GIFT OF Μ. W. Graham* tMW3._^« 'Μλ/νχ^^ Xx^viU&>N- v\-\3b-4$L , HOMERIC DICTIONARY FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES FROM THE GEEMAN OF Dk. georg autenkieth EECTOR OF THE GYMNASIUM AT ZWEIBRt'CKEN TRANSLATED, WITH ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, By ROBERT P. KEEP, Ph.D. # NEW YORK HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS FRANKLIN SQUARE 1880 li^^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 187G, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 3-7/V?: ,i • ?-^* • PREFACE. M/t/ AJ Dr. Georg Autenrieth, the compiler of the " Worterbuch zii den Homerischen Gedichten," of which the present volume is a translation, is the Director of the Gymnasium at Zweibriicken, in the Bavarian Palatinate. A favorite scholar and intimate personal friend of that admirable man, Yon Nagelsbach, of Erlangen, there devolved upon him, on the death of the latter, the editorial charge of his works, and Autenrieth's editions of the " Gymnasial Pada- gogik," the " Homerische Theologie," and the " Commentary on the First Three Books of Homer's Iliad" gained him the repute of a thorough and judicious scholar, and led to his appointment, at an unusually early age, to the important position which he now holds. In 1 868, at the request of the publishing house of Teubner k, Co., of Leipzig, he undertook the preparation of a school dictionary of the Iliad and Odyssey, which appeared in 1873. This work met with favorable criticism in Germany, was translated, Avithin a year from its publication, into Dutch, and has passed to its second German edition. Of Autenrieth's special fitness for the task of compiling such a dictionary, his experience as a practical educator, his devotion for many years to the study of Homer, his numer- ous contributions to the admirable Commentary of Ameis, and the frequent citation of his name in Crusius's Homeric Lexicon (the last edition, that of Seller and Capelle) furnish sufficient proof. Autenrieth's aim has been not only to convey, in the compactest form consistent with clearness, the results of Homeric study and criticism up to the present time, but also to communicate such col- lateral information as may serve to render the study of Homer in- teresting and attractive. Passages of doubtful or difficult interpre- tation are translated, and the derivations of words receive from the 371488 iv PREFACE. author, who has made the science of comparative philology a spe- cial study, particular attention. A novel feature of the work is the introduction into the text of nearly one hundred and fifty small wood-cuts — mainly representations of veritable antiques — which are designed to give to the student a vivid conception of the things mentioned by Homer, by placing before his eyes the war- fare, navigation, costume, and sacrificial rites of the Homeric age. It was the test of actual use which suggested to the editor the idea of translating this book. With it in his hand he read, first the Odyssey, then the Iliad. Tried by this test, it seemed to com- bine so many excellences that the wish arose in his mind that the work might be made generally accessible to students in America and in England. From the time when he decided to undertake the translation to the present date he has been in frequent corre- spondence with the author, calling his attention to articles which seemed obscure, and receiving from him the corrections and changes which have been incorporated into the second German edition. The number of additions made by the editor himself is considerable, and many articles have been entirely rewritten, as a comparison of the present with the German edition Avill show. Autenrieth's dictionary rests especially upon the labors of three distinguished Homeric scholars — Von Nagelsbach, Doderlein, and Ameis. The frequent references which, in the original edition, are made to these commentators, have been omitted in the trans- lation. Autenrieth frequently employs a Latin to define a Greek word. The practice commends itself from its conciseness and its precision, and the translator has accordingly in most cases continued it ; yet he has not felt that he could presuppose, in the case of American stu- dents, such an acquaintance with a large Latin vocabulary as would justify him in omitting to add (in most cases) an English translation. The present dictionary was intended to be primarily one of Ho- meric forms. Hence the plan of the work requires that, in the definitions of words which are inflected, the first inflexional form actually occurring in Homer should begin the article, and not, in all cases, the first person singular present indicative active or the k PREFACE. V nominative singular. AVhenever, in rare cases, a non-Homeric form occupies tlie first place, this is printed in thin-faced type. Occasionally, moreover, a verb which occurs only in a historical tense, and is therefore augmented, will be found in that place Λvhich the first person singular of its present indicative active would properly occupy : e. g., εξ-έφθιτυ, a άπαξ λεγόμενον, will be printed but once (to save space), and will be found where (if it occurred in Homer) the present, εκ-φθί^ω, would stand ; so, like- wise, εξ-ϊ/ρτταξε will occupy the place properly belonging to εΕ- αρττάζω. The necessity for extreme conciseness and the restriction of the vrork to Homeric usage cause some articles to lack that full ac- count of the various meanings of a word, as developed one from the other, Λvhich is to be found in a general lexicon like that of Liddell & Scott. A certain baldness and inadequateness in the treatment of many words must, indeed, be a characteristic of such a dictionary. The test of the book, hoAvever, is its practi- cal adaptation to the ends it is intended to serve. The Λvriter's own experience has led him to believe that it is well adapted to meet the Λvants of the young student, as well as to be a com- panion in the reading of those professional men Avho have un- willingly let their acquaintance Λvith Homer drop because of the inconvenience of carrying Λvitll them on a journey or to the sea- shore a cumbrous lexicon. It is his earnest hope that this book — so attractive in form, and procurable at so low a price — will render possible, alike in our secondary schools and in our col- leges, the reading of a considerably larger portion of Homer than has heretofore been attempted. The following suggestions as to the use of the book may be found serviceable : Let the beginning be made by grounding the student carefully and thoroughly upon the forms and peculiarities of the Homeric dialect, with the necessary constant comparison of Homeric and Attic forms. During this stage, the use of the larger lexicon in connection with the present volume will be necessary. Two Books read in this way Λvould suffice. This done, the second step would vi PREFACE. be to proceed much more rapidly, requiring of the students in recitation only an accurate and intelligent translation of the text and such knowledge as to the meaning and history of the words as this dictionary furnishes. The editor's own experience leads him to believe that a pupil Λvith this dictionary in his hands will easily read two pages of Homer in the time which, Λvith the large lexicon, would be required for one page. The dictionary also supplies, in a good degree, the place of a commentary, and will be found equally full upon all parts of the two poems. The translator even ventures to hope that the pres- ent volume, while offering only legitimate help to the student, may operate to remove the temptation to resort to translations. He is aware of the feeling of dislike Λvith which many teachers regard all special lexicons. That there are grave objections to their use when they cover only a part of the works of an author seems per- fectly clear; for then the vocabulary becomes so brief and the range of meaning of the definitions so narrow that translation is rendered for the scholar a merely mechanical exercise. These ob- jections, however, have little force as respects a special lexicon for the Homeric Poems. These poems represent to us every thing, in a connected form, which survives of Epic Greek literature. Not only do their forms differ so widely from those of Attic usage as to constitute a separate dialect, but their vocabulary is an extreme- ly copious one,* and contains a great multitude of words which are used only once, or but a very few times. This latter class of words, it is evident, if occurring in Homer alone, can receive no better elucidation from a large dictionary than from a small one, while the outlay of time required in seeking them in a volume of 1600 pages is very great. The requirements of a scheme of lib- eral study in our times are so extensive that the necessity of econ- omizing labor, whenever it can be done without detriment to men- tal discipline, is self-evident. It may be, indeed, that Greek and Latin will only be able to hold their place in our courses of higher education by welcoming and encouraging every legitimate help ♦ The Hind nnd the Odyssey contain about 9000 different words. I PREFACE. vii bv Avhich the labor necessary for acquiring a knowledge of the two chief ancient languages, and gaining an acquaintance with their literatures, may be abridged. There remains for the translator the pleasant duty of mention- ing that the proofs of the dictionary have passed under the eye of Dr. Autenrieth, of ZΛveibrucken, and Prof. John II. AVright, late of Columbus, Ohio. The references have all been twice verified by himself. It will thus be seen that great pains have been taken to secure that accuracy which is at once so indispensable and, in a work like the present, so difficult to attain. Robert Porter Keep. WiLLiSTON Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., Sept. 1, 187G. The editor avails himself of the opportunity afforded by a new issue of the Dictionary to incorporate the corrections which have accumulated since its first publication. He Avishes to ex- press his thanks to Dr. Drisler, Professors F. D. Allen and T. D. Seymour, and to Mr. Irving G. Stanton, an undergraduate student in Harvard College, for the valuable corrections which they have furnished, and to request similar favors in the future from all who may use the book. R. P. K. Sept. 1, 1878. The issue of a new edition of the Dictionary again gives op- portunity for the insertion of corrections, and for some additions which suggest a word of introduction. On pp. xiii., xiv. will be found a new Index, in which the at- tempt is made to enumerate, in connection Avith each cut, all the important objects which it illustrates. This Index, which forms an almost necessary supplement to that upon pp. xi., xii., was pre- pared and furnished to the editor by Professor John Williams AVhite, of Harvard College. viii PREFACE. Pp. xv.-xix. are occupied. by an outline of the Peculiarities of the Homeric Dialect, based, in contents and arrangement, upon the excellent sketch which forms the first appendix to Koch's Griechische AS^cAw/^rammaii^, 2d ed., Leipzig: B.G.Teubner, 1871. Such an outline seemed likely to be of especial service to those friends of the Dictionary — men in professional life — who wish to read Homer cursorily and from a text-edition, and who look to the Dictionary to furnish all the aid they require. The editor would renew his suggestion that the Dictionary yields its best results if scholars are not encouraged to use it much until they have mastered, by the aid of Liddell and Scott, at least one book of Homer. Now that the amount of Xenophon required for admission to college is generally read by the aid of special vocabularies, the student comes to Homer, in most cases, without having used a general dictionary. This is the point at which the purchase of a Liddell and Scott should be insisted upon- The thorough study of the Homeric forms involves at every step their comparison with the corresponding Attic forms, and cannot be satisfactorily prosecuted by the aid of the Auten- rieth alone. When three books of the Iliad have been mastered, the scholar will be well prepared for the rapid reading of the Odyssey. Passages especially suited for such reading are Bk. V. (Odys- seus's departure for Calypso's island) ; Bks. VL and VH. (his meet' ing with Nausicaa and his reception by Alcinous) ; Bks. IX. and X. (his account of his adventures with Cyclops, and on Circe's island). Any of these passages can be read by ordinary pupils, with the use of the Dictionary alone, at the rate of fifty to seventy- five lines per hour. And the result of a few weeks of such reading will be to develop the confidence of the student in his own power to translate (a prerequisite to reading at sight Λvith any success) and to greatly increase his interest in Homer. In addition to the obligations already acknowledged, the editor has to thank for corrections the following friends : Professor J. W. White, Professor O. M. Fernald, and Professor J. H. Wright. Easthampton, Mass., July ], 1879. ^• ^' ^^' I EXPLANATION OF REFEEENCES. References are made to the several books of the Iliad and the Odyssey re- spectively, according to the usage of the ancient commentators, by the large and small letters of the Greek alphabet. Thus A 10 signifies Iliad, Bk. I., line 10 ; and ω 8 signifies Odyssey, Bk. XXIV., line 8 ; or, in detail : A Iliad .1. . .II. . .III. . .IV. . .V. . .VI. . .Λ^ΙΙ. . .VIII. .IX. . .X. . .XL . .XIL. ..Odyssey, X .. Ω... ad .XITL , .XIV. . .XV. . .XVL . .XVIL . .XVIIL. .XIX. . .XX. . .XXL . .XXII. .XXIIL .XXIV. Odyssey The character f designates Homeric Ιίτταζ λίγόμενα. Two references connected by the Avord and designate ^Ις λεγόμενα. II. or Od. affixed to a definition denotes that the word defined occurs only in the Iliad or only in the Odyssey. The references in general are to be understood as explanatory, and not as exhaustive: they are uniformly made to the small Teubner edition of the Iliad and Odyssey, edited by Dindorf. To aid the eye, the first Avord of each article, or, if that chance not to occur in Homer, the first Homeric form, is printed in full-faced type. The characters Ρ and j represent the semi- vowel spirants υ and y. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. acc. eignifles accusative. mid. signifies middle. act. " active. nom. " nommative. adj. «« adjective. ncut,,utr, " neuter. adv. ♦« adverb. opp. opposed to. aor. " aorist. opt. " oi)tative. cf. (t confer, compare. orig. originally. ?Γ• " cocnate. collective. part. " participle. i( pass. " passive. coll. forms II collateral forms. pf,, perf. perfect. „ icommouly; common \ gender. pers. " person, personal. comm. plupf. pluperfect. comp. t( comparative. pi. ;; plural. compd. « compound. pr,,pres. " present. COllj. " conjunction. prob. probably. constr. " construction. q, V. " quod vide, see. dat. <( dative. red. reduplicated, regular. dep. " • deponent. reg. d., da. t( dual. sc, " scilicet, supplv. epitb. l( epithet. signif. signification. esp. *' especially. sing., 8,, sg, " singular. eupbem. exc. t( euphemistically, except. bQm eqq. " isequens, sequen- tia. fern. u feminine. subj. " subject, subjunctive. follg. « following. BUbst. " substantive. foreg. " foregoing. sup. " superlative. freq. " frequent. sync. " syncopated. fuu •' future. trans. " transitive. Indic (t genitive. verb. " verbal adjective. " imperative, indicative. V. " vide, see. (( v.l. fvaria lectio, dif- ( erent reading. inC κ infinitive. inetr. •« instrumental. w. " with. intraus. t( intransitive. in tmesi) (separation of preposi- jpf. " imperfect. tm. y " -< lion from verb in a ( compound. Irreg. « irregular. tmesis Iter. " iterative. in arsi " fin the arsis (the accent- K. T. λ. " Kai Tfc \oiira, etC. 1 ed syllable of thefoot). IIL <( literally. 1.2.3 (adjectives of one, two. maec, mnc *' masculine. X or three termiuatious. met ti metaphorical. INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. 'A/ivioi/, page 26. 48. 1?. αμττυκα, 27. 49, 3. άμφιβρότη^, 28. 51. 4. άμφιγύοισί, 28. δ. άμφίίΧίσσηζ, 29. 6. άμφίφαλοΊ, 30. 52. 7. ά^αφιφσρτ/ε?, 30, 31. 53, 8. άνα^έσμην, 33. 55. 9. αί/τϋζ, of shield, 40. 56. 10. άυτυζ, of chariot, 41. 11. a^ti/j,,41. 57. 12. αο/>,42. 58. 13. άτηίι/η, 44. 59. 14. άράσθαι, δ1. 60. Ιδ. άρμονιάων, 54. 61. 16. άσίνθ5, 56. 62. 17,18. άσττί? (two cuts), 56, 57. See 63. also άντυζ, αορ. 64. 19. «στ/οάγαλοι, 58. 65. 20. αύλώ-7Γΐ5, 60. 66. 21. άφλαστοι;, 63. 67. 22. Άχιλλεύ?, 64. 23. /3α^ζωι/οί, 65. 68. 24. Bpiajjts, 70. 69. 2δ. βωμ09, 71. 70. 26. γουι/οϋσθαι, 76. 71. 27. γωρντ09, 77. 72. 28. 6αί<ί, 78. 73. 29. 6αιτ/οο5, 78. 74. 30. οάο?, 79. - 75. 31.0fcVas, 81. 76. Οίσματα. See άναδέατμην. 77. 32. οινλίδε?, 87. 78. 33. oiWos, 88. 79. 34. δρύυχοι, 90. 80, 3δ. ίδαφοζ, 94. 82. 36. εδ,οί,,94. 83. 37. εντανύειν, 112. 84. 38. ΙτΓίβλιΗ, 119. 85. 39. έτΓίσφυρίοι^, 124. 40. εττίτουο?, 124. 86. 41. έρετμύν, 127. 87, 42. 'Epii/us, 128. 89. 43, 44. ε>/χα (two cuts), 129. 90. 45. εστωρ, 132. 91. 46. εσχάρη, 132. 47. εύ^ωνοι, 134. έϋΚί/ί7/Λΐοε?. See άμφιβρότη^. 92. ευσσίΧμου, 136. 50. X^vyuv (two cuts), 141. ζωμα, 141. Χ,ωμα, as part of armor. See aop, ligure of Aeneas, and κυνίη. "ζώνηι/, 141. 54. ήλακάτη, 144. vuLo\o'i, 146. βαιρού^, 148. θρόνοι. See άμττνκα, βυσβ\α,1ό4:. βύω, 154. θώρηξ, 154. ί/χ«ν, 158. Ιστίου, 161. Ιστοττίδη, 161. ΐστο'ν, 161. κ-άλου§, 165. κάΧτΓΐν, 166. καΧύτΓτρη, 166. κανών, 167. See also άο/ο, άσττί?, κεράμω, 176. κ•?;/ο, 177. κιθά/οιζε, 178. κιβαριστύ^, 178. /cXtk's, 180. K-Xti/Tij/o, 180. , κΧισμό^, 181. κρηδεμνον, 186. , κρητνρ. See άμφιφορηε^. , κρίκον, 186. See also ζυγον, εστα)/ο. , κυνεη. See ρ. 58. , λαισίίια, 191. , 81. ΧαμτΓτνρ (two cuts), 192. , Xt/3»js, 193. , Χείβειν, 193. • , λετταδι/α, 194. , Χινοθώρηξ, 196. See also αορ, figure of Ajax. . Χίνον. See 7/λακάττ). , 88. λόφο5 (two cuts), 197. , μαχαίρη, 201. . μεγαρον, 202. . μεσόδμη, in ship, 207. μεσόδμ,η, in house. See μεγαρον. μηρύσαντο. See άμφιεΧίσσηί. , μύΧη, 215. INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 93. 94, 9(), 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103, 104. 100. 106, 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 ιισί. ξίφο^, 223. 95. oii'nov (two cuts), 226. 97. όίστίύειν (two cuts), 228. όκτάκνημα, 229. ομφαλό?, 232. 'Ορίστη^. See ϊ^ρη. 'όρμο9, 230. ού/οίαχο?. See άμφίγύοΐί τταρηυρο^, 249. ττε/ιττώβοΧα, 254. TTtTT/Xos, 255. Ίτερόι/η, 258. ττεσσυίσι, 259. 107. 7Γί>6ύ/\ιοι; (two cuts), 260. . τΓοικίλμασι, 264. ττροτόνοισι. See Σειρήνες. Ίτυγμάχ^οι, 276. TTypiJ, 278. ττώμα^ 278. , pi'/yta, 280. , ρυμό^, 281. Σεΐ/οΓ/νεδ, 283. σκητΓτρον, 286. , Σ/ίίνθεύ?, 287. . στέμμα^ 289. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132, 133, 134. 135. στνΧη, 289. σψά'ζουσιν. See άμνίον. σφενδόνη, 293. σχεδίη9. See άρμουιάων. ΎαλθύβιοΊ, 295. τεΧαμών, 298. τετραφάΧηρου. See αύλώττι?. τετράψαλο?, 300. τρφεμεναι, 307. τρίγΧηνα, 307. τρίτΓου<ί, 307. τ/οο7Γϋ?, 308. See also εδαφοί and ερεχ/ιοι/. τρυττάνω, 308. ΎρνφάΧ'εια, 309, See also αΰ- λώτΓΐδ, χυτΓτω. See ιστίον. υφαίνω, 317, φαρετρη, 319. φόρμιγζ, 324. φορτία, 324. Φ/ούγε5, 325. Χ,ίμαιρα, 330. χιτώι/. See λοισήια. 'ΰκεαι/ϋ?, 335. PLATES, AT END OF THE VOLUME. I. Chariot at Rest, (From ancient vase,) II. Chariot in Motion. (From relief of frieze of the Parthenon,)* III. Ground-plan of House of Odysseus, as drawn by L, Gerlach. IV, The Shi]) of the Homeric Age, (Inserted, by permission of Mr, Merry, from Merry's " Odyssey." Macmillan, 1873.)* V. Map of the Trojan Plain, with designation of the chief natural features, and of the various sites where it has been sought to locate the city Troja, (From Kiepert's Atlas of Hellas and the Hellenic Colonies. Berlin, 1872,)* •Plates II,, IV., ami Λ^ have been added by the trauslator. ilNDEX OF OBJECTS ILLUSTRATED BY EACH CUT. le number of the cut comes first, then the page, then the words that the cut illustrates. ) I, 26. άμνίον, μύγαίρα, σφάξω. |2, 27. άμττυζ, θρόνο?, ϊσθμίον, κάλυμμα, καΧύτηρη. J, 28. άμφιβρότη^, ευκνήμι?, "ζωστιίρ, θώρηξ, Χόφοζ, μίτρη. 28. αίχμι), άμφίγυο?, δόρυ, ονρία- χο9, σαυρωτι'ιρ. 5, 29. άμφίεΧίσσης, μηρύω, 6, 30. άμφίφαΧο?. 7, 30 and 31. άμφιφορεύζ, κρητιφ. 8, 33. άναδίσμη, δίσματα, κάΧυζ. 9, 40. αντυζ, σάκο?. 10, 41. αντυξ, έίρμα, δίφρο?, ο'ί-ηζ, τείνω. 11, 41. άζίν7], κυνεη, Χόφο?. 12, 42. άορ, άορτήρ, άσττί?, "ζωμα, θώρηζ, κανών, Χινοθώρηξ, Χυφο?, στε- φάνη. 13, 44. άτη'ινη. 14, 51. άράομαι. [_b, σχεδίη. 1δ, 54. αρμονία, γόμφοι C, ϊκριον, σταμίν 16, 56. ασκό?. 17, 56. άσττί?, αύΧώτΓΐ?, κανών, Χόφο?, όμφαΧόει?, σάκο?. 18, 57. αίγί?, άσττί?, ανΧώττι?, Χόφο?, σάκο?. 19, 58. άστράγαΧο?. 20, 60. αύΧώττι?, κύμβαχο? h, Χόφο?, τε- τραφάΧηρον, φάΧο?. 21, 63. άφΧαστον, κόρυμβα, κορωνί?. 22, 64. άστερόει?, ΆχίΧΧεύ?, εγχο?, θώ- 23, 65. βαθύζ,ωνο?, βαθυκοΧτΓο?. 24, 70. Βρισηί?, Χείβω. 25, 71. βωμό?. 26, 76. γίνειον, γουνουμαι. 27, 77. γωρυτό?, τόζον. 28, 78. δαί?. 29, 78. δαιτρό?, κρητηρ, ττρόχοο?. 30, 79. δάο?. 31, 81. δεττα?. 32, 87. δίκΧί?, ετΓίβΧν?, "ζεύγνυμι, κληΐ?, όχεύ?. 33, 88. δίσκο?, κατωμάδίο?. 34, 90. δρύοχο?, τρόττις α, στείρη e. 35, 94. αρμονία, εδαφο?, εττηγκενί? C, "ζυ- γόν, ϊκριον, κΧη'ι?, νηΰ?, σκαλ- μό? e. 36, 94. εδρη, θώρηξ, ΚΧυταιμννστριι , Χόφο?, μίτρη, στρετΓτό?. 37, 112. ίνται/ύω, ερύω, τανυστύ?, τό~ ζον. 38, 119. ετΓΐβΧη?, θαιρό?, κΧη'ι?. 39, 124. ετΓίσφύριον, κνημί?, 40, 124. εττίτονο?, κΧηί?, ΰττίρα. 41, 127. αφΧαστον, ερετμόν, κΧη'ί?, κο- ρωνί?, κυνίη, τΰτΓτω. 42, 128. Έρινύ?. 43, 129. "/ΧανκώτΓί?, έρμα, ϊσθμιον, κε- κρύφαΧον, 'όρμο?, στεφάνη. 44, 129. έρμα, ϊσθμιον, 'όρμο?, στεφάνη. 45, 132. εστωρ, "ζυγόδεσμον, κρίκον, ττε- 46, 132. εσχάρη. 47, 134. έύ'ζωνο?,ευ7ΓΧοκαμί?,'ζώνη, καΧ- Χί'ζωνο?, καΧΧηΓΧόκαμο?^ κά- Χνμμα, καΧύτττρη. 48, 136. εύσσεΧμο?, ΰττέρα. 49, 141. γι/ά/χ7Γτω, γΧωχί? δ, εστωρ, ^εύ- γΧη d, "ζυγόδεσμον b, ζι/γόι/, κρίκον, ο'ίηζ, όμφαΧο? α. 50, 141. Ιυγόν. 51, 141. Ιώμα. 52, 141. Ιώνη. 53, 144. ηΧάκατα, ηΧακάτη, Χίνον. 54, 144. ϊ]Χακάτη, Χίνον. 55, 146. ηνίοχο?, υμφαΧο?, όμφαΧυει?. 56, 148. θαιρό?, ετΓΐβΧι'ι?. 57, 154. θύσθΧα. 58, 154. θύω. 59, 154. θώρηζ, κραταιγύαΧο?. 60, 158. ετΓΐβΧι'ι?, ίμά?, κΧη'ί?, κΧηΐω. 61, 161. ΐστίοι/, τύτΓτω. * 62, 161. Ίστοττεδη, ιστό?. 63, 161. ιστό?, κερκί?,μίτο?, υφαίνω. 64, 165. ιστό?, κάΧω?,κΧη'ι?, οιηιον. 65, 166. "ζώνη, ϊσθμιον, κάΧ-πι?, κρήνη. 66, 166. κάΧυμμα, καΧύτττρη. 67, 167. κανών, ττηχυ?, τόζον. 68, 176. κέραμο?, ττίθο?. 69, 177. Κ?;|θ, τάΧαντον. 70, 178. κιθαρίΧ,ω.^ 71, 178. κιθαριστύ?. 72, 180. κΧη'ι?, Κορώνη, κώττη. 73, 180. θρήνο?, κΧιντίψ, τάτΓ',ι?, xiv INDEX OF OBJECTS ILLUSTRATED BY EACH CUT. 74, 18L θρήνοι, κάλυμμα, καΧύ-πτρη, 105, 259. ττεσσο'?. κλισμόί. 106, 260. TTtjoaXtoi/. 75, 186. κρι',Οίμυον. 107, 260. ττί/δάλιοι/. 7G, 31. κρητήρ^ άμφιφορίύ^,Ίτρυχοοί. 108, 264. ΤΓοίκιλμα. 77, 18ΰ. ξίύγλι;, κρΊκον. 109, 276. ττύγμαχοί. 78, 58. άλλοφοί, άστί /ooits, ζώ /ua, ζω- 110, 278. ττυρτ;. στ»;ρ, θώρηζ, κυνίη, μίτρη. 111, 278. Ίτώμα, τυζον. 79, 191 and 330. 6ίφρο^, εόοη, ζωστ/φ, κλισίη, λαίσηιον, ΛΟψο9, χτε- 112, 280. θρηνοζ, θρόνοι, κλισμόί,ρηγο^, τάττ^ΐΊ. pawSy χιτώι/. 113, 281. 'ττροσφυηζ, ρυμυς. 80, 192. Χαμ-ΤΓτνρ. 114, 283. Ίτρότονο^, Σειρνν. 81, 192. ΧαμτΓτήρ. 115,286. σκητΓτρον, τελαμών. 82, 193. Xf^ns, Ίτρόχοος. 116,287. Σμινθεύ^. 83,193. λείβω. 117,289. στέμμα. 84, 194. XtiraSvov g, οϊηξ/. 118, 289. στήλη. 8δ, 190. ζωστίί/ο, ΰώρηζ, κανών, κυνίη, 119,293. σφενοόνη. Χαισήιον, Χινοθώρηξ, Ίττερό- 120, 295. κήρυξ, Ύαλθύβιο^. ^ ε£?, στεφάνη. 121, 298. καταίτυξ, όμφαλυείζ, ταλαύ- 86, 144. Χίνον, ηΧακάτη. ρινο^, τελαμών. 87, 197. λύί/)θ5, στεφάνη. 122, 300. αυλώτΓΐ?, κόρυν, λυφο^, στεφά- 88, 197. λόφο?, στεφάνη. νη, τετράφαλοί. 89, 201. μάχαιρα. 123, 307. τρίβω. 90, 202. μίγαρον, ίσχάρη, μέλαθρον, 124, 307. τρίγληνοζ. μεσυδμη, ότταϊο^, όρσοθύρη, 125, 307. τρίτΓουί. ρώξ. 126, 308. ερετμόν, τροττός. 91, 207. ίσχ05, μεσόομη α. 127,308. Ιμά^,τρύττανον. 92,215. )ΐΐϋλ»ί. 128,809. Χόφο^, τρυφάλεια, φαλθ5. 93, 223. ζίφο9, στεφάνη, τελαμών, τερ- 129, 317. μίτο•}, υφαίνω. * μιόεΐ9. 130, 319. τόξον, φαρίτρη. 131, 324. φό,ο/χιγζ. 94, 226. οΐικοι», /cXfjis, κορωνί^. 95, 226. οίνιον, κορωνί^. 132, 324. φόρτια. 96, 228. γλυφίίι;, οίστεύω, ττηχυ^. το- 133, 325. Ίτηχυ^, τόξον, Φρύξ. ^^"-,. 134, 330. Χίμαιρα. 97, 228. γλυφίοη, οίστεύω, τττ/χν?, τό- 135, 335. τΓτύ^, 'Ωκεανό?. ζοί/. Plate Ι. ίίρμα, τταρηορία, τταρηορόζ, ρυ- 08, 229. «ι;ϋε/ζο'εΐ5, 6κτάκνΐ]μοί. τήρ. 99, 232. ομφαλοί. " II. άρμα. 100, 236. ίσ6/ϋοι/, opMos. " III. αίθουσα, Έρκειοί g, θάλαμοι, 101,249. Ίταρηορος, θόλοί k, θυρίτρα 0, κιών f, 102, 254. κρατευταί, λείβω, ό/3ελό?, ττε/Α- ■ηρόδομο^ DD, ττρόθυρον t, ττώ/ϊολο//. όρσοθύρη k. 103, 255, TTtirXos. " IV. i;rjOs, TTOus. 104, 258. K-/\?jis, ττερυνη, ττόριτη. " V. Σιμόει^. THE CHIEF PECULIARITIES HOMERIC DIALECT. IN GENERAL. A. VOWELS. 1. η is regularly found when, in Attic, d only would be admissible, e. g. άγορη, ομοίη, ττειρήσομαι. 2. Similarly, ci is sometimes found for €, ου for υ, e. g. ζίϊνος, χρύσειος, ττονλνς, μοννος. 3. More rarely οι is found for o, ai for a, η for c, e. g. ττνοιη, αίετός, τιθημβνος. 4. By Λvhat is called metathesis quantitatis, ao becomes €ω (for αω). Similarly, we have 'έως and elog, άττερείσιος and άπαρίσιος κ. τ. λ. Β. CONTRACTION OF \OWELS. * 1 . Contraction, when it occurs, follows the ordinary rules, except that co and €ου form ev, e. g. θάρσενς, βάλλεν. 2. But the contraction often does not take place, e. g. άέκων; and a few unusual contractions occur, e. g. ιρός (Ιερός), βώσας (βοησας), ενρρεΊος instead of ενρρεονς from ενρρε-εος. 3. Two vowels which do not form a diphthong are often blended in pronuncia- tion (synizesis), e. g. Άτρειδεω, δή αν, εττει ου, η ον. Hiatus is allowed : c. iiiAiLb. 1. After the νοΛν^8 ι and υ. 2. AVlien the two words are separated by caesura or a mark of punctuation. 3. When the final (preceding) vowel is long and in arsis. 4. When the final (preceding) vowel, though naturally long, stands in thesis and has been shortened before the following short vowel. 5. When the final vowel of the preceding word has been lost by elision, e. g.: 1. iraidi υττασσεν, — ^^ | — w. 2. 'Ολύμπιε, ov νύ τ 'Οδυσσεύς, w | — ^^ | — — -_ | . 3. άνηθεφ'Ο^νσηι, — ^^ | — ^w | — w. 4. πλάγχθη e ττε/, —^^ | — . 5. άλγε' εδωκεν, — w — | — ^. Remark. — ISIany apparent cases of hiatus result from the loss of a di- gamma, e. g. τυν d' ήμείβετ έπειτα Ράναζ ανδρών 'Αγαμέμνων. D, ELISION. Elision is much more frequent than in prose, a, €, i, ο are elided in declension and conjugation ; ai in the endings μαι, σαι, ται, σθαι ; οι in μοι ; ι in 'ότι. THE CHIEF TECULIARITIES OF THE E. APOCOPE. Before a consonant, the final short vowel of άρα, and of the preps, ανά, τταρά, κατά, may be cut off (apocope). Remark. — The accent in this case recedes to the first syllable, and the consonant (now final) is assimilated to the following consonant, e. g. κάδ ίΰναμιν, καΚΚιττι, άμ τηΰίον. Τ. CONSONANT-CHANGES. 1. Single consonants, csp. λ, μ, ν, ρ, and σ, at the beginning of a word, after a vowel, are frequently doubled, e. g. ίλΧαβον, τόσσος. So also a short final vowel before a follg. liquid is often lengthened^ by doubling (in pronuncia- tion, though not in Avriting) the liquid, e. g. ένΐ μεγάροισι. 2. Metathesis of vowel and liquid is common, e. g. κραδίη and καρδίη, θάρσος and θράσος. DECLENSION. G. SPECIAL CASE -ENDINGS. 1, Tlie termination φι(ν) serves for the ending of the gen. and dat. sing, and pi., e. g. ίξ ίύνή-ψι, βίη-<ρι, όσηόφι θίς, σνν 'ΐπττοισιν και ΰχεσφι. 2. The three local suffixes θι, θεν, δε answer the questions where ? whence ? Avhither ? e. g. οικοθι, ούρανόθεν, ονδε δόμονδε. Η. FIRST DECLENSION. 1. For d we find always η, e. g. θνρη, νεηνίης, except θεά. 2. The nom. sing, of some masculines in -ης is shortened to -et, e. g. Ίππότα, νεφε^ηγερετα. 3. The gen. sing, of masculines ends in -ao or -εω, e. g. Άτρείδαο and Άτρείδεω. 4. The gen. pi. of masculines ends in -άων or -«ων (rarely contracted, as in Attic, into -ων), e. g. θεάων, ναυτ'εων, παρειών. 5. The dat. pi. ends in -ησι or -ης, rarely in -ais, e. g. ττυΚ^σι, cxilyq, but θεάίς. I. SECOND DECLENSION. 1. The gen. sing, has retained the old ending in -lo, Avhich, added to tlie stem, gives the termination -oio. Rarely occurs the termination . -oo — more commonly the Attic ending -ου. 2. The gen. and dat. dujil^cnd in -oitv. 3. The dat. pi. ends in -οισι or -ois. K. THIRD DECLENSION. 1. The pen. and dat. dual end in -oiiv, e. g. ποδοαν. 2. Dat. pi. -, σφωέ, σφίων. 2. 6, ή, τό, in Homer, is dem. pron. In nom. pi. the forms τοί and ταί occur by tbe side of oi and at. The forms beginning with τ have often relative signif, vid. sub voc. in Lex. τοίσύεσσι and τοίσδεσι are forms of due. κέινος is another form for εκείνος. 3. For peculiar forms of rel. pron., as well as for demonstr. meaning of some of these forms, vid. sub voc. ος. 4. For peculiar forms of interrog., indef., and indef. rel. prons., vid. sub voce. τίς, τις, and 'όστις. CONJUGATION. Ν. AUGMENT AND REDUPLICATION. 1. The augment may be omitted ; in this case the accent is thrown back as far as possible toward the beginning of the word. Monosyllabic forms with a long vowel take the circumflex, e. g. λνσε (Αυσί ), βή '(t/3i;). 2. The 2d aor. act. and midd. is often formed in Homer by a reduplication. The only examples of a similar formation in Attic are ήγαγον, ήνεγκον (ην-ενεκΌ-ν), and είττον (jtPtftTrov). Among the examples of reduplicated aorists may be mentioned : εττίφραύορ {φράζω'), έκίκλετο and κεκλετο (κ'γ- Χομαι), ΤΓίφι^έσθαι (φείδομαι), ττιπίθομεν (πείθω), ττεπύθοιτο (πννθάνομαι), όμπείΓολών (άναττάλλω). Examples of a very peculiar reduplication are ενίπ-ατΓ-ον (ενΊτττω) and ερνκ-ακ-ον (ερΰκω). Here the last consonant of the stem is repeated after a connecting a. 3. There are a few examples of a reduplicated fut. of similar formation with the reduplicated aor., e. g. πεφιδήσομαι, πεπιθήσω. Ο. ENDINGS. 1. The older endings of the sing, number μι, σθα, σι, are common in Homer: έθέλωμι (subj.), έθέλησι (also written έθελyσι). 2. The ending of the 3d pers. dual in the historical tenses is -τον as well as -την in the act., -σθον as well as -σθην in the midd., voice. In 1st pers. pi., μεσθα is used for μβθα, and μ€σθον for 1st pej-s. dual. 3. The 2d sing. midd. and pass, often loses σι for άρονσι, οηιόψεν for δηιο7εν. Β. PECULIAR FORMATION OF PRESENT (EXPANDED) STE3I. 1. Many presents in -ζω are formed from stems ending in γ, e. g. πολεμίζω (fut. πολεμίζομεν), μαστίζω (aor. μάστι^εν). The stem of ττλάζω ends in -ΎΎ» c• g. aor. pass. πλά-γχθί]ν. 2. Several presents in -σσω are formed from lingual stems, e. g. κορνσσω (peif. pass. ptc. κεκορυθμενος), λίσσομαι (aor. εΧλισάμην). 3. νίζω shows a stem νιβ, e. g. νίψασθαι. 4. Several other vowel stems, additional to καίω and κλαίω, form the present stem by the addition of i, e. g. μαίομαι (perf. μψαμεν). 8. FOBMATION* OF FUTURE AND FIRST AND SECOND AORIST ACTIVE AND MIDDLE. 1. Such pure verbs as do not lengthen the final stem-vowel, in the formation of their tenses, before a single consonant, often double σ in the fut. and let aor. act. and midd., c. g. αΐίίσσομαι, νείκισσε, ίτάννσσε. Sometimes the stems in -δ show a similar doubling of σ, c. g. κυμισσατο. HOMERIC DIALECT. xix 2. The fut. of liquid verbs is generally uncontracted, e. g, μίνίω, άγγβλίω. A few liquid stems take the tense-sign σ, e. g. έκελσαμίν (κέλλω), κενσαι (κεντεω), ώρσε (^ΰρ-ννμι). 3. Α few verbs form the 1st aor. act. and midd. Avithout σ, e. g. εχενα and χενα (χεω—χενω), εσσενα (σεύω), ήλεύατο, άΧεασθαι (άΧεύομαί), εκηα, subj. κηο' μεν, inf. κήαι {καίω}. 4. ο and e sometimes take the place of α as connecting vowels of the 1st aor., e. g. Ιζον, Ιζες {Ίκνεομαι), οϋσετο (ίύω). Similarly, the imvs. βησεο (βαίνω), υρσεο and ορσευ {υρ-νυμι), άξετε (άγω), οΊσε (φέρω), and the infins. άζεμε- ναι, σαώσεμεν, κελενσέμεναι, occur ; and a single example of an aor. ptc. Avith connecting νοΛν^ ο is seen in δνσυμενος (a 24). 5. A 2d aor. act. and midd. is often formed, similarly to the aor. of verbs in -μι, without a connecting vowel. Of this formation there are many instances, e. g. ίκτα, εκτάν, έκτατο (stem κτά — κτεν), σντο (σεύω), εχυτο (χεο)), λντο (λύω), opts, φθίμην, φθϊτο — inf. φθίσθαι — ptc. φθίμενος (φθί-ν-ω), εβλητο, βλησθαι (βάλλω), άλτο (αλλομαι), δεκτό (δέχομαι), εμικτο and μικτό (μ'ι- γννμι). The imvs. κεκλυθι and κίκλυτε are similarly formed from a redu- plicated stem. T. FORMATION OF PERFECT AND PLUPERFECT. 1. In the forms εμμορα (με'ιρομαι) and εσσνμαι (σενω) Ave see the same doubling of the initial consonant of the stem after the augment (reduplication), as if the stem began with p. The reduplication has been lost in δεχαται ( = δε- δεγμένοι εΐσί), and is irregular in δείδεγμαι (δέχομαι) and δείδοικα or δείδια. 2. The 1st perf. is formed from vowel-stems alone. The 2d perf. is very com- mon, but always Avithout aspiration, e. g. κ'εκοπα (κότττω). There occur frequently forms from vowel-stems Avhich have lost the tense-sign κ, esp. perf. ptcs., e.g. ττεψνασι ( = ττε(ρνκασι), βεβαρηότες (βαρεω), κεκμηώτα (κάμ- νω), τεθνηώτος and τεθνηότος (θνησκω). 3. In the plupf. the older endings -ca, -cds, -6€(ν) contracted €i(v) or η appear, e. g. εΓίθλ/τΓία, ι^δεα κτ. r. \.(cf. ?^δεα — γδεσαμ, with Lat. videram; 7)δεας =^δεσας, Avith Lat. videras ; yδεσav=yδεσavτ, with Lat. viderant> U. AORIST PASSIVE. 1. The 3d pi. indie, is often contracted from -ήσαν to -cv, c. g. εμιχΘεν, φόβη- θεν, τράφεν. 2. The subj. remains uncontracted, the € of the pass, sign is often lengthened to €t or η, and the follg. mood sign shortened to c or o, e. g. δαείω (stem <^rt), δaμείyς or δαμή^ς (δάμνημι). Remark. — A very peculiar form is τραττεΊομεν, by metathesis, for ταρ- πείομεν (—ταρπώμεν, 2d aor. pass, from τέρπω) (3 314). V. ΛΈΗΒ8 IN -μι. 1. Forms of the pres. indie, of verbs in -μι occur as if from verbs in -€ω and -οω. 2. As the ending of the 3d pi. of the ipf and 2d aor. act., ν often takes the place of σαν, e. g. 'ίεν (ΐεσαν), εσταν and στάν (έστησαν), εβαν and βάν (εβησαν), εφαν and φάν (εφασαν), εφνν (εφνσαν). 3. In the 2d aor. subj. act, to meet the requirements of the verse, the mood sign is sometimes shortened and the stem-vowel lengthened. Thus ai-ise such forms as θείω, θεί^ς, and Orjyg ; orijyg, -γνώω, δώησι, and c(u>/. Some- times the α of the stem is Aveakened to «, and this again protracted to ci. Thus arise the forms στέωμεν and στείομεν (=στώμεν), βείομεν (=βώμεν). 4. For peculiar Homeric forms from the verbs 'ίστημι, τίθημι, 'ΐημι, δίδωμι, ειμί, ύμί, οίδα, ημαι, and κεΐμαι, vid. sub voce, in Lex. Α. Δ- Α- in composition — (1) so-called α privativum, see όν. — (2) a copu- lativum, orig. *σα (cf. ίί-μα, English same), then ά-,ά-, ό- contains the idea of union or Iikeness,Lat. idem or una, e. g. ίίττας, άολλης, άζνλος, αθρόος, ατά- λαντος, ΰτριχες (in words like αθρόος cf. άμαρτη, the existence of an a in- tensivum Avas formerly, but incor- rectly, assumed). — (3) a prothet Ι- ο um, simple euphonic prefix (like i and e in Low Latin istatus, ispero; Ital- ian esperanza; French esperance, etat), e.g. αλείφω, άμενω, άείρω, άμέλ- γω, άμΰνω, άνεφώς, άποινα, άσπαίρω, άσταχνς, άστεμφης, άστηρ. α, interjection expressive of pity or horror, freq. with ^£ΐλέ, δειλοί, δειλώ, ξ 361, Λ 816, Ρ 443. ά-άατον [-'— ^-'],acc.masc.andntr. (ά-, άΡάτη), invoicing harm, ruinous, destructive; Στνγός νδωρ, ^ 271, as banishing faithless mortals and per- jured deities to the lower world; άεθ- λον,φ 91. ά-αγ€ς (άΡαγες, άγννμι), not to be broken, stout, λ 57 o'f. [^ — ^1 α-ατΓτοι, οι;ς, (ΣΑΙΤ, £7Γω), i η tr a c t a- biles, unapproachable; χείρες, χείρας ; esp. freq. in II., c. g. A 567, λ 502, γ 70, 248. άάσχ€το5, lengthened from άσχε- τος. άάω, (1) injure; (a) τ^δ άτy άασας 2 sing.aor.9 237; /c 68, αασαν( ); (b) esp. of injury to understanding, mislead, delude; άασε (- - -), φ 296 ; άσε, λ 61 ; with φρ'ίνας, φ 297, pass. Τ 136; μέ^ άάσθη, Π 685; -ολλυν άάσθη,Ύ 113; cf. φ 301.— (2) mid. (a) commit afolhj, άασάμην (— ^ ^ — ) ; άάσατο (-^ — w ^) αγα- θέ μέγα θνμφ, deceived himself greatly in his thought ; Τ 95, Τ,ενς άσατο (— -^ w) (v. 1, Ζην άσατο, see no. 1) ; (b) trans, dupe, beguile, "Ατη ή ττάντας άάται, Τ 91, 129. [aor. 1, act. and mid. WW- and ::i ii w - ; pass. -- — .] άβάκησαν, δ 249 1 [- ^ - w], of doubtful deriv. (βάζω ? άΡαω ?), and meaning, were befooled, suspected nothing. "Δβαντες, inhabitants of Euboia, Β 536. [---] 'Δβαρβαρεη, Trojan fountain-nvmph, Ζ 22. (^-^w-j "Δβας, αντα, son of dream-reader Eurydamas; slain bv Diomedes, Ε 148. ''Δβιοί) δικαιότατοι ανθρώπων, Ν 6, fabulous tribe of the North. [- ^ -] "Δβληρος, a Trojan, Ζ 32. [ — ^] ά-βλήτα (from άβλης, βάλλω), ιόν, non mis sum, not discharged, new, A 117t. [ --] ά-βλητος, not hit, Δ 540t. [- - -] ά-βληχρ05, 3, v. 1. άμβληχρός, («' prothetic, μαλακός), only at beginning of verse. — (1) weak, feeble, Ε 337, θ 178.— (2) θάνατος, gentle, λ 135, ψ 282. [---] α-βρομοι (α prothetic, βρ'εμω), loud- roaring, clamorous, Ύί 41; others, seVeni. άβροτάξομ.£ν, from άβροτείν, i. e. άμβροτεΐν, άμαρτεΧν, aor. subj. fail of, miss; τινός, Κ 65|. [^ ^ — - ^] ά-βρ<ίτη divine night, λ 78|, 429. [-— ] *'Δβυδος [^-^], town on S. shore of Hellespont, Β 836. Hence Άβυδό- θεν, Δ 500 ; Άβνδόθι, Ρ 584. άγα-, γχαύ-κ, exceedingly, mirum in modum, mirum quantum. r>yaa&Bai αγανό-ψρων ayaaa^aKf άγάμσθί, see άγαμαι, miror. i - - - - .' '-. I ' • '. ; • , &γαγ€Ϊν, άγαγον., 6tc., sefe ajW. * » • ■ άγάζομαι, see άγαμαι, miror. άγαθ6ς, 3, (άγα /uai), strictly = ad- mirabilis, (jood, capable, in widest signif. — ( 1) of persons, valiant, brave, Δ 181, 1 341 ; φαίβηί, Β 732, Γ 179 ; freq. Avitli ace. of specification, ττύξ, βοήν, common in signif. no6/e(cf. op tim a tes), A 113, Φ 109,(θρρ.χίρί7£ς,ο 324); bold, daring, "N 238, 284, 314, Φ 280 (opp. κακός, Ν 279, Ρ 632). — (2) of things and circumstances, exce//e«i, Ζ 478,t 27, V 246; advantageous, Β 204, Λ 793, ρ 347 ; noble, Ω 632, ί 611 ; αγαθόν τε κακόν τΐ, blessing and curse, δ 237, 392, θ 63 ; άγαθοΊσι ytpaipnv, do honor, ξ 441 ; αγαθά φρονέϊν, bene velle, wish one well, α 43; sanamenteuti, think rightly, Ζ 162 ; tig αγαθόν or αγαθά diriiv, advise with friendly in- tent ; (ig άγ. ττείθεσθαι, follow good counsel. [-- — — ] Άγάθων, son of Priamos, Q 249. άγαιομένον, parallel form to άγαμε- vov, viewing with indignation, ν 16, κακτά tjoya, indignantis scelera; cf. /3 67. [^-^«^-] άγα-κλεής, ες, (from ίίτλέος), only gen. and voc, greatly renowned. [y — ^—\ Άγακλβής, -Λτλ^ος, Π 571, a Myrmi- don. άγα-κλειτιίς, 3, praeclarus, illus- trious, glorious, epith. of men, of a Nereid, Σ 45, and of hecatombs. ογα-κλυτ<ί«, 3, praeclarus, i7/ms- trious, of men ; δώματα. [^^ — ^ ^] άγάλλομαι, only pros., have joy in (τινί), plume one's self upon, Ρ 473, Σ 132, Τ 222; exult, make display, Β 462; νηες, ε 176, speeding ghdly forward under Zeus's fair wind. άγαλμα (ιΊγάλλομαϊ), any thing splendid, beautiful, or precious, Δ 144; votive offerings, γ 274, θ 509, μ 347; applied to sacrificial victim, γ 438: to horses, δ 602 ; personal adornments, σ 3 0, Γ 257. [---] αγαμαι («y»/), aor. ήγασάμην, ηγασ- σάμη}/ (also unaugmentcd) ; and from j)arallel form, άγάομαι; άγάασθε, άγά- ασθαι. ipf. ήγάασθε ; the form άγαμαι, only in signif. 1. — (1) admirari, ad- viire, Η 41,404, θ 29, and mirari, de- mi r a r i, gaze at with amazement, σ 7 1 ; in 7Γ S03, θανμάζειν, behold with wonder, joined with άγάασθαι, be astonished. — (2) in bad sense, (a) indignari, oe i«- dignant, outraged at, Avith ace, β 67; Avith dat.. θ 565 ; be vexed, annoyed, ψ 639; Avith κογ^,^ΙΙΙ; (b)invidere, envy,grudge,δ\8l,^wΊthinί'.,ε 129; esp. freq. of envy of the gods, ^ 181, ψ 21 1, θ 565, Η 442. [---] *Α7αμ€μνονίδης, .so?^ of Agamemnon, Orestes, a 30. , 'Αγαμέμνων, όνος. His grandfather! was Tantalos, Avhosc sons were Atreus and Thyestes (father of Aigisthos); Atreus's sons, Agamemnon and Mene- laos; Agamemnon's children, Orestes. Chrysothemis, Laodike, Iphianassa ; cf. Β 104, I 287 ; his wife, Klytaim- nestra. King in Mykenai, but at the same time noWyniv νησοισι και "Αργεί τταντί άνασσεν, Β 108; his wealth in ships, Β 576, 610-14; commander-in- chief of Grecian host before Troy; ενρνκρείων and άναξ ανδρών, A 172; κρείων, ΤΓΟίμήν λαών, δίος; his bodily size, Γ 166,178; Β 477-83; αριστεία, exploits, Λ 91-661 ; honor accorded him, Ψ 887; sceptre, Β 104; return from Troia, γ 143 sqq., 156, 193 sqq., 234 sq. ; is murdered, γ 248 sqq., 7 1 to the noble ττομπήίς; t 1 to Tithonos ; and thrice to Fcrsephoneia. [^ — ^] άγγελίη, ?'/, {άγγελος), tidings, mes- sage, report, Η 416, I 422, S 355, Ο 174; άλεγΗνή,λνγρί]', -πατρός, Ac pa- tre. α 408, cf. β 30; command, £ 150, η 263; as causal gen., Γ 206, he came (because of) on a mission respecting thee ; άγγελίην ϊλθύντα, Λ 140 ; cf also άγγίλίης in Ν 252, Ο 640, Γ 206; see also άγγελίης. ύ [— --^ ^ — ] άγγ€λίη9, ύ, {άγγελος), nun tins, messenger, handed down by old gram- marians as nom. masc, like ταμίης and νεηνίης; thus Ave mav explain Γ 206, Ν 252, Ο 640, Δ 384, Λ 140; also such passages as a 414, /3 92, ν 381. άγγελλων {άγγελος), fut. άγγελεω, aor. ήγγειλα, inf Ο 159; nuntiare, report, announce; τι, also τινά, ξ 120, 123; with inf., bid, ττ 350, Θ 517. άγγελος, ύ and //, (cf German gell- en, English yell, nigh tin -gale), η u η t i u s, η u η t i a, messenger ; common phrase, ί/λθέ τινι, Λ 715; Όσσα Διίς άγγ., Β 94; also of birds, ο 526. αγγος, εος, τό, ν as, vase, bowl: for victuals, β 289, and drink. ογ€, δγ€Τ6, (άγω), particle like age, agedum; quick! come! after άλλα, or before ώ); with subj. or imp., cf. French allons ! άγε often occurs with pi., e. g. γ 475; see also εϊ δ' άγε. άγείρω (cf gererey), aor. Ίίγειρα; pass, pf άγηγερμαι, aor. ήγερθην, 3 pi. άγερθεν, mid. aor. άγερόμην, inf άγε- ρέσθαι (written by ancient grammari- ans as pres. άγερεσθαι), \)art. άγρίψενυς. — (I) act. colligcre, congregare. collect, call togethei\assenible,T 197, άγο- pr]v, concionem advocare; pass, and aor. mid. gather together; ίς φρένα θυμίς ήγ'ερθη, consciousness (Δ 152. wits, presence of mind), came back again, αγελαίη {άγίλη), βονς, βόες, βόας, gregaria, belonging to a herd, feed- ing at hirge. [^-^ ] Άγβλαος {άγω, λαός), (1) son of Da- mastor, suitor, χ 131, 247, Άγ'ελεως. — (2) son of Phradmon, a Trojan, θ 257. —(3) Greek, Λ 302. [^ - - -] άγελείη {άγουσα λείαν), praeda- trix,bestower nfsjmil; αί.ληΐτις, epith. of Athene, only at end of verse, ν 359. άγ^λη, ijc, {άγω), grex, herd of cat- tle, oxc. Τ 281,Avhere it is a drove of horses ; όγίληφι, Π 487, with the herd. άγ€ληδ<$ν, crregatim, in herds, Π 160. [-^--^] άγεμΐ€ν = άγειν. ογεν = εάγΐ',σαΐ', from άγννμι. ά-γεραοΓτος (γέρας), inhonoratus, ivithout a gift of honor, A 119f. [-- -- ογ€ρθ6ν, see άγε ί ρω, congregati j sunt. αγ-€ρωχοι, ωι\ {άγα, ερωη). iinpetn- ous, brave in combat; epith. of Trojans. Mysians, Rhodians, and of Perikly- menos. λ 286 ; formerly explained. very honorable, as if from a copul. and γερα-οχος. [----' — ^^j] αγη μ έχει, (de) miror, I am aston- ished, Φ 221. [--] άγηγβραθ' αγννμι άγηγί'ραθ* (aro), sec άγείρω, con- gregati erant, &γ-ηνορίη, ης, »;, (άγηνωρ), virtus, ynanliness, couraf)e, Μ 46 ; Χ 457, of the courage which will not let Hektor rest; I 100, pride. άν-ήνωρ (άγα, άνηρ), ferox, very manlt/. — (I) brave, bold, σ 43, a 106; high-hearted, θυμός, c 658 ; high-beat- ing life, Τ 406; also, μ 414, of helms- man; elsewh. with θυμός, {req. = noble, generous mind. — (2) haughty, I 699, Φ 443. [_-—-] Άγηνωρ, ορός, son of Trojan An- tenor and Theano, Λ 59, Φ 579, Τ 474, Ο 340. ά-γηραο5, άγήρω?, 2, (γί/ρας), ac- ternus, ageless, of undecaying vigor, always with αθάνατος, θ 539; aίyίς, Β 447. [----] άγητίίδ (^άγαμαι), admirabilis (with ίΐϋος, ace. of respect) ; su7pass- ingly beautiful, X 370, ξ 1 77. [- - -] άγινέω (αγω), inf -ίμεναι, ipf. ήγί- vtov and ήγίνευν, Σ 493; iter, άγίνε- σκον, age re, lead, bring, sc. animals more comm. ; also, conduct, sc. a bride, Σ 492; Λα«/ wood, Ω 784. [^-^-] άyκάζoμnι, ipf. άγκάζοντο (άγκάς), were raising in their arms the body from the earth, Ρ 722|. Άγκαΐος» (1) son of Lykurgos, chief of Arkadians, Β 609. — (2) wrestler from rieuron, vanquished by Nestor, Ψ 635. (άγχταλι'ς•, from άyκάKη) iv άγκαλί- δεσοΊ» in c ο m ρ 1 e χ u, j/j the ainns, only X 503, Σ 555. άγκός, adv.,brachiis, complexu, into or in the arms, with εχε, ελών, \n- βέτη)^, ελάζετο, εμαρτττε, η 252. [— ^] άγκίστροι,σι, ntr., (μάγκας, uncus), h a m i s, with fish-hooks, μ 332. (Od.) άγ-κλίνας = άνακΧίνας, aor. part. άγκοίνησι (άγκών), Διός εν, Jo ν is in complexu, in Zeus's embrace, λ 261. a^Kca, τα, (cf. ad- uncus), crooked winding valley, gorge. άΎ-κρ£μάσασα, aor. part, from άνα- κρεμάννυμι. άγκνλο-μήτης, εω, (μήτις), vcrsu- tus, crooked in counsel, cpith. of Kro- nos, Β 205. 319; only Δ 59 in nom. αγκνλον, α, (μάγκας), only ntr., c ur- vus, bent, curved, epith. of bow and of chariot, 264. [--^] άγκνλό-τοξοι (τύξυν), bearing the bent bow, Β 848 ; epith. of Paionians. άγκυλο-χ€ίλης, ov, (γίΐλος), ad- unco rostro pracditus, with hooked beak, nom. sing, only r 538, elsewh. pi., epith. of birds of prey. άγκών, ώνος, ο, (μάγκας), cubitus, elbow, ξ 494, Κ 80 ; Λ 252, in the mid- dle of the arm, below the elbow ; Π 702, rf ίχ6ος, corner of the wall. άγλαΐ€ΐσθαι (άγλαίζω), fut. splen- d e r e, take delight in, Κ 33 1 f. [- - -] άγλαΐη, ης, η, (άγλαός), splendor, beauty, ο 78 ; dazzling beauty, of Pe- nelope, σ 1 80 ; of horses ; display, ρ 3 1 ; scatter the fine things whicli you now have, ρ 244 ; Epic dat. ά-γλαίηψι, Ζ 510. Άγλαΐη, Avife of Χάρυ-φ, mother of Ίίιρεύς, ος κάλλιστος άνήρ νπΰ "Ιλιον ηλθεν, Β 672. άγλα(ί-καρΐΓθΐ, μηλεαι, apple-trees with shining fruit, η 115, λ 589. [— ^ άγλα6ς, όν, (a-)'a\-a/'oc),only masc. and ntr., splcndidus, shining, bright, brilliant. — (1) epith. of clear water; of polished gifts, csp. of gold or other metal ; of ransom ; of fame, Η 203 ; so also in reproach, κεραι άγλαέ, famous with thy bow (and little else), — άγλαϊ- ζόμενος, Λ 385. — (2) in wider sig- nif. : illustrious, νιος, vwv, ^188 (al- ways at end of verse), τέκνα ; stately, Τ 385 ; άλσος, sunny grove, ζ 291, Β 506. [---] (ά-γνοί'ω), sync. aor. iter, άγνώσα- σκ€, for άyvor}σaσκε, ψ 95 ; from άγ- votiw,only aor. ind. ήγνοίησεν, subj. άγ- νοιγσι, ω 218, part, άγνοίησασα, υ 15 ; (άγνώς), ignorare, ^αι7 to recognize, A 537, neque eum conspicata Juno ignoravit, knew right Avell; so also Ν 28, £ 78. αγνή (ίίζομαι), only fern., intami- nata, holy; Artemis, Persephone; έορτη, φ 259. [ ] άγνυμι (^Ράγνυμι), αΎννμενάων, fut. ίί^ω, aor. εαζα, ήξα, inf. άζαι, pass. aor. εάγην (α, exc. Λ 559), Ράγη, βάγεν { = ϊάγησαν'), f ran go, break, shiver, shatter. — (I ) act., spears, yoke, chariot (at cud of pole), Ζ 40, II 371 ; shoots ο-γνωτ€ς αγρονόμοι of trees, Μ 148, Π 769 ; ships, mast. — (2) pass., spear, sword, Γ 367; cudgel, A 559; barbs ofarro>v,A 214; neck of Elpenor, κ 560; svffer shipwreck, κ 123. ά-•γνώτ6ς {γιγνώσκω, ά-γνώς), igno- ti, unknown, ε 79|. ογνώσασκε, see άγνοίω, ignora- bat. ο-γνωστον (γνωστός), ignotum, unrecognized (with Γίυξω, reddam) ; unrecognizable, r 191. (Od.) i a-vovos {yovog), unborn, Γ ■ 40f . I άγοράομαι (ayojor/), pres. αγορα- ασ6£, Β 337 ; ipf. ήγοράασθε, ήγυρό- ωντο, aor. only 3 sing, ά-γορήσατο, usually at end of verse Avith καΐ με- τέειττεν, and following oratio di- ί recta, β 160, σ 412; contionari, ! speak publicly, harangue in the assem- bly; Δ 1, ή-γορόωντο, held assembly. αγορεύω (άγορη), fut. αγορεύσω, aor. ind. only άγόρενσεν, θ 29, inf. and imp. more common; contionari, loqui, die ere, speak, say; freq. επεα τζτερό- εντα, kvi or μετά τισι; μη μοι αγόρευε, with ace, speak to me not of, Φ 99, X 261 ; ήν άγ. , q u am d i c ο, Avhich I mean, /3 318 ; freq. declare, θεο—ροττίας, and Avith part, θεοττροττ'εων, prophesy ; διη- νεκεως τι, relate at length, η 241, μ 56 ; speak (joined Avith idea of action of contrary import, ρ 66, σ 15), τταρα- βληδην, speaking maliciously, Δ 6 ; pe- culiar phrase, Β 788, αγοράς άγόρεν- ον, were discussing in the assembly, cf. Β 796, σ 380; όι^δίζων άγορενοις, thou shouldst not insultingly jnention my hungry belly (cf also ττρόφερε, Γ 64). άγορή, τις, »'/, (άγείρω"), contio. — (1) convoked assembly of people or aimy (cf. αγυρις, βονλί]), άγορηνδε καλίΐν (through the heralds), καθίζειν, τΓοίίΐσθαι, τίθεσθαι ; ες c' άγορήν άγέ- ροντο, εις άγορήν κίον αθρόοι, it 361; iiV άγορί) ίσαν άθρόοι,Σ 497. — (2) pub- lic speech, Β 275 ; discussion in assem- bly, Β 788, Ο 283, δ 818, 1 441, Β 370, Δ '400, Σ 106 ; debate be/ore iiibunal, Π 387. — (3) phce of meetinq, market, /8 1 50, 4 266, η 44, θ 503, ττ 377, ν 362 ; άγοραί, meeting -places, θ 16; phce of assembly, Η 382 ; time (afternoon), μ 439 [---]; hence άγορήθεν, c contione,//O7ra the as- sembly, Β 264. άγορηνδε, ad contionem, to the assembly, καλέσσαι, κιόντες, A 54. άγορήτη? (άγορη), contionator, haranguer, speaker (opp. βονληφόρος, Η 126); λιγνς, loud speaking, power- ful; ίσθλός. άγορητιίν, τί]ν, (άγορητής), facun- dia, gift of speaking, eloquence, θ 168f. [- ] , άγος, οι, (άγω), dux, chief, Δ 519, Γ 231. [--] άγοστω, ελε γαίαν — , palm a, with flat, outstretched hand, A 425, Ν 508, 520, A 452, Ρ 315, of mortally Avound- άγρανΧος, only αγραυλοιο βοός, αγραυλοι ττοιμ'ενες, Σ 162 ; πάριες, κ 410 (αγρός, αύλί]), belonging to the farm enclosure, epith, of domestic cow, as distinguished from the cows driA-en to or roaming in remote pasture ; epith. also of herd of cattle, of calves. αγρει and ν 149 άγρείτε, imp. from άγρίω (άγρη, άγω), quick! foi-wards! used alone or with μάν, δή, νυν, fol- lowed by imp., or inf. used as imp. (literally seize! lay hand upon!). άγρη, y'l, (άγω), venatio, hunt, ίφί- πεσκον, were following the chase, μ 330. (Od.) άγριος, 2, yet shows fern, termination in t 119 (αγρός), agrestis, 2t'/Zc/. — (1) of beasts. JiVce, τα άγρια, ferae. — (2) of men, ferocious ; of combatants, savage, a 199, ζ 120, θ 575. t 215 : of Folyphe- mos, Skylla, μ 119; Gigantcs, η 206. — (3) horrible, dreadful, of tumult of conflict, άτη, χόλος, θυμός; Ω 41, rages grimly like a lion. [-^^] "Αγριος, son of Portheus in Kaly- don, S 117. άγριο-ψώνους μετά Σίντιας, θ 294f, to the harsh-voiced Sintians. άγρόθεν (αγρός), rure, fro7n the fleld, κατιεναι, ερχεσθαι, go home, ν 268. (Od.) άγροιώται, o\, ruricolae, peas- ants; also adj. rustic, Ο 272. άγρόμενος, part. aor. mid. from άγεί- ρω. άγρ^νδε, rus, to the country, coun- try-house, ο 379. άγρο-νόμ.01 (νψω) νύμφαι, ζ 106f, ruricolae, ru?-a/. [— ^^— ] άγρ<ίς ( &Yp^] άγχι-βαθής (^άθος) θάλασσα,* 413 f, deep near the shore. [- ^ >-' — ] aYxi-6coi {θεός), diis propinqui, related to the gods; of Phaiakians. &γχι-μαχητα( (μαχητής), C Ο m i η u s proeliantes, fighting hand to hand— αγχέμαχοι,'^ 604, άι/ί|0£ς; also of whole tribes, [-w^--] άγχί-μολον (μολείν), ntr. ace. with adverbial force, prope, near; usually with dat. with ελθεΐν, ίρχεσθαι, ρ 260; ίπι ι)λθεν, χ 205, ω 502; only in ίΐ 352, εζ άγχιμόλοιο ιϋών, e propin- quo conspicatus; ρ 336, close after him Odysseus entered the house. άγχί -voos (νόος), guick o/apj)rehen- sion, V 332f ; self-possessed. [- — ^ ^ J Άγχίσης, (1) son of Κηττι-ο, fa- ther of Αινείας, άναζ ανδρών, Ε 268. — (2) father, of ΈχεττωΧος, from Σικνών, Ψ 296. [ ] Άγχισ-ιάδης, (1) Αινείας, Ρ 754. — (2) 'Έ,χεπωλος. [ ww_J όγχιστα, see άγχιστος, proxi- mum. άγχιστϊνοι, αι, (άγχιστος), confer- ti, close together, one after another, Ρ 361, χ 118. ογχΜΓτον (άγχί), ρ r ο χ ί m u m , very near,closeby; proxime aher at, least distant, t 280; pi. nearest, \y\ih. gen.; άγχιστα εοικώς and είσκω, nearest re- sembling, I compare (him) first Avith. άγχ($θι (άγχον),\\η\ι gen., prope a, hard by, V 103. [---] άγχοΰ (άγχι), prope, near, with 'ίστασθαι, να'ιειν, ζνμβαλέσθαι, ζ 5. «^ΎΧ* (from άγχω, ipf ), was choking, Γ 37 If. αγω (ago), άζω, aor. ηζα (imp. άζετε, inf. άζψεν,άξεμεναι),ιηϊά. η^άμην (ά^ε- σθε, άζοντο) ; comm. form τΊγαγον, subj. άγάγωμι, mid. ήγαγόμην (also unaug- mented); age re, kad, bring, dHve; I. act. (1) lead, wndiict, bring, A 842, Ω 564 (in ρ 218 ώς is prep., bi'ings like to like), ρ 243, η 248, ί 312 ; βονν, 'ίππους, put to ; εκατόμβην, A 43 1 ; of lioness's cubs, Ρ 134 ; bones of the fallen, Η 335 ; (a) biing or cxirry with one, Γ 401, 1 664, Λ 650, A 390, 184, ^ 601 ; of persons and things ; (b) plunder, carry off, make away with; prisoners and booty, beside Q764,cf. I 594, Υ 194, Ε 484,'ψ 512; A 332, the goddesses of dark death Avere carrying away, cf Ε 614 and Ν 602. — (2) transport, remove, vcherc, persons and things as subj. νανται, a 172; also freq. νηες, even ά^ων, Ε 839 ; (a) can^f away, νεκρόν, κόπρον, cf. A 598, A 338, (c 551 ; recover, κ 268; άγων αδος (b) fetch, things living or ΛνΐΛοηΙ life, A 184, Γ 105, θ 368, Ψ 613, 50, Ω 778, β 326, γ 424, ξ 27, <1> 266.— (3) bring to pass, occasion, Ω 547 ; sport, σ 37, tempest. — (4) κλίος, spread abroad re- nown, 6 311; of. τταιήονα ay., X 392, raise a song of exultation. — (5) guide, control, combat, Λ 721; water, Φ 262; esp. the army, steer ships, Β 580, 631, 557; λόχο}/, ξ469, insidias struere. The part, άγων is often added to verbs of motion, where it is not necessary to the sense, for the sake of greater vivid- ness, a 130, c 525. ο 47, cf. γ 118.— II. mid. (1) take with one one's eiFects, or what one regards as one's own, clothes, ζ 58, cf Γ 72, Δ 19, Χ 116; booty, κ 35, 40, cf. Η 363; prizes, Ψ 263;' captives, Ζ 455. — (2) -γνναΧκα, bring home as wife; of bridegroom, take to ivife, II 46, Π 190, X 471 ; of father, Avho brings to his son in marriage, κον- ρην ί 10 ; of brother, to brother, ο 238 ; of master, to his slave, ^ 214 ; of those who accompany the bride, ζ 28. άγων, ώΐ'ος, b, (άγω), comitium, place of meeting. — (\) assemblt/, 'ίζανεν, Ψ 258 ; \ντο, Ω 1. — (2) place where as- sembly meets: (a) θΰος, Η 298, area be- fore the temple, temple enclosure; Σ 376, hall of the gods, yet cf. θ 264; νέων, space behind the ships, i. e. between the ships and the shore, the encampment at the ships; νεών iv άγώνι, Π 500, differs in meaning from Ο 428; (b) place or scene of combat, arena, including the space reserved for spectators, Ψ 531. ά-δαημ,ονίη (άδαήμων), inscitia, inexperience, ω 244|. [----' — — w -] ά-δαή|λων, ov, gen. όνος, (ί«//^ϋων), imperitus, unacquainted with, ηνός, p283 [^^— ] α-δακρυτος (ίαίcp^;ω),lacrimis ca- re η s. tearless, dry, ^186. [- ^] "Αδαμας, αντυς, {οάμνημι), son of Άσιος from Troja, Ν 771, 759. ά-δάμαστος {ΰαμάζω), inflexibi- 1 i s, inflexible, Άίδης, I 1 58t. [- w _ ^] άδδβες, see άδειης, imp ud ens, shameless. άδδηκώς, άδδήσ€ΐ€, see άδίω, per- taesus. άδδην, see άοην, to satiety. ά-δ€ΐή5 (δέος), intrepidus, undis- niayed, Η 117, but κνον adStkg, impu- dens, shameless hound, as abusiA^e epi- thet ; later form άδεες. [-^^ ; Η 117, ά-δ6λψ€ΐοΰ, άδ€λψ€Ος, οί, όν, (ά copul. and δελφύς, uterus), f rater, own-brother. ά-δ€υκ€Ϊ, έα, (δεΐικος, decus), in- dignus, disgraceful; φϊ}μις, ζ 273, slanderous gossip. ά-δεψητω, ov, (οίψω), crudus, un- tanned, ν 2 and 142. (άδεω) only opt. aor. άδδησ€ΐ€, perf. part, άδδηκότες, also written άδήσειε, άδηκότες, and άδηκότες ; (sat-ur) sa- tiatum fastidire, be satiated, loathe from excess, τινί, δείττνφ ; καμάτφ, νττνψ, be ο ve7'w helmed with. αδην, αδην, (άδεω, orig. αδδί}ν — σάδ- jηv). to satiety, εδμεναι, and to excess; esp. ίλάαν τινά κακότητος, ττολίμοιο, etc., drive one into misery (war), until he has had enough of it. [^ — ; Ε 203, ά-δηριτος (δϊίρις), non depugna- t u s, uncontested, Ρ 42f . [- -] άδινάων Σειρήνων, ψ 326, seems to mean sweet -singing, seducing Sirens (Ραδινάων, from ηδύς, εάδα). [-' ^ ά-δινοΰ, «, όν, (δίω), commotus, Π 481, moved, agitated. — I. epith. (1) of κηρ, throbbing loith anxiety, τ 516. — (2) μελισσαι, Β 87, μνίαι, Β 469, buzz- ing; μήλα, oves trepidantes, 7-est- less, jiunied, a 92, δ 320.— (3) -γόος, sobbing, tvhifnpering lament, Σ 316, Ψ 1 7, etc. (Σειρήνες, see foreg.) — II. ad- verbial, αδινόν, άδινά, vehemently, icith utterance broken by sobs,\\\ih. στενάχω, στοναχεω, στενηγίζω, κλαίω (άδινώτε- ρον, more dolefully, ττ 216), γοάω, μυ- κάσθαι,κ 413. — III. adv. άδινώς άνενεί- κατο, flebiliter suspiravit, Τ 314, cf.338. [---] ά-δμής, ήτες, (δάμνημι), indomi- tus. — (1) untamed; of mules, δ 637, cf άδμήτην. — (2) nnmarried ; of a vir- gin. (Od.) ό-δμήτην (δάμνημι), indomitam, unbroken, not yet brought under the voke ; of beasts of draught, Κ 293, Ψ 266, 655. "Αδμητος, fjlther of Ένμηλος, Β 713, Ψ 289, 391, 532; husband οΐ''Αλκΐ]στις, Β 714. αδον, aor. 2 from άνδάνω, placui. άδος (see άδεω), μιν 'ΐκετο θνμόι; Άδρήστ€ΐα 8 atifmv disgust (with toil) entered his soul, Λ 88t. [--] *Αδρήστ£ΐα, town on the Propontis, in what wiis afterward Mysia, Β 828. Άδρήστη, handmaid of Έλίνη, δ 123. *Δδρηστίνη, daughter of Άδρηστος, Αιγιαλεία, Ε 412|. [Γ] "Αδρηστος, (1) from Άργος, fugi- tive to Σικνών, succeeds ΤΙόλνβος there as king; becomes also king in Argos, harbors Ύνδενς, and gives him his daughter in marriage, cf. ίΞ? 121; his swift steed Άρείων, Ψ 347. — (2) son of Μίροφ, from ΙΙερκώτη, founder of Άδρήστεια, leader of Trojan allies from thence, Β 830, Λ 328. — (3) Trojan slain by Menelaos,Z 37, 45, 63. — (4) Tro- jan slain by Patroklos, Π 694. αδρότητα (αδρός), ace. from άδρο- της, coupled with ήβην and μίνος,/ιιΠ hod'dy maturity, II. (Cf. άνδροτήτα.) ά-δυτον {δύω), fanum, shrine, only Ε 448,512. a-cOXcveiv (άεθλον), cert are, insti- tttte, or contend in, a gymnastic contest; επί Tivi, in honor of some one, Ψ 274; Ω 734, toiling for a merciless master. [— — ] aeOXLov, TO, (άεθλον). — (1) certa- m e n, contest for a piize, θ 108, Π 590. — (2) implements of combat, weapons, φ 4, 117. — (3) prizes in contest, άρεσθαι, carry off; άνελεϊρ, άνελεσθαι, win; φέρεσθαι, bring in, I 127. [— ^-] α-ίθλον, τύ, (άΡεθλον, vadari; Ger- man wetten, English bet). — (1) pi. certamina,/?rt2;e contests, θ 160, ω 89. — (2) sing, and pi. prize; for such a prize, λ 548 ; having come, entered, for the prize, Λ 700. [-' - -] α-£θλο? (άθλων, θ 160), ό, (άεθλον), (1) certamen, prize contest, distin- guished from πόλεμος, II 590 ; varie- ties, θ 103, Ψ 646, 753; καταθησω, τ 572; εκτελεειν, ψ 135, χ 5. — (2) combat (in war), Γ 126; τελεϊν, γ 262; μογεΐν, δ 241 ; hardships of every sort, ψ 248, 350, esp. Έ,νρνσθϊίος, those imposed by EuvTsthcus upon Hcrakles. ά€θλο-ψ(ίρος (άύλοφόρος), prae- mium ccrtaminis ferens, hearing away the prize, victorious; only of horses, X 22. ά€ί, aUC, at close of verse, aUv (cogn. with aifwvf acvum), semper, always, ever; strengthened by άσκε- λέως, ασφαλές, διαμτζερίς, εμμενίς, μάλα, νωλεμες, συνεχές; also αίεΐ ημα- τα πάντα. ά€ίδω (dAt^aj),fut. άείσο/ζαι, aor.ind. άεισε,ΐηψ. aetffoVjinf.aftffat, can tare, sing. — (1) trans, sing, παιήονα, κλέα ανδρών, minstrels' lays, heroic songs ; of something, μτίνιν (cf. " sing and say," Nibelungen Lied), relatein song, 'Αχαιών νόστον, a 326, Δαναών κακόν οίτον, a 350, 'Αχαιών, θ 489 (λ'ιην κατά κόσμον, very becomingly, altogether in order) ; 'ίππου κόσμον, 492, with ως, 514, and with ace. and inf. 516. — (2) intrans. sing; μάλ' άεΐσαι, sing meiTily; with adj. used adverbially, καλόν, a 155 and often, so probably A 473, Σ 570 ; λίγ', loud, κ 254 ; also of nightingale (άΡηδών); of bow string, it sang, i. e. twanged under the touch, ^411. [---, exc. |0 519.] ά-€ΐκ£ίην, ας, fern, (άjεικε'iη,jί^joικεv), strictly dedecus. — (1) dcformitas, disfigurement, Ω 19. — (2) άεικείας φαί- νειν, ν 308; behave unseemly, pro- terve agere. [^ ] ά-6ΐκελιος, 2 and 3, {άjε^κkλως, from ΐείκελος), i η d e c ο r u s, t u r ρ i s, unseem- ly, shameful, άλαωτνς, πληγαί ; ivretch- ed, 2; 84, Γ 341 ; ill-favored, filthy, ζ 242, V 402, V 259, ρ 357, ω 228 [-- ^ ■^ ^] ; adv. άεικελίως, ignominiously, 7Γ 109, υ 319 ; wretchedly, θ 231. ά-6ΐκης, ες, (jέjoικε), indignus, un- becoming, unseemly. — (1) νύος ονδεν ά., mind altogether faultless; ov rot άεικ'ες, nee vero dedecet. — (2) dis- graceful, ignominious; έργον, indig- num facinus; λοιγός,πότμος,στόνος, Κ 483, λώβη. — (3) turpi s, mean, poor; άεικ'εα εσσαι, thou art vilely clad, πήρ?]. — (4) vilis, small, mean, μισθός, Μ 435, άποινα. [^ ] a-ciKi^ei (άεικής), ipf. άεΐκιζεν, fut. άεικιώ, aor. subj. άεικίσσωσι, mid. afj- κισσαίμεθα, άεικίσσασθαι, pass, άεικι- σθήμεναι, foedare, maltreat, insult, 11 545, σ 222, Ω 54; disfigure, Τ 26; for yea (δίι), he even insults in his wrath the lifeless clay (κωφην), Ω 54. ά€ίρων (άΡίίρω), pi. αίροντας, aor. νειρα and άειρα, mid. I. άεφάμην, pass. ά'ερθην (άερθείς, αρθείς), plujif. άωρτο, toller C, raise up, (1) iu strict sense ά-6καζόμ,€νος I ^ntfrom ground and otherwise), I 465; stones, S 411, Η 268; corpses, Π 678, Ρ 724 ; the wounded, S 429 ; swing on high the lash, Ψ 362; brandish a spear, Τ 373, θ 424 ; freq. with ΰψόσί, e. g. Τ 325 ; hence also ΰψόσ' άίΐρόμε- νος, raising ones self on high, rising, Φ 307. Also pass, ε 393, μ 249, 255, and ύψόσ' άίρθίίς, μ 432, θ 375; of horses, νφόσ άηρεσθην, Ψ 501 ; of birds, αρθείς, Ν 63, τ 540, άίρθη ; the fortunes of the Trojans rose aloft, θ 74. Part. άίίρας, for greater vividness, with verbs ' of bearing, placing, e. g. Τ 380, a 141, β 425, ρ 335. Of ships (y 312, άαραν), carry, άχ^ος. — (2) pro me re, bring forth, produce ; οΙνον,Ζ 264, esp. mid. (out of one's store), Ζ 293, ο 106, ρ 335. ά-€καζόμ€νος, η, {άίκων), invitus, univillijigly, σ 135, τ 133; also with τΓολλά, quite against one's will. [- -^ — ^^^'^ ά-€κηλια (εκί^λος), tpya τταθείΐν, Σ 77f , literally unwished-jbr things, suffer doleful woes, cf. sq. ά.-€κητι (g/cijrt), contra volunta- tem, against the icill of, with gen., ζ 287 ; esp. freq. Avith θεών, Μ 8, γ 28. ο-εκων, ονσ^α), (άΡεκων, from εκών), invitus, unwilling. — (1) icithout de- sign, Π 264. — (2) reluctant, against one's will; ουκ άκοντε, gladly ; ά'εκον- τος ψεΊο, me invito, in spite of me; against their wish, to their annoyance, θ 487, cf. Π 369; vi me invitum retinebit, Ο 186; notice also σε βίy άίκοντος άττί^υρα, Avith ace, vi nolen- tem privavit, robbed thee by force, against thy will, δ 646, cf. A 430. acXXa, r), (άημι), pro eel la, gust of wind, stormy wind, χειμ'εριαι, Β 293 ; τταντοίων άνεμων; also in simile, to describe onset of heroes, Λ 297, Μ 40, Ν 795. [---] ά-€λλή9 κονίσάλος ώρνντο, turbi- dus pulvis surrexit, α thick cloud ο/ dust rose, Γ ISf. [- ] oicWiJ-'iros 'Ijotc, storm-footed, i. c, swift-footed Iris (II.); cf. ■ποϋήνεμος. d-eXirea, insperatari, Zeus has %iven me to see land Avhich I never expected to behold, ε 408f . ά-€λΐΓΤ€οντ65 (ίλπω), desperantes αηδών eum salvum esse, despairing of bis safety, Η 31 Of. [----] ο€-νάοντο (from a'liv ναοντα) νδατα, juges aquae, never-failing springs, V lu9f (y. 1. αίενάοντα). [— ^ ^ — >^] ά-€ξω (άΡεξω, cogn. with augeo, German wach sen, English Avax),only pres. and ipf., increase, Ζ 261, ι 111; nourish, let grotv tip, νιόν, ν 360 ; μ'ε-γα πένθος, cherish great grief; άέξεσθαι, come to manhood, of Telemachos, χ 426; prosper, ερ•γον,ϊ,%&; ά'εϊ,ετο ϊερον ημαρ, the sacred day advanced, θ 66, 1 5 6 . ά-€ργίης (f έργον) ένεκα, pigritiae causa, ΟΜί ο/ s /οίΛ, ω 251f. [- ] ά-€ργ05, (JV, (Ρέρ-γον), piger, idle, lazy. [---] άερθείς, αερββν, part, and 3 pi. aor. pass, from αεί ρω, sublatus. όκρσί-ΊΓοδες, ων, (άείρω). Ίπποι, to- lutarii equi, quick -trotting, high- stepping horses, cf. Ψ 501 (II.). [- — -■:-] ., f . ■ . α£σα, αεσαμ,εν, aor. irom ιανω, dor- mivi. άεσι-φροστίνησιν (άεσίώρων), dat. pi. tern ere, thoughtlessly, ο 470. ά€σί-ψρων, όνος, (άάω, όρένες), amens, thoughtless, light-headed, φ 302, Ψ 603, Υ ■ 1 83. [----] άζαλεοιο, ης, ην, ας, {άζομαι), ari- dus, dy^y, parched, withered; of trees; ox-hide shield, Η 239; ΐιρος, Υ 491. Άζίΐδαο, ΆκΓορος, the son of Azeus, Β 513. [-----■] οζη, ττι,{άζω), situ inquinatum, covered with dust, dirt, χ 184f . [ ] ά-ζηχή?, ίς, (ίιεχω), penetrans, continuus, unceasing, of pain; pene- trating, of sound of combat; adverbial, άζηχές, pcrpetuo, incessantly, A 435, Ο 658, σ 3. [---] οζορ,αι (άγιος), only pres. and ipf., vereri, dread, shrink from; esp. be- fore the gods, τινά; religioni ha- bere, Avith inf., Ζ 267, t 478 ; with μή, S261. [-^^] άζομενη (αζω), ares c ens, becoming dry, A 487|. [----] αηδών (άΡεί^ω) χλωρ?// ς, 1 u s c i η i a, the songstress in green foliage, τ 518; 'Αηδών, the daughter of Fandareos, is meant, the wife of Ζήθος of Thebai, mother of Itylos, whom she slew by mis- take while intending, out of jealousy, ό-ήθίσσον 10 to kill the son of Niobe, her sister-in- law ; after this deed, transformed into a nightingale, she ever sadly repeated the name of her murdered son, 'In», 'Irv. ά-ι^θίσσον («ίωθο) αϋτώΐ', insueti erant, (the horses) were as yet unac- customed to the sight of corpses, Κ 493f . άημι ,(αΡημι, cf. ventus, English \v i η d), 3 du. αητον, inf. άήναι, άημίναι, part, atvTfg, ipf. άη, άίΐ, pass, άημ^νος. (ι) blow, of wind, always act. ; όή μίνας, ventis exagitatus. — (2)Φ386,ίίχα ci σφιν ivi φρεσι θυμός άητο, their minds wavered to and fro. [^ — -^3 άήρ, fem., gloom, Ε 864, ι 144; fog, η 1 43 ; see also ήηρ. άήσυλα (=ά-ϊσυλα) ίργα, faci- nora A'iolenta, (keds of violence, Ε 876t. [— -] άητης, ov, ύ, {άΡημι), ventus, wind, only S 254 ; elsewh. with άνίμοιο, ζί- ψνροιο, άνίμων, flatus, blast, gusts. αητο, see άημι. αητον θάρσος ίχονσα, with stormy courage, impetuoso animo, Φ 395f. (Of uncertain derivation; cf. θυμός άητο and άησύλα,Έ 876; scarcely re- lated to αίητος.^ αθάνατος, 3, (θάνατος'), immortal; also subst., e.g. A 503, Ω 61, A 265; freq. Λvith θίοί ; in phrase αθάνατος και άγηραος ; also predicated of bodily members, A 530, Ν 19, and of imper- ishable possessions {δ 79, Β 447) of the gods ; opp. βροτοί, A 2, c 2 ; θι^η- τοί, S 199; άνδρες, π 265; άθ. κακόν. Chary bd is, /i 11 8. [- - - -] αθατΓτος, only masc. (θάπτω), in- h u m a t u s, unbmied. [-- ] aQi€iy0vK άθ.,(θίυς),ηοη sine nu- mine, not without divine guidance=it is really a special providence that — , σ353|. [---] &θ€μίστιος, υι, a, (θίμις), nefarius, criminal; άθεμίστια ίΐδέναι, live im- piously, godlessly. [^ n^ — ^ ^] άθ^)ΐιστος, ων, (θίμις), ferus. law- lese,l 63, e 106; nefarius, tftcifceii; opp. ίναίσψοι, ρ 363. [w ^ _ <^] άθ£ρί(ω» ipf. άθφιζον, (άθερίς), con- temn ο, despise, always with negation, A 261. β 212, ψ 174. [- ^ - ^] άθ^σψατος, 2, (θεύς ? φημί >), i m- 111 e η s u s, immeasurable, boundless ; γαία, θάλασσα, όμβρος, ννξ ; also joined hyperbolically with οΊνος and σϊτος. [-----] Αθήναι, Athens, capital of Attika, Β 546, 549, γ 278, 307 ; also sing, ti- ρνάγνιαν Άθήνην, η 80. . 'Δθηναίη, ης, the goddess Athene, Αώς ίκγεγανΧα, άγελείη, ' -γλανκώπις, ήνκομος, κονρη Αιός (aiyioxoio), λαοσ- σύος, ληΪΓίς, ίρνσίχτολις, cf. Άτρν- τώνη, Ύριτογενεια, esp. Παλλάς; fos- ters the arts, ζ 232, ψ 160, esp. do- mestic and feminine accomplishments, . I 390, β 116; as goddess of war, Άλαλκομενηΐς, she protects cities, and is the especial patron of wary warriors like Odysseus; see Άθηνη. Αθηναίοι, Athenians, Β 551, 558, Δ 328, Ν 196,689,0 337. Άθηνη, parallel form of Άθηναίη ; 'Αλαλκομενηίς, γλανκώττις, ίνττλόκαμος, τΓολνβονλος, etc. ; η 80, the city Athens. άθηρ-ηλοιγ<$ς (άθί}ρ, λοιγός), lit. chaff-desti-oyer, designation of winnow- ing-shovel in Teiresias's prophecy to Odysseus, λ 128|. αθλήσαντ€ and άθλήσαντα (part, aor. from άθΧέω), laboribus exer- ceri, toil, drudge, Η 453, Ο 30. άθλητηρι, ονδ' — εοικας, neque enim certatoris similis es, nor dost thou resemble one who takes his part in 7nanly contests, θ 1 64f . άθλος, see άεθλος. όιθλοφ<$ροι, see άεθλοφόρος. Άθ<ίω, εζ — . from Λ thos (Άθόως, the stormy ?), S 229+, the well-known rocky promontory of Akte in Chalki- dike, now Monte Santo. άθρεω, only aor. άθρήσ€ΐ€, άθρϊ]σαι, intueri, cernere, gaze, εις ; perceive, τινά ; comprehend, τ 478. [ -] ά-θρέος, 3, only pi., cuncti, (all) together, in aowds, S 38, Σ 497; ήγε- ρεθοντο, β 392; freq. αθρόα πάντα; also Avritten αθρόοι. [— ^ ^] α-θναοι (θυμός), animo destitut.i, faint-hearted, despondent, κ 463f. αθύρματα, τα, (άθνρω), ludicra, playthings, Ο 363; elegantiae mi- nutulao, child's toys, σ 323; orna- ments, trinkets, ο 4 1 6 . [^-^ — ^ ν] Αθυρων, i)art. from άθίψω, Ο 364f, per 1 u s u m, m .o?•/. [^ ] al (obsolete case-form of relative; cf. αΐ 11 αΐγ€ΐος παραΐ, νιταί, as also tl ; this relatiA^e ! force may be traced in λ 348, al Ktv ίγωγε άνάσσω,α8 true as that I reign; so sure as I reign) never stands alone, but I. expressing a wish, optative use. — (1) «Ϊ yap, iitinam, icould that, al- ways Λvith opt, (a) where fulfillment of Avish is regarded as possible, θ 538, Ν 825, Π 97, Σ 464, Χ 454, γ 205, ζ 244, θ 339, ι 523, ο 156, 536, ρ 163, 251, σ 235, Γ 309, ν 236,

^_w] αίγιαλάς, ψ, or, lit us, shore, beach, μιγάλφ, ττολνηχίι, κοίλον. [— ^-'^] ΑΙγιαλός (or a maritima, coast- line), (1) division in N. Peloponnesos, afterward Achaia, Β 575t. — (2) town in Paphlagonia, Β 855f. αιγίβοτος (βόσκω), capras alens, abounding in goats, d 606 ; goat past- ure, V 246. [- w - w] αΙγίλιτΓος, κατ — -πίτρης, I 15, Π 4, of doubtful deriv. and signif ; the second part is perhaps from λίπτομαι, loved and haunted by goats alone, for men too steep. [— — >- w] Αίγίλιπα τρηχηαν, name of village in, or island near, Ithaka, Β 633|, Αΐγιναν, ace, island in Saronic gulf, opposite Pciraieus, still bearing its ancient name, Β 562|. [ ] Αΐγιον (cf. Αιγιαλός), afterward chief city of the Achaian league, Β 574t. [-^^] αίγί-οχος (αίγίς), Aigis-holding, epith. only of Zeus, though it might also be with propriety applied to Athene and ApoUon, ω 1 64. [- -- ^ w] αίγίς, ί^ος, »/, (strictly tempest, storm, cf ίπαιγίζω), Aigis, conceived of as α ponderous shield Avith a hundred gold- en tassels, Β 448, hence ίρίτιμος ; the handiwork of Hephaistos, Ο 309 ; the means in Zeus's hands, Ρ 593, Δ 166; or at his command, in the hands of Apollon, of exciting tempests and of spreading dismay among men, Ο 229 ; described, Ε 738, Β 448 ; serves esp. in battle, seconded by ίρις, άλκη, ίωκη, as means of spreading terror and flight; above all when borne by Athene, Β 448, χ 297 ; in Ε 738 and Σ 204, it would at first sight appear as if the later conception, Avhich regards the Aigis as the movable breast ar- mor of the goddess, and with which she is uniformly represented in sculpt- ure (cf. cut No. 18), might be traced, but άμφιβάλετο refers as often rather to the τίλαμών by which the shield Avas suspended over the shoulder; cf also θνσανύίσσαν. Αίγισθος, son of Thyestes, seducer of Klytaimnestra; despite the warn- ing of Zeus, a 35, he murdered her re- turning husband, ως τις τε κατίκτανε βονν iiri 0άΓν^,γ196,λ4Ο9,^512 sqq.; wherefore eight years later Orestes slew him and his own mother Klvtaimnestra, λ 410, α 30, γ 196. αίγλη, η, (cogn, Avith γαλήνη), splen- dor, radiance; λενκη, gleaming bright- ness of sky, of daylight, ζ 45 ; also of sun and moon ; of weapons, Β 458, Τ 362, ovpavbv Ικε. αίγλήβντος (αίγλη), άττ — Όλνμπον, de splendido Olympo, from re- splendent Olympos, A 532. αΙ-γντΓΐ<ίς, ο, (άίσσω, γυψ), vidture, lammergexjer, Π 428, χ 302, αγκνλο- χύλαι, γομχ^ιώννχες ; with όρνις, Η 59. [— — ] ΑΙγύΐΓτιος (when ultima is long, Αίγνπτ]ης to be read with synizcsis), Aegyptius. — (1) an Egyptian, d 83. —(2) Egyptian, ξ 263, ρ 432. ΑΙγνίΓτιος, name of an aged Itha- kan, j3 15. Αίγυπτος, r), A egy ρ tus. — (1) river Nile, ενρρείτην, ξ 257. — (2) Aegypt,thc land of (magic) herbs, δ 355 ; Αιγυττ- τόνδε, in Aegyptum. αΐδεΐο = αιδύο, imp. from αΙ^εομαι, A'erere, respect, reverence, ι 269. αΙδ£ορ.αι (αΐ^.ώς), pr. imp. αΐδεο, ipf aldtTO, fut. αίδεσ(σ)ομαί, aor. mid. yCε- σάμην and αίδεσσάμην, pass, ■^ζέσθην, αίδεσθην, 3 pi. αΐδεσθεν, yereri,• feel shame. — (1) τινά, reverence or stand in awe of, A 23, Ζ 442, X 124, γ 96, ψ 28, I 640; also joined Avith δείδια; was ashamed of his tears in the presence of the Phaiakians, θ 86.— (2) with inf , vereri, shHnk from, by reason of re- ligious or other scruples, ξ 146, ττ 75, ν 343, χ 312, Χ 82, out of regard to propriety, ζ 221, σ 184, Avhcre είσύνοι is to be supplied. άίδηλος, or, (of doubtful derivation; ai-, δαίω, cf δαις, δαυλός, or δίμος, δη- λιΊσθαι). — (1) pernieiosus, destroy- ing, TTvp. — (2) protervus, violent, in- solent, of Ares, Ε 897, θ 309 ; Athene, Ε 880 ; suitors, τγ 29, ψ 303 ; Melau- Άί8ης 13 Αιθί(χΐΓ€ς thios, χ 165. άιδηλως, iviih reckless violence, Φ 220. [- ] Άίδης, Άι^ωνίύς, gen. Άι^αο [^ ^ - -] , Άί06ω [^ -- -], and "At^oc [^ ^ ^], dat. Άιύι [^ W ii], AtcJwv^i, ace. 'Aidtjv, Aides, Hades, god of lower Avorld, ενέροισιν άνάσσων, άνοξ ίνερων, Ζενς καταχθόνιος, 1 457, cf. Ο 188, ττίλώ- ριος, κλυτύττωλος, 'ίφθιμος, κρατερός, πυΚάρτης, also στυγερός : freq. "Αι^ος ζόμον ίίσω, or ε/ς ^ό/«οι/, έν δόμοις, etc. ; often also only "Αι^όσ^ε (so. δόμονοε), or simply prep, εν, εις, followed by gen. "λιδος, ΛνύΐιοηΙ proper case of δόμος. αΙδοίων τε μεσηγύ και όμφαλοΰ, be- tween privi/ pirls and navel, Ν 568|. alSotos, 3, (αιδώς). — (1) verecun- d u s, ά\ητ7]ς, shamefaced, bashful, ρ 578. — (2) V e η e r a η d u s, revered, venerated, august, applied to all pei'sons connect- ed with one by ties of relationship or ob- ligation : of the ταμίη,α 139; of kings, gods ; of friends, guests, suppliants ; often joined with φίλος or δεινός ; ο 373, αιδοιοΧσιν t^(uica=have given to the needy; \η\^0>Ο,αΊδοιότίροςκαι φίλτερος, more respected and beloved, αιδοίως τ άτήπεμτϊον, τ 243, with due regard to the claims of a guest, with Jit escort. αΐδομαι, see αίδέομαι. "Διδος, 'Άιδόσδβ, see Άίδης. οιδρ6ίη,^σί,(«(ί|0ΐς), inscitia,/(>//y, Η 198, ju 41; άιδpεiyσι νόοιο, κ 231, 257, λ 272. [- ] αιδρις, ει, {άΡιδρις, from Ρίδμεναι), ignarns, unacquainted with, χώρου ; stupid, Τ 219. [---] αΙδώς, ους, ή, pudor. — (1) subj. sense of shame; ν 171, οϋδ' αΐδονς μυΐ- ραν εχονσιν, not a spark of shame; sc7'uple, εν φρεσι θέσθε αιδώ και ν'εμε- σιν, Ν 122, cf. Ο 561, with δέος, Ο 657; revere η ti a, regard, with φιλότ-ης, Ω 1 1 1, ξ 505 ; Avith τιμή, θ 480 ; diffidence, γ 14. — (2) obj, disgrace, dishonor, used elliptically sc. έστω, Π 22, or ίσην, y 24; with ace. and inf., Ε 787; piivy parts = αίδοΤον,Χ 75; Β 262, hide thy nakedness. oUi, aicV, see άεί. οίει-γβνίτόων, θεών, and θεοΐς αίει- γενετ^σιν (regular formula for closing the verse), born to unending life, eternal, immortal, ω 373. aUi -νάοντα, see άενάοντα, ever flow- ing, never failing . ϋ aUrds (cogn. with οιωνός, avis), aquila, eagle, τελειότατος ττετεηνών, favorite of Zeus, Jovis ales, Q, 311; bird of omen ; μορφνός θηριΐτήρ, dusky bird of prey; high-soaring, Μ 201, X 308; hook-beaked, Γ 538. [----] άίζηλον (άι,ζΐίλος^ δήλος), τον μεν άίζηλον θήκεν θεός, Β 318, eura deus perillustre fecit exemplar, the god made it a conspicuous omen. αιζήιος άνήρ ( = άιζηός), vegetus h ο m ο, vigorous man, only Ρ 520, μ 83. Ι αίζηός (at, cf. 7;/3?;?), vegetus, ro- bustus, vigorous, robust, with άνήρ, i and as subst. with θαλεροί, άρψθοοι, κρατερός ; used as equivalent to man, /ti440. ΔΙήτης, son of "Ηλιος and ΙΙ'ερση, brother of ¥.ίρκη ; robbed by Jason of the golden fleece, μ 70 ; υλοόφρων, κ αιητον, πελωρ, Σ 41 0, epith. of Ηφαι- στος, of doubtful origin and meaning, perhaps best explained as from άημι, with intensive prefix dt, breathing strongly, hard-puffing. [ -'] αΙθαλΟ€ΐς, εσσα, εν, (αιθω), fumo- sus, fuliginosus, smoky, black ivith smoke or soot, μέλαθρον, μέγαρον, Β 414, χ 239 ; κόνις, of ashes that have burnt out and lost their glow, pulvis niger. αΐθί, u tin am, see a?, I. 2. Αΐθη, name of mare, lit. fery. Sor- rel, Ψ 295. αίθηρ, ερος, η, (αΙθω), aether, space filed by light of day (αιθρη), situated under the heaven, ουρανός, to which it is considered to belong, and separated by the clouds from the αήρ, which be- longs to the earth ; αΙθέρι ναίων, as dat. of place (locative), dwelling in aether. In Ο 20, Here hangs from a cord made fast in ουρανός, and swings iv αίθίρι και νεφελ-^σιν, Π 365, as when a cloud rises from Olympos, out of the gleaniing light of day, and mounts into heaven, i. e. the cloud seems to be gen- erated out of the transparent aether, and then rising perpendicularly, sub- sequently spreads over the sky. Sec ΌλνμτΓος. Α1θίκ€σσι, dat. pi., to the Aithikes, a tribe Avest of Mount Pindos, Β 744t. [— --] ΑΙΘίθ7Γ€ς, ων, εσσιν, ας and ήας, αΙΘ6μ,€νος 14 αίνος τηΧόθ' ίόντας and ίσχάτους ανδρών, άμύμονας, Aethioplans, "burnt faces," dwelling on Okeanos' stream, in two divisions, east and west, a pious folk whom the gods loved and often visited. It is nowise unreasonable to suppose that some tidings of the existence of a black race may have found its way to the Greeks of the Homeric age. α166μ€νος (αίθω), flag ran s, ar- dens, burning, πυρ, etc., άστυ, Φ 523. αΐθουσ-α, ijg, ρ ο r t i c u s, ha/l, porch ; epithets; polished (smoothly planked), resounding. We distinguish two.aZ- θουσαι, see plate III. at end of volume. — (1) on either side of vestibule, after passing the entrance door ; άίθ. αυλής, ψ 390, ν 1 76, χ 449. — (2) after traversing the αύλ>ϊ, just before entering into the banqueting-hall, μίγαρον ; this latter, αί- θουσα cw/iaroc, served as sleeping-room for guests, γ 399, δ 297, and was roofed. αιθοπα, ι, (α'ιθω), ace. and dat. ful- gidus, coruscus, radians, spark- Ung, χαλκός, οίνος ; red, of smoke mixed with flame, κ 152. [- ^ ^] αΐθρη, ην, (αίθω), aether, light of day, clear sky, άνεφιλος, ζ 44, Ρ 646, Α. 75. [--] Αΐθρη, mother of Theseus, follows Helene as captive to Troja, Γ 144. αΙθρη-γ€ν€της, Βορίης, sprung from aether, e 296t. αΙθρη-γ€ν€θ5, virb ρητής — Bopeao, under the blast of aether-bom Boreas, Ο 171. αΐθρ({> δίδμημίνος, frigore con- fectus, overcome by cold, ξ 318|. αΙΟνιη, fem., water-hen, e 337 and 353. αΐβων, ωνος, fulgens, fulvus, shining, taivny ; of horses, sec Αίθων ; also of cattle, eagle, lion, and metal implements, σ 372, Β 839. Αΐθων, ωνος, name (1) assumed by Odysseus, Γ 183.— (2) of horse, θ 185, which we should best describe as Sor- rel.^ diic*, see ai(w). &iKcL«, τάς, {άϊσσω), τόξων, telo- rum impetus, stoi-m or hail of ar- rows, Ο 709t. [ ] άικώς (ctj^κώς.j'fjoικt):=άftκo>ς, tur- pi te r, ignominiously , X 336t. [^ ^ — ] αίμ,α, ατός, τό, sanguis, bhwd, (1) iu the veins, Ψ 717, also of gods, Ε 339, 870. — (2) cruor, cama^-e, Κ 298 ; in sausage, σ 119. — (3) of descent, ofooj relationship, kin, joined with γενβή. αίμ,ασιάς λέγειν, septa colli- gere, plant out a thorn-hedge. [— ^ αψατόΐΐζ,εσσα, εν, bloody.• — (1) san- guineus, σ/ίώίιξ bloody wales, χ^ιάδες drops o/ blood. — (2) cruentatus, blood-besprinkled. — (3) sanguinari- ViS, murderous, ήματα. [— ~^•^— ] Αίμονίδης, Ααερκης, Ρ 467|• Αιμονίδης, Μαίων, from Thebes, Δ 394t. αΙμο-ψ6ρυκτα {φορύσσω'), δε δη κρεα ήσθιον, and were eating pieces of flesh all bloody (crudas), υ 34^f. αΧμ,ονα,θήρης (cogn.with amans?), skilled in the chase, Ε 49f . αίμυλίοισι λόγοισι θέλγει, persua- sive, persistent, a 56f . Αίμων, όνος, κρείων ; εταρος 'Νέ- στορος, Δ 296f. αΙν-αρ€τη (αίνός),\θύ. terribly-brave (contains at once recognition of bravery and censure for the faults Λvhich attend it), Π 31t. Alvcias, gen. Αινείαο, Αίνείω, ίνς ττάις Άγχίσαο and of Aphrodite ; as- cending pedigree as follows : Anchi- ses, Kapys, Assarakos, Tros, Erichtho- nios,Dardanos,Zeus ; repi'esented as in feud with Priamos the great-grandson of Tros, Ν 460, Υ 1 80, 307 ; favorite of the gods, Ε 344, Υ 291. αΐν^ω (αϊνος), prs., -r /σω, -ησα, corn- pro b are, approve, praise ; opp. νεικει, Κ 249 ; esp. of oracle, αινεί, ir 403. αΐνίζομ(αι), with ττερί and εζοχα Βροτών απάντων, prae omnibus te mortalibus praedico, praise thee above all other mortals, Ν 374 and θ 487. Αΐνιον, a Paionian, slain by Achil- leus, Φ 21 Of. alvratie, Ψ 7 95. αΙν(ίς 15 alpei αΙν($ς, τ), όί^ terribilis, formido- Xosws, frightful, dreadful, horrible, in different grades of intensity ; αίνότατε Κρονίδη, dread son of Kronos; as Λνβ sometimes use dreadfuUij = extremely, exceedingly, very ; α'η'ότατον ττίρώί'ιΰια, Ν 52, α 208 ; freq. αΐνυν άχος, dire woe ; often with διμοτήτι, φνλοπις, κάματοι; κότος, etc. ; αΐνά, adΛ■ erbial, τεκοΰσα — wretched mother that I am, A 414; with όλοφίφομαι παθοΰσα, having en- countered such sorrow, X 431 ; αινώς, adv. esp. with Stidia, ίοικίναι ; intens- ively with κακά, ρ 24, cf. τ 324. αΐννμαι, αϊνυται, αΊνντο, and part, prs. comprehendere, take, Λ 374, 580, Ν 550, Ο 459, Φ 490, t 225, 232, 429, φ 53 ; seize, ξ 144, χ 500. α'ίξ, οΐγόξ, ή, 6, dat. ρ1. αίγεσιν, ο a- pra, caper, goat. άίξασκον, iter, aor., from άίσσω. ΑΙολίδης, son of Aiolos, see ]ίρη- θενς, Σίσυφος. ΔΙολίην, νησον, island of Aiolos, Avith surrounding wall of bronze, κ 1 sqq. ; identified by the ancients with Strongyle or Lipara. αΙόΧλη {άι-, foX-, volvo), ore γα- στέρα ένθα και ΐ,νθα — , as when one turns this way and that a paunch full of fat and blood, ν 27|. αίολο-θώρηΐ, splendida lorica armatus, with glancing mail, Γ 83. αιολο-μίτρης (μίτρη), icith glancing (because plated with metal) girdle, Ε 707t. αίολό-πωλος, tvith glancing (with metal trappings) steeds, Γ 185f. ai6Xoc, ov, 01, (at-foX-, volvo), mi- cans. — (1) of movement; quick-mov- ing, swift-footed, Τ 404 ; wriggling, X 509 ; buzzing, χ 300 ; μέσον αΐόΧοι, of wasps, pliant in the middle, because their body in the middle is so slender. — (2) of the impression which rays of light falling upon smooth, moving surfaces make ; shimmering, glancing, gleaming ; of weapons, of snakes, Μ 208. Αίολος, (1) Ίπποτάδης, son of Hip- potes, lord of winds, κ 2 (36, 60, , for Αιόλοο). — (2) father of Sisyphos, Ζ 154. ΑΪ•7Γ€ΐαν, καΧήν, town on Messenian gulf, I 152, 294. αΙΐΓ€ΐν($ς (αίττίις'), arduus, precipi- tous, steep, of localities ; cf. ζ 123. olmicaaov, montuosam, high-ly- ing, mountainous, Φ 87f. αΐιτην and a, (αίπνς), only with πό- Xiv, and in II. with ρέεθρα, high-lying, plunging sheer down. αΐιτόλιον, properly, belonging to the αίττόΧος; caprarum grex, herd of goats; αιττόΧια -πΧατε αιγών, Avide- grazing (dispersed widely) herds of goats, ξ 101. αΙ-ΐΓΟλος (for αίγττ., ττεΧομαι, ver- sari), goatherd, also Λvith άνηρ and with aiywp. Διιπί, town subject to Xestor, Β 592t. alirvs, aa, v, praeceps, arduus, precipitous, sheer. — (1) of localities: Olympos, mountains, towns, islands, lofty; of noose, hung high aloft, X 278. — (2) bursting headlong in, sudden, utter, ΰΧεθρος, φόνος, χόΧος. — (3) ar- duus, hard, πόνος, toil of combat ; Ν 317, he shall find it hard. AlirvTtov τταρά τνμβον, at funeral mound of Aipytos (progenitor of royal line) in Arkadia, Β 604|. αΙρ€Ϊ, είτω, -ήσω, aor. εΙΧον, εΧον (ΡεΧον), iter. εΧεσκον ; mid. α'ιρενμενοι, α'ιρησομαι, εϊΧόμην, εΧόμην, prehen- dere, take. — I. act. (1) seize, lay hold of, χεΊρά τίνος, σ 258, Ω 361 ; τινά χειρός, by the hand; by the hair, Φ 242; also Λvith ace, θ 319, Κ 335, Μ 397, Σ 416, Φ 242; δονρός, grasp the spear, Π 406 ; c^at ούδας, mordicus humum (of mortally Avounded); ίπί μάστακά τίνα χερσί, lay one's hands upon some one's mouth, hold the mouth shut with the hands; τινά ττροτί ol = (άγκάς) εΧεΊν, embrace, η 252, λ 210 ; overtake in running, θ 330 ; win prizes, Ψ 779, κνδος ; χροϊ ε'ίματα,ρηΐ on gar- ments (also ίλέσθαι, ψ 132). — (2) meta- phorically, take possession of άΧγος, άτη, Π 805; so of various emotions, joy, grief, coiu-age, astonishment, long- ing, fear ; ένθεν έΧών, taking up the story where, θ 500. — (3) toll ere, take aivay from, Q 579; rob, A 356; capture, Β 37, Ν 42 ; take captive, Φ 102 ; slay, Π 306, Δ 457, and freq.— II. mid. (1), take one's own, or for one's self; also with άττό, Ε 210; τενχεα άττ ώμων, lay off', Η 122; cf Ο 125, Ζ 472, also spo'li- are, sti-ip off, Ρ 206. — (2) take io ones self, as food, οόρπον, δεϊπνον, ττύειν, Άιρος 16 take with one, φ 40, Κ 501 ; receive, ξ 297, ο 367, Σ 500 ; enjoi/, Η 482 ; attain, reach a decision, Σ 501 ; take an oath of, ϋρκον Tivi and τινός. — (3) choose, select, Κ 235, Β 127, ί 121. — (4) rob, μ 246, Σ 445. "Δ-ιρος, No Los, unhappy Los, σ 73 f. αίρω, see άύρω. Άις, see Άίδης. αίσα, »/, (ήσος), port ίο, allotted share. — (1) pars, part, τ 84, Σ 327; τίω δέ μιν iv καρός a'lay (cf. Attic phrase, iv ούδίνυς μ'ίρη τίθεσθαι). — (2) propriety, κατ αϊσαν, suitably ; ορρ. νττίρ αΙσαν, Ζ 333. — (3) length of life, vitae portio, A 416. — (4) destiny, sors; ψ αίσ^, to one destiny ; KaKy a., to misfortune; θανάτοιο a., to death; αισά μοι ίση, I am destined, c 206, φ 315. — (5) destiny, as controlling power, r 127, j; 197; νττέρ αϊσαν,Ζ 487, con- trary to fate's decree ; Αιός, δαίμονος a., decree pronounced by Zeus, by divin- ity; v-rrep Διός αϊσαν, in disregard of Zeus's fateful decree,? 321 ; κακή Δώς a. παρέστη νμίν, the ill destiny sent by Zeus reached us ; ττεπρωμίνος αϊσ^, handed over to fate. ΑϊσηίΓον, ace, son of Abarbaree and Bukolion, Ζ 21|. ΑΐσηίΓος, river on Mount Ida. αισθ€, άίσθο)ν, ipf. and part. {άΡω), always with θυμύν, an imam ef flans, exspirans, breathing out one's life, Π 468. [^-^] αισΐ|ΐον, η, α,ζ^αίσα). — (1) fatalis, decreed by fate. — (2) d ec or us, oecoMi- ing, i d ο η e u s, suitable ; a e q u u s, just ; αίσιμα είδεναι, think justly, be right- minded. αίσιος (αισα), auspicious, propi- t i u s, opportune, Q 376|. άίσσουσι, -ων, aor. ήι^α, (άίζω, άΐζαι, αίξας), άίξασκον ; mid. άίζασθαι ; aor. ήίχθην, (άιχθητην), impetu ferri, move with eager haste. — I, act. (1) hast- en, Q 1\\, ο 183, ω 48S; ΐμζε πετε- σθαι, flew rapidly; άίξας, in haste; πρύσσω, φόβονδε, άπό τίνος, fly, of birds; of arrows (speed); of chariot (sped over the ground), Ψ 369 ; of thoughts (rove, Ο 80) ; τοί δΐ σκιαι άισσουσι, but they^ii about like shad- ows, trepidant, vith these they rose quickly up, — II. dep. = act. signif.,X 195,Ψ 773, Ζ 510; Π 404, the reins slipped from his hands. α-ιστος (Ρίδμεναι, ΙδεΙν), ignotus, of which nothing is known or seen ; dis- appeared without leaving a trace, van- ished, lost ; ;=; 258, and he would have cast me out of the upper air, and sub- merged me out of sight in the sea. ["-; , . . ,. , αιστωσ€ΐαν, irom αιστοω, (αιστος), cause to disappear, υ 79, annihihte; άιστώθησαν, vanished, κ 259. αΐίτυητήρι, v. 1. for αίσυμνητήρι, Q 347 "fyptincely. ΑΙ<Γυηταο, (1) γέροντος τύμβος, Trojan, father of Antenor, Β 793|. — (2) δίοτρεφίος ν'ιύν, Alkathoos, Ν 427|. αΙ(Γυλ6-£ργος (f έργον), ν. 1. for αί- σνλα ρ'ίζων, or όβριμόεργος, Ε 403f, η e far i us, high-handed, wicked, άίσυλα (ά-ισος), only with ρεζειν and μί)θησασΌαι ; nefaria, turpia, do or speak evil. [— -^ ^J ΑΙσυμηθ^ν, θ 304t, from Aisyme, in Thrake. [ ^] αίσυμνητήρι κονρψ, pHncely youth, Q 347 f. αΐίτυ-μνήτης, msc. (αΊσα, μνήμα), cf. Ίερομνήμων), umpire, unpi-ejudiced referee, θ 258|. Αΐσυμνον, acc, Grecian chief, slain by Hektor, Λ 303|. αίσχος, ntr. (αι^έο/χαι), ignom i η ia, dedecus, disgrace, λ 433, σ 225; pi. spoken insults, Ζ 351, 524, if I must listen to words of contumely for thy sake ; α 229, outrageous acts. αίοτχρός, turpis, disgraceful, (1) Β 216, ugly. — (2) injurious, insulting, επεα ; adv., αΐσχρώς ενένιπεν. ignomin- iously reproved. αίσχυνω (αίσχος), aor. τ^σχννε, foe- dare.— (1) disfigure. Σ 24, 180,12 418. —(2) insult, Ζ 209, /3 86 ; Ψ 571, ία?•- wis/imyfame. — (3)mid. verecundari, have scruple, hesitation. Αισονα, acc, A ison, son of Ivretheus and Tyro, father of Jason, king in laolkos, λ 259. atrci, imp. prs., fut. -ήσω, aor. part. -ήσασα, rogare; osk, τινά τι, some one for something; beg, sue for, Q 292, Tivt Ti ; seek as wife, Ν 365. ] αΐτιάασθαι 17 α-κηδ€ΐς aiTiaourdai, see αίτιάομαι. αΐτιάασθαι (αίτια), only pres. and ipf., usually resolved, i ncus are, acci/se 0/'; a 32,' what charges the mortals bring against the gods ! αΐτίζειν (αΐτεω), only pres., only Od., rogare.— (1) ask, δ 650.— (2) beg, im- portune. αίτιος, 01, (αιτία), culpandus, reus, ffuilty of something (in bad sense), Τ 86, 'tis no fault of mine ; COL δ' ovTi μνηστήρες αίτιοι ίίσίν, the suitors are nowise responsible for that, /3 87. αΐτιόωνται, 3 pi. pres. indie., αΐτιόφο, -φτο, 2 and 3 sing. opt. from αίτιάομαι. ΑΙτώλιος, A itoUan. ΔΙτωλός, Ψ 471, ξ 379; -οι, the Aitolians in Hellas, I 531, 549, 597. αίχμάσσουσι, fut. from αίχμάζω, αίχμάς, youths should hurl the spears, A 324t. αΙχμή, t), (ακίς, acutusj, cusp is, point, εγχεος, δονρύς ; then the whole spear, Ο 542. αίχμητά and αίχμ,ητης, ύ, spear- man, warrior, Γ 179 ; also aΔ}.,β^hting with spear, ivarlike, Β 543. αΐψα (—αίττεσα, from αιττΰς), ex- temp Ιο, forthwith; αΤφα δ' εττειτα, immediately after ; μά\' altpa, al\pa μόλα, very quickly ; αΐ-φα και ότρα- λεως, at once and quickly, αίψηρός, ή, (αΐφα), citus,T 276, he dissolved the quickly dispersing (pro- lepsis) assembly, β 257, δ 103, soon comes a surfeit of the chilling lament for the dead. oiov (άήναι), ίττει φίλον — ^τορ, when I was breathing out my life, Ο 252f . οίων (άΡίω), only pres. and ipf. aiov, sent Ίο, perceive. — (1) by senses, ΐΓληγής. — (2) by mind, σ 11. — (3) learn of, by hearsay : ουκ άίεις, knowest thou not ? by sense of hearing, κτύ- TTov, δπα, voice, usually with gen. φθογγής, exc. ω 48 ; regard, Ο 378, Ψ 199. αΙών, ωΐ'ος, υ, (>'/, Χ 58), (αίΡών, aevum), lifetime, Δ 478, Ι 415 ; life, anima, Τ 27, Χ 58; with ψυχ>7, Π 453, ι 523. ά-κάκητα, masc. (α priv., κακός), deliverer, applied to Hermes, ω 10. άκαλα-ρρείταο (ί/κτα, ρέω), ίξ — βα- θνρρύου 'ΩκεανοΙο, from the smoothli/ flowing, deep-streaming Okeanos, Η 422, Γ 434. ά- κάμαντι, a, (κάμνω), indefessus, untiring, Π 823. Άκά|χας, αντος, (1) son of Antenor and Theano, leader of Dardanians, S? 478. — (2) son of Eussoros, leader of Thrakians, Ζ 8. ά-κάματον (κάματος), i η d e f e s s u s, ττΰρ, untiring, smouldering fire. [ άκανθας (άκή), ace. pi. from άκανθα, c a r d u ο s, thistles, ε 328|. [- ] "Δκαστος, king of Dulichion, ξ 336|. άκαχείατο, 3 pi. plupf., άκαχ€Ϊν; άκαχήσω, άκαχηρ,ενος, see άκαχίζω. ακ-αχίζ») aor. νκαχε, άκαχεΧν, and άκάχησε ; mid. άκαχίζομαι, pf. άκάχη- μαι, 3 ρ1. ΰκηχεδαται, part, also αΌ/χί- μενη, αι, inf. άκαχίίσθαι, plupf. 3 ρ1. άκαχείατο, aor. ακάχοντο, -οιτο (άχος) ; distress, afflict, ir 432, Ψ 223; mid. distress ones self, pf. grieve, θνμφ, -όν, ητορ, in heart ; because of something, τινός τινί ; Avith part., λ 486 ; ττνκινώς, ν 84; λίην, Ζ 486; μάλα, Π 16 (cf άχννμαι). άκαχμενος, 3, (άκη), acutus, sharp- ened, pointed ; εγχος άκ. (όζει χαλκι•)), lance tipped (with sharp bronze point; ; ττελεκνς άμφοτερωθεν α /c., double-edged axe, £ 235. άκάχοιτο, see άχννμαι. άκεομαι, άκ£ΐ6μ.€νον, οι, aor. ήκεσά' μην (imp. άκεσσαι), scdare, assuage. — (1) heal, repair, ξ 383 ; viake good, κ 69, Ν 115.— (2) slake thirst. ά-κερσ6-κ($μ,ης (κε'ιρω), icith unsho7-n, flowing hair, Phoibos, Υ 39f . άκεσματα (άκεομαι), pi., as means of alleviating pain, Ο 394f. Άκεσσαρ-ενοΐο, gen., a king of Thrake, father of Periboia, Φ 142|. όικ£(Γταί (άκεομαι) φρένες, tractable, Ν 115t. άκ^ων, οντε, ονσα, (άκαΧός), seda- tus, tacitus, silent, A 34; άκεων is generally used adverbially ; a neuter form, άκεων (cf. άκήν), may have once existed, which was afterward con- founded in common use with the part, άκεων. ά-κήδεστοι, unburied, Ζ 60; άκηδε- στως, pitilessly^ Χ 465. ά-κηδεις and άκήδεσεν, from άκηδέω (κηδεω), negligere, disregard, slight. ί-κηδης 18 ακραει esp. the dead, wounded; always with negative, Ψ 70. ό-κηδης, «ς, (ici/^of), incuriosus. — (1) act. unfeeling, Φ 123, ρ 319 ; with- out sorrow, Ω 526. — (2) pass, neg- iected, ζ 26, r 18; unburied, ω 187, S2 554. ά•κηλητος {κηΚιω, to charm), νόος, inflexible purpose, κ 329|. άκην, ancient ace., cf. άχιων, pla- cide, tacite, silent, with ισαν, taav; also common phrase, άκήν tykvovro auoiry, became hushed in silence, ■w 393. [--] ά-κηράοΊον (κηρ), intactum, not meddka with, pure, olvov, ι 205f. ά-κηρατος, ov, (κηρ), integer, un- touched, pure, Ω 303. 1. ά-κηριοι {κηρ), incolumes, un- injured, φ 328. 2. ά-κηριοκ and οι, (κήρ). — (1) ina- nimus, dead. — (2) ignavus, spirit- less, cowardly, ^tog, Ε 812. άκηχ^δαταί, άκηχ€αται, άκηχβμ,ένη, see άκαχίζω. άκιδνότ€ρος, 3, (κεδνός?), neglec- tus, miser, more insigmficant, in fig- ure ; more ivretched, σ 1 30. a-KiKvs (κικυς), imbecillus,yeeo^; only in Od. [- — -] ά-κίχητο (κιχάων), διώκων, negata perse qu ens, pursuing the unattain- able, Ρ 75t. [----] α-κλαυτος (κλαίω), iliac rimabi- lis, (1) unwept. — (2) δ 494, tearless. ά-κλ€ης (κλέος•), ace. sing, άκλεα, better άκλίά, pi. άκληίΐς, inglorious; adv. άκλαώς. ά-κλήρ([> (κλήρος), sine patrimo- nio, portionless, needy, λ 490t. άκμ,ής (άκρος), iiri ίίυροϋ 'ίσταται, in discrimine res est, stands on the razor's edge, Κ 173t. άκμην6ς (ακμή), θάμνος Ιλαιης, full- grown olive-tree, ψ 19 It. ακμηνος (άκμη, ieiunia), fame- lie us, unsatisjied, hungry, with gen. (only T). ά-κμ.ήτ€ς, pi. (κάμνω), indefati- ^at\, fresh, unwearied (only II.). άκμ(ί-θ€Τον (άκμων), anvil-block. &κμονα, -ας, incudem, es, anvil (άκμων). ακνηστιν, «rar, in spina dorsi, in the backbone, κ 161 f. άκοίτης, ύ, ακοιτις, ή, coniux, Λωβ- band, wife, f 120, 1 397, and freq. όικ6λονς, frusta, morsels, ρ 222t. ά-κομ.ιστίη, lack of care, neglect, ώ 284. ακοντίζω (ακόντων), aor. άκύντι(σ)σα, iaculari, hurl javelin, τινός, ίπί τινι, εις τίνα ; αίχμάς, Soijpa, εγχε'ϊ, δονρί. άκοντισταί, ac,iaculatores, spear- men, lancers, σ 262. άκοντιστυν, ace. fem., game of the dart, spear contest, ψ 622+. [ί>] ά-κ^ρητος (κορενννμι), insatiabi- 1 i s, insatiate, with gen., Τ 2. ακος, Γ0, (άκεομαι), remedium, cure, remedy, χ 481. ά-κοσ-μια (κόσμος), επεα, indecen- tia, unbecoming, Β 2l3t. άκοστησας (άκοστή), επΙ φάτν^, hav- ing fed abundantly (on barley) at the manger (II.). άκουάζβσθε, ονται, ωνται, (άκοΰω), a u s c u 1 1 ο, listen, hearL•» ; τινός, Δ 343, ye are they who arefirst invited to the feast. άκουη, ?/, (ακούω), auditus. — (1) sound, Π 634, one hears it from faraway. — (2) fama, tidings, report (hearsay). α-κουρον (κούρος), filio caren- tem, without male heir, η 64t. άκουω, -σομαι, ήκουσα, audio, hea}', (1) Μ 442, Ο 129, β 423 ; listen, Τ 79, α 370, άοιδον ; hear, with ace, κ 221 ; οττα, φθόγγον, στόνον, νλαγμόν, or with gen. μνκηθμον, μ 265, αυτής (mid., Δ 331), φθογγής, κωκύτου οιμωγής, στοναχής κτύπου (φ 291, μύθων και ρησιος) ; τινός τι ; or Avith gen. of par- ticiple στενάχοντος, θ 95, t 497. — (2) com per ire, learn of by heaisay, κλέος, Ω 543 ; with inf ^ Ζ 386 : with gen. of partic. in II., only Ω 490 ; λ 458, ρ 115, α 289; with gen. alone, 5114; ττερί τίνος ; υπέρ σεθεν, Ζ 524 ; ex aliquo and ire, τινός, μ 389, εκ τινός τι, ο 374. — (3) ex and ire, give ear to, with gen. and dat., also with part.; audientem e s s e, o6f^, Τ 256, η 11, ύμοκλΐ)τήρος ; prcs. used with signif of perf., δ 688. &-κράαντος (κραιαίνω), irritus, un- accomplished, vain. [ 3 &κρα/ΐ and aia, (άκρος, άημι), im- petuosus, blowing strongly, fresh, β 421. l--^^-] ^ I άκρη 19 'Δλοστορίδην άκρη (άκρος), sum ma pars, siim- init, promontory ; κατ άκρης, a \er- tice, from the summit; then, from top to bottom, i. e. utterly, Ν 772. οκρηθβν, in κατάκρηθίν, see κύρ. ο-κρητος, 2, {κΐράνννμι), merus, unmixed, pure, ω 73. άκρίδ€ς, a\, locusts, Φ 12t. άκριας (άκρις, from άκρη), di, amid the -windy mountain-tops, ι 400. (Od.) Άκρισιώνη, daughter of Alaisios, άανάη, Λ 319t. ά-κρϊτό-(λϋθος (άκριτα, μνθυς), sense- less babbler, Β 246 ; useless are the confused dreams, r 560. ο-κριτος, 2, (κρίνω). — (1) undistin- guislted, common, τύμβος. — (2) endless, beyond measure, also \vith πολλά ; ad- verbially άκριτον, unceasingly. ά-κριτό-φυλλον όρος, thickly over- grown (with foliage), Β 868t. άκρο-κβλαινιόων, growing black on surface, icith troubled surface, Φ 249t. άκρό-κομοι (κόμη), with hair tied up on the crown of head, Δ 533+, άκρον (άκρος), summum, point, summit, promontory. Άκρόνεω;, name of a Fhaiakian, θ 111. άκρό-ΊΓολις, citadel of Troja, onlv θ 494, 504. άκρο-ιτόλοισιν (πίλομαί), tv — upta- σιν. on lofy mountains, Ε 523. ακρο-πόρους (ττί/ρω), acumine t r an sfi, rentes, όβελοΰς, with pene- trating points, sharp-pointed, γ 463f. άκρος, 3, (aV//, acies), extremus, summus, at the point or end or top, outermost, topmost, highest, the extremity of; tail,^519; hand, foot, Π 640, shoul- der, rudder; πόλις άκρη, άκρη ττόλις, upper city ; edge, surface, etc. ; κατ άκρης, see άκρη ; adverbially άκρον, Τ 229, along the top. Άκτοίη,\α Nereid, Σ 41t. 1. άκτη (άγνυμι), mola, always Avith άλφίτον (or Αημήτερος), barley meal; in opposition to the Avhole kernels, ούλαί, ζ 429. 2. άκτη, litus, coast, often προβλή- τες άκταί, tongues of land, promonto- ries, κ 89. ά-κτημ«ν (κτήμα), carens, not pos- sessing, with gen., I 126. άκτίνεσσι, άκτΐσιν, fern., (άκτίς), Ήελίοιο, radiis, beams of Helios. 'Δκτορίδαο, gen., descendant of Aktor, Echekles, Π 189t. Άκτορίς, attendant of Penelope, ψ 228t. Άκτορίων, name for either of the sons of Aktor; the two Avere called Άκτορίωνε, and also Μολ/ονε, after their mother Molione, Λ 750. "Δκτωρ, (1) 'λζίΐ^]ς, son of Azeus, Β 513.— (2) father of Μενοιτιος, Λ 785, Π 14. — (3) father of the Άκτορίωνε, son of Φόρβας, brother of Αυγείας. — (4) father of 'Εχ{κλ/;ς. άκυλος, //, edible acorn, κ 242t. άκωκη (ακή), cusp is. point, of mis- siles, X 16. άκων, ovToc, o, (άκή), iaculum, dart, Κ 335, δ" 137, ξ 531. άκων = ά'ίκων, 1 η ν i t u s, umvillingly. aXa8(c) (αλς), in mare versus, seaicard, A 308, also Avith εις. [^ -^ -] άλάληρ,αι, see άλάομαι, ν a gar i. άλαλητός, ψ, masc. (άλαλα), da- rn ο r, shout, war-cry ; also cry of fear, and, ω 463, of joy. [-^ -^ — --] αλαλκ€, -tlv, -ων, see αλεξω. 'Αλαλκομενηίς, epithet of Άθήνη, from the Boiotian city Άλαλκομεναί, near the lake Triton (see Ύριτογενεια), Δ 8, Ε 908. [---^--w] άλάομαι, άλάατθε, imp. άλόω, ipf. ήλώμην, aor. άλήθην, pf. άλάλημαι, -ησθε, άλάλησθαι, άλαλίιμενος, va- gari, wander, rove, d 368, ο 276, 492, γ 302, ε 377; άλώμινος, vagatus, errans. άλα6ς, ον, caecus, blind [^-^^-, κ 493. μάντιος αΚαον, or ν. 1. μάντηος άλάοϋ^. άλαο-σκοτΓΐήν (σκοττιή), ούο' — είχε, nor did he keep a blind, i, e. a careless watch. [^ w — >-^ _' — ] άλάωσεν (άλαόω, from άλαός), οφ- θαλμού, caeca ν it, blinded, (Od.). άλαίΓαονός, 3, infirmatus, yee6/e. σθένος, στίχες, etc. αλαττάζω, ει, ipf. άλάτταζε, fut. -ζω, aor. άλάτταζα (άλατταδνός), infir- mare, esp. Avith πόλιν, sack; ψάλαγ- γας, rout, also slay. άλαστεω (άλαστος), only ipf. ήλά- στ€ον, aor. ]iart. άλαστήσας, a eg re fero, be indignant. 'Δλααττορίδην, Tros. Ύ 463. αλαστος 20 άλ€ώρ.€θα αλαστος, ον, (λαθεσθαι), h or ren- du s, never to he forgotten, dreadful, άχος, ττίνθος, άλαστον οδύρομαι. 'Δλάστωρ, ορός. — (1) a Lykian, Ε 677.— (2) Iciuler of the Tylians, Δ 295. — <3) father of Tros. άλαωτυν, την, (άλαύς), οφθαλμού, excaecationem, blinding, ι 503t. άλγεω, aor. subj. αλγήσετε, part, αλ- γησας, (άλγος), dolere, ^/ pain; in 11. of bodily pain ; Od., μ 27, in more general sense. αλγιον (comp. from άλγ-ος), peius, worse ; in exclamations : of. French, tant pis, so much the Avorse; with dat. in threats, that shall be the worse for him; also άλγίστη δαμάσασθαι, d iff icil lima domitu, v&i/ hard to tame, break. άλγος, dolor, pain, grief distress, only of mind, esp. ττάθίν aKyea θυμφ, xparip' άλγεα πάσχων, ά. θίΐναι, δού- ναι, τινχΐΐν, κάΧλιπ όττίσσω, etc. άλδαίνω (άλ-δ-, a Ιο), only aor. /ιέλε' ηλδαν€ τΓοιμενι λαών (Od.), aluit, she filed out his limbs. άλδησκοντος (αλ-, a Ιο), ληιον, cre- sceritis, growing, ψ 599t. άλέασθαι, see άλεομαι. oKfytivo^y 3 (άλγος), do lore affi- ciens, painful. — (1) of bodily pain, αιχμή, έδννη. — (2) in Λvider signif., molestus, aerumnosus, grievous, mournful, άγγελίη, "Αρης, άγηνορίη. — (3) difficilis, hard, ττνγμαχίη, μάχη, πνοή], κύματα, hard to struggle ivith ; 'ίπποι ά. δαμήμεναι, hard to break, cf. Ψ 655 ; hard to endure, σ 224. [^---] Αλβγηνορίδαο, Ώρομάχοιο, son of Alegenor, S 503t. άλΓγίζω {άλγος), always Avith ov, contemno, not to concern one's self ahout, τινός. iXcYvvckv (άλγος), only with δαΧτα, δαϊτας, parare cenam, ^rit'e (strictly, prepare), a banquet, entertain (Od.). άλ^ω (άλγος), trouble one's self, heed; I 504, who follow, troubled, behind Ate ; usually Avith negation: contemno, despise, τινός ; hence οϋκ άλίγουσαι, shameless, insolent ; ζ 268 -— άλίγύνουσι, they attend to the rigging. aXccivu (άλεη), only i)r. and ipf, avoid, shun, τινά, τί : also with inf. 1. αλ€η {άλέΡ-ομαι), escape, X 301 f. 2. άλεη (sol ?), warmth of sun, ρ 23t. άλβίατα (άλειαρ, αλέω), farina tri ticca, wheaten flour, υ lOSf. άλ6ίς, είσα, εν, aor. pass, part., from ίΐλω. Άλβίσιον, town in Elis, Β 617, Λ 757. άλβισον, τό, di-inking gohkt, usually costlv, cf. ο 469 ; with handles, γ 9. άλβίτης, ου, (άλιταίνω), scelera- tus homo, reckless offender, Γ 28, ν 121. [ ] αλ€ΐ,φαρ, ατός, (αλείφω), only gen. and dat., unguentum, ointment ; fat, for anointing coi-pses ; γ 408, shining with fat. [- - -] αλείφω {λίπα), ήλ6ΐψαν, -άμην, only aor., and usually with λίττ' ελαίφ, un- gere, anoint; oblinere, smear with Avax, μ 200. [- - -] *Δλ€κτρν(ίνος, ν'ιύς, i. e. Αηιτος, an Argonaut, Ρ 602t. oiKev, aXiv, see aor. from t ϊλω. όιλεξάμ.€νος, άλεξασθαι, aor. mid. from άλίζω. 'Δλεξ-ανδρος, name given by Greeks to Πάρις ; epithets, δΐος . . . 'Ελένης πόσις ήνκύμοιο, θεοειδής, βασιλεύς, Δ 96 ; not characterized by Homer as so effeminate and feeble as in later rep- resentations (Γ 16, 39, 59), yet usually represented Avith the boAv (Λ 369, 507, 581), and as betraying a sensual char- acter ; cf. also Γ 442, Ζ 290, Γ 39, Q 28, 763, Δ 94. dXc$-avcp.ov (άνεμος), χλαΧναν, xcn- tum arcentem, protecting against the wind, ξ 529. [- - ν- ^^ ^] αλεξητηρα /ιάχ//ς, defensor pug- n ae, stemmer of battle, one who bears the brunt in the fight, Υ 396t. άλεξί-κακος (κακόν), mala arcane, warding off ill or evil, protecting,K 20^. άλεξω (άλκίι), inf. άλεζεμεν(αι), fut. άλεΚήσω, red. aor. άλάλκε, subj. άλάλ- Kyoi, inf. άλαλκεΧν, -ίμεναι, -^μεν, aor. opt. αΧε^ήσειε, and subj. mid. άλί'ίώ- μεσθα, arceo, ward off, τί, τινί, dat, c ο m pi ο d i , τινί τι ; mid. keep off from one's self (τινά), so dcfomlcro (ab aliquo). i άλεώμεθα and -cv€toi, -.''μένος, aor.; 7Ίλεύατο, άλεύατο, -ντο, opt. αλίαίΓΟ,' imp. αλίναι, άλίασΟε^ iaf. άλεασθαι^ aXcrai 21 άλιταίνω part, άλίνάμενος (subj. αΧεΡηται, αλί- Ρώμίθα, aor. or pres.), evitare, avoid, escape, τί, esp. the weapons, the wrath of any one, esp. of the gods, Ε 444, Π 711, t 277 ; hence, secondly, (ν ere ri), stand in dread of, be on one's guard be- fore, ι 274, Avith inf. αλίται (aor, subj. from ίίλλομαΐ), in- silierit. aktrpevovai (άλετρίς), grind, η 104f. άλίτρίς (άλέω), γυνή, female slave who grinds com, υ 105f. ολ€υ6ται=:αλε/έΓαι, see άΚιώμίθα. akiuiy see καταΧίω. άλβωρή {άλεΡωρη, άλεομαι), muni- men t α ni, defense, τινός, against some one ; but Ω 2 16, fight, fs- - - -] αλη, ί), (άλάομαι), oberrationes, roaming without knowledge whither, nor hope of rest, ceaseless wandering of Odvsseus and his companions, ο 345. (bd.) [--] άληθ€ίη, ή, (ληθω), Veritas, truth, άτΓΟίίποι, παιΰύς (de filio) ττάσαν μυθησο μα ι, καταλέξω. [-^ ] αληθείς (aor. part, from άλαομαι), vagatiis. αληθής» ες, (λήθω), verus, αληθές ενισπε, y 247 ; elsewh. άληθία μνθή- σασθαι, ειττε, ττάντ αγορεύσω, verum Ιο qui, speak the truth, tell truly; only Μ 433 αληθής, proba, honest. Άλήιον, Ίτε^ίον TO, Aleian plain in Asia Minor (v. sq. = plain Avhere no han-est grows — barren waste), Ζ 201f. ά-λήιος {λίμον), sine arvis, with- out corn land, poor, of. άκληρος. [^ — ο-ληκτος (λ//γω), unceasing; ad- verbially άλληκτον, unceasingly. άλήμ€ναι, άλήναι (inf. 2 aor. pass, from είλέω), c ο η g^r e g a r i. άλήμονες (άλήμων, άλη), errabun- di, roving, ρ 376. αληται (aor. subj. from ίΙλλομαι), saliat. άλητ€ν€ΐν (αλήτης), vagari, roa7n about, σ 1 14. (Od.) αλήτης, y, ην, masc. (άλάομαι) erro, tramp, beggar, ρ 576. (Od.) 'Αλθαίη, wife of Οίνενς in KoXu- νών, mother of Μελέαγρος, I 555f . άλθ£το (from άλθομαι), χείρ, was heali7ig, Ε 417 j. άλι -aecs (αλς, άΡημι) ούροι, venti maritimi, Uoicing on the sea, good sea-winds, ^ 361 f. '[^ v.- - ^ -] Άλίαρτον, ποιήεντα, Haliartos, in Boiotia, Avith its rich meadows, Β 503f. ά-λίαστος {λιάζομαι), obstinatus, stubboi-n, unceasing (only II.). [^ ^ — v^ j άλί-γκιος, like, with which it seems to be etymologically connected. άλιευς, ήος, (ά'λς), maritinius, ττ 349; elsewh. pise a tor.^s/ier, [-'^— ] Άλιζώνες, tribe of Trojan allies from Pontos led by Όδίος. Άλίη βοώπις, a Nereid, Σ 40 f. 'Αλι-θερσης, son of Mcstor, friend of Odysseus, Ithakan, β 157. p 78. (Od.) άλι-μΐρή€ντα, των, (μΰρω), maris aestu oppletus, reached by salt water, briny, t 460, Φ 190. 1 . αλιος, ίοιο, 3, (μαιμάκ€τος άλοία (άλωη), ipf. from άλοιάω, c ο η- tu (lit, she smote; γαίαν χερσίν, I 568f . άλοιψη, η, (άλίίφω), adeps, _/ά<, Ι 208, Ρ 390, Ψ 32 ; for rubbing in, to render pliant, φ 179; unguentum, ointment, ζ 220, σ 179. "Δλον, ace, *Αλ6ΐΓην, ace, towns in domain of Acliilleus, Β 682|. άλο-<Γυδνης (ά'λς, Gothic sunus, son), gen. mari natae, daughter of the sea, Υ 207, δ 404. α-λοψος, sec άλλοφος. α-λοχος (λεχος), uxor, she who shares the bed, wife, Ζ 299, γ 264 ; also the concubine is called άλοχος ; adjec- tives, μνηστή, αίδοίη, κνδρή, καλλικρή- δεμνοι, κεδνί], πολύδωρος. αΚόω, άλόωνται, see άλάομαι^ va- gaj-i. αλς, αλός, υ, sal, grain of salt, ρ 455 = ne hilum quidem; — »), the briny deep, sea (near the shore), A 308. αλσο, 2 sing. aor. from αλλομαι, saliisti. άλσος, ει, εα, εων, ntr. (ale re), lu- cusj^rrot'e, usually with altar, and sa- cred to a divinity, Β 506, ξ 321. 'Αλτης, king of the Αέλεγες, father of Ααοθόη, Φ 85. αλτο, 3 sing. aor. from αλλομαι, saluit. Άλΰβαντος, ίζ — , out of Wandering, ω 304f , word formed by a pun out of άλάομαι. 'Δλΰβης, τηλόθεν ίζ — ,f'om Alyhe, whence silver comes, Β 857 f. άλνσκάζω (άλνσκω), only pres. and ipf, e vitare, avoid, τι, Ζ 443, ρ 581. άλυσκαν€ (άλνσκω), effugiebat, was seeking how to escape, χ 330f. t^Tr^3 , , , ,' . αλυσκων (αλενομαι), αλνζω, ι'/λυζα, effugio, avoid, escape, κήρας, δλε- θρον; μ 335, clam me subduxi sociis, X 363,382. άλυ<ΓσΌντ€ς (from άλνσσω, see άλν- ων), confused, Χ 70, maddened in spirit ; άλαλνκτημαι, Κ 94, / α?« beside my- self [^^ ] ό^λυτον, 2, (λύω), insolubilis, ηοί to be loosed, Ν 360. ζ- ^ -] άλυων, ουσ{α), άλαομαι, perturb a- ta meiite esse, furere, be beside one's self—{\) with joy, σ 333,393.— (2) with pain ; ι 398, he dashed it with his hands wildly from him. [^:=:_] Άλψ€ΐι$ς, river in ^Κλις ; then the river-god, y 489. όιλψ€σί-βοιος (άλφεΧν, fiovc),ho\es comparans, biinging in cattle, i. e. making wealthy, see εδνα, Σ 593 f. άλφηστάων, -yσιv, -άς, (άλφείν), victum quaerentes, ζ 8, ν 261, hard-working, contrasted with ρεΊα ζώ- οντες; others translate ^oMr-eaiiV/^r, fruit-eating. (Od.) άλψίτου (alb us), άκτη, β 355, bar- ley-meal; elsewh. αλψιτοι, barley-groats or meal (the porridge made of them), β 290, etc.; μυελός ανδρών, λευκά, ίττι- παλννειν. [— — ---] (άλφεΐν), aor. ηλφον, opt. αλφοι, 3 ρ1. άλφοιν, ν 383 so Ameis, (German arbeit), parere, bring in, yield, ώνον, βίοτον, ο 452, ρ 250. (Od.) 'Αλωήος, of Aloeus, the father of "Ώτος and Εφιάλτης, husband of Ίφι- μεδεια. [- — ] άλωη (άλοιάω), area, threshing-floor. Υ 496 ; also orchard and vineyard, Σ 561 ; sec -γηννός. άλώη, άλφη, άλώμ€νος, from άλί- σκομαι, capi. άλώμ€νος, from άλάομαι, errans. άλώω, from αλίσκομαι, aor. subj. captus sim. αμ, άμ, instead of άνά before labials. αμα (from σάμα, cf. ^αμοκλης, ΰμός), una, simul, at once, at the same time. — (1) adv., A 343; άμ άμφω, Η 255; often Avith τε — και, Β 281; with fol- lowing δε, Τ 242. — (2) prep, with dat., simul, at same time with, αμ' ήελίφ άνιόντι, καταδνντι; una, beside, with, A 348, a 428 ; ϊπεσθαι, go Avith, attend, so, τροχόωντα, θεούσα, run after ; a 98, Π 149, swift as the wind. C^--] Άμ.αζ6ν€% άντιάνεφαι, Γ 189, dwelt on the river Thermodon in Pontos; made a plundering foray into Phrygla, Β 814, Ζ 186. [α] *Aμάθ£ιo,aNercίd,Σ48t. [-'^--] άμάθοιο (φάμαθος) βαθείης, Ε 587 1> he fell into deep sand. [^^—•^'\ άμαθυν€ΐ, nijp, solo aequat, de- stroys, I 593t. [- ] &-μαιμάκ€τος, 3, (/ζαι/ζασσω), saevi- e η s, /«no?*.•?, Ζ 179, Π 329; ξ 311, the mast tossed to and fro by the waves, like a man reeling in drunkenness. άμαλδΰν 25 ά-|Χ£λησ€ άμαΧΗνω {σμίρδ-, m ο Γ d e Ο ?), only aor. άρ.αλδΰναι, -ννας, and pass, άμαλ- δύνηται, conterere, destroy; only with τύχος. (II.) άμαλλο - δ€τηρ, υ, (άμαλλα, δεω), hinder of sheaves, (II., Σ.) άμ,αλήν, -yoi, (mollis), teneram, tender; of Iamb, doj?. αμ-α|ο, r), {Ιίμα, άζων), parallel form άμαξα, ρ 1 a u s t r u m, Jour - wheeled freight wagon, ι 241 ; also the constel- lation of the Great Bear, Σ 487, £ 273 ; of. 'άρμα, άττψη], [α] άμαξ-ιτ(ίν {άμαζα, ημι), κατ — , via ρ U b 1 i C a, wagon-road, Χ 146. άμάρης {μύρω? mare ?),ίξ — ,οαηαί /or irrigation, Φ 259\. [^■-'— ] άμαρτάνω (ά-, μέρος), άμαρτησομαι, aor. ημαρτον and τ/μβροτον — (1) im- pertem fieri esse, lose, φ 155, t 512; then (2) in general, /(«7 of, miss, τινός; λ 511, mistook not the word, spoke the right word; Ω 68, failed not to bring gifts ; η 292, let not presence of mind jfail her. — (3) ρ e c c a r e, fail, err; with υπερβη^,Ι 501; χ 154, 1 my- self have overlooked this. άμαρτη {άμα, άραρον), s i m u 1, simul- taneously, χ 9>\. [a] άμαρτο-€'π'6ς (έπος), temere locii- t u s, speaking thoughtlessly, l:i 824f . [a] Άμαρυγκ€ΐδης Αιώρης, Β 622, Δ 517. [α] 'Αμαρυγκ€α θάπτονΈττειοι Βονττρα- σίψ, his burial in Messcne, with funeral games, described, Ψ 630f. άμα-τροχόωντα, see τροχόωντα, run- ning about after me. άμα-τροχΐάς (τροχός), ace. pi., con- cursus impactarum rotarum, running together, clash of chariots, Ψ 422|.•[^-^^-] ^ ά-μαυρον (ά-, μαρμαράς) είδωλον, pale, dim, lurid, δ 824 and 835. (Od.) [«] ά-μοχητί (μάχη), sine pugna, without contest, Φ 437f. [ij όμάω (Ger. mahen, Eng. mow), ipf. ήμων, aor. άμήσαντες, -σάμενος, m an u colligere, gather togethe?; collect, ι 247; mow. [^ ] άμβ-, see άναβ-. άμ-βατ($ς (άνα - βαίνω), a d i t u m pracbens, that may be scaled, Ζ 434. άμ-βληδην (άνα/3άλλο/*αι), adv. ex- orsa, as prelude, at first, X 476f. άμ-βολάδην (άναβάΧΚω), adv., bub- bling up, Φ 364|. άμ-βροσ-ίη (άμβρόσιος), ambrosia, adj. used as subs., strictly signifies im- mortal and conf&'7'ing immortality ; used by the gods as food ; as ointment, for embalming, for perfume; also as food for horses of the gods. άμ-βρόσιος (άμβροτος), d i ν i η u s, immortal, divine,E 369. — (1) that which the gods send, νύξ, νπνος, or (2) be- longs to them ; πλοκάμους, χαΐται, κάλ- λίί, εανόν, πέπλου, even of their horses, εΐδαρ and κάπyσιv. [— -^ -^ ^] αμ-βροτος, oi', (βροτός), immortal, Ύ 358, θ 365, θεός ; then like άμβρόσιος, divine. — (1) νΰξ. — (2) αίμα, ε'ίματα, rev- χεα, ίλαίψ, Ίστόν, 'ίπποι. ά-μ€γαρτος (μεγαίρω), only sing., invisus, unenviable, doleful, dreadful (proleptically of battle, Β 420); mighty blast, λ 400; miserable, ρ 219. [ά] άμ€ίβω (moveo), fut. άμεί^^ω, -ομαι, aor. ήμεί-^ατο, alternare, alternate, change. — I. act., exchange, τι, τινός, for something, προς τίνα, with some one ; ολίγον yovv -γουνυς άμ., pedetentim cedendo; oi αμείβοντες, racers. — II. mid., (1) change loith each other, αμειβόμενος, alternans, A 604, reliev- ing one another; θ 379, in quick alter- nation (of dance) ; a 375, passing from one house to another; θρώσκων αμείβε- ται, Ο 684, leaps in turn. — (2) ansive?; δ 382; μΰθψ, κ 71; (μνθψ, -οισι, επε- εσσι) τινά, some one; ευ δώροις τινά, make beautiful gifts in return. — {S) pass by, I 409, κ 328^ α-μ6ίλικτον (μειλίσσω), οπα, impla- c a b i 1 e m, harsh, inexorable words. (II.) ά-μ£ίλιχος, 2, (μειλίσσω), inexora- bills, implacable, relentless, [ά] α-μ£ίνων, ov (Old Lat. manus = bonus), m e I i ο r, better, more excellent, superior, mo7'e favorable, more advanta- geous (opposed in signif. to χερηα, A 400); pky' άμείνων, mult ο prae- stantior; α 376, more profitable and better. ά-μέλγω, only pr. and ipf., mulgeo, 7nilk; pass., Δ 434, yielding Λvhite milk. [0] οι-μελησ€ (μελω), aor., always with negation; οΰκ άμ. τινός, curabat, he bethought himself of. [ά] O^CVIU 26 ομΐΓ-€χ€ν αμ€ναι, inf. from άω, satiarc. οι-μ€νηνάς, 2, (μϊνος), d e b i 1 i s, feeble, Ε 887; νίκΰων ΰμ.κάρη%> a, feeble heads of the dead (periphrasis) == the feeble dead ; ονείρων, unsubstantial, [a] ά-μ6νι)νωσ€ν (άμενηνύς), debiiita- vit, made ineffective, Ν 562 f. [a] 1. ά-μέρδω (//ί'ρος), aor. άμερσε,-σαι; pass. pres. άμέρΰεαι, aor. subj. άμερθ^ς, ρ r i V a r e, depiive, θ 64 ; pass., lose, be deprived of, X 58. 2. ά-μ€ρδω (μαρμαράς), only pres. and pf., make lustreless, blind, τ 18; dazzle, blind by excess of light, Ν 340. ά-μ€τρητος, 2, (μετρίω), i m m 6 η s u s, immeasurable, τ 512 and ψ 249. [-- — ά-μετρο-^ιτης {μ'ιτρον, Ρεπος), im- moderate loquax, immoderate talk- er, Β 212|. άμητηρ€ς (άμάω), messores, ?ea/?- β;•5^Λ67|. [^_-^] αμητος {άμάω), mess is, reaping, harvest; metaph. for slaughter,T 223f. ά-μηχανίη (αμήχανος), d e s ρ e r a- tio, helplessness, despair, ι 295f. [a] ά-μήχανος, 2, (/ιί/χος), helpless. — (1) act, miser, wretched, τ 363.— (2) pass., difficilis, impossible, S 262; θ 130, in-emediable mischief; τ 560, useless dreams; unyielding, Ο 14, Τ 273; stub- bom, hard-hearted, Π 29 ; Ν 726, thou canst not (for thou art too obstinate) yield to, etc. 'Δμΐσωδάρου νΐες (Άτνμνιος, Μα- ρις), in Karia, Π 328|. [α] α - μιτρο - χίτωνβ? (μίτρη, χιτών), ivearing coat of mail without girdle, or the word may mean wearing both coat of mail and girdle, χιτών in this cmpd. =βώρί/^, Π 419t, [-----w] άμιχθαλ^βσσαν (ομίχλη), Αήμνον, vapore obductam, foggy, misty, smoky, since Lemnos is a volcanic isl- and, 12 753t. [aj αμμ€, αμμ€ς, αμμι, sec ημεΧς. άμ-μίξας, aor. part, from άναμίγννμι, admiscens. άμ-μορίην (/.ιόρος), misfortune, ν 76t. άμ-μορος, 2, (μέρος), expers, ε 275, Σ 489, deprived of the bath of the ocean, of the Great Bear, which never sinks below the horizon in Greece; elsewh. unfortunate. άμνίον, ntr., basin in which the blood ofvictbns loas caught, y 444|. (See cut.) Άμνίσφ, ΙτΓ, at Amnisos, harbor of Knosos, Γ 188t. [t] ο-μογητί (μoy'εω), sine labor e, without trouble, Λ 63 7 f. [i] άμόθ(ν ( ά^ός ), των, a 1 i c u η d c (or &s\), from any point soever; begin- ning with any point whatever, relate to us, a lOf. [a] άμοιβάς (αμείβω), χλαίνη, m u t a 1 0- ri a, for a change, ζ 521 f. [a] αμοιβή, ϊ/, (αμείβομαι), r e t r i b u t i ο, recompense, gift in return, restitution. (Od.) - - > 310. ίβηδι άμοιβηδίς, in turn, Σ 506 and σ άμοιβοί (αμείβω), succedanei, «.Mi on, of garments, weapons, etc., always in tmesi τινά τι, also without ace. of the person (also mid., clad one's self), τί, Tivi (dat. of pers., ξ 342 ; of thing, Ε 722, Ν 36) τι ; άμφιβαλόντες, Ρ 742, putting on strength; fut. only mid., / will equip myself. — (2) c i r c u m j) o- nere, ψ 192, building upon this (as foundation) ; χείρας, χείρε — dtipy 'Ocu- σήι, ψ 208, or τινί, τινά, embrace ; yoi- νασί Γίνος, amplecti genua; ^454, seize; ρ 344, as much as his hands could hold in their clasp; Κ 535,, en- compass, resound about. άμφί-βασΐν, resistance, Ε 623t. άμφι-βρ6της, -ην, (βροτός), honii- nem undique tegentis, covering the entire man, άσπίδος, Β 389, Λ 32. (II.) 'Δμφι•γέν6ΐα> town subject to Nestor, Β 593t. άμφι-'γνή£ΐς (γνΊα), ambidexter, strong-armed, only at close of verse, usually subst. work-master, with περι- κλυτός, οί "Ηφαιστος, θ 300. άμφΐ-γυοισιν (γνΧον), εγχεσιν, almost always at close of verse, utrimque acutis, sharp at both ends, ττ 474 ; see ονρίαχος. (See annexed cuts.) [i] OO σανρωτήρ. δόρυ. αιχμή. -?^91,i618, Θ511; becloud, of swoon, Υ 417 ; of sleep, υ 86 ; θανάτου μελαν νέφος, Π 350, cf Μ 116, Ε 68, ο 180; έρως με φρενας, love engrossed my heart ; τινί τι, surround, S 343, Ν 420, Ρ 132, θ 569, Ε 507. όιμψι•καρή, double-headed, ν. 1., ρ 231. άμψΐ-κ€άσσας (κεάζω), having hewed off all around (the bark), ξ 12f. "Δμφι-κλος, a Trojan, Π 313f. άμψι-κόμω {κόμη), f r ο η d ο s 0, shady, Ρ 677|. άμψΐ-κυπ€λλον, δεττας, double-cupped goblet, whose base is boAvl-shaped, and may be drunk from, γ 63. [h'] όιμψΐ-λάχαιν€ν, s a r r i e b a t, was digging about, ω 242 f. Άμψί-λοχος, son of Αμφιάραος, from "Αργός, a seer, ο 248f . άμψΐ-λυκη (Ulcere), ννζ, dilucu- 1 u m, gray of early dawn, Η 433f . [υ] άμψΐ-μάσασ66, 1 aor. imp. mid., airayyomi, wipe off all over, υ 152f. άμφϊ-μόχονται, ^^Λ< around, (1) τι, besiege, Ζ 461. — (2) τινός, fight for (as a prize), of defenders and assailants, Π 496; cf άμφΊ ν'εκνι, Π 526. (11.) Άμψί-μαχος, (1) son of Krirtroc, leader of 'Επί to/, Ν 203. — (2) son of Ήομιων, leader of Κάρες, Β 870. Άμψΐ-μ€δων, son of Μελανενς, a suitor, χ 242. άμψΐ-μβλαιναι, -ας, φρένες, dark on both sides, darkened (lit. diaphragm, dark on both sides), metaph. of soul, darkened by rage or grief, of instanta- neous effect of strong feeling. (II.) άμψΐ-μ€μΰκ€ν {μνκάομαή, circum- sonavit, re-echoes, κ 227; tm., aor. -μΰκε, -ov. resounded, Υ 260, Μ 460. άμφι-ν€μονται, pr. and ipf., dwell around or in, Β 521. ε 186 ; tm., Β 499. Άμφι-νόμη, a Nereid, Σ 44. *Αμφί-νομο5, son of ΝΓσος, from Δου- Χίχιοί', a suitor, χ 89. άμ,ψι-ξέω 30 αμψΐ-ψορ6υς άμφί-ζίω, only αμφέ^ίσα, dolavi, Ι hewed round about, ψ 196|. "Αμψϊος, (1) son of Σίλαγος, from Παισύς, ally of the Trojans, Ε 612. — (2) son of Μέροψ, a Trojan chief, Β 830. άμψΐ-ιτΑηται, circumsonet, re- iounds, a 352 f. άμψΐ-ΊΓ^νονται, and άμφίττίνοντο, ipf., curant, attended, ο 467; taL• up, tend (the wounded); assail, Φ 203,Ψ 184. άμψι-7Γ£ρί, see άμφΊ. άμψι,-π£ρι-στρέφ€ται, see ττεριστρίφ. ομφι-7Γ£ρι-στρώψα, see περιστρώφα. άμψΐ-ΐΓ€σοΰσα (πίπτω), amplex- a t a, embracing, clinging to (her lifeless husbandX θ 523|. άμψι^ΐΓθλ€υ6ΐν (άμφίπολος), only pr., c ur arc, till, ΰρχατον; β'ιον, watch over; V 78, attend, serve (ironical). (Od.) άμφί-πολος, η, (πίλομαΐ), comes, Jemale attendant (not a slave), without whom the noble dame of the heroic age never appears in public, α 331. άμφι-ΤΓΟί^έο/ίαί, only ipf, -ciroveiTO and fut. -πονησόμίθα, curare, attend (so also άμφιπενονταή, Ψ 681 ; superin- tend, ψ 159, υ 307. άμφι-ποτάομαι, only ομφ-ίττοτατο, circumvolitabat, was fluttering about, Β 31 5 f. άμφΐ-ρυττ] (ρίω), νησφ iv — , cir- cumflua, sea-girt, a 50. (Od.) [ΰ] άμφίς (from άμφω, old instr. case, Φ 162; weakened to άμφί, which orig. stood before σεκαστον [βκαστον'], Λ 634, 748, r 46 ; and in composition, άμφι- σεχω, a 54, γ 486, θ 340 ; replaced at close of verse by άμφίς, η 4, ζ 266, Ε 723, Φ 442), utrimque, 0W both sides. —I. adv., (1) Σ 519; Φ 162, hurl the spears yVom both hands at once: εχειν, have on both sides, carry; a 54, hold asunder; round about, Η 342, Γ 115. — (2) apart, Ν 706 ; singly, χ 57, cf. X 1 17 ; flvai, TV 267, with gen., be far from, τ 221, Ο 709.— (3) differently, φράζεσθαι, φρονεΐν,Β 13, Ν 345. — II. prep, (always following the word it governs, except άμφι before {σ)Βκαστος), (1) with gen., far away from, ξ 352, π 267, θ 444 ; on one side of Ψ 393 ; in all its parts, nar- rowly, Β 384. — (2) with dat., on either end, Ε 723. — (3) with ace, about, around, S 274, ζ 266, Λ 635, 748, τ 46. άμφίσταμαι, only ipf. and aor. άμφ- ^σταν, άμφ-εστησαν, circumstarc, obsidere, Σ 233; in tmesi, τ; 4, t 380, ω 58. άμφι- (νέφος) €στ€φ€, c i η χ i t, crown- ed with, Σ 205 f. όιμφ-€στρατ6ωντο, την, obside- bant, were besieging, Λ 713f. όιμφι-στρ€φ€£ς (σΓ,.έ^ω), flexiles, turning all ways, A 40 f. άμφι-τίθημι, induerc, put on, τινί τι ; in tmesi, yet άμφιτ6θ£ΐσα, placed upon, Κ 271 ; mid. άμφίθετο, girded on, φ 431 ; in tmesi, θ 416, Κ 149. άμφι- (εανος) τρ^μ€, circa t r e m e- bat, trembled round about, Φ 507 f, Άμφι-τρίτη, sea-goddess (not repre- sented in Homer as wife of l^oscidon), ε 422, μ 97, 60. άμφι-τρομεω, τον ί' — και δείδια, tremble for, and fear lest, d 820f. Άμφι-τρυων, ωνος, only with παϊς, ν'ιός (ΙΙρακλεης), and άκοιτιν (ΆΧκμη- νην), king of Ύίρννς, Ε 392, γ 266. 6 ^ h άμφί-φαλον (0ά- λος) κνν'εην, douhle- plumed,stnct]y, dou- ble -ridged; helmet with double or divid- ed crest. (See cut, a and b.) άμφι-0ο/3ίω,οηΐ7 -€φ6βηθ£ν, aor. pass. μιν, were put to flight around him, Π 290t. άμφΐ•φορ€υς, υ, (άμφίς, φέρω), two- handled vase or jar for wine ; also, ω 74, for ashes of the dead. (See the follow- ing cuts, the first two from Egyptian, the others from Greek, originals.) •ψράζβσΟε 31 άμφΐ (μάλα) φράζδσβί, weigh care- fully, Σ 254|. άμψ-έχαν6, aor. (χαίνω), devora- vit, yawns on every side, Ψ 79|. άμψι-χ€ω, aor. χευβ, χεε, circum- f u η d 0. — ( 1 ) in tmesi, ri rivi, c i r c u m- dare, shed about, Ρ 270, θ 278.— (2) aor. mid. εχνντο, thronged about, χ 498 ; were laid round them, θ 297 (tmesis); τινά, ring in one's ears, Β 41 ; en- compass (tmesis), rivt, Ν 544, Π 414; also aor. pass. -ιχνΘη, 5 716, S 253, Ψ 63 ; embrace, π 214; Ψ 764, before the dust-cloud rose. άμψι-χΰθέίς, -ηναι, see άμφι-χεω, amplexus. άμψί-χΰτον (χέω), circumfusum, encompassing (earthen wall), Τ 145t. Αμφίων, όνος, (1) son of Ίάσιος and ϋΧώρις, king of 'Ορχομενός, λ 283. — (2) son of Zeus and 'Αντιόπη, brother of Ζήθος, founder of θήβαι, λ 262. — (3) leader of the Έπειοί, Ν 692. [7] αμφότ€ρος, t], ο ν, am bo, both; άμ- φότερον — τε — τε (καΊ), utrumque et — et; άμφοτερ-^σι (χερσί), κ 264 (Ε 416), ambabus (manibus); χ(φε άμφοτίρας, ω 398. Άμφοτβρός, a Lykian, Π 41 5|. άμφοτ€ρωθ€ν, u trim que, from or on both sides, at both ends, κ 167. άμφοτ€ρωσ€, in utramque par- tem, in both directions, θ 223. (II.) άμφ-ουδίς (ou^ac), humi, on the ground, at his feet, ρ 237 f. άμ-φράσσαιτο, aor. from άναφράζο- μαι, agnosceret. αμφω (ambo), ambo, utrique, both (sides), A 363 (B 124) ; the two pieces, μ 424. άμψ-ωτον (ους), two-handled, χ lOf. άμω€ν, opt. pres. from άμάω, mete- rent' ά-μωμήτοιο {μώμος), irreprehe ή- βη s, irreproachable, Μ 109f. 1. αν (possibly from άμός, strictly, aliqua), somehow, similar in its use to κ'ε; hence, I., with opt., mere (subjec- tive) supposition, sumtio ficti; Ρ 711, oh yap ττως αν Ύρώεσσι μάχοιτο, non enim Troes impugnaverit, he would (could) not, unarmed, attack the Trojans; in hypothetical periods, s II m t i ο f i c t i, conclusion of expressed or implied supposition made without regard to fact, i) τ αν άμνναίμην {εΐ μοι δόνα μις γε τταρείη), ego A-^ero me defenderim, I would defend myself, /3 62; in relative periods, δς νύν γε και αν Δα πατρι μάχοιτο, who now at least would fight even with father Zeus, Ε 362; also Avith assumption contrary to fact, sumtio falsi, A 232. — (2) in interrogations, a 65, ττώς αν επειτ Όδνσήος εγώ θείοιο λαθοίμην; how should (could) I forget? in re- quests, ζ 57, ουκ αν δη μοι εφοπλίσ- σειας άττηνην, couldst (Avouldst) thou not? — (3) in dependent relation after past tenses, προιεις (με) 6-'] 1. άνα, see άνά, I. 2. ova, voc. from άνηξ. άνα-βαιν€μ€ν, άμ-βαινειν, -βήσομαι, -εβη, often in tmesi, go up, μ 77; Avith ace, ascend (to), ονρανόν, υπερώια, άρ- ματα; ζ 29, permeat homines, goes abroad among men ; άνά τι, χ 132, 143 ; εις τι, Si 287, Π 184, χ 143, ε 470 ; with dat., Κ 493, per corpora in- gredientes; tv δίφροισι, Ψ 132; ες δίφρον, Π 657, Χ 399 ; with gen., νηός (νεών), embark upon ; also absolute (be- fore taking ship for Troy), α 210, cf. A 611 ; also trans, in tmesis, A 143, τινά, pui on board; cf. ο 475, άναβησάμενοι, having taken us into their ship. άνά-βαΧΚε, άμ-βαλλώ|ΐ€θα, (1) pro- crastinare, j50si?po7ie, γ584; tmesis,p 262; raid., Β 436.— (2) mid., ordiri, make a prelude, άείδειν, a 155, ρ 262. άνα•β£βρΰχ€ν (βρέχω) 'ύδωρ, sca- turivit, bubbled up, Ρ 54f (v. 1. άνα- βέβροχεν). Άνα-βησί-ν6ως, a Phaiakian, θ 113|. άνά-βλησις (αναβάλλω), dilatio, postponement, Β 380. (II.) (άνα-βραχεΐν), aor. άν-6βράχ€, rattled aloud, Τ 13 ; creaked aloud, φ 48. (άνα-βρύχω), only άνα - βρ6ξ6(,€, μ 240, as often as she gulped down ; and άναβροχεν, λ 586, vanished as if sucked up. άνα-βρΰξω, -βρΰχω, see άναβ'εβρυχε, scaturivit. (ανα-γιγνώσκω), only aor. εγνων, etc., agnoscere, ^noer again, δ 250, τ 250; Ν 734, maxime vero ipse sentit, the fortunate possessor knows it best of all; λ 144, quomodo talem me agnoscat, recognize me for such as I am. άναγκαίη ( = άνάγκη\ necessitas, necessity, want, Ζ 85 ; dat., perforce, Δ 300; άναγκαίηφι δαμέντες,Ύ 143. αναγκαίος, η, ον, (ανάγκη), (1) vio- lentus, constraining; ήμαρ, day of constraint, s e r ν i t u s ; μνθφ, Avord of force, χρειοΊ, diranecessitat e. — (2) coactus, perforce, δμώες (captivi), ΤΓολεμισταΙ, inviti. ανάγκη, necessitas, constraint, ne- cessity, κρατερή; τινί ίστι (with inf.), necesse est, Κ 418, Ω 667 (Ε 633,Τ 251); άνάγκρ, \\,of necessity, κ 434, ν e 1 coacti; νττ' ανάγκης, out of compul- sion. [-^ ] ονα-γναμτΓτω 33 άνακτορίτ]σι ανα-γνάμπτω, only άν-β'γναμψαν, re- tro curvabant, unloosed, and ανίγ- νάμφθη, was bent back, Ρ 44. ον-άγουσι, -άζω, aor. -ήγαγον, bring up, conduct, carry to a place. — (1) on land, δ 534, ξ 272, ρ 441 (to the inte- rior), cf. θ 203; producere, bring forth, σ 89. — (2) by Avater, on ship- board, τινά, τί, carry away (home, γ 272), Ν 627, Γ 48, Ζ 292 ; despatch, σ 115; bring back, Ο 29; guide hither, I 338; avayovTO (opp. KaTayovTo),put to sea, τ 202. άνα•δ€δρομ£, i m m ί η e t, see άνα- τρίχω. {άνα-ζψκω), άν-€δράκ6ν 6φθα\μοΐσιν, aperuit oculos, opened again his eyes, S 436 f. άνα-δέσμην (όίω) ττΧίκτψ; (twisted or plaited) head-band, X 469|. (Sec cut.) {άνα'δίχομαι),οχύγ άν€δ€ξατο, cxce- pit, received, Ε 619; and ipf. άνίοίγμ^θα, suscepimus, have undergone, ρ 563. (ίίνα-δνομαι), only in the forms άνδυεται, -εδνσετο, and 2 aor. -εδν, -^vy, -cvvai, emerge re, emerge, ε 322 ; with gen., A 359, ί 337 ; with ace., arose to the wave (surface) of the sea, A 496; recedere, draw back, ι 377; εΙς, Η 217; and ace. with- out prep., Ν 225, cf 214, out of the combat. άν-ά-€δνον (ά-ϊδνα), without bridal gifis (i.e. gifts from husband), I 146. (11.) ο,ν-αείρω, imp. -aeipe, aor. ind. -άειρε, opt. -αείραι, inf. -αείραι, part, -αείρας — toll ere, lift up (tmesis, Η 130,X 399, χεΊρας, τεΰχεα) ; limbs, θ 298 ; the op- ])oncnt in wrestling, ca7rg off a prize. (II. ^.) άνα-9ηλησ€ΐ (OijXiw), revirescet, shxdl bloom again, A 236|. άνα-θήματα (τϊθημι), ΰαιτός, addi- t amenta cenae, ornavients, delights of the banquet, α 152, ^ 430. (Od.) άνα-θρώσκων, e χ s u 1 1 a η s, hounding, Ν HOf. άν-αιδείης {αν αώ ης), gen. εττίβησαν, trod the path of insolence, χ 424 ; -είην επιειμίνος, I 372, clad in impudence. άν•αιδής, ες, (αιδώς), i m ρ u d e η s, Insolent, shameless, ρ 449, of the suitors ; applied to inanimate objects, κυδοιμύς, ττέτρη, Ν 139, and λάας, λ 598. άν-αίμονες (αίμα), sanguine ca- rentes, bloodless, i. e. without mortal blood, Ε 342 f. [^ - - ^] άν-αιμωτί (αίμα), sine caede, with- out bloodshed, σ 149. [ί] άναίνομαι, ipf. άναίνετο, aor. άνηνα- το, ήνήνατο, etc. (αΐνυμαι) — negare, deny, Σ 500, ζ 149, Ι 116; recusare. refuse, Σ 450, Ψ 204, 1 585 ; sp erne re, rejyel, reject (opp. υττοδεχεσθαι), Η 93, σ 287, I 510, 679 ; γ 265, spurn. άν-αιρεω, -ήσεσθαι, aor. -ΰλον, -ειλό- μην, toll ere, take up. — (1) lift from the ground, y 453; mid., take up for one's self, ονλοχντας ; take up in one's arms, Π 8 ; lift up and sweep away, υ 66. — (2) comprehendere, lay hold of A 301, σ 16; mid., capere, take, arms, Ν 296; cloak, ξ 530; goblet, χ 9 ; come to reason, τ 22. — (3) accipere, bear off, prizes, Ψ 736; mid., 823, ^117 (or in signification 2). — (4) conducerc, to take into one's service, σ 357. άν-άΐσσουσι, aor. άν-ηιζα, spring up, rise suddenly from a sitting posture, A 584, σ 40, for combat, etc., Η 106, Ψ 203 ; gush forth (pr. only in this sense), X 148 ; Avith ace, leap upon, Ω 440. άν-αίτΐος (αιτία), in sons, innocent, Υ 297, V 135. άνα-καιω, always with ττνρ, only ov- ^καΐ6 (and -ov), ace end it, kindled, ι 251 (ν 123). (Od.) άνα-κεράνννμι, only άνα-κερασσεν, Άοτ., filled and mixed, y 390 f. άνα•κηκί€ΐ, ipf. -κηκιε, gush forth, stream down. (II.) άνα-κ\ίνω, only 1 aor. act. (part, άγ- κλίνας) and pass, part., άνα-κΧινθείς, reclino, 7»aA;e to lean tipon. — (1) τινά ττρός τι, σ 193 ; τόξον ττοτι yaiy, brac- ing against the ground, Δ 113, cf r 577 ; o/?i>>2, doors (opp, εττιθεΤι/αι), λ 525, χ 156, θ 395; άνακλινθε/ς, supinus, leaning hack, ν 78, t 371, ^ 794. άν-ακοντίζω, only ipf. άιθ(]κόντιζ€, shot forth, αίμα, Ε 1 13f. άνα-κόπτω, ipf. av-eKoirTC, shoved hack,

α-vfύω,onIyipf.andaor.,abnuere, den I/, refuse, Ζ 311; with inf., Π 252; ΰψρνσι,Ύ&ΐΆΧΟ,, forbid, ι 468; without inf., ^ 129 ; καρήατι, X 205. άν-οντα, s u r s u m, up-hill, ψ 11 6|. αναξ, KTOC, (Ράναξ), voc. ώ άνα, of gods; dat. pi. άνάκτεσι, ο 557, tutor, dominus, master, ruler. — (1) as pos- sessor, δ 87. — (2) as rukr, (a) of gods, Ζίΰ άνα, Διι Κρονίωνι άνακτι, etc.; Apollo, Η 23; κλΰθι άναζ, Π 514; Poseidon, Hephaistos, άν. εν'ερων Άι- δωνενς ; (b) of men, e. g., I 164 ; com- mon phrase, άναζ ανδρών, A 172, A 7. άνα-ζηραίνω^ ά-γ-ξηράνη, aor. subj., exsiccat, i/r^ up, Φ 347t. άν-ο(γ£σκον, see ανοίγννμι, a peri e- bant. άνα-ττάλλω, only (1) aor. part. 4μ- ττ^τταλών, vibratam, having poised and drawn back, Γ 355. — (2) mid. άνα- πάλλεται, Ψ 692, aor. άν-έπαλτο, ex- siluit, sprang up, θ 85. άνα-ττανω, aor. av-ciravac, τινά τί- νος, arcuit, hinders from, Ρ 550f. άνα-ττείρω, aor. part. αμ-ΐΓ€ίραντ€ς} transfixa, having spitted, Β 426f. άνα-'ΐΓ€ΐΓταμ€νας, see άvaπετάv^rvμlf apertas. άνα-ττετάνννμι, ex ρ an do, spread out; only (1) ανά δ' ιστία — ττίτασσαν, unfurled, shook out the sails, A 480, etc. — (2) άνα-Ίτεττταμ'ενας, apertas, open (opp. επικεκλιμενας, Μ 121), θύρας. άνα-πηδάω, aor. άμ-ττί]δησε, cxsi- luit, sprang np out of, Λ 379f. άνα-πίμττλημι, only fut. -ττλήσβιν and 1 aor., explore,^"// up, accomplish (one's fate), θ 34, A 263, Δ 170 ; en- dure woes, £ 207, 302, Ο 132. άνα-ττλέω, fut. -πλβυσεσθαι and ipf., sail up, στεινωπόν, ad fretum, μ 234; ες Τροίην. ονά-Ίτνίυσι? (ττίΊω) πολεμοιο recov- ering of breath, respite from battle, A 80 L (11.)^ άνα-ττνίω, ipf. and aor. -€ΐΓν€υσα and άμ-πνυε, pass, άμ-πνύνθη, and plupf. mid. αμ-ττνυτο, respirare, respire, take breath, come to one's senses, Π 42 ; τινός, receive from (only 1 aor. act.). άν-άτΓοινον (άτΓΟίνα), non redemp- tam, without ransom, A 99f. [d] άνα-ΤΓρήσας (ττρήθω) δάκρυ, lacri- mas exprimens, /e«i/?y tears flow, β 81. ai/-a7rrw,r el i gar e,aiiac/i, of cables, μ 162; άν-ήφθω imp. aor. pass., reli- gantor ad malum,/* 51; suspen- dere, hang tip, γ 274 ; μώμον, impute fault, β 86. άνά-ΤΓυστα (ττεύθομαι), η Ota, noto- rious, λ 274t. [α] άνα-ροιβδ6ω, see άναρροιβδ'εω. αν-αρπάζω, only aor. -ijpira; vat, monstrare. — (1) ivere feeding by turns the flame (to give light), σ 310.— (2) disclose, A 87 ; dis- playing, Υ 411; show loquacity, δ 159; bet?-ai/, 254. — (3) mid., appear. άνα-ψανδόν (-φαίνω), Π 178f, and -ψανδά (Οά.), openly, before the eyes of all. άνα-φ'ερω, only aor. 1 άν-ενεικα, brought up, λ 625, and -Ινείκατο, drew a long-draivn sigh, Τ 314. άνα-φλνω, ipf. άνα δ* εψλΰε, ebul- liebat, Avaves ivere boiling up, Φ 36 If. άνα-φράζομαι, aor. opt. άμψράσσαι- To, agnosceret, should recognize, τ 39 If. άνα-χάζομαι, pres., ipf., part. aor. -χασσάμενος, reccdo, was retiring, Ε 600 ; also with άψ, οπίσω, τντΘόν, πολ- λόν. άνα-χεω, άνά-χεΰε, aor., infudit, poured therein, ι 209f . άνα-χωρείτω, pres., fut. aor. 1, re- cede, withdraw, χ 270 ; also with άφ, ρ 461, Κ 210. άνα-ψΰχειν (φνχος), pres. ipf., and Κ 575 -ε-φυχθεν, 3 sing. aor. pass., refri- gerare, cool, d 568; Ε 795, assuage, alleviate. [-' ] άνδάνει (Ρανδάνω, (σΡ)άδνς, sua- vis), ipf. εήνδανε (εΡίμ>δανε), ήνδανε, pf. έαδότα (ΡεΡαδότα), aor. εναδε (for ΐΡαδε) and ά'^ε, placere, please, de- light, gratify ; esp. with θνμφ, κ 373 ; Avith two datives, A 24, Ο 674 (π 398, by speech) ; σ422, gratum, acceptable. αν-δϊχα, asunder, Π 412 ; in twain. άνδρ- άγρια (άγρη), spolia, spoils of arms, S 509|. Άνδρ-αιμονίδης, i. e. θόας, Η IGSf. Άνδρ-αίμων, όνος, king of Αιτωλοί in Καλνδών, Β 638, ξ 499. άνδρακάς, viritim, man by man, each, V 14f. (v. 1. άνδρα κάθ'.) άνδρα-ΐΓ<ίδ€σσι 36 άν-έσσυτο avSpa-iriSSeaai, mancipiis, shves, Η 475t. άνδρ-αχθ£σι (άχθος), ingentibus, ivith rnan-btirdening stones, κ 12 If. άνδρ£Ϊ-φόνττ| (φίνω), homicidac, man-slaying, Ένναλίφ, Β 651. (II.) ανδρεσσι, dat. pi. from άνήρ. άνδρο-κμήτω (κάμνω), in an ib US facto, wrought by men's hands, A 371t. άνδρο-κτάσίη (κτΐίνω) , ordy gen, sg. and pi., nom. pi., caedes, slaughter of men (in battle), (λ 612, 11.) Άνδρο-μάχη, daughter of Ήετίων in θηβη ντΓοπΚακίη ; wife of Hektor, άΧοχος πολύδωρος, λενκώλενος,Ζ 371, 395, Χ 460, etc. (II.) άνδρόμεος, ον, (άνηρ), hum an us, human flesh, ι 297 ; pieces of human flesh, 1 374 ; blood, χ 19 ; body, Ρ 571 ; 'όμιλος, tumult of men, tumultuous crowd, Λ 538. άνδροτήτα (άνδροτης), valor (better reading, as regards sense, than αδρό- τητα, vigor, but unmetrical). άνδρο-ψάγοιο (φαγεΐΐ'), Κνκλωπος, homines dcvorans, eating man's flesh, κ 200. [ά] άνδρο-ψ6νος, ον, (^ένω), viros oc- cidens, man- shying, "Αρης, "Εκτωρ, χεΤρες, Achilleus, Ω 479, vegetable poi- son, α 261. άν-δύίται, see αναδύω, shu7i. άν-£γ€ίρ€ΐ5, pres., and 1 aor. ανέγειρα, excitare, wake up, εξ νπνον, εκ λεχε- ων, δ 730 ; κ \7 2, encouraged. άν-έγνω, aor. from αναγιγνώσκω, agnovi. άν-εδτγμεθα, ipf. from άναδέχομαι, suscepimus, ?uc have sustained. άν-€δραμον, aor. from ανατρέχω, cx- ortae sunt, started tip. άν-^£δνος, see άνάεδνος, sine dote. άν-ε'εργω, ipf. άν^εργον (for avkf έρ- γον), cohibebat, ivas holding back, Γ 77 ; also όττίσσω, Ρ 752. (II.) άν-έζω, only 1 aor. part. άν-^σοντ€5, having placed him upon, Ν 657 ; opt. άνεσαιμι, should bring upon the nuptial bed, S 209. (II.) αν-ίίμι, -€ΐσι, (itvai), subirc, (1) go up, κ 146,274; ίίμ ήελίφ άνιόντι, oricnte, with the daivn, ψ 362. — (2) redire, re/«ni,X 499, Ζ 480; συν νηι, κ 332; άφ, Τ 290.— (3) adire ad, Χ 492. άν -ci μονός (είμα), gen., veste ca- rentis, destitute of bedclothing, γ 348f. άν-€ίρ£αι (ίρομαι), ipf. άνείρενο, in- terrogo, inquire, δ 420, τινά τι; with μεταλλάν, α 231 ; τί, ask respecting, ν 238. ov-£KTe«, κ 389, S 168, Ω 228. άν-ολεθρους (όλεθρος), incolumes, untouched by destruction, Ν 761 f. ανομαι, see άνω. α-νοον, κραδίην, quam excors fu- isti, silly, foolish heart, Φ 44 It. άνότταια { = άν όπαϊα), see οπαΊα. άν-ύρννμι, see άνώρτο. άν-ορονω, only aor. -όρονσεν^ -σαν, -σας, exsilio, spnng up, ΐκ θρόνων, νπνον, ες δίφρον, Ρ 130 ; 'Βίλιος•, climbed swiftly up the sky, y 1. ά-ν<5στιμον {νόστος), r e d i t u i η t e r- clusum, εθηκαν, reddiderunt, cut off his return, δ 1 82f . ά-ν<$<Γτσυ« (νόστος), reditu caren- tes, εθηκαν, made void their return, ω 528t. α-νονσοι (νονσος), sine morbo, without disease, ζ 255t. άν-ουτατος {οντάω), non co minus vulneratus, unwounded, Δ 540f . άν-οντητί, nor did any one draw near trithout inflicting a wound, X 37it. [g άν-ΟΓτάς, -στασα, -στησον, -στητην, στησεσθαι, etc., see άνίστημι. αν-στρ4•ώίΐαν, see αναστρέφω. άν-σχ€θέειν, -σχεο, -σχήσεσθαι, etc., see άνεχω. άν-σχετά (άνέχω), ονκ, intolora- b i 1 i a, unendurable, β 63f . 39 Άντί-μοχος άντ = αντα (old instr. case, αντί, German prefix ant, ent), adversum, opposite; adv., and prep, with gen., (I) e region e, in the vicinity of, Β G26; coram, i« presence of, before, ζ 141, she remained standing before him, \_ 232 ; a 334, holding the veil before lier cheeks ; straight forward, iSeip, 7ΐτύσκεσθαι ; άντα ίφκη, properly ore (instr.) similis fuit, was like him in countenance. — (2) in hostile sense, ad- versus, contra, against, Ιεναι,Ύ 75, 355; ίλθίΐν, τΓολεμίζειν, στητές, ΐγχος άΐϊραι ; άνασχομίνω, having drawn back their hands (to strike): δ 159, before thee, to thy face. άντ-άξιος, ov, aequi pretii, equiva- lent to, Avith gen., I 401, Λ 514. (il.) άντάω (άντα), ipf. ήντεον, fut. άντη- σω, aor. ήντησα, occur rere, vieet, A 375, δ 201 ; τινί, Η 423, Ζ 399 ; τινός, encounter, όπωπίίς, δ 327 ; Η 158, then might he soon take part in battle, i. e. find an opponent; meet in hostile en- counter, 7Γ 254. ''AvTcia, δΙα, wife of ΉροΙτος, Ζ 160t. οντην {αντα), strictly, the face, είσιδε- fiv, Τ 15, Ω 223, cf. £ 77 ; ace. of speci- fication, in respect to countenance, Avith ίναλίγκιος, είκελη ; acc. of direction, face to face, openly, co-oram, palam, A 187, Κ 158, Ο 247, Ω 464, γ 120, ζ 221, 6> 213, 158; in battle, A 590, Σ 307, Χ 109 ; forward, θ 399 ; in front, Μ^152. Άντηνορίδης, 3οη<^"Αντηνωρ, Έλι- κάων, Γ 123 ; ρ1. Λ 59, sons of Ante- rior. Άντηνωρ, ορός, son of Αίσνητης, hus- band of Θεανώ, Γ 262, Λ 59, 262. αντηστιν (άντάω), κατ — , at the junction of the men's and women's apartments, opposite the entrance of the house (see table III. at end of volume), ex adverso, υ 387f. αντί (locative from άντα), prep. Avith gen., strictly (\)in the face of, adver- sum, Ο 415, Φ 481 ; 'δ 115, before the eyes. — (2) placed over against as equivalent, loco, instead of, I 116, θ 546, υ 307, χ 290. άντΓ, άντία, see άντίος. άντι - άν€ΐραι, -ανείρας, matching- men, of Amazons, Γ 189. (II.) άντιάω, άντΧόω {άντϊ), fut. άντΧασω^ άντϊΰω ; aor. άντϊάσαιμεν, etc., occur- rere, lueet, η 293, μ 88, ν 312, Κ 551 ; encounter, Ο 297 (Λvith dat., Ζ 127, Φ 431, σ 147),Avith gen., Η 231 ; Ν 290, strike; have or take part, share, with acc, only A 31 ; elsewh. with gen., A 67, Μ 356, Ν 215, Τ 125, ψ 643 (mid. Ω 62), α 25 ; 402, would that he might enjoy just as much good luck as — , % 28; ω 56, participate in the fu- neral ceremonies of her son. άντϊ-βίοις, dat. pi. (β'ια), adversis, hostile, έττεεσσι, A 304, σ 415 ; άντίβιον, adΛ^, Avith verbs of combating, Γ 20, 435, A 386 ; so also άντιβίην, A 278, Ε 220, Φ 226. (Both advs. only 11.) αντι-βολεω (αντί, βάλλω), -ϊ}σω, aor. άντϊ-βόλησβ, come in the icay of cf. άντιάω, occurrere. — (1) meet acci- dentally, encounter, Π 790, Ω 375, ζ 275, η 16 ; Avith gen. only, δ 547 ; σ 272, shall be my lot, φ 306 ; elsewh. with dat, e. g. Η 114. — (2) meet intentionally (a) as friend, Κ 546, η 19, κ 277 ; (b) as foe, A 365, Μ 465 ; τινί, Π 847, ν 229. — (3) interesse, have part in, μάχης, A 342 ; ψόνφ, τάφφ. άντί-θ€ος, 3, godlike, distinguished in rank, might, size, beauty ; common epithet of kings, Ε 663 ; heroes, I 623, Ω 257, a 21, ο 90; Odysseus's com- panions, ^ 571 ; nations, ζ 241, Μ 408 ; suitors, ξ 18 ; Penelope, λ 117 ; Poly- phemos, a 70. [i] άντί-θυρον (ΰίφη), κατ — , opposite the entrance (out of doors), it 159f. 'Avti-kXcici, daughter oi Αντόλυκος, wife of Ααερτης, λ 85, ο 358. "Δντι-κλος, name of a Greek war- rior in the wooden horse, δ 286. άντι-κρυς, αντίκρυ, ex adverse, opposite. — (1) coram, face to face with, Ε 130, 819, Η 362 ; "Εκτορος, θ 310. — (2) straightforward, Ν 137; outright, utterly, Π 116, 380, Ψ 673, 867, κ 162; often joined Avith foil, prep., e. g. τταραί, διά, κατά, ανά ; also in compounds, e.g. διεσχε, Ε 100; δι- ί}λθε, Ψ 876, cf. Δ 481. [- - -, Ε 130, 819.] [ν] ^ Δντι-λοχος, son of Νέστωρ, Δ 457, Ν 554, Π 320, Ν 93, Ο 569, Ε 565, γ 452,5 187. 'Δντί-μαχο5, a Trojan, A 123, 132, 138, Μ 188. 'Δντί -voos 40 ον-τυξ 'Δντί -voos, Έύττείθεος υιός, α 383 ; the most insolent of the suitors, β 84, 7Γ 418, χ 22, ω 424. όντίον, see άντίος. Άντι-όττη, daughter of 'Ασωπός, mother of 'Αμφίων and Ζήθος, λ 260. όντίος, 3, (αντί), adversus, against, towards. — (1) ήλυθε, Υ 463 ; τινός, Χ 113; 7Γ 160, ΙδεΧν, look up.— (2) with friendly intent, obviam (ire), (go) to meet, Ζ 54, Ρ 257 ; τινί, Η 20 ; τινός, Β 185, Λ 594, Φ 539, π 14 ; εσταν, Α 535.— (3) with hostile intent, contra, 'ΐστασθαι, Ιλθείν, εγχε άεφαν, εείσατο, άίζας, τ 445, Λ 94, 216, {άίσσονσι, Λ 553, Ρ 662) ; τινί, Ο 584, Τ 422 ; elsewh. τινός, e. g. Η 98, Ο 694, Ρ 8, 31, χ 90. άντίον, adv., in opposition, against. — (1) in friendly signif., coram, be/ore, in presence of, ρ 529 ; answer, ηΰδα τινά, Γ 203, β 208, α 213 ; Ιζεν, etc., ε 198, ψ 165, τινός, Ι 218 ; π 160, look up; κατέβηκε, ρ 334 ; άίζασθαι ττυλάων, Χ 195. — C2) in unfriendly signif., con- tra, τινός, ft Try, A 230 ; uvai, Ε 256 ; ελθεΤν, Η 160. Similar significations has άντία, (1) coram, τινός, Γ 425, ο 377. — (2) contra, against, with. Verbs of combating, Υ 88, Sb, 113, 333, X 253, α 78. [ί] άντιόω, see άντιάω. ovTi-ircpoia (ττεραν), ad vers a, the lands lying over against, Β 635f. άντ-ίσχω, αντ-ίσ-χίσβΐ, contra ορ- ρό η ite,o/}yoose,i/2ierpose (tables against an'ows), gen. , χ 74f . άντι-Γορέω, aor. τορήσας, perfo- r are, only δόμον, break into — , Κ 267; pierce, χροός, Ε 337. αν-τϊτα (ηω), έργα, talio, requital, vengeance, ρ 51 ; cf. /3 76. Άντϊ-φάτης, do, (1) a Trojan, Μ 191. — (2) sou of ΜελάμτΓους, ο 242. — (3) king of the Ααιστρνγόνες, ace. -ija, κ 114. [α] όντι-φ€ρίζ€ΐς, ειν; τινί, (τι), inatcJi one's self against, Φ 41 1 . (Φ) άντι-ψέρ£σθαι, measure one's self with, μάχy, Ε 701 ; Avith ace. of re- spect, Φ 482. (ΓΙ 238 and II.) Άντ£-φονος, son of Priam, Ω 250f . "Άντι-φος, (1) a. son of Priam, Δ 489, Λ 109.— (2) son of Αιγύπτιος, β 19.— (3) Ιθακήσιος, ρ 68.— (4) son of Ύαλαιμένης, Β 864 ; leader of Μίανες. — (5) son of θίσσαλός, leader of Greek islanders, Β 678, 'Ηρακλείδης. ovtXos, ov, o, sent'insL, bilge-water, hold, μ 411. (Od.) άν-τολαί (Γίλλω), ortus, Ήελίοιο, rising-places of the sun, μ 4f . αντ€σ6αι, ομενη, at, (άντα), only pres., ipf., occurro, encounter, Β 595, θ 412 ; τινί, Χ 203 ; join, τινί, Δ 133 ; come together with hostile purpose, Ο 698, Π 788. αντρον, antrum, cave, ι 216, ω 6. (Od.) Αντρών, ώνος, town in Thessaly, Β 697t. ον-τυξ, γος, t), (rt'yoc?).— (1) metal rim of shield, Ζ 118; serving to bind to- gether the layers of metal or leather, of which the shield was composed (see the cut). — (2) rim of chariot; rim sur- rounding (περίδρομος) the body (ci- αννμι 41 άοιδή φρος) of the chariot, sometimes double, I 113, ρ 508 (r, oderim, Aa7WM7rae, Φ 336 f. άίΓο eKairvaacv, aor. from καττύω, efflavit, gasped forth her life (swooned), X 467t. [«] άπο-κείρω, only aor, (ί)κ€ρσ€ (in tmesi), and -εκε'φατο, diss ecu it, cut through, Ν 546; totondit, sheared his hair, Ψ 141. (II.) άίΓΟ-κηδήσαντί, du. part. αο\\,(κηδεω), negligentes, through your negligence, Ψ 413t. oiro-/cti/lw,only aor. iter, -κινησασκε, subj. -κινήσωσι, amove bat, moved away, Λ 636 and χ 107, dislodge, τινά τίνος. άίΓο-κλίναντα, aor. part., (κλίνω), aXXy, deflectentem, tuj-n off, inter- preting differently, τ 556|. [< J airo-KiS^eiv, fut., and aor. -iKoipa, (κόπτω), also in tmesi, abscind o, cut off, A 146, Φ 455, t 325; Π 474, cut loose the out-running horse, i. e. the reins by which he drcAv. απ - £κ($σμ€ον, ipf., auferebant, clear off, η 232|. άΐΓ-€κρέμ.ασ€, aor., (κρεμάννυμι), in- flexuit, /ei ciroop, Ψ 879 f. οτΓο-κρινθ^ντβ, du. part. aor. pass., (κρίνω), separati, i. q. parted from the throng, Ε 12|. άτΓ-δκρνψίν, aor., inf. -κρύ-φαι, oc- cult a re. hide, A 718 ; deny, conceal, ρ 286 ; shelter, save, Σ 465. άΐΓο-κτά|ΐ€ν(αι), aor. inf , see follow- ing word. ότΓο-κτβίνω, 1 aor. -έκτεινε, usually 2 aor. -εκτανε, -ίκταμεν, -έκτανον, subj. -KTavy, inf. -κτάμεν(αι) , interim o, kill, ξ 271; slaughter, μ 301 ; Avith pass, signif. 2 aor. mid. -έκτατο, -κτάμενος^ interemtus, Ρ 472, Δ 494, Ψ 775. άΐΓ-^λαμΐΓ£, -tro, ipf., res pi en de- bat, shone forth resplendent, Ζ 295, ναιο, part. -ονί]με- νος), perfrui, have enjoyment, profit, advantage, π 120; τινός, ω 30, Ω 556 ; οΰ^', nihil profecit. άτΓο-νί'ΤΓτεσθαι, -νίφατε, etc., see aTTo-m'^ovrf ς, abluere. άίΓο-νοστησειν, ΐηί.,(νοστεω), always after άφ, reditu rum esse, return, A 60, ω 471, άτΓο or αίΓο ν<$σφι(ν) (should always be written separately), (1) separa- άίΓΟ €^€σ€ 48 -caKcSc tim, apart, Β 233; procul, away, A 555, Ο 548, σ 268, ε 350.— (2) after its object, τινός, procul, A 541, ε 113, /i 33 (o 529); of. νόσψιν άττύ, Κ 416, Ο 244. OTTO βξεσε (ξέω), aor., abscidit, cm< {Vit. shaved) of , Ε 81|. άΐΓ-οξυνουσι, and aor. inf. -οζνναι, praeacuere, bnng to a point, make taper, ζ 269, t 326 (v. 1. άπο-ζϋσαι, smooth off). όίΓο-ξυσας (ζύω), aor. part., expo- liens, smoothing off (wrinkles), I 446f . (inf. -^υσαι v. 1., t 326.) [i"-] άΐΓ<ί-παυ€, imp., fut. -παύση, aor. -(ττανσας, -ε, -αν, reprimo, keep off, τινά, Σ 267; τι, check, hinder, Τ 119; τινός, repress, λ 323 ; from any thing, Φ 340; with ace. and inf., μ 126, σ 1 14 ; mid. -iravcai, imp. -to, fut. -σομαι, desist ο, desist, Φ 372, Ε 288 ; τινός, from something, α 340, A 422, Π 721, θ 473. άτΓΟ - ΊΓ^μιτω, inf. -τημττηην, ipf, fut. άπ- and αττο-πέ/ιψίΐ, etc., 1 aor. -έπεμπα, dimittere, send away, ζ 108, ρ 76 ; send off, Φ 452, ο 83, ψ 23, β 113; dismiss, ε 146, 161; strangers with escort, κ 65, 73, ω 285. άτΓο-ττεσησι, aor. subj., from -πίπτω, deciderit. άπο-πετομαι, only follg. forais from 2 aor. -επτάμην : airo cirraTO, -Trra- /«fvoc, 77, avolavit, ^€«7 awag, aiTow, dream ; life, θυμός, (of animals), Π 469, r 163, r 454 ; ί^νχή, (of men), λ 222. άΐΓ-βίΓΠΓτον, ipf.,-7rίσJ/σt, subj. 2 aor., (πίπτω), dec! do, fall dawn, only S 351, ξ 129. άτΓ^ irXa^ci, in tmesi, pres. only a 75, πατρίδος, keeps him away from; elsewh. only aor. pass. -επ\ά•γχβης, etc., he driven from one's course, θ 573 ; with gen. 382, t 259 {-θεν\ μ 285; rebound, X 291, Ν 578,592. a'TTO-TrXcieiv, inf., ipf. -ΊπΧειον, (πλεΡω), navibus proficisci, sail away, I 418, θ 501. άίΓο-ττλήξας, aor. part., (πΧησσω), d e t r u η c a r e, stHke off κ 440t. άΐΓο-τΓλυν€σκ6, ipf. iter., (πλύνω), d i- 1 u e b a t, was washing clean, ζ 95f . [i>] άΐΓ-βιτλω (ττλώω, πλέΡω), ipf., a vec- ta est, had sailed away from, -γαίης, ζ 339|. ^iro-^irvcU^v, ονσα(αι)^ part., (πνϊΡω), exhalans, breathing forth, life, fire, smell, δ 406. άίΓΟ-ττοιί, πολλόν, Π 669, ^ar away ; τντθυν a. νέων, Η 334, not far from. ατΓΟ'ίτρο-αιρεω, only -€λών, take away from what lies before, ρ 457 f. άΐΓθ-προ-^ηκ6, aor. from άπο-προ-ίημι, delegavit. άΐΓίί-ίΓροθίν, procul, (from) far away, στητέ, ζ 218; ρ 408, the house would hold him aloof air6-7rpo6i, procul, far away, ^ 832. oiro-irpo-ii//ut, part, -icis and aor. -εηκε, d e 1 e g a Λ' i t, sent away, ξ 26 ; shot forth, X 82; kt fall, χ 327. [--- αττο-Ίτρο-τίμνω, only aor. part. -ταμών, d e s e c a η s, cut off from, Avith gen., θ 47 Sf. airo-TTaiTTavcoviri, fut., (πaπτaivoJ\ terga dabunt, will turn in fight, S 101 f. ά7Γθ-τΓτάμ,6νο5, aor. part, from πετο- μαι, avolans. άίΓο-ΐΓπίίΐ, 3 sing, and part, pre?., (πτύω), exsputare, spit forth, Ψ 781 ; dash forth, Δ 426. [v^ ά-ΐΓΟρθητος {πορθέω),ηοη excisa, not destroyed, Μ 1 1 f . άτΓ-ορννμίνον, part., profectum, having set out from, Αυκίηθεν, Ε 105|. άΐΓ ορονσ€, -σαν, aor., (ύρούω), also in tmesi, d e s i 1 i i t, sprang away, Ε 297, Ρ 483 ; rebounded, Φ 593 ; sprang dotcn, Ε 20. άΐΓθ-ρραίσ£ΐ and -ρραΐσαι, fut. and inf. aor., (ραί'ω), eripere, wrest away from, a 404. atrh ρή|€, -ρρηξας, aor. ind. and part., (Ρρήγννμι), abrupit, break off, shatter, Ζ 507, Π 587 ; hinges, Μ 459. όιΐΓ-€ρρίγα<η, for ΡεΡρίγασι, pf., (Ppt- γεω), per horrent, shrink from, β 52 f. oirb €ρριψ€, άπο-ρρΊφαι, -ρρίφαντα 1 aor., (Ρ ρίπτω), excuterc,j»Mi off, lay oxide (anger), 1517; veil, X 406. άίΓΟ-ρρώξ {ΡεΡρωγα, Ρρηγννμι), branch (of the Styx), jc 514; morsel {of Nectar), t 359; as adj. -ρρώγ€ς, steep, V 98 f. άΐΓ-^σσυτο, -εσσνμεθα, aor. mid., (σεύω), se ρ ro r i ρ u i t, Af/rrieci atcay, ι 396 ; δώματος, Ζ 390. av-coic^Soacv, -σκέδασαν, tmesis, όίΓΟ-σκίδνασθαι 49 άπο-ψθΐνυθουσι indie, and imp. aor., (σκίδάνννμι), pro- pulit, scattered, λ 385; dismissed, Τ 309. [-----] οίΓΟ-σκίδνασθαι (σκίδνημι), digre- di, disperse, ψ 4f. άίΓο-σκύδμοινβ, imp., (σκυζμαίνώ), he indignant at, rivi, Ω 65 f. άτΓΟ-στΓίνδων, part., (^σπϊνδω), 11- hsiXis, pouring out a libation, y 394. (Od.) άίΓΟ-σταδόΐ' and -ά, adv., (σταδίη), only Ο 556, ζ 143, standing far away. ο•πΌ-στ€ίχων, part, pres., and aor. -ίστιχε, imp. άττόστιχί, abscedere, go away, λ 132, A 522. άτΓο-στ£λβοντ€5, pres. part, niten- t e s, gleaming with oil, with gen. , γ 408 f. άτΓΟ-στρβ'ψοντας, fut. part., -στρί- ψασκ£, aor. iter., -φγσι, --φαντίΐς), (στρέφω), aver to, twist back, hands and feet, X 173; turning about, γ 162; turn back inflight, Ο 62; roll back, λ 597; recall, Κ 355. οΊΓ-βστΰφΑιξβν, -ζαν, aor., (στνψε- Χίζω), retudit,/urce(i back, Π 703; Σ 158, τινός. οτΓο-σφήλωσι, aor. subj., -σφήλειε, opt., (σφάλλω), aberrare faciat, cause to drift away, γ 320 ; lead them astray from object of their labor, cause them to fi\il of the result of their toil (through the death of Menelaos), Ε 567. αχο-<Γχ€σ•θαι, aor. inf , see απέχω, abstinere. άτΓο €σχϊσ€ν (σχίζω), d i s c i d i t, split off, split in sunder, δ 507 f. αητο-τάμνω, ipf. -erapive (in tmesi : τάμνε, 1 aor. τάμε, subj. τάμyσι, opt. τάμοι), pres. mid. -ταμνόμενον, deci- dere, cut off, cut open; throats, Γ 292, X 328 ; thread, Ψ 867 ; reins, halter, θ 87 ; cut off for one's self, X 347. άτΓο-τηλοΰ, procul, far away, ι 117t. ^ ατΓο-τίθημι, only aor. -έθηκα (also in tmesis), and aor. raid, θίτο (tmesis), and inf. -θξ^σθαί, d e ρ ο η e r e, piit away, lay off, garments and weapons, esp. freq. in mid., habit of fault-finding, Ε 492. άτΓθ-τϊνυμ€νοι, part, pres., ipf. -ετΊ- vvTo, (τίνω), τίΐ'ά r /νος, ulcisci pro, take vengeance for, β 73, Π 398. [ί] άτΓο-τίν€ΐν, -έμεν ; -ετον, imp., -τί- νων; fut. -τίσεις, aor. -ετισε, etc., inf -τΊσαι, solvere, pay back, τιμήν, raulc- tam, a fine, Γ 286 ; pay, ψ 487 ; atone for, X 271, Φ 399, γ 195, σνν μεγάλψ Δ 161, Ι 512, χ 168, ν 193 ; Σ 93, atone for slaying and despoiling Patro- klos ; make good, A 128, I 634, β 132 ; recompense, θ 186, χ 235 ; mid. -τί- σομίαι, etc. fut., aor. -ετίσατο, avenge one's self upon, punish, ulcisci, τί, λ 118, ν 386 ; ττοινήν ετάρων, exact sat- isfaction for his companions, ψ 312. άΐΓθ-τ|Ληγου<Γΐ, aor. opt, -τμηζίκ^ part. -τμί]ζας, abscindere, cut of. sever, Σ 34, A 146, /c 440 ; fig. cut off, intercept, Κ 364, A 468 ; plough, tear (hill-sides), Π 390. ά-ίΓοτμοβ, infortunatus, ill- starred, Ω 388 ; sup. -ότατος, α 219. άΐΓο-τρ6'ΐΓ€τω, imp. prs., fut. -τρέφεις, aor. -ετραπε, avertere, turn away from, τινά τίνος, Μ 249, Τ 256, 109; redu- cer e, turn back, A 758; scare back, Ο 276 ; mid. aor. -«τράττίτο, etc., turn one's self away, Μ 329 ; αττό νόσφι, turn away the face, ε 350 ; turn about. Κ 200. άπο-τρίψουσι, fut., (τρίβω), dete- rentur, many footstools, thrown from both sides about his head, as he is made a target of throughout the house (gen. absol. of part.), (as they slip down) shall swash his ribs ; coarse jest of goat- herd Melantheus, ρ 232|. dxd - Tpoiros ( τρ'εττω ), r e m ο t u s, (live) retired, ξ 37 2|. άίΓΟ-τρωττώσι, subj. -ωμεν(-τρωπάω\ avertere, drive back, Ύ 119; forbid, ■K 405; mid. -τρωπασθε, imp., -ετρω- ττώντο, ipf, τινός, tergiversamini, turn the back upon, delay about; with mi., shrink from, Σ 585. άΐΓ-ουρας, aor. part, from άπανράω, eripere. άΐΓ-ουρι^σουοΊ} fut., eripient (-av- ράω), or άτΓ-ουρίσσουσι, a m ο ν e b u η t term in OS (ονρος), remove the boundary stones =\ni\'\xae upon his fields, X 489 f. αττο-φερω, only fut. -οίσβτον, -οίσειν, aor. -ενεικας, -αν, aufero, carry home, 7Γ 360 ; bear back, Ε 257 ; drive away (at sea), S 255 ; bring back, Κ 337. άΐΓ(ί-ψημι, and aor. mid. imp. -φασθε, pronuntio, "aVrt/cpi', / say it to thy face, Η 362 ; deliver this message, I 422. άΐΓ-έφθιθ6ν, 3 pi. aor. pass., (φΘίω), ρ e r i e r u η t, only in interpolated versei5 of Od., ε 110. άτΓο-φθϊννθονσν (^θίω), pereunt, Ε αίΓοφσιω 50 αρα 643 ; θνμύν, Π 540, ρ e r (1 u η t, lose life. άίΓο-ψθίω, ρ e r d ο, prs. pass. opt. -φθί- μην, imp. -φθίσθω, part, -φθιμενου, -oio, -ov, -η ; mid. aor. Avith pass, signif. -(φθιτο, aor. pass. 3 pi. -{ί)φθιθεν, ψ 331 (and interpolation, ε 110); per ire, perish, όλέθρψ, in destruction, ο 268, Τ 322, ω 88; mortua, ο 357; occisi, Σ 499. άπο-ψώλιος, -οι, -α, (φνω, φώς), sine fetu, not unblessed with offspring is intercourse Avith the gods, λ 249 ; =άφυής (non-Homeric), unfruitful, i. e. aimless, foolish, £ 182 ; unseemly, ξ 212; vile, θ 177. άΐΓο-χάζ€θ, imp. prs., (χάζομαι), r e- ced e a, go away from, τινός, λ 95. άτΓο xeiicv, for txsffv, aor., (from χ'εω), ex cuss it, threw down from the table, only χ 20, 85. οτΓο-ψυχοντα (ψύχω), part., ex spi- rant em, /αΐ»<£«^, ω 348 ; elsewh. Ί^ρώ, Avith ipf. mid. -€\|ηίχοντο, u-ere letting the sweat dry off from their garments, and pass. -\Ι/νχθύς, having cooled off. [v] άτΓ-π€μ.ψ€ΐ, fut. from αποπέμπω, d i m i 1 1 e t. ά-Ίτρηκτον, -ονς, ace, (πρήσσω), ir- ritum, endless, Β 121, 376 ; with or against which nothing can be done, hope- less, incurable, μ 223, β 79 ; active, un- successfid, S 221. ά-ττρϊάτην (πρίαμαι), adv., gratis, without money, for nothing, ξ 317 ; mtfi- out ransom, A 99. [a] ά-Ίτροτί-μαστος {-μαίομαι), intacta, undefiled, Τ 263 f. a-TTTcpos (πετομαι), tirXfro μνθος, Tiri, non excidit, nor did the word escape her, she perceived its sense, ρ 57. (Od.) ά-τΓτησι, dat. pi., (-πτην), implumi- h us, unfledged, I 323|. a-iTTo-cires (ττΓοα, πτοα ω, εττος), au- dacter loquens, rash - speaking, θ 209t. ά-ΊΓτόλίμος, -or, -ονς, im bell is, unwarlike, Β 201. (II.) ίίπτω, only aor. part, άψας, aptans, making fast, φ 408; άφαμίνη άπό, sus- pending a noose on high upon, λ 278 ; clscwh. only mid. pi-s. α'ΐΓΤ€σ6αι, ipf. ηπτετο, fut. αφεσθαι, aor. ήψατο, άφά- σθην, etc., cling to, ηνός, Π 9; hit, strike, θ 67, Ρ 631 ; touch, clasp, τινός, r 344 (also with double gen., τ 348); esp. with γούνων, γενείον (suppli- care), A 512, 500, Ω 357 ; lay hold of, θ 339, Β 152 ; clasp, c 522 ; lay hands on, τινός, β 423 ; lay hold of in eating, δ 60, κ 379 ; r 28=sits at my table ; sc. πυρός, take fire, t 379 ; aor. pass. εάφθη, επί, fell after, sank upon him, Ν 543. ά-ιτυργωτόν (πύργος), immunitam, unfortified, λ 264|. α-ττϋρον, -ονς, {πυρ), kettle or tripod, not yet placed over the fire, Ψ 267, 1 122. (11.^) ^ α-ττυρωτον (ττΰρ), ignis expertem. untouched by fire = άπνρον, Ψ 270|. [ϋ] a-irvcTTos {πνθόμενος), (1) ignotus, unknown, a 242. — (2) ignarus, unin- formed of, τινός, δ 675. (Od.) απ-ωθεω, only fut. -ώσω (inf. -σ'εμεν), aor. -ώσε, etc., mid. fut. -ώσεαι, etc., aor. -ώσατο, repel lere,^MsA back, Ω 446, χ 76; cast off, ο 280, β 130, Τ 489; drive from one's course (at sea), ι 81, cf V 276 ; tear away, Ε 308 ; τινός, drive away from, θ 96 ; mid. drive away from one's self (enemies), θ 206, Ο 503 ; dis- lodge, push aside, a 270, θ 533, Ω 508. αρα, before consonants άρ, enclitic pa, always postpositive, (άραρεΐν), orig. adv. containing the idea of being firmly fixed, denotes, as conjunction, a natural inference from Avhat precedes, noic, now then, no doubt, exactly, therefore, then. — (1) of what is fixed by decree of fate, esp. in phrase ονδ' dp εμελλεν, δ 107, λ 553, ν 293, t 475, Κ 336, Μ 3 ; Β 419, λ 139 ; Ψ 670, ί 605.— (2) of what ex-. perience has taught to regard as fixed, V 209, π 420, Ε 532.— (3) often joined with causal conjs,, yap pa, A 1 13, 236; επεί pa, ο 390, α 263 ; ότι pa, because you know, A 56. — (4) είτ άρα. if namely, A 65 ; it μη άρα, unless indeed, Ζ 75, ψ 242.^5) recapitulating, with demon- stratives, /jreciie/y, to wit, Β 482, Γ 153, A 405; ως ιφα, φ 163, A 428, 584, Γ 13, Η 7; with τοννεκα, ένθεν, rort, τήμος, etc. ; with relatiA'es, Η \8'2 just the one which, ζ 449, υ 106, Ζ 131 ; ος /όα, who, you see = since he. — (6) with weakened force, without doubt, natural- ly, of course, surely, A 46, 56 ; ειτ'^ άρα, A 65, cf. 93 ; in questions, τίς άρ, a 346, A 8 ; κατ άρ' ϊζ€το, A 6ί a άράβησε 51 "Αργός in first member of antithetical period, followed by ce : μίν pa, Β \ ; δ' άρα, then in due course, A 471 ; ονδ' άρα, A 330 ; αΰτάρ άρα, Β 103. — (7) denot- ing a subtle, inherent sequence of thought, often untranslatable, Η 360, Β 433. — (8) άρα, pa, following participles, θ 458. V 380; sometimes doubled, π 213. ;--] . , , , . , , άράβησ€ (άραβίω), aor., δε τινχί ίπ αντψ, his armor rang around him, ω 525. [«] αραβος οδόντων, chattering of teeth, Κ 37δ|. Άραιθυρεη, town in Argos, Β 57 If. αραιή, etc., adj. fem., tenuis, thin, slender, κ 90, Π 161 ; legs of Hephais- tos, Σ411; (/eZicafe, Ε 425. [ά] άράται, etc., prs. _ 14 \-άομαΐ), inf. άρήμι- vai, X 322; ipf. ήρώ- μην, άτο, fut. -ήσίται, aor. ήρήσατο, -αντο, etc., precari. — (1) pray, η 1 ; ττολλά, fervently, δαίμοσιν, άθανάτοισι, πάντεσσι θίοΧσι (see cut, for at- titude) ; ενχομίνη, im- ploring, supplicating, Ζ 304, I 567 ; griev- ing sore, with inf., Ψ 209; with ace. and inf., δ 827.— (2) wish, long for, Avith inf., Ν 286, Δ 143, α 366; call down upon, 'Epivi'c, curse, β 135 ; with ace. and inf., τ 533. όιράρισκ€, I. ipf., 1 aor. άρσε (with inf. and part.), 2 aor. vpaps, apapov, (a Γ t a r e), c ο η i u η g o, ji?i together, raf- ters, Ψ 7 12; fit upon, τι τινι, ζ 23 : close, β 353; β 289, seal up in jars; Μ 105, formed theviselves in close array with their sliiekls ; hxiild (put together) a wall with stones, Π 212; par are (άρτνω) ytpag, A 136; θάνατον και Kijpa, 7Γ 169 ; θνμυν f:δωcy, saiisfy. — Π. pf. άρηρε, (part, αρηρώς, άράρνία, etc.), plupf. αρηρει, (2 aor. ί]ραρεν, apapov, but enly Π 214, c 777), and 3 pi. aor. pass, άρθεν, and part. aor. mid. άρμενος, artari, be closely joined together, of ranks, Ο 618, Π 211; of jars standing close together against wall, β 342 ; close tightly, I 475, ψ 42, Σ 275; with dat.: joined together with or of (metal plates, Ο 530; palisades, Μ 56; paved with I flags, ζ 267); lie close upon, ft, Γ 338, I Σ 600, f 234 (also Avith prop., σ 378) ; ! please, ί 777 ; holdfast to, ε 361 ; fitted j to, ε 254; Κ 265, Avith tv ; he providid I tcith, A 31, Ε 744, S 181, ζ 70, κ 553. αραρον, aor., άραρυΐα, pf. part., see άράρισκε. αρασσ€ν, ipf. , c ο m ρ e g i t, drove home and made fast, ε 248f . άράχνΐα, τά, aranea, spiders web, only θ 280, π 35. άρΎαλ£ος, ij, ov, (piytov?), ar- duus, impossible, difficult, A 589, Μ 63, β 244 : also in pers. constr., A 589, δ 397; difficilis, difficult to manage, shocking, violent, Κ 107, Ρ 385, Ο 10, A 812, λ 400. ΆρΎβάδης, ΙΙοΧνμηλος, Π 41 7|. Άργεΐος, 7/,ov,inhabitant of Άργος ; freq. in pi. as collective designation of Greeks, Β 159, A 79, Γ 286, 99. 'Δργ€Ϊ - φόντης {άργει instr., ψαν, clear-shining), epith. of 'Eppijg, swift messenger, a popular (mistaken) etymol- ogy seems to have been the origin of the myth of the Argos-slayer, Β 103, άρ'γ€ννάων, -ώι•, -y(Ti,-i)c, (from άργε^ σιι^άων), candidus, «•Λζ7β, Γ 198. 141. άργ€στάο Nc'roto, only A 306, Φ 334, rapid i, rapid. άργης, ήτος, (also -hi, kra, dat. ace), dazzling white, bright ; of linen, fat, lightning, Γ 419. άργι-κ€ραυν€, voc, {κεραυνός), ful- men coruscum gerens, vnelder of the dazzling thunderbolt, Τ 121 ; fulmi- n a t ο r, thunderer, Ύ 1 6. (II.) άργϊνόεντα, ace, c a η d i d urn, gleam- ing; epith. of town in Kreta, because of chalk cliffs near it, only Β 647, 656. άργϊ- οδόντος, etc., {-όδονς), uhite- tooihed, cpitli. of dogs and swine. άργί-τ,-οδος (ττονς), ace, swift-footed, Ω 211|. [i] "Δργισσα, town in Θεσσαλία, Β 738ί. αργμ,ατα, τά, (άρχεσθαι), consecrated pieces of fiesh burned at beginning of sacrifice, ζ 446|. "Δργος, ύ, name of the faithful hound of Odysseus, ρ 292|. "Άργος, f Of , ntr. — (1) town on river Inachos in Argolis, domain of Diome- des, ο 224, φ 108, Ζ 224, S 119, γ 180, Β 559 ; Ίττπόβοτον, ο 239, 274.— (2) in wider sense, realm of Agamemnon, who οργή» 52 Άρήνη dwelt in Mykene, Β 108, 115, A 30, I 22, Ο 30, Ν 379, γ 263, Δ 171.— (3) probably, the entire Peloponnesos, δ 174; Άχαηκον, γ 251; Ίπττοβύτοιο, Ζ 152; so often joined with "Ελλάοα, which latter word then designates Northern Greece ; cf. "Ιασον, σ 246. — (4) Ώελασγικύν, domain of Achilleus, Β 681, Q 437, ω 37, Ζ 456, valley and plain of river Peneios. — (5) in widest sense, the whole of Greece, Μ 70, Ν 227, S 70 ; also Άχαιικυν, Ίπποβότοω, Β 287, I 246, δ 99 ; πολνπύρψ, Ο 372. Not all passages admit of satisfactory explanation, e. g. Η 363, δ 562. άργην, ο/, ους, white, ο 161, Ψ 30; swift (with and without ττόοας), κύνες, Α50,/3 11. "Αρνοσδε = tig ' Αργός. apYvpeoS) εη, εον, (άργυρος), argen- t e U S, of silver, ^615; inhid or adorned with silver, Ε 727, A 219. [ΰ] άργυρο- δίνης, (δίνη), silver-eddying, of rivers, Β 753. (II.) [7] αργυρό -ηλθ5, ηλον, αν, (ήλος), adorned with silver studs or knobs, silver- studded; ζίφος, θρόνος, φάσγανον, Β 45, η 162, S 405. αργΰρό-ΊΓβζα (-neuja), silver- (in whiteness)/oo^e(?, θεης, A 538. (II.) άργυρος, ου, ό, (αργός), argentum, silver, Β 857, φ 200. άργΰρό-το|ος, bearing the silver bow, Άττυλλων, also subst., A 37. άργυ-ψ6ον (αργός, φα-), ntr., dazzling- white, s 230. [ΰ] άργΰ-φον, α = άργΰψίον, ntr. Σ 50, «85. 'Αργώ (lit. swift), ship of Argonauts, μ 70. άρ8}ΐ(ίς, -o(, aquatio, watering' place, V 247. άρ€ΐη (αρά), minis, by threats, Ρ 431. (11.) 'Δρ€θουση, κρήνη in Ithaka, ν 408 f. άρ€ΐον, ΓίΤχος, see follg. word. dpciuv, ace. sing, -ίίω and -fiova, nom; pi. -ύονς, -ιίονες, ntr. apciov, (apaptlv), compact, τείχος, Δ 407, Τ 33 ; fort is, ι 48; then, surpassing, prae- s tans, Ψ 588, /3 277; /i 277, opp. ica- κίονς, V 133, opp. χείρονα. [ά] Άρ€(ων, name of horse of Άδρηστος at siege of θηβη, Ψ 346. α-ρ€κτον (ρεζω), infectum, unac- complished, Τ 15Jt• apes, voc, (from άρης, άρε-'ιων), Ο brave one, restore in Ε 31, 455. ^ apeVai, -€σασ6αι, see αρέσκω. i όιρ€σ6αι, inf. aor. from άρνυμαιΛ comparare, 1 αρέσκω, only apeorai, inf 1 aor., ' make amends; alsofut. mid. άρ€σσόμ€θα, and aor. άρεσσάσθω, -σσασθαι, appease, τινά; reconciliare, οώροις, etc. aperc^, -ωσι, thrive, onlv θ 329, τ 114. Άρ6τάων, a Trojan, Ζ 31t. άρ€τη, ης, (άρείων), pragstantia, excellence, of Avhatever sort, Τ 411, Ψ 276 ; superiority, accomplishment, ^ 725, σ 251, Ο 642, Τ 242 ; capacity, prowess, ξ 212, ψ 571 ; virtus, θ 535, Ν 237, θ 239 ; skill, ρ 322 ; success, ν 45, σ 133 ; prospei-ily, ξ 402. άρετητα, conjecture for αδρότητα. άρη> ΐκ, preces, (1) prayer, δ 767. — (2) imprecatio, curse (άρ'εων, I 566), ρ 496 ; destruction, Μ 334 ; with λοιγόν, Ω 489 ; calamity, χ 208. [- — ; in arsi ] αρηαι, aor. subj. from άρννμαι, compares. άρήγω, fut. -ξω, (άρκιον, άλκ))), opi- tulari, τινί, aid, A 77. (II.) [ά] άρηγών, -ύί^ες, fern., (αρηγω), helper, Ε 511 and Δ 7. [α] άρηΐ-θ6ων (άρης, θους), swifi in battle, valiant, θ 298. (11.) Άρηί-θοος, (1) κορυνητης, son of Μενέσθιος from Βοιωη'α, Η 10, 137. — (2) θεράπων of 'Ρίγμος, Ύ 487. άρηι-κταμ€νφ, in pugna caeso, slain in battle, X 72. Άρηί-λυκος, (1) father of ΤΙροθοή- νωρ, S 451.^2) a Trojan, Π 308. άρήΐος (άρης), warlike, martial, Β 698, ψ 220 ; τενχεα, ΐντεα, of weapons, armor, Ζ 340, Κ 407. άρηί-φατοι, ους, (φενω), in pugna caesi, «/m», λ 41, Τ 31. [ϊ] άρηί-ψΐλος, -ο)', -οί, Μ a r t i g r a t u s, loved by Ares, valiant, ο 169. (II.) [t] άρήμ.€ναι, inf. from άράομαι, preca- tus esse. άρημ€νος, -ov, overcome, burdened, Σ 435, σ 53. άρην, see άρνός. άρηρομένο«, pf. pass, from άρόω^ aratus. Άρήνη, town subject to 'Siστωp, Β 591, A 723. Άρης 53 'ApK€)pi), breakfast, ττ 2, Ω 124. [«1 άριστος, η, ον, (άρείων, άρι-), and ώριστος = ύ αρ., optimus, the best, most excellent, most capable, bravest, first ; of things animate and inanimate; among, Λvith gen. part., A 69 ; Avith Iv (with verbs), Ζ 7, Ο 296 ; with dat. of manner (or respect), I 54, θ 247, ττ 419, ν 297 ; with ace. of respect, Γ 39, Ψ 483, λ 469, y 370, also followed by inf., θ 123; often intensified by advs., με.y', οχ, εζοχ, διακριδόν (Μ 103, Ο 108), decidedly ; Ζενς, S 213, Τ 95, Γ 303, Ν 154; princeps, e.g. Γ 274, Κ 214, Ζ 209, Ι 3, (by birth, rank, or other title to honor) ; advantageous, I 103, Γ 110, V 154 ; Ζ 56, σοι — ττεττοίη- ται, honorable (indeed) has been their conduct toward thee ! ■ [ά] άρι-σψαλ€α, ace, (σφάλλομαι), lu- b r i c u m, slippery, the ground, ρ 1 96t. άρι-ψραδες and -ni, ntr., (φράζομαι), very plain, cisyto recognize, σήμα, όστεα, Ψ 240 ; adv., φραδ£ως = άριέί7λως, v. 1. ψ 225t. Άρκάδες, inhabitants of Άρκαδίη, Β 611,603,in thePeloponncsos. (II.) [ά] Άρκείσιος, son of Ζευς, father of Άρκ£ΐσιάδης, i. e. Ααεοτης, ττ 118, ω 270. (Od.) Άρκ€σί-λαος, leader of the Βοιωτοί, Β 495, Ο 329. [ι] άρκ£(ι 54 αρκίω, only ipf. ήρκβι, fut. apKcVei, [ aor. ηρκίσί («λίο/), arc ere, keep off, τινί τι, Ζ 16 ; άπό τινός τι, Ν 440 ; patro- C in a.r'i, protect, τινί, ττ 261, Φ 131. αρκΐος, 'Ον, {άρκεω), sufficient, Κ 304 ; Β 393, ei ηοη erit opportunitas, shall have no further opportumty to ; certuin, Ο 502. άρκτος, ό and »), u r s u s, hear, λ 61 1 ; ?), constellation of the Great Bear, or M'am,2 487,£273. άρμα, ατός, τ6, (αραρίσκω), chariot, άγκί'\υν, ίνζοον, ίΰτροχον, θοόν, καμ- ττύλον, usually in τρΙ.,δαιδαλΒοισιν, ποι- κίλα χαλκφ (adorned with gold and sil- ver, Κ 438), κολλητοΧσιν ; esp. war char- iot, drawn by horses, hence these often iinmed with it, Ε 199, 237, Δ 366; the Homeric chariot differed in no essential respect from that in use centuries em-lier by the Egyptians and by the Asiatics ; for description of separate parts, cf άντυζ, άξων, ρνμός, 'έστωρ, Ιτυς, Ιττ'ισ- σωτρα, ττλήμναι, κνήμη, δίφρος, ζνγόν (see cut No. 10, and tables I. and II.). "Άρμα, village in Βοιωτία, Β 499t. άρμοτο-ΐΓη"γός {ττήγννμι), άνήρ, chariot-builder, Δ 485f. όρμα-τροχΧή (τρόχος), wheel-rut, ψ 505t. αρμ€νος, fitting, part. aor. mid. {αρά- ρισκε). άρμ6ζ€ο, imp. pres. mid., aor. act. ijp- μοσί, from αρμόζω, strictly, /< together, Γ 333, the cuirass fitted him; fit to- gether, beams, t 247; 162, unite them together into a raft. Άρμονίδης, ship-builder in Troy, {αρμόζω), Ε 60t. [ϊ] άρμονΐάων, yffi,gen. dat. ρ1.,(ά|0/ίόζω), bands, slabs, one side flat, the other curved ; serving to bind together the raft : see d, in cut ; also k, in cut No. 35. Also fig., bond, compact, χ 225. \"\d. σχβδίη,ίοτ .\ \ 1" lettering. άρν€ΐός, ύ, aries, ra7)i, Γ 197, ι 444; with viv, κ 527, 572. αρνείται, etc., ipf. ήρνίΧτο, aor. άρ- ντισασθαι, (άρνίομαι), negare, recu- sare, στερίώς, ψ 42 ; withhold, φ 345. άρνευτηρι, dat., [iptwav), diver, μ 413 ; cf Π 747 sq. Άρνη, ΐΟΛνη in Βοιωτία, Η 9, Β 507. With initial Ρ, Β 507 ? αρνα, ace. sing., du. -t, pi. regular, dat. only -ίσσιν, gender comm. (fapv-, Γ 310), sheep, lamb, δ 85, Δ 102. αρνυμαι, pres. ipf., aor. iiparo, -άμι- θα and άρόμην, etc., com parare, pro- cure jf^r one's self, μισθόν; gain, κλίος, κΐίδος, ίνχος, νίκην, άέθλια (also gain for another, τινί, A 159, 1 303, Δ 95, Π 84) ; also carry off as share of booty, ψ 592, I 188 ; άνδράγρια, S 510 ; receive, S 130 ; experiri, take upon one's self, δ 107, a 390; carry, as burden, ι^ηνς, Ύ 247; seeking to gain, a 5, X 160. [---; -— ] άροίμην, etc., aor. opt. from αρνυμαι. αροσις, »/, (άρόω), arva, arable land, ι 134; ψίλϊ/ν, unwooded. [α] άροτηρ, ήρίς, &γ at or, plough-man. Σ 542. [α] άρότοισιν, a r a t i ο η i b u s. iy cultiva- tion, ι 122t. [a] αροτρον, TO, {άρόω), a r a t r nm.plough, ττηκτόν, firmly put together, Ν 703. αρουρα, ης, (earth), phugh-land, Ζ 195, Μ 422, Ν 707 ; field, Κ 7, Ψ 599 ; ground, Γ 115; ζάδωρος, coni-bcaring earth, δ 229 (used in altogether general sense, cf. also τ 593=upon the earth). As goddess = ΓαΤα, Β 548. [«] άρέοκΓΐ (άρόω, cf. obsolete Eng. ear, to plough), ar ant, plough, t 108 ; άρη- ρομεντ), perf pass., aratae, Σ 548. [ο] άρΊτάζω, fut. -ζο), aor. ί'ιρτϊαζα, i'jp- πασε, etc., rapip, rob, carry off, Σ 319, Ν 528 ; draw out, Π 814 ; carry off, ο 250 ; sweep away, £ 416. άριτακτήρες {αρττάζω), robbers, Q 262t. άριταλεων, eagerly sought (gains), θ 164; apiroKiiaqy greedily, ζ WO. (Od.) Άρπαλίων, son of Πνλαιμίνης, Ν 644. αρπη, unknown bird of prey, perh. falcon, Τ 350|. αριτυιαι, r a paces, snatchers, per- sonified storm-winds, by whom those who have mysteriously disappeared are con- α-ρρηκτος 55 α-σημ,αντοισιν ceived of as borne away (not the Har- pies, Monsters, of later myths), a 241. α-ρρηκτος {-ίρηκτος, Ρρηγννμι), in- dissoluble, firm, Avith άλυτος, Ν 360; θ 275, indestructible. ο-ρρητο9 {f ρητός, ver-bum, Eng. word), unspoken, ξ 466 ; unspeakable, see άρητον. άρσην, (νος, mas cuius, masculine, male, θ 7, t 425. Άρσί-νοος, father of Έκαμήδη, of island Ύίνεδος, A 626t. [<] Άρτακίη, name of fountain in coun- try of Λαιστρυγόνες, κ lOSf. [ί] άρτ€μ,εα, -εεσσι, ace. sing., dat. pi., incolumis, safe and sound, Ε 515, ν 43. "ApTCfJiis, άγνί], ΐοχεαιρα, χρυσηλά- κατος, χρυσήνως, χρυσόθρονος, άγρο- τ'ερη, κελοδεινή, daughter of Ζευς and Αητώ, sister of 'Απόλλων, death-god- dess (cf. «yaroc), int am in a ta vena- tr i X, ε 123, ρ 37 ; as huntress, haunting the mountains of Peloponnesos, ζ 102. άρτϊ, prefix, suitable, excellent. άρτϊ-€ΤΓης (Ρέτΐος), speaking excellent- It/; μύθων, glib-tongued, X 28 If. αρτΐα {άράρισκε), suitable things, θ 240 ; friendly, τ 248. apTt-iros (τΓους), pedibus valens, strong or swift of foot, I 505, θ 310. άρτί-φρων, mente valens, inteUl• gent {friendly), ω 26 It. αρτον, ους, ace, wheaten bread, ρ 343, σ 120.^ (Od.) άρτυνω (βρτιος), fut. -ννεοναι, aor. part, -ύνας, mid. ipf. aor. ήρτύνατο, pass. aor. άρτννθη, compono, paro, put in order, form in close array, Μ 43, 86, Ο 303 ; prepare, a 277, ξ 469, ω 153; devise, λ 366; pass., Λ 216, the battle began ; mid.,^Mi in order for one's self, arrange, δ 782 ; place, Β 55. άρτυ€ΐ, prs., ipf. ηρτΰε, (cf. άρτυνω), parare. δ 771, υ 242; make ready, Σ 379. m ApvBas, a native of Sidon, ο 426+. άρχε-κάκους, beginning mischief, Ε 63t. *Δρχ€-λοχος, son of Άντηνωρ, S 464. Άρχε-ιττόλεμος, Ίψιτίδης, charioteer οΐ'Έκτωρ,θ 128. apxeve, -ειν, pres., (άρχος), τινί, du- c e r e, command. (II.) αρχή (άρχω), initium, beginning, tt. άρχΓ/ς•, of old, α 188 ; τινός, 4, Γ 100, Λ 604; occasion, Χ 116. άρχόξ, dux, leader, Β 493, Ε 39, θ 162, δ 653, χ 48. άρχω (and mid., but without pf., plupf., and pass.), I. active : praeire, (1) precede, A 495, Γ 420; lead the way, ε 237; τινί, ω 9. — (2) ducere, lead, Ρ 262 ; τινί, Β 805, Ε 592, ξ 230 ; τινός, Β 494, Μ 93, κ 205 ; νηων, Β 576; τινι μάχεσθαι, Π 65.— (3) reg- nare, 7-ule, only ζ 12. — II. act. (and mid.*), incipere, in ire, commence, be- gin.— 0) with inf., Β 84, θ 90*, Η 324, Φ 437, Ν 329 ; with dat. of interest, τινί, Η 324*, I 93* ; esp, τοϊσι δε . . . ήρχ άγορεύειν, Α 571, /3 15 (also Β 378 sc. μαχησασθαι ; ζ 428* sc. ώμοθετείν). — (2) with gen., make a beginning with, be- gin, I 97, Δ 335, (p 142* {εκ τίνος, φ 199*).— (3) τινί τίνος, Ο 95, ζ 101*; common phrase, τοϊς άρα μύθων νρχε, Β 433, α 28, and τοίσιν δ' . . . νρχετο μύθων. (Od.) άρωγη, ή, {άρη-γω), a U χ i 1 i U m, help, aid, in battle or combat ; Φ 360, why should I concern myself Avith giving succor ? (II.) [a] όιρωγ<ίς, -ot, -ους, opitulator, help- er, advocate, in battle and before tribu- nal, σ 232. [ά] ασαι, (1) aor. from άω, satiare. — (2) aor, from άάω, obcaecare. άσαιμι, opt. aor. from άω, satia- rem, Άσαΐος, a Greek, Λ 301f, ασαμεν, aor. from Ιαύω, dormivi- mus. άσάμινθος, »/, lab rum, bathing-tub, ^4^8. [«] άσασθαι, aor. inf. from άω, sa- t i a r e. οσατο, aor. of άάω, obcaecare, blind. α-σ-βεστος, 3, {σβ'εννυμι), unextin- guishable, fire, laughter ; unceasing, βοή, κλέος, η 333. άσ-εσθαι, fut. mid. from άω, satiare. a - σημάντοισιν ( σημαίνω ), sine ductore. without a shepherd or leader, K485t. [a] * Denotes that the form referred to is in mid. voice. ίσθμα 56 ά-σιτάσϊος άσθμα, -ατι, (άίσθω), short -dratim brmih, panting, Ο 10. (11.) ασθμαίνων ( άσθμα ), a η h c 1 a η s, panting, gasping, Φ \9>2. (II.) Άσιάδη9> son of "Ασιος, Άδάμας, Φαΐνοφ. 'Ασίνη, in Άργολίς, Β 560t. [α t] ά-σινέας, ace. pi. from -ής, (σίνομαι), illaesas, unmolested^ λ 110. (Od.) 'Δσιθ5, ov, (1) son οΐΑύμας, a Phryg- ian ; brother of 'Εκάβη, Π 717. — (2) son of "Υρτακος from Αρίσβη, ally of Trojans, Μ 95. ασΐν, τόσσην, si turn, slime, Φ 321f. ά-σΐτος, sine cibo, without food, d 788t. [a] *Ασίφ iv Χειμώνι, in the Asian mead- ow ; from Asia, a district in Lydia, from which the name was gradually ex- tended to the Λvhole continent, Β 461. [α i] Άσκάλαψος, son of Άρης, leader of Βοιωτοί, Β 512. Άσκανίη, a town in Bithynia, on lake of same name, Β 863, Ν 793. [Ι] 'Δσκάνΐος, (1) son οΐ'Ιπποήων, Ν 792.— (2) leader of the Φρύγες, Β 862. όι-σκ€λ^€ς, -£ς, (σκέλλω), tabe con- fecti, toasted, κ 463; ntr. and adv. ασκ€λ€ω9 with a'lti, unceasingly, Τ 68. όσκίω,3 sing. ipf. ήσκβιν, aor. ήσκησε, etc., pf. pass, ιισκηται, work out with skill and care, Κ 438 ; smooth out, a 439. ά-σκηθης, -ΐες, (σκάζω), incolu- mis, uninjured, unscathed, ξ 255. άσκητόν, ntr., (άσκεω), curiously wrought, δ 134. (Od.) ΆσκληΐΓΪάδη? = Μαχάων, Δ 204. (II.) [«] Ασκληπιός, Thessalian prince, α famous physician, father οίΠοδαλείριος and Μαχάων, Δ 194. (11.) [ ^ J] α-σκστΓος, temerarius, thoughtless, Ω 157. άσκ6ς, ύ, uter, leather bottle, usually a goat skin (see cut, after a Pompeiau painting), Γ 247; elsewh., corium, hide, κ 19. IG ασμ€νος, ψ, οι, (εαδα, σΡαδ-), lu- bens, glad, ι 63; S 108, it would please me. ά-στϊάζομαι, only ipf. ήστΓαζοντο, (σπάω), amplectebantur,ii?ere ττιαλ- ing welcome (by reaching out hands to draw toward one), χερσί ; cf. Κ 542. ά-σπαίρων, part, ipf., move convulsive- ly, quiver, Κ 521 ; ττόδεσσι, χ 473, r 231. ο-στταρτα (σπείρω), no η sat a, un- sown, ι 109t. ά-σιτάσΐος, 3 and 2, (ασπάζομαι). — (1) acceptus, welcome, θ 488.— -(2) οατταστός 57 01ίΓΤ£ρθ'Π Τ|Ί t|S Inh en S, joi^ul, ε 397, io Ms joy the gods have delivered him ; so also άσττα- σίως, adv. [α] άσίΓοοΓτός, όΐ', acceptus, welcome, ψ 239 ; ε 398, a grateful thing. α-(ΓΤΓ£ρμος (^σττερμα), sine prole, without offspring^ Ύ 303f . o-/, ό, lit. again Λβ, (1) idem, same, pron. of identity, preceding subst., θ 107, Μ 225 ; Avith*^demonstr. (τόν), Ζ 391, δ 654, A 338, η 55.— (2) ipse, pron. of emphasis, opposition, A 47, 51, 112, 161, Γ 301, A 4, λ 602 ; imme- diately under, Ν 615: middle of the road, κ 1 58 ; dat. (with and Λvithout σύν), together with, 1 194, θ 186, ν 1 18 ; of one's own free will, β 168, θ 218 ; alone, θ 99, Ν 729 ; often with preced- ing pers. pron., τ 93, γ 49, ξ 331, Ψ 312, α 279, Κ 389, Ω 292 ; pers. pron. must sometimes be supplied, χ 38, Ω 430, Β 263 ; with enclitic pron. forms ])receding, ί 179, 190, Κ 242, β 33, λ 134, δ 66 ; following, Ε 459, χ 345, Χ 346, d 244 ; in reflexive sense, φ 249, ξ 51, θ 68, κ 416, β 125, δ 247, Η 338 ; with possessiΛ•e prons., α 409, χ 218, τγ 197, Κ 204, ο 262, δ 643, Ο 39, β 138. — (3) as pron. 3 pers. (only in oblique cases), A 633, κ 302, /3 154, Ρ 546, Β 347. αύτο-σταδϋη, εν — , (ίστασθαι), hand- to-hand fight, Ν 325|. αύτο-σχεδίη, -ην, (σχεδόν^, close combat, Ο 510 ; ace. cominus. αύτο-σχ€δόν, -ά, {σχεδόν), ο Ο m i η u s, hand to hand, Ο 386, IT 319. αύτοΰ (αϋτός^, eodem loco, on the spot, usually more closely defined by following preposition, θ 68 ; illico, /3 250,Φ 114; hie, ibi. οΰτόφι(ν) = αντφ, Τ 255 ; = αυτών, A 44 ; = αϋτοΧς, Ν 42 ; always with prep. Δύτό-ψονος, father of ΤΙοΧνφόντης of Οίφη, Δ 395t. αύτο-χόωνον, acc, (χόανος) σόλον. αυ-τω« 62 αψ-ΐκομαι of mass of stone in its natural rough shape, massive quoit, Ψ 826 f. αΰ-τως (αυτός), (1) eodem modo, just so, X 1 25 ; esp. ως δ' αύτως, so in this very way, ζ 166. — (2) sponte, even without this, A 520 ; utterly, simply, Β 138, V 379, Γ 22α, Ζ 4U0, Ψ 268 ; just as you are, Σ 198. — (3) sic (tern ere), thus, with ellipsis, as you propose, as he was, A 133, ν 130; in vain, Β 342. (Reading often doubtful between αντως and όντως.) αύχενίονς, ace. pi., {αύχήν), τένον- τας, neck sinews, γ 450f . ούχήν, ίνος, ύ, cervices, neck, of men and anhnals, Ζ 117, κ 559. αύχμεΐς» 2 sing. prs. from (ήρχμίω (ανχμύς), be dry, i. e. unanointed, squalid, ω 250t. 1. αυοι (ανω, ενω), accenderet, where he could not obtain fire from other source, v. 1. avy, that he may not be /arced to seek jive from elsewhere, f 490t. 2. ανω, only ipf aSe, and 1 aor. ήϋσε and άυσι {άνσαι, άνσας, etc.), call aloud, (1) vocare, call upon, τινά, A 461, Ν 477, t 65. — (2) clamare, call aloud, of things, rinff, with μέγα, deivov, καρψα- λεον ; avov, of harsh, dry sound (cf. a r i d u m ) ; διαπρνσιον, piercingly ; (επι) μακρόν, so as to be heard a great distance, aloud (E 347, θ 160), Γ 81, ζ 117. αφ -αιρέω, fut. mid, -αιρήσεσθαι; aor. -elXov, etc., also άπο-αίρεο, pres. imp., (Paipeo ?), -εΐσθαι, ά•πο-ΡεΙ\ε(το), often in tmesi, ad im ere, (1) act., take away, ι 313 ; τί τίνος, Ε 127, ι 416 ; τί τινι, ξ 455. — (2) take away to hold for one's self, Γ 294, Π 54, 1 336 ; τινά τι, θ 108, Χ 18, Α 182 ; remove from one's self /i 199 ; taL• away, A 299, ζ 9\ ; θυμόν (life) τίνος, and τινά ; frustrate, νυστον, νόστιμον ήμάρ τινι, βίας τινός ; take ojf armor, ώμων, Η 122 ; ώμοι'ΐν, Π 560. α-ψαλον (φάλος), without crest, τανρείην — τε -και άλΧοφον, Κ 258|. [«] ^ , , άψ-αμαρτ€ν, -ων, -ουση, and αττ- ιίμβροτεν, aor. from άμαρτάνω — τινός, (1) tniss, deer rare a, θ 302. — (2) lose, orbari, Ζ 411. (II.) άψ-αμαρτο-εττης, missing the point, rambling speaker, V 215t. άψ-ανδάν£ΐ (άνοάνω), displeases, ττ 387|. α-φαντος, -οι, (φαίνω), unseen, having no trace behind, Ζ 60|. (II.) αφαρ, statim, at once, instantly, Φ 528. When joined with δε (exc. Ψ 593, θ 409) it begins tiie sentence ; when used alone, it follows one or more words. [^ >-] Άφαρεΰς, Ί]ος, Καλητορίδης, name of a Greek leader, Ν 541. άφ-αρπάξαι, aor. inf , (αρπάζω), de- ripere, τι τινός, wrench away from, Ν 189t. άφάρ -Tcpoi, celer lores, svnfter, ψ 311|. άφαυροΰ, -ότερος, -ον, -ότατος, -η, (φάΡος), insignifcant, deb i lis, weakly, Η 235, υ 110. άφάω, άφ6ωντα, (ίίπτω), tract a η- tem, busy tdth handling, τι, Ζ 322f . [α] Άφ€ίδας, αντος, ΪΙοΧνπημονίύης, iic- titious, assumed name, ω 305 f. άφείη, aor. opt. from άφίημι, iacu- laretur. αφενός (opes), possessions, esp. in cattle, ξ 99, A 171. [d] άφ-€ξω, -ζομαι, fut. from άττίχω, pro- hibebo. άφ-ήμ.€νος (ημαι), seorsum se- den s, sitting apart, Ο 106f . [d] άφ-ήτορος, gen. (άφίημι), s ag it- tar ii, ο/" ]ρ, Γ 170; comp. βασιΚεύτερος, ον, more kingly; super, -τατος, I 69, most jjrincely. βασϊλευεμεν, prs., ipf., fut., reg- nare, be king (Z 425, queen), τισ'ι, Β 206 ; εν τισι, β 47 ; κατά δϊίμον, χ 52 ; Πΐ'λου, iv 'l9aK7j. βοσϊληΐδος τιμής, regiae digni- tatis, royal honor, Ζ 193|. βασίλήϊον γένος, regium genus, scion of tlie royal stock, ττ 401 f. βάσκ' ΐθι, imp. from βάσκω (βαίνω), haste and go, Β 8. (II.) βαστάζοντα, pres. part., and aor. εβάστάσε, grasp, raise, λ 594. (Od.) βάτην — (:βί]την, 3 du. aor. from βαίνω. Βατίεια, height on the plain of Troy before the city," Β SlSf. βάτων, gen. pl. from »/ βάτος, sen- tis, thorn-bushes, thorns, ω 230 f. βεβάασι, βεβάμεν inf, βέβασαν plupf, βεβαώς perf. part, from βαίνω. βεβαρηότα, see /3αρέω, gravatum. βεβίηκε, pf. from βιάω, coegit. βεβλήαται, -ro, pf and plupf pass, from βάλλω, ictus est, era t. βεβολήατο, plupf. pass., -ημένος, pf pass, part, from βάλλω, ictus. βεβρώθοις, intensive form of pf opt.,(/ii/3pa»a/c(u), devorares, Δ 35f. βεβρωκώς, βεβρώσεται, pf. part., 3 fut. with pass, signif , from βιβρώσκω. βεη, βείομαι, see βέομαι. βείω, aor, subj. =/3ώ, see βαίνω. βελεμνα, τά, ace, (/3άλλω), tela, missiles, flying wide, Ο 484; Χ 206, sharp. Βελλερο-φόντης, y, ην, son of Γλαί5- κος, Ζ 155, 220. His true name, ac- cording to the Scholiast, was ΊτΓττϋϊΌΟί•. βέλος, εος, ro, (βάλλω), telum, mis- sile, in Avidest sense, spear, arrow, stone, even the foot-stool, ρ 464; and the rocky mountain-summit, ι 495 ; Apol- lo's missiles, see άγανός ; missiles of the Είλείθνιαι, A 269 ; U (ΰπεκ, Σ 232) βελέων, out of shot, outside of battle ; joined Avith verbs, Μ 159, Δ 498, Ε 174, Ε 106, 278, ρ 464, θ 67, Λ 576. βελτερον (Ρ ελεσθαι). preferable, better, more advantageous, with inf, Ο 511; praestat aut — aut — , quam (cf. Hor. Sat. 1, 1, 8), Ο 197; with εΙ, ζ 282, if she herself had gone abroad and found. βενθος, εος, τό, also pl., (βάθος), profundum, depth, esp. of the sea, βενθεα, a 53 (βένθοσδε, δ 780) ; of the forest, ρ 316. βε'ομαι, βείομαι, (βήομαι), 2 sing. βί^, fut., (βίος), vi vam, Ο 194, will not live, i. e. order my life according to the will of Zeus. (II.) βε'ρεθρον, ov, τύ, (βιβρώσκω),yoτsιgo, abyss, chasm, μ 94. βή = ί/3ί;. βηλοΰ, φ, masc, (βαίνω), liminis, threshold, A 591, Ψ 202.^ (II.) βήμεν = εβημεν, βημεναι = βΐ]ναι (βήσαμεν, βησε, βησατο, βήσετο un- augmented forms), see βαίνω. Βήσσα, town in Lokris, Β 532f . βήσσης, gen., y, av, etc, (βαθύς), glade, glen, valley, ravine, Γ 34, X 190, κ 210, βητ-άρμονες (βήναι, αρμονία), dan- cers, θ 250 and 383. βιάζετε, 2 pl. ; elsewh. only prs. ipf. mid., (βιάζω), domo, vim affero, constrain, μ 297 ; mid. also Avith pass, signif, Ο 727, Λ 576. βίαια έργα (βία), deeds of violence, β 236t ; adv. -αίως, per vim. (Od.) Βίας, αντος,(\) fiither of Ααόγονος and of Aapdctvog, Τ 460|.— (2) leader βιάω 68 β<Μΐ)λασίη of 'Αθηναίοι, Ν 691 f. — (3) from Πύλος, Δ 2961. βιάω= βιάζω, pf. β€βίηκ€, mid. prs., 3 pi. ind. βιόωνται, opt. -({)ατο, ipf. βιύωντο, fut. -βιησεται, aor. -ατο, be- set, 1Γ 22; maltreat, φ 9; overreach, Ψ 576; withhold, τινά τι, Φ 451; Λ 558, overmasters. βίβημι, βιβάσθω, βιβάω, assumed pres. of βιβάς,-άι/τα, βιβάσθων (11.), and of βιβώντα ace. masc, βιβώσα fern., sfnde along, usually with μακρά (βι- βάσθων so always), Η 213, Ν 809, Γ 22 ; ι 450, with mighty strides. [- — ] βιβρώσκω, only βεβρωκώς, χ 403, βοάς, having eaten of; τι, Χ 94; and β€βρώσ€ται, β 203, comedetur, shall he devoured. βίη, ί/ς, dat. with instr. suffix βίηφιν, vis, robur, force, strength, A 561, Η 288, 185, Ο 165, Ρ 569 ; in periphra- sis, e. g. Ώριάμοιο, Έρακ\η(ίη = the mighty Priamos, Herakles, Γ 105, Β 658; βίηφιν, βίγ, ο 231, per vim; ουκ ίθέλοντα, ίί 572 ; άεκοντα, Ο 186, α 403 ; with κάρτας, σ 139, 5 415, ζ 197 ; ρ1. violence, Ψ 713, γ 216 ; sing., ψ 31 ; βίτ^ άέκοντος (gen. absol.), d 646, A 430. Βι-ήνωρ, ορός, a Trojan, Λ 92 f. βίον, τόν, vitam, life, ο 491. (Od.) βιό?, ΟΙΟ, ό, arc us, how, A 49, Δ 125. βίοτος, ΟΙΟ, ό, sing., vita, Η 104, a 287; ν ictus, provisions, bona^ sub- stance, S 122, y 301, λ 116, 490, ο 446. βιύω, only aor. imp. βιώτω, vivat, let him live, θ 429; inf βιώναι, ζ 359; mid. Ιβιώσαο, servavisti, hast saved me, θ 468. βιωατο, πίωνται, -<ίωντο, see βιάω. βλάβω (μαλακός), only pass, βλά- β«ται, pf. βεβλαμμένον, aor. ίβλαβεν, βλάβεν = ϊβλάβησαν and βλαφθείς, etc., act. (ί)βλα\Ρας, etc. (see βλάπτω), debilitare, weaken, injure, physically, Τ 166, Η 271, Ψ 774; mentally, Χ 15 ; ψρ'ενας, ζ 178; Ι 512, baβe; impe- dire, pass., is confused, Τ 82; impede, Π 331 ; 660, wounded in the heart (see also βλάπτω). βλάπτω, only prs. ipf, (see βλάβω), impedio, incommode, hinder, ν 22; τινός, a 195; delude, infatuate (φρενας. Ο 724), I .507, φ 294; ry ivi, e in which. I βλ€Ϊο, opt. aor. mid. from βάλλω, ferireris. βλ£|ΐ€αίνει, -ων, prs., (/3άλλω ?), se j i act are, exult in, always with σθενε'ΐ, only θυμός . . . ττερι σθ'ενεί βλεμεα'ινει, heart beats high in its strength, Ρ 22 f. βλεψάροιΐν, and pi., (το βλέφαρο ν, βλεττω), palpebra, eyelid (conceived of as the seat of sleep), Κ 26, S 165, α 364, μ 366, ι 389. βλή€ται, βλήμ,βνος, aor. mid. from βάλλω, feriatur. βλήτροισι, ntr., (βάλλω ?), rivets, or perh. better, rings, bands, Ο 678t. βληχή V, Γλ/ V, (b 1 a c t e r a r e), bleating, όιών, μ 266f. βλοσνροΐσι, -^σι, (voltuosus), horrid is, horrible, dreadful, Η 212, Ο 608. (II.) βλοσνρ-ώπίς, ?/, horrid ο voltu, tvith awful countenance, Λ 36t. βλωθρή,?]!/, ρ roc era, tall, Ν 390, ω 234. βλώσκω, only pf μέμβλωκε, ρ 190, and 2 aor. subj. μ,6λτ] and part., come, also of time, Ω 781, ρ 190. βο-άγρια, τά, shields of ox-hide, Μ 22 and 7Γ 296. Βο-άγριος, ov, river of ΑοκροΙ, Β 533. βοάςι, pi. βο6ωσι, part. ace. βο6ωντα, pi. -<5ωντ€5, aor. ίβόησα, etc., c 1 am are, shout, Β 198 ; resound, Ρ 265 ; call aloud, 1 12, £ 400; with ace. of kindred mean- ing, μέγα, μακρά, σμερδνόν, όζν. βόειος, poeLr\v, -ov, etc., (masc. Avant- ing), anονς βοητυς, //, (βοάν), vociferatio, clamor, a 369 f. βόθρου, gen. etc., masc., s c r ο b s, hole in the (/round, for planting trees, for sac- rificial blood, Ρ 58 ; natural trough for washing clothes, λ 25. £οίβη, name of town in θεσσαλίη. Hence Βοιβηι? λίμνη, Β 712, 71 If. Βοιώτιος, subst., Βοιωτοί, Boiotians, Β 494 and freq. (ίΐ.) βολαί, άων, yai, fern., (βάλλω), iactus, ictus; οφθαλμών, glance, δ 150. (Od.) β($λ€ται, etc., see βούλομαι. βομβίω, only aor, βόμβησ€, σαν, rang: θ 190, hummed, whizzed; μ 204, rushed roaring through the water. βο6ων, -ύωντα, -όωντες, see βοάω, damans. βορ€ης, έαο, υ, (ορός), a q u i 1 ο, north idnd. Personified, Boreas, Ψ 195. βόσιν, ace. fem., ρ as turn, food, Τ 268t. β6σκ6ΐ, prs., ipf, act. and pass. (iter. βοσκ'εσκοντο), fut. act., pasco, βονς, aJyag, αΐπόλια, κητίο, μ 97 ; ξ 325, give subsistence ; feed, nourish, σ 364 ; mid., -pasci. feed, graze, δ 338, φ 49. βοτάνης, της, (βόσκω), herba,ybii- der, grass, Ν 493 and κ 41 1. [- -^ — ] βοτηρας, τους, (βόσκω), pas tores, shepherds, ο 504 f. βοτοΐσι, τοΊς, ntr., (βόσκω), ρ e c ο r i- h η s, flocks, Σ 521 f. βοτρϋδόν, adv., (βότρνς), like a bunch of grapes, in a swaim, Β 89f . βότρΰ€ς, o'l, uvae, grape-clusters, Σ 562t.^ βου-βοτος, η, (βοτύς), cattle-pasture, ν 246t. βου-βρωστις, η, ravenous hunger, Ω 532t. βουβώνα, τόν, inguen, groin, Δ 492t. βου-γάΐος, e, braggart, usually de- rived from βονς and γα/ω, perh. better, βονς, ykyaa, big and awkward as an ox, abusive epithet, applied to a big but cowardly fellow, Ν 824, σ 79. BovSciov, town in Φθίη, Π 572f . βου-κολεων, part, prs., ipf. iter, -κολε- ίσκες (βον-κόλος), pascere (boves), pasture, Ε 313 ; but Τ 221, 'ίτητοι βον- κολεοντο, equae pascebantur, graze. Βου-κολίδη?, ao, ΣφήΧος, Ο SSSf. Βου-κολίων, ωνι, son of Ααομίδων, Ζ 22t. βον•κόλος, φ, ον, οι, υ, (-ττόλος), cat- tle-herd, άνδρες, Ν 571; άγροιώται, λ 293. βουλευτησι (βουλευτής, from /3ου- λενω), γερονσι, old men of the council, Ζ lUf. βουλεΰουσιν, inf. -εν'εμεν, fut. (inf. βονλενσεμεν), 1 aor. ; mid. prs., I 99, 1 aor., (/3ουλϊ;), take counsel, deliberate, Β 347 ; Avith βονλήν, -άς, 1 75, Κ 147 ; discuss, discourse with one another, A 531, V 439; ες μίαν (βουλην), Β 379, harmoniously ; m e d i t a r i, meditate, τι, Κ 311; devise, ε 179 (mid., Β 114); suggested this plan, ε 23 ; bethink ones self, δττωο, t 420 ; think of, Avith inf., t 299. βουλή, i)c, »/, consilium, (βονλο- μαι), (ι) will, Διός, A 5, Μ 241 ; and de- cree, Ζηνός, (θείον), Η 45, Ρ 469 ; plan, β 372 ; designs, counsels, Awe, Ν 524, θ 82 ; θεών, λ 276 ; cf. 4S7 .—(2) proposal, counsel, κ 46, ξ 337, μ 339, Κ 43 ; άριστη ψαινετο, freq. -κνκινήν ήρτννετο, cal- lidum struebat consilium, Β 55; pi. plans, μητιόωντες, Ύ 1 54, Β 340. — (3) discernment, shrewdness, Λ 627, Ν 7-28, 1 54, λ 177, μ 211.— (4) council of nobles, cf. s e η a t u s ; opp. ay ορά, c ο n- cio, γ 127, Β 53, 194, 202. βουλη-ψόρος, οι, (φέρω), giring coun- sel, advising, ayopai, ι 112; άνηρ, A 144; άναζ, Μ 414 ; also subst. counsel- or, Ε 180, Η 126. βοΰλομαι, (also βύλεται, -εσθε, Ιβό- λοντο, α 234), only pres. and ipf., (βουλή), velle, (1) decernere, τινί τι, grant, accord, Η 21, θ 204, Ρ 331.— (2) wish, Avith inf. (and ace), τό, λ 358 ; βονλεται, A 67, is subjunctive; μ'εya, desii-e greatly. — (3) malle, prefer, ρ 187 (ι 96); with and without following ίΐ,ρ 228; with πολύ, A 112. βου-λϋτ6ν-δ€ (λι';ω), the sun began to decline toward eventide, lit. toward the time of unyoking plough-cattle, ι 58. . Ρου-ττλήγι, from -ττληξ, (πλησσω), with the ox-goad, Ζ 135f . Βου-ττράσΊον, oio (ττεράν, cf. Ox- ford), A 756,760. (II.) βοΰς, if, 0, dat. pi. βόεσσι, ace. βόας, βονς, bos, usually fem., coio, the cows of Helios, μ 379 ; yet also masc, bullock, ox, in which case another word is often βου-ψ($ν€ον 70 βροντής added to make the gender more clear, apatva{q), τανροιο ; pi. cattle, kine, βοών fpya = apoaig, ploughed lands ; slaugh- ter cattle, Ίερεύειν (cf. Ο 633, γ 450) ; ad- jectives άγελαί;/, άγρανλοιο, ίίΧίποδ(ς, 'έλικες, ίριμΰκων, όρθοκραιράων ; as symbol of flight, pecorum ritu, Λ 172. Βοών ayaXat, herds of cattle, con- stitute the chief wealth, cf. άλψεσίβοια ; hence βοών ΐψθιμα, peril, costly (usual- ly explained as mighty), κάρηνα, Ψ 260 ; as means of exchange and measure of value, Ψ 885, see ίνρεαβοίων; bestowed as prizes in athletic contests ; κψας, μ 253, horn guard just above hook, to prevent fish from biting off the line ; ρινύς βοάς (cf. βοός βοείην, Σ 582), ox- hide, r 276; shield of ox-hide, Κ 155. Also as fem. subst., (ace. βών), ox-hide, Η 474, untanned uthe shield made from the same, άζαλίψ', Η 238 ; αΰας, Μ 137 ; Ινποιητάων, rvKTyai. βου-ψόν€ον, 3 -ρλ. ipf., (φονη), were slaughteHng cattle, Η 466f . βο-ώτΓίς, usually τΐότνια "Ήρη, voc. 7, A 551, ox-eyed, vnth large, calm eyes; otherwise applied, Η 10, Σ 40. Βοώτης, ΰ, lit. Herdsman, the constel- lation Arc turns, a 272f. βραδύς, ίες, comp. βράιτσων, sup. βάρδιστοι, tardus, slow; with inf. θίίίΐν, Ψ 310 ; νόος, Κ 226 ; in proverb, 329. βραδΰτητι, ry, (βραδύς), tarditate, slowness, Τ 41 If. βραχίονας, α, ες, (ύ βρηχίων), bra- chium, arm, ττρνμνοΧο, shoulder, στι- βαροί, firm, [w — <_ ν^] βράχ€, Ιβραχβ, ipf., creak, μέγα, loud, Ε 838; rattled, δεινόν, roared, Φ 9; shrieked aloud, of Ares, Ε 859 ; of Avounded horse, Π 468. βρ€μ€ΐ, -εται, (fremo), roar, Β 210, S 399. (II.) βρέφος, τό, ace. ήμίονον, mule foal, yet in the womb, Ψ 266 f. βρ€χμ6ν, τόν, forehead, Ε 586 f. ΒριοΙρ€ως = Αιγαίων, name of hun- dred-armed water-giant, A 403t. βριαρη, ην, (βριαρός, βρί-θω), gra- vis, heavy, only of helmet, Λ 375, Τ 381. (II.) βρίζοντα ( βαρύς ), drowsy, Δ 223|. βρι-ήττυος, loud shouting, roaring (cf. S 398sqq.), Ν 52 If. βρίθοστίντ] (βρίθω), with the weight, Ε 839 and Μ 460. βρϊθυ, adj. ntv., ponderous, only with εγχος — μέγα στιβαρόν, a 100. βρίθη, prs., ipf. βρΊθον, aor. έβρισα, pass, only pres. part., θ 307; also perf. act. βεβρΊθε, and plupf. βε βρίθει (βα- ρύς), gravare, weigh down, θ 307; turgere,6e/M//o/*, Σ 561 ; τινί, π 474, Γ 112; τινΰς, ι 219 ; be drenched with water, Π 384; urge re, charge, Μ 346 ; be superior through gifts, ζ 159; βεβρΊ- θυϊα, heavy, only Φ 385. Βρΐσ€νς, ηος, king and priest in Κνρνησσύς, A 392, I 132, 274; father of follg. ΒρΙσηίς, ίδος, daughter of Έρισενς, the occasion of the μηνις ΙΙηΧψάδεω, A 184. (II.) (See cut, after a Faua- thenaic Amphora.) βρομέωσι, subj., (βρυμος), buzz, Π 642t. βρ6μος (βρεμω), roar, crackling, λ 396t. βροντάω, only aor. (l)βp6vτt\σty only of Τ,εύς, thunder; μεγάΧ', δεινϋν, loud, tcn-ibly ; άμνδις, peal on peal. βροντής, y, i]v, fem., (βροντή, βρόμας), tonitru, δεινήν, dread thunder, Φ 199. βροτ^χΐ βροτ€τ] (βροτύς) φωνι), hum an a voce, Γ 545f. βροτΟ€ντα, ntr. pi., (βρότος), cruen- tata, bloody^ tvapa, S 509. (11.) βροτο-λοιγός, only sing, masc, of Άρης and of heroes, man- destroying, Ε 31. (II. and θ 115.) βροτός, οϋ, (orig. μροτύς from μόρος, mors), m ο r t a 1 i s, mortal, adj. άνήρ, Ε 361, and subst. Τ 2, θνητοΊσι, γ 3; δειλοίσι, όιζνρυΐσι, μίρόπίσσι, ίττιχθΰ- νιος; Ψ 331, κατατίθν7]ώτος, homi- nis mortui ; Τ 248. βρότον, τόν, μέλανα, ω 189, elsewh. (II.) α'ιματόεντα, blood from a wound, gore. βροτόω, only β€βροτωμ.ενα, cru- entata, gory, τίύχβα,λ 41 f. βρ<ίχον, τόν, and pi. -οι, 1 a q u e u m, noose, λ 278 and χ 472. Βρυσειαί, town in Αακονική, Β 583t. βρνχάομαι, only pf βββρτϊχε, ώς, Ιβφρνχην, 3 sing., roar; shnek, fall- ing with death wound, Ν 393, Π 486. βρΰ€ΐ {βΧνω), efflorescit, άν- Bti λενκψ, swells with white bloom, Ρ 56t. βρώμης, της and -ην, (βιβρώσκω), cibi,/oo(i, κ379. (Od.) βρώσις, -ir, r), (/3ι/3ρώσκ:ω), cibus, food, alwavs with πόσις, potus, dnnk. (Od.,and Τ210.) βρωτύν, τήν, (βιβρώσκω), cibum, food, Τ 205 and σ 407. βυβλϊνον, τό, οττλον, lit. made of pa- pyrus—braided, twisted, φ 39 If. βυκτάων, των, whistling, howling, κ 20t. βυσσο-δομεΰων, pres. part., and pi. ipf. βνσσοούμενον {βυσσός, δψω), al- Avays with κακά {(ρρεσί), ρ 66, secretly devise. (Od.) βώτορ€ς βυσσόν, τόν (βΰθος), profundum, deep, depths, Ω 80 f. βύω, onlv β€βυσ-μ€νον, τόν, confer- tum, stuffed full of, δ 134|. βώλος, ό, gleba, clod, σ 374f. βωμ,ός, ύ, (βαίνω), gradus, step, η 100 ; stand, rack, θ 441 ; esp. altar, θνηεις, smoking, fragrant with incense, θ 48 ; ίύδμητον, A 448. (See cut.) Βώρος, (1) Maionian, father of Φαι- στός, Ε 44|. — (2) son οΐΠεριήρης, hus- band of Πολύδωρη, daughter of Πηλενς, Π 177t. βών, acc. from /3οΰο, scutum, shield. βώσαντι, aor. part, from βοάω. βωστρ€ΐν, inf. = imp., call loudly upon, μ 124t.^ βωτϊ-ανίίρη, man-nourishing, fruit- ful, A 155f. βώτορες, ας, (βόσκω), άνδρες^ paS"•^ tores, shepherds, Μ 302 f. 72 γανλοί Γ. 7<^ΐο^ ης, »/, terra, earth, (1) as di- vision of universe, ρ 386 ; opp. heaven, S 174, θ 16, r 58, 6 184, a 54; opp. sea, £ 408, μ 242, 282, 315; world, Ρ 447, Ω 351, σ 130.— (2) country, land, Ο 81, 284, 555, ζ 119; particular land, A 254, Η 124, £ 280; native country, Γ 244, α 21, V 188.— (3) surface of earth, ground, Ν 508, A 245, θ 65, Φ 168 ; ΰπό yaiav, Τ 259 ; fruitful, rill; place of burud=grave, γ 16, λ 549, ν 427 ; pul- vis, Η 99. ΓοΓα, as deity, Τ e 1 1 u s, Earth, 36. Γαιήϊον viov, son of ΓαΤα, earth-bom, Ύιτνός, η 324|; cf. λ 576. -γαιή-οχος («χω), earth -possessing, earth-surrounding, epithet of Ώοσειδάων, 1 183, α 68. γαίων, pres. part., (γαίω, gaudeo), ιρύδέί, exulting in his glory, A 405. γάλα, ακτος, τό, 1 a c, milk, Ε 902. γαλα-θηνοΰς, τονς, (θήσθαι), sucking, tender, δ 336 and ρ 127. Γαλ.άτ6ΐα, name of a Nereid, Σ 45 f. γαλήνη, ην, »/, (γάλα, yeXav), smooth surface of water, calm of the sea, u 168. (Od.) γαλ($ω, ων, dat. sing., nom. gen. pi., q\os, husband's sister, Γ 122. (II.) γαμβριίς, ύ, (1) gener, son-in-law, Ζ 249.— (2) hrother-in-law, Ν 464 and Ε 474. γαμεω, aor. ΐγημι, γη με, uxor em d u c e r e, marry = θεσθαι γυναίκα, ^ 72 ; mid. γαμίίσθαι, aor. γημασθαι, to give one's self in marriage, of the woman, Tivi, nubere; but in I 394, fut. γαμίσ- atrat, of the parents, to get a toife for their son. γάμος, ύ, marriage, ρ 476 ; marriage- feast, Τ 299, α 226. γαμψηλησι, dat. pi., (γόμφος), maxillae, jaws, Ν 200. (II.) γαμψ-ώνΰχ€ς ( γναμπτυς ? υννξ ), αΐγνπιοί, with crooked claws, ττ 217. γάνάωντ€ς, όωσαι, (γαίω), gleaming, λαμπρόν; η 128, metaph,, emi/t«^. yavvraiy -νται, fut. -ννσσίται, (γάνος), g a U d e r e ; φρένα, glad at heart, Ν 493. Γανυμήδηξ, son of Τρως, cup-bearer of Zeus, Ε 266 and Τ 232. γάρ (γε, άρα, γαρ, Β 39, λ 580), al- ways second word in its clause, ap- parent exc, like ρ 317, explained by considering that the tΛvo preceding words make but one idea ; particle de- noting immediate, indisputable certain- ty, yes, yes doubtless, namely, for. — I. in- dependently, Avithout relation to an- other clause, (1) in declaration, A 408, ρ 78 ; ϊ} γάρ, A 293, 342, 355 ; όλλά γάρ, but yet, Η 242, κ 202.— (2) after relatives, Κ 127 (τ dp?); and in a question, after the inten-ogative word, e. g. πώς γάρ, etc., e. g. κ 337, 383, 501 ; emphasizing (cf. δίή, Κ 424, Σ 182.— (3) in wishes, with opt., ft γάρ, Ν 825, ρ 513; «ϊ γάρ (δη), Β 371, ζ 244 (Δ 189, t 523). — II. with relation to an- other sentence, (1) which may be co-ordinate, and connected by a pron. (τφ, then, therefore, των), or by a conj., Ρ 227, Η 73, Κ 496, ν 273.— (2) which may inclose, as a pareti thesis, the clause with γάρ, Μ 326, α 301 ; thus esp. freq. after vocs., Ψ 156, fc 174; and after αλλά, ζ 355, cf Η 328 sq.— (3) which has its truth confirmed, /or, A 9, 55, 78, 120, 177 ; γάρ may even be transferred to the preceding, instead of remainmg in the following sentence, e. g. A 81, Β 1 23. — (4) Avhich thus receives explana- tion of its meaning, to wit, namely, A 195, δ 86. Joined with other particles : , άλλα γάρ, but really ; γάρ δή,for of a I truth ; γάρ ovv, for indeed ; γάρ pa, for certainly; γάρ rt, η am que; γάρ Toi.for surely. [^ ; in arsi a.] Γάργαρον, TO, south peak οΐ'Ιδη in Ύροίη, S 292. (II.) γαστηρ, ίρος, η, (and sync, forms, -στρός, -στρί), ν e η t e r, (1 ) />ίί of belly, Δ 531, Ε 539; womb, Ζ 58.— (2) belly, paunch, Π 163 ; hunger, ^ 133 ; fasting, Τ 225. — (S) paunch stuffed with minced meat, blood sausage, σ 44. γάστρην, τΐ]ν, belly, of a caldron, θ 437. γαυλοί, oi, milk-pails, ι 223f. r yZowisa 73 γ€ραιος οονττεω, see οουττεω. γ^, enclitic particle, Lat. quid em, used with great variety of meaning, often untranslatable, (1) restrictive ; at all events, at least, A 60, 81, /3 62, α 229; γε μεν, but yet, Β 703; often to emphasize a relation subsisting between two parties, also doubled, e. g. σε γε, θ 488, Γ 143; cf. πριν γε, Α 97. — (2) causal, Α 352. — (3) emphatic with voc, Γ 215 ; esp. with pron., A 173, 216, 261, 525, a 46, 47, 163, 226, 403 ; with pron. in second member of the period, Γ 409. — (4) γέ often seems to be used only to give greater force of sound to a word, e. g. ο γε, cf. h i-c e, h i c, in Latin, a 222, β 132. γβγάάσι, -αώτα(ς), pf indie, and part., from γίγνομαι, nati sunt, Β 866, ζ 62, ω 84; usually = είσ/'ν, εόντες, ε 35. γέγηθ€, ει, pf. and plupf., from γηθ'εω, gavisus est. "γέγων€, pf. with pres. signif , inf. -εΧν and -εμεν, part, -ώς, plupf. 1 sing, εγε- γώνενν, 3 sing, -ει, also 1 sing, and 3 pi. γεγώνενν, make one's self heard (by a call, as is often specified, Μ 337, θ 227 ; ε 400, οσσον τε γ'εγωνε βοησας, as far as one shouting can be heard), Tivi, cry out to, S 469, ρ 161 ; in dis- tress, μ 370 ; Ω 703, shouted throughout the whole city, γεγωνέω, see γ'εγωνε. YcCveai, ομ'ενψ, ipf. -όμεθα, aor. Ιγείναο, ατο, γείνατο, -ασθαι, (γένος), prs. ipf., nasci, to be bom, X 477, to a like fate; aor., gigno and pario, beget, biing forth; λ 299, brought forth to Tyndareos. YeiTovcs (nom. γείτων), vicini, neighbors, δ 16. (Od.) γ6λα<Γτά, ntr. pi., (γελάω), rid icula, θ 307t. (γελάω), prs. γελόω, part, γελόωντες and -ώοντες (false reading -οίωντες, ν 390), ipf 3 pi. γελώων, aor. (έ)γέλασ- σε(ν), 3 pi. γελασσαν, part, γελάσσας, also forms with one σ, (γελος), rid ere, laugh, ηζυ, άχρε~ιον', ετΐί{τι), laugh at, laugh over, έπ' αντφ, at him, Β 270; my heart laughed Avithin me, t 413; χε'ιλεσι, of feigned, forced laughter, Ο 101 ; γναθμοΐς άλΧοτρίοισιν,υ 347, with distorted grin ; χθων, Τ 362, was smiling. γελοίων, incorrect reading for γε- λώωι-, see γελάω, ridebant, υ 347. γ£λοίιον, ntr., (γέλως), ridiculum, Β 215t. γελοιωί/Γες, false reading for γεΧώον- τες, see γελάω, ridentes, υ 390. γβλόω, -όωντες, -ώοντ€9, see γελάω. γελως (dat. -φ), ace. -ω ; and ycXos, dat. -ψ, ace. -ον, risus, άσβεστος, un- extinguishable= uncontrollable laugh ; έχει τινά, indulge in, be overcome by laughter; σ 100, laughed themselves almost to death. γ€ν€ή, ϊ)ς, t), (γένος), genus, (1) de- scent, origin, race, Φ 157; of animals, Ε 265 ; ho7ne, a 407 ; family, Ζ 145 ; joined with τόκος, ο 175, birthplace and its young ; gens, L•u3e, a 222, Τ 306 ; descendants, Φ 191, ^ 27 ; rank,'A 786. — (2) generation, Ζ 149; plur. only A 250; aetas, age, γενεΐ](ρι υπλότερος, etc., Β 707, Ο 166. γίνεθλη, ης, ή, only sing., (γένος), origo, race, stock, είναι (εκ) γενέθλης rtvoc, aliquo oriundum esse; των γενέθλης εγένοντο, there were bom to him six of theh• stock, Ε 270 ; cf. Τ 11 1 ; Β 857, Tiome of silver. γενειάδες, a'l, beard, π 176f. γενειάω, aor. part, γενειήσαντα, be- ginning to groio a beard, σ 176 and 269. γενειον, ov, φ, mentum, chin, axpa- μένη Όδνσήα γενειον, τ 473, as sign of homage, elsewh. as supplicantium gestus, attitude of suppliants, A 501. (See cut under γουνονμαι.) γενεσις, »/, (γένος), origo, source, θεών, ττάντεσσι, 'Ωκεανός. (S.) γενετής, της, (γενέσθαι), only ίκ, inde 6 natu,jfrom the hour of birth, σ6. γενναϊον, ntr., (γ'εννά), ον μοι, η on ex indole mea est, suitable to one's birth, or descent, Ε 253t. γένος, εος, τό, (γίγνομαι), genus, cf. γενεή ; (1) family, ζ 35 ; race, as a whole, άνδρων, ημιθέων ανδρών, βοών. — (2) generation, γ 245; aetas, age, Γ 215. — (3) scion, Ζ 180. — (4) extraction, γένος ειμί (ίκ) τίνος, aliquo ortus sura; also of the home, ο 267, Β 852. γεντο, 3 sing, aor., prehendit = λά^εΓΟ, Avith ace. Σ 476, Ν 241. (II.) γε'νυς, r), pl. -νων, ace. vf, maxilla, under jaw; also of jaw of boar. A 416. γεραιός, έ ; αϊ, άς, sen ex, old, aged, with άττα and τταλαιγενές, Ρ 561; γ6ραιρ€ΐς 74 Γλαυκή freq. υ γ., Α 35; fern., Ζ 87; comp. -αίτερος, ον, senior(em). YcpaCpci;, -fiv, prs., ipf, yipaipsv (γέρας), houorare. show honor, Η 321, ξ 437. Γ€ραιστ($ς, ον, promontory of Εύ- βοια ; now Geresto, γ 177 f. •γ€ρανων, gen. pi., gruum, from y γίρανος, crane, Γ 3. (II.) γεραρόν, ace. masc, comp. •ώτ6ρος, Γ 170 and 2\\, stately. γ€'ρας, τό, pi. γ6ρα, h^nor, Δ 323 ; precedence, prerogative, λ 175; gift of honor, A 118 ; rendered to the gods, A 49; gift, ν 297 ; θανόντων, last honors of the dead, viz., burial, the thrice-re- pdated call, the funeral mound, and a column, Ψ 9, ω 190. Fcp-qvLos ((7Γ7ΓΟΓα), Nf σΓωρ, from Γε- ρηνός in "Ηλις, Β 336. γίρουσιον, ace. masc., (γέρων), s e η a- torium, belonging to the old men of tL• council, of wine, x» 8 ; of oath, X 1 19. γ€ρων, οντος, (1) sen ex, adj., aged, A 358, θ 100, Φ 85; σάκος γ'ερον, ve- tustum, old, χ 184; subst., old man, opp. ν'εοι, I 36, παΧ^ας, θ 518 ; άΧΊοιο = Ν/;ρέως, Υίρωτ'εως, Φόρκννος, old man of the sea; honorable title οΐΑαίρτης, β 227. — (2) elder, member of the council or βονλη, cf. Lat., senator. γ€ΰσ€ται, -σόμεθα, -σεαθαι, fut., aor. inf. γινσασθαι, (γενώ), gu stare, taste, ρ 413, ττροίκός; elsewh. fig. ironical, φ 98, Τ 258; temptemus inter nos, try. ^ γ€ψυρη, ai, ας, agger, dam, dike, Ε 88 ; τΓτολψοίο, ο r d i η e s, ranks or files of combat, i. e. of combating hosts, θ 378,553. (II.) [---] 7€ψΰρωσ£, aor. from γεφνρόω, exag- gcravit, dammed it up, Φ 245 ; made a causeway, Ο 357. [{>] γη, r), terra, earth, ν 233, ψ 233, Φ 63. Γή, Ffj, dat., Τ ell us, Earth, as god- dess, Τ 259, Γ 104. γηθίΐ, prs., ipf. εγηθεεν, etc., also fut., aor. γηθησε, etc., pf. γίγηθε, plupf -θει (γηθεω), gaudeo, rejoice, θνμψ, Η 189 ; κατά θνμόν, Ν 416; ψρενα, θ 559, in his heart ; so also with ήτορ, κηρ, θυμός τινι (τίνος), Ν 494 ; at any thing, η, or with ότι, οννεκα, and foUg. clause. , γηθοίτυνη, Ty, (γηθεω), for joy, Ν 29 and Φ 390. [ί] γηθόοτΰνος, η, -οι, lac t us, κηρ, glad at heart; because of something, τινι, Ν 82, ί 269. γηράς, see γηράσκω. γήρας, αος, αϊ and αι, τό, (γέρων), s e- nectus, S 86; λυγρφ, in a Λvretched old age (opp. r 368), χαλεπόν, στνγερψ ; ες γηρ., up to old age; εχειν γήρ., ω 249; έχει τινά, Σ 515; Ίκάνει, επεισι; tiri γήραος ονδψ, οη the threshold of hoary old age, ο 348. γηράσκ€ΐ, prs., ipf γηρασκε, aor. εγηρα (εγήρα), part, γηράς, (γήρας), s e η e s c ο, grow old, Ρ 197 ; of hale old age, ζ 210; maturescit, ί -ipere, ?; 120. γηρυς, η, speech, Δ 437|. Γίγαντ€ς, dat. εσσι. Giant-race in θρι- νακίη, η 59, 206, and κ 120. γίγνομαι, fut. etc. reg. as in Attic, aor. iter, γεν'εσκετο, pf γέγονε, see also γεγάασι, plupf. γεγόνει, (γ'ενυς), (1) nasci, be bom, δ 418, ζ 201, κ 350, μ 130 ; crescere, grow, ν 245, υ 211 ; arise, Π 634, Σ 212, S 415, Ο 607, μ 326 ; fieri, arise, begin, A 49, Κ 375, Ν 283, Ψ 505,^417; obtingere,/a/i to one's lot, happen, [N 659], γ 228, A 188, Ω 45 ; ε 299, what now last of all shall come upon me? — (2) = είναι, β 320, μ 87, ξ 157, Ο 490, Τ 386; exstare, Δ 245 ; come to be, Ζ 82, Η 99 ; ΐττΐ πημα, come to ruin ; Δ 382, όζον, and όδοΊο ττρό γενοντο, ρ r ο f c c e r u η t, progressed on the way. γιγνώσκω (not γινώσκω), reg., but aor. subj. γνώω, ομεν, ωσι, inf. γνώμεναι, fut. mid. γι/ώσεα^,(-gnosco), (1) sen- tio, in t el ligo, percme, understand, τ 160, π 136, Ν 223, Π 658 ; with on, θ 175, Ε 331 ; or', Ρ 623, γ 166 ; ως, Χ 10; with ti, si, Φ 266; with obj. at- tracted from follg. clause, Ε 85 : with part, recognize, ο 532 ; nosse, know, X 356 ; τινός, know, ψ 36 ; learn to knoio, Σ 270. — (2) agnosco (of senses), rec- ognize, A 651, Ο 241. υ 94; by his shield, Ε 1 82. — (3) c a 1 1 c r e, understand, β 159. γίνομαι, un-Homeric, see γίγνομαι. γινώσκω, un-Homeric, see γιγνώσκω. ■γλάγος, τό, (γάλα), lac, milk, Β 471 and Π 643. γλακτο-ψάγων, gen. pi., (γάλα, φα- γεϊν), lactc vescentium, living on milk, Ν 6t. Γλούκη, 'ίίηρηΐς, Σ 39 f. γλαυκΐέων 75 yovv ■γλαυκΐόων, pres. part, from γΧαυκιάω, with glanng eyes, Υ 172χ. γλαυκή, θάλασσα, gleaming, Π 34f . Γλαύκος, (1) Ίπιτολόχοιο ττάις, Αν- κΊων άγος, Η 13; Ζ 119, guest-friend of Διομήδης. — (2) son of Σίσυφος, father of Βελλεροφόντης, Ζ 154 sqq. •γλαυκ-ωπις, ιδος, (ace. also -ιν, a 156), voc. ί, only of Άθήνη, vnth gleam- ing eyes, bright-, glaring-eyed, a 44, A 206, The type of expression recognizable in Attic tetraclrachm. (See cut No. 43.) Γλαψΰραι, town in θεσσαλίη, Β 712t. γλαφυρές, η, όν, (nom. masc. want- ing), cavus, hollow, esp. of ships, Β 454; of grotto, Σ 402, β 20, α 15 ; rock, Β 88 ; φόρμιγξ, θ 257 ; deep, spacious, μ 305. γλήνη, ης, ην, (-γαλήνη), pup ilia, pupil of eye, ι 390; θ 164, then, perh. because figures are reflected in minia- ture in the eye, contemptuous epithet, timid coward! γλήνεα, τά, (radical syllable ΓΑΛ), (gleaming) jeweir^, Ω 192|. Γλΐσας, αντος, town of Βοιωτοί, Β 504|. γλουτ<5ν, ούς, ace, clunem, rump, buttocks, Ε 66, θ 340. (II.) γλΰκ€ρ6ς, ή, όν, comp. -ώτερον, (γλυ- κύς), dulcis, gratus, sweet, dear, A 89, ξ 194; φάος, dear to me as the light, π 23. γλΰκΰ-θΰμος, m i t i s a η i m i, o/" mild temper, Υ 467|. γλΰκΰς, ύ ; fem. γλυκερή, comp. -ίων, -ων, dulcis, sweet, A 598, 249 ; gra- tus, grateful, νπνος, 'ίμερος; accep- tus, dear, ε 1.52, Β 453. Ύλΰψίδας, τάς, (γλύφω), notches on the arrow, φ 419. (See cuts Nos. 96, 97.) γλώσσα, ης, r/, lingua, (1) tongue, Ε 292, Ρ 618, Β 489, Π 161 ; τάμνειν, cut out the tongues of victims, γ 332. — (2) language, Β 804, Δ 438. γλωχΐνα, τήν, (γλώσσα), end of the strap or thong of the yoke, Ω 274|, (See cut under ζυγόν, letter b. No. 49.) γναθμοΐο, όν, and pi. masc, (γένυς, gen a), maxilla, Ν 671, ττ 175; σ 29, I Avould beat all the teeth out of his jaws upon the ground ; υ 347,Λvith dis- torted jaws, disfigured countenance. γναμ,ΊΓτόν, ntr,, and masc. fem. and ntr. pi., (γνήμπτω), (1) cur ν us, curved, δ 369. — (2) flexible, pliant, of limbs of living beings, ν 398; metaph. _piacaWe, νόημα, Ω 41. γνάμψ€, aor., (γνάμτττω), tv — , sup- plantavit, bent in his knee, tripped up, Ψ 731 ; ΰπυ — , bent imder, passed under, Ω 274. ■ (See cut under ζυγόν.) γνησϊον, ace. masc, -loi, (γενέσθαι), legitimum, <7e/im'we, υ'ιόν; opp. νόθον, ξ 202. γνιίξ (γόνυ) ί'ρητε, -ων, fell upon the knee, Ε 309. (II.) γνω, γ-νώμ€ναι, γνώομεν, aor. from γιγνώσκω. γνώριμος, notus, acouaintance, π 9t. γνωτός, or, fem. -αί, (1) notus, evi- dent, Η 401, ω 182.— (2) cognatus, relative, Ο 350, Γ 174; brother, Ρ 35. (γοάω) γο6ων, -ντες, (γοώντες), -ντας, -όωσα, part, pres., opt. γοάοιμεν, -άοιεν, inf. γοήμεναι, 3 ρ1. ipf. γόον, γόων, iter, γοάασκεν, fut. γοήσεται, (γόος), 1 am en tar i, sob, θ 92 ; esp. in lamen- tation for dead, wail, τινά, S' 502, Ζ 500, Φ 124; ττότμον,ΤΙ 857. γόμψοισι, masc, with nails, with pins, £ 248|. γονή, ήν, (γέγονα), proles, offspring, Ω 539 and δ 755. γόνος, 010, ον, masc, (γεγονα), origo, origin, a 216; proles, off- spring, δ 12; commonly = fili us, σ 218, Ζ 191, Ν 449, Ω 59 ; young, of cat- tle /χ 130. Γονόίσσα, ή, town near Πελλήνη, Β 573t. γόνν, τό, all other forms Λvith length- ening of first syllable, gen. γούνατος, γουνός, pi. γοΰνατα, γοννα, gen. γουνών, dat. -ασι, -εσσι, genu, knee, κάμπτειν, rest, ίπί γοΰνα εζεσθαι, sit down ; γοϋνα βλάβεται, tremble; πήγνυται, are stiff"; επι and ττοτΐ γοΰνασι, Χ 500 ; Ε 408, in gremio, cf. also εν γοΰνασι ττΐτττε, Ε 370; θεΐναί τι εττί γοννασι θεοϋ, as gift, Ζ 92 ; θεών εν γοΰνασι κείται, lies at the disposal ο/* the gods, a 267. — (2) genua, as seat oi pity, in phrases like the follg., ίίφασθαι, έλεϊν, λαβείν, άντί- ον ελθείν, λίσσεσθαι γουνών, etc., Α 500 ; cf. Eurip. Iph. Τ. 361 sqq., 1069 sq.; Plin. Historia Naturalis, XL, 45, (103). — (3) as seat of physical power, strength, λΰειν τινός γοΰνατα=ίύΆγ any one, and λύεται γοΰνατά τίνος, knees sink under γΛ»ν 76 him ; γ. ορώργ, as long as I can move my limbs. γ<5ον, ipf. from -γοάω. Ymph of this lake, Β 865. γυΐα, ων, τά, artus, joints, only of arms and feet, Ψ 627, Ε 811, κ 363; λύονται γυΐα (see γόνυ), are Avearied, Ν 85 ; in death, Η 16. γυιόω, only fut. γυιώσω, σιιν, lame, θ 402 and 416. γυμνές, ov, or, η u d u s, naL•d, ζ 1 36 ; uncovered, τόξον (i. e. taken out of the γωρυτός) ; usually unarmed, defenseless, Φ 50, Ρ 122, Χ 124. γνμνόω, γυμνοΰσΟαι, aor. {ι)γνμνώ- θη, -θάη, -θίντα (γυμνός), nudari, lay off one's clothes, ζ 222, κ 341 ; Avith gen., χ 1 ; unprotected, unarmed, Μ 389, 428; unprotected against at- tack, Μ 399. γυναικ€ίας, δια βουλάς, muliebri- b u s d ο 1 i s, woman's designs, λ 43 7 f. γυναι-μαν€ς, voc, (μαίνομαι), mad after women, Άλίζαι^δρος, Γ 39. (II.) γυναίων, δώρων, gifts to a woman, λ 521 and ο 247. γυνή, γυναικός, etc, (quean, queen), woman. — (1) as designating sex, woman, female, Ο 683, Ω 708, Τ 110, Λ 269; θϊ/λύτεραι, θ 520; as contemptuous epithet, θ 163, Χ 122; often with distinguisliing title, to mark occupation, χερνήτις, ταμίη ; in general signif, mulieres, Τ 301, Ω 722; cia γυναικών, Γ 171 ; γ. δμωαί, also Avith- out δμωaί=maid-servant■s, ρ 75, υ 6. — (2) uxor, wife, Ζ 160, 1 394, Ζ 516, Κ 422, Δ 162, θ ,523; χίφη, vidua, widow, Ζ 432; concubine, Ω 497. — (3) ΓνραΙ 1 hera, mistress, ξ 123, Χ 48; queen, π 334. — (4) ορρ. θίά, Π 176; θνητάων,Ύ 305 ; Ω 58, has sucked the breast of a woman (mortal). ΓϋραΙ TTtrpat, Γΰραίην πίτρην, and Γΰρήσι, name of rocky clitFs near ^άζος, δ 500, 507. γϋρός tv ώμοισιν, rowniZ-shouldered, Γ 246t. ^ Γυρτιάδης — Τρηος, S 512f. Γυρτώνη, tOAvn in ΊΊελασγιώτις, on the river ΐΐηνειός, Β 738f. γΰψ, only γΰΐΓ€, γϋττίο, εσσι, Λ'αΐ- tures, λ 578, Χ 42, χ 30. γωρντω, τφ, bow-case, φ 54f. ' δαίμων (See cuts, from ancient Greek and As- syrian representations.) Δ. δ'=(1) it, (2) δη, in δ' αν, δ' άντε, also in δ' οΐ'τως- and ίΐ δ' aye, see ^17 ^^' fi"• ΔΑ; pres. δι-δά-σκω (q. λ'.), aor. δε'δοίν, docuit; τινά τι, ζ 233, θ 448; with inf, ν 72. In pass, signif. pf. δ6δάηκαs,f,-όr6c,andδ€δdώ5,novisse, have been taught, i. e. know, β 61, ρ 519 ; aor. pass, έδάην, cognovi, Γ 208 ; subj. δαίίω, ώ/κν, disc am; inf. δαήναι, cognosce re, δ 493, and δαήμεναι, nosse, Ζ 150; comperire, learn, ν 335; τινός, understand any thing, Φ 487; aor. mid. δ6δάα(Γθαι, experiri, test, try, ΤΓ 316; fut. δαησεαι, η ο ν e r i s, thou shalt know, y 187; τινός, τ 325. δαήμονος, ι, a \ t ; fC (δαήμων, δε- δαα), τινός, peritus, skilled in, θ 159 ; Ψ 671, ττάντίσσ tpyoict. δαήναι, δαήσεαι, δαώμ€ν, sec ΔΑ. δαήρ, ίρα,ΎΟΟ. δ αφ, ρ1. -ερων [c:c; _], {δαΡηρ, Lat. levir), frater mariti, brother-in-law, Ζ 344, ί2 762. (II.) δάητοι, see δαίω. δαί, after τίς: quis-nam, what pray, a 225 ; Λ'. 1. τίς δε. δαΐ, dat. from δοις. δαιδάλεος, 3, (δαίδαΧα), skillfully toroufjht, delicate, graceful, I 187, κ 315, a 131. δαιδάλλων, pre.<^. part., (dolare), elaborate skillfully, decorate, Σ 479 and ψ 200. 7 δαίδαλον, τό, only r 227 ; elsewh. pi., (dolare), piece of skillful workmanship (in metal), ornament, 3 179, Ε 60. Δαίδαλος, famous artist and artisan from Κνωσός-, Σ 592f. δαΐζω, fut. ξω, etc., pf. pass, δtδaiy- μ'ενος, (δαίω), lacerare, cleave, tear in sunder, esp. wound, by a cut or thrust, pierce, cut through, Avith or without mention of the weapon ; and so gen- erally, cut doicn, slay, Β 416, Η 247, Φ 147; ξ AM, divide; δεδaiyμ. ί/τορ, Ρ 535 and Σ 236, confossum, wounded in the heart, transfixed (όζει χο^κφ). Distinguish fig. heart rent (by grief), ν 320 ; mind confused or divided (in per- plexity or in doubt), I 8, a 20. δαι-κταμ€νων, gen. pi., {δ αίς), fallen in battle, Φ 146 and 301. δαιμόνιος, ίη, of person standing under influence of a god (δαίμων), this influence may be friendly or unfriend- ly, hence the word has opposite sig- nifications ; either admirable, or more commonly, wretch, luckless wight,' strange being' (Bryant), ξ 443. δαίμων, όνος, ο, divinity, (1) =θεός, A 222, ο 261, ψ 196, 201 ; of specified divinity, Γ 420. — (2) numen divi- num, divine power, Ρ 98 ; as unfriend- ly, with κακός, στυγερός, etc., ω 149; θ 166, death; in general, the divinity, in δαίνυ(ο) 78 ΔΑΜ its influence upon human life, hence δαίμονος αίσα, etc. δαίνυ(ο), aor. mid. from δαίννμι, epulabaris, Ω 63. οαίννμι, δαινυντα, Avith pres. mid. ; ipf. {ΰαίνυ =iSa'ivvt), aor. ΐδαισα, and mid. daivvpTO, opt. δαινϋτο, pi. -νατο, fut. δα'ισίΐν, aor, mid. δαισάμίνοι,{δαίω), d i s ρ e r t i ο, divide, distribute, a portion of food, δαϋτα ; g've a marriage- or funeral-feast, c 3, Ψ 29 ; mid., e ρ u 1 a r i, f^ast, Q 665, σ 408, r 425 ; consume, feed upon, κρία και μεθν, ι 162; ίκα- . τόμβας, μήρα ; hold α banquet, εϊλαττί- νην, δαϊτα, δαίτην. ίαίς•,(1)δαίδ€ς, ων,ης,(ία- 28 Ρίδίς, δίδηα), faces, pine splinters, σ 310; torches con- sisting of a number of such splinters bound together, a 428, Σ 492. (See cut.)— (2) kv δαΐ {δαΡί, δεδηΡεν, Τ 18), Xvypy, \ivya\'iy, heat of com- bat, Ν 286. (II.) δαίς, τός, >/, also pi. δάϊτις, ας, {δαίω, δαίνυμι), portion, share; Ι'ιση, due share; then, convivium, meal, banquet, a 225, *: 124, I 487, A 424; Ψ 48, let us now comply with the invitation to the banquet, odious though the feast be ;=cibus, /? 245; ϊνψία δαιτύς, table utensils. (The root syllable always stands in arsi.) δαίτη, δαίτης, ην, ων, yai, (δαΙς), convivium, banquet, ρ 220; -ηθβν, de convivio, κ 216. δαιτρ€υ£ΐν, inf., ipf. δαίτρευον, fut. -ίύσων, aor. -εύσαι, (δαιτρός), distribute, Λ 687 ; esp. food, ζ 433. δαιτρ($ν, Γϋ, {δ η ί ω), portion, Δ 262f. δαιτρ<ί3> ύ, (δαίω), s true tor, carver, distiibutor, α 141. (See cut.) 29 υαιτpoσ'ΰvηs> της, (δαιτρής), art of carving and distributing, π 253|. δαιτΰμ6ν<$) οι, dat. -ίσσι, {δαιτνς), convivae, banqueters, also Λvilh ανδρών, ο 467, χ 12. (Od.) δαιτυος, της, (δαίω), ικ, dc cena, from the feast, X 496|. [- - -] Δαίτωρ, opa, a Trojan, θ 275 f. δαί-ψρων, όνος, only sinj^., (δαηναι), expcrtus, shillful, tried, of heroes, e. g., Β 23, Σ 18, Λ 791, Ζ 162; in works of art or skill, θ 373 ; in women's accom- plishments, tpya γυναικών, ο 356. δαίω, (1) prs. δαίωσι, ipf. δαΊε, pi. δαων, in pass, sense : pf. δέδηεν, plupf. δίδηει, pass. part, δαιόμενον, η, ων, i])f. δαίετο, and aor. subj. mid. δάηται, (δαΡ-ίς), incendere, kindle, set in a blaze, of fire, cities, etc., Σ 227 ; pass. ard CYC, blaze, ίρις ; μάχη,Ύ 18; ύσσε, sparkle, ζ 132 (πυρ/, Μ 466). — (2) δαί€ται,-ό/ίίΐΌΓ, ipf. δαίετο, and perf. 3 pi. δεδαίαται, (δαίς), d i ν i d i t u ι•, is divided, in mid. signif. distribute c, 140 and ρ 332; ijrop, laceratur, α 48. δάκνω, only aor. 3 sing. δάκ€, inf. δακέ€ΐν, mordeo, bite, Σ 585; stivg, Ρ 572 ; stung Hektor's heart, Ε 493. (11.) δάκρυ, Γϋ, pi. να, νσιν, and δάκρυον, -οισι, and gen. of separation, -όψιν, (δάκ-νω, Lat. dacruma, Goth, tagr, Eng. tear), lacri ma, fear, esp. common phrases, δάκρυ (χί^ων, -ούσα, etc., β 24 ; ττλώειν, άναπρ{]σας), Avhere sing, is col- lective =ία/Γ|θϋίτ, /3 81 ; είβειν, (κατά) βάλλειν, ηκε and χΰτο απ οφθαλμών, έκπεσε, ρεε ; όμόρζασθαι, τερσοντο. δακρΰ6£ΐς, εσσα, εν, lacrimosus, (1) weeping, Φ 493; tearful, δ 801 ; -ύεν γεΧάσασα, laughing through tears. — (2) tear-bringing, μάχη, Ίώκα, Λ 601. δάκρυον = δάκρυ. δάκρυ ττλώω, not one word, but two, swim in tears {δάκρυ), τ 122f. δάκρυ χkωv,oυσa,ctc., see each word. δακρνω, aor. δάκρυσα, σ{ε), part. δακρίισας, pass. pf. δεδάκρνσαι, νται (δάκρυ), 1 a c r i m a r e, shed tears, pf. pass., be tearful, II 7. δάλές, φ, όν, TaASC, (δ a Ρ ίω), fire- brand, αίθόμενος, blazing torch, Ν 320. ΔΑΜ, to thig root belong, (1) prs. δαμά<||ΐ, όωσι. — (2) δαμνςΐ, 3 sing, prs., ipf. (ε)δάμνα. — (3) δάμνημι, ησι, pre., mid. δαμν^ (-ασαι), αται, ασθαι, part, δαμναμενους, ipf. mid. δάμνατο, pf» pass, δίδμημένος, plupf. δεδμ7}μην, ητο. I δάμαρ 79 δατέομαι -ήμεσθα, 3 ρ1. -ηντο, γ 305, -ηατο, fut. act. δαμάσσομεν (raid. -σσίΓαι) ; aor. ύάμασσεν (mid. -άσσατο, opt. -ασαίατο) ; pass. 1 aor. ΰαμάσθη, σθείς, and imp. 6μ7]θητω ; 2 aoi". εδάμην, δάμεν ( = εδά- μησαν), subj. ΰαμείω, i)yg, ijy, ηετε,ορί. -ίίη, inf. -ήμεναι, (domare, Eng. tame), (I) tame, Ρ 77, 5 637.— (2)^2ye as wife, τινί, Σ 432, Γ 301.— (3) over- power, βίηφι, avayKy, Ίψι ; weaken, ex- haust, θ 231 ; χίψα, ξ 488; στίβη, ρ 24 ; αιθρ^, καμάτψ, ξ 318, Φ 52 ; άλ/, £ 454 ; reduce to subjection (Ζ 159), pass., he subject to, Γ 183, Ε 878, γ 304, λ 622 ; overcome, δεσμός, μόϊρα, χ 413 ; {ψρένας) οίνφ ; τινά επεεσσι, 7Γ\ηγyσι (δ 244, foedare, disfigure) Αιός μά- στιγι ; ττ 105; λοιμός, ερος θυμόν, S 316 ; succumb, ΙΞ!, 353, γ 269; give over into any one^s power in battle, τινά τινι, νπό τινι, νττό τίνος, Π 434 ; χερσί τίνος, ντΓο χερσί (οουρ/) τίνος, νττο σκΤηπτρφ τιΐ'ί,Ζ 159; deixicrc, slay, δονρί, βίλεϊ, δεδμημίνος ενδει εγχει εμψ, S 482 ; pass., be slain, fall by hand of, τινί, τινός δονρί(χερσί),νπύ δονρί,νττό τίνος, κηρί ; shy, of arrows, Λ 478, Ε 278; θυμόν, S 439, held unconscious (elsewh. with θυμόν, overcome, control, Σ 113, λ 562), conterere, shatter, Τ 266, Φ 401 ; mid., subject ones .se^, used like active, yet the following forms in pass, signif., δαμναμίνους, and inf. δάμνα- σθαι, θ 244, and ipf. δάμνατο, Λ 309. δά}ΐαρ, τι, τα, η, (δμηθεΊσα, Σ 432), uxor, ivi/e, τινός, ν 290. [---, £? 503.] Δάμασος, a Trojan, Μ 183. [-' - -] Δα|χα(Γτορίδης, (1) Ύληπόλεμος, Π 416.— (2) ΆγεΧαος,α suitor, υ 321. δαρ,άω, δαμ,είω, δάμ€ν, δαμήη, δαρ,η- μεναι, δαμνάω, δάμνημι» δαμάωοΊ, see Δ AM. Δανάη Άκρισιώνη, daughter of 'Ακρίσιος, mother of ΙΙερσεύς, S 319f . Δαναοί, ών, collective 30 designation of the Greeks Avho shared in the ex- pedition against Troy. δανά, ntr. pi., {δανός, δαΡίω), arida, dt-y, ο 322|. δάος, τό, (δάΡος, δαΡίω), f a C e m , torch , firebrand, μετά χερσίν εχονσα(ι) (Od. and Ω 647). [--] (See cut.) δά-ΊΓβδον, -ψ, τό, (πέδον), ground, λ 577 ; esp. pavimentum, /jat'eiHCTf, floor beaten until it was hard, esp. in houses, δ 627 ; λ 420, fioor of men's apartment. δάτΓΤίΐ, ονσι, εμεν, fut. δάφει, aor. εδα^φας, ε, (οαίω, da pes), lacerare, rend,^ 831 ; consume, Ψ 183. (II.) Δαρδανίδης, son of Αάρδανος ; Πρί- αμος,^Ιλος. Δαρδανίη, //, city founded by Αάρδα- νος, Ύ 216t. Δαρδάνιαι πυλαί, of Troy, Ε 789, Χ 194,413. Δαρδανιοι = Αάρδάνοι = Ααρδάνίω- νες (fem. Ααρδανίδες, Σ 122, 339), in- i habitants of Ααρδανίη, of same race as I "iXioi, called also Τρώες, in connection I with whom they are often named as representatives of the έπίκονροι,Β 819, 839, Γ 456. Δάρδανος, (1) son οϊΖενς, fiither of Ίλος and Έριχθόνιος, progenitor of Τρώες (Ααρδάνιοι), founder of Ααρ- δανίη, Τ 215, 219, 304.•— (2) son of Βίας, Ύ 460|. δαρδάιττουσι (^άττΓω), only 3 pi. prs., devorant, devour, Λ 479, ξ 92. Δάρης, ητος, priest of "Ηφαιστος, Ε 9 and 27. δαρθάνω, εδραθε, aor., dormivit, slept, ν 143t. δαιτάσκΐτο, δάσασθαι, see δατεομαι. δό-σκϊος, οι/, fem,,(aKtn), umbrgsa, thick-shaded, Ο 273 and ε 470. δασμός, ύ, {δατεομαι), distributio (praedae), division (of the bootv), A 166|. δάσονται, δάσσατο, ασθαι, see δα- τεομαι. δα-σ-ιτλήτις, hard- smiting, dread, ο 234 ; derivation unknown. δασΰ-μαλλοι (μαλλός), thick-fleeced, ι 425t. δασ-είας, ν, densas, shaggy, ξ 49 and 51. δατεομαι, prs. and ipf, (3 pi. δα- τεΰντο, έοντο), fut. δάσονται, aor. δασ" σάμεθα, αντο, ασθαι and εδάσαντο, δά- σασθαι and δατ'εασθαι, iter, δασάσκετο, perf pass. 3 sing, δέδασται, (δαίω), di- V id ere, divide among themselves, ττα- τρώια, μοίρας, ληίδα, κρέα, κατά μοΊραν εφ' ημάς, άνδιχα, τριχθά, ζ 208, ζ 10, ρ 80, Σ 511 ; dissecabant, cut in sun- der, Υ 394; conculcabant, were treading (to dust), and in this sense Δαυλίς 80 δεικανόωντο dividing, -φ- 121; Σ 264, share with each other the fury of combat, fight on both sides with equal fury. Δαυλίς, ίδος, ή, town of Φωκιμς, Β 520t. δάψνηοΓΐ, dat. pi., (^δάφνη), lauris arboribus, with laurel or bai/ trees, t 183t. δα-ψοιν<$ς, όν, or, and δα-ψοινεάν, Σ 538t, blood-red, Β 308 ; tawny, A 474. δί, particle serving to continue the narrative, usually untranslatable, and, farther, again, but, also, (1) introducing additional or corresponding circum- stances, A 3j 5, 10, 16, α 3, 4, 28, 44 ; in contrast, A 4, 20, 29, 57, α 19, 20, 26 ; after μιν, A 126, 141, a 13, 24, 66, the two uses often hard to distinguish ; after interrogatives, A 540 ; second member of antithesis often precedes instead of following, Ζ 46, μ 220, π 130. — (2) introducing an apodosis (cf. av), correlative, Ζ 146, λ 592 ; hypo- thetical, A 137, Μ 246, ju 54 ; in period consisting of two members, Μ 10-17, y 470-74; cf. A 57, 137, 193, Η 148; άρα, ζ 100, ϊ; 142.— (3) adversative, in sentence inserted between the two members of the period, υ 227; after negative sentence, t 145 ; to mark a fact, in opposition to a mere assump- tion (esp. νυν δε), A 354, 417, Β 82, α 16Q, β 79 ; the true in opposition to the false (to δε, τα δέ), χ 32, φ 152.— (4) continuative,Λvith causal force, ap- parently instead of yap, A 259, Β 26 ; continuative, apparently supplying the place of a relative, A 162, Β 209 sq., Δ 541, a 3, 52 sq. ; instead of subordina- tive conjunction, Ζ 148, β 313, ι 292. — (5) recapitulating, after a parenthe- sis, μ 356 ; after vocative, γ 247 ; δ' avTf, but again, σ 48 ; ^έ τε, A 403, Β 90 ; δέ as third word instead of second in the clause, θ 540, φ 299. -δ€, remnant of ancient pron., (1) τοίςοίσσι, to those i/ie?*e, otherwise indecl., e. g. ο-δ(, the one there, so with other pronouns. — (2) towards, -ward, κλισίηνδε, οίκύνδε, ονοε δόμονδε. δεατο, ipf , {δίΡατο), and δοάσσατο (δβ-ασσατο), aor. subj. δοάσσεται, Ψ 339. (ΔΙΡ δήλος), videbatur, ap- peared, ζ 242 ; seerned, ο 204. δ^γμ,ενος, see δέχομαι, opperiens, awaiting. δεδαα, άασι, άηκα, αημενος, αώς, see ΔΑ. δεδαίαται, δςδαοτται, see δατίομαι, divisa sunt. δΐδαΐ-γμενος, pf pass., {δαιζω), la- ceratus. δεδη€, ήει, see δαίω 1, exarsit. δεδίασι, see δίίδω, veriti sunt, feared. δεδισκόμενος, ο 150 = δειδισκέ- μενος, γ 41, ipf. δειδίσκετο, (δείκννμι), salutare, δί(ί welcome or farewell (hv gesture), δίπαϊ, δeζιτερy χεφί. (Od.)' δεδ|λήατο, δεδμημ,ένος, see ΔΑΜ. δεδοκημε'νος, see δοκάω. δε'δορκε, ώς, see δερκομαι. δεδραγμενος» see δράσσομαι. δεελον = δήλον, conspicuum, Κ 466t. δει, opus est, ίί behooves, I 337f. δείδεκτο, -δε'χαται, -το, plupf and pf. from δείκνυμι. δειδήμονες (δείδω), timidi, Γ 56f. δείδια, ιθι, ιμεν, ίμεν, see δείδω. δειδισκόμενος, see δεδισκόμενος. δειδίσσεο, ίσθω, imp., εσθαι, inf. prs., fut. δειδίζεσθαι, aor. -ασθαι, (δείδω, δίω), territare, terrify ; only Β 190, pass., trepidar e,/ear. (II.) δείδοικα, see δειδω. δείδω (always in first foot of verse), fut. δείσεται, -εσθαι, aor. εδδεισας, ε, and δεΐσε, σαν, etc., pf. δείδοικα, ας, ε, other form δείδΙα, te, ΐμεν, ίασι, imp. ϊθι, ϊτε^ inf. -ίμεν, part, -ϊότες, plupf ίδείδίμερ, ισαν, (ίίος), metuo, timeo,year; re- ver er i, stand in awe of, ζ 389, π 306 ; μή, with indie, e 300 ; with prs. or aor. subj. (after principal tenses), with opt. (after hist, tenses) ; with inf. Avhen subject remains the same ; (ivl) θυμφ^ κηρι, κατά φρένα, in one's heart, in one's thought; περί τίνος, τινών ττερι (άμφί) ; (μάλ') αίνώς ; Ε 827, fear not so much Ares ; revereri, ξ 389, re- vering Zeus Xenios, and taking pity on thee, 7Γ 306. δειελιησας, aor. part, (δείεΚος), q u i cenavit, having supped, or toward evening, ρ 599f . δείελον ( δείλη ), vespertinu m, ημαρ, ρ 606, late in the afternoon ; δείελος, ν e s ρ e r a, evening, Φ 232. δεικαν6ωντο, ipf., from -νάομαι, (δεικνύμενος, δ 59), consalutabant = extend hospitable welcome, by motion δΐίκνυμ,ι 81 cups, ο 86 ; or with words, ω δ€ρκ€σθαί 410. δΐίκινμι, prs., only δεικννς and -νίψί- νος, fut. ^ίΐ'ξω, etc., aor. ^ίΤξί ; mid. pf. 3 pi. δίΐδ'ίχαται, piupf. 3 sing, ίείδβκτο, 3 pi. δίΐδίχατο, {ΰικη), monstrare, show, point out, act. and mid., Ψ 701 ; σήμα, Ηρας, give a sign or jwrtent, teach ; mid., consaluto, make welcome (by gesture, or with words), κυπελλοις, δεπάεσσι, μνθοις, I 196, ^ 59, I 224, 671, Δ 4, X 435, ίί 72. δ€ίλη, afternoon, Φ 11 If. ίίί'λω, only δ€ίλ€το, declined toward setting ; v. 1. of Aristarchus for δύσίτο, η 289t. δ€ΐλός, ή, όν, (δέισαι), i g η a ν u s, cowardly, Ν 278, A 293 ; wretched, mis- erable, θ 351 ; miser, Ρ 38, X 431, Ψ 223 ; esp. in phrase δειλοΊσι βροτοίσι, λ 19, and ά δίίλ' (δίΐλί), δίΐλώ, -υΐ, heu te miserum, etc. δ€ίμα, τύ, (δησαι), terror em, Ε 682|. δ^ίματο, ομεν, see δεμω. Δβϊμος, αν, (βύδω), Terror, tenvr ο/ combat personified, Δ 440. (II.) δ€ΐν($ς, ή, όν, (δέος), horrendus, dread, terrible, Β 321, 755 ; δεινόν δέρκε- σθαι, Γ 342, and δεινά Ιδών, Ο 13, λ 608 and elsewh.=adv. Π 566, Ε 439, Δ 420, θ 133 ; vast, great, Η 346, Ο 309, S 385; mighty, Έ 839; vener- andus, venerated, θ 22. (Orig. form δΡεινός,οΐ. Γ 172.) δείους, του, gen. from δέος, timoris, cf. the form σττείονς. δειπνέω, ipf. Ιδείιτνεβ, plupf. δεδει- πνηκει, also aor., (δεϊττνον), coenare, take a meal, ξ 111. δείττν-ηστος, υ, (δειπνέω), vieal-tivie (afternoon), ρ I70f. δείΊτνίσσας, aor. part, from -ίζω, {δείτζνοι•). after having entertained him at his table, δ 535 and λ 411. δείττνον, 01', τό, (οα'τΓΓω, dapes), cena, chief meal (in the afternoon, see δόρττον, V 392), repast, Β 381, Κ 578 ; ίλεσθαι, ρ 176 ; food, ο 316 ; fodder, Β 383. δείρας, αντος, aor. part, from δερω. δειρής, y, ην, αί, yai, collum, cer- vices, neck, throat, Γ 371, Τ 285, /A 90. δ€ΐρο-τομήσ€ΐς, ει, fut, and -ήσαι, σας, aor. from δεφοτομέω, (τέμνω), iu- gulare, cwi the throat, behead, Ψ 174, χ 349. Δίΐσ-ήνωρ, opa, a Lykian, Ρ 217|. δέκα, dec em, ten; as a round num- ber, η 253, Β 489; δεκάκις, decies ; δεκάς, άδος, Eng. decade; δέκατος, decimus, as a round number, ξ 325 ; δεκάχιλοι, centum milia. δέκτη, τψ, (δέχομαι), mendico, beggar. δε'κτο, aor. from δέχομαι, excepit. δελφίνος, τον, and -ίνας, τους, del- phini, dolphin, Φ 22 and μ 96. δέμας, τό, (δέμω), frame, build of body, A 115 ; joined with είδος, ψνή, αί'δή ; freq. δέμας, as ace. of specifica- tion, in figure, also with gen., like, cf. instar, A 596. δέμνια, τά, (δέω), wooden bedstead (with cords), r 318, λ 189. δέμω, ipf. 1 sing, δέμον, aor. εδειμε, (and mid. -ατο), subj. δείμομεν, pass, pf. δεδμημένοι^ plupf. (ε)δέδμητο, (do- mus), hiild, I 349, Η 337. δενδίλλων, pres. part., of doubtful origin, address one's self in turn to, ic, 1 180t. δένδρεον, εφ, τό,(δένδρον=δε{ν)-δρεΡ' ov. δρυς), tree. [Γ 152, r 520; _^.j δενδρήεντι, dat. masc, nom. fem. -εσσα, (δενδρήεις), woody, ι 200, α 51. Δεξαμενή, daughter of 'Νηρεύς, Σ 44|. Δεξιάδης, i. e. Ίφίνοος, Η 15. δεξιάς, y, όν, (δέχομαι), (1) dexter, on the right hand or side, εττΐ δεζιά and δεζιόφιν, Ν 308 ; esp. δεζιy [Κ 542, — C^^, at, dextra (manus); also fides interposita, /?/ei/i7es of faith, Β 341. — (2) faustus, propitious, ο 160. δεξΐτεροΐο, όν,ής, y,r}v, ήφι=δεξιοΊο, etc., dextri, A 501, A 377. δέξο, aor. imp. from δέχομαι. δεόντων, imp. from δέω, false read- ing for διδέντων. δέος, τό, δείονς, gen., (δείδω),ίίταοτ, fear, A 515; nihil tibi timendum; Avith inf., Μ 246. δέπας, τό, αϊ and αι, pi. a, άων, άεσσι and ασσι, (δάτττω ?), vase or cup for drink- ing; only A 632, as mixing-bowl. (See cut.) δέρκεσθαι, prs., ipf. iter, δερκεσκετο, pf. δεδορκεν, ώς, aor. 31 8€ρμα 82 δη ίδρακον, t U er i, look, δεινόν, σμΐρδαλεον, πϋ/ο, with fiery glance, ΐττι χθονί; joined with ζήι^, live and " see the light of the sun ;" behold, Ν 86. δ€ρμα, τό, ατι, ατα, ασι, (δίρω), hide, stripped off, pellis ; skin, on human body, cutis ; hide dressed for shield, Ζ 117 ; skin prepared for bottle, β 291. δ€ρματίνοισιν (δέρμα), kathei^i (row- locks), c^ 782 and θ 53. Sepov, ipf. from δέρω. δβρτρον, τό, membrane which contains the bowels ; penetrating into the intes- tines, λ 579t. δ'ερω, ipf. εδερον, δ'ερον, aor. έδειραν, δει ράντας, strip off the hide, flay, A 459, Γ 421. δ^σματα, Γά,(ίίω), vincula, X 468, head-hand. (See cut No. 8.) δ€σμός, olo, υ, (δεω), vinculum, band, κρατερός, άργαλίος, θνμαλγί'ί, νηλεϊ, όλοφ ; χαλεπός, f titer ; halter, Ζ 507 ; rivets for securing handles to tri- pod, Σ 379 ; hawser, ν 100 ; knot, ξ 348 ; latch-string, 241. δ^σίΓοινα, ης, y, (δεσττότης), mistress, also with άΧοχος and -γυνή, γ 403 (cf. ■πότνια). δ€ταί (δεω) καιόμεναι, burning Jag- ots, Λ 554 and Ρ 663. δενήσ€(Γθαι, see δένω. Δευκαλιδης, 'Iio/i£Vfuc, Μ 117. [ϊ] Δ€υκαλίων, ωνος, (1) son of Μι'νως, king of Κρήτη, Ν 451 sq., r 180 sq. — (2) a Trojan, Υ 478. δ€ΰρο, δίΰτβ (possibly δέ-Ρρω-θι, δε- Ρρ-ιτε), hue i, come here, Θ 292; al- lons ! hither, δενρ' ΐθι, άγε δενρο, δεντ άγετε ; often with subj. of exhortation. SevTOTos, ov, (δεύτερος), ultimus, last, Ύ 51. δ€ΰτ€, see δενρο. δ€ύτ€ρος, φ, ov, οι, (δύω), alter, s e- c u η d u s, Ψ 265 ; with gen. of compar., Ψ 248 ; -ov, iterum, with av, αντις, αυτέ ; τα δεύτερα, second prize, Ψ 538. 1.δ€ΰ€ΐ, prs. 3 sing., ipf έδενε and δένε, iter, δενεσκον, pass, -εται, -ετο, -οντο, drench, mOisten, Ν 655, Β 471. 2. δεύω, only prs. δ€υ£αι, -y, opt. 3 pi. δενοίατο, etc., ipf. εδεύεο, fut. δενη- σεαι, -ησεσθαι, aor. εδεύησε, e g e r c, miss, leant, τινός ; θυμοί, vita privatos, Γ 294 ; ου δεύεσθαι οντω, will not be so wanting (in battle) (πολεμον); Ρ 142, be deficient in — , (τινός) ; be inferior to. (τινός) ; ίδενησε, with infin., t 540, it just missed hitting the rudder. δέχαται, δεχθαι, see δέχομαι. δέχομαι, 3 pi. ^t^araijiut. and 1 aor. reg., 2 aor. έδέγμην, δεκτό, imp. δεζο, inf. δ'εχθαι, part, δέγμενος, pf. δέδεζο, imp. δεδεγμενος, 3 fut. δεδεξομαι, (δέκα), excipcre, accipere, receive, τταρά τίνος (εμεν πάρα, Ω 429), τινός τι, τινί τι, receive at hand of, ν 271 ; accept, κήρα, death ; await attack of, Υ 377 ; εγχε'ΐ, etc. ; esp. 2 aor. await, with part., Δ 107 ; τινά οπότε ληζειε, 1191; είσ- ύκεν ελθ-ρς, Κ 62 (δεδεγμενος, Λ 124, η actus, having received at the hands of), stand one's ground against in com- bat. Intrans. only Τ 290, sic mihi semper malum excipit malum, succeeds. δεψησας, aor. part, from ίέψω, knead, μ 48 f. 1. δεω, aor. δήσ£ν, caruit, stood in need of, Σ lOOt (δε~ι, see separately). 2. δεω, prs. imp. δεόντων, ipf. mid. δεοντο, aor. δϊ]σε, -σαν, imp. -σάντων, mid. aor. iter, δησάσκετο, plupf pass. ^s^iro,-j/ro,ligare,vincire, ^ie, bind, men, 3 73, Φ 30 ; cattle, βίγ, Ν 572 ; (εν) δεσμφ; εκ τίνος, to something, κ 96, Χ 398 ; Ψ 854 (ποδός, by the foot) ; όπλα άνά νηα, make fast tackle through- out the ship, β 430 ; ερετμά επί κλη- Ίσιν, to the thole-pins; παρ' ίίρμασιν, to the chariot, θ 544 ; τινά κελεύθον, hinder one's journey. δη (cognate Avith jam, Eng. yea, yes ?), particle marking a conclusion, cf. in meaning, jam, Avith various signif, according to the Avords with which it is connected. — (1) in general, evidently, and of time, now, already, τά δη,jmt that, vvv δη, at this very moment, Β 284; now fnally; δή τότε, then indeed, V 92; yap δη, for surely; οντω δη. just so ; it strengthens superlatives, confess- edly the best, A 266 ; άλλοι c^i^, others, be they who they may; after interrogative words gives greater definiteness, τις δή, qnis tandem, who pray; Try δή, Β 339; in commands, strengthens the command, yet, only, A 295, 514, 545 ; commonphrases, dyf^//, agedum; Ίθι δή, μή δή, only do not, A 131 ; so also >vith expressions of wish, at yap δή, if only. — (2) in dependent clauses, ως δή, that without doubt, A 110; οννεκα δή, δηθά 83 δηρΐάασθον necause indeed; Ιπύ δη, since now , ..» . relative clauses, ΐξ ov 6n,\\hen once for all, A 6 ; in temporal clause, ore δή, ■when now, as soon as ; in conditional clause, d δή {ην δή), if now, if reaUy, if at all events, expressing a supposition which can not be contradicted ; in in- terrogative clause, ti i/;,Avhether reoZ^^, a 207 ; in final clause, ή 'ίνα δή, is it perhaps that thou mayest give as ύ to be expected? Η 26; δτ) άντε, actually again ; δ', better δή αύ, άντε, όντως, pronounced with synizesis, A 131, 338, 540, δ 400 ; δή is often merged by synizesis with following word, A 138, 386, μ 330 ; yet never so, δή έπειτα, δή always follows the emphatic Avord, exc. in δή τότε, yap, -πάμτταν. δηθά, δήθ', diu, long, Β 435, α 49. δηθΟν€ΐν, subj. δφννψθα, ipf. δήθν- νεν, {δηθά), cunctari, linger, A 27, Ζ 503. Δηι-κ6ων, ωντος, (hostes specu- .lans),aTrojan,E533sqq. 1. δηΐοιο, ov, {δίδηε, δαίω, 1), blazing, ττΰρ, Β 415 ; ττόλεμος, hot combat, Δ 281. 2. δηΐος, ου, hostilis, ανίρα, Ζ481, and host is, Β 544. Δηιοιτΐτης, ην, son of Πρίαμος, Α 420t. δηϊοτήτος, ι, α, nom. δηιοτής, η, {δήως), caedes, slaughter, usually with αίνής, Η 174. Δηί-οχος, ov, a Greek, Ο 341 f. δηιόω, only pres. forms, e. g., A 153, ψ 176, ^ 226, and ipf. pass., Ν 675 ; all other forms, prs. ipf. fut. aor. also pass. from δτ|όω, pres. part, δγών, more com- monly 'ϋ^ίοων, {δήΐυς), c ae d e r e, c Ο n- cidere, slag, cut in pieces, χαλκφ, θ 534; lacerare, rend, Ρ 65 ; Σ 195, fighting with the spear for — . Δηί-ττΰλο?, ψ, companion at arms of Σθίί/ίλος, Ε 325|. Δηί-ΊΓνρος, or, a Greek, Ν 576. Δηί-φορο5, ΟΙΟ, son of ΙίρΊαμος, Μ 94, ο 276. δηλέομαι, only fut. and aor, {δαλός, deleo), laedere, hurt, χαλκφ,χ 368 ; violare(y7rijO, Δ 67), ορκια; nocere, harm, S 102 ; by theft, θ 444, ν 124. δηλήματα, τά, {δηλέομαή, destroyers, μ 286t. δηλήμονα, ες, nom. δηλήμων, {δηλε- ' ομαι), i η f e s t U S, baneful, Ω 33 ; βρο- τών, destroyer, σ Δήλος, φ, ή, a famous island, sacred to Apollo and Artemis, ζ 162|. δήλον {δεελον), manifestum, ν 333|. Δημήτηρ, τερος, τερα, {τρος, τρα), prob. = Γ^ μήτηρ, Demeter; άνάσσης, Ξ 326, ε 125, Β 696 ; ακτή, barley meal. δημ,ιο-/€ργοί, workers for the com- munity, handicraftsmen, e. g. seers, physicians, carpenters, bards, heralds, ρ 383, δήμιος, ov, belonging to the people; ρ u b 1 i c u s ; δήμων, public affair ; δή- μια ττίνειν, ρ u b 1 i c e, at public expense. δημο-βόρος, devourer of the people, of grinding, avaricious βασιλεύς, A 231t. δημο-γ€ροντος, ες, {-/'ερων), elder of the people, Γ 149. (II.) Δημό-δοκος, ov, name of blind bard in Σχεοίη, θ 44. (Od.) δημοθεν {δήμος) άγε'φας, publice c ο 1 1 c c t u m, having levied /ro/n among the people, τ 197|. Δημο-κόων, ωντα, son of Πρίαμος, Δ 499t. Δημο-λ^ων, οντά, son of Άντήνωρ, r 395t. Δημο-•π•τ<5λ€μος, ov, a suitor of Πηνελόπεια, χ 266. (Od.) δήμος, ov and oio, o, commons, com- munity, (1) ci vitas, body of citizens, opp. βουλή γερόντων and βασιλεύς, θ 157; Avith πόλις, Γ 50, town and peo- ple; so o{ten=people, the public, e. g. Μ 213=δήμον άνήρ,ηχ\\ι& ex plebe. — (2) country-district with its inhabitants, Ζ 158, I 634, Ω 481 ; 'Ονείρων δήμος, land of Dreams. δήμω, όν, dat. acc, froni δημός,fai, of man and beasts, άργετι, A 818 ; πίονα, X 501, exuberani fat ; Ψ 243. Δημ-ονχος, ov, Φιλητορίδτ]ν, Ύ 457t. δήν (orig. δΡήν), d i u, hng ; οντι μόλα δήν, Ν 573 ; οϋδ' άρ {οντοι) ετι δήν, β 36, ζ 33 ; οιχομενοιο, β 215. δηναιός {δήν) μάλ' ον, minim e longaevus, by no means long lived, Ε 407t. δήν€α, τά, {δαήναι), c Ο η s i 1 1 a, coun- sels, arts, φ 82, Δ 361.^ δτ)ών, δyόoJ, see δηιόω. δηρϊάασθον, 3 du. indie, δηρΧάασθαι δήριν 84 δια-μ€λ€ΐστί inf., -άάσθων imp. prs., ipf. ϋηρΧόωντο ; also from €ηρίομαι; aor. δηρίσαντο, also aor. pass, in act. signif. δηρινθήτην, (νήρις), contend, Ρ 734 (with w ords, onlv θ 76, 78, Μ 421). δήριν, την, rivalry, ω 515 ; lattle, Ρ 158. δηρινθητην {= δήριν Ιθεσθην, Ρ 158), see δηρϊάασθον. 8ηρ6ν, ace. masc. and neut, (δην), diutiirnum, long, χρόνον, S 206; elsewh.=diu, Β 298. δησάσκ€το, aor. from δεω, vincie- bat. δησΕ, from δεω, (1) car α it. — (2) ligavit. δήω, δη€ΐς, ομεν, ετ(, invenics, Ν 260 ; βιά out, attain, I 418. Αία=Ζήνα, see Ζενς. διά, prep., I. with gen., per, through, Λ 398, Γ 61, 357, λ 581 ; κι>νεης διά χαλκοπαρ^ου, Μ 183, Ρ 294; στηθε- σφιν, Ε 57: υρεσφι, Κ 185 ; έπρεπε δ. πάντων, yvas conspicuous even among all, Μ 104; throughout, amid, ι 298, Δ 495, Ζ 226, I 468, Ν 755.— II. with ace. (1) per, through, throughout, A 600, Κ 375, Μ 62, Χ 190, ι 447, ρ 72 ; ^ίά στόμα άγειν, in ore habere, to haA'e in one's mouth, upon one's lips; trans, across, Η 247, θ 343, Κ 298; of time, during, per, δ. νύκτα, Β 57, θ 510, ι 143; νύκτα δι {ορ^ναιην), Κ 83, 142, 297, 386, Ω 363.— (2) propter, because of, A 72, ψ 67; ope, hy means of, θ 520, Ο 41, 71, Κ 497, θ 82, λ 276 ; auxilio, Άθήνης, θ 520. [-^,— ^ at beginning of verse.] δια-βαιν^μ,€ν, inf. ργΒ.,-βημεναι aor., traicere, cross over, ευ διαβάς, placing his legs far apart, i. e. planting himself firmly, Μ 458. δια - γιγνώσκω, inf. aor. -γνώναι, agnosccre, recognize, Η 424; di- gnosccre, distinguish. (U.) δια-γλάψασα (γλά^ω), cxcavans, scoop out, δ 438 f. δι-ά•γω, δι-ήγαγον aor., transpor- taverunt, carry over, υ 187t. δια δασάσ'Κ£το, δια δατ^οντο, d i s- pertiebat, distributed, see δατεομαι. δια Ιδαψας, t, sec δάπτει, lacera- visti. δια-δέρκομαι, aor. opt. δια-δροΐκοι, L•ok through at, pierce through, S 344t. δι-ίδηλήσαντο (δηλεομαι), lacera- vissent, ξ 37t. δι -aci, see δι-άημι, perflat. δια-£ίδ€ται {(Ίδον), prs. pass., cerni- tur, is discerned, Ν 277; fut. mid. -είσεται, prae se fcrct, display, θ 535. δια-cι1rc|Jί€V, inf., imp. δίειπε (ΡεΧπε), 5 215 and Κ 425, talk over fully, relate precisely. δι-άημι, only 3 sing. ipf. δι-άη, better reading δι-άει, prs., perflare, blow through, ε 478. (Od.) δι-€θ€ίωσ'€, aor., (θειύω, θέειον), fumi- gate (Avith sulphur), χ 494f . δια-θρύπτω, aor. pass. δΙα-τρΰφ€ν, confractum, sAwereci, Γ 363|. διαίνω, ipf. δίαινβ, pass, διαίνετο, aor. εδίηνε, humect are, moisten, X 495. (II.) δι-αιρέω, aor. δια IXc, diss ecu it, cut through, Ύ 280|. δια-κεάζω, aor. inf. δια κ€άσσαι, di- scindere, split, ο 322f. δια-κείρω, aor. inf. διακερσαι, inter- rumpere,yrMsira/e, θ 8f. δια-κλάσσας, aor. part., (κλάω), dif- fringens, breaking in twain, Ε 216f. δια-κοσ/ίέω, ipf. -€κ6σμ€ον, aor. mid., -εκοσμησαντο, aor. pass. opt. -κοσμηθεΐ- μεν, part. -Θέντες, (κόσμος), dispertio, dispose; χ 457, put in order. δια-κρΐδ<ίν (κρίνω) άριστος, decidedly the best, Μ 103 and Ο 108. δια-κρίνω, rcg., fut. 3 sing. -κρΧν'εει, mid. -κρϊνίεσθαι (also in pass, signif.) ; aor. pass. 3 pi. -έκρΧθεν, opt. -κρινθεΐτε, inf. -κρινθήμεναι, pf. part, -κεκρίμ'εναι, (if/jtrw), separare, separate, Β 475; Β 387, shall part the fury of tlie men, i. e. the furious combatants; cf. Η 292; pass., be parted, separate peacefully, Γ 98, ω 532 ; dignoscere, distinguish, θ 195.^ δΐ-άκτορος, ov, 6, (διάγω), guide, con- ductor, Άργε'ΐφόντης, a 84 ; epith. of Hermes as messenger of the gods, and guide of Priamos, Ω ; of Odysseus, κ ; of souls of departed, ω. δια-λεγομαι, aor. δι-€λ^ξατο, άλλα τι ή μοι ταντα ιρίλος — θΐίμός, Λvhy does my heart thus converse uith me ? A 407, and frcq. δι-άμ,ησ€, aor. -άμάω, d i s s e c u i t, cut through, Γ 359 and Η 253. δια-μελε'ϊστί, see μεΧύστί. δΐ£-μ£τρ6ον 85 δΐ€-μ€τρ£ον, ipf., (-/ίίΓρέω), m eta- ban t u r, were measuring ojf, Υ ^\ 5t. δια-μ6τρητω, metato, laid off, Γ 344|. δϊ-€μοιρατο, ipf., -άομαι, {μοίρα), d i s ρ e r t i i t, portioned out, ξ 434|. δϊ-αμ-ττερβς, also cia δ' άμττερίς, (ττείρω), piercing through, (1) through and through, ρ e η i t u s ; successively, d e- inceps, Η 171, χ 190, ξ 11.— (2)per- ipQtxxo, forever, constantly, λ 558, ν 59 ; Ίΐματα ττάντα, S 209. δϊ-όν-δϊχα {ΰίχα), bifariam; μίρ- μηρίζω, hesitated between two resolves; I 37, gave them but 07ie of two things. δϊ-ήνυσεν, aor., {άνύω), οΰπω — άγο- ρίνων, finished nan-ating, ρ 5 1 7 f . δια TTciptv, aor. from πείρω, trans- i fixit, Π405|. ' ϋια-πφθω, fut. 1 aor., and 2 aor. i -επράθομεν, ov, εειν, evertere, over- throw, but ύιεπράθετο, ο 384, e vers a ; est. δια-πίτομαι, see δι-ίττταμαι. δια-ττλήσσοντες, part, from -πλησσω, I splitting, Ψ 120 ; aor. inf. πληξαι, θ 507. δια-τΓορθησας, aor. part, from -irop- θέω, dirip ere, saci-, Β 691•|•. δια-ττραθεειν, aor. from δια-ττερθω, evertere. δια-ιτρήσσ-ω, prs. ipf, (πέρας), e m e- tiri, pass over, accomplish, κεΚευθον, πεδίοιο ; spend, ηματα, with part. I 326 ; λίγων, finish narrating, ξ 197, cf ρ 517. δΐα-πρό, ρ e η i t u s, right through, with gen. after verbs of motion, Ε 281 ; without gen., Ε 66, Μ 184, 404. δϊα-τΓρΰσιον {δίατΓρό\, penetrans, reaching far and wide, Ρ 748 ; pierc- ingly, ήυσεν. δϊ-€ΤΓτοίησ€, aor. from -ττΓοιέω, cen- ter r u i t, startle and scatter, σ 340 f. δΐ-αρπάζουσι, auferunt, carry off, Π 355|. ^ δια-ρ-ραίουσ-ι, and fut., aor. -ραϊσαι, fut. mid. -ραίσεσθαι, percellere, shat- ter, μ 290; evertere, overthrow, πό- ^Xiv; perdere, destroy, a 251; dila- cerare, Ρ 727. δια ρηξασ^αι, aor. from ρηγννμι, dirumpere, break through, Μ 308 f. δια-ρ-ρίΐΓτασ-κεν {f ρίπτω), iter, aor., t r a i c i e b a t, shot through, τ 5 75f . δια-σεύομαι, only aoi*. δι^σσυτο, pervolavit, flew {charged, hastened) δι-αψυσσω through, with ace. and Λvitll gen., Ο 542, δ 37. ^iak -σκεδάννυμι, aor. -εσκεδασε, ειε, disiecit, scatter, ε 369; comminuit, shatter, η 21 a ; ρ 244, would he scatter to the winds all thy fine things =in- solence. δια-σκιδνασι, from -σκίδνημι, dis- pellunt, Ε 526|. δια-σκοπΐασθαι, from -σκοπιάομαι, speculari, spy out, Κ 388 and Ρ 252. Βι,α-σχίζω, aor. -εσχισε, pass, -εσχί- σθη, d i s c i η d e r e, part, cleave asunder, ι 71 and Π 316. δια τάμ€, 3 sing. 1 aor., subj. -τάμ^^ (rf^vw), dissecuit, Ρ 522 and 618. δια TcXcvTij, from τεΧεντάω, ρ erf Ι- Ο i t, bring fully to pass, Τ 90|. δια-τινά|η, aor. subj. from -τινάσσω^ a\&c\xssQV\t, shatter, ε 363f. ^ια.-τμί]•γω, aor. -τμήξαι, ας, 2 aor. -ετμαγον, aor. pass. 3 pi. -έτμαγεν, {εταμον), cleave, ε 409, μ 174; traici- ens, crossing, according to others, ^part- ing, Φ 3 ; pass., have become dispersed, Π 354; part, separate; Μ 461, were shattered, flew asunder. δια-τρίχω, aor. -εδραμον, run over (the sea), γ 177 and ε 100. δι-ί'τρεσον, aor. from -τρεω (Ρ 729, tmesis), diffugerunt, scattered, Λ 481. (II.) δια-τρίβειν, only pres., and aor. -τρίψας, conter ere, γμΖ>, Λ 846; tem- pus terere, Τ 150, morari, delay; lose time on the road, οδοΐο, β 404 ; τινά ov -γάμον, put off one with her wedding, β 204. διο-τρΰγϊος, bearing in succession, ω 342t. δια-τρΰφεν, see διαθρνπτω, commi- nutum, shivered. δι-εψαίνετο, ipf, was visible through, νεκνων, θ 491 ; glowed through, t 379. hia -φθεΊρω, fut, -ψθερσει, pf. -k ψ, living, ζ 201 ; quick, ι 43. δι-€ρχ€ται, etc., pres. fut. aor., t ran sire per, pass through, Avith ace, Γ 198 ; with gen., Τ 100, ζ 304 ; διαπρυ Ί)\νθεν, Η 260. δι-^σσντο, aor. from -σείομαι, per- volavit. δι-έτμαγ€ν, aor. from -τμηγω, dis- cesserunt, disiecti sunt. δι-εχω, aor. διέσχβ and ci — εσχεν, prominebat,^roj'eci out, Ε 100 ; Λγith gen., Ν 519. δί-ξηαι, pres. 2 sing., etc., (δι-δ^η-, ianus ? strictly, go, go to seek, cf. Ital- ian, cercare), quaerere, seek, Άσων εϊ που (si qua) εφείφοι, Ν 760; seek to vnn, woo, τιν'ι τι, ττ 391. δί-ζΰγ£5 (ζν-γηναι), biiugi, yoked two abreast, Ε 195 and Κ 473. δίζ€, ipf., (δίζω, from δΡίς, δύο), du- hitahat, debated, Π 7I3f. Δίη, y, an island =Νάξος, λ 325. διη-κ<ίσιοι, ων, ducenti, I 383, θ 233. _ δι-ην€κέα, ace. masc, εες, εεσσι, -εσσι, adv. -εω?, (i]vεyκov), continuus, continuous, unbroken, long; adv., at length, minutely, δ 836. δι-ήρ€σα, aor. from -ερεσσω. δίηται, see δίω. δι-ίημι, δια δ' ήκ€, with gen., shot throvgh, φ 328, ω 177. δι -CKCO, aor., fut. -ίξημαι, (Ίκνε'ομαι), go through,• recensere, review, I 61, Τ 186. δΠ-ΐΓ€τ^ο«, gen., (AiPi, ττετ-ης), fallen from Zeus, i. e. from heaven, of rivers, II 174. δι-(ΐΓταμαι 87 δίσκου Si -ίπταμαι, aor. δι-€ΐΓτατο, Ε 99, Ο 83, ρ e r ν ο 1 a ν i t,flew through. δι-ίσταμ.αι, reg., ( pf. -έσταμίν ), separate ; Π A,! Ο, parted from each other; A 6, quarrel; Φ 436, stand aloof. Διί-ψιλος, ov, ε, dear to Zeus, only A 86 of a god ; elsewh. of heroes. δϊκαζ6'μ€ν, inf prs., 3 pi. ipf. δίκαζαν, 3 pi. aor. δίκασαν, imp. δικάσσατε ; prs. mid., (ci/cij), po^s sentence upon, τισί ; be- tween two persons, ίς μέσον ησί, Ψ 574 ; mid., seek justice, μ 440. δίκαιον, ψ, οί, comp. -ότερος, sup. ότατος, ων, adv. αίως, {δίκη}, iustus, aequus, y«si, equitable, γ 52; ονδε δίκαιον, nor is it right, ν 294 ; in due form, ξ 90 ; σ 414, upon a thing rigkt- ly said, a just request. δικασ-ιτόλον, -οι, (ττέλω), lawgiver, A 238; άνδρα, λ 186. δίκη, ης, ή, (^δείκννμι), usage, custom ; τ 168, for such is the toay ; right, i u s, Π 388, pervert justice ; ειπείν, give judgment ; pi., decisions ; δίκy, i u r e, duly, rightly. δι-κλιδβς ( κ Αινώ), double folding, of door and gates, Μ 455. (See cut, rep- resenting ancient Egyptian doors.) 32 BS ΤΓι3 δίκτΰω, ntr., reti, in or vnth the net, χ 386t. ' δϊν£υοι, etc., prs. ipf., (iter, δινενεσκε), V e r s a r i, move about, Δ 541 ; turn about, τί, Σ 543; fy in circles, Ψ 875 ; Σ 606, itim somersaults; oberrare, wander about, Ω 12. δϊνεω, ipf. δινεομεν, (^ε)δίνεον, also mid. 3 du. δινείσθην, (δίνη), whirl, Ψ 840; turn around, ι 384,388; mid. (and act., Σ 494), whirl about; ober- rare, roam, ι 153 (δινηθηναι, π 63). δίνη, ης, and pi., vortex, eddy. (II. Φ.) δΐνή€ΐς, εντός, eddying, Φ 125. δίνωτοΐσι, τϊ]ν, {δινόω), inlaid, τ 56. δϊο-γ€νης, voc. -ic, {Ζευς, divo), sprung from Zeus, A 337. Δϊόθ€ν, Jovis iussu, 489,Ω 194, 561. δϊ-οϊστίυω, aor. -οϊστεύίτη, ενσειας, ενσαι, (οιστός), pierce with arrow, with gen., Γ 578. (Od.) Δΐο-κλής, ηος, son of Orsilochos of Pherai, γ 488. δι-όλλνμι, pf. δΐ-($λωλ£, be plundered, /3 64t. Δΐο-μήδη, daughter of Phorbas of Lesbos, slave of Achilleus, I 665f. Δΐο-μήδης, εος, Ίνδεος ν'ιός, Ψ 472 (Η 163), husband of Aigialeia, Ε 412 ; king of Argos, Β 567 ; his exploits, αριστεία, Ε ; dealings Avith Glaukos, Ζ 232-236. Δίον, ov, town in Euboia, Β 538|. Διονύσου, λ 325f , see Αιώννσος. δι-ο'π•τ6•υσων, fut., speculaturus, to spy about, Κ 451 f. δι-οτΓτηρα, τύν, {διοτττενω), s pecu- lator em, scoui, Κ 562f. δια όρΰξας, aor. part, from ορνσσω, digging a long straight trench,

τον, {f έαρος), veris, spring, Ζ 148. €ασιν = ίΐ'σίν. Ιαται, τβ, see ημαι. έάφθη, aor. pass, from ά'ττΓω, (επω), sank after him. εάω, ISty 3 sing, εάφ, pi. εΐώσι, subj. 6ΐ'ώ, εά^ς, ϊα, είώμεν, εΐώσι, opt. 3 sing. ίφ, imp. ta, inf. ίααν, ipf. (3 sing, also ea, iter, εΐασκον, ες, c, ειασχ, Λ 125, and εασκες, εν), fut. reg., so also aor. ε'ίασα (also εασας, ε, subj. ίάσω), ?ei, permit, (ονκ — , i m ρ e d i r e, prevent) ; with inf., e. g. κεΊσθαι, Τ 8 ; κατηκεΊσθαι, Ω 523; ζώίίν, χ 222; κάοί; ελκεσθαι, Χ 398, Κ 344; Τ 65, let us dismis8 = obliviscamur; leave, sag no more of, Κ 171, 183 {τινά, τι); omittere, let alone, let be, Π 731, Ρ 13, Τ 456, ^ 212 ; withhold, i. e. let alone giving, ξ 444 ; rclinquo, Δ 226, jc 166. [d in prs. and ipf. ; εφ, ία, εώμεν, εάηονσιν, often pronounced with synizesis.] Ιάων (ίύς), bonorum, Ω 528 ; with θεοί δωτήρες, θ 325 (possibly from fem. εη, good).^ «βδομάττ) and Ιβδομ,ος, septimae, -us, ββλητο, aor. mid. from /3άλλω, ictus est. €γγ€γάα,σι, pf. from έγγίγνομαι. €γ-γ£ίνωνται, subj. prs., i η g i g η a η t, engender, Τ 26 f. έγ-γίγνομαι, only pf. €γ-γ€γάασ•ι Ίλίφ, Troiae nati sunt, Ζ 493 and Ρ 145. ίγ-γνάμπτω, see γνάμτττω. Ιγ-γΰαλίζ€ΐ, fut. ζω, aor. εγγνάλιζε, (yvaXov), put into the hand, θ 319 ; hand over, π 66 ; confer, κόρτος, etc. Ιγ-γυαι, έγ-γυάασ-θαι, from εγγνη, (γνϊα), δειλαί τοι δειλών γε και, Avorth- less to receive are the pledges of the worthless, θ 351 f. {ίγγνάω, give pledge.) Ιγγύθβν, (εγγύς), ex propinquo = near, Λ 723 ; temporal, Τ 409 ; and it ναι Tivt, propinquum esse, related, η 205. €γγυθι, propc, of space, Η 341 ; with gen., near to, I 76, ν 156 ; of time, Κ 251; with dat., X 300. iyyv^ (άγχι), adv., propc, near, Γ 344 ; with στηναι, Ιεναι, είναι ; Avith gen., Ν 247, Ρ 484; temporal, with dat., X 453. ίγδοί5ΐΓησ•€, see δονττίω. Ιγ£ίρω, aor. ήγειρα, έγειρε, c χ c i t a r c, waL• vp, Ψ 234 ; ο 8, anxiety for his father kept him awake; ίζ virvov, ο 44 ; €γκατα 93 έδεδμητο arouse^ to combat, Ρ 544 ; stir the fight, Υ 31, Ε 496, Ν 357 ; Άρηα, Β 440 ; τινά, Ε 208; ίκαστον, quern que ex ui'bibus excitavi, Ρ 222 ; μένος, five courage. — Mid. prs. ίγειρομενων, aor. typero, οιτο, εγρεσθαι, όμενος, pf. ίγρηγορθε, -ύρθασι, inf. -ύρθαι, whence part. pres. έγρηγορόων, watch; V 100, as they wake; typto, wake up, Κ 159. έγκατα, τά, dat. άσι, viscera, en- trails, Ρ 64. €γ-κατ-£ΐΓηξα, ε, (in tmesi, Η 441), aor. from πηγννμι, thrust into ; κουλεφ, the scabbard, λ 98. ίγ-κατα-τ'ίθημι, mid. aor. 3" sing. €γκάτθ€το, imp. -θεο, imposuit; λ 614, let not the craftsman who con- ceived this belt by (lit. in) his art, here- after attempt any thing further, i. e. he Λνοηΐά only injure his reputation ; ψ 223. iy -κειμαι (tvi κείμ,ην, ξ 501, δ 127), fut. 6γ-κ6ίσ6αι, Avith dat., in iis iace- bis, shalt not sleep in them, X 513. εγ-κεράνννμι and -κεράω, ipf. Iv κ€- ρόωντο, and aor. Ιγκεράσασα, with dat., mix in or with, κρητήρσιρ, υ 253 (θ 189). «γ-κεφαλος, οιο, ο, cerebrum, brain, Γ 300, ι 290. Ιγ-κλάω, see ενι-κ\αν. εγ-κλίνω, pf έγκέκλιται, lies νροη you, Ζ 78. €γ-κον€ουσαι, prs. part., {ha -κονος ?), in haste, η 340 and ψ 291. Ιγ-κοσμ£ΐτ€, imp. prs., disponite, put in order (within), ο 21 8|. iy -κρνπτω, aor. £ν-£κρυψ€, with dat., hury in ashes, ε 488|. iy -κυκάω, see κυκάω. iy -κνρέω, aor. £νεκυρσ€, with dat., incidit in, wef, Ν 145f. eypeo, ετυ, εσθαι, έγρή7ορθ€, θασι, θαι, ύων, see lyε^pω. έγρη-γορτί (typtiyopa), adv., awake, Κ 182t. Ιγρήσσεις, οντά, οντες, (εyεlpω), indie, and part, pres., vigilare. keep watch, A 551, V 33. ^ΎΧ^^Ή» V€^ *) — *yX0C5 lance, Ν 339. «Ύ-Χ«ίΐ1> subj. from εγχέω. iyXt'Kve^y ai, anguillae, eels, Φ 203. έγχ€σΐ•μωρος, οι, ων, ους, mighty with the spear, Ε. 134, y 188. 8 Ιγχ€σ-ΐΓαλο5, οι, {πάλλω), spear- hrandishing, Β 131. εγ-χέω, aor. €χ£υ€ = εχεΡε, εχεαν, subj. εyχείyσi, also in tmesi, (χεω), in- fundere, ^owr in, with dat., y 40, and with εν, ζ 77 ; mid. ενεχενατο, poured in for herself, r 387. €γχο5, εος, τό, spear, lance, for hurl- ing and thrusting, the most honorable weapon : the shaft, δόρυ, was of ash, μειλινον, X 293, about 7 ft. long, δολι- χόσκιον, the upper end, καυλός, ν, as fitted with a bronze socket, αυλός, into Avhich the point, άκωκη, αΙχμη, was in- serted, Π 802, being held fast by the τΐόρκης ; the lower end, οίφίαχος, was furnished with a ferule or spike, σαν- ρωτήρ, for sticking into the earth. The AvaiTior carried two spears — for hurling (at distance of about 12 paces), and for thrusting from above. Hek- tor's spear was 16 ft. long, Ζ 319. (See also ovpiyl, and cut No. 22.) εγ-χρίμπτω, only aor. Ιγχρίμψας, let graze, Ψ 334; mid. ipf. -χρίμπτοντο, pass. aor. imp. and part, εγ-χριμφθείς, ενιχριμφθεντα, (χρίω), almost touch the stake, Ψ 338 ; Ρ 405, press foncard to the gates; Η 272, άσττίδ ι, dashed fiat against his shield ; Ρ 413, were crowd- ing constantly forward; Ν 146, ap- proach closely. Ιγών, €γώ, ego, forms as in Atlic, but gen. εμε~ιο, εμεν, εμέο, μεν, εμίθεν. Ιδάην, cognovi, see ΔΑ. £δαν(3, dat., (Ρεδ-, σΡήδνς), sweet, S 172+.^ έδάσατο, -σσατο, see δατεομαι, dis- port i i t, distributed. έδαφος, τό, (ΰδός), fioor of ship, a 249t. (See next page.) a, μεσόδμη, mast-box ; h, beams running parallel to, c, επηγκενίδες, gunwale ; d, κληΊδες, row- lock, thole-pin; e, σκαλμοί, part of the gimwale on which the oar rests, bed of the oar; f ζνγά, thwarts (should cross vessel) ; g. θρήννς, braces for the feet; h, Ίκρια, ribs ; i, τρόττις, keel ; k. όρμονιαί, slabs, sustaining the floor ; /, έδαφος, fioor; 7n, L•elson, was probably not distinguished from i, keel. (See also plate No. IV., at end of vol.) £δδ£ΐσ£, έδείδιμεν, etc., δείδω, li- ra u i t. Ιδεδμητο, plupf. from δέμω, aedifi- catum erat. IScKTo 94 cep^evov cScKTo, aor. from οίχομαι, excepit, received. Ιδητυος, της, gen. from -τύς, {ίδμΐ- vai),c'ihi,food, A 469, κ 384. €δμ.€νοι, inf from tiw, edere. Ιδνα, ecSva, τά, (tftdva, (σΡ)}Ί£νς'), bridal gifts, ch'icny cattle, (1) suitor's presents to bride. — (2) to her father and relatives, σ 276 sqq. — (3) dowry of bride, portion given her by her father, a 277. €δομαι, fut. of ίσθίω, come dam, t 369. 28os, TO, gen. pi. -ίων, ((ζομαι), sedes, (1) act of sitting, time or reason for it, ούχ t., η on vac at (mihi) sedere, Λ 648.— (2) sitting place, s€at, A 534.— (3) seat, abode, θ 456, ζ 42 ; situation, ν 344. (δραθον, aor. from δαρθάνω, dorm i ν it. ίδρη, ης, //, ('ϊζομηι), (I) seat, stool (see cut; also No. 79), Τ 77. — (2) rows of seats, e. g. stone benches in the ayopa, θ 16 ; and i elsewh., e. g. γ 7 ; rieiv tdpy, honor with a seat, i. e. show to a place of honor. έδριά(ΐσθαι, inf, ipf. icpio- ωντο, (ίδρη), sit down, y 35 ; take seats in council, Κ 198, j; 98. ίδυν, aor. from δννω, δύομαι. €δ», inf. ϊδμεναι, ipf. ϊδον, iter. ίδεσκίν, fut. ίδομαι, eat, ονται^ •pf part, ίδηδώς, pass, ίδήδοται (ΕΔ, edo), eat, devour, of men j and animals; σΐτον ίδοντες= j άλώίϊσΓαί, bread-eating; θνμόν,κ Ι 379, and κραδίην, Ω 129, metaph. j consume one's soul with toil and pain ; j t 75, devour, οίκον {νηιτοινον, i m ρ u η e) ; V 419, βίοτον ; ξ 417, the fruit of the sweat of our brow. Ιδωδη, ης, η, only sing., (Jδω),food, meat, fodder, Τ 167 ; ηραρε θνμον " iδωδy, strengthened his soul with meat, ζ 111. e^, see ov. €ί&να = 'έδνα. έβδνώσαιτο, aor, opt., (εδνόω, εεδνα -3), that he may portion off his daugh- ter, β 53t. €€δνωταί (ΐεδνα 3), κακοί, stingy givers (of dowry), Ν 382|. έ€ΐκοσα-βοιον, «, (βοϊ>ς), worth twenty cattle, α 431 and χ 57. είΐκοσ^ν = ε'!κοσίν. έ€ΐκοσ-6ροιο (φέσσω), twenty- oared, ι 322|. [and Od. ΐ€ΐκοστ<5ν = Βίκοστόν, Ω 765 iciXeov, see είλεω. ίειπον, see έίττον. 4€ΐσάμ€νος, etc., see ΐϊδω ΙΓ. and ^«σόσθην, from ί7/ίΐ. ^ [βμ^• 4^λ8ο|λαι, see ίλδομαι. Ι^'λδωρ, τό, nom. and ace, (εΡελδωρ, velle), desideriuni, wish, desire, A 4 1 , ψ 54. 4€λμ£θα, μ€νος, σαι, sec εΙΧ'εω. ii\ = εΧτΓομαι. ΐ€ρ'^άΌω = εργάθω. cep-yc, yμ.ivoSy from έργω. ^(ργνυμι, see κατείρ^ννμι. ^cppcvov and -μίναι, σ 296, pf. pass., and ccpro, plupf. from Ιέρση 95 stem ΣΕΡ, (σειρά, ϋρμος, series), neck- lace on which were strung alternately uokl and amber beads, or a golden necklace strung (at intervals) Λvith am- ber beads, ο 460 ; Ε 9>9. firmly united. Ιβρση, -ήβι?, see ίρσ-. €€ρτο, see ίίρμενον. Ιερχατο, see ίργω. €€σσατο, στο, see ενννμι. «'σσατο, see following word. ϊζω, aor. €i(ra, imp. είσον, part, 'ίσας, εσασα, set down, place, ξ 280 ; λόχον, lay an ambush ; tv κλισμοίσι, κατά κ\ι- σμονς τε θρόνους τε ; ϊπί θρόνου, hid to he seated; υ 210, επι — , set over; δήμον Σχερί'ρ, settled in Scheria ; here belongs also aor. mid. £€σσατο, imposuit, take on hoard (ship), ξ 295. — Mid. pres. έ'ζομαι, -6oi, ipf., con si d ere, take a seat ; s ub s ed i t, crotiched down, X 275, du. εζέσθην ; with (inanimate) pi. sub- ject, κήρες, θ 74, settled down upon, touched the surface of the earth ; εττί δίφρφ, επι γοϋνα,.ίν λεκτρψ, εν κλισμφ, επί δίφρου, ανά μέλαθρον, κατά κλι- σμούς τε θρόνους τε, ες θρόνους, ττοτι βωμόν, επ ερετμά, took their places at the oars. ej) = ij, subj. from ειμί. €ηκ€ = ?/«, aor. from 'ίημι. €ΐ\ν = ήν. ίΎ\νΒαν€~ήνδανε from άνδάνω. ίήος (έήος), see ενς. €ης=ί;ς, rel. pron. from ος. eijs, poss. pron. gen. from εός. 6ησθα, 2 sing, ipf, €ησι, 2 sing. prs. subj. from ειμί. ύ'^ετι. cSeipai, a'l, -ac, horse-hair, of mane, tail, plume of helmet, θ 42, Π 795. c0£ipTi, subj. prs., col at, tUl, Φ 347|. έθελοντήρας, τους, (ΐθέλω), volun- teers, β 292t. €94\ω (θελοιεν, only ο 317), subj. εθέλωμι, ipf εθίλον, ήθεΧετον, την, etc., iter, εθέλεσκες, ε, ον, fut. εθελήσεις, etc., aor. εθελησα, be resolved, Β 391 ; he ready, Ύ 187; οίικ — , recuso, A 112; I've no thought, θ 223; t0iX, reflexive pron., see ου. Ιθη€υμ€θα, ipf. from θη'εομαι. ΐθνος, Γϋ, -fa, (^Ρεθνος), company, hand,host, έτάρων,Χαών, νεκρών; swarm, flock, μελισσάων, ορνίθων, μυιάων; herd, χοίρων, ζ 73. cSope, aor. from θρώσκω, saluit, S2)rang. €θρ€ψ€, aor. from τρέ 0ω, η u t r i ν i t. ίθων, part, prs., pf. «ϊωθί (εωθε) -ως, (σΡεθω,σίεο,εο), suetus, consuevit, θ 408 ; I 540, laying waste continual'y ; Π 260, provoke in their wanton way; but in Ε 231,S0ilitus. cl (from pron. υς, as also «/), orig. as; this signif recognizable in Δ 321. — I. optative use : cf. utinam, with opt.,Klll,0 571,n 559, Ω 74,^388; esp. with γάρ, a 255, Ρ 561 ; Λvith κεν, ο 545. — II. inteiTOgative use : si, if, whether (in MSS. often confounded with i], V 415), Avith indie, Β 300, Ε 183, Γ 325 ; fut., A 83, Ζ 367 ; subj., Ο 16, 7Γ 138; opt. and subj., S 163; ten- tative use : freq. after such verbs as ττειρήθη, Τ 385 ; γνώμεναι, Φ 266 ; με- νοίνεον, Μ 59 ; also after other verbs when an ellipsis is to be supplied, e. g. to see, followed by opt. or indie, Κ 206, 19, Μ 122, Ψ 40, Ο 571.— III. con- ditional use : si, (/J (f? ττοτ εην -γε, see under I. η), ει μη, nisi, unless, without verb, after negations, μ 326; other combinations, e. g. ει δε, ε'ι δ' ayf, etc.. see under special heads. — (1) when the condition is formal rather than real, i. e. the sentence is not really hypo- thetical; indie, pres., Μ 233, A 178, 280 ; £1 εθέλεις, Avith follg. inf , ο 80 ; ipf., Δ 321 ; aor., A 290, Ε 104, Σ 305 (« 7Γ0Γ£, A39, γ 98); pf,A173,Z 128, I 42, γ 93 ; the principal sentence is entirely uninfluenced in form by the condition, Μ 233, Π 452, 494, Ζ 142, A 290, Σ 305, Ζ 128, Χ 390. — (2) with condition likely to be realized, seldom indie, Σ 427 ; more often fut., A 135, 137, Ν 375,/3 115,0 163, A 294 (principal sentence is free to take any form, A 135, Υ 26, 130) ; usually subj., Ε 258, A 340, £ 221 ; often Avith κέν, Φ 553, a 288, A 324, I 135, Γ 281, 284, I 412, 414, Λ 315; rarely with άν,Φ 556, Γ 288; the principarsentence un- »άμ€ντ] 96 ciS- affected by the conditional clause, Μ 71, A 324, I 277, Η 77, Ε 212, I 363, Δ 415. — (3) condition wholly uncer- tain, with no expectation of being realized; here the optative (never in iterative sense), Δ 34, Ρ 102, I 379, ;=; 209, Π 73; also with κέν, I 141, 283, A 60 ; after negations ονδ' tl, θ 22, χ 61 (_K{v, I 445, Κ 381); ως η τ£, as if, κ 420, t 314 ; in the principal sentence, opt. with κΐν (αν, θ 22, I 445).— (4) condition contrary to reality ; indie, ipf. for present time, the verb of the prin- cipal sentence, instead of following in indie, ipf, is often potential, Ω 220; indie, aor. for past time, (also Λ 310, ipf. joined with aor.), Λ 750, δ 363, Ο 460, Π 686, 700, Ψ 527 ; plupf , δ 363 ; in principal sentence we expect aor. indie, with κίν; yet we also find in principal sentence κέν with opt., Ε 311,388, Β 81, α 236, Ρ 70; irreg., Β 488, Γ 453. Irregularities in the hypoth. period are common, e. g. the conclusion (principal sentence) begins often with τφ, ήτοι, ή τ. — IV. con- cessive use : ίΐ και (yet not in every case, e. g. Β 367), if also, and και t'l, even if, with indie, Ο 51; with opt., χ 13, 1 318; Avith subj., Ε 351 ; a ττερ, see this word. €ίαμ€ντ|, Ty, (ημαι?), depression, Δ 483 and Ο 631. t\avov = iavov, Π 9f. clapiv^, yai, οϊσι, (fiap), wpy, spring- time ; άνθεσι, spring blossoms, Β 89. €Ϊασ£, aor. €Ϊασκ€, ipf iter, from ίάω. 6ΐαταί, το, see ημαι, €ΐατο=ί)σαν. €ΐβ€ΐς, etc., ipf. (ΐβον, ε, (λιίβω), δάκρνον, θ 531, shed tears; often with κατά, nil. cl γάρ, see ει Τ. €Ϊ γβ, siquidem, ί/* σί least, since, usually separated as ft Ιτεόν ye, ι 529 ; except tl ye μεν, ε 206, and ει y ovv — yε, Ε 258 (see γουν). Εΐ8αλ{μας, ace, (,ειδος), venustas, Cornell/, ω 279|. etSdp, TO, -ατά, (ί^ω), cibus, λ 123, ο 140; άνθινον, now cry food ; fodder, Ε 369. cl 8c, (I) but if, π 387 and freq.— (2) cl δ* oyc (aytTf), usually explained by ellipsis of βονλει ; perh. better as an old imp. from εΊμι, instead of ιθι δή (cf rt δε, ti δε, I 262), vade age ! come go! Ρ 685, Άντίλοχ, ει δ' άγε δενρο, διοτρεφες, όφρα ττνθηαι ; later, its signif having been forgotten, it is joined with άyετ', X 381 ; and with pi. verbs, Ζ 376, θ 18 ; often with vocatives, the verb following in imp. (yet sometimes fut.,

vith inf,Q 197,t 11; part.,similis — ,δέμας, like in bodily shape ; lucere, θ 559, Ν 98. — Π. aor. ΰΐσάμην, εείσατο, (ε)εισά- μενος, ^, ν i debar, Μ 103 ; appeared, Ω 319; ως οτε, ε 281; seemed, Avith inf, θ 295, β 320, Β 215; was like, 101 έκατη-βοΑος f I'cr - οράω, prs. £ΐσορόωσΐ) opi. -ορύφτί, part, -ορύων and -wj/, mid. pres. imp. -οράασθε, inf. -άασθαι, ipf. -ορόωντο ; aor. datlcov ε'ίσιδον, iter. ίσίδεσκεν (ψ 94), mid. -i'^otro, ώίσθην, ίοηται, (often in tmesi, σ 219, 320), intueri, ioo^ z/po», όφθαλμοΐσιν, π 477 ; ίνωπαοιως = άρτην, gazed into his eyes : ψ 94, ίσίδίσκίν, instead of usual reading ήίσκίν {ήισκη•); behold, Η 214, with part. Σ 235, θ 526 ; π 277, en- dure the sight; θών ως, dei ins tar suspicere, ^«ze upon one as a god; spectare, 6βΛο/(ί (mid.), Ψ 448; the infin. is often used after verbs of com- paring where it seems superfluous, t 324, y 246, ζ 230 ; 3 345, whose rays are the most piercing to the sight. ίισος, see ϋση. ίίσ-ττετομαι, only aor. claeirroTo, with ace, involavit,/^ into, Φ 494|. €Ϊσω, €σω, (t ις•), i η t r ο r s u m, withi», freq. after ace, II 364, ο 40, Ζ 284, sc. δόμον ; with gen., ?; 135, θ 290; Avith pregnant signif., seeming to have par- tially the force of a prep., Ν 553, κ 91 ; 7/13, and carried in to her the evening meal. €ΐσωΐΓθΐ Ιγενοντο νεών, they arrived just opposite {εις ώπα) the ships, Ο 653|. είται == Ρ'εσται, ν e s t i t u s est, 'iv- ννμι. tX T€ — 61 T€, s i V e — s i V e, either — or, with indie, A 65 ; and subj., Μ 239. €ΐτ€=εΐητε, opt. from εΙμί. 6ΐώ = ίάω. €Ϊω = ώ, subj. from ειμί, £Ϊωθα, pf. of εθω. €Ϊων, ipf. from εάω. ΐϊω^ = εως. 6κ, before vowels Ιξ, prep, with gen., ex, (1) local : out of , forth from, I 344, Κ 15, Λ 239, σ 29; νττνον, Ε 413; Κ 107, turn his heart jTrom Avrath; ζ 224, washed himself in the river ; partitive, Δ 96, Ο 680, Ω 397; εκ πάντων, prae omnibus, /3 433; from, ε 283, Ζ 257, Ν 493, Π 365, Υ 377; 'ίππων, εορης, θρόνου, θνμον from the heart ; on the part of, t; 70, α 313 ; from — to, Π 640, X 397; άρχεσθαι, begin with; away from, Γ 273, Σ 107, ξ 226 ; Λ 163, βελεων, out ο/" shot ; = εκτός άπό, away from, i.e. from elsewhere than, λ 134; translated by, to, or upon, with many verbs, e. g. κρέμασαν, Θ 67, θ 19; ήκα, ! Ο lS;„Tiii>c^, 1•, 522 : .}j., A '.ΰ ; άνη- Ι φθω, μ 51'; δησε, Ψ 853 ; so also with προσφυεσ, τ 58, and ω 8 ; cf. Σ 480. — (2) temporal: from — to, Τ 290, one misfortune after another, Ω 535, 3? 86; i'i oil, ex quo, since, A 6, θ 295 sq. ; tK τοΰδε, λ 168; εκ roto, henceforth, A 493 ; εξ ετι πατρών, since the days of our ancestors. — (3) causal: spnnging from, {^'ενος, Ψ 347), έΙναι εκ τίνος, Τ 106, α 207 ; γενέσθαι, Ε 897, 548, Ζ 206, κ 350; γενεή, Φ 157, cf Α 63; -γαίης, α 406, cf. ο 425 ; εκ νυκτών, μ 286, β 136 ; in consequence of, I 566, A 308, φ 224 ; έριδος, Hill; denoting the prime mover, a 33, π 447, Β 669, εκ Αιός; κλύειν εκ, from one's mouth, r 93 ; from some other country, Π 1 3. Ex- amples of anastrophe, £865, S 472, Ω 743, ρ 518. Εκάβη, ης, Αύμαντος θυγάτηρ, wife of Πρίαμος, Ζ 293, Π 718. (II.) €κά-€ρ7ος, αν, ε, (σΡεκά-Ρεργ-ος, fiOm εεργω, not from έργον), as god of death, Ae who banishes, he who shuts up far away (in the grave or in the lower world), I 564. (II. and Θ 323.) έκάη, aor. pass, from καίω, com- bustus est. IkoIOcv {ίκάς), e longinquo, far, far away (usually from stand-point of speaker), ρ 25 ; far and xcide, Β 456. Έκα-μ,ήδη, ης, daughter of Άρσί- νοος, maid-servant of 'Νέστωρ, Λ 624. €κά^(σΡε=1,ΐίί. se +κάς), adj., for m£s self, alone, Υ 422 ; usually adv., remote, άπό, Σ 256 ; freq. used as prep, with gen.,farfrom, Ν 263, γ 354, ξ 496. iKturriptay farther than, gen., η 321 1; and εκαστάτω, farthest off, Κ 113f. €κάστοθι, in each division, γ Sf. CKacTTos, η,' ov, {σΡε-καστος = each one by himself), unusquis que, eacA one; in apposition often in pi., in- stead of sing., V 76 ; sing, distribu- tive apposition, κ 397 ; with demon- stratives, τά, ταΰτα, /ii 16 ; ξ 436, one to each. €κάτ6ρθ£(ν), u trim que, on both sides, ομίλου, = the two armies, Γ 340, α 335, ζ 19. ίκατη - βΐλεταο, gen. from -ετης, sender of missiles, A 75f. €κατη - β6λος, ου, (j'tKarog, βέλη), sender of missiles, epith. of Άττόλλωί', A 370, β 339, Ο 231. €κατόγ-χ€ΐρόν 102 €Κ-καλυ\|/άμ6νοι £κατ«ί••γ-χ€νρα-/, acn., (χ(ίρ), (feriii- m a η u in, hundred-handed, A 402 f. 6κατό(ν)-ζΰγος (ζνγύν), vnth hun- dred rowers' -benches, Τ 247 f (hyperbol- ically). €κατ6μ.-βης, της, -y, -ας, (/3uf ς), heca- tomb, great public sacrifice, etymologi- cally of a hundred oxen, but, in fact, of far less, Ζ 93, 115 ; often part or all of the victims are rams ; pi. used of a sin- gle sacriiice, Β 321. 6κατ6μ-βοιος, ov, a, worth a hundred oxen, Β 449 ; a hundred oxen, Φ 79. (II.) £κα.τ<ίμ,-π€δον, better -ιτοδον, α hun- dred feet (each way), Ψ 164|. έκατ^μ-ΊΓολις, hundred -citied, of Κρήτη, Β 649 f. (Yet see τ 174.) €κατ(ίμ-7Γυλοι, with hundred gates, θήβαι AlyvKTioi, 1 383t. €κα.τ6ν, centum, hundred, I 85 ; freq. as large round number, Β 448, S 181 ; so also in compounds, e. g. with -βης, -ΤΓολις, -πυλοί. Ικάτοιο {jiKUToc, 'ίημι), m i s s Ο r, shooter, A 385. (11.) 4κ-βαίνοντα, prs. part, ipf., aor. often in tmesi, ίκ δ' ίβαν, Γ 113, (βαίϊ^ω), exire,5O out, A 437, 439; descendo, descend, πίτρης ; 1 aor., set on land, A 438, ω 301. €κ-βάλλων, prs. part. , ipf aor. usually in tmesi, ejicere, cast forth, Φ 237 ; dej iccre, hurl down from,, Ε 39 ; ex- cutere e manibus alicuius, β 396 ; f u η d e r e, let fall, οάκρνα ; em i t- t e r e, utter, ΐπος ; e χ c i d e r e, hew out, £ 244. CK -βασις, >/, landing-place, ε 410f. ίκ-βλώσκω, only aor. ck^oXcv, pro- cess i t ex, went forth, A 604f . 4κ-γ€γάμ€ν, άτην, αώς, άονται, see tKyiyvopai. 4κ-γ€λάσ-ας, aor. part., (yt λάω), laugh out; ηδύ, heartily, π 354, σ 35; but Ζ 471, fcK ^f, thereat laughed. ίκ-γίγνομαι, aor. k^eyivovroy plupf γεγάτην, άασι, inf. άμ,ίν, part, -άώη, άνΊα, often in tmesi, spring from, τινός, Φ 185,0 641,^229. 6κ-γονος, ov. ΰ and //, f ilius, filia, child, offspring, Ε 813, λ 236. ίκ-δίρω, only aor. part. ^KSeipos, de- tract a m , having flayed, κ 1 9 f . €|-c8^XovTO, (τινί τι), received from him, N7I0t. ίκ-δίω, ipf i^ihtoVf aor. inf. ίκζησαι. Kind upon, with gen., Ψ 121 and χ 174. €κ-δηλος, conspicuus, μετά πα- σιν, Ε 2t. £Κ-δια-βάντ€ς (βαίνω), τι, having passed quite over, Κ 198f. €κ-δοτ€, aor. imp., {δίδωμι), tradite, deliver over, V 459 f. €κ-δυν€, ipf., cxuit,j9U< off, a 437; -έδυοντο, exuerunt sua, Γ 114; aor. -δύς, ζ 460, but μεγάροιο, escaping from; so Π 99, opt. -δνμεν, Avith ace, may we escape; ξ 341, ίδυσαν, stripped from my body. Ίκβίβι, ibi, ρ lOf. έκ£Ϊνος and κ£Ϊνος, η, ο, illc, μεν τοι υδ' αντυς ίγώ, in truth I Avho am here am he, ω 321, cf. Τ 344 ; κείνος άνήρ, δ 145, ρ 243; freq. Avith follg. rel. sentence, e. g., ξ 156 ; κάκί1νος = και εκείνος, now usually replaced by the reading και Ktlvoc. — K€iv|i, ilia, there,. 1^ lllf. €κέκαστο, plupf from καίννμαι, su- perabat. IkckXcto, see κελομηι ; Ικ^κλιτο, plupf. from κλίνω ; €κηα, see καίω. €κη-βολίαι, skill in shooting missiles, Ε54|. €κη-β(ίλος, ου, (]εκη, jacula, βάλ- λω), shooting ; also subst., A 96. (II.) Ικηλος, ov, oi, and £ΰκηλος, οι, {Pt- κηλος, εΡεκηλ. εκών), of good cheer, at ease, unmolested, Ε 805, Ζ 70, /3 311, λ 184,0 289, ξ 479. Ικητι (Ρέκητι), favore, bg grace or aid (of a god), with gen., τ 86. (Od.) εκ~θνήσκω, only aor. 3 pi. €κθανον γελφ, risu emoriebantur, (nearly) died of laughter, laughed themselves (almost) to death, σ lOOf. Ικ-θρώσκ£ΐ, aor. εζεθορε, εκθορε, freq. tK θόρε, e X s i 1 i r c, spring forth, Η 1 82 ; with gen., desiluit, θ 320: prosi- luit, Ο 573; Λvith gen., εννήψι, Ο 580, Κ 95, leaps from my breast (from throbbing). ii - €κάθαιρον, ipf., ρ u r g a b a u t, cleanse, Β 153|. έκ-και-δ€κ<ί-δωρα, ntr. pi., sixteen palms (δώρα) long (of horns of wild goat), Δ lu9t. εκ-καλέω, only aor. part. act. and aor. mid. ^IcKaXciro, καλεσσάμενος, summon, mid. ./or one's self, r 15, ω 1. έκ-καλνψάμ€νοι, mid., (καλύπτω). Ικ-κατέ-τταλτο 103 €ξ-€σάωσ€ (capita) revelantes, unveiling their heads (which they had previously cov- ered in token of grief), κ ITGf. €Κ-κοτ€-ΐΓαλτο, better ovpavov Ik κατ., {ττάλλομαή, sprang down from heaven, Τ 35 If. £κ-κατ-ιδών, better Πί/ογά/χου \κ κατ., looking doim from Pergamos, Δ 508 and Η 21. cK-KUv, ipf, from κίω, came forth, ω 492t. έξ-€κλ6ψ€ν, aor., (icXt7rra>), stole away (from his chains), Ε 390|. έξ-€κΰλίσ8η, aor. pass., {κυλίω), rolled headlong down from, Ζ 42 and Ψ 394. Ικ-\ονΘάνω, only -λβλοθον, made quite forget, κιθαριστνν, Β 600 ; mid. aor. -λβλόθοιτο, οιντο, έσθαι, with gen., -λάθετο, οντο, with gen., Π 602 : with inf., κ 557, forget utterly. IkXc', ipf. pass. = UXtto, from κ\ίΊω, thou wast celebrating. Ik ca με πάντων ληθάν€ΐ, makes — forget all my sufferings, η 22 If. €κ-λησιν, την, (ληθω), forgetting and forgiving (bring about), ω 485|. έκ-λυσομ-αι, fut. from -λύω, exsol- vam, set free from, with gen., κ 286 ; ίζελύθη. better ΐζεσνθη, Ε 293. CK-(io\6v, aor. from -βλώσκω, went forth. cK -μυζήσας, aor. part, from -μυζάω, (μύξα), exsugere, suck out, A 218|. ίκ-νοστήσαντι, sec νοστησαι. ίκ-ιταγλος, ov, a, οις, sup. -6τατ', adv. -ως, {πάγος, cf ριγεδανής and καταρριγηλά), strictly, frosty, ξ 522 ; horrid us, horrible, dreadful, Φ 589, A 146, κ 448; ntr. sing, adverbially, Ν 413, X 256; so also ntr. pi. used like adv. ίκπάγλως, only with verbs of hating and loving, and always in sign if. exceedingly, beyond measure (cxc. A 268, Β 357). 6κ-'ΤΓαιψάσσ€ΐν, (φάος), em i care, i-ush madly into the fray, Ε 803|, €κ-τΓολτο, aor. mid., (πάλλω), with gen., excussa est, spirted out, Ύ 483+. Ικ-ΤΓβιτάταγμίνος {πατάσσω) φρίνας, lit. with senses beaten out of one, stricken in mind, σ 327|. 6κ-'ΐΓ€μ.ΐΓ€ΐς, ipf fut. 1 aor., (also mid.), frcq. in tmesi, emit t ere, send forth, Ω 381, π 3; Μ 28, wash away; conduct forth, Ω 681 ; cast out, with gen. Ικ-ΊτείΓοται, pf from -πίνω, epo la- tum est, has been drunk up. ίκ-περάω, 3 sing, -ττβράα, pi. -όωσι, aor. -ησεν — αντικρύ, pierced through on the opposite side : μέγα λαϊτμα {αλός, θ 561), traverse the mighty deep. ίκ-πέρθω, only fut. and aor. 1 (and 2 ίξ(πράθομεν), evertere, destroy, only of cities ; A 125, πολίων, we have pil- laged from the, cities. (II.) ■ €κ-ΐΓ€σ6€ΐν = -πεσίΐν, aor. from π/τΓΓω, casurum esse ex — . €κ-π£ψυ'υΐαι, pf. from -φύω, enatae. ίκ-πίνω, aor. «kituc, ebibit, dr^ank up; perf. pass. -irc'iroTai, quantum cpotatum est,x56. (Od.) ίκ-τΓΐ-τΓτον, 3 pi. ipf, fut. -πεσέειν, aor. έκπεσε, ov, also in tmesi. excl- d ere, fall out, Φ 492, Ψ 4G7 ; ν,ϊύι gen., Λ 179; τινΐ, escaped from her hand, X 448 ; δάκρν, streame I from his eyes ; χειρός, from the hand ; η 283, having got clear of the water / sank down (on the shore). ίκ-ττλήσσουσι, aor. pass, -πλήγη, 3 pi. εκπλ7]γεν, perturbare, confuse (N 394, ψρένας, in mind) ; Σ 225, were terrified. Ικ-ποτ^ονται, 3 pi. prs., {πίπτω), de- cidunt (ex acre), fall down from Zeus = from the sky, Τ 357 f. Ικ-ΐΓρ€ΐΓ6α, ace, nom. -//ς, {πρεπω) εν πολλοϊσι, conspicuous among manv, Β 483|. €κ-προ-καλ€σσαμ€νη, aor. mid. from -καλέω, Avith gen., having called him forth to herself β 400|. Ικ-τΓρο-λιτΓΟντ6ς, aor. from \είπω. egressi ex, having gone out of, with ace, θ 515t. Ιξ-€•ΐΓτυσ€ν, aor. from -πτύω, ex- &^\\\t, spat foi'th, with gen., f 322f. 6Κ-ΤΓ€ύσ€ται, fut., aor. πνθεσθαι, ex- plorare, search out, Κ 308 and 320 (better θίών εκ,Ύ 129). €κρ€μω, 2 sing, ipf from κρέμαμαι, suspensa eras. Ik i' p€€, ipf from ρέω — εσρεΡε, effusum est. flowed forth, Ν 655, Ι|-£ρρηξ6, aor. from Ρρήγννμι, sci- dit, snapjKd, Ο 469; ocoTo, carried away a part of the road. Ιξ-€σάωσ€, aor. from -σαόω, serva- vit, ^ 501, from the sea, >vith gen. Ik Se Ισσ€ΰοντο 104 ^κ ck Ισσβύοντο, ipf., aor. ίξέσσντο (Β 809, θ 58, tmesis), pass. -Ισνθη, rush forth (of enemy) ; ττυλών, from the gates ; hurried forth, ι 438 ; μ 366, fled away from my eyes ; t 373, streamed from his throat; Ε 293, burst out. Ik ci σττάσίν = Ιξ^οπτασβ, mid. -σ7Γ«σ(σ)αΓ0, -σσαμένω, aor. from σττάω, extrahere, evellere, wrench forth, always of spear, Avith gen. of part of body whence it is drawn out, στίρνοιο, etc., Δ 530. (II.) Ιξ-€στρ€\);ε, aor. from -στρίψω, with gen., root up out of Ρ 58t. €κτα, aor. act,, €κταθ€ν, aor. pass. 3 pi. from κτύνω. έκ-τάδίην, ace. fem., {πίνω), exten- sam, broad, with ample folds, Κ 134f, ίκ-τόμ,νησι, subj., -τάμνοντε part., aor. -ίταμορ {ίκταμε, imp.), cut out the thigh-bones or thigh pieces of A'ictims ; anOws from WOund, Λ 515; hew out, hew off, trees, t 320 ; breaking off the low growth (of ΛνΙΜ boars), Μ 149. €κταν~εκτασαν, aor. from κτύνω. ίκ-ταννω, only aor. ετάνυσσα, -ταννσας part., pass, -ετανΰσθη, stretch out, Ω 18 ; fall one^s length, prone (pass.), Η 271 ; lay low, Ρ 58 ; stretched out within it, ψ 201. 4κ-τ€λ€ω, riXi'ft, ipf. -ετέΧειον, fut. έσω, aor. -εσσε, subj. -έσωσι, pf. pass. τίτϊΧεσται, fut. τελεεσθαι, perficere, bring to fulfillment, finish, achieve, Β 286, ^ 7 ; yovov, present with offspring ; bring to pass, Σ 79 ; χ 5, has come to a close. εκ-τίθημι, only aor. έκ Θήκ6 and Ικ- θεΓσαι, extra ponere, ν 97, ψ 179. CK δ' Ιτίνάχθεν = -ήσαν, pass. aor. from τινάσσω, were dashed out, Π 348 f. cKToScv (ΐκΓος, εκ), extra, with gen., separate from ; ι 239, the MSS. have εκτοθεν, but Ameis reads εντοθεν. (Od.) εκτοθι (εκτός), extra, outside of, far from, νηών, Ο 391 ; ττνΚάων, Χ 439. 'Ektodcos, η e c t ο r e u s, of Hektor, Β 416; Έκτορίδης^ΆσΓυάνηξ, Ζ 401. Ικτ«$ς {εκ), extra, outside, Δ 151; with gen., outside of Ψ 424 ; and with αϊτό, Κ 151, apart from. Ικτος, ov, scxtus, um, sixth. CKToac {εκτός), out of, Avith gen., ξ 277t. ίκτοσ^€(ν) {εκτός), outside, Η 341 ; with gen., outside of, before, I 552, η 112. cKTiJirc, aor. from κτυττεω, tonabat, thundered. "Εκτωρ, ος, son of ΊΊρίαμος (Ω) and of "Εκά/3ί;, X 80, 405, 430, Ω 747 ; hus- band of 'Ανδρομάχη, Ζ 390, Ω 723 ; "fighting for h'u household gods, he fell as preserver," Schiller, Sieges fest; οίος yap ερνετο "iXiov "Εκτωρ, Ζ 403 ; slain by Achilleus in revenge for slaughter of Patroklos, Σ 115, X 326, 331,361. 4κΰρή, ης, socrus, mother-in-law, X 451; tKvpo^y i, s Ο CCT, father-in-law, Γ 172 {σΡεκνρ, svocr, Ger.schwie- ger). εκ-φαίνω, fut. Ικψανεΐ, shall bring to light} aor. εζεψάνη, 3 pi. εκ εψανεν and εζεψάανθη, apparu it, appeared, Σ 248, θ 557 ; emicuit, IS revealed, Ν 278; -φάανθεν, sparkled, Τ 17. £κ-ψα(Γθαι (ίκψημι), utter, κ 246 and ν 308. €Κ-ψεροι, -εμεν (inf.), ipf. also έκφερε, ov, efferre mortuum, carry out the dead, Ω 786 ; surripere, abstract, ο 19; reportare, carry off, Ψ 785; ΤΓολέμοίο, carry off out of the fight; Φ 450, brought about the end of our service ; spring to the front, take the lead (of horses), Ψ 376 sq. εκ-ώεύγω, aor. also €κψυγ€» ομεν and in tmesi, inf. -έειν, ef fug ere, αλός, es- cape from the sea ; βέλος (χειρός, slip from the hand) ; τΊ, avoid. €Κ-φθΓγξατο, see φθέγγομαι. Ιξ-έφθϊτο, aor. from -φθΊ-νω, νηός, had been consumed out of the ships, t 1 63 and μ 329. έκ-ψ6ρεον, ipf. 3 pi., (φέρω), were carrying forth from, οίκων; εκψορέοντο, were moving forth from, νηών. εκ-ψΰγ€, aor. from έκφενγω. έκ-φύομαι, only pf. ^κττεψΰνΐαι ; Λ 40, grounng out of, ανχένος. εκ-χέω, ipf. εκχεον, e f f u η d e r e. aor. mid. έκχενατο, poured forth his arroAvs ; pass. ipf. χέοντο, plupf. -εκέχνντο, aor. -εχνθη, and aor, mid. -εχντο (εκχντο, νμενοι, μένοιο), stream out ; θ 279, hung from. εκών (old part. Ρ εκών), vol ens, will- ingly, Γ 66 ; sponte, Δ 43, of free will, vet reluctantly ; intentionally, Ζ 523, I k 372. έλάαν 105 Έλ€νη Ιλάαν, inf. from έλάω. Ιλαίη, 7]ς, ι), ο lea, olive-tree, ν 102. έλαΐνος, φ, ον, and έλαΐνεω, ίον, of olive-wood, ι 320, ε 236, Ν 612'. eXaiov, y, ro, ο 1 e u m, olive-oil, ψ 281 ; λ/7Γ(α) ίληίω, fat, i. e. abundantly with olive-oil, y 466; iv \7]κνθφ, ζ 79 ; j; 107, from the iirmly woven stuff, the oil trickles off. €λασ(α), Ιλασσβ, €λάσασκ€, see ΐλάω. Έλασος, ον, a Trojan, Π 696t. €λασσον, m i η u s, less, Κ 357|. €λάστρ€ον, ipf. 3 pi., (ίλα'ω), were driving (plough-cattle), Σ 543 f. ελάτη?, ην, pine; pi., oars, Η 5, μ 172. έλατηρι, τφ, -a, -ες, (ίλαω), auri- gae, charioteer, A 145. (11.) "EXdros, ov, (1) ally of the Trojans, Ζ 33.— (2) suitor of Πτ/ι/ελόττίΐα, χ 267. Έλατρεΰς, one of the Φαίηκίο, θ 1 1 1 , 129. βλαυνω, see ίλάω. έλαφη-βόλος (άνηρ), deer-hunter, Σ 319|. Ιλαψος, ό and y), -οιο, -οισιν, -ους, cervus and cerva, stag or hind, Γ 24 ; symbol of cowardice, A 225. ελαφρός, αί, ΰν, ά ; -ότερος, οι ; -ότα- τος, Οί,ην; adv. -ώς, e 240 ; 1 e ν i s, a g i- lis. nimble, πόδας, θείείν; swift, Τ 416. €λάχ6, -ον, aor. from λαγχάνω. βλάχεια, fem. from ελαχύς, ι 116, κ 509, small (ελάσσων), ν. 1. λαχεία, έλάω, ελάαν, inf , έλαυνω, prs., ipf. ελών, fut. ίλόωσι, aor. ί/λασσε, ελασσε, ελασε, iter, ελάσασκε, plupf. pass, ηλή- λατο, εληλατο, 3 ρ1. ίληλέΰατο, drive, Δ 279, 299, Τ 281 ; be^et, discipline, ex- ercise, Ν 315; ίώην κακύτητος, in satietatem mali adigere, persecute him until he has had enough, ε 290 ; drive away, Ζ 158, ί2 532 ; drive off, A 154, ι 405, 465, ο 235 ; ρνσι ελαννόμε- νος, driving away cattle for himself in reprisal, A 674 ; ϋρμα, 'ίππους, Ψ 334, Ω 696 ; νήα, sail a ship, Ν 27, μ 47•, 109 ; roiv, sail, ν 22, Η 6, r/ 319 ; draio, lay out in a given direction, I 349, Σ 564, ζ 9, 7j 86 ; strike, hew, thrust, with Aveap- ons, sceptre, Ε 80, Τ 475 ; ονλήν, so as to leave a scar, ώ 219; with whip, Ρ 614, γ 484, swung the lash to drive them forward ; drive in (stakes), ξ 1 1 ; χθόνα μετώπφ, strike the earth with the forehead ; προς yrjv κάρη τινός, strike oiF some one's head and dash it against the earth ; forge, Μ 296 ; κολψόν, prolong the brawl ; δγμον, make one's >vay doAvn a swath, in reaping or mowing; Π 518, my arm is pierced Avith sharp pains. £λδ€αι, εται, όμεναι, also ΙΑ,δομαι, etc., prs. ipf.,desidero, long for, τινός, S 276 ; also τι, desire, a 409 ; the part, construed like άσμενος,

, prepare ; Τ 394, j^wi in; hand over to, Η 188 (also oi — χ^φί, tv χ^ρσί, take in the hand, give over into the hand of, Φ 47, 104); irifuse, Ρ 451, Ν 82, courage, strength, tlight, fear, longing ; μοι — φρίσιν άτην, Wind the mind; βάΧΧεσθαι hi φρ., lay to heart; θνμψ τι, think upon something ; vtjt ΐμβάΧ- Xiiv τινά, embark ; κεραννόν, hurl upon ; κώττγς, lay one's self to the oar ; Σ 85, gave thee to share the bed of a mortal. €μ-βοισ•ίλ6υ€ν, ipf, with dat., in them ruled, ο 413. €μ-β6βοισαν, β€βαώ5, βήη, βη, see εμβαινων. 6μ-βρ6μ€ται, Ίστίφ, roars in the sail, Ο 627|. «μβρΰον, τό, new-bom lamb, (ι). €μ€θ€ν, €μ€Ϊο, €μ€Ό, €μ€ν, — εμού. έμβμηκον, see μηκάομαι. €μ,ίν(αι) — είναι. £μ€ν(αι) = ίίνα(, aor. inf. from 'ΐημι. ίμέων {Ρεμ-), ν omen S, spitting out, Ο llf. €μικτο, aor. from μΐγννμι. €μμαθ6, aor. from μανθάνω. Ιμ-μαιτεως (ματτέειν, μάρτττω), con- tin no, instantly, Ε 836 and ξ 485. €μ-μΕμαώς, -υία, part, from μεμαα, eager, persistent. (II.) 6μμ€ν(αι) = it rat. έμ-μ£ν€ς α'ιεί (μένω), only at close οι \cvse, persistently, always, Ν 517. €μμορ€, pf. from μ'ερω. €μ-μοροι ( μόρας ), ρ a r t i c i ρ e s, sharers in, τιμής, θ 480f. ^μός, τ), or, mens, a, um, no voc, β 96, Γ 406 ; usually Λvithout article (yet Ψ 585, σ 254, Ά 608, and else- where ονμός, θ 360 = ύ εμός), εμός εσσι = my son, π 300 (τώμφ τήμγ, by crasis with article; better τψ ίμφ ry εμ^, pronounced with synizesis). έμ-ττάζομαι, prs., and ipf εμτϊάζετο, respicere, care for, τινός (ace, π 422), usually with iieirative, exc. imp., α 271,305.' €μ-παιος, οϊλ ρ a r t i c e ρ s, ρ e r i t u s, conversant with, ν 378, φ 400. (Od.) 6ν-€ΐΓασσ€, ipf, (—άσσω), intexe- bat, was weaving in, Γ 126 and X 441. εμ-ττεδος, ov {Iv ττ'εζψ), fii-mly stand- Ιμ-ΐΓ€σ€Ϊν 108 Ιν ing, ψ 203, Ν 512 ; r 1 13, produces un- failvng sheep, i. e. never fails to pro- duce; enduring, Δ 314; so also «c, μίνος; firm, immovable, νόος; κ 493, unimpaired, φρΐνες; thoughtful mind, discretion, σ 2 1 5, Ζ 352 ; cf. ίμπ. ονδ' άβσίφρων, Υ 183; cf. illico, speedg, θ 30; cert us, sure, τ 250 ; ntr. ίμπί- iov μεναν, await, remaining in one's place (άνθι, αυτόθι, there), Ιστάθη ; with~ out wavering, constantly (θίίΐ) ; στηρΐζαι, support myself iinnly. epxTTcaciv, aor. from ίμ-πίπτω. €v ττηΐβις, fut., and aor., (ττηγνυμι), τινί μίταφρίνφ (ηττατι) δόρυ φίλος), fix or plant in (the back liver), Ε 40. C\ 83.) €f*.inrjs (ψτΓΐδα? not from -πάς), prors us, α< any rate, hy all means, (1) affirmative : Ρ 632, Zeus doubtless guides them all; ου τίνα (μπ., no one whatever; ίμττης δ' ουκ, not at all (cf. οΰ τϊάνν) ; r 302, yet I must give thee oath ; in doubt and surprise ; yet (how- ever it may seem to you), σ 354, τ 37. — (2) concessive: quidem, yet, al- tL•ugh, S 98, Τ 308 ; Λvithout ττιρ, δ 100, cf. 104; still, cf. French, toute- fois, γ 209; tame η, nevertheless, ^ 174, σ 12, A 562, Β 297, θ 33, Ρ 229; άλλ' ίμττ., άλλα και ψιτ., ν 31 1, Τ 422 ; Ω 214; ψττης — άχνΰμενοί περ, Ω 522 sq. ; freq. phrase περ ΐμπης, which al- wavs stands at end of the verse, 1518, S 1,σ165,Γ356. 4}ΐ-ΐΓί'ΐΓληθι, imp. prs., -ττίμπλαντο, ipf. mid., other forms from -πλήθω ; fut. inf ίμ-π\ησψίν, aor., (3 pi. also -πλησαν), fill full, of something, rtvoc» Σ 351, X 312, Γ 117; aor. mid. Ιμ- ττλήσατο, ίνιπλησασθαι, fill one's self, η 221 ; X 312, one's heart; one's belly, t 296; X 504, having satisfied his heart with dainties; pass. aor. 3 pi. ιν-έπλησθεν, ίηπλησθήναι, and aor. mid. εμ-πληντο, -πλϊ /ro, be full of; λ 452, sate myself with looking at my son. ijx-TriiTTCi, ων, prs., ipf. -πίπτε, fut. -πεσίεσθαι, aor. -εττεσε, etc., usually in tmesi, Avith dat., incidere, /oW into, ί 318,0 375, Γ 469; in cess it, come upon, Φ 385, χόλος, δέος ; i m ρ e t u ferri in, charge upon, ω 526, Π 81 ; i r r u m ρ ρ, i r r u ο, burst into, rusfi upon, Ο 624, Λ 297, 311, 325, Φ 9; penetrate, Δ 134, Ο 451, χ 259 ; breal in upon, β 45 ; cast themselves into, Β 175, Λ 824; μοι — θνμψ, the words came to my mind, μ 266. Ιμ-Ίτλίίην and Ινί-ιτλβιος, ov, im- pletus, filled unth, with gen., σ 119, Γ 580. (Od.) ^μ-ττλήγδην {πλησσω), t em ere, at random, ν 132f. €μ,-ΤΓλην (πέλας), iuxta, hard by, with gen., Β 526|. Ιμ-Ίτλήσατο, -ηντο, -ητο, see ίμ- τΐίττληθι. εμ-πλήσσω, see ενι-ττληξωμεν. Ιμ-τΓν€ίοντ€, part, prs., aor. εμττνευσε, ενέπνευσε, also in tmesi, subj. -πνενσησι, τινί, af flare, breathe upon; τινί τι (μένος, θάρσος), inspirare, suggest a thought, r 138; pass. Ιμ-ττνυνβη, re- covered his senses, Ε 697. εμ-ποάω, only ipf. ev-CTToicov, fitted into, Η 438; tmesis, ποίησε ivi ψρεσί, put into his heart. Ιμ-ΊΓολόωντο, ipf., (πολάω), gained for themselves by trading, ο 456 f. €μ-πορος, ό, one who goes on ship- board as passenger, /3 319 and ω 300. εμ-πρϊ]θω, see ενι-πρηθω. Ιμ - iriJpi - βήτην, τρίποδα, standing over the fire, Ψ 702 f. έμ-φορ6οντο, ipf, κύμασιν, innata- bant, w^re borne about in the waves, μ 419 and ζ 309. €μ-ψΰλον, τύν, of the same tribe, ο 273|. εμ-φίιομαι, ipf, -φόοντο iv χείρεσσι, ω 410; so also εν τ άρα οι ψν (aor.) χειρί, he grew to his hand— ^ra.€op/e to sleep in it, π 35; | but ενενναιον, place to sleep in, ξ 51. ] Ιν-ηβίης, gen. (see lollg.), gentleness^ ) amiability, Ρ 670|. i έν-ηή?, εος, εα, (aveo ?), com is, i gentle, amiable, Ψ 252,9 200. ^ (.ν-ημαι, -ήμ.€θα, insidebamus, sii within, 5 272|. ενηρατο, aor. mid. from ΙναΙρω. ΙνηνοθΕ {άνθος), strictly, Aas blossomed forth, streams forth, ρ 270f. €v8d, there, γ 120.— (1) local : ζ 266 ; Avith following explanatory clause, y 365 ; άρα, just wL•re, χ 335 ; τ) ένθα, to or fro, κ 574 ; και ένθα, this wag and that, long and broad; ττερ, exactly where, ν 284; τε, for ένθα δε, θ 363; thither, ο 415. — (2) temporal: there- upon, ξ 345, Β 308 ; as introduction of a talc, all; continuative, Δ 293, Ε 155; αυ,Έ 1; introducing apodosis, Β 308 ; tTTfira, κ 297. Ινθάδ€, (1) eo, hue, thither, Ζ 256.— (2) hie, Aere, A 171, Β 203. [---] «νθίν, (1) inde, thence, Δ 58, κ 108? ab ilia (altera) parte, μ 230 (59, 211); ex iis, ξ74. — (2) u η d e, irAence, ] Η 472, Ω 597, δ 220, τ 62.— (3) dein, then, Ν 741. Ινθ6νδ€, i η d e, h i η c, θ 527. εν-θρώσκω, only aor. cvOopc (tmesi, ; Ε 161, Τ 381), insiluit, sprang upon, '• usually with dat.; λάξ, gave a thrust with the heel. έν•θύμΧος (θνμός), taken to heart, sub- ject of anxiety, ν 42 If* ενί, see εν ; ενι=ενεστι. ένιανσΐον (ενιαυτός) συν, yearling, π 454|. 4ν1ίαντ6ς, etc., annus; ττερι-κλομε- νων -ών, as the seasons rolled on, the year came, α 16. iv-ifxviy \\)i.,therein slept, ι 187. (Od.) Ιν-'ιημι, ίησι, etc., prs., ipf., fut., aor. (freq. in tmesi), immitto, send in or into, 3! 131; ψ 177, cast in the fire's might; τινί τι, Π 729 ; Φ 338, τινά πυρί, set on fire; put to (in harness), Π 152; 198, had to concord; ~ΰντ(() νήα, launch ; i η j i c e r e, τινί η ,κ 'Λ17. Μ 441 ; ττόνοις, plungr into hardships; i n- serere, tVwer/, ktv, lar-rings, S 182; inspirare, courage, wrath. Ένιήνίς 111 ev -τανβοϊ Ένιήν€ς, Β 749t (Αΐνιάρες), tribe dwelling about Dodona. ivi.-K\aVy friistrate, only θ 408, 422. ΈνΙττεύς, ijog, a river-god, λ 238t. Ιν-ϊττη, ης, y, ην, άς, {Ιπτομαι), repri- mand, Ε 492. Ινί-ττλβιος, ον, see ίμπΧειος. Ινι-ιτλησθήναι, ττλήσωσι, see ίμ- πίπλημι. ένι-Ίτληξωμεν, ωσι, ανης, aor., from -ττλησσω, rush into, Tivij into the noose, χ 469. (II.) ίνι-πρήθω, ipf. -€ΐΓρηθον, fut. πρησω, aor. -ΐπρησεν, etc., lit βί/ forth in sparL•, (1) inflate, β 4:27,ψπρησίν. — (2) kindle, I 589; usually with πυρί, θ 182; πυρός, Π 82. ίν-ίΐΓτοι (/άτΓΓω), opt., increpet, scold, upbraid, με, Ω 768; με θνμον ύνεί^εσι, Γ 438 ; τινά μνθφ (κακφ, etc.), Β 245 ; aor. cve'vlirc, αίσχρώς, Ψ 473, and ήνίπάΐΓί /χύθψ, at close of verse, υ 17. £νι-σκί}ΐ.ψαντ€, aor, part., and -σκίμ- φθη, aor. pass, from σκίμπτω, {σκηπτώ), always with ovcti ; lean upon the ground, bury in the ground, Ρ 437, 528. (II.) Ένίσττη, town in Arkadia, Β 606. Ινι-σπησω, εν'ι-σττον, ες, see ίν-εττω. Ινισσβμβν, ων, όμινος, ipf. ΐνίσσομεν, (ενίπτω), exc. Χ 497, always Avith ίπε- εσσιν, or like word, upbraid. Ινι-χριμφθβντα, pressing forward, see ίγ-χρίμπτω. ev -ίψω, fut. from εν-εττω. cwe'a, no vem, nine, Π 785. Ιννεί'-βοίων, ^en. pi. ntr., worth nine cattle, Ζ 236 f. * €νν£α-καί-δ€κα, nineteen, Q 496f. «ννεά-ττηχυ and -ττηχΜς, nine cubits long, λ 311. Ιννίά-χιλοι, nine thousand, Ε 860. €vv€ov, ipf. from 1. ν'εω. €W6-6pYuiot, pronounce Ivvjopyviot, nine fathoms long, λ 312f. 6νν-€σ•ίησιν, dat. pL, (ενίημι), at the command; κείνης ενν.,Έ 894f. Ιννε'-ωρος, oio, οι, οισι, nine years old, κ 19. [Pronounce εvvjωp.'] Ιννήκοντα, ninety, τ 174f. €νν-ήμαρ, nine days long, j; 253. "Ewop-os, (1) οίωνιστής, chief of Mysians, slain by Achilleus, Β 858, Ρ 218. — (2) a Trojan slain by Odys- seus, Λ 422. βνν-οσί-γαιος, φ, ον, ε, (ώθέω, γαϊα), earth-shaker (also joined with -γαιήοχος^ I 183), epithet of Poseidon as causer of earthquakes, ε 423. [ϊ] ενννμι {Ρ'εσνυμι, Ρεσθής, λ• c s t i s), fut Ισσω, aor. εσσε (imp. εσσυι), mid. εσ- σατο, ε'εσσατο, pass. prs. ipf., pf. εσσαι, είται, εΐμένος, plupf. sing, εσσο, εστο, du. εσθην, pi. ε'ίατο, induere, pwi on, ε'ΐματα, τινά τι, η 265, π 457 ; mid., clothe one's self; pass., loear, τί, Κ 334, ^ 350; ε'ΐματα, or simply adj., κακά, άεικέα, καλά, be well or ill clad : (ττερΊ) Xpot, on the body ; όμφ' ωμοισι, and ώμοι'ϊν νεφέλην, Ο 308 ; ε'ιμενα χαλκφ, clad in brass ; Γ 57, hadst been clad in coat of stone = stoned to death. €ν-νΰχΧος, 01, ai, in the night-time, Φ ΖΊ =^εν-ννχος {ννζ}, Λ 715f. Ιν-οινο-χο€ί)ντ€5 — χοεοντες (ojVo- χόος), pouring in, y 472f. Ιν-σιτη, only sing., (οψ), (1) voces, voices; κ 147, shout. — (2) tumult, Π 782; joined with μάχη. Ένόττην, ace, town in Messcnia, subject to Agamemnon, I 150, 292. εν-όρννμι, only aor. έν-ώρσας, f, -opay, Tivi {ΑΊαντι, Λ 544) τι, excite in one, fear, flight, courage, longing ; Iv- ώρτο, aor. mid. -γεΧως θεοΊσι, began among the gods, θ 343 (also in tmesi). iv -ορονω, only aor. -δρούσε, σαν, σας, σy, irruit, broke in upon (of hos- tile charge), nvi, Λ 149; Φ 182, step- ping upon. €ν-ορχα, uncastrated, ψ 147|. €ν-οσί-χθων = ενν-οσί -yaioc, with {ίΐιρν)κρείων, Λ 751, Ν 10. εν-σκίμπτω, see ενι-σκίμπτω. Ιν-€στακται, pf. pass, from -στάζω, instillatum est, has been infused in thy veins, β 27 If. Ίν-εστηρικτο, plupf. pass, from -στηρίζω, remained sticking fast, Φ 168t. Ιν-στρ^φίται ισχίψ, plays in the hip- joint, Ε 306|. Ιν-ταννουσιν, fut. -ταννειν, φ 97 ; aor. ίντάννσε, ετάννσσε, stretch out with- in, ψ 201 ; elsewh. always with νενρήν, stretch tight= string, or with τό^ον, βιόν., bend, string the bow, r 577. (Cf. the cut on follg. page, from antique gem.) Ιν-ταΰθα, hue, hither, 1 601 f. cv -ταυθοΐ, h u c, ήσο ; h i c, here, κεΐσο, Φ 122. hrrta 112 Ιξ-αιρ€(ι IvTca, «σι, ntr., strictly cattle-gear; then ^αιτός, table-furniture; usually armor, esp. breast-plate, Γ 339 ; άρήια, fighting-gear, ψ 368, Κ 407. Ιν-τήνω, only pass. pf. plupf. Ιντέ- ταται, ro, was lined with tightly stretched straps, Κ 263 ; the front of the chariot is ornamented {plaited) with gold and silver straps, Ε 728 ; cf. Ψ 335, 436. cvTcpov, a, intestina, (1) gut, ψ 408.— (2) bowels. ^ντεσΧ-εργους (tvrea, Ftpy.), working in harness, Ω 277f. IvTivdiVy inde, thence, τ 568f. iv -τίθημι, ipf έν-έτίθ», also fut. and aor. 1, 2 {-θέμεναή, mid. only 2 aor. (freq. in tmesi), imponere, put or place, in, into, or upon, τινά τιι^ι, on fire, bed, anvil-block ; thrust sword into the sheath, κ 333 ; ivi φρεσί, suggest, infuse into the mind, courage, etc., γ 77 ; put strength into the shoulders, Ρ 569; χερσί, put into the hand; ξ 312, give into the hand ; ο 357, plunge into prem- ature old age; Δ 410, place in like honor, mid. also θυμφ, store up wrath, etc., in one's heart ; μϋθον θνμψ, take to heart ; iv στηθεσσι θυμόν. Ιντο, 2 aor. from ίζ-ίημι. 4vTOs, intus, with gen., intra, Μ 374. ^ντοσϋ€(ν) (ίντοΘεν, ι 239, 338, con- jectural V. 1.) = εντός, Μ 296, Ζ 364, 5 {αρηγειν), helper, λ 498f . Ιττ-ασκΐω, only pf. pass, -ήσκηται, the Availed and turreted court is skill- fully joined to it, ρ 266 f. cV - ασ<Γυτ€ροι, ovc, at, ntr. ov, (άσσον). closer and closer, close together, A 423 ; in quick succession, A 383, π 366. €ΐτ-αΰλους (αύλ//), cattle-pens, sta- bula, .i/358t. Ι'κ-αυρίσκω,οτΑγ aor. act.,-avp^, tlv, ίμεν, mid. -ηαι, ωνται, and mid. prs. -ίσκονται, fut. -ήσεσθαι, attingere, consequi, (1) touch, τινός, A 573; impingi. strike, Ψ 340 ; κακόν (σε), befall, σ 107.— (2) (usually mid.) par- take of, enjoy, reap fruit of, τινός, ρ 81 ; ironically, ό 17, Ζ 353. ^irl ανσβ (άύω), aor., hailed, Ε 101. (II.) ίΐΓ-ηψΰσ€ {άφνσσω), aor., poured upon, τ 388t. eir-eycipe, imp. pr., and (tmesis) ipf. ; aor. mid. -έγρετο, waken, χ 431 ; exci- tare, arouse, Ο 567; mid., exper- gisci, wake up. €ΐΓ-€δραμεν, aor. from επι-τρίχω. ίΤΓ-βην, ipf. from ίττ-ειμι. €ir-€i, conjunction, after that, after, when, (1) temporal: (a) Avith indie, pret., of facts, A 57, Γ 99, κ 414; πρώτα, A 235, ρ 573 ; τα πρώτα, Ζ 489, θ 553; το πρώτον, δ 13.— (b) with subj., of uncertainty, ν 86, Ο 363 ; with expectation of realization, with κίν,Ύ 4U2, X 125; with av, Ζ 412, Ν 285 (see also ίπην) ; iterative >vith Kiv, Β 475. — (c) with opt., iterative, ω 254, Ω 14, and freq.; with av in simple assumption, I 304. — (2) causal : since^ with indie, Ζ 333, A 352, Β 171. Ν 1 ; with preterit indie, in conditional sen- tence, Ο 228 ; after suppressed jjrinci- pal sentence, A 231, y 103, ι 352.— (3) joined with other particles, αϋτάρ eVti, but when ; επει dp, -pa, since then ; -yf, since at least; επεί δη, since, now that; ετΓίί η, since in truth, t 276 [w.^ — £7ryV/] ; επει ουν, when then, well then when / επεί περ, seeing that ; έπεί τοι, since of a truth; αϋτίκ.' — τε, simul atque, as soon as. [At beginning of verse, pronounce επjtι ; έπεΙ ov, synizesis επjov, cxc. c 364, θ 585.] ΈτΓειγβν?, son of Agakles, a Myrmi- don, slain by Hektor, Π 571. ίΐΓβίγίΐ, only pres. and ipf. (no aug.) act. pass, mid., (1) pre mere, oppress, Μ 452 ; urgeo, beset, Ζ 85, Ψ 623, Λ 157, Ε 622; propellere, drive for- ward, Ο 382, /u 167 ; pass., ο 297 ; pur- sue (subj.), Κ 361; agitare, ply, μ 205; exigere, hurry on the sale, ο 445; mid., urge on in one's interest, γάμον.', pass., incitari, hasten; part. έπειγόμενος, citatus, eager, ε 399, S 519, ψ 119; desiderans, desirous, Avith inf., V 30; τινός, appetens, Τ 142; ύίοΤο, longing for the departure; περί νίκης. lirciSav (επει δη άν), doubtful read- ing, Ν 285t. ^ΐΓ£ΐ8ή, see eVct 3. ΐ'ΐΓ€ΐή, see fTrfi 3. ΐΊΓ-ίίη, see 1. ίκ'ίψι. 61Γ-€ΐμΐ 117 ^ΐΓ-€νχ€ται 1. ίττ-ειμι (cf. ίττί Ι., ίττι), ύη, opt., ipf. 3 sing, -ίην = -ή(ν, 3 ρ1. -ισαν, fut. -ίσσίται, be υροη, Β 259 ; β 344, he found, remain. 2. βτΓ-δίμι {Ιέναι), prs. with part., ipf. ηιεν, ΐμσαν, yaav, fut. Ιπκίσομαι, aor. mid. Ιτταισαμίνη, Φ 424, accedere ad, come upon; τινά, A 29; τί, count over, visit, -φ 359,5 411 ; όμνμαγδός τινι, drew near, Ρ 741; aggredi (usually in tmesi), τινά, go against, Υ 454 ; with dat.,r 15, Τ 176. 'Eirctoi, tribe in north Elis, A 732, Ν 686, Δ 537. 'Eircios, ν'ώς Πανοττήος,Ψ 665, 838, builder of wooden horse, λ 523. tirci-Trcp, see iwei 3. eirciTa (επί, ίΐτα), postea, then, aft- erward, (1) in general, of mere se- quence, A 35, 48, 121, 387, 440, a 80, 84, 106 ; αύτίκ ίπειτα, immediately after; και ίττ.,θ 520; αϋτάρ ίττ., often after πρώτον μίν. — (2) in apodosis δι) iir., a 84 and freq. — (3) referring back to what has been already stated, so then, for, a 106, γ 62.— (4) of futurity, hereafter, β %0,^55\.—{b) of sequence in thought, then, therefore, y 62, Ο 49, Σ 357 ; in questions, α 65, 1 437 ; and yet, a 65, φ 29. ίΤΓ-€Κ€κλ€το, aor. from -κίλομαι. tir-cKcpo-c, aor. from -κΐίρω. ίΤΓ-ίλαυνω, aor. tiri ηλασ£, welded on (as eighth layer) ; -ίλήλατο, plupf pass., Ν 804. (II.) 6ΤΓ-€λησ€, aor. from -ληθω. (7Γ-€|χ-β£βαώς, pf, (βαίνω) ονδον, standing on the threshold, I 582 f. 6ΤΓ-€ν€Ϊκαι, inf aor. from -φίρω. 6'π•-€ν€ΐμ€, aor. from -νέμω. eTT-cviivcov, ipf. from -νηνέω. €ΐΓ-ενήνοθ6, pf, (άνθος), strictly bloomed upon=gve\\ thereon, Β 219, Κ 134 : yet θ 365, θεονς έττενήνοθεν must be translated surrounds, i. e. such as bathes and exhales from the gods. ιΐΓ-€ν-τανι5σας, part. aor. from τα- ννω, χ 467t ; supra intendens, stretching the rope high over the Θόλος (to hang each one in a noose upon it). [^] eir-evruvovTai, subj., [{>'], s e a c c i n- gant ad — , τι, ω 89; tir-cvrie, ipf, (εντεα). harnessed, θ 382. (II.) tV-coiKCV, pf, and -εψκει, plupf, ( Jf ικω), d e c e t, ί< is seemly, υ 293 ; usu- ally with ace. with inf, λ 186, A 126; τινί τι, befits, Ω 595 ; libet, I 392. €ΐΓ€ΐΓΐθμ€ν, 1 pi. plupf. from τΐείθω. ίΐΓβτΓληγον, 3 pi. red. aor. from ΤΓΚησσω. ίττ-βιτλως, 2 sing. aor. from -ττλώω. €ΐΓ6ΐΓθίθ€ΐ, plupf. from ττεΊθω. tireiroveci, plupf. from ττάαχω. eir-eirTopc, aor. from -ττταίρω. tir-eirraTO, aor. from -πετομαι. ίττέττυστο, plupf from ττυνθάνομαι. €ΐΓ-€ρ€ΐσ€, aor., {lpείδω),put to it vast strength, t 538 ; drove against, Ε 856 ; also in tmesi, A 235. €irt cpcxj/a (βρεφω), roof over = build, A 39t. €ΐΓ-6ρρώσαντο, aor. -ρώω. €ΤΓ-€ρυσσ€, aor. from -ερύω, drew to, a 441 ; tmes. έρνσαντες, having dragged thither, /* 14 ; ήττε'φοιο, draw toward the mainland, A 485. [i] €•ΐΓ-€ρχ€αι, 2 sing., (-έρχομαι), pres., fut. -ελενσομαι, aor. -ηλνθε, -ήλθε, with subj., part. ; pf. -ελήλνθα, often in tmesi.--(l) adoriri, attack, Ο 406. — (2) ες τι, come to, η 280; τι, perme- are, traverse, δ 268, Σ 321, Ψ 251 ; adire, approach, π 27; redire, ρ 170; ad venire, ω 354, of seasons and hours of day, arrive, come on, ννζ, κνεφας ; of advance of enemies, τμηδην, struck and grazed; come over, νπνος. — (3) Tivt, draw near, A 251, Τ 91, Ο 84 ; adoriri, Ε 219, Κ 485; surpi-ise, ύπ- νος, νοΰσος, ννζ. ιττεσβολιας, ace. ρ1., (see follg.),/or- ward talk, δ 159|. €ΐΓ€σ-βόλον, ace. masc, (βάΧΚω), scurrilous, impudent, Β 275 f. €ΤΓ€σον, aor. from πίπτω. tir-cinrov, aor. from εφ-'επω. €ΐΓ-€σσ€ται, fut. from 1. επειμι. ιτΓ-βσσΰται, pf pass, from -σενω. €7Γ-6<Γτη, aor. from εφ-ίστημι. i-Tr-iayfiVy aor. from -εχω. ίΐΓ-ίτησιος (έτος), throughout all the year, »/ 118|. 6ΐΓ€υ, imp. from επφμαι. 4<ΤΓ-£υψήμησαν, 3 pi. aor., (-ενφημεω), cheered ajprofingly, A 22, 376. tir-ivxcrai, pres., also fut. aor. (εύ- χομαι). (1) precari,proy, tivt, κ 533; φ 203, with inf ; adding a petition there- to, ξ 436. — (2) gloriari, exult, absol., χ 286, Φ 427 ; τινί, A 431, Π 829, S €1Γ€φνθν 118 eVC €ΐΓ6φνον, aor. from Φ{ j'-. t'ire4>pa8ov, aor. from φράζω. tir-excis (ίχω), pres., ipf. -ίίχε, -εχε, aor. -ίσχον, praebeo, offer (wine, the breast), X 83 ; τινί, imp on ο, place vpon, ρ 410; instate, attack, τ 71 (tmesis, χ 75); τι, occupare, extend over, Φ 407, Ψ 190, 238 ; check, Φ 244, ν 266; restrain the mind from ; sc. tau- τόν, L•pt aloof, φ 186. (See εττώχατο.) €ΐΓ-ήβολο5, particeps, possessing, β 319t. ίΤΓ-ηγκβνίδεσσιν, dat. pi., uppermost streaL•, or planks of ship, forming the gun- wale, ε 253 f. (See cut No. 35, letter c.) *ΐΓ-ή€ν, see 1. εττ-ειμι. €ΐΓ-η€τον(ίς, οί, ους, ύν, (αίει), lasting constantly, neut. always, abundantly, κ 427. (Od.) ίτΓ-ήιβν, from 2. εττ-ειμι. ίΐΓ-ήλΰθον, redierunt, aor. from -έρχομαι. eir -ημοιβοί (αμείβω), serving for a change, ζ 513 ; όχήες, «Oss-bars, shut- ting one over the other in opposite direc- tions. (See cut No. 32.) eVi τ ήμΰίΐ, nods to (the wind) with its ears, i. e. dips its heads to the Avind, Β 148t. «ΊΓην^εττεΐ άν, when, after, (1) with subj., (a) of fut. expectation, δ 414, Ο 147, α 293, Π 96, Μ 369, ί 412, χ 254; (1)) general supposition, θ 553, | 130, Τ 223.— (2) with opt., (a) dependent upon clause containing a wish, and thus attracted into opt., Ω 227 ; (b) iter., δ 222. (ΐπίί άν=ε.7Γε]•ην = επϊ]ν.^ *ΐΓ-ην£ον, -ήσαν, see επ-αινεομεν. €inr|5€V, aor. from ττήγννμι. ίΤΓ-ήτπίον, ipf., (ήττνω), άμφοτεροισι, utrisque acclamabant, applaud, Σ 502 f. (ΐΓ-ήρατος, ου, ον, α, {ερατός), lovely, pleasing, δ 606, Χ 121. *τΓ-ήρ€Τ|Αθΐ (ε ρετμός), fitted tcith oars; but β 403, at the oar. (Od.) (7Γ-ηρ£ψ€€ς, εας, (έρ'εφω), overhanging, steep, Μ 54, μ 59. Έιτηριτος, name coined by Odys- seus, ω 306t. €ΐΓ-ήρσ€, aor. from -αραρΊσκω. «ΊΓ-ησαν, sec 2. εττ-ειμι. *7Γ-ητης, y, discreet, ν 332, σ 128. (Od.) (ΊΓ-ητριμ,οι, α, crebri, a, numerous, Σ 211. (II.) €'ΤΓ-ητυο5, gen., (-ητνς, -ητης),\)6η&- volentiae, 306|. [^ - ^ ^] feVi, Ι. adv., thereto, Ο 321, Ψ 840, θ 507, Κ 466 ; thereupon, γ 9, Λ 630 ; on the upper part of it, Π 612 ; moreover, ε 443, Σ 529 ; thereon, I 187. So nat- urally €'πι=ετΓεστι, ad est, θ 563; est, λ 367, Γ 45, Ε 178, Ν 104; imminet, hangs over, Φ 110. — II. prep. A. with ace, (1) of the point or goal (a) aimed at : toward, to, Β 218, a 149, χεΊρας ιαλλον, άλτο, ιών, Γ 154, Μ 375 ; νήας, θΐνα, Α 440 ; in hostile sense, upon, against, Ε 590, Λ 343, Μ 375, 443, Ν 101, Ρ 504, Κ 85, Φ 248, ρ 295 ; over, α 146; upon, ε 84, Ν 682 ; ψ 76, ^stopped my mouth; upon, εζετο ; at, /ί 171 ; (b) attained : to, ϊξε, Κ 470, θ 226 ; upon, e. g. descend from chariot upon, fall upon, Κ 541, χθόνα,Ψ 393, λ 18 ; sit upon, S 437 ; (c) esp. with neut. pi., ημέτερα, to our house, ο 88 ; αριστερά, sinistrorsum, a sinistra, δεξιά. — (2) of purpose, (a) with verbs of motion, θ 395 ; cenatum ire, ω 394; cubitum, ξ 455; έργα; ω 466, ad arma concurrere, hastened to arm themselves ; στίχας, to, i. e. in or by ranks ; (b) with verbs of seeking, go for, fetch, γ 421, cf 17, Ν 459.— (3) of extension (a) over a space, λ 577 ; ττόντον, yalav, νώτα θαλάσσης, σ 131 ; άρουραν, χθόνα, Ω 532 ; άστεα, νώτα, Β 308; {ττάντας) ανθρώπους, through- out the whole Avorld ; 'όσσον, how far ; τόσσον, so far, so large; ήμισυ, as far as the middle; ττοΧλά, far and Avide; (b) in time : δηpόv,for a long time, Ρ 41 ; Xpovov,for a time, until, η 288. — (4) secundum, according to; ίσα, uni- formly; στάθμην, by the rule, straight. — B. with dat., (1) local : upon, at, βωμoΊc,cί.δl34; χθονί, humi, in ter- r i s, TTvpytf), ivxapy and εσχαρόφιν, γού- να σι ; amid, a 218; κτεάτεσσι, ττηνσί, σταθμοΧσι, φάτνρ, αύτόφι, ν 221 ; on, at, cf. French sur, on the river, Λ 712 ; ρηγμΧνι, ΘΙνι, κρήνγ, ΰδφ, κόΧττψ, μαζψ, upon ; over the corpse of, Λ 261 ; in the place of, Π 649, Ρ 400; βαίνειν έπι νηυσί, go to the ships, freq. with verbs of motion, esp. ττίτττω, χεω, τΊθημι {επί φρεσ'ι, enjoin upon), εζομαι, also κ 375. — (2) temporal : νματι, cf. French un jour; after, Η 163 sqq., Ψ 401, 514. — (3) attending circumstance: wiih ciri Ιάλλοντα 119 ciri -γουνίδα this intention, τφΰ' επί θνμφ, π 111, mth work unaccomplished, Δ 235. — (4) approach : upon, at or near, a 103, Κ 568, Γ 23, Ο 743, Ρ 574, νηνσί ; tJpai, succor; πελομαι, come upon, ν 60 ; at or against, δ 822, χ 8, A 382, Γ 15, θ 327. — (5) additional circumstance : over and above, besides, η 216, ρ 454, χ 264, I 639. — (6) causal : for, δόρπφ ; motive : because o/", ττ 19, Τ 35 ; in honor of, άεθλενειν; with hostile intent, against, Κ 185 ; upon clear right, σ 414 ; for, A 162, Κ 304, Ψ 574; condition : upon, Φ 445. — C. with gen., (1) local : upon, in, on, νηός, ήπύρον, aypov, vtv- ρηφιν, ίκριόφιν, 'ίττπων, ττνργον, over the battle-field, Ρ 368 ; against, η 278 ; with verbs of motion, βαίνω, 'ίζω, ΐζο- μαι, τίθημι, έρνω, νηός, upon the ship ; ίκριόφιν, γ 353 ; δεζιόφιν, άριστιρόφιν ; ε 238, ίο the verge of the island, A 546, Ψ 374. — (2) temporal: ειρήνης, pace, in time o/* peace, Ψ 332. — (3) of goal : make /or Psyria, y 171. — (4) εττϊ τται- ^ός επεσθαι, accompany a daughter, a 278 ; εφ' νμείων, by yourselves, Η 195. eiri Ιάλλοντα, ipf. "ιαλλε, aor. -ίηλε, Ίηλαι, injicere, τινί τι, lay upon (liand- fetters) ; i m m i 1 1 e r e, send upon, /3 3 1 6, ο 475 ; X 49, brought to pass, [t, with augm. I.] €'ΐΓΐ-άλμ€νος, aor. part, from εφ- άλλομαι. (7Γΐ-ανδάν€ΐ, see Ιφανδάνω. tir-iaxov, tmesi, "ιαχε, ipf, (ίάχω), ac- clamabant, Η 403; conclama- bant, Ρ 723. ^ττί-βαθρον (ετΓΐ-βατήριον^, fare, passage-money, ο 449 f. (πι-βαιν€μ€ν, -ειν, pr. ipf., fut. -βή- σομαι, aor. -ίβην, subj. ε'ιομεν, βήμεναι, mid. -εβήσετο, imp. -βήσεο ; freq. in tmesi, get a footing, stand, I. absol., μ 434, Ε 666 ; βίβηκε, Π 69, has ad- vanced, has marched forth. — (1) Avith gen., set foot on, tread, of country, city, etc. — (2) fig. tread (the path of inso- lence, X 424; of mirth, ψ 52). — (3) mount, go on board, chariot, bed, scaf- fold, ship, Δ 99 ; climb, πύργων, Μ 444. — (4) with ace. ΐΐιερίην, traverse. — II. trans, fut. act. επιβήσετε, and 1 aor, -ίβησε, (1) set upon, η 223. — (2) bring to great glory, θ 285 ; bring to reason, φ 13.— (3) cause to mount, θ 129, 197; bring upon, I 546. €iri βόλλον, ipf., aor. act. mid., freq. in tmesi, throw, cast upon, act. τινί τι, ζ 520 ; ζ 320, ply the Avhip ; (νηϋς) Φεάς, steered for, mk\.,se injicere in, ενά- ρων ; cast lots with each other for, ζ 209 ; pass, ipf., lay over it, τ 58. ί'τΓΐ-βασκβμίν (see επιβαινεμεν, II., 2), τινά κακών, bring into misfortune, Β 234|. ΐΊΓΐ-βημεναι, aor. from ετη-βαιν'εμεν. tiri -βήτορα, ας, ace, (-βήτωρ), ιττ- τνων, mounted warrior; σνών, boar. t'7rι-βλήs, ό, (βάλλω), obex, ba?; Ω 453|. (See cut No. 60, and the adja- cent representation of Egyptian doors ; see also No. 32.) 38 ΙΐΓΐ'βοάω, only mid. fut. -βώσομαχ, call upon, for help, as witnesses, θεονς, a 378, Κ 463 (v. 1. δωσόμεθα). ciri - βου - κ6λος (κελομαι), βοών — ανήρ, cattle -herd, herdsman, γ 422. (Od.) €ΐΓΐ-βρ6μ€ΐ, set roaring, Ρ 739 f. Ιττι-βριθω, only aor. -εβρ'ισαν, with subj. and opt., fall heavily upon, fall heavily, Ε 91; make the vines heavy (with fruit), ω 344. (7Γΐ-βωσόμ€θα, fut. from -βοάω. ίΐΓΐ-βώτορι, dat., {-βώτωρ), μήλων, shepherd, ν 222f. ίΐΓΐ tYSovmrjaav (γ^ουττίω), thunder- ed approval, A 45f . €iri-7i"YV€Tai, ap petit, approaches, Ζ 148t. (O 358, read 'όσον τ ετη, as far as.) «ΊΓΐ-γιγΓωσκω, only aor. subj. -γνώ-η, ώωσι, recognizes, ω 217; look upon, us fighting, σ 30. €'Π"ΐ-γνόμ•ΐΓΤ€ΐ, aor. -εγναμ•^ε, flec- tit, changes, τινά, νόον τινός; bending, Φ 178 ; κΐ\ρ, bowing her will. €ΐΓΐ-γνώτ], see -γι-γνώσκω. €ΐΓΐ-γουνίδα, την, (γόί/υ), femur. ίΐΓΐ-γράβδην 120 €π-^κ€ΐντο θίΐτο, would grow a stout thigh, ρ 225. ίΐΓΐ-γράβδην, adv., (-γράφω), βάλε, struck scratching, i. e. grazed, Φ 166f. Ιττι-γράφω, only aor. -έγραψ€, graze, χρόα, Ν 553 ; κλήρον, scratch, mark. Επίδαυρος, η, town in Argolis, Β 561t. ΐ'ΠΊ-δ€'δρομ€, pf. from -τρέχω. *τΓΐ-δ€'ξια, ntr, pi., dextrorsum, toward the light {auspicious, Β 353). ί'ΐΓΐ-δ€υής, pi. -εες, ίΧς, (δίομαι), egemus, we are in need of; ουκ επι- δίνεΐς (εσ /ifv), with gen., η ο η ege- mus; βίης — , robore inferior; ω 171, sc. βίης, far too weak; ίπιδενες ίχγσθα, with gen., mayst Jail in noth- ing of thy right. (ΐη-δ6υομαι, ipf -εδεύετο (ίεΤ), egeo, lack; vi'xui gen., inferior sum, Ε 636; esp. μάχης, pugnando, in bat- tle; but Ω 385, non sibi defuit in pugna contra Ach.; desideran- tes, Σ 77. (ΐΓΐ-δημ6υ6ΐς (δήμος), stayest at home (εν δήμφ), π 28|. Ιπι-δημιος, ον, ον, οι, (δήμος), at home, α 194, Ω 262; Ι 64, civilis. «πι-δίδωμι, only fut. aor. act., give besides, Ψ 559; give with her, I 147; mid. fut. -δωσόμεθα (better βωσόμεθα), bestow gifts upon ; and aor. subj. -δώμε- θα, testes nobis adhibeamus, to^e as witness, X 254. 6ΐΓΐ-διν€ω (δίνη), aor. -δινήσας, hav- ing whirled it, mid. -δινεΐται, secum volvit, weighs (in thought), ν 218 ; pass, -δινηθίντε, wheeling (in the air), β 151. tiri -διψρΐάδος, της, (δίφρος), rim of body or box of chariot, Κ 47 5f. (See cut No. 10, under άντνζ.) «τΓΐ-δίψρια, ntr., (δίφρος), Θε1ναι = ετΓΐ δίφρψ, place in the chariot, ο 51 and 75. €'ΐΓ-ιδ<ίντα, aor. from ίφ-οράω, X 61. €ΤΓΐ-δρομ£την, εΧν, aor. see -τρέχω. em -δρομον (δρόμος), ntr., that may be scaled, Ζ 434|. €ΤΓΐ δΰναι, aor. inf expressing a wish; may the sun set, utinamne occidat, Β 413|. «7Γΐ-δωσ6μ€θα, see -βοάω. (7η-δώμ€θα, see -δίδωμι. iiri-tiKtko^y ον, f, (Ίκελος), consi- milis, like, θεοΊς, άθανάτοισι, A 265. cVi-ciK^ci, ace. and -ες, ntr., (-εικης^ εοικε), becoming, suitable; ψ 246, thus of suitable size ; with ntr. (freq. Vi'iui ώς, as), εστίν is always to be supplied =decet. eVi-ciKTcJv, a, ntr., (ε'ικω), conce- d end us, always λ\^ι1ι ovk, unendurable (unheard of), θ 307 ; elsewh., invincible, unceasing. (11.) ίπι-£ΐμ6νος, pf pass. part, from εττι- ενννμι. (πι-€ίσομαι, fut. from 2. εττ-ειμι. tiri-eXirco, imp. pres., -εται (tmesis), -όμενος, have hope of, A 545. ίττι-ενννμι, aor. act. -έσσαμεν, pf. pass, -ειμίνος, οι, super induere, put on over, ν 143; pass.,praeditus; with ace, Η 164, A 149. ίΤΓΐ-ζά-φβλος (φαλ-, Eng. s Ave 11), raging, furious, χόλος ; adv., vehement- ly, with χαΧεπαίνοι, μενεαινε. €'ΤΓ-ίηλ€, see ετΓ-ίαλλω. 6'ΠΊ-ήνδαν€, see εφ-ανδάνω. (ττί-ηρα) see ήρα. €•ΐΓΐ-ήρανα, ntr. ρ1., (εττίηρα), θνμφ, corre^pouding to the wish, desired, τ 343 f. i'πι-9apσvvωVf part., (θάρσος), en- couraging, Δ 183f. [Γ'] ciri-eciTe, 2 aor. opt., -τίθημι. tiri- βήματα, ntr. pi., (τίθημι), lids, Ω 228|. €ΐΓΐ-θρ€|αντος, aor. from -τρέχω. ίττι-θρώσκουσι, and part., aor. al- ways in tmesi, -θόρον, (τόσσον ίττι, so far, Ε 772), insilire, spring on board, νηός; insultare, leap upon (in con- tempt), τνμβφ; aggredi, attack, τινί, θ 252, χ 303. ίΤΓ-ΐθυουσι, pres., aor. -Ίθνσαντες, (ίθνς), irruentes, rush upon, ν 297; also Σ 175. tiri -ίστορα, ace, (ο7δα), conscinm, privy to, i. e. accomplice in, heinous deeds ; others, performer of great la- bors, φ 26 f. Ιιτι-καίω, only ipf επί μηρϊ CKaiov, comburebant, were burning, y 9, and aor. ^κη£, αν. ciri-Kap, see III. κάρ. €ΐΓΐ-κάρσιαι, pi. adj., (επί κάρ), head- foremost, ι 70f. ΈΐΓΐκάστη, mother of Oidipus, λ 27lt. tTr-6K€tvTO, ipf , fut. -κείσεται, (κείμαι), lay thereon, i.e. were closed, ζ 19; in- st&hit, beset, Ζ 458. eirl Kcipci 121 Ιπι-μ€|ΐφ€αι cirl Kcipci, ipf. -κεΐρεν, aor. -Kipae, accido, maim, baffle, μηδία; mow dovm, Π 394. €Trl κελάδησαν, aor., (κελαίέω), shouted applause, θ 542. (II.) «ΊΓΐ-κέλλω, only aor, -£Κ€λσεν, etc., beach, kt take the land, νήας, ι 148. €iri-η, y, i^v, (ρώομαι, ρΐω, ruo), impetus, sweep, Ν 590 ; power, Γ 62 ; shower of weapons, Δ 542 (as measure of distance, flight of a spear, Ψ 529). 2. Ιρωή {ΙρωΡή, Old Ger. ruowa), ΤΓολψον, cessation, pause, Π 302, Ρ 76 1 . βρως, see ίρος. ίρωτάω, see ίΐρωτ^ς. Ισ-, see also eh-. Εσ-αθρ'ίω, aor. 4σ-αθρήσ€ΐ€ν, con- spice r e t, descry, Γ 450t. εσ-ακονω, aor. Ισάκονσβ, give ear, θ 97. έσ-άΧ\ομαι, aor. -ήλατο, Π 558, and 2 aor. -αλτο, -aWopevoi, irrumpere, burst into, τίΐχος, πύλας. ίσβην, εσ(ν, see σβίνννμι. έσ-δερκομαι, only aor. -έδρακον, εν, conspexit, adspexit, Ω 223 and €ατ-δννω, only ipf. ες τεύχεα βδυνον, and aor. δνντε, induere, ^μ< on, also fut. €σ-δυσ€αι, te immiscebis, take a part in, άκοντιστνν, Ψ 622. εσ-ερχεο, see είσ-ερχεο. έσ-ηλατο, aor. from έσ-ά\\ομαι. εσθην, aor. pass, from ενννμι. Ισθής, ητος, ητι, ητα, (Ρεσθ., ν e S t i s), clothing, clothes, a 165, ζ 74; garments given by the Nereids, ω 67 ; bed-cloth- ing, φ 290. (Od.) £σ9ος, TO— forcg., garment, Ω 94f. εσθιω, prs., ipf. ήσθιον, ε, (fut. see ίίω), aor. εψαγον (ψάγον), inf. φαγεμεν, έειν, etc.. pass, έσθίεται, edere, eat, τι', eit of, τινός, ι 102; consume, also of fire ; devour, ju 310 ; partake of food, ω 254, ρ 478; δ 318, is being de- voured. Ισ-θλ(ίς, ί], όν, etc., {εστί, io), excellent, glorious, κλέος; valiant, A 458, Ζ 443, I 319, Ν 733; brave, Π 837, Ω 167; noble, good, 1 514, Ο 203, ζ 182, »/ 73, A 108, Ζ 489, Θ 553 ; ntr., good, blessing, Ω 530, 488; costly, Κ 213; κ 523, εσθλά, valuables. €σ-θορ6, aor., (βρώσκω), sprang in, Μ 462, Φ 18. εσθω, inf. ea6e^€vai, ipf. }}«τθε = εσθίω, eat, partake of food, ε 94, θ 231, Ω 476 ; consume, β 75 ; devour, ι 479. €σ-ιδ€σθην, ίοεσκεν, ίδηται, etc., see £/'σ-θ|θόω. έσ-ΐ£μ€ναι, prs. part, mid., {'ίημι), hurrying into, χ 470f. €σ-ίζήται, subj., (ΐζομαι), places him- self in the ambuscade, Ν 285 f. €s εκαλβσσατο, aor., (κολίω), called in his wife, Ω 193f. Ισ-κάτά-βαίνων, permeans, trav- erse, ω 222f. €σκον, εν, see εΙμί. €σ-€ρ.άσσατο, aor., (μαίομαι), θυμόν, distressed my heart, Ρ 564, Υ 425. Ισ--όψομαι, εται, fut. from είσ-οράω. ecrrrcptos, ot, wj', ους. (ίαττίρος), ves- per tin us, i/i <Λβ ecening, Φ 560; q/" ; 74; ipδειv τινά, ' bene facere. — (3) feliciter,/)ro5- perously, A 19, Β 253. — (4) with ναιό- μενος, well inhabited, habitable, so also ναιετάωσα ; strengthening = quite, be- fore πάντες, μάλα. — (5) in composi- tion, before two consonants or a double i consonant, usually εν-, elsewh. εύ-. €υ = ου, sui. ευ-αγγελιον (άγγελος), reward for good tidings, ζ 152, 166. i cvaSe = εσΡαδε, aor. from άνδάνω, p\ a, en it, pleased. Εύ - αιμονίδης, son of Έύαίμ,ων, Eurvpylos, grandson of Ormenos, Ε 76, Η 167. (II.) εύ-ανθει, dat., nom. -ανθης, (άνθος), λάχΜ^, Avith luxuriant, abundant down, λ 320t. Εύ-άνθης, father of Maron, t 197t. Εΰ-βοια, island of the Abantes, Β 536^7 174,7; 321. εΰ-βοτος, abounding in fine cattle, 406t. εΰγματο, pi., (ενχομαί), κενά, empty boastings, χ 249. 4υ-γνάμ,τΓΤοις, dat. pi., (γνάμπτω\ gracefully bent, σ 294f. εύ-δείελος, ov, ov, (δεελος, δήλος), clearly-, or far-seen; epithet of islands, esp. of Ithaka, β 167. (Od.) εύ-8ΐκίας, ace, (δίκη), άνεχ7^σι, main- tains yzAsiice, r lllf. ευ-δμήτου, oio, φ, ov, ων, ονς, (δεμοή, well built, weU fashioned ; wall, altar, A 448, η 100. εϊ'δω, pres. subj. 2 sing, εvδyσθa, ipf. εΰδον, iter, ενδεσκε, sleep, sweet sleep, sleep of death, S 482 ; be still, Ε 524. Εΰ-δωρος, son of Hermes and of Polymele; chief of Myrmidons, Π 186, 179. εύ-ειδεα, ace, (είδος), well shaped, beautiful, Γ 48|. εύ-εργεσίη, ας, (έργον), well-doing, kindness, χ 235, 374f. εύ-εργης, εος, εα, εες, εων, (ipγov), well made, well or firmly wrought (ship, chariot, seat) ; pi., bene factoruni, χ 319. €υ-εργ<5ς, fem., (ipγov), excellent, λ 434. (Od.) εύ-ερκέος, gen. from -ερκης, (ερκος\ αυλής, well fenced, well enclosed; ρ 267 (v. 1. ενεργεες), with strong posts. ευ-ζυγου, gen., pi. -oi, {ζυγόν), firmly built, well bound together (Λvith strong cross-beams), ν 1 1 6. έΰ-ζωνος, oio, ονς, (ζώνη), beautifully girdled, the girdle giving a graceful form to the garment, Ζ 467, A 429. (II.) (See cut.) εύ-ηγενε'ος, εων, (γ'ενος), well or nobly bom, A 427. (II.) εύ-ηγεσίη? (ηγείσθαι), εζ-, in conse- quence of good government (v. 1. εύεργε- σίης),τη4\. εύ-ηκεο5, gen., -ης, (άκων), well- pointed, sharp, piercing, X 319 f. Εύηνίνη 134 cdvii Εύηνίνη, daughter of Euenos, Mar- pessa, I 557t. Εύηνορίδης, son of Euenor, Leiokri- tos, β 242. (Od.) Εύηνος, Evenus, (1) son of Sele- pios, Β 693.— (2) father of Marpessa. €ύ-ηνορο, ace. from -ωρ, (άνήρ), manly, glorious, famous, ί 622. (Od.) Εΰήνο)ρ, ορός, father of Leiokritos. €ύ-ήρ€ς, fa, ηΙτ.,(όρηρώς), well poised, handy, epithet of oars, λ 121. (Od.) ίν-θριζ only Ιύ-τριχας, tcith flowing mane, Ψ 13. [ί] έυ-θρονος, op, (θρόνος) Ήώς, ttrith beautiful throne, well throned, θ 565. (Od.) ^ tvdv, see ίθύς. €ν-θϋμ.ος, well disposed, kindly, ζ 63 f. Ei-iinros, a Trojan, slain by Patro- klos, Π 41 7 f. €ύ-καμ'π'€α, ες, (κάμπτω), well bent, curved, sickle, key, φ 6. (Od.) €ύ-κ6άτοιο, jren., (κ(ίω), easily cleft or split, ε 60|. [ο] €ΰκηλος, οι, (εκηλος, ε-Ρεκ.), quiet, unmolested, A 554, γ 263. iv -κλεης, masc. pi. ace. -κλβΐας, ntr. sing, -κλεές, (κλέος), adv. ^υκλβιως, gloriosus,/anioM5, Κ 281, φ 331. ^ν-ΐ(Τλ€ίη, ης, good reputation, fame, θ 285, ζ 402. 4υ-κλήις (κληίς), close shutting, Ω 318t 4ν-κνήμΙ䀫, ας^(κνημίί:), wellgreaved (Achaians, companions), A 1 7, /3 402. (See cut under άμφι-βρότης.) €ύ-κόσμ.(ϋς, well disposed, well ar- ranged, φ 123f. 4υ-κτίμ,€νον, η, ης. ην, (κτιω), bene c u 1 1 u s, well tilled, laid out, appointed, built, Β 501, t 130, Φ 77, ω 336. [ί] Ιύ-κτϊτον (κτίω), firmly built, Β 593|. €ύκτά (ενχομαΐ) γενηται, occasion for triumph (ενχος, εύγμα), S 98t. ίύ-κΰκλον, ον, ους, (κύκλος), well rounded, well rimmed (II.) ; well wheeled, ζ 58. €ύ-λ€ίρ.ων (λειμών), abounding in meadows, adapted for (cattle) pasturing, d 607t. cvXai, ac, fem. pi., maggots, X 509. €ΰληρα (IfX. f ελίσσω ?), reins, Ψ 48 If. Εΰ-μ,αιος, son of Ktesios, Ormeni- des, 414; the illustrious swine-herd, π 461 ; faithful to his master Odys- seus, cf ξ 17-190, χ 267. €ύ-μ€ν€ττ|σιν (μίνος), those who think rightly, the well disposed, ζ 1 85. Εύ-μήδης, father of Dolon, Trojan herald, Κ 314, 412. €ΰ-μηλος (μήλα), abounding in sheep, 406t. Εΰ-μηλος, son of Admetos, Ψ 288. (II.) έϋ-μμελίης, ον, and ω. ην, οι, (also with single μ, σμελ.), skillful with the spear, γ 400. (II.) €ύνάζω, fut. εϋνάσω [α], mid. pr. εννάζεσθαι, ipf , (εννη), put in ambush, δ 408 ; mid., lay one^s self down, sleep, υ 1. (Od.)^ £ύ-ναΐ€τάοντ€ς, ας, (να'(τάω), pleas- ant to dwell in, comfortable, Β 648, β 400. [α] «ύ-ναιόμβνον, φ, η, ην, (νη'ιω), well inhabited, thickly peopled,• of cities, esp. Troia,A 164. εύνάω, aor. act. €ΰνησ£, pass, εννη• θήναι, (εννη), phce (in ambush), δ 440 ; still, quiet (lament, wind); pass., lay one's self to rest, (εν)φιλύτητ(, of sexual intercoui'se, Γ 441. tvvi/\ (no gen. dat. pi., but the form ευνήψι), bed, couch, of individual, 1618; of army, Κ 408 ; of Avild animals, cat- tle ; also marriage bed, cohabitation ; bedding, τ 317, Κ 75, ψ 179; bedstead, Εί-νηος 135 Έυρΰ-μεδων α 427, /3 2, θ 2. Plur., freq. mooring stones, Avhich served as anchors, having cables (ττρνμνήσιά) attached to them, and being cast upon the land or on the bottom, A 436, 476. — εύνηθεν άνί- στατο, arose from his couch, υ 124|. Εΰ-νηο5, son of Jason, king of Lem- noSj^H 468. (II.) εΰ-νητον, οι, ονς, (tv -ννητ., νέω), tcell, firmly woven, Σ 596. εύνηψι, see εννη. 6UVIV, ace, (Gothic, vans), laching; εθηκεν, ποιήσας, orbavit, Χ 44, t 524. βύ-νομίην (νόμος), good order, obedi- ence to laics, ρ 487 f. Ιύ-ξεστον, ov, φ, οι, y, ην, ας, (ξίω), well scraped, smooth, polished, il 275, 290,271. Ιυ-ξοον, ov, Κ 373, ίύξου, (ζίω), well planed, j^olished ; only ε 237 , polishing smoothly. €ΰ-ορμος, ov, (όρμος), affording good moorage or anchorage, Φ 23. (Od.) ei» - iraTcpci-ji, tiav, (πατήρ), sprung from noble father, high-bom, e][)\thct of Helene and of Tyro, Ζ 292, λ 235. Εύ-τΓίίθης, ίος, ια, father of Anti- noos, slain by Telemachos, ω 523. ίύ-ΐΓ^Ίτλω, ov, ων, fern., (τϊίττΚος), with beautiful mantle, beautifully robed, Ε 424, ζ 49. Ιυ-ττηγης (πηγννμι), strongly built, φ 334|. Ιυ-ιτηκτου, φ, ων, (ττηγννμι), firmly joined together, well built, of ship, tent, apartment, Β 661, ψ 41. €υ-'7Γλ€ίην (πλεΐος), well filled, ρ 467|. έυ-πλ€Κ6€ς, εας, and Ιυ-ιτλίκτω, ονς, well plaited, of body of chariot, tassels, cord,' etc., Ψ 335, Β 449, Ψ 115. έυ-Ίτλοιην, ace, (πλόος), prosperous voyage, I 362 f. ev-irXoKa^iScs and βυ-ιτλόκαμος, φ, oi>, 01, οισι, (πλόκαμος), adorned with beautifid tresses, fair-haired, epithet of goddesses, £ 125, 390 ; of women, Ζ 380, /3 119, X 442. (See cut No. 47.) €W-irXi5v€S (πλύνω) rpapoc, well washed (fair-shining), θ 392. (Od.) €ύ-'ΤΓθίητον, 010, οισι, a, άων, yai, (πούω), well made, well wrought, of works of skill, Ε 466, Π 106, 636. €ί5-ΐΓρηστον (πρηθω) άντμην, spark- ling, fiery breath, or strong blowing, Σ 47 If. έυ-ττρυμνοι (πρνμνη), with well-round- ed sterns, Δ 248 f. 6ΐ5-ΤΓυργον (πύργος), well towered, Η 71t. Ιΰ-ττωλον, ace, (πώλος), abounding in horses, "Ιλιον, Ε 551, /3 18. €ΰράξ, on one side, A 251, Ο 541. ίύ-ρ(ής, see ίν-ρρύος. ινρισκω, only aor. εΰρον, etc., mid. prs. imp. tvpeo, opt. -oi/xijv,aor. ivptro, in venire, r e^ci' ire,, find out, discover ; mid. τίκμωρ, goal, end, remedy; invent a name ; draw down upon one's self, φ 304. Ιυ-ρροος, ov, (σρο-, ρέω), beautifully flowing, Η 329, Φ 130. Εΰρος, Eur us, S.E. zcind, stormy, Β 145 ; but warm, r 206. €ΰρος, ace, τό, (ενρνς), in breadth, λ 312t. Ιυ-ρρ€Ϊος, gen. and (II.) Iv-ppcirao, ην, (σρη-, piw), fair flowing, Ζ 508, | 257. Ιυ-ρραψεεσσι (ράπτω), flrmly sewed, β 354, 380. cvpu-^Y-uia, av, (ayvia), broad-street- ed, epithet of cities, Troia, δ 246, Β 141. Εΰρυ-άδης, suitor, slain by Telema- chos, X 267|. Ευρυ-αλος, (1) son of Mekistos, com- panion of Diomedes, Ζ 20, Ψ 677. — (2) aPhaiakian, θ 115,396. Εύρυ-βάτης, herald (1) of Agamem- non, A 320.— (2) of Odysseus, Β 184, Γ 247. Εύρν-δάμας, (1) father of Abas and of Polyeidos, Ε 149. — (2) suitor, slain by Odysseus, χ 283. Εύρυ-δύκη, daughter of Klymenos, wife of Nestor, γ 452. Εύρυ-κλ€ΐα, daughter of Ops, a 429 ; nurse of Odysseus, and faithful house- keeper in his palace, r 357, β 361. €\)^V'Kpf.i(aVt far- ruling, Agamem- non, A 102 ; Poseidon, A 751. Εν»ρυ-λοχο5, companion and cousin of Odysseus, fc 232, λ 23, μ 195, 339. (Od.) Εύρυ-μαχος, son of Polybos, a 399 ; suitor, slain by Odysseus, χ 82. (Od.) Εύρΰ-μϋδουσα, attendant of Arete, 7ϊ8|. Ενρΰ-μέδων, (1) son of Ptolemaios, Agamemnon's charioteer, Δ 228. — (2) Nestor's servant, θ 114, Λ 620. — (3) βύρυ-μ,^τωττον 136 eSre king of the giants, father of Periboia, η 58. ' ους, hroad- βύρν-μβτωίΓον, οι, browed, Κ 292, λ 289. Έΰρυμίδης, Exirymos's son, Telemos, seer among tlie Kyklops, ι 509 f. Έυρΰ-ν($μη, (1) Okeanos's daughter, Σ 398. — (2) Penelope's stewardess, ρ 495, Γ 97. Έύρύ -νομός, son of Aigyptios in Ithaka, β 22. (Od.) cvpiivav, aor. from εύρννω, enhrged (the arena of combat), θ 260f . <ύρΰ-οδ€ίης, gen., (oSog), with broad ways (ways open to all), Π 635, y 453. βυρΰ-οπα, voc., also old nom. for -ότΓί/ς; ace. from -οψ, (όψ, χ oy.), far- thundering, S 203, θ 206. cvpv-ir<$poio {πόρος) θαλάσσης, trav- ersable Jar and wide, tcith broad wags, Ο 381. (Od.) €υρυ-ΐΓνλ^ς (πύλη) Άιδος δώ, toide-gated, ψ 74, λ 571. Εύρΰ-ττυλος, (1) son of Euai- mon, from Thessaly, Β 736, Ε 76, Ζ 36, Λ 580, 809.— (2) (son of Po- seidon and of Astvpalaia) from Kos, Β 677.— (3) son of Telephos, slain by Neoptolemos, λ 520. cvpv-pccSpos, broad -flowing, Φ 141|. 6ύρύ ρΕων, broad- streaming, Β 849. (II.) cvpv9, ίος, si, sa, vv; fern. tvptXa, ntr. tvpv, etc., broad, wide, applied to heavens, earth, sea, countries, (only Β 575, to city and surroundings) ; elsewh. broad; comp. ίνρύτφος, y, Γ 194. £νρυ-σθ6νές, voc, with far-reaching might, epithet of Poseidon, ν 140. (II.) Εύρυσθίνς, ϊ]ος, son of Sthenelos, kingof Mykenai,T 103 sqq. ; imposes la- bors upon Herakles, Ο 639, θ 363, λ 620. Εύρΰτίδης, son of Eurytos, Iphitos, Odvsseus's guest -friend, ό 14, 37. (Od.) ^ ^ Ενρΰτίων, ωνα, Κεντανρον, φ 295|. Ev-pvTos, (1) son of Aktor, Epeian, with his brother Kteatos, ally of Au- geias, Β 621 ; Μολίονί, Λ 709.— (2) son of Melaneus, king of Oichalia, Β 730, φ 32 ; slain by Apollo, θ 224. (ύρν-ψν^ς (φύω), wide gronring, i. e. with its two rows of kernels far apart, epithet of barley, δ 604 f. €ύρΰ-χ6ροιο, ψ, ovj (χορός), with broad dancing-places, with broad squares^ 5 635. βύρώεντα, ace, (εύρώς), mouldy, dank, ψ 322. Ένρώπη, Φοίνικος θυγάτηρ, mother of Minos and Rhadamanthys, S 32 If. Ινς, έήος, Ιύν, also ήνς, ήύν, ntr., ήύ, ( = ίσύς, ίσθλΰς), bonus, good, excellent, brave, Β 653. (tv and tv, also ίάων, q• vO cvac, av, aor. from ε'νω, singed. έυ-σκαρθμοι (σκαίρω), lightly bound- ing, IS 3 If. Ιυ-σκοπος, ψ, ov, (σκοπή), άρ-γύφόν' της, far, sharply seeing (Hermes) ; but λ 198, of Artemis. Ιυ-σσΑμου, oio, φ, and pi., (σΡέλμα, s ο 1 u m), well decked, of ships ; zoith good deck (only at bow and stern), Β 1 70, /3 390. The Egyptian ships seem to have had a kind of caboose. (See cut.) Ιϋ-σ-σωρος, father of Akamas, a Thrakian, Ζ 8|. • Ιυ-<Γτοθ€ος, gen. from -t)c, (ΐστημι), well based, firmly built, Σ 374; apart- ment, \p 178. 4v- στέφανος, ov, ψ, (στεφάνψ, ος), (1) tcith beautiful fillet or head-band, of Artemis and Aphrodite (see cut No*. 47). — (2) strongly walled, of Thebes, Τ 99. Ιυ-στρ^τοισι, dat. pi., (στρέφω), tightly plaited or twisted, β 426 ; so also iv-trrpt^iiy εα, ες, ίεσσι, Ο 463 ; and Ιυ-στρ<ίψω, Ν 599, of cords, ropes, string of bow and sling. eire (ore), (1) quom, icAen, disjunc- tive : the sentence in which its clause stands connected with what precedes by another conjunction in the apodosis, y 9 ; with subj. with (B 34), or Avith- out av (η 202), to express general ex- cv-Tcix* 137 €ψ-£1Γων pectation, Β 228. — (2) quasi, as = ήντε, Γ 10. €ν-τ€ίχ€α, fern, ace, and -τ6ίχ€ον, as fem., (τΰχος), strongly walled, Π 57, A 129. Ιυ-τμητοισι, ους, (τέμνω), well cut, of straps, Ψ 684. (11.) €υ-τρ€φ6ος, ίς, εις, from -τρεφής, (τρέφω), well nourished, fat, ι 425. (Od.) Είίτρησις, village in Boiotia, Β 502. Ιυ-τρήτοισν, (τιτράω), well pierced, Λ 182t. Ιυ-τριχας, nom. ενθριζ, with flowing έύ-τροχον {τροχός), well wheeled, θ 438. 6ΰ-τυκτον (τεύχω), well wrought, Γ 336, S 123. €ύ-ψη|χήσαι, aor., -φημ'εω, {φήμη), bona verba loqui, favere un- guis, shun unlucky words, keep silence, at sacrifice, I 1 7 1 f . Έΰ•ψημος, son of Troizenos, chief of Kikones, Β 846|. Εύ-φήτης, ruler over Ephyra in Elis, Ο 532|. Εΰ-φορβος, Panthoos's son, Trojan, who having Avounded Patroklos, Π 806, is slain by Menelaos, Ρ 59. έυ-φραδ€ω9 {φράζεσθαι), thoughtfully, wisely, r 352f. εύ-φραίνοιμι, fut. -ανεω, ανέειν, aor. ενφρηνε, ήναι, (φρένες), exhilarare, delight, gladden ; mid., /3 311, take one's pleasure. kv φρονεων, icell meaning and well judging, with kind and wise thought, A 73, /3 160. cv -φροσυνη, sing., and pi. -yaiv, 1 a e t i t i a-, mirth, gladness, ζ 1 56. €υ•φρων, ova, (φρένες), laetus, Γ 246, rejoicing the heart. εΰ-φΰεα, ace. sing., pi. έες,well growJi, stately, shapely, A 147. (II.) Ιυ-χάλκου, ov. ων, wrought of fine brass, well mounted with brass, Ύ 322. εύχετάομαι, opt. ευχετοωμην, οώτο, inf. -τάασθαι. ipf. ενχετύωντο, (εύχομαι), wish, (ι) pray to, τιν'ι, Χ 394.— -(2) boast, Μ 391; //εγάλα, loudly; «πί rti/t, χ 412. Ένχήνωρ, son of Polyeidos, Ν 663. εύχησι, nom. εύχή,by prayers, κ 526|. εΰχομ,αι, prs., ipf. ενχοντο, fut., aor., (subj. ενζεαι), declare a wish, ζ 463. — (1) precari,^my, θεψ, Γ 296, Σ 75; μέγα, aloud ; πολλά, devoutly ; υπέρ τίνος and τινί, in behalf of. — (2) vo- vere, implore, ο 353, τινί η; inf. — (3) asseverare, avow, Σ 499; de se praedicare, avouch mysef, esp. with εΊναι, a 180, usually of just pride. — (4) gloriari, boast, Ν 447. εΰχος, τό, gloria, fame, Ε 654. €υ-χρο6ς, ntr., (χρως), bright-colored, ξ 24t. €ύχωλή, ^c, ην, αϊ, yai, (εύχομαι), preces, prayer, ν 357 ; votum, vow, A 65; gloriatio, triumph, Δ 450, θ 229, Β 160 ; my pride, X 433. ενω, prs. act. and pass. aor. «νσε, σαν, singe, bristles of swine, I 468 ; eyelids of Kyklops, t 379. cv -ωδης, έί, ες, (οδωδα), fragrant, /3 339. €ΰ-ώπιδα, ace. from -ώπις. fair-faced, ζΐρ. (Od.) εφαγον, see φαγεΊν. εφ-άλλομαι, aor. Ιιτάλτο, επ(ι)άλμε- νος, (ίίλλομαι, salio), insilio, spring upon (in hostile signif ), charge upon, τινί, Ν 643 ; Ίππων, leap upon ; ω 320, spring toward. (φ-αλον (ΐπί αλός), maritimus, Β 538. (II.) εφαν, see φημΊ. εφ-ανδάνω, ίπι-ανδάνει, ipf -ήνδανε (and εφήνδ., Η 45), placere,j5/ease. εφάνη, aor. pass, from φαίνω. ε(ρ-άπτω, pf. pass, εφήιτται, plupf. -ηπτο, aor. mid. subj. ΐφάψεαι, (1) hang over, τινί, Φ 513. — (2) mid., attigeris, touch, ήπείροιο, ε 348. €φ-αρμ($σσεΐ€ (αρμόζω) ει οΐ, whether they ^«ecZ him, Τ 385|. έφ-6ζόμενος, η, part., inf. prs., ipf. εφεζετο, pf. εφήμενος, aor. imp. εφεσσαι, inf. εφεσσαι, mid. -εσσάμενος (tmesis, ξ 295), insido, si< upon, τινί, δ 509 ; pf., ζ 309 ; aor. act., take on board; π 443, set me on his knee. Ιφ-€ηκα, ε, -είην, see εφ-ίημι. €φ-€λκ€ται, with part., ipf. εφέλκετο, mid., drato to one's self, attract; pass., trailing, dragging after, ψ 696. εφ-ενννμι, see επι-εννυμι. €φ-6ΐΓων, Ι. act. prs., ipf. εφεπε, iter. -έπεσκον, fut. -έ-φεις, ειν, aor. -εσπον, επι-σπεΧν, (έπώ, sequor), (1) perse- qui, pursue, τινά, A 177. — (2) injsti- gare contra, turn against, τινί,,Ή. 732. — (3) percurrere, rush through, over, τι, τινάς, Τ 494, ι \2\.— (A) follow 6ψ-€σσαι 138 «Χ«να up (occupation), τΙ, μ 330, ξ 195. — (5) fut. aor., assequi, draw dotcn vpon one's self, ιτότμον, etc., γ 134, Τ 294, Φ 100. — Π. mid. fut. and aor., scqui, TM't, Δ 63, Ν 495; obsequi, comply tTiVA, γ215,^262. ίφ-ίσσαι, εσσισθαι, etc., see ίφ-εζόμε- νος. Ιφ-6στιος, ον, ot, (1) = ίφ' εστίφ, at one's own hearth, γ 234; native, Β 125. — (2) =■ ίψ' εστίαν, to one's hearth, ψ 55, η 248. 6φ-6τμή, ην, εων, άς,(ΐημι), iussum, cominand, behest, S 249. |ψ-£υρομί€ν, etc., aor., (ευρίσκω), in- venire, come upon and βηά, surprise, β 109, Δ 88. Ιψ-€ψΐόωνται, το, prs. ipf., (ίψιάο- μαί), illudunf, mock, τινϊ,τ 331,370. ίφ-ηγέομαι, see επί στίχας. εφ-ήμαι, see εψ-εζω. €φ-ημ.^ρίος, α, (ήμερα), the day through, δ 223 ; but ^85, every day, trivial thoughts. έφ-ημοσυνης, ην, gen. acc, (ίημι), iussum, 7Γ 340. €φησ6α, aiebas, see ψημί. €φβης, η, see φθάνω. Ιφθίαθ' (-ίατο), see φθίω. Εφιάλτης, son of Aloeus (Posei- don), brother of Otos, giant, Ε 385, λ 308. €φ-ίζαν€, etc., ipf., (ΐζω), insidebat, νπνος ; assidebant, ίίίττν^, Κ 578. €φ-1ζ€, ipf., iter, -ίζεσκε, insidebat, sit upon, nvi, γ 411, r 55. ίφ-ίημι, ipf. -161, fut. -ησω, aor. -ήκε, έηκε, subj. -ft ω, opt. -είην, imp. εφες, immitto, send to, τινά τινι, Ω 117; launch at, τι τινι, A 382, Ο 444, r 550 ; imponere,jt)?ace upon, tlv'i ti ; χείρας, lay hands upon ; νόστον, decree ; i m- pellere, constrain, with inf., ξ 464, Σ 108; mandare, jtjropose, Γ 576; so also mid. -ιεμενος, and fut. -ησομαι τινί τι, Ψ 82. [?, but Ίεμενος, ϊεις, Ίει, exc. ω 180.] έφ-ίκοντο, aor., (ικνέομαι), άλλι^λω»', Jell upon one another, Ν 613|. εφίληθεν, aor. pass, from φιλέω. ίφ-ίστατο, (1) ipf. and 2 aor. -εστη, approached, drew near, τινί, Κ 496, "Ψ 201, Λ 644.— (2) pf. -εστ'ασι, inf. -εστά- μίν(αι), part, -εστάότες, plupf. -εστηκει, -έστάσαν, stand hy (near), upon, at, τινί, Ν 133, Ζ 373, a 120, Σ 554, 515. 4φΗάλκαιον (ε\κώ), rudder, ξ 350t. έφ-ομ.αρτ€Ϊτον, f, imp. prs., folloic close upon, θ 191. (II.) Ιφ-σιτλίζοιμεν, prs., fut. -οπλι<τσουσι, aor. Λvith <τσ (inf. ί(σ)σαι), get ready, re- past, chariot, ship; mid. fut. -ισόμεσθα, get ready our supper, I 66. έφ-ορ^ς, etc., prs., fut. επιόφομαι, επό-φεαι, aor. επιδόντα, ΙδεΙν, intueri, behold, watch over; ν is ere, τινά^ τι; select, I 167. ίφ-ορμάω, aor. -ώρμησαν, cxcita- verunt contra me, stir up against, Γ 165 ; elsewh. τη'ιά.-ορμάται, and aor. -ωρμήθην, irruere, adoriri, attack, τινά (rti^t, tmesis, fc 214); cupere, ΐΓΪ($-δωρος {ήπια), kind'y giving, hountiful,Z 251 f. tjirios 147 ήτορ ήπιος, ον, ον, η, α, mild, of persons, of remedies, Δ 218 ; of counsels, Δ 361. ήιτΰτα (ήττύω), loud voiced, Η 384f . Ήττΰτίδης, Periphas of Troja, Ρ 324t.^ ήΐΓυ€ΐ, ipf. ϊ/ττυί, hail; ρ 271, sound shrill; Ζ 399, roar. ήρα (pspnv Tivi, also Ittl . . . ijpa, do a favor, gratify, humor, γ 164, A 578 (^fijpa, βονλομαι). Ήρακλβίδης, (1) Tlepolemos, Β 653. —(2) Thessalos, Β 679. Ήρακλήος, ηι, ήα, often replaced in nom., as in other cases, by periphrasis, βίη Ήρακληίίη, voc. wanting, Hera- hles, son of Zeus and of Alkmene; his birth, Τ 98 ; άίθλοι, θ 362, λ 623, ^ 26 ; destroys Laomedon's Troja, Τ 145, Ε 642; makes conquest of Py- los, Λ 689 sqq., cf. also Ε 392, 397 ; death, Σ 117; his shade, λ 601; his wife (on earth) Megara (see Thes- salos and Tlepolemos), in Olympos, Hebe. National hero, celebrated in popular songs before Homer's time, λ 602, 267. Epithets, θβίοιο, θρασνμίμ- νονα, κρατίρόφρονα ; cf. ^ 25. Ήρακληείη, ης, y, ην, always with βίη, perii)]irasis for Herakles, Λ 690. ήράμ€θα, see άρννμι, gain. ήραρ£, aor. from άραρίσκω. ήρατο, aor. mid. from αίρω. ήρατο, from άράομαι, precari. "Ηρη, Hera, daughter of Kronos and of Rhea, sister and wife of Zeus ; her education, 3? 201 sqq. ; relation to Zeus, A 568, Ο 13, S 153; hostile to Trojans; to Herakles; patron of Greeks ; her children : Ares, Hephai- stos, Hebe, Eilcithyia; her favorite haunts, Argos, Mykenai, Sparta, Δ 51, 52. Epithets, Άργίίη, βοώπις ττύτνια, ττρεσβα θεά, Διός κν^ρή τταράκοιτις ; ηνκόμοιο, λενκώλίνος, χρνσόθρονος, χρνσοπεδίλον, Zeus gi\'es her yet other (dishonorable) names, Ο 14 ; likewise Poseidon, θ 209 ; δολοφρονεονσα. ήρήρ€ΐ, plupf. from άραρίσκω. ήρήρ€ΐστο, plupf. pass, from ίρείδω. ήρϊ, loc, {ήερή, m a η e, αί earli/ morn, I 360 ; Avith ήώθεν, τ 320. ήρϊ-'γ6ν€ΐο, ης, αν, early bom, epithet of ηώς, ύ 195. As substantive =Eos, Child of dawn, χ 197. ήρΧκε, fracta est, break, from ϊρίικω. ήρίον, τό, sepulchral mound, Ψ 126|. ηριιτε, lapsus est, slip, from ίρεί-κω. TJpiryc, A'omuit, from ίρίύγο/ιαι. ήρώ, precabaris, from άράομαι. ήρώη- σαν, cesserunt, retire, from ψωίω. ήρως, ωος, ω'ί {ψ, Η 453, θ 483), ωα (ζ 303 [- - -], ω' before vowels) ; pi. ωες, ώων, ώεσσι, ωας, hero, warrior, title of honor for the free and brave ; stand- ing alone as subst., A 4, Κ 179 ; in ad- dress, Υ 104, Κ 416 ; Avith Aavaoi, 'Αχαιοί, likewise with single names, Δ 200, β 15, Φ 163; joined Avith θερά- τΓοντες "Αρηος,Β 110; -γέρων, η 155. (Never = demigod.) ήσ = (1) ησαι,Ο 245, s6d 68.— (2) ησο, 7Γ 44, con side. ήσαι, σται, sedes, sedet. ήσατο, gavisus est, from ηδομαι. ήσβιν, fut. from 'ΐημ ι . ήσθα, eras. ήσκ€ΐν, wrought, ipf. from άσκ'εω. ήσο, c ο η si d e, imp. from ημαι. ήσσων, pi. ονας, ntr. ον, deterior, ο 365; ολίγον //σσον, paullo minus, little less. ήσται, sedet. ήστην, e r a η t am bo. ήσΰχίη, »),quies,;7eace, quiet, σ 22f. ήσόχιον, ace. masc, tutum, unin- jured, Φ 598 f. τ]σχυρ,μ6νο9, pf. pass, from αίσχύνω. ή Ύ=ή τε, Γ 366. ή τ€ — ή τ€, sive — sive, either — or. ητΐάσθβ, όωντο, ipf. from αίτιάομαι. ή Tot (I. η, and ΙΠ. τοι), marks (1) calm assurance, surely: in address, Η 406, a 307, Η 191; in narration, A 140, Ζ 201 ; after »}, ρ 372.— (2) marks antithesis =/ίέν, A 68, ο 6, Η 188, Λ 487; quamquam, and yet, X 280 ; αλλ' ή τοι, but by all means, A 211, Ω 48, 488, 7Γ 278; -μίν, sed vero, but yet, A 140; with imp., yet, δ 238, κ 271 ; after ως, ε 24, and ΰφρα, γ 419 ; μεν before δε, by all means, Γ 1 68 ; (ι 339 read ή τι ; τοι, τ 599, is dat.). ήτορ, τό, heart, not as bodily organ, though used as synonymous with κρα- δίη, Κ 93 ; Krjp, Ρ 53.5 ; likewise with θυμός ; also with ivi φρεσί, Π 242, Τ 169,Θ413, ί/320, cf. Β 490; εν κpaδίy, Τ 169; svnonvmous with anima, > 84, Φ 2θΊ ; Itfe, Ε 250 ; power of thought, mind, A 188; heaj-t, feelings, I 497, 572; seat of astonishment, f 514; of joy, Ψ 647; of grief, Ε 364; of ήυ•γ^ν€ΐος 148 θαλβθων hope, π 92 ; of fear, Γ 31 ; of courage, Π 209 ; of desire, Ε 670 ; of wrath, S 367 ; of appetite, Τ 307, 1 705. ήυ-γ^ν£ΐθ5 (ykvuov), with λ/ς at end of verse (II.), d 456, with λέων, strong- bearded, from the long hairs (" feelers ") around the lion's jaws. ηΰδα, 1 ο c u t u s e s t, ipf. from avddw. ήυ-κομος, oio, (κόμη), beautiful-, fair- haired, A 36. ηύς, vp, V, see ίνς. ηυσ£, clam av it, from άνω. ήότ£ (ήΡε re), as also, (1) quam, ow, comparable to, A 277. — (2) tanquam, quasi, as it were, A 359. — (3) ecu c u ra, as when, like, Β 87. "Ήφαιστος, no dat., {σΡη-, per se, φαίνων ?), son of Zeus and of Hera, god of fire, and of arts which need the aid of fire; his wife,Charis, Σ 382 sqq. ; but in Odyssey, the faithless Aphro- dite; from childhood on, άμφιγνήπς, κυλλοτΓοδίων, Σ 395 sqq. ; his favorite abode, A 593, θ 283 ; chief works : armor of Achilleus ; net in which he entrapped Ares and Aphrodite, θ 274 ; brazen houses of gods on Olympos and their outfit ; sceptre and aegis of Zeus ; his titles, χαλκεύς, κΧυτοτέχνης, κλντόεργον, κΚντόμητιν, ττολνφρονος, περίκλυτος, ττολυμήτιος. Hephaistos is orig. nothing else than the element of fire, as may be recognized in I 468, and esp. in Β 426. ήφι (σΡήφι, see oc) βίηφι, sua (vi), X 107t. ήχή, y, (ήχω), noise, roar, hum, Β 209, II 769. ήχήβντα, ntr., ηεσσα, fem., (ήχη), echoing, ^ 72 ; roaring, A 157. ήχθ£το, ipf. from άχθομαι and εχθο- μαι. ήχι, ubi, where, A 607. ήώθ€ν (/)ώ(;), mane, early; eras mane, to-morrow at dawn, Σ 136; with μάλ' r/pi, eras multo mane. ήώθι irp6, before daybreak, A 50. ήώς, ους, o7, ώ, (aurora), daybreak, Φ 111, 7Γ 2; dawn, ε 390; eras mane, θ 470, λ 375 ; day, Ω 31 ; east, ι 26. Personified, Ήώ?, Eos, Aurora; her son Memnon, ^ 188 ; husband, Titho- nos, A 1, but cf. ε 121, 250; abode, μ 3, A 1, Τ 1, χ 197 ; Εωσφόρος, Ψ 226, precedes her as she drives her chariot aloft, ψ 246; epithets, ήριγέ- νεια, ρο^οδάκτυλος, ^Ία, ϊνθρονος, κρο^ κύττεπλος, χρνσόθρονος. Θ. θαάσσ€ΐς, ε μεν, ipf. θάασσε, sedere, sit, Ο 124. θαιροΰς, ace. ρ1., {θύρα), hinges of door or gate, Μ 459|• (See cuts from Egyptian originals ; also' under im- βλης, No. 38.) θαλάμης, gen., bed, hole, e 432f . θαλάμη -TT^Xos, ή, {πελεσθαι, cole- re), woman of the bedchamber, chamber- maid, η 8. (Od.) θάλαμος, ό, no dat. pi., {θέλνμνον), room (opp. large hall, μέγαρον δώμα^, hence the rooms of the rear portion of the house [see table III., at end of volume], e.g. women's chamber (d 121), room for weapons (τ 17), store-room (Ji 337), bedchamber, Γ 423. θάλασσα, ή, (ταράσσω, orig. form rapaxja, Curtius), no pi., the sea, as element ; when used of any particular sea it means the Mediterranean, Β 294. θαλάσσια (θάλασσα) έργα, raariti- ma (negotia), belonging to the sea, Β 614, c 67. θάλ^θων, οντες, part., (θάλλω), bloom- ing, ζ 63 ; ά\oιφy, teeming with fat. θάλ€ΐα 149 θβΐλό-ΊΓίδον θάλβϊο, y, αν, {θάλος), always with οαίς, abounding, goodly feast, θ 76, Θόλίϊα, name of a Nereid, Σ 39 f. θαλ€ρός, οΊο, όν, ώ, οί, ων, ους, η, ην, (θάλΧω), blooming, (1) fresh, strong, thick, μηρώ, χαίτη. — (2) manly voice was mute, φωνή ; shedding big tears, ϋάκρν ; rich, reeking, άλοιφη ; thick and frequent sob, γόος ; entered into in the prime of youthful freshness, blooming, γάμος. θαλ€ων, gen. pi. from το θάλος, (θάλλω), good cheer, X 504t. θαλίη, dat. pi. -t)s, from ή θαλά/, (θάλλω), abundance, λ 603. θολλόν, ace. masc, (θάλλω), foliage (as fodder for goats), ρ 224f . θάλλω, only pf part. Τ€θηλώ5, τ(θα- λνΐα, y, αν, plupf ηθήλει, cf> θηλεω, abound in, teem with, dat. ; part., abun- dant, fresh, ίερση, ν 245, cf c 467. θάλος, ace, τό, (θάλλω), shoot, scion, X 87, ζ 157; see Θαλεων. θαλτΓΐόων, part., (θάλπος), warm, τ 319t. ΘόλίΓίος, son of Eurytos, chief of the Epeians, Β 620f. θάλττων, οντΐς, part., (Od.), calefa- ciens, warming, φ 246. θαλττωρή (θάλπω), warming, metaph. comfort, Ζ 412. θαλυσια, τά, (θάλος), offering of first- fruits, hai'vest offering, I 534f. [y'\ Θαλϋσΐάδης, Έχίπωλος, son of Tha- lysios, Δ 458t. θομά, frequenter, often, α 1 43, 209. θαμβίω, only pi. ipf • Ιθάμ,ββον, aor. θάμβησβν, σαν, part, θαμβήσαντε, σασα, (θάμβος), be struck with astonishment, Γ 398, a 360 ; gaze xipon with vxmder, Ω 483. θάμβος, ενς, ntr., wonder, bewilder- ment, ω 394. Θάμ66ς, έσι, εας, ειαί, ειάς, frcquen- tes, crowded, thick, frequent, ε 252, Λ 552. Θα|χίζ6ΐς, 2 sing, ind., and -ίζων part, prs., ipf. θάμιζε, frequentare, come frequently, resort; with part. = fre- quenter, θ 451. θάμνος, φ, and pi., frondes, bush, shrub, thicket, ψ 190, Λ 156. Θάμυρις, Thrakian bard, vanquished and blinded by the Muses, Β 595f. [a] θάνατος, sing., and ot μ 341, mors, nex, mortes; θάνατόνδε, to death, U 693. Personified, Death, twin-brother of Sleep, £? 231. [a a] θάομαι, only 3 pi. 1 aor. θησαίατο, admirarentur, admire, σ 191|. θάπτω, prs. ipf., 3 pi. aor. θάψαν, plupf. pass, ετεθαπτο, sepelire, bury, ΰπυ χθονός, λ 52. θαρσάλ€ος, ον, οι, η, ntr. comp. -εώτερον, adv. -έως•, (θάρσος), ferox, courageous, daring ; ρ 449, impudent, θαρσ'εω, prs., pf. τβθαρσηκασι, also 1 aor., (θάρσος), be bold, also in bad sig- nif. be impudent ; part, confident; θ 197, ^vith ace, δβ of good courage as regards the contest. θάρσος, ους, ευς, (Eng. d a r e), a u d a- cia, boldness, also = impudence, Ρ 570. θάρατΰνος, adj., (θάρσος), confident, relying upon, οΐωνψ, Ν 823. θαρστίνω (subj.), prs., ipf. 1 sing. θάρσυνον, iter, θαρσννεσκε, 2 sing. aor. θάρσννας, (θάρσος), confirm are, en- courage, Δ 233. θάσσων, etc., comp. from ταχύς. θαΰμα, τό, (θάομαι), miraculum, res mira, wonder,' also with ΐδέσθαι, as exclamation, ρ 306 ; only κ 326, mi ratio, surprise. θαυμάζω, prs., ipf. θαύμαζε, iter. -ξεσκον, mid. θαυμαζό^ιην, fut. θαυμάσ- σεται, aor. θαυμάσωσι, (θαϋμα), mira- ri, wonder (at), Β 320, γ 373 ; τινά, Ε 601,ο•411; Γί,Ν11,7/43; τό,οη account of; with dependent sentence, Β 320, Ω 629 sq. ; Λvith ace. and inf., Ε 601. θαυμάν£οντ£ς, fut. part, from θαυ- μαίνω, admiraturi, θ lOSf. Βαυμακίη, town in Magnesia, under rule of Philoktetes, Β 716|. θάω, only mid. prs. inf θήσθαι, aor. θήσατο, suck (the breast of a mortal), Ω 58 ; milk, δ 89. θβά, ας, άν, αί, (θεαιναι), άων, ^σι, yς, άς, dea, goddess, (ορρ. -γυνή), Ξ 315, appos. with μήτηρ, νύμφαι. Θίάνώ, Κισσηις άλοχος Αντήνορος, Ζ 302, priestess of Athena in Ilios. θε'ίΐον, only sing., sulfur, sulphur, as sacred instrument of purification ; κακών άκος, χ 481 ; with fumes of sul- phur, μ^ΙΊ. (θέίΐον=^θ'εΡειον, cf. θύω.) θ€€ΐώσω, fut,, and pres. mid. θεειον- ται, fumigate and purify with brimstone (one's house), ψ 50. θ€Ϊ€ν, opt. aor. from τίθημι. Θίΐλό-Ίτεδον (θ' ειλόπεδον ?), drying- θ€ΐμ€ν 150 Ερμ6Τ£ place, a sunny spot in vineyard where grapes were dried, η 123f. 6€ΐμ€ν, opt., θίϊναι inf. aor. from τί- θημι. θ€ΐν£μ€ν, inf., Oeivy subj. prs., ipf. Θεΐρ6 tOtivs, part. aor. θείνας and part, pres. pass., (fen do), strike, τινά τινι, with (the bow behind the ears), Φ 491. θ€ίομ€ν, subj. aor. from τίθημι. BeioS) ου, 010, ov, ων, η, ης, ην, di- vinus, divine, Β 41 ; also = glorious, β 341 ; sacer, Η 298. θβίω, (1) -- θίω, curro. — (2) =θέω, θώ, aor. subj. from τίθημι. θέλγω, prs., ipf, QiXyi^ iter, θέλγεσκε, γ 264 ; fut. θίλζαι, aor. 1 ; pass. prs. opt. θίλγοιτο, aor. ίθέλχθης, and 3 pi. ίθίλχθίν, charm, cajole, bewitch, Φ 276 ; delude, deceive, τινά, τινός, and τινι θυμύν, Ο 322, 594 ; blind, Ν 435. 6£λκτηριον, α, τό, (0EXyw)= deli- C i a e, charm ; θ 509, means of appeas- ing the gods. θ^μ£θλα and θεμείλια, τά, (βηναΐ). fundamenta, Μ 28; the first, fig. bed (roots) of the eye, S 493 ; lower part of throat, near the j ugulum, Ρ 47. θ^μ€ν(αι) = θίΐναι, inf. aor. from τί- θημι. θ€μις, ιστός, ιστι, ιστα, ι, ιστες, {θεΐ- ναι), cmtom, mage, that which is laid down or established not by written law, but by old law, Ε 761, t 112, 115; Ιστί, fas iusque est; with inf. ή θ. L, sicut fas est, as is right, Β 73 ; also with gen., ζύνων, with dat., SJ 386 ; fatum, Διός θέμιστες ; decisions, Π 387 ; prerogatives, joined with σκήπ- τρον ; τίλύν, pay dues, taxes. Personi- fied, Themis, β 68, Υ 4, Ο 87, 93. 6£μΐ(ΓΓευ€ΐ, οντά, (θέμις), give law, τινι ; τινός, govern, ι 114. θεμωσ€, aor. {θεμόω),ο.ο&^\ϊ, forced, with inf., ι 486 and 542. -θ€ν, suffix (cf. Lat. -tus). I. in general, (1) local, answering question whence, πε^όθεν, funditus; Ύροίη-, ουρανό-, οίκυ- ; also with εζ, άπό ; with verba mo vend i, φερειν, άγειν; senticndi, Ίίι^θίΐ/ μεδέων. — (2) de- noting ^source, ε 477, Τ 305, cf. αίνο-, οίό-. — (3) specifying originator, Ο 489, 7Γ 447. — (4) temporal, ήώθεν, όπισθεν, postmodo. II. with designations of persons, θεό-, d i ν i η i t u s ; ττατρό-. Aw-, δημό-, εμε- (with άνευ, Ο 213), σε-, ε- ; (1) with ablative force, and ire ex, Β 26, ζ 289; de,Q 490; obedire, obey, Ο 199; after comparatives, A 114, ξ 56, Ψ 312 ; υπερέχω, I 419 ; also with ίξ, άπό, προ, Ε 96 ; πρόσθεν, Ε 56. — (2) with verba recordandi, θ 431, Δ 127; είνεκα,άϊκητι,γ 213; νπερ,Ζ 524; άνευ, Ρ 407.— (3) joined with word in gen., υ 42, A 180, π 94, Σ 337 ; with άντα, άντίον, άντιάν, πειράζειν, ψ 114. — (4) instead of gen., d 393, υ 232, π 439 ; but never instead of gen. partitive. θβ'ναρος, gen. from το θεναρ, flat of the hand, Ε 339 f. θ^ο, imp. aor. act. from τίθημι. θ€ο-δμήτων, gen. pi., (δέμω), a diis constructoruui, god-built, θ 519|. 6£ο-€ΐδής, εα, acc, (είδος), godlike, beautiful as the gods, Β 623, ο 271. θεο-€ίκ£λος, ov, (ε), (ΊκεΧος), like the gods, in exterior, A 131. β€60€ν, divinitus,/rom the gods, π 447 f. Θεο-κλΰμ€νος, seer in Ithaka, son of Polypheides, ο 256, ν 350. 6€ο-ΐΓρσΐΓ€'ων, part., vaticinans, prophesying, A 109. βίο-ΊτροΊΓίης, gen., ην, ας, and -τΓρ«5- ΊΓίον, gen. pi. ίων, (θεοπρόπος)=θεό- φαντον, vaticinatio, vaticinium, prophecy, oracle, A 385. β€θ-ΐΓρ6πος, acc. ov, (cf. όρι-πρε- πης) = βίθ(ράντωρ, one who discloses the will of gods ; vates, seer (N 70, οίωνι- στης), α 416. θεές, ου, οΤς, ψ, όψιν, όν, οι, ων, οϊσι, οΊς, ους, comm., deus (dea), ^oc2 (goddess) ; of individual deities, Δ 514, Σ 394; then like numen, the deity, συν θεφ, άνευ{θε) θεοϋ, νπερ θευν, εκ θεόφιν. [Often pronounced by syni- zesis, e. g. ξ 251, f/.] θεουδής, ka, (Θεο-Ραδης ?), pleasing the gods, pious, τ 364. (Od.) θ€ράΐΓ€-υον, 1 sing, ipf., (Θεράπων), serviebam, serve, ν 265t. [a] θεράττων, οντι, οντά, t, ες, ας, com- rade, comrade at arms (esquire, not servant), cf. λ 255, Β 110, t) 23. θερ'εω, see θέρεσθαι. θερμαίνω, only subj. aor. θερμήνη, calefaceret, toarm, Λβί/ί, ,S 7; opt. pre. pass, θερμαίνοιτο, calefieret. θερμών, ntr. a, fervid urn, a, L•t, warm, ι 388. θ^ρμετε, imp. prs., calefacite; θέρος 151 βήρη pass. ipf. 3 sing, θψμετο, calefiebat, Ψ 381. θέρος, ενς, ft, (for η a χ, fur-nus), aestas, summer, ?/ 118. Θερσί-λοχος, a Paionian, slain by AchiUeus, Φ 209, Ρ 216. Θίρσίτης, slanderous demagogue in Greek camp, Β 212-69. θερεσθαι, prs., fut. mid, θβρσό μένος, τ 507, pass. aor. subj. θερεω, ferve- s c ere, δβ warm, warm one's self, so also pass., ρ 23; πυρός, incendi, Ζ 331. θες, imp. aor. from τίθημι. θεσ-κελον, a, (κέλω), wondrous, έργα ; ntr. adv., mirum in modum, Ψ 107. θεσμόν, acc, (θεΊναι), site, ψ 296|. Θε'σττεια, town in Boiotia, Β 498 f. θεσττεσίοιο, gen., ψ, ov, η, y, ην, άωί/,adv. -ως, Ο 637 (θεός and εσπον ?), astonishing, tremendous, in good and bad sense ; θεσ-πεσ'ι^, by providential ordering, Β 367. θε(Γπι-δαες (βαίω), ττν ρ, fiercely blaz- ing, Μ 177. θε'στΓΪν, acc, (σεττ-, sequi "ί), follow- ing, attending the deity ; pious or divine, glorious, άοιδόν, ρ 385 ; άυιδήν, a 328. (Od.) Θεσττρωτοί, tribe dwelling about Dodona in Epeiros, π 427 ; their king Pheidon, ξ 316. (Od.) Θεσσαλός, son of Herakles, father of Pheidippos and Antiphos, Β 679|. Θεστορΐδης, son of Thestor,(l) Kal- chas, A 69.— (2) Alkmaon, Μ 394. Θε'στωρ, (1) father of Kalchas. — (2) of Alkmaon. — (3) son of Enops, slain by Patroklos, Π 40 If. θε'σ-φατος, ov, a, θε'σψαθ' before rough breathing, {θεός, φάναι, φαίνειν), cf fatum, ntr., decrees of fate; with άηρ, η 1^3 = thick. Θε'τϊς, ιοος, t, Xv, 7, a Nereid, mother of Achilleus by Peleus, Σ 431 sqq., Ω 62, cf. A 502 sqq., 397 sqq.; epithets, άλοσνδνη, άργνρόττεζα, ήυκύμοιο, καλλι- ττλοκάμον, τανύ-πεπλε. θέω, θε'εις, etc., prs., (inf. also θείειν), ipf. (iter, θίεσκον), fut. θενσεαι, σθαι, curro, run; of men and animals ; part, joined with other verbs =oci us, quick- ly, in haste, Μ 343, Ζ 394, χ 106 ; also of ships, potter's wheel, vein, and in gen. of round or quick-moving things. θεώτεραι, θύραι, divinae, ν lllf. Θήβη and θηβ^σι, ας, name of a city, (1) in Troas, at foot of Mount Plakos, residence of Eetion, A 366, Ζ 397 ; destroyed by Achilleus. — (2) επταπύλοιο, ενστεφάνψ, πολνηράτφ, ιερά τείχεα, in Boiotia, orig. founded by Kadmos ; Θήβασδε, to Thebes. Θήβαι, only pi., έκατόμπνλοι, city in Egvpt on Nile (Διός τΓόλις), δ 126, I 381. Θηβαίος, (1) α Theban ; but (2) as proper name, father of Eniopeus, θ 120. θήγει, ων, prs., whet (the teeth) ; imp. aor. mid. θηζάσθω, let each one sharp- en well his spear, Β 382. θηεομαι, only opt. θηοΐο, ipf θηείτο, ίθηενμεσθα, θηενντο, aor. θηήσατο, αντο, αιο, and θησαίατο, 3 ρ1., (θία), mirari, contemplari, gaze at, ad- mire, Ω 418, η 133 ; τινά, σ 191 ; with part., ρ 64 ; τι, Κ 524, ο 132; θνμφ, ε 76 ; joined with svnonymous verb, Ψ 728, θ 265. θήης, 2 sing. subj. aor. from τίθημι. θηητηρ ( θηεομαι ), beholder, i. e. fancier, connoisseur, ^ 397f (v, 1. θηρη^ τηρ). θηιον, θέειον, s α 1 ρ h u r, brimstone, χ 493|. θηλεας, see θήλνς. θηλεον, ipf, (θηλ'εω θάλλω), (the meadows) bloomed (with violet blos- soms, ων), ε 73|. θήλυς (also with fem. substs.), vv, fem. εια, ai, ας, and θήλεας, Ε 269, and θηλυτεραι, άων, yoi, λ 386, gentler, feebler, cf gentle sex; femininus, m u 1 i e b r i s, female. — (2) fresh, refresh- ing (dew, c 467). θημώνα, τόν, (θεΊναι), congeriem, heap, ε 368|. θην, = in prose, δηττου, allied perh. to δή, then, so then ; also ή-, ov- (o//). θηοιο, rairareris, opt. from θηεο- μαι. θηρί, θήρε, du., and θήρες, εσσιν, ας, (Eng. deer), fera, u-ild beast, ε 473. θηρευτήσι, dat. pi., (θήρη), vena- toribus, hunters, joined adjectively with άνοράσιν and κννεσσιν, Μ 41. (II.) βηρευοντα, part., (θηρη), venantem, hunting, τ 465f . θήρη, ης, ην, (βηρ), venatio, chase, ι 158. Οηρητηρ 152 Θρη'κη θηρητηρ, α, fc, ας, and ΰηρήτορας, Ι 544, {θίφη),\ enator, hunter ; φ 397, better reading θηιιτήρ. θηρίον, Γ0, (θήρ), beast, κ 171 and 180. θητ€ς, ρ1., {θίΐναι, conditio), laborer on fixed terms, hired laborer, day laborer (o])p. δμώες, vanquished serfs, slaves), δ 644f . θησαίατο, 3 pi, opt. aor. from θηίο- ^at, mirarentiir. βήσατο, Λβ sucked, see θάω. Θησ€υ5, ace. Ια, λ 631, Theseus; na- tional hero of Athens and Attika, A 265. θήσθαι, see θάω. βητ€υ€μ£ν, inf., -ίύσαμεν, 1 pi. aor., (βητίνω, θήτίς), work/or hire, be a day laborer, λ 489. -θι (cf Lat. -bi), suffix added to subst. and pron. stems to mark place in which. θίς, Oivi, ΘΧνα, masc, (θιΧναι ?), (1) acervus, heap, μ 45. — (2) elsewh. strand. Θίσβη, town in Boiotia, ττολντρηρω- vuy Β 502f . θλάω, only aor. eOXaae, θλάσσε, shattered, Ε 307. θλίβω (φλίβω, bio w), only fut. θλίψ€- ται ώμους, will rub his shoulders, ρ 22 1 f. θνησκων, prs., aor. εθανεν, etc., inf θαν'ΐΗν, fut. θανεεσθαι, pf τ'εθνηκα, part, τεθνηώς, ώτος (and ότος, ότα, ότας), etc., τεθρηκνΐαν, pf sync, τε- θνάσι, αίην, ης, η ; τεθνάμεν^αι), τΊ- θναθι, άτω, mori, die, νττυ χερσίν τί- νος; joined with ττότμον ίπισπεΊν, Η 52; οΐκτίστφ θανάτφ, λ 412. τεθνηώ- τες and θανόντες, mortui, the dead. θνητ<ίς, 17, etc., (no ntr.), mortalis, Υ 41 ; βροτόν, π 212. €)6ας, avToc, (1) son of Andraimon, Β 638 ; in Aitolia, Δ 527,— (2) θεϊος, son of Dionysos and of Ariadne, of Lemnos, S 230, — (3) a Trojan, slain by Menelaos, Π 311. Θόη, name of a Nereid, Σ 40|. θοινηθηναι, aor. pass., (θοινάω), to be entertained, S 36t. θ<ίλου, 010, only gen. sing., building of circular form, tcith vaulted roof, in court- vard of Odysseus. (See plate III., k) Qo6% (no gen. sing.), only gen. dat. and ace. pi. ^017, άων, ϊ/σ(ιν), adv. θοώς, (θέω), citus, quick, with δαΧτα, θ 38, proleptically ; νύξ, swift-descending, be- cause night, in the countries on the Mediterranean, follows more speedily than with us the setting of the sun (cf. β 388); νήσοι, swiftly flitting by, and sinking in the horizon, 299. θοόω, only aor. βθιίωσα, (άκρον, prae), acui, brought to a point, ι 327 f. 0<5p6, aor. from θρώσκω. θοΰρος, ov, fem. θονριδος, ly, (^θρώ- σκω), impetuosus, rushing, raging, impetuous ; Ares, Ε 30 ; άλκ^ς, άσττίδα, αιγίδα. θάωκος, οι = θώκος, οι. Θ<ίων, ωνος, (1) a Phaiakian, θ 113. — (2) son of Phainops, slain by Dio- medes, Ε 152. — (3) a Trojan, slain by Odysseus, Λ 422. — (4) a Trojan, com- rade of Asios, slain by Antilochos, Μ 140, Ν 545. Θόωσα, a nymph, daughter of Phor- kys, mother of Polyphemos, α 71. Θοώτης, herald of Menestheus, Μ 342. Θράσιος, a Paionian, slain by Achil- leus, Φ 210. [o] θράσος, ro, S 416 \^α]=θάρσος, au- d a c i a, boldness, courage. Θράσν-δημος, v. 1. see θρασνμηΧος. θρασν-κάρδιος, stout-hearted, Κ 41. €'s (lov, κνεφας), violet, dark, violet blue, of wool, δ 135. (Od.) [i] Ιο-δόκος, ov, (ιός, δεκομαι), arrow-re- ceiving, φ 12, of quiver. [I] Ιο-6ΐδ6ος, gen., έα, {ων), violet-colored, dark blue, e 56. [Ϊ] locvra ( ιός ) σιοηρον, rusty iron ; others interpret, violet -colored, dark, from lov, Ψ 850t. [t] 1<ί-μ,ωροι, adj. applied to Άργΰοι, Δ 242, S 479 (ιό-της ?), of doubtful deriv. and signif , skilled in arrow-shooting = cowardly ; or strong in wishing and worth- less in action. (11.) ίου, gen. from Fiov, (vio-lae), col- lective noun, violets, ε 72f. Ιονθάδος, τϊ]ς, barbatae, shaggy, ιός, ψ, ύν, pi. ioi, (Ιά, Υ 68), ων, οϊσι, ους, sagitta, arrow, Λ 515. (ιος) ίώ, ιδ., Ιής, iy, unus, a, one, Ν 354, Δ 437. (II.) [i] 1<5τητι, τα, (ίμερος), τινός, will, mov- ing, Ο 41. Ιουλους, τους, (ονλος), first growth of the beard, downy hair, λ 319t. [i] Ιο-χ€αιρα, αν, {ιός, χεω), arrow- shooting, Ε 53. ί'7Γπάζ€αι, 2 sing, prs., thou art driv- ing (thy steeds), Ψ 426|. Ίιτιτασίδης, son of Hippasos, (1) Apisaon. — (2) Hypsenor. — (3) Cha- rops, and his brother Sokos, Λ 431. ίτΓΊΓβίου, ov, ίίων, y, yai, (ϊίτττος), of or for horses, horse — ; λό^ον, horse-hair plume, Ο 537. ΙτΓΤΓίΐ'Γ, Ίττπηες, ήων, ενσι, ijac, (ΐττ- "ττος), hero fighting from chariot, contest- ant for prize in chariot-race, A 297, Ψ 262. ΙτπΓ-ηλασίη (ίλαννω) οδός, road where chariots may be driven, Η 340 and 439. ΙτΓίΓ-ηλάτα, ύ, (ελαννω), driver of horses, fighter from chaiiot, kriight, Η 125, y 436. ΙιτΊΓ-ήλατο?, passable with chanois ; 607, adapted to driving horses. Ίτητ-ημολγοί {όμ'ελγω), mare-milkers. Ilippemolgoi, a Skythian tribe, Ν 5. ΙττΊΓίο-χαίτην, ace, (χαίτη), of horse- hair, of horse's mane, Ζ 469. ίτητιο-χάρμην, ace, (χά ρ μη), fighter from a chariot, Q 257, λ 259. ΙΐΓίΓΟ-βότοιο, φ, ov, (βόσκω), horse- nourishing, horse-breeding, epithet esp, of Argos, Β 287. ΊτΓίΓο-δάμας, αντα, Trojan Mamor, slain by Achilleus, Τ 401. ΊτΓίΓο-δάμεια, (1) daughter of An- chises, Ν 429.— (2) attendant of Penel- ope, σ 182. — (3) κΚυτός, wife of Pei- rithoos, Β 742. ΐΊΤΊτό-όάμος, -δάμοιο, ov, ov, οι, ων, οισι, ονς, (ϋαμάν), horse taming, epithet of heroes and of Trojans, y 17, 181. (II.) 'Iinrci - δάμος, slain by Odvsseus, A 335|. ΙΐΓΤΓο-δασεια, ης, ας, (δασνς), with thick horse-hair plume, bushy with horse- hair, Ν 714. iirir6 - δρόμος, course for chariots, Ψ 330t. tinri\tiai. In battle and for common use, horses were not ridden but harnessed, hence du. and pl.=freq. span, i. e. war-chariot with horses, and this even when only the chariot is re- ferred to, Γ 265, 113, Δ 142, Ε 163; opp. infantry, foot, Σ 1 53 ; opp. war- riors, 13 554 ; αλός 'ίπποι, in simile, δ 708. ίΐΓίΓοστίνη, αων, ας, art of fighting from chariot, ω 40. (11.) [υ] Ιτητότά, ύ, chariot fighter, knight; esp. as epithet of Nestor, Β 336, 628. 'ΙΐΓΤΓοτάδης, son of Hippotes, Aiolos, /c36t. ΊττΊΓοτίων, slain by Meriones, S 514 ; father of Morys, Ν 792. [t] ιιπΓ-ουρις, iv, {ουρά), with horse-tail plume, Τ 382. "ιπτομαι, only 3 sing, ΐψεται, aor. rj^ao, (icere), castigare, chastise, spoken of gods and of kings, A 454, Β 193. ίρ€ΰς, see ιερεύς. 1ρ€ΰσασθαι, see Ίερεύω. Ίρη, town of Agamemnon, in Mes- sene, I 150. ΐρηξ, κος, t, ες, ων = ace ip iter, hawk, Ο 237. [t] ^Ιρις, IV, ι, epithets : fleet as the Λvind, θ 409 ; swift, Β 786, Ε 353, 790, θ 399, Ο 172; Iris, in the Iliad, messenger of the gods, with golden wings, θ 398. She delivers on the battle-field mes- sages to gods and men ; to the latter, usually in assumed human form. Ipiv, Ίρισσιν, (strictly ace. sing, and dat. pi. from preceding), ramhow, Λ 27, Ρ 547. ίρίίν, rt, see ιερός. Ίρος, lit. messenger, nickname of Άρναίος ; impudent beggar and par- asite of suitors, vanquished in box- ing-match by Odysseus, σ 1 sqq., 73, 239. ϊ«. Ίνες, ινεσι, (/I'c), sinews, nervi, sing., muscular strength, vis ; then, in general, strength, force, power, e. g. of wind and Avavcs ; freq. in periphrasis, >vith κρατερή or Ίρή, σ 3. Ισάζουσα, ipf. iter. mid. ΐσάσκετο, (ίσος), aequans, balancing, Μ 435; made herself equal, Ω 607. [ί] ϊσαν, (1) ibant. — (2) noverant, see ΕΙΔ IV. Ίσανδροξ, son of Bellerophontes, slain by Ares, Ζ 197. (II.) ισασι, noverunt, see ΕΙΔ IV. Ισά(ΓΚ€το, see ϊσάζουσα. ΐατθι, s c i t ο. ΐσθμιον, Γ0, (ισθμός), close-fitting neck- lace, σ 300t. (See cuts, Nos. 2, 43, and 44, 100.) I. Ϊσκ6, ipf., (in-sece, say), said; λίγων, spoke relating, τ 203, χ 31. II. ϊσκοντίς, ονσα, (Ισος), assimu- lare, imitate, make like, δ 279 ; εμε σοι, taking me for thee. "Ισμαρος, city of Kikones, t 40. 1(Γ(ί-θ€ος, godlike (in figure) ; epithet of heroes, Γ 310 ; in Odyssey, of Te- lemachos, a 324. [7] Ισ<ί-μορον, ace, having an equal share, equally powerful, equal, Ο 209f . [7] Ισό-τΓίδον, ace, ro, level ground, Ν 142t. ίσος, ov, 01 ; η, ης, y, ην, ας ; ov, a, (Ρΐσος, cf. είση), like, par, in size, num- ber, quantity, exterior, nature=idem or u η u s, Ν 704, also with φρονεΐν ; a e q u u s, eqtial, άτεμβόμενος ίσης, cheated of his (of right belonging to him) just share; Ισον ίμοι ψάσθαι, imagine himself my equal, A. 187. — Ισα (αισα ?), β 203, reparation; elsewh. e. g. Ισον, adv., par iter, on equal terms .j toith, ξ 203, Avith dat., I 616 ; κατά Ισα ; = επί ίσα, equally balanced, undecided; of battle opp. έτεραλκέα. *Ισο«, illegitimate son of Priamos. slain by Agamemnon, Λ 101 f- Ισο-ψαρίζ€ΐ, 01, ειν, prs., (φάρος from φέρω), τινί, make one's self equal, vie idth, rival, in any thing, n, Ζ 101, I 390. (II.) Ισο - ψ<ίροι, drawing alike, equally strong, σ 373|. [7] ισόω only Ισωσαίμην (Ισος) τοίσιν εν, to them would 1 compare myself, η 212|. ισπω only €σΐΓ€Τ€ = σεσπετε, imp. red. aor., (σεπ-, sec-), declare, Β 484. (II.) Ίστημι, I. trans., collocare, prs., Ίστίοια 161 Ιστός (imp. 'ΐστη, inf. Ίστάμΐναι), ipf. also iter. 'ίστασκε, fut. στήσπν, 1 aor. 'έστησε, στησα^ ε, έστησαν {εστάσαν, Μ 56, γ 182 ; elsewh. read 'ίστασαν), in gen- eral ; set, place, of things ; cause to rise, cloud, fog; excitare, pugnam, rix- am, rouse, beffin, battle, strife, π 292 ; stop, mill; νήα, bring to land, r 188; weigh off, τάλαντα, pounds ; pass. aor. έστάθη, stood firm, ρ 463. II. intr., set one's self, stand, mid. prs., ipf, fut., also act. 2 aor. <ί<ΓΓψ=στην, I stood, στη- μεν, εστητε, έστησαν, στησαν, ίστάν, στάν, and iter, στάσκε, subj. στώ, στι'ιψς, y, ομεν, στεωμεν, dissyllable by synize- sis, Λ 348 ; inf στήμεναι, pf. βστηκα, / stand, ας, ε, ασιν, (εστητε, Δ 243, 246 ?), and sync. pf. εστατον, μεν, τε, εστάσι, imp. εσταθι, τε, part, εστεώτα, ες (in first foot (Bekker), θ 380, Β 170), εστάό- τος, α, ες, ων (in second foot) ; plupf. έστηκει, ίστασαν, of things with and without life, rise up, arise, A 535, cf. ορθός, dust, battle ; μην ιστάμενος, coming, advancing month ; stand firmly, still. III. mid. στησασθαι, set up for one's self, or something of one's own ; /χάχ»?!/, pugnam committere, join battle, Σ 533, t 54. Ίστίαια (pronounce '1στ]αίαν), city in Euboia, Β 537 f. Ιστίη, y), (εστία), hearth, ξ 159. (Od.) Icrriov, φ, pi. a, (ιστός), sail, sails, A 481, 433, /3 426. (See adjoining cut, from ancient coin bearing the inscrip- tion, Ν1Κ0ΜΗΔΙΩΝ . ΔΙΣ . ΝΕΩΚΟ- ΡΩΝ.) 01 Ιστο-δόκη (δέχομαι), mast -receiver, mast-crutch, a saw-horse-shaped sup- port on the after -deck to receive the mast when lowered, A 434f. (Plate IV.) ίστο-ΐΓίδη (ττεδη), mast-stag, a thwart or transverse beam Avith a depression into which the mast fitted, Avhicli was by this means, as well as by the εττίτο- voi, prevented from falling forward, μ 51. (See cut, letter b.) ίστ<55, ov, φ, όν, at, ους, (ίστημι, that which stands), (1) mast in middle of ship, held in place by μεσόδμη, Ίστο- πέδη, πρότονοι, εττίτονοι ; during stay in port the mast was unstepped and laid back upon the Ίστοδόκη (cf. pre- ceding cut. and Nos. 64, 91). — (2) weaver s beam, looin. The frame of the loom was not placed, as in modern hand-looms, in a horizontal position, but stood upright as appears in the cut, representing an ancient Egyptian G3 loom. The threads of the warp hung perpendicularly down, and were drawn tight by weights at their lower ends. To set up the beam and so begin the web is (^ιστόν) στήσασθαι. In weaA- ing, the weaver passed from one side to the other before the loom (εποίχε- σθαι) as he carried the shuttle (κανών), on which was wound the thread of the woof, through the warp, and then drove ϊστω 162 Ιωχμόν the woof home with a blow of the κφ- κίς. — (3) warp, and in general web, woven stuff. ιστω, scito, see ΕΙΔ IV. ιστορι, a, dat. ace, (o2£a), one who knows, judge, Σ 501, ψ 486. Ισχαλβ'οιο, gen. sing., (ισχνός), drt/, withered, r 233 f. Ισχανάας, α, mid. άσθω, ipf. iter. ίσχανάασκον, also pres. Ισχάνίΐ, ipf. "ισχανι, (την, and Ισχανόωσι, ύων, ΰω- σαν, mid. όωνται, ύωντο, (ϊσχω), reti- nere, detain, ο 346; arc ere, keep off, Ρ 747 ; mid. restrain one's self, Μ 38 ; and delay, Τ 234, j; 161 ; but with gen. or inf., desire, Ρ 572, Ψ 300. Ισχίον, φ, a, {ϊσχω), hip-joint, Έ 306, κοτύλη ; then coxa, parts about the hijjs, flanks, or loins, Ε 305. [tov.] ισχωσι, prs., inf. ίσχΕμεν{αι), and ipf. act. and mid. (red. prs. from ίχω), ten ere, retinere, AoW, restrain,• τι- νός, arc ere, keep away from, Ε 90; mid., put restraint upon one's self, stay, X 367 ; stop, ω 54; τινάς, desist fro7n. treat (/^tr . , V i m e n, Λν i t h e), vnllows, Φ 350 and κ 510. ΐτην, ibant ambo. Ίτΰλος, son of Aedon, r 522t. [/] Ίτΰμονίυς, ηα, son of Hypeirochos, slain by Nestor, Λ 672|. [7J iTvs, vv, (Ριτεη), felloes of wheel, A 486. (II.) [,] ϊτω, it ο, from il/n. *Ίτων, ωνα, town in Thessaly, Β 696t. [7] Ιΰγμώ, dat., (Ινζω), cry of joy, Σ 572t. [7] Ιυζουσι.ν, οντες, (Ιού), scream (with intent to scare away), ο 162 and Ρ 66. [«] Ίψ€νς, fa, a Trojan slain by Patro- klos, Π 417|. Ίψθΐρ,η, daughter of Ikarios, wife of Eumelos, δ 797f . ΐψθΐμος, η, α, etc., (τιμή ?), strong, mighty; deriv. and signif. still uncer- tain, A 3. ΐφϊ (fi^t, really old case foi-m from fig, ίς), vi, by violence, κταμΐνοιο ; with might, ρ 443. Ίφϊ-άνασσο, daughter of Agamem- non, I 145 and 287. [7^.] Ίψι-δ,ά|ΐας) αντος, son of Antcnor and of Theano, Λ 21 sqq. (II.) [- ^ Ίψι-κλη£ίης, -g, β'ιης, periphrasis for "Ιψικλος, son of Pbylakos, father of Podarkes and Protesilaos, Β 705, Ν 698, Ψ 636, λ 289 sqq. Ίψι-μ€δ€ΐα, wife of Aloeus and mother of utos and Ephialtes, λ 305. Ιφί - νοος, son of Dexios, slain bv I Glaukos, Η Uf. [---] j ίφια (f ι'ς) μήλα, fat sheep, Ε 556, λ 108. [7^ϊ.] *Ιφϊ5 kϋζωvoc, from Skyros, wife of Patroklos, I 66 ff. Ίφιτίδης, Archeptolemos, θ 128|. Ίφϊτίων, ωνα, Ότρνντίίδην, slain by Achilleus, Τ 382. "Ιφΐτος (Ρίφιτος), (1) Ένρντίδης, an Argonaut, guest -friend of Odysseus, slain by Herakles, φ 14-37. — (2) Ναυ- βολίδαο, an Argonaut, from Phokis, father of Schedios and Epistrophos, Ρ 306, Β 518.— (3) father of Archeptole- mos. ιχθΰο^ι, pr. and ipf. iter. Ίχθυάασκον, (ιχθύς), fsh, μ 95 and δ 368. ΙχβνΟ£ντι, τα, (Ιχθύς), abounding in fish, full of monsters of the deep, t 83, 1 4,5 381. Ιχθός and pi. νες, ύσιν, ύας, νς, pi- scis, fish, only eaten in lack of other food, δ 368. ιχνια, pi. with the form ιχν€σχ, (//κω), vestigia, steps, β 406 ; ρ 317, odoratione, sceni; but Ν 71 (see Ίκε- λος), outlines, similar lines, resemblance. Ιχώρ, ace. Ιχώ, (ίκμάς). fluid thatfloics in veins of the gods, Ε 340 and 416. [7] ίψ, pi. Iir€s, (Ρισττ., vespa ?), worm that devours horn and wood, borer, φ 395t. ΐψαο, Ίφεται, chastise, stt-ike ; see ιπ- τομαι. Ιωγη (Ράγννμι) Βορεω νπ\ under shelter from Boreas, ζ 533|. [ί] Ιωή, ίις, (αυτί}), sound (of voice), Κ 139; tone, note, ρ 261 ; roaring, whis- tling (of wind). Ιωκη, pi. άς, also ace. sing. Ιώκα, (διώκω), attack, Ε 521 ; personified, Ε 740. (11.) [ί] Ιωχμ^ν (ίώκα), αν, through the bat- tle-tumult, θ 89 and 158. [7] 163 καί Κ. κ' = (1) Κ£, (2) καί. κάββαλ6, d C i C C i t, from καταβάλλω. καγ (κατά) yovu, on the knee, Υ 458f . Καβησόθ€ν,/ί•α/7ΐ Kahesos,^ 363f. κάγκανα, arid a, dry, Φ 364, καγχαλόωσι, ύων, όωσα, {χάσκω), laugh aloud, exult, Γ 43. KaS= κατά before δ, Φ 318. καδ- δραθε'την, aor. from καταΰαρθάνω, ο 4^4. καδδΰσαι, aor. part., penetrantes, from καταδύω. » Καδμ.6ΐοι, Kadmeioi, Thehans, Δ 391 ; = Καδ(Α€ίων€ς, Δ 385. Κάδ}ΐο5, original founder of Thebes ; his daughter Ino, t 333|. Kacipa, fern, of Kap,from Karia, Karian, Δ 142|. [α] καήμεναι, inf. aor. pass, from καίω, ere ni o. κα^-αφίω, fut. -αιρήσουοΊ, aor. -f ί'λο- μεΐ', subj. -eXtjai, part. -(Χοϋσα ; also in tmesi, ipf. ypts, tov, aor. tXov, yaiv, ttiv, take down, Ω 268, t 149 ; close the eyes of the dead, A 453 ; overpower. Kadaipciv {καθαρός), ipf. κάθαιρον, aor. ίκάβΐ]ρί, κάθηραν, etc., cleanse, clean ; σ 1 92. adorn ; a b 1 u e re, wash off, away, soil, blood, S 171, ζ 93; τινά αίμα, Π 667. καθ - αλλομένη, aor. καταλτο, rush down, A 298 f. καθ - άτταξ, once for all, φ 349|. κάθ-άΐΓΤ€σ9αι, prs., ipf. καθάπτετο, (ίί'τΓΓω), compellare, address, ίττέεσσι μαλακοΊσιν ; also reprehendere, υρ- hraid, Ο 127. καθαρω, ά, ρ urns, c^ean ; ίν κ., in a clear; open space, θ 491 ; θάνατος, hon- orable. κατ' €ζ€αι, subj. -εζώμεσθα, imp. -εξίυ, ipf. καθεζετο, -εζίσθην, freq. in tmesi, c ο η s i d ο, sit down ; ττρόχνν, placing herself upon her knees, I 570. καθεηκα = καθήκα, from 'ίημι. κα- ζίίατο = καθήντο, from κάθημαι. καθ-€ΐσ€, ίΐσαν, aor., freq. in tmesi, (έζω), bid be seated, Η 57, Ψ 698 ; set, place, d 524. καθεξ€ΐ, fut. from κατ-εχω. καθ-€ύδ€τον, du., inf. prs., ipf. καθ- εΰδε, d ο r m i r e, sleep, A 6 1 1 . (Od.) κάβ-€ψιόωνται (ίψίάο/ιοι) σεθεν, te irrident, deride, insult, τ 372f. κάθ-ήμ.€νο5, etc., imp. κάθησο, pf., plupf. καθίίστο, pi. καθείατο, (ήμαι), se- dere, sit, A 134 and A 76, Ω 403. καθήραι, αν, aor. from καθαιρώ. κάθ-ίδρυ6, considere iussit, ν 257t. κάθ-ίξανον, 3 pi. ipf., c ο η s i d e b a η r, were gathering to the assembly and taking seats there, ε 3|. καθ-ίζων, prs., ipf. καθϊζε, ov, often in tmesi, I. act. and mid., sedere, sit, επί κλισμοΧς, etc. — II. act. prs. ipf. aor. κάθισαν, imp. ίσον, part, ίσσας, place, I 488; considere i\\heo,bid be seated, Τ 280, Ζ 360 ; convoke, β 69. κά.9-ίημι, only -Ure, aor. καθεηκα (elsewh. in tmesi), let down, lower; λανκανίης, pour down through the throat, moisten the throat, Ω 642. καθ•ίκ€θ, ιτο, (ϊκω), touch, reach, a 342. κάθ-ίστα, imp. prs., aor. imp. στη- σον. inf. στήσαι, set down ; νήα, bring to land, anchor ; ν 274, bring, carry. κα9-ορών, mid. -οραται, ορώμενος, look down vpon, τι,Ω 291. κά9-υΐΓ€ρθ€ν, d e s u ρ c r, from above, Γ 337; supra, Μ 1.53, Σ 353; ultra, besides, Ω 545. καί {κή), (1) copulative : as well as, Ο 634, λ 417 ; et, and, A 7, α 5 ; dis- tributive = (e t — et), both — and, λ 417, A 395 ; uniting two imperatives (in transition of thought), σ 171 ; και δε, and besides, ζ 39 ; δη, and already, A 1 6 1 , /A 330 ; κ. μεν, and yet, A 269 ; ic. τε, and besides also, A 52 1 ; κ. τόν, at begin- ning of A'erse, et hunc quidem, Ψ 748 ; or even, or also, β 374, instead of τε, Β 49, Ζ 268, α 159.— (2) also, expressing a natural (logical or actual) harmony betAveen two clauses : υς {τε), which also, Τ 165, Ε 62, λ 111 ; in protasis and apodosis, Ζ 476, Β 365 ; esp. freq. introducing apodosis, A 478 ; καΐ€Τ0Μσσαν 164 καλέΐυ,ην και τότε di) — yap τ(, Α 63, nam et, etenim ; instead of rel. form, /3 114 ; K. λ'ιην, yes to be sure, by all means, A 553; i7riira,and finally; ήϊ και {ονκί),οτ also (not), δ 809 ; cf. French ou bien, L• 3ϋυ ; cf. A 95 ; νΰν, and now also, joining to a general sentence a special illustration of truth previously an- nounced, A 109, Β 239, κ 43 ; και άλ- λους, φ 293; κ. άλλοτε^ previously also; κ. άλλως, already without this, ^ 87 ; και αυτοί, α 33 (περ, Α 577), of them- selves also, sponte. — (3) emphatic, also, even : e. g. και δε, besides, more- over, Ν 484 ; κ. βουλοίμην, Γ 41 ; δε τε, V 28; μάλλον, etiam magis, even more, θ 470, — (4) concessive, e. g. where force may be given by although, though thou shouldst destroy, Ρ 647 ; μάλα ττερ, with part., A 217, Ρ 571. — (5) separated from άλλα, which it em- phasizes, by δε or yap intervening, ξ 39; fc., α&ο, emphasizing the following word, Γ184 (as well as to other places) ; και £i=et si and et si, even if; εί καΐ, e t i a m s i, if even, although ; shortened in j; 221 ; by elision, /c'; by crasis, χ/}- ^ίΐί•, καυτός, κάγώ, κάκεΊνος. καΐ€τά€σσαν (κείω), full of caverns, d If (v. 1. κητώεσσαν, q. v.), Καιν€Ϊδης, Koronos, Β 746|. Καινβΰς, king of Lapithai, A 264f . καίννμαι, ipf €καίκυτο, pf κίκασται, σμίνος, plupf. εκεκαστο, superiorem esse, excellere, be superior, excel, τισί, Δ 339, ι 509 ; εττί τινας, Ω 535, cf. ω 509 ; εν τισι, δ 725 ; μετά τισι, τ 82; τών,Ω 546; ΐττί rtj/t, excellere re, Υ 35; superare, surpasif, τινά τινι, Β 530, Γ 395 ; with inf., β 158, y 282. KaC — wep, always separated, although. καιρίφ, lov, \Qid^\\s, fatal, deadly, θ 84 ; εν καιρ., in a vital part, Δ 185. ("•) , - , ■ καιροσ£ων=ί:αίρουσσων {καφοεσσε- ων, pronounced with synizesis), toith many καϊροι, i. e. loops or thrums to which the threads of the warp were attached ; *c. όθονεων, from the fne- woven linen, η 107|. καίουσι, 3 pi, ind,, subj, -ωμεν, inf, -ε μεν, imp. part, prs., ipf. καίε, aor. εκηε, κηε, subj. κηομεν, opt. κηαι, aitv, etc., mid. κηαντο, άμενος, οι, pass, prs., ipf, καίεο, ετο, etc., aor. εκάη, inf. καή- μεναι, Tcindie, hum ; mid. for one's self, I 88, 234; pass., ardere, cremari, he lighted, blaze. κάκ= κατά by apocope and assimi- lation before κ. κακιζ6μενον (κακός), play the coward, Ω 214t. κακ-κ€ΐαι and κακ-κήαι, see κατα- καάμεν. κακ-κ€ίοντες, see κατα-κεΊω. κακο-€ίμονα5, ace, pi., (ΡεΙμα), ill- clad, σ 41t. κακο-Εργίης, gen. sing., (Pkpyov), ill-doing, maleficentia, χ 374|. κακο-£ργ<$ς, {fipyov), malefic us, villainous, importunate, σ 54f. Κακο-ίλιον, ace, evil J lias, τ 260, 597, ψ 19. κακο-μ,ηχάνου, f, (μηχανή), contriv- ing evil, malicious, ττ 4 1 8. κοίκο-ξ€ΐνώτ€ρος, having sorrier guests, V 376t. κακο-ρραψίης, y, yai, (βάτττω), ma- liciousness, evil device, μ 26. κακ<ίς, /}, ύν, etc., mains, bad, worth- less, wicked, in widest signif., in appear- ance, position, usefulness, courage, morals, way of thinking ; hence ugly, vile, useless, cowardly, low, injurious^ faial ; esp. as subst., κακ6ν, α, = m a- lum, a, evil, pest; of Sky 11a, )it 118; adv. κακώς, male, A 25, ^3203 ; comp. κακώτερος, ov, worse, Τ 321 ; feebler, X 106; malicious person, ζ 275 ; κακίων, ίονς, lov, sup. κάκιστος, ov, poorer, ξ 56 ; less hono'oble, I 601 ; worse, σ 174; deteriores, /3 277; the worst, δ 199, κακ6-τ€χνο5 (τέχνη), devising evil, wily, Ο 14f. κακ6τητος, gen., τι, τα, (κακότης), s c e 1 u s, wickedness, cowardice ; m a- lum, evil, misery, distress, ρ 318; esp. in war, e. g, A 382, κακο-ψραδες, aoc, (φράζω, φρήν)^ bad in counsel, foolish, malevole, Ψ 483t. κάκόω, imp. κάκον, aor. κακώσαι, etc., pf. pass. part, κεκακωμενος, οι, (κακός), vex are, τινά, pain, injure, maltreat^ υ 99 ; ζ 1 37, disfigured, f ο c d a t u s, KaKTavc, see κατακτείνω. KaKOrc- pos, see κακός. καλάμην, acc, (calamus, German h a 1 m), reed, Τ 222 ; looking upon the poor husk which remains, thou art yet able to recoi^nizc what 1 was, ξ 214*. καλα-ΰροττα 165 κάλνίΓτρην καλα-υροΊτα, (from κάλως and ΡροτΓο), shepherd's staff", ψ 845 f, καλεο), prs. ipf. act. and pass. comm. uncontracted forms : icaAfcft,etc.,yetnot always, e. g. inf. καλήμίναι,τρΆΤί. καλενν• τίς ; ipf. κάλεον, pass, καλεΰντο, iter. καλέεσκον, καλεσκετο ; fut. καλεει, ίων, aor. εκάλεσσας, αν, also κάλεσας, κάλεσ- σαν, καλέσσας, etc. (with σ and σσ), mid. καλεσσατο, etc., peif. pass, κεκλη- μαι, plupf. κεκλήατο, 3 fut. κεκλήσι^, (calare), (1) call; άμν^ις, together; with £ί'ς-, -^f, ΐπι οι, βουλην, to the council; θάνατόνδε, Π 693; invi- t a r e, invite, also mid. — (2) η ο m i η a r e, A 403, pass, (esp. pf. and plupf. and 3 fut.) ; vocari, be called, be, pass Jor, κεκλημένος ε"ιη{ν), ζ 244 (Β 260) ; καλε- σκετο, Ο 338, :ξ; 210 ; also καλίω, ζ 147, / call him dearly loved, he is ten- derly loved by me. Καλησιος, companion of Axylos, slain by Diomedes, Ζ ISf. Καλητορίδης, Aphareus, Ν 541 f. κΰλήτορα, ace, (καλε'ω), calator, crier, Ω 577 f. Καλήτωρ, (1) son of Klytios, cousin of Hektor, slain by Aias, Ο 419.— (2) father of Aphareus. KaXXeiTreiv, καλλείψειν, see κατα- λείπω. Καλλΐ - άνασσα and Καλλι- άνειρα, Nereids, Σ 46, 44f . [- - - Καλλίαρος, tOAvn in Lokris, Β 531|. [-^^^] καλλΐ-γΰναικα, with beautiful wo•- men, Hellas, Achaia, Sparta, ν 412. καλλί-ζωνος, ων, {ζώνη), loith beautiful girdles (see cut No. 47), Η 139. Καλλΐ-κολώνη, lit. Fair-mount, near Ilios, Τ 151. καλλι-Κ(ίμοιο (κόμη), cf. ήνκομος, fair-haired, I 449. καλλι-κρήδεμνοι (κρή-δεμνον), with beautiful fillets or head-band^, ϋ 623f. κάλλιμος, or, a, olorious, λ 640. (Od.) κάλλιον, see καλός. καλλι-πάρηος, φ, ov, (παρειά), beau- tiful-cheeked, fa^r-ckeeL•d, A 143. κάλλιΐΓ€, πεειν, see καταλείττων. καλλι-Ίτλοκαμου, οι ο, φ, with beau- tiful locks or braids, cf. ίνττλοκαμΐδες (^πλόκαμος), S 326. (See cut No. 47.) καλλι-ρεεθρον, beautifully fknoing, κ 107. (Od.) καλλι-ρρ6οιο, ψ, ov, {-σροος, ρόος), beautifully fowing, Β 752, ε 441. κάλλιστος, see καλός. καλλί-σψΰρος, ov, ov, with beautiful ankles, (σφνρά), slender-footed, ε 333. καλλί-τρϊχος, a, ε, ες, ας, (θρίξ), tcith soft fleece, ι 336 ; with beautiful manes, θ 348. κάλλιφ' = κοΓίλΐ7Γε. καλλι-χ6ρου (χορός), with beautiful places, with large squares for the choral dance, λ 58 If. κάλλος, εος, ει, beauty ; σ 192, means for enhancing beauty [unguent ?]. κάλος, //, ov, adv. καλώς, β 63 ; comp. καλλίονες, lov, sup. κάλλιστος, ov, ονς, ai, pulcher, δέμας, beautiful, of form, in build ; fitting, becoming, τινί, for any one; ειπείν, άγορενειν, well. Adv. καλά, in the middle of verse, θ 4C0, and καλόν with άείδειν, A 473. κάλους, ace. pi. from κάλως, ropes, halyards ; which, passing through a hole at top of mast, and made fast at bottom of same, served to raise and lower the yard. (See cut.) κάλίΓΪν, την, water jar, η 20f. (See cut, from picture on ancient vase, on next page.) Καλυδναι νήσοι, near Kos, Β 677t. Καλυδών, ώνος, city on the river Euenos in Aitolia ; εραννής, αίπεινς, πετρηεσσαν, I 530, N'217, Β 640. κάλυμμα, το, (καλύπτω), veil, Ω 93f . (See cuts Nos. 2, 47, 66, 74.) κάλυκας, τάς, (κάλνζ), women's or- naments, Σ 401f ; perhaps cup-shaped ear-rings. (See cut No. 8.) καλυτΓτρην, την, (καλύπτω), woman's καλύΐΓτων 166 veil, ε 232. (Cf. adjoining cut, and Nos. 2, 47, 74.) "~ G6 κάλυΐΓτων, part., prs., fut. καλύψω, aor, (i)icaAi»i//f, also mid., pass. pf. Kt- καλνμμενος, plupf. κίκάλνφθ' = ΐκίκά- λντΓτο, aor. καλνφθβίς, (c alim, occiil- tiis), veil, θ 85; cover, Κ 29, ψ 693 (mid., veil one's self, Γ 141) ; τινί, cover up with, Σ 352 ; ττρόσθβν στ'αρνοιο (^o'l), hold as protection before the breast (before one's self) ; σάκος άμφί τινι, protect one with the shield; pass., wrapped up in, a 443 {Ιντυπάς, closely); hidden, θ 503 ; fig. τον Ct σκότος ΰσσβ, Δ 461, so also κατ οφθαλμών νν'ζ,'Ν 580, darkness overshadowed his eyes ; Τέλος θανάτοιο, end of death, complete death, Ε 553 ; grief, a cloud of grief enveloped him, Λ 249, ω 315. Καλυψώ, ους, daughter of Atlas,' dwelling in Ogygia, where she rescues, and detains for seven years, the ship- >vrecked Odysseus, η 259 ; until com- pelled by command of Zeus to dismiss him, c 28, η 265 ; epithets, δολόίσσα, δίΐνή θίός, ίνττλόκαμος, αΰδηισσα, ήνκό- μοΌ, νύμφη ττότνια. Κάλχας, αντος, son of Thestor, Grecian seer before Troy, A 69, 86 ; θίόττροπος οΊωνιστής,'^ Ί0. (Π.) κάμ = κατά by apoc. and assimil. before μ. κάμαξι, dat. pi., (>y κάμαξ), vlne- polcs, vine-jjrops, Σ 563f . [-- — -] κάματος, oio, ψ, ov, {κάμνω), labor, a e r u m η a, f a t i g a t i o, ttil, distre^, fatigue; ζ 417, fruit of our toil. κάμβαλ€ = ί:αΓί]3αλίν, ζ 172. κάμε, aor. from κάμνω, wrought. Κάμει ρος, town on west coast of Khodos, Β 656|. [α] κάμίνοΐ, T7J, nom. καμινώ, {κάμι- νος), baker-2iOman, σ 27 f. καμ-μίξας, aor. from κατα- μίγννμι. καμ-μονίην, την, (κατα-μίνω), victory as reward of endurance, X 257 1. κάμ-μορον, f, (κακό-μορος?), ill- starred, hapless, β 351; applied to Odysseus. κάμνεις, ii, prs., ipf, aor. ίκαμον κάμι, (τον, subj. κάμω^•^σι, part, καμόν- τα, ας, ων ; pf. κεκμηκας, κίκμηώς, ώτι, ώτα, ότας, mid. fut. καμπται, aor. κα- μόμίσθα, ίκάμοντο, 1. 1 a b ο r a Γ e, weary one's self out, become tired, A 802, x: 31, Ζ 261 sq., θ 22, Δ 27; with ace. of part, yvla, ώμον, χίϊρα, μ 280, Π 106 ; with part., φ 150, Φ 26, Η 5; Λvith neutr. subj., μ 232 ; όσσ(, πόδες, Ψ 444 ; καμόντες, confecti, those who have finished their toil, the dead. — II. e 1 a b o- rare, ma^e ready with care and labor, work, (aor. act.), Δ 187, ψ 189; with τευχών, work skillfully ; aor. mid., t 130, Avould have transformed into a well-tilled, habitable island; acquire for one's self, Σ 341. κάμτΓτω, only fut. κάμψειν, aor. ίκαμ-φε, κάμ\Ργ, flee to, bend; Δ 486, bend into a tire; -γόνυ, bend the knee = sit down to rest Avhen weary with running, Η 118; ε 453, let sink upon the giOund. καμπυλον, α, (κάμτττω), bent, curved, Ε 231. [ίί] κανάχησε, aor. from -f ω, (κάναχος), rang, τ 469|. [- -] κάναχή, ήν, sonitus, strepitus, Τ 365, gnashing ; ζ 82, rattle of harness of mule team in motion. κανάχιζε, ipf, (καναχη), rattled, 31 36 ; re-echoed, κ 399. [^ ^ - -] κάνεον, sing, and pi. κάνεια, ίοισι, (κάνη), basket for wheaten bread ; dish for ment and sacrificial barlev, a 147, ρ 343. [α] καν-νενατας 167 καρψαλ€ον καν-ν6ΰσα5, aor. part, from κατα- νεύω. κανών, όνεσσι, ύνας, masc.,(icai/7;),(l) shuttle or spool, by which the thread of the woof was drawn through the thread of the warp, Ψ 761. — (2) handle on in- terior of shield, grasped bv the left hand, θ 193, Ν 407. (II.) "(See cuts Nos. 12, 17, 85; rudely represented in adjoining cut, after Assyrian relief) κάΊΤ=κατά, before π and φ. Καττανευς, ηος, one of the Seven against Thebes, father of Sthenelos, Ε 319 ; άγακλίΐτον, κυδαλιμοΊο. Καιτανηιάδης and Κάττάνίμος νιος, Sthenelos, Ε 109, 108. ^ κοΐΓ€τοιο, ον, from t) κάττετος, (σκά- πτω), ditch, grave, Σ .564, Ω 797. (II.) κάττησι, dat. ρί., praesepe, manger, d 40, θ 434. [ο] κάιτνισσαν, 3 ρ1. aor. from καπνίζω, lighted fres, Β 399t. Kairvos, ον, sing., (καπνω), f urn us, smoke ; μ 202, cloud of spray from vio- lently agitated Avater. Koir - ΐΓ€σον, tp, aor. from κατα- πίπτω. κάίΓριος, ψ, ον, (κάπρος), with and without σνς, a per, wild-boar, Μ 42, Ρ 282. (II.) κάττρου, φ, ον, ω, οισι, wild-boar, Ρ 21; Τ 197, δοαΓ. Κάττυς, νος, son of Assarakos, father of Anchises, Τ 239|. καπνω, aor. in tmesi, άπο Ικάττυσσεν, breathed forth, X 467t. I. icap=fcara, before p. II. καράς, iv — alay, (from κείρω ?), =a whittling; cf Lat. flocci; I care for them (δώρα) not a whit, I 378 ; the derivation of tlie Avord is uncertain. III. κόρ, ίπι — , headlong, Π 392f ; here belong κάρη, ητος, ητι, and κα- ρήατος, -τι, ρ1. -τα, also gen, κρατ6ς, τι, ρ1. κράτων, κρασίν, Κ 152 ; κράτεσφι, Κ 156; also κράατος, -τι, ace. ρ1. -τα, and κράτα, (κορυφή, κύρνμβος, Lat. cer-ebrum, cer-vices), caput, head, as part of body, also pi. θ 92, spoken of one head ; of mountain sum- mit, Υ 5 ; λιμενος, the end reaching far- thest into the land, i 140. — κατά κρή- Qevjfrom head (to foot), utterly, Π 548 ; from above, λ 588. Καρδαμυλη, town subject to Aga- memnon, in Messene, I 150. [i] καρδίη, y, see κραδίη, cor, heart. Κάρες, Karians in S.W. of Asia Minor, βapj3af5o(pώvωv, Β 867. (II.) κάρη κομόωντες, ας, = c a ρ i t e c o- mati, long-haired, Β 11, a 90; of Achaians, who cut their hair only in mourning, or on taking a vow, Ψ 146, 151 ; while slaves and Asiatics habit- ually shaved their heads. κάρηνα, ων, τά, (κόρ III.), capita, c a c u m i η a, heads, summits, also battle- ments, Β 117. [«] Κάρησος, river rising in Mount Ida, Μ 20|. [α] κάρκαιρ6, ipf , quaked, Υ 157f. καρπαλιρ,οισι, dat. pi., adv. -Ιμως, pern ices, swift, quick, epithet of feet, Π 342, A 359, β 406. καρπός, masc, only sing., fructus, f r u g e s, yV-Mii, επί καρπψ (σ 258), by the ball, joint of the hand, wrist. καρρέζουσ-α, see κατα-ρέζω. καρτερό-θΰμον, f, ων, (^κρατερός), strong-hearted, Ε 277, S 512. (11.) καρτεράς, see κρατερός. κάρτιστος, oj', ην, οι, οις, (κάρτος), robustissimus, potentissimus ; neutr., μ 120, the greatest valor. κάρτος, see κράτος. Ικαρτυναντο, ipf mid., (καρτννω), φάλαγγας, were strengthening their ranks, Λ 215. (11.) [f'] Κάρυστος, fern., town at southern extremity of Euboia, Β 539 f. [ά] καρψαλεον, εων, ntr., (κάρφω), ari- d u s, dry ; of sound, dull, hollow, Ν 409. (II.) κάρψω 168 r -άγων κάρψω, flit, κάρψω, aor. Kctpxpf, shrivel up, ν 398 and 430. KapxdXeoi ii'ipy, rough uith thirst, i. e. the throat rough aiul drv, Φ 541t. καρχαρ-6δοντ€) ων, sharp-toothed, sharp-biting, of dogs, Κ 360. (II.) κοσί-γνητος, οιο, ου, etc., and -γνήτη, ην, at, yai, oicn brother, sister (of the same mother), Ζ 430, Δ 155, 441; also consobrinus, cousin, Ο 545. Κασος, island near Kos, Β 676f . Κασσ-άνδρη, the most beautiful daughter of Priamos, prophetess, cap- tive of Agamemnon, murdered by Klytaim^nestra, Ν 366, Ω 699, λ 422. κασσΐτΕρου, οιο, φ, ον, tin, as orna- ment of weapons and chariots ; χενμα, stream or border of tin, to give strength, Ψ 561. Καστϊ - aveipa, καλί], Αίσνμνηθεν, mother of Gorgythion, θ 305|. καστορνχίσα, see κατα-στορίνννμι. Κάστωρ, ορός, (1) son of Zeus and Leda, brother of Polydeukes and He- lena, participated in Kalydonian boar- hunt and in Argonautic expedition, Γ 237, λ 299 sqq.— (2) son of Hylakos, ξ 204. κά•σχ6θΕ instead of κατ-έσχίθί, Λ 702, ret in u it. κατά (and κατα'ι, also κάτα, κατ, in anastrophe and tmesi, also κάτ', ρ 246 ; by assimilation also καβ, καγ, καδ, κοκ \_κα\?2, καμ, καττ [before ττ and φάλαρ'}, καρ, κάτ-θανι), 1. with gen. of place : from above down, doumfrom, Όλνμπον, ουρανοί), cf. κ 362 ; down aver, οφθαλμών, κρήθεν, desuper, άκρης, from cro\vn (to sole), wholly ; t7r7rwr,down from the chariot, Ε 1 II ; ρινών, down into the nostrils; ι 330, down into the depths of the cave, χθονός, to the ground (Γ 217), down under the ground, Ψ 100 ; γαίης, upon the ground. — II. with ace, (1) local : doum, ρίνας, through the nos- trils, cf σ 97 ; νδωρ, into the water, cf. Ζ 136 ; κέρας, on the horn (horn sheath for the part of line next the hook) ; in region of, upon, on, στήθος, ανχίνα, στό- μα, ασπίδα, ύδόν ; in neighborhood of, στρατόν, usually per castra, pas- sim in cast r is, through the camp, everywhere throughout the camp, A 10, 409, 484 ; with verbs of motion, per, through, νήας, Χαύν, ώλκα ; then within, in the midst of, Άχαιίδα, 'Ελλάδα, μό- θον, κλόνον, υσμινην, Φ 310; νλην, άστν, δώμα, βωμύν, upon; θνμόν, in heart, inwardly ; φρένα, in mind ; φρ. και κ. θνμόν, in heart and mind. — (2) distributive : στίχας, according to ranks ; φνλα, Β 362 ; σφέας, by themselves ; εμ αυτόν, ipse solus. — (3) with, ac- cording to : secundum, κνμα, ρύυν, β 429 ; θυμόν, according to Avish, A 136, cf I 108 ; αϊσαν (opp. νπερ αΐσαν) — μοΊραν (freq. κατά, Π 367), according to propriety, fitly ; κόσμον,\η order; ov κ. κ., shamefully, θ 489 ; after the semblance of τ 233; for the purpose o/" trade, πρΐι- ζιν, cf δαϊτα, A 424 ; ληίδα, χρέος τινός, alicuius causa,/or the sake q/* see- ing Teiresias. κατά -βαίνων, prs., ipf, aor. (3 pi. έβησαν and έβαν, subj. βείομεν, Κ 97 ; imp. βηθι, inf. βήμεναι, βήναι), mid. -εβησετο (subj. βήσεται, imp. βήσεο), d e s c e η d e r e, step down, descend, τινός, from, Ω 329 ; ονρανόθεν, ^ 281 ; εΊς τι, επί τι, δόμον Ά. εΊσω, φ 252 ; also θύ- λαμον, β 337 ; but κλίμακα, descend the ladder ; εφόλκαιον, climbing down along the rudder ; only in σ 206, ψ 85, Avith pregnant signif , she descended (the ladder and left) the upper cham- ber. κατά βάλλων, prs., ipf., aor., (inf. βαλέειν) ; always in tmesi exc. ipf κα- τέβαλλεν, Ο 357, and aor. κάββαλε (better so written than κάμβαλε); d ο- ι ic ere, cast down, Ψ 125, /ΐί 252 ; de- struere, destroy, Β 414; prosterne- re; deponere; effundere, δάκρυ; Ictfall. κατα-β6ίομ£ν, aor. subj. from -βαί- νω. κατα-βλώσκοντα, part, prs., per me- an tern, running about, π 466 f. κατα-βρ6ξ£ΐ£, opt. aor. from -βρόχω, devoraret, swallow (down), δ 222f. κατα-γηράσκουσι, prs., ipf. -εγηρα, senescunt, grow old, τ 360. (Od.) κατ-αγίν€ον, ipf from άγινεω, (άγω), dev ch chant, carry do2cn, κ 104}. κάτ-άγνυμι, fut. ο|ω, aor. ι/ξε, εαξε, a μεν, subj. άξyς, c ο η f r i η g e r e ; Ν 257, (pluralis maiestatis), shatter. κάτ-άγων, part., fir, inf. prs., fut. inf. -αϊ'εμεν, aor. -ϊ}γαγε, (also tmesis), mid. ipf -ήγετο, -άγοντο, aor. -ηγαγόμεσθα, κατά 8άσονται 169 κατα-κλάω deducere, lead down, λ 1G4; retu- lit, bring back, ^258; drive from one's course, r 186 ; mid., a pp ell ere, land, bring to land (νηί, κ 14U), νηνς, π 322. κατά δάσονται, fut. from 6αίω, in- ter se divident = lacerabunt, tear, X 354. κατα-δά•ΐΓΤ6ται, pass, prs., aor, act. έύαφαν, ^a\pai, 1 a c e r a r e, wound, ττ 92. κατα-δαρθάνω, aor. 1 sing. 3 pi. €δρα- θον, 3 du. καϋίράθβτην, subj. δράθώ, obdormivi, dormio, sfeep ,• τυιόνδε, tam placide dormivi, ψ 18. (Od.) κατά - δ£ρκ€ται αυτούς, look down upon, άκτίνεσσιν,λ 16f. κατ-ε'δευσ-ας, aor., (δίνω), cons per- sist!, we/ through, I 490. κατα-οεω, ipf. βδει, aor. (often tmesis) κατ-ίοησεν,σαν, s\x\i].di]ay, colligare, a 11 i g a r e, bind fast ; iv δεσμψ, ν i η c u- lis ; κίλίύθυνς, νόστον, stop. κατα-δημο-βορήσαι, inf. aor., (βιβρώ- σκω ), communiter consumer e, consume in common, Σ 301 f. κατα-δράθω, subj. aor. ίνοχη-δαρθάνω, ο b d ο r m i e r ο, fall asleep. κατα-δυ€ται, fut. δυσύ/κθα, aor. -eSv- fffTo. (imp. δύσεο), and 2 aor. act. -ίδυ (subj. δύω, inf δϋναι, δύμεναι, part, δύς, δύντι, τα, τες, fem. δΰσα, ρ1. καδδϋσαι, Τ 25), freq. in tmesi, oc cider e, set, ήελιος, φάος ήελίοιο ; intrare, enter, δόμον, ττόλιν, ομιλον, μάχην, μώλον "Αρηος ; εις Ά. δόμους, κατά τι, Τ 25 ; induere, put on, τεύχεα. κατα•€ΐμ€νος and -είνυσαν, see κατα- ίνννμι. . ' •■* •" ' ''• κατα-€ίσατο, see κάτ-ειμι. KaTa-sVi^uyui {Ρεσνυμι, vestis), aor., contegebant, cover, ψ 135, and pf. pass, -ειμενον, con tectum, τ 431. κατ-αζήνασκ€ (άζαλέος), exsicca- bat, parch, wither up, λ 587 f. κάτα-θάτΓτειν and aor. inf. κατθάφαι, sepelire, ftwn/, Ω 611. (II.) κατα•θ€ίομαι, -θείομεν, see κατα-τί- θημι. κατ- έθελξε, aor. from θέλγω, had charmed, κ 213|. κοτα-θνησκων, part, prs., aor. tmesis, 3 pi. θάνον and sync, κάτθάνε, pf. τεθνήκάσι, opt. τεθναΊΐ), inf τεθνάμεν, part, τεθνηώτος, ώτι, ώτα, ώτων, ώτας τεθνηυίης, m ο r i, d e f u η g i, die ; part., mortuus, also joined with νίκνς, νεκροί, λ 37. κάτο-0νητ<55, ών, οίσι, m ο r t a 1 i s, mortal, άνδρεσσιν, ανθρώπων, Κ 440. κατα-θρώσκω, only aor. κάδ δ' εθορε, desiluit, spring down, Δ 79|. κατα-θύμιος, ον, floating before the mind; Κ 383, think not of — . κατά χρ<ία καλόν Ιάιττη, subj. prs., harm her fair body, destroy her beauty, β 376. (Ud.) ^ καται-βαταί (βαίνω), that may be descended, passable. V llUf. κατ-ηκισται, pf pass., (αΐκίζω), foe- data, disfigured, soiled, ττ 290f. κάτ-οί|αντο, τε, ασα, see άίσσω ; ω 488, springing down, in haste. κατ-αισχ•υν«ιν, subj. -ητε, part, οντά, ( αίσχος ), f ο e d a r e, disgrace, γένος ; δαίτα, dishonor. κάτα-ίσχεται, see κατ-ίσχει. καταΐ-τυ| (τεύχω), low leather helmet or skull-cap, Κ 258 f. (See cut No. 121.) κατα-καίριον τέλος, mortal spot, A 439t. κοίτα- καιεμεν, inf Η 408, καίων, part. ipf. -εκαιον, aor. -εκηα, -έκηε, subj. κΐ]ομεν, inf κήαι {κακκηαή, aor. pass. -εκάη, (also in tmesi), c ο m b u r e r e, bum; pass., comburi; I 212, burn out, deflagraverat. κατά κάλύΐΓτοι, opt. prs., aor. (ε)κά- λυ-φεν, etc., (also in tmesi), aor. mid. κάλνφάμενος, occulere, cover up (by drawing down over the head the veil), κράτα, having veiled his head, θ 92. κατα-κεΊαι, better κήαι, aor. from καίω. κατα•κείαται^ 3 pi. ind. prs., κεΊσθαι, κείμενος, ipf. -έέειτο, iacent, Cuba re, lie ; επί πλευράς, on the side ; fig. rest, Ω 523; Ω 527, positi sunt. κατα-κείρετε, ipf -εκείρετε, aor. -εκει- pav, consume, δ 686. (Od.) κατά - κείομεν, subj., imp. κείετε, (/cf7)Urti), decumbere, lie down, in de- siderative signif only κακκείοντες εβαν, cubitum discesserunt, A 606, α 424. κατα-κήαι, κηεμεν, κηομεν, see κατα- καίω. κατα-κλάω, only ipf, 3 pi. -εκλων, and aor. pass, -εκλάσθη, conculca- bant, tread down,Y 227; Tivi φίλον ητορ, ο 481, fig. my heart broke, gave way (from fear, grief) ; t 256, δεισάν- των, added as explanatory. κατα-κλίνας 170 κατα-7Γαυ€μ€ν κατα-κλίνας, aor. part, from κλίνω, having laid it down, κ 165t. Κατακλώθ€ς, see Κλώθβς. κατά- KOI μάο μα I, only aor. -€κοιμ,η- 6ημ€ν, imp. -ηθήτω, inf. -ηθήναι, sleep, A 731. (11.) Kara κοφανεονσι, see κοφανεω, κατ-6Κ(ίσμ€ΐ, ipf, aor. mid. subj. κοσμησησθε, {κύσμος),ρηΙ in order, χ 440. καδ κρεμασεν {κρεμάνννμι), θ 67, 105, ΐκ ττασσαλόφιν, hung on the nail. κατάκρηθ€ν, see III. κάρ, f u η d i t u s, uiterli/. κατάκρης, see άκρη, funditus. κάτα - κριίτΓτουσι, ων, fut. Kpvxpnv, aor. part, κρν-φας, ασα, occulere, con- ceal, νττυ κύττρφ, ι 329; αυτόν, se, ί 247 ; also η 205, themselves. κατα-κτ€ίν€ΐ, tiv, subj. y, ωσι, prs., fut. KTtvtl, κτάνεονσιν, aor. opt. κτί'ινεΐί, inf. KTUvai, part, κτύνας, αντα, 2 aor. έκτάνον, ίς, tv (also tmesis, Ζ 4\6),ομ(ν, subj. KTavy, and aor. sync. 3 sing, έκτο, 1 sing, and 3 pi. ίκταν, imp. κάκταν£, inf -κτάμεν{αι), part, κτάς ; aor. pass. 3 pi. ^κταθίν, mid. Avith pass, signif. fut. κτάνίεσθε, and aor. κτάμενος, nee are, slat/, kill, a 75, Ε 558, ττ 106. κατ-^κυψ€, aor. from κντττω, bowed himself, U 611. (11.) καταλαμβάνω (always in tmesi), see λαμβάνω. κάτα-λίγω (see also -λέχω), only fut. -λβ'ξω, and aor. -ελεζα, ας, εν (also tme- sis, λ 151), subj. λεζ^ς, imp. λεξον, inf λέξαι, enumerare, recount, τ 497; 7Γ 235, narrate to me, in detail, in order (όριθμήσας) ; communicate, relate, δ 256 ; tell, disclose, πάσαν άλήθειαν, ταντα άλήθειαν, as truth, in conformity with truth = άτρεκεως = ου ψίϋ^ος ; εν κατά μοΐραν = iv μοίρ^, fitlv ; διίκεο και κ., Τ 186. κοίτα - λειβομενοιο, pass., tricMing down, Σ 109t. κατα-λβίτΓβτβ, ειν, ipf. ελειττον, ε, ομεν, fut. λείφομεν, ουσι, also (in tmesi) : (κάδ) λείπεις, ipf λεΐττεν, aor. λίπον, f ; λι'πω, οιεν ; λιπώΐ', όντε, ονσα, ονσαν, and by assimilation καλ-λείπειν, fut. λίΐ'ψω, ειν, aor.i3ft7rov, ες, ε (also λι^'), inf. ίειν, relinquere, leave, τί, Ζ 221; custodem, ο 89; vitjv, as youthful mother, λ 447 ; άγκλίνας, left the door ajar, χ 156; deserere, Φ 414, forsake, abandon, ενχωλην; give over, as bootv, ίλωρ, with explanatoiy inf, γ 271, t 344. κάτα-(λ£χω), from stem ΛΕΧ, fut. λ^ξ€ται, 1 aor. λεξατο, imp. λεζαι, 2 aor. sync, ελεκτο, inf. λεχ^αί, part, λεγμένος, (λεχος), lag one's self down to rest, ο 394. κοίτα άλ€σσαν, aor. from άλ'εω, since theg had ground out (the wheat), ν 109f. κατα-λήθονται, obliviscuntur, forget, X 389 f. κατα-λοψά8€ΐα {λόφος) φέρων, carry- ing it crossuise over his back (the feet being tied together and held under the chin of the bearer), κ 169|. κατα-λι5σομ€ν, fut., aor. έλνσε, (λύω), loose from under the yoke, unharness, δ 28; destrog, Β 117. κα8 λωψήσ€ΐ€, aor. from λω^αω, κακών, recover itself from the misery, t 460t. κατ - €μαρτΓΤ€, ipf, aor., (tmesi, εμαρ-φε), subj. pap\py, consequi, over- take, Π 598, Ζ 364; corripere, seize, ω 390. κάτ-άμησατο, aor. mid., (όμάω), had heaped upon himself, Q 165f. κατ-αμυ|ατο, aor. mid., (άμνσσω), χείρα, has scratched her hand, Ε 425|. κάτα άμφικαλΰψας, aor. part., {κα- λύπτω), κεφaλy ράκος, dratoing dovm from around my head my ragged garment, ξ 349|. κόίτα-ν€υων, part., fut. νενσομαι, aor. ένενσα, σας, σε, subj. σω, imp. σον, inf. σαι, part, καννενσας, adnuere, nod in assent (opp. άνα-), τινί τι ; also Avith inf fut., δ 6 ; Avith νπόσχεο, νττεστην ; also κρατί, κε(paλy, permit. κατ-άν€ται, pass., (άνω), consumi- tur, «se up, waste, β 58. (Od.) κατά νησαντο (νεω), ιίσσα οι . . . λίνφ, that which theg have spun to him with th^ thread, η 197t. κατ -αντα, deorsum, downward, Ψ 116t. κατ-άντηστιν, see άντηστιν. κατ-αντικρν, see αντικρύ. κατά Ίτάτησαν, aor. from πατεω, conculcaverunt, tread under foot, break, A 157t. κατά - Ίταυμα ( παύω ), alleviation ; γόου, comfort in their lamentation, Ρ 38t. κατα-7Γαυ£μ€ν, inf prs., fut. παύσω, σέμεν, inf aor. έπαυσα, f, av, subj. oy κατά ΙΐΓίδησβ 171 κατα-ψαγέ£ΐν and σομιν, finire, placare, j3Mi end to, appease, ζ 583; comprimere (co- ei'ceri nos vis, /3 244); τινά τίνος, hinder from ; ironically = slay, Π 618. κατά ΙΐΓ6'δησ€, aor. from πεδύω, has fettered, of Ate or Moira, Τ 94, λ 292. κατα-ττεσσω, only aor. subj. ιτβ'ψη, concoquat, digest, repress, A 8 1 f . κατά -π-βτάσσας, aor. part, from ΤΓίτάνννμί, spreading over it, θ 441 f. κατά - ττέφνων, ττ'ίφνς, see κατα- φίνω. κατα-πήγνυμι, only aor. cmrilcv, αν, defixit, panxerunt, stick fast, plant, and sync. aor. mid. επηκτο, fixus haesit,.A 378. κατα-πίπτω, only aor., in tmesi, Π 469 ; elsewh. Kairircaov, f , ετην, ov, de- cidere, procidere,/aZi c7ozcw(prae- ceps, πρηνής), tv Koviyciv, Ιπι yaiy, χαμαζε, αλί, cast one's self into the sea; θνμος παραί ποσ'ι, courage utterly for- sook them, Ο 280. κατα-(φενώ), only red. aor. subj. ττεφνη, par t. 7Γ£^ vwr, i η t e r i m e r e, s/ay, Ρ 539. κατ-€πλ£ομ€ν, ipf , appulimus,i)ii< in, iU2f. κατ-€ΐΓλήγη, aor. pass, from ττλησσω, φίλον ήτορ, was struck in his heart with fear, Γ 311. κατα - ττρηνίΐ, ίσσι, trom ττρηνης, doicn turned; with flat of the hand, χεφί, χερσί, Π 792. κατά ίΐΓτηξαν, τττηζας, aor., and sync. 3 du. τττητην, crouch down; hi- σαντε νττ υχεσφιν, under the chariot for fear, θ 136. κάτα-ΐΓτώσσουσι, inf. σσειν, part. σσοντ{α), τες, timidi sunt; exti- m e s c e r e, yield to fear, Ε 254. (11.) κάτα-Ίτύθβταί, putrescit, become rotten, δμβρψ, Ψ 328|. κατ-αρώνται, ipf. ηράτο (αρά), im- precari, call curses doicn tipon, τινί ΤΓολλά, I 454 ; άλγεα, τ 330. κάτά•ρΪΎηλά, ntr. pL, {fpXjog), for- m i d ο 1 ο s a, horrible, ξ 226 f κάτ-€'ρ€|€, ipf, and καρρέζονσα, part, prs., {όρέγω ?), stroke, caress, χειρί τέ μιν κ.,ο 610, A 361. κατα -ppeov, ntr. part, elsewlj. tmesis, ρέοντες, ipf. ερρεε, |όέ£,(σρ£ω), def luere, βοω down, absol. and with τινός, ίκ, Δ 149. κατ-άρχεσθαι, only ipf ήρχίτο χερ- VI βά τ ονλοχύτας τε, began the sacred hand-Avashing and the sprinkling of the barley meal, y 445 f. κατα-σβενννμι, aor. εσβεσε, (tmesi?, Π 293), σαν (tmesis, Ω 791), imp. σβε- σατε, extinguere, rogum vino, quench, Q 791. (II.) κατα-σεύομαι, only aor. -6σ<η5το, (eafvro), ρέεθρα, streamed down into the river-bed, Φ 382 f. κατ-€σκίαον, ipf. from σκιάω, (σκιά), obumbrabant, ot'ersAa(7o2i', μ 436f. κατά σμΰξαι, aor. inf , ( σμνχω ), bum down, I 653; pass, σμύχοιτο, X 411. κατα-στορενννμι, only aor. Ιστόρε- σαν, στυρεσ{ε), and -εστύρεσαν, part. καστορννσα, ρ 32, spread out upon; Ω 798, cover over (grave and contents), Χάεσσι. κάτ-€<Γη5γ€ and εστνγον, 3 pi. aor., (στυγέω), horruit, Se horror-struck at, τι, κ 113. κατα-σχεθεΊν, see κατ-έχω. κατά Tcivc, aor., drew in (the reins), Γ 261. (II.) κάτα-τηκω, only aor. -«τηξίν, 1 i q u e- fecit, melt, τ 206 ; and pass, τήκομαι φίλον t/Top, ace, my heart is melting away; τί]κεται, liquefit, r 205. κατα-τίθημι, ipf. ItiOci, τίθεσαν, fut. -θήσω, ει, aor. έθηκα, εν, αν (also in tmesi), 2 aor. subj. θεΊομεν, inf θεΊναι, and part, θεντε, mid. 2 aor. 3 pi. -εθεν- TO, subj. θείομαι, inf θέσθαι ; sync. 2 aor. act. 1 pi. κάτθεμεν, 3. θεσαν, imp. θέτε, inf. θέμεν, mid. 2 aor. pi. θεμεθα, θέσθην, θεμενοι, deponere, c olio- car e,^iace, lay down, τι εττΐ yaiy, χθονί, νηί, άπήν^, ρνμψ; νπ aίθoύσy•, iv λεχεεσσι, δήμψ, -φαμάθψ, οισιν ; ίττι χθονός, θρόνου; ες μνχόν, μέγαρον, θάλαμον, εις Ίθάκην ; but εκ καπνοί; put away out of the' smoke; επ' αντψ, •φ• 381, holding their heads straight to- ward him; spread out a bed, r 317; propose as prize in contest ; άεθλον, (επί σοι, in thine honor), institute a contest. — Mid., sibi or suum, am, etc., deponere. κάτα-τρΰχω, indie, and subj. prs., exhaurio, exhaust, consume, ο 309. κατανθι, καταντόθι, see αυθι and αυτόθι. κατα-ψαγ(€ΐν, ωσι, aor. from -εσθίω. κατα-ψέρω 172 κατ-έχ€ΐ κατα-φέρω, only fut. -οίσεται, με 'Aicoc είσω, will hi-ing me to the grave, X 42 5 f. κατα-ψθΐσ€ΐ, fut., (φθίω), perdet, destroy, ε 341; mid. aor. -εψθΐτο, ex- hausta erant; φθίσθαι, periisse; φθψενοιο, ot, οισιν, defuncti. κατα-ψλ^ξω, fut. from φλέγω, cre- mabo, consume, ττνρί, X 512f. κατα-ψϋλαδόν (ψϋλον), tributim, in tribes, in clans, Β 668 f. κατά ( ζάκρν ) χί'οντα, τες, τας, χεουσα, σαν, σαι, (lacrimas), effun- dens; aor, -έχενα (for εχεΡα), ας, εν, αν (both forms freq. in tmesi), subj. χεν^, inf. χεναι, aor. mid. κεχντο and εχντο, -εχνντο, infundere, offun- dere, pour down upon, over, rivi τι; effun dor e, νιφάδας, etc., shower dovm ; πεττλον, let fall ; ρ r ο i i c e r e, cast down, θνσθλα, ηνία; superinfundere, ήερα, etc., rivi ; ελεγχείην, etc., τινί, conspergere ignomini si, cover with ignominy; ttXovtov, B 670. — Mid. οφθαλμών or (οι) όψθαλμοΐσι, oculis (eius) offusa est; φλόζ, diffusa est; όπλα, collapsa sunt. κότα -χθόνιος (χθων), inferior, subterranean, Ζίύς= Aides, I 457f. κατ-εαξ€, αμεν, aor. from -άγννμι. κατ-6δ€ΐ, ipf. from -δεω, colli- gavit, bind. κατ-^δουσι, 3 pi., εδων, part, prs., pf. εδηδώς, devorare, comedere, eat vp, devour, Τ 31 ; consumere, οίκον, rem familiarem, r 159; ov θνμόν, consume, waste one's heart. κατά (σνφεοΊσιν) Ι^ργνυ, ipf., (Ρερ- γννμι), shut up (in the hog-sties), κ 238t. κατ-€ίβ6ΐς, ετον, mid. -ειβόμενον, ipf. -είβετο, elsewh. tmes. κατά (δάκρυον) (ίβεις, ει, οι, ων, ipf εΤβε, effun d ere, shed; mid., defluere, flow apace, trickle down, and fig. efflux it vita, ebb away, ε 1 52. κατ* (υσσε) Ιδών, aor. part., looking him straight in the eyes, Ρ 167f. καδ €ΐλύσω, fut. from ε'ιλνω (ΡελΡω, ν οίνο), in vol ν am, surround, Φ 31 Sf. ^' κάτ-€ΐμι, εισιν, inf. -ίμεν, part, -ιόντα, -ιοΰσα, αν, ipf. -ηίεν, aor. καταείσατο, del at a est, hadfloum; γαίης, (εΙμι), go, or come down, flow down; appel- lentem, enter harbor, ir 472. κατ-£κταθ6ν, 3 pi. aor. pass, from -κτείνω. κατ-£ναίρω, only aor. mid. -ενηρατο χαλκψ, ferro absumpsit, slay, \ 519t. κοτ-€ναντίον (άντ'ως) at έλθω, ei obviam fiam, go to meet him, Φ 567t. κατ-ενωττα (Ιδών Ααναών^, in the face of, turned toward the Danaoi, Ο 320|. KaT-eir-aXficvos, -αλτο, see κατ-εφ- άλλομαι. κατά tireLyeiy urget, oppress, ψ 623|. κατ-£|0£ί7Γω, only pf, -€ρήρΐΐΓ€ν, col- lapsum est, and aor. -ηριπεν νπ' αυ- τού, are prostrated under (by) it, Ε 92. κατ-£ρήτυ£ν, ov, ipf., retinebat, hold back, r 545, from tears. κατ-€ρύκω, fi, ετε, subj. y, imp. ε, and KarepOKavc, Ω 218; \^ί. -ερυκες, ε, pass, prs. ομαι, εται, ret in ere, hold back; cohibct, Φ 63; impedire: pass., delays. κατ-ερύω, aor, -είρΰσε, pass. pf. -tipv- σται, inf. -ειρνσθαι, deduce re (na- vem), foMwcA, ξ332. (Od.) κατ -epxcai, εται, pass, ομένης, fut. -ελενσομαι, aor. -ήλνθον, -ήλθες, ε, ομεν, ov, inf. -ελθεμεν, pass. -ελθόντ(α), go, come down, go; fly down, descend, t 484. κατ-€σθί€ΐ, ipf -ησθιε (also in tmesi), aor. in tmesi, φάγε, ωσι, έειν, devour, spoken of animals and of Polyphemos, except α 8, π 429, γ 315, ο 12*. κατ-^σστίτο, aor. from -σενομαι. κατ-ευνάω, aor, opt. -ευνησαιμι, pass, aor. part, -εννηθεντα, parallel form indie, 3 ι>\.-εννασθεν,Γ 448, sopire, /«// to sleep; pass,, decumbere, dormire, lie dozen, sleep. κατ-εφ-άλλομαι, only aor. -ριτολτο, part, -εττάλμενος, desiluit, shot djwn, Τ 351. κατ-^χ« (also in tmesi), ονσι, subj. εχ•ρ κάτα, pass. -έχων,-εχονσας, ipf. εχι ν κάτα, -εχεν, fut. καθεζ,ει, aor. -έσχε, subj. axy; pass.-exof rai, ipf. -είχετο, -έχοντα, aor. mid. -εσχετο, part, σχομένοις, paral- lel forms : aor. act. κατΕσχ£θον, ipf KooxcOc, retinere, impcilire; co- h i b e r e, hold fast, hold back, retrain ; τινά γαία, ala, Β 699, hold within its bosom, cut otf from light and life; Σ κατ-ηΐΓΐόωντο 173 332, moriar; τί, prevail, bear sway, ι 6 ; κίφαλήν, bend over ; mid., se con- tegere, corner o}ie's self; subsistere, remain, γ 284. κατ-ηΐΓΐόωντο, ipf. from ήττιάω, le- niebantur, a55Mo^e, Ε 417|. κατ-ηρ€φ€ς, ace. pi. masc. εας, (Ιρέφω), covered over, vaulteJ, overhang- ing, £ 3β7. κοτ-ήρητβ, aor. from -fpitVw, cor- ruit. κατη-φ€ίη, ην, (κατα'ι, ψάος, = with downcast eyes), shame, Π 498. (II.) κοτ-ήφησαν, aor., part, σας, (-ηψεω), were confoundtd, tvi θυμφ, π 342. κατ-ηφ665, pi. from -ής, (^-ηψών), disgraced, ω 432 f. κοτ-ηφόνες, riom. pi. from »} κατη- φών (cf. κατηφείη), abstract noun used as concrete, disg?'aces=b)ingers oy dis- grace, Ω 253 f. κάτ-θαν€, aor, from -θνήσκω. κατ- θάψαι, aor. from -θάπτω, κάτβεμεν, 3 pi. ind., -θέμεν, inf. etc., see κατα-τί- θημι. κατ-ίμ€ν — -dvat, see -ίίμι. κατ-ίσχ€ΐ, 3 sing., inf εμεν{αι), mid. pr. -ισχία», εται, pass, κάτάίσχεται, re- tinere, hold back; tenere, steer: mid., sib I re tin ere, keep for one's self; pass., ρ ο s s i d e t u r, «s occupied, ι 1 22. κατ-οίσ•€ται, fiit. from -φέρω. κοτ-ότΓΐ<Γθ6(ν), pone, post, in the rear, behind, with gen. ; adv., behind, thereof ter, φ \\6. κάτω (κατά), deorsum, down, ψ 91. κατ-ωθεω, aor. in tmesi, καδ coiae, fall down, Π 410|. κατ-ωμαδίοιο, gen., {ώμος), hurled from (aboA^e and behind) the shoulder, Ψ 43\. (Sec cut No. 33.) κατ-ωμαδόν (^ώμος), from over the shoulder (of whip in lashing the horses), Ψ 500. (II.) ^ κατ-ωρΰχ€€σσι (όρυσσω), dug in, tried (Od.) ^ Καΰκων€ς, tribe in Paphlagonia, Κ 429 ; in Elis, γ 3C6. καυλώ, όν, dat. ace. masc., (caul is), spear-shaft (part next the point), Π 115; sword-hilt, Π 338. καύματος, gen. from to καύμα, (καίω), aestus, in consequence of the burning heat, Ε 865t. καυστείρης, gen. from κανστεφα, i3 (καίω), μάχης, hot, raging combat, Δ 342. (11.) Καυστριος, river in Ionia, Β 461. καύτ6ς, η = καί αυτός, η, Ζ 260, ζ 282. ΚΑΦ, only part. perf. κεκαφηότα, (καπύω), efflantem, exspiranteni, Avith obj. θνμύν, gasping out, Ε 698. K€, KcV, (from pronominal stem ka), similar in use to ά»/, but: (1) enclitic. — (2) esp. common in relative clauses (149 κεν to 3 άν). — (3) often repeated in parallel clauses. — (4) used also with άν, Ν 127, see also below II. B, c, 3. — I. with indie. : (A) denoting simple subjective supposition, δ 546 ; also with fut., Δ 176; expectation Avith fut., A 175, TT 297; repeated action, with aor., σ 263 ; esp. (B) in apodosis of conditional sentence, with past tense, when the protasis contains a false as- sumption, e. g., A 3 11, Ε 898; the pro- tasis may be represented by a parti- ciple, λ 418; or may require to be supplied, ξ 62. — II. with subj. : (A) in principal sentence : subj. of expecta- tion, A 184, S 235; esp. with apodosis conceived of as likely to follow, A 324. — (B) in subordinate clause : (a) rela- tive clause, subj. of wish, τ 403, t 356 ; of expectation, κ 539, β 43, Η 171. — (b) hypothetical relative clause (κεν often Avanting) dependent upon: (1) principal sentence with verb in imper., θ 548, « 316, Ψ 855 (inf., Ψ 246).— (2) principal sentence with opt., A 294, r 577. — (3) principal sentence with fut. indie, φ 280, 1 397, Ρ 229.— (4) principal sentence with pres. indie. S: 416, Γ 565, A 409.— (.5) principal sentence with past indie, in sense of the present (gnomic use), λ 432, A 218. — (6) subordinate clause Avith subj., Φ 103. — (c) in clause joined by conjunc- tion to its principal sentence : (1) by final conjunction: 'iva, only μ 156; υφρα, ut, 9 times, σ 183 ; ώς, ut, 32 times, Β 385 ; οττως, δ 545.— (2) tem- poral conjunction (subj, of expecta- tion), δφρα, δ 588, Κ 444; εως, always Avith κεν, Γ 291 ; εις ο, always with κεν, β 98. — (3) temporal =- condition- al, oTf, ΰπότε, (a) a supposition having reference to future, A 567, X 366, Κ 130; (β) supposition without refer- ence to time,Z 225, I 501, λ 218,(not Κ€άζω 174 Kcipci εντί), ΰ0|θα, dum, while, τ 17, Ω 554; joined with άν, Λ 202, ζ 259, f 361 ; f /ς ο κίν, Κ 90, Ι 610.— (4) ti, whether, χ 76, Α 408, ο 322, Τ 436, ξ 118, Π 861, Δ 249; ti, if, of future expecta- tion, HI times, Π 445, ρ 549. S 369, Ε 763, φ 305, A 137, Τ 302, φ 114, Ρ 40, Σ 92 ; of general expectation, A 391; ίπίΐ,ζ 153, Χ 125, A 764, A 173, Ρ 658. — III. with optative (A) in prin- cipal sentence. (1) concessive, X 253, Ν 486, Ω 619, 162. (II) optative de- noting future time, (1) simple futurity, 506, σ 166, /i 387, κ 269, Ω 664,Φ 41 2, Β 160, Κ 57. — (2) conditioned proba- bility, I 157, 77, Δ 171, Ρ 417.— (3) possible future, always κίν (or άι^), Ρ 103, σ 223, 380. — (4) prevented realization, δ 595, a 236, Γ 410 (joined with sentence with εΙ, Β 81, Ε 311). — (5) assumed situation, κίν (or άν), λ 488, Ο 697, χ 138, ε 73, μ 83.— (6) mere possibility, Τ 218, Ι 57, μ 102, ί 131. — (Β) in inteiTogative sentence : ή, ο 300; 7) pa, ο 431, θ 337, σ 357; πώς, ο 195, λ 144; τίς, Κ 303 ; ττοίοι η, φ 197 ; in rhetorical direct ques- tion, Τ 90, Ρ 586, 149, Τ 82.— (C) in dependent sentence : (a) relative sen- tence, a 253, Γ 235, Ω 732, ν 368, ω 188, Ε 192, 483, Ο 735; with άν, Ν 127; (b) hypothetical relative, only δ 600; (c) in conjunctional sentence, (1) final, ώς, ψ 135, ω 532, β 53 ; 'όπως, Α 344 ; εως, β 78. — (2) comparative, ώς, ψ 60. — (3) temporal implying con- dition, οτε, ν 391, Ι 525.— (4) dubita- tive, expressing doubt, εΙ, Λvhether, μ 112, ξ 120, Α 792, Η 387.— (5) opta- tive, expressing desire, εί yap, υ 236. — (6) conditional, protasis introduced by fi, if, preceding the principal sen- tence (this last with κίν), Ε 273, 1 141, 363, Γ 590, μ 345 ; principal sentence preceding, protasis (with κίν) follow- ing, Τ 322, ij 314, Κ 380, X 220. κεάζω, aor. €Κ^ασσ€ κεασσε κίασε,ορί. κεάσαιμι, pf. pass, κεκεασμένα, aor. pass. Ικεάσθη, split, ξ 418, ν 161 ; jend, shiver, € 132, 17 250. K^arat, το = κείνται, εκειντο, from κεΐμαι. Κ€βρΐ(ίνης, son of Priamos, θ 318; Hektor's charioteer, slain by Patro- klos, Π 738. κεδάννυμι, only aor. ΙκίΒασσ€, and pass.^ 3 pi. ίκεδασθεν, part, θίντες, θείσης, parallel form to σκεδάνννμι, used for metrical convenience, dis- p e r g e r e, d i s s i ρ a r e, disperse, scatter ; γέφυρας, bursts the dikes, Ε 88. KcSvoio, J/, y, ην, at, or, (a), and sup. -ότατος, OL, {κεκαΰμένοι;), ins ignis, ex- cellent, άλοχος, μήτηρ, τϋκήες, άμφίπο- λος, άναζ, εταΧροι, κεδνά Ρώυία, τ 346. κέδρΐνον, ace, (κέδρος), of cedar, Ω 192t. κέδρος, κ^ρου, fern., cedar, of the tree and of the wood, ί 60 f. κ6ΐάμ,€νος, κείαντες (κη-), see καίω. Kciarai, το = κείνται, εκειντο. κ€ίθ€ν, adv., (κείνος), illinc, dein, thence, then, Ο 234. κ€ϊθι, illic,/λί^, and with dat. >vithout preposition, όλίθρφ. κειμήλιον, a, (κεΐμαι), treasure, heir- loom.; β 75, landed property. κείνος, η, ο, older form cf εκείνος, etc. κείνη, yci, κείν = κεινά = κενά, \ 249, vacuus, inania, empty. κείρει, 3 sing., imp. ετε, part, ovrtc, τας, ipf. ίκεΐρετε, ov, fut. inf. κερεειν, 1 aor. {ε)κερσί, part, σαντες, (Ger. Scheere, Schaar,Eng. shear), «Aear off, κόμην ; cut off, lay waste, devour ; 175 mid. κίΐρύμενοι, ipf. κύροντο, aor. inf. κείρασθαι, κόμην, cut one's hair (in grief), Ψ 13G. κ€ΐσ£, illo, there; Ψ 461, usque illuc, thus far. 1. κίίων, part., (κεστός, de-sci-sco), splitting, ξ 425|. 2. κίίω, inf. κβιίμεν, part, κί/ων (and κεων), οντες, ούσα (desiderative from κεΊμαι), desiring to sleep, freq. ν,'Ίύι verbs of motion, ξ 532. κ£καδήσ£ΐ, σόμεθα, see κήίω, trouble, κεκαδών, οντο, see χάζομαι, cedo, give way. κ£κασμενος, σθαί, see καίννμαι, ex- cello, surpass, κεκαψηώς, see ΚΑΦ, exspirans. κ6κλ€το, aor. from κελομαι, voca- bat. ^t . Κ€κλη"γώς, see κλάζω. ^ * Κ£κλήατθ) i]a?j, see καλίω. κ€κλόμ,£νος, see κελομαι. κεκλυθι, τε, see κλυω, ausculto. κεκμηκας, -ηώς, see κάμνω. Κ£Κοπώς, see κότντο). κ£κορήμ£θα) μενοι, ηότε, see κορενννμι. κεκορνθμενα, see κορνσσω. κ£Κθτηότι, see κοτεω. κεκράανται, ντο, see κεράν- ννμι. κεκρΰψαλον, τον, (κορυφή), net to confine the hair, X 469|. (See cut No. 44.) κεκυθωσι, see κεύθω. Κ£λαδ£ΐνη, fjg, όν, (κελαδος), sound- ing, rushing; esp. freq. as epithet of Artemis, Π 183 ; as substantive, Φ 511. κβλάδησαν, aor. from κελαδέω, shout- ed aloud (r^ applause), Ψ 869|. κελαδον, τόν, (Ger. schellen ?), ίΐί- mult of combat, of hunt ; in more gen- ei'al signif., confusion, σ 402. κελαδων, οντά, part., sounding, Φ 16. Κελάδων, stream in Elis, Η 133|. κελαι-νεψε'ι, ει, ka, ές, (νέφος), shroud- ed in dark clouds, Zeus ; as subst., ν 147 ; αίμα, dark. κελαιν6ν, η, y, dark, black ; of blood, night, skin, wave, storm; of earth, Π 384. κελαρΰζει, prs., ipf. κελάρνζε, run, trickle, Φ 261. κελευθου, κελενθον, οι, ους, fem. and pi. ntr. α, (c a. Wis), path, way; ntr. pi. in wider signif. άνεμων (λαιψί/ρά, airy), ίχθνόεντα, υγρά, ήερόεντα, gloomy ways (of death); masc. also = iter, journey, κ 539 ; ττρήσσοντε, traversing ; τιΘ'εναι, ίίέσθαί,οροη a way; -γεφυρονν, make a way over a ditch ; Γ 406, θεών ; κ 86, outgoings of night and day ; others, paths (of cattle), i. c. pastures. κελευτΐόων, ύωντε, part, fiom -άω, (κελεύω) , ani7}iaiiiig, Μ 265. (11.) κελεύω (no du. and 3 pi.), subj. γς, opt. 01, imp. f, ετε, part, ων, οντος, ipf. εκίλενον, ες, ov, and κέλενον, ε, fut. -σω, inf. σεμεναι, aor. ίκέλευσα, σε, σαν, and κέλευσα, σας, σε, σαν, imp. κέλευσαν, part, σας, (κέλλω, ρ e 1 1 ο), dnve on, with the lash; iubere, command, τινά, A 286, δ 274; τά με θυμός, Η 68,»; 187, as my heart bids me ; τινί, Δ 428 ; τινί rt, mandare, Ζ 324, π 136; with inf., Β 74, ί 233 ; with ace. and inf., Β 11, β 263 ; Avith dat. and inf., Β 50, /3 6 ; with dat. of indirect object, followed by ace. and inf., Ψ 129, ι 561, λ 44. κελητο, τόν, (from κέλλω, cele.r), κελ7]θ' ων, 'ίτΐττον, courser, racer, ε 371|. κελητίζειν, inf., (κ'ελης), 'ίπποισι, ride α race-horse, Ο 679|; Avhere the feats of a skillful rider are described. κίλλω, aor. έκελσαμεν, inf. κελσαι, part. κελσάσ{/σι, (coll is, pello), ap- pellere, bring to shore, beach, νήα (εν φαμάθοισι) ; t 149, hating run the ships to land, we, etc. κελομαι (κέλλω), εαι (syniz.), εται, εσθε, ονται, opt. οΐμην, imp. κελεσθω, εσθε,. inf. σθαι, fut. κελήσεται, aor. έκέ- κλετο (after the trochaic cajsura), κέ- κλεΓΟ, part, κεκλόμενος, οι, urge on, τινά θυμός, ις, coegit; iubere, hortari, command, exhort, with inf., A 386, γ 31 7 ; with ace, A 74, γ 425 ; with dat., Ζ 286, Κ 419, 7/ 335. κελσαι, aor. from κέλλω. κεμάδα, την, a tico-year-old deer, Κ 36 If. κεν, see κέ. κενέ - αυχ^ες, voc. pi. from -ής, (αϋχεω), empty, idle boaster, θ 230 f. κενεάς, ν a c u a s, κενεόν, ntr., νεεσθοι, ίέναί, incassum, infecta re,in vain, fruitlessly, Β 298. κενεώνα, τόν, (κενεός), part of body between hips and ribs, waist, small of back, χ 295; ace. of part., Ε 284; elsewh. with ές. κενά, inania, empty, see κεινός. κενσαι, aor. from κεντεω. Κένταυρος 176 KcvOci Κένταυρος, Centaur, Euiytion, ψ 295 ; pi, Centaurs, a Λνίΐά Thessalian tribe, A 268. κένσαι, inf. aor. from κιντ'ίω, goad on, horses, Ψ 337f. Κ€ντρ-ην€Κ€ας, ace. pi., (κίντρον, tveiKo), stimulates, goaded on, 'ίπ- πους, Ε 752. (II.) κέντροιο, φ, {κ(ντίω), stimuli (f la- gel Η), ^oad, ψ 387. (11.)^ κέντορ6ς, οι, (κεντρον), 'ίππων, Sti- mulatores equorum, Kadmeians and Trojans, Δ 391, Ε 102. κέονται, το, see κεΐμαι. KcpaacrOc, see κεράνννμι. κβραιζέμβν, inf., part, ζων, ipf. κιράι- ζε, ζίτον, pass. prs. part, κεραιζομένονς, ην, (κείρω), destruere, populari, destroy, lag waste, Π 752, Ε 557; tru- cidare, slag, Β 861. K€paic, see κεράνννμι. κ€ραμ£ΰς, ό, figulus, potter, Σ 60 If. κ€ράμω, ων, properly, great earthen jar buried in the earth (see cut), I 469 ; but in Ε 387, χαλκ'εφ, serving as dungeon (cf. the pit into which Joseph was thrown by his brethren). κ€ράννυμι; κεράω, κεραίω, give the fonns prs. part. κ£ρώντας, imp. κεραιε, 1 aor. κ'ερασσε, part, κεράσασα, mid. prs. subj. κΐρωνται, imp. κεράασθε, ipf. κερώντο, όωντο, aor. κεράσσατο, σσά- μενος, pass, pf κεκράανται, plupf. κε- κράαντο, temperare, mix, prepare by mixing, Avine, bath ; mid., mix for one's self, have mixed; alloy, mingle with gold, ^ 132. Kcpao -ξέος (κέρας, ξέω) τίκτων, work- er in horn, horn polisher, A 1 lOf. Kcpaiiv, τόν, (κέρας), homed, Γ 24 ; κεραοί, are horned from their very birth, δ 85. κέρας, αος, ai, y, pi. a, σων, άσι, άεσσι, (κόρ, c e r e - b r η m, c ο r η u), horn, of cattle, Ρ 521 ; of >vild-goat, Δ 109 ; as substance (where the resemblance in sound between κέρας and κραίνω is played upon), τ 566 ; as forming half of a bow, φ 395 ; hence = how, κέραι άγλαέ, arcu superbiens; symbol of immobility, r 211 ; the sheath of horn encasing the line just above the hook, and preventing it from being bitten off, Ω 81. [κέρα, but shortened before a vowel, Δ 109, Γ 211.] Κ6ραυνός, ip, ύν, thunderbolt, lightning, Ο 117. κεράω, see κεράνννμι. Κ€ρδαλ€ος, or, οισιν, ης, (κέρδος), comp. κέρδιον, sup. κερδιστος, advan- tageous, Γ 41, β 74; helpful, Κ 44; cunning, ν 291, Ζ 153. κ€ρδαλ€<ί-ψρον, voc, selfish, A 149 ; craftg, Δ 339. κέρδος, εα, έων, εσι, gain, π 311; good counsel, ψ 140 ; Ψ 709, κέρδεα επίστασθαι, f/^trat, understand cunning arts ; νωμάν, devise good counsel. κ£ρδοσυνη (κτίρίος), per astutiam, cunningly, ξ 31. κ£ρκίς, ίδα, fem., rod (in later times comb), by a blow from Avhich the threads of the woof were driven home into the warp, and the web made firm and close, 6 62. (See cut No. 63.) κέρσ'€, αντες, see κείρω. Kcp -τομέωσι, subj., opt. έοι, part. έων, ίοντες, έουσαν, ipf. Ικερτόμεον, κερτόμεον, (-τόμος), taunt, tease, Π 261. Κ€ρτομίας, ace. pi, Τ 202 ; as subst. Κ€ρτομίοισι, οις, (κείρω, τέμνω, ω 240), sharp-cutting, sc. ϊπέεσσι, taunting, de^ risive words, yet the noun sometimes expressed, e. g. Δ 6. κέρωνται, όωντο, see κεράνννμι. κέ(ΓΚ6το, see κεΐμαι. κ€στ«5ν (κείω 1) 'ιμάντα, embroidered girdle, S 214. ^κηίθανον, ipf., occultabant, Γ 453|. Κ€υθμών, gen. pi. from ύ κενθμός, \at eh τ a, lairs, 'S 28|. Κ€υθμώνας, τους, (κενθω), latebras, crannies, ν 367 ; hog-sties, κ 283. κ€υθ€σι, dat. pi. from το κενθος, (κενθω), υπό — γαίης, in the depths of the earth, X 482, ω 204. KcuOci, ίΓ(, subj. ω, y, imp. κεΐιθε, ipf. εκενθί, κεΐιθε, fut. κενσω, aor. κυθε and subj. κεκνθωσι, pf. κέκενθε, plupf ίκε- κενθει, celare, occultare,Aicfe, corer, κεφαλή 177 κηρ τινά, τι, pass. 'Aidl κβνθωμαι, S e ρ e- liar ; also νόος tvdo9i, θνμώ, νυψ, νοημασι, h'i φρβσ'ιν ; ουδέ σε κενσω, nee te celabo, nor Λνίΐΐ I conceal it from thee ; σ 406, no longer can ye disguise your eating and drinking; it is easy to see from your actions that, etc. Κ€ψαλή, i]C, y, ην, a'l, εων, yai, ας ; ^0tv, gen. du.,(Ger. haupt, cap-ut), caput, head, εκ κ.ής ες ττόδας άκρους, Π 640 ; κάκ—κατά κ. ; also of animals, I 548, Λ 39, Γ 273, Ψ 381 ; synony- mous with life, Δ 162 ; in periphrasis, for a person, Λ 55, Σ 82, 12 276 ; esp. in address, Ψ 94 ; common phrase, κ.ήν ονδάσ^ε πελάσσαι = lay at one's feet ; custom of kissing head and hands, φ 224, 225, χ 499 ; thence come speech and words, Λ 462, Π 77. Κ€ψαλλήν€ς, collective appellation of subjects of Odysseus on islands and mainland, Β 631," ξ 100, υ 187, ω 355, 378, 429. Κ€χάνδ€ΐ, ότα, see χανϋάνω. κί- \αρ-ησεμεν, ησεται, ηώς, ο'ιατο, οντο, see χαίρω, κίχαρισμίνος, ε, α, στο, see χαρίζεαι. κ€χη<5τα, see χαίνω. Κ6- χωλώ-, see χολόω. κίχρημ^νος, see χρα-. κ€χν{ν)ται, το, see χέω. κε'ων, see κείο) 2, κή-αι, άμενος, see καίω. κήδίος, Ψ 160f, sepeliendus. κηδείους (κήδω,) car OS, dear, Τ 294|. • κηδ€μόν€5, οΊ, (κηδω), properly, se- ρ u 1 1 ο r e s, mourners, nearer friends, Ψ 163, 674. κήδιαπΓος, οι, (kt/j^oj), carissimus, κ 225. κηδος, εα, εσιν, aerumna, trouble, των άλλων ου- ; θνμοϋ, grief; luctus, Ν 464, ρ1., sorrows. κηδ€ΐ, 3 sing., subj. y, opt. οι, inf. ειν, pass, ων, ipf. εκηδε, and iter, κήδεσκον, fut. -ησοντες, fut. red. κεκαδήσει, φ 153; mid. κήδεαι, εται, ονται, opt. οιτο, inf. εσθαι, pass, όμενος, ψ, ον, οι, η, ipf. κηδετο, οντο, iter, -εσκετο, fut. κεκά- δησόμεθα, injure, Φ 369, Ε 404 ; Θυμόν, cruciare, distress, ι 402, Ω 240, 542; pass. part. prs. mid., be concerned for, person or thing, τινός, care for, Η 204, A 196, ξ 146. κή€ν, see Krt /ω. κήκΐ€, ipf, {κΊω), gush forth, ε 455|. κηλεω (καίω) ττνρΐ (Ο 744, κηλείω)» ίη blazing fire, θ 217. κηληθμώ) dat., (κηλίω, charni), in rapture (they listened), ν 2. (Od.) κήλα, tela, weapons of the gods ; even of snow, Μ 280. (11.) κήξ {καΡαζ, κηνξ) είναλίη, gull, ο 479t. κήομ€ν, subj. from καίω. κήτΓον, φ, ους, masc, (campus ?), garden, Φ 258, δ 737. Κήρ, ός, ί, α, du. ε, ρ1. ες, ας, {κείρω, Ger. schere, scharf, Eng. shear), mode of death, (μνρίαι, Μ 326) κήρες θανάτοιο, usher into Hades, ξ 207, Β 302. Immediately upon the birth, the Moira or Aisa was determined for the life, and the Ker for the death (cf. I 411, where the choice of a twofold destiny is offered to Achilleus ; the pas- sage also shows that the Ίίηρ impels to destruction, cf κηρεσσιψορητονς); when the time of death for the special favorites of Zeus approaches, he weighs the fortunes of combatants, e. g. Patro- klos and Sarpedon, Achilleus and Hektor. (See cut, representing Her- mes discharging this function.) Freq. G9 joined with θάνατος, β 283 ; φόνον, δ 273, /3 165; hence with adj. μελaίvy, αν, Φ 66 ; like OdvaToc, Π 687 ; often =:death, Λ 360, 362, Ε 652, I 411; symbol of hate, A 228. κήρ, ος όθϊ, ι, ntr., cor, heart, Π 481 ; then, in Λvider signification, as the seat of understanding, will, and the varied emotions, and thus correspond- κη ρ€σσι-ψορη τους 178 ing with varied range of meaning to our ^ heart;' hence (tj^) φρεσίν, ίνι στη- θεσσιν, and tv θνμφ, Ζ 523, Avhich we may translate vnthin me; {rrtpi) κηρι, exceedingly in heart, most heartily, t 36 ; κηρόθι μάλλον (at close of verse), still more in heart, ρ 458 : also used periphrastically like μένος, βίη, etc., Β 851, cf. A 395. κηρ6(Γσι-ψο ρητούς (φορεω), urged on hy their evil destinies, i. e. to death, θ 527t. Κηρινθος, ίοΛνη on coast of Euboia, Β 538t. κηρόθι, see κηρ. κηρ6ς, o\o, όν = cera, wax, μ 175. (Od.) •«ήρνΙ» νκος, ι, a; f ; ες, ων, εσσι, ας, herald; the heralds convoked the pop- ular assembly, kept order at trials, bore as sign of their office a staff (see cut, from archaic relief. No. 120), which they handed over to him Avho had the right to speak; they served also as messengers of the chiefs and as their assistants in sacrifice; epithets, θεΐοι, Αώς άγγελοι, Δη φίλοι. [Ρ 324, pro- nounce κηρνκ] Ήττντίδ^.^ κηρΰσσ€ΐν, inf., part, -ων, οντος, ες, ipf. ίκηρνσσον, (κήρνζ), proclaim as herald, summon, order, ττόλεμόνδε, άγο- ρήνδε ; Ρ 325, in the office of herald. κήται, subj. from κεΧμαι. Κήτ€ΐοι, Mysian tribe, followers of Eurypylos,\ 521 f. κήτος, εος, ει, εα, εσι,(\. κείω, s qua- tin a), monster of the deep, e. g. sharks and seals, Υ 147, ο 446. κητώεσσαν (κήτος) Λακεδαίμονα, full of ravines, Β 581, δ 1. Κηψϊσίς, ώος, λ^μvη,\ake. in Boiotia; later Κωτταίς, Ε 709|, from Κηφισός, river in Phokis, Β 522 f. κηώδει, dat. from -ώδης, (καίω, κήος?), fragrant with sweet odors, Ζ 483f . κηώ€ντι, α, usually defined yVa^rarai; and yet this signif. inconsistent Avith Γ 382 ; perh. better (κηΡ-, κύτος, cav-us) vaulted, epithet of treasure chambers, Ω 191. κίδναται, ipf. Ικίδνατο, (σκιδ•, σκε- δάννυμι), dispergitur, is disused, ηώς, θ 1, κΧθάρι(€, ipf., φόρμιγγι, was playing upon the lyre, Σ 570f. (See cut, in next column, representing a Greek woman.) κΐθαρις, IV, fem., cithara (hence g u i t a r), lyre, a 153; skill in playing upon the cithara, Ν 731. κιθαριστυν, την, (κιθαρίζω), art of playing the cithara. (See cut.) κικλήσκ6ΐς, ί<, ουσ{ι), inf. ειν, part. οντος, ούσα, ipf. κίκλησκε, ον, pass. pr. frat, mid. ipf. ετο, (καλέω), call, sum- mon, κληδην, nominatim, by name; invocans, I 569; nominant, ΐττ/'- κλησιν, cognomine; mid., call to- gether to one's self, άμνδις. Κίκονβς, Thrakian tribe, t 47, Β 846. κϊκυς, >/, τ oh η r, force, λ 393t. Ktλΐκ€ς, tribe of Greater Phrygia, dwelling under two leaders in θήβη νποπλακίη and in Lyrnessos, Ζ 397, 415. Κίλλα ζαθέη, town in Troas, A 38, 452. Κιμμέριοι, fabled people dwelling at entrance of Hades, λ 14t. κινεω, aor. κίνησε, subj. ay (and σίΐ ? Β 147, or i)erh. fut. ?), inf. σαι, part, σας, pass. aor. κινήθη, 3 pi. Ικϊ- νηθεν, part, ηθεν-ος, commovcre, disturb, set in motion (wasps, clouds), 'έμ6νος 179 :λ€ΐΓτη push with the foot (πο^ί) ; A 47, as he moved himself fonvard. κϊνΰμενος, oio, ων, part., ipf. κ'ινυντο, (κινέω), proficiscor, set out, march, κ 556, Δ 281. Κϊνΰρηξ, ruler of Kypros, Λ 20f . κϊνΰρή, wailing, whimpering, Ρ 5f . Κίρκη, daughter of Hehos, sister of Aietes, inhabiting the island Aiaie, the enchantress, κ 230 sqq. κίρκος, ov, hawh or falcon which flies in circles, Ipr]^; Απόλλωνος ayyt- λός, 526. κιρνάς, part., κίρνη ipf. from κίρνη- μι ; Ικίρνα, ipf. from κφνάω, (parallel form to κφάνννμϊ), m i s c e r e, mix ; olvov, t e m ρ e r ar e, mingle, η 182. Κισσηίς, daughter of Kisses = 9fOE- νώ, Ζ 299t. Κισσης, ruler in Thrake ; his grand- son Iphidamas, Λ 223f. κισ(Γΰβιον, ω, howl, basin, ι 346. (Od.) κίστη, box, chest, ζ 76|. κιχάνω, (τε, opt. άνοι, ipf {ί)κίχαν(ε), ίκΊχανον, and mid. κιχάνομαι, erai, όμενοι, fut. κιχησομαι, ami, σβται, σό- μίθα, inf. σεσθαι, aor. κιχησατο, and parallel forms κίχημι, subj. κιχύω, yai, ίίομεν, opt. (ίη, inf fjvai, ήμβναι, part, ίί'ς and ήμινον, ipf κίχεις, εν, ήτην, {ε)κίχημεν, aor. εκιχε, αν, part, ών, [the unaugmented forms of two, four, and five syllables stand after caesura in third foot, the augmented forms of three and four syllables almost always at the end of the verse]. — (1) reperire, con- sequi, overtake, fnd, τινά, -/, Γ 291, 383, Ζ 228, Π 342, Χ 303.— (2) in ve- nire, light upon, Β 188, /* 122, ξ 139 ; with part., A 26, Τ 289 ; with adj., δ 546. κίχλαι, turdi, thrushes, χ 468 f. κιης, subj. prs., opt. κίοι, οίτην, οιτε, part, κιών, ύντι, a, ε, ες, ας, ούσα, y, at, ipf. εκιε, ov, or κί(εν), κίομεν, κίον, (c ieo), go, go away, usually of persons ; more rarely of things, animals, ships, etc.. Ζ 422,0 149, ττ 177. κΐων, όνος, ι, α, ες, ας, masc. and fem,, column a, pillar, α 127, esp. ^i7- lar supporting the rafters. (See plate III. at end of volume, F. and G.) κλαγγη, ης, y, {κλάζω), clamor, any sharp sound, shout of men, cry or screech of birds, cranes, grunting of swine, etc. ; κλayyy, Γ ΰ^κλαγγηδόν, Β 463, with a din ; A 49, twang of bow string. κλάζοντ€, part, du., aor. ί'κλαγξαν, part, κλάγξαο, αντος, pf. part, κεκληγώς, ώτες, ώτας (MSS. οντες, ας), make a loud, sharp sound, shriek ; Μ 125, shout- ing loudly (in battle); ουλον, screaming loudly all at once ; of birds, Π 429 ; helloic, clash, rattle, roar. κλαίω, εις, ομεν, ετον, subj, y{ai), ωμεν, opt. οισθα, οιμεν, inf ειν, part. ων, οντά, e, ες, εσσι, ας, ούσα, ούσης, ipf. εκλαιον, κλαΐον, εν, υν, and iter. εσκε, fut. κλαύσομαι, σονται, aor. κλαν- σε, σας, weep, wail, lament ; esp. of la- ment for the dead (either of natural expression of grief, or of the more for- mal prescribed ceremonv), τινά, Τ 300, 7Γ 450 (δ 169-185) ; γ/,Ώ 85, ψ 351 ; άμφί τίνα, Σ 339. κλαυθμοΰ, οΤο, όν, (κλαίω), fie t us, weeping, esp. in lament for the dead, γόος, ρ 8. κλαϋσε, aor. from κλαίω. κλασ€, aor., (κλάω), f regit, ζ 128 ; aor. pass, ίκλάσθη, fracta est, Λ 584. κλ€ηδόνι, ace. κληηδόνα, (κλέος), fama, tidings, δ 317; elsewh. excla- mation of favorable significance, good omen, cf. β 35. κλβιτω, ύν, οι, ών, ους, (κλέος, in- clitus), glorious, famous, esp. of επι- κούρων, Γ 451, and εκατόμβην, A 447. Κλεΐτος, (1) son of Mantios, ο 249. — (2) ΤΙεισήνορος ν'ιόν, companion of Polydamas, slain by Teukros, Ο 445. κλείω, (1) sec κ:λέω. — (2) see κληίω. Κλβ^βουλος, a Trojan, slain by Aias, son of Oileus, Π 330|. Κλ€θ'Π"ότρη, wife of Meleagros = 'Αλκυόνη, I 556t. κλ€ος, pi. a, (κλύω, clu-entcs, Gothic, hliuma [sense of hearing], Ger. la ut [sound]), quae fando au- diuntur: (I) fama, rumor, tidings (ffot',fc/iov,ofthee,ofme). — (2) gloria, κλ'εος (σοι) προς Ύρώων είναι, laudi tibi sunto inter Troianos, but they shall be an honor to thee before the Trojans, X 514; pi, ανδρών, lau- d e s, glorious deeds. KXcirTt], τφ, (κλέπτω), thief, Γ llf, κλΜΓΤοσΰνη, ry, (κλέπτης), trickery, τ 396t, κλ^τΓττ), subj., κλέπτε, imp. prs., aor. t κλέψε, inf, κλίψαι, (καλύπτω, cal-im, κλ€ομαι 180 κλί oc-cul-o, clepo), furari, steal; νόον, fall ere, deceive; νόφ, cunning- ly get advantage of, A 132, κλεομαι, ipf ίκτλί(ο), pass, of κλεί- ονσιι: subj. κλίίω, (κ\ΐΡ-ος), fama c e 1 e b r a re, makefamovs, a 338, ν 299. Κλεωναί, άς, to\^•n in Argolis, Β 570t. κλήδην (καλί'ω), nominatim, hy name, I lit. κληηδόνα, see κΧιηίίόνι. κλήθρη, alnus, alder, e 64 and 239. κληΐς, ΐύος, ι, a, ες, taaiv, ΐσιν, (K\af-, clav-is), (1) obex, repagu- 1 a, bolt, bar (see cuts Nos. 32 and 38, both from Egyptian originals); cut No. 60, in four compartments, shows above the open, below the closed door : on the left as seen from Λvithin ; on the right from without; c,g,f, mark the place of the key-hole, through Avhich the thong, \μάς, a 442, ran, and the key was passed by which the bolt Avas first lifted (as is seen at g), άνέκοψίν, and then pushed back (άττώσαι^). The ad- joining cut, from a Greek sepulchral monument, as well as No. 32, presup- poses double bolts, and above on the right we see the key as it is applied, and below on the other half of the door the loosened thong; these bolts of double doors are also called ίττι- /6X)7C, όχ//ίς ; κρνπτγ, with hidden, con- cealed bolt. — (2) clavis, key, better described as hook, Μ 456. (See cut No. 60,/, ^.)— (3) iugulum, collar- bone. — (4) curved tongue of buckle, σ 294. (See cut No. 104.)— (5) thole- pins, rowlocks, ίπι κλιμσι, to which the oars were made ftist by a thong, and round which they played, see cuts Nos. 126 and 35; for later, different arrange- ment, see cuts Nos. 41, 64, and the Assyrian war-ship, cut No. 40. ίττΐ κλτμσι, translate, at the oars. κληΐσταί (κληίω), that m^iy be closed, β 344t. κληΐω, aor. (Ι)κλήισ€, inf Τσάι, {κ\η- F'lQ), c laud ere, shut, οχηας, drew for- ward the bolts closing the door, by means of the thong. (See cut No. 60.) κλήρος, ov, φ, ονς, (κλάω ?), sors, (1) lot, a stone, or potsherd or broken (κλάω) twig, on which each man scratched his mark, Η 175; the lots were then shaken in a helmet, and he whose lot first sprang forth was there- by selected for the matter in hand. — (2) paternal estate, patrimonium, ξ 64. κλητοί, ούς, (κ-αλεω), electos, I 165; invitati, ρ 386. κλίμακα, την,(κ\ίνω), scalas, stairs, ladder, κ 558. (Od.) κλιντηρι, τφ, (^κλίνω), lectulo, couch, sofa, cf, adjacent cut, No. 73. κλίνω, subj. κλίνησι, inf. κλϊνε, part -ων, aor. ίκλίνε, αν, (κλΐναν). part, -ας, ασα, αντες, (c 1 i η a r e), maJce to slope or incline, one thing against another ; ri Tivt, προς ίνώπια, drew aside the chariots and leaned them up against the shining walls of the vestibule ; \ ΰσσε ττάλίΐ^, oculos avertere, turn j away the eyes ; μήχην, i η c 1 i η a r e ρ u g η a m, turn the tide of battle ; τινάς, ! f uga ve.put to flight ; pass. aor. (ϊ)κλιι/- i ΰη, ίκλίθη, -/>«(, κΧι^ϋητηι^, 'ήναι, bend κλΐσίης 181 k\vt ψ, ov, (τύζον), with fa- κλυω 182 κολω($ν nuyus how, renorvned archer, A 101, ρ 494. κλνω, aor. βκλυον, (ς, t, op, also κλν- ov, imp. κΧνθι, κλϋτε, and aor. sync. κίκλνθι, Ts, (cluere, in-clutus), (1) hear, ίπος, άγγελίην, δονπον, ανδην, also with gen. 07roc,vocem; with part., δ 505, τινύς ανδήσαντος ; Γ 87, hear from me, the proposition of Alexan- der ; also ίκ τίνος, ex aliquo. — (2) e X a u d i r e, give ear to, hearken, τινός, A 43, 218, /5 262, γ 385 ; also τίνος ανδής, μύθων, τινί άρής ; less common with dat, τινί, Π 516. — (3) obedire, L•ar and comply, obey, τον μάλα μιν κΧνον, ο 220. Κλώθίς, lit. the Spinsters; as god- desses of fate, ϊ; 197|. κλα)μακ6£σσαν (κλώμαξ, g rum us), on rock terraces, rocky, Β 729 f. κνεφας, άος, ας, (δνόφος), crepus- culum, twilight, dusk, σ 370. κνη, ipf. from κνάω, she grated (trri, thereon), Λ 639|. κνήμη, ην, αι, άων, yffiv, crus, part of leg between the knee and ankle, shin, Δ 519. κνημίς, ΐδας, (κνήμη), Ο c r e a, greaves, metal plates, lined with some soft ma- terial, bent around the shin-bone un- der the knee, and fastened by clasps at the ankle (see cut No. 39), only in Iliad ; the word in the Odyssey, ω 229, signifies leather leggins. κνημοίσι, ους, masc, salt US, moun- tain valleys, Β 821. κνήστί, dat. from κνηστις, (κνήν), knife for shaving or grating, A 640f. κνίση, only sing., (κνίδ^α, η id or ?), fat, eep. the fat caul or diaphragm, in >vhich the thighs of the victim were wrapped, laid upon the fire and burned, together with the pieces of flesh piled upon them (A 460); hence the word also signifies the steam of the fat or sac- rifice, A 66 ; κνϊση€ν, /«?/ of the steam of burnt sacrifice, κ lOf. [v. 1. κνίσση.'\ κκυζηθμφ (κνΰζω), with whimper, whimpering, π 163f. κνυζώσω, fut., and aor. κνύζωσίν, ν 401, 433, make lustreless. κνώδαλον, fera, monster, ρ 317|. Κνω(Γ<$ς, μεγάλη πόλιν, tvptiy, in Kreta,B 646, Σ 591,r 178. κνώσσουσα, part., deeply slumbering, consopita, δ 809|. κ^ιλοιο, ov, η, ης, y, ην, only χ 385, κοίλον, {κόΡιλος, cav-us), hollow ; λι- μην, deep- embosomed, extending far into the land, κ 92. κυιμάω, aor. (€)κοίμησ'€, σατε, imp. σον, part, σας, ασα, (κείμαι), lull, hush ίο sleep, τινά ; litter, δ 336 ; consopi- re,put to sleep, also figuratively ; mid. pr. κοιμάται, ipf κοιμάτο, ώντο, aor. '. {1)κοιμησατο, σαντα, subj. σωνται, imp. σασθε, and aor. pass. {ε)κοιμηΘημεν, opt. θείη, inf θήναι, part, θεντι, ε, ες, lay one^s self down to sleep, past tenses, sleep; sleep the sleep of death, Λ 241. κοιρανεουσι, part, έων, εοντα, (κοί- ρανος), be lord or master, rule, ανά, κατά, διά τινας ; dominari, ^% the lord, ν 377. κοίρανος, ε, οι, (κνρος), ruler; also with λαών, ruler of the people, Η 234. Κοίρανος, (1) a Lykian slain by Odysseus, Ε 677. — (2) from Lyktos in Kreta, charioteer of Meriones, Ρ 611, 614, slain by Hektor. κοίτη, Ty, (κείμαι), bed, τ 341 f . KoiTos, 010, ov, ov, masc., bed, ξ 455 ; nighfs rest, sleep, η 138. KoXcdv, olo, φ, and κονλεόν, φ, ntr., (metal) sword-sheath, A 1 94, 220, κολλή€ντα, ntr. pi., (κολλάω), ζνστά νανμαχα, ship -spears, united together with rings, Ο 389 f. κολλητόν, οίσι, yoi, άς, (κολλάω), firmly bound together, compacted or shod with bands, Ο 678, ψ 194. κέλλοΊΓΐ, dat. from κόλλοψ, peg on the lyre, round which the string was made fast, φ 407 f. κολοιών, ονς, graculorum, jack- daws, Π 583. (Π•) κόλον, utr., docked, pointless, Π 1 I7t. KoXocrripTOv, τύν, noisy rabble, Μ 147 and Ν 472. KoXovci, imp. ετε, (κάλος), mutilat, leaves unfulfilled, Ύ 370; λ 340, cut short, curtail. κ6λΐΓ(ι>, or, 01, ους, (καλύπτω), fold or belly'of garment round neck and breast, 1 570 ;, bosom, Ζ 136, 400 ; bo- som of the sea, Σ 140. ^κολώα, ipf. from κολωάω, (κοΧωός), screamed, bawled, Β 21 2|. κολώνη (κέλλω), c oil is, hill, Β 811. (II.) κολω^ν (φον?) ίλαννετε, contmue noisy u:r angling, A 575|. κομ6ωντ£ 183 κορύνη κομ,(ί<ύντ€, τίς, part, from κομάω, (κόμη), uwiOev, with hair long at back of head, shorn in front, Β 542 ; κάρη, long - haired ; Wtipyai, Avith long manes. κομέω, κομί£ουσι, imp. είτων, inf. teiv, ipf. ίκόμα (and iter, εεσκε), ειτην, take care of, tend (by giving bath, food, bed, clothing), τινά, k 250 ; also of animals, jo 310, 319. κ6μη, ης, ην, ai, ας. (coma), hair of head; pi. ζ 231, thick flowing locks; also foliage, ψ 195. κομιΐδή, ί)ς, ην, cultus corporis, (see κομίω), care, attendance, bestowed on men, horses, also on garden, ω 245, 247. κομίζω, ει, subj. y, imp. κόμιζε, inf. ειν, εμεν, ipf. έκύμιζε, fut. κομιώ, aor. ίκόμισσα, {ε)κόμισε, αν, subj. iaay, imp. ισσον, (κομεω), (1) wait upon, attend, care for, Ζ 490, τινά, τι ; esp. receive as guest, entertain, κ 73, ρ 113, cf. Ill ; τινά Tivi, nutrire, υ 69 ; pass, όμενος, θ 451. — (2) gather up, ψ 355 ; carry away, Γ 378 ; hear off, S 456, Β 875 : bring, Ψ 699 ; mid. aor. (ί)κομίσσατο, ίσαντο, opt. ίσαιο, receive hospitably, entertain; X 286, carry off in one's flesh. κομπέω, ipf. £Κΐ$μΐΓ£ΐ, clashed, rattleJ, Μ 151|. κ<ίμΐΓος, 6, (κόναβος), stamping of feet, θ 380 ; grinding, gnashing of tusks of boar. κονάβησ€, σαν, aor., ipf. κονάβιζε, (κόναβος), resound (of echo); rattle, ring, Ο 648, Φ 593, Ν 498. (II. and ρ 542.) κ6ναβος, din, crash, κ 122f. κονίη, sing., and yat, pulvis, dust; λ 600, rose from his head ; with όμί- i χλη, Ν 336 ; στροφάλιγγι, Π 775, ω 39 ; ' sand, ψ 502, 506; cineres, ashes, η 153. [ΐ when in final foot of verse.] κόνις, ιος, I, fem., pulvis, dust, Ν 335; ashes, Σ 23, λ 191. Kovt -σσαλος, ω, (σΡαΧ), dust-cloud, dust-whirl, Γ 13. (II.) κονίοντ€ς, part, fut. κονΐσονσι, aor. εκόνΊσε, ( κύνις ), make dust ; ττεδίοιο, raise a dust-cloud, speeding over the plain, Ν 820 ; making dusty, Φ 407 ; pass, plupf κεκύν'ιτο, and pf. κεκονιμε- j'ot, pulvere obducti, covered zoith dust. KOVTcv, τόν, ( κεντεω ), pole, t 487|. Κοττρεΰς, father of Periphetes, Ο 639t. κοΐΓρήσοντ69, fut. part., (κοττρεω), stercorandi causa, /or manure, ρ 299t. κόιτρος, η, only sing., fimus, ster- c u s, 1 u t u m, dung, Ω 1 64 ; farm-yard, cattle-stall, Σ 575. κστΓτων, οντες, part., ipf κόπτε, αν, aor. κό\Ρε, ας ; 2 pf. κεκοττώς, aor. mid. κό•φατο, beat, smite ; τταρηιον, on the cheek ; τγογι ya'iy, strike to earth ; bite, sting, Μ 204; decidere, detrunca- re, X ΑΠ ; forge, δεσμούς-, mid., X 33, smite one's own head. Κόρακος Trirpy, rocky mountain in Ithaka, ν 408t. κορενννμι, fut. κορεεις, έίί, aor. opt. κορεσειε, satiare, sate, satisfy, τινά Tivt, θ 379 ; mid. (ε)κορεσσατο, σάμεθα, subj. σωνται, opt. σα'ιατο, inf. σασθαι, part, σάμενος, and pass. pf. κεκορήμεθα, ησθε, ημενοι, act. part, κεκορηότε, aor. also pass, ίκορέσθην, satiari, safe one's self with, τινός ; (κατά) θνμόν, in heart ; also metaph. be tired of, τινός, or with part, τάμνων, κλαίουσα, ν 59. κορ'εω, aor. imp. κορήσατ€, sweep oiU, V 149|. κόρη, false reading, read κονρη. κορθόεταί {κόρνς, κάρ, III.), raises itself aloft, I 7f. Κόρινθος, the city Korinth, the wealthy, on isthmus of same name, Isthmos, Β 570 ; Ι^ορινθόθι, at Korinth, Ν 664 ; ancient name, Έφνρη. κορμόν, τόν, (κει ρω), the titmk of the tree I hewed round about (beginning Avith the root and progressing toward the smaller end), φ 196f. κόρος, ό, satietas, taedium; τινός, surfeit, Ν 636, ^ 103. κόρσην, τψ', temple, Δ 502. (II.) κορΰ9άΙκι, dat., (κόρνθα άίσσοντι), helmet shakiitg, with waving plume, X 132|. κορΰθ-αίολος (κόρνθα αΙύΧην έχων), with glancing helm, esp. epithet of Hek- tor and of Ares, Β 816, Γ 83. (II.) κόρυμβα (κορυφή, κάρη) άκρα, the heads or ends, in which the stern of vessel terminated, cf. άώΧαστα, I 241 f. (Seecut No. 21.) κορΰνη, y, (κόρυς), battle mace (of K νθος, θι, θα, and νν ; θ(ς, θων, θεσσι, ας, fem., {κόρη, κάρ), helmet, Avith adjs. βριαρήν, δαιδαλίην, ιπττοδασίίης, Ίπποκόμον, Χαμττομίνης, λαμπρής, ττα- ναίθ^σι, τίτραφύλφ, φαεινή, χαλκήρίος, χαλκοπαρ^ου, Ν 131, 188. (See these adjs., and cuts under them.) κορΰσσων, part., ipf. ίκύρυσσι, (κύρνς), eqttip, excitare, augere; pass, and mid. κορνσσεαι, σσεται, σσύμε- νος, ον, ipf. κορνσσίτο, σσίσθην, aor. κορυσσάμενος, and pf. part, κεκορνθμε- νυς, ον, οι, α, equipped; (χαλκφ), shod with ; arm. one's self, τενχεσι, χαλκφ ; raise the head, A 442, cf. 443, 424, cf. κυρθυεται. κορυστην, du. τά, lit. helmed, hence armed, ready for battle, Δ 457, Ν 201. (11.) ^ , κορυφής, y, ην, αί, f /σι, άς, {κόρνμβος, κόρνς), vertex, crest; cacumen,sM?»- ndt, dat. without prep., Ε 554. (II. and ι 121.) κορνφονται, from -όω, (κορυφή), rises with arching crest, Δ 42 6f. Kopwv€ia, city in Boiotia, south of lake Kopais, Β 503|. Κορώνη* ης, y, αι, yaiv, (corona, cornu, cur-vus), any thing crooL•d or curved, (1) the ring on the door, rt 441. (Sec cuts Nos. 72 and 60.)— (2) the curved end of the bow over which the loop of the bow-string must be brought. (See cut No. 37, under ivra- ΐ'ύονσιν.) — (3) είνάλιαι, τανύγλωσσοι, sea-crows, cormorants, £ 66. κορωνίσι, dat. pi. fem., (κορώνη), bent into shape of a horn, curved (always in 4th foot of verse), of ships, τ 182. (See cuts Nos. 21,41,94,95.) Κ<ίρωνος, Καινείδης, father of Le- onteus, king of the Lapithai, Β 746t. κοσμίω, ipf. Ικόσγ-ίΐ, cov, aor. ίκό- σμησε, inf. ήσοι, pass. aor. 3 pi. κόσμη- θεν, part, -θεντες, (κόσμος), arrange, order, equip troops, get ready chariot ; ζϋρπον, prepare evening meal, η 13; mid. κοσμησάμενος ττολιήτας, marshal- ing his own countrymen, Β 806. κοσμηταί (κοσμίω), well laid out, η 127t. κοσμήτορι, ε, usually Χαών, mar- shaler of the people, usually of Atrci- dai and Dioskouroi; only in σ 152, Amphinomos. (11.) κ6σμος> ψ, ον, arrangement, order; construct! ο, building, 'ίπττον, θ 492; decus, ornamenta, oma/were/s, trappings, of women and horses ; κόσμφ, in order, in rank and fie; λίην, ευ κατά κύσμον, duly, becoming- ly, θ 489 ; ου fc. κ., indecore, shame- fully,!^ 181. KoriovaXf part, εων, εοντος, τε, εουσ(α), pf. part, κεκοτηότι, r 71 ; mid. ipf. KortovTo, aor. κοτεσσατο, subj. έσ- σεται, part, εσσάμενος, η, (κύτος), suc- censere, be angry vnth, τινί (on ac- count of something, τινός, Δ 168) ; also οϋνεκα, quod. κοΎΎ[ί\.%, lorathful, Ε 19 If. k6tov, τόν, grudge, rancor, wrath, with dat. of person against whom feeling is felt, τινί ; but Π 449, in whom thou wilt excite dire wrath. κoτi5ληv, την, properly a little cup ; Ε 306, hip-joint. κοτνληδονόφιν, from κοτυΧηδών, (κο- τύλη), προς — , on the suckers at the end of the tentaculae of the polypus peb- bles stick fast, ε 433|. κοτνλ-ήρΰτον (άρνω), that may be caught in cvps, streaming, Ψ 34f . KovXcov, see κολεόν. κοΰρη, sing, and pi., (gen. άων, dat. yoi), fem. from κούρος, young girl or daughter, cf. French fille; τινός, Χρυσηίϋος, A 111, for the daughter of Chryses; (Διός) γλαυκώττις^ Athene; also applied to youthful wives, A 98, Ζ 247. κοΰρητ€ς, ων, εσσι, (κούρος), Αχαι- ών, Ώαναχαιών, Τ 248, 193, youthful chiefs, pnnces, princes' sons. Κονρήτ£ς, tribe in Aitolia, after- ward expelled by Aitolians ; their siege of Kalydon, I 529-599. κονριδίον, ΟΙΟ, φ, ον, ης, y, ην, ας, (κοιιρίξ [Curtius], κοϊ'ρος, κούρη ?), bridal, tcedded; nobilis, noble, Λ 243 (cf 242, μνηστής), ο 22, in which latter case neither κουριύίοιο nor ψίλοιο is subst. The signification of the word is not certainly known ; others trans- late youthful, princely, A 1 14. κονρίζων, ]ρανί.,(κονρος), young, lusty, Xl«5t. κονρίξ (κουρά), adv., ερνσαν, by the hair, X 188t. κούρος 185 Κρ€ΐοντιάδης κούρος, (ρ,, ον, ω, οι, ων, οισιν, ονς, properly iuvenis, youth, hoy, Ζ 59; son, τ 523 (yet Ν 95) ; cf. κονροτ€- ροισ-ι, Δ 316, 310, iunioribus, fresh icith youth, lusty, θηρητηρΐς ; hence, able to hear arms, valiant, nohle, β 96 ; used often (cf. Lat. equites) to denote persons of given rank, and may be translated noble, A 473 ; κούροι 'Αχαιών, etc. κουρο-τρόψος {τρέφω) αγαθί], bona nutrix iuvenum robustorum, » 27t. κονψα, ntr. pi., as adv., quickly, Ν 158|; κουψότερον, icith lighter heart, Θ201|. Κόων, son of Antenor, slain by Aga- memnon. Λ 248-260, Τ 53. Κόωνδ*, see Κως. κράατα, τι, τος, see III. κάρ. κραδαινόρ,£νον, η, (κραδαίνω), ν ibra- tuin, ^''«'I'erm^', Ν 504. (II.) κραδαων, part, from κραδάω, vi- brans. brandishing, Η 213, r 438. κραδίη, ης, y, ην, and at beginning of verse καρ^ίη, {κραδάω), cor, heart; then as centre of circulation, anima, life; also animus, couragp, A 225, Μ 247 ; heart as seat of emotion, desire, I 646, with θυμός, Κ 220, Β 171, δ 548, etc., of thought, reason, Φ 441 ; thoughts were set, ο 260. κραίνουσι, ipf. εκραίαινε, aor. imp. κρήνον, κρηηνοί', »/rar(f), inf. κρήναι, κρηηναι, fut. mid. (as pass.) κρανίίσθαι, (creare), pcrficcre, f 170, accom- plish, fulfill, bring to pass; I 626, the object of our mission does not appear to me likely to be brought to pass in this way ; only θ 391, hear sway. ■ κραΐΊτνόν, οϊσι, αϊ, ά, as adv. = ώς, comp. -ότβρος, rapid us. from wind and storm; elsewh. quick; Ψ 590, hasty, hot. Κρανάη, an island, (Od.), Γ 445|. κραναής, ήν, rocky, Ithaka, α 247. (Od.) κραν€€σθαι, fut., see κραίνονσι. Kpdvciav, ace, gen. είης, corn us, cornel-tree, its wood esp. hard, κ 242. κρανίω (κρανον), CTanio, upper part of the skull, θ 84j. Κρατταθος, y, Β 676, island near Khodos; later Κόρτταθος. κράτα, τΊ, see III. κάρ. ■ κραται-γΰαλοι (γναλον), tcith strong breast -plates, Τ 361 f. (See cut No. 59.) κραταιΐς {κράτος), toith its weight, tcith overmastering force, pond us, λ 597t. Κραταιΐν, μητίρα τΐ)ς ΣκτιΧλης, μ 124|. κραταιές, ον, ώ, ή, potens, mighty ; θηρός^Χίοντος, Α 119. κραταί-π6δον {κραταιός) οΐ)δας, hard- surfaced earth, pavimentum,^46f. κρατ€ρός, οϊο, ον, φ, όν, ώ, οΧσι ; i], VQt Vf νψι- (/3ί»/0ίΐ', thrice at end of verse), ijv, at, ήσι, άς ; or, {κράτος), and parallel form καρτεράς, όν, οι, {κάρτος), strong, mighty, of persons, things, passions, etc. ; adv. κραηρώς, strongly, mightily, θ 29 ; hold firm thy ground, Π 501. κρατερό-ψρονος, a, (f), {φρήν), stout- hearted, dauntless, animosus; of heroes and warriors, of lion, θήρ, Κ 184. κρατ€ρ-ώνυχ€ς, ης, {όννζ), strong- hoofed, strong-clawed, of horses, mules, and κ 218, of wolves and lions. κράτεσψι, see III. κάρ. κροτ€υτάων, gen. pi., {κρατός), ex- plained by Aristarchus as stones, head- stones, on which the spits were rested in roasting meat ; cf. owy fire-dogs, and- irons, possibly in shape like the horns on the altar in cut No. 102, 1 214f. κρατίεις, f ί, ονσι, inf. ttiv, part, f ων, {κράτος), be mighty, j-ule over, A 288 ; κρατίων, with might : over any one, τινών ; τισίν, bear sway among, λ 485. κράτος, ίΥ, and κάρτος, iV, robur, potent ia, imperium, might, power, mastery, a 359 ; ν i c t ο r i a, 280 ; 0έρ£σθαι, report are, carry off victory. κρατός, see III. jcajo. κράτυς = κρατερός, άργίΐφόντης, Π 181, f 49, mighty. κρέας, pi. κρί{α)' {κρίατ{α)', γ 33, ι 162), gen. κριών, κρειών, dat. κρίασιν. (cm or), caro.fiesh, j)\. pieces offiesh, dressed meat, [icpta, synizesis, t 347.] κρεΐον {κρέας), meat-tray, dresser, I 206|. κρείσσων, ονες, οσιν, ον, {κράτ-]ωι>), superior, mightier, stronger; ζ 182, nobler and better ; βφ, superior in strength ; with inf., φ 345. Κρειοντιάδης, son of ΚρεΙων, Lyko- medes, Τ 240|. κρ6ΐων 186 κρίντ) κρ£ίων, οντά, όντων, (ούσα, Χ 48), properly part., ruling, ruler; tvpv κρ., ruling far and wide, title esp. of Aga- memnon, with reference to his position as generalissimo of Greek forces ; also of Enosichthon, Zeus ; also in one case of servant of Menelaos, S 22. Κρ€ίων,' (1) king of Thebes, father of Megara, λ 269.— (2) father of Ly- koraedes, I 84. κρέμομαι, see following. κρίμανννμι, fut. κρ€μόω, aor. κρε- μάσε, άσαντες, suspend ere, hang, hnng up ; mid. ipf. ίκρεμω, pendebas, thou didst hang, 18. KpcW, gen. pi. from κρέας. κρήγΰον, τυ — είπες, A 106f, saluti- ferum, good, useful, helpful. κρήδ€μ,νον, ψ, a, {κάρη, δίω), head- band ; in woman's attire, a short veil, as in adjacent cut, a 334 ; of cities, bat- tlements, V 388 ; of wine jar, lid, y 392, (See cut No. 68.) κρηήναι, aor. from κραίνουσι. κρήθίν, see III. κάρ, funditns, utterly. Κρηθ€υς, Αίολίδης, husband of Ύυρώ, λ 237, 258. Κρήθων, son of Diokles, slain by Aineias, Ε 542, 549. κρημ-νοΰ, οΤο, όν, ot, ους, {κρεμαμηΐ), overhanging river bank, esp. the gullied banks of the Skamandros, Φ 26, 175. κρηναΐαι (κρήνη) νίιμφα ι, fountain nympL•, ρ 240 f. κρήνη, ης, y, ην (δε), at, «ων, (κάρη- να, cf. cai^ut). fountain, spring, well, I 14, t 141. (Cf. cut No. 65.) Κρήτ€ς, Β 645, Γ 230, inhabitants of island Κρήτη ; described, τ 172, 175, εκατόμτΓολιν, εύρείης ; also pi. Κρητά- ων, as divided and speaking different languages, ττ 62 ; Κρήτηνδε, τ 186 ; Κρήτηθεν^ Γ 233. κρητηρος, ι, α, ες, σι, ας, masc, (κε- ράννυμι), mixing-vessel in which Avine and water, in ratio of % and |, were mingled : μίσγεσθαι ; στησασθαι, place the mixing-bowl at hand, usually near the hearth, and often on a tripod (esp. when several κρητήρες were used at the feast) ; the contents were after- ward poured into the drinking -cups by means of the ττρόχοος, γ 339 ; Ζ 527, set up in our palace a mixing- bowl in commemoration of freedom, in honor of the gods. Cut No. 7 shows (I) the όμφιψορενς, from which the wine was poured into the upper smaller mixing bowl, on which the ττρόχοος stands ; the second mixing bowl served to contain the water, and then the contents of both boAvls may be imagined as mixed in the largest mixing-bowl, Avhich stands upon the tripod, and from which, by means of the ττρόχοος, the diluted wine was dis- tributed into the δέπαα. (Cf. cut No. 29.) κρι, TO, nom. and ace, (κριθή), \εν- κύν, barley, Τ 496 ; also as food for horses, Ε 196, ^ 41. κριθαί, ων, εων, άς, (κρι, cer-es?), barley, barleycorn, Λ 69. κρίκε, aor. from κρίζω, creaked, of the yoke under a strain, Π 470 f. KpiKov, τόν, (κίρκος, circus), yoke- ring, Ω 272f. (See adjoining cut, from the antique ; still clearer cuts Nos. 45, 49.) κρίνη, ωσί, subj., οιμι opt., κρΊνε imp., ων, οντες part, prs., aor. έκρινε, ivav, subj. ίνωσι, part, ίνας, cernere, sieve, select; eligere, λοχόνδε, for the ambuscade ; pass. pf. part, κεκριμένοι, ους, η, elect i, chosen, selected (S 19, ~ov, certum), and κρινθέντε, ες ; de- cern ere, decide, νεΊκος, the dispute; σκόλιας θεμιστας, proleptically,j9€rferi justice, mid. κρίνονται, subj. ώμεΙ:\ι, aor. έκρίνατο, subj. i^rni, ωνται, iniji. άσθων, inf. ασθαι, part, άμενον, sil)i eligere, choose for one^s self; also. measure one's self in battle, άρηι, acie, Β 385 ; 7Γ 269, when our courage and that of the suitors is measured in my KpuSv 187 κτημαθ* palace, cf. ω 507 ; όνείρονς, expound, interpret. κριόν, f, niasc, (κίρας), arietem, ram, ι 447, 461. Κρΐσα, town in Phokis ; ζαθίην, Β 520, near and southwest of Delphi. κριτός, οί, (κρίνω), electus, chosen, Η 434 and θ 258. κροαίνων, part., (κρούω), galhping, Ζ 507, Ο 264. Κροισρ.ος, a Trojan, slain by Meges, Ο 523|. κροκό-ΤΓΟτλος (πίπλος), with soffron- colored mantle ; epithet ofEos, θ 1. (II.) κρόκον, τον, crocus, saffron, λ 348f. KpoKvXeia, τά, island or village be- longing to Ithaka, Β 633 f. κρόρ,ΰον, 010, cepa, onion, A 630, τ 233. Κρονΐδης, ου, ao, y, ην, η, son of Kronos, standing alone or with Zeus, A 552, a 45, =Κρονΐων, ίωνος (ίονος, S 247, λ 620). (See following.) Κρόνος, 010, ου, ov, (κραίνω), father of Zeus, Foseidaon, Aides, of Hera, Demeter, and Hestia; overthrown with the Titans, θ 415, 479, 383, Ε 721. κροσσάων, ας, fem., (^κόρση ?), perh. walls of the towers, between foundations and battlements, Μ 258, 444. κροτάλιζαν, ipf., (κρύταλον), οχεα, made rattle (as they drew), drew the rattling chariots, A 160f. κρόταψον, oio, οισι, οις, masc,, tem- pora, temples ; sing., Δ 502, Τ 397. KpoTeovres (κρότος) οχιά, drawing the rattling chariots, Ο 453f . Κρουνοί, " Springs," name of local- ity in Elis, [o 295]|. ^ κροννώ, du., ών, ους, pi., sources, Δ 454 ; of Skamandros, X 147, 208. I κρΰβδα, Σ 168|, =κρΰβδην, λ 455 ί (Od.), clam, secretly. ί κρΰ€ροΐο (icpuof,cru-or,Eng. gore), rigidus, chilling, dread, Ν 48, d 103. κρυΟ€ντος, εσσα, (κρύος), horrendi, chilling, horrible, I 2. (II.) κρΰπτάδίης, a, (κρύπτω), clande- s t i η a, seci-et ; A 542, clandestinis \ captis consiliis decernere. I κρυτΓτη κληί^ι, with a secret bolt, JaJ 168t.^ κρντΓτων, part, ipf. iter, κρύτττασκε, fut. κρνφω, aor. ίκρυ-φαν, κρνφεν, subj. ψω, inf. \pai, part, φαντες, perf. pass. part, κεκρυμμενον, a, aor. κρύψΘη, ce- lare, hide, conceal, τι τινι (with desire for protection); pass, se eel are, υπό τινι, sub re, hide one's 5e//* under any thing ; τινά, aor., from some one ; Iceep secret, ίπος τινι, λ 443. κρύσταλλος, φ, masc, (κρύος), gla- cies, ice, clear ice, ξ 477 and X 152. κρΰψηδόν (κρύφα), clam, secretly^ ζ 330 and τ 299. Κρώμ.να, locality in Paphlagonia, Β 855t. κτάμ€ν(αι), ος, see κτείνω. κτάσθαι, aor. εκτήσω, (ε)κτί]σατο, pf. εκτησθαι, sibi comparare, acquire for one's self, property, servants, Avife ; τινι rt, a 1 i c u i a 1 i q u i d, υ- 265 ; pf. possidere,^05sc5s, I 402. κτ€ατ€0Γσιν (το κτ'εαρ, κτάομαΐ), bo- nis, property, possessions, Ε 154, α 218. κτ€ατισσα, εν, part, ας, aor. from -ίζω, (κτεαρ), sibi comparare, ac- quire for one's sef; ζουρί, cf. ^ουρικτη- Γί7, ferro = bello, Π 57. [α] Κτβατος, son of Aktor and of Mo- lione, B621. κτ€ίν€ΐς, ει, ουσι, subj. ω, inf. ειν, part, ων, οντ(α), ες, ipf. έκτεινε, ον, κτεΊνε, ον, iter, κτείνεσκε, fut. κτενεω^ έει (it), εειν and κτανέω, εοντα, aor. (ε)κτεινε, opt. αιμι, inf. ναι, part, νας, αντες, ασα, 2 aor. εκτάνον, ες, ε, κτά- νον, ε, and 3 sing, έκτα, αμεν, αν, subj. κτ'εαμεν, χ 216, inf. κτάμεν(αι) ; pass, prs. κτεινώμεθα, εσθαι, όμενος, φ, ων, ους, ipf. κτείνοντο, 3 ρ1. aor. Ικταθεν, and aor. 2 κτάσθαι, άμενος, οιο. ψ, ον, ων, οισι, ης, with aoristic signif. only in Ν 262, Ο 554, Σ 337, interimere, kill, slay; pass., Ε 465, \\χαιοΐς = ύΐΓ' Άχαιων. κτ€ρας (κτάσθαι), possession, Κ 216 and Q 235 ; pi. κτβ'ρβα, ίων, always with κτερειζειν, bestow one's posses- sions upon one— just a face re, bury Avith due honors. κτερίζω, fut. κτεριώ, ιοΰσι, aor. opt. ίσειε, ειαν, and prs. imp. κτ€ρ€ΐζ£, inf. εμεν, aor. -εΐζω, ειξαι, (κτέρας), bury, efferre ; άεθλοις, with funeral games ; κτερεα /cr., justa facere, bury with solemn pomp, α 291. κττι\ι.αθ'= κτήματα, dat. ασιν, (κτά- σθαι), possession, property, esp. the treas- ures earned off at the same time with Helen, Η 350, 1 382. Κτήσιος 188 κύκλου Κτησιος Όρμενίδης, father of Eu- maios, ο 414|. ΚτησιττΊΓος, from Same, son of Po- lytherses. a suitor, ν 288, χ 279 ; slain by Philoitios, χ 285. κτησιος, σιν, fem., (κτασθαί), prop- erty, Ο 663. κτητοί {κτάσθαι\ that may he ac- quired, I 407 f. κτϊδιην (ι'κΓίς), κυνεην, helmet of weasel-skin, Κ 335 and 458. κτίζω, aor. κτίσσ€, ικτίσαν, in cole- re, setth in a country, with acc, Υ 216. KTiXos, ov, aries, ram, Γ 196 and Ν 492. [Ϊ] Κτϊμενη, daughter of Laertes, sister of Odysseus, settled in marriage in Same, ο 363. KTvire'ci, ίων, εουσαι, aor. ίκτνπε, KTVTTf, crash, of falling trees, thunder, of Zeus ; μίγα, loud ; σμφδαλεα, ter- ribly, Η 479, θ 170. κτΰτΓος, ov, αν, sonitus, any loud noise, stamping of feet, blow of horse's hooi, foot-tread, tumult of battle, thunder, Κ 532, φ 237. κΰαμ,οι, beans, Ν 589 f. κϋαν€ος, ov, οι, η, ην, αι, yaiv, (κυανός), of steel, only Σ 564 ; elsewh. always steel-blue or dark-colored, Ω 94. κΐ5ανό-τΓ6ζαν, with dark feet, A 629f. κΰανο-πρωρ€ίους (ττρφρα), νέας, γ 299 ; elsewh. ιτρώροιο ; always at end of verse, always with νεός, dark-bowed, dark-projoed, Ο 693, t 482. Kvdvoio, gen., (blue) steel, A 24, 35, αηύη 87. κϋανο - χαΐτο = -χαίτης, dat. y, (χαίτη^, dark-haired; also subst., the dark-haired one, Ν 563 ; dark-maned, Ύ 224. κΰαν-ώτΓίδος (ώψ), dark-eyed, μ 60 f. κΰββρνησαι, aor. inf., (κυβερνάω, guberno), steer, γ 283|. κΰβίρνήτη?, ίω, ην, voc. κνβερνήτα, /U 217; at — -ητήρβς, θ 557; guber- nator, pilot, helmsman, Τ 43, ^ί' 316. (Od.) (κνβ-ερ-νο fr. κνβη, head ?). κνβιστ^, 3 sing., ipf. 3 pi. κνβίστων, (κνβη, head, only found in gramma- rians), se praecipitat, turn a somer- sault, tumble ; Φ 354, were leaping about. κΰβιστητηρ€, ες, (κυβιστάν), divers, Π 750 ; elsewh. tumblers. κϋδαίνων, ipf. κνδαινε, ov, aor. κύ- Ιηνε, inf. ηναι, (κνίος), glorify, honor. Ο 612; ennoble, ττ 212; θυμόν, rejoice the heart. κϋδαλ(μοιο, ov, ω, οισι, (κνδος), noble in exterioi•, glorious, epithet of heroes ; κήρ, periphrastically, noble heart. κϋδάν», ipf. Ικύδανον, (κνδος), exalt, S 73; superiores erant, T42. κΰδΐ-αν€ίρη, αν, (κνδιαν), man-enno- bling, hinging renown, άγορή, μάχη, A 490, Ζ 124. κνδΐόων, τες, (κνδιάω, κϋδος), triumph- ing, proud, Φ 519. (II.) κυδΐ(ΓΤ€, ην, (κνδος), most glorious, exalted, A 122. κΰδοί|ΐ€ον, 3 pi. ipf, fut. ησων, (κν- δοιμός), saeviebant, grassaban- tur, spread confusion, A 324; Ο 136, ήμας, to vent his rage against us. κνδοιμ6$) ov, ov, din or melee of bat- tle ; uproar, also personified, Σ 535, Ε 593. κΰδος, ti, ntr., might, majesty, glory, y 57, 79, 'Αχαιών, pride of the Achaioi. κϋδρή, ην, (κνδος), glonous, illustrious, λ 580. Κΰδων€ς, tribe in northwest of Kre- ta, γ 292, τ 176. κυλούσαν, part., ipf. εκΰει, with acc, bear in the womb, Τ 117; Ψ 266, be with mule foal. κίθ€, aor. from κενθει, occuluit, has hid. Κΰθέρ6ΐα, epithet of Aphrodite, θ 288; from island Κνθηρα, τά, south- west of promontory Maleia, Avhere the Avorship of the goddess had been intro- duced by an early Phoinikian colony, t 81, 432 ; KvQr\p6Qev,from Kythera; adj. ΚυβΗτίρίω, ov, Κ 268, Ο 431. κΰκ<5ωντι, dat. part, ipf. εκνκα, aor. κνκησε, pass. prs. part, κνκώμενος, ov, η, aor. dn. κνκηθητην, ηθησαν, immi- s c e r c, sHr up and mix wi'ti, pass., c ο n- fundi, perturbari, be struck tcith fear, or panic, Ύ 489 ; be in commotion, foam up, of the sea. κυκ€ώ, = ίΐώ, τόν, (from κνκεώι>, κν- καν), mixed drink, compounded of bar- ley meal, grated goats' cheese, and (Pramnian) wine, A 624 ; Kirke adds also honey, κ 290, 234. κνκλήσομ€ν, fut.. (κυκΧίω, κνκΧος), wheel away, carry forth, of corpses, Η 332t. κύκλου, φ, ov, οι, and a, circle, ring; δόλιον, circle with which hunters en- tkoc 189 κυρ|Μΐ close game; 'αρφ, sane to, solemn circle, as tribunal ; kukX^j, round about; the rings on the outside of shield, or the layers which, lying one above an- other and gradually diminishing in size toward the ομφαλός, made up the shield, Λ 33, Τ 280 ; wheel, ψ 340, pi. τα κύκλα. κvκ\6σ€y in a circle, Δ 212 and Ρ 392. KVKXo-repe's (τίίρω), circular, ρ 209 ; Δ 124, stretch, draw into a circle. Κΰκλ-ωιτες, wild race of giants, a 71, ^ 5, ι 166 sqq., related to Gigantes and Phaiakians, without towns, fear of gods, or social ties, t 166 ; chief repre- sentative, ύ Κυκλωψ, Polyphemos, the lawless monster, ι 428 ; one-eyed can- nibal, κ 200 ; overreached by Odys- seus, ι 366, 408. κύκνων, των, cygnorum, swans, Β 460 and Ο 692. κΰλίνδει, pass, ων, ov, pass. prs. trai, (σθαι, όμίνος, η, ην, a, ipf. (ί)κνλινδετο, volvere aliquid, roll, πήμά τινι, moliri,metaph.,roll calamity against; pass., vol ν i, be rolled, also throw one's se'f prostrate, wallow, in agony, θ 86 ; in grief, κατά κύττρον, in the dirt (of the street, etc.) ; νώιν ττήμα, evil is roll- ing upon us. Κυλλήνη, mountain chain in north- ern Arkadia, Β 603 ; birthplace of Hermes, who is hence called, ω 1, Κυλλήνιος; yet the word in Ο 518 designates an inhabitant of the town Κυλλήνη, in Elis. κυλλο-ΤΓοδίων, voc. -πό^Ίον, (κνλλός, ΤΓονς), crook-footed, epithet of Hephai- stos, Φ 331. (II.) κΰμα, τος, τι, τα, σι, ntr., (κνω), unda, also fluctus, wave, billmc, Β 209, Κ 574; Β 396, ν 99, ventis agi- tata, keep off the waves raised by the wind ; κατά κ., Avith the current. κϋμαίνοντα, part., {κύμα), ττόντον, f 1 u c t u a η t e m, billowy, S 229. (Od.) ' κυμβαχος, ov, (κνβη), adj., on the head, Ε 586; subst., crown or top of hel- met, in which the plume is fixed, Ο 536. (See cut No. 20,6.) κΐ5μινδιν, τόν. Ξι 291 1; ancient name of bird usually called χαλκίς, night- kauilc. Κΰμο-δ6κη and Κϋμο-6($η, Nereids, Σ39,41|. 14 κΰνά-μυια, dog -fly, abusive epithet applied by Ares to Athena, Φ 394. κΰνεη, ης, y, ην, (κνων), soldiefs cap, of leather or weasel's skin, also of metal stiffened or adorned with metal, χαλκίψης (see cut, p. 58), also fitted with metal plates to protect the cheeks, χaλκoπάρyoς ; with horse-hair plume, 'ίτητονρις, ϊτητοΐάσιια, cf. cuts Nos. 11, 85. Sometimes entirely of bronze = helmet, κνν'ιη αϊγείη is a goat-skin cap, like that of the oarsmen in cut No. 41. Άιδος, cap of Hades, rendering invisi- ble, Ε 845. κύν€ος (κνων), impudens, shame- less, 1 373|. κννέω, ipf. Kvvci, tov, aor. κνσα, (ί)κνσε, (Γ)κΰσσί{ν), opt. κύσίΐε, inf. σσαι, osculari, kiss, ν'ιύν, ττάντα, masc, 7Γ 21 ; γοννατα, χείρας, κεφαλήν τε και ώμους, μιν κεφαλήν τε και άμφω φάεα καλά χεΊράς τ' όμφοτερας, ττ 15, cf. ρ 39 ; κεφάλας και χεΊρας, φ 225 ; άρονραν, one's native soil. κί5ν-ηγεται (ayw), ν e η a t ο r e s, hunt- ers, ι 12Ut. κΰνο-ραιστεων (synizesis). gen. pi. from -στης, (ραίω), fleas, ρ 300f. Κΰνος, harbor-town of Lokris, Β 531t. KvvTcpov, τατον, (κνων), im pud en- tius, -issimum, shameless, horrible; Κ 503, Avhat daring exploit he should perform. κΰν-ώπα, voc. masc. from A 159 ; -ώττις, ιδος, fen)., impudent; impu- dens, shamelesa, Γ 1 80. KiJTropiaκυ£ΐ, ipf. ίκώκυί, ov, aor. Ικώκυοίν, κώκνσ, part, κωκΰ- σασα, -άντων, (1) shriek, wuil, always of women, c 37, /3 361.— (2) trans., ία- ment, τινά, ω 295. κώληίΓα, την, (κωλον?), poplitem, bend or hollow of the kne?, ^ 726f. κώμΛ, TO, (κοιμάω), so ρ or, deep sleep, σ 201. Κώτται, town on lake Kopais in Bo!- otia, Β 502|. κώπη, y, ην, y(Ti(v), yc, ας, (capio), capulus, sword-hilt, A 219 ; butt or handle of oar (same word used to-day in Greece for oar), t 489 ; i η c u m b e r e r e m i s, lay one's self to the oar, μ 214 ; handle of key, ψ 7. (See cut No. κοΜΓήβντι, τα, (κώττη), hiked, Π 332, Ο 713. κωρνκω, τί^^, perae, leather sack or wallet, t 267. (Od.) [ϋ] Κως, ace. Kowvif, to Kos, Ο 28, island in Ikarian sea, opposite the coast of Karia. κωψψ, όν, ην, (κόπτω), (1) blunted, Λ 390. — (2) noiseless, silent (before it breaks), iEJ 16. — (3) γαϊαν, dull, sense- less, lifeless, Ω 54. Λ. λαιις, αος, αι, ααν, du. ae, pi. άων, άίσσι, saxum, stone, Γ 12, Μ 445, λ 594, ν 163, ξ 10 ; hewn stone, κ 211. Adas, αν, town in Lakonike, Β 58.5t. λαβρ•αγ($ρην, τύν, (λάβρος), reckless talker, I' 479|. λαβρ€υ<αι, 2 sing, prs., (λάβρος), ialkest rashly, Ψ 474 and 478. λάβρος, ov, and sup. -ότατον, rapi- d us, *««//, 293. λay\άvω, ipf. Ιλάγχανον, λά-γχανον, nor. ΐλαχον, λάχ(ίν), ομίν, ov, subj. \axyaiv, y, inf. tiVy part, ών, όντα, sortiri, obtain by lot, τι, I 367, Ο 190; ληίδος αίσαν, praedae portionem, share of spoil ; Κήρ λάχε -γανόμινον, had me allotted to her at birth, i. e. ob- tained power over me from my birth ; pf. λtλύyχάσι, adepti sunt, have ob- tained, τιμήν δώρων, κτερεων ; red. aor. subj. λελάχητε, ωσι, θονό%'τα ττνρός^ mortuo ignem impertirc, put in possession of fire = solemnly bum, Η 80 ; choose by lot ; ι \ GO. fall' by lot. λαγω^ν, υνς, masc., leporem, es, hare, Κ 361, ρ 295. Αα^ρκης, (I) sun of Aimon, father Λαέρτης 191 λάμπω of Alkimedon, Myrmidon, Π 197. — (2) χρυσοχόος in Pylos, γ 425. Λαέρτης, son of Akreisios, father of Odysseus, king in Ithaka, a 430, ω 206, 270, a 111, χ 185,^ 555. Λά€ρτιάδης, son of Laertes, Odys- seus, Β 173, e 203, t 19, Γ 200. λαζοίατο, 3 pi. opt. prs., ipf. Χάζιτο (ίλάζετο, Ε 840), take into the hands (χιρσί), μάστιγα; άγκάς, amplecti, embrace ; yalav όδάζ, bite the dust, fall in combat ; μΰθον πάλιν, caught back again the words (of joy which were on his lips), V 254. ' λάθϊ-κηδεα, acc. masc, (\a9t7y κή- ϋος), banishing care, X 83 f. λάθρη (λαθύν), clam, secretly, un- beknown ; also with ^&n., τινός, a li q u ο ; s e η s i m , imperceptibly, Τ 165. λάϊγγβς, ας, {λάας), pebbles, ε 433 and ξ 95. [α] λαΊλαφ, λαίλαπι, α, fern., thunder- shower, hurricane ; also fig. with Ισος, x\I 375, Τ 51. λαιμον, τύν, guttur, throat, gullet, Ν 388, Σ 34, χ 15. (II.) λαίνεος and λάινος, ον, οι, (λάας), saxeus, of stone, stony ; Μ 177, τΰχος, yet the passage is of doubtful authen- ticity. λαισήΐα, ra, (λάσιος ?), ττηρυεντα, fluttering shield or target, Ε 453 and Μ 426, so called on account of thefutter- ing apron of nntanned leather, λάσιος, hanging from the shield. (See adjoin- ing cut, and esp. No. 85.) Δαιστρΰγών, ύνος, όνες, fabled tribe of savage giants, κ 106, 119, 199. Hence adj.,Λoι(Γrpΰ7ovίη, κ 82, ψ 31 8. λαΐτμα, τό, (λαιμός ?), depth or gulf of the sea, used alone or with θαλάσ- σης, αλός, Τ 267. (Od.) λαΐψος, ε(α), ntr., shabby, tattered gar. ment, ν 399 and ν 206. λαιψηρ($ν, οϊς, ά, (λαΤλαιί/), rapi- d u s, nimble, swift, λαιχ^ηρά ίνώμα, plied nimbly, Ο 269. λάκ€, aor. from λάσκω. Λακεδαίμων, όνος, fem., district whose capital Avas Sparta, ciav, y 326 ; ερατεινής, Γ 239 ; εϋρύχορον, ν 414 ; κοίλ?ιν κητώεσσαν, δ 1. λακτίζων, part., (λα'ξ), kicking with the heel, stimggling convulsively, of the mortally wounded, σ 99 and χ 88. λαμβάνω, only 2 aor. έλαβε, also other augmented forms ελλαβ{ε), etc., (1) prehendere, take hold of, τι (εν) χείρεσσι ; τηά ποδός, grasp by the foot, etc. ; όγκάς, amplecti, embrace ; τινός, also mid. ελλάβετ(ο), com ρ re- hen (lit, seize, and λελαβεσθαι, scil. αϋτοΰ, δ 388. — (2) of mental states, subjects such as χόλος, incessit, take possession of, seize, τινά (also with acc. of part., yvXa). — (3) a c c i ρ e r e, receive. — (4) cap ere, take captive, carry off as booty; η 255, domi recipiens, Λαμος, king of Laistrygones, κ 81f. λαμΐΓετ<$ωντι, part, pr., (-αω, λάμπω), blazing, A 104. ΛαμΐΓ€τίδης, son of Lampos, Dolops, Ο 526|. ΑαμτΓίτίη, a nymph, daughter of Ήελιος,μ 132,375. ΛάμτΓος, ( 1 ) son of Laomedon, father of Trojan Dolops, Γ 147, Ο 526. —(2) horse of Eos, ψ 246 ; of Hektor, θ 185. λαμιτρός, όν, οΐσι, ήσιν, sup. ότατος, bright, shining, τ 234. (II.) λαμπρυν παμφα'ινι^σι, splendide luceat, Ε 6. λαμπτήρων, gen. ρ1., ηρσι, ΐίρας, λάμπω), fire pans or basins, σ 307, r 63 ; for holding blazing pine splin- ters, used to illuminate rooms. (See cuts on next page, after bronze origi- nals from Pompeii.) λάμπω, only prs. and ipf. (ε)λομ•7Γ(6) and λάμφ', act. and mid., splendere, shine, gleam, be radiant; subject a per- son, (χαλκψ, πυρί, τίύχεσι), or thing, λανθάι 192 λάσκω e. g. metal, torches, weapons, όφθαλμώ, ΰσσε, also πίδ. χα\κφ, Υ 156. λανθάνω, ipf. (ί)λόνθαν6, ον, parallel form λήθω, chief forms : ipf ίληθον. \ηθ{ί), etc., iter, λήθίσκε, fut. λήσεις, aor. (t)\a9(e), λάθον, 3 du. λαθίτην, mid. ipf λανθάνύμην, prs. ληθεαι, ipf Xij9tTo, aor. λαθίτ(ο), opt. 3 pi. λαθοίατο, and aor. red. λίλαθοντο, λελαθίσθω, pf λίλασΓαί, σ/ίίθα,σ/ίίνος, ov,(l) latere, «cape notice of, rira, A 561, Ν 272; with part, Ν 560, 721, π 156, θ 93, Ρ 89 ; also with 'ότι (οτε, Ρ 626), and 'όπως; λαθών (τίνα), clam, unperceived by, ι 477, Λ 251, ρ 305.— (2) λελάθγ τινά τίνος, Ο 60, make forget, — (3) mid. τινός, obi ivisci, ybr^ei, Δ 127, ν 224. λάξ, (calx), with the heel, joined with τΓοδί, Κ 158 and ο 45. Αάό-γονο$> (1) son of Trojan One- tor, slain by Meriones, Π 604. — (2) son of Trojan Bias, slain by Achil- leus, Υ 460. Αάο-8άμας, ντος, ντα, voc. δάμα^ (1) son of Antenor, a Trojan, slain by Aias, Ο 516. — (2) son of Alkinoos, boxer, θ 119,132,»; 170, θ 117,141. Ααο-8όΙμ»α, daughter of Bellero- phontes, mother of Sarpedon, Ζ 198. Ado-Stio), (1) daughter of Agamem- non, I 145, 287. — (2) daughter of Pria- mos, wife of Helikaon, Γ 124, Ζ 252. Αάό-δοκος, (1) Antenor's son, Δ 87. — (2) comrade of Antilochos, Ρ 699. Αάο-θόη, daughter of Altes, mother of Lykaon, Φ 85, X 48. Ααο-μ.€δοντιοί8ης, (1) Priamos, Γ 250.— (2) Lampos, Ο 527. Ααο-μέδων, son of Ilos, father of Priamos, Υ 237, Ζ 23, Ε 269, 640 ; his faithlessness, Φ 443 ; his daughter was wooed by Herakles, to whom she was promised by Laoraedon on condition that Herakles freed her from the sea- monster which Poseidon had sent to ravage Troas. Herakles performed his part of the agreement, and when Laomedon refused Hesione, Herakles slew him, Ε 638 sqq. λαός, etc. (no du.), masc, (κλο/ός? cluentes ?), j?eopZe, multitudo, Δ 199, Ε 573; usually pi., soldiers, vas- sals, y 214, exercitus, army, opp. fleet or troops fighting from chariots. λόίθ-<Γσόος, ov, (σενω), driving the people on (to combat), rousing the peo- ple, epithet of Ares, Eris, Athene (ApoUon, Amphiaraos), Ν 128, χ 210. λάο-ψόρον ύδόν, public way, Ο 682f. λαιταρης, gen., ην, fern., the soft part of the body between the hips and the ribs,/an;fc, loins, Γ 359. (II.) AairtOai, Lapithai, a tribe inhabiting Mount Olympos in Thessaly, Μ 128, 181,0 297. λάπτω, only fut. part. λάψοντ£ς, lap up with the tongue, Π 161|. Αάρΐσα, ης, town in Asia Minor near Kyme, Β 841, Ρ 301. λάρνακα, ττ/ν, chest, Σ 413 ; ra»e, Q 795. λοίρω, τω, laro, cormorant, c Slf. λάρον, sup. -ώτατος, dainty, choice, Ρ 572, β 350. λάσιος, ov, οισι, ην, (δασύς?), vil- losus, shaggy, woolly, ι 433 ; epithet of στήθος, also of κήρ, as sign of strength and courage, A 189. λάσκω, only aor. λάκ€, craskcij. λανκανιης 193 λ€£ΐΓω cracked, bones, brass ; pf. ΧϊΚηκώς, λίλάκυΧα, belloic'ing, μ 85 ; shrieking, Χ 141. λαυκανύης, της, gutturis, Χ 325, there appeared an unprotected spot on the throat. (II.) λαυρην, την, and (στόμα) "Χανρης, side passage, pathway between the house of Odysseus and the outer wall (of the court), χ 128, 137. (See plate III., i, n.) λαψυσσ», ετον, 3 du. Σ 583, glu- tire, gulp damn, A 176. (II.) λάχ€, aor. from Χαγχάνω. λάχ€ΐα, mth good soil for digging, fruitful, ι 116 and κ 509. λάχνη, y, woolly hair, down, Κ 134 ; sparse hciir, Β 219 ; λ 320, sparse beard. λοχνηίντι, a, ας, (λάχνη), hairy, shaggy, 1 548. (II.) λάχνω, τφ, la η a, wool, t 445t. λάω, pres. part, λάων, aor. λάε, bury- ing his teeth in, τ 229. λέβης, nom. sing., gen. pi. -ητων, caldron for Λvarming water, or for boil- ing food over fire, Φ 362 ; wash-basin, held under the hands or feet while water was poured from a pitcher over them (see cut), r 386; άνθεμόίντα, adorned on the exterior with designs in imitation of palm leaves or flowers. λ€γωμ.€ν, λεγ£, ειν, ων, οντες, ipf. (ί)λίγ(ί), λίγομεν, aor. ίλεζίν, mid. prs. λεγόμεθα, εσθε, εσθαι, ipf. λέγοντο, aor. λεζατο, αιτο, ασθαι, 2 aor. ελεγ- μην, λεκτο, pass. 1 aor. ελεχθην, lege- r e, c ο 1 1 i g e r e, pick up, gather, οστ'εα, n't μασιάς; numerare in, count among, εν, μετά τοΊσι ; enumerare, reckon up, narrate (only Od. and Β 222), W, ξ 197, τ 203 ; τι τινι, e 5, λ 374; mid., sibi colligere, sibi eligere, se adnu- merare, collect for one's self , select for one^s sdf add one's self to ; η a r r a r e, relate, Ν 292, γ 240 ; Β 435, μηκετι δή νυν ταντα Χεγώμεθα, let us now speak no longer of these things (but act); Ν 275,Avhat need to relate these things ? (See also ΛΕΧ.) λειαίνω, fut. λΕΐανέω, aor. 3 pi. Xfi- ηναν, part, ας, (λίΤος, lev is), smooth, A 111 ; level off, θ 260. λ€ίβ6ΐν, ων, ipf. λεΊβε, ov, aor. λίΤ- \pai, part. ψαι/Γ£, (lib are), effunde- re, shed, δάκρυα ; libare,/>OMr α liba- tion, Ω 285 ; olvov, also with τινί, per- form a drink-offering. (See adjoining cut ; cf. also Nos. 24 and 102.) λβιμών, ωνος, ι, a, ες, ας, (λείβω), meadow, ζ 292 ; λειμωνόθεν, from the meadow, Ω 451. λ€Ϊος, ψ, η, ην, α, (levis), smooth, even, level; ττετράων, ε 443, free from rocks ; λεία δ' εποίησεν, made even. λ€ί'Π'ω, prs. ipf, also \ft7r(e), fut. λεί•φω, aor. ελιττον, also λίπον, ες, ε, έτην, ομεν, λίττ' = ελιπ, and λιπέ, imp., pf λελοιττεν ; mid. prs,, ipf λείΐΓετ(ο), aor. λιττό/ΐί/ι^, relic tus sum; pass. pf. λελειπται, inf. -εΐφθαι, part, -μμίνος, ov, 01, plupf. λελείμμην, -ειπτο, 2 fut. λε- λείψεται, aor. 3 pi. λίττεν, linquo, re- λ€ΐριΟ€ντα 194 XcvK-wXcvos linqucrc, leave, forsake; ζ 213, me deficiunt, are wanting; fatly ioi άνακτα. — Pass, and aor. mid., r e 1 i n- qui, remanere, be left, remain ; υττισθεν, ν i ν u m, Μ 14, survive; τινός, to be left behind one (with ace. of dis- tance ? Λούρος ίρωην) ; ΓΙ 507, postquam currus orbati sunt domino- rum, after the chariots had been forsaken {Κίπίν [v. 1. λ/'τΓΟϊ/]) by their masters. XcipiiSevTa, όισσαν, (Afi- piov), lily-white; υττα, ten- der, delicate, Γ 152. (II.) Αίΐώδης, son of Oinops, ' θυοσκύος of the suitors ; he shares their fate, φ 144, χ 310. Λειώκριτος, (1) son of Arisbas, slain by Aineias, Ρ 344. — (2) son of Euenor, suitor, β 242 ; slain by Telem- achos, χ 294. Xeiovcn, see λέων. λέκτο, see λέγω, and ΛΕΧ. λβϊστοί, see ληιστοί. AcKTης•, droop, τττερά. λΐαρφ, όν, t e ρ i d u s, warm, lukewarm, A 477 ; svxet, gentle, S 164. Λΐβΰη, Libya, west of Aigyptos, ^ 85, ξ 295. λίγα, adv., (λιyvς), shrilly, piercingly, θ 527, κ 254. λιyaivω, ipf. 3 pi. Ιλίγαινον, (λιyvς), cry with loud voice, A 68 5|. λίγδην (λακις, lacero), scraping, grazing; /3άλλίίν, χ 278|. λιγ€ως, adv. from λιyvς. λίγξε, aor., (λ/γγω ? λ'ιζω), twanged, Δ 125|. λϊ-γυ - TTVci οντάς {λιyvς), whistling (gusts), J 567 f. λϊγΰρη, ην, γσι, (λιyύς\ shiill-Ooiced, S 290 ; άοιδη, loud- sounding, shrill (the word orig. began with two conso- nants). λιγνς 196 λίσσομ.(αι) λιγυς» νΐ', ν, ίων ; ίΤα, fi'y, (Ίαν, adv. \Xyivorship of Dionysos (Bacchus), Ζ 134. — (2) an Arkadian, slays Areithoos, Η 142- 148. λυκοιο, οι, ων, ους, {Ρλνκος), lupus, woff, Κ 334; symbol of blood-thirsti - \ness, Δ471,Λ 72. Δΰκο-φ6ντη5, a Trojan, slain by Teukros, θ 275. Ανκ<ί-ψρων, son of Mastor, from Kythera, conjpanion of Aias, Ο 430. AvKTos, city in Kreta, east of Kno- sos,B 647, P611. Λΰκων, a Trojan, slain by Peneleos, Π 335, 337. λΰμ.άτ(ο), τά, (lues, lu-strum), filth, dirt, A 314, a 171. λνιτρη {Χίπτη), tristis, poor, ν 243t. Α•υρνησ(σ)<5«, town in Mysia, under sway of Thebc ντΓοπλακίη, Β 690, Τ 60, Τ 92, 191. Αΰσ-- ανδρός, a Trojan, slain by Aias, Λ 49 If. λΰσι-μ€λής (μέλος, member; false derivation, υ 56 sq.), relaxing the limbs, ψ 343. λυσ-ιος, iv, (λύω), ransoming, Ω 655 ; θανάτου, rescue from death, < 421. λυσσά, αν, fem., (Χΰκος), rabies, martial rage, I 239, Φ 542. λυσσητήρα, τον, (λύσσα), one who rages, with κύνα, of Hektor, θ 299|. λυσσώδης (λύσσα), raging, of Hek- tor, Ν 53|. λυχνον, τον, (λινκός, lux), lighi^ lamp, τ 34f . λΰων, prs., ipf. (also λύΐ, ομιν, ov), fut., aor. [also λΰσεν, σαν, σασ(αΥ\, pass. pf. λέλυΓαι, ννται, opt. ντο, plupf. υντο ; aor. λνθη, 3 pi. λϋθίν, also aor. mid. λύτο, λύντο, solvere, (1) loose, open, release, let go : τινά τινι, set free (άποίνων, for ransom). — (2) dismiss, assemblies; componere lites, arf- just disagreements. — (3) τίνος or τινι γνΐα, μίνος, φνχήν, i η t e r i m e r e, kill ; also of animals, with the >veapon as subject, e. g. ττίλεκυς, y 450. — (4) un- nerve, weaken, γνΙα, -γούνατα (also as effect of amazement, σ 212), βιην ; of sleep, λύθίν is oi uxpsa πάντα, all her limbs lost their strength. — (5) delere, break dovon, destroy, κάρηνα, κρήδίμνα, towers, battlements; μελιδηματα θυμοϋ, dissipate cares, anxiety. — Mid. prs. λυώμίθα 'ΐπχους, let us put out out horses ; ipf. λυόμην, οντο. Int. λύσομαι, μένος, aor. ίλύσαο, ατο, σασθ(αι), 2 aor. λνμην, λύτο, λύντο, se, sibi, or sua solvere, release, set free (for one's self or one's own), freq., red i mere, ran- som, A 13. [v before σ, elsewh. in arsi; except thrice v."] λωβάομαι, aor. λωβήσασ6£, opt. λωβησαιο, vialtreat ; τινά λιϋβηι^, ig- nominia afficere, do despite, Ν 623. λωβ<ΰω, ίΐς, (λώβη), mock, ψ 15 and 26. λώβη 199 μακρές λώβη, ης, ην, (labes), ignominia, outrage, instilt ; τΊσαι, άπούονναι, pay, atone for ; τίσασθαι, exact retribution for ; Σ 180, shame upon thee, if — ; Γ 42, ignominiosus, cowardly wretch. λωβητηρα (λώβη) ίπίσβόλον, foul slanderer, Β 275 ; λωβητήρΐς ίλεγχΰς, vile scoundrels. λωβητώ' (^Χωβάομαι) τιθεναι τινά, make contemptible, Ω 531 f. λώΐον = λωΐτβρον, melius, s a t i u s, better, jjreferable ; ρ 417, largius, more freely. λώιτην (λέττω), mantle, ν 224f. λωτοΰντο, part, from λωτύω, Lotos- producing, clovery fields, Μ 283 f. XtoTOS, 010, όν, masc., (1) Lotos, a kind of clover, food of horses (trifoli- um melilotus or lotus cornicu- latus, Linn.), ^ 603, S 348. — (2) Lo- tus — tree and fruit; the latter of the size of olives, and in taste resembling dates, still prized in Tunis and Tripoli, under the name of Jujube, ι 91 sqq. Λύ)το-ψάγοι (see λωτός 2), Lotos- eaters on coast of Libya, t 84 sqq. λω^άω, fut. λωψήσ€ΐ, will retire, Φ 292|. Μ. \i usuallv = με ; less often = μοι, Ζ 165, κ 19. ■ μα, from /uav, in oath; vero, with ace. of the divinity, or of the witness inΛ^oked (sc. υμννμι) : preceded by vai =nae, it has an affirmative; by ov, a negative force. Μάγνητ69, a Thessalian tribe, sprung from Aiolos, Β 756. μαζοΐο, φ, όν, masc, papilla, nip- ple, teat, then mamilla, mamma, esp. the mother's breast; Χαθικηΰεα, banishing cares; t7r€\€ii/, offer; άνέ- σχίν, obsecrandi causa. μαία, a'OC, good mother, φίλη, used esp. in addressing the nurse, ν 129, ψ 11. Μαιάδος ν'ιός, Hermes ; Ifaia is the daughter of Atlas, ξ 435 f. Μαίανδρος, the river with many Aviiidinirs which flows into the sea at Miletos', Β 869t. Μαιμαλίδης, son of Maimalos, Pei- sandros, Π 194f. μαιμάω, only pres. μαιμώωοτι, ώσι, ώων, ώωσα, etc., aor. μαίμησε, eage7-ly desire, Ν 75, 78, itch or quiver tdth μαινίδι, ry, (μαίνομαι), mad woman, X 460|. μαίνεαι, etc., prs. and ipf. 3 sing. μαίνετο, (μαν, mens), furere. rage, bef.rious, of combatants, also of hand and weapons ; with anger, of Polyphe- mos, t 350 ; of fire on mountains ; mcul- ly raving (under Bacchic frenzy), Ζ 132 ; of madness from wine, σ 406. μαύσθαι, fut. μάσσεται, (metiri), seek, ξ 356; perscrutari, ea:7)iore, ν 367 ; find a wife for any one, I 394, [^μάσσεται, v. 1. -γαμεσσεται^. Μαΐρα (μαρμαίρω), lit. '• shining" or " sparkling," (1) a Nereid, Σ 48t.— (2) attendant of Artemis, mother of Lo- kros, λ 326t. Μαίων, son of Haimon in Thebai, Δ 394, 398. μάκαρ, αράς, αρες, όρων, άρεσσι, sup. μακάρτατος, (m a c t e), b e a t u s, ( 1 ) blessed, of gods, opp. δειλοί όιζνροι βροτοί. — (2) of men, happy, fortunate, λ 483.— (3) wealthy, α 217. Μάκαρ, ος, son of Aiolos, ruling in Lesbos, Ω 544|. μακαρίζοι, opt. prs., (μάκαρ), pro- nounce happy, τινά, ο 538. (Od.) μιΐκεδνής, gen. fern., (μακρός), tall, η loef. μακ€λλαν, την, broad, heavy hoe, mattock, Φ 259 f. μακρός, ψ, όν, οι, οίσι ; η, ην, αϊ, y(r{i), άς ; όν, ά, comp. μακρότερον, ην, also μοΜΓσον, sup. μακρότατ(α), τη, of. μήκιστον, long, (1) of space, κύματα ; high and deep; esp. μακρόν, ά, as adv., far, -ύν άύσας, always at close μάίκών 200 (λάρίΓτω of verse (exc. Γ 81) ; άυτΰν^ θ 160, ζ 117; βιβάς. — (2) of time, diutinus, μακών, see μηκάομαι, μάλα, adv., {μαΚίρός ?), sup. μαΚι- στα, (before or after the modified word), eagerly^ ίσθίίΐν ; gladly, ίκλνον ; with adjs., very, quite; πάντες, quite all, all together; with demonstratives, fuUy, utterly, τοΧον ; μάλα κνεψας, utter dark- ness ; with advs., e. g. ev, ττάγχν, strengthens their meaning, quite, utter- ly, ρ 217 ; αντίκα, on the very mo- ment ; with verbs = ν aide; καΐ (or ονδ') t'l μάλα, quantumvis; μάλα TTtp with part, =:quamvis ; also with καί πφ, A 217. — (2) strengthening an assertion : certainly, verily, Γ 204 ; no doubt, ι 135; comp. μάλλον, only the more, so much the more, with κηρόθι, at heart, ε 284 ; with ττολν, ετι, καί, ί? 213 ; sup. μάλιστα^ m a χ i m e, with gen. part., with εκ ; far, by far, Avith other superlatives, Β 57, Ω 334. [^μάλά, by arsis often ^ -.] μαλακ<$ς, ov, ψ, όν, oi, οίσι ; ης, y, ην, comp. -ώτερος (Ger. schmalz? mollis), soft, mild, gentle, tender, Β 42, γ 38 ; spongy meadow, Σ 541 ; m i t i s, dulcis, Κ 2, σ 201, Ζ 337; Χ 373, easier to handle; adv. -ας, placide, softly, γ 350. Μάλ€ΐα, αν, ων, άων, southern promontory of the Peloponnesos, t 80, Γ 187, γ 287. μαλερον, ω, devouring; of fire, I 242. (II.) μαλθακ<$ς (mollis), effeminaie, cow- ardly, Ρ 588t. μάλιστα, μάλλον, see μάλα. μάν ( = μήν), ρ r ο f e c t ο, verily, truly, in sooth, θ 373, Π 14; come! Ε 765; η, Β 370 ; δη, Ρ 538 ; ού, Δ 512 ; αυτέ, by no means in his turn, Ν 414 ; μή, θ 512 ; θην, but yet by no means, ε 211,v. 1. /isr. [-] μανθάνω, aor. μάθον, εμμαθες, εν, novi, know, εμμεναι εσθλός, Ζ 444. μαντ€νομαι, prs., ipf. μαντενετο, fut. μαντενσομαι, (μάντις), vaticinor, di- vine, prophesy, τινί τι, κακά, άτρεκέως, ρ 154. μαντηΐα, τά, (μαντενομαι), vatic i- η i a, predictions, oracles, μ 272 f. Μαντΐν^η, a city in Arkadia, Β e07t. Μάντιος, son of Melampus, brother of Antiphates, father of Polypheides and of Kleitos, ο 242, 249. μάντις, toe, (μάντηος in arsi, κ 493), I, IV, ιες, (μαίνομαι), prophet, seer, ex- pounder of omens, Avhich were drawn from flight of birds, from dreams, and from sacrifices, e. g. Teiresias, Kalchas, Melampus, Theoklymenos, Ω 221, A 62. μαντο<Γδνη, ην, ας, (μάντις), gift of divination, A 72; vaticinia. μάομαι, see μαίομαι. Μαραθών {μάραθον, " fennel "), vil- lage in Attika, η 80f. Ιμαραίν€το, ipf., aor. ίμαράνθη, sen- sim extinguebatur, died gradually away, Ψ 228. (II.) μαργα(ν€ΐν (μάργος), furere, rage; mudly attack, tm θεοΐσιν, Ε 882|. μάργ€, voc, and y, ην, ν e s a η u s, furious, madman ! σ 2. (Od.) Μάρις, son of Amisodaros, slain by Thrasymedes, Π 319. μαρμαίροντβς, ας, a, (μαΐρα), spark- ling, coruscantes, of weapons, eyes ; of Trojans, χαλκφ, resplendent with ar- mor, Ν 801. μαρμαρ^ην (μαΐρα), fashing, spark- ling, of shield, shield-rim, sea, Ρ 594. μαρμάρ(ι>, ov, adj. and subst., [sc. ττετρος or ττετρη'}, (μαϊρα), stone of crystalline structure, Avhich sparkles in the light, block of stone, Μ 380, ι 499. μαρμαρΰγάς, τάς, ( μαρμαρνσσω ), ποδών, quick twinkling of dancers' feet, θ 265t. μάρναται, prs., (opt. -οίμεθα), ipf. (1)μάρναο, ατο, άμεθα, elsewh. unaug- mented, aor. εμαρνάσθην, pugnare, fight, (ίπι) τινί, against some one, εγχει ; περί έριδος, out of rivalry ; as boxer, σ 31 ; with words, wrangle, A 257. Μάρττησσα, daughter of Euenos, wife of Idas, who recovered her after she had been carried ofl^ by Apollo, mother of Kleopatra, I 557 sqq. μάρπτω, subj. μάριττησι, ipf. εμαρ- πτε, μάρπτε, fut. μάρ-φει, aor. subj. μάρ- ψρ, inf. -ai, part, ας, comprehendo, seize, κ 116 ; άγκάς, complecti, em- brace ; c ο η s e q u i, overtake, X 20 1 ; attingere, touch, Ξ 228 ; θ 405, in- f 1 ixeri t, infiict upon ,• ύπνος, oppres- sit, lay hold of, υ 56. μαρτυρίησι 201 μ6γα-κητ€θ9 μαρτυριησι, rate, (μάρτυρος), tes- timonio, ora testimony of^ λ 325f. μάρτυρος, οι, testis, witness, π 423, A 338. Μάρων, son of Euanthes, priest of Apollo in Ismaros, t 197|. Μάσης, ητος, town in Argolis, near Hermione, Β 562|. μάσσ£ται, fut. from μαίομαι, qu ac- re t, seek μάσσον, see μακρός. μάσταξ, μ({στακ(α), την, (μαστάζω, mandere), τηοΜίΛ, ί 287, ψ 76; mouth- ful food, I 324. μαστίζω, aor. μχίστιξΐν, (jxaaTiX),was lashing, 'ΐττττονς ; iXaav. μάστιζ, μοίστϊγι, α, ας, fern., fla- gellum, ί^Λίρ, scourge, ζ 316; Διός•, Μ 37 ; Ν 812, chastisement. μάστις, μάστί, ιν, fem., flag ell um, tchip, ψ 500,0 182. μοίστΐε, imp., Μ;Λίρ, Ρ 622 ; mid. prs. μαστίεται πλίνράς, lashes his sides, Τ 171. Μαστορίδης, son of Mnstor, ( 1 ) Halitherses in Ithaka, β 158, ω 452. —(2) Lykophron, Ο 438, 430. ματάω, ουκ Ιμάτησ€ν, (μάτην), be idle, delay, linger, Π 474 ; nee cessa- vit, Ψ 510; μή ματήσίτον, ne ccssa- veritis. ματ€υσομ€ν, fut. quaeremus, seek, S llOf. μάτιη, ry, (μάτην), irrito labore, useless labor, κ 79 f. μαχαίρη, αν, ας, fem., broad, short sacrifdal knife, Γ 271, Λ 844. (See following cut, and No. 1 1 5.) Μαχάων, voc. aov, son of Askle- pios, ruler in Trikka and Ithome in Thessaly, excelling in art of healins:, Λ 512, 613, Δ 200, Β 732; wounded by Hektor, Λ 506, 598, 651. μαχ€ΐ6μ€νος, ίούμίνον, see μάχομαι. Η^άχη, η, y, ην, αι, ας, pug η a, bat- tle, combai, fight ; μάχι^ (tvl), in pug- ΏΛ,δ 497 ; στίισασθαι, set the battle in array, form one's line for battle, a c i e m instruere, ί 54; committ ere, join battle, fight a battle, μάχεσθαι, riBt- σθαι; iyiipiiv, ex c it are, rouse the fight, Ν 77Β = όρνύμ(ν ότρύνειΐ' ; also used of single combat, Η 263 and Λ 255; field of battle, Ε 355. μαχήμων (μάχη), warlike, Μ 247t. μαχητής, ijv, αί, ας, (μάχομαι), pugnator, warrior, Ε 801. μΰχητ<5ν (μάχομαι), that may be van- quished, μ 1 1 9t. μαχλοσ-ύνην (μάχΧος), lust, Ω 30t. μάχομαι, μάχονται, όμ(σθ(α), etc., ipf. ίμάχοντο, μαχόμην, οντο, etc., par- allel forms μαχίβμαι, prs., opt. μαχίοι- το, εοίατο, Α 344 ; μαχειόμενος, ρ 471 ; εοΰμενον, οι, ipf. iter, μαχέσκετο, Η 140 ; fut. alternates between μαχησομαι and μαχεσσομαι, etc., μαχητοί, έονται ; also aor. μαχησασθαι and εσασθαι, εσσάμε- θ(α), αίμην, άμενον, ρ u g η a r e, fight, of armies and of single persons, άντία, εναντίον τινός, (ΐν)αντίβιον, or (ίττί) τινί ; μάχην, Σ 533 ; for any thing, περί τίνος (τινί, όμφί τινι), ε'ίνεκα ; also of combat between beasts, and in gen- eral signif , e. g. of single combat and of quarrel Avith Avords, A 8, Β 377 ; contradicere, I 32. μάψ (ί//^υα7Γ£ως), raptim, temere, hastily, rashly, όμύσαι, άτάρ ου κατά κόσμον, recklessly, wantonly, Ε 759, y 138; cf. Β 120, Ν 627, Β 214; in- c as sum, in vain, Β 120; likewise μαψιδίως, Ε 374, β 58. Μ€γάδη5, son of Megas, Perimos, Π 695 f. μ€γά-6ϋμος, ου, ο ν, f, οι, ων, (θνμός), high-hearted, animosus, Β53; usually of nations ; of a bull, Π 488. μ€γαίρω, aor. μ'εγηρε, subj. μεγίψ^ς, part, -ας, (μίγας), invidere, grudge, Tivl Ti, Ψ 865 ; βιύτυιο, grudging him the life of his enemy, Ν 563 ; object, Avith inf.; oiri ^/f γ., nihil moror. μ€Ύά-κήτ6ος, ε'ί. εα, (κήτος), with great hollows; νηνς, wide -bellied; πόντος, wide-yawning, y 158. μ,€γαλ-ήτορο« 202 μ€δομ.αι μ€γαλ-ήτορος, ι, α, (ς, ας, (ητορ), fer οχ, great-hearted, haughty, Ν 302, rl76. μεγαλίξομαι, imp. (ο, (μέγας), su- perb i ο, exidt one's self, θνμφ, Κ 69. μ€γάλως, adv. from μέγας. |ΐ€7αλω<ΓΓ(, from μιγάλως, μίγας μ., stretched over a vast space. Σ 26, ω 40. ΜΓγα-ΐΓ€νθης, son of Menclaos by a slave, ο 100, 103, ί 11. Μ€γάρη, daughter of Kreon in The- bai, wife of Herakles, λ 269|. μ^αρον, ΟΙΟ, ου, etc., hall, large room; μέγαρόνδε, to the hall, into the hall. — (1) men^s dining - hall, chief room of house, the roof supported by columns, the light entering through the doors, the opening for the smoke overhead, and the loop-holes (ότταΐα) just under the roof. The cut, combined from different ancient representations, is de- μ^γας, αν, a (μίγ), μεγάλου, ψ, ω, οι, ων, οισι, ους ; η, ΐ]ς, y, ην, yai, ας ; α ; comp. μείζων, ονι, ova, ονες ; ον ; sup. μέγιστος, ον, ε, ους, αι, ον, α, m a g- η us, great, in various senses, e. g. also altus, long us, latus, amplus; ίργον, facinus, monstrous deed; ni- mius, ειπείν, speak too big, too boldly, provoking divine wrath; so also ntr. μέγα, -with. comp.,multo, Β 239; with super., longe, Β 82; with positive, valde, Β 480, Π 46; Λvith verbs of mental condition or action, A 517, 256, Β 27, Π 822, I 537, Π 237 ; also με- yaX(a), mightily, strongly, aloud, A 450 ; with advs., valde; adv. μ,Γγάλως, valde, exceedingly, ττ 432. μ.εγ€θος, τό, (μίγας), magnitude (corporis), bodUy size, Β 58, ε 217. Μέγης, ητος, ace. ην, son of Phy- leus, Odysseus's sister's son, chief of the inhabitants of Dulichion and of signed to show the back part of the μίγαρον in the house of Odysseus, cf. plate III. for ground-plan. — (2) woman's apartment, behind the one just de- scribed, see plate III. G, also in pi., τ 16. — (3) housekeeper's apartment in upper story (ΐιπερώιον), β 94. — (4) sleep- ing - apartment, λ 374. — (5) in wider Bign.f. cf. aedes, in pi., house, A 396. the Echinades, Ε 69, Ν 692, 520, 535, Β 627, Τ 239. μέγιστος, superl. from μέγας. μεδε'ων, part., bearing sway; Ίδηθεν, from Ida (as his seat), of Zeus, Γ 276. Μεδεών, ώνος, town in Boiotia, Β 501 f. μεδομαι, μ^δ^σθαι, prs.. ipf., fut. μεδήσομαι, (μεϋέων), be mindful ofprO' j:c8. 203 Μ£λάμ-πους vide for, τινύς, Ε 718, y 334; κακά Tivt, mala moliri, devise mischief. μ€8ων, ovTtg, (μέδομαι), lord, αλός, a 72 ; pi., counselors, Β 79. Μίδων, οντος, (I) son of Oileus, step-brother of Aias, from Phylake, chief of warriors from Methone in Fhthia, Ν 693, 695 sq., Β 727 ; slain by Aineias, Ο 332.— (2) a Lykian, Ρ 216.— (3) herald in Ithaka, d 677, ρ 172, χ 357, 361, ω 439. μεθ-αιρέω, only aor. iter. |Α£θέλ€σκ€, reached after and caught, excipiebat, Θ376|. μεθ-ά\\ομαι, aor. part. μ€τάλμενος, springing upon, after, Ε 336, Ψ 345. (II.) εεθείω, subj. aor. from μιθ-Ίημι. '€λ6σκ£, aor, iter, from μεθ-αφέω. μ€θ£μ€ν, aor. inf. from μίθίημι. μ£θ-€ΐΓ€ΐς, ipf μέθεπε, aor. part. μετασπών, (ί'ττω), persequi, peter e, folhno after, follow closely, τινά, τι; ρ e r ν e η i r e, arrive ; 'ίττπονς Ύνδείδην, turned the steeds after Tydeides ; mid. aor. μετασπύμενος, consecutus; ipf. μετά-ε'ίπετο, subsequebatur, Σ 234. μ€θ-ήμ6νος, part., (///lat), μνηστήρσι, sitting among the suitors, a 118f. μεθ-ημοστίνη, yai, (μεθημων), negli- gentia, remissness, Ν 108 and 121. μ6θ-ήμων, ova, (ΐημι), negligens, careless, remiss, Β 241, ζ 25. γ,ί^-ίημι, ί€ΐς, ύι, δ 372, prs. and ipf. (others write ίης, ίη, and pres. ιεΊς, la), prs. inf ιψεν(αι), subj. μεθιyσι (some- times written tyai), ipf 3 pi. μεθίεν, fut. μεθησω, etc., inf ησέμεν(αή, aor. μεθέηκα, ε{ΐ'), and μεθήκεν, subj. μεθείω, ί /y (or fi{/, distinguish from opt. fir;, ε 471), inf. εμεν, (Ίημι), (1) properly, send after, ιόν ; i m m i 1 1 e r e, τΐ ες πο- ταμάν. — (2) dimittere, let go, τινά, also ρΐγός με ; give up, χύλον τινός, about any one, τινΙ, as a favor to some one, A 2*83; also ϊ//ί:/;ι^, co need ere, give up to, surrender; τοντον ερνσαι, hunc trahendum. — (3) Avith part., cease, Ω 48 ; τινός, χόλοιο Ύηλεμάχφ, desist from, cease from anger at wish of Telemachos ; neglect, σείο τεφομε- voio, te saucium. — (4) cessare, re- lax, also with inf, Ν 234. μεθ-ίστημι, fut. μβτοστησω, substi- tute, i. e. exchange, ^ 612; mid. ipf. μεθ- ίστατο ετάροισι, retired among his com- rades, Ε 514. μ€θ-ομίλ6ον, ipf, (ΰμιΧεω), τοΧσιν, had dealings tcith them, A 269 f. μίθ-ορμηθίίς, aor. part., (ΰρμάομαι)^ ipersccMius, make a dash after, Υ 192, ε 325. μίθυ, τό, (Eng. mead), wine, 1 9, »j 1 79. μεθυοντι, νονσαν, (μεθν), drunken, σ 240 ; αλοιφή, soaked with fat. μειδάω, aor. μ€ίδησ€ν, ίίσαι, ησας, ασα, Α 596, and μειδιάω, part. μ£ΐδι6ων, όωσα, (σμειδ-, mirus, smile), subri- dere, S7nile, Ψ 786. μ€ίζων, ov, see μέγας. μ€ίλανι=/ί£λανί, nigro, Ω 79j. μείλια, τά, (μέλι), soothing gifts, gifts as means of reconciliation, 1 147 and 289. μβιλίγματα, τά, μειλίσσω, that which^ appeases hunger, sedamina appeti- tus, i. e. dainty hits, κ 21 7f. μείλινον, see μ'ελινος. μ€ΐλισσ£μ6ν, prs. inf ; mid. prs. imp. -Ίσσεο, (μείλιχος), pi a care (mor- tuos); ττνρός, cf. construction with λαγχάνειν, appease the dead with fire, i.e. with funeral rites, Η 410 ; mid., extenuate, γ 96. μ€ΐλϊχιτ) (μείλιχος), softness, i. e. faintness in fight, 741 f. μ€ΐλίχιον, ίοισ(ιν), iy, and μ€ίλιχος, (μείλια), placidus, comis, mitis, gentle, mild ; μΰθος, μειλιχίοις, sc. επεσι ; θ 172, gentle, winning modesty. μΕίρ€θ, see μερω. μείς, ό, Τ 117; also μην(ίς, /, μήνα, ες, ας, ών, (metior) men sis, month, φθίνοντος, the waning month, i. e. as this month draAvs to a close, ξ 162. μ€ΐων, see μικρός. μ€λαγ-χροιής {χροιά, χρως'), bronzed, swarthy, π I75f. μέλαθρον, ου, ψ, όφιν, τό, (κμέλα- θρον, camera), vaulting of roof, rafters, roof; τ 544, on the ridge-pole aloft (near the smoke -hole); χ 239, she, flying up to the roof of the sooty hall, sat there just like a swallow to look upon (i. e. on one of the cross-beams under the rafters; see cut under με- γαρον). μ6λαίν€τ(ο), ipf, (μέλας), she colored herself dark on her fair skin, her fair skin was stained by the dark blood ; also of fresh upturned eai'th, Ε 354 and Σ 548. Μελάμ-ίΓους, ττοδος, son of Amy- thaon, famous seer in Pylos. Wishing |λ€λάν-δ€τα 204 μΑλω to fetch from Phylake in Thessaly the famous cattle of Iphiklos, and thus gain the beautiful Pero for his brother Bias, he was taken captive by herds- men of Iphiklos, as he had predicted, and held prisoner for one year, when, in consequence of good counsel given by him, he was set free by Iphiklos, gained what he sought, and settled in Argos, λ 287 sqq., ο 225 sqq. μβλάν-δετα (Sew), mounted in black, i. c. with dark hili or scabbard, Ο 713f. MeXdvevs, father of Amphimedon in Ithaka, ω 103. McXav6cv« = McXavdios, son of Dolios, insolent goat-herd on estate of Odysseus, ρ 212, ν 173, φ 181, χ 135 sqq.. 182 ; brother of the shameless maid-servant McXavOw, σ 321, r 65. McXavGios, a Trojan, slain by Eury- pylos, Ζ 36. MeXavLiriros, (1) an Achaian chief, Τ 240. — (2) a Trojan, son of Hiketaon, slain by Antiochos, Ο 547-582. — (3) a Trojan, slain by Teukros, θ 276. — (4) a Trojan, slain by Patroklos, Π 695. μ€λαν6-χροος, 2 declension, r 246, pi. -χροες, 3 declension, (χρως), black, Ν 589. μ€λαν - ϋδρος ( vSwp ), wiih dark water, I 14, υ 158, only at close of verse. μ£λάν», prs,, darkens, ( μέλας ), spoken of the water of the sea, under its white surface-foam (v. 1. μίλανίϊ), Η 64+. μ^λας, αινα, αν, etc., pi. μίΧανίς, Clival, ανα, dat. sing. μύΧανι, Ω 79 ; dat. pi, masc. and ntr. wanting; comp. μ€λάντ£ρον, dark, in different degrees up to black (opp. Χινκός) ; of sea in commotion, when surface is ruffled by ripples, so that it does not reflect light, but appears dark, δ 359 ; dark (painted) ships, θ 34 ; land, spring (on account of depth) ; pitch-dark, Δ 277 ; μίλαν, as ntr. subst. the dark, i. e. bark of oak, δρνϋς. Metaph. dark, gloomy, of death, etc., θανάτου νέφος, κηρ, όδνναι. Μ^λα«, son of Portheus, S 1 17t. μ€λδιίμ£νος, part., (σμϊλοω, Eng. melt), ^lled wiih melting fat, lique- faciens, Φ 363t. Ii/ltKi-aypoif (φ μέΧα άγρα), son of Oiacus and Althaia, husband of Klco- patra, slayer of Kalydonian boar. A quarrel arose between the Kuretes, of Pleuron, and the Aitolians, for the head and skin of the boar ; the Aito- lians had the upper hand until Mele- ager, on account of the curses of his mother, withdrew from the struggle; but he Avas afterward induced by his wife to enter the conflict again, and he drove the Kuretes vanquished into Akarnania, I 543 sqq., Β 642. μ£λ€δηματα, τά, (μΐΧω), care, anxiety, θυμον, of the soul ; πατρός, anxiety for his father kept him awake, ο 8. μίΧίδών (μέΧω), μ€λ€δων£ς οζίΊαι, sharp cares, τ 51 7f. μΑ», see μέΧω. μβλεΐστί, adv., (μέΧος), limb from limb, Ω 409, ι 291, σ 339. μ6λ€ος, ον, irritus; Ψ 795, unre- warded ; ntr., i η c a s s u m, in vain. μ£λι, τος, τι, τό, m el, honey, as food, V 69 ; also as draught, mixed with wine; honey and fat were burned upon the funeral pyre, Ψ 170, ω 68; mixed with milk as libation to shades of dead, μιΧίκρητον. Metaph. of speech of well-disposed, A 249, Σ 109. Cf. μίΧίγηρνν. McXi - βοια, town in Thessalian Magnesia, Β 717|. μελΐ-γηρυν, sweet-voiced, μ 187f. μ€λιη, ης, y, ην, yai, fraxinus, ash, Ν 178, Π 767; shaft of lance, lance, freq. with ΐΙηΧιάδα, from mount Πή- Xiov, presented by the Centaur Chei- ron to ΙΙηΧίΰς, Π 143 ; ίνχαΧκον, well shod \vith brass ; ■χαΧκο'/Χώχινος, brazen-pointed. μ£λΐ-ηδης, ίος, ka, (ήδνς), honey sweet, Σ 545, Κ 569, ι 94 ; fig. νττνος, sweet, νόστον, θνμόν, life. μ€λι-κρήτ(ρ, Γ^, (κΐράνννμι), honey drink, potion compounded of milk and honey as a libation to spirits of the lower world, κ 519, λ 27. μέλινος, ρ 339, and μ£ίλινον, α, (μι- Χίη), fraxineus, beechen, ashenj Ε 655. (11.) μ^λισσαι, άων, fern., (μελί), bees, Μ 167. Μ€λίτη, a Nereid, Σ 42+. μ€λί-ψρων, όνος, ova, (φρην"), hav- ing mind, substance, essence like honey; honey sweet =μίΧιηδης, d u 1 c i s. μίλλω, ίΐς, (i, ιτι, ουσι, opt. ot, Oi- μελβα 205 μ.€νίαινω μ(ν, ipf. ΐμίλλοί^ tc, (ε))-, ίτε, ον, and μελλΐ, μελλυν, (1) is sum qui, be able, can, Avith inf. prs., £? 125, α 232, d 200 ; Avith inf. aor., d 377, χ 322 ; with τΓοΰ, denoting probability or sus- picion, may well, must, οντω που Διί μίλλβι φίλον fZvrti, thus, methinks, must it please Zeus. — (2) like -urns sum, (a) be on the point of, a 232, ζ 135,Avith inf. fut. (prs. aor.); (b) it is one's fate, destiny, 1 hive to, Λ 700, Π 46 ; often negatived, with inf. prs. aor. ; must, Ω 46, t 477. μίλεα, εων, εσσι, ntr., membra, limbs, σ 70, Ρ 211 ; corpus, body, Η 131, Ν 672,0 3.54. μ£λΐΓηθρα, τό, (μελττω), sport, κνί'ών, Ν 233 ; κνσίν, Ρ 255. (11.) ^eXirovTCs, part., extol in song, A 474 ; mid. ψέλπετο (ψορμίζων), tca-i playing (on the lyre), ^ 17, ν 27 ; μίλπομεντ^- σιν ίν χορψ, celebrate a choral dance; μελπεσθαι "Apr/t, fig., dance a measure in honor of Ares in close combat == fight on foot, Η 241. μ,ίλω, ι 20, elsewh. 3 prs. μέλει, ονσι ; imp. έτω, όντων ; inf. εμεν, ειν ; part. ούσα, ipf. εμελε, μίλε, fut. -ησει, ησον- σι, ησέμεν, pf, μέμηλε(ν), subj. y, part. ώς, plupf. μεμήλει, curae esse, it is a care, to me, μοί τι ; may often be trans- lated personally, care for, attend to, en- gage in, tpya ; Κ 92, angi t, distresses, 12 152, φρεσί, in thy soul ; with inf., π 465 ; part., t 6 ; t 20, δβ an object of in- terest ; μεμηλώς tivoc, s t u d i ο s u s r e i ; mid. in similar signif. with act. prs. μελεσθω, a η g a t ; fut. μελήσεται, pf. μεμβλεται, plupf. μέμβλετο, χ 12. μ'εμαα, du. μβματον, pi. άμεν, ατ{ε), άασι, imp. άτω, part, άώς, ώτος, τι, τα, τε, τες, σιν, τας, (μεμάύτες, ότε, Β 818), μεμάνϊα, αν, αι, plupf. μεμάσαν, (μαί- ομαι), charge, press forward, εττί τινι (yet not so, Φ 174), εyχεiyσι ; gestire, moliri, p/o/i, λ 315; with inf., ap- petens sum, desirous, τινός; part., c u ρ i d u s, r a ρ i d u s, eager, quick. μ€μακυΐαι, see μηκάομαι. μ€αβλωκ€, see βλώσκω. μ€μβλ€ται, το, see μελω. μβμηκώς, see μηκάομαι. μεμηλβ, ει, y, see μέλω. μ€μνώμ€8α, έφτο, see μιμνηβκω. Μ€μνων, όνος, son of Tithonos and of Eos, came to the aid of Priamos 15 after the death of Hektor, and slew Antilochos, λ 522, cf. δ 188. μ6μονας, εν, pf., (mens), have in mind, purpose, with. inf. prs. fut. or aor., Ισα βευϊσι (cf. ψρονέειν ϊσα), thinks to make himself equal with the gods, Φ 315; διχθά, yearns with a twofold wish, hesitates. μ€μνκ€, see μνκάομαι. μβν (from μην, μεν, Η 77, 389, A 442, Χ 482), I. in affirmation: pro- fecto, in truth, A 216; μεν Sq, with imp., now then, A 514; νϊιν,ΏΟΥί cer- tainly; εί, if then in fact; ή, (1) in oath, in veiy truth, ξ 160 ; (2) in assertion : truly, yet, κ 65, λ 447 ; (3) in antithesis, Ω 416. — και μεν,(&) and yet, A 269 ; (b) but even, ν 45 ; (c) and truly, κ 13, τ 244; οΰ μεν, η on profecto, not in- deed, Β 203, Ρ 19, ρ 381 (see also II.) ; οΰ μεν γάρ — επεί ου μεν, α 78, 173 ;ού μεν τοι, ψ 266 ; οΰ^έ μεν, κ 447 ; ονδε μίν οΰδε,Β 703; neque vero ne hi quid em, nor by any means; άτάρ μεν, but in truth, β 122; /ufi^ = c?i, Γ 308 ; after pronouns, in recapitulation, A 234; in repetition, A 267. — II. in first of two con-esponding clauses, (1) Avithout δε, quidem, iw(Zee(Z, A 211 ; sdso οΰ μεν δή, but still not, e 341; οΰ μεν τοι, yet by no means, σ 233; μεν οϋδέ,{Ά)=αλ\' ov μάν ονδε,Ώ&α vero ne — qu idem, but not even, κ 551. — (b) but yet not. Τ 295 ; verily in no respect, δ 807 ; ονδε μεν, but also not, A 154 ; nor indeed, Ψ 311 ; after negative, ov, θ 553, y 27. — (2) with folloAving δε, et — e t, quidem — sed, cum — tum, both — and, as well — as, although — yet, A 53 sq., a 22 sqq., Γ 51, « 24, γ."Ί53.— (3) instead of δέ, άλλα may follow, A 24 ,• άτήρ, A 166 ; av, A 109 ; αντάρ, A 127; ούτε, Γ 240. — (4) other combi- nations : μεν ovv, so then, δ 780 ; μεν τΓον, methinks indeed, Γ 308 ; μεν τοι (but β 294, δ 836, τοι = tibi): (a) in assertion, yei really, δ 157, ττ 267. — (b) introductory, before αντάρ, ^ 411 ; be- fore δε, β 294. — (c) adversative, σ 233, θ 294. μ^νίαίνω, εις, ει, ομεν, ετε, ων, ipf. μενεαινομεν, aor. μενεήναμεν, (μεμονα, mens, μήνις), eagerly desire, >vith inf. aor. prs. (fut.), Ν 628, Δ 126 ; irasci, be angry, Ύ 68, Ω 22, « 20, succense- re alicui, τινί; but tpidt, contend in Iicvc-Sijioq 206 Μβροψ angry strife; Π 491, transfixus in- dignabatur. μ€ν6-&ηιος, withstanding the enemy, brave, Μ 247 and Ν 228. Mcvc'-Xdos, son of Atreus, brother of Agamemnon, his wife Helene se- duced by Alexandros, Γ 27 ; slays Skamandrios, Fylaimenes, Peisandros, Dolops, Thoas, Euphorbus, Podes ; όρήιος, άρηίφίλος, δωτρίψες, δονρικλίΐ- τύς, κνδαλίμοιο, ζανθός ; his return home, occupying eight years, δ 82 sqq. μcvc-ΊΓτ6λfμoς, oi, peisistent in battle, steadfast, y 442. (II.) Mev£a6cvs, soti of Peteos, Β 552, Μ 331 ; leader of the Athenians, Ν 195 ; nXijknnrov, Δ 327. Μ€ν4σϋτ\%, a Greek, slain by Hek- tor, Ε 609t. Mcv^crOios, (1) son of Areithoos, slain by Paris, Η 9. — (2) a Myrmidon, son of Spercheios, Π 173. μ€ν€-χάρμης, ην, at, and -χαρμος, S 376, (χάρμη), stanch in battle, steadfast. μ€νο-€ΐκ€(α), masc, ntr., ες, (ύκω), gutting the heart, satisfying, largus, Τ 144, ζ 76. μ€νοινώω (instead of άω), ας, ^=ά^, ών, prs., ipf. μενοίνα, eov, aor. -ησιν, subj. i]ay=^f}yci, Ο 82; ί]σωσι, (^μίνος, μενεαίνω), cup i ο, ρ e to, desire, seek, δ 480, ο 111, ρ 355 ; τιρι κακά, moliri, devise, λ 532 ; ponder, Μ 59 ; πολλά, Ο 82. Μ€νοιτιαδης, αο and «ω, son of Me- nojVio«, Patroklos, Π 554, Σ 93, I 211. McvoiTios, son of Aktor, Λ 785 ; in Opus, Σ 326 ; father of Patroklos, Λ 605, Τ 24. μ^νος, εος, ει, ος, εα, ίων θ 361, fa, nti•., (MEN, ΜΑ, mens, μηνις), vehe- ment impulse, ω 319, Τ 202, Ρ 503; force, might, Η 210; iv -γοννεσσι, Ρ 451 ; freq. with χείρες, Ζ 502, Τ 372, λ 502 ; κρατερόν, Η 38, Κ 479, Ν 60 ; coupled with άλκη (power of defense), I 706, Ζ 265, χ 226 ; πυρός, Ζ 182, λ 220; άνεμων, Ε 524; vital force, life, Ρ 298, 29, Ζ 27; joined with ψυχτ/, Ε 296, Γ 294 ; θυμύς,^ θ 358 ; often in periphrasis, e. g. μ. Άτρείδαο =Άτρεί- δης, etc., Λ 268, Ψ 837, ι; 178, θ 423 ; ιερόν, η 167, ν 20; μένε' ανδρών, Δ 447, θ βΐ,δ 363 ; resolve, with θυμός, Ε 470, Χ 346; courage, valor, Φ 151, Κ 366, Π 529; πολνθαρσες, Ρ 156 ; with θάρσος, Ε 2 ; Β 536, Γ 8 ; vrath, β 361, Α 207 ; fury, cf. έριδος, Α 103 ; δά- μασσε, λ 562 ; mens, temper, τ 493, Ε 892 ; in general signif. determined by context, iv φρεσί, Φ 145, A 103 ; iv θϋ/ΐί^, Ρ 451,Ψ468, X 312. Μί'ντης, (1) chief of Kikones, Ρ 73. — (2) son of Anchialos, a 180, chief of Taphians, a 105, guest friend of Odysseus, under whose form Athena visits Telemachos. Kivroiy see μεν, ad fin.. II., 4. Ιβ'ντωρ, ορός, son of Alkimos, friend of Odysseus, in Avhose form Athena conducts Telemachos to Py- los, and seconds Odysseus against tlie suitors, β 225, 243, γ 22, 340, χ 206, 208, ω 446. μένω, prs., ipf. εμεν{ε), ον, iter, μί- νεσκον, fut. μενεω, εις, ουσι, ειν, ων, aor. έμεινα, ας, ε, αμεν, αν, and μεΊν{ε), αμεν, ατ, αν ; ^ ; ειας, (mens, ma- neo), (1) mane ο, remain, wait, Avith inf., Ο 599 ; ε'ισόκε, I 45 ; hold one's ground in battle, Π 659. — (2) τί, ex- specto, await, Ο 709; τινά, ο 346 ; withstand, Ζ 126 ; await, A 535, Φ 609 ; wait for, τινά, Ύ 480, Φ 571, ήώ, Λ 723; sustain, resist, Ο 406, Χ 93, Μ 169, Ι 355, there he dared once to en- counter me alone. Μ€νων, a Trojan, slain bv Lconteus, Μ 193t. Μ£ρμ€ρίδης, son of Mermeros, Ilos, a 2.59 f. μέρμ£ρ(α), τά, (s m a r, m a e r e, m c r- ke), remarkable, signal (έργα, ττολέ- μοιο) ; in bad sense, infamous, horrible, Κ 48 (Κ 524, θ 453). (II.) Μέρμ€ρος, slain by Antilochos, S 513|. μ€ρμηρίζω, εις, ει, ων, ipf. μερμηριζε, ον, aor. μερμήριζα, ε{ν), subj. ω, inf. -αι, (smar, schmerz ?), (1) deliberare, ponder, refect, ivi (μετά) φρεσί, κατά φρένα (θνμύν), Α 189 ; with ι) — ι), utrum — an, ώς, 'όπως, inf. ω 235. — (2) meditari, »?«α^'ηβ, Γίνα άμύντορα, 7Γ 256, 261. μέρμίθι, Ty, cord, κ 23f . μέροΐΓ£ς, ων, εσσι, (ηι ο r s), m ο r- tales, mortal, άνθρωποι, ων, also βρο- τοΊσιν, Β 285. Μέροψ, seer and ruler in Perkote on Hellespont, father of Adrastos and Amphios, Β 831, A 329. |λ6ΐρεο 207 μ.6τα (μίρω, μερομαι, μίίρομαι), ipf. μεί- ρ€ο, pf. 3 sing, ίμμορί, plupf. pass. tV- μαρτο (for σβσμορτο), cause to be divided, receive as portion, (a) with ace, I 616. —(b) with gen., τιμής, A 278, Ο 189, ε 335. — (c) piupf. pass., it was decreed by fate, with ace. and inf., Φ 281, ε 312, ω 34. μεσαι-Ίτόλϊο? (μεσαι, locative from μέσος), half-gray, grizzled, Ν 361 f. Μεσαυλιος, servant of Eumaios, ξ 449, 455. μ6σηγυ(ς), see μίσση-γν. μ6ση€ΐς (μέσος), mediocris, mid- dling, Μ 269t. μ€σό-δμη5, r//f, (^εμω), (1) prop. what w constructed in the middle, repre- sented in the cut (see a) as a metal shoe in which the foot of the mast was firm- ly fastened, so that it (the mast) could be turned backward on the pivot (c) to a horizontal position, until it rested upon the Ίστοδόκη, β 424. See also plate IV., Avhere the μεσόδμη is somewhat dif- ferently represented as a three-sided trough, or mast-box. — (2) pL, small spaces or niches opening into the μέγα- pov, and enclosed on three sides, behind by outside wall, on either side by the low walls Avhich served as foundations of the columns, r 37. (See plate III., r, and cut No. 90.) μβσον, etc., see μ'εσσος. μίσσάτω, {μ'εσσος), εν, in the middle, θ 223 and Λ 6. μ€σσ-αυλοιο, or, (ανλη), court, farm- yard, Ρ 112 ; cattle-yard, Λ 548, βοών; of Polyphemos, κ 435. Μεσση, harbor town near Tainaron in Lakonike, Β 582f. μ€σσηγυ(5) and μεση-γί(ι/), in the middle, Λ573, ■φ-521; meantime, j; 195 ; elsewhere with %αχ\., between, beticixt,,\ 341. Ιϋς,ν.-] Μεσσηίς, spring in Thessalian Hel- las, Ζ 457t. Μεσσήνη, district about Pherai, in what was afterward IMessenia, 15; the inhabitants, Μεσσηνιοι, 18. μεσσο-ιταγες (ττήγννμι), fixed up to the middle ; εθηκεν ε-γχος, drove tlie spear half its length firm into the bank, Φ 172; V. 1. μεσσοπαλες, vibrating through half its length, quivering. με'σσος, nom. and gen. pi. wanting, dat. pi. οισ{ιν); η, gen. sing., noni, and gen. pi. wanting, dat. pi. 7^σ{ιν) ; ov, a, with parallel form με'σω, ov, οισι, (μεθ]ος, m e d i u s), m e d i u s, ntr., freq. as subst, middle; (εν)μέσσψ, ες (κατά) μέσον, δικάζειν, judge impartially, Ψ 574; ες μ. θεΐναι, in medio propo- η ere, offer as prize; μέσον ΰττέιο, half- way over ; μέσον αίόλοι, pliant in the middle. μεσφ(α) (μεσοφα), ήονο, till dawn, θ 508t. μετά, amid, among, Β 446, Σ 515; after, ψ 133; postea, afterward, ο 400. — Prep., (1) with dat., amid, also of things; among, μ. νηνσίν, Ν 668 ; also between, of two things, or such as exist in pairs, γεννσσι, ποσσί (ττεσ^ μ. π. γυναικός = nascatur), φρεσί, in thought, properly intrapraecordia, Δ 245 ; ττνου^ς, στροφάλιγγι, as it Λvere with the breath of the Avind, of the whirlwind; πνματον μετά οίς ίτ., ul- timum e sociis suis. — (2) Avith gen., along with, μάχεσθαι μετά τίνος, in league with any one. — (3) with ace, inter, amid, infrequent, Β 143; usu- ally to denote direction toward, often with plural subst., Γ 264, Η 35, Κ 205, Ρ 458, 460, joined with ες, Δ 70, A 423, μ 247, cf. Ε 804; coupled Avith επί, Π 534 ; also after, of individuals, Κ 73, ξ 115; in hostile sense, ύρμά- σθαι; of space, A 423; and of time, post; in order of worth, rank, s e c u n- dum=nea:i rftev; so also where a μετα-ραινο) 2C8 μ€τα•αΓτρ€ψ» superlative is implied, e. g. άριστηες, μίτέιτρεπί, Π 195; θ 583, the dearest according to blood and race ; finally, >vith verbs of motion and of intention, after, in pursuit of, rrXtiv μετά χαΧκόν, οΊχονται μίτά δίίττνον ; denoting con- formity with, secundum, /χ. ΰγ/χον, along the furrow. In anastrophe μέτα = μίτίστι, so μετά, φ 93, coupled with iv. μίτα-βαιρω, aor. imp. -βηθι,ραββ over (in narmtion, και άεισον), θ 492 ; μετά δ άστρα βίβηκίΐ, μ 312, had passed over (the meridian) = were declining toward the horizon, /i 312. μ,€τα νώτα βαλών, aor., terga ver- t e η s, turn one's back, θ 94f . μ^τ-€βουλ6νσαν, aor. from -βουΧενω, άλλως, have changed their purpose, άμψ' (de) Ό^νσΓμ,ε 286t. μ€τ άγγελος, Ο 144 and Ψ 199, is not a single word, but μετά belongs in one case to θεοΧσι, and in the other to άνεμοισι. μ€τα - δαινυται, prs., fut. δαίσομαι, σεται {δαίνιψαι, δαίς), have a share in the feast, Ψ 207, with gen. partitive, elsewh. ΐ'ιμΤν, η ο b i s c u m. μ€τα-δήμιιοι, or, (δήμος), among the people, in the community, ν 46 ; at home, θ 293. μετα-δόρτΓίος (δόρττος), adj., inter c a en am, during supper, δ 194 -J- (cf. 213, 218). μετα-δρομάδην ( δρόμος ), running after, Ε 80 f. μετα-ίζειν (ίζω), sit among them, 7Γ 362|. μετ-αΐσσων, prs. part., -αιξας, aor. part., rushing after, Φ 564. μ€Τ-€κία9ε, ov, ipf., (κιάθω), subse- qui, follow after; τινά, persequi, Σ 581; transire, JJOM over to; πεδίον, permeare. μ€τα-κλαυσεσθαΐ) fut., (κΧαίω), po- stea fleturum esse, shall hereafter lament, Λ 764|. μετά - κλινθέντος, aor. pass. pai*t., (κλίνω), if the tide of battle should shift about, A 509 f. μετα-λλήξειε, αντί, aor. from λΐ7γω (σλ- ?), χήΧοιο, cease fom, I 157. (II.) μετ-αλλώ, ^ίς, ^, ώσιν, imp. άλλα, aor. άΧΧησαν, ησαι, (Ameis derives from μετά and λάω, look after), s c i s c i- tari, $earch after, Ε 516, ο 362 ; inquire about, τινά, Κ 125, Ν 780; τί, π 465. ξ 128; percontari, question, τινά, Α 553, Γ 6 ; also τινά τι, or άμφί τινι, ρ 554; coupled Avith verbs of similar meaning, A 550, γ 69, ψ 99, η 243. μετάλμενος, aor. part, from μεθάΧ- Χομαι. μετα-μάζιον, ntr., (μαζός), στήθος, on the breast, between the nipples, in the middle of the breast, Ε 19f. μετ - εμκτγον, ipf., fut. -μίζομεν, (μίσγω), placed (pine splinters) in the midst, σ 310; χ 221, we will merge thy possessions with those of Odysseus (for subsequent division among us). μεταμώνια (for -ανεμώνια ?), ntr., van a, irrita, vain, fruitless; θεΊεν, reddant, Δ 363 ; v. 1. μεταμώΧια. μετο-νάστην, τόν, (ναίω), new-comer, interloper, i η q u i 1 i η u m, I 648. μετ-ενίσσετο, ipf., (νίσσομαι), βου- Χντά(^δ ε, passed over (the meridian) to- ward (his place of unyoking) setting, Π 779. μετ-αξΰ, between, A 156f. μετα-ΐΓαυ6μενοι (παύω), resting be- tioeen whiles, Ρ 373 f. μετα-Ίταυσωλή (παύω), intermis- sio, rest, pause, ποΧέμοιο, Τ 20 If. μετα-'π•ρε'ΐΓε(ο) τόν, (πρέπω), con- spicuous among, άθανάτοισιν, e χ i m i am inter immortalium (domos), Σ 370t. μετα-ίΓρ^ττω, ft, (tmesis, θ 172), ipf. -ίπρεπον, ε(ν) (tmesis, σ 2), ov, (πρ'ε- πω), be prominent among, excellere, among, τισί, on account of, dat Π 596, inf. Π 194. μετα-σίυο^αι, ipf. -εσσεύοντο, aor. εσσυτο, (σεύω, σΡν-), hurry after, Φ 423 ; τινά, Ψ 389. μετα-σπών, μετα-σπόμενος, see μεθ• επω. μ^τασσαι, α'ι, (μετά), yearlings, prop- erly those born in the middle one, of the three bearings in the year, summer lambs, t 221|, see δ 86. μετασσεύομαι, see μετα-σεύομαι. μετ-^στενον, ί\){.,(στενω), post mo- do deploravi, lament aβerυ}ard, δ 26 If. μετα-στοιχί (στοίχος), secundum lineam, in a line, in a row, side by side, Ψ 358 and 757. μετο-σΓ/Οί^ω, fut. «στρέψεις, aor. μ€τ-€3ηι 209 μ^ subj, σΓpi■φ^J,ωσ^,oγ)i. fif,con vertere, Κ 107, turn away his heart //Ό»ι anger; Ο 52, change his purpose in conformity to thy and my will ; change one's Λvays, Ο 203; β 67. reverse (your fortunes), sending misfortune instead of pros- perity ; pass. aor. μεταστρίφθβίς, έντι, τα, re, qui corpus convertit, Aav- ing turned themselves about, Ρ 732. μ€Τ-€θηκ€ν (τϊθημι), κε — , zoould not have caused such a din among us, σ 402t. μ€τα - τρ6ΐΓομ(οι), y, trat, τινός, properly, turn one's self about at = re- gard, consider, always with neg., A 160; exc. μετά δ' ίτράπετο, aor,, se CO η vert it, turned himself about, A 199. μ€τα-τρσΐΓαλίζ€θ, ipf., (τροπαλίζω), (non) revertebaris ad me, tu7'n about, i. e. thou didst flee without looking behind thee, Ύ 190|. μ€Τ-αυί«ω, only ipf. ηυδων, α, {αυ- δη), spake among, επεα, θ 496, α 31, Β 109. μετά-φημι, aor. μ€τ-€φη and μ€τ- ^ciirov, έειπ(εν) and εειφ', τοίσι, among (them) he (she) spoke, Β 411 ; Β 795, alloc uta est, not a genuine verse: tmesis, μετά εειττ., Γ 303, κ 561. μ€τα-ψραζ<ίμ€(Γθα, prs. 1 pi., (φρά- ζομαι), postea considerabimus, will afterward consider, A 140f. μ€τά-ψρ€νον, ov, ψ, and pi. a, of single person, Μ 428, (φρένες), proper- ly, behind the diaphragm, the back. \ί€τα-φωνεω, ipf. -εφωνέον, ε(ν), (φωνή), τυϊσι, made my voice heard among them, κ 67, sc. τοΤσί. μετ-ίάσι, from I. μέτ-ειμι. μετ-'εειπ., see μετά-φημι. ί. μ£Τ-ίί//ι (μετά = μετεστι, φ 93), 3 ρ1. cdai, έμμεναι = εΧναι, εών (tmesis, λ 78), subj. έω = ε/ω, ey, fut. ίσσομαι (tmesis, ίσσ£Γαί, 1 131),versari inter, be among, τισίν ; only Β 386, interee- d e t, intervene. II. μ£Τ-€ΐμι, εισιν, ipf. tmesis, yε^, aor. mid. εϊσάμενος, (Ιεναι), go after, sequor; Ν 298, march forth ; go or ride among, Ν 90, Ρ 285. μετ-εΤτΓον, etc., see μετά-φημι. μ€τ-€ΐσ'άμ€νος, see II. μίτ-ειμι. μ€Τ-€ίω, ΐμμεναι, see I. μίτ-ειμι. μ€τ-^ΐΓ£ΐτα, afterward, 3J 310, κ 519. μ€τ-€ρχομαΐ) εται, όμενος, fut. ελεν- σομαι, aor. ελθοι, imp. ε\θε, part, ελθών, come upon, a 229 ; τισίν, come among, a 134; ingruere, irruere, attack, λέων άγεληφι, μετ εΧάφονς', στίχας, obire ord i η es, pass through to mar- shal the ranks, Ε 461 : τινά, seek for, pursue ; ττατρυς κΧίος, I go to seek tid- ings of my father; ipya, attend to the farm ; -γάμοιο, curare. μίτ-ίσατυτο, see μετα-σσεύομαι. μ€Τ€ω, see I. μετ-ειμι. μ€τ-ήορα, ntr., (άείρω), θ 26, γένοιτο, would be raised aloft, would float in the air ; into the air, Ψ 369. μ£Τ-οιχόμ€νος, η, ipf. φχετο, άνά άστυ, permeare urbem; Κ 111, t/o to seek; perse qui; comitari. μ€τ-οκλάζ£ΐ, keeps changing his posi- tion (from one knee to the other), Ν 281|. μ€τ' οΊτασσα, (όπάζω), gave (to ac- company them) at the same time a lead- er, κ 204|. μ€τ-«ίΐΓΐσ6(£ν), behind, in the rear (toward the west), ν 241 ; λελειμμενοι, left behind; with gen., pone, behind, ι 539 : λ 382, afterwards, μ€τ-οχλίσσ£ΐ6, aor. opt., (όχλίζω), ptish back, away (strictly with a lever), a 567. μ€τρήσαντ€ς, aor. part., (μετρ'εω), 6 m e η s i, having passed over, γ 1 79f . μετρον, (a), ntr., measure, measunng- rod, Μ 422 ; jar and its contents, meas- ure, Η 471, of wine, of flour ; measures of the way = length of the journey, d 389 ',full measure, prime, ήβης ; ορμον, proper mooring-place. μ€τ-ώ•ΐΓΐον, adj., ace. sing, masc, (μ'ετ-ωπον), ση the forehead, A 95 and Π 739. μέτ-ωτΓον, ψ, a, ntr., (ώψ), frons, forehead, also/roni of helmet, Π 70. μ€ΰ = (ε)μον, see ίγώ. μ6χρι(ς), with gen., ten us, as far as, θαλάσσης, Ν 143, and τεο μ., how long? Ω 128. μη, negative prohibitory particle, ne: I. Avhere the subject desires to avei't something, (1) prohibition, with imp. pres., Π 22, Γ 414; aor., Δ 410, ω 248 ; subj. aor., Ε 684 (in threat, A 26; as mild assertion, t 467); μή τι, do not in any way, true reading in α 315.— (2) exhortation, Μ 216, μή Ίομεν (subj.). — (3) wish, Avith opt., Γ |χηδ^ 210 M'nov€s >. 160; ΛνίΐΗ 6ft\tg, 1 698; Avith inf., Β 413; in imprecation, Β 259.— (4) solemn promise, fut. indie, Κ 330; inf., e 187; protest, indie., Ο 41 ; inf., Τ 261, Ψ 585.— (5) pnqDOse, A 522, a 133.— (6) fear lest, ο 12, A 555; with indie, aor., t 300; in independent clause, A 587 ; dependent upon other verbs, A 555, Κ 98, Π 446 ; in indirect question, Κ 101. — (7) threat, S 46. — II. Avherc the subject intends to deny the truth of its assertion : (1) in con- ditional clauses, nisi, unkss, Γ 374 (in- variable, except where an idea not the sentence is denied, cf. si non, Γ 289). — (2) in concessive sentence invariable, ti και and και tl, etc. — (3) in relative sentence implying a condition, ^ 165 ; after indefinite general antecedent, Β 302. — (4) in temporal clauses implying condition, π 197, Ν 319. — (5) always Avith infin. — (6) in interrogations ex- pecting negative answer, η um ; ahvays ») μη, pray can it he ? you don't mean ? ζ 200, t 405, 406. With other parti- cles : μή ov, ne non, lest not, A 28, 566 ; μή ίή, think not, I pray you, A 131 ; μή μάν, θ 512, see μάν. (For place in sentence, see ov.) μηδ^, (1) but not, Γ 160.— (2) De- que, and not, nor, η e — q u i d e m, μηδέ τι, nor by any means (in first, second, and fifth foot), Δ 184, Υ 121, γ 96. Also doubled, yet not correlative like μήτί — μήτε, but continuative, e. g. nor — , oL•o not, A 303. Ϊηδί'ν, nihil, nothing, Σ 500f. 1ηδ€σι-κάστη, illegitimate daugh- ter of Triamos, wife of Imbrios, Ν 173|. μήδ€αι, frat, οίμην, to, ipf, μήδίτ(ο), CQvB' —■ lovTo, fut. μήσίαι, aor. (t)A"7" σατ(ο), (μίδων, meditor), Β 360, take counsel for one's self; devise, nvi τι, Ξ 253; κακά τινι, Η 478; ολίθρόν τινι, ζ 300, κ 115; λνγρον νόστον, γ 132; τιΐ'ά τι, prepare for, ψ 24, Χ 395, ω 426; νόσΓΟ), parare, γ 160. Ι. μήδ€α, τά, (μίδων, meditor), plans, counsels ; πυκνά, shrewd ; είδώς, fertile, in plans; πίττνυ/ιενα, prudent ; άφβιτα, enduring ; φίλα, friendly ; tv φρΐσ'ιν oUiv, knows well in her thought, λ 445. II. μηδ€α (μαδάν, madcYc), privy parts, ζ 129, σ 87. (Od.) Μηθώνη, home of Philoktetes, Β 716. μηκάομαι, only pf. μβμηκώς, μεμά- κνΐαι, whence ipf. (ί)μψ7}κον, ι 439; and aor. part, μάκών, shrieking, scream- ing, always of wounded animals, exc. σ 98; pi'., of hard-pressed game, Κ 362 ; elsewh. balarc, bleat. μηκάδΐς, ας, fern., (μηκάομαι), bleat- ing (she-goats), t 124. μη-κ-€τ(ι), non iam, no longer, Β 259, 435, γ 240. Μηκι,στ€υς, ηος, toe, (1) son of Ta- laos, brother of Adrastos, father of Euryalos, Β 566, "φ- 678.— (2) son of Echios, companion of Antilochos, slain by Polydamas, ace. -i), Ο 339, θ 333, Ν 422. ΜηκιστηΐόΙδης = Euryalos, Ζ 28. μήκιστον, ονς, longissimum, os, tallest, Η 155; μί]κιστ a, finally, ε 299. μήκos, τό, (μάκρος), lofty stature, ν 71 ;»,elsewh. longitudine, length. ^ι.•ηκωvyr). poppy stalk, θ 306f. μηλέαι, ας, pi. fem., (μήλον), appte- irees; in synizesis, ω 340. (Od.) μηλο-βοτηρας, τονς, shepherds, Σ 529|. I. μήλον, φ, ων, τό, malum, apple, )7 120, I .542. II. μήλον, ntr., μ 301, ξ 105, small- ccUtle, domestic animals ; τί, a single head; esp. in pi., herds of sheep and goats ; ενορχα, άρσενα, he-goats, rams. μήλοπα, τόν, shining white, η 104f. μην (μάν), prof ec to, verily, in truth (never alone) ; y — , Β 291 ; ov — , Ω 52 ; άγε — , on then, A 302 ; κοι μην, and verily, Ψ 410, ττ 440 ; also in truth, Τ 45, λ 582. μην, νός, see μείς. μήνη, ί;ς, (μην, men sis), moon, Ψ 455 and Τ 374. μηνιθμ6ν, τόν, (μηνίω), icrath, Π 62 (only Π). μήνΐμα, τό, (μηνίω), θεών, cause of divine wrath, curse, X 358. μήνις, ιος, iv, fem., (μαίνομαι), ira, wrath, rancor, A 1 . μην(£ΐ, prs., imp. μήν)ί(ε), ipf. (ί)μή' ν'ί(εν), aor. μηνίσας, (μήνις), irasci, succensere, be wroth with, A 422, Μ 10. ρ 14. M^ovcs, inhabitants of, Μηον(ς, woman from, Μηονίη, i. e. Lvdia, Δ 142, Γ 401, Β 864. 1 μη- 211 pLiap(is μή -iroTC, (1) nunquam, never, I 133. — (2) ne unquam, lest ever, X 106. μή τΓου, ne forte, lest in any way, Λ 130, ύ 775, τις, "vvith subj. in threat. μη ττω, with imp., ne (non) iam, not yet, that not yet, χ 431, ψ 59, Ρ 422, Σ 134 ; Avith opt., ν 123. μη Ίτως, Avith subj. or opt. : that in no way, lest somehow, ι 102; express- ing purpose or fear, -with subj., Ρ 95 ; in indirect question, whether not, Κ 101. μήρα, see μηρία. μηρίν3οιο, t^j, ov, fem,, (μηρυω), cord, Ψ 854 (only Ψ). μηρί(α) and μήρ(α), ra, (μηρός), pieces of the flesh of the thirjhs, which, together with other pieces, were wrap- ped in a double layer of fat (πίονα ώμοθίτησαν), placed upon the altar (kwiOnt^ai), and burned, A 40, γ 456. Μηριόνης, son of Molos, Ν 249 ; Κ 270, from Kreta; θφάπωΐ', of Ido- meneus, Ν 246; ατάλαντος Ένυαλί<ι), Η 166 ; "Αρψ, Ν 528 ; exploits, Ν 566, 650,3 514, Π 342, 603. μηρ05, οΰ, όν, ώ, οι, ους, masc, fe- rn u r, ham, upper fleshy part of the thigh; "to smite one's thighs" as sign of surprise or excitement, Μ 162; ίζέταμνον μηρία, they cut out (from the thighs of the victims, sc. μηρών) the thigh-pieces, γ 456, q. v. μηρΰσαντο, aor. mid. from μηρόω, drew up, furled by hra'dlng vp, μ 170+. The process Avas what it is to-day. (See cut No. 5, Egyptian representa- tion of a Phoenician ship.) μήστωρα, f, ες, ας, masc, (μηδομαι), properly, deviser, preparer; an c tor, μ. φόβοιο, author of flight, but Ε 272, well understanding pursuit and flight; μ. άντής, raisers of battle cry, cf βοήν αγαθός, elsewh. counselor. Μήστωρ, son of Priamos, Ω 257f. μητ€ — μί]Τ£, nec — nee, neve — neve, neither — nor; followed by sim- ple τε, Ν 230 ; μητέ τι, with imp,, and do not, Κ 249, ξ 387. Η''Π''~ΠΡ» '■po^j *P'» *|0«> Op' */"'/»' nnd tvi, ψ 113), voc. μήτίρ, ace. pi. ίρας; also μητρός, ρ!, mater, mother, of men, Δ 130, α 215 ; of animals, κ 414 ; freq. I with epithets, πότνια, oltni?^, Kfdvfj ; I with μήλων = producing, abounding in j sheep, Λ 222 ; — θηρών, in wild-beasts, θ 47. μήτϊ, see μητις. μήτϊ, see μήτις. μηηάω, 3 pi. μητιέωσι, part, όωντι, ες, όωσι, όωσα, mid. prs. άασθε, ipf. μητιόωντο, (μητις), deliberate, Η 45; conclude, βονλάς ; devise, τι, κακά, νύ- στον τινί ; Σ 312, κακά, male sua- denti; mid., debate with one's self consider. μητίβτα (μητίομαι), only of Ζευς and Ζεν at close of verse, all-wise, counsel- or, A 175, 508. μητιΟ€ντα (μητις) φάρμακα, helpful herbs, ^ 227t. μητίομαι, fut. Τσομαι, aor. ισαίμην, ίσασθαι, (μητίομαι, μήτις), devise, τινί τι, τινά τι ; cf. μήδομαι, perpetrate against one. μητιόωσα, ύωσι, see μητιάω. μήτΐξ, Ίς, 1, 1ν, fem., (m e t i ο r), c ο n- silium, (1) shrewdness, wisdom, μήτιν ατάλαντος, equal in insight to the gods. — (2) proposal, plan, Ρ 634 ; v(paivtiv, think out, Η 324, δ 678. μήτις, μήτϊ, nullum, Χ 120, j^ 46; usually separated, μή τι, e. g. Avith imp., by no means; also with subj. and inf. In most cases the force of the two words μή and τις, which are usually separated by a word, may be separate- ly given, X 358, ν 229, Δ 234. μητρο-ττάτωρ, one's mother'' s father, Λ 224t. μητρυιή, ης, no ν ere a, step-mother, Ν 697. {\\.) μητρώιον δώμα, materna domus, maternal home, - 410j. μήτρως, ace. ωο, avunculus, ma- ternal uncle, Π 717. (II.) μηχανόωντο5, part. pr. (for άοντας), mid. prs. -όωνται, opt. όψτο, ipf. μη- χανάασθί, ύωντο, [μηχανή], set at work, perpetrate, σ 143; mid. in similar sig- nif., also devise, ττ 134, τινί κακά. μήχοξ, τό, help, remedy, Β 342. Μ^'ων, see Μ?^ονες. μία, see εΙς. μιαίνω, aor. subj. μιήνη, pass. pr. μιαίνεσθαι, ipf μιαίνετο, aor. 3 pi. εμί- ανθεν and άνθησαν, dye, stain, Δ 141 : pass., i η q u i η a r i, δβ soiled (with blood and dust). μΐαι-ψ6νος, f, cruore inquina- tus, blood-stained. Ares, Ε 31. (II.) μΐαρός (μιαίνω), cruore inqui- natus, stained, Ω 420 f. |ΐΐγαζο}ΐ€νους 212 |ΐιτρη μΐγαζομ£νους* part, prs., (μίγννμι), φ'λότηη, united in love, θ 27 If- μίγδα, adv., {μίyvυ μι), promiscuously, θίυισι, θ 437 ; together, ω 11. μ'ι-γνυμι, aor. inf. μΐ|αι, pass. pf. μί- μΓ/μίνοι•, οι, η, α, plupf. ίμψικτυ, aor. {ί)μίχθη, 3 ρ1. ίμιχθεν, inf. θημίναι, part, θύς, aor. 2 ίμίγην, ης, η, μίγη, ησαν=μίγίν, subj. ήyς, έωσι, opt. tiyji/, VVj ^i μιγίϊεν, inf. ήμεναι and ήναι, part. έι/Γ«, εϊσα, fut. μιγήσεσθαι, mid. fut. μί'ξεσθαι, aor. t μικτό, μικτό ; more- over, pass. μίσγ€αι, trat, i/rat, ίμίναι and ίσί^(αι), (μένων, ipf. μ'ισ'^ετο, ύμε- Θ{α), οντο, and iter, μισγεσκετο, εμισγέ- σκοίτο, miscere, wiia:, otvoa/ και ϋίωρ; also wine with wine, Γ 270; ίίλεσσι, with salt ; γλώσσα, mixed language ; pass., come in contact, with dat., ίγκασι, Koviy ; have relations with, Ktvty, hold intercourse in guest friendship, with dat., also tv τισι, ίς τινας ; also, come into hostile relations with, τινί, 7Γaλάμyσi τίνος, εν dat ; be united in sexual inter- course, esp. (παρά) τινί, with one ; 's of muscle, muscles, Π 315, 324. μώλος, ov, masc, tumult of battle, Ρ 397 ; freq. with''AjOj;oi;, moil of war, Η 147. μώλυ, τό, moly, a magic herb, given by Hermes to Odysseus, to shield him against the spells of Circe, κ SOSf. Identified by the ancients as a kind of garlic (allium nigrum Guan.), μωμευη, subj. prs. from -fvw, ζ 274f, and μωμήσονται, fut. from -ίομαι, Γ 412f, vituperet, -abunt, blame, re- proach (μώμος). μώμον, τόν, μ. άί'άφαι, set a brand of shame upon us, /? 86f. μώνυχες, ac, explained by ancient commentators as μοΊ'-όννχ(ς, single-, uncloven- hoofed, solidis ungulis, Ε 236, opp. cattle and sheep ; a deriva- tion from μψαα, eager-, quick-footed, has been proposed by modern scholars. N. νΰ ίφίλκνσηκόν, aflSxed to foUg. forms : pi. σι ; εΊκοσι ; suff. φι and νόσφι ; the particle κε ; and to forms of the verb ending in ε and t of 3d person. ναί (νη, nae, ne), verily, A 286 ; also with μά, q. v. ναΐ€ταω, part, άων, όωσα, (a 404, Β 648), άοντα, prs. and ipf., iter, ναιε- τάασκον, (ναίω), habit are, versari, να£» 216 vcioOcv inhabit, eocist, Αακίοαίμονι, Γ 387 ; of localities, are situated, inhabited, sita est, dicells, >vhere the island is con- ceived as a thing endowed with life = exists, a 404 ; also transitive, Β 539 ; part, tv ναΐίτάων, etc., habitable. ναίω, prs., (inf. ναύμιν), and ipf. (iter. vaiiOKi, or), mid. iv ναιύμίνον, η, etc., inhabited, peopled, of cities, {vaσjω), (1) dwell, κατά, ntpi, ττρός τι ; ίν, παρά Tin ; αίθΐρι, locat. enthroned in the aether ; νήσοι, lie, Β 626 : trans., inhabit, οικία, Η 221, υ 288.— (2) 1 aor. νάσσα οι ττόΧιν, δ 174, would have as- signed him a town to dwell in; also 1 aor. pass. 3 sing, νάσθη 'Apyt'i, sedcs ρ ο s u i t, settled in — , 21 1 1 9. νάιοην, Τ7]ν, αΐγός, hairy skin, ξ 530t. vdirai, a'l, (γναμιττός), forest glens or dells, θ 558 and Π 30U. νάρκησ€, aor. from ναρκάω, was palsied, θ 328t. νάσβη, νάσσα, see να'ιω. νάσσω, aor. €ναξ€, stamped down, ■yaXav, φ 122|. Νάστης, son of Nomion, leader of ■Karians, slain by Achillens, Β 867 sqq. Ναυβολίδης, son of Naubolos, ( 1 ) Iphitos, Β 518. — (2) a Phaiakian, θ 116. ^ ναυ-λοχον, οι, (λίχ, λέ /cro), skip- she'tering, of harbors, ζ 846 and κ: 141. ναυ-μαχα, pi. ntr., navalia, for naval combat, of ship- pikes, Ο 389 f. vahc, see νηνς. Ναυσί-θοος, son of Poseidon, father of Alkinoos, colonizes the Phaiakians in Scheria, η 56 sqq. Ναυσ-1-κάα, daughter of Alkinoos, ^ 17 sqq.,»; 12, 457, 464. ναυσι-κλβιτοΐο, η a ν i b u s cl a r i, ?'e- nowned for ships, intrepid seaman, ζ 22f , = ναυσι-κλΰτοί, epithet of Phaia- kians and Phoenikians, ο 415. ναΰται, άων, έων, y(Ti{v), masc, nautae, sailors, Δ 76, θ 162. Ναυτ€ΰς, a Phaiakian, θ 112f. ναυτιλύη, ry, navigatione, sea- manship, θ 253f. ναυτίλλ€ται, subj., ισθαι, inf , (I'fifi;- rtXi'j;), navigat, sail, d 672 and ^ 246. ναΰφι(ν), see νψ>ς. νά€ΐ, ονσι, ipf {ναον, v. 1. and better), va\0Vt flow ; (ψψ, ran over with whey, t 222. Neaipa (possibly personification of new moon), name of nymph, mother by Helios of Lampetie and Phaethusa, μ 133t. vcapoi (νέος), teneri, youthful, Β 289t. vca-nrj, ai, elsewh. νείατος, ov, a, (νίος), properly novissimus, always local, ex tr em us, last, Β 824; infi- mum, lowest; νύατος άλλων, imum c ceteris ; S 466, topmost (?). ν€βρ(ϋ, or, 01, ovc, masc , ( νιος ), fawn, θ 248; ίλάψοιο,Χ 189; symbol of timorousness, Δ 243. v^cs, ισσι, see vrivg. νεηαι, see νίομαι. ν€η-γ€ν6ας, τους, (-γενης), new-bom, ί 336 and ρ 127. * ν€-ήκ€σι (άκή), freshly whetted, Ν 391 and Π 484. ν€-ήλΰδ€ς (τιλνθον), newly come, Κ 434 and 558. ν€ηνί'π, ίαι, adolescent!, youth ; masc. avcpi, ζ 524; fem. ν£ήνιδι, ισι, maiden, η 20, Σ 4\8. ν€Ϊαι, see νεομαι. veiaCpT), αιραν, (sec νεάτη, from νέος), i η f e r i ο r, loner ; γαστίφ, lower part of belly, abdomen, Ε 539. (II.) vciaros, see νεάτη. ν€ΐκ£ίω, subj. είτ^σι, t/y, inf ειν, part. ων, ipf. 3 pi. νείκειον, and iter, νεικεί- εσκε, ov, other forms from νεικέω, 3 pi. ν€ΐκίΰσ(ιν), imp. νε'ικεε, ει, inf. εΊν, ipf. νείκεε, {ε)νίίκεον, iter, νεικείεσκε, fiit. νεικεσω, aor. ενείκεσας, {ε)νείκε{σ)σ{ίν), (νείκος), (1) quaiTel, τινι ε'ίνεκά τίνος; έριδας και νεικεα άλλήλοις, contend with railing and strife, Υ 252. — (2) upbraid, reprove, opp. α'ινείν, Κ 249, Ω 29 ; freq. with επ'εεσσιν and with adj., Γ 38, ρ 374 ; μάλα, angrily ; άντην, face to face, outright, ρ 239. ν€Ϊκος, εος, ει, εα, ntr., (νίκη ?), heat of combat, Μ 348; ττολέμοιο, Ν 271; in general, strife, Γ 87 ; of Trojan >var, έριδος νείκος, Ρ 384 ; φυλΰπιδος, Τ 140; iur g\ α, dissensions, ^ 205; with ερις, ν 267; quarrel, Ψ 483; dispute, θ 75, Δ 37 ; lites, strife at law, μ 440; reproof, 1 448 ; taunt, Η 95. ν€Ϊμα = ενειμα, aor. from νέμω. vfioBiv (νέος), from below, εκ κραδίης, from the depths of his heart, Κ lOf, and v€i6Qi λίμνης, fir below in the depths of the sea, Φ 317|• 217 ν66ς vciov, φ, όν, fern., (νέος), new land, fallow land, land newly ploughed after having lain fallow ; thrice ploughed, after such rest, in Σ 541, t 127. ν€ΐται, from νεομαι. νΐΐψίμίν, \. 1. for νΐ(ρίμ(ν. veKaSecrcriv, τάϊς, {νεκρός), heaps of slain, Ε 886 f. ν€κρός, oTo, 0?, οΊσ{ιν), etc., (n e c ar e), mortuus, dead, τεθνηώτα, μ 10; corpse, Ψ 197, Δ 467 ; also with {κατά) τίθνηώτίς,Ζ 71, Σ 540. vcKTap» αρος, {νη-κτείνω^, nectar, reddish, fragrant drink of the gods, Δ 3 ; preserves from decay, Τ 38 ; άττόρ- ρωζ, lit. "fragment," sample of nec- tar, i. e. wine of the choicest sort, t 359. ν€κταρ€ου, φ, (νέκταρ), Γ 385, Σ 25, fragrant, perfumed with nectar. νέκϋς, νος, vi, vv, νες, ΰων, νεσσι{ν), νσιν, νας, νς, {necaTe), "= νεκρός, mortuus, dead, as subst., Ψ 160, 168, 190, Ν 509 ; κατατεθνηώτες, Η 409, λ 37, κ 530; corpse, Ω 108. νεμβθοντο, ipf. , ρ a s c e b a η t U Γ, loere feeding, A 635 f. ν€μ,£σώ, subj. ήσι, imp. a, άτον, aor. νεμίσησαν, subj. or](Ty, fut. mid. σησεαι, σησετ{αί), verbal adj. σητός, also v€\ua- σώ}ΐαι, σσάται, ipf. ενεμέσσα, aor. mid. σσήσαιτο, aor. pass, νεμεσσήθη, θητε, θεν, Β 223 ; θωμεν, θείς, θεϊσα, verbal adj. σσητόν, (νεμεσις), take it ill, be vexed with, Tivi {τι). I 2m, ψ 494 ; indig- nari, be angry w?V^, with part, φ 169, with ουνεκα; mid., indignari (esp. aor. pass.), become angry, τ'ι, τινί ; Avith relative, « 158, or iniin. clause, irasci; verbal adj., causing indignation, repre- hensible, iniquum; only Λ 649, mag- ni faciendus, reverendus, to be dreaded. ν€μ£σίζο|λ(αι), only sing. prs. (imp. -ζέσθω), and ipf. νεμεσίζετο, {νίμεσις), magni facere, revereri, dread, fear, θεούς ; be wroth with for, rti'i τι, Ε 757 ; followed by ace. and inf., Β 296 ; be ashamed, Ρ 254, β 138. ν€μ€σις, ίσσΐ Ζ 335, ιν, fern., ig no- mini a, disgrace, Ν 122, Ζ 351; {εζ) ανθρώπων, censure of men; ov ν'εμεσις, non vituperandum, 'tis no cause for anger. νβμΕσσάω, σσητόν, see νεμεσώ, v€- μ€σσ(€)ι, see νεμεσις. ν€μ€ΐ, τφ, ntr., {νεμεσθαι), wood-past- ure, glade, A 480. νέμ€ΐ, prs., ipf. νέμε, ενεμον, aor. ενειμε, νείμεν, αν, imp. νεΧμον, (1) dis- tribuere, dispense, τινί τι, ζ 188. — (2) pa s c er e, cZm-e to pasture, ι 233; pass, νεμοιτο, consumeretur, was consumed, only Β 780; mid. (1) pasci, feed, browse, graze, νέμεαι, ονται, εσθαι, Ε 111, ν 164; (2) frui,/eecZ one's sef upon, possess, νέμεται, ύμεσθ{α), subj. ηαι, opt. oiTo, Ζ 195, Ψ 177.— (3) in- colere, inhabit, νέμονται, ένέμοντο,Ύ 8, Β 496,751. vcviirrai, see νίζω. vco-ap8e(o), ace. {άροω), freshly wa- tered, Φ 346|. ν€θ-γϊλή5, new-born, σκύΧακος, μ 86f . ν60-δορτον {δείρω), new'y flayed, χ 363. ν6ο-βηλ€α, acc. {θάλλω), fresh-sprout- ing, 3; 347|. ν€θίη (νέος), adolesccntia, youth, youthful thoughtlessness, Ψ 604 f. νεομαι and νινμαι, νείαι, νεΧται, νέ- ονται, subj. νεηαι, ηται, ώμεθ{α), opt. νεοίμην, μέθα, οίατο, imp. νεέσθω, σθων, inf. νεόμην, νέοντο, {νεσομαι, νισσομαι), often with fut. signif., (1) red ire, re- turn, οΊκόνδε, λ 176, ο 72, σ 241, α» 460, Μ 32, κάρ ρόον. — (2) ire, go, Τ 6, SJ 335, δ 8, ζ 261 ; venire, come, χ 484; νπυ ζόφον,Ψ 51. — (3) abire,<70 away, φ 374. VCOV, see 7'έος. νεο-ττενθεα {πένθος), fresh-mourning, θνμόν,λ 39 f. νεό-ττλΰτα {πλύνω), newly washed, ?64t. νεο-Ίτρίστου (πρίω), fresh-sawn, θ 404|. Νεο-τΓτόλεμος, son of Achilleus, educated in Skyros, Τ 327 ; conducts the Myrmidons home from Troja, Aveds Hermione, daughter of !Mene- laos, γ 189, ί 5 ; slavs Eurvpvlos, λ 520. yio^y 010, ov, etc., no dat. pi., νεην, ai, νέον, a ; comp. νεώτερος, ov. φ, ov, ω, 01-, sui). νεώτατος, η, (nov us, new), novus, recens, new, fresh, opp. πα- λαιοί, δ 720, θ 58; sxdolesc ens, young (έταφοι), A 463 ; also substantively, τ 433, I 36, θ 202; νέον, nui> er,just now, lately, π 181, 199. viosy see νηνς. ν€ο-σμήκτων 218 νηκουστησ€ ν£ο-σ|χήκτων (σμάώ), freshly polished, Ν 34 2t. ν6οσσοί, ΌΙσι, (νΙος), pulli, young (birds), Β 311,1 323. vco -στροφον (στρέφω), newly twisted, vtvpt]v, ο 469f. v€o-T€VKTov (τίύχώ), newly wrouyfU, κασσιτίροιο, Φ 592f. ν(Εθ-τ€υχ€'€5, pi. from -Τίυχης, (rev- χω), newly made, Ε 194f. ν€Οτητος, της, (νέος), adolescen- ti&, youth, ^ 86, Ψ 445. ν€-ουτάτου, ov, (ούτάω), lately wound- ed, Σ 536, Ν 539. vc-iroScs {ν'ίω), web-footed, lit. "swim- footed ;" or better, with Curtius, off- spring, of. Lat. η epos, ^ 404t. ν€'ρθ€(ν), adv., (Ινερος), below, Η 212, Λ 535 ; with gen., under, -γης, λ. 302. NeoTOpeos, adj. from Ι^έστωρ,θ 192, 113, Β 54. Ν£στορίδης, son of Nestor, (1) An- tilochos, Ο 589.— (2) Peisistratos,^ 71, ο 6, 44, 202 ; pi. Antilochos and Thra- symedes, Π 317. Ν£στωρ, οράς, son of Neleus and Chloris, king in Pylos, Τβρηνιος Ίπ- ττύτα, Β 336; ό γίρων, Α 637; trisc- clisenex, survivor of three genera- tions of men, A 247 sqq. ; λιγνς ΏνΧίων άγορητης, A 248, Δ 293; his youth- ful exploits, Δ 319, A 669 sqq.,A 262 sqq., Ψ 630 sqq. ; after the Trojan war, again in Pylos, γ 17, cf. 412 sqq. νεΰμαι = νεομαι. ν€υρή, ης, ήφί{ν), y, ην, fem., (σνευρη, S C h η U r), boio-string, Δ 1 1 8, θ 300. veOpov, α, ntr., (vfpfov, nervus), sinew, tendon, of body, Π 316; bow- string, Δ 122; cord, with which the arrow-liead vms bound to the shaft, Δ 151. ν€υστάζων, part, prs., {νίύω), nodding, Τ 162; Kt;λί/ίά- νηλείτιδες, fern, from νη-άΧείτης, guiltless, innocent, ττ 317; λ^ 1. νη- λϊτεϊς. Νηλ6ΰς, ηος, son of Poseidon and of Tyro, husband of Chloris, λ 254, 281 ; father of Pero, ο 233, and of Nestor ; driven by his brother Pelias from lolkos in Thessaly, he wanders to Messenia and founds Pylos, γ 4; in war with He- rakles, all his twelve children were slain except Nestor, Λ 692 ; who is called Νηληιάδης,θ 100, 378, Λ 618; Νηλήιο?, Neleian, Ψ 514, Λ 597, Β 20. νηλής, see word before Πηλείδης. νηλιτ€ΐ9, see νηλείτινες. νήμα, νήματος, τα, ntr., (II. ν'εω), that which is spun, yarn, β 98. (Od.) νημίρτής, έ(ο), ές, adv. έως, {αμαρ- τάνω), unerring, infallible, verax; νόος, c a η d i d u s ; ntr. with ειπείν, etc., verum (a) dicere, speak the truth, γ 101. Νημ6ρτής, »/, a Nereid, Σ 46f . νηνίμίη, r /ς, fern, from νήνεμος, θ 556, {νη-άνεμος), windless, breezdess ; also as subst., calm, Ε 523, « 392. νηός, ψ, όν, ους, masc, (ναίω), dwell- ing of a god, temple, A 39, ξ 10 ; for an idea of the interior of the cella, cf. cut under βωμός, with Statue of Aphro- dite and altar. νηός, gen. from νηνς. νη-ΊΓβνθί'ς (πένθος), soothing sorroio, epith. of Egyptian magic drug which lulled sorrow for a day (Opium?), δ 22 It. νητΓΐάας, see νηπιέ^. νητΓίαχεύων ( νηπίάχος ), playing childishly, X 502t. νηττιαχον, οι, οις, (νηπιος), childish, Β 338. νηΐΓΐ€η, έ^σ'.(ν), άας, (νηπιος), in- fancy, Ι 491 ; childish follies, a 297. νήΐΓίος, ον, ε, οι; η; α, (νη-πν, i m -ρ u - b e S, puer ?), young; offspring, Ρ 134 ; common phrase, v. τέκνα, also of animals ; foolish, blind, Β 873 ; with «ϋτως, so young! Ζ 400; infantile.feeble, βίη, (comm.deriv.^'i7-ίπoς•,cf. in-fans). νή-ΤΓΟίνοι (ποινίι), i η u 1 1 i, una venged, α380,β 145; vήπoιvov,iτm^VLne,^vith impu7iity, a 160. νη-Ίτΰτϊον, ((t), loi, ίοισιν, children, Ύ 244; foolish, Ύ 211. Νηρηίδ€ς, Nereids, Σ 38, 49, 52, the daughters of Nereus, the old man of the sea, who is neΛ^er mentioned in Homer by name, but only as tiXioc γέρων, A 538. Νήρικον, orig. a promontory on the coast of Akarnania ; later, by cutting through an isthmus, the island of Leu- kas ; subjugated by Laertes, ω 377t. Νήριτον, mountain in northern part of Ithaka, ν 351, Β 632, ι 22. Νήρϊτος, an Ithakan, ρ 207|. νηριτος, see είκοσιν-ηριτ . Νησαίη, a Nereid, Σ 40t. νήσος, ον, φ, ον, οι, ων, οισι^ν), ονς, fem., (νέω, η are), island, a 85, Β 108. νήστϊίς, Χας, (νη-εύω), not eating, fasting, σ 370. (Od.) νητός, adj., (νέω, νηεω), piled νρ, β 338t. νηίς, νηός, ί (dat. of accompaniment, λ 161), a, ες, ων, εσσι, and νηνσί, ας, and νψ'ώε ; also την νέα, ρ1. νέες, ων, εσσιν, and νανώιν, νέας (νέω, η are), η avis, ship; its parts, as named in Homer (see cut under έδαφος), are as follows : of the hull, τρόπις, πρψρη, πρύμνη, επηγκενίδεσσι, πηδάΧιον, οίηία, ιστός, Ίστοπέδη, Ίστοδόκη, ζνγά, κΧηϋδες^ κώπη, ερετμά, τροπός; of the rigging, ιστία, πείσματα, πόδες, επι- and πρότο- νος, πρνμνησια; see these words sepa- rately. When the word stands alone, ship of war is commonly implied ; v. φορτίδος, ship of burden, ε 250, t 323 ; pi. ν?}ες, freq. signifies in Iliad camp, including ντϊες and κΧισίαι, Β 688. (See also plate IV., at end of AOlume.) νηχ€μ€νοι, inf. prs., ipf. ν?]χε, ον, and νηχόμ£νος, οι, οισι, fut. νίίξομ(αι), {σνήχω), natare, stvim, ε 375. (Od.) νίζέΐν, imp. νίζ(ε), ipf. νίζε, ον, and mid. νίζετο, fut. νί•φω, ει, aor. νί•φ(εν), imp. νίφον, mid. aor. vixparo, ασθαι, άμενος, οι, {yiyjw, νιβ), lavare, wash, τινά πόδας, the hands and feet for some one, ri άπό τίνος, abluere, wash off; mid. ivash one's self; χείρας, wash one's hands ; with dat. of place (locative), Π 229 ; αλός, with water from the VIK^S 220 νομός sea : χρόα ίίλμην, washed oif from his body the salt sea-spray, ζ 224 ; pass. νίιηπται αίμα, the blood is >vashed oflF. viK^s, ^, etc., prs., ipf. (ί)ιήκα, (Ιονι- κών, iter, νικάσκομεν, tut, νικηση, ονσι, £/ί£ΐ/, aor. ίνίκησα, ας, f , and νίκησα, etc., pass. aor. νικηθίίς, θίνη, {νίκη), λΊπ- cere, conquer, v,'\th dat. of manner; surpass, excel, with dat. of means; van- quish, be superior to, τινά τινί, e. g. ciyopy, καΚΚϋ, μάχι^, ττύδεσσι, πνζ ; phrases : Ψ 604, youth got the better of judgment; λ 545, gain a victory; σ 319, shall not outwatch me. νίκη, only in sing., victory, in battle and before the tribunal, λ 544 ; νίκης τηίρατα, Η 102, cords of victory. Νΐ^βη» daughter of Tantalos, wife of Amphion, king of Thebes. She ex- ultingly compared her twelve children with the two (Apollo and Artemis) of Leto, and was punished by the death of all her children : the six sons by the aiTows of Apollo ; the daughters by the arrows of Artemis, while she herself, in grief at their death, was changed to stone. The legend arose from a natural rock-figure in Mount Sipylos, which resembles a woman in sitting posture, Ω 602, 606. νίπτω, see νίζω. Νΐρ€υς, ηος, son of Charopos and Aglaia of Syme, the most beautiful of the Greeks next to Achilleus, Β 671 sqq. Νίσο, village on Mount Helikon in Boiotia, Β SOSf. NtoOs, son of Aretos, father of Am- phinomos of Dulichion, π 395, σ 127, 413. νίσομαι, νίσσιται, όμεθα, όμινον, ipf. νίσσοντο, (νεσ)ομαι), ire, go, ττόλεμόν- δε, into the combat; abire, Μ 119; red ire, οΊκαδε. Νίσυρος, small island, one of the Sporades, Β 67 6 f. νΐψάς, άδες, άδεσσι, fern., ( σνιφ., nives, snow), snow, Ο 170; flakes, χιόνος, Μ 278. (11.) νΐψ€τ<ίς, όν, ( νκράς ), mow-storm^ snows, nives, Κ 7 and δ 566. vΐφ(icvτoς, τι, τα, (νιφάς), nivosi, snow-clad, snow-capped, Ν 754, r 338, Kreta, Olympos, Tmolos, Thrakian mountains. νΐψ€μ€ν, inf., (νιφάς), ningere, snow, Μ 280f. (v. I. νείφεμεν.) νίψ*, νιφάμενος, etc., see νίζω. νο6ω, £ίς•, imj). νύει, part, νοέοντι, ovay, ipf. νόιι, fut. νοήσω, εις, ει, aor. ενόησα, σας, σ{εΐ'), and νόησα, εν, subj. ay, imp. νόησαν, inf. νοήσαι, part, σαν, mid. aor. νοήσατο, (γι-γνώ-σκω?), (1) sentire,/)ermt?e, observe, become aware of, X 136, Ο 453, Γ 396, π 5 ; freq. with part., V 367 and Β 391, Γ 21, 30, Δ 200, Χ 463, δ 653 ; ύΚν v., sharply or quickly see, discern, Γ 374 ; (εν) όφθαλ- μοίς (Ω 294), Ο 422; coupled with θνμψ and οίδα, σ 228 ; φρεσίν, α 322 ; see vnth mind, discern, A 343 ; εττεφρά- σατο, θ 94; άθρείν, τ 478.— (2) think, Κ 247 ; άλλα, of something else, Ψ 140, 193, β 393 ; πεπνυμενα πάντα, think always prudent thoughts, σ 230 ; εναίσιμον, η 299. — (3) imagine, devise, ρ 576; μνθον,Η 358; νόον, Ι 104; τεχνήσομαι ήδε v., Ψ 415. — (4) ponder, reflect {εν and μετά, γ 26, Τ 310), ψρεσί, Ο 81 ; μετά φρ. και κατά θνμόν,Ύ 264; with οττπως, ο 170, Κ 224; νοεων, π 136, ρ 193, prudent, discreet, A 577, Ψ 305. — (5) be minded, intend, φρεσί, with inf., X 235, Ώ 560 ; τί, A 543.— (6) think of, remember to, Avith inf., Ε 665, cf. t442; ov v., with inf. (mid. only Κ 501), I 537; λ 62, with subst. clause, Τ 264, X 445, nor did she think. ν6ημα, ατός, τι, τα. σι, (νοέω), that which is thought, thought, β 363 ; idea, Η 456; abstract, η 36; />/ση, Ρ 409; tvish, Κ 104, Σ 328; schemes, /3/121; reason, ν 346, Τ 218 ; disposition, charac- ter, ζ 183. Ω 40, η 292, σ 215 ; sense, heart, ?; 82. νοημον€ς ( νοεΐν ), discreet, β 282, 1/209. (Od.) Νοήμων, όνος, (1) a Lykian, slain by Odysseus, Ε 678.— (2) son of Phro- nios in Ithaka, δ 630, β 386.— (3) a Pylian, Ψ 612. ν6θος, ov, ην, (άνθος, ενηνοθε), ille- gitimate son, or, Ν 173, daughter. νομ€υς, ήες, τ/ας, masc, (νΙ/κω), pas- te r, sAepAerd, Ο 632; άνδρες, Ρ 65. νομ€ΰων, part., ipf. ενόμενε, (νομενς), ρ a S C e r e, pasture, t 2 1 7, 336. (Od.) Νομίων, father of Nastes and Am- phimnchos of Karia, Β 87 If. νομός, oil, φ, or, (νέμομαι), ρ as CUE, pasture, Ε 587 ; Ιττέων, fig. wide is the v(Sos 221 field of words, on this side, and on that, i. e. varied is their range of meaning, Τ 249 ; νλης, woodland pasture. v), (νότος), humidus, ntr., harbor water, roadstead, δ 785. 16 Νότος, ΟΙΟ, ου, (Ger. η e t ζ e η, η a s s), south wind, bringing rain, Β 145, y 295 ; άργεστάο, A 306, Φ 334. νους, see νύος. νοΰσος, φ, ov, fem., morbus, pe- s t i 1 e η t i a, sickness, disease, A 1 0. νυ(ν), enclitic, wozo ; νύ πεp,of course, just now ; Γ 164, doubtless, methinlcs; oh vv, surely not; τί νυ, quid tan- dem, why jpm?/.' νυκτβρίς, ίδες, fem., (ννξ), vesper- tilio, bat, μ 433 and ω 6. ννμψη, ης, y, ην, a, ai, άων, ψς, ας, (nub ο), bride, Σ 492; also of married woman still comparatively young, Γ 130. Νύμφη, goddess of subordinate rank. Nymph, e. g. Kaly pso, ε 153; Kirke, κ 543 ; Naiads, ν 107 ; mountain- nymphs, Ζ 420, ζ 123; offerings made to them, ρ 211, μ 318; Phaethusa and Lampetie, /u 132 ; κοΐψαι Αιός, ζ 105, νυμφίου, ίον, masc, (νύμφη), newly marHed, η 65 and ^ 223. νΰν (nunc), now, of present time, more or less protracted ; νυν δί], nunc iam, nunc tandem, now at this moment, just ηοιυ, Β 435 ; νυν αν, but now, ν 149 ; v. αίιτε, now on the contrary, now once more, A 237, £ 117; used with preterit tenses, Avhere an unexpected result discloses a truth at variance with one's previous sup- position, vvv if, nunc autem, but now, A 417. νΰ|, νυκτός, τί, τ{η) and νΰχθ', νύκ- τες, ών, ας — η ο χ, night, ace. with φυλάσσειν, ιανειν, watch, sleep the live- long night; νύκτας τε και ημαρ, noctu diuque; δια νύκτα, of space and time, Β 57 ; ανά νύκτα, νυκτός, Ιπι νυκτί, noctu , by night, ο 34 ; also fig. the night of death, Ε 310. As goddess, Night, S 259. νΰόν, οί, ους, fem., (σννσον, nu- rum, Schnur), nurus, sister-in-law, Γ 49. Νΰσηιον, τό, region about N'ysa, where Dionysos grew up, Ζ 133f, νύσσα, ης, y, fem,, meta, turning post, or pillar, round which the chariots turned, and returned to the starting- point, Ψ 332 ; elsewh, starting-point or line. νυσσών, οντες, pass, ομίνων, aor. νύζ,(εν), ας, prick, pierce, Π 704 ; esp. 222 |ίφθ5 with weapons, Μ 395; τινά τι, Υ 487, Λ 563. νώ, see νωι. . νωθής {νη- ΰθίσθαι?), iners, lazy, Λ 559|. νώι, nom., (νώι(ν) gen. dat., νώι, νώ ace. du., (nos), we (two); Π 99, νώιν, dat. νωΐτίρον, ην, of us both, Ο 39 and μ 185. νωλ€μ€5 {νη-ορψίς, ήρ'ψα ?), with- out pause, S 58 ; freq. with alti at the close of verse, χ 228 ; adv. νωλεμέως, unceasingly ; firmly, Δ 428. νωμάω, νωμ^ς, ^, ών, prs., ipf. Ινώ- μων, ας, α, νώμα, aor. νώμησεν, σαν, σαι, (νίμω), distribuere, dispen- sare, deal out, distribute, food and drink, A 471 ; ply, ττύδας καΙ yovvara ; hue illuc versare, handle, wield (weapons); hold, control, πόδα, the sheet; οϊηια, the rudder; esp, νΰον, ν 255, revolve; κφδεα, shrewd plans. νώνυμ.ος, ov, νωννμνονς, {νη-ϋνομά), inglorius, nameless, a 222, Μ 70. νώροΊΓΐ, «, (nero, άνηρ), only of χαλκός, manly, as man's defense, Β 578, Η 206, ω 467. νώτον, ov, ψ, a, οισι{ν), (nates) tergum, δαολ, also pi., cf. terga; back pieces, as best portions of meat at feast, Η 321 ; θαλάσσης, Β 159. νωχ€λίη, ry, (νη-ώκνς), inertiae, tarditati.sfoiA, Τ 411|. |aCv€LV (ξέω), comb or card wool, X 423t. ξανθός, φ, όν, η, ης, ην, άς, ά, (1) flavus, blond, fair; κάρη, fair coun- tenanced, ο 133; κόμης, A 197; τρί- χες, ν 399 ; of mortals and of Deme- ter. — (2) sorrel, of horses, A 680. Ηάνθος, (1) son of Phainops, a Tro- jan, Ε 152, slain by Diomedes. — (2) Son-el, name of one of the horses of Achilleus, Π 149; of Hektor, θ 185. — (3) (a) river in Lykia, flowing from Mount Tauros into the Mediterranean, Β 877 ; (b) another name for the Tro- jan Skamandros, Φ 15, S 434, Ζ 4. Personified as god of this stream, Υ 40, 74, Φ 146. iciviitov, α, (ζεΐνος), gift given by host to his guest on his departure, Κ 269 ; between host and guest, Ζ 218; hospi- t i u m, entertainment, Σ 408 ; ironically : hospitable return, t 370 ; recompense, χ 290 ; as adj. joined with δώρα, ω 273. |£ΐνίζ€ΐν (ξίΤνος), hospitio exci- pere, receive as guest, y 355 ; fut. ξεινίσσυμεν, aor. (^ΐ)ζείνισσα, e, and ξεινίσαι, σας, entertain. ξΐίνιος, ου, ov, and ξ^νιον, hospi- tal is, Zeus, protector of guests (stran- gers), Ν 625, t 271 ; τράπεζα, hospitqbk table, ξ 158; as subst. (sc. δώρον, α), gift bestowed upon the guest, ζείνιον, la, ξενίων, υ 296, ζ 404, ο 514; τταραθεΐ- ναι, δούναι. ξ€ΐνο-δ6κος, ον, φ, ον, οι, (δεκομαι), hospitable, άνήρ, ο 55 ; host, σ 64. ξ€Ϊνος, ΟΙΟ, ον, φ, ον, οι, ων, οισ{ιν), ονς, strange, άνθρωποι, πάτερ ; elsewh. as subst., hospes, stranger, guest, un- der the protection of Ζίΐ-ς ζείνιος; guest-friend, which relation existed from the time when ζεινήια, as pig- no ra, were exchanged ; hence heredi- tary, ττατρώ'ίος, Ζ 215. |€ΐνοσυνης, της, hospitality, φ 35. IcviT], ry, hospitio, entertainment, ω 286; μίζεσθαι, hospitio mutuo usuros, enjoy each the hospitality of the other, ω 314. ξένιος, see ξείνιος. |cp($v, TO, dry land, ε 402 f. ξέσσε, aor. from ζέω. ξ€0Γτοΰ, οΤο, ών, οΧσι, όν, (ξίω), hewn, polished, of cut stone, α\θονσαι , polished, τ 566. ξέω, ipf. c^cov, aor. ξεσσε{ν^. smooth, hew, polish, ψ 199, f 245. (Od.) ξηραίνω, only aor. pass. έ|ηράνΟη, was dried up, Φ 345. ξίφος, εος, t'i, ξΐ, ίίσσ(ι), (ξύω), ttoordt ξΰλον 223 Δ 530, λ 97 ; a two-edged sword, united by bands of dark metal {μιΚάν^τον) to the hilt {κώπ-ς, άργνμοηλφ), worn in a sheath {κονλεός) ; sword and sheath were suspended by a strap (τεΚαμών) passing over the shoulder. (See adja- cent cut.) [t] ξΰλον, α,Ψ 327, truncus, trunk of a tree; pi, ligna, wood. ξυλόχοιο, ψ, ov, thichet, jungle, Λ 415, 5 335. |υμ-, form used in compounds of βάλλω, πας, and |vv-, in composition with άγίίρω, άγννμι, άγω, δεω, ελαν- νω, εσεσθαι, εχω, ίίναι, ιεναι, — ζννεσις and Συνο- χή, see under σνμ-, συν-. |•υν-€€ίκοσι, twenty to- gether, ξ 98 f. |νν-€ηκ€, εηχ, ες, see σνν-ίημι. |•υνήια (ϊ,ννός), com- m u η i a, common property, A 124, Ψ 809. ξυνί», ων, see σνν- ίημι. ξυνιόντος, ζύνισαν, see σνν-ειμι. |ΰν05, ή, όν = κοινός, communis, common, Ο 193 ; Ένυάλιος, even- handed, changing. ξΰροΰ, ntr., (ξυω), επΙ — άκμης, is poised upon a razor's edge, hangs by a hair, in ipso discri- mine, Κ 173f. ξυστόν, φ, οΊσι, (Ενω), has tile, (polished) shaft of a spear ; νανμαχον, ship-pike. ζύω, ipf. ξ ,υον, aor. εζνσε, (ξέω), scrape, χ 456 ; make smooth, S 179. O. 0-, protheticum(=a copulat), see δτριχας, ΰττατρος, οΐετεας. ό, ή, τό, (Goth, sa, so, thata); pe- culiar forms : τοϊο, τοίιν, τοί, τοΧσι, ταί, τάων, τ^ς(ι), Ι. demonstr., (a) sim- ply pointing out, (1) substantively, A 9, 12, 29, 43, 55, 57, 58, Ο 539 ; τοΐσι μετεφη, spoke among them; εκ του, exinde, since then, ever since: ό δε. emphatic, accompanying not change of subj., but fresh act of same sub- ject, nearly =auroc δε, A 191; antici- patively, it indeed (the spear) no one thought of, to draw out = no one thought of drawing it out, Ε 665, Ο 599, Ρ 406 ; repeated in simile, Β 459. — (2) before an appositional subst. near- ly = hie ill e, indicating something as 224 oSaittv present, before one, known, etc., A 20, these things, as ransom, ν 215, A 33, ό -γέρων, he, the old man, A 637, All, ρ 10, A 207, 167 ; A 69, the handfuls (as eveiy one knows) fall; denoting opposition, Δ 399, λ 4, Κ 498, ι 375 ; with second of two substantives, χ 104, ι; 310; with the first of several apposi- tives, A 660 ; in arsis of first foot for emphasis, θ 388, τ 483, α 351 ; in clas- sification with μίν — ^έ, ξ 435, Ε 145, ^ 73 ; in antithesis often only in sec- cond member, Β 217, Ν 616.— (b) re- ferring back to what has already been mentioned, μ 201, A 33, γ 306; ύ di, after hypothetical relative sentence, λ 148 ; emphasizing the subject, Δ 491 ; with partitive division of numbers, Ε 272, — (c) calling attention to some- thing Avhich follows, before relative clause, Κ 322, ψ 28, ή> 42 ; after sub- stantive, especially in arsis of first foot, Δ 41, Ε 320, 1 631, κ 74.— II. individ- ualizing, fulfilling the proper function of the article, (a) rendering adj. sub- stantive, ρ 218, Π 53, ξ 12, A 576, Ψ 702, 325, 663, Φ 262, θ 430, Ψ 572 ; here belong also, A 613, το ττρίν, το πάρος, τά πρώτα ; never, in this use, before inf., Λvhich is to be construed as appositive of τό, e. g. harmful is this, to watch (cf. V 52, a 370) ; (b) pre- ceding the attribute, e. g. ό καλός τταΧς, Κ 536, S 376, Δ 42, λ 515, S 503, Ο 37, Κ 408, S 274; inversion of usual position of attribute, owing often to re- quirements of metre, e. g. ό πάΐς κταλός, Φ 31 7, A 340, λ 492 ; (c) preceding the appositive (but only once expressed), X298,A288, £;213; with pron., i? 223, θ 211 (rarely after demonstr., σ 114, r 372, β 351); with gen. of poss. pron. only I 342 ; with πάς, ν 262, ω 79, etc. ; ό αυτός, rarely, η 55, 326, cf. θ 107; (d) expressing possession or propriety, otm, proper, A 142, λ 492, θ 195, A 763, ο 218, λ 339. 8, ή, τ<5, esp. freq. forms beginning with Γ, pr. relat., a 300, β 262 ; ot τοί, ζ 153; rat τ(,μ 63; ore, quicunque, whoever, μ 40; since Ae, A 412; δ τις, a 47, ρ 53 ; Ty πίρ, in which very way, θ 510; TO μίν,Α 234. όίρων, ώρεσσιν, fern., (οσαρ-, cf. όρ- μος, sermo), uxorum, ibus, toives, I 327, Ε 486. όαρίζ€Τον, ζίμιναι, ipf. οάριζε, (ΰαρ, sermo), chat, τινί; converse familiarly, Ζ 516, Χ 127 sq. όαριστης, ό, {όορίζω), bosom friend, τ 179t. όαριστυς, νν, fem., (^υαρίζω), famil- iar converse, πάρφασις, fond discourse, beguiling the mind, etc., S! 216 ; iron. intercourse, combat, ττολίμον, προμάχων. όβ€λοΐσ(ι), ους, masc, veru, spit, A 465. (See cuts under πίμπώβοΧα.) όβρΐμο-6ρ76ς) or, (Fipyov), imma- nia exsequens, worker of monstrous deeds, impious, Ε 403 and X 418. όβριμο-ττάτρη, ης, daughter of the mighty father, Ε 747, y 135. δβριμος, ov (f), incorrectly Λvritten ΰμβρ. Γ 357, (βρίθω), mighty, of Ares, Ο 1 12, Ν 444 ; of heroes, θ 473, Τ 408 ; of things, ponderous, heavy, Γ 357, Δ 453, άχθος, ι 233 ; θυρών, t 241. όγδοάτω, την, γ 306, Τ 246, and όγδοος, ον, octavus, eighth; όγδώ- κοντά, octoginta, eighty, Β 568. ογε» Vyfi Toyt, (see yt), freq. with slight force which can not be given in translation, A 65, 93, 68, 97.— (1) as outward sign, indicating an antithesis, Ρ 122; αντάρ, A 226, Μ 40, Ψ 35.— (2) in second member of antithesis, (a) referring to what has gone before, Μ 239, S 789, A 190; in first member of antithesis, recapitulating, β 132, y 90, ί 821 ; i' oyf, A 226, Ρ 130 ; special cases : Ν 8, 395, Ο 392, 479, 710; after άρα, Η 169, I 511, χ 329, 379; after recapitulating pron. or adv., Ν 88, 94, 538; ώς, A136,M 171; idem, A 478, Π 455 ; (b) pointing forward, jc 91 ; in simple anticipation, A 120, ζ 182, ξ 119 ; in opposition to what has gone before, τ 283, π 470. δγκιον, τό, (ο-γκος), iron-hashet, basket or chest for containing iron, φ 6\f. όγκοι, ους, masc, (u η c u s), barbs of arrow, Δ 151. (11.) δγμου, ov, ονς, masc, (άγω), lira, furrow; Σ 552, 557, swcUh made by mower or reaper. *0γχη<ΓΓ<5ς, town on Lake Kopais in Boiotia, with grove of Poseidon, Β 506. δγχνη, y, ην, at, ας, fem., pirus, pear-tree; but also pirum, pear, η 120. (Od.) όδαίων, ntr. pi. gen., (οδός), freight, cargo, θ 163 and ο 445. όδάξ 225 ;e€v όδάξ, adv., {^άκνω), vAth the teeth, \άζίσΒαι, ίλον yaiav, ουύας, bite the ground, of slain in combat, X 17; iv χίίλίσι φυντο, bit their lips in Avrath. δδβ, ηδε, τάδε, dat. pi. τοϊσδί and τοίσδ6σ(σ)ι, pron. dem., hie, this, points out what lies before one, Γ 192, θ 403; vet not yet named or known, Γ 166, 226 ; of. οντος, Γ 178, 200, 229, Τ 8, — (1) referring to the speaker, π 205, α 76, Τ 140; and to what falls within his familiar horizon, e. g. house, α 232 ; city, η 26 ; land, ο 484 ; people, cf. French ceans, English, these here, β 317, τ 372, ο 388, 429; in widest, most general sense, χ 154, Ζ 326, θ 237, A 257, S 3, ρ 158, θ 197, Β 324, ω 444. — (2) refemng to that which is present in widest sense, ν 116, θ 541, Φ 155, Ω 765 (usually following its subst. ) ; yet ήδε οδός, τόδε κακόν, μ 216; that in \vhich the speaker feels a lively interest, γ 56, δ 94, β 280, A 127, 134; emphatically of that which is absent, a 185 ; τόδε {δεϊψο), here, \κάνω, ρ 444 ; explanatory, τψδ' επί θνμφ. — (3) pointing out Avliat is to fol- low, δ 486, Kill; esp. τόδε, referring to : inf., Ο 509, a 376 ; indirect ques- tion, Η 393 ; substantive clause intro- duced by that, ν 333, χ 350, A 41 ; hy- pothetical sentence, Ο 208; μη, ττ 291; ώς, ρ 242 ; relative clause, θ 564, σ 221, Α 110, Β 274; freq. where there is an asyndeton, β 93, ρ 274, Β 301, Ο 36; yap, β 162,Π238.— (4) special phrases : ηδε δε μοι κατά θνμόν άριστη φαίνετο βονλη, t 318, 424, Β 5, Κ 17; ευ γάρ εγώ τόδε οίδα, with asyndeton, ο 211; άλλ' άγε μοι τόδε είπε, with following question, α 169, Κ 384, α 206, Ω 380. 6δ€υ£ΐν, inf., (όίός), ire, go, iiri νήας, Λ 569t. Όδίος, (1) leader of the Halizones, slain by Agamemnon, Β 856, Ε 39, — (2) herald of the Greeks, I 170. όδ-ΐτης, ai, άων, masc, (^όδός, εΙμι), wayfarer, λ 127 ; also άνθρωττος, ivend- ing his way, Π 263, ν 123. όδμή, ην, fem., odor, smell, fra- grance, Ξ 415, ι 210. όδοί-τΓορον, masc, {^Γεpάv'),wayfarer, (fellow) traveler, Ω 375 f, hence όδοι- ττόριον, ntr., reward fur the journey (feast), 506|. όδ05, οΤο, αν, φ, όΐ', OVC, fem., (1) way, journey, Lat. iter, A 151, as envoy; expeditio, γ 288, ξ 235 ; also by sea, β 273; ηρχε δ' ΰδοω, she began the way, took the lead ; ττρήσσειν δδοω, accomplish the vxiy, leave it behind. — (2) path, road, via, δ 389, cf ττ 138; Ίτητηλασιη, carriage - road ; λαοφόρον, highway ; προ οδοΰ εγένοντο, pro- gressed on their way. οδούς, όδόντι, a, τες, ων, ονσι, όντας, masc, dens, tooth, τ 450; λενκφ, τ 393. όδυνη, y, αι, άων, yni, ας, (^δνη?), dolor, pain, Λ 398, Ε 417; animi== sorrow, a 242, β 79 ; Ο 25, Ήρακλήος, grief for Herakles. όδΰνη-φατον, α, (φενω), pain-assuag- iw^, Ε401. (II.) όδνρομαι, εαι, εται, εο, and part., ipf. όδνρετο, οντο, (οδύνη ?), lamentari, grieve, mourn, Χ 79, a 55, θ 577, στο- va\y τε γό^ rf ; τινός, for any one, Ψ 224, ξ 40; τινί, conqueri apud, la- ment before, δ 740 ; Β 290, lamenting to each otiier, they desire to return home ; mm.m for, deplore, c ο m m i s e r a r i, Τ 345, δ 100, ν 379. Όδυσηιος, σ 353, adj. from Όδυσ- (σ)6ΰς, (σ)σ^ος, σεος, αενς ; σηι, σεΊ ; σσηα, σσία, ση, Odysseus, son of Laer- tes and Ktimene, king of Kephallenes, inhabiting Ithaka, Same, Zakynthos, Aigilops, Krokyleia, and a strip of opposite mainland, husband of Pe- nelope, father of Telemachos ; for Ho- meric explication of his name, see τ 407 ; the shreΛvd, much-tried hero of the Odyssey, πολύτροπος, πολνμητις, always able to evade danger by strata- gem, and esp. conspicuous for his self- control, όδύσσομαι, aor. ώδΰσαο, ατ(6), aor. όδνσαντο, part, σσάμενος, oio, pf. όδώ- δνσται, irasci, odisse, be angry uith, hate, τινί; pf. pass., ε 423, mi hi ira- tus sit. όδώδ€ΐ, see υζω ; όδώδυσται, see όδύσσομαι; δΐσσι» see όις. όζος, φ, ον, οι, οισιν, ους, shoot, twig, Ζ 39, Κ 467, Π 768 ; 'Άρ7]ος, scion of Ares, epithet of daring heroes, Β 540, 745. υζω, only plupf. όδώδ», give out a smell, transl. was exhaled ; f r a g r a b a t, £ 60 and ι 210. o0€v (ος), unde, whence, Β 307, Δ 58, 8000 226 οΙκ69εν :; 131; also with personal antecedent, γ 319. 8Θ(Ϊ) (ος), ubi, where, Β 572, 722; also further defined by follg. preposi- tion, λ 191, ξ 533; — τΐ, introductory 'to a general description, where also, a 50, μ 3 ; — ΤΓφ, ξ 532, even where ; και — , only t 50. [υθΊ, Δ 516.] δθομ.αι, irai, ipf. u9ir(o), (υθνος, odium), always Avith negation, non respicio, heed, A 181; τινός, trouble one's self about, usually with inf., with part., Ε 403. όθονέων, yoiv, ας, fern., βηβ linen, Γ 141, Σ 595, of women's garments; a toeb, or piece of fine linen, j^ 107. Όθρΰον€υς, ηος, Trojan ally from Kabesos, Ν 363, 370, 374, 772. ot, sibi, ei, see ου. ola, see οίος. οίγννμι, aor. ^ξ€, and ώ'ίξε, αν, οίζασα, pass. ipf. ώίγνυντο, aperire, open, θύ- ρας, ΊτυΚας ; but γ 392, olvov, broach the wine. οίδα, ας, ε, see ΕΙΔ, IV. οΐδάνει (οίδίω), swells, (enrages), I 554, νόον; pass, οίδάνεται κραδίη χόλφ, swells with wrath, I 646. οΐδέω, ipf. uSee, had all his body swollen, χρόα, ε 455|. Οίδιττόδης, ΟΙδιΐΓ(ίδαο, Oidipus, λ 271, Ψ• 679, son of Laios and Epi- kaste, father of Eteokles, Polyneikes, and Antigone. οΐδμ.ατι, τφ, ntr., (οίδεω), swell of the sea, billow, Φ 234 and Ψ 230. οΐ6Τ€ας, ace. pi., {οίετης, ο-Ρετης), of equal age, Β 765f. όιζυρ6ς, οϋ, οίο, όν, οίσι, αί, comp. •ώτερον, Ρ 446 ; sup. -ώτατον, ε 105 ; (οιζύς), miser, wretched, A 417, γ 95. όιζύς, νος, νϊ η 270, νν, fem., (οι, vae), miseria, aerumna, woe, suf- fering, misery, Ζ 285, S 480, Ο 365, 35. όίζΰ€, imp., ipf. όιζύομεν, aor. part. όιζϋσας, (όιζνς), endure hardship, la- ment, suffer, TTtpi τίνα, circa; άμψί Tivi, propter ; κακά, perpeti, 2ί 89. οΐήΐον, α, ntr., (οϊσω, Ροιήιον), tiller, then in Avider signif. rudder, ι 483 ; usually pi, because the Homeric ships had two rudders, μ 218. (Cf. follow- ing cuts and No. 64.) οΐήκεσσί) dat. pi., (οϊσω), rings in the yoke through which the reins passed, Q 269t. (Cf. cuts Nos. 49 Λ, 10, 84/. οΐκαδ€ (old ace. form with δε), do- mum, homeward, home, hence freq. = to one's house, tent ; with verbs of mo- tion, A 19, 170, Β 154, 236, Γ 72, Δ 103, Η 79, 1 418, β 176, δ 701, ε 108, η 326, κ 484, λ 132, ν 169, ο 431. οΊκενς, οΐκήΐ, ρ1. οίκήες, ων, ας, (οί- κος), inmates of house, Ζ 366; servants, Ε 413. οΙκ4ο]ί€ν (οίκος), habit am us, in- habit, dwell, ζ 204 ; ipf. φκει, t 200 ; ψκεον, Υ 218 ; pass. οΊκ'εοιτο, Δ 18, δβ inhabited ; aor. φκηθεν, settled. οΐκί(α), τά, (οίκος), domic ilium, abode; ναίων, habitans, dwelling, Ζ 15, Η 221; 'Ελλάδι, Π 595; nidus, nest, Μ 168, Π 261, Μ 221; dwelling of Aides, Υ 64. Όικλείης, ο 244, son of Antiphates, father of Amphiaraos. oUaOcv (οίκος), from home, A 632; de suo (de re familiari), U 364. OlKoCl 227 οιν6ω οΐκοθΐ (οΊκος), d om i, αί home, θ 513. φ 398 ; of like signif. οϊκοι (locative from οΊκος), A 113, θ 324. oiKovSc ( οίκος ), d ο m u m, Twme ; άγεσθαι, the bride, ζ 159 ; to women's apartment, a 360, φ 354 ; homeward, Β 158. οίκος, ΟΙΟ, ov, ψ, ov, at, ων, ονς, masc., (ΡοΊκος, vicus), house, domus and domicilium, Ο 498; roof,abode, ι 478, ω 208; tent, Ω 471 ; i-oom, ν 105; hall, τ 598; household, β 45, η 68, ο 375; res familiaris, sw^stonce, /3 48, ρ 455, r 161, /3 238. οΙκτ€ίρων, aor. ώκτίψΐ, (οίκτος), m i- sereri,pity, Ψ 548, Ω 516. οίκτιστος, see οικτρός. oXktos, masc., (οϊ), ίλε (τινάς), mi- sericordia tetigit {eos),pitt/, (5 81, ω 438. οΙκτρός, comp. -ότερ(α), sup. -οτάτην and οίκτίστφ, ov, (οίκτος), miserabi- Us, pitiable, A 242, λ 381, 421, X 76, μ 258: οίκτρ{ά) όλο^ύρεσθαι, miser a- biliter lamentari, κ 409; οίκτιστα θάνοαν, miserrime morerentur, Χ472. οΙκ-ωφ6λίη (οίκος, όφίλλω), bettering one's estate, thrift, ξ 223f . 'OlXcvs, ήος, (1) king in Lokris, father of the lesser Aias and of Me- don, Ν 697, Ο 333, Β 727, see Aias.— (2) charioteer of Bienor, slain by Aga- memnon, Λ 93. Hence Όιλιαδης, Aias, Μ 365, Ν 712, S 446, Π 330, Ψ 759. οΐμα, juar(a), ntr., (οΊσω), impetus, spnng, swoop, Π 752, Φ 252. οίμάω, aor. οιμησ€(ν), irruit, dart upon, X 308, ω 538 ; μετά πελειαν, in columbam, stvoop after a dove, X 140. οίμης, pi. ας, (εΐμι), song, lay, θ 481, χ 347 ; θ 74, cuius cantici gloria. οΐμοι, pi. masc, {εΐμι), stripes, bands, Λ 24t. οΙμωγη, ϊ;^, y, fem., (οίμώζω), la- mentatio, cry o/'^ne/', X 409; δέδηε, resounds, ν 353. οίμώζω, aor. ωμ(ι)ξ€, opt. οίμώξειε, part, οΐμώζας, (οΐμοι, vae mihi), la- mentari, aloud, with loud voice (μέγα), wail, lament; σμερδαΧέον, bit- terlv; ίλεανά, pitiably, Μ 162, Κ 522, Χ 33, Ψ 12, t 506. ΟΙνείδης, son of Oineus, Tydeus, Ε 813, Κ 497; Οινεύς, ί/ος, son of Portheus, king of Kalydon in Aitolia, husband of Althaia, father of Tydeus and of Meleagros, guest friend of Bel- lerophontes ; Artemis, in anger, sends upon his teiritory the Kalydonian boar, Β 641, Ζ 216, 1 535, S 117. οινίζ€σ66, imp. prs., ipf. οίνίζοντο, (οίνος), supply one's self with tcine, θ 506, Η 472, θ 546. οίνο-βαρείων, part., (βαρνς), heavy or drunk with wine, t 374, κ 555,

-. I — Ε 894), οϊω, mid. όίομαι^ εαι, rat, etc., opt. οΊοιτο, ipf. ώίετο, aor. ύίσατο, pass, ώίσθην, βη, έισθείς (ό/ι'ω, opinor ?), su s γιο or, suspect, τί, τάδε, γόον (βνμός) ; often parenthetical, like Lat. opinor, 7Γ 309; ihitd; intend, mean, A 170, 296. Construed with, (1) οίωνιστης 229 ολλυμι ace. and inf., A 59, 170, 204, 289, 427, 558, Ω 727, γ 27, χ 215, A 78, Τ 334, a 173, χ 210; subject to be supplied from context, a 201, 323, ζ 173, ο 173, 278, 7Γ 372, Μ 66, 217, Ο 292, Υ 195, κ 193. — (2) with inf. where subj. re- mains unchanged, A 296, Ζ 341, Φ 92, θ 180, τ 215, Δ 12, Ο 728, γ 581, 91. —(3) ace, χ 159, β 351, χ 165 ; with attraction, γ 255, υ 224. — (4) όίσατο κατά θνμόν μη . . . άμψράσσαιτο, η e . . . agnosceret, there rose in his mind the apprehension lest, etc., r 390. — (5) impers., r 312, άλλα μοι ώδ' ανά θνμόν όίεται ώς ίσεταί περ. οίωνιστης, ην, masc, (οιωνός), under- standing the flight of birds, Ν 70 ; else- where as subst. οίωνο-ττόλων, gen. pi., (ττολέω), au- gur um, occupied with flight of birds, seers, A 69 and Ζ 76. οιωνός, ψ, όν, οι, ων, οΧσι(ν), ους, (avis), bird of prey, γ 271; coupled with κύνες, γ 259 ; bird of omen, δεξιός, seen in the east, auspicious quarter, ο 531; omen, the one best omen is, etc., Μ 243. όκνείω, prs., ipf. ψκνεον, (ΰκνος), with inf., dubitare, shrink, Ε 255 and Υ 155. oKvos, φ, masc, (cunctari), in- ertia, sluggishness, Ε 8 1 7. (II.) όκριόωντο, ipf., (όκριάω, from όκριό- εις), — πανθνμαδόν, exasperaban- tur, were hot with furious passion, σ 33f . όκρΐΟ€ντι, τα (θ), (άκρος), having sharp corners or points, jagged, rugged, θ 327, Π 735,1499. όκρυόεντος, οίσσης, (κρύος), hor- rendi, ae, chilling, hornble, I 64 and Ζ 344. όκτά-κνημα, adj. ntr. pi., (κνήμη), eight- spoked, Ε 723f, of Avheels, as in adjoining cut, from a painting on a Panathenaic amphora found at Vol- sci. οκτώ, octo, eight, Β 313, χ 110; όκτω-κaιδεκάτy, duodevicesima die, £ 279, η 268, ω 65. όλβιό-δαιμον, voc, (όλβιος), blessed by the deity, Γ 182. όλβιος, ov, ov, 6, 01, (όλβος), beatus, blessed, λ 450, ρ 354 ; rich, σ 138 ; pi. όλβια, blessings (in their lives), η 148 ; ποιησειαν, may they bless ! ν 42. δλβος, φ, ov, masc, wealth; y 208, good fortune. o\c£(r6ai, όλεεσκε, see όλλνμι. όλεθριον (όλεθρος) ήμαρ, day of de- struction, Τ 294 and 409. όλεθρος, ov, φ, ov, (όλλνμι), pern ί- ο i e s ; αίπνς, sheer, utter ruin ; ψυχί/ς, vitae discrimen, most ^e?-i7ows spot to life, X 325 ; πείρατα όλέθρον, de- struction's net ; Ω 735, a wretched fate. όλεΐται, see όλλνμι. όλεκουσι, prs. with part., ipf, όλεκον, iter, όλεκεσκεν, pass. prs. όλέκονται, ipf. όλεκοντο, (όλλνμι), perdere, pes- sumdare, destroy, θ 279, χ 305, Π 17, A 10. όλεσαι, ας, σσαι, σσας, όλεσθαι, see όλλνμι. όλβτηρα, τόν, (όλλνμι), destroyer, Σ 114|. όλιγη-•7Γ€λ€ων, εονσα, swooning, Ο 245 ; infirma, Γ 356. όλιγη-ΤΓίλίης, της, (ττελομαΐ), weak- ness, faintness, ε 468 f. όλίγιστος, see ολίγος. όλΐγο-δρανεων, part., (δράν), able to do but little, feeble, Ο 246. (II.) ολίγος, ov, φ, ov, οισι, η, ης, y, ην, ov, sup. όλίγιστος, Τ 223, paullus, b re- vis, ex igu us, iiiife, small; τΓΪδαξ, fee- ble flowing ; όττί, feeble ; ntr. ολίγον, pauUum, rt little, Ρ 538, θ 547 ; with comp., ρ a u 1 1 o, δ^ little, Τ 217; ολίγον, paene, almost, ξ 37; super., Τ 223, scanty shall be the reaping. Όλιζών, town in Magnesia in Thes- saly, Β 717|. όλισθάνω, aor. δλκτθε, (for όγλισθά- νω, Ger. glitschen), slipped and fell, Ψ 774 ; with εκ, Υ ΑΊΟ, fell from him. όλλνμι, part, όλλΰς, νντων, τας, ολλνσαι, fut. όλέσω, σσεις, σσει, aor. ώλεσα, ας, (εν), σσαν and όλεσσε(ν), σσαν, subj. σσyς, y, σωσιν, opt. σείε, δλμον 230 όμίλεΐν imp. σσον, inf. σσα<, part, σσας, σαντ(α), τ(ς, σασα, perdere, pessum dare, delere, interimere, destroy, Mil, amittere, foae, θυμόν, μένος, Λ 83, θ 449 ; pass. mid. prs. όλλνμενοι^ ων, ους, άων, ipf. δ\λυντ(ο), fut. όλΰται, όλέεσθε, σθαι, aor. όλόμην, ΰλεθ' = τ{ο), οντο and ώλεο, ώΧετο, subj. υλωμαι, ΰληαι, ται, ωνται, opt. οισθε, inf. έσθαι, see ονλύμενος, perire,/?emA, υπό τινι ; with ace. of manner of death, etc., μό- pov, όίτον, όλεθρψ ; with dat. of means, δόλψ ; also pf. όλωλας, εν, y, and plupf. όλώλίί, per lit, etc., Ω 729, Κ 187. δλμον, τόν, (βολμ., volvo), smooth round stone, quoit, A 147|. όλοιή, 7/σι, dat. pi., (όλοός), pern ι- οί ο s a, destructive, deadly, X 5, A 342, όλολτ5γη, ry, (ολολύζω, ululare), wiih a loud cry, Ζ 301 f. οΧοΧΰζω, aor. όλ6λυξ€, αν, ai, always of female voices, ululare, lametit cdoud, δ 767; eiulare, rejoice aloud, χ 408,411. όλόμην, see οΧΚυμι. όλοοί-τροχος, masc, {ΡολΡοι-, vol- vo-), rolling stone, round rock, Ν 137|. όλοάς, olo, φ, όν, οϊς ; η, ης, ην, yς, ας; ά, comp. ώτερος, sup. ώτατος, τε, (ϋλλυμι), perniciosus, destroying, of gods. Μοίρα, Κηρ ; of men and things, Γ 133, Ω 39, Χ 5, Π 849 ; κηρ, sae- vum ; but κηρ' = Κ^ρα, saevam. Όλοοσσών, όνος, town on river EuiOtas in Thessaly, situated on white cliffs, Β 739 f. όλο6-ψρων, όνος, (φρην), baleful, savage, stem, saevus, Β 723, α 52. όλοψυδνέν (όΧοφύρομαι?), pitiful, doleful, miserabile, ΙτΓος, Ε 683, τ 362. όλοψύρομαι, εαι, etc., prs. aor. όλοψν- ραο, aro, lam entari, miserari, ita?/, lament, pity, πολλά, much, οΐκτρ{ά), piteously, αίνά, dreadfully, pitiably, ν 221, Γ 543; freq. with ττροσηνδα, Λ 815, λ 472, κ 265, cf. Ο 114; with inf., χ 232 (cf. όκνεΊν), bewail that thou must be brave before the suitors ; τινός (U.), miser evi,feel pity, Π 17, X 170; τινά, miserari, show pity, Ω 328, κ 157, τ 522. όλο-ψώΐα (φάος, salus?), perni- ciosa, destructive, οηνεα; subst, tciVei, ί 410. *Ολυμ'π•Χάδ€ς, Β 49 If, Muses, cf. Όλύμ-ΐΓίος, 01, a, A 583, 399, 18, Olymr•' pian, inhabiting Οΰλυμπος or "Ολυμ- πος, Olympus, the mighty mountain, dwelling of gods, on left bank of river Peneios in Thessaly, penetrating with its snow-capped peaks into the upper αίθηρ; άγάννιφος, αίγλήεντος, αίπύν, θεών εδος, μακρός, ττολντΓτύχου. όλύρας, τάς, {άλέω ?), a kind of grain not unlike barley, Ε 196 and θ 564. δλωλ€, see υλλνμι. ομαδησαν, aor. from όμαδεω, (ομα' δος), made a din, a 365. (Od.) δμάδος, φ, ov, masc, (όμός), noise, din, strictly of many voices, also of battle- cry, κ 556. (11.) Ισομάδφ, Ρ 380 ?] ομαλών ΤΓοίησαν, levigabant, made smooth, ι 327|. όμ-αρτέων, part, prs., aor. ησειεν, ησανθ' = ήσαντε, τες, (υμοΰ, άρτιος'), meet, keep pace with, ν 87; comitari, attend, Ω 438 ; encounter, Μ 400. opapry, see apapry. ομβριμος, -πάτρη, false reading for οβριμος, όβριμοττάτρη. δμβρος, ψ, ov, masc, (imber, μνρε- σθαι?), imber, rain, also of heavy snow-fall, Μ 286. όμείται, fut. from όμνυμι. 6μ-ηγ€ρ€€ς, έεσσι, (ομοϋ, άγείρω), as- sembled together, Ο 84. • όμ-ηγυρίσασθαι, aor. from -ηγυρί- ζομαι, (άγυρις), congregare, convoke, π 376t. όμήγΰριν, την, concionem, assem- bly, Υ 142t. όμ-ηλικίη, ης, y, ην, (υμον, ηλιζ), sameness of age, Ύ 465; aequales, (collective), those of like age, Γ 175, Ν 485; also aequalis, companion, ζ 23, χ 209. όμ-ήλικα, ες, ας, (ομον, ηλιζ), aequalis, τινός, of like age toith, τ 358. όμ-ηρεω, aor. ώμήρησε, (άραρεΧν), μοι, met me, π 468f . όμίλαδάν, adv., (ομΐΚος), caterva- tim, in crowds, Μ 3. (II.) όμ1λ€ΐν, prs., ipf. όμ'ιλει, εομεν, εον, aor. ώμιΧησα, ίισωσι, ήσειεν, ησηντες, (όμιλος), introduce 07ie's self among, as- sociate Tcith (ενί, μετά, τταρά), τισιν, ττ 271; versari inter, cum, σ 167; manus conserere, meet in battle, Ν 779 (μετά), τισιν; throng about, περί τίνα, Π 641, ω 19. 5ρ.Ιλος 231 ομ-ωνυμοι όμιλος, ον, φ, ον, masc, (υμον, είλέω^, crowd, throng, 'ίτητων re και άντρων, etc. ; tumult of battle, ύμίλψ, Φ 606; armi/, host, Κ 231 (in camp or otherwise), λ 514; then acervus, coetus, mass, company, ο 328, π 29. ομίχλη, ην, (μιχ), nebula, cloud, A 359, Γ 10; κονίης, dust-cloud. (II.) δμμα, τ(α), σι, ntr., {ώμμαι, perf. from όράω), oc-ulus, eye, A 225, A 614; θ 349, better οΊματ'. ομνΰθι, from ϋμννμι ; also from ομνύω, όμνν'ίτω, imp. prs., and ipf. ώμνυε ; fut. όμονμαι, ίΐται, aor. ώμοσα, ε, σαμεν, elsewh. όμ-, also with σσ, iurare, swear,• alicui, τινί (προς τίνα), ορκον ; affirm by oath, swear, iure iurando affirmare, τι; or with inf. as object, 7) μέν, A 76, μή, 1 132, ψ 585, β 373; ace. with inf. μη- TTOT, τ 127, cf. ^ 332; Avith inf. fut. aor. and perf. according to the sense ; swear by a thing, τινά, Ο 40. όμο--γά(Γτριος, ον, (γαστηρ), ger- manus, brother by the same mother, own brother, Φ 95 ; κασίγνητος, Ω 47. όμόθεν, ίξ — , = εξ όμοΰ, from the same (root or spot), ε 477f. όμοιος, ον, οι, η, τ/ς•, y, ην, αι, ας, {ίίμα, similis, Ger. samt, Eng. same), idem, same, π 182 ; with οϋ, A 278; Μ 270, similis, like, similar, τινί, in something, ri or tv πολεμφ, or θέειν, also with other infs. ; in abbreviated comparisons, β 121, Ρ 51 ; Ψ 632, equal, distinguish from follg. όμοιΐον and ομοΊΐον, maJcing like, breaking down distinctions, shared by all alike, ω 543. ΰμοωω, only aor. pass. όμοιω6ημ€ναι αντην, A 187, match himself face to face; μητιν,ιη shrewdness, γ 120. όμόκλα, ipf. from υμυκλάω = -κλεω, ipf. όμοκλεομεν, εον, aor. ϋμοκλήσειε, etc.. and iter. κλ}ΐσασκε,(καλε'ιν, κελεύω), call out to, exclaim, Σ 156; Υ 448, Ε 439, δεινά; Ω 248, iubere, com- mand, r 155; with inf., ω 173; ace. with inf., Π 714. όμο-κλτ], ην, al, fem., (ΰμοκλαν), loud call, Μ 413 ; commands, ρ 189. όμο-κλητηρο«, τον, (όμοκλή), one wL• calls out aloud; άκουσας, hearing the call, cry, Μ 273 and Ψ 452. όμόργννμι, ipf. όμέργνν, mid. ώμόρ- γννντο, aor. όμορζάμενος, or, ην, (mer- ge re), toipe off; οάκρνα, his tears; παρειάων,άο, genis, from his cheeks, Σ 124. όμός, ον, όν, η, y, ην, (α/χα, simul, similis, Ger. sam, samt, Eng. same), idem, same, A 437, κ 41; communis, common, Ν 333. όμ6σας, etc., see υμννμι, iurare. όμ6σ-Ε {ύμός), eodem, together, Μ 24 and Ν 337. όμο-στιχα€ΐ (στείχω) βόεσσιν,ητίΆ cum bobus incedit, keeps pace with, Ο 635t. όμό-τΐμον, masc, (τιμή), equally hon- ored, entitled to equal honor, Ο 186t. όμοΰ (ΰ μυς), together, Δ 122, λ 573; simul, alike, at once, A 61, A 245, μ 67 ; una cum, νεψέεσσιν. όμο-ψρονεοις, έοντε, du. part., {φρο- ν'εω), be of one mind, ι 456 ; νοήμασι, in unity of purposes, ζ 183. όμο-ψροσΰνην, γσι, fem., (ομόφρων), Concordia, ζ 181; familiaritas, intimacy, 198. όμό-ψρονα (φρην) θνμόν, having like desire, harmonious, X 263f. όμωθήναι,, aor, pass, from υμόω — φιλότητι, to be united in love, S 209 f. 6μψαλ6€ν, Ω 269, with a knob or cap (see cut No. 5) ; όμφαλοέσσης, αν, αι, ας, (ομφαλός), ornamented with studs, τ 32, or with a singL• great boss, with corresponding deep concavity in in- terior (see cuts Nos. 17, 121). (II.) όμψαλάς, ου, όν, οΊ, (1) umbilicus, navel, A 525, Φ 180.— (2) Lat. umbo, boss or projection oft centre of shield, ending in a button or point ; pi., studs upon shield serving as ornament, Λ 34. — (3) a knob ox pin on the centre of the yoke (see cut No. 49, «), also among the Assyrians (see cut No. 55), while the Egyptians ornamented each end of the yoke with a ball of brass (see cut on next page), Ω 273. — (4) in wider signif., middle point, centre, θα- λάσσης, a 50. (II.) ομψακες, ai, {άν-, φαγεΧν ?), unripe grapes, η 125f. όμψη, ης, y, fem., {Ρέπος,\θχ), voice, θεών, r 129; θεοϋ, y 215; also cf dream, Β 41 (see ττανομφαως); always of divine prophetic voices. όμ-ώνϋμοι, pi., (όνομα), cognomi- nes, having the same name, Ρ 720t. ojiws 232 όνομάζοι όμως (όμός), (1) together, ττάντες, S 775. — (2) alike, at once, also, Ρ 644, κ 28, ν 405; with dat. = pariter ac, equally as, just as, Ε 535. δμ,ως (ύ/ιώς), tamen, yei, Μ 393|. δναρ, ro, s omnium, dream, vision, Κ 496 ; opp. νπαρ, reality, τ 547, ν 90. ov6iap, όνίΐάθ' = ovtiara, ntr., (ori- νημή, protector, defense, X 433 ; relief, refreshment, δ 444; pi., ricA presents, Ω 367 ; eh&wh. food, victuals. ovciSciov, οισ{ιν), (όνειδος), reproach- ful, μνθον, iirktaaiv, Φ 393; without ΐπ., reproaches, X 497. 6ν£ΐδίζων, aor. 2 sing, ονείδισας, imp. -ίσοι/, (ύί/ίΐίος), reproach, ίπεσιν ; τινί τι, I 34, or 'ότι, Β 255, censure; expro- brare, cast in one's teeth, σ 380. δνβιδος, εα, εσι, ntr., (Goth, naiteins, neith, Ger. Neid), probrum, re- proach, pi. κατ χεϋαν μητερι, χ 463, have covered (overwhelmed) my moth- er with reproach ; Π 498, matter of re- proach, disgrace. όνΐίρατα, see υνεφος. όν£ΐρ€ίησι, fern, adj., (ΰνειρος), ίν — TTvXyoi, at the portals of dreams, δ 809. όν€ΐρο-ΐΓ<ίλοιο, ov = (ονειροπόλου μέ- νος), A 63, interpreter of dreams. δν€ΐρος, ύ, (το ΰνειρον, δ 841), ψ, ον, (, οι, ων, ους, and τά όν€ίρατ(α), υ 87, (ΰναρ), somnium, dream,B 6, 8, 16; in simile, of disembodied spirits, λ 207, 222 ; represented as a people located j on the way to Aides, ω 12 ; they come to mortals through two gates, τ 562 ' sqq., cf. δ 809. όνήμενος, υνησα, see όνίνημι. όνησιος, της, (υνησις, όνίνημι), άν- τίάσίΐίν, would that he might have such a portion of prosperity, i. e. none what- ever, φ 402 f. Όνητορίδηξ, γ 282, Phrontis. Όνητωρ, priest of Idaean Zeus ; his son Laogonos, Π 604. δνθος, ov, ov, masc, fimus, dung, Ψ 775. [Ψ] όνίνησι, fut. ησει, ειν, aor. ώνησας, εν, αν, and όνησα ; mid. fut. όιτησεαι, εται, όμεθ{α), 2 aor. imp. υνησο, part. όνήμενος, (cf. ώνος), iuvare, help, aid, cheer, θ 467 ; τινά, A 395, 503, Κ 67 ; by Avhat means, τινί, A 503; μέγα, multum, Ω 45; τοΐ)το, in this; mid. iuvari, ov θνμόν, have profit in his ΟΛνη soul, Η 173; frui, enjoy, τινός, Π 31, Γ 68; part, όνήμενος, sc. έστω, may he be blessed, β 33. ονομ(α) and ovvo^^ ου νοματ{α),χύτ., (υ-γνομα, no me η), name; και τ οϋ- vo/tta, vel nomen, Γ 235 ; =memo- ria, δ 710, ω 93; μοί εσην, with nom., Γ 183, 247, σ 5, ι 366 (η 54, τ 409,Avith ίπώνυμον); τίθεσθαι, indere, giAC a name to — ; ο. ττι σε κάλεον, θ 550 ; fama, gloria, ν 248. ύνορ.άζοι, f, ειν, ων, ipf. ονόμαζες, ον, aor. ώνύμασας, (όνομα), name, men- tion, I 515; address by name, εζονομα- κλήδην, Χ 415; πατρόθεν ίκ γίvεήςJ δνοσαι 233 Όιτΐτης according to his descent on the father's side, Κ 68. ονοσαι, οντοι, οιτο, fat. ονύσσίται, σθαι, aor. ώνοσάμην, όνόσασθ{ε) Ω 241, 6νόσαντ(ο), οσσάμενος, and 2 aor. ώνα- το Ρ 25, vitupero, censure, scorn, (exc. Ρ 173, 427), ahvays in rhe- torical question or with negation, Δ 539, Ρ 399 ; κακότητος, ε 379, fore ut te poeniteat miseriae, that thou wilt disparage, esteem lightly. όνομαινω, only aor. όνόμηνας, tv, ω, yg, (ΰνομα), declare, λ 251 ; recount, name, Β 488, δ 240 ; name as witnesses, S 278 ; call hy name, Κ 522 ; name as, constitute, Ψ 90. όνομακλήδην, see ίζονομ. όνομά-κλΰτος (κλνω), of famous name, renowned, X 51 f. όνομαστήν {ονομάζω'), ουκ — , not to he uttered (because ill-omened Ilios, malum omen), r 260. (Od.) ovos, masc, a sin us, ass, Λ 5δ8|. ονύσασθί, -airo, όνοσσάμβνος, see υνοσαι. όνοστά, verbal adj. from ΰνομαι, ovKkT —, non vituperanda, no con- temptible, I 164f. ovv%, όνυχ€σσι, masc., ungnibus, claws, talons of eagle, Μ 202. όξΰ-ββλής (βελοα), sharp-pointed, Δ 126t. όξΰόεντι, τα, (όζν), piercing, δόρν, S 443; ίγχ(α, τ 33, ν 306. (II.) οξύς, it, νν, έίς, ίσι{ν)•, η(α) Ο 313, (!y, a(ai) Λ 272, yg, ας ; tla, ία, sup. έζντατον, (acer, acus), sharp (pene- trating), pointed, of Aveapons and uten- sils, Ρ 520; cliffs, c 411 ; iieen, φάσγα- vov, aop; of light, Ρ 372, and sound, clear, shrill, piercing, especially ntr. sing, and ntr. pi. ; with verbs of perceiving and of calling, sharply, Tceenly, quickly, Γ 374; and of pains, Λ 268 ; of grief, etc., litter, τ 517 ; the wildly charging Ares, Λ 836. δο and οου for ου, see oc, η, ο. όπάζειν, prs., ipf. οπαζίν, ωτταζε, ζον, fat. όπάσσω, ομεν, aor. ώπασα, ε, αν, and όττασσα, ε{ν), opt. σαιμι, σειαν, imp. σσον, inf. σσαι, part, σσας, fut. mid. όπάσσεαι, aor. σσατο, σσάμε- νος, (ίττω, sequor), make to follow, Ttvi Tiva {(ίμα,Σ 452, ο 310), as escort, also μετ όμφοτέροισι ; also of things, θ 430, κνδός τινι, εργοις ; of dowry of bride, X 51 ; bestow, confer, θ 498 ; often with inanimate subj., γήρος. follow hard upon, beset, Δ 321 ; mid., take to one's self as escort, Τ 238 ; κ 59, take with one. ότταια, ntr. pi., {οπή), αν οπαΊα, through the loop-holes, i. e. betΛveen the rafters, under the eaves. These open spaces were afterward filled up, and a specific name, μετότται, given to them. This seems the simplest inter- pretation of a 320f , for that SAvallows and other birds often flew through these apertures, and into the aper- tures, can not be doubted. (See cut No. 90.) δ-τΓοτρος, ov, (ττατήρ), eiusdem ρ at r is, rf the same father, A 257 and Μ 371. όττάων, ova, masc, (ί'πω), comes, armor-bearer, esquire, Κ 58. (II.) ο ττερ, see ος περ. δΐΓ(ΐΓ)η, adv., qua, (1) where, κ 190 sq. ; whith€r{soe\er), Μ 48. — (2) as, θ 45. όιτηδει, prs., ipf. όπήδει, {όπ7]δύς, όπάζεσθαι), (ίίμα, η 165, ι 271), τινί, comitari, attend, follow, αρετή, etc., θ 237, Ρ 251, ΐκ Διός, a Jove; μοί, Ε 216, 1 carry it with me in vain. όττίζομαι, εο, prs., ipf. ώπίζετ(ο), (οπις), revereri, reverence, τί,Σ 216; Od. always joined with Διός, θεών μή- viv ; τινά, only Χ 332. δΐΓΐθ€(ν), see όπισθεν. oirtircvcis, and part. aor. ενσας, (δτΓίς), Δ 371, circumspicere, gaze at ri ; stare at, -γυναίκας j watch, Η 243. δτΓίς, ιδος, ιδα, and ιν, ΐ&χη.,(υπωπα), eye, θεών ; in sense of avenging eye, u 1 1 i o, ξ 88 ; elsewh. divine punishment, only ξ 82 without θεών, Π 388. (Od.) δ•ΐΓΐ(σ)θ€(ν), adv., (άττό ?), τα ΰττ., a tergo; στ/), accessit, approached from behind, A 197; behind, ρ 201; ot o., relict i; (from) behind, Σ 548, Φ 256; postea, afterward, χ 55; in posterum, hereafter, Δ 362; = prep, with gen., Ν 536. όΐΓίσ(σ)ω (άττό ?), backward, Μ 272, Γ 218; behind him, Χ 137; post- modo, hereafter, Γ 160, 411; πρόσω και όπ., before and behind, forward and backward, describing foresight, A 343, Γ 109 ; Χείπειν, leave behind, όιτίστοτον, τον, hindermost, only θ 342, Λ 178. Όιτίτης, slain by Hektor, Λ 30 If. wirXiov 234 6ir('Tr)tts wirXeoVy ipf., (οττλον), were getting ready, ζ 73f. σιτλε'ων, gen. pi. from ottXj;, ungu- larura, hoofs, A 536 and Υ 501. οπλίζω, aor. ώΐΓλισσ€, imp. οιτΧισ- σον, inf. ίσαι, pass, and mid. prs. ύττ- Χίζονται, ώμίθα, ipf. ύττλίζίτο, οντο, aor. ώττΧίσαθ' = όπλίσσατο, άμισθ{ά), subj. όμεσθα, aor. pass. 3 pi. οττλισθίί^, wiafe ready, chariot, prepare, food, i2 190 ; i^ei ship ready for sailing; mid. pass., ίηαλ-β one's ee//" reaJj^, ψ 143, Η 417; egtiip, arm one's self θ 55; mid. sibi parare (cenam), π 453 = δΐΓλ€σβαι, Τ 172, Ψ 159; equos suos adiun- gere, harness one's horses, Ψ 301. οιτλον, (f), ων, οισιν, (a), utensil, im- plement, (1) tools, Σ 409, γ 433.— (2) rope, cahle, rudens, ^ 390, ξ 346 ; pi. cordage, rigging, β 390. — (3) arma- tura, weapons, armor, Κ 254, Σ 614. σΐΓλ6τ€ρος, ot, ων, άων, comp. ; sup. -οτάτη, ην, (οττλον); stronger, fresher, younger; yeviy, γίνίηφιν, in age, Β 707, I 58 ; of. Δ 325, γ 465. 'ΟτΓΐίίΐς, όεντος, masc, city in Lo- kris, home of Menoitios, Ψ 85, Σ 326, Β 531. όττόζ, masc, (sucus), coagulum, sap of xoild fig-tree, used, like rennet, to curdle milk, Ε 902|. oiros, της, see δψ. airrriSeev (οκΡό-), interrogative adv., *4 unde, whence, a 406, ξ 47. (Od.) δΐΓΐΓοθ(ϊ), rel. adv., ubi, where, I 577, γ 89. σίΓοΓος, ρ 421, r 77, and οπποΊον, οίης, o7(«), (οκΡοΊος), qualis, of what sort, (1) inteiTOgative, α 171 ; ϋπποΐ άσσα, about what sort of garments, r 218.— (2) rel., ρ 421, Τ 250. Sttov, ubi, where, y 16. (Od.) ότητόσ, see follg. όιτόσσον, σΐΓ('ΤΓ)<5(σ)σ(α), ntr., how many, ξ 47; όπόσά, quantum, 12 7; quatenus, Ψ 238; επέλθω, quan- tum permeavero, however far I may seek, ξ 139. 6ιγ('ιγ)6τ6, adv., (οκΡότε), quando, wJien, with indie, after principal tenses, δ 633, V 386 ; with opt. after historical tenses, I 191 . — Conjunction = q u ο m, I. temporal with ind., when, σ 409, Γ 173 ; fut. K(v [tt 282].— II. conditional, when that is spoken of which has not yet taken place, (a) with subj., (1) if in case that, where something is antici- pated before the action of the principal verb follows, A 163, Φ 1 12.— (2) in gen- eral propositions, Ο 210, Π 53, Ρ 98, δ 651, ρ 470; esp. in similes, Ο 382, ρ 128. — (3) designating repeated action in present, (b) with opt., (1) in cases of indefinite frequency in past, Τ 317, the verb in the principal sentence is ipf. or aor. (iter.), Γ 233, Ο 284, Σ 544, ξ 217. — (2) through assimilation with mode of principal verb, Τ 148, σ 148 ; (c) with subj. with κίν, in principal sentence : imp,, κ 293 (ζ 303, άν) ; fut., Χ 366, I 703, S 505, β 358, ν 394, χ 216 (ar, α 40, Π 62, Υ 317); prs. indie, γ 238, ν 83 (άν, λ 17) ; subj., θ 445, with άν. (nrtrorepo^f ψ, οι, οισι, η, αι, uter, which (of two), Γ 71, /Li 57 ; oiriroW- ρωθ€ν, ex utra parte, ίΞί 59f. ότΓτολ^α, εων, {ότττός), a s s a t a, roast- ed, Δ 345, μ 396. οΊΓτάω, only 3 pi. ipf. ο'ΤΓτων=ώ7Γ- των, aor. ώπτησε, σαν, δπτησαν, ήσαι, ήσας, σαντες, pass. aor. ότττηθήναι, (ότΓΓος), ass are, roast (on the spit), γ 33, A 466 ; κρεών, partitive gen., ο 98. ό^ττηρας, τους, (ΰττωττα), s pecula- tor es, scouts, spies, ξ 261 and ρ 430. ότΓτόν, α , ( τΓοτΓ-, ρ ο ρ i η a, ττεττ, c ο ο- t U m), roasted, broiled, π 443. (Od.) ό-ττυίοι, εμεν{αί), οντες, ipf. ώττνιε, υττνιε, (ρ u b e s), wed, take to wife, u χ o- rem ducere, Ν 429, Π 178; όττνίον- τες, married; όπνιομένη, nupta. οπωιτα, see οράω. 6'Π'ωΐΓη5, της, (δπωττα), visus, sight (vision), t 512; adspectus, οττως ήντησας, as thou hast met the view, as thine eyes have seen, γ 97. 6πώρη, ης, y, ην, (όπτός, ωρη), time of ripening, extending from the rising of Seirios (end of July) to the setting of the Pleiades, and corresponding nearly to our dog-days ; τεθαλνΊα, lux- uriant, exuberant fruit-time, λ 192. όττωρΐνάς, ψ, (όττώρ;;), belonging to όττώρη, midsummer; άστηρ, Seirios, Ε 5. &ΐΓ('Π')ως, adv., {οκΡως), ut, I. in- terrogative, in indirect question, q u o- modo, how, Κ 545, Β 252; Avith fuL indie, often involving an intention, Ρ 635, Δ 14, α 57 ; with subj., ξ 329, and κ'εν, δ 545, 1 681, α 296 ; it passes into final ut, in order that, y 19, a 77, ν όράω 235 όρίνω 365, ξ 181 ; joined with opt. after his- torical tenses, S 160, ν 319, ζ 319. The transition from the use of οττως as indirect interrogative to that of a final conjunction can not be traced. — II. relative, as, corresponding to ώς, ο 111 ; τοΐον, 7Γ 208, δ 109, as he is now so long away; conditional, with subj., ζ 189, with κεν, Υ 243 ; temporal, Avith preterit tense, Ε 27, Λ 459, γ 373, yet in all these passages there exists a v. 1. ίττεί. υράω, όρ<ί(ύ, ώ, άας, ας, q., ώμεν ; όφτε ; ορα ; άν ; όων, όωντες, υωσα, ων, ώντες, ώσα ; mid. ΰρώμαι, άται ; ορηαι, ηται ; ψτο, άασθαι, άσθαι, ώμε- νος, οι ; ipf. ΰρατο, ώντο ; pf όττωττη, ας, plupf. όπώπει, aor. είδον and -όμην, see ΕΙΔ, V. ; fut. mid. o\|/cai, £(, εται, εσθ{αι), όμενος, η, αι ; but υ\Ρεσθ{ε) (Ω 704, θ 313) is aor. imp., {Pop., vereor, Ger. gewar, Eng. wary), videre, be aware of, behold, τινά, τι {Iv, before, θ 459) όφθαλμοϊ- σιν; mid. (e. g. δ 47, X 166), hok on with interest, gaze; φάος ήελίοιο—ζήν, also intelligere, notice, ρ 545; look at, over, down upon, εις, εττί, κατά τίνα, τι ; κατ δσσε, into the eyes, Ρ 167 ; also Avith follg. on, Η 448; οίος, Φ 108; part., I 360. δργυι(α), αν, fern., (όρεγω), fathom, distance spanned by the outstretched arms, Ψ 327. (Od.) όρ€γνϋς, part., parallel form to op€- γων, ovrac, fut. όρέζω, ομεν, ειν, aor. ώρεξε^ ορ'ί^^ς, y, ειαν, αι, ας ; mid. όρε- γεσθαι, pf. 3 ρΐ. όρωρεχαται, Π 834; plupf όρωρέχατο, Λ 26 ; aor. ώρέζατ{ο) and όρέξατ{ο), άσθω, ασθαι, άμενος, η, (por-rigo, reach), (1) stretch out, the hands toward heaven, or toward some person. — (2) extend to, and give, mid., stretch themselves (with the neck), Λ 26 ; grasp after any thing, with the hand ; stretch themselves, go at fuU speed, of horses ; stride, Ν 20 ; ε^χει, lunge out, with the spear ; τινός, at any thing ; aim at or hit, δουρί ; with ίφθη, φΘ^σι, and part., hit first, any one τινά, some- thing Ti ; 12 506, reach out the hands to the mouth (chin) of the murderer of my son ; a general expression for the act of supplication, described in word yovvovaBai, and not entirely con- sistent with Q 478. Hence όρίκτη- σιν, porrectis (hastis), by thrusting with their spears, Β 543. opcovTo, ipf, parallel form to υρνυμι, coorti sunt, rushed forth, H 398 and Ψ 212. Όρε'σ-βιος, a Boiotian from Hyle, slain by Hektor, Ε 707 f. όρ€σί-τροψθ9, mountain-bred, Μ 299, ζ 130. 6ρ€σ-κώοισι, ους, (κεΊμαι), having mountain-lairs, A 268 and ι 155. opeoTcpos, poi, {ορός, cf. ά•γρ6τερος), of the mountains, mountain-avsLgon, X 93; wolves, κ 212. Όρεστης, (1) a Trojan, slain by Leonteus, Μ 139, 193. — (2) a Greek, slain by Hektor, Ε 705. — (3) son of Agamemnon, returns to Mykenai in the eighth year of the reign of Aigis- thos, 7 306, whom, with his own mother, Klytaimnestra, he slays (see cut under 'ΐδρη, from painting on ancient Greek vase), and assumes his hereditary throne, λ 461, α 30, 40, 298, δ 546, 1 142, 284. όρ€(Γτιαδ€ς {ορός) ννμφαι, mountain' nymphs, Ζ 420 f. υρεσφι, see ορός. όρεχθεον, ipf, (ροχθεω), rattled in the throat, bellowed in last agonies, Ψ 30 f. ΰρθαι, see ορννμι. Όρθαίος, a Trojan, Ν 791 f. "Ορβη, town in Thessaly, Β 739 f. ^ δρ8ι(α), ntr. pi., (ορθός), with high, ' shrill voice, Λ 1 1 f . όρθο-κραιράων, gen. pi. fem., {κ'εραα), (1) βοών, with straight, upright hmms, opp. the horns of sheep and goats, μ 348, θ 231.— (2) νεών, Σ 3, Τ 344, also applied to ships, with reference to pointed bow and stern, yet possibly from κεραία, with straight or extend- ed yards, antennis porrectis in- structarum. όρθ6ς, 01', (ά), ών, (arduus), e rec- tus, upright, usually with στη; άναί- ξας, starting up from his seat. όρθόω (ορθός), aor. ώρθωσε, raise up, Η 272; ορθωθείς, raised up, upright; Κ 21, rising up. optvo), ει, ετον, ων, ipf. ορινε(ν), aor. ώρινας, ε(ν), όρινα, ας, ε, yς, y, αις, pass. pr. όρίνονται, όρινομένφ, ον, οι, ους, η, ipf. ώρίνετο, aor. ώρίνθη, όρίνθη, ε'ιη, έντες, (υρννμι), stir, raise; yoov, Ω 760, aroused; shock, Δ 208; dispersed, δρκιον 236 'Opvciai affrighted, χ 23; θνμόν. Stir the heart Avith anger, θ 178, and other passions, Β 142, Γ 395, Δ 208, Λ 804, ρ 47, 150, 21 6, ^ 87 ; fear, σ 75, χ 23 ; τηονβ to pity, touch, Λ 792, Ο 403, ξ 361, ο 486 ; κηρ, ήτορ, Π 509 ; pass, also gr as sari, rage wildly through, χ 360; contur- bari, troubled, confused, Β 294, Ο 7, Π 377. δρκιον, Δ 158; ορκι(α), ρ1., (ρρκος), pledge, pignora foederis, (1) oath, Δ 158, Γ 302. — (2) victims for sacrifice, Γ 245, 269 ; ταμέΐν, slaughter, hence foedus fcrire, conclude a treaty, Β 124; πιστό, worthy of confidence, because under the protection esp. of Zeus, Γ 105, 107 ; Δ 155, as death for thee, fatal to thee; cf. also φυλάσσω, Γίλίω, δηλεομαι, συγχέω, ψεύδομαι, κατά πάτησαν. 8ρκος, ου, φ, ον, ους, masc, (ερκος), (1) object by which one swears, the power called upon as witness and avenger in taking an oath, Β 755, Ο 38.— (2) oath, ίλίσθαι τινός or τινί, take an oath from one, X 119, δ 746; καρτερόν, μεγαν, by the three realms, of the universe, of the gods, Τ 108; also in general, μέγας, mighty ; θεών, oath by the gods, cf Υ 313: γερούσιον, oath of the princes binding the entire peo- ple, X 119; υρκφ πιστωθήναι, bind yourselves by oath, ο 436. όρμαθον, τον, (όρμος), chain, of bats hanging together, ω 8f. όρμαίνων, ονσ(α'), etc., part, prs,, ipf. ωρμαινε, aor. ώρμηνε, αν, (ορμάω), animo volvere, turn over in the mind, S 20; debate, ponder,' χαλεπά άλλήλοις ; (tvi) φρεσίν, κατά φρένα (και κατά θυμόν), άνά θυμόν ; also with 'όπως, or a double question. ΰρμάω, only aor. ώρ|χήσα|ΐεν, σαν ; ΰρμήσ^, σείε, (ορμή), excitare, set in motion, τινά ες πόλεμον, πόλεμον; pass. ορμηθείς θεον, a numine divi, in- spired by the gods; surge re, with στηναι Ιναντίβιον, &ά resistendum, make an effort to resist; τινός, contra aliquem; mid. ipf ώρμάτ(ο), ώντ(ο), aor. ώρμήσατ^ο), ήσωνται, and pass. ώρμήθη, ητην, ήσαν, and ορμηθήτην, ήναι, θε'ις, θέντος, ι, α, ε, ες, surgere, ruere, set out, rush on, with inf, Κ 359; tK-, currere; /ufra rtva, curs u persequi, ptiritte; ήτόρ ot, animus eius gestiebat, his heart desired; irrucre, charge upon, τινός (ϊττί τινι) εγχεϊ, etc. ; σνν τεΰχεσι, rise up in armor. Όρμενίδης, ao, son of Ormenos, Amyntor, I 448; Ktesios, ο 414. Όρμενιον, τό, town in Magnesia, Β 734t. 'Όρμ€νος, (1) a Trojan, slain by Teukros, θ 274.— (2) a Trojan, slain by Polypoites, Μ 187.— (3) and (4) see Όρμενίδης. δρμΐνον, see όρνυμι. ορμή, ί/ς, ί/, ή ν, (r u ο, ρέω), i m ρ e t u s, ές ό. εγχεος ελθεΐν, come within the cast of a spear; Δ 466, curtus eius erat impetus, short was his effort; ε 416, irritus mihi erit, vain was my effort; β 403, profectionem, departure. όρμήματα, r«, (υρμάσθαι), longings and sorrows of Helene. Β 356 ; others construe as obj. gen., struggles and sor- rows for Helene, i. e. for her recovery. ορμιζω, only aor. ωρμισαμεν, σαν, subj. όρμίσσομεν, (ρρματα), make fast, moor, by means of stones cast from the ship, επ εϋνάων, S 77, δ 785. 1. δρμου, ον, (ορμή ?), landing, the running of the flat-bottomed ship upon the shore, A 435 ; μέτρον, anchorage, V 101. 2. δρμον, ους, masc, (σειρά, series), necklace, ο 460, Σ 401. (See adjoining cut, also Nos. 43, 44.) ICO 'Opvciai, town in Argolis, Β 571 f. opveov 237 δρχ€Όμαι opveov, TO, (όρνις), aviculam, bird. Ν 64t^. δρνίς, Ίθος, ι, ec, ων, εσσι(ν) and υμ- νΤσι, avis, ales, bird, in widest signif. small and large, also of birds of prey (freq. with name of the species add- ed, \άρψ, αΐγντΓίοΊσιν), hence also birds of omen, Κ 277, ω 311, /3 155; omen praesagium, evil omen, Ω 219. όρννμι, imp. δρννθι, τε, inf. νμεν{αι), ipf. ωρννε, αν, i'ut. υρσομεν, ΰρσονσα, aor. ώρσε, σαν, opay, ωμεν, (and ομεν), ητε, ΰρσος, ΰρσασ{α), aor. iter, υρσασκε, 2 aor. ώρορε{ν), subj. opwpy, (orior, ruo), rouse, ΐξ εύνής, also, awake, Κ 518; excitare, impellere, excite, impel, Δ 439 ; τινά (ΐττί) τινι or άντία τινός, instigare; of mental states and emotions, arouse, Ψ 14 ; ν 346, excite. Distinguish pf. υρωρε, y, plupf. όρώρει {Ψ 112, ίπι, ad eos surrexe- rat, arose as their chief), ώρώρει and mid. υρνντ{αι), όρνυσθ{ε), μένοιο, etc., ipf. ώρννθ' — ώρνντ(ο), δρνντο, νντο, pf. όρώρεται, ηται, fut. όρεΧται, aor. ώρετο, ώρτ{6), όροντο, υρηται, υροιτο, όρσ(ο) and όρσεο, σεν, inf. όρθοι, part. υρμενον, α, orior, rise, arise, of wind, dust, Λ 151 ; battle, tumult Κ 523, fire; often like ordior, Avith inf. η 14, beffin ; of persons, from the seat or the bed, or (for battle) against some one, χαλκφ ; ruere, πρόσω, flying onward ; φίλα yovva-a, have strength ; spring up, Η 162, X 364. όροθύν€ΐ, prs., aor. ορόθννε, imp. vov, (όρννμι), excitare, urge on; Φ 312, cause all the river-beds to swell. ορονται, TO, {Pop-, υράν, Goth, wa- re n, Eng. be- ware), επΙ δ' — , L•ep ward over them, γ 471. (Od.) opos, εος, εί, εα, ίων, εσ(σ)ι, for gen. and dat. usually εσψι, and οΰρ€ος, ε'ΐ, ea, εσι(ν), mons, mountain; 'SrjpiTov, t 21 ; Παρνησον, r 431, etc. 6pωy όv,masc.,(J)tω), serum 1 act is, v:h£j/, the Avatery portion of curdled milk, t 222 and ρ 225. ορουσ•(€ν), σαν, aor. from ορονω, part. σας, (όρννμι), ruit, irruit, rush forth, dart forward, of persons and things, of missiles, Λ 359, Ν 505. οροφής, της, (ερεψω'), tecti, roof or ceiling, χ 298 f. οροψον, τόν, (Ιρεφω), reeds used for thatching houses, Ω 451t. 17 ορΰω, see οράω. δριτηκας, τονς, surculos, saplings, shoots, Φ 38 f. όρσ, όρσεο, όρσεν, όρσας, υρσασκε, see όρννμι. Όρσίλοχος, (1) son of Alpheios, Ε 547 = ΌρτιΧοχος, father of Diokles, γ 489, ο 187, cf φ 16.— (2) son of Dio- kles from Pherai, grandson of fore- going, Ε 549. — (3) a Trojan, slain bv Teukros, θ 274.— (4) fabled son of Idomeneus, ν 260. 6ρσΌ-6ύρη, ην, fem., (όρρος), back door, in the side wall of the men's hall (μέγαρον) of house of Odysseus, lead- ing into the passage (λαίφη), χ 126, 132, 333. (See cut No. 90, and plate III., h, at end of vol.) Όρτίλοχος, v. 1. for ΌρσίΧοχος. Όρτΰγίη (υρτυξ), a fabled land, ο 404,6 123. ορυκτή, y, ην, (όρΰσσω), fossa, dug, adj. joined with τάφρος, Μ 72. (II.) ορυμαγδός, only sing., (rug ire), any loud inarticulate noise, crash, roar, rattling ; esp. the din , fig, fi, f/ifv, etc., ipf. ώτρν- vov, ΰτρυνον, t{v), iter, οτρννισκον, fut. οΓ/ουΐ'ίω, ift, f ων, etc., aor. ώτρννα, {tv), OTpvi'yciQv), vvai, also unaugmented, imp ell ere, urge on, τινά (ϊς (ίττί, TTport) τι, εΊσω, -^έ ; also with inf., ξ 374, Ο 402 ; rarely 'ίππους, κννας, τι, hasten, maturare, ύδόν τινι, speed one's departure ; εταίρους, send forth ; mid. οτρννίσθί, ώμίθ{α), ipf ώτρννοντο, etc., make haste, κ 425. δττι, see οτΧ. δ,ττι, see όστις. ου, οίικί, ουχί, before vowels ουκ, before rough breathing οϋχ, particle of objective or absolute negation, the thing is declared not to be so, while μη (subjective negation) declares that one thinks it is not so, not, no; position, usually, at end of verse, often doubled, e. g., y 28, θ 280, κ 551, θ 32, A 86, θ 482.--(l) in independent assertion, also subjective (opt. with κε, A 271; fut. subj., A 262; subj. and κ£, Η 197; with reference to what is past, ω 61 ; hypothetical, Ε 22). — (2) in dependent assertion after ιός, οτι, οθοΰνίκα (not in protestation), 5 377 ; Avith inf , Ρ 176; after verbs of thinking; in rela- tive sentence, A 234, Β 36.— (3) in causal sentence after «ττ*/, A 1 19 ; orf, A 244 ; ovvtxa, A 111, and conclusion. — (4) Avhere subst. or word used sub- stantively replaces subordinate clause, β 50. — (5) joined closely to a verb, changing its meaning into its converse, esp. with φάναι, ίω, ίθελω, τίλεω, χραί- σμ-ς, cf. also Δ 57, ν 143, ω 251, β 274, Γ 289 ; οντι, not a Λvhit, by no means, 292 ; ου πάμπαν,οΰ πάγχν, nequa- quam, in no wise. — (6) in questions expecting affirmative answer, Κ 165, η 239 ; also in question containing a summons, η 22 ; cf Ε 32 and ήε και οΰκί. — (7) οΰ μά, see μά ; ούχ ως, φ 427 ; ον μάν οΰδί,Α 512. οΰ, οι. Ι, (orig. form σΡοΐ', etc., traces of f at hand in many forms, s u i), as reflexive always retains its accent; as simple pron. of 3 pers. enclitic ; gen. 60, tlo, ίυ, Wiv, eius, and more freq. sui (fi, only Τ 464, sui; elsewh. eius, and enclitic); dat. ol, ei {kol, without f, before αυτφ, s i b i, Ν 495), and sibi; ace. ε, and (not enclitic, without P) if, se; not cum, earn, eos, but Β 196 = eum, A 236 = id. 'i αυτόν, ην, se ipsum, am, himself, herself. οΰασι, ατα, see ους. οΰδας, ίος, fY, ft, {ούός, ουίός), so- lum, surface of the earth; άσπιτον, immensum ; υύδάσδί, and freq. ov^ft, to the ground, on the earth, κ 440 ; όδάξ ϊλον ούδας, they bit the dust, see όδάζ ; also pavimentum, pavement; κρα- ταίπεδον, hard-surfaced, φ 46. οΰδ€ {οΰ δί), neque, (1) and not, το (τά) ?^δη (οίδεν) ο (οττι), Β 38 ; t 408, with double meaning nor, and not; in- troduces an apodosis, Ε 789 ; causal ( subordinative ), Β 873, δ 493, 729; οϋδε γαρ ουδ'ί, for by no means, Ε 22; οϋδί τε, (a) continuative, in a negative sentence, nor, Ρ 42 ; (b) in an affirmative sentence, and not, nor, β 182, A 406; — τι, nor at all (sep- arated by intervening words, Ν 521, Ρ 401, Χ 279), very freq. before οίδα, χρή, χρεώ, with ace, δ 492 ; and with other verbs, A 468, S 66 ; πολύς, λίην, πριν, Τ 169; πάμπαν, by no means, ω 245. — (2) yet not, and also not, Γ 215, V 243; ουδί μεν, nee vero, A 154; non profecto, Β 203; non enim, ο 246 ; — μεν οϋδε, but also not, Β 703, cf. γ 27.— (3) ne — quideni, not even, ήβαιόν, η e ρ a u 1 1 u 1 u m q u i- dem, strengthens preceding negation, Ν 106; — περ, λ 452, elsewh. ahvays separated ; — εί, not even if, γ 115; — ώς', ne sic quidem, not even thus, ivScvi 241 ου ircp φ 427. — (4) — ουδέ (not even), nor yet, A 332, β 369, δ 492.— (5) but not, after μεν, better separated, ού δε, Ε 138 ; and yet not, nor yet, A 124, Γ 215 ; ονδε — δέ. but not, — but, Γ 348. ovScvi, TO ov μίνος, in his courage, ουδενι ε'Ίκων, yielding to no one ; elsevvh. ntr. ουδέν, nihil, nequaquam, noth- ing, by no means, in no respect, A 244, X332, Ω 370,^ 195. ούδενάσ-ωρα {ώρα), worth no notice, contemnenda, θ 178f. οΰδεττη, neque usquam, nor any- where, μ 433 = ουδέ ττοθι, υ 1 14 ; οϋδί ΐΓθΤ6, neque unquam, nor ever, never, Ε 789, β 26 ; ουδέ iru», — τι πω, uondum, not yet, A 108; neque ulla ratione, nor in any way. οΰδ6Τ€ρωσ£, in neutram par- tem, S ISf. ούδ<$ς, oTo, of', or, masc., (ΰδός), lime η, δ 680, threshold of women's apartment; \aivoc, lapideum, but υ 258, χ 127 = κρί/ττ/^ω/ία, fund amen- tum, stone foundation walls. ουδός, φ, όν, fern., {οδός), toay, ρ 196 ; γήρηος, the path of old age ; Ίκίσθαι, arrive at, tread upon the path of old age, commonly interpreted as thresh- old of old age (see foregoing), which does not suit all passages. ουθαρ, ατα, ntr.. uher, udder, meta- phorically. /f-rit'e fat land, I 141. ουκ, see ov. Ούκ-αλβγων, οντά, Trojan counsel- lor, Γ 148t. οΰκ-€τϊ, non iam, non ampli- u s, no longer, Η 357 ; — ττόμιταν, or — ττάγχυ, no more at all. ούκ-ΐ = ουκ, at close of verse, δ 80. ούλάς, τάς, (όλος ? Curtius, feX, άΧεω), barley-corns, roasted, mixed with salt, and sprinkled betAveen the horns of victim, raola salsa, y441f. ούλα|ΐ6ν, τόν, (2. ούλος, είλεω), αν- δρών, throng, crowd (of men), Δ 251. ov\e (1. ονλος), imp. pres., salve, — και μάλα χαίρε, hail and a hearty welcome to thee, ω 402f . ουλής, ην, fem,, {έλκος, vulnus ?), 5car, cicatrix, Γ 391,0 219. (Od.) οΰλιος {όλους, ονλος), pernicio- sus, baleful, deadly, A 62f. ούλο-κάρηνος (2. ονλος), with thick, curly hair, τ 246f. ούλόμενον, (t),^ η, ης, y, ην, ων, prs. part, from ονλυμαι = ΰλλνμι, ac- cursed, 5 92. 1. οΰλω, ov, {σολΡος, salvus, sol- lus), solid us, whole, ρ 343 and ω 118. 2. οΰλος, ων ; η, ην, ας ; ον, {ΡολΡ- εΐρος, ν e 1 1 U S, Ger. w ο 1 1 e, Eng. wool), woollen, Π 224, ταπήτων and χλαΊναν, ας, τ 225, Ω 646, δ 50, ρ 89 ; bushy, thick, crisj), κόμας, ζ 231, ψ 158 ; ! ntr., confusedly, incessantly, Ρ 756. I 3. οΰλος, 01', ε, {όλΡός, όλοός), per- η i C i ο S U S, destructive, murderous, Ares. Ε 461; Achilleus, Φ 536, Ε 717; of dream, baneful, Β 6, 8. ούλο-χύτας, τάς, ( ονλάς, χέω ), sprinkled-barley, poured or scattered from baskets, δ 761, between the horns of the victim, A 458, as initiatory sac- rificial rite ; κατάρχεσθαί, — begin the solemn rites. ΟυλυμτΓος, see Όλνμπος. οΰμός = ό εμός, θ 360f. οδν, particle, nexer standing alone, igitur, then, therefore, (1) resumptive, Γ 340, Ν 1 ; έπεί ovv, ζ 467.— (2) con- tinuing or further developing a thought, a 414, hence ; μεν ovv, δ 780. — (3) car- rying the thoughts backward, επει ovv, since once for all; ώς ovv, so when, when then, A 57 and Γ 4, Ο 363, ρ 226. — (4) used in appending an attendant circumstance in harmony with what precedes, neither certainly nor; neither, nor^ei; according as it occurs in the first or second of correlative clauses : μήτ ovv — μy)τε, ρ 401 ; οντ ovv — οντε, a 414 ; ουδέ τις ovv, ζ 254; γαρ ούν, for certainly, Β 350 ; εΐ γ' ουν, if in any case, Ε 258. οΰν€κα = ου ένεκα, (1) quamob- rem, therefore, corresponding to τοννε- κα, Γ 403. — (2) quod, quia, because, A 11,(^569.— (3) ίΛαί, £ 216. οΰν€σ6€, see όνομαι. οΰνομα, see όνομα. ου irep, not at all, Ξ 416. ov ττη, (I) nequaquam, in no way, ε 410. — (2) = ov •πόΘ(ι), a 278, Ν 309, nusquam, nowhere, ov ttotc, η u η q u a m, Z 124. ου Ίτω, (1) nondum, not yet, A 224, β 118.— (2) = ov πως, in no wise, Γ 306. ου Ίτώ •ιγοτ(€), ψ 123, /χ 98, never yet at any time, ov ττως, nulla ra- tione, nequaquam, nohow, on no ονρα 242 ούτος ttrms ; ίση, with inf., £ 103, t 411 ; ab- solutely, χ 136. ονρα, see ovpov. ούραΐαι, fern, pi., (ουρά), τρίχας, haii'S of the tail,^ 520|. Ούρανιων€ς, ων, (οϊφανύς), c ae li- te s, heavenly, celestial, U 547 ; θεοί, A 570, t 15 ; also as subst., Ε 373, 898. ούρανάββν ( ούρα ΐ'ός), c a c 1 i t u s, from heaven, also Λvitll ϊξ — , θ 19 ; άπυ — , Φ 199. ούραν6θι ττρό, before, i. e, not yet having passed through and beyond the vault of the heavens, under the sky, Γ 3t. ούρανο-μ.ήκης (μήκος), high as heaven, ε 239t. ουρανής, οΰ, φ, όν, masc, heaven, (1) conceived of as fortress of brass or iron; above the αίθήρ, Β 458; hence oi'pavov 'ίκει, makes its way up to heaven, ι 20, ο 329. — (2) as home of gods ; ίχονσιν, inhabit ; Olympus towers aloft and its summit penetrates into heaven, A 497 ; invoked as Avit- ness to oath, ευρύς, Ο 36, ε 184. ovpea, see ΰρος, mon s, mountain. ούρεύς, only pi. ουρήβς, εΰσι, ήας, mulus, mule, A 50; but in interpo- lated verse, Κ 84 = ονρους, guard, sentry. ουρη, dat. ovpy, pi. -yoiv, cauda, tail, of wild beasts, Η 215 ; of the hound Argos, ρ 302. ούρίαχος, ov, (ούρα), εγχεος, the thicL•r, butt end of spear, Ν 443, Π 612. (II.) (See cut under άμφΐ-γύοισιν.) 1. ουρον, a, (ορνυμι), ήμιόνοιιν, ων, mules' range, θ 124, Κ 351, as much as a pair of mules can plough, for which the later word Avas ττΧεθρον, i. e. πίλίθρον, point at which the team, hav- ing finished the furrow, turns, furrow's length ; δίσκου, Ψ 431, discus-throw ; as measure of distance, θ 124. 2. οΰρος, ov, οι, masc, (aura),yair wind, f 268 ; proleptically ϊκμενον, fol- lowing, favoring, β 420. 3. οΰρον, τόν, pi. οισι, (ορός), land- mark, boundary, Φ 405, Μ 421. 4. ονρος, ov, masc, (Ρόρος, όράν), guardian, ο 89; Αχαιών, bulwark of the Achaians, γ 411. 5. ούρος, εος, dat. pi. ονρεσι, see ορός, mons. 6. ουράς, ονρους, τους, ( ορνσσω ), ditches or channels, serving as ways for the ships, leading from the camp down to the sea, Β 153t. ους, ace. sing., ώσΐν, dat. pi., and ονατος, τ{α), ασι, auris ; άττ' οϊιατος, far from the ear, = unheard, Σ 272; from resemblance to an ear, handles, A 633. οντάζων, prs. part., ipf. οΐιταζον, pass, -ζοντο, aor. ονΓασί{ν), y, ai, pf. pass, οντασται, μένος; also from οΰΓάω, aor. οΰτησ6, iter, ούτησασκε, aor, pass. ούτηθείς ; from ούτημι, imp. οντάε, aor. 3 sing, ούτα, iter, οντασκε, inf. ούτά- μεν(αι), and pf, pass, ούτάμενην, οι, icere, hit, wound by cut or thrust, αύτοσχεδίην and αύτοσχεοόν,τινά,ϋά&ο with ace. of part hit ; with double ace, Δ 467, Ν 438, χ 294 ; with κατά, A 338, S 446; ϊλκος, vulnus infli- gere. ovTc, neque, neither, nor; usually corresponding to οντε or ου; also to ούδ'ε, or to Tt, και, uk ; οντε τι, d 264, A 108. οΰτήσασκ€, see οντάζων. οΰτι, see οντις. οΰτΐδανός, οΐο, οΊσιν, worthless, A 231. οΰτϊς, τινι, τιν{α), τίνες, τι, parts often written separately, null us, no one, οΰτι, as adv., η e q u a q u a m, no< oi all, by no means, with verbs, β 411, Β 338, β 235, A 241 ; — γε, Η 142, I 108, Ψ 515 ; with adjs., θ 81, A 153; with advs., A 416 ; ου /ut n, Τ 361. Ουτις, τιν, fabled name. No-man, t 366, 369. ovToi, certainly not, a 203, t 27, 211, οΰτος, α'ί'τη, τούτο, hie, this, refer- ring to what is in the mind, or to what is mentioned or known, Γ 178, 200, 229, Τ 8 ; in reference to second person, Κ 82 ; in contrast to tyui, y 359, σ 57, θ 141 ; used antithetically, ν 230, Ζ 352, χ 254, 70, 78; καί μοι τοντ άγόρευσον, α 174, ^ 645, ν 232 ; used correlative- ly, Γ 177 ; referring back to something a'h-eady mentioned, tt 373, A 126, /3 256; freq. with yk : where apparently refer- ring to what foUoAvs, /c 431, α 267, c 23, V 314, η 299, φ 200, to be, however, explained as epexegetical (offering ad- ditional explanation), or ούτος refers to what is known or has preceded ; it is never used like ode in wider signif., nor in reference to time. όντως 243 6χ6έω ούτως, before consonants οντω, (ού- τος), sic, this, so, in reference to what is present in sight or thought, f 377, Φ 184 ; Avith verb in 2 pers., κ 378, Δ 243, Κ 37, Ε 249 ; in 3 pers., Γ 42, 169, Ε 717; referring back (1) to a single thought, γ 358, φ 257, A 131, Η 198, Τ 155 (closing a sentence, δ 485, 1 146, λ 348). — (2) to a hypothetical sen- tence, β 334, Γ 128, k 129.— (3) — ί//, s i c i g i t u r, thus then, Β 1 58, t 204, θ 167, so true is it that; interrogative, S 88, Ο 201, 553 ; — θην, Ν 620; re- ferring apparently to Avhat follows, Ν 225, S 69,12 373,^148,0 465; tanto- pere, Β 120; — ως, ξ 440, ο 341 of. ita — ut, σ 236; so certainly as, Ν 825. (Etym. old abl. ο'ότωτ.) ούχ, before rough breathing, see ov. ουχί, non, no, not, Ο 716, π 279. δφ€ΐλ.ον, ipf. indie, pi., and pass. ipf. oiptiXtTo, owe, with χρύος, a debt, Λ 688, 686, 698. 'Οφ€λ€στης, ao, (1) a Trojan, slain by Teukros, θ 274.— (2) a Paionian, slain by Achilleus, Φ 210. 1. ό^ί'λλω (οφείλω), όψ€λλ€ΐς, ei, ere, ipf. υφεΧΧον, ώφελλον, ες, ε, aor. ύφελον, ες, (εν), and ώφελε, ετ{ε), pass. prs. όφέλ- λεται, deb ere, owe, χρείος, a debt; in nor., debebam, of impossible wish, ought to have, etc., freq. Λvith αΊθε, είθε, ijc, also Avith μη, u tin am, would that, λ'380, φ 279, Ω 764, β 184, I 698, Ρ 686. 2. όψ€λλ€ΐς, if, ωσι, ειεν, ειν, ονσα, ipf. ώψελλοί', ες, (ε), υφελλε{ν), pass. ό^ίλλίΓο, auger e, increase, augment, Γ 62, Τ 242, π 174; Β 420, laborcm auxit ingentem, prolepsis, increase so as to be dreadful; Ψ 524, stand in stead; μνθον, multiply words, 6ψ€λος, τή, commodum, advan- tage; with είναι, -γενέσθαι, prod esse, profit, Ν 236, X 513. *Οφ€λτιος, (1) a Greek, slain by Hektor, Λ 302.— (2) a Trojan, slain by Euryalos, Ζ 20. οφθαλμός, do, ov, ψ, όν ; ω, onv ; οι, ων, ο'ισ{ιν), ους, (υττωττα), oculus, eye, A 587; βολα'ι, δ 150, glances; ic οφθαλμούς, in conspectum, before one's eyes; cf. tv όφθαλμοίσιν, θ 459; cf. also δ 47. δφιν, masc, [ό], anguem, snake, Μ 208t. δφρα, I. temporal: (1) aliquam- diu, sometime, Ο 547. — (2) dum, as long as, while, (a) with indie, of actu- ality, Β 769.— (b) with subj. of proba- bility, (a) so long, as long as, "φ 47, Λ 477,' σ 132; κεν, θ 147, Ω 553; αν, Χ 388 ; κεν and άν — τόφρα, β 124, s 361, ζ 259, Λ 202; (&) until, v.- hh κέν, Γ 17; with άν, Σ 409, Ρ 186. — II. final : in order that (freq. of the in- tention of destiny, Β 359); υφρα τά- χιστα, Δ 269 ; ΰφρ είττω, φ 276 ; ει/ εΐδyς, Α 185, (a) with indie, fut., δ 163, ρ 6. — (b) with subj. 140 times (κεν 9, άν 7 times), the verb of prin- cipal sentence being (a) imp. or imp. inf , θ 27, χ 391, Ρ 685 (κέν, σ 182, Ω 636 ; άν, ρ 10), Ι 370, Χ 343 (κίν, κ 298) ; (β) subj., Ψ 83, ψ 255 (κέν, Β 440) ; (γ) opt., Ω 75, ο 431 ; (δ) indie, fut., Ζ 365, Π 423 (κεν, τ 45, γ 359) ; pres., 7Γ 195, 31, Μ 281 (μή, Α 578 ; άν, σ 363) ; pret., ττ 234, γ 15, Δ 486 (άν, κ 65, Ο 23).— (c) Avith opt., Η 340, 349 ; assimilated through influence of prin- cipal verb, V 80. — III. special cases, refeiTible to I. or II. with subj., Ζ 258 (άν, Υ 24 ; κεν, Ω 431). όφρΰόεσσα, from Ιφρΰς, cf. su- perc ilium, on the brow or edge of a steep rock, beetling, high- throned, X 411t. όφρνς, όφρΐ^ος, νσι, νας = νς, fem., brow, I 620 ; Υ 151, brow of a hill. δχ(α) (cf. ίζοχα), always before άρι- στος, a, etc., emin enter, by far, A 69, ω 429, y 129. δχ€σφι, see ΰχος. όχ€τ-ηγός (οχετός, άγω), laying out a ditch, Φ 257f. όχβυς, ήα, ηες, ας, masc, (εχω), hold- er, (1) chin-strap of helmet, Γ 372,— (2) clasps on belt, Δ 132. — (3) bolt (as in cut No. 32), Μ 121. όχ€€ΐν, ίοντας, pass, εεσ^αι, ipf. 3 sing, όχεΐτο, ipf. iter, όχεεσκον, fut, mid. όχήσονται, aor. όχήσατο, ν eh ere, bear; play, νητΓΐάας', elsCAvh, endure; pass, and mid,, vehi, be borne, drive, sail, Ρ 77, ε 54. Όχήσιος, an Aitolian, father of Pe- riphas, Ε 843 f, όχθεω, ώχθησαν, όχθήσας, (άχθος), aegre ferre, indignari, bear with indignation, take ill, A 570; μέγ', in great wrath, ο 30 ; ε 407, L•avy at heart. δχθης 244 πάλαι δχθη?, gen., y, ην, ας, yaiv, ας, fem., (ίχω), rip a, litus, bank, shwe, Φ 17, 171, 172, t 132. όχλ€ΰνται = ί οντά I, from όχλέω, (όχ- λος-), are swept away, Φ 261 f. όχλίσσ£ΐαν, 3 pi. opt. aor. from όχ- Χί'^ω, (όχλος•)» ijoould heave from its place, raise, Μ 448, t 242. 1. όχος, δχ€α, ίων, έεσσι, εσφι, εα, ntr. ρ1., (^ίχ, ν eh ο), chariots, Α 160, Α 297. 2. ΰχος, 6χοι., pL, («χω), νΐ}ών, places of shelter for ships, f 404t. ϋψ, 6ΐΓ<>ς, ί, o5r(a), usually with P, Ροπός,Ρόπα but όττ/, fem., (/-ίττ-, vo- cis), vox, (1) voice ; όλιγ{?, with faint, feeble voice; also of insects and ani- mals, Γ 152, Δ 435. — (2) speech, words, Η 53. όψ^ (ϋττισθί), postea, afterward, Ρ 466, Δ 161; sero, late, I 247, 6 272, Φ 232. όψ€ίοντ€ς, desiderative part, from ΰφομαι, desiring to see, with gen., S 37t. όψΐ-γονος, ων, (όψρ, yot'og), late- bom, posterity, posteri, postumus, II 31, Γ 353. δψΐμον (o\pί),L•te (coming), Β 325f. όφις, δψΐΐ, fem., (ύ-φομαι), power of sight; idtiv, see with one's eyes, Τ 205, ψ 94; conspectus, species, υρ- p^^arance, exterior, Ζ 468, Ω 632. όψϊ-τελίΟΓτον (Γίλέω), late of fulfill- ment, Β 325 f. όψ(ίμ,€νος, etc., see όράω. δψον, ov, ntr., (ίψω), that which is cooked and eaten with bread ; onion, Λ 630, τΐοτψ, as relish with wine ; γ 480, Π. ιταγβν = τταγησαν, τταγη, see πήγνυμι. ιτάγοι, masc, (^πηγνυμι),, clijs, ε 405 and 411. Ίτόγ-χαλκος, and -χάλκεος, ον, (χαλ- κ/κ), αΐί of bronze, θ 403 ; fig., a man with sinews of brass, Υ 102. •ΐραγ-χρΟσ€οι (^χρυσός), all of gold, Β 448 f. Ίτάγχΰ (χεΡω, instead of τταγχν^ην, of. ρύδην, lit. " pouring out, heaping up every thing"?), prorsus, alto- gether, wholly, absolutely, ρ 217. iraOc, ίειν, ya9a, see πάσχω. Ίταιδνδς (παις), ρ uer, lad, mere child, 21 and ω 338. Ίταιδο-ψάνοιο (^όΐ'ος), murJercr of one's children, Ω 506|. Ίταίζουσι, part, όντων, ούσας, aor. imp. Ίταίσατε, (παις), ludere, play, also of dance, θ 251 ; a^atpy, game at ball, ^100. Παιηων, όνος, physician of the gods, Ε 401, 899; from him the P^gyptian physicians traced their descent, δ 232. τταιήονα, song of triumph or thanks- giving (addressed to Apollon), A 473, X391. Παίων, ονες, tribe in Makedonia and Thrake, on river Axios, allies of Trojans, Π 291 ; άγκτυλότοξοι, Κ 428; δολιχεγχίας, Φ 155; Ίπποκορυστάς, Π 287. Παιονιδης, Agastrophos, son of Παίων, Λ 339, 368. Παιονιη, fertile territory of the Παίονες,Ρ 350, Φ 154. 'ΤΓαιΐΓαλ06ντος, έσσης, y, αν, (ττάλ- λω ?), rugged, rough, Ν 17, 33, Ρ 743, κ 97. (Α word of uncertain meaning.) irats, in thesis of first foot, παϊς ir 337, ϋός, δί, (α), ττάϊ ; (ε) ; ες, ων, σί and δεσσι{ν), (πάΡ-ις, ρ ο ν c r = ρ u e r), child, σ 216, δ 688; maiden, δ 13; daughter, η 313, α 278 ; son, Δ 512, I 37 ; young, Φ 282 ; Avith νέος, δ 665. Παισδς, town on the Propontis, Ε 612, see Άπαισός. Ίταιφάσσονσα, intensive form from stem of <ρά-ος, exsplendescens, dazzling, Β 450|. Ίταλαι. (ττάρος), olim, long ago, opp, νέον, I 527, vvv, I 105; iamdiu, pridem, long, all along, ρ 366, ν 293, ψ 29. ΊΓίλαι-γβνεϊ 245 Ίταμιψαίνησι iroXai-ycvei, ίς, dat. and voc. sing., (ysvog), grandaev us, full of years, Γ 386*, X 395. παλαιός, ο Γ», φ, oi, η, αϊ, ων, ό, (πάλαι), sen ex, old, aged, ancient, 'S Κ 8, α 395; φωτί, S 136; vetustus, β 293, 340; comp. παλαίοτέρονς, se- niores, Ψ 788. ΊΓολαισμοσυνη, ης, (τταληίω), luc- tatio, wrestling-match, Ψ 701, θ 126. Ίταλαισταί, raasc, (παλαίω), 1 u c t a- tores, wrestlers, θ 246 f. Ίταλαι-φάτου, a, (φημί), pridem edita, uttered long ago; θέσφατα, va- ticinia; δρυός, famed in fable, myth- ical, τ 163. παλαίω, ipf. Ιπάλαιον, fut. πάλαί- σίΐς, aor. ίπάλαισεν, (πάλη), luctari, wrestle, ψ 621,^343. Ίταλαμη, άων, yί, Γ 128, θ 111. 1, πάλάσσω, fut. 'ΤΓαλαξ€μ6ν, pass, ipf. (ϊ)7ΓαλάσσίΓ0, pf. πεπαλαγμένον, ai, plupf. ΤΓίΤΓίίλακΓΟ, (πάλλω), con- s ρ e r g e r e, i η q u i η a r e, besprinkle, stain, defile, ν 395, Λ 169; χείρας, Λ 98. 2. πάλάσσω, mid. pf. ΐΓοτάλασθ^, άσθαι, (πάλλω), — κλί)ρψ, of men, se- lect among themselves by lot, which was shaken in hehnet, Η 171 and t 331. Ίτάλη, //, (πάλλω), iuctatio, wrest- ling, Ψ 635 and θ 206. τταλίλ-λογα (πάλιν, λέγω), rursus colligenda, recollecta, A 126|. ιταλιμ.-'ΐΓίτβς, ntr., as adv., (πίτομαι), strictly retro volando, recidendo, = retrorsum, back, back again, Π 395, ε 27. Ίτάλιμ-πλάζω, only pass, aor. part. -irXaTxec'vTa, ας, strictly retro re- pulsum, repulsed, ν 5 ; driven back (in disgrace), = male mulcatos, A 59. ιτάλϊν {πάρος), retro, back, back again, A 59 ; ποίησε, transform ; also with gen., back from, τρ'επειν, Τ 439 ; with αυτις, back again ; όπίσσω, with strengthening force; λάζετο, retrac- tavit, take back, unsay; φεει, I 56, contradicet, gainsay. Ίταλιν-άγρβτον (άγρα), recipien- dum, r«i'oca6ic, A 526f. Ίτάλιν όρ|ΐ,€νω, du. part. aor. mid. from ορνυμι, retro ruentes, rushing back, A 326t. Ίταλίν-ορσο? (όρννμι), r e s i 1 i e η s, springing back, Γ 33 f. ιταλίν-τΐτα {τίνω), ntr., retributa, — tpya — vengeance, a 379 and β 144. τταλίν-τονον, α, (τείνω), bent back, having impulse to bend backward, elastic, quivenng, θ 266, φ 11. τταλι-ρ-ρόθιον (ρόθ ο ς), foaming back, rofluau, e 430 and t 485. 7Γαλτ-(ι)ω|ις, iv, (<ωξις, διώκω), pur- suit back again, rally, Μ 7 1 . Ίταλλακίς, idoc, ίδι, fern., concubine, I 449, ξ 203. Παλλάς, άδος, epithet of Athena, according to the explanation of the ancients, from πάλλω, as brandishing the Aigis and the spear, Κ 275, δ 828, A 200, 400, Ε 1, α 125, Ε 510. Ίτάλλειν, ων, prs., ipf πάλλον, ί(ν), ομεν, and mid. prs. πάλλεται, ύμενος, η, ων ; act. aor. πήλε, πηλαι, mid. 2 aor. πάλτο, swing, brandish, χερσίν; shake, κλήρους ; mid., cast lot for one's self or (of several) among each other ; iaculari, hurl Aveapons; Ο 645, εν άντυγι, hit himself on the shield-rim = stumbled over the shield; X 461, quivering at heart, with palpitating heart ; X 452, my heart leaps up to my mouth. Πάλμυς, νος, a Trojan chief, Ν 792. Ίτάλτο = επαλτο, from πάλλω. 7Γαλύν6ΐν, ipf. επάλυνε, πάλυνε, ον, aor. part, π αλύ vac, {πάλλω, pul-vis), strew or sprinkle upon, barley meal upon meat (Σ 560, for repast), άλφίτου άκττ); inspergere, άλφιτα. ΐΓα2ΐ-μ.^λαν(α), μέλανας, entirely, jet black, κ 525. (Od.) Πάμ|χων, son of Priamos, Ω 250f . Ίτάμ-ττον, ρ r ο r s u s, altogether, joined Λvith verb, Τ 334 ; with adj., y 348 ; usually with neg. ού, οντι, ουκ'ετι, οϋδ'ε = not at all, by no means ; μή — , let no man whatever, σ 141. Ίταμ-ποικιλοι, pi., all variegated, em- broidered all over, πίπλοι, Ζ 289 and 105. Ίτάμ-ττρωτος, very first, Η 324, I 93 ; -πρώτον, δ 780 (Od.), and -πρώτα, A 97, Ρ 568, first of all. Ίταμφαίνησι, subj., and -ων, ονθ' = οντά, οντάς, αΊνον, part, prs., ipf. 3 pi. πάμφαινον, (redup. from φαίνω), gleam, shine, with dat., in or Avith, Ζ 513, τταμψανέωντος 246 τταρα S 11; στηθ^σι, with Avhite-shining, i. e. naked breasts. ΐΓα|χψαν6ωντος, a, όωσα, ύωσαν, (as if from -ψανάω, φανός), bright-shining, beaming, glistening, Ε 619, ί 42, Β 458. Ίταν-άγρου, gen., (άγρα), all-catching, of fisher's net, Ε 487|. τταν-αίθησΊ, dat. pi., (αίθω), all glow- ing, burnished, S 372f. Ίταν-αίολος, ov, {αΊο\ος\ all gleam- ing, glancing, Δ 186, Κ 77. Ίτάν-αίΓαλφ, dat., (απαλός), verg ten- der, youthful, V 223t. Ίτάν-άίΓοτμος {πότμος), aU hapless, Ω 255 and 493. ΊΓαν-άργνρον, aU of silver, ι 203 and ω 275. Ίτάν-αφ-ήλϊκα (ηλιζ) τιθίναι, deprived of a Ί playmates, X 490f. Ώαν-αχαιοί, ων, collective Achaians, host of the Achaians, Β 404. a 239, etc. Ίταν-α-ώριον (ά-, ωρη), all-immature, having left home I 440, as νί/πιον, Ω 540t. Ίταν-δαμέτωρ (δομαν), all-subduing, Ω 5 and t 373. Πανδέρ€ος, ου, friend of Tantalos ; his daughter Aedon, τ 518 ; the latter caiTied off by the Harpies, υ 66. Πάνδαρος, son of Lykaon, leader of Lykians, faithless archer, Δ 88, Ε 168, 171, 795, Β 827; slain by Dio- medes, Ε 294. •π-όν-δημ,ιος (δήμος), belonging to all the people, public, σ If- Πανδίων, a Greek, Μ 372|. Πάνδοκος, αν, a Trojan, wounded by Aias, Λ 490|. Παν-€λλην€ς, united GreeL•, i. e. in- habitants of Hellas or northern Greece, Β 530t. ΊΓοίν-ήμαρ, adv., all day long, ν 31f. irdv - ημ.€ριος, ov, ot, οις, ίης, iy, (ημαρ), all day long, i. e. (l) from morn to eve, δ 356, λ 11. — (2) what remains of a day, A 472, cf. A 592. Πανθοίδης, son of Panthoos, (1) Euphorbos, Ρ 70. — (2) . Polydamas, S 454. Πάν-θοος, ov, Ψ, son of Othr}'s, father of Euphorbos and Polydamas, priest of Apollon ; at Delphi, then at Troja, a counsellor, Γ 146, Ρ 9, 23, 40, 59, Ο 522. ΐΓαν-θνμαδ($ν, adv., in full wrath, σ 33t. τταν-νΰχιος, ov, oi, η, and -νϋχος, ov. 01, (vv'C), the whole night long, the rest of the night, β 434. ΐΓ&ν-ομψαί(ι>, dat., (όμφη), author of all omens, all- disclosing, όμφαί, θ 250f. Πάν-οτΓ€ΰ5, (1) father of Epeios, Ψ 665. — (2) city in Phokis on the Kephisos, Β 520, Ρ 307, λ 581. Παν-όιτη, a Nereid, Σ 45 f. irdv -ορμοι, offering moorage at all points, convenient for landing, ν 195|. τταν-όψιος [ΰ-φις), in every body^s eyes, openly, pal am, Φ 397 f. τταν-συδίη {σενω ; v. 1. ττασσχιδί'ς), summo impetu, with all haste, A 709. Ίτόντη, also -y, (πας), on ali sides, in all directions, μ 233, Ρ 354. ιτάντοθίν (■κaς),from every quarter, Π 110. ΤΓοντοίου, οι, ων, οισ(ι), ους ; η, ης, ην, at, yc, ac, (πας), varius, of every kind, manifold, Β 397 ; in various guise, jo486. Ίτάντοσβ (πας), in first or fifth foot, on every side, Ε 508 ; in other feet, ττάντοσ' ; ( πάντοσ ίίσην, round, Γ 347).^ Ίτάντως, adv., omniT\o,by all means ; with ου, by no means, r 91, θ 450. τταν-ΰιτίρτάτη, extrema, farthest off, last, ι 25 f. Ίταν-ΰστατος, the very last, ι 452, Ψ 547. ΊΓοιΠΓόζσυσι (πάππας) τινά, say papa, all one father, Ε 408f . Ίτάτητά, voc, papa, father, ^ 57t. ΊΓατΓταίνβτον, indie. 3 du., part, -ωΐ', ovTi, ίς, ί, aor. ττάτΐτηνί., part, -ας, avra, ασ(α), look narrowly, cautiously about one, όμφι « ; at, or over ανά, κατά τι, κατά δόμον; look in guest of, deside- rare, τινά, A 200; δ(ΐνύν, torva t u e r i, glare fiercely . Ίτάρ, (1) = παρά, q. v., in anastro- phe, ΰχθας πάρ Λ 499. — (2) = πάρ- εστί, Ι 43 ; = πάρεισι, Α 1 74 ; γ 325, praesto sunt, are at hand. irdpot, a κ 242 ; an old case-form (cf πύρος) appears as lorative ιταραί, Β 711: with gen., Ο 175; ace, Β 711, Γ 359 ; dat., Ο 280 ; apoc. πάρ, orig. as adv., alongside, by, near, A 61 1, usu- ally preposition. — I. Avith gen., from beside, from, τινός, from some one : ναϋ^ι, from the ships ; esp. with verbs Ίταρα-βαίνω 247 τταρα- μϋ6ησαίμην of receiving to denote the source, πάρ Χηνός. — II. Λvith dat., beside, with, by, A 329 ; ΰχεσψιν, Ε 28 ; νανφιν, Π 281 ; usually with A^erbs implying rest, but also as locative with verbs of placing, ο 488 (θΰναι, ίϊσί, etc.), ττίσύν, κνλίνδε- σθαι; penes, λ 17 δ. — III. with ace, (1) to (a place), bfside, unto, along by, esp. with verbs of motion, yet also with verbs with which, in English, no idea of motion is associated, φ 64, Ζ 34. — (2) secundum, close to, by, Β 522, A 34, Μ 352. — (3) praetor, beyond, A 167; in excess of, δύναμιν ; μοΐραν, contrary to right. — IV. by anastrophe, ττάρο, Σ 400, Ω 429 ; παρ (for greater clearness, πάρ', Σ 191) and πάη, q. v. ; also = πάρίστι, π 45, Ε 603 ; Τ 148, penes te est, «ϊ rests with thee; or = πάρίίσι, δ 559. — V. in composition, the word appears in the signitications already mentioned, but notice with βάλλω, τίθημι, the meaning before, Ε 369, I 90; and the idea of beguiling or cunningly diverting which may sometimes be expressed by amiss, aside, A 555, π 287. παρα-βα'ινω. Trap . . . βαινετω» let him mount by (thy) side (on the chariot), A 512; pf. part, παρβφαώς, ώτί, standing by one (rivt) upon the chariot, A 522. (II.) παρά. βάλλετε, imp. prs., and aor. (ί)βάλεν, εβαλον, throw down (fodder) before, θ 504, Ε 369, ^ 41 ; mid. βαλ- λόμενος, staking, I 322. ΤΓάρ-6βασκ€, was standing by his side as combatant, h. 104|. ιτάρα-βλήδην, adv., (βάλλω), covert- ly, maliciously, Δ 6f. παρα-βλώσκω, pf. ιταρμεμβλωκε, go with help to the side of, A II and Ω 73. τταρα - βλώπβς ( βλ ε πω ), looking askance (from shame, with ace. of re- spect), I 503 f. irdp - 6γίγν€το, intererat, was present at; δαιτί, cenae, ρ I73f. Ίταρα-δαρθάνω, only 2 aor. εδράθεν, sle])t beside me (v 88), and δραθεειν όιλότητι, shar*. the pleasures of love with—, 2; 163. Ίτα^Λ'δίχομοι, aor. -cSefaTo, ρ cr- eeper at, receive at hands of^, Ζ 178|. ΐΓαραδραθ€£ΐν, see παραδαρ^άνω. παραδραμέτην, see παρατρεχω. τταρα-δράω, only δρώωσι, τινί, per- form in the service of, 324f . Ίταρα-δόμίνοι, aoi*. inf., (5ύω), steal past, Ψ 4\6-\. 'η-αρ-α€ίδ£ΐν, σοί, sing before, χ 348 f. τταρ-αείρω, aor. pass. -η€ρθη, hung down, Π 34 If. ΤΓοραι-βάτοι (βαίνω), warriors, who stand beside the charioteer, and fight, Ψ 132|. irapanriirieTiai, πιθών, see παρα- πείθω. Ίταρ-αίσ-ια (αίσα), adverse, Δ 38 If, Ίταρ-άίσσοντος, part, prs., aor.-/jt^€v, αν, (άίσσω), charge by ; τινά, A 615. 'ΐΓαραιψάμ€νος, see παράψημι. Ίταραί-ψασις (φημί), persuasion, en- couragement, A 793 and Ο 404. τταρακάββαλε, see follg, τταρα-κατα- βάλλω, aor. κάβ-βαλ€ν, ov, lay about, Ψ 127 and 683. ΐΓορα-κατα-λί';^;ω, aor. mid. cXckto, (λεχος), ry, he had laid himself down by her, I 565|. irdpd-KeiToi, ipf. εκείτο, iter, εκεσκε- To, freq. in tmesis, κ 9, r 424, Κ 75, 77 ; lay near him (oi),

- ing near, ρ 233, tmesis, Λ 558; Ίσαν, ήισαν, ω 11, 13, praeterire. Ίταρ-είπον, subj, είπ^, part, ειπών, ονσ{ο), hortari, persuadere, per- suade, icin over, A 555, Ζ 337. irap-cK 249 ΠοΙρις irap-cK, before vowels irap-c'l, I. adv., along past, ε 439 ; close δ?/, Λ 486; away from the point, evasively, dwHv, ayoptvfiv; except this, ζ 168. — II. prep., (1) with gen., extra, outside of. — (2) with ace, praetereundo, ultra, beyond, away from, νόον, con- trary to prudence, aryaiv, by beguiling speeches, Κ 391 ; along beyond, μ 276 ; ΆχιΧηα, inscio Achille, without the knowledge of Achilleus, Ω 434. τταρεκέσκβτο, ipf. iter, from τταρά- κίΐμαι. 'ΐΓα,ρ-€κ-ΐΓρο-φΰγτ)σιν, subj. aor. {φίύ- γω), e f f u g i a t, elude the grasp, Ψ 3 1 4f . irop - f λαύνω, fut. -€λάσσ€ΐ5, aor. ίλασσ(ε) = 7/λασί, ηλασαν, praeter- V e h i, di-ive or pass by ; c u r r u, Ψ 382 ; nave, μ 197 ; τινά, aliquem. irap-e\K€T€, imp. pres., put off, φ 111 ; mid. ίλκίτο, draw aside to one^s self, get hold of, σ 282. ΐΓαρ€μ.μ€ναι> see 1. πάρειμι. τΓαρ-€νήν£€ν, αν, intensive ipf, (νηίω, νίω), heap up, a 147 and π 51. τταρβ'ξ, see παρεκ. Ίταρ-βξ-ίλάαν, inf. pres., (ίλαννω), praetervehi, drive or be borne past; aor. tmesis, ελασσαν, with ace, Ω 349 ; subj. -ελάσ^σθα, Ψ 344. τταρ-ΐξ -ερχομοί, aor. cX6civ, part. ελθονσα, slip by, κ 573, Κ 344; elsewh. elude re, deceive. ιταρ£ΊΓλω, see παρα-πλώω. ΊΓΟρ-βρχίται, ερχομίνην, fut. ελεν- σεαι, aor. ήλθεν, subj. ελθ^, opt. ελθοι, inf. ελθεμεν, pass by ; τινά, outstrip, θ 230; surpass, ν 291; evade, A 132. irapcirav, see 1. ττάρειμι. irap-evvaScaee, ipf, {εύνάζομαι, εύ- νη), lie beside, χ 37f. 7Γαρ-6χ6ΐ, ονσιν, subj. εχωσι, opt. εχοιμι, part, έχονσαι, ipf. ίϊχοί', 3 pi. έχον, fut. έξω, ει, aor. subj. σχγ, inf. σχψεν, σχεΧν, tmesis Ψ 50, prae- bere, hold ready, Σ 556; supply, food and the like, σ 133, 360; furnish, pro- vide, τ 113, Ψ 835; with inf, δ 89. Ιπάρσεχη, in arsi, τ 113.] ιταρηερθη, see τταρ-αειρω. -τταρ-ηϊον, a, ntr., {τταρειά), cheek, ja^c, X 404, 'i' 690 ; cheek-piece of a bridle, Δ 142. Ίταρήλασε, see παρ-ελαύνω. παρ-'ημ€νος, ov, ω, οι, part, from ήμαι, — τινί, ads id ere, sit down at or near, δαιτί; also versari apud, circa, dwell with or among, ν 407; of neaniess that annoys, I 311. Ίταρ-ηορίτισι, ας, pi. fem., (τταρ- ήορος), head-gear, bridle and reins of third or running horse, θ 87, Π 152, represented in plate I. as hanging from the ζvyύv. irdp -ήορος, ov, masc., (άείρω), float- ing or hanging beside, (1) flighty, fool- ish, ψ 603. — (2) a horse harnessed by the side of the pair, ready to take the place of either of them in case of need, tolutim iuxta currens,n 471, 474. Plate I. represents the τταρήο- ρος in the background as he is led to his place. See also the adjacent cut, the first horse. — (3) stretched out, sprawl- ing, Η 156. 101 ΤΓάρ-ήιταφβ, see τταρ-ατταφίσκω. Trap θίίω, θεμενοι, see πορα-τίθημι. irapGcviKT], αϊ, {τταρθενος), maidenly, youthful (νειινις, maiden, η 20) ; maid- en, λ 39. Ίταρθβνιος, son of an unmarried girl, Π 180; τταρθενίην ζώνην, virgin^ s g'lr- dle. Παρθενιος, river in Paphlagonia, Β 854t. irapOev-oirtiro, voc. from -οιτίντης, (ότητΓτενω), one who stares at maidens, seducer.; Λ 385|. irapecvos, οι, fem., virgo, X 127, Σ 593, ζ 33 ; young uife, Β 514. irap6c(rav, aor. from παρατίθημι. τταρ-ιαυων, part, and ipf. 3 pi. iavov, iuxta Cubans, sleeping by or with, I 336, 470, ξ 21. irdp-itev, ipf., (ΐζω), τινί, ad side- bat, sat down by, ^ 311|. Ίταρ-βίθη, aor. pass, from 'ΐημι, de- pen d e b^a t, hung down, Ψ SeSf. irapa ϊθι5ν€Τ£, subj. pres., would be able to steer by, /i 82f . Πάρις, Γ 437, Ζ 280, 503, 512, son of Priamos, seducer of Helene ; see Άλίζανδρος. Ίταρ-ίστημι 250 ιτατέομαι trap -ίστημι, inf. -ιστάμβναι, aor. ίστης and ίστης, η, subj. τταρστηιτον, opt. παρασταίης, τταρσταίη, ρ1. τταρα- σταϊίν, imp. ττύρ-στητι, part, τταρα- στάς, παρατάς, άσα, pf. τταρίστηκίν, inf. τταρίστάμίναι, plupf. 3 ρ1. τταρέ- στάσαν, mid. pres. τταρίσταμαι, σαι, ται, σο, μένος, οι, η, ipf. ίστατο, mid. accede re, approach, τινί, ad a Η- ς u em, Β 244, Ε 570; opitulari, δη«^ αύί, Κ 290, J/ 301 ; act. aor. pf. plupf. ad stare, siani i>y or near, σ 344, α 335; plupf. aderant, Η 467; aor. access i, draw near, Γ 405, Ε 116; hostiliter, with hostile intent, X 371, t 52, with friendly intent, Ο 442; part, drawing near, ψ 87, Λ 261. irdp-iirxoiACV (ίσχω), ojftr, I 638; inf. τταρισχίμεν, hold in readiness, A 229. τταρ-κατ-εΧεκτο, see παρα-κατα-λεχω. παρ-μεμβλωκε, pf. from -βλώσκω. παρμίνω, see παρα-μενω. Παρνησός, ov, όνδε, Parnassus, a double - peaked mountain range in Phokis ; in a ravine on its southern side lay Delphi, τ 394, φ 220, ω 332. see ΥΙηλάΰης. ιτηληΙ, ηκι, α, fem., galea, Mmet^ Π 105, Ο 608, α 256. (11.) Πηλιάς, άΰα, μελίη, ην, Pelian spear (from Mount Pelion), gift of Centaur Cheiron to Peleus, Υ 277, Π 143. (II.) Πήλιον, mountain in Thessaly, Β 757, Π 144, λ 316. Ίτημ,ζα), άτος, άτ(α), ntr., (πα-θος), malum, suffering, tcoe, harm, Ω 547, ί 179; κακοΐο, perpessio τη a\i, en- durance of calamity; δΰης, dolor is, depths of wretchedness ; of persons, and pest is, bane, nuisance, ρ 446. πημ.αίν€ΐ, fut. ττημανίην, aor. 3 pi. opt. -ηνειαν, (ττημα), injure, distress, Ο 42 ; νττερ ορκια, work mischief by violating the oaths ; aor. pass, ττημάν- θη, ανθηναι, laedi, τ/, to suffer any hurt or harm, θ 563. Πην6ΐ<$ς, river in Thessaly, flowing through the vale of Tempe into the Thermaic gulf, Β 752, 757. Πην€'-λ€ω5, εω, leader of Boiotians, Β 494, S 496, 487, 489, Π 340, Ρ 597. Πην6-λ<5ΐΓ6ΐα, ης, Penelope, the hero- ine of the Odyssey, κονρη Ίκαρίοιο^ a 329; Όδνσσήος παράκοιης, φ 158; μητηρ Ύηλεμάχοιο, 311; ίχεφρων^ 5 111; περίφρων, δ 787, f 216. Ίτηνίον, ro, (ρ a η η u s, fa η ο), thread of the ίτοο/* passed from one side to the other in and out through the upright threads of the warp, before which the weaver stood, Ψ 762|. Ίη\6ς, ούο, affinis, brother-in-latD, Γ 163,^581. ΙΙηρ6ίη 261 •Π-ίΐΓΤ€1 Πηρ€ίη, ϊ), region in Thessaly = Uiephj ? Β 766|. Ίτήρης, gen., ην, fern., (pera), knap' sack, beggar's wallet, ρ 357, 411. (Od.) ττηρόν, ace, caecum, δ /incZ, Β 599|. Πηρώ, ους, daughter of Neleus and of Chloris, wife of Bias, λ 287|. ττήχίΐ, dat., ace. w, du. £ε, (1) elbow, lower arm, Φ 166 ; brachium, Ε 314, ρ 38. — (2) the centre-piece, Avhich joined the arms of the ancient bow ; in shoot- ing, this piece was grasped by the left hand, and the arrow passed between the finger of the hand and the centre- piece of the bow (see cuts Nos. Ill, Herakles; 133, Paris; 67, 96, 97, As- syrians), Λ 375, 419. Ίτΐαρ, ntr., (iriPap), fat, of cattle, Λ 550 ; rick, fat soil under the surface of ground, ι 135. Ίτίδακος, της, f ο η t i s, spring, Π 825 j. 'Π•ιδη€σ<Γης, rich in springs, A 183t. Πίδΰτη?, ην, a Trojan from Perkote, slain by Odysseus, Ζ 30f . triiy itiv, aor. from πίνω. ΤΓΪεζειν, ipf. επίίζε, ττίίζον, pass, aor. ■πιεσθείς, (ρ r e m ο), c ο m ρ r i m ο, squeeze, press, μ 174, Π 510; εν οεσμοίς, vin- culis constringere, load with fet- ters. iricipa, irreg. fem. from πίων. Πϊ€ρίη, region about Olympos in Makedonia, S 226, ε 50 ; see Ώηρείη. ΊΓΐθέσθαι, see πείθω. πιθέω, apparent coll. form of πείθω, 2 fat. τΓ^ΐΓΐβήσω, persuadebo, per- suade, with inf., X 223 ; πιθησεις, obe- dies, obey,

149; esp. of at- tendants, servants, Σ 421, A 600. iroKov, τόν, (πίκω), shorn wool, fleece, vellus, Μ 451|. iroXe'c? = ΤΓολλοί. πολεμήΐα, ntr., {ττόΧεμος), tpya, toil of battle, Β 338 (οίοε, understands); with δούναι, bestOAV renown in battle, glory ; τεύχεα, warlike equipment, ΊΓολεμίζω, prs. and ipf. πολεμιζε, ov, and ΐΓτολ€/χίζω, ειν, ων, fut. ίξομεν and ΤΓολεμί'ζομεν, (πόλεμος), pugnare, flght, πόλεμον, pugnam; τινί, con- tra aliquem = άι /ra τινός, εναντί- βιον, ορρ. μετά τισιν, jointly with; impugnare, to fight with, Σ 258. ΤΓολεμιστής, ήν, ά, αϊ, and ιττολβ- μιστ^Ι, (ττολεμίζω), bellator, warrior, Κ 549. Ίτόλβμος, ΟΙΟ, ον, ψ, ον, οι, ων, ους, and ΤΓτόλεμοξ, οιο, ον, φ, ον, ους, (πε- λεμίζω), tumult of combat, fight, A 492, Δ 15; esp. freq. plur., ξ 225, χ 152; also in periphrasis, ερις, νεΐκος, φύλοπις πολεμοιο, discord, fury, din of the com- bat. ΤΓ(τ)όλ€μ«ίνδ6, into the combat, θ 400. πολ^υειν {πίΧεσθαι), versari, live in, X 223t. iroXcwv = πολλών. Ίτόληος, ες = πόλεις. πολίζω, aor. ΐΓθλίσσαμ€ν, and plupf. pass, πεπόλιστο, con d ere, build, Η 453 and Υ 217. ΐΓολιήτας, τους = πολίτας, cives, citizens, Β 806 f. ir, fem., (ποτός), ρο- tio, drink, A 469, κ 176. 2. Ίτόσΐζ, ιος, t't, ft, ιν, ιας, masc, (^ίσττότηα, potens), husband, ^ouse^ Η 411, 5 137. ΐΓοσσ-ήμαρ, quot dies? how many days? Ω 657|. Ίτόστον, ace, quotum, how many a year ago? ω 288|. 'ΠΌταμόν-δ€, in flume η, into, to tL• river, Φ 13, κ 159. ΊΓΟταμός, οΤο, ov, φ, όν, ώ, οι, ων, ους, (οα-ΊΓβτέος), flumen, rtver, c 453; freq. personif. as river-god, Ε 544, S 245. ΤΓοτάομαι, ττοτώνται, Β 462 ; but ΐΓοτβονται, ω 7 ; pf. πεπότηται, ττεττο- τηαται, (ττίτομαι), Ύ Q\, fy, flutter ; of souls of departed, λ 222. 19 iroTc, quando? when? Τ 227. iroTc, enclitic, aliquando, once, S 45; quondam, /ormer/y, Β 547, Ζ 99 ; olim, hereafter, Δ 182. τΓοτεομαι, see ποτάομαι. ΊΓοτβροισι, utris, to which (party), Ε 85|. iroTTJ, (πeτoμai), in fight, e 337t. ΤΓοτής, ΤΓΟτητος, τα, fem., (πότος), potion is, rfnnl-, δ 788, Τ 306. ΐΓοτητά, τά, (ποτάομαι), νο lucres, birds, μ 62 f. ποτί and ποτι-, see ττρός, προσ-. 'ΐΓοτϊ-δεγμ6νος, etc., part,, (δέχομαι), expectans, awaiting, τινά, τι, εΙ, ψ 91 ; δππότ άν, Η 415. ΤΓοτι-δόρτΓίον, /or {his) supper, ι 234 and 249. ποτι-κεκλιται, perf. from -κλίνω. ΊΓΟτι-νίσσβται, go in at, enter (through the gates, spoken of pre- cious possessions), I 381 f. ποτι-πεπτηνΐαι, pf. part, (-πτησσω), λψενος, sinking down toward the har- bor, V 98 f. ποτι- πτνσσοιμεθα, see προσ- πτύσ- σομαι. ΊΓοτι-τ^ρίΓίτω (τέρπω), oblectato. let him care for, Ο 40 If. ποτι-ψωνήεις (φωνή), capable of ad- dressing, endued vnth speech, ι 456f. ττότμος, ov, masc, (πίπτω), the lot which falls from the helmet, sors; ill fate, εφάναι τιν'ι, (θάνατον και) π. έπισπείν, meet death, fulfill one's fate, Β 359. ΐΓ<ίτνι(α), πύ-να, (πόσις), mistress, queen, θηρών ; august, θεά ; revered, bearing sway, μητηρ. ΊΓοτόν, οϊο, φ, όν, ntr., (πίνω), ρ ο t i ο, drink, A 470, a 148. ΊΓοΰ, ubi? where? Ε 171; quo? whither? Ν 219. ατού, enclitic, ali- quando, somewhere, λ 458; m^thinks, doubtless, perhaps, A 178, Β 116, 136, I 23, θ 491, λ 449. Ίτουλΰ - βοτ€ίρτ|, αν, Γ 89, 265, almae, bountiful, = πολνβ. Πουλΰ-δάμας» αΐ'τος, son of Pati- thoos, a Trojan, S 44*9, 453, Ο 339, j 518, 521, Π 535 ; πεπννμενος, Σ 249. ττουλΰ-ΊΓοδο?, τοϋ, polypus (cuttle- i fish), ( 432 f. I ΊΓουλύς, θ 109 = πολύς. i πους, ττοδιίς, ι, α, οΊιν τ 444, ες, ών, i ποσ(σ)ί(ν), πόδεσσι(ν), ας, i)QS,foot, of Πράκτιος 270 7Γρ<ί men, animals, also of birds, tafon*, u n- gulae; coupled with χίΊρες, χ 477; λάζ TToti, push with the foot, kick ; ίς• ττΰοας ίκ κι^αλής, or t/c κ. ig ττ., from head to foot, Σ 353 ; in foot race, swift- ness of foot, Ν 325 ; radices montis, foundations, Ύ 59; rope fastened to lower corners of sail to control it, sheet (see plate IV.), e 260. Πράκτιος, river in Troas, north of Abydos, Β 835 f. Πραμν€Ϊος οίνος, Pramneian wine, of dark color and fiery taste, κ: 235. ΊΓραΐΓίδων, Ciaai(v) = φρένες, ( 1 ) praecordia, diaphragm, midHff, A 579. — (2) fig. heart, X 43; mind, thoughts, Σ 380, η 92. irpewri•»], ai, garden-bed, ω 247 and η 127. ττρεττω, he conspicuous, ipf. eirpeirc, δίά πάντων, Μ 104f. Ίτρέσβα, fem., (ττρεσβνς), prop, old, then august, honored, Ε 721. ΐΓρ€σβήιον, (πρίσβνς), gift of honor, θ 289|. Trpta^v-yiVTiq, first-born, A 249 f. Ίτρβσβυτίρο?, οισιν, comp., -ντατος, or, η, ην, sup. from ττρεσβνς, senior, dder,0 204; natu {yfvfy) maximus, oldest, Ζ 24. ττρήθω, aor. (€}π•ρήσ€, σαι, blow, let stream forth, Π 350 (with tv, A 481); scatter, shower upon, πνρί, fire, θ 217 ; also πυρός, Β 415, 1 242. Ίτρηκτηρα, τόν, (πράσσω) έργων, doer, ι 443; ρ1. ήρες, traders, θ 162. Ίτρηνη?, έα, εες, εΊς, ες, (ττρό), pro- nvLS, forward, on the face (opp. νπτιος, Ω 11); headforemost, praeceps, Ζ 43, Π 310. Ίτρήξις, Ίν, fem., (περάω), accomplish- ment, result; οντις τινι -γίγνεται, πελετο, no good comes of; enterprise, γ 82. Ίτρήσσβι, etc., prs., ipf. iter, πρησ- σεσκον θ 259, fut. πρήζεις, ει, aor. επρηζας, πρήζαι, αντα, always after caesura in fourth foot, (πέραν), accom- plish, complete, pass over, κέλευθον, Ψ 501 ; όίοΤο, gen. part., Ω 264, γ 476, ο 47, 219 ; fut. and ajor., further, help, tpyov, οΰτι. irptaro, 3 sing, aor., (περάν), eme- bat, κτεάτεσσιν, buy with treasure, a 430. (Od.) ΠρΐαμΙδης, ao, εω, son of Priamos, Β 817, r 77. (U.) j Πρίαμος, son of Laomedon, Υ 237, I king of Troja ; husband of Hekabe, ! who bore him 19 out of liis 50 sons ; already aged at the time of the Trojan war, γίρων, Ν 368, Ω 217, 777; de- scendant of Dardanop, Γ 303. His children : Hektor, Γ ol4 ; Eelenos, Η 44; Echemmon, Chromios, Ε 160; Lykaon, Φ 35 ; Paris, Ζ 512; Pohtes, Β 791 ; Gorgythion, θ 303 ; Demo- koon, Δ 499 ; Deiphobos, Μ 95 ; Isos, Antiphos, A 102 ; Kassandra, Ν 365, λ 421; Laodike, Γ 124. Ίτρίν (comp. from προ), Α. adverb : prius, before, Β 112; τυ πριν yt, Ε 54 ; >vith indie, Μ 437 ; fut. or suibj., ρ ο tins, sooner, first, A 29, Σ 283, ν 427, Ω 551; >vith opt. and κε, y 117; πριν y η, Ε 288, Χ 266 ; also ου πριν (yt), or OX) πάρος, or ου πρόσθεν^ with follg, πριν γε (or άλλ' όπότ αν £ή, Π 62, Φ 340), Ε 218, Ε 288.— Β. con- junction, before. I. >vith inf. Avithout temporal or modal limitation, to char- acterize the subordinate action as un- real or impossible (if the subordinate clause has a subject, it stands in ace, Ζ 81); tense of inf. usually aor. after aflBrmative (N 172), and negative prin- cipal sentence, A 98, Τ 423, Φ 225, Χ 266, ψ 138, δ 747; also after opt. or potential sentence, Ζ 465, Δ 115, Ω 245, δ 668, χ 64, κ 384 ; cf. also Ε 218, 287, Μ 171, β 127, δ 254.— Π. followed by subj. or opt., the principal sentence, as before, being negative: (1) after principal tenses, πρίν Avith subj. represents subordinate action at once as fut. and as the condition of principal action, Σ 135, κ 175; πρίν y δπότ αν, β 374, δ 477; also after inf. used imperatively, Ω 781 ; even after historical tense, Σ 190.— (2) after historical tenses, πρίν with opt. rep- resents subordinate action as future, viewed from past standpoint of prin- cipal verb, Φ 580 ; πρίν y οτε, I 489 ; transition in same sentence from II. 1 to I., β 374. \πρ\ν (orig. προιν for προιον), yet not infrequently also πρίν^ δ 32, 212, Β 344, 354, 413, etc.] •π-ριστον, adj., (πρίω), ίλεψαντος, sawji ivory, σ 196 and τ 564. irprf, pro, I. adv., before, forth, ov- ρανΰθι, Ίλιόθι, in and under (before) the sky, around and before Troja ; ako irpo-aXct 271 ΐΓρο-ΐαλλ€(ν) temporal, ήωθι, in the morning early, A 50: προ φόωσδί, Π 188, fcn^ard into the light. — II. prep, with gen., (1) of space, pro, ante, coram, in front of, in presence of, τ 435, Ω 734 ; ττρο ύδον, forward in the way, onward. — (2) tem- poral, ante, before, ο 524. — (3) in be- half of, for, μάχίσθαι, όλεσθαι; προ ο τοϋ for ό προ τον, unus pro altero, one for the other, Κ 224 ; προ φόβοιο, for (because of) fear. irpo-aXet, dat. sing., (αλλομαι ?), de- scending, Φ 262f. ττρο-βαΐνω, pf. -β€βηκας, f, plupf. βεβήκει, and part. pres. -βιβάς, Ν 18 ; and, as if from βιβάω, βιβώντος, Π 609 ; βιβώντι Ν 807, βιβώντα Γ 22, pro- cede re, arffawce; τινός, antecedere, surpass; τινί, aliqua re, Π 54. Ίτρο-βάλλω, only aor. -βολ<ίντ€ς, iter, βάλίσκε, ρ r oj i c er e, cast before, ε 331; tpiSa, injicere, inire, begin; mid. aor. -βάλοντο, cast dovm before them, A 458; Ψ 255, fundament a iecerunt; opt. -βαλοίμην (mente te longe), antecellam, excel. Ίτρό-βασίν, 7-17 V, bona moventia, live sfock, cattle, /3 75f. Ίτρό - βατ(α), τά, (προβαίνω), pe- c ο r a, droves or flocks, S 1 24 and Ψ 550. ιτρο-βίβουλα, pf., (βονλομαι), prae- ier ο, prefer before, A 113f. Ίτρο-βιβάς, -βιβών, see προ-βαίνω. Ίτρο-βλής, dat. βλήτι, pi. βλήτες, ας, (προβάλλω), projecting, Μ 259. Ίτρο-βλώσκ^ν, εμεν, aor. -μολον, imp. μολ(ε), part, μαλών, ονσα, pro- dire, go or come forward, forth, τ 25, 468, Σ 382, Φ 37. τΐρο-βοάω, part. βοώντ€, (βοη), shout- ing loudly (aboΛ'e the rest), Μ 27 7 f. ιτρο-βόλω, τφ, masc, (βάλλω), jut- ting rock, μ 251 f. ιτρο-γενεστερος, οι, (γένος), senior, Β 555. Ίτρο-γίγνομαι, aor. γβνοντο, pro- gress! sunt, Σ 525; in tmesis, ο^οϋ, Δ 382, advanced on their way. Ίτρό-γονοι, masc, (γόνος), earlier born, or spring lambs, larger hmbs, ι 221t. ΐΓρο-δα€ίς, part, aor., (ί^άην), ante sentiens, know beforehand, δ 396 f. Ίτρο-δοκησιν, dat. pi., fern., (δεκο- μαι), εν, in ambush, lurking-place, A 107t. Ίτρο-δόμω, τφ, masc, (οόμος'), vesti- bule, portico, with pillars before the house (see plate III., Z) D, at end of volume), I 473, δ 302, cf. θ 57. Ίτρο-εβργί, ipf., hinder (by standing before), Avith inf , Λ 569t. Ίτρο-βηκα, ε, see προ-Ίημι. Ίτρο-εΊδον, subj. ίδωσι, part, ιδών, όντες, Tpr a ev ι dere, look forward, catch sight of ε 393, prospiciens; ίδων- ται,ν 155, prospicient. πρό-ειμι, ττρο «όντα, praeterita, A 70. ττρο ίΐίΓομβν, praediximus, α ττρο-ίμβν, aor. inf. from προ-ίημι. irpo - €ρ£σσα|ΐ€ν, σσαν, aor. from -ερέσσω (ερετμύς), appellere, drive forward with oars, A 435, ι 73, ν 279, ο 497. 7Γρο-€ρυσσ€ν, aor., (ίρνω), had drawn forward, A 308. irpo-cs, imp. aor. from -ίημι. προ-εχω, ιτρουχουσιν, part, οντι, α, ονσιν, ovay, σας, ipf. προεχ(ε), jut for- ward, μ 11, ω 82; lofty, τ 544; mid. ipf. προΰχοντο, had before them, γ 8; προ εχοντο, were holding before them, Ρ 355. ττρο-ήκβα, ntr. pi., (ηκης, άκη), praeacuta, pointed at the end, with sharp blades, μ 205 f. ΊΓρο-θβλυμνω, ους, a, (^θέλνμνοί'), along with the root ; Ν 130, overlapping, of layers of ox-hide forming a shield. TTpo-Qiovaiy see προ-τίθημι. ττρο-θβ'ησι, subj., ipf. iter, θέεσκε, praecurrerc, outstrip, Κ 362, λ 515. Προ-θο-ήνωρ, ορός, son of Areilykos, chief of Boiotians, Β 495, ^ 450, 471. Πρ6-θοος, son of Tenthredron, lead- er of Magnesians, Β 756, 758. ττρο-θορών, see προ-θρώσκω. ΓΙρο-θόων, ωνα, a Trojan, slain by Teukros,2; 51 5|. Ίτρο-Θρώσκω, aor. θορών, prosili- Qus^, springing forward, S 363. (II.) Ίτρο-θϋμΐησι, rale, zeal, courage, Β 588t. πρ6-θΰρον, 01', 010, οισ(ιν), piUared porch at entrance of court (see plate III.,^); gateway, a 103, y 493; porch before the house-door (see plate III., t), doorway, θ 304, σ 10. 'ΐΓρο-ίαλ.λ€(ν), ipf., (ι«λλω), sent forth, θ 365. ΊΤρΟ-Ι 272 irpds Ίτρο-ιάπτω, fut. ΐά\)/€ΐ, tiv, aor. ίαψίν, send (forth), usually of Avhat is untime- ly, premature, A 3. ητρο-ίημι, ίησι, 3 pi. ΐίΧσι, imp. id, ipf. if IV, ίίΐς, ίίΐ, aor. ήκί,= ήκί, εηκα, t{v), 3 pi. taavj imp. «ς, έτω, inf. εμεν, e m i 1 1 e r e, send forth, τινά, with inf. of purpose, κ 25; θεψ, in submission to the god; also of missiles, sL•ot, dart, sling; ν δωρ, pour forth; ίπος, let drop ; Kvcoc, bestow upon; let slip, ε 316; τ 468, let go, so that it fell. Ίτρο-ίκτης, y, masc, (ικέτης), men- dicus, beggar, ρ 352. (Od.) προίξ, προικός, (procus, precor), gift, present, ρ 413; but ν 15, that a single person should win for himself gratitude for a gift. Ίτρο-ίστημι, aor. στησας, in having \ put thee forward before the Achaians ^ to fight, Δ 156|. npoiTos, king of Argives, Ζ 157, 177; husband of Anteia, Ζ 160. 7Γρο-καθ-Ιζ6ντων, gen. pi. part., (ΐζω), alighting after having βοινη for- ward, Β 463|. 'Π'ρο-καλ€σσατο, aor., subj. εσσεται, imp. εσσαι, (καλέω), evocare, chal- lenge, Η 39 ; to combat, χάρμγ ; μαχε- σασθαι,Ή. 218. ΐΓρο•καλ(ζ€θ, imp., ipf. καλίζετο, (κα- \έω), evocare, challenge, Γ 19 ; χερσί, to boxing contest, σ 20 ; with inf., Δ 389, θ 228. ιτρο-κ€ίμ€να, part., Iging before (them), a 149. ιτρό-κλΰτο, (κΧνώ), ante audita =celebrata, ίττεα, ancient legends, Υ 204t. Πρ6κρις, ίδος, daughter of Erech- theus, king of Athens, λ 321f. προ-κρέσσας, fem. pi., (κρόσσαι), in rows, in tiers, S 35f . Ίτρο-κΰλίνδβτοι, pass., (κνλϊν^ω), provolvitur, roll forward, S 18f. Ίτρο-λέγω, pf. pass, part., λ€λ€'γμ^- vot, delecti, chosen, ^lite, Ν 689|. Ίτρο-λίΐ'πω, aor. Xiirctv, ών, όντες, pf. λίλοιπεν, deserere, leave behind, γ 314; d efi cere, /oria^e, β 279. ΐΓρο-μάχιζ€, imp. pres. and ipf., (μαχιζω), pugnare, τινί, fight in the front rank before others, Ύ 376 and Γ 1 6 = irpojiaxcoeai τίνος, Λ 217 and Ρ 358. ιτρό•μαχος, oio, ov, at, ων, Οίσ(ιν), ους, (προ- μάχομαι), propugnator, champion, foremost fighter, σ 379, ω 526. (II.) Πρ(ί-μαχος, son of Alegenor, Boio- tian chief, ^ 476, 482, 503. ττρο-μϊγηναι, aor. inf. pass., (μίγνν- μι), have intercourse with before, τινί, I 452|. ΊΓρο-μνη-στΐνοι, ai, (προ, μίνω, στή- ναι), one after another, successively, ώ 230 and λ 233. Ίτρο-μολών, see προ-βλώσκω. Ίτρ^μος, ov, (sup. from πρό, cf. pri- mus), foremost fighter, Η 75. ΐΓρο-ν«5ησαν, ήσαι, (νοέω), prae- senserunt, suspect, Σ 526; ante excogitare, devise beforehand, ε 364. Ilpd-voos, a Trojan, slain by Pa- troklos, Π 399t. irpoKas, acc. pi. (cf. ττερκνός), deer, ρ 295t. 'irpo-irapoi0c(v), adv., pro, ante, porro, coram, forward, formerly, Κ 476, Ο 260; usually prep, with gen. (prepos. and postpos.), ante, before, Ο 66, Γ 22 ; ηιόνος, alovg the shore. ΊΓρο-Ίτάσας, πάν, totas, all (day) hng, all (the ships) together, ι 161. Ίτρο-πέμπω, aor. επεμψβ and προϋ- πεμψα, ε, send forth, A 442, ρ 54. •ΐΓρο-'ΐΓ6φαντοι, see -φαίνω. irpo-TTcaovTCS, aor. part., (πίττω), incumbentes, bending forward, 1 490 and /Li 194. Ίτρο-^οδίζων, (πους), striding for- ward, ISl 158 and 806. 'η•ρο-'7Γρην6α, ες, (pronus), leaning forward, Γ 218 ; bent, χ 98 (v. 1. πρηνέι). ττρο - irpo - κυλινδόμ€νος, wandering from place to place, ρ 525; Αιός, ad pedes Jovis provolutus, rolling as suppliant before, X 221. ΐΓον, a and άτα, dat. άσι, ntr., (υττωπα), countenance, Σ 24, Π 414. ΐΓρο-ταμών, aor. part., (τάμνω), cut- ting up, I 489; cutting before one, for- ward, from root toward the top, ψ 196 ; mid. aor, opt. -τάμοίμην, cut straight before me, draw straight before me, σ 375. ΐΓρ6τ€ρος, ΟΙΟ, ψ, ον, ω, οι, ων, οισι, ους, η, y, ην, yq, (comp. from ττρό), prior,/ormer, Γ 140; also, instead of prius, Τ 183, β 31, Δ 67 ; senior, yivfy, elder, Ο 166 ; maiores, men of former time, A 308; ττόδες, anterio- res,/orefeet, Γ 228. Ίτροτ^ρω, forward, further, Γ 400, Κ 469, £ 417. Ίτρο-ηνχω, pf. pass. inf. τβττίχθαι, f a c t a esse, have happened, be past, Π 60. (II.) TTpoTt, see προς ; «ιτροτι-, see ττροσ-. Προτιάων, όνος, father of Astynoos, in Ilios, Ο 455|. irpoTi-eiXeiv (Pt\-), press forward, TTori νήας, Κ 347|. Ίτρο-τίθημι, 3 pi. ipf. -τϊθβν, aor. προνθηκίν, place before, tables, α 112; cast before dogs, Ω 409 ; ττρο-θέονσι in A 291 irregular inflection (cf. δίδη, διδώσομ(ν, φορήναι) for τιθεασι, place before, give into hands of, permit. •IΓpoτι-μϋθησ•ασθot,alloqui, λ 143f. Ίτροτι-όσ'σομαι, imp. εο, ipf. όσσ£Γ(ο), (όσσε), adspicere, look upon, η 31, ψ 365 ; then, with eyes of the mind,/ore- bode, X 356= recognize thee for Avhat 1 had foreboded. Ίτρό-τμησιν, την, (τέμνω), parts about the navel, A 424f . Ίτρο-τόνοισιν, ους, pi. masc, (τείνω), fore-stag, rope extending from the mast to the upper end of bow, A 434, /3 425. (See cut under the word Σειρήν.) Ίτρο-τρέπω, 3 pi. ipf. mid. τρίίΓοντο, 2 aor. subj, τράπηται, opt. τραττοίμην, inf. εσθαι, se convertere ad, tu7-n in flight to, give one's self to, επί τι, εττί τίνος, άχε'ϊ, Ζ 336. ιτρο-τροΊΓαδην, adv., (τρεττω), in head- long fight, Π 304t. ττρο-τύτΓτω, aor. ττροντυψί, αν, press forward, ω 319, a prickling, smarting sensation forced itself forward through his nostrils (preceding the tears which he could hardly restrain). Ίτρονθηκβ, see ττρο-τίθημι. irpovire^xj/c, see ττρο-ττ'εμπω. Ίτρουχοντα, το, ττ/οουχουσ^, etc., see ττροεχω. ■προ-φα'ινω, ipf. ιτροΰψαινβ, ον, shine forth from, ι 145 ; revealed, μ 394 ; mid. ipf. προυφαίνετο, pf. προπέφαν- ται, be visible, ν 169, S 332 ; aor. pass, προφανεντα, τε, ε'ισα, appearing, θ 378, Ρ 487, with εις, tv, άνά with ace. Ίτρό-φασιν, την, pretense, ostensibly, Τ 262 and 302. προ-φ€ρ€στ£ρος, ov, οι, οι. and sup. -φερ'εστατος, (προφερής), preferred, τι- νός, above some one ; τινί, superior in, φ 134; with inf., better in drawing, Κ 352. Ίτρο-φερω, φ^ρηστ, ωμεν, οις, f, ων, ούσα, αι, bear forth, away, ν 64; projfer, I 323, Ρ 121; τινι έριδα, rivalling one another, ζ 92; ονείδεα, convitiari, revile ; μένος, display courage ; mid. pres. -φ'ερηται έριδα, challenge, θ 210, begin combat, Γ 7. Ίτρο-φενγω, aor. subj. φΰγτ), opt. φν- γοισθα, inf. φυγείν, part, -ών, όντα, eff ug ere, flee away, A 340 ; with ace, λ 107. ΐΓρ6-φρασσ(α) (. . . φραδεος, φρην), propensus; seriously, κ 386 ; cheer- fully, Φ 500. irp^ -ψρων 275 IlTiXcos ττρό-φρων, on, ονες, adv. -ψρονεως, (0|Oi7r), joined with verb, cf. lubens, or lubenti animo, gladly, S 357, Ε 810; tcith good cheer, ξ 54 ; zealous, fiiendly, ττ 257 ; kindly, β 230. ΐΓρο-χ€€ΐ, ίΐν, profundit, pour forth; pass, -χίοντο, ipf., effusi sunt, Φ 6. (II.) Ίτρό-χνυ, adv., (jovv), on her knees, I 570 ; άτΓολίσθαι, be brought low and perish, perish utterly, Φ 460. '7Γρο-χοησ(ιν), άς, fern., (χίω), Tuouth, stream, υ 65, Ρ 263. Ίτρό-χοος, (f>, ον, fem., vessel for drawing ott' Avine, jntcher, vase, σ 397 (for the form see cuts Nos. 29, 76); used also to pour Avater over the hands or feet into a kettle below in washing (see cut No. 82). Ίτρΰλββς, εων, haa(i), (πρό, λαοί?), foot-soldkrs, Λ 49, Μ 77, Ο 517, Ε 744, hyperbolically, fitted to, sufficient to protect the combatants of a hundred cities. Πρυμνίύς, ίως, a Phaiakian, θ 1 12f. Ίτρΰμ,νη, ης, puppis, stem, A 409, Σ 76, 447. 'ΤΓρύμνηθ€ν, (seize) by the stem-post, Ο 716f, 'ΐΓρυμνήσι(α), τά, (sc. -πείσματα), stern-(cah\es), by which the ship was made fast to the shore {κατεδησαν, άνάφαι), hence ελνσαν πρνμντ}σια =■ naves solverunt, ^ 418. Ίτρυμνό?, 0Ϊ0, of, υΐσι, ης, y, ην, όν, ex t rem us, extreme end, either upper, lower, or hinder part, Π 314, thigh; Π 124, 286, stern, cf Μ 446, belmo ; Ε 292, root of the tongue; Μ 149, wood at the root; Ε 339, ntr. θεναρος, end of the palm, just below the fingers ; -ότατον, sup.,(0 463 — s um mum, Avhere it joins the back. ττρυμν-ωρίίη, ry, (δρας), foot of a mountain, S 307 f. Πρΰτάνις, toe-, a Lykian, slain by Odysseus, Ε 678'|. ττρωην, adv., (πρό), nuper, lately, Ε 832. (II.) Ίτρωθ-ήβαι, ας, masc, and fem. ην, (ηβη), pubes, in the bloom of youth, θ 518, α 431. Ίτρώι, adv., (πρό), mane, in the morning, θ 530; v. 1. ω 28, ρ rae ma- ture, untimely. Ίτρωΐξ' = ττρωιζά, (πρωί), day before yesterday, Β 303|. Ίτρώιον, mane, early in the morning, Ο 470t. Ίτρών, ρ 747 ; πρώονες, ας, masc, (πρό), foreland, headland, Μ 282. (II.) Πρωρ£υς, a Phaiakian, θ 113f. ττρώρη, adj., (προ), νηΰς, prora, proio, μ 230|. Πρωτ€σί-λαο5, son of Iphiklos, leader of Thessalians ; the first to tread on Trojan soil, and the first to fall, Β 698, 706, Ο 705, Ν 681, Π 286. Πρωτ€ΰς, father of Eidothea, serv- ant of Poseidon, whose seals he herds in the sea near Egypt, the wise old \ man of the sea, δ 365, 385. ττρώτιστος, ψ, sup. from Πρώτος, (Avith πολύ, longe), primus, frst, ntr. πρώηστον (before voAvel in third foot) (Od.) and πρώτισθ', λ 168 = πρώτιστα (before consonants in third foot), ρ r i m u m, frst vith plough, Σ 544, 546 ; ϋιν εις έρεβος, turn the sheep toward the land of shadow. — Pass. pres. στρέφεται, όμεσθα, subj. εται Μ 42, ipf. εστρέφετ(ο), fut. στρέι\^εσθ(αι), aor. στρεφθείς, εντός, τι, τε, ίΤσ(α), turn one's self turn; ένθα και ένθα, hue i 1 1 u c ; νωλεμ'εως, twisting myself tight- ly into, i. e. twisting his wool tightly around me, t 435. <Γτρ€ψασκον, see στρέφω. στρόμιβον, τόν, (στρέφω), top, S 41 3f. στρουθοϊο, masc, sparrow, Β 311. (II.) στροφάλιγγι, ry, (στρέφω), vor- tici, eddy, whirl, Π 775f. στροφαλίζ€Τ€, imp., (στροφάλιγζ), twirl, ply, σ 315 f. Στρόψιος, father of Skamandros, Ε 49|. στρόψος, ΰ, (στρέφω), cord, rope, άορτηρ, as support, ν 438. (Od.) στρώνννμι, see στορένννμι. στρωφάω, στρωψώσιν, ώσ(α) (στρέ- φω), turn constantly (thread, yam), ηΧά- κατα i mid. άσθ(αι), ipf. στρωφάτ(ο')^ στϋγβρός 291 συμ-ττλατάγησεν tarry, dwell, I 463 ; Ν 557, engage in combat against. <Γτΰγ6ρ05, 0Ϊ0, ov, φ, όν, οι, η, ης, y, ην, άς, adv. -ως, (ίστυγον), hated, hateful, Ψ 79 ; λ 201, wretched. στυγ€€ΐ, kovai, hj, and ίησιν, aor. tOTvyov, and 1 aor, opt. στνζαιμι : this last form. maZ:e hateful ; the other forms, Λαίβ, shudder at, be disgusted with, θ 370, V 400. Σηίμφηλος, fern., town in Arkadia, Β 608t. Στυξ, Στνγύς, Styx, lit. " Hateful," river in the loAver world, by which the gods swore their most sacred oaths ; its branches, Titaresios and Kokvtos, Β 755, κ 514, θ 369, a 271, Ο 37.' Στυρα, τά, town in Euboia, Β 539|. στυφ€λίζ€Τ€, tiv, aor. (ί)στν(ρε\ιζί{ν), y, οι, part. pres. -ομενονς, (στύφω), smite, Ε 437, Η 261 ; scatter, Λ 305; thrust out of, ti{{TOc), A 581 ; maltreat, σ416, 7γ108. σΰ (for TV, τ ft), also τϋνη, gen. rtolo θ 37, σ£Τ(ο), σία end., σεϋ Ζ 454,σέθπ', dat. τοι end., ro/ yt, σο», την Λ 201, ί 619, ace. σί, end. and orthotone, (du. σφω(ι), and pi. ΰ^ίΤς, q. v.), pers. pron. of second person, t u, thou, often strengtliened by yt or πίρ ; also orthotoned Avhen joined with cases of αυτός. σΰ-βόσία, ntr., also Avritten -βόσεια, (βόσις), συών, herds of suine, Λ 679, ξ 101. σΰ-βώτης, fw, y, ην, βώτα, masc, (βόσκω), stcine-herd, δ 640 ; ^ος, excel- lent, illustrious. (Od.) <Γΰ-γ€, tu quidera. συγ-καλ€σας, aor. part., convo- cans, summoning, Β 55 and Κ 302. συγ-καλντΓτω, see σι' ν κάλνφί. συy-κλovίω, ipf. <Γυν-€κλον€ον, per- turbabant, confound, Ν 722f. συγ-κνρσειαν, aor. opt. from κνρίω, concur re rent, strike together, ψ 435|. <Γυγ-χίω, imp. χ€ΐ, ipf. -χει, aor. ίχενε, αν, inf. χεναι (for χεΡ-αι), part. χεας, mid. 3 sing. aor. sync, -χντο, con fund ere, confound, confuse, θν- μόν, νόον; ττ 471, σvyχvτo, were en- tangled; όρκια, foedus laedere, vio- late, A 269 ; κάματον. Ιούς, make of no effect; dvcpa, break down, θ 13^. σνκεη (ίτυκή, ω 246), iai, εας, all forms pronounced with synizcsis, i?^- tree,η 116. (Od.) σΐκον, σνκφ, ntr., fg, η 121f. σνλάω (for σκυλάω, s ρ olio), ipf (Ι)<ΓΟλα, σνλήτην, fut. συλήσετε, σειν, σων, aor. συλήσω, σωσι, σείε, σας, strip off, Ε 164, Γίύχία (άττό) τίνος, Κ 110, and τινά; also τινά τι, 1<ί 201; de- mere, πώμα, take the lid ojf the quiver, Δ 116; prom ere (εκ yωpvτov), take out (of its case), Δ 105. σΰλ€υ€ΐν, ipf. εσύλενον, ( σκύλα ), spoliare, spoil, τινά, Ε 48 ; take away any thing from him (Achilleus), Ω 436. σvK-λεyω, aor. -Xcfas, colligere, collect, gather; mid. fut. -λεζομαι and aor. λίξ«Γο, sibi or sua colligere, Σ 413, β 292. σνμ. (more freq. ξνμ), -βάλλω, βάλ- λετον, aor. συν εβάλον and σνμβάλον, imp. ετ(ε), aor. sync. 3 du. ζνμβλήτην, inf. -βλήμεναι, mid. fut. σνμβλή(σ)εαι Υ 335, aor. σνν ίβάλοντο, aor. sync. ζύμβλητο, ηντο, subj. ηται η 204, part, ήμενος, miscere aquas, com- mittere arma, pugnam, throw, bring, or put together ; of rivers, unite their waters ; of weapons, bring in con- tact ; τινάς, of men, bring against each other in battle, Τ 55, Γ 70 ; τινί (with hostile intent, Π 565, Φ 578), 7neet, as also mid. ; usually meet, also encounter, concurrere, μάχεσθαι, Μ 377. Σύμη, fem., island off the coast of Karia, north of Rhodos ; Σύμηθεν,β-οτη Syme,B 67 If. συμ (Κνμ) -μάρψας, aor., (μάρπτω), seizing at the same time, ι 289 ; but Κ 467, break off. σνμ. (ξνμ) -μητιάασθαι, consul ere, take counsel, Κ 197f. οτυμ-μίσγβται, aor. 3 pi. σνν εμιχθεν, flow into, Β 753 ; mingle, ψ 687. σνμ-μνω, pf. σνν μεμνκε, have closed, Ω 420|. σ-υμ (Κύμ) -"ίταντίς, ων, ασι, ας and α, cuncti, a, all (together), Β 567, η 214. σνμ-πήγννμι,ΆΟΤ. ν€ς» ρ1., {(}>ράζω), joint counsellors, Β 372f. συμ - φράζομαι, φράσσομαι, aor. φράσσατο, secum (θνμψ) meditari, take counsel with one's self, οττως, ο 202 ; τινί (βονΚάς), cum aliquo consilia in ire, concert plans with, A 537 ; have neither word nor deed in common with, I 374. συν, from |ύν, which is used when it is desired to lengthen a preceding vowel by position, (κοινός, cum), as also freely in compounds, with, along with, together, Κ 224, κ 42; συν τινι, cum aliquo; una cum, cdong with, Ρ 57 ; hy tL• aid of, συν Άθην^ ; of things, with, Ε 220, tvrtai, also with νηί ; often with weapons, instrument- al, tvrtai, τίνχεσι ; with άττίτίσαν, Δ 161, gravi poena,with a great price; denoting accompaniment, along with, avry σνν ττήληκι, Ξ^ 498, cf. I 194. Συν freq. follows its case, ι 332, ν 303. συν (ζνν) -ογίίρων, aor. ζννάγειρα, gather together, assemble, pass, -aytipo- μίνοι, and 2 aor. mid. sync. αγρόμ(νοι, assembled; aor. mid. -αγείρατ{ο), collect for one's self ζ 323. συν (ζνν) -άγννμι, aor. 4(Ρ)αξ€, αν, at, tmesis, confringere, dash to pieces, νηας, άρματα, Ψ 467 ; Λ 1 14, cnish with his teeth. συν (Kw) -άγω, subj. ξυνάγωμιν, ονσα, ovTtg, σνν άγοιμι, ipf. ζνναγον, ε, lead together, νηόν, ad templum con- vocare; ορκια, bring together the animals for sacrifice, Γ 269 ; collect, φόρτον ; on the other hand, άρηη, ίριδα άρηος, etc., join battle, stir up battle, Ε 861, Π 764. σνν-αε'ιρω, aor. r\ii^o.Vy joined in rais- ing him, Q 590; on the other hand, ipf. tjcipcv Κ 499, aor. subj. dcipcrai υ 680, are from ΣΡΕΡ (ίίρω, σειρά), couple together. συν - αίνΰτο, ipf, gathered up, Φ 502t. σνν-αφ'ίΐύ, aor. cXcv, Π 740, tore atoay; ~ε\ών, υ 95, laying hold of at once. σνν-αντάω, ipf. du. αντητην, mid. aor. subj. αντήσωνται, τινί, meet, Ρ 134 and 7Γ 333. σΰν-οντ<ίμ€νος, ipf ηι-τετο, 3 du. αντεσθην, meet, τινί ; Φ 34, encounter. οτυν-αράσσω,ΐηΐ. άpόLξω,aor. άραζ{εν), pass, άράχθη, alwaj'S in tmesis, dash to pieces, Ψ 673, ε 426. συν (ζυν) -δεω, ipf 3 pi, Scov, aor. -εδησα, ξυνεδησε, δήσαι, bind together, bind fust, A 399, χ 189; σφtvδόvy,h'md up with a bandage, Ν 599. συν-εδραμον, see σνν-τρεχω. σνν-εέργω, ipf. -€€ργον, (for ΡέΡερ- γον), aor. εεργαθον, bind together; ξ 72, c i η χ i t ; S 36, shut in. (συν =) ξυν-6€ίκοσι, twenty (men) together, ζ 98|. 1. συν-ίί /ii, fut. ^σβσθαι, be together ; όιζν!, be together with, participate in, η 270t. 2. συν-, ξνν•ειμι, ιόντ€ς, ων, ας, ipf. ζύνισαν, du. συνΐτην, come or go to- gether, esp. in hostile signif encounter, περί έριδος ; εριδι, in a spirit of strife. συν ( ζνν ) -€λαυν£ΐς, ψεν, aor. ϊ}λασ(ί), ελάσσαμεν, subj. ίλά(Τ<το/ί£ν, inf. σσαι, cogere, drive together, booty ; οδόντας, gnash (together), σ 98 ; τινάς εριδι, bring together in combat; only X 129, in trans, engage in battle. σνν-ε\οι>, see συν-αιρ'εω. συν-€οχμω, masc, (y th\), junction, S 465|, συν cpcurai, aor. from ερείδω, close, λ 426t, σϋν-€ρϊθος, comm., fellow - worker, ^32|. (σνν) ξΰν-€σις, fem., (ίημι), conflux^ κ 515|. σϋν-€χ^« (-σεχες, εχω), also with aiti, ρ e r ρ e t u ο, continuously, ι 74. συν (ξυν) -έχω, €χουσι, οντες, ονσαν, (tmesis), ipf. έχον, hold together, meet, Δ 133, Τ 415; pf οχωκότε, bent to- gether over, Β 218. συν-ημοσΰνας, τάς, (σννίεμαΐ), οοηί- 2)acts,X 261 f. συν-ήορος (ασΡερ-, σειρά, είρω), δαιτΊ, linked with, accompaniment to the feast, θ 99 f. συν-θ£σύαι, άων, fern,, (σνντίθημι), conditiones, treaty, Β 339; but Ε 319, instpuctiona. (Γυν-θ€νσ€τοι 293 σψ€Τ€ρου συν - θίυσίται, fut., (θέω), go well, ν 245t. συν (ζυν) -ίημι, imp. prs. ξννί€ΐ, 3 ρ1. ipf. ιον = ΐΐν, aor. ίηκεν, 2 aor. imp. ζύνίς, mid. 2 aor. ϊ,ννίτο, subj. συν-ώμίθα, covenant, agree, Ν 381 ; committere, tptii μάχεσθαι, bring together in thirst for combat, to fight, A 8 ; perceive, hear, attend, ΰττα, ίπος ; also τινός, some one, Β 63 ; some- thing, A 273 ; with part., δ 76 ; mid. in the same sense, ^76. συν - ί στη μι, pf. -€στα6το9, having arisen, S 96 f. σνν-οισύμίθα, see σνμ-φίρω. συν όρΐνης, subj., commoveas, move, Ω 467 ; ορινόμεναι, set in motion, Δ 332. σνν-οχωκότε, see συν- f χω. (συν) |υν-οχησιν, ταΐς, (ίχω), con- iunctio, ύδον, meeting of out- and home-stretch, Ψ 330|. σνν-ταράσσω, aor. €τάραξ€, subj. τα- pc'i^y, confuse, throw into disorder, θ 86 ; interrupt, spoil, A 579. συν - τίθημι, aor. Θίτο, imp. Θεο, θίσθ(ε), (θυμφ), sentire, perceive, hear, ri, τ 268, υ 92 ; fake heed to, ο 318. συν-τρ€ΐς, ternos, by threes, ι 429f. σνν-τρεχω, aor. cSpa^ov, concurre- runt, rusJied together, Π 337 and 335. συν-ώμεθα, see σνν-ίημι. σΓριγξ, σ-ύριγγος, ων, ζι, fern., pipe or tube, hence (I) spear-case, Τ 387. — (2) shepherd's pipe, Κ 13. Σΰρΐη, fem., mythical island, beyond Ortygia, far in the West, ο 403 f. ' συ-ρρήγννμι ( Ρρήγννμι ), pf. pass. συν-^ρρηκτοι, is broken, θ 137|. συς, σΰός, ι, σϋΐ', συ£Γ, ώΐ', σί(ν), εσσι{ν), ας, comm., sus, swine, hog, boar or sow ; κάττριος, wild boar, A 293, Μ 146, Ε 783, δ 457, κ 239. σντο = ίσσντο, see σενω. συψειοΰ κ 389, συψ€Ονδ€, εοΤσιν, ιονς, masc, hog-pen, sty. (Od.) συ-ψορβός, ύν, 'ε, ων, masc, (φερβω), swine-herd; τταΊδα, Φ 282. (Od.) σψ' — σψε and σφί, see σ^είς. σψάζουσι, ειν, ipf. έσφαζαν, aor. έσφαξαν, σφάζ{ε), pass. prs. σφαζόμενοι, ων, pf. ΐσ^ηγμέι/α, iuguliim aperire, only of victims for sacrifice, γ 454, cut or si<'< iAe throat, so as to catch the blood (also of beast already dead, γ 449), see cut under άμνίον, and A 459. σψαίρτ), σφαΖραν, fem., δα//, ^ 100. (Od.) σφαιρηδόν, adv., like a baU, Ν 204. σφάλλω (fall ο), aor. σψήλε, over- throw, make totter, ρ 464 ; σφηλαι, Ψ 719. σφορογεΰντο, 3 pi. ipf. from σφαρα- ■γεομαι, (^σφάραγος), hissed, ι 390 ; were full to bursting, ι 440. σφάς, σφε, see σφεΊς. σψ€δαν(ίν, adv., {σφαδάζω), eager'y, impatiently, Λ 165. (11.) σφείς {σΡε-, svo-), used as du. are, dat. σφ(ίν), ace. σφεας, σφ(ε), see also σφω'ε ; much more common are the pi. forms; gen. (άττΰ σφείων) σφεων orthotone and end., σφών belbre αυ- τών ; dat. σφίσι{ν) orthotone and end., σφ(ιν) end. ; ace. σφεας orthotone and end., but not σφεΐας, v. 1. ν 213 [pronounced as monosyll., Β 96 and elscAvh.] ; σφάς end., Ε 567 ; also σφψ), pron. of 3d pers., (a) reflexive, sui, sibi, se, άττό σφε'ιων, μετά σφίσιν, A 368 ; κατά σφεας, Β 366, and joined with αυτών, ους; (b) direct, eorum, eis, etc., esp. common dat. σφί; of things, t 70, κ 355. σψελας, a, wir., footstool, short, thick block of wood placed before the seats of the men at banquet, σ 394 and ρ 231. σψ£ν8(ίνη, Ty, (fun da), s^ng, as in the cut in the hands of Assyrian i serves also as bandage for wound, Ν eoof. 119 σψ€τερου, ψ, or, yoi, άων, (a), 3d σψηκ6ω 294 σως poss. pron. of 3d pers. pi., their, sui; cf. α 7 ; ad sua, α 274. σφηκόω, plupf. pass, έσψήκωντο, (σφίιζ), were bound toy ether ^ Ρ 52 f. Σψήλος, 010, son of Bukolos, father of lasos, Ο 338|. σ'ψήλ€ = ίσφηΚΐ, see σφάλλω. σψη^, σφήκες, ισσιν, ν e s ρ a e, wasps ; also hoimets, Μ 167 and Π 259. σφι, σφιν, see σψίϊς. σψοδρώς» adv., {a^t^avov), earnest- ly, eagerly, μ 124t. σ-φονδΰλίων, των, masc, vertebra of sjnne, pi. backbone, Υ 483 f. σ^»ς iafog, svos), suus, their, σφον, σφούς, σφής, σψγ, σψγσι, σψάς, β 237, σψψ, σψοΊς, Σ 231, always re- ferrin»^ to a pi. subst. σφνραν, την, hammer, γ 434f. σφύ'ρόν, ά, ntr., ankle, Δ 518, Ζ 117. σφω(ί), ωίν, pron. of 3d pers. du., they two, both of them, A 8. (See also c(ptv, σφεας, σψέ, under σφίΐς.) σφώι and σφω, A 257, 574; gen. σφώιν, σφφν, δ 62 ; pron. of 2d pers. du,, ye, you two. σφωΐτ€ρον, poss. pron. of 2d pers. du,, of you both, A 21 6|. <Γχ6δίης,^,ί/ν,(σχί^ος? Ger. Sclieit), foot, raft, raft of Odysseus described, c 234 sqq., the parts of whicli it is attempted to represent in the cut under άρμονϊάων : a, the beams forming the ίδαφος, h ,• b, σταμίνις ; c, -γόμφοι ; d, άρμονίαι; e, ίπηγκενίδες ; f, ίκρια; g, ιστός. σχεδίην, adv., (εχω), in hand-to-hand fight, Ε 830|. Σχεδίας, (1) son of Iphitos, chief of Phokians, Β 517, Ρ 306.— (2) son of Perimedes, a Phokian, slain by Hek- tor, Ο 515. σχεδόθεν {εχω), from close at hand, then near at hand, near (jivoq, τ 447), /3 267, Π 807 ; position in verse always the same, after caesura of third foot, v221. σχεδόν, adv., (εχω), near, hard by; πηύς, near kinsman, κ 441 ; Avith dat., Tivi; with verbs also Λvith gen,, τινός; never with prep. ; tlvai, be at hand, Ν 268 ; Μ 53, the ditch, i. e. its farther bank, was not near. σχεθεειν, see ίχω, aor, ίσχεθον. σχεΐν, σχεμεν, σχεο, see.tχω. Σχερίη, fern., Scherhi, the land of Phaiakes, Avhich the ancients located in Kerkyra, whereas it really existed only in the poet's fancy, t 34, ζ 8- 263. σχετλιος, ε, οι, η [pronounce σχετ^^^η or σχετ-λίη, Γ 414], αι, (ο), (ίχω), strict- ly, holding out, enduring, then merci- less, unfiinching, dreadful, both in ex- travagant, Κ 1 64, and in seriously meant sense ; always in the latter sense where reference is made to presumption or crime ; ipya, impious ; ϋττνος, κ 69, udcked. σχετο, aor. mid. from εχω. ϊ'χ.ίζ'Π?» y, yG{iv),iem., (σκιδ-, s c i d i), split wood, log, A 462 ; δρυός, with the oaken billet, ξ 425. σχοίοτ(ο), opt. aor. from εχομαι. σχοίνφ, Γ^, masc. coll., nuhes, t 463t. Σχοΐνος, town on river of the same name in Boiotia, Β 497 f. σχόμενος, part. aor. mid. from Ιχω. σώεσκον, σώζων, see σαύω. σώκος, masc, {σώζων), saviour, Υ 72t. Σώκος, son of Hippasos, a Trojan, A 427, 428, 440, 450, 456 ; slain by Odysseus, A 447. σώμα, roc, ri, τ((ί), ntr., corpse, car- cass, Η 79, λ 53. σας (σόος, τ 300), acc. σύον, σών Α 117, θ 246 (from σάος, see σαόω, S a-1 u s), safe, unharmed, X 332 ; cer- tain, £ 305. 295 τάμνω Τ. τ', (1) = τε. — (2) = τοί, σοι, α 60, 347. — (3) = τοι after μίν, see μίν, II. 4. ταγοί, ρ1. masc, (τάσσω), arrangers, leaders (v. 1.), Ψ IGOf. TaBcis, τάθη, aor. pass, from τήνω. ταλα-€ργο5, όν, οι, {Fkpyov), endur- ing labor, patient, drudging, mules, d 636, Ψ 666. Τάλαι-μενη?, chief of Maiones, Β 865t. Ταλαΐονίδης, ao, son of Talaos, Me- kisteus, Β 566, Ψ 678. τάλαντον, τα, ntr., {τΧηναι, tollo), (1) scales, balance,M 433, χρνσεια, Διός-, Ίρά, in which Zeus balances the fates of men. (See cut No. 69, where Her- mes occupies the place of Zeus.) — (2) a definite weight, perhaps about a pound, χρυσοΧο, I 122, and elsewh. ταλα-π€ίριος, ov, oi, (τλήναι, πεΧρα), enduring trials, much tried, η 24, ρ 84. (Od.) TaXa-irevBca, ace. (πένθος), heanng griefs, patient in suffering, ε 222 f. τάλαρον, οισι, masc, (τάλαντον), lasJcet, of silver for wool, d 125 ; of wicker-work for fruit, etc., Σ 568. τάλας, only voc. τάλαν, (ταΧάσσι^), foolhardy, wretch, σ 327 and τ 68. τάλασί-φρονος, a, stout-lteartedy Δ 421, esp. of Odysseus. ταλάσσης, 7j, see τΧηναι. ταλα-ΰρίνον, masc. and ntr. from -fpXvov, (Ρρινός), shield-bearing (sus- pended by τελαμών, cut No. 121), in general, brave, intrepid, valiant, joined λ\'\ύ\''Αρηα•, — ττολεμιστην,Έ 289; ntr. as adv., bravely, Η 239. (II.) ταλά-ψρονα = ταλασί-φρονα, stout- hearted, Ν 300f . Ταλθΰ-βιος, herald of Agamemnon, Η 276, A 320, Γ 118, Δ 192, Τ 196, 250, 267, Ψ 897, represented in the following cut from very ancient Greek relief. ταλλα, τάλλα, see άλλος. τάμ.€, ταμεειν, see τάμνω. ταμβσί-χροο, ας, (τάμνω, χρως), cut- 120 ting the shin, sharp - cutting, χαλκον, iyχεiac, Ν 340. (II.) ταμίη, ης, ην, αι, fem., (τάμνω), housekeeper, stewardess, y 392 ; with and without yvvf], Ζ 390 ; άμ(pίπoλoc, π 152. τάμίης, masc, (τάμνω), steward, dis- penser, Τ 44 ; Γ. ΤΓολεμοιο, of Zeus, as controller of the combat, Δ 84 ; άνε- μων, of Aiolos, κ 21. τάμνω, τάμνη, ετε, ων, ipf εταμνον, (ε)τάμνε, parallel form τβμνβιν and τέμ£ΐ (also written τεμεί), aor. τόμε, ov, ησιν, ωμεν, ητε, οι, εειν, ων, τα- μόνθ' = όντα, όντες, secare, cut; of flesh, cut up, cut in pieces, μελεΊστι ; furrow, Avith the plough, Ν 707 ; also of ships, cut through the waves; χρόα, wound, matin ; ορκια, conclude a treaty with sacrifice, foedus icere, Β 124, Γ 105 ; Δ 155, I made a truce which was death to thee ; slaughter; cut off, τρίχας; cut out, the tongues 6f victims, an arrow from a wound ; fell trees ; lop q/f saplings from the wild fig-tree, ερινεόν ορττηκας ; hew beams ; mark off an enclosure, τέμενος ; mid. pass. TayoMi]Kci 296 ταρχύσονσι ταμνομίνη^ ους, ipf. τάμνετο, οντ(^υ), mid. aor. ταμέσθαι, pf. pass, τετμη- μίνον, ρ 195, ready cut; mid. con- tains reflexive idea, sibi, Σ 528, I 580. τάνά-ηκ€Ϊ, dat., (^ταναός, άιτη), tcith hng edge or point, of spear and sword, Η 77, d 257. ταναοΐο, for ravaPoio, (tenuis), long, Π 589t. τάναΰ-ΊΓοδο (^ταναΡός), hng-, i. e, slender-legged, ι 464f . ταν-ηλ€γ€Ός {ταναός, άλγος), con- taining long - enduring grief, deeply painful, long - lamented, always with OatHiToto, θ 70, β 100, λ 171. Τάνταλος, son of Zeus, king in Si- pylos, father of Pelops, grandfather of Atreus ; revealed the secrets of the gods, and was punished therefor in Hades, λ 582 sqq. τάνΰ — , stem of τάνΰς, (tenuis), thin, stretched out, freq. in compounds, c.g. Γ 228. ταηί - γλωσ•<Γθΐ (γλώσσα), slender-, long-tongued, f 66f. τανυ-γλώχϊνας (γλωχ/ν), vnth slen- der, sharp point, θ 297 f. τάνΰ-ήκ€ας, -ηκες, -ηκεσιν, {άκη"), with thin, fine edgi or point ; keen, aop ; tapering, II 768. τανΰ-ΐΓ€ΐΓλθ5, ψ, ε, in finely woven garment, richly clad; others translate, with long flowing garment, Γ 228, d 305. τανυ-τΓ^ρΰγι, -γεσσι, (τττ'ερυζ), with wide 'extending wings, Μ 237 and Τ 350. τανΰσί - irrepoi ( ταννω, πτερόν ), broad-winged, ε 65 and χ 468. τανυσηίος, της, (τανύω), stretching or stringing the bow, 112f (illustrated in cut No. 37). τάνυται, see ταννω. τανυ-φλοιον, with thin, i. e. smooth and tender bark, Π 767 f. τανΰ-φυλλθ5, ov, tcith long, slender leaves, ν 102. (Od.) raw μι, pass, τάννται, extenditur, is stretched out, Ρ 393t. τάνυω, ουσι, ειν, ων, fut. τανυουσι, <ρ 174, aor. {ε)τάνν(σ')σε{ν), τάνυσσαν, (σ)σ^, σείε, σσαι, σσας, pass. pf. τετά- ννσται, plupf. τετάννστο, aor. 3 ρ1. τά- νυσθεν, σθείς, (ταν, τείνω), tend ere, stretch, strain, stretch out, put in place, or arrange any thing long or broad, e. g. spears, tables, etc. ; string a bow ; draw the shuttle /row one side of the warp to the other, κανόνα ; 'ίππους, put upon their pace, drove at full speed ; of Zeus and other gods, Avhen the comparison is with a net or noose, extend, spread over, involve in, yet the meaning strain, tight- en, make more intense seems also to suit these passages, εριοα πολεμάω, μάχην, πύνυν, ίριδος και πολέμου πεί- ραρ ίπ' άμψυτεροις, Ν 359 ; pass., be stretched out, extended; π 175, the cheeks became full again; mid. ipf. τανύοντο, aor. τανυσσάμενος, and cor- responding in formation and meaning, aor. pass., Π 475, ran at full stretch ; having strung his bow, Δ 112; t 298, stretch one's self out. τάιτηξ, ητο, ητων, ησι, ητας, masc, carpet, rug, used as cover for seat and bed, κ 12, I 200. (See cuts Nos. 73, 112.) ταιτρώτα, see πρώτος. τάρ from ts and άρα, A 8. ταράσσω (τραχύς), aor. Ιτάρα|€, rapd^y, pf. τετρηχνϊα, plupf. τετρηχει, stir up, trouble; pf., be in confusion, Β 95, Η 346. ταρβ'εω, ταρβ6Ϊς, ft, imp. ft, ipf. τάρβει, aor. τάρβησεν, σαν, σαιεν, σας, σαντε, (τάρβος), be terrified, fear, θνμφ ; aor. τινά and ri (II.), dread, A 831, Ζ 469. τάρβος, ntr., (tor-vus), terror, dread, Ω 152 and 181. ταρβοσΰνη, ry, terrore, σ 342|. Τορνη, Lydian city on Mount Tmolos, later Sardes, Ε 44f . ταρΐΓημ.€ναι, ijvat, see τέρπω. ταρσόν, σοί, masc, (τερσαίνω, tor- r e o), crate (properly a surface for dry- ing any thing upon), t 219 ; fiat of the foot, Λ 377, 388. Τάρταρος, masc, Tartaros, dungeon, place of confinement of the lower world, situated as far below the earth as the heaven above it ; here the Ti- tans were shut up, θ 13, 481. ταρψ^€ς, εσιν, έας, fiat, άς, β(α), (τρέψω), thick, close together, frequent ; ntr. as adv., ofen, thickly, Μ 47. Τάρψη, town in Ix)kris, Β 533 f. τάρψ€σιν, nom. το τάρφος, (τρέφω), thicket, Ε 555 and Ο 606. ταρχύσονσι, fut., aor. subj. σωσι. φ€ίη 297 τβίνω (τιρσαίνω, torreo?), orig. perh. dry, bum, then solemnly bury, στήλη, Π 456. (II.) ravpfiiQy ην, (Γαϋρος), of ox -hide, Κ 258. (11.) ταύρος» oio, ov, ov, ω%>, οισι, ονς, tanr us, bull, with and >vithout βονς, A 728, Ρ 389. ταφηϊον, ntr. adj., (τάφος'), φάρος, winding-sheet, shroud, /3 99. (Od.) Τάφιοι, inhabitants of the island Τά- φος, a 417; this Taphos has been identified with the island Meganisi between Leukas and Akarnania; the Taphians were notorious among the neighboring islands and on the op- posite mainland for piracy, α 105, 181, 419, ξ 452, 427, 7Γ 426. 1. τάφος, τό, (τέθηττα), astonishmerd, φ 122.^(0(3.) 2. τάφος, ου, φ, ον, masc., (θάπτω), exsequiae, burial; τιΚίσαι, perform the rights of burial, Q 660; funeral banquet, daivvvai, γ 309. τάφρος, ΟΙΟ, ov, φ, oi>, fem., (θάπτω), fossa, ditch, trench, ^ 120 ; esp. for fortification, e. g. round the encamp- ment of Grecian ships, θ 179. τάφων, aor. part., pf. τεθηττα, fv, ώς, ότίς, ότας, plupf. ίτεθήττία, be astonished, amazed, τινά and κεϊνο, ζ 166, 168. τάχ(ά), adv. from ταχύς, quickly, soon, A 205, α 251. τοχ€ως, quickly, ψ 365f. τάχισθ' = τάχίστ{α), etc., see ra- τάχος, ti, ntr., (ταχύς), speed, Ψ 406. (ΙΙ•)„ . τάχΰ-ττωλος, ων, (πώλος), tcith swift horses, epithet of Δαναοί and Μυρ- μιδόνες, Ψ 6. τάχΰς, vv, ν, εες, εεσσι, ίας, -ίΤα, ύης, -f:(a), comp. θάσσων, ova, θάσσον, sup. τήχιστ{α) τάχισθ' θ 561, quick, swift, fleet; ττόίας, pedibus, Σ 2; of messengers, arrows, warriors, ττό^ς ; Avith inf. θείειν, Π 186 ; οιωνοί, ξ 133; κύνες, Γ 26 ; ελάφοιο, αιχμή ; comp. ntr. cf. ocius, Β 440; η 152, nearly equals οτι τάχιστα, quam celer- rime, as quickly a^ possible. τάχΰτήτος, τα, fem., swiftness, speed, ψ 740 and ρ 315. T€ (τις, τίο, quis, que), enclitic, usually postpositive, corresponding in meaning and use to que, exes. Β 136, Γ 33; I. connects things which by nature belong together, (1) -que, whether single words, A 5, 38, Ζ 476 ; or sentences, A 38, 192, 467.— (2) is often repeated, cf. et— et, A 167, 13, 157 ; may connect principal and sub- ordinate sentence, A 81, Γ 12, Κ 225, Ψ 845 ; A 218, only expressed in prin- cipal sentence; rk — dk, Η 418, Γ 366. —(3) τ'ε—καί (π 249, A 417 ; in cae- sura, Γ 227), without marked em- phasis of second clause ; τέ, often re- peated (y 413, Ζ 239, A 264), or και (υ 365), or (Ζ 283, A 465) first one, then the other ; τε ήδ'ε, A 400 ; τε Ιόέ, δ 604. — II. affixed to prons. and to particles, it still serves as a connective, but can rarely be translated into En- glish (cf. quisque, undique), (1) it may be affixed to all relatives ex- cept 'όστις, A 86, 238, 279.— (2) to sub- ordinate conjunctions, e. g. ώς, οτε, ει περ, επεί, Γ 33, Β 522.— (3) to co-ordi- nate conjunctions, e. g. καί τε, A 521 ; μεν τε — δε τε, Β 90 (άλλα τε, ουδέ, δε τ ον, in second member, or δε, δ' άντε, αντάρ), or when μίν in the first mem- ber is wanting, we find in the second member δε τε, αλλά τε (aftfer ε\ττερ, Τ 164), άτάρ τε, Δ 484 (after ή ρά τε) ; also ονδ'ε τε, (a) nor also, (b) but not ; ή τε, aut, either; doubled, whether — or, A 410, Ρ 42, and simple, quam, than, TT 216; γάρ τε, nam que. — (4) τ άρα, with inteiTOgative, A 8, cf. Β 522. — (5) τις τε, any body, δ 535. —(6) ή τε, Ε 201, Λ 362, Κ 450, /i 138 ; in ου νν τ', τοι is to be under- stood. Τβγί'η, city in Arkadia, Β 607t. τ€γ€θΐ, pi., (τέγος), roofed over, Ζ 248t. Τ€γ6ος, τον, tecti, κ 559, roof; apartment, hall, chamber, a 333. (Od.) TccXo = σον from σύ. τεθαλυΐα, τέθηλε, see θάλλω. τδθητΓα, ότες, see ταφών. Τ€θναθι, άμεν(αι), άσι, εώς, ειώς, ηώς, see θνήσκω. τ€θ-υωμί€νον, see θνόω. τ6Ϊν = σοι, tibi. τείνω, subj. τείνη, aor. έτεινε, τεϊναν, ειε, ας, pass. pf. τεταται, plupf. τετάτο, 3 du. τετάσθην, 3 ρ1. τέταντο, aor. τάθη, θείς, ten do, stretch, τόξον, ηνία εζ άντνγος (see cut No. 10), bind firmly on the chariot rim; όχεύς, chin-strap 298 Τ€λ€ίων was drawn tight ; ivi ^εσμψ, bind in chains; φάσγανον, dependebat, hung; λαίλαττα, spread a tempest ; τΓολεμον τέλος ίσον, strain the even tug of war, of. μάχη ίττΐ Ίσα ; Ιπί τινι μάχη τ'ίταται (cf. πεΐραμ), the combat spreads itself around ; δρόμος 'ίττποισι, the horses ran at full speed, at full stretch ; ταθύς, stretched out, prostrate, porrectus. TcXos, see τέως. Τ€ΐρ6(Γίης, ao, Boiotian seer, dead before the Trojan war; his temple and oracle in Orchomenos, κ 537, λ 50, 89, 479, ψ 251, κ 524, λ 32, 139, 151, μ 267, ψ 323. He alone of all the shades retains his consciousness, but, like them, needs the draught of blood in order to converse Λvith Odysseus. Tcipea, τά, s i d e r a, {rspac, αστήρ), constellations, Σ 485. τ€ίρω, prs. ipf , {tret ρε, ετο, also un- augmented), act. and pass., terere, icear away, fatigue, Ρ 745, Ε 153; dis- tress, afflict, Ν 251, Ζ 255, d 369 ; tor- ment, Ο 61, Π 510 ; pass., he hard pressed, Ζ 387. τ€ΐχ6σι - ιτλήτα (pellere), voc., stormer of walls, cities, Ε 31 and 455. τειχίζω, Ιτίίχισσαντο, aor. mid., built themselves, Η 449 f. τ€ΐχϊΟ€σσαν {τείχος), well -walled, Β 559, 646. τ€ΐχίον, ntr. dimin. from τεΧχος, wall cf private building, π 165 and 343. τείχος, εος, ε'ί, ει, εα, εσσιν, (Ger. D e i c h), wall round a city, A 308, Ρ 558 ; fortification, rampart (draw a line of wall, ίλαΰνειν), Μ 4, ττοιήσαντο; Η 436, εδειμαν. τ€ίως, see τίως. τ€Κ€, TCKCCIV, see τίκτω. τ€κμαίρομι(αι), εται, aor. τεκμήρατο, αντο, (τεκμωρ), decree, appoint, Ζ 349 ; τινί τι, η 317 ; intend, predict, όΧεθρον, κακά, Η 70. τ€κμωρ, τό, goal, end; Ιλίου, over- throw ; A 526, pledge. T6KVOV, voc. φίλε τεκνον, Χ 84, a, ων, voc. φίλα τίκνα, Κ 192, (τίκτω), child, Σ 73 ; in fond, conciliatory ad- dress, Κ 192 ; young, Β 311, Λ 1 13. Wkov, see τίκτω. τ^κος, εος, ει, εων^ τεκ{ε)εσσιν, ntr., (τίκτω), child, Φ 229, Ε 71 ; as term of endearment, Γ 162, θ 39, ψ 5, ^ 68 ; young, θ 248. τεκταίνομαι, aor. τεκτηνατο, αιτο, (τίκτω), μήτιν, devise, Κ 19 ; contrive, build, Ε 62. Τίκτονΐδης, αο, son of Tekton (ship- builder), Polynaos, θ 114f. τ€κτο<ηίνάων, fem. pi., (τέκτων), car- penter's art, ε 250t. τ£κτων, όνος, ova, ες, masc, (τίκτω, τενχειν), maker, builder, carpenter, δού- ρων, νηων, Ζ 315 ; κεραο%όος, worker in horn ; άνδρες, Ν 390. Τί'κτων, όνος, father of Phereklos, E59t. τίλαμών, ώνος, ι, α, ε, ων, masc, (ταλ-, tul-), (1) any belt or strap for bearing or supporting, e. g. strap for sword (see cut No. 93), for dagger (No. 115), for shield (see cut), S 404 ; I often cunningly wrought, λ 610. — (2) thong bound about or piercing the ankles, to drag dead body away, Ρ 290; cf. cut No. 18, where the ankles of the slain Achilleus are already pierced for the thong. Τελαμών, ιΐνος, son of Aiakos, brother of Peleus, king in Salamis, father of Aias and Teukros, θ 283, Ν 177, Ρ 284. 293, λ 553. Τελαμωνΐάδης, αο, son of Telatnon, Aias the greater, Ν 709. Τελαμώνιος, son of Telamon, (1) Aias, ό μέγας, ν'ιόν, A 591. — (2) Teu- kros, Ν 170,0 462. TcXcOei, ονσι, οντες, (τελλω), is aU ready here, ννζ, Η 282 ; generally = to be, η 52, 1 441. τ€λε(ων, gen, pi., (τέλος), perfect, un- blemished, of victims, A 66 ; sup. τελειό- τατοι', most perfect, πετίηνών, a 1 i t u m, θ 247 = aquilam (Jovis alitem). rekiUi 299 Tepireiv T6\eici, ipf. hiXtior, and prs. pass. euTai, ( Γίλέω ), bring to pass, fulfill, I 456, Ο 593, ξ 160, r 305,561; eare- cwie,^234, ψ 161. τ€λ€σ-φόρον £<ί: ίνιαντύν, bringing to perfection or maturity,/?^/; (jQar), Τ 32. (Od.) Τίλίυτ^, fut. yσω, εις, ei ο 524, ουσι, eiv, aor. τίλεύτησεν, σαν, σω, ayg, σαι, σας, aor. pass, τβλεντηθήναι, and fut. mid. ησεσθαι in pass, signif., (τελίω), bring to pass, fulfill, νοήματα, Σ 328; ίέλδωρ, ψ 200; in general, λ 80, γ 62 ; carry out, β 275 ; ίργα, ορκον, complete, S 280; κακόν ήμάρ τινι, bring misfortune upon. τελευτη, ην, (τέΚιώ), end, accomplish- ment, a 249 ; object, 1 625, κρανίίσθαι, to be secured. τίλί'ω, ka, εωμεν, kouv, εοντες, ipf, τελεον, fut. εω, εει, εονσι, aor. ετέλεσσα, ας, ε, αν, and τέλεσ{ε), σσαν, fut. (σ)σω, σσ^ς, {σ)σy, σωσι, σαιμι, σειας, σει(ίν), σαιμεν, σον, {σ)σαι ; pass. prs. είται, ipf. ετελείετο, pf. τεΓί'λεσΓαί, σμ'ενος, ον, α, plupf. τετ'ελεστο, aor. {ε)τε\εσθη, fut. εΐταί, εϊσθαι, and εεσθαι, (τέλος), bring to goal, (1) complete, τι, with part., g-in'^e, altogether, Μ 222, ε 409.— (2) fulfill, accomplish, έπος, μνθον, Τ 107 ; τάοε ^ί) vul•' ττάντα τελείΓαί, /3 176; το {δε) και τετελεσμενον, fulfilled, εσται, π 440, in other phrases τετελε- σμενον means practicable. — (3) θέμι- στας,ραι/ tribute, I 156. τίληεσσας, τάς, (τέλος), rich in ful- fillment, effective, δ 352. Tc'Xos, τέλοσδε, τελέεσσι(ν), ntr., (τέρμα, Ger. Ziel), end, sum, Β 122, (1) sum and substance, μνθον ; Π 630, πο- λέμοιο, victory in battle ; επέων, in words, t 5, ρ 476. — (2) accomplishment, reality, γάμοιο, άρ^σιν ; θανάτοιο, peri- phrasis for death, Ε 553. — (3) comple- tion, Σ 378 ; μνθων, conclusion of the matter. — (4) manipulus, division of the army, company (II.), Λ 730. τβλσον, ntr., (τέλος), marks off the limit of the corn-field, άρονρης, Ν 707. Tcpicvos, ένεα, ntr., (τέμνω), land marked off and set apart as property of king, λ 185 ; as sacred to a god, θ 363. Τεμεση, fem., town famous for its copper mines (in Kypros ?), a 184f, τέμνω, τέμει, τεμεΧ, see τάμνω. Τε'νεδος, small island westward of Troas, A 38, Λ 625, Ν 33, γ 159. Τενθρηδών, όνος, chief of Magne- sians from Thessaly, father of Fro- % thoos, Β 756|. τε'νοντε, du., pi. τες, τας, masc, (τείνω), muscles ; neck-muscles, Κ 456 ; with ανχενίονς, y 450; Ε 307, muscles of hip. τε'ξεις, εσθαι, see τίκτω. τε'ο, τεο = τον, τον — τίνος, τινός. See τίς 1. and 2. τεοΐο — τεον, tui, see σν. τεός, τεφ, τεόν, τεώ, τεοίσιν ; τεή, τεης, Tty, τεήν, τεyς ; τεόν, τεοίσιν, tuus, thy, Ω 739, γ 122, α 295, y 94. τέρας, τέρατα, άων, άεσσι; τέραα, (αστήρ, see τείρεά), prodigium, por- tentum, omen or portent found in some manifestation of nature, e. g. lightning, thunder, rainbow, hence Διός, since Zeus sends it, φαίνει, ττρο- φαίνιι, 'ίησι ; but it is sent for the en- lightenment or warning of men, hence with gen. ανθρώπων; the monster Gorgo is called, Ε 742, Αιυς τέρας; Λ 4, πολέμοιο τέρας, Eris holds in her hands as dread sign of war possibly the Gorgon's head, possibly the snakes, with which she is often represented. τερε'τρω, a, (τεφω), terebra, borer, auger, ε 246 and ψ 198. τέρην, τε'ρενο, ntr. τέρεν, τέρεν(α), (cognate with τείρω, teres), perh. shining, gleaming, usually explained tender, soft, A 237, Ν 180; Ameis translates, π 332, pearly tear. τ^ρμ(α), pi. τέρμαθ' = τέρματ(α), ntr., (τέλος, terminus), goal, pillar round which chariots had to turn at races, Ψ 309 ; mark showing how far a quoit Avas thrown, θ 193. τερμιόεντα, ύεσσα, (τέρμις), encircled with a fnnge or border, χιτών, τ 242 ; ασπίς, furnished with tassels or tufts, Π 803. (See cut No. 93.) ΤερτΓΪάδης, son of Terpis, Phemios, X330t.^ τερτΓΪ-κε'ραυνος, ψ, ον, (τέρπω), de- lighting in thunder, also sometimes re- ferred to τρέπω, whirling the thunder- bolt, Zeus, A 419, υ 75. τε'ρτΓίΐν, prs. and ipf, (often unaug- mented both in act. and mid.), mid. fut. τέρφομαι, aor. τερ-φάμενος, 2 aor. subj. ταρπώμεθα δ 295, aor. red. τε- Τ€ρ'Π•ωλην 300 τάρτΓίτο, subj. τ(ταρπώμ({σ)θα, υμενος, οι, aor. pass, ίτερφθητΐ, ήσαν, τερψθείη, 3 sing, τάρφθη, 3 ρ1. τάρψθεν, 2 aor. 3 du. εταρττήτην ψ 300, ρ1. τάρττημεν, ήσαν, subj. τραιτβίομεν for ταρπίωμεν Γ 441, inf. ταρττημεναι and ταρπήναι, (τρέψω), refresh, delight, rejoice, τινά, θνμόν, Avith part., cantando, ρ 385. Mid. and pass., satiate one's self with, tatisfy, τινός, Ω 513, I 705, y 70 ; take pleasure in, enjoy, τιν'ι, θ 481 ; with part., α 369, Ε 760 ; θυμψ, τΐ 26 ; {tvi) φρεσίν (θ 368), Τ 19, or θνμόν, φρένα, Ύ 23, etc. ; τραττείομεν, let us delight ourselves; {ίν)φι\ΰτητι, in (the pleas- ures of) love ; εννηθίντε, on the bed ; κοιμηθέντες, in sleep, of. I 337 ; \εκ- τρονδε, θ 292, to be joined with δεϊιρο, which it explains. Τίρττωλήν, την, (τέρπω), delight, rare spoH, σ 37t. τερσαίνω, aor. τ^ρσηνβ, ijvat, etc., (τέρσομαι), deters it, dried vp, Π 529t. τ€ρσ€ται, ipf. Ιτέρσετο, τέρσοντο, 2 aor. τερσημεναι, and ijvai, (torreo, tergo), become or be dry, of wounds, of place for drying gi-apes; υσσε δα- κρυόφιν, ο cn\i lacrimis, c 152. τ€ρψι-μιβρ<5του, τοϊι, (βροτός), de- lighting mortals, Helios, μ 269 and 274. τ€σσάρά-βοιον (βονς), worth four cattle, Ψ 705|. τ€σσάρά-κοντ(α), quadraginta, forty, Β 524, ω 340. τ€σσαρ€ς, ας, quatuor, Β 618, ξ 22. τ€τογών, aor. part, (tango), hying hold of, τΐοδύς, by the foot, A 591 and Ο 23. TCTOToi, etc., pf. part, from τείνω. TCTOpircTO, ώμε(σ)θα, όμενος, see τερττω. τ6ταρτος, ψ, ον, ων, η, ης, and Τ6- τρατος, ον, (τέσσαρες), quartus, y 301, 615; ntr. with and without τό, quartum,/yr the fourth time, Π 786, X 208. τ€τά<Γθην, see τείνω. τ€Τ6ΰ|€ται, τετεύχαται, ετον, see τενχω. τ€Τ€υχήσθαι, inf. pf. pass, from τεν- χέω, ( τενχεα ), to arm ourselves, χ 104t. τ^τηκο, see τήκω. τετίημαι, 2 du. τ€τίησ^ον, ημένος, η, αι, also pf. part. act. τ€τιηότι, o-it•, (τί'ω), grieve, be troubled, θ 447, Λ 555 : ί/Γορ, a η i m ο. τ^τλαβι, αίην, άμεν, άμεναι, ηώς, etc.. see τλήναι. Τ€τμη|ΐ€νον, see τέμνω. τ£τμ€ν, 3 ρ1. ον, subj. yς, defective aor., (τέμνω), find, Ζ 374 ; reach, attain. a 218. τ€τρά-γίος ("^νης), containing four yvai η 113, τυ -ον, as subst., a piece of land as large as a man can plough in a day, σ 374. τ€τρα-βέλυμνον (θελνμνον), of four layers of ox-hide, Ο 479 and χ 122. τετραίνω, aor. τ^τρην€, (τείρω), per- foravit, pierce with holes, ε 247. τ€τρ(1κις, quater, four times, c 306t. τ€τρά-κυκλον, οι, four-wheeled, ι 242. τ€τρ-άοροι (ασΡερ-, σειρά), yoL•dfoιtr abreast, ν 81t. τ€τρα-Ίτ\τ\^ fourfold, A 128|. τ^τρατΓτο, see τρέπω. WTpaTos, ον, see τέταρτος. τ€τρά-φάληρον, with fourfold crest, Ε 743 (see cut under ανλώπις, where <^j *> ffj f show the four successive crests or combs of helmet). τ€τρα-ψοΙλω, ον, with the crest fash- ioned in four ridges or bands, not essen- tiallv different from following, Μ 384 and X 315, Ε 743. (See cut No. 122.) 122 Τ£τράφατο, see τρέπω. τ*τρα-χθό, in four parts, Γ 363 and t 71. Wrpflvc, see τετραΊνο). Τ€τρηχ€ΐ, via, see ταράσσω. Τ6τρ£γ«, via, etc., see τρίζω. τέτροφ€ν, see τρέφω. rirra^ voc, (Sanskrit, t&ta), form of fond address, esp. of younger friend to elder, Father, Δ 412|. τ€ττιγ€σσι 301 TqXcOaovras τ€ττίγ6σ•σι, τοΊς, cicada, a kind of grasshopper, probably not unlike the katydid; the gossiping elders at the gate of Troja are compared with TtTTiytaaiv, Γ 151f. τ€τυγμ,€νο, τίτυκύν, ίσθαι, οίμίθα, τετνζαι, τετνχθαι, see τίνχω. Τ€τυχηκ€, see τυγχάνω. τίϋ, Ttv = τίνος, τινός. Τβυθρανΐδηξ, son of Teuthras, Axy- los, Ζ iSf. TeiiOpas, αντος, (1) father of Axy- los. — (2) a Greek from Magnesia, slain by Hektor, Ε TOSf. Τ€ΰκρος, son of Telamon, Ν 170, and of Hesione of Salamis, step-brother of Aias, Μ 371, the best archer before Troja, Μ 350, 372, Ζ 31, θ 322, 273, Ο 484. Τδυταμιΐδης, αο, son of Teutamias, Lethos, Β 843t. τ£ύχ€(α), εων, ((σ)σι(ν), ntr., imple- ment of any land, tackling, π 326, 360, ο 218, elswh. arm a, equipment, arms, Φ 301, Σ 137. τίνχω, τ€υχοιμ.ι, hv, ων, ovoy, ουσαι, ipf. ίΓευχε{ν), τενχε, 3 du. ϊτεύχετον (y. 1. τετίύχετον, Ν 346), mid. τενχον- γ(ο), flit. act. τεύζω, etc., aor. ετενζα, (εν), αν, τενζ{ε), y, ειεν, etc., also red. aor. τετνκεΊν^ mid. τετνκοντο, τετνκοί- μεθα, εσθαι, (τέχνη), execute, fabricate, ico?-k, of all kinds of handiwork, Σ 373 ; build, Ζ 314, S 240 ; prepare, food and drink, Λ 624, ο 77 ; then generally, A 110, Ν 209, Κ 6; θάνατον τινι,'λ 409; -γάμον, etc., ic 18, Ο 70; raise, βοην, κ: 118 ; render, (έλώρια, Α 4), ν 397 ; mid. only of preparation of meals, prepare or Aave prepared for one's self δύμπον, οαΊτα, etc. ; pass, and fut. mid. τενξεσθαι, pf. τετενχώς μ 423, pf. pass. τέτν'ζαι, τετνκται, 3 pi. τετενχαται, τε- τύχθω, τετύχθαι, τετυγμένος, ον, α, plupf. (ε)τετνγμΐ]ν, ξο, κτο, (ε)τετενχα- το, aor. ίτνχθη, also 3 fut. τετενξεται, as pass., be prepared, δ 392 ; be wrought of or in, τινός (τινί, τ 563) ; be ready, ^ 53, β 356 ; τετνγμένος, well-icrought, Π 225 ; aiOovayaiv, made (furnished) with polished porticoes ; well - tilled, αγρός; integer, well-balanced, νόος: csp. freq. in signif. take phce, happen, fieri, θ 544; be, become, τετνκται, ο, Ο 207, Π- 622, Σ 120, Δ 84, Χ 30; θ 546, αντί TIVOC, takes the place of; 21 also Avith ττερι, cf. περιεΧναι, sur- pass, Ρ 279; δίκη, was the habit, "σ 275. τβ'φρη, fem., (tepere), Σ 25, Ψ 251, τεχνάομαι, fut. «χνησομαι, aor. τεχνήσατο, σαιτο, σάμενος (τέχνη), contrive, device, ψ 415; λ 613, where μή prepares the way for μηδ', may not he who contrived it, may he never again contrive a second like it. (Od.) τέχνης, gen., y, ην, ας, fem., (γ£- κείν, τενχω), art, skill, Γ 61, λ 614; (cunning) device, δ 455, 529, θ 327. Τ€χνη6ντ€5, adv. -ίντως ε 270, fem. τεχνήσσαι, for -ήεσσαι ιστών, skillful in weaving, η 110. τεχνησαι, better τεχνήσσαι, see τεχ- νηεντες. τέψ, τ'εων = τινί, τίνων. τί'ως [monosyll., κ 348, ο 231, π 370], τείος, ν. 1., Τ 42 ; ν. 1., Τ 189, αυθι τ. (τήοςΊ), so long, Ω 658; after εως, Τ 42 ; ΰφρα, Τ 189 ; meanwhile, ο 127, σ 190 ; some time, ο 231. 1. τη (old imper. for τήθι or τάθι, parallel form to τείνω), stretch out the hand here, freq. with follg. imper. when its force may be given by there! S 219, e 346. 2. τη (also written ry, orig. old dat.), adv., (1) demonstrative, here, δ 847 ; (2) relative, also with ττερ, as, θ 510 ; δ 565 and ry pa Μ 118, where. τήδε, see οδε. τηθ€α, ntr., oysters, Π 747|. Τηθτίς, voc, daughter of Uranos and of Gaia, Avife of Okeanos, mother of river-gods, S 302 ; of all the gods ac- cording to S 201t. τηκεδόνι, ry, (τήκω), decline, λ 201+. τήκω, imp, τήκε ; θνμόν, consume not thy soul, τ 264 ; mid. τηκόμενος, ης, ipf. τήκετο, pf. act. τ'ετηκα, pine away, Γ 176 ; waste one's self away with longing disease ; melt, of snow, τ 207. τηλε, jTar away, ρ 312 ; far, Κ 153, Σ 395, Υ 482 ; wfth gen., far from, ρ 250, X 445 ; αϊτό, ψ 880, Χ 468, γ 313 ; ίκ, from far away from, Β 863. τηλεδαττός, φ, c'tojv, ων, (τή\ε), dis- tant, Φ 454 ; strange, foreign, Χ 45. τηλεθάοντας, όωσα, αν, αι, ntr. άον, όωντα, (θάλλω), luxuriant- groto- ing, blooming, of plants, forest, hair ; παίδες, X 423. τηλ€-κλ€ΐτοίο 302 Γίθησθο τηλ€-κλ6ΐτοΐο, όν, οί, ων, ά, and Ι κλυτύς» α 30, (κλύω, κλεΡιω), wide- renowned, esp. as epithet of Trojan al- lies, I 233, Ε 491. Τηλ6-μαχος, οιυ, ov, etc., son of Odysseus and of renelope, ί 112, α 156; visits, in search of his father, attended by Athena (in form of Nes- tor), Pylos, γ 1 ; Sparta, d 1 ; returns home, ο 1 ; helps his father in combat with the suitors, χ 92, 267, 284, 294 ; Upr) \ς T-oto, periphrasis, β 409 ; ττί- ττνυμίνος, a 213, ω 510; ίσόθεος φώς, ι; 124. (Od. and Β 260, Δ 354.) Τήλ€μος, son of Eurymos, seer among the Kyklopes, t 509. Τηλ^-Ίτυλος, town of Laistrygones, ic 82, ψ 318. τηλ€-φονή5 (φαίνομαι), conspicuous far and tcide, ω 83f . Τηλεψίδης, ao, son of Telephos, Eu- rj'pylos, λ 519. τηλίκος, ου, of such an age (as), Ω 487, ρ 20. τηλόθίν (τηΧον), from far (away), ζ 312, Ε 478, t 273. τηλ<5θι {τηΧου), far away, Π 233, α 22 ; with ζ^η., far from, A 30. τηλ<5σ€ {τηλον), to a distance, far away, Δ 455 and X 407, * 59. τηλοτάτω, adv., most distant, η 322f . τηλοΰ, afar, Λ 712 ; with gen.,yar from, V 249, ψ 68. τηλΰ-γετος, ψ, ov, ην, {άταΧός, τα- Χις, γεγαα?), of tender age, boy or girl ; others explain born long ago {τήΧε ysv-), i. e. full grown; fem., Γ 175; elsewh. masc, Ν 470,5 11. τημος, adv., turn, then, thereupon, answering to ϊΊμος, Ψ 228 ; βΰτε, ν 95. τηΐΓ6ρ, see τη 2. Τηρ€(ης, υρος, mountain in Mysia, Β 829t. Τηΰ-γ€τον, mountain range in La- konia, extending to Cape Tainaron, ζ 103t. τηΰσίην, fem. ace, vain, useless, of journey, γ 316 and ο 13. τίεσκον, see τίω. τίη, also τι η, (and τί ή), quid nam, why then, why pray? always in first or third foot follg. fem. caesura (exc. ο 326), Λ 407, π 421, Ζ 145, ρ 375 ; it occurs in Od. fi\e times, in II. twenty times; Avith ^f, S 264; δη, Μ 310; after αλλά, Ρ 97. τιθαιβώσσουσι, lay up honey, ν 106. τίθημι, τίθησΟα, tjai, 3 pi. τιθίΐσί, inf. τιθημεναι, part, τιθίίς, tvrtg, ipf. τίθεσαν, fut. θήσω, tic, tt, etc., inf. σέ- μεναι, aor. εθηκα, ar, ( tv ), εθηχ = ίθηκε, καν, and θήκα, K{ti'), καν, andi θήχ = θήκε ; έθεσαν, βέσαν, subj. θείωΛ yC, y, ομεν, and eijyg, y, θέωμεν, ορ1ί| θείην, ης, η, θεΊμεν, θεΐεν, imp. θες, inf. ΘεΧναι, θέμεν{αι), part, θέντες, θε~ισα;Μ mid. pres. imp. τίθεσθ{ε), part, ηθήμε- νον, fut. θησονται, aor. θήκατο, 2 aor. ίθεμην, εθετο, θέτο, εθεσθε, θέσθ{ε), εθεντο, subj. θήαι, opt. θείτο, imp. θέα, θέσθω, θέσθ{ε), inf. θέσθαι, part, θέμε- νος, η ; also as if from τιθέω, pres. τιθ€Ϊ (ν, 1. τίθει), ipf (ε)τίθει, (con- dere, Ger. thun, Eng. do). — I. act., (l)ponere, collocare, sei,^Mi,^/ace, lay, θεμείΧια, Μ 29, followed by dat. without prep., or with εν, εττί, μετά, αμφί,άνύ, νττό', by ace. with εις, άνύ, υπό ; by gen. with επί ; iv χείρεσσι, place in the hands or arms, A 45, 441 ; εττί γούνασι. — (2) metaphorical, put (into one's mind), suggest, bestow, rivi iv θυμψ, εν στηθεσσι, εν φρεσί, in one's heart {έπος, μύθου τέΧος, etc.), A 55. — (3) propose prizes in games, deposit gifts, statues in temple, etc. ; bury, ψ 83. — (4) make, bring to pass, cause, κακά, etc., Π 263, Ο 721 ; εριν μετά τισι, γ 136, cf. Μ 41 1 ; σήμύ τινι, give a sign, θ 171 ; άΧγεα, prepare woes for the Achaians, A 2 ; Π 96, bring light, i. e. rescue ; σκέδασιν = σκεδαννύναι ; put into a certain condition or state, consti- tute, make, αΙχμητήν, A 290; Uptiav, άΧοχον, Χίθον, ν 156; with adj., render, Δ 363, Ζ 432, Φ 172 ; burv to half its length, X 490, λ 274, ψ Γΐ.— Π. mid. (1) put or place for one's se//' something of one's own, aop, one's sword in its sheath ; iv φρεσί, put into one's heart, consider by one s self ; iXέγχεa ταντα, hold this as an insult to yourselves, φ 333; αιδώ iv στήθεσσι,Ή 121,0 561, 661. — (2) make or prepare for one's self επιγουνίδα ; δαΧτα, δόρπον, I 88 ; μύχην, άγορην, πόνον, Ω 402 ; θνμόν άγριον, make one's temper savage, I 629 ; τινά γυναίκα, take as one's wife. τιθήνη, ης, ας, fem., (θήσθαί), nurse, Ζ 389. (Π.) τίθησθα, see τίθημι. Τιβων<$ς 303 τιταιν€τον Τιθωνός, ο7ο, son of Laomedon, car- 1, ried away by Eos, Υ 237, Λ 1, t 1. I τίκτω, τίκτ€ΐ, ipf. ίτικτον, ί(ν), τίκτε, ! flit, τέζίΐς, aor. (ί)τέκον, τέκες, (εν), ομεν ; y, ωνι ; οι, αεν ; έειν ; ών, ονσα, mid. fut. τέξίσθαι, f.or. τεκεθ' = τέκε- τ{ο), έσθαι, (τέκτων, τεχ-, τευχ-), gig- η e r e and ρ a r e r e, beget and bring forth, of divinity, man and beast, Τ 413, Ζ 206, Π 34, ΤΓ 119. η'λλω, ipf. τίλλε, ον, mid. τιΧλεσθην, οντο, pluck out, hair; mid., j^^mc^- out one's hair; τινά, tear one's hair in sor- row for, Ω 711. τΊμάω, τιμ^, ώσί, τίμα, ών, ώσαι, ipf. Ιτίμα, fut. τιμήσονσι, aor. τιμήσyς, y, ήσομεν, τίμησαν, ijaai, ήσας, fut. mid. τιμήσεσθαι, aor. ετιμΊ]σασθ(ε), τιμήσαν- το, pf. pass, τετίμηται, ημεσθα, ησθαι, (τιμή), honor, τινά, τινι, with or by any thing ; pf. pass, τιμής, be deemed u'orthy of honor, Ψ 649 ; I 608, 1 deem myself to have been (enough) honored by the decree of Zeus. τιμή, i]C, y, ην, fem., (τίω). valuation, (1) penalty, {απο)τίνειν τινί, pay (back) a penahy to one ; άρννσθαι, exact satisfaction for some one, A 159 ; then punishment, ζ 70. — (2) honor, dignity, prerogative, ε 335, λ 338, Δ 410. τίμήίΐς, τιμής, ήεντος, α, and τι- μήντα, τιμηεσσα, comp. τιμηέστερος, sup. τιμηεστατον, {τιμίή, (1) precious, λ 327, ϋ 614. — (2) highly honored, σ 161. τ'ίμως {τιμή), honored, κ 38|. τϊνάσσων, οντάς, ipf. τίνασσε, aor. ίτίνα^ί{ν), Tlva^y, pass. prs. τινάσσεται, ipf. τινάσσετο, aor. 3 pi. τίναχθεν, mid. aor. 3 du. τινα'ξάσθην, swing, shake, brandish, Aveapons, etc. ; Γ 385, plucked her garment ; θρύνον, oveiihrow ; scat- ter, ε 368; tie, elisi sunt, icere dashed out, Π 348 ; mid., β 151, shook their Avings. » τΐνΰται, νσθον, νμενος, {τίω), punish, τινά, λο)βην, chastise for insolence, ω 326. Tivciv, ων, fut. τίσω, aor. ετΊσ{εν), τίσειαν, τΊσον, τΊσαι, etc., pay a penalty, τιμήν τινι ; τί, atone for something with one's life, γ 218 ; in good signif. pay a debt, discharge obligation, ζωάγρια, ransom ; reward, ξ 166 ; mid, fut. τίσομαι, aor. ίτισάμην, τίσαω, 3 pi. τισαίατο, indemnify one's self, ν 15; exact satisfaction, (1) τινά, from a per- son, Γ 28, Β 743.— (2) τί, for a thing, Τ 208, ω 470.— (3) τινά τίνος, of a per- son for a thing, y 206 ; τινά τι, ο 236. τί•7ΓΤ€, also τίτττ {τίψθ' before rough breathing), from τί ττοτε, quidnam, why pray ? at beginning of verse or after voc. ; in fifth foot only in phrase τίπτε tk σε χρεώ; with αΐ!τε, A 202, λ 93 ; όντως, Δ 243 ; {τόσσοϊ^) ώοε (ι 403), Α 656 ; usually with verbs of motion, Ζ 254, Ο 90; in salutation, ε 87,^ λ 474. Τίρυνς, νθος, fem., ancient seat of kings of Argos, of Perseus, λχΊύι Cy- clopean walls, Β 559|. τίς, τέο, τεν, τίνα, τίνες, τπον [monosyll., ζ 119], ntr. τί, (quis), who? inten-ogative pron. τις δ' ovtoc, υ 380 ; οίδεν εΐ (κε), β 332 ; τίς ττύβε'ν εΙς ανδρών, who art thou, and from where in the world dost thou come ? α 170; ες τί, hoic long? τί μοι αρωγής, what hefaWs me in consequence of suc- cor rendered ? i:sed Mith av in ex- pression of a wish, Κ 303 ; rarely in indirect question, ο 423. τί ; like quid? how? why? Δ 371, Κ 159, α 62 ; wherefore ? A 606, Τ 87, (p 333. τίς, τί, indef. pron. enclitic, τεν, τ'εο, τινί τεω τψ, τινά, τί, τινέ, τινάς, ntr. άσσα, τ 218 = some one, something, quidam, quoddam ; many a one, every one, τ 265, Β 388, 355 ; also to indirectly designate a certain person, A 289 ; often to be supplied, as sug- gested by an oblique case, e. g. τινά, suggested by ol, a 392 ; joined Λvith adjs. it makes them less precise, a cer- tain kind of, a real, and has often a sar- castic force, σ 382 ; ntr. τί, like a li- quid, somewhat, in a degree,hQncQ ov Ti, nequaquam, by no means; ουδέ τι, and nothing whatever, y 184. τίσις, IV, fem., {τίω), recompense, β 76 ; punishment, vengeance, Avith gen. for τινός (εκ τίνος, j)roceeding from, ' at the hands of). i τΐτό {τίω) έργα, vengeance, Ω 213, j better άντιτα. TiraivcTOV, ων, ipf. ίτίταινε, aor. I τιτήνας, {ταννω, τείνω), tendo, bend, ; draw, the bow ; stretch out, the arms ; τράπεζαν, spread the table ; τάλαντα, poise the balances ; elsewh. draio chariot, plough; m'la. τιτα ί voir ο , -όμε- Τιτανος 304 ToioaSc νος, ίτιταίνετο, arcum suiim ten- dere; φ 259, string Jor one's self the bow ; stretch one's self in running, go at full speed ; irTtpvytoaiv, stretching out their wings. Τέτανος, 010 y place (mountain or town) in Thessaly, Β 735t. Τιτάρήσιος, river in Thessaly rising in Olympos, later Europos, a branch of the Peneios, Β 75 If. Τιτήν€ς, oi, Titans, sons of Uranos and Gaia; cast down from heaven, which they recovered by the help of Kronos, who cast them again into Tartaros, and ruled alone until his son Zeus, aided by Gaia, overpowered and shut him up in turn with the Titans, S 279, ντΓοταρτάριοι ', ονρανίωνις, Ε 898. τιτρώσκω, see τρώω. Τϊτΰός, son of Gaia, covering in Hades nine plethra of space Avith his prostrate body, while vultures devour his liver, λ 576-580, η 324. τιτνσκ6ται, ύμίνος, οι, ων, η, αι, ipf. τιτύσκετο, {τύζον, τνχίΐν), make ready, πυρ ; 'ίππους υπ' οχεσφι, couple, put to ; usually aim, of weapons (dat.), άντα, straight before one ; τινός, at some one ; with ψρεσίν, purpose, de- sign ; θ 556, speeding thither. τίφθ* = τίπτε. τίω, prs. and ipf. act. and mid. [pres. r exc. 1 238,.ξ 84, ο 543, θ 540 ; ipf. I exc. Ν 176, Ο 551, α 432, τ 247, Ψ 705, so also τΐεσκον, but τίεσκεν, Ν 461, τίεσκίτο, Δ 46], fut. τίσω, aor. trlfff, pf. part. τετΊμένος, ov, etc., value, aestimare, δνωδεκάβοιον, at twelve steers' worth ; tv καρΰς aloy, at a hair's worth ; otherwise always in signif., honor, magni aestimare, θίόν ως, etc. τλήμων, μονά, ες, (τλήναι), enduring, patient, θνμόν ; impudent, Φ 430. τλήναι (ΤΑΛ, ΤΕΛ, tolero), fut. τ\ησομ{αϊ), 1 aor. ίτάλασσας, τάΚάσ- <^yC> y•) 3•0Γ• sync, ετλην, ης, ΐ] = τΚη, τλΐίμιν, ετ\ητ€, ετλαν ; τλαίην, ης, η, τλαΐεν, τΧηθι, τλητω, τλήτε ; pf. τέτλη- κας, εν, 1 ρ1. τέτλαμεν, τετλάθι, άτω, αίη, άμίν(αι), τετληότι, ες, τετληνϊα, suffer, undergo, τι; τινά, resist; part, pf. , steadfast, enduring, Ε 873 ; 1 aor. animum inducere, venture upon, presume, 164, Ν 829 ; prevail upon one's self have the heart, courage, heart- lessness, Ρ 166. Τλη'π•6λ€μος, ov, (1) son of Hera- kles and of Astyochia, fugitive on ac- count of involuntary murder, found safety in Rhodos, Avhere he became king, Β 653, 657, 661, Ε 628, 631, 632, 648, 656, 660, 668.— (2) son of Da- mastor, slain by Patroklos, Π 416. τλητόν (τλήναι), enduring, Ω 49 f. τμήγω, aor. pass. 3 pi. τμ.άγ€ν, {τέμ νω), discesserunt, theg dispersed, Π 374. τμήδην, adv., (τέμνω), so as to cut or graze, Η 262 f. Τμώλος, mountain in Lydia, near Sardes, Β 866, Τ 385. TO, therefore, Γ 176, Μ 9, θ 332 ; Η 239, τό μοι εστί, therefore can I — . τόθι, adv., i b i, there, ο 239|. I. τοί, nom, plur. masc. from demon- strat. ύ and from relat. o. II. ToC =σοί, tibi ; also as unem- phatic ethical dat., τ 599, see συ. III. τοί (from ethical dat. τοί, A 419, π 187), enclitic particle serving to strengthen an assertion (also in negative sentences) expressing confi- dence: / assure you, verily, A 419, 426, ο 72, π 187 (A 298); expressing emo- tion : let me tell you, yet verily, Β 298, Ε 873, Χ 488, σ 230 (Β 361, Γ 65); expressing conviction, you may be sure, certainly, no doubt, I 654, Ν 115, Ο 45 (Δ 29, Ζ 335, α 203) ; see also ήτοι and μεν. (Ν 267, και belongs to εμοΊ ; is not καίτοι.) IV. τοιγάρ (τοί = τφ), so then, ac- cordingly, always at beginning of a clause, Avith reference to an exhorta- tion, with εγώ, (a) beginning a speech, A 76, Κ 413, a 179 ; (b) preceding an action, ο 612, 17 28, θ 402 ; a second rot is tibi, α 214. τοΐος, ov, ov, 01, ονς, τοίη, ην, at, τοϊον, Γθΐ(α), (το-), talis, of such a kind, such, corresponding to rel. οίος, Σ 105, α 257,5 345, 421, λ 499 (also to οποϊος, ρ 421; to oc, β 286; to 'όπως, π 208); τενχεσι, such in his weapons ; χεΧρας, in his hands ; with inf., capable, able; Avith adjs., so really^ so very, just, a 209, cf. λ 135, /3 286 ; ntr. τοΐον, so, so very, y 321, X 241, Ψ 246 (elsewh. only Od.). Toi(Sa8c, ovd(i), y^(t), όνδ(, άδ(, like 305 τοΐος, talis, suck, with reference to eomething near, under one's eyes ; cor- responds to οίος, followed by ace. of that in respect to which, ρ 313; ntr. Towvh, so good, so had; with inf., Ζ 463. τοιούτος, ούτυν, οντον, οΰτοι, όντων, τοιαύτη, τοιαύτα = τοΊος, talis, Avith stronger demonstrative sense, of such a kind, δ 650; 'Αχαιών, Ρ 643; tarn praestantes, so excellent, Β 372, Π 847 ; tarn prava, nefaria, so hei- nous things, Ψ 494, χ 315. τοίσδ€σ•(σ)ι, see ode. τοίχος, τοίχου, φ, ον, οι, ων, ονς, m U r U S, wall of a house or court, Π 2 1 2, β 342, χ 126 ; sides of a ship, μ 420, Ο 382. τοκάδες, fem., (τίκτω), σνες, (swine), having just brought forth, ξ 16f. τοκή€, dn., pi. τοκήις, ηων, ίων, tv- σι(ν), ήας, (τίκτω), parents, a 170 ; ίκ — tlvai, Ω 387; ancestors, δ 596, η 54. tOkos, ΟΙΟ, ον, masc, (τεκύν), (1) partus, bringing forth, delivery, Τ 1 1 9, Ρ 5. — (2) proles, offspring, Ο 141 ; young, ο 175. τολμάω, ipf. Ιτ6λρ.ας, α, τόΧμων, fut. τολμήσεις, aor. τόλμησεν, σειεν, σαντα, (τληναι, tolero), endure, with part., ω 162; be bold, Κ 232, Ε 670 ; dare, θ 424, Μ 51. τολμή€ΐς, ηεντι, (τόλμη), daring, Κ 205 ; enduring, steadfast, ρ 284. τολΰιί€ΰω, ειν, aor. τολνπενσα, σε(ν), prop, wind up as a ball ( τολνπη ), hence contrive, δόλους ; achieve, finish, ω 95, Ω 7. τομήν, τί\ν, (τέμνω), end left after cutting, stump, A 235 f. το|άζ€αι, 2 sing, prs., inf. εσθαι, opt. οίμεθ(α), 3 pi. οίατο, fut. άσσεται, aor, opt. άσσαιτο, (τό'ζον), shoot with bow at, τινός, θ 218. το|€νττ|σι, τοΤς, (τοζενω), sagitta- r i i s, bowmen, archers, Ψ 850f . To|€V€tv (τόξον), sagittas mit- tcrQ,shoot,^ 855t. τόξον, ου, φ, (a), ων, οισι(ν), ntr., (τιτνσκομαι, root τυκ, τευχ, τεχ-), bow, comm. pi. even of a single bow, either as including entire shooting appai-atus, Φ 502, (Ο 709, sagittarum), or as in its nature pi., consisting of two pieces of horn (of the wild goat, Δ 109) fastened to a middle piece (ττη- χχ>ς). The string (νευρίι) was fastened at one end of the bow, and had to have the loop at its other end slipped over the other pointed tip (κορώνη) before shooting. Cut No. 37 illustrates the method of stringing the bow ([ή/] τανύειν); cuts Nos. 67, 96, 97, 111, 133 illustrate the method of shooting (τιταίνειν, (άν)'ελκειν). Cuts Nos. 27, 130 represent the case for the bow. Archers were little esteemed (in com- parison >vith ττρόμαχοι), see κέραι άγλαέ, A 385, τοζότα. — τόξων, also artis sagittariae, archery, Β 718, cf. 827. τοξοσΰνη, Ty, (τόζον), archery, Ν 314t. τοξότα, \OC., nom. ότης, (τόζον), archer, contemptuously, A 385 f. τοξο-ψόρω, Ty, (φέρω), bow-bearing, epithet of Artemis, Φ 483f . Toirpiv, see ττρίν. Toirpooecv, see πρόσθεν. τοιτρώτον, see ττρώτον. τορέω ? ( τετραίνω ), Ιτορε, aor., pierce, Λ 236t. τορνόω, mid. aor. τορνώσαντο, subj. τορνώσεται, (τόρνος), round off, ψ 255, ε 249. roc, τοί, see ύ and Ος. τόσ(σ)θ9, σ(σ)ον, τόσσοι, ων, ονς, η, ης, ην, yoi, τόσσας, τόσ(σ)ον, ΓΟσ(σα), also ΓΟσ(σ)οί'δ£, σσηνδε, σσαδε, and Γοσ(σ)οΰτον, τοσαντ(α), t ant us, so great, so long, so wide, etc., pi. tot, so many; cf. τρις τόσοι; ntr. used alone, so much, so very, A 64, θ 421 ; with οσσον, Φ 370 ; with αλλά, ο 405 ; so also the forms with -δε, X 41 ; and -οϋτον, Ψ 476. τοσσάκι, τοσσάχ before rough breathing, (τ()σος), t ο t i e s, so often, corresponding to όσσύκι, quoties, as often, Φ 268. τόσσος, τοσσοντον, see τόσ(σ)ος. τότ€, at that time, then ; των τότε, of those who then lived ; freq. in apo- dosis in phrases, fcai τότε δή, pa, έπει- τα ; esp. after protasis with οτε, ΰττότε, ήμος, ίττεί, ει, etc. ; τότε μοι χάνοι ευ- ρεία χθων, Δ 182. T0T6 = τότε, at another time, anon, A 63; usually in answering clauses, T. μεν — Γ. δέ, modo — mod Ο, now— then. (Od.) 306 τριβεμβναι του = gen. (1) of ύ.— (2) of ος.— (3) = τίνος ; τον, end. = τινός. Τοΰνβκα == του ένεκα, on this account, therefore, A 291, γ 15. τοΰνομα = το ΰνομα. τόψρα (τόψι ρα? το ττέρα?), adv., so long, following ΰφρα, εως, υτε, πριν, εύτε, ΛνίΐΗ όέ, Δ 221 ; up to the time (when), A 509 ; meanwhile, Ν 83, μ 166. τράγους, τους, goats, ι 239 f. Tpdircta, ης, y, αν, ai, ας, (^τετρά- πει^α, four-footed), table, esp. eating- table ; ζενίη, hospitable board, ξ 1 58 ; guests had, a.s a rule, each his own table, a HI, e. g. the suitors use their tables as shields against Odys- seus's arrows ; the tables were four- cornered and low, χ 84. τρο'ΐΓ€ζή£ς, ηας, pi. from -ενς, κννες, dogs fed from their master's table, Ψ 173, X 69, ρ 309. τραττίίομ.ΐν, subj. 2 aor. pass, from τέρττω. τράτΓβουσι, pres., {τρέπω, torcu- lar), tread, press, η 125f. τραψ€μ€ν, τράψ€ν, see τρέφω. τραφ€ρήν, frm earth, S 308 and ν 98. TpcTs, tres, three, I 144, ί 409, see σνντρεις. τρ€μ€, ipf., tremebat; υπό ί' έτρε- με, ov, he trembled in (all) his limbs, Κ 390. τρέπω, imp. Tpc'ire, ipf. τρέπε{ν), 1 aor. (ί)7•ρέψί(ν), opt. ^ftf, part. ψίτΓ, 2 aor. {ε)τράπε{ν), (torqueo), turn, bend, e. g. κεφαλήν προς τι, ν 29 ; ΰσσε ες τι, Ν 7; άπό τίνος, Π 645; πάλιν, retro fleet ere, Υ 439, ΰσσε, look away from, avert ; 'ίππους, turn about, θ 432 ; guide, νόον; θνμυν κατά πληθύν, turn his fury against the mass; όμόσε, Μ 24; with inf., Μ 32 ; φύγαι^ε (ίππους, θ 157), betake ones self to flight, Π 657 ; τινά εις εννήν, conduct to bed ; mid. pass. pres. rpitrerai, 1 aor. τρεφόμε- νοι, 2 aor. τράπεθ' = (ί)τράπετ{ο), τρά- ποντο, ωνται, pf. part, τετραμμένος, ov, οι, σι, imp. τετράφθω, plupf. τέ- τραπτο, 3 ρ1. τετρύφαθ' — φατο, aor. pass, τραφθήναι, turn, direct one's self, ίθΰς, straight forward; προς (ίθύ) οΊ, right toward him, S 403 ; επί o'l, to- ward him, Ν 542 ; to something, ες τι ; πάλιν τινός, away from one, Σ 188, Φ 468 ; εκάς τίνος, far from; άν 'Ελλάδα, versari per Graeciam, wander up and down throiigh Greece ; change, χρως; νόος, with inf., δ 260. τρέφω, τρεψ», ipf. ετρεφον, ες, ε{ν), τρέφον, ε, ον, 1 aor. εθρε-φε, θρέφ(εν'), 2 aor. ετραφ{ε), τράφ{ε) Β 661, du. ετραφ'ε- την, inf. τραφεμεν, transitive only in Ψ 90, Φ 279; pf. τέτροφε, intr. 1 aor. mid. θρέφαιο, aor. pass, τράφη {ετράφημεν, Ψ 84, better read τράφομέν περ), 3 pi. τράφεν, A 251, Ψ 348, (τέρπω), feed, nourish, of animals, X 69 ; of plants, let grow, tend, produce, χαίτην, άλοι- φην, άγρια, φάρμακα; curdle, yuXa; of children, e^Mcaie, rear; πημα -γενέσθαι, with dat., rear to become a curse to some one, X 421 ; A 414, θρέφαιο, rear for one's self; pass, with j^f. and 2 aor, act., thicken, congeal, stick firmly to, ψ 237 ; wax, grow up, Ε 555, ξ 201. Tpc'xci, aor. iter, θρέζασκον, 2 aor. εδραμον, (ε), run, of living beings ; of auger, revolve, ι 386. τρέω, τρ€ϊ, ί(Γ(ί), είν, ipf. τρέε, 1 aor. ετρεσε, σαν, and τρέσσε, σσαν, αι, άν- των,(τρηρων, Trasimenus, terror), in aor.,/ee, ζ 138; Ε 256, τρείν μ ονκ εςί Παλλάς Άθηνη ; elsewh. tremble, be afraid, Ρ 332 ; dread, with acc, A 554, Ρ 663. (II.) τρήρωνα, ες, ωσι, (τρείν), ρ avid am, trembling, only of doves, X 140, τρητοίο, ο~ισι{ν), from (τιτράω), per- forated, of mooring-stones, pierced with holes for attaching the cable; λεχέεσσι, perforated with holes f^r iJie bed-cords, Q 720, Τρηχίν, "iva, town in Thessalv, Β 682t. Τρήχος, warrior from Aitolia, slain by Hektor, Ε 706 f. τρηχύς, ΰν, ίΤ(α), είης, ε'ίαν, (τετρη- χει), as per, rough, (1) rugged, jagged, λίθος, Ε 308. — (2) stony, rocky, άταρ- πόν, άκτήν, Ελικώνα, Ίθάκην, ζ 1. τρίαιναν, την, trident, Avith which Poseidon stirs up the sea, and agitates the earth by earthquakes, Μ 27, δ 506. τριβ^μ€ναι, inf. pres., aor. τρΤψαι, pass. pres. τρΐβεσθε, {τείρω, tero), properly rub, hence thresh, which was done after the Egyptian and Oriental manner represented in the following cut ; rub around in, or perhaps plunge τρί-γληνα 307 Τροίη into, ι 333 ; pass., wear one's self out, ψ 735. 123 ^Λ τρί-γληνα (γλήνη), epith. of ear-rings, tcith three drops or pearls (lit. eyeballs), S 183 and σ 2'97. (Sec cut from an- cient Greek coin.) τρι - γλώχϊνι, dat, (γλωχίν, γλώσσα), three- barbed, epith. of arro\y, 124 Ε 393 and Λ 507. τρί-€Τ£5, ntr. as adv., (Ρέτος, ΐτος), three years longj β 106. (Od.) τρίξουσαι, pf. ητριγώτας, ιΊα, νΊαι, pUipf. τετρίγη, (st rid ere, strix), twitter, Β 314 ; squeal; of birds and bats, ω 7 ; gibber, of souls of departed, ω 5, 9 ; of wrestlers' backs, crack, Ψ 714. τριή κοντά, triginta, thirty, Β 516. (Β.) τριηκ($σιοι, κοσίοισιν, κύσι(α'), t re- cent i, th7-ee hundred, ν 390 and Λ 696. Τρίκ(κ)η, city in Thessaly, on river Peneios, Β 729, Δ 202. τρί-λλιστο5 (λίτομαι), thnce-earnest- ly prayed for, θ 488t. τρί-Ίτλακα, την, threefold, Σ 480f . τρι-ττλή, thrice over, A 128|. τρί-ΊΓολον (col ere), thrice ploughed, Σ 542, f 127. rpi-iros X 164, τρί-πονς, πο^ος, it, δα, Ofc, ΰων, trip us, tripod, a three- footed kettle for Avarming water, Ψ 702 ; also served for mixing wine in, and, being often beautifully finished, as prize in gymnastic contests. The Delphic tripod is a favorite subject of representation on ancient reliefs, from one of Avhich the above cut is taken. τρί-ΐΓτυχο5> trijyle, consisting of three layers; meaning, as applied to τρνψά- Xtia, q. v., not altogether clear, Λ 353t. τρίς, ter, thrice, A 213, γ 245; in Homer already a sacred number, cf. τρίλλιστος; τρις μάκαρ€ς, thrice-blessed, ζ 154. τρισ-καί-δ€κα, tredecim, thirteen, Ε 387; -και-£έκατον, rp, tertium de- cimum, Κ 495. τρι-στοιχί, in three rows, Κ 473|. τρί-στοιχοι, in three rows, /i 91t. τρισ-χίλϊαι, three thousand, Ψ 221 f. TpiTOTOs, φ, ov, οισι, η, y, ην, ter- tius, third, Β 565, Ο 195, δ 97. Τριτο-γ€ν€ΐα, epith. of Athena, also as proper name, θ 39, X 183, Δ 515, y 378 ; explained by old commentators as meaning boj'n at the lake Tritonis, in Libya. τρίτος, ψ, ov, ων, η, ης, third, Μ 95 ; Γ0 τρίτον, Γ 225, for the third time, elsewh. in the third place. τρΐ-χά, threefold, in three parts ; τρ. νυκτός ίην, a third of the night re- mained, 'twas in the third Avatch, μ 312. (Od.) τρϊχ-άΐκ€5 (θρίΚ, άίσσω), with wav- ing, flowing plume, τ 177f. τρίχ€5, pi. from θρΊζ. τριχθά, in three parts, Β 668, t 71. Τροιζήν, ί/νος, fem., town in Argo- lis, near the shore of Saronic gulf, Β 561|. Τροίζηνος, son of Keas, father of Euphemos, Β 847|. Τροίη, fem., (1) country of Trojans, Trojan plain, Troad, Β 162. — (2) its chief town, otherwise Ίλιος, A 129. [When the word is used to designate the Troad, its first syllable occurs in ar- sis of 1st foot five times, in thesis of 1st Τροίηθ6(ν) 308 τρΰφος foot ten times, in thesis of 2d foot fifty- three times, of 3d nine times, of 4th ten times ; when designating the city, the 1st syllable stands in thesis of 2d foot ten times, of 3d foot four times.] Τροίη8€(ν), from Troja, U 492, γ 257. Τροίηνδ(€), to Troja, Η 390, Ω 764, γ 268. τρομέω, τρομ€€ΐς, έονσι, ipf. ίτρό- μίον, mid. pres. ιοΊατο, έίσθαι, ipf τρομέοντο, tremble, Κ 10, Ο 627, φρέ- να, animo pavere ; τινά, τί, dread, 7Γ 446, ν 215; so also mid., also with φρένες, θνμφ. τρόμος, masc, (τρέμω), tremor, Γ 34 ; shudder, sickening, ω 49. τρ6ΐΓ€ον, 3 pi. ipf., (τρέττω), were turning about, Σ 224|. τρσιταί, pi. fem., (τρόττος), ήίΧίοω, ο 404t, turning-places, tropics (yet not in our sense of the word), places where the sun at evening turns about his steeds to return during the night to the east, ready to begin with morning a ncAV day. τρόπις, τρ<$πιος, iv, fem., (τρόπος), L•^, ε 130. (Od.) (See cut under δρΰ- όχους, a.) τροττός, τροΊΓοίς, masc., (τρέπω), thongs or straps, by means of which the oars were attached to the thole- pins, κληΊδες (see cut No. 35, d), so as to play freely about them, ^782 and θ 53. A later different arrangement is illustrated in the following cut, and in No. 41. τροφΟ€ντα, swelling, v. 1. γ 290. τροφός, οϋ, ovy fem., (τρέφω), nurse, ρ 31, r 15. τροχάω, part. pres. τροχόωντο, (τρο- χός), ίίμα, running about after me, ο 45 If. τροχός, τροχού, όν, (τρέχω), wheel (also κύκλος, a), Ζ 42; potter's wheel, Σ 600; round cake of wax or tallow, μ 173, φ 178. τρυγάω, 3 pi. τρυγόωσιν, opt. τρν- γόψίν, gather, gather the vintage, η 124, Σ 566. τρυζητ€, subj. pres., gossip be- fore me, keep dinning into my ears, 1 311|. τρϋιτάνω, τφ, ntr., (τρυπάω), auger^ driU, used by cai-penters in boring wood, and often set in motion by a bow and string, as with us at the pres- ent day, ι 385f . (The cut is from an ancient Egyptian representation.) τρνττώ (τρύπη, τήρω), bore, ι 384|. τρΰφαλ£ΐιι, ης, y, αν, αι, ών, (τρυω, φάλος), helmet with O'cst perforated to conveniently attach the horse -hair τροφέω, ipf. mid. τροφ€Όντο, were swelling, γ 290t. τρόφι, ntr., corresponding to τρόφις, (τρέφω), swollen, huge, κύμα, Λ 307t. plumes, Γ 376. (Cf cut on following page and No. 20.) τρΰφος, TO, (θρνπτω), fragment, cf. rui)es, from rurapo, ί SOSf. τρόχουσι 309 Τ-υνδάρ€ος τρόχουσι, fut. τρνζοντα, pass. pres. τρνχώμίθα, όμενος, (^τρύω), impover- ished, α 288, κ 177; consume, οίκον, property. Τρωαί, Τρωάς, see Ύρφύς. rpaynvy feed upon, hroicse, ζ 90f. Τρώες, ώων, ωσί, and ίσσι{ν), inhab- itants of Ilios and of the plain of Troas, Ύρώων πόλις ^Ίλίος; but A 164, τττο- λίίθρον, one of the Trojan cities. Τρωιάς, άδος, see Ύρώιος. Τρωικός, κύν, esp. ττεδίον, the plain of Troja, betAveen Ilios and the sea, Ρ 724, Κ 11. Τρωίλος, son of Priamos and He- kabe, Ω 257|. τρώκτης, at, masc., (τρώγω?), de- ceiver, knave, ζ 289 and ο 415. Τρώες, adj., (1) from Τρως, belong- ing to Tros, son of Erichthonios, Π 393, Ψ 291. — (2) from Τρώίς-, belong- ing to the Trojans, Trojan, fem. Ύρφαί, yaiv, Ρ 127, Ε 461 ; but freq. Τρωαί, Γ 384, Χ 430, 57, Ζ 380, S 259 = Τρω- άδες, Trojan women, Ζ 442, I 139, Ω 704; gen. also Ύρωϊάδων, Σ 122 ; exc. ν 263, where it is adj. to ληίδος. τρωττάω, τρωιτώσα, (τρεττω), φωνην, change her note, τ 521; mid. τρωττάσθαι and -ώντο, ipf., turn one's self, ττάλιν, back, about; ψόβονδε — . Τρως, ωός, (1) Tros, son of Erich- thonios, fathei• of Ilos, Assarakos, Ganymedes, Ε 265 sq., Υ 230 sq.— (2) son of Alastor, slain by Achilleus, Υ 463. τρώσεσθαι, τρώσης, see τρώω. τρωτός, verbal adjective from τρώω, vulnerable, Φ 568 f. τρωχάω, only τρωχωσι, ipf. τρώ- χων, (τρέχω), run, Χ 163, ζ 318. τρώω, τρώει, (τορεω), sting, madden, φ 293 ; aor. subj. τρώσι^, ητ(, wound, fut. mid. τρώσίσθαι, to be wounded. τυγχάνω,^ ipf. τνγχονε, fut. Ttv^y, εσθαι, aor. έτυχες, τύχε, ωμι, γς, ησι, 7J, οιμι, οις, ών and 1 aor. ίτνχησε{ν), τύχησε, ησας, pf. τετνχηκε, κώς, (τνκ, τόζον, τεκ, τέχνη), (1) τινός, hit, (a) Avith Aveapon or missile ; freq. τυχών, νσας, with βάλλειν, οντά, ννζε, Avhere the ace. is in each case to be construed with finite verb; δώκε, φ 13; also κ-ατά •with, ace; (b) general sense, happen, chance, θ 430 ; (c) τινός, come vpon, chance upon some person or thing, and hence gain, obtain, ο 158. — (2) happen to be, be by chance, Λ 1 16, /ζ 106 ; τετυχηκώς, happening to be, lying, Ρ 748, κ 88 ; often Avith part, which in English becomes the principal verb, while the form of τυγχάνω is rendered by an adverb, by chance, just, etc. ; ετύχησε βαΧών, he had just hit him, Ο 581; impers., contingit, /a// to one's share, Λ 684. Τϋδείδης, son of Τϋδενς, ηος, εος, ace. η, Tydeus is son of Oineus, Ε 813 ; king in Kalydon in Aitolia, father of Diomedes, Ε 163, Ζ 96 ; fugitive on ac- count of his uncle's murder, he finds asylum in Argos with Adrestos, whose daughter Deipyle he marries ; joins Polyneikes in the expedition against Thebes, where he is slain by Melanip- pos, Δ 399. τυκτόν, ψ, ην, yai, (τενχω), manu f a c t u s, well - made, well - wrought ; δάπεδον, well-trodden : κακόν, a born plague. τύμβω, ov, masc, (tuimtiliis), funeral mound, piled up^in conical form over the urn containing th^^ ash- es of the deceased, and sometimes of enormous size, e. g. that of Aisyntes, identified with the mound now called Udschek Tepe, and 284 feet high, Δ 177, Η 336. τυμβο-χόης, της, (χ^ω), the throwing up of a mound = funeral mound, Φ 323t (better so read than τνμβοχοή- ff(rtt), for there is no analogy for the elision of at). Τυνδάρεος, Tyndareos, banished from Sparta, harbored in Aitolia by τΰνη 310 vSpevovTO THestios, Avhose daughter Leda he weds, by Herakles he is reinstated in Sparta. — His children: Klytaimnestra, ω 199; Kastor and Polydeukes, λ 298 sq. (Helena, daughter of Zeus.) τόνη = σΰ. τΰττησι, τάΐς, (τνπτω), i ο t i b u s, blow, stroke, Ε 887 f. τντΓτω, τυΐΓΤ€Τ€, ονσι, £, ων, ipf. τΰτΐτον, aor. τυψ(ί*'), y, ον, ας, pass, prs. τυπτομένωρ, pf. τίτυμμενω, aor. ΐτύπη, τνπείης, ίί'ς•, stHke, cut, thrust, wound, τινά, (on any part, τι, Χαιμύν, or κατά γαστέρα'), σχί^'ιην, in hand-to- hand encounter; fig. τυν άχος κατά (ρρένα τνφε βαθίΐαν, sorrow struck deep into his soul, Τ 125; τύττη, with ace. υσσα, quot vulnera accepit. Frc(i. αλα τνπτον ΙρετμοΙς, they were heating (in time) the sea with their oars (see cut under Ίστίον, and No. 41); Ψ 754, trod in his (Ajax's) foot- steps; λοίλατΓί, lashing with the tem- pest. τνρός, τυροΰ, ψ, ύν, du. ώ, pi. ων, masc, cheese, δ 88; alyiioc, cheese of goat's milk, Λ 639. Τυρώ, Tyre, daughter of Salmoneus, wife of Kretheus, j3 120, λ 235 ; mother of Pelias and Neleus by Poseidon. TUT06s, Of, a, little, small, young, X 480 and a 435, little hoy; with ^ατμίι- ζας and κίύσαιμι, hew or split up small; ntr. as adv., a little, local witli όπίσσω, μίτότησθίν, tdevrjatv, it lacked litt!e, ι 540 ; modal : hiaiv, φθέγγίσθαι, low; temporal only Τ 335. τυφλον, blind, Z'l39t. j Τυφωβΐς, έος, έι Β 782, Typhoeus, a 'm monster under whose form the oi)cra- ^ tions of subterranean fire are symbol- ized. τυχήσας, see τυγχάνω. Τΰχίος {τενχω), from Hylai in Boio- tia, Η 220t, the maker of Ajax's shield. τω (τφ), (1) then, a 239, γ 258, Θ 467. — (2) therefore, θ 226, 548, ν 248, 331, Κ 67, 7Γ 445, σ 141, τ 2.59, Φ 190. τώς = ούτως, thus, Β 330, Γ 415, Γ 234. Τ. Ύά8€ς (νω), Ilyades, seven stars in the head of the Bull, whose rising marks the beginning of the rainy sea- son, Σ 486|. The popular etymology of the Avord derived it from νς, and the Komans taking up this derivation called them S u c u 1 ae, Piglings. iiaKiv8tv({), hyacinthine-colored= dark- colored, black, I 231 and ψ 158. \y] νιάκινθον, masc, iS 348t, hyacinth, not the same as ours, possibly the lark- spur. * Υάμ, - ΐΓολις, town on the river Kephisos in Phokis, Β 521 f. ■υβ-βάλλ6ΐν, see νττο-βάΚΚω. -υβρίζεις, ων, οντες, (νβρις), he inso- lent or arrogant, a 227; trans, τινά, insult, outrage, υ 370, Λ 695 ; λώβην, perpetrate wantonly, ν 1 70. ΰβρις, ιος,ει,η', fem., (ΰττί/ο), super- bia, insolence, arrogance, A 203, 214, violence. (Od.) ύβριοΓταί, άων, yai, masc, (υβρίζω), overbearing, violent, wicked persons, Ν 633. (Od.) •ίτγιής (ν e g e t u s), healthful, salutary, useful, θ 524 f. vypov, ην, ά, moist; also of νδωρ, δ 458, liquid; ελαιον, limpid, ζ 79; κίλενθα, watery ways = the sea ; νγρί]ν, subst. the waters, opp. τραφερην, S 308, a 97, ί 709, £45 ; ntr. aivrtc, humide fl antes, blowing moist or rainy, ε 478. νδατο-τρεφεων, gen. pi. from -ης, (τ ρ'ίφω), growing by the water, ρ 208|. "Υδη, town on Mount Tmolos in Lydia, later Sardes ? Τ 385t. [Γ'] νδρηΐνημαι, aor. part, ΰδρηναμ-^νη, (ϋΰωρ), bcUhe, wash one's self, ο 750. ^^'}-^ , vSpcvovTo, ipf., (ί'ίωρ), were word t> draw water, bOtv, η 131 ; act. νδρευού- ay, κ 105.' υδρηλο 311 ΰτΓ-ασπίδϊα ύδρηλοί (νδωρ), irrigui, moist, tcell- icaiered, λειμωνίς, meadows, ι 133f. ΰδρου, τον, (;ύδωρ), hydrae, water- snake, Β 723γ. ΰδωρ, ατός, ι, τ(α), ntr., (udus, u η d a), water, άλμνρύν, salt Avater ; μίλαν, of water of springs, rivers, and sea, Avhen the surface is rippled, and thus, the reflection of the sun's rays being hindered, it assunaes a dark color, ϋ 359; νγρόν, flowing, liquid; aUvdovTa, never failing; ΰ. και yala ykvoiaBf, Η 99, = become dust and ashes. [I•, in arsi v.'] ΰβτόν, τόν, (ΰ'ω), shower, imbrem, Μ 133|. υιός (Gothic sun us, Ger. pohn), declined from three stems, TIO-, ov, φ, όν, έ, ών, οΐσι ; ΤΙ-, gen. νΙος, vi'i, via, du. vie ; vhg, νιύσι, νΙας ; Υ1ΕΓ-, gen. ν'άος, ti, ία, teg, έας, elg Ε 464, son, in pi. vug Αχαιών = 'λχαιοί. \_υ'ως, or, έ, in thesi often to be pro- nounced i'jug, όν, f, Δ 473 ; voc. ν'ιέ with lengthened i, Δ 338.] υΐωνός, οίο, οι, masc, (υιός), grand- son, Β 666, ω 514. νλαγμόν, τόν, (νλάω), harhing, howl- ing, Φ 575f. [Γ;] Ύλακΐδης, Κάστωρ, name invented for himself by Odysseus, ξ 204|. ύλακ^μωροι (νλάω), loud -barking, ζ 29 and π 4. [ν] νλάκτ€ΐ) ίον, ipf., (ΰλακτέω, νλάω), hark, hay, Σ 586 ; κραδίη (growled Avith wrath), ν 13, 16. [υ] νλάω, υλά€ΐ, ονσι, ipf. νλαον = νλύοντο, (ululare), hark, bag; τινά, hark at, τγ 5. (Od.) [ΰ] υλη, ης, y, ην, (for σύ\η, solum, salt us?), (1) silva, wood, t 234; Jelled timber, wood for burning ; clump of trees, grove, ε 63 ; forest, freq. ; foliage, ξ 353. — (2) stuff of Avliich any thing is made, raw material (willoAV withes), ε 257. [?"] "Υλη, town in Boiotia, Ε 708, Η 221, Β 500. ΰλή6ΐς, evTi, τα = νλ7]ενΘ', ηεσσα, ης, y, αν, (νλη), wooded, α 186; as comm. gender, α 246. "Υλλος, branch of the Hermos in Lydia, Τ 392|. •υλο-τόμοι, ους, (τομή), cutting or fell- ing wood, axe, Ψ 114; woodmen, Ψ 123. [ϋ] •ίιμεϊς, f /ων, νμέων, Avith synizesis ; ΪJμΐv, νμιν, {νμιν), νμέας dissyll,, paral- lel forms ΰ}χ|Χ€ς, νμμ{ιν), acc. i/i/if, vos, vestri, etc. [ϋ] ΰμεναιος, wedding song, bridal 3ong, ΤΓολνς, varied, Σ 493|. [υ] υμέτερος, ov, ov, ων, οισι(ν), ονς ; ης, y, yai, ov, (Ψ 86, ovh, to your house), V ester, your, yours, etc., also joined with αΰτώι; ip'sorum, yourselves; ϊκύστον, of each one of you, Ρ 226. νμμ€, ες, ι, see νμεΧς. υμνον, τόν, {νψή), strain, melody, θ 429|. νμός, follg. forms, νμή, Ν 815 ; ύ/ιί/ς, ι 284; νμην, Ε 489; νμά, α 37 5, your. υτΓ-ογον, f, ipf, also in tmesi, Ψ 300; as also aor., Ψ 294, ijyayev, bring or lead under; Z,vyov, under the yoke, also with simple verb, yoke, pnt to; Λ 163, tK — , icithdraw. νπ-αείδω, only ipf. vi-jto αειδεν, and aor. άεισεν, accompany with voice, Σ 570 ; sang under his hand, as he drew and let go of the bow-string, (p 411. ντταί, see νττό. υχαιθα, adv., out from under, side- wise, Ο 520 ; τινός, sklewise away, at one's side, "Σ A2\. [i;] ντΓ-ά'ιξ€ΐ, fut., (from άίσσω), φρίχ = φρΊκα, shall dart up under the surface- ripple, Φ 126 ; aoi'. part, αχζας βωμοί', shooting out from under the ahar, Β 310. ντΓ-άκούει, aor. άκονσεν, σαι, give ear to, ξ 485 ; reply, κ 83, ^ 283 ; θ 4, νττο άκουον, auscultabant ; τγ 10, ττοδών ντΓο, (proceeding) from the feet / hear a noise = I hear footsteps. ■υΐΓ-άλευάμίνος, aor. part., (άλίύω), evitans, avoiding, evading, ο 275f. ■ίπΓ-άλυξις, iv, fem., (άλύσκω), escape, X 270 and ψ 287. ντΓ-άλνσκω, aor. νΐΓάλυξ€(ν), νζαι, ας, (άλίύοή, escape, avoid, Κΐίρας ; in tmesi, Ν 395, -φ 332 ; χρείως, evade (the pay- ment) of his debt, θ 355. ντΓ-αντϊάσας, part, aor., (άντιύω), obviam fact us, having placed him- self (before him) for his defense, Ζ 17t. ΰιτάρ, ntr., actuality, real appearance, τ 547 and υ 90. [Γ;] νπ-ύρχω, aor. subj. ΰιτάρΐη, (so right requires), if one have once made a be- ginning, ω 286f . ντΓ-ασττΐδϊα (ασπίς), ntr. pi., used as νιτατος 312 νίΓ^ρ-βΐος t adv. = νπ άσπίδι, under skelter of the shield, ττροπο^ίζων, Ν 158 ; προβι- βώντος, Π 609. virdTos, ον, θ, y, sup., in form from ΰττό, in meaning more nearly allied to νπίρ, cf. summus for sup-mus, KpsiovTwv, higliest, most exalted, of rulers ; μηστωρα, sovereign counsellor ; θεών, of Zeus ; πνρ•^, on the top of the pyre, Ψ 165. ντΓ-^ασι, see νιτ-ειμι. νΐΓ-6(δ)δ€ΐσαν, see νπο-δεί^ω. •iw-c'ScKTO, see υττο-δέχομαι. •υ'ΤΓ-€θ€ρμάνθη, see νττο-θίρμαίνω. ντΓ-είκω, νπο-/€ίκ€ΐν, imp. νττόίΐκε, opt. εϊκοι, in tmesi, ipf. -ε;κον, fut. ιΊζω, ομεν in Δ 62 may be aor. subj., aor. -i<^e, fut. mid. -είζομαι, εαι-, every- where Λνΐΐΐι /, ντΓο-Ρ., exc. ύττείζομαι μ 117, (Ger. weichen, Eng. weak), cede r e, retire, withdraw from — , τινός ; τφ. π 42, for, before him ; χεφας, escape, elsewh. τινί, yield, Δ 62, Υ 266 ; Avith part, make way for ; with dat. of ad- vantage, Ψ 602 ; Ο 211, influenced by dread. νπ-ειμι, 3 pi. νιτ-^ασι, ipf. νπήσην, in tmesi, νπό ηεν a \3\,{είμί), be under, 'Τϊοσίν, a footstool was below, for his feet; ιτολλοΊσι, many had under them sucking foals, Λ 681. vireip and νπειρ-, see υπέρ and VTTtp-. *ΥΐΓ€ίρ-οχος, a Trojan, slain by Odysseus, Λ 335|. ΎτΓίΐρ-οχΐδης, son of ffypdrochos, Itymoneus, Λ 673|. ΎτΓβίρων, ova, a Trojan, slain by Diomedes, Ε 144f . vnr-€K, before vowels νπέζ, adv., out from under, freq. with gen., Ν 89, Ρ *581,Σ232. ν7Γ-€κ-ΐΓρο-θέ€ΐ, θέων, οντά, (θέω), praecurrere, run on before; τντθόν, paullo, a little; τόσσον, as much; with ace, outruns, I 506. ν7Γ-€κ-ΐΓρο-€λΰσαν, aor. from λύω, loose from under (the yoke), put out, άττήνης, ζ 88|. vTr-CK-irpo-p^ci, flows forth from the depth below, ^ 87t. ν7Γ-€κ-ΤΓρο-ψνγοιμΐ) ών, aor., (φεύ- γω), fuga evader e, escape by flight, V 43; Χύρνβδιν, /i 113. ΐΐτΓίκσαόω, aor. ντΓ-£|-€σάωσ€, (<τη- όω), save from under, rescue, Ψ 292-|•. νπέκ-φΐρον y 496, and νπ-εζ-έφερον, ε, raise slightly, θ 268; τίνα ττολέμυω, carry out secretly; y 496, bear foivvard ; tmesi, Ο 628, φέρονται, pass. ύτΓ-έκ-φΰγον, ες, ε{ν), y, οι, οιμεν, εειν, (φεύγω), also νπ-εζ-έφνγον, εν (φεύγω), escape secretly, come safely forth from, τι, Π 687 ; tmesis, τινός, (II.), ί^ 89^. νΐΓ-€μνημιυκ€, see νττ-ημύω. vTr-6V6p0€(v), ορρ. καθ-ύττερθεν, adv., beneath, Δ 186; below, Ν 30; in the lower world, Γ 278 ; with gen., under- neath, Β 150. virc|, see νττ-εκ. •ΰτΓ-ίΐ-ογάγοι, and in tmesi, άγάγω- μεν, Υ 300 ; bring safely forth, rescue, σ 147. vir-c|-dXca), transgression, violence. Γ 107, Π 18. ντΓ€ρ-βήη, aor. subj. from -βαίνω. vm-cp -βιος, ον, (βιη), super bus, vircp-Sed 313 νπ•€ρ-ωιον laicless, wanton^ a 368, νβριν ; θυμός, abrupt, ο 212 ; iitr., insolently, ττ 315. vTrep-Sca for ίίέα, from ζίης, [syni- zesis ^a], (δέομαι), having very scanty forces, Ρ 330t. 'Yirc'pcia, fern., (1) former abode of Phaiakes, near the island of the Ky- klopes, ζ 4. — (2) spring in Pelasgian Argos, Ζ 457, Β 734. ■ύτΓ-ί,οίίττω, aor. ήρΐπ£, sank under him, Ψ 69 If. ιπΓ-6ρ€ΤΓΤ6, ipf., (ίρέπτω), κονίην ττο- δοαν, was loashing away the sand under his feet, Φ 27 If- νΐΓ€ρ-€<Γχ€8ον, aor. from -ίχω. ν7Γ€ρ-έχω, ipf, (vireip-), €χ€(ν), ov, aor. ίσχί(θί), τε, axy, σχοι, hold up, above, ri ; ηφαίστοιο, over the fire, χπ- ρύ(ς) τινι and τίνος, protect, Δ 249, I 420; Γ 210, overtopped by his broad shoulders those who stood by ; Hse, of sun and stars. νπ-ερας, τύς, (υττίρ), braces attached to the yards, by which the sails are shifted, ε 260|. (See cuts Nos. 40, 48.) ντπρ-ηνορέων, ηνορίοντος, τες, των, τας, (ήνορέη), tyrannical, oppressive, esp. of the suitors of Penelope ; over- hearing, Δ 176, Ν 258. (Od.) ΎΐΓ€ρ-ήνωρ, ορός, son of Panthoos, slain by Menelaos, S 516, Ρ 24. [ΰ] ΎτΓερησίη, fem., town in Achaia, Β 573, ο 254. [y] ντΓ6ρη-φάν€οντ€5, pi. part., (φαίνω), superb i, exulting, arrogant, Λ 694t. νΐΓ€ρθ€(ν), adv., (υπέρ), from above, Υ 62; above, Β 218, Μ 55. νΊΤ€ρ-θρώσκω, fut. θορέονται, aor. θορον, spring over, τι, θ 179, I 476. ■υτΓ€ρ-θνρ.05, ΟΙΟ, ου, ον, οι, οισι, ους, (θυμός), high-spirited, high-hearted, of heroes, Trojans, giants, Ε 376, Ο 135, Ζ HI, j; 59. ν7Γ€ρ-θΰριον, ntr., (θΰρη), lintel of a door, opp. ουδός, η 90f. νττί,ρ-ιημι, fut. ήσ€ΐ, will throw be- yond (this mark), θ 198f. vircp-iKTotvovTO, ipf., stumbled from haste, ψ 3|. ΎΐΓ£ρϊονίδης, ao μ 176, and 'Yirc- ρίων, όνος, epith. of Helios, θ 480, Τ 398, α 8,/t 176. ύΐΓ£ρ-κάτα-/3αίνω, fut. βήσ€ται, with gen., leap over, surmount, Ο 382 ; τιίχος, Χ 50. νΐΓ€ρ-κΟδαντας, ace. pi., (κϋδος), of high renown, Δ 66, 71. vir€p-(jt€V€OVT€s (μίνος), haughty, τ 62t. νΊΓ€ρ^μενης, \uviiy ea, ίων, (μένος), high-spirited (or courageous?), Kpovi- ωνι, All, βασιλήων, θ 236 ; ίττικούρων, Ρ 362. tnrep -μορον has often been consid- ered as adj., better separated, νπερ μόρον, against fate, more than is ap- pointed by fate; in Β 155, really adj. used as adv. = vπl•p μόρον. νΐΓ€ρ - οΊτλίησι, ταΊς, (νπέροπλος), presumption, arrogance, A 205f. νητίρ-οΊτλίσσαιτο, opt. aor. from -οπλίζομαι, vanquish by force of arms, ρ 268t. vircp-oirXov, ntr., (ρπλον or πέλω?), arrogantly, ειπείν, Ο 185 and Ρ 170. (ΰπερ-) ντΓ6ίρ-οχον, (εχω), eminent, Ζ 208. (II.) \ητ€ρ-πέτομαι, aor. irraro, flew over, Ν 408; θ 192. flew past (the marks of all). ντΓ-6ρράγη, aor. from νπο-ρρήγννμι. ■ίπΓβρ-σχη, οι, see νπερ-έχω. νττερτάτοξ, sup. from νπερ, on the top, aloft, Μ 381 and Ψ 451. νΐΓ€ρτ€ρίη, ry, (υπέρτερος), upper part, awning, wagon - cover, ζ 70f (others interpret as meaning basket, crate). vviprtpos, ov, a, comp. from υπέρ, outer (flesh), i. e. about the bone, opp. σπλάγχνα, y 65 (Od.) ; better, higher, more excellent (II.), Λ 786. νΐΓ€ρ-ψΐαλος, ov, οι, ων, οισι(ν), ους, adv. ως•, (υπερ-φυης), overgrown, cf. ferox, i. e. mighty, courageous, Ε 881; also in bad signif, arrogant, insolent; adv. exceedingly, excessively, Ύί 293; in- solenter, δ 663. ντΓ-έρχομαι, aor. ήλνθ€, ηλθετε, έλθy, s u b i r e, ^0 under, enter, Avith ace, 6 476; incessit, steal upon, seize upon, Ύρωας (γυΊα) τρόμος, Η 215. νΐΓ-€ρώησον, started back, θ 122. υτΓ€ρ-ωην, γ// ν, (cf. παρ-ειη), oris, palate, Χ 495t. νπΓ€ρ-ώΐον, ίφ, ωϊα, and νπερω(α), ntr., upper chamber over the women's apartment, occupied during day and night by women and daughters of the I house (not by servants), Β 514, ρ 101 ; νΐΓ-€στην 314 -δ€|;η ντΓΐρωιοθεν, from ike vpper chamber, a 328. ■ίπΓ-^στην, see νφ-ίστημι, iriid. ντΓ-έχω, aor. icr\tQ€y held out under (the hand of him who offered the lot), Η 188 ; νποσχών, supponens, put- ting under, i. e. getting with foal, Ε 269. νπ-ημνω, pf. €μνημϋκ6, is utterly (πάντα) bowed down, X 49 If. (πΓ-ήν^καν, aor. from νπο-ψέρω. νίΓ-ηνητη, τφ, (νττηνη, under part of faca), getting a beard, κ 279 and Ω 348. υτΓ-ηοϊοι, οίη, (ηώς), toward morn- ing, raatutini, adj., = adv., θ 530, δ 656. νκ-ισχνέομαι, see νττ-ίσχομαι. •ίπΓ-ίσχομαι, trai, ύμεναι, ipf. εσχεο, ero, ύσχωμαι, ηται, ωνται, to, εσθαι, όμενος, οι, (εχω), tahe upon one's self, undertake, μέγα έργον; promise, τινί τι; Λvith hif., Ζ 93, 274; often also Avith fut. inf., X 114; θυγατέρα, be- troth, vow, with ace. and inf , θ 347 ; β 112, 1 19, the part, may be read as elided dat. •δτΓνος, 010, ov, φ, ov, masc., (sopor, s ο m η u s), sleep, relaxing the limbs, am- brosial, Β 19 ; νηδνμος, fast, deep sleep ; 7)δει,Α 131 ; μαλακφ, Κ 2; νπνον άω- ΓίΊς,Κ 159; poured over the eyes of mortals ; lies upon the eyelids, Κ 187. Personified, "Yttvos, Sleep, the brother of death, S 231 ; his sway extends over gods and men, S 233. νττνώοντας, part., τους, (ύττνόω), dormientes, sleeping, Ω 344, ε 48. νπό, ancient locative ντταί, Κ 376 and freq., (νπαιθα, sub), I. adA^ (1) local : below, beneath, Υ 37, Ε 74, Φ 270, Η 6, Φ 364, A 635, α 131 ; down, λ Α^4, 1*'217, Χ 491. — (2) causal : there-under, there-by, θ 380, Τ 362 sq.— II. prep. Α. Avith ace. (1) of motion, to (a position) under\ with verbs of motion, Δ 279, λ 155, 253, Χ 144, 195, Ω 274, helow, around the end of the bolt ; under (without idea of motion), in locating wounds, etc., Ε 67, Ν 388, 652 (the gen. in like signif., Η 12, A 578, Ν 412, etc.); near by, before, "Wiov, Β 216 ; Ύροίην, ο 146.— (2) of extension under, χ 362, β 181. Τ 259, η 130, Γ 371, Χ 307, dozen under his thigh ; also of extension in time, during, Π 202, X 102.— Β. with dat., local : (1) of rest, wwi/er,B866, 307,ξ 533 ; submuris, Φ 277, Ψ 81, Σ 244 (usually with gen. Avith Xtrfti', θ 543,5 39); of position with reference to parts of bodv, S 236, θ 522, Ψ 265, ο 469.— (2)' motion (properly locative of aim), esp. Aviih τιθέναι, ττελύζω, ερείδω, κλίνω, Ξ 240, Β 44. — (3) instrumental, causal : under, by, Β 784, Γ 13; χερσί (δομείς, etc., Β 860, Ψ 67.5), ω 97,0 28&τ^Ν 816 ; δονρί, Δ 479, Ε 653 ; σκητττρφ, Ζ 159 ; τινί, Ν 668, ρ 252, Π 490; flee before, Ε 93 ; with τίκτειν, by some one; λαι- λατΓί, etc., Π 384, δ 295, λ 135, δ 402, under the breath ; χ 445, under the sway of the suitors ; r; 68, in subjection to tlieir husbands. — C. with gen., (1) of situation, under, θ 14, Π 375, A 501, υπ άνθερεώνος, taking hold under the chin; also Avith verbs of wounding specifying the part, Δ 106, Ν 412, 671, 177. — (2) under, Ί. c. forth from under, out from tinder, θ 543, δ 39, τ; 5, Ρ 224, 235; flee before, Φ 22, 553, θ 149, Ν 153. — (3) causal: Β 465, S 285, Φ 318, Β 268 ; through, ι 66, Ζ 134, κ 78 ; with verbs of moving, calling, under the hands, at the shout, Π 277, Γ 61, Ζ 73, Τ 498, Ν 27, Γ 128, Ν 334 ; with part., Δ 423, Μ 74, cf. Π 591; for the attendant circumstance, under, amid, Σ 492; for, νττυ δείους, Κ 376, Ο 4, /3 1 10, ω 146. [Often with accent thrown back, by anastrophe, when fol- lowing its word.] νπο-βά\\ω, inf. ΰβ-βάλλ£ΐν, ipf. υπ- έβαλλε, lay underneath, κ 353 ; inter- rupt, Τ 80. νίΓΟ-βλήδην, adv., (υποβάλλω), in- ter ρ e 1 la η d ο, interrupting, A 292f . νπ-ό-βρΰχα, ace, (βρέχω), θήκε κϋμα^ the wave buried him under water, ε 319|. ύτΓο SaToV) ipf., (δαίω, δαις), kindle under, Σ 347. νπο-δάμνημι, mid. 2 sing. prs. δάμνεί- σαι, thou subjectest thysef, γ 214 and π 95. νίΓο-δέγμβνο?, see υποδέχομαι. νπο-δείδω (from δ^είδω), aor. -^ί- σον, imp. δείσατε, part, σας, ασα, αντες, pf δείδια, plupf εδείδισαν. fear, shrinis under, κ 296; τινά, Σ 199, Χ 282; τι, Ψ 446, β 66. νΐΓο-δ€ξίη, fem., (δέχομαι), habitable uxlcome, I 73f . νπΌ-8έχομαι 315 lirh ΐΓ£ταννυμι νττο-^έχομαι, fern. δ£ξομαΐ) tai, aor. ε^έξατο, aor, sync. 2 sing, -εδεζο, 3 sing. έδίκτο, inf. δέχθαι, part, δ εγ μένος, re- ceive, I 480, so freq. with πρύφρων, glad- ly, o