3S/3 F/Sc .^^ CATALOGU E nr «i BOOl') -LITING TO SOUTH AFRICA, f' n \\ p,i I E ft \' Y CH.\JILES A. FAIRBEIDG* AXD JOHN NOOLi; CA: P TOWN, CAPE ^F GOOD HOPE, y CAPE rOWN:; vi'.v. IT) ,.. •^m? coi/)inxL and indian exhibition com.mitik IV W. A. RieSARDS & SONS, GOVERNMEl^T PRTNTERS, t CATALOGU E OF ]OOKS RELATING TO SOUTH AFRICA. COMPILED r. Y ^MAELES A. FAIEBEIDGE AND JOHN NOBLE, CAPE TOWN, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. CAPE TOWN: PRINTED FOR THE COLONIAL AND INDIAN EXHIBITION COMMITTEE, BY W. A. RICHARDS & SONS, GOVERNMENT PRINTERS. 1S86. ■1 ^\£'^ / ^^^ r . i' ERRATA. Page 4, for " Grlogan " read "Glogau." ,, 5, Armstrong, Lord Bishop of Graham's Town. Add "Oxford, 1858." „ 7, " Bles-Wyck," for " cr. 8vo. " read " small 4to." ,, S, for "Boniface, C. H." read "Boniface, C. E. " ,, 15, "Extracten uit het Register de Resolution der Vereenigde Nederlanden." for " 8vo., 1735," read "folio, 1785." ,, 17, " Gouden Buys," for " Theunis Baaumanjt " read " Theunia Baanman " ,, 28, for " Stapelioe Novoe" read " Stapelitie Novte." ,. 80, for "Nederburgh. J. C. " read " Nederburgh, S. C." PREFACE. z The Committee appointed by the (lovernment for the representation of tbo Colony of the Cape of Good Hope at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition having requested the Compilers to prepare a general Catalogue of Books relating to South Africa, the present compilation is the result. The Compilers do not claim that tlie Catalogue is by any means complete ; they are aware that many important additions may be made to it, by reference to European Libraries. But they present it as the first general enumeration of Books having a special interest as containing information regarding the Capo of Good Hope and that portion of the African Continent south of the Zambezi Iliver. The Catalogue does not include Collections of Voyages and Travels, such as Purchas's, A?tley's, Chiu'chill's, Dalryniple's, Dampier's, Eyrie's, Hakluyt's, Harris', Kerr's, La Harpes', Du Quesne's, Pinkerton's, Cook's, Pfeiffer's and others, in which references to the Cape of Good Hope will be found. Neither does it contain a list of the Parliamentary papers and Bl tie-books relating to South Afi-ica, printed by order of the Impei'ial or Colonial Governments. These would have greatly extended its limits, .and indeed demand a Catalogue of themselves. Nor havi' the Compilers embraced in this list the numerous, valuable, eurious, and too often scarce, Pamphlets, which have been published relative to South Africa and its affairs. These alone would form a Catalogue larger than the present one. A list, almost as complete as it is l^ossible to compile, however, has been made by Mr. Fairbridge, and if sufficient interest is manifested in its publication, the Manuscript may be ])lacod in the printer's hands for that jnirpose. 1174693 !•• I'UKJ-ACK. Tlio Compilers liiivn boen content, ffir tlio prosont, wilh an rnumoration I of General Works relating to South Africa, most of which are to be found in the Colony, oithtr in the South African Public Librarj', Cape Town ; or in the private Collection of Mr. Fairbrirlge, Sea Point. At some future time, thoy hni)G to supplement this Catalogue ; aiul will therefore be happy to receive any corrections or additions that may be sent 'to thcni. Cape Town, March, lfi!^(i. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO SOUTH AFRICA, '^'- IX SOUTH AFRICAN PUBLIC LIBRARY, f IN MR. FAIRBRIDGE's COLLECTION. A. ■ I An Account of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, with a view to the iuforuiatiou of Emigrants ; and an Appendix containing offers of Government to persons disposed to settle there. Map. 8vo 1819 "1^ L'AfriqueHollandaise: Ou Tableau Historique et Poli- tiqite cle I'etat originaire de la Colonie dii Cap de Bonne Espt'rauce, compare avec I'Etat Aetuel de Cette Colonie. 8vo Holland 1783 ^'- Addelrley, C. B., 8ir (Lord Norton) : Colonial Policy and History. 8vo London 1 869 ■•' Afrikaansche, Gedigte. 32mo Paarl 1881 ••'I Albert!, Lodewijk: De Kaffirs aan de Zuidkust van Afrika. Natuureu Geschiedkuudig beschreven, met platen en kaarten. 8vo Amsterdam 1810 f (German translation, published at Gotha, 1815.) '•'t Alexander, Sir James Edward: Narrative of a voyage of Observation among the Colonies of Western Africa in tlie flag-ship Thalia, and of a campaign in Kaflirland on the staff of the Commander-in-Chief in 1835. Map and plates. 8vo, 2vols 1837 "■ Expedition of Discover}' into the Interior of Africa ii-^ui^/Jy', through Great Namaqualand and Damaraland. 8vo, 2 vols. 1838 ^^1 Allamand, Klockner and Hop : Nieuwste en be- knopte beschryving van de Kaap der Goede-Hope: nevens een Dagverhaal van eenen landtogt naar het binnenste van Afrika, door het land dor kleine en groote Namaccj[uas. Gedaan op bevel van "Wylen den Wel-Edelen en gestrengen Heer liyk Tulbagh, Guoverneur van de Kaap der Goede- Hope, en derzelver ressorte, enz., enz., nevens den Edelen Aclitbaren Paad van Politic, enz. Door een kommando van Ixxxv personen. Folding plates of nahiral history. 8vo. Amsterdam 1778 \_Tivo parts, part 1, Anamand and Dr. J. C. Khclcncr. pp. 140. Part 2, Journey to the Namacqaas, In/ IIe)idril- JIop, pp. 114.] B 4 Catalogue uf Jluokti relaliny to South Africa. t AUamand uml Klockner : Neue kurzgofasste Besch- rt'ibiiug' (los Voryubirgos der g'utcu Iloti'iiuiig. Nebst deiu Journal oiues Tjaiid/ugos in das Inuurste vou Af'rika durch das Land dor grossen und kleinen Namaquas. Mit anraer- kuugeu der Herren AUamand und Klockner. _ Aus dem Hollandischen. mit einigen Aumerkungen des Uober- setzers. Zwey stucke mit kupfern. Mit chvu'siiclisischor fre3-heit . . Leipzig, in der Weygaudsclu'U Buchhandling 8vo 1 77'J j- Drittes iStuk. Enthalteud einigo zusiitze des ueber- setzers iiebst der Herren Sparrmau und Masson'.s nacli- richten von Cap. Mit einem kupi'er. Mit kur.s;ichsis(;lier freyheit. Leipzig, in dor Woygandisclieu Buclilumdluiig. Svo 1779 •'' Alleman, Eudolpli S.: Lebensgeschiclite des gewesenen Kapitiins der Miliz., &(•., &c., in Diensten der Holl. Ostiud. Konipagine auf dem Vorgebirge der guten HofEnung. Svo Gloga^^ 1784 Alraada, F. V. de : Tratado do successo que teve a nao S. Joao Battista, e a jornado que fez a goute que della escapou desde trinta e tres graos na Cabo da Boa Esperanza oude fez naufragio ate Zofala vindo sempre marchando per terra. Lisboa l(i2.5 t Anderson, John Corbet : To India and back by the Cape. By a traveller, with numerous drawings on wood and stone by John Corbet Anderson from sketches by the Author and others. 4to Croydon 1 H59 •''I Anderson, Charles John: Lake N'Gromi or Explorations/':^(jy- aud Discoveries during four years wanderings in the Wilds of South Western Africa. Illustrations and Map, Svo. , . . 1856 -".'I The Okavango River. A narrative of Travel, Ex- ploration and Adventure. Illustrations. Svo'^^r^.'^y^ . . . 1861 Q -'■(- The Lion and the Elephant. Edited by L. Lloyd. Illustrations. Svo t^M^l 1873 ■'•'I Notes of Travel in Soutli Africa. Edited by L. Lloyd. Portrait Svo 1875 Birds of Najnaqua and Damaraland. Edited by L. Lloyd. 1 vol. 8vo-^ '.'.'.*. :S .'. London 1875 *■ Notes on the Birds of Damaraland, and the adja- cent countries of South- West Africa. Arranged and edited by J. II. G-urney. Svo 1 872 ^' Andrews, H. C. : Coloured Engravings of Heaths. The Drawings taken from Living Plants only. In Latin and English, with 288 coloured plates (many Cape Heaths). 4 vols, folio _. . 1802-9 t Angas, George French : The Kaffirs, illustrated in a series of drawings taken among the Amazulu, Amaponda, and Amakosa Tribes. Also portraits of the Hottentot, Malay, Fingo and other races inhabiting Southern Africa, together with sketches of landscape scenery in the Zulu Country, Natal, and the Cape Colony. Coloured plates and wood- ' cuts. Atlas folio^-rvf?'.4/r.,.*#if^'r:i^/f:'f;0 1849 i/S) Catalogue of lioolcs relating to South Africa. ' 5 •'^1 Appleyard, Kgv. J. W.: The Kafir Language, compris- ing a sketch of its history, Avhich includes a general classi- fication of South African dialects, etiiuographical and geographical ; l\emarks upon its nature, and a Grannuar. 8vo King William's Town 1850 Memoir of, by Thornley 8mitli. 8vo Loudon 1881 •■'t Arbousset, Thomas, et Fran(;ois Dumas : Relation d'un voyage d'exploration du Nord-Est de la Colonie du Cap de Bonne Esperance. Entropris dans les mois de Mars, Avril et Mai, 183G. Avcc onzo dessins et une carte. Large 8vo Paris 1842 *f and Dumas. Narrative of an exploratory tour to the North East of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. By the Eev. T. Arbousset and F. Dumas. Translated from the French of the Eev. T. Arbousset. By John Crombie BroAvn. Bvo Cape Town 1 846 t New Edition Map. 12mo •''t Archbell, J.: Grammar of the Bechuana Language. 8vo ISoT"^^""'^^'^ ••'} Armstrong, Lord Bishop of Graham's Town, Memoir by Eev. J. T. Carter, with an Introduction by Samuel, Lord Bishop of Oxford. Portrait. Post 8vo ^h^fr^ /S^6-^ Arnot, ])., and Orpen, F. H. S. : The Land Question of Gricpialand West ; an enquiry into the various claims to Land in tluit Territory, together with a brief history of the Griqua Nation. 8vo Cape Town 1875 '^'t Ashe and AVyatt EdgelL The story of the Zulu Cam- paign. By Major Ashe (late King's Dragoon Guards) and Capt. the Hon. E. V. AVyatt Edgell (17th Lancers, killed at Ulundi) Map. 8vo 1880 ^'t Atcherley, Eowland : A trip to Boerland, or a year's Travel and sport and Gold-digging in the Transvaal and Colony of Natal. 8vo ^''/'r•^:'^. ■.-;'; 1 87'J ^'t Aylward, Alfred: The Transvaal of to-day : War, AViteh- craft. Sports and Spoils in South Africa. 8vo Edinburgh and London 1878 B. t Backhouse, James: Extracts from Letters of — while en- gaged on a religious visit to Van Diemen's Land, New Soiith AA^ales and South Africa, accompanied by Geo. W. / f^ --f . AA^alkor. Maps. 8vo, 2 vols i-H3d •''t Narrative of a visit to the Mauritius and South Afi-ica. Map and Hlustration.?. 8vo 1844 '■'' Bailey, Capt., E. E .- Notes on Trigonometrical Survey of S. Coast of Cape Colony. 1 vol. fol t Bain, A. G: On the discovery of the Fossil Eemaius of Bidental and other Eeptiles in South Africa liS4."j On the Geology of South Africa. With Map and Illustrations, and Report of Messrs. Sharpe and Salter on tlie Palaeozoic Fossils of South Africa. In Transactions of Geological Society 1 852 B 2 6 Catalogue of Jhohn relalimj to South Africa. '■'-\ BaineS, Thomas : Explorations in Sontli- West Africa, with an account of a journey in the years 18(31 and 18()'2, from AVahvi(;]i Bay on the Western Coast to Lake N'Gami and the Victoria Falls. Map and Illustrations. 8vo 1864 ■>:•] The Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa. "With Biograpliical Sketch of the Author. Portrait. Map and Illustrations. 8vo 1 877 ••'•• j- -The Victoria Falls, Zambesi River, sketched on the // ^ ^i,<^ ^V^^- 'J-'intcd illustrations. Foliof^/i.''. .-•'^yT/.- 1865 .i^'^<^^x-j Baird, Sir D. : Memoirs of . 2 vols. 8vo. Portrait (contains ^aa- Hi^ an account of capture of the Colony in 1806) , . . .London 18;32 *t Baldwin, William Charles : African Hunting from Natal to the Zambezi, including- Lake N'Gami, the Kalahari Desert. &c., from 1852 to 1860. Portrait, Map and Illus- trations. 8vo 1 863 t Ballanty.ne, R. M : Six months at the Cape. 8vo 1870 '^' Bannister, J. W : Humane Policy or Justice to the Abori- gines. 8 vo 1830 On Emigration to Canada and Cape of Good Hope 1831 Memoir respecting British Interests and Interests of the Native Tribes at and near Natal in S. E. Africa. 1 vol Svo 1838 '* Barker, Lady : A Year's Housekeeping in South Africa. London 1877 '^•\ Barnard, Lady Anne : Extracts from the Journal of a residence at the Cape of Good Hope and of a short Tour in the Interior. Vol. Ill "Lives of the Lindsaj'-s." Svo. London 1849 * Barros, Joao de e de Diogo De Couto : Da Asia, nova edicao, 24 vols. 12 mo. Maps and Portrait Lisbon 1778 Barros, Joao de : Asia, dos foitos que os Portugueses fize- ram no descubrimeuto e conquista dos mares e Terras do Oriente. 4to. Dec. I. Lisboa, 1552. Dec. 11. Ibid 1553. Dec. III. Ibid 1563. *|" Barrow, John : An account of Travels into the interior of Southern Africa in the Years 1797 and 1798, including cursory observations on f]ie Geology and Geography of the . Southern part of that continent; the natural history of ■ -'such objects as occurred in the animal, vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms, and sketches of the physical and moral characters of the various tribes of inhabitants surrounding the settlement of the Cape of Good Hope. To which is annexed a description of the present state, population, and produce of that extensive Colony, with a Map constructed entirely from actual observations made in the course of the Travels. 4to 1801 Vol 2 Folding plate. Frontispiece and Maps 4to. 1804 *-f Second Edition, with additions. Maps and coloured plates. 4to. 2 vols 1 806 O *f Autobiography of, with portrait. 8vo, . . .liondon 1847 Q Barter, C, The Dorp and Veld. 1 Vol. Svo ^f^-.: . . ; . . . 1852 Catalogue of Books relating to South Africa. 7 I Basutoland Records— 1^3.} : 1868. With Maps, &c. 3 Vols. Compiled by (r. M. Theal. Pu])lished by the Cape Government 18 80 I Basutos. History of, by Argus Commissioner (Mr. J. U. Orpcn) Cape Town 1858 ■•■"t Bayley, T. B : Notes on Horse Sickness at the Cape. 12nio. 1 8.j8 Becker, C. J., Guide to Transvaal 8vo. 1878 Bell, Sydney S. : Colonial Administrations of Great Britain. 8vo 1859 '■•• Bellairs, l.ady : The Transvaal AVar of 1 880-1881 . London 1 885 ^ t Berncastle : Voyage to China with a description of the Cape of Good Hope. Frontispieces. 2 vols. 12 mo. London 1850 ••'f Bergius, Petrns Jonas : Descriptiones Plantarum ex capite Bona Spei. 8vo Stockholm 1767 "^'t Beschryving, Nieuwste en beknopte van de Kaap der Goede Hoop, n evens een dag verhaal van eene landtogt door het laud der Namaquas op bevel van Gov. Tulbagh. 8vo. Amsterdam 1778 t Bird, John : an Enquiry into the causes of the Zulu AVar. 8vo. Pietermaritzburg INISO ^ "'t [Bird William Wilberforce] : State of the Cape of Good Hope in 1822. By a Civil Servant. Plan. 8vo 1823 ■^' Bisset, (Major-Gen.) : Sport and War in South Africa. Recollections of Fighting and Hunting, from the years 1 834 to 1867. ^ixo^i^^'i-i^fi 1875 *\ Blanclieton, M : Exposition Universelle, 1855. Colonic O de Cap de Bonne Esperance. Vade Mecum. Cape of Good Hope. 8vo Cape Town 1855 ^'^' Bleek, De Nominum Generibus Lingunum Africa Australis Bonn 1851 Articles iu Cape Magazine 1858 — 75 ^•f Catalogue of Sir George Grey's Library. 1858-9.. *\ Reynard, The Fox in South Africa, or Hottentot '--' Fables and Tales, chielly translated from Original Manu- script in the Grey Library. 8vo 1864 '^- Reineke Fuchs in Afrika. 8vo Weimar 1870 f Comparative Grammar of South African Languages. Parts I and II. 8vo Cape Town 1862-69 t Bleys-Wyck, Van : Korte Beschryvinge van de Flu3't, Nieu-Delfshaven, uitgevalen uyt de Maze den 3 December 1668, naer Oost Indien. Van het gene voorgevallen is tusschen een Turcx sohip genaemt den " Dadel Boom," voerende 34 stukken, zijnde den Admiraal van Algiers, dewelke op den 17 dito zijn slaegs gerackt cnde haer geluckige uytkomst tot de Cabo de Bonne Esperanso. Omgesclireven door D. V. Bleys-AVyck. assistent op de zelve fluyl; Nieu-Delfshaven. Black-letter, or. 8 v g. Vignette. Delf 1 664 Boers, AV. C: A^erantwoording van. 1 vol. . . .Amsterdam 1770 t Bogaert, Abraham : Historische Reizen door d' Oostersche deelen van Asia, tScc, &c., 8vo .Amsterdam 1711 (contains an account of the Cape during the Administration 8 Catalogue of BuoIh rchtutfi to South Africa. of Governor A. van der Stoll, iintler title " Aanlitingsel der Kafipsclio Zaken.") I Boie, llcndrik: Levenschots van — en hulde aan zljne deug- dou on vordicusten, benevcns oenige door Lem gosclircvone Lrieven, godurondo zijno reus en verblijf in Oost Indie. Door J. A. Susanna, Administrateur van hetEijksinnseuui van Natiiurlijke Historie te L(;iden. Portrait. 8vo. Amsterdam 1834 (Contains an Acciount of tlio Cape audits Natural History.) 'A' I Boniface. CM: Relation du Naufrage du Navire Francais /o. I'Eohs sur la cote de la Caifi'orie Cape ToAvn 182iJ •'''I Borcherds, 1*. B. (late ]\Iagistrate of Capo Town) : An Aiitobiographical Memoir, being a plain narrative of Occurrences from earl^'^ life to advanced age. Portrait. 8vo Cape ToAvn 18G1 •'■| Botany : Catalogue of Printed Books and Papers relating A to tlie Botany of .South Africa. Compiled by Prof. Mac- Owan and H. Bolus. Printed for the South African Phi- losophical Society. 8vo Cambridge 1882 •'•'I Boteler, Capt. Thomas : Narrative of a voyage of discovery to Africa and Arabia performed in H. M. Ships Leven and Barracoata from 1821-1826 under the command of Capt. P. W. Owen, R.N. Illustrated. 8vo. 2 vols.'. . vv-f ; :;^. . . 183.3 '^■'t Bouclienroeder, Baron P. : Reizen in de Binneulanden van Zuid Afrika. Gedaan in het jaar 1803. 8vo. Amsterdam 180(3 j- Beknopt berigt nopens de Volkplanting de Kaap de Groede Hoop. Bevattende Aanmerkingen en wederleggingen van sommige gewigtige verkeerde informatien, principen, instemmen en handelingen van de gewezene gedepnteerde commissarissen — Generaal Mr. S. C. Nederburgh en Mr. J. A. de Mist, alsmede van de Kaapsche Regeering en den gewezen Fiscaal van Ryne- veldt : Achter welke gevoegd is een beknopte schets van den Staat van voorspoed waarvoor deze Volkplanting vatbaar is ; door B. F. von Bouchenroecler, oud-Majoor in , Hollaudsche Dienst. 8vo N.D. / ^' ^ ^'f Bowker, J. Mitford : Speeches, Letters, and Selections of the late. 8vo Graham's Town 1864 -"=t Bowler, T. W. and AV. R. Thomson : The Kafir Wars, O and the British Settlers in South Africa, being a series of Picturesque Views from Original sketches by, with descrip- tive Letter-press by AV. R. Thomson. Folio. 4to 1865 *| Pictorial Album of Cape Town, with views of Simon's Town, Post Elizabeth and Graham's Town. From O original drawings by T. AV. Bowler. AVith Historical and Descriptive sketches by AV. R. Thomson. 12 views Lithograph Oblong 4to. . f -^v-.". A 1866 *f Boyce, William B : Notes on South African Affairs from 1834 to 1838, with reference to the Civil, Political, and Religious condition of the Colonists and Aborigines. 8vo. Graham's Town 1838 Catalogue of JJoo/cs rvlatlnri to South ^Ifrica. 9 ■'•■ Boyce, William I>. : Grauimarof tlio Kalir Language. 4to. Graham' a Town 1834 '•' Boyce and Davis : A Grammar of the Kafir Language by W. B. Boyce. 3rcl Edition, augumented and improved Witli exercises. By W. J. Davis. Small Svo-^Vj^f-^^. . . 1863 *t Boyle, Frederick : To the Cape for Diamonds. A story of digging experiences in South Africa. With comments and criticisms, political, social and miscellaneous, upon the present state and future prospects of the Diamond Fields. Map. 8vo 1 873 -}• Tlio Savage Life — A second series of Camp Notes. 8vo 187(5 Broek, van der : XXV Jaarige Reisbeschryving naar Afrika en Oost Lidien. 8vo Leeuwarden 1717 t Brooks, Henry, Natal : A History and description of the Colony, including its natural features, productions, indus- trial condition and prospects. Edited by Dr. E. J. Mann. Coloured plates. 8vo -1 .-•;-. :• .: .. c 1870 t BrO"Wn, George : Personal Adventures in South Africa. Illustration. 8vo 1 855 ■^^t Brown, John C : Hydrology of South Africa. 8vo. Kirkcaldy 1875 * "Water supply of South Africa, and facilities iov ^t^x^izL^/i storing it. 8vo Edinburgh 1 877 *t Browning, Fred. G : Fighting and Farming in South Africa. A narrative of personal experiences in the Colony during the years 1877-8-9. 8vo IS 80 ••'t Bunbury, Charles F. J : Journal of a Eesidenee at the Cape of Good Hope, -with excursions into the lutc^rior and Notes on the Natural History and the Native Tribes. 8vo. AVood Engravings 1848 Butler, Lieut. Col: Far out ; Rovings Retold. . . .Loudon 1875 '•'t Burchell, William J : Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. Map. Coloured and folding plates. Wood Engra- vings. 4to. 2 wo\ii^r^f^y{^^.^S:i'A f?ook>i rvlatiity to tioutli Africa. 11 et dii la Reunion, suivi d'observations sur le voyage a la Chine de Lord Macartney et de citoyeu Von Braue, et d'nne esquisse des Aetes Indiens et des Clxinois. 8vo Paris 1880 Cassilis, E. : The Basutos, or Twenty-three years in South Africa. Map and illustrations. 8vo 1861 Cathcart, Sir George : Correspondence relative to his military operations in Kaffirland until the termination of the Kafir war, and to his measures for the future main- tenance of peace un that frontier and the protection and welfare of the people of South Africa. Maps. 8vo .... 185G Chalmers, Rev. J : Life of Tiyo Soga ..... .Edinburgh 1877 ''''\ Changuion, Dr. A. N. E. : Nederduitsche Taal in Zuid- Afrika hersteld. 8vo Cape Town 1844 Greschiedenis der Fransche Protestantsche Vlug- teliugen van de Herroepiug van het Edict van Nantes tot op onzen tijd. 1 vol., 8vo Kaapstad 1854 '•'•\ Chapman, James : Travels in the Interior of South Afrit-a, comprising fifteen years hunting and trading, with journeys across the Continent, from Natal to AValvisch Hay, and visits to Lake N'Gami and the Victoria Falls. Illustrated with Maps and numerous EngTavings. 8vo., 2 vols 1868 j- Capt. C. : Voyage from Southampton to Cape Town and back. 8vo London 1872 Chaper, M. Maurice : Notes sur la region Diamantif ere de I'Afriquo Austral. 8vo Paris 1880 "^•'1 Chase, John Centlivres : The Cape of Good Hope and the Eastern Province of Algoa Bay, &e., i&c, with statistics of the Colony. Edited by Mr. J. S. Christopher. Map and Illustration. 1 2mo 1843 t The Natal Papers. A reprint of all Notices and Public Accounts connected with that Territory, including a description of the country, and a History of Events from its Discovery in 1498 to the mission of the Hon. H. Cloete, LL.D., &c.. in 1843. In two parts, with an Appendix, in- cluding a brief review of the steps taken by Sir Benjamin D'Urban, G.C.B., &c., late Governor of the Colony, for the Tranquilization of the Frontier, especially as regarded the Emigration of Farmers. 8vo. .; Graham's Town 1843 t and Wilm.ot, History of the Cape Colony. Port Elizabeth. 8vo 1869 * Chesson, F. W. : Dutch Republic of South Africa. 8vo London 1871 '•'t Christopher, Joseph S. : Natal, Cape of Good Hope. A grazing, agricultural and cotton-growing country, com- prising descriptions of this well-endowed country from the year 157 5 to the present time, l>y Government officials and Travf^llers, with an appendix and a vocabulary of the Natal or Ziilu language. ^\of4't^a^.^. 1 850 *\ Cloete, Henry, Hon., LL.D. : Five Lectures on the Emigration of the Dutch Farmers from tlie Colony of the 12 Catalogue of JIuoIh nlativg to South Africa. Cape of Good Hope, and tlieir settlement in tlie District of Natal. &c., delivered at Pietermaritzlmrg;. Klmo. .Cape Town 18^6 Colenso, Tlie Rij^ht Rev. J. AV., D.D., D.C.L. First stops in Zulu, bvo Marit/]»urg and Durlian 1H71 . First Steps in Zulu. 8vo 1«'>9 . An Elementary Grammar of the Zulu-Kafir lan- guage. Ekukanyeni, dated Bishoptowe, March 18, 1859. Hvo 18.59 *j- Remarks on the proper Treatment of cases of Polygamy. 8vo l*ietermaritz])urg 1 8o.'} * Ten "Weeks in Natal, a Journal of a First Tour of Visitation amongst the Colonists and the Zulu Kafirs of Natal. Post Svo Cambridge 18.5.5 I . Langalibalele and the Amahluhi Tribe, being remarks upon the official record ai the Trials of the Chiei, his Sons and Induna, and other members of the Am;i)ilubi Tribe. By the Bishop of Natal. 8vo vV*v^. ^fi'. . Ct^'^flt.l 874 •j- The History of the Matshana Enquiry, with a re- port of the evidence as taken down by the Bishop of Natal and the Rev. (-anon Tonneson. 8vo. (Without printer's name or date, but evidently printed in 187-3.) ^'I" Colenso, Francos E : History of the Zulu War and its origin. The portions on Military matters, by Lieut. -Col. Durnford. Map, 8vo ;VV .VA ^? 1 880 •rj- . The Ruin of Zululand; an account of British doings in Zululand since the invasion of 1879 . . . .London 1881 j- My Chief and I ; or. Six Months in Natal after the Langalibalele Outbreak. By Atherton Wylde {i.e. Miss F. E. Colenso). With Hlustrations. 8vo 1880 (^ ''''\ Cole, A. AV : The Cape and the Kafirs, or Notes of five years' residence in South Africa. 8vo 1852 ••'I" Cruikshanks, Stafford: Lays of South Africa. 12mo London 1884 * Combermere, Viscount : Memoir and Correspondence. 2 vols., 8vo 1866 ^'f Cumming, Ronaleyn Gordon : Five years of a Hunter's Life in the Far Interior of South Africa, with Anecdotes of the chase and notices of the .Native Tribes. Map and illustratrations. 2 vols., 8vo v-F'r^JHc 1850 f (New Edition, re-published as). The Lion Hunter in South Africa. Hlustrations. 2 vols., 8voi?^.^Vi.'^^. ■?<',{. . 1855 *t Cunynghame, Sir Arthur Thurlow : My command in Q South Africa, 1874-78, comprising experience of Travels in the Colonies of South Africa and the Independent States. Maps and plan. 8vo 1879 D. *"t Bamberger, Christian Frederick : Travels in the Inte- rior of South Africa from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco from the year 1781-97, thxQiigh Kaffraria, the Ivingdon^s Catalofjue of Books relating to South Africa. 13 Mataman, Angola, Massi, Minseningi, Muschako, &c. Likewise across the Great Desert of Sahara, and the Nor- thern parts of Barbary. Map and coloured plates. 8vo 1801 I Daniel Is, Samuel: African Scenery, being Illustrations of the Animals and Native Inhabitants of Southern Africa. 30 coloured plates. Two parts. Atlas, folio 1804-1805 ■(■ Sketches, representing the Native Tribes, Animals and Scenery of Southern Africa, from Drawings made by the late Mr. Samuel Dauiell, engraved by William Daniels, fo 1820 '" Dapper, Dr. 0. : NaukeurigeBeschrijvinge derAfrikaen- ^^. u^--»^'-^/"^ '^^- •«/ sclie gewosten van Egypten, Barbaryeu, Lybien, Bile- dulgerid, Negroslant, Guinea, Ethiopien, Abyssinie. Den tweeden druck van feel fouten verbetert Amsterdam 1676 t Das Neves, Fernandez : A Hunting Expedition to the Transvaal. Translated from the Portuguese by Mariana Monteirs. 8vo 1879 Davis, Rev. AV. J.: Dictionary of the Kafir Language, in- cluding the Kosa and Zulu dialects London 1872 t Degrandpre, L. : Voyage a la cote Occidental d'Afrique fait dans les annees 1786 et 1787, contenant la description des moeurs, usages, lois, gouvernement et commerce des Etats du Congo frequentes par les Europeens, et un precis de la traite des Noirs, ainsi qu'elle avait lieu avant la Revolution Fran9aise. Suivi d'un voyage fait au Cap de Bonne Esperance contenant la description militaire de cette Colonic. Par L. Grandpre, Officier de la Marine Eran^aise. Orne de vues, de cartes et de plans de la citadelle du Cap. 8vo., 2 vols Paris 1801 "' Van De Graaff, C. J. v. d. : Memorie en aanmerking de Caap de Goede Hoop concernerende, 1780-1795 en 1806. MSS. S. A. P. Library. t De Hervormde Kerk in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie onder de Oost-Indische Compagnie 1602-1795. Door C. A. L. van Troostenburg de Bruyn. 8vo Arnheim 1884 (Gives an account of the Dutch Reformed Church in the early days of this settlement.) t Delagorgue, Adolphe : Voyage dans I'Afrique Australe notamment dans le territoire de Natal, dans celui des Cafres Amazulees, et Makatisses et jusqu'au Tropique du Capri- corn execute durant les amies 1838-44. ' Accompagne de dessins et de cartes. 8vo., 2 vols Paris 1847 t De Lacerda, Jose : Exame des Viagens do Doutor Living- stone. 8vo with folio atlas Lisboa 1867 t De Liima, J. Suasso : Geschied'enis van de Kaap de Goede Hoop Kaapstad 182 5 t De Neyn, Peter : Lusthof der Huwelyken verscheyde seldsame ceremonies en ^^lechtighedeu, die voor desen by verscheyde natien en volcken zoo in Asia, Europa, Afrika als America in gebruick zyn geweest &c., yan Introduction on the Zulu-Kafir Languages. 8vo Cape Town 1 8.57 *" Douglass, Arthur: Ostrich Farming in {South Africa, with Illustrations. 8vo 1881 t Drayson, A. W. : Tales at the (Jutspan, or Adventures in t]ie Wild Regions of Southern Africa. AVith Illustrations. 8vo 1862 Sporting Scenes amongst the Calfres of South Africa. 8vo I808 t Drege, Jean Francois : Zwei Pfianzengeographische Docu- mente von J. F. Drege, nebst einer Einleitung von Lr. E. Meyer, Prof, in Konigsberg (Besoudere Beigabe zar Flora 1843, Band IL). 8vo. Map Regensburg 18-13 t Drummond, W. H. : The Large Game and Natural His- tory of South Africa and South East Africa, plates, &c. Large 8vo 1 875 f Duff, George A S. : African Miscellany of Historic, Narra- tive and DescL'iptive Sketches, Tales, Poetry, &c. 8vo. Part I Cape Town 1852 ■*t Dunn, E. J. : Geological Map and Reports on Geology of South Africa 1874-86 "^' -Mode of Occurrence of Diamonds in S. Africa. Q,uar. Jour. Geo. Society XXX 1874 * Du Plessis, C. N. J. and J. D. Weilbach : Geschiedenis van de Emigranten Boeren en van de Vrijheid's oorlog. 8vo Cape Town 1 882 *■' Durnford (Lieut.-Col. E.): A Soldier's Life and Work in South Africa. A Memoir of the late Col. A. AV. Durnford. 8vo 1882 ^' Du Val (Charles) : With a Show through Southern Africa. 2 vols. 8vo 1882 E "^^ Eastern Province Monthly Magazine, 2 vols. Grahamstown 1856 — 1858 "'^t Ebden, J. W. (Justice) : British Rule in Soxith Africa. A Catulo(ji(i' of Boohs luJaliny to South Africa. 15 collection of Official Documents and Correspondence, sug- gesting the adoption of a Policy which sliall ensure the Peace and Progress of the Orange Free State; and Transvaal ]lepublic and tlie Aboriginal Tribes, in their respective relations with the Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 8vo Cape Town 1 868 t Ecklon, C.F.C., and Zeyher : Enumeratio Plantarum Al'rica- Australis. extratr(jpicao. 8v() Hamburg 18;3.> -f IT3J fjden, C. H. : Ula, or in Veldt and Laager, a Tale of the Zulus. 8vo. Belfast and Philadelphia 1879 t Emigration : Past and Future Emigration ; . or, The ]->ook of the Gape. Edited by the author of "Five Years in Kaffirland." Map. 8vo 1849 EvertSZ, Volkert: Verhaal van drye voornaame Reizen naar Oost-Iudien, van J. J. 8aar ; Volkert Evertz ; en Albrecht Ilerport, &:c. Van J. H. Ghaze. Maker Vertaelt. in 4o 1671 \ Extracten uit het Register de Resolutien der Vereenigde Nederlanden. Cabo de Goede Hoop. ;4^o %'*^. 3 vols. Apparently printed in Holland circa - ITO -J" /I ^'^ (No title page, printer's name or locality.) F ■'t Fairbairn, John : Condensed Edition of the first eighteen numbers of the South African Commercial Advertiser, from January 4 to May 5, 1824. AVith preface. 8vo. . . . Cape Town 1826 t Farrer, J. A. : Zululand and the Zulus ; their liistory, faU^a^j.,, belief, customs, militar}^ s.ystem, home life, legends, «S:c., &c., and missions to them. Third edition. 12mo 1879 Faure. Rev. Dr. Abraham : Redevoering bij het Tweede Eeuw-Feest ter heriunering aan de Vestiging der Christe- lijke Kerk in Zuid Afrika Kaapstad 1852 ■•'t Fawcett, John : Account of an Eighteen Months' Resi- dence at the Cape of Good Hope in 1835. 8vo. Cape Town 1836 t Fenn, J. E. : How I Volunteered for the Cape and what I did there. Being a short history of eight months' service with the Frontier Light Horse, operating against the Kaffirs, and of the adventures that befel me. 8vo 1879 *'t Fisher, niichard Barnard : The importance of the Cape of Good Hope as a Colony to Great Britain, independently of ) the advantages it possesses as a Military and Naval Station and the Key to our territorial possessions in India, &c. Third edition with additions. Folding plan, frontis- piece. 8vo 1816 *'t Fitzpatrick, James L. : The Cape of Good Hope Literary Magazine, 1847-48. 8vo •. Cape Town •'j Flemming, Francis : Kaffraria and its Inhabitants. Second edition. Illustrations. 8vo^iju(h Africa. Good llopo to Angola. Together -witli notices of their origins, manners, habits, customs, traditions, superstitions, religious, usage, languages, past and present conditions, manufactures, weapons, (fcc, &c. Illustrations. 8vo. . . . 1856 i Francken, Jacob : Rampspoodigo Reize van het 0. 1, schip de Naarstigheid, in do terugreize van Batavia over liengalo uaar Holland waar van de schepelingon zyn t'huis gekoinen den 13den Juny, 1760, met 't schip Schottenburg. Waar in vervat is een korte beschryving der Bengaalscho kust, de tegenwoordige oorlog tusscheu de Engelschen en Mooren, »S:c., &c. En bj'zouderlyk de verschrikkelyke stormen welke het gemelde schip heeft uitgestaan, hun verblyf van 2(5 maanden op Eio de la Goa, de oost kust van Afrika of het land der Kaffers, alsmede de ontdekking by de gedane Landtochten, enz. ; welke nooit door Europeers bereisd werden. Nevens een beschryving van den aart des Lands en der volken, zoo verre als de Schryver heeft kunnen ontdekken. Door Jacob Francken die deze reis als krankbezoeker heeft bygewoond. Met plaaten 8vo Haarlem 1761 ^•| Freeman, J. J. : A Tour in South Africa with Notices of Q Natal, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ceylon, Egypt and Palestine. Map of South Africa and Hlustrations. Bvo. . 1851 Frejke, Christopher and Christoj)her Schweitzer: Arelation of two several voyages made into the East Indies, by. With notice of the Dutch East India Company and visits to the Cape of Good Hope from 1680 to 1686. Done out of the Dutch. 8vo London 1 700 Original edition in Dutch. Published at Utrecht in 1694. t Frere, Sir Bartle. Historical Sketch of South Africa. In Transactions of the Royal Historical Society London 1884 f Afghanistan and South Africa : a Letter to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone regarding portions of his Mid-Lothian Speeches London 1881 t Fritsch, Gustav. : Die Eingeborenen Siid-Afi-ika's Ethno- \jL ifl- graphisch imd Anatomisch beschrieben. Mit zahlreichen — ^ illustrationeu grossentheils nach original photographieu und zeichnungen des verfassers in holzschnitt ausgefiihrt zwanzig lithographischen Tafelen mit abbildungen einz- elner, Skelettheile, Proben der haiitfiirbungen und Busch- mann-Zeichnungen, &c. Nebst einem Atlas enthaltend sechzig in Rupser radiste portraitkopien. Impl. 8vo. and royal 4to Breslau 1872 •\'| Drei Jahre in Slid Afrika, &c. 16mo Breslau 1868 t Froude, J. A. : Two Lectures on South Africa. Delivered before the Philosophical Institute, Edinburgh. .. .London 1880 Oceana : or England and her Colonies. 8vo .... 1886 G. t Galton, Francis : The Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical South Africa. With coloured maps, plates and wood cuts. Bvo 1«53 Catalogue of Books rdaiimj to South Africa. 17 Gama, Vasoo da : EotAiro da Viagem un que Descohrio a da India Pelo de Oabo da Boa Esperance, em 1497. Svo. . . Portugal 1838 Gardner, Allen: Narrative of a Journey to the Zulu^^^^^,^ y, country in South Africa. Map and coloured plates. Svo. . 1836 Geschichte eines Hottentotten. Vignette. Small 8vo. Halle 1773 Geschiedenis van ons Land : In die Taal van ons Yolk. Uitgege dour die Genootschap van Eegte Afrikaners. Svo Cape Town 1877 Geographische-Statistische, ueberzicht der siimt- lichen Hollandisehen Besitzungen in Cost und West Indien, nach den hesten quellen entworfeu. Small Svo. Rostock und Leipzig 1796 pp. 16-34 devoted to an account of the Cape. Gillmore. Parker : The Great Thirst Land, a Hide through Natal, Orange Free State, Transvaal, and Kalahari Desert. With frontispiece. Svo On Duty: A Eide through Hostile Africa. Svo. 1880 Glanville, T. B. : Guide to South Africa. Svo.. .London 1875 At Home and Abroad. Svo London "'! Gleanings in Africa, exhibiting a faithful and correct view of the manners and customs of the inhabitants of the Cape of Good Hope and surrounding country, with a full and eoraprohensive account of the system of agriculture adopted by the Colonists, soil, climate, natural produc- tions, &e., &c. Interspersed with observations and reflec- tions on the state of slavery in the Scuthern extremity of the African Continent, in a series of letters from an English officer during the period in which the country was under the protection of the British Government. Illustrated with engravings. Svo 1806 "'t Godlonton, P Narrative of the Irruption of the Kafir Hordes in 1834-35. Svo Graham's Town 1836 f and Irving's Narrative of the Kafir War of 1850- 51-52. Svo Graham's Town 1 S52 f Case of the Colonists of the Eastern Frontier of the Cape of Good Hope in reference to the Kafir AVars of 1835-36 and 1846. Svo Graham's Town 1879 t Gouden Buys : Ongeluckig of Droevig Yerhaal van het schip de "Gouden Buys," uitgevaren ten dienste van d' Oost-Indische Compagnie ter Camer Enckhuysen, in het jaar 1693, den 4 Mei, onder commando van schipper Theunis Baayfman. Uit de Beedigde verklaaringe te />l samen gestelt van Daniel Silleman, watermaker en Lourens Thysz, timmerman, die alleen van 190 zielen zyn overge- bleven. Small 4to Enchuysen, N.D. *'t Gordon, Lady Duff : Last letters from Egypt, to which are added letters from the Cape. With a memoir by her daughter, Mrs. Ross. Portrait, Svo 1875 t Graevenbroeck (Secretaris van den Raad van Politie 18 Catdlutjac >>!' JiiKihx. reluiinij Id i^utUh ^IJ'ricu. in 1695) : Over de Natiirellen aan do Kaaj) (From MSS. in possession of Mr. C. A. Fuirltridgf^). Het Z. A. Tijdsclirift 1H86 I Grand, G. F. : Narrative of tlie life of a geuth^iiiaii Icoig resident in India, conipreliending a period tlie most event- ful in the history of that eountry with regard to the revo- lutions oeeasioned by European interfereuee, and inter- spersed with interesting- anecdotes and traits characteris- tical of those eminent persons who distinguished themselves at that juncture. 4to. Cape of Good Hope. Printed for the author 1814 (Mr. Grand was originally in tlie service of the English East India Company, and subsequently Memljer of Council, Cape Colony, under the liatavian Kcpuljlic.) ■'■'t Grant, P. Warden (Lieutenant Bengal Revenue Service iJepartmeut) : Considerations on the state of the Cohmial Currency and Foreign Exchanges at the Cape of Good Hope : comprehending also some statements relative to the population, agriculture, commerce and statistics of the Colon}'. 8vo Cape Town 1825 *| Gray, Eobert, Bishop of Cape Town : The Church in the Colonies, No. XXII. Diocese of Cape Town. Part I. A Journal of the Bishop's Visitation Tour through the Cape Colony in 1848. Map. 16mo 1849 t Part II. .Second Edition. Map. 16mo 1852 f Three months' visitation by the 13ishop of Cape Town in the autumn of 1855, with an account of his voyage to ^ Tristan D'Acunha,, in March, 1856, with original sketches by Mrs. Gray, printed in colours. 8vo 1856 '"t Gray, Eev. C. : Life of Eobert Gray, Bishop of Cape Town. 2 vols. Portrait and Maps 1870 •■'t Grey, Earl : The Colonial Policy o£ Lord .lohn Eussell's Administration. 2 vols. 8vo London 1853 t Greswell, AV. : Our South African Empire, with map. 2 vols., 8vo London 1885 Grout, Eev. Lewis : Zululand or Life among the Zulu Kafirs in Natal and Ziduland, South Africa. 8vo ISOS" f The Isizulu : a Grammar of the Zulu Language, (^ accompanied with a Historical Introduction, also with an Appendix. 8vo Natal and London 1859 t Grosvenor. An account of the loss of the " Grosvenor," Indiaman, commanded by Capt. John Coxon, on the 4th August, 1782 (inferred from the Portuguese description of the Coast of Africa to have happened between 28" and 29- S.), -with a relation of the events which befel those survi- vors who have reached England, viz., Eobt. Price, Tliomas Lewis, John AVarmington, and Barney Larey. Being the report given in to the East India Company, by Alexander JJalrymple, Escp Published with the ap]jrobation of the Court of Directors. New edition. 8vo London 1785 |- A narrative of the two sailors lately arrived in Eng- land, who -vyere wrecked in the ' * (jrysyenoj- " on the coast Catalogue of liooka rrlotivg to Sovth Africa. 19 of Caffraria, August 4, 17S2. Containing a particular description of tlio hardships they endured and the dangers they escaped, besides an account of the country, the extra- ordinary manners of the iuliabitants, and other very in- teresting particulars relative to the miraculous preservation of one of the sailors ; the tinding of an infant buried alive in the sand on the sea-shore, and an old man whom they found exposed to the ferocity of the wild beasts in the woods, &c. 1 volume, 8vo London 1783 |- Narrative of the loss of the " Grosvenor," compiled from the examination of John Hynes, one of the survivors. With illustrations. By George Carter London 1791 I Van Eeenen, Jacob : A Joiirnal of a Journey from the Cape of Good Hope, undertaken in 1790 and 1791, by . J. van Eeenen and others of his countrymen, in search of the wreck of the Honourable the East India Company's ship, the '• Grosvenor," to discover if there remained alive any of the unfortunate sufferers. AVith additional notes and a map by Capt. Edw. Eiou. 4to London 1792 French translation of same. 8vo Paris 1792 H. '■'• Haggard. E. H. : Cetywayo and his White Neighbours. London 1882 ^'" Hahn (C. Hugo) : Grundziige einer Grammatik des Herero, &c. 4to Berlin 18.37 ■•'t Hahn. Theophilus: Beitriige zurKundeder Hottentotten. 8vo Leipzig 1S69 ••'I Die Sprache der Nama. 8vo Leii)zig 1870 ^•' |- Tsuni-Goam. the Supreme Being of the Khoi-Khoi. Escp. 8vo London 1882 I HalL Henry : Manual of South African Geography. Three editions. 22mo Cape Town 1 8.39, 1866, 1874 I Halloraii, Lawrence: Proceedings, including original cor- respondence, official documents, &c., duly attested and authenticated as correct extracts from the records of the Court of Justice at the Cape of Good Hope in a criminal process for a libel, instituted at the suit of Lieut. -Gen. the Hon. H. G. Grey, and by order of the Eight Hon. Earl of Caledon, Governor of the Colony, against Law'rence Hal- loran, D.D., late Chaplain to His Majesty's Forces in South Africa. ' ' lu Heaven — there still is Justice ' ' For all, and sometimes to be found on earth ; — " I will implore it — both of God and Man ! " " To all the world " I'll publish you a ' Tj-rant ' — infamy '• Shall still pursue j^our steps ; — that everyone " May hate, may shun you and with just abhorrence "May point j^ou out to all, who know you not." Metastasio. London: Printed by T. Harpey, jun.. Crane Court, Fleet- street. 8 vo., i)p. 711 , 1811 20 Cafahgue of Ilooh rrJafhq to Sonfli Africa. *t Hamilton, Charles : Sketches of Life and Sport in South Eastern Africa. Edited by J. G-. H. Price. Illustrated by Prince Moianec-Vig'nette Hvo 1870 "'f Harris, William Cornwalli.s: Narrative of an expedition into Southern Africa dui'iiig' the years IH.'JO and 18;57, from the Ca])c of Good Ilopcf throu_i>-h tlie Territories of the Chief Mosclokatse to the tropic of Capricorn, with a skutcli of the recent Phnigration of the Border Colonists and a Zoological Appendix. Map and illustrfitions. 8vo..Bomb.ay 18;5S ''•■ I' — — The Wild Sports of Soutliern Africa, being- the nar- ^ rative of an expedition from the Cape of Good Hope through the Territories of the Cliief MoseJekatse to the tropic of Capricorn. Map and illustrations. 8vo 1839 . ■^'"t Portraits of the Game and Wild Animals of ^o\\th.v^'t,%^'^ Africa, delineated from Life in their native haunts during ' a Hunting Excursion from the Cape Colony as far as the tropic of Capricorn, in 18.36 and 1837. With sketches of the Field Sports. Drawings on stone 'coloured) by Frank Howard. Atlas f o .'Wtw 'J-S^:,. ^--^^-^^i? J', f .-f^/tn-. -fV r . Tv . ) 840 *f Fifth edition. Coloured plates, thick large. 8vo.... 18.32 O *t Harvey, W. H. : The Genera' of S. African Plants, arranged according to the Natural System . . . .Cape Town 1883 * Nereis Australis, orAlgxe of the Southern Ocean. being Figures and Descriptions of Marine Plants collected on the shores of the Cape of Good Hope, Tasmania, New •' Zealand, and the Antarctic Eegions, deposited in the • Dublin University. 4to 1 847 ••'t Thesaurus Capensis, or Illustrations of the S. African Flora, being Figures and Brief Descriptions of South African Plants, selected from the DTiblin ITniversity Herbarium. 2 vols. 8vo Dublin " 1 859-G3 ••'f and O. "W. Sender : Flora Capensis, being a sj^stematic description of the Plants of the Cape Colony. Caffraria, and Port Natal. 3 vols., 8vo. Vol. I. Eanunculacea to Connoracea. Yol. II. Leguminosae to Loranthaceae. Vol. III. Rubiacea^ to Campanulacere. Dubhn and Cape Town, 1859-05 Heckford, Mrs. : A I-ady's Travels in the Transvaal. 8vo. London 1822 Hemmy. G. : De Promontorio Bonae Spei. 4to Hambiu-g 1767 "'t Haussmann, A. : Souvenirs du Cap de Bonne Esperanee. 8vo Clichy 1866 Henderson : Refraction of Stars near the Horizon, oljserved at the Cape of Good Hope. (Astron. Trans.) .. . 1838 t Herbert, Thomas : A relation of some yeares travaile. Begun anno 1626, into Afric^ue and the greater Asia, especially the territories of the Persian Monarch' e. and some parts of the Oriental Indies and lies adiaceut. Of their relio^ion, language, habit, descent, ceremonies, and -I "11 other matters concerning them. Together with the pro- CatahijHC of Boohs relating to South Africa. 21 coedings and death of the throe late Auibassadors, Sir D. C, Sir R. S. aud the Persian Nogdi-iJeg-; As also of the two great monarch.s, the King of Persia aud the Great Mogul. By T. H. Esquier. Engraved title and jllustra- tions in the letter press. Small folio .'. f .'".-.^ : .' . '. . . :. .'. .■"'.■'•/- 1634 (The 1st edition contains a copper cut of "A man and woman at the Cape of (iood Hope," with a view of Souldanja (Table Bay) in the background. ''A description of the Cape of Good Hope, in iEthiopea," with "A description of the Savage Inhabitants," with some curious details sup- pressed in the later editions of 1638, 1665, and 1677.) ^- Some 3^ears Travels into divers parts of Afi-ica, &c. Folio London 1677 * Herschell, Sir John : Observations on the Comet of Halley, made at Eeldhausen, Cape of Good Hope. (Astron. Trans.) 183S "^'1 Results of Astronomical Observations at the Cape of Good Hope. Frontispiece. 4to 1847 t Heydt, J. AV. : Geographisch-uhd-Topugraphischa Schau- platz von Africa und Oost Indien, oder Ansfiihrliche und Wahrhafte vorstelling und beschreibimg, von den wicht- igsten der Hollaudisch Oost-Ind. Compagnie. ZugehiJrigen Landen, Kusten und Insiden, nebst eine reise des ver- fassers von Holland nach Oost Indien dischen Compagnie in Africa und Asia. Fob, met 115 fraaye platen en kaart. Wilhelmsdorff 174^ *t Historische Verhaal der Oost-Indische Compagnie van de Nederlandeu. 2 vols 8vo Arnheim 1768 Hoogendorp, G. 11. van : Political View of the Northern and Eastern Districts of the Cape of Good Hope. 2 vols., 8vo Amsterdam 1805 Stuklcen over Oost Indie. 2 vols 1795-1803 Hofstede, H. J. : Geschiedenis van den Oranje-Vrijstaat. Illustrations and Map. 8vo Gravenhage 1876 *t Holden, William C, Rev. : History of the Colony of Natal, South Africa, to which is added an Appendix containing a brief history of the Orange River Sovereignty and of the various races inhabiting it ; the Great Lake N'Gami, Com- mandoes of the Dutch Boers, &c., &c. With three maps and nineteen illustrations on wood and stone. Svo 1855 . History of Kahr Races. 8vo. .London, Graham's Town, and Natal 1866 . Holman, James : A Voyage round the World. 4 vols. 8vo. The second volume contains account of visit to the Cape, with illustrations of Table Baj', Algoa Bay and Draken- stein AVaterfall) London 1834 Holub, r)r. Elmil : Seven years in South Africa. Travels, Researches and Hunting Adventures between the Diamond Fields and the Zambezi. 8vo London 1881 *t und Aug. von Pelzelu. Beitriige zur Ornithologie Sud-Afrikas. Fscp. 8vo (Map and illustrations) . . . .Wien 1882 d2 22 Cafalu(/ae of Books rclaiouj lo Suidh Africa. I Houtman : Eersto scliip-vaort dcr Ilollandors naor Oust lii(li(!U met vier schepcu oiulor 't beleydt vuii Curnclis Houtman, iiyt Texel t' zeylg'iiegaeu, anu'j 159.3, waer in verliaelt werdt (al wat liaer souderliughs ouder wegen Lejegout is), alsocjk de Couditien, Iveligieii, Zedon en Hu3'.s- lioudingou der volckeiion, met don Aerdt, A'ruclitbaerlieyt, GoAvassen, Dieren on andore eygenschaiipen dcr Landon die zij beseylt liebben. Hear vermaeekolijek om leseu. Black letter, ivood cut, frontispiece. Fulding plate, six com- partments, the j&rst "Terwonderen aen do Cap de Bona Esperance." Small 4to Amsterdam 1G48 (First voyage of the Dutch to the East Indies and the Cape.) t Hudson : A Feature of South African Frontier Life. r2mo Port Elizabeth 185'2 *|- Hutchinson, Mrs. : In Tents in the Transvaal. 8vo 1879 I and J. ''' Iron, Ealph : Story of a South African Farm (Miss Schreiner) London 1 883 Irons, W, : The Settler's Gruide to the Capo of Good Hope and Colony of Natal 12mo 1858 '^' Isaacs, Nathaniel : Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa, descriptive of the Zulus, their manners, customs, &c., Avith a sketch of Natal. 2 vols., 8vo 183G ''" James, Silas : Narrative of a Voyage to Arabia, India, &c , containing; a description of Saldanha Ba}'. 8vo 1 797 '^' Jenkinson (Thomas B.), Amazulu : The Zulus, their past history, manners, customs, and language, with observations on the country and its productions, climate, &c., the Zulu War, and Zululand since the war. 8vov-.-. . ; . 1882 t Jongh, Cornelis de : Eeizen naar de Kaap de Goede Hoop, lorland en Noorwegen, in de jaron 1791 tot 1797, door Cornelis de Jongh met het ondor zijn bovelstaande 's lands fregat van oorlog Scipio ; met platen. 8vo. 3 vols. Haarlem 1802 Jorissen, E. J. P. : De Vredes Onderhandelingen op Lange Nek. 8vo Pretoria 1881 *' I" Justus : The AVrongs of the Caff re nation, with an Appen- dix containing Lord Glenelg's Despatches to the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope (By Mackenzie Beverle}'). Svo 1837 K. *'t Kafirs, Past and Present state of : Report of Commission appointed by Government of Natal. Svo. Pietermaritz- burg. 8vo 1 853 ■^f Report and Proceedings of Commission on Native Laws and Customs, appointed by Government of Cape Colony. With Appendices, fscp Cape Town 1883 CatahfiHi' of Boohs rehding to Sottlli Afr/'ra. 23 t Kaffraria, British : The People's Bhie liook. Ooiiiaiuiii,^ ii true aud full account of the political commotion in British Kaffraria, its rise and prog-ress known under the g-eneral designation of the Anti- Annexation movement. King William's Town Printed by S. E. Rowles & Co., at their office, Smith-street. Small 8vo : 1 860 I Kay, Stephen : Travels and Researclies in Oaffraria, de- scribing the character, customs, and moral condition of the tribes inhabiting that portion of Southern Africa, with historical and toi^ographical remarks, illustrative of the state and prospects of the British settlements in its borders, the introduction of Cliristianity and the progress of civili- zation. Map and plates. 8vo ISoo Keitll, Johnstone. Africa. Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel, based on Ilellwald's "Die Erde ihre A^'olker." With Ethnological Appendix by A. K. Koane. London 1S7S ^' Keith, Sir (t. M. : A Voyage to Soutli America and the . Cape of Grood Hope, in His Majesty's brig /^/•o;'«'^r.Ijondon iHl'.t ^' Keith, Viscount (Admiral George Elphinstone) : Life of. By A. AUarndyce London 1882 '"t Knox. Eobert : An examination of the merits of a variety of plans for reducing the danger to which liuman life, shipping, and merchandise are exposed in Table Bay, out of opinions promulgated upon this important question : intended to promote the construction of a secure and con- venient harbour at the Port of Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. By Robert Knox, formerly of the Navy ; after- wards several years a marine surveyor in the East India Company's service on the Bengal Establishment. Author of a trigonometrical survey of the coast and country extending 22 miles round Scarborough. Subse(|ucutly master of his own trading vessel many years to the Cape. Folding plates aud plans. 4to London I80O Kemp, J. Th. V. d. ; Journaal van zijn verblijf aan de Kaap de Goede Hoop en Natuurlijke Historie van het land der Kaft'ers. 8vo .' Dordrecht 1 804 t Kemp, D. C. v. d. : Levensgeschiedenis van den Med. Dr. J. Th. V. de K.emp, zendeling in Zuid-Afrika. With portrait. 1798-1811 Amsterdam 18G4 t Kindersley, Mrs. : Letters from the Island of Teneriffe, Brazil, the Cape of Good Hope and East Indies. Frontis- piece. 8vo 1777 t King, W. E. : Campaigning in Kaffirland, or Scenes and Adventures in the Kaffir War of 1851-52. Second edition. Maps and illustrations. Svo 1855 t Klare Beschry ving van Cabo de Bona Esperanca ; med de By-gelegen kust uaar Angola toe, van Cabo Negro af. Vervattende de Ondekkiug Beuaaming, Gelegendheyd. Verdeling, en Betrekking. Als 00k de Hoedanigheden der Elementen, Bestandige-stofEen, Gewassen en Direu ; ende 24 Catalogue of Bookn rclailny to South Afn'ra. (lok (les \^ulks uiilure in Wezen, Zodoii eii Stiuit ; lued do Bozuiukfi- lit'dou Vein dieu. A lies met veel mooyten zeer vlytif^- by eon yetogen, en vervolg-en8 Duyelijk Boschroven. Plates. >Small 4to Amsterdam 1652 ■''I Kolben. I'eter: Caput Loncc spei hodiernum. Das ist Yollstaudig'o Besehreivung Africanischer imd Forgebiirgos der Guten Hofnung W'orinnen in dreien theileu abgehandelt wird wie es heutziitage nach seiner situation iind Wissen- schaft aussiehet ingleichen was ein natur-forscher in den dreyen reichen der natur daselbst findet : wie nicht weniger was die eigenen ein-wohner die Hottentotea vor seltsame sitteu und gebrauche babon und enlich alles was die Eiiropaeiscben daselbst gestiftoten colonien anbetrift mit angefiigter genugsamer naebricbt, wie es auf des auctoris Hinein und berans-reise zugegangen; aucb was sich zeit seiner langen anwesenhiet, an diesem vorgeburge uiorckwiirdiges ereignet bat. Nebst vicleu andern bishere luibeliandt-gewesenen erziilungen, mit warbafter feder aiisfiihrlicb cntworssen : aucb mit nobtigcn kopfca-n gezieret, und einem doppolten register vcrsebon von M. Peter Kolben, Rector e zu Neustadt an der Auscb. Nurnberg, bei Peter Conrad Monatb 1 7 1'J •''I Kolbe, Peter: Naaukeurige en iiitvoerigc Bescbryving van de Ivaap de Goede Hoop. Bebelzende eeu zeer omstandig verbaal van den tegenwoordigen toostaut van dat vermaarde Gewest, deszelfs Gelegenbeit, Haven, Sterkte, Begerings- vorm, Uitgestrektbeit, en onlangs outdekte aanleggende Lauden ; uevons een geleerde Bescbryving van bet klimaat en aart van dat Landscbap ; van deszelfs dieren, viscben, vogelen, planten, kruiden; mitsgaders verscbeide wonderen der natuur daar te lande ontdekt ; Avaar by nog komt, een zeer nettc en uit eige ondervinding opgemaakte Bescbry- ving van den oorsprong der Hottentotten : vervattende een merkwaardig Bericbt van derzelver Tale, Godsdienst, Levenswyze, zeldzame Overleveringen, Gewoouten, Maniere van Trouwen, Besnydenis, Opvoeding ; als mede veele andere kurieuse, waarneniingen der Zeden van die Natie ; den toestant van die Colonie en Europeaanscbe Inwoners : in gene andere Besfbryving van dit Gewest te vinden. Alles, geduurende een lang verblyf aan de gemelde Kaap, na waarbeit bescbreven door Peter Kolbe, Meester der vrye konsten, door een voornaam Minister, met Brieven van voor scbryving van wijlen den Wel-ed Gestr. Heere Nikolaes Witsen, Burgermeester der Stad Amster- dam, tot bet opmaken van deze, en ook Matbematiscbe en Sterrekonstige Observation na der Kaap gezonden, en aldaar geweest Secretaris van Stellenboscb en Draken- stein ; tegenwoordig Eector van bet lUustre Scbool te Newstad aan den Ayscb. Met Icurieuse nieuwo en nodige kaarten en vele printverbeeldingen opgebeldert en versiert. Tweede Deel Amsterdam 1727 Catalogtte of Boolx relathui to SovfJi Africa. 25 ■^'t Kolben. Peter : The present state of the Cape of Good Hope, or a particular account of the several nations of the Hottentots, their religion, laws, government, customs, cere- monies and opinions, their art of war, professions, lan- guage, genius, &c. Together with a short account of the ^^ 7^ ^ ' 1 — *' Dutch Settlement at the Cape. Written originally in liigh ^ -^ ^ German by Peter Kolhen, A.M. Translated into English I ~J 3 ( from the original by Mr. Medley. Illustrated, witli Copper plates.' Portrait. 8vo. 2 vols •?.''TT?^=fv9Wv 17^8 Kolbe, Pierre ; French translation. Map. vols. 1 2mo Amsterdam 1 74 1 I" Kolbe, F. W. : An Engiisli-IIerero Dictionary, witli an introduction to the study of Herero and Bantu in goner; d. Crown 8vo Cape Town 1 88;5 ■'" Krauss, Dr. Ferdinand : Beitriige zur Flora des Cap uud Natal. 8vo Eegensburg 18 IG Krauss, Christ. Ferd. Friedrich : Beitrag zur Kenntniss der (Joralliueen und zoophijten der Siidsee. nebst Abbildungen der nenen Arten. 4to. 1 tab Stuttgai'd 1837 "'•'t Krauss. Ferdinand . Die Siidafrikanischen crustacean : Eine ziisammenstellung aller belcannten alacrostaca. Bemerkungen iiber deren Ijebeusweise und geographische Yerbreitung, nebst Beschreibung und Abbildung melire ren arten. Met IV lithographiscHien tafeln. 4to. Stuttgard 1840 f Die Siidafrikanischen Mollusken. Ein Beitrag zur Kentniss der Mollusken des Kap und Natal, und zur ge Leibbrandt, H. C. V. : Precis of the Archives of the ^ Cape of Good Hope. Dec, 1651, to Dec, 1653... Cape Town 1885 ••' LiesHe. D. : Among the Zulus and Amatongas ; and the facts of the Delagoa Bay dispute. Edited by Hon. H. H. Drummond. 1 vol. 8vo Edinburgh and London 1875 I" ILieyland, J. : Adventures in the Far Interior of South Africa, including a Journey to Lake N'Gami and Eambles in Honduras. With a treatise on preserving animals. Illus- trated. 12mo 1866 '■■■\ Leyland, R. W. : Holiday in South Africa. 8vo London 1882 ■■'I' Liiclltenstein, Henry: Travels in Southern Africa in the years 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806. Translated from the original German by Anne Plximtre. Portrait, map and I)lates. 2 vols. 4to 1812-15 f German Edition. 8vo. 2 vols Berlin ? 1811 * Liindley. Augustus F. : After Ophir ; or, A Search for the South African Gold Fields. 8vo N.D. '^'j — : Adamantia ; or the Truth about the South African I^iamond Fields, &c A vindication of the rights of the O.F. State to that Territory ; and an Analysis of British Diplomacy and Aggression which has resulted in its illegal seizure by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope. Frontispiece, maps and plates. 8vo'A'^.•.•V. ;. 1873 jutc^-^} . .* Linschoten, Jan Huyghen van : Itinerarium, of schip- V y*.. IM '^- 2^ vaart na Oost of Portugals Indien, &c. Folio. Amsterdam 1623 ' Another edition. Folio London 1598 I Another edition. Dutch. Small fo. Black letter. Amsterdam 1623 * Little (J. S.) : South Africa : a sketch book of men, manners, and facts, &:c. 2 vols. 8voSoi(//i Africa. 33 the Dutch, its capture by the British in 179o, and the different policy pursued then by the Dutch and Britisli Governments. Also a sketch of its g-eography, productions, the manners and customs of its inhabitants, &c., &c. Witli a view of the public and commercial advantages which might be derived from its possession by Great Britain. 4to 1804 ■■| Philip, Jcdin: Researches in South Africa; illustrating the civil, moral and religious conditicm of the Native Tribes, including jotirnals of the Author's Travels in the Interior. Together with detailed accounts of the proceedings of the Christian Missions, exhibiting the influence of Chris- tianity in promoting civilization. Maps and plates, 8vo. 2 vols 1828 j- Phillips, T. : Scenes and Occurrences in Albany and Caffreland, South Africa. Folding coloured plate, Hvo. . 1827 •'t Pinto. Major Serpa : How I crossed Africa from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, and Discovery of the Great Zambesi Affluents, «S:c London 1881 ••f Porter, Willi;im (Attorney-General of the Cape Colony) : Speeches delivered by, during lS;]9-184o inclusive. 8vo. Cape Town 188(5 Potters : Lotgevallen en Ontmoetingen op eene mislukte Ivcize naar de Kaap de Goede Hoop. 3 vols. 8vo ISOO ■'t Pringle, Tliomas : African Sketches. Vignettes. 12mo. . ls;Jl •'t Narrative of a Residence in South Africa. AVith a Biographical Sketch of the Author, by Josiah Condor. New edition, 8vo 1 83o ^•f —Poetical Works of. With a Sketch of his Life by Leitch Richie. Portrait London 1839 I Ephemerides. or (Occasional Poems written in Scot- land and South Africa. With notes London 1828 " Afar in the Desert" and other South African Poems, by. Edited, with Memoir, by John Noble Cape Town and London 1881 t — '■ Schetsen en Tafereelen uit Zuid Africa, door Thomas Pringle, wijlen Secretaris van het Genootschap ter afschaffing van den Slavenhandel. Uit het Engelsch. Frontispiece, 8vo Gronnigen 1837 '^t Prichard, Helen ISI. : Friends and Foes in the Transvaal. An Englishwoman's Experiences during the Cape Frontier AVar of 1877-78. A^'ignette, 8vo 1880 t Purry , Jean Pierre : Memoir sur les Pays des Cafres et la 2 ^ ( -^^ / .. terre de Nuyts. Par rapport a I'utilite que le compagnie des ?''"- "-^ * ^ Indes Orientales en pourrait retirer pour son commerce. ^6mo Paris 1718 t Second Memoir sur les Pays des Cafres (same size and date). R. I Redelinghuys, J. H: De eerloosheid ontmaskerd in eene open])are verdediging van zyn gedrag tegen de mishande- lingen zyner gewezene histgevers en de representatie 34 Catalogue of Boohs relating to Sotith Ajrica. cler klagende Burgery van de Kaap de Goede IIooj), met autheutique stukken Amsterdam 1792 ■•'I Reenen, Van, Artozs, E,oos en Heynes: Mem(jrie. . . .van heklag en doleantie der burgeryo van de Caap de Goede Hoop, over de oppression iiun aangedaan. . . .en over den partieulieren handel van 's Compagnies dienaren aldaar. folio Amsterdam 1 783 f Memorie van J. van Reenen en anderen als vrijbur- geren aan Cabo do Goede Hoop aan Bewintli. der Ned. 0. I. Comp., contin. derzelver beklag over den Eevijerenden staat der burgers aldaar. folio Amsterdam 1783 Verantwoording tegen de memorie van J. van Reenen en anderen door W. C. Boers (Independent Fiscaal van liet Gouvernement aan de Kaap de Goede Hoop). Fol. 1782 t Regeling van den Geneeskundigen Dienst by de Troupes der Bataavische Republiek aan de Caap de Goede Hoop. 8vo 1 802 (No Printers name or Locality), f Reise eines Kuuigliclien Franzosischen Offieiers nach den Insuln Fraukreich und ]3(jurbon, dem Vorgebiirge der guten Hofi'nung N. >S. W. nebst vielen Bemerkungen * liber die Naturhistorie und den Menscben. Aus dem Franzosischen ubersetzt und mit einigen anmerkungen verselien. Zwey Tlieile, mit kupfern. 8vo Two parts in one Altenburg. 1774 Renavier, Prof. E : Remarques geographiques et geolo- giques sur le sud de 1' Afrique. Extraits des lettres du Missionaire P. Berthoud. (Bulletin de la Societe Vand. vol XIII) Paris 1875 t Revoil, Benedict Henry : Les Zoulous et les Cafres, moeurs, coutumes, guerre avec les Anglais, &c., &c. Orne de buit gravures sur bois. Large 8vo. Lille et Paris 1880 Ricards, Bisbop : The Catholic Church and the Kafir. A sketch of the progress of Catholicity in 8outh Africa. 8vo. London 1879 Richards, R. : Our Voyage. 8vo 1884 The Truth about the Gold Fields 1884 ••' Ridsdale, Rev. B. : Scenes and Adventures in Great Namaqualand •■'t Riebeeck, J. van : Dagverhaal. Journal du fondateur et premier Gouverneur de la Colonie Hollandaise du Cap de Bonne Esperance, purbliee par la Societe Historique, 1651. 8 vo Utrecht 1848 Dagverhaal van Commandeur Jan van Riebeeck aan de Kaap de Goede Hoop. 1652-1655. Werken van bet Historisch Genootschap gevestigd te Utrecht. New Edition. 1 884 ^t Robertson, Henrietta : Mission Life among the Zulu Kafirs. Memorials of Henrietta Robertson, wife of the Rev. R. Robertson. Compiled chiefly from letters and journals written to the late Bishop Mackenzie and his sisters. Edited by Anne Mackenzie. Illustrated. 12mo. lf(Uj(L^iL,ili Cambridge 1866 Ctttalocjue, of Booka relntinfj to South Africa. 35 "^'' Robertson, CI. A : Notes on Africa, particularly those parts wliic'h are situated between Cape Verd and River Congo, to wliich is added an Appendix containing a com- jienclious account of the Cape of Good Hope, its produc- tions and resources. 8vo 1819 Robinson, J ohn : Notes of Natal. London and INIaritzburg 1 872 A Practical Guide Book to Natal. 8vo. . . .Durban 1863 *t Roche, Harriet A: On Trek in the Transvaal, or Overberg- and Veldt in South Africa. With map of route. Third edition. 8vo \-U<.\^/'i'.^. 1878 *t Rose, Cowper : Four years in Southern Africa. Frontis- piece. 8vo 1829 ■■'t Rovipell, INlrs : The Flora of, South il^frica. By a Lady. Atlas folio. Coloured Plates .&.-;-. .^.-i-^.-.n t-.-x 1849 S. I Saar, Johan Jacob : Eeisbesehryving naar Oost Indien, enz. (8aar vi.sited Table Bay in 16.59) ■•' I Salt, Henry : Views in St. Helena, the Cape, India, Ceylon, Abyssinia and Egypt. Coloured Atlas folio with description in elephant folio ,-^f'i^tr.^f /*'. 1809 ■■•| Sandeman, E. F. : Eight months in an Ox-wagon, Peminiscences of Boer life. 8vo 1880 t Sandili and Cetschwayo : Ein Spiegelbild von KafPer- Innd und seinen Kriogen. Plates. 8vo Berlin 1879 ■•"I" Scherzer, Dr. Karl: Narrative of the Circumnavigation of Globe by the Austrian Frigate " Novara," undertaken by order of the Imperial Government in the j'ears 18.57, 18.58 and 1859. ?> vols., royal 8vo 1861 Schreyer, Joh.: Reisebeschreibung von 1669-1677, bande- let von unterscheidenen Africanischen und barbarischen viilkeren ; sonderlich derer an den Caput Bonae Spei, soge- nanten Hottentotten Leipzig 1681 t Schouten, AVouter: Reistogt naar en door Oost Indien. Contains an account of the Cape in 1658 and 1665; and view of Table Bay Amsterdam 1708 and 1780 Schussler, F. : Zuid Afrika. Met eene inleiding van Prof. P. J. Peth, benevens eene Kaart der Reisroute. Fscp. 8vo Amsterdam 1878 *'t Selous. F. C. : A Hunter's AVanderings in Africa. London 1881v^— ^-''^y. t Semple, Robert: Walks and Sketches at the Cape of Good Hope, to which is subjoined a journey from Cape Town to Plettenberg's Bay. Second edition enlarged, 12mo'-"^^ /. . . 1805 Service Afloat •. Journal of an Officer under Capt. Owen on the W. Coast of Africa. 2 vols. 8vo 1833 t Sharpe, R. B. : Catalogue of African Birds in the eolleetion of. 8vo 1871 *'t Shaw, Barnabas : Memorials of Southern Africa. Third Thousand. 1 2mo 1841 ^' Dr. J. : Geography of Sotith Africa, Physical and Political .^ ; Cape Town 1878 36 Catalogue of Bools relating t'j South Africa. '^' Shaw. AV illiam : The Story of my Mission in South Eastern Q Africa, comprising- some account of the European Colonists, with extended Notices of the Kafir and otlicr Native Tribes. 8v() 18()() *t She£B.eld, Thomas : The Story of the Settlement ; with a sketch of Graham's Town as it was and Graham's Town as it is, together with a list of tlu; original Dutch and Huguenot Settlers, and of the British Settlers of 1820. Compiled from the most authentic authorities. Second edition. Enlarged and illustrated with twenty-two engravings. Post 8vo Graham's Town 1884 J *t Shooter, Joseph: The Kafii-s of Natal and the Zulu Country. Illustrations. 8vo , . ; 18.57 t Silver & Co.'s Handbook for South Africa, including the ^ Cape Colony, Natal, the Diamond Fields, and the Trans- Orange Republics. With new maps and a gazetteer.-^ 8vo 1875 t [Slavery] : The Reports of the Cape of Good Hope Philanthropic Society for aiding deserving slaves and slave children to purchase their freedom. Established in Cape Town, 1828. With the iVnnual Reports of the Society. 8vo Uape Town 1828 to 1833 t Sluysken, A. J. Verbaal : Gehoudeu by den Commissaris van de Caap de Goede Hoop, zedert het arrivement der Engelsche Vloot onder den Admiral S. G. Keith Elphin- stone, den 10 Juny 1795, en de overgave van die Kolonie aan de wapenen van Groot Brittainen, den 16 September daar aanvolgende. 8vo In den Hague 1797 "'t Smith. Dr. (afterwards Sir Andrew) : Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa, consisting chiefly of figures and descriptions of the objects of Natural History, collected during an expedition into the interior of South Africa in the years 1834-35 and 36 ; fitted out by the Cape of Good Hope Association for exploring Central Africa. Royal 4to. 4 vols.T/v.^/'r.^?^^ 1849 f Miscellaneous Crnithological Papers. Edited by Osben Salim ( Willoughby Society). 8vo 1880 ■^•'t Smuts, Johannes, Dissertatio Zoologica enumerationem Mammalium Capensium Continens. Tribus tabulis adjunctis. 4to Leidae 1 8;;2 t Somerset : Adventures of Mrs. Colonel Somerset in Cattiaria during the War. 8vo. Second edition 1858 Songs and Rijmpies of South Africa. 12mo. .Cape Town 1884 ■'t South African Quarterly Journal: First and Second Series. 8vo. 2 vols Cape Town 1 829. 1835 (Contains several contributions on the Natural History of South Africa by Dr. Andrew Smith.) •^t South African Magazine : A contribution to Colonial Literature. Edited by William Foster. 8vo. Cape Town 1867-8 t Sparrman. Anders : Resa till Goda Hopps- Udden. Sodra Pol-kressen och Omkring Jordklotet sampt till Hottentott Catalogue of Booh yelafiiiff fo Souili Africa. 37 och Caffer-Landen. Aren 1772-7(). Thick post 8vo. Map and plates Stockholm, vol. 1, 1 783. Vol. II 1802 '^\ A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, and round the World, but chiefly into the country of the Hottentots and Caff res, from the year 1772-1 776. By Andrew Sparrman, M.D., &c. Trans- lated from the Swedish original. The second edition corrected. Map and plates. 4to. 2 vols 178fi t Spilbergen, Joris van : Historis Journael van de Voyage gedaen met o schepen uyt Zeelant naer d' Oost ludien onder het beleyt van den Commandeur Joris van Spil- Lergen, syn eerste Eeyse, in de Jare 1601, 1602, 160;i, 1604. Als meode besckryvinge van de tweede voyage gedaan met 1 2 scliepen na d' Oost Indien onder den Admiral Steven van der Hagen. Woodcut vignette and folding plate. Small 4to., black letter Amsterdam 1648 (Van Spilbergen or Spilberg, gave Table Bay previously known as Saldanah Bay, its present designation, transfer- ing the original name to the bay to the northward.) ■*t Statham, F. Reginald : Blacks. Boers, and British. A Three-cornered Problem. 8vo 1881 *t Stavorinus, Jan Splinter : Voyages to the East Indies by the late John Splinter Stavorinus, Esquire, Pear-Admiral in the service of the States-Greneral. Translated from the original Dutch by Samuel Hull AVilcock, with notes and additions by the translator. The whole comprising a full and accurate account of all the present and late possessions of the Dutch in India and at the Cape of Good Hope. Illustrated with maps. 8vo. 3 vols 1 798 I Translated into French by H. J. Jansen. Three maps. 8vo Paris 1 798 *t Steedman, Andrew : Wanderings and Adventures in the interior of Southern Africa. Illustrations. 8vo. 2 vols . . 1835 *t Stel, Willem Adriaan van der : Korte Deductie van W. A. van der Stel, gewezen Extraordinaris Raad van India, en Gouverneur aan Cabo de Boa Esperance ; tot destructie ende wederlegginge van alle de Klagten, die eenige vrv- iuyden van de vooi'z. Cabo, aan de Edele Achtbare Heereu Bewindhebberen van de O.I. Compagnie over hem hadden gedaen. Plate, folio, pp. 172. (Brief Deduction of W. A. van der Stel, late Councillor Extraordinary of India and Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, in destruction and refutation of all the accusations, which certain freemen of the aforesaid Cape have made against him to the Honourable and Worshipful Directors of the E.I. Companj^ &e.) *t Contra Deductie ofte Grondige Demonstratie van de valsheit der uitgegevene Deductie bij den Ed. Heer W. A. van der Stel. waarin niet alleen begrepen is een naauw- keurig Historisch verhaal van al 't geene de Heer van der Stel in het Jaar 1706 heeft werkstellig gemaakt, om de f2 .'58 Catalugae of Booh relallng to South Africa. vrybur^'oreu aan do Kaap t' under te Lreug-uu ; luaar ook L'eu Lokuupt autwoord up alles in g-euielde Dcduotie, eu duszolfs solirit'telyke verautwuurdiuge, vourgcstelde naakte uitvlucliteu, abuseeroude bowyststukkeu eu audere zakeu uieer, strekkende ter vindieatie van 't Ivlachtsclirift in hot jaar 1706 aau Haar Wei Edele Huog Aclitbaarhodeu de Heoren Bewiutliebboren ter Illustre Vergadoring van Zevoutieu afgezondeu, zynde gesterkt dour veele autheu- tique en gereculleerde Bewysstukken waarvan de origineele uf authentique copyen in kandeu hebben de twee Gremacht- tigdeu van eeuige der Kaapsclio Inwuunderou, Jacobus van dor Heiden en Adam Tas. Plates, fulio, pp. 304 Amsterdam 1712 Neutral Gedagten over zekere Korte Deductio die den Edelen W. A. van der Stel heeft ) )elieven in upenbaren druk uit te geven, tut verautwuurding van zyn gedrag in bet Guuvernement aau Cabo de Bua Esperance. Gro. pp. 148 t Stout, Benjamin : Cape of Good Hope and its Dependen- cies. An accurate and truly interesting description of those delightful regions situated hve hundred miles north of the Cape, formerly in possession of the Dutch, but lately ceded to the Crown uf England and which are to be culo- nised Avith every possible despatch under the authority uf the British Guvernment by agriculturists and artificers of every denomination from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. By Capt. Benjamin Stout, late C'ummander uf the American East-Indiamau named the "Hercules," lost on the Coast of Caffraria. Likewise a luminous and affecting detail of Capt. Stout's travels through the deserts uf Caffraria and the Christian Settle- ments tu the Cape. 8vo 1 820 StoU, Caspar : Eepresentation des Spectres et des Mantes. Eolio Amsterdam 1787 Aanhangsel van het werk uitlaudsch voorkoomende in de drie werelddeelen Asia, Africa, America, a I'onvrage intitule les Papillons Exotique Amsterdam 1791 * Stow, G. W. : Geological Notes upon Griqualand West. With descriptions of the specimens by Prof. T. Eupert Jones, F.R.S. 8vo London 1875 t St. Pierre, J. H. B. : Voyage to the Isle of France, contain- ing an account of the Cape in 1770. 8vo 1800 *'t kituart, J. : De HoUandsche Afrikanen en hunne Eepu- bliek in Zuid Afrika. Map. 8vo Amsterdam 1854 o^-r/,. *'i Sutherland, Lieut. Col. : Memoirs respecting the Kaffers, Hottentots and Bosjesmans of S. Africa. 8vo. 2 vols. Cape Town 1846 f Original matter contained in Lieut. -Col. Sutherland's Memoirs on the Kaffers, Hottentots and Bosjesmans of S. Africa. Heads 1st and 2nd Commentaries and Notes on the texts used in the compilatiuns of the Memoir. 8vo Cape Town 1847 Catalogue of Books relating to South Africa. 39 T. 1 Tachard, Le Pere Gray : Voyage de 8iam cles Peres Jesuites euvoyes par le Koi aux ludes et a la Chine, avec leurs observatiuus astrououii(j[ues et leiirs remart^ues de Ph3'sique, de Greograpliie, d'Hydrograpliie et d' Ilistuire. 4to. Paris t()86 Second Voyage, &e. ;-Wv Africa. t "Wangemann. Dr. : Ein Eeise-Jahr in Siid-Afrika. Aus- iiihrliches Tag(iljU(h iiber eine in deu Jalireii 1866 und 1807 ausgel'iilirto Inspoctionsreise durch die Missions Sta- tionon der Berliner Missions Gesellscliaft von Dr. Wange- manV Missions Director. Mit vielen Illustrationeii. 8v«j. Berlin 1868 *'! Ward,|fciT^eV Five years in Kaftirland, withsketches of the - '^ late A\iy m that conntry to tlie coneliision of peaee. AVritten on tlve spot. Second edition. Portraits, illustrations and jnap. 8vo. 2*vols '. 1 848 f — : The Cape and the Kaffirs. A Diary of Five years residence in Kaffirland. with a chapter of advice to Enii- gi'ants hased on the later official returns and the most recent information regarding- the Colony. Third edition. Fron- tispiece and map of the seat of war. 12mo 18.')1 I" Past andFutureEmigration, or the Book of the Cape. Edited hy the author of "Five Years in Kaffirland." .^ • - London 1849 *t Watermeyer, E B. : Selections from the writings of the late Judge, with a brief sketcliof his Life. Portrait. 8vo Cape Town 1877 ••'• \ Three Lectures on the Cape of Good Hope under the • Government of the Dutch East India (\)mpany. 8vo Cape Town 18,-37 t "Weber, Ernst von : Yier Jahre in Afrika 1871 -7o, mit al)bil- dungen in holzschnitt einem Plane und einer Karte. 8vo. 2 vols Leipzic 1878 '"•' Wilkinson (Mrs.; : A Lady's Life and Travels in Zulu- land and the Transvaal during Cetewayo's reign. 8vo. .. 188' I Wilmot, A., and J. C. Chase : History of the Cape Colony 8vo 186 |- History of the Zulu War. 8vo 187b Geography for Schools. 8j6o 1 88( ^•'t "Wolthemal (or Woltemade} : Wolradi Wolthemadii Apo- theosis. Folding plate very curious of Woltemade saving the crew of the " Jonge Thomas" wrecked in Table Bay. 4to Amsterdam, 1775-5 |- Wright, Pev. AYilliam : Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope. 8vo London 1831 .,:! UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. IL' JUN 5 ^,5 jU\.25tSfr8 1972 (\UG I m- w/3 Form L9-75?ra-7,'61(Cl437s4)444 3 1158 00336 3578 Z UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 972 965 8