List of T.ri ne g of Utah, Represented by Samples of Ore at the North, Central ft South American Industrial nosition, at New Orleans, La, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES ROBERT ERNEST COWAN LIST -OF MINESIOFIUTAH, REPRESENTED BY SAMPLES OF ORE AT THE- INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, P. EDW'D CONNOR, COMMISSIONER FOR UTAH, i __ _ jCLIFT HOUSEJ HEADQUARTERS j FOR MINING & STOCKMEN, , SALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH. FRANK FOOTE $alt lake Sampling forks, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. fhf inlg tamplinj 11 in |tal| fsinj Jolls. J J w Whereby I can guarantee an accurate sample of all classes of ore by crushing to any desired fineness so as to obtain the actual value. The works will be under my entire supervision. All con- signments will receive prompt and careful attention. On OFFICE, 139 S. MAIN ST. MILL, NEAR U. C. DEPOT. P. O. BOX, 565. LIST OF MINESIOFIUTAH, REPRESENTED BY SAMPLES OF ORE AT THE- INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, P, EDW'D CONNOR, COMMISSIONER FOR UTAH, Parties Desiring Information Concerning MINING AND LIVE STOCK INVESTMENTS. Enquire at the UTAH EXHIBIT. of P. EDWARD CONNO'K, Commissioner. List of Mines of Utah. UINTAH DISTRICT SUMMIT COUNTY ONTARIO MINE (Patented.) Located July 19, 1872. Is a true fissure vein, in a quartzite country rock, asso- ciated with and parallel to a large dyke of porphyry. The general course is nearly E. and W. and dips north from 60 to 80 belo\V the horizon. The ore-chute is 1,500 feet long, varying in width from six inches to ten feet- average width about three feet. Average assay value $146. It is mliling ore, dry crushing, and using Stete- feldt chloridizing furnace and amalgamation. Ninety-three thousand eight hundred tons of ore extracted and worked, market value $125.60 per ton including bullion discount. Has produced $11,725,000 down to the 6oo-foot level, or nearly $2,000,- ooo from each level of 100 feet in depth by 1,500 feet long. The 700 and 8oo-feet levels are now being opened, and the main working shaft is down to the goo- foot level ready to cross-cut the vein. Pays regular monthly dividends of $75,000. Owned by the Ontario Silver Mining Company; J. B. Haggin, President, San Fian- ^ cisco, Cal.; R. C. Chambers, Superintendent, Salt Lake City, Utah, en McHENRY MINE (Patented.) Located in 1872. Course of vein nearly E. and W. ; dip north, nearly vertical; co length of ore-chute unknown. Country rock quartzite and porphyry. Drain tunnel ' in about 1,500 feet and 400 feet below discovery outcrop. Average value of ore 2| about $80 per ton; (no statement of the output). Situated one and one-half miles g east of the Ontario and probably on the same fissure. Owned by an incorporated 13 company in Amsterdam, Holland; F. A. Van Hall, President, Utrecht, Holland; J. 11. F. Van Enschut, Agent, Park City, Utah. GLENCOE MINE. Located in 1879. Course E. and W. (dip not given); length of ore-chute 1,500- feet. Country rock quartzite and porphyry. Smelting ore 65 per cent, lead and 55 ozs. silver per ton. Tunnel on vein 460 feet long; 250 tons of ere extracted. Owned by Richard Grant and Michael Shaughnessy, Salt Lake City, Utah. FOURTH OF JULY MINE (Patent Applied For). Located Aug. 30, 1880. Course of vein N. 86 30' E. (dip not given). Coun- try rock quartzite, limestone and porphyry. Smelting ore 42 per cent, lead, 69.62 ozs. silver per ton. Depth of shaft 50 feet; drift east 50 feet and west 25 feet on vein 304998 4 MMES Of UTAH, 20 tons of ore extracted; market value about $75 per ton. Owned by f hos. Cttpit, E. A. Shear, j. S. Cook and Patrick F. Brennan, all of Park City, Utah. LOWELL MIXING COMPANY. A strong fissure lode in quartzite and porphyry country rock. Course of lode E. and W. ; dip N. 70 degrees below the horizontal plane. Is an easterly continuation of the Ontario lode. Average assay, about 70 oz. silver per ton; ranging from 30 to 500 ozs. per ton. Depth of engine shaft 324 feet; length of levels on 224-foot station 600 feet. Began sloping June, 1882. Cross-cutting and level started on 324-foot level; vein 60 feet between walls, with ore-streak six inches to six ieet on each wall. Sam- ples of ore on exhibition; milling ore like the Ontario. Owned by Walker Bros, and Dr. J. M.< Williamson, of Salt Lake City, Utah. JUPITER AND LIBERTY MINES. Jupiter located Oct. 3, 1874, and Liberty located April, 1881 Patents applied for. Course of Jupiter, N. E. and S. W., and of Liberty, E. and W. Country rock silicious lime and shale. Length of ore-chute unknown. Workings consist of a tun- nel 160 feet long and an incline 40 feet deep; eight or ten tons of ore out. Assays range about 40 per cent, lead, 150 to 800 ozs. silver, $5 to $250 gold and 10 to 18 per cent, copper per ton. Smelting ore. Owned by the Park Mining & Milling Company, of Council Bluffs; J. J. Russell, President, Des Moines, Iowa; T- L. and Chas. Street, Local Agents, Park City, Utah. CREOLE MINE (Patent Applied For). Located July 4, 1875. Course N. E. and S. W.; length of ore vein 1,497 feet- Country rock quartzite. Assays, lead 30 to 60 per cent., 20 to 50 ozs. silver per ton. Incline down 35 feet and, a shaft 20 feel at bottom of incline; a tunnel 112 feet to cut the vein. Samples on exhibition. Owned by David F. Condon, E. Condon and Fra,nk R. Moore, Park City, Utah. Smelting ore. EMPIRE MINE (Patented). Course of vein E. and W. ; dip N. at a very steep angle. Is a true fissure vein in quartzite country rock. Main shaft down 400 feet; four cross-cuts from shaft to the vein. One thousand tons of ore extracted, worth in the market $75 per ton. Samples on exhibition, assaying from $200 to $600 per ton. Owned by the Empire Mining Company of Utah, G. D. Crowell, President, 52 Wall street, New York; J. F. Crowell, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. PROVO IRON MINE. Located in 1878. Course N. E. and S. W. ; country rock is limestone; used for a flux in smelting the lead ores of the district. Analysis: Silica 12 to 40 per cent. Iron 62 per cent. Alumina trace. Carbonate Lime trace Sulphur o. 50-100* Oxygen 24. 98.90 :f OP U'.i- S Ore-bed varying 55 to 85 feet wide depth unknown 15 feet being the deepest workings. Fifteen hundred tons of ore extracted, worth $12 per ton atJ^ark City. Owned by Park City Smelting Company, of Michigan; II. J. Holljster, President, Grand Rapids, Michigan; K. I 1 . Ferry, General Manager, Park City, Utah. WOODSIDE MINE -(Patented). Located in 1872. Course of vein northeasterly; is a bedded vein in lime and shale country rock; the ore-chutes irregular and pockety. Assays lead, 40 per cent., 60 ozs. silver and $4 to $7 gold per ton. Five hundred feet of drift and levels run. Market value of ore per ton, $70. Is a good smelting ore. Owned by Edward P. Ferry, Park City, Utah. REBELLION MINE (Patent Applied For.) Located in December, 1879. Course of vein N. 74 E. : has a limestone foot- wall and a shaly lime hanging-wall. Is a bedded, vein, one to eight feet thick, dip- ping nearly north at angles varying from 18 to 25 below the horizon. The work- ing tunnel is in 460 feet, drifts and slopes on ore about 300 feet. Twelve hundred tons of ore extracted; average assay, about 56 per cent, lead, So ozs. silver and $5 gold per ton. A splendid smelting ore; good samples on exhibition. Owned by the Rebellion Silver Mining Company of Utah. E. P. Ferry, President, Park City. SILVER KEY MINE. (Patent Applied For). Located in 1879. Course of vein N. E. and S. \V.; length of ore-chute too fset as far as developed. Foot-wall, bluish limestone; hanging-wall, shaly limestone. Assays show 45 per cent, lead and 50 o/.s. silver per ton a good smelting ore. Owned by the Silver Key Mining Company; U. J. \Yenner, President and Manager, Park City, Utah. [I have included all these mines in the Uintah District, because they all belong in the same group, and all have Park City for the centre of population and supply and postoffice address. More than half the mines are not represented. J. E. C., Commissioner.] GORDON MINING DISTRICT BEAVER AND MIL- LARD COUNTIES. CAVE CRKEK MIXING CLAIM. General course of deposit N. and S. Sulphur beds mixed with earthy impuri- ties. Owned by Ferdinand Dickcrt, Salt Lake City. BEAVER MIXING CLAIM. Located in 1870. General course of deposit N. and S: extent of claim 2,ooox tf UfAtt, 1,300. Crude sulphur mixed with earthy matter; depth of beds unknown at a. depth of 2 feet the sulphurous gasses prevented further progress. Owned by Ferdi- nand Dickert, Salt Lake City. SULPHUR KING MINING CLAIM. (Patented). General trend of deposit N. and S. Owned by Ferdinand Dickert, Salt Lake City. MAMMOTH MINING CLAIM. (Patented). Sulphur bed. General course N. and S. Owned by Strohm & Reitzenstein, New York City, and Ferdinand Uickert, Salt Lake City. UTAH & CONQUEROR MINING CLAIM. (Patented). Located June, 1875. General course of deposits or beds, N. and S.; extent of claim 1, 500 by 600; depth of beds unknown. Owned by F. W. Billing, Salt Lake City, and G. Billing, Denver, Colorado. [These sulphur beds are very extensive and capable of supplying any required amount of crude sulphur at very small cost for labor.] BEAVER LAKE MINE, NO. 2. (Patented). Discovered 1880. Course N. W. Smelting ore; lead, 75 per cent, silver 100 to 1*30 ozs. and $8 gold per ton. Output 185 tons, market value $80 to $120 per ton. Owned by Philip Schwartz., Frisco, Beaver county, Utah. CAMP FLOYD DISTRICT. GEYSER MINE. Located in 1872. Course N. and S.; a magnesian shale and lime bed, carrying 3 per cent, mercury and a few dollars in gold per ton. The ore bed is traceable for a mile or two in length, and lies 150 to 200 feet above the Carrie Steel and Sparrow- hawk silver zone of quartzite. Owners, Matthew T. Cisborn and E. F. I)oyl<-, Salt Lake City, Utah. TIP TOP MARBLE QUARRY. Near Wah Wah Springs. Discovered 1882. Course N. F. and S. W,; b in contact with granite. Owner, Ben. Johnson, Frisco, Beaver county, Utah. MINES OF UTAH. 7 PREUSS DISTRICT BEAVER COUNTY. CONTACT MARBLE QUARRY. Located 1879. Course of bed E. arid W. ; traced out 900 feet long; sawingand cutting marble; 15 tons quarried. Owners, I lenrichsen & Schwartz, Frisco, Beaver county, Utah. CONTACT MINE. (Patented). Located in 1879. Course N. E. Smelting ore lead, 20 per cent.; silver, 185 ozs, and gold $10 to $12 per ton; output, 240 tons. Owned by Philip Schwartz and S. A. Henrichson, Frisco, Beaver county, Utah. LINCOLN DISTRICT BEAVER COUNTY. DECEMBER MINE. Located in 1878. Course N. E. and S. W.; contact vein, between porphyry or trap and white limestone. Smelting ore lead, 33 per cent.; silver 100 ozs. and $8 to $10 gold per ton. Shaft down 100 feet deep; another 40 feet; tunnel in 130 feet. About 15 tons of ore out; $45 per ton net. Owned by the December Gold & Silver Mining Company; Judge J. S. Boreman, President, Salt Lake City, Utah. ROCKY DISTRICT BEAVER COUNTY. OLD HICKORY MINE. Discovered 1876. Course of vein N. and S.; chimney opened 80 feet long; vein nearly vertical. Copper ore; average assay of first-class ore copper, 43 per cent; silver, 15 ozs; gold, trace. Two shafts 80 feet deep, level run 139 feet, cross- cut 57 feet. Market value of first-class ore said to be $80. Owners, J. F. M. Rocky- fellow, G. W. Roberts, W. C. Sanders, J. M. Langsdorf and S. G. Gilliland. Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. HOT SPRINGS DISTRICT SALT LAKE COUNTY. GENERAL SCOTT AND HENRY LODES. (Patented). Discovered 1874. Course, N. E. and S. W. ; veins nearly vertical, in lime- stone country rock. Assays lead, 65 per cent; silver, 19 ozs.; gold, a trace. Fifty to sixty tons of ore extracted. Owned by Henry W. Lawrence, Salt Lake City. MINES OF UTAH. IRON DISTRICT IRON COUNTY. IIAWLEY COAL MINK. Discovered in 1880. Course of beds southeasterly; country rock is sandstone and shale. Four hundred feet of tunnel run. Owned by K. f. Ilawley, Silver Reef, Utah. WILLARD DISTRICT BOX ELDER COUNTY. IRON CHIEF MINE. Vein of solid iron ore, 10 feet thick; carries 56 per cent metallic iron. Owned by T- R- Bamberger and B. F. Jones, Salt Lake City, Utah. Analysis: Phosphoric . Sulphuric A Sisquioxide of Iron 76.217 Protoxide of Iron 438 Silica 1.211 Alumii : Acid. . . . : Acid . Lime.. . . Magnesia 127 Combined Water 12.110 Hyproscopic Moisture 4.810 Metallic Iron 53-693 Phosphorus 109 Sulphur 1.220 PLEASANT VALLEY EMERY COUNTY. WHITE QUAKTEX COAL MINE. Discovered in 1878. Course a little north of west and south of cast. Hal six to eight feet of good bituminous eoal. Analysis; Volatile Matter 44-125 Fixed Carbon 53-775 Sulphur 086 Ash : 2.100 Main tunnel in 300 yards, with two cross-entries on each side of main tunnel 50 to 100 yards each. Owners, Denver & Rio Grande Western Railway Company. Lessees, David and L. A. Williams. MINERAL VtAX(Utahceritt COVIXGTON CLAIM. In Utah county, on headwaters of Spanish Fork Canyon, near Denver & Rio MINES' OF UTAH. 9 Grande Western Railway. In beds of fossil shale of Tertiary age. Owned by E. Covington, Salt Lake City, Utah. AMERICAN OIL MINE. Wasalch county. Discovered 1882. Strike of beds X. and S.; 16 miles north of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railway, on north branch of Spanish jft>rk Canyon. Owned by G. W. Rose, C. Fernandcl and II. Lawson, Salt Lake City. ROSE MINE. Discovered 1881. Same neighborhood as the above. Shale bed 100 feet thick, overlaid by 25 feet of sandstone containing oil. Owned by G. W. Rose. STODDARD MINE. Located in 1881, in Nine Mile Canyon, a branch of Spanish Eork Canyon; heavy shale beds, with exudations of mineral wax. Near Denver A Rio Grande Western Railway. Owned by G. W. Rose, C. Fcrnandel and H. Lawson, Salt Lake City, Utah. LITTLE COTTONWOOD DISTRICT SALT LAKE COUNTY. FLAGSTAFF MINE (Patented). Located July, 1867. Course of lode N. W. and S. E. Ore-chutes or chimneys varying from 350 feet to a few feet in length, with maximum width of 35 to three or four feet ; at present two chutes or chimneys are being worked, one about 300 feet long, with maximum width of 14 feet, and one pipe, 8 by 4 feet; ore carrying 50 to 75 ozs. per ton galena, carbonate and oxide of iron. Country rock, silurian lime- Stone, gray and white lime below and dark, shaly limestone hanging-wall. Depth of mine about 1,000 feet, with levels varying in length from 800 to 1,450 feet; 103,- ooo tons of ore extracted, giving an average assay value of $60 per ton. Owned by the Flagstaff Mining Company (Limited) London; Prof. M. Vincent, President, London; Mathias Gundeison, Manager, Alia, Utah. A good set of samples on exhi- bition. F.MMA MINE (Patented). Located in 1869. Course N. W. anil S. E; dip N. E. into the mountain; foot- wall country rock, gray limestone: hanging-wall, dark bluish limestone. Average assay of ore about 50 per cent, lead and 100 ozs. silver per ton. Greatest depth of mine 650 feet; output of ore about 40,000 tons. Owned in London, England, by the New Emma Silver Mining Company; George Cullen, Superintendent, Salt Lake City, Utah. A good set of samples on exhibition. 2 I MINES OF UTAH. JOAB LAWRENCE MINE (Patented). Located in 1867. Situated between the Flagstaff and Emma mines, on same lode. Country rock, gray limestone foot-wall and dark limestone hanging-wall. Course N. \V. and S. E. ; dip N. E. at a high angle. Workings 600 feet deep, with 5,oop feet :>f levels and drifts. Output about 10,000 tons, worth in the market $75 per ton; average first-class samples on exhibition give 53 per cent, lead and 204 16- IOO ozs. silver per ton. Owned by Joab Lawrence and Chas. Reed, Salt Lake City. CITY ROCK CONSOLIDATED MINES (Patented). Consists of the City Rock, King of the West, Freeland, Queen Dowager, Utah No. I, Utah No. 2 and Utah No. 3. Course of lode N. E. and S. W.; dip N. W. 70 to 80 below the horizontal plane. This is a true fissure vein in limestone coun- try rock. Explored to a depth of 650 feet and 2,000 feet in length on the vein; ore is mainly a soft carbonate of lead, carrying $35 to $150 per ton in silver; average market value about $40 per ton, Good samples of the hard and soft carbonates on exhibition. Owner and Manager, Lemuel U. Colbath, Salt Lake City, Utah. LAVINIA & GRIZZLEY (Patented). Located Nov. 12, 1869, and April 9, 1870. Course of vein nearly N. and S.; is a. nearly vertical fissure vein in limestone country rock, with several lateral spurs and branching veins. Ores are in most part soft carbonates, carrying from 40 to 100 ozs. in silver per ton. Has been a large producer, but no statistics sent in with the samples. Owned by A. E. Goodrich of Chicago, 111.; H. C. Wallace, Agent, Alia City, Utah. GARDNER & MORRILL MINING COMPANY. Owners of Morrill & Sowles, Snowstorm Nos. i, 2 and 3, Lincoln, Lord Low- don, Coalpit, Peosta and Lewis mining claims. Developments consist of a tilnnel 550 feet long and drifts 600 feet. O. L. Gardner, 183 Canal street, New York, Presi- dent and Treasurer; J. C. Morrill, Supenntendant, Alta City, Utah. Good set of samples on exhibition. GUNDERSON MINE. Located 1880. Course of vein N. E. and S. W. Samples on exhibition said to assay 40 per cent, lead and $200 silver per ton. Owned by Gunderson and So- rensen, Alta City, Utah. MOLTKE MINE (Patented). Located October, 1872. Twenty tons of ore extracted said to IK- worth $150 per Ion. Samples on exhibit, carrying 64 per cent, lead and 146 ozs. silver per ton. Owned by Henry Wagner, Salt Lake City, Utah. MINES OF UTAH. II BIG COTTONWOOD DISTRICT SALT LAKE COUNTY. ANTELOPE AND PRINCE OF WALES (Patented). Located June 15, 1870. Course of vein N. E. and S. \V. ; length of ore-ckute 2,000 feet. True fissure vein in limestone; explorations 1,100 feet deep have pra- ducecl 12,000 tons, worth in the market $90 to $100 per ton. Owned principally by Walker Bros. Salt Lake City, Utah. Good samples on exhibition. MAXFIELD MINE. Some good samples, said to assay 65 per cent, lead and 150 ozs. silver per t. No data sent in with samples. W. F. James, Superintendent, Salt Lake City. HAYS MINE (Patented). Located in 1877. Course N. E. and S. W.; extent of ore body unknown. About 500 feet of tunnel, shaft, drifts and incline in the way of development. Sam- ples sent in said to assay 40 per cent, and upward in lead and $8 to $100 in silver per ton. About 50 tons of ore on the dump; none sent to market yet. Owned by John H. Scott, Salt Lake City, Utah. IRMA MINE. Located 1882. Course of vein easterly and westerly; quartzite foot-wall, white lime hanging-wall; ore-chute 50 feet long; prospect shaft 20 feet deep. Samples said to assay 45 per cent, lead and 65 o/s. silver per ton. Owned by Gvjstave Peter- son, J. B. Cecil and W. H. Schock. PICKWICK MINE (Patent Applied For). Located 1871. Course northerly and southerly; length of ore-chute or chimney 100 feet, Country rock grayish-white and blue limestone. Ore said to assay 40 per cent, lead and 200 ozs. silver per ton. Tunnel in 190 feet. Owned by E. L. Pres- ton and John Warley. OPHIR MINE. Located 1870. Course of vein N. E. and S. W. Assay value 50 per cent, lead and 50 o/.s. silver per ton. No other particulars sent in with the samples. Owned by Franklin Reed, H. C. Goodspeed, F. H. May and S. H. Chapman. Frad C. Reed, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. REED & BENSON MINE (Patented). Located in 1870. Course N. E. and S. W T . No statement of the extent of e-x- plorations. Assays about 38 per cent, lead and no ozs. silver per ton. Owned by Franklin Reed, H. C. Goodspeed, Rufus Hatch, F. H. May and S. II. Chapwati. Fred. C. Reed, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. 12 MINES OF UTAH. NOTE. The ores in both the Cottonwood districts are silver-lead in the form of carbonate and galena the carbonates predominating largely in the portions of the lodes and deposits above water-level, which varies, according to locality, from 100 to 1,000 feet below the outcrop. Below the water-level the ores are unaltered sulphides of the various metals, such as iron, zinc, copper, lead and silver. The country rock is mainly limestone of the Silurian and Devonian ages, underlaid by heavy beds of schist and quartzite, all more or less displaced by eruptive masses of granite and trav- ersed by porphyry dykes representing at least two periods of eruption. The ore bodies occur in a great variety of irregular forms, including a few true fissure veins such as the Prince of Wales and City Rock. TINTIC DISTRICT JUAB COUNTY. DRAGON MINE-(IRON). Course of lode E. and W. Worked by an open cut; 50,000 tons of ore extract- ed; used as a flux for the lead smelters in Jordan Valley, near Salt Lake. Analysis: Metallic Iron 61.60 Silica 3. 20 Sulphur . .% 0.07 Phosphems o. 29 Manganese i. ^ Good samples on exhibition. Owners, Tintic Iron Company; Geo. Y. Wallace, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. EUREKA HILL MINE (Patented). Located February, 1870. Course of vein nearly N. and S. ; carries ore through a length of 2,200 feet; country rock, limestone. Some portions of the lode carries chloride milling ores, and other portions has lead carbonate smelting ore. Several thousand tons of both milling and smelting ore has been extracted. Average market value about $30. Explored by a shaft and levels to a depth of 400 feet. Good sam- ples are on exhibition. Owned by the Eureka Hill Mining Company; J. Q. Pack- ard, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. NORTHERN SPY MINE. Located Oct. I, 1880. Course of vein nearly N. and S. ; ore-chute explored 200 feet in length; vein 6 to 20 feet wide, in limestone country rock. Depth of working shaft 160 feet. T^vo thousand seven hundred tons of ore extracted; milling ore, dry cimshing and roasting in a Stetefeldt furnace, etc. Average mill runs, $65 per ton; 60 ozs. silver and $10 to $20 gold. Owned by the Tintic Mill & Mining Company; J. A. Sleeper, President, Chicago, 111.; Alex. Graham, Superintendent, Homans- ville, Juab county, Utah. Samples on exhibition. MINES OF UTAH. 13 BILLING'S BROWN HEMETITE IRON MINK. Located 1874. Course of lode N. W. nnd S. E. ; 40 feet wide on outcrop; depth of workings 40 feet. Several thousand tons taken out and used as flux in lead smelting; market value at smelter $7,50 per ton. Good samples on exhibition. Owned by John W. Snell, Salt Lake City, and G. Killing, Denver, Colorado. ' t SAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT BEAVER COUNTY. HORN SILVER MINE (Patented.) Located Sept. 24, 1875. Course of lode N. W. and S. E.; dip N. E., at a steep angle. Footwall country rock is a magnesian limestone, bedded nearly at right angles to the dip of the lode; the hanging-wall country is a trachytic-porphyry. This lode is a true contact fissure, 20 to 100 feet wide, length of ore-chute unknown. Smelting ore 38.6 per cent, lead and 51.8 ozs, silver per ton; 100,000 tons extract- ed. Greatest depth of shaft 500 feet; 2,600 feet of drifts, levels and cross-cuts. Owned by the Horn Silver Mining Company; C. G. Francklyn, President, New York City; Harry C. Hill, Manager. Offices, 44 Wall street, New York City, and Deseret Bank Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. CARBONATE MINE (Patented). Located in 1879. Course of lode nearly E. and W. a true fissure, traversing a brecciated porphyry and trachyte country rock; fissure nearly vertical in some por- tions, but in others a steep dip to the north. Fissure 40 to 60 feet between walls, filled with broken fragments aifc boulders of porphyry and trachyte, and the ore is deposited on the surfaces of the boulders and in the spaces between 'hem very much like the Bassick mine in Colorado. Smelting ore 51 per cent, lead and 124.38 ozs. silver per ton. Shaft down 540 feet, with levels 100 to 300 feet each way. Owned by the Frisco Mining Iartin. 20 MINES OF UTAH, VICTORY MINE. Located 1879. Course N. E. and S. \V. ; ore-chute 500 feet long. Smelting ore lead, 60 per cent.; silver, 18 to 90 ozs. per ton. Shaft 130 feet deep; 300 feet of drifts; 250 tons of ore taken oui. Owners. I'. L. Orth, A. (1. Campbell and \V. H. Burnison. LAKE SUPERIOR MINE. Located 1872. Course X. E. and S. W.; country rock, granite and quartzite. Smelting ore --copper, 15 per cent.; silver, 20 ozs.; gold, $5 per ton. Shaft 200 feet deep; drift 65 feet. Output 500 tons. Owned by James and John Forgie. KANARRA MINE. Located 1871. Course N. E. and S. W. ; country rock, limestone. Shaft 200 feet deep; drifts 3,400 feet; output 200 tons. Smelting ofe lead, 45 per cent.; silver, 40 ozs. per ton. Market value, $28 per ton. Owned by the Harrisburg Hill Min- ing Company; Judge J. S. Koreman, President, Salt Lake City. MONITOR MINE. Located 1871. Course N. and S. Shaft 250 feet deep;. tunnels, drifts, etc. 550 feet; output of ore, 300 tons. Smelling ore lead, 40 per cent.; silver, 42 ozs. per ton; market value, $30 per ton. Owned by O. T. Clark. WASCO MINE. Located 1873. Course of vein N. and S. ; country rock, limestone. Incline shaft (40) down 850 feet; drifts and levels, 650 feet. Smelting ore, lead, 50 per cent.; silver, 70 ozs.; gold, $5 per ton; output of ore 800 tons, market value $50 per ton. Owned by Wm. Sloan and Peter Kern pie. BUNKER HILL MINE. Located 1871. Course N. and S.; country rock, quartzite and shale. Deepest shaft, 50 feet; output of ore, 50 tons. Smelting ore lead, 45 per cent.; silver 70 ozs. per ton. Owned by John Forgie, Frisco. CREEDMOOK M*1\E. Located 1871. Course N, and S. : country rock, dolomite and blue limestone. Shaft 100 feet deep; drifts, etc. 200 feel; output of ore. 50 tons. Smelting ore lead, 50 per cent. ; silver, 50 ozs. per ton. Owner, John Forgie, Frisco. HOOSIER BOY MINE. Owned by Tatham Bros, and J. F. Streeter. NES OF U'fAif, 21 HARRISBURG DISTRICT WASHINGTON COUNTY. iJARBEl-; & WALKKR MINKS (Patented). Located in 1876. Ir.ipregnated beds of sandstone and shale, containing fossil vegetation, most of it carbonized ore-beds, from six iin-hes to six or eight feet thick. Is free milling ore, carries from $10 to $100 or more silver per ton average value $20 to $30 per ton. Good samples on exhibition. The average output is about I,ooo tons per month. Owned by the IJarbee & Walker .Mining Company. Office, Room 82, Drexel Building, Wall street, Ne\\ -York City: R. T. Gillespie, Superinten- dent, Silver Reef, Utah. TECUMSKH, HORNY KING, SILVER FLAT, MAGGIE & CALIFORNIA. Discovered in 1877. Bedded deposits in sandstone and shale. Course N. and S. : dip \Y. 15 below the horizon. Chimneys and lenticular deposits occur .50 to 200 feet long, and from a iew inches to several feet thick, associated often with fossil remains of seeds, rushes, catamites, palm leaves, etc. Sometimes the ore chimneys are connected by stringers of ore, sometimes not. They occur the whole length of the property, off and on, irregularly. Free milling ore; wet stamp mill and pan amalgamation. Underground workings from 50 to 900 feet on the dip of the beds; levels at proper intervals 1,500 to 2,000 feet long. Output about 50,000 tons, aver- age value about $25 per ton. Owners, Christy Mill & Mining Company, organized in San Francisco, Cal ; R. N. Graves, President: Henry S. Lubbock, Manager, Silver Reef. BUCKEYE, SAVAGE AND LAST CHANCE MINES. Located in 1876. Strike of beds N. E. and S. W. ; ore occurs in a series of chimneys and beds, 100 to 2OO feet long. Country rock, sandstone and shale; ore assays from $20 to $200 per ton. The workings are 600 feet on the dip of the beds, and 1,500 feet in length by levels at proper intervals. Average assay value of ore' per ton, $25 to $30: output about 1,200 tons per month for the last three years. Own- ers- The Stormont Silver Mining Company: Schuyler Van Renselear, Secretary, New York; W. J. Allen, Manager, Silver Reef. MILL CREEK DISTRICT MORGAN COUNTY. \OR\\ AY MINE---IRON. Discovered 1875. Vein N. E. and S. \\ . : chimney worked 65 feet; foot-wall, limestone: hanging-wall, quart/ite. Metallic iron, 5, to 72 per cent.: silica, 2 to 3 per cent. Analysis: Moisture 7 per cent. Iron as per Oxide 80 Silica 3 " " Lime as Carbonate '. 4.5 " Alumina '. 4.3 " " Manganese None. Phosphoric Acid None. Sulphuric Acid .... Trace. 22 MINEs oK Smelting and blast furnace ore. Worked 350 feet, tunnels, shafts and inclines: ore extracted, 350 tons. Owner. Norway Iron M. & M. Company of Utah; John T. Lynch, President: B. A. M. Froiseth. Secretary. OUEEN CHRISTINE MINE IRON'. Discovered 1871. Vein N. and S. ; foot-wall, fluart/.ite: hanging-wall, lime- stone. Metallic iron, 50 to" 60 per cent.: silver, 2.50 o/s.: gold, $9.04 per ton. Smelting and blast furnace ore. Worked 250 feet; open cut 50x30 feet; ore extract- ed, 500 tons. Owner Norway Iron M. <.K: M. Company; John T. Lynch, President: B. A. M. Froiseth, Secretary. GENERAL GRANT TUNNEL -IRON. Discovered 1880. Vein matter N. E. Worked 124 feet. Owner, Norway Iron M. & M. Company; John T. Lynch, President: P>. A. M. Froiseth, Secretary. KING MINE IRON. Discovered 1876. Length of chimney 400 feet; foot-wall, qunrtzite; hanging- wall, limestone. Metallic iron, 50 to 70 per cent. Smelting and blast furnace ore. Worked 75 feet; open cut 30x15 feet; ore extracted, 375 tons. Owner, Norway Iron M. & M. Company; John T. Lynch, President; 13. A. M. Froiseth, Secretary. IRON SPRINGS DISTRICT IRON COUNTY. ECLIPSE MINE -IRON. Discovered 1880. Vein N. and S. : chimr.-v 100 feet wide: foot-wall, granite: hanging-wall, lime. Ore extracted, 150 tons. Owners, R. M. Norvell and James McGarry. GREAT WESTERN MINE IRON. Discovered 1879. Vein N. E. and S. W. : chimney, 1,100 feet long: width of ore body about 200 feet. Foot and hanging-walls, granite; ore extracted, 700 tons. LINDSAY MINEIRON. Discovered 1879. Vein N. and S. ; croppings about 700 feet square: foot and hanging-walls, granite. Worked two tunnels in granite, about 50 feet each 6x7. Owners. J. R. Lindsay, D. McNamara, M. Cullen, T. 1). Kelley and J. L. Turley. NORTHERN CROSS MINE IRON. Discovered 1879. Vein N. E. and S. W.: croppings 700 feet long by 300 feet wide: foot and hanging-walls, granite; 70 per cent, metallic iron. Owners, J. H. Lindsay, J. Turley, M. Cullen and T. D. Kelley. MINES OF UTAH. 23 PIUTE DISTRICT IROX COUNTY. LINDSAY NO. I MI XK -IRON. Discovered 1881. Vein X. and S. : chimney about 500 feet wide by 600 feet long: foot and hanging- walls, granite. Metallic iron, from 65 to 71 per cent. Worked 100 feet tunnel in granite. Owners, J. K. Lindsay, A. G. Campbell, M. Cullen. M. L. Cody. II. Harries and 1). Ryan. LINDSAY XO. 2 MINE IROX. Discovered iSXi. Vein X. and S. : chimney 500 feet; foot and hanging-wall. granite. Metallic iron, 60 to 65 per cent.: worked 100 feet tunnel on the ledge: ore extracted, 1,000 tons. Owned byj. R. Lind>ny. PIXTO DISTRICT IROX COUNTY. WAR EAGLE, LINDSAY 10 AND n, SOUTHERN CROSS AXD YER- MILLION MIXES IROX. WOOD AND ni'XTER MIXE COAL. Entered 1882. Yein E. and W., about two miles long and one mile wide; foot- wall, white sandstone; hanging-wall, white sandstone and petrified shells. Under- ground workings tunnel 150 feet long, .6x7, and 30 feet opening. Owned by &eo. Wood and (Jeo. Hunter. MISCELLANEOUS EXHIBITS. SALT LAKE TKIISL-NK-- Cabinet specimens from 15 different mines. PETRIFIED WOOD BOUI.DKR Found on Weber River, two miles below Wanship. BISMUTH From Northern Spy mine, Tintic District, Juab county; 50 per cent, bismuth, silver 200 to 400 ounces. BISMUTH Carisrynine, Tintic District; samples of bismuth, assaying 50 per cent, and 630 ounces silver. C \\ i. MINK, Bradshaw District, Heaver county; one large specimen lead carbonate ore. (See specifications of other Cave mine exhibits). 24 MINES OF UTAH. Two SMALL SILVER BRICKS From the E. P. II. and Juno mines, Detroit District. Deseret Gold & Silver -Mining Company. imcns from 10 different mines. GYPSUM - From Gypsum Mammoth minr, Salt Creek District, Juab county. BIMLIH.NC, ROCK-- From freestone quarry, Sanpcle county. CKYSI ALiZED SALT-- Large specimen, exhibited by Mr. Goodwin. NATIVE Si" i.rurR Taken from the Ca\e mine, Bradshaw District, Beaver county. Occurs in beds of 3 u> i2 inches thick with the carbonate ore and covering arrcas of 4 to 400 square feet. SALT From Jenkins mine, Salt Creek District, |uai> county. SULPHATE OK SODA Or Glauber's salt, from Great Sail Lake. COARSE SALT Taken crude from Great Salt Lake. Exhibited by John W. Snell. FINE SALT Ground from the coarse Salt Lake salt. Exhibited by John \V. Snell. ROCK SALT- From Nephi. Exhibited by John \V. Snell. SILICA Naturally line. From Salt Lake county, CLEAN COARSE SALT F'rom the Great Salt Lake. Exhibited by Jeremy & Co., Salt Lake. TAIU.I- SALT In 5 Ib. sacks. F'rom the Great Salt Lake. Exhibited by Jeremy & Co. I-' IKK BRICK -- Manufactured and exhibited by I-'.. Morris, Salt Lake. PI.ASTEK or PARIS Manufactured by E. Morris, Salt Lake. CAMINET SIM.CIMENS Cases exhibited by Prof. J. L. Clayton. MINES OF UTAH. 25 PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS Six frames. By C. K. Savage, Salt Lake. GERMANIA LEAD WORKS Smelters and refiners, Salt Lake City, Utah, exhibit 5 cases showing the dif- ferent processes of smelting and refining ore, also samples lead, shot, etc. YELLOW AND RED FIRE PAINT Manufactured by F. J. P. Pascoe, Salt Lake City, from Utah iron. BLACK MARBLE From F. J. P. Pascoe's quarry, near Salt Lake City. SLATE From Fremont Island, the Great Salt Lake. Exhibited by F. J. P. Pascoe. SPECIMENS Artistically put up as a cross by J. R. Staples, Frisco, Utah. GLASS MATERIAL Manufactured .from sand found in the mountains near Salt Lake City. GRANITE Square block of granite, as used in the building of the Mormon Temple, Salt Lake City. From the Wasatch mountains. SANDSTONE Three different kinds of building rock, from Red Butte Canyon, near Sah Lake City and Emigration Canyon (10 miles east from Salt Lake City). Owned and exhibited by the Salt Lake Rock Company. MORTON'S IMPROVED WATER PIPE With iron couplings. Exhibited by the Ogden Pipe Company, Ogden, Utah. HORN SILVER MINING COMPANY Exhibit 12 bars of lead and silver bullion. SCALE WAX From Liter & Pancake's beds, Nine Mile Canyon, White River District. MARBLE From the Wasatch Marble & Mining Go's quarries, Snake Creek, Provo val- ley, Utah. MARBLE From the Tip Top mine, Wah Wah District. ORNAMENTAL PLASTER OF PARIS Made by Wyatt & Forester, Salt Lake City. VINEGAR Samples of cider, wine and malt vinegar, from the Vinegar Works at Ogden. CONCRETIANARY LIMESTONE From Spanish Fork Canyon, Utah. 26 MINES OF UTAH. PETRIFED WOOD From Barbee & Walker mine, Harrisburg District, carrying 36 ozs. silver. ASBESTOS From Beaver county. Exhibited by J. H. Latey. ASBESTOS Exhibited by Henry Bowen, Frisco, Beaver 1 county. ASBESTOS From Lincoln District, Beaver county. Exhibited by T. C. Bailey. DRY CONCENTRATIONS Eight bottles, from the Carbonate mine. Sent by the Frisco M. & S. Co. PIG IRON From Ogden Iron Works. OIL PAINTING By R. Kirkam; representing the Mormon Temple at Logan as seen at sunset. I 3ST 3D IE IX . American Fork District-Utah county Borussia and Cologne Bredemeyer No. 2 Lady Catharine and Rudolph Meacoque and Sparrow Hawk Russler, Excelsior and Germania Wacht am Rhein Hig Cottonwood District Salt Lake county.. . Antelope and Prince of Wales Hays Irma Maxfield 14 M 15 14 ii TI ii '7 *7 6 6 6 1 3 18 1 7 I 7 J 7 J 7 17 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 21 21 7 Piute District Iron county Lindsay No i . . . 23 Lindsay No 2 Pinto District Iron county Lindsay, 10 and 1 1 Southern Cross and Vennillion Iron War Eagle Iron ...23 ...23 . . . 23 Wood & Hunter Coal . . . 22 White Quartern Coal ... 8 Preuss District Beaver county Contact Marble Quarry ... 7 7 Ophir Pickwick Reed & Benson liradshaw District Beaver county Cave Mine Rush Valley District Tooele county Black Eagle Great Basin ::: 1 ... 9 ... 9 ...19 ... 13 . . . i j ... '3 .. . 14 . . 1-4 ... IQ ...19 ... 20 ... 20 ...19 ...19 Kitty Gardner Montana.. Victoria Quandary Rocky District Beaver county Old Hickory San Francisco District Beaver county Carbonate Comet Cactus Horn Silver Italian Marble Yellow Jacket Camp Floyd District Salt Lake county Geyser Tip Top Marble Quarry Coyote District Iron county American Antimony Company's Group.. Detroit District Miliard county E. P. H Juno Gordon District Beaver and Miliard counties. Beaver Beaver Lake, No. 2 Cave Creek Big Bonanza Bunker Hill Creedmoor Hoosier Boy Lake Superior! '. '.'. '.'. .'.'.'.'.".'. '.'.'.'.'. '.'. . Monitor True Fissure Victory Wasco Sulphur King Utah and Conqueror Harrisburg District Washington county Barbee & Walker Buckeye, Savage and Last Chance Tecumseh, Horny King, Silver Flat, Maggie and California Hot Springs District Salt Lake county g 22 Tintic District Juab county Billings Iron Dragon Iron Eureka Hill.... ... 12 ... 13 . . . 12 Hawley Coal Mine Iron Springs District Iron county Ecliose Iron. . . Creole . Lincoln District Beaver county December Little Cottonwood District Salt Lake county. City Rock Consolidated 7 7 9 Empire Fourth of July Glencoe '. ; Jupitor & Liberty Lowell Emma Flagstaff Gardner & Morrill 9 10 10 10 ..- 21 6 1 McHenry Gunderson Rebellion Silver Key Woodside West Mountain, or Bingham Canyon District Salt Lake county 15 Aladdin 16 Col. Sellers 16 First West Extension Telegraph 15 Lead Mine of Utah 15 Marcom 6 Overland 5 Lavinia & Grizzley Moltke Mill Creek District Morgan county General Grant Tunnel King Mine Norway Queen Charlotte Mineral Wax Utah county American Oil Covington Stoddard .. . j it 16 Spanish 5 Startus 6 Ohio District Piute county Willard District Box Elder county . . S Fillmore Iron Chief. ... 8 .J04998 SULPHA Cove Creek, Utah. Refined and (Jroiind $ulpoiir. FERDINAND DICKERT, General Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. P- O. BOX 768. Correspondence Solicited. UTAH CENTRAL RAIil'Y HER LINE OF UTAH. CONNECTS WITH THE FOR ALL POINTS EAST and NORTH. TIEIIE] IF-^^TOIRITIE FIRZEXO-IEHIT #;-.$ AV/w Throng Ji -cifhon/ Transfer or Breaking Bulk. JOHN SHARP. -''"'FRANCIS COPE. (Jen. Supt. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. Wallin's Perfect Fitting * +HOR&B 11IBI* Gives Free Action to the Animal when at Full Speed. Does away with Circingles. Adjusts Itself to the size of the Animal. Cannot be Torn in Lying Down. Perfect Protection to Clipped Animals. In Fact it is the Best Blanket in the World. "Hopefull" wears one,^and the late Dan Mace pronounced it the Best Blanket in the World. , '\ .:.;_" - sz co_, r:?S WTRK1J3T 1 . 1\ K\V YORK.. - OR - (3:. R. TJtalx ^THElLEADINGfHOTELS^ SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below r^~ JALIKOKN1A AT LOS ANGELES