I^IBRARY OF THR University of California. Received tjOcn/'', , ^^9^.. Accession No,7/jLA^ QjQ . Class No. I ^np HESE regfulattons are only issued for official purposes^ and will be transferred by signal officers and others receiving the same to their successors when relieved from their property accountability ♦ J* J* J* J* ^ PROPERTY GENERAL REGULATIONS SIGNAL CORPS, U. S. ARMY. U.S. s published by Authority of the Secretary of War for the use of the Army of the Ukited States. WASHINGTON: Government Printing Office. 1898. WAR DEPARTMENT. Document No. 82, Office of the Chief Signal Officer. Be it enacted by the Senate and Honse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, from and after the passage of this act, every officer of the Signal Corps, every non-commissioned officer or private of the Signal Corps, and a'l other officers, agents, or persons who now have in possession, or may hereafter receive or may be entrusted with any stores or supplies, shall, quarterl)'^ or more often, if so directed, and in such man- ner and on such forms as may be prescribed by the Chief Signal Officer, make true and correct returns to the Chief Signal Officers of all Signal Service property and all other supplies and stores of every kind received by or entrusted to them and each of them, or which may, in any manner, come into tiieir and each of their possession or charge. The Chief Signal Officer, subject to the approval of the Secretary of War, is hereby authorized and directed to draw up and enforce in his Bureau a system of rides and regulations for the government of the Signal Bureau, and of all persons in said Bureau, and /or the safe keeping and preservation of all Signal Service property of every kind, and to direct and prescribe the kind, number, and form, of all returns and reports, and to enforce compliance therewith. Approved Oct. 12, 1888. (3) PROPERTY AND GENERAL REGULATIONS OF THE SIGNAL CORPS. I.— PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY. 1. Every officer of the Army and enlisted man of the Signal Corps, and all other persons who now have in possession or who may hereafter receive, or may be intrusted with any stores or supplies pertaining to the Signal Corps, are responsible therefor, and will be held strictly accountable for all such property for which they may have given their receipts. 2. Until otherwise directed by the Secretary of War, property returns are to be made on the 31st day of December and on the 30th day of June, of each year, and all returns for Signal Corps property begin and end at those times ; except, where in the case of officers, enlisted men, or others responsible for property, by reason of transfer, change of station, or leaving the service, it becomes necessary to close their accounta- bility at an earlier date. A return, with ail its accom- panying papers, must be forwarded direct to the office of the Chief Signal Officer, Washington, D. C. , within twenty (20) dai/s after the termination of the accounting period. (5) 6 PROPERTY AND GENERAL REGULATIONS. 3. When any person accountable for Signal Corps property is relieved from the charge of the same, he will turn over to his successor all property and stores, for which he is officially accountable, and will take duplicate receipts therefor on the forms furnished for the purpose, one copy of which he will inclose as a voucher to his final return of property, and the other will be retained. The final property return will be made out in precisely the same manner as the regular semiannual report. 4. The retained return, showing accountability for property, pertains to the person making it, and will not be considered a part of the records at the station where the officer or man is serving. 5. Letters of transmittal are not required in forward- ing property or other returns, unless there is some par- ticular fact relative to the papers to. which it is desired to specially invite attention. 6. When it is not possible to render a return within the limit of time prescribed, owing to the nonreceipt of certain vouchers, the return itself must not be held, but will be mailed to the Chief Signal Officer, with a letter stating what vouchers are missing, with reason therefor ; said missing vouchers to be forwarded later, when received. 7. The person signing a receipt for Signal Corps property received by him, should satisfy himself that the condition of the articles is correctly stated thereon, otherwise he may become accountable for unserv- iceable condition, or shortage, of component parts of SIGNAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 7 articles transferred to him. Receipts should be re- turned to the issuing officer, if correct, within ten days from the date the property was received. 8. Officers and others accountable must verify returns by an actual count of all the articles on hand at the time the return is made. Whenever any discrepancy exists between the actual count of the property and that as shown by the returns, such action will be taken as is enjoined by Army Regulations. 9. Enlisted men of the Signal Corps, at military posts, becoming responsible for public property under provisions of act of Congress (Pub. 311) approved Octo- ber 12, 1888, shall, when stores or supplies shipped to them are received in unserviceable condition, or when deficient in number and quality, examine them in such manner as is prescribed in paragraphs 668 and 669, Army Regulations. In case of damage or deficiency appearing, they will then apply in writing to their immediate commanding officer for a board of survey to determine the responsibility for injury or loss occur- ring. The application should recite that, having received, or being accountable for (as the case may be) , public property under the provisions of the act of Con- gress above quoted, application is made under para- graph 684, Army Regulations, in order to determine whether such public property has been lost or damaged by the neglect or fault of the soldier thus applying. Enlisted men of the Signal Corps serving alone at isolated stations will, under similar circumstances, » PROPERTY AND GENERAL REGULATIONS. make immediate report in detail of the facts to their immediate commanding officers and ask that appropri- ate action may be taken. 10. All property transferred from one officer, or en- listed man of the Signal Corps, to another, will be in- voiced; the invoices in duplicate to be filed by the person to whom sent with the copies of his return, the corresponding receipts in duplicate to be filed with the returns of the person issuing the property. In case of shipments through the Quartermaster's Department, the invoices will be made in triplicate, one copy to be sent by mail direct to the officer or sergeant to whom the property has been transferred, and two copies to be delivered to the Quartermaster, one of which will ac- company the bill of lading to destination ; receipts in duplicate for the package will be taken from the Quartermaster. 11. All articles purchased upon proper authority by any officer, enlisted man of Signal Corps, or other em- ployee on stations outside of Washington, D. C, for official use, will be regularly invoiced to the person purchasing, upon receipt, at the office of the Chief Sig- nal Officer or department signal officer charged with the disbursement of Signal Corps funds, of the proper certified bill, which must accompany the account for settlement. 12. All property received must be taken up on the returns, whether invoiced or not, except forms and sta- tionery. Should any article of property be received, either by purchase or otherwise, and not included in SIGNAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 9 invoices, special attention should be called to said fact by letter ; the articles should be taken up and a foot- note made showing that they were taken up without invoices. It may happen in some cases that invoices of articles sent are received while the articles themselves may not have been received ; in such a case the articles should not be taken up until they are actually received, otherwise, the person doing so will make himself re- sponsible for such articles while they may never reach him. 13. A special report by letter should be made of all articles not received within a reasonable time after the person to whom sent is notified of their shipment. 14. Public property and labor hired for the public use must not be perverted to any use whatsoever not authorized by the regulations of the service. 15. Articles of Signal Corps property pertaining to military telegraph lines must not be transferred from one office to another without special direction from the Chief Signal Officer or officer in immediate charge of the line. 16. When any article of public property not of an expendable nature, for which any officer or other per- son is responsible, becomes unfit for service from any cause whatever and is not worth expense of repair, he will report the facts in the case and submit the articles for action to the inspector first visiting the station, excepting telescopes, field glasses, heliographs, and tele- phones (see par. 1546, Army Regulations). A copy of the inventory and inspection report must accompany 10 PROPERTY AND GENERAL REGULATIONS. the return rendered to the Chief Signal Officer, on which the property is accounted for. 17. When it is found that any article of Signal Corps property is unserviceable, but worth the expense of re- pair, a detailed report will be made of the nature of the unserviceability of the article, with an estimate of the cost of repair, and whether or not said repairs can be made at or near the station or post. 18. When an inspector recommends that certain arti- cles of Signal Corps property be turned into a depot for repairs, the accountable officer will report such fact to the department signal officer and await instructions as to the disposition of the same. 19. All public property of every description ordered to be returned to the office of the Chief Signal Officer must be plainly marked on the package with the name of the station whence it comes, the weight of the pack- age, if known, and the nature of the contents. The packages must be addressed to the ' ' Chief Signal Officer, care depot quartermaster, Washington, D. C," when sent by quartermaster transportation; otherwise, they will be marked simply ' ' Chief Signal Officer, Washing- ton, D. C." 20. When a station is discontinued, the disposition of the property, other than that for which a signal officer is responsible, will be ordered from the office of the Chief Signal Officer or department signal officer, and, in any event, the officer or other person in charge will be held responsible that each article is properly disposed of as ordered. SIGNAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 11 21. Whenever property is ordered shipped through the Quartermaster's Department, it should be properly packed, without expense, if possible. 22. In no case will any unexpendable article of public property be thrown away on account of its becoming un- serviceable, but it will be held until orders are received from the proper authority concerning its disposition. 23. Officers in charge of military telegraph lines will account for all property at their stations and for all sections of line (in miles) radiating therefrom. The officers in charge will designate the several repair sec- tions on the lines under their charge, and the enlisted men or civilian operators in charge of such repair sec- tions will account for all property at their stations and the line (in miles) on their sections. 24. In all cases, in making up returns, the headings should never be altered or changed, but when articles other than those enumerated in the printed headings are at the station, they should be alphabetically inserted in the blank lines for that purpose on the return. Where it is not practicable to insert the names alpha- betically, they will be so arranged in the blank space at the end of the return. 25. All articles received must be accounted for on returns identically as invoiced, and the nomenclature will not be changed without specific authority of the Chief Signal Officer. 26. Articles of like name but of different pattern, when invoiced separately, will not be combined ; thus, 20-ohm, 4-ohm, and main-line sounders must not be 12 PROPERTY AND GENERAL REGULATIONS. carried as so many "sounders," but the total of each will be carried under its appropriate heading. 27. The official numbers of field glasses, telescopes, telephones, and transmitters, and other instruments having serial numbers must in all cases be given on the return. 28. Where there is a local telegraph or telephone line at a post, its length in miles or feet must be given on the return under the heading ''Line,'' otherwise tele- graph material or supplies will not be furnished, or cer- tificate of expenditure dropping such supplies as used will not be accepted, on the assumption that there is no line at the post. 29. Rented telephones and transmitters will be car- ried on property returns in red ink in order to distin- guish them from those which are owned by the Gov- ernment. Call-bells, magneto, which may be invoiced at the same time as rented instruments, belong to the Govern- ment, and in all cases must be taken up separately on returns in black ink, as other Government property. 30. Enlisted men of the Signal Corps serving at mili tary posts, before forwarding their property returns will have certificate of expenditure approved by post commander ; those not on duty at military posts, and accountable for property, will forward the certificate to the department signal officer for approval, in season, so that it can be returned in time to be included with his return when rendered. SIGNAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 13 31. An officer or other person whom a board of sur- vey or other competent authority has adjudged respon- sible for the loss, destruction, or shortage of any article or parts of articles of Signal Corps property, will be required to cover the money value thereof into the United States Treasury before a clearance will be fur- nished. This may be done either by forwarding the money to the Disbursing Officer of the Signal Corps, Washington, D. C. , who will deposit the money on ac- count of the responsible officer, or the money may be deposited in some Government depository to the credit of ''Miscellaneous receipts, refundment for _.. .(lost)-_- property, Signal Service of the Army, 189__-" (giving year in which the fiscal year ends. ) In the latter case, an account-current must be rendered to this office for examination and transmission to the accounting officers of the Treasury Department. 32. When Signal Corps property is condemned and ordered sold, due notice of the sale will be given (A. R. 505) and the proceeds will be accounted for in the man- ner prescribed in A. R. 615. The accountable officer will then render to the Chief Signal Officer an account- current covering the transaction, inclosing therewith as vouchers copies of the advertisement and authority for the sale, with notation of the disposition made of the proceeds. 33. To save time and space, a few articles of Signal Corps property are invoiced as "complete." Officers, enlisted men of the Signal Corps, and other persons re- ceiving such articles should satisfy themselves that all 14 PROPERTY AND GENERAL REGULATIONS. the parts which go to make up the whole are present before signing receipt therefor. When any parts are missing, a memorandum should be made on the receipt specifically designating such parts as are missing The accountable officer will then be held responsible for the shortage. 34. The following are the principal articles which are invoiced as "complete:" Boxes, call, complete, consist of the magneto call- bell apparatus, and (except the old style) are attached to a backboard with battery box containing one or more cells of battery. Cells, battery, complete, consist of the glass or lead jar, with zinc, copper, or carbon elements. *'Jars" battery, which are merely the glass or lead jar without copper, zinc, or carbon elements, should not be confounded with "cells" battery. Heliographs, field, complete, consist of: A sole- leather pouch, containing one sun mirror and one sta- tion mirror, inclosed in a wooden box ; one screen ; one sighting rod ; one screw-driver. A smaller pouch, slid- ing by two loops upon the strap of the larger, contain- ing one mirror bar. A skeleton case, containing two tripods. Pulleys and tackle, complete, consist of two pulleys, each with a vice or some form of clamping device for grasping the wire, and about 60 feet of rOpe. Staffs, jointed, complete, consist of three joints of staff, i. e. , tip, middle, and butt joints. UNIVERSrrY :;;2f califorh^ SIGNAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 15 Staffs, practice kit, consist of two joints of staff, i. c, tip and butt joints. Vises and straps, complete, consist of a small hand vise and one leather strap. 35. Signal Corps property is arranged into two gen- eral divisions, viz: that of an ' ' unexpendable " charac- ter, such as instruments, tools, etc. , and that of an "expendable" nature, such as bluestone, coppers, zincs, etc. The term "expendable," as applied to property, signifies that the property so designated is of a character to be actually consumed. 36. The following list comprises articles of Signal Corps property which, when received, must be accounted for on property returns, but when consumed or rendered unserviceable, may be dropped on proper certificate of expenditure (Form No. 205), without the formality of submitting them for the action of an inspector : Binders, Conant. Calendars. Bluestone (sulphate of cop- Cans, assorted, tin. per). Cells, battery. Boards, letter-clip. Chamois skins. Books, office record. Chemicals, photographic. Books, tariff. Chimneys, lamp. Bowls, dampening. Coal. Boxes, battery. Compound, Chatterton. Brackets, insulator. Connectors, battery. Brooms. Coppers, battery. Brushes, assorted. Cords, telephone. Buttons, push. Cross-arms, wood or iron. Cable, conductor. Cups, tin. 16 PROPERTY AND GENERAL REGULATIONS. Cups, sponge. Disks, cipher. Dusters, feather. Erasers, steel. Files, machinists'. Files, paper or office. Films, photographic. Flags. Folders, paper. Foot-rests. Glasses, eye and case. Goblets or tumblers. Hangers, battery. Hooks, message. Inkstands. Insulators, glass. Insulators, porcelain. Jars, battery. Lances. Lights, Coston. Mercury. Mirrors for heliographs. Mucilage cups. Nails. Needles. Oil. Pads, ink. Paper. Paper, photographic. Pens, ruling. Pins. Plates, ground. Plates, photographic. Plugs, insulator. Pokers. Poles, telegraph. Polish, stove. Posts, binding. Racks, pen. Ribbon, typewriter. Rope. Rulers. Sal ammoniac. Screws, assorted. Separators, rubber. Shades, gas or lamp. Sheets, copying. Signs, office. Soap. Solder. Spikes. Stamps, postage. Stationery. Stove-pipe, joints of. Straps, for climbers and vises. Straps, large, small, and - hitching. Styli. Syringes, battery. SIGNAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 17 Tacks. Turpentine. Tape, kerite. Vessels or dishes, earthen. Tin. wood ware, and tin. Towels. Wire. Tubing, rubber. Zincs, battery. 37. Certificates of expenditure will only be accepted as proper vouchers when the articles given in the list of exi^endable have actually been consumed, or have become entirely unserviceable. 38. Battery-cells and jars; connectors, battery ; jmsh- buttons, etc. , when taken from reserve and placed in a circuit are not considered as expended, as they are then merely performing the i)uri)ose for which they were furnished, and they will not be dropped from returns unless broken, or absolutely unserviceable. 39. Poles, wire, insulators, and other telegraph line material when used in the construction of a line may be dropped, but such line must in all cases appear on the return in miles and fractions, or in feet (see par. 28) : when the line is shortened, or taken down, the material recovered must be again taken up and accounted for. 40. Articles (whether expendable or unexpendable) lost or stolen must not be entered on certificate of expenditure, but should be covered by a special certifi- cate (Form 206) setting forth the facts in the case, and when the aggregate money value of the articles lost or stolen exceeds five dollars, must be submitted for the action of a board of survey. 41. Station record books, such as letters sent, copy- ing, check ledgers, etc. , as soon as they are opened and OF THK ■ ■UNIVERSITY 18 PROPERTY AND GENERAL REGULATIONS. put to use, can be dropped from property returns on certificate of expenditure as "used in service." 42. Iron poles not actually in use on the lines will be accounted for by the officer in charge when the poles are at his station; otherwise by the enlisted men or civilian operators in charge of the repair sections. Whenever one of these poles is placed upon the line it will be dropped on the next certificate of expenditure. When a line is abandoned and an officer is directed to recover the poles on such line, he will take up and account for the number actually recovered. 43. Where errors are found during the examination of property returns at the office of the Chief Signal Officer, the accountable officer will be immediately notified thereof, and where practicable, subsequent cor- respondence will be by indorsement on the original communication. In connection with discrepancies, cor- rected returns will not be rendered unless specially called for, as a corrected return necessitates the reex- amination and checking of each item on the new return. 44. Upon receipt of a letter of notification of errors, action should be taken thereon at once, as owing to frequent transfers of accountability, especially with post signal officers, a lapse of time often entails considerable correspondence and difficulty in adjusting discrepancies which at the time may be easily corrected. 45. When an officer, enlisted man, or other employee having Signal Corps property in his possession, or being accountable therefor, leaves the service of the United States, final payment will not be made to such officer, SIGNAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 19 enlisted man, or other employee until full and satis- factory evidence is furnished that the property, with which he may have been intrusted, has been duly accounted for. 46. Officers of the Army detailed for duty at military colleges who are accountable for Signal Corps property that has become unserviceable, are authorized to sub- mit the same for the action of an Inspector as provided for in pars. 879 and 1546, A. R. 47. In order to reduce to a minimum the clerical work at the office of the Chief Signal Officer, incident to the examination of property returns, the post signal officer shall be accountable for all Signal Corps property at a military post or station. Should another officer desire to retain certain articles of Signal Corps property for official use, he may be authorized to obtain them from the signal officer on memorandum receipt. These instructions, however, do not apply to department sig- nal officers, or to enlisted men of the Signal Corps on duty at stations where there is a military telegraph office. II.— GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. 48. Enlisted men of the Signal Corps are expected to perform all duties in connection with the transmission of military information for the use of the Army. At military posts it is discretionary with post commanders to require them to assist the post signal officers in the matter of signal instruction, care of Signal Corps prop- erty, etc. , as the former may deem the public interests or special conditions require. 20 PROPERTY AND GENERAL REGULATIONS. 49. In answering any communication from the Chief Signal Officer, reference will always be made at the beginning of the letter to the Signal Office serial num- ber or mark (which will be found at the upper left-hand corner of the sheet), as well as the date of said letter. For example : ' ' Replying to your letter of February 12, 1897, No. 5212." 50. Oil required for signaling purposes is not fur- nished by the Signal Corps, but is obtained on requisi- tion from the post quartermaster. 51. Practice kits are not issued to post signal officers, but only to officers detailed for duty at military colleges. A practice kit consists of one canvass case holding two joints of staff, and one 2-foot red and one 2-foot white flag, each item being carried separately on returns. 52. Requisitions for Signal Corps stores and supplies must be forwarded through military channels to the department signal officer for transmission to the Chief Signal Officer of the Army. 53. The following price list of Signal Corps property is published for the information of the Army. The price of any article not on this list will be furnished upon application to the Chief Signal Officer. PRICE LIST OF SIGNAL CORPS PROPERTY. Price, i Price. Anemometers, with cupscom- ! Bars, digging $L25 plete »20. 00 Axes .G8 Barometers, aneroid 12.00 Bars, ground 1.50 Bells, electric, 4-()lun . 75 Bells, electric, 20-ohm 2.0() Barometers, mercurial 25, 00 | Beltrf, tool _ SIGNAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 21 PRICE LIST OF SIGNAL CORPS PROPERTY — continued. Price. Boards, letter-clip SO. 30 Books, Dictionary, Webster's Coiinting-House 2. 10 . Bowls, dampening, with brushes 163 Boxes, call, magneto.^ 9,50 Boxes, japanned .66 Brackets, insulator, wood — .033^ Brushes, battery . 25 Brushes, dampening . 25 Brushes, dust . 40 Brushes, typewriter . 25 Buckets or pails, galvanized iron .65 Butt-joints for lances , 55 Buttons, push .08 Buzzers, electric 1, 25 Cans, copper, 5-gallon 8. 50 Cans, oil, tin, y^ gallon . 25 Canteens and straps, copper, 1-gallon 2.15 Carts, hand reel 150. 00 Cases, canvass, for signal blanks .68 Cases, canvass, and straps 5. 00 Cells, battery, dry, "Burn- ley" . 75 Cells, battery, "Gethins"___ 1.86 Cells, battery, "Le Clanche" .69 Chamois skins . 45 Clamps, splicing 1.35 Climbers and straps, pair 1.35 Clocks, marine 2.57 Clocks, regulator 13. 50 .50 , prismatic 11.25 Compasses, with clinometer, 2. 80 Connectors, battery ,06 Coolers, water 6. 80 Coppers, battery -043^ Cords, telephone . 15 Price. Cross-arms, iron SO, 77 Disks, cipher .12 Drivers, insulator plug 1,50 Dusters, feather .48 Erasers, steel . 32 Extinguishers, flying .30 Extinguishers, foot .30 Flags, 4-foot red . 46 Flags, 4-foot white .36 Flags, 2-foot red . 16 Flags, 2-foot white . 12 Folders, paper .45 Funnels, copper .15 Furnaces, tinners' 2.00 Glasses, eye, colored, with cases, large 1. 25 Glasses, eye, colored, with cases, small .25 Glasses, field, aluminum frame, with cases, slings, and straps (Imperial Opti- cal Company) 22. 75 Glasses, field, aluminum frame, with cases, slings, and straps (Voigtlander & Sohn) 39. 95 Glasses, field, brass frames, with cases and straps 9. 95 Handles, with tools 1.25 Harness, reel cart 7.00 Hatchets .40 Haversacks 1, 12 Heliographs, field, complete, model 1892 85.00 Heliographs, field, complete 28. 75 Heliographs, " Purssell & Grugan" 25,00 Heliographs, station, com- plete 45,50 Holders, telescope 2.06 Hydrometers .35 22 PROPERTY AND GENERAL REGULATIONS. PRICE LIST OF SIGNAL CORPS PROPERTY — Continued. Price. Insulators, glass, "Double Petticoat " $0. 03>^ Insulators, glass, "Regular Pattern" .02% Insulators, glass, "Pony" — -(^1% Insulators, porcelain -02)^ Insulators,hard-rubl)er, "Pig- tail " . 22f, Insulators, hard-rubber, slot and pin . 23% Iiisulators,bard-rubber, other styles . 243^ Jars, battery, glass, Callaud No. 1 .12 Jars, battery. Eagle (lead)— . 08 Keys, telegraph 1. 25 Kits, practice (case and 2 joints of staff) 1 . 00 Lamps, Rochester, complete. 2.30 Lances, wood . 68 Lanterns, signal candle 4. 85 Mirrors, heliograph .49 Pans, dust . 25 Pliers, 8-inch, pair 1.47 Pliers, 4-inch, pair . 43 Pliers, small '— . 23 Plugs, insulator, wood .05 Poles, telegraph, iron 2.00 Presses, copying, with stands 8, 60 Psych rometers, sling, com- plete 4.50 Pulleys and tackle, with vises, complete 1.25 Range-finders 15. 00 Reels, with outpost cable 44. 95 Register, anemometer (veloc- ity and stop-watch) 43.50 Register, anemometer 25. 00 Relays, telegraph 3. 35 Relays, 1)0X sounders 5. 00 Relays, telegraph, pocket— 7. 60 Price. Rods, sighting, helio $1,50 Saw, hand 1. 10 Scissors . 20 Screw-drivers, 10-inch .40 Screw-drivers, 6-inch . 25 Screw-drivers, heliograph . 35 Shades, flame, flying . 30 Shades, flame, foot . 30 Shears .60 Shovels, spoon, telegraph 1.24 Sounders, telegraph 1. 25 Sounders, telegraph, box 5. 00 Sounders, telegraph, "Main Line" 10.00 Staffs, jointed (3 joints) per set 1.40 Straps, small— . 15 Styli, agate . 21 Switches, telegraph, with cut-out, lightning-arrester, and ground, large 1.50 Switches, telegraph, small, with ground ,45 Syringes, battery 1.40 Tappers, line 3,50 Telephones, service 5.00 Telephones, Berthon-Ader__ 12.00 Telescopes and straps, brass frames 11. 85 Thermometer, maximum and minimum, mounted, com- plete 6,67 Torches, flying 2,38 Torches, foot 2,25 Trimmers, tree 2.00 Vises and straps 1 , 23 Wands .OI34 Wicking, per pound . 12^^ Wind-vanes, small, complete 10.00 Wire, iron, galvanized. No. 9, per pound -03% SIGNAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 23 PRICE LIST OF SIGNAL CORPS PROPERTY — continued. Price. Price. Wire, iron, galvanized, No. Wrenches, splicing .43 14, per pound .04% Zincs, battery, CallauJ .12 Wire, office, No. 18, copper, Zincs, battery, Eagle .20 insulated, per pound . 23 Zincs, battery, Le Clanche__ .05 Wormers .15 54. The attention of individuals and firms rendering services or material to the Signal Corps of the Army is invited to the following points in preparing bills and vouchers. These requirements are rendered absolutely necessary by the refusal of the accounting officers of the Treasury Department to allow credit for such ex- penditures unless these regulations are strictly followed : Bills must invariably be made in duplicate, and bear on their face the word " Correct," followed by the auto- graphic signature of the firm, by a member of the firm ; and the fact that the person signing is a member of the firm must be stated. In the case of a corporation, the autographic signature of the treasurer, or other officer authorized to receipt for money. The words "Orig- inal "or " Duplicate " must not be written or printed on the bills. Where the same party furnishes supplies and also renders services, separate bills must be rendered. Bills covering purchases in open market, or services rendered, must bear upon their face the certificate of an officer as f ollow^s : ' ' Procured in open market, at the lowest obtainable rates, the amount involved being so small as not to warrant the expense of advertising and 24 PROPERTY AND GENERAL REGULATIONS. the opening of proposals, and the price charged being reasonable and as low as charged by regular dealers in this locality to private individuals." 55. The following supplies of forms will be issued annually: For semiannual reports, 6; monthly, 30; weekly, 125. Other forms will be issued as circum- stances may require, with wastage allowance ranging from 20 per cent to 5 per cent. The forms specified are for the use of post signal officers, and will be sent with the annual supplies in December for use during the succeeding calendar year. LIST OF FORMS AS PER PAR. 1552 A. R. No. 200. Semiannual Return of Property (regular) . No. 201. Semiannual Retura of Property (abridged), for use of officers on duty at military col- leges and those having only a few articles. No. 202. Invoice or Receipt (combined). No. 203. Invoice. No. 204. Receipt. No. 205. Certificate of Expenditure. No. 206. Certificate of Property Lost or Destroyed. No. 214. Special Requisition. No. 216. Report of Instruction and Practice in Mili- tary Signaling. No. 217. U. S. Army Field-Signal Blank. 56. A regulation supply of stationery, etc. , for post signal officers and military telegraph offices, is fixed and published by the Chief Signal Officer in a classified annual supply table. Issues for current signal and SIGNAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 25 telegraph practice, of quantities fixed and articles enumerated in the supply table, may be dropped as expended in the public service. Special issues will be made only on the recommendation of the department signal officer. Articles not actually used in such practice will be turned over by signal officers and others to their authorized successors. These articles are for- warded without invoice and will not be taken up on returns. 57. CLASSIFIED ANNUAL SUPPLY TABLE. Bands, rubber (No. 18) gross__ Books, blank, small Envelopes, large, franked Envelopes, message Envelopes, linen-lined, franked*__ Erasers, rubber, small Matches, wind boxes__ Pads, message Pads, scratch Paper, blotting cut Paper, legal cap quires.. Paper, letter, ruled quires Paper, manila, cop3'ing __pounds__ Paper, telegraph packages__ Paper, typewriterf quires— I'aper, w^rapping quires Penholders Pencils, black-lead Pens Pins roll8__ Sponge, small piece8__ Tape rolls__ Wands Wicking, torch __pounds__ MILITARY POSTS. a airkitM an* fnrniMlKMl with cacli Incyclc. mid muHt lit all t imcM be kept. complet(\ timely requiMitJon luring made for Much iteniM aM have been nMed. 3 R A /Y p*S. filONAl. OOIU'H, IJNITKO SI' A i is ai;\i\ lU hi('\(|( w Ik II iin,s(»rvi(*('n,l>I<', will no! ln> .siilmiiUcd Imi I Ik .h 1 1 .III IIIHIXH'l.Or W ll IkhiI < ■ [ .1 < .ml Ik-IiI \ ri<.iii tJK ('lii('l'Sigii;il < Mil. .1 <)H. 'I'Ik- rollowiiiL- ;k I <.i <'>'ii K IN piihlitslKMl for tjir iiir(.iiii;iii..ii .(ikI ■■,.\ . I iiiiK III ..I ;iil concermHl: AN A<"r I" |iM.i..i lliiMU itf toli'gmpli foiistruo.lstHi or iiHct.l by lh<> llnlttul .^tiii< a from mftlleiouw i»ij»»'y i^'*'! obstruction. Ih' U Kthuifii hii ihf* 8mtiU0 and llmm of H«pri'»>'nlntlv(U of th» UHUmU SUUc* of Amerhui in r'oM(/rr*ttN imt>mhltul, TltiU any pttrion or poiiioiiM wliOHhall will* fully or mull«|(Mmly lujur«» or il«*trt»y any of lli« worku «>r proju^rty dv iuiit«»- iiii >( iin i.'l.'graphh' Muo t>ou«truet«»f con- iMMh I. iv ih(> lluittMl HtdtoH, or thtU m m i. ..ii< ■ . onRtruotod ami ,\\i, .1 .1 . . . u|»t«Hl and cM)ntroll«»(l by lli- ' ii i inion, or wlu) wliall wlll- luil) :K(n,s iii«' vvju'ikmI lluil jiiin iii|iii\ Io, or uruin tlioi'i/.<'i' parties under Ml in Act. 00. CommnnicationH, forms, and olhcfonicial paixM-n Imi \n;ii 33 PROPERTY AND GENERAL REGULATIONS. 70. All official communications to this office should be addressed " Chief Signal Officer of the Army, Wash- ington, D. C. " In no case should official communica- tions be addressed to the Chief Signal Officer by name, or to subordinates in his office. 71. Officers in charge of companies or detachments of Signal Corps troops charged with the duty of render- ing muster rolls to the Adjutant General of the Army, will cause a copy thereof to be sent to the Chief Signal Officer for the information of his office. 72. Papers covering the enlistment or reenlistment of Signal Corps men must be made in duplicate, and both copies forwarded at once to the Chief Signal Offi- cer of the Army, who is required by the Regulations to render a recruiting return to the Adjutant General. 73. Instruments, and all articles of value, sent through the mails must be registered ; postage stamps for this purpose will be furnished by the Quarter- master's Department. 74. A monthly personal report will be rendered to the Chief Signal Officer by all detached enlisted men of the Signal Corps, which report will be forwarded through post signal officers to the post commander, who will forward the same through department head- quarters. When enlisted men are serving in detach- ments, a consolidated report will be made by the signal officer in charge, which will contain a list of all Signal Corps men serving under his command during the month, with such remarks as may be deemed necessary to complete the individual card records of the men at this office. SIGNAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 33 75. In addition to the special directions herein pro- mulgated, the Army Regulations, orders of the War Department, and decisions of the accounting officers of the Treasury Department relating to the accountability for public property, must be strictly followed. A. W. GREELY, Brigadier General, Chief Signal Officer, U. S. A. UNIVERSITY ) INDEX. Pars. Accounts-current 31,32 Annual supply table . 57 Auction sales, proceeds how accounted for 32 Batteries 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 Battery cells or jars 38 Battery coppers 66 Bicycles, care of 67 Bills and vouchers, how prepared 54 Boards of survey 9, 31, 40 Boxes, call, magneto 29, 34 Call bells 29,34 Callaud batteries, direction for use 62 Certificates of expenditures 28, 30, 37 Communications 49, 70 Condemned property, how disposed of 32 Connectors, battery 38 Coppers, battery 66 Enlisted men of Signal Corps, duties of 48 Enlistment papers 72 Errors in property papers 43,44 Expendable property 16, 35, 36 Field glasses 16,27 Final payment of employees 45 Final property returns 3 Forms 55, 58, 69 Gravity batteries, directions for use 62 (35) 36 INDEX. Pars. Heliographs 16 34 Insulators 39 Inspection of property ^ 39 Inventory and inspection returns 16,18 Inventory of property 8 Jar^, battery 34 Le Clanche cells 66 Letters, to be briefed 69 Letters of transmittal 5 Line material, when expendable 39 Line, telegraph 28,39 List of expendable property 36 List of forms issued 55 Loss of property, action to be taken 31,40 Mail packages ^ 61 Mail packages, to be registered 47 Memorandum receipts . 47 Military colleges 46,61 Military telegraph lines, property accountability 23 Military telegraph lines, interference with 65 Money value of articles, how accounted for 31 Muster rolls 71 Nomenclature, not to be changed 24,25 Oil, for signaling 50 Personal reports of enlisted men 74 Poles, telegraph 39, 42 Practice kits 61 Price list of property 63 INDEX. Pars. Property, condemned 34 Expendable 16,35 Final returns 3 Invoiced, but not received, action to be taken 12,13 Purchased at station 11 Receipts 7 Received without invoice 12 Retained returns 4 Returns, when made 2,6 Shortage, lost or unserviceable 9, 31, 39, 40 Transfers , 10 Unexpendable . 22 Unserviceable 17 Receipts for property 7, 33 Receivers, telephone 59 Rented,telephone8 and transmitters 29 Requisitions 52 Retained property returns 4 Returns, property, when made 2 Returns, headings of form not to be changed 24 Returns, but one peison to be accountable at a station 47 Rules for estimating battery supplies 66 Sal ammoniac 66 Sales at auction 32 Signal Corps, duties of enlisted men 48 Staffs, signal 34 Stations, discontinued, disposition of property 20 Stationery 12,56,58 Stolen property 39 Station records 41 Supply table . 56 Telegraph lines 28 Telephones , 16, 27, 29, 60 38 INDEX. Pars. Telescopes 16,27 Transmittal, letters of 5 Transmitters 27, 29, 59 Unexpendable property 22, :}5 Unserviceable property 17 Vises and straps 34 Vouchers, how prepared 54 Vouchers, missing, action to be taken 6 Wire 39,66 Zincs, battery 66 ^