LltfKAKY = 2 * O O U 00 H _ fg u ^> oi I O, CJ HISTORY AND RECORDS OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, HANOVER, MASS., 1727 1865, AND INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE HEADSTONES AND TOMBS IN THE CEMETERY AT CENTRE HANOVER, MASS., ' BEING VOLUME I. OF THE CHURCH AND CEMETERY RECORDS OF HANOVER, MASS. BY L. VERNON BRIGGS, AUTHOR OF " HISTORY OF SHIPBUILDING ON NORTH RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS," MEMBER OF THE OLD COLONY COMMISSION (HISTORICAL) BY APPOINTMENT FROM GOV. GREENHALGE IN 1896, MEMBER OF THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC- GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, AND OF THE BO8TONIAN SOCIETY. BOSTON, MASS.: WALLACE SPOONER, PRINTER, IJ PROVINCE STREET. l8 95 . COPYRIGHT BY L. VERNON BRIGGS, 1895. DEDICATED AFFECTIONATE RESPECT TO (Clifford KmtAttt, WHO FROM YOUTH HAS BEEN EVER A PATIENT, FAITHFUL AND TRUE FRIEND. VI PEEFACE. the oldest date is that erected to "Mr. Thos. Ramsdell, A. D. 1727," the same year that the town was incorporated and the church estab- lished here. There were undoubtedly many burials in this cemetery prior to that date, and on the older graves may yet be seen heaps of stones, placed there to keep the wolves and dogs from digging up the bodies. Little is left in these graves. In 1886, when making some improvements in the cemetery with money raised by concerts, I had occasion to have one or more of the old graves opened. A streak of black earth, a tuft of hair, and in one instance a few kernels of parched corn where the stomach ought to be, was all that was found by Mr. Andrew T. Damon, who opened the graves. I am indebted to Mr. Damon for many favors and much kindness during my acquaintance with him, extending over many years. No one now living knows more about the old cemetery than he. In closing this preface I wish to especially commend this volume to all who have time to make a careful study of it. Many will find much to give them light on the characters who lived in this country town a cen- tury ago, and who had such difficulty in getting the wayward members back to the fold, in keeping the small boy quiet, and in raising enough money to support the minister. They were responsible for the present generations; do we all realize that we are equally responsible for the coming generations. L. VERNON BRIGGS. AUGUST, 1895. CONTENTS. For Index of Names See End of Volume. CHAPTER I. PACK. Formation of Church and Biographies of Its Ministers .... 1 ~5 I CHAPTER II. " Of the gathering of the church ordination and church meetings " . . 52-69 CHAPTER III. Admitted to the church 1728-1864 70-86 CHAPTER IV. Marriages Performed by the Pastors of the First Congregational Church 1728-1827 87-106 CHAPTER V. Births 1730-1819 107-116 CHAPTER VI. Baptisms 1728-1866 108-166 CHAFFER VII. Dismissions, Suspensions and Excommunications from the church as re- corded 1757-1865 167-178 CHAPTER VIII. Deaths Entered on the Records of the First Congregational Church 1728-1867 . 179-213 CHAPTER IX. Inscriptions from the Stones and Tombs in the Cemetery at Centre Han- over 1727-1895 214-309 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PRESENT MEETING-HOUSE of the First Congregational Church. From a photograph by L. Vernon Briggs Frontispiece SAMUEL STETSON HOUSE, where meetings were first held. From a photograph by L. Vernon Briggs 2 PLAN of the parts of Scituate and Abington that were incorporated as Hanover, June 14, 1727. From an original drawing ... 7 HOUSE occupied by Rev. Samuel Baldwin during his pastorate. From a photograph by L. Vernon Briggs 8 HOUSE occupied by Revs. Mellen, Chaddock, Chapin, Smith, Duncan, during their pastorates. From a photograph by L. Vernon Briggs . 14 MAP of Hanover, A. D. 1794. From an original drawing ... 24 REV. ABEL G. DUNCAN. From a photograph owned by his son . 34 PRESENT PARSONAGE, built A. D. 1855, on land purchased of Sam'l Stetson 48 SHIP "Cronstadt." From " History of Shipbuilding on North River " . 51 FIRST MEETING-HOUSE. From Barry's " History of Hanover " . 86 SECOND MEETING-HOUSE. From Barry's " History of Hanover" . 116 THIRD MEETING-HOUSE. From Barry's " History of Hanover " . 166 PORTRAIT of Keoni Kalua 260 STONE ERECTED to Mr. Thos. and Mrs. Sarah Ramsdell, 1727-1773. From a photograph by L. Vernori Briggs 273 STONE ERECTED to Dea. Joseph Stockbridge and Mrs. Margaret, his wife, 1732-1773. From a photograph by L. Vernon Briggs . . 280 STONE ERECTED to Mr. John Stockbridge, 1768. From a photograph by L. Vernon Briggs 284 STONE ERECTED to Dea. Joseph and Mrs. Anna Stockbridge, 1783- 1783. From a photograph by L. Vernon Briggs .... 286 STONE ERECTED to David Stockbridge, Esq., 1788. From a photo- graph by L. Vernon Briggs 294 STONE ERECTED to Mr. Lewis White, 1813. From a photograph by L. Vernon Briggs 298 HISTORY OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, HANOVER, MASS. CHAPTER I. FORMATION OF CHURCH AND BIOGRAPHIES OF ITS MINISTERS. THE early history of Hanover is identified with that of Scituate, to which town its territory belonged until 1727, excepting only a small portion which was taken from Abington. Therefore the church history, prior to 1727, of the people living in the territory, now known as Hanover, is to be found mainly in the church records of Scituate. This territory was settled in 1649; the part of Scituate lying about the harbor was settled in 1628, thus making Scituate the second settlement in Ply- mouth Colony, though not the second incorporated town. When the inhabitants of Hanover, then numbering about three hundred souls, decided to petition to be set off a town by themselves, they were met with considerable opposition from the inhabitants of Abington, though the inhabitants of Scituate gave them no trouble. The General Court, receiving the remon- strance, appointed a committee, consisting of Lieut. Gov. Tailor and Elisha Cook, of the Council, and Ezra Bourne, Maj. Tiles- ton, and Edward Arnold, of the House, to view the territory, and they reported in favor of its corporation, although they al- lowed it would ''Put the inhabitants of Abington under some difficulties respecting the supporting the public worship of Gotl, for that several large tracts of land within the town did not pay towards the maintenance of the ministry." 2 REV. DANIEL DWIGHT. It was decided to call the new town Hanover, probably after the Duke of Hanover, who had lately been called to the English throne, under the title of George I, and as yet the Colonies had seen little to give them cause to be otherwise than loyal to their Island government. In the act incorporating the town of Hanover, June 14, 1727, it was stipulated as one of the conditions of the grant "That the inhabitants of the said town of Hanover do within the space of two years from the publication of this act erect and finish a suitable house for the Public Worship of God, and as soon as may be procure and settle a learned Orthodox Minister of good conversation and make provision for his comfortable and honorable support, and that thereupon they be discharged from any further payment for the maintenance of the ministry &c., in the towns of Scituate or Abing- ton for any estate lying within the said town of Hanover." In pursuance of this proviso one of the first steps taken by the town was to provide for the support of Public Worship, and July 17, 1727, Mr. DANIEL DWIGHT, who had already preached in the town, was chosen to dispense the Word of God for three months. Rev. Daniel Dwight was a descendant of Michael Dwight, of Dedham, Mass.. He was born October 28, 1707; graduated from Harvard College in 1726, and was never married. He preached occasionally, though for years he engaged in business. He died July 4, 1747, aged 39. Messrs. Amos Sylvester and Thomas Josselynn were chosen to arrange with Mr. Dwight, and 7 s. 19 were subsequently voted as a remuneration for his services. Meetings were held at this time in private dwellings, and the house of Mr. Samuel Stetson, being nearest the centre of the town, and most con- venient for the public accommodation, was principally used. August 29th, of the same year, ^60 was voted for the support of a minister, and Isaac Buck, Elijah Gushing and Joseph House were chosen to provide one. Nov. I3th, it was agreed to erect a meeting-house at the most convenient place, by the road called the Drinkwater Road, and Elijah Bisbee, Joshua Turner, and SAMUEL STETSON HOUSE, WHERE CHURCH MEETINGS WERE HELD IN 1727, AND ON DIFFERENT OCCASIONS SINCE THEN. FIRST MEETING-HOUSE. 3 Aaron Soule were chosen to select the site, and Job Otis was appointed to inform them of the town's desire. Dec. I3th, voted: "That the size of the house be as follows: Length 48 ft. ; Width 38 ft. ; and height between joints 19 ft. to be completed by October ist 1728." Elijah Gushing, Joseph House and Abner Dwelly were chosen a building committee, and to see that the house was done in a workmanlike manner, but as cheap as possible. The house was erected at a cost of ^300. Barry says : "January 22, 1728, Isaac Bush was chosen agent to apply to the town of Scituate for aid in erecting the new meeting-house ; a subscription paper was circulated by him, on which the sum of go was subscribed, but of which only 66 is. 6d., were realized ; and it was agreed that the money thus obtained should be proportioned on the polls and estates, towards defraying the charges. Mr. Buck was also agent to apply to citizens of Han- over for aid. Gifts of land were made by John Gushing, Job Otis, Nicholas Litchfield, Stephen Clapp, Sen., and others of Scituate; Rev. Thomas Barstow, of Taunton: and Joseph Bars- tow, and Samuel Barstow, of Hanover; the lots being laid out for the town by Caleb Torrey, and Stephen Clapp, of Scituate. The land on which the house was built, is said to have been given by Thomas Buck. Isaac Buck was the agent of the town to receive the deeds of the above lots. "March 23, 1728, the town voted to take their part of the Government loan of ^60,000, 'now in the Treasury at Boston,' and Joseph Barstow, Benjamin Curtis, and Samuel Barstow, were chosen to receive the same, and to let it out towards pay- ing the carpenters. Gifts of lumber were made by several per- sons, and what was left, after the house was finished, was sold for the use of the ministry. The whole cost of the house appears to have been about ^300. "This first meeting-house stood on the same spot as the present house, and continued in use until 1765, under the min- istry of Mr. Baldwin, when the second house was built. No 4 REV. BENJAMIN BASS. records exist from which a correct idea of its appearance can be gained. An old lady, Mrs. Perry, living in Pembroke in 1853, and then 98 years old, born in 1755, and who was ten years of age when the second house was erected, has a distinct recollec- tion of that event, but not of the looks of the original edifice. From the best information I can gain, I learn that it was a plain structure, in accordance with the simplicity of the times, facing the South ; without steeple or chimney ; the windows glazed with diamond-shaped glass; the walls unplastered; and unwarmed by stove or furnace ; and here, for about forty years, the fathers of the town, with their wives and little ones, gathered together, from Sabbath to Sabbath, in summer's heat and winter's cold, listening devoutly to the ministrations of the Word of God, and chanting, to the quaint, old-fashioned tunes of the day, Stern- hold and Hopkins' hymns, deaconed off to them line by line." August 27th, 1728, Benjamin Curtis, Elijah Gushing, William Witherell, Thomas Josselynn, and Benjamin Curtis, jr., were chosen "To advise with the neighboring ordained ministers as the law directs, in order for the settlement of the REV. BENJ : BASS in the work of the ministry ;" and subsequently it was voted that the sum of ^130 per annum be paid as his salary. Nov. 23rd, 1728, it was voted to ordain Mr. Bass to the work of the ministry; and Amos Sylvester was chosen to make provision for the council. Rev. Benj : Bass was the son of Joseph and Mary Bass, of Braintree, and a descendant of Samuel Bass, who, with his wife Anne and one or two young children, came to New England in 1630, and set- tled first in Roxbury, and afterwards in that part of Braintree which is now Quincy. Benjamin was born in 1694, and gradu- ated at Harvard College in 1715. The ordination of Mr. Bass took place Dec. 11, 1728. Previ- ous to this, Dec. 5th, was observed as a day of FIRST COMMUNION. 5 " Fasting and Prayer to implore the Divine Presence and Blessing to attend the ministry of the Pastor elect, Benj: Bass, M. A., who had before this accepted the Town's call to the Pastoral office amongst them." The church, consisting of ten members besides the pastor elect, was formed on this day, and they then subscribed the Church Covenant. The following names appear in the Church Records of those who constituted the church at this time, and signed the covenant : Joseph Stockbridge, Elijah Gushing, James Hatch, John Tailor, Samuel Staples, Isaac Buck, Joseph Stockbridge, jr., Thomas Josselynn, Amasa Turner, and Samuel Skiff. The covenant signed by them is found further on in this book. At the ordination of Mr. Bass the Rev. Mr. Eells, of Scituate, and Rev. Mr. Lewis, of Pembroke, were present and assisted in the services. At a church meeting, held Jan. roth, 1729, Joseph Stockbridge and Elijah Gushing were chosen deacons, and it was agreed to raise money by contribution to provide utensils for the Lord's Table. A contribution was accordingly made January iQth, it being the Sabbath, and with the proceeds there were bought "Three pewter tankards, marked C. T., of 10 s. price each; five pewter beakers, costing 35. 6dL each, and marked C. B.; two pewter platters, marked C. P.; a pewter basin for baptism ; and a cloth for the Communion Table." The communion was celebrated for the first time March 2nd, 1729, and the first service plate continued in use until 1768. Feb. 1 5th, 1736, occurred the death of John Taylor, one of the original members of the Church. March 7, 1742, the Church took a vote to see if the Society would sing in the new way, and it passed in the affirmative. Then, being desired to bring in their votes for a tuner, Mr. Ezekiel Turner was chosen by a considerable majority. Previ- ous to this, singing, in most, if not all the New England churches, had been strictly congregational, the lines of the hymns being read off by the Deacon, who usually pitched the tune, and all 6 REV. SAMUEL BALDWIN. who could sing joined in. By this vote, Sternhold and Hopkins' version of the Psalms was rejected, and Tate and Brady's was adopted. From the first the church steadily increased in num- bers. On Nov. 4th, 1744, Susannah Rose, an Indian, was received by letter from the Indian Church of Mashpee in Sandwich. The Church chose May I4th Joseph Stockbridge, Elijah Gushing, Benjamin Mann, Thomas Rose, Samuel Barstow, Joseph Ramsdale, and James Torrey, jr., to inspect the manner of the children of the church, as well as such as are in full com- munion, and endeavor when they walk disorderly to bring them to repentance and reformation. April 8th, 1748, 14, 15^. was collected to buy good books to lend to such of the Society as stand in need of them, and would be glad to read them. "With the above money," says Mr. Bass, " I bought in less than a week a parcel of books, whose Titles, Authors, and Price in Old Tenor may be met with in a book which is an exposition of the Epis- tle to the Colossians by Nicholas Byfield." Those who borrowed the books were to return them in two months, and Mr. Bass wrote on the title-page of each book the letters C. B. C. S. H., which stand for Charity Book of the Con- gregational Society in Hanover. The ministry of Mr. Bass, which was quiet and undisturbed, passed peacefully on until May 23, 1756, when he died, in the 63rd year of his age, after a settlement of 27 years, 5 months, and 15 days. During this period 83 persons joined the church, and 588 were baptized. From his writings Mr. Bass appears to have been a man marked more by common sense, than by brilliancy of diction, withal a little inclined to facetiousness, yet open-hearted, and frank, and laboring diligently for the welfare of his people. He was often consulted by neighboring churches, and acted as Mod- erator in Ecclesiastical Councils. In the midst of the excite- ment which prevailed during the latter years of his ministry, occasioned by the preaching of Whitefield, and the rise of the "new lights," he preserved his own hold on the good-will of 3 x H -. O > ^ O " I 1 ENLARGING THE FIRST MEETING-HOUSE. 7 his society, and left his people in a state of as great prosperity as was enjoyed in any of the adjoining towns. His habits were simple and his manner of living frugal and unostentatious ; yet his was ever a hospitable board, to which his parishioners and friends were cordially welcomed. He took great interest in the children of his parish, and never passed a child in the road with- out noticing it. The children so loved him, that whenever they saw him approaching, they would arrange themselves in a row, and as he drew near, greet him with bows and courtesies, while smiles of joy illumined their faces. As an illustration of his facetiousness, it is related, that having received an invitation to settle at Eel River, Plymouth, and being asked if he should accept it, he replied: "No, Eel River may do for small fish, but it is not large enough for Bass." After the death of the Rev. Mr. Bass, Ezekiel Turner, Esq., Joseph House, and Michael Sylvester were chosen a committee by the town June I4th, 1756, to join a committee chosen by the Church, to supply the pulpit with preaching, and Aug. 3Oth, the church having laid before the town their choice of MR. SAM- UEL BALDWIN for their pastor, the town concurred in the choice. It was voted, that he should receive as his salary ,7$. 6s. 8d. per annum. (He was son of David Baldwin, of Sudbury, gr. son of Henry, and gt. gr. son of Henry, of Devonshire, Eng- land, who settled at Woburn in 1650. He graduated from Har- vard College 1752, and married Hannah, dau. of Judge John Gushing, Jan. 4, 1759, by whom he had nine children.) Mr. Baldwin declined to become pastor for this sum. Oct. nth, it was voted "to give him 80. and to build for him within 18 months a dwelling- house 40 ft. long, 30 ft. wide, and 17 ft. between joints, with two stacks of chimneys, a plain roof, with a suitable number of windows with crown glass, and to be painted inside and outside, such a color or colors as shall be agreeable to his mind, and to build and finish under the house a cellar 30 ft. long, and 14 ft. wide, pointed &c., and everything, both inside and outside, both wood work, iron work, and joiner's work, with two cupboards and as manj closets in said house 8 REV. SAMUEL BALDWIN. as may be convenient, all to be done to the turning of a Key, and to be underpinned in a suitable manner, to the acceptance of Mr. Bald- win, and this to be a free gift as a settlement." Mr. Baldwin accepted this proposal. Feb. 7th, the dimen- sions of the house were altered to 38 by 32 ft. It was voted to pay for the building in money, and to give Joseph Curtis ^160 for building and completing it. Mr. Baldwin acknowledged the receipt of the house March 5th, 1759, as his settlement gift. Oct. 8th, 1756, it was voted that Mr. Baldwin be ordained Dec. ist, if the Thanksgiving be not on that week, but if it is, the ordination to be on the second Wednesday of December. It was also voted to give Capt. Josselynn 16 to provide hand- some and suitable entertainment for the ordination, and he agreed to do it for that sum. The ordination took place Dec. ist. Under the ministration of Mr. Baldwin, the meeting-house was soon filled; and accordingly, June 25th, 1764, it was voted to open the same in two parts, and put in a new piece in the middle, 13 ft. or 14 ft. in length. This vote was re-considered Oct. 22nd, and it was voted to build a new house of the follow- ing dimensions "62 ft. in length, 43 in width, and 22 ft. between joints according to the plan in the office of the town clerk." At the same time it was voted that each person should enjoy their pews as heretofore, only giving way for the new additional pews to be built. The committee was empowered to dispose of the old meeting-house, and the new additional pew room to the undertaker or undertakers of the meeting-house aforesaid, or to any other person or persons in part pay for the work afore- said. Mr. Joseph Tolman was the contractor for the erection of the new house; and May 2Oth, 1765, it was voted to have a steeple to the meeting house, provided the money for the same can or shall be raised by subscription. This steeple was built, REV. SAMUEL BALDWIN. 9 and the new house was erected on the site of the old one. It stood facing the south. At the east end was the women's porch extending from the ground to the eaves, and projecting from the building a few feet. In the entry was the stairway leading to the gallery, and overhead > oo O if5 w ^^ * o a s po 3 < < wo.,: S S [14 I w . g - N O 00 00 ^ O oo w i u ^o w =2 Q REV. SETH CHAPIN. 1 5 During Rev. Calvin Chaddock's pastorate 19 were baptized, according to the record, and 26 were admitted to the church. The peaceful close of his useful life was passed on the sunny plains of western Virginia. The Church met on Thursday, Feb. 4th, 1819, at the school- house near the meeting-house, and voted unanimously to invite REV. SETH CHAPIN to take pastoral charge of the church. Rev. Mr. Chapin, having accepted the call, and having given his answer, the church met at the house of Deacon Benjamin Bass, on Monday, 22nd of March, and the pastor elect by partic- ular request acted as Moderator. Dea. Barstow and William Torrey were chosen a committee, with the pastor elect, to revise the old covenant, which was first formed at the gathering of the church in 1728, and lay it with amendments, and also some arti- cles of faith prefixed to it, before the church for their approba- tion. It was then voted, that in case Rev. Mr. Chapin was installed, he should be considered as belonging to the church in Hanover, ex officio, and that the ceremony of removing his rela- tion from the church in Barrington should be dispensed with. Letters missive for a council were sent to the following churches : 3rd Plymouth, Halifax; 2nd Abington; 2nd Medway; 1st Wren- tham, Rehoboth, and Barrington. The council met April 21, 1819, all the churches invited being represented. "Rev. Seth Chapin was the son of Seth and Eunice Chapin, of Mendon, Mass.; and was born June 25, 1783. His father was an officer in the Revolutionary Army, and was stationed, a portion of the time, in Rhode Island, being engaged in Sulli- van's celebrated expedition. The son pursued his studies, pre- paratory for college, under the Rev. Dr. Crane, of Uxbridge, entered Brown University in 1804, graduated in 1808, studied theology at Andover, which place he left in 1811 ; and in Nov- ember of that year was installed as pastor of the church in Hills- boro', N. H. Here he remained until 1816; and the following three years were spent in Rowley, Mass., Mansfield, Conn., and elsewhere. In 1819, he was settled in Hanover, and remained until 1824, after which he preached in East Haddam, Conn., Hunter, N. Y., Attleboro', Mass., and Granville, Mass. In l6 REV. SETH CHAPIN. 1845, ne relinquished the duties of his profession, and engaged in agricultural pursuits, with such ardor and success, in the lan- guage of his son, as to 'have the pleasure of matching the won- derful Georgic transformation, and saw " Ingens Exiit ad coelum ramis felicibus arbos Miraturque novas fondes et non sua poma." "He married Mary Bicknell, second daughter of the Hon. Joshua Bicknell, of Barrington, May 28, 1810 her father having been 'for more than fifty years prominent in the councils of the State; and a man of such unflinching political integrity as to have received the title of 'old Aristides.' By this marriage he had two sons, the elder of whom, Henry, graduated at Brown University in 1835, received the degree of L. L. B., at Harvard College, in 1838, and settled as a physician in Providence, R. I. The younger son read law with the Hon. A. C. Greene, of Rhode Island, and settled in Alabama, where he died Septem- ber II, 1836, at the early age of 21. Mr. Chapin, the father, died in Providence, R. I., April 19, 1850, ae 67. His widow sur- vived and resided with her son in Providence. As a preach- er, Mr. Chapin was earnest and faithful; his discourses being instructive and copiously illustrated. As a scholar, he was dili- gent and studious ; and several of his occasional productions were published. He was successful in his calling; a man of use- fulness, and indomitable perseverance ; and he left behind him a good name as an inheritance for his surviving son." At the beginning of Mr. Chapin's ministry the church num- bered 75 members, 20 of whom were males. After the prepar- atory lecture, June 4th, the church adopted the articles of faith which were presented by the committee chosen for this purpose, and the adoption of the covenant, presented by the same com- mittee was postponed until the next preparatory lecture. The next preparatory lecture was on Aug. I3th, at which the cov- enant was, after much deliberation, adopted almost unanimously. At that time the church voted to set apart a day of fasting and prayer, and for renewing the covenant. The day was to be REV. SETH CHAPIN. I/ designated by the pastor, and the parish were to be invited to unite with the church in observing the day. The church also passed four important resolutions, covering requirements of ad- missions. Oct. ist was set apart as a day of fasting and prayer, and the church solemnly renewed their covenant vows and received two new members according to their rules. At a church meeting, held in the meeting-house April 19, 1820, the importance of attending to church discipline was considered, and a committee of three was chosen to converse with those members who had for a long time neglected the communion and public worship, or who had otherwise publicly offended. The same committee of examinations was continued for another year. Oct. 2ist, Deacon Joseph Brooks was chosen a delegate, with the pastor, in compliance with a letter missive from the Pruden- tial Committee of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, to attend an ecclesiastical council in North Bridgewater, the 3ist of the same month, for the purpose of set- ting apart Mr. Daniel Temple and Mr. Isaac Bird as ministers of the Gospel and missionaries, and on the 2nd of January, 1822, the church was represented by the pastor and Dea. Bars- tow in an ecclesiastical council in Abington, for the purpose of ordaining Mr. Samuel Spring as pastor over the Congregational Church in that place. About this time the church experienced a great loss in the death of Dea. Joseph Brooks, who had, for a great many years, served the church faithfully, and had been appointed on a great many committees, chosen at different times for different pur- poses. So we find, that after meeting on the Sabbath, Jan. 6th, 1822, the members voted that it was proper to " hold a day of fasting and prayer on account of the many deaths in the church during the preceding year, and especially that of the la- mented Dea. Jos. Brooks ; also to seek direction in the choice of a brother to fill his place, and to humble themselves before God, on account of the low state of religion, and the unfavorable aspect of surrounding circumstances." 1 8 REV. SETH CHAPIN. Accordingly, the I5th day of Feb. was observed as a day of fasting and prayer, and religious services were held in the house of worship. Although the members made choice of a deacon, he absolutely declined to serve, so that they postponed any fur- ther action. In the following year, the church accepted an invi- tation to send the pastor and a delegate to attend an ecclesiasti- cal council in Harrington, R. I., Feb. 25th, for the purpose of ordaining Mr. Francis Wood as pastor of the church in that place. In October, of the same year, a very singular meeting was held. A certain person had presented himself for admission into the church, by virtue of a letter of dismission and recom- mendation from a neighboring church, and had stood propounded longer than the usual time. No objections were made to him, and the pastor made some remarks, expressing his satisfaction with the views and religious experience of the person presented. When a vote was called there was entire silence, and accordingly the pastor, who was moderator, declared there was no vote, and the subject of receiving the member was postponed until the brethren should have an opportunity to converse with the person. At this meeting, the pastor voted a new measure, which was objected to on the part of the members of the church. He wished them to nominate a neighboring minister to preside as moderator at a future church meeting, before which he wished to present some business. Though he repeatedly urged the im- portance of making such a nomination, the members refused to do so, and the meeting was postponed until the members had time to consider and to inform themselves relative to the prac- tice of other churches in such cases. In the following November, the subject of church discipline was again considered, and at two meetings, after a long discus- sion, in which it was contended by some members, that a public acknowledgment of their faults before the congregation, on the part of members who had publicly offended was inexpedient and unprofitable, and by some contrary to Scripture. It was finally unanimously voted that members of the church should be re- REV. SETH CHAPIN. 19 quired to make acknowledgment and manifest their penitence only before the church. Nevertheless, if they chose, they could do so before the congregation. Again the pastor and church felt a need for a day of fasting and prayer, and the ist of January, 1824, was set apart, and the several neighboring churches, having agreed to set apart the same day, this church met in the house of the pastor to pray for its own pastor and church, and also for the pastor and churches also assembled for the same purpose in other places. It seems that after a year and a quarter, the members had had time to converse with the person, in regard to whom they were so silent, for we find that they were ready to vote, and did vote to receive him, Jan. 2/th, of this year. Feb. iQth the pastor resigned his office, and asked for an ecclesiastical council to meet on the 2ist day of April, for the purpose of dissolving the pastoral relation. The church granted his request, and in their records expressed their "deep contrition and humiliation before Almighty God under his providential frown upon them," feeling it to be their "painful duty, all existing circumstances consid- ered, to concur with their beloved pastor." Accordingly, in union with the parish, committees were chosen and a council was summoned by letters missive. The council met, and after examining into the case, regularly dismissed him, expressing the deep interest they felt in the "afflictive circumstances in which it has pleased a sovereign God to place this church and people by this decision." His dismissal was caused by a want of pecuni- ary support. The salary agreed upon, when he was settled, was $500, which seems to have been collected and paid without much difficulty, for the first three years of his ministry. Soon after the beginning of the fourth year, a committee was sent to him, to see if he would accept a less sum, which had been subscribed. To their communication he returned a respectful answer July 6th, 1822, stating, that with the prospects before him, he was not prepared to say that he dared venture to hope that anything less would defray his necessary expenses. During the fourth year his salary was raised by taxation, but the fifth year the 2O REV. ETHAN SMITH. parish returned to the subscription plan, and at the close make the following minutes: "Considering the diminished and impoverished state of this parish, they do not think it expedient to raise money to defray the Rev. Mr. Chapin's salary for the ensuing year." Those were critical times, especially for the feeble Congrega- tional Churches in Massachusetts. By a recent decision of Chief Justice Parsons, of the Supreme Court of this State, the autonomy of the churches had been destroyed. By this decis- ion, in the Dedham case, no church could hold property, or in fact could have a legal existence aside from the parish or society with which it was connected. It took from the churches all their possessions, and put all their funds, and even their com- munion ware, at the entire control of the society, the majority of whom, in many cases, might be made to vote to employ min- isters who would preach against the doctrines of the Congrega- tional churches. Had it not been that this parish was a close corporation, the church might, in its feebleness, like many oth- ers, have passed over into another denomination. In view of the straitened circumstances and embarrassments of Rev. Mr. Chapin, they affectionately recommended him to the sympathy of the people among whom he labored, in the hope that they would make such exertions for his relief as the case would require. The council, in their result, expressed their con- tinued and undiminished confidence in him, in his Christian integrity, and their respect for his ministerial talents and attain- ments, and they commended him to others with whom his lot may be cast, and they commended this church to the unfailing protection of the great Head of the Church. During his ministry 12 persons were admitted into the church and 27 were baptized. After the dismissal of Mr. Chapin, the church did not despair, but began to look around for a new pas- tor, for one who might make it more easy, or at least more prac- ticable to sustain the ordinances of the gospel in this first church of the town. They were, however, without a settled pastor until 1827, when they gave to REV. ETHAN SMITH a call. Dur- THIRD MEETING HOUSE. 21 ing this time they were not without the ministrations of the gospel. In the same year after the departure of Mr. Chapin they were much cheered by the ladies. The parish received from certain ladies living in this and adjoining towns, not sub- ject to taxation (as they say), who had formed themselves into a society which they termed "The Female Helping Society, "- a communication to be laid before the parish. In this communi- cation these ladies said : That, in view of the reduced numbers and resources of the society, they have obtained one hundred and thirty or forty dollars, which they would like to give the parish to aid in securing another minister, and they very respect- fully added, that, if it met the concurrence of the parish, they would be particularly gratified if the parish would engage Mr. Noah Emerson. The parish, anxious to meet such generosity in a suitable manner, made an offer to Mr. Emerson to become their pastor, which, for some reason, was not accepted. While the church was without a pastor, the members of the church held their meetings, and attended to church discipline, and the reception of members. Eighteen persons were by them received into the church, and the pulpit was more or less sup- plied by different preachers. The parish also became interested and engaged in building a NEW MEETING HOUSE the THIRD ONE. Those were spirited times, on account of the different views entertained, and the earnest discussions resulting therefrom. According to the records this meeting-house was built before the call of Rev. Mr. Smith to be the pastor ; for March iQth, 1827, the church held a meeting in the new meeting house, and voted to extend a call to REV. ETHAN SMITH to become their settled pastor. The parish concurred with the church, and the following churches were invited: The 2d and 3d churches in Abington; 2d in Weymouth; church in Brain- tree; Union Church in Braintree and Weymouth; church in Hanson; ist church in Scituate, and 2d in Cohasset. Barry says: "That the Rev. Ethan Smith, the 7th pastor, was born in Belchertown, Mass., Dec. 17, 1762. He married in 1791, Bathsheba Sandford, second daughter of Rev. David Sand- 22 REV. ETHAN SMITH. ford, of Medway, Mass. He was in Haverhill, N. H., nine years, and was dismissed for want of support. He was installed in the ministry at Hopkinton, N. H., March 12, 1800, and continued there about 18 years, during 16 of which he was Secretary of the New Hampshire Missionary Society. He was afterwards settled at Hebron, N. Y., about 4 years ; at Poultney, Vt., about 5 years; at Hanover, Mass., 5 years; and then spent a season as a city missionary in Boston. His publications were, i. A Dissertation on the Prophecies, two editions ; 2. A View of the Trinity, two editions; 3. A View of the Hebrews, two editions ; 4. Lectures on the Subjects and Mode of Baptism, two editions; 5. A Key to the Figurative Language of the Bible ; 6. Memoirs of Mrs. Abigail Bailey; 7. A Key to the Revelation, two editions; 8. Prophetic Catechism; 9. Two Sermons on Episcopacy; 10. Farewell Sermon at Haverhill, N. H.; n. First Sermon after Installation at Hopkinton; 12. Two Sermons on the Vain Ex- cuses of Sinners, preached at Washington, N. H.; 13. Sermon on the Moral Perfection of God, preached at Newburyport, Mass.; 14. Sermon on the Daughters of Zion Excelling, preached before a Female Cent Society; 15. Sermon on the Happy Transition of Saints, preached at the Funeral of Mrs. Jemima, consort of Rev. Dr. Harris, of Dunbarton; 16. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Stephen Martindale, at Tinmouth, Vt.; and 17. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Harvey Smith, at Wey bridge, Vt. "His children were Myron, born in Haverhill, N. H., 1794, and died 1818, aged 24; Lyndon Arnold, born at Haverhill, 1795, graduated at Dartmouth College, married a daughter of Rev. Dr. Griffin, and settled as a physician in Newark, N. J.; Stephen Sandford, born at Haverhill, 1797, and settled as pastor of the Congregational Church, Westminster, Mass.; Laura, who died in infancy; Carlos, born in Hopkinton, 1801, graduated at Union College, and settled as pastor over the Presbyterian Church in Massillon, Ohio; Grace Fletcher, wife of Rev. Job H. Martin, died in Haverhill, Mass., 1840; Sarah Towne, second wife of Rev. J. H. Martin, of New York; Harriet, wife of William H. Sandford, of Boylston, Mass.; and Ellen, wife of C. B. Sedgvvick, Esq., of Syracuse, died May 23, 1846, aged 33. The wife of Mr. THIRD MEETING HOUSE. 23 Smith died in Pompey, N. Y., April 5, 1835, aged 64. He was living in 1847, in Boylston, Mass., but has since deceased. "During the ministry of Mr. Smith the second meeting-house was torn down, and the third, or present house erected ; which stands in the centre of the town, facing the East, and is a modest structure, surmounted by a steeple, and in the belfry hangs the old bell given by Mr. Josselynn, in 1785, and recast in 1788." Rev. Ethan Smith had offered to become a member of the church on the condition, that if his moral character or conduct should be called in question he should be tried only by a council mutually chosen for the purpose, and the church had received him on this condition as a member. His wife, Bethesda, pre- sented a letter from the church in Poultney, Vt. In March, 1830, the church was invited to sit in council, by pastor and delegate, to aid in forming the Third Congregational Church, Plymouth, into two churches. Deacons Barstow and Cook were chosen, that one of them might accompany the pas- tor, as they shall agree. At the monthly church meeting, held June 3d, 1831, the church voted, that in the future, examinations of candidates be as usual by the committee, but also in the presence of the church, and that other members besides the committee have opportunity to ask questions. Sabbath noon, June I2th, a letter missive was read to the church from Kingston, requesting the aid of the church in the installation of a pastor over the evangelical church in that place. Dea. Isaac Cook, with Dea. Barstow, as alternate, was chosen delegate with the pastor. Again on Sabbath, Nov. 6th, a letter was read from a committee of the church in Halifax, requesting the church to aid (with a number of other churches mentioned in the letter) in an ex parte council, to give advice relative to difficulties between their pastor and themselves, the pastor hav- ing utterly declined to unite in calling a mutual council. This church voted not to comply with the request ; at which the pas- tor, Mr. Smith, was grieved, deeming the vote uncharitable and irregular. 2 4 REV. MR. WOODBURY. About this time the pastor, being called to take a journey, hired a REV. MR. WOODBURY, of Boston, to supply his pul- pit two Sabbaths. Mr. Woodbury, though a total stranger to Mr. Smith, was well recommended, and was a candidate in good standing. After preaching one Sabbath, the church was con- vened on the following Thursday, Dec. ist, and with Dea. Isaac Cook as moderator, voted to send the following communication: ^Congregational Church in Hanover to the Rev. Mr. Woodbury. "SiR: Having heard you preach last Lord's Day, and believing as we do that your preaching is subversive of the Gospel of Christ, and contrary to the confession of faith adopted by this church, and danger- ous to the souls of men, we, therefore, request that you would not preach to us the next Lord's Day." This, as well as a case of church discipline the year before, shows that the church had a regard for discipline and its well being. The last Sabbath in Dec. of the year 1831, Mr. Smith having received an invitation from the Board of Overseers of the City Missions, of Boston, to engage as a city missionary, requested of the church a dismissal, and accordingly a council was called, and he was regularly dismissed Jan. I2th, 1832. The council were unanimous in their conclusions, and expressed themselves as highly gratified to find, from the documents, that there was a state of very desirable harmony existing between the pastor and his church and society; and that nothing had been exhibited, or even suggested, as detrimental to the minis- terial, the Christian, or moral character of the pastor. In his youth, Mr. Smith learned the trade of "tanner and currier and shoemaker." At the age of 18 he became a soldier in the Rev- olutionary War, and was stationed at West Point when Benedict Arnold attempted to betray the fort and the country into the hands of the enemy. It was not until he had reached the age of 2; that he began preparation for a liberal education. At the age of 30 he was a well-educated man, having been graduated with honor at Dartmouth College. He spent some time in studying theology, with the distinguished Dr. Burton, of Thetford, Vt. His first settlement was at Haverhill, N. H., where he remained THIRD MEETING HOUSE. 25 about 9 years. He was settled in Hopkinton, N. H., about 18 years, and when he was settled in Hanover, it was his fifth place of settlement. After he left Hanover, he labored about a year in Boston, as city missionary, and then was employed in the State of New York. His wife died in 1835, leaving him to travel alone the journey of life. He had ten children, eight of whom reached adult years. The whole period of Mr. Smith's ministry was 59 years. He was a great student of the Bible. His son, Rev. Carlos Smith, says of him: "He was an indefa- tigable Bible student, and beyond all the men I ever knew, fa- miliar with the Bible. It was with him THE BOOK. He pored over it with ever fresh delight. I remember hearing him say, in his old age, ' new beauties were opened up to him contin- ually.' He had a warm and deep sympathy for all classes of men, however ignorant and degraded, and for all of those Christian and benevolent societies and operations which are adapted to promote human elevation and human happiness." He spent the closing years of his life with his children, partic- ularly with his daughter, the wife of William H. Sanford, of Boylston, where he died in the year 1849. It is remarkable that three of his sons were in the ministry, as pastors, and three of his daughters were wives of pastors. At a regular church meeting, held April 4th, 1833, a commit- tee of three was chosen, consisting of Dea. Isaac Cook, Dea. Elijah Barstow, and Elisha Bass, to visit those members whom they judged to walk disorderly, and to make a report to the church at some future day. The same committee was appointed to make inquiry respecting the articles of faith. On the 8th day of the following June, a regular meeting of the church was held in the vestry, and Dea. Elijah Barstow being chosen moderator, an invitation was extended to the REV. ABEL G. DUNCAN to become their pastor, and Elisha Bass was appointed a com- mittee to communicate to Mr. Duncan the doings of the church. The following is the answer to their invitation : 26 REV. ABEL G. DUNCAN. To the Cong'! Chh. in Hanover and the Society connected therewith. BRETHREN AND FRIENDS: Having prayerfully considered your invi- tation to settle among you in the Gospel ministry, and the leadings of Divine Providence, I now cheerfully consent to take the orersight of you, and to minister to you in holy things, on the conditions proposed. Praying that you may share with your children and the Israel of God in the blessings of his gracious covenant, I subscribe myself your ser- vant for Christ's sake. A. G. DUNCAN. Hanover, Aug. 2d, 1833. Accordingly, a council was convened at the house of Rev. Abel G. Duncan, Aug. 22d, for the purpose of installing him pastor, if thought proper. The council was composed of repre- sentatives from the following churches : 2d church, Abington ; 3d church, Abington ; 2d church, Randolph ; Union church, Braintree and Weymouth ; church in North Wrentham. Also Rev. Stephen Thurston of West Prospect, Me., afterward of Searsport, Me., was invited and was present. The members of the council were unanimous in voting that they were satisfied, after due examination into Mr. Duncan's doctrinal opinions, his views of experimental piety, his aptness to teach, and his views relative to entering the ministry of the Gospel. Installation services were held in the church at 2 o'clock, when the following persons took part : Rev. Moses Thatcher, of North Wrentham, offered the introductory prayer ; Rev. Stephen Thurston preached the sermon ; Rev. Jonas Perkins, of Braintree, made the prayer of installation; Rev. Daniel Thomas, of 2d church, Abington, the moderator, gave the charge to the pastor ; Rev. D. Brigham, of 2d church, Randolph, gave the right hand of fellowship ; and Rev. Lucius Alden, of 3d church, Abington, the scribe, offered the concluding prayer. In the month of October following, Mr. Duncan and his wife were received as members of the church. Rev. Abel G. Duncan was born in Chester, Vt., in 1802. He graduated at the Bangor Theological Seminary in 1828, was set- tled for four years in Jackson and Brooks, Maine, and was installed in Hanover Aug. 22d, 1833. He proved himself a faithful minister and an excellent citizen, having had the honor THIRD MEETING HOUSE. 27 to represent the town for six years in the State Legislature, and having been for many years chairman of the school committee. Mr. Duncan remained in Hanover a little more than twenty years, and was active in school matters, and in the cause of temperance and that of anti-slavery. During his ministry the church experi- enced three special seasons of revival, and 60 persons by profes- sion and letter were added to the church. Soon after Mr. Duncan became pastor, two persons were excommunicated ; one for breach of covenant "in going to the Baptists without consulting with the church, and neglecting to give the church satisfaction," and the other for having "embraced the heresy of Universalism." In May, 1835, Joshua Perry was chosen delegate with the pastor to attend a council in Scituate, in order to install Rev. Luke Spofford pastor over the Trinitarian Church. In the following month the pastor, with Wm. Church, were sent to meet in council to advise the church in South Weymouth in relation to their affairs. In the month of July following, a day of fasting and prayer was observed by the church in view of certain "favorable indications of good to Zion." During the years that follow, we find that church meetings were regularly held, and from time to time persons were admitted into church member- ship, and in August, 1839, a committee of three, consisting of Deacons Barstow and Cook and Br. Elisha Bass, were appointed to converse with any members who might be guilty of breaking covenant or transgressing the divine precepts. In 1836, the church having considered the matter, caused to be printed a small pamphlet containing twenty-nine doctrinal articles of their creed and their covenant. Each article is followed by a list of passages from the Bible as proof texts. It seems that a certain promissory note called the Mellen note, had become a source of difficulty in parish meetings. By this note the parish was obli- gated to pay to the church six dollars annually for the expenses of the communion services. At a regular church meeting held Aug. 5, 1836, this note was relinquished and given up. In the summer of the year 1840, the meeting-house was painted white, and the stoves were removed into the entry. The aisles of the 28 REV. ABEL G. DUNCAN. house were also carpeted. While there were some signs of out- ward prosperity, we find the pastor mourning over the very low state of religion, so that in those days there were tides of relig- ious interest. During the last half of the year 1841, the church was engaged in a controversy with one of its members in regard to the doctrines, and at meeting after meeting the matter came up, and a committee was appointed also to wait upon him and report. This case of discipline was remarkable for the length of time consumed and the many meetings called in the controversy. Had the women been allowed to vote it might have been settled much sooner. In regard to the favorable indications of a revival, a day of fast- ing, humiliation and prayer was observed March gth, and March 25th we find the record that a series of meetings was held dur- ing the week, and Revs. Powers and Ward, of Abington, Lewis, of South Weymouth, Colman, of Scituate, and Perkins, of Wey- mouth and Braintree, preached. The weather was unfavorable, but the Holy Spirit was present and good results were manifest. April 7th it is recorded that REV. JAS. R. GUSHING, of E. Haverhill, held a series of meetings, preaching nine times. June 22d, Dea. Elisha Barstow died, after a few days' sickness, at the age of 73. It is recorded of him that he was a worthy man, "who for some months past has appeared very much devoted to the work of the Lord." We find the pastor in mak- ing this record giving expression to the feelings of his heart : "Ah ! Lord God! Wilt thou make a full end of the remnant of Israel ? Turn us again and cause thy face to shine, and we shall be saved." At the close of the year 1842, the pastor left an interesting record. We find recorded for the first time, in the year 1847, ^ e amount of monthly benevolent contributions for the year. The amount was $85. Twenty of this was given to the A. B. C. F. M., twenty to American Missionary Association, and twenty-five to American Home Missionary Society. We find also at the close of the year 1849, the same amount and the same appropriations. In the year 1851, the pastor met with a severe loss. Sabbath evening, October I2th, Mrs. Lucia Harlow, THIRD MEETING HOUSE. 2Q wife of the pastor, died at the age of 56, after twelve weeks of severe suffering, borne with Christian meekness, patience, forti- tude and submission. She was a descendant of Govs. Bradford and Carver, and possessed a spirit worthy of her Puritan stock. At one time during her illness she remarked, in an ecstacy, " Precious Savior ! I shall soon be with him," and her last audi- ble accents breathed forth his name, "Precious Jesus." The following year the pastor was cheered by receiving into the church among many others, his two children, William Paley and Lucia Ann. In the year 1853, a donation of twenty dollars was given to the pastor by the Misses Sarah and Rhoda Ford to purchase a Pulpit Bible and Hymn Book for the use of the pul- pit. At a regular church meeting in 1834, it was voted that the pastor be requested to record the fact that the table and chairs used at the communion are the property of the church by regu- lar purchase with money raised by the church. In the year Ig54 occurred the division of the church, "though," according to Rev. Mr. Allen, in his history of the church, "it was a friendly division, and as those mostly concerned thought to be a necessary one." Thirty-two persons, members of the church, were dismissed and recommended, March loth, for the purpose of being organized into a church at the Four Corners, for the better accommodation of themselves and their families, and others living in that vicinity. Among them was numbered a large proportion of the church's most reliable and active sup- porters. Soon after this division, it seemed necessary to the pastor to bring his long and faithful ministry in this place to a close. Accordingly there was read in the meeting-house Sunday, April 2cl, 1854, the following communication to the church: To the Congregational Church in Hanovor : " Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ." I came unto you as soon as I was sent for, and for these twenty years and over have been laboring to fulfil the ' intent ye sent unto me ' to accomplish ; and for the past two years God had 3O REV. ABEL G. DUNCAN. given that measure of prosperity which appeared to be the promise of better days for this church and society. But a change has come over us, and the condition of things seems to indicate that another should come in my stead and reap that whereon he has bestowed no labor. PERMANENCY in the Pastoral Office seems to give way to the love of novelty and change, and the churches are in the course of experi- ment which, in the opinion of the General Association, will result most unfavorably to their interests. I have considered it my duty heretofore, to make sacrifices of feeling and of interest for the retard- ing of such a result. But wishing no longer to stand up for a prin- ciple so rapidly lost sight of in the excitements and changes of the day ; feeling it to be no longer a duty in view of the circumstances of your present condition ; realizing that my motives and sacrifices for the principle have not been, and still are not, appreciated by this people ; and being willing, while I commit my way to the Lord, to bide my time, I most freely yield to the desire of a change, having in common with the most devoted friends of this beloved church an earnest desire for its perpetuity, peace and prosperity. I, therefore, do now resign into the hands of the great Shepherd and Bishop of Souls, from whom I received it by solemn installation, and into your hands, the pastorate of this church, the resignation to take effect on and after toe first day of May next ; and I respectfully request you to unite with me in calling a mutual council to advise relative to the matter. While 1 take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your multiplied favors, for which I pray that God may richly reward you, I ought in justice to say that my stipulated compensation has always been inadequate to meet my necessary expenses, more especially for the last few years, since the manifest lessened value of money, while my own means for making up your lack of remuneration have been sensibly diminished. The necessary result has been, not- withstanding all my struggles to avoid it, that I am unable fully to meet the claims on me, which are justly due. I prefer no claims, but do appeal to the generosity and magnanimity of those to whom I have ministered ; not because I so much desire a gift, but I desire that fruit may abound to their account. Although you have suffered a great diminution of your members, strength and influence, yet I trust that you will be united and will speedily secure a sound and godly ministry, and that you will humbly and prayerfully in faith and active, zealous effort, wait on the Lord for his blessing. May the light of this ancient Zion never be quenched, but shine with the pure radiance of truth and holiness from generation to generation. And suffer me to ask your continued prayers for one who has rejoiced in your joys, and sorrowed in your sorrows, and who has above all things desired and labored for your salvation, and the salvation of your children. Yours in the bonds of the Gospel, A. G. DUNCAN, Pastor," THIRD MEETING HOUSE. 31 This resignation was accepted by the church, and it was voted that the council to be called be the same that shall meet at the "Four Corners," April I2th, 1854, to organize the Congrega- tional Church there contemplated. Deacon Cook and Josiah Chamberlain were chosen to unite with the pastor in calling the said council and in representing the church before it ; and Dea- con Cook was chosen to attend with the pastor the council to be convened at the "Four Corners," to assist in the organiza- tion of the brethren who have been dismissed, and others who may unite with them into a Congregational Church, to worship in the new house recently erected in the village. Accordingly the council met at the house of Dr. Garratt, Hanover Four Corners, now the residence of James T. Tolman, and organized by the choice of Rev. James W. Ward as moderator, and Rev. Isaac C. White scribe. The churches invited were represented as follows : Church in Abington Centre, Rev. J. W. Ward. Joshua Whitmarsh, Delegate. Hingham, Rev. E. P. Dyer, Pastor. Isaac N. Damon, Delegate. Hanson, Rev. S. L. Rockwood, Pastor. Deacon I. F. Stetson, Delegate. East Abington, Rev. H. D. Walker, Pastor. Deacon , Delegate. Scituate, Rev. Daniel Wight, Pastor. Deacon J. Cudworth, Delegate. North Abington, Rev. J. C. White. The council, after fully considering the papers and the facts, voted to dissolve the pastoral relation, and recommending that those who had enjoyed his ministrations should raise at least two hundred dollars as a mark of their continued affection and regard, and their desire to do justice to one who had labored long and faithfully in the Gospel ministry. They cordially recommended Mr. Duncan to the churches of Christ as a Brother beloved, a sound, faithful preacher of the Gospel, as one who 32 REV. ABEL G. DUNCAN. had long sustained the relation of a discreet and affectionate pastor. They also expressed their deep sympathy for the en- feebled church, and somewhat disheartened by the diminution of members. We find that during his ministry in this place, Mr. Duncan baptized 117 persons, infants and adults, besides receiving a large number into the church. After closing his ministry in this place, he resided and was acting pastor in the Congregational Church in Assonet for eleven years, and after living in Scotland, a part of Bridgewater, for about five and one- half years, acting pastor there, he came back to Hanover in 1873, to spend the few remaining days of his pilgrimage, having reached the age of more than three score years and ten. Here, with health enfeebled in his house on King Street, he resided for about ten months with constantly failing prospects of recov- ery, much of the time upon a bed of sickness, until April 23d, 1874, when he quietly passed away. As he had lived a Christian life, so he died a Christian death, exclaiming shortly before he breathed his last, in the full triumph of a Christian hope : "Oh, precious, precious Saviour! Wonderful, wonderful Saviour! His name shall be called wonderful, counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." The Rev. Mr. Allen, a successor, in his historical account, says: "Mr. Duncan held the pen of a ready writer. Not only did he prepare his written sermons with great care and facility, but he wrote not a little for the press in fugitive and occasional pieces. I know, how- ever, of only four works which were issued in his own name. The first is an address which he delivered in Boston, in 1838, before the Physiological Society, of the city, and was published there. The second is a sermon which he preached in 1853, at the funeral of Mrs. Mary Anna (Perkins) Wight, the wife of Rev. Daniel Wight, of Cohasset. The third is a religious tract which was published by the Boston American Tract Society, on the subject of Baptism, for the manuscript of which they offered a premium (I think) of fifty dollars, and which they appraised to him. The fourth is a little book, called the "Pastor's Man- ual," a very good and useful work, and often of great conven- THIRD MEETING HOUSE. 33 ience in the performance of pastoral duties. Besides these he prepared several volumes of his own sermons in manuscript for the press, which were not published on account of the risk in expense which he would have to assume, and in the same way a volume of religious meditation in prose and poetry by himself, was prepared for publication, but for the same reason failed to come before the public." Mr. Duncan was a man of much more than ordinary talent and perseverance. After he was fifty years of age he began the study of the Hebrew language. The children of Mr. Duncan were Laura J., who married Nahum D. King, of North Adams, and died October 22d, 1859, aged 30 years. Lucia A., who married Henry S. Dean, of Taunton, and died April 3, 1881, aged 48 years; and William Paley, of Cambridge, a lawyer by profession, in practice in Boston, who studied at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, and at Amherst College, and married Abbie F. Crane, daughter of Capt. John Crane, of Freetown, and has two sons, John F. and Payson Williston, a daughter, Laura Mabel, born October 30, 1865, died March 31, 1867. Reference has been made to the literary ability of Rev. Mr. Duncan. He was, indeed, a man of rare scholarship as a linguist, having an intimate knowledge of ancient and several modern languages, reading each tongue with facility, and in belles-lettres was equally gifted. He was a skilled logician and a wise coun- sellor in denominational church polity, and his advice was frequently sought by the several churches and ministerial asso- ciations in Plymouth, Norfolk and Bristol Counties. His modest and friendly demeanor at all times commended him even to those who opposed him in opinion. One incident is remembered concerning him in this connection. A man called at his house one evening during his pastorate at Hanover, and assailed him with violent language about a certain matter of opinion only. Mr. Duncan heard him silently to the end, and then with singular dignity and kindness, replied only in these words : "Rebuke not an elder." Suffice it to say, the excited caller was so much impressed by the manner and simple words 34 REV. JOSEPH FREEMAN. of the pastor, that (in the language of Scripture) "there was a great calm" He could be severe if occasion required, yet his severity was tempered by a gentle dignity through it all, which conciliated as well as reproved. The separation of the First Congregational Church and society was, in fact, a source of much grief to him, and while he had feelings of utmost kindness for the promoters of the measure, many of whom were his warm personal friends, yet it had great influence in saddening his declining years, and to the very last he could not speak of the event without emotion and regret. He re- joiced in the Godly succession of ministers over the old church, particularly in the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Allen. While he displayed much interest in the new Second Parish, yet his thoughts and affections seemed to centre in and revert to the ancient First Church, the home of his early love and care; and his remains now rest beside those of the wife of his youth in the old churchyard, near the beautiful new church edifice erected on the site of the venerable structure consumed by fire, in which old sanctuary they unitedly labored, mid joy and trial, smiles and tears for so many years, in the Master's work, until they "fell on sleep" The ladies of the congregation erected a plain but beautiful tablet to the memory of his wife greatly beloved by them, at her grave, and his children placed a similar one at their father's grave, with this inscription on the same (as he directed shortly before his decease) " Simply to Thy Cross I Cling" \ and there in "God's Acre," with a great company of his parishioners and fellow-townsmen, whose funeral obsequies he performed, his body rests, near the beautiful burial lot of his beloved brother in another communion, Rev. Samuel Cutler, awaiting with him and them the resurrection dawn. The church though considerably enfeebled, yet rallied, and at a regular meeting held Jan. I3th, 1855, in the meeting-house, presided over by Deacon Cook, invited REV. JOSEPH FREE- MAN, to become their pastor and teacher. Accordingly, Mr. Freeman came in answer to the call on the 2ist of February, REV. ABEL G. DUNCAN. THIRD MEETING HOUSE. 35 and preached on the 25th the first sermon as pastor elect. On Sunday, March iith, the Lord's Supper was administered, four- teen members of the church being present, and three from sister churches. "It was a good season." April 5th was observed as a day of public fasting, humiliation and prayer. A sermon was preached in the forenoon, and a social meeting was held in the afternoon. At the close of the service a meeting of the church and parish was called, and Elisha Bass, Josiah Chamber- lain and Deacon Cook were chosen a committee to call an ecclesiastical council for the purpose of installing Rev. Mr. Freeman as pastor of the church and society. Pursuant to let- ters missive from the First Congregational Church in Hanover, an ecclesiastical council convened in the meeting-house on Wednesday, April i8th, 1855, for the purpose of examining, and if judged expedient, of installing Rev. Joseph Freeman as pas- tor. The council was organized by the choice of Rev. Samuel L. Rockwood as moderator, and Rev. F. A. Fiske as scribe. The pastors and delegates present from the churches invited were as follows : Hanson, Rev. Samuel L. Rockwood. Hingham, Rev. E. Porter Dyer, Brother S. G. Bayley, Delegate. Abington, Third Church, Rev. H. D. Walker. Deacon P. Winslow, Delegate. Hanover, Second Church, Rev. William Chapman. Brother George Eells, Delegate. Frankfort, Me., First Congregational Church, Rev. S. H. Hayes. Marshfield, Trinitarian Congregational Church, Rev. F. A. Fiske. Brother C. W. Macomber, Delegate. A ministerial brother being present was invited to take part in the deliberations. The council were satisfied with the papers 36 REV. JOSEPH FREEMAN. and examination, and Rev. Mr. Freeman was installed at 2 p. M. in the meeting-house, with the following public services : 1. Reading of Minutes by the Scribe. 2. Reading the Scriptures and Prayer by Rev. Charles Mor- gridge. 3. Sermon by Rev. S. H. Hayes. 4. Installing Prayer by the Scribe. 5. Charge to the Pastor by Rev. E. Porter Dyer. 6. Right Hand of Fellowship and Address to the People by Rev. H. D. Walker. 7. Concluding Prayer by Rev. E. P. Dyer. 8. Benediction by the Pastor. Inasmuch as this was the last installation of a pastor over this church, it may be interesting to read the letter of invitation to be pastor, and the reply from Mr. Freeman. HANOVER, Jan. 15, 1855. Rev. Joseph Freeman, Dear Sir: I am directed to communicate to you the follow- ing votes of the First Congregational Church and Society in this place. At a regular meeting of the church holden at their meeting-house on Saturday, the I3th inst., Voted, that we invite the Rev. Joseph Freeman to become the pastor and teacher of this church. At a regular meeting of the Society on the same day and place, Voted, that we unite with the church in extending an invitation to the Rev. Joseph Freeman to settle with us in the Gospel ministry. Voted, that we pay him six hundred dollars annually. The above votes were unanimous. I hope that you will accept our call, and come among us as soon as practicable. For the present we have engaged half of a large house near the meeting-house for you, until you can be better accommodated. Please answer as soon as possible. ISAAC COOK. kEv. MR. FREEMAN'S LETTER. 37 PROSPECT, ME., Feb. 6th, 1855. Deacon Joseph Cook, in behalf of the First Congregational Church and Society in Hanover, Mass.: Dear Sir, Your favor of the I5th ult, was duly received. A decided affirmative answer has been delayed until the present time, because it could not be properly given before I should know the results of an ecclesiastical council. The council con- vened to-day, and my pastoral relation with this people is now dissolved. I am happy to say that the short acquaintance I had with your brethren and friends gave me much pleasure, and I left feeling a cordial interest in them and their spiritual welfare. Your request has been made a subject of much thought and prayer to God for his blessing and guidance, for I desire to do what will be pleasing in his sight, and go only where He would have me. Without Him I can do nothing. Under a deep sense of my own weakness and want of conformity to Christ, I feel myself to be unfit for the responsible and holy office of one of His embassadors. But relying upon His grace and merciful presence, and trusting that I shall ever have the cordial co- operation and prayers of all who love His name, I have concluded to accept your call to the pastoral office. With respect to the compensation I accept your proposal, asking that you will grant me four or five Sabbaths annually for a vacation. I am pleased that you have provided accommodations for my family, and trust that we shall be happy in the enjoyment of them ; but you will permit me to express the wish that a parish house may be built as early in the summer as practicable. If nothing in the Provi- dence of God prevents me, I shall leave with my family, for Massachusetts next week; but may not supply your pulpit before the first Sabbath in March, subject, however, to your wishes. I shall then be ready for my installation at an early day as may seem desirable. Wishing you grace, mercy and peace in the Lord Jesus Christ, I remain, in Christian affection, Yours, JOSEPH FREEMAN. 38 REV. JOSEPH FREEMAN. Mr. Freeman was born in Orrington, Me., the last day of December, 1814. His ancestors came from England and set- tled at Eastham, in this state. His parents were professed Christians. At the age of 19 he made a public profession of religion, and united with the Congregational Church in Orrington. His mind was then directed to the Gospel min- istry, and he came to consecrate himself and his life to that work. He was licensed to preach the Gospel, and was gradu- ated at Bangor Theological Seminary in 1842. He went imme- diately on a previous engagement to the Congregational Church in Strong, Maine, where he was ordained pastor in 1844; here he labored three years. He was then installed over the Con- gregational Church in Sandy Point (Stockton), Me., and re- mained nine years. From that place he came to Hanover, where he lived and labored until July 26th, 1869, when he was dismissed by a mutual council. When he was installed pastor there were 14 male members and 43 female, making a total of 57. With his ministry he began to record the times when the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered and the num- ber of members present. June I5th, Rev. Mr. Duncan was present at the regular church meeting. It was voted to grant Mrs. Laura J. D. King, his daughter, a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Congregational Church in North Adams. October I4th, at the close of public worship, a meeting of the church was called by the pastor to decide whether they would join the Pilgrim Conference. The church voted to present their request at the next meeting of that body for admission, and Brother Ebenezer Thayer was chosen delegate to attend that week the conference held at South Marshfield. The re- quest was presented by the pastor, and the church was received into the conference. An event occurred September i8th, when the pastor and his family moved in and occupied a new parson- age or parish house, which had been built for his occupancy. This house was not built by the parish society, but by individual members. At the beginning of the year following, we find the THIRD MEETING HOUSE. 39 new pastor somewhat depressed on account of the low state of religion. Thus we find the record January 4th, 1856 : "Church met in conference at the house of Widow Stetson. Only 4 individuals were present. Prospects appeared rather gloomy." In February the church did not meet in conference owing to the inclemency of the weather, and in March there was a good meeting and the Spirit of the Lord was present, and their hearts were encouraged. Yet it is added : " Religion is low, and wicked- ness abounds ; but it affords no reason why God will not hear the prayer of faith and reveal His gracious power unto salva- tion." In connection with the Lord's Supper which was ad- ministered at noon, March Qth, he says : "It was a good season to our souls, but it does not seem to be the most appropriate time to observe this ordinance at noon. There is too much noise." In May there was present at the Communion the larg- est number of communicants during the year past, and the pastor's heart was encouraged. After public service on the Sabbath, October iQth, the church appointed Deacon Cook, Brother E. Bass and Brother S. S. Church delegates to the Pil- grim Conference which was to meet October 23d, with this church. The Pilgrim Conference met with this church Tuesday and Wednesday, October 23d and 24th. The meetings were very interesting, and it was hoped that permanent good would result. Rev. Mr. Bullard, of Boston, addressed the conference upon the subject of Sabbath Schools. Rev. Dr. J. Clark, of Boston, spoke on the subject of Home Missions. Rev. Mr. Babcock, of South Plymouth, preached the opening sermon. Rev. Mr. Brainerd, of Halifax, preached in the evening. Rev. Mr. Fiske, of North Marshfield, preached the closing sermon. Rev. Messrs. Rockwood and Babcock officiated at the Lord's table. For several months the church failed to meet in confer- ence owing to storms, bad travelling and sickness. At the church meeting held March 4th, 1857, twenty-three were pres- ent. It was a very interesting meeting. Every one felt deeply, and there was much melting of heart and weeping before God. 4O REV. JOSEPH FREEMAN. The Holy Spirit was with them. The pastor closes with this desire of his heart: "Oh, may Rework gloriously." March nth twenty were present. " There was much deep interest in the revival of the church and the salvation of souls manifested, much subdued feeling. The Holy Spirit seems to be moving the hearts of his people to call upon the Lord for his salvation to be revealed among this people. April 23d, meeting of the church and others interested in the subject of relig- ion ; twenty-two were present. Very good meeting. The Spirit of the Lord is with us. There have been a few conversions." May ist, preparatory lecture. Good meeting, twenty-two present. The church generally seem much engaged in the cause of Christ. May zd, administered the Lord's Supper. Large number of communi- cants present. Very solemn and interesting occasion . The Lord is reviving His work." After public service Sabbath, May i/th, Deacon Cook and Brother Samuel Church were chosen delegates to attend the Pilgrim Conference at Carver, the iQth inst. The heart of the pastor was encouraged so that he breaks forth into praise to God, for His mercy and goodness. August 3Oth, Sabbath, after third service, Deacon Isaac Cook was chosen delegate in the absence of the pastor, who was away for six weeks on his vaca- tion, to attend a council in Abington Centre for the purpose of ordaining Mr. Abbe as pastor over the Centre Congregational Church. On September I3th, 1857, the meeting-house was re- opened after undergoing extensive repairs. A new sofa was put in the pulpit. A rich marble top communion table was presented to the church and society, and chairs also by James Stetson, Esq. A dedicatory service was held by the pastor. The pastor says : " In His kind Providence God has smiled upon us during the time of making these repairs and improvements, and prospered the work of our hands. In this may we discern evidence of His pleasure in it. It was a work prompted neither by pride, nor by emulation. It was a work that was needed to be done. Reverence for the sanctu- ary, honor to God, comfort of worshippers asked for it. Cheerfully and kindly has it been clone, and well done. May the richest bless- ings of the Father of lights, to whom it is all devoted, rest upon the people and upon their children and they receive double in mercies for all their labor." THIRD MEETING HOUSE. 4! October nth, after public service in the afternoon, Deacon Cook, Brothers S. S. Church and Ebenezer Thayer were chosen delegates to attend the Pilgrim Conference to be held at Han- son, the 2Oth inst. Nov. ist was a very interesting day. Thirty persons partook of the Sacrament, three were admitted to the church, one being baptized, and also five small children were presented for the ordinance of baptism. The heart of the pastor in common with the hearts of ministers throughout the country and Great Britain was greatly encouraged and cheered by the presence of the Holy Spirit, and the general interest prevalent in the meetings. Revivals abounded and this parish was in a somewhat revived state. February I4th, after public services, Brother Samuel S. Church was chosen delegate with the pastor to attend a council in Hanson, in reference to dismissing their pastor, Rev. Mr. Rockwood. April 4th, after public service, Brother S. S. Church was chosen to attend as delegate with the pastor a council in South Weymouth, for the purpose of install- ing Rev. S. H. Hayes pastor over the Union Congregational Church. May igth, the Pilgrim Conference met at Plympton, and Deacon Cook and Brother Samuel S. Church were the dele- gates chosen to attend. About this time there was a case of church discipline. A great many years had passed since the church had found it necessary to exclude any of its members, but now, after investigating the case by a committee, it was thought best to suspend one of their members for a year, and at the end of that time he was excommunicated. August I5th, the people were pleased to hear again their former pastor, Rev. Abel G. Duncan, who was with them and preached twice, besides attending the funeral of Miss Sybil Hatch. September 26th, after public service, Brother S. S. Church and Deacon Cook were chosen delegates to attend the Pilgrim Conference. October 2 1 st, Thursday, was observed as a day of fasting and prayer. There was a meeting in the meeting-house attended by twenty-five persons. It is described as a yery good meeting. This was recommended to the churches by the Pilgrim Confer- 42 REV. JOSEPH FREEMAN. ence, in the hope that it might be the "beginning of better days." In March, 1859, we nn ^ again the complaint of the pastor as to the low state of religion. At the close of public services Sabbath, June I2th, a letter missive was read from the Second Congregational Church, in this town, and Deacon Cook was chosen delegate with the pastor to attend a council for the purpose of installing Rev. Mr. Aiken as pastor. In the spring of 1860, the pastor was afflicted with a short illness, and on March 4th, the Lord's Supper was administered by REV. MR. HOWLAND, of Abington. The Pilgrim Conference was held in South Plymouth, and Deacon Cook and Brother S. S. Church were chosen delegates. In recording the communion season of July 3d, the pastor speaks of it as a good season, and also states the fact that three young persons had recently been converted. July 1 6th, the pastor records the death of Widow Celia Judd. He says : "She was received to this church August 5th, 1827, by Rev. Ethan Smith, pastor. She walked with the church till within a few years. She has been allured away and become interested in Spiritualism. Because of her feeble old age and broken state of mind, the church bore with her with long suffering and charity. She ever said to her pastor and others that she did not give up her faith in the Bible, nor her hope in Christ, nor her love to the church. Her accounts are with God and sealed. It is our hope that her error and inconsistency may have been forgiven, and that it may be well with her." At the preparatory lecture September 1 3th, 1 860, there was a good attendance of the sisters of the church, but none of the brothers were present. In the spring of 1861, Deacon Cook, and Brothers S. S. Church and Francis Chamberlain were chosen delegates to attend the Pilgrim Conference, and also in the fall, Brother M. Stoddard being chosen instead of Brother Chamber- lain. The regular church meetings were held and attended as in previous years. The church and society having contributed five dollars for books and tracts for the soldiers in the army, received the following note of acknowledgement : DESTRUCTION OF THE THIRD MEETING HOUSE. 43 CAMP BARNES, HALL'S HILL, VA., Oct. 4th, 1861. To the First Congregational Church, Hanovtr, Mass. : In behalf of Company G, i8th Regiment, I msh to tender to you our sincere thanks for the books and tracts received through Colonel Barnes for this company, and which I intend to distribute next Sab- bath. Hoping they may do the good which you intended, I am, your obedient servant, WM. B. WHITE, Captain Company G, i8th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers. In the following spring, April 15 and 16, 1862, the Pilgrim Conference met with this church, and Deacon Cook, Brother S. S. Church and Brother Francis Chamberlain were chosen delegates as usual. We have no record of the proceedings. In the fall, the conference met at Halifax, and Deacon Cook, with Brothers S. S. Church and E. Thayer were chosen delegates. In November a letter missive was received from individuals in Chiltonville, and Brother S. S. Church was chosen to attend as delegate with the pastor a council for the purpose of organizing into a Congregational Church. Deacon Cook went instead of Brother Church. November 25th, Brother Church was chosen delegate to attend a council in Plympton, with the pastor, for the purpose of ordaining Mr. Stevens. At the beginning of the year 1863, January i8th, the meeting-house was burned. The fire was discovered less than an hour after the congregation had gone. It is supposed that the fire in some way or other was communicated from one of the stoves. The most valuable part of the furniture was saved. The next Sabbath, meeting was held in the parsonage, and REV. MR. WALKER, of East Abington (now Rockland), preached on exchange. The follow- ing Sabbaths, meetings were held in the house of Widow Sam- uel Stetson, where the people met for public worship in 1726. July 5th was a memorable day. Four young persons were re- 44 FOURTH MEETING HOUSE. ceived, one of them being the son of the pastor. The pastor and his wife also united with the church by letter from the Congregational Church, Stockton, Maine. At the communion September 6, there was a full attendance. The pastor says : " Good season. Foretaste of the sweet communion of the church in Glory." October i ith, after public services, Deacon Cook and Brother S. S. Church were chosen delegates to the conference to meet in Plymouth. The following Sabbath a letter missive was read from the Fifth Church in Chiltonville, and Deacon Cook was chosen delegate with the pastor to attend a council for the pur- pose of ordaining Mr. Alexander Fuller, Jr., over the church. After the fire, the society began to plan for rebuilding, and November 22d the congregation worshipped for the first time in the vestry of the new church, the present building, being the fourth building of the kind on the same site. November 26th was observed by the church as Thanksgiving Day. A good number assembled to bring offerings of praise before the Lord and present them for His great goodness and mercy. It was a good meeting. Sermon was on the text, I. Chron. 16, 36: " Blessed be the Lord God of Israel forever and ever. And all the people said Amen, and praised the Lord." The day was clear, mild and pleasant. APRIL 2/TH, 1864, THE NEW CHURCH WAS DEDICATED to the worship of Almighty God. The order of exercises was as follows : i . Anthem by the choir. 2. Invocation by Rev. B. Southworth, of Hanson. 3. Reading of Hymn by Rev. S. H. Hayes, of South Wey- mouth, I32d Psalm, beginning with 4th verse. 4. Reading of Scriptures, Psalms 95, 96 and 100, by Rev. Samuel Cutler, Rec- tor of St. Andrew's Church, Hanover. 5. Prayer by Rev. James Aiken, Hanover. 6. Reading 141, Select Hymn, by Rev. Mr. Edwards, of South Abington. Singing. 7. Sermon by pastor. Text, Psalm 96, 8th and 9th verses. 8. Conse- THE NEW CHURCH. 45 crating Prayer by Rev. Mr. Walker. 9. Anthem. 10. Bene- diction by pastor. The pastor records : "The weather on the whole was favorable and the house was filled. We record our gratitude to God for His great goodness, and for a new sanctuary in which we may worship Him, and enjoy as a people the communion and fellowship of the Lord Jesus Christ." In the following June, however, we find the record : " Preparatory lecture. Few present. Religion low. People are busy in worldly affairs." After public services, July i/th, a letter missive was read from the church in Carver, and Deacon Cook was chosen dele, gate with the pastor to attend a council for the purpose of ordaining a pastor. In the fall, the Pilgrim Conference met with the Fifth Church, Chiltonville, and Brother S. S. Church was chosen to attend as delegate. In the ^ear 1865 Fast Day was observed by this church. April I3th, Deacon Cook and Brother Church were appointed delegates to the conference to meet at Kingston, the iQth inst., and to represent the church in respect to a national council to be held in Boston on the I4th of June, and to vote for the sending of messengers from the conference to that council. In the fall, Brothers Church and Chamberlain were chosen delegates to the Pilgrim Conference at South Plymouth. October I2th, 1865, the parish met with a severe loss in the death of Melzar Hatch. He was a constant attendant on public worship in all kinds of weather. Though he was not a professor of religion, he had great reverence for religion and religious ordinances. It grieved him to see them neglected habitually by men, or to witness the desecration of the Holy Sabbath. He was a man of public spirit, and his influence and work may be seen in many things. He was a strong friend and patriot during the great national conflict, ready and willing to aid, to provide liberal things for the sol- diers, for the suffering, without distinction of color or national- ity. He did much in aiding improvements in the cemetery. 46 FOURTH MEETING HOUSE. His funeral was attended by a large gathering of people. After the communion November 5th, 1865, the church granted letters of dismission to Rev. Mr. Duncan and Almira Estes, who wished to unite with the Congregational Church in Free- town (Assonet). At the beginning of the year 1866, the church was called upon to sustain a great loss in the death of Deacon Isaac Cook, who died February 2d, peaceful and happy. The pastor enters the following record concerning him : " He had been declining a long time. He had been a member of the church 39 years ; deacon, 37 years ; superintendent, 30 years. He was a good man and faithful. He loved the cause of Christ. He could say, 'I love Thy kingdom, Lord ' He loved the church. Her interests were dear to him. He remembered them as he drew near to death. He was a man of more than ordinary ability, well-informed and discriminating mind, clear and sound in his theological views, able to speak unto the edification of the brethren and sisters in the church, and of men of the world. He was ever ready and willing to do all he could for the support of the Gospel ordinances, and the comfort and support of the church and its prosperity. He rests from his labors, and his works do follow him." March 28th, the church met in conference and made choice of Brother Samuel S. Church and Brother Francis Chamberlain as deacons. They accepted the office and were consecrated by the laying on of hands. It was an interesting meeting, and the pastor expresses the wish that the "blessing of God may follow it." Deacon Francis Chamberlain was chosen superintendent of the Sabbath School. During his pastorate, Mr. Freeman faithfully records the deaths of the members as they occur, with some remarks cpncerning them. So we find the record of one who for many years was a great sufferer. "July I5th, Widow Elizabeth T. House died in peace, and entered the promised rest. She had been in failing health for several months. Rev. Mr. South worth, of Hanson, officiated at her funeral during the absence of the pastor." "January 2d, 1867, Mr. Samuel Barstow died. He was a social, cheerful and obliging man, and had many friends, who mourn his RESIGNATION OF REV. MR. FREEMAN. 47 death. He was not a professor, but was an habitual attendant on public worship, an active member of the parish, and one of the most liberal supporters of the Gospel. He gave $200 to the Parish Fund for the support of public worship." January I4th, we find the record of the death of a prominent member, Mr. Elisha Bass. "He died an easy and peaceful death in the blessed hope of Heaven. He was a grandson of Rev. Benjamin Bass, the first set- tled pastor. He was a well-read, sound, faithful, influential Chris- tian. He was fluent, clear, logical and conclusive in thought, remarks and appeals. He was a pillar in Zion. He came to the grave in full age, like a shock of corn cometh in its season." April I4th, after public service, Deacon Church was chosen delegate to the Pilgrim Conference. After the preparatory lec- ture, November ist, ten persons being present, Deacon Church was again chosen to attend the conference, and it was voted to make contributions to the A. B. C. F. M. This church had not contributed to that Board for many years, but had sent to the A. M. Association instead. They also voted to accept the resignation of Deacon Chamberlain as superintendent of the Sabbath School. In the spring of 1868, Deacon Church and Brother E. Thayer were chosen delegates to the conference. But little is recorded during this year. In the year 1869, July 26th, we find a record of the death of Widow Lydia Stock- bridge. She was found dead in her bed, as she had fallen asleep. " She had been a member for nearly half a century. She was a good woman, and prepared for her change when it came. ' So He giveth His beloved sleep.' " So we come to the end of the great many records recorded by this faithful pastor during the fourteen years and more of his ministry. Now the time has come when he feels it his duty to resign his pastoral charge. Accordingly, he tendered his resignation of the pastoral office July nth, 1869, and called for 48 REV. CYRUS WILLIAM ALLEN. a mutual council. This was granted him by the church and society, and a council was called July 26th, at 10.30 o'clock. July 1 8th, letters of dismission and recommendation were granted to Rev. Joseph Freeman, Sarah H. Freeman and Willis H. Freeman at their own request, to unite with the Congrega- tional Church, in York, Me., from which church he had received a call to become their pastor. The following churches were in- vited to be represented in council : North Scituate, South Marshfield, Kingston, Hanover, Second Church and Hanson. The council was convened at the time appointed, and Rev. Alexander J. Sessions, of Scituate, was chosen moderator, and Rev. E. Alden, of South Marshfield, scribe. The following persons constituting ecclesiastical council held this connection : First Church, Scituate, Rev. A. J. Sessions, Deacon Israel Cud- worth; Second Church, Hanover, Brother J. M. Wilder, dele- gate; Church in Hanson, Rev. B. Southworth, acting pastor; First Church, Marshfield, Rev. E. Alden, Jr., pastor. By this council, Rev. Mr. Freeman was regularly dismissed and well recommended to the churches. During his ministry 24 persons were received into the church, and 18 adults and children were baptized. The church lost by death 20, and a few were dis- missed to other churches. In the pulpit Mr. Freeman was dignified, commanding and solemn. He was a sound, doctrinal and practical preacher, not given to flowery flights in his style, nor to too large liberality in his sentiments. He was serious and earnest in his important professional work, and did much also for the improvement of the schools as a superintending committee. He was held in high estimation in the community generally, and among his ministerial brethren with whom he associated. After an interval of about two years, in which the pulpit was supplied for the Sabbath merely, or for a few con- secutive Sabbaths by the same minister, REV. CYRUS WIL- LIAM ALLEN was engaged as a permanent supply. We find this record of the event: April Qth, 1871. The commit- tee of the church and parish agreed with Rev. C. W. Allen to PRESENT PARSONAGE, BUILT A. D. 1855. THE RESIDENCE OF REV. JOSEPH FREEMAN, REV. CYRUS W. ALLEN, REV. SAM'L E. EVANS AND REV. w. H. DOWDEN. FOURTH MEETING HOUSE. 49 supply the pulpit of the First Congregational Church for one year for $550 and use of parsonage from May ist, 1871, to May ist, 1872. Samuel S. Church, committee of church, Lemuel Dwelley and Daniel Barstow, committee of parish. Mr. Allen began to preach to this church March 26th, 1871, and became permanently engaged May ist, and continued until July 1 2th, 1879, when he was released from further service at his own request. Mr. Allen was the ninth minister of this church and society. He was the son of Joseph and Betsy ( Woodward ) Allen and was born in Taunton on the 28th day of October, 1806. He was graduated at Brown University, (R. I. ) in 1826, and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1829. In the same year he was licensed to preach by the Andover As- sociation on the 22nd day of April. After leaving the seminary he spent the first five years of his ministerial life in Missouri and Illinois, as an agent of the American Tract Society, New York, as a missionary of American Home Missionary Society, and as a minister at different places, in which latter service he received $160 a year. He was ordained by the Missouri Pres- bytery in St. Louis, October 6th, 1833, St. Louis then being only a village. He was settled in Norton, Mass., July 8th, 1835, and dismissed by council March ist, 1842. He was installed at Pelham, N. H., February ist, 1843 ; at Coleraine, Mass., Febru- ary 28th, 1849; at Hubbardston, December 29th, 1852, and was settled without installation in East Jaffrey, N. H., April, 1863. When he began labor in Hanover he was nearly 65 years of age. In his historical record delivered to this church April 27th, 1879, he speaks of his pastoral relation to the church and society. He says that he sustains "the relation of what is called a stated supply, or an acting pastor. It is a relation which implies and requires all the duties and all the privileges of the real pastor, excepting merely the formalities of an ecclesiastical council, called for the purposes of installation and dismission. Such a minister can come and become a minister of a particular church and society, and can leave the same without such a council. " 5O REV. CYRUS WILLIAM ALLEN. His wife, Mary (Folger) Allen of Nantucket, was a daughter of Gideon and Eunice (Macy) Folger, to whom he was married June 6, 1835. While at Norton he taught Latin for a while in the recently established Wheaton Female Seminary. His work brought on ill health, and after closing his pastorate at Norton he spent a year at Nantucket, regaining his health. At Hanover was his last pastorate. When in 1879, increas- ing years and failing strength compelled him to relinquish his active connection with parish work, he retired to his son's house at West Roxbury, where he died from apoplexy, April i ith, 1875. He was a staunch defender of the faith of the fathers. His preaching was marked by little embellishment, but set forth his ideas always logically, always forcibly, yet simply and to the point. The best sermon he ever preached was his own everyday life. No one knew him but to love him. The Spirit of the Master spoke every day from the absolute self-forgetful- ness of Mr. Allen's life. He was a member of the school committee in each of the towns of Coleraine, Pelham, Hubbardston and Hanover. His wife survived him after a long, helpful and happy married life. She bore him the following children : Dr. George Otis Allen, born in Norton, October 25, 1838, now deceased. Rev. Rowland Hussey Allen, born in Norton, August 13, 1840, now deceased. Henry Folger Allen, born in Norton, September 2, 1841, now a successful merchant residing in Boston. Rev. Laban Wheaton Allen, born at Pelham, December 11, 1843, who died August 23, 1875. Mary Abby, wife of George F. Sylvester of Hanover, born at Pelham, June 19, 1845. Eliza Katherine Allen, born at Coleraine, 1850, and died at three years of age. REV. MR. ALLEN S CHILDREN. 51 Williams Cyrus Allen, born in Gardner, Mass., who died at the age of 21 months. Fanny Florence, wife of John F. Simmons of Boston, born at Hubbardston, April 25, 1855. The foregoing is mainly in the words of the writer spoken of in the preface. Further than this I have not gone, because, at this point I approached Mr. John Tower, the editor of the North River Pioneer, and the faithful recorder of our local history, hop- ing he, as an authority on the history of the country around, would help me out on many perplexing details. He informed me that he was about publishing a History of Hanover, bring- ing Barry's History down to the present day and adding much new matter to the old, and correcting some of the latter. It was too late to stop my work; some of it was already in the press, so I present only what I had already secured, and leave the balance to be recorded by THE searcher among searchers of our local history, in his forthcoming valuable book, which every man, woman and child will anxiously wait for and cer- tainly secure. SHIP "CRONSTADT" ASHORE ON FALSTERBO REEF. See Hist. No. River. CHAPTER II. "OF THE GATHERING OF THE CHURCH, ORDINATION AND CHURCH MEETINGS." FROM THE ORIGINAL BOOK OF RECORDS. THERE are several years of records missing which no one is responsible for excepting the different ministers whose duty it was to keep the records. I have endeavored to follow the original style of spelling, etc., changing only the arrange- ment. The different methods of reckoning time, as is seen in some of the records which have two dates, is best explained in Don Gleason Hill's Book of Dedham Records, and which I give be- low : The length of a year is the space of time required for the earth to revolve around the sun, namely : 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 49 seconds and seven-tenths of a second ; but for convenience it has been found necessary to lump the fractions together so as to make up a day therefrom. As early as 45 B. C., Julius Caasar, by the help of an Alexandrian philosopher, introduced the present arrangement of making the year consist of 365 days, with the addition of one day every fourth year, to absorb the odd hours. At the time of the Council of Nice, A. D. 325, the Vernal Equinox (the time when the days and nights are of equal length in all parts of the world ) fell correctly on the 2ist of March. But the addition of a whole day every fourth year was found to be too much by u minutes, lof sec- onds, so that the beginning of the year was constantly being moved ahead of the point at which it was in the days of Julius Caesar. In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII undertook to reform the Calendar. He found that since the Council of Nice there had been an over-reckon- ing of ten days, so that the Vernal Equinox fell on the nth of March. To correct the past error he decreed that the 5th day of October, METHODS OF RECKONING TIME. 53 1582, should be reckoned as the i5th ; and to keep the year right in future, the overplus being 18 hours, 37 minutes, 10 seconds in a century, he ordered that every centurial year that could not be di- vided by 400 ( 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, etc., ) should not be bissex- tile or leap year, as it otherwise would be ; in other words, that the extra day should be dropped three times every four hundred years. The following rule has been made to determine in all cases the num- ber of days in each year under the Gregorian method. Every year whose number is divisible by 4, exeept those divisible by 100, and not by 400, consists 0/366 days, and all others of 365 days. The Catholic nations in general adopted the Gregorian style, but the Protestants were too much inflamed against Catholicism to re- ceive from the Pope even a pure, scientific improvement. A bill to reform the Calendar was brought before the British Parliament in 1585, but was not passed, and for nearly 200 years the British peo- ple endured the inconvenience of the old style rather than adopt the Gregorian calendar. It was at length adopted in Great Britain and her colonies in 1752, when it became necessary to drop eleven days. But the Protestant populace of Great Britain were even then violently inflamed against the statesman who carried the bill through Parlia- ment. They believed they had been defrauded of eleven days of their destined lives. It is said that for some time afterwards a favor- ite opprobrious cry to unpopular statesmen in the streets was, "Who stole the eleven days ? " " Give us back the eleven days ! " The act of Parliament provided that after the second of Septem- ber, 1752, the next ensuing day should beheld as the fourteenth, and that three of the four centurial years should, as in Pope Gregory's ar- rangement, not be leap years. From 1582 both styles continued to overrun the true time in the same proportion until the year 1700, which was leap year under the Julian method, and gained an extra day, but under the Gregorian method came within the exception and dropped the extra day. In changing the dates in this volume, prior to September 2, 1752, so as to correspond with the new style, it will be necessary to add ten days to the date given in the record for all dates on or before February 29, 1700, and eleven days for all dates on and after March ist of that year, where double dates are given. Previous to the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, the year had different days of beginning at various periods in the same and differ- ent countries. In England, in the 7th and as late as the i3th century, the year began on Christmas day, but in the i2th century the Angli- can Church commenced the year on Annunciation or Lady Day, March 25th, as did also the Civilians in the i4th century, and this continued until the adoption of the new style ; but for a long period prior thereto, the historic year, so called, had commenced on the first day of January, so that at the time our records begin, and for a 54 DIFFICULTIES OF COMPILATION. considerable period prior thereto, the two modes of reckoning the com- mencement of the year existed in Great Britain and her colonies the civil, ecclesiastical or legal year with March 25th, and the histor- ical year with January ist. Boston almanacs made the change from March to January, in 1687, and the Boston News Letter in 1717. The same act of Parliament which struck off the eleven days in September, 1752, enacted that the year should thereafter begin with January ist. The two lines of introduction to the first book indicate that here "the year is accounted to begin the first day of the first Mo. called March. " At first the months were more commonly called by their numbers than by their names, i Mo. for March, 2 Mo. for April, 3 Mo. for May, and so on; the months named from the Latin numerals, September, October, November and December, are fre- quently written 7ber, 8ber, gber and lober. To prevent confusion, the same practice was very early adopted here as elsewhere in the colony of double dating, i. OTTT v ine makng a public conf eteion of her Hid. .TKUU fY, violation of the* * * commandment Lydia SPEER and Ann TOBY John LAMBERT, an aged man & Elizabeth RANDALL, a maiden Sarah CURTISS wife of Jesse Cur- tiss David STOCKBKIDGE and Deborah his wife Lillis STETSON, daughter of Ben- jamin & Lillis Stetson Naomi CURTISS the wife of Benja Curtiss, Junior Rebecca CURTISS also Rachel ROGERS John TILDEN Sarah RAMSDALE wife of Gideon Ramsdale Mary STODDARD, singlewoman Thankful COLLIMORE Martha DAMAN, a singlewoman Elizabeth TORREY, wife of Thom- as Torrey Elizabeth STUDLEY the wife of Johu Studley Elizabeth JENKINS the wife of David Jenkins Sarah CURTISS, wife of Thomas Curtiss Thomas CURTISS Deborah LAMBERT, wife of Isaac Lambert Keziah THOMAS wife of Isaiah Thomas David JENKINS 54, 55 56, 57 June 20, 1742 September 5, 1742 58 October 3, 1742 59, 60 August 7, 1743 61 September 4, 1743 62 November 6, 1743 63, 64 June 3, 1744 65 66 Sept. 2, 1744 April 14, 1745 67 68 69 70 May 5, 1745 October 6, 1745 June i, 1746 September 7, 1746 7 1 September 6, 1747 72 October 2, 1748 73 November 6, 1748 74 75 July 2, 1749 September 3, 1749 76 May 6, 1750 77 May 6, 1753 ORIGINAL RECORDS. 73 78, 79 June 3, 1753 William CURTISS and his wife Martha 80 April n, 1756 Nathanael JOSSELYN at the same time 8 1 ?Iannah STETSON, the wife of Robert Stetson 82 not8 3 also "my daughter" Elizabeth SYLVESTER the wife of Edmund Syl- vester. ADMISSIONS TO FULL COMMUNION. 1757. March 27 The widow Hannah RAMSDALE upon confes- sion of the Sin of ***** & professing her faith in Christ was admitted to full communion. May i Elizabeth STAPLES June 12 Samuel STETSON aged 85 July 3 Ann & Caroline WILKS August 7 Joseph HOUSE & Abigail his wife Octo. 9 Simeon CURTIS Novr 6 The widow Hannah FORD owned the covenant, was baptized and admitted to full communion. 1758. J an y J S Sarah FORD owned the covenant, was baptized and admitted to full communion. Jany 15 Sarah BATES April 2 Rhoda the wife of David HOUSE, Junr April 9 The widow Margaret FITZ-GERALD and Anna the wife of Jno BRAY April 23 Benjamin BATES, baptized &c: May 7 Joseph BATES, baptized & admitted &c : Mary BATES the wife of Joseph Bates Jeremiah STETSON & Lucy his wife The widow Hannah CURTIS Ruth the wife of Thomas CURTIS June 4 Sarah STAPLES after confessing the sin of ***** Mary STAPLES July 9 Sage the wife of Joseph HOUSE, Jur 74 ORIGINAL RECORDS. July 30 Samuel Barstow, Jur & Huldah his wife after confession of the sin of ***** Sepr 3 Betty BAKER baptized & admitted to full communion Octr i Alice the wife of Daniel GARDNER Novr 5 Ruth the wife of Caleb TURNER Mercy BATES 1759. April i Mrs. Hannah BALDWIN, the wife of the Revd Samuel Baldwin, Pastor of the Church. August 5 Sarah PETERS & Hannah LADD were baptized & admitted to full communion. August 19 Margaret FITZ-GERALD, Jur Octo. 14 Ruth the wife of Uriah LAMBERT Mary WING the daughter of Ebenezer Wing Nov. 4 Elizabeth the wife of David JENKINS after confessing the sin O f ***** Sarah MAN 1760. May 4 William WRITTEN & Mary his wife August 17 Caleb HOUSE & his wife Elizabeth after confes- sion of the sin of ***** were admitted to full communion. She was baptized at the same time. 1 761. Octor 4 Mary BASS, Jr after confession of the sin of ***** 1762. Sepr 5th Samuel CURTIS Benj. MAN, Jr. Abigail the wife of Benj. MAN, Jr. Deborah STETSON the wife of Abijah Stetson Mary MAN 1763. April 10 Stevens HATCH & Ruth his wife April 10 Samuel WITHERELL Jr. & Ruth his wife May i Gideon & Rosamond STUDLEY before admission she was baptized. July 3 Hannah wife of Joseph HOUSE Octor 2 Hannah wife of Benj. WHITE Octr 24 Joshua & Avis DWELLY 1765. March 10 John & Thankfull STETSON 1 766. Jany 19 Shubsel MUNROE August 8 Solomon BATES Jr. and his wife Aquilla. At the same time he was baptized. Octor 26 Othniel Deborah PRATT ORIGINAL RECORDS. 75 1767. April 4 Benjamin & Mercy BASS June 7 Mary the wife of Shubael MUNROE July 5 Rachel TORREY the wife of Stephen Torrey Solomon & Elizabeth BRYANT Sibyl HATCH wife of Sam'l August 2 Lemuel & Ruth CURTIS Deborah PETERSON 1768. January 10 Theophilus & Freelove WITHERELL June 5 CUBA, a m-gro woman, belonging to Sam'l Curtis upon recommendation from the 2d Church in Scituaie from whence her relation was transferred. July 31 Jane STOCKBRIDGE the wife of David Stockbridge, esqr Sepr 4 Jonathan and Lucy PRATT 1769. April 2d Mercy RAMSDELL the wife of Joseph Ramsdell, her relation being transferred from the church in Duxbury. Sept. 10 Rebecca WITHERELL 1770. May 6 Joshua STAPLES July 22 Stockbridge and Olive JOSSELYN. She was bap- tized before admission. 1771. April 7 Joseph BROOKS 1772. Aprils Timothy and Mary ROBBINS May 3 Sarah EELLS wife of William Eells Octr 4 Rebecca JOYCE 1773. Aug. i Ruth JOS^ELYN Novr 7 Sarah GROSS baptized and then admitted to full communion. 1774. July 24 Seth and Anna BATES Aug. 7 The widow Hannah TORRKY Octr 2 Sarah JOSSELYN 1775. June 4 John and Bathshua HATCH July 2 Peleg EWELL Sepr 10 Chloe CLAP wife of Capn. Jno. Clap Oct. i John STUDLEY Dec. 10 Timo & Elizabeth CHURCH Aug. 4 Mary TURNER wife of Marlbry Turner Oct. 6 Huldah CURTIS 1778. Nov. i The widow Betty STETSON / ORIGINAL RECORDS. THOSE THAT HAVE OWNED THE COVENANT AND NOT ADMITTED TO FULL COMMUNION. No. i, 2 April 10, 1757 Nathl PALMER & Rachel his wife 3, 4 July 30, 1757 Marlbry TURNER & Mary his wife 5 Sept. 4, 1757 Stephen TORREY, Jur 6 April 2, 1758 David HOUSE, Jur 7, 8 July 30, 1758 Amos SYLVESTER, Jur & Desire his wife 9, 10 Novr 26, 1758 Amos WRIGHT & his wife Mary & were baptized 11 April 15, 1759 Robert EELLES & Ruth his wife 12 Septr 19, 1760 Thomas SYLVESTER 13, 14 August 16, 1761 John HATCH & Bathshua his wife 15, 16 June 6, 1762 Ezekiel MERRITT & Rachel his wife 17, 18 June 13, 1762 Gideon RANDALL & Rebecca his wife 19, 20 Sepr 19, 1762 Thomas ROSE, Jr. & Rhoda his wife 21 Jany 9, 1763 Seth BAYLEY & Lydia his wife 22, 23 July 10, 1763 Zachariah CURTIS & Lydia his wife 2 4) 2 5 J u ty 3 1 * J 7^3 David & Hannah JACOBS 26, 27 Sept i ith Wm.Witherell EELLES & Sarah his wife after &c: 28, 29 Octr 1 6th Job & Betty YOUNG " " 30 " 23rd Samuel EELLES, '* " 31 Nov. 17 Priscilla EELLES after &c : 3 2 > 33 J an y 1 S> f ?64 John & Sage JOSSELYN 34 Sepr 2, 1764 Luke STETSON 35, 36 June 23, 1765 Gershom & Deborah HOUSE 37 Octbr 13, 1765 Job and Hannah STETSON 38 Jany 20, 1766 Aquilla BATES 39 March 30 Solomon BATES, Jr. 40 May 18, 1766 Ruth CHAPMAN 41, 42 May 25 Benjamin & Mercy BASS 43, 44 June 8 Seth & Bathshua HOUSE 45, 46 June 15 Timothy & Elizabeth CHURCH 47, 48 29 Seth STETSON, Jr. & Lucy 49, 50 July 20 Benjamin & Bradbury STETSON 51, 52 Decem. 14 John CURTIS Jr. & Anna his wife 53, 54 April i2th Timo & Lydia ROSE 55 S 6 July 12 Solomon & Elizabeth BRYANT ORIGINAL RECORDS. 77 Mo. 57 August 2 Jenny Gardner RIPLEY and was at the same time baptized. 58, 59 Octo. 23d, 1768 John WITHERELL & Content his wife 60 April 2, 1769 The widow Rebecca STUDLEY 6 1 July 23 Sarah CURTIS after confessing &c : 62 May 6, 1770 Joanna STUDLEY, after confessing &c: 63 May 20 Rachel DELANO, after &c: 64, 65 May 27 Ebenezer & Deborah EDDY 66 June 3 Widow Hannah BATES 67, 68 July 8 Prince and Eunice STETSON 69 Aug. 5 Leonard HILL 70, 71 Reuben CLARK & Dorothy CLARK 72, 73 26 Thomas and Susanna HATCH 74, 75 Thomas & Anna WILLETT 76, 77 April 28, 1771 Israel & Abigail PERRY, after &c : 78, 79 July 21 Atherton and Ruth WALES, after &c : 80, 8 1 Levi & Deborah CORTHELL 82, 83 Aug. 18 Isaac LAMBERT, Jr. & his wife Hannah 84 Sept. 22 Samuel WOODWARD 85, 86 Octor 1 3th James & Susannah ORR 87, 88 27 Joseph RAMSDALE 3d & Elizabeth 89 Novr 10, 1771 Gideon STETSON 90, 91 March 8, 1772 Asa & Abigail TURNER 9 2 5 93 J ur >e 7 John HOUSE, Jr. and Jane his wife 94j 95 J u ^y 1 9 Amos and Betty TURNER 96, 97 Oct. 4 James and Zilpah CURTIS 98, 99 Octr 4 Thomas WRITTEN Jr. and Rachel his wife, after &c: too 25 Samuel STAPLES 1 01 Novr 15 Sarah WRITTEN 102, 103 May 2 Daniel and Betty BARSTOW 104, 105 June 6 Elijah and Susannah STETSON, after &c: 1 06, 107 27 Thomas and Olive STETSON 108, 109 July 18 David and Susanna TORREY no Aug. 8th Robert WHITE in, 112 January 2, 1774 Jabez& Keturah STUDLEY 113 114 30 Melzer and Kezia CURTIS, after &c : 115 Augt i4th 1774 Sage STAPLES, after &c : 116 Sept. 4 John Tilden TORREY 78 ORIGINAL RECORDS. No. 117, 118 Novr 13 Joshua & Margaret BARSTOW 119, 120 Jany i, 1775 Zebulon & Deborah BOWKER 121 April 30, 1775 Widow Hannah RANDALL 122, 123 June 25 William and Rebecca CURTIS 124, 125 Hersey and Abigail GILBERT 126 Aug. 13 Leah GARDNER wife of Elijah Gardner 127 Deer 16, 1775 Bradbury PALMER 128, 129 Jany 7th 1776 William and Ruth STOCKBRIDGE 130 March 3 Lucy WRITTEN 131, 132 June 23 Gershom CURTIS and his wife T 33> *34 Benjamin MAN, Jr. and wife T 35 J 36 Octo. 13 Abner CURTIS, Jr. & wife 137,138 Novr 3 James and Lydia TORREY 139, 140 June 29, 1777 Abel and Ruth CURTIS 141 Aug. 10 Abigail SYLVESTER wife of Elisha Sylvester 142, 143 Aug. 16, 1778 Ebenezer and Mary CURTIS 144 Oct. 4 Thomas TORREY in private by reason of sickness 145, 146 Jany 17, 1779 Joseph & Mary TORREY 147, 148 April ii, 1779 Elias & Deborah WHITTEN after &c: VOTES OF THE CHURCH ON SPECIAL OCCASIONS. 1776. May 5. Shubael ROSE having made application to the Pastor on behalf of himself and Susanna his wife (who were members of the Church of England, but volun- tarily dissented therefrom) for occasional communion. A rep- resentation was made by the Pastor of the state of their case, and of their request : A vote was called, and it past in the affir- mative without any opposition, that they should be admitted to this privilege, agreeable to their Petition. pr. SAMUEL BALDWIN, Pastor. ADMISSIONS TO CHH. COMMUNION pr. me John Mellen. 1784. May 16 Rebecca MELLEN, consort of the Pastor from the Chh. of Christ in Lancaster. ORIGINAL RECORDS. 79 August i Admitted William* CURTIS & wife No. 2 this year 1 785. Novr 6th Admitted Ruth RAMSDALE No. i 1786. May 7th Admitted Thankful DUNBAR, Abington Novr 12 Admitted Caleb ROGERS, Junr & wife No. 3 this year. 1787. None 1788. July i3th admitted Mercy BASS* daughter of Dea. Bass Octr 12 admitted Cloe JOSSELYN, daughter of Nath. Josslyn No. 2 1789. March 22 admitted Josiah CHAMBERLAIN & wife* She sick at home. May jd admitted Widow Ruth TURNER & Calvin CURTIS & wife.* She sick at home Novr ist Admitted Keturah wife of Jabez STUDLKY* No. 6 1 79O. Augt 8 admitted wife of Seth BAILY & their daughter Allice* also the wife of Capn Albert SMITH also our youngest daughter Charlotte MELLEN 22 wife of Cornelius WHITE* She sick at home at her earnest desire read & took her consent, to ye Covt yesterday & a vote of ye chh. this night. Octbr 3 Admitted Seth BAILY* also Lucy CURTIS daughter of Capt. Sim. Curtis* Novr 7 Admitted Content WITHERELL, widow No. 8 1791. May the ist admitted Abigail BALDWIN Octr 3Oth admitted Sarah WHITING, daughter of Thos Whiting No. 2 1792. Augt 5 Admitted Mary wife of Job YOUNG Sepr 2d admitted Cindrilla BASS & Huldah Bass Octr 14 admitted Mary EELLES No. 4 1793. None admitted. 1 794. Feby 9 Admitted Mary widow of late Dr. HOBART Admitted Lydia CURTIS, daughter of Capn Lem'l Curtis 8O ORIGINAL RECORDS. June ist Admitted Rebecca STUDLEY daughter of Gideon Studly Augt 3d Sarah CLARK wife of Belcher Clark made her acknowledge- ment and was forgiven & received by the Chh. Octr. 5th Admitted Edmund EASTMAN also Sarah BROOKS, Daughter of Deacon Joseph Brooks. No. 6 1795. May 3131 Elijah SYLVESTER & wife Octr 2jth Josiah SMITH & wife Novr SQth the wife of Elisha CURTIS, Junr No. 5 ' 1796. July 3d Admitted Benja BASS, Junr & wife loth Phrebe MANSON & Lydia BATES August 7th Capn Joseph Soper & wife Septr 18 John CURTIS* Senr by a vote of ye Chh. he old & confined ye Pastor to give him ye Covenant. No. 7 1797. July zd Wife of Josiah CHAMBERLAIN 1798. June 10 admitted Timothy CHURCH & Rebecca his wife 2th admitted Olive CURTIS* in private, sick, according to a vote of the Chh. Sepr 2 admitted the six following persons : Oliver WINSLOW & Sally his wife, Turner STETSON & Lydia his wife, Mary wife of Jacob SYL- VESTER, Joseph BATES. No. 9 1799. Feby loth Admitted Joel SYLVESTER & wife Novr i yth Joshua DWELLT & wife No. 4 1800. July 6th Admitted Seth ROSE & wife also admitted Elijah BARSTOW & wife Augt. 3 Admitted Mary wife of Stephen RANDAL 24th Admitted Samuel STETSON & wife also Ezekiel TURNER & wife Octor 5th Abigail wife of Shubasl MUNROE also widow Christiana JOSLYN ii 1801. Sepr 6 wife of Edward STETSON, Hannah Oct. nth Widow Sarah BARSTOW & Widow Ruth EELLES Nov. 29 Elizabeth SYLTESTER ORIGINAL RECORDS. 8l Deer 13 Snow CURTIS & wife No. 5 1802. Sept. 5 Wife of Capn Tim'y ROSE, Lydia, also Bathseba widow of Michael SYLVESTER 2 1803. Oct. 2d- Melzar HATCH & wife No. 2 1804. June 3d Admitted Ruth GROCE ADMISSIONS by me Calvin Chaddock TO COMMUNION 1806. July 23 Militiah CHADDOCK, consort of the Pastor Nov. 9 Jane DWELLY wife of Lem'l Dwelly 1807. May 10 *Joseph CHADDOCK August 2 *Wi!liam WHITTING & Betty his wife 18O9. Jany 29 *Constant CLAPP Molly MANN wife of Capn. Joshua Mann Augt 6 *Lydia BARSTOW Rachel WHITTING, Olive WHITTING *Lydia CHAMBERLAIN, Lydia JOSSELYN Oct. i Thankful WHITTING the wife of James Whit'g Sarah EELLS the wife of Joseph Eells Mary BASS James WHITTING Benjamin TOLMAN of Marshfield 1814. Apl 3 *Israel PERRY Apl 10 Elisha BASS Mary THOMAS, Pembroke. Recommended to the church in Brook, Maine, 1826. 1816. June 2 Frances DWELLY Betsy MONROE Capt. William TORREY & wife* Julitte SYLVESTER 1817. June i Mrs. Ruth the wife of Isaac WILDER was received from the ist Chh. in Weymouth. 1818. June i Nathl JACOB received from the 2d Chh. in Scituate. 82 ORIGINAL RECORDS. 1819. October 3 Michael TOLLMAN, by profession Rusha wife of Sam'l EELLS by letter from the church in Scituate Rebecca TOLLMAN, by profession 1820. September 3 Priscil'a wife of Joshua STETSON, by profes- sion November 5 Mrs. Nabby BARKER, by virtue of a letter from the 2d Chh. in Scituate October 5 Oct. or Nov. 5 Ruth & Lydia, daughters of Turner STETSON, by profession 1821. August 5 Nancy wife of George GUSHING of Scituate, by a recommendation from the church in Park st. Boston 1822. April 6 Lydia, wife of Nathl PRATT, by profession Miss Molly BARSTOW, by profession 1824. January 27 Levi NASH agreeably to a letter of dismissmal and recommendation from the Second Church in Weymouth April 1 8 Lucinda EELLS 1825. May 20 William CHURCH, by profession May 20 Elizabeth wife of Nathan DWELLY Mary LITTLE, by profession & was baptized ) , .-.1- i i T. .1 'r daughters of W. Torrey Elizabeth ToRREY,by profession & was baptized ) Bathsua DAWS, by profession & was baptized Betsey DWELLY, by profession Sybil HITCHCOCK, by profession Anne DWELLY, by profession Lydia MUNROE, by profession Michael BATES, by profession Abigail ROGERS wife of Ruben Rogers, by profession & was baptized Mary Robins BATES, by profession & was baptized December 4 Grace FOSTER, by profession and was baptized Hannah Briggs WILDER, by profession Lydia Farrow PROUTY, by profession and was baptized Thankfull WHITING, by profession Rebbeca WHITING, by profession Bradbury Eells STETSON, by profession 1826. June 4 Widow Mary BATES, by profession Isaac COOK, by profession and baptized Bethiah COOK, by profession and baptized ORIGINAL RECORDS. 83 Rufus BATES, by profession and baptized Huldah BATES, by profession Anjelina JOSELYN, by profession October 29 Abigail NEAL, by profession Roxana NYE, by profession December 7 Eliza WHITING, by letter 1827. August 3 Bathsheba SMITH, by letter August 5 Cela JUDD, by profession Grace F. SMITH, by profession Elizabeth EELLS, by profession Mary E. STETSON, by profession Caroline STETSON, by profession 1828. April 6 Christiana CLARK, by profession Mercy WEIGHT, by profession October 3 wife of William COPELAND, by profession wife of Samuel STETSON, by profession wife of William CHURCH, by profession Eliza STUDLEY, by profession Matthy PERRY, by profession December 14 Albert STETSON, by profession 1829. August 9 Josiah CHAMBERLAIN & his wife, by profession Michel BASS, by profession 1830. August i Ebenr THAYER, by profession October 17 wife of Michal SYLVESTER, by profession Mrs. Jane MERIAM, by profession 1831. August 7 John C. WILDER, by profession December 18 Sarah B. TOLMAN, by profession 1833. October oo At a regular meeting of the Church voted that the Pastor (Revd Abel G. DUNCAN) and his wife be received into the Church Joshua PERRY and Mary T. his wife, by letter 1834. August oo Melvin STODDARD, by profession and was bap- tized 1836. June 5 Isaac M. WILDER, by profession Sarah B. EELLS, by profession Ruth BATES, by profession Almira ESTES, by profession Abby W. DWELLY, by profession 84 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Ann S. DWELLY, by profession Abigail Jane ROGERS, by profession Ruth B. STOCKBRIDGE, by profession August 7 Mary, daughter of Samuel STETSON, by profession October 2 Lucinda COPELAND, by profession and baptized Almira BATES, by profession and was baptized 1837 October i Joseph EELLS, by profession Betsey BARSTOW, by profession and was baptized 184O. July 5 Mrs. Lydia S. BARSTOW wife of Dan'l Barstow, Jr., by profession 1843. January i Samuel S. CHURCH and Sarah E. his wife, by profession Lucy D. ROSE, by profession Ebenr Barker ROWLAND, by profession March 7 John SYLVESTER and Lucy J. his wife, by profession 1849. January 7 Mrs. Saba D. BARSTOW, by profession and was baptized Mrs. Lucy J. REED, by profession and was baptized Widow Sarah W. TOLMAN, by profession and was baptized 1850. January 3 Mrs. Sophia A. HOLMES, by letter from the church in Woburn 1852. March 5 Benjamin S. WATERMAN, by letter from First Trinitarian Cong'l Church in Scituate Elizabeth T. HOUSE, by letter from First Cong'l Church in Marshfield November 7 Lucy, widow of Elijah SYLVESTER, by profession Abby Eells, wife of Capt. Thomas BARSTOW, by profession Sarah Jane SYLVESTER, by profession Lydia Lane STOCKBRIDGE, by profession Wm. Paley DUNCAN, by profession Lucia Ann DUNCAN, by profession 1853. January 2 Robert SYLVESTER. 2nd & Martha Almira his wife, by profession Mary wife of Thomas O BATES, Jr., by profession William T. LAPHAM, by profession Huldah Frances SAMPSON, by profession Julia Ann PERRY, by profession March 13 Samuel TOLMAN, Jr., by profession; a dissenter from the Episcopal Church in Hanover ORIGINAL RECORDS. 85 Dea George W. EELLS, by letter from the Chh. in Westerly, R.I. March 25 Dr. A. C. GARRATT & Elizabeth his wife, by letter from the First Cong'l Chh. in Abington April 29 Mary Thomas, wife of James T. TOLMAN, by letter from the First Trin. Cong'l Chh. in Scituate James TURNER, by profession; a dissenter from the Episcopal Chh. Priscilla Clark, wife of George W. EELLS, by profession; dissenter from the Episcopal Chh. May i James Turner TOLMAN, by profession Laura Jane DUNCAN, by profession Charles Francis BOWMAN, by profession Edwin TAYLOR, by profession 1854. January 8 Daniel E. DAMON, by profession Lemuel FREEMAN & Diana his wife, by profession 1856. September 7 Mrs. Meletiah C., wife of Philip CHAMBERLIN, by profession Fanny, wife of J. GARY, by profession 1857. November i Mrs. Ruth J., wife of Reuben STETSON, by profession Miss Priscilla JOSSELYN, by profession Henry M. STETSON, by profession 1858. March 31 Mrs. Jane CHURCH, from the Baptist Church May i Mrs Juletta S. STETSON, by profession Miss Alice STETSON, by profession I860. September 16 Lucy, wife of Robert HERSET, by profession Maria, wife of Charles DYER, by profession Miss Eliza ROSE, by profession George CHAMBERLIN, by profession Francis CHAMBERLIN, by profession Edward P. STETSON, by profession November 18 Widow Ruth JOSSELYN, by profession Mahala, wife of Frank CORBIN, by profession 1863. June 20 The Pastor, Rev. Joseph FREEMAN & Sarah H. his wife, by letter from the Church in Stockton, Maine July 5 Willis H. FREEMAN (son of Pastor) by profession Mary T. STETSON, by profession Alice Jane HATCH, by profession and was baptized Hannah P. STETSON, by profession 86 ORIGINAL RECORDS. 1864. January 3, Lucy W., wife of Joseph B. SYLVESTER, by pro- fession January 13 Widow Elizabeth T. W. HOUSE, by letter from the church in Marshfield. FIRST MEETING-HOUSE OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH AT HANOVER. ERECTED 1728, ON THE PRESENT SITE. CHAPTER IV. MARRIAGES PERFORMED BY THE PASTORS OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 1728-1827. MARRIAGES BY BENJAMIN BASS, PASTOR OF THE CHURCH IN HANOVER. 1728-29. January 16 David BRYANT, Junr of Scituate and Han- nah TURNER of Hanover February 20 Richard HILL and Jemimah RAMSDELL both of Hanover May 15 Benjamin BARSTOW and Sarah BORDEN both of Hanover July 7 Jonathan PETER and Margaret FRANK both of Hanover October 9 Ezekiel PALMER and Martha PRATT both of Hanover 173O. April 23 Joseph RAMSDALE and Mary HOMER both of Hanover June 15 Clement BATES and Agatha MERITT both of Hanover September 24 Matthew STETSON of Hanover and Hannah LINCOLN of Scituate 173O-31. February 18 Meletiah DILINGHAM and Phoebe HATCH both of Hanover Aptii 22 John LOVE of Pembroke & Susanna GUILFORD of Hanover May 12 Eliab TURNKR & Martha BARSTOW both of Hanover June 4 Isaac BURDEN and Deborah TOBEY both of Hanover 88 ORIGINAL RECORDS. August 4 Richard BUKER & Sarah PALMER both of Hanover tuicf."* September 21 Isaac LAMBERT & Deborah PALMER both of Hanover November 26 Samuel BARSTOW & Margaret STOCKBRIDGE both of Hanover 1 731-32, February 7 Amos SYLVESTER, Junr of Han'over & Pa- tience PALMER of Scituate August 8 Jacob WILKE of Tiverton & Isabel BUKER of Hanover November 9 Thomas HATCH of Scituate & the widow Mary HATCH of Hanover December 14 Joseph HOUSE and Abigail STUDLEY both of Hanover December 25 Samuel HOUSE & Deborah BARSTOW both of Hanover 1732-33. August 9 James MACCARTY & Elizabeth SMITH both of Hanover October 30 Ezekiel LEED (or Lad) and Sarah BARSTOW both of Hanover October 3 1 Isaac COLLEMORE of Scituate & Thankful CURTIS of Hanover November 16 Isaac KEEN of Pembroke and Lydia JONES of Hanover November 20 Daniel ROGERS and Ruth PARKER both of Hanover November 29 Elisha CURTIS & Martha DAMON both of Scituate 1733-34. February 6 Samuel WHITEN of Hingham & Mary WING of Hanover April 8 Uriah LAMBERT and Ruth BRYANT both of Hanover June 10 Joseph RICCARDS of Pembroke & Lydia DILLINGHAM of Hanover July 12 Joseph SHELDON of Westfield & Sarah TOREY of Hanover August 15 Stephen TOREY and Rachel BATES both of Hanover December 19 Joseph HARRIS of Bridgewater & Hannah TORREY of Hanover 1 734-35. January 3 1 Meletiah DILINGHAM and Meriah GILFORD both of Hanover March 6 Joshua STUDLEY of Hanover & Lydia PRATT of Pembroke April 3 Hannibal and Bilhah ; Mr. Job OTIS'S negroes May 14 Thomas BRYANT, esqr. of Scituate & Mrs. Mary BARSTOW of Hanover May 22 Theophilus WITHERELL of Hanover & Sarah RICCARDS of Pembroke June 10 Tony SAMP;-ON & Esther PETER of Hanover ORIGINAL RECORDS. 89 October 31 Amos BAT&S and Jemimah CASWELL both of Hanover 1736. April rg Samuel WITHERELL & Rebecca FERRIS both of Hanover April 22 Stephen WEBSTER of Pembrook & Bathsheba BRYANT of Hanover 173O-37. February 24 Paul WHITE of Marshfield & Elizabeth CURTIS of Hanover July 27 Benjamin SYLVESTER & Abigail BUCK both of Hanover 1737-38. February 13 Nathanael STETSON and Rebecca BRISCO both of Hanover March 9 Peleg STETSON and Mercy RAMSDALK April 20 John BRAY and Anna KEEN both of Hanover June 19 James TOREY, Junior & Mary TOBEY both of Hanover August 23 Jeremiah ROGERS and Deborah BAILY both of Hanover September 7 James HOUSE & Margaret CURTIS both of Hanover October 5 William GUILFORD, Junr & Jane KEEN both of Hanover November 6 John CURTIS, Junr & Mary BRYANT both of Hanover November 22 Benjamin BARSTOW, Junior of Hanover & Ruth WINS- LOW of Scituate November 22 Daniel CONNER and Elizabeth TAYLOR both of Han- over November 23 William CURTIS and Martha CURTIS both of Hanover 1738-39. January 25 Timothy MACOMBER of Dartmouth & Eliz- abeth ROGERS of Hanover February 22 Dennis CARRIE and Rachel TORREY both of Hanover April 2 Othniel PRATT of Hanover & Mary PRIOR of Duxborough May 24 James CLARK and Margaret BUCK both of Hanover September 20 Jesse CURTISS and Sarah MAN both of Hanover 1 739-4O. January 9 John HOUSE and Rebecca BUKER both of Hanover January 9 John WOODWORTH, Junior & Margaret FORD both of Hanover February 25 Edward CONOWAY of Pembroke and Elizabeth CANE of Hanover May 15 Nathanael ROBBINS and Hannah WITHEREL both of Hanover June 3 William WOOD of Dartmouth & Deborah ROGERS of Hanorer October 13 Abner TURNER and Mary MUNROE both of Hanover October 27 Isaac GROSS and Ruth SYLTESTER both of Hanover 9O ORIGINAL RECORDS. November 12 Michael SYLVESTER & Mary BARDEN both of Hanover December 18 Samuel HESSORD & Mary WITHEREL both of Hanover 174O-41. March 9 Benjamin CURTISS the 3rd and Naomi BAILY both of Hanover May 7 James ROGERS and Rachel BAILY both of Hanover August 20 Thomas CURTISS and Sarah UTTER both of Hanover August 27 Ebenezer EAMES of Marshfield & Margaret BARSTOW of Hanover December 14 Boston and Margaret negroes of Elijah GUSHING, esqr both of Hanover December 25 Dick, Jonas BAILY'S negro and Dassin (or Desire) Caleb BARKER'S negro both of Hanover 1741-42. February 4 Joshua PRATT and Honour TORY both of Hanover May 10 Thomas TORY and Elizabeth TORY both of Hanover June 7 Timothy BAILY and Hannah CURTISS both of Hanover July 20 Jabez JOSSELYN and Mary LINDSEY both of Hanover 1742-43. January 26 Nathanael SYLVESTER and Sage BARDEN both of Hanover February 10 Edmund SPEAR & Molly STETSON both of Hanover 1743-44. January 19 Adam PROUTY and Grace RAMSDALE both of Hanover March 29 Joshua RIPLEY and Alice STETSON both of Hanover April 28 Eleazer DONHAM of Plymouth & Elizabeth CONNER of Hanover December 6 Jesse TORREY and Mary BUKER both of Hanover 1746. May 13 Daniel COTHERELL of Bridgewater & Hannah ROSE of Hanover December 24 John BARNES, Junior of Hingham and Margaret CUR- TISS of Hanover 1747. July 8 Joshua STETSON of Scituate and Lillis STETSON of Hanover November 13 William CURTISS, Junior and Martha MANN both of Hanover 1747-48. February 24 Henchman SYLVESTER and Sarah STOCK- BRIDGE both of Hanover December 22 Jeremiah HALL and Elizabeth BAILY, Junr both of Hsnover ORIGINAL RECORDS. Ql 1748-49. February 2 Ebenezer CURTISS and Elizabeth RANDALL both of Hanover March 9 Windsor JONAS, negro and Mercy NEIL, Indian both of Hanover October 26 John GOULD of Bridgewater & Rachel CURTISS of Han- over November 23 Benjamin MAN, Junior & Abigail GILL both of Hano- ver December 5 Oliver WINSLOW of Scituate & Bethiah PRIOR of Han- over December 7 Joshua WHITEN of Hingham & Silence FORREST of Hanover 1749-5O. February 19 Joshua BRYANT of Scituate & Elizabeth PERRY of Hanover May 19 Joseph SOPER of Scituate & Ruth CURTISS of Hanover July 5 Thomas HUBBARD of Abington & Jane BAiLvof Hanover November i Caleb SYLVESTER and Desire STETSON both of Hanover 175O-51. February 8 Jack & Bilhah, two negroes both of Hanover : being Mr. Job TILDEN'S servants December 25 William GOLD, Junior of Bridgewater & Mary CURTISS, Junior of Hanover 1752. January 16 Lemuel CURTISS & Ruth MAN both of Hanover January 30 Edmund SYLVESTER & Elizabeth BASS both of Hanover At this interval the records of thirteen marriages seem to be missing. 1754. February 12 John ROBINSON of Plymouth & Elizabeth STUDLEY of Hanover December 26 Seth HARDIN of Pembroke & Susanna TAYLOR of Hanover 1755. February 13 Joseph HOUSE and Sage RANDALL both of Hanover February 26 Daniel TOUR(?) of Hingham & Persis CURTISS of Han- over 92 ORIGINAL RECORDS. February 27 Thomas PINCHIN, Junior of Scituate & Anna TAYLOR of Hanover March n John RUGGLES, Junior Scituate & Susanna BARSTOW of Hanover March 31 Elijah WATERS of Hingham & Mehetabel CURTISS of Hanover November 25 Joseph RAMSDALE & Mercy PRIOR both of Hanover December 25 Isaac PROUTY of Scituate & Priscilla RAMSDALE of Hanover 1756. February 14 Nathanael HARDING, Junior of Pembroke & Rebecca TAYLOR of Hanover February 26 Thomas CURTISS and Ruth ROSE both of Hanover May 6 Jacob WRITTEN of Scituate and Ann GIBS of Hanover MARRIAGES BY THE REVD SAMUEL BALDWIN. 1 757. J an y I 9 Amos SYLVESTER & Desire ROSE both of Hanover Jany 27 Samuel BARSTOW and Huldah HOUSE both of Hanover Decem. 21 Seth BATES and Ann NEAL both of Hanover 1758. Feby 23 James BARSTOW of Pembroke and Rhoda HOUSE of Hanover Sept. 14 Lawrence EKINGS and Sylvester HOWLAND both of Han- over 1 75i). Feby 15 Michael JACKSON of Abbington and Thankful STUDLEY of Hanover April 5 George BENNIT of Abbington and Hannah North EELLES of Hanover Novr. 22 William NORTON of Abbington and Sarah SYLVESTER of Hanover Nov. 29 Thomas HILL of Pembroke & Mary WARDELL of Hanover 17(>O. Jany 15 Elisha CURTIS of Scituate and Betty STUDLEY of Hanover ORIGINAL RECORDS. 93 Jany 17 Michael SYLVESTER and Ruth TURNER both of Hanover Jany 23 Lieut. Elisha HOUSE and Orphan PETERSON both of Hano- ver May 25 Newport and Kate two negro slaves belonging to Nathl SYLVESTER, both of Hanover June 5 Robert GARDNER, Jur of Hingham & Sarah MAN of Hanover August 3 Joshua BAKER of Rochester & Lydia CLARK of Hanover Nov. 27 David CUDWORTH of Scituate & Rebecca STETSON of Han- over 1761. J an y 3 Joseph BATES and Widow Elizabeth CURTIS both of Hanover May 25 Joseph HOUSE and Widow Hannah RANDALL both of Han- over Sepr 7 Nathl TURNER of Pembroke & Lucinda TURNER of Hanover Nov. 12 Thos. ROSE, Jr. and Rhoda ROGERS both of Hanover Decem. 3 Abner SYLVESTER & Susanna STETSON both of Hanover John STETSON & Thankful CURTIS both of Hanover Stevens HATCH and Ruth PRIOR both of Hanover Decem. 17 John WITHERELL and Content CONN EWAY both of Han- over Joshua CURTIS and Abigail HOUSE both of Hanover Decem. 24 Joshua DWELLY & Avis RAMSDALE both of Hanover Decem. 31 Theophilus WITHERELL and Freelove STETSON both of Hanover 1762. Jany 14 Gideon STUDLEY and Rosamond CHURCH both of Hanover Jany 2 1 Zechariah CURTIS of Scituate & Lydia PALMER of Hanover Feby 1 1 Seth BAYLEY and Lydia BARSTOW both of Hanover March 30 Daniel ALDEN of Stafford, in the Colony of Connecticut, esqr and Rebecca CURTIS of Hanover April 8 Amos BERRY and Sarah PETERS both of Hanover June 6 Job YOUNG and Betty STOCK.BRIDGE both of Hanover Decem. 30 Jonathan PRATT and Lucy CHURCH both of Hanover 1763. August n Mark .ROGERS and Mary BRAY b:>th of Hanover Novem. 24 Seth LATHAM of Bridgewater and Rachel HOUSE of Hanover 1764. J an >' J 9 Leonard HILL of Pembroke & Jerusha BATES of Hanover 94 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Feby 16 Daniel CROCKER of Pembroke & Abigail STUDLEY of Han- over N.B. August 2, 1764. A list of the above marriages have been exhibited to the Town Clerk. Nov. 29 Seth WITHERELL and Hannah CLARK, Jr. both of Hanover Decem. 20 James STILL, Indian man, & Sarah TOTO, Indian vom.m both residents in Hanover 1765. January 3 David RIPLEY and Priscilla DUNBAR both of Hanover January 10 Joseph STUDLEY & Rebecca STETSON, Jr. both of Han- over March 28 John CURTIS, Jr and Anna CURTIS both of Hanover April 7 Hezekiah BUNKER of Sherborn in Nantucket and Margaret FITZ-GERALD of Hanover April n Seth STETSON, Jr. & Lucy STUDLEY both of Hanover April 30 Benj STETSON and Bradbury EELLES July iS Job SYLVESTER and Margaret STETSON both of Hanover Sept. 5 Timothy CHURCH and Elizabeth ROSE both of Hanover Novr ii Othniel PRATT and Deborah HATCH both of Hanover 1766. J an y '9 Joseph NICKERSON and Lurana NEEL both resi- dent in Hanover Jany 23 Timo. ROSE and Lydia SOPER both of Hanover Thos. COLLEMORE of Scituate & Elizabeth TURNER of Hanover March 13 John CHAPMAN, Jr. of Pembroke and Ruth TORREY of Hanover May i Solomon BRYANT of Plympton & Elizabeth CURTIS of Han- over July 3 Abner CURTIS of Hanover and Sarah FORD of Scituate July 27 Jesse CURTIS of Hanover andHannah PETERSON of Scituate Octo. 1 6 Lemuel BATES and Mercy WITHERELL both of Hanover Deer 14 Samuel STETSON and Alice ROGERS both of Hanover 1767. January i Joseph RAMSDELL the second and Mercy BATES both of Hanover January 29 Daniel PARKMAN of Abbington & Hannah HOUSE of Hanover January 29 Thomas BATES and Hannah TORREY both of Hanover April 2 Samuel HARDEN of Pembroke and Mary ROGERS of Hanover ORIGINAL RECORDS. 95 1768. Jany 18 Elijah GUSHING of Pembroke and Mary TURNER of Hanover Mar. 17 Ebenezer EDY of Pembroke and Deborah PALMER of Han- over April 3 Atherton WALES and Ruth TURNER, Jr. both of Hanover April 21 Benjamin CLARK and Tabithu CHUBBUCK both of Hanover N.B. July 4, 1768 A list of the above marriages were exhibited to the Town Clerk. July 28 Seth BAYLEY and Alice NEAL both of Hanover Novr 27 Samuel HAYFORD and Diadama BISHOP both of Hanover Decemr 8 Cornelius TURNER and Michal SYLVESTER both of Hano- ver 1769. Jany 12 Thomas HATCH and Susanna CURTIS both of Hanover Jany 26 Joseph NICHOLSON and Desire PETER, Indians, resident in Hanover March 2 Josiah MAN, Jr. of Scituate and Sage CLARK of Hanover May 4 Samuel BKIMHALL of Abbington and Hannah RAMSDELL May ii Thomas WILLIT of Boston and Anna LAMBERT of Hanover Octo. 12 Levi CORTHELL of Abbington and Deborah CURTIS of Hanover Octo. 19 Elisha FOSTER, Jr. of Scituate and Grace BARSTOW of Hanover 1770. Feby. 8 James ORR and Susanna TILDEN both of Hanover Mar. 22 Nicholas BOWKER and Tamzin WOODS both of Hanover June 6 Thomas CURTIS, Jr. and Abigail STUDLEY both of Hanover 1771. Jany 3 1 Bosworth COLLIER of Hull and Anna HOUSE of Hanover Feby 1 1 Jonathan BATES of Rochester and Ruth STETSON of Han- over June 30 Asa TURNER and Abigail MAN both of Hanover July 4 Daniel BARSTOW and Betty TILDEN both of Hanover Sftpr 5 David TORREY and Susanna ROGERS both of Hanover Sepr 5 Gamabiel BATES of Hanover and Mary CARVER, Jr. of Pem- broke Octo. 17 James CURTIS and Zilpah STETSON both ot Hanover 96 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Nov. 21 Lot RAMSDALE and Rachel TORBEY both of Hanover 1772. Feby 16 John BARNS, Jr. of Hingham and Martha CURTIS the third of Hanover N.B. March 23, 1772 A list of the above marriages were April 29 Betty, daughter of David & Deborah STOCKBRIDGE Joseph, son of Joseph & Mary RAMSDALE June 17 Samuel, son of Samuel & PERRY and Ruth, daughter of Joseph & Patience CORNISH and Clement BATES, an adult, after a confession of his violation of the * * * commandment. June 24 Michael, son of David & Bethiah CURTIS July i James, son of James & Mary TOREY July 8 Seth, son of John & Elizabeth BAILEY and ORIGINAL RECORDS. 123 Leonard, son of Richard & Jemimah HILL July 15 Stephen, son of Joseph & Mary CURTIS July 22 ' Ruth, daughter of Oliver & Agatha WINSLOW September 2 Betty, daughter of John & Mary CURTIS September 30 Benjamin, son of Benjamin & Abigail SYLVESTER October 7 Lydia, daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth WILKS 1739-4O. January 13 Mary, daughter of Samuel & Hannah EELS March 18 Grace, daughter of Benjamin & Lillis STET SON April 13 Charity, daughter of Daniel & Ruth ROGERS, likewise Benjamin, son of Matthew & Hannah STETSON, and Lydia, daughter of Joshua & Lydia STUDLEY April 20 Jenny, wife of William GUILFORD, Junior & Paul their son Thomas, son of Clement & Agatha BATES April 28 Deborah, daughter of Samuel & Deborah HOUSE May 4 Charles, son of Samuel & Margaret BARSTOW July 6 Thomas, son of Isaac & Deborah LAMBERT July 27 Ezekiel, son of Ezekiel & Ruth TURNER August 3 Mercy, daughter of Ebenezer & Mehetabel CROSBY August 24 Ezra, son of Amasa & TURNER Sept. 14 George, son of Samuel and PERRY, also Isaac, son of Micah and Mary STOCKBRIDGE Sept. 28 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas & Faith ROSE October 19 Lucinda, daughter of Caleb & Ruth TURNER November 23 Anna, wife of John BRAY & Elizabeth their daughter 174O-41. January 18 Jonathan, son of Othniel & Mary PRATT March 29 Avis, daughter of Joseph & Mary RAMSDALE April 5 Stockbridge, son of Deacon Thomas & Ann JOSSELYN Timothy, son of Jame8 TORY, Junior & Mary his wife April 19 Bradbury, daughter of Samuel & Hannah EELS May 10 Hannah, wife and Nathanael, son of Nathanael ROBBINS likewise Benoni STUDLEY, Junior June 7 Elijah, son of Jesse and Sarah CURTIS and Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Mary BASS June 14 Samuel, son of Samuel & Deborah HOUSE June 2 1 Chandler, son of Joseph and PERRY June 28 Abigail, daughter of Joshua & Lydia STUDLEY ; by MR. D. LEWIS 124 ORIGINAL RECORDS. July 5 Sarah, daughter of Benjamin & Sarah BARSTOW and Hannah, daughter of Ezekiel & Martha PALMER July 12 Rebecca, daughter of John & Elizabeth STUDLEY July 19 Amos, son of Ezekiel & Ruth TURNER July 26 Thomas, son of Seth & Elizabeth STETSON August 2 Mary, daughter of John & Sarah LAMBERT August 2 1 Naomi, daughter of Abner and Mary TURNER August 30 Prince, son of Abigail & STETSON September 2 1 Mary, daughter of Joseph & Sarah SHELDON October 1 1 Nathanael, son of Oliver & Agatha WINSLOW November 29 Abigail, daughter of Joseph and Abigail HOUSE December 13 John, son of David & Deborah STOCKBRIDGE December 20 Caroline, daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth WILKS December 27 Content, daughter of Gideon & RAMSDALE 1741-42. January 3 John, son of John CURTISS, Junior and Mary his wife April 4 Hannah, daughter of Henry and Hannah MUNROE April 10 Abel, son of Jesse and Sarah CURTISS April 18 Sarah, daughter of Ebenezer & Mehetabel CROSBY also Abigail, daughter of Benjamin & Abigail SYLTESTER May 16 Thankful, daughter of Joseph and Mary CURTIS also David, son of David & Bethiah CURTISS and Cornelius, son of Caleb & Ruth TURNER May 30 Thomas, Rhoda & Mark, children of Jeremiah & Deborah ROGERS who previously made a publick confession of their violation of the * * * commandment. June 13 Molly, daughter of Isaac & STETSON June 20 Job, son of Amos & Patience SYLVESTER also Scth, son of Samuel & Margaret BARSTOW June 27 Hannah, daughter of Thomas & Sarah CURTISS August 15 At Pembr. Waltheia, daughter of Moses BASSET of King- ston September 26 Joshua, son of Joshua & Lydia STUDLEY also TITUS " my negro boy" October 3 Joseph, son of Joshua & Elizabeth BARSTOW, they making a public confession of their violation of the * * * commandment October 10 Joseph, son of Joseph & Patience CORNISH also Rachel, wife of Stephen TOREY with Stephen & Ruth their children : ORIGINAL RECORDS. I2 the parents making confession of their violation of the * * * com- mandment. October 17 Hannah FAIRFIELD, a young woman brought up by Mr. James HOUSE also Abner, son of Abner & Mary TURNER and Susanna, daughter of Isaac & Deborah LAMBERT October 24 Rhoda, daughter of Samuel & PERRY and Timothy, son of Nathanael & Hannah ROBBINS October 31 Ruth, daughter of Daniel & Ruth ROGERS November 7 Joshua, son of Clement & Agatha BATES 1743. March 27 Samuel, son of John & Sarah LAMBERT March 28 Ephraim, son of Peleg & Mercy STETSON : the mother entering into covenant with God and confessing her breach of the * * * commandment. April 3 Elizabeth, daughter of Ezekiel & Ruth TURNER April 17 Samuel, son of Benjamin and Lillis STETSON April 24 Ezra, son of Benjamin & Martha MAN also Othniel, son of Othniel & Mary PRATT May 15 Caleb Rogers and Mary the daughter of Caleb & Mary ROGERS May 22 Deborah, daughter of Saml & Deborah HOUSE June 26 Mary, daughter of Joshua & Elizabeth BARSTOW July 3 Joseph, son of Amasa & TURNER July 10 Joseph, son of Joseph & Mary RAMSDALE, July 17 Peleg STETSON after a confession of the sin of * * * * ; also Isaac, son and Mercy, daughter of Peleg & Mercy STETSON, also Ezra, son of Benjamin and Naomi CURTISS, who made confession of the sin of * * * * July 31 Deborah, daughter of Caleb & Hannah RANDALL August 7 Ruth, daughter of David & Bethiah CURTISS September n John, son of John & Rebecca HOUSE; they making a public confession of their violation of the * * * commandment. September 25 Thomas, son of John & Sibil TILDEN October 16 Michael, son of William & Jane GILLFORD November 20 Timothy, son of Thomas & Faith ROSE December 18 Sarah, daughter of Benja. & Abigail SYLVESTER 1 743-44, January 8 Hannah, daughter of Jeremiah & Deborah ROGEHS 126 ORIGINAL RECORDS. February 5 John, son of Oliver & Agatha WINSLOW April i Elisha, son of James TOREY, Junior and Mary his wife April 15 Abigail, daughter of Ezekiel & Ruth TURNER, and Ruth, daughter of Thomas & Ann JOSSELYN May 13 Gideon, son of Gideon & RAMSDALE Stephen, son of Benjamin CURTISS & Naomi his wife Deborah, daughter of Thomas & Sarah CURTISS May 20 Jesse, son of Jesse & Sarah CURTIS May 27 Lydia, daughter of Edmund & Molly SPEAR Henry & Mary, children of John & Ann BRAY June 10 Samuel, son of Seth and Elizabeth STETSON June 17 Ephraim, son of Peleg & Mercy STETSON July i Daniel, son of Samuel and Margaret BARSTOW July 8 Isaac, son of Elijah & Elizabeth GUSHING & Zaccheus, son of John & Sarah LAMBERT August 12 Gershom, son of Joseph & Abigail HOUSE October 2 Abel, son of David & Silence HOUSE, his master Samuel CURTISS promising to give him a religious education ; also Susanna, daughter of David & Silence HOUSE, her master Nathanael STETSON promising to give her a religious education. October 27 Baily, son of James & Rachel ROGERS, who died within a few hours after he was born. 1744-45. January 13 Joanna, daughter of Joshua & Lydia STUD- LEY at ye same time Hannah, daughter of Nathanael & Hannah ROBBINS March 31 Jerusha, daughter of Benjamin & Abigail SYLVESTER April 7 Margaret, daughter of Abijah STETSON also Gamaliel, son of Clement & Agatha BATES Alice, daughter of Caleb & Mary ROGERS April 14 Abner, son of John and Rebecca HOUSE, and ye same time Ruth, daughter of Nathanael and GILL April 21 James, son of Joshua & Elizabeth BARSTOW, and David, son of Stephen & Rachel TORREY and Mary, daughter of Abner & Mary TURNER June 2 Lettice, of Richard and Jemimah HILL June 16 Susanna, daughter of Bezaleel & CURTISS July 28 James, son of Samuel & Deborah HOUSE August 4 Delight, daughter of Timothy and Hannah BAILEY ORIGINAL RECORDS. I2/ August 27 Japheth, son of Joseph & Mary RAMSDALE September 8 Peleg, son of Isaac and Thankful COLLIMORE November 24 Ebenezer, son of Bezaleel and CURTISS December i Thomas, son of Thomas & Elizabeth TOREY December 8 Sarah, daughter of Benjamin and Ruth STORER December 29 Sarah, daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth WILKS 1745-46. February 23 Elijah, son of James & Mary TOREY March 2 Bathshua, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth BARSTOW also Elizabeth, wife of Joshua SIMMONS and Joshua their son March 7 Sarah, daughter of Caleb & RANDALL March 12 Mary, daughter of Michael & Mary SYLVESTER March 33 Elijah, son of Abijah & STETSON March 30 Joshua, son of Joshua & Alice RIPLEY April 20 Benjamin, son of Othniel & Mary PRATT also Deborah, daughter of Jesse and Sarah CURTISS and James, the ****** son of Martha D AM MON who made confession of the sin of * * * * May ii Ann, daughter of Joshua and Lydia STUDLEY May 18 David, son of Gideon & Sarah RAMSDALE June 8 Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth SIMMONS June 22 Margaret, daughter of Deacon Samuel & Margaret BARSTOW also Edmund, son of Edmund & Mary SPEAR September 21 Ann, daughter of John and Rebecca HOUSE October 5 Caleb, son of Caleb & Ruth TURNER November 3 Deborah, daughter of Ebenezer & Joanna WRIGHT November 9 Hannah, wife of Robert STETSON November 23 James Clark, also Ruth, Mary, Reuben & Hannah, children of said James CLARK & Margaret his wife November 30 Sarah, daughter of Job and TILDEN 1746-47. March i Benjamin, son of Benjamin & Naomi CURTISS the same day Sarah, daughter of Thomas & Sarah CURTISS March 8 Margaret & Katharine FITZGERALD, daughters of Richard & Margaret Fitzgerald, their mother (a widow) making her publick confession of her violation of the * * * commandment. March 15 Reuben, son of Robert & Hannah STETSON March 29 Isaac, son of Benjamin & Abigail SYLVESTER 128 ORIGINAL RECORDS. April 26 Anna, daughter of Taylor & BROOKS May 24 Nathanael, son of Thomas & Elizabeth TORREY June 7 Joseph, son of Joseph & Patience CORNISH; also Isaac, son of Isaac & Deborah LAMBERT and Levi, son of Peleg & Mercy STETSON July 12 Grace & Sarah, daughters of Adam & Grace PROUTY August 23 David, son of David & Elizabeth JENKINS August 30 James, son of Simeon and CURTISS September 6 Susanna, the daughter & Amasa, the son of Amasa and TURNER and ye same day James, son of James and Margaret CLARK September 27 Abigail, daughter of Joshua & Elizabeth BARSTOW October 4 Paul, son of Clement & Agatha BATES October 18 Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Deborah HOUSE November i Sarah, daughter of John & Sarah LAMBERT November 8 Abigail, daughter of Joseph & Alice NEAL 1747-48. January 10 Luther, son of Job and Mary STETSON April 3 Hezekiah HOLMES, apprentice to Mr. Melatiah DlLLINGHAM April 10 Gershom, son of Jesse & Sarah CURTISS April 17 Lillis, daughter of Joshua & Lillis STETSON April 24 John, son of Nathanael & GILL May i At the new meeting-house in Pembroke, Content, daughter of Nicolas & Content WEBSTER May 8 Lydia, daughter of Joshua & Lydia STUDLEY, also Deborah, daughter of Othniel & Mary PRATT and Caleb, son of Caleb & Mary ROGERS May 15 Olive, daughter of Timothy and Hannah BAILEY May 18 Caleb, son of Caleb and CHURCH May 22 Anna, daughter of William & Martha CURTISS ; likewise John, son of Jeremiah and Deborah ROGERS May 29 Grace, daughter of Samuel and Margaret BARSTOW June 26 Samuel, son of Richard & Jemimah HILL July 17 Briton, a negro infant born in the house of Mr. Edward JEN- KINS of Scituate, and given to Mr. John STUDLEY, of Hanover, soon after its birth. August 7 Betty, daughter of Job and TILDEN also Mary, daughter of Benjamin SYLVESTER, Jr. & Abigail his wife ORIGINAL RECORDS. 129 September 18 Margaret, relict and Margaret, daughter of John WOODWORTH, Junior, who dk'd at Cape Breton : and the same day Hannah, daughter of Robert STETSON & his wife October 2 Mary, daughter of Bezaleel CURTISS & his wife November 6 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth WILKS November 20 Joshua, son of Joshua & PALMER November 27 Betty, daughter of Nathanael & Hannah ROBBINS December 1 1 Ruth, daughter of Caleb TURNER, Jr. & his wife Ruth 1748-49. January 22 Seth, son of James and Margaret CLARK February 5 William, son of William CURTISS, Junr & Martha his wife April 9 John & Lucy Bray, children of John & Anna BRAY April 16 Betty, daughter of Peleg and Mercy STETSON and Nathanael, son of Benjamin CURTISS, Jr. & Naomi, his wife April 23 were baptized the following persons Mary and Samuel, children of Joshua STAPLES and Mary his wife; also Betty and Sage, children of Joshua STAPLES & his wife Elizabeth May 7 Lydia, daughter of Alice Neal, relict of Joseph NEAL, who was killed ye fall preceeding by a loaden cart going over him. May 14 were baptized the following persons : Isaiah, son of David & Elizabeth JENKINS Lydia, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth SIMMONS Warren, son (I suppose) of Thomas and Elizabeth TORREY July 2 Joshua, son of Joshua & Elizabeth BARSTOW September 3 Keziah, daughter of Dr. Jeremiah HALL & his wife Elizabeth 1 749-5O. March 4 Caleb, son of Nathanael & Abigail GILL & ye same day Asenath, daughter of Simeon & Asenath CURTISS April i Prince, son of Bezaleel and CURTISS Rachel, daughter of Stephen & Rachel TORREY and Mary, daughter of Othniel & Mary PRATT April 2 2 William, son of William & Mary WRITTEN Sarah, daughter of Jesse & Sarah CURTISS April 24 Ezra, son of Joseph & Jane PALMER of Scituate ; in psivate the child being near death and Mr. Eels ill. April 29 Nabbe, daughter of Clement & Agatha BATES I3O ORIGINAL RECORDS. May 6 Mary, daughter of Samuel & Deborah HOUSE June 10 Thomas, son of Thomas S: Sarah CURTISS June 24 Desire, daughter of Adam and Grace PROUTY July i Elizabeth, daughter of Ebenezer & Elizabeth CURTISS ; also Sarah, daughter of Shubael and Mary MUNRO July 22 John son of Joshua and Lydia STUDLEY August 26 Lydia, daughter of Benjamin SYLVESTER, Junior & Abigail his wife, the day after Mr. Eels's sudden death. September 9 Alexander, son of Caleb TURNER, Junior & his wife Ruth September 16 Mica & Kezia, son and daughter of Isaiah & Kezia THOMAS October 14 Jesse TORREY & , the children of the said Jesse Torrey & his wife , James, Ruth & Hannah Torrey November 16 Calvin, son of Joshua & Elizabeth BARSTOW ; and the same day Mercy TOTO, an Indian woman and George Toto, her son, as also Rhoda Toto, her daughter ; the mother making confession of her re- peated violation of the yth commandment. 175O-51. January 20 Nathanael, son of Job and TILDEN February 24 in Scituate, Nathanael, son of Zechariah DAMON, Junr and his wife Hannah Lenthal (EELLS before marriage) the daughter of the Reverend Mr. Nathanael EELLS late Pastor of ye Sout i Chh. in Scituate, who died very suddenly about half a year before ; vizt : August 25. March 3 Elizabeth, daughter of Jeremiah HALL and Elizabeth his wife March 17 Zilpah, daughter of Abijah & STETSON March 24 Thomas, son of Nathanael & Hannah ROBBINS March 31 John, son of Jeremiah ROGERS and Deborah his wife April 14 Thankful, daughter of John & Anna BRAY April 21 Peleg, son of Peleg & Mercy STETSON, and Miriam, daughter of Taylor & Miriam BROOKS May 5 Deborah, daughter of Abner & Deborah CURTISS May 12 Betty, daughter of Clement & Agatha BATES May 19 Martha, daughter of David & Elizabeth JENKINS and Martha, daughter of William & Martha CURTISS May 21 Deborah, daughter of William & Mary SYLVESTER of Scitu- ate (in private, she being very sick) ORIGINAL RECORDS. 131 June 2 Ebenezer, son of Joshua & Elizabeth SIMMONS July 7 Mary, daughter of Robert & Hannah STETSON August i Lettice, daughter of Joseph and (I think) Mary TOLMAN in private, she being sick, and so sick, that she died the next day. August 4 Susie, the daughter of Isaac & Thankful COLLIMORE and the same day Jenny, daughter of Joshua & Elizabeth STAPLES and Deborah, daughter of Joshua & Lydia PALMER August 1 1 Mehetabel, daughter of Elisha and Sarah CURTISS likewise Joshua, son of Joshua & E izabeth BRYANT August 18 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth TORREY September 22 Deborah, daughter of Joshua & Silence WRITTEN September 29 Bethiah, daughter of Oliver & Bethiah WINSLOW, and Lillis, daughter of Isaac & Deborah LAMBERT October 13 Timothy, son of Timothy and Hannah BAILY November 10 Abigail, daughter of Benjamin MAN, Junior & his wife Abigail December i William, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth CURTISS and John, son of John BAILY, the third and Ruth his wife, who made con- fession of their violation of the * * * commandment. 1 752. February 3 Desire, daughter of Caleb and Desire SYLVES- TER March 8 Rebecca, daughter of Joshua & Lydia STUDLEY March 15 Ambrose Low, son of Nathanael JOSSELYN & his wife April 12 Joseph, son of Richard and Jemimah HILL April 26 Abigail, daughter of John and Sarah LAMBERT May 10 Joseph, son Abiel COBB & wife May 17 Adam, son of Adam & Grace PROUTY June 7 Anna, daughter of Stephen and Rachel TORREY, also Ezekiel, son of Joshua & Elizabeth BARSTOW and Susanna, daughter of Caleb and Mary ROGERS June 14 Joshua, son of Joshua & Lillis STETSON July 12 Deborah, daughter of Thomas and Ann JOSSELYN July 26 Charles, son of Jesse & Sarah CURTISS August 16 Abel, son of William & Martha CURTISS October 15 Abel, son of William and Mary WRITTEN October 29 Jeremiah, son of Jeremiah and Deborah ROGEBS, also Luther, son of John BAILY, Junr and his wife Ruth 132 ORIGINAL RECORDS. November 12 Abner, son of Abner & Deborah CURTISS Pecember 31 Deborah, daughter of Benjamin SYLVESTER, Junr and his wife Abigail 1753. January 20 Nathanael, son of James & Margaret CLARK: in private, he being very sick. March 25 Amos, son of Taylor & Miriam BROOKS Jacob, son of Benjamin & Naomi CURTISS and Edmund, son of Edmund & Elizabeth SYLVESTER (?) Edmund, son Edmund & Elizabeth SYLVESTER April 8 Job, son of Samuel & Deborah HOUSE April 22 Lemuel, son of Lemuel & Ruth CURTISS April 29 Betty, daughter of Clement and Agatha BATES Ruth, daughter of Othniel & Mary PRATT May 6 Simeon, son of James & Margaret CLARK May 20 Barker, son of Caleb TURNER, Junior & Ruth his wife Nathanael, son of Jesse and Mary TORREY May 27 Abigail, daughter of Shubael & Mary MUNRO June 3 Sarah, daughter of Job TILDEN & his wife July 22 Benjamin, son of Benjamin MANN, Junior, and his wife Abigail August 12 Sarah, daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth TORREY August 19 Laban, son of Peleg & Mercy STETSON September 2 William, son of David & Jane STOCKBRIDGE also Sarah, daughter of Nathanael JOSSELYN & his wife September 9 Ebenezer, son of Joshua and Elizabeth SIMMONS October 2 1 Noah, son of John & Anna BRAY November 4 Abia, son of Abia and Sarah COBB 1 754. January 6 Experience, daughter of Bezaleel & Mary CUR- TISS ; in private, she being very sick. January 13 Lydia, daughter of Thomas & Sarah CURTISS January 27 Philip, son of Thomas & Ann JOSSELYN March 24 Josiah & Snow Randall sons of Caleb & Hannah RAN- DALL, also Seth, son of Jeremiah & Deborah ROGERS April 7 Bachelor, son of Robert & Hannah STETSON also Nathanael, son of James and Margaret CLARK April 14 Susanna, daughter of Simeon & Asenath CUBTISS April 21 Olive, daughter of Benjamin MANN, Jr. & his wife Abigail ORIGINAL RECORDS. 133 April 28 Nabby, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth STAPLES May 5 Mary, wife of Jacob SYLVESTER, Lucy, wife of Jeremiah STETSON, Sarah, the daughter of Joseph & Mary BATES Caleb, the son of Caleb & Desire SYLVESTER and Lucy, daughter of Jeremiah & Lucy STETSON June 30 Priscilla, daughter of Joshua & Lydia PALMER July 7 Lillis, daughter of Nathanael & Abigail GILL also Jael, daughter of William & Martha CURTISS September 7 Were baptized four children of Benjamin WHITE and his wife (the wife owning the covenant as we speak) vizt. Niah (meant perhaps Peninnah? Robert? Hannah and Benjamin, the father's name, who was not considered in the baptism of the chil- dren October 13 Isaac, son of Adam and Grace PROUTY Hannah, the wife of Benjamin STUDLEY & Eliab their son Hannah, wife of Richard HILL, Junior & Nathanael their son and Joseph, the son of Joseph & Abigail CURTISS October 27 Richard BUKER, Junior, and Phcebe, daughter of said Richard Buker & Phcebe his wife Hannah, daughter of Isaac HATCH, Junior & his wife Hannah November 10 Mary, daughter of Joshua & Elizabeth SIMONS 1 755. January 19 Obadiah, son of Benjamin and Abigail SYL- VESTER and the same day Elizabeth (my) grandchild the daughter of Edmund and Elizabeth SYLVESTER March 10 Betty, daughter of Samuel and Deborah HOUSE; in priv- ate being very sick within a few days after her birth. March 16 Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Sarah BARSTOW April 13 Experience, daughter of Bezaleel and Mary CURTIS April 20 Jesse, son of Jesse and Mary TORREY June i David, son of David and Jane STOCKBRIDGE at the same time the two following children Deborah, daughter of Jeremiah and Deborah ROGERS Mary, daughter of Lemuel and WRITTEN June 23 Lucy, daughter of John and Anna BRAY July 27 Jabe/, son of Othniel and Mary PRATT 134 ORIGINAL RECORDS. August 10 Abigail, daughter of Caleb & Hannah RANDAL and the same day Snow, son of Reuben and Mary CURTISS August 31 Nathanael, son of Nathanael JOSSELYN and his wife Sarah September 21 Clement, son of Clement & Agatha BATES October 5 Lucy, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth TORREY October 19 Betty, daughter of Peleg STETSON and Mercy his wife and Cornelius, son of Benjamin WHITE and wife October 26 Joseph, son of Nathanael and Hannah ROBBINS November 9 Michal, daughter of Michael SYLVESTER and his wife Mary, who died near a fortnight before (she was the daughter of Capt. Thomas BARDEN) also Barden, a son of ye same parents and Michael, another son of the same parents, likewise Mary, a daughter and the youngest child of said parents. and at the same time Abigail, daughter & Hatherly, son of John and Elizabeth BARSTOW November 30 Desire, daughter of Caleb and Desire SYLVESTER December 14 Ezra, son of Benjamin and Abigail MANN December 21 Ruth, daughter of Lemuel and Ruth CURTISS December 28 Lucy Josselyn, daughter of Shubael & Mary MUNRO 1 756. January 1 1 Mercy BATES and Mary, daughter of Ebenezer WING and Mary his wife March 21 Mary, daughter of William and Mary WRITTEN May 2 Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Sage HOUSE May 13 Joanna, daughter of Ebenezer and Mary WING; in private, she being very sick Decemr 5 Caleb, the son of Robert STETSON & Hannah his wife Decemr 12 Simeon, the son of Simeon CURTIS & Asenath his wife Samuel, the son of Joshua SYMMONDS & Elizabeth his wife Samuel, the son of Wm. CURTIS & Martha his wife 1757. Jany 9 Rachel, the daughter of Jeremiah STETSON & Lucy his wife Jany 16 Olive, the daughter of Edmund SYLVESTER & Elizabeth his wife Faith, the daughter of Thomas CURTIS & Ruth his wife ORIGINAL RECORDS. 135 Jany 23 John, the son of Abishai SOLE & Abigail his wife March 13 Noah, the son of Joshua STAPLES & Elizabeth his wife Seth, the son of Joseph CURTIS & Abigail his wife March 27 Hannah, the daughter of Thos. RAMSDALE, deceased and Hannah his wife April 10 Bezaleel, the son of Nath'l PALMER & Rachel his wife April 17 Foster, the son of Joshua BARSTOW & his wife Elizabeth May 22 Thomas, the son of Thos. BARSTOW & his wife Sarah May 29 Francis, the son of Nath'l JOSSELYN & his wife Sarah Mary, the daughter of Jesse TORREY & Sarah his wife Joseph, the son of Stephen TORREY, Jur & Sarah his wife June 5 Mercy, the daughter of Joseph RAMSDALE & Mercy his wife Benj. & Abner,'the sons of Benj. STUDLEY & Hannah his wife June 12 Robert, the son of Caleb TURNER & Ruth his wife Elisha, the son of Othniel PRATT and Mary his wife Samuel, the son of Lemuel WRITTEN & his wife June 19 Thankfull, the daughter of Jno. BRAY & Anna his wife July 3 Job, the son of Job TILDEN & his wife Mary & Sarah, the daughters of Isaac HATCH, Jr. & Hannah his wife July 30 Marlbry & Nabby, the children of Marlbry TURNER & Mary his wife August 14 Joel, the son of Benj. SYLVESTER, Jur & Abigail his wife August 28 Luther, the son of Nath'l ROBBINS & Hannah his wife Sepr 4 Thomas, a boy that lives with Mr. Thos. WILKS Luther, son of Stephen TORREY, Jr. & Sarah his wife Sepr 18 Levi, the son of Benj. MAN, Jur & Abigail his wife Oct. Betty, the daughter of Bezaleel CURTIS & his wife Novr 13 Amos, the son of Jesse CURTIS & his wife 1758. April 2 Nath'el, the son of David HOUSE, Jr. & Rhoda his wife April 30 Hannah, the daughter of Isaac BUCK & Mary his wife May 7th Mary, the daughter of Shubael MUNRO & Mary his wife Joseph, the son of Joseph HOUSE, Jr. & Sage his wife May 14 Avis, the daughter of Wm. WRITTEN & Mary his wife June 4 Sarah & Ruth, the daughters of Sarah STAPLES June 18 Henchman, the son of Caleb SYLVESTER & Desire his wife July 9 Hannah, the daughter of Othniel PRATT & Mary his wife July 30 Margaret, the daughter of Wm. CURTIS & Martha his wife 136 ORIGINAL RECORDS. July 30 Samuel, the son of Samuel BARSTOW. Jr, & Huldah his wife Amos, the son of Amos SYLVESTER, Jr. and Desire his wife Octor i Waterman, the son of Joseph JOSSELYN, Junr & Mercy his wife Daniel, Lydia, Calvin & Car, the children of Daniel GARDNER and Alice his wife Octor 22 Job, the son of Samuel BARSTOW, Jr. and Huldah his wife Novr 26 Amos WRIGHT Amos, Debbe, Benjamin, Charles, Samuel & Joseph, the children of Amos WRIGHT and Mary his wife Decemr 3 Molly Gardner, the daughter of Edmund SYLVESTER and Elizabeth his wife Decemr 3d Mary, the daughter of Joseph RAMSDALE, Jr. and Mary his wife 1 759. March 4th Eunice, the daughter of James CLARK & Mar- garett his wife April 8th Olive, the daughter of Lemuel CURTIS & his wife April 15 Ruth, the daughter of Robert EELLS and Ruth his wife May 20 Wm. the son of Jno. NICHOLSON & Lydia hia wife Joshua, the son of David HOUSE, Jr. and Rhoda his wife June 4 Thankfull, the daughter of Lemuel WRITTEN & his wife July 8 Huldah, the daughter of Isaac HATCH, Jr. and Hannah his wife Ruth, the daughter of Thomas CURTIS and Ruth his wife July 15 Joshua, the son of Benjn MAN, Jr. and Abigail his wife August 26 Elizabeth, the daughr of Joshua STAPLES and Elizabeth his wife Lydia, the daughter of Joseph RAMSDALE & Mercy his wife Elisha, the son of Joshua SYMMONDS & Elizabeth his wife Cloe, the daughter of Nath'el JOSSELYN & Sarah his wife Sepr 23 Mercy, the daughter of Daniel GARDNER & Alice his wife Nov. 4 Leah, the daughter of David JENKINS & Elizabeth his wife Nov. 18 Abigail, the daughter of the Revd Saml BALDWIN & Hannah his wife Barker, the son of Simeon CURTIS & Lucy his wife 176O- Jany 27 Ruth, the daughter of Stephen TORREY, Jr. & Sa- rah his wife Feby 24 Samuel, the son of Thomas TORREY & Elizabeth his wife ORIGINAL RECORDS. 137 April 13 Gideon, the son of Joseph HOUSE, Jr. & Sage his wife May 4 Betty, the daughter of Wm. WRITTEN & Mary his wife June i Hannah, the daughter of Benj. STUDLEY & Hannah his wife July 13 Alice, the daughter of David JENKINS & Elizabeth his wife Eli, the son of Jeremiah STETSON & Lucy his wife Joseph, the son of Samuel BARSTOW, Jr. & Huldah his wife Orphan, the daughter of Jesse CURTIS, deceased & Sarah his widow August 17 Rhoda, the daughter of Caleb HOUSE & Elizabeth his wife August 31 Japhet, the son of Eliab STUDLEY and Elizabeth his wife Sepr 19 Matthew, the son of Thos. SYLVESTER & Sarah his wife Octor 5 Betty, daughter of Jesse TORREY & Mary his wife Novr 1 6 Isaac, son of Isaac HATCH, Jr. & Hannah his wife Thomas, son of Amos SYLVESTER & Desire his wife Jabez Rose, son of Benj. BATES & Betty his wife Novr 30 Bethiah, daughter of Edmund SYLVESTER & Elizabeth his wife 1761. Jany 19 Miranda, daughter of Joshua BAYLEY & Abigail his wife Feby 15 Bathshua, daughter of Michael SYLVESTER & Ruth his wife Mar. 22 Lillis, daughter of Lemuel CURTIS & his wife Mar. 29 Lucinda, daughter of Lemuel WRITTEN & his wife Apl. 12 Samuel, son of the Revd Samuel BALDWIN & Hannah Baldwin Apl. 19 Betty, daughter of Robert EELLES & Ruth his wife John, son of Joseph JOSSELYN, Jr. & Mercy his wife Apl. 26 Abigail, daughter of Caleb HOUSE & Elizabeth his wife May 10 Lucy, daughter of Simeon CURTIS & Lucy his wife June 14 Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua BARSTOW & Elizabeth his wife Shubael, son of Shubael MUNROE & Mary his wife August 1 6 Bathshua, daughter of John HATCH & Bathshua his wife August 30 Deborah, daughter of David STOCKBRIDGE & Jane his wife Joshua, son of Joshua PALMER & his wife Sept. 6 Joshua, son of Nath'l & Sarah JOSSELYN 13 Rebecca, daughter of Thomas BARSTOW & his wife 20 Isaac, son of George BARSTOW & his wife 138 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Caleb Randall, son of Isaac HATCH, Jr. & Hannah his wife Novr 29 Rhoda, daughter of David HOUSE, Jr. & Rhoda his wife 1 762. Jany 24 Paul, son of Bezaleel CURTIS & his wife Mar. 14 Cloe, daughter of Joshua STAPLES & Elizabeth his wife April 25 Joseph, son of Nath'l ROBBINS & Hannah his wife May 23 William, son of William WHITTEN & Mary Whitten 30 Elisha. son of Waitstill TURNER & Mary Turner June 6 Hannah, daughter of Thomas CURTIS & Ruth Curtis Rachel, daughter of Ezekiel MERRITT & Rachel his wife June 13 Nathanael, son of Thos. BARSTOW & Sarah his wife Gideon, son of Gideon RANDALL & Rebecca his wife July 4 Alice, daughter of Daniel & Alice GARDNER July 25 Betty, daughter of Ezekiel MERRITT & Rachel his wife Stephen, son of Joseph HOUSE, Jr. & Sage his wife August i John, son of Jno. HATCH and Bathshua his wife August 22 Nabby, daughter of Joshua BAYLEY & Abigail his wife Sept. 12 Job, son of Jesse TORREY & his wife Sept. 19 Deborah, daughter of Thomas ROSE, Jr. & Rhoda his wife Oct. 31 Jeremiah, son of Jeremiah STETSON & Lucy his wife Nov. 9 Olive, daughter of Samuel WITHERELL, Jr. and Ruth his wife in private by reason of the child being sick Nov. 14 Martha, daughter of Robert STETSON and Hannah his wife Benjamin, son of Benjn & Betty BATES Nov. 21 Jacob, son of Amos SYLVESTER, Jr. & his wife Desire Decemr 12 Seth, son of Seth BAYLEY & Lydia his wife ; in private by reason of sickness 1 763. Jany 1 1 Ruth, daughter of Stevens and Ruth HATCH ; in private by reason of the child being sick Feby 27 Samuel, 2d, son of the Revd Samuel & Hannah BALDWIN April 10 Samuel WITHERELL, Jr. baptized Mary, daughter of Caleb HOUSE & his wife Elizabeth April 17 Melzer, son of Marlbry & Mary TURNER; in private by reason of sickness April 24 Reuben, son of Lemuel CURTIS & his wife May i Anna, daughter of Gideon and Rosamond STUDLEY June 12 George, son of Gideon STETSON & Elizabeth his wife; in private by reason of sickness ORIGINAL RECORDS. 139 June 19 Asenath, daughter of Simeon & Lucy CURTIS Lillis Turner & Grace, daughters of Caleb & Desire SYLVESTER July 10 Alice, daughter of Daniel TEAGUE & his wife Gamaliel, son of Joshua & Abigail BAYLEY Zechariah, son of Zechariah & Lydia CURTIS July 17 Sarah, daughter of Benjamin MAN, Jr. & Abigail his wife July 31 David, son of David & Hannah JACOB Huldah, daughter of Samuel BARSTOW, Jr. and Huldah Augt 28 Huldah Copelin, daughter of Robert & Ruth EELLES Hannah, daughter of Job & Hannah STETSON Sept. 1 1 Lydia, daughter of Joshua & Elizabeth SYMMONDS Sarah, Hannah Witherell, Mary Lenthell, daughters of "Wm. Wither- ell EELLES & Sarah his wife Octo. 2 Sarah, daughter of Amos & Sarah BERRY Octor 16 Betty, daughter of Job and Betty YOUNG Octor 23 Edmund, son of Edmund & Betty SYLVESTER Lois, daughter of Stephen TORREY, Jr. and his wife Debby, daughter of Joshua & Avis DWELLY Samuel, Bezaleel, Benjamin, sons of Samuel & Priscilla EELLES Novr 13 Christiana, daughter of Nath'el JOSSELYN & wife Nov. 17 Priscilla, wife of Samuel EELLES in private by reason of sickness 1764. Jany 15 John Reed, son of John & Sage JOSSELYN Feby 12 Joshua, son of David HOUSE, Jr. and Rhoda April 8 Margaret, daughter of Seth & Lydia BAYLEY April 15 Betty, daughter of Elisha and Betty CURTIS Rebecca, daughter of Gideon & Rebecca RANDALL May 6 Jemima, daughter of Robert and Hannah STETSON May 13 Hannah Pratt, an adult person, daughter of Joshua PRATT 20 Margaret, daughter of Lemuel & WRITTEN June 10 Bethiah, daughter of Daniel & Alice GARDNER June 17 John Burdin, son of Thomas & Sarah BARSTOW , Ezekiel Turner, son of John & Bathshua HATCH July i Joseph, son of William & Mary TORREY July 8 Joseph, son of Caleb & Desire SYLVESTER Grace, daughter of Wm. & Mary WHITTEN August 5 Asenath, daughter of George & BARSTOW & Lucinda, children of Isaac and Hannah HATCH I4O ORIGINAL RECORDS. August 25 , son of Joseph HOUSE, Jr. and Sage his wife Ruth Rowland, daughter of Luke STETSON Joseph Dowse, son of Joseph & Mary RAMSDALE Sepr 2 Mercy, daughter of Shubael & Mary MUNROK Mary & James, children of Benj. STUDLEY & wife Sept. 9 Nabby, daughter of Bezaleel CURTIS & his wife Octor 6 Mary, daughter of Waitstill and Mary TURNER in private 7 Zenos, son of Benj. & Hannah STUDLEY 28 Susy Gill, son of Benj. MAN, Jr. & Abigail his wife Nov. 18 Lemmy, son of Joshua & Avis DWELLY 25 Sagy, daughter of John & Sage JOSSELYN Deer 9 Thomas, son of Thos. ROSE, Jr. & Rhoda 1 765. Feby 6 John, son of John & Thankf ull STETSON March 10 John, son of Amos SYLVESTER, Jr. and his wife Desire Philip, son of Samuel BARSTOW, Jr. & his wife Huldah March 31 Priscilla, daughter of Wm. Withll & Sarah EELLES May 12 , child of Joshua & Abigail BAYLEY , child of Samel WITHEREL, Jr. & Ruth May 19 Joseph, son of Benj. Betty BATES 26 Deborah, daughter of Elisha & Orphan HOUSE June 2 Isaac, son of Daniel TEAGUE & wife 9 Job, son of Job & Betty YOUNG 23 Deborah, daughter of Gershom & Deborah HOUSE July 21 Hannah, daughter of the Revd Samuel & Hannah BALD- WIN 28 Christiana, daughter of Nathel JOSSELYN & wife Sept. i Eliab, son of Jesse & Mary TORREY Joseph & Lydia Stetson, children of Marlbry & Mary TURNER Oct. 13 Susanna, daughter of Job & Hannah STETSON Deer i Belcher, son of Edmund & Betty SYLVESTER Perez, son of David & Hannah JACOB Deer 8 Anna Lenthell, daughter of Robert & Ruth EELLES Seth, son of Seth & Lydia BAYLEY 1 766. J an 7 20 Dowry, son of Solomon & Aquilla BATES March 9 Sagy Randall, daughter of Joseph HOUSE, Jr. & Sage March 29 Beulah, daughter of Lemuel WHITTEN & wife ORIGINAL RECORDS. 14! March 30 Levi& Solomon Wheaton, sons of Solomon BATES, Jr. and Aquilla April 29 William, son of Joshua & Elizabeth SYMMONDS May 1 1 Abigail, daughter of John & Thankf ull STETSON 1 8 Orpah, daughter of Ruth CHAPMAN June 8 Rebecca, daughter of Seth & Bathshua HOUSE 15 Timothy CHURCH 29 Becca, daughter of Seth STETSON, Jr. & Lucy July 13 Amos, son of Amos & Sarah BERRY 20 Bradbury, daughter of Benj. & Bradbury STETSON 26 John, son of Job & Betty YOUNG July 26 Car, son of Daniel & Alice GARNETT August 3 Nabby, daughter of Benj. STUDLEY & wife August 10 Sarah, daughter of Gideon & Rebecca RANDALL Sarah, daughter of Gideon & Rosamond STUDLEY August 24 Homer, son of Wm. & Mary WRITTEN 31 Jenny Dowty, daughter of Thos. & Sarah BARSTOW Sept. 21 Mercy, daughter of Benj. & Mercy BASS Sarah, daughter of Gershom & Deborah HOUSE Octo. 19 Robert, son of Michael & Ruth SYLVESTER Martha, daughter of Elisha & Betty CURTIS Octo. 26 Deborah, daughter of Othniel & Deborah PRATT Nov. 30 Charles, son of Benj. MAN, Jr. & Abigail Dec. 14 Cynthia Sylvester, daughter of John & Sage JOSSELYN Joshua, son of Joshua & Avis DWELLY Decem. 14 Hannah, daughter of Waitstill and Mary TURNER Anna, daughter of Jno. CURTIS, Jr. and Anna 1767. February 8 Thomas, son of Stevens & Ruth HATCH April 12 Timothy, son of Timothy & Lydia ROSE April 26 Lydia, daughter of Wm. Witherell & Sarah EELLES May 3 Desire Rose, daughter of Amos SYLVESTER, Jr & Desire Bela, son of Joshua & Abigail BAYLEY Rhoda Rogers, daughter of Thomas ROSE, Jr. and Rhoda May 10 Deborah, daughter of Seth STETSON, Jr. and Lucy 24 Ezekiel & Rhoda Vinall, children of Ezekiel & Rachel MERRITT May 30 Benjamin, son of Benjn and Bradbury STETSON July 12 Elizabeth, daughr of Solomon and Elizabeth BRYANT 142 ORIGINAL RECORDS. August 2 Mary, daughter of Simeon & Lucy CURTIS August 1 6 Molly, daughter of Benj. and Betty BATES 24 House, son of Samuel and Huldah BARSTOW Sept. 27 Richmond, son of David & Hannah JACOB Lydia, daughter of Zechariah and Lydia CURTIS Oct. 4 Lydia, daughter of Elisha & Orphan HOUSE Decemr 6 Robert and Nabby (twins) children of Robert and Ruth EELLES 1768. January 3 Charlotte, daughter of John CURTIS, Jr. and Anna January 10 Theophilus & Freelove WITHERELL and their children Deborah and Freelove January 31 Christopher, son of Edmund & Betty SYLVESTER March 13 Bathshua, daughter of Seth and Bathshua HOUSE April 10 Lucinda, daughter of Michael and Ruth SYLVISTER May 29 Timothy, son of Timothy & Elizabeth CHURCH June 5 Molly Waterman, daughter of Samuel WAYFORD and wife June 5 Othniel, son of Othniel & Deborah PRATT June 12 Rosamond, daughter of Gideon and Rosamond STUDLEY July 3 Betty, daughter of Daniel TEAGUE & wife Laban, son of Daniel and Alice GARNETT Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Mercy BASS August 14 Jane, daughter of Job and Betty YOUNG 21 Thankfull, daughter of John and Thankful STETSON Sept. 4 Lucy Pratt, the wife of Jonathan PRATT Sept. 18 Lucy & Jonathan, children of Jonathan and Lucy PRATT Oct. 2 Molley, daughter of Thomas and Sarah BARSTOW Thomas, son of Thomas Rose, Jr. & Rhoda Gershom, son of Gershom and Deborah HOUSE Octo. 23 Ruth, daughter of John and Bathsheba HATCH John WITHERELL and his children John, Hannah & Edward Oct. 30 Molley, daughter of Marlbry & Mary TURNER Levi, son of Joseph HOUSE, Jr. and Sage Nov. 13 Perez, son of Benj. MAN, Jr. and Abigail Decem. 4 William Witherell, son of Wm. Witherell & Sarah EELLES Jedediah, son of Joshua & Avis DWELLY Joseph, son of Joseph & Tamar CARYL Mary, daughter of the Revd Samuel & Hannah BALDWIN ORIGINAL RECORDS. 143 1769. March 19 Hannah, daughter of Amos SYLVESTER, Jr. Desire Lydia, daughter of Timothy & Lydia ROSE April 2 Hannah, daughter of Seth STETSON, Jr. & Lucy Rebecca Studley, and Lucy Studley, daughters of Rebecca STUDLEY April 16 William Pitt, son of Joshua and Abigail BAYLEY 30 Sarah, daughter of Lemuel &: Ruth CURTIS Eunice, daughter of Jno. and Sage JOSSELYN April 30 Edward, son of Benj. and Bradbury STETSON May 14 Jabez, son of Jonathan & Lucy PRATT July 2 Hannah, daughter of David & Hannah JACOB Betty, daughter of Solomon & Elizabeth BRYANT July 23 Lydia, daughter of Sarah CURTIS August 4 Isaac Jones, son of Joseph WOODWORTH & wife : in private by reason of sickness August 27 Luctnda, daughter of John & Content WITHERELL Sept. 10 Rebecca, the wife of Samuel WITHERELL Charles, son of Job & Betty YOUNG October 15 Elias, son of Stevens & Ruth HATCH 22 Samuel, son of Solomon BATES, Jr. and wife Novr. 26 Barker, son of Simeon & Lucy CURTIS 1770. February n Bethany, daughter of Lemuel WRITTEN and wife April 8 Juliette, daughter of Michael and Ruth SYLVESTER Lucinda. daughter of Elisha & Betty CURTIS May 6 Betty and Anna, children of Joseph and Sarah WOODWARD James, son of Joanna STUDLEY May 20 Mary, daughter of Lemuel & Rachel DELANO 27 John, son of Robert & Ruth EEI.LES Ebenezer & Waterman, sons of Ebenezer and Deborah EDDY Alice, daughter of Seth and Alice BAYLEY, in private by reason of sickness June 3 Thomas, son of Thomas & Hannah BATES July 8 Mary, daughter of Elisha and Orphan HOUSE Nathanael Sylvester, son of Prince and Eunice STETSON July 22 Olive, daughter of Stockbridge & Olive JOSSELYN Aug. 5 Betty, daughter of Benj. & Betty BATES Jerusha & Richard, children of Leonard HILL 144 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Aug. 5 Dorothy, daughter of Reuben & Dorothy CLARK 12 Sadoc, son of Daniel TEAGUE & wife 26 Olive, daughter of Joseph HOUSE, Jr. and Sage Seth, son of Seth and Bathsheba HOUSE Thomas, son of Thomas and Anna WILLET Israel, son of Thomas & Susanna HATCH Sepr 9 Zipporah, daughter of Jno and Bathsheba HATCH Octor 21 Chloe, daughter of John CLAP, &c. Novr 1 8 Alice, daughter of Seth and Alice BAYLEY Lemuel Holmes, son of Lemuel & DELANO Novr. 25 Avis, daughter of Joshua & Avis DWELLY Decemr 16 Curtis, son of Joseph and Lydia BROOKS 1771. Jan. 6 Lydia, daughter of Lemuel & Ruth CURTIS 13 Nathanael, son of Seth STETSON, Jr. & Lucy Feby 3 Chloe, daughter of Benja MAN and wife 24 Cindrilla, daughter of Benja & Mercy BASS Mar. 24 Samuel, son of Samuel and STAPLES April 7 Lucy, daughter of Edmund and Betty SYLVESTER April 28 Melzer, son of Gershom and Deborah HOUSE Israel, son of Israel & PERRY May 5 Elisha, son of Jonathan and Lucy PRATT 12 Grace, daughter of Daniel and Alice GARNETT 26 Bethiah Gushing, daughter of the Revd Samuel and Hannah BALDWIN June 9 Deborah Gushing, daughter of Job and Betty YOUNG July 14 James, son of James HOUSE, deceased and his widow Grace House ; the lad about 17 years old, baptized on his mother's aut. July 21 John, son of John and Thankfull STETSON Lucinda, daughter of Solomon & Aquilla BATES July 21 Ruthy & Atherton, children of Atherton and Ruth WALES Levi, son of Levi and Deborah CORTHELL Aug. 4 Nathan, son of Ebenezer and Deborah EDDY Aug. 1 8 Rebecca, daughter of Elisha & Betty CURTIS Isaac, son of Isaac LAMBERT, Jr. and Hannah Aug. 25 Seth, son of Timo & Lydia ROSE Sept. 22 Samuel WOODWARD, aged 20 years Octo. 6 Charles & Lydia, children of David HOUSE, Jr. and Rhoda his wife ORIGINAL RECORDS. H5 Octo. 13 Susanna Orr, the wife of James ORR James, son of James and Susanna ORR Octo. 27 Joseph, son of Benja and Bradbury STETSON Mary, daughter of Joseph RAMSDALE, 3rd & Elizabeth Novr 10 Susanna, Elizabeth & Mary, children of Gideon and Eliza- beth STETSON Philip, son of John and Content WITHERELL Nov. 24 Jenny, a Negro-child, servant to Jacob & Mary SYLVESTER 1772. March 8 Stockbridge, son of Stockbridge & Olive JOSSE- LYN Abigail, daughter of Asa & Abigail TURNER March 22 Eunice Turner, daughter of Prince and Eunice STETSON April 5 Hannah, daughter of Timo and Mary ROBBINS 12 Lydia and Esther, daughters of Isaac and Hannah HATCH Lydia, daughter of Seth & Alice BAYLEY 19 John, son of John CURTIS, Jr. and Anna his wife 26 Lucy, daughter of John and Bathsheba HATCH May 17 Susanna, daughter of Thos. & Susanna HATCH 24 Sarah Hill, daughter of Thomas & Anna WILLET 31 Olive, daughter of Gideon & Rebecca RANDALL June 7 Jane House, the wife of John HOUSE, Jr. and Deborah, their daughter June 7 Jeremiah, son of Thos. Ross, Jr. and Rhoda his wife 28 Peter, son Atherton and Ruth WALES July 5 Solomon, son of Solomon & Elizabeth BRYANT 19 Betty, daughter of Amos & Betty TURNER Aug. 9 Robert, son of Michael & Ruth SYLVESTER 30 Thomas, eon of Israel & PERRY Sept. i Roland, son of James & Zilpah CURTIS, in private by reason of sickness Sept. ii Rufus, son of Joseph HOUSE, Jr. and Sage his wife; by reason of sickness in private Sept. 17 Lemuel, son of Lemuel WHITTEN and wife; by reason of sickness in private Octor 1 1 Nathanael, son of Robert and Ruth EELLS Thomas WHITTEN, Jr. and his son named William Peaks Oct. 25 John Washburn, son of Samuel and Elizabeth STAPLES Octo. 25 Lydia Holmes, daughter of James & Susanna ORR 146 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Richmond, son of Isaac & Hannah HATCH Sarah Whitten, adult daughter of Thomas WRITTEN Hannah and Rachel Farrar, children of Joseph CARYL & wife 22 Joseph, son of Joshua and Avis DWELLY 1773. March 14 Seth, son of Seth STETSON, Jr. and Lucy 21 Prissy, daughter of Joseph RAMSDALE, 3d and Elizabeth May 2 Bridget, daughter of Jno. HOUSE, Jr. and Jane his wife Betty, daughter of Daniel & Betty BARSTOW May 9 Lydia, daughter of Joseph & Lydia BROOKS 1 6 Leonard, son of Ebenezer and Deborah EDDY Thomas, son of Isaac LAMBERT, Jr. and his wife Hannah May 29 Hannah Stockbridge, daughter of Timo. & Elizabeth CHURCH Huldah, daughter of Benja and Mercy BASS June 6 Lemuel, son of Lemuel & Ruth CURTIS Asenath, daughter of Elijah and Susanna STETSON June 27 Thomas, son of Thomas and Olive STETSON July 1 8 David, son of David & Susanna TORREY Aug. 8 Christiana, daughter of Widow Sage JOSSELYN Peninnah, daughter of Robert WHITE Aug. 22 Bethiah. daughter of Job and Betty YOUNG Mary, daughter of Timo & Mary ROBBINS Aug. 29 Lucy, daughter of Edmund & Betty SYLVESTER Sept. 5 Joseph, son of Seth and Alice BAYLEY Octo. 10 Mary, daughter of Jonathan & Lucy PRATT 24 Lucy, daughter of Gideon & Rosamond STUDLEY Novr 21 Lemuel, son of Lemuel WRITTEN and wife Rachel, daughter of Thomas WHITTEN, Jr. & Rachel 1774. January 2 Charles, son of Benja & Bradbury STETSON Rebecca, daughter of Jabez and Keturah STUDLEY January 30 Kezia, daughter of Melzar & Kezia CURTIS March 13 Timothy, son of John and Content WITHERELL 20 William, son of the Revd Samuel and Hannah BALDWIN April 10 Ruth, daughter of Amos & Betty TURNER 17 Rachel, daughter of John and Bathshua HATCH Mary Niles, daughter of Atherton & Ruth WALES ORIGINAL RECORDS. 147 April 17 Melzer, son of Melzer and Kezia CURTIS 24 William, son of John CURTIS, Jr. and Anna his wife May 6 Christopher, son of Solomon and Elizabeth BRYANT ; in priv- ate by reason of sickness May 8 Daniel, son of Daniel and Betty BARSTOW 15 Temperance, daughter of Prince & Eunice STETSON 29 Zilpah, daughter of John and Thankfull STETSON June 1 1 Michal, Daugr of Seth and Anna BATES ; in private by reason of sickness June 19 Joseph, son of Robert and Ruth EELLKS Betty, daughter of Orphan HOUSE Joseph, son of Mary MAN July 3 Lucy, daughter of Benjamin & Betty BATES Abigail Stockbridge, daughter of Stockbridge & Olive JOSSELYN July 31 Seth, Joseph Neal, Paul, Thomas, Joshua, Anna, Becca and Enos, children of Seth & Anna BATES Aug. 14 Sarah, daughter of Sage STAPLES Sepr 4 John Tilden TORREY, an adult, aged Oct. 2 Joseph, son of Seth and Alice BAYLEY David, son of Lemuel and Rachel DELANO Oct. 8 Simeon, son of Seth WITHERELL and Hannah ; in private by reason of sickness Oct. 9 John, son of Solomon BATES, Jr. & Aquilla Nov. 6 Snow, son of David HOUSE, Jr. and Rhoda 13 Kzekiel, son of Joshua and Margaret BARSTOW 27 Charles, son of Timo and Lydia ROSE Pompey, negro-lad of Col. STOCKBRIDGE Decemr 4 John, son of John HOUSE, Jr. and Jane 1 1 Charles, son of Elijah and Susanna STETSON 1775 Jany i Abigail, daughter of Zebulon BOWKER & wife 15 Bethiah, daughter of Timo. & Mary ROBBINS February 21 Eunice, daughter of David and Hannah JACOBS; in private by reason of sickness April 30 Olive, daughter of Widow Hannah RANDALL June 4 Olive, daughter of Thos. & Olive STETSON 1 8 Hannah, daughter of Tsraal PERRY & wife June 25 Charles, son of Isaac LAMBERT, Jr. and Hannah Abigail, daughter of Hersey & Abigail GILBERT 148 ORIGINAL RECORDS. William Gilbert, son of William and Rebecca CURTIS July 1 6 Samuel, son of Seth STETSON, Jr. & wife Joshua, son of Samuel STAPLES & wife Aug. 13 Betty, daughter of Lemuel & Rachel DELANO Betty, Townsend Smith, Oliver, Levi, Isaac, Sarah & Chloe, children of Elijah and Leah GARDNER Aug. 20 Martha, daughter of John and Martha BARNS Sepr 10 Rebecca, daughter of William & Sarah EELLES Joseph, son of Joseph RAMSDELL, 3rd & Elizabeth Sepr 12 Joseph, son of Samuel WITHERELL, Jr. & wife; in private by reason of sickness Octr i Lucy, daughter of Joshua and Avis DWELLY ii Asa, son of Daniel TEAGUE & wife Oct. 15 Ward, son of Seth & Anna BATES Caleb, son of Benja & Bradbury STETSON Zebulon, son of Zebulon and Deborah BOWKER Novr 5 Olive, daughter of Mary MAN Deer 1 6 Bradbury Palmer, daughter of Elisha PALMER; in private by reason of sickness Deer 17 Mable, daugrof Kelah MINGO, negro woman 1776. January 7 Caleb, son of Benja & Abigail MAN Joseph, son of William & Ruth STOCKBRIDGE January 21 Ruth, daughter of Hersey and Abigail GILBERT Feb. 25 Jeremiah, son of Melzer and Kezia CURTIS March 3 Lucy WRITTEN, adult 10 Rebecca, daughter of Seth and Alice BAYLEY 17 Alden, son of Benja & Mercy BASS April 21 Rachel, daughter of Atherton and Ruth WALKS Sarah, daughter of Joseph & Lydia BROOKS May 5 John, son of John & Bathshua HATCH Thomas, son of Thomas & Susanna HATCH May 19 Elizabeth, daughter of Timo and Mary ROBBINS June 9 Hannah, daughter of Gideon and Rebecca RANDALL 23 Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and Lucy PRATT Briggs, son of Gershom CURTIS and wife Hannah, daughter of Benja MAN, Jr. & wife July 28 Gideon, son of Gideon & Rosamond STUDLEY Zilpah, daughter of James and Zilpah CURTIS ORIGINAL RECORDS. 149 Aug. 4 Susa, daughter of David and Susanna TORREY 12 Philip, son of Elisha CURTIS; in private by reason of sick- ness Aug. 1 8 Lucy, daughter of Capt. Robt & Ruth EELLES Sepr 22 Jabez, son of Jabez and Keturah STUDLEY Thomas, son of Thos. WRITTEN, Jr. and wife Oct. 6 Huldah CURTIS. Adult Oct. 13 Davis, son of Abner CURTIS, Jr. and wife Lucy, daughter of the Revd Samuel & Hannah BALDWIN Oct. 27 Elitheer, daughter of John CURTIS, Jr. and Anna Nov. 3 Elijah, son of James and Lydia TORREY Decemr r Ezekiel, son of Amos & Betty TURNER 1777. Feby 16 Charles, son of Elijah STETSON March 23 Betty, daughter of Joshua and Margaret BARS- TOW Sally, daughter of Benja. MAN, Jr. & wife April 6 Lydia, daughter of Solomon and Elizabeth BRYANT April 13 Lucy, daughter of Seth STETSON, Jr. and wife June i Abigail, daughter of Seth & Alice BAYLEY Gershom, son of John and Jane HOUSE 8 Sally, daughter of Peleg EWELL and wife Lucinda, daughter of Lemuel WRITTEN and wife Ruth, daughter of Thomas STETSON and wife 15 Ruth, daughter of Timo & Lydia ROSE Isaac, son of Elijah and Leah GARDNER 29 Eli, son of Seth and Anna BATES Lucy, daughter of Stockbridge JOSSLYN & wife Abel, son of Abel & Ruth CURTIS July 6 Eunice, daughter of Israel PERRY & wife 27 Prissy, daughter of Joseph RAMSDALE, 3rd & Elizabeth Augt. 10 Abigail, wife of Elisha SYLVESTER and Ruggles their son Aug. 10 Elisha, son of Benja and Bradbury STETSON Rufus, son of William & Rebecca CURTIS 17 Sarah, daughter of Benja. BATES and wife 24 Lucy, daughter of Daniel and Betty BARSTOW Jesse, son of James & Lydia TORREY Sept. 14 Nathanael, son of Lemuel and Ruth CURTIS I$O ORIGINAL RECORDS. Sept. 30 Barney, son of the Widow Rachel MERRITT; in private by reason of sickness Octr i Kinsman, Deborah, Calvin, and Charles, children of Levi & Deborah CORTHELL Octr 5 Joseph & Lydia, children of BRIGGS 19 David, son of David and Susanna TORREY Novr 9 Ruth, daughter of William & Ruth STOCKBRIDGE 16 Diana, daughter of Gershom CURTIS & wife 1778. March 29 Robert, son of Atherton & Ruth WALES April 12 Gamaliel, son of John & Bathshua HATCH April 19 Deborah, daughter of Zebulon & Deborah BOWKER May 10 Desire, daughter of Abner CURTIS, Jr. & wife 15 Drusilla, daughter of Job and Mercy CASWELL ; in private by reason of sickness May 24 Levi, John & Mercy, children of Job & Mercy CASWELL June 21 Cornelius, son of Hersey & Abigail GILBERT July 12 Melzer, son of Melzer and Kezia CURTIS 19 Josiah, son of Elijah & Hannah GILBERT Aug. 2 Joshua, son of John and Thankfull STETSON 9 Eleanor, daughter of Joseph and Lydia BROOKS 1 6 Clarissa, daughter of Ebenezer & Mary CURTIS Sept. 13 Lydia, daughter of Major John & Chloe CLAP Oct. 4 Thomas TORREY, adult ; in private by reason of sickness Oct. 18 Perez, son of Lemuel WRITTEN and wife Ruth, daughter of Benja. MAN, Jr. & wife 22 Susy, daughter of Levi and Deborah CORTHELL ; in private by reason of sickness Oct. 24 Lydia Peterson, daughter of Daniel TEAGUE & wife ; in pri- vate by reason of sickness Oct. 25 Joshua Staples, son of Sage MORSE Nov. i Melzer, Susanna, Abijah, Luther, Calvin and Adam, children of the widow Betty STETSON Dec. 6 Abigail, daughter of Gideon & Rosamond STUDLEY Decem. 20 Sarah, daughter of Benja and Mercy BASS Elitheer, daughter of John CURTIS, Jr. and Anna his wife 1779. J an y J 7 Mary Bowker, daughter of Joseph and Mary TORREY Feby 2 1 Caleb, son of Gideon & Rebecca RANDALL ORIGINAL RECORDS. !$! Feby 28 Lydia, daughter of Ebenezer & Deborah EDDY March 14 Edward, son of Capt. Robert EELLES & wife April ii Elias WHITTEN, an adult person and his daughter Ruth, child of Elias & Deborah Whitten May 2 Luthun, son of Amos & Sarah PERRY 1 6 Mary, daughter of John & Jane HOUSE Gideon, son of Abel & Ruth CURTIS 23 Rebecca, daughter of William & Rebecca CURTIS June 13 Barker, son of Joseph RAMSDALE, Jr. and Elizabeth Paul, son of Ebenezer & Mary CURTIS July 4 Joanna, daughter of Jonathan & Lucy PRATT Septr 9 David, son of Robert WHITE, in private by reason of sick- ness Octr 31 Thankfull, daughter of Seth STETSON, Jr & Lucy his wife Novr 14 Sibyl, daughter of Timothy ROBBINS & wife Novr 28 Molley, daughter of Benja & Bradbury STETSON Nov. 28 Joseph, son of Joseph & Mary TORREY 178O. June n Fanny, daughter of the Revd Samuel & Mrs. Hannah BALDWIN BAPTISMS, PR. ME JOHN MELLEN 1784. March 28 Sarah, child of Dea. Timothy ROBBINS May 30 Benjamin, child of Elias WHITING June 27 Charles, child of Thomas WHITING, Jr. also William Read, child of William STOCKBRIDGE also David, child of David STOCKBRIDGE, Jr. July 25 Rukecy, child of Lemuel WHITING also Samuel, child of John CURTIS, Jr. Augt 1 8 Sally, daughter of Solomon BATES ; in private 152 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Augt 22 Mary Gardner, daughter of Benjamin BASS Sepr 5 Joanna, daughter of Melzar CURTIS Sept. 5 Sarah, daughter of Elias WHITING also Joshua, son of Joshua MAN Sept. 12 Reuben, son of Seth STETSON Octo. 3 Horatio, son of Israel PERRY Calvin, son of William STOCKBRIDGE Octo. 10 Calvin, son of Joshua BARSTOW Ruth, daughter of Abel CURTIS Betsey, daughter of Isaac TURNER Octo. 24 Reuben, Mary & Hannah, children of Caleb ROGERS Novr 7 Joshua, child of Gideon STUDLY 14 Emily, grandchild of Benj. SYLVESTER 28 Ruth, daughter of Col. Amos TURNER Reuben, son of Snow CURTIS Lydia and Joseph, children of Job TILDEN December 5 Hannah, child of Elijah GILBERT 1785. April 24 Turner, child of Gershom CURTIS May i John, child of Atherton WALES May 29 Sophia Adams & Sylvia, children of Mrs. Orphan GURNEY July 14 James, child of Capt. Seth BATES ; in private ; sick Augt 7 Lewis & Cyrus, children of Benjamin WHITE Nov. 6 Molley, child of Joshua MAN Philip, child of Ruth RAMSPALE 1786. April 16 John, son of Dea. Timothy ROBBINS April 30 Hannah, daughter of Dea. Joseph BROOKS May 28 James, son of Stockbridge JOSSLYN Martyn, son of David STOCKBRIDGE William, son of Morgan BREWSTER June 18 Michal, daughter of Ebenezer CURTIS June 25 Paul, son of Israel PERRY Ebenezer, son of Elisha SYMMONDS July 1 6 Bela, son of Snow CURTIS August 13 Amos, son of Elias WHITING 20 Charles Chauncey, son of Joshua BARSTOW Octo. 15 Pamela, daughter of Elisha RECORDS Mary, daughter of Benjamin WHITE 22 Martha & Rachel, children of Ezra BRIGGS, Junr ORIGINAL RECORDS. 153 Octo. 29 Seth, son of Coll. Amos TURNER Lydia, daughter of Daniel BABSTOW Calvin, son of Adam PERRY Betty, daughter of Job TILDEN Novr 5 Sylvia, daughter of Solomon BATES Priscilla, daughter of Isaac TURNER Novr. 12 Ruth Torrey, daughter of Caleb ROGERS, Jr. 19 Asa WHITING, an adult person 1T87. March 29 Marshal Lincoln, son of Dr. Peter HOBART June 10 Laurentia, daughter of Melzar CURTIS July 22 Olive, daughter of Thos. WHITING, Jr. Ruth & Anne, children of James WOODWORTH ; in private ; sick July 30 William, son of Col. Amos TURNER ; in private ; sick Augt. 12 Elijah & Sylvester, children of James WOODWORTH Sept. 1 6 Saba, daughter of William CURTIS 23 Lucy, daughter of Benjamin FARRAR Octo. 28 Nathaniel, son of John CURTIS Nov. 4 Caleb WHITING, an adult person Susee Gill, daughter of Caleb WHITING Nov. 4 Charles, son of Gershom CURTIS 1 8 Lucy, daughter of Josiah CHAMBERLAIN 1788. June 15 Agnes, daughter of Peter SALMON Benjamin, son of Joshua MAN Martha, daughter of Elisha SYMMONDS June 22 Levi, son of Snow CURTIS July 13 Lebbeus, son of William STOCKBRIDGE Horatio, son of David STOCKBRIDGE, Jr. Augt. 3 Sarah, wife of Joshua JOSSLYN 10 Ezekiel Turner, son of Ezekiel Turner HATCH 13 Edmund, son of Elias WHITING in private, being sick Sept. 14 Betsy Gushing, daughter of Nathl. BARSTOW Homer & Anna, children of Homer WHITING 2 1 Ezra, son of Ezra BRIGGS, Jr. 28 Gideon, son of Adam PERRY Octr 5 Lydia, daughter of Josiah CHAMBERLAIN 12 Christopher, son of Stockbridge JOSSLYN Robert & Samuel, twin sons of Robert SALMON 1 8 Sophia, daughter of Joshua BARSTOW 154 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Nov. 1 6 Reuben, son of Solomon BATES 1 789. May 10 Calvin, Edward, James, Labbeus & Mary, children of Calvin CURTIS May 17 Caleb, son of Caleb WHITING June 14 Martha, child of Capn Calvin CURTIS, sick at home June 21 Jonathan, a negro man that lives with Major BAILEY Augt 23 Benjamin, son of Joel SYLVESTER Sept. 6 Church & Deborah, son & daughter of Jonan PRATT Nabby Baker, daughter of Israel PERRY 20 Charles, son of James WOODWORTH Sepr 20 Job, son of Job TILDEN, Jr. Octo. 4 Judson, son of Joshua JOSSLYN 11 Martyn, son of Seth STETSON Susanna, daughter of Melzar CURTIS Bathsheba, daughter of Snow CURTIS 1790. May 2 Joseph, son of Capn Albert SMITH June 27 Amos, son of Ezekiel Turner HATCH July 4 Samuel, son of William CURTIS 1 1 Deborah, daughter of Nathl BARSTOW July 25 Sarah & Betsy Eelles, children of John BARSTOW Sept. 5 Elias, son of the widow of Elias WHITING 12 John, son of Robert SALMON 19 Anson, Walter & Thomas, sons of the widow Sylvina ROB- BINS 26 Sylvia, daughter of Benjamin WHITE Sepr 26 Betty, daughter of Elisha RECORDS Oct. 17 Betsey, daughter of William STOCKBRIDGE Asa, son of Asa WHITING 24 James, Israel, Rebecca, Abigail & Lucy, children of Seth BAILEY 31 Sylvia, daughter of Isaac TURNER 1791- J an y 2 4 Tamsen, wife of Joseph BATES, in private, sick May i Luther, son of Melzar CURTIS May 22 Deborah, daughter of David STOCKBRIDGE Polly, daughter of Nathaniel BARSTOW 29 Lucius, son of John CURTIS, Jr. June 12 Lucy, daughter of Caleb WHITING July 3 Nabby, daughter of Capn Daniel BARSTOW ORIGINAL RECORDS. 1 55 July 3 Polly, daughter of Job TILDEN, Jr. Augt 14 Benjn Chamberlain, son of Jonathan PRAT Oct. 9 John, son of John BARSTOW 1 6 Robert, son of Snow CURTIS Dec. 4 Elisha, son of EHsha SYMMONDS Ambrose Low & Ira Lewis, twin sons of Joshua JOSSLYN 25 William, son of Robert SALMON 1792. May 20 Ezra, son of Ezra BEALES June 3 Joseph, son of Joel SYLVESTER June 24 Matilda, daughter of David JACOBS, Jr. July 22 Martin, son of Thomas WHITING, Jr. 29 Anna, Fanny & Bela, children of Bela MAN Augt 5 John Gushing, son of Job YOUNG 14 Avis, daughter of Isaac TURNER, in private Octo. 21 Elijah, son of Asa WHITING Oct. 21 Triphena, daughter of Homer WHITING Novr 1 8 Sally, wife of Oliver WINSLOW Oliver, son of the above Oliver WINSLOW 1 793. April 7 Albert, son of Capn Albert SMITH June 9 Sage Man, daughter of Caleb WHITING July 14 Benjamin, son of Joseph NEAL Abigail, daughter of Charles MAN Sepr 29 , child of Job TILDEN Octo. 6 Mary Randal, daughter of Snow CURTIS Job, son of Job YOUNG Oct. 13 Sylvia Bailey, daughter of William STOCKBEIDGE Ruth, daughter of David STOCK.BRIDGE ; Abraham, son of Joshua JOSLYN 1794. May 18 Molly Gushing, daughter of Lieut. Joshua MAN Polly Barker, daughter of John PERRY June 8 Elisha, son of Elisha SYMMONDS 29 Hannah, daughter of John BARSTOW Sept. 28 Hannah Bailey, daughter of Ezekiel HATCH Oct. 12 , child of Isaac TURNER 19 Sarah, daughter of Joel SYLVESTER Nov. 9 Huldah Eelles, daughter of Wilm & Huldah WING 23 Hannah Eddy, daughter of Benjamin WHITMAN 1795. May 17 Debbe Dwelly, daughter of Asa WHITING 31 Elijah, son of Elijah SYLVESTER 156 ORIGINAL RECORDS. June 21 Ruth, Sarah, Francis, David & Reuben, children of Belcher CLARK & Sarah his wife July 21 Hannah FORD; adult; in private bee. of sickness Aug. 2 Melzar Hatch, son of Ezra BEALS Sept. 6 John, son of Joseph NEAL Caleb, son of Caleb WHITING 13 Adoniram, son of Benjamin FARRAR Oct. 25 Mary, daughter of Albert SMITH Nabbe Eelles, daughter of Josiah SMITH Novr 8 Hiram, son of David JACOB, Junr Edward, son of John BARSTOW Novr 17 Hannah, wife of Elisha CURTIS, Jr., in private, unwell 1 796. May i Frederick JOHNSON, an adult July 3 Benjamin, son of Benja BASS, Jr. July 10 Phebe MANSON, an adult Lydia BATES, an adult Sept. 25 Joshua, son of Joshua MAN Nov. 13 Lucy Barker, daughter of Job YOUNG 20 Agnes, daughter of Robert SALMON Lucy, daughter of Josiah SMITH 1 797. April 2 Mercy Tolrnan, daughter of Benja BASS, Jr. 30 Benjamin, son of Benjamin WHITMAN July 2 Nabbe, daughter of Josiah CHAMBERLAIN 9 Sallee, daughter of Job TILDEN Sept. 17 Sarah, daughter of Joseph NEAL Sage, daughter of Caleb WHITING Sept. 24 Elizabeth Tory, Mary & Ruth, adults, daughters of Samuel GROCE Elizabeth, adult daughter of Lot RAMSDEL Decem. 3 Benjn Hearsey, son of Elisha SYMMONDS 10 John, son of Albert SMITH, esqr. Deer 25 Isaac, son of Joel SYLVESTER, in private, sick 1798. Jany 14 Ruth Copeland, daughter of Josiah SMITH March 4 Nancy Delano, daughter of Seth BATES, Jr. April 29 Charles, son of Dr. Melzar DWELLY May 20 Joshua Barker, son of Job YOUNG Elizabeth Briggs, daughter of Elijah SYLVESTER June 10 Rebecca, wife of Timothy CHURCH ORIGINAL RECOROS. 157 June 10 Timothy, son of said Timothy CHURCH & wife Asa, son of Asa WHITING Maria, daughter of David JACOBS, Jr. July 15 John, son of Joel SYLVESTER Aug. 26 Turner STETSON, adult & father of a family Sept. 2 Joseph BATES, aged 65, admitted into ye Chh. same time Turner & Ruth, children of Turner STETSON Oct. 28 Lemuel, son of Lemuel DWELLY Nov. ii William, son of Willm WING of Hartford, Connect; his wife's account. 1 799. March 3 David, son Capn Joshua MAN April 2 1 Lydia Rose, daughter of Turner STETSON, in pri- vate, sick July 7 Michael, son of Benja BASS, Jr. Elizabeth Bowen, daughter of Josiah SMITH 14 Bathsheba, daughter of Snow CURTIS 21 Joseph dishing, son of David STOCKBRIDGE Aug. 1 8 Thomas Miller, son of Albert SMITH, esqr. Octo. 6 Mary, daughter of John CURTIS, lately deceased Nov. 10 Sally Smith, daughter of Dr. Melzar DWELLY 17 Josiah, son of Josiah CHAMBERLAIN Joshua, son of Joshua DWELLY 1800. April 20 Ezra, son of Caleb WHITING June 29 William, son of Timothy CHURCH July 6 Simeon, son of Job YOUNG Seth, son of Seth ROSE Nathaniel, son of Elijah BARSTOW Augt. 3 Lydia Rose, daughter of Turner STETSON 24 Samuel STETSON, an adult. Lydia, wife of Ezekiel TURNER Rachel, daughter of Joshua DWELLY ' Sepr 7 Zilpah, daughter of Samuel STETSON Hariot, daughter of Ezekiel TURNER Octo. 5 William, son of Snow CURTIS Abigail Stetson, John, Mary Josslyn, & Charles, children of Shubael MUNKO on his wives' account Oct. 5 Christiana & Isaac, children of Christiana JOSLYN 12 Marcia & Stephen, children of William STOCKBRIDGE 158 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Oct. 12 Benjamin, son of John BARSTOW Nov. 9 George Washington, son of Elisha SYMMONDS Mary, daughter of Charles JOSLYN, Pembroke Dec. 21 Ruth Copeland, daughter of William WING, of Hartford, Connecticut 1801. May 17 John, son of Benjn BASS, Junr 24 Marrie, daughter of Charles MAN June 7 Elizabeth, daughter of Albert SMITH, esqr Sepr 6 Edward, son of Edward STETSON, on wife's account Sepr 20 Maria Angelina, daughter of Benjamin WHITMAN, esqr. ; in private, sick Oct. 1 1 Salome, daughter of John BARSTOW 18 William, son of Ezekiel TURNER Nov. i Mary Lenthal, daughter of Josiah SMITH Lucy Dwelly, daughter of Seth ROSE Deer 20 Henry Maurice Lisle, son of Benjamin WHITMAN, esqr 1802. April 4 Hariot, daughter of Dr. Melzar DWELLY 25 Jerusha, daughter of Joel SYLVESTER June 6 Hulda Bass, daughter of Robert EELLES Lucy Eelles, daughter of Elijah BARSTOW July 4 Thomas Foster, son of Josiah CHAMBERLAIN Samuel Stetson, son of Timothy CHURCH July ii Eliza, daughter of Edmund STETSON Aug. i Peter Russell, son of Robert SALMOND Sepr 5 Philinda DAMON, an adult Oct. 5 Ruth GROCE, adult & in years but very sick Oct. 10 Elizabeth Joanna, twins of Elisha SYMMONDS Nov. 14 John, son of Joshua DWELLY 28 Sarah Barker, daughter of Capn Albert SMITH Barker Curtis, son of Job YOUNG 18O3 Feby 13 Josiah Miller, son of Josiah SMITH July 10 Christopher Sylvester, son of Benj. BASS, Junr Albert, son of Samuel STETSON Sept. 1 1 Mary Eelles & Bradbury Eelles, twins of Edward STETSON Oct. 2 Aristides, son of Turner STETSON Melzar, son of Melzar HATCH 23 Betty, daughter of Asa WHITING 30 Avis, daughter of William WHITING ORIGINAL RECORDS. 18O4. March 15 John Milton, son of Dr. Melzar DWELLY May 13 Ezekiel, son of Ezekiel TURNER June 24 Charles, son of Seth ROSE Aug. 19 , son of Charles JOSLYN Sepr 9 Thomas, son of Benjn Healy CLARK Keturah & Eliza, daughters of Jabez STUDLEY, Junr Sarah Bass, daughter of Joseph EELLES 23 Jerod, son of Caleb WHITING Oct. 7 Amos, son of Amos BATES 28 Ruth, daughter of Stephen BAILY, Junr Fany Smith, daughter of William WING 159 BAPTISMS BY THE REVD JOSEPH BARKER. 18O5. August Jane Rusel, daughter of Lemuel DWELLY Barden & Michal, twin children of Benja. BASS, Jr. Robbert, son of Robbert EELLS Benja Healy, son of Benja H. CLARK Lucinda, daughter of Joseph EELLS John, son of Jabez STUDLEY, Jr. Sarah, daughter of Melzar HATCH Martin, son of Timothy CHUECH BAPTISMS BY ME CALVIN CHADDOCK. 18O6. Aug. 12 Benj. Day, son of Benj. FILLIMORE Sept. 28 Elijah, son of Elijah BARSTOW Martin, son of Seth ROSE Almira, daughter of Joshua DWELLY l6 fellowship of the Chh. October ** Roxana NYE dismissed to a Presbyterian chh. in Cin- cinnati, O. 1836. August 7 By vote of the church Elizabeth TORREY and Bashua DAWS recommended to the watch and fellowship of the church of Christ in North Yarmouth, Me. 1838. June 15 Mrs. LydiaF. P. BAKER: by letter of recommenda- tion to 3rd Cong. Church in Abington 1841. June 4 Voted to give Brother Joshua PERRY a hearing in relation to his case, he having had a controversy with the Church in relation to certain points of doctrine and practice growing mostly out (of) his doctrinal views and the church after a series of meetings without satisfying him, having voted to postpone indefinitely the whole affair whereupon he withdrew from the Parish and from meetings & fellowship of the church for some months. He having expressed a desire to appear before the church, the church voted as above. June 1 1 Church held a meeting to hear bro. Joshua PERRY who again brought before them his old controversy with some additional views. T/O ORIGINAL RECORDS. July 2 Church conference. Mr. PERRY continued his remarks. July 30 Church meeting. Mr. PERRY again labored on his points of doctrine and practice. September 3 Church meeting. Mr. PERRY appeared again on the same subject: adjourned to meet on the I7th inst. September 17 Church met. Bro. PERRY again before the Church. Voted that Deacons Barstow & Cook & bro. E. Bass be a commit- tee to look after any persons who have neglected to support gospel institutions & to attend public worship and any other cases that require discipline. December 3 1 Church met. The comee on cases of discipline reported in part that they had labored with Bro. Joshua PERRY who in their opinion had embraced heretical opinions in relation to the agency of God and the doctrine of Regeneration & Sanc- tification by the efficient agency of the Holy Ghost & the doct- rine of the atonement and who had also neglected gospel ordinances & fellowship with this church. Voted that Mr. Perry be cited to appear before the chh. to answer to the above charges on Jan. 29, 1842. 1842. January 29 At a regular meeting of the Church bro. Joshua Perry appeared and after some discussion the report of the committee was recommitted with instruction to obtain in writing from Mr. Perry a precise statement of the dif- ference between him and the church in relation to the doctrines on which he is charged with heresy. March 4 At a regular meeting the church received the re- port of the com'ee on Mr. Perry's case. The report did not contain a precise statement of the difference of belief but only an asseveration in general terms that he had never to his knowl- edge denied the doctrines as held by the church. The church after considering the subject at some length Voted that in view of the favorable indications of revival to suspend the farther consideration of Mr. Perry's case for three months. June 3 At a regular meeting the chh. resumed the considera- tion of Mr. J. Perry's case. He was questioned in relation ORIGINAL RECORDS. IJ \ to his belief of the work of the Holy Spirit. He affirmed that conversion was affected only by moral power which he de- fined to be the truth and the character of God combined and because the spirit has revealed the truth he may therefore be said to renew sinners. He was requested to state also why he had forsaken the ministrations of the word in this place and neglected to support gospel institutions. He affirmed that the church had no right to require him to come to the Lord's Sup- per. He affirmed also that he had lost his confidence in the Pas- tor. After considerable discussion it was Voted to adjourn to Tuesday the yth inst. June 7 The church met according to adjournment. The case of Mr. Joshua Perry came again under consideration after prayer by the Pastor. The church, after a protracted discussion and consideration of the whole subject, Voted to appoint brethren Dea. Cook, John C. Wilder and Elisha Bass, a committee to consider and report what action the church should take in relation to it. The Committee reported as follows : "Whereas brother Joshua Perry has embraced sentiments essentially different from the confession of faith adopted by this church ; and whereas he has absented himself from the communion of the church and refuses to submit to the regular discipline of the church in con- fessing his faults, and making Christian satisfaction for them as he has covenanted to do." Therefore : Resolved that brother Joshua Perry be no longer considered a member of this church un- less he confess his errors and faults and return to its commun- ion within three months. The report upon motion was adopted as the final action of the chh. 5 to 2 and one member not voting. After prayer by Dea. Cook the meeting was dissolved. July i At a regular church meeting the Comm'ee on Disci- pline entered a complaint against bro. William CHURCH for hav- ing for nearly two years forsaken the public worship of God and refusing to support the gospel with this church. The committee stated that they had labored with bro. Church without getting satisfaction and that he persisted in maintaining his position con- trary to his covenant obligations : \J2 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Voted that bro. Wm. Church be cited to appear and answer to the charge brought against him. July 29 Church met according to adjournment. Bro. Wm. Church's case was taken up for consideration. He refused to appear to answer to the citation but sent a communication in which he shifted the issue between him and the church : where- upon bro. Isaac Cook was appointed a committee to wait upon him and explain to him the views of the church in relation to his communication and endeavor to induce him to appear Bro. Cook reported that he had labored in vain. After considerable discussion the church adjourned, after requesting the pastor to seek an interview with him. September 2 The church met. Bro. Church remained con- tumacious. The Pastor reported that he had in company with Dea. J. Cook sought an interview with him but found him unchanged in his purposes and unable to give any reasonable satisfaction. After much discussion it was Moved and carried that at the end of three months bro. William Church be considered no longer a member in fellowship with this church unless he shall within that time manifest repentance for his faults and make suitable confessions. December 30 Voted that Bro. Rufus Bates be cited to appear be- fore the church and justify (if he can) his general course for two or three years past. 1843. February 3 At a regular meeting of the church the case of bro. Rufus BATES was considered in relation to the fol- lowing charges : ist. Withholding support from the gospel ministry in the church. 2nd. Neglecting to attend on the preaching of the gospel and "other meetings of the church." Bro. Bates had been cited to appear and give satisfaction. He did not appear. After much discussion of his case the church Voted that Rufus Bates be and hereby is excluded from the commun- ion and fellowship and privilege si this church. Dea. Cook was re- quested to inform him of the doings of the church. ORIGINAL RECORDS. 173 March 3 The church met for prep, lecture & conference. The Committee of Discipline, Reported that they had com- menced labor with bro. Albert STETSON "for neglect of the gos- pel & its institutions in this church." They had taken the first and second step but they had not gained their brother therefore they " told it to the church." Whereupon voted that Bro. Albert Stetson be cited to appear be- fore the church to answer for himself. Bro. Monro was requested to notify him. March 31 At a regular meeting of the church the case of bro. Albert Stetson was considered. He was not present but a communication from him was rec'd and after much discussion & consideration of its reasons it was unanimously Voted That the church are not satisfied the reasons assigned are a sufficient justification for an entire disregard on his part of all cove- nant obligations, i.e. in the church and that his case be deferred to the next meeting. May 5 At a regular meeting of the church the case of bro. Albert Stetson was again considered. As he did not appear he was viewed as contumacious but in regard to the desires of some of the brethren it was Voted that his case be deferred to the next conference. June 2 The church met in regular church meeting. The case of bro. Albert Stetson was again under consideration. The Pastor read a second communication from him and after consid- ering it it was Voted to send bro. Chamberlin to request his attendance & hear the church who reported that Bro. Stetson still refused to appear be- fore the church. Whereupon after still further discussion and deliberation it was Voted nem. con. " Whereas, bro. Albert Stetson has neglected the gospel and its institutions in this church and refuses to confess his fault and make Christian satisfaction, therefore, resolved that his con- nection with this church be and hereby is dissolved." N.B. Bro. Bass was requested to communicate this vote to him. 1/4 ORIGINAL RECORDS. 1845. June 9 Sister Ann S. HATCH was dismissed to unite with Rev. Dr. D. Tappan's Church in North Marshfield, prior to this date. 1847, December 31 Voted that Bro. Benjamin MUNRO at his own request be dismissed and recommended to the church in Scituate. 1854. March 10 William Copeland Sarah Sylvester Ebenr B. Rowland Julia A. Turner James Turner Huldah F. Sampson Alfred C. Garratt Martha A. Sylvester Isaac M. Wilder Lucinda Copeland Robt Sylvester, and Ruth Wilder James T. Tolman Geo. W. Eells Lucy Copeland Wm. T. Lapham Marcy B. Eells Leml Freeman Priscilla Eells Robert Sylvester Charles F. Bowman Diana Freeman Daniel E. Damon Lucinda Wilder Mary Tolman Mary Bates Rhoda Ford Jane Copeland Abby W. Stockbridge Abby E. Barstow & Sophia A. Holmes Christiana Clark : were dismissed to be organized into a Trinitarian Cong. Church at The " Four Corners" and when so organized they will be considered no longer as members of this church. 1855. June 15 Voted to grant Mrs. Laura J. D. KING, daughter of Rev. Mr. Duncan a letter of dismission and recommenda- tion to the Congregational Church in North Asms at her own re- quest. The letter was forwarded by the care of her father. December 16 The following is the copy of a letter of dismis- sion and recommendation of Mr. Benj. WATERMAN to the first Cong'l chh. in Scituate: HANOVER, Feby 19, 1855. The First Congregational Church in Hanover To The First Cong'l Chh. in Scituate. REV. AND BELOVED: Bro. Benjamin Waterman a member of this church in regular standing, having requested a letter of dismission ORIGINAL RECORDS. 1/5 and recommendation to you, the church have voted the same. When received by you his particular relation with us will be considered at an end. ISAAC COOK, Dea. Attest J. FREEMAN, Pastor. December 17 The following is a note from the Rev. Mr. Wight, Pastor of the Cong'l chh. in Scituate : "Bro. Benjamin Waterman of your church bro't a letter of dismis- sion from yr. ch. and recommendation to ours (last July). He handed the letter to me but has not been present at our church meet- ings & so it has not been acted upon. As he has removed back to H. to reside, I have supposed it proper to return the letter having found it agreeable to him. A true copy : Attest J. FREEMAN, Pastor, 1858. April n Voted at the request of Bro. Benjamin S. Water- man to give him a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Congregational Church in Centre Abington. July 2 The case of brother * * * came up. Agreeable to the wish expressed by the chh. Bro. * * * stated some things as he understood them. He said that he had done nothing wrong and read a paper signed by those who had accused him of tres- pass against them, in the presence of Perez Simmons, esqr. ex- culpating him of all blame, but as there are many conflicting reports the brethren thought it might be well to look into the matter further and consequently appointed a committee for this purpose consisting of Dea. Isaac Cook, bros. Elisha Bass and Samuel S. Church. July 27 Chh. met in conference. The committee chosen at the previous meeting July 2, were called to report on Bro. * * * case and they did so. After a free discussion and expression of feeling the following votes were passed : Voted That we accept the report of our committee. Voted That there is not sufficient evidence, to our minds, to sus- tain the charges brought against brother * * *. Dea. Cook expressed the wish that if the committee were retained, to be excused from serving on the committee as the chh. did not perceive the necessity of a committee any further. ORIGINAL RECORDS. Voted That the committee be excused from further service. The responsibility now seems to devolve upon each member to do what he can in the case ; if he can get any more light on the subject or any valid evidence of bro : * * * being guilty to com- municate the same to the chh. August 2 Chh met for business agreeable to notice given on the Sabbath Aug. 1st. Bro. * * * case was further attended to. Bro. Bass moved that we reconsider the vote passed at the last meeting to wit : That there is not sufficient evidence to our minds to sustain the charges brought against bro. * * *. Seconded by bro. Thayer. After some discussion bro. Bass withdrew his motidn for the purpose of adding an amendment : Moved that whereas in the vote passed at the last meeting viz: there is not sufficient evidence to our minds to sustain the charges brought against brother * * * it was not designed to acquit bro. * * and mistaken impressions have been received from it in some instances, we do hereby reconsider that vote : seconded by bro. Thayer, unani- mous vote. Moved by bro. Chamberlin that a committee of three be chosen to attend to the further prosecution of the business before the church. Voted that Bro. * * * be suspended from the communion of this chh. for one year, unless within that time he can give satisfaction to the chh. At the end of one year, if not settled before, the case is to be called up for final action. This is the understanding of the chh. as expressed in their remarks though no formal vote was taken upon it specifically. Voted. That the pastor communicate to bro : * * * the vote of his suspension from the communion of this chh. for one year &c. [This communication was made to Bro : * * * the evening of the same day. Attest. J. FREEMAN, Pastor: 1859. August 2 * * * The doings of the Church on the case of brother * * * at the last meeting on it one year ago, were read. Very few members were present so that it was not ORIGINAL RECORDS. 1/7 deemed advisable to take any important and decisive action on the case at that time. The committee were desired to visit brother * * * and confer with him on the whole matter before another meeting should be called. Voted to adjourn to meet one week from next Saturday, i3th inst. at 3 o'clock P. M . August 13. Church met for business according to adjourn- ment. Only three members of the church were present. A portion of scripture was read and prayer was offered by the pastor. The record of the meeting on the 2nd. inst. was read. Bro. Chamberlin stated that the committee (a part of them) had waited on brother * * * since the last meeting. No action was taken on bro : * * * case because so few were present. Adjourned to meet on Monday next, I5th inst. at 3 o'clock P.M. August 15. Church met according to adjournment a portion of Scripture was read and prayer offered by the Pastor. The record of the previous meeting was read : communications were made by the committee on Bro. * * * case. There were four brethren present. After expressing their views of the case they signified their readiness to proceed to take decisive action upon it. It was moved by Dea. J. Cook : That whereas the charges brought against * * * a member of this church, have, in the minds of the church, been sustained, and he has failed to give satisfaction to the church by confession and repentance, he is hereby cut off from the communion and fellowship of the church. The motion was seconded by Bro : Bass. The vote was unani- mous. Voted that the Pastor communicate this vote to Mr. * * *. Prayer was then offered by the Pastor : Adjourned without date. I860. October 28 At the request of Mrs. Elizabeth T. HOUSE as she expects to remove her residence to Duxbury where she formerly lived Voted that she have a letter of dismission and recommendation to the church in Marshfield of which Rev. Mr. Alden is pastor. 1 78 ORIGINAL RECORDS. 1861. January 6. A letter was read by the pastor from Mrs- Lucia A. DEAN formerly Miss Duncan, daughter of for- mer pastor, asking dismission from this chh. to the chh. in East Taunton and recommendation to the same. Church voted to grant it. August 6. Bro. Benj. WATERMAN was not received to the chh. in Abington : probably he did not attend to his letter as he ought and he has now applied for a letter to the Cong'l ch. in Scituate to which he formerly belonged. I now forward to Dea. Marshall Litchfield bro. Waterman's letter returned to this chh. Dec. 1855. August 1 8. Bro. Benjamin WATERMAN returned to me through Dea. Cook his letter to the Chh. in Abington. 1865. April 13 A letter was read by the pastor from Bro- John SYLVESTER & wife of Waverly asking dismission & recommendation to the First Cong'l chh. in Waverly & the chh. voted the same November 5 After communion of the Lord's Supper the chh. stopped by request and the following letter was presented FREETOWN, Oct. 31, '65 To the First Cong'l chh. in Hanover, REV. & BELOVED, Being desirous of uniting with the Cong. Chh. in Freetown (Assonet) we hereby request letters of dismission from you and of recommendation to said church. Yours in the bonds of the Gospel. A. G. DUNCAN for ALMIRA ESTES. A. G. DUNCAN. The Church voted to grant the above requests. December 10. The request of George CHAMBERLIN for letter of dismission and recommendation to the Cong'l Church in Mil- ford was presented and granted by unanimous vote. CHAPTER VII. DEATHS ENTERED ON THE RECORDS OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 1728-1867. DEATHS After I (BENJA. BASS} came to town. 1727-28. July 24 Captain Joseph BARSTOW. Josiah PALMER, senr. Rebekah, the wife of Joseph PERRY. Bradbury, the daughter of Abner DWELLY. December 17 Mercy, the wife of Benja. BARSTOW. Mary, the wife of Meletiah DILLINGHAM. 1728-29. January 20 A child of Jabez JOSSLYN. February 12 Mercy, daughter to the widow HEFFORD of Pembrook. March n The child of Mr. Elijah GUSHING. May i Luke son of Richard BUKER. May 2 Edmund BUKER : son-in-law to Samuel Witherly. June 28 Jonathan PRATT. July 9 An infant child of Matthew EASTICE. September 3 Ezekiel VINALL a child of about 6 months of age. September 2 1 Rebecca, wife of Joshua STAPLES. December 3 BUKER : a child. ISO ORIGINAL RECORDS. 1 729-3O. January 3 1 Susanna BARSTOW : widow : mother to Sam- uel Barstow. June 14 Caesar: a child : one of Deacon STOCKBRIDGE'S slaves. June 20 Mary, wife of Mr. Benjamin CURTIS, Senior. September A child of Matthew EASTICE October 1 1 Mary, the wife of Richard BUKER. October 24 Samuel BARSTOW : the first chh, member that died in ye town. October 30 Henery JOSSELYN : the oldest man in town for years to- gether. October 3 1 Samuel PARRIS. 173O-31. February 18 Samuel, son of Samuel & Rebecca STAPLES. February 25 Hanna, daughter of Samuel & Rebecca STAPLES. March 27 A child of William & Honour TORY. April 7 Charles STOCKBRIDGE. June 15 child of John and Juel DILINGHAM. July 14 Bathshua, wife of Ezekiel TURNER. July 27 Desire, daughter of Ezekiel and Tabitha VINAL. A mulatto child of Jabez UTTER'S. December 19 daughter of James HATCH, Jr. 1731-32. January 31 Phoebe, the wife of Meletiah DILINGHAM. February 10 David CAIN. February 22 daughter of Jonathan & Margaret PETER. March 10 Rebecca, daughter of Josiah & CURTIS. April 8 Eunice Low. April 22 A child of Matthew & EASTICE. May ii Thomas KENNEDY. June 9 Mephibosheth DILINGHAM, son of Melatiah Dilingham. September i Abner DWELLY. September 7 Joseph son of Benjamin & Martha MAN. October 17 Margaret, wife of Deacon STOCKBRIDGE. November 2 The widow Mary BRYANT : of a great age. 1732-33. January 16 James BARSTOW. March 15 daughter of Caleb & BARKER. March 27 Susanna, daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth WILKS. April 19 daughter of Joseph & Patience CORNISH. April 25 A negro child oi Joseph RAMSDALE. May 7 David SYLVESTER. June 6 Mehetable wife of Theophilus WITHEREL. ORIGINAL RECORDS. l8l July 18 Elizabeth wife of Thomas ELMORE. September 19 Ezekiel VINAL. October 15 Mary, wife of John STODDARD. 1733-34. January 10 John STODDARD : husband of ye woman last recorded. January 26 son of William & Hannah FORD. March i Thankful, daughter of Benjamin & Martha MANN. July 14 Jabez JOSSELYN. August 3 Gideon STUDLEY. December 12 Eli STETSON. 1734-35. March 13 Isaac, son of Isaac & Deborah LAMBERT. 1735-36. January 18 Deacon STOCKBRIDGE'S negro man Cuffy. February i daughter of Joshua and Lydia STUDLEY. March 4 A negro child belonging to Elijah GUSHING, esqr. April RICCARDS of Pembioke. May 26 Olive, daughter of Timothy & Sarah BAILY. June 20 Josiah PALMER. August 12. Elizabeth, daughter of William & Elizabeth GUILFORD. 1736-37. January A child of Samuel and Rebecca WITHERELL. February 15 John TAYLOR. March 4 William CURTIS. March 8 Japhet the son of Honour TOREY and servant of Mr. Rec- ompense TIFFANY : drowned. March 10 Nathaniel TOREY, Junior. May 89 The Widow NORTHY. July 19 Hannah, daughter of Thomas & Faith ROSE. August 5 Gideon, son of John & Elizabeth STUDLEY. September 2 Hannah North, daughter of Samuel & Hannah EELLS. October 26 Sarah, daughter of Gideon & RAMSDALE. December 5 Deborah, daughter of Joseph & Patience CORNISH. December 20 A child of John LOVE. 1737-38. January 21 Thomas, son of Clement and Agatha BATES February A negro of Mr. DILLY. February 10 Lawrence CANE. April 7 A son of Ruth SYLVESTER. April 14 John FORD. May 13 Sarah BARSTOW. September 22 a child of William & Hannah FORD. October 6 Nathaniel, son of Benjamin & Lillis STETSON. 1 82 ORIGINAL RECORDS. October 7 Mary, daughter of Nathan & Lydia BOURN. 1738-39. January 30 Hannah HOUSE. February 13 Hannah STODDARD. February A negro of Matthew EASTICE'S. March 10 James, son of Robert and Margaret YOUNG : by scalding. March 28 Mercy WADSWORTH. June i Margaret, daughter of Samuel & Margaret BARSTOW. June 7 Lydia, relict of Nathan BOURN, who died at Sandwich about a fortnight before. June 25 Experience, daughter of Joseph & Mary CURTIS. July 13 Naomi TURNER, widow. August 4 Thankful OTIS. August 12 daughter of William & Martha CURTISS. September 22 son of Joshua and Mary STAPLES. October 30 Sarah, an Indian woman. November 19 Thomas, son of Seth and Elizabeth STETSON. 1739-4O. March 21 Grace, daughter of Benjamin & Lillis STET- SON. April 6. Joseph, son of Joseph & Mary RAMSDALE. April 1 6 son of Benjamin & Sarah BARSTOW. April 22 Bachelor WING. May 6. Lydia, daughter of Joshua & Lydia STUDLEY. May 7 Deborah, daughter of Samuel & Deborah HOUSE. May 8. Stephen, son of Joseph and Mary CURTIS. July i child of John & Rebecca HOUSE. July 9 Joseph BATES. July 30 child of William & Martha CURTIS. July 31 Deborah PRATT. August 10 son of Seth and Elizabeth STETSON. October 9 Sarah, wife of Timothy BAILY. October 18 Ezekiel, son of Ezekiel & Ruth TURNER. 8?L> At this interval the records of 29 deaths appear to be missing". 1743. November 5 Mary, wife of Joshua STAPLES. December 7 Robert STETSON, a very old man : near 100. 1743-44. February 28 CROCKER, a child exceeding sud- denly. May child of Robert BARKER. June son of Robert BARKER. ORIGINAL RECORDS. 183 June 17 DOGGKTT, a child. June 24 child of Edward EASTICE. July 30 Capt. CUSHING'S negro child. August 10 Mehetabel CURTISS, daughter of Elisha. August 1 1 Ezra, son of Benjamin & Martha MANN. August 23 Sarah, daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth WILKS. October 20 daughter of Benja. SYLVESTER, Junr. October 23 Rachel, wife of James ROGERS. November 2 The widow TURNER: Caleb's mother : aged 86. December 17 child of Jeremiah & Deborah ROGERS. December 22 Baily, only son of James ROGERS. 1744-45. March 19 Mary, relict of Deacon James HATCH. May 1 6 An infant of James CORNISH & wife. June ii Prince ROWLAND: a young man of Marshfield drowned in the Furnace Pond. September 3 son of Ezekiel & Martha PALMER. November Two children of CROCKER: buried I think in one grave. 1745-46. January 4 Isaac, son of Elijah and Elizabeth GUSHING. and ye next day January 5 Sarah, wife of James TORREY. January n Martha PALMER. February 18 Barden, son of Michael & Mary SYLVESTER. March 7 Sarah, daughter of Caleb & RANDALL-. March 18 Mary, daughter of Michael and Mary SYLVESTER. May 30 A daughter of ye widow Elizabeth PERRY. August or September A negro infant of Uriah LAMBERT. October 20 Margaret, wife of Capt. James HOUSE. October 22 Joseph, son of Joseph & Patience CORNISH. November 6 Deborah, daughter of Ebenezer and Joanna WRIGHT. November 14 Benoni STUDLEY: an aged man. November 22 William TORREY of a cancer which began in his nose and which rendered him the most affecting spectacle of torture * * * I ever beheld. November 25 The Widow Martha FORD. December 29 or 30 Hope, wife of David TORREY. 1746-47. January or February A negro child of Elijah CUSHING, esqr. 184 ORIGINAL RECORDS. February n RICHARD FITZGERALD, who had been schoolmaster in the town near twenty years. March 27 Deborah wife of David STOCKBRIDGE June 15 An infant of Joseph & Abigail HOUSE. June 28 A child of Joseph & Alice NEAL. September 24 Matthew EASTICE, Junr. a young man of between 20 & 2 1 years of age who in making a rash attempt to swim over North River with all his cloaths on heavy with water & mudd was drowned about 8 or 9 of ye clock in the morning. November 18 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth WILKS. Novb. or December Jupiter, a negro man of Mr. John CURTISS. 1747-48. February 7 A child of James and CORNISH. February An infant of SYLVESTER. April 17 Samuel, son of Seth and Elizabeth STETSON. July 9 John, son of Jeremiah & Deborah ROGERS. September 22 Joseph NEAL : who on the evening of the i6th day of the month fell (according to his own account) before the wheel of his loaden cart which went over him & yet left no mark. September 24 Deborah, daughter of Othniel & Mary PRATT : aged 6 months and a few days: her distemper was a violent cough com- mon among children & strangled her. October 6 Nathaniel CURTISS : a young man almost 21. December 19 or 29 Elnathan PALMER: aged about 86. 1748-49. January 10 Isaac STETSON. January 12 Paul, son of Clement and Agatha BATES. January 15 Joshua, son of Joshua and PALMER. January 23 Briton, a negro child of John & Elizabeth STUDLEY. May 1 1 An infant of Sam'll WITHERELL. June 14 Hannah, daughter of Thomas & Sarah CURTISS. July 30 child of Windsor & Mercy JONAS. August 7 RANSOM, who was killed in a moment by a loaden cart running over his head. September n Shadrach HATCH. October 23 Rebecca, daughter of John & Elizabeth STUDLEY. October 24 Abigail, daughter of Joshua & Elizabeth BAESTOW. October 28 A child of Robert BARKER. November 19 An infant of Jeremiah & Deborah ROGERS. 1 749-5O. January 20 William, son of Benjamin CURTISS, deceased. March 8 A child of Francis and KANE. ORIGINAL RECORDS. 1 8$ March 23 William WITHEREL. April 9 Mary wife of Joseph CURTISS. April 14 STAPLES, an infant. May 31 daughter of William & Elizabeth EASTICE. June 18 Ramsdale, son of Joseph and Mary RAMSDALE in the morning, and in the evening daughter of Jabez and Mary JOSSELYN by drowning in stream of water at the tail of a Tug wheel (or Forge ?) November i Jesse, son of Jesse and Mary TORREY. November 9 An infant child of Elisha PALMER. November TO Sarah, the wife of Richard BUKER who had been for many years in great affliction. November 29 John CURTIS. 175O-51. January 17 John, son of Joshua & Lydia STUDLEY. February 24 or 25 A child of Peg PETERS. February 28 Hannah, daughter of Nathanael & Hannah ROBBINS: a child betwixt (1 think, 6 & 7 years old) whose death was occasioned dv within a little more than two days accomplished by a wound at the inner corner of her eye from a little stub root in ye ground on which she fell as she was getting over a scraggy fence. March 17 An Indian woman: very suddenly on ye Lord's Day morning. April 5 son of Caleb & Mary ROGERS. April 8 Sarah, daughter of Job and TILDEN. June 2 John, son of Jeremiah & Deborah ROGERS. July ii Mr. Hatherly FOSTER of Scituate: killed by lightning. July 18 son of David STOCKBRIDGE, esqr. and his wife Jane. July 27 Seth, son of Josiah CURTISS : of the throat disorder. August 7 A negro child of Ensign John BAILY. September 4 The wife of Theophilus WITHERELL. 1752 January i John LAMBERT an aged man after long confine- ment to his bed in uncommonly grievous circumstances. January An infant child of Othniel PRATT. February 3 Abigail, daughter of Abijah STETSON. May 2 or 3 son of Eliab STUDLEY. May 17 Joseph, son of Abiel COBB : baptised just a week before. May 19 Abigail, daughter of Abiel COBB. May 21 Deborah, another child of Abiel Cobb : She fell a-bleeding at the nose about 36 hours afore she died, which bleeding ceased not (if at all intermitted) till her death. 1 86 ORIGINAL RECORDS. May 22 (perhaps) A Child of John and Ann BRAY. May 23 A child of Sylvanus and Hannah WING. May 24 The wife of Abiel COBB. May 28 or 29 Another Child of John and Ann BRAY. May 31 Another Child of Sylvanus & Hannah WING. June 2 Mr. John BAILY. June 4 Jeroboam, the only son of Abiel COBB. June 8 Katharine FITZGERALD. July 1 6 Deborah ROGERS. July 30 William, son of William and Mary WHITTEN. September Lillis, daughter of Isaac & Deborah LAMBERT. November 17 An child of Elizabeth SYLVESTER, maiden daughter of Amos Sylvester. 1753. January 3 Elizabeth, wife of David JENKINS. January 15 Jeremiah, son of Jeremiah & Deborah ROGERS. January 1 6 or 17 son of Robert BARKER. January 22 Betty, daughter of Clement and Agatha BATES. January 27 Nathanael, son of James and Margaret CLARK. February n Margaret FRANK, a Welsh woman : judged to have been about 96 years old. March 2 Mrs : BAILY, relict of Mr. John Baily who died about 9 months before. March 6 Mr. Ebenezer CURTISS. March n Ruth ELLIS. April 4 Nathanael TORREY. June 4 James, son of Samuel & Deborah HOUSE. June n Clement BATES, Junior, a promising young man about two and twenty years old. 8@x, At this interval the records of 25 deaths appear to be missing. 1754. August 19 An infant of Joshua & Lillis STETSON. August 2 1 Desire, daughter of Caleb & Desire SYLVESTER. October 21 Jane HANMER. December 26. A negro Infant. 1755. March n The Widow VINAL, mother-in-law to Lieut. Job Tilden. April 14 An infant son of Josiah and Alice CORNISH. April 30 Edmund SYLVESTER, Junior, my lovely and only grand-son aged a little above two years and four months : may God make us heavenly minded and prepare us for eternal life in Heaven by ihis death. ORIGINAL RECORDS. l8/ July 22 Sarah, the wife of John LAMBERT. August 26 The Widow Frances JOSSLYN October 1 1 An Indian woman who died at Mr. Mordecai ELLIS'. October 14 Patience, wife of Joseph CORNISH. October 29. Mary, the wife of Michael SYLVESTER. October 31 The Widow Deborah HATCH. November 2 An infant of Thomas PALMER. November 30 Deborah, daughter of Jeremiah and Deborah ROGERS. 1756. February 19 Dinah, a negro, Mr. Amos SYLVESTER'S servant. March 29 John HOLMES an aged man after a few weeks abode in and support by ye town, the town of Pembroke in which he once owned a very good estate, having no more manhood than to fling him upon the Town of Hanover because they might do it by the law of the Province. May 13 Caleb CHURCH. May 13 The wife of Isaac TURNER. May 14 Joanna WING. May 1 6 Miriam, the wife of Tailor BROOKS. May 23 The Revd. Benjamin BASS, Pastor of the Church in Hanover. Ben Engin, an Engin of John BOSBY. A negro of Joseph JOSLYN. Joseph, son of Joseph CORNISH. A child of Josiah CORNIS and Elie his wife. John ViNiOL/rzVz/w of Charles BAILY. Decem. 23 (8?) The Widow Sarah JOSSELYN, the wife of Jabez Jos- selyn, deceased. 1757. Jany- 24. Margarett the daughter of Dea'n. Saml. BARSTOW and Margarett his wife. Feb. 21. Benj. CURTIS, aged 66. Mar. 13. Thomas RAMSDALE. March 25. Mary CURTIS, the wife of Reuben Curtis. May 21. Bilhah, Mr. Joshua BARSTOW'S negro-woman. June 29. Joshua, the son of Amos WRIGHT and his wife. July 21. Mary WOODWARD the wife of Jno. Woodward. July 25. The Widow Sarah WITHEREL. Sept. 2. Capt. Benj. STETSON. Sept. 14. Asenath the wife of Simeon CURTIS. Octo. 22. Phillipi F6x. 1758. Feby. 2. David LAWSON. 1 88 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Feby. 19 An infant, the daughter of Thos. TORREY and Elizabeth his wife. April 23. Henchman SYLVESTER. May 15. Reuben CURTIS. Sepr. 7. The Widow Sarah STOCKBRIDGE. Nov. 15. Elisha, the son of Othniel PRATT and Mary his wife. Nov. 20. Hannah, the daughter of Othniel PRATT and Mary his wife. Dec. 6. Jabez the son of Othniel PRATT and Mary his wife. 1759. Jany. ii. William CURTIS. March 12. Mary PRATT, the wife of Othniel Pratt. April 15. Jane BARON ; an old woman for many years past main- tained by the Town. May i. Joseph Barstow, the son of Joshua BARSTOW and Elizabeth his wife. May 17. Abel, the son of Elijah GARNETT and his wife. June 23. Othniel PRATT. June 27. Lydia the wife of Joshua STUDLEY. July 9. Joshua STUDLEY. July 22. Jesse CURTIS. July 30. Mary Bates the wife of Joseph BATES. August i. William the son of John NICOLSON and Lydia his wife. August 4. Joshua the son of David HOUSE Jr. and Rhoda his wife. August 14. Joseph CURTIS. August 15. David STUDLEY. Decemr. 2. Barker, the son of Simeon CURTIS and Lucy his wife. Decemr. 26. Irania DILLENO. 1760. Jany. 7. Abigail STUDLEY a widow-woman. Feby. 12. A tiegro boy of Mr. Job TILDEN'S. March 14. Benjamin SYLVESTER. Sept. 28. Joseph son of Nathll. ROBBINS & wife. Octo. i. Thomas SYLVESTER. Octo. 30. Abigail the wife of Joseph HOUSE. 1761. Jany. 28. Miranda, daughter of Joshua BAYI.EY and Abigail his wife. May 20. The Widow Joanna WING: aged 100 years. June 23. Samuel STETSON. August 21. Deborah the wife of Jeremiah ROGERS. Septr. 17. Samuel son of Joshua SYMMONDS and Elizabeth his wife. ORIGINAL RECORDS. 189 1762. Jany. i. John WOODWARD. Feby. 3. Dinah, servant to the Revd. Samuel BALDWIN. Feby. 8. Paul, son of Bezaleel CURTIS and his wife. Feby. u. Widow Elizabeth SYLVESTER. March 20 Widow Ruth SYLVESTER. March 31. Thomas WHITE. May 7. Samuel, son of the Revd. Samuel BALDWIN and Hannah his wife Died about 3 o'clock in the morning: aged 12 months and 28 days. May 15. Anna STUDLEY, daughter of Joshua Studley and Lydia Stud- ley, deceased. July 23. Deborah, daughter of Samuel HOUSE and wife. Novr. 10. Olive, daughter of Samuel WITHERELL Jr. and Ruth his wife. Decem. 14. Deborah STETSON. " 14. Seth, son of Seth and Lydia BAYLEY. 1763. Jany 12, Ruth, daughter of Stevens and Ruth HATCH. Feby. 12. An Infant Son of Theops. WITHERELL and wife. March 22. The Widow MARGARET FITZGERALD. * April 20. Melzer, the son of Marlby and Mary TURNER. May 29. Martha, daughter of Sylvanus WING. July 16. Gamaliel, son of Joshua and Abigail BAYLEY. August 6 , wife of Isaac LAMBERT 9 Peninnah, daughter of Benjamin WHITE and wife 12 Lydia STETSON Novr. 27 Priscilla EELLES wife of Samuel Eelles. 1764. Jany. 31 Christiana, daughter of Nathll. JOSSELYN and wife. June 29 Ruth STETSON wife of Luke Stetson. 1765. Jany. 14. Abigail, daughter of Adam and Betty STETSON. Feby. 6. John, son of John and Thankfull STETSON. May 10. Thomas, son of Thomas ROSE Jr. and Rhoda. July i. Asenath, daughter of Simeon and Lucy CURTIS. Aug. 28. Rebecca STETSON Sept. i. An Infant of Mercy PALMER'S 24. Jacob, son of Amos SYLVESTER, Jr. and Desire his wife Oct. 22. Susanna, daughter of Job and Hannah STETSON. Decem. 30. Philip, son of Samuel BARSTOW, Jr. and Hulda. 176G J- n y- 5 wife f Abner CURTIS. Feby. 7. lames, son of Benjamin STODLEY and wife. 24 Thomas ROGERS IQO ORIGINAL RECORDS. Mar. 17. Joseph, son of Benjamin and Betty BATES. Apl. 28 Richard CURTIS. 29 Jeffry, Negro man of Coll. TURNER. Drowned in the Furnace Pond. May 14 Lydia BRIGGS. June 1 6. Joseph STUDLEY. Killed by Lightning. July 20. Mary RAMSDELL, wife of Joseph Ramsdell, Jr. Aug. 3. Sarah STAPLES. Novr. 29. Elizabeth MAN. Decem. 28. Lurana NICHOLSON. Indian Woman. , 1767. Jany. 31 Sarah STAPLES Feby. 5 Mercy, daughter of Shubael and Mary MUNROE. Mar. 29 Elibabeth SYLVESTER April 3. Gamaliel HATCH. 12. Caleb TURNER. 24 Widow Rebecca STETSON May 22. Abner Turner, son of Simeon and Mary RAMSDELL. June 27. J/emuel, son of Lemuel CURTIS, Sr : aged 14 years. Drowned in his father's Mill Pond. Sepr. 17. Lydia BAYLEY, wife of Seth Bay ley. 1768. Feby. 27 Robert STETSON. April 19. The Widow Dorcas RANDALL. June 4. Robert, son of Michael and Ruth SYLVESTER. Scalded to Death. 10 William TORREY. 15 Mary TURNER, wife of Wait Turner. Aug. 9 HAYFORD, the wife of Samuel Hayford. Oct. 10. An Infant Child, son of Lemuel and Mary WRITTEN. Nov. 8. The Widow Ruth TURNER. 13. Molley Waterman, daughter of Samuel HAYFORD 1 769. Jany. 8 Phebe, a Negro girl, Slave to David and Hannah JACOB 26 Martha MAN, wife of Benja. Man. April 25 Simeon CLARK son of James Clark and wife. June Jerusha SYLVESTER. June 24. Reuben STETSON 30 Jerusha HILL wife of Leonard Hill. July 3. Deborah HOUSE 7 Widow Bathsheba BRYANT. ORIGINAL RECORDS. IQI Aug. 15. Widow Grace GILKY. Sepr. Joseph BOZZARD : a stranger. Sepr. 28. Charles, son of Job and Betty YOUNG Octo. 22. Thomas BATES. Decem. 30. A Son and Daughter, Twins, children of Isaac LAMBERT Jr: and wife. 1770. Jany. 2. David TORREY, aged 82. 19 An Infant Son of Jabez STUDLEY & wife. Feby. 19. Widow Rachel PIERCE. March 2 Benjn. MAN. March 8. Mary STODDARD 24. Jno. LAMBERT. April 12. Rose, Negro woman to David JACOB. May Alice, daughter of Seth and Alice BAYLEY. June 7 Joshua STAPLES July 30 Ensign John JOSSELYN. Nov. 2. Olive, daughter of Joseph HOUSE Jr. and Sage his wife. Decemr. 29 Recompense TIFFANY. 1771. Jany. 19. An Infant, Daughter of Othniel and Deborah PRATT. Feby. 13. An Infant, Son of Jabez STUDLY and wife. March 9. Widow Mercy PALMER. April 6. Lydia, daughter of Gideon STETSON. ii Son of Benja. STUDLEY and wife. July 3. An Infant, Daughter of Margaret PETERS. July 19. Lucinda, daughter of Lemuel WRITTEN and wife. Aug. 22. Joseph BRIANT : very suddenly. 1772. Feby. 24 Mrs. Mary BASS, Relict of the late Revd. Mr. Benja. Bass. Mar. 1 6. An Infant, Daughter of Margaret PETERS. May 26. Thomas, Son of Thomas ROSE, Jr. and Rhoda his wife. Sepr. 22 Lemuel son of Lemuel WRITTEN and wife. Octo. 2. Rufus, son of Joseph HOUSE Jr. and Sage his wife. Decem. 2. Phebe BATES, wife of Joseph Bates, Jr. 1 773. Jany. 10. Ruth ELLIS of Abington, wife of David Ellis : pro- pounded to enter into the Church in Hanover the day before her death. Jany. 17. Mary HARLOW, wife of Samuel Mario w. Feby. 3. Lucy, daughter of Edmund and Betty SYLVESTER. 192 ORIGINAL RECORDS. March n. Deacon Joseph STOCKBRIDGE of Pembroke: a member of the Church in Hanover ; aged 100 years 8 months and 2 days. May 15. Bathshua HOUSE wife of Seth House. June 21 Samuel HARLOW July Mary WHITE, wife of Robert White. Aug. 4. Widow Sarah RAMSDALE, aged gi years. 10 Col. Ezekiel TURNER aged 72 years. Oct. 9. Joseph, son Seth and Alice BAYLEY. 17 Isaac GROSS 19 Widow Deborah TORREY. 22 An infant, Daughter of Jabez STUDLEY and wife. 1774. Feby. 13. Martha BRYANT, aged 84. May 6. Sarah GROSS " Who dyed of the Dropsy after having been Tapp'd nine Times." May 28 John WITHERELL June ii. Michal, daughter of Seth and Anna BATES. July 24 Ebenezer WRIGHT. Prissy, daughter of Joseph RAMSDALE, 3d. and Elizabeth. Sept. 21 Caleb STETSON. He dyed at Hatia in the West Indies. Oct. ii wife of John STUDLEY. Nov. 9. Peninnah, daughter of Robert WHITE. Decem. 17. Nathanael ROBBINS : " Killed in a well at Marshfield by reason of the Earth's caving in upon and burying of him." 1775. January 10. Margarett WOODWARD 28 Sarah CURTIS. Feby. 4. Richmond, son of David and Hannah JACOBS. 1 8 Stephen OTIS. 28 Jane, Negro-Servant to David and Hannah JACOBS. March 8 Ruth, Daughter of John and Bathshua HATCH. April 27 John, son of John & Bathshua HATCH. April 30 An infant, son of Isaac and Hannah HATCH. July 14 Elijah STETSON, aged 89. 23 Elizabeth GROSS. Sepr. 8 Isaac, son of Elijah and Leah Gardner. 13 Joseph, son of Samuel WITHERELL, Jr., and wife. John, son of Lot and Rachel RAMSDELL. 24 Ruth, daughter of Amos and Betty TURNER. 27. Olive, daughter of the Widow Hannah RANDALL. Betty, daughter of Lemuel DELANO and wife. 30. Lemuel Holmes, son of Lemuel DELANO and wife. ORIGINAL RECORDS. IQ3 Oct. i. Mary, daughter of Lemuel DELANO and wife. 5 Jesse BOOK, servant to Revd. Saml. Baldwin. 10 An Infant son of Daniel TEAGUE and wife. Oct. 12. Peleg KEEN, son of Ebenezer Keen: aged 19 "Dyed in the service at Scituate: entered among these records at the desire of his father." Nov. 6. Widow Sage JOSSELYN 26. Ezra MAN : belonging to the, American Army. Deer. 7 wife of Elisha PALMER. Decem. a6. An Infant, son of Lemuel and Mercy BATES An Infant, son of Eliab STUDLEY, Jr. and wife. 1776 Jany. 31. Samuel BARSTOW, son of Samuel & Huldah Bar- stow. Mar. *. Timothy CHURCH. 17. Hannah JACOB, wife of David Jacob. 30. The Widow Experience CURTIS : aged 96 years. April 6. The Widow Hanna., TORREY, aged 81 years. June 7. An Infant, Daughter of Joseph CARRELL and wife. July 8 Sarah SYLVESTER, wife tf Nathll. Sylvester. July 10. Betty CURTIS, wife of Elisha Curtis. Aug. 12. Philip son of Elisha CURTIS. Sepr. 21. Zilpah CURTIS wife of James Curtis. Oct. 3. Mar,, TURNER, wife of Marlbry Turner. 27 Olive, daughter of Mary MAN. Nov. 5. Lillis, daughter of Lemuel and Ruth CURTIS. 6 Hannah, wife of Sylvanus WING. Decem. 3. An Infant, son of Lemuel BATES and wife. 1777- Jany. 12 Roland, son of James CURTIS. 25 Melzer, son of Melzer and Kezia CURTIS. 29 Charles, son of Elijah and Susannah STETSON. Feby. 9. Susannah STETSON wife of Elijah Stetson. 2 1 Rachel, daughter of Ezra BRIGGS. 26. Josiah CURTIS. March 9. Ruth SOAPER, wife of Joseph Soaper. 1 8 Jesse TORREY, Jr. 19 Seth HOUSE April 19. Mary TORREY, wife of Jesse Torrey, May 14 John HOUSE June 6. Lucy TORREY. 194 ORIGINAL RECORDS. June 9. Elitheer, daughter of John CURTIS, Jr. and Anna his wife. Sepr. 4. Thomas TORREY, Jr. 29 Robert CORTHELL. Oct. 17. Prissy, daughter of Joseph RAMSDALE, 3rd. and Elizabeth. 1778. Jany- 1* Eli, son of Seth and Anna BATES. Feby. 19 son of Widow Rachel MERITT. April 12. Elizabeth BAYLEY, wife of Lieut. John Bayley. 17. An Infant, still-born son of Timo. ROBBINS and wife. 23 An Infant, son of Ebenezer WING Jr. and wife. May 4. Orphan TORREY. 1 8 Drusilla daughter of Job and Mary CASWELL. July ii Abigail, daughter of Seth and Alice BAILEY. 15. Rebecca, daughter of Seth and Alice BAILEY. Aug. 25 Rhoda HOUSE, wife of David House, Jr. Scpr. 1 6. Charles, son of Timothy and Lydia ROSE. 21 Reuben, son of Samuel and Alice STETSON. 24 Deborah GUSHING, daughter of Job and Betty YOUNG. Deacon Thomas ROSE. 28 Lieut. John BAYLEY. 29 Ruth, daughter of Timo. and Lydia ROSE. Octo. 2. Widow Sarah TORREY. 6 Thomas TORREY. 9. Betty, daughter of Job and Betty YOUNG. 12. Joseph, son of Benja. and Bradbury STETSON. 13 Caleb, son of Benja. and Bradbury STETSON. 14 Rachel TORREY, wife of Stephen Torrey. 1 6. Elisha, son of Benja. and Bradbury STETSON. 18 Isaac TURNER. 20 Charles, son of Benja. and Bradbury STETSON. 21 Charles, son of Levi and Deborah CORTHELL. Lois, daughter of Isaac and Lois JOSSELYN. 26. Lydia Peterson, daughter of Daniel TEAGUE and wife. 27 Joseph RAMSDALE, Jr. 1779. March 10. DAPHNE, an old negro-woman. 20. Mary Bowker, daughter of Joseph and Mary TOBREY. April %. The Widow Elizabeth TORREY. April 16. Joanna STUDLEY. Sepr. 10 David, son of Robert and Anna WHITE. ORIGINAL RECORDS. IQ5 1784. December i. Revd. Samuel BALDWIN dyed after a long delirium. 1785. December i3th and iyth were intered Eliab STUDLY, 78 and Widow Martha CURTIS, aged 72. 1786. Jany 15. London, negro-man of Widow TURNER : about 19 years old. 20 Dick, negro-man of Coll. BAILEY : supposed aborit go years old. 25 The Widow Deborah STETSON: aged 81 or there- about of old age. 30 Lucy SYLVESTER aged 12^ years, of a consumption. Feby. 10 Benjamin WHITE aged 65 complicated disorders. March 29 Deborah BATES aged 52 consumption &> dropsy. 31 Lucy wife of Charles OTIS: aged 36 of a consumption. June 19 Wife of Joseph RAMSDEL aetat 44 consumption. Aug. 13 Becca, daughter of James WHITING: between 3 & 4 years old a. fever and canker. 26 Avis D WELLY, daughter of Joshua Dwelly : aetat 16 of a nervous fever. Octr. 28. Child of Gamal : BATES : setat 15 months : dyed with the canker. Nov. 21. Jedediah DWELLY, son of Joshua Dwelly: aged 18. of a nervous fever. Dec. 8. Betty WING: aged 40. dyed of a consumption 6r dropsy. 35 Wife of Clement BATES aged 74. dyed of old age. 1787. Jany 8. Asa WHITING'S wife ; aged 24 dyed of a. fever: ye 3rd of ye Dwelly family lately. March 15 Joshua DWELLY : aged 51 years, of a cancer. 28 Widow Sarah HATCH, aged 86. Dropsy with old age. Solomon BATES, aged 84 old age & suddenly. April 30. Joseph JOSSELYN, esqr. : aged 88 old age. June 24 Widow Persis TOWER: aged 80. of old age. Aug. 3 Infant of Coll. Amos TURNER : aged 8 weeks, dyed hoop- ing cough', set into fits. Sep. 4. Widow Elizabeth STETSON : aged 83 dyed of old age. Sept. 23 John STUDLEY, aged 83 dyed of old age. Oct. i. Nabby CURTIS, aged 24. dyed of a Consumption. Nov. 13. Christopher SYLVESTER aged 20 dyed of a consumption: Atrophy. 196 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Dec. 30 Anna CURTIS, aged 77 of old age : an invalid from her youth. 1788. March 14 Clement BATES, aged 80. dyed of old age. 24 Child of Gamaliel BATES, 7 months old of worms. April 13. Wife or Dea. Samll. BARSTOW aged 80 of old age. June 27. Wife of Capn. Luther BAILY: aetat 35 paralitic disorder. July 9. Ezekiel PALMER, aged 87 of old age. Aug. 15. Daughter of Major Luther BAILY : an infant aetat 7 weeks never well. 1 6. Wife of Ezra BRIGGS, Junr. aged 30 dyed of consumption. 22 Mr. Joseph RAMSDEL aged 80 : dyed of old age. 24 Infant son of Elias WHITING of a strange inflamation & swelling. Sepr. 19 Hannah STOCKBRIDGE aged 95. dyed old age. Deer. 3 Son of Bena. BATES, Junr. 19 months old dyed of worms. Deer. 12 Betty BATES, aged 36 dyed of a consumption. 23. David STOCKBRIDGE, esqr. aged 75 long nervous languish- ment. 1789. Mar. 14. Wife of Levi MAN, aged 33 of a bilious morti- fication. 26. Wife of Josiah CHAMBERLAIN, aged 24 of a con- sumption. 30 Infant daughter of Samll. NASH, 18 months old. tho't to be a consumption. May 4. Wife of Capn. Calvin CURTIS aged 31. of a consumption. July 7. Daughter of Betty BATES: aged 10 months of fits. July 24 Wife of Homer WHITING aged 27. of a delirium & con- sumption. Aug. 12. Infant son of Shubael MUNRO Junr. aged 2 days, by na- ture imperfect. 21. Widow Abigail CLARK aged 85 dyed of old age. 23. Widow of Jona. PRAT aged 47 of a bilious colic. Octr. 26. Wife of Samuel CURTIS aged 72 of a delirious languish- ment. Nov. 2. Hannah BALDWIN aged 24 of a nervous delirious consump- tion. 28 Lucy, daughter of Thos. WHITING : aged 42. Lung fever. 1790. Jany. 2. Widow Deborah PETERSON aged 80: of old age. Feby. 6. Samuel CLAY aged 66. nervous consumption. ORIGINAL RECORDS. Feby. 14 Son of Ezra BRIGGS Junr. 2 years old. hereditary consump- tion. April 14 Thomas ROBBINS : aged 38. drowned. 16 Infant daughter of Melzar CURTIS aged 9 months, dyed of a fever. May i. Capn. Joseph SOPER aged 87. eld age. 2 Nathll. JOSLYNN aged 68. of a pleurisy. 4 Daughter of Melzar CURTIS aged 3 years 3 months, dyed of a fever. 8 Widow Hannah BALDWIN aged 52 of a lung fever: relict of the Revd. S. Baldwin. 17 Son of Shubael MUNRO Jr : Infant 9 hours old. Immature. 20. Elias WHITING aged 37 Lung fever & highly nervous. May 21 Oliver BONNEY aged 32 Lung fever. June 21. Keturah wife of Jabez STUDLY aged 52. Consumption. 28. Son of Nathll. SYLVESTER : aged 6 years of a fever : a weakly child. July i. Shubael ROSE, a molatto: 80 old age and long infirmities. also same day Ruth CURTIS, daughter of Capn. Lemuel Curtis : aged 35. consumption. Sepr. i Wife of Cornelius WHITE aged 25 : dyed of a putrid fever. 30 Son of Richard EASTIS aetat 7. of a strangury. 23. Lydia, wife of Jonathan PRAT aged 35. dyed in child bed. Infant son of Jonathan PRAT still-born. 1791. Feby. 5. Samll. STETSON aged 66 of a nervous consumption. 7 Joseph BATES' wife aged 45 of a bilious disorder. March 3. Bethiah SYLVESTER aged 30 of a family consumption. June 3 Rufus, son of Wilm. CURTIS aged 14 suddenly, unknown disorder same day Son of Benjamin DWELLY aged 6 months, withyf/j. August 5. Wife of Jess CURTIS aged 45 dyed of the lock-jaw. Sepr. 25 Wife of William EELLES aged 62. dyed of a consumption. Nov. 4 Daughter of Saml. GROCE aged 3 months. 8 The widow of HOUSE aged 78 of old age. 23 Sage MAN aged 18 dyed of the measles. Decemr. 19. Honble. Joseph CusHiNG,/w^e of Probate &c: aged 60. dyed of a nervous disorder ending in a delirium. IQ8 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Decemr. 24. George STERLING aged 47 dyed of a \\MTc\-palsy and long delirium. 1792, Jany. 24. Elijah SYLVESTER, aged 25 nervous/ever. March 8 Wife of Bezaleel CURTIS aged 73. dyed of a consumption. April 4. Wife of Dea. Benj. BASS aged 46 dyed of a slow putrid fever. 7 Mingo, Nfgro man of Capn. Simn. CURTIS aged 70 dyed suddenly. 27 Bezaleel CURTIS aged 81 dyed of old age. Limbs and sense failed. May 2. Susannah, negro-tvoman of Dea. BASS aged 73. old age. May 17. Sylvia, daughter of Major Luther BAILEY: aged 6 years, dyed of canker. July 14. Daughter of Isaac TURNER aged 7 years. Quinsy and canker. Aug. 6. Daughter of Dea. BROOKS 6 or 7 years old. Canker and quinsy. 13. Daughter of Ezra BRIGGS, Junr. aetat 8 canker. 16. Daughter of Isaac TURNER near a year old. canker, a sec- ond child. i6&i7- Two daughters of Ezra BRIGGS, junr. one 6 years old, the other 3 years old both of the canker. Aug. 17. Wife of Dea. BROOKS: 47 : of the canker. Sepr. 6. Son of Levi CORTHEREL : 7 years old. of ye canker. Sepr. A daughter of Levi COTHEREL : 4 years old. also with the canker. Sepr. A son of William CURTIS : 3 years old. Canker or throat dis- temper. Sepr. A son of Caleb WHITING : 3 years old. Supposed to be im- poshume in ye head. Sepr. Daughter of Joshua MAN : 7 years old canker. Oct. 3. Son of. Joshua MAN : 9 years old. also canker or throat dis- temper. 26. Son of Neal BATES : 2 months old. dyed of Jits. 29. Wife of John BAILEY, aged * * of a consumption. Novr. 25. Son of Atherton WALES aged 5 years, dyed of the Quinsy. Nov. 26. Son of Elisha SYMMONDS : 2 years old. also of ye Quinsy. Decem. 12. Daughter of Neal BATES : 6 years old: of the canker. ORIGINAL RECORDS. IQ9 Decem. 17. Lucy CURTIS, daughter of Capn. Simn. 31 quick con- sumption : after small pox. 27. Son of Neal BATES: 9 years old : dyed of ye canker. Sepr. i. Patience RANDAL, 27: at Freport consumption. 1793. Jany. i. Son of Eliab STUDLY aged 6 years dyed of the canker, 26. Daughter of Hannah GARDNER : fortnight old. * * * Feby. i Daughter of James WHITING: n years old : of the canker or throat distemper. March 10. Daughter of Japhet STUDLY: 2 years old throat dis- temper. 24 Son of George STETSON not born alive. April 19. Wife of Benjamin BATES 56 years of age. consumption and dropsy. May 8 Son of Benjamin WHITE : 2 years old. said to be Quinsy, 16. Son of Asa WHITING: 3 years old. dyed of the canker & quinsy. June 26. William CURTIS aged 45 of a slow consumption. July 15. Jesse TORY aged 68. dyed suddenly in &fit. 28. Son of Seth STETSON 4 years old dyed with the canker. Aug. 19. Son of Seth STETSON: 9 years old. dyed also with the canker. Sepr. 5 Son of Widow Deborah WHITING, 4 years old. Dysentery. 20 Our Negro-woman called BESS, 36 putrid fever. 23. Thomas WHITING, aged 75 dysentery and putridity. Oct. 4 Daughter of Homer WHITING: aged 6 years. Dysentery. ii. Homer WHITING aged 28. dyed of dysentery and canker. Daughter of Caleb WHITING: aged 9 months, dysentery & canker. 12 Avis WHITING aged 36 dyed of dysentery & canker. 17 Son of Thomas WHITING : under 2 years old. dysentery. 18 Daughte r of Negro, named BRISTOL : 14 years old Dysentery. 25 DR. PETER HOBART : aged 43 dyed of the dysentery. Deer. 10 William EASTIS : aged 80. by bleeding at the nose. 1794. Jany. 13. Lydia BAILEY, daughter of Seth Bailey : aged 22 nervous fever. Feby. 23 Samuel CURTIS, aged 86 of old age. March 9. Theophilus WITHEREL: aged 57 nervous fever. 20. Mary, negro-woman of Robert ESTIS, aged 76. Dropsy. 2OO ORIGINAL RECORDS. March 25 Widow Sarah CHURCH: p/ dyed of old age. April 14 Widow Alice NEAL : 82 dyed of old age. June 20. Son of Seth JOSLYN : 3 years old : a nervous fever. Widow Sarah SYLVESTER : 68 astat of a consumption. Oct. 28. Daughter of Snow CURTIS : 5 years old. of the quinsy. Novr. ii. Daughter of Thomas BATES ; twin; 5 weeks old: vifitts. 1795. March 25 Cuba: a negro-woman of Dea. BROOKS, 84 old age. April 17 Hannah CHURCH, 22 years old: consumption. 21 Infant son of Joseph GUSHING, aged 3 weeks, of Pitts. May 2 Wife of Abner CURTIS aged 64 consumption & dropsy. 7 Widow Mary STETSON about 90. old age and palsy. June 4 David STANDISH aged 70 dyed of the gravel. 12 Melzar STETSON aged 30 years of a long consumption. 14 Shubael MUNRO aged 75. old age & old ails. 25 William Gilbert CURTIS : aetat 20 of a consumption. June28 Daughter of Wilm. STOCKBRIDGE : 2 years old. dyed of the quinsy. Aug. 7. Hannah FORD: 54 years of age. never well after ye am- putation of her leg. Oct. 8 Daughter of Thos. BATES a year old: worms and canker. Nov. 15 Wife of Elisha CURTIS : 55. Bed-rid many years : emaci- ated and limbs contracted. Dec. 4 Ruth, daughter of Stephen BAILY : aetat 20. dyed of a fever. 26. Wife of Robert BARKER : aged 82 a Friend. 1796. Jany6. Molly MACUMBER : 19 years old nearly, canker-iish.. 21. Daughter of David KINGMAN : 13 months old. dyed of ye canker. 24 Benja. SYLVESTER 87. many years blind & dyed of a cancer. 25 Son of Mordecai ELLIS: 13 years old. dyed of quinsy and canker. Feby. 9. Robert BARKER aged 84 old age ; delirious : a Friend. March i. Allice daughter of Seth BAILY: 25 years old long decline or consumption. April 15 Daughter of Sam. B. PERRY: 10 years old of the canker. 22. Wife of Mordecai ELLIS, senr. aged 77. of nervous dis- orders. May 3. Wife of Isaac TURNER, aged 40 dyed of child-bed illness. 6. Infant son of Lot RAMSDELL, Junr. fort-night old. ORIGINAL RECORDS. 2O I July 2. Jonathan TURNER aged 82. suddenly of an apoplexy. 13. Cloe, daughter of BRISTOL: negro: 19 years old. of a con- sumption. 29. Widow Abigail SYLVESTER : aged 84 old age & palsey. Augt. 5 David HOUSE aged 87 old age and long infirmity and con- finement. Sepr. 17 ....... of Booth ROGERS of the eholera-morbus. Oct. i2 Seth BAILY, 57 dyed of a dropsy, affecting ye lungs. Nov. 4. Daughter of David KINGMAN : aged 4 years, dysentery. 1797. Jany. 20. Ephraim PALMER : aged 43. consumption. 19 Infant son of Isaac TURNER : 9 months old of the quinsy. Feby. i. Ezekiel Turner HATCH : aged 33. suddenly of an inflam- 21. Capn. Joseph STETSON aged 71 dyed of a pleurisy fever : only a weeks illness. March ii. Richard EASTIS : 51 consumption & pleurisy. 20 Thomas BARSTOW : 66 dyed of consumption & dropsy. June 2 . Wife old John CURTIS : 86 of fitts and fever. 26. Lucretia GILKIE. drowned herself : insane. July 18. Wife of Josh. SYMMONDS, 76 of a long decline. Sepr. 29 Richmond HATCH 125 of a long decline. Oct. 2. Widow MAGOON : go of old age: vomiting blood: sudden death. Oct. 16. Widow STUDLY : Eliab's widow: 90 of old age. Nov. 24 Daughter of Atherton WALES : aged 7 years of a. fever. 27 Widow of Jesse TORY : 70: fell down in &fit & dyed in a few days & sensible. Deer. 7 Henry DILLINGHAM : 62 years old. been long deranged. 30. Son of Joel SYLVESTER : 7 months old. dyed of ye hoop- ing-cough. 17J>8. May 29. Widow Hannah BAILY aged 66 dyed of ye bilious colic. June 26. Thomas GROCE : aged 51 dyed of a dropsy &c. July 7 Olive CURTIS: daughter of Capn. Lemuel Curtis aged 40 con- sumption. Aug. 8 Old Widow Hannah FORD: aged 88. dyed of old age. Aug. 12 Elisha PALMAR, 82 old age. Sept. 20 Wife of Elisha BARKER aged * * * of a consumption. 2O2 ORIGINAL RECORDS. Nov. 12 Michael SYLVESTER, aged 85. of old age. Deer, i Jeremiah CURTIS son of Melzar Curtis : 23 years old. of a fever and nervous. 1799. Mar. 2 Wife of Job TILDEN, senr. aged 83. of ye numb- Palsy. 20 Sylvia CLARK, daughter of Belcher Clark, 25. con- sumption. 23 John CURTIS : aged go years. Several years con- fined with age and/ Sarah Harlow late of Harvard Mass. wife of Rev. Abel G. Duncan Pastor of First Cong. Church in Hanover died Sabbath Eve. Oct. 12 1851 aged 54 years She was a descendant of the Pilgrims She was lovely in life and in death Adorned both by Nature and Grace ; " Precious Jesus, "was on her last Breath When gently she passed to the Place Prepared by the Lord for the Blest And entered her glorious Rest Erected by the ladies of the Congregation Sacred to the Memory of REV. ABEL G. DUNCAN Born June 25th 1802 Died April 23d 1874 Simply to thy cross I cling THEODORE DYER Born Sept. 19 1836 Died Aug. 29 1891 Infant son of Robert & Mary T. Eells died Jan. 3 1843 & Infant dau. died June 3 1844 CEMETERY RECORDS. 247 HENRY DYER 18011889 his wife RUTH (REED) 1802 1839 their children HERVEY R. 1827 1847 RACHEL R. 18291845 R. CORNELIA 18321851 his wife LYDIA R. (HOWES) 1815 1891 their children WARREN A. 18451847 WILLIAM 1846 1847 MARY E. dau. of Robt & Mary T. Eells died Oct. 8 1852 M 3 yrs 4 mos ROBERT JR. son of Robt & Mary T. Eells died Aug. 17 1846 M 6 mos MARY dau. of Robt & Mary T. Eells died Sept. 14 1847 JE 5 mos ELLEN A. dau. Robt & Mary T. Eells died Sept. 12 1847 M i yrs 5 mos MARTHA FOBES dau. of John P. & Anna Eells born Nov. 10 1854 died June 6 1856 GEORGE H. EELLS died Oct. 6 1857 aged 3 yrs 'God's time is the best" CHARLES H. EELLS died June 8 1861 JEt 19 yrs ROBERT EELLS died Feb. 5 1872 aged 57 yrs 10 mos JOHN P. EELLS born Aug. 12 1822 died Nov. 25 1883 DBA. GEORGE W. EELLS died May 23 1857 aged 37 In Memory of MRS. RUTH ELLIS ye wife of Mr. David Ellis She died January ye loth A. D. 1772 In ye 22d year of her age 248 CEMETERY RECORDS. In Memory of NATHANIEL ELLIS Died Feb. 5 1817 aged 60 years also MARY his wife died Jan. 2ist 1848 aged 76 years Rest sleeping dust in silence rest In the cold Grave that Jesus blest In faith and hope we lay thee there Safe in our heavenly Father's care FRANCES B. ELLIS died Nov. 2 1843 aged 47 years "Into thy hands my Saviour God I did my soul resign In firm dependence on thy truth That made salvation mine " LUCY J. wife of Nathaniel B. Ellis Died June 7th 1859 aged 25 years 7 mo's 3 days CALVIN C. ELLIS A member of Co. C. 38th Reg. Mass. Vol. DIED AT NEW ORLEANS, LA. JUNE 23 1863 aged 24 yrs 6 mos " He marched from his home at his dear country's call His guiding star, Duty, his hearts light sweet love Now marches all over and battles all fought He waits for his loved ones in Christ's home above " SOLOMON EWELL died April 28 1858 aged 27 yrs 7 mos 4 days We shall meet again To part no more And vrith celestial welcome greet On an immortal shore LUCY LITTLE wife of Francis B. Ellis died Oct. 18 1866 aged 59 yrs 7 mos " Be ye therefore ready, for in a day or an hour when ye think not the Son of man cometh " CALVIN C. twin child of F. B. & S. J. Ellis died Feb. 7 1876 aged 4 yrs 5 mos 9 ds EVELYN B. twin child of F. B. & S. J. Ellis died Jan. 21 1876 aged 4 yrs 4 mos 2 1 ds ANNIE F. dau. of F. B. & S. J. Ellis died Feb. 19 1876 aged 14 yrs 8 mos 27 ds MARY ELLIS died Aug. i3th 1880 aged 68 yrs 6 mos 29 dys JOSEPH ELLIS Died Dec. 5th 1880 aged 73 years 6 mos 17 dys CEMETERY RECORDS. 249 In Memory of MR. RICHARD ESTES he died March ye nth 1797 in the 5 2nd year of his age Also ELIJAH son of Mr. Richard Estes & Mrs. Marcy his wife he died Oct. ye 28th 1790 in the 8 year of his age To the Memory of ROBERT ESTES J. who died Sept. n 1843 aged 28 years 2 mos & 7 days Son of Mr. Robert & Mrs. Expe Estes Farewell my true and loving wife My children and my friends I hope in heaven to meet you all When all things have an end Weep not for me but dry your tears Nor heed the bitter sigh My body rests beneath this stone My soul with God on high ROBERT ESTES Died May 8 1867 Aged 78 y'rs EXPERIENCE His wife Died April 2 1857 Aged 67 y'rs SARAH J. wife of Rufus T. Estes died Dec. 28th 1850 aged 23 years 6 months We have loved her on earth May we meet her in Heaven GEORGE H. ESTES died May 12 1859 aged 27 yrs 2 mos The grave of BEULAH W. ESTES Daugh. of Mr. Robert & Exp. Estes died May 27 1835 Aged ii years 7 mos & 24 Days My young companions come & see Those earthly clods that cover me My body once alive like thine Though in a coffin now confined And you like me must sleep in death When God in pleased to take your breath In Memory of ALONZO W. son of John W. & Polly Estes died Dec. 24 1851 aged 7 yrs 4 mos & 13 days A few short years thy sweet blue eyes Did beam with brightness on our way But God has called thee to that sky Where angels love do grace thy stay JOHN W. ESTES Died Aug. n 1872 JEt 55 yr 7 mo 26 days Thy task is accomplished Thy victory won Thy work on this earth Is finished and done Thy spirit is strengthened Thy frame is at rest There is health there is peace In the land of the blest 250 CEMETERY RECORDS. JOHN ESTES Died Sept. 27 1878 JE 86 yrs 5 mos ELIZABETH B. wife of John Estes died May 10 1875 JE 83 yrs 10 mos 18 ds Beloved parents tho lost to earth In memory tho art with us still ANN MARIA wife of Robert Estes Born Nov. 11816 Died June n 1886 Father & Mother Reunited CHARLIE (Fish) Marble Lamb HENRY C. ESTES died May 16 1891 aged 69 years AGNES L. wife of Alexander Fraser Died Octo. 6 1863 aged 23 yrs " Adieu dear husband here below My Saviour calls and I must go But on that peaceful shore we'll meet And cast our crown at Jesus feet" F. OTIS EVERSON born Jan. i 1840 died June 19 1867 " Though I walk through the val- ley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me" E. ROWENA EVERSON born Nov. 20 1839 died May 9 1889 GEORGIANA dau. of Alex. & Agnes L. Fraser died Oct. 13 1863 Aged 7 mos JOHN O. FRENCH Died Sept. 28 1887 Aged 66 years MARTHA B. wife of John O. French Died April 27 1859 Aged 40 years NANCY W. wife of John O. French Died Feb. u 1877 Aged 52 years MARTHA P. Daughter of John O. French M. D. Died Apr. 7 1886 Aged 24 years REUBEN T. FOSTER Died Sept. zoth 1848 aged 35 years ANDREW GARDNER died Jan. 10 1878 aged 71 yrs 8 mo's 28 ds CEMETERY RECORDS. 251 EVERETT WEBSTER son of Andrew & Louisa Gardner died Nov. 28 1837 aged 2 yrs & 22 days "As the sweet flower which decks the morn But withers in the rising days Thus lovely was my Everett's dawn Thus swiftly fled his life away " MARIAH F. dau. of Andrew & Louisa Gardner died Aug. 6 1839 aged 6 yrs 5 mos 20 ds "Departed soul whose poor remains This hallowed lowly grare contains Whose passing storm of life is o'er Whose pains & sorrows are no more Blessed be thou sister with the blest above Where all is joy and purity & love JULIA JACKSON dau. of Andrew & Louisa Gardner died May 7 1840 aged i yr 9 mos 24 ds "Bud of the spring thou promised (flower) To pay tenfold thy parent's care We hoped to see thee ftloom That hope has vanished as a dream The child so late our darling theme Yon slumber in the tomb " LOUISA M. dau. of Andrew & Louisa Gardner died Nov. 25 1846 aged 2 yrs 7 mos "Sleep on sweet sister sleep, so early gone To us a child is lost, to heaven t cherub born" LOUISA. B. GARDNER wife of Andrew Gardner died July 4 1861 aged 57 yrs 6 mos " Mother thou art gone to rest Thy toils and cares are o'er And sorrow pain and suffering now Shall ne'er distress thee more" " Mother thou art gone to rest And this shall be our prayer That when we reach our journey's end Thy glory we may share " EMMA M. wife of John D. Gardner Died Dec. i 1868 Aged 19 y'rs 9 mos By the hand of God thou wert taken from me Yet remember you shall always be ADDIE L. dau. of A. & A. A. Gardner died Apr. 5 1871 aged 2 mos 13 ds CELIA wife of George W. Goodrich Died Feb. 5 1865 Aged 56 yrs & 5 Days PEREZ S. GOODRICH CO. I. 58 REGT. MASS. VOL'S. Died of disease contracted while in service July 28 1866 Aged 23 yrs 252 CEMETERY RECORDS. GEORGE H. son of Geo. & Agnes M. Green born Sept. 9 1860 died Nov. 14 1888 GEORGE GBEEN died Aug. 12 1880 aged 54 yrs 7 mos AGNES M. wife of George Green died Aug. 18 1880 aged 50 yrs 6 mos CAPT. WILLIAM E. HANDY Lost at sea 1848 aged 44 years ISABELLA wife of Capt. William E. Handy died Jan. 19 1856 aged 43 years ANNIE dau. of W. E. & Isabella Handy died Mar. i 1883 aged 49 years Fear not, for I am with thee. Is. 43-5. TOWN OP HANOVER Tomb Erected By the town of Hanover A. D, 1845 MELZER E. son of Elisha R. & Laura A. Hanson died Dec. 13 1859 aged 5 mos 6 ds NELLIE R. dau. of Elisha R. & Laura A. Hanson died Jany. 23 1865 aged 10 mos 13 ds EVERETT W. son of Elisha R. & Laura A. Hanson died Mar. 16 1865 aged 4 yrs " Beloved children tho' lost to earth In memory thou art with me still " MEHITABLE (BROOKS) wife of Robert A. Hanson died June 25 1892 aged 68 years Was a kind mother, a true wife she was by many virtues blest and piety among the best At Rest EYERETT L. son of Seth W. & Cynthia J. Harden died Oct. 27 1851 J 2 yrs 4 m's & 19 days No ill can reach him now he rests above Safe in the bosom of celestial love CEMETERY RECORDS. 253 IRVING C. son of S. W. & C. J. Harden Died Aug. 12 1862 Aged 3 mos 18 das Of such is the kingdom of Heaven SARAH ANN dau. of Cha's & Dorcasma Harlow Born Oct. 19 1837 Died Oct. 8 1838 Beautiful babe thy Crumbling dust to passing Mortals Speaks, Prepare for endless scenes & Judgment Just make Christ your Hope and heaven your care JAMES J. HARRIS died Nov. 27 1886 aged 67 years " To die is landing on some silent shore Where billows never break nor tempests roar" BENJAMIN W. son of Ezekiel T. & Jane Hatch died Dec. 19 1853 ^E 16 yrs 4 mos 19 ds RERECCA D. dau. of Ezekiel T. & Jane Hatch died Dec. 31 1853 M ii yrs 10 mos 19 ds JOHN HATCH died July 14 1873 JE 64 yrs 5 mos ALICE HATCH died Mar. 18 1878 M 37 yrs SANFORD HATCH died April 24 1882 JE 34 yrs ZILPHA A. HATCH Died May 13 1882 M 33 yrs ELIZABETH wife of John Hatch died May 24th 1891 aged 80 years Asleep in Jesus To the Memory of MRS. ANN M. HENDERSON Died June 8 1812 a S ed 33 y gars The world can never give the bliss for which we sigh tis not the whole of life to live nor all of death to die To the Memory Miss ANN M. HENDERSON died June 8 1842 a g ed 33 y ears " The world can never give The bliss for which we sigh Tis not the whole of life to live Nor all of death to die " 254 CEMETERY RECORDS. WM. FREDERIC son of Wm. & Sarah Henderson died Sept. i6th 1845 aged 6 mo's n ds And he hath gone so young and fair Called hence by early doom Just come to show how fair a flower In Paradise will bloom WILLIAM HENDERSON Died in Cal. Dec. 27 1850 2 54 yrs MARY wife of William Henderson died Jan. 6 1884 JE 82 yrs 7 mos At Rest Father & Mother EMERY W. son of Wm. & Sarah Henderson died Aug. roth 1863 aged 3 ys 12 dys Like a summer flower he faded Now so full of life so soon to die But he has gone to brighter scenes above To live with angels in the skies JOSEPH M. HENDERSON Died June 14 1869 Aged 29 yrs IDA F. dau. of Wm. L. & Sarah Henderson died June 26 1879 aged 20 yrs 7 mos She was loved .by all LLOYD G. HENDERSON died Dec. 5 1868 Aged 31 y*rs 10 mos Also Infant Dau. of L. G. & Mary A. Henderson died Nov. 17 1866 In Memory of MRS. JANE wife of Mr. David Hersey who died April 12 1847 In her 55 year In Memory of Miss JANE HERSEY who died March i 1847 in her 27 year In Memory of DAVID HERSEY Died Dec. 29 1861 aged 77 yrs ROBERT HERSEY Died April 23 1878 Aged 54 yrs LUCY S. wife of Robert Hersey 18241875 MARY W. child of Mr. Heman & Mary B. Holmes Died Apl. 6 1828 aged 19 mos CEMETERY RECORDS. 255 ALBERT HOLBROOKE Died May 5 1862 aged 55 years Also his wife MARCIA HOLBROOKE Died June 4 1835 aged 31 years Also his two sons ALBERT W. Died May iyth 1848 aged 1 6 years JOSHUA B. Died Aug. 27 1845 aged 10 years Erected by his son Josiah Holbrook ELIZA wife of Albert Holbrook Died Jan. 2ist 1888 aged 86 yrs 3 mo's ABBIE D. HOLLIS died Oct. 20 1882 aged 25 yrs 6 mos 20 days " Nearer my God to thee " HANNAH B. wife of Silas Hollis, left the form March gth 1894 aged 81 y 25 d Not dead Translated to a higher State To which the angel Death swings wide The ga:.e, we too, must pass, And therefor us will wait In Memory of MRS. HANNAH wife of Mr. Samuel House she died Sept. 22 1822 in her 84 year In Memory of MR. SAMUEL HOUSE who died July 14 1828 in his 88 year To the Memory of MRS. RUTH wife of Mr. Samuel House died Oct. 17 1840 Aged 57 years WILLIAM E. son of Wm. & Asenath C. House died Feby u 1857 aged i yr 9 ms & 20 ds Also an infant daughter "Parents their infant children mourn When from their arms are taken By faith & hope there is borne That in heaven they will awaken " ASENATH C. wife of Wm. House died Feby 23 1863 aged 27 yrs 5 mos 10 ds " Here pause and shed affections tear A youthfull wife lies hurried here Beneath this mouldering sod The partner of her early choice No more on earth shall hear her voice She's gone to meet her God" 256 CEMETERY RECORDS. SAMUEL HOUSE died May 6 1860 JE, 8 1 yrs 6 mos ASENATH AUGUSTA dau. of Wm. & Asenath C. House died April 8 1863 aged i yr 7 mos 3 da "Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest God called thee home he thought it best " JAMES W. HOUSE died Dec. 17 1885 JE 57 yrs Mary Washburn Howe's Born July isth 1816 Died feb. aSth 1891 FREDERICK H. HOWES Born Aug. zgth 1879 Drowned July 2d 1894 ALVIN W. ROWLAND died Sept. 26 1864 J$6 "Affectionate remembrance prompts this last tribute of respect of a widow'd wife in commemoration of the virtues of a beloved husband & rever'd father " LYDIA S. wife of Orien Iris died Sept. 2ist 1858 aged 31 years In Memory of DR. PETER HUBBART he died October the 20 iygj in the 43th year of his age Thousands of journeys night and day Ive traveld weary on the way To heal the sick but now I am gone A journey never to return AMELIA J. wife of Sidney Humphrey Born May i6th 1836 Died Feb. nth 1855 aged 1 8 yrs 9 Mos The deathless record is made upon my physical form, but the spirit is un- folded in beauty and in Love. MARY E. wife of James Iris died May 2d 1866 aged 36 years LUCY ANN dau. of Christopher B. & Katherine J. Jones died Oct. 6th 1840 aged 6 months Sleep on sweet babe thy months were few And suffering was thy lot Below Jesus called thou has't obeyed And left a world of Peace and woe NELLIE MARIA dau. of Silas B. & Maria E. Jones born June 10 1861 died June 12 1863 CEMETERY RECORDS. 257 DAVID P. son of Christopher & Katharine J. Jones died Jan. 22d 1845 aged 1 8 years n days I'll take this little lamb to me And lean them on my breast Protection they shall have in me In me they shall have rest REBECCA E. wife of Silas B. Jones, Died May 13, 1853, aged 22 years 4 mons. Then lingering pains her bosom tore Resigned she kissed chastening rod. Each mortal pang she meekly bore, And smiled in death to meet her God MINNIE HOWARD, dau. of Silas B. & Maria E. Jones, born Oct. u, 1855, died Oct. 3, 1863. WILLIAM F. son of Wm. H. & Susan Johnson died July 27 1860 aged 4 yrs 9 mos GEORGE W. son of Wm. H. & Susan Johnson died Aug. 17 1863 aced 10 mos WILLIAM H. JOHNSON died Aug. 18 1879 aged 43 yrs 10 mos SUSAN wife of Wm. H. Johnson died Mar. 26 1864 aged 24 yrs 5 mos JAMES L. JOHNSON died Mar. 8 1882 aged 30 yrs 2 mos 22 days " Tho' lost to sight to memory dear " MRS. RUTH JOSSELYN Ye Vertuous Consort of Capt. Josselyn who Dyed JANUARY THE 15TH 1742 aged 47 year's Erected in Memory of MR. JOHN JOSSELYN and MRS. SAGE JOSSELYN his wife She died Nov. ye 6th in the 33d year of her age he died July ye 3oth 1770 in ye 36 year of his age This small stone points out the spot where the immortal part of MRS. OLIVE JOSSELYN wife of Mr. Stockbridge Josselyn left its Clay tenement to moulder into dust till it shall again by its Master Builder be repaired and fitted up for Immortallity Died Sept. loth 1803 aged 55 years 2 S 8 CEMETERY RECORDS. Here Lies the body of JOSEPH JOSSELYN ESQ. who departed this life April the 3oth 77^7 in the 88th year of his age OREN C. Died April 6 1819 aged 2 years JANE R. Died Jan. 2 1830 aged 7 mos Children of Oren &> Mary C. Josselyn Why do we mourn departing friends Or shake at deaths alarms Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to his arms In Memory of MRS. LUCY E. JOSSELYN wife of Mr. Ozen Josselyn Died Nov. 27 1842 aged 41 years Also EDWIN B. son of Ozen & Lucy E. Josselyn died April 6 1833 aged 3 ms & 8 days In Memory of SARAH Twin dauth. of Ozen & Lucy E. Josselyn died Sept. 29 1843 aged ii mos & 20 days In Memory of HANNAH F. JOSSELYN wife of Eli C. Josselyn and dau. of Timothy & Hannah (Robbins) Died July isth 1846 aged 21 yrs n mos 16 dys How few the days & short the Hours of our expected bliss; Mourn not for me my partner dear for I am gone to rest. ANNA AMELIA dau. of Ira & Sarah A. Josselyn who passed to Spirit Life Sept. 10 1849 aged 4 yrs 2 mos FRANCIS HERBERT son of Ira & Sarah A. Josselyn who passed to Spirit Life Sept. 7 1852 aged i yr i mo ELEANOR T. wife of Eli C. Josselyn died April 27th 1853 aged 27 years 6 mo's I know that my Redeemer lives MARY C. JOSSELYN wife of Oren Josselyn died Aug. 2 1854 aged 60 years 7 months CEMETERY RECORDS. 259 In Memory of ELIZA wife of Stephen Josselyn & dau. of Jabez & Chloe M. Studley died Feb. 24 1854 aged 50 ys 7 ms 14 ds "Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are While on his breast I lean my head And breath my life out sweetly there" ALMERIN JOSSELYN Born July 16 1775 Died Mch. 30 1855 In Memory of MR. OZEN JOSSELYN who died in Kansas Oct. 3 1855 aged 57 years CHLOE WHITING wife of Alverin Josselyn Born Mch. 2oth 1780 Died Nov. 14 1857 ELEAZER JOSSELYN Died May 9 1868 aged 80 yrs 6 mos HANNAH wife of Eleazer Josselyn died Oct. 14 1857 aged 72 yrs 8 mos Beloved parents tho lost to earth In memory thou art with me still Erected in Memory of RACHEL F. wife of Charles Josselyn who left this earth sphere Nov. 13 1859 aged 27 yrs 5 mos In Memory of STEPHEN JOSSELYN died Oct. 27 1871 aged 59 years 10 ms " Friend after friend departs Who hath not lost a friend There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end " JOANNA wife of Chas. Josselyn and former wife of Thorndike (Felton) died Jan. i2th 1874 aged 84 yrs 3 mos Remember time swift away And life with you will soon be ore Prepair yourselves then while you may To follow me to that blest Shore In Memory of HOPE wife of Stephen Josselyn and dau. of Friend & Hope T. Gushing died Sept. 16 1883 aged 60 yrs 7 m's & 16 ds "The mother who waited for us is here Wearing a smile so sweet Now waits on the hill of Paradise For her childrens coming feet" 260 CEMETERY RECORDS. OREN JOSSELYN Died June 23 1880 JE. 86 yrs n mos SARAH LORING dau. of Ira & Sarah A. Josselyn who passed to Spirit Life Mch. 28 1884 aged 41 yrs 4 mos RALPH son of Stephen & Hope C. Josselyn died Mar. 30 1885 aged 24 yrs 6 mos 22 ds G. EVERETT JOSSELYN died May 26 1888 aged 31 years 9 mos 16 days "Gone but not forgotten " ROBERT JOSSELYN Died Aug. 29 1889 Aged 74 yrs 9 mos 29 ds With life and name unstained the good man dies DRYDEN JUDD died July 14 1850 aged 76 years CELIA wife of Dryden Judd died July 14 1860 aged 77 years "Angels that trace the airy road Shall bear us homeward to our God" KEONI KALTTA son of Kalua K. and Hana W. Born on Hawaii H. I. died in Boston June 6 1887 aged 17 years " Maluhia " ELMER L. only son of Samuel & Joanna S. Keene died Feb. 24 1871 aged 15 yrs n mos 3 ds " Like a flower cut down at the rising of sun At the morning of life his labour was done " ISAAC son of Peleg J. & Ruth P. Keene died Jan. 19 1873 aged 23 yrs 3 mos 10 ds " Meet me in heaven " PELEG J. KEENE died May 15 1883 aged 73 yrs n mos "Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep" In Memory of MRS. PRISCILLA wife of Mr. Charles Leach who died Nov. 6 1836 in the 28 year of her age Also her Infant Child Sister thou hast gone and left us Why should we thy loss deplore Thou hast gone to be with Jesus There to live and die no more KKONI KALUA. CEMETERY RECORDS. 26l LESTER S. son of George H. & Lizzie M. Larkum died Sept. 2 1883 J 2 mos 3 ds AAEON LEAVITT died June 6 1875 aged 84 years EUNICE T. LEAVITT died Apl. 3rd 1884 aged 85 years Erected to the Memory of MR. MARTIN LINDSEY died July 21 1843 aged 32 years My loving friends dry up your tears I must be here till Christ appears Now I am gone my grave you see Prepare yourself to follow me OLIVE H. wife of Martin Lindsey Died Aug. 2 1863 Mi 71 yrs 10 mos 3 days MARTIN A. LINDSEY Died July 9 1871 JEt 38 yrs 3 mo 5 days LEWIS LlTCHFIELD, died March 8, 1890, aged 78 yrs 5 mos 13 days LUCY L. wife of Lewis Litchfield, died Mch. 4, 1864, aged 46 yrs 2 mos 4 days & Infant dau. LAURA E. MICHEL wife of George Lovewell died Oct. 26 1863 aged 58 yrs 1 1 mos " Call and see as you pas by That there are many graves here shorter than you or i O that you may all realize that you are not too young to die O prepare for death and follow GEORGE B. LOVEWELL died Apl. 2 1888 aged 8 i yrs CALVIN Lovis, died Sept. 17, 1863, aged 44 yrs "The one we loved has passed from earth We know that he's at rest We trust that we one day may meet In the Kingdom of the blest " MARY wife of Nelson Lowell June i8th 1827 March 8th 1891 262 CEMETERY RECORDS. JAMES A. LYON Co. D. 3&th Regt. Mass. Voh. WOUNDED AT BISLAND the 14 6- died the fS April 1863 ./Et 30 years WILLARD AUSTIN LYON Died May 24 1863 JE 2 years Husband and Child 1812 ABIGAIL LYON 1893 In Memory of MRS. BETTEY MACOMBER wife of Mr. Thomas Macomber who died July 22d 1807 aged 43 years Death is a debt to Nature due which I have paid & so Must you EDWARD IRVING son of George I. & Mary B. McLauthlin died Aug. 6 1863 aged i yr 4 mos MORRIS C. son of G. I. & M. B. McLauthlin died Dec. 3 1876 jE 12 yrs 3 mos MARY B. E. CHURCH wife of Geo. I. McLauthlin died Aug. 27 1883 JE 44 yrs 9 mos ''Through the Grave to Glory" SNOW MAGOUN 18121853 RUTH E. MAGOUN 18171862 LACIE M. MAGOUN died July 25 1860 aged 3 mos 19 ds Little AUSTIN Infant son of Horatio B. & Catharine B. Magoun died Sept. 12, 1863; aged i yr i day. Our little Austin precious baby boy Whose presence filled our home with so much joy, We yield thee now to deck the angel bowers, Jesus only lent thee still we call thee ours. JANE C. dau. of Abner & Mary H. Magoun died Aug. 22 1855 J& 15 yrs 8 mos " Weep not dear father & mother Why mourn sweet sister & brothers For in that happy spirit land My voice has joined the angel band " ALONZO I. son of A. B. & C. W. Magoun died Aug. 25 1866 aged 4 yrs 'These blighted buds all bloom in Heaven" CEMETERY RECORDS. 263 MARY HOMER wife of William F. Stetson & dau. of Abner & Mary H. Magoun died Apl. 16 1867 & 33 yrs ABNER MAGOUN Died Nov. 19 1868 & 68 yrs 9 mos A kind husband and father, A friend to good order, We miss him on earth, May we meet him in Heaven. FRANK W. son of H. B. & C. B. Magoun died March 17 1881 aged 21 yrs i mo " We have lent another treasure To deck the Angels Home We cannot give our darling We must call him still our own " In Memory of MRS. MARTHA MAN ye wife of Mr. Benjamin Man. she died Jan'y ye 25 i?6g in ye 68 year of her age In Memory of MR. BENJAMIN MAN he died Mch. ye and 1770 aged 72-3 years and 3 days MRS. ABIGAIL MANN died 1785 In Memory of EZRA ye son of Mr. Benjamin Man and Mrs. Abigail his wife he died at Weymouth Nov. ye 26th ^775 in ye 2oth year of his age MRS. ANNA MANN wife of Levi Mann died Mch. i4th ij8g 33 7 ears MOLLY MANN 2nd Departed this life Sept. 23 aged 7 years & 8 days In Memory of MR. CALEB MANN died Feb. 23 1810 In the 64th year of his age Sacred to the Memory of MR. BENJAMIN MANN died Mch. 27 1816 in the 8gth year of his age In Memory of ALMIRA dau. of Capt. Benja. and Mrs. Lydia Mann died Nov. i 1817 aged i year So fades the lovely blooming flower Frail smiling solace of an hour So soon our transient comforts fly Any pleasure only blooms to die 264 CEMETERY RECORDS. Erected to the Memory of MR. LEVI MANN died Jan. 12 1818 aged 60 years In Memory of MR. BENJ. MANN Died Dec. 12 1820 In the 68 year of his age CHARLES MANN Died Sept. 12 1825 JE 59 yrs ABIGAL his wife died Apr. 27 1845 M 74 yrs Sacred to the Memory of CAPT. JOSHUA MANN Who departed his life December 2oth 1827 aged 68 years In Memory of Miss SARAH MANN dau. of Levi & Patience Mann died Dec. 2ist 1832 aged 33 > ears Oh wipe away that gathering tear No cause for grief is witnessed here There is naught but dust Beneath this sod The soul we trust is with its God In Memory of MRS. HANNAH MANN wife of Benjamin Mann 2d died May ai 1827 a S ed 75 y ears Beloved in life lamented at her death calm and resigned she spent her last breath freed from life's caresand every earthly Pain our loss we trust isher eternal gain In Memory of MRS. LYDIA wife of Benjamin Mann Esq. who died Sept. n 1834 aged 43 years The grave of PEREZ MANN son of Mr. David & Mrs. Betsey Mann died Aug. 20 1835 Aged i year & 6 Months Sacred To the Memory of Miss HENRIETTA Daughr. of Benja. Mann Esq. who departed this life April 30 A. D. 1838 Aged 1 6 years Infant of B. & LYDIA MANN aged 10 months ABIGAIL wife of Chas. Mann died April 27 1845 JE 74 yrs CEMETERY RECORDS. 265 Sacred to the Memory of PATIENCE I. MANN Relic of Levi Mann who died Mch. 8 1846 aged 85 years She loved the Savior, lived to him Enjoyed the hope he gave And though her limbs are streched in death Behold in Christ she lives Sacred to the Memory of WIDOW MOLLY MANN Relict of Capt. Joshua Mann died July 2 1849 Aged 93 Blessed In Memory of MARGARET MANN wife of Levi Mann died Nov. 4 1849 aged 63 yrs 10 mos NEWTON MANN Died August 7 1850 Aged 25 years In Memory of LEVI MANN who died April n 1853 Aged 7 1 yrs 4 mos Blest are the pure in heart LUCY A. MANN died Jan. 24 1855 aged 26 yrs GEORGE T. son of C. G. & A. S. Mann died Octo. 18 1858 aged i yr i mo Infant son of C. G. & A. S. Mann died Mch. 18 1871 aged 6 mos 19 dys BENJAMIN MANN ESQ. died Dec. n 1861 Aged 74 years Tis sweet to visit now his grave And dwell on scenes long since gone by To treasure thoughts of one so pure And learn to feel that all must die HORACE MANN Co. E. 13th Mass. InF. ALBERT G. son of Benjamin & Lydia C. Mann Died June 28 1865 Aged 22 years Fearless of hell and ghastly death I'd break through every foe The wings of love and arms of faith Would bear me conqueror through BETSEY wife of Caleb Mann Died Apr. 26 1867 Aged 91 yrs 8 mos 20 days HENRY MANN died Mch. 6th 1887 aged 58 yrs 5 mos 3 dys 266 CEMETERY RECORDS. BETSEY wife of David Mann Died Jan. 29 1873 Aged 73 yrs 6 mos 28 dys Tho lost to sight to memory dear ANNER J. dau. of Caleb G. & Amanda S. Mann died Aug. 26 1873 aged 1 1 yrs i mo 4 ds In Memory of WILLIAM MORRIS son of Wm. & Margaret Morse died Jan. 3oth 1839 aged 2 yrs 4 mo's 18 dys In Memory of MR. SHUBAEL MUNRO he died June i4th 1795 in the 751)1 year of his age Ive bid adieu to all on earth And dwell Among the dead And left my friends & children dear To mourn their loving friend TEMPERANCE C. wife of Hiram Munroe died Mch 6 1885 aged 72 yrs 9 mos " Draw near my friends dry up your tvarx Here 1 mut lie till Christ appeals" SARAH M. dau. of Truman E. & Leanora L. Niles died Sept. 30 1855 aged i yr 2 mos 26 ds WALTER JOSSELYN son of Francis M. & Arabella W. Munroe born Jan. 27 1869 died Feb. 10 1887 "Gone where the flesh can no longer control The freedom and faith of the God given soul" HANNAH F. dau. of Truman E. & Leanora L. Niles died Oct. 6 1855 aged 4 yrs n mos 16 ds " We loved thee on earth May we meet thee in heaven " OTIS B. OAKMAK died June 8 1864 aged 29 yrs 10 mos 20 dys " God calls our loved ones But we loose not wholly What he hath given They live on earth In thought and deed, as Truly as in his heaven " GEO. B. OLDHAM 18391879 LUCY P. (STOCKBRIDGE) wife of Geo. B. Old ham 18531872 FRANCIS C. Son of Alfred D. & Julia M. Paine Died Sept. 7th 1864 aged 3 yrs 2 mos 7 dys CEMETERY RECORDS. 267 Sacred To the Memory of MARGARET PACKARD wife of Isaac Packard & Daughter of Levi (Mann) who died May 18 1842 Aged 28 years In Memory of MARY E. dau. of Martin & Rachel Palmer who died March 5 1846 aged 1 6 years Death loith his dart has pierced my heart, when I wa in my prime When this you see dont weep for me Tis God's appointed time SYLVANUS PERCIVALL Born June 20 1796 Died June 7 1879 HENRY C. son of Sylvanus & Selah Percival Died at Baltimore June 18 1852 aged 23 years SELAH wife of Sylvanus Percival died March 28 1860 aged 72 years ANN Wife of Ozias Perkins died Sept. 35 1831 aged 28 years May God grant endless peace to each departed shade And to their ashes in the earths' cold bosom laid OZIAS PERKINS died June 17 1874 aged 69 years MARY G. His wife died Feb. 13 1873 aged 67 years Change Change eternal Change All human life shall burn on through Death to meet forms more lovely On the immortal shores of time P. P. PETERSON Co. F. 43d Mass. fnft. JOHN STETSON & ISRAEL PERRY Tomb 1806 THATCHER PERRY son Elijah & Chloe Died Mar. ist 1811 Aged 4 years CHLOE Dau. of Isaiah & Susan Stetson Died Dec. 27th 1812 Aged 26 years Little Georgie GEORGE son of George & Eva Pardy died May i2th 1885 aged 2 years 268 CEMETERY RECORDS. ELIJAH PERRY son of Seth & Hannah Died Oct. 9 1814 Aged 31 years Sacred to Memory MR. ADAM PERRY Died Aug. 23 1830 In the ygth year of his age Twos hard with you my friends to part It wrung with grief each tender heart Me in this world no more to see Prepare myfriendt to follow me CATHERINE PERRY Dec. 15 1817 Jan. 30 1832 FRANKLIN PERRY May 17 1821 July 3 1893 HENRY N. PERRY April 17 1828 April 12 1872 LEVI H. PERRY 17931871 GIDEON PERRY Mar. 23 1787 Sept. 8 1859 KATIE His Wife May 16 1794 Jan. 3 1832 ROSILLA C. dau. of E. & R. Perry died Mch. 4 1839 JE 2 yrs 7 mos Sacred To the Memory of MRS. ELIZABETH wife of Mr. Adam Perry who died Feb. n 1845 aged 90 YEARS She sleeps in Jesus & is blest How sweet her slumbers are From suffering & from sin released And freed from every snare SETH PERRY son of Samuel & Eunice Died Sept. 26 1846 Aged 92 YEARS BRADFORD son of Levi & Anna Perry Died Aug. 14 1848 Aged 3 months Sleep on my child while o'er thy grave A mother drops her tears Sleep on dear cherub take thy rest Till Jesus Christ appears ADELINE wife of G. B. Perry died Aug. 18 1852 M 28 years Taken from earth in earthly life " HANNAH PERRY Dau. Henry & Ann (Josselyn) Died Oct. 13 1854 Aged 99% YEARS CEMETERY RECORDS. 269 CLARENCE H. son of Josiah F. & Sarah C. Perry died Aug. 8 1855 aged i yr 17 dys MARY B. PERRY Dau. Edward Y. and Mary B. Born and died Sept. 12 1855 NABBY PERRY born Aug. 2zd 1796 Died May 9 1856 WILLIE S. son of E. Thacher & Louise M. Perry died Nov. 9 1856 JE 9 mos 2 dys MARIA AGUSTA wife of Cephas Perry Jr. died Sept. gth 1858 aged 24 years 8 mo's 2 days also CLARA GENEVA dau. of Cephas & Maria A. Perry died Oct. 17 1858 Aged i year i mo 17 days GEORGE A. son of E. Thacher & Louise M. Perry died Sept. 22 1858 AL 7 weeks 21 ds "a twin" SARAH L. dau. of E. Thacher & Louise M. Perry died Apr. 6 1859 1& 8 mos 4 days " a twin " SARAH L. dau. E. Thacher & Louise M. Perry died July 27 1862 JE 2 yrs 2 mos 15 dys GEORGE B. PERRY died Oct. 31 1863 JE 39 yrs 9 mos "Soon called to join those gone before " NANCY wife of G. B. Perry died Sept. 23 1866 JE 42 yrs " At rest in peace ' ' ROSILLA wife of Ethan Perry died Octo. 23 1867 aged 65 yrs i mo " Remember me as you pass by, For as you are now so once was I, A I am now so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me." FREDDIE S. son of E. Thacher & Louise M. Perry died Feb. 16 1868 JE 5 yrs i mo 6 dys 2/0 CEMETERY RECORDS. EDWARD Y. PERRY son Elijah and Chloe MARY B. PERRY Dau. David and Deborah Oldham CHLOE S. PERRY Dau. Isaiah S. & Julia A. Died June 26 1873 Aged 40 years MARY PERRY Dau. Ichabod & Polly Thomas Died Feb. 16 1877 Aged 82 years In Memory of ETHAN PERRY died July 10 1880 JE 78 yrs 2 mos " At rest with loved ones " DIANA A. wife of Samuel Perry died Mch 2 1881 aged 8 1 yrs 5 mos ALFRED PERRY Died May 30 1888 Aged 43 yrs 9 ms 28 ds There is rest in Heaven SARAH C. wife of Josiah F. Perry born Mar. 29 1819 died Aug. 23 1888 " We will meet again " JAMES H. PERRY born Mar. 5 1844 died Dec. 19 1889 Co. G. 18 Mass. Regt. "At Rest" JOSIAH F. PERRY born Sept. 17 1809 died Mar. 5 1890 "Gone home" ISAIAH S. PERRY Son Elijah & Chloe Died June 8th 1883 Aged 73 years JULIA A. PERRY Dau. of David & Deborah (Oldham) Died Feb. 18 1891 Aged 85 years JOSHUA PERRY son of Seth & Hannah Died Sept. 2 1883 Aged 87 years EDGAR W. son of E. W. & G. G. Phillips died May 25 1881 aged 9 weeks " When angels bore our treasure hence We laid the casket here " CEMETERY RECORDS. 271 EDMUND PHILLIPS a member of Co. K. 38 Regt. M. V. M. died Aug. 2nd 1883 JSX 75 yrs 4 mos RENA W. dau. of E. W. & G. G. Phillips died Octo. 26 1884 ^Et i yr 5 days "Sheltered and safe from sorrow" JOANNA PHILLIPS Died Jan. ist 1888 Age 65 yrs 4 Mos 4 Ds Rest dear mother thy earthly toil is o'er LOTTIE Died June i6th 1869 aged 3 yr 10 mo 16 dys God gave, he took, he will restore he doeth all things well SUSIE She has left a memory Fragrant with wise Counsels, generous deeds, and loveing devotion She is not dead God keeps her safe through his eternal years 18421882 SUSIE J. wife of Joseph W. Phinney Born Jan. i8th 1842 Died Dec. 8 1882 INA S. dau. of E. W. & G. G. Phillips died July 2 1888 aged i yr 10 mos 6 days " Gone but not forgotten" LYDIA J. wife of John Pool died April nth 1852 aged 37 years And must we say to thee farewell Companion Son and Daughter too Those whome on earth thou loved so well Must they all bid a long adieu CALVIN TILDEN PHILLIPS son of Ezra & Catharin Tilden Phillips Born March 3d 1836 Died Jan. i5th 1892 I wait to meet the, be of cheer, for all is well ALONZO N. son of John & Lydia Pool died March i4th 1853 aged i yr 3 mos 28 dys Sleep lovely babe and take thy rest God called the home he thought it Best GKOKGE WALDRON PHILLIPS 18641889 NANCY H. wife of John Poole died Dec. gth 1871 aged 46 yrs 10 mos 12 dys 2/2 CEMETERY RECORDS. DEBORAH G. wife of Joseph Pool died Sept. 8 1859 aged 44 yrs 2 mos Beloved companion though lost from earth in memory with me still JOSEPH POOL Died Dec. 21 1863 aged 47 yrs 4 mos I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness WILLIE M. son of L. & M. E. Poole died Sept. 25 1875 j 6 yrs 4 mos 1 1 ds EMMA B. dau. of Benj. B. & Lusanna M. Poole died Nov. 7 1877 aged 13 yrs 4 mos 9 days " Gone but not forgotten" ANDREW J. POOLE 18311880 ELLEN A. POOLE his wife 1834 1891 LYDIA C. dau. of Benj. C. & Rebecca E. Pratt died Feb. 9 1823 aged 10 days In Memory of NATHANIEL PRATT Who Died Feb. 24 1844 aged 41 years In Memory of MRS. REBECCA E. wife of Benj. C. Pratt & dau. of Robert & Lucy Sylvester died Dec. i 1847 aged 48 years LYDIA C. PRATT youngest dau. of Benj. C. & Rebecca E. Pratt born Dec. 28 1834 died July 6 1856 aged 2 1 yrs 6 mos 8 ds " She is not dead but sleepeth " LUCY B. PRATT dau. of Benj. C. & Rebecca E. Pratt died Jan. n 1868 aged 43. yrs 1 1 mos 1 1 ds "Asleep in Jesus" BENJAMIN C. PRATT Died June 16 1875 Aged 85 yrs 7 mos 7 dys EMELINE H. (TRIBOU) wife of Seth Pratt died Jan. 30 1882 JE 57 yrs 8 mos 28 ds STONE BEARING THE OLDEST INSCRIPTION RECORDED IN THE CEMETERY. MR. THOMAS RAMSDELL, DIED 1727. MRS. SARAH RAMSDELL, DIED 1773. CEMETERY RECORDS. 273 In Memory of MRS, ABIGAIL (STUDLEY) wife of Mr. John Puffer who Died Dec. 22d 1850 aged 46 years 3 mo's BETSEY wife of Thomas Quindley died Jan. 1838 & 63 years We mark the spot where kindred sleep Where earthly ties are o'er Yet why should we in anguish weep They are not lost but gone before MRS. MART RAMSDELL wife of Joseph Ramsdell died/uue ye ist 1754 and in ye 46 year of her age In Memory of MR. THOMAS RAMSDELL he died March ye i3th 1757 in ye 2ist year of his age In Memory of MRS. SARAH RAMSDELL wife of Mr. Thomas Ramsdell she died August^ 4th 1773 in ye 91ST year of her age In Memory of MR. JOSEPH RAMSDELL he died Aug ye 24th 1788 in the 8ist year of his age In Memory of ye Children of Ens'n Joseph Ramsdell and Elizabeth his wife PRISEA died July ye 28th 1774 in ye 2 d year of her age PRISEA died Oct. ye i8th 1777 aged 3d months Mrs. Mary Ramsdell In Memory of MRS. ELIZABETH ye wife of Joseph Ramsdell died June ye igth 1786 in the 45 year of her age In Memory of MRS. MARCY RAMSDELL wife of Mr. Joseph Ramsdell she died Jan. ye ist 1800 in the 82 d year of her age In Memory of Miss HANNAH RAMSDELL who died Aug. nth 1807 in the 5 ad year of her age In Memory of MRS. ELIZABETH RAMSDELL wife of Ens'n Joseph Ramsdell died Oct. 2oth 1811 aged 58 years 274 CEMETERY RECORDS. In Memory of ENS'N JOSEPH RAMSDELL died Aug. 6 1817 aged 74 years MARY E. dau. of Jacob L. & Elizabeth Ramsdell died Jan. loth 1864 aged 2 yrs 4 mos Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven S. LYMAN RAMSDELL died Apl. 4th 1871 IE 25 yrs ii mos 27 days "Thou art dear to me still " " Dear spot of earth ! Here with thee may we rest As one by one we sleep on earth's cold breast With thy pure spirit mid the happy throng With golden harps together join the song The ransomed ever sing on Canaan's shore There may we meet again to part no more " In Memory of MR. ELIJAH RANDALL JR. Died Novr. 15 1810 Aged 21 years In Memory of Miss HANNAH RANDALL Died Augt. 15 1809 Aged 1 8 years Stop reader as you pass by as you are living so was I But suddenly God called me here To sleep till Christ my Judge appear HERBERT E. REED Dec. 19 1845 May 12 1883 BETHIA A. daughter of Isaac T. & Nancy N. Reed died July 10 1851 M 2 yrs & 24 dys Our babe has gone to Jesus arms And left its parents dear Could we but realize its joys We could not wish her here LUCY J. REED Died June 6 1881 Aged 63 yrs 21 dys FRANK ABBOTT REED 18541889 EVERETT HOWARD REED 1850 1852 REV. SILAS RIPLEY May 7 1868 God's linger touched he slept Morning and Night Even as thou wast, I see thee still, There's not a charm of soul or brow Of all \ve knew and loved in thee But lives in glorious Beauty now Baptized in Immortality CEMETERY RECORDS. 275 MRS. MARY F. W. RIPLEY died in Boston Mch. 18 1881 Aged 72 yrs 4 mo's Thou art not in Heaven Still still our own Blessed are the Mercifull In greatfull Remembrance of MRS. M. F. R. RIPLEY wife of Rev. Silas Ripley who died in Boston Mch. 19 1881 aged 72 yrs 4 mos She was a successfull teacher a true wife and a generous bene- factor, her heart was deeply touched by the unmerited suffer- ings of the humbler creatures and she did what she could for their protection the infinite love of God was to her a fact and an inspiration Together may we rise and sing our morning hymn One household still A Household Bond to faith how dear Not Lost, Gone before S. X. True in Word, tried in Deed My Sudden frost was sudden gain and gave all Ripeness to the grain it might have gained from after heat RIPLEY LOT NATHANIEL ROBBINS died June 17 ^775 aged 60 years Also his wife HANNAH Died Jan. 7 1807 aged 86 years CAPT. THOMAS ROBBINS Was drowned At Cohasset April 14 17 go aged 38 years Sacred to the Memory of DBA. TIMOTHY ROBBINS died May 18 1807 in the 65th year of his age In Memory of MRS. MARY RORBINS Wife of Dea. Timothy Robbins died Feb. 8 1826 in the 75 year of her age. There all the millions of the saints Shall in one song unite And each the bliss of all shall view With infinite delight Sacred to the Memory of MR. JOHN ROBBINS Who died Sept. 8 1838 in his 53 year Blooming youth had passed away Manhoods riper years had come Longer here I thought to stay But alas the grave my home In Memory of ELEANOR T. ROBBINS dau. of Timothy & Hannah Robbins died Jan. 2Qth 1843 aged 29 years Farewell loved one from care set free No more shall pain thy llosom swell Nor friendship throw her arm around thee, For thou art gone from home to dwell 276 CEMETERY RECORDS. In Memory of TIMOTHY ROBBINS son of Timothy & Hannah Robbins died Aug. 14 1850 a g ed 35 7 rs 7 m os 9 dys Farewell Father Farewell Mother God will heal your deepest Pain Farewell too, dear weeping sister Soon in Heaven we'll meet again In Memory of SIBIL T. ROBBINS dau. of Timothy & Hannah Robbins died Jan. 23d 1854 aged 37 year 4 mo Calm be the spot where her form now reposeth May the friends who so loved Re- visit the grave And feel though the cold sod her ashes enclothea She lives in the presence of him who can save In Memory of TIMOTHY ROBBINS who died Feb. 22 1856 aged 74 yrs 6 mos His words were truth his actions good His friends will drop the parting tear In justice firm he always stood His death was calm without a fear SARAH Dau. of Timothy & Mary Robbins Died Feb. 26 1857 73 years Departed this life BETHIAH ROBBINS Daughter of Deacn. Timothy Robbins Aged 27 years wanting 8 days She was a dutiful child & loving sister From the great Lord of life & death As we receive i ur vital breath And at thy sovereign call resign That vital breath that gift divine In Memory of HANNAH ROBBINS wife of Timothy Robbins Died Jan. 5 1860 aged 78 yers That countenance which death hath veiled thou shall in brighter worldsbe- hold Erected In Memory of MRS. HANNAH ROGERS wife of Mr. Caleb Rogers died May 12 1807 In the 66th year of her age Erected In Memory of MR. CALEB ROGERS died March 26 1833 in the 8oth year of his age MARY RUMNEY died Mar. 25 1886 Aged 83 years CEMETERY RECORDS. 277 LABAN T. ROSE died Apr. 21 1851 JE 24 yrs 8 mos To my wife and children and all my friends so dear When you stand around my grave shed not one bitter tear Although you know my body lies be- neath the silent sod But my spirit is still living and seeking others good Myrtie MARY J. M. wife of Calvin W, Russell 18591886 A little while we part HENRY W. ROSE son of Laban & Emily Rose died April 12 1854 aged 25 yrs 5 mos & 23 days Farewell Father Farewell Mother God will heal your deepest pain Farewell too dear sisters & brothers Soon in heaven we will meet again JOHN SIME Died May 16 1871 aged 48 years also his wife MARTHA B. died Mar. 31 1853 aged 25 years Our Father and Mother LABAN ROSE Died Nov. 8 1860 & 65 yrs & 6 mos EMILY YOUNG his wife died July 30 1860 M 64 yrs & 5 mos We shall meet again ELIZABETH A. wife of Clarence E. Simonds dau. of Geo. & Agnes M. Green July 9 1852 Mch. 2ist rSgs Sleep till that Morning, Peacefully sleep ROBERT SALMOND JR. died at Louisville Kentucky April 19 1822 ARTHUR W. son of H. F. & L. P. Rose died Feb. 3 1877 Aged 6 mos 20 days PETER R. SALMOND died at Baltimore May 18 1828 ^t 26 WILLIAM P. RUSSELL Died June 24th 1879 aged 64 yrs 8 mos 9 dys Erected in Memory of ROBERT SALMOND a native, of Scotland who died May 5 1829 JEt 80 2/8 CEMETERY RECORDS. In Memory of WILLIAM SALMOND son of Robt & Mary Salmond died Mch. n 1842 aged 49 years SAMUEL son of Samuel & Eliza Salmond died Aug. 14 1850 aged ii weeks In Memory of JOHN SALMOND son of Robert and Mary Salmond died Apl. 3 1845 aged 54 years ROBERT son of Samuel & Eliza Salmond Died Oct. i8th 1845 Aged 1 8 years In Memory of MARY widow of Robert Salmond who died Sept. 5 1847 aged 79 years Erected in Memory of Miss MARY SALMOND Daut. of Mr. Robert & Mrs. Mary Salmond died July 15 1848 aged 23 years " Few years she passed and then re- signed her breath In life beloved lamented much in death Hence reader learn how few the hours we have Improve them wdl and live beyond the grave " SAMUEL SALMOND Born Aug. 2d 1788 Died May 28 1859 ELIZA SALMOND Born Mar. 2Oth 1801 Died Jan. 5th i8gi JOHN SMITH born Dec. co 1797 Died Sept. 5 1813 THOMAS M. SMITH - born Aug. 15 1799 died Jan. 7th 1803 SARAH B. SMITH born Nov. 25 1802 died Nov. 28 1802 Children of Albert 6 Ann L. Smith In Memory of ALBERT SMITH Esq. who died May 28 1823 aged 60 years & ANNA L. SMITH his wife who Died May 7th 1835 Aged 70 years Oh that men would Praise the Lord for his goodness, and For his wonderful woivs To the children of men. CEMETERY RECORDS. 279 ANDREW TILDEN SMITH Died at Manilla East Indias April 29 1831 Aged 20 yrs Thy will be done ANNA L. SMITH Died Dec. 12 1846 aged 58 years In Memory of RUTH SOPER the wife of Mr. Joseph Soper she died March the Qth //77 in the 77th year of her age In Memory of MR. JOSEPH SOPER he died May the ist 17 go in the 88th year of his age Children ROBERT SPEAR 1851 HELEN 1869 ROBERT WARREN 18681871 In Memory of CAPT. JOSEPH SOPER ob. Mch. 30 1804 in the 67th year of his age In Memory of MR. DAVID STANDISH who died June 4th 1795 in the 7oth year of his age Death is a debt to Nature due Which I have paid and so muft you In Memory of MRS. HANNAH wife of Mr. David Standish She died Aug. 23d 1803 in her 75th year My God I cry with every breath For sum kind Power to save To break the yoke of sin & lead And then redeem the slave In Memory of ZILPHA the Daughter of Mr. Samuel Stetson & Mrs. Zilpha his wife, she died Nov. ye 2gth 1800 aged nth months In Memory of MRS. ZILPHA wife of Mr. Samuel Stetson Jr. who died Jan. 5 1807 a g ed 33 yra She sleeps in Jesus and is blest How sweet her slumbers are From suffering and from sin released And freed from every snare 280 CEMETERY RECORDS. Sacred To the Memory of MRS. TEMPRANCE Wife of Mr. Nath. Stetson died Nov. 6 1808 JE 34 years Stop passenger as you pass by On my grave you cast an eye Our sun like mine go clown at noon Our soul be called for very soon NATHANIEL M. son of Seth & Desire O. Stetson Died May 10 1845 Aged 2 yrs 2 mos & 10 ds Here little Martin lies Beneath this silent clod His little body moulders here His spirit rests with God In Memory of MRS. LYDIA wife of Mr. Turner Stetson who died Jan. 22 1819 aged 50 years In Memory of ZILPHIA ANN daughter of Albert Stetson & Weltha his wife who died May 7 1843 aged 1 1 yrs 3 mos & 1 6 days The Lord is Righteous in all his ways and Holy in all his works In Memory of MR. ARISTIDES son of Mr. Turner & Mrs. Lydia Stetson who died Oct. 16 1839 aged 36 yrs In Memory of MR. TURNER STETSON who died Feby 25 1844 aged 76 yrs HARRIET ANN dau. of John & Ann Stetson died Apl. 13 1846 aged 2 mos NATHANIEL STETSON Died July 19 1846 aged 76 years Also his wife JOANNA PRATT Died Aug. 23 1841 aged 62 years Though lost to sight To u.emory dear In Memory of ELISHA C. STETSON born May 23 1796 Died Jan. 21 1845 aged 48 years 7 months & 28 days Consumption comes God's will be done Let every murmur cease To Jesus fly prepare to die And find eternal peace MRS. NABBY wife of Ephraim Stetson died Mch. 22d 1851 Aged 60 years _ 'b.efcre i.ritfiEri': rem'ain indvt\ JvC. CEMETERY RECORDS. 281 ALBERT STETSON born Feb. 14 1843 died March 27 1845 aged 2 years i month & 13 days SARAH MARIA STETSON born Nov. 15 1839 died April 24 1845 aged 5 years 5 months & 9 days Children of Elisha C. & Betsey Stetson Our path on earth was quickly trod And now our spirits rest with God Dry up your tears make Christ your care Death is what fate all must share MlCHAL wife of Thomas Stetson died May 17 1851 aged 71 years " I know that my Redeemer lives " TURNER son of Turner &,Juletta S. Stetson born June 3 1855 died June 5 1855 HENRY MARTIN son of John & Ann Stetson died Aug. 7 1855 aged ii yrs 3 mos 15 ds JOHN EDWARD son of John & Ann Stetson died Sept. 5 1855 aged 3 yrs 7 mos 27 ds ABBY F. Daut. of Bery & Eliza Stetson Died May 3 1858 Aged 14 yrs 9 mos THEODORE STETSON son of Harrison & Olive L. Stetson 18501858 SAMUEL STETSON died Aug. 16 1859 aged 87 yrs 3 mos & 9 dys Peace to the mournful spot Where hid my ashes lies I ask no monumental praise Over this dust to rise Of you I claim no tear Weep for yourselves my friends The sigh of penitence secures Rapture that never ends ROBERT C. son of Turner & Juletta S. Stetson born Jan. 17 1860 died Apr. 5 1860 CORDELIA E. wife of Andrew O. Stetson Died Aug. 22 1860 Aged 26 yrs 8 mos Weep not for me for my spirit has fled To mansions in the sky The one you have loved is not sleep- ing and but gone to her father on high 282 CEMETERY RECORDS. JAMES E. son of Bery & Eliza Stetson Died Dec. 12 1862 Aged 22 years A member of Co. G. i8th Regt. Mass. Vols. EMMIE DELIA died Sept. 9 1865 aged 4 yrs a mos 5 dys ELIZA ANDREWS died Mar. 22 1864 aged 6 mos WILLIE ANDREWS died Jan. 19 1865 Aged 2 weeks Children of Andrew O. 6 Eliza M. Stetson MARY E. Dau. of S. & D. O. Stetson Died Nov. 30 1864 JE> 18 yrs 3 mos 20 Ds Safe in the arms of Jesus RACHEL E. Dau. of S. & D. O. Stetson Died July 3 1880 JE 28 yrs 2 mos 20 Ds We shall meet by and by JASON E. son of Wm. F. & Mary H. Stetson died Dec. 30 1864 JE, 4 yrs 9 mos SETH STETSON died Jan. 30 1865 JE 63 yrs 3 mos 12 Ds He is not dead but sleeping WILLIE M. son of Wm. F. & Mary A. Stetson died Jany 4 1865 JE 3 yr 9 mo "God loaned us this treasure To be recalled at his pleasure " SARAH E. dau. of Turner & Juletta S. Stetson born Aug. 23 1861 died Jan. 9 1865 BENJAMIN STETSON born Sept. 28 1790 died June 6 1866 "We have loved him on earth may we meet him in Heaven " ELIZA M. wife of Andrew O. Stetson died Sept. 12 1869 ^E 29 yrs 10 mos 29 days EMILY wife of Jeremiah Stetson died June 28 1870 aged 33 yrs SAMUEL L. son of Jeremiah & Emily L. Stetson died July 25 1870 aged i yr 4 mos CEMETERY RECORDS. 28 3 SUMMER STETSON 18061873 ELIZA W. his wife 1801 1851 ZILPHA STETSON died Jan. 31 1873 aged 64 yrs i mo " Gone home" ALBERT STETSON Born Aug. 8 1802 Died Mar. 28 1874 also his wife WELTHA Born Feb. 10 1797 Died Dec. 10 1883 ABIGAIL S. wife of Samuel Stetson died Sept. 13 1874 Aged 83 yrs At Rest LUCY wife of Benjamin Stetson born June 26 1799 died Oct. 3 1875 " Weep not for the weary There's rest for them in heaven " JER' STETSON died Mch. 9 1876 AL 49 yrs 10 mos " Absent but not forgotten " SAMUEL STETSON June 28 1799 Nov. 3 1876 MARY H. dau. of Turner & Juletta S. Stetson born Sept. 8 1865 died Oct. 29 1877 SAMUEL STETSON June 28 1799 Nov. 3 1876 LYDIA T. STETSON Nov. 26 1803 Feb. 19 1880 CATHERINE AMANDA STETSON Oct. 20 1827 Dec. 5 1889 Husband JOHN Studky Died Oct. 29 1892 Aged 66 years 4 ms Father JOSHUA S. Rose Mar. 17 1824 May 17 1893 LYDIA T. STETSON Nov. 26 1803 Feb. 19 1880 ALICE R. STETSON died Apl. 8 1880 M 73 yrs 3 mos 284 CEMETERY RECORDS. ELIZA wife of Benj. Stetson died Feb. 21 1881 JE 67 yrs 8 mos Not lost but gone before CATHERINE AMANDA STETSON Oct. 20 1827 Dec. 5 1889 BETSEY wife of Elisha C. Stetson Died Sept. 25 1881 Aged 85 years Come unto me and I will give you rest JANE R. OLDHAM Wife of I. Oilman Stetson 1825 1892 HARRISON STETSON Born Jan. 26 1814 Died June 4 1892 Though lost to sight to Memory Dear RUTH STETSON died Apl. 30 1882 M 84 yrs 8 mos In Loving Memory of JOHN H. STETSON who entered into the Life everlasting Nov. 9 A. D. 1882 MA 25 yrs 10 mos 8 ds " I thank my God upon every re- membrance of you" DESIRE O. wife of Seth Stetson Died July 8 1890 ^ 75 y rs 9 mos 2 6 ds In loving remembrance MARY EMMA dau. of Rolinem & W. H. Stewart died Mch. 26 1864 aged 2 yrs 6 mos This Monument is Erected In Memory of MR. STEPHEN STOCKBRIDGE Youngest son of Wm. & Ruth Stockbridge Born April 3d 1799 Died May i4th 1818 Aged 19 years i mo u dys Death like an overflowing stream Sweeps us away our life's a dream An empty tale a waning flower Cut down and withered in an hour Stetson Not my will but Thine be done REUBEN STETSON Oct. 31 1810 Feb. 26 189* FRANCIS I. son of Wm. & Mary A. Stockbridge died Aug. i7th 1847 aged 2 years 10 mo's 9 ds vwhofe iTv6>talj}y.-h fhi? Bunc^of ihi,t; iw < .oi 6 el oV'ccf, 23 yrs 3 mos 28 ds " Not for the dead in Christ we weep Their sorrows now are o'er The sea is calm the tempest past On that eternal shore " CHARLES C. TOWER died April 19 1882 JE 19 years "Just as I am without one plea But that thy blood was shed for me And that thou bid'st me come to thee Oh Lamb of God I come I come " In Memory of CAPT. JOHN TRIBOU who died Oct. 15 1848 in his 6xst year " Farewell my wife and children too I can no longer stay with you My portion in heaven I wish to share Prepare for death and meet me there " WALTER S. son of Mr. William F. & Mrs. Janette Tribou died April 6 1850 aged i yr 8 mos 5 d'ys " Rest thou darling child All thy pains are o'er Thy spirit undefiled Is blest forever more " LEVI W. TRIBOU died Nov. 20 1877 aged 6 1 yrs ANN AUGUSTA daughter of I. T. & M. B. Tribou died Mar. 17 1864 aged 19 yrs & 5 mo (reverse) We saw our household light grow dim The while our eyes grow blind with tears God came to take anew to him The jewel lent in bygone years For as God gives so he takes Nor asks us whom nor when or where And tis a loving hand that breaks And desolates our hearts as now LUCINDA D. wife of Levi W. Tribou died Feb. 23 1882 aged 62 yrs 6 ms 16 ds MELISSA B. wife of John T. Tribou Died June 24 1892 Aged 76 yrs 2 mos 26 days She's passed beyond all earthly woes She smiles in a sunnier sphere MR. JOSEPH TUBES died Apl. i 1854 aged 77 yrs n mos 18 ds LUCY widow of Joseph Tubbs died Mch. 22 1866 ./Et 89 yrs i mo & n ds i' i I^-S-T,' o:x- ' * wu IAI )U I LTm 1| - i^^jy^r/of f\ts : A^ ^f te*r%^7*^ & 6ilgrin' Jncl>fpofifro v%^ yj'fenrib]cc^t\i5^prechi)T&>4^IH CEMETERY RECORDS. 295 EUNICE W. TUBES died Feby. 22 1879 aged 8 1 yrs JOSEPH TUBES died July 3 1885 aged 76 yrs i mo 24 ds MARY B. TUBES died Jan. 23 1888 aged 87 yrs 3 mos i day In Memory of MRS. MARY the wife of Mr. Isaac Turner who died May 3d i*jg6 In the 4ist year of her age Draw near my friends and take a thought How soon the grave may be your lot Make sure of Christ while there re- main Death shall be Eternal Gain In Memory of SILVIA the Daughter of Mr. Isaac Turner & Mrs. Mary his wife She died Jan. ye, 27th 1801 Aged 13 yrs In Memory of MRS. DEBORAH TURNER Wife of Capt. Marlbry Turner Died May 28 1824 In the 63 year of her age THOMAS TURNER 1782 1829 DEBORAH STOCKBRIDGE his wife 1790 1882 THOMAS JR. 18121813 RUTH STOCKBRIDGE 1813 THOMAS 2d 1815 CHARLES PHILLIPS 18231847 THOMAS TURNER 1815 SUSAN MARIA THAYER his wife 1818 THOMAS JR. 1841 1841 SUSAN JANE 18421882 THOMAS 2d 1844 1849 ADALEIDE WARREN 1848 CHARLES PHILLIP 1852 MARY GREENE 1856 In Memory of MR. NATHAN TURNER he Died at A6mfftMDec-Jth 1829 aged 15 years 6 mo's Raise thoughtless* .sinner, raise thine eye Behold Gods balance lifted high Where should hixjuttice be dixplayed And there thy hope and life is weiyed 296 CEMETERY RECORDS. Sacred to the Memory of MR. SETH TURNER died at Hanson May 15 1823 Also PRISCILLA Beal died Nov. aoth 1818 aged 1 6 months Also PRISCILLA Beal died Nov. 9 1820 aged 8 mos 6 days Daughters of Mr. Seth Turner and Mrs. Priscilla his wife Draw near my friend and think how soon The great I. AM. may seal your doom Awake, ante, with speed Prepare To meet at Gods impartial bar MARY E. daughter of George and Avis Turner died Oct. 31 1832 aged 7 mos & 24 ds Before this lovely bud had bloomed From parent stock it was riven For Jesus took it for his own To fully bloom in heaven GEORGE GILBERT Son of Mr. Saml. S. & Mrs. Mary Ann Turner died Oct. 6 1838 Aged i year Thy little one is sleeping Among the quiet dead And thou art sadly weeping Above his lowly bed Avis Wife of George W. Turner Died Jan. 2 1857 Aged 53 yrs 10 mos 4 ds Let worms devour my wasting flesh And crumble all my bones to dust My God shall raise my frame anew At the revival of the just ELMA A. son of Elma J. & Virginia A. Turner died June i4th 1865 aged i year 2 mo's 17 days O, mother weep not for thy babe Why mourn you over my little grave O Father Mother cease those broken sighs Thy babe is Happy in the Skyes JULIA A. wife of James Turner Died Dec. 2oth 1870 Aged 34 years 10 mos Faithfull and True RUTH TURNER died July i8th 1877 aged 84 yrs 4 mos Death is swallowed up in Victory MARY ANN wife of Samuel S. Turner Died Oct. 27 1877 JE 66 years Mother thou art gone to rest And this shall be our prayer That when we reach onr journey's end Thy glory we may share CEMETERY RECORDS. 297 ELDON VV. son of Ezekiel T. & Sarah S. Turner died Aug. 13 1881 aged 12 yrs 2 ms i day " Heaven retaineth now our treasure Earth the lonely casket keeps And the sunbeams love to linger Where our darling loved one sleeps" SAMUEL S. TURNER Died Nov. 19 1887 Aged 77 years We will meet again JAMES VINAL 18351894 M. A. VINAL 18381894 FLORA JANE dau. of Walter W. & Sarah Jane Wardrobe died Jan. 31 1860 aged ii mo's " Sweet Flora's eyes are closed in death forever So fair a flower for earth was never made Tis gone to blossom in a milder clime Where flowers of love and beauty cannot fade " ASA WARREN 1766 1807 JAMIMA KELLOGG his wife 17661853 WARREN IRA WARREN M. D. 1806 1864 RUTH STOCKBRIDGE (TURNER) his wife 1813 An eminent man of science A wise and upright counsellor A. courteous and generous associate A loyal and devoted friend His memory i Cherished by all who knew him LUCY A. wife of Eben C. Waterman and dau. of Nathl. & Abby R. (Barstow) Died Jan. ao 1873 33 y ears In Memory of MRS. SARAH L. WHITE the wife of Mr. Cornelius White who departed this life August the 2 6th i*jgg aged 15 years 2 days All though my body lies in the cold tomb The earths to scanty for my soul vast doom His wings for heaven and took a hasty flight To crowns of blessing in the heavens of light Erected In Memory of MR. WILLIAM WHITING he died February the 12 1780 In the 59 year of his age 298 CEMETERY RECORDS. In Memory of MR. LEWIS WHITE who was accidentally shot April 3d 1813 Aged 31 years How can my trembling hand support my pen While sorrow mourns the loveliest best of men The tear shall flow can genuine sorrow sleep Know certainly in streams our eyes shall weep Hes gone forever gone Lewis has taken flight To yonder world of joy of peace & light Gone to behold his Saviour and his God Oh may we tread the peaceful paths he trod ELIZABETH MAGOUN In Memory of LUIT' THOMAS WHITING he died Sept. 23d 2793 in the 75 year of his age Thou turned man O Lord to d . Of which he first was made And when thou speak'estthe word Return Tis instantly Obeyed In Memory of Miss LUCY WHITING Dau. of Leiu't Thomas Whiting and Mrs. Lydia (or Mary) his wife she died Nov. i8th 1789 in the 42 year of her age Who can secure his Vital Breath against the bold demands of Death In Memory of MRS. DEBBE the wife of Mr. Asa Whiting she died Jany. ye 8th 1787 aged 24 yrs & 3 mounths In Memory of ASA son of Mr. Asa Whiting & Mrs. betty his wife he died May 16 1793 in the 3d year of his age In Memory of MR. HOMER WHITING he died October the nth In the 28 year of his age In Memory of Miss Avis WHITING she died October i4th In the 36 year of her age In Memory of MRS. ANNE WHITING Wife Mr. Homer Whiting she died July the 24th ij8 In the 27 year of her Age In Memory of CALEB son of Mr. Caleb Whiting & Mrs. Susa Gill his wife he died September the 29 in the 4th year of his age SEE OPPOSITE PAGE. CEMETERY RECORDS. 299 In Memory of ANNE daughter of Mr. Homer Whiting & Mrs. Anne his wife she died October the 4th ijgj In the 1 6th year of her age In Memory of SAGE MAN WHITING daughter of Mr. Caleb Whiting and Mrs. Susa Gill his wife she died Oct. u i^jgs in the 9 month of her age From death a rest no age is free Young children too may die In Memory of MARTIN son of Mr. Thos. Whiting and Mrs. Rachel his wife he died October the i8th in the 2nd year of his age " Death like an overflowing stream Sweep's us away our lifes a dream An evening tale a morning flower Cast down and wither'd in an hour " JUSTUS WHITING Tomb MRS. LYDIA WHITING 1801 " Kind Reader pause and drop a tear Think of the dust which slumbers here And when you read the fate of me Think of the glass which runs for thee " In Memory of MR. THOMAS WHITING JR. died Sept. 2 1805 In the 29th year of his age " That once lov'd form now cold and dead Each mournful thought employs And nature weeps her comforts dead And wither'd all her joys Hope looks beyond the bounds of time When that we now deplore Shall rise in full immortal prime And bloom to fade no more " Sacred To the Memory of MR. WILLIAM WHITING of Hanover died Mar. 29 1825 Aged 63 yrs Peace all ye sorrows of the heart And every tear be dry The Christian ne'er can be forlorn Who views his Saviour nigh Let not your sorrows rise he says Nor be your souls afraid Trust in your God's almighty name And trust your Saviours aid Erected In Memory of MRS. MARY WHITING widow of Mr. William Whiting died June n 1826 Aged 05 years Yes we must follow soon we'll glad Obey When a few suns have Rolled their cares away Tired with vain life we'll close the willing Eye Tis the great birthright of man ind to die 300 CEMETERY RECORDS. In Memory of MR. ABEL WHITING died Jan. 24 1822 In the yoth year of his age In Memory of MR. LEWIS T. WHITING died Sept. 25 1826 aged 23 yrs " Sweet youth alike to friends and strangers dear O'er thy green turf will drop the ten- der tear In vain thy soul was bright, thy bosom kind In vain the tears of those thou leavst behind Cold is thy form and dark thy lone abode Yet thou but tread'st the vale thou Saviour trod With Him fond hope again beholds thee rise From transient earth to the superior skies" In Memory of MRS. SARAH C. WHITING wife of Mr. Oran Whiting died Feb. 20 1827 In the 23d year of her age Also Their Daugh. SARAH ANN died Sept. 28 1826 -55 i year Mourn not for me my work is done The combat is oe'r the prize is won And now my mansion is above Where all is life and peace and love I left the world without a tear Save for the friends I loved so dear To sooth their sorrows Lord descend And be their everlasting friend In Memory of MRS. BETSEY WHITING wife of Mr. William Whiting Died Mar. 17 1829 Aged 58 years Come my dear children come behold This stone of life the final goal Approach it in your mothers tomb The place where you mutt shortly come I warn you all for death prepare And make your souls your greatest care Death soon will come & you must go If not prepared to endless woe PYAM WILSON son of Pyam C. & Sarah D. Whiting died Feb. nth 1833 aged 7 mo's Welcome dear babe to Jesus Breast For ever there in joy to Rest Welcome to Jesus courts above To sing the great Redeeming Love The grave of SIMEON son of Mr. William & Mrs. Cynthia Whiting died March 4 1839 Aged 7 months Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade death came with friendly care The Opening bud to heaven convyd And bade it blossom there SOIANUS W. son of Gilman C. & Diantha Whiting Died July 2 1839 aged 2 yrs & 9 ms CEMETERY RECORDS. 301 To the Memory of Miss SARAH MERITT daugh. of Mr. Homer & Mrs. Hannah Whiting died April n 1835 Aged 21 years LUCY daughter of Caleb Whiting died June 15 1840 ^49 MARY dau. of Sylvanus & Lucy Whiting died Dec. 9 1846 aged i mo 10 ds " Sleep sleep thou dear departed Mary Parents tears will wet thy sod Early flowers will deck thy grave While angels bear thee home to God CALEB WHITING Died May 20 1848 aged 86 years ABEL H. son of Oran & Mary Whiting Died Oct. 9 1842 aged i year & 2 mos SUSAN G. wife of Caleb Whiting Died Nov. 25 1842 ^77 In Memory of PYAM C. WHITING died Aug. 12 1845 aged 34 years i mo 14 dys Cease ye mourners cease to languish Oer the Grave of those you love Pain and death and might and anguish Enter not the world above MARY wife of Caleb Whiting died Sept. i 1850 M 45 y'rs In Memory of PRISCILLA wife of Abel Whiting who died Jan. 15 1851 aged gi years Father I give my spirit up And trust it in thy hands My dying flesh shall rest in hope And rise at thy command TRYPHENA Wife of Homer Whiting Died Nov. 7 1851 JE 89 yra 6 mos & 10 Days Mother forgive forgive thy children dear Why mourn thy exit from a world like this Forgive the wish that would have kept thee here And staid thy progress to the land of bliss In Memory of HOMER WHITING who died Feb. 5 1854 aged 68 years & 6 mos 302 CEMETERY RECORDS. HANNAH M. Daughter of Oilman C. & Diantha Whiting Died Sept. 27 1852 age 17 M. ELETTA dau. of Lewis & Mary B. Whiting died July 8 1856 aged ii mos i day " We loved thee fondly & thy smile All innocence repaid our love But oh thy soul too free from guile For earth God called above " MARY wife of Oran Whiting Died March i 1857 aged 51 years & 3 mos SYLVANUS WHITING died Feby n 1859 aged 51 years " Beloved companion though lost from earth In memory thou art with me still" ALBERT son of Oran & Mary Whiting died Oct. 12 1859 aged 13 yrs 6 mos 18 dys ABEL H. son of Oran & Mary Whiting died July 19 1863 aged 20 years & 5 days IDA daughter of Lucius A. & Lydia M. Whiting died Aug. 9 1863 aged 4 yrs 8 mos Ida farewell we give thee up Our Father calls thee home That Saviour folds you in his arms Who said to children come ORAN WHITING Died Oct. 23 1866 aged 65 years CALEB WHITING Died Feb. i 1867 Aged 67 years CYNTHIA wife of William Whiting died Sept. 9 1868 aged 60 yrs 6 mos Lo where the silent marble weeps A friend a wife a mother sleeps A heart within whose sacred cell The peaceful virtues love to dwell LILY BELLE only child of Anson & Cynthia Whiting Died July 8 1870 JE ii mos How hard is parting How slow the submission When our birdling has flown From the tender home nest And yet there is cheer in the hope that is whispered Our habr has gone to the clime of the blest CEMETERY RECORDS. 303 DESIRE wife of Jared Whiting Died Aug. 3 1872 Aged 60 yrs 3 mos 28 ds ELLA E. dau. of Walter W. & Sarah J. Wardrobe died Feb. 2 1874 aged 25 yrs 22 ds " Safe in the tearless land " ANNA Wife of Caleb Whiting & Daughter of Gideon & Sarah Studley Died March 20 1874 Aged 63 yrs 7 mos 22 d's Mother SALLY CURTIS WHITING died Sept. loth 1874 75 years Father EZRA WHITING died Oct. 3 1831 31 years EVA M. Dau. of Lucius A. & Lydia M. Whiting Died Sept. o 1874 aged 3 mos 27 d's LYDIA M. wife of Lucius A. Whiting Died May 26 1874 Aged 38 y'rs She hath done what she could JOHN B. WHITING Mch. 24 1848 Aug. 8 1875 We have no home but heaven " JARED WHITIXG Died Sept. 6 1876 Aged 72 years 4 mos 21 ds VESTA L. wife of Benjamin F. Wood died April 8 1878 aged 26 yrs 6 mos HENRY W. WHITING Co. G. i8th Mass. Vol. Co. H. 32nd Reg. Inf. Born July 28th 1843 Died Oct. 14 1879 In Memory of MARY Dau. of William & Cynthia Whiting Born April ia 1847 Died July 17 1881 JOSEPH WASHINGTON born in North Carolina a SLAVE died in Massachusetts FREE 18571881 "The reward of the faithful is certain" WILLIAM WHITING Died June 30 1886 Aged 75 yrs 4 mos 304 CEMETERY RECORDS. MARY W. (ESTES) wife of John B. Whiting Feby 7th 1849 Jany 9 1882 "Oh for the touch of a vanished hand, and the sound of a voice that is still " SARAH D. wife of Pyam C. Whiting died July 5th 1882 aged 70 years 3 mo's 6 dys ROSETTAH Wife of William A. Whiting Died May 9 1887 & 37 yrs 7 mos 10 ds SALLIE B. wife of Lucius C. Whiting Died June 2d 1887 Aged 55 yrs 8 mos DIANTHA STODDARD Wife of Oilman C. Whiting Nov. i 1804 Sept. 6 i8g4 Gone from home but Not from Our Hearts DIANTHA S. WHITING Sept. 27 1830 Oct. 12 1890 At Rest OILMAN C. WHITING Feb. 1 6 1800 " 2 1892 In Memory of MR. ISAAC WILDER died March 30 1818 Et 41 yrs Peace to the mournfull spot Where hid my ashes lies I ask no monumental praise Over this dust to rise Of you I claim no tear Weep for yourselves my friends The sigh of penitence secures Rapture that never ends In Memory of Caleb son of Isaac & Ruth Wilder died May 22d 1818 aged 17 mo's Here lief an infant. No his dregs lie here his better part the earth could not confine weep not ye friends his dust shall reappear we trust well known and in a form divine H. WM. WHITING JR. Born Nov. 24 1873 Died Sept. 12 1894 Gone when his life was Brightest From us who loved him so dear Our burdens were always Brighter When his cheerfull Presence was Here In Memory of MB. JOHN WILDER died Dec. 18 1828 aged 41 years Departed saint thy conflict o'er blissfull thy spirit flies in peace we trust thy ashes rests destined in joy to rise CEMETERY RECORDS. 305 In Memory of Miss HANNAH B. WILDER died Nov. n 1829 aged 22 years Nor pain nor grief nor anxious fear invade the tomb No mortal woes can reach the lonely sleeper here while angels watch the soft repose so Jesus slept God's dying son passed thro" the grave, and blessed the bed Rest here dear saint till from her throne the morning break and pierce the shade JOSEPH E. WILDER Q. M. Sergt.jist Mass. Vol. KILLED IN ACTION AT SA BINE CROSS ROADS LA. April 8 1864 Aged 25 yrs Student at Amherst College Enlisted in his Countrys Service Nov. 1861 Reenlisted Feb. 1864 MRS. RUTH WILDER died Jan. u 1867 aged 88 yrs 3 mos Rest weary one lie down to slumber in the peaceful tomb light from above hath broken through its gloom here in the place where once the Savior lay where he shall make the on a future day like a tired child upon its mother's breast Rest spirit Rest LUCINDA E. WILDER Died Aug. 2 1871 jJEt 30 yrs Oh sacred hope, O blissful hope Which Jesus's grace has given The hope when days and years are past We all shall meet in heaven JOSEPH C. WILDER June 13 1815 July 19 1872 PRISCILLA his wife May i8th 1813 Oct. 26 1880 LUCINDA Wife of Isaac M. Wilder Died April 25 1876 Aged 71 yrs n ds Calm on the bosom of thy God Fair spirit rest thee now Even while with us thy footsteps trod His seal was on thy brow Dust to its narrow hours beneath Soar to its place on high They that have seen thy looks in death No more may fear to die ISAAC WILDER Died Sept. i 1878 Aged 43 yrs 9 mos 17 ds Gone to the land of peace Gone where the tempest hath no longer sway And the shadows pass from the soul away And sounds of weeping cease MATTIE C. WILDER Oct. 1877 Oct. 1883 We miss you at home 306 CEMETERY RECORDS. ISAAC M. WILDER Died July i 1879 Aged 74 yrs There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. Heb. IV. 9 And there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away Rev. XXI. 4 NETTIE L. wife of John C. Wilder died July 4 1885 aged 21 yrs 6 mos " Rest in Hope " FORREST L. son of N. L. & J. C. Wilder Died Nov. 27 1885 Aged 5 mos 5 d's Our Darling JOHN CALVIN SARAH ELIZABETH SARAH H. wife of John C. Wilder Died April 1888 Aged 78 yrs JOHN C. WILDER Died Mar. 15 1855 Aged 44 yrs 8 mos SARAH ELIZABETH Died Sept. 28 1836 .ZEt 5 mos JOHN CALVIN Died Mar. 17 1840 ^Et 2 yrs 7 mos We shall go to them but they shall not return to us JOHN C. WILDER Died Oct. 24 1891 Aged 29 yrs 8 Mos Reunited In Memory of MRS. MARY S. wife of Mr. Horatio C. Williams died June 5th 1842 in the 29 year of her age also their Dau' died June ist 1842 The voice of this alarming scene May every heart obey Nor be the Heavenly warning vain Which call to watch and Pray Great God thy saving grace impart With cleansing healing power This only can prepare the heart For death's surprising hour In Memory of MARY WILLIAMS daugh. of Caleb Whiting Jr. & Mary his wife died Sept. 25 1843 aged 14 years & 6 months Dear as thou vvert and justly dear We cant suppress the falling tear But when a few more days are oer We hope to meet to part no more ELIZA D. dau. of Daniel & Ruth D. Willis Died April 12 1842 aged 7 mos 10 ds Sleep, Sleep thou dear Departed Child Parents tears will wet thy sod Early flowers will deck thy grave While angels bear thee Home to God CEMETERY RECORDS. 307 FERRIN WILLIS Co. F. ist. Mass. H. A. DANIEL F. son of Daniel & Ruth D. Willis Died Nov. 28 1851 aged 8 years Thy father will miss thee His pride and his joy Thy mother will mourn For her dear dead Boy Thy Brother thy only one Lone will he be While thy sweet infant sister Will murmur of thee Father & Mother reverse DANIEL WILLIS Born Oct. 8 1820 Died June 12 1890 RUTH D. WILLIS Born Apr, 7 1824 Died June 26 1894 ELIJAH WING died Sept. 30 1840 aged 66 years Great God Let man that is formed of dust praise thee for in thy almighty power and in- finite goodness rest the immortality Hap- piness and onward Progress of all man- kind in eternal march of ages God Eternal Let all things be made to praise thee let the marble from Quarry praise thee for at thy command every atom of its dust would become living man Of,) CHARLES WINSLOW Died Aug. 8 1891 Aged 88 yrs 2 mos 22 days HENRY WRIGHT Died Jan. 14 1887 A g ed 55 years RUTH D. wife of Warren Wright died Aug. aSth 1861 Aged 48 years Jesus lover of my soul let me to thy bosom fly MARTHA E. wife of Warren T. Wright Died Oct. 22d 1893 My Beulah Land WARREN WRIGHT died May nth 1894 aged 84 years 9 months Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord MARY B. wife of Lewis Whiting & dau. of Abner & Mary Wood died Mch. 4 1857 aged 21 yrs 7 mos " Happy soul thy days are ended All thy mourning days below Go by angel guards attended To the arms of Jesus go" 308 CEMETERY RECORDS. MARY wife of Abner Wood died Jan. 12 1859 aged 57 yrs 7 mos 6 ds " Her flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpets joyful sound Then burst the chains with sweet sur- prise And in her Saviour's image rise " CHARLES ROBERT son of Abner & Mary Wood died Jan. 10 1863 aged 14 yrs 7 mos 29 ds ' ' While young to God he gave his heart Above his treasures lay May we like Charlie choose the part Death cannot take away " Here Lies the Body of CAPT. JOHN YOUNG Who Died June the gth 1781 in ye 515! year of His Age ABNER WOOD died Apl. 8 1881 aged 79 yrs 6 mos 10 ds He has gone to his rest with his loved ones His trials and troubles are done His glorified spirit is happy He has fought the good fight and he's won Erected In Memory of MR. JOHN YOUNG who died Sept. n 1828 in the 6sth year of his age Also MRS. RUTH his wife who died June 4 1835 in the 67th year of her age They that die in Jesus & are blessed How sweet their slumbers are From suffering & from pain released And freed from every snare INDEX. [FOR NAMES OF PLACES SEE END OF THIS INDEX.] Abbe, Abbott, Adams, Aiken, .... AUlen, 26, 48, 93, 116, 148, Allen, 29, 33, 34, 48, 49, 50, 214, 215, 231,-23-J Ambrose, .... Andrews AIIMHI Appleton Arnold, .... Atherton, 77, 96, 144, 145, 160, 152, 198, 201, 203 Austin, .... 40 274 97, 101, 162, 214 42, 44 Ki7, 177 51, 118, 156 282 154, 302 11,62 1, 22, 24 146, 148, 100, 202 Babcock, .... 39 Bachelor, ) ion io.> iwo one on- Batcheldor, j 12 - U8 ' 182 ' 20 ' 20 ' 22, 35, 59, 60, 63, 70, 71, 76, 79, 8'), 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 9S. !9, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 128, 131, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, Bailey, Baily, Bayley, Bayly, , , , , , , 148, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, , , , , , , I 149, 154, 155, 159, 160, 168, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, lie,, 19K, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202. -206, 207, 209, 215, 216, '-'17, 218, 285 Baker, 74, 93, 98, 104, 106, 120, 122, 154, 161, 161) Baldwin, 3, 7, 8, 9, 61, 62, 74, 78, 79, 99, 100, 136, 137. 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 149, 151, 189, 193, 195, 196, 197, 218 Barden, . 90,134,159,163,183 Barker, 64, 82, 84, 90, 97, '.i>. 101, 10, 106, 108, 112, 132, 136, 151, 165, 158, 158, 159, 160, 180, 182, 184, 186, 188, 200, 201, 212, 218 Barnes,; 43,61,62,90,96,148 Barns, I Baron, .... Barrel, . . . . 106,209 Barry, 3,12,14,51 PAGE Barstow, 3, 6, 16, 17, 23, 25, 27, 28, 46, 49, 58, 59, 63, 65, G6, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 146, 147, 149, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158. 159, 160, 162, 165, 166, 170, 174, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 187, 188, 189, 193, 196, 201, 203, 204, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 234, 293, 21)7 Bartlett ..... 164 Bass, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 15, 25, 27, 35. 39, 47, 65, 67, 69, 66, 66, 67, 70, 74, 75, 76, 79. 80, 81. 83, 91, 100, 101, 102, 103, 107, 109, 114, 115, 118, 119, 123, 141, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 151, 156, 157, 158, 169, 160, 161, 162, 163, 168, 170, 171, 173, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 187, 191, 198, 203, 205, 210, 211, 212, 222, 223,224 Basset, .... 124 Bates, 58, 63, 65, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, 120, 122, 123, 126, 126, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 163, 154, 166, 157, 159, 161, 162, 163, 172, 174, 181, 182, 184, 186, 188, 190, 191. 192, 193, 194, 195 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 213, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228 Beal, . . .106, 228, 229, 296 G 3 , 10 . 15B . 1& 6 Bean,' ..... 229 Belcher, 80. 140, 166, 164, 202, 229 Benner, .... 229 Bennett, J 00 Bennit, 1 ' Benton ..... 232 93 139> 141> M1> 282 Besse, Bicknall, I Bicknell, f Bilhah, Billings, . Bird, . Bisbee, PAGE 164 . 16,96 88, 91, 187 229 17 2, 187, 229 Bishop, . . . . 95, 106 Blanchard, . . . 115, 160 Bonney, QQ 107 oat 9%J Cook, 1, 23, 24, 26. 27, 31, 34, 36, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41 , 42. 43, 44, 45, 46, 61, PAGE 82, 106, 161, 162, 165, 170, 171, 172, 175, 177, 178, 212, 213 Cooms, .... 101 Cooper, .... 208, 236 Copeland, 83. 84. 99, 139, 156, 168, 162, 163, 174, 206 Corbin, . . . 85,166 236 Cornish, 107, 108, 110, 112, 114 118, 121, 12-', 124, 128, 180, 181, 183, 184, 186, 187 Corthell, I 77. 90. 95 144. 150, 194, Cotherel. , 198, 201, 202, 207 Cozeno, . 100 Crane 15. 3* Crocker, . . . 214, 236, 237 Crooker, . . 94, 104, 182, Ife3 Crosby, . 112, 113, 122, 123, 124 Cudworth, . . 31, 48, 93, 96, 237 3, 4, 8, 60. 63, 65, 66, 67, 68,71,72,73,74,75,76,77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 88, 89. 90, 91, 92.93,94.95,96 97 98 99 100, 101,102, 103, 104,105, 106,108, 109, 110, 111,112, J13, 114, 115, 117,118,119, 120,121, 122, 12*. 124. 125, . 126, 127, 12X, 129, 180. 131, Curtis, f 132, 133, 134, i:-t5, 1*6, 137, CurtiBB, \ 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 14, 144, 145,146, 147,148, 149. 160, 161. 152, 153, 154, 155. 156, 167. 158, 162. IKS, 180, 181.182,183.184,185,188, 187, 18, 183, 190, 192, 193, 194, 19.j,l'.:6, 107 198,199, 200, 201,202, 203, 204, 205. 206, 207,208, 209. 237. 238, 1239,240.241, 203 Gushing 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 28 55, 57, 58, 69 82, 1 0, 95, 98, 99 100, 101, 102, 108, 109, 111. 112, 114, 118, 119, 121, 122, 156, 144, 153, 1.15. 157, 160, 168, 179, 181. 188, 194, 197, 200. 241, 259 Cutler, . . 34, 44, 220, 241 D Dame, .... 242 Damon, 31, 72, 85, 88. 96, 97, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 127, 130, 158, 166, 174, 207, 208, 242, 243 Darling, .... 106 Davenport, . . . 106, 243 Davis 149 Dawe, ?82, 99, 103, 160, 169, 205, Dawes, 5 243 Day, 159 Dean, . . . .33,178 Delano, 77, 143, 144, 147, 148, 166, 188, 192, 193, 243 Dexter, .... 293 DiUingham, 87. 88, 97, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 128, 179, 180, 201 Dilly, 181 Dodge, , . 61 Doggett, .... 188 Donald, ) Dunnell, S . . 204,205,206 Donnell, ) Dunham, .... 90 Doten 208 Dowse, .... 140 PAGE Dowty, .... 140,141 Dryden, .... K>4, 260 Dun bar, ... 79, 94, 105 Duncan, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 38, 41, 46, 88, 84, 85,163, 174, 178, 210, 211, 246, 286 Dunning 1R2 '3, 14,49, 65,74,80, 81.82, 83.84,93.99, 102, 104, 139, , 140, 141. 142, 144,146, 148, Dwelley,; IK 16); ]S7 ir>8j 159j 160 D welly, I 162) 169, 179.J180, 181, 196, 197, 205, 20*. 210, 212, 244, 245, 246, 21H D vj-ight 2 Dyer, 31, 35, 36, 85, 166, 246, 247 Eames 90 Eastman, . . . . 80, 168 Eddy, 77, 95, 143, 144, 146, i:.l. 155 Edwards, . . 44, 104. 208 EelK 5, 35. 56, 57, 63, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82. 83, 84, 85, 92, 94, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 129, 130, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, J42, 143, 145, 147, 148, 149, 151, 154, 155, 156, 158, 169, 160, 161. 162. 163, 164, 165, 174, 181, 189, 197, 102, 205, 206, 207, 209, 211, 220, 222, 242, 246, 247 Ekiugs, , 92 Eldon, .... 165,297 Elliott, .... 165, 235 Ellis, 99, 102, 103, 106, 163, 166, 186, 187, 191, 200, 204, 206, 208, 246, 247, 248 Ellms, 104 Elmer, I ,, Q 10 Klmore. f ' ' ' 108 > 1 5 Emerson, .... 21 Emery 1C4, 254 Estes, 4(5, 83. 102, 103, 105, 106. 107, 108, 109, 111, 113, 162, Ifi5, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 197, 199, 201. 204, 206, 207, 20S, 209, 249, 250, 304 Eustice 97 Evereon, .... 250 Everett, . 231, 261, 252, 260, 274 Kwell, . . 75,149,108,248 Fail-field, . Farrar, Farron, Farrow, . . . Felton, Ferrin, . , Ferris, Ferry, Fessenden, Fillimore, . Fiih, .... Fiske, .... Fitzgerald. 73, 74,94, 184, 1S6, l.-t, Fletcher, . Fobes, Fogg 125 146, 153, 156 104 82 269 307 89 161 58 159 . 103, 250 35.39 109,111,127, 22 247 161 INDEX. PAGE Folger '60, 215 Folsom, .... 218 Ford, 29, 73, 89, 94, 108, 109, 110, 112, 156.174,181,183,200,201 Forrest, . . . . 91, 306 Foster, 82, !)5, 136, 168, 161, 185,207, 220, 250 Fox, 187 Frank 87,188 Franklin, . I(i4, 242, 268, 2*9 Frasi-r, .... 250 Freeman, 34, 35, 33, 37, 38, 46, 48, 85, 102, 165, 174, 175, 176 French 260 Frost, 164 Fuller 44 G Gannitt 20- f74, 77, 78, 93, 97, 100, Gardiner, 102 - 105 - 136 > 138 > i39 . SardiTer N 1, W8, 149, 152, 160, 1Cr> I 192, 199, 209, 222, 241 \250 Garner 104 Garnett, . 141, 142, 144, 188, 20*; Garratt, . 31, 85, 165, 174, 211 Gay, 67,61 George 1 2 Gihl) S , .... 92 Gilbert, 78, 97, 105, 147, 14S, 150, 152, 200,231,296 Gllkie, I 101 , Gilky.'f .... 191,201 Gill, 91, 99, 105, 126, 128, 129, 133, 140, 298 Gilman, . 229, 284, 300, 302, 304 Glass, . . . . . 166 Gold 91 Gt.odrich, .... 261 Gould 91, 97 Graham 97 gjg;{ . . . .106,206 Greene.} ' 16,207,252,277,295 Gregory XIII., ... 52, 53 Griffin, .... 22 i 75, 81, 89, 98, 99, 100, 102, (in>M-, > 103, lOfi, 114, 156, 158, 192, Gross, > 197, 201, 204, 205, 209 Gail ford, 87, 88, 89, 113, 123, 125, in Gnrney, .... 152,288 Hale 162 Hall, .... 90,129,130 Hallcck 165 Handy 252 ISSgi- 70. "7, 186, 206 Hanover, Duke of, . 2 Hanson, .... 252 Harden, > Hardin, [ . 91, 92, 94, 252, 253 Harding, * Harlan, .... 233 Harlow, 28, 163, 191, 192, 210, 211, 246,253 H:i:- i-, . 22, 88,196,110,253 PAGE Harrison, . . . . 281, 25 Harvey 164 Hatch, 5, 41, 46. 55, 67 63. 65, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81, 86. 87, 88. 93. 94. 95, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 118, 119, 120, 133, 135, 13i>. 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160 166, 167. 174, 180, 183, 184, 187, 189, 190, 192, 195, 201, 202, 205, 206, 209, 211, 212 253 Hathaway, Hatherly, Haviland, Hayes*, Hayford, Hefford, Hitford, Healy, i Hely, J ' Henchman, Henderson, Henry, Hearsey, 102 . 134, 185 . 221,293 . 35,36.41,44 35, 179, 190, 206 . 103,159 . 135,188 . 253,254 166 255 Hersey, Hervey ..... 247 Hessord, .... 90 Hill, 62, 77. 87, 92, 93, 98 100, 113. 118, 123, 126, 128, 131, 133, 143, 190 Hitchcock, . 61, 62, 82. 97, 210 Hobart, 11, 57, 79, 103, 153, 199, 256 Hobbs ..... H9 Hoi brook, > Holbrooke, 5 Hollis, .... 255 Holmes, 84, 100, 128. 144, 145, 14, 169, 174, 187, 192, 254 Homer, 87, 141, 153, 165, 160, 164. 196, 199, 228, 2C3, 285, 298, 299, 301 Hopkins, .... 4 /2, 3, 7, 46, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 84, 86, 88,89,91, 92,94, 90, 97, 101, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 121,122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 130, 132, House, Howes, , 133, 134, 135. 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 14V 146, 147, 149, 151, 177, 182, 183, 184, 186, 188. 180, 190, 191, 192, 193. 194,197. 201, \204, 213, 247, 255, 256 Howard. . . 106, 257, 274, 291 Rowland, 42, 84, 92, 98, 140, 174, 183, 256 Hubbard, I . ORC Hubbart, f ... 91,256 Humphrey, . . . 256 Hussey ..... 60 Iris, . Irvin, . Irving, Jackson, 256 291 . 253,262 92, I'AGE f 66, 76, 81, 103, 139, 140, 142, Jacob, ! 143, 147, 156, 156, 157, 190, Jacobs. } 19., l*i, 193, 202, 204, 206, 1.206, 208 James, .... 233 Jenkins, 60, 72, 74, 100.103,128,129, 130, 136, 137, 162, 186 Jenks 168 Jewett, Johnson, Jonas, . Jones, . Josselynn, Joslyii, Josslyn, Joslynn, Joyce, Judd, Judson, Justice, 168 . 156,205,257 . 91, 118. 184 88, 100, 10U, 256, 257 2.4,5,8.9,11,23.55,57, 63, 66. 71, 73. 75, 16, 79, 0, 81,83,85,90,96,97, 98, 99,101,102,103,105, 106, 109, 110, 111, 114, 115, 119, 120, 121, 123, 126, 131, 132, 134, 136, 136, 137, 139, 140. 141, 143, 145, 146, 147, 149, 152, 153, 154. 155, 157, 158, 159, 163, 165, 1GC, 179, 180, 181, 185, 187, 189, 191, 193, 194, 195, 197, 200, 202, 204, 208, 211, 212, 257, 258, 259, 1,260, 260, V.-68 75 42. 83, 104, 165, 212, 260 . 154,225 . 70, 11T Kane, Keen, I Keene, ( Keith, . Kellogg, . Kennedy, . Kent, . Keoni Kalua, King, . Kingman, . Kinsman, . K . 89, 180, 181, 184 88, 89, 101, 193, 260 227 297 180 100 260 33, 38, 174 . 200, 201, 203 150 Ladd, Lambert, 70, 72, 110, 111, 112, llii, 120, 121. 128. 131, 144, 183, 185, 18ti, Lane Lapham, .. Larkum Latham Lawson, .. Leach 74, 88 74, 77, 88.95, 108, 113, 114, 117, 118, 123, 124, 125, 126, 146, 147, 167, 181, 187, 189, 191 84,161 . 84, 166, 174 261 93 .. 187 260 1M65,261 88 Leed ...... Lenthal, ( Lenthall, j 68, 99, 104, 130, 139, 140, Lenthel, } 158, '202 Lenthell, I Lester ..... 261 Lewis, 6, 28, 66, 57, 118, 123, 155, 230 Lincoln, . 87, 101, 109, 119, 153 Lindsey ..... '.to, 261 312 INDEX. Lisle, . Litchfleld, Little, Lloyd, Long, . Longley, Loring, Love, . Lovell, I Lovewell, J Lovis, . Low, . Lowell, Lyman, Lyon, . PAGE 158 . 3,10,11,178,261 82, 97, 93, 210, 248, 293 . 229,236,254 2% 104 . 161,240,241,260 87,108, 109, 112, 181 162, 163, 164, 212, 261 261 . 131, 155, 180 261 . 163, 274, 292 262 M Maccarty Mackerdey, Macomber, i Macumber, J Macy, 88 70 , 89, 101, 200, 262 50 . 201,262,263,298 MaScpiece, . . . 807 ,6, 58, 60, 62, 63, 70, 74, 78, 81, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 125, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 139, 140, 141, Man, Mann, Man son, Marshal, Marshall, 142, 144, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 163, 156, 1.56, 157, 168, 169, 180, 181, 183, 190, 191, 193, 196, 197, 198, 203, 204, 208, 209, 263, 264, 265, 266, "267, 299 80, 97, 156 . 163,178 Martin, ) > ) Martmdale, McLauthlin, Meed 22, 106, 161, 281 23 262 161 Mellen, 11, 12, 27, 62, 64, 66, 78, 79, 98, 99, 100, 151, 160, 168, 203, 211 Melvin, .... 286 Mcriam, I ~o ... 1RU Miriam, f ' ' 83,161,16! Merritt, 76,87,100, 106,107,109,111, 138, 141, 160, 194, 301 Miller, . . . 103,157,158 Mitchell, .... 161 (74, 75,80, 81. 82, 89, 97' Monro, i 99, 104, 124, 130, 132, 134' Monroe, I 135,137.140,157, Ki2, 163> Munro, 1 164, 173, 174, 190, 196, 197- Munroe, 200, 202 206, 207, 208, 210, (.266 Morgan, .... 98, 152 Morgridne . Morrice, Morrill, Morris, Morse, Morton, Mott. . 36 97 97 266 150,266 101 96 N Nash, . 82, 99. 105, llil. 196, 20!) ._,, (63, 83, 91,92, 94, 95, 100, 103. will's 128, 129, 147, 156, 156,161, " U84, 198, 199, 200, 210 Nelson, .... 230, 261 Newel, Newell, f Newton, Nicholson, Nicol&on, Nickerson, Niles, . Norman, North, Northy, Norton, Nye, . 161 265 95, 136, 188, 190 94 62, 64, 146, 266 233 . 92, 181 181 64, 92 14, 83, 169 Oakman, .... 266 Oldham, 96, 97, 105, 266, 270, 284 Orr 77, 95, 145 Otis, 3, 60, 70, 88, 108, 109, 110, 118, 119, 182, 192, 195, 214, 2.50, 266 Ozias 102, 267 Packard, , . . 103, 163, 267 Paine 266 Paley, . . . . 29, 33, 84 13, 59, 76, 78, 87, 88, 93, 95,96,97,102,105,110,114, Palmar H8, 1^0, 122, 124, 129, 131, Palmer' I 33 , 135 > I 37 , 148 > 1" 9 > 181, 6 ' 183, 184, 185; 187, 189, 191, 193, 196, 201, 208, 209, 228, 267 Pardy, .... 267 Parker 88, 99 Parkman 94 Farmer, .... 228 Parris, .... 180 Parsons, .... 20 Payson 33, 164 Peaks, . . . . 98, 145 Percival, .... 267 Perkins, . . . 26. 28. 32, 267 Perry, 4, 27, 6.'!, 77, 81, 83, 84, 91,97, 98, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 125, 144, 145, 147, 149, 151, 152, 163, 154, 155, 161, 162, 165, 168, 169, 170, 171, 179, 183, 200, 202. 20B, 208, 209, 267, 268, 269, 270, 272 Peter, t 74, 87, 88, 93, 95, 108, 110, Peters, { 113, 180, 185, 191, 207 Peterson. 75, 93, 94, 105, 160, 194, 196, 209, 267 Philips, [ Phillips, ! Phinney, Pierce, Pinchin, Pool, I Poole, j Porter, Powers, 100, 106, 270, 871, 295 1'71 191 92 290 28 Prat, Pratt, PAGE 75, 8J, 87, 88, 9S, 100, 101, 114, 123, 125, 132, 133, 135, 133, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 155, KiT, 179, 188, 191, 196, 240, 272, 280, 65, 67, <, 74, 89, 90, 93, 94, 102, 103, 105, 127, 128, 129, 148, 151. 164, 182, 184, 185, 197, 207, 211, 286 Prentice, . Prince, Prior, Prouty, 72, 82. 90, 92, 130, 131, 133 Puffer, 62 105 89,91, 92,93 111, 121, 128, 273 Quincy, Quindley, Q R 161 273 /d, 58, 61, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93,94,95,96,97,98,99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, Ramsdale, 111, 112, 114, 115, 118, Ramsdel, / 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, Ramsdell, \ 124, 125, 126, 17, 135, 136, 140, 145, 146, 148, 149, 151, 152, 156, Ki9, 180, 181, 182, 185, 187, 190, 192, 194. 195, 196, 200, 202, 204, 205, 206, \209, 273, 274 (72, 76,78,80. 91, 93, 97, Randal I 125 ' I 27 - 132 - I 34 - I 38 - Randal , \ 1 9 ' 14 0- 1, 145, 147, 1 [148, 150, 155, 183, 190, (192, 199, 206, 208, 274 Ransom, . ... 184 Ray, 289 Read, I 84. 98, 103, 106, 139, 151, 165, Reed, ) 247, 274 Records, / ., ,, 1K/1 10 , Rlccarda, { ' w 152 ' 154 ' 181 Richmond, 64. 142, 146, 192, 201 Ripley, . 77, 90, 94, 127, 274, 275 11, 65, 76, 82. 89, 96, 97- 101, 102, 103, 104, 114, 123, 125, 12^, 12-.), 13,). Robbins, 134, 135, 138, 145, 146, Robins, 147, 148, 161, 162, 154, 162, 185. 188, 192, 194, 197, 203. 205, 209, 258, 275, 276, 290 Robcrson,' .... 287 Robinson, . . .91, 287 Rockwood, . . 31, 35, 39, 41 Rogers. 65. 66, 68. 79, 82, 84, 88, 89, 90, 93. 94. 95, 98, 101, 110. 112, 113, 115, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 141, 162, 153, 161. 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 201. 204, 205, 206. 213. 276 Rose. 6. 11. 58. 59. 65. 71, 76. 78, 80, ,*1. 85. 90. 92, 93.94, 101, 102, 108, 109, 111, 112. 114, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149, 157, 158, INDEX. 313 PAGE 169, 160, 181, 189, 191, 194, 197, 204, 205, 206. 208, 209, 111, 277, 283 Rowland, .... 50 Ruggles, . . . 68,92,149 Rumney, .... 276 Russel, J 158,'159, 160, 161, 162, 163, Russell, J 164, 277 Salmon, I 63, 99. 153, 154. 155, 156, Salmond, ( 158. 209, 277. 27S, 291 ' 84,88,102,104,174 21,22,25,161,253 Sedg\vick, .... 22 Sessions, .... 48 Shaw, . . . . 97, 160 Sheldon, 71, 88, 110, 114, 121, 124 Sigourney, . . . 214 Sime, ..... 277 Simonds ..... 277 Simons, .... 133 f 51. 100, 101, 106, 127, Simmons, 12 9- 131, 132, 133, 134, ondB ! l36 ' 139 - 141 - 152 - 153 ' a6 ' I 155, 156, 158. 175, 188, I 198, 201, 205 Skiff, ..... 5,55 Smith, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 42, 61, 65, 67, 68, 70, 79, 80, 83, 88, 99, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 148, 154, 155,156,157, 158, 161, 162, 169, 204, 207, 212, 278, 279 Snow, 132, 147, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 200, 204. 240, 262 Soper, 10, 11, 80, 91, 94, 106, 193, 197, 204, 279 Soule ...... 3, 135 South worth, 44, 46, 48, 99, 100, 213 72, 90, 126, 127, 279, 290 opeer, ) Spofford, .... 27 Sprague, .... 118 Spring, .... 17 Standish, . . . 200,204,379 Staples, 5, 55, 73, 75, 77,96, 113,117, 118, 120, 129, 131, 133, 135, 136, 138, 144, 145, 147, 148, 160, 179, 180, 182, 185, 190, 191 Steel, ..... 59 Sterling, . . . 98,198,204 Sternhold, .... 4 Sternhold & Hopkins, . 4, 6 Stetson, 2, 11, 12, 31, 39, 40, 43, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85. 87, 89, 90. 91, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 162, 154, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 104, 165, 166, 167, 168, 173, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 199, ZOO, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 224, 24, PAGE 263, 267, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 28t> Stevens, 43, 93, 110, 1-20, 163, 167, 189 Stewart, .... 284 Still, 94 Stockbridge, 6. 6, 9, 47, 55, 57, 58, 62, 72, 75, 78, 84, 88. 90, 93, 96, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 106, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 132, 133, 137, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 160, 161, 165, 174, 180, 181, 184, 185, 188, 192, 196, 200, 203, 204, 208, 209, 210, 214, 257, 266, 284, 285, 288, 295, 297 Stoddard, 42, 72, 83, 103, 104, 165, 181, 182, 191, 286 Stodder, .... 104 Stone, 160 Storer, . . . . 61, 127 Strong, .... 64 , 10, 63, 65, 72, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80,83, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94. 95, 96, 98. 100, 102, 103,106,106,107,109,110, 111,112,113,114,117,118, 119,121,122,123,124,126, Studley , 127, 128, 180, 131 , 133, 135, Studly, 137,138,141,143,146,148, 149,150,152,159,160,181, 1 182, 183, 184, 185, 188, 189, 190,191,192,193,194,196, 197,199,201,207,208,212, 241, 259, 278, 283, 286, 287, 288,289,303 Sturtevant, . . . 289, 290 Sumner, .... 160, 283 Swift, 61 Sylvester, 2, 4, 7, 50, 63, 65, 67, 68, 71, 73, 76, 78, 80. 81, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 149, 162, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 164, 165, 166, 174, 178, 180, 181, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 195, 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206. 210, 215, 272, 290, 291 Symmods, . 1110 Tailor, ) 1, 5, 55, 85, 89, 91, 92, 109, Taylor, J 110, 166, 181, 187, 291 Tamplin, .... 115 Tappan, .... 174 Tate & Bradv, ... 6 Teague, 139, 140, 142, 144, 148, 150, 193, 194 Temple 17 '26,101,2,7.269 Thayer, 38, 41, 43, 47, 83, 176, 291, 292, 295 Thomas, 26, 72, 81, 86, 96, 104, 106, 130/162, 163, 243, 270, 292 Thompson, . . 160, 163, 292 57,69,71.72.87,89 HAOE Thorndike, ... 259 Thurston 26 Tiffany 181, m Tilden,63, 72, 77, 91, 95, 104, 105, 106, 126, 127, 128, 130, 132, 136, 147, 152, 163, 154, 166, 15, 186, 186, 188, 202, 205, 206, 271, 279, 292, 293 Tileston, .... 1 Tilson 97 Tobey, ( Toby, | Titus 124 Tollman (8,31,66,81,82,83,84,88, To , in <96,102.131.156,l.;i.ir,:t, an> (165,168,174,210,203 Torrey, 3, 6, 15, 58, 69, 65, 70, 71, 72, 76, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 88, 89. !)0, 94, 95, 96. 97, 98, 106, 107, 110, 113, 114, 118, 122, 123, 124, 126. 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 13.",, 136, 130, 137, 138, 139, 140, 14<;, 117, 149, 150, 151, 153, 166, 164, 169, 180, 181, 183, 185, 186, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 199, 201, 204, 205, 207, 209, 293 Totman, . . .106, 160, 293 Toto, 94, 130 Tower, 51, 91, 103. 106, 115, 160, 161, 195, 208, 293. 294 Towne, .... 22 Townsend,. ... 148 Tribou, . . . 106,272,294 Truman, .... 268 Tubbs, . . . 102, 2!4, 296 Turcotte, .... 241 Turner, 2, 5, 7, 55, 58, 60, 65, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 82, 85. 87, 89, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 149, 152, 163, 154, 165, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166, 168, 174, 180, 182, 183. 185, 187, 189, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 20*, 210, 211, 280, 281, 282, 283, 295, 296, 297 I Utter 90,180 Viaughan 105 Vinal, 106, 107, 118, 141, 179, 180, 181, 186, 187, 297 Wade, 106 Wadsworth, ... 182 Wait, ) i -in 208 Wate, i ' ' ' ' 190> 208 Waldo 108,229 Waldron, .... 271 Wales, 61,77,96, 101, 144, 145, 14C, 148, 160, 162, 198.201,203 Walker, 31, 35, 36, 43, 45, 105, 104 3*4 INDEX. PAGE Wallace 291 "Ward, . . . . 28, 31, 148 Wardell 92 Wardrobe 297, 303 Warren, 119. 161, 218, 241, 247, 279, 298, 297, 307 Washburn, . . 101,146,266 Washington, ... 303 Waterman, 84, 97, 100, 136, 142, 143, 174, 175, 178, 190, 290, 297 Waters 92 Wayford, .... 142 Webb 99 Webster, . . . 89,128,251 Wendell 292 Wheaton, . . . 60,141,214 Whitcomb, ... 100 White, 31, 43, 63, 74, 77, 79, 89, 97, 103, 105, 111, 133, 134, 146, 151, 152, 164, 162, 189, 192, 194, 195, 197, 199, 204, 207, 297 Whitefleld, ... 6 f74, 77, 78, 88, 91. 93, 97, I 103, 109, 120, 121, 129, Whiten, ! 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, Whitten, < 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, I 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, (160, 151, 186, 190, 191, Whiting, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 79, 82, 83, 98, 99, 102, 161, 162, 153, 1S4, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 202, 203, 204, 207, 209, 210, 211, 218, 259, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301. 302, 303, 304, 306, 307 Whitman, 13, 106, 165, 156, 158, 203 Whitmarih, ... 31 Whitting, . 67,68,81,105,106,209 Wight, . . 31, 32, 164, 175 Wilder, 48, 81, 82, 83, 103, 162, 163, 171, 174, 209, 210, 211, 304, 305, 306 Wilke 88 Wilks, 57, 70, 73, 88, 107, 109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 127, 129, 135, 167, 180, 183,184 Willard 262 Williams, 160, 161, 168, 163,165,208, 306 48, 85, 306, 307 Willis, Willet, Willett, Willitt, . Williston, Willner, Wilson, Wilton, Windsor, 77, 95, 101, 144, 145 33 281) 3(10 246 91, 118, 184 Wing, 63, 74, 88, 96, 99, 101, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 120, 134, 155, PAGE 157, 158, 169, 182, 188, 187, 188, 189, 193, 194, 195, 206, 207, 208, 227 307 Winslo'w, 35, 63, 65, SO, 89, 91, 102, 123, 124, 126, 131, 155, 208, 210, 307 4. 74, 76, 76, 77, 79, 88, , 89. 90. 93, 94, 96, 97, 100, Witherel, 101, 113, 116, 138, 139, Witherell, < 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, J46, 147, 148, 160, 168, 179, 180, 181, 184, 185, .187, 189, 192, 199, 209 Witherly 179 Withington, ... 102 Wood, 18, 89, 163, 164, 165, 303, 307, 308 Woodbury, . 24 Woods, .... 95 Woodward, 49, 61,77, 143, 144. 187, 189, 192 Woodworth, 63, 89, 100, 103, 129, 143, 153, 154 Wright. 76, 83, 127, 136, 161, 162, 164, 183, 187, 192, 207, 307 Young, 63. 76, 79, 93, 98, 100, 101, 104, 109, 110, 112, 120, 121, 122, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143. 144, 146, 155, 156, 157, 158, 168, 182, 191, 194, 277, 308 INDEX OF TOWNS. PAGE PAGE PAGE A B Limerick 168 Abington, 1, 2, 11. 15, 17, 21, 26, East Abington, 31,43 Lunenburg, 100 28, 36, 48, 61, 62, 64, 79, 86, 92, 94, East Haddam, 15 85, 96, 97, 100, 101 , 103, 105, 106, Eastham , . 38 122, 187, 169, 178, Abington Centre, Acton, Assonet, Audover, . Attleborough, . 211,296 . 31, 40 61 32. 46, 178 15, 49 . 15, 105 Easth amp ton, East Haverhlll, East Jaffrey, Edgartown, Elmwood, . 33 28 49 169 54 Mansfield, ... 15 Marlboro', .... 13 Marshfleld, 36, 48, 61, 81, 84, 86, 89, 90, 96, 100, 101, 102, 104, 106, 177, 183, 192, 222 Mashpee, . . . . 6, 68 F Massillon, .... 22 B Medway, .... 15,22 Bangor, Barn stable, Barre, . 26,88 11, 62, 101 105 Falmouth, . Francistown, . . Frankfort, Freeport, . Freetown, . . 59, 219 168 35 . 168,199 33, 46, 178 15 64,106 178 Middleborough, Milford, . N Barrlngton, Bath, T 15,16,18 M ift; Belchertown, ... 21 Belfast, .... 168 Bonn Island, ... 242 Boston, 3, 22, 24, 25. 32, 33, 39, 46, 50, 51, 64, 55, 57. 82, 95, 168,275 Boylston, . . 28, 23, 25 Braintree, . . . 4, 21, 26, 28 Bridgewater, 32, 88, 90, 91, 93, 97, 100, 104, 106, 106, 118 Brooks 26, 81 C G Gardner, . Granville, . Greenland, H Halifax, 15,23,39, Hall's Hill, Hanson, 21, 31, 35, 41, 51 16 100 43, 64, 97, 103 43 44,46,48,211, Nantucket, 60,94 22 22 169 168 31 88,174 17, 211 39,174 48,233 26 60,169 Newburyport, . . New Bedford, . New Salem, North Abington, . North Adams, . 33, North Bridgewater, North Marshfleld, North Scituate, North Wrentliain, North Yarmouth, . Cambridge, . 11,33,62 213, 296 Harpswell, 167 49,50 Camden, . . 102, 105 Haverhill, . . 22,24 Cape Breton, . 129 Hebron, 22 O Carver, 40,46 Hlllsboro', . 16 Hi 11 ii-li u 111 O1 QK KT C1 flfi Ofl Ol 14 v/entre Aoington, Centre Hanover, 214 rnngnum, oi, Jo o<. oi, oo, .nt, ,n. 92, 96, 99, 102 103, 106. 120 Oakland, .... 287 Chester, 26 Hopklnton, . 12, 22, 25 Orrlngton, .... 38 Chesterfield, . 96, 188 Hubbardston, 49, 50, 51 Chlltonvllle, 43, 44, 45 Hull, .... 95 p Cincinnati, . 169 16 Cohasset, . 21, 32, 100, 276 49,60 Coleralne, . 49, 50 J Pembroke, 4, 6, 56. 57, 61, 62, 81, 87, Concord, . 100 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, Jackson, . 26 98,99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, D 124, 128, 167, 179, 181, 187 192 K Perkins, 28 Dartmouth, 89 Pittsfleld, 168 Dedham, . . 2,20,52 Kingston, 23, 45, 48 , 100, 101, 124 Plymouth, 7, 15, 23, 44, 90 ,91,98 Devonshire, 7 Kittery, 11 Plympton, . . 41 43,94 Dorchester, 102 28 Dun barton, 22 L Poultney, 22,23 Durham, . 104 Prospect, 37 Duxbury, . . 75 89, 99, 106, 177 Lancaster, . 60, 62, 78 Providence 16 INDEX. Q Quincy, . , R Randolph, Reading, Rehoboth, Rochester, 1< PAGE 4 . 26,64 12, 13, 62 15 I, 58, 64, 93, 95 Searsport, . Sharon, Sherborn, . South Abiugtou, South Marsnfleld, South Plymouth, South Weymouth, Spencer, Stafford, PAGE 26 56 94 44 . 38, 48 . 39, 42, 45 . 27,28,41,44 . 97, 167 . 93, 167 U Uxbrldge, .... W Washington, Watertown, Waverly. .... Westfleld, .... PAGE 15 22 14,61 178 88 Rockland, Rowley, Roxbury, 43 15 4 Sterling, . Stockton, . 11, 12 38, 44, 85 38 Westminster, West Prospect, West Roxbury, . 22 26 50 8 Salem, Sandwich, . Sandy Point, . Scitnate, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 99 6, 58, 167, 182 38 21, 27, 28, 31, Sudbury, . Sylvester, . T Taunt on, . . 3 Temple, . 7,12,61 168 33, 49, 101, 178 55 Westerly Weston, . . 61, 100, Weybridge, Weymouth, 21, 26,28,64,81 106,263 Wheaton, .... Williston, .... 85,164 106, 169 22 , 82, 104. 50 33 48, 50, 57, 68, 61, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 94 95, 96, 97, 99, 106, 119, 121, 128, 62, 75, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92,93, 101, 102, 104, 129, 130, 164, Thetford, . Tinmouth, . Tiverton, . Tolland, 24 22 88 59 Wrentham, Y 15 168, 174, 175, 178 Scotland, . 32 Townsend, Turner, 104 . 100,101 York, . 11,48 ERRATA. Page 3. For "Bush" read "Buck." " 12 and 13. The page beading should be " Rev. John Mellen " not "Rev. Calvin Chaddock.' " 37. For " Joseph " Cook read " Isaac " Cook. " 14. The page heading should be "Rev. Calvin Chaddock" not ' Rev. Seth Chapin." " 48. Read " I. M. Wilder" instead of " J. M. Wilder." " 95. " Gamaliel " instead of " Gamabiel." " 97. " of " not " or," in 23rd line. " 174. ' North Adams " not " North Aams." " 236. "Chaddock" instead of " Craddock." " 240. " Sept. 16th, 1862 " instead of " Sept. 16th, 1863." A ooo 657 587