THE FLOWER GARDEN. WITH AN ESSAY OX THE POETRY OF GARDENING. V7' REPRINTED FROM THE 'QUARTERLY REVIEW.' LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. 1852. THE following Essay on Flowers appeared originally in the Quarterly Eeview in the year 1842. Though many ad- ditions and corrections might now be made, it has been thought better on the whole to print it almost word for word as it was first published. A Chapter on the Poetry of Gardening, by the same writer, which first appeared in another Miscellany, has been added, as embodying, though under . a somewhat conceited form, the same views of Gardening at greater length. March, 1852. 0349359 B2 CONTENTS. . Page Excellence of gardening .... 5 Its patrons 5 Its authors 5 Royal patronage 6 History of gardens 7 The Romans and Greeks.... 9 Schools of gardening 10 Italian 11 French 12 Versailles 12 Extravagancies 13 Dutch 17 English 19 Shenstone 19 Price on the Picturesque.... 20 The formal and the natural style 22 Modern progress of horti- culture 25 Newspapers 25 Societies 26 Florists 27 Tulipomania 27 Endless varieties 28 Names of flowers 29 Pedantry of gaixleners 31 Orchideous plants 32 Use in manufactures 34 Ferns 35 Ward's glass-cases 36 The sick chamber 38 Curiosities of gardening .... 41 Darwin 41 Floating gardens 43 Travelling gardens 44 Lady-cardeners 44 Page Mrs. Loudon 45 Watering 47 Lawns 47 Walks 47 Edgings 49 Progress of gardening 51 Exhibitions of Horticultural Society 53 Old English style 54 'Poetry of Gardening ' 55 A perfect garden 56 Hollyocks 57 Bromley Hill 57 Site 59 I Hemlock-spruce 60 Berberis 60 | Deodara 61 Herb-garden 62 Maze 63 Mound 63 Bowling-green 63 Oxford gardens 64 Formal style 64 Evelyn's hedge 65 Associations of gardens 66 Lovers of gardens 67 English climate 68 Hybernation of plants 70 Blessings of gardening 72 To all classes 72 Christian teaching 74 To the poor man 75 To the clergy 77 Seedlings 79 Flower-decoration 80 Poetry of Gardening 83 THE FLOWER GAEDEN. IF Dr. Johnson would not stop to inquire " whether landscape-gardening demands any great powers of the mind," we may surely be excused from the like investigation on the humbler subject of gardening- proper. But whether or not these pursuits demand, certain it is that they have exercised, the talents of as numerous and brilliant an assemblage of great names as any one subject can boast of. Without travelling into distant times or countries, we find among our own philosophers, poets, and men of taste, who have deemed gardening worthy their regard, the names of Bacon, Evelyn, Temple, Pope, Addi- son, Sir William Chambers, Lord Kames, Shenstone, Horace Walpole, Alison, Hope, and Walter Scott. Under the first and last of these authorities, omitting all the rest, we would gladly take our stand in de- fence of any study to which they had given their sanction on paper and in practice. Even in its own exclusive domain, gardening has raised no mean school of literature in the works of Gilpin, Whateley, the Masons, Knight, Price, and Eepton. Time would fail us to tell of all those royal and 6 THE FLOWER GARDEN. noble personages whom old Grerarde enumerates in. his ' Herbal ' as having either " loved to live in gar- dens," or written treatises on the subject. We know that Solomon " spoke of plants, from the cedar that is in Lebanon to the hyssop that groweth out of the wall:" though here the material surpassed the workmanship, for in all his wisdom he discoursed not so eloquently, nor in all his glory was he so richly arrayed, as " one lily of the field." The vegetable drug mithridate long handed down the name of the King of Pontus, its discoverer, " better knowne," says Grerarde, " by his soveraigne Mithridate, than by his sometime speaking two-and-twenty lan- guages." " What should I say," continues the old herbalist, after having called in the authorities of Euax king of the Arabians, and Artemisia queen of Caria, " what should I say of those royal personages, Juba, Attalus, Climenus, Achilles, Cyrus, Masynissa, Semyramis, Dioclesian " all skilled in " the excel- lent art of simpling ? " We might easily swell the list by the addition of royal patrons of horticulture in modern times. Among our own sovereigns, Elizabeth, James I., and Charles II. are mentioned as having given their personal superintendence to the royal gardens, while a change in the style of lay- ing out grounds is very generally attributed to the accession of William and Mary though we doubt whether a horticultural genius would have met with any better or more fitting reception from the hero of the Boyne than did the great wit to whom he offered a cornetcy of dragoons. The gardens of Tzarsco-celo PATRONS OF GARDENING. and of Peterhoff were severally the summer resorts of Catherine I. and Elizabeth of Russia, where the one amused herself with building a Chinese village, and the other by cooking her own dinner in the summer-house of Monplaisir. There are more thrill- ing associations connected with the Jardin Anglais of the Trianon at Versailles, where some rose-trees yet grow which were planted by Marie Antoinette ; nor will an Englishman easily forget the grounds of Claremont, which yet cherish the memory and the taste of that truly British princess who delighted to superintend even the arrangement of the flowers in the cottage-garden. At the present moment great things are promised at Windsor, both in the orna- mental and useful department ; and we trust that the alterations now in progress, avowedly under the eye of royalty, will produce gardens as worthy of the sovereign and the nation, as is the palace to which they are attached. Little new is to be said upon the history of gar- dening. Horace Walpole and Daines Barrington have well-nigh exhausted the subject, and all later writers go over the same ground. Beginning with the Eden of our first parents, we have the old stories of the orchard of the Hesperides, and the dragon, and the golden fruit (now explained to be oranges) the gardens of Adonis the Happy Isles the hanging terraces of Babylon till, with a passing glance at those of Alcinous and Laertes, as described by Homer, we arrive at the Gardens of Epicurus and the Academe of Plato. Roman history brings 8 THE FLOWER GARDEN. up the rear with the villas of Cicero and Pliny, the fruits of Lucullus, the roses of Psestum, and Caesar's " Private arbours and new-planted orchards On this side Tiber." To how different a scene in each of these instances the term " garden " has been applied we have now no time to inquire ; but we may perhaps be allowed, before entering upon the fresher and more inviting scene of the English parterre, to say one word in correction of an error common to all writers on the horticulture of the ancients. They would have us consider all classical gardens as little more than kitchen-gardens or orchards to use the expression of Walpole, " a cabbage and a gooseberry -bush." This is a great mistake. The love of flowers is as clearly traceable in the poets of antiquity as in those of our own times, and their allusions to them plainly show that they were cultivated with the greatest care. Fruit-trees no doubt were mingled with their flowers, but in the formal, or indeed in any style, this might be made an additional beauty. The very order* indeed of their olive-groves had a protecting deity at Athens, and with such exactness did they set out the elms which supported their vines that Virgil compares them to the rank and file of a Roman legion. But the " fair-clustering " f narcis- sus and the " gold-gleaming " crocus were reckoned among the glories of Attica as much as the nightin- gale, and the olive, and the steed ; and the violet J * Soph. (Ed. Col. 705. f Ibid. 682. J Aristoph. Equit. 1324. Acharn. 637. ANCIENT GARDENS ROMAN GREEK. was as proud a device of the Ionic Athenians as the rose of England, or the lily of France. The Ko- mans are even censured by their lyric poet* for allowing their fruitful olive-groves to give place to beds of violets, and myrtles, and all the " wilder- ness of sweets." The first rose of spring f and the " last rose of summer " { have been sung in Latin as well as English. Ovid's description of the Floralia will equal any account we can produce of our May- day ; nor lias Milton himself more glowingly painted the flowery mead of Enna than has the author of the Fasti. Cicero distinctly enumerates the cultiva- tion of flowers among the delights of the country ; and Virgil |] assures us that, had he given us his Georgic on Horticulture, he would not have for- gotten the narcissus or acanthus, the ivy, the myrtle, or the rose-gardens of Pgestum. The moral which Burns drew from his " mountain daisy " had been marked before both by Virgil Tf and Catullus ; ** and indeed a glance at the Eclogues, the Georgics, or the Fasti, will show the same love of flowers in their authors which evidently animated the great comedian of Greece, where he describes the gentle- men of " merry old Athens " as " redolent of honey- suckle and holidays ;" |f an( l which is so conspicuous in our own Shakspeare as to have led to some late * Hor. ii. xv. 5. f Virg. Georg. iv. 134. J Hor. Od. i. xxviii. 3. " Nee vero segetibus solum, et pratis, et vineis, et artmstis res rusticas la?tae sunt, sed etiam in hortis et pomariis ; turn pecudum pastu, apium examinibus, florum omnium varietate." De Sen., c. 15. || Georg. iv. 124. f .En. ix. 435. ** Catull. xi. ft