= CHOOL EXAMINATION SERIES TED BY ^.M.M.STEDMAN, M.A. GREEK EXAMINATION F'APhKb I N M! S CELLAN ECUS G R AMMAR AND IDIOMS A.M.M. MANT. M.A Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN GEEEK EXAMINATION PAPERS IN MISCELLANEOUS GRAMMAR AND IDIOMS. SCHOOL EXAMINATION SERIES. EDITED BY A. M. M. STEDMAN, M.A. Cr. 8vo. 2s. 69 o aur69. 3. Give the prepositions which govern one case. 4. Compare 770X1/9 /idtcap /ie\av. 5. Fut. and Aor. of Xay^a^w \avOdvw at pew Oiyydvco (frepw. Name the primary and historic tenses. Why are they so called 1 6. Give Greek of the king himself ; the same king ; who did this 1 both . . . and ; not only . . . but also ; at least ; against the foe ; about to be ; of two boys ; be ye loosed ; about to be loosed ; we had been struck ; after this ; with these ; he was being enslaved ; the dogs of the master ; the same man. 7. Derive from the Greek method hero heterodox laity martyr hypocrite idiot theology. 8. Translate 1. The water became wine. 2. These men are wise, but those are foolish. 8. We eat to live. B 2 Greek Examination Papers. IV. /X"l. Gen. and Ace. Sing, and Dat. PL of #6/309 jji6\as 767069 ij(7(Ta)v y 2. Compare Give Pos. and Comp. of irpw-ros 3. Write in full Pres. Sub. Act. KOIVOW. 1 Aor. Sub. Mid. Aor. Imp. Mid. 4. Give the prepositions which govern two cases. 5. Give English of ava /cpdros Kara rov Troraftov Setca err) ol ayu.01 TiXdrwva avaftalveiv e ITTTTOV eVt Ke/cpo7T09 ^69 Tre/ot e/SBojJirjKovra \vdrjTi Xvreo9 ot Trpb rjjjbwv etrcocrtv erfj yeyovcos. 6. Derive from the Greek pseudonym philosophy panoply lamp cosmetic horizon. 7. Name the terminations and uses of the verbal adjectives. 8. Translate 1. These eggs are large. 2. By means of the soldiers he conquered the enemy. 3. They were struck by the sailors. Greek Examination Papers. v. 1. Decline in Sing. 71^77 rypavs Svvafjus el,. 2. Gen. of Zeu? retvo9 alSctx; 77/90)9. Ace. S. of ov dXi'cr/co/iat jSalvat yiyvaxrKco (f>spa>. 5. Parse /eaXeo-e69 vei/jidvrwv ecrrwv a-cfrayrjvai irocn. 6. Give Greek of 6000 ; 35th; 10 times; let us go ; let us not go ; having been loosed ; thou hast placed ; we were loving ; being loved ; I have given ; by the men ; by a sword ; of a black hand ; O Socrates ; this is true; the man himself; head; body; hand; finger ; lip ; arm ; with the men themselves. 7. Translate 1. We see by means of the eyes. 2. I will come after the war. 3. The ship was sailing up (ava) stream. VII. 1. Give the Dat. and Ace. Sing, and PI. of 0^9 v$a>p f/09 Ovydrrjp veai'las. 2. Into what classes do you divide the vowels and consonants ? 3. Give 1st. Pers. Sing, of Aor. and Fut. Act., and Perf. Pass, of e^ut crv\\a/j,/3dvci) yne$/crT77/u BUKVCO TTIVW. 4. Give the prepositions which govern three cases. Greek Examination Papers. 5. Distinguish aXXa aXXa raXXa. aura ravra ravrd. eWo9 e/cro?. Xa/iTra? vScop 7rat9 and dyco opvis KVCOV ovo/j,a. 7. Give English of dva irdcrav rrjv rjpepav ei? ecrirepav /*era roinwv fjuera ravra VTTO rovrov 6 vvv %p6vo<; ri (f)(o ; iieff rjfiepav fteyas 6 irXelv eVi Sa/iou aXXo? aXXo Xeyet 7roir) crv. Voc. Sing, of 2. Cognate tenses of Aor. Act. of evpca-tca) 6dvfo 3. Compare /u/e/oo? dXyen/o? pa8io<; /m/co? ev fjbd\a TTOppw atcparos. 4. Parse TreTrvarat jreio-ai fJieOelro v^lcrrr) 5. Do you ever find both strong and weak aor. in one voice of the same verb ? -6. Give the English of ek TerpaKoaiovsTov Oeov OeXovros Ka/caxf Trpdrrei ev Troiei (f>' ITTTTCOV /ieya TO Trpaypa pr) rovro 8pdcrrj - TTLTTTCi) 3. Write in full Fut. Ind. Act. 1st Aor. Ind. Mid. 1st Aor. Imp. Mid. 4. Give with examples the chief uses of eVt' /card Sttt. 5. Which of the two terminations of Greek verbs (w, /it) is the more ancient 1 6. Give the Greek of able to do ; disgraceful to see ; with four others ; according to the laws ; I should think ; he would have died ; he was taken ; do not come ; whoever ; whenever ; boy ; girl ; old man ; old woman ; youth ; age. 10 Greek Examination Papers. 7. Translate 1. He came with his army to Athens against the Persians. 2. It was done by me on account of you. 3. He walked along the river without (avev~) fear. XI. 1. Give Gen. of ue\i f Hpa/e\?79 /AVS 2. Compare paSios, 7rA,e&>9, icevos, ev$io9> 4. Write in full 2 Aor. Opt. Act. Imp. Ind. Mid. Bov\6w. Pres. Opt. Act. opdw. 5. What cases follow ypaopai, ireLQo^ai 6. Give the English of pevroi rocyap Kara TOV avrbv ovov eirl irdKvv 7. Derive from the Greek practice photograph blaspheme antithesis zoology intoxicate political priest. 8. Translate 1. The women were on the tower (^1^/9709). 2. According to the laws, no one is judged twice about the same things. 3. The ships go down (KCLTO) the river to the sea. 12 Greek Examination Papers. XIII. 1. Decline in Dual and PI. iro\i<; %e//) \ecov, and in the PL fjSvs ftyo* 2. Contract oa oe oo oat oet orj. What letters are often omitted in the formation of the Dat. PI. ? 3. Write in full Imperat. of ei/u. Perf. Ind. of Xapftdvco. 2 Aor. Opt. Mid. of aipew. 4. Give the Fut., Perf., and Aor. of (f>0dvco irapa- (3atvci) jJiavOdvo) alpeat opda). 5. Give Greek of 500 ; 21st; 7 times ; 10,000; 19; how ? when ? where ? whence ? whither ? who ? how great ? the son only came ; the only son came ; to retreat ; let us go ; of two men ; he honours ; against the Persians ; on Socrates' account ; by means of Socrates ; about 3000. 6. How do you form the Perf. Act. and weak Aor. Pass. ? 7. Translate 1. They went from the country into the city. 2. On account of these things a messenger ran to the general. 3. He found him near (eyyvs) the temple by the side of (irapd] the market-place. Greek Examination Papers. 13 XIV. 1. Gen. and Ace. Sing., Nom. and Dat. PI. of Xe&>9 tepeas 6Sov$ SpVtQ TOCTOVTOS 7781^9 /o9. 2. Compare (j>p6vif*,o$ Give the Pos. and Comp. (if any) of rfKiara TrXetcrra. 3. Write in full Imp. Ind. Act. 2 Aor. Ind. Act. Pres. Opt. Mid. Imperat. dpi. 4. What change takes place in the a not pure of fern. substantives of the 1st DecL ? 5. Give the cardinals and ordinals from 6 to 20. 6. Give English of Sia /ieo-^9 r^9 7ro\eo)9 ?} p. 2 Aor. Ind. Act. 2 Aor. Imp. Mid. 4. Distinguish fj 77 r\ 77, ecrr^/ca e , ^>W9 (W9, > (j>oj3eo/jiai, 5. Explain the uses of the Middle Voice. How is its place supplied in Latin ? 6. Give Greek of 11; 15; 93; 30,000; 50th; on the next day ; by night ; your mother ; he himself did it ; son ; daughter ; brother ; sister ; grandfather ; wife (three words); marriage; bride; I strike myself; go; where are you ? what are you doing ? concerning the book ; to Corinth ; from heaven. 7. Translate 1. The same things cannot be both good and bad. 2. If he has anything, he gives it. 3. If he had anything, he would give it. Greek Examination Papers. 15 XVI. 1. Decline r/%(0 /cdpa yoz/u, in the Sing., and vavs, in PI. 2. What do you mean by crasis and elision ? Give examples. 3. Fut., Perf., and Aor. of av^epw eaOcoi dirobel/cvvfAt KaOlrjf^t rivw 4. Explain the meaning of the terminations -Se, -ere, -dev, -61, and give examples. 5. Distinguish TT/OO? rourot? 7rpoeiBa) Kopa% Ace. of /cXet? /copvs XZ opdw dvSdvco e 5. What use do the Greeks make of the Infinitive ? 6. Give the Greek of the present time ; the battle of Marathon ; the city of Mende ; Alexander, son of Philip ; in the day time ; the right wing ; the centre ; to fight on horseback ; master ; mistress ; servant (four words). 7. Derive from the Greek microscope maniac- syllable cynic idiom hemisphere dynasty decalogue. 8. Translate 1. He says that this is true. 2. We went down from the city to the camp. 3. Cyrus was appointed commander. Greek Examination Papers. 17 XVIII. 1. Give the Gender and Genitive of ^taw Xa^Tra? 2. What changes take place in Gutturals and Labials before r & 6 /j, 1 3. Compare pe9 dpyvpcvs - yacrrijp, and in the PI. ijpws Xet/zv eiroi^cre e 7roXe/A09 Kara vopov ^alpwpev eVt Tourot9 6 At09 0)9 KaKiara. 8. Translate 1. I received these things from you. 2. Where are you going ? 3. He went through the city along the river. XXII. 1. Gen. and Ace. Sing., Nom. and Dat. PI. of dvca- jewv Kavovv v/3pi$ (frop/juy!; repas ra\a9 Greek Examination Papers. 21 2. What changes take place in Labials, Gutturals, and Dentals before fi ? 3. Give the genders of i/r?} oa> T Write down 1st Pers. Sing, of Iraperf. Act. ea>. Aor. Subj. Mid. \vaj. Perf. Opt. Pass. TVTTTCO. 5. Distinguish between ol ov TrotoOvre? ol pr) TTOiovvres eav TOVTO 7roiijcrr)<;, dfj,apTr]crei el rovro eTroirjcras, ijftapTes av a(f)ievat, aTTievai, ajreivai, d(f>e2vai, q)%ovTO irplv Benrveiv, 6. .What are the chief uses of the Optative in Greek ? Give examples. 7. Give the English of o TOV QfiUinrov TravcrrpaTia ev TrXatcrtw rdcra-eiv ol o7rto-0o TTCO? av o\ofJtrjv ; ol ird\ai TO eVt ere TT/SO? rjSovrfv BiSdcr- KOfj^at TOV vlov 7T/909 ecnrepav &ru%ov oWe?. 8. Derive from the Greek monarch tautology a P c> ' V ?J syncope crisis cycle ozone. 9. Translate 1. Speaking nothing is better than speaking ill. 2. I do not fear such a thing happening. 3. The enemy laid waste (re/Apea) half the countrv. Greek Examination Papers. 23 XXIV. 1. Ace. andDat., Sing, and PI., of eitctov Se\, -oa>. 3. Give in full Impf. Ind. Act. Treivdw. Pres. Subj. Act. 6 paw. Plpf. Pass. Trotew. 4. Give with examples the chief uses of the Article in Greek. 5. What was the original form of elfii ecro/tat f f 9 w rjv ( 6. What rules of Syntax are exemplified in (1) 877X09 et Kara(f)pov(t)v fj,ov. (2) OVK e^w rl ? Zeu9 yXv/cvs craxfrpwv reXo?. 2. What are the characteristics of the three chief Greek dialects 1 3. Compare rjcrv^aZo^ t'cro? \r)Ka ea\cov lot levai. 6. Of what use is the Greek Article I Mention cases where you would miss it, if you tried to write Greek without it. 7. Give the Greek of 15 ; 21 ; 370; to heaven; he gets his son taught ; the rest of the money ; I am come to help ; a play ; actor ; wrestler ; prize ; stranger ; captain ; guide ; mercenaries ; expedition ; what shall I say? 8. Translate 1. When these things were done, he went away. 2. The soldiers knew that their fear was ground- less (ez/o9). 3. He said he would come as quickly as possible. 26 Greek Examination Papers. XXVII. 1. Decline a 2. Explain the cases in (1) ro^evw CTKOTTOV. rov TroSa. (3) rpeis r)fj,epa<; aTrrjv. (4) Travo/^ai rov TTOVOV. (5) eVatzxw olov , K, , p, a, e, o. 6. What do you mean by Protasis and Apodosis 1 Give one example. 7. Give the English of et? /catpov irepl TroXXoO TTOtelcrdat, Trpo? Oewv KOI Tore Sij eVl Kvpov ftacn\evovTo<> evrt dtfpav fjecrav OVK dv [ie e ol ra ^prifjuara e^oi/re? \a6u>v Trotco evrl 8. Translate 1. It is permitted me to do this. 2. Shall we speak or be silent ? 3. If I had a mina, I would give it to the slave. Greek Examination Papers, 27 xxvin. 1. Decline Svo rpet?. Gen. Sing, and Dat. PI. (if any) of 7rez/#o9 aval; (j>pijv \ai\aifr Ai'a9 Zet/9. 2. With what cases are 717)09 and fierd joined, and with what differences of meaning 1 Give examples. 3. Write in full- Imp. Ind. Act. avridto. 1 Aor. Ind. Act. v^io-rrjpt,. 1 Aor. Opt. Act. %e&>. 4. Distinguish evl, evi i\ei, (f>i\.et oiKot, OLKOL &*' avrov, Si' avrov a\\ov7ros, 6 avrbs avQpwrro^. 5. How many terminations have compound adjectives in -09 1 6. Give examples of the different ways of forming the Fut. Act. and Perf. Pass. 7. Give the Greek of 10th; 80th; 20 times; the rest ; the greater number ; from heaven ; to punish ; to be punished ; to sound the trumpet ; helmet ; sword ; spear ; very beautiful ; ye will follow ; I gave some money ; no one being willing. 8. Translate 1. Do not live in order to eat, but eat for the sake of living. 2. Do you wish me to tell you the truth ? 3. If you were really wise, you would admire the beauty of virtue. 28 Greek Examination Papers. XXIX. 1. Decline in the Sing. cia-rv alScos, and in the PL reA.09 ypav?. 2. Parse eXovaa jjpedrj Sptarj $e 3. Perf. Act. and Pass, (if any) of ayco a/jLaprdvct) fiaiva ruy^dvw 9 yaXa Bopv raXa? TreXe- /ci9 opvis, and Dat. PI. of v$a>p avwyewv evSaifiwv. 2. Compare cra^s ev alcr^pa)^ pi/epos yepwv 3. What rule can you lay down with regard to the accentuation of the Gen. and Dat. of monosyllabic Nominatives 1 Give examples. What do you mean by enclitics ? Give examples. 4. Give six instances of verbs which change their meaning in the middle. 5. Write in full Fut. Act. e\avvco. 2 Aor. Imp. Act. rifftjui. 2 Aor. Imp. Pass, irj/u. 6. What verbs have contracted futures ? Give four examples. 7. English of oi Kara ^Oovo^ ol Kara yQova 737)09 a~(i)(f)pov6 iKvko^ai SapOdva) > ecrdca) eyelpw d/V/oveo/iat 4. Explain the cases in (1) fcevos fypovrja-ews. (2) ?;- /9a,'oi9 ^prjjJbaTa yrrjcrav. (3) KivSvvov KivSvvevei. (4) direct a-raSiovs eft&o/jUijKovTa. (5) KOL K0)(j)ov (rvvir^n. 5. Give the primary meaning of the Greek words from which are derived paradox analogy planet school poet democracy misanthrope. 6. Into what two classes may you divide verbs in -/at ? 7. The Greek of wretched man that I am ; with ten others ; like a dog ; the books which I use ; fearing about me ; to come to close quarters ; to man a ship ; to launch a ship ; to beach a ship ; I come to say terrible to see ; thou wilt see ; we knew ; he did it unobserved. 8. Translate 1. One says one thing, another another. 2. I will come if I can. 3. She said she would come if she could. Greek Examination Papers. 31 XXXII. 1. Decline ew? in the Sing, and ev/?v9 in the PI. Decline throughout avijp a-axfjpojv. 2. What are the stems of TroXt? Trartjp ret^o? \eo)v ryv-^r aval; Xetw9 . 2. Aor. Part. aXia-KOfjuat. 5. Give rules, with examples, for the use of 'iva OCTTt? OV fi1J. 6. What cases follow /carrjfyopeo) Kpvirrw epifo TToXe/iect) 8id 777 jXcocrcra 77/^09 Xutw. 9. Translate 1. He acted prudently rather than wisely. 2. I came before him. 3. He asked whether I was happy. 32 Greek Examination Papers. XXXIII. 1. Gen. and gender of 6pl% 0e'/U9 icaXws 0/009 \ev6os rpd7T^a % icdpa. 2. Give the chief tenses of rpe^w ya/j,eco eyelpw 3. When is &>9 used for et9 1 4. Parse e7r/cr^e9 ef ov Trecrei oltcijo-ai 5. Translate and explain the construction of (1) Tro/VXal ripZv vfjes elaiv. (2) rptrr} rmepa. (3) gtyet, avrrjv aTretcreivev. (4) o/*oi09 ^tXtTTTrft). (5) ayevcrTos KdKWV. 6. Distinguish lacn iaai, e$vcKTO et9 8eov dtro TraiSwv e^ tcrov jrepl TToXXou i jroiel(r6ai dfj,vvecr0ai Trepl TraTpr)? rpOTraiov crrtjcracrdat 6 0^09 cru dvtjp ov% r}Kicna ol 0X4706 aXXot, ol aXXot. 8. Translate 1. No one shall hinder me from doing what is right. 2. I did this in order that you might be saved. 3. Whenever you speak, they are silent. Greek Examination Papers. 33 XXXIV. 1. Decline OUTO? Spd/cwv 77^0$ Sais in the Sing. 2. Give the chief tenses of icakew d\icrKOfj,ai va\icrK(a dpap icr/cw rirp(ocrK(a . 3. How do the Greeks supply the wanting cases of the 3rd pers. personal pronoun I 4. Write in full Imp. Ind. Act. pew. 2 Aor. Ind. Act. fA0i9 Troy?. 2. What general difference is there between verbs in o&> and in eca 1 3. Give the correlatives to T/S Trorepo? 7roto<> TTOCTO? TTOl) 7T04 TToBcv. 4. Fut., Perf., and Aor. of prfyvvfu ^da-tea) dvBdvo) diroKreivo) airi^w d9 fyrjfos /cpdros xOcov prfv. 2. Give the Feminine of Kpry? At'/Su? Adtcwv 3. Write out the cognate tenses of Perf. Pass, of v(f>io"rr)fu. 2 Aor. Act. irtva). Perf. Ind. Act. eaOlw. 4. Explain with examples the meanings of the ter- minations -(Tt?, -/JM, -T779, -iSiov, -ocrvvrj, -eiSrjs. 5. Explain the cases in (1) TOUT' efiol ireirpaKTai. (2) TroXXo) fte(io9. (3) ft'ya\.r)s eTrpiaro rip.^. (4) ei? A'lSov. (5) 01 'A.(hjva2oi eTroXe/iouy rois Kopivdtois. (6) O 'iTTTToSdfJLCaV Tp%l [ACLKpOV 8p6fJ.OV. 6. How have verbs like dlSa, SeSot/ca, come to bear a present meaning ? 7. The Greek of he came first ; he did it secretly ; by chance ; to weigh anchor ; bird ; beast ; fish ; wing ; feather ; second to none ; he gave me money ; he is like yon ; no one being willing ; to be on one's trial for treachery ; too great for tears ; very many ; all who deny ; we shall drink. 8. Translate 1. Would that these things were so. 2. Upon this the vessels sailed back to Greece with the soldiers. 3. He sailed by night into the harbour. I) 2 36 Greek Examination Papers. XXXVII. 1. Dat. Sing, of (67709 vftpis vov$ vav<$- Dat. PI. of i^euS^? veavias epavrov t jovv. 2. Chief tenses of xepavvvfu 6et\(o eupia-KW Kiyavw biBdcrKO) v Teru^to? rjBvs Beitcvvs. 2. Explain the force of the terminations -rrfp, -rrv, -retpa, -pa, -0-49, -cov, -iov, -8rj<$. 3. Write out the 1st pers. of each tense of el/j,i. 4. Give with examples the principal uses of p,erd Kara irapd, and their force in composition. 5. Accent elpu, ravra avra eaurro e\6eiv 770809 TroSa e/creXecrat avSpos crocpicrTrjs /3aai\- ei/9 ovaa. When only can the acute be on the antepenult. ? 6. Translate and comment on (1) TTO\\OV agiov. ('2) e9 repas. 2. What are the stems of Se\ crol avSpi. (2) r^9 7^9 avda<> 7TO/3Ti9 X\afJ,Vpeap \eifji(0v. 2. In what ways are adverbial, patronymic, and diminutive terminations formed in Greek ? 3. Write out the cognate tenses of 2 Aor. a 1 Aor. Act. 4. Explain, with examples, the construction of eVai/T/09 fi7reipo<; rvy^dva) Bet Karrpyopw. 5. What do you mean by Protasis and Apodosis ? Give an example. 6. Translate and comment on (1) el TOVTO eVot?7cra9 rjfjiapres av. (2) TroSwv eXafiev. (3) O/JLVV/J.I roix; (4) rovrov rov rpoirov ctfjU. (5) vocrei 7. The English of Trepl ovSevbs Troietcrdai air e\7ri8a)v ex f3e\e(av e d7rpov. (4) o^ dv 18$ tco\dei. (5) ov 1801 7. Give the Greek of the battle at Mantineia ; to value highly ; to have in one's hands ;*in our time ; the majority ; the minority ; in the reign of Cyrus ; to come to close quarters ; to cast anchor ; lion ; lioness ; fox ; bear ; I wonder that ; the same women ; they drank. 8. Translate 1. Perhaps you will come here again to-morrow. 2. If they make me a slave, I shall lose most of my friends. 3. You cannot go too soon. Examination Papers. 41 XLII. 1. Decline in the Sing. <l\6l - \6yot,^ ov a-v^wvel. 7. How is the Fut. Participle used in Greek ? Give an example. 8. Translate 1. If you had been a friend of mine. 2. I would have answered you. 3. Until I come, let the treaty stand. 42 Greek Examination Papers. XLIII. 1. Gen. Sing, and Dat. PI. of ^eXtSctw ^efS^? 9 2. Give the simple forms of ra\r)6f ov \V(T(t). (2) SeSotKa pr) d/j,apTdvij$. (3) SeSoiica firj (4) ov pr) \r)pija-ei<> ; (5) StTrXfj 6. With what tenses of the Infinitive is /ieXXw used ? Give examples. 7. Give the English of TuXo9 ^epvi^jr rjOos o(ppvetXft> c 4. There are four kinds of conditional clauses. Name them and give an example of each. 5. Parse dyaTratrj arvve/cpadr) rjiei rjfji^ifcr- dvefa. 6. Write down the 1st. pers. Sing, of Aor. Pass. o-. Aor. Act. Trpotrjfj.1. Perf. Act. /cpdfo. Perf. Pass. epeiSw. 7. Translate and comment on (1) our' av Bvvai/j,rjv ^r eTriaTai^rjv \e et/it 8/8&>/u Tidrjfj,i olSa 1. 3. In what case is the subject of an infinitive put, if it is the same as that of the principal verb 1 Give an example. 4. Write in full Plupf. olSa. Imperat. Imperat. 5. State the rules for the use of ov prf and firj ov. 6. Translate, and explain the construction in (1) elvai Ato? vlof. (2) epaftai O'LOV o-ov dvSpos. (3) fj,aTa)v ev ^/coi/re?. (4) (pofios fjv alBa) tcaXovfiev. 7. The English of % Bevels ; ov pr) Trotr/creis ravra ; e\v dpicovvTWV TO, avra iraayw croi e'<' 9 0^49 X&>9 ( crdpi- (poivij; ftvpids arfp. 2. Why is the genitive so called ? What is the meaning of the word case ? Give its Greek equivalent. 3. After what class of verbs is the participial con- struction used ? 4. The chief parts of Botceo) eT evpicrtco) aXicrtcoftai. 5. The 1st. Pers. PI. of Fut. Ind. Act. rivca. Fut. Ind. Act. Perf. Pass. 6. Accent o-aipa$ 9. 2. Give the chief tenses of dpaxr/ca) yi evpla-KW fcdftvci) fAifjivijcrKco oi%o/J,ai Satcvo*. 3. What cases go with UTTO and Kara, and in what senses ? 4. What is the difference between verbals in -reo? and in -TO? ? 5. Give some account, with illustrations, of the uses of Ka\ p,rfv teal Sij vrj At'a Kal 7nwr) avrbs aAA,' e/eeivov (3) fj,rj Trot^cra? eXeva-erat. (4) /ca\bv rb epjov eVpa^a?. (5) ov ftr/ 7roiijcrr}/Xe TZKVOV. 48 Greek Examination Papers. 8. Derive from the Greek hydropathic hierarchy diagonal etymology anecdote demagogue chrono- meter. 9. Translate 1. Would I had never seen that wicked man. 2. I say that I am a Greek, but that my friend is a foreigner. 3. Do not say anything to anyone about the matter. XLIX. 1. Gen. Sing, and Dat. PI. of eiV/ez>779 raXa? rifjLtav %apiei$ Sdfiap Karf)\i 2. Compare ev/Aevrfs 7r\rjcrlov ySa/jy? The Positive and Superlative of Kpeiaawv 3. Give examples of copulative, disjunctive, and adversative conjunctions. 4. Parse fjicev 5. What vowel stems of the third declension tako v in the Accusative Singular ? 6. Give the original meanings of the Greek words from which are derived symbol idol agony horizon crypt liturgy. 7. Give the Greek of no doubt ; I say no ; for the most part ; the word virtue ; the middle of the city ; he was prosecuted; beyond expectation; to put out Greek Examination Papers. 49 to sea ; to embark ; to disembark (intransitive) ; from boyhood ; among the first ; the two boys ; the animals run. 8. Translate 1. He would have died had not his friend saved him. 2. He said that not he but Xenophon was the commander. 3. He said he did not think it honourable to flee. L. 1. The Accusative Singular, and Dative Plural of fj&ifov cnrdreap oi<; evvov? 8fj\v<;. The Genitive and Gender of Trpeer/Su? pijvi*; 2. What do you mean by the Optative of " indefinite frequency " ? Give an example. 3. Write in the Singular 2 Aorist Active of fiavOdva*. 1 Aorist Passive of TpeQ). Perfect Passive of otdew. 4. Write in one word rot apa TO epyov teal oo-n? ra 07r\a o dytov eyw olfuii TOV dvSpo9 fjt,dprv<}. 2. Give the chief tenses of ft\u)(rK(a SiSda-tco) ab&ddvofiai /SXaerraixu rcdfAvco Kiftdvo) 6\i0ope fyev^ovfieOa fteQere Trapyveara otra rjvfji6ev. 6. In what different ways can you express (1) pur- pose; (2) strong denial; (3) prohibition? Give examples. E 2 52 Greek Examination Papers. 7. Translate, and explain the construction in (1) oi> fir) XaX7?o-et9 ; (2) %et/JO9 \a/3e09 a%ia earl. (8) olcrd' a>9 yu-ereuf et /cat crofjxarepa avel ; 8. Why should the irregular verbs be the most common ? 9. Translate 1. If we had made peace, we should not now have been paying so much. 2. We used to buy bread whenever we went to the town. 3. They do everything to avoid (ware firf] suffering punishment. LIII. 1. Ace. Singular and Dat. Plural of TTOVS (f>pijv ?}#09 BaijJ,Q)v drip i7T7reu9. 2. Give the cognate tenses of olSa ea-rrjv r}\Qov SeSia etcrav er\r) v . 3. Future, Aorist, and Perfect of SiBda-Kw yiyv(ao-tca> ofAvvfti cr/Sevvvfjii, ayvv/ju rpe^w. 4. Form English words from ypda)\6yoprjv. 5. Explain with examples the meaning of the ter- minations -o', -rrjv rr)<$ dvaiSeias. (3) a?rat9 Greek Examination Papers. 53 dppeixov wo/8w. (4) ijftaprov CTKOTTOV. (5) VIKU.V (6) e-jrolrjcra ra^vrepa r) cro^mrepa. (7) (8) ^ #**?* " 04 ' TTOT^ Icrov e^a> yepa<$. 7. Give the Greek of by heart ; to go up country ; to go down to the sea ; to sail home ; rose ; lily ; violet ; on the third day ; in winter ; all the winter ; to be prosperous ; a different word ; we became ; what have I to do with you ? some say ; 21 times ; the 31st soldier ; we had come. 8. Give some perfects in Greek with a present meaning, and some presents with a perfect meaning. 9. Translate 1. He collected as many men as he could. 2. If any one is a traitor you are. 3. I have been waiting a long time. 1. Ace. Singular, and Gen. and Dat. Plural of /3oO5 6/AW5, a\co9 /caX&)9 Savei^o) Savei^ofiai, (paivoftat, TTOIWV atvofji,a<, TTOICIV. 5. What is the probable origin of the terminations of the various cases ? 54 Greek Examination Papers. 6. When did the following authors live ? What did they write, and in what dialect ? Herodotus Xenophon Sophocles Aristophanes Pindar Aristotle Plutarch. 7. Translate, and explain the cases or constructions in (1) 4? ToS' ri/j,epa$. (2) ri TreTrpafcrai rots (3) (j)aivo/J,ai &v. (4) ol TroX-e/juoi raa-xn v TTOO-OV Svvarai ; d(f>itceTO dvBpeiorepos avrb<; eavrov Sta paKpov ri 9. Derive from the Greek kaleidoscope planet crypt method neuralgia antipodes empirical - scandalous phosphorus sycophant apostle fancy ecclesiastic. 10. Translate 1. The allies sent ambassadors to Sparta to announce the victory. 2. He will never do this. 3. He denied that he went into the city. LV. 1. Give the Meaning, Case, Number, Gender, and Nominative of alvnvoiv r/Traro? ovSefJua 2. Future Active, and Perfect Infinitive Passive of Greek Examination Papers. 55 rivfo rirpwcrKO) 3. Mention any uses of the Genitive and Dative which belong more to poetry than to prose. 4. Explain and exemplify the use of av with various moods and tenses. 5. Accent 6$ov privets Trarpi yvvatfca yvvai rvTreiv vv \e\vicevai \vcrat ov 6. Give the English of BTJTTOV ri Sfjra ; rj roiyapovv eVl /cepcof 7r\etv &>9 rd^ov (frevyoifi av Swdfjuevof dav/j,aa-i(o9 009 olov re fte\TicrTov TO ev TTpdrretv ocrov e'yu,e elbevai \r)i6- fficriv \aj3a>v aTrw^ero. 7. Translate and explain the construction in (1) ov- OTOV ov /careyeXaa-ev. (2) Sla Oedcov. (3) ov% 6pa9 firj cravrbv ol/CTieis irore. (5) rrjcrSe KowwvS) TV^T)?. (6) Siatyepei iracrwv ruv 8. What circumstance shows that the infinitive can hardly be considered as a mood ? 9. Translate 1. When I had said this, I went away. . 2. I repent having done this. 3. The Thebans were asked for money. 56 Greek Examination Papers. LVI. 1. Give the Gen. Singular and Dat. Plural of oo-m eavrov /3eXrtW ifevBijs aXo>? ^oei;?. 2. What is the force of the following prefixes : apt-, Svcr-, /juera-, a-, epi-, a- ? 3. Name the three chief Greek historians. Who was called the " father of history " ? In what dialect did he write ? 4. What cases are governed by UTTO as e/c VTTO ? 5. Write in full Perfect Indicative Passive of $aivw. Pluperfect of olSa. Perfect Indicative Passive of 6dirTw. 6. Translate and explain the construction in (1) Bpa^fjirjv ~\,afjL/3dva) -7-779 ^/xepa?. (2) TTOCTOV SiSdcr- /cet9 rov TratSa ; (3) TO, Sev&pa avrais (4) eA,7r/Sa e%o) crtoTrjpias rfj iro\ei. (5) " TO yez/o?. 7. Give the Greek of to spread sail; to furl sail; by means of messengers ; about the same time ; he was with the king ; corn ; wheat ; barley ; straw ; hay ; in the best possible way ; day by day ; I know I am good ; cease saying ; he gave me your books ; some one did it ; another did it ; the other did it. 8. Show by examples the difference between wcrre with the indicative and ware with the infinitive. When do you use ov and when ^ with wcrre ? Greek Examination Papers. 57 9. Translate 1. He did it without being seen. 2. Be assured I will see him before I come. 3. These things took place in the reign of Cyrus. LVII. 1. Decline VIKWV Trpdof in the Singular, and ao-rrjp in the Plural. The Accus. Singular of a/-itXXa opvis lepevs 2. Compare aiSoios iriKpo^ evrvffls e/ca9 avw /caret) e&>. 3. Parse X&W &5? in the Genitive Singular of the Third Declension ? 6. Translate and explain the construction in (1) TroXX?}? dvoias earl. (2) SouXw eota?. (3) a 7TVTiJKOvra o-TaStof9. (4) e^rjfjktaxrav rov TrevriJKOvra Ta\dvTOi vo/ift) e?ri 7rdv7T\rjyr) Trapd 7r\r)(o BoKeco av\ea). 9. Translate 1. They were prevented from coming at night. 2. The general knew he would be defeated if he fought. 3. In this one thing I cannot agree with you. LVIII. 1. Give the Gen. Singular and Dat. Plural of yacmjp ^aX/eey? ijpws TOIOVTO? yetrwv /taX&>9 /ct?. 2. Write down the First Person Singular of all the Aorists and Perfects in the Indicative and Imperative Moods, in all voices, of rpetyw dTrepydfyfiai, \av- Qdvw a. 3. Explain by examples the differences of meaning which 7T/305 and VTTO may convey with different cases. 4. What case do " verbs of sense " generally govern ? Give two examples. 5. Distinguish pevw, pevw /3acrtA,eta, /9ao-tXe/a avrrj 8^09, 8^05 el, el evi, evt , irarpoKTOvos atpo/tat, aipovftat, el\ov, 9 iroirjcrov. (2) e'/W OeXovrt TOVTO poifuov deo- SfjLY)TO, -creifo, -ti/09, -//.a, -rrjs 1 4. Parse KaOecrrwra Svwjdcoaiv eiryvei? 5. What constructions generally follow depc0 3. Give examples of Attraction of the Relative Cognate Accusative Ethic Dative. 4. Compare Sva-TTOTfAos- apira% TraXatos i^euS^? 5. When is the Future Optative used ? Give an example. Greek Examination Papers. 61 6. Write in full the Present Subjunctive Active of eptjfioa). Future Indicative Active of Present Optative Passive of 7. Translate and comment on (1) to? /caXoua>9 a>9 'tja'Orjv. (7) e/c7recret %dovos. (8) ey yap e/crevei (7' e?ro9. 8. Give the English of \6yov fiel^ov TO eVt GO I 'iva Ti ; T/ paOdw ; kicwv elvat, 6\iyov Beiv ov fir) Troirjcrw apri 'yiyvmcr/ceis roSe ; (nrevBof^ai aXXo? oXXo TTOiei rvTrrovrai rvTrrofiai rrjv K(f>a\ijv eipyetv nva rrj<; dyopas veforepoi rj axrre elSevcu 9. Translate 1. The soldiers arrived in the evening. 2. He told me the corpse was of superhuman size. 3. If you had not done this, you would not be grieving. LXI. 1. Give the Gender and Genitive of tcopva<; (frans icpdros ovv<; \L/J,IJV. 2. Give the chief tenses of ir^t ir\eK(o fiXao-Tavo) rptfifo icdfiva) ^evyco epeOev a-waov Troi'et aTroo-ra- Oeiarav TTTecrdat. 6. Translate and explain the construction in (1) KO.V el SoKei. (2) wcnrep av el Trat?. (3) /ieyttrra drjvai. (4) ravra o-TrevSeiv. (5) dA/y&> rrjv (6) voaelv o^>0a\,^ov^. (7) eTrLrerpaf^pevot rrjv (f>u- \aKr\v. 7. Give the Greek of I will answer for you ; up the river ; with the whole army (one word) ; to set up a trophy ; to escape secretly ; I bid you farewell ; would I had died ; he will come ; ye had seen ; 24 ; 24 times ; 24th ; 2400 ; as soon as possible ; how are you ? come here ; big for your years. 8. Give the terminations of frequentative, inceptive, desiderative, and causative verbs. 9. Translate 1. Although you may go away, you still remain. 2. The Athenians have become more powerful than ever. 3. If any man practises temperance, it is he. LXII. 1. Give the Genitive Sing, and Dat. Plural of Bopv lepev<$ ava Spatcwv at^jf ypa(f)evs /j,e\i. 2. Give the chief tenses of TiOijfM Se%o/j,ac a\ia- a) d(f)ir)/j,i Greek Examination Papers. 63 3. Show by examples the construction of the follow- ing ^apt^o/Jiai, Bet fyOdvw K\V(O ^paofjiai aTTTO/Aai Oiyydva) Seopat. 4. Give the meaning of the following terminations -Be, -ere, -dfcis, -rpia. How do you form diminutives in Greek ? Give examples. 5. Distinguish vo/mos, 1/0/409 vvv, vvv 77, r), 97, fj OIK.OI, ol/coi cfrvXdercrco, 6 do-as d(f>lKTO ov ftrj TTtOrjrat, ov 8ai>i d\ i yeiv nvt, 7. Translate and comment on (1) ov/c ea-a-erat, ovSe (2) SeXro? eyyeypa/AjAevri o-^yLtara. (3) OVK Trplv iracnv e&coteev dpyvpiov. (4) rov KacrijvijTov ri rjs ; (5) eTiov el TrapaSco avrm rov %pvcr6v. (6) o) piape r-^9 KdK,ia^. (7) e%pfjv ere irapelvat, iva elSe? avrov. (8) ov fir) epeis pot rovvo/xa, a\\d cnyrfcrei ; (9) Beov d7re\deiv, e/u-ez/e?. 8. Translate carefully (1) edv rt, e^y Scbcrei. (2) el TI e%ot, 8iSoir} dv. (3) ei rt, el^ev, eSjSov dv. (4) e" ri eo-%ev, eBcoicev dv. 9. Translate 1. Some went one way, and some another, but all met together at last. 2. They owed a large sum of money to many. 3. What have we to do with them 1 64 Greek Examination Papers. LXIII. 1 . Decline in the Singular A^rw /cpeas, and in the Plural vavs. Give the Gen. Sing, of etrrco? rerrjKcaf dv&ptds. 2. Give the Cognate Tenses of el\ov ol&a eftrjv 3. Explain the meaning of the terminations in SouXow. 4, Whence did the Greeks get their alphabet 1 What changes did it undergo ? 5. Derive al%/jid\c0To<; Xe^Xarew ro^prj^ vrjv/jio<; apSrjv vrj/AepTijs aTrto/Aoro?. Accent %eipa$ X et P t u ' oz/ Ato9 Troirfcrov ; (4) eya) ariwrrS) roJSe ; (5) rapa Sva-rrf- vov KdKa. (6) TreTT/o-reu/iat TO vayye\tov. (7) eSeovro avrov elvai 7rpo6v/j,ov. Greek Examination Papers. 65 9. Derive from the Greek chrysanthemum polyglot Catherine mythology petrify tropics pneumatics phrenology pyre dropsy chiropodist. 10. Translate 1. He said they ought to make a golden bridge for a flying enemy. 2. He said if they had done this, they deserved punishment. 3. I will give her some of the wine I have. LXIV. 1 Give the Feminine of OepaTrcov tepevs, and the Masculine of arcareipa Tpa>d$ SyuW? KtA,#e&> 7r///.7rX77/u 3. What cases are governed by faiSopcu eo) BKOKOJ StaSo^o? araaid^co 4. Give instances of (1) the force of e-^w with an Aorist Participle, (2) the use of 6dvw and \avddvoy with a Participle. 5. Parse ayei>Ta t7rXtv, ^aiverat, elvai eTu'cr- TTOIWV, 67ria"rafjbai Troteiv rypdfaw vo/J,ov, - eaQai vopov SeBoi/ca prj 9 elfrelv ycUpeiv /ceXeuto 77/209 X^P iv e\a6ov ecrTtv ore TroXXou Set OVK av (frddvois Kafcos TJ TTOV reroX^/ca? ravra wv ; 9. Translate 1. that it were in my power. 2. Those in my house are not on my side. 3. He paid them four drachmas a day. LXV. 1. Genitive and Gender of 0^9 0-^779 arj&cov 2. Give the chief tenses of yapem eo#e&> 6i//-c3 %WTI Kara rdvSpos Odrepov ravrov ovftoi ovTrl 0a>7T\a 77/1,77. 5. What is the probable origin of the augment ? 6. Translate and comment on (1) 77X09 el /cara- (frpovwv pov. (2) O7r&)9 /A^ eravrov al/crieis vrore. (3) ol Oetapevoi etyoftovvTO pi) ri Trady, (4) crvvoi&d croi Greek Examination Papers. 67 ev(i). (5) a-Tre^ei Trevr^Kovra aTa&iovs. (6) 08' el'yu,' eyct) aot Kelvos. (7) TT} aperrj rpv(j)a\eia. Parse XeXr; 07/^77 rjvfcqfhjre etyi TrpovBocrav. 6. Translate and comment on (1) e&Tiv olaevvos a^trL aXios a (= 777) avrecov /3acn\r]os KpaSlrj ? 5. What cases follow rvj^dvai yevo/j,ai /zeo-ro? dfcoXovOea) dpeovco) ? 6. Give the English of avSpes 8itcae\ov Oavelv %aipe. 7. Show the connection between the personal endings of the verbs, and the personal pronouns. 8. Explain, with examples, the terms dynamic change phonetic change assimilation dissimilation onomatopoeia. 72 Greek Examination Paper. 9. Translate 1. He was evidently lying. 2. You act strangely in giving us nothing. 3. We must consider which of the two laws is the better. LXX. 1. Give the Gen. and Ace. Sing, of ye\ax; etc(i)v ecTT<5 i\ea><;. 2. Compare yepaios yu.eo-0? eyyvs veos Give the Positive of ^eipcov pac XaXicrTe/309. 3. Give the chief tenses of ofyo/Aai 6d\\w 7rtTrpd(TK(t) opvvfu ovivrjfjui yavKto. 4. Give a short account of the dispute concerning the authorship of the Homeric poems. Where was Homer born ? 5. How do you express an indirect command in Greek 1 Give an example. 6. Translate and explain, giving if possible the English equivalent of the following proverbs (1) \VKOV ISeiv. (2) \VKOV irrepd. (3) tpovi- poi ; eTrt TOU 7rar/?<$9 e6v olicicmjs Trap' fj,e&' rji^epav 0*09 TroOos ri iraOcov; T r//j,(t)v avrwv ovcnrep elBov ecrriv OTTOV e<' core ra trot. Greek Examination Papers. 73 8. Quote parallel constructions or figures in Greek to the following (1) Shocked like an iron clanging anvil banged with hammers. (2) The name of Danton famous infamous. (3) See Pan with flocks, with fruits Pomona crowned. 9. What is the position of the augment in Greek verbs compounded with prepositions ? Mention excep- tions. Explain and give examples of augments in et. 10. Translate 1. He fell unawares among the enemy. 2. I suffer the same as you. 3. They marched straight to the city. LXXI. 1. Give the Genitive Sing, and Dative Plural of \ecov \eco9 77 Trap ylyas oSovs. Give the Gender of o-eXa? TTOVS 9 O/JLWS, (fropos 0opo9. 7. Are there any Greek forms which seem to point to the existence at some time of a sixth case ? 8. Translate and comment on (1) ov criy ave^eu /jir)$e &et\lav apel<$ ; (2) ^ptjfiaTa f/rrjOrjcrav. (3) eaXwcrav 7rpo$o\iv Siicrjv d^vvfjLevoeo TT/TU? - KVefJMZS. 2. Compare r/Seax; Trepa a\jeivo (f>9dvois \eywv ; (6) et rt 8i8ov av. (7) et raur' eylyvero, ctTreOvqcrKev av. (8) TTO\IV o\r]v $ia(f)deipat fj,d\\ov r) ov Toy? alnov^. 7. Give the Greek of in conclusion ; to do a thing unseen ; well, I am willing ; would that I were dead ; before supping ; the king being willing ; pray come ; much greater ; I heard this from you ; full of fish ; to touch a man ; to lead by the hand ; God forbid. 8. What was the article originally? In place of what pronouns is it used 1 Give examples. 9. What is the distinction between Gender and Sex \ What were the chief methods for denoting gender employed in Greek ? 10. Translate 1. She spoke as if she knew not the facts. 2. I have no place to run to. 3. If she had been faithful, he would not have killed her. LXXV. 1. Give the Gender and Genitive of peXi cre'Xa? l^Ovs eltccov Ka\a>s. Form Nominatives from yijpa-, plv-, dv&pidvr-, avetrjv eTrrd/jLrjv ftedopfjuei a>\CTV - 7Tlai. 6. Can you give any explanation of the non-agree- ment of the verb with neuter plurals ? 7. Explain the formation, with reference where necessary (1) to laws of sound, (2) to structure, of tcrrr; fjL i eirjv. 8. Give the English of o>? a-vve\6vrt eiTrelv TO vvv elvai ol fir) j3ov\6fj,evoi Biicrjv \aftelv 9 ovv ecreo-#e avSpes a^ioi rijf e\evdepias. (2) TT/JO*? rwv e^ovrwv rov vofiov rl0r)<;. (3) Bva-d\yr)ro<} yap av eir)v roidvSe /J,TJ ov KaToifcretpwv eSpav. (4) aXX' ovtc TT' cippijTois ye rots e//,ot9 \6yocs. (5) opa ftr) ov% ovrw ravr' %6t. (6) SvvaTG&repoi avrol avrwv eylyvovro. (7) OVK et? o\e0pov ; (8) KaOrf^ed^ a/cpa>v e/c Trdycov. 7. Give the Greek of many wicked men ; none of the Greeks ; to be in want of money ; to envy any one anything ; eager for (eTri^u/i^Tt/c^) honourable things ; we have no ships ; more powerful than ever ; in heaven's name ; we must go ; he uses the books he has ; he came before us. 8. In what sense is it true that av is never properly joined to the Subjunctive? 9. Show the connection between the personal endings of the verbs and the personal pronouns. 10. Translate 1. When you had the power to make peace, why did you choose war ? 2. The tyrants laid down laws for the state. 3. Would that the Greeks had conquered. Greek Examination Papers. 81 LXXVII. 1. Mention any peculiarity in the declension of 2. Give the chief tenses of av%dva> /3\(oo-Ka> (want) Kaia icdfiva) fie\w oiojuu. 3. Derive (j>povSos v0dSr)<; dpyia /3\eapov dpSrjv VTr 4. Give some account of the stage, the scenery, the actors, the chorus of a Greek theatre. 5. How can you classify the Greek irregular verbs ? 6. What do you mean by pleonasm zeugma - anacoluthon hysteron proteron crasis hiatus ? Give examples. 7. Translate and comment on (1) ov pr) 7r/joo-otv, /i^S' egopopifets pcopiav rrjv . 8. Give the English of ol 77/909 ai/iaro9 fioi avp,aa-ro \VTTTJV TroieicrOai Trpdrre dvv(ra<} TI e%ov Tl (j)(t) UTTOpoi). 9. Translate 1. He finished his oration hi the best possible way. G 82 Greek ^Examination Papers. 2. How much is this horse worth ? 3. I will not cease fighting till I have conquered the enemy. LXXVIII. 1. Give the Gen. of 'EpfjLrjs fjirap cr/aoet?. Form the Feminine of Tpa>s 0eo. Perfect Indicative Passive of e\avvco. 7. Comment on the tenses in (1) xare^rj real crvveTrX.'rjpovvTO. (2) icpelcrcrov ya/^fja-ai, rj irvpovardai. (3) f^rj rvifrr)? fjujTTore ; (8) KCU Xe/cr/?' 7rrjvecr\ TIVIK av 8. Give the Greek of half the time; to touch a Gresk Examination Papers. corpse ; without these things ; what have I to do with you? would that; we must persuade him ; the city of Athens ; what am I to say ? the men of old ; doing good to all is noble ; ten at a time ; what folly ! 9. Translate 1. It is not like a just man to do such things. 2. He rejoiced that the citizens were rich. 3. Do you know how many there are of the enemy ? LXXIX. 1. Form patronymics from 'ITTTTOT?;? IfyXei;? Kpoz'o? N?7/oeu5. Form the diminutives of fietpa^ dvtfp KVWV 2. Name the chief temporal conjunctions in Greek. Lay down general rules with regard to their use. 3. Parse TrvOoiaro TreirovOoTa 4. Name the chief speeches of Demosthenes. Who was his great antagonist ? 5. Show by examples the great importance of the Article in Greek. 6. Translate and comment on (1) petty* rj Kara Sdfepva TreTrovOora?. (2) TTW? dywvos rjfco/j.v ; (3) el fj,r) ravrd ecrrt, oi)Se raSe. (4) ov a-lya firjbev TO)V& epet? Kara 7rr6\iv ; (5) \eyovaa /jurjBe Bpwcra. (6) /care- crrpe^raro TOV M.ijBov. (7) pr) pe SoiAet'a? (8) xalpew TroXXa TOV av$pa voavi^ov. G 2 84 Greek Examination Papers. 7. Give the English of ridevai, vopov VOJMOV aTTo^etporoveiv VOJMOV Trpoi/caTrpovpyov vTricr^veofjiat OVK ecr$' OTTOV ri e%wv ; oiXlyov Beiv O7r\a 7rXe&> 97 Kara TOVS veicpovs Kara tcpdros. 8. Comment on the use of the tenses in rou? /iez/ ovv TreXracrra? e8e^avro ol ftdpftapoi teal efjid^ovro, eVet 8' eyyi>9 rjcrav ol OTrX-irat, erpaTrovro, real ol ?reX- Tacrral evOvs eiTiwTO. 9. What use did the Greeks make of the Dual ? What traces of a Dual do we find in Latin and English ? 10. Translate 1. The inhabitants gave up their city to the Lacedaemonians to guard. 2. He came before I was ready. 3. They are so foolish as to prefer war to peace. LXXX. 1. Give examples of Epic forms in the declension of KVCOV 7roX-t9 yovv Kcipa ?roXi;9 eyco oi>o9 4. Give the rules and examples for the use of irpiv. Greek Examination Papers. 85 5. Give the English equivalents for the following proverbs (1) %vpeiv \eovra. (2) 97X4^ r)\tica repirei. (3) rypawv vd\o<$. (4) Mvcrwz/ 6 ecr^aro?. (5) crol et? 6. Translate and comment on (1) rwSe 6 (2) 777309 TO Trvp Ka0ij/j,evos. (3) ov pr) 7rpo xa elra ol a^Spe? TO dvSpos. 4. Give the original meaning of the Greek words from which are derived apostrophe etymology asteroid bishop priest church intoxicate sycophant hypocrite tragedy agony symptom. 5. Write the 3rd Person Singular of the Aorist Indicative of aipeco. 3rd Person Plural of the Perfect Indicative Passive of airopw irpdrre dvv (a criyrja-et, ejrl ra)v rpia-KOvra OTTW? dvrjp ecrei SicofAocra) ev rfj dvTiypa(f)fj. 9. What is the force of conditional sentences with el and the Indicative in protasi ; the Optative with av in apodosi ; Greek Examination Papers. 87 et and the Optative in protasi ; the Indicative in apodosi ; av with the Subjunctive in protasi; the Optative with dv in apodosi ; ei and the Optative with dv in protasi ; the Indicative in apodosi . Give examples. 10. Translate 1. They are too young to know, 2. He was at a loss what to do. 3. He says he will not come unless you go away. LXXXII. 1. Give the Genitive Sing, of \t,va TlepiK\rj? eBet^a fjUJTrore efiavrov dvdpci)7roi(7iv, evOev rj 767009 ; (2) ovr av $VpeUf&TfV firjr einaiai^v \eyetv. (3) TrelOot? av el ireiOoC, aTrei6olri<$ S' lfcr&>9. (4) OVK olB' av el Tretcrat/tu. (5) KTelvet fte %pvcrov TOV Ta\ai7r(opov xdpiv jfevo? TrarpcSo?, teal /cravwv e? otSyti' a\09 [AzOriX tVauro? ^pvabv ev So/iot? 6^77. (6) av ij0e\ov S' av e'/cro? wv rv^elv. (7) ov fir) %elpa, 7*778' a-^rei 7re7T\o)v ; 8. Give the Greek of no one said anything ; I deny I did it ; clever at finding ; he came on the third day ; owing to his absence ; as far as I know ; to suffer punish- ment ; I repent ; three times a day ; some time ago ; no wonder that ; may you live long ; shall we sing or be silent 1 to rate highly; to exact money from anyone. 9. Translate 1. I fear he will die. 2. I fear he will not die. 3. I know you are glad to hear I am happy. LXXXIII. 1. Give the Genitive of TTVV% xapieis axcov eyKpanjs /^O? /J,e0v. Compare TrXijcr/os /cXeVrT;? vyoi ; (4) & iral, yevoio irarpos evTV%(TTepos, ra 8' a/XX,' o/zoto?" val tXt7r7T09 Se evpeOrj e/9 "A^WTOV. (6) 6 Se ' BieicaiXvev avrov. 8. Give the Greek of to pass a law ; to reject a law ; thick with trees ; half the time ; heaven forbid ; many great horses ; no Greek ; more honest than rich ; half Greek Examination Papers. 91 the money ; two hundred at a time ; to charge a man with cowardice ; this will not happen ; the men of old ; how so ? by sea ; by the sea ; in the time of Xenophon. 9. How do you get the present stem of a Greek verb ? Form present stems from So \aO TTI lie 10. Translate 1. If you had not done this, I should not have gone. 2. You desire things too great for a man. 3. These things happened about the same time. LXXXV. 1. Form into one word TV%T) a; fvyeveia 6 67ri o olvos eyo> olSa ol av&pes rod erepov TOV avrov ot i/toi KOI elra. 2. Explain the figures in the following (1) jd\a u/ia? eTTOTicra, ov /3po)/j,a. (2) Ko/jtat^apirea-criv ofiolai. (3) ySora Kal \eiav. (4) oyicov 6v6fJ,aro<; iLr/rptaov. 3. Illustrate the various forces of Sid eVt Kara Trapd, as governing different cases, and in composition with verbs. 4. What method of dating did the Greeks use ? 5. Write in the singular Perfect Passive of . Imperative of otSa. Present Subjunctive Active of -n/xaco. 6. Analyse the forms Troipijv \6yovs ySeiv V - \\VVTO. 92 Greek Examination Papers. 7. " Prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections are, in regard to their origin, neither more nor less than adverbs." Explain this. 8. Give the English of oo-ai rj/jiepat OUTO?, ri Troiets ; Treo? av 6\oijjLrjv ; Troppw rf)<; q\iKias elvai, rpiwv erwv elvai ayeiv %ipo<> Sl/crjv eiridelvai Btmjv e%iv TO, 7rl @paKr)<; /ra/cco? Trdcr^etv a>5 w^eXe TOVTO Troirjaai TOVTWV eya) e'lrjv. 9. Why should there be no first person dual in the Active Verb 1 10. Translate 1. This being so, I will go away. 2. I am deliberating how to escape you. 3. If this be so, I will go away at once. LXXXVI. 1. Give tho Dative Plural of $ai/j,wv ? Oepdirwv TrXijprjs. Compare arpe/j,^ /caX-ew? a 2. What notion is conveyed by the use of 0f)vai /ia%# ; (2) firj Trapfis TO pi] ov paa-ai. (3) ov ur) Svo-pevr)? ecrei, aX?}9 a OVK oiSa, a firj ol8a. 6. Assign to their dialects the following forms BeKouai (f)t\eeai iinroTa (nom^) r} ffTrovSd^eiv ov yu.?; XaX?fcret9 ; &eov ol erepoi TroXXa VTnjpeTfiv avroi ecrpev Tr6\fuov irap ovBev Troifia-Oai Trpdrreiv TroXXa. Greek Examination Papers. 95 9. Show that in Greek the dual became a mere " luxury of language." 30. Translate 1. I wonder that you are here. 2. I think I could have done this. 3. Fear the gods, honour your parents, obey the laws. LXXXV1II. 1. Give the Perfect Infinitive Passive of TTpdrrci) K0fj.ia) KaracjiOeipo) ejKaXvTTTCt}. 2. How many letters were there originally in the Greek alphabet ? What letters afterwards became obsolete ? What letters were afterwards introduced ? 3. " I don't knoiv nothing " is the relic of a classical idiom. Explain and illustrate this. 4. Who wrote the Knights, Electra, History of the Peloponnesian War, Politics, Cyropaedeia ? 5. Explain the figures in (1) ^/XITTTTO? evpeOr) els "A^corov. (2) x 0469 T6 elfM fir) ov \eyetv. (6) TOJV a-wv aBeprcrcov 96 Greek Examination Papers. ofJ,fJ.aTa)V T^TOJyaevos'. (7) BurXtja-io^ eytvero avTO 8. Give the Greek of to bivouac ; to serve as a mercenary ; the intervening time ; the morrow ; the parts about Thrace ; by land and sea ; he came of his own accord ; men and all ; at their house ; homewards ; in three days ; see that you don't run away, 9. Trace the connection of ^eXtScoj/ and hirundo ; XetTTO) and linquo ; v/j.r) and jus ; eva> and uro ; e\a^y<; and levis ; elicoai and viginti ; aa-rrjp and stella. Give some account of the derivation of to? iva on t> & * ? Give examples. 3. Parse apeiav XeXTyoyiez/?; T\r)0t, 4>. What important difference in dialect exists between the language of the dialogue and that of the chorus in a Greek play ? Can you account for this ? 5. Explain SIKIJ 7pa7r? eSei avdp(t)7roi(Tiv evdev fjv 767069 ; (3) ov%i avy- OTO/jLa, teal fir] /ie^cret? av0ia> otWw Kpiva> 2. Explain and give illustrations of the use of av with the Infinitive and Participles. 3. Show by an example the difference between ovSe and ovre. 4. Derive from the Greek church priest litany liturgy squirrel synagogue. 5. What was the original seat of the Aryan race ? Name the principal languages of the Aryan family. 6. Show how contingency is much more clearly defined in Greek than in English. 7. Give the English of la-ria deipecrdai av 6eo< rd^tcrra TroSeoy el^ov d/ieXw? c^ew 1? crol ot8a 8. Analyse the following words into their component parts eyva>v (frrjfjLi e%ea ei\r)a TrtVrft) fyyar/ov i 9 dtyydvo) eTrecrov TVTTTOIIAI 6fii\ij(ravre<; yiyvopai CITTOV v/j,ei9 Trap" ov8ei>. 10. Translate 1. He cannot prevent us from escaping. 2. I am ashamed to be a beggar. 3. He went away that no one might see him. xcn. 1. Give the Genitive and Gender of o-^rK, yovevs v crreap jjLapTV 9 paavi/etk 7r\r)pr)<>. 2. Show by a few examples the important part which the Greek particles play. 3. Explain the figures in the following (1) TroXXa Kavavra Karavra irdpavrd re Bo^fJ>id rrf^Oov. (2) 7a;i09 crya/io? %apt9 adapts. (3) ov irdw ovx^fi(7Ta. (4) eSofe rot? 'A7roo-To\ot9...7pa^ai/Te9. (5) Trvpl teal (TTepo7rat9. 4. Distinguish arra, arra Setvd, Setva etSo?, et 'go 9 Bfj\ot, 8rj\ol pr) TTOiei, prj Troiija-r)^ crKOTreiv, 102 Greek Examination Papers. i 7ro\iTeveiv, TroXirevecrdai evdvs, evOv 5. (7) fir) re%vr](TdfAVos ftrjS 'aXX,o Tt Te^vrjcraiTO. 6. Show the force of dpa Se 76 8^7701; rot, and, in answers, of iroOev Trco/iaXa ri firjv e%t0v ; (3) ep%o/j.at V/JLIV eTri- (4) OTTO)? /AT; raCra avru) Scoaets. (5) ol f BiBaa/caXov. (6) a^aX/co9 dv\a.TTiv rj KTij&aaffai. 9. Give the English of a/ia^et atV^ui'o/tat irotelv e/Jioi ecrnv t CM ecrnv evda ^au/xao-rw? eo? OVK e%&>. 10. Translate 1. I got hold of the wolf by the ears. 2. He lias a spirit too great for a man. 3. If they were to do this they would become more powerful than ever. xcv. 1. Give the Genitive of evOvs Si/caios afj.vfj,a)v. Compare ejty>o5 Trpcoi'o? rXif/MW 2. Why are the terms first and second aorist mis- leading ? Show how the Aorist is the mo^t necessary of tenses. 3. How do the Greeks compensate for the absence of distributive numerals ? 4. Show the connection between four, quattuor, and reao-apes ; two, bis, and Svo ; twenty, mginti, and ei/coat. Explain the origin of e/earov ; and examine the connec- tion of deus and Oeo? e9 &V aTTKTTOlTJV. (5) fl6VOlfJ,' av rjdekov S'av t/cro9 wv Tv%elv. 9. Give the Greek of it is so ; three times a day ; he happened to be ; the then king ; the men in the city ; forcibly ; to suffer evil at anyone's hands ; regret for you ; no one said anything ; to oblige me ; far from it ; why do you keep talking ? I rejoice at this ; home- wards; at the rate of five parasangs a day. 10. Translate 1. Unknown to myself, I have fallen into a great calamity. 2. Will you choose this when you can have such a wife ? 3. I neglect what I ought to do. xcvi. 1. Give the Dative Plural of /cpe'a? ola* Opl% prjv opvis X 'P- Compare d\pevaiv li yj&iiai /3aai\.a>$ vija avbpdcri TTO\ITOV Troy? roi)9 ftevovs -Capita-era. Greek Examination Papers. 107 10. Translate 1. I gave him some of the wine I had. 2. There is nothing he will not do for money. 3. We were afraid till the Greeks sailed away. XCVII. 1. Give the first aorist middle of crvvdino) Give the cognate tenses of the Present of Aorist of e^tu Perfect Imperative Passive of \vw. 2. " The Greeks speak of an army metaphorically as a wild beast." Explain this by giving the names of the various parts of an army. 3. Give the Greek equivalent of (1) A fool's paradise. (3) Out of the frying-pan &c. (3) Birds of a feather &c. (4) Righteous overmuch. (5) Hear the other side. (6) Teach your grandmother &c. 4. Give rules, with examples, for the use of moods in indirect speech in Greek. 5. " The article, the demonstrative, and the relative, are merely developments of one and the same form." Explain this statement. 6. Describe the Homeric ship, or, the Homeric house. 7. Can you account for the form of the Vocative ? 8. Translate and comment on (1) yevovs pev rJKeis a)Be rola-Se, A77/iO(coK. (2) '^kevrjv KTavw^ev Meve- \inrriv TTiicpdv. (3) 0<-ol Trokirai, ^ p.e SovXeias 108 Greek Examination Papers. (4) Hepcrifcbv %i(f>ov\a,Ka. (7) /3a\\6Tort Be TroXXa rovSe Beifiaro^. 9. Give the English of alfr^yvo^ai ITOIWV irpo- (SaXecrOat, TO. oTrXa etcTTiTrreiv rrjf TrarplSos irpo ? 6. Explain the termination of the Genitive Dual in the Greek consonantal declension. Greek Examination Papers. 109 7. Translate and comment on (1) Ka\\ia-rov rwv Trporepcav a-vvaTTTeiv. (3) d yelp rdv \ / i ^- / /V i (4) Ai09 Ko/cuv#o9. (5) ev iriQ(> rr)v (6) SiKr/v v(peei9 2. What verbs require a participial construction in Greek ? Give examples. 3. Distinguish alreo), alndo/j,ai ct/u, yfyvofun 110 Greek Examination Papers. apia-rov, apiarov ySacrtXeta, /SacrtXe/a opo?, opos efavpe, e(j>evpe. 4. Parse aXei? avco^Oi e'Xwcrt Ki%ei(a \e\d6ovTO 7rpia> (fravolrjv (frvrj 5. Illustrate the various forces of Sid eVt Kara trapd as governing different cases, and in composition with verbs. 6. Translate and comment on (1) ol S'autfo/iatyttot TTOV veaviat TTOVCIV ; (2) terra* vvv Zeur;9, fj,r) fjuev Tot9 ITTTTOKTIV dvrjp 7ro%- aXXo?. (3) elSwjjiev rj vifcwpev fj viKtofjitBa; (4) (3ov\i TO "Trpajfjia rot? Qearaio-iv (frpdcra) ; (5) e? d9 7. What are prepositions originally? Account for prepositions being used with more than one case, and show how their original meanings are modified by their case-endings. 8. Translate and comment on (1) TrelOoi av, el 112 Greek Examination Papers. 7Ti6ot,\ direiOotr)? B' terw?. (2) el Srj rm T/3o? o-uyeXo^Ti elirelv e/ie iraOelv rd&e eXeudepcof Qavu> Trepuovri ro3 eviavrw oloy re ecrrt et /u,oi jevoiro a\y<; e 3. Comment on the cases in (1) Trpfjaac Srji'oio Ovperpa. (2) CTJ}? d\6%ov cr(f>ayi<;. (3) rjfiepat, rjcrav rfj Mvri\ijvij ea\(t>Kvt,a eTrrd. (4) vvv dypoia-i 4. What verb-stems are represented by present stems in -&>, -XTuw, -TTT&), -aaw 1 Give instances of each. Greek Examination Papers. 113 5. Under what conditions may the fifth foot of an iambic trimeter be a spondee, and the first foot be an anapaest ? 6. Write down and accentuate each infinitive and participle of Tretdw. 7. Define the use of the accusative absolute in Greek with the participles of personal verbs. 8. Determine accurately the ways in which a prohib- ition may be expressed in Greek. Justify or emend (1) ov crtj' dve^ei fj,r]8e SeiXiav dpels ; (2) W\ dvTi/3o\eicrav e Ko/j-ieirai Lcrra>. 2. Distinguish vocrfjcrai,, voaelv ypdtjjeiv, ypd- 7roe&>, Trecrai. 3. Compare the constructions used with verbs of fearing in Greek and Latin. 4. Mention the most important Greek festivals. 5. Comment on the cases in (1) o> fiarep, /Qi'ou. (2) Bel ere TVTrrecrdai uravjoi ; 9. Translate, with explanatory comment (1) ra>v awv aBepKteov ouudrwv (2) veiKov (4) icpeicrcrwv avre Ato9 jeverj Trora/ioto rerv/CTai. 10. Render into Greek (1) So far from dining, I did not even go in. 118 Greek Examination Papers. (2) I will not answer till the messenger arrives. (3) He was so poor that he did not fear lest he should be robbed. cv. 1. What was the origin of the Greek Drama ? Explain /co/i/*09 o-rdo-ipov /xe\.o? TrdpoSof eVeto-- oSiov tcopv(f)alo<; XP V SiSovai dearpcovr)? \oyeiov Trepiatcroi dvpat irpoe^pia /caxjiov irpocrcoTrov. 2. Translate, with brief notes (1) r) yap poet? daTTTeiv cr(f>', aTropprjTOv 7ro\ei ; (2) TO KaXXlCTTOV T(t)V TTpOTepWV (f)dos. (3) ravra a r iroXo TOIOVS iSov avepa' tepds Kivelv fj,afcapia a0' ecrTt'a9 ap^eaOai. 2. Translate, with comments on the syntax (1) ftvpov. (2) BeiXate TOV vov. (3) TTW? dywvos rjKO/Aev ; (4) Xa/i/5az/&> rf} orov ov Karye\acrev. 8. Explain and illustrate synizesis aposiopesis oxymoron hypallage. 9. Translate, naming dialect and author fj,fji(j)OfArj Se fcij \iyovpdv Mou/>Tt'S' iwvya on fiava ^>oi)cr' e/Sa Itlivbdpoio TTOT' epiv. 10. Render into Greek (1) If I had not known the man by whom these things were done, I should not have believed you. (2) There is nothing to prevent you going into the city. (3) It was worth being there, in order that you might have heard him. 122 Greek Examination Papers. CVIII. 1. Parse vftplcrOai dvaTreTrrafjievas prf^eie >/ 9 Be yuvr) K\air)cri (f>l\ov TTOCTIV a/i^tTrecroOcra, a> Tetcv el (fravevr ae\7rra ^KVVW \6yov. 3. What year of what Olympiad was 350 B.C. ? 4. Describe the practice of adoption at Athens. 5. Explain 'EXX^ora/iuu ap^wv e7ra)vvfj,o<; BoKifjuaa-ia TroXe/Aap^o? ot evBeica 6. Translate (1) ot B' ov fiorjOija-avres, Beov, vyieis (2) ei0 fjbe etcreivas, tw? /u^-TroTe TOUTO eTroirjcra. (3) a\Xo TI rj dBcKovftev ; 7. Derive Travovpyos \eirovpyla \erj\aTeiv 8. On what grounds has Euripides been accused of lowering the dignity of tragedy ? 124 Greek Examination Papers. 9. Give the force of airo 8id perd avd in composition. 10. Render into Greek (1) If only I can borrow, I am willing to lend at once at high interest. (2) Without knowing it, we were in no wise different from children. (3) At last they think they have become very clever. ex. 1. Translate, commenting on peculiarities of syntax (1) Bv yap rjv ovra) (>i\ov, rd^' civ TI fjLrjviovcrtv 6? 761/09 7rd\ai. 2. Tleivrjv, Sffrijv \eye, d\\a pr) Sta rov a. Translate this, and give a list of the verbs similarly inflected in the Attic dialect. 3. Derive Oecnrea-icx; vtj&v/j,o<; ov\6^vrai Btd/c- ro/909 Tr)\vyTO$ evpvbira aKetav. 4. Define dissimilation, and give examples of it from Latin and Greek. 5. Justify or emend the metre of the following (1) (nrevSwpev, eyrcovw/Aev 7/701) /toi, yepov. (2) el 8' eyfcparels favyovcriv, ovBev Bel G-reek Examination Pajjers. 125 (3) TO /JLTJ /JidratOV K fJ,eT(i)7TC0V (T irco irpocrwirov 6'/i/*a.T05 irap 6. Give the meaning of ol ev re\ei re\r) vewv e\r et9 av&as re\eiv a 7. Explain StaiTrjTijs cr/curaX?; rorra/3o9 e7r&)/3eX/a vavriicol TOKOI Zey? 8. Write out with accents, breathings, and stops, and if necessary correct, the following extract rjv re yap a7ro(f)rjvco iravv aStKovvras avrovs ov Bid rovro KCU airoKTeivat KeXevao) et fj,rj ^vpfapov rjv re Kai rt vyyva>/j,r]<; eiev et rrj TroXet ^r\ ayadov 9. Explain and illustrate the usage of the participle in the following extract TO yap TToOovv e/racrro? eicfJiaOelv Oekwv OVK av fieOeiro irplv KaG' rjSovrjv K\VGLV. 10. Render into Greek (1) A duty of 5 per cent, was laid on all exports. (2) I wish the landlord had known that the tenant was cutting down wood, that he might have prevented him. (3) But for this legacy he must have been made a bankrupt. RICHARD CLAT AND SONS, LIMITED, M)NDON AND BCNCAY. EDUCATIONAL WORKS. BRADFORD SCIENCE SERIES. Under the above title MESSRS. METHUEN propose to issue a Series of Science Manuals suitable for use in schools. They will be edited by Mr. R. ELLIOT STEEL, M.A., F.C.S., Senior Natural Science Master in Bradford Grammar School, and will be published at a moderate price. The following are in preparation : THE ELEMENTS OF NATURAL SCIENCE. September 1890. ELEMENTARY LIGHT AND SOUND. October 1890. ELEMENTARY ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. October 1890. ELEMENTARY HEAT. January 1891. ELEMENTARY INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (THEORETICAL). ELEMENTARY PRACTICAL PHYSICS. ADVANCED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (THEORETICAL). ADVANCED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (PRACTICAL). Other Volumes will be announced in due course. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERIES. Under the above title MESSRS. 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PAPERS . 22 GERMAN ,, ,, .24 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE PAPERS . . 26 HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY PAPERS . . .28 SCIENCE PAPERS . . 29 BOOK-KEEPING PAPERS . 30 ENGLISH LIT. ,, -3 ARITHMETIC ,, . 31 TRIGONOMETRY ,, . 31 OXFORD : ITS LIFE AND SCHOOLS . . .32 LONDON : METHUEN AND CO., 18, BURY STREET, W.C. GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. A Specimen Copy on application by Teachers. Square fcap. %vo. is. FIRST LATIN LESSONS. It is desirable at the early age at which boys now begin the study of Latin, before even the elements of grammar are grasped, that the first book should be of the simplest possible character. This con- sideration has mainly influenced the author in preparing this little book, and as it teaches the elements of English as well as of Latin Grammar, it may be placed in the hands of a very young child. "The book is very easy and well suited to little boys." -Journal of Education. "This will be found a useful book, for it carries out the injunc- tion, so necessary for successful teaching, 'line upon line, precept upon precept.'" Spectator. Crown %i'o. 2s. A FIRST LATIN READER. WITH NOTES AND VOCABULARY. [In the Press.} A collection of easy passages without difficulties of construction or thought. The book commences with simple sentences and passes on to connected passages, including the history of Rome and the invasion of Britain, simplified from Eutropius and Caesar. [Specimen Page.] First Latin Lessons. I. Show which of the following Verbs are Transitive, and which are Intransitive The girl stands. The boys love the mother. The dog runs. The master teaches the boy. The girl sings. The queen praises the boy. Nauta stat. Puer can it. Puer Juliam amat. Julia currit. II. Point out the Subject, Object, and Predicate in each of the following, writing the proper letters over each word The queen loves the boy. The boy fears the dog. The slave loves the girl. Puella servum timet. Servus canem terret. Homo reginam amat. III. Translate into English i. Servus stat. 2. Servus canem timet. 3. Homo currit. 4. Cam's hominem terret. 5. Puella canem amat. 6. Aqua currit. 7. Puer puellam docet. 8. Ma- gister servum docet. 9. Servus nautam videt. 10. Ciinis puellam terret. n. Homo servum videt. 12. Puella canit. 13. Pater matrem amat. 14. Mater filium docet. 15. Nauta pugnat. IV. Translate into Latin i. The slave runs. 2. The queen sees the slave. 3. The girl sees the sailor. 4. The man stands. 5. The water runs. 6. The boy sings. 7. The girl sees the water. 8. Caesar rules the land. [3] A Specimen Copy on application by Teachers. ISSUED WITH THK CONSENT OF DR. KENNEDY. Crown Svo. 2s. 6d. EASY LATIN EXERCISES ON THE SYNTAX OF THE REVISED AND SHORTER LATIN PRIMERS. WITH VOCABULARY. This book has been compiled to accompany DR. KENNEDY'S 'Shorter Latin Primer' and 'Revised Latin Primer.' Special attention has been paid to the rules of oratio obliqua, and the exercises are numerous. DR. KENNEDY has kindly allowed his Syntax rules to be incorporated in the book. [4] [Specimen Page.] 1 8 Easy Latin Exercises. THE ABLATIVE CASE. The Ablative is the Case which defines circumstances ; it is rendered by many prepositions, from, with, by, in. Ablative of Separation. The Ablative of Separation is used with Verbs mean- ing to remove, release, deprive, want ; with Adjectives such as liber, free; also the Adverb procul, far from : Populus Atheniensis Phocionem patria pepulit. NEP. The Athenian people drove Phocionfrom his country. The Ablative of Origin is used with Verbs, chiefly Participles, implying descent or origin : Tantalo prognatus, Pelope natus. Descended from Tantalus, son of Pelops. 18. 1. The death of Hannibal freed the Romans from fear. 2. No one is free from blame. 3. We are in need of brave soldiers. 4. They stripped the town of defenders. 5. The Helvetii did not abstain from wrong. 6. Caesar calls the soldiers away from the battle. 7. The praetors kept the crowd from the forum. 8. Tarquin, the last king of the Romans, was expelled from the city. 9. The murderers abandoned their attempt. 10. Hippocrates was descended from a Syracusan family. 11. Caesar cut off the enemy from their supplies. 12. He was descended from Hercules. 13. I will relieve you of this load. 14. Love of virtue ought to restrain us from wrong. 1 5. We hear that he is descended from an ancient family. Is] A Specimen Copy on application by Teachers. Fcap. 8zv. is. 6V, -OVOS, ///. 5 j f., god, goddess 0ios, -a, -ov, divine tepos, -a, -ov, sacred lAews, -o>v, gracious ev/xevr/s, -eSj gracious o-e/zvos, -^, -ov, revered f (r/3ofj.cu, \ o-e(3 prayer XtTT^, -^S, /, prayer dp z, -as, /, prayer euo-eySjys, -e's, pious [13] A Specimen Copy on application by Teachers. jfnst ready, fcap. 8vo. is. FRENCH VOCABULARIES FOR REPETITION: ARRANGED ACCORDING TO SUBJECTS. This book has been compiled in response to requests by teacher for a compnnion volume to the author's Latin Vocabularies. It is constructed on the same principle. [Specimen Page.] HEALTH. 27. Health. La Sante. (i.) la maladie, illness. la guerison, cure. le remede, remedy. le medecin, doctor. le chirurgien, surgeon. la medecine, medicine. malade, ill. indispose, unwell. en bonne sante, in goud health. se trouver, \ se porter, J to be, feel (in health). comment va la sante ? how is your health ? 28. Health.- la pharmacien, le dentiste, la pilule, la tisane, le pouls, la meurtrissure, une engelure, le malade, un regime fortifiant, tatcr, se blesser, se casser le bras, 29. Health.- le rhume, la toux, la fievre, le quinquina, 1'ordonnance, ) la formule, j la saignee, la fievre scarlatine, -La Sante. (ii.) (dispensing) chemist. dentist. pill. /m(decoctionofherbs,///.sw/). pulse. bruise. chilblain. patient. strengthening diet. to feel (the pulse). to get wounded. to break one's arm. La Sante. (iii.) bad cold, cough, fever, quinine. prescription. bloodletting, scarlet fever. ['5] A Specimen Copy 'on application by Teachers. Second Eiutwn, Enlarged, Fcap. Sro. 2s. 6,1. GREEK TESTAMENT SELECTIONS. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. WITH MAP, INTRODUCTION, NOTES, AND VOCABULARY. This small volume contains a selection of passages, each sufficient for a lesson, from the Gospels, forming :\ life of Christ. In schools where only a limited time can be given to the study of the Greek Testament, an opportunity is thus supplied for reading some of the most characteristic and interesting passages. "When the first edition of this useful book was published, we ventured to predict that it would be highly appreciated and widely used. Such has been the case. A new edition has been called for, and a much enlarged and improved edition has been issued. "- Journal of Education. " Ths notes are full of the most useful matter, and the vocabulary is complete." Educational Ne-ws. [6] [Specimen Page.] NOTES. 7 1 47 ftpti^io) (] "the arm" of God as a symbol of His power is frequently mentioned in the 0. T. " A mighty arm," "an outstretched arm," etc. cumiTrae] princes or potentates. Of. the story of Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar in the O. T., and of Solon in profane history. The fine poem of Longfellow, " King Robert of Sicily," is founded on this verse. drrcXdfitro] took by the hand, i.e. lielped. (v-f(0wc...//(wi'] these words form a parenthesis, to remember mercy (as He sjwke to our fathers) towards Abraham, etc. atwi-a] cf. note on 121. 48 iyirtro] it came to pass, etc. There is a difficulty in this passage which we can only briefly allude to and explain. Quir- inus was not governor of Syria till A.D. 6, ten years after the birth of our Lord. St. Luke has therefore been charged with a grave error in assigning the enrolment to Quirinus. The governor of Syria at this time was Sen- tius Saturninus. Several explanations have been offered, two of which are reasonable : (1) the enrolment was begun under Satur- ninus and completed under Quirinus ; (2) Quirinus was governor twice : first, at the present date, B.C. 4; secondly, in A.D. 6. ctTToypaipt adai] passive, should be enrolled, or middle, should enroll themselves. n-dva.i> riiv oiKovfiEfrji-^ all the habitable world, i.e. the Roman empire. The Romans, with their proud imperialism, confined this description to their own possessions. //] a registration, generally for the pur- pose of taxation. Every Roman subject was liable to a capitation tax. [17] A Specimen Copy of any Volume of the EXAMINATION SEKIES is sent to Teachers on receipt of half the Published Price. SCHOOL EXAMINATION SERIES. EDITED BY A. M. M. STEDMAN, M.A. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. each vohime. This series is intended for the use of teachers and students, to supply material for the former and practice for the latter. The papers are carefully graduated, cover the whole of the subject usually taught, and are intended to form part of the ordinary class work. They may be used vivd voce, or as a written examination. This series is now in use in a large number of public and private schools, including Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Repton, Cheltenham, Sher- borne, Haileybury, Manchester Grammar School, Aldershot Army College, &c. Fourth Edition. FRENCH EXAMINATION PAPERS IN MISCELLANEOUS GRAMMAR AND IDIOMS. BY A. M. M. STEDMAN, M.A. " I am delighted to find you have supplied a want in our School teaching, and produced a book which I have often wished to see started. I consider your Papers in their graduated arrangement are all that can be desired, and I shall strongly recommend them for use in the Modern Side and Army Class here." Rev. A. C. Clapin, Sherborne, Examiner in French, Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations. "Simple, sensible, and carefully graduated." Journal of Education. "Teachers of French will find this a very handy book." Schoolmaster. "We cordially recommend this book to all going up for any public examination." Civil Service Candidate. "I have found your book very useful." If. Bue, Merchant Taylors' School. "Your book answers admirably the purpose for which it was written." G. Masson, Harrow. "No more convenient work could be written for teachers in Modern Classes. I have introduced it in my Upper Class. "- //. L, Guilmant, Repton. A KEY TO THE ABOVE. Compiled by G. A. SCHRUMPF, B.A., Univ. of France. Issued to Tutors and Private Students only, on application to the Publishers. Price 5.?. net. [18] [Specimen Page.] 72 French Examination Papers. LXXIII. 1. Compare bon, mauvais, petit ; and give the adverbs derived from these words. Translate my best book is here ; I am much better. 2. Distinguish il me rit au nez, il rit de mon nez; excel- lent, excellant ; different, different ; le cours, la cour ; le tour, la tour ; vers, vert, le ver ; faire grace, faire une grace ; un ecrivain malheureux, un malheureux ecrivain. 3. What is the place of the adverb in a French sentence ? Translate I have slept well. 4. Give the masculine of actrice, hotesse, institutrice, bergere, jumelle, vache, de laquelle, joyeuse, grasses, sotte, citoyenne ; and the plural of joujou, nez, chacal, sous- officier. 5. What tenses are formed from the present participle ? Give examples, and any exceptions you know. 6. Translate 1. I have passed you the salt. 2. Have you left the door open ? 3. I have given your father the book I promised him. 4. Who is there ? It is he. 5. I will give it him if you like. 7. Write the infinitive of mis, sert, envoient, du, fait, vu, ouvert. 8. Derive agneau, aigu, ajouter, ame, arriver. 9. Why should the first person plural of gtmir end in -tssons, and that of sentir in -ons ? What was the old form of il aime ? Second Edition, revised. LATIN EXAMINATION PAPERS IN MISCELLANEOUS GRAMMAR AND IDIOMS. "A most useful and learned book." Professor Kennedy. " This useful collection of papers, which are graduated in difficulty, is well adapted ' to provide boys who have passed beyond the elementary stages of grammar and scholarship with practice in miscellaneous grammar and idioms.' The work seems to be better than most compilations of this kind." Athcnccum. " The book is practical and cheap, and the questions are clearly worded. None of the ordinary rules or anomalies escape attention. Mr. Stedman says quite truly that 'the papers are graduated in difficulty.' Th >se at the beginning would suit ordinary Fourth and Fifih Forms or candidates for Woolwich and Sandhurst ; and the later sets of questions would give useful practice to boys working for University scholarships." Saturday Review. A KEY TO THE ABOVE, by P. HEBBLETIIWAITE, M.A. Issued to Tutors on application to the Publishers. Price 6s. net. [Specimen Page.] 64 Latin Examination Papers. N 2. What is the difference in meaning between the singular and plural of coraitium, littera, ludus, tabula? 3. Translate what does it matter to me? accused of embezzlement ; a house of marble ; the day after the battle ; after the rising of the sun ; do not lie ; more than three months ; to Naples ; lighter than gold ; at least ; at length. 4. Explain the forms qui, sultis, viden, fervit. 5. Translate and comment on (i) Opus est properato. (2) Parcite procedere. (3) Non recusavit quomimis poenam subiret. (4) Nullum intermisi diem quin scriberem. 6. Turn into oratio recta (i) Dixit eum si hoc diceret, errare. (2) Dixit eum si hoc diceret, erraturum esse. (3) Dixit eum si hoc dixisset, erraturum fuisse. 7. Explain the figures in (i) Pateris libamus et auro. (2) Insaniens sapientia. (3) Superbos Tarquini fasces. (4) Scuta latentia condunt. (5) Dulce loquens Lalage. 8. Give the constructions with polliceor, impero, refert, vereor, quum, ne. Distinguish between the transitive and intransitive uses of fugio, consulo, convenio. 9. What do you mean by cardinal numbers, consecutive clause, co-ordinate sentence, diaeresis, enclitics, labials? 10. What English words are derived from templum, metior, sidus, dexter, ambio ? What were the original names of the months lulius and Augustus ? n. Give an example of coepi in passive construction. 12. Translate I know no one to trust. Do not prevent me from going. Do you know how many years Caesar lived ? Who has seen the Pyramids without wondering at them? W T e are permitted to do this. [21] Second Edition, Revise.l and Enlarged. GREEK EXAMINATION PAPERS IN MISCELLANEOUS GRAMMAR AND IDIOMS. "Teachers will find these papers very useful." Spectator. " Very useful for Teachers." Saturday Rezieiv. A KEY IN THE PRESS. [Specimen Page.] Greek Examination Papers. 69 5. Translate and comment on (1) a.Kovv Oai'drov. (5) (6) a^et/3etf \pvcrea ^aA.Keuoy. (7) Trarpos. (8) 6 /xarrt? TOVS Ao'youj \//eu8ers Aeyet. 6. What notion generally precedes the use of -npiv I Give rules for the construction of final sentences in Greek, with examples. 7. Give the Greek of mast ; sail ; anchor ; stern ; the school of Plato ; some people ; with impunity ; as far as was in their power ; may you be happy ; skilful in speaking ; it being lawful ; more honest than rich ; fairer than any before ; too heavy for a boy ; \\e must obey him ; he did it unseen ; don't talk. 8. Is there any connection or similarity between the case-endings of Latin and Greek ? 9. Translate 1. He sent for his wife and her son. 2. Do not go away till I come. 3. Surely you do not say so ? LXVIII. 1. Give the Genitive and Gender of yaXa eATri? avOos TT[va Kpdros (r&p (ptyyos XP* 2. Give the chief tenses of a?pa> eTriTi^7j//t cAavrw (rflevvvp,i Second Edition. GERMAN EXAMINATION PAPERS IN MISCELLANEOUS GRAMMAR AND IDIOMS. COMPILED BY R. J. MORICH, Chief Modern Language Master, Manchester Grammar School. "Distinctly the best book of its kind." F. Slorr, Merchant Taylors' School. "The most useful book of its kind." -J. H. Difter, Cooper's Hill. A KEY TO THE ABOVE, by G. A. ScilRUMPF, B.A. Issued to Tutors on application to the Publishers. Price $s. net. [Specimen Page.] German Examination Papers. 75 LX1V. 1. Translate These two men, one of whom was a tailor and the other a blacksmith. His brothers, all of whom had come. The house standing on the summit of the hill. 2. Explain briefly the origin of the formation of strong imperfects by vowel change, and of weak imperfects by the suffix :=te. Is there in the present German language a trace of reduplication ? 3. Translate )er SBinb bat fid) Qetegt 3d) babe mid) bier ttollia, eingelebt. SSMen @ie fid? t>er ache annebmen ? 3Rad)e bid) auS bem taube. 4. What is the usual way of rendering an English accusa- tive with the infinitive ? Turn into German Heat causes bodies to expand. 5. Give the German for The Atlantic ; the Pacific ; the Arctic and Antarctic Ocean ; the South Sea ; the North Sea ; the Baltic ; the Channel ; the Mediterranean ; the Adriatic ; the Archipelago ; the Black Sea ; the Caspian Lake ; the Red Sea. 6. What is the correct rendering of The difference between man (2ftenfd)) and beast ; For sovereign (u*ft) and subject ; Prince Alexander's deposition ? GENERAL KNOWLEDGE EXAMINATION PAPERS. These Papers have been compiled to furnish practice for those who are preparing for scholarships at the Public Schools and at the Universities. A large number of the questions are original, a larger number taken from papers actually set. The first fifty papers are, on the whole, suitable for boys preparing for Public School Scholar- ships ; the remainder for Candidates for the College Scholarships. "They are sufficiently varied to suit boys of any age between twelve and eighteen." Guardian. "Great pains have been taken in the choice of subjects and in distinguishing what is technical from what is general.'' Educational Times. "Your General Knowledge Papers are splendid." Head Master, IJolton Grammar School. A KEY IN THE PRESS. [26] [Specimen Page ] 6 General Knowledge Examination Papers. v. 1. Give a short account of: Mordecai, Joab, Naaman, Lazarus, Barnabas, Zacchreus, Herodias. 2. Who wrote the following works : Agamemnon, L'Avare, Evangeline, Lycidas, David Copperfield, New- comes, Marmion, Last of the Barons, Tristram Shandy, Robert Elsmere ? 3. Write a short essay on (i) a day at the British Museum, or (2) a visit to the Zoological Gardens. 4. Mention the chief British possessions in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Oceania 5. W 7 hat do you mean by : school board, protective mea- sures, the struggle between capital and labour, strikes, supply and demand, imperial federation? 6. Give any causes you can think of which have affected British trade of late years. 7. By whom and on what occasion were the following words spoken (1) This to the gentle Critias. (2) Then I die happy. (3) We shall this day light such a candle as I trusl shall never be put out. (4) Commend your souls to God, for our bodies are the prince's. 8. Explain the process which a bill has to go through before it is finally a law. HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY EXAMINATION PAPERS. BY C. H. SPENCE, M.A., Assistant Master, Clifion College. "For a well-selected and varied compilation of examination questions in geography and history we would recommend teachers to see Mr. Spence's book." Schoolmaster. "We heartily commend these Examination Papers." Private Schoolmaster. 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Many of the chapters have been contributed by well-known members of the University, and it is confidently hoped that the book will prove interest- ing and valuable not only to undergraduates, but to those who have finished their University career, and to those who are looking forward to such a career. I. THE UNIVERSITY. Historical Sketch. By H. H. HENSON, M.A., Fellow of AH Souls. II. THE COLLEGES. III. EXPENSES OF OXFORD LIFE. By A. M. M. STEDMAN, M.A. IV. THE SOCIAL LIFE. By A. M. M'. STEDMAN, M.A. V. THE INTELLECTUAL LIFE. By F. G. BRABANT, M.A., late Scholar of C. C. C. VI. THE RELIGIOUS LIFE. By REV. G. W. GENT, M.A., late Tutor of Keble ; Principal of St. Mark's Coll., Chelsea. VII. PREPARING FOR OXFORD : READING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS. By F. G. BRABANT, M.A. VIII. EXAMINATIONS. By F. G. BRABANT, M.A. IX. RESPONSIONS. PASS MODS. AND FINALS. By F. E. WEATHERLY, M.A., late Scholar of B. N. C. X. HONOUR MODS. (Classical). By F. G. BRABANT, M.A. XI. LlTERAE HUMANIORES. By J. 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