LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class - Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF TFE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. L^n^/C^ JANUARY 30th, 1884. LONDON: 2 VICTOEIA MANSIONS, VICTOKIA STREET. 1884. TBaHantgne -pc«5i5 BALLANTYNE, HANSON AND CO. EDINBURGH AND LONDON PEEFACE. The Council of the Iron and Steel Institute have authorised the publication of this Catalogue of Books, which may be regarded as forming the nucleus only of the Library which they have taken steps to establish for the use and convenience of the members. Many omissions of standard works will be noted. It is hoped that members will volunteer to repair the more serious of these, either by the presentation of the books that are missing, or by placing at the disposal of the Council the funds necessary for their acquisition. For the collection of books already formed, the Institute is largely under obligation to the Local Executive Committee for the London meeting of the Institute in 1881, who gave the surplus of their Eeception Fund for Library purposes, and to Lady Siemens, who has kindly presented to the Institute a collection of metallur- gical works from the Library of her late lamented husband. J. S. JEANS, Secretary, Victoria Mansions, Westminster, S.W., February, 1884. 168122 f CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAHY OF THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. ACCOUNT of the strata of Northumberland and Durham, as proved by borings and sinkings. Issued by the Council of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. 2 vols. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1878. ACIDS, alkalies, oxides, and salts. See Specifications. ADAPTATION of Bessemer plant to the basic process. See Holley, A. L. AKERMAN, R. The iron manufacture of Sweden. Stockholm. 1878. Om Syrsatt Jems Reduktion med koloxid. Stockholm. 1882. . Statistiska Uppgifter rorande Olika Landers Jernhandtering samt N4gra Betraktelser till Foljd dels af Verldsutstallningen I Paris, 1878, och dels af de Sista Framstegen I Fosforrening. Stockholm. 1879. ALBUM to the course of lectures on metallurgy. See Jordan, S. ALDER- WRIGHT, Dr. C. R. On the chemical changes accompanying the smelting of iron in blast furnaces. (Paper read before the Royal Institution, March 1874.) Tracts, voL xx. AMERICA. See United States. AMERICAN and foreign iron trades, statistics of the. Annual Reports of the Secretary of the American Iron and Steel Association, containing statistics of the American iron trade, and a review of the condition of the iron industry in foreign countries. See Swank. foundry practice. See West. Institute of Mining Engineers. See Transactions. Iron and Steel Association. Directory of the iron and steel works of the United States, embracing the blast-furnaces, rolling-mills, steelworks, forges, and bloomaries in every State and Territory. 1882. Journal of Science and Arts. By J. B. Dana, B. Silliman. and E. S. Dana. New York. 1872-79. Manufacturer and Iron World. National Iron and Steel Publishing Co. Philadelphia. 1878-79. navigation. See Hall, Henry. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN patent system : a brief inquiry into its principles, effects, and present state. See HowsoN. Society of Civil Engineers. Bee Transactions. 1877-82. ANALYSES of Bessemer basic charges. Professor Einkener and Dr. H. Wedding. Dortmund. 1880. Tracts, vol. viii. ANALYTICAL, practical, and theoretical chemistry, as applied and relating to the arts and manufactures. See Muspratt. ANDRE, George G. Practical treatise on coal-mining. 2 vols. London. 1876. ANLAGE zum Patentgesuch des Kaufmanns und Chemikers Siegfried Stein, de dato Bonn 1876, zur Entfernung von Phosphor event, von Schwefel aus Eisen und Stahl. Pamphlets, vol. v. Bonn. 1876. ANN ABLE, W. Lecture on the manufacture of steel in the converter, open- hearth, and crucible. Tracts, vol. ii. Glasgow. 1881. Paper on the manufacture, treatment, and uses of steel. Read before the Manchester Association of Employers, Foremen, and Draughtsmen. Tracts, vol. ii. Manchester. 1882. ANNALEN fiir Gewerbe und Bauwesen. Herausgegeben von F. C. Glaser. Berlin. 1879-83. ANNALES des mines, ou recueil de memoires sur Texploitation des mines et sur les sciences et les arts qui s'y rattachent, r^digdes par les ing^nieurs des Mines et publiees sous I'authorisation du Ministre des Travaux publics. Sep- ti^me sdrie. Paris. 1872-83. de I'Association des Ing^nieurs sortis des Ecoles Sp^ciales de Gand. 1877-83. du commerce ext^rieur. Publiees par le Department de TAgriculture et du Commerce, France. 1868-1874. Telegraphiques. Publiees sous le patronage de M. le Directeur-g^ndral des Lignes telegraphiques. Paris. No date. ANNALS da Escola de Minas de Ouro. Preto CollecQoes de memorias e de noticias sobre a mineralogia, a geologia e as explora5oes des minas no Brazil. 1881. ANSTED, D. T. Elementary course of geology, mineralogy, and physical geography. London. 1861. APJOHN, J. Manual of the metalloids. London. 1864. APPARATUS for testing the resistance of metals to repeated shocks. See Kent, William. APPLETON'S dictionary of machinery, mechanics, engine-work, and engineer- ing. Illustrated with 4000 engravings on wood. 2 vols. New York. 1864. ARBITRATIONS : a text-book for surveyors. See Fletcher. ARCHITECT and Contractor's handbook. See Matthews. ARCHITECTS. Institution op Naval. See Transactions. Royal Institute of British. See Transactions. ARMSTRONG, J. Notes on the strength and ductility of iron, steel, and other materials. (Paper read before the Liverpool Polytechnic Society.) Tracts, vol. ii. Sir W. G. See Industrial Resources of the Tyne, Wear, and Tees. ART of extracting metals from their ores, and adapting them to various purposes of manufacture. See Percy. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 3 ARTILLERY. See Owen and Ordnance. ASBESTOS, with special reference to its use as steam-engine " packing." See Day. ATKINSON, E. Natural philosophy. Translated from Ganot's "Cours elementaire de physique." London. 1881. R. W. Memoirs of the Science Department of the University of Tokio. The chemistry of sakd-brewing. Tokio. 1881. ATLAS of maps and sections of the Geological Survey of Canada. zur Zeitschrift fiir das Berg-, Hiitten- und Salinen-Wesen in dem Preus- sischen Staate. Herausgegeben in dem Koniglichen Ministerium fiir Handel, Gewerbe und offentliche Arbeiten. Berlin. 1872. , new large scale ordnance atlas of the British Isles, with plans of towns, &c. London. 1884. ATTI del collegio degl' ingegneri ed architetti in Napoli. Diretta da Michele de Rubertis. 1878. AUSTRALIA. See Etheridge and New South Wales. AUSTRIA. Soci^te autrichienne J. R. P. des chemins de fer de I'etat. As- semblee gt^neral extraordinare, et vingt-septi^me assembl^e g^nerale ordinaire tenues k Vienne le 19 Mai 1882. Maps. Vienna. 1881. Das Radwerk No. 14 in Vordernberg. Tracts, vol. ix. Der Steirische Erzberg. Tracts, vol. ix. Schwarzenberg'sche Hochofen Anlage in Trofaiach. Tracts, vol. ix. mining in. See Rossiwall. statistics of iron trade of. See Berg. the coal-mines of Brandeisl-Kladno, in Bohemia. Vienna. 1878. B. BABBAGE, C. Exposition of 1851 ; or, views of the industry, the science, and the government of England. 2d edition, with additions. London. 1851. BAKEWELL, R. Introduction to geology, intended to convey a practical knowledge of the science, and comprising the most important recent dis- coveries ; with explanations of the facts and phenomena which serve to confirm or invalidate various geological theories. London. 1833. BALL, R. S. Experimental mechanics : a course of lectures delivered at the Royal College of Science for Ireland. London. 1871. BALL, V. Manual of the geology of India. London. 1881. BAUHAUS, Dr. Anton. Die Reform des Eisenbahnwesens. Tracts, vol. v. BARBA, J. Etude sur I'emploi de I'acier dans les constructions, expose de la m^thode a suivre pour la mise en ceuvre des toles et barres profildes en m^tal fondu. 80 woodcuts. Paris. 1874. BARFF, F. L. An introduction to scientific chemistry, designed for the use of schools, London. 1869. BARLOW, Peter. Treatise on manufactures and machinery of Great Britain ; to which is prefixed an introductionary view of the principles of manufactures, by Chas. Babbage. Forming a portion of "Encyclopaedia MetropoUtana." 1833. a treatise on the strength of timber, cast iron, malleable iron, and other materials. Plates. [London. 1837. 4: CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE BAENABY, J. F. Report to the Controller of the Navy on experiments made to show the effect of repeated heating and cooling on the tensile strength, &c., of iron and steel. London. 1882. influence of temperature on iron and steel. Tracts, vol. xxii. Sheffield. 1881. BASIC process. An adaptation of Bessemer plant to the. See Holley. BAUERMAN', H. Treatise on the metallurgy of iron ; containing outlines of the history of iron manufacture, methods of assay and analyses of iron ores, processes of manufacture of iron and steel, &c. Illustrated with numerous wood engravings, from drawings by J. B. Jordan. London. 1868. BAUHAU-S, Dr. Anton. Die Reform des Eisenbahnwesens. Tracts, vol. v. Prague. 1874. Bavaria. Jahres Berlcht der Handels- und Gewerbekammer fiir Ober- bayern. 1878. BELGIUM. Canal de Liege h, Hasselt, et etudes diverses d'une jonction direct de la Meuse b, I'Escaut. Plans. Brussels. 1883. Conference sur I'application du mouvement de la mer. By Victor Gauchez. Brussels. 1881. Description de gites fossiliferes devoniens et d'affleurements du terrain cr^tacd. Par le Professeur C. Malaise. Maps. Brussels. 1879. Geological maps of. See MinistJire de l'Intj^rieur. History of iron in the province of Namur. (French.) See Berchem. Iron industry of, at Paris Exhibition of 1878. (French.) See Industrie. Notice sur I'etablissement Cockerill k Seraing. See Jaquemin. Notice sur les installations ouvriferes de la Societe Civile des Charbonnages du Hasard. See D'Andeimont. productioD, consumption, &c., of coal in. See Gcebel. Report of meeting of coal trade of, in 1879. See Reports. Reports of inspector of mines. See Industrie and Joachams. Statistics, &c., of coal trade of. See Industrie Minj^rale. BELL, I. Lowthian. Chemical phenomena of iron-smelting : an experi- mental and practical examination of the circumstances which determine the capacity of the blast-furnace, the temperatiu-e of the air, and the proper condi- tion of the materials to be operated upon. London. 1872. Industrial resources of the Tyne, Wear, and Tees. London. 1864. Report on the iron manufacture of the United States of America, and a comparison of it with that of Great Britain. 1877. Tracts, vol. xiii. Notes on the progress of the iron trade of Cleveland, on the north-east coast of England. Middlesbrough. 1878. BERCHEM, M. Les bas-fourneaux de Lustin : Histoire du fer dans le pays de Namur. Pamphlets, vol. v. BERG- und HUttenmannisches Jahrbuch der K.K. Bergakademien zu Leoben und Pribram und der KonigHch ungarischen Bergakademie zu Schemitz. Re- dacteur : Julius Ritter von Hauer. Vienna. 1880-82. BERGGESETZ. Das allgemeine Berggesetz vom 23. Mai 1854, sammt der Vollzugvorschrift und alien darauf Bezug nehmenden Verordnungen und Erlauterungen, dann den abweichenden Bestimmungen fiir die Tiiinder der ungarischen Krone. Vienna. 1872. BERICHTE der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Berlin. 1868-78. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 5 BERICHT iiber die wissenschaftlichen Apparate auf der Londoner Inter- nationalen Ausstellung im Jahre 1876. Herren Dr. Achenbach und Dr. Falk. Brunswick. 1878. BERKELEY, G. Preliminary experiments on the mechanical and other properties of steel. London. 1868. BESSEMER process and works in the United States. From the " Troy Daily Times." New York. 1868. Tracts, vol. iv. Steel. See Steel. BILLINGS, E. Geological Survey of Canada. Palaeozoic fossils. 1874. BIRMINGHAM and Midland Institute. Programme for session 1876-77. Tracts, vol. xii. Resources, products, and industrial history of. See TiMMiNS. BLAST-FURNACE hearth, mode of combustion in. See Church. chemical changes accompanying the smelting of iron in the. See Alder- Wright. etudes sur les hauts-fourneaux. See Gruner. in Great Britain, list of. See Mineral Statistics, and Rylands. in United States, list of. See Directory. mechanical work performed in heating. See Frazier. phenomena. See Bell and Gruner. report on the valuation of blast-furnaces out of blast. See Hedley. secondary products of the. (French.) See Gruner. See also Iron. BLOOMARIES and forges of the United States. See United States. BLOXHAM, G. J. Metals, their properties and treatment. London. 1876. another copy. London. 1882. Chemistry, inorganic and organic, with experiments. 4th edition. London. 1880. BOHEMIA Tarif fUr Mineralische Kohle, Briquets und Coaks in Wagenla- dungen. Tracts, vol. v. Prague. 1873. BOILER Insurance Company's Reports. See Reports. incrustation and corrosion. See Rowan, F. J. Insurance and Steam-Power Company, Limited. Chief Engineer's Report. 1872. BOILERS of " Livadia." /S'ge Parker. BOLTS, nails, rivets, &c. See Specifications. BORDEN, W. W. Report of the Geological Survey of Indiana. BOURNE, J. Treatise on the steam-engine in its various applications to mines, mills, navigation, railways, and agriculture, with theoretical investigations respecting the motive power of heat and the proper proportions of steam-engines, elaborate tables of the right dimensions of every part, and practical instructions for the manufacture and management of every species of engine. London. 1864. BOYD, R. Nelson. Coal-mines inspection ; its results and history. London. 1880. I BRANDE, William T. Manual of chemistry. 2 vols. 6th edition. London. 1848. BRASSEY, T. On work and wages. London. 1872. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE BEAZIL, Annales da Escola de Miiias de Ouro. Preto CoUec^oes de memoriaa e de noticias sobre a mineralogia, a geologia e as explora^oes des minas no BraziL 188L BREMNER, David. Industries of Scotland, their rise, progress, and present condition. Edinburgh. 1869. BRIDGE over the Monongahela River at Port Perry, Pa., U.S.A. See Wilson. BRIDGES, viaducts, &c. See Specifications. BRITISH Isles. Knipe's geological map of. Iron Trade Association. See Reports. BROADWATER, G. 0. On the Geological Survey of Missouri. See Reports. BULLETIN de TAssociation des Ingenieurs Sortis de I'Ecole de Liege. Li^ge. 1878-82. de I'Association des Maitres de Forges de Charleroi. Notices sur la m^tallurgie lues dans la session de Novembre 1877 de I'lnstitut du Per et I'Aeier, tenue a Middlesbrough. Auguste Piette. 1878. Tracts, voL i. de la Society Scientifique Industrielle de Marseille. Paris. 1872-83. de I'Union des Charbonnages, Mines, et Usines Metallurgiques de la Province de Lidge. 1873-83, du Comite des Forges du France. 1878-83. du Ministere des Travaux Publics. Statistiques et legislation comparee. Paris. 1880-83. du Musee de I'lndustrie de Belgique. Publiee sous la direction de la Com- mission Administrative. Paris. 1877-83. Mensuel de I'Association des Ingenieurs Sortis des Ecoles Speciales de Gand. 1879. of the American Iron and Steel Association. Philadelphia. 1877-83. Trimestriel de I'Association des Ingenieurs Sortis de I'Ecole de Liege. 1879-83. Tracts, vol. v. c. CALCULATIONS and tables of equivalents at various rates of exchange of exports and imports of Great Britain and North and South America, British India, the Rice Coast, Manilla, China, Eygpt, the Barbary States, Turkey, and the whole of Europe, with Appendix. See Weller. CALDER viaduct on the Wishaw line of the Caledonian Railway. See Westland. CALENDAR of the Department of Law, Science, and Literature of the University of Tokio. Japan. 1879-81. of University College, London. London. 1879-84. CANADA. See Geological Surveys. CANAL, Manchester ship : why it is wanted and why it will pay. With observations in reply to recent objections, and including Appendix relating to the Bridgewater Navigation Company. Manchester. 1882. • facts and figures in favour of the proposed* Manchester. 1882. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 7 CANALS. Engineers' reports, and reports of provisional committee to sub- scribers. Manchester. 1882. and railroads. A description of the canals and railroads of the United States, comprehending notices of all the works of internal improvement through- out the several States. By H. S. Tanner. New York. 1840. how the railway companies are crippling British industry and destroying the canals. Manchester. 1882. Tracts. CARRIAGES and other vehicles for common roads. See Specifications. and other vehicles for railways. See Specifications. CASTING and founding. See Spretson. CAST-STEEL manufactory of Fried. Krupp. Tracts, vol. xv. CATALOG ihrer Ausstellungs Gegenstande bei der Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873. Vienna. 1873. CATALOGUE, illustrated, of tbe industrial department of the International Exhibition, 1862. 4 vols. London. 1862. , Library, of the Institution of Civil Engineers. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. of University College, London. of books and papers relating to electricity, telegraphy, electric magnetism, &c., in Ronalds' library. See Ronalds. of the British Section at the Vienna Universal Exhibition of 1873. London. 1873. of works, papers, reports, and maps on the metallurgy, &c., of Australia. See Etheridge. of the Hutton collection of fossil plants, including a synoptical list of the chief carboniferous species not in the collection. Drawn up by order of the Council of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. By G. A. Lebour. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1878. of the special loan collection of scientific apparatus at the South Kensing- ton Museum. London. 1877. of Swedish metallurgical exhibits at Paris in 1878. See Exposition. CHAINS, chain cables, &c. See Specifications. CHARCOAL Ironworkers. See Journal. CHARLEROI. L'Industrie des agglomeres de houille dans le basin de Charleroi. Tracts, vol. v. 1875. CHARTER, bye-laws, and regulations, and list of members of the Institution of Civil Engineers. London. 1880. CHATELIER, M. L. le. Railway economy : use of counter-pressure steam in the locomotive engine as a brake. Translated from the author's MS. by L. B. D. Gordon. Edinburgh. 1869. CHEMICAL analysis, practical treatise on, including tables for calculations in anfilysis. By H. Rose. Translated from the French, and from the 4th German edition, with notes and additions. By A. Normandy. 2 vols. QuaUtative and quantitative. London. 1847. and physical analysis of phosphoric steel. See HoLLEY, A. L. apparatus. See Chemical Handicraft. composition and physical properties of steel rails. (Excerpt frorii Pro* ceedings of the American Institute of Mining Engineers.) Tracts, vol. iii 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE CHEMICAL handicraft : a classified and descriptive catalogue of chemical apparatus suitable for the performance of class experiments, for every process of chemical research, and for chemical testing in the arts. By J. J. Griffin. Illus- trated by upwards of 1600 engravings on wood. London. 1877. industry. See Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. News and Journal of Physical Science. 1869. phenomena of iron-smelting : an experimental and practical examina- tion of the circumstances which determine the capacity of the blast-furnace, the temperature of the air, and the proper condition of the materials to be operated upon. By I. Lowthian Bell. London. 1872. Society of Germany. Transactions. See Berichte. Society of London. See Transactions. CHEMISCHE Briefe von Justus von Liebig. 1865. CHEMISTRY, Brande's manual of. See Brande. Manual of elementary, theoretical, and practical. By George Fownes. London. 1847. principles of. Illustrated by simple experiments. By Dr. J. A. Stock- hardt. Translated from the 5th German edition by H. Peirce. London. 1859. of sake-brewing. See Memoirs of the Science Department of Tokio. , scientific, introduction to, designed for the use of schools. By F. S. Barff. London. 1869. , theoretical, practical, and analytical, as applied and relating to the arts and manufactures. See Muspratt. , dictionary of. JSee Watts. manual of practical assaying. See Mitchell. manual of qualitative and quantitative analysis. See Cooksley. qualitative chemical analysis. See Fresenius. organic and inorganic. See Bloxham. experimental researches in pure, applied, and physical. See Frankland. CHRONIQUE de I'lndustrie. 1872. CHURCH, John A. Mode of combustion in the blast-furnace hearth. Pamphlets, vol. xii. CIVIL ENGINEERS, American Society of. See Transactions. education of. See Education. minutes of proceedings of Institution of. See Transactions. of Ireland. See Transactions. CLARK, D. K. The exhibited machinery of 1862 : a cyclopaedia of the machinery represented at the International Exhibition. London. 1863. CLASSEMENT et emploi des aciers, par Victor Deshayes. Dunod, editeur. Paris. 1881. CLAUSIUS, R. Mechanical theory of heat. London. 1879. CLAUZEL, M. LE Baron. On riveting, with special reference to ship-worL Toulon, 1882. CLEVELAND District, notes on. See Bell and Colburn. Industries of Cleveland and South Durham. Handbook prepared for the Autumn Meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute, September 1883. - — Institution of Engineers. See Transactions. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. M CLEVELAND Iron Trade Foremen's Association. Report of proceed- ings, &c., for the year ending December 31, 1881. Tracts, vol. xii. iron trade, progress of. See Bell, I. L., and Gjers. COAL. Anthracite coalfields of Pennsylvannia and their exhaustion. Pa. 1882. Tracts. affaisements du sol, attribues a Texploitation houillere. Reponse^ de I'Uuion des Charbonnages, Mines et Usines Metallurgiques de la Province de Lidge au memoire de M. G. Dumont. Liege. 1875. agglomerated, manufacture of. See Charleroi. and iron in all countries of the world. Compiled from official sources and with the assistance of eminent living authorities. By Johan. Pechar. Man- chester. 1878. and iron industries of the United Kingdom. See Meade. applications of. See Ronalds. at home and abroad with relation to consumption, cost, demand, and supply, and other inquiries of present interest, being three articles contributed to the Edinburgh Review, with an Appendix. See Leifchild. basin of the Ruhr. Map. 1880. Tracts, vol. viii. extent and duration of, in United Kingdom. See Reports. field of Little Sequatchee. See Killabrew. field of Indiana. See Foster. illustrations of fossil plants. See Fossil Plants. industry of Belgium, report of General Committee on. 1879. Tracts, vol. iv. machinery, application of, to cutting coal in mines. See Firth. mineral products of New South Wales. See New South Wales. mines of Kladno. See Austria. — — mines, inspection of. See Boyd. mining and ironmaking in Pennsylvania. Introduction to a history of, contributed to the final report of the Pennsylvania Board of Centennial Managers. By J. M. Swank. Pa. 1878. mining, practical treatise on. See Andr6. OcoU and Hunivassel mineral district. Tracts, vol. xix. production, prices, &c. See Saward. production, consumption, and circulation of, in Germany. See Germany. — — ' production, circulation, and consumption of Belgian coal. See G(EBEL. question : an inquiry concerning the progress of the nation and the pro- bable exhaustion of our coal-mines. By W. Stanley Jevons. 2d edition. London. 1866. report of Royal Commission of 1871. See Reports. report of the Select Committee of 1873. See Reports. resources and production of India. Selections from Records of the Government of India. Calcutta. 1868. ■ seams of the Northumberland and Durham coalfields. See SiMPSON, J. B. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE COAL. Statistics of ; the geographical and geological distribution of mineral combustibles or fossil fuel, including also notices and localities of the various mineral bituminous substances employed in arts and manufactures, illustrated by maps and diagrams ; embracing, from official reports of the great coal-pro- ducing countries, the respective amounts of their production, consumption, and commercial distribution in all parts of the world, together with their prices, tariffs, duties, and international regulations. Accompanied by nearly four hun- dred statistical tables and eleven hundred analyses of mineral combustibles, with incidental statements of the statistics of iron manufactures derived from authentic authorities. By R. C. Taylor. New York. 1848. Tarif fur Mineralische kohle, Briquets und Coaks in Bohemia. Prague. 1873. the commercial coal crisis of 1870-74. (French.) By Max Goebel. See G(EBEL. trade of Namur. See Namur. trade, the commercial crisis in 1870-74. See Goebel. with reference to its screening, transport, &c. By F. C. Danvers. Printed by order of the Secretary of State for India in Council. London. 1872. COLBURN, Zerah. The Cleveland district ; being a series of articles reprinted from "Engineering." 1867. Tracts, vol. xiii. COLLETT, Professor J. Report of the Geological Survey of Indiana. 1873-75. COLLIERY Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades. London. 1880-83. COLLIERIES of Great Britain, list of. See Rylands and Mineral Statistics. COLLINS, J. H. On the extraction of metals from their ores. Tin. Tracts, vol. xix. COKE manufacture. See Platt. COMITE General de I'lndustrie Charbonniere Beige. Assemblee general du 5 Mars 1879 k Bnixelles. Brussels. 1879. Tracts, vol. iv. COMPRESSED air motors for street cars. See Haupt, Professor L. M. CONTRACTOR'S illustrated book of prices of machines, tools, ironwork, and contractor's material ; and engineer's directory for 1880-81. E. & F. N. Spon. London. 1880. CO-OPERATIVE scheme of Messrs. Fox, Head, & Co., Newport Rolling Mills, Middlesbrough : being the reports of meetings consisting of the above employers and their workmen, to hear the reports of the public accountants upon the work of the years 1871, 1872, and 1873. Tracts, vol. xv. COOKSLEY, T. H. Plattner's manual of qualitative and quantitative analysis with the blow-pipe. From the last ^German edition. Edited by T. H. Cooksley. Londo». 1875. CORPORATION of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. Annual reports for 1878 and 1882. CORRESPONDENCE respecting commercial relations between Great Britain and Spain. London. 1878. respecting the negotiation of a new commercial treaty between France and Great Britain. London. 1881. respecting the treaty of commerce between Great Britain and France of 1860. London. 1872. . • COST, demand, and supply of coaL See Coal. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 11 COUP d'cBil sur la metallurgie dii fer dans Test et le sud-est de la France. Par D. Lemonnier. Paris. 1869. COWPER, E. A. " Improved Cowper Stoves." A description of Cowper's regenerative fire-brick hot-blast stoves, under the Siemens, Cowper, and Coch- rane patents. 1880. Tracts, vol. iii. COX, E. T. Report of the Geological Survey of Indiana. See Reports. COXE, W. E. C. Note on the wear of an iron rail. Paper read at the Pitts- burg meeting, May 1879. (Excerpt Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. ) Tracts, vol. vi. CR ABB, George. Technical dictionary ; or, A dictionary explaining the terms used in all arts and sciences. London. 1845. CREUSOT : son histoire, son industrie. Par Napoleon Vadot. Le Creusot. 1875. CROMPTON, R. E. The electric light for industrial uses. Tracts, vol. ii. CYCLOPEDIA of Machine and Hand-Tools. See Rankine. D. DANA, James D. System of mineralogy, comprising the most recent dis- coveries, with numerous woodcuts and four copperplates. New York. 1844. D'ANDRIMONT, J. Exposition de Vienne de 1873. Notice sur les instal- lations ouvri^res de la Soci^td Civile des Charbonnages du Hasard a Micheroux, pres de Liege. Liege. 1873. Tracts, vol. v. DAN VERS, F. C. Coal, with reference to its screening, transport, &c. Printed by order of the Secretary of State for India in Council. London. 1872. DAY, St. John V. On asbestos, with special reference to its use as steam- engine " packing." (Excerpt Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 5th December 1871.) Tracts, voL xii. DE LA BECHE. Geology. How to observe. London. 1850. DENNY, William. On the speed and carrying capacity of screw-steamers : a paper read before the Greenock Philosophical Society, 20th January 1882, in honour of the birthday of James Watt (19th January). Tracts, vol. ii. DEPHOSPHORISATION in the Bessemer converter. See Pourcel. DESCRIPTION of the canals and railroads of the United States, comprehend- ing notices of all the works of internal improvement throughout the several States. By H. S. Tanner. New York. 1840. DESHAYES, V. Classement et emploi des aciers. Paris. 1879. DIAMAGNETISM and magne-crystallic action, researches on. By John Tyndall. London. 1870. DICTIONARY (Appleton's) of mechanics, machines, engine- work, and engineering. Illustrated with 4000 engravings on wood. 2 vols. New York. 1864. of chemistry and the allied branches of other sciences. See Watts. of engineering. See Spon. ^ • of mines and manufactures. See Ure. ' of science, comprising astronomy, chemistry, dynamics, electricity, heat, hydrodynamics, hydrostatics, light, magnetism, mechanics, meteorology, pneumatics, sound, and statics; preceded by an essay on the history of the physical sciences. Edited by G. F. Rodwell, London. 1879. , Technological* See Crabbe and Franke. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE DIE ARBEITEN der Geologischen Abtheilung der Landesdurchforschung von Bohmen. By Dr. A. Fric, K. Feistmantel, J. Valr, R. Helmhacker. 1873. DIE METAL LURGIE. Gewinnung und Verarbeitung der Metalle und ihrer Legirungen, in praktischer und theoretischer, besonders chemischer Beziehung von John Percy, Dr. F. Knapp, und Dr. H. Wedding. Vieweg und Sohn. 2 vols. Berlin. 1864-73. DIRECTORY and guide to the iron ore mines, «S:c., of Great Britain. See Rtlands. and illustrated guide of manufacturers of Great Britain and Ireland. London. 1875. London Directory for 1882. ■ of iron and steel manufacturers of Great Britain. See Griffiths. of the iron and steel works of the United States, embracing the blast- furnaces, rolling-mills, steelworks, forges, and bloomaries in every State and Territory. Published by the American Iron and Steel Association. (2 copies.) London. 1882. DIRECT process of making wrought iron and steel. See Siemens and Dupuy. DORN, Carl. Der Liasschiefer und seine Bedeutung als Brennmaterial fiir Cement-fabrication, Mineralol- Gewinnung, Salinen, Landwirthschaft und andere Gewerbe. Tubingen. 1877. DUDLEY, C. B. On the manufacture and wear of steel rails. (Excerpt Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers.) Philadelphia. 1881. DUFRENOY and Beaumont. Voyage metallurgique en Angleterre. Paris. 1827. DUPUY, C. M. The direct process of making wrought iron and steel. (Re- printed from the Journal of the Franklin Institute.) Tracts, vol. ii. 1877. DURHAM and Northumberland coal-field, strata of. See Strata. coalfield, section of. See Simpson. coal trade, history and statistics of. See Jeans. DUTIES, rates of, levied on articles imported into the principal European countries and the United States in each of the years 1859 and 1879. Tracts, vol. xxiv. E. EDUCATION, primary and technical. See Primary. and status of civil engineers in the United Kingdom and in foreign countries. See Engineers. , scientific instruction. ELASTICITY, extensibility, and tensile strength of iron and steel. See Styffe. ELDER, William. Memoir of Henry C. Carey. (Paper read before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, January 5, 1880.) Issued by the American Iron and Steel Association. Tracts, vol xv. Pa. 1880. ELECTRIC light for industrial uses. See Crompton. telegraph: was it invented by Professor Wheatstone? W. Fothetgill. Tracts, vol. iii. London. 1855. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 13 ELECTRICAL resistance and its relation to the tensile strain and other mechanical properties of iron and steel wire. See Johnson. ELECTRICITY and magnetism. See Specifications. Tappareil d'induction electrique de Ruhmkoff. By T. Du Moncel. Paris. 1872. catalogue of works on. See Ronalds. ELEMENTS of geology, or the ancient changes of the earth and its inhabi- tants, as illustrated by geological monuments. See Lykll. EMIGRANT'S friend, containing information and advice for persons intend- ing to emigrate to the United States. See Jones. EMPLOYERS' liability. See Parliamentary Papers. Iron Trades Association. See Iron. ENGINEER, the. From commencement. 1856-83. Der Ingenieur. Sammlung von Tafeln, Formeln und Regeln der Arith- metik, Geometric, und Mechanik, fiir praktische Geometer, Mechaniker Bau- meister, und Techniker iiberhaupt. See Weisbach. ENGINEERING, Appleton's dictionary of, machines, mechanics, and engine- work, illustrated with 4000 engravings on wood. New York. 1864. an illustrated weekly journaL Edited by W. H. Maw and J. Dredge. 1868-72 and 1879-83. and metal trades exhibition. London. 1883. Catalogue. and Mining Journal 1875 and 1878-83. drawing, workman's manual of. See Maxton. Spon's dictionary of. See Spon. ENGINEERS, civil, education and status of, in the United Kingdom and in foreign countries ; compiled from documents supplied to the Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers. London. 1870. American Society of Civil. See Transactions. and contractor's illustrated book of prices of machines, tools, ironwork, and contractor's material; and engineer's directory for 1880-81. London. 1881. valuing assistant. See Hoskold. and mechanic's iron trade guide, companion, &c. See Hogg. Cleveland Institution op. See Transactions. IN Scotland, Institution of. See Transactions. Institution of Civil. See Transactions. Institution of Civil Engineers op Ireland. See Transactions. Institution op Mechanical. See Transactions. London Association of Foremen. See Journal. North of England Institute of Mining. See Transactions. of the United States army. See Professional Papers. Society op Telegraph. See Transactions. South Wales Institute of. See Transactions. ENGINE, Boiler, and Employer's Liability Insurance Company, Limited. See Reports. , steam, explained and illustrated, with an account of its invention and progressive improvement, and its application to navigation and railways, including also a memoir of Watt. By D. Lardner. Illustrated by engravings on wood. London. 1840. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE ENGINE, treatise on the. See Bourne. ENGINES, triple expansive. See Kirk. ENGLAND and "Wales. Geology of. See Woodward. voyage metallurgique en Angleterre. See Dufrenoy. ETHERIDGE, R, Jun. Catalogue of works, papers, reports, and maps, on the geology, palaeontology, mineralogy, mining, and metallurgy of the Australian Continent and Tasmania. 1881. ETUDES metallurgiques. See Gruner. EXHIBITION. Catalogue of the British Section at the Vienna Universal Exhibition of 1873. London. 1873. at Dtisseldorf. Guide to the. 1880. engineering and metal trades at London. 1883. Catalogue. EXHIBITIONS, International. See Catalogues and Reports. EXPOSITION of 1851; or. Views of the industry, the science, and the govern- ment of England. By C. Babbage. 2d edition, with additions. London. 1851. Universelle k Paris en 1878. Notices relatives a la participation du Minist^re des Travaux Publics b. I'Exposition Universelle^ en ce qui conceme le corps des mines. (4 copies.) Paris. 1878. Universelle de 1878 k Paris. Boyaume de Suede. Catalogue r^dig6 par W. J. Petersens. EXTRACTION of metals from their ores. See Collins. R FAIRBAIRN, W. Application of cast and wrought iron to building purposes. 4th edition, with additions. London. 1870. iron, its history, properties, and processes of manufacture. 3d edi- tion, revised and enlarged London. 1869. Useful information for engineers ; being a series of lectures delivered to the working engineers of Yorkshire and Lancashire ; together with a series of appendices, containing the results of experimental inquiries into the strength of materials, the causes of boiler explosions, &c. London. 1856. principles and progress of iron shipbuilding. London. 1865. FAIRWEATHER, Jas. G. On the manufacture and application of steel. (Excerpt Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scot- land, 1877.) Tracts, vol. xv. FINLAND, mineral statistics of the Grand Duchy of, for the year 1880; with notices of the mint, geological sm-vey, analyses of ores, &c. By ^E. H. Furuhjelm. Helsingfors. (Swedish.) 1881. FIRE-HYDRANTS, with description of one in use at Halifax, N.S. See Keating. FIRTH, William. Observations on the application of machinery to the cutting of coal in mines. (Paper read before the mechanical section of the British Association, 23d September 1873.) Tracts, vol. xiii. FLETCHER, B. Arbitration : a text-book for surveyors in tabulated form. London. 1875. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 15 FORBES, D. Quarterly reports on the progress of the iron and steel industries in fdreign countries. (Keprinted from the " Journal of the Iron and Steel Insti- tute," 1871-76.) 2 vols. Structure of rock masses (stratification, joints, cleavage). Extracted from the ** Popular Science Review," April 1870. Tracts, vol. xii. FOREIGN countries. Reports on the progress of the iron and steel industries of. See FoKBES. exchanges. See Tate's Modern Cambist. FOREMEN Engineers, Journal of the London Association of. 1879. Tracts, vol. iiL FORGE AND Mill Managers' Association. Rules, &c. Tracts, vol. xii. FORGES and bloomaries of the United States. See Directory. FORTIFICATIONS of to-day. Fire against models of coast batteries and parados. Horizontal and curved fire in defence of coasts. Translated under the direction of the Board of Engineers for Fortifications. By Colonel John Newton, President of the Board. Washington Government Printing Oflice. 1883. FOSSIL plants, illustrations of ; being an autotype reproduction of selected drawings prepared under the supervision of the late Dr. Lindley and Mr. W. Hutton between the years 1835 and 1840, and now for the first time published by the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1877. FOSTER, Dr. J. "VV. Mineral wealth and railroad development, with special reference to the coal-field of Indiana. New York. 1872. Tracts, vol. xii. FOTHERGILL, W. The electric telegraph ; was it invented by Professor Wheatstone ? 1855. Tracts, vol. iii. FOWNES, George. Manual of elementary chemistry, theoretical and practical. London. 1847. Manual of chemistry, theoretical and practical. 11th edition. Revised and corrected by Henry Watts. London. 1873. FOX, Head, & Co.'s Co-operative Scheme. &ee Reports. FRACTURE of cast-iron, ^ee Love. FRANCE. Bulletin du comite des forges du France. >S'ee Bulletin. M6tallurgie du fer dans Test et la sud-est de la France. 5ee Lemmonier. Geological memoirs of. Be& Geology. Iron and steel duties. Report of French Tariff Committee on. 1879. ' FRANKE, Dr. Technological dictionary, containing the technical terms used in manufactures and arts, building, civil and naval architecture, military, civil, and mechanical engineering, artillery, navigation, mathematics, and natural philosophy, chemistry, and mineralogy, &c. English — German — French. Wies- baden. 1855. FRANKLAND, E. Experimental researches in pure, applied, and physical chemistry. London. 1877. Lecture notes for chemical students. London. 1878. FRAZIER, Prof. B. W. .Mechanical work performed in heating the blast. Tracts, vol. i. FRESENIUS, C. R. Qualitative chemical analysis. 7th edition. Edited by A. Vacher. London. 1869. 16 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE FRIC, A. Die Arbeiten der geologischett Abtheilung der Landesdurclifor- schung von Bohmen. 1873. FUEL and its applications. See Ronalds, and Coal. , with reference to reverberatory furnaces. See Prideaux. FURNACES, forges, and rolling-mills of the United States. See Iron Manufactueer's Guide. See Blast Furnaces, Iron, &c. G. GAS, air, and other motive power engines. See Specifications. GAS-FIRING. See Zerrenner. GAS-PRODUCER, the Tessife. See Holley. GAUTIER, F. Comite des Forges de France. Rapport du secretaire snr I'Exposition de DUsseldorf et I'industrie du fer et de I'acier dans les provinces rh^nanes. (Extrait des Memoires de la Socidte des Ingenieurs Civils.) Paris. 1881. Tracts, vol. vii. GEOGRAPHICAL and geological distribution of mineral combustibles or fossil fuel. See Statistics of Coal. GEOLOGICAL map of the British Isles. See Knipe. Society op Manchester. See Transactions. Survey of Canada. Report of progress. By Alfred R. C. Selwyn, director. Published by authority of Parliament. 10 vols. 1870-81. Survey of Canada. Report of progress. 1863-66. Survey of Canada. Palaeozoic fossils, containing descriptions and figures of new or little-known species of organic remains from the Silurian rocks. By E. BiUings. Dawson Brothers. Canada. 1872. Survey of Great Britain, Memoirs of the, and of the Museum of Practical geology. Mining records. Mineral statistics of the United Kingdom of Great Britam and Ireland. By Robert Hunt. 27 vols. 1853-82. Survey of Indiana, report on the. By E. T. Cox, assisted by Professor J. Collett, Professor W. W. Borden, and Dr. G. M. Levette. 2 vols. 1873-75. - — Survey of India. See Memoirs and Records. Survey of the State of Missouri, reports on the, 1855-71. By G. C. Broad- head, F. B. Meek, and B. F. Shumard. 2 vols. 1873. Survey of the United Kingdom, memoirs of. Figures and descriptions illustrative of British organic remains. Decades II. and III. London. 1849-50. GEOLOGIE. Grundruss de geologic. See Vogt. GEOLOGY". Die Arbeiten der Geologischen Abtheilung der Landesdurch- forschung von Bohmen. 1873. descriptive guide to the museum of practical geology, with notice of the geological survey, &c. By R. Hunt and F. W. Rudler. 1877. elements of, or the ancient changes of the earth and its inhabitants as illustrated by geological monuments. By Sir Charles Lyell, Bart. Greatly enlarged, and illustrated with 770 woodcuts. London. 1865. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 17 GEOLOGY, introduction to, intended to convey a practical knowledge of tlie science, and comprising the most important recent discoveries ; with explanations of the facts and phenomena which serve to confirm or invalidate various geolo- gical theories. By R. Bake well. London. 1833. Memoires geologiques et paleontologiques. A Boue. Paris. 1832. Memoires pour servir a une description geologique de la France. By MM. Dufrenoy and Beaumont. Paris. 1836. museum of practical, Royal School of Mines, and Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. 24th session. 1874-75. of England and Wales. See Woodward. of India, manual of the. See Ball, Medlicott, and Blanford. of New South Wales. See Mineral Productions. See also Lyell, Woodward, Geikie, De la Beche, and Phillips. GERMANY. General- Versammlung des Vereins deutcher Eisen- und Stahl- Industrieller in Berlin. 1881. Der Reibungswinkel. Eine Festgabe zur dritten Sacularfeier der Universitat Wiirzburg. Am 1. August 1882. Brunswick. 1882. inquiry into the effect of the free tariff and the present position of the iron industry of Germany. Berlin. 1879. iron and steel industry of Germany, statistics of the. Tracts, vol. xxiv. Jahres-Bericht des Vereins fUr die bergbauliclien Interessen im Oberberg- amtsbezirk Dortmund fiir 1879. Essen. 1880. Karte liber die Production, Consumption, und Circulation des schmied- baren Eisens in Preussen wahrend des Jahres 1881. Karte Uber die Production, Consumption, und Circulation des Minera- lischen Brennstoffe in Preussen wahrend des Jahres 1881. manufacturing districts of Rhineland and Westphalia, with notices of works, &c. Diisseldorf. 1880. Reports of Chemical Society of. See Berichte. Report on the iron and steel industries of the Rhine provinces. See Gautiee. Report of the Society for the Protection of Mining Interests in Dortmund for 1879. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Mitgliederverzeichniss, 1882. Berlin. 1882. Tracts, vol. xx. GILLOT, Thomas. On the designs and proportions of pointed roofs, con- sidered with reference to economy. Tracts, vol. xii. steam-hammer foundations. Tracts, vol. xii. GIORNALE del Genio Civille, parte ufficiale Roma. Tip. E. Lit. de Genio Civille. 1881. GJERS, John. A short and historical sketch of the rise and progress of the Cleveland iron trade, with a description of the Ayresome Ironworks, as being one of the most modem works, erected in 1870. Tracts, vol. xiii. GCEBEL, Max. Programme economique de la Chambre de Commerce de Li^ge (extract du " Bulletin de la Chambre de Commerce de Lidge," Nos. 10 et 11, 1877). Suivi de I'opinion des consommateurs et exportateurs de France au sujet des tarifs conventionnels. 1879. Tracts, vol. xiv. Carte de la production, circulation, et consommation des charbon Beiges en 1873. Paris. 1874. B 18 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE GCEBEL, Max. La crise commercielles de la houille. 1870-74. GOLDSWORTHY, Ralph. Best mining machinery : an essay reprinted with alterations and additions from the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society's forty- first annual report. 1873. GORDON, L. D. B. Studies of blast-furnace phenomena. By M. L. Gruner. Translated by L. D. B. Gordon, with Appendix. See Gruner. GREAT BRITAIN. Ry lands' guide to the ironworks and mines of. See Rylands. directory of the manufacturers of. See Directory. memoirs of Geological Survey of. See Geological. treatise on manufactures and machinery of. See Barlow. GREENWOOD, W. H. Steel and iron. Ninety-seven diagrams. London. 1884. GREINER, A. Les installations Bessemer am^ricaines adaptees an procedd basique d'apr^s les plans de M. Holley. Tracts, vol. iii. Liege. 1881. GRIFFIN, J. J. Chemical handicraft : a classified and descriptive catalogue of chemical apparatus suitable for the performance of class experiments for every process of chemical research, and for chemical testing in the arts. Illus- trated by upwards of 1600 engravings on wood. London. 1877. GRIFFITHS, H. Iron and steel manufacturers of Great Britain. Brand book of British iron and steel. London. 1883. GRUNER, L. Discours prononces aux funerailles de. Paris. 1883. Etudes sur les hants-fourneaux. Formes et dimensions interieures des hauts-fourneaux. (Extrait des Annales des Mines.) Tracts, vol. xiii. Paris. 1877. produits secondaires des hauts-fourneaux. Paris. 1879. Tracts, vol. i. Studies of blast-furnace phenomena. Translated with the author's sanc- tion, with an appendix. By L. D. B. Gordon. London. 1873. de I'acier et de sa fabrication. Paris. 1867. GUETTIER, A. L'emploi pratique et raissonne de la fonte de fers dans les constructions ; recueil d'experiences, d'^tudes et d'observations pratique, adress^ aux ingenieurs et architects. Paris. 1861. GUIDE and directory to the iron ore mines, &c., of Great Britain. See Rylands' Directory. and directory of manufacturers of Great Britain and Ireland. Illus- trated. London. 1875. , iron manufacturer's, to the furnaces, forges, and rolling-mills of the United States. See Lesley. See also Directory. GUNS and Steel See Whitworth. H. HABETS, A. Rapport de I'Union des Charbonnages, Mines et Usines M^tal- lurgiques de la Province de Liege. Tracts, vol. v. Liege. 1875. HACKNEY, William. Paper on the manufacture of steel. With an abstract of the discussion. (Excerpt minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.) Tracts, vol xv. 1875. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 19 HALL, Henry. American navigation, with some account of the causes of its recent decay, and of the means by which its prosperity may be restored. Tracts, vol. ii. New York. 1880. HANDBUCH, enthaltend Aufsatze iiber die exacten Wissenschaften und ihre Anwendungen. International- Ausstellung wissenschaftlicher Apparate im South Kensington Museum. 1876. Deutsche Ausgabe, herausgegeben durch Rudolf Biedermann. London. 1876. HAND-TOOLS. See Cyclopedia. HARTMAN, John M. Regenerative stoves : a sketch of their history, and notes of their use. (Excerpt Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers.) Tracts, vol. iv. Pa. 1879. HARTMANN, Dr. KARL. Practisches Handbuch der Stahl fabrication, umfassend die Erzeugung und grossere Verarbeitung des Herd-, Puddel-, Cement- und Guss-Stahls, so wie die neuen Stahlhiitten. Processe von Bessemer, Chenot, Uchatius, &c. Weimar. 1861. HAUPT, Professor L. M. Use of compressed air-motors for street cars. Report to the Pneumatic Tramway Engine Company of New York. Tracts, vol. xii. 1879. HEAD, Jeremiah. On a simple construction of steam-engine governor having a close approximation to perfect action. Tracts, vol. xv. HEAT considered as a mode of motion. JSee Tyndall. mechanical theory of. See Clausius. theory of. See Maxwell. HEATING and VENTILATION. See P^riss^. HEDGES, Killingworth W. Notes on the principal systems of electric light in use in England and in the United States. (Excerpt minutes of Proceed- ings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.) Tracts, vol. xvi. 1880. HEDLEY, T. F. Local taxation and the rating of machinery : a report on the rating of machinery, with all the decided cases thereon, including the short- hand writer's notes of the special case, arguments, and judgment in " Laing v. the Overseers of Bishopwearmouth." London. 1878. observations on the rating of ground rents and mineral rents, and the present irregularity in the mode of assessing local rates. Sunderland. 1882. principles of rating mines and manufactories. Sunderland. 1877. report on the valuation of lead-mines under the Rating Act (1874), and the 43 Eliz. c. 2. London- 1876. HISTORY of iron trade. JSee Scrivenor. of steel. See Jeans. of the Bessemer steel manufacture in America. See Hunt. properties and processes of manufacture of iron. See Fairbairn. HOARE, C. Iron and steel : a work for the forge, foundry, factory, and office, containing ready, useful, and trustworthy information for ironmasters and their stocktakers, managers of bar, rail, plate and sheet rolling mills, iron and metal founders, iron ship and bridge builders, &c. 8th edition. London. 1876. HOGG, Joseph. Iron trades' guide, engineer's and mechanic's companion, &c. ; illustrated with diagrams and accompanied by letterpress explanations. London. 1869. HOLLAND, C. B. A few remarks on the advantages or disadvantages of free trade. Sheffield. Tracts. 1879. 20 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE HOLLEY, A. L. Adaptation of Bessemer plant to the basic process. Tracts, vol. i. chemical and physical analysis of phosphoric steel. (Excerpt minutes of Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers, 1879. ) Tracts, vol. xvii. rail patterns. (Excerpt Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1881.) Tracts, vol. iii. the Tessie gas-producer. (Excerpt Transactions of the American Insti- tute of Mining Engineers, 1879.) Tracts, vol. iv. HOSKOLD, H. D. The engineer's valuing assistant ; being a practical treatise on the valuing of collieries and other mines, including royalties, leaseholds and freeholds, and annuities from other sources, with rules, formulae, and examples, &c. London. 1877. HOWSON, H. and C. A brief inquiry into the principles, effects, and pre- sent state of the American patent system. By H. and C. Howson. Philadel- phia. 1873. HUNT, Robert W. A history of the Bessemer manufacture in America. (Reprint of paper read before the American Institute of Mining Engineers, Philadelphia, June 1876.) Tracts, vol. iv. HUNT, R. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and of the Museum of Practical Geology. Mining records : mineral statistics of the United Kingdom, Great Britain, and Ireland. 28 vols. 1853-82. HUNTINGTON, A. K. Metals, their properties and treatment. By C. L. Bloxham, partially re -written and augmented by A. K. Huntington. London. 1882. HUTTON Collection of fossil plants, catalogue of. See Fossil. HYDRAULICS. See Specifications. HYDRO-GEOLOGY of the Lower Greensands of Surrey and Hampshire. See Lucas. ILLUSTRATED catalogue and official description of the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, 1851. 2 vols. London. 1852. guide and directory of manufactures of Great Britain and Ireland. London. 1875. INCREASE of population in England and Wales. Paper read before the Statistical Society, 1881. See Williams, R. Price. INDIA, coal resources and production of. Calcutta. 1868. Manual of the geology of. See Ball and Medlicott. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of, 1868-82. Records of the Geological Survey of, 1856-82. report to the Under-Secretary of State for India on the results obtained in the experiments made in Great Britain with coal and iron from the Chanda district, in the Central Provinces of India, by W. Ness. Glasgow. 1878. INDIANA. See Borden. INDIA-RUBBER, gutta-percha, &c. See Specitications. d IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 21' INDUSTRIAL resources of the district of the tliree northern rivers, the Tyne, Wear, and Tees ; including the reports on the local manufactures read before the British Association in 1863. Edited by Sir W. G. Armstrong, I. L. Bell, J. Taylor, and Dr. Richardson. With notes and appendices. Illustrated with maps, plans, and wood engravings. London. 1864. INDUSTRIES of Scotland. See Bremner. INDUSTRIE minerale beige : exposition collective de I'Union des Char- bonnages, Mines, et Usines M^tallurgiques de la Province de Li^ge et des Asso- ciations Charbonnieres de Charleroi, de Namur, du Centre, et de Mons. Catalogue special. Li^ge. 1878. Rapport de M. I'lngenieur en Chef des Mines. 1872. Tracts, vol. i. INDUSTRY, science, and government of England. See Babbage. INGENIORS-FORENINGENS Forhandlingar. Stockholm. 1869-82. INSPECTION of coal-mines, its results and history. See Boyd. INSTALLATIONS Bessemer am^ricaines. See Greiner. INSTITUTE DU Fer et de l'Acier. Meeting de Barrow-in-Furness. See Habets. — — OF Naval Architects. See Transactions. OF North Staffordshire Mining and Mechanical Engineers. See Transactions. INSTITUTION op Civil Engineers. See Transactions. of Ireland. See Transactions. op Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. See Transactions. OP Mechanical Engineers. See Transactions. INTERNATIONAL commerce of the United States, reports on the. By J. Nimmo, jun. Commerce and navigation. 1879 and 1881. Exhibitions. See Exhibitions. INTRODUCTION to geology. See Bakewell. to scientific chemistry. See Barfp. IRON AGE : a review of the hardware, iron, and metal trades. 7 vols. New York. 1878-82. IRON and Coal. See Reybaud. and Coal Trades Review. Vols, v., viii., ix., x., and xii. and coal in all countries. JSee Pechar. and coal industries of the United Kingdom. See Meade. IRON, an illustrated weekly journal of science, metals, and manufactures in iron and steel. 18 vols. 1873-82. at the World's Exhibition of 1873 at Vienna. See Kerpely. brand book of British Iron and Steel. See Griffiths. cast and wrought, application of, to building purposes. See Fairbairn. cast, fracture of. See Love. cast, strength of. See Tredgold. cylinder bridge piers. See Newman. ductility and strength of. See Armstrong, J. Dupuy process of manufacturing. See Dupuy. 22 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE IRON", employment ot, in works of construction. See Guettier. Erlauterungen zu den Karten liber die Production, Consumption und Circulation des Roheisens und des schmiedbaren Eisens in Preussen, wahrend des Jahres 1880. Berlin. 1882. founding, treatise on. See Wlyie. practical treatise on iron founding. See Spretson. foundry practice, American. See West. its history, properties, and processes of manufa/iture. See Fairbairn. I'industrie siderurgique en 1880-81. See Trasenster. manufacture. Reports on the progress of the iron manufacture from 1867 to 1880. (German.) ^eg Kerpelt. manufacture of, in all its various branches ; to which is added an essay on the naanufacture of steel. See Overman. in the east and south-east of France. See Lemonnier. use of natural gas in. See Platt. in Pennsylvania. See Swank. manufacturer's guide to the furnaces, forges, and rolling-mills of the United States. See Lesley. metallurgy, experimental treatise on, up to the manufacture of puddled bars, &c. See Rogers. metallurgy of. See Bauerman, Greenwood, Huntingdon, Phillips, Percy, and Landrin. — — y Namur, history of iron industry of. See Berchem. roads ; their history, construction, and social influences. See Williams. second report on iron and its use in the naval service of Great Britain to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Signed by H. R. Brandreth, T. Lloyd, J. Owen, and J. Nasmyth. London. 1846. smelting, chemical phenomena of. See Bell. steel, and allied trades. Annual reports of the British Iron Trade Association. 1877-82. strength of. See Barlow. trade, history of. See Scrivenor. Trades Employers' Association. Reports for 1881 and 1882. Tracts, vol. XX. Trade Circular (Ry lands) and Hardware Weekly Messenger. Birming- ham. 1881 and 1882. truncated, application of, to floors, roofs, &c. See Schwaeble. works of Great Britain, list of. See Rylands, Griffiths, and Mineral Statistics. works of United States. See United States. works of Scotland, description of. Reprinted from the "Iron and Coal Trades' Review," July 1872. Tracts, vol. xiii. IRON AND STEEL at low temperatures. See Webster. a work for the forge, foundry, factory, and office. See Hoare. comparative tensile strength and other properties of. See Kirkaldy. elasticity, extensibility, and tensile strength of. See Styffe. exhibits at the Universal Exhibition of 1878 at Paris. Report to the United States Secretary of State. See Morrell. experiments made to show the effect of repeated heating and cooling on the tensile strength, &c., of. See Barnaby. V^ OF THE UNIVERSITY /^A' rrFN5^V^ IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 23 IRON" AND STEEL industries of foreign countries, reports on. Bee Forbes. industries of Germany. Bee Gautier and Kollman. Institute, Journal of the, 1869-83. Institute, Index to the Journal of the, 1869-82. specifications of patents relating to. Bee Specifications. their resistance, &c. B'ze Love. works of the United States, directory of the, embracing the blast-fur- naces, rolling-mills, steelworks, forges, and bloomaries in every State and Territory. Bee Swank. IRONMAKING and coal-mining in Pennsylvania. Bee Swank. JAHRBUCH der k.k. geologischen Reichsanstalt. Vienna. 1871-81. JAHRES BERICHT der Handels- und Gewerbekammer fur Oberbayem. 1878. JAHRES-BERICHT des Vereins fiir die bergbaulichen Interessen im Ober- bergamtsbezirk Dortmund fxir 1879. Essen. 1880. JAPAN. On Mining and Mines in. Bee Netto. Shell mounds of Oniori in. Bee Morse. University of Yokio. Bee University. JAQUEMIN, p. Notice sur I'etablissement Cockerill \ Seraing. Liege. 1878. JEANS, J. S. Jubilee memorial of the railway system. London. 1875. notes on northern industries : handbook prepared for the use of the members of the Iron and Steel Institute on the occasion of their meeting at Newcastle-upon Tyne, with chart of Tyne, &c. 1877. pioneers of the Cleveland iron trade. Middlesbrough. 1874. steel : its history, manufacture, properties, and uses. London. 1880. JERN-KONTORET'S Annaler, ny Serie. Tidskrift for Svenska Bergshand- teringen, redigerad af Knut Styffe, R. Akerman, och G. Nordenstrom. Stock- holm. 1879-82. JEVONS, W. Stanley. Coal question : an inquiry concerning the progress of the nation, and the probable exhaustion of our coal-mines. London. 1868. JOCHA]\IS, F. Statistique des industries minieres et mdtallurgiques et des carrieres pour I'exercice 1876-77. Brussels. 1877. Etat des industries niineres et metallurgiques et des carrieres et leurs resultats pendant la piriode decennale 1868-77. Tracts, vols. iv. and xiv. JOHNSON, William H. On electrical resistance and its relation to the tensile strain and other mechanical properties of iron and steel wire. (Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. March 1880.) Tracts, vol. i. JOINTS, riveted. See Unwin. JONES, Harry E. Purification of gas ; with an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. (Excerpt Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.) Tracts, vol. xvi. JONES, Major. Emigrant's friend ; containing information and advice for persons intending to emigrate to the United States. London. 1880. 24 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE JORDAN, S. Album to the course of lectures on metallurgy delivered at the Central School of Arts and Manufactures of Paris. 140 plates. Text and atlas. London. 1878. JOURNAL of the Chemical Society, containing papers read before the Society, and abstracts of chemical papers published in other journals. 1879-82. of the London Association of Foremen Engineers and Draugbtsmen. 1871-72. of the Royal United Service Institution. 1880-82. of the Society of Arts. 1785-1845 and 1855-83. of the Society of Chemical Industry : a monthly record for all interested in chemical manufactures. London. 1882-83. of the Statistical Society. 1874-83. of the Society of Telegraph Engineers, including original communicationa on telegraphy and electrical science. 1872-83. British Trade Journal. 1882-83. Bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Association. 1878-83. Chamber of Commerce Journal. 1881-83. Colliery Guardian. 1879-83. Commissioners of Patents Journal. 1870-83. Contract Journal. 1882-83. Engineer. From commencement. Engineering. 1868-72 and 1881-83. Engineering and Mining Journal. 1878-83. Glasen's Anualen fiir Gewerbe und Bauwesen. 1880-83. Iron Age. 1879-83. Iron. From commencement. Iron and Coal Trades Review. 1871-74-75-76. Ironmonger. 1881-83. Iron Trade Exchange (Griffiths). 1882-83. Le Fer. 1879-83. Machinery Market. 1881-83. Marine Engineer. 1882. Mechanical World. 1882-83. Mechanic's Magazine. 1823-53 and 1854-72. Mining. 1880-83. Newton's London Journal of Arts and Sciences. Plates. 1830-34 and 1839-45. ' Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fiir Berg- und Hiittenwesen. 1881-83. Patent Journal, and Inventor's Magazine. 1846-51. Practical Mechanic's Journal. 1848-53 and 1854-62. Railway Engineer. 1881-83. Repertory of Arts, Manufactures, &c. 1794-1817. Revista Minera y Metallurgica. 1878-83. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 25 JOURNAL, Ryland^s Iron Trade Circular. 1880-83. Scientific American. 1864-65 and 1867-71. Shipping World. 1883. Telegraphic Journal, and Electrical Review. 1872-80. Wochenschrift des Oesterreichischen Ingenieur- und Architecten-Vereins. 1882-83. See also Bulletin, Transactions, &c. K. KANDAHAR railway. See Bell. KENT, William. On an apparatus for testing the resistance of metals to repeated shocks. (Excerpt Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers), May 1879. Tracts, vol. iv. on some curious phenomena observed in making a test of a piece of Bessemer steel. (Excerpt Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, May 1879.) Tracts, vol. iv. KERL, J. Treatise on metallurgy, translated by Crookes and Rohrig. Lon- don. 1876. KERPELY, A. Ritter von. Bericht Uber die Fortschritte der Eisenhiitten- Technik. 1867-80. Das Eisen auf der Wiener Weltausstellung. 1873. (Report to the Royal Hungarian Ministry of Finance.) Woodcuts and Plates. Schemnitz. 1873. KILLABREW, J. B. Special report on the coalfield of Little Sequatchee, with a general description of the Cumberland tableland. 1876. Tracts, vol. xii. KIRK, A. C. On the triple expansive engines of the ss. " Aberdeen." (Excerpt Proceedings of the Institution of Naval Architects, March 29, 1882.) KIRKALDY, D. Results of an experimental inquiry into the mechanical properties of steel of different degrees of hardness, and under various conditions, manufactured by Christian Aspelin, Sweden. Illustrated by plates and wood- cuts. London. 1878. Results of an experimental inquiry into the comparative tensile strength and other properties of various kinds of wrought iron and steel. Numerous plates. Glasgow. 1862. KITSON, John H. On reversing rolling-mills. Tracts, vol. xii. KNIFE'S geological map of the British Isles. KOBELL, Franz v. Tafeln zur Bestimmung der Mineralien, mittelst ein- facher chemischer Versuche auf trockenem und nassem Wege. Munich. 1858. KOCH, Francis. Institute du Fer et de I'Acier. Meeting de Mai et de Septembre, 1882. (Extrait de la "Revue Universelle des Mines.") Tracts vols. iii. and xi. KOLB, G. F. Conditions of nations, social and political ; with complete comparative tables of universal statistics. Translated, edited, and collected to 1880 by Mrs. Brewer ; with original notes and information by E. W Streeter London. 1880. KOLLMANN, Dr. Das Eisenhiittenwesen auf der Diisseldorfer Gewerbe- Ausstellung 1880 (Gruppe III.) Sonder-Abdruck aus Glaser's Annalen fur Gewerbe und Bauwesen. 1880. Tracts, vol. ii. 26 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAKY OF THE L. LANDRIN, M. H. C, Jun. Treatise on steel, comprising its theory, metal- lurgy, properties, practical working, and use. Translated from the French with notes by A. A. Fesquet. With an appendix on the Bessemer and the Martin processes for manufacturing steel. From the report of A. S. Hewitt. Phila- delphia. 1868. LARDNER, D. Railway economy : a treatise on the new art of transport, its management, prospects, and relations, commercial, financial, and social ; with an exposition of the practical results of the railways in operation in the United Kingdom, on the Continent, and in America. Loudon. 1850. the steam-engine explained and illustrated, with an account of its invention and progressive improvement, and its application to navigation and railways, including also a memoir of Watt. Illustrated by engravings ou wood. "LA SEMAINE INDUSTRIELLE," revue des marches charboimiers et m^tallurgiques. Li^ge. 1878, LEAD, metallurgy of. See Percy. mines, valuation of. See Hedlet. LEBASTEUR, H. Metals at the Paris International Exhibition of 1878 ; their resisting properties and their uses in railway plant. , Paris. 1 880. LEBOUR, G. A. See Fossil Plants. LECTURE notes for chemical students. By Edward Frankland. Organic chemistry. London. 1878. LECTURES on metallurgy. See Jordan. on the manufacture of steel in the converter, open-hearth, and crucible. See Ann ABLE. LEEDS Association op Foremen Engineers. Report of proceedings for the sessions 1870-71. Tracts, vol. xii. " LE FER," revue metallurgique, commerciale, et financiere. Paris. 1878-82. LEGISLACION de Minas. CoUeccion de Leyes, Reglamentos, reales decretos y demas disposiciones oficiales relativas al ramo de Minas. Publicada por la revista Minera. Madrid. 1872. LEIFCHILD, J. R. Coal at home and abroad, with relation to consumption, cost, demand, and supply, and other inquiries of present interest ; being three articles contributed to the " Edinburgh Review " with an appendix. London. 1873. LEMONNIER, C. Coup d'ceil sur la metallurgie du fer dans Test et le sud- est de la France. Paris. 1869. LESLEY, J. P. Iron manufacturer's guide to the furnaces, forges, and rolling mills of the United States, with discussions of iron as a chemical element, an American ore, and a manufactured article in commerce and in history. With maps and plates. London. 1859. LETTERS patent. See Report of the Select Committee. LEVERTTE, Dr. G. M. Report of the Geological Survey of Indiana. See Rkpoets. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 27 LIBRARY Catalogue of University College. 3 vols. London. 1880. — — Institution of Civil Engineers. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Ronald's Library. LINDHEIM, W. Russland im Jahre der Weltausstellung 1873. Vienna. 1874. LINDLEY, Dr. See Fossil Plants. LIST of foreign correspondents of the Smithsonian Institution. Corrected to January 1882. Tracts, vol. iii. LITERARY and Philosophical Society of Manchester. See Transac- tions. LIVERPOOL Engineering Society. See Transactions. Polytechnic Society. See Transactions. LIVERSIDGE, A. Description of the minerals of New South Wales. See Minerals. LOGAN, Sir W. E. Geological Survey of Canada. Figures and descriptions of Canadian organic remains. 4 vols. 1859. LONDON Association op Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen. See Journal. LOVE, G. H. Des diverses resistances et autres propri^tes de la fonte da fer et de I'acier, et de I'emploi de ces metaux dans les constructions. Paris. 1859. LOVE, James. Fracture of cast-iron. A paper read before the Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society at Westminster, February 9, 1880. Tracts, vol. i. LUCAS, Joseph. The hydro-geology of the Lower Greensands of Surrey and Hampshire. Tracts, vol. xvl LYELL, Sir Charles, Bart. Elements of geology ; or the ancient changes of the earth and its inhabitants as illustrated by geological monuments. Greatly enlarged and illustrated with 770 woodcuts. London. 1865. M. MACHINERY and manufactures of Great Britain. See Barlow. and millwork. See Rankine. J mining. See Goldsworthy. , rating of. See Hedley. for steelmaking by the Bessemer and the Siemens processes. See Walker. MACHINES and hand-tools, cyclopaedia of: a series of plans, sections, and elevations of the most approved tools for working in iron, wood, and other materials. See Rankine. Appleton's dictionary of, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering. Illustrated with 4000 engravings on wood. Published by D. Appleton & Co. 1864. 2 vols. MAGNETISM and electricity. See Specifications. MAGNE-CRYSTALLIC action and diamagnetism. See Tyndall. 2S CATAXOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE MALBERG, A. Die Literatur des Bau- und Ingenieiir-Wesens der letzten 30 Jahre, oder Verzeichniss der vornehmlichsten Werke in deutscher, franzo- sischer, englischer, italienischer, hollandischer u. s. w. Sprache, welche die genannten Facher betreffen. Berlin. 1852. MANCHESTER ship canal. See Canal. MANUAL of chemistry. See Brande. of elementary chemistry, theoretical and practical. See Fownbs. of engineering drawing, workman's. See Maxton. of foreign exchanges in the different operations of bills of exchange and bullion, according to the practice of all trading nations, with tables of foreign weights and measures, and their equivalents in English and French. See Tate. of the geology of India, economic. See Ball. of the geology of India, Peninsular and Extra- Peninsular. See Medlicott. of the metalloids. See Apjohn. MANUFACTURE and management of engines. See Steam-Enqine. and testing of Portland cement. See Scott. of iron and steel by direct process. See Iron, Steel, and Siemens. of iron. See Iron, Steel, and Metallurgy. of steel. See Hackney, Jeans, Overman, Landrin, Hartman. MANUFACTURER'S guide to the furnaces, forges, and rolling-mills of the United States. See Lesley. , iron and steel, of Great Britain. See Griffiths. of Great Britain and Ireland. See Guide. MANUFACTURES and machinery of Great Britain. See Barlow. Ure's dictionary of. See Ure. MAPS of the coalfields and ironstone deposits of the United Kingdom. See Meade. MARINE engineering. See Naval Science and Naval Architects. MARINE propulsion. See Specifications. MARTIN, Emile. Noveau proced^ de fabrication de I'acier et du m^tal homog^ne. Brevets Pierre Martin. Paris. 1867. MASTER Car-Builders' Association. Report of the proceedings of the six- teenth annual convention, held in the City of Philadelphia, June 1882. MATERIALS of construction, resistance of. See Roffiaen. MATTHEWS, J. D. The architect's and contractor's handbook and illus- trated catalogue of materials and manufactures. London. 1883. MAXTON, John. Workman's manual of engineering drawing, with nearly 350 woodcuts and 7 plates. London. 1871. MAXWELL, J. Clerk. Theory of heat. London. 1877. MEADE, R. Coal and iron industries of the United Kingdom ; comprising a description of the coalfields, and of the principal seams of coal, with returns of their production and its distribution, and analyses of special varieties. With maps of the coalfields and ironstone deposits of the United Kingdom. London. 1882. MECHANICAL Engineers, Institution of. See Transactions. properties of steel. See Kirkaldy. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 29 MECHANICAL subjects, papers on. See Whitworth. work performed in heating the blast. See Frazier. MECHANICS, Appleton's dictionary of. See Dictionary. dictionary of science, &c. See Dictionary. experimental lectures on. See Ball. conferences held in connection with the special loan collection of scientific apparatus, South Kensington Museum. London. 1876. Journal. See Practical Mechanic's Journal. Magazine, and Journal of Engineering, Agricultural Machinery, Manu- factures, and Shipbuilding. See Journals. MEDLICOTT, H. B. Manual of the geology of India. Chiefly compiled from the observations of the Geological Survey. 3 vols, and maps. Calcutta. 1880. MEEK, F. B. Keport on the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri. 1874. M^^MOIRE sur le chauffage et la ventilation de I'ecole Monge. See P^riss:^. MEMOIRES et Compte Rendu des Travaux de la Soci^t^ des Ing^nieurs Civils. See Transactions. MEMOIR of Henry C. Carey. See Elder. MEMOIRS of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and of the Museum of Practical Geology. See Hunt. of the Geological Survey of India. See India. of the Science Department of the University of Tokio, Japan. See Morse and Atkinson. MESOZOIC fossils. See Whiteavbs. METALLIC pipes and tubes. See Specifications. METALLOIDS, manual of the. See Apjohn. METALLURGIC chemistry employed in the conversion of iron, copper, tin, zinc, antimony, and lead ores. See Useful Metals. METALLURGICAL Review. New York. 1880. METALLURGIE. Die Metallurgie. By Dr. C. Stolzel. Erster Band. Gewinnung der Metalle. Brunswick. 1863. METALLURGY. Art of extracting metals from their ores, &c. Iron and steel. See Percy. album to the course of lectures on, delivered at the Ecole Ceutrale, Paris. See Jordan. etudes metallurgiques. See Gruner, of iron. See Bauermann, Kerl, Wedding, and Percy. manual of ; or a practical treatise on the chemistry of the metals. By John A. Phillips, London. 1859. Steel and iron, comprising the practice and theory of the several methods pursued in their manufacture, and of their treatment in the rolling mills, the forge, and the foundry. See Greenwood. METALS, their properties and treatment. See Bloxam. at the Paris Exhibition of 1878. See Lebasteur. flow of. See Townsend. fluid density of certain. See Wrightson and Roberts. 30 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE METALS, treatise on tlie progressive improvement and present state of the manufacturers in. London. 1842. 3 vols. See Iron and Steel, Huntington, Bell, Bauerman, Phillips, Percy, Jeans, and Overman. MILD steel for shipbuilding. See Reports. MINERAL productions of New South Wales. By Harrie Wood. Notes on the geology of New South Wales. By C. S. Wilkinson. And description of the minerals of New South Wales. By A. Liversidge. Also catalogue of works, papers, &c. By R. Etheridge, jun. Sydney. 1881. statistics of the United Kingdom. See Memoirs of the Geological Survey. MINERALOGISCHE Mittheilungen, gesammelt von Gustav Ischermak. 4 vols. Vienna. 1871-75. MINERALOGY, system of, comprising the most recent discoveries, with numerous woodcuts and four copperplates. By James D. Dana. New York. 1844. Elementary introdaction to. See Phillips. MINERALS of New South Wales. By A. Liversidge. 1882. MINERALS. Tables of determinations of. See Kobell. — — — lead, report on the valuation of. See Hedley. MINES and manufactories, principles of rating. See Hedley. and mineral statistics, annual report of the Department of Mines, New- South Wales, for the years 1878, 1879, and 1880. Sydney. and mining in the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains. Statistics. Being the fifth annual report of Rossiter W. Raymond. 1873. in Brazil. Notices relative to mining and mineralogy. (Portuguese.) legislation of. Collection of laws, rules, and decrees relative to mines in Spain. (Spanish), See Legislacion. of Hasard. See D'Andrimont. reports of inspectors of. See Reports. Royal School of. Syllabus, &c., session 1874-75. MINING. See Annales and Brazil. AND Mechanical Engineers of North Staffordshire. See Trans- actions. and mines in Japan. See Japan. inspection. See Boyd. machinery. See Goldsworthy. Institution of Scotland. See Transactions. . Journal and Railway and Commercial Gazette ; forming a complete record of the proceedings of all public companies. 1881-83. machinery. See Goldsworthy. Magazine and Review. Tracts, vol. xix, practical treatise on coal. See Andr]6. quarrying, &c. See Specifications. MINIST^IRE de Fomento. Exposition nationale de mines, arts, metallur- giques, c^ramique, cristallerie et caux mindrales. Madrid. 1882. Tracts, vol. ii. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTK 31 MINISTSRE de rinterieur. Commission de la carte geologiqiie de la belgique : texte explicatif du lev^ gdologique de la planchette de Boom. Par M. le Baron O. van Ertboni, avec la collaboration de M. P. Cogels. Rapport de M.M. Ch. de la Valine Poussin et Cornet. Bruxelles. 1S80. MISSOURI. /S^e Reports. MITCHELL, J. Manual of practical assaying. 3d edition. London. 1868 MODERN appliances for reversing rolling-mills. See Walker. cambist, forming a manual of foreign exchanges in the different opera- tions of bills of exchange and bullion, according to the practice of all trading nations, with tables of foreign weights and measures, and their equivalents in English and French. See Tate. MONITEUR des Inter^ts Materials. Brussels. 1878-82. MORRELL, Daniel J. Iron and steel exhibits at the Universal Exposition of 1878 at Paris. A report to the Secretary of State. Published by the American Iron and Steel Association. 1879. MORSE, Edward S. Memoirs of the Science Department of the University of Tokio, Japan. Shell mounds of Omori. University of Tokio. 1880. MOTION, heat considered as a mode of. See Tyndall. MUSPRATT, Dr. Sheridan. Chemistry, theoretical, practical, and analy- tical, as applied and relating to the arts and manufactures. 2 vols. London. NACHTRAG-KATALOG der Bibliothek der Koniglichen rheinisch-west- falischen Technischen Hochschule zu Aachen ; Umfassend die Acquisitionen seit Ende 1872 bis dahin 1878. Tracts, vol. ii NAILS, rivets, bolts, &c. See Specifications. NAMENS-VERZEICHNISS der gegenwartigen Besitzer der einzelnen industriellen Etablissements in Bohmen, als Beilage zu der von der General- Direction herausgegebenen ersten Auflage der Industrie-Karte von Bohmen. Im Mai 1873. Tracts, vol. xix. NAMUR, expose de la situation de I'industrie minerals dans la province de, pendant les anndes 1874 and 1878. Tracts, vol. xiv. history of the iron trade of. See Berchem. NAVAL architects. See Transactions. architecture. See Naval Science. Science : a quarterly magazine for promoting the improvement of naval architecture, marine engineering, steam navigation, and seamanship. 2 vols. London. 1873-74. NETTO, C. Mines and Mining in Japan. Memoirs of the Science Depart- ment, University of Tokio. Tokio. 1879. NEW JERSEY, annual reports of the state geologist of. See Reports. NEW SOUTH WALES, being a brief statistical and descriptive account of the colony up to the end of the year 1881. Extracted chiefly from oflBcial records Published by authority. Compiled and edited by T. Richards. London. 1882. Department of Mines. See Reports. mineral productions of. See Mineral Productions. 32 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES, railways of. See Eae. Transactions and Proceedings of the Eoyal Society of. Edited by A. Liversidge. 1879-82. Sydney. NIMMO, J., Jun. Report on the international commerce of the United States. Commerce and navigation. 1879 and 1881. NORTH OF England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. See Transactions and Eossil Plants. Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. See Transactions. NORTHUMBERLAND coalfield. See Simpson. and Durham, account of the strata of, as proved by borings and sinkings. Issued by the Council of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1881. NOTE on a new steam-plough. See Newman. on the San Francisco river, Brazil. See Roberts. on the wear of an iron rail. See Coxe. sur I'amenagement des ports de commerce. Par M. L. Barret. Publi- cation de la Society Scientifique Industrielle de Marseille. Paris. 1874. sur la d^phosphoration au convertisseur Bessemer. See Pourcel. NOTES on northern industries. See Jeans. on the principal systems of electric light. See Hedges. 0. ORDNANCE Notes, issued from the Ordnance Ofl&ce, War Department Washington, U.S.A. 1881-82. Survey. See Memoirs. ORGANIC chemistry. See Lecture Notes. OURO PRETO (Brazil). Annals da Escolade Minas de Ouro Preto. Rio de Janeiro. 1881. OVERMAN, F. Manufacture of iron in all its various branches, to which is added an essay on the manufacture of steel. Pa. 1854. OWEN, C. H. The principles and practice of modern artillery, including artillery material, gunnery, and organisation, and use of artillery in warfare. London. 1871. PAGET, A. On the use of a revolving rabble in the common puddling furnace. (Paper read before the Society of Arts, May 8, 1872). Tracts, vol. ii. PALEOZOIC fossils. See Billings. PAPERS on mechanical subjects. By Sir Joseph Whitworth, Bart. 2 vols. London. 1882. read at the meetings of the Iron and Steel Institute. Tracts, vols, vi.-vii. PARIS International Exhibition, 1878. Coal and iron in all countries of the world. See Pechar. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 33 PARIS Universal International Exhibition, 1878. Official catalogue of the British section. London. 1878. PARKER, W. On the peculiarities of behaviour of steel-plates supplied for the boilers of the Imperial Russian yacht " Livadia." (Excerpt Proceedings of the Institution of Naval Architects, 6th April 1881.) Tracts, vol. x. On the use of cast steel for crank shafts. London. 1882. Tracts, vol. xv. PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. Annual statement of the trade of the United Kingdom with foreign countries and British possessions for years 1870, 1874, 1878, and 1881. commercial relations between Great Britain and Spain, correspondence on. London. 1878. commercial treaty, correspondence respecting the negotiation of a new, between France and Great Britain. London. 1881. commercial treaty of 1860, correspondence respecting the, between Great Britain and France. employers' liability for injuries to their servants : report and proceed- ings of the Select Committee and minutes of evidence.' London. 1876-77. railway returns for England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, for 1878, 1880, and 1881. report from the Select Committee on Railways, together with the pro- ceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. 1881. return of the rate of import duties levied in European countries and the United States, and in the principal colonial and other possessions of the United Kingdom. 1880. scientific instruction. See Reports. tariffs, list of European and United States. 1879. treaty of commerce and navigation between Her Britannic Majesty and the Prince of Servia. 1880. treaty of commerce and navigation between Her Majesty and the Prince of Roumania. 1880. PASSENGER steamers of the Thames, the Mersey, and the Clyde. See Carson. PATENTS applied for and patents granted. See Subject- Matter Index. • abstract of specifications. See Specifications. Annual reports of the United States Commissioners of Patents. 1880-82. Commissioners of Patents Journal. 1870-83. for inventions. Report of Select Committee of House of Commons in 1870. inquiry into the principles, effects, and present state of the American patent system. See HowsON. PEACOCK, R. A. Saturated steam the motive power in volcanoes and earth- quakes. Second edition. London. 1882. PECHAR, JoH. Coal and iron in all countries of the world. (Paris Inter- national Exhibition.) Compiled from official sources, and with the assistance of eminent living authorities. Manchester. 1878. PENNSYLVANIA. Introduction to a history of ironmaking and coal-mining in. Contributed to the final report of the Pennsylvania Board of Centennial Managers. By J. M. Swank. Pa. 1878. second Geological Survey of. See Platt. PERCY, Dr. J. The manufacture of Russian sheet iron. London. 1871. 34 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE PERCY, Dr. J. Metalluro^y. Introduction. Refractory materials, and fuel. New and greatly enlarged edition. London. 1875. ■ metiillurfry : the art of extracting metals from their ores, and adapting them to various purposes of manufacture. Iron and Steel. With illustrations chiefly from original drawings carefully laid down to scale. London. 1864. the metallurgy of lead, including desilverisation and cupellation. Illustrated with numerous original and other woodcuts to accurate scale. Lon- don. 1870. PERISSE, Sylvain. Memoire sur le chaufFage et la ventilation de I'ecole monge. (Extrait des M^moires de la Socidte des Ing^nieurs Civils.) Paris. 1880. Tracts, vol. i. de I'emploi de I'acier dans les constructions, navales, civiles et m^ca- niques. Paris. 1884. Ponsard gas furnace with regenerator. (Paper read October 16, 1874, before the Socidte dds Ingdnieurs Civils of Prance.) Tracts, vol. v. sur la temperature des fours a gaz. (Extrait de la "Revue Univer- selle des Mines.") Paris. Tracts, vol. v. PETERSENS, H. J. Exposition Universelle de 1878 a Paris. Royaume de Su^de. Catalogue. PHENOMENA, chemical, of iron-smelting. See Bell. PHILADELPHIA Exhibition, 1876. Cast-steel manufactory of Fried. Krupp at Essen. See Steel wohks. reports and awards. Group I. Pa. 1878. PHILLIPS, J. A. Manual of Metallurgy; or a practical treatise on the chemistry of the metals. London. 1859. PHILLIPS, J. Manual of Geology. London. 1855. PHILLIPS, W. An elementary introduction to Mineralogy. London. 1837. PHYSICAL properties of iron and steel. See Iron and Steel. Society of London. ISee Proceedings. PHYSICS and Mechanics. Conferences held in connection with the special loan collection of scientific apparatus at South Kensington. London. 1876. Elementary text-book of. See Everett. Natural philosophy for general readers and young persons. Translated and edited from Ganot's "Cours Elementaire de Physique," by E. Atkinson. London. 1881. PITTSBURG : its resources and surroundings. See Shinn. PLATING metals with metals. See Specifications. PLATT, Franklin. Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania,1875. Special report on the coke manufacture of the Youghiogheny River Valley in Fayette and Westmoreland counties, with geological notes of the coal and iron ore beds, from surveys by Charles Young ; to which are appended — I, A report on methods of coking, by John Fulton, M.E. II. A report on the use of natural gas in the iron manufacture, by John B. Pearse and FrankHn Piatt. Board of Commissioners. Pa. 1876. PONSARD gas-furnace. See P:6riss]6. POPULATION, increase of, in England and Wales. See Williams. ' PORTLAND cement. See Scott. POURCEL, A. Note sur la dephosphoration au convertisseur Bessemer basique, lue k la stance du 6 Mars de la Socidtd de I'lndustrie Mindrale, 1880. Tracts, vol. i. ner M J IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 35 PRACTICAL Magazine : an illustrated cyclopaedia of industrial news, inventions, and improvements, collected from foreign and British sources for the use of those concerned in raw materials, machinery, manufactures, building and decoration. 4 vols. London. 1873-74. Mechanic's and Engineer's Magazine. 5 vols. 1842-46. Mechanic's Journal. London. 1848-57. Mechanic's Journal. The Great Exhibition of 1862. London. 1862. results of the railways in operation in the United Kingdom, on the Continent, and in America ; with a treatise on the new art of transport, its management, prospects, and relations, commercial, financial, and social. See Lakdner. strength of beams. See Baker. • theoretical, and analytical chemistry as applied and relating to the arts and manufactures. See Muspratt. treatise on chemical analysis, including tables for calculations in analysis. By H. Rose. Translated from the French, and from the 4th German edition. With notes and additions. By A. Normandy. 2 vols. Qualitative and quan* titative. London. 1847. • treatise on railroads. See Wood. PRIDEAUX, T. Symes. A rudimentary treatise on fuel, particularly with reference to reverberatory furnaces. London. 1853. PRIMARY and technical education. Circular of Lord Stanley to H.M.'s representatives abroad, together with their replies. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by H.M.'s command. 1868. PRINCIPLES of chemistry, illustrated by simple experiments. By Dr. J. A. Stockhardt. Translated from the 5th German edition. By C. H. Peirce. London. 1859. PROCEEDINGS of the Physical Society of London. Vols. I. and IV. of the Master Car Builders' Association. New York. 1882. of the National Convention of American Iron and Steel Manufacturers, &c., at Cresson. 1882. See Reports and Transactions. PRODUCTION and application of gas. See Specifications. , consumption, and commercial distribution of coal in all parts of the world. See Taylor, R. C. of steel, and its application to military purposes. See Siemens. PROGRAMM derKoniglichenrheinisch-westfalischen Polytechnischen Schule zu Aachen fiir den Cursus 1878-79. (Neuntes Schuljahr seit Eroffnung der Anstalt. October 1870), Einschreibungen vom 30. September bis 5. October incl. Beginn der Vortrage am 7. October 1878. 1878. Tracts, vol. i. PROGRESSIVE improvement and present state of the manufactures in metal. 3 vols. London, 1842. PROPERTIES of iron. See Iron. PUDDLING furnaces. See Iron. a description of Daiiks's revolving puddling furnace. By S. Danks. (Excerpt Proceedings of the Iron and Steel Institute.) 1870. PURIFICATION of gas. See Jones. 36 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE E. RACK railway worked by endless ropes, for steep inclines. See Agudio. RAE, J. Railways of New South Wales. Report on their construction and working from 1872 to 1875 inclusive. Sydney. 1876. RAIL patterns. See Holley. , note on wear of an iron. See Coxe. RAILROADS, practical treatise on. See Wood. RAILS, manufacture of Bessemer steel. See Smith, Sandberq, and Dudley. RAILWAY economy. See Lardner and Chatelier. Engineer. 3 vols. 1880-82. plant. See Lebasteur. -^ — rolling stock. See Williams. RAILWAYS. Description of the canals and railroads of the United States. See Canals. development of. See Trasenster. maximum rates and tolls on. See Reports. ^ of New South Wales. See Rae. practical results of, in United Kingdom. See Lardner. die Reform des Eisenbahnwesens. See Bauhaus. report of Select Committee on rates and fares. See Reports. ■ See also Specifications. RANKINE, W. J. M. A manual of applied mechanics. With numerous diagrams. 9th edition, thoroughly revised, by E. F. Bamber. London. 1877. , a manual of civil engineering. London. 1862. r^ , cyclopedia of machine and hand-tools : a series of plans, sections, and elevations of the most approved tools for working in iron, wood, and other materials ; engraved from working drawings furnished by the makers, with descriptive letterpress. To which are added an essay on the strength and qualities of wood and metals (embracing a sketch of the manufacture of iron and steel), and an essay on the puddling of iron. By St. John Vincent Day. London. 1869. , machinery and millwork. London. 1882. -. , manual of the steam-engine and other prime movers. London. 1883. RAPIER, R. C. Brief account of the Woosung railway. (Excerpt minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers). 1879. Tracts, voL xvii. RAPPORT de M. I'lngenieur en Chef des Mines, 1872. See Industrie MlN^EALE. du tariff general des douanes de France. 1880. • presente au nom de la commission d'etude des moyens propres a prevenir les explosions du Grisou. Par M. Ha ton de la Goupilli^e. Paris. 1880. sur la situation de I'industrie minerale et metallurgique dans la province de Liege pendant I'annee 1875. See Thim. sur lExposition de DUsseldorf. See Gautier. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 37 RATING of mines, blast-furnaces, &c. See Hedley. RAYMOND, R. W. Statistics of mines and mining in the States and Terri- tories west of the Rocky Mountains. New York. 1873. RECORDS of the Geological Survey of India, published by order of His Excellency the Governor-General of India in Council, under the direction of Thomas Oldham, Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India. Printed for the Government of India. 1868-82. REED, E. J. On shipbuilding in iron and steel. London. 1869. Our ironclad ships. London. 1869. REFORM des Eisenbahnwesens. See Bauhaus. REGENERATIVE gas-furnace as applied to the manufacture of cast-steel. See Siemens. stoves. See Hartmann. REPORTS of the Boiler, Engine, and Employers' Liability Insurance Company for 1881-83. of the Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Company (Limited). 1872. and awards. Philadelphia International Exhibition, Group I. Edited by Francis A. Walker. New York. 1878. , Chamber of Commerce of New York. Reports for 1878 and 1882. Chief of Ordnance to the Secretary of War, Washington, U.S. 2 vols. 1881-82. coal trade of Belgium, report of meeting of general committee in 1879. Tracts, vol. iv. Commissioners appointed to inquire into the several matters relating to coal in the United Kingdom. 1871. Commissioners appointed to inquire into the truck system, together with minutes of evidence. Presented to both Houses of Parliament. London. 1871. , Engine, Boiler, and Employers' Liability Insurance Company (Limited); chief engineer's reports, 1881-83. evidence on the Black Lake Colliery accident, West Bromwich, November 22, 1871. (From the "Colliery Guardian" of February 2, 1872.) Tracts, vol. xii. Geological Survey of Indiana. By E. T. Cox, assisted by Professor J. Collett, Professor W. W. Borden, and Dr. G. M. Leveth. 1873*and 1875. • National Boiler Insurance Company's chief engineer. 1882. of progress of the Geological Survey of Canada from its commencement. See Canada. of the British Iron Trade Association. 1877-82. • of the Department of Mines of New South Wales. 1876-81. of the inspectors of mines to H.M.'s Secretary of State for the years 1878 and 1882. of the secretary of the American Iron and Steel Association on the American and foreign iron trades. See Swank. of the Select Committee on letters patent, together with the pro- ceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 20th July 1871. of the Select Committee on railways, together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 4th August 1881. > OF THE ^ UNIVERSITY I 38 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE REPORTS of the Select Committee on Scientific Instruction. With minutes of evidence. 1868. on the coal-field of Little Seq[uatchee. See Killebrew. on methods of coking. See Platt. on tests and experiments on mild steel for shiphuilding. See Parker and Barnaby. on the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri. 1855-71. By G. C. Broadhead, F. B. Meek, and B. F. Shumard. 2 vols. 1873. on the international commerce of the United States. See Nimmo. on the iron and steel industries of the Rhine province. See Gautier. on the iron manufacturers of the United States of America, and a com- parison of it with that of Great Britain, See Bell. on the use of natural gas in the iron manufacture. See Platt. on the Vienna Universal Exhibition of 1873. Presented to both Houses of Parliament. 4 parts. London. 1874. proceedings of the sixteenth annual Convention of the Master Car- Builder's Association in the United States. Pa. 1882. State geologist of New Jersey. 1880-82. REPRESENTATIONS from Chambers of Commerce and other commercial associations relative to the proposed new commercial treaty with France and the French tariff. 1881. RESOURCES, industrial, of the district of the three northern rivers, the Tyne, "Wear, and Tees. See Industrial Resources. RESULTS of an experimental inquiry into the mechanical properties of steel of different degrees of hardness. See Kirkaldt. REVERSING rolling-mills. See Kitson. REVISTA Minera. Periodic cientifico, Industrial y Admin i strati vo, pro- tegido, para fomento de le mineria. Por una Sociedad Especial dirigido. Per D, Ignacio Gomez de Salazar. Madrid. 1873-83. REVOLVING rabble, use of, in the common puddling furnace. See Paget. REVUE Economique et Statistique. See Trasenster. Universelle des Mines, de la Metallurgie, des Travaux Publics, des Sciences et des Arts appliques a I'lndustrie. 1872-83. REYBAUD, Louis. Le fer et la houille suivis du canon Krupp et du Familist^re de guise derni^re s^rie des Etudes, sur le regime des manufactures. Paris. 1874. RICHARDSON, Dr. See Industrial Resources. RIVETING. 5fgeCLAUZEL. RIVETS, nails, bolts, &c. See Specifications. ROBERTS, W. Chandler. On the fluid density of certain metals. (From Philosophical Magazine, May 1882.) Tracts, vol. xxiv. ROD WELL, G. F. Dictionary of science, comprising astronomy, chemistry, dynamics, electricity, heat, hydrodynamics, hydrostatics, light, magnetism, mechanics, meteorology, pneumatics, sound, and statics, preceded by an essay on the history of the physical sciences. London. ROFFIAEN, E, Traite theorique et pratique sur la resistance des materiaux dans les constructions. 1858. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 39 ROGERS, Samuel B. Experimental treatise on iron metallurgy up to the manufacture of puddled bars, built upon the atomic system of philosophy, the elements operated upon being estimated according to Dr. Wollaston's hydrogen scale of equivalents ; comprising suggestions relative to important improvements in the manufacture of iron and steel, and the conduct of extensive ironworks, with analytical tables of ironmaking materials. London. 185 8. ROLLING-MILLS of the United States. See Directory. , reversing. Bee Kitson. RONALDS, E., and RICHARDSON, Dr. T. Chemical technology; or chemistry in its application to the arts and manufactures. Fuel and its applica- tions. 2 vols. London. 1855. Sir Francis. Catalogue of books and papers relating to electricity, telegraphy, electric magnetism, &c., including the Ronalds library. With a biographical memoir, London. 1880. ROSE, H. Practical treatise on chemical analysis, including tables for cal- culations in analysis. Translated from the French and from the 4th German edition. With notes and additions. By A. Normandy. 2 vols. Qualitative and quantitative. 1847. ROSIWALL, Josef. Der Bergwerks-Betrieb in den im Reichsrathe vertre- tenen Konigreichen und Landern der Oesterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchic, nach den Verwaltungsberichten der K.K. Berghauptmannschaften und Mit- theilungen anderer K.K. Behorden. Vienna. 1873. ROWAN, F. J. On boiler incrustation and corrosion. (Paper read before Section G., British Association, Glasgow meeting, September 1876.) Tracts, vol. xii. ROYAL Dublin Society, See Transactions. Institute of British Architects. See Transactions. Institution of Great Britain. See Transactions. Society of London. See Transactions. Society of New South Wales. See Transactions. United Service Institution. See Transactions. RULES, Reglement fiir die konigliche Kommission zur Beaufsichtigung (a) der raecanish-tochnischen Versuchs-Anstalt ; (6) der chemisch-technischen Ver- suchs-Anstalt ; (c) der priifungsstation fiir Baumaterialien in Berlin. 1881, RUSSIAN sheet iron, manufacture of. See Percy, RUSSLAND im Jahre der Weltausstellung 1873. Beitrage zur Entwick- lungsgeschichte des Czarenreiches, See Lindheim, RUSSLAND'S Montan- Industrie, insbesondere dessen Eisenwesen, Beleuch- tet nach der Industrie-Ausstellung zu St. Petersburg und einer Bereisung der vorziiglichsten Hiittenwerke des Urals im Jahre 1870. See Tunnee. RYLANDS' iron, steel, and tin-plate trade directory, and guide to the iron ore mines and collieries of Great Britain. By the editor of the " Iron Trade Circular" (Rylands). Birmingham, 1881. 40 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE S. SANDBERG, C. P. De la specification et de la reception des rails en acier. M^moire lu devant I'lnstitut Am^ricain des Ingenieurs des Mines au meeting du Lac Sup^rieur, ao1it 1880. (Extrait de la Revue Universelle des Mines, &c. 1881.) Tracts, vol. xv. Elasticity, extensibility, and tensile strength of iron and steel. By Knutt Styffe. Translated by C. P. Sandberg. London. 1869. Engineering in Sweden. (Excerpt minutes of Proceedings of the Insti- tution of Civil Engineers, 1874-75.) Tracts, vol. xxv. on rail specifications and rail inspection in Europe. (Author's copy). 1880. safety of permanent way, with drawings and tables. London. 1873. SANDEMAN, W. Experiments on the resistance to horizontal stress of timber piling. (Excerpt minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1879.) Tracts, vol. xvi. S AWARD, Frederick E. The coal trade : a compendium of valuable infor- mation relative to coal production, prices, transportation, &c., at home and abroad, with many facts worthy of preservation for future reference, corrected to the latest dates. 1878. Tracts, vol. ii. SCHENCK, Dr. Ernst. Ein Leitfaden fiir die Anlage van Torfdarr, und Torfverkohlungsofen, und fiir die Construction von Torfverdichtungs-Maschinen. Brunswick. 1862. SCHNEIDER ET CIE. Collieries, forges, steel works, and engineering works of Creusot. Catalogue of articles exhibited at the Paris Exhibition of 1878. SCHWAEBLE, P. Treatise on the application of Zord's truncated iron to the construction of floors, roofs, bridges, &c. ; with an appendix containing a number of notes, rules, and illustrations. 1872. Tracts, vol. xii. SCIENCE AND Arts. See American Journal of Science and Arts. and the government of England. See Babbage. and art, year book of facts in, exhibiting the most important discoveries and improvements of the year. London. 1861-74. • department of the University of Tokio, memoirs of. See Memoirs. dictionary of. See Rodwell. ■ Naval: a quarterly magazine for promoting the improvement of naval architecture, marine engineering, steam navigation, and seamanship. Edited by E. J. Reed. Lockwood & Co. 1873-74. SCIENTIFIC American : an illustrated journal of art, science, and mechanics. New York. 8 vols. 1864-72. apparatus at the South Kensington Museum, catalogue of the special loan collection of. 1877. apparatus. See Report, Handbuch, and Berichte. chemistry, an introduction to. See Barff. instruction. Report of Select Committee of 1868 on. See Reports. Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. New series. 1878-83. . Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society. 1880-83. SCOTLAND, industries of ; their rise, progress, and present condition. See Bremnkb. Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in. See Transactions. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 4l SCOTT, H. Y. D, Manufacture and testing of Portland cement. With an abstract of the discussion. (Excerpt minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.) 1880. Tracts, vol. xvi. SCREENING, transport, &c., of coal. See Danvers. SCRIVENOR, H. History of the iron trade, from the earliest records to the present period. London. 1854. SEEGRABEN. Neue Tagforderanlage des Heinrich Ritter vou Drasche'- schen Kohlenbergbaues im Seegraben, nacbst Leoben. 1877. SHINN, W. P. Pittsburg, its resources and surroundings. (Excerpt Transac- tions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers.) 1879, Tracts, vol. iv. SHIPBUILDING. See Specifications. in iron and steel. See Reed. mild steel for. See Reports. principles and progress of iron. See Fairbairn. SHIPS, our ironclad. See Reed. SHUMARD, B. C. See Missouri. SIEMENS, Sir C. W. On the manufacture of iron and steel by direct pro- cess. (Paper read at the meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute, held in London on the 30th April 1873.) Tracts, vol. v. On the production of steel and its application to military purposes. (Lecture delivered before the Royal United Service Institution.) 1880. Tracts, vol. XV. Regenerative gas-furnace as applied to the manufacture of cast-steel. (Lecture delivered before the Fellows of the Chemical Society.) 1868. Tracts, vol. xiii. On Siemens' patent regenerative gas-furnaces. Description and list of works using. 1869. Tracts, vol. iii. SIGNALS and communicating apparatus. See Specifications. SIMPSON, John B. Coal-seams of the Northumberland and Durham coal- fields. Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1877. SMITH, JosiAH T. Bessemer steel rails. With an abstract of the discussion. (Excerpt minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.) 1875. Tracts, vol. xv. SMITHSONIAN Institution. List of Foreign Correspondents of the. Washington. 1882. Tracts, vol. iii. SOCIETY OF Arts, Journal of the. 1785-1845, and 1855-82. of Chemical Industry, Journal of the. A monthly record for all in- terested in chemical manufactures. 1882-83. OF Engineers. Transactions. 1868-83. OF Telegraph Engineers. See Journal. SOUTH Staffordshire and East Worcestershire Institute of Mining Engineers. See Transactions. Wales Institute of Engineers. See Transactions. SPECIAL report on the coalfield of Little Sequatchee, with a general description of the Cumberland tableland. See Killebrew. report on the coke manufacture of the Youghiogheny River Valley. See Platt. 42 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE SPECIFICATIONS, ABSTRACTS OF :— Abridgments of Specifications, by the Commissioners of Patents. {In parts as under.) London. 1859-1874. Acids, alkalies, oxides, and salts. 1622-1866. Aeronautics. 1815-66, Agriculture. Division 1. Field implements (including methods of tilling and irrigating land). Parts i. and ii. 1618-1876. Agriculture. Division 2. Barn and farmyard implements (including the cleans- ing, drying, and storing of grain). Parts i. and ii. 1636-1876. Aids to locomotion. 1691-1856. 1627-1866. Air, gas, and other motive engines. Parts i. and ii. 1633-1876. Anchors. 1792-1866. Artificial leather, floorcloth, oilcloth, oilskin, and other waterproof fabrics. 1840-76. Artists' instruments and materials. 1618-1866, Bleaching, dyeing, and printing calico and other fabrics and yarns, including the manufacture of rollers, engraving, the preparation of drugs, and other pro- cesses. Parts i. to iii. 1617-1876. Books, portfolios, card-cases, &c. 1768-1866. , Bricks and tiles. Parts i. and ii, 1619-1866. Bridges, viaducts, and aqueducts, 1750-1866, Brushing and sweeping. 1699-1866. Carriages and other vehicles for common roads. 1625-1866. Carriages and other vehicles for railways. 1807-66. Casks and barrels, 1797-1866, Chains, chain cables, &c. 1634-1866. Cooking, bread-making, and the preparation of confectionery. 1634-1866. Cutting, folding, and ornamenting paper, &c., including the general treatment of paper after its manufacture. Parts i. and ii. 1636-1876, Drain tiles and pipes. 1619-1855. Drains and sewers. 1619-1866. Dressing and finishing woven fabrics, and manufacturing felted fabrics (includ- ing folding, winding, measuring, and packing). Parts i. and ii. 1620-1876. Electricity and magnetism ; their generation and applications. Parts i. and ii. 1766-1866. Electricity. Division 4. Electric lighting, igniting, and heating. Parts I and ii. 1839-76. Farriery, including the medical and surgical treatment of animals. Parts i. and ii. 1719-1876. Fire-arms and other weapons, ammunition, and accoutrements. Parts i. and ii. 1588-1866. Fire-engines, extinguishers, escapes, alarms, &c., including fireproof dresses and fabrics. 1625-1866. Furniture and upholstery. 1620-1866. Grinding grain and dressing flour and meal. 1623-1866. Harbours, docks, canals, &c. 1617-1866, Hinges, hinge-joints, and door-springs. 1775-1866. Hydraulics, 2 vols, 1617-1866. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 43 Specifications — continued. Ice-making machines, ice-safes, and ice-houses, &c. 1819-66. India-rubber and gutta-percha. 1791-1866. Iron and steel. 1621-1876. Lace and other looped and netted fabrics, including those relating to braiding and plaiting fringe, chenille, and other ornamental fabrics. 1675-1866. Lacemaking, knitting, netting, braiding, and plaiting, including also the manu- facture of fringe and chenille. 1675-1866. Lamps, candlesticks, chandeliers, and other illuminating apparatus, excluding inventions for lighting by gas or electricity. 1637-1866. Letterpress and similar printing (excluding electro-telegraphic and photographic printing). Part ii. 1858-66. Locks, latches, bolts, and similar fastenings. 1774-1866. Manure. 1721-1857. Marine propulsion. 1618-1866. Masts, sails, rigging, &c., including apparatus for raising and lowering ships' boats. 1625-1866. Medicine, surgery, and dentistry, including artificial limbs, teeth, &c. ; apparatus for invalids, medical baths, &c. 1620-1866. Metallic pipes and tubes. 1758-1876. Parts i. and ii. Metals and alloys. 1623-1859. Parts i. and ii. Milking, churning, and cheese-making. 1877-66. Mining, quarrying, tunnelling, and well-sinking. 1618-1866. Nails, rivets, bolts, screws, &c. 1618-1866. Needles and pins. 1755-1866. Oils, fats, lubricants, candles, and soap. 1617-1866. Optical and other instruments. 1636-1866. Paints, colours, and varnishes. 1618-1866. Paper, pasteboard, and papier-mach^. Parts i. and ii. 1665-1866. Photography. 1646-1876. Plating metals with metals. 1637-1866. Pottery. 1626-1866. Preparation and use of tobacco. Preparing and cutting cork, bottling liquids, securing and opening bottles, &c. 1877-66. Preservation of food. 1691-1866. Printing, including therein the production of all kinds of materials (excepting felted and texile fabrics), &c. 1541-1857. Production and application of gas. 1681-1866. Purifying and filtering water, including the distillation of sea-water to produce fresh water. Parts i. and ii. 1675-1876. Railways. 1803-1866. Raising, lowering, and weighing. Parts i. and ii. 1617-1866. Roads and ways. 1619-1866. Saddlery, harness, stable-fittings, &c. 1625-1866. Safes, strong rooms, tills, and similar depositories. 1801-66. 44 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE Specifications —continued. Sewing and embroidering. 1755-1866. Shipbuilding, &c. 1680-1869. Signals and communicating apparatus. 1840-66. Skins, hides, and leather. 1627-1866. Spinning, including those relating to the preparation of fibrous materials and the doubling of yarns and threads. Part ii. 1864-66. Steam -culture. 1618-1856. Steam-engine. Vol. i. parts i. and ii, 1618-1866. Vol. ii. parts i. and ii. 1618-1866. Steering and manoeuvring vessels. 1763-1866. Sugar. 1663-1866. Tea, coffee, chicory, chocolate, cocoa, &c. 1704-1866. Toy games and exercises. 1672-1866. Trunks, portmanteaus, boxes, and bags. 1635-1866. Umbrellas, parasols, and walking sticks. Parts i. and ii 1780-1876. Unfermented beverages, aerated liquids, mineral waters, &c. 1774-1866. Ventilation. 1632-1866. Washing and wringing machines. Parts i, and ii. 1691-1876. Watches, clocks, and other time-keepers. Parts i. and ii. 1661-1857. Wearing apparel. Division 1. Head coverings. 1637-1866. 2. Body „ 1671-1866. „ „ 3. Foot „ 1693-1866. „ „ 4. Dress fastenings and jewellery. 1631-1866, Weaving. Parts i. and ii. 1620-1866. Writing instruments and materials. 1635-1866. SPEED and carrying capacity of screw -steamers. See Denny. SPON'S dictionary of engineering, civil, mechanical, military, and naval, with technical terms in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. London. 1874. engineer's and contractor's illustrated book of prices of machines, tools, ironwork and contractor's material, and engineer's directory for 1880-81. London. 1880. SPRETSON, E. E. A practical treatise on casting and founding. 8vo, with 82 plates drawn to scale. London. 1881. STAHL UND EisEN. Zeitschrift des Vereins deutscher Eisenhiittenleute. Herausgegeben vom Vereins- Vorstande unter Mitwirkung der literarischen Com- mission, Redigirt vom Geschaftsfiihrer des Vereins, Ingenieur F. Osann. Diis- seldorf. 1881-82. STANLEY, Lord. Technical and primary education. Circular to H.M.'s representatives abroad, together with their replies. 1868, STATISTICAL abstract for the United Kingdom. 1857 to 1871. London. 1872. of the principal and other foreign countries. 1845-81. • reports of the British Iron Trade Association. 1877-83. report of the American National Association of Iron Manufacturers for 1872. By J. Dunlap, secretary, Philadelphia. 1872. Society. See Journal of the Statistical Society. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 45 STATISTICS of coal. See Taylor. and legislation compared. (French.) 1880-81. of coal and iron in all countries. See Pechar. of the iron trade of Sweden. (Swedish.) 1881-82. of the iron industry of Finland. See Finland. of the iron trade of Germany. See Verein Deutscher. of mines and minerals. See Mines and Mineral Statistics. of mines and mining in the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains. See Raymond. of the American and foreign iron trades. See Swank. of the iron and steel production of Great Britain. See Reports. STATISTIK des Bohmischen Brauiikohlenverkehrs im Jahre 1872. STATISTIQUE des industries minieres et metallurgiques et des carrieres pour rexercice 1877. See Jochams. STATISTISCHES Jahrhuch des K.K. Ackerbau-Ministeriums fUr 1879-82. Der Bergwerksbetrieb Oesterreichs. 1880. STATISTISKA Uppgifter rorande Olika Landers Jemhandtering Saint Nagro Betraktelser till Foljd dels af Verldsutstalluingen Paris 1878, och dels af De Lista Framstegen 1 Fosforrening af Rich. Akerman. 1879. STEAM-ENGINE, explained and illustrated, with an account of its invention and progressive improvement, and its application to navigation and railways. See Labdner. governor having a close approximation to perfect action. See Head. , Manual of the. See Rankine. , Treatise on the, in its various applications to mines, mills, navigation, rail- ways, and agriculture, with theoretical investigations respecting the motive power of heat and the proper proportions of steam-engines, elaborate tables of the right dimensions of every part, and practical instructions for the manufacture and management of every species of engine. See Bourne. See also Specifications. STEAMERS, screw, speed and carrying capacity of. See Denny. STEAM-HAMMER foundations. See Gillott. navigation. See Naval Science. STEAM, saturated, the motive power in volcanoes and earthquakes. See Peacock. STEEL AND Iron. See Specifications. at low temperatures. See Webster. comparative tensile strength and other properties of various kinds of. See Kirkaldy. classification and employment of. See Deshayes. elasticity, extensibility, and tensile strength of. See Styffe, exhibits at the Universal Exposition of 1878 at Paris. See Morrell. Fagersta. See Kirkaldy. production of the United States. Census Report. See Swank. : their resistance and other properties. See Love. and guns. Miscellaneous papers on mechanical subjects. See Wjiitworth. 46 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE STEEL, abstract of statement of tlie extent and character of tlie work of the United States Board appointed to test iron, steel, and other metals. By R. H. Thurston. Salem. 1878. brand-book of British iron and steel. See Griffiths. ductility of. See ARMSTRONa. Dupuy process of manufacturing. See Dupuy. electrical resistance and its relation to the tensile strain and other mechanical properties of. See Johnson. employment of in constructions. See PiSriss:^. handbook of British iron and steel. See Griffiths. influence of temperature on the strength and ductility of steel and iron. Report to the Controller of the Navy. See Barnaby. its history, manufacture, properties, and uses. See Jeans. its manufacture, treatment, and uses. See Annable. I'industrie de I'acier. (Extract from the Revue Universelle des Mines.) See Trasenster. manufacture and application of. See Fairweather. manufacture of. See Gruner, Jeans, Lardner, Hartmann, Rankine, and Hackney. manufacture of, in the converter, open-hearth, and crucible. See Annable. manufacture of, by "VV. Hackney ; and on Bessemer steel rails, by J. T. Smith. With an abstract of the discussions upon the papers. (Excerpt Proceed- ings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.) 1875. mild, for shipbuilding. See Reports. new experimental researches concerning the gases in iron and steel. By Dr. E. C. G. Miiller. (Extracted from Stahl und Eisen), August, 1883.) new process for the manufacture of steel and of homogeneous metal. See Martin. phenomena observed in testing. See Kent. preliminary experiments on the mechanical and other properties of steel, made or collected by a committee of civil engineers. London. 1868. • production of, and its application to military purposes. See Siemens. • rails : does the wearing power of steel rails increase with the hardness of the steel ? By Dr. Dudley. Tracts, vol. i. rails. Papers by C. P. Sandberg, C. B. Dudley, and A. L. Holley, and discussions thereon. (Excerpts Transactions of the American Institute of Min- ing Engineers. ) Tracts, vol. ii. report to the Controller of the Navy on experiments made to show the effect of repeated heating and cooling on the tensile strength, &c., of iron and steel. See Barnaby. reports on the materials used, and the methods adopted in making crank and other shafts, and on the use of cast steel in place of wrought iron forgings for details of engine work. Prepared for the use of Lloyds' Register of British and Eoreign Shipping. By Wm. Parker and J. T. Milton. London. 1882. study relative to the employment of steel in constructions. See Babba. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 47 STEEL, treatise on, comprising its theory, metallurgy, properties, practical working, and use. See Landrin. treatise on the manufacture of. See Hartmann. works adapted to the basic process. See Greiner. works of United States, directory of. See United States. STEEL works and Bessemer process in the United States. See United States. STOCKHARDT, Dr. J. A. Principles of chemistry, illustrated by simple experiments. Translated from the 5th German edition. STOLZEL, Dr. C. Die metallurgie. Brunswick. 1863. STOVES, regenerative. See Hartmann. STRATA of Northumberland and Durham, account of the, as proved by borings and sinkings. See Nokthumberland. STRENGTH and ductility of iron, steel, and other materials. See Arm- strong. and quality of wood and metals. See Cyclopedia of Machines and Hand Tools. STRUCTURE of rock masses. See Forbes. STUDIES of blast-furnace phenomena. See Gruner. STYFFE, Kndtt. Elasticity, extensibility, and tensile strength of iron and steel. Translated from the Swedish, with an original appendix. By Christer P. Sandberg. With a preface by John Percy. With nine lithographic plates. London. 1869. SUBJECT -matter index patents applied for, and patents granted in the United Kingdom, 1870-1882. (Printed and published by order of the Com- missioners of Patents.) By B. Woodcroft. 1874. SURVEY, Geological, of the State of Missouri. See Missouri. SWANK, J. M. American iron trade in 1876, politically, historically, and statistically considered. American Iron and Steel Association. Pa. 1876. Annual reports to the American Iron and Steel Association, containing statistics of the American and foreign iron trades. 1876-83. classified list of rail-mills, steel- works, and blast furnaces in the United States, in 1873, and in 1880. Tracts, vol. xi. Introduction to a history of ironmaking and coal-mining in Pennsyl- vania. Contributed to the final report of the Pennsylvania Board of Centennial Managers. Pa. 1878. statistics of the iron and steel production of the United States. Census Report. Washington. 1881. The tariff on iron and steel justified by its results. A paper laid before the Tariff Commission at Pittsburg, October 10, 1882. Pa. 1882. SWEDEN. Catalogue of objects exhibited at the Paris Exhibition of 1878. See Exposition. , iron manufacture of. See Akerman. statistics of the iron trade of, for 1881 and 1882. (Swedish.) Tracts, voL xxiii. SYSTEM of mineralogy, comprising the most recent discoveries. With numerous woodcuts and four copperplates. See Dana. 43 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE T. TABLEAU general du commerce de la France avec ses colonies et les puis- sances ^trangeres pendant I'annde 1878. Paris : Iraprimerie National. 1878. TABLES and calculations of equivalents at various rates of exchange, of exports and imports of Great Britain, North and South America, British India, the Rice Coast, Manilla, China, Egypt, the Barbara States, Turkey, and the whole of Europe. See Wellkr. for calculations in analysis. See Practical Treatise of Chemical Analysis. TANNER, H. S. A description of the canals and railroads of the United States, comprehending notices of all the works of internal improvement through- out the several States. New York. 1840. TARIF fiir mineralische Kohle, Briquets, u. Coakes, in Wagenladungen. 1873. Tracts, vol. v. TARIFF on iron and steel (U.S.) justified by its results. See Swank. French Report of Senate on, in 1880. (French.) general de France. See Rapport. postal telegraph, reduction of. See Williams. TARIFFS. See Goebel. European and United States, together with the approximate per- centage of duties upon the present value of the articles specified, also tables showing the total value of British exports to various foreign countries from the year 1840 to the year 1878, and of imports from the same countries from the year 1853 to the year 1878. Wolverhampton. 1879. TATE, William. The modern cambist ; forming a manual of foreign exchanges in the different operations of bills of exchange and bullion, according to the practice of all trading nations, with tables of foreign weights and measures, and their equivalents in English and French. London. TAYLOR, J. See Industrial Resources. R. C Statistics of coal : the geographical and geological distribution of mineral combustibles or fossil fuel, including also notices and localities of the various mineral bituminous substances employed in arts and manufactures, illustrated by maps and diagrams, embracing, from otBcial reports of the great coal-producing countries, the respective amounts of their production, consump- tion, and commercial distribution in all parts of the world, together with their prices, tariffs, duties, and international regulations. Accompanied by nearly 400 statistical tables and 1100 analysis of mineral combustibles, with incidental statements of the statistics of iron manufactures, derived from authentic authorities. 1848, TECHNICAL and primary education: circular of Lord Stanley to H.M.'s representatives abroad, together with their replies. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Her Majesty's command. 1868, dictionary ; or a dictionary explaining the terms used in all arts and sciences. By George Crabb, Esq. . Published by W. Maxwell. 1857. TECHNISCHE Blatter. Vierteljahrsschrift des Ueutschen Polytechnischen Vereines in Bohmen. Redigirt von Friedrich Kick, unter Mitwirkung Redactions-Comites. Im Selbstverlage des Vereines. Prague. 1873-74. des ^k m IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 49 TELEGEAPH, electric. See Fothergill. TELEGKAPHIC Journal and Electrical Keview. Vol. I. to VIII. TELEGRAPHY and electrical science. See Journal op the Society of Telegraph Engineers. catalogue of books on. See Ronalds. TEMPERATURE des fours a gas. See P^riss^. TENSILE strength of iron and steel. See Iron and Steel and Styfpe. TESSIE gas-producer. See Holley. TESTS and experiments on mild steel for shipbuilding. Report on. 1878. TEXT-BOOK for surveyors. See Fletcher. THEORY of modem American suspension bridges. See Clericetti. THIM, Jules van Scherpenzecl. Rapport sur la situation de I'industrie mindrale et mdtallurgique dans la province de Li^ge pendant I'annde 1875. Tracts, vol. i. THOMPSON, John A. Light-draught steel, P. S. " Terranora," for ocean and river navigation. (Excerpt minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.) 1880. Tracts, vol. xvi. THURSTON, Robert H. Abstract of statement of the extent and character of the work of the United States Board appointed to test iron, steel, and other metals. 1878. Tracts, vol. i. TIMMINS, S. The resources, products, and industrial history of Birmingham and the Midland hardware district : a series of reports collected by the Local Industries Committee of the British Association at Birmingham in 1875. Lon- don. 1866. TIMMS, J. Year-book of facts in science and arts ; exhibiting the most im- portant discoveries and improvements of the year. 15 vols. 1861-74. TIN. On the extraction of metals from their ores. Tin. See Collins. TOKIO. Calendar of the department of law, science, and literature of the university of. 2 vols. 1879-81. University of, memoirs of the Science Department. The chemistry of sakd-brewing. By R. W. Atkinson. Tokio. 1881. TOOLS, machine and hand. See Rankine. TOWNSHEAD, D. Flow of metals. (Excerpt Journal of the Franklin Insti- tute, March 1878.) Pa. 1878. TRANSACTIONS and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Soutli Wales. Edited by A. Liversidge. 7 vols. 1875-82. American Institute of Mining Engineers. 1871-83. American Society of Civil Engineers. 1877-82. Atti del Collegio degl' in gegneri ed architetti in Napoli. 1878. Bulletin de I'Association des Maltres de Forges de Charleroi. 1877-83. Bulletin de la Societe Scientifique Industrielle de Marseilles. 1872-82. Bulletin de I'Union des Charbonnages, Mines et Usines Metallurgiques de la Province de Liege. 1873-82. Bulletin Mensuel de I'Association des Ingenieurs Sortis des Ecoles Speciales de Gand. 1877-83. Cleveland Institution of Engineers. 1868-83. Engineers' Society of Western Philadelphia. Pa. 1882-83. D 50 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE TRANSACTIONS. Engineers of the United States Army, professional papers • of the corps of. 1882-83. Institution of Civil Engineers. 1869-83. Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. Dublin. 1882. Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. 1877-82. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 1870-82. Institute of Naval Architects. 24 vols., and Index. 1860-83. Liverpool Engineering Society. Published by the Society. 2 vols. 1877-81. Liverpool Polytechnic Society. 1877-80. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. 1868-83. Memoires et compte rendu des travaux de la Societe des Ingenieurs Civils. 1872-83. Paris. Mining Institution of Scotland. 1880-83. North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. 1877-83. North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. 1877-83. Royal Institute of British Architects. 1880-82. ■ Royal Institution of Great Britain. 1880-83. Royal Dublin Society. 187 Royal Society of London. 1878-83. Royal Society of New South Wales. 1878-82. - — Scotland, Mining Institution of. 1880-81. Societe des Ingenieurs Civils. 1872-83. Another set. 187 Society of Engineers. 1872-83. — r- Society of Telegraph Engineers. 1868-83. South Staffordshire and East Worcestershire Institute of Mining En- gineers. 1875-83. South Wales Institute of Mining Engineers. 1870-81. Statistical Society. 1874-83. TRASENSTER, Paul. Revue Economique et Statistique. (Extrait de la Eevue UniverseUe des Mines, &c., tome xii., 2d sdrie, annde 1882.) Tracts, vol. xi. rindustrie de I'acier. (Extract from the Revue UniverseUe des Mines, 1882.) Tracts, vol. xxii. rindustrie siderurgique en 1880-81. Liege. 1882. Tracts, vol. xx. TREATIES of commerce. See Parliamentary Papers. TREATISE on manufactures and machinery of Great Britain. See Barlow. • on steel, comprising its theory, metallurgy, properties, practical working, and use. See Landrin. on the new art of transport ; its management, prospects, and relations, commercial, financial, and social. See Lardnek. on the progressive improvement and present state of the manufactures in metal. See Metals. I lUON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. "51 TREATISE on the steam-engine. See Bourne. practical, on coal-mining. See Andr^. TREDGOLD, Thomas. Practical essay on the strength of cast iron and other metals ; containing practical rules, tables, and examples, founded on a series of experiments ; with an extensive table of the properties of the metals. Fourth edition, with notes by E. Hodgkinson ; to which are added experimental re- searches on the strength and other properties of cast iron, &c. By the Editor. London. 1842. TRESCA, M. Sur les formules de resistance des materiaux de M. le Dr. Wejrrauch. (Excerpt Proceedings of the Societe des Ingdnieurs Civils, July 1881.) TREVITHICK, R., memorial edition of the life of. London. 1883. Tracts, vol. XX. TRUCK system. See Reports. TRURAN, W. See Useful Metals. TUNNER, P. A treatise on roll-turning for the maufacture of iron. Trans- lated and adapted by John B. Pearse. 2 vols. Text in 8vo. ; plates, folio. London. Russian d's Montan-Industrie,insbesondere dessen Eisenwesen. Beleuchtet nach der Industrie Ausstelling zu St. Petersburg, und einer Bereisung der vor- ziiglichsten Hiittenwerke des Urals in Jahre 1870. Leipzig. 1871. TYNDALL, John. Heat considered as a mode of motion. 2d edition, with additions and illustrations. London. 1865. diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action. London. 1870. TYNE Improvement Bill. Evidence, speeches of counsel, and proceedings of the Committee. 1876. Wear, and Tees, industrial resources of. See Industrial. u. UNITED STATES, canals and railways of the. See Canals and Railroads. Bessemer process and works in. See Bessemer. Board appointed to test iron, steel, &c. See Thurston. directory of the iron and steelworks of the, embracing the blast-furnaces, rolling-mills, steelworks, forges, and bloomaries in every State and Territory. Pa. 1882. history of Bessemer steel manufacture in America. See Hunt. international commerce of. See Nimmo. patent office, official gazette of the, and index. 1880-83. Proceedings of the Convention of Iron and Steel Manufacturers and Iron Ore Producers at Pittsburg, May 1879. Tracts, vol. iv. Proceedings of the National Convention of Iron and Steel Manufacturers and Iron Ore Producers at Cressin, September 1882. Pa. 1882. - — statistical reports of the American Iron and Steel Association. 1876-82. statistics of the iron and steel production of the. Compiled by J. M. Swank, for the Tenth Census of the United States. Washington. 1881. 52 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY College Calendar. 4 vols. 1879-84. — College, Bristol. Syllabus of day and evening lectures, classes, and list of scholarships. Session 1876-77. Tracts, vol. xii. College library, catalogue of the. of Tokio. Calendar of the department of law, science, and literature. 2 vols. 1879-81. UN WIN, W. C. Report on form of riveted joints to the sub-committee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 1879. URE'S dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines, containing a clear expo- sition of their principles and practice. By R. Hunt, assisted by F. W. Rudler. Seventh edition. London. 1878. USEFUL metals and their alloys, including mining ventilation, mining jurisprudence, and metallurgic chemistry employed in the conversion of iron, copper, tin, zinc, antimony, and lead ores and their application to the industrial arts. By J. Scofferin, W. Truran, W. Clay, R. Oxland, W. Fairbairn, W. C. Aitken, and W. V. Pickett. London. 1857. V. VENTILATION. See Specifications. VEREIN deutscher Ingenieure. Mitgliederverzeichniss (list of members). 1883. Tracts, vol. iii. VEREIN Deutscher Eisen- und Stalil Industrieller, publications of the. Das Ergebniss der Eisen-Enqu6te, der autonome deutsche Zolltarif, und die gegenwartige Lage der deutschen Eisenindustrie. Berlin, 1879. Der Eisenbedarf der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und seine Deckung. 1881. Ein- und Ausfur von Eisen- und Stahlwaaren, Maschinen, und Kupfer- waaren im Deutschen Zollgebiete, im Jahren 1879 u. 1881. Verglichen mit den beiden Vorjahren. General- Versammlung des Vereines deutscher Eisen- und Stahl- Industrieller in Berlin, Am 20 November, 1879. Am 14 December 1882. production der deutschen Eisen- und Stahl-Industrie 1879-81, mit Einschluss Luxemburgs. Resultate der Actien-Gesellschaften, vor und nach der WiedereinfUrung der EisenzoUe. Berlin, 1883. Verkehrs-Statistik der deutschen Eisenbahnen in 1880 bez. 1879 und 1878. ^ — — vorlaufiges Ergebniss der Montanstatistischen Erhebungen in Bezug auf Steinkohlen, Eisen, und Kupfer im Deutschen Reiche flir 1879-80-81. VERHANDLUNGEN der Kaiserlich - Koniglichen Geologischen Reichs- anstalL 871-82. VIADUCTS, bridges, &c. See Specifications. VIENNA, Universal Exhibition of. 1873. See Reports* VINCENT, St. John. Essay on the puddling of iron. See Cyclopedia OF Machines and Hand-tools. VOGT, Carl. Grundriss der Geologie. 473 woodcuts. Brunswick. 1860. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 63 w. WALKER, B. Machinery for steelmaking by the Bessemer and the Siemens processes, with an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. (Excerpt minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, session 1880-81.) Tracts, vol. xv. • On modern appliances for reversing rolling-mills. Tracts, vol. xii. WATTS, A. A dictionary of chemistry and the allied branches of other sciences. 5 vols. London. 1866. WEBSTER, J. J. Iron and steel at low temperatures with an abstract of the discussion. (Excerpt minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1880.) Tracts, vol. xviil WEDDING, Hermann. AusfUhrliches Handbuch der Eisenhuttenkunde, Gewinnung des Roheisens und Darstellung des Schmiedeeisens und Stahls in praktischer und theoretischer Beziehung, imter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der englischen Verhaltnisse, von John Percy, M.D., &c. 2 vols. Brunswick. 1864. Grundriss der Eisenhuttenkunde. Berlin. 1871. WEISBACH, Julius. Der Ingenieur. Sammlung von Tafeln, Formeln und Regeln de Arithmetik, Geometric und Mechanik. Brunswick. 1850. WELLER, Lewis. Calculations and tables of equivalents at various rates of exchange of exports and imports of Great Britain, North and South America, British India, the Rice Coast, Manilla, China, Egypt, Barbary States, Turkey, and the whole of Europe with Appendix. Published by Effingham Wilson. WEST, T. D. American foundry practice, treating of loam, dry sand, and green sand moulding, and containing a practical treatise upon the management of cupolas and the melting of iron. London. 1880. WHITEAVES, J. T. Geological Survey of Canada. Mesiozoic fossils. On some invertebrates from the coal-bearing rocks of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Collected by James Richardson in 1882. WHITWORTH, Sir J. Guns and steel. London. 1873. Papers on mechanical subjects. 2 vols. 1882. WILKINSON, C. S. Notes on the geology of New South Wales. See Mineral Productions op New South Wales. WILLIAMS & NORGATE'S natural science catalogue. Tracts, vol. iil WILLIAMS, F. S. Our iron roads ; their history, construction, and social influences, with numerous illustrations. London. 1852. WILLIAMS, R. Price. Question of the reduction of the present postal telegraph tariff. (Excerpt Journal of the Statistical Society, March 1881.) Tracts, vol. ii. . The increase of population in England and Wales. (Reprinted from the Journal of the Statistical Society, 1881.) Tracts, vol. ii. — — ' The maintenance and renewal of railway rolling stock, with an abstract of discussion. (Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.) London. 1870. WOOD, Nicholas. Practical treatise on railroads and interior communica- tions in general. Illustrated by several engravings. London. 1872. 54 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. WOODWARD, H. B. The geology of England and Wales : a concise account of the lithological characters, leading fossils, and economic products of the rocks, with notes on the physical features of the country. London. 1876. WORK and wages. See Brassey. WRIGHTSON, T., and W. CHANDLER ROBERTS. On the fluid density of certain metals. (From the Philosophical Magazine, May 1882. Tracts, vol. xxiv. WYLIE, C. A treatise on iron founding. London. 1882. YEAR-BOOK of facts in science and art. See Timms. z. ZEITSCHRIFT des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure. 1874-75. fUr das Berg-, Hiitten und Salinen-Wesen in dem Preussichen Staate, herausgegeben in dem Ministerium fiir Handel, Gewerbe und offentliche Ar- beiten. Mit 9 Tafeln und 58 in den Text eingedruckten Holzschnitten. Berlin. 1867-74. ZERRENNER, Dr. Carl. Einfiirung, Fortschritt und Jetzt stand der metallurgischen Gasfeurung im Kaiserthume Oesterreich. ZORl^'S truncated iron. See Schwaeble. t-RINTED BY BALLANTYNE, HANSON AND COi, EDINBURGH AND LONDON UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Fine schedule; 25 cents on first day overdue 50 cents on fourth day ove'rdue One dollar on seventh day overdue. MAY 8 194/ LD 21-100to-12,'46(A2012s16)4120 YC 62693