LI BR ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIRT OR A c cessions No. _<^L_ j?. Shelf No. CIRCULATION THROUGH THE HEART AND LtTNQB. A TREATISE ON PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE; FOR SCHOOLS, FAMILIES, AND COLLEGES. BY J. C. DALTON, M.D., PKOFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, N. Y. tDitl) Illnstrationa. UNIVERSITY HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS. FBANKLIN SQUARE. 1878. BIOLOGY LIBRARY G Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Copyright also secured in Great Britain, and entered at Stationei-s' Hftll, London, and Translation reserved. PREFACE. THIS book is intended as a means of instruction in Physiology and Hygiene for pupils and general read- ers who have no previous knowledge on medical sub- jects. The writer has endeavored to arrange the statements and descriptions in such a way that no an- atomical or physiological term should be employed, the meaning of which has not been already explained in the text. For convenience of reference, however, in cases where this explanation may have been over- looked or forgotten, a Glossary is added in the latter part of the book, which contains the meaning of all professional terms employed in the body of the work. A large proportion of the complicated names and phrases required for the complete study of Anatomy and Physiology are entirely unnecessary for those who pursue it simply as a part of their general edu- cation that is, in the same way as they study Geog- raphy, Astronomy, or Mathematics. The most im- portant, and, at the same time, the most interesting facts of Physiology may be taught with success in a perfectly simple manner, provided they be given in the proper order and in their natural relation to each other. It has been the aim of the present work to accomplish this object ; and if it be found to have succeeded in that respect, it is hoped that it will be an assistance to the teachers, parents, and pupils for whose use it was designed. New York, 1868. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. GENERAL STRUCTURE AND MECHANISM OF THE ANIMAL FRAME. THE BONES. Their Composition. Their Structure. The Skeleton. Spinal Column. The Skull Pelvis. Tibia. Bones of the Foot. Curvatures of the Skeleton. Elastic Ligaments. THE MUSCLES. Their Contraction. Relaxation. Flexor and Ex- tensor Muscles. Tendons. Movement of Joints. Walking. Running. Leaping. Elasticity of the Skeleton. Exercise of the Muscular System. Its Repose Page 19 CHAPTER II. THE FOOD AND ITS INGREDIENTS. Inorganic Substances. Water. Salt. Lime. Other Inorganic Matters. Starch. Its different Varieties. Properties of Starch. Its conversion into Sugar. Sugar. Whence obtained. Propor- tion in the Food. Fermentation of Sugar. Fats. Stearine. Margarine. Oleine. Crystallization of Fat. Emulsions. Con- dition of Fat in Animal and Vegetable Tissues. How extracted. Adipose Tissue. Proportion of Fat in the Food. Albuminous Matters. Different kinds. Coagulation. Ferments. Putrefac- tion. Proportion of Albuminous Matters in Food. All the nutri- tious substances necessary to Life 45 CHAPTER III. THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF FOOD, AND THEIK MODE OF PREPARA- TION. Meat its Composition. Effect of Cooking. Eggs. Composition of the White and Yolk. Milk its Composition. Butter how obtained. Cheese its Preparation. Bread how made. Yeast. Fermentation of Bread. Baking. Wine its Fermenta- tion. Beer. Vegetables. Effect of Cooking on Vegetables. Essential Qualities of Food. Necessary Quantity 72 riii CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. DIGESTION*. Necessity for Food. Nature of Digestion. Alimentary Canal its different Parts. Digestive Fluids. Mastication. The Teeth. Incisors. Canines. Molars. Their different Functions. Sali- va. Salivary Glands. Composition of Saliva its double Func- tion. Action of the Tongue. (Esophagus its Peristaltic Action. Deglutition. The Stomach its lining Memhrane. Gastric Tu- bules. Gastric Juice its Secretion. Peristaltic Movements of the Stomach. Composition of the Gastric Juice. Pepsine. Lactic Acid. Action of Gastric Juice on the Food. It is a Ferment. Digestibility of Food. Food should be properly cooked should be taken in moderate quantity with regularity. The small Intestine. Follicles of Lieberkuhn. Intestinal Juice its action on Starch. Pancreatic Juice its Composition its action on Fat. The Chyle. Peristaltic Movement of Intestine. Changes of Food in the Alimentary Canal. End of Digestion Page 83 CHAPTER V. ABSOEPTION. Lining Membrane of Intestine. Valvular Conniventes. Villi. En- dosmosis. Absorption by Living Membranes. Influence of the Circulation. Blood-vessels of the Intestine. Portal Vein. Blood of the Portal Vein during Digestion contains Albuminose, Sugar, and Chyle. Change in its appearance owing to Chyle. Distribu- tion of Portal Vein in the Liver. Reabsorption of the Digestive Fluids. Lymphatic Vessels. Lacteal Vessels. Appearance of Lacteals during Digestion. Receptaculum Chyli. Thoracic Duct. Discharge of Digested Matters into the Blood. Their Transfor- mation and Disappearance. Nutrition of the Blood 119 CHAPTER VI. THE LIVER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. Situation and Structure of the Liver its Lobules. Biliary Ducts. Secretion of the Bile. Gall-bladder. Accumulation of Bile in the Gall-bladder its discharge into the Intestine. Appearance and Composition of the Bile. Biliary Salts. Mode of extracting them from the Bile. Their Crystallization. Changes of the Bile in the Intestine its absorption by the Blood. Function of the Bile. Formation of Sugar in the Liver its absorption by the Blood-ves- sels. Sugar finally decomposed in the Circulation 134 CONTENTS. ll CHAPTER VII. THE BLOOD. Ingredients of the Blood. Water. Salt. Lime. Albumen. Properties of Albumen. Fibrine its Properties. Blood Globules their Form Size Color Consistency. White Globules. Quantity of different Ingredients in the Blood. Coagulation of the Blood. Clot. Serum. Coagulation dependent on the Fibrine. Use of Coagulation in stoppage of Bleeding. Why Blood does not Coagulate in the Vessels. Daily Production and Decomposition of Fibrine. Entire Quantity of Blood in the Body its Variation. Variation in Composition of the Blood. Two different Kinds of Blood in the Body Page 145 CHAPTER VIII. RESPIRATION. The Oxygen of the Air its Necessity to Life. Nature of Respiration. The Lungs their Structure. Larynx. Trachea. Bronchial Tubes. Lobules. Air Vesicles. Movement of Inspiration. The Diaphragm its Contraction. Entrance of the Air. Inter- costal Muscles. Motion of the Ribs. Movement of Expiration. Elasticity of the Lungs. Quantity of Air used in Respiration. Movements of Respiration involuntary. Effect of Respiration on the Blood. Its Change of Color. Venous Blood. Arterial Blood. Absorption of Oxygen in the Lungs. Loss of Oxygen in the Tissues. Carbonic Acid where formed. Discharged with the Breath. Animal Vapor. Watery Vapor. Ventilation. Ventila- tion by Doors and Windows by Fires and Chimneys by other Means. Necessity for complete Ventilation 158 CHAPTER IX. THE CIRCULATION. The Organs of Circulation. The Heart its Muscular Fibres. Auricles. Ventricles. Pulmonary Artery. Aorta. Movement of the Blood through the Heart. Contraction of the Heart its Relaxation. Valves of the Heart. Ventricular Valves. Semilu- nar Valves. Action of the Heart involuntary. The Arteries. Arch of the Aorta. Distribution of the Arteries their Elasticity. The Pulse how felt. Rapidity of the Pulse. Pressure on the Blood in the Arteries. The Capillaries. Capillary Network. Circulation of the Blood in the Capillaries. The Veins their Valves. Movement of the Blood in the Veins. Obstruction of the A2 X CONTENTS. Circulation by compressing the Veins. Rapidity of the Circula- tion. Its local Variations Page 182 CHAPTER X. ANIMAL HEAT. Warmth of Living Bodies how preserved. Production of Animal Heat. Warm-blooded Animals. Cold-blooded Animals. Tem- perature of the Human Body. Source of Animal Heat. Differ- ence in Temperature of the Internal Organs. Animal Heat neces- sary to Life. Effects of cooling the Blood and Internal Organs. Regulation of Heat by Perspiration. Perspiratory Glands. Com- position of the Perspiration. Insensible Transpiration. Increase of Perspiration by Heat. Effect of its Evaporation. Effect of heat- ing the Blood above 100 Fahrenheit. Solid Ingredients of the Perspiration. Sebaceous Secretion. Necessity for frequent Bath- ing 200 CHAPTER XL NUTRITION. Definition of Nutrition. Its three different Parts. Assimilation, Absorption of Inorganic Ingredients. Their different Proportions in the Tissues and the Blood. Different kinds of Albuminous In- gredients. Transformation of the Albumen. Secretion. Struc- ture of a Gland. Follicles. Lobules. Ducts. Inorganic Ingre- dients of a Secretion. Its Albuminous Ingredient. Increase of Secretion with excitement of the Circulation. Excretion. Altera- tion of Animal Tissues during Life. A necessary consequence of Activity. New Substances so produced. Carbonic Acid. Ani- mal Vapors. Urea. Creatine. Creatinine. Urate of Soda. Double Movement of Nutrition. Supply and Discharge. Quanti- ty of Material absorbed and discharged in twenty-four hours... 210 CHAPTER XII. GENERAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. United Action of the Organs. System of Telegraphs. Nervous Fila- ments. Nerves. Spinal Cord. Spinal Nerves. Brain. Cere- brum. Cerebellum. Medulla Oblongata. Cranial Nerves. Nervous Fibres are Organs of Communication. Irritability of Nerves. Sensitive Fibres. Motor Fibres. Nerve Cells. Nerv- ous Centres. Reflex Action of the Nervous System 227 CONTENTS. Xl CHAPTER XIII. THE SPINAL NERVES AND SPINAL CORD. Function of the Spinal Nerves. Sensation and Motion. Paralysis from injury of Nerve. Restoration of a divided Nerve. Anterior and Posterior Roots of Spinal Nerves. Anterior Roots motor. Posterior Roots sensitive. Anterior and Posterior Columns of the Cord. Anterior Columns motor. Posterior Columns sensitive. Connection of Spinal Cord with Brain. Paralysis from injury of Spinal Cord. Paraplegia. Crossed Action of the Spinal Cord. Hemiplegia. Intercostal Nerves. Phrsnic Nerve. Sensibility cf the Skin its Variation in different Parts. Ordinary Sensibility. Sensibility to Pain. Sensibility to Heat and Cold. Spinal Cord as a Nervous Centre. Its Gray Matter. Reflex Action of the Spinal Cord. Its Character and Function Page 238 CHAPTER XIV. THE CRANIAL NERVES. Character of the Cranial Nerves. Sensibility of the Face. Fifth Pair of Cranial Nerves its three Branches their Distribution their Sensibility. Neuralgia, Tic Douloureux. Motor Branch of the Fifth Pair. Muscles of Mastication. Temporal. Masse- ter. Pterygoids. Movements of Expression. Facial Nerve its Distribution its Motive Power. Paralysis of the Face. Hypo- glossal Nerve. Movements of the Tongue. Pneumogastric Nerve its Origin and Distribution. Pharyngeal Branch. Act of Deg- lutition. Sensibility of the Pharynx. Protection of the Nostrils in Deglutition. Laryngeal Branches of the Pneumogastric. The Glottis its Movements in Respiration. Protection of the Glot- tis in Deglutition. Formation of the Voice. Action of the Lar- ynx 25G CHAPTER XV. THE BRAIN. Form of the Brain its Anatomical Divisions. Medulla Oblongata. Cerebellum. Pons Varolii. Tuber Annulare. Cerebrum. Functions of the Cerebrum. Memory. Judgment. Reason. Effects of Injury to the Cerebrum. Functions of the Tuber An- nulave. Sensation and Volition. Instinctive Movements. Func- tions of the Medulla Oblongata. Movements of Respiration how performed. Reflex Action of Medulla Oblongata. Effects of In- jury to Medulla Oblongata. Different kinds of Reflex Action in the Brain... .... 282 Xll CO3TTENTS. CHAPTER XVI. SYSTEM OF THE GREAT SYMPATHETIC. General Structure of the great Sympathetic its Ganglia its Nerves. Arterial Plexus their Distribution connection with the Cere- bro-spinal System. Slow operation of Sympathetic Nerves. Effect of Cold and Wet. Inflammation of the Internal Organs. How to avoid the effects of Exposure. Different kinds of Reflex Action through Sympathetic and Cerebro-spinal Systems Page 297 CHAPTER XVII. THE SPECIAL SENSES. Definition of the Special Senses. Nerves of Special Sense. Organs of Special Sense. THE SENSE OP SIGHT. Optic Nerve. The Eye- ball its different Parts. Field of Vision. Line of distinct Vision. Estimation of Distance. Solidity and Projection. Stereoscope. Thaumatrope. Internal Impressions. Muscles of the Eyeball. Eyelids. The Tears. Winking. Meibomean Glands. Lach- rymal Canal. Practices injurious to the Sight. SENSE OF HEAR- ING. Auditory Nerve. Labyrinth. Tympanum or Drum. Chain of Bones. Eustachian Tube. External Ear. Direction, Contrast, and Pitch of Sounds. SENSE OF SMELL. Olfactory Nerves. Nasal Passages. Turbinated Bones. Two kinds of Sen- sibility in Nose. Uses of the Sense of Smell. SENSE OF TASTE. Papillae of Tongue. Two kinds of Sensibility in Tongue. Glos- so-pharyngeal Nerve. Uses of the Sense of Taste 305 CHAPTER XVIII. DEVELOPMENT. Definition of Development. Newly-born Infant its Weight con- dition of its Skeleton. Ossification of the Skeleton. Spinal Col- umn. Skull. Fontanelles. Pelvis. Long Bones. Respiration of the Infant its Digestion and Nutrition its Nervous Sys- tem. Reflex Actions. Formation of the Teeth. First Set. Childhood. Muscular System of the Child. Nervous and Mental Functions. Preponderance of the Instincts. Formation of new Set of Teeth. Youth. Continued Ossification of the Skeleton. Union of the Bones. Completion of Development 359 CHAPTER XIX. ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY 371 INTRODUCTION. PHYSIOLOGY is the science which teaches us the natural actions of the living body, and the manner in which they are performed. It is very important for us to know what these actions are, and how they take place, for two reasons : First, because we learn in this way what kind of work the living body is capable of accomplishing, and to what uses it is adapted, so that we may be enabled to employ our natural powers to the best advantage, and not waste them by attempting what is useless or impracticable. Secondly, by understanding the natural actions of our bodies, and how they are maintained in a healthy condition, we are enabled to avoid injuring them by improper treatment, and thus actually diminishing our vital powers, or exposing them to debility and disease. Nothing can be more important than this either to our comfort, our usefulness, or even our mental im- provement. For the bodily frame is the organization by which our animal life is maintained, through which all our knowledge of the world about us is ac- quired, and by means of which alone all our designs are carried into execution. The knowledge of the mode in which health is to be maintained, and the bodily and mental powers kept unimpaired, consti- tutes the science of HYGIENE. XIV INTRODUCTION. The study of physiology, therefore, leads directly to that of hygiene, and the two are necessarily asso- ciated with each other. In examining the bodily frame, we easily see that it is composed of various parts, which differ from each other in size, appearance, texture, and location. In one region, for example, there is the heart, in another the liver, in another the brain ; while the surface is every where enveloped by the sensitive expansion of the skin. These different parts or portions of the body are called its Organs. They are connected in such a way as to give to each other a mutual support, and to form by their union a complete bodily organi- zation. Now each one of these organs is intended for a particular use, which is necessary in some way to the maintenance of life. Thus the heart circulates the blood, the lungs breathe, the liver produces the bile, the stomach digests the food, and the brain directs the movement of the limbs. The particular act or duty which each organ performs in this way is called its Function. Each function is different from every other, just as the organ which performs it is different from the rest; but they are all necessary to the healthy action of the whole body. For the different functions are associated together like the different or- gans that perform them, and are in the same way mutually dependent. Thus the liver can not pro- duce bile unless it be properly supplied with blood, and the blood will soon become poor and useless un- less the stomach continues to digest the food. INTRODUCTION. XV The whole body, accordingly, is made up of differ- ent organs, united with each other, and performing at the same time a variety of functions. It is a kind of workshop in which various duties are performed by different workmen, while all combine to produce the final result. This result is the complete and healthy activity of the entire frame. While studying, accordingly, in their regular order, the various animal functions, we find that they are naturally arranged in certain groups, which are dis- tinguished from each other by the nature of the acts performed and the object to be accomplished by them. Some of these acts are comparatively simple, others more peculiar and complicated. "We shall find that their study is facilitated by taking up first the more simple of the animal functions, and afterward in succession those which are more complex. These functions will accordingly be described in four different groups or sections. SECTION I. The animal functions belonging to the first group are entirely MECHANICAL in their nature. They are those by which the body is held together by the articulation of its various parts ; by which the internal organs are protected from mechanical in- jury ; and by which the voluntary movements of the limbs and trunk are performed. This group com- prises the functions of the bones, the cartilages, the ligaments, the tendons, and the muscles. SECTION II. The second group of functions are those which are physical or chemical in their nature, and which provide for the nourishment or NUTRITION Xvi INTRODUCTION. of the body. This group includes a great variety of functions, which all tend, however, to the accomplish- ment of a single object, viz., the maintenance of the animal frame in its proper condition of flesh, strength, and activity. We shall study, in this division of the subject, the ingredients and qualities of the food, its preparation, digestion, and absorption, the blood and its circulation, respiration, secretion, and the nutri- tion of the animal tissues. SECTION III. The third group includes the actions of the NERVOUS SYSTEM. These actions are quite dif- ferent in their nature from any of the preceding, and have for their ultimate object the guidance or regu- lation of the other functions. It is in the study of this group that we shall learn the action of the senses, of the will, of the instincts, of many involuntary movements, and of the various operations of the mind. SECTION IY. Finally, an important division of the subject is that which relates to the changes in tho functions of the body at different ages, to its growth, adolescence, maturity, and DEVELOPMENT. For the history of the animal functions is not entirely the same at different ages, but undergoes various modifi- cations, like the external appearance of the frame, and the capacity of the mental and bodily powers. The entire organization, therefore, is adapted to dif- ferent purposes at different ages, somewhat in the same way as the various organs are permanently de- voted to particular functions. SECTION I. MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. CHAPTER I. GENERAL STRUCTURE AND MECHANISM OF THE ANIMAJ FRAME. THE BONES. Their Composition. Their Structure. The Skeleton. Spinal Column. The Skull. Pelvis. Tibia. Bones of the Foot. Curvatures of the Skeleton. Elastic Ligaments. THE MUSCLES. Their Contraction. Relaxation. Flexor and Ex- tensor Muscles. Tendons. Movement of Joints. Walking. Running. Leaping. Elasticity of the Skeleton. Exercise of the Muscular System. Its Repose. 1. Structure and Composition of the Bones. The lody depends for its general form and solidity upon the bones. The bones are of various sizes and shapes in different parts of the frame, but they are distinguished from the other organs by being hard and rigid, instead of soft and yielding ; so that they are adapted to sustain the other tissues which are attached to them, and to pro- tect the internal organs which they inclose more or less perfectly in interior cavities. Kow the bones have this important quality of hardness and rigidity because they contain, among other substances, a large propor- tion of a mineral ingredient. This ingredient is Lime, which, in certain forms of combination, is united with the animal matter of the bones, and makes them firm and resisting. If the bones were composed entirely of 20 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. Fig.l. this mineral ingredient, they would be stony and brit- tle, like limestone or marble ; but, in reality, they con- sist partly of animal matter and partly of lime. The lime gives them their stiffness and resistance, while the animal matter makes them, at the same time, some- what tough and elastic ; so that they combine, to a cer- tain extent, the two qualities of stiffness and elasticity. They are hard enough to sustain the weight of the body, and yet are not so brittle as to be easily broken. As a general rule, the bones are composed of about one half animal matter and one half mineral substance. Another important quality of the bones is their light- ness, which is combined in a proper degree with firm- ness and resistance. If they were en- tirely dense and solid, they would be too heavy for motion, and would be rather a load and impediment to the animal body than a support and assist- ance. But, in point of fact, the bones are hollow (Figs. 1 and 2). They are covered every where on their exterior with a layer of very compact bony tis- sue, which acts as a firm and resisting shell, while in their interior there are cavities occupying a large portion of the bony mass. In the middle of the bones of the limbs these cavities are elongated and cylindrical, and are filled with a soft vascular substance termed the Marrow / but their rounded ends contain a multitude of small bony nee- dles and filaments, which branch and unite in various directions, dividing the principal cavity into a great Thigh-bone, sawn open lengthwise. THE BOXES. 21 number of smaller spaces, and giving to the bone in this situation a very finely reticulated or honey-combed Fig. 2. Lower end of the thigh-bone, sawn across, showing its central cavity. structure. By this means the bones are made lighter, while they also preserve their firmness and resistance, and at the same time give a secure fastening to the muscles and tendons which are attached to their sur- face. 2. General arrangement of the Skeleton. The bones are united to eaclTother, by strong fibres or ligaments, into a connected series or system, which is called the Skeleton. The skeleton is therefore a bony scaifolding or frame-work, which sustains by its physical solidity the other organs, and which gives its general configu- ration to the entire body. It consists, first of all, of tho " spinal column," or Sack-lone (Fig. 3), which runs up and down along the middle line of the back, and which can be readily felt in that situation, like a bony ridge, extending from the back of the neck to the region of the hips. This ridge is formed by a line of sharp prominences or " spines," each of which belongs to a separate bone ; and as these bones are placed one upon 22 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. Fig. 3. another, like a pile or column, the en- tire series has accordingly received the name of the " spinal column." The bones of the spinal column, twen- ty-six in number, are articulated and locked together by various projec- tions, and fastened by ligaments in such a way hat it is capable of being maintained with security in the erect position. It stands, therefore, as a kind of central upright pillar, around which the other organs of the body are grouped, and upon which they depend for their support. It is the most important part of the whole, skeleton. The spinal column sustains upon its upper extremity the " cranium," or Skull, which is a hollow bony case containing the brain, and having at- tached to it the jaws and other parts of the frame - work of the face. Its lower extremity rests upon the " pel- Diagram of the skele- *." ton, etc., in profile, vis " or Hip - bone* between the two The dotted lines ..,.. , ... show the direction halves of which it is fastened like a of the muscles. ^^, wedge, and secured by strong liga- ments. The pelvis is a bony expansion, very much like a basin in shape, and is intended to receive and sup- port the organs of the lower part of the abdomen. By placing the hands upon the hips, we can easily feel the flaring edges of this basin -like bone, and can readily understand how it serves to support the intestines and other organs placed above it. THE BONES. 23 The pelvis, in its turn, rests upon the "femur," or great Thigh-bone y the largest and strongest single bone in the whole body. It is placed nearly straight up and down, and is surrounded by the thick muscles of the thigh. It is itself supported by the Tibia, or leg-bone, upon which it is placed, end for end. The tibia is some- what triangular in shape, and forms the sharp ridge which may be felt on the front part of the leg below the knee. Lastly, the lower end of the tibia rests upon the bones of the Foot. These bones are arranged very much in the form of an arch ; for while the foot touches the ground by the point of the heel behind and the ball of the toes in front, the bones between them rise into a curved figure, forming at this part an arch or vault, called the " hollow of the foot." Now the bones of the foot are not fastened immova- bly to each other, but are so connected by elastic bands and ligaments that they yield a little when pressed upon, and again resume their usual position when the pressure is taken off. We can perceive this very dis- tinctly by bearing down upon the foot forcibly from above, when it spreads out a little, and afterward re- covers itself and returns to its original shape. The principal internal organs, such as the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, and intestines, are contained in the cavities of the chest and abdomen, being situated in front and on the sides of the spinal column. 3. Balancing of the different parts of the Skeleton. The entire skeleton, therefore, forms a connected series or vertical frame of bones, which is so balanced that it may be kept in an upright position. The different parts of the skeleton are not placed ex- actly in a straight line, one above another, but, on the 24 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. contrary, vary somewhat both in a backward and for- ward direction. The bones of the foot are placed very obliquely, as we have already seen, forming an arch. The tibia, which rests upon this arch, is the only bone which is exactly vertical. The femur is somewhat curved in shape, and is also tipped forward, so that its upper extremity is articulated with the pelvis a little in front of the junction of the pelvis with the spinal column above. And the spinal column itself has no less than three different curvatures, which are turned alternately in the backward and forward direction. Nevertheless, if we look at the diagram of the skele- ton in Fig. 3, we shall see that all these variations com- pensate for each other ; so that, although the skeleton is thus curved in its different parts, its general direc- tion is a straight one, and the weight of the head and upper part of the body rests almost exactly above the ankle-joint. But, as the different parts of the skeleton are movable at the joints or articulations, they must be fixed or steadied in some way, in order to keep the body in an upright position. This is accomplished by the follow- ing means. 4. Action of the Elastic Ligaments. First of all, the body is held erect by a series of Elastic Ligaments, which are attached to the back part of the spinal col- umn. This jointed column is so arranged that it is ca- pable of moving in various directions, and especially of bending forward ; and as the principal internal or- gans are situated in front of it, their weight would nat- urally cause it to bend over in this direction. But the spinal column is also provided throughout its entire length with bony eminences, projecting backward from THE MUSCLES. 25 its posterior surface. Now between these eminences there are attached, from one end to the other, a succes- sion of strong ligaments or bands, called the " elastic ligaments of the spinal column," because they are ex- tensible and elastic like India-rubber. These ligaments are sufficient to prevent the spinal column from yield- ing to the weight of the organs situated in front. When the back bone is bent forward by the action of the muscles, the bony eminences on its posterior sur- face, of course, are opened and separated from each oth- er like the sticks of a fan ; but afterward they are drawn together as before by the elastic force of their ligaments, and the spinal column is again straightened. 5. Structure and Action of the Muscles. Secondly, the skeleton is maintained in its upright position by the action of the Muscles. These are the organs which are attached to the different parts of the skeleton in such a way as to control its movements. They form a large proportion of the whole mass of the body, and constitute the firm and ruddy fibrous Flesh, which is found every where underneath the skin, .which clothes the bones, and which envelops in a kin,d of mus- cular sac^the cavities of the chest and abdomen. If the muscles be .examined by the microscope (Fig. 4), they are seen to be composed of a great number of very small jibrqs, too mi- nute to be seen by the naked eye, placed side by side, and all run- ning in nearly the same direction. B Fig. 4. Muscular fibres highly magnified. 26 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. These fibres are ruddy in color, and very elegantly marked by transverse lines or stripes, which run around them in a circular direction. The fibres themselves are united into small bundles, of from 100 to 200 each, which are placed side by side with other similar bundles, but separated from them by a thin layer of loose interven- ing tissue, called Cellular Tissue. A number of these bundles are also united into larger bundles with cellu- lar tissue between them, and these again into still larger. Thus the entire muscle is made up of many bundles of parallel fibres, which can be separated from each other by careful dissection, and reduced to finer and finer divisions, until they become too small for the naked eye. It is this which gives to the muscular flesh its fibrous appearance on close examination. Now the muscles, as we have described them above, are endowed with the power of Contraction. By this it is meant that the muscular fibres, when they are ex- cited by the influence of the will, can shorten them- selves, so as to draw together any two points to which their ends are attached. Both ends of a muscle are never attached to one and the same bone, but between their two attachments there is always an articulation or joint, which allows of motion between one bone and the other. In contracting, therefore, the muscle draws the two bones to which it is attached nearer to each other. Whenever a muscle contracts, it swells from side to side at the same time that its fibres are shortened ; and very accurate experiments have shown that it increases in thickness in exactly the same proportion that it di- minishes in length. It does not become, therefore, either larger or smaller during contraction, and only changes its shape, but not its size. THE MUSCLES. 27 If we grasp with the fingers the muscles on the front part of the arm above the elbow, we can perceive their contraction whenever we bend the elbow forcibly up- ward. At this time two changes in the muscle are dis- tinctly felt. First, it swells, as we have already said, and becomes prominent under the skin ; and, secondly, it becomes at the same moment harder and more resist- ing to the touch. This increased hardness of the mus- cle during contraction is caused by the forcible tension of its fibres, which continues as long as they remain in activity. The action of a muscle, accordingly, during contrac- tion is as follows: it shortens in the direction of its length, enlarges in the direction of its thickness, and be- comes more tense and firm in consistency. A muscle can remain in contraction only for a short timer. After a few instants it returns to its former condition, becomes comparatively soft and yielding, and ceases to exert its force, so that it may be easily drawn out to its former length. This state of the mus- cle is called its Relaxation / and when completely re- laxed, its fibres no longer exert any active effect upon the parts to which they are attached. Every muscle, accordingly, is alternately in one of two different states, viz., the state of active contrac- tion or that of passive relaxation. 6. Arrangement and Action of the Flexors and Exten- sors. Nearly all the muscles of the body and limbs are so arranged in two different sets as to act alter- nately with each other. One of these two sets is placed on the anterior, or front part, the other on the posteri- or, or back part ; and when thrown into activity, they serve to move the limb in two opposite directions. 28 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Those which bend the joint are called the Flexor mus- cles ; those which straighten it are called the Extensor muscles. Thus the muscles on the back part of the thigh draw the leg backward and bend the knee ; they are therefore the flexor muscles. Those on the anterior part of the thigh draw the leg forward and straighten the knee ; they are therefore the extensor muscles. On the other hand, the muscles on the front part of the arm, above the elbow, bend the arm at the elbow, and are flexors; those on the back part straighten the el- bow, and are extensors. In this manner the movements of the body are ac- complished by the alternate contraction and relaxation of the two sets of muscles operating in different direc- tions; for when the flexors contract, they bend the limb without any resistance from the extensors; and when the flexors become relaxed, the extensors again straighten the limb as before. When both flexors and extensors are thrown into activity at the same moment, they make the limb rigid, and prevent its moving in either direction. But, as we have already seen, a muscle can remain in constant action for only a few seconds at a time. Aft- er a short period it must again become relaxed, not only to allow the opposite muscle to bend the limb in .1 different direction, but also to gain for itself new strength for another movement ; for the force of the muscular fibres is more or less exhausted during con- traction, and again restored during relaxation. The muscles, therefore, alternately expend their power while contracted, and regain it in the state of relaxation. It is on this account that it is so exhausting to hold the arm or the leg outstretched in the same position for THE MUSCLES. 29 several minutes together, while the same limb may be moved backward and forward during an equal period without any sense of fatigue. For the same reason, it is more tiresome to stand upright and motionless for a quarter of an hour, than to walk about for the came length of time. In the ordinary movements of the body, therefore, the different muscles are constantly changing from con- traction to relaxation, and their natural vigor is thus kept unimpaired. Accordingly, it is easy to see how the skeleton is held erect by the action of the muscles. The effect of this action is not that of a rigid and unyielding stiff- ness, but a delicate and graceful balancing, which al- lows of constant changes and inclinations of the body, without its being thrown out of the upright position. Those muscles which are situated in front prevent the joints from bending backward, and those which are at- tached behind prevent their yielding in a forward di- rection. In the same manner, those which are placed upon the right and left sides of the body prevent its falling in either direction laterally. The muscles are like the stays which support the masts of a ship, only they are not inanimate and passive, but active and movable in controlling the different parts of the skele- ton. The body can not remain upright for a single in- stant without their aid ; for, if the muscles be para- lyzed at any time, as by an apoplexy, or a sudden blow upon the head, the power of standing erect is instantly lost. The head falls down upon the chest, the spinal column bends forward, the thighs bend at the hip-joints, the legs give way at the knees, and the entire frame falls together in a collapsed and shapeless mass. But 30 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. while the muscles retain their natural action by con- stantly drawing upon the different parts of the limbs and trunk, alternately backward and forward and from side to side, they prevent any undue deviation, and maintain the body in the erect posture. 7. Attachment and Mechanism of the Muscles. The muscles of the limbs are usually rather elongated in shape, and somewhat thinner at their two extremities than in the middle. At their upper extremities, as a general rule, they are quite closely attached to the bones; but at their lower extremities they become more slender and tapering, and run into somewhat long and narrow rounded cords of white fibrous tissue, which are called " sinews," or Tendons. These tendons have no power of contraction like that of the muscular fibres, nor can they be stretched like the elastic ligaments of the spinal column; they are simply very strong and unyielding fibrous cords, by which the muscles are at- tached to the bones upon which they are to act. When a muscle contracts, accordingly, it draws upon the bone below, by means of the tendon which is inserted into it, exactly as a horse draws a loaded wagon by means of the leathern tugs and couplings of his harness. The tendons are usually inserted into the movable part of a limb, at a short distance below the joint. Ac- cordingly, when the muscles contract, they act upon the limb with great rapidity ; and a small amount of con- traction in the muscle will move the farther extremity of the limb over a considerable distance. Thus the hand and arm are raised, in bending the elbow-joint, by the action of the flexor muscles situated on the front of the upper arm, above the elbow, called the Biceps flexor and the Bracliialis anticus (Figure 5). They THE MUSCLES. Fig. 5. SI Diagram of the arm bent at the elbow, showing the action of the flexor muscles. arise from the bones of the shoulder and upper arm, whence their fibres pass in a downward direction, their tendons being finally inserted into the bones of the fore- arm just below the elbow-joint. When these muscles contract they draw the fore-arm upward, moving it upon the elbow-joint like a door upon its hinges, and thus raising any weight which is supported upon the hand or wrist. The greater the weight which is to be lifted in this way, the greater the force which is ex- erted by the muscles ; and they may be felt, according- ly, on the front of the upper arm, swelling and harden- ing at the moment of contraction exactly in proportion to the amount of strength put forth. The tendon of the biceps may also be felt at the same time, just in front of the elbow-joint, made tense and rigid like a bowstring by the action of the muscle above. Nearly all the movements of the body and limbs are performed by a mechanism like that just described. Whatever variations occur are mainly due to the dif- ferent construction of the joints ; for, while some of 32 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE, them, as the elbow-joint and the knee-joint, are so ar- ranged that they can move only backward and forward like hinges, otherc, such as the shoulder and hip joints, can be turned in various directions, or even carried round and round in a circle, or rotated by a kind of twisting motion, like the hand and fore-arm. But in all cases this is accomplished by the action of muscles, whose tendons are inserted into the bones in various di- rections, and which thus produce by their contraction the corresponding movements. 8. Movements of Walking, Running, and Leaping. The movements of Walking, Running, Leaping, etc., are performed as follows: When the body stands up- right, as in Fig. 3, the feet are planted flat upon the ground, bearing at once upon the heels behind and the ball of the toes in front, the weight of the body resting between the two, upon the middle of the arch of the foot. The body is maintained in this position, as we have seen, by the various muscles, which act in such a way as to keep its diiferent parts carefully balanced, and to retain the weight of the whole suspended exact- ly over the ankle-joint. Now in walking, when a movement is to be executed in advance, the body is first made to lean a little for- ward, so that its weight no longer remains above the ankle, but is thrown forward so as to rest entirely upon the toes. The heel is then lifted from the ground by the action of the very strong muscles situated on the back part of the leg, called the Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles. These muscles, which come down from above, form the fleshy mass which is known as the " Calf of the leg." They terminate in a strong cord-like tendon, called the " Tendon of Achilles," which is easily felt at THE MUSCLES. the back part of the ankle-joint, and which is attached to the projecting bone of the heel, termed the Calcaneum (Fig. 6), When these muscles contract, they draw the heel upward by means of the tendon inserted into it, and lift in this way the ankle-joint and the whole body, carrying it upward and forward, its p^ip al wei s ht restin s> as already mentioned, over the ball of the toes. The action of the leg and foot, in this movement, is the same with that by which we might lift a weight from the ground with the aid of a lever. Suppose one end of a strong stick to rest upon the ground, and that this stick bears upon its middle a heavy weight (Fig. 7). Fig. 7. Tendon of Achilles. Then, by taking in the hand the other end of the stick, we may lift the weight exactly as the body is lifted, in walking, by the muscles of the leg and the ankle-bones. At the moment that the body is raised and tilted forward in this way, the other foot is lifted entirely from the ground and swung forward, so as to -take a step in advance. As soon as the body has been carried far enough in an onward direction, the second foot is 34 PHYSIOLOGY A.NT> HYGIENE. also raised in the same manner as before, while the first is swung forward in its turn to take another step. In this way the two legs act alternately, the weight of the body being carried forward first by one and then by the other ; all the muscles, however, upon the two sides combining harmoniously in their action, so as to produce an easy, graceful, and continuous movement. In the act of walking, as above described, one foot is always upon the ground, and the weight of the body is mainly supported in this way by bearing upon the toes ; it is only lifted forward alternately on the two sides by the leverage of the bones of the foot. Consequently no violent muscular exertion is required, and the move- ment can be kept up for a long time without fatigue. The act of Running, however, instead of being a series of steps, is performed by a succession of leaps or springs, in each of which the whole body is thrown clear of the ground, and carried forward by the im- petus which it has received. In order to accomplish this, at the moment the heel is about to be raised by the action of the muscles above described, the knee and hip joints are first bent, and then instantly straightened by the sudden contraction of their extensor muscles. The whole limb thus acts like a powerful spring, which, by its sudden extension, throws the entire body off the ground and carries it through the air in an onward di- rection. The opposite limb is at the same time thrown forward to receive the weight of the body, and to per- form, in its turn, and with a similar rapidity, the same movements. The speed of the runner depends on the vigor of the muscular contractions, and the swiftness with which the successive motions are performed. The act of Jumping is accomplished in a similar way THE MUSCLES. 35 that of running, except that the same motions are executed by both limbs together, so that each leap is performed by itself, and is not combined with the oth- ers into a continuous movement. 9. Elasticity of the Skeleton. In all these various movements, the body is protected from the effect of sudden shocks and jars by important peculiarities of structure and function. First of all, the bones themselves are elastic. This elasticity is not very marked in degree for any single bone, but still it exists every where, and is a quality of considerable importance for the entire skeleton. It is owing to the fact which has already been mentioned, viz., that the bones are formed of an animal substance united with a combination of lime. The elasticity of the animal substance is much diminished in conse- quence of its union with the mineral ingredient ; but still it does not disappear altogether, and the entire bone therefore retains the property to a certain degree. In children and very young persons the quantity of lime in proportion to the animal substance is smaller than in adults, and their bones are consequently more flexible and elastic than at a later period. It is for this reason that the bones of young children are very sel- dom broken by falls or other accidents, while those of adults are more liable to injury from this cause. Secondly, the articulating ends of the bones are cov- ered with a layer of firm, India-rubber-like substance, called Cartilage. In most of the movable joints there are two of these cartilages, firmly attached to the cor- responding bones, and moving smoothly and easily upon each other by their opposite surfaces, which are lubricated with a transparent fluid. In the spinal col- 36 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. umn the principal cartilages are quite thick and pulpy, lying, like so many elastic cushions, between the differ- ent bones of which the column is composed. All these cartilages serve to receive the shock of sudden blows or falls, and to dissipate their injurious effects. Thirdly, the Curvatures of the different parts of the skeleton have also an important influence in this re- spect. These curvatures are especially marked in the spinal column, which, in its natural position, is bent al- ternately in three different directions (Figure 3), thus presenting a wavy or serpentine figure instead of a straight vertical line. The consequence of this is that, when it receives a sudden shock or impulse, it yields momentarily by increasing its curvatures, like a bow or spiral spring, and then recovers itself when the press- ure is relieved. All the bones of the limbs are also slightly curved in their figure, and therefore contrib- ute, in some degree, to the same effect. 10. Protective Action of the Muscles. Lastly, an im- portant protecting influence is exerted by the action, of the muscles ; for in leaping, running, or jumping from a high place, the body is never abandoned entirely to its own unassisted weight. The muscles are always employed in holding the limbs in the required position, and keeping them in readiness for other movements. When the body reaches the ground, the limbs bend at the joints, still controlled, however, by the extensor muscles ; and these muscles immediately afterward react, again bringing the body into an erect position. In this manner a certain kind of elasticity, dependent upon muscular vigor, is communicated to the motions of the whole frame, and protects it from the effect of sudden concussions. THE MUSCLES. 3? 11. Exercise. The natural force of the muscular sys- tem requires to be maintained by constant and regular Exercise. If all the muscles, or those of any particular part, be allowed to remain for a long time unused, they diminish in size, grow softer, and finally become slug- gish and debilitated. By use and exercise, on the con- trary, they maintain their vigor, continue plump and firm to the touch, and retain all the characters of their healthy organization. It is very important, therefore, that the muscles should be trained and exercised by sufficient daily use. Too much confinement by seden- tary occupations, in study, or by simple indulgence in indolent habits, will certainly impair the strength of the body and injuriously affect the health. Every one who is in a healthy condition should provide for the free use of the muscles by at least two hours' exercise each day ; and this exercise can not be neglected with impunity, any more than the due provision of clothing and food. The muscular exercise of the body, in order to pro- duce its proper effect, should be regular and moderate in degree. It will not do for any person to remain in- active during the greater part of the week, and then take an excessive amount of exercise on a single day. An unnatural deficiency of this kind can not be com- pensated by an occasional excess. It is only a uniform and healthy action of the parts which stimulates the muscles, and provides for their nourishment and growth. Exercise which is so violent and long-continued as to produce exhaustion or unnatural fatigue is an injury instead of an advantage, and creates a waste and ex- penditure of the muscular force instead of its healthy increase. 38 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Walking is therefore one of the most useful kinds of exercise, since it calls into easy and moderate action nearly all the muscles of the body, and may be con- tinued for a long time without fatigue. Riding on horseback is also exceedingly efficacious, particularly as it is accompanied by a certain amount of excitement and interest which acts as an agreeable and healthy stimulus to the nervous system. Running and leaping, being more violent, should be used more sparingly. For children, the rapid and continuous exercise which they spontaneously take in their various games and amusements in the open air is the best. The exact quantity of exercise to be taken is not precisely the same for different persons, but should be measured by its effect. It is always beneficial when it has fully employed the muscular powers without producing any sense of excessive fatigue or exhaustion. It should be remembered, also, that the object of ex- ercise is not the mere acquisition or increase of muscu- lar strength, but the proper maintenance of the general health. A special increase of strength may be produced to a very great extent by the constant practice or train- ing of particular muscles. Thus the arms of the black- smith and the legs of the dancer become developed in excessive proportions ; and by the continued practice, in a gymnasium, of raising weights, or carrying loads, the muscular system generally may be greatly increased in force. But this unusual muscular development is not necessary to health, and is not even particularly bene- ficial to it. The best condition is that in which all the different organs and systems of the body have their full and complete development, no one of them prepondera- ting excessively over the others. The most useful kind THE MUSCLES. 39 of exercise, accordingly, is that which employs equal- ly all the limbs, and cultivates agility and freedom of movement, as well as simple muscular strength. In all cases, also, the exercise which is taken should be regular and uniform in degree, and should be re- peated as nearly as possible for the same time every day. 1 2. Repose. The muscular system requires, further- more, a daily period of Repose. This is not only the interval between the periods of active exercise; for even while sitting, or standing, or engaged in ordinary quiescent occupations, we constantly employ some de- gree of muscular exertion. It is also necessary that all muscular activity be entirely suspended for a time, dur- ing the period of sleep ; for it is during sleep that the main part of the nourishment of the tissues takes place, and the renovation of their active powers is accomplish- ed. We feel, accordingly, a sense of refreshment and renewed vigor after sleep, which is owing in great meas- ure to the nourishment and repair of the muscular sys- tem. A privation of this necessary repose will inevita- bly show its effect, after a day or two, in diminished strength and the failure of the powers generally. The requisite amount of sleep, therefore, should always be taken at night with the same regularity that exercise is employed during the day ; for it is by the uniform and alternate influence of both that the muscular sys- tem is kept in the highest condition, and the general health most effectually secured. 40 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER I. 1. What is the use of the bones ? 2. How do they differ in consistency from the other organs ? 3. What ingredient gives them their hardness ? 4. What ingredient gives them their elasticity ? 5. Are the bones solid or hollow ? 6. What are their hollow parts filled with ? 7. How are the bones fastened to each other ? 8. What name is given to the whole series of bones united to- gether ? 9. What is the most important part of the skeleton ? 10. Why is it called the " spinal column?" 11. What is supported upon the upper end of the spinal column ? 12. What is contained within the cranium? 13. What does the lower extremity of the spinal column rest upon ? 14. What is the shape of the pelvis ? 15. What organs does the pelvis serve to support? 16. What is the bone of the thigh ? 17. What is the bone of the leg ? 1 8. What is the form of the bony framework of the foot ? 1 9. How does the foot move when pressed upon ? 20. Are the different parts of the skeleton straight or curved ? 21. How is the skeleton held upright? 22. What are the " elastic ligaments," and where are they situated ? 23. What are the muscles ? 24. Of what are they composed ? 25. What is the appearance of the muscular fibres ? 26. What peculiar property is possessed by the muscles ? 27. What effect is produced on the bones by the contraction of the muscles ? 28. When a muscle contracts, how is its shape altered ? 29. How is it changed in consistency ? 30. What is the relaxation of a muscle ? 31. What is the difference between a flexor muscle and an exten- sor muscle ? 32. When the flexor muscles and extensor muscles both contract at the same time, what effect do they have on the limb ? 33. When is the force of a muscle expended ? QUESTIONS. 41 34. When is it restored ? 35. Why is it tiresome to hold the arm or leg continuously in one position ? 3G. How do the muscles serve to balance the diiFerent parts of tlie skeleton ? 37. By what are the muscles attached to the movable bones? 38. Where are the muscles situated which bend the elbow ? 39. Where are their tendons inserted ? 40. What joints move like a hinge ? 41. What joints can be moved round in a circle? 42. How is the motion of walking performed ? 43. How is the motion of running performed ? 41. How are the motions of leaping and jumping performed? 45. How is the body protected from shocks and jars ? 46. Why are the bones of children more elastic than those of adults ? 47. What are the ends of the bones covered with? 48. What is the use of the cartilages ? 49. What is the use of the curvatures of the skeleton ? 50. How do the muscles protect the body from injury ? 51. Why is exercise of the muscles necessary to health? 52. How should the exercise be taken ? 53. What are the most useful kinds of exercise ? 54. Why is repose necessary to health ? 55. What effect is produced by a want of naturr.l sleep ? SECTION II. FUNCTIONS OF NUTRITION. CHAPTER IL TBS FOOD AND ITS INGREDIENTS. L Water. Salt. Lone, Other , Starch. Its different Varieties. Properties of Starch. Its conversion into Sngir. Sngar. Whence obtained. Propor- tion in the Ftod,--Fennentatk of Sugar. Fats.- nation of of Fat in Anna! and Y rf F^: hi Ml FA-I- in Foot AA the 1& Nature and Necessity of Food. Under the % tena * food" we included all those substances, botli solid and liquid, which are necessary fertile nutrition of the body. The constant action of the different organs in the br- ing body requires a regular supply of nourishment, by which their strength and activity may be maintained ; for these organs can not perform their allotted func- tions without undergoing * corresponding waste of ma- terial, and this waste must be made good by an appro- priate supply, if the organs are to retain their powers, and the functions of life continue. The expenditure of material which thus takes place in the living body is not a simple physical disintegra- tton, as when the wheels and axles of a carriage wear out by mechanical friction ; it is a kind of internal de- composition, which pervades every part of the 46 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. frame, and which is very nearly proportionate in amount to the activity of the organs themselves. It is some- what like the consumption of water and fuel by a loco- motive engine, the water and fuel being used up and con- verted into smoke and steam, in order to enable the ma- chine to do its work. Somewhat in a similar way the active functions of the living body create a constant de- mand for nutritious food, which must be supplied with regularity in order to preserve them in continued action. It is important to know, therefore, what are the nec- essary ingredients of the food, how they are prepared and combined, and in what manner they are absorbed and consumed by the living body. 14. Inorganic Substances. In the first place, the food contains a large proportion of materials which are call- ed Inorganic Substances. They are substances which are found every where in external nature, and which forrn^a portion of the rocks, earth, and running streams. It is on this account that they are termed inorganic substances, because they occur in unorganized bodies, and are not peculiar to animated beings. They are found, however, also in the bodies of living animals, and therefore they must be present in similar propor- tions in the food, for it is from this source alone that all the materials of the animal frame are necessarily de- rived. The first and most abundant of these inorganic sub- stances is Water. Water is universally present in all the solids and fluids of the body. It is especially abun- dant in the blood and secretions, for it gives them their necessary fluidity, and enables them to dissolve all the important materials which they contain. But it is also an ingredient of the solid tissues ; for FOOD AND ITS INGEEDIENTS. 47 if we take a muscle or a cartilage, and expose it to a gen- tle heat in dry air, it loses water by evaporation, dimin- ishes in size and weight, and becomes dense and stiff. Even the bones and teeth lose water by evaporation in this way, though in smaller quantity. In all these more solid parts of the body, the water which they con- tain is useful by giving them a certain degree of soft- ness and flexibility, which is necessary to their useful- ness. Thus a tendon, in its natural condition, is white, glistening, and opaque ; and, though very strong, per- fectly flexible. If its water be expelled by evapora- tion it becomes yellowish in color, shriveled, semi- transparent, inflexible, and totally unfit for performing its mechanical functions. The same thing is true of the skin, muscles, cartilages, and other soft parts. The following list shows the proportion of water in different solids and fluids : QUANTITY OF WATER IN 1000 PARTS IN Teeth 100 Bones 130 Cartilage 550 Muscles 750 Ligaments 768 Brain.. 789 Blood... .. 795 Bile 880 Milk 88T Pancreatic juice 900 Lymph 960 Gastric juice 975 Perspiration 986 Saliva... .. 995 According to the best calculations, water constitutes, in the human subject, between two thirds and three quarters of the entire weight of the body. Accordingly, water is also a very important element of the food. We require every day nearly three pounds and a half as drink, either in the form of pure water, or in that of tea, coffee, milk, or other fluids. Beside this, however, the different kinds of solid food, such as bread, 48 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. meat, etc., all contain water as part of their substance; so that, counting all that is taken in both solid and liq- uid food, we find that the entire quantity of water con- sumed every day by a healthy adult is not less than about four pounds and a half. After being once introduced into the body and ab- sorbed by the tissues, the water is again discharged ; for its usefulness in the animal frame, like that of the other ingredients of the body, is not permanent, but temporary. It does its work while passing through the animal organism ; and, having accomplished this purpose, it then makes its exit by various ways. A large proportion is discharged with the perspiration by the skin ; another quantity is exhaled from the lungs with the breath ; while the remainder is discharged by the kidneys. Another inorganic ingredient of the food is common Salt. This substance exists in all parts of the body, though usually in much less abundance than the water ; and the animal frame, therefore, could not be properly nourished without it. It is found in the different solids and fluids in the following proportions : QUANTITY or COMMON SALT IN 1000 PARTS IN THE Muscles 2 Bones 2.5 Cartilages 2.8 Milk... ,. 1 Saliva 1.5 Bile 3.5 Blood 4.5 Mucus 6 In the blood it is more abundant than all the other in- organic ingredients excepting water. Salt, accordingly, is not only a natural ingredient in most kinds of food, but we almost always take it in ad- dition, as a condiment, to increase the relish of many ar- ticles of diet. This desire for salt is instinctive, and in- FOOD AND ITS INGREDIENTS. 4S dicates the natural craving of the system for something which 4s essential to its organization. In many in- stances it must be given also to the lower animals, in order to provide fully for their nourishment. Farmers and stock-bi eeders, for this reason, habitually give it to horses, cattle, and sheep; and experience has shown that animals, when regularly supplied with a proper al- lowance of salt, are kept in much better condition than when they are fed only with hay, grain, and other veg- etable substances. Salt is also useful by exciting the action of the di- gestive secretions, and assisting in this way the solution of the food ; for food which is tasteless, however nu- tritious its qualities may be, is taken with reluctance and digested with difficulty; while the attractive fla- vor which is developed by cooking, and by the addition of salt and other proper condiments, excites the secre- tion of the saliva and the gastric juice, and therefore facilitates digestion. The salt, introduced in this man- ner, is afterward absorbed by the blood-vessels from the intestine, and is deposited in the different tissues of the body. It is finally discharged in the mucus, perspir^i- tion, and other secreted fluids. The most important mineral ingredient of the food, next to common salt, is Lime. We have already seen how abundant this substance is in the bones. It is also found in still larger quantity in the teeth. It exists beside, in smaller proportions, in all the other tissues and fluids of the body. It occurs principally in the form of two different combinations, called " phosphate of lime" and " carbonate of lime." The first of these is usually the most abundant. Its proportion is shown in the following list : 150 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. QUANTITY or PHOSPHATE OP LIME IN 1000 PARTS IN THE Teeth 650 Bones 550 Cartilages 40 Muscles 2.5 Blood 0.3 Gastric juice 0.4 In the blood, secretions, etc., the lime is in the liquid form, being dissolved by the watery parts of the animal fluids. In the bones, teeth, cartilages, and other firm tissues, it is solid, and intimately united with the ani- mal matters of these parts. It is useful here by giving to the tissues their proper consistence and solidity. In the enamel of the teeth, which is almost entirely com- posed of phosphate and carbonate of lime, we have a substance capable of grinding down by mastication all Fig. s. the harder materials of the food, and of resisting unharmed the greatest amount of mechanical friction. In the remain- ing portion of the teeth, or " ivory," the lime is in smaller proportion, but still very abundant ; and in the bones it con- tinues to form more than one half the en- tire substance of the tissue. Its importance in communicating to the bones their natural stiffness and con- sistency may easily be seen from the ef- fect produced by its removal. If any one of the long bones be soaked for a consid- erable time in a mixture of water and muriatic acid, the lime will be dissolved out, and the bone, which thus loses its Fibula (small bone rigidity , may then be bent or twisted in of the leg), tied in _. . ... a knot after being any direction without breaking (Jbig. 8). macerated in a di- _./_ . . _ . . lute acid. If the bones of the skeleton, therefore, were destitute of mineral ingredients, .they would bend FOOD AND ITS INGREDIENTS. 51 under the action of the muscles, and would be entirely incapable of sustaining the weight of the body. Lime is contained, in sufficient quantity, in various kinds of food, particularly in muscular flesh, in milk, and in the vegetable grains. The other inorganic substances existing in the food are combinations of Soda, Potash, Magnesia, and Iron. They are in much smaller quantity than those already mentioned, but serve by their presence, though in mi- nute proportion, to complete the constitution of the food, and provide for all the mineral ingredients neces- sary to the formation of the tissues. The inorganic substances, as a general rule, do not un- dergo any chemical change or decomposition in the in- terior of the body. They are absorbed with the food, and form, for a time, a part of the animal tissues ; after which they are again discharged with the secretions, and replaced, in turn, by a fresh supply of similar ma- terials. Nevertheless, they are absolutely indispensa- ble to the proper nourishment of the body ; and if the food were entirely deprived of mineral ingredients, the system would soon become seriously disordered and weakened by their absence. 15. Starch. The next important ingredient of the food is Starch. This substance is familiar to all in the form of a light white powder, which is used for various purposes in the arts and in manufactures. When it is rubbed between the fingers it gives a peculiar crackling sensation to the touch, by which it can almost always be recognized. But it is much more certainly distinguished by its ap- pearance when examined under the microscope. It is then seen to be composed of minute solid grains, which 62 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. are too small to be seen by the naked eye, but which have a very peculiar appearance when magnified. Dif- ferent kinds of starch can be distinguished from each other by the size and aspect of their grains. In potato starch, for example (Fig. 9), the grains vary in size from louuo to ^5- of an inch in diameter. They are irregu- larly pear-shaped in form, and are marked by fine con- centric lines, as if the sub- stance of the starch -grain had been deposited in layers. At one spot on the surface of each there is a minute point, and the circular lines are arranged round this point as a centre. In wheat starch (Fig. 10) the grains are not so large as in that from the potato. They vary from 10 i u o to yij-ij- of an inch in diameter. They are also nearly circu* lar in shape, but do not show any distinct concen- tric lines. Many of them Grain* oi Jr'oiuto March. o e i & Starch grains of Wheat flour. are compressed or flattened from side to side, so that they present a broad surface in one direction, and a narrow edge in the other. The starch grains of Indian corn (Fig. 11) are of nearly the same size with those of wheat flour ; but they are usually more angular and irregular in form, FOOD AND ITS IXGKEDIENTS. 53 Fig. 11. and are often marked with crossing or radiating lines, as if they had been par- tially broken by pressure. Now all the starch which is used for food, for the arts, or in manufactures, is ob- tained from plants. It is not an inorganic substance, therefore, like water, salt, Starch grains of Indian corn. O r lime, but is a product of vegetable growth. Its minute grains are found packed away in the tissues of the plants, among their fibres, and in the interior of vegetable cells ; and are accumu- lated in various quantities in their tuberous roots, in the pith of their stems, or in their seeds and fruit. It forms at least one seventh of the whole substance of the potato, about one third of peas and beans, over one half of wheat, rye, and oats, and at least three quarters of rice and Indian corn. Arrow-root is nothing but the starch from the tuberous roots of a West Indian plant ; Tapioca is starch from the root of another plant, also from the West Indies ; and Sago is nearly pure starch from the pith of various kinds of palms. The exact quantity of starch in the more ordinary articles of food is shown in the following list : QUANTITY OF STARCH IN 100 PARTS ix Hice ............................ 85.07 Maize .......................... 80.92 Barley-meal .................. G7.18 Ryemeal ...................... 61.07 Oatmeal... .. H9.00 Wheat flour .................. 72.00 Iceland moss ................. 44.60 Kidney-bean ................. 35.94 Peas ........................... 32.45 Potato... ,.15.70 It is obtained in a pure form by grinding up some 54 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. vegetable matter which contains it in abundance, and mixing it with cold water. The water is then strained and allowed to stand, when the starch after a time set- tles to the bottom, and is finally dried and powdered. Starch is not affected by cold water ; but if it be boiled for a short time, its grains swell up, become transparent, absorb a large quantity of water, and at last melt away into a thin, grayish-looking fluid. When this fluid is allowed to cool, it sets or stiffens into a kind of pasty mass, which is quite solid if the starch have been used in large quantity. But after this cook- ing process the separate grains are no longer to be dis- tinguished, and the whole is changed into a uniform homogeneous material, because the water has been per- manently absorbed by the starch, and is therefore re- tained in combination with its substance. Another very curious fact about starch is that by various means it may be entirely altered in its quali- ties and converted into sugar. One mode of accomplishing this singular transforma- tion is the following : If starch be mingled with a very thin watery solution containing an acid, and boiled for a short time, it soon loses its grayish color, and becomes quite clear and transparent ; and if the boiling be con- tinued for a longer period, all the starch finally disap- pears, and the solution is then found to have a sweet taste and to contain sugar. The starch, in fact, has been consumed or altered, and sugar has taken its place. Some animal and vegetable substances have the pow- er of causing the same change. Thus, if a little saliva from the mouth be mixed with a solution of starch and then kept in a warm place, after a time the starch will be found to have disappeared and sugar to have been POOD AND ITS INGREDIENTS. produced instead. Something of this kind happens in certain vegetable tissues, especially in seeds during the first process of their growth or " germination," when a part of the starch which has been stored up in their substance becomes changed spontaneously into sugar. We shall also find hereafter that the starch which is taken with the food is entirely changed in the process of digestion. None of it, therefore, is to be found after- ward in any of the circulating fluids or secretions of the body. 16. Sugar. The next ingredient of the food is Sugar, which, as we have already seen, is closely related to starch. Sugar is always readily distinguished by its sweet taste, a character which forms its most attract- ive quality. It is found in many animal and vegetable juices, being obtained principally from the juices of the sugar-cane, the rock maple, and the beet root ; but of these, the sugar-cane supplies much the largest quanti- ty. In its natural condition the sugar is dissolved in the vegetable fluids, where it is mingled with many other different substances. It is extracted in the following manner : The vegetable juices are first collected by crushing the fresh sugar-canes between iron rollers. The fluids obtained in this way are then heated with a solution of lime, which causes many of their impurities to separate and rise in a kind of scum upon the surface. This is carefully removed, and the purified juice is then boiled down until the sugar solidifies as a brownish colored granular deposit. This brown sugar is again dissolved and farther separated from its impurities by boiling and crystallizing, until it is at last obtained in a pure, white, granular crystalline mass. 56 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. Beet-root sugar, which is manufactured very exten- sively in France, is prepared from the juices of the beet by a similar process to that just described, and is very pure, white, and crystalline in appearance. Maple sugar is prepared from the sap of the maple- tree, which runs freely, in the early part of the spring, from punctures made in the wood, and which is after- ward boiled down until the sugar solidifies. This sug- ar, however, can not be completely purified, and there- fore remains comparatively moist and brownish in color. Molasses is the sweet residue of the vegetable juices which can not be crystallized, and which also contains, mingled with it, various flavoring and coloring matters, which impart to it a peculiar taste. Sugar also exists in considerable quantity in milk, in honey, and in all the sweetly-flavored fruits and vege- tables, such as apples, pears, grapes, corn, flour, etc. The following list shows the quantity which is contain- ed in various articles of food : QUANTITY OF SUGAR IN 100 PARTS IN Figs G2.50 Cherries 18.12 Peaches 16.48 Tamarinds 12. HO Pears 11.52 Beets 9.00 Sweet almonds... G.OO Wheat flour 5.40 Ryemeal 3.28 Indian-meal 1.45 Peas 2.00 Cow's milk 4.77 Ass's milk G.08 Human milk G.50 One of the most remarkable properties of sugar is that it is capable of being decomposed in a peculiar manner, and converted into other substances by Fer- mentation. Fermentation sometimes takes place spon- taneously, in warm weather, in molasses, honey, and other liquids containing sugar ; when they swell up, be FOOD AND ITS INGREDIENTS. 5? come frothy, and acquire a different taste and odor. It is also produced artificially for the purpose of manufac- turing wines and spirituous liquors. This process will be more fully explained hereafter. The sugar which is taken with the food is destroyed, like starch, in the interior of the body, and, excepting that contained in the milk, is never discharged during health with the secreted fluids. 17. Fats, or Oleaginous Substances. The food also contains a considerable quantity of Fats or Oleaginous substances. The fats are obtained from both animal and vegetable tissues. They are exceedingly valuable, not only as articles of food, but also for frequent use in the arts and manufactures. We can readily distinguish fats and oleaginous mat- ters by their appearance to the eye, by their unctuous feel, and especially by their " lubricating" property, on account of which they are extensively used to facilitate the action of machinery, and prevent its being injured by friction. Now if any of these fats or oils be closely examined, they are usually found to contain, mingled together, three different oleaginous substances, which are known by the names of Stearine, Margarine, and Oleine. These substances resemble each other very closely in most respects, but are principally distinguish- ed by their consistency. Stearine is the most solid sub- stance of the three, margarine rather less so, and oleine is the most fluid. In their natural condition they are usually mingled with each other in the animal and veg- etable tissues in different quantities. When the mix- ture contains a larger proportion of stearine or marga- rine, it is more firm in consistency, like the various kinds of " fat," such as lard, tallow, wax, butter, etc. ; and C2 58 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. when it contains a greater abundance of oleine it is more liquid, and we therefore call it an " oil." But when these substances are completely separated from each other and purified, the difference in their con-? sistency is very marked. Thus stearine is often made up by itself into candles, and remains perfectly solid until melted by the heat of the burning wick. On the other hand, olive oil, which consists mostly of oleine, is quite liquid at all ordinary temperatures. Generally speaking, however, these mixtures of the oleaginous substances in the human body are fluid, or nearly so, during life ; for the margarine and stearine which they contain are dissolved in the oleine by the warmth of the living body. But after death, when the body cools, the stearine and margarine sometimes sep- arate from the mixture in a crystalline form, since the oleine can no longer retain in solution so large a quan- tity as it had dissolved while warm. The oleaginous substan- ces crystallize in very slen- der needles, which are al- ways more or less radia- ted, sometimes straight, and sometimes curved and wavy in their outline. They frequently have a very elegantly branched or arborescent arrangement /p. ~~\ Stearine crystallized from a warm so- V " / lution in oleine; magnified. When they are in a fluid state, the oleaginous matters show themselves under the form of rounded drops or globules, which vary exceed- ingly in size, but which may be easily recognized by FOOD AND ITS INGREDIENTS. 59 Fie. 13. Oleaginous principles of human fat. Stearine and margarine crystal- lized ; oleiue fluid. their appearance under the microscope. They have a faint amber color, and a very sharp, well - defined outline, showing a brilliant centre surrounded by a dark border. In Figure 13 these fluid oil-drops are seen min- gled with radiating crystals of the more solid fat. One of the most import- ant characters of oil, and of all oleaginous matters, is that they w r ilt not dissolve in water, nor remain in any way intimately mingled with it, so that it is even proverbial that " oil and water will not mix." For if the two liquids be violently shaken up together in a bottle so as to mingle them as thor- oughly as possible by mechanical agitation, as soon as the mixture is allowed to remain at rest the oil at once begins to separate from the water, and, being lighter, rises to the surface ; and after a short time all the oil will be collected by itself at the top, and all the water will remain by itself at the bottom. So strong is the repulsion between these two liquids in their natural condition. But it is very different when certain other substances are added at the same time ; for if some alkaline sub- stance, such as potash or soda, be first dissolved in the water, and the oil then gently shaken up with it, it im- mediately becomes separated into very fine particles, and uniformly disseminated through the whole mix- ture. The oil is no longer liable to separate from the watery parts, even when left at rest, but the whole re- 60 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. mains as a uniform, white, opaque, milky-looking fluid Such a mixture of oily granules uniformly suspended in a watery liquid is termed an Emulsion. The same effect may be produced by some of the an- imal matters ; for if we take a fresh white of egg in its fluid condition, and shake it up thoroughly with a lit- tle oil, the whole becomes white and turbid, and re- mains permanently in the state of an emulsion. This property is often found useful in reducing oily sub- stances to a state of minute subdivision. The oleaginous matters exist in the animal and vege- table tissues under a peculiar form. For while they are always mutually dissolved and united with each other, as we have already seen, they do not dissolve in water, nor do they combine with other substances, such as salt, starch, or sugar. On the contrary, they are depos- ited separately in drops and granules in the interstices of the fibres, or in little cavities which are intended for their reception. Even in the animal fluids and secre- tions, such as milk, they are not dissolved in the watery parts, but are suspended in them in the condition of mi- nute granules, forming an emulsion, as above described. Owing to this fact, the oils can be easily extracted from the organized tissues, for the most part, by simple mechanical means. The animal or vegetable tissues con- taining them are merely cut into small pieces, and then subjected to pressure, by which the oil is forced out from the parts in which it was entangled, and collected in a state of purity. Sometimes the operation is assist- ed by heating the substances, and thus making the oily matters more liquid; and sometimes they are boiled with water, when the oils rise to the top, and may be skimmed off by themselves. No chemical change or FOOD AND ITS 1NGKEDIENTS. 61 decomposition, therefore, is required, but the oils are simply separated mechanically from the parts with which they were naturally entangled. The tissue in which the oleaginous matters are most abundantly found in the animal body is called the " Fat," or the " Adipose tissue." It consists of a great Fi. 14. number of little sacs or vesi- cles, each one composed of a thin transparent membrane forming a closed cavity, in which the oily matter is contained (Fig. 14). These vesicles are associated to- gether into masses or lob- ules, surrounded by cellular tissue, and supplied with adipose tissue. blood - vessels and nerves. Neither the blood-vessels nor the nerves, however, are very abundant ; so that the adipose tissue is not very sensitive, nor does it bleed freely when wounded. It acts as a soft and delicate cushion, placed underneath the skin to protect the neighboring parts from injury; and it also serves to retain the warmth of the internal organs, and prevents its being too rapidly dissipated. Consequently, those persons who are well provided with fat are much less readily chilled by exposure to, cold than those who are thin and emaciated. In some of the internal organs oily matters are de- posited in their tissue in the form of drops and glob- ules. Thus, in the glandular cells of the liver (Fig. 15), oil is always found in more or less abundance, forming a natural part of their constitution. It is also found in the cartilages of the ribs s and in some other situa* 62 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. tions; but always in separate globules and granules, which may readily be distinguished by their appear- ance under the microscope. Fi Each Ficr.28. ABSORPTION. 121 villus is provided with a network of minute vessels, through which the blood circulates in a multitude of inosculating currents. These villi are the principal agents of absorption. They hang out freely in the cavity of the intestine, and penetrate every where into the digested material which it contains. They are the rootlets by which the lining membrane absorbs the nutritious elements of the food, just as the roots of a plant absorb nourishment from the soil in which they are imbedded. 54. The Nature and Method of Absorption. But there are no openings in the substance of the villi, which on the contrary present every where a continuous and un- broken surface. How is it, therefore, that the nutri- tious fluids can find an entrance ? It is owing to a peculiar action manifested by the animal membranes, which enables certain fluids to pass directly through their substance by a kind of transuda- tion or imbibition. This action is known by the name of Endosmosis. Every animal membrane will absorb certain fluids with greater or less facility. If you take a dried blad- der and place it in warm water, it will gradually ab- sorb the liquid, and become thickened, moist, and pli- able, until it recovers nearly its original appearance and consistency. This will take place usually with any substance formed of an animal tissue, but it does not always happen in exactly the same way. Each animal membrane will absorb some fluids more read- ily than others. Thus some of them will absorb pure water more abundantly than a solution of salt, or a solution of sugar more readily than one of gum ; and the same liquid will be absorbed more readily by one F 122 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. membrane, and less so by others. Thus every animal membrane has a special power of absorption for certain liquids, which it will take up in greater or smaller quan- tity, according to their nature and composition. In all cases, however, there is a natural limit to this quantity, beyond which absorption will not continue. 55. Absorption by the Blood-vessels. Now this power is exhibited by the animal membranes much more ac- tively during life than after death ; because, first of all, the living membranes are perfectly fresh and unchanged in their structure, and, second, because they are filled with the circulating blood moving incessantly through their vessels. This increases very much the quantity of fluid taken up ; because the blood absorbs the new materials from the animal membrane, just as the mem- brane has absorbed them from the external liquid, and this blood, passing immediately away with the current of the circulation, is followed by a new supply, which takes up in its turn what has accumulated since. Thus the animal membrane is constantly relieved of the fluid which it has already absorbed, and is then enabled to receive a fresh supply ; just as a reservoir, which re' ceives water at one extremity and discharges it by a waste-pipe at the other, may be kept constantly full but never running over. Accordingly, the absorbing power of the living membrane is not easily exhausted, but remains in full activity so long as the blood con- tinues to perform its work. It is in this way that the digested fluids are conveyed from the intestine into the blood-vessels. The liquid albuminose from the stomach, and the sugar produced from the digestion of starch, are both dissolved in the fluids of the alimentary canal, and are thus made ready ABSORPTION. 123 for absorption. Even the oily substances of the chyle are capable, in their minutely disintegrated form, of penetrating the substance of the villi, and of entering their blood-vessels. For it is found that the fine parti- cles of a milky emulsion may be absorbed by an animal membrane, although the oil in its natural condition can not pass through its substance. And, in point of fact, if the villi from the small intestine, during digestion, be examined by the microscope, they are found to be tur- gid with chyle, and penetrated every where with its minute oily particles. Thus all the materials of the di- gested food are taken up by the villi of the alimentary canal. From the villi they pass directly onward into the blood. 56. The Portal Vein and Circulation through the Liver. The course of the blood-vessels, which after passing through the walls of the intestine return from them to the heart, is a peculiar one, and merits a particular de- scription. We have already seen that each one of the intestinal villi is filled with a network of minute vessels. These vessels terminate at the base of each villus in a little vein, which receives the blood coming from it, and unites with other similar veins returning from the adja- cent parts of the intestine. The branches so formed unite with still others coming from more distant re- gions, like so many different roads all joining a com- mon highway. In this manner, the veins, returning from all parts of the intestine, are at last collected into a single great trunk, which is known by the name of the Portal Vein. The portal vein therefore contains all the blood which has traversed the lining membrane of the intestinal canal, together with the substances which it has absorbed from the intestinal cavity. 124 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. Accordingly, the blood circulating in the portal vein, while digestion and absorption are going on, is charged with the nutritious materials of the food. It contains the digested albuminous matters under the form of al- buminose, and the sugar produced by the digestion of starch. It contains also the oily substances of the chyle mingled with its other ingredients. This gives to the blood of the portal vein, during digestion, a peculiar as- pect. For while the sugar and albuminous matters, be- ing in a state of solution, can not be distinguished by the eye and are only to be recognized by their chem- ical tests, the oily granules of the chyle, being simply suspended in the blood, consequently alter its color and appearance, and may be easily distinguished by the mi- croscope. The blood of the portal vein, therefore, at this time is rich in oleaginous granules ; and when it coagulates, its watery parts are turbid and whitish in color, and a thin milky pellicle rises to the surface. In the intervals of digestion, on the contrary, the watery parts of the portal blood are clear and transparent, like that from any other region of the body. The portal vein, conveying the blood thus loaded with nutritious materials, passes upward through the cavity of the abdomen until it reaches the situation of the liver. Here, however, instead of continuing its course di- rectly toward the heart, it passes into the substance of the liver, where it undergoes a very singular distri- bution. It is on this account that it has received the name of the " portal" vein, because it enters the liver by a kind of fissure or " gateway" upon its under sur- face. Once within the substance of the organ, it divides right and left into two great branches, which penetrate ABSORPTION. 125 the two opposite sides of the liver; and then, dividing still into smaller and more numerous ramifications, its branches at last reach the little glandular lobules of which the whole organ is composed. Here they finally break up into a plexus of minute vessels, as fine as those which originally occupied the substance of the intesti- nal villi, and which fill the entire substance of the liver with a similar vascular network. Beyond the glandular lobules of the liver, the blood- vessels again collect into little veins, and those from the neighboring lobules unite into larger branches, like those from the adjacent villi of the intestine. Xow, however, the veins so formed are called the "hepafao ^ veins ;" and by repeated junction, those coming from all parts of the iiver are at last united into one common Hepatic Vein. This vein soon afterward discharges its blood into the great venous current returning directly to the heart. Thus the blood which has circulated through the lin- ing membrane of the intestine, and which has there ab- sorbed the digested materials of the food, is compelled to pass through another set of inosculating vessels before returning to the heart. Arriving at the liver by the portal vein, it is there distributed through all the vas- cular channels of the organ, and comes into contact ev- ery where with the substance of its lobules. We shall see hereafter what important changes take place while the blood is thus pursuing its course through the depths of the glandular tissue. Having accomplished this pas- sage, however, and still bringing with it the nutritious materials of digestion, it arrives at the heart by the great veins of the abdomen. Here it finally discharges its load into the general mass of the circulating blood. 126 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. 57. Reabsorption of the Digestive Fluids. But at the same time that the elements of the food are thus taken up from the intestine and conveyed into the blood, the intestinal juices themselves are also absorbed and re- turned to the blood from which they came. For it is the blood which originally furnished all the materials 'for the digestive fluids. The saliva, the gastric juice, the intestinal juice, the pancreatic juice, are produced by the glandular organs and the lining membrane of the alimentary canal, as we have already described ; but they are produced at the expense of the blood, which necessarily supplies the requisite nourishment for all the organs of the body. Now these digestive fluids are secreted in large quan- tity. Taken altogether, not less than twenty pounds of animal juices are poured into the alimentary canal every day for the digestion of the food. If this quan- tity were simply drained away from the blood, it would prove utterly exhausting to the animal frame. The di- gestion of the food would cost more, so to speak, in the waste of the digestive fluids, than it would return to the body in the form of nourishment. But none of these fluids are lost. They are all taken up again by the vessels of the lining membrane, to- gether with the elements of the food which they have served to digest. What the blood-vessels absorb, there- fore, is not simply the nutritious elements of the food, but these nutritious elements dissolved in the digestive fluids. The albuminous matters, when transformed by the pepsine, are at once liquefied in the abundant gas* trie juice ; the sugar is dissolved also in the intestinal fluids; and the chyle, as we have seen, is really an emulsion of the fatty particles in the albuminous liquid ABSORPTION. 127 of the pancreatic juice. All these substances, digest- ors and digested, are finally absorbed at the same time by the blood-vessels of the alimentary canal. The digestive fluids, accordingly, perform a sort of circulation ; passing from the blood to the intestine, and from the intestine back again to the blood. They are the messengers, sent out by the blood to collect the nu- tritious elements in the alimentary canal, and then to return with them into the current of the circulation. 58. Absorption by the Lacteals. But the absorption of the food is also accomplished in part by another set of vessels, differing from those which we have hereto- fore described. These vessels are the Lacteals. The lacteals are simply part of a great system of vas- cular channels distributed throughout the body, which are called the "Lymphatic" or "Absorbent" vessels. In the skin, the muscles, the internal organs, the lining membranes, they begin by a fine network, imbedded in the tissues, and then collect into small branches which run upward and inward toward the great cavities of the chest and abdomen. They finally terminate in the veins. Those coming from the right arm and the right side of the head and neck empty into the veins of this part of the body. Those from the legs and thighs pass into the cavity of the abdomen, where they are joined by others coming from the loins, the kidneys, the spleen, the liver, stomach, and intestine. All these collect into a single tube or duct, not more than a quarter of an inch in diameter, which then mounts from the abdomen into the chest, and runs upward along the spinal col- umn. This tube is called the " Thoracic Duct." It at last rises from the chest into the lower part of the neck, and then, curving forward, terminates in the 128 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. great subclavian vein, not far from the region of the heart (Fig. 29). Now these vessels are incessantly engaged in absorp- tion. They take up constantly, from all parts of the body where they are distributed, a transparent and colorless liquid, which is termed the " lymph." It is on this account that they have received the name of lymphatics. The lymph represents a portion of thoso ingredients of the tissues which have become useless, and which must be restored or renovated before they can again take part in the functions of life. They are therefore taken up by the lymphatic vessels and con- veyed back toward the heart, there to be mingled with the current of the venous blood. The lymphatic vessels are not readily distinguished by the eye. First, because they are very small in size, and their walls exceedingly thin and delicate ; and, sec- ondly, because the lymph which they contain is colorless and transparent. The blood-vessels we can easily see, even when their walls are thin, owing to the red color of the blood which they contain ; but there is nothing to distinguish the course of the lymphatics, since both their walls and their contents are equally colorless. They are therefore easily overlooked, unless we take especial pains to search for them among the other tissues. The lymphatics of the intestine are exactly like those of other parts of the body. They commence in the villi and in the substance of the lining membrane, and then pass inward to join those coming from other organs. Usually they are almost invisible like the rest, for they contain only the transparent lymph, as we have already described. But when the digestion of the food is in full activity they also begin to take up the oily particles ABSORPTION. 129 from the cavity of the intestine. They become turgid with chyle, and then, enlarged and distended with this milky fluid, they at once become visible to the eye as white rounded filaments, showing through the trans- parent coverings of the intestine. They are then called the " lacteals," from their white color and the milk-like appearance of the fluid which they contain. The intestines, folded upon themselves in many turns, as we have already described them, are loosely attach- ed to the spinal column by a broad sheet of thin mem- brane, like the band of a ruffle, which is called the " mesentery." Through this sheet the lacteals pass from the intestine toward the back part of the abdo- men; and there, just before mounting into the chest, they unite into a little cavity or sac, which is called the " receptaculum chyli," or "receptacle of the chyle," sit- uated just at the commencement of the thoracic duct (Fig. 29). Accordingly, the absorbent vessels of the abdomen have a very different appearance at different times. In the intervals of digestion they are nearly invisible, for they are then merely lymphatics, and contain only a col- orless fluid. But during digestion they present them- selves as an abundance of fine white glistening ducts, converging every where from the folds of the small in- testine, and uniting with each other at the receptaculum chyli. Thence the chyle is carried onward through the thoracic duct and is discharged at last into the blood of the subclavian vein. When the process of digestion is terminated, and all the chyle has been exhausted from the cavity of the intestine, the lymphatics of the abdomen return to their former condition, and become again colorless and invisible as before. F2 130 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. Fig. 29. Thus the chyle produced during di- gestion is conveyed into the circulation by two different routes. First, by the blood-vessels of the intestine, through the portal vein and the liver, to the he- patic vein ; and, sec- ondly, by the lacte- als and the thoracic duct to the eubcla- vian vein. It is, ac- cordingly, all finally mingled with the blood returning to the heart. 59. Changes in the Food after it is Ab- sorbed. The history of absorption is not yet finished. Thus far we have seen how the sub- stances produced by digestion are taken up from the intes- Lacteals and Lymphatics. t i na l cana l an( J m i n . gled with the circulation. But they are not yet ready for nutrition, since they are still different from the nat- ural ingredients of the blood. The albuminous matter ABSORPTION. 131 formed in digestion is not the same with the albumen of the blood. Sugar also is a substance which is not to be found in the blood-vessels generally; and the milky chyle, so abundant in the portal vein during di- gestion, is not an ordinary ingredient of the circulating fluid. These substances, therefore, must be still farther modified and transformed before the nutrition of the blood is complete. This transformation is accomplished in the blood-ves- sels. Soon after entering the circulation, the albumi- nose, which was absorbed by the intestinal veins, disap- pears and is replaced by the natural albumen of the blood. This is a metamorphosis or conversion, similar to that by which the albuminose was itself produced by the gastric juice in digestion. The other ingredients of the circulating fluid act upon it by catalysis, and change it into the substance necessary for the composition of the blood. Thus the albumen of the blood is finally recruited from the nutritious elements of the food. But it is only after these have undergone a double transformation ; first into albuminose by the influence of the gastric juice in the stomach, and secondly into albumen by the influ- ence of the blood itself in the interior of the vessels. The sugar and the oily matters also disappear soon after they are received into the circulation. We do not know exactly what becomes of them; but they are amalgamated in some way with the natural ingredients of the blood, and thus serve at last for its nutrition. 60. Periodical Excitement of the Digestive Apparatus. Finally, the whole process of digestion and absorption is accompanied by a remarkable excitement and conges- tion of the alimentary canal. We have already seen 132 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. how the lining membrane of the stomach becomes filled with blood when the food is taken into its cavity. The same thing happens with the small intestine. During the act of digestion its lining membrane becomes thick- ened and more vascular, at the same time that the pe- ristaltic movement of its walls is called into activity. While absorption is going on, also, its vessels are loaded with the nutritious fluids absorbed from its cavity, and return to the heart a larger quantity of blood than at other times. This continues until the process of diges- tion is complete, and until all its new materials have been distributed throughout the circulation. Then the unusual excitement and activity of the alimentary canal gradually subsides. Its walls become paler and softer; its muscular contractions grow less frequent and active ; and, finally, the whole intestine is restored to its ordina- ry condition of repose. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER V. 1. What is absorption? 2. What are the valvulce conniventes of the small intestine? 3. What are the vllli of the small intestine ? 4. What is the function of the villi ? 5. What is endosmosis, and how is it regulated ? 6. How does the circulation of the blood assist in absorption ? 7. How are the blood-vessels arranged in the villi ? 8. Into what vein do they empty ? !). What does the blood of the portal vein contain during the di- gestion of the food ? 10. To what organ is the blood conveyed by the portal vein ? 1 1 . After passing through the liver, whither is the blood conveyed ? 12. What becomes of the digestive fluids during the digestion anl absorption of the food ? 13. W T hat are the lymphatic or absorbent vessels ? 14. Where do they originate and where do they terminate? 15. In \vhat duct do the lymphatics of the abdomen terminate ? QUESTIONS. 133 16. Where does the thoracic duct communicate Avith the veins? 17. What is the general appearance of the lymphatic vessels, and of the lymph which they contain ? 18. What is the appearance of the lymphatics of the intestine dur- ing digestion, and why are they then called "lacteals?" 19. By what two routes is the chyle conveyed into the circulation? 20. What changes take place in the elements of the food after their absorption ? 21. How is the circulation in the alimentary canal changed during digestion, and what is its condition after digestion is finished ? 134 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. CHAPTER VI. THE LIVER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. Situation and Structure of the Liver its Lobules. Biliary Ducts.- Secretion of the Bile. Gall-bladder. Accumulation of Bile in tha Gall-bladder its discharge into the Intestine. Appearance and Composition of the Bile. Biliary Salts. Mode of extracting them from the Bile. Their Crystallization. Changes of the Bile in the Intestine its absorption by the Blood. Function of the Bile. Formation of Sugar in the Liver its absorption by the Blood-ves- sels. Sugar finally decomposed in the Circulation. FROM what we have already learned, it is evident that the liver plays a prominent part in regard to the process of absorption. Placed in the immediate neigh- borhood of the digestive organs, and united with them by various anatomical connections, it is, to some extent, associated with them in function. It is also the great highway through which the blood passes in its course from the intestine to the heart, and where it undergoes certain changes of the greatest importance. 61. Situation and Vascularity of the Liver. The liver is a large and solid organ, placed in the upper part and on the right side of the abdomen, a little above the level of the stomach. If we place the open hand over the lowermost ribs of the right side of the body, it will almost exactly cover the situation of this organ. It re- ceives, as we have seen, the portal vein, which ramifies extensively in its substance. It is also supplied with an artery ; but this artery is comparatively of small THE LITER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 133 size, and by far the larger portion of the blood which circulates in the liver comes from the branches of the portal vein. The first and most well known function performed by the liver is the production of the JBile. 62. Structure and Secretive Function of the Liver. If we examine the minute structure of the organ, we find that it is composed of a great number of small rounded granular masses, closely packed together, which are called its " lobules." It is into the substance of these lobules that the minute blood-vessels penetrate, and form there a fine vascular network. But beside these blood-vessels there is another set of tubes, equally delicate, which commence in the sub- stance of the lobules and join each other in the spaces between them. They then unite into branches like those of the veins, and, continuing their course from the deep- er parts of the organ, finally emerge at the great fissure or gateway at its under surface. These little tubes are called the "biliary ducts." The liver is accordingly drained throughout its sub- stance by a multitude of fine ducts or canals, like the ditches of a cultivated field ; only these ducts are of minute size and disseminated every where throughout the organ, collecting at last into a main tube or sluice- way at its surface. Now in the interior of these ducts there appears a watery fluid, of a rich brownish-yellow color and a bit- ter taste, containing many different ingredients of a peculiar nature. This fluid is the Bile. It is formed in the interior of the lobules, and is taken up from them by the little canals in their tissue. As it accumulates in the smaller ducts it fills the larger branches also, and is thus 136 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. conducted into the main channel at the under surface of the organ. How is it that the bile is formed in the substance of the lobules ? This is another example of that singular transforma- tion of which we have already seen so many instances. None of the more important ingredients of the bile are to be found in the blood ; and yet the blood is the only source from which the liver derives its nourishment. But, as the lobules absorb from the blood its nutritious elements, and fix them in their own substance, they at the same time transform or change some of them into other materials. We can not explain more fully the manner in which this takes place ; we only know that this is a property belonging to the tissue of the lobules, just as it is the property of the gastric juice to change the albuminous substances in digestion. It is thus that the peculiar ingredients of the bile, giving it its bitter flavor, its yellow color, and its other important proper- ties, make their appearance in the interior of the liver. The liver is therefore a kind of manufactory in which a new fluid is produced, differing from the blood by which its materials are supplied. From the great fissure upon the under surface of the organ the main biliary duct passes downward to the small intestine, which it reaches at the distance of a few inches from the pylorus (Fig. 18,/"). Here it pene- trates the wall of the intestine, and opens into its cav- ity by a small orifice on the inner surface of the lin- ing membrane. Thus the bile, first produced in the liver, is conveyed downward by the biliary duct, and finally discharged into the upper part of the small intestine. THE LIVER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 137 But about midway between the liver and the intes- tine the biliary duct communicates with a membranous sac or bag, which is called the Gall-bladder. It is a rounded, pear-shaped bag, about three inches in length, attached to the under surface of the liver. It can be easily recognized, both in man and in most of the ani- mals used as food, by its form and situation, and by its being filled with dark liquid bile. The bile, in fact, ac- cumulates in the gall-bladder as in a kind of reservoir. A portion of it always passes downward through the biliary duct, and is discharged at once into the intes- tine; but a portion is also turned back into the gall- bladder, especially in the intervals of digestion, and is there stored away for future use. The longer the time which has elapsed since digestion, the greater the quantity of bile which accumulates in the gall-bladder. Consequently, this organ varies very much in size at different times. Immediately after digestion it is small and collapsed ; but if examined after one, two, or three days of fasting, it is found full of bile, and increased to two or three times its former dimensions. Beside, the bile which is contained in the gall-bladder is somewhat different from that which is still in the bil- iary ducts. In the ducts within the substance of the liv- er it is thin, watery, and yellowish. In the gall-bladder it is thicker, darker colored, and viscid in consistency. While retained in the gall-bladder, therefore, it suffers a certain change ; and this change is principally due to a viscid substance or "mucus," which is secreted by the gall-bladder, and mingled with the bile which it contains. 63. Physical Appearance and Ingredients of the Bile. Owing to the accumulation of the bile in the reservoir 138 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. of the gall-bladder, we can easily obtain it for examina- tion. As it comes from the gall-bladder, the bile is a rather viscid fluid of a golden-brown color, which often varies through many different shades of yellow and green. If we shake it up in a closed vessel with air, it becomes very frothy and soapy in appearance, entangling the bubbles of air, which adhere closely to each other and to the surface of the fluid. The ingredients of the bile are, first, water; secondly, certain substances of an animal nature, combined with soda, which are its most peculiar elements, and which are therefore called the " Biliary salts ;" thirdly, a coloring matter, which gives to the bile its greenish or brownish hue ; fourthly, substances of a fatty nature ; and, lastly, mineral ingredients. Mingled with these, as we have already mentioned, there is usually a small quantity of mucus from the lining membrane of the gall-bladder. The proportion of these ingredients is as follows: COMPOSITION OF THE BILE IN 1000 PARTS. Water 880.00 Biliary salts 90.00 Coloring and fatty matters 13.42 Mineral ingredients 15.24 Mucus of the gall-bladder l.4 1000.00 Of all these ingredients, those which are called the " Biliary salts" are the most important. They may be extracted from the dried bile by pure alcohol, since they are soluble in this fluid, and are thus separated from other impurities which remain behind. But if ether be afterward added to the alcoholic solution, the biliary salts separate from the mixture, and are then THE LIVER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 139 slowly deposited in a crystalline form. The crystals are at first very minute and of various shapes. After- ward they gradually increase in size, until they some- times become visible to the naked eye (Fig. 30). The entire quantity of the bile which is secreted during the day varies in dif- ferent kinds of animals. As a general rule, it is more abundant in those which live upon vegetable food than in those which are carnivorous. In man, the best calculations show that the daily quantity of bile is about two pounds and a half. 64. Function of the Bile in the Intes- tine. What purpose does the bile serve in the alimentary canal ? This is not an easy matter to decide ; for, notwithstanding the abundance of the bile and its remarkable characters, Cr y Sta]80ftheBilia . its ingredients are so different from those of the other secretions, and its functions fied 25 times, are so obscure, that this has been found one of the most difficult of all the questions connected with the diges- tion and absorption of the food. What has been really learned in regard to it is as follows : First of all, the bile is secreted and poured into the alimentary canal at all times. It is not like the gastric juice, which is produced only during the period of di- gestion ; but it is incessantly formed by the liver, and is continually discharged into the intestine by the bilia- ry duct. It is always to be found, therefore, in greater or less quantity, in the cavity of the alimentary canal, 140 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. where it can be easily recognized by its yellow color, and by the chemical tests which are employed to de- tect it. Nevertheless, it is poured into the intestine more abundantly at the beginning of digestion. At this time, and within a few minutes after the food is taken into the stomach, the commencing excitement of the whole digestive apparatus is communicated to the gall- bladder. Its muscular fibres contract, and it thus dis- charges the bile which has accumulated within it into the upper part of the small intestine. It is for this rea- son that the gall-bladder is found empty soon after di- gestion, and again distended with bile when a long in- terval has elapsed. But, after the gall-bladder is emptied, the liver still continues its activity of secretion, and the bile which it produces is still conveyed into the intestinal cavity. Here, however, it gradually disappears. Abundant in the tipper part of the small intestine, it is less so in the middle and lower parts, and, finally, it is no longer to be recognized either by its color or by its chemical tests. These tests also show that it is not discharged from the body. It is therefore withdrawn from the ali- mentary canal, and taken up by the blood-vessels at the same time with the digested elements of the food. But before being absorbed from the cavity of the in- testine it is changed. Its peculiar ingredients, the bilia- ry salts, are transformed into other materials by the in- fluence of the intestinal fluids, and are then conveyed into the current of the circulation. We do not know what these new materials are, but we know that they are necessary to life; for if the bile be not secreted, or if it be prevented from entering the THE LIVER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 141 intestine, the animals so affected die enfeebled and emaciated. Thus the bile passes through the alimentary canal, not for the purpose of assisting in the digestion of the food, but in order that its own ingredients may be changed and converted into other substances. The blood needs these substances for its nutrition, and they are accordingly produced by means of the biliary secre- tion. This is accomplished, again, by a double transforma- tion. As the muscular flesh of our food is converted first into albuminose by the stomach and afterward into albumen in the blood-vessels, so certain of the elements of the blood are transformed by the liver into the salts of the bile, and these again are changed in the intestine into new materials, which are finally absorbed by the blood-vessels of its lining membrane. 65. Formation of Sugar in the Liver. Beside the for- mation of the bile, the liver performs also another and very important office ; that is, the production of sugar. We have seen that when starch is taken with the food it is changed into sugar by digestion, and this sugar is absorbed by the blood-vessels and thus carried into the circulation. But there are many animals who never take any starch or sugar with their food. Such are all the carnivorous animals that is, those who live entirely upon the flesh of other animals. Their food contains no vegetable substances, and consequently has no starchy ingredient. Xow it is a very curious fact that in these animals the substance of the liver always contains sugar. Even when they have kept for many weeks or months upon no other food than animal flesh, sugar is still found in 142 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. the tissue of the liver. Furthermore, no other organ in the body contains this substance, and even the blood with which the liver is supplied is equally desti- tute of it. Therefore it is the liver itself which forms the sugar, in these cases, out of other materials. It would be too long a history to describe all the ingenious and careful experiments by which physiologists have arrived at this conclusion ; but there is now no doubt that in the carnivorous animals sugar really makes its appearance in the liver, when no such material has been taken with the food. The same thing is true of man, and of the herbivo- rous or vegetable-feeding animals. For in them also the liver contains a certain proportion of sugar, no matter what may be the nature of the food consumed ; and this proportion is often greater than that which could be produced in the digestive process. The sugar thus produced is formed in the solid tissufe of the organ itself. This tissue absorbs the nutritious materials from the blood, and then transforms a part of them into a saccharine ingredient. The same tissue, as we have already seen, also contains the elements of the bile ; and it is for this reason that the livers of cer- tain animals, when cooked for food, have at the same time a bitter and a sweet taste. 66. Absorption and Decomposition of the Liver-sugar. But the sugar, when once formed, does not remain in the liver. It at once begins to be absorbed by the blood-vessels of the organ, and so, entering the circu- lation, passes onward with the blood of the hepatic veins toward the heart. Thus, in many cases, the blood of the portal vein coming to the liver contains THE LIVER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 143 no sugar ; while the blood of the hepatic veins, going away from it, is charged with this substance which it has absorbed from the tissue of the organ in its pas- sage. Soon afterward, the sugar disappears entirely. We have already seen how that which is produced by di- gestion is finally decomposed in the circulation ; the same thing happens with that which is absorbed from the liver. None of it is to be found in the blood of the general circulation. 4 In the liver, therefore, there are produced two differ- ent substances, w T hich pass away in two opposite direc- tions : First, the bile, which is absorbed by the biliary ducts, and conveyed downward to the intestine ; and, secondly, the sugar, which is absorbed by the blood- vessels, and passes upward to the heart. In either case, these secretions are afterward decomposed into new substances, which finally take their place as ingredi- ents of the circulating blood. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER VI. 1 . What is the situation of the liver f 2. What is the principal vessel which supplies it with blood ? 3. What is the principal secretion produced by the liver ? 4. What are the lobules of the liver? 5. What ducts originate from the substance of the lobules ? G. Where does the bile first make its appearance in the liver ? 7. How do the lobules produce the ingredients of the bile ? 8. Where is the bile conveyed by the main biliary duct ? 0. What is the situation and form of the gall-bladder ? 10. What is its use ? 11. At what time does the bile accumulate in the gall-bladder ? 12. How is it changed while remaining in the gall-bladder? 13. What is the consistency of the bile? its color? 14. What are its ingredients? which are the most important? 15. How may the biliary salts be extracted from the bile ? 144 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. 1G. Is the bile more abundant in carnivorous or in herbivorous an- imals? 1 7. How much is produced in man during twenty-four hours ? 18. Is the bile secreted occasionally or constantly? 1 9. At what time is it poured into the intestine most abundantly ? 20. What becomes of the bile after it is poured into the intestine ? 21. What other substance is produced in the liver beside the bile? 22. How do we know that sugar is formed in the liver ? %' What becomes of the sugar produced by the liver? THE BLOOD. 145 CHAPTER VH. THE BLOOD. ingredients of the Blood. Waer. Salt. Lime. Albumen. Properties of Albumen. Fibrine its Properties. Blood Globules their Form Size Color Consistency. White Globules. Quantity of differeat Ingredients in the Blood. Coagulation of the Blood. Clot. Serum. Coagulat' n dependent on the Fibrine. Use of Coagulation in stoppage of Bleeding. Why Blood does not Coagulate in the Vessels. Daily Production and Decomposition of Fibrine. Entire Quantity of Blood in the Body its Variation. Variation in Composition of the Blood. Two different Kinds of Blood in the Body. now come to the study of that remarkable fluid which contains all the materials necessary for nutrition, and provides for the common support of the whole body. Nourished itself by the elements of the digest- ed food which it has absorbed from the intestine, it compels them to assume a new form on entering the blood-vessels, and converts them into its own ingredi- ents. Thus it is constantly maintained in a healthy condition by the incessant supply of new materials. All the processes, therefore, of digestion and absorp- tion are subservient to the nutrition of the blood. 67. Physical Appearance and Composition of the Blood. The blood is a thick opaque fluid, of a rich deep red hue, so peculiar that it may usually be distinguished by its color alone. It contains many different ingredi- ents, of which the most important are, first, Water; Q 146 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. second, Mineral substances ; and, third, Albuminous matters. The water of the blood is what gives it its fluidity. For if the water be driven off by evaporation, the othef ingredients remain behind in the form of a dry mass, which would be entirely useless for the purpose of nu- trition. But in its natural condition the water of the blood unites all its other ingredients into a uniform liquid, which easily moves through the blood-vessels, and dissolves the new substances which are absorbed from without. Taken altogether, the water forms rath- er more than three fourths of the whole mass of the blood. The mineral ingredients are in much smaller propor- tion. The most abundant is common salt, which we know is taken with the food, and is a necessary ingre- dient of all the tissues. It forms, however, only about four parts in a thousand of the whole blood. The com- binations of Lime, which the bones and teeth require for their nourishment, are found in still smaller quan- tity, dissolved in the animal fluids of the blood. Other mineral substances of various kinds are also present in their requisite quantity. But the most remarkable of all the ingredients of the blood are its albuminous matters. It is these sub- stances which give to it its thick and animal consist- ency, and which also act the most important part in the nutrition of the body. They are of two different kinds, which are naturally mingled together in the blood in a liquid form. The first of these is the Albumen. We can obtain a tolerably correct idea of the characters of albumen from the fresh white of egg, which has received a simi- THE BLOOD. 147 lar name. This is not exactly the same thing with the albumen of the blood, but still the two resemble each other very closely. They may both be coagulated by boiling, when they become solid, white, and opaque. The principal difference between them is, that the fresh white of egg is partly gelatinous in consistency, while the albumen of the blood is perfectly fluid, and may readily be made to flow through the veins, or to run from one glass vessel into another. The albumen is about forty parts in a thousand, or one twenty-fifth of the whole blood. It represents, in great part, the concentrated nourishment derived from the food, for it is probably into this substance that most of the albuminose is converted after being ab- sorbed from the intestine in the digestive process. It is the material out of which the tissues of the body are afterward formed. The other animal matter in the blood is the Fibrine. Although this is in very small quantity, viz., only two parts in a thousand, it is an exceedingly curious and important ingredient. For it possesses a property which does not belong to any other animal substance, viz., the property of " spontaneous coagulation" that is, it will coagulate by itself, without being boiled or brought in contact with an acid, or treated by any other chemical substance. We shall see hereafter what an important character this property gives to the blood. But these substances are only the liquid portions of the blood. They are all dissolved in each other, and form a perfectly transparent and almost colorless fluid. Beside them there are a multitude of little rounded bodies contained in the liquid mixture, which make the 148 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. blood opaque, and give to it its red color. They are so abundant that they are crowded together by thousands in each drop of blood, and so minute that they are only visible by the aid of the microscope. They are called the Blood Globules. 68. Globules of the Blood. If we examine a drop of Fig. si. blood under the microscope, We See *^ e kl 0( l globules floating in profusion in the fluid parts. Each one is a delicate circular plate or disk, somewhat like a piece of money in form, only with the edges rounded and rath- er thicker than the central part. In human blood they are about of an inch in Blood-globules? highly magnified, diameter when measured across their flat surfaces, and about ifiooo of an inch in thickness (Fig. 31). The blood globules are exceedingly soft and flexible in consistency. In fact they are nearly fluid, like drops of very thick oil or honey, only they do not dissolve in the other parts of the blood, but retain their own form and substance. Consequently, when moving about in the fluid, as they often do under the microscope, follow- ing accidental currents in the blood, passing through narrow channels, and turning corners among the other globules, they may be seen to twist about, and bend over, and elongate in various ways, and then resume their natural figure as before. This peculiar semi-fluid and flexible consistency is one of their greatest pecul- iarities. When seen by transmitted light and in thin layers THE BLOOD. 149 they are of a very pale amber color and nearly trans- parent. Nevertheless they contain all the red color of the blood ; and when seen heaped together in layers only five or six deep, they show distinctly the ruddy color which belongs to them. Beside, if they are sep- arated by filtration or any other means, or if they are not formed in their natural quantity, the blood be- comes paler, exactly in proportion as its globules are deficient. They also communicate to the blood its opacity. Al- though each globule by itself is transparent, yet, when they are crowded together and mingled with the fluid parts of the blood, the whole becomes opaque and ap- parently impenetrable to light. This is because the globules of the blood and its fluid parts are of a differ- ent nature and composition. The same thing will hap- pen when oil is emulsioned by a watery alkaline solu- tion. The oil is transparent by itself, and the alkaline liquid is transparent by itself; but if you mix the two together, the whole becomes white and opaque like milk. So the globules of the blood and its fluid parts, mingled together, produce a thick red and opaque liq- uid. The red globules are the vivifying elements of the blood. They communicate to it its animating and stimulating properties, by which all the organs are maintained in a condition of vital activity. We shall understand their action more fully when we come to study the whole subject of respiration and circulation. We shall then see what is the precise function of these globules, and how important an office they perform. Beside the red globules, the blood contains other little bodies of a different form and aspect. These are 150 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. the white globules. They are very much less numerous than the red, as there are not more than three or four of them for every thousand of the others. They are of a little larger size, measuring about ^-^ of an inch in diameter, of a rounded form and a finely granulated texture. They are usually concealed, for the most part, in the greater abundance of the red globules. When the ingredients of the blood are examined by analysis, they are found to be mingled together in the following proportions: COMPOSITION OF THE BLOOD IN 1000 PARTS. Water 795 Globules 150 Albumen 40 Fibrine 2 Other animal matters 5 Mineral substances 8 1000 69. Coagulation of the Blood. Such are the proper* ties and constitution of the blood while circulating in the interior of the body. But if it be withdrawn from the vessels, a very remarkable change takes place, which alters its whole appearance. This change is its Coagulation. When a patient is bled from the arm, or is accident' ally wounded, the blood runs from the opened vein in a perfectly liquid stream ; but soon afterward it begins to appear thicker than before, and will not run in drops, nor moisten the fingers so easily when touched. When this alteration has once commenced, it goes on rapidly increasing, the blood growing thicker and thicker, until it finally sets into a uniform, firm, elastic, jelly-like mass. It is then eaid to be "coagulated" or "clotted." This THE BLOOD. 151 change is usually complete in about twenty minutes after the blood has been withdrawn from the veins. Now this coagulation of the blood is entirely de- pendent upon its fibrine. This substance alone has the property of coagulating spontaneously. None of the other ingredients can solidify in this way, and if the fibrine be taken out, the blood loses altogether its power of coagulation. But how is it that the whole blood becomes clotted in a single mass, if this power belongs only to the fibrine ? It is because the fibrine, though in very small quanti- ty, as compared with the other substances in the blood, is diffused uniformly throughout the whole ; and when it coagulates, therefore, on being withdrawn from the vessels, it entangles all the other ingredients with it, and holds them imprisoned in its own substance. The water of the blood, accordingly, the albumen, the glob- ules, etc., are all mechanically retained by the coagu- lating fibrine. But not long afterward a partial separation takes place between them. The fibrine solidifies still more ; and, by contracting upon itself, squeezes out the liq- uid portions of the blood from between its meshes. Drops of a clear, amber-colored fluid begin to exude from its surface, and these drops, growing larger and larger, run together into little pools, which still in- crease in size until the entire surface is covered with the transparent liquid. The remainder grows at the same time smaller and firmer, until at last the whole is permanently separated into two parts, a solid and a liquid. The solid part is called the Clot ; the liquid part is the Serum. 152 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. If you examine, therefore, a cupful of blood at the end of twelve hours after it has been drawn from the veins, you will see that it is no longer a uniform mass, but ap- pears as a solid clot floating in the transparent serum. The clot, at this time, is still firm, red, and opaque, since it contains all the globules of the blood as well as the fibrine. For these globules can not escape from the clot, owing to their form and size, and are therefore re- tained by the meshes of the coagulated fibrine. The serum, on the other hand, is transparent, and nearly colorless. It contains all the albumen, the water, and other substances dissolved in them. 70. Importance of Coagulation. Now this coagula- tion of the blood is a property of the greatest impor- tance ; for it is the only thing which prevents our bleeding to death after the slightest incision or injury to the blood-vessels. Whenever these vessels are opened by an accidental cut in the skin or in the mus- cles, the blood at first flows with great freedom, ac- cording to the size of the wound. But if we press firm- ly upon the injured part with a bandage or with the fingers, and then, after a short time, remove the press- ure, we find that the bleeding has stopped altogether. This is because the thin layer of blood between the edges of the wounded vessels has coagulated and blocked up the opening. No matter how thin this layer may be, it still coagulates ; for every particle of the blood, however small, contains its due proportion of fibrine, and consequently solidifies at the proper time. The clot thus formed adheres to the edges of the wounded parts, and so acts as a continuous band- age or plug, until the tissues have again grown togeth- er and become permanently united. THE BLOOD. 153 It is in this way that the bleeding from all ordinary wounds is usually arrested by nature. No matter how freely the blood may flow at first, if you keep the parts steadily compressed for twenty minutes or half an hour, the fibrine will then be coagulated and the bleed- ing will stop. But when the wound is very deep, or when any of the principal arteries have been severed, this means will not succeed ; for the blood comes with so much force from these larger vessels that it can not be kept back by or- dinary pressure, and no time is allowed for its perma- nent coagulation. Then we must call for the assist- ance of the surgeon, who is often compelled to search for the blood-vessels in the deeper parts of the wound, and to tie. up their open mouths with a fine cord or lig- ature. Why this operation is successful requires a far- ther explanation. 71. Coagulation in the Interior of the Body. It is a curious fact that the blood will coagulate, not only when it is discharged externally, but also even in the interior of the body, whenever it is withdrawn from the ordinary course of the circulation. Thus, if we receive a bruise, and the little vessels beneath the skin are torn, the blood which flows from them coagulates in the neighborhood of the injury. Any internal bleed- ing produces, after a time, a clot in the corresponding situation where the blood is effused. After death, also, coagulation takes place in the cavities of the heart and in the great veins near it ; and whenever any part of the body is so injured as to stop its circulation, the blood necessarily coagulates in its vessels. Accordingly, when the surgeon places a ligature upon a wounded vessel, he stops the circulation through it, G2 154 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. The blood is imprisoned in the neighborhood of the Kg. ature, and soon afterward coagulates and blocks up the cavity of the vessel with its solidified fibrine. After a time the ligature separates and is thrown off, and the wounded parts unite by the healing of the tissues. We see, therefore, that the coagulation of the blood is a property that belongs to the fibrine, and that it is spon- taneous. As soon as the fibrine is formed it possess- es this property, by which it is distinguished from all other substances. It is not manifested immediately, for it requires a certain time for its completion ; but, owing to the very nature of the fibrine, wherever it may be, within a short period after it is shut off from the circu- lation it exhibits this peculiar character, and coagulates inevitably. Why, then, does it not coagulate in the vessels, and thus stop the circulation of the blood ? To understand this, we must remember that the his- tory of all the animal substances in the living body is one of incessant change. None of them remain the same, but all undergo successive transformations. The albummose formed in digestion is no sooner taken up by the blood-vessels than it is converted into albumen. The oily matters absorbed with the chyle, and the sug- ar produced in the liver, are also rapidly decomposed, as we have seen, and disappear in the circulation. What is destroyed in this way for the purposes of nutrition is constantly replaced by a fresh quantity formed in the game organs. This is also true of the fibrine. That which is circu- lating in the blood-vessels to-day is not the same fibrino which was there yesterday, but a new supply, freshly produced in the process of daily nutrition. It is esti- THE BLOOD. 155 mated by physiologists that all the fibrine which exists in the blood is destroyed and reproduced at least three times over in the course of a single day. What the new substances are which are formed by its decomposi- tion is still unknown, for we can not yet follow out all the details of these changes which take place so rap- idly in the living body. But there is every reason to believe that the renovation of the fibrine in the blood takes place as constantly and rapidly as that of its oth- er ingredients. The blood, therefore, does not coagulate while the I circulation is going on, because its fibrine is being in- j cessantly altered and converted into new substances. It has been found that in certain of the internal organs, especially in the liver and kidneys, the fibrine disap- pears, and that little or none of it is contained in the blood returning from them. When we come to learn with what rapidity the circulation is carried on, we shall easily understand how coagulation may thus be prevented. But if the blood be withdrawn from the circulation altogether, or confined in any part by a lig- ature, then its fibrine can no longer go through with the natural changes of its decomposition, and it accord- ingly coagulates, as we have above described. 72. Quantity of the Blood. The entire quantity of blood in the vessels is about one eighth part, by weight, of the whole body; so that in a man weighing 140 pounds, the quantity of blood is very nearly 18 pounds. The quantity of blood, however, as well as its composi- tion, varies somewhat at different times. Soon after digestion it is considerably increased; for it has ab- sorbed all the nutritious materials taken with the food, and these materials must necessarily pass through the 156 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. blood in order to reach the tissues. After long absti- nence it is diminished in quantity to a corresponding degree. For the same reason, its composition varies to a certain extent, since its different ingredients will di- minish or increase, according as they have been dis- charged or absorbed in greater or less abundance. 73. Effects produced by Loss of Blood. Only a small proportion of the blood in the body can be lost without causing a serious effect upon the system. Generally speaking, the loss of one pound of blood causes faint- ness, and that of a pound and a half or two pounds is followed by complete unconsciousness. If the bleeding be then stopped, the patient usually recovers ; but if a still larger quantity of blood be lost, recovery becomes impossible. When the strength, however, has been very much re- duced by excessive bleeding, it may sometimes be re- stored by injecting into the blood-vessels healthy blood from another person. This is called the " Transfusion of the Blood." In several instances where the vital powers were nearly exhausted, life has been restored by this operation. 74. Two different kinds of Blood in the Body. Finally, there is a most remarkable difference in the appearance of the blood in different parts of the body. In one half of the circulation, that is, in all those vessels which are called " arteries," it is of a brilliant scarlet hue ; while in the " veins" it is of a deep bluish-purple, almost black color. These two kinds of blood follow each other in the circulation, changing alternately from one color to the other ; so that, although there is always red blood in the arteries, and always blue blood in the veins, yet the same blood is alternately scarlet and purple, as it QUESTIONS. 157 passes from one set of vessels into the other. This leads us, in the next place, to the subject of Respiration. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER VII. 1. What fluid provides for the nourishment of the whole body? 2. What is the physical appearance of the blood ? 3. What are its ingredients ? 4. What is the use of the water of the blood ? 5. What is the proportion of water in the blood ? 6. What are the most important mineral ingredients of the blood ? 7. What are the properties of the albumen of the blood, and how does it differ from the white of egg ? 8. What is the proportion of albumen in the blood ? 9. What is its use ? 10. What is the distinguishing peculiarity ofjibrine? 11. What is the appearance of the blood globules f their consistency? 12. Does the color of the blood reside in the liquid parts, or in the blood globules ? 13. What change takes place in the blood when it is withdrawn from the vessels ? 14. Which of the ingredients of the blood causes its coagulation ? 1 5. Describe the separation of the blood into clot and serum. 16. What does the clot contain? What does the serum contain? 1 7. How does the coagulation of the blood control bleeding ? 18. What should be done to check the bleeding from a wound of moderate size ? 19. What must be done when a large artery is wounded ? 20. Why does not the blood coagulate while circulating in the ves- sels? 21. How rapidly is the fibrine of the blood destroyed and repro- duced ? 22. In which of the internal organs does it disappear ? 23. Why does it coagulate when shut off from the circulation ? 24. What is the quantity of blood contained in the whole body ? 25. What effect is produced by an excessive loss of blood ? 26. What is the operation of " transfusion f" 27. What two different kinds of blood are there in the body? 158 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. CHAPTER VIH RESPIRATION. The Oxygen of the Air its Necessity to Life. Nature of Respiration. The Lungs their Structure. Larynx. Trachea. Bronchial Tubes. Lobules. Air Vesicles. Movement of Inspiration. The Diaphragm its Contraction. Entrance of the Air. Inter- costal Muscles. Motion of the Ribs. Movement of Expiration. Elasticity of the Lungs. Quantity of Air used in Respiration. Movements of Respiration involuntary. Effect of Respiration on the Blood. Its Change of Color. Venous Blood. Arterial Blood. Absorption of Oxygen in the Lungs. Loss of Oxygen in the Tissues. Carbonic Acid where formed. Discharged with the Breath. Animal Vapor. Watery Vapor. Ventilation. Ventila- tion by Doors and Windows by Fires and Chimneys by other Means. Necessity for complete Ventilation. 75. Oxygen. In the air which surrounds us, pene trating into the minutest crevices, and distributed ev* ery where over the surface of the globe, dissolved in the water, and diffused throughout the atmosphere, in- visible but omnipresent, there is a substance of singular activity, and endowed with a most prominent part in the operations of nature. It forms and destroys odor- iferous vapors, it corrodes the metals, it crumbles the texture of woody plants, it decomposes all dead and de- caying materials, and it devours the substance of burn- ing bodies. It is every where active, and every where ready to produce some new change in the materials of the inorganic world. This substance is Oxygen. Oxygen is equally important in the organic world EESPIRATION. 159 No animal can live without it ; and it is incessantly in operation, uniting with the tissues, and forming a mul- titude of internal combinations which are necessary to existence. Furthermore, the activity of life in differ- ent kinds of animals is in exact proportion to the in- tensity with which they receive the influence of oxy- gen. The more sluggish of them, such as worms, shell- fish', and reptiles, require but little of it, and will still survive when deprived of it for a short time. But the more perfect the organization of the animal, and the more active its temperament, the more constant and imperative is its demand for oxygen. In the quadru- peds, in the birds, and in the human species, where the circulation is rapid and the movements vigorous, and where all the functions of life are in active operation, this substance is the first and most indispensable req- uisite to existence. With them oxygen is a food which must be incessantly supplied, for if it be withheld for only a few minutes together life inevitably comes to an end. 76. The Atmosphere and Respiration. Now the great reservoir of oxygen, and the source from which it is constantly derived for our use, is the atmosphere. Oxygen does not exist, however, in the atmosphere by itself. On the contrary, it is mingled there with another substance which is more abundant than it, but which does not possess its active properties. This sub- stance is termed "Nitrogen." The quantities of the two are in such proportion that there is one part of oxygen to about four parts of nitrogen. The atmosphere, there- fore, is a mixture of these two gases, in which the oxy- gen, which is active and powerful, is diluted with the nitrogen, which is mild and inert. ICO PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Consequently we depend directly upon the atmos- phere for the maintenance of life. If it be withdrawn or shut out from us in any way, we die within a short time, because we are deprived of the oxygen which is essential to our existence. The manner in which the air serves to support life is by penetrating into the interior of the body, into cer- tain organs which are adapted for its reception. These organs are called the " Lungs." The air is drawn into them with the breath, and immediately after exhaled again, to give place to a fresh supply. This action, by which the air is introduced into the lungs, and there used for the maintenance of life, is the process of Respiration. Let us see, first, how it is that the movements of respiration are accomplished; and, secondly, what are the changes thus produced in the interior of the body. 77. The Organs of Respiration. The lungs are two large and exceedingly vascular organs, situated in the cavity of the chest, one on each side, and extending from about the level of the collar-bone to just below the region of the heart. They are " spongy" in their texture that is, they are filled every where with little cavities, imperfectly separated from each other by slen- der partitions, like the tissue of a sponge. Each one of these cavities is filled with air ; and so minute are they, and so closely packed together, that the whole substance of the lung is thus filled with small air-bub- bles, disseminated every where through its tissue. If you take a piece of the lung, therefore, such as that of an ox or a sheep, and press it between the fingers, you will perceive a fine crackling sensation, owing to the partial dislodgment of these minute bubbles of air. EESPIEATION. 161 For the same reason, the tissue of the lung, unlike that of any of the other organs, will float in water. The substance of other organs, being solid and heav- ier than water, sinks at once to the bottom; but that of the lungs, every where infiltrated with air, is buoyed up by it, and floats lightly upon the surface. These minute cavities, containing the air-bubbles just described, are called the " air vesicles" of the lungs. Now the air which is thus disseminated through the lung has been derived from the external atmosphere. For the cavities of the lungs communicate with the ex- terior through certain channels or air passages, called respectively the Larynx, the Trachea, and the Bron- chial Tubes. The larynx is a firm cartilaginous box or framework, situated directly at the front of the upper part of the neck, where it forms an angular prominence which is easily felt by the fingers. Internally the larynx is hol- low, and communicates with the back part of the throat by a narrow chink or crevice, which is termed the " glottis." Through this chink the air passes from the nostrils and back part of the throat into the larynx. From the larynx it passes downward into the trachea. This is a straight rounded tube, about an inch in di- ameter, which runs from the lower end of the larynx directly downward along the middle of the neck to the upper part of the chest. It is formed of membranous walls ; but these are held apart, so as to secure a free passage for the air, by a scries of elastic cartilaginous rings imbedded in their substance. As the trachea enters the cavity of the chest it di- vides, right and left, into two tubes or " bronchi," one of which goes to each lung. Arrived at the lungs, the 162 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. bronchi themselves break up into smaller divisions, which are the " bronchial tubes ;" and these tubes con- tinue to separate into still smaller branches and ramifi- cations. Each ramification of the bronchial tubes term' inates at last in an oval sac or bag, separated in its in* terior into various divisions or compartments, into which the air penetrates from the end of the bronchial tube. Fig. 32. Hnman Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, and Lungs ; showing the ramifi- cation of the bronchi, and the division of the lungs into lobules. These oval-shaped sacs are called the " lobules" of the lung, and, united together, make up its entire substance (Fig. 32). RESPIRATION. 163 Fig. 33. Lobuie of Human Lung.-a. ill- it^ icles - Finally, each lobule is itself composed of a group of small rounded cavities, called the " ai* vesicles," formed by the divis- ions or partitions which project from the inner surface of the lobule. Thus all the air vesicles contained in a lobule communi- cate with the central cavity of the lobule itself, and through it with the end of the bronchial tube (Fig. 33). Now these divisions and ram- ifications of the interior of the lung produce a very large ex- tent of surface, over which the air comes in contact with its tissue. Each air vesicle is only about -^ of an inch in diameter ; and we can easily understand, there- fore, how many of them may be contained in an or- gan of the size of the lung. But each one of these air vesicles is in contact with the air over its whole inter- nal surface, and all these surfaces combined must be very extensive. It is estimated by anatomists that the whole internal surface of the lungs, if spread out, would be many times greater than the whole external surface of the skin. No doubt this is true. The page of an ordinary book, of the octavo form, represents about one third of a square foot. Such a book, one inch thick, will contain at least 400 pages, and will accordingly represent, alto- gether, a surface of 133 square feet. If you take out of the book every alternate leaf, so as to leave a layer of ah' of the same thickness between all the rest, there 164 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. will still be remaining, in contact with the air, a com- bined surface of 66 square feet, which is very nearly four times the whole external surface of the human body. The tissue of the lung, however, is much more deli- cate and complicated than the pages of a book, and is capable of much greater extension within the limits of the same space. Thus the air passes from without through the larynx, trachea, and bronchi ; and, following the successive di- visions of the bronchial tubes, arrives at last in the cavities of the lobules and air vesicles. It thus pene- trates throughout the tissue of the lung, and is dissemi- nated over the immense extent of its internal surface. 78. Movements of Respiration. But what is the mech anisni of respiration, and how is the air constantly re- newed in the interior of the chest? It is by a double movement, by which the air is alter- nately drawn into the lungs and again expelled from them. These two acts are called the movements of In- spiration and the movements of Expiration. First, the movements of Inspiration. The lungs, as we have seen, are inclosed in the cavity of the chest, and communicate with the exterior only through the bronchial tubes and the trachea. Now the chest is separated from the abdomen by a strong mus- cular floor or partition, which is attached to the edges of the lower ribs in front and at the sides, and to the spinal column behind. This partition is the Diaphragm. It has an arched or vaulted form, so that its middle portion is higher than its edges, and projects upward like a dome into the chest. Above this arched portion, in the chest, are placed the lungs; beneath it, in the EESPIEATION. 165 abdomen, are the stomach and liver. When the dia- phragm is at rest, these organs remain undisturbed in their position. But the diaphragm is a muscle. Its fibres radiate every where from its central portion outward and down- ward, to be inserted into the firm edges of the ribs and the spinal column. When they contract, therefore, they draw the central part of the diaphragm down- ward, and the arched floor of the chest descends toward the abdomen. In its descent the diaphragm pushes be- fore it the liver and the stomach ; and at the same time the lungs follow its movement from above, and expand with the air which flows into them through the trachea. This is the movement of inspiration. Accordingly, at the time of inspiration, we can feel that the abdomen protrudes, while the air passes in by the mouth and nostrils. JSTow the air is drawn into the lungs at this time by the force of suction. It is not a violent action, how- ever, but is accomplished by a gentle and easy move- ment, owing to the elasticity of the atmosphere, which enables it to penetrate every where where there is a space open to receive it. A little explanation will make this evident. If you move a book from one end of a table to the other, it displaces the air from the spot in which it is deposited ; but, on the other hand, the air at the same time occupies the space which the book has left. If you walk a few steps in any direction, the air, displaced by the movements of the body, fills at once the spot left vacant by the body itself. The air is so movable and elastic that, so long as sufficient space is allowed it, it takes indifferently either position. 166 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. In the same way, if you take an empty syringe, hold- ing it upright, with the nozzle pointing upward, and then draw down the handle of the piston, as the piston descends the air follows it from above, entering through th& nozzle into the interior of the syringe, just as it passes into the lungs through the trachea during the descent of the diaphragm. But, in order that this may happen, a space must be open for the air to move freely, both inside and outside the cavity which is to be filled ; for if this space be not open to it, its resistance will be re-enforced by the press- ure and elasticity of the entire atmosphere. When the lungs are full, close the mouth and nostrils firmly with one hand, and then try to compress the chest by the strength of the muscles. You can not ; because the air within the chest has no exit, and resists, therefore, with the whole force of its elastic pressure. When the lungs are empty, on the other hand, close the mouth and nostrils as before, and endeavor to expand the chest. You can not ; for the air outside the chest is unable to find an entrance, and resists with a pressure which is greater than the entire force of the muscles. But when there is no obstacle to the free movement of the air, no resistance is offered by its pressure. The muscles have only to overcome the weight and elastic- ity of the organs set in motion, and the air then follows the movements of the diaphragm as gently and easily as a door swings upon its hinges. The action of the diaphragm in inspiration is aid- ed, at the same time, by the movements of the ribs. The ribs are of a curved form, and encircle the chest with a kind of bony cuirass or framework (Figure 34). They slant outward and downward, and overlap each RESPIRATION 167 Fig. 34. other from above down- ward, somewhat like the shingles on the roof of a house; only the adjacent ribs do not touch each oth- er, but are separated by a narrow space which is fill- ed by so many intervening muscles. These muscles, being situated between the ribs, are called the " inter- costal muscles." They contract at the same time with the diaphragm, and, by shortening their fibres, they lift the ribs and ex- pand the cavity of the Part of the Spinal Column, with the chest from side to side, ribs attached, inclosing the cavity of the chest. Thus during the act of respiration we can feel the chest rise and fall, as the air moves inward and outward through the passage of the lungs (Fig. 35). The movement of Inspiration is immediately follow- ed by the movement of Expiration. As soon as the lungs are filled with air by the ac- tion of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm, these muscles are relaxed, and the air is again expelled through the same channels by which it entered. This is accomplished principally by the elastic reac- tion of the lungs. For throughout the tissue of these organs there are disseminated a great number of mi- nute fibres, which have the property of elasticity in a high degree, and which therefore communicate this 168 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. Fig. 35. A. Figure with the chest collapsed ; B. Figure with the chest expanded ; c. Cavity of the chest ; a. Diaphragm. property to the lungs themselves. The air vesicles and lobules are in this respect like so many little India rubber bags ; and after being filled with air they react upon it at the moment of expiration, and expel it by their own elasticity. Beside this, the walls of the abdomen, pushed for- ward by the descent of the diaphragm, return to their places when this muscle is relaxed, and the liver and the stomach rise again to their former situations. RESPIKATION. 169 Thus the movement of inspiration is an active move- ment, produced by the contraction of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles ; that of expiration is a passive movement, caused by the elastic reaction of the lungs and the walls of the abdomen. These two movements follow each other alternately, with the suc- cessive contraction and relaxation of the respiratory muscles. The movements of respiration are performed slowly but constantly. Under ordinary circumstances, a man breathes naturally about twenty times per minutu. These motions are increased in frequency by any mus- cular exertion, but afterward return to their former regularity. 79. Quantity of Air used in Respiration. At every respiration twenty cubic inches of air (about f of a pint) are taken into the lungs. If we count the entire number of respirations in a day, including those caused by muscular exertion, this will give about 600,000 cu- bic inches, or 350 cubic feet of air which passes and re- passes through the lungs in every twenty-four hours. This is nearly eighty times the bulk of the whole body. 80. Character of the Respiratory Movements. The movements of respiration are involuntary. The dia- phragm descends and the chest expands without any exertion of the will, and even without our knowledge. From the instant of our birth to the last moment of existence, during the activity of our waking hours and in the unconsciousness of sleep, they continue in untir- ing and ceaseless operation. For the necessity of respi- ration is not occasional, but incessant ; and the perform- ance of this function, therefore, is not confided to the II 170 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. will, but is provided for by an involuntary action, which requires no attention and produces no fatigue. It is true that we can exercise a partial control over the movements of respiration ; that is, we can hasten or retard them at will. But this is only for a very short time. If we try to breathe much more rapidly than is natural, say one hundred times a minute, we shall soon find how laborious and exhausting the move- ments become. On the other hand, if we stop respira- tion altogether, AVC at once feel an internal impulse which calls for its renewal, and which grows rapidly stronger and more imperative, until it becomes at last irresistible. There are few persons who can voluntari- ly suspend the breath for more than thirty or forty seconds at a time. Such is the manner in which the movements of respi- ration are performed. Now let us see what happens while the air is thus taken into the cavity of the chest. 81 . Change in the Air during Respiration. In the first place, as the air penetrates into the lungs it is robbed of its oxygen. This substance disappears, so that the air which has once been drawn into the chest, and again expelled with the breath, no longer contains it in due proportion. What has become of the oxygen which thus disap- pears from the air in respiration ? It is absorbed by the blood. For the blood-vessels coming to the lungs are distributed every where in the minute spaces between the air vesicles, and envelop their walls with an abundant vascular network. If we recollect the great extent of surface represented by the tissue of the lungs, we shall see that the blood circulat- ing in their vessels is spread out over a corresponding RESPIRATION. 171 surface ; and that, in a thousand minute currents, it moves through the lungs almost in contact with the air contained in the vesicles. It is as if the blood were sprinkled through the air in a fine shower ; so that ev- ery particle of the blood and every particle of the air are brought into the closest proximity. At this moment the oxygen leaves the air and enters the blood over the whole internal surface of the pulmonary tissue. 82. Change in the Blood during Respiration. At the same time a most remarkable change takes place in the blood itself. The blood which is distributed to the lungs is venous blood. It is that which has already circulated through the organs and tissues of the body, and has served for their nutrition. From them it is collected by the veins, brought back to the heart, and from the heart distribu- ted to the lungs. At this time it is of a dark blue or purple color, approaching to black. Now, as this venous blood enters the lungs and takes possession of the oxygen contained in the air vesicles, it changes from a dark blue to a brilliant scarlet color. This change is instantaneous and complete ; so that the blood, as it leaves the lungs on one side, is entirely dif- ferent in appearance from that which is entering them on the other (Fig. 36). After the blood has passed through the lungs and has changed its color from blue to red, it returns to the heart, and is again distributed throughout the body by another set of vessels, which are called the " arteries." Accordingly, there are always two kinds of blood in the general circulation, of different colors and occupy- ing two different sets of vessels. The blood in the veins is blue, and is called Venous blood ; that in the arteries 172 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Fig. 36. Circulation through the Lungs. a, b. Right side of heart, containing venous blood ; <;, /. Left side of heart, containing arterial blood ; e. Blood-vessel conveying the blood to the lungs ; e. Blood-vessel bringing it back from the lungs ; d. Blood-vessels distributed in the lungs ; h. Great artery going ofl'from the heart. is red, and is called Arterial blood. The blood is also constantly changed from venous to arterial while pass- ing through the vessels of the lungs. It is for this reason that the lips turn purple and the face assumes a dark ashen color whenever the breath- ing is seriously obstructed. For the blood, no longer becoming arterialized, retains its venous hue and com- municates a dark color to all the transparent and vas- cular tissues. But the change in color is not the only difference be- tween these two kinds of blood. The venous blood, which has already circulated through the body, has lost its vital properties. It has expended a part of its substance in the nourishment of the tissues, and is no longer fit for the maintenance of life. RESPIRATION. 1 73 What is it that the blood has thus lost in passing through the tissues which is necessary to its vitality ? It is its oxygen. For the arterial blood, as it passes out from the heart to be distributed throughout the body, carries with it the oxygen which it has absorbed in the lungs. It ar rives at the tissues charged with this vivifying princi pie, and the tissues immediately seize upon it and ap propriate it to themselves. Thus the blood, as it passes through the circulation, gives up its oxygen and returns to the venous condition. There is, therefore, a double change going on incessantly in the blood in the differ- ent parts of the body. In the tissues it loses oxygen, and changes from red to blue ; in the lungs it absorbs oxygen, and changes from blue to red. 83. Action of the Blood Globules in Respiration. Now the ingredients of the blood which are most active in producing this change are the Blood globules. It is these little bodies which take the oxygen from the air, and fix it in their own substance for the renovation of the blood. They arc the carriers, which load them- selves with oxygen in the lungs, to transport it after- ward to distant parts in the current of the circulation. As all the color of the blood resides in them, we easily see why this color should change with the changing constitution of the globules themselves. It is by the process of respiration, accordingly, that the blood is kept constantly renovated and restored to the arterial condition. 84. Quantity of Oxygen Consumed. The importance of oxygen to the living body is shown by the quantity which is consumed. At every inspiration ono cubic inch of oxygen is withdrawn from the air and absorbed 174 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. by the blood. This amounts in the course of an entire day to about 17J cubic feet, or by weight a little over one pound. 85. Evolution of Carbonic Acid. But, at the same time that oxygen is absorbed from the air in respira- tion, another substance makes its appearance in the lungs, and is expelled with the breath. This is Car- bonic acid. It is a gas, like oxygen, but differing from it in its properties. It is the same gas which is formed in the fermentation of bread, wine, beer, and all sub- stances containing sugar. It is produced from burning coal and candles, and many other combustible bodies. It is sometimes exhaled from the surface of marshy pools, and often collects at the bottom of old wells. It is not fit for respiration ; and when a man is accidental- ly caught in an atmosphere composed of carbonic acid, as sometimes happens in cleaning beer-vats or in repair- ing old wells, he at once becomes insensible, and soon dies by suffocation. This gas, as we have said, is found in the breath. No less than one twenty-fifth part of the air passing out of the lungs consists of carbonic acid. This is immediate- ly diffused through the atmosphere, or carried away by its movements; and the fresh air then taken into the lungs is again loaded with carbonic acid and expelled in its turn. This process goes on with every successive respiration ; so that in the course of an entire day the amount of this gas discharged with the breath is near- ly 15 cubic feet, or by weight about one pound and a half. Now the carbonic acid so produced is formed in the tissues. It is absorbed from them by the blood, carried by the blood to the lungs, there exhaled into the pub RESPIRATION. 175 monary vesicles, and finally discharged with the breath. It is a useless and exhausted material which the tissues have rejected, and which is therefore expelled from the body in the process of respiration. 86. Exhalation of Water and Animal Vaporo with the Breath. Beside carbonic acid, the breath also contains a peculiar animal vapor, which is produced in the inte- rior of the body. Though this vapor is in very small quantity, it is sufficient to give to the breath a faint but perceptible odor. There is also some water dis- charged from the lungs in a gaseous form. The breath therefore is damp ; and if we breathe upon a mirror, its polished surface becomes dimmed from the deposit of the watery parts of the expired air. In warm weather the moisture thus exhaled with the breath is imper- ceptible, because it is perfectly gaseous and transpar- ent ; but if the outer air be cold it is immediately con- densed and becomes visible. Thus, on a winter's day, when the temperature of the air is low, the breath may be seen as a white cloudy vapor, issuing from the mouth and nostrils and diffusing itself in the atmosphere. 87. Necessity for Fresh Air and Ventilation. From all that has been said, we see that the first and most in- dispensable requisite of health, and even of existence, is a constant supply of fresh air. Nature has provi- ded for this, so far as the mechanism of the body is concerned, by the unceasing play of the movements of respiration, by which the air within the chest is renew- ed with every breath. If the air were not thus re- newed, it would at once become altered and contami- nated, and consequently incapable of supporting life. The same thing, of course, would take place outside the chest. If we remain shut up in a close apartment, 176 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. breathing the same air over and over again, with every respiration it loses a part of its oxygen and becomes contaminated with carbonic acid. As we know how much oxygen is consumed with each respiration, we can easily calculate how long it will be before the whole of it in the atmosphere will be exhausted. At the same time the carbonic acid continues to accumulate, and thus the air confined in the apartment is constantly degenerating, until it becomes totally unfit to support respiration. We must therefore renew the air in our houses and apartments, as carefully and thoroughly as it is renew- ed in the lungs by the movements of respiration. The method by which this is accomplished is called Ventilation. The ventilation of an apartment or of a house con- sists, like the respiratory movements, of a double pro- cess, viz., the introduction of fresh air from without, and the discharge of the contaminated air from within. It is effected by means of doors, windows, and chimneys. In order that ventilation may be effectual, every apartment should have doors or windows upon two op- posite sides, in order that the fresh air may pass com- pletely through it, and thus remove every vestige of foul atmosphere. In the warm summer weather, and in ordinary apartments, this is nearly always sufficient, since both doors and windows are iisually opened often enough to secure an abundant supply of air. But in winter, when the doors and windows are closed for a great part of the time to exclude the cold, other means are necessary. Ventilation is then aided by means of fires and chimneys. Chimneys produce ventilation in this way. The air, RESPIRATION. 177 heated by the burning fuel in the fire-place, rises in the chimney, and the chimney itself becomes warmer than the rest of the building. A permanent current of heated air is thus established, which constantly rises through the chimney and is discharged from its upper extremity. This is the " draft" of the chimney. The hotter the fire, the more rapid and powerful is the draft, and the more complete the ventilation. For fresh air at the same time finds its way into the apartment through all the minute openings and crevices of the doors and windows. We can not seal up these open- ings sufficiently to exclude the air, so long as a heated current is constantly driven upward through the fire- place and the chimney. A fire, burning in an open fire-place, is therefore the best and most effectual means of ventilation. Other methods of warming an apartment, such as close stoves, or iron pipes filled with hot water or steam, have no such good effect, for they produce no current The at- mosphere is warmed by them, but it does not move ; and the air consequently remains in the apartment, im- perfectly renewed and consequently vitiated by respi- ration. Such contrivances frequently economize fuel, but they economize it at the expense of something which is much more valuable, viz., the air and its oxy- gen, which are necessary to life. But, beside this, in every inhabited dwelling-house, ventilation should be further secured by free opening of the doors and windows, and liberal admission of the external air at least once every day. For in every such house there are other sources of contamination for the atmosphere beside respiration. The preparation of the food by cooking, the cleansing of the apartments, and H2 178 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. the unavoidable daily accumulation of refuse of various kinds, produce emanations which are harmless when fresh, but which become offensive and injurious if al- lowed to remain and stagnate. We may be sure that no atmosphere is wholesome where any of these stagna- ting odors are perceptible. A house should therefore bo swept throughout, each day, by a current of fresh air sufficient to maintain the cleanliness and salubrity of its atmosphere. Still farther means are requisite in apartments where large numbers of persons are collected together ; as in school -rooms, lecture -rooms, theatres, and manufacto- ries. Here the contamination of the atmosphere is more rapid, being in proportion to the number of per- sons present. For the respiration of ten men will ex- haust the atmosphere ten times as rapidly as that of one ; and the quantity of air which would last a single person for five hours, in an audience of three hundred would be consumed in exactly one minute. The means of ventilation in these cases, accordingly, must be very much greater, in proportion to the size of the apart- ment, than in those used for ordinary habitation. Large openings are usually made in the walls or ceiling, lead- ing into flues or passages which rise to the roof. These flues should be conducted alongside the chimneys, in the walls of the building ; so that, being warmed by their contact, they may serve as so many additional chimneys to carry off the vitiated air of the apartment. In addition to this, a rotary fan, driven by machinery, is often employed to secure a constant supply of fresh air from without. Whatever means of ventilation are employed, we may judge of their success by a very simple criterion. RESPIRATION. 179 After the apartment has been occupied for an hour^ its atmosphere should be as pure as it was at first. Any ventilation which is less than this is insufficient; for every impurity which has collected in the air must necessarily be breathed by the occupants, and accord- ingly must vitiate their respiration to a corresponding degree. The function of respiration, as we have seen, is a double process of absorption and discharge. It sup- plies incessantly to the body the oxygen which is nec- essary to life, and expels from it at the same time the carbonic acid produced in its tissues. It is by this pro- cess that the arterial blood is constantly renewed, and enabled to perform its natural office in the circulation. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER VIII. 1. What natural substance is the most indispensable to life? 7 2. From what source is oxygen most abundantly obtained ? 3. What other substance does the atmosphere contain beside oxy- gen? 4. Which of these two gases is most abundant in the atmosphere, oxygen or nitrogen ? 5. Which of them is the active ingredient, and which is compara- tively inert ? 6. Why is it fatal to an animal to deprive it of atmospheric air ? ^ 7. What is the function of respiration ? 8. What are the organs of respiration ? >9. What is the structure of the lungs ? 10. What is contained in the minute cavities of the lungs? jj 1 . Through what passages is the air introduced into the lungs ? 1 2. What is the larynx, and where is it situated ? 1 3. What is the narrow opening called through which the air pass- es into the larynx ? y\ 4. What is the form and structure of the trachea f 15. What is the use of the cartilaginous rings of the trachea ? 1 6. What are the bronchi f the bronchial tubes f the lobules ? and the air vesicles of the lungs ? ISO PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. 17. What is the object of the division and multiplication of the bronchial tubes and air vesicles ? ^ 1 8. What are the two movements by which the air is drawn into and expelled from the lungs ? 1 9. What muscle forms the floor of the chest ? 20. What is the form of the diaphragm ? 21 . When the diaphragm contracts, how is its form altered ? 22. What effect does this have upon the lungs ? what upon the or- gans of the abdomen ? 23. By what force is the air drawn into the lungs when the dia- phragm descends? 24. Is this a violent or a gentle action ? 25. How do the ribs move at the time of inspiration ? 26. What muscles serve to lift the ribs in inspiration ? 27. What follows when the movement of inspiration comes to an end? 28. By what force is the air expelled from the cavity of the lungs ? 29. Which of the movements of respiration is an active, and which a passive movement ? t 30. How many respirations are usually performed per minute ? 31. By what are the movements of respiration accelerated? 32. How much air is introduced and expelled at each respira- tion? 33. What is the average quantity of air used in twenty-four hours ? 34. Are the movements of respiration voluntary or involuntary ? 35. What substance disappears from the air in respiration ? 36. What becomes of the oxygen which disappears in the lungs ? 37. What effect does this have upon the color of the blood ? 38. What is venous blood ? and what is arterial blood ? 39. Why do the lips turn purple when respiration is obstructed ? 40. What change takes place in the blood while circulating through the tissues ? what is the function of the blood globules ? 41. How much oxygen is consumed by respiration in twenty-four hours ? 42. What substance is exhaled from the lungs in respiration ? 43. From what other sources is carbonic acid produced ? 44. Is carbonic acid capable of sustaining life ? 45. What proportion of carbonic acid is contained in the breath at each expiration ? 46. How much is discharged from the body in twenty-four hours ? QUESTIONS. 181 47. Where does the carbonic acid come from which is exhaled with the breath ? 48. What other substances are exhaled with the breath beside car- bonic acid ? 49. What gives the breath its odor ? 50. What makes it cloudy upon a cold day ? 51. What effect is produced upon the air by continued respiration in a confined space ? 52. What is ventilation ? 53. What is the most effectual means of ventilation ? 54. Why are close stoves, hot water, or steam-pipes bad means for warming an apartment ? 55. Why should a house be also ventilated every day by opening the doors and windows ? 56. Why should the means of ventilation be increased in school- rooms, lecture-rooms, etc. ? 57. What is the necessary rule or criterion for sufficient ventilation? 182 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. CHAPTER IX. THE CIRCULATION. The Organs of Circulation. The Heart its Muscular Fibres. Auricles. Ventricles. Pulmonary Artery. Aorta. Movement of the Blood through the Heart. Contraction of the Heart ita Relaxation. Valves of the Heart. Ventricular Valves. Semilu- nar Valves. Action of the Heart involuntary. The Arteries. Arch of the Aorta. Distribution of the Arteries their Elasticity. The Pulse how felt. Rapidity of the Pulse. Pressure on the Blood in the Arteries. The Capillaries. Capillary Network. Circulation of the Blood in the Capillaries. The Veins their Valves. Movement of the Blood in the Veins. Obstruction of the Circulation by compressing the Veins. Rapidity of the Circula- tion. Its local Variations. 88. Circulation of the Blood. The blood, enriched by the products of digestion, and arterialized by the influ- ence of the air, is the medium through which the nour- ishment of the whole body is accomplished. It is des- tined to visit every part of the system, and to supply the necessary materials of life, which it carries with it in the current of the circulation. By the circulation, accordingly, we mean that continuous round or circuit of the blood by which it passes from the heart outward for the nutrition of the tissues, and from the tissues back again to the heart, to be renewed by respiration in the lungs. The organs of the circulation are, first, the Heart, and, secondly, the JBlood-vessels. The blood-vessels are the tubes which convey the blood in its movement THE CIRCULATION. 183 throughout the body ; the heart is the organ which im- pels it onward in its course. 89. The Heart. The heart is a muscle. Like the stomach, it is a hollow organ with two openings, one of entrance and one of exit, and provided with muscu- lar walls, so that its contractions force every thing which enters it at one extremity to pass outward by the other. Only, in the heart these muscular layers are exceedingly abundant and powerful, and its contrac- tions accordingly are rapid and energetic. While, therefore, the food during digestion passes but slowly and gradually through the stomach, the blood is pro- pelled by the contractions of the heart in a forcible and impetuous stream. The heart is situated in the middle of the chest, be- tween the two lungs, and almost directly behind the breast-bone. It is a little larger than the clenched fist. It is somewhat conical in form, being wide at its upper part, and narrower and rather pointed below. The up- per and wider portion of the heart is placed exactly in the middle of the chest, but its lower part is turned obliquely to the left. If we place the fingers in the space between the fifth and sixth ribs, a little to the left of the breast-bone, we can feel the point of the heart at each muscular contraction striking the side of the chest from within. The heart consists of four different cavities, two on each side, called respectively the Auricles and the Ven- tricles. In each case the " auricle" receives the blood coming into the heart by the veins, and the " ventricle" drives it out by the other extremity into the arteries. As this is done at the same time on both sides of the *rgan, right and left, there are accordingly, first, a 184 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. " right auricle" and a " left auricle ;" and, secondly, a " right ventricle" and a " left ventricle." We shall be- gin by describing the auricle and ventricle of the right side. The right auricle is the receptacle of all the venous blood returning from the body. This blood is collected from the different veins into two great venous trunks, which meet on the right side of the heart and open into the cavity of tho auricle. The auricle itself is a kind of muscular bag which receives the blood through this opening of the veins, and then urges it onward through another rounded opening, situated near by. This sec- ond orifice leads into the ventricle; and because it forms the entrance into this cavity, it is known by the name of the "ventricular orifice." The ventricle is much larger than the auricle, and its muscular walls are thicker and stronger. As it con- tracts, it sends the blood through an opening at its far- ther extremity into a large artery, which is called the "pulmonary artery.') This artery leads to the lungs. As it reaches the lungs it divides into numberless branches and ramifications, which penetrate, as we have said, into all the minute spaces between and around the air vesicles. It is while passing through these channels that the blood is arterialized by the influence of the air. The bright red arterial blood is then collected from the lungs and returned to the heart by corresponding veins, called the " pulmonary veins," which open into the left auricle. The left auricle is similar in its structure to the right auricle. It opens by a corresponding orifice into the left ventricle. The left ventricle is by far the thickest and strongest THE CIRCULATION. 185 portion of the heart. Its muscular walls are three quar- ters of an inch in thickness ; and they require this ad- ditional force, for they are intended to propel the blood, by their muscular contractions, all over the body. The left ventricle opens by its farther extremity into the commencement of a large and strong artery, which re- ceives all the blood coming from its cavity. This ar- tery is termed the Aorta. From the heart it rises up- ward for a short distance, and then, curving over in an arched form, it passes downward through the chest and abdomen, sending off, right and left, all the branches which distribute its blood to the different regions of the body. In Fig. 37 the two sides of the heart are shown, to- gether with the course of the blood, from the right cav- ities through the pulmonary artery to the lungs, thence by the pulmonary vein to the left auricle, and finally from the left ventricle through the arch of the aorta into the commencement of the arterial system. In studying this part of the circulation, two things especially claim our attention. First, the movements of the heart ; and, secondly, the action of its valves. 90. Movements of the Heart. In the movements of the heart the two auricles first contract together, and then the two ventricles follow, also simultaneously with each other. The contraction of the ventricles is much more powerful than that of the auricles, owing to the greater thickness of their walls. The two sides of the heart therefore move exactly together, the contraction beginning with the auricles and finishing with the ven- tricles. The whole, taken together, forms one entire act or movement of the heart, which is called its " pul- sation." It is this movement which can be felt, as we 186 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Pig. 37. Circulation through the Heart and Lungs. 1. Right Auricle ; 2. Right Ven- tricle ; 3. Pulmonary Artery and its Branches ; 4. Pulmonary Veins ; 5. Left Auricle ; 6. Left Ventricle ; 7. Arch of the Aorta ; 8. Branches of the Aorta. have said, immediately below the fifth rib on the left side of the chest. The contraction of the heart is immediately followed by its relaxation. In this respect it is like all other muscles, which require that intervals of repose should alternate with their periods of activity. But in the heart these alternating contractions and relaxations follow each other with a continuous and almost uniform rapidity. THE CIRCULATION. 187 91. Action of the Valves. But how is it that these movements cause the blood to flow onward in its nat- ural direction ? Why do they not expel it from the heart altogether, or drive it backward into the veins ? This brings us to the consideration of the Valves. A valve is simply a movable partition or obstacle, which swings open in one direction and closes in the other. A door is a valve. You can open it freely from without inward ; but when you shut it, it closes firmly against the framework of the doorway, and can not pass beyond. The same office is performed by the valves of a pump, or those of a steam-engine. They are made of different materials, but they all act in a similar way. Before one of them was ever construct- ed, there were valves in the interior of the heart. At the edges of the narrow opening between the auricles and ventricles, on each side of the heart, there are placed broad sheets of a thin but strong fibrous membrane, which are called the " ventricular valves." These valves hang loosely into the cavity of the ven- tricle, and are easily pushed aside by the current of blood entering from the auricle (Fig. 38). They do not, therefore, offer any obstacle to the movement of the blood in this direction. But when the ventricle contracts, in order to expel the blood from its cavity, the valves are lifted by the impulse of the blood, their edges come together, and they close completely the ventricular orifice. They would then be forced backward through this orifice into the auricle, but for a number of strong fibrous cords which sustain them in their places. These cords are attached to the edges and under surface of the valves, and, passing downward, are attached to little 188 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Pig. 38. Eight Auricle and Ventricle. Ventricular valves open ; Semilaoai valves closed. muscular eminences, or columns, on the sides of the ventricle. These muscular columns contract at the same time with the walls of the ventricle, and by the aid of their tendinous cords hold the valves in position, and prevent the regurgitation of the blood (Fig. 39). The blood, therefore, which can not return into the auricle, is forced to find exit in the opposite direction, and escapes into the orifice of the corresponding ar- tery. There are also valves at the entrance of the great arteries. They are in the form of semicircular bags or festoons, and are therefore called the " semilunar" valves. They open into the artery to admit the cur- rent of blood (Fig. 39), and again shut back to close its orifice when the ventricle is relaxed (Fig. 38). Thus these valves move backward and forward, and THE CIRCULATION. 189 Fig. 39. Right Auricle and Ventricle. Ventricular valves closed ; Semilnnar valves open. alternately open and shut with each pulsation of the heart. The blood, accordingly, can never go backward, but is carried in a continuous circuit from the right side of the heart to the left, through the successive channels of the circulation. 92. Character of the Heart's Action. Lastly, the move- ment of the heart is involuntary. It is still more inde- pendent of our control than the movements of respira- tion ; and we can not hasten or retard it in the least degree, much less arrest it for even a single pulsation. It is kept up by the operation of an internal stimulus, which is entirely withdrawn from the influence of the will. Nevertheless, it is affected by many involuntary emo- tions. Joy or sorrow, anger or excitement, will disturb 190 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. the regularity of its motions, and increase or diminish their rapidity. Disagreeable sights or sounds, and va- rious moral emotions, will sometimes affect its action to such an extent as to produce faintness ;* but after the disturbing cause has passed away, the heart recov- ers its force and resumes the natural regularity of its movements. We now pass from the study of the heart to that of the blood-vessels. 93. Arrangement and Distribution of the Arteries. The first set of vessels into which the blood passes on leaving the heart are the Arteries. The arteries begin, as we have already said, with the aorta. This vessel rises from the left ventricle for a short distance behind the breast-bone, and then curves downward, forming a semicircular bend near the top of the chest, which is called the " arch of the aorta." From the arch of the aorta there are given off several large branches (Fig. 37 [8]), which supply the blood for the two arms and the two sides of the head. The aorta then passes downward parallel with the spinal column, through the chest and abdomen, giving off every where branches to the vari- ous internal organs. In the lower part of the abdo- men it finally separates into two equal divisions, one of which supplies the right lower extremity, the other the left. Thus all the different parts of the body are pro- vided with branches coming from the aorta. When the arterial branches arrive at the organs to which they belong, they break up into innumerable sub- divisions. These divisions grow smaller and smaller at the same time that they become more numerous ; until the whole substance of the organ is penetrated by their ramifications, and every part of it is provided with a due supply of arterial blood. THE CIRCULATION. 191 The arterial system is therefore like a great tree, of which the aorta is the trunk, and the smaller arterial branches are the twigs and ramifications ; only this ar- terial tree is every where hollow, forming a connected series of vascular canals. 94. Elasticity of the Arteries. Now the arteries are elastic. If we take a piece of the aorta of an ox or a sheep, we shall find that we can stretch it, and that aft- erward it will retract and recover itself like so much India-rubber. The same property belongs to the arter- ies of the human body in a nearly equal degree. This quality is due to the presence of elastic fibres in the walls of the arteries similar to those which we have al- ready spoken of in the lungs ; only in the arteries these fibres are much more abundant than in the lungs, and their elastic reaction is therefore more rapid and pow- erful. The elasticity of the arteries has a most important share in the circulation of the blood. 95. Pulsation of the Arteries. At each movement of the heart, the left ventricle throws the blood into the aorta with the whole power of its muscular contraction. This distends the aorta and its branches, with an im- 4 pulse which is felt throughout the arterial system. The heart is like a force-pump, driving the blood into the elastic arterial tubes ; and the arteries open to receive it, because the strength of the heart is greater than their resistance. This expansion of the arteries, pro- duced at each stroke of the heart, is called the Pulse. The pulse may be felt wherever an artery can be ex- amined. If we press the fingers firmly upon the upper and front part of the neck, just alongside the situation of the larynx, we shall feel the pulsation of the great 192 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. arteries which supply the head, and which are called the " carotid" arteries. It is still better when the ar- tery crosses a bone near the under surface of the skin. Immediately in front of the middle of the ear is a small artery passing upward to the temples and the outside of the head, called the " temporal" artery, which we can easily feel by pressing lightly upon the skin in this sit- uation. Just above the wrist, in front of the outer bone of the arm, is another artery supplying the hand and fingers, called the " radial" artery. This is the ar- tery which the physician selects for feeling the pulse, simply because its situation is a convenient one for that purpose. For the pulse is a valuable guide in learning the con- dition of the heart. As each stroke of the pulse repre- sents a contraction of the heart, by counting the one we know the rapidity of the other. In grown-up persons, during health, the pulse beats about seventy- five times per minute. In fevers and inflammations, when the irritability of the heart is excited, it rises to eighty, ninety, one hundred, or even more than this. Many other peculiarities of the pulse, such as its strength, its fullness, its regularity or irregularity, show corresponding variations in the action of the heart, and indicate the condition of the circulatory system. 96. Movement of the Blood through the Arteries. But at the moment when the heart is relaxed, the arteries Btill exert their elastic force. The blood is prevented from returning into the ventricle by the closure of the semilunar valves, and is thus forced onward through the arterial system. The blood in the arteries is therefore under an inces- THE CIRCULATION: 193 eant pressure. It is always compressed by the elastic reaction of the arterial walls, and at each stroke of the heart it is urged by an additional pressure, derived from the muscular contraction. It thus moves through the arteries in successive waves or impulses, passing rapidly from the heart toward the ramifications of the arterial system. 97. The Capillary Blood-vessels. The arteries termi- nate in another set of blood-vessels, still finer and more minutely subdivided, which are termed the Capillaries. The capillaries are invisible to the naked eye. They are so small that they require the aid of the microscope for their examination, and yet they are the most im- portant part of the whole circulating system, for it is in them that the blood comes into intimate contact with the substance of the tissues. These vessels are formed of an exceedingly thin and delicate membrane. They penetrate every where among the cells and fibres of the different organs, and form so many minute channels by which the blood Fig. 40. makes its way through the tissues. Their great pecul- iarity is that they constant- ly unite and communicate with each other in every di- rection like the meshes of a net, so that they form what is called the " capillary net- work" (Figure 40). The meshes of this network have different forms in different foot, magnified. organs, but they every where present the essential characters above described. I 194 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. In Borne cases the circulation of the blood in the capillaries can be seen. In the transparent web of Pig 41 the frog's foot, when placed under the microscope, the blood globules can be per- ceived shooting along through the smaller arter- ies and penetrating into the capillary network (Fig. 41). Here the currents of- ten turn and wind in va- rious directions, passing Capillary Circulation in the web of t hr gh the various COm- the Frog's foot. munications between the different capillary vessels, and penetrating in this way, in a multitude of different streams, the various tissues of the part. As the red globules in the frog are larger than those of human blood, and of an oval form, they are readily seen while carried along with the current of the blood. The movement of the blood in the capillaries ia steady and incessant. There is no pulsation here sim- ilar to what takes place in the arteries. For, by the suc- cessive division and multiplication of the smaller ves- sels and the combined influence of their elastic walls, the arterial pulsation has been equalized and converted into a continuous pressure ; and under this pressure the blood moves through the capillaries in a uniform and uninterrupted stream. It is in this part of the cir- culation that the blood loses its oxygen, and becomes changed from the arterial to the venous condition. 98. The Veins and the Venous Circulation. From the capillaries the blood is collected into larger channels, and so returned to the heart by means of the Veins. THE CIRCULATION. 195 We have already studied the structure of the veins in different organs. We know how they are formed by the union of the smaller branches into larger and larger trunks. The arrangement of the veins, there- fore, is exactly the opposite to that ot the arteries. The arteries divide and separate as they pass from the heart outward ; the veins unite and coalesce as they pass from the capillaries inward. In this way the continu- ous circuit of the blood is effected from the arteries to the veins, through the capillaries, which are the chan- nels of communication between them; so that the same blood which passes from the left side of the heart into the arteries, is returned at last to the right side of the heart by the veins. We can easily convince ourselves that the blood moves in the veins from without inward. If we clasp tightly the lower part of the arm, a little above the wrist, we shall soon see the veins on the back of the hand enlarge and become turgid, until we can almost see the blue color of their blood through the semi- transparent skin. This is because the blood accumu- lating from behind can no longer find its way back to the heart, and consequently distends the veins below the situation of the pressure ; but as soon as the press- ure is taken off, the veins empty themselves toward the heart, and again disappear beneath the skin. Now as many of the veins are situated very near the surface, they are often liable to be partially compressed and obstructed, as above, by the pressure of the cloth- ing and the accidental contact of foreign bodies. But this does not stop the circulation of the blood ; because, in the first place, the veins communicate with each other by frequent lateral branches, and, secondly, they 196 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. are provided at many points with valves, resembling the semilunar valves of the heart, which prevent the blood from being forced backward into the capillaries. When the circulation is obstructed, therefore, in a sin- gle vein, the blood passes off by a lateral channel, and thus still finds its way back to the heart. In order to check the venous current effectually, it is necessary to encircle the whole limb with a simultaneous pressure, as in the experiment on the veins of the arm above de- scribed. But we should take the greatest care that no such pressure is left upon any part of the body as to inter- fere in this way with the venous circulation ; for a lig- ature which compresses an entire limb, however lightly, is liable to obstruct the movement of blood in the veins, and thus interfere with the entire circulation in that re- gion. This injurious effect is indicated by the swell- ing of the parts below the ligature ; and if continued habitually, it will at last cause a permanent injury to the limb by preventing the due nutrition of its tissues. In young children, where the process of growth and de- velopment is constantly going on, these bad effects are especially inj urious. No such pressure, therefore, should be left upon any part of the body as will interfere with the venous circulation ; but the blood should be left every where free to find its way back to the heart through the natural passages of the vascular system. Two other important points remain to be noticed in the phenomena of the circulation. 99. Rapidity of the Circulation. In the first place, the circulation of the blood is exceedingly rapid. This rapidity is so great that it would be incredible, were it not for abundant experiments which have established it THE CIRCULATION. 197 beyond a doubt. The time required for the blood to circulate over the body and return again to the heart is not more than from twenty-five to thirty seconds. During this period it passes through the arteries, trav- erses the capillary network, returns by the veins, and is again transported through the lungs to the left side of the heart. We can understand, therefore, how rapidly the changes in the tissues may go on, and how soon an impurity in the blood, from deficient respiration or otherwise, will be felt in the remotest parts of the cir- culation. 100. Variations of the Circulation. Secondly, the cir- culation exhibits, from time to time, local variations of an important character. Sometimes these variations are occasional and irregular, as where the face becomes flushed from mental emotion, or where any part of the skin is reddened by some accidental irritation, like a blister or a burn. But most of them are regular and periodical. Thus the stomach and intestine are flushed and congested during the digestion of the food, and this excitement passes off when digestion is finished. The salivary glands become reddened with blood while the secretion of saliva is going on, and afterward return to their ordinary pallid condition. Nearly all the inter- nal organs have their periods of rest and their periods of activity ; and their periods of activity are accom- panied by a local excitement of the vessels, by which they are supplied at that time with an increased amount of blood. These temporary variations in the circula- tion of the blood are under the involuntary control of the nervous system, by which the necessary stimulus is conveyed to the different organs. 198 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER IX 1. What is the circulation of the blood? 2. What are the organs of the circulation ? 3. Of what is the tissue of the heart composed ? 4. What is the situation of the heart ? its size ? its form ? 5. Where can the point of the heart be felt ? G. How many cavities are there in the heart ? their names ? 7. Whence does the right auricle receive its blood ? 8. Whither does the blood go from the right auricle ? 9. How does the right ventricla diifer from the auricle ? ] 0. Into what vessel does the blood go from the right ventricle ? 11. Whither is the blood conveyed by the pulmonary artery? 12. What vessels bring the blood back from the lungs? and into what cavity do they empty ? 1 3. Whither does the blood pass from the left auricle ? 14. Why is the left ventricle stronger than the other portions of the heart? 15. Into what vessel does the blood pass after leaving the left ven- tricle ? and whither does this vessel carry it ? 16. Which of the cavities of the heart contract simultaneously with each other ? 1 7. What is the movement of the heart in contraction called ? 18. What follows after each contraction of the heart ? 19. What is a valve ? 20. What is the situation of the ventricular valves? 21. What is their structure? 22. Which way do they open, and which way do they shut ? 23. What prevents the valves from being forced hack into the auri- cle at the time of the heart's pulsation ? 24. What is the situation of the semilunar valves ? their form ? 25. Which way do they open, and which way do they shut ? 26. What effect do the valves have upon the movement of the blood? 27. Is the action of the heart voluntary or involuntary ? 28. How may it be accelerated or retarded ? 29. What are the first set of blood-vessels which convey the blood outward from the heart ? 30. Describe the aorta and its branches. 31. What becomes of the arteries when they arrive at the different organs ? QUESTIONS. 199 32. What is the principal physical peculiarity of the arteries ? 33. What is the arterial pulse ? 34. In what situations may the arterial pulse he felt ? 35. What is the average rapidity of the pulse in health ? 36. By what may it be accelerated or disturbed ? 37. At the relaxation of the heart, what effect is produced on th blood by the elastic pressure of the arteries ? 38. How does the blood move through the arterial system, steadily or in waves ? 39. What is the next set of blood-vessels in which the arteries ter- minate ? 40. What is the size and structure of the capillary vessels ? 41. What is the capillary network? 42. How can the circulation of the blood in the capillaries be seen ? 43. How does the movement of blood in the capillaries differ from that in the arteries ? 44. Into what vessels does the blood pass after leaving the capil' laries ? 45. What is the general arrangement of the veins, and what is the course of the blood through them ? 46. What is the effect of compressing the veins by bandages or otherwise ? 47. What permanent injury may be produced by obstructing the venous circulation ? 48. How long a time is required for the blood to pass throughout the whole body ? 49. What are the local variations of the circulation in particular parts ? 200 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. CHAPTER X. ANIMAL HEAT. Warmth of Living Bodies how preserved. Production of Animal Heat. Warm-blooded Animals. Cold-blooded Animals, Tem- perature of the Human Body. Source of Animal Heat. Differ- ence in Temperature of the Internal Organs. Animal Heat neces- sary to Life. Effects of cooling the Blood and Internal Organs. Regulation of Heat by Perspiration. Perspiratory Glands. Com- position of the Perspiration. Insensible Transpiration. Increase of Perspiration by Heat. Effect of its Evaporation. Effect of heat- ing the Blood above 100 Fahrenheit. Solid Ingredients of the Perspiration. Sebaceous Secretion. Necessity for frequent Bath- ing. 101. Animal Heat. One of the most remarkable qual- ities of animal bodies is their heat. Place your hand upon any part of the skin, and you feel that it is warm to the touch ; that is, it is warmer than the atmosphere, or than surrounding bodies at ordinary temperatures. Animals, when exposed to cold, crowd together to pro- tect themselves from its influence, and endeavor to pre- serve their warmth by mutual contact. Even the breath which is expelled from the lungs in respiration is warmer than the fresh air which entered a moment before. So general and characteristic is this quality in living animals that we instinctively regard their warmth as an indication of vitality, and its absence as a sign of death. Furthermore, if we measure the warmth of the living body by the thermometer, we shall find that it is al- ANIMAL HEAT. 201 ways very nearly the same. Take the bulb of the ther- mometer between the fingers of the closed hand, and it already rises to 90 or 95 degrees. But place it in the interior of the mouth, beneath the tongue, and keep it there for a few moments protected from the air, and it will stand at 100 degrees of Fahrenheit. This, accord- ingly, is the temperature of the internal parts. * Now this internal temperature is nearly invariable. In winter and in summer, in the arctic regions as well as in the torrid zone, even though the external parts be chilled or frostbitten, the internal temperature of the body is still 100 degrees of Fahrenheit, or thereabout. But as the temperature of the air is nearly always far below this point, the living body must be constantly losing heat by contact with the cooler atmosphere. How, then, does it keep up its own temperature at this elevated standard, notwithstanding a continual loss of heat from the external surface ? 102. Internal Production of Heat. There is only one way in which this is possible. The living body pro- duces or generates heat in its interior, and thus con- stantly replaces what is lost from without. The inter- nal heat, so produced, is known by the name of Vital or Animal heat. All animals produce heat with more or less rapidity. In birds and quadrupeds, as well as in the human spe- cies, this production is so active that their blood and internal organs are nearly always considerably above the external temperature ; they are therefore called " warm-blooded" animals. In reptiles and fish, on the contrary, the production of heat, like most of the oth- er internal functions, is sluggish and feeble, and their temperature varies but little from that of the air or 12 202 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. water in which they live. Their temperature is so much below our own that we call them " cold-blood- ed" animals. Accordingly, it is by its own internal heat that the living body is warmed. When we cover ourselves with clothing for protection from the cold, it is not that this clothing has any warmth in itself; it simply prevents the internal heat of the body from being dissipate'd. Even when we warm our houses with furnaces and fires, we only prevent, in a similar way, the body from being too rapidly cooled. For the atmosphere, even in the warmest apartment, never rises to the heat of the living body, which is still the only source of its own vital temperature. 103. Animal Heat necessary to Life. This elevated temperature of the animal body is essential to life. The external parts of the frame, especially those which are thinner and more exposed, such as the ears and the fingers, may be chilled by the external cold, and again recover themselves ; but if the internal organs and the blood be cooled down a few degrees below their natu- ral standard, death inevitably results. The muscular power is diminished, the sensations become dull, the circulation of the blood is enfeebled; and the torpidity of the system gradually increases, until life is finally extinguished. 104. Source of Animal Heat. The source of the ani- mal heat is in the nutritive changes going on within the body. We know that heat may be produced in a variety of diiferent ways by the rays of the sun, the friction of solid substances, the compression of air, the passage of electric currents, and the burning of com- bustible bodies. It is also produced by many diiferent ANIMAL HEAT. 203 chemical changes, by solutions, combinations, and de- compositions of various kinds. Every one knows how much heat is evolved by the combination of lime with water ; and a mixture of water with sulphuric acid will produce a similar effect. Now, in the interior of the animal frame, an innumerable variety of these chemical changes are constantly going on. They are not all similar to those which take place outside the body, and the details of many of them are still unknown to us ; but they are in incessant operation, and are suffi- cient to produce, for their final result, the elevated tem- perature of the living body. 105. Variations and Equalization of Animal Heat in different Organs. Accordingly, the temperature of the different internal organs is not exactly the same, since the chemical changes which go on in their tissues are different. Careful experiments have shown that this difference in temperature sometimes amounts to nearly 1 degree of Fahrenheit. Thus far the liver has been found to be the warmest of all the internal organs ; but the blood, which also, no doubt, generates heat of its own, passes so rapidly through the circulation that it distributes the warmth of the internal organs, and thus tends to equalize the temperature of the whole. The external surface, therefore, which is in contact with the atmosphere, is kept constantly warmed by the blood coming from within ; and the different parts of the body, when carefully examined, show but little varia- tion from the standard temperature. 106. Regulation of Animal Heat by Perspiration. But it is also remarkable that the temperature of the body is not only thus kept up to a natural standard, but that it never rises above this standard in any appre- 204 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. ciable degree. If the same amount of heat were gen- erated in summer as in winter, we should expect the body to become warmer ; since less heat is lost by con- tact with the atmosphere. But no such variation oc- curs. As in winter the internal temperature of the body never falls below 100 degrees, so in summer it never rises above that point. How is it that the warmth of the body is thus regulated? It is by means of the Perspiration. Immediately beneath the skin, over the whole sur- face of the body, but more abundantly on the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and the front parts gen- erally, there are a multitude of little glandular bodies which are called the " Perspiratory glands." Each one consists of a slender tube, about -^J^ of an inch in di- ameter, which penetrates from the surface through the whole thickness of the skin, and there terminates in a globular coil, very much like a mass of small intestines in miniature. The capillary blood-vessels distributed to these glands are interwoven with their coils, and cover their surface with a fine vascular network. Now, although these glands are so small, yet they are also so numerous that, when taken together, they form an important glandular system. Each one of them, when its coil is carefully unraveled, is about -^ of an inch in length. According to the best calculations, the whole number of perspiratory glands in the body is about 2,300,000. The combined length of their glandu- lar tubing is therefore not less than 153,000 inches, or about two miles and a half. Throughout this extent of the glandular tubes the blood of the capillary vessels comes in contact with their tissue. It there supplies a watery fluid, which is ANIMAL HEAT. 205 poured into their cavities and finally discharged upon the surface of the skin. This fluid is the perspiration. If the perspiration be examined by chemical analysis, it is found to have the following composition : COMPOSITION or THE PERSPIRATION. Water 995.00 Animal matters, with lime 10 Sulphates, and substances soluble in water 1.05 Chlorides of sodium and potassium, and spirit-extract 2.40 Acetic acid, acetates, lactates, and alcohol-extract 1.45 1000.00 "We see, therefore, that the perspiration is composed principally of water. The animal matters which it con- tains produce in it a faint and peculiar odor, and its acetic acid gives it a slightly acid reaction ; but more than ninety-nine one hundredths of its materials consist of water. Now the perspiration is secreted all the time. The minute blood-vessels pour out its ingredients into the slender cavities of the glandular tubes ; and, as these become filled, they discharge their contents through their external openings upon the skin, so that the skin is constantly exuding a watery fluid upon its surface. Nevertheless, we do not see this fluid ; indeed, it does not remain, usually, for one instant upon the skin, but is at once taken up by the atmosphere and dissipated by evaporation. This is what is called the " insensible transpiration" of the skin. The surface of the body, therefore, though constantly supplied with moisture from its glands, is constantly dry, because all the moisture is at once carried off by evaporation. The effect of this evaporation is to coo] the surface. 206 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Evaporation is one of the most effectual means of pro- ducing cold. If you moisten the hand with any fluid which evaporates rapidly, you will at once feel the sen- sation of cold produced. If you move the hand about briskly in the air, so as to hasten the evaporation, the sense of coolness will be increased in proportion. The more rapid the evaporation, the greater the feeling of cold which is caused by it ; and chemists even employ this means to produce the freezing of w r ater or othei liquids. The surface of the skin, accordingly, is constantly cooled ; first, by contact with the atmosphere, and, sec- ondly, by the evaporation of its own fluids. In cold weather, however, the perspiration is in exceedingly small quantity. Its evaporation is not sufficient to chill the surface, and the temperature of the body is there- fore kept up to its natural standard. But in warm weather the perspiration is more abun- dant. The skin becomes active under the stimulus of the heat, the blood circulates more freely in the per- spiratory glands, and a larger quantity of fluid is ex- uded upon the skin. Now, therefore, the perspiration sometimes becomes visible, because it is secreted more rapidly than it can be carried off by evaporation. The evaporation of this increased quantity of fluid pro duces, of course, a greater cooling effect. Consequent- ly, in the sensibility of the skin and its perspiratory glands, the body possesses an apparatus for regulating its own temperature, notwithstanding the variations of the external atmosphere. The regulation of the heat of the body by the skin is nearly as important as its production. For if the blood be actually heated much above its natural temperature, ANIMAL HEAT. 207 death follows as certainly as if it had been cooled down below it. There are only a few degrees of variation above and below 100 Fahrenheit within which life can be maintained. Now whenever we make any unusual muscular exertion the body becomes warmer, probably because all the vital changes which produce heat then go on with greater rapidity. But, at the same time, the circulation in the skin is excited, and an abundant flow of perspiration thus prevents the heat from becoming excessive. 107. Quantity of the Perspiration. The skin, there fore, is in constant activity ; . and whenever the temper- ature rises beyond a certain point, this activity is in- creased, and the cutaneous exhalation becomes more abundant. The average quantity of water discharged in this way with the perspiration is very nearly two pounds per day. 108. Solid Matter secreted by the Skin. The watery parts of the perspiration, as we have seen, are carried off by evaporation. But its solid ingredients remain behind, and are deposited upon the surface of the skin. There is also another cutaneous secretion which is less abundant than the perspiration, and which serves to keep the skin soft and pliable. It is called the " seba- ceous" matter. It is to a great extent oleaginous in its nature ; and its solid ingredients, like those of the per- spiration, remain deposited upon the surface. 109. Necessity for general Ablution. Accordingly, it is of the greatest importance to keep the skin cleansed of these accumulations by frequent ablution. Not only those parts which are exposed to the contact of exter- nal impurities, but the whole surface of the body, should b^ frequently washed, in order to remove the debris of 208 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. its own secretions. The contact of cold water also acts as a healthy stimulus to the skin itself, and tends to preserve it in a vigorous condition, ready at all times to perform its natural functions. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER X. 1. What is the temperature of the internal parts of the body? 2. Does this temperature vary with different climates, or remain the same ? 3. How is the temperature maintained independently of the exter- nal air ? 4. Do all animals produce heat more or less ? 5. Which are called "warm-blooded" and which "cold-blooded" animals ? and what is the difference between them ? 6. Is the body kept warm by external temperature or by its own internal heat ? 7. How does clothing, etc., serve to maintain the warmth of the body? 8. Is animal heat necessary to life ? 9. What follows when the blood and internal organs are cooled down below their natural temperature ? 1 0. How is the internal heat of the body produced ? 11. Is it exactly the same in the different internal organs ? 12. If not, how much does it vary ? 13. How is the animal heat disseminated and equalized throughout the bocly ? 14. Is the interior of the body any warmer in summer than in winter ? 15. By what is the heat of the body moderated in warm weather? 16. What are the glands which produce the perspiration, and what is their structure ? 17. What is the length of each glandular tube? 18. What is the combined length of all the perspiratory glands? 19. What are the ingredients of the perspiration ? 20. Is the perspiration secreted occasionally or constantly ? 21. What becomes of it after it is exuded upon the skin? 22. What is the effect of evaporation upon the warmth of the skin? QUESTIONS. 209 23. When is the perspiration " insensible," and when does it be- come visible*!? 24. What becomes of the solid parts of the perspiration when its watery portions are evaporated ? 25. What is the sebaceous matter of the skin, and what is its use ? 2G. Why is frequent washing of the body necessary to health ? 210 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. CHAPTER XL NUTRITION. Definition of Nutrition. Its three different Parts. Assimilation. Absorption of Inorganic Ingredients. Their different Proportions in the Tissues and the Blood. Different kinds of Albuminous In- gredients. Transformation of the Albumen. Secretion. Struc- ture of a Gland. Follicles. Lobules. Ducts. Inorganic Ingre- dients of a Secretion. Its Albuminous Ingredient. Increase of Secretion with excitement of the Circulation. Excretion. Altera- tion of Animal Tissues during Life. A necessary consequence of Activity. New Substances so produced. Carbonic Acid. Ani- mal Vapors. Urea, Creatine. Creatinine. Urate of Soda. Double Movement of Nutrition. Supply and Discharge. Quanti- ty of Material absorbed and discharged in twenty-four hours. BY the term Nutrition we mean more especially all those secret and varied changes of substance which are constantly going on in the interior of the body, and which are essential to its life and organization. We shall find that these changes are of three different kinds, each of them necessary, in a different way, to the con- tinued operation of the whole. They are, 1st, Assimi- lation ; 2d, Secretion ; and, 3d, Excretion. 110. Assimilation. Assimilation is the formation of the tissues from the elements of the food. For the tis- sues of the body are all different in their composition from the substances which we take as food, and can only be formed when the elements of the food are made like, or " assimilated" to them. It is this process which we shall study in the first place. NUTRITION. 2)1 We have already seen how the ingredients of the food are changed in the process of digestion, and how these substances, again, are converted into the materials of the blood. We may then say that they have been assimilated to the blood ; for this fluid has now its par- ticular ingredients, produced by the absorption and transformation of the digested food. But this food is not yet converted into the tissues. None of the tissues have the same composition as the blood, and they are all different from each other ; and yet they all depend exclusively for their materials upon the blood, which must supply them with every thing needed for their growth and organization. How is their nourishment, therefore, to be accomplished ? The fluid parts of the blood consist, as we remember, first, of water, with mineral substances in solution, which form its inorganic ingredients ; and, secondly, of albu- men and fibrine, which are its organic elements. Now all the inorganic substances have been derived from the food. They were absorbed from without, and now, con- sequently, form a part of the blood. They also exist in all the solid tissues. Some of them, like the chloride of sodium, or common salt, are every where in the body, no tissue being without them. Others, like the phos- phate of lime, are sometimes in great abundance, as in the bones and teeth, where this substance forms more than half the entire tissue. When the blood, according- ly, freighted with these inorganic materials, arrives at the capillary circulation, penetrating every where into the interstices of the tissues, it gives up to them the substances necessary for their growth, by exuding them through the walls of the blood-vessels. But here we meet with a singular phenomenon. 212 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. 111. Deposit of Ingredients in different Proportions. These inorganic substances are present in all the tissues in different proportions. The lime, for example, which in the bones constitutes over five hundred parts in a thousand of their tissue, in the cartilages forms only forty parts, and in the muscles only two parts and a half. Water, which in the teeth is only ten per cent, of their substance, in the brain is more than seventy- eight per cent. Each tissue also must contain these substances in its own proper proportion. If the lime, for example, were deficient in the bones, they would yield and bend under the weight of the body; and if it were in excess in the substance of the heart, the organ could not perform its function, and the circulation would come to an end. Each tissue, accordingly, selects from the blood its own due proportion of inorganic matters and appropri- ates them to itself. It is as if each one were endowed with a kind of instinct, by which it should take no more and no less than is useful for its organization. This property resides in the substance of the tissues them- selves. We found, while studying in a former chapter the subject of "Absorption" and " Endosmosis," that each animal tissue will absorb certain fluids and solu- tions more readily than others, and that the same sub- stance will be taken up in greater quantity by one mem- brane than by a different one. The same thing happens during the circulation in the living body. Thus each tis- sue absorbs from the blood its proper quantity of mate- rial, and preserves continuously its special composition. Furthermore, many of these ingredients are in much larger proportion in the tissues than in the blood. The lime, again, which is over five hundred parts per thou- NUTRITION. 213 sand in the bones, in the blood is only three parts in ten thousand. How can the blood, therefore, in which it is so scanty, supply it to the bones, in which it is so abundant ? It is owing to the rapidity of the circulation. The blood which has passed through the capillaries of an organ and given up to it its ingredients, is at once fol- lowed by a fresh and unexhausted supply; and as it moves through the rapid course of the circulation, it in- cessantly revisits the different parts of the body, and continues, little by little, the contributions necessary for their support. 112. Transformation of the Albuminous Matter. But we now come to the organic or " albuminous" ingredi- ents of the body. These are of the most varied character. In the mus- cular fibres the albuminous ingredient is termed " Mus- culine," and has peculiar chemical qualities. In the bones it is called "Osteine," in the cartilages "Chon- drine," in the hair and nails "Keratine," and in the transparent lens of the eyeball " Crystalline." These substances are all solid in consistency, and nearly every tissue contains one peculiar to itself. And yet they are all supplied from the blood, which contains only two, namely, albumen and fibrine, neither of which forms the substance of any of the tissues. Here, then, we have a phenomenon of transformation. As the albumen of the blood passes through the capil- laries of each tissue, it is transuded and absorbed like the inorganic materials. But, unlike them, it is at the same time changed in character. In one tissue it be- comes osteine, in another musculine, in another chon- drine, and the like. This transformation is effected by 214 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. catalysis ; that is, the constituent of each tissue has the power, simply by its contact, of converting the albumen of the blood into its own substance, and thus providing for its own regeneration. It is in this way that the various tissues preserve their natural constitution. It is by this miraculous transformation, which is daily going on in the interior of our frame, and by which the gluten of bread, the caseine of milk, and the albumen of eggs are at last con- verted into the flesh, the bones, the membranes, and the nervous tissues of the human body. Through the in- termediate action, therefore, of digestion and the blood, all the ingredients of the food are finally assimilated to the substance of the various tissues. 113. Secretion. The second part of the nutritive pro- cess is Secretion. A secretion is a fluid prepared from the blood by va- rious internal organs, in order to accomplish a certain purpose in the animal economy. .We have already had oscasion to speak of several of these secretions, and to describe the office which they perform. ., Thus the gas- tric juice, secreted in the stomach, assists in the diges- tion of the food. The bile, formed by the liver, goes through certain changes in the intestine for the produc- tion of other materials. The perspiration is poured out upon the skin to regulate its temperature by evapora- tion. There are various other secretions which have not yet been mentioned, such as the tears, which moist- en and protect the transparent surface of the eye ; the milk, which serves for food to the young infant ; and the mucus, which lubricates the internal passages of the body. Each one of these fluids serves for some definite and useful end in the vital operations. NUTRITION. 114. Structure and action of the Secreting Organs. The secretions are formed in certain organs, which con- sist of little cavities or " follicles," each one opening by Fig. 42. an external orifice. Several follicles are usually grouped to- gether, with all their mouths open- ing into a little tube, thus forming a "lobule;" and a number of lobules are also united into a compact mass, with their various tubes all joining structure of a Gland. into one common tube or " duct" (Fig. 42). Such an organ is called a Gland. Sometimes the little cavities or follicles have the form of slender tubes, which open separately, each one by itself, as in the tubules of the stomach, the follicles of the intestine, and the perspiratory glands of the skin ; but all the larger glandular organs, such as the parotid gland, the pancreas, and the milk glands, have the struc- ture above described. The capillary blood-vessels penetrate between these follicles, and bring the blood into minute contact with every part of the gland. Now a change takes place in the glandular organ Somewhat like that which we have described in the tis- sues. The blood, under the pressure of the circulation, parts with its water and its inorganic ingredients, which 216 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. transude through the blood-vessels into the cavities of the glandular follicles. Thus a fluid is produced from the ingredients of the blood, which is withdrawn or separated from the circulation, and is therefore called a " Secretion." But each gland separates the ingredients of the blood in especial proportions, which are different for each se- cretion. Thus some secretions have a large quantity of water, like the perspiration ; others a large propor- tion of solid material, like the pancreatic juice. For this peculiar constitution they depend upon the power of the gland to appropriate their materials in the prop- er quantity. But in each secretion there is also a peculiar animal substance which does not exist in the blood, and it is usually upon this that the especial character of the se- cretion depends. Thus in the gastric juice there is pep- sine, which serves to dissolve the food ; in the saliva, the viscid substance which assists in mastication; in the milk, the caseine w T hich gives it its nourishing quali- ty. Now all these substances are produced in the gland itself. This is again a transformation, by which the al- bumen of the blood assumes a new form in the cavities of the glandular organ. The secretion, therefore, con- sists of this new substance, manufactured in the gland, together with the water and mineral ingredients which have been supplied directly by the blood. The peculiar fluid thus produced is poured into the glandular follicles, and fills their cavities. It then ap- pears in the tubes leading from the follicles, and, ac- cumulating constantly in this way from behind, is final- ly discharged from the main duct or outlet of the gland. We see, accordingly, how it is that these secretions NUTRITION. 217 are produced more abundantly at particular times. When the circulation in the gland is excited, more blood is admitted to its capillaries, and its materials are supplied in greater quantity. They then exude rapidly into the glandular follicles, and pass out by its tubes and ducts in an abundant flow. When the cir- culatory excitement subsides, the production of fluid is again checked, and the gland is restored to a condition of repose. 115. Excretion. Lastly, we have to study the pro- cess of Excretion. In all our machines and mechanical contrivances we can make use of power only by the expenditure of ma- terial. Every mill must not only have a canal to sup- ply it with water from above, but a sluice-way to car- ry off the waste water from below. The fuel of a fur- nace is constantly consumed, and afterward discharged in the form of smoke and ashes. The piston of a steam- engine is driven by the expansive force of the steam ; but when the steam has once acted in this way, it has lost its power. In expanding it has changed its form, and must then be expelled from the cylinders to make room for a fresh supply. The same thing happens in the living body. Every animal organ, and tissue is altered and decomposed by its own activity. At every pulsation of the heart a portion of its vital power is expended, and the sub- stance of its fibres changed. Every time the nerves feel, at the same moment their tissue is wasted and their sensibility more or less impaired. This is not, however, a destructive or injurious ac- tion ; it is the natural and healthy operation of the liv- ing organs. For it is by this very alteration of their K 218 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. substance that they perform their work ; and fresh ma- terial is at the same time constantly supplied for their renovation. It is as if nature were incessantly employ- ed in unweaving and reconstructing the texture of the body, so that it may be always new, and always endow- ed with undiminished vitality. 116. Substances produced by Excretion. But in this process new substances make their appearance in the body. As the changes which we have just described go on in the depths of the tissues, their ingredients are decomposed and appear under other forms. These sub- stances represent the used or exhausted elements of the frame, and accordingly, from the first moment of their production, they are destined to be expelled. Their evacuation or elimination from the body is no less im- portant than the othe*r changes of nutrition ; for by re- maining, they would interfere with the vital powers and obstruct the activity of the system. It would be of lit- tle use to supply a furnace with fresh fuel, if it were t(? remain clogged with the ashes and cinders of the old. Excretion is the process by which these waste ma' terials are eliminated, and the substances so eliminated are termed the "excretions." The most important and abundant of them all is Car- bonic acid. We have already seen how constantly this substance is formed in the body, and how rapidly it is discharged by the lungs. It passes to the lungs with the liquid ingredients of the blood, and is there exhaled in a gaseous form by the breath. At the same time, there is a small quantity of Ani- mal vapor discharged in respiration. This vapor has no name, but it is that which gives a peculiar odor to the breath. So long as the breathing is unconfined and NUTRITION. 219 ventilation free, we do not perceive it to any great ex- tent ; but in the confined atmosphere of a crowded and ill-ventilated room it at once becomes perceptible by its stifling and offensive odor. Though in compara- tively small quantity, there is reason to believe that this substance is even more deleterious to health than the carbonic acid which accumulates at the same time. It is undoubtedly through this vapor of the respiration that contagious diseases are communicated, when the two persons who are affected have never been in actual contact, but have only breathed the air of the same apartment. An odoriferous matter of similar nature is also ex- haled with the perspiration. Like the former, it is in minute quantity, and is only injurious when allowed to accumulate and stagnate in the atmosphere. If carried away by ventilation, it is soon destroyed by the oxygen of the air, or decomposed by vegetables for their own nutrition. 117. Urea. Another very important and abundant material of excretion is Urea. Urea is a crystallizable substance which is produced in the body usually to the amount of rather over one ounce per day. We do not yet know in what particu- lar parts of the system it is formed, but it makes its appearance every where in the blood, dissolved in its liquid ingredients. The quantity of urea produced va ries somewhat with the activity of the body ; for ex- periments have shown that it is increased by muscular exertion, and diminished during the periods of repose. Even mental application alone, without bodily effort, will be indicated by the increased amount of this sub- stance formed in the svstem. 220 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. In some diseases the 'urea accumulates in the blood beyond its natural proportion. It then produces very injurious effects, and acts upon the system like a poi- son. The senses become deranged, and the circulation is impeded ; and if the accumulation continues, it at last produces convulsions, insensibility, and death. But in health the urea is constantly discharged from the blood by the kidneys. As the blood passes through the capillaries of these organs, its urea niters away, and it returns cleansed and purified to the circulation. Thus, as the carbonic acid produced in the body is ex- pelled from the lungs, so the urea is expelled by the kidneys. It accumulates in their passages together with other watery and inorganic ingredients of the blood, and is finally discharged altogether from the system. There are various other substances of a similar na- ture which pass out from the blood by the same chan- nels with the urea. Two of them are termed Creatine and Creatinine. They are formed first in the muscles, and are absorbed from them by the blood. Another is termed Urate of soda, because its peculiar animal ingre- dient is combined with soda at the time of its forma- tion. All these substances are expelled from the body, during health, nearly as fast as they are formed. Next to the lungs, therefore, the kidneys are the great organs of purification for the blood. By them its waste and exhausted materials are incessantly removed, while its other ingredients are retained in their due pro- portion. 118. Renovation of the Materials of the Body. We see, then, that the nutrition of the body is accompanied by a double movement of supply and discharge ; and neither NUTRITION. 221 of these two processes can go on independently of the other. Intermediate between the two is a third move- ment, namely, that of secretion; but most of the secre- ted fluids, after being once separated from the blood, are again absorbed by the blood-vessels, and so re-enter the circulation. Now, if we examine the entire quantity of the -mate- rials thus absorbed and discharged every twenty-four hours, we can form an estimate of the rapidity with which the vital operations go on. We have already given the daily quantities of many of these substances; those of the remainder are added in the following list. The numbers are all given for a man of ordinary stat- ure, weighing 140 pounds. In the first column is placed the quantity of material absorbed, in the second that of the material discharged. ABSORBED DURING 24 HOURS. Oxygen 1.02 Ibs. Water 4.73 " Albuminous matter 40 " Starch 66 " y a t 22 " Mineral Salts .04 " 7.07 DISCHARGED DURING 24 HOURS. Carbonic Acid 1.53 Ibs. Vapor from the lungs. ..1.15 " Perspiration 1.93 " Water of the Urine 2.02 " Urea and other excretions .40 " Mineral Salts .04 " 7.07 Rather more than seven pounds of material, there- fore, are absorbed and discharged daily by a healthy full-grown man ; and, for one having the average weight of 140 pounds, a quantity equal to the weight of the whole body is thus taken into the system and expelled from it in the course of twenty days. It is plain, also, that this material does not simply pass through the system, like water through a sieve. On the contrary, it actually combines during its pas- 222 PHYSIOLOGY AND IIYGIENE. sage with the ingredients of the tissues, and forms for the time a part of their substance. A large portion of it also suffers chemical transformations two or three times over, under the influence of the vital actions, passing successively through different forms, until it is finally discharged in the process of excretion. Thus the history of nutrition is one of incessant change ; by which the various ingredients of the body are continuously destroyed and renewed, while the body itself remains always vigorous and unaltered. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER XI. 1. What are the three processes of nutrition? 2. What is assimilation ? 3. Upon what fluid do the tissues depend for their nourishment ? 4. Does the blood contain all the watery and mineral ingredients of the tissues ? 5. Does it contain them in the same proportion as they exist in the tissues ? 6. Do these substances exist in the various tissues in the same pro- portion or in different proportions ? 7. Name some instances of the varying proportion of inorganic in- gredients in the different tissues. 8. How are these substances deposited in their proper proportion in each tissue ? 9. How can the blood supply more water or lime to a tissue than it contains itself? 10. Does the blood contain any of the " albuminous" ingredients of the tissues ? 1 1 . What are the albuminous ingredients of the blood ? 1 2. Name some of the albuminous ingredients of the tissues. 13. How are the albuminous ingredients of the blood converted into those of the tissues ? 14. What is a secretion ? 15. Name some of the secretions and their uses. 1 6. Describe the structure of a gland. 17. What are its follicles? its lobules* its duct f QUESTIONS. 223 18. What is the arrangement of the capillary blood-vessels in a gland ? 19. From what source are the watery and mineral ingredients of a secretion supplied? 20. How is its animal substance produced ? 21. How are the secretions produced more abundantly at particular times ? 22. What is the last of the processes of nutrition ? 23. Do the organs of the body remain the same, or are they changed by the performance of their functions ? 21. Is this change a destructive or a healthy process ? 2/>. How are the organs maintained in a healthy condition ? 2G. What is an excretion ? 27. Why must the excretions be discharged from the system? 28. What is the most abundant and important of all the excretions? 29. How is it discharged ? 30. What other excretion is discharged with the breath beside car- bonic acid? 31. When do the odoriferous matters of the breath and perspiration become deleterious ? 32. What is urea ? 33. How much urea is produced in the body per day ? 31. When urea accumulates in the blood in disease, what effect does it produce ? 35. By what organs is it discharged from the system during health? 36. What other excretions are discharged by the kidneys ? 37. \Vhat is the entire quantity of materials absorbed and dis- charged by the body in twenty-four hours ? 38. Does this material simply pass through the body, or is it com- bined with the tissues and again decomposed? 39. How long would it take for the whole substance of the body to be renovated by nutrition ? SECTION III. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. K2 CHAPTER XH. GENERAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. United Action of the Organs. System of Telegraphs. Nervous Fila- ments. Nerves. Spinal Cord. Spinal Nerves. Brain. Cere- brum. Cerebellum. Medulla Oblongata. Cranial Nerves. Nervous Fibres are Organs of Communication. Irritability of Nerves. Sensitive Fibres. Motor Fibres. Nerve Cells. Nerv- ous Centres. Reflex Action of the Nervous System. 119. Object and Use of the Nervous System. In the foregoing chapters we have studied the manner in which each different organ of the body performs its work. We are now about to see how they arc made to act in harmony with each other, for the benefit and support of the whole. For it is not enough that an organ be made capable of performing a certain function ; it must also act at a particular time and in a particular manner. How is it that the diaphragm moves upward and downward just often enough to supply the lungs with the air needed in respiration ? The stomach, as we have seen, secretes its gastric juice precisely when this is required for the digestion of the food, and not at other times. The varying currents of the circulation, the action of the glandular organs, and even the movement of the limbs, must all work together, or alternately, in such a way as not to interfere with each other, but to assist harmoni- ously in the general functions of the bodily frame. This harmonious action of the different organs is se- 228 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. cured by the aid of the Nervous System. What is the structure of the nervous system, and how does it per- form its work ? 120. General Arrangement of the Nervous System. Imagine a series of telegraph wires running from all the police stations of a great city to the central office or head-quarters of the department. These wires form a communication between every street, lane, and ave- nue of each district and the central office, and again be- tween the central office and all parts of the city. Any thing which happens in one district may be telegraphed to head-quarters, and an answer at once returned, giving the necessary orders or sending the required assistance. If a man is found sick or wounded, surgical aid is dis- patched to his relief. If a larger number of policemen are required to quell a disturbance, or to perform any unusual duty, they are ordered from other districts and collected at the proper point by the same means of com- munication. Thus the whole machinery of the depart- ment acts together or separately, as occasion demands, and its different parts move constantly in harmony with each other. The nervous system is such a means of communica- tion between the different parts of the animal frame. 121. Nervous Fibres or Filaments. Throughout the body there are distributed a multitude of slender white threads or filaments, which run in every direction, in- terlacing themselves with the various tissues, and reaching every part of the skin, the muscles, and the glandular organs. These filaments are of extreme del- icacy, the smallest of them measuring only 10 i o of an inch in diameter, and the largest not more than -r^Vcr of an inch. Each one is composed of a fine gray ribbon .STRUCTURE, ETC., OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 229 like thread in the centre, which is surrounded by a white, soft material, very nearly like thickened cream in consistency (Figure 43), the whole being inclosed in a thin, transparent covering, or tubular membrane. The filaments so formed are called the Nervous fila- ments. At their commencement, the nervous filaments, as we have said, are disseminated among the tissues of the va- rious organs. From these points they ap- proach each other, uniting, side by side, into little bundles. As these bundles emerge from the dif- ferent parts of an or- gan they also join each other, and form larger cords by the continued association of other filaments. When such a collec- tion has become large enough to be seen by the naked eye, it is called a Nerve. Each nerve, accord- ingly* i fi a bundle of such filaments, col- Different Nervous Filaments uniting to form lected from different a nerve; highly magnified: a. portion of uerve ; 6, c, 5, e. Nervous filaments. parts, and all running in the same direction. These filaments do not unite or become confounded with each other in the substance of '230 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. the nerve, but remain distinct, like the separate threads in a skein of silk (Fig. 43). When a nerve has thus disengaged itself from the deeper textures, and begins to run in the interstices be- tween the adjacent parts, it becomes invested with a thin but strong covering of white fibrous tissue, which binds together and protects its separate filaments. For these filaments, composed of the soft and delicate mate- rial which we have described, would be liable to injury or laceration by the movement of the limbs and the pressure of more solid organs, were they not protected by such an investment. This fibrous covering of the nerve is called its " neurilemma," or Sheath. It gives to the nerves that white and glistening color by which they are recognized by the surgeon in his dissection of the various parts. The nerves originating in the skin and muscles of the different regions of the body, and from the upper and lower limbs, pass inward, from the right side and the left, toward the situation of the median line and the epinal column. Arrived in this neighborhood, they form thirty -one distinct pairs, each pair consisting of two symmetrical nerves, one right and one left, coming from the corresponding sides of the body. They then pass through certain openings in the sides and back part of the spinal column, and thus penetrate into the cavity of the spinal canal. Here they unite into a long, white, cy- lindrical nervous mass, running from below upward di- rectly along the middle line of the back, in the cavity of the spinal canal. This nervous mass is the Spinal cord. The spinal cord, therefore, contains within itself the filaments derived from all the nerves of the external parts of the body and limbs. As these nerves unite STRUCTURE, ETC., OP THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 231 with the spinal cord in the manner above described, they are called the Spinal nerves. The substance of the spinal cord is soft and delicate ; but it is defended by the solid mass of the spinal col- umn in front, and by its bony prominences, which arch over and embrace the spinal cord at the sides and be- Fig.44. hind. It is thus inclosed in a long cavity or canal, which we have already mentioned under the name of the " spinal ca- nal." The spinal cord passes through this ca- nal from below upward until it reaches the up- per extremity of the spi- nal column. Here it en- ters the cavity of the cranium, and at once ex- pands into a large round- ed nervous mass, which is the Brain (Fig. 44). The brain itself con- sists of three parts, viz., 1st, an upper, larger, and more rounded mass, covered with sinuosities The Brain, Spinal Cord, and Spinal Nerves, , _ . , seen from behind. 1,2. Brain, consist- Or Convolutions, which ing of, (1), the Cerebrum, and, (2), the _.. .. . Cerebellum; 3. the Spinal Cord and nils all the Upper, mid- Nerves; 4. Nerves of tipper limbs; 5. n . - Nerves of lower limbs. die, and anterior portion of the skull, called the Cerebrum ; 2d, a smaller and more flattened portion, also convoluted upon its sur- face, situated at the lower and back part of the skull, 232 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. called the Cerebellum; and, 3d, a still smaller portion, placed at the junction of the spinal cord with the brain, and called the Medulla oblongata. In the preceding figure the medulla oblongata is not shown, because it is concealed by the larger masses of the cerebrum and cerebellum. Both the brain and the spinal cord, furthermore, are divided by a deep furrow into two equal parts, right and left. These portions are joined to each other beneath by connecting masses of nervous substance ; but upon their surface, especially when seen from behind, as in Fig. 44, they present the appearance of two separate halves, corresponding to the two sets of nerves coming from the opposite sides of the body. Beside the nerves connected with the spinal cord, there are various other pairs, supplying the parts about the head and neck, which reach the brain by passing through openings in the lower part of the cranium. They are called the Cranial nerves. They are not rep- resented in the preceding diagram, as they pass, for the most part, in a direction from behind forward, and from before backward. Thus the main part of the nervous system, as above described, consists of, 1st, the Nerves coming from the various parts of the body ; and, 2d, the Brain and Spi- nal cord, with which these nerves are united. Now the nervous filaments are the fibres of communi- cation of the nervous system. They are the telegraphic wires through which its secret messages are sent from one part of the bodily frame to another. How is it that they perform this office ? 122. Irritability of the Nervous Fibres. Each nervous fibre is endowed with a peculiar power, which is called STRUCTURE, ETC., OP THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 233 its Irritability. By this we mean that whenever it re- ceives a certain impression, every portion of it is roused into a peculiar state of activity or excitement. What is the precise nature of this activity of the nervous filament we do not know; but we know that it is in- stantly propagated through its substance from one ex- tremity to the other. If you strike one end of a bar of iron, the metal vibrates throughout its entire length. Somewhat in a similar way, when the proper stimulus is applied to one extremity or any part of a nervous fibre, the whole of it is thrown into simultaneous ex- citement. Now this activity of a nervous fibre does not pro- duce any visible effect in the nerve itself! Its peculiar quality is that it calls Into activity some other organ. Thus the muscles are made to contract, or the glands are excited to secretion by the stimulus of the nerves ; and yet the nerves which convey this excitement do not themselves show any change in their appearance. They serve to communicate the stimulus which is to produce its efiect elsewhere. 123. Two different kinds of Nervous Fibres. But when we closely examine the nervous fibres, they are found to be of two different kinds, endowed with two different functions. The first are the sensitive fibres. They are distrib- uted throughout the skin, the lining membranes, and other organs of the body. They are so called because they are sensitive to the impressions made upon these organs ; and they communicate the impressions thus re- ceived to the central parts of the nervous system. They transmit the nervous excitement, therefore, in a direo tion from without inward. 234 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. The others are the motor fibres. They are so called because they call'lnto motion or activity the muscles or other organs to which they are distributed. They act, accordingly, in a direction exactly contrary to the former, and transmit the nervous stimulus from within outward. 124. Nervous Centres, or Ganglia. But the wires of a telegraphic system would be useless in themselves un- less they were connected with a telegraph office or sta- tion, where their messages could be received, and from which the necessary answers could be returned. There are such telegraphic stations in the nervous system. Beside the white nervous matter, formed of the fila- ments or fibres already described, there is another kind of nervous tissue, called the " gray" or " cineritious" matter. As its name indicates, it is of a gray or ashy color; and it contains, beside nervous fibres and blood- vessels, a great abundance of microscopic bodies, of va- rious forms, which are called the " nerve-cells." These cells are the peculiar elements of the gray nervous mat- ter, and are not found elsewhere. They are generally more or less rounded in form, with an oval spot upon each, which is called its " nucle- us." Many of them have slender projections or elon- gations running out from the surface in various direc- tions (Fig. 45). The nerve- fibres are abundantly min- gled and interwoven with the cells, and often, if not always, communicate with Fijr. 45. Nerve-cells ; highly magnified. From a ganglion. STRUCTURE, ETC., OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 235 them by means of the slender prolongations above spo- ken of. Such a collection of gray nervous matter is said to be a " ganglion." The gray matter forms a large part of the structure of the nervous system. It is found in the interior of the spinal cord, running in a double tract through its central parts, from one extremity to the other, being covered by the white fibres on its exterior. In the brain, on the contrary, it is spread out upon the surface, forming the folds and convolutions ; and it is also dis- tributed in several different masses in the deeper and inferior parts. The brain and spinal cord may there- fore be considered as a collection of ganglia, added to the mass of white fibres coming from the nerves. Now the ganglia are what are called the Nervous Centres. That is, the sensitive fibres terminate in them, and the motor fibres originate in them. We have al- ready said that these fibres are only organs of commu- nication. But the nervous centres are the organs which receive the sensitive impressions from without, and which originate the nervous action from within. They receive intelligence by the sensitive fibres from the dis- tant membranes ; and by the motor fibres they send out in return the stimulus which calls into activity the muscles or the glands. 125. Reflex Action of the Nervous System. Thus the nervous centres are intermediate in their function be- tween the sensitive and motor fibres. The stimulus conveyed from without inward is received by them, and then returned or reflected in the opposite direc- tion. This action is called the Reflex Action of the nerv- ous system. This term expresses the whole secret of the nervous functions. 236 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. We see, accordingly, how it is that the nervous sys- tem acts as a means of communication between differ- ent organs. This communication is not direct, but cir- cuitous in its action. It passes first inward to the nervous centres, and again outward by reflection to the external organs. By the operation of the nervous system, also, we find that a stimulus applied to one organ excites the activity of another. Thus cold applied to the skin produces a contraction of the muscles ; food introduced into the stomach causes the evacuation of the gall-bladder; and an irritating substance in the throat excites coughing by the muscles of the abdomen. Thus the different organs are associated in their func- tion, and made to act together, separately or in succes- sion, as the requirements of the system may dictate. There are a considerable number of nervous centres, which preside over different functions, and which re- ceive and communicate stimulus of different kinds. We shall now proceed to study in succession these various departments of the nervous system. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER XII. 1. Why must the different organs act in harmony with each other? 2. By what system is the harmonious action of the organs secured? 3. What is the structure, size, and appearance of the nervous fila- ments ? 4. What is a nerve ? 5. By what are the filaments of a nerve bound together and pro- tected ? 6. In what part of the nervous system do the nerves of the body and limbs terminate ? 7. What is the situation and form of the spinal cord ? 8. With what is the spinal cord connected at its upper extremity ? 9. In what cavity is the brain contained ? ' QUESTIONS. 237 10. What are the three principal parts of the brain ? 11. By what are the two lateral halves of the brain and spinal cord separated from each other ? 12. What are the spinal nerves ? what are the cranial nerves? 13. What is the general function of the nerves and nervous fila- ments ? 14. What is the irritability of a nerve? 15. Where is the effect of nervous irritability manifested in the nerve itself, or in some other organ ? 16. What two kinds of nervous fibres are there in the nervous sys- tem? 1 7. What is the property of the sensitive fibres ? 1 8. What is the property of the motor fibres ? 19. What is the structure of the gray nervous matter? 20. What is the name given to a collection of gray nervous matter? 21. Where is the gray matter situated in the spinal cord? in the brain ? 22. What is the function of a ganglion ? 23. What is the reflex action of the nervous system? 24. Name some instances of reflex action. 238 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE, CHAPTER Xin. THE SPINAL NERVES AND SPINAL CORD. Fnnction of the Spinal Nerves. Sensation and Motion. Paralysis from injury of Nerve. Restoration of a divided Nerve. Anterior and Posterior Hoots of Spinal Nerves. Anterior Roots motor. Posterior Roots sensitive. Anterior and Posterior Columns of the Cord. Anterior Columns motor. Posterior Columns sensitive. Connection of Spinal Cord with Brain. Paralysis from injury of Spinal Cord. Paraplegia. Crossed Action of the Spinal Cord. Hemiplegia. Intercostal Nerves. Phrenic Nerve. Sensibility of the Skin its Variation in different Parts. Ordinary Sensibility. Sensibility to Pain. Sensibility to Heat and Cold. Spinal Cord as a Nervous Centre. Its Gray Matter. Reflex Action of the Spinal Cord. Its Character and Function. 126. Distribution of the Spinal Nerves. The spinal nerves, as we have seen, which are distributed to the external surface and muscles of the body and limbs, place these organs in communication with the spinal cord, and, through the spinal cord, also with the brain. Now these nerves are the organs of the twa great functions of Sensation and Motion. If we touch any part of the external surface we feel tke contact, because it is transmitted to the nervous centres by the nerve coming from the part. Whenever we move a limb, we do so by means of the nerve which calls into action the muscles to which it is distributed. These two func- tions, therefore, of sensation and motion, are confided to each nerve for that part of the body to which it be- long?. THE SPINAL NERVES AND SPINAL CORD. 239 127. Effects of injury to a Spinal Nerve. Consequent- ly, when a spinal nerve is injured or destroyed, these functions can not continue. Such an effect is produced whenever the principal nerves of the arm or the leg are accidentally compressed so that their vitality is suspend- ed. The limb is then said to be " asleep." It is numb and powerless, and seems like a dead weight attached to the body. When the pressure is taken off, the nerve gradually recovers itself, and sensibility and movement return in the affected limb. The same effect is still more complete when a nerve is actually cut or torn apart. Then all communication is severed between the central parts and the injured limb. The muscles may be sound, but we can not use them, since the necessary stimulus can no longer reach them through the divided nerve. The skin may be un- injured, but we can not feel, because the nervous com- munication stops short before it arrives at the spinal cord. This affection is called Paralysis. In such cases the paralysis, of course, is confined to that part supplied by the injured nerve. Thus, if the nerve going to one leg be cut off, that leg alone is par- alyzed. If the nerve belonging to the right arm be di' vided, the right arm alone is affected. Any portion of the limb, such as the hand or even one finger, may be separately paralyzed, if the nerve distributed to it be severed while the others remain uninjured. In such a paralysis it is evident that there are two different affections combined, namely, a paralysis of mo- tion and & paralysis of sensation. Both kinds of paral- ysis are produced at once, because the nerve contains both motor and sensitive fibres, and because all these fibres have been cut off at the same time. 240 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. 128. Reunion of divided Nerves. Now, does an acci- dent like this destroy all hope of cure, and entail a per- manent loss of motion and sensibility in the injured parts ? Fortunately it does not. If it were so, every surgical operation would produce more or less paraly- sis, and even every accidental cut upon the fingers would destroy the sensibility and action of some por- tion of them. For the smaller nerves are so finely dis- tributed that some fibres are necessarily severed by any incision of the tissues, and after a time a repetition of such accidents would paralyze a considerable portion of the surface. But these fibres, when cut, grow together again. They heal, like the muscles or the skin, and thus re-establish their communication. This healing of the nerves is slower and more difficult than that of other tissues, and therefore the surgeon avoids them in his operations. But after a long interval, sometimes several months or even a year, according to the size of the nerve, the wounded fibres gradually reunite, and sensibility re- turns to the surrounding parts. In the spinal nerves of the limbs and trunk the sensi- tive and motor fibres are inextricably mingled togeth- er. They also have precisely the same structure, and we can not distinguish one kind from the other by any difference in their appearance. We only know that the nerve serves at the same time both for sensation and motion, and therefore that it contains both motor and sensitive fibres. 129. Distinction of Sensitive and Motor Boots in the Spinal Nerves. But as the nerve enters the cavity of the spinal canal, a curious change becomes manifest in its anatomical arrangement. There the two kinds of fibres THE SPINAL NERVES AND SPINAL COKD. 241 part company. The sensitive fibres pass backward in a separate bundle, and join the spinal cord toward its pos- terior part ; the motor fibres disengage themselves from the others, and unite with the spinal cord toward its front part. Thus every spinal nerve, on each side the body, has two separate roots, by which it is connected with the spinal cord, viz., a posterior root, composed of sensitive fibres, and an anterior root, composed of mo- tor fibres (Fig. 46). Fig. 46. Transverse Section of the Spinal Cord. o, 6. Spinal nerves of right and left side, showing their two roots : d. Anterior root ; e. Posterior root ; c. Ganglion of posterior root. In the accompanying diagram, the spinal cord is shown in transverse section ; that is, as if it were cut across horizontally at the level of one pair of spinal nerves. The lower part of the drawing represents the front of the spinal cord, and the upper part its posterior portion. The two roots of each nerve, anterior and pos- terior, are seen separating from each other, and uniting with the corresponding parts of the spinal cord. The posterior root has upon it a small swelling or ganglion (marked c), which is the only particular in which its appearance differs materially from that of the anterior root. The longitudinal fissure is also shown, by which L 242 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. the spinal cord is partially divided into right and left halves. This fissure is rather wide and shallow at the front, but narrow and deep behind. Finally, the gray matter is seen in the central part of the spinal cord, showing the singular cross-like form in which it is ar ranged. While in the nerves of the exterior, accordingly, the functions of motion and sensibility are mingled togeth- er by the interlacing of their fibres, in the central parts of the nervous system they are separated from each other and occupy distinct situations. What becomes of the fibres of the nerves after they have been united with the spinal cord ? 130. Passage of Sensitive and Motor Fibres through the Spinal Cord. On arriving at the corresponding por- tions of the cord, they change their direction and pass from below upward. The sensitive fibres of the poste- rior roots then form a part of those two vertical bun- dles of white nervous matter which run up and down on the back of the spinal cord, on each side the central fissure. (See Fig. 44.) These are called the Posterior columns of the cord. The motor fibres of the anterior roots join two similar bundles of white matter in front; these are called the Anterior columns of the cord. The posterior columns of the cord are sensitive, like the fibres of the posterior roots; and the anterior col- umns are motor, like the fibres of the anterior roots. 131. Termination of Nervous Fibres in the Brain. From this point the anterior and posterior columns of the cord pursue their course to the upper part of the spinal canal. Here they enter the great opening or foramen in the base of the skull, and then, enlarging and spreading their fibres in various directions, termi- THE SPINAL SERVES AND SPINAL CORD. 243 nate, as we have already said, in the substance of the brain. Throughout this distance the nervous fibres of the spi- nal cord maintain an undisturbed connection. Anato- mists can not yet determine whether each filament by itself runs a continuous and uninterrupted course from the nerve to the brain throughout the spinal cord, or whether successive fibres connect with each other the nerve, the spinal cord, and the brain. For these fila- ments are so innumerable and so delicate that it is im- possible to follow the same one under the microscope long enough to be sure of its exact destination. But, whatever may be their precise anatomical arrangement, the physiological connections of the anterior and pos- terior columns are continuous and complete up to the point of their termination in the brain. Now the brain is the seat of the consciousness and the will. No sensation can be perceived until it arrives at the brain, and no voluntary motion can be performed unless the nervous stimulus, starting from the brain, can reach the nerve through the spinal cord. The spinal cord, therefore, as thus far considered, is a medium of communication between the brain and the spinal nerves. It may be regarded itself as a great nerve, inclosed in the spinal canal and giving off the successive pairs of spinal nerves as branches from its own trunk. 132. Paralysis from Injury of the Spinal Cord. Ac- cordingly, any injury to the spinal cord will produce paralysis of the parts below. This happens where any severe accident has broken and displaced the bony arches of the spinal column which inclose and protect the cord. The broken pieces of bone, pressing upon 244 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. the cord and lacerating its substance, cut off the com- munication between the brain and the inferior parts. When such an injury has produced paralysis of the lower part of the body, we say of the paralyzed person that his " back is broken." The fracture of the bones, however, would not be, by itself, of much consequence, since it is only the projections on the back of the spi- nal column which are usually broken ; but it becomes important and dangerous on account of the injury in- flicted at the same time upon the spinal cord. When such a fracture of the spine happens in the middle of the back, the legs are paralyzed, while the arms remain unaffected. This form of paralysis, which is confined to the lower half of the body, is termed Paraplegia. If the injury be in the middle of the neck, the arms are also paralyzed, since the spinal cord is then severed above the point at which the nerves to these limbs are given off. In all such cases as the above, the powers of motion and of sensibility are usually paralyzed together. The skin becomes insensible, and the voluntary muscles pow- erless over the whole extent of the paralyzed parts ; be- cause so rude an injury to the spinal cord will general- ly reach all parts of its thickness, and tear off at the same time its sensitive and motor fibres. But some- times it happens that the accident affects only the an- terior or only the posterior portion of the cord. In such instances the power of motion is suspended while sensibility remains ; or, on the other hand, the sensi- bility of the skin is lost while the muscles retain their power. 133. Decussation of the Motor and Sensitive Fibres of the Spinal Cord. A singular feature in the connection THE SPINAL NEKVES AND SPINAL COED. 245 of the spinal nerves with the brain through the spinal cord is that this connection is a crossed one ; that is, that the nerves of the right side of the body are connect- ed icith the left side of the brain, and those of the left side of the body with tJie right side of the brain. The anterior columns of the cord pass upward, as we have seen, their fibres running nearly parallel with each other until they reach the entrance to the skull. Im- mediately above this point, and before joining the brain proper, the spinal cord enlarges into a somewhat wider and thicker oblong-shaped mass, which has been already mentioned, called the " medulla oblongata." At this situation the fibres of the two columns cross over ob- liquely from side to side, those of the left anterior col- umn passing to the right side, and those of the right anterior column passing to the left side. This is called the " Decussation of the anterior columns of the cord." Their fibres then terminate respectively in the corre- sponding sides of the brain. Thus each side of the brain holds under its control the voluntary movements of the opposite side of the body. 134. Paralysis from injury of the Brain. The conse- quence of this is, that when a serious injury is inflicted upon the brain at the point where these motor fibres of the nerves take their origin, a singular kind of paralysis is produced, which is exactly confined to one side of the body. The right arm and the right leg, for instance, will be paralyzed, while the two limbs of the left side will remain uninjured. This kind of paralysis is known as Hemiplegia. It is situated on the opposite side of the body to that on which the injury to the brain has been inflicted. 246 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. The sensitive fibres of the spinal cord also pass from one side to the other. Their crossing, however, takes place, not in a particular spot, but throughout the whole length of the cord. As the sensitive root of each nerve joins the posterior column, its fibres soon pass over through the central portions of the cord, and then form a part of the posterior column of the opposite side. In hemiplegia, therefore, produced by injury of one side of the brain, the power of sensation is lost on the oppo- site side of the body, at the same time with the power of motion. 135. Intercostal and Phrenic Nerves. Among the spi- nal nerves there are certain ones that deserve particu- lar attention. The first of these are the Intercostal nerves. As their name indicates, they are situated between the ribs, and are distributed to the intercostal muscles in the same situation. They are united with the spinal cord in the middle region of the back, from the level of the first rib to that of the last. It is these nerves, therefore, which enable the intercostal muscles to move in the act of in- spiration. Now, if we recall the mechanism of inspiration, we shall remember that this mechanism consists of two as- sociated actions : first, the movement of the diaphragm, by which the abdomen is protruded below, and, second- ly, the movement of the intercostal muscles, by which the chest is raised and expanded above. Both these sets of muscles are animated by nerves which come from the spinal cord ; and the intercostal nerves, as we have seen, are given off from it in the middle region of the back. Accordingly, if the spinal cord be injured at the level THE SPINAL NERVES AND SPINAL CORD. 247 of the first rib or at the lower part of the neck, the in- tercostal muscles are at once paralyzed. The chest no longer expands in respiration, but remains quiescent and motionless. It is for this reason that a fracture of the spine at the upper part of the back is more danger- ous than when situated lower down. Nevertheless, the breathing does not stop altogether, since it is still par- tially kept up by the action of the diaphragm. The other important pair of spinal nerves are the Phrenic nerves, which belong to the diaphragm itself This nerve springs from the spinal cord by branches from two or three of the spinal nerves, just above the middle of the neck. Thence it passes downward as a single trunk on each side, and, entering the cavity of the chest, is distributed to the muscular fibres of the diaphragm. Upon the phrenic nerve depends the whole power of motion of this important muscle. When the spinal cord, therefore, is severed above the middle of the neck, both the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm are paralyzed together. All the movements of respiration accordingly cease, and death is necessa- rily produced. 136. Acuteness of Sensibility in different parts. Sev- eral facts remain to be noticed in regard to the sensibil- ity conferred by the fibres of the spinal nerves. This sensibility is extended throughout the skin or general integument of the body, and is therefore called the " General sensibility." It is not, however, distrib- uted every where in an equal degree, but is much more acute in some situations than in others ; being more highly developed than elsewhere in the tips of the fin- gers. Physiologists have sometimes measured the de gree of sensibility of different parts ; and have found 248 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. that at the tips of the fingers it is twice as great as at the middle of their under surface, five times as great as on the back of the fingers, nine times as great as on the back of the hand, seventeen times as great as on the top of the foot, and more than thirty times as great as in the middle of the back. It is for this reason that we generally use the fingers as the organs of touch ; and also because by their varied movements we can easily adapt them to the different surfaces which we may wish to examine. The sensibility of the skin is called into action by the contact of foreign bodies, and gives us information of their softness or resistance, their external shape, the smoothness or roughness of their surface, their fluidity or solidity, of cold and heat, and of all the physical qualities which can be ascertained by the touch. The internal tissues, such as the muscles and some of the lining membranes, are also endowed with sensi- bility, but it is much less acute in them than in the skin. 137. Sensibility to Pain. It is through the sensibility of these parts that we are capable of feeling pain. But it is a curious fact that the sensibility to pain is entire- ly distinct from ordinary sensation, and even interferes with it exactly in proportion as it becomes more acute. Thus, if we place the hand upon a piece of iron at or- dinary temperatures, we can tell whether it is cool or warm, and can form a good idea of the exact degree of its cold or heat. But if it be hot enough to burn the skin, we no longer estimate the degree of its tempera- ture, but only feel the pain which it occasions. It is for this reason, as it is commonly said, that bodies which are excessively hot or excessively cold produce the same THE SPINAL NERVES AND SPINAL COKD. 249 sensation. The truth is, they do not produce any sen- sation of cold or heat, properly speaking, but only a sensation of pain, which is different from either. 138. Sensibility to Heat and Cold.--Finally, the sensi- bility to heat and cold is different also from the ordina- ry sensibility of the touch ; and instances have been known where persons have lost the power of distin- guishing temperatures, while they have retained both the sensibility of touch and the sensibility to pain. All these different kinds of sensation are communi- cated to the brain through the medium of the spinal nerves and the spinal cord. So far, then, we have found the spinal cord to be an organ of communication between the spinal nerves and the brain ; serving to conduct the power of sensation and voluntary motion by means of its anterior and pos- terior columns. 139. The Spinal Cord as a Nervous Centre. But the spinal cord is also a Nervous centre. For it contains in its deeper parts a .double band of gray nervous matter, in the forni of a long ganglion running through its en- tire length. The form and situation of this gray mat- ter may be seen in a transverse section of the cord, as in Fig. 46. The motor and sensitive fibres of the spinal nerves not only jpin its anterior and posterior columns, as already described, but they also communicate with the gray matter in its central parts. The spinal cord may therefore act independently, as a distinct ganglion. When the cord is severed in the region of the neck or the upper part of the back, communication with the brain being cut off, all voluntary motion is lost in the muscles of the limbs . bejow. But still these muscles may act ; and they may act in response to a stimulus i L2 250 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. applied to the skin of the paralyzed parts. This Is sometimes seen in persons affected with complete pa- ralysis of the lower half of the body. Such persons are entirely helpless and insensible in the lower limbs. And yet touching the legs or the soles of the feet, the impres- sion of cold air, or the contact of the clothes, will often produce very evident twitching of the muscles, and even bending or straightening of the knees and ankles. In these cases the patient has no feeling in the para- lyzed parts, and no knowledge of the movements which they execute. The brain, therefore, has nothing to do with these movements. They are performed by the in- dependent action of the spinal cord. Such movements, however, are reflex in their nature. That is, the action of the muscles is excited by a stimulus applied to the skin. The nervous stimulus is first conveyed inward by the sensitive fibres of the skin, and again reflected outward through the motor fibres to the muscles. This is called the Reflex Action of the spinal cord. How is this action accomplished ? When the stimulus applied to the skin is conveyed inward by the nerves, it arrives at the spinal cord by the posterior roots, and reaches the gray matter in its central parts. Here the gray matter receives the nerv- ous impression, and instantly converts it into a motor impulse, which is reflected outward along the motor fibres of the anterior roots. As these fibres are final- ly distributed to the muscles, they stimulate these or- gans to contraction, and thus the reflex movement is finally produced (Fig. 47). In the accompanying dia- gram the spinal cord is shown in vertical section ; that is, as if it were split longitudinally from above down- ward. The gray matter in its centre, therefore, ap- THE SPINAL NERVES AND SPINAL COED. 251 pears as a vertical band or ribbon, still covered with the white substance on its exterior. The di- rection of the nervous stimulus is also shown, as it passes inward by the posterior root to the gray matter, and is there turn- ed or reflected back, to pass outward again along Diagram of Spiual Cord in Vertical Sec- ,1 rv /> ,v tiSn, showing Reflex Action. a. POS- the motor nbres ol the terior root of spinal nerve ; &. Ante- rior root of spinal nerve. anterior l*OOt. Now the peculiarity of this action of the spinal cord is that it is a perfectly simple reflex action; that is, it is not accompanied by any sensation, consciousness, or volition. These properties reside altogether in the brain, and do not belong to the spinal cord. Conse- quently, when the communication with the brain is cut off, it is only the simple blind operation of the cord itself which is called into activity. 140. Importance of the Reflex Action of the Spinal Cord. But this independent action of the spinal cord takes place also in health, only we do not usually notice it, because our attention is not attracted by any conscious sensation. Nevertheless, it is very important in pro- tecting the body from sudden injuries, and in regula- ting the action of some of the internal organs. "When the skin of any part is unexpectedly brought in contact with a foreign body, such as a heated iron or a rough surface, we often withdraw the limb by an in- stantaneous and involuntary motion before we are fair- ly conscious of any injury. This is the reflex action of 252 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. the spinal cord. In falling from a height, the limbs are instinctively thrown into such a position as to defend the most important parts of the body, and break as much as possible the force of the shock. This is the reflex action of the spinal cord. Certain of the internal muscles which guard the natural passages of the body are maintained in continuous contraction without vol- untary effort and without fatigue, and are moved in va- rious directions at the proper time, to provide for the healthy operation of the internal functions. This is also accomplished by the reflex action of the spinal cord. When the sensibility or reflex power of the spinal cord is unnaturally increased, it produces diseases of a terrible character. These are the various affections which are accompanied by Convulsions; in which all the muscles of the body are thrown into involuntary spasms, and the limbs are bent and distorted by irre- sistible contractions. In the convulsions of infants, these movements are usually caused by indigestion. In the more fatal diseases of " Tetanus" and " Hydropho- bia," in grown-up persons, the least external excitement, such as the opening of the doors, the contact of the dress, or a breath of air, is sufficient to call out the un- natural irritability of the cord, and throws the whole muscular system into spasmodic rigidity. During health, accordingly, we are not conscious how much we owe to the spinal cord and its reflex power. Quiet and unnoticed, it keeps watch over the safety of the body, ready to act at an instant's warning, and per- forms its work without ever causing us fatigue, or re- quiring any effort of attention or of the will. But when, irritated by disease, it loses its character of moderation THE SPINAL NERVES AND SPINAL CORD. 253 and regularity, and from, the servant of the body be- comes its master, then it rapidly exhausts the muscular force and destroys life by the uncontrolled violence of its action. The spinal cord, therefore, is not only a medium of communication between the brain and the external parts. It is also a nervous centre, which presides by itself over the involuntary movements of the body and limbs. It acts as such without our consciousness and independently of our will ; and its function is to pro- vide for certain muscular actions in the interior, and to protect the body against unforeseen dangers from with- out. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER XIII. 1. How are the different parts of the body and limbs placed in com- munication with the spinal cord and the brain ? 2. What are the two great functions of the spinal nerves ? 3. What is the effect of compressing or cutting off a spinal nerve ? 4. What is paralysis ? 5. What two kinds of paralysis exist together after cutting off a spinal nerve ? 6. May the nerve grow together again after it has been once di- vided ? What effect does this have on the paralyzed parts ? 7. What two kinds of fibres are contained in the spinal nerves ? 8. How are the sensitive and motor fibres separated within the spi- nal canal ? 9. How and where do they unite with the spinal cord ? 1 0. Of what fibres is the anterior root of a spinal nerve composed ? 11. Of what is the posterior root composed ? 12. In what direction do the nervous fibres pass after joining the spinal cord ? 13. What are the anterior and posterior columns of the cord, and what is the difference in their function ? 14. What is the effect of injury of the spinal cord upon the parts below? 15. Why is fracture of the spine liable to produce paralysis ? 254 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. 16. What is paraplegia f 17. What part of the spinal cord must be injured to produce para- plegia ? 18. What part of the spinal cord must be injured to produce paral- ysis of both arms and legs ? 19. Are motion and sensation both suspended together in ordinary- cases of paralysis ? 20. Are they ever affected separately ? Under what circumstances ? 21. How are the two opposite sides of the body and brain connect- ed with each other ? 22. Where do the fibres of the anterior columns cross to the oppo- site side ? 23. What is hemiplegia ? 24. If the right side of the brain be injured, which side of the body will be paralyzed ? 25. If the left side of the brain be injured, which side of the body will be paralyzed ? 26. Where do the sensitive fibres of the spinal cord cross from side to side ? 27. Where are the intercostal nerves united with the spinal cord ? 28. What effect is produced on respiration by fracture of the spine at the upper part of the back ? 29. By what nerves is the diaphragm supplied ? 30. Where are the phrenic nerves united with the spinal cord ? 31. What effect is produced on respiration by injury to the spinal cord above the origin of the phrenic nerves ? 32. What is " general sensibility ?" 33. In what parts is the sensibility of the integument most acute ? 34. Is the sensibility of the internal organs more or less acute than that of the skin ? 35. What information do we acquire by means of the general sen- sibility ? 36. What is the difference between general sensibility and sensi- bility to pain ? 37. May general sensibility exist without sensibility to pain, and vice versa f 38. Why is the spinal cord a nervous centre as well as an organ of communication ? 30. What is the reflex action of the spinal cord? 40. How is this reflex action seen in paralyzed persons ? QUESTIONS. 255 41. How is the nervous stimulus conveyed in reflex action of the spinal cord? 42. Is this action accompanied by sensation ? by consciousness ? 3y volition ? Why not ? 43. Name instances of the involuntary reflex action of the spinal cord in health in disease. 44. What is the effect of excessive irritability of the spinal cord in disease ? 25 e PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. CHAPTER XIV. THE CRANIAL NERVES. Character of the Cranial Nerves. Sensibility of the Face. Fifth Pair of Cranial Nerves its three Branches their Distribution their Sensibility. Neuralgia. Tic Douloureux. Motor Branch of the Fifth Pair. Muscles of Mastication. Temporal. Masse- ter. Pterygoids. Movements of Expression. Facial Nerve its Distribution its Motive Power. Paralysis of the Face. Hypo- glossal Nerve. Movements of the Tongue. Pneumogastric Nerve its Origin and Distribution. Pharyngeal Branch. Act of Deg- lutition. Sensibility of the Pharynx. Protection of the Nostrils in Deglutition. Laryngeal Branches of the Pneumogastric. The Glottis its Movements in Respiration. Protection of the Glottis in Deglutition. Formation of the Voice. Action of the Larynx. IN the study of the spinal nerves we have seen that these nerves by their sensitive fibres supply sensibility to the skin of the body and limbs, and by their motor fibres communicate the power of motion to the corre- sponding parts. 141. Functions of the Cranial Nerves. Now the same powers reside in the external portions of the head and face. The skin of these parts is also sensitive, and their movements are varied and important. Accordingly, they are supplied with nerves similar in many respects to those connected with the spinal cord. But as the nerves of the head and face pass directly from the brain through openings in the bony floor of the cranium, they are distinguished by the name of the Cranial nerves. In all there are twelve pairs of cranial nerves. But THE CRANIAL NEEVES. 257 as some of these nerves are very peculiar in their na- ture, and have no relation with the external parts but only with the organs of the special senses, we shall ex- amine for the present only those which are connected with the simpler and more ordinary nervous functions of this part of the body. The first of these functions is that of Sensibility. This power is highly developed in all parts of the face, and at the tip of the tongue is more acute than in any other part of the body, being twice as great as in the ends of the fingers. The lips are also highly sensitive, and the eyelids, the nose, and the surface of the cheeks pos- sess the same property in a somewhat less degree. The most insensible part of the head is that portion of the scalp which is covered with hair; but even here the surface is sufficiently sensitive to perceive readily the contact of foreign substances. 142. Fifth Pair of Cranial Nerves. The sensibility of the face is supplied by a large and very interesting nerve, which is called the Fifth pair. Anatomists have given it this name because, in counting all the cranial nerves from before backward, it comes the fifth one in the series. It is also called the " trigeminal" nerve, be- cause, after emerging from the base of the brain, and while still contained within the cavity of the skull, it divides into three great and nearly equal branches. Just at the level of this division the nerve has upon it a rounded swelling or ganglion of gray matter, which is called the " Gasserian ganglion," from the name of the anatomist who first described it. Its threefold branches then pass through three separate openings in the base of the skull, and, running thence from behind forward, are distributed to the skin of the three different regions 258 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. of the face. The first branch passes upward to the fore- head and the top of the head, the second to the middle portion of the face, the nose, cheeks, and upper lip, and the third to the lower lip, the chin, and the adjacent parts. During their passage through the deeper tex- tures, the second and Fig. 48. third branches also send filaments respectively to all the teeth of the up- per and lower jaw ; and nervous fibres are also sent to the tongue and the inside of the mouth and nostrils (Fig. 48). Thus all the diiferent parts of this region are supplied with sensibili- ty. The fifth pair, there- fore, is the great sensi- tive nerve of the face; Distributi r^of the Fifth Pair upon the and it is on account of fS&' 1 SSS^f^^&^ the delicate organiza- the Fifth Pair, tion and minute ramification of this nerve that the skin is here endowed with the sense of touch in such un- usual perfection. But when the fifth pair is exposed to irritation from disease, its sensibility is the source of exquisite pain. If a tooth, for example, be attacked by caries or decay of its hard substance, the suffering which it occasions is of extreme severity. For every tooth is provided with a filament coming from the fifth pair, which penetrates its root from below, and there lies concealed and defend- ed by the hard covering of its crown. But when this THE CRANIAL NEKVES. 259 covering becomes wasted or destroyed from any cause, then the slightest touch of the food in mastication, or even the contact of the air, produces an irritation which penetrates to the nervous tissue below. Every one knows how intolerable is the pain of toothache from this cause. When the injury to the tooth is excessive, the only remedy is to extract it from its socket in the jaw. The nerve is then torn off at its root, and the sen- sibility of the tooth destroyed. Afterward the wound- ed tissues heal over, and the pain is permanently re- lieved. The fifth pair is also the seat of an extremely painful affection termed Neuralgia. This is simply an irrita- tion of the nerve from some disease of its tissue. All the sensitive nerves are liable to this affection ; but when seated in the nerves of the face, it is so much more severe than elsewhere that it has received a dis- tinct name, and is called " tic douloureux," or the " pain- ful spasm ;" because it seizes the patient in sudden twin- ges or paroxysms. The best protection against these troublesome affections is to preserve the general func- tions of the body in a sound and healthy condition. 143. Motor portion of the Fifth Pair. But there is one part of the fifth pair which presents a remarkable differ- ence from those which we have thus far examined. This is a portion of the third branch, which accompanies it through its opening in the skull, but which has a differ- ent destination and different properties. All the other parts of the fifth pair are sensitive in their character, and are distributed to the skin and lining membranes of the face. This portion, on the contrary, is motor in character, and is distributed to muscles. Moreover, it belongs to a set of muscles which are all associated iu 260 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. one function, viz., that of mastication. The nervous branch which supplies these muscles with motive power is therefore called the Masticator nerve. The muscles of mastication are four in number on each side. The two larger and more powerful are, 1st, the Temporal, and, 2d, the Masseter muscles. The temporal muscle is so called because it is situ- ated in the temples. Its fibres run upward from their attachment to the lower jaw, and are spread out in a fan-like form upon each side of the head in front of and above the ear. Place the fingers upon the temple, and then move the lower jaw upward and downward, and you will feel this muscle swelling and hardening at every alternate movement. It serves to press the low- er jaw against the upper, and thus to bring the teeth firmly in contact with each other. The masseter is a thick and strong muscle, situated at the back part of the side of the jaw. We can easily feel its movement in this situation during the process of mastication. Both these muscles act together, and in the same direction ; and they accordingly move the lower jaw from below upward with great rapidity and force. But, during mastication, the lower jaw is also moved from side to side, in order to produce the grinding ac- tion which is so essential for the comminution of the food. This lateral movement is performed by two in- ternal muscles on each side, called the Pterygoid mus- cles, which are concealed between the inner part of the jaw and the base of the skull. They are rather smaller than the others, but share with them the work of mov- ing the jaw in mastication. All these muscles are exclusively animated by the THE CRANIAL NERVES. 261 motor branch of the Fifth pair. This branch is there- fore justly named the masticator nerve. 144. Seventh Pair, or Facial Nerve. But, beside the acts concerned in mastication, the face itself has very numerous and important movements. Its whole sur- face is endowed with a mobility by which its expres- sion is constantly changed, and the varying emotions of the mind portrayed upon its exterior. The eyelids may be opened or closed ; the nostrils expanded or con- tracted ; the lips drawn upward or downward, and their opening enlarged or narrowed. These movements may also be combined with each other in a multitude of va- rious ways, so as to change in a corresponding degree the external appearance and configuration of the face. They are therefore called the Movements of Expression. By their aid the face speaks a language of its own, and a language which is easily understood, for every one comprehends its meaning by instinct. The muscles of expression are animated by a nerve which is called the facial nerve. The facial nerve originates from the side of the me- dulla oblongata, and, after passing through a long and tortuous canal in the floor of the skull, emerges from a small orifice in the bone a little behind the external opening of the ear. It then curves forward beneath the ear, passes by several branches through the sub- stance of the parotid gland which occupies this situa- tion, and then, spreading out in various directions, is distributed to the muscles which move the different parts of the face (Fig. 49). The natural function of this nerve has already been explained. It is the nerve of expression, and en- ables the countenance to assume those varied appear- 262 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Fig. 49. The Facial Nerre. ances which indicate the changes of mental emo- tion. Like the fifth pair, however, it is also sub- ject to disease ; and, when affected in this way, its natural func- tion is consequently dis- turbed. As irritation of the fifth pair pro- duces pain, so irritation of the facial nerve produces convulsive twitchings of the face, and an unnatural change in its expression. The facial nerve may also be injured, either by accidental violence or by swellings pressing upon it in its bony canal. The result of this injury is a singular kind of paralysis, known as "paralysis of the face." This is al- most always confined to one side ; but on this side the face becomes devoid of animation, and remains passive and motionless. The feelings have no longer any in- fluence upon its action, and the features cease to exhibit their natural changes of expression. 145. Motor Nerves of the Eyeball. Beside the facial, there are three small motor nerves belonging to the cranium which do not appear externally, but go to ani- mate the muscles of the eyeball, within the orbit of the eye. They are the third, fourth, and sixth pairs of cra- nial nerves. They provide for the movement of the eyes from right to left, or upward and downward, or for turning obliquely in their orbits. They assist in THE CRANIAL NERVES. 263 this way, to a certain extent, in the expression of the face. 146. Motor Nerve of the Tongue. There is still an- other motor nerve which is distributed to the muscles of the tongue. It is therefore called the " hypoglossal nerve." It comes from the front part and side of the medulla oblongata, passes through an opening in the ad- jacent portion of the skull, and then runs forward, deep- ly concealed among the tissues of the neck, until it ar- rives beneath the tongue. It then passes upward into the substance of the organ, sending out branches and ramifications to all the muscular bundles of which its mass is composed. It provides for all the varied move- ments which the tongue is required to perform, both in breaking and in the mastication of the food. The tongue, accordingly, like the other parts about the face, is supplied with a sensitive nerve and a mo- tor nerve. Its sensitive nerve is the branch which it receives from the fifth pair ; and its motor nerve is the hypoglossal, which is distributed to its muscular fibres. But there are other nerves coming from the brain beside those which are devoted to sensation and volun- tary motion. The most remarkable of these is a long and very important nerve, termed the Pneumogastric. 147. Pneumogastric Nerve. The pneumogastric nerve is so called because its final branches are distributed to the lungs and to the stomach. To reach these organs, however, it traverses a long distance from its origin at the base of the brain, and passes successively through the neck, the chest, and the upper part of the abdomen. On account of this extended and varied course, so dif- ferent from that of the other cranial nerves, the older 2G4 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. anatomists called it the Par vagum, or the " wandering pair." The name was well deserved. The pneumogastric takes its origin from the side of the medulla oblongata, by ten or fifteen separate fila- ments, which soon unite into a single nervous cord, and pass, in this form, through a bony canal in the floor of the skull. It has an abundance of sensitive fibres of its own, and receives, beside, motor fibres by branches which join it from the facial nerve, the hypoglossal nerve, and others in its neighborhood. At a short dis- tance from its origin it has also a small swelling or ganglion, like the Gasserian ganglion of the fifth pair. After emerging from the skull, it pursues its course downward through the neck, deeply imbedded in the tissues, and in close company with the great blood-ver- sels of the part, and thus enters the cavity of the chest. During this passage it gives off three important branches. The first of these is the Pharyngeal branch. As its name implies, this nerve is distributed to the "pharynx," or the funnel-shaped muscular tube which receives the food from the back part of the mouth and conducts it to the oesophagus. The fibres of the nerve penetrate its muscular layers and lining membrane, and supply them both with sensibility and motive power. The second is the Superior laryngeal branch. This is distributed to the lining membrane of the larynx, and communicates to it, as we shall hereafter see, a sen- sibility of an important character. The third branch follows a remarkable course. It is given off from the main trunk of the nerve in the lower part of the neck or just at its entrance into the chest. It then, after continuing a very short distance down- THE CKANIAL NEKVES. 265 ward, returns upon itself, and, curving round the great vessels at the top of the chest, mounts upward again along the neck until it arrives Fig. so. at the level of the larynx, when it is distributed to the various muscles of this organ. It is therefore called the Inferior laryngeal branch. This nerve has a singular historical interest ; for it was especially studied by Galen, the most eminent physician of the Roman Empire in the sec- ond century, who examined its properties, and discovered its physiological connection with the function of the voice. He called it the " recurrent" nerve, owing to its peculiar course in returning, as we have described, from below upward. It still retains this name, by which it is often designated at the present day. Thus the larynx is supplied with two separate nerves, both branches of the pneumogas- tric, viz., the superior laryn- geal, which gives sensibility to its lining membrane, and . (. . , , Diagram of the the interior laryngeal, which Nerve, with its principal branch- , es. l.Pharyngeal branch; 2. So- communicates to its muscles perior laryngeal ; 3. Inferior la ,, A . ryngeal; 4. Branches to the the power of motion. lungs ; 5. Stomach ; a Liver. M 266 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. The inferior laryngeal branch also gives filaments to the O3sophagus in the region of the neck. The pneumogastric nerve, hi its passage through the chest, sends off numerous filaments, which penetrate the lungs, and follow the ramification of the bronchial tubes to their termination in the air vesicles. To these or- gans it communicates a peculiar sensibility, the impor- tance of which we shall learn hereafter. It then en- ters the abdomen, and is there finally distributed to the walls of the stomach (Fig. 50). The upper branches of the pneumogastric nerve are connected with the mechanism of two most important functions, viz., that of Swallowing and that of Respira- tion. 148. Action of the Pneumogastric Nerve in Swallowing. As we have already seen, both the lining membrane of the mouth and the surface of the tongue are en- dowed with ordinary sensibility of a high degree by the fibres of the fifth pair. But as the food passes to- ward the back part of the throat and into the pharynx, it meets with another sensibility of a peculiar kind. This sensibility no longer gives rise to the sensations of ordinary touch, but it excites at once, by a reflex ac- tion, the whole muscular apparatus of deglutition. Of these muscles the three most active are those which are called the Constrictors of the pharynx, because they are wrapped round this canal in such a way as to con- strict or compress it successively from above down- ward, and thus to carry the food through it in the same direction. This reflex action takes place through the pharyn- geal branch of the pneumogastric nerve ; its sensitive fibres receive the impression of the food, and its motoi fibres excite the muscles to contraction. THE CRANIAL NERVES. 267 It is for this reason that the action of the pharynx in swallowing is involuntary. So long as mastication is going on, we can vary or arrest its movements at will; but when once the food has passed the isthmus of the throat, and is fairly within the grasp of the phar- ynx, these muscles close upon it by reflex action, and carry it with a kind of spasmodic movement downward to the resophagus. But when foreign substances not fit for deglutition are brought in contact with the lining membrane of the pharynx, the opposite effect is produced. If the feather of a quill or the ends of the fingers be thrust backward into the throat, the impression so produced upon its lining membrane no longer excites the move- ment of swallowing, but a resistance and reaction of the muscles of the pharynx ; and if the irritation be continued, the oesophagus and stomach at last sympa- thize with the reaction, and may even be excited to vomiting. Thus all the reflex actions are so arranged that they provide for the natural and regular operation of the animal functions. When the proper stimulus of the lining membrane is presented to it, the nervous system responds .by an easy and natural movement ; but it revolts against an unnatural stimulus, and re- jects the offending substance by a spasmodic effort of the muscles. 149. Protection of the Nostrils during Deglutition. There is still another point in the mechanism of deglu- tition which requires attention. If you look into the back part of the throat when it is illuminated by the sunshine or a strong gas-light, you will see that the cavity of the mouth is partially separated from the pharynx by a sort of muscular cur 268 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. tain or partition hanging downward from above, and attached on each side by double folds of the lining membrane. This is the Hanging Palate. Beneath it is the arched passage or doorway which leads from the mouth into the pharynx, and from the middle of the arch hangs a soft conical fleshy appendage called the "uvula." Now behind this hanging curtain of the palate the upper part of the pharynx communicates with the nos- trils, and it is through this passage that the air enters in respiration when the mouth is closed. When we in- hale any pungent odors by the nostrils, we often feel them penetrate into the back of the throat by passing in this way with the inspired air through the posterior part of the nostrils and behind the hanging palate. Accordingly, when the food is carried backward from the mouth to the pharynx, it would escape upward into the passage of the nostrils if there were not some pro- vision to prevent it. But at the moment of deglutition the muscles on the two sides of the palate contract and draw together the arched sides of the passage, as the two halves of a cur- tain might be drawn together to close the opening of a window. At the same time, the palate itself is stretch- ed backward like an awning, and shuts off in this way the communication between the pharynx below and the nostrils above ; and the food, urged by the tongue from the mouth into the pharynx, and finding no passage open into the nostrils, necessarily turns downward, and is carried into the oesophagus. All these movements are excited at the same time by the reflex action of swallowing. Secondly, the laryngeal branches of the pneumogas- THE CKANIAL NERVES. 269 trie nerve play a very important part in the act of res- piration. 150. Structure of the Glottis and its Movements in Res- piration. The larynx, which is the commencement of the trachea and bronchial tubes, communicates with the front part of the pharynx by a narrow opening or crev- ice, which we have already spoken of as the " glottis." Accordingly, the air, in respiration, enters by the mouth and nostrils into the back part of the throat, and thence passes into the larynx by the opening of the glottis. The structure of the glottis is as follows : The larynx, as we have already seen, is a kind of cartilaginous box, formed of various pieces connected with each other by articulations and ligaments. Its internal cavity is, for the most part, as spacious as that of the trachea ; but just at its upper portion it is partly obstructed by two elastic bands of fibrous tissue, which are termed the Vocal chords. We shall hereafter see how important a function these chords perform in the production of the voice, from which their name is derived The vocal chords are attached, side by side, at the front of the larynx, and thence run backward nearly parallel with each oth- er, thus leaving between them a narrow fissure, which is the opening of the glottis. All the space outside the vocal chords is filled up by the lining membrane and muscles of the larynx. If you were to stretch two cords over the mouth of an empty barrel, and then lay a folded cloth on each side between the cord and its edge, you would have a tolerably correct idea of the anatomical arrangement of the larynx. The barrel would represent the larynx itself, the space between the two cords would be the glottis, and the folded 2YO PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. cloth would occupy the situation of the lining mem- brane and the muscles on each side. Now the opening of the glottis is too narrow to ad- mit the air in sufficient quantity to the lungs, since its capacity is only about one third as great as that of the trachea. How is it, therefore, that the lungs are filled through this constricted passage ? It is because the larynx is movable and takes part in the acts of respiration. Every time the chest expands to inhale the air, the glottis opens to admit it ; and a series of alternate movements of expansion and collapse are thus performed by the glottis simultaneously with those of the chest and abdomen. They are accomplish- ed in this way. At their posterior extremity the vocal chords are at- tached to two small triangular cartilages, which are connected with the rest of the larynx by an articula- tion or joint at their inner angle. These are called the Arytenoid cartilages. Their muscles are so arranged that they may be turned or rotated upon their articula- tions, so as to move the vocal chords outward and thus separate them from each other. Very much in the same way a bell-cord is sometimes attached to the wire by -a triangular brass plate, which turns upon a hinge at one corner ; and when the cord is pulled downward the brass plate rotates upon its hinge, and draws the wire with it in the same direction. Accordingly, when both the arytenoid cartilages move at the same time, the vocal chords are stretched and separated from each other, and the opening of the glottis between them is widened to admit the passage of the air. The movements thus performed are called the Res* piratory Movements of the glottis. They are depend- THE CEANIAL NERVES. 271 Fig. 51. Fig. 52. Fig. 51. Larynx viewed from above, Fig. 52. Same, with glottis opened: 1. with glottis narrowed. Orifice of glottis ; 2, 2. Vocal chords ; 3, 3. Arytenoid cartilages. ent upon the inferior laryngeal branch of the pneumo- gastric nerve, which animates the muscles of this part. But, beside its power of motion, the glottis is en- dowed with an exquisite and peculiar sensibility, which is essential to the safety of life. So long as it is only air which enters the larynx, the natural movements of the part are performed with ease and regularity. But if any foreign substance, such as a crumb of bread or a drop of water, happen to get be- tween the vocal chords and seek to gain entrance into the trachea, the lining membrane of the larynx at once feels an irritation which excites all the muscles in its neighborhood to an active and determined resistance. They close the orifice of the glottis with a convulsive movement, and the foreign substance is at last expelled by the spasmodic efforts of coughing. This peculiar sensibility of the larynx is dependent upon the superior laryngeal branch of the pneumogastric nerve, distrib- uted to its lining membrane. This nerve, accordingly, is the safeguard of the glot- tis. It stands like a sentinel at the entrance of the air 272 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. passages, to give notice of the intrusion of any foreign substance into the lungs, and thus protect them against injury from without. Another very important point in the history of the larynx is its connection with the act of swallowing. 151. Protection of the Glottis during Deglutition. As we have seen, the glottis communicates with the phar- ynx. But it is through this passage that all the food passes downward to the stomach. How is it, therefore, that it does not fall into the larynx, and thus produce strangulation every time the act of swallowing is per- formed ? First of all, it is because, at the instant the food is about to be swallowed, respiration stops. There are various nervous actions in the body which are said to be " incompatible" with each other ; that is, they can not be performed at the same time. Thus we can move the two hands over and over in a circle from behind forward, in front of the body, either alternately or to- gether; but we can not move one of them from be- hind forward and the other from before backward at the same time. Some inexplicable interference of the nervous system prevents it ; so that', though the two movements may easily be performed separately, it is impossible to perform them together. In the same way we can turn the two eyes to the right or the left to- gether, but we can not turn one of them to the right and the other to the left at the same time. Now there is a similar nervous incompatibility be tween the acts of swallowing and inspiration. It is a necessary preliminary to the deglutition of the food that respiration be suspended. The consequence is, that the glottis is not opened as usual, but remains a narrow THE CRANIAL NERVES. 273 chink, offering but little opportunity for the entrance of the food. Nevertheless, this accident sometimes happens, and every one knows the distress which is occasioned by even the smallest particle of food getting entangled in this way in the larynx. Whenever it occurs, we shall always find that the difficulty is caused in the same way, namely, by a sudden inspiration taken at the mo- ment when the food is being swallowed. We can not take such an inspiration voluntarily; but it is some- times produced by a sudden impression upon the senses, as of an unexpected sight or exclamation, or excitement of any kind. The nervous system is then, as it were, taken by surprise; its natural operation is disturbed, and a quick inspiration opens the glottis and sucks the food, with the air together, into the cavity of the larynx. It is evident, therefore, how carefully all sources of hurry or disturbance should be avoided during the mas- tication and swallowing of the food. The meals should be taken quietly, and no sudden interruptions of an ex- citing nature be allowed while they are going on. With children especially, where the nervous system is highly impressible, these precautions should be constantly ob- served ; for such an accident is always alarming, and may easily be fatal in its results. But the protection of the glottis in deglutition is also provided for by Nature in other ways. If we place the finger upon the larynx in front of the throat, and then go through with the movements of swallowing, we shall find that at the instant of deglu- tition the larynx is drawn rapidly upward beneath the base of the tongue. As the base of the tongue is at the same moment thrust backward, it tends to cover the M 2 274 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. opening of the glottis, and still farther to obstruct its entrance. Furthermore, the lower constrictor muscles of the pharynx are themselves attached on each side to the lateral portions of the larynx, and from this situa- tion they encircle the pharynx behind. Now it is these muscles which act in deglutition ; and at the same mo- ment that they compress the pharynx they necessarily draw also by their attachments upon the larynx, press its two sides more closely together, and thus shut up completely the orifice of the glottis. By the combined operation, accordingly, of these various movements, the glottis, which is opened in inspiration to admit the air, is securely closed in deglutition during the passage of the food. 152. Production of Vocal Sounds in the Larynx. The last function of the larynx is the formation of the Voice. For the larynx is a musical instrument. It is here that all the vocal sounds are produced, and modulated from the higher notes to the lower, with all the altera- tions of tone that give variety and expression to the voice. These sounds are divided into vowels, conso- nants, and words by the motions of the lips and tongue ; but the voice itself is formed in the larynx by the ac- tion of the vocal chords. Sound is caused by a vibration; and any body which is capable of vibrating will produce a sonorous effect. Thus a violin-string, when snapped by the fingers or set in motion by the bow, gives out a note which is higher or lower according to the rapidity of its vibration. To do this, however, it must be tense and elastic. If it be loose and flexible it is incapable of vibrating, and con- sequently can not produce a sound. The same string also will give out a deep sound when it is moderately THE CRANIAL NEEVES. 275 tight, and a more acute one when it is stretched to a high degree of tension. In a flute or a trumpet, the air itself, which is always elastic, is thrown into vibration ; and the sound which is produced varies with the width of the opening and the length of the column of air con- tained in the instrument. In an organ-pipe the reeds iare first- made to vibrate, and they then set in motion the column of air above them. The long and wide tubes thus give a deep sound, the short and narrow tubes an acute one. The formation of the voice in the larynx is somewhat similar. The first peculiarity to be noticed is that the voice is formed during expiration and not during inspi- ration. We always speak while the air is passing out through the larynx, and never while it is passing in- ward to the lungs. We drive the air forcibly through the larynx to produce a sound, just as we blow it through a horn or an organ-pipe for the same purpose. Secondly, when the voice is to be sounded, the vocal chords are drawn together and tightly stretched. In or- der to produce the necessary vibration, the orifice of the glottis must be narrowed, and the vocal chords thrown into a state of tension which will enable them to move rapidly like the strings or reeds of a musical instrument. Then the column of air passing between them is itself thrown into vibration, and thus produces the vocal sound. The note sounded by the voice will therefore be high or low, acute or grave, as the vocal chords are more or less tightly stretched, and as the ori- fice of the glottis is narrower or wider. In sounding a low note, the glottis is left comparatively open, and the vocal chords are loose ; in a high note, the vocal chords are tightened and brought nearer together, so as to 276 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIEXE. diminish the orifice of the glottis to its narrowest di mensions. Finally, the larynx is raised and lowered during the formation of different sounds. If we place the finger upon this part, we shall find that when the lower notes are sounded it is drawn down toward the chest, while during the formation of acute sounds it is carried forci- bly upward. Thus the two columns of air above and below the glottis, in the trachea and in the pharynx, are lengthened or shortened, and widened or narrowed, as the sounds emitted by the larynx vary in character and tone. All the movements of the glottis in the formation of the voice, as well as those connected with respiration, depend upon the inferior laryngeal branch of the pneu- mogastric nerve. 153. Distribution of the Pneumogastric to the Lungs. The lower portion of the pneumogastric nerve also sends branches to the lungs. These branches form a plexus or network at the back part of the lungs by di- viding and again inosculating with each other, and from this plexus their filaments penetrate into the tis- sue of the organs, following the successive divisions of the bronchi and bronchial tubes (Fig. 50). They are distributed to the lining membrane of the bronchial tubes and the pulmonary lobules, and communicate to these parts a peculiar sensibility by which they are en- abled to perceive the condition of the air contained in the air vesicles and of the blood contained in the capil- lary blood-vessels. Accordingly, when the air becomes contaminated, these filaments receive the impression of its impurity. The pneumogastric nerve thus presides over the condition of the air passages throughout their THE CEAXIAL NERVES. 277 course, from the opening of the glottis to the termina- tion of the pulmonary vesicles* 154. Distribution of the Pneumogastric to the Stomach. Finally, the last branches of the pneumogastric nerve are distributed to the stomach. Here, as elsewhere, the nerve contains both sensitive and motor fibres. The sensitive fibres are distributed to the lining membrane of the stomach, the motor fibres to its muscular coat. Here there is also a peculiar sensibility, followed by a reflex action. For the lining membrane of the stomach is not endowed with ordinary sensibility. It does not feel the contact of the food as we could feel it with the fingers or the lips. But we know that when the food passes into the stomach, its presence excites the " peri- staltic action" of the muscular coat, by which it is moved constantly from side to side, mingled thoroughly with the gastric juice, and finally carried onward through the pylorus into the intestine. This important move- ment is entirely involuntary, and is performed usually even without our knowledge. It is a reflex action, ex- cited by the peculiar sensibility of the lining membrane of the stomach, through the sensitive fibres of the pneu- mogastric nerve, and conveyed by its motor fibres to the muscular coat of that organ. The pneumogastric nerve, accordingly, controls the condition and actions of the upper part of the aliment- ary canal, from its commencement in the pharynx to the pyloric extremity of the stomach. Thus the cranial nerves, by their motor and sensitive filaments, preside over the sensibility and movements of the face, the functions of mastication and degluti- tion, the peristaltic movements of the stomach, the res- piratory and vocal movements of the glottis, and the 278 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. whole extent of the air passages throughout the lungs. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER XIV. 1. What are the cranial nerves ? 2. How many pairs are there of cranial nerves ? 3. What nervous function is highly developed in the skin of the face? 4. At what part is sensibility more acute than elsewhere ? 5. By what nerve is the face supplied with sensibility ? 6. Why is it called the "fifth pair?" 7. Why is it called the trigeminal nerve ? 8. What is the Gasserian ganglion, and where situated ? 9. How are the three great branches of the fifth pair distributed ? 10. What effect is produced by any irritation of the fifth pair ? 11. What is the cause of toothache? and in what nerve is the pain situated ? 1 2. What becomes of the nerve when the tooth is extracted ? 13. What is neuralgia? 1 4. What name is given to neuralgia of the face ? Why ? 1 5. Which branch of the fifth pair is accompanied by motor fila ments ? 16. What name is given to the nerve containing these filaments ? 17. Why is it called the masticator nerve? 1 8. What are the muscles of mastication ? 1 9. What is the situation of the temporal muscle ? 20. What is the direction of its fibres ? 21. What is the action of this muscle upon the lower jaw ? 22. Where is the masseter muscle situated ? 23. What is its action on the lower jaw ? 24. What other muscles take part in the movements of mastica tion? 25. Where are the pterygoid muscles situated ? 26. What movements of the jaw are produced by them ? 27. What other movements are performed by the face ? 28. By what nerve are the muscles of expression animated ? 29. Where does the facial nerve originate ? 30. Where does it pass through the floor of the skull? 31. What is its subsequent course and distribution? QUESTIONS. 279 32. Is the facial nerve a sensitive or a motor nerve ? 33. What effect is produced on the face by injury or disease of the facial nerve ? 34. What nerves provide for the movements of the eyeball ? 35. What nerve supplies the muscles of the tongue ? 36. What is the pneumogastric nerve, and what is its final distri- bution ? 37. What other name is given to this nerve, and why? 38. Where does the pneumogastric nerve originate ? 39. Does it contain sensitive or motor fibres, or both ? 40. Whence does it derive its motor fibres ? 41. In what direction does it pass after emerging from the cavity of the skull ? 42. What is the first branch of the pneumogastric nerve ? 43. To what organ is the pharyngeal branch distributed ? 44. What properties does it communicate to the pharynx ? 45. What two branches are distributed to the larynx f 46. What is the peculiarity in the course of the inferior larynyeat branch ? 47. What name was given to this nerve by Galen ? 48. What property is communicated to the larynx by the superior laryngeal nerve ? by the inferior laryngeal nerve ? 49. To what other organs are the branches of the pneumogastric distributed ? 50. With what two important functions are the upper branches of the pneumogastric nerve connected ? 51. Does the pharynx possess ordinary sensibility? 52. What reflex action is produced by the sensibility of the phar- ynx? 53. What name is given to the muscles of the pharynx ? and why ? 54. By what nerve are they excited to act when food enters the pharynx ? 55. Is the action of the pharynx in swallowing voluntary or invol- untary? 56. What effect is produced by irritation of the pharynx with for- eign substances ? 57. What is the hanging palate f What is the uvula f 58. What open passage is there behind the hanging palate ? 59. How is the food, in swallowing, prevented from escaping into the back part of the nostrils ? 280 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. 60. Where does the larynx communicate with the pharynx ? 61. What are the vocal chords? and where are they attached? 62. What is the opening left between them ? 63. What is the size of the opening of the glottis compared with that of the trachea ? 64. What movement takes place in the glottis at the time of inspi- ration ? 65. To what are the posterior ends of the vocal chords attached ? 66. In what direction can the arytenoid cartilages move ? 67. What effect has this motion -,,n the vocal chords and the open- ing of the glottis ? 68. What is the object of the opening of the glottis in inspiration ? 69. What name is given to these movements of the glottis ? 70. What is the peculiarity in the sensibility of the glottis ? 71. What effect is produced by its irritation with a foreign sub- stance ? 72. What protective action does the superior laryngeal nerve exert over the air passages and lungs ? 73. How is the food prevented from passing into the larynx in swal- lowing ? 74. Why can we not swallow at the moment of inspiration ? 75. Mention other examples of ' ' incompatible" movements. 76. How is it that particles of food sometimes fall into the larynx in swallowing ? 77. What precautions should be taken to prevent this accident? 78. How does the action of the constrictors of the pharynx serve to prevent the food passing into the larynx ? 79. What other function is performed by the larynx ? 80. How is sound produced ? what gives the vibration in stringed instruments ? 81. What must be the condition of a cord in order that it may TJ- brate so as to produce a sound ? 82. When does the same cord give an acute sound, and when a deep sound? 83. What gives the vibration in wind instruments ? 84. What tubes give an acute sound, and what a deep sound ? 85. Is the voice produced in inspiration or in expiration ? 86. What is the condition of the vocal chords when the voice is sounded ? 87. What is their condition in sounding a high note ? QUESTIONS. 281 88. What in sounding a low note ? 89. Upon what nerve do the vocal movements of the glottis de- pend? 90. What is the distribution of the pneumogastric nerve in the lungs ? 91. What kind of sensibility does it communicate to the lungs? 92. To what organ are the last branches of the pneumogastric nerve distributed ? 93. To what part of the stomach are its sensitive fibres distributed ? 94. To what part are its motor fibres distributed ? 95. What reflex action of the stomach takes place through the pneumogastric nerve ? 96. Name the various functions presided over by all the cranial nerves. 282 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. CHAPTER XV. THE BKAIN. Form of the Brain its Anatomical Divisions. Medulla Oblongata. Cerebellum. Pons Varolii. Tuber Annulare. Cerebrum. Functions of the Cerebrum. Memory. Judgment. Reason. Effects of Injury to the Cerebrum. Functions of the Tuber An- nulare. Sensation and Volition. Instinctive Movements. Func- tions of the Medulla Oblongata. Movements of Respiration how performed. Reflex Action of Medulla Oblongata. Effects of In- jury to Medulla Oblongata. Different kinds of Reflex Action in the Brain. 155. THE Brain is the great mass of nervous sub- stance which occupies the cavity of the skull. It is composed of various collections of gray matter, or ganglia, which are united with each other and with the spinal cord by numerous bundles of white nervous fibres. The brain, like the spinal cord, is double. It is formed of two great lateral masses which lie side by side in the skull, separated in front and above by a deep furrow or fissure, but connected beneath by the continuation of the nervous substance. It is also separated by trans- verse furrows, and by certain differences in structure, into three principal divisions, varying in size, appear- ance, and situation. These are the Cerebrum, the Cere- bellum, and the Medulla oblongata. 156. Medulla Oblongata. When the spinal cord en- ters the cavity of the cranium by the great foramen situated at the base of the skull, it expands, as we have THE BKAIN. 283 mentioned in a previous chapter, into a widened oblong mass, which still preserves the general external appear- ance of the spinal cord. This is the Medulla oblongata. Its increased width is partly owing to its fibres begin- ning at this point to turn and wind obliquely in vari- ous directions, but also to the fact that an important mass of gray matter is here buried in its substance, known as the " ganglion of the medulla oblongata." Nearly all the cranial nerves also take their origin from this part, or its immediate neighborhood, and their fibres accordingly are added to those derived from the spinal cord. Like the spinal cord, therefore, the medulla oblongata consists of a collection of gray matter, covered arid concealed by the white fibres upon its outer surface. 157. Cerebellum. Above and behind the medulla oblongata is the Cerebellum. This is a much larger nervous mass, and is instantly distinguished from those w T hich have preceded by its peculiar appearance and structure. Its outside is composed, not of white, but of gray nervous matter, and this nervous matter is ar- ranged in abundant narrow laminae or convolutions, for the most part running transversely, and closely packed, like a gray cloth or shawl folded in many layers. In its interior, on the contrary, the cerebellum is composed of white substance. The columns of the spinal cord, while passing through the medulla oblongata, give off some of their fibres ; and these fibres, turning obliquely upward and backward, spread themselves out in the thickness of the cerebellum, and finally come into con- nection with the gray matter upon its surface. Beside this, the two lateral halves of the cerebellum are connected with each other in a remarkable way. 284 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. From the whole inner surface of its gray matter there start on each side a multitude of white nervous fila- ments, which pass downward and forward toward its centre, gradually approaching each other, and uniting into a flattened bundle of parallel fibres. This ribbon- shaped bundle then emerges from the lower and front part of the cerebellum, curves round the base of the brain just in front of the medulla oblongata, and then returns upon the opposite side to spread out again in the substance of the other half of the cerebellum. Thus this mass of nervous fibres, spread out at their two extremities, but united into a parallel band at their middle, form a transverse communication between the right and left sides of the cerebellum. In its middle portion, where it encircles the base of the brain in an arched form, it is called the " Pons Va- rolii," or the " Bridge of Varolius," because the fibres of the medulla oblongata, in continuing their course, pass underneath it, like a river under a bridge. 158. Tuber Annulare. Now where the fibres of the medulla oblongata pass under the pons Varolii, another deposit of gray matter is found in the interior of the mass. This collection of gray matter within, together with the prominence of the pons Yarolii on the outside, gives to this part of the brain the appearance of a cir- cular or ring-like protuberance. It is therefore known by the name of the Tuber annular e ; and the gray mat- ter in its centre is called the " ganglion of the tuber an- nulare." Beyond and in front of the tuber annulare the fibres coming from the spinal cord and medulla oblongata pass upward and onward in two great rounded bun- dles, which are called the " peduncles of the brain." THE BRAIN. 285 They have received this name because the two halves of the brain are supported upon these peduncles, like a flower upon its stem. Their fibres, running continual- ly upward, immediately after they have passed the level of the cerebellum spread out in a fan-like form, in front and behind, to the right and the left, and thus finally terminate in the gray substance of the cere- brum. 159. Cerebrum. The cerebrum is by far the largest of all the nervous masses contained within the skull. It overlaps all the remaining parts, in front, above, and behind, so that they are covered by it as if with a kind of vaulted roof or dome. The outer and upper part of this dome is formed of gray matter, folded and convo- luted in innumerable directions ; its interior is formed mostly of white substance, viz., the fibres which, as we have already seen, pass upward from below, and thus connect this principal part of the brain with the medul- la and spinal cord. The two halves of the cerebrum are also connected, like those of the cerebellum, by a great bundle of transverse fibres, converging from the gray matter and passing from side to side ; only this transverse band does not emerge from the brain, like the pons Varolii, but remains concealed and imbedded in its substance. At the base of the cerebrum, on each side, there are also two other deposits of gray matter, one in front and one behindj called respectively the " striated bodies" and the " optic thalami." These ganglia form a part of the substance of the cerebrum, and stand, as it were, at its entrance or gateway, through which the fibres from be- low pass upward to its surface (Fig. 53). In the sub- stance of the cerebrum also, beneath the folded cover* 286 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Fig. 53. Diagram of Human Brain, in vertical section, showing the situation of the dif- ferent ganglia and the course of the fibres. 1. Ganglion of the sense of smell ; 2. Cerebrum ; 3. Corpus striatum ; 4. Optic thalamus ; 5. Ganglion of the sense of sight; 6. Cereoellum ; 7. Ganglion of'the tuber annulare; 8. Ganglion of the medulla oblougata. ing of its gray matter, there are pillars, and vaults, and curtains, and galleries, and passage-ways, and many va- ried details of anatomical structure, too complicated for minute description. Many of these anatomical parts have uses which are still unknown to us ; but we are acquainted with the structure and functions of the prin- cipal mass and its connection with the other portions of the brain. 160. Functions of the Cerebrum. The cerebrum is the organ of the mind. By that we mean that it is this di- vision of the nervous system through which the inteL- lectual powers communicate with the body. Reason, judgment, memory are the mental faculties whose op- eration is connected with the function of the cerebrum. We know this because, when this part of the brain is injured, it is these faculties which are impaired, and when it is deficient they are absent to a corresponding degree. What is the nature of these faculties, and THE BRAIN. 287 how do they manifest themselves through the action of the brain ? The simplest and most fundamental of these powers is that of Memory. This faculty lies at the basis of all mental improvement, and even the simplest intellectual operation would be impossible without it. By it alone we are enabled to retain the names of things and the meaning of words, so that we can write and speak. Nearly all our actions are guided by what has taken place before, and therefore, if we had no memory, most of our acts would be capricious and unreasonable. A deficiency of memory is the earliest indication of idiocy in children, and it is on account of the want of this fac- ulty that such children can not learn to read, and in many cases can not even talk. A deficiency of memory is also the most unfailing consequence of injury to this part of the brain. When an attack of apoplexy is com- ing on, an unusual forgetfulness is among the first symp- toms which are manifested ; and in more permanent af- fections of the brain it gradually increases, until the power of recollecting even the days of the week or the events of the day is permanently lost. The next important intellectual faculty is Judgment. By this is meant the power of appreciating the true importance of things, and the relations of cause and ef- fect. A person who is deficient in this respect is liable to pay too much attention to things which are of little consequence, and to neglect those which are really im- portant. He is also unable to perceive that what hap- pens at one time is caused by something else which has preceded. He knows only that the two events have happened, but he does not see what is the connection between them. Accordingly, it is of no use to punish 288 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. an idiot, because he does not understand that the pun- ishment is a consequence of what he has done before. Finally, Reason is the faculty by which we compare the causes and consequences of things in such a way as to guide our actions. We can thus use the information acquired by memory and judgment to avoid difficulties and obtain success. An unreasonable person, therefore, is one who does not use the proper means to accomplish his purposes. This is characteristic of idiocy and of some kinds of insanity. All these mental faculties are liable to be developed, to a greater or less degree, in different persons, or even in the same person, at different ages. Like the sensi- bility of the skin, they are sometimes acute and some- times feeble. They are always diminished when the cerebrum is injured, even though the other functions of the nervous system may remain entire. Now all acts which are of an intelligent nature re- quire this operation of the mind ; the simplest, as well as the most profound and complicated. For instance, we feel that the air of a room is cold, and we accord- ingly shut the window. This is a reflex action of the nervous system. The beginning of it is the sensation of cold ; the end is the voluntary act of closing the window. But between the two there is an intellectual operation, by which we understand the cause of our sensation, and how we may remove it by the voluntary act. This mental process is especially connected with the function of the cerebrum. 160. Functions of the Tuber Annulare. The next function of the nervous centres which we shall study is the double function of Sensation and Volition. We have already spoken of these faculties in connection THE BRAIN. 289 with the sensibility and power of motion in the spinal nerves. But we have found that these organs only serve as conductors, and that the real functions have their seat in the interior of the brain. These faculties, however, are not situated in the cere- brum. The substance of the cerebrum is not even sen- sitive ; and, provided no other parts of the brain be in- jured, it may be cut or lacerated in any way without producing pain, as has often happened in accidents and surgical operations. Physiologists have seen reason to believe that the powers of sensation and volition are located farther down, in the gray matter of the Tuber annulare. What is the nature of these functions, and how are they connected with each other ? A complete sensation is always accompanied by con* sciousness. This is very different from the mere nerv- ous impression received by a sensitive nerve. For the nerve itself does not feel, it only conducts the impres- sion ; and the sensation is not perceived until it arrives at the brain, where consciousness resides. It is the gan- glion of the tuber annulare which thus receives the im- pression conveyed by the'nerve, and instantly converts it into a conscious sensation. This ganglion is also the seat of volition. By this term we understand that nervous action by which we command the muscles through the influence of the will. This command is transmitted by the nerves, but its origin is in the brain. Now volition is entirely distinct from reason. The intention or desire to perform an act is a different thing from its positive execution. Even when we have al- ready determined to raise the arm or to advance a step, there still remains a nervous process by which the mus- 290 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. cles are actually set in motion. This process is the act of volition, and any movement so performed is called a " voluntary" movement. But there are some voluntary acts which are per- formed independently of the mind. They have nothing to do with memory or judgment, and are executed in- stantly whenever we receive a particular sensation. This is the nature of all those acts which are per- formed by instinct. Thus the sight of a threatening object inspires terror, and we immediately endeavor to escape or defend ourselves from it. The sense of hun- ger leads us to take food; but this is simply because we desire it, and not because we reflect that it will nour- ish the body by the process of digestion, still less be- cause we remember how this process is accomplished. All the actions of this kind are voluntary, but they do not result from any reasoning power which precedes them. They are guided by a blind impulse, in which we recognize only the sensations which we receive and the desires which they excite. These instinctive and voluntary movements are performed by the reflex ac- tion of the tuber annul are. 161. Function of the Medulla Oblongata. There is another reflex action taking place within the brain which is more important than the rest, because it is more immediately essential to the continuance of life. It is that which presides over the movements of respi- ration. We have not yet learned why these movements take place. We have only seen that they go on with a con- tinued and harmonious action, the chest rising and fall- ing with unfailing regularity, and the diaphragm keep- ing pace with it in alternate contraction and relaxation. THE BRAIX. 291 But these movements are neither intentional nor vol- untary. They are not the result of any effort of the reason, for they are performed in the same way by idiots and by animals as by persons of mature years and the highest intelligence. Neither are they direct- ed by the will, for they go on when we pay no atten- tion to them and during sleep, as well as at other times. And in cases where the brain is extensively injured by violence or disease, when all the mental powers are abolished, and even volition and consciousness are sus- pended, the movements of respiration will often con- tinue with the same undeviating regularity as before. The whole mass of the cerebrum and the cerebellum, and both the white and gray substance of the tuber annulare, may be compressed or destroyed without ar- resting this necessary function of life. There is, however, another portion of the brain con- cealed in the posterior and lowermost region of the skull, which is smaller than the rest, but, at the same time, the most important of all, for it presides directly over the process of respiration. This is the ganglion of the Medulla oblongata. When the other parts of the brain are injured, vari- ous nervous and mental functions are impaired or abolished, but life itself continues. When the medulla oblongata is destroyed, respiration instantly ceases, and life at the same moment comes to an end. Accordingly, Nature has provided for the safety of this most important ganglion by burying it deeply un- der the remaining mass of the brain, and thus secur- ing it from external violence. A blow upon the head which fractures the upper part of the skull may tear the substance of the brain and produce loss of memory 292 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. and unconsciousness, but it seldom or never penetrates to the medulla oblongata. Neither can this part be easily reached from below, for it rests upon the base of the skull, exactly above the summit of the spinal col- umn. Even an internal apoplexy usually affects only the upper or middle portions of the brain. When it attacks the medulla oblongata, death is certain and im- mediate. Sometimes, when the spine is fractured very high up, just at the level of its junction with the skull, the bro- ken pieces are driven into the medulla oblongata and lacerate its substance. We then say that " the neck is broken ;" and such an accident is instantly fatal, for it stops at once the movements of respiration. In what way does this ganglion maintain the func tion of respiration ? 162. Reflex Nature of the Act of Respiration. As we have already intimated, it is by means of a reflex ac- tion. All the nerves which are distributed among the blood-vessels receive an impression from the circulating blood. As this blood loses its oxygen and becomes charged with carbonic acid, the impression is conveyed inward by the nerves, and is thus transmitted to the medulla oblongata. Among those more especially sen- sitive to this impression is the Pneiimogastric nerve, which, as we have already seen, is distributed among the air vesicles of the lungs, and there perceives the earliest signs of the contamination of the blood. Ar- rived at the medulla oblongata, the impression thus conveyed is received by the gray matter of the gan* glion ; it is then converted into a motor impulse, which is sent out by the intercostal and phrenic nerves, and the muscles of respiration are at once set in motion. THE BRAIN. 293 The new air introduced into the lungs then relieves the nervous system by the supply of oxygen, and the muscles accordingly relax, to be again called into op- eration a few instants afterward by a repetition of the same process. This is the reflex action of the medulla oblongata. Now this nervous impression is not usually felt, be- cause it does not naturally give rise to any conscious sensation; but you can feel it very easily. Hold the breath for a few seconds, and you are im- mediately conscious of an unusual sensation in the chest. This is not like ordinary pain, or the sensation of cold or heat. It is a peculiar feeling of distress, which grows more intolerable every moment. It soon fills the chest with a sense of suffocation, and then spreads over the whole body, calling loudly for air and respiration, until its demands become too imperative for resistance. When you cease from voluntary oppo- sition, the movements of respiration begin again of themselves, and the feeling of suffocation passes off as the fresh air finds its way into the lungs. The nervous impression, accordingly, which excites the respiratory muscles is alternately produced and re- lieved as the air enters and is expelled from the pas- sages of the lungs ; and the movements of respiration are repeated at regular intervals as often as they are required for the renovation of the blood. Thus various reflex actions are performed by the nervous ganglia in different parts of the brain. Some of them are accompanied by the exercise of reason and other intellectual faculties ; some of them call into op- eration only the powers of sensation and the will; while others, which are those most indispensable to life, go 294 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. on without our consciousness, by the simple operation of the nervous force. We have now gone through with the study of the great nervous masses of the spinal cord and the brain, and of the nerves connected therewith. Taken alto- gether, they form a division of the nervous system which is called the Cerebro-spinal system, from the two principal nervous centres which it contains. This sys- tem presides over all those functions which connect the animal body with external objects, such as sensation, the will, the instincts, the voice, and the introduction of food and air into the body from without. But there is another class of functions which the ex- clusively internal in their operation, such as digestion, absorption, secretion, nutrition, and the circulation of the blood. These functions are also regulated and con- trolled by a set of nerves and ganglia, with which their organs are more especially connected ; and this part of the nervous system is called the System of the Great Sympathetic. We shall proceed to the study of this system in the following chapter. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER XV. 1 . Of what structures is the brain composed ? 2. How are the two sides of the brain separated from each other ? 3. How are they connected ? 4. Name the three principal parts or divisions of the brain. 5. What is the form and situation of the medulla ollongata f 6. What important mass of gray matter does it contain ? 7. Of what is it composed on its outer surface ? 8. What is the situation of the cerebellum ? 9. Of what is it composed on its outer surface ? 10. What is the arrangement of the gray matter on its exterior? 11. Of what is it composed internally? QUESTIONS. 295 12. How are the two lateral halves of the cerebellum connected with each other ? 13. What name is given to the transverse connecting band of the cerebellum ? and why ? 14. What is the tuber annularef and why is it so called? 15. What collection of gray matter does it contain internally? 16. What are the peduncles of the brain? and why so called? 1 7. Where do the fibres of the peduncles terminate ? 1 8. Which is the largest division of the brain ? 19. What is the structure of its outer surface? 20. How are the two lateral halves of the cerebrum connected with each other ? 21. Where are the striated bodies and optic thalami situated ? 22. What is the function of the cerebrum f 23. How do we know that the cerebrum is the organ of the mind ? 24. Which is the simplest and most important of vae mental facul- ties? 25. What is the definition of memory ? 26. How is the memory affected in cases of injury or deficiency of the brain ? 27. What is the faculty of judgment? 28. What is the faculty of reason f 29. How are acts of an intelligent nature performed? 30. Do sensation and volition depend upon the cerebrum ? 31. In what part of the brain do these faculties reside? 32. What is the difference between a nervous impression and ccw- scious sensation ? 33. What is the difference between intelligence and volition f 34. May an act be voluntary without being the result of intelli- gence ? 35. What is an instinctive act ? 36. W T here is the seat of simple sensation and volition in the brain ? 37. What is the most important reflex action taking place in the brain ? 38. Are the movements of respiration voluntary or involuntary ? 89. Do they require the co-operation of consciousness or sensation ? 40. What parts of the brain may be destroyed without arresting respiration ? 41. What part of the brain presides over the act of respiration ? 2. How is the medulla oblongata protected by its situation ? 296 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. 43. What do we mean by saying that " the neck is broken?" 44. Why is this accident immediately fatal ? 45. How is the reflex act of breathing performed by the medulla Dblongata ? 46. What nerve is the principal agent in conveying the impression to the medulla oblongata ? 47. Is this impression usually perceived? 48. How can it become perceptible ? 49. What muscular action is excited by it ? 50. By what nerves is the stimulus carried outward to the muscles ? 51. Why are the movements of respiration repeated at regular in- tervals ? 52. What is the cerebro-spinal nervous system ? 53. What is the general function of the cerebro-spinal nervous sys- tem? SYSTEM OF THE GEEAT SYMPATHETIC. 297 CHAPTER XVI. SYSTEM OP THE GEEAT SYMPATHETIC. General Structure of the great Sympathetic its Ganglia its Nerves. Arterial Plexus their Distribution connection with the Cere- bro-spinal System. Slow operation of Sympathetic Nerves. Effect of Cold and Wet. Inflammation of the Internal Organs. How to avoid the effects of Exposure. Different kinds of Reflex Action through Sympathetic and Cerebro-spinal Systems. 163. General Arrangement of the Sympathetic System. The system of the great sympathetic nerve consists of a double chain of very small ganglia, which extend from one end of the body to the other, in front of the spinal column, running through the deeper parts of the neck, and inclosed in the cavities of the chest and ab- domen. The successive ganglia are connected with each other by fine nervous fibres, which run upward and downward in the direction of the chain. From the ganglia there are also given off numerous interlacing nerves, which are distributed to the great internal or- gans of the body to the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the pancreas, the liver, the intestine, and the kidneys. These nerves are smaller than those of the cerebro- spinal system, and are less distinctly visible, owing to their grayish color and greater delicacy of texture. A striking peculiarity in the course of the nerves be- longing to the sympathetic system is that they follow closely the distribution of the blood-v_essels. Starting from the heart, they envelop the great vessels with a sort of network, or plexus, of fine interlacing nerves, 298 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. which is called the Arterial plexus of the sympathetic nerves. Each plexus is re-enforced by fibres from the adjacent ganglia, and sends off corresponding divisions with the arterial branches, which follow their successive J-amifications, and thus accompany them all over the body, and penetrate with them into the substance of all the organs. In the neck and in the chest the sympathetic ganglia are regularly arranged in pairs, one on each side of the body, in front of the spinal column. This regularity is especially marked in the chest, where the ganglia are twelve in number, each one resting upon the head of the corresponding rib. But in the upper part of the abdomen their arrangement is different. Immediately behind the stomach, and about the great vessels given off from the aorta at this part, there is a collection of sympathetic ganglia varying in form and size. Of these ganglia there is one on each side, which is larger than the rest, and which, from its semicircular or half-moon shape, is called the Semilunar ganglion. All the gan- glia are united with each other and with those of the opposite side by a network, of filaments, forming a close and intricate central plexus. From this plexus other bundles of interlacing fila- ments are given off, which follow the course of the blood-vessels to all the abdominal organs. It has there- fore received the name of the Solar plexus, because the other abdominal plexuses radiate from it in every di- rection like the rays diverging from the sun. Thus the solar plexus holds, as it Avere, the central place in the nervous system of the abdomen, and by its radi- ating filaments controls the action of the various or- gans contained in the abdominal cavity (Fig. 54). SYSTEM OF THE GREAT SYMPATHETIC. 290 Here, also, as in other parts of the body, the sympa- thetic plexuses and their branches follow the course of .54. Course and Distribution of the Great Sympathetic. the blood-vessels, embracing them every where with a network of intersecting fibres. 300 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. 164. Action of the Sympathetic Nerves on the Internal Organs. Accordingly, these nerves are every where in intimate connection with the vascular system. It is in this way that the different parts of the circulation are brought under control ; so that the course of the blood may be hastened or retarded, and its quantity in- creased or diminished in various organs. Thus the functions of secretion, nutrition, and the like, which de- pend so much on the state of the circulation, are made to sympathize with each other in distant regions ; and on this account the system of nerves now described has received the name of the " sympathetic" system. The action of this system, however, and that of all the organs under its influence, is involuntary in charac- ter and entirely independent of our control. Nevertheless, the sympathetic system of nerves is connected with the cerebro-spinal system. For each principal ganglion sends out a branch of communica- tion which unites with another branch coming from a spinal or cerebral nerve near by ; and thus the internal organs may be influenced, in a circuitous way, by im- pressions produced on the sensitive nerves. But this influence is always secondary and indirect in its opera- tion. 165. Sluggish and continued Action of the Sympathet- ic Nerves. The peculiarity of the nervous action of the sympathetic system is that it is sluggish and gradual in its operation. The cerebro-spinal nerves, on the con- trary, respond instantly to the stimulus which is applied to them. The sensibility of the skin feels at once any foreign body in contact with it, and the contraction of the voluntary muscles is immediate and momentary. But in the internal organs a certain time is requisite SYSTEM OF THE GREAT SYMPATHETIC. 301 for the operation of the nervous stimulus ; and its ac- tion, when once excited, is slow and uniform. The peri- staltic movement of the intestines, for example, is not a prompt and instantaneous contraction, liko that of the voluntary muscles, but a slow, continuous, and vermicu- lar motion, by which the food is steadily and gradually carried onward. The effect produced by the nervous action of the sympathetic system upon the internal organs often re- quires a still longer interval. Thus, when we are ex- posed to cold or dampness, we feel the impression upon the sensitive surface of the skin immediately ; but the inflammation which follows in the internal organs, such as pleurisy or sore throat, only comes twenty-four hours later. And the disturbance of the circulation so pro- duced, when once it is established, continues long after its cause has disappeared. Thus a cold or a pleurisy, which lasts a week, may be produced by an imprudent exposure which only continued for half an hour. 166. Protection from Injury by Cold and Wet. Accord- ingly, the greatest care should be taken to avoid such unnatural exposures. The immediate discomfort and annoyance produced by cold and wet is a notice given to the nervous system that, if the exposure be contin- ued, more serious consequences will follow, and that the internal organs will suffer in their turn. As soon as possible, therefore, after being wet or chilled, the body should be thoroughly warmed and dried. The princi- pal danger in such cases is in delay. For cold and wet do not usually do any harm to healthy and vigorous persons so long as the body is kept in active exercise, and the circulation maintained in a corresponding de- gree of rapidity. But after the work is done, or while 302 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. the system is in repose, the same exposure that before produced only a healthy glow and reaction, if continued longer, will depress the vital powers and cause danger- ous injury to the internal organs. Thus, even at freezing temperatures, a man may walk about briskly in the open air with impunity; but sit- ting still in a cold room is always dangerous, and liable to produce the most serious results. The best protection, therefore, against the conse- quences of an unavoidable exposure is the active em- ployment of the muscles and limbs so long as the occa- sion for exposure continues ; afterward the warmth of the body should be restored by artificial means with the least possible delay. 167. Various kinds of Reflex Action. The sympathetic system is thus a medium of communication between the different internal organs ; and, owing to its connec- tion with the cerebro-spinal system, the internal organs are also brought into relation with the sensitive sur- faces and the voluntary muscles. There are, accord- ingly, in the living body, reflex actions of three differ- ent kinds, which take place, in whole or in part, through the sympathetic system. 1. Reflex actions taking plaie from the internal organs to the voluntary muscles and sensitive surfaces. The convulsions of young children are often caused by the irritation of undigested food in the alimentary canal. Attacks of indigestion will also sometimes produce tem- porary blindness, double vision, squinting, and even hemiplegia. 2. Reflex actions taking place from the sensitive sur- faces to the involuntary muscles and the internal or' gans. Imprudent exposure of the skin to cold and wet SYSTEM OF THE GREAT SYMPATHETIC. 303 will often bring on an affection of the bowels. Mental and moral impressions, conveyed through the senses, will affect the motions of the heart and disturb diges- tion and secretion. Terror or surprise will produce a dilatation of the pupil, and thus communicate an unu- sual and striking expression to the eye. Disagreeable sights or odors, or even unpleasant occurrences, in sen- sitive persons, will disarrange many of the internal func- tions of the body. 3. Reflex actions taking place, through the sympathetic system, from one part of the internal organs to another. The contact of food with the lining membrane of the intestine excites the peristaltic movement in its muscu- lar coat. The united action of the stomach, the liver, and other parts of the digestive apparatus takes place through the medium of the sympathetic ganglia and their nerves; and the vascular congestion of the differ- ent abdominal organs, at the period of their functional activity, depends upon the same influence. These ac- tions are not accompanied by consciousness, nor by any immediate action of the cerebro-spinal system. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER XVI. 1. What is the general arrangement of the great sympathetic nerv- ous system? 2. What is the general course and distribution of the sympathetic nerves ? 3. What is the arterial plexus of sympathetic nerves? 4. What is the arrangement of the sympathetic ganglia and nerves in the neck and in the chest ? in the abdomen ? f>. What is the situation of the xemilunar ganylion f 6. What is the solar plexus of the sympathetic ? 7. Over what functions does the sympathetic system preside ? 8. Why is it called the " sympathetic" system ? 9. Is the action of the sympathetic system voluntary or involuntary ? 304 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. 10. How is the sympathetic system connected with the cerebro-spt nal system ? 11. How does the action of the sympathetic system differ from that of the cerebro-spinal system ? 12. What injurious effects are liable to be produced on the internal organs by exposure of the body to cold and wet ? 13. What precaution should be taken to avoid these effects ? 14. What reflex actions take place wholly or in part through the sympathetic systeiu ? THE SPECIAL SENSES. 305 CHAPTER XVH. THE SPECIAL SENSES. Definition of the Special Senses. Nerves of Special Sense. Organs of Special Sense. THE SENSE OF SIGHT. Optic Nerve. The Eye- ball its different Parts. Field of Vision. Line of distinct Vision. Estimation of Distance. Solidity and Projection. Stereoscope. Thaumatrope. Internal Impressions. Muscles of the Eyeball. Evelids. The Tears. Winking. Meibomean Glands. Lach- rymal Canal. Practices injurious to the Sight. SENSE OF HEAR- ING. Auditory Nerve. Labyrinth. Tympanum or Drum. Chain of Bones. Eustachian Tube. External Ear. Direction, Contrast, and Pitch of Sounds. SENSE OF SMELL. Olfactory Nerves. Nasal Passages. Turbinated Bones. Two kinds of Sen- sibility in Nose. Uses of the Sense of Smell. SENSE OF TASTE. Papilla? of Tongue. Two kinds of Sensibility in Tongue. Glos- so-pharyngeal Nerve. Uses of the Sense of Taste. THE last department of the nervous system which we shall study is that of the Special Senses. By this term we mean the senses which give us the feeling of certain sensations different from those of ordinary touch, such as the sensation of light, of sound, of odors, or of taste. 168. Nerves of Special Sense. Each special sense has a nerve which is devoted to it, and which is called the Nerve of special sense. Each one of these nerves is so constituted that it can feel the particular sensation with which it is connected, but can not perceive any of the others. Thus the nerve of the eye is sensitive to light, but not to sound; and the nerve of the ear is sensitive to sound, but not to taste or odors. Each nerve, there- 306 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. fore, is endowed with a special sensibility, which fits it to perform a special function. 169. Organs of Special Sense. For every special sense there is also a peculiar organ, of more or less compli- cated structure, to which the nerve is distributed. This is called the Organ of special sense. Thus, for the sense of smell, we have the nose ; for that of taste, the tongue ; for that of sight, the eye ; and for that of hearing, the ear. Each organ of special sense, beside its nerve, is provided with blood-vessels, lining mem- branes, muscles, and other parts, which assist in the per- formance of the entire function. We shall examine in succession, 1st, the sense of Sight ; 2d, that of Hearing ; 3d, that of Smell ; and, 4th, that of Taste. 170. The Sense of Sight Optic Nerve. We are en- abled to perceive the impression of light by means of a peculiar nerve, situated at the base of the brain, which is called the Optic nerve. This nerve originates on each side from a pair of rounded ganglia, situated between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, which are the ganglia of the sense of sight (Fig. 53 [5]). From their giving origin to the optic nerves, and from their having the form of small rounded prominences, they are called the "optic tubercles." From these ganglia the optic nerves curve outward and forward, embracing the peduncles of the cerebrum, and, continuing their course along the base of the brain, leave the cavity of the skull, each by a rounded opening called the " optic foramen," and terminate in the back part of the two eyeballs. But about the middle of their course these nerves present a remarkable connection or union with each THE SPECIAL SENSES. 307 other upon the median line. They approach each oth- er on each side, until they at last meet and become con- solidated into a single mass. At this point there is an interchange of fibres between the two nerves, so that some of the fibres belonging to the right optic nerve pass over to the left side, and some of those belonging to the left optic nerve pass over to the right side. This is called the Decussation of the Optic Nerves (Fig. 55). Fig. 55. Course of the Optic Nerves in Man. 1, 2. Right and left eyeballs ; 3. Decussation of the optic nerves ; 4, 4. Optic tubercles. At this point there is also a connection between the two optic tubercles, some of the fibres passing directly across, behind the decussation, and returning to the op- 308 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. tic tubercle of the opposite side ; and also a connec- tion between the two eyeballs, as some fibres pass di- rectly across, in front of the decussation from side to side. Thus the eyes are not so much two distinct or- gans as one double organ, both parts of which are as- sociated in the performance of a single function. From the place of decussation the optic nerves again diverge, and, passing through the optic foramina, reach the eyeball. Here each nerve spreads out into a thin, delicate, grayish expansion of nervous matter, which lines most of the interior of the eyeball. This expan- sion is called the Retina. It forms the termination of the optic nerve. 171. Function of the Optic Nerves. The optic nerves are the conductors of the sense of sight. When a ray of light falls upon the retina, the impression is conveyed inward along the fibres of the nerve until it reaches the gray matter of the optic tubercle. There it becomes a sensation, and we consequently perceive the impression of light coming from without. We also perceive its variations of intensity and color, w r hether it be strong or feeble, and whether it be blue, yellow, or red. Accordingly, if the optic nerves be divided or de- stroyed by disease, complete blindness is the result. For the impressions of light can no longer reach the optic tubercles, and therefore produce no sensation. An important reflex action also takes place in the optic tubercles. Whenever a strong light falls upon the retina the pupil of the eye is immediately contract- ed ; if the light be diminished in intensity, the pupil again enlarges. The stimulus of the light, conveyed inward by the optic nerve, is converted into a reflex action by the optic tubercles, and is thence directed THE SPECIAL SENSES. 309 outward by certain motor nerves to the muscular fibres which serve to contract the pupil. This shows what is called the " sensibility of the pupil." It is an invol- untary action, and will take place even in a state of un- consciousness, provided the optic tubercles, as well aa the nerves, be uninjured. 172. Structure of the Eyeball. Thus far the appara- tus of vision consists only of a sensitive nerve and a ganglion, destined to convey and to receive the simple impression of the light. But, in order to understand the means by which the sense of sight is exercised in all its perfection, we must examine the special organ to which the optic nerve is attached. This organ is the Eyeball. The eyeball is a firm globular mass, situated in the bony cavity beneath the forehead which is called the " orbit." Only a small part of the front of the eyeball is visible between the lids ; but by placing the fingers over the eyelids, and between it and the bones ol the orbit, we can easily feel its globular form. It consists externally of a strong and opaque white fibrous mem- brane, which envelops the internal parts like a sac or bag. This is called, from its hard and resisting tex- ture, the Sclerotic coat of the eyeball. The sclerotic coat extends all over the surface of the eyeball, excepting just at its front part. Here there is a circular spot, about one fifth of the whole surface of the eyeball, at which the white and opaque sclerotic is replaced by a firm but perfectly transparent and color- less membrane, through which the light gains admis- sion into the interior of the eye. In texture and ap- pearance this part of the eye is like a colorless and transparent piece of horn or tortoise - shell, and it is 310 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. therefore named the Cornea. In looking directly at the eye from the front, we do not observe the cornea, since, on account of its transparency, we see only the colored parts of the eye behind it. But if we look closely at the eye of another person in profile, we shall see the glassy surface of the cornea projecting in a rounded form in front of the other parts. The eyeball, accordingly, is covered every where by a dense and resisting envelope, of which the front por- tion, or the cornea, is colorless and transparent, while that on the sides and back, or the sclerotic, is white and opaque. It is therefore like a room with one window. The light will penetrate through this window and strike upon the back wall of the room, but it can not enter through any openings or crevices at the side. Immediately underneath the sclerotic is a second coat or membrane of the eyeball, called the Choroid coat, of a brownish black color. It is quite opaque, like the sclerotic, but is much softer in consistency, and is abundantly supplied with blood-vessels. The choroid is exceedingly important in the eye, to absorb the light which reaches it and prevent reflections ; for such re- flections would interfere with the distinctness of illu- mination at the bottom of the eye. If you look at a glazed picture at a little distance, with the light com- ing from a window directly behind, you can not see the picture distinctly, owing to the reflection of light from the surface of the glass. For the same reason, spy-glass and microscope makers have learned to cover the in- side of their tubes with a layer of soft black paint, so that all the light may come in a direct line through the glass lenses, and none be reflected from the sides of the THE SPECIAL SENSES. 311 instrument. The choroid membrane serves a similar purpose in the eye. Beneath the choroid membrane comes the Retina. This, as we have already said, is the termination of the optic nerve, and consequently the most important part of the whole eyeball. As the nerve penetrates the back part of the eyeball, it passes through both the sclerotic and choroid coats, and then spreads out in a thin, soft, delicate, and semi-transparent layer, which lines the whole internal surface of the eyeball except in front, just at the opening of the cornea. The retina is the sensitive part of the eye. It is this membrane which receives the rays of light entering at the front, and communicates their impression, through the fibres of the optic nerve, to the brain behind. But, though the retina is so sensitive to light and color, it can not con- vey the ordinary sensations of touch. Even when the membrane itself is cut or pricked, as in surgical opera- tions about the eye, it does not convey the feeling of a touch or a wound, but only the sensation of a flash of light. It is for this reason that a sudden blow upon the eyeball produces the appearance of an explosion of brilliant sparks. When the deeper parts of the eye are inflamed or otherwise disordered, the patient sometimes sees irregular flashes and points of light, owing to the unnatural irritation of the retina ; and when this mem- brane is deeply injured by disease, it becomes insensi- ble, and the eye is consequently blind. Owing to the special sensibility of the retina, there- fore, its function is exclusively devoted to the percep- tion of light which reaches its surface from without. The globular cavity inclosed by the retina is occu- pied by a transparent, jelly-like substance, which is 312 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. termed the Vitreous body, from its colorless and glassy appearance. It fills the interior of the eye, and keeps the other parts in their places by preserving the ten- sion of the external coats. 173. Crystalline Lens. Just in front of the middle of the vitreous body is another transparent and extremely important part of the eye, which is called the Crystal- line lens. It has the form of a circular, flattened glass bead, thicker in the middle and thinner at its edges. The lens is suspended in its position by a very thin and delicate membrane, which envelops its surface both in front and behind. It then stretches outward from the edges of the lens in a double layer, which soon after consolidates into a single membrane, called the " hya- loid membrane," and in this form it extends over the whole surface of the vitreous body. The crystalline lens is thus held in its place in front of the central part of the vitreous body (Fig. 56). Vertical Section of the Eyeball. 1. Sclerotic ; 2. Choroid ; 3. Eetina ; 4 Lens; 6. Hyaloid membrane ; G. Cornea; 7. Irie; 8. Vitreous body. THE SPECIAL SENSES. 313 174. Function of the Crystalline Lens. Now it is only by means of the crystalline lens that we are enabled to perceive the form and outline of things. For the retina itself is only sensitive to the impressions of light and color ; that is, it can perceive the difference between light and darkness, and between the different colors, as red, blue, yellow, and green. But it has no power, by itself, of distinguishing the form of objects. The eye receives the light indifferently from every part of an object which may be situated in front of the cornea; Fig. 57. and therefore, if it were provided with the retina alone, the rays of light from all parts of the object, diverging equally in every direction, vision without a Lens. would enter the eye and reach together every part of the retina, as in Fig. 57, where the arrow, , >, represents the object, and the dotted line at the right represents the retina. Here all parts of the retina, 1, 2, 3, 4, would re- ceive rays coming both from the point Vision with a Lens. of the arrow, a, and from its butt, b. Thus the top, bottom, and sides of the object would all be indiscriminately mixed at the sur- face of the retina ; and we should not be able to dis- tinguish its different parts, but should only receive the impression of a confused luminosity. O 314 PHYSIOLOGY AND "HYGIENE. A " lens" is any transparent body, having the figure described above, that is, rounded on its two opposite surfaces and thinner at its edges, which has such an ac- tion on the rays of light passing through it that it brings them together or concentrates them at a certain dis tance beyond. Consequently, any brilliant point situ ated in front of such a lens will produce another bril- liant point behind it ; because its rays, which diverge in order to reach the lens, are again brought together by passing through it. We can see this eifect with any convex lens of glass, such as the large magnifying glasses which are used for looking at pictures. If you hold a white screen or a sheet of paper at a distance of six or eight feet from a gas-light, the whole surface of the paper is equally and moderately illumin- ated, because the light, coming from all parts of the flame, is spread uniformly over its surface. But if you hold a lens between the light and the paper, you will see that it makes a spot which is brighter than the rest ; and as you bring the lens slowly nearer and near- er to the paper, the middle of this spot grows brighter and brighter, until at last you have a distinct and bril- liant image of the flame in its centre, while the sur- rounding parts are dark. Not only all the light pass- ing through the lens is thus brought together in a small space, but all the light coming from the top of the flame is concentrated at one point, and all that com- ing from its bottom is concentrated at another ; so that we can now distinctly perceive its form and outline. The crystalline lens performs the same service in the interior of the eye. With the lens interposed, all the rays emanating from the point of the arrow, a (Fig. 58)j are concentrated, and all those emanating from ita - THE SPECIAL SENSES. 315 butt, b, are concentrated at y. Thus the retina receives the impression of the point of the arrow separately from that of its butt, and all parts of the object in like man- ner are distinctly and accurately perceived. The retina, accordingly, is the sensitive screen upon which the light is thus concentrated. The spot at which a lens will thus concentrate the light passing through it is called its focm, and it is only at a certain distance that this concentration will be perfect. If we move either the screen or the lens backward or forward, so as to increase or diminish the distance between them, the brilliant spot fades away, to reappear when the two are again placed in their prop- er position. Now the crystalline lens is naturally placed at such a distance from the deeper parts of the eye that it concentrates the light to a focus exactly at the surface of the retina. 175. Iris and Pupil. In front of the crystalline lens there is suspended a muscular curtain with a circular opening or perforation at its centre. This curtain or partition is the Iris. It is so called on account of its variations of color, its surface presenting a mixture of different tints, which produce, all together, the effect of black, brown, blue, or gray. This is the colored circle which we see behind the transparent cornea, and the circular opening in its centre is the Pupil. The iris is composed of fine muscular fibres, which are arranged in two sets. Those of the first set radiate from the edges of the pupil outward, and serve to en- large the opening. The second run circularly round the pupil, and serve to draw it together like the mouth of a purse. The posterior surface of the iris is covered with a layer of black coloring matter like that of the 316 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. choroid coat. The iris itself is therefore opaque, and it admits the light to the interior of the eye only through the opening of the pupil. 176. Movements of the Pupil. The pupil, however, is movable. By the alternate action of the circular and radiating fibres of the iris, its opening may be enlarged or diminished, and a greater or smaller quantity of light admitted to the eye. We have already described the reflex action by which this is accomplished. When the light which strikes the retina is intense and daz- zling, the pupil contracts and shuts out a portion of it ; when the light is dim and insufficient, the pupil enlarges and admits it in greater abundance. Accordingly, when we suddenly enter a brilliantly lighted apartment, the eye is at first dazzled by the in- tensity of the light ; but it soon accommodates itself to the change by the contraction of the pupil, and the light no longer produces discomfort. On the other hand, on first passing from the light into a dark room, every thing is in obscurity, and none of the objects in the apartment are visible to us. But as the pupil en- larges and more light gains entrance to the eye, the va- rious objects become perceptible, until the room, which before appeared in total darkness, at last seems to be tolerably well lighted. This reflex action of the pupil takes place through a part of the sympathetic system. In the back part of the orbit of the eye there is a minute nervous ganglion, called the Ophthalmic ganglion. It communicates by slender filaments with the arterial plexus of the sym- pathetic nerve in the interior of the skull, and also with motor and sensitive branches of the cranial nerves. From its front part there pass off from ten to fifteen THE SPECIAL SENSES. 317 delicate nerves which soon penetrate the sclerotic coat of the eyeball, and run forward beneath it until they reach the situation of the iris. These are called the Ciliary nerves. They are finally distributed to the muscular fibres of the iris, and alternately excite them to contract or enlarge the pupil. The movement of the pupil is therefore one of those reflex actions which take place partly through the cere- bro-spinal and partly through the sympathetic system of nerves. The impression upon the retina is first car- ried to the optic tubercle in the brain, while the im- pulse reflected thence is conveyed to the ophthalmic ganglion, and finally reaches the muscular fibres of the iris through the ciliary nerves. Between the front of the iris and the inner surface of the cornea is a space which is filled with a thin transparent fluid. From its watery consistency this fluid has received the name of the Aqueous humor. It completes the structures entering into the composition of the eyeball. There are several peculiarities in the function of the eye which require attention. 177. Field of Vision. First, there is only a small space in front of the eye in which objects can be seen distinct* ly. As the pupil will admit rays of light coming ob- liquely from various directions, there is, of course, a field or circle, of a certain size, within which objects can be perceived. This space is called the Field of vision ; and beyond its limits nothing whatever can be seen, because rays of light coming directly from the side or from behind can not enter the pupil. 178. Line of distinct Vision. But even within this field there is only a single spot in its centre at which 318 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. objects can be seen distinctly. Thus, if we stand in front of a row of upright stakes or poles, we can see those directly before the eye with perfect distinctness, but those placed at a little distance on each side are only perceived in a confused and uncertain manner. We can see that they are there, but we can not accu- rately distinguish their outlines. When we look at the middle of a printed page, di- rectly in front, we see the distinct forms of the letters ; but at successive distances from this point, if the eye be kept fixed, we can distinguish first only the separate letters with confused outlines, then only the words, and, lastly, only the lines and spaces. This is because the rays of light which enter tho crystalline lens directly from the front (as from a, Fig. Pig. 59. Lines of Distinct and Indistinct Vision. 59), are concentrated by it to a focus at the retina (x), and produce distinct vision ; but those which enter it THE SPECIAL SENSES. 319 very obliquely (as from &), cross each other in the cav- ity of the eyeball, and so reach the retina separately (at y, z), thus producing indistinct and imperfect vision. There is, therefore, only a single line extending di- rectly in front of each eye within which objects are dis- tinctly seen. This is called the Line of distinct vision. We make up for this, however, by the great mobility of the eyes, which turn rapidly toward every part of a landscape, and in this way enable us to see the whole with distinctness. In reading a printed page, also, the eyes follow the lines from left to right, thus seeing each letter and word distinctly in succession. At the end of each line they return suddenly to the commence- ment of the next, and repeat this movement from the top to the bottom of the page. 179. Single and distinct Vision with both Eyes. Be- side this, even directly in front of us, there is only a cer- tain distance at which objects . can be seen distinctly by both eyes. As the eyes are situated two or three inches apart from each other in their orbits, when they are both directed toward the same object, the lines of vis- ion for the two eyes converge and meet each other at the situation of the object. It is for this reason that we see only one object, though we look at it with two eyes ; for, as the two lines of vision meet at a single point, the two distinct images exactly cover each oth- er, and so form but one (Fig. 60 [l]). But either within or beyond this point, vision be- comes imperfect and at the same time double. If we hold up one of the fingers before the face at the dis- tance of one or two feet, and in the same range with any small object, such as a door-knob, on the other side of the room, when both eyes are directed at the finger, 320 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. we see it single and distinctly, but the door-knob ap- pears double, one image on each side the finger. If we now change the direction of the two eyes and look at the door-knob, that, in its turn, will become distinct and sin- gle, while the finger will appear double, one on each side the door- knob. This is because, when both eyes are directed at the nearer object (Fig. 60 [1]), the farther one [2], will also be seen; but it will be seen indistinctly, because it is outside the line of distinct vision. But for the right eye it will be to the right of the line of vision, and for the left eye to the left of this line. The two images, therefore, Vision at different Distances. -, n . a. Right eye- b Left eye- do not Correspond 111 Situation, . LNear object; 2. Remote ^ ^ object conscquently ap _ pears double. In looking at a landscape, accordingly, when both eyes are directed at the foreground, the middle ground and the distance both appear dim and indistinct ; and when the eyes are directed toward the distance, the foreground, in its turn, is imperfectly perceived. Thus we judge instinctively of the distance of differ- ent objects by the direction of the two eyes and their lines of distinct vision. 180. Appreciation of Solidity and Projection. But the combined action of the two eyes is also useful in anoth- er respect: it enables us to appreciate the qualities of solidity and projection. THE SPECIAL SENSES. 321 When we look at any solid ob- ject, such as a square box (Fig. 61), at a short distance in front of us, the two eyes, being separated from each other by the distance be- tween their orbits, will see the ob- ject from two different directions. Both of them will see the front of the box (a), but, in addition, the right eye will see a little of its right side (6), and the left eye will see a little of its left side (c.) We can easily convince ourselves of this, in looking at such an object, by alternately closing first the vision of Solid objects. 1, . , , , , , , , , fC / . 2. Right, and left eyes ; a, right and then the left eye (as in &, / \ \ ! 6 Fig. 62), when we shall find that to the left eye the box appears as at , and to the right eye it appears as at b. Fig. 62. Solid Object. a. As seen by the left eye ; &. AB seen by the right eye. Consequently, the images of such a solid object, as perceived by the two eyes, are different. But as they are both in the line of distinct vision, and occupy the same spot, they are united with each other, and appear as one. It is from this union and fusion of two differ- ent images that we acquire the perception of solidity and projection. 02 322 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Accordingly, a flat picture, however well it may be pairited, can never deceive us in this respect ; for we feel that precisely the same image is presented to both eyes, and consequently that it can have no real projec- tion. But when two pictures of the same object, taken in two different positions, are presented in such a way that only one of them is seen by the right eye and only the other by the left, the same effect may be produced as by the object itself, and the appearance of solidity and projection may be perfectly imitated. This is actually accomplished in the contrivance known 'as the Stereoscope. This is simply a box hold- ing two pictures, usually photographs, of the same ob- ject. One of the photographs, taken as the object would actually appear to the right eye, is seen by the right eye ; and the other, taken as it would appear to the left eye, is seen by the left eye. Thus the two pict- ures combined seem to be but one, and a singularly de- ceptive resemblance to the real object is produced. Thus, within moderate distances, we perceive the pro- jection of solid bodies by the combined action of the two eyes. We also perceive variations in distance by the different direction of the two lines of vision and the angle at which they meet. But at long distances both these distinctions cease; because the direction of the two eyes is then so nearly parallel that we can not perceive the difference between them. The colors of objects also become less brilliant as they are removed from us, and are also changed somewhat by the intervening at- mosphere. We can perceive, accordingly, the solidity and variation in color of a rock, a tree, or a house near by ; but at a distance of some miles, even a large object, " THE SPECIAL SENSES. such as a mountain, loses its projection, and appears flat and gray against the horizon. 181. Effect of Contrast in Light and Color. Secondly, the strength of the impressions which we obtain by the. sight depends upon their contrast. The lighted parts of a solid object appear not only more brilliant, but also of a different color from those which are in shad- ow ; and the greater the contrast between these tints, the more readily we distinguish its different parts. The strongest of all contrasts is that between black and white, and therefore we very easily read a print- ed page, which is composed of black letters on a white ground. It is still easier to distinguish white letters on a black ground, because the eye is more attracted by the white surface which is lighted than by the black surface which is dark. Different colors are also modi- fied in their appearance by other colors with which they are associated. Thus a white surface will look blue by contrast with yellow or orange, and will as- sume a rosy tinge by contrast with green. If we look through blue spectacles, every thing will at first sight appear to be tinged with the blue color of the glass ; but this impression will after a time pass away, and when the spectacles are again removed, surrounding objects will look yellowish by contrast. When different colors are closely mingled together they produce an intermediate tint. Thus blue and yel- low, when intimately mixed, produce green ; yellow and red produce orange; red and blue produce pur- ple; and white and black grains, uniformly mingled, have the appearance of a continuous shade of gray. 182. Persistence of Visual Impressions. Thirdly, vivid impressions produced upon the eye remain for a short 324 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. time afterward. If a lighted stick be swung round rap- idly in a dark room, it appears like an unbroken circle of light. This is because the impression of the light, at any one point in the circle, remains until the revolving stick has again returned to the same spot ; and a suc- cession of sparks, sent off rapidly from a knife-grinder's wheel, produce the appearance of a continuous stream of fire. This is also illustrated by a familiar toy called the Tkaumatrope. In this instrument a series of pict- ures of the same object in different positions, as of a horse leaping over a wall, are made to pass successively before the eye upon a revolving card. The different figures follow each other so rapidly that the eye can not perceive the interval between them, and they look like the same figure in active motion. 183. Visual Impressions of Internal Origin. Finally, the impressions of sight may be imitated by the internal action of the nervous system, so that we appear to see objects which are not presented to the eyes. This is also true of all the other senses, but the internal im- pressions belonging to the sense of sight are much more vivid than the rest. Thus, in a dream, or even in a rev- erie, we often see external objects, with all their peculi- arities of light, color, and form, nearly or quite as dis- tinctly as when awake, and much more distinctly than we perceive imaginary sounds or sensations of touch. It is this sense also which becomes most easily excited in certain nervous disorders, as in delirium, when the patient sees passing before his eyes faces, and figures, and landscapes, and towns, and cities, which are depict- ed upon his imagination with a remarkable force and distinctness. As the sense of sight, therefore, does not depend so THE SPECIAL SENSES. 325 directly as the other senses upon the actual contact of external objects, it is more readily called into activity when withdrawn from their influence. The organ of sight is provided with certain accessory parts, which enable it more perfectly to perform its functions. 1 84. Movements of the Eyeball. In the first place, the eyeball is movable within the orbit. It rests in this bony cavity, imbedded in a layer of fat, which acts like a soft and elastic cushion ; and upon this cushion the eyeball is capable of turning in various directions. From the bony walls at the bottom of the orbit four Blender muscles pass forward in a straight direction to be inserted into the sclerotic coat one above, one be- low, one on the inside, and one on the outside of the eyeball. These are the " straight muscles of the eye- ball." As they contract, they turn the eye upward or downward, inward or outward. Another muscle, very curiously constructed, is called the " upper oblique muscle of the eyeball." It arises, like the rest, from the back part of the orbit, and runs forward until it reaches its upper and inner portion near the bridge of the nose. Here the tendon passes through a fibrous loop attached to the bone, and then turns backward and outward, to be inserted into the upper part of the sclerotic coat near its middle. The tendon and the fibrous loop thus form a pulley, through which the muscle acts upon the eyeball. It is therefore sometimes known by the name of the " trochlearis," or pulley-like muscle. Finally, a sixth, or the " lower oblique muscle," starts from the in- ner and lower part of the orbit, and winds outward be- neath the eyeball, to be attached to the sclerotic at its outer part, nearly opposite the insertion of the trochle- aris. 326 PHYSIOLOGY A:SD HYGIENE. The two oblique muscles rotate the eyeball upon its axis. If you stand in front of a mirror and incline the head gently from side to side, you will see that the eyes turn at the same time in the opposite direction, revolv- ing easily in their orbits, so that each eye keeps its own level with the horizon. This is accomplished by the action of the oblique muscles. All the muscles of the eyeball, by this combined or alternate contraction, thus enable the eye to move in various directions, and both enlarge the area of sight and assist in the expression of the face. 185. Protection of the Eyeball from Injury. The eyo< ball is protected from external injury by the bony edges of the orbit. These are so arranged that, with the cheek-bones and those of the nose, they form a nearly continuous ridge or rampart about the front of the eye. A blow with a stick or other weapon, there- fore, hardly ever injures the eyeball, because it is caught by the projecting edges of this ridge. In order to reach the eye itself, the missile or weapon must be directed in a nearly straight line from before backward ; and as this seldom happens, the eye usually escapes in- jury. 186. The Eyelids and their Movements. In front of the eyeball are the Eyelids. These are two horizontal curtains or folding-doors, which open and shut to ad- mit or exclude the light. Each is strengthened by a thin but firm cartilaginous plate, situated beneath the skin. The upper eyelid is much the larger and more movable of the two, and when the eyes are opened it is raised by a muscle attached to its upper edge, and drawn in beneath the roof of the orbit. When allowed to fall, it covers the whole of the pupil and the greater THE SPECIAL SEXSES; part of the cornea. It is therefore like a screen or Ve netian window-blind, which may be raised or lowered at will in front of the transparent parts of the eye (Fig. 63). Fig. 63. External parts of the Eye. 1. Iris ; and, 2. Pupil, showing through the trans- parent cornea ; 3. Front part of sclerotic coat, seen between the lids, and called, from its white color, ths " white of the eye ;" 4. Upper eyelid : 5. Lower eyelid. The inside of the eyelids are lined by a thin and transparent membrane, called the Conjunctiva, which also extends over the whole exposed portion of the eye- ball. The conjunctiva is supplied with a very import- ant watery secretion, by which its surface is constantly bathed, and its brilliancy and transparency kept unim- paired. This secretion consists of the tears. They are produced in a little gland, termed the "Lachrymal gland," situated in the upper and outer part of the orb- it, and are conducted thence by a number of fine ducts, which open upon the conjunctiva near the outer corner of the eye. The watery fluid then runs along the edge of the lower eyelid toward the inner corner of the eye. 187. The act of Winking. But about five or six times a minute the tears are spread over the surface of the conjunctiva by the act of winking. This motion is per- formed by means of an. oval shaped muscle, eituated 328 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. immediately beneath the skin of the eyelids, which sur- rounds their opening with a thin and broad layer of cir- cular fibres. This is the Orbicularis muscle, so named from its orbicular or ring-like form. By its contraction it suddenly draws the eyelids together, and, as they in- stantly separate, they distribute the tears in a thin lay- er over the surface of the conjunctiva. This motion is extremely important. For, as the front surface of the eyeball is constantly exposed to the air, it loses its moisture by evaporation, and would soon become dry, wrinkled, and opaque. It is for this reason that immediately after death the eye becomes dull and tarnished, and loses its natural appearance of brilliancy. But during life the orbicularis muscle is constantly watching for the safety of the eyeball ; and every few seconds, as soon as a little collection of the tears has accumulated below, it brings the eyelids to- gether with a quick, sharp motion, catches the watery fluid upon their edges, and so spreads it equally over the surface of the cornea. The motion of winking is a reflex action. It takes place, as a general rule, without our knowledge, and it is even difficult to resist it, for a long time, by any vol- untary effort. It is so rapidly performed that it does not usually attract our notice. For we have already seen that visual impressions made upon the eye remain for a very short time afterward; and though the lids are closed by each act of winking, the motion is so in- stantaneous that it does not interrupt the sensations of the eye, and it therefore passes unobserved. 188. The Meibomean Glands and their Secretion. In order to prevent the tears from being lost by running over the eyelids, the edges of the lids are smeared with THE SPECIAL SENSES. 329 a thick oleaginous secretion, like the " sebaceous mat- ter" of the skin. Oily matters and water have such a repulsion for each other, that a little grease, rubbed on the edges of a cup, will retain the water and prevent its running over, though the cup may be filled even above the level of its brim. The same office is perform- ed by the oily secretion of the eyelids. It is supplied by a number of long slender glands, called the Meibo- mean ylands, surrounded with clustered follicles, which are situated on the inside of each eyelid directly be- neath its lining membrane. They open by fine orifices along the margin of the lid, and keep this part covered with a thin layer of their secretion. Usually the sebaceous matter is sufficient to keep the tears within the eyelids ; but the lachrymal glands are very sensitive to peculiar mental emotions. These emo- tions, by the sympathetic action of the nervous system, sometimes excite the glands to unusual activity, so that they pour out their secretion in increased abundance; and the tears, thus discharged in excessive quantity, run over the edge of the eyelids, and trickle down upon the cheeks and face. This is the act of weeping. 189. Passage of the Tears into the Cavity of the Nos- trils. From the front of the eye, the tears are collected by a minute orifice at the inner corner of each eyelid. These two orifices lead into two narrow tubes or canals, called the Lachrymal canals, which convey the tears into an enlarged cavity or sac at the upper and outer part of the nose. This sac is continued downward into a duct, called the " nasal duct," which opens into the interior of the nose, about its middle portion. Thus the tears, after performing their part in the protection of the eyeball, are conducted through the lachrymal 830 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. passages, to be finally discharged into the cavity of the nostrils. 190. Sensibility of the Conjunctiva. The surface of the conjunctiva possesses an extreme sensibility. This is not like the sensibility of the touch, but rather an irritability like that of the glottis, by which the con- junctiva resents the intrusion of foreign substances be- tween the eyelids. It is protected from this intrusion by the activity of the orbicularis muscle, which con- tracts spasmodically, and shuts the lids on the least ap- proach of external objects to the eye. It is still farther protected by the Eyelashes. These are the stiff curved hairs which grow from the outer margins of the lids, and project forward in front of their openings. Those of the upper lid are curved upward, those of the low- er lid are curved downward; and when the lids are brought near together, these two ranges of hairs stand like so many crossed sabres, or a kind of chevaux-de- frise, guarding the entrance to the eye. But if any foreign body should accidentally gain ad- mission, then the sensibility of the conjunctiva is ex- cited. Every one has felt the extreme irritation pro- duced by the entrance of a grain of dust, or a cinder, or the filing of a metal, beneath the eyelids. The front of the eyeball becomes blood-shot, the tears are poured out in abundance, the movements of winking follow each other with rapidity, and the attention is distract- ed from every other object by the discomfort of the suffering organ. This irritability of the conjunctiva is the safeguard of the eye. For if the foreign substance were allowed to remain, it would produce, after a time, a serious in- jury to the deeper parts, and thus permanently impair THE SPECIAL SENSES. 331 the sight. These deeper parts, although so important, are themselves insensible. But the conjunctiva stands in front of them, to give us notice of the approach of danger ; and when the foreign body is not immediately discharged, this membrane is thrown into an excessive irritation, and gives us no rest until we have rid our- selves of the offending substance, and relieved the eye from the danger of its presence. 191. Precautions proper to be observed in using the Eyes. The eye, like other bodily organs, is susceptible of fatigue. After being exposed for a considerable time to a bright light, this fatigue is very perceptible, and the optic nerve is refreshed by the repose of twi- light or of a shaded apartment. There is no doubt that the regular refreshment of sleep during night is also necessary to the sense of sight as it is to the mus- cular system ; and this, the most delicate and valuable of all the senses, is the most readily impaired by an un- natural want of sleep. The sight may also be injured by excessive or im- proper use during the day. This effect may be produced, first, by exposure of the eye to too brilliant a light. If we look for an instant at the sun, or even at an excessively strong artificial light, we feel for some seconds afterward that the eye is partially blinded. It can no longer distinctly per- ceive surrounding objects ; and if we have been so im- prudent as to continue the unnatural exposure, its blind- ing effect lasts for a long time afterward. The eye may even be permanently injured by too violent or long-continued a stimulus of this kind. Secondly, the eye should not be employed for too long a time in the dose examination of small objects. 332 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Very small objects, seen at a short distance, require a greater exertion of the eye than larger ones which are more easily perceived. Thus it is exceedingly weari- some and injurious to read a book which is too finely printed, or in which the letters are too close together, or not sufficiently distinct. It is the worst possible economy, therefore, to read habitually books which are badly printed ; for it is at the expense of the eyesight.. which can not be replaced when once seriously im- paired. But the examination of minute objects, or the em- ployment of the eye in reading or writing, is much more injurious when continued with insufficient light. The light, of course, should never be dazzling, but it should always be sufficient to illuminate fully the print- ed page or other object which is under examination. Otherwise the eye becomes strained and wearied be- yond its natural power of endurance, and a repetition of such treatment will inevitably impair the sight. It is for this reason that reading by twilight is particularly dangerous ; because the light fades at that time slowly and imperceptibly, and thus becomes exceedingly insuf- ficient before we notice its diminution. The light which is used should also be perfectly uni- form and steady. The diffused light of day is there- fore the best for reading or writing. A flickering and uncertain artificial light, on the other hand, is the worst; for its rapid and irregular changes from brightness to obscurity fatigue the optic nerve, and rapidly exhaust the sensibility of the eye. The use of the eye in studying minute objects should therefore be employed with moderation, and in such a way .as to save the organ from unnatural irritation or fatigue. THE SPECIAL SENSE'S. 333 192. The Sense of Hearing. Sound is produced by the vibration of the atmosphere. Many solid bodies also are capable of vibrating, such as a metallic bell or the strings of a violin ; but their vibration must be commu- nicated to the atmosphere in order to reach our ears and thus produce the sensation of sound. Accordingly, if a bell be rung under the receiver of an air-pump from which the air has been exhausted, it produces no sound. The metal itself may vibrate as usual, but its move- ments can not be communicated to the atmosphere, and consequently can not reach our organs of perception. Hearing is therefore the sense by which we perceive the sounds which are conducted by the atmosphere. 193. Auditory Nerve. The sense of hearing depends upon a special nerve, called the Auditory nerve. This nerve originates from the upper and back part of the medulla oblongata, whence it passes outward, curves round this portion of the brain, and, after a short pas- sage, penetrates by a rounded opening into a thick and triangular portion of the floor of the skull. This part of the bony walls of the cranium is much denser and harder than the remainder, and has therefore received the name of the " stony" or " petrous" bone. Within the petrous bone the auditory nerve presents a singular and complicated form. 194. The Labyrinth. It lies in a cavity which is ex- cavated in the substance of the bone, and in which it is protected from external injury by the thickness and density of the bony walls. This cavity, from its re- markable and varied configuration, is called the Laby- rinth. It consists, first, of a small rounded chamber, which serves as a kind of entrance or ante-room to the remainder, and is therefore termed the " vestibule." The 3S4 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. vestibule communicates with three narrow curved pas- sages, called the " semicircular canals." These canals are so placed that one is directed nearly upward and forward, the second nearly upward and sideways, while the third is horizontal. Both the vestibule and the semicircular canals are filled with a clear transparent fluid like lymph ; and in this lymph there is suspended a membranous sheath or bag, which presents in its form an exact repetition of the bony cavities which inclose it, being enlarged at the situation of the vestibule, and sending out tubular prolongations into the semicircu- lar canals. Its interior is also filled with lymph, and it thus floats in the fluid of the labyrinth, but without touching the walls of the cavity. The auditory nerve is distributed to this sheath, its fibres spreading out in the substance of its membranous walls. The remaining part of the labyrinth is no less pecul- iar in its form. Just alongside the vestibule there is a double tubular canal, which winds round a hollow cen- tral axis, making nearly three complete turns, thus form- ing a kind of spiral cone, like a snail-shell, with its point directed forward and outward. From its resemblance to a snail-shell, this part of the labyrinth is termed the " cochlea." The spiral canals of the cochlea, which com- municate at one end with the vestibule, are themselves filled with lymph ; and the remaining fibres of the audi- tory nerve pass upward along its hollow axis, spreading out successively in a membranous partition between the two parts of the double canal. Thus, when they arrive at the apex of the cone, the nervous fibres have all been exhausted, and the distribution of the nerve is com- plete. THE SPECIAL SENSES. 335 The whole of this part of the auditory apparatus, consisting of the labyrinth, the membranous bag which it contains, with the auditory nerve and its distribu- tion, being all contained within the bony floor of the skull, is called the Internal ear. 195. Function of the Auditory Nerve. The auditory nerve, like the optic, is a nerve of special sense. It can communicate the impression of sonorous vibrations, but it is not endowed, so far as we know, with any other kind of sensibility. 196. The Tympanum of the Ear. The internal ear communicates with the external atmosphere by a com- plicated apparatus of movable bones and membranes. In the outer part of the bony wall of the vestibule is a little oval -shaped perforation, not more than one eighth of an inch long and one sixteenth of an inch wide. This perforation in the bone, which is called the oval " fenestra" or window, is closed by a thin fibrous membrane, which prevents the fluid of the vestibule from escaping. The name given to this opening is a very appropriate one ; for the perforation in the bone is really a kind of window, and the fibrous membrane is the sash which closes it. As the light comes into a room through the glass pane of a window, so sounds enter the vestibule through the membrane of the oval fenestra. Immediately outside the wall of the vestibule, but still within the substance of the petrous bone, is an ir- regularly shaped cavity, much more spacious than the vestibule itself. At rather less than a quarter of an inch distance from the membrane of the oval fenestra, the mouth of this cavity is closed by another mem- brane stretched tightly across its diameter, and at- 336 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. tached, all around, to the edges of its bony walls. This outer membrane is called the " Membrane of the Tym- panum," and the cavity which it incloses is called the " Tympanum," or Drum of the ear. This name is also well chosen ; for the exterior of the membrane of the tympanum is in contact with the atmosphere, and the sonorous vibrations of the air beat upon it, like the sticks upon the head of a drum. 197. Chain of Bones. But the sounds are transmit- ted from the membrane of the tympanum to the mem- brane of the oval fenestra by a curious chain of bones stretched from one to the other. These bones are three in number, and are named, from striking resemblances in their form, respectively the " mallet," the " anvil," and the " stirrup." The mallet is attached to the mem- brane of the tympanum, the anvil is articulated with it by a movable joint, and the stirrup is also articulated with the anvil by its point or narrow end, while by its oval base or foot-piece it is attached to the membrane of the oval fenestra (Fig. 64). It is easy to see, therefore, how the vibrations of the atmosphere, striking upon the membrane of the tym- panum, will be transmitted by the chain of bones to the membrane of the oval fenestra, and thus reach the fluid of the labyrinth, to be finally received by the ex- pansions of the auditory nerve. 198. Eustachian Tube, and its Function. Like other drums, the cavity of the tympanum is itself filled with air, and, like them, it also communicates with the exte- rior by a side opening. _ This is- very essential ; for, in order that a membrane may vibrate freely, the pressure of the air must be equal on both sides. Now the press- ure of the external atmosphere, as we know from the THE SPECIAL SENSES. 337 Fig. 64. Human Auditory Apparatus; showing the external ear, the auditory meatus, the tympanum, Eustachian tube, chain of bones, and labyrinth. changes of the barometer, varies from time to time ; and accordingly it would be sometimes greater and some- times less than that of the same air confined in a closed cavity. The vibrating power of the membrane would therefore be diminished, and it would be less capable of producing and conducting sound. For this reason a small opening is always made in the side of a drum, and through this opening the air inside and that out- side are constantly mingled, and maintained at the same degree of pressure. There is such an opening in the drum of the ear. From the fore part of the tympanum a narrow canal passes downward and forward, and, after continuing its course in this direction for about an inch and a half, it opens by a rounded orifice at the side and upper part of the pharynx. This canal is called the Eustachian tule, from the name of the anatomist who first described P 338 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. it. By holding the mouth and nose, and forcibly press- ing the air out of the lungs, we can feel it passing through the Eustachian tube, and finally penetrating into the cavity of the tympanum, which becomes dis- tended under the increased pressure. The tympanum, however, soon relieves itself after the pressure is taken off, the air escaping again through the same passage by which it entered. If the Eustachian tube be obstructed by inflamma- tion or swelling of its lining membrane, the hearing soon becomes impaired, from the imperfect vibration of the membrane of the tympanum. It is on this account that a common cold in the head is often accompanied by partial deafness. 199. Variations in Tension of the Membrane of the Tym- panum. Like the head of a drum, the membrane of the tympanum may be relaxed or tightened. This is done by the action of three small muscles which arise from the bony parts in the neighborhood, and are inserted into the little bones called the " mallet" and the " stir- rup." By their alternate contraction and relaxation they draw these bones backward and forward, and so increase or diminish the tension of the membrane. 200. External Ear and Auditory Meatus. The mem- brane of the tympanum, as we have already seen, is in contact with the external atmosphere ; but it is situated at the bottom of a deep passage or canal, about one inch in length, which penetrates the side of the head from without inward. This canal is the External auditory meatus. It is lined with a continuation of the skin, which is, however, very thin and delicate near its bot- tom. It is defended from the intrusion of insects and other foreign bodies by numerous fine hairs growing THE SPECIAL SENSES. 339 from its surface, and by an adhesive and resinous-like secretion, termed the " ear-wax." At the outer orifice of the auditory meatus is the External ear (Fig. 65). This is an irregular trumpet- Fig. 65. External Ear. 1. Helix ; 2. Anti-helix ; 3. Trains ; 4. Anti-tragns ; 6. Concha. The mouth of the auditory meatus is partially visible just oehind the tra- gus. shaped expansion of cartilage, covered with skin, and folded in various ways so as to make a receptacle for the sounds approaching the ear, which it conducts to- ward the opening of the auditory meatus. Its outer edge is folded inward round nearly the whole of its circumference, thus forming a curved border, which is called the " helix." Inside and in front of this is an- other curved ridge, double at its upper end, but termi- nating in a single extremity below, called the "anti- helix." About the middle of the front of the ear is a short ridge-like elevation, called the " tragus," and be- hind and below it another, somewhat similar, the " anti- 340 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIEXE. tragus." In front of the curved edge of the anti-helix, and occupying the middle portion of the ear, is a deep, cup-shaped cavity, termed the " concha." At its bot- tom is the mouth of the auditory meatus, nearly con- cealed behind the eminence of the tragus. The external ear, which is loosely connected with the bones, has several muscles attached to it, so arranged as to move it upward, forward, and backward. In the human species these muscles are nearly inactive, and it is only very seldom that we meet with persons who are capable of moving the ears. But in many of the lower animals, such as the dog, horse, deer, rabbit, etc., the muscles of the ear are very active, and its movements consequently are rapid and various. The external or- gan is also larger and more spreading in these animals, forming a kind of natural ear-trumpet, which they turn in various directions, to catch the faintest indications of sound from a distance. 201. Appreciation of the Direction of Sounds. It is not so easy to distinguish the direction of sound as that of light. Indeed, whenever we see the light at all, we necessarily see the direction from which it comes. But it is not so with sounds. We may hear a sound per- fectly well, and yet be quite unable to tell from what point it reaches us ; as when we hear the chirping of a cricket in a closed room, or the sound of a bell in a thick fog. Usually, however, we can judge of the di- rection of sounds, by noticing in which ear it is most acutely perceived, and in what way it is reflected by surrounding objects. 202. Effect of Contrast in Sounds. The hearing, like the sight, is more excited by the Contrast of impres- sions than by the impressions themselves. A continu- THE SPECIAL SENSES. 841 ous and uniform sound, like the steady rumbling of car- riages, or the monotonous hissing of boiling water, after a time passes unobserved; but when the sound ceases, our attention is excited, and we then notice the silence which follows. 203. Persistence of Sonorous Impressions Musical Notes. As in the case of the sight, also, an impression upon the ear remains for a very short time after it is produced. This interval has even been measured for the sense of hearing ; for it is known that if the same vibration be repeated more rapidly than sixteen times in a second, it ceases to be a succession of distinct im- pulses, and becomes a continuous humming sound, or a musical note. If it be still more rapidly repeated, the note is higher in pitch, and so on. Thus a low note is one in which the vibrations are comparatively slow ; a high note is one in which the vibrations are rapid. Accordingly, there are limits in each direction to the pitch of the high or low notes which are audible to us. If the vibrations be excessively rapid, the tympanum can not transmit them, and the sound becomes too fine to be perceived ; if they be slower than sixteen times in a second, we then hear the distinct impulses, but no continuous musical note. By the sense of hearing, therefore, we appreciate the tone, the force, the pitch, and the direction of sonorous vibrations. By means of the articulate words and ex- pressions of human language, we also acquire ideas and information which are but little inferior in value to those obtained through the sense of sight. 204. The Sense of Smell Olfactory Nerves. By the sense of smell we receive impressions from substances in a condition of gas or vapor. These vapors rise 342 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. from the bodies which produce them, and are diffused through the atmosphere. They then penetrate into the passages of the nostrils, and come in contact with their lining membrane, thus giving us the sensation of smells or Odors. The special nerves of the sense of smell are the Olfac- tory nerves. They originate on each side from the front part of the base of the brain, and then, running straight forward, enlarge into two oval masses, containing gray matter, and situated nearly side by side, just behind the middle of the base of the forehead, and immediately above the cavities of the nose. That part of the floor of the skull upon which these oval masses rest is in the form of a thin plate, and is so perforated with a multi- tude of little openings that it has received the name of the " cribriform" or " sieve-like" plate. Through these openings an abundance of fine nervous branches pass downward, and, after dividing and reuniting with each other in various directions, are distributed to the lining membrane of the upper part of the nasal passages (Fig. 66). 205. The Nasal Passages. The nasal passages are two high and narrow canals, which extend from the open- ings of the nostrils in front to the top of the pharynx behind. Through them the air passes to the lungs in respiration when the mouth is closed. They are sepa- rated from each other by a thin upright partition, which is situated exactly in the middle line. This partition is composed partly of bone and partly of cartilage. Its front part, which is of cartilage, may be felt between the two nostrils at their entrance. The inner wall of each nasal passage, which is formed by the partition just described, is smooth and upright. THE SPECIAL SENSES. 343 Fig. 6G. Distribution of Neives 5u the Nasal Passage*. 1. Olfactory nerve; 2. Nasal branch of fifth pair ; 3. Ganglion of Meckel and its nerves. But its outer wall is made very uneven by three curi- ously rolled or twisted plates of bone, called, from their form, the Turbinated Bones, which project from it into the passage. These bones are placed one above an- other like so many shelves, and are therefore called the " lower," " middle," and " upper" turbinated bones. They are all covered with the lining membrane of the nose, which follows every where their windings and in- equalities, so that its surface is considerably increased in extent. 206. Different kinds of Sensibility in the Nasal Pas- sages. Now the ramifications of the olfactory nerve are distributed to the lining membrane of the upper and middle turbinated bones. It is here, accordingly, that the sense of smell is located. Whenever an odor- iferous vapor passes through the nose with the atmos- phere, a portion of it rises to the upper part of the nasal passages, and, coming in contact with this por- 344 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. tion of the lining membrane, gives us the sensation of its peculiar odor. The lower part of the nasal passages, on the contra- ry, have no sense of smell, but are supplied with other nervous fibres. A small branch of the fifth pair of nerves (Fig. 66 [2]) penetrates the side of the nostril high up, and then, running in a curved direction for- ward, downward, and backward, is distributed to the lining membrane of the lower turbinated bone and the adjacent parts. By this nerve the lower portions of the lining membrane are provided with ordinary sen- sibility. They can feel the contact of solid bodies, or of sharp and irritating vapors. Thus the passages of the nose are endowed, in their different parts, with two different kinds of sensibility. In their upper portions, by means of the olfactory nerves, they are provided with the special sensibility of smell, by which we perceive sweet and sour odors, and all the different varieties of perfume, which are so easily recognized, but which have received no definite name. In their lower portions, by means of the nasal branch of the fifth pair, they possess the power of ordi- nary sensibility, by which we perceive the contact of sharp and pungent vapors, such as that of hartshorn or mustard. These pungent vapors are quite different in their nature from those which have an odoriferous quality. For the true odors, such as those of different flowers and the like, can only be perceived by the nose. But the pungent vapors are also irritating to other lin- ing membranes, such as those of the eyes and mouth, and even to the skin, if kept in contact with it long enough ; only the lining membrane of the nose is more sensitive to them than the rest THE SPECIAL SENSES. 545 Very often a real odor and a pungent vapor are ex- haled together from the same substance ; as, for exam- ple, from mustard, from vinegar, or from Cologne water. But, in these cases, the odoriferous quality is always perceived by the upper part of the nasal passages, and the pungent or irritating quality by their lower part. 207. Sympathetic Nerves in the Nasal Passages. The organ of smell is also supplied with nerves belonging to the sympathetic system. Immediately behind the posterior boundary of the nasal passages, and beneath the floor of the skull, is a small swelling of gray nerv- ous matter, called, from the name of its discoverer, the Ganglion of Meckel (Fig. 66 [3]). This ganglion is connected by slender filaments with the sympathetic plexus of the great blood-vessels of the head, and also with branches of the sensitive and motor cranial nerves. Its fibres are sent to the lining membrane of the nose, and also to the small muscles which lift the hanging palate, and thus guard the posterior opening of the na- sal passages. 208. Usefulness of the Sense of Smell. The sense of smell is one of those which are possessed in much great- er perfection by some of the lower animals than by man. In the dog, the horse, the sheep, the deer, and many others, the nasal passages are much higher and deeper, the turbinated bones more extensively convo- luted, and the olfactory nerves themselves much larger and more sensitive. These animals can therefore dis- tinguish odors which are entirely imperceptible to us. They can perceive the odors of other animals while at a distance and out of sight. The dog can even distin- guish between the odors of different persons, and will follow the track of his master through a crowd of other P2 346 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. passers-by. Some animals, when irritated, give out strong and offensive odors, which excite the fear or dis- gust of their enemies, and accordingly serve them as means of defense. Many vapors which are dangerous to the health of the human species, and most kinds of putrescent and unwholesome food, are also accompanied by a disagreeable odor, which leads us to avoid them, and thus to escape their injurious effects. 209. The Sense of Taste Gustatory Nerve. The sen- sibility to taste is located in the tongue. As we have already said, this is a muscular organ, covered, upon its upper surface, its edges, and part of its under surface, with a lining membrane. Over the whole middle and front part of the tongue this membrane is supplied with sensibility by a branch of the fifth pair of nerves; and, as this branch is that by which the corresponding por- tions of the tongue exercise the sense of taste, it has re- ceived the name of the Gustatory nerve. 210. Distribution of the Gustatory Nerve upon the Tongue. On the under surface of the tongue its lining membrane is thin and smooth, and allows the blood- vessels to be easily seen through its transparent sub- stance. But upon the upper surface of the organ this membrane is thickly set with a multitude of fine, thread- like prominences, something like the villi of the aliment- ary canal, which give it an opaque and velvety appear- ance. These prominences are termed the Papillce of the tongue. As the gustatory nerve branches and sub- divides in the substance of the lining membrane, it sends minute ramifications into the papillae, which pen- etrate them from below upward, and terminate near their free extremities (Fig. 67). Thus the upper sur- face of the tongue is covered with a minute distribu- THE SPECIAL SENSES. 347 Fig. 67. Diagram of Tongue, with its sensitive nerves and papilla* 1. Lingual branch of fifth pair, or gustatory nerve ; 2. Glosso-pharyngoal nerve. tion of nervous filaments, through which it receives the impressions of taste. 211. Requisite Conditions for the Sense of Taste. The sense of taste differs from the other special senses, in the first place, because it requires the actual contact of the substance to be tasted with the lining membrane of the organ. We can not perceive tastes as we can odors and sounds from a distance. The substance must be introduced into the mouth, and placed upon the sur- face of the tongue, before we can distinguish its flavor. Beside this, it must also be in \\\.Q fluid form, or be al- ready in solution in some other liquid. A substance which is hard and insoluble has no taste. If we place upon the tongue a piece of dry salt or sugar, we do not perceive its flavor until a part of it has been dissolved in the fluids of the mouth. Then these fluids are ab- sorbed by the papillae of the tongue, and thus, coming in contact with their nervous filaments, communicate to us the sensation, of taste. It is on this account that the sense of taste is so much facilitated by the movements of the tongue in mastica^ tion and swallowing. For these movements, by hasten- 348 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. ing the solution of solid substances, and by constantly bringing fresh portions of the fluid into contact with the tongue, favor the absorption of the liquids, and en- able them to penetrate the papillae in greater quantity. Food, therefore, which has been hastily masticated, is imperfectly tasted; and in this way injurious sub- stances may pass into the stomach unnoticed, which should have been detected and stopped in mastication, 212. Uses of the Sense of Taste. The sense of taste, accordingly, as well as that of smell, is a means of dis- tinguishing between proper and unwholesome articles of food. Some substances, when taken into the mouth, are found to be repulsive, and are therefore rejected. In many of the lower animals, however, this office is performed exclusively by the sense of smell. The dog, for example, very seldom tastes any thing before eating it. He touches it with the point of his nose, and then either swallows it with avidity or refuses it altogether. It is because in him the sense of smell is more delicate than that of taste, while in man the sense of taste is more delicate than that of smell. The sense of taste is also useful in exciting the flow of the saliva and other secretions, by which the food is prepared for the digestive process. Substances which are destitute of flavor offer no stimulus to the salivary glands or to the muscles of mastication, and this process is therefore either neglected or slowly and laboriously performed. But substances which have a healthy and agreeable taste excite the natural actions of secretion O and mastication, so that the movements go on almost involuntarily, and the food receives its due preparation in the mouth. 213. The Sense of Taste associated with the Sense of THE SPECIAL SE^ T SES. 349 Touch. Another peculiarity of this sense is that the special nerve of taste is also a nerve of ordinary sensi- bility. We have already seen that the same parts of the tongue which possess the sense of taste have also the sense of touch developed to a remarkable degree ; and these two properties are both supplied by the branch of the fifth pair which is distributed to this organ. In the nasal passages, the special sense of smell and the power of ordinary sensibility reside in different portions of the lining membrane ; but in the tongue, the special sense of taste and ordinary sensibility are exercised by the same parts, and reside in the filaments of the same nerve. Accordingly, two kinds of qualities are distinguished by this organ in different substances. The first are the qualities of taste proper, which we call " sweet," " sour," " salt," " bitter," and the like ; these are perceived by the special sensibility of the gustatory nerve, and belong only to the tongue. The second are the qualities which depend upon the consistency, mildness, or pungency of the substance, such as a "watery," "viscid," "oily," " sharp," or " burning" taste. These are perceived by the ordinary sensibility of the tongue, and may also be distinguished, though in a less degree, by the surface of the skin or by the other lining membranes. There are certain substances which have at the same time a well-marked and usually agreeable taste and a penetrating, fragrant odor ; such as coffee, peppermint, ginger, and the spices generally. These are called Aro- matic substances. Many of them have also more or less pungency mingled with their other qualities. They are employed either alone or for the purpose of flavoring other articles of food. 350 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEXE. 214. Posterior Portion of the Tongue. That part of the tongue which is situated far back in the mouth is smoother than the rest, and is provided with mucous follicles instead of papillae. This portion of the organ is also supplied with a different nerve, which, from its being distributed partly to the tongue and partly to the pharynx, is called the Glosso-pharyngeal nerve (Fig. 67 [2]). This nerve also possesses the sensibility of taste, which is developed to a perceptible degree, especially for aromatic substances, in the back part of the tongue and the surrounding portions of the throat. The sen- sations of taste, however, are not especially excited in these situations until just at the moment of swallowing. At that time the food, carried back by the tongue, comes in contact with the lining membrane of these parts, and, being also compressed by the action of the muscles, calls into activity the sensibility of the glosso-pharyn- geal nerve. Once past this situation, however, it is be- yond the region of the special sense, and in the oesopha- gus and the stomach its taste is no longer perceived. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER XVII. 1. What are meant by the special senses ? 2. What is the peculiarity of a nerve of special sense? 3. What is the structure of an organ of special sense ? 4. What is the special nerve of the sense of sight f 5. From what ganglia do the optic nerves originate ? 6. What is the course and termination of the optic nerves ? 7. What is the decussatlon of the optic nerves f 8. How are the two optic tubercles connected with each other ? 9. How are the two eyeballs connected with each other ? 10. Are the eyes to be regarded as two distinct organs or as one double organ ? 1 1 . How do the optic nerves terminate in the interior of the eye- balls? QUESTIONS. 351 12. What is the property or function of the optic nerves ? 13. What is the effect of injury or division of the optic nerves ? 14. What reflex action takes place through the optic tubercles ? 15. What do you mean by the sensibility of the pupil? 16. Is this sensibility necessarily accompanied by consciousness? 17. What is the special organ of sight ? 18. In what cavity is the eyeball situated? 19. What is the form of the eyeball ? 20. What is the sclerotic coat of the eyeball ? What is its struct- ure and consistency ? 21. What is the cornea, and where is it situated ? 22. How does the cornea differ from the sclerotic ? 23. Through what part does the light enter the cavity of the eve- baU? 24. What is the choroid coat of the eye ? What is its color and con- sistency ? 25. What is the use of the choroid coat ? 26. What is the situation and structure of the retina f 27. What is th function of the retina ? 28. Does the retina possess ordinary sensibility ? 29. To what kind of impressions is it sensitive ? 30. What is the effect of injury or disease of the retina ? 31. What is the vitreous body of the eye, and why so called ? 32. What is its use ? 33. What is the situation and form of the crystalline lens f 34. How is the lens held in its place ? 35. What is the use of the crystalline lens ? 36. What is the focus of a lens ? 37. Where is the focus of the crystalline lens in the eye ? 38. What is the iris ? and why so called ? 39. What is the pupil? 40. Of what tissue is the iris composed ? 41. What two sets of muscular fibres does it contain? 42. What is the action of the diverging fibres ? 43. What is the action of the circular fibres ? 44. What are the movements of the pupil on passing from the dark into the light ? from the light into the dark ? 45. What ganglion and nerves of the sympathetic system take part in the reflex movements of the pupil ? 46. What is the situation of the ophthalmic ganglion f 352 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. 47. What is the course and termination of the ciliary nerves f 48. What is the aqueous humor of the eye ? 49. What is the field of vision? 50. In what part of the field of vision can objects be seen distinctly f 51. What is the line of distinct vision? 52. Why are objects outside this line seen indistinctly ? 53. How do we compensate for this in using the eyes ? 54. Why can an object be seen distinctly with both eyes only at a certain distance ? 55. Why do objects appear single, though seen with two eyes ? 56. How can we see an object indistinctly, and, at the same time, double ? 57. Can we see all parts of a landscape distinctly at the same time, and why ? f 8. How do we judge of the distance of various objects ? 59. How is the appearance of solidity or projection produced in vis- ion with two eyes ? 60. Can a single flat picture ever represent a solid object so as to deceive the eye, and why ? 61. What is a stereoscope, and how does it produce the appearance of solidity ? 62. What is the effect of contrast on visual impressions ? 63. What colors make the strongest contrast ? 64. How can one color appear different by contrast with another ? 65. What is the effect of mixing two different colors ? blue and yel- low ? yelloAV and red ? red and blue ? black and white ? 66. Do the impressions of sight disappear immediately, or remain for a short time ? Give an instance. 67. What is the thaumatrope, and how is its effect produced ? 68. How may the impressions of sight be produced without visible objects ? 69. How are the movements of the eyeball provided for ? 70. What are the direction and attachments of the straight muscles of the eyeball f What is their action ? 71. What are the direction and attachments of the upper oblique muscle of the eyeball ? 72. Why is it called the trochlearis muscle? 73. What are the direction and attachments of the lower oblique muscle of the eyeball? 74. What is the action of the two oblique muscles of the eyeball ? QUESTIONS. 353 75. What are the two uses of the movements of the eyeball ? 76. How is the eyeball protected from external injury ? 77. What is the structure of the eyelids ? 78. Which is the larger and more movable of the two ? 79. How is it raised and lowered in front of the eye ? 80. What is the conjunctiva? 81. How is the conjunctiva kept moist and transparent? 82. In what gland are the tears produced, and where is it situ- ated? 83. Where do the ducts of the lachrymal gland open upon the con- junctiva ? 84. How are the tears spread over the surface of the conjunctiva ? 85. By what muscle is the act of winking performed ? 86. What is the use of the act of winking, and how would the eye suffer if it were not performed ? 87. Is the act of winking voluntary or involuntary ? 88. Why does it usually pass unnoticed ? 89. How are the tears prevented from running over the edges of the eyelids ? 90. By what glands is the sebaceous secretion of the eyelids pro- duced ? 91. How is the act of weeping produced ? 92. How are the tears conveyed away from the surfkca of the eye- ball, and where are they finally discharged ? 93. What are the eyelashes, and what is their use ? 94. Is the conjunctiva sensitive or insensible ? 95. How does its sensibility serve to protect the eye from injury ? 96. How may the sight be injured by excessive use ? by too bril- liant light ? by continued examination of small objects ? 97. By reading with insufficient light ? 98. What is the best kind of light for reading or studying ? 99. What is the worst ? 1 00. How is sound produced ? 101. How is the vibration of the atmosphere necessary to our hear- ing sounds ? 102. What is the definition of the sense of hearing? 103. What is the special nerve of the sense of hearing? 104. What is the origin and course of the auditor)' nerve ? 105. What is the situation of the petrous bone, and why so called ? 108. What is the labyrinth, and why so called ? 354 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. m 107. What is the shape and name of the first portion of the laby- rinth ? 108. What are the semicircular canals, and how do they differ from each other in their position ? 109. What is contained in the cavities of the vestibule and the semi- circular canals ? 110. Upon what are the fibres of the auditory nerve distributed in the vestibule and semicircular canals ? 111. What is the name of the remaining portion of the labyrinth, and why so called ? 112. Upon what are the fibres of the auditory nerve distributed in the cochlea ? 113. What parts are included in the internal ear? 114. What kind of sensibility resides in the auditory nerve? 115. What is the opening called the oval fenestra, and where is it situated ? 116. By what is the oval fenestra closed ? 117. What is the use of the oval fenestra ? 118. Where is the cavity of the tympanum or drum of the ear ? 119. What is the membrane of the tympanum f 120. How are sounds transmitted from the tympanum to the oval fenestra ? 121. What are the three bones of the chain, and why so called? 122. Which cf them is attached to the membrane of the tympanum, a..d which to the membrane of the oval fenestra ? 123. What is contained in the cavity of the tympanum beside the chain of bones ? 124. Why must a drum always communicate with the external at- mosphere ? 125. By what opening does the tympanum of the ear communicate with the exterior, and where is it situated ? 126. What effect is produced by obstruction of the Eustachian tube? 127. How is the membrane of the tympanum relaxed and tight- ened? 128. What is the external auditory meatus ? 1 29. How is it defended from the entrance of foreign bodies ? 130. What is the general form and structure of the external ear? 131. What is its function ? 132. What is the helix? the anti-helix? the tragus? the anti-tra- the concha f QUESTIONS. 355 133. In which of the lower animals are the external ears movable? 134. What is the use of these movements ? 135. How do we judge of the direction of sounds ? 136. How is the sense of hearing affected by contrast of sounds ? 137. What is the effect of the same sound long continued? 138. Are the impressions of sound immediately evanescent, or do they remain for a certain period ? 139. How is a musical note produced ? 140. What must be the frequency of the vibrations in order to pro- duce a continuous note ? 141. What is the difference in the rapidity of the vibrations be- tween a high and a low note ? 1 42. What do we learn by the sense of hearing ? 143. What kind of impressions are perceived by the sense of smell? 144. What are the special nerves of the sense of smell? 145. \Vhat is the origin, course, and distribution of the olfactory nerves ? 146. What is the form and direction of the nasal passages f 147. With what do they communicate behind? 148. How are they separated from each other? 149. What are the turbinated bones, and why so called? 150. How many turbinated bones are there in each nasal passage, and how are they distinguished from each other ? 151. With what are the turbinated bones covered? 152. Upon what part are the olfactory nerves distributed? 153. In what part of the nasal passages does the sense of smell re- side, and in what part the sense of touch f 154. What sensitive nerve is distributed to the lower port cf the nasal passages ? 155. What is the difference between odors and pungent vapors f 156. Name examples of each. 157. What ganglion of the sympathetic system is connected with the organ of smell ? 158. Where is the ganglion of Meckel situated ? With what other nerves is it connected, and where are its nerves distributed ? 159. In what animals is the sense of smell more acute than in man, and why ? 160. How does the sense of smell serve as a protection in ani- mals ? in man ? 161. What is the organ of taste? 356 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. 162. What is the principal nerve of the sense of taste ? 163. To what part of the tongue is the gustatory nerve distributed? 164. What are the papillae of the tongue, and where situated? 165. What are contained in the papillae of the tongue? 166. What two conditions are essential to the sense of taste? 167. How do the movements of the tongue assist in the sense of taste? 168. What is the use of the sense of taste ? 169. What is the comparative delicacy of taste and smell in the lower animals ? in man ? 170. How does the sense of taste assist mastication and digestion? 171. What other sensibility resides in the tongue beside that of taste ? 172. What is the difference between the qualities of taste, and those of pungency and the like ? Give examples of both. 173. What is an aromatic substance? Give examples. 174. How does the back part of the tongue differ from the front part ? . 175. By what nerve is it supplied? 176. What kind of sensibility is especially developed in the back part of the tongue ? 177. At what point does the sense of taste terminate ? SECTION IV. DEVELOPMENT. CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT. Definition of Development. Newly-born Infant its Weight con- dition of its Skeleton. Ossification of the Skeleton. Spinal Col- umn. Skull. Fontanelles. Pelvis. Long Bones. Respiration of the Infant its Digestion and Nutrition its Nervous Sys- tem. Reflex Actions. Formation of the Teeth. First Set. Childhood. Muscular System of the Child. Nervous and Mental Functions. Preponderance of the Instincts. Formation of new Set of Teeth. Youth. Continued Ossification of the Skeleton. Union of the Bones. Completion of Development. 215. The Process of Development. The newly-born infant is in a very different condition from that of a child or a grown-up person. It is feeble, and entirely dependent on the care of others for its existence almost from day to day. Many of its organs are very imper- fect, and the form and proportions of its whole body are different from those which it will afterward acquire. The growth of the infant into the child, and of the child into the adult, is not therefore simply an increase in size. It is a series of changes in the condition and struc- ture of its various parts, by which it passes through as many different stages or epochs of existence. This se- ries of changes, by which the bodily frame is brought at last to the adult condition, is called its Development. 216. General Condition of the Infant at Birth. The weight of the newly-born infant is between six and seven pounds. The head and arms are larger, and the pelvis and lower extremities smaller, in proportion to 360 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. each other, than in the adult. The legs are curved in- ward at their lower part, so that the soles of the feet are not horizontal, but look obliquely inward toward each other. Even if the infant were strong enough, therefore, it could not walk, since the feet would not rest upon the ground by their soles, but by their outer edges. Both arms and legs, also, are habitually curled upward and forward over the chest and abdomen, and are not easily straightened. 217. Condition of the Skeleton. The skeleton at birth is soft and yielding, being composed, to a great extent, of cartilage. Some of the bones have already begun to show themselves in the interior of these cartilages ; but they are nearly all small and delicate, and many of them are still cartilaginous throughout. The bony parts, however, continue to enlarge at the expense of the car- tilage, until, at the end of some years after birth, the whole has been converted into the tissue of bone. This gradual change of the parts from the cartilaginous to the bony condition is called the Ossification of the skel- eton. 218. The Spinal Column. At birth each bone of the spinal column consists of three separate pieces, viz., one in front of the spinal cord, and one on each side behind it. These pieces are, of course, connected with each other by cartilage, and thus envelop the spinal cord with a series of soft and elastic rings. 219. The Skull. The bones of the skull are very thin and flexible, and their edges are not yet united with each other. The skull of the infant, therefore, is not a firm and solid case, like that of the adult, but rather an elastic bag, formed of separate plates, held together by the skin and fibrous membranes. A remarkable pecul- DEVELOPMENT. 361 iarity of the skull at this time is that there are two open- ings in its bony parts, one at the back and one on the top of the head, where the brain is only covered by the skin and other soft tissues. These openings are called the Fontandles, because we can feel the pulsations of the brain through them, like the bubbling of water in a fountain. 220, Formation of the Fontanelles. The fontanelles are formed in this manner. The ossification of the bones on the sides and upper part of the skull begins by a rounded spot in the middle of each one. From this spot the ossification extends outward in every direc- tion, thus gradually approaching the edges of the bone. When two adjacent bones meet, therefore, there will be a line where their edges are in contact with each other, but have not yet united ; but when more than two bones meet in this way, there will be an empty space between them at their point of junction. Thus, if you lay down three coins upon the table with their edges touching each other, there will be a three-sided space in the middle between them ; if you lay down four coins in the same manner, the space between them will be four-sided. Now at the back part of the head there is a spot where three bones come together in this way, leaving a small three-sided opening between them : this is called the " posterior fontanelle." On the top of the head four bones come together, leaving between them a large four-sided opening : this is called the " superior fontanelle." The fontanelles gradually diminish in size, owing to the growth of the bony parts around them, and are completely closed at the age of four years after birth. 221. The Pelvis and Limbs. The pelvis is also, at first, Q 362 PHYSIOLOGY AXD HYGIENE. in great measure cartilaginous, being composed, on each side, of three separate pieces of bone, with layers of cartilage between them. These three bones of the pelvis meet, in a kind of triangular union, in the cavity of the hip-joint. The bones of the arms and legs, at the time of birth, are only ossified in their middle portion, their two ends being still cartilaginous. The wrist is altogether car- tilaginous, and the ankle nearly so. Owing to this pre- ponderance of cartilage, the bones are soft and flexible. It is evident, accordingly, that the skeleton of the in- fant is not yet fit to sustain the weight of the body, nor to resist a strong muscular action. 222. Organs of Respiration. The function of respira- tion is very imperfectly performed for some time after birth. The lungs do not fully expand at once, and the air only penetrates into all the vesicles of their deeper parts after an interval of several days. To compensate for this, however, the skin is very delicate, transparent, ruddy, and vascular ; and respiration, no doubt, takes place through it as well as through the lungs. Accord- ingly, the infant is more sensitive to cold than an older person, and the warmth of the body needs to be more carefully preserved by soft clothing and artificial heat. 223. Organs of Nutrition. On the other, hand, the functions of digestion and nutrition are exceedingly ac- tive. But the infant takes only one kind of food, viz., the milk of the mother; and this fluid, as we have seen in a former chapter, contains all the materials necessary for the nourishment of its body. This food must be given in abundance, but at short intervals ; for the stom- ach can not digest a large quantity at a time, and there' fore requires it to be more frequently supplied. DEVELOPMENT. 363 224. Nervous System. The nervous system of the young infant is in a peculiar condition. The special senses, the sight, hearing, smell, and taste, are all imper- fect, and comparatively inactive. The consciousness and the will are also feeble, and the intelligence is still dormant. The involuntary and reflex actions, however, are highly developed. The movements of the arms and legs, and the various intonations of the voice, are near- ly all of a reflex nature, mostly performed by the ac- tion of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata. A large portion of the time is spent in sleep. For it is espe- cially during sleep that the functions of nutrition go on with the greatest activity and the tissues are consol- idated by the assimilation of the food. The business of the young infant is to feed and grow, and the ac- tion of his nervous system is almost entirely subservient to these two functions. He does not understand ar- ticulate language, nor notice its sounds sufficiently to remember or repeat them ; and he is therefore called an infant, from the Latin word infans, which signifies " not speaking." 225. Appearance of the Teeth. Within the first year after birth the Teeth begin to show themselves. For the infant, after a time, has acquired so much strength, and the different parts of his body are so fully devel- oped, that he will soon need food of a more solid form and greater variety. He will then require the organs of mastication, and these organs, accordingly, begin to be developed in advance. The incisor teeth are the first to emerge from the gums in the seventh and eighth months. At the end of a year there is one molar tooth on each side of each jaw, making four in all. At a year and a half the four canine teeth appear ; and at two 364 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. years of age four other niolar teeth are added to the preceding. There are then twenty teeth in all, or ten in each jaw, viz., four incisors, two canines, and four molars. They are all small, however, and are adapted to the size and form of the jaws at this age. They are called the Milk teeth, because they appear while the in- fant is still fed principally upon milk. 226. Transition from Infancy to Childhood. At the age of two years the infant has so far increased in muscular strength, and his skeleton has become so firm, that he can walk without assistance, and no longer re- quires the constant care and attendance of others. His teeth and digestive organs enable him to consume a variety of solid and nutritious food. His nervous sys- tem has also emerged from its condition of lethargy, and his senses are actively engrossed with surrounding objects. Finally, he has learned to understand and to speak articulate language. He is then no longer an in- fant, but a child. 227. Growth of the Muscles during Childhood. The term of childhood extends from the age of two years to that of thirteen. During this period the muscular sys- tem becomes actively developed ; and the skeleton, though still imperfectly consolidated, is sufficiently strong to perform its function with the light weight of the body at this age. The child accordingly takes the greatest enjoyment in the active sports, in which he feels the increasing vigor of his muscles, and the free- dom and agility of his limbs. Nothing is more appro- priate or more useful at this age ; for the frame is now being developed, not by passive feeding and care, as was the case in the infant, but in great measure by the nat- ural and active exercise of its own powers. DEVELOPMENT. 305 228. Development of the Senses. The nervous system acquires an equal development, and the mental quali- ties at the same time become more active. The child learns rapidly, and is interested in every thing around him. But it is principally in the cultivation of the Senses that he gains information. He learns the names and the forms of things, the meaning of words, and the employment of all the objects in common use. This knowledge is not acquired by steady mental applica- tion, which would be injurious to him at this age, but by the exercise of the senses, which are now, for the first time, endowed with their full vigor and sensibility. 229. Activity of the Instincts. The nervous system of the child is also distinguished by the active prepon- derance of the Instincts and the Impulses. It is by these that his actions are guided ; and therefore, though his movements and acts are all voluntary in their na- ture, they do not, for the most part, depend upon the reasoning faculties, which are still imperfectly devel- oped. Accordingly, the child is to be governed princi- pally through his instincts and feelings, which should be guided in a healthy and natural direction. The do- minion of reason comes at a later period, when the en- tire development of the nervous system is complete. 230. Change of Dentition. During the period of child- hood a remarkable change takes place in the organs of mastication. It consists in the entire removal of the first set of teeth, and the appearance of a second or per- manent set, which take their places. This change is ef- fected in the following manner. At the time of birth, although no teeth are to be seen, there is still a complete set already existing in the jaw. These teeth, however, are not yet ossified, but consist SCO PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. each of a soft vascular prominence, or papilla, called the pulp of the tooth, which is inclosed in a little sac or follicle, and buried deeply in the substance of the jaw. The upper surface of the pulp is covered with a very thin layer or crust of calcareous tissue,which is the com- mencement of the hard substance of the future tooth. As the pulp of each tooth increases in size, more and more of it becomes ossified, until at last it is ready to emerge from the gum. The teeth then make their ap- pearance in the order which we have described above, thus completing the first set at the end of two years. But, at the same time, there is another set of similar follicles and tooth-pulps, formed deep in the substance of the jaw, behind those of the first set. These tooth- pulps, however, are very small, and remain dormant, or grow very slowly during the first years of childhood. But about the sixth year they begin to grow more rap- idly. Their ossification also goes on with a correspond- ing activity, and they then begin to push their way to- ward the surface of the gum. They thus press upon the others, which yield before them, grow loose, and are finally detached. The first set are thus thrown off from their attachments to the jaw, and disappear. This process is called the Shedding of the milk teeth. As the milk teeth are thus removed, they are replaced by the new teeth of the second set, which soon after- ward emerge behind them. The teeth of the second set, however, are different from those of the first. They are harder in texture, and some of them are of larger size. They are also more numerous ; for, instead of the twenty teeth which composed the first set, there are now thirty-two. This is because there are at this time three new permanent molars added on each side DEVELOPMENT. 307 of each jaw. The jaw itself also increases in size, to accommodate the larger number of teeth which it con- tains. The shedding of the milk teeth begins about the age of seven years. During the seventh and eighth years the incisor teeth are changed, and replaced by those of the permanent set. In the ninth and tenth years the two molar milk teeth are thrown off, and replaced in a similar way by the two anterior permanent molars ; and in the twelfth year the canine teeth are changed. The first of the three posterior molar teeth has already made its appearance ; and in the thirteenth year the second emerges from the jaw. There remains only one, viz., the third posterior molar, or the last tooth in the back part of the jaw on each side. These teeth only appear from the seventeenth to the twenty-first year, and are therefore known by the name of the " wisdom teeth." They complete the development of the masticatory ap- paratus. With the exception, therefore, of the third posterior molar or " wisdom" tooth, the entire change from the first to the permanent set is accomplished during the period of childhood. 231. Transition from Childhood to Youth. To the pe- riod of childhood succeeds that of Youth. During this epoch the consolidation of the skeleton goes on, and is particularly distinguished by the union of the different parts of the bones with each other. Thus the three bones of the pelvis on each side become united into one from the thirteenth to the fifteenth year ; and the con- solidation of the ends of the long bones of the arms and legs with their middle portions is effected generally from the fifteenth to the twentieth year. At the same 368 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. time, these bones assume the form and dimensions which are characteristic of the adult, and the posture and movements acquire more firmness and solidity. . The general development of the skeleton and limbs may be said to be terminated at the age of twenty years. 232. Completion of the Process of Development. Dur- ing the period of youth the nervous system becomes fully developed, and the mental powers are exercised with greater freedom than before. The youth begins to prepare for the active occupations of life by regular and continuous study ; and the commencing supremacy of the reasoning faculties enables him to understand, not only the sensible qualities of surrounding objects, but their relations to each other, and the manner in which he may employ them for useful purposes. The body also acquires at this time a different appearance, and the proportions of its various parts are altered. The limbs are stronger, and the joints comparatively smaller than in the child; and many of the internal or- gans become altered in their size and weight, as com- pared with that of the whole body. Thus both the anatomical structure and the physiological actions of the bodily frame, having passed successively through their different stages of preparation and growth, arrive at last at the fully developed and adult condition. QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER XVIII. 1. What is meant by the development of the body ? 2. What is the weight of the newly-born infant ? 3. How do the proportions of its body differ from those of the adult? 4. What is the position and form of the arms and legs ? 5. What is the condition of the skeleton at birth ? 6. What is meant by the ossification of the skeleton ? QUESTIONS. 369 7. What is the condition of the spinal column at birth ? of the 8. What are ihefontanelles ? and how are they formed ? 9. What is the shape and situation of the posterior fontanelle ? 10. What is the shape and situation of the superior fontanelle ? 11. At what age are the fontanelles completely closed ? 12. Of how many separate pieces is the pelvis composed at the time of birth? ; 13. What is the condition of the bones of the arms and legs ? of the wrist ? of the ankle ? 14. Why is the skeleton of the infant unfit to sustain the weight of the body ? 15. What is the state of respiration at birth ? 16. How long does it require for the lungs to be completely filled with air ? 1 7. How is this deficiency compensated for in the young infant ? 18. Why is the infant more sensitive to cold than the adult? 1 9. W T hat is the state of digestion and nutrition in the infant ? 20. What is the proper food of the infant ? 21. Why should it be given at short intervals? 22. What is the state of the special senses in the infant ? of con- sciousness ? of the intelligence ? 23. What kind of movements are those mostly performed by the in- fant? 24. Why does the infant require a large amount of sleep ? 25. Why is the newly-born child termed an infant f 26. At what time do the teeth begin to appear ? 27. When do the incisors show themselves? the first molars? the canines f the remaining molars ? 28. How many teeth, in all, form the first set ? 29. Why are they called milk teeth ? 30. What is the difference between an infant and a child? 31. What is the extent of the period of childhood ? 32. What changes take place during childhood in the skeleton and the muscles ? 33. Why should the child pass much of his time in active sports ? 34. What part of the nervous system is most fully developed during childhood ? 35. How does the child learn most easily and profitably ? 36. What nervous actions are most fully developed in the child ? Q2 370 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. 37. What change takes place during childhood in- the organs of mastication ? 38. What is the condition of the first set of teeth at the time of birth? 39. What is the pulp of the tooth ? 40. In what is it contained ? 41. How is the pulp converted into the hard tooth ? 42. At what time is the first set of teeth completely formed ? 43. When and where are the second set of teeth formed ? 44. How long do they remain dormant ? 45. When do they begin to grow and become ossified ? 46. What effect does this have on the teeth of the first set ? 47. What becomes of the teeth of the first set.? 48. How do the teeth of the second set differ from those of the first ? 49. How many teeth are there in the second set ? 50. What change takes place in the jaw at this time ? and why ? 51. When does the shedding of the milk teeth begin ? 52. Which are the first teeth to be changed ? 53. When are the molar teeth changed ? the canine teeth ? 54. When does ihejirst posterior molar show itself? the second? the third ? 55. Why is the third posterior molar called the wisdom tooth ? 56. What is the next period to that of childhood ? 57. What especial changes take place in the skeleton during the period of youth ? 58. When are the three bones of the pelvis united? 59. When does the consolidation of the long bones of the arms and legs take place ? 60. At what age is the general development of the body complete ? AKATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY. 3*71 CHAPTER XIX. ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY. THE different parts of which the human body is com- posed are so many Organs, each of which has its ap- propriate function to perform, as explained in the In- troduction (p. xiv.). But many of these organs resem- ble each other in their texture and composition, and differ only in .their external form and. their position in the body. All the muscles, however different in size or shape, are easily recognized as muscles by their texture and their contractility. All the bones have the same characters of solidity and minute structure, whether they be long and round, like the bones of the arms and legs, or broad and flat, like those forming the sides of the skull, or irregular and projecting, like those of the spinal column. Thus all the organs of the body which have the same structure and perform the same kind of function are naturally associated together into groups or systems, which receive their name from the structure or function of the organs composing them. All the bones, taken together, form the " bony system," or skel- eton ; all the muscles, the " muscular system ;" all the nerves and nervous organs, the "nervous system." Be- side the anatomical description of special organs, as given in the foregoing chapters, it will be useful to study them according to their arrangement in distinct systems, and as they are located in the great cavities of the body. 372 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Bony System, or Skeleton. The principal features of the structure of the bones, and of their mode of con- nection to form the skeleton, have been given in Chap- ter I. The skeleton is furthermore naturally divided, for purposes of study, into the different regions of the head, the trunk, and the limbs. The Head. The part of the skeleton forming the head is the most complicated of all. It is called the " Skull," and is composed of twenty-two bones ; all of which, with one exception, are firmly interlocked with each other by projecting points and ridges, so as to form a solid, unyielding fabric. The bone which is not thus firmly interlocked with the rest is that of the lower jaw. This is articulated with the solid part of the skull by two joints, one on each side, which are so arranged as to allow of considerable motion between the bony surfaces. Thus the bone of the lower jaw is the only movable one of those making up the skull ; and its articulation, or joint, is of such a kind that it has a free up and down motion, and also a less exten- sive movement from side to side. When we open and shut the mouth, therefore, it is always done by the downward and upward movement of the lower jaw ; the upper jaw remaining stationary. If the ends of the fingers be placed against the sides of the head, a little in front of the opening of the ears, while the mouth is alternately opened and shut, the movement of the joint of the lower jaw at this situation can be readily felt. The bones of the skull are furthermore divided into two groups, namely, first, those of the Face, consisting of the jaws, the bones of the cheeks, the nose, and the pal- ate ; and, secondly, those of the Cranium, which inclose ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY. 373 the brain in a sort of round- Fig. cs. ed case, or dome -shaped expansion. The upper and front part of the skull, or forehead (Fig. 68), is form- ed by the Frontal bone (l). Immediately beneath it are seen two quadrangular ex- cavations, one on each side, in which are situated the eyeballs, with their mus- cles and other surrounding parts. These are the Orbits of the eyes. Beneath them Sire the tWO bones of the The Skull. l. Frontal bone; 2.8, Upper Jaw (2, 2), joined in j5^i%B^&fi3 the middle, and Contain- 1 bone ; . Parietal bone. ing implanted in them the upper teeth. The double opening for the nostrils is placed a little above their middle portion, and is limited at its upper part by the two small bones forming the bridge of the nose, situated between the orbits of the eyes. The inferior part of the face is formed by the single bone of the Lower jaw (3), bearing the lower teeth. At the side of the skull is placed the Temporal bone (5), with a part of which the lower jaw is connected by its joint, while the other part forms the bony wall of the temples. Farther back on the side of the skull is the great Parietal bone (6), consti- tuting the main portion of the lateral walls, or parietes, of the skull. The back part of the skull, not visible in Fig. 68, is formed by a rounded expansion, called the " occipital" bone. The Trunk. The trunk, or body, of the skeleton con- 374 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. sists of the Spinal column, described on page 21, with the Ribs which are attached to it in the region of the chest, and the Pelvis, or double hip-bone, which is closely united with its lower portion. All the bones of the spinal column are slightly movable upon each other, but their mutual attachments are at the same time so strong that they are prevented from becoming displaced to any considerable extent. The natural movements of this part of the skeleton are, therefore, movements of the spinal column as a whole ; consist- ing of continuous curvatures backward and forward, or from side to side, in which each particular bone moves but little, while the bending of the whole column is made up of the combined movement of many contigu- ous parts. The ribs, on the other hand, are movable by means of the joints by which they are articulated with the spinal column. By their alternate elevation and depression, they increase or diminish the capacity of the chest, and thus causo the entrance and expul- sion of the air into and from the lungs in the act of breathing. The bones of the pelvis are immovably consolidated with the spinal column, since their office is to inclose and support the internal organs, and to afford a firm support for the articulation of the lower limbs. The Limbs. The bones of the upper and lower limbs resemble each other very closely in their form and ar- rangement. In both instances, the first part of the limb, connected with the body, consists of a single large and strong bone, followed by a second portion consisting of two bones placed side by side ; after which comes a third portion, forming the wrist and the ankle, made up of seven or eight irregularly rounded ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY. 375 Fig. 69. or angular-shaped bones ; and, finally, the bones of the hand and foot respectively, arranged in five series, of three or four bones each. In the upper limb, the first portion is iliQlfumerus, or upper arm -bone, extending from the shoulder to the elbow-joint. The second is that of the fore-arm, between the elbow and wrist joints. It consists of two long and nearly parallel bones, viz., the Radius, which bears at its lower end the wrist -joint and the hand, and the Ulna, which is, at its upper end, especially concerned in the formation of the elbow-joint where it is ar- ticulated with the burner n s. The third division is that of the wrist, or Carpus, composed of eight small bones, closely fastened to each other, and making a joint with the lower end of the radius. Finally, the palm of the hand and the fingers consist of five ranges of long bones, ar- ticulated end to end ; each range for the fingers con- taining four bones, that for the thumb only three. In the lower limb the first division, from the hip to the knee, is formed by the Femur, or thigh-bone (Fig. 3). The second division, from the knee to the ankle, contains two long and parallel bones ; namely, the Tib- ia, or shin-bone, which is the larger and stronger of the two, and is directly articulated with the end of the thigh- bone above and with one of the ankle-bones below, and the Fibula, or splint-bone, which is quite slender in com- Bonea of the Wrist and Hand. 376 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Fig. TO. parison, and is fastened to the outside of the tibia, like a splint. The third division of the lower limb includes the bones of the Tarsus, or ankle-bones seven in number, somewhat similar to those of the carpus, but larger and stronger. Lastly come the bones of the instep and toes five ranges of bones corresponding to the five toes ; the range for the great toe, like that for the thumb, containing only three suc- cessive bones, those for the other toes containing four bones each. The main difference between the up- per and lower limbs is in their mode of attachment to the trunk. In the lower limb, the head of the thigh-bone is ar- ticulated, by a deep joint, with the solid and immovable pelvis, thus af- fording a firm support to the weight of the body sustained above it. In the upper limb, on the con- trary, the head of the humerus is articulated by a shal- low joint to a broad flat bone, the Scapula, or shoul- der-blade; which is itself movable, being attached only by muscles at the upper and back part of the trunk. If the naked human figure be viewed from behind, while the arm is moved freely upward and downward, or swung round in a circle, the movements of the shoul- der-blade beneath the skin in this situation are readily perceptible. Thus the bony frame-work and articula- tions of the lower limb are adapted to secure firmness of support ; those of the upper limb to produce free- dom of movement. B fu S e tep, f ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY. 377 Muscular System. The muscles are bundles Oi fibres which have the power of contracting or shortening themselves at will, as described on page 26, so as to produce movements in various parts of the body. They are arranged sometimes in the form of thick, rounded cords, sometimes in the form of flattened layers or sheets, extended from one point or line of attachment to another. Most of them serve to produce movements of the body or limbs by drawing upon the bones to which they are attached, and thus bending or straight- ening the intervening joints. Some of them, for exam- ple those of the face, have one point of attachment to a solid, immovable bone, the other to the movable skin or other soft part near the surface, so that by their action they cause a change of position in the cheeks, lips, or eyebrows, and thus modify the expression of the face. The principal muscles of the head and face are shown in Fig. 71 (p. 378). On the front, top, and back part of the head, immediately underneath the skin, is the Occipito-frontalis (1,2, 3), or scalp muscle. It is so called because it originates from the occipital bone behind, and terminates in the frontal region, where it is in- serted into the skin of the forehead and eyebrows. It therefore moves the scalp backward and forward, and especially the eyebrows up and down. Around the opening of the eyelids, on each side, there is a circular or Orbicular muscle (4), the contraction of which closes the eyelids by bringing together their upper and lower edges. The contrary movement of opening the eye is performed by raising the upper eyelid, as described on page 326, by means of another muscle, not seen in Fig. 71, which draws it upward under the roof 378 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Fig. Tl. of the orbit. On the front of the nose there are two muscles (5, 6), the Pyramidal and Compressor muscles of the nose, which serve respectively to draw down the skin between the eyebrows and to compress the sides of the nose. The Orbicular mus- cle of the mouth (7) is a muscle formed of Moscles of the Head and Face. 1,2,3. Occip- curvilinear fibres SUl'- ito-frou tails, or scalp muscle ; 4. Orbicula- ris muscle of the eyelids; 5,0. Pyramidal roiindin " the mOUth, and compressor muscles of the nose ; 7. Or- . bicular muscle of the mouth; 8,9,10,11. and Sei'VinSJ to close nose, the upi mouth; 12, lj wing upward the wing of the iper lip, and the corner of the the HpS by COmpreSS- 3. Muscles drawing downward the lower lip and the corner of the mouth; j n o- them against each 14. Masseter muscle, or muscle of mastica- a tiou, moving the lower jaw against the upper ; 15, 16, IT. Anterior, superior, and posterior muscles of the ear. other. The wing of the nose, the upper lip, and the corner of the mouth are drawn upward by means of several ribbon-like muscles (8, 9, 10, 11), inserted into the corresponding soft parts below and into the bones nf the face above. The corner of the mouth and the lower lip are drawn downward by two muscles (12,13), having their inferior attachments to the front part of the edge of the lower jaw. The lower jaw is moved against the upper jaw, in the movements of biting and mastication, by a strong muscle, the Masseter (14), which arises from the cheek- bone above, and is inserted into the side of the lower jaw-bone below. This movement is aided by an- ANATOMY OP THE HUMAN BODY. 379 other deep-seated muscle, not seen in the figure, the fleshy part of which occupies the region of the tem- ple, and is, therefore, called the " temporal muscle." There are also, on each side, two other still more deeply seated muscles, which by their contraction give to the lower jaw its grinding movement from side to side. Finally, there are three muscles (15, 16, 17), which are placed respectively in front, above, and behind the external ear, and which tend to move it in the corre- sponding directions. As a general rule, in man these muscles have no perceptible action in changing the po- sition of the ear; but in most of the domesticated ani- mals, as the horse, sheep, dog, and cat, they are very act- ive, and can move the ear at will forward, backward, or outward. The muscles of the Trunk, that is, of the chest and abdomen, consist generally of broad sheets of muscular tissue, which envelop the cavities of these parts, togeth- er with some which are attached to portions of the shoul- der and upper arm. In a front view of the muscles of the trunk (Fig. 72, p. 380) there is to be seen at the upper part, the Great pec- toral muscle (1), which arises from the middle and front part of the walls of the chest, and from the inner portion of the clavicle, or collar-bone (3). Its fibres pass out- ward, converging from above and below, and are insert- ed by a tendinous band into the upper arm-bone near the shoulder -joint. These muscles, which are large and powerful, bring the whole upper limb inward and for- ward, as in the movement of folding the arms across the chest. Underneath them are situated the Little pectoral muscles, one of which is shown in Fig. 72 at 380 PHYSIOLOGY AXD IIYGIEXE. Fig. 72. Muscles on the anterior part of the Trunk.!. Great pectoral, or chest mus cie;