M Agriculture Litraff Dept, HIGHLAND SHEEP AT HOME Photo by Reid THE PRESENTATION of this photo-engraving as a frontis- piece is meant to be a tribute to the talent of Mr. Chas. Reid, of Wishaw, Scotland, whose work in this direction has shown the degree to which animal photography may be made both artistic and instructive. The sustained merit of the work which he had done has pointed the way to gratifying results, and the outcome has just recently made it possible to illustrate a book of 'his kind with all the types and qualities shown as they are, through the agency of photographs made by him and such artists as Schreiber of Philadelphia, Hills of Ohio, and Brown of Scot- land. In addition to the clearness of detail in this reproduction of some Highland sheep, note the beauty of the mountain stream with the old water wheel at the side of it, the naturalness of the sheep, the watchful pose of the dog, guardlike in position, with the shepherds resting at the foot of the trees and all in the fore- ground of the rolling hills suggested beyond. JUDGING LIVE STOCK By JOHN A. CRAIG FORMERLY Editor Canadian Live Stock Journal Professor Animal Husbandry, University of Wisconsin Professor Animal Husbandry and Vice Director Iowa Agricultural College Dean and Director Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College Director Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station NINETEENTH EDITION PUBLISHEP BY THE AUTHOR 1913 Send Orders Direct to the Printers THE KENYON PRINTING & MFG. CO, DES MOINES, IOWA Y v n Lib, u - c ^COPYRIGHTED 1901 JOHN A. CRAIG SET UP AND ELECTROTYPED, JANUARY 1901 REPRINTED, SECOND EDITION, MARCH, 1901 REPRINTED, THIRD EDITION, APRIL, 1901 REPRINTED, FOURTH EDITION, JANUARY 1902 REPRINTED. FIFTH EDITION, OCTOBER, 1902 REPRINTED, SIXTH EDITION, AUGUST, 1904 REPRINTED, SEVENTH EDITION, FEBRUARY 1905 REPRINTED, EIGHTH EDITION, FEBRUARY, 1906 REPRINTED, NINTH EDITION, JANUARY 1907 REPRINTED, TENTH EDITION, JANUARY, 1908 REPRINTED, ELEVENTH EDITION, APRIL, 1908 REPRINTED, TWELFTH EDITION, OCTOBER, 1908 REPRINTED, {THIRTEENTH .SDITION, JUNE, 1909 REPRINTED, FOURTEENTH EDITION, DEC., 1909 REPRINTED,',- >tFT?ENTH .' EDITION, OCT., 1910 REPRINTED, SIXTEENTH EDITION,' JAN., 1911 REPRINTED, SEVENTEENTH EDITION, AUG., 1911 REPRINTED, EIGHTEENTH EDITION, DEC., 1911 REPRINTED, NINETEENTH EDITION, JAN., 1913 Send all orders to THE KENYON PRINTING & MFG. CO. PUBLISHERS Des Moines, Iowa Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye. Shakespeare. J N JUDGING LIVE STOCK there are two faculties which seem to require .special development observation and judgment. The eye must see quickly and accurately, so that there may be no mistake in the observations which are to form the basis for a conclusion. While this is to a considerable extent dependent on being informed on what to look for, yet no amount of information will supply keen powers of observation, which in addition, must be kept in practice by continuous use. The stu- dent should never be dilatory in this, for once allow it to be said that he sees a thing which he does not, the founda- tion for candid criticism is being built on sand. It is better to be "simpler than the infancy' of truth" and completely candid with one's observations than to be in the least deceptive or dilatory in recording them. Not only should one be quick to see things as they really are but there should be as much dispatch in detecting deviations from the correct standard. There is much difficulty in this for a standard only forms itself clearly in one's mind after the results of experience, observation and study have merged together into a clearly defined ideal. To formulate an ideal is absolutely essential and in doing this it is imperative to familiarize one's self with the good qualities of animal life, correct conformation and the highest types, so that the least variation from these at once at- tracts the attention. When a dis- What, then, makes a dog beautiful? The possession ofrthe excellence of a dog. And what makes a horse beautiful? The possession of the excellence of a horse. What, then, makes a man beautiful? Is it not the po- session of the excellence of a mai\?Et>ictetus. No pessimist ever made much in the study of life histories of animals. The student of such had better be an optimist out and out. Samuel Lockmood. tinct ideal, based on the best types and their highest qualities has been formed in the mind, and this is supported by a discriminating eye, it is but another step to render a correct judgment. 267524 In judging the market classes of stock the demands of the market should have a strong influence in the establish- ment of standards and in the judg- But do thou, I say, simply . . , and fully, choose the better ing oi breeding classes the oiiicial and hold to it. But that which is useful is the better. SCaleS 01 points, when SUCh 6XlSt, Antoninus. ,-,-, -,. -, -, m should be relied upon chieily as a guide, and when these are not officially published an effort should be made to become informed regarding the under- standing that exists among the breeders. While these stand- ards are so wide in scope as to include many minor points, yet it will be noticeable that the essential features are given the greatest prominence and they are usually based on the utility of the animal for its purpose. This does not mean that the minor features should be slighted, for the No detail is too small to be studied for truth. degree of excellence in domestic animals is now so high and the competition so keen that it is most frequently on some of these minor details that their rank in the show ring is determined. In show ring judging, after the inspection is completed, a draft or "short leet" is made of the likely winners of place from the rest of the competitors. Up to this time the judging has been the detection of faults and deviations from the standard required, but now the work is more of the nature of comparative judging, in which the points of the animals considered worthy of prizes are compared to determine Antoninus. their rank. It greatly aids dispatch Reverence the faculty which produces opinion. and tends to more exactness to make such a draft when there are five or more animals in the class. It also materi- ally assists the examiner in keeping in mind the qualities which he must compare. Carefulness at this point will do much towards the formation of a decision, which may be afterwards maintained with justice. CONTENTS CHAPTER I JUDGING HORSES. I. THE ANATOMY A BASIS OF STUDY The Bones as Levers; Actions of the Muscles; Function of the Nervous System; Temperaments. II. JUDGING LIGHT HORSES General Examination. Form; Propelling Power Re- sides in Hindquarters; Three Classes of Light Horses; The Coach or Carriage Horse; Analysis of Style; The Trotter or Roadster; The Pacer as a Roadster; The Saddle Horse; Quality; Durability Associated with Quality; Action, The Walk; Observing Straightness of the walk; Manner of Noting Levelness; The High Stepper in Action; The Carriage Horse; Straight and Regular Action; The Driver's Sensation of Action; The Trotter; The Pacing Gait. Structural Examination, Head; Nostrils; Eyes; Ears; Jaw Bones; Neck; Shoulders; Fore Legs; Arms; Elbows; Fore Arms; Knees; Cannons; Pasterns; Feet; Ribs; Back; Loin; Croup; Thighs; Quarters; Hind Legs; Hocks; Hind Cannons; Hind Pasterns; Hind Feet; Scale of Points for Light Horses. III. JUDGING HEAVY HORSES 35 Consideration of Condition. General Examination. Form; Advantage of Weight; Market Value of Weight; Quality with Substance Nec- essary for Durability; Action; Trotting Action. Structural Examination. Head; Neck; Shoulder; Chest; Arm; Fore Leg; Knees; Fetlocks; Pasterns; Feet; Body; Loin; Croup; Hock; Scale of Points for Heavy Horses. IV. JUDGING HORSES IX THE BREEDING CLASSES 44 Sex Characteristics; Differences in Disposition; Differ- ences in Form; Variation in Features; Relation of Sex Characteristics to Sterility; Relation of Sex Character- istics to Prepotency; The Stallion Classes; Importance of Correct Conformation; Hereditary Diseases; The Mare Classes; Colts and Fillies. V. ESTIMATING THE AGE OF HORSES BY THEIR TEETH 50 Appearance of Incisors; Order of Appearance of In- cisors; Disappearance of the Tables. CONTEXTS CONTINUED. VI. EXAMINATION FOR UNSOUNDNESS 52 A Blemish Different from Unsoundness; Decayed and Worn Teeth; Discharges from the Nostrils; Defective Hearing; Sweenied Shoulders; Capped Elbows; Splints; Ringbones; Sidebones; Quarter Cracks and Sand Cracks; Corns; Thrush and Scratches; Locating Lame- ness; Thoroughpin; Curb; Bone Spavin; Bog Spavin; Unsound in Wind; Detection of Stable Vices. VII. OFFICIAL STANDARDS FOR HORSES 58 Standard for Trotting and Pacing Horses; Shetland Pony Scale of Points. CHAPTER II JUDGING CATTLE. Method of Examination 63 I. JUDGING BEEF CATTLE 63 Method of Handling; Store Steer; Form of the Feeder; Quality; Inferences from Good Handling; Features of the Head; Neck; Chest; Ribs; Hips; Judging Fat Steers; Handling; Condition; Relation of Parts; Value of Cuts; Scale of Points for Beef Steer. II. JUDGING BEEF STOCK FOR BREEDING PURPOSES 73 Judging Beef Bulls; Judging Beef Cows; Judging Young Beef Stock. III. JUDGING DAIRY CATTLE 76 Dairy Cow's Function; Making of Milk; Function of the Blood; Function of the Udder; Nervous System; The Dairy Form; Skin; Hair; Bone; Head; Neck; Hind Quarters; Hips; Thigh; Escutcheon; Udder; Teats; Milk Veins; Scale of Points for Dairy Cow. IV. JUDGING DAIRY BULLS 88 Purity of Breeding; Uniformity of Breeding; Pedigree Based on Performance; Qualities Associated with Individuality; Judging Calves. V. OFFICIAL STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE FOR CATTLE 90 Aberdeen Angus; Devon; Red Polled; Holstein- Friesian; Jersey; Guernsey; Dutch Belted; Ayrshire. CHAPTER III JUDGING SHEEP. Method of Examining Sheep; Deception Due to Trim- ming; Estimating Age by the Teeth 107 I. JUDGING SHEEP FOR MUTTON AND WOOL 109 Feeding Type that Gives the Best Gains; Feeding Type Bringing Most at Maturity; Type Desired by the Butch- er; Quality; The Importance of Condition; Judging Condition; Importance of Dressed Weight; Considera- tion of the Consumer; Qualities of the Fleece; Examin- ing the Fleece; Quantity of Fleece; Density; Length CONTEXTS CONTINUED. of Staple; Classification of Wool; Quality of Fleece; Softness; Commercial Grades; Crimp; Soundness; Condition; Purity; Domestic Wool; Territory Wool; Blanket Wool; Lustre; Brightness; Yolk; Scale of Points for Fine Wooled Sheep; Scale of Points for Fat Sheep. II. JUDGING SHEEP FOB BREEDING PURPOSES 127 Formation of Types; Value of Breed Type; The Ram; The Ewe; Judging Lambs and Flocks. JIJ, OFFICIAL STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE FOB SHEEP 131 Southdown; Shropshire; Hampshire; Suffolk; Oxford; Cotswold; Wensleydale; Dorset Horn; Cheviot; De- laine, Spanish Merino; Black Top Spanish Merino ; Tunis, CHAPTER IV JUDGING SWINE. J. JUDGING FAT HOGS , 145 Form; Quality; Head; Eyes; Ears; Jowl; Neck; Shoulder; Front Legs; Chest; Sides; Back; Loin; Hips; Rump; Hams; Hind Legs; Scale of Points for Fat Hogs, H, JUDGING BACON HOGS , , , , 15$S Condition; Form; Weight; Shoulder; Side; Scale of Points for Bacon Hogs. III. JUDGING SWINE FOB BBEEDING PURPOSES 156 The Boar; The Sow. IV. OFFICIAL STANDABD OF EXCELLENCE FOB SWINE 158 Berkshire; Poland China; Essex; Chester White; Duroc Jersey; Victoria; Cheshire; Large White York- shire; Middle White Yorkshire; Small White Yorkshire; Suffolks; Tamworth; Thin-Rind. CHAPTER I. JUDGING HORSES. To furnish reasons for many of the points that will be submitted in discussing the types of horses, it becomes nec- essary to consider the horse as a mechanism in which the bones are levers, the muscles the source of power aud the nervous system the stimulator of the muscles. I. THE ANATOMY A BASIS OF STUDY. 1. The Bones as Levers. The three classes of levers are all represented in the anatomy of the horse. The first class may be fittingly illustrated by a pair of scissors ; the power is applied at the holes for the fingers, the fulcrum is in the center where the blades are united and the applica- tion of the power is at the points. This is the strongest, form of leverage and it is employed in the skeleton of the horse by the parts involved in the extension of the limbs. The lever of the second class may be said to be clearly represented by a wheelbarrow. The power is applied at the handle, the weight is in the center and the application of the power is at the wheel. This leverage in the horse enables it to sleep standing or to stand without feeling much strain. It is in action in such parts as that in the region of the humerus. The leverage of the third class is represented by a pair of sheep shears. The power is applied at the center, the fulcrum is at one end and the application of the power is at the other. This leverage is not common but it is shown in the action of the lower jaw of the horse. The masseter U JUDGING HOUSES muscles of the jaw apply their power to the center of the jaw bone, the f alcrum is at the point where the under jaw joins the head, while the application of the power is at the teeth. 2. Action of the Muscles. In considering the leverage, the attachment of the muscles arid their nature are impor- tant. As the muscles consist of bundles of fibres, it is easy to understand that when these fibres are long, they possess more elasticity than when they are short. The long muscle with long leverage, added to by length of the bones is more favorable for quick action or speed, while the heavier mus- cle is more favorable for draft or power. The attachment of the muscles to the skeleton is also an important feature. When the muscles by means of the tendons are attached to prominences thus enabling them to work some distance from the bones that furnish the leverage, it is easy to see that the action of the muscles would be more effective. Hence, in most joints there are prominences to give the muscles the most favorable attachment. In this connection it will be interesting to study the pro- portions of the bones of the skeleton to find reasons for the advantages which are supposed to originate with different proportions. In general we look for short bones in those parts where the function is simply the transmission of power ; while we desire greater length in those parts where the muscles, the source of power or speed, are to be found. In the front leg for instance it is desirable to have the distance long from the elbow to the knee, with the propor- tions showing a much greater distance than from the knee to the fetlock joint for the reason that the distance over which the power travels should be as short as pos- sible that it may be economized and but little of it lost in transmission. 3. Function of the Nervous System. In studying the horse as a mechanism, more than bone and muscle should be included. The stimulation for action comes from the nerve power or force. The nerve power is represented Ancient and modern schools in stock judging. In early times what was known in regard to the judging of stock had to be garnered under the environment and with the material shown in the upper illustration. Modern facilities and methods are shown in the lower illustration, which is. a photograph of the stock judging pavilion at the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, with the first class to come together for special instruction in stock judging. Three hundred were in attendance at this school, January, 1901. 111!, . 2 -' a ... ** s^ -H -s" * "-.. THE ANATOMY A BASIS OF STUDY 7 centrally by the brain and from there it is carried to all parts of the body by the spinal cord through the main channel of the vertebrae, and from this it branches out to stimulate many muscles. The stimulation for action must come from the nerve centers and these consequently have much to do with the quickness and the strength with which a horse may act. It has been determined* in the races of dogs and other animals showing superior speed, that the nerves regulating the heart and lungs have greater power than in the instance of those that are slower. Another authorityt who has given this feature special study states that the degree of contraction of the muscle is pro- portioned to the degree of stimulation. This general statement serves to sustain the position that the horse of strong nervous organization has quicker and more com- plete control over its muscles than the one deficient in this feature. 4. Temperaments. To the nervous organization, its tone and force, we can largely trace the temperaments that are characteristic of horses. The horse of nervous tem- perament expresses the fact by being a willing and enduring worker in its sphere; while the horse of lym- phatic temperament seemingly lacks zest in its labors for the want of tone in its nervous system. The bilious tem- perament reflects itself in a bad temper and springs chiefly from the condition of the body; while the sanguine tem- perament, resulting from apparently opposite conditions, finds expression in a disposition that is kind and willing. In this connection it should be stated that the term ner- vous temperament is not used in the sense in which it is commonly accepted, namely a lack of nervous control; for such a condition usually results in an irritable and erratic temperament which is devoid of results as ex- pressed in work. *Mills, Comparative Physiology, page 213. tSmith, Physiology of Animals, page 721. 8 JUDGING LIGHT HORSES II. JUDGING LIGHT HORSES. /. General Examination. In the general examination of horses, the form, quality and action are the chief features requiring consideration. This examination takes in the horse as a whole, while the structural examination requires detailed criticism of each part independent of others. 5. Form The Contribution of Skeleton and Muscle. To be able to accurately estimate the form of a horse, it is necessary to understand the extent to which the form is due to the skeleton and how much of it depends on the muscular development. A comparison of a skeleton of a horse with a living and well developed animal will show clearly that some parts owe their form to the framework of bone, while other re- gions are shaped wholly by the muscle. Beginning at the head, it will be noticed that the form of it is determined almost altogether by the bones that comprise it. The out- lines of the neck, however, are just as distinctly due to the muscular development of that region. The shoulder and chest are outlined in form chiefly by the skeleton though smoothened with muscle. The shape of the leg from the knee upwards to the body is determined by muscles of that region, while from the knee to the fetlock the outline is due largely to the tendons that make the leg at this point appear flat from the side. The common supposition is that the leg appears flat from the side view because the bone is flat, but the fact is the flat appearance is due to the degree to which the tendons stand back from the bone. 6. Propelling Power Resides in Hind Quarters. A study of the degree to which the skeleton and the muscular development contribute to the form of a horse, brings into prominence the idea that most of the power resides in the hind parts. The fact that the greatest muscular develop- ment is in that region would indicate this. Photo by Sehreiber. LEADER, THE SCOTCHMAN, winner of numerous prizes at the Boston and Philadelphia horse shows in the heavy harness classes. Illustrative of the fullness and symmetry of form that should be a feature of the carriage or coach type. Photo from Rider and Driver. THE DEMON and LOTHARIO showing the type desirable in a pair of carriage horses. Photo by Schreiber. HOOD'S MCGREGOR, record '2 :L'f>%, by Robert Mc-< Jregor 2 :17V t . Winner of three first prizes Philadelphia Morse Show, 1SD7, in roadster classes, and also first for best appointed road rig. Photo by Lillie. Saddle fielding, COLUMBUS, showing Spanish trot. Winner of first prize high school class at Kansas City Horse Show, 1898 Owned by C. T. Walker. GENERAL EXAMINATION 9 It will be noticed that the form of the loin, the shape of the croup, the fullness of the thigh and quarters are due in the greatest degree to the extra development of muscle in these parts. The front quarter of the horse is bare of muscle in comparison with the hind quarter. Another reason for accepting this theory is the differ- ence in the manner of the attachment of the fore legs to the body, compared to that of the hind legs. The shoulder blade is loosely attached to the trunk while the hind leg connects with the body through the agency of an unusually strong ball and socket joint. The shoulder blade plays 1 oosely, seemingly for the purpose of lessening the concus- sion the leg receives from contact with the ground, while the hind legs in their connection with the pelvis make a joint that is the most powerful of the body. 7. Tnree Classes of Light Horses. The light horse in respect to form and other characteristics may be divided into three main classes : the carriage horse, the road horse and the saddle horse. These may be spoken of as the most common types recognized in the market, while the pure bred representatives of them are to be seen in the breeds of coach horses, the standard trotter and the standard saddle horse. 8. The Coach or Carriage Horse. The distinguishing features of the coach or carriage horse are its symmetry and action. The height should be about 16 hands to make a good appearance. In contrast with the roadster the carriage horse is very smooth and symmetrical. The smoothness should be due to plumpness of the muscle over all parts. In the carriage type the head should be com- paratively small and lean, the ear neat, the neck long and carried gracefully, the body round and plumjp and the limbs clean cut, with well formed and durable feet. Grace- ful carriage and stylish action are leading qualifications. 9. Analysis of Style. When in any posture, style is a very desirable attribute in any carriage horse. A critical 10 JUDGING LIGHT HORSES examination of this type would indicate how far the pos- session of style depends on the adjustment of the parts of the framework. When a carriage or coach horse pos- sesses characteristic style, there seems to be an appropri- ate blending of all proportions of form. In analyzing this it will be found that most of the lines have a similar direc- tion, in addition to the fullness of contour already dis- cussed. The line running from the poll to the nose seems to be parallel to that of the shoulder, the line dividing the pastern also has a similar direction, and the line of the thigh in the hind quarter corresponds with the slope of the hind pastern. Considering the lines that run different from these it will be noticed that the one made by the arm from the point of the shoulder to the elbow is very similar in direction to that made by the ischium of the pelvis and this again is similar to that of the lower thigh. Each part of a typical carriage horse seems to bear a fixed relation to every other part both in size, length and slope giving the horse that symmetry which contributes so much to its style and beauty while standing or in action. 10. The Trotter or Roadster. The chief characteris- tics of the roadster are speed and stamina. The ability to trot fast is a desirable quality and the ability to maintain a rapid gait is equally essential in a horse of this kind. In addition to being able to stand steady road work, such a horse must be well mannered so as to be safe and pleasurable to drive. The typical roadster may be said to be about 15^2 hands high and about a thousand pounds in weight. In conformation the horse of this class is somewhat narrow in front, deep chested, wide at the loin and very muscular in the quarters. Every feature about the horse appears clean cut, giving a hard finish which indicates durability. The lineaments of the face and the outlines of the neck and especially the distinctness with which the tendons stand away from the leg are very desirable features. Combination saddle and harness gelding HIGHLAND, owned by Pro- fessor C. F. Curtiss, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. A winner at state fairs in this class. Prize winning Kentucky bred saddle horse, COMPEER, property of Edwin H. Wetherbee, New 'York City. The Breeder's Gazette, referring to this horse says: "Of magnificent presence, with a height of lb.3 and a weight of 1,100 pounds, this young horse wants merely to settle to his height by the development of another year; in sound feet, elastic pasterns, quantity and quality of bone, height at withers, range of neck and strength of back, .Compeer makes good his name. Disposition and manners are the essentials of a perfect saddle horse, and these Compeer possesses in unusual degree. He is brilliant in his action ; his walk is fine, his trot distinguished by a superb flex of hocks, while his haunches could not be better tucked under at the canter." Photograph of CRESCEUS 2:02i4, the champion trotting stallion of the world, in track harness, with Geo E. Ketcham, his owner, in the sulky. Cresceus was sired by Robert McGregor 2:17%. Owned by Geo. H. Ketcham. Toledo, O. Cresceus trotted a mile in 1:59%, but it was disallowed, owing to a technicality. BEN BOLT, champion light weight hunter, Philadelphia Horse Show Association, 1900. Owned and ridden by Miss Marion Halloway. EAGLE PLUME, champion heavy weight hunter and winner of num- erous prizes as a saddle horse, owned by Geo. Pepper & Sons, of Ontario, Canada. Photo by Schreiber. Polo pony owned by Robert M Strawbridge, Philadelphia. Purchased at a cost of $1,000. GENERAL EXAMINATION 11 The Type lacks the fullness and symmetry that are char- acteristic in the carriage or coach horse. To do effective and hard work on the road is the sphere of the roadster and the type that has been evolved is an illustration of the evolution of a form for a specific purpose. The type of the best campaigners that have marks of 2:10 or better will show a similarity that indicates the type towards which the trotter is tending. Though it should be noted here that the roadster in show form will show quite dif- ferent outlines from one that has been subjected to the hard training that the campaigner receives. To describe the roadster form in detail it may be said that the head is proportioned to the rest of the body, wide between the eyes and somewhat sharp at the poll. The neck is slim, long and very often carried somewhat straight owing to the continual use of the top check. The shoulder slopes very markedly and extends well along to- wards the back. The arm is short and this with the slope of the shoulder makes the under line much longer than the length of the back. The fore arm is long, the cannon short and the pasterns with sufficient length and slope. The horse appears too far from the ground in proportion to its height. The back is short and strong rising some at the hips and the croup is strongly muscled. Perhaps the most noticeable feature of the type is the exceptional length from the hip joint to the point of hock and then from the point f the hock to the fetlock joint the distance is short, making the hock appear as if set low. 11. The Pacer as a Roadster. As a roadster, the pacer has many claims for consideration chiefly on account of the speed that characterizes this gait and the fact that it is easily main maintained on smooth city roads. It is, however, mainly the quickness with which full speed is attained that makes the pacer so popular among the road riders of our cities. The difficulty that a pacer encounters 12 JUDGING LIGHT HORSES on rough, broken roads or in snow, makes it necessary to have a smooth hard road to enjoy the pleasures of the gait. Among pacers there is often noticeable a type that is not desirable in any class. It can hardly be called typical of this class of horses for many of those that are fastest at this gait, do not have the very low fore hand, the cramped hind quarters or bent-in hocks that are often con- nected with this form. The horse that paces smooth and true exhibits an easy and pleasing manner of going as well as one effective in producing speed, but there are many varieties of this gait that are the reverse of this because of defects in conformation which preclude rapid movement in any other manner. 12. The Saddle Horse. The type of the saddle horse is somewhat similar to that of the carriage horse but the typical saddle horse shows more quality and better man- ners than any other class of light horses. Aside from these features the most necessary qualifications of the saddle horse are the ability to show the different gaits that are required of horses of this class. The standard performances adopted by the executive committee of the American Saddle Horse Association are the following gaits: (1) Walk. (2) Trot. (3) Single foot or rack. (4) Canter. (5) Slow pace, running walk or fox trot. The gait known as single foot or rack is very similar to the pace, except that in the latter the two feet of the same side move together, while in the single foot the hind foot reaches the ground shortly before the front foot on the same side. The gait known as single foot is consid- ered synonymous with that of the rack and it has been described as exactly intermediate between the true walk and the true trot, each foot apparently moves independent of the other with what has been termed a "one at a time movement." 13. Quality. This term applied to horses has reference to their bones, skin and hair. Evidences of quality are clearly cut features, glpve-like skin, silky hair and firm. THE HARVESTER; champion trotting stallion of the world. Record 2.01. Bred at Walnut Hall Farm, Kentucky. Owned by C. K. G. Billings, New York. MINOR HEIR; 1.58% champion pacing stallion under present ruling conditions. Owned by International Stock Food Co., Minneapolis, Minn. b c H. /: GENERAL EXAMINATION 13 clean Done. In the instance of the horse possessing quality, the lines of the face are clearly defined and in every region there is a complete absence of coarseness. It is possible in such a horse to easily distinguish the muscles, tendons and bones and when slightly exerted, so that the coat lies smooth, the veins in the skin show clearly in an intricate net work as delicate and fine grained as the skin. This freedom from coarseness in the joints and tendons shows a soundness in these features that guarantees durability. Coarse hair is associated with coarse skin and that is a true indication of soft, spongy bones which quickly become diseased when subjected to the strain of hard usage or neglect. 14. Endurance Indicated by Quality. The connection betAveen a horse's staying power or endurance and its quality is frequently seen when subjected to severe road work, but the reason for the connection is not so plainly evident. The fine skin that is one of the features of high quality is considered to be of value for what it tells of the internal organization of the animal, for it may be said in a general way that the one skin covers the horse internally as well as externally. The inner coat of the skin which covers the ribs and all external parts is a continuation of that which lines the stomach and intestines. If the skin covering the internal region is soft, fine and pliable it in- dicates that the secretions are healthy and it would seem natural to reason from this that the lining of the stomach would be in the same state, and if such is the case it is in a better condition to digest the food that goes into it, thereby increasing the horse's recuperative powers and endurance. 15. Durability Associated with Quality. Quality in a horse's limbs and feet is especially desirable for the reason that such prove more durable under stress or strain. In looking for this feature in the leg, it is a common practice to run the hand over the cannon bone. In doing this the skin and hair are felt against the bone and if there is the 14 JUDGING LIGHT HORSES proper quality there, the skin seems to melt from under the hand letting the latter come in close contact with the bone which feels firm and smooth. The fingers seem to touch each other as they pass between the tendon and the bone of the leg, when the latter has the right degree of quality. It is a fact that in finely bred horses that undergo unusual trials of endurance, such as the thoroughbred and the trotter, the texture of the bone is decidedly firmer and closer than that of horses bred for slower work. Another evidence of quality is to be seen in the lines showing the division of the muscles as these should appear distinct in the horse of quality and the joints of the limbs should not show any fullness but be clearly defined and hard. 16. Action Why Highly Valued. In the market for light horses there is no single feature held in higher estima- tion than that of desirable action. It has different degrees of valuation when associated with the various types of horses, but to sell well they all must have as much as may be displayed and used to advantage. The fact that proper action associated with the coach type brings exceptional prices in the market, would of itself make the subject an important study, but when its influence on the prices of all classes of horses is considered, it at once assumes the position of being the most valuable characteristic connected with the classes of light horses. Good action is mainly desirable for its utility and also for the many other qualities which it indicates. It will readily be expected that the horse with good action is more durable and more enjoyable, as the work is done easier, and also more profitable, for more of it is accomplished. But looking further into the subject it is surprising what other attributes are dependent on it. The action of a horse re- flects its temperament, proves the balance of its conforma- tion and indicates soundness. With right action there must be a dash and zest which is the outflow of a sanguine tem- perament making light of the hardest effort. Then the con- High stepper in action. Photographed from "Driving for Pleasure," showing the extreme degree to which the knee and hock action may be developed by heavy shoeing and training. LEADER, THE SCOTCHMAN, in action, showing the folding of the knett and the flexing of the hock desired in carriage horses. 1^^^^^^ :. ;( .~"^^Pi i ^^^^^WB55flMHMB Photo by Philips, Independence, Iowa. ALLERTON, record 2 :Q9y, in action, showing the reach and movement to secure greatest speed. ONI.IXK, record '2 :()!, a world s champion 4-year-old pacer, owned by the International Stock Food Co., Minneapolis, Minn. The photograph shows eloarly the movement of the legs when a horse paces level and true. GENERAL EXAMINATION 15 formation which is but a living mechanism of levers, pul- leys and transmitters, must have the delicate adjustment and balance, that gives grace and smoothness to every movement. Further there cannot be any unsoundness to render less free or firm the step as both these characteris- tics must be prominent in actions of all kinds. The more action is studied, the deeper becomes the conviction that every attribute of the horse contributes to it. Every qual- ity comes more or less into play and for that reason the difficulties in the way of securing the typical action of the high degree of merit are almost insuperable. 17. The Walk Active, Straight, Level. Excellence at this gait is a very desirable quality in all varieties of horses, and unlike the trot its meritorious features are the same in all, as it has no connection with type. In the enjoyment of a road horse there is much to admire in the manner in which he conducts himself when walking. It is questionable as to which is the most pleasurable to observe the walking of the horse whose step is evenly timed and nervy, or the trotting of one that has all the grace, style and snap that characterizes the coacher. 18. Observing Straightness of the Walk. In moving away from you the feet of the active walker leave the ground with a quick snap, showing in its passage the reflection of the whole shoe. After leaving the ground with this peculiar snap the foot swings upward and forward, then the knee unfolds, the pastern carries the foot grace- fully forward and it again comes to the ground lightly but firmly with the characteristic spring and snap that iden- tified the first movement. The feet move straight away, swerving neither to the left or to the right, nor should the folding of the knees or the flexing of the hocks result in an outward pitching or spreading. A horse that will lift and plant his foot in the way described almost invariably has the upheaded and commanding appearance in movement which is so admirable in the harness horse. 16 JUDGING LIGHT HOB&ES 19. Manner of Noting Levelness. The crucial test of the balance of a horse's walk is the side view. Any variation from proper structural proportions results in wobbling, hob- bling or an otherwise uneven walk, and all these are readily seen from the side. The levelness with which a horse walks is one of the best evidences that the legs work in harmony. The most common deflection from this is attributable to a long, slim coupling which gives the onlooker the impression that the horse might break away into two parts near the region of the loin. In defective conformations of this kind the stride of the hind limbs is short and he usually has an uneven, choppy gait that is unsightly as well as ineffectual in covering distances. On the other hand an opposite rela- tion of the parts, close coupling and short back, with long legs, is likely to give use to a slovenly swinging gait, pro- ducing clicking, stumbling or other deficiencies. If there is a flaw in the mechanism of the front legs, it is usually made evident by the movement of the front feet, especially as they are about to touch the ground. If the limb proportions are ungainly the feet do not seem to reach the ground at the proper stage, either turning too much on the heel or not turning enough and precipitating the toe. From be- hind it is easy to observe if the walk of the hind limbs is level thus being free from any hitching, wobbling or unevenness in the stride. 20. The High Stepper in Action. The highest priced action in the general horse market is that of the high stepper. The peculiarity of this action consists in lifting the knees inordinately high and flexing the hocks so that they come close to the body and keep the legs well under it. From the standpoint of action alone, the higher the knees and the hocks are lifted the more valuable is the horse, pro- vided the type and other features more common are equally satisfactory. The feet must be thrown forward without any GENERAL EXAMINATION 17 dishing on either side and the hocks must pass each other close and in line with the forward movement. It is easy to understand that while this method of movement is the most showy and stylish, it is not serviceable action for a road horse. The front legs soon succumb to the heavy concus- sion they would be called upon to stand under hard driv- ing. But this action is sought only in the horse that is used for short drives about the city where style is paramount to speed and stamina. While it is recognized that the high stepper should have as many as possible of the other qual- ities of excellence in addition to high action, yet all others are considered of minor value among horses of this class. "All-around action only to be considered" is the current phrase in the prize lists that provide classes for competition among the high steppers, which means a combination of shoulder, knee and hock action. 21. The Carriage Horse Manners When in Motion. A connoisseur of horses will see much more than the legs of a carriage horse when moving. As such a horse moves before an appropriate vehicle with the latitude of a light hand assisting him there are flashes of gracefulness from every motion. AYith this there is a quality of mind that gives buoyancy to the step and accounts in no small degree for the uplifted carriage of the head. It is expressive of a happy temperament that gives gracefulness to every poise and smooth flow to every movement. Even such a minor organ as an ear plays its part, the eye, too, shows the fire from within and challenges the critic for its meed of praise in measuring the step and alertness in giving it security. Scan the lines of the neck, and notice their tenseness and yet the unusual elasticity it shows when occasion offers for the movement of greater gracefulness. The shoulder plays with freedom and the smooth turned loin and quarter seems the only region that are not taking part in this unusual 18 JUDGING LIGHT HOUSES display, though in this immobility they show their renl strength. 22. Straight and Regular Action. As to the action of the fore legs, it is straight away with continuous folding and unfolding. In the action of the carriage horse there must be some style and dash and high lifting of the feet, but never enough of it to make the action unserviceable. At no time is the fore leg held in poise as it does not dwell either in flexion or extension. The foot snaps from the ground and is then carried forward while the limb unfolds, as if following the rim of a wheel. It seems to reach the ground at the right stage of the unfolding so that it is not held in suspense at any point along the line of descent. The feet pass close and in a straight line so that there is no swaying or dropping down of the fore hand with each step. The hind foot leaves the ground with the same quick movement and at no time is it allowed to hang back so as to give the horse the appearance of not gathering himself well together. 23. The Driver's Sensation of Action. After all is writ- ten that it is possible to write about the action of the car- riage horse, there is something else that must go with it which cannot be described with sufficient vividness to make the novice appreciate it. It has something to do with power and its connection between the animal and its master seems to be the driving lines. As you sit behind the horse of true carriage action and conduct you feel your proximity to a powerful mechanism that is under- going a test of its minutest parts. If anything fails every- thing will be demoralized but it is the feeling of strength and power in the animal that allays unnecessary fears. Without leaving this feature connected with the carriage horse let us study its relation to the trotter. Substance and strength in the carriage horse gives momentum to the occu- pants of the somewhat cumbersome carriage, while the trotter loses these for speed and stamina. Between the trotter and its driver the feeling is that of flight instead of power in motion. The difference in the feeling result- An easy and satisfactory method of opening a horse's mouth. The two thumbs are inserted just back of the incisors and the lower is pressed down so that the horse drops the lower jaw. It is usually easy in this way to make observations regarding the teeth. Proper method of lifting and holding the foot of a horse. In seeking to lift the front foot of a horse the hand should be run over the cannon in the manner indicated in one of the photographs. Usually a horse will lift his foot as soon as this is done. To hold it firmly without much effort, the proper plan is to hold the toe with the foot doubled against the elbow as shown in the above photograph. The illustration on the right hand shows a well bred and intelligent head, the subject being LOLA RONAN, standard bred road mare owned by the author, while that to the left is a photograph of a head showing lack of breeding and deficient in fullness of forehead. Two photographs to illustrate the differences in the appearance of horses' heads when they are trimmed and untrimmed. The head shown trimmed is that of Boralma, 2 :08, the unbeaten 4-year-old trotter. * The trim appearance of the head is to some extent due to the fact that the foretop has been clipped, the ears trimmed, the mane clipped back of the foretop. The companion head, on the right, though of a French Coach mare showing abundance of quality, is yet very coarse in appear- ance, largely due to the fact that the head has not been trimmed. The mane has not been cut away. The long hair is in the ears, the foretop has not been removed, while the long growth of coarse hair below the jaw has not been trimmed. GENERAL EXAMINATION 19 ing from following the movement of these two classes of horses might be better expressed by reference to the dif- ference in the feeling that one has when standing beside a swift turning windmill, as compared with the effects of observing the turn of a ponderous water wheel. The for- mer takes advantage of every breath of wind and speeds a merry clip without apparent exertion or strength; the other impresses one at once with its power and in a lesser degree with its combination of strength and speed. 24. The Trotter Speed and Stamina. The leading fea- ture of the action of the trotter is speed at the trotting gait, but there are many others that must be companions of this to result in the greatest development and the chief of these is stamina or the ability to maintain the necessary gait. It is generally thought that if a horse has speed he has the one essential necessary to make a trotter or a good road horse. Not only is speed desirable but there must be a true balance of parts, that insures their protection together with trueness of stride. Being true and level gaited guarantees the greatest durability and that with an ambitious turn of mind gives us that very desirable quality in the trotter, termed "gameness" or stamina. Of all features of the trot- ter's action it must be the most evident that it is not in the least wasteful of energy. While that of the carriage horse or high stepper must display effort, the trotter should move so as to leave the least impression of this. Less roll to the knee, more propulsion from the stifle and less motion in the hocks carries the trotter forward closer to the ground and with less expenditure of force and with- out the higher lifting of the knee and hock which is char- asteristic of the high stepper. There is much more exten- sion of the limbs in the trotter, as shown in the reach of the fore leg, while the hind legs pass back farther and reach farther forward than in the action of the high 20 JUDGING LIGHT HORSES stepper or carriage horse as the latter must keep his legs under him to gather himself together in the proper degree. A wider spread in the. movement of the hind legs in the instance of the trotter is not as bad a fault as it would be if associated with the carriage horse. It is frequently noticeable as a distinction between the action of a trotter and coacher, that the latter is balanced in stride when going an easy gait but becomes unbalanced or weak when urged beyond it, while the trotter may very often show an uneven gait when moving slowly but when urged to the limit of its speed, displays truly balanced action with- out any tendency towards losing its stride. 25. The Pacing Gait Level and True. A study of this gait will disclose the fact that there is more variations in it than in any other form of action. Horses pace in many ways, some lurching, others shuffling and many more wob- bling in an unsightly manner; but, however they may go, they are nearly all characterized by possessing speed. A level and true pacer displays a sightly gait. In pacing level and true the body remains steadier than in any other move- ment. The legs move in harmony with the directness of a machine. The nervy, machine-like pace peculiar to many of the fast pacing animals is a study in the degree to which the minimum of effort results in the maximum of speed. Some horses pace because of bent hocks, others because of ungain- ly proportion but when the gait results from breeding and is the outcome of straight and direct movement, it is difficult to imagine a gait with less friction or display of effort. In the instance of the horse that possesses 1 true excellence at this gait, if you were to shut off your view of the limbs in mo- tion, you would have the impression that the animal was standing on a rapidly moving train hidden from your view, so little does the body and other parts above the line make any display of effort. As a rule the pace from the stand- point of the spectator is an unsightly gait, but one that is usually thoroughly enjoyable from the point of view of the driver. Owing to the ease with which the pacer moves and These photographs have been selected to show the difference in the dispositions of horses. The upper one shows desirable temperament with harmony between horse and rider. The lower one shows horse and rider out of touch with each other and the horse discloses by ex- pression and countenance a strong will and vicious disposition. Photo from Horse Show Monthly. A row of good heads. The heads of the horses shown here indicate a high order of intelligence, borne out by the fact that they all possess sufficient intellect to act. Beginning on the left hand their names are Charley Adams, Nixon, Alice, Blair, Charlie Ross, Ella, Maud. They are used in the stage plays Sporting Life and the Great Ruby. They are owned by the LeRoy Payne Co., of 171 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Without exception they show intelligent heads in that they display full foreheads, open countenances, large eyes, with abundant width between them. Rules Governing Position ol the Limbs of the Horse When Standing. FRONT VIEW OF FORE LIMBS. A vertical line downward from the point of the shoulder should fall upon the center of the knee, cannon, pastern and foot. Cut A of Plate I represents the right conformation. B, C. D. . F and G represent common defects. A SIDE VIEW OF FORE LIMBS. A vertical line drawn downward from the center of the elbow joint should fall upon the centerof the Unee and pasteru joints and back of the foot; and a vertical line drawn down- ward from the middle of the arm should fall upon the center of the foot. Cut A of Plate II re- presents the right conformation. B, shows the foot placed too far back; C, too far forward; D. "knee sprung" and E. "knock kneed." *"-. % \ T t*r '^ r : ^ \ j ^ \ V I i ^ / f ^ : '. i ^\<* A I \^ \ / B t'\ fj ' C v ! i D] y\ j ' \ \ [i \\ j. j : ~\ lj y ' i \ i ; J'l f 1 ' il ! f i ''{ 1 L A \J SIDE VIEW OF HIND LIMBS. A vertical line drawn downward from the hip joint should fall upon the center of the foot and divide the gaskln In the middle; and a vertical line drawn from the point of the buttock should coincide with the angle of the bock and pastern joints. Cut A of Plate III represents right conformation. B, Cand D represent common defects. REAR VIEW OF HIND LIMB5. A vertical 1 of the hock, cannon, pastern and foo and K represent common defects drawn downward from the point of the buttock should fall upon the center Cut A of Plate IV represents conformation. B, C, 1> STBUCTURAL EXAMINATION 21 the lightness with which they speed over pavements, com- bined with the rapidity with which they can reach their speed, the pacer has become very popular among city road riders. 77. Structural Examination. Thus far the features that enter largely into the general appearance of the horse, the form, quality and action, have been considered, but in addition to these qualities there are numerous details of structure and soundness which have a predominating influence on the value of any of the classes that have been discussed. Not only must horses of the classes described prove sound to be of service, but to sell well they must also show the strength of structure that wards off the possibility of any urysoundness developing in the future. A badly constructed hock without a curb may depreciate the value of the horse fully as much as a curb present on a strong and well formed hock. The first does not have a curb solely because it has never been subjected to a strain, while the curb in the latter instance must have been due to stress of more than common severity. To discuss this division of the subject in detail it will be neces- sary to arrange the material that follows so as to consider the various parts of a horse completely. 26. Head Straight, Lean. The shape of the head and the countenance of a horse adds greatly to its appearance, and as this is the part which is most frequently observed it becomes of some importance. The line from the ears to the point of the nose as seen from the side should be almost straight. In scanning the photographs of a great number of trotters it will be noticed that nearly all stallions have slight Roman noses while most of the mares have slightly dished faces, a distinction which seems to be characteristic of the sexes. As a rule it will be found that horses of very prominent Roman noses are self willed. Small nostrils are generally associated with this form of nose and as a conse- quence we find in such instances, that the respiratory or breathing organs lack development. The features of the 22 JUDGING LIGHT HOESES face should be distinct, without the least appearance of coarseness or meatiness. A lean face is suggestive of good quality in a horse. The muzzle should be fine in quality to make the head appear at its best. Between the eyes there should be breadth enough to give a pleasing frank- ness to the countenance. It is a point of practical value as an index to the brain development which is of much importance in a light horse, for in this class intelligence is a merit of high value. While it is granted that the intel- ligence of a horse depends mostly on the training received, yet there is a marked difference in the benefit which horses derive from training, and that difference may only be accounted for by variations in the brain development. 27. Nostrils Large, Open. The nostrils of a horse should be large, thin, dilatable and of a pink color. While there should be no discharges from them, they should always have the appearance of being moist. 28. Eyes Full, Clear. A bright eye indicates vigor of constitution, that is, stamina, staying power, or bottom, as it is sometimes called. It is also associated with a happy disposition and it seems to be this that accounts for the fact that some horses do an enormous amount of work with little worry and strain upon themselves. A large, full, clear eye is indicative of a kind, generous disposition and good health. 29. Ears Erect, Active. The ears should be close to- gether and carried in an erect position. They should be active and somewhat pointed. Lop ears indicate lassitude, or in plainer words, laziness. When it is noticed that a horse does not shift or move either of its ears to any extent to catch sound, it is safe to presume that it is afflicted with deafness. On the other hand if it is continually moving them, it is advisable to inspect the eyesight carefully as it is likely that the extra labor imposed on the ears has its origin in the defect of one or both of the eyes. STBUCTUBAL EXAMINATION 23 30. Jaw Bones Wide, Sharp. Between the jaw bones there should be sufficient width for a large wind-pipe and also enough to allow the head to play freely on the neck. When the space between the jaw bones is very narrow it will often be noticed that the horse carries his head stiffly, but when there is sufficient width in this region, the head is usually carried gracefully and moved freely on the neck. The throttle or throat latch should be light without any un- natural fullness between the jaw bones or heaviness at the juncture of the head and neck. 31. Neck Arched, Muscled. A nicely moulded and dis- tinctly chiseled neck of sufficient length, carrying the head gracefully is one of the most beautiful features of the light horse. Extending towards the shoulder the neck should swell gradually so as to join the body smoothly. The wind- pipe should be large and appear distinct from the rest of the neck and the upper outlines of the latter should be sharp. While many excellent road horses have what is called a ewe neck, it is none the less a defect as it detracts very much from a symmetrical appearance. 32. Chest Deep, Projecting. In the light horse that is called upon for light work, the chest should obtain its capa- city more by depth than breadth. The reason for this is that the deeper chest permits the freer play of the shoulder. It is easy to see that swift, smooth action of the fore legs is hardly possible in the broad chested horse, mainly be- cause it throws them too far apart and out of line with those behind. It will often be noticed in this direction that too much width causes the horse to pitch or roll in its action. A deep chest is evidence of staying power. The conformation of noted campaigners on the turf, such as Mary Marshall (2:12), The Abbot (2:031/4), Cresceus (2:0214), may be cited to illustrate full development in this feature. 24 JUDGING LIGHT HORSES 33. Shoulders Long, Oblique. The conformation of the shoulder is one of the parts of all light horses that re- quires critical scanning. To give elasticity to the move- ment of saddle horses and to permit of quick and clean action in the roadster, the shoulder should be long and oblique. An upright shoulder is very likely to result in short, stilted action, frequently accompanied by stumbling, and it is quite a fertile cause of such bone diseases as side- bones and ringbones. The high action which is desired in the coach horse and the long reaching, clean action so sought after in the roadster depends as much on the ob- liquity and freedom of movement in the shoulder, as in any other feature. In addition, a sloping and long shoulder strengthens the back and extends the length of the under- line. The muscular development of the shoulder should also be carefully noted, for if there is an unusual bareness or lack of muscular covering it would denote the fact that sweeny has affected it. 34. Fore Legs Broad, Cordy, Straight. The appear- ance of the fore leg from the side should show it to be flat and cordy. The flatness shows the tendons to be properly attached and some distance from the bone and the clean cut appearance denotes the absence of any coarseness about the legs. Viewing the legs from in front and using a plumb line it will be found in the instance of a leg that is straight, that a perpendicular line downward from the point of the shoulder, should equally divide the knee, cannon, pastern and foot. Viewing the fore leg from the side, a similar line dropped from the center of the leg at a point where it joins the body should nearly divide the leg until the fetlock joint is reached and from there to the ground it should fall exactly behind the foot. Any variation from these two lines shows crookedness from either point of view. The leg should be long from the elbow to the knee, for the reason that free and clean action follows such a conforma- tion. In these parts it will be noticed that most of the muscles extending and flexing the leg, are located between The photo on the left, HUMMER 6112, shows a sloping shoulder and a foreleg of quality set properly and strongly supported below the knee with correct pastern and excellent foot. Subject of the other photo is too straight in shoulder and pastern with weak knees Photo of a smoothly turned horse, especially round ribbed and on that acount appearing too long in the legs, though not really so. The illustration on the right is a photograph of the hind quarter of ST. SAVIOUR, a thoroughbred stallion, showing a clean, strong hock and properly set hind leg. The photograph on the left shows a curb on the right leg due to a weakly supported hock also improperly set. The left illustration shows a hind leg too straight, while the right one shows the other extreme in being set too far back. STRUCTURAL EXAMINATION 25 the elbow and the knee. If this region is long, the muscle must necessarily be long and that produces quick and easy action. The muscle of the fore arm flexes and extends the rest of the leg, and in order that these motions may take place with the least expenditure of power the course over which it must travel must be as short as possible; that is, the cannon running from the knee to the fetlock should be much shorter than from the knee to the elbow. Mr. H. T. Helm has made a careful study of the effect that the proportions of these parts to each other have upon the horse's action. He has measured a great many horses and finds that their action in the fore legs seems to be governed by the proportionate length of the fore arm and the cannon. He found that Administrator has superior action in front, and that his cannon was 11% inches long, and the fore arm 21 inches long. About the same propor- tions were found to exist in the fore legs of George Wilkes, and there was no lack of knee action in.his movement. The actual proportions were 10% "to 20 inches. In Governor Sprague the cannon was 11 inches and the fore arm 21 inches, and here the front action was not quite as rounding as that of George Wilkes. In the instance of St. Lawrence, the proportions were ll 1 /^ to 21 inches and the action was noted to be far reaching and gently curving. It will be easily understood that the strain upon the knees would be greater in those horses that were long in the cannons in comparison with the length of the fore arm, and it will usually be found that such a conformation predisposes a horse to weak knees. On the other hand when the fore arm is inordinately long the tendency is for the front legs to bend back at the knees and give rise to what is commonly termed calf knees. 35. Arms Short, Thrown Forward. The humerus which forms the arm should be short and appear compara- 26 JUDGING LIGHT HORSES lively straight. When it is so, it gives a horse an upright appearance and adds to the latter 's style. 36. Elbows Free. The space between the leg and the body should permit of easy insertion of the hand. If the elbow is closer than this or tied in, as it is termed, the toes are usually thrown out; or if the opposite is the case, the toes are likely to be thrown in, which makes the action of the horse awkward and dangerous. 37. Fore Arms Wide, Muscled. Perhaps the most im- portant matter to notice in examining the fore leg is the size of the fore arm, or the muscular development observable just below the juncture of the leg and the body. As fat accumulates very little there it is a safe criterion of the muscular development of the animal. 38. Knees Wide, Deep, Straight. The knees should be broad in front, much broader than the rest of the leg, either above or below, and the pisiform bone, which is the bone forming the projection at the back of the knee, should be sharp and prominent, for to this some of the most im- portant muscles of the fore leg are attached. Breadth is desirable in such joints, because of the fact that the con- cussion is more evenly distributed, and better spent by the many bones forming the joint, when their surfaces are large. The most common defects of the knee are calf knees, knock knees, knee sprung, speedy cut and scars. 39. Cannons Wide, Short, Large Sinews. There should be very little shrinkage below the knee as the joints require as much support as possible. This defect of being tied in below the knee is one of the most common weaknesses to be seen in the fore legs of light horses. A light horse of common size should measure at least 8 inches at this point. The cannon should be short, wide and clean and the sinews should be back from the bone. It is sometimes noticeable that the cannon is thicker than usual which is generally caused by hard road work. 40. Pasterns Sloping, Strong. The pastern should stand at an angle of 45 degrees with the ground, and with A fully developed bog spavin is shown on the left leg in the right hand illustration, while the one in the left illustration shows a large ringbone at the base of the pastern. A clean, clearly defined hock appears in the photo on the right shown from the point of view most likely to discover bone spavin. The photo to the left shows this, as a spavin may be clearly seen at the inner base of the right hock. Photo by G. A. Tadman. The illustration to the right shows a cocked ankle, while the other one is a photograph of a large sidebone which may be seen on the out- side of the right leg at the junction of the pastern and foot. Prize winning Mammoth jack, JUMBOAK, owned by W, R. Goodwin, Jr., Oakhurst Stock Farm, Napersville, Illinois. In size of bone and general form this jack shows the characteristics which are most sought in this breed. First prize at Illinois State Fair, 1900 ; height, 15.3 ; weight, 1,100 Ibs. at three years old. Sold for $1,000. STBUCTURAL EXAMINATION 27 the cannon it should form an angle of about 135 degrees. When more upright than this, they will cause bone diseases, such as sidebones and ringbones, as the concussion is very severe in such instances. Moreover, it detracts greatly from the utility of the light horse, especially those intended for the saddle, as the step is short and stilted, and this is very disagreeable to the rider. On the other hand, sometimes the pasterns of light horses, and of thoroughbred horses es- pecially, are too long and slanting, which weakens them and ultimately ends in the snapping of the suspensory liga- ment, resulting in the horse "breaking down." 41. Feet Dense, Waxy, Large. The foot should re- ceive careful attention as it has an important part to play in the work of the horse, and it is subject to many defects and various kinds of unsoundness. It should be of firm texture, good size, moderately upright and thoroughly sound. It should have a healthy appearance which is in- dicated by an oily coat of natural wax. The frog: should bear the mark of natural usage as a buffer, bein^ spongy and touching the ground at each step. The roof or sole of the hoof should be distinctly concave. Flatness, brittle- ness and contraction, are the three most common defects in horses' feet. It will be noticed in many instances that the bar of the foot has been cut away, so that the hoof splits from the heel towards the coronet. This is due to the black- smith 's practice of cutting away the bars that bind the foot together. When this is done the foot begins to spread and the crack ultimately extends as far as possible. 42. Ribs Well Sprung, Deep, Close. The ribs should be well sprung from the spine and they should be close to each other. It will generally be found that horses having well sprung ribs always make a better appearance than those that are flat ribbed; and, in addition, they will be found to be easier keepers. It should be noted that the 28 JUDGING LIGHT HORSES round ribbed horse always has the appearance of being in- ordinately long in the legs. This deception is due to the roundness of the body. It can easily be seen that from a side view the flat ribbed horse presents a body of deeper appearance and seemingly has shorter legs than the horse that is rounder ribbed. 43. Back Strong, Short, Muscled. In its proportion the body should be short above and long underneath. This not only adds to its strength, but it gives the legs free play and insures a balanced stride. The horse of this conforma- tion under the saddle will unite himself more quickly and better, while the same horse on the line, or in harness will have a freer and more balanced stride. It is the opinion of many that the roach back is an evidence of strength. It is the most undesirable feature in a horse for the saddle, and it is to say the least, an eyesore in road or in carriage horses. 44. Loin Short, Broad, Muscled. It is a defect of many horses to be light and narrow at the juncture of the body and the hind quarter. If the loin is long or slack, that is, if the distance is great between the last rib and the hip bone, the horse is likely to be weak in the coupling and deficient in action, and when this is viewed from the side, it will be noticed that the hind foot fails to reach the point where the front foot left the ground. This probably is due more to lack of muscle over the loin than to any other defect. ^.5. Croup Long, Muscular. The part included in the hind quarters should be critically examined, for, as it has been previously explained, it is in this region that the pro- pelling power resides. The haunch or croup should be long and on account of the improved appearance it should be comparatively straight. When the croup is long, it allows a greater play of the main muscles that are located in this region. It will be noticed in nearly all fast trotters that the croup generally has this characteristic. Length of muscle here as elsewhere contributes to speed. Arabian stallion, SHAHWAX, bred by Ali Pasha, Sherif, Egypt, sold to W. S. Blount, in 1892, and taken by him to England and afterwards sold to present owner, J. A. P. Ramsdell, Newburg, N. Y. The photo- graph shows this horse t? fce a model of symmetry, style and quality. DESCRIPTION OF THE ARAB HORSE. THOUGH there is some unreliable sentiment associated with the Arab horse, yet there is not a vestige of doubt but that they are of superior symmetry and quality. This is perfectly summed up by Sheik Abd.-El.-Kader : "The horse of pure descent is distinguished by thinness of its lips, and the cartilage of the nose, by the dilation of its nostrils, by the leanness of the flesh en- circling the veins of the head, by the graceful manner the neck is attached, by the softness of its coat, its mane and the hairs of its tail, by its breadth of chest, the largeness of its joints and leanness of its extremities. According to the traditions of our ancestors, the thoroughbred is still better known by its moral characteristics than its physical peculiarities." Major R. D. Upton in "Newmarket and Arabia" gives the characteristics of the Arabian horse in the following statement which is true of those familiar to the author: "The Arabian is a horse of the highest courage, in stature about 14 hands 2 inches, a horse of length, power and substance, combined with the elastic and sinuous- like movement of the serpent. He is a very perfect animal ; he is not exag- gerated in some parts large, meagre and diminished in others. There is a balance and harmony throughout his frame not seen in any other horse ; the quintessence of all good qualities in a compact form." The head of the typical Arabian horse is exceedingly straight and the eye markedly full and bright. Perhaps the most striking feature of the type is the round and extra well ribbed barrel. In action the movement of the legs is very peculiar, being very strong and elastic. Though small, the form is ex- ceedingly smooth and symmetrical, while the evidences of quality are strik- ingly shown. Photo by G. A. Tadman. Hackney stallion, ROYAL DANEGELT 5785, owned by Sir Walter Gilbey, Elsenham Hall, Essex. Winner of championship at London Hackney Show, 1898, and at the Manchester show of the Royal Agricultural Society of England in 1897. DESCRIPTION OF THE HACKNEY HORSE. *pHE HACKNEY was established in Great Britain as a breed to meet the requirements for a horse of extreme smoothness, with gracefully curved outlines, having the action necessary to show these to the best advantage. The head is light, neck muscular and curved but free from heaviness ; shoulders smooth and laid well back ; body circular, compact, short ; hips smooth ; quarters plump with muscle, legs short with tendons clearly defined. Their action is noted for its straightness and height, and the regularity of knee and hock movement. There is a variation in the types of the breed, some showing more upstanding with abundance of quality and straighter lines, while others are shorter limbed, fuller made and especially strong in action from a carriage standpoint. The secretary of the Hackney Horse Association of Great Britain has summed up the general description of the Hackney, which, as he says, fitted old style and new ideal, in the following: "A power- fully built, short legged, big, broad horse, with an intelligent head, neat neck, strong, level back, powerful lines and as perfect shoulders as can be pro- duced; good feet, flat boned legs, and height of from 15.2 hands to 15.3^. In addition to showing a type required for a carriage horse, the hackney must possess as a necessary essential true carriage or coach action. STRUCTURAL EXAMINATION 29 46. Thighs Muscular, Deep. The thigh should be full and plump with muscle which should also extend as far down towards the hocks as possible. Some horses have this feature so strongly developed that the muscle continues to the hock and gives the latter a thicker appearance. The thigh should be long, making the hocks low, as this con- tributes to a long stride. 47. Quarters Heavily Muscled. The quarters viewed from behind should show a heavy mass of muscle between the legs. Perhaps there is not another part of the muscular system that shows a greater variation in development in dif- ferent horses than the quarters, for while some will be cat- hammed there are others surprisingly full in this part, with deep, hard muscle. 48. Hind Legs. The set of the hind legs has a direct bearing on their liability to diseases. A leg that is bent too far forward is likely to develop a curb, while one that is too straight is more subject to fullness in the hock region, pre- disposing it to either thoroughpin or bog spavin. In look- ing from the side at a leg that has correct conformation, a plumb line from the center of the hip joint should equally divide the gaskin and the foot. Dropping a plumb line from the point of the buttock it should run parallel with the line of the cannon. From behind, the same line should equally divide the hock, cannon, pastern and fpot. 49. Hocks Wide, Straight, Clean. The hocks should be clean and broad and the point should be prominent as the leverage of the most powerful muscles attached here depend to a great extent upon this. There should be no gumminess about the hocks ; the web should be especially clean and free from all fleshiness or puffs of any kind. In running the hand over the hock, all the depressions that are characteristic of the sound hock should be easily felt and the bone should feel firm without the least indication of un- 30 JUDGING LIGHT HORSES soundness of any part. Too much attention can hardly be given to this joint as it is one of the most important in the whole frame. 50. Hind Cannons Wide, Short, Clean. The hind can- nons should be comparatively short as such a conformation gives the hind leg a longer stride while at the same time allowing the feet to keep under the body more. They should also be wide for that gives better attachment to the tendons and especially if the width continue just below the hock it materially strengthens that part. When the support for the tones of the hock is slight and narrow at the top of the cannon there is greater susceptibility to curbs on account of the weakness of that region. The fetlock joint should be of normal size with good width and particularly free from any puffiness indicating windgalls, 51. Hind Pasterns Sloping, Strong. The slope of the hind pasterns is not of such importance as that of the front pastern for the reason that it is seldom that this part will be found too straight in light horses. There is less concussion for the hind foot to stand, consequently there is less need for the pastern to be very sloping. The pasterns should be of medium size and length so that they may be strong. Freedom from thick, coarse skin and hair is desirable for in the instance of such there is less susceptibility to scratches. 52. Hind Feet Dense, Rounded. The hind feet should have the characteristics that have been described in the reference to the desirable points of the fore feet. It may be noted in addition that the hind feet are more inclined to become narrow in front and not have the nicely rounded surface that is desirable in a good foot. The sides of the foot viewed from in front very often appear to have shrunken some, making a ridge down the center of the foot from the hoof head to the toe and leaving the sides flat. Narrowness at the hoof head usually accompanies this. The foot should be dense in structure, medium in size, with strong, wide heel and full front. Thoroughbred stallion, IMP. ORMONDE, owned by W. O'B. Mac- donough, Menlo Park, Cal. A Derby winner sired by Bend Or. DESCRIPTION OF THE THOROUGHBRED HORSE. T IS of much assistance in understanding the type of the thoroughbred to remember that they are the oldest of the breeds of horses and that they have been bred for many years for a leading purpose and this has generally been running speed. To secure this there had to be associated with the mechanism that produces it, unusual quality of structure, stamina and am- bition. The running record for a mile is held by Salvator, the time being 1.35% on a straight track. The common colors among the representatives of this breed are brown, bay and chestnut. The distinguishing features are u refined appearance, especially clearly defined lineaments, with length of neck, deep chest, short upper line, Ions under line, somewhat straight croup, mus- cular thighs, neat pasterns, dense bone, firm muscle and active temperament. An inclination to ranginess in type is required, with a racy apearance, usu- ally resulting in a horse standing 16 hands. Extreme breeding for the lead- ing characteristics mentioned makes it necessary to discountenance in the show ring light bodies and a general appearance which has given rise to the term "weedy," which is also associated with lengthy pasterns and long legs. Being highly sensitive in organization they frequently reflect an erratic temperament. Their purpose being principally for racing, high quality with endurance and spirit are cardinal qualities, and it is these same features which have made them useful in the production of strong drivers and stylish carriage and saddle horses. Photo by Schreiber. Photograph of the American standard bred trotter, GEO. WILKES, 2 :22 ; founder of the great Wilkes family of standard bred trotters. DESCRIPTION OF THE STANDARD BRED HORSE. THE CHIEF characteristics of the American standard bred horse is speed at the trotting and the pacing gaits ; the world's trotting record for one mile being held by The Abbott, the time being 2:03 14, while the world's pacing record for the same distance is held by Star Pointer, the time being IroO 1 /^. The type which should be encouraged in the show ring is that which conduces towards this end, while at the same time showing the char- acteristics required for endurance, ambition and the essential features of a road horse. This means the possession of general features represented by an intelligent head and extremely light neck, low, deep chest, oblique shoul- der, long, muscular forearm, strong knees, short cannons, slim, sloping pas- tern, and feet of good wearing quality, with round body rising slightly over the loin ; neat, long croup ; thighs full with low hocks that are strongly con- structed and clearly defined. Such deficiencies as are due to undersize, lack of style and substance should be points for underscoring in the show ring. In this connection, it is of importance to understand the difference that may exist in representatives of this breed when they are undergoing the strenuous work of campaigning or when they are retained only for show and stud pur- poses. As many carriage horses have their origin in this breed, as well as most of the roadsters and trotters, emphasis should be given to the qualities which mean endurance, ambition and high finish. It sometimes occurs that both pacing and trotting action compete in the show ring in a class for roadsters or standard breds. Both these gaits must l)e recognized and the preference given to the one that shows the most purity and is the best in every particular of its kind. The distinction must be made between the high knee and hock action of the carriage horse and the more reaching and easier folding action of the roadster or trotter. See standard, page f>8. STRUCTURAL EXAMINATION 31 "" SCALE OF POINTS FOB LIGHT HORSES GELDING. % o GENERAL APPEARANCE: (/) Form, symmetrical, smooth, stylish 4 Quality, bone clean, firm and indicating sufficient sub- stance; tendons defined; hair and 3kin fine 4 Temperament, active, kind disposition 4 HEAD AND NECK: Head, lean, straight 1 Muzzle, fine, nostrils large; lips thin, even; teeth sound 1 Eyes, full, bright, clear, large 1 Forehead, broad, full 1 Ears, medium, size, pointed; well carried, and not far apart . . l Neck, muscled; crest, high; throatlatch, fine; wind- pipe, large _. 1 FORE QUARTERS: Shoulders, long, smooth with muscle, oblique, extend- ing into back 2 Arms, short, thrown forward 1 Fore arms, muscled, long, wide 2 Knees, clean, wide, straight, deep, strongly supported. 2 Cannons, short, wide; sinews, large, set back 2 Fetlocks, wide, straight 1 Pasterns, strong, angle with ground 45 degrees 3 Feet, medium, even size; straight; horn dense; frog large, elastic; bars strong; sole concave; heel wide. 6 Legs, viewed in front, a perpendicular line from the point of the shoulder should fall upon the center of the knee, cannon, pastern and foot. From the side, a perpendicular line dropping from the center of the elbow joint should fall upon the center of the knee and pastern joints and back of hoof 4 BODY: Withers, muscled and well finished at top 1 Chest, deep, low, large girth 2 Ribs, long, sprung, close 2 Back, straight, short, broad, muscled 2 Loin, wide, short, thick 2 Underline, long; flank let down 1 HIND QUARTERS: Hips, smooth, wide, level 2 Croup, long, wide, muscular 2 Tail, attached high, well carried 1 Thighs, long, muscular, spread, open angled 2 Quarters, heavily muscled, deep Gaskin or Lower Thighs, long, wide, muscular 2 Hocks, clearly defined, wide, straight 5 Gannons, short, wide; sinews, large, set back 2 Fetlocks, wide, straight 1 Pasterns, strong, sloping 2 32 JUDGING HEAVY HORSES Feet, medium, even size; straight; horn dense, frog large, elastic; bars strong; sole, concave; heel, wide, high 4 Legs, viewed from behind, a perpendicular line from the point of the buttock, should fall upon the center of the hock, cannon, pastern and foot. From the side, a perpendicular line from the hip joint should fall upon the center of the foot and divide the gaskin in the middle; and a perpendicular line from the point of the buttock should run parallel with the line of the cannon 4 ACTION: Walk, elastic, quick, balanced 5 Trot, rapid, straight, regular, high 15 Total 100 III. JUDGING HEAVY HORSES. 53, Consideration of Condition. In examining draft horses it is well to remember that defects that are often apparent to the eye in the instance of light horses, require more careful observation to detect them in heavy horses. The defects are usually harder to see owing to the degree to which the horses may be pampered. Draft horses may be fed to such a high condition and in this way so "veneered" that it becomes a very hard matter to detect the struc- tural defects. A horse in lean serviceable condition will often show many defects especially in the body that a thick covering of fat would hide. In judging draft horses it is necessary to observe the greatest precaution so as not to mistake such padding with fat for dvelopment of muscle. /. General Examination. As in the light horse the most important matters to notice in the general examination are the form, quality and action of the horse under inspection. 54. Form Massive, Broad, Deep. In form the draft horse should be broad, square, close to the ground and well proportioned. It is necessary to remember that power rather than speed should be the outcome of the effort of a draft horse. It is evident that the size of the muscle has more to do with power, while the length of the muscle French Coach Stallion, PALADIN 1968, by Perfection.Owned by Dunnam, Fletcher & Coleman, Wayne, 111. DESCRIPTION OF 'A HE FRUNCH COACH HORSE I ARGELY through the encouragement and direction of the French government the French coach horse has been moulded into a type that has as its leading characteristic extreme smoothness, symmetry, a grace in movement with strong action approaching closely to that required for the carriage horse. The head should be intelligent looking, the neck clearly outlined and gracefully carried, the body snugly ribbed and quarters deep and muscular. To be striking in appearance, upstanding and high headed are features which have a paramount value in this type, and in addition there should be every evidence of quality in all structures. The common colors are bay, brown and black, and usually these are solid and not broken. Uniformity is desirable in any breed, so that it is necessary for the judge to adopt a certain type as that which he prefers, and then be consistent in the awards which follow. The highest pattern of a coach horse without coarseness or lack of action should be the standard carried in mind. When at rest it may be said that for true symmetry, fullness and graceful curves the highest type of the French coach horse is almost an idealistic pattern of what is required of ? repre- sentative of this class. German coach stallion imported SOCRATES, owned by Mr. John Par- rott, San Francisco, California. At the San Francisco Horse Show this stallion was first prize winner in the stallion class for coachers. A Cleveland Bay coach stallion, first prize winner at the Royal Agricultural Society Show in 1899. DESCRIPTION OF THE GERMAN COACH HORSE. THE GERMAN coach horse is representative of the larger breeds coming within the coach class. The type of the best carries with it the smooth- ness and the full development of muscular regions which give powerful move- ment and at the same time fullness of form. Substance, meaning thereby the possession of a strong frame, shown especially in the bone below the knee, is one of the features which has a pre-eminent place in the qualities desired by the adherents of the breed. Soundness of joints and cleanness of limb are qualities which must be secured in horses suitable for the purpose of these, and the show ring inspection should be directed clearly towards dis- countenancing undue roughness of structure, looseness of joints. The colors are bay, brown and black, and these are rarely broken by splashes or other striking markings. DESCRIPTION OF THE CLEVELAND BAY HORSE. THIS BREED, taking its name from its native district in England, has for its charactertistic color different shades of bay with black points. Being bred for the heaviest carriage work, a representative of this breed should stand sixteen hands high, somewhat large in size, and with more evidence of power than most other breeds of light horses. While possessing substance and symmetry, there should not be any deficiencies in evidence such as rough joints, coarse bone and lack of action for carriage purposes. Their size, power and evenness of disposition adapt them for general work on light farms or for heavy carriage work in the cities. As the sphere of this breed has not demanded the action called for in the lighter coach breeds, true coach action has not been commonly associated with its members, but, more or less, the critical judge should look for it in the show ring as in all coach classes. GENERAL EXAMINATION 33 is indicative principally of speed. There is a combination of power and speed which is desirable to secure in the draft horse but as in all things opposed to each other it is impossible to secure the highest development of both in the same individual. It has been stated by a writer on this subject* that in the instance of animals of short bones, slight angularity and short muscles, the conditions are most favorable for drawing heavy loads, and animals with long bones, long muscles and slightly angular joints are especially adapted for speed. 55. Advantage of Weight. In considering the form, weight should be given a high valuation, for a horse that does not weigh at least 1,500 pounds should not be con- sidered a draft horse. In addition, this weight must be ' the outcome of strong bone, heavy muscles and idi'ge pro- portions and not have its origin in excessive fatness. As to the importance of weight it may be illustrated best by citing what is said to be the first experience that inventors had with the locomotive. When this was being perfected before its introduction as a means of transportation, it is stated that a small model of a locomotive with thejiec- essary track arrangement was used by those desiring to bring it into practical use. It was found in the model that the wheels would not adhere to the track but would spin around and waste the power. Considerable study was given to the best means of overcoming this difficulty. It was thought that the wheels should have cogs and the track furnished in the same way but a better plan was happened upon by accident. The inventor having a small load in form of bags to take over the track, instead of putting it in the car of the model train threw them across the locomotive and when steam was generated the train started without any of the difficulties that had been before observed. He found through this that the locomotive to exert its power to the best advantage should have a pro- portionate weight and it ultimately assisted in the per- * Smith, Physiology of Domestic Animals, page 756. 34 JUDGING HEAVY HORSES fection of the locomotive. The same principle attached it- self to the draft horse as a motor. It has been further illustrated in this way a driver with a rather light horse was trying to take a cartload of grain up a hill, the horse tried several times to accomplish it but would only get partly up the hill when the load would draw him back. After studying the matter the driver took some bags out of the cart and put them on the horse and accomplished his object. The same principle is applied as in the instance of the locomotive. He had added just so much to the weight of the horse and this enabled him to overcome in a degree the weight of the load. The factor of weight is not only of value in matter of work but this is also observable .as an influence in the general market. 56. Market Value of Weight. Arranging the sales re- ported by a leading firm of Chicago, during 1893, accord- ing to the weight of the horses sold, it will be seen that the variation in price is in accordance with the weight of the horse, as follows : Average Average Weight. Price. 1400 $155.87 1450 159.15 1500 169.15 1550 176.56 1600 176.62 1650 208.64 1700 212.89 1750 236.14 1800 258.33 It will be noticed that there is a constant increase in the prices from the lighter to the heavier weight and this factor of weight seems to be so marked as to dominate all other merits. The weight increasing from 1,400 to 1,800 pounds advanced the price about $100, which means that the added weight within this range was worth, about 25 cents per pound on the general market. 57. Quality with Substance Necessary for Durability. Of all desirable features to be sought in a draft horse that of strong, clean and firm bone is one of the most important. JLJ* Imported Trakehner coach stallion VIRGIL. Black horse with brown muzzle, 16 hands high. Foaled 1887. Weight 1,275 pounds. Bred by W. Gerlach, Walterkehmen, Prussia. Imported by Jacob Heyi, of Mil- waukee, Wisconsin, in 1890. Russian Orloff stallion WZMAKH, record 2:26*4. Gray horse, 16 hands high. Foaled 1887. Bred by S. DeBeauvais, Rogojkinow, Gouv- ernement Pensa, District of Mokshansk, Russia. Imported by Jacob Heyl, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1892. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRAKEHNER COACH HORSE. THIS BREED of coach horses, developed under the patronage of the Prus- sian government, includes among its representatives horses that for gen- eral use exhibit a high standard of excellence. They possess the substance required in a weight pulling coach horse and with it much of the quality which reflects a high order of breeding. The outline of the best type illustrates a high order of perfection for a coach horse ; while the advantage of large size with good bone adds greatly to their weight pulling qualities. In color these horses are with rare exception bright bays with few if any markings. Though typical coach action has not been made a feature of their breeding, as in the instance of some of the other breeds of coach horses, yet it is a characteristic which should be in evidence in any show ring containing a display of this class. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORLOFF TROTTER. THE ORLOFF trotter, being the national horse of Russia, has been de- signed largely by government direction to meet the many demands which are made upon a horse of general utility. They should be expected to show the quality which would be required in any light horse frequently subjected to severe tests of endurance and strength of structure. The type is one smoothly moulded with muscle, strong in all its parts and yet not unduly coarse, while at the same time not being so finely constructed as to detract any from its general strength. Being vigorous, they possess an abundance of ambition, and associated with this there is a compactness and general unity of structure which makes them good wearers under work. It is not expected that a horse of this type would have the ability to trot as fast as one showing a higher and more special construction, but it is proper to look for that type which would be adapted for covering long distances with the least fatigue. Champion Shetland pony PRINCE OF WALES, at nine years of age, height 39 inches. This stallian lias won a championship at every show exhibited since his two-year-old form, having won over 12 consecutive championship prizes. Owned by Chas. E. Bunn, Peoria, Illinois. See Shetland Standard page 59. A typical Welsh pony. STANDARD FOR PONY. BEFORE the establishment of the Hackney Horse Society in 1883, the dividing line between the horse and the pony in England was vague and undefined. It was then found necessary to distinguish clearly between horses and ponies, and accordingly all animals measuring fourteen hands or under were designated "ponies" and registered in a separate part of the Stud Book. This record of height with other particulars as to breeding, .etc., serves to direct breeders in their choice of sires and dams. The standard of height established by the Hackney Horse Society was accepted and officially recog- nized by the Royal Agricultural Society 'in iss:t when the prize list" for the Windsor Show contained pony classes for animals not exceeding 14 hands. The altered Polo rule which iixes the limit of height at 14 hands 2 inches mav l>e productive of some little confusion ; but for all other purposes 14 hands is the recognized maximum height of a pony. Prior to 1883 small horses were called indifferently galloways, hobbies, cobs or ponies, irrespective o their height. Ponies Past and Present, by Sir Walter Gilbey, Bart. DESCRIPTION OF WELSH PONY. FOR THE information of those interested in this breed, the following de- scriptions, furnished to the Polo Pony Society for their stud book (Vol. V. ) by the local committees, may be quoted:' "HEIGHT Not to exceed 12.2 hands. COLOR Bay or brown preferred ; grey or black allowable ; but dun, chestnut or broken color considered objectionable. ACTION Best described as that of the hunter ; low 'dairy-cutting' action to be avoided. The pony should move quickly and actively, stepping out well from the shoulder, at the same time flexing the hocks and bringing the hind legs well under the body when going. GENERAL CHARACTER The pony should show good pony character and evidence of robust constitution, with the unmistakable appearance of hardiness peculiar to mountain ponies, and at the same time have a lively appearance. HEAD Should be small, well chiseled in its outline and well set on ; forehead broad, tapering toward nose. NOSTRILS Large and expanding. EYES Bright, mild, intelligent and prominent. EARS Neatly set, well formed and small. THROAT AND JAWS Fine, showing no signs of coarseness or throatiness. NECK Of proportionate length ; strong but not too heavy with a moderate crest in the case of the stallion. SHOULDERS Good shoulders most important; should be well laid back arid sloping, but not too fine at the withers, not loaded at the points. The pony should have a good, long shoulder blade. BACK AND LOINS Strong and well covered with muscle. HINDQUARTERS Long, and tail well carried, as much like the Arab as possible, springing well from the top of the back. HOCKS Well let down, clean cut, with plenty of bone between the joint ; they should not be 'sickled' or 'cow-hocked.' FORELEGS Well placed ; not tied in any way at the elbows ; good muscular arm, short from the knee to the fetlock joints; flat, hone; pasterns sloping but not too long; feet, well developed and open at the heel ; hoof sound and hard." PO!<-N J'axt and J'rrscnt, Kir Walter Cilbry, Part. GENERAL EXAMINATION 35 The leg below the cannon should be flat, the bone should feel firm and the tendons should stand out distinctly from the bone. There should be such a feeling about the bone of the legs as to warrant the assumption that it is of a fine, firm texture. If you will compare the texture of a piece of hickory wood with that of tamarac or larch, which differ markedly in their relative strength, the difference which exists in the bone of horses will be made clear. Although a horse has never been known to break its leg in this region by severe exertion yet the importance of strength of bone . in these parts is of high value, not simply because of its wearing quality but also largely for what it indicates. It will be found that in the instance of a horse that has what is generally known as flat, clean bone with hard defined joints, its endurance is double that of a horse showing the opposite quality. In those breeds which have hair on their legs or ''feather" as it is sometimes called, the qual- ity of the hair is an . index to the nature of the bone. Coarse, porous bone, and coarse skin are associated and the latter gives rise to coarse hair; while on the other hand fine, silky hair is accepted as an indication that the bone is of close and hard texture. The mistake sometimes made of considering small bone a characteristic of quality should be guarded against as this is a very detrimental feature in a draft horse. In heavy horses the important considera- tion is to secure as close a combination as possible of quality with substance and weight. 58. Action Straight, Regular. The common working pace of the draft horse is the walk and for this reason it deserves prominence. In its sphere the draft horse is only at times urged beyond a walk so that it becomes a very important attribute of this horse to be a good walker. In criticising the walk of a draft horse, the action should be noted from three points of view before, behind and from the side. In approaching, the horse should carry his head high and the stride should be regular. The feet should be lifted clear of the ground and placed down evenly as if in 36 JUDGING HEAVY HORSES deliberation. From the side it may be noted if the hind and fore legs work in unison. Horses with short bones and long underlines present the best view from, the side while in action hut on the other hand those with long- backs and weak loins usually drag their legs in a slovenly way. Viewed from behind the action of the hock should be carefully noted. The flexion in this region should be free and straight. It is a common weakness of the hocks to be turned outward when raised, but more frequently the hocks are bent in too much and the feet thrown out of line. As a rule the stride should not be too long but well balanced with a movement quick and elastic. 59. Trotting Action. The ability to trot well is not generally considered a valuable attribute for a draft horse, as it is claimed that to walk well is a much more useful achievement. Good trotting action, however, is not only valuable in itself but it also brings with it many other qualities such as activity, style, balance of conformation and other features that are desirable in any class of horses. The draft horse in trotting should go level, straight and regular, for any deviation from these qualities are usually evidences of unsoundness or the absence of a balanced con- formation. The legs, both fore and hind, should flex freely at the hocks and knees, for a rigidness of movement of these is indicative of defects of some kind. A stilted hock action is much too common in draft horses and is very often due to the fact that the hock is not properly set as may be observed in all hind legs that are too straight. Such are usually lacking in reach and power. II. Structural Examination. 60. Head Lean, Medium Size. Coarseness of the head is a prevalent fault. While it should be of only medium size there should be sufficient breadth between the eyes and the face lines should be clearly defined with the total length of the head proportionate to the rest of the body. It should be well set on the neck and carried gracefully. Photo from Horse Show Monthly. Saddle stallion MOXTE CRISTO, JR., owned by J. T. Crenshaw, Scott Station, Ky. Winner of numerous prizes at leading horse shows. Morgan horse, HILLSIDE, bred by Morgan Horse Company, Carpen- tersville, 111. HILLSIDE and his full brother sold during the depressed times of the horse industry for $1,600. He was first at the Illinois State Fair in 1894, 1895, and also first prize winner at the Chicago Horse Show in 1894. Standard bred trotting 1 stallion, ALLERTON, when a three-year-old with a record of 2:12, formerly champion trotting- stallion, and within recent years the leading- sire of standard trotters. Sired by Jay Bird 5060, and owned by C. W. Williams, Galesburg, 111. American standard bred stallion ALLERTON, 2:09 1 /4. Reproduced from a photograph taken when ] 4 years old. A comparison of this with the illustration shown above, which was taken when three years old, indicates the development which takes place in a stallion as he ad- vances in years. A comparison will also add to the prestige of this horse, for it shows how well preserved in form he is, without any !>!(. lislies, after having passed through severe campaigning. STRUCTURAL EXAMINATION 37 The nostrils should be large and of a healthy color. An examination of the mouth, though usually made to esti- mate the age, should include inspection for the most fre- quent defects in this region which, in heavy horses are parrot mouth or overshot mouth and troubles of the teeth. The eye should be bright, full and mild with no appearance of film to interfere with the vision. In looking at the eye it is well to remember that the natural shape of the pupil is elliptical, while a spherical form indicates blindness or impaired vision. Haziness of the eye, one being smaller than the other or a wrinkled eyelid are indications of oph- thalmia. 61. Neck Strong, Lengthy. The neck should have the appearance of being strong and massive and also of suffi- cient length and well arched. Undue length of neck especially in draft horses is so rare that it may be con- sidered unknown. 62. Shoulders Sloping, Muscular. While a decidedly upright shoulder may give increased power in the shafts, it must be remembered that it may be in an extreme posi- tion in this respect, and if so it forces the step to be short and slow. It is easy to see that a moderately oblique shoulder favors a long, quick step and at the same time it detracts but little from the power. When the shoulder is very upright the concussion upon the feet is increased and hence this conformation is general!}^ associated with side- bones and ringbones. Activity and elasticity of movement, especially in the walk is a desirable feature of the heavy horse and such is very seldom found in connection with an upright shoulder. 63. Chest Deep, Full. The chest should be deep and comparatively broad giving great volume and lung room. It is best estimated by the girth, which is the body's cir- cumference behind the fore legs. Horses that are slack in that part, are generally of weak constitution without aver- age staying power. Exceptional width in the chest usually 38 JUDGING HEAVY HORSES results in rolling and pitching in action, but if the shoulder blades fit snug to the body this is not generally noticeable. 64. Arms Sloping. The humerus or bone that forms the arm should be short and sloping so as to bring the fore legs properly under the body. In addition it should be well covered with muscle. 65. Fore Legs Wide, Defined, Fore Arm Large. The fore arm should be large and its prominence should be due to a large bunch of muscle which gives the horse complete control of his legs. It is an especially valuable feature to notice in a draft horse for the reason that it is not as easily padded with fat as the rest of the body. 66. Knees Broad, Defined, A broad, clean knee is im- portant and there should not be the least shrinkage in the breadth below it. The extremities should be lean and the tendons should stand out prominently from the rest of the leg. In Clydesdales and Shires there should be a fringe of fine, silky hair starting from behind the knee and running to the fetlock and this should spring from the edge of the leg. It is well to bear in mind that this "feather" very often gives one a false impression of the width of the leg below the knee. Horses that are coarse about the fetlocks with matted, wiry hair in this region are as a rule more subject to the skin diseases characteristic of these regions. 67. Fetlocks Clean, Wide. This joint should be clearly defined without any fullness, due to windgalls. In addition it should be wide so as to give favorable attachment to the strong tendons that pass this point. 68. Pasterns Sloping, Springy. The pastern of the draft horse should be medium in length and it should be critically examined especially in regard to its slope, for this has much to do with the durability of the horse 's feet and also has an effect on the animal's action. A glance at the skeleton in this region will show that there are four A yearling Hackney filly, winner of numerous prizes in the leading British show rings. A thoroughbred yearling, DISGUISE II, owned by James R. Keene. This American bred horse finished third in the Derby, and afterwards beat the winner of the race, the Prince of Wales' Diamond Jubilee. A group of French Coach yearling fillies at Oaklawn Stock Farm, the property of Messrs. Dunham, Fletcher & Coleman, Wayne, 111. These fillies were sired by Perfection and they show the form and quality desired in coach fillies of this age. NANCY HANKS 2.04 and foal by ARION 2:07%. This foal shows the [ qualities desired in a trotting breed weanling while the mare in form > illustrates a very desirable type of standard bred brood mare. A pasture scene at Gregory Farm, White Hall, 111. The illustration on the right hand shows a deficient fore leg for a draft horse, as it lacks muscle, with straight, coarse pastern and shelly feet. The shoulder is also too straight and the legs very deficient in quality, as the hair is coarse and wiry, which may be noted by com- parison with the one on the left. The latter shows good feet, sloping pasterns, strongly supported knee, rather weak fore arm, and mod- erately sloping shoulder. Clydesdale gelding SENSATION. In 1896 this horse was champion gelding of Scotland and then weighed 2184 pounds when shown by Mr. William Clark of Netherlea, Scotland, who paid $600 for him. After working during the intervening time on the streets of Liverpoo 1 , he was shown at Chicago at the International Exposition in December, 1900, where he won a $100 special for the best aged gelding in harness. Photo taken December, 1900. This horse was bred by Mr. John Craw- ford, of Scotland and he was sired by the Darnley horse Gartsherrie (2800). The imported English Shire stallion SOUTHILL CASTLE. First in aged class at International Exposition in 1911, shown by Truman Bros., Bushnell, 111. A prize winning Belgian stallion, imported and shown by Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. STRUCTURAL EXAMINATION 39 small bones below the fetlock joint. The first one below this joint is the one that forms the pastern and below this there are two others continuing the slope of the pastern ; vrhile the fourth is located at the juncture of the two just mentioned. It is evident that it is desirable for the pastern bone to slope at least forty-five degrees, for if it is straighter than this, the concussion given to the foot is not dissipated over all the structures as it should be. A horse putting the foot down (except when severely taxed in draft and then the toe reaches the ground first) receives the concussion on the frog which transmits it to the ten- dinous tissue padding the heel of the foot. From there it passes to the bones of the foot apparently about the region of the first joint made by the three bones, the navicular, coffin and the coronary, which are admirably arranged in the leg having a sloping pastern to each receive a share of the buffeting. If the pastern is sloping it would seem that only a small part of the concussion is likely to reach the pastern bone and this seemingly would be completely spent before the fetlock joint would be reached. This joint when the pastern slopes properly, swings in a sling of ligaments and tendons and consequently when the parts below slope considerably, it is much more effective in pro- tecting the bones of the leg from the irritation that arises from concussion. It is easy to see why navicular disease, sidebones and ringbones, are most frequently associated with straight pasterns. The concussion from the foot in the straight pastern falls most severely on the first joint formed by the navicular, coffin and coronary bones and consequently it is about this region that these various bone Diseases are located. Concussion produces irritation, which continued results in inflammation followed by bony deposits. To give the pastern the proper springiness, a pro- portionate length should be associated with the slope. The slope, however, is of still more importance than length or 40 JUDGING HEAVY HORSES size. The features of the joints at both ends should be clearly denned, showing that they are completely free from puffiness, sidebones or other diseases or blemishes. It may be stated here that pasterns that are upright in a mature horse generally become more so with age and the action depreciates in proportion. Such a conformation gives but slight command of the feet and the horse that has it literally forces the feet into the ground or batters them on the hard pavement of the city streets. 69. Feet Large, Dense, Concave Sole, Large Frog. Diseases and defects of the foot are exceedingly prevalent among heavy horses. As sound feet are rather the excep- tion, and this is an important structure, considerable atten- tion should be directed to it. The foot is made up of three bones. These are covered by a highly sensitive secreting layer. The external surface is made up of the wall, sole and frog. In shape the proper foot is somewhat irregular as the outer quarter running back to the sole curves consid- erably outward, while the inner quarter is straighter. This shape it will be easily seen not only gives a strong hold upon the ground, but it also decreases the possibility of the inner edge of the foot striking the opposite leg or inter- fering. In color the foot should be dark and it should have a waxy appearance. The angle formed by the hoof from the ground to the top should be about fifty degrees. One of the parts to be examined most critically is the frog. This should be plump, large and elastic. Just above the frog is what is known as the sensitive frog, which is a mass of blood vessels and nerves and above this again is a fatty frog which acts as a buffer. On top of the latter is the small navicular bone. This bone is enveloped in a very sensitive secreting membrane and if this becomes irritated in the least through concussion resulting from the frog not fulfilling its functions as a buffer then inflammation at once sets in; the fluid for lubricating the joint is not se- creted ; then follows absorption of the cartilage and finally STRUCTURAL EXAMINATION 41 disease of the bone which interferes with the function of the joint. These all result in excruciating pain and greatly lessen the horse's utility. Wide, open hoof heads (this has reference to the top of the foot) are very desirable. 70. Body Short, Broad Back, Deep Ribs. The typical draft horse should stand comparatively high in front. This should not be due to straight shoulders or height of the withers, for when these are high it will generally be found that they are not well covered with muscle. Undue length of the back, very often sunken, is a common defect of draft horses. Another feature to look for in viewing the barrel is the breadth and depth of the ribs. If the body is not round and the ribs well sprung and deep, the chest is likely to be narrow. The volume of the chest behind the withers is an index to the capacity of the lungs, and it is a fact that horses that are light there and short in the hind rib easily become languid and depressed during exertion. The horse with a poorly sprung rib making a shallow barrel and light loin is usually a poor feeder and ill doer. 71. Loin Thick, Broad. The loin should be thick and broad. If there is a slight elevation over the loin due to an extra development of the muscle it may be considered as indicating strength, though it detracts from the sym- metry. 72. Croup Broad, Muscled. The croup should be broad and thick with muscle. There is considerable differ- ence in draft horses in regard to the slope of the croup. In some it appears as if they had been hit with a board in the hind quarter giving the croup an extreme slope, while in others it runs almost straight. The main factor which adds to the strength of the croup is not the slope of it but the degree to which it is muscled The slope that runs from the center of the hips to the root of the tail is made by the vertebrae to which some important muscles are attached. The other slope which runs from the sides of the hip joints as seen from the side has perhaps more to do with the favorable application of power in this part, than the slope 42 JUDGING HEAVY HORSES that has been first mentioned. It is easy to see that when a muscle is perpendicular to the weight to be lifted the power is applied in the most advantageous way, just the same as when you wish to lift a weight you stand straight over it instead of trying to lift it at arm's length. There seems to be no real reason why the croup should slope so markedly as it does in some strains of horses, as it certainly detracts from their appearance. 73. Thighs Muscled ; Quarters Full. Passing down to the hind leg the thigh should be closely examined for the development of muscle in that region. The quarters should also be observed with the same object in view. There is a vast difference in horses in this respect, and it will some- times be found that horses very heavily muscled at the croup are very lightly muscled in the quarters. It is a bad defect for a draft horse to be deficient in muscle in the quarters, for it is from these parts that they obtain most of their power to pull. 74. Hock Wide, Defined, Properly Set. The hock should be closely examined, for in this joint there is likely more work done than in any other single joint of the body. Narrow, tied-in hocks are more subject to curbs than those that are broad. Fleshiness or coarseness about the hocks is very prevalent among draft horses and it is well to ex- amine such closely for bog spavins. The tendons running from the hocks should be large, lean and firm. It is a com- mon defect for a draft horse to be too straight or too crooked in the hock. .One that is set properly gives more power. The worst trouble and the most common one to be noted in hocks of draft horses is that of fleshiness or * ' gum- miness, " and such are not only more liable to hock trou- bles, but it indicates coarseness of organization which is not usually associated with durability. In looking at the hock it should appear wide both from in front of the horse and the side, especially so from the latter point of view. The point of the hock should be as sharp as possible and the same may be said of all its features. Some horses Suffolk stallion, RENDESHAM CUPBEARER. cultural Society Show, 1899. First at the Royal Agri- DESCRIPTION OF THE SUFFOLK PUNCH HORSE. THIS BRITISH breed of draft horses is exceptionally uniform in type, owing to the fact that they have been long established and have been carefully bred for this feature. They are chestnut in color and the best representatives in form show a type that is low set, short legged and deep bodied. Consider- ing the average weight of the breed they show an unusual amount of this be due to the extreme development of muscle. The bone is most frequently of a high quality and the limbs clean cut in every feature, while feet of dur- able texture are among their common attributes. They have a well estab- lished reputation for being docile in temperament, easy keepers, steady when working, and activity is a leading quality of the breed. Desirable weight is sometimes absent in its representatives and frequently when this is ample it is secured by abnormal fatness rather than by general massiveness. While the fact that their qualities, chiefly activity and durability, especially adapt them for general farm work of lighter draft purposes, yet the importance of the other essential and draft qualities, especially weight should not be over- looked by the judge in the show ring. HIAWATHA (10067), Vol. XVIII. Champion Clydesdale stallion; bay; rising nine years old; height 17-1 hands high; weight at present i'128 Ibs. Bred by William Hunter, Garthland Mains, Stranraer. Property of John Pollock, Paper Mill, Langside. Winner of first prizes in the Aged Open Class and the Cawdor Scottish cup at the Scottish Stallion Show, Glasgow, in 1898 and 1899; first prize and R. H. the Prince of Wales' Gold Medal at H. A. S. Show, Edinburgh, 1899; first prize and Duke of Montrose Plate, Glasgow Summer Show; also Duke of Portland's cup at Ayr, 1900 ; first prize and Cawdor Challenge cup at Scottish Stallion show, Glasgow, 1901. DESCRIPTION OF THE CLYDESDALE HORSE. THE representatives of this breed of Scotch draft horses are usually bay, brown, black or chestnut in color, with white markings. In conforma- tion, the leading characteristics sought are the possession of weight with quality and action. While the adherents of the breed recognize the value of weight yet they always associate with it quality of structure with superior mechanical action, and in judging a class of horses of this breed these features should have equal prominence. The head in the typical Clydesdale, though sometimes out of proportion to the other parts, is usually possessed of intelligent features. To secure the action desired the shoulders must be sloping so as to permit a free and long stride in the walk and trot ; the arm must necessarily be full muscled, legs fiuted and fiat with a fine feather springing from the edge. The pasterns which have received much attention in the formation of this breed, should be decidedly sloping, the hoof head or top of the foot should be large, and no amount of fine feather or excel- lence of pastern should be allowed to overbalance the necessity of a good sized foot, correctly shaped and of splendid wearing texture. The back should be short and, though seemingly low from the extra style secured by high carriage of head, should never be weak, which is prevented by short- ness in this part, and with an easy rising and full coupled loin running smoothly into a strong croup. The quarters should be well muscled and the hind legs in addition to having every evidence of quality should be properly set, meaning thereby that they stand close and the parts have correct pro- portion in relation to each other. In no case should style be allowed to sup- plant essential draft qualities, as it would be a fault of judgment to permit high carriage and flashy action to attain prominence over a deep middle, strong coupling in association with properly set limbs, as the source of Clydesdale popularity is the degree to which they combine the many essen- tials of a draft horse with activity. STRUCTURAL EXAMINATION 43 are especially sharp in the prominences of the hock leading some to question their freedom from spavins. This forma- tion is desirable for the reason that it is usually associated with the best quality of bone and tendon and further it gives this region more power because of the more favorable attachment of the tendons that pass these points. SCALE OF POINTS FOR DRAFT HORSES GELDING. t5 GENERAL APPEARANCE: || Weight, over 1,500 Ibs.; score according to age 4 Form, broad, massive, proportioned 4 Quality, bone smooth, hard; tendons lean; skin and hair fine 4 Temperament, energetic, good disposition 4 HEAD AND NECK: Head, lean, medium size 1 Muzzle, tine; nostrils large; lips thin, even 1 Eyes, full, bright, clear 1 Forehead, broad, full 1 Ears, medium size, well carried 1 Neck, muscled, crest high; throatlatch fine; windpipe large 1 FORE QUARTERS: Shoulder, sloping, smooth, snug, extending into back 2 Arm, short, thrown back . . . 1 Fore Arm, heavily muscled, long, wide 2 Knees, wide, clean cut, straight, deep, strongly sup- ported 2 Cannons, short, lean, wide; sinews large, set back. .. 2 Fetlocks, wide, straight, strong 1 Pasterns, sloping, lengthy, strong 3 Feet, large, even size; horn dense; sole concave; bars strong; frog large, elastic; heel wide, one-half length of toe and vertical to ground 8 Legs, viewed in front, a perpendicular line from the point of the shoulder should fall upon the center of the knee, cannon, pastern and foot. From the side, a perpendicular line dropping from the center of the elbow joint should fall rpon the center of the knee and pastern joints and back of hoof 4 BODY: Chest, deep, wide, low, large girth 2 Ribs, long, close, sprung 2 Back, straight, short, broad 2 Loins, wide ,shcrt, thick, straight 2 Underline, flank low 1 4 ! JUDGING HORSES SCALE OF POINTS FOR DRAFT HORSES GELDING Continued HIND QUARTERS: Hips, smooth, wide 2 Croup, wide, muscular 2 Tail, attached high, well carried 1 Thighs, muscular 2 Quarters, deep, heavily muscled 2 Gaskin or lower thighs, wide muscled 2 Hocks, clean cut, wide, straight 8 Cannons, short, wide; sinews large, set back 2 Fetlocks, wide, straight, strong 1 Pasterns, sloping, strong, lengthy 2 Feet, large even size; horn dense; dark color; sole con- cave; hars strong; frog large, elastic; heel wide, one half length of toe and vertical to ground 6 Legs, viewed from behind, a perpendicular line from the point of the buttock should fall upon the center of the hock, cannon, pastern and foot. From side, a perpendicular line from the hip joint should fall upon the center of the foot and divide the gaskin in the middle; and a perpendicular line from the point of the buttock should run parallel to the line of the cannon 4 ACTION: Walk, smooth, quick, long, balanced 6 Trot, rapid, straight, regular 4 Total. . .100 TV. JUDGING HORSES IN THE BREEDING CLASSES. The preceding- discussion has most to do with the judg- ing of the various types of the horse in use for pleasure or for work; so that it is necessary to present some details that should be observed in making awards in the breeding classes. In this w r ork the judge must closely discriminate between the peculiar characteristics of the sexes and also employ much judgment in determining the development according to the age. 75. Sex Characteristics. Preceding birth and for some time in foetal life, there are no evidences of sex. Such are apparent at birth, but it is not until the approach of pu- berty that the sex characteristics referred to here begin to develop. After this period is reached the sexes begin to IX THE BREEDING CLASSES 45 diverge from each other, the male acquiring characteristics that are distinctly masculine, while the female acquires others peculiarly feminine in that they are strikingly dif- ferent from those of the male. The reproductive cells of each seem through their characteristics to influence the peculiarities of the sexes in a remarkable manner. 76. Differences in Disposition. In all classes of farm live stock there are very noticeable differences in disposi- tion, that may be credited to the influence of the sex. The active disposition of the male animal oftentimes is forced to spend itself in the development of viciousness and it cannot be disputed that such has been true of many of the best breeding sires, especially among those of the lighter breeds of horses and the dairy breeds of cattle. The differ- ence in the nature of the sexes is even characteristic of the reproductive cells the sperm or male cell being active and smaller, while the ovum or female cell is larger and more stable. From this condition through the various stages of life the differences in the disposition of the sexes is. easily traceable. The lamb of the male sex becomes combative and more active in disposition as he develops while the ewe lamb loses the early activity that was common to all and develops into the gentler ewe ; the calf of the male has a fierceness of mien that seeks active experssion in imaginary combats, becoming easily excited to anger, when it is no- ticeable that the suppliant bawl has become a fierce roar ; while the cow has lost the playful energy that she had as a calf and now has none to spare for anything but her quiet vocation of making milk ; the colts tend to develop the same restless activities while the fillies assume the quieter quality of mind common to maternity, and in like manner the pigs separate in their dispositions as the sex character- istics become pronounced. Thus in all live stock the changes of disposition are traceable to sexual development 46 JUDGING HORSES and it is because of the close connection between the two features that many breeders consider the characteristic disposition valuable indications of future usefulness for breeding purposes. 77. Differences in Form. In the development of the sexes marked differences in form result. The true male form is heavier at the shoulders than the female while the latter is wider in the region of the pelvis. This should be borne in mind in critically examining animals of the differ- ent sexes, for it may oftentimes prevent an adverse critic- ism which should be favorable comment. It is not infre- quent to hear the remark passed that a ram for instance, in a breeding class, would be an exceptionally good sheep if he were as wide behind as he is in front. This is thought by some to be the striking defect of our mutton breeds (and perhaps it is) but in many instances it is but the uni- versal pattern that nature has adopted for the male form. A male of any class of stock should be expected to be wider in the chest than behind though it should not be weak in the latter part. Width of hip, however, is not the chief qualification of the female form ; depth in this region or length of the barrel and from rib to hip, is of more im- portance as this makes provision for the proper growth of the foetus. 78. Variation in Features. There are many marked variations in the features that are characteristic of the dif- ference in the sexes. In the stallion the face has a harder look and the head is larger. The neck is fuller and the crest or swell of the neck is very pronounced and sur- mounted with a heavy mane. The mare has a slimmer face with a softer expression, the neck is thin and often ewe shaped and the mane light and fine. In cattle the face of the bull is more or less burly and covered with wavy hair, the horn is strong and inclined to roundness while the neck ic thick and stout with a full crest. In the cow the face is long, free from wavy hair, the horn light and flat and the neck thin and in-curved on the top line. In sheep the face Shire mare, HENDRIE CROWN PRINCESS, first in 1898 and first and jreserve champion Royal Agricultural Society Show, 1899. Sold for ; $5,500 at Lord Wantage's auction sale. DESCRIPTION OF THE SHIRE HORSE. Z1MONG the representatives of this long established breed of English draft * horse the most desirable form is low, broad and massive. Weight is con- sidered a leading feature and so with this we must associate the attributes of being heavily built, muscular, with large bone and rather slow movement Strength of shoulder has been preferable to slope, which has probably given power in the collar but detracted from the freedom and length of the stride. The body of the best representatives is of exceptional merit, being large in girth, deep, strongly coupled with broad, short back and heavily muscled quarters. Their points of excellence are undoubtedly exceptional weight, made up of heavy bone, full muscular development, with width and depth of form; asosciated with these qualities there are kindred deficiencies which are sometimes in evidence, meaning thereby a lack in general quality, coupled with a sluggish temperament. The superior consideration which has been given to weight has frequently overbalanced the claims of action, conse- quently while showing to excellent advantage standing there are some which fail to sustain their merit when their action is shown. Alack of quality in a draft horse must necessarily be discountenanced for durability depends on this and also on the set of the limbs. The imported Percheron stallion HAUTBOIS, winner in aged class at the International Exposition in 1911. Shown by McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. DESCRIPTION OF THE PERCHERON HORSE. IN THE establishment of this French breed of draft horses the guiding ideal has been to develop an active and durable type of draft horses suited for drawing loads at a rapid pace. The degree to which weight is desirable in the modern draft horse has resulted in the production of a heavier type with these characteristics yet in evidence. The modern type of this breed is short legged, compactly and stoutly built. The representatives which best exemplify the type show an active temperament, intelligent heads, short, full crested necks, with deep body and wide croup. To meet the requirements of their patrons they must possess with this abundance of quality, attractive style and active movement. The modern type shows a difference from the original in being black in color and somewhat closer to the ground than those first imported. The original gray Percheron had for its peculiar char- acteristics an unusual combination of strength and active action with style and endurance. They had an abundance of style, with round bodies and an exceptional quality of bone. The highest type of this breed in the present show rings should be typical of an active draft horse with the quality and the substance to justify durability. To serve this purpose to the fullest extent the necessity of regular and straight action with properly set limbs should not be a secondary consideration in any show ring, and in the mmd of the judge no amount of flashy action and toppiness should be allowed to overbalance these features. The weight that is necessary in representatives of this breed should be made up of a desirable quality of bone with muscle in those parts where real strength resides and not by a development in regions that have little to do with pulling power. l.\ THE BREEDING CLASSES 47 of the ram is shorter and heavier and the neck has a heavy ''scrag" or crest. The ewe's face is finer and the neck much lighter. In swine the boar's head is short and in- clined to coarseness and the tusks are strong and large. The neck is full and the bristles abundant and with age the shields (thickening of the hide over the shoulder blades) develop. The sow is smaller in the face, the neck much lighter and finer just at the point where it joins the head. These things are all features of the sex character- istics and their value, which will be discussed in what fol- lows, will indicate the degree to which they should be looked for in all breeding classes. 79. Relation of Sex Characteristics to Sterility. When the sex characteristics that have been described fail to develop in the mature animal, it is invariably good evi- dence of the lack of procreative power. The effect of castration is evidence of the fact that if anything inter- feres with the maturity of the reproductive organs, the cex characteristics fail to develop. If the operation is per- formed early in life there is a decided approach to the characteristics of the feminine type in the instance of geld- ings, steers, wethers and barrows. On the other hand, it is equally true of the opposite sex thwarted or impaired development results in the production of the characteris- tics that are peculiar to the male type. As an instance of this the occurrence of "free martins" in cattle may be cited. This term is applied to twins in which the one is a male and the other a female The female usually possesses the sex characteristics of the male as she has the coarse appearance in the head, neck and horn, and when this is ::o it will be found that she is invariably infertile. Ex- treme effeminacy on the part of the male is equally indic- ative of sterility as may be attested to by the effeminate appearance and the sterility that results from inbreeding some classes of stock. Low, referring to this says of closely in and inbred animals, "They become as it were sooner old ; the males lose their virile aspect and become 48 JUDGING HORSES at length incapable of recreating their race." Walker (Intermarriages) cites many instances that have been ob- served by different poultry breeders, bearing out the pro- position that sterility through close in and inbreeding with some animals is followed by the loss or interchange of sex characteristics. 80. Relation of Sex Characteristics to Prepotency. The non-development of the sex characteristics in the male is indicative of the lack of vigor and that in turn has a close relation to prepotency or the impressive powers of a sire. Effeminacy means a lack of tone in muscle and loss of vigor and this is very observable in sires lacking in im- pressive powers, while the most noted sires in the history of breeding have been remarkably virile with the charac- teristics of masculinity unusually developed. 81, The Stallion Classes. Excepting the sex character- istics the stallion should have the qualities that have been described in the class for geldings. The stallion should have the determined expression, the hard features, the high crest and full neck, that are evidences of masculinity. With these there should be the active vigorous temperament, which also indicates virility. The testicles should be nor- mal in size and both should be visible in the sac or scro- tum, for impotency is often indicated by their non-appear- ance. It is a frequent subject for discussion as to whether or not the stallions in some classes should be judged solely as to their individual merit or also include the merit of their pedigree, performance and progeny. Usually the condi- tions relating to the awarding of the prizes are explicit enough to avoid such a discussion but where they are not it is best to consider in making awards all the attributes that will add to the value of the stallion. Pedigree in a breeding class has a value, so has performance; and for this reason they should be given consideration along with the personal merit of the stallion and his progeny. In the Instance of a standard bred trotter it is assumed by some IN THE BREEDING CLASSES 49 that the fact that the stallion complies with the standard is sufficient consideration to give his breeding but those who have given the matter any study will concede that there is a vast difference in the value of the pedigrees of standard horses. The judge should be able to discriminate between pedigrees and also to be broad minded enough to include in his estimate of the different stallions before him the other characteristics that make the animal valuable for breeding purposes. 82. Importance of Correct Conformation. In the breed- ing classes special attention should be given to the confor- mation. A defect of conformation even in the smallest par- ticular is very apt to be transmitted and for that reason it should be discountenanced in breeding stock. It is gen- erally known that even such a slight matter as a twist of the fetlock, or the turn of the foot in action is very likely to pass from a stallion to all his get. Considering however greater defects such as a curby hock, a weak knee or other malformations, it is certainly the duty of the judge to pro- nounce against them. To present this feature plainly it may be stated that a breeder would be better justified in using a stallion that had a spavin on a well constructed hock than one that was without a spavin but had a hock that was very defective in conformation ; the reason being that in the instance of the well constructed hock with a spavin it is certain that the horse was subjected to a severe wrench or injury of some kind else the spavin would not be there. In the instance of the horse with the badly con- structed hock it needs only the opportunity, which occurs in nearly all kind of work, to develop a spavin, and the reason there is not one there is solely because extra care has been given to the protection of this part. Breeding animals of this kind may be so carefully tended and pam- pered that they fail to show such diseases as would be pro- duced by their conformation under the ordinary stress of labor. 50 JUDGING HORSES 83. Hereditary Diseases. In these classes it is of im- portance to have in mind the diseases that are known as hereditary. This term does not imply that the disease is directly transmitted but that a horse having them trans- mits to his get a decided tendency to contract them. The newly born foal never shows them, but from its parents it inherits the defects of conformation that predisposes it towards these diseases. The Royal Commission composed of the leading veterinarians of England have decided that the following diseases in horses are hereditary : Roaring, whistling, sidebone, ringbone, navicular disease, curb, bone spavin, bog spavin, thoroughpin, grease, shivering and cataract. 84. The Mare Classes. In addition to the lighter head, neck and fore quarter which is the proper type of the sex, the mare should specially differ from the stallion in the roominess of the barrel. The ribs should be deeper and the body bss compact and with much more length of loin than in the case of the stallion. 85. Colts and Fillies. This is probably the hardest class for the judge to satisfy himself in rendering decisions. This class cannot be judged without considering the pos- sibilities of the future which comes only from experience. It is the growthy colt or filly with ideal limbs and rather lanky body that is likely to prove the superior animal when mature ; while the compact, smooth bodied colt or filly that is not constructed on correct mechanical prin- ciples is likely to develop into a disappointment. V. ESTIMATING THE AGE OF HORSES BY THEIR TEETH. It is necessary to know the indications of age as they appear in the teeth that no animal may be unfairly classed with those that are younger. The indications become in a degree satisfactory to those who have proven them many times by personal observation and experience in noting the differences that exist. It is to be remembered however, Percheron mare CASTILLE 78956 (64553.) Champion Percheron mare at the International Exposition in 1911. Shown by Dunhams Wayne, 111. Sketches of horses' teeth, showing 1, a temporary incisor or characteristic shape ; 2, a permanent incisor, broader and longer than No. 1 ; 3, a permanent incisor with lines indicating the appearance of the two as it is subjected to wear. At "A" the unworn surface of the new tooth is shown. At "B" the mark is indicated with the general shape of the table. At "C" it is noticeable that the mark becomes much smaller while at "D" the triangular shape of the tooth that is well worn makes its appearance; 4, shows the natural mark and table of a horse's tooth. It will be noticed that there is a ring of enamel around the black mark or center ; 5, this sketch shows the table of the horse's tooth that has been "Bishoped" or fixed so as to bear some resemblance to a young tooth with the natural mark. This black mark has been made in the tooth by the use of a hard instrument. 2 to 4 Years