6pos : the
epithet being descriptive of the radiant light of the moon. We may ob-
serve in conclusion that Iphigeneia is made by Aeschylus Sophokles and
Euripides alike the victim of Artemis. But, on the one hand, in Sophokles
El. 566 ff. it is the huntress whose anger and wounded pride must be
pacified, — and in the same connexion, though the reference in this case
is to an omen which concerns the protectress of wild animals, Kalchas
in the Agame77inon of Aeschylus announces that Artemis {'Trpocpepojv
"kprepLLv, 202) requires the sacrifice of the maiden's life. On the other
hand, in the Tauric Iphigeneia of Euripides it is the goddess of light
{ Elmsl.
V. 1444
tI dk rb 6vr)s, Tras Weil.
^(Vfxiau et dvalau transposuit Mus^.
Tr)v5' ante i\a(poi^ posuit Weil.
yap diTL Herwerdenus
/xLavg apogr. Paris.
'IXiov irpbs Herm.
ijfi^pas ws TTJcroe Matthiae
5/? Bremius
dX^Li'oi/jLed' dv Herm.
eiyevrj Pors.
om. 76 Barnesius
a^pSrr)?, 1343
dyaaOat ri tlvos, 28
d€i/iivri/, 469
^ Tap. 3^5
rjpLideoi, 173
7)Tr6pv/J.ai, 537
^ai-aToety, 1287
^eXetJ' )( ^ovXe 1366
LK(TT]piav, 1216
lovcrrjs ttJs tvxV^i 44l
i7r7rO;3dras, 1059
ladue/xov, 206
/cci, explanatory, 230 ; following
interrogatives, 327
/cat /i?);', 20
Kaivovp^/elv, 2, 838
K^at TTuis, 124
KaKi^eiv, 1436
KUKocppoves, misguided, 391
/caXXtKo'/icti' TrXoKafxov, xoSo
KaXXLTTapdepos, 1574
KapaboK€~LV, 1433
KaTaSeSoi/Xorrai, 1269
/caraiferj' = 677^51', 695
KarairaXaieLv, 1 01 3
K^ra TTcDs, 894
KaTa(TKas (pipeiv, 897
4>ipeLv, carry away, 69
^fP"^, 47
(pL\o\pvx^~LV, 1385
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