master 32 Miller 32 Model 48 D. C 82 Model U. S. 52 60 Simple 26 Stromberg 32 Zenith 26,60 Centrifugal Pump 23 Circuit . . . 37 Page Coil, Induction 37 Primary 37 Secondary 37 Combustion Chamber 3h Compensator 27 Compound Xozzle 27 Compression 16 Condenser 38 Failure of 31) Conductor 35 Connecting Rod 10, 14 Construction of 87 Construction, Materials of 8<> Contact 15 Cooling 22 Cooling System ~'-> Temperature of 23 Crank Case, Definition of 14 Construction of 87 Crank Shaft 11-14 Construction of 87 Rotation, Degrees of 45 Curtiss Engine 83 Cam Shaft S3 Carburetion 86 Connecting Rod 85 Cooling 86 Crank Shaft 85 Cylinder 83 Ignition 86 Lubrication 85 Pistons 85 Specifications of 83 Valve Operation 83 Cycle 14 Beginning of 16 Four Stroke 15 Principle and Operation of 15 Cylinder, Purpose of 10-11 Construction of 86 Dead Center 14 Delco Ignition 62 Ammeter 64 Battery 64 Breaker Mechanism 65 Breaker Points 65 Cam 66 For Running 67 For starting 67 Generator 64 Regulator 64 Resistance 66 Switch 67 93 INDEX Continued Page Dielectric ....................... 38 Direction of Rotation, Determina- tion of ....................... 46 Distributer ..................... 40 Segments ..................... 40 Arm ......................... 40 Dixie Magneto .................. 42 Diagram of ................... 43 Sparks per Revolution ......... 42 Speed of Rotation .............. 42 Dry Sump ...................... 24 Advantages of ............... 24-25 Reasons for .................. 24 Duct, Main ..................... 24 Oil .......................... 24 Eight Cylinder Arrangement ...... 21 Electricity ...................... 35 Electro-Magnet ................. 35 Electrode ....................... 36 Emergency Repairs .............. 49 Engine Characteristics, Liberty... 51 Curtiss ....................... 83 Hispano-Suiza ................ 79 Exhaust Flame, Color of ......... 34 Exhaust Stroke Failure of Condenser Firing Order, Determination of . . . Curtiss Hispano-Suiza Liberty Flame, Exhaust Float Chamber . Flux ; ; ; ; ; Reversal of 38 Force Feed Oiling Force Lines of Four Stroke Cycle Frequency Full Force Feed Geared Propeller Drive Generator Delco Ground High Frequency Hispano-Suiza Engine . , Cam Shaft Carburetor Connecting Rods Cooling Crank Shaft Cylinder Construction Ignition Lubrication . 16 39 48 83 79 51 34 26 35 42 25 35 15 39 25 19 64 40 39 79 79 82 81 82 81 81 82 81 Pistons Specifications of Starter Valves . . . Page . . 81 . . 7!) . . 82 . . 71) "I"-Head 17 Idling if, Idling Device 27, 33 Ignition 9, 16, 36 Delco 62 Magneto 41 Impeller 23 Improper Carburetion 33 Induction, Definition of 35 How Accomplished 35-36 Insulator 35 Intake Stroke 16 Jet . 26 "L"-Head 17 Lean Mixture, Effects of 34 Liberty Engine 51 Angle Between Banks 53 Army Type 58 Battery 64-66 Cam Shaft 55-57 Carburetor 60 Compression 58 Connecting Rods 58-59-60 Cooling 55 Crank Shaft 58 Cylinder 53-54-55 Ignition 62 Lubrication 55 Model B 63 Navy Type 58 Reduction of Vibration 53 Rocker Arms 56 Specifications of 51 Teardown 72-78 Lines of Force 35 Liquid Bodies, Law of 27 Lubrication, Effects of 24 Methods Used 24 Reasons for 24 Magnet, Electro and Permanent. . . 35 Magnetism 35 Magneto 41 Armature 41 Berling 41 Bosch 41 Dixie 42 Polar Inductor 42 Shuttle 41 94 INDEX Page Sparks per Revolution 42-43. Speed of Rotation 42-43 Timing : 48 Main Jet 29 Manif 9 lds 10,14 Materials of Construction 86 Mica 38 Mixture 27 Multi-cylinders 20 Ohm ... 35 Oil Duct 24 Oil Gauges 24 Pumps 24 Oil, Use of 25-26 Changing of 26 Oscillatory Current 38 Discharge 39 Overheating 22, 49, 90 . . 10, 14 Piston, Purpose of Construction of 87 Piston Displacement 14 Piston Pin 10 Construction of 87 Piston Ring 87 Piston Travel, Measurement of . . . 45 Polar Inductor 42 Pop Back 15 Power Stroke 16 Power, Unit of 35 Power of Curtiss 83 of Hispano-Suiza 79 of Liberty 51 Power, Increase of 17, 19, 21, 30 Pressure Oiling System 25 Pressure Relief Valve 25 Primary Circuit 40 Interruption of 37, 44 Primary Coil 37 Primary Current 37 Propeller Alignment 19 Drive 18-19 Speeds 19 Thrust 19 Radiators 22 Regulator, Voltage 64 Tyrrel 64 Repairs 49, 88-89-90-91-92. Emergency 49 Resistance 35 Retarded Spark, Reason for 47 Effects of 47 Retarded Timing 49 Page Reversal of ' Flux ;, \ .V, .*,} < ^.38, 42 Rich Mixture, Effects of 34 Rocker Arm 14-18 Rotation, Direction of 46 Determination of 46 Rotary Pole 42 Rotary Shuttle 41 Secondary Circuit 40 Secondary Coil 37 Current 37 Shuttle 41 Spark Advance 47 Spark Plug 36 Spark Retard 47 Stroke 14 Sump, Definition of 14 Dry 24 "T"-Head 17 Teardown, Order of, for Liberty.. 72 Details of, for Liberty 73-78 Thermo- Syphon 23 Thrust Bearing . . 14 Timing Gears 14 Timing, Magneto . . . >. 48 Valves . . 44 Trouble Charts 88-92 Twelve-Cylinder Arrangement .... 21 Tyrrel Regulator 64 Vee Type Engine 21 Valve Action 44 Valve Clearance, Definition 18 Reason for and effect of 18 Adjustment of 46 Valve Closing 44 Valves, Exhaust and Intake 10-11 Construction of 87 Grinding 18 Location 17 Movements of 17 Opening 44 Operation, Chart of 44 Springs 14 Timing 44 Reasons for 45 Venturi 29-3C Vibration 20,92 Voltage Regulator 64 Volt 25 Water Circulation 22 Water Cooling 22 Jackets 22 Pumps 23 Watt 35 95 IF IT IS A MILITARY OR NAVAL PUBLICATION YOU DESIRE WRITE TO EDWIN N. 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